497 1 f26889e497.txt 497 STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THE CHARLES SCHWAB FAMILY OF FUNDS SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUNDS -- SWEEP SHARES -------------------------------------------- SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM SCHWAB CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM SCHWAB NEW YORK MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM SCHWAB NEW JERSEY MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM SCHWAB PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM SCHWAB FLORIDA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM SCHWAB MASSACHUSETTS MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM VALUE ADVANTAGE INVESTMENTS(R) ------------------------------ SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND -- VALUE ADVANTAGE SHARES TM SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND -- INSTITUTIONAL SHARES SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND -- SELECT SHARES(R) SCHWAB CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND -- VALUE ADVANTAGE SHARES TM SCHWAB NEW YORK MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND -- VALUE ADVANTAGE SHARES TM APRIL 30, 2006 AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 1, 2007 The Statement of Additional Information (SAI) is not a prospectus. It should be read in conjunction with each fund's prospectus dated April 30, 2006 (as amended from time to time). To obtain a free copy of any of the prospectuses, please contact Schwab Funds(R) at 1-800-435-4000. For TDD service call 1-800-345-2550. The prospectuses also may be available on the Internet at: http://www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. --------------------------------- Each fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds (the Trust). The Trust and Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios are collectively referred to as the "Schwab Funds." The funds' audited financial statements from the funds' annual reports for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, are incorporated by reference into this SAI. A copy of a fund's 2005 annual report is delivered with the SAI. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ---- INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS....................................................... 2 MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS..................................................... 28 DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES........................... 38 CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES......................... 50 INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES...................................... 51 BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES.................................... 54 DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST.................................................... 57 PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS....................................................... 58 TAXATION.................................................................... 60 APPENDIX -- RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES................................ 67 1 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM seeks the highest current income that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity, and that is exempt from federal income tax. Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM seeks the highest current income that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity, and that is exempt from federal and California personal income tax. Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM seeks the highest current income that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity, and that is exempt from federal and New York state and local personal income tax. Schwab New Jersey Municipal Money Fund TM seeks the highest current income that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity, and that is exempt from federal and New Jersey personal income tax. Schwab Pennsylvania Municipal Money Fund TM seeks the highest current income that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity, and that is exempt from federal and Pennsylvania personal income tax. Schwab Florida Municipal Money Fund TM seeks the highest current income exempt from federal income tax that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity, and also seeks to have its shares exempt from the Florida intangible tax. Schwab Massachusetts Municipal Money Fund TM seeks the highest current income that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity, and that is exempt from federal and Massachusetts personal income tax. Each fund's investment objective may be changed only by a vote of a majority of its outstanding voting shares. A majority of the outstanding voting shares of a fund means the affirmative vote of the lesser of: (a) 67% or more of the voting shares represented at the meeting, if more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of a fund are represented at the meeting; or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of a fund. There is no guarantee the funds will achieve their objectives. The funds operate as money market funds and seek to comply with the requirements of Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act), as that Rule may be amended from time to time. The Rule's key provisions govern the maturity, quality and diversification of money market fund investments. For example, with respect to maturity, Rule 2a-7 currently provides that money funds limit their investments to securities with remaining maturities of 397 days or less, and maintain dollar-weighted average maturities of 90 days or less, both calculated as described in the Rule. In addition, money funds may only invest in high quality securities. The funds are also subject to strict diversification requirements under Rule 2a-7. The following investment strategies, securities, risks and limitations supplement those set forth in the prospectus and may be changed without shareholder approval unless otherwise noted. Also, policies and limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard, shall be measured immediately after and as a result of a fund's acquisition of such security or asset unless otherwise noted. Additionally, for purposes of calculating any restriction, an issuer shall be the entity deemed to be ultimately responsible for 2 payments of interest and principal on the security pursuant to Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act unless otherwise noted. INVESTMENT STRATEGIES Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM (a national municipal money fund) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in municipal money market securities. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities the interest from which is exempt from federal income tax. This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. These investments may include securities that pay income that is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT securities). The fund will count AMT securities toward satisfaction of the 80% basket in accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets mean net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM (a state-specific municipal money fund) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in California municipal money market securities. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities the interest from which is exempt from federal and California personal income tax. This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. These investments may include securities that pay income that is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT securities). The fund will count AMT securities toward satisfaction of the 80% basket in accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets mean net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM (a state-specific municipal money fund) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in New York municipal money market securities. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities the interest from which is exempt from federal and New York state personal income tax. This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. These investments may include securities that pay income that is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT securities). The fund will count AMT securities toward satisfaction of the 80% basket in accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets mean net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. Schwab New Jersey Municipal Money Fund TM (a state-specific municipal money fund) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in New Jersey municipal money market securities. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities the interest from which is exempt from federal and New Jersey personal income tax. This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. These investments include securities that pay income that is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT securities). The fund will count AMT securities toward satisfaction of the 80% basket in accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets mean net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. Schwab Pennsylvania Municipal Money Fund TM (a state-specific municipal money fund) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in Pennsylvania municipal money market securities. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities the interest from which is exempt from federal and Pennsylvania personal income tax. This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. These investments may include securities that pay income that is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT securities). The fund will count AMT securities toward satisfaction of the 80% basket in accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets mean net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. 3 Schwab Florida Municipal Money Fund TM (a state-specific municipal money fund) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in Florida municipal money market securities. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities the interest from which is exempt from federal income tax and so that its shares are exempt from the Florida intangible tax. This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. These investments include securities that pay income that is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT securities). The fund will count AMT securities toward satisfaction of the 80% basket in accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. Also, for purposes of this policy, net asset means net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. Schwab Massachusetts Municipal Money Fund TM (a state-specific municipal money fund) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in Massachusetts municipal money market securities. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities the interest from which is exempt from federal and Massachusetts personal income tax. This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. These investments include securities that pay income that is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT securities). The fund will count AMT securities toward satisfaction of the 80% basket in accordance with Rule 35d-1 under the 1940 Act. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets mean net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. Not all investment securities or techniques discussed below are eligible investments for each fund. A fund will invest in securities or engage in techniques that are intended to help achieve its investment objective. INVESTMENT SECURITIES AND RISKS BORROWING may subject a fund to interest costs, which may exceed the interest received on the securities purchased with the borrowed funds. A fund normally may borrow at times to meet redemption requests rather than sell portfolio securities to raise the necessary cash. Borrowing can involve leveraging when securities are purchased with the borrowed money. To avoid this, a fund will not purchase securities while borrowings are outstanding or will earmark or segregate assets to cover such borrowings in accordance with positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). COMMERCIAL PAPER consists of short-term, promissory notes issued by banks, corporations and other entities to finance short-term credit needs. These securities generally are discounted but sometimes may be interest bearing. Commercial paper, which also may be unsecured, is subject to credit risk. CONCENTRATION means that substantial amounts of assets are invested in a particular industry or group of industries. Concentration increases investment exposure to industry risk. For example, the automobile industry may have a greater exposure to a single factor, such as an increase in the price of oil, which may adversely affect the sale of automobiles and, as a result, the value of the industry's securities. Each fund may invest more than 25% of its total assets in private activity bonds and municipal securities financing similar projects such as those relating to education, health care, transportation, utilities, industrial development and housing. To the extent a fund invests a substantial portion of its assets in private activity bond and municipal securities financing similar projects, the fund may be more sensitive to adverse economic, business or political developments. A change that affects one project, such as proposed legislation on the financing of the project, a shortage of the materials needed for the project, or a declining need for the project, would likely affect all similar projects and the overall municipal risk. 4 CREDIT AND LIQUIDITY SUPPORTS or enhancements may be employed by issuers to reduce the credit risk of their securities. Credit supports include letters of credit, insurance and guarantees provided by foreign and domestic entities as well as moral obligations, which are sometimes issued with municipal securities. Liquidity supports include puts, demand features, and lines of credit. Most of these arrangements move the credit risk of an investment from the issuer of the security to the support provider. Changes in the credit quality of a support provider could cause losses to a fund. DEBT SECURITIES are obligations issued by domestic and foreign entities, including governments and corporations, in order to raise money. They are basically "IOUs," but are commonly referred to as bonds or money market securities. These securities normally require the issuer to pay a fixed, variable or floating rate of interest on the amount of money borrowed (the "principal") until it is paid back upon maturity. Debt securities experience price changes when interest rates change. For example, when interest rates fall, the prices of debt securities generally rise. Issuers tend to pre-pay their outstanding debts and issue new ones paying lower interest rates. Conversely, in a rising interest rate environment, prepayment on outstanding debt securities generally will not occur. This is known as extension risk and may cause the value of debt securities to depreciate as a result of the higher market interest rates. Typically, longer-maturity securities react to interest rate changes more severely than shorter-term securities (all things being equal), but generally offer greater rates of interest. Debt securities also are subject to the risk that the issuers will not make timely interest and/or principal payments or fail to make them at all. DELAYED-DELIVERY TRANSACTIONS include purchasing and selling securities on a delayed-delivery or when-issued basis. These transactions involve a commitment to buy or sell specific securities at a predetermined price or yield, with payment and delivery taking place after the customary settlement period for that type of security. When purchasing securities on a delayed-delivery basis, a fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations. Typically, no interest will accrue to a fund until the security is delivered. A fund will earmark or segregate appropriate liquid assets to cover its delayed-delivery purchase obligations. When a fund sells a security on a delayed-delivery basis, the fund does not participate in further gains or losses with respect to that security. If the other party to a delayed-delivery transaction fails to deliver or pay for the securities, a fund could suffer losses. DIVERSIFICATION involves investing in a wide range of securities and thereby spreading and reducing the risks of investment. Each fund is a series of an open-end investment management company. Each fund, except the Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM, is a non-diversified mutual fund. Each fund follows the regulations set forth by the SEC in Rule 2a-7 that dictate the diversification requirements for money market mutual funds, as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. The Schwab Municipal Money Fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in "first tier" securities of a single issuer for a period of up to three business days. FOREIGN SECURITIES involve additional risks, because they are issued by foreign entities, including foreign governments, banks and corporations or because they are traded principally overseas. Credit and liquidity supports also may be provided by foreign entities. Foreign securities in which a fund may invest include foreign entities that are not subject to uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards, practices and requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. corporations. In addition, there may be less publicly available information about foreign entities. Foreign economic, political and legal developments, and withholding taxes, could have more dramatic effects on the value of foreign securities. For example, conditions within and around foreign countries, such 5 as the possibility of expropriation or confiscatory taxation, political or social instability, diplomatic developments, change of government or war could affect the value of foreign investments. Moreover, individual foreign economies may differ favorably or unfavorably from the U.S. economy in such respects as growth of gross national product, rate of inflation, capital reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency and balance of payments position. Foreign securities typically have less volume and are generally less liquid and more volatile than securities of U.S. companies. Fixed commissions on foreign securities exchanges are generally higher than negotiated commissions on U.S. exchanges, although a fund will endeavor to achieve the most favorable overall results on portfolio transactions. There is generally less government supervision and regulation of foreign securities exchanges, brokers, dealers and listed companies than in the United States, thus increasing the risk of delayed settlements of portfolio transactions or loss of certificates for portfolio securities. There may be difficulties in obtaining or enforcing judgments against foreign issuers as well. These factors and others may increase the risks with respect to the liquidity of a fund, and its ability to meet a large number of shareholder redemption requests. Foreign markets also have different clearance and settlement procedures and, in certain markets, there have been times when settlements have been unable to keep pace with the volume of securities transactions, making it difficult to conduct such transactions. Such delays in settlement could result in temporary periods when a portion of the assets of a fund is uninvested and no return is earned thereon. The inability to make intended security purchases due to settlement problems could cause a fund to miss attractive investment opportunities. Losses to a fund arising out of the inability to fulfill a contract to sell such securities also could result in potential liability for a fund. ILLIQUID SECURITIES generally are any securities that cannot be disposed of promptly and in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount at which the fund has valued the instruments. The liquidity of a fund's investments is monitored under the supervision and direction of the Board of Trustees. Investments currently not considered liquid include repurchase agreements not maturing within seven days and certain restricted securities. INTERFUND BORROWING AND LENDING allows the funds to borrow money from and/or lend money to other Schwab Funds(R). All loans are for temporary or emergency purposes and the interest rates to be charged will be the average of the overnight repurchase agreement rate and the short-term bank loan rate. All loans are subject to numerous conditions designed to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all participating funds. The interfund lending facility is subject to the oversight and periodic review of the Board of Trustees of the Schwab Funds(R). MONEY MARKET SECURITIES are high-quality, short-term debt securities that may be issued by entities such as the U.S. government, municipalities, corporations and financial institutions (like banks). Money market securities include commercial paper, promissory notes, certificates of deposit, banker's acceptances, notes and time deposits. Money market securities pay fixed, variable or floating rates of interest and are generally subject to credit and interest rate risks. The maturity date or price of and financial assets collateralizing a security may be structured in order to make it qualify as or act like a money market security. These securities may be subject to greater credit and interest rate risks than other money market securities because of their structure. Money market securities may be issued with puts or these can be sold separately. MUNICIPAL LEASES are obligations issued to finance the construction or acquisition of equipment or facilities. These obligations may take the form of a lease, an installment purchase contract, a 6 conditional sales contract or a participation interest in any of these obligations. Municipal leases may be considered illiquid investments. Additionally, municipal leases are generally subject to "nonappropriation risk," which is the risk that the municipality may terminate the lease because funds have not been allocated to make the necessary lease payments. The lessor would then be entitled to repossess the property, but the value of the property may be less to private sector entities than it would be to the municipality. MUNICIPAL SECURITIES are debt securities issued by a state, its counties, municipalities, authorities and other subdivisions, or the territories and possessions of the United States and the District of Columbia, including their subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities and corporations ("municipal issuers"). These securities may be issued to obtain money for various public purposes, including the construction of a wide range of public facilities such as airports, bridges, highways, housing, hospitals, mass transportation, public utilities, schools, streets, and water and sewer works. Other public purposes include refunding outstanding obligations, obtaining funds for general operating expenses and obtaining funds to loan to other public institutions and facilities. Municipal securities also may be issued to finance various private activities, including certain types of private activity bonds ("industrial development bonds" under prior law). These securities may be issued by or on behalf of public authorities to obtain funds to provide certain privately owned or operated facilities. The funds may not be desirable investments for "substantial users" of facilities financed by private activity bonds or industrial development bonds or for "related persons" of substantial users because distributions from the funds attributable to interest on such bonds may not be tax exempt. The funds may also acquire and hold "conduit securities," which are securities issued by a municipal issuer involving an arrangement or agreement with a person other than a municipal issuer to provide for, or secure repayment of, the securities. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the potential effect on them (if any) of any investment in these funds. Municipal securities may be owned directly or through participation interests, and include general obligation or revenue securities, tax-exempt commercial paper, notes and leases. The maturity date or price of and financial assets collateralizing a municipal money market security may be structured in order to make it qualify as or act like a municipal money market security. These securities may be subject to greater credit and interest rate risks than other municipal money market securities because of their structure. Municipal securities generally are classified as "general obligation" or "revenue" and may be purchased directly or through participation interests. General obligation securities typically are secured by the issuer's pledge of its full faith and credit and taxing power for the payment of principal and interest. Revenue securities typically are payable only from the revenues derived from a particular facility or class of facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds of a special tax or other specific revenue source. Private activity bonds and industrial development bonds are, in most cases, revenue bonds and generally do not constitute the pledge of the credit of the issuer of such bonds. The credit quality of private activity bonds is frequently related to the credit standing of private corporations or other entities. Examples of municipal securities that are issued with original maturities of 397 days or less are short-term tax anticipation notes, bond anticipation notes, revenue anticipation notes, construction loan notes, pre-refunded municipal bonds and tax-free commercial paper. Tax anticipation notes typically are sold to finance working capital needs of municipalities in anticipation of the receipt of property taxes on a future date. Bond anticipation notes are sold on an interim basis in anticipation of a municipality's issuance of a longer-term bond in the future. Revenue anticipation notes are issued in expectation of the receipt of other types of revenue, such as that available under the Federal Revenue 7 Sharing Program. Construction loan notes are instruments insured by the Federal Housing Administration with permanent financing by Fannie Mae or "Ginnie Mae" (the Government National Mortgage Association) at the end of the project construction period. Pre-refunded municipal bonds are bonds that are not yet refundable, but for which securities have been placed in escrow to refund an original municipal bond issue when it becomes refundable. Tax-free commercial paper is an unsecured promissory obligation issued or guaranteed by a municipal issuer. The funds may purchase other municipal securities similar to the foregoing that are or may become available, including securities issued to pre-refund other outstanding obligations of municipal issuers. The funds also may invest in moral obligation securities, which are normally issued by special purpose public authorities. If the issuer of a moral obligation security is unable to meet its obligation from current revenues, it may draw on a reserve fund. The state or municipality that created the entity has only a moral commitment, not a legal obligation, to restore the reserve fund. The value of municipal securities may be affected by uncertainties with respect to the rights of holders of municipal securities in the event of bankruptcy or the taxation of municipal securities as a result of legislation or litigation. For example, under federal law, certain issuers of municipal securities may be authorized in certain circumstances to initiate bankruptcy proceedings without prior notice to or the consent of creditors. Such action could result in material adverse changes in the rights of holders of the securities. In addition, litigation challenging the validity under the state constitutions of present systems of financing public education has been initiated or adjudicated in a number of states, and legislation has been introduced to effect changes in public school finances in some states. In other instances, there has been litigation challenging the issuance of pollution control revenue bonds or the validity of their issuance under state or federal law, which ultimately could affect the validity of those municipal securities or the tax-free nature of the interest thereon. Municipal securities pay fixed, variable or floating rates of interest, which is meant to be exempt from federal income tax, and, typically personal income tax of a state or locality. The investment adviser relies on the opinion of the issuer's counsel, which is rendered at the time the security is issued, to determine whether the security is eligible, with respect to its validity and tax status, to be purchased by a fund. PUTS, sometimes called demand features or guarantees, are agreements that allow the buyer of the put to sell a security at a specified price and time to the seller or "put provider." When a fund buys a security with a put feature, losses could occur if the put provider does not perform as agreed. Standby commitments are types of puts. QUALITY OF INVESTMENTS. Each fund follows regulations set forth by the SEC that dictate the quality requirements for investments by money market mutual funds as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. These regulations require the funds to invest exclusively in high-quality securities. Generally, high-quality securities are securities that present minimal credit risks and are rated in one of the two highest rating categories by two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs), or by one if only one NRSRO has rated the securities, or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser pursuant to guidelines adopted by the Board of Trustees. High-quality securities may be "first tier" or "second tier" securities. First tier securities may be rated within the highest category or determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser. Money market fund shares and U.S. government securities also are first tier securities. Second tier securities generally are rated within the second-highest category. 8 Should a security's high-quality rating change after purchase by a fund, the investment adviser would take such action, including no action, as determined to be in the best interest of the fund and as required by Rule 2a-7. For more information about the ratings assigned by some NRSROs, refer to the Appendix section of the SAI. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS involve a fund buying securities (usually U.S. government securities) from a seller and simultaneously agreeing to sell them back at an agreed-upon price (usually higher) and time. There are risks that losses will result if the seller does not perform as agreed. Repurchase agreements will be "collateralized" by first tier securities in which the funds could invest directly. In addition, repurchase agreements collateralized entirely by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be collateralized fully pursuant to Rule 2a-7. Under certain circumstances, repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be investments in U.S. government securities. RESTRICTED SECURITIES are securities that are subject to legal restrictions on their sale. For example, tender option bonds, commercial paper and other promissory notes may be issued under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 and may be sold only to qualified institutional buyers, such as the funds, under Securities Act Rule 144A. Restricted securities may be deemed liquid or illiquid. In order to be deemed liquid, a fund must be able to dispose of the security in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount the fund has valued the security. In addition, the investment adviser must determine that an institutional or other market exists for these securities. In making this determination, the investment adviser may take into account any liquidity support associated with the security. It is not possible to predict with assurance whether the market for any restricted security will continue. Therefore, the investment adviser monitors a fund's investments in these securities, focusing on factors, such as valuation, liquidity and availability of information. To the extent a fund invests in restricted securities that are deemed liquid, the general level of illiquidity in a fund's portfolio may increase if buyers in that market become unwilling to purchase the securities. SECURITIES OF OTHER INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Investment companies generally offer investors the advantages of diversification and professional investment management, by combining shareholders' money and investing it in securities such as stocks, bonds and money market instruments. The risks of investing in a particular investment company will generally reflect the risks of the securities in which it invests and the investment techniques it employs. Because investment companies employ investment advisers and other service providers, investments by a fund into another investment company may cause shareholders to pay duplicative fees and incur expenses. Federal law restricts the ability of one registered investment company to invest in another. As a result, the extent to which a fund may invest in another investment company may be limited. With respect to investments in other mutual funds, the SEC has granted the Schwab Funds(R) an exemption from the limitations of the 1940 Act that restrict the amount of securities of underlying mutual funds a Schwab fund may hold, provided that certain conditions are met. The conditions imposed by the SEC were designed to address certain abuses perceived to be associated with "funds of funds", including unnecessary costs (such as sales loads, advisory fees and administrative costs), and undue influence by the investing fund over the underlying fund. The conditions apply only when a Schwab fund and its affiliates in the aggregate own more than 3% of the outstanding shares of any one underlying fund. STATE-SPECIFIC MUNICIPAL MONEY FUNDS are municipal money market funds that invest at least 80% of their net assets in securities that pay income that is exempt from federal taxes and the taxes of a particular state. These funds may invest primarily and generally predominately in municipal money 9 market securities issued by or on behalf of one state or one state's counties, municipalities, authorities or other subdivisions. They also may invest in securities issued by certain U.S. territories and possessions, such as Puerto Rico, that pay income that is exempt from federal and state income tax. These funds' securities are subject to the same general risks associated with other municipal money market funds' securities. In addition, their values will be particularly affected by economic, political, geographic and demographic conditions and developments within the appropriate state. A fund that invests primarily in securities issued by a single state and its political subdivisions provides a greater level of risk than a fund that is diversified across numerous states and municipal entities. The ability of the state or its municipalities to meet their obligations will depend on the availability of tax and other revenues; economic, political and demographic conditions within the state; and the underlying fiscal condition of the state and its municipalities. These funds are not suitable for investors who would not benefit from the tax-exempt character of each fund's investments, such as holders of IRAs, qualified retirement plans or other tax-exempt entities. The following information is a brief summary of certain factors affecting the economies of the States of California, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, New Jersey and Massachusetts. This information is generally derived from information that was published prior to the date of this SAI and does not purport to be a complete current description of such factors, nor does it represent a complete analysis of every factor affecting debt obligations of each State. Such information has not been independently verified. The information is not intended to indicate continuing or future trends in the condition, financial or otherwise, of these states or other issuers of these states' municipal securities. In addition, the ratings of Moody's, S&P and Fitch referred to below represent their opinions as to the quality of the municipal bonds they rate. It should be emphasized, however, that ratings are general and are not absolute standards of quality and are subject to change. CALIFORNIA. The following information is based on information available as of the date of this Statement of Additional Information primarily from official statements and prospectuses relating to securities offerings of the State of California (sometimes referred to in this section as the "State"), the latest of which is dated April 1, 2006. General Economic Conditions. The economy of the State is the largest among the 50 states and one of the largest in the world. The diversified economy of the State has major components in high technology, trade, entertainment, agriculture, tourism, construction and services. Certain of the State's significant industries, such as high technology, are sensitive to economic disruptions in their export markets. Since early 2001, the State has faced severe financial challenges, which may continue for several years. The State experienced an economic recession in 2001 and a sluggish recovery in 2002 and 2003 (with greatest impacts in the high technology, internet, and telecommunications sectors, especially in Northern California); weakened exports; and most particularly, large stock market declines (with attendant declines in stock option values and capital gains realizations). These adverse fiscal and economic factors resulted in a serious erosion of General Fund tax revenues. The State derives a significant portion of its revenue from personal income and sales taxes. Because the amount collected from these taxes is particularly sensitive to economic conditions, the State's revenues have been volatile. However, they were much improved in fiscal 2005 and year-to-date in fiscal 2006, as discussed below. California's geographic location subjects it to earthquake risks. It is impossible to predict the time, magnitude or location of a major earthquake or its effect on the California economy. In January 1994, a major earthquake struck the Los Angeles area, causing significant damage in a four county area. 10 Another such earthquake could create a major dislocation of the California economy and significantly affect State and local governmental budgets. State Budgets. 2005 Budget Act. The State's 2005 Budget Act (adopted in July 2005 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006) forecasted $84.5 billion in General Fund revenues and transfers, $90.0 billion in expenditures and, after application of the prior year's $7.5 billion General Fund balance, a positive General Fund balance of $1.9 billion. The Governor's Budget for 2006-07, released in January 2006, projects General Fund revenues and transfers of $87.7 billion, expenditures of $90.3 billion and a positive General Reserve balance of $6.5 billion for fiscal year 2005-06. The State's Legislative Analyst's Office (the "LAO"), in its Analysis of the 2006-07 Budget Bill Report issued on February 23, 2006 (the "LAO February 2006 Report"), estimates General Fund revenues and transfers of $89.0 billion, expenditures of $90.5 billion and a positive General Reserve balance of $7.6 billion for fiscal 2006. (the numbers in this paragraph are not internally consistent--they must have picked up something incorrectly. 2006-07 Governor's Budget. The Governor's Budget for the 2006-07 fiscal year, released in January 2006, projects General Fund revenues and transfers for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007 of $91.5 billion, expenditures at $97.9 billion, and a year-end General Fund reserve of $674 million. Coinciding with the release of the budget, the Governor announced a "Strategic Growth Plan" for the State in which he proposed that the State spend nearly $223 billion over 10 years on State infrastructure programs such as transportation, education, flood control, public safety and courts. The Strategic Growth Plan would be financed in part through the issuance of $68 billion in general obligation bonds. However, the Legislature was not generally supportive of the Governor's Plan and failed to agree on even smaller proposals prior to breaking for the Spring Recess. The LAO February 2006 Report projects revenues and transfers of $93.0 billion, expenditures of $98.0 billion and a positive General Reserve balance of $2.6 billion (approximately $1.9 billion more than that assumed in the budget estimate). However, the LAO warned that several budgetary risks could add several billions of dollars to the operating shortfalls during the next several fiscal years. They include an economic slowdown due to higher energy costs, a real estate decline, unfavorable outcomes in major lawsuits, and additional State costs resulting from federal budget reduction efforts. The LAO recommended that the Legislature reduce the amount of ongoing spending increases proposed in the budget. In the report, the LAO warned of operating budget shortfalls in upcoming years of up to $5 billion annually. Constraints on the Budget Process. Approved in March 2004 with the State's Economic Recovery Bonds, Proposition 58 requires the State to enact a balanced budget and establish a special reserve in the General Fund and restricts future borrowing to cover budget deficits. As a result of the provisions requiring the enactment of a balanced budget and restricting borrowing, the State would, in some cases, have to take more immediate actions to correct budgetary shortfalls. Beginning with the budget for fiscal year 2004-05, Proposition 58 requires the Legislature to pass a balanced budget and provides for mid-year adjustments in the event that the budget falls out of balance. The balanced budget determination is made by subtracting expenditures from all available resources, including prior-year balances. If the Governor determines that the State is facing substantial revenue shortfalls or spending deficiencies, the Governor is authorized to declare a fiscal emergency. He or she would then be required to propose legislation to address the emergency, and call the Legislature into special session to consider that legislation. If the Legislature fails to pass and send to the Governor legislation to address the budget fiscal emergency within 45 days, the Legislature would be prohibited from acting on any other bills or adjourning in joint recess until such legislation is passed. 11 Proposition 58 also requires that a special reserve (the Budget Stabilization Account) be established in the State's General Fund. Beginning with fiscal year 2006-07, a specified portion of estimated annual General Fund revenues would be transferred by the Controller into the Budget Stabilization Account no later than September 30 of each fiscal year. These transfers would continue until the balance in the Budget Stabilization Account reaches $8 billion or 5 percent of the estimated General Fund revenues for that fiscal year, whichever is greater. The annual transfer requirement would be in effect whenever the balance falls below the $8 billion or 5 percent target. The annual transfers could be suspended or reduced for a fiscal year by an executive order issued by the Governor no later than June 1 of the preceding fiscal year. Proposition 58 will also prohibit certain future borrowing to cover budget deficits. This restriction applies to general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, and certain other forms of long-term borrowing. The restriction does not apply to certain other types of borrowing, such as short-term borrowing to cover cash shortfalls in the General Fund (including revenue anticipation notes or revenue anticipation warrants currently used by the State), or inter-fund borrowings. Future Budgets. It cannot be predicted what actions will be taken in the future by the State Legislature and the Governor to deal with changing State revenues and expenditures. The State budget will be affected by national and State economic conditions and other factors. State Indebtedness. General Obligation Bonds and Revenue Bonds. As of March 1, 2006, the State had approximately $55.2 billion aggregate principal of long-term general obligation and revenue bonds outstanding. Inclusive of estimated interest of approximately $32.8 billion, assuming interest rates in effect as of March 1, 2006, the State's debt service requirements for general obligation bonds and revenue bonds exceeds $88.3 billion over a 34 year period. General obligation bond authorizations in an aggregate amount of approximately $33.2 billion remained unissued as of that date. Ratings. As of April 17, 2006, the State's general obligation bonds were rated A2 by Moody's, A by Standard & Poor's, and A by Fitch Ratings. It is not possible to determine when, or the extent to which, Moody's, Standard & Poor's or Fitch Ratings might change such ratings in the future. Local Government. The primary units of local government in California are the counties, ranging in population from 1,200 (Alpine) to approximately 10 million (Los Angeles). Counties are responsible for the provision of many basic services, including indigent healthcare, welfare, courts, jails and public safety in unincorporated areas. There are also 478 incorporated cities and thousands of other special districts formed for education, utility and other services. The fiscal condition of local governments has been constrained since the enactment of "Proposition 13" in 1978 and later constitutional amendments, which reduced and limited the future growth of property taxes and limited the ability of local governments to impose "special taxes" (those devoted to a specific purpose) without two-thirds voter approval. Proposition 218, another initiative constitutional amendment enacted in 1996, further limited the ability of local governments to impose or raise various taxes, fees, charges and assessments without voter approval. Counties, in particular, have had fewer options to raise revenues than many other local government entities, and have been required to maintain many services. Some local governments in California have experienced notable financial difficulties, including Los Angeles County, Orange County and San Diego County, and there is no assurance that any California issuer will make full or timely payments of principal or interest or remain solvent. It should be noted that the creditworthiness of obligations issued by local California issuers may be unrelated to the creditworthiness of obligations issued by the State, and there is no obligation on the part of the State to make payment on such local obligations in the event of default. 12 According to the State, the 2004 Budget Act, related legislation and the enactment of Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (described below) has dramatically changed the State-local fiscal relationship. These constitutional and statutory changes implemented an agreement negotiated between the Governor and local governments officials (the "State-local agreement") in connection with the 2004 Budget Act. One change related to the reduction of the Vehicle License Fee ("VLF") rate from 2 percent to 0.65 percent of the market value of the vehicle. In order to protect local governments, the reduction in VLF revenue to cities and counties from this rate change was replaced by an increase in the amount of property tax the local governments receive. Under the State-local agreement and implementing legislation, for fiscal years 2004-05 and 2005-06 only, the replacement property taxes that cities and counties received were reduced by $700 million. In future years, local governments will receive the full value of the VLF revenue. Also for these two fiscal years, redevelopment agencies and special districts were required to shift to schools $250 million and $350 million, respectively, in property tax revenues they would otherwise have received. As part of the State-local agreement, Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 4 was enacted by the Legislature and subsequently approved by the voters at the November 2004 election. Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 4 amends the State Constitution to, among other things, reduce the Legislature's authority over local government revenue sources by placing restrictions on the State's access to local governments' property, sales, and VLF revenues as of November 3, 2004. Beginning with fiscal year 2008-09, the State will be able to borrow up to 8 percent of local property tax revenues, but only if the Governor proclaims such action is necessary due to a severe State fiscal hardship, two-thirds of both houses of the Legislature approves the borrowing and the amount borrowed is required to be paid back within three years. The State also will not be able to borrow from local property tax revenues for more than two fiscal years within a period of 10 fiscal years. In addition, the State cannot reduce the local sales tax rate or restrict the authority of the local governments to impose or change the distribution of the statewide local sales tax. Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 4 also prohibits the State from mandating activities on cities, counties or special districts without providing for the funding needed to comply with the mandates. Beginning in fiscal year 2005-06, if the State does not provide funding for an activity that has been determined to be mandated, the requirement on cities, counties or special districts to abide by the mandate would be suspended. In addition, Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 4 expands the definition of what constitutes a mandate to encompass State action that transfers to cities, counties and special districts financial responsibility for a required program for which the State previously had partial or complete responsibility. The State mandate provisions of Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 4 do not apply to schools or community colleges or to mandates relating to employee rights. Constitutional, Legislative and Other Factors. The State is subject to an annual appropriations limit imposed by Article XIII B of the State Constitution (the "Appropriations Limit"). The Appropriations Limit does not restrict appropriations to pay debt service on voter-authorized bonds. Article XIII B prohibits the State from spending "appropriations subject to limitation" in excess of the Appropriations Limit. "Appropriations subject to limitation" are authorizations to spend "proceeds of taxes," which consist of tax revenues and certain other funds, including proceeds from regulatory licenses, user charges or other fees to the extent that such proceeds exceed "the cost reasonably borne by that entity in providing the regulation, product or service," but "proceeds of taxes" exclude most State subventions to local governments, tax refunds and some benefit payments such as unemployment insurance. No limit is imposed on appropriations of funds which are not "proceeds of taxes," such as reasonable user charges or fees and certain other non-tax funds. Various types of appropriations are excluded from the Appropriations Limit. The State's Appropriations Limit in each year is based on the Limit for the prior year, adjusted annually for changes in State per capita personal income and changes in population, and adjusted, 13 when applicable, for any transfer of financial responsibility for providing services to or from another unit of government or any transfer of the financial source for the provisions of services from tax proceeds to non-tax proceeds. The Legislature has enacted legislation to implement Article XIII B which defines certain terms used in Article XIII B and sets forth the methods for determining the Appropriations Limit. California Government code Section 7912 requires an estimate of the Appropriations Limit to be included in the Governor's Budget, and thereafter to be subject to the budget process and established in the Budget Act. On November 8, 1988, voters of the State approved Proposition 98, a combined initiative constitutional amendment and statute called the "Classroom Instructional Improvement and Accountability Act." Proposition 98 changed State funding of public education below the university level and the operation of the State appropriations funding, primarily by guaranteeing K-14 schools a minimum share of General Fund revenues. Proposition 98 permits the Legislature by two-thirds vote of both houses, with the Governor's concurrence, to suspend the K-14 schools' minimum funding formula for a one-year period. Proposition 98 also contains provisions transferring certain State tax revenues in excess of the Article XIII B limit to K-14 schools. Because of the complexities of Article XIII B, the ambiguities and possible inconsistencies in its terms, the applicability of its exceptions and exemptions and the impossibility of predicting future appropriations, it is not possible to predict the impact of this or related legislation on the bonds in the Trust's portfolio. Articles XIII A, XIII B, XIII C and XIII D were each adopted as measures that qualified for the ballot pursuant to the State's initiative process. Other Constitutional amendments affecting State and local taxes and appropriations have been proposed from time to time. If any such initiatives were adopted, the State could be pressured to provide additional financial assistance to local Governments or appropriate revenues as mandated by such initiatives. Propositions such as Proposition 98 and others that may be adopted in the future may place increasing pressure on the State's budget over future years, potentially reducing resources available for other State programs, especially to the extent the Article XIII B spending limit would restrain the State's ability to fund such other programs by raising taxes. Effect of other State Laws on Bond Obligations. Some of the tax-exempt securities that the Trust can invest in may be obligations payable solely from the revenues of a specific institution or secured by specific properties. These are subject to provisions of California law that could adversely affect the holders of such obligations. For example, the revenues of California health care institutions may be adversely affected by State laws, and California law limits the remedies of a creditor secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on real property. Debt obligations payable solely from revenues of health care institutions may also be insured by the State but no guarantee exists that adequate reserve funds will be appropriated by the State legislature for such purpose. Pending Litigation. The State is a party to numerous legal proceedings, many of which normally occur in governmental operations. In addition, the State is involved in certain other legal proceedings that, if decided against the State might require the State to make significant future expenditures or impair future revenue sources. Because of the prospective nature of these proceedings, it is not presently possible to predict the outcome of such litigation or estimate the potential impact on the ability of the State to pay debt service costs on its obligations. On August 8, 2005, a lawsuit titled California Teachers Association et al. v. Arnold Schwarzenegger et al. was filed. Plaintiffs -- California Teachers Association, California Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell, and various other individuals -- allege that the 14 California Constitution's minimum school funding guarantee was not followed for the 2004-2005 fiscal year and the 2005-06 fiscal year in the aggregate amount of approximately $3.1 billion. Plaintiffs seek a writ of mandate requiring the State to recalculate the minimum-funding guarantee in compliance with the California Constitution. On November 15, 2005, a California Superior Court judge entered a decision in a case which sought judicial validation for the issuance by the State of pension obligation bonds. The judge ruled the bonds were not valid. The State plans to appeal, but the State will not be able to issue pension obligation bonds until the matter is finally resolved. It is unlikely that final resolution of the matter will occur in time to allow the State to issue any pension obligation bonds during fiscal year 2005-06. The State will therefore have to make a payment of about $525 million for a portion of the current fiscal year contribution to the California Public Employees' Retirement System which had been planned to be funded from the bonds. NEW YORK. New York State is the third most populous state in the nation and has a relatively high level of personal wealth. The State's economy is diverse, with a comparatively large share of the nation's finance, insurance, transportation, communications and services employment. The State's location and its air transport facilities and natural harbors have made it an important link in international commerce. Travel and tourism constitute an important part of the economy. The financial activities sector share of total wages is particularly large for the State relative to the nation. The State is likely to be more affected than the nation as a whole by any economic downturn that is concentrated in the services sector. Important industry sectors in the State include the following: services industries, manufacturing, trade, transportation and utilities, financial activities, agriculture and government. The Executive Budget for 2005-06 (ending March 30, 2006) presented a balanced General Fund Financial Plan that eliminated a projected budget gap of $4.2 billion. The Enacted Budget Financial Plan for 2005-06 was also balanced, the result of both new resources and roughly $3.3 billion of Executive Budget gap-closing recommendations. Reserves were increased to $1.5 billion. After the budget was enacted, $1.4 billion in new resources were identified to finance $1.4 billion in net expenditure additions. In summary, the 2005-2006 Enacted Budget authorized approximately $1.8 billion of the $2.8 billion in spending restraint proposed with the Executive Budget, including (a) roughly one-half of the $1.1 billion in proposed Medicaid provider and recipient cost containment and all $800 million in savings from financing certain Medicaid spending outside of the General Fund, (b) debt management initiatives to help reduce the growth in debt service costs ($150 million), and (c) mental hygiene savings ($250 million). Revenue actions net of tax cuts totaled $605 million, or $72 million above the $533 million proposed with the Executive Budget. Finally, $889 million in one-time actions were authorized in the budget, an increase of $33 million above the Executive proposal. The Department of the Budget (DOB) issued a revised Financial Plan on January 17, 2006. The DOB projected that the State would end the 2005-06 fiscal year with a net $2 billion surplus in the General Fund, after paying certain Medicaid ($500 million) and mass transit ($45 million) expenses in 2005-06 rather than 2006-07, and making the maximum annual contribution of $73 million to the State's Rainy Day Reserve. The continued strength in revenues from 2004-05 levels was mainly responsible for the net surplus. General Fund receipts, including transfers from other funds, were projected at $47.9 billion in the revision. DOB revised the revenue estimate upward based on revenue collections to date and the strength of key economic indicators, both of which exceeded expectations. General Fund disbursements, including transfers to other funds, were expected to total $47.2 billion in 2005-06, an increase of $337 million above the DOB's mid-year forecast. The most substantive revisions are due to timing, with the higher spending from the acceleration of Medicaid and mass 15 transit payments, offset in part by lower spending for labor settlements that were expected to occur in 2005-06 but are now budgeted for 2006-07. The DOB revised the gross General Fund receipts upward by $1.4 billion, primarily due to $1.1 billion in additional tax receipts, with $500 million from a higher estimate of business tax receipts and nearly $400 million from expected higher personal income tax receipts. Base growth, adjusted for law changes, in tax receipts for fiscal year 2005-06 was estimated at 11 percent, the second consecutive year of double-digit growth in base receipts. General Fund receipts from April 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 totaled nearly $33 billion, an increase of $2.4 billion from the same period in 2004. Receipts through December 2005 were also $336 million higher than the 2005-2006 Enacted Budget projections. General Fund disbursements through December 31, 2005 were $31.8 billion, an increase of $1.7 billion from the same period in 2004. Disbursements through December 2005 were also $465 million below the 2005-2006 Enacted Budget forecast. The General Fund closing balance on December 31, 2005 was $3.5 billion, an increase of $801 million from the projection published in the 2005-2006 Enacted Budget. New York State. The recession affected New York State more so than other states because of the additional pressure from 9/11. The state is now showing signs of improvement again, largely the result of the securities industry, which is often a driver of ups and downs in the economy. Personal income grew 6.0% in 2004 and was projected to grow 5.1% in 2005 and 5.6% in 2006. Total state employment rose 0.6% in 2004 and was estimated to grow 1.1% in 2005 and 0.7% in 2006. Historically, the state's unemployment rate has been higher than the national rate, but in July 2005, the state's unemployment rate was 5.5%, the same as the nation's rate. The state projected it unemployment rate will be 5.0% for 2005 and 5.2% for 2006. Consistent with more moderate growth at the national level, the New York State economy is also expected to see continued, albeit slightly slower growth in 2006 and beyond. For example, higher energy prices have begun to filter through the rest of the economy, effectively behaving as a "tax" on household spending and putting downward pressure on growth during the fourth quarter of 2005 and beyond. In addition, more subdued household sector spending is expected to be a much weaker contributor to the State's economic growth than it has been in recent years. Thus, going forward, the State expects to be entering a regime of slower growth than experienced in 2004 and 2005. The State's Budget Division projects real GDP growth of 3.3 percent in 2006, following growth of 3.6 percent in 2005. Rising interest rates and a weakening housing market are expected to have strong implications for the New York State economy as well. In addition, strong corporate profits growth nationwide has not only fueled demand within the State's business services industries, but also spawned a build-up of cash reserves contributing to a wave of merger and acquisition activity that has spurred demand for finance industry services. Another attack targeted at New York City would once again disproportionately affect the State economy, resulting in lower income and employment growth than reflected in the current and previous forecasts. Litigation. The State is a defendant in several court cases that could ultimately result in higher costs to the State. According to the State, the most significant is Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. State of New York, in which the State Court of Appeals directed the State to implement a remedy by July 30, 2004 that would guarantee that all children in New York City have the opportunity to receive a sound basic education (SBE). In August 2004, the State Supreme Court directed a panel of three Special Masters to report and make recommendations on the measures the State had taken to bring its school financing system into constitutional compliance with respect to New York City schools. The Special 16 Masters submitted their report to the Court on November 30, 2004. The report recommended (a) an annual increase of $5.6 billion in education aid to New York City to be phased in over four years and (b) $9.2 billion for school construction and renovation to be phased in over five years. In February 2005, the State Supreme Court adopted the recommendations of the Special Masters, requiring the State to comply with those recommendations within 90 days. The State filed an appeal in April 2005 and the Appellate Court is expected to issue a ruling by June 2006. Ratings. The State's general obligation bonds are currently rated as follows: Moody's - A1; S&P - AA; and Fitch - AA-. New York City. In response to the City's fiscal crisis in 1975, the State took action to help the city return to fiscal stability. From 1975 until June 30, 1986, the city's financial condition was subject to oversight and review by the New York State Financial Control Board (FCB). To be eligible for guarantees and assistance, the city was required to submit to the FCB, at least 50 days before the beginning of each fiscal year, a financial plan for the city and certain agencies covering the four-year period beginning with the upcoming fiscal year. On June 30, 1986, some of the FCB's powers were suspended because the city had satisfied certain statutory conditions. The city, however, is still required to develop four-year financial plans each year and the FCB continues to have certain review powers. The FCB must reimpose its full powers if there is the occurrence or a substantial likelihood and imminence of the occurrence of any one of certain events including the existence of an operating deficit greater than $100 million, or failure by the city to pay principal of or interest on any of its notes or bonds when due or payable. The city finished fiscal year 2005 with a $3.6 billion surplus. Consistent with prior years, the city used a portion of the surplus to pre-pay fiscal year 2006 expenses. The city is required to have a balanced budget and has successfully been able to close gaps in the past. The city continues to be challenged by union negotiations, high debt levels and a large social service burden. New York City's fiscal 2006 budget, which was adopted on June 30, 2005, closed a gap originally estimated at $3.1 billion. The large gap resulted from the sunset of temporary revenue measures implemented in 2003, as well as growing spending requirements. The fiscal year 2006 budget relies on strong revenue growth, significant prepayments ($3.5 billion) from the fiscal 2005 surplus, and various spending-reduction measures. Year-to-date revenue performance continues to be stronger than plan projections, highlighting the conservative nature of the current revenue forecast and the city's improving economy. Growth in personal income tax and real estate related taxes contributed to most of the improvement, but spending pressures continue to be substantial. Much of the positive revenue results in 2005 were from sources that are considered nonrecurring in nature. The out-year budget gaps remain significant. After factoring in gap-closing measures included in the 2006 budget, gaps for fiscals 2007, 2008, and 2009 are projected to total a substantial $4.5 billion, $4.5 billion, and $3.9 billion, respectively. New York City has historically closed gaps through a balanced approach of broad spending reductions and revenue-enhancement measures, and has an established track record of success in this area. Ratings. The City's outstanding general obligation bonds are currently rated A1 by Moody's, A by Standard & Poor's and A+ by Fitch. In April 2005, Moody's upgraded the City's rating to A1 from A2, citing the city's recovery from one of the most serious crises in decades. Currently, Fitch has a stable outlook on the City. PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania had historically been identified as a heavy industry state. That reputation has changed over the last thirty years as the coal, steel and railroad industries declined. The Commonwealth's business environment readjusted with a more diversified economic base. This 17 economic readjustment was a direct result of a long-term shift in jobs, investment, and workers away from the northeast part of the nation. Currently, the major sources of growth in Pennsylvania are in the service sector, including trade, medical, health services, education and financial institutions. Pennsylvania's agricultural industries are also an important component of the Commonwealth's economic structure. Total fiscal year 2005 revenues, net of reserves for tax refunds and including intergovernmental transfers and additional resources, totaled $24.35 billion. Total expenditures net of appropriation lapses and including intergovernmental transfers and expenditures from additional resources were $23.95 billion. Consequently, the preliminary unappropriated surplus balance, prior to the statutorily required 25% transfer to the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund (the "BSRF"), was $429.2 million, an increase of $162.5 million from the fiscal year 2004 preliminary ending balance. Following the transfer to the BSRF of $64.4 million, the fiscal year 2005 unappropriated surplus balance was $364.8 million. The 2005 Budget was based initially on an estimated 4.5% increase for General Fund revenues prior to accounting for any changes in tax and revenue provisions enacted in the second half of fiscal year 2004. After adjustments for various tax rate and tax base changes enacted for the 2004 Budget, total General Fund revenues were projected to increase 3.8% over fiscal year 2004 actual receipts and total $23.87 billion prior to reserves for tax refunds. The adopted fiscal year 2006 budget is based on an estimated 2.8% increase in Commonwealth General Fund revenues from those received in fiscal year 2005. The enacted budget appropriates $24.28 billion of Commonwealth funds, an increase of 5.3% over fiscal year 2005 expenditures, against estimated revenues net of tax refunds, of $23.92 billion. The $363 million difference between estimated revenues and recommended appropriations is to be funded by a draw down of the $364 million fiscal year 2006 beginning balance. Additionally, the enacted fiscal year 2006 budget allocates additional state funds to replace significant amounts of formerly available federal funds. The fiscal year 2006 revenue estimate for the Commonwealth, as estimated in June 2005, is based upon an economic forecast of 3.3% growth in national real gross domestic product from the start of the third quarter of 2005 to the end of the second quarter of 2006. Personal income growth in Pennsylvania is projected to remain slightly below that of the U.S., while the Pennsylvania unemployment rate is anticipated to be close to the national rate. The tax revenue component of Commonwealth General Fund receipts is expected to increase by $731.8 million or approximately 3.1%. Fiscal year 2006 Commonwealth revenues from the personal income tax are forecasted to increase by 5%, while receipts from the sales and use tax are estimated to rise 3.4%. Corporate receipts are expected to grow minimally in fiscal year 2006, at a rate of 0.3. Trends in the Commonwealth's economy are expected to maintain their close association with national economic trends. Ratings. Outstanding general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth are currently rated AA by S&P, Aa2 by Moody's and AA by Fitch. Philadelphia. The City of Philadelphia experienced severe financial difficulties during the early 1990's which impaired its access to public credit markets. Legislation enacted in 1991 created an Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority (the "Authority") to provide deficit reduction financing and fiscal oversight for Philadelphia. In order for the Authority to issue bonds on the city's behalf, Philadelphia and the Authority entered into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement providing the Authority with certain oversight powers with respect to the fiscal affairs of Philadelphia. Philadelphia currently is operating under a five year plan approved by the Authority on July 21, 2005. 18 In fiscal 2005, Philadelphia's total revenues, transfers and special items amounted to $5.74 billion which fell short of the total costs of $5.83 billion by $90.2 million. Approximately 30.6% of all revenue came from property and wage and earnings taxes. State, Federal and local grants account for another 38.1%, with the remainder of the revenue coming from user charges, fines, fees and various other sources. The city's expenses cover a wide range of services, of which approximately 60.6% are related to the health, welfare and safety of the general public. Even though total revenues increased by $343.4 million, total expenses increased by $132.9 million from fiscal 2004. Tax receipts increased by $147.4 million, largely due to an increase in real estate transactions. Grants & contributions increased by $132.2 million, including increased receipts for health services of $79.1 million and for Social Services of $27.5 million. Increases in spending for health services accounted for the majority of the increase in expenses for the fiscal year. Ratings. The City of Philadelphia's long-term general obligations are currently rated BBB by S&P, Baa1 by Moody's and BBB+ by Fitch. Fitch has a "Negative" outlook on the City's long-term obligations. FLORIDA. The State of Florida's economy is characterized by a large service sector, a dependence on the tourism and construction industries, and a large retirement population. Its primary vulnerability is exposure to the business cycle affecting both the tourism and construction sectors. The management of rapid growth has been the major challenge facing state and local governments. As this growth continues, particularly within the retirement population, the demand for both public and private services will increase, which may strain the service sector's capacity and impede the state's budget balancing efforts. Florida's economic growth accelerated in fiscal year 2004-05 and generally outperformed the domestic economy as a whole. This performance may be attributed to favorable natural, economic, and tax environments, and increasing demand for goods and services fueled by a growing population. Florida remains top ranked in the nation in total job growth and generated the fastest job growth rate among the ten most populous states. Florida's non-farm employment grew 3.5 percent in fiscal year 2004-05, adding 254,900 jobs. Increases in jobs were led by gains in professional and business services, construction, educational and health services, leisure and hospitality, wholesale and retail trade, financial services, and government. Forty two percent of the job increase in fiscal year 2004-05 came from professional and business services, and education and health services. With the strengthening economy, non-farm employment is anticipated to add 274,900 jobs in fiscal year 2005-06, resulting in a 7.6 percent increase in wages and salaries. The unemployment rate is anticipated to decline from 4.4 percent in fiscal year 2004-05 to 3.7 percent in fiscal year 2005-06. Population growth (2.3 percent in fiscal year 2004-05) continues to be a major driver of economic activity in Florida. The State's population is expected to grow by 404,000 in fiscal year 2005-06. Over the next ten years, population is estimated to increase by 3.9 million. The projected growth in population will continue to fuel the State's economic expansion as the demand for housing, durable and non-durable goods and other services continues to increase. The sales and use tax is the greatest single source of tax receipts in the State, although not all of these receipts are credited to the General Revenue Fund. For fiscal year 2004-05, receipts from this source were $17.6 billion, an increase of approximately 11.4% from the prior fiscal year. The Legislature has, from time to time, temporarily waived collection of sales taxes on such items as clothing under certain prices, school supplies, and hurricane supplies. The second largest source of State tax receipts is the corporate income tax. The receipts of corporate income tax for fiscal year 2004-05 were $1,729.7 million, an increase of 28.6% over the previous 19 fiscal year and are projected to increase for fiscal year 2005-06 by 26.7% to $2,190.7. Alcoholic beverage tax revenues totaled $575.7 million for fiscal year 2004-05, an increase of approximately .6% over the prior fiscal year. Gross Receipts tax collections for fiscal year 2004-05 totaled $882.1 million, an increase of 6.7% over the previous fiscal year. Total collections from intangible personal property taxes were $981.1 million during fiscal year 2004-05, a 23.4% increase over the previous fiscal year. Less than 66.5% of these tax proceeds are distributed to the General Revenue Fund. The 2005 legislature reduced the annual intangibles tax rate to .05 mills, effective January 1, 2006. In each of 2004 and 2005, Florida was hit by several hurricanes which affected many areas of the State. Hurricane losses incurred for the year ended June 30, 2005, were $3.75 billion. Hurricane losses paid during the year ended June 30, 2005, were $2.82 billion, resulting in remaining reimbursable losses of $926 million at June 30, 2005. Reconstruction activities that began in 2004 were extended in 2005. New home construction increased significantly in fiscal year 2004-05, adding 266,500 homes. Construction is expected to continue to increase due to reconstruction and population growth. Billions of federal, state, and insurance claim dollars have flowed into Florida's economy for reconstruction. Total construction employment added 38,000 jobs in fiscal year 2004-05 and is expected to create 34,700 jobs in fiscal year 2005-06. For fiscal year 2005-06, the estimated total of General Revenue funds available, is approximately $30.22 billion, an approximate increase of 7.8% over the total estimated for fiscal year 2004-05. General revenue appropriations for fiscal year 2004-05 totaled approximately $24.4 million. The legislative budget included a projected Working Capital Fund balance at the end of fiscal year 2004-05 of approximately $3.57 billion and did not use any Budget Stabilization Fund reserves. As of July 1, 2005, general revenues not needed to fund appropriations are maintained in the General Revenue Fund as "unallocated general revenues" rather than being transferred into a separate Working Capital Fund. The Consensus General Revenue Estimating Conference met most recently on November 15, 2005 at which time they increased the official estimate for the general revenue collections for Fiscal Year 2005-06 to $26.41 billion, a 7% increase over the April, 2005 official estimate of $24.68 billion, and $1.434 billion (5.7%) over actual collections for the prior year. General revenue collections through October, 2005, the first four months of the current fiscal year, totaled $8.15 billion, or $602.4 million over the April estimates. Collections through October were 14% above collections for the same period in the prior year. General Revenue Fund appropriations for the 2005-06 Fiscal Year total approximately $26.7 billion, including an additional deposit to the Budget Stabilization Fund of $92 million. A portion of the unallocated general revenues will be combined with general revenue collections to fund the Fiscal Year 2005-06 budget. The year-end balance of unallocated general revenues is projected to be $3.52 billion, and the required balance in the Budget Stabilization Fund at year end is $1.09 billion, bringing total expected reserves to $4.61 billion, or 17.3% of General Revenue Fund appropriations. Actual year-end balances will be affected by the accuracy of official estimates, budget amendments and actual revenue collections during the 2005-06 Fiscal Year. The Governor has proposed a total budget of $70.8 billion for fiscal year 2006-2007. The recommended operating budget, representing ongoing program expenditures and aid to local governments, is $56.1 billion. This includes $28 billion in General Revenue spending. The recommended capital outlay budget, representing one-time spending for infrastructure, is $14.7 billion. Generally, capital outlay consists of land acquisition, building and road construction, major repair and renovation of state owned buildings, and the construction of schools. 20 The Governor's proposed budget calls for the elimination of Florida's intangible personal property tax on stocks and bonds and other investments. The budget estimates that there will be a $161 million annual tax savings for an estimated 300,000 taxpayers caused by this elimination. Ratings. Florida's general obligation bonds are rated AAA by S&P, Aa1 by Moody's and AA+ by Fitch. NEW JERSEY. New Jersey is the ninth largest state in population, fifth smallest in land area and the most densely populated of all the states. The State's economic base is diversified, consisting of a variety of manufacturing, construction and service industries, supplemented by rural areas with selective commercial agriculture. Since 1977, casino gambling in Atlantic City has been an important State tourist attraction. During Fiscal Year 2005, the State made $1.9 billion in expenditures that were supported by the securitization of a portion of cigarette tax revenue and motor vehicle surcharges. Another $1.4 billion was disbursed to the New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation to help finance school facilities construction throughout the state. Approximately 51.6% of the State's total revenue came from general taxes, while 23.3% was derived from charges for services. Operating grants amounted to 20.5% of total revenues, while other items such as governmental subsidies and grants, capital grants, interest and investment earnings, and miscellaneous revenues accounted for the remainder. State expenditures cover a range of services. The largest expense, 28%, was for educational, cultural, and intellectual development. Physical and mental health represented 19.7% of total expenditures, while government direction, management, and control amounted to 16.6%. Other major expenditures focused on economic planning, development, and security, public safety and criminal justice, and community development and environmental management. During Fiscal 2005, State revenues, including transfers, totaled $45.1 billion, an increase of $4.9 billion from the prior year. General taxes totaled $23.3 billion and accounted for 51.6% of total State revenues for the year. This amount reflects a $2.4 billion or 11.5% increase from the prior fiscal year. The State's Gross Income Tax totaled $9.5 billion, the Sales and Use Tax totaled $6.5 billion and the Corporation Business Tax totaled $2.4 billion. The State's three major taxes comprised 78.8% of the total general taxes that were collected during Fiscal 2005. Fiscal Year 2005 expenditures totaled $48.6 billion, an increase of $5.2 billion from the prior fiscal year. The largest increase in expenditures occurred in the area of government direction, management, and control which went up $2.1 billion, or 34.2% over the prior year. The increase in this spending area primarily related to higher property tax rebates being given to homeowners to offset local property taxes for schools. Overall, 47.7% of State expenditures occurred in the areas of education, higher education and physical and mental health. New Jersey's economy continued to expand steadily in 2005. The State added around 103,200 jobs between the bottom of the employment cycle in March 2003 and September 2005. Payroll employment year-to-date through September increased at an average annual rate of 1.3% after growing at 0.6% in 2004. Although New Jersey's unemployment rate inched up slightly to 4.3 percent in September 2005, it remained below the national rate of 5.1%. New Jersey's employment increased by 1.2% in September 2005 from the previous September, adding close to 48,100 jobs and continuing the positive year over year growth trend for the twentieth consecutive month. Overall, the State added 35,500 jobs between January and September of 2005. Employment gains were primarily spread across the service providing sectors with particularly strong growth in Trade, Transportation and Utilities (10,900 jobs) and Professional and Business Services (10,600 jobs). The total Government sector added 3,000 jobs during this period. However, the State continues to suffer from 21 job losses in manufacturing (-7,900 jobs) and downsizing in the telecommunications industry (-3,300 jobs). Practically all the job losses in New Jersey, were concentrated in those two areas. The United States' Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis preliminary report released on September 28, 2005 indicated that the preliminary growth rate for New Jersey's personal income of 6.4% during the second quarter of calendar year 2005 exceeded the growth rate of 6.1% for the first quarter of 2005. Personal income for New Jersey was expected to grow at a steady pace through the rest of the year and through 2006. Ratings. New Jersey's long-term general obligations are currently rated AA- by Fitch, Aa3 by Moody's and AA by Standard & Poor's. MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts (also referred to as the "Commonwealth") is a relatively slow growing but densely populated state with a well-educated population, comparatively high-income levels, low rates of unemployment, and a relatively diversified economy. The Massachusetts economy is diversified among several industrial and non-industrial sectors. The four largest sectors of the economy (real estate and rental and leasing, manufacturing, finance and insurance, and professional and technical services) contributed 47.8% of the Commonwealth's GSP in 2003. Like many industrial states, Massachusetts has seen a steady decline of its manufacturing jobs base over the last two decades, not only as a share of total employment, but in absolute numbers of jobs as well. Several service sectors have grown to take the place of manufacturing in driving the Massachusetts economy. The combined service sectors now account for more than half of total payroll employment. Massachusetts continues to recover economically. The Commonwealth is home to many world-renowned institutions of medicine and higher education, both public and private, keeping the economy relatively stable and an incubator for new ideas and growth. Unemployment has dropped due to this stabilization. Inflation in the Commonwealth continued to rise during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005. The Boston consumer price index rose nearly 4% from July 2004 to July 2005. Per capita net income continues to rise in the Commonwealth faster than inflation. Per capita net income rose 5.3% in FY05, though lagging behind the 6.5% rise nationally. However, on a dollar basis, per capita net income is more than $9,200 higher than the national average. Unemployment declined throughout the year, but spiked in September of 2005, due to Katrina. Preliminary figures indicate that the downward trend resumed in October. The unemployment rate in the Commonwealth stood at 4.8% in October. This figure is down from a high of 5.1% early last year. The Commonwealth is still below the national rate of 5.0%. The Commonwealth incurs long-term debt either to construct or provide assistance to political subdivisions to construct facilities that will be owned by the political subdivisions. For example, upon completion, the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel will be owned by the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and the Massachusetts Port Authority. The Commonwealth, however, is paying for the construction of these assets and will be responsible for the repayment of $5.4 billion of related debt. Similarly, the Commonwealth is responsible for $8.7 billion in costs for its share of the construction of schools owned and operated by municipalities. In fiscal 2005, new legislation changed the funding of school construction from annual general fund appropriations to payment by the new Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) with a dedicated portion of the sales tax. Also, the authority's enabling legislation obligated it to provide funding for school projects that had previously been on a waiting list to receive funding. This change caused an increase in the liability for school construction from $3.6 billion in FY04 to $8.7 billion in FY05. 22 General revenue for the Commonwealth, net of transfers, but including taxes, investment income and tobacco settlement income from governmental activities was over $18.7 billion. The largest category of tax revenue is income taxes. Of the nearly $17.6 billion in tax revenue, $10.0 billion was from income taxation, $3.9 billion from sales, $1.1 billion from corporations, $687 million from motor fuels and over $1.8 billion from other forms of taxation. The largest operating grants are the federal Medicaid subsidies. The largest capital grants are for transportation, namely grants for highway construction. Finally, lottery revenues encompass approximately 59% of the Commonwealth's charges for services. Medicaid represents 20% of all the Commonwealth's governmental expenses. However, it must be noted that approximately half of the Medicaid expenses are subsidized in the form of federal reimbursements. The largest expense that is not subsidized by program revenues is direct local aid to the municipalities of the Commonwealth. According to the Department of Revenue, Division of Local Services, inclusive of regional school aid, nearly 77% of these funds are earmarked for public education or related activities. The Commonwealth issued nearly $2.7 billion in debt in FY05. Of this amount, nearly $1.4 billion was used to fund ongoing projects and nearly $1.3 billion refinanced existing bonds, to take advantage of low interest rates. Of the $1.4 billion in new issuances, $500 million was used to fund school construction through the MSBA. For the fiscal 2006 budget, the Commonwealth's revenues were estimated to be $25.63 billion, as compared to $24.37 billion in fiscal year 2005. Based on projections of the revenues and expenditures of the budgeted operating funds by the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, the ending fund balance for the budgeted operating funds for fiscal year 2006 is $2.74 billion up from $2.49 billion for fiscal year 2005. Tax revenue collections for the first eight months of fiscal 2006, ended February 28, 2006, totaled $11.24 billion, an increase of $879.5 million or 8.5% over the first eight months of fiscal 2005. The increase is attributable in large part to an increase of approximately $294.4 million or 5.7% in income tax withholding collections, an increase of approximately $179.2 million or 16.7% in income tax estimated payments, an increase of approximately $107.1 million or 4.1% in sales and use tax collections, and an increase of approximately $368.4 million or 61.3% in corporate and business collections, which are partially offset by changes in other revenues (net of refunds). On January 17, 2006, the Executive Office for Administration and Finance revised the fiscal 2006 tax revenue estimate to $18.158 billion. In addition, the Executive Office for Administration and Finance and the Chairpersons of the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means jointly announced a consensus fiscal 2007 Commonwealth tax estimate of $18.975 billion, of which $734 million is dedicated to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, $1.335 billion is dedicated to the Commonwealth's annual pension obligations, and $572.5 million is dedicated to the MSBA. On February 28, 2006, the State Treasurer and the Secretary of Administration and Finance released a revised projected cash flow forecast for fiscal 2006, and, projected a cash balance of $1.584 billion at the end of fiscal year 2006 as compared to $2.553 billion in the beginning of fiscal year 2006. These figures do not include balances in the Commonwealth's Stabilization Fund or certain other off-budget reserve funds. A portion of the overall decline in the operating cash balance is due to the anticipated net transfer of $1.104 billion to the Commonwealth's Stabilization Fund in fiscal 2006. Ratings. The debt obligations of Massachusetts are rated Aa2 Moody's, AA by S&P and AA by Fitch. All three agencies have assigned "stable" outlooks to their ratings. 23 TAXABLE SECURITIES. Under normal conditions, the funds do not intend to invest in securities in which interest is subject to federal income and/or state and local personal income taxes. However, from time to time, as a defensive measure or under abnormal market conditions, the funds may make temporary investments in securities, the interest on which is subject to federal income and/or state and local personal income taxes. TEMPORARY DEFENSIVE INVESTMENTS. During unusual market conditions, the Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM, Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM, Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM, Schwab New Jersey Municipal Money Fund, Schwab Pennsylvania Municipal Money Fund, Schwab Florida Municipal Money Fund, and the Schwab Massachusetts Municipal Money Fund may invest in taxable money market securities as a temporary defensive measure. U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Many U.S. government securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, which means they are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury. Securities such as those issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA or Sallie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) maintain limited lines of credit with the U.S. Treasury. Others, such as obligations issued by the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation (FFCB), are supported solely by the credit of the issuer. There can be no assurance that the U.S. government will provide financial support to securities of its agencies and instrumentalities if it is not obligated to do so under law. Also, any government guarantees on securities that a fund owns do not extend to shares of the fund itself. Although the risk of default with U.S. government securities is considered unlikely, any default on the part of a portfolio investment could cause a fund's share price or yield to fall. U.S. TREASURY SECURITIES are obligations of the U.S. Treasury and include bills, notes and bonds. U.S. Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. VARIABLE AND FLOATING RATE DEBT SECURITIES pay an interest rate, which is adjusted either periodically or at specific intervals or which floats continuously according to a formula or benchmark. Although these structures generally are intended to minimize the fluctuations in value that occur when interest rates rise and fall, some structures may be linked to a benchmark in such a way as to cause greater volatility to the security's value. Some variable rate securities may be combined with a put or demand feature (variable rate demand securities) that entitles the holder to the right to demand repayment in full or to resell at a specific price and/or time. While the demand feature is intended to reduce credit risks, it is not always unconditional, and may make the securities more difficult to sell quickly without losses. There are risks involved with these securities because there may be no active secondary market for a particular variable rate demand security purchased by a fund. In addition, a fund may exercise only its demand rights at certain times. A fund could suffer losses in the event that the issuer defaults on its obligation. Synthetic variable or floating rate securities include tender option bond receipts. Tender option bond receipts are derived from fixed-rate municipal bonds that are placed in a trust from which two classes of trust receipts are issued. These receipts represent proportionate interest in the underlying bonds. The remarketing agent for the trust sets a floating or variable rate on typically a weekly basis. Tender option bonds grant the investors the right to require the issuer or a specified third party acting as agent for the issuer (e.g., a tender agent) to purchase the bonds, usually at par, at a certain time or times prior to maturity or upon the occurrence of specified events or conditions. The put option or tender option right is typically available to the investor on a periodic (e.g., daily, weekly or monthly) basis. Typically, the put option is exercisable on dates on which the floating or variable rate changes. As 24 consideration for providing the option, the agent receives periodic fees equal to the difference between the bond's fixed coupon rate and the rate, as determined by a remarketing or similar agent, that would cause the securities, coupled with the tender option, to trade at par on the date of such determination. Thus, after payment of this fee, the security holder effectively holds a demand obligation that bears interest at the prevailing short-term, tax-exempt rate. An institution will normally not be obligated to accept tendered bonds in the event of certain defaults or a significant downgrading in the credit rating assigned to the issuer of the bond. Certain tender option bonds may be illiquid or may become illiquid as a result of a credit rating downgrade, a payment default or a disqualification from tax-exempt status. Under certain circumstances, the holder of a trust receipt also may participate in any gain or loss on the sale of such bonds. Tender option bonds may be considered derivatives and are subject to the risk thereof. The funds may invest in tender option bonds the interest on which will, in the opinion of bond counsel or counsel for the issuer of interests therein, be exempt from regular federal income tax. However, because there can be no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") will agree with such counsel's opinion in any particular case, there is a risk that a fund will not be considered the owner of such tender option bonds and thus will not be entitled to treat such interest as exempt from such tax. Additionally, the federal income tax treatment of certain other aspects of these investments, including the proper tax treatment of tender option bonds and the associated fees in relation to various regulated investment company tax provisions is unclear. Tender option bond trust receipts generally are structured as private placements and, accordingly, may be deemed to be restricted securities for purposes of a fund's investment limitations. INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS The following investment limitations may be changed only by vote of a majority of each fund's outstanding voting shares. EACH OF SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM, SCHWAB CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM AND SCHWAB NEW YORK MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM MAY NOT: (1) Concentrate investments in a particular industry or group of industries, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (2) Purchase or sell commodities or real estate, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (3) Lend or borrow money, except to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (4) Underwrite securities issued by other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (5) Pledge, mortgage or hypothecate any of its assets, except to the extent as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. 25 (6) Issue senior securities, except to the extent as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (7) Purchase securities or make investments other than in accordance with investment objectives and policies. SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities of any issuer unless consistent with the maintenance of its status as a diversified company under the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. EACH OF SCHWAB NEW JERSEY MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM, SCHWAB PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM, SCHWAB FLORIDA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM AND SCHWAB MASSACHUSETTS MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM MAY NOT: (1) Concentrate investments in a particular industry or group of industries, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (2) Purchase or sell commodities, commodities contracts, futures contracts, or real estate, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (3) Lend or borrow money, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (4) Underwrite securities, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (5) Pledge, mortgage or hypothecate any of its assets, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (6) Issue senior securities, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTIONS OF THE 1940 ACT MAY ASSIST INVESTORS IN UNDERSTANDING THE ABOVE POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS. Borrowing. The 1940 Act presently restricts a fund from borrowing (including pledging, mortgaging or hypothecating assets) in excess of 33 1/3% of its total assets (not including temporary borrowings not in excess of 5% of its total assets). Lending. Under the 1940 Act, a fund may only make loans if expressly permitted by its investment policies. Concentration. The SEC presently defines concentration as investing 25% or more of a fund's net assets in an industry or group of industries, with certain exceptions. Municipal securities are not deemed to be issued by an issuer from a single industry or group of industries. 26 Underwriting. Under the 1940 Act, underwriting securities involves a fund purchasing securities directly from an issuer for the purpose of selling (distributing) them or participating in any such activity either directly or indirectly. Under the 1940 Act, a diversified fund may not make any commitment as underwriter, if immediately thereafter the amount of its outstanding underwriting commitments, plus the value of its investments in securities of issuers (other than investment companies) of which it owns more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities, exceeds 25% of the value of its total assets. The foregoing restriction does not apply to non-diversified funds. Senior Securities. Senior securities may include any obligation or instrument issued by a fund evidencing indebtedness. The 1940 Act generally prohibits funds from issuing senior securities, although it provides allowances for certain borrowings and certain other investments, such as short sales, reverse repurchase agreements, firm commitment agreements and standby commitments, with appropriate earmarking or segregation of assets to cover such obligations. Real Estate. The 1940 Act does not directly restrict a fund's ability to invest in real estate, but does require that every fund have a fundamental investment policy governing such investments. The funds have adopted a fundamental policy that would permit direct investment in real estate. However, the funds have a non-fundamental investment limitation that prohibits them from investing directly in real estate. This non-fundamental policy may be changed only by vote of the funds' Board of Trustees. THE FOLLOWING ARE NON-FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS, AND MAY BE CHANGED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. EACH FUND MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities of other investment companies, except as permitted by the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (2) Lend any security or make any other loan if, as a result, more than 33 1/3% of its total assets would be lent to other parties (this restriction does not apply to purchases of debt securities or repurchase agreements). (3) borrow money except that the fund may (i) borrow money from banks or through an interfund lending facility, if any, only for temporary or emergency purposes (and not for leveraging) and (ii) engage in reverse repurchase agreements with any party; provided that (i) and (ii) in combination do not exceed 33 1/3% of its total assets (any borrowings that come to exceed this amount will be reduced to the extent necessary to comply with the limitation within three business days). (4) Sell securities short unless it owns the security or the right to obtain the security or equivalent securities, or unless it covers such short sale as required by current SEC rules and interpretations (transactions in futures contracts, options and other derivative instruments are not considered selling securities short). (5) Purchase or sell commodities, commodity contracts or real estate, including interests in real estate limited partnerships, provided that the fund may (i) purchase securities of companies that deal in real estate or interests therein (including REITs), (ii) purchase or sell futures contracts, options contracts, equity index participations and index participation contracts, and (iii) purchase securities of companies that deal in precious metals or interests therein. 27 (6) Invest more than 10% of its net assets in illiquid securities. (7) Purchase securities on margin, except such short-term credits as may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities and provided that margin deposits in connection with futures contracts, options on futures or other derivative instruments shall not constitute purchasing securities on margin. THE SCHWAB MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a result of such purchase, 25% or more of the value of its total assets would be invested in any industry, group of industries or in any one state (although securities issued by government or political subdivisions of governments are not considered to be securities subject to this industry concentration restriction). THE SCHWAB CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM, THE SCHWAB NEW YORK MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM, THE SCHWAB NEW JERSEY MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM, THE SCHWAB PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM, THE SCHWAB FLORIDA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM AND THE SCHWAB MASSACHUSETTS MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND TM MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a result of such purchase, 25% or more of the value of its total assets would be invested in any industry or group of industries (although securities issued by government or political subdivisions of governments are not considered to be securities subject to this industry concentration restriction). Policies and investment limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard shall be measured immediately after and as a result of the fund's acquisition of such security or asset, unless otherwise noted. Except with respect to limitations on borrowing, any subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances does not require a fund to sell an investment if it could not then make the same investment. With respect to the limitation on illiquid securities, in the event that a subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances causes a fund to exceed its limitation, the fund will take steps to bring the aggregate amount of illiquid instruments back within the limitations as soon as reasonably practicable. MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS The funds are overseen by a Board of Trustees. The trustees are responsible for protecting shareholder interests. The trustees regularly meet to review the investment activities, contractual arrangements and the investment performance of each fund. The trustees met 8 times during the most recent fiscal year. Certain trustees are "interested persons." A trustee is considered an interested person of the trust under the 1940 Act if he or she is an officer, director, or an employee of Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. ("CSIM") or Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). A trustee also may be considered an interested person of the Trust under the 1940 Act if he or she owns stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation, a publicly traded company and the parent company of the funds' investment adviser and distributor. 28 Each of the officers and/or trustees also serves in the same capacity as described for the Trust, for Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively referred to herein as the "Family of Investment Companies"), which as of December 31, 2005, included 56 funds. CSIM is also the investment advisor of the Laudus Trust and the Laudus Variable Insurance Trust (the Family of Investment Companies, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust are collectively referred to herein as the "Fund Complex"). As of December 31, 2005, the Fund Complex consisted of 67 funds. Ms. Byerwalter and Mr. Hasler also serve as trustees for the Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, therefore, each of these trustees oversees all 67 funds in the Fund Complex. The address of each individual is 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94104. Each officer's and trustee's principal occupations during the past five years, other current directorships and affiliations, if any, with The Charles Schwab Corporation, Schwab and CSIM are as follows:
NAME, YEAR OF PRINCIPAL BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE OCCUPATIONS (POSITION(S) WITH AND LENGTH OF DURING THE PAST OTHER THE TRUST) TIME SERVED 1 FIVE YEARS DIRECTORSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Donald F. Dorward Trustee of The Chief Executive Officer, 1931 Charles Schwab Family Dorward & Associates (Trustee) of Funds since 1989. (corporate management, marketing and communications consulting firm). From 1996-1999, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Grey Advertising. Prior to 1996, President and Chief Executive Officer, Allen & Dorward Advertising. Robert G. Holmes Trustee of The Chairman, Chief Executive 1931 Charles Schwab Family Officer and Director, (Trustee) of Funds since 1989. Semloh Financial, Inc. (international financial services and investment advisory firm). Donald R. Stephens Trustee of The Managing Partner, D.R. 1938 Charles Schwab Family Stephens & Company (Trustee) of Funds since 1989. (investments). Prior to 1996, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of North American Trust (real estate investment trust).
---------- 1 Trustees remain in office until they resign, retire or are removed by shareholder vote. The Schwab Funds(R) retirement policy requires that independent trustees elected after January 1, 2000 retire at age 72 or after twenty years as a trustee, whichever comes first. Independent trustees elected prior to January 1, 2000 will retire on the following schedule: Messr. Holmes and Dorward will retire on December 31, 2007, and Messrs. Stephens and Wilsey will retire on December 31, 2010. 29
NAME, YEAR OF PRINCIPAL BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE OCCUPATIONS (POSITION(S) WITH AND LENGTH OF DURING THE PAST OTHER THE TRUST) TIME SERVED 1 FIVE YEARS DIRECTORSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael W. Wilsey Trustee of The Chairman and Chief 1943 Charles Schwab Family Executive Officer, Wilsey (Trustee) of Funds since 1989. Bennett, Inc. (real estate investment and management, and other investments). Mariann Byerwalter Trustee of The Chairman of JDN Corporate Ms. Byerwalter is on the 1960 Charles Schwab Family Advisory LLC. From 1996 Boards of Redwood Trust, (Trustee) of Funds since 2000. to 2001, Vice President Inc. (mortgage finance), and for Business Affairs and PMI Group Inc. (mortgage Chief Financial Officer of insurance). Ms. Byerwalter Stanford University, and is also a Trustee of Laudus in 2001, Special Advisor Trust and Laudus Variable to the President of Insurance Trust, both of Stanford University. which are managed by CSIM or its affiliates and are included in the Schwab mutual fund complex. William A. Hasler Trustee of The Retired. Dean Emeritus, Mr. Hasler is on the Boards 1941 Charles Schwab Family Haas School of Business, of Aphton Corp. (Trustee) of Funds since 2000. University of California, (bio-pharmaceuticals), Berkeley. Until February Mission West Properties 2004, Co-Chief Executive (commercial real estate), Officer, Aphton Corp. Stratex Networks (network (bio-pharmaceuticals). equipment), Genitope Corp. Prior to August 1998, Dean (bio-pharmaceuticals), TOUSA of the Haas School of (homebuilding), Ditech Business, University of Communications Corp. (voice California, Berkeley communications technology); (higher education). Director and Non-Executive
NAME, YEAR OF PRINCIPAL BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE OCCUPATIONS (POSITION(S) WITH AND LENGTH OF DURING THE PAST OTHER THE TRUST) TIME SERVED 1 FIVE YEARS DIRECTORSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairman, Solectron Corp. (manufacturing). Mr. Hasler is also a Trustee of Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, both of which are managed by CSIM or its affiliates and are included in the Schwab mutual fund complex. Gerald B. Smith Trustee of The Chairman and Chief Mr. Smith is on the Board of 1950 Charles Schwab Family Executive Officer and Cooper Industries (Trustee) of Funds since 2000. founder of Smith Graham & (electrical products, tools Co. (investment advisors). and hardware) and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Northern Border Partners, M.L.P. (energy). INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab 2 Chairman and Trustee Chairman, Chief Executive 1937 of The Charles Schwab Officer and Director, The (Chairman and Trustee) Family of Funds since Charles Schwab 1989. Corporation, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Chairman and Director, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc., Charles Schwab Bank, N. A.; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schwab (SIS) Holdings Inc. I, Schwab International Holdings, Inc.; Chief Executive Officer and Director, Schwab Holdings, Inc.; Director, U.S. Trust Company, N. A., U.S. Trust Corporation, United States
---------- 2 In addition to their employment with the investment adviser and the distributor, Messrs. Schwab and Merk also own stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Mr. Schwab and Mr. Merk are Interested Trustees because they are employees of Schwab and/or the adviser. 31
NAME, YEAR OF PRINCIPAL BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE OCCUPATIONS (POSITION(S) WITH AND LENGTH OF DURING THE PAST OTHER THE TRUST) TIME SERVED 1 FIVE YEARS DIRECTORSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trust Company of New York. Until May 2003, Co-Chief Executive Officer, The Charles Schwab Corporation. Randall W. Merk 2 Trustee of The Executive Vice President 1954 Charles Schwab Family and President, Schwab (Trustee) of Funds since 2005. Financial Products, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Director, Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) Limited and Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds PLC. From September 2002 to July 2004, Chief Executive Officer and President, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. and Executive Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to September 2002, President and Chief Investment Officer, American Century Investment Management, and Director, American Century Companies, Inc. Until June 2001, Chief Investment Officer -- Fixed Income, American Century Companies, Inc.
NAME, YEAR OF PRINCIPAL BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE OCCUPATIONS (POSITION(S) WITH AND LENGTH OF DURING THE PAST OTHER THE TRUST) TIME SERVED 1 FIVE YEARS DIRECTORSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICERS Evelyn Dilsaver Officer of The President, Chief Executive 1955 Charles Schwab Family Officer, and Director, (President and Chief of Funds since 2004. Charles Schwab Investment Executive Officer) Management, Inc.; Executive Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. From June 2003 to July 2004, Senior Vice President, Asset Management Products and Services, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to June 2003, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer, U.S. Trust, a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Stephen B. Ward Officer of The Director, Senior Vice 1955 Charles Schwab Family President and Chief (Senior Vice President and of Funds since 1991. Investment Officer, Chief Investment Officer) Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.; Chief Investment Officer, The Charles Schwab Trust Company. George Pereira Officer of The Senior Vice President and 1964 Charles Schwab Family Chief Financial Officer, (Treasurer and Principal of Funds since 2004. Charles Schwab Investment Financial Officer) Management, Inc.; Director, Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) Limited and Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds, PLC. From
NAME, YEAR OF PRINCIPAL BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE OCCUPATIONS (POSITION(S) WITH AND LENGTH OF DURING THE PAST OTHER THE TRUST) TIME SERVED 1 FIVE YEARS DIRECTORSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 1999 to November 2004, Sr. Vice President, Financial Reporting, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Koji E. Felton Officer of The Senior Vice President, 1961 Charles Schwab Family Chief Counsel and (Secretary and Chief Legal of Funds since 1998. Corporate Secretary, Officer) Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.; Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to June 1998, Branch Chief in Enforcement at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in San Francisco. Randall Fillmore Officer of The Senior Vice President and 1960 Charles Schwab Family Chief Compliance Officer, (Chief Compliance Officer of Funds since 2002. Charles Schwab Investment and AML Officer) Management, Inc.; Senior Vice President Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Chief Compliance Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. From 2002 to 2003, Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., and Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. From 2000 to 2002, Vice President, Internal Audit, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
NAME, YEAR OF PRINCIPAL BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE OCCUPATIONS (POSITION(S) WITH AND LENGTH OF DURING THE PAST OTHER THE TRUST) TIME SERVED 1 FIVE YEARS DIRECTORSHIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kimon P. Daifotis Officer of The Senior Vice President and 1959 Charles Schwab Family Chief Investment Officer (Senior Vice President and of Funds since 2004. -- Fixed Income, Charles Chief Investment Officer -- Schwab Investment Fixed Income) Management, Inc. Prior to 2004, Vice President and Sr. Portfolio Manager, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. Jeffrey M. Mortimer Officer of The Senior Vice President and 1963 Charles Schwab Family Chief Investment Officer (Senior Vice President and of Funds since 2004. -- Equities, Charles Chief Investment Officer -- Schwab Investment Equities) Management, Inc.; Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. Prior to 2004, Vice President and Sr. Portfolio Manager, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
TRUSTEE COMMITTEES The Board of Trustees has established certain committees and adopted Committee charters with respect to those committees, each as described below: - The Audit and Compliance Committee (formerly the Audit/Portfolio Compliance Committee) has oversight responsibility for the integrity of the Trust's financial reporting processes and compliance policies, procedures and processes, and for the Trust's overall system of internal controls. This Committee is comprised of at least four Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Hasler, Holmes, Wilsey and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee must meet four times annually, with additional meetings as the Committee deems appropriate. The Committee met 4 times during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Governance Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Board regarding Trust governance-related matters, including but not limited to Board compensation practices, retirement policies and term limits, Board self- 35 evaluations, the effectiveness and allocation of assignments and functions by the Board, the composition of committees of the Board, and the training of Trustees. The Committee is also responsible for selecting and nominating candidates to serve as trustees. There are no specific procedures in place to consider nominees recommended by shareholders, but such nominees would be considered if such nominations were submitted in accordance with Rule 14a-8 of the 1934 Act in conjunction with a shareholder meeting to consider the election of Trustees. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Hasler and Holmes and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Investment Oversight Committee is to oversee the investment activities of the Trust. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Smith, Stephens and Wilsey are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purposes of the Marketing, Distribution and Shareholder Services Committee are to review matters relating to the marketing of the Funds' shares; to oversee the quality and cost of shareholder services provided to the Trust and its shareholders pursuant to the shareholder servicing and/or administrative service plans; and to oversee the Trust's distribution-related arrangements, including the distribution-related services provided to the Trust and its shareholders. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Smith and Stephens are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. TRUSTEE COMPENSATION The following table provides trustee compensation for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. This information is for the Fund Complex, which included 67 funds as of December 31, 2005.
($) Pension or Retirement Benefits ($) Aggregate Accrued as Part of Fund Total Compensation from Fund Name of Trustee Compensation Expenses Complex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab 0 N/A 0 Randy Merk 0 N/A 0 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter $100,131 $68 $226,192 Donald F. Dorward $100,079 N/A $169,245 William A. Hasler $107,699 $68 $236,192 Robert G. Holmes $100,079 N/A $169,245 Gerald B. Smith $100,079 N/A $169,245 Donald R. Stephens $972,333 N/A $163,020 Michael W. Wilsey $96,264 N/A $163,020
36 SECURITIES BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH TRUSTEE The following tables provide each Trustee's equity ownership of a fund and ownership of all registered investment companies overseen by each Trustee in the Family of Investment Companies as of December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2005, the Family of Investment Companies included 56 funds.
Dollar Range of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: Aggregate Dollar Range Of Schwab Schwab California Schwab New York Trustee Ownership In the Municipal Money Municipal Money Municipal Money Family of Investment Name of Trustee Fund TM Fund TM Fund TM Companies* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab None Over $100,000 None Over $100,000 Randy Merk None Over $100,000 None Over $100,000 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter None None None Over $100,000 Donald F. Dorward None None None Over $100,000 William A. Hasler None None None Over $100,000 Robert G. Holmes None None None Over $100,000 Gerald B. Smith None None None Over $100,000 Donald R. Stephens None None None Over $100,000 Michael W. Wilsey None None None Over $100,000
Dollar Range of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: Schwab Schwab Aggregate Dollar Range Schwab New Pennsylvania Schwab Florida Massachusetts Of Trustee Ownership In Jersey Municipal Municipal Money Municipal Money Municipal Money the Family of Investment Name of Trustee Money Fund TM Fund TM Fund TM Fund TM Companies* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab None None None None Over $100,000 Randy Merk None None None None Over $100,000 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter None None None None Over $100,000 Donald F. Dorward None None None None Over $100,000 William A. Hasler None None None None Over $100,000 Robert G. Holmes None None None None Over $100,000 Gerald B. Smith None None None None Over $100,000 Donald R. Stephens None None None None Over $100,000 Michael W. Wilsey None None None None Over $100,000
DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Independent Trustees may enter into a fee deferral plan. Under this plan, deferred fees will be credited to an account established by the Trust as of the date that such fees would have been paid to the trustee. The value of this account will equal the value that the account would have if the fees credited to the account had been invested in the shares of Schwab Funds(R) selected by the trustee. Currently, none of the Independent Trustees has elected to participate in this plan. CODE OF ETHICS The funds, their investment adviser and Schwab have adopted a Code of Ethics (Code) as described under the 1940 Act. Subject to certain conditions or restrictions, the Code permits the trustees, directors, officers or advisory representatives of the funds or the investment adviser or the directors or officers of Schwab to buy or sell directly or indirectly securities for their own accounts. This includes securities that may be purchased or held by the funds. Securities transactions by some of these individuals may be subject to prior approval of the investment adviser's Chief Compliance Officer or alternate. Most securities transactions are subject to quarterly reporting and review requirements. DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES Charles Schwab Investment Management ("CSIM"), as an investment adviser, is generally responsible for voting proxies with respect to the securities held in accounts of investment companies for which it provides discretionary investment management services. CSIM's Proxy Committee exercises and documents CSIM's responsibility with regard to voting of client proxies (the "Proxy Committee"). The Proxy Committee is composed of representatives of CSIM's Compliance, Fund Administration, Legal and Portfolio Management Departments, and chaired by CSIM's Chief 38 Investment Officer. The Chairman of the Committee may appoint the remaining members of the Committee. The Proxy Committee reviews and, as necessary, may amend periodically these Procedures to address new or revised proxy voting policies or procedures. The policies stated in these Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures (the "CSIM Proxy Procedures") pertain to all of CSIM's clients. The Boards of Trustees (the "Trustees") of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust, and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively, the "Funds" or "Schwab Funds") has delegated the responsibility for voting proxies to CSIM through their respective Investment Advisory and Administration Agreements. The Trustees have adopted these Proxy Procedures with respect to proxies voted on behalf of the various Schwab Funds portfolios. CSIM will present amendments to the Trustees for approval. However, there may be circumstances where the Proxy Committee deems it advisable to amend the Proxy Procedures between regular Schwab Funds Board meetings. In such cases, the Trustees will be asked to ratify any changes at the next regular meeting of the Board. To assist CSIM in its responsibility for voting proxies and the overall proxy voting process, CSIM has retained Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS") as an expert in the proxy voting and corporate governance area. ISS is an independent company that specializes in providing a variety of proxy-related services to institutional investment managers, plan sponsors, custodians, consultants, and other institutional investors. The services provided by ISS include in-depth research, global issuer analysis, and voting recommendations as well as vote execution, reporting and record keeping. PROXY VOTING POLICY For investment companies and other clients for which CSIM exercises its responsibility for voting proxies, it is CSIM's policy to vote proxies in the manner that CSIM and the Proxy Committee determine will maximize the economic benefit to CSIM's clients. In furtherance of this policy, the Proxy Committee has received and reviewed ISS's written proxy voting policies and procedures ("ISS's Proxy Procedures") and has determined that ISS's Proxy Procedures are consistent with the CSIM Proxy Procedures and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. The Proxy Committee will review any material amendments to ISS's Proxy Procedures to determine whether such procedures continue to be consistent with the CSIM Proxy Voting Procedures, and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. Except under the circumstances described below, the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies, including timely submission of votes, on behalf of CSIM's clients in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. For proxy issues that are not addressed by ISS's Proxy Procedures or are determined by the Proxy Committee or the applicable portfolio manager or other relevant portfolio management staff to raise significant concerns with respect to the accounts of CSIM clients, the Proxy Committee will review the analysis and recommendation of ISS. Examples of factors that could cause a matter to raise significant concerns include, but are not limited to: issues whose outcome has the potential to materially affect the company's industry, or regional or national economy, and matters which involve broad public policy developments which may similarly materially affect the environment in which the company operates. The Proxy Committee also will solicit input from the assigned portfolio manager and other relevant portfolio management staff for the particular portfolio security. After evaluating all such recommendations, the Proxy Committee will decide how to vote the shares and will instruct ISS to vote consistent with its decision. The Proxy Committee has the ultimate responsibility for making the determination of how to vote the shares in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. 39 With respect to proxies of an affiliated mutual fund, the Proxy Committee will vote such proxies in the same proportion as the vote of all other shareholders of the fund (i.e., "echo vote"), unless otherwise required by law. When required by law, the Proxy Committee will also "echo vote" proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund. For example, certain exemptive orders issued to the Schwab Funds by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Section 12(d)(1)(F) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, require the Schwab Funds, under certain circumstances, to "echo vote" proxies of registered investment companies that serve as underlying investments of the Schwab Funds. When not required to "echo vote," the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. Under certain circumstances, ISS may not provide an analysis or recommendation for voting a security's proxy. In that event, and when the following criteria are met, two members of the Proxy Committee, including at least one representative from equity Portfolio Management, may decide how to vote such proxy in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. The following criteria must be met: (1) For each Fund that holds the security in its portfolio, the value of the security must represent less than one tenth of one cent in the Fund's NAV, and (2) the security's value must equal less than $50,000 in the aggregate across all of the Funds and separate accounts that hold this security. Any voting decision made under these circumstances will be reported to the Proxy Committee at its next scheduled meeting. Conflicts of Interest. Except as described above for proxies of mutual funds, for proxy issues that present material conflicts of interest between CSIM, and/or any of its affiliates, and CSIM's clients, CSIM will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting such proxies in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. The CSIM Legal Department is responsible for developing procedures to identify material conflicts of interest. Voting Foreign Proxies. CSIM has arrangements with ISS for voting proxies. However, voting proxies with respect to shares of foreign securities may involve significantly greater effort and corresponding cost than voting proxies with respect to domestic securities, due to the variety of regulatory schemes and corporate practices in foreign countries with respect to proxy voting. Problems voting foreign proxies may include the following: - proxy statements and ballots written in a foreign language; - untimely and/or inadequate notice of shareholder meetings; - restrictions of foreigner's ability to exercise votes; - requirements to vote proxies in person; - the imposition of restrictions on the sale of securities for a period of time in proximity to the shareholder meeting; - requirements to provide local agents with power of attorney to facilitate CSIM's voting instructions. In consideration of the foregoing issues, ISS uses its best-efforts to vote foreign proxies. As part of its ongoing oversight, the Proxy Committee will monitor the voting of foreign proxies to determine whether all reasonable steps are taken to vote foreign proxies. If the Proxy Committee determines that the cost associated with the attempt to vote outweighs the potential benefits clients may derive from voting, the Proxy Committee may decide not to attempt to vote. Sub-Advisory Relationships. For investment companies or other clients that CSIM has delegated day-to-day investment management responsibilities to an investment adviser, CSIM may 40 delegate its responsibility to vote proxies with respect to such investment companies' or other clients' securities. Each Sub-adviser to whom proxy voting responsibility has been delegated will be required to review all proxy solicitation material and to exercise the voting rights associated with the securities as it has been allocated in the best interest of each investment company and its shareholders, or other client. Prior to delegating the proxy voting responsibility, CSIM will review each sub-adviser's proxy voting policy to ensure that each Sub-adviser's proxy voting policy is generally consistent with the maximization of economic benefits to the investment company or other client. REPORTING AND RECORD RETENTION CSIM will maintain, or cause ISS to maintain, records which identify the manner in which proxies have been voted (or not voted) on behalf of CSIM clients. CSIM will comply with all applicable rules and regulations regarding disclosure of its or its clients proxy voting records and procedures. CSIM will retain all proxy voting materials and supporting documentation as required under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and the rules and regulations thereunder. PROXY COMMITTEE QUORUM At scheduled meetings of the Proxy Committee, attendance by four members (or their respective designates) constitutes a quorum. Two members of the Committee may make voting decisions under the limited circumstances described above. CONCISE SUMMARY OF ISS 2007 PROXY VOTING GUIDELINES Effective for Meetings on or after Feb. 1, 2007 Updated Dec. 15, 2006 1. AUDITORS AUDITOR RATIFICATION Vote FOR proposals to ratify auditors, unless any of the following apply: - An auditor has a financial interest in or association with the company, and is therefore not independent, - There is reason to believe that the independent auditor has rendered an opinion which is neither accurate nor indicative of the company's financial position; or - Fees for non-audit services ("Other" fees) are excessive. 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOTING ON DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN UNCONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on director nominees, examining, but not limited to, the following factors: - Composition of the board and key board committees; - Attendance at board and committee meetings; - Corporate governance provisions and takeover activity; - Disclosures under Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act; - Long-term company performance relative to a market and peer index; - Extent of the director's investment in the company; - Existence of related party transactions; - Whether the chairman is also serving as CEO; - Whether a retired CEO sits on the board; - Number of outside boards at which a director serves; - Majority vote standard for director elections without a provision to allow for plurality voting when there are more nominees than seats. WITHHOLD from individual directors who: 41 - Attend less than 75 percent of the board and committee meetings without a valid excuse (such as illness, service to the nation, work on behalf of the company); - Sit on more than six public company boards; - Are CEOs of public companies who sit on the boards of more than two public companies besides their own-- withhold only at their outside boards. WITHHOLD from the entire board of directors, (except from new nominees, who should be considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis) if: - The company's proxy indicates that not all directors attended 75% of the aggregate of their board and committee meetings, but fails to provide the required disclosure of the names of the directors involved. If this information cannot be obtained, withhold from all incumbent directors; - The company's poison pill has a dead-hand or modified dead-hand feature. Withhold every year until this feature is removed; - The board adopts or renews a poison pill without shareholder approval since the beginning of 2005, does not commit to putting it to shareholder vote within 12 months of adoption, or reneges on a commitment to put the pill to a vote, and has not yet received a withhold recommendation for this issue; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval by a majority of the shares outstanding the previous year; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval of the majority of shares cast for the previous two consecutive years; - The board failed to act on takeover offers where the majority of the shareholders tendered their shares; - At the previous board election, any director received more than 50 percent withhold votes of the shares cast and the company has failed to address the issue(s) that caused the high withhold rate; - The company is a Russell 3000 company that underperformed its industry group (GICS group) under the criteria discussed in the section "Performance Test for Directors". WITHHOLD from Inside Directors and Affiliated Outside Directors (per the Classification of Directors below) when: - The inside or affiliated outside director serves on any of the three key committees: audit, compensation, or nominating; - The company lacks an audit, compensation, or nominating committee so that the full board functions as that committee; - The company lacks a formal nominating committee, even if board attests that the independent directors fulfill the functions of such a committee; - The full board is less than majority independent. WITHHOLD from the members of the Audit Committee if: - The non - audit fees paid to the auditor are excessive (see discussion under Auditor Ratification); - A material weakness identified in the Section 404 Sarbanes-Oxley Act disclosures rises to a level of serious concern; there are chronic internal control issues and an absence of established effective control mechanisms; - There is persuasive evidence that the audit committee entered into an inappropriate indemnification agreement with its auditor that limits the ability of the company, or its shareholders, to pursue legitimate legal recourse against the audit firm. WITHHOLD from the members of the Compensation Committee if: - There is a negative correlation between the chief executive's pay and company performance (see discussion under Equity Compensation Plans); 42 - The company reprices underwater options for stock, cash or other consideration without prior shareholder approval, even if allowed in their equity plan; - The company fails to submit one-time transfers of stock options to a shareholder vote; - The company fails to fulfill the terms of a burn rate commitment they made to shareholders; - The company has backdated options (see "Options Backdating" policy); - The company has poor compensation practices (see "Poor Pay Practices" policy). Poor pay practices may warrant withholding votes from the CEO and potentially the entire board as well. WITHHOLD from directors, individually or the entire board, for egregious actions or failure to replace management as appropriate. CLASSIFICATION/DECLASSIFICATION OF THE BOARD Vote AGAINST proposals to classify the board. Vote FOR proposals to repeal classified boards, and to elect all directors annually. INDEPENDENT CHAIR (SEPARATE CHAIR/CEO) Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals requiring an independent director fill the position of chair, unless there are compelling reasons to recommend against the proposal, such as a counterbalancing governance structure. This should include all of the following: - Has a designated lead director, elected by and from the independent board members with clearly delineated and comprehensive duties. (The role may alternatively reside with a presiding director, vice chairman, or rotating lead director; however the director must serve a minimum of one year in order to qualify as a lead director.) At a minimum these should include: - Presiding at all meetings of the board at which the chairman is not present, including executive sessions of the independent directors, - Serving as liaison between the chairman and the independent directors, - Approving information sent to the board, - Approving meeting agendas for the board, - Approves meetings schedules to assure that there is sufficient time for discussion of all agenda items, - Having the authority to call meetings of the independent directors, - If requested by major shareholders, ensuring that he is available for consultation and direct communication; - Two-thirds independent board; - All-independent key committees; - Established governance guidelines; - The company does not under-perform its peers*. * Starting in 2007, the industry peer group used for this evaluation will change from the 4-digit GICS group to the average of the 12 companies in the same 6-digit GICS group that are closest in revenue to the company, and identified on the Executive compensation page of proxy analyses. To fail, the company must under-perform its index and industry group on all 4 measures (1 and 3 year performance, on industry peers, and index). 43 MAJORITY VOTE SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS Generally vote FOR precatory and binding resolutions requesting that the board change the company's bylaws to stipulate that directors need to be elected with an affirmative majority of votes cast, provided it does not conflict with the state law where the company is incorporated. Binding resolutions need to allow for a carve-out for a plurality vote standard when there are more nominees than board seats. Companies are strongly encouraged to also adopt a post-election policy (also know as a director resignation policy) that will provide guidelines so that the company will promptly address the situation of a holdover director. 3. PROXY CONTESTS VOTING FOR DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN CONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors in contested elections, considering the following factors: - Long-term financial performance of the target company relative to its industry; - Management's track record; - Background to the proxy contest; - Qualifications of director nominees (both slates); - Strategic plan of dissident slate and quality of critique against management; - Likelihood that the proposed goals and objectives can be achieved (both slates); - Stock ownership positions. REIMBURSING PROXY SOLICITATION EXPENSES Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When voting in conjunction with support of a dissident slate, vote FOR the reimbursement of all appropriate proxy solicitation expenses associated with the election. 4. TAKEOVER DEFENSES POISON PILLS Vote FOR shareholder proposals requesting that the company submit its poison pill to a shareholder vote or redeem it UNLESS the company has: (1) A shareholder approved poison pill in place; or (2) The company has adopted a policy concerning the adoption of a pill in the future specifying that the board will only adopt a shareholder rights plan if either: - Shareholders have approved the adoption of the plan; or - The board, in its exercise of its fiduciary responsibilities, determines that it is in the best interest of shareholders under the circumstances to adopt a pill without the delay in adoption that would result from seeking stockholder approval (i.e. the "fiduciary out" provision). A poison pill adopted under this fiduciary out will be put to a shareholder ratification vote within twelve months of adoption or expire. If the pill is not approved by a majority of the votes cast on this issue, the plan will immediately terminate. Vote FOR shareholder proposals calling for poison pills to be put to a vote within a time period of less than one year after adoption. If the company has no non-shareholder approved poison pill in place and has adopted a policy with the provisions outlined above, vote AGAINST the proposal. If these conditions are not met, vote FOR the proposal, but with the caveat that a vote within twelve months would be considered sufficient. Vote CASE-by-CASE on management proposals on poison pill ratification, focusing on the features of the shareholder rights plan. Rights plans should contain the following attributes: - No lower than a 20% trigger, flip-in or flip-over; - A term of no more than three years; 44 - No dead-hand, slow-hand, no-hand or similar feature that limits the ability of a future board to redeem the pill; - Shareholder redemption feature (qualifying offer clause); if the board refuses to redeem the pill 90 days after a qualifying offer is announced, ten percent of the shares may call a special meeting or seek a written consent to vote on rescinding the pill. SUPERMAJORITY VOTE REQUIREMENTS Vote AGAINST proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote. Vote FOR proposals to lower supermajority vote requirements. 5. MERGERS AND CORPORATE RESTRUCTURINGS For mergers and acquisitions, review and evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the proposed transaction, balancing various and sometimes countervailing factors including: - Valuation - Is the value to be received by the target shareholders (or paid by the acquirer) reasonable? While the fairness opinion may provide an initial starting point for assessing valuation reasonableness, emphasis is placed on the offer premium, market reaction and strategic rationale. - Market reaction - How has the market responded to the proposed deal? A negative market reaction should cause closer scrutiny of a deal. - Strategic rationale - Does the deal make sense strategically? From where is the value derived? Cost and revenue synergies should not be overly aggressive or optimistic, but reasonably achievable. Management should also have a favorable track record of successful integration of historical acquisitions. - Negotiations and process - Were the terms of the transaction negotiated at arm's-length? Was the process fair and equitable? A fair process helps to ensure the best price for shareholders. Significant negotiation "wins" can also signify the deal makers' competency. The comprehensiveness of the sales process (e.g., full auction, partial auction, no auction) can also affect shareholder value. - Conflicts of interest - Are insiders benefiting from the transaction disproportionately and inappropriately as compared to non-insider shareholders? As the result of potential conflicts, the directors and officers of the company may be more likely to vote to approve a merger than if they did not hold these interests. Consider whether these interests may have influenced these directors and officers to support or recommend the merger. The CIC figure presented in the "ISS Transaction Summary" section of this report is an aggregate figure that can in certain cases be a misleading indicator of the true value transfer from shareholders to insiders. Where such figure appears to be excessive, analyze the underlying assumptions to determine whether a potential conflict exists. - Governance - Will the combined company have a better or worse governance profile than the current governance profiles of the respective parties to the transaction? If the governance profile is to change for the worse, the burden is on the company to prove that other issues (such as valuation) outweigh any deterioration in governance. 6. STATE OF INCORPORATION REINCORPORATION PROPOSALS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to change a company's state of incorporation, taking into consideration both financial and corporate governance concerns, including the reasons for reincorporating, a comparison of the governance provisions, comparative economic benefits, and a comparison of the jurisdictional laws. Vote FOR re-incorporation when the economic factors outweigh any neutral or negative governance changes. 45 7. CAPITAL STRUCTURE COMMON STOCK AUTHORIZATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of shares of common stock authorized for issuance using a model developed by ISS. Vote FOR proposals to approve increases beyond the allowable increase when a company's shares are in danger of being de-listed or if a company's ability to continue to operate as a going concern is uncertain. In addition, for capital requests that are less than or equal to 300 percent of the current authorized shares and that marginally fail the calculated allowable cap (i.e., exceed the allowable cap by no more than 5 percent), vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. In this situation, vote FOR the increase based on the company's performance, and whether the company's ongoing use of shares has shown prudence. ISSUE STOCK FOR USE WITH RIGHTS PLAN Vote AGAINST proposals that increase authorized common stock for the explicit purpose of implementing a non-shareholder approved shareholder rights plan (poison pill). PREFERRED STOCK Vote AGAINST proposals authorizing the creation of new classes of preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution, and other rights ("blank check" preferred stock). Vote FOR proposals to create "de-clawed" blank check preferred stock (stock that cannot be used as a takeover defense). Vote FOR proposals to authorize preferred stock in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion, and other rights of such stock and the terms of the preferred stock appear reasonable. Vote AGAINST proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred stock authorized for issuance when no shares have been issued or reserved for a specific purpose. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred shares after analyzing the number of preferred shares available for issue given a company's industry and performance in terms of shareholder returns. 8. EXECUTIVE AND DIRECTOR COMPENSATION POOR PAY PRACTICES WITHHOLD from compensation committee members, CEO, and potentially the entire board, if the company has poor compensation practices, such as: - Egregious employment contracts (e.g., those containing multi-year guarantees for bonuses and grants); - Excessive perks that dominate compensation (e.g., tax gross-ups for personal use of corporate aircraft); - Huge bonus payouts without justifiable performance linkage or proper disclosure; - Performance metrics that are changed (e.g., canceled or replaced during the performance period without adequate explanation of the action and the link to performance); - Egregious pension/SERP (supplemental executive retirement plan) payouts (e.g., the inclusion of additional years of service not worked or inclusion of performance-based equity awards in the pension calculation); - New CEO awarded an overly generous new hire package (e.g., including excessive "make whole" provisions or any of the poor pay practices listed in this policy); - Excessive severance provisions (e.g., including excessive change in control payments); - Change in control payouts without loss of job or substantial diminution of job duties; - Internal pay disparity; - Options backdating (covered in a separate policy); and 46 EQUITY COMPENSATION PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on equity-based compensation plans. Vote AGAINST the equity plan if any of the following factors apply: - The total cost of the company's equity plans is unreasonable; - The plan expressly permits the repricing of stock options without prior shareholder approval; - There is a disconnect between CEO pay and the company's performance; - The company's three year burn rate exceeds the greater of 2% and the mean plus 1 standard deviation of its industry group; or - The plan is a vehicle for poor pay practices. DIRECTOR COMPENSATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on compensation plans for non-employee directors, based on the cost of the plans against the company's allowable cap. On occasion, director stock plans that set aside a relatively small number of shares when combined with employee or executive stock compensation plans exceed the allowable cap. Vote for the plan if ALL of the following qualitative factors in the board's compensation are met and disclosed in the proxy statement: - Director stock ownership guidelines with a minimum of three times the annual cash retainer. - Vesting schedule or mandatory holding/deferral period: - A minimum vesting of three years for stock options or restricted stock; or - Deferred stock payable at the end of a three-year deferral period. - Mix between cash and equity: - A balanced mix of cash and equity, for example 40% cash/60% equity or 50% cash/50% equity; or - If the mix is heavier on the equity component, the vesting schedule or deferral period should be more stringent, with the lesser of five years or the term of directorship. - No retirement/benefits and perquisites provided to non-employee directors; and - Detailed disclosure provided on cash and equity compensation delivered to each non-employee director for the most recent fiscal year in a table. The column headers for the table may include the following: name of each non-employee director, annual retainer, board meeting fees, committee retainer, committee-meeting fees, and equity grants. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on qualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR employee stock purchase plans where all of the following apply: - Purchase price is at least 85% of fair market value; - Offering period is 27 months or less; and - The number of shares allocated to the plan is ten percent or less of the outstanding shares. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--NON-QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-by-CASE on nonqualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR nonqualified employee stock purchase plans with all the following features: - Broad-based participation (i.e., all employees of the company with the exclusion of individuals with 5% or more of beneficial ownership of the company); - Limits on employee contribution, which may be a fixed dollar amount or expressed as a percent of base salary; - Company matching contribution up to 25% of employee's contribution, which is effectively a discount of 20% from market value; - No discount on the stock price on the date of purchase, since there is a company matching contribution. 47 OPTIONS BACKDATING In cases where a company has practiced options backdating, WITHHOLD on a CASE-BY-CASE basis from the members of the compensation committee, depending on the severity of the practices and the subsequent corrective actions on the part of the board. WITHHOLD from the compensation committee members who oversaw the questionable options grant practices or from current compensation committee members who fail to respond to the issue proactively, depending on several factors, including, but not limited to: - Reason and motive for the options backdating issue, such as inadvertent vs. deliberate grant date changes; - Length of time of options backdating; - Size of restatement due to options backdating; - Corrective actions taken by the board or compensation committee, such as canceling or repricing backdated options, or recouping option gains on backdated grants; - Adoption of a grant policy that prohibits backdating, and creation of a fixed grant schedule or window period for equity grants going forward. SEVERANCE AGREEMENTS FOR EXECUTIVES/GOLDEN PARACHUTES Vote FOR shareholder proposals to require golden parachutes or executive severance agreements to be submitted for shareholder ratification, unless the proposal requires shareholder approval prior to entering into employment contracts. Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to ratify or cancel golden parachutes. An acceptable parachute should include, but is not limited to, the following: - The triggering mechanism should be beyond the control of management; - The amount should not exceed three times base amount (defined as the average annual taxable W-2 compensation) during the five years prior to the year in which the change of control occurs; - Change-in-control payments should be double-triggered, i.e., (1) after a change in control has taken place, and (2) termination of the executive as a result of the change in control. Change in control is defined as a change in the company ownership structure. 9. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ANIMAL RIGHTS Generally vote AGAINST proposals to phase out the use of animals in product testing unless: - The company is conducting animal testing programs that are unnecessary or not required by regulation; - The company is conducting animal testing when suitable alternatives are accepted and used at peer firms; - The company has been the subject of recent, significant controversy related to its testing programs. DRUG PRICING AND RE-IMPORTATION Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies implement specific price restraints on pharmaceutical products, unless the company fails to adhere to legislative guidelines or industry norms in its product pricing. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals requesting that the company evaluate their product pricing considering: - The existing level of disclosure on pricing policies; - Deviation from established industry pricing norms; - The company's existing initiatives to provide its products to needy consumers; - Whether the proposal focuses on specific products or geographic regions. Generally vote FOR proposals requesting that companies report on the financial and legal impact of their policies regarding prescription drug re-importation unless such information is already publicly 48 disclosed. Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies adopt specific policies to encourage or constrain prescription drug re-importation. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products, or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. TOBACCO Most tobacco-related proposals (such as on second-hand smoke, advertising to youth, and spin-offs of tobacco-related business) should be evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. TOXIC CHEMICALS Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that a company discloses its policies related to toxic chemicals. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on resolutions requesting that companies evaluate and disclose the potential financial and legal risks associated with utilizing certain chemicals. Generally vote AGAINST resolutions requiring that a company reformulate its products within a certain timeframe, unless such actions are required by law in specific markets. ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Generally vote AGAINST request for reports outlining potential environmental damage from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) unless: - New legislation is adopted allowing development and drilling in the ANWR region; - The company intends to pursue operations in the ANWR; and - The company has not disclosed an environmental risk report for its ANWR operations. CONCENTRATED AREA FEEDING OPERATIONS (CAFOS) Vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies report to shareholders on the risks and liabilities associated with CAFOs, unless: - The company has publicly disclosed guidelines for its corporate and contract farming operations, including compliance monitoring; or - The company does not directly source from CAFOs. GLOBAL WARMING AND KYOTO PROTOCOL COMPLIANCE Generally vote FOR proposals requesting a report on greenhouse gas emissions from company operations and/or products unless this information is already publicly disclosed or such factors are not integral to the company's line of business. Generally vote AGAINST proposals that call for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by specified amounts or within a restrictive time frame unless the company lags industry standards and has been the subject of recent, significant fines or litigation resulting from greenhouse gas emissions. 49 Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies outline their preparations to comply with standards established by Kyoto Protocol signatory markets unless: - The company does not maintain operations in Kyoto signatory markets; - The company already evaluates and substantially discloses such information; or, - Greenhouse gas emissions do not significantly impact the company's core businesses. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to improve the disclosure of a company's political contributions considering: recent significant controversy or litigation related to the company's political contributions or governmental affairs; and the public availability of a policy on political contributions. Vote AGAINST proposals barring the company from making political contributions. LINK EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION TO SOCIAL PERFORMANCE Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to review ways of linking executive compensation to social factors, such as corporate downsizings, customer or employee satisfaction, community involvement, human rights, environmental performance, predatory lending, and executive/employee pay disparities. OUTSOURCING/OFF-SHORING Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals calling for companies to report on the risks associated with outsourcing, considering: the risks associated with certain international markets; the utility of such a report to shareholders; the existence of a publicly available code of corporate conduct that applies to international operations. COUNTRY-SPECIFIC HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on requests for reports detailing the company's operations in a particular country and on proposals to implement certain human rights standards at company facilities or those of its suppliers and to commit to outside, independent monitoring. 10. MUTUAL FUND PROXIES ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors and trustees, following the same guidelines for uncontested directors for public company shareholder meetings. However, mutual fund boards do not usually have compensation committees, so do not withhold for the lack of this committee. CONVERTING CLOSED-END FUND TO OPEN-END FUND Vote CASE-BY-CASE on conversion proposals, considering the following factors: - Past performance as a closed-end fund; - Market in which the fund invests; - Measures taken by the board to address the discount; and - Past shareholder activism, board activity, and votes on related proposals. ESTABLISH DIRECTOR OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENT Generally vote AGAINST shareholder proposals that mandate a specific minimum amount of stock that directors must own in order to qualify as a director or to remain on the board. REIMBURSE SHAREHOLDER FOR EXPENSES INCURRED Vote CASE-BY-CASE on shareholder proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When supporting the dissidents, vote FOR the reimbursement of the proxy solicitation expenses. FUNDS' PROXY VOTING RECORD. The Trust is required to disclose annually the funds' complete proxy voting records on Form N-PX. A fund's proxy voting record for the most recent 12 month period 50 ended June 30th will be available by visiting the Schwab website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. A fund's Form N-PX will also be available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES As of April 4, 2006, the officers and trustees of the Trust, as a group, owned of record or beneficially, less than 1% of the outstanding voting securities of any class of each fund. As of April 4, 2006, no persons or entities owned, of record or beneficially, more than 5% of the outstanding voting securities of any class of each fund: INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES INVESTMENT ADVISER Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. (CSIM or the investment adviser), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation, 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, serves as the funds' investment adviser and administrator pursuant to an Investment Advisory and Administration Agreement (Advisory Agreement) between it and the Trust. Schwab is an affiliate of the investment adviser and is the Trust's distributor, shareholder services agent and transfer agent. Charles R. Schwab is the founder, Chairman and Director of The Charles Schwab Corporation. As a result of his ownership of and interests in The Charles Schwab Corporation, Mr. Schwab may be deemed to be a controlling person of the investment adviser and Schwab. ADVISORY AGREEMENT The continuation of a fund's Advisory Agreement must be specifically approved at least annually (1) by the vote of the trustees or by a vote of the shareholders of the fund, and (2) by the vote of a majority of the trustees who are not parties to the investment advisory agreement or "interested persons" of any party (the "Independent Trustees"), cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. Each year, the Board of Trustees calls and holds a meeting to decide whether to renew the Advisory Agreement between the Trust and CSIM with respect to existing funds in the Trust. In preparation for the meeting, the Board requests and reviews a wide variety of materials provided by the funds' investment adviser, as well as extensive data provided by third parties, and the Independent Trustees receive advice from counsel to the Independent Trustees. For its advisory and administrative services to each fund, the investment adviser is entitled to receive a graduated annual fee payable monthly based on each fund's average daily net assets as described below. First $1 billion -- 0.38% More than $1 billion but not exceeding $10 billion -- 0.35% More than $10 billion but not exceeding $20 billion -- 0.32% More than $20 billion but not exceeding $40 billion -- 0.30% More than $40 billion -- 0.27% For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $26,881,000 (fees were reduced by $16,579,000), $28,121,000 51 (fees were reduced by $17,253,000) and $27,004,000 (fees were reduced by 17,852,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $15,680,000 (fees were reduced by $10,033,000), $15,548,000 (fees were reduced by $9,766,000) and $15,377,000 (fees were reduced by $9,788,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $3,804,000 (fees were reduced by $2,561,000), $3,817,000 (fees were reduced by $2,543,000) and $3,832,000 (fees were reduced by $2,761,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab New Jersey Municipal Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $805,000 (fees were reduced by $987,000), $825,000 (fees were reduced by $995,000) and $763,000 (fees were reduced by $983,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab Pennsylvania Municipal Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $514,000 (fees were reduced by $711,000), $577,000 (fees were reduced by $743,000) and $543,000 (fees were reduced by $839,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab Florida Municipal Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $1,798,000 (fees were reduced by $2,332,000), $2,251,000 (fees were reduced by $2,204,000) and $2,164,000 (fees were reduced by $2,362,000), respectively. For the period between May 16, 2003 and December 31, 2003, Schwab Massachusetts Municipal Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $114,000 (fees were reduced by $732,000). For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2005, the fund paid net investment advisory fees of $438,000 (fees were reduced by $976,000) and $504,000 (fees were reduced by $843,000), respectively. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit each of the Sweep Shares of the Schwab Municipal Money Fund's TM, the Schwab California Municipal Money Fund's TM, "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.64%, respectively, through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit each of the Sweep Shares of the Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund's TM, the Schwab New Jersey Municipal Money Fund's TM, the Schwab Pennsylvania Municipal Money Fund's TM, the Schwab Florida Municipal Money Fund's TM and the Schwab Massachusetts Municipal Money Fund's TM "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.65%, respectively, through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit each of the Value Advantage Shares of the Schwab Municipal Money Fund's TM, Schwab California Municipal Money Fund's TM and Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund's TM "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.45%, respectively, through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the Schwab Municipal Money Fund's Institutional Shares' and Select Shares'(R) "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.24% and 0.35%, respectively, through April 29, 2007. 52 The expense cap is determined in coordination with the Board of Trustees, and the expense cap is intended to limit the effects on shareholders of expenses incurred in the ordinary operation of a fund. The expense cap is not intended to cover all fund expenses, and a fund's expenses may exceed the expense cap. For example, the expense cap does not cover investment-related expenses, such as brokerage commissions, interest and taxes, nor does it cover extraordinary or non-routine expenses, if any, such as shareholder meeting costs. DISTRIBUTOR Pursuant to an agreement, Schwab is the principal underwriter for shares of the funds and is the Trust's agent for the purpose of the continuous offering of the funds' shares. Each fund pays the cost of the prospectuses and shareholder reports to be prepared and delivered to existing shareholders. Schwab pays such costs when the described materials are used in connection with the offering of shares to prospective investors and for supplemental sales literature and advertising. Schwab receives no fee under the agreement. SHAREHOLDER SERVICES AND TRANSFER AGENT Schwab provides fund information to shareholders, including share price, reporting shareholder ownership and account activities and distributing the funds' prospectuses, financial reports and other informational literature about the funds. Schwab maintains the office space, equipment and personnel necessary to provide these services. Schwab also distributes and markets Schwab Funds(R) and provides other services. At its own expense, Schwab may engage third party entities, as appropriate, to perform some or all of these services. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with each fund, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each fund's Sweep Shares, payable monthly in the amount of 0.25% of the Sweep Shares' average daily net assets. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM, Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM and Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each fund's Value Advantage Shares and Schwab Municipal Money Fund's Institutional Shares and Select Shares(R), payable monthly in the amount of 0.05% of each share class' average daily net assets. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with each fund, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each fund's Sweep Shares, payable monthly in the amount of 0.20% of the Sweep Shares' average daily net assets. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM, Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM and Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each fund's Value Advantage Shares and Schwab Municipal Money Fund's Institutional Shares and Select Shares(R), payable monthly in the amount of 0.17% of each share class' average daily net assets. 53 CUSTODIAN AND FUND ACCOUNTANT State Street Bank and Trust Company, One Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111, serves as custodian and fund accountant for the funds. The custodian is responsible for the daily safekeeping of securities and cash held or sold by the funds. The fund accountant maintains the books and records related to each fund's transactions. INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM The funds' independent registered public accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, audits and reports on the annual financial statements of each series of the Trust and reviews certain regulatory reports and each fund's federal income tax return. They also perform other professional accounting, auditing, tax and advisory services when the Trust engages them to do so. Their address is Three Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111-4004. Each fund's audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005, are included in the fund's annual report that is supplied with the SAI. LEGAL COUNSEL Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP serves as counsel to the Trust. OTHER EXPENSES The funds pay other expenses that typically are connected with the Trust's operations, and include legal, audit and custodian fees, as well as the costs of accounting and registration of the funds. Expenses not directly attributable to a particular fund will generally be allocated among the funds in the Trust on the basis of each fund's relative net assets at the time the expense is incurred. BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES PORTFOLIO TURNOVER Because securities with maturities of less than one year are excluded from required portfolio turnover rate calculations, the funds' portfolio turnover rate for reporting purposes is expected to be near zero. PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS DISCLOSURE The funds' Board of Trustees has approved policies and procedures that govern the timing and circumstances regarding the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings information to shareholders and third parties. These policies and procedures are designed to ensure that disclosure of information regarding the funds' portfolio securities is in the best interests of fund shareholders, and include procedures to address conflicts between the interests of the funds' shareholders, on the one hand, and those of the funds' investment adviser, principal underwriter or any affiliated person of the funds, its investment adviser, or its principal underwriter, on the other. Pursuant to such procedures, the Board has authorized the president of the funds to authorize the release of the funds' portfolio holdings, as necessary, in conformity with the foregoing principles. The Board exercises on-going oversight of the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings by overseeing the implementation and enforcement of the fund's policies and procedures by the Chief Compliance Officer and by considering reports and recommendations by the Chief Compliance Officer concerning any material compliance matters. The Board will receive periodic updates, at least 54 annually, regarding entities which were authorized to be provided "early disclosure" (as defined below) of the fund's portfolio holdings information. A complete list of each fund's portfolio holdings is published on the Schwab Funds website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds, under "Prospectuses and Reports", typically 60-80 days after the end of each fund's fiscal quarter. The portfolio holdings information available on the Schwab Funds' website is the same that is filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q or Form N-CSR. In addition, each fund's top ten holdings list is posted on the Schwab Funds website monthly, typically with a 10-day lag. In addition to the top ten holdings information, the funds also provide on the website monthly information regarding certain attributes of a fund's portfolio, such as a fund's sector weightings, portfolio composition, credit quality and duration and maturity, as applicable. The information on the website is publicly available to all categories of persons. Each fund may disclose portfolio holdings information to certain persons and entities prior to and more frequently than the public disclosure of such information ("early disclosure"). The president may authorize early disclosure of portfolio holdings information to such parties at differing times and/or with different lag times provided that (a) the president of the funds determines that the disclosure is in the best interests of the funds and that there are no conflicts of interest between the fund's shareholders and fund's adviser and distributor; and (b) the recipient is, either by contractual agreement or otherwise by law, required to maintain the confidentiality of the information. In addition, the funds' service providers including, without limitation, the investment adviser, distributor, the custodian, fund accountant, transfer agent, auditor, proxy voting service provider, pricing information venders, publisher, printer and mailing agent may receive early disclosure of portfolio holdings information as frequently as daily in connection with the services they perform for the funds. Service providers will be subject to a duty of confidentiality with respect to any portfolio holdings information whether imposed by the provisions of the service provider's contract with the trust or by the nature of its relationship with the trust. The funds' policies and procedures prohibit the funds, the funds' investment adviser or any related party from receiving any compensation or other consideration in connection with the disclosure of portfolio holdings information. The funds may disclose non-material information including commentary and aggregate information about the characteristics of a fund in connection with or relating to a fund or its portfolio securities to any person if such disclosure is for a legitimate business purpose, such disclosure does not effectively result in the disclosure of the complete portfolio securities of any fund (which can only be disclosed in accordance with the above requirements), and such information does not constitute material non-public information. Such disclosure does not fall within the portfolio securities disclosure requirements outlined above. Whether the information constitutes material non-public information will be made on a good faith determination, which involves an assessment of the particular facts and circumstances. In most cases commentary or analysis would be immaterial and would not convey any advantage to a recipient in making a decision concerning a fund. Commentary and analysis includes, but is not limited to, the allocation of a fund's portfolio securities and other investments among various asset classes, sectors, industries, and countries, the characteristics of the stock components and other investments of a fund, the attribution of fund returns by asset class, sector, industry and country, and the volatility characteristics of a fund. 55 PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS Each of the funds paid no brokerage commissions during the last three fiscal years. The investment adviser makes decisions with respect to the purchase and sale of portfolio securities on behalf of a fund. The investment adviser is responsible for implementing these decisions, including the negotiation of commissions and the allocation of principal business and portfolio brokerage. Purchases and sales of securities on a stock exchange or certain riskless principal transactions placed on NASDAQ are typically effected through brokers who charge a commission for their services. Purchases and sales of fixed income securities may be transacted with the issuer, the issuer's underwriter, or a dealer. A fund does not usually pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of fixed income securities, although the price of the securities generally includes compensation, in the form of a spread or a mark-up or mark-down, which is not disclosed separately. The prices a fund pays to underwriters of newly-issued securities usually include a commission paid by the issuer to the underwriter. Transactions placed through dealers who are serving as primary market makers reflect the spread between the bid and asked prices. The money market securities in which the funds invest are traded primarily in the over-the-counter market and or purchased directly from the issuer or an underwriter or market maker. Purchases from underwriters will include a commission or concession paid by the issuer to the underwriter, and purchases from dealers serving as market makers will include the spread between the bid and asked price. It is expected that the cost of executing portfolio securities transactions of the funds will primarily consist of dealer spreads and underwriting commissions. The investment adviser seeks to obtain the best overall execution in executing portfolio transactions. The investment adviser may take a number of factors into account in selecting brokers or dealers to execute these transactions. Such factors may include, without limitation, the following: execution price; brokerage commission or dealer spread; size or type of the transaction; nature or character of the markets; clearance or settlement capability; reputation; financial strength and stability of the broker or dealer; efficiency of execution and error resolution; block trading capabilities; willingness to execute related or unrelated difficult transactions in the future; order of call; or provision of additional brokerage or research services or products. The investment adviser may cause a fund to pay a higher commission than otherwise obtainable from other brokers or dealers in return for brokerage or research services or products if the investment adviser believes that such commission is reasonable in relation to the services provided. In addition to agency transactions, the investment adviser may receive brokerage and research services or products in connection with certain riskless transactions, in accordance with applicable SEC guidelines. In both instances, these services or products may include: economic, industry, or company research reports or investment recommendations; subscriptions to financial publications or research data compilations; compilations of securities prices, earnings, dividends, and similar data; computerized databases; quotation equipment and services; research or analytical computer software and services; products or services that assist in effecting transactions, including services of third-party computer systems developers directly related to research and brokerage activities; and effecting securities transactions and performing functions incidental thereto (such as clearance and settlement). The investment adviser may use research services furnished by brokers or dealers in servicing all client accounts and not all services may necessarily be used in connection with the account that paid commissions or spreads to the broker or dealer providing such services. The investment adviser may receive a service from a broker or dealer that has both a "research" and a "non-research" use. When this occurs, the investment adviser will make a good faith allocation, under all the circumstances, between the research and non-research uses of the service. The 56 percentage of the service that is used for research purposes may be paid for with client commissions, while the investment adviser will use its own funds to pay for the percentage of the service that is used for non-research purposes. In making this good faith allocation, the investment adviser faces a potential conflict of interest, but the investment adviser believes that the costs of such services may be appropriately allocated to their anticipated research and non-research uses. A fund may purchase new issues of securities for clients in a fixed price offering. In these situations, the seller may be a member of the selling group that will, in addition to selling securities, provide the investment adviser with research services. The NASD has adopted rules expressly permitting these types of arrangements under certain circumstances. The investment adviser may place orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems. Placing orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems may enable a fund to trade directly with other institutional holders. At times, this may allow a fund to trade larger blocks than would be possible trading through a single market maker. The investment adviser may aggregate securities sales or purchases among two or more clients. The investment adviser will not aggregate transactions unless it believes such aggregation is consistent with its duty to seek best execution for each affected client and is consistent with the terms of the investment advisory agreement for such client. In any single transaction in which purchases and/or sales of securities of any issuer for the account of a fund are aggregated with other accounts managed by the investment adviser, the actual prices applicable to the transaction will be averaged among the accounts for which the transaction is effected, including the account of the fund. In determining when and to what extent to use Schwab or any other affiliated broker-dealer as its broker for executing orders for the funds on securities exchanges, the investment adviser follows procedures, adopted by the Board of Trustees, that are designed to ensure that affiliated brokerage commissions (if relevant) are reasonable and fair in comparison to unaffiliated brokerage commissions for comparable transactions. The Board reviews the procedures annually and approves and reviews transactions involving affiliated brokers quarterly. REGULAR BROKER-DEALERS Each fund's regular broker-dealers during its most recent fiscal year are: (1) the ten broker-dealers that received the greatest dollar amount of brokerage commissions from the fund; (2) the ten broker-dealers that engaged as principal in the largest dollar amount of portfolio transactions; and (3) the ten broker-dealers that sold the largest dollar amount of the fund's shares. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, no fund purchased securities issued by its regular broker-dealers. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST Each fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, an open-end investment management company organized as a Massachusetts business trust on October 20, 1989. The funds may hold special meetings of shareholders, which may cause the funds to incur non-routine expenses. These meetings may be called for purposes such as electing trustees, changing fundamental policies and amending management contracts. Shareholders are entitled to one vote for each share owned and may vote by proxy or in person. Proxy materials will be mailed to shareholders prior to any meetings, and will include a voting card and information explaining the matters to be voted upon. 57 The bylaws of the Trust provide that a majority of shares entitled to vote shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at a shareholders' meeting, except that where any provision of law, or of the Declaration of Trust or of the bylaws permits or requires that (1) holders of any series shall vote as a series, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that series entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that series, or (2) holders of any class shall vote as a class, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that class entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that class. Any lesser number shall be sufficient for adjournments. Any adjourned session or sessions may be held, within a reasonable time after the date set for the original meeting, without the necessity of further notice. The Declaration of Trust specifically authorizes the Board of Trustees to terminate the Trust (or any of its investment portfolios) by notice to the shareholders without shareholder approval. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of a Massachusetts business trust could, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for the Trust's obligations. The Declaration of Trust, however, disclaims shareholder liability for the Trust's acts or obligations and requires that notice of such disclaimer be given in each agreement, obligation or instrument entered into or executed by the Trust or the trustees. In addition, the Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of the property of an investment portfolio in which a shareholder owns or owned shares for all losses and expenses of such shareholder or former shareholder if he or she is held personally liable for the obligations of the Trust solely by reason of being or having been a shareholder. Moreover, the Trust will be covered by insurance which the trustees consider adequate to cover foreseeable tort claims. Thus, the risk of a shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is considered remote, because it is limited to circumstances in which a disclaimer is inoperative and the Trust itself is unable to meet its obligations. There is a remote possibility that a fund could become liable for a misstatement in the prospectus or SAI about another fund. As more fully described in the Declaration of Trust, the trustees may each year, or more frequently, distribute to the shareholders of each series accrued income less accrued expenses and any net realized capital gains less accrued expenses. Distributions of each year's income of each series shall be distributed pro rata to shareholders in proportion to the number of shares of each series held by each of them. Distributions will be paid in cash or shares or a combination thereof as determined by the trustees. Distributions paid in shares will be paid at the net asset value per share as determined in accordance with the bylaws. PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS PURCHASING AND REDEEMING SHARES OF THE FUNDS The funds are open each day that both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (the Fed) are open. The NYSE's trading session is normally conducted from 9:30 a.m. Eastern time until 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, although some days, such as in advance of and following holidays, the NYSE's trading sessions closes early. The funds reserve the right to open for business on days the NYSE is closed but the Fed is open. The following holiday closings are currently scheduled for 2006: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (observed), Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day (observed), Veterans' Day (observed), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. On any day that the Fed, NYSE or principal government securities markets close early, the funds reserve the right to advance the time by which purchase, redemption and exchange orders must be received by the funds' transfer agent. 58 As long as the funds or Schwab follow reasonable procedures to confirm that your telephone or Internet order is genuine, they will not be liable for any losses an investor may experience due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions. These procedures may include requiring a form of personal identification or confirmation before acting upon any telephone or Internet order, providing written confirmation of telephone or Internet orders and tape recording all telephone orders. Share certificates will not be issued in order to avoid additional administrative costs, however, share ownership records are maintained by Schwab. The Declaration of Trust provides that shares may be automatically redeemed if held by a shareholder in an amount less than the minimum required by each fund or share class. Each fund's minimum initial and additional investments and minimum balance requirements, if any, are set forth in the prospectus. These minimums may be waived for certain institutional and retirement plan accounts, including clients of Schwab Institutional and Schwab Corporate Services retirement plans. These minimums may also be waived for certain other investors, including trustees, officers and employees of Schwab, and for certain investment programs, including programs for retirement savings, education savings, or charitable giving. Schwab may receive other compensation for providing services to these clients, investors and programs. The minimums may be changed without prior notice. Each fund has made an election with the SEC to pay in cash all redemptions requested by any shareholder of record limited in amount during any 90-day period to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of its net assets at the beginning of such period. This election is irrevocable without the SEC's prior approval. Redemption requests in excess of these limits may be paid, in whole or in part, in investment securities or in cash, as the Board of Trustees may deem advisable. Payment will be made wholly in cash unless the Board of Trustees believes that economic or market conditions exist that would make such payment a detriment to the best interests of a fund. If redemption proceeds are paid in investment securities, such securities will be valued as set forth in "Pricing of Shares". A redeeming shareholder would normally incur transaction costs if he or she were to convert the securities to cash. Each of Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM and Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM is composed of two classes of shares. Schwab Municipal Money Fund TM is composed of four share classes. Each fund's share classes share a common investment portfolio and objective but have different minimum investment requirements and different expenses. The Sweep Shares are designed to provide convenience through automatic investment of uninvested cash balances and automatic redemptions for transactions in your Schwab account, although shares also may be purchased directly. The Value Advantage, Select and Institutional Shares do not have a sweep feature, but rather must be purchased directly. EXCHANGING SHARES OF THE FUNDS Shares of any Schwab Funds, including any class of shares, may be sold and the shares of any other Schwab Fund or class purchased, provided the minimum investment and any other requirement of the fund or class purchased are satisfied. Without limiting this privilege, "an exchange order," which is a simultaneous order to sell shares of one fund or class and automatically invest the proceeds in another fund or class, may not be executed between shares of Sweep Investments(R) and shares of non-Sweep Investments. Shares of Sweep Investments may be bought and sold automatically pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Schwab account agreement or by direct order as long as you meet the minimums for direct investments. 59 The funds and Schwab reserve certain rights with regard to exchanging shares of the funds. These rights include the right to: (i) refuse any purchase or exchange order that may negatively impact the fund's operations; (ii) refuse orders that appear to be associated with short-term trading activities; and (iii) modify or terminate the exchange privilege upon 60 days' written notice to shareholders. PRICING OF SHARES Each fund values its portfolio instruments at amortized cost, which means they are valued at their acquisition cost, as adjusted for amortization of premium or discount, rather than at current market value. Calculations are made to compare the value of a fund's investments at amortized cost with market values. Such values are required to be determined in one of two ways: securities for which market quotations are readily available are required to be valued at current market value; and securities for which market quotations are not readily available are required to be valued at fair value using procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. The funds use approved pricing services to provide values for their portfolio securities. Securities may be fair valued pursuant to procedures approved by the funds' Board of Trustees when approved pricing services do not provide a value for a security, a furnished price appears manifestly incorrect or events occur prior to the close of the NYSE that materially affect the furnished price. The Board of Trustees regularly reviews fair value determinations made by the funds pursuant to the procedures. The amortized cost method of valuation seeks to maintain a stable net asset value per share (NAV) of $1.00, even where there are fluctuations in interest rates that affect the value of portfolio instruments. Accordingly, this method of valuation can in certain circumstances lead to a dilution of a shareholder's interest. If a deviation of 1/2 of 1% or more were to occur between the NAV calculated using market values and a fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost or if there were any other deviation that the Board of Trustees believed would result in a material dilution to shareholders or purchasers, the Board of Trustees would promptly consider what action, if any, should be initiated. If a fund's NAV calculated using market values declined, or was expected to decline, below a fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost, the Board of Trustees might temporarily reduce or suspend dividend payments in an effort to maintain a fund's $1.00 NAV. As a result of such reduction or suspension of dividends or other action by the Board of Trustees, an investor would receive less income during a given period than if such a reduction or suspension had not taken place. Such action could result in investors receiving no dividend for the period during which they hold their shares and receiving, upon redemption, a price per share lower than that which they paid. On the other hand, if a fund's NAV (calculated using market values) were to increase, or were anticipated to increase above a fund's $1.00 NAV (calculated using amortized cost), the Board of Trustees might supplement dividends in an effort to maintain a fund's $1.00 NAV. DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS Typically once a year, an updated prospectus will be mailed to shareholders describing each fund's investment strategies, risks and shareholder policies. Twice a year, financial reports will be mailed to shareholders describing each fund's performance and investment holdings. In order to eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents, each household may receive one copy of these documents, under certain conditions. This practice is commonly called "householding." If you want to receive multiple copies, you may write or call your fund at the address or telephone number on the front of this SAI. Your instructions will be effective within 30 days of receipt by Schwab. 60 TAXATION FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION FOR THE FUNDS This discussion of federal income tax consequences is based on the Code and the regulations issued thereunder as in effect on the date of this Statement of Additional Information. New legislation, as well as administrative changes or court decisions, may significantly change the conclusions expressed herein, and may have a retroactive effect with respect to the transactions contemplated herein. It is each fund's policy to qualify for taxation as a "regulated investment company" (RIC) by meeting the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code). By qualifying as a RIC, each fund expects to eliminate or reduce to a nominal amount the federal income tax to which it is subject. If a fund does not qualify as a RIC under the Code, it will be subject to federal income tax on its net investment income and any net realized capital gains. The Code imposes a non-deductible excise tax on RICs that do not distribute in a calendar year (regardless of whether they otherwise have a non-calendar taxable year) an amount equal to 98% of their "ordinary income" (as defined in the Code) for the calendar year plus 98% of their net capital gain for the one-year period ending on October 31 of such calendar year, plus any undistributed amounts from prior years. The non-deductible excise tax is equal to 4% of the deficiency. For the foregoing purposes, a fund is treated as having distributed any amount on which it is subject to income tax for any taxable year ending in such calendar year. FEDERAL INCOME TAX INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS The discussion of federal income taxation presented below supplements the discussion in the funds' prospectuses and only summarizes some of the important federal tax considerations generally affecting shareholders of the funds. Accordingly, prospective investors (particularly those not residing or domiciled in the United States) should consult their own tax advisors regarding the consequences of investing in a fund. On each business day that the NAV of a fund is determined, such fund's net investment income will be declared as of the close of the fund (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) as a daily dividend to shareholders of record. Your daily dividend is calculated each business day by applying the daily dividend rate by the number of shares owned, and is rounded to the nearest penny. The daily dividend is accrued each business day, and the sum of the daily dividends is paid monthly. For each fund, dividends will normally be reinvested monthly in shares of the fund at the NAV on the 15th day of each month, if a business day, otherwise on the next business day, except in December when dividends are reinvested on the last business day of December. If cash payment is requested, checks will normally be mailed on the business day following the reinvestment date. Each fund will pay shareholders, who redeem all of their shares, all dividends accrued to the time of the redemption within 7 days. Each fund calculates its dividends based on its daily net investment income. For this purpose, the net investment income of a fund generally consists of: (1) accrued interest income, plus or minus amortized discount or premium, minus (2) accrued expenses allocated to that fund. If a fund realizes any capital gains, they will be distributed at least once during the year as determined by the Board of Trustees. Any dividends declared by a fund in October, November or December and paid the following January are treated, for tax purposes, as if they were received by shareholders on December 31 of the year in which they were declared. A fund may adjust its schedule for the reinvestment of distributions for the 61 month of December to assist in complying with the reporting and minimum distribution requirements of the Code. The funds do not expect to realize any long-term capital gains. However, long-term capital gains distributions are taxable as long-term capital gains, regardless of how long you have held your shares. If you receive a long-term capital gains distribution with respect to fund shares held for six months or less, any loss on the sale or exchange of those shares shall, to the extent of the long-term capital gains distribution, be treated as a long-term capital loss. Distributions by a fund also may be subject to state, local and foreign taxes, and its treatment under applicable tax laws may differ from the federal income tax treatment. Each fund may engage in investment techniques that may alter the timing and character of its income. Each fund may be restricted in its use of these techniques by rules relating to its qualification as a regulated investment company. Each fund will be required in certain cases to withhold at the applicable withholding rate and remit to the U.S. Treasury, the withheld amount of taxable dividends paid to any shareholder who (1) fails to provide a correct taxpayer identification number certified under penalty of perjury; (2) is subject to withholding by the Internal Revenue Service for failure to properly report all payments of interest or dividends; (3) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is not subject to "backup withholding;" or (4) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). Backup withholding is not an additional tax and any amounts withheld may be credited against the shareholder's ultimate U.S. tax liability. Foreign shareholders (i.e., nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations, partnerships, trusts and estates) are generally subject to U.S. withholding tax at the rate of 30% (or a lower tax treaty rate) on distributions derived from net investment income and short-term capital gains; provided, however, that dividends with respect to a fund's taxable year beginning after December 31, 2004 and not beginning after December 31, 2007 are not subject to U.S. withholding tax, if, subject to certain exceptions, such dividends qualify as interest related dividends or as short-term capital gain dividends. Distributions to foreign shareholders of such short-term capital gain dividends of long-term capital gains and any gains from the sale or other disposition of shares of the funds generally are not subject to U.S. taxation, unless the recipient is an individual who either (1) meets the Code's definition of "resident alien" or (2) who is physically present in the U.S. for 183 days or more per year as determined under certain IRS rules. Different tax consequences may result if the foreign shareholder is engaged in a trade or business within the United States. In addition, the tax consequences to a foreign shareholder entitled to claim the benefits of a tax treaty may be different than those described above. If, at the close of each quarter of its taxable year, at least 50% of the value of a fund's assets consist of obligations the interest on which is excludable from gross income, the fund may pay "exempt-interest dividends" to its shareholders. Those dividends constitute the portion of the aggregate dividends as designated by the fund, equal to the excess of the excludable interest over certain amounts disallowed as deductions. Exempt-interest dividends are excludable from a shareholder's gross income for federal income tax purposes. Tax-exempt income, including exempt interest dividends paid by a fund, are taken into account in determining whether a portion of a shareholder's social security or railroad retirement benefits will be subject to federal income. 62 Exempt-interest dividends may nevertheless be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT) imposed by Section 55 of the Code. The AMT is imposed at rates of 26% and 28%, in the case of non-corporate taxpayers, and at the rate of 20%, in the case of corporate taxpayers, to the extent it exceeds the taxpayer's federal income tax liability. The AMT may be imposed in the following two circumstances. First, exempt-interest dividends derived from certain private activity bonds issued after August 7, 1986, will generally be an item of tax preference (and, therefore, potentially subject to AMT) for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers. Second, in the case of exempt-interest dividends received by corporate shareholders, all exempt-interest dividends, regardless of when the bonds from which they are derived were issued or whether they are derived from private activity bonds, will be included in the corporation's "adjusted current earnings," as defined in Section 56(g) of the Code, in calculating the corporations' alternative minimum taxable income for purposes of determining the AMT. Current federal law limits the types and volume of bonds qualifying for the federal income tax exemption of interest that may have an effect on the ability of a fund to purchase sufficient amounts of tax-exempt securities to satisfy the Code's requirements for the payment of "exempt-interest dividends." Interest on indebtedness incurred or continued by a shareholder in order to purchase or carry shares of the funds is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Furthermore, these funds may not be an appropriate investment for persons (including corporations and other business entities) who are "substantial users" (or persons related to "substantial users") of facilities financed by industrial development private activity bonds. Such persons should consult their tax advisors before purchasing shares. A "substantial user" is defined generally to include "certain persons" who regularly use in their trade or business a part of a facility financed from the proceeds of such bonds. Because the taxable portion of a fund's investment income consists primarily of interest, none of its dividends, whether or not treated as exempt-interest dividends, are expected to qualify under the Code for the dividends received deduction for corporations or as qualified dividend income eligible for reduced tax rates. The redemption or exchange of the shares of a fund may result in capital gain or loss to the shareholders. Generally, if a shareholder holds the shares as a capital asset, any gain or loss will be long-term gain or loss if the shares have been held for more than one year. Capital gains of corporate shareholders are subject to regular corporate tax rates. For non-corporate taxpayers, gain on the sale of shares held for more than 12 months will generally be taxed at the rate applicable to long-term capital gains, while gain on the sale of shares held for one year or less will generally be taxed at ordinary income rates. STATE TAX CONSIDERATIONS The following tax discussion summarizes general state tax laws which are currently in effect and are subject to change by legislative or administrative action; any such changes may be retroactive with respect to the applicable fund's transactions. Investors should consult a tax advisor for more detailed information about state taxes to which they may be subject. CALIFORNIA TAX CONSIDERATIONS The Schwab California Municipal Money Fund TM intends to qualify to pay dividends to shareholders that are exempt from California personal income tax ("California exempt-interest dividends"). The fund will qualify to pay California exempt-interest dividends if (1) at the close of each quarter of the 63 fund's taxable year, at least 50% of the value of the fund's total assets consists of obligations the interest on which would be exempt from California personal income tax if the obligations were held by an individual ("California Tax Exempt Obligations") and (2) the fund continues to qualify as a regulated investment company. If the fund qualifies to pay California exempt-interest dividends to shareholders, dividends distributed to shareholders will be considered California exempt-interest dividends (1) if they are designated as exempt-interest dividends by the fund in a written notice to shareholders mailed within 60 days of the close of the fund's taxable year and (2) to the extent the interest received by the fund during the year on California Tax Exempt Obligations exceeds expenses of the fund that would be disallowed under California personal income tax law as allocable to tax exempt interest if the fund were an individual. If the aggregate dividends so designated exceed the amount that may be treated as California exempt-interest dividends, only that percentage of each dividend distribution equal to the ratio of aggregate California exempt-interest dividends to aggregate dividends so designated will be treated as a California exempt-interest dividend. The fund will notify its shareholders of the amount of exempt-interest dividends each year. Corporations subject to California franchise tax that invest in the fund may not be entitled to exclude California exempt-interest dividends from income. Dividend distributions that do not qualify for treatment as California exempt-interest dividends (including those dividend distributions to shareholders taxable as long-term capital gains for federal income tax purposes) will be taxable to shareholders at ordinary income tax rates for California personal income tax purposes to the extent of the fund's earnings and profits. Interest on indebtedness incurred or continued by a shareholder in connection with the purchase of shares of the fund will not be deductible for California personal income tax purposes if the fund distributes California exempt-interest dividends. NEW YORK TAX CONSIDERATIONS Dividends paid by the Schwab New York Municipal Money Fund TM that are derived from interest on municipal securities issued by New York State and its political subdivisions or any agency or instrumentality thereof which interest would be exempt under federal law from New York State tax if held by an individual, will be exempt from New York State and New York City personal income and unincorporated business taxes, but not corporate franchise taxes. Dividends paid by the fund that are derived from interest on municipal securities issued by New York and its political subdivisions or any agency or instrumentality thereof will be subject to the New York State corporate franchise tax and the New York City general corporation tax only if the entity receiving the dividends has a sufficient nexus with New York State or New York City. Other dividends and distributions from other state's municipal securities, U.S. government obligations, taxable income and capital gains that are not exempt from state taxation under federal law and distributions attributable to capital gains, will be subject to New York State personal income tax and New York City personal income tax. Gain from the sale, exchange or other disposition of shares will be subject to the New York State personal income and franchise taxes and the New York City personal income, unincorporated business and general corporation taxes. In addition, interest or indebtedness incurred by a shareholder to purchase or carry shares of the fund is not deductible for New York personal income tax purposes to the extent that it relates to New York exempt-interest dividends distributed to a shareholder during the taxable year. 64 NEW JERSEY TAX CONSIDERATIONS Under current law, investors in the Schwab New Jersey Municipal Money Fund TM will not be subject to the New Jersey Gross Income Tax on distributions from the fund attributable to interest income from (and net gain, if any, from the fund's disposition of) New Jersey Municipal Securities or obligations of the United States, its territories and possessions and certain of its agencies and instrumentalities ("Federal Securities") held by the fund, either when received by the fund or when credited or distributed to the investors, provided that the fund meets the requirements for a qualified investment fund by: (1) maintaining its registration as a registered investment company with the SEC; (2) investing at least 80% of the aggregate principal amount of the fund's investments, excluding financial options, futures, forward contracts, or other similar financial instruments relating to interest-bearing obligations, obligations issued at a discount or bond indexes related thereto to the extent such instruments are authorized under the regulated investment company rules under the Code, cash and cash items, which cash items shall include receivables, in New Jersey municipal securities or federal securities at the close of each quarter of the tax year; (3) investing 100% of its assets in interest-bearing obligations, discount obligations, cash and cash items, including receivables, financial options, futures forward contracts, or other similar financial instruments relating to interest-bearing obligations, discount obligations or bond indexes related thereto; and (4) complying with certain continuing reporting requirements. However, in Colonial Trust III and Investment Company Institute v. Director, Division of Taxation, DKT No. 009777-93 (NJ Tax Court, Feb. 21, 1997) the New Jersey Tax Court nullified the New Jersey threshold requirements stated above. The court ruled that New Jersey could not impose its gross income tax on shareholder distributions attributable to interest paid on obligations of the United States government from a mutual fund that did not meet the requirements to be a qualified investment fund. The state of New Jersey indicates that its existing statutes and regulation are under review. For New Jersey Gross Income Tax purposes, net income or gains and distributions derived from investments in other than New Jersey municipal securities and federal securities, and distributions from net realized capital gains in respect of such investments, will be taxable. Gain on the disposition of shares is not subject to New Jersey Gross Income Tax, provided that the fund meets the requirements for a qualified investment fund set forth above. PENNSYLVANIA TAX CONSIDERATIONS For purposes of the Pennsylvania Personal Income Tax and the Philadelphia School District Investment Net Income Tax, distributions which are attributable to interest received by the Schwab Pennsylvania Municipal Money Fund TM from its investments in Pennsylvania Municipal Securities or obligations of the United States, its territories and possessions and certain of its agencies and instrumentalities (Federal Securities) are not taxable. Distributions by the fund to a Pennsylvania resident that are attributable to most other sources may be subject to the Pennsylvania Personal Income Tax and (for residents of Philadelphia) to the Philadelphia School District Investment Net Income Tax. Distributions paid by the fund, which are excludable as exempt income for federal tax purposes, are not subject to the Pennsylvania corporate net income tax. An additional deduction from Pennsylvania taxable income is permitted for the amount of distributions paid by the fund attributable to interest received by the fund from its investments in Pennsylvania municipal securities and federal securities to the extent included in federal taxable income, but such a deduction is reduced by any interest on indebtedness incurred to carry the securities and other expenses incurred in the production of such 65 interest income, including expenses deducted on the federal income tax return that would not have been allowed under the Code if the interest were exempt from federal income tax. Distributions by the fund attributable to most other sources may be subject to the Pennsylvania corporate net income tax. It is the current position of the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue that fund shares are considered exempt assets (with a pro rata exclusion based on the value of the fund attributable to its investments in Pennsylvania municipal securities and federal securities) for purposes of determining a corporation's stock value subject to the Commonwealth's capital stock tax or franchise tax. The fund intends to invest primarily in obligations which produce interest exempt from federal and Pennsylvania taxes. If the fund invests in obligations that are not exempt for Pennsylvania purposes but are exempt for federal purposes, a portion of the fund's distributions will be subject to Pennsylvania personal income tax. Shares of the Schwab Pennsylvania Municipal Money Fund TM may be subject to the Pennsylvania inheritance tax and the Pennsylvania estate tax if held by a Pennsylvania decedent at the time of death. FLORIDA INTANGIBLE TAX Florida does not currently impose an income tax on individuals; therefore distributions made by the Schwab Florida Municipal Money Fund TM to Florida residents will not be subject to state income taxes in Florida. Distributions made to shareholders which are Florida corporations may be subject to Florida's corporate income tax. If you are subject to income tax in a state other than Florida, the dividends derived from Florida state and municipal obligations may be taxable. Florida imposes an intangible personal property tax on certain intangible personal property owned by Florida residents on January 1st of each year, including stocks and other securities. For 2006, the tax is imposed at the rate of $.50 per thousand dollars of value. In the case of individual filers, the first $250,000 of total taxable assets are exempt. In the case of joint filers, the first $500,000 of total taxable assets are exempt. Certain types of property are exempt from the intangible tax such as, securities issued by the United States government or its agencies and obligations issued by the State of Florida or its municipalities or counties. The shares of the Florida fund will be exempt from Florida's intangible tax for any given year, if as of the close of business on December 31st of the previous year, 90% or more of the net asset value of the fund's assets consists of exempt securities. Therefore, in order for the fund and its shareholders to benefit from the exemption, the fund may have to sell any non-exempt securities which it holds in its portfolio prior to the close of business on December 31st of each year. This may cause the fund to liquidate certain of its investments when it would be disadvantageous to do so in order to qualify for the exemption thereby reducing the fund's aggregate investment return. MASSACHUSETTS TAX CONSIDERATIONS Under current law, investors in the fund will not be subject to the Massachusetts personal income tax on distributions from the fund attributable to interest income from Massachusetts municipal securities or obligations of the United States, its territories and possessions and certain of its agencies and instrumentalities. Massachusetts requires that the fund properly designate such dividends in a written notice mailed to the fund's shareholders not later than sixty days after the close of the fund's taxable year. 66 Distributions which qualify as capital gain dividends for federal income tax purposes also are exempt from Massachusetts personal income taxation, to the extent that the distributions are attributable to gains from the sale or exchange of certain Massachusetts obligations, and are properly designated as such in a written notice mailed to the fund's shareholders not later than sixty days after the close of the fund's tax year. Distributions from investment income and capital gains, including exempt-interest dividends, may be subject to Massachusetts corporate excise tax. 67 APPENDIX - RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES COMMERCIAL PAPER MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Prime-1 is the highest commercial paper rating assigned by Moody's. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of commercial paper with this rating are considered to have a superior ability to repay short-term promissory obligations. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of securities rated Prime-2 are viewed as having a strong capacity to repay short-term promissory obligations. This capacity will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics of issuers whose commercial paper is rated Prime-1 but to a lesser degree. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P A-1 commercial paper rating indicates a strong degree of safety regarding timely payment of principal and interest. Issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics are denoted A-1+. Capacity for timely payment on commercial paper rated A-2 is satisfactory, but the relative degree of safety is not as high as for issues designated A-1. FITCH, INC. F1+ is the highest category, and indicates the strongest degree of assurance for timely payment. Issues rated F1 reflect an assurance of timely payment only slightly less than issues rated F1+. Issues assigned an F2 rating have a satisfactory degree of assurance for timely payment, but the margin of safety is not as great as for issues in the first two rating categories. SHORT-TERM NOTES AND VARIABLE RATE DEMAND OBLIGATIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Short-term notes/variable rate demand obligations bearing the designations MIG-1/VMIG-1 are considered to be of the best quality, enjoying strong protection from established cash flows, superior liquidity support or demonstrated broad-based access to the market for refinancing. Obligations rated MIG-2/VMIG-2 are of high quality and enjoy ample margins of protection although not as large as those of the top rated securities. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P SP-1 rating indicates that the subject securities' issuer has a very strong capacity to pay principal and interest. Issues determined to possess very strong safety characteristics are given a plus (+) designation. S&P's determination that an issuer has a strong capacity to pay principal and interest is denoted by an SP-2 rating. 68 STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THE CHARLES SCHWAB FAMILY OF FUNDS SCHWAB VALUE ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND(R) -- INSTITUTIONAL PRIME SHARES TM SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 1, 2007 The Statement of Additional Information (SAI) is not a prospectus. It should be read in conjunction with the prospectus for the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund - Institutional Prime Shares dated September 29, 2006 (as amended from time to time). To obtain a free copy of the prospectus, please contact Schwab Funds(R) at 1-800-435-4000. For TDD service call 1-800-345-2550. The prospectus also may be available on the Internet at: http://www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. The fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds (the Trust). The Trust, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios are collectively referred to as the "Schwab Funds(R)". TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ---- INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE, INVESTMENT STRATEGY, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS....................................................... 2 MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND...................................................... 11 DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES........................... 19 CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES......................... 31 INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES...................................... 31 BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES.................................... 33 DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST.................................................... 37 PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS....................................................... 38 TAXATION.................................................................... 41 APPENDIX -- RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES................................ 45 1 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE, INVESTMENT STRATEGY, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R) seeks the highest current income consistent with stability of capital and liquidity. The fund's investment objective may be changed only by vote of a majority of its outstanding voting shares. There is no guarantee the fund will achieve its objective. A majority of the outstanding voting shares of the fund means the affirmative vote of the lesser of: (a) 67% or more of the voting shares represented at the meeting, if more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of the fund are represented at the meeting; or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of the fund. The fund operates as a money market fund and seeks to comply with the requirements of Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act), as that Rule may be amended from time to time. The Rule's key provisions govern the maturity, quality and diversification of a money market fund's investments. For example, with respect to maturity, Rule 2a-7 currently provides that money market funds limit their investments to securities with remaining maturities of 397 days or less, and maintain dollar-weighted average maturities of 90 days or less, both calculated as described in the Rule. In addition, money market funds may only invest in high quality securities. The fund is also subject to strict diversification requirements under Rule 2a-7. The following investment strategies, securities, risks and limitations supplement those set forth in the prospectus and may be changed without shareholder approval unless otherwise noted. Also, policies and limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard, shall be measured immediately after and as a result of the fund's acquisition of such security or asset unless otherwise noted. Additionally, for purposes of calculating any restriction, an issuer shall be the entity deemed to be ultimately responsible for payments of interest and principal on the security pursuant to Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act unless otherwise noted. INVESTMENT STRATEGY The Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R) seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in high-quality, U.S. dollar-denominated money market securities, including U.S. government securities and repurchase agreements for these securities. The fund will invest in securities or engage in techniques that are intended to help achieve its investment objective. INVESTMENT SECURITIES AND RISKS ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES are securities that are backed by the loans or accounts receivables of an entity, such as a bank or credit card company. These securities are obligations which the issuer intends to repay using the assets backing them (once collected). Therefore, repayment depends largely on the cash flows generated by the assets backing the securities. The rate of principal payments on asset-backed securities generally depends on the rate of principal payments received on 2 the underlying assets, which in turn may be affected by a variety of economic and other factors. As a result, the yield on any asset-backed security is difficult to predict with precision, and actual yield to maturity may be more or less than the anticipated yield to maturity. Sometimes the credit quality of these securities is limited to the support provided by the underlying assets, but, in other cases, additional credit support also may be provided by a third party via a letter of credit or insurance guarantee. Such credit support falls into two classes: liquidity protection and protection against ultimate default on the underlying assets. Liquidity protection refers to the provision of advances, generally by the entity administering the pool of assets, to ensure that scheduled payments on the underlying pool are made in a timely fashion. Protection against ultimate default ensures payment on at least a portion of the assets in the pool. Such protection may be provided through guarantees, insurance policies or letters of credit obtained from third parties, through various means of structuring the transaction or through a combination of such approaches. The degree of credit support provided on each issue is based generally on historical information respecting the level of credit risk associated with such payments. Delinquency or loss in excess of that anticipated could adversely affect the return on an investment in an asset-backed security. For purposes of the fund's concentration policy, the fund will determine the industry classification of asset-backed securities based upon the investment adviser's evaluation of the risks associated with an investment in the underlying assets. For example, asset-backed securities whose underlying assets share similar economic characteristics because, for example, they are funded (or supported) primarily from a single or similar source or revenue stream will be classified in the same industry sector. In contrast, asset-backed securities whose underlying assets represent a diverse mix of industries, business sectors and/or revenue streams will be classified into distinct industries based on their underlying credit and liquidity structures. The fund will limit its investments in each identified industry to less than 25% of its net assets. BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES or notes are credit instruments evidencing a bank's obligation to pay a draft drawn on it by a customer. These instruments reflect the obligation both of the bank and of the drawer to pay the full amount of the instrument upon maturity. The fund will invest only in bankers' acceptances of banks that have capital, surplus and undivided profits in excess of $100 million. BORROWING may subject the fund to interest costs, which may exceed the interest received on the securities purchased with the borrowed funds. The fund normally may borrow at times to meet redemption requests rather than sell portfolio securities to raise the necessary cash. Borrowing can involve leveraging when securities are purchased with the borrowed money. The fund will earmark or segregate assets to cover such borrowings in accordance with positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT or time deposits are issued against funds deposited in a banking institution for a specified period of time at a specified interest rate. The fund will invest only in certificates of deposit, including time deposits, of banks that have capital, surplus and undivided profits in excess of $100 million. COMMERCIAL PAPER consists of short-term, promissory notes issued by banks, corporations and other entities to finance short-term credit needs. These securities generally are discounted but sometimes may be interest bearing. Commercial paper, which also may be unsecured, is subject to credit risk. CONCENTRATION means that substantial amounts of assets are invested in a particular industry or group of industries. Concentration increases investment exposure to industry risk. For example, the 3 automobile industry may have a greater exposure to a single factor, such as an increase in the price of oil, which may adversely affect the sale of automobiles and, as a result, the value of the industry's securities. Based on the primary characteristics of non-U.S. (foreign) banks, the fund has identified each foreign country as a separate bank industry for purposes of the fund's concentration policy. The fund will limit its investments in securities issued by foreign banks in each country to less than 25% of its net assets. However, the fund reserves the freedom of action to invest up to 100% of its assets in certificates of deposit or bankers' acceptances issued by domestic branches of U.S. banks and U.S. branches of foreign banks (which the fund has determined to be subject to the same regulation as U.S. banks). CREDIT AND LIQUIDITY SUPPORTS or enhancements may be employed by issuers to reduce the credit risk of their securities. Credit supports include letters of credit, insurance and guarantees provided by foreign and domestic entities. Liquidity supports include puts, demand features, and lines of credit. Most of these arrangements move the credit risk of an investment from the issuer of the security to the support provider. Changes in the credit quality of a support provider could cause losses to the fund. DEBT SECURITIES are obligations issued by domestic and foreign entities, including governments and corporations, in order to raise money. They are basically "IOUs," but are commonly referred to as bonds or money market securities. These securities normally require the issuer to pay a fixed, variable or floating rate of interest on the amount of money borrowed (the "principal") until it is paid back upon maturity. Debt securities experience price changes when interest rates change. For example, when interest rates fall, the prices of debt securities generally rise. Issuers tend to pre-pay their outstanding debts and issue new ones paying lower interest rates. Conversely, in a rising interest rate environment, prepayment on outstanding debt securities generally will not occur. This is known as extension risk and may cause the value of debt securities to depreciate as a result of the higher market interest rates. Typically, longer-maturity securities react to interest rate changes more severely than shorter-term securities (all things being equal), but generally offer greater rates of interest. Debt securities also are subject to the risk that the issuers will not make timely interest and/or principal payments or fail to make them at all. DELAYED-DELIVERY TRANSACTIONS include purchasing and selling securities on a delayed-delivery or when-issued basis. These transactions involve a commitment to buy or sell specific securities at a predetermined price or yield, with payment and delivery taking place after the customary settlement period for that type of security. When purchasing securities on a delayed-delivery basis, the fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations. Typically, no interest will accrue to the fund until the security is delivered. The fund will earmark or segregate appropriate liquid assets to cover its delayed-delivery purchase obligations. When the fund sells a security on a delayed-delivery basis, the fund does not participate in further gains or losses with respect to that security. If the other party to a delayed-delivery transaction fails to deliver or pay for the securities, the fund could suffer losses. DIVERSIFICATION involves investing in a wide range of securities and thereby spreading and reducing the risks of investment. The fund is a series of an open-end investment management company and is a diversified mutual fund. The fund also follows the regulations set forth by the SEC that dictate the diversification requirements for money market mutual funds, as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. The fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in "first tier" securities of a single issuer for a period of up to three business days. 4 FOREIGN SECURITIES involve additional risks, because they are issued by foreign entities, including foreign governments, banks and corporations or because they are traded principally overseas. Credit and liquidity supports also may be provided by foreign entities. Foreign securities in which the fund may invest include foreign entities that are not subject to uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards, practices and requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. corporations. In addition, there may be less publicly available information about foreign entities. Foreign economic, political and legal developments, and withholding taxes, could have more dramatic effects on the value of foreign securities. For example, conditions within and around foreign countries, such as the possibility of expropriation or confiscatory taxation, political or social instability, diplomatic developments, change of government or war could affect the value of foreign investments. Moreover, individual foreign economies may differ favorably or unfavorably from the U.S. economy in such respects as growth of gross national product, rate of inflation, capital reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency and balance of payments position. Foreign securities typically have less volume and are generally less liquid and more volatile than securities of U.S. companies. Fixed commissions on foreign securities exchanges are generally higher than negotiated commissions on U.S. exchanges, although the fund will endeavor to achieve the most favorable overall results on portfolio transactions. There is generally less government supervision and regulation of foreign securities exchanges, brokers, dealers and listed companies than in the United States, thus increasing the risk of delayed settlements of portfolio transactions or loss of certificates for portfolio securities. There may be difficulties in obtaining or enforcing judgments against foreign issuers as well. These factors and others may increase the risks with respect to the liquidity of the fund, and its ability to meet a large number of shareholder redemption requests. Foreign markets also have different clearance and settlement procedures and, in certain markets, there have been times when settlements have been unable to keep pace with the volume of securities transactions, making it difficult to conduct such transactions. Such delays in settlement could result in temporary periods when a portion of the assets of the fund is uninvested and no return is earned thereon. The inability to make intended security purchases due to settlement problems could cause the fund to miss attractive investment opportunities. Losses to the fund arising out of the inability to fulfill a contract to sell such securities also could result in potential liability for the fund. ILLIQUID SECURITIES generally are any securities that cannot be disposed of promptly and in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount at which the fund has valued the instruments. The liquidity of the fund's investments is monitored under the supervision and direction of the Board of Trustees. Investments currently not considered liquid include repurchase agreements not maturing within seven days and certain restricted securities. INTERFUND BORROWING AND LENDING allows the fund to borrow money from and/or lend money to other Schwab Funds(R). All loans are for temporary or emergency purposes and the interest rates to be charged will be the average of the overnight repurchase agreement rate and the short-term bank loan rate. All loans are subject to numerous conditions designed to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all participating funds. The interfund lending facility is subject to the oversight and periodic review of the Board of Trustees of the Schwab Funds. LENDING of portfolio securities is a common practice in the securities industry. The fund will engage in security lending arrangements with the primary objective of increasing its income. For example, the fund may receive cash collateral and it may invest in short-term, interest-bearing obligations, but will do so only to the extent that it will not lose the tax treatment available to regulated investment companies. Lending portfolio securities involve risks that the borrower may fail to return the securities or provide 5 additional collateral. Also, voting rights with respect to the loaned securities may pass with the lending of the securities. The fund may lend portfolio securities to qualified broker-dealers or other institutional investors provided that: (1) the loan is secured continuously by collateral consisting of U.S. government securities, letters of credit, cash or cash equivalents or other appropriate instruments maintained on a daily marked-to-market basis in an amount at least equal to the current market value of the securities loaned; (2) the fund may at any time call the loan and obtain the return of the securities loaned; (3) the fund will receive any interest or dividends paid on the loaned securities; and (4) the aggregate market value of securities loaned will not at any time exceed one-third of the total assets of the fund, including collateral received from the loan (at market value computed at the time of the loan). MONEY MARKET SECURITIES are high-quality, short-term debt securities that may be issued by entities such as the U.S. government, municipalities, corporations and financial institutions (like banks). Money market securities include commercial paper, promissory notes, certificates of deposit, banker's acceptances, notes and time deposits. Money market securities pay fixed, variable or floating rates of interest and are generally subject to credit and interest rate risks. The maturity date or price of and financial assets collateralizing a security may be structured in order to make it qualify as or act like a money market security. These securities may be subject to greater credit and interest rate risks than other money market securities because of their structure. Money market securities may be issued with puts or these can be sold separately. PROMISSORY NOTES are written agreements committing the maker or issuer to pay the payee a specified amount either on demand or at a fixed date in the future, with or without interest. These are sometimes called negotiable notes or instruments and are subject to credit risk. Bank notes are notes used to represent obligations issued by banks in large denominations. PUTS, sometimes called demand features or guarantees, are agreements that allow the buyer of the put to sell a security at a specified price and time to the seller or "put provider." When the fund buys a security with a put feature, losses could occur if the put provider does not perform as agreed. Standby commitments are types of puts. QUALITY OF INVESTMENTS. The fund follows regulations set forth by the SEC that dictate the quality requirements for investments made by money market mutual funds, as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. These regulations require the fund to invest exclusively in high-quality securities. Generally, high-quality securities are securities that present minimal credit risks and are rated in one of the two highest rating categories by two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs), or by one if only one NRSRO has rated the securities, or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser pursuant to guidelines adopted by the Board of Trustees. High-quality securities may be "first tier" or "second tier" securities. First tier securities may be rated within the highest category or determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser. Money market fund shares and U.S. government securities also are first tier securities. Second tier securities generally are rated within the second-highest category. Should a security's high-quality rating change after purchase by the fund, the investment adviser would take such action, including no action, as determined to be in the best interest of the fund and as required by Rule 2a-7. For more information about the ratings assigned by some NRSROs, refer to the Appendix section of the SAI. 6 REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS involve the fund buying securities (usually U.S. government securities) from a seller and simultaneously agreeing to sell them back at an agreed-upon price (usually higher) and time. There are risks that losses will result if the seller does not perform as agreed. Repurchase agreements will be "collateralized" by first tier securities in which the fund could invest directly. In addition, repurchase agreements collateralized entirely by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be collateralized fully pursuant to Rule 2a-7. Under certain circumstances, repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be investments in U.S. government securities. RESTRICTED SECURITIES are securities that are subject to legal restrictions on their sale. For example, tender option bonds, commercial paper and other promissory notes may be issued under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 and may be sold only to qualified institutional buyers, such as the fund, under Securities Act Rule 144A. Restricted securities may be deemed liquid or illiquid. In order to be deemed liquid, the fund must be able to dispose of the security in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount the fund has valued the security. In addition, the investment adviser must determine that an institutional or other market exists for these securities. In making this determination, the investment adviser may take into account any liquidity support associated with the security. It is not possible to predict with assurance whether the market for any restricted security will continue. Therefore, the investment adviser monitors the fund's investments in these securities, focusing on factors, such as valuation, liquidity and availability of information. To the extent the fund invests in restricted securities that are deemed liquid, the general level of illiquidity in the fund's portfolio may increase if buyers in that market become unwilling to purchase the securities. REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS. In a reverse repurchase agreement, the fund would sell a security in exchange for cash and enter into an agreement to repurchase the security at a specified future date and price. The fund generally retains the right to interest and principal payments on the security. If the fund uses the cash it obtains to invest in other securities, this may be considered a form of leverage and may expose the fund to greater risk. Leverage tends to magnify the effect of any decrease or increase in the value of the fund's portfolio securities. SECURITIES OF OTHER INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Investment companies generally offer investors the advantages of diversification and professional investment management by combining shareholders' money and investing it in securities such as stocks, bonds and money market instruments. The risks of investing in a particular investment company will generally reflect the risks of the securities in which it invests and the investment techniques it employs. Because investment companies employ investment advisers and other service providers, investments by the fund into another investment company may cause shareholders to pay duplicative fees and incur expenses. Federal law restricts the ability of one registered investment company to invest in another. As a result, the extent to which the fund may invest in another investment company may be limited. With respect to investments in other mutual funds, the SEC has granted the Schwab Funds(R) an exemption from the limitations of the 1940 Act that restrict the amount of securities of underlying mutual funds a Schwab Fund may hold, provided that certain conditions are met. The conditions requested by the SEC were designed to address certain abuses perceived to be associated with "funds of funds", including unnecessary costs (such as sales loads, advisory fees and administrative costs), and undue influence by the investing fund over the underlying fund. The conditions apply only when Schwab and its affiliates in the aggregate own more than 3% of the outstanding shares of any one underlying fund. 7 STRIPPED SECURITIES are securities whose income and principal components are detached and sold separately. While the risks associated with stripped securities are similar to other money market securities, stripped securities are typically subject to greater changes in value. U.S. Treasury securities that have been stripped by the Federal Reserve Bank are obligations of the U.S. Treasury. TEMPORARY DEFENSIVE INVESTMENTS. During unusual market conditions, the Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM may make investments that are not exempt from state and local income taxes as a temporary defensive measure. U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Many of the U.S. government securities that the fund may invest in are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, which means they are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury. Securities such as those issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA or Sallie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) are supported by limited lines of credit their issuers maintain with the U.S. Treasury. Others, such as obligations issued by the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation (FFCB), are supported solely by the credit of the issuer. There can be no assurance that the U.S. government will provide financial support to securities of its agencies and instrumentalities if it is not obligated to do so under law. Also, any government guarantees on securities that the fund owns do not extend to shares of the fund itself. Although the risk of default with U.S. government securities is considered unlikely, any default on the part of a portfolio investment could cause fund's share price or yield to fall. U.S. TREASURY SECURITIES are obligations of the U.S. Treasury and include bills, notes and bonds. U.S. Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. VARIABLE AND FLOATING RATE DEBT SECURITIES pay an interest rate, which is adjusted either periodically or at specific intervals or which floats continuously according to a formula or benchmark. Although these structures generally are intended to minimize the fluctuations in value that occur when interest rates rise and fall, some structures may be linked to a benchmark in such a way as to cause greater volatility to the security's value. Some variable rate securities may be combined with a put or demand feature (variable rate demand securities) that entitles the holder to the right to demand repayment in full or to resell at a specific price and/or time. While the demand feature is intended to reduce credit risks, it is not always unconditional, and may make the securities more difficult to sell quickly without losses. There are risks involved with these securities because there may be no active secondary market for a particular variable rate demand security purchased by the fund. In addition, the fund may exercise only its demand rights at certain times. The fund could suffer losses in the event that the issuer defaults on its obligation. Synthetic variable or floating rate securities include tender option bond receipts. Tender option bond receipts are derived from fixed-rate municipal bonds that are placed in a trust from which two classes of trust receipts are issued. These receipts represent proportionate interest in the underlying bonds. Under certain circumstances, the holder of a trust receipt also may participate in any gain or loss on the sale of such bonds. Tender option bond trust receipts generally are structured as private placements and, accordingly, may be deemed to be restricted securities for purposes of the fund's investment limitations. 8 INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS THE FOLLOWING INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS MAY BE CHANGED ONLY BY A VOTE OF A MAJORITY OF THE FUND'S OUTSTANDING SHARES. SCHWAB VALUE ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND(R) MAY NOT: (1) Underwrite securities issued by other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (2) Purchase or sell commodities or real estate, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (3) Concentrate investments in a particular industry or group of industries, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (4) Make loans to other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (5) Issue senior securities, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (6) Purchase securities of any issuer unless consistent with the maintenance of its status as a diversified company under the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (7) Borrow money, except to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTIONS OF THE 1940 ACT MAY ASSIST INVESTORS IN UNDERSTANDING THE ABOVE FUNDAMENTAL POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS. Diversification. Under the 1940 Act, a diversified fund, with respect to 75% of its total assets, may not purchase securities (other than U.S. government securities or securities of other investment companies) if, as a result, more than 5% of its total assets would be invested in the securities of such issuer or it would own more than 10% of such issuer's outstanding voting securities. Money market funds that satisfy the applicable diversification requirements of Rule 2(a)(7) of the 1940 Act are deemed to satisfy the diversification requirements set forth above. Borrowing. The 1940 Act presently restricts a fund from borrowing (including pledging, mortgaging or hypothecating assets) in excess of 33 1/3% of its total assets (not including temporary borrowings not in excess of 5% of its total assets). 9 Lending. Under the 1940 Act, a fund may only make loans if expressly permitted by its investment policies. Concentration. The SEC presently defines concentration as investing 25% or more of a fund's net assets in an industry or group of industries, with certain exceptions. Municipal securities are not deemed to be issued by an issuer from a single industry or group of industries. Underwriting. Under the 1940 Act, underwriting securities involves a fund purchasing securities directly from an issuer for the purpose of selling (distributing) them or participating in any such activity either directly or indirectly. Under the 1940 Act, a diversified fund may not make any commitment as underwriter, if immediately thereafter the amount of its outstanding underwriting commitments, plus the value of its investments in securities of issuers (other than investment companies) of which it owns more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities, exceeds 25% of the value of its total assets. Senior Securities. Senior securities may include any obligation or instrument issued by a fund evidencing indebtedness. The 1940 Act generally prohibits funds from issuing senior securities, although it provides allowances for certain borrowings and certain other investments, such as short sales, reverse repurchase agreements, firm commitment agreements and standby commitments, with appropriate earmarking or segregation of assets to cover such obligations. Real Estate. The 1940 Act does not directly restrict a fund's ability to invest in real estate, but does require that every fund have a fundamental investment policy governing such investments. The fund has adopted a fundamental policy that would permit direct investment in real estate. However, the fund has a non-fundamental investment limitation that prohibits it from investing directly in real estate. This non-fundamental policy may be changed only by vote of the fund's Board of Trustees. THE FOLLOWING ARE NON-FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS, AND MAY BE CHANGED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE FUND MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a result of such purchase, 25% or more of the value of its total assets would be invested in any industry or group of industries. (2) Purchase or sell commodities, commodity contracts or real estate, including interests in real estate limited partnerships, provided that the fund may (i) purchase securities of companies that deal in real estate or interests therein (including REITs), (ii) purchase or sell futures contracts, options contracts, equity index participations and index participation contracts, and (iii) purchase securities of companies that deal in precious metals or interests therein. (3) Invest more than 10% of its net assets in illiquid securities. (4) Purchase securities of other investment companies, except as permitted by the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (5) Lend any security or make any other loan if, as a result, more than 33 1/3% of its total assets would be lent to other parties (this restriction does not apply to purchases of debt securities or repurchase agreements). 10 (6) Borrow money except that the fund may (i) borrow money from banks or through an interfund lending facility, if any, only for temporary or emergency purposes (and not for leveraging) and (ii) engage in reverse repurchase agreements with any party; provided that (i) and (ii) in combination do not exceed 33 1/3% of its total assets (any borrowings that come to exceed this amount will be reduced to the extent necessary to comply with the limitation within three business days). (7) Sell securities short unless it owns the security or the right to obtain the security or equivalent securities, or unless it covers such short sale as required by current SEC rules and interpretations (transactions in futures contracts, options and other derivative instruments are not considered selling securities short). (8) Purchase securities on margin, except such short-term credits as may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities and provided that margin deposits in connection with futures contracts, options on futures or other derivative instruments shall not constitute purchasing securities on margin. Policies and investment limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard shall be measured immediately after and as a result of the fund's acquisition of such security or asset, unless otherwise noted. Except with respect to limitations on borrowing, any subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances does not require the fund to sell an investment if it could not then make the same investment. With respect to the limitation on illiquid securities, in the event that a subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances cause the fund to exceed its limitation, the fund will take steps to bring the aggregate amount of illiquid instruments back within the limitations as soon as reasonably practicable. MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND The fund is overseen by a Board of Trustees. The trustees are responsible for protecting shareholder interests. The trustees regularly meet to review the investment activities, contractual arrangements and the investment performance of the fund. The trustees met 8 times during the most recent fiscal year. Certain trustees are "interested persons." A trustee is considered an interested person of the Trust under the 1940 Act if he or she is an officer, director, or an employee of Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. ("CSIM") or Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). A trustee also may be considered an interested person of the Trust under the 1940 Act if he or she owns stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation, a publicly traded company and the parent company of the fund's investment adviser and distributor. Each of the officers and/or trustees also serves in the same capacity as described for the Trust, for Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively referred to herein as the "Family of Investment Companies"), which as of June 30, 2006, included 57 funds. The tables below provide information about the trustees and offices for The Charles Schwab Family of Funds (the "trust"). The "Fund Complex" includes The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust, Schwab Annuity Portfolios, Laudus Trust, Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, Excelsior Funds, Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust. As of June 30, 2006, the Fund Complex included 98 funds. The address of each individual is 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94104. 11
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH NUMBER OF THE TRUST; PORTFOLIOS IN (TERM OF OFFICE PRINCIPAL FUND COMPLEX AND LENGTH OF OCCUPATIONS DURING OVERSEEN BY OTHER TIME SERVED 1) THE PAST FIVE YEARS THE TRUSTEE DIRECTORSHIPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter Chairman of JDN Corporate Advisory LLC. From 1996 to 98 Board 1 -- Director, 1960 2001, Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Redwood Trust, Inc. Trustee Financial Officer of Stanford University, and in (Trustee of The Charles Schwab 2001, Special Advisor to the President of Stanford Board 2 -- Director, PMI Family of Funds since 2000.) University. Group, Inc. Donald F. Dorward Chief Executive Officer, Dorward & Associates 57 None. 1931 (corporate management, marketing and communications Trustee consulting firm). From 1996-1999, Executive Vice (Trustee of The Charles Schwab President and Managing Director, Grey Advertising. Family of Funds since 1989.) Prior to 1996, President and Chief Executive Officer, Allen & Dorward Advertising. William A. Hasler Retired. Dean Emeritus, Haas School of Business, 98 Board 1 -- Director, 1941 University of California, Berkeley. Until February Aphton Corp. Trustee 2004, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Aphton Corp. (Trustee of The Charles Schwab (bio-pharmaceuticals). Prior to August 1998, Dean of Board 2 -- Director, Family of Funds since 2000.) the Haas School of Business, University of Mission West Properties. California, Berkeley (higher education). Board 3 -- Director, TOUSA. Board 4 -- Director, Stratex Networks. Board 5 -- Director, Genitope Corp. Board 6 -- Director & Non-Executive Chairman, Solectron Corp. Board 7 -- Director, Ditech Communications Corp.
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH NUMBER OF THE TRUST; PORTFOLIOS IN (TERM OF OFFICE PRINCIPAL FUND COMPLEX AND LENGTH OF OCCUPATIONS DURING OVERSEEN BY OTHER TIME SERVED 1) THE PAST FIVE YEARS THE TRUSTEE DIRECTORSHIPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert G. Holmes Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director, 57 None. 1931 Semloh Financial, Inc. (international financial Trustee services and investment advisory firm). (Trustee of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds since 1989.) Gerald B. Smith Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and founder of 57 Board 1 -- Board of 1950 Smith Graham & Co. (investment advisors). Cooper Industries. Trustee (Trustee of The Charles Schwab Board 2 -- Chairman of Family of Funds since 2000.) the Audit Committee of Northern Border Partners, M.L.P. Donald R. Stephens Managing Partner, D.R. Stephens & Company 57 None. 1938 (investments). Prior to 1996, Chairman and Chief Trustee Executive Officer of North American Trust (real (Trustee of The Charles Schwab estate investment trust). Family of Funds since 1989.) Michael W. Wilsey Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Wilsey Bennett, 57 None. 1943 Inc. (real estate investment and management, and Trustee other investments). (Trustee of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds since 1989.)
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH NUMBER OF THE TRUST; PORTFOLIOS IN (TERM OF OFFICE PRINCIPAL FUND COMPLEX AND LENGTH OF OCCUPATIONS DURING OVERSEEN BY OTHER TIME SERVED 1) THE PAST FIVE YEARS THE TRUSTEE DIRECTORSHIPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab 2 Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director, The 57 None. 1937 Charles Schwab Corporation, Charles Schwab & Co., Chairman and Trustee Inc.; Chairman and Director, Charles Schwab (Chairman and Trustee of Investment Management, Inc., Charles Schwab Bank, The Charles Schwab Family N.A.; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schwab of Funds since 1989.) (SIS) Holdings Inc. I, Schwab International Holdings, Inc.; Chief Executive Officer and Director, Schwab Holdings, Inc.; Director, U.S. Trust Company, N. A., U.S. Trust Corporation, United States Trust Company of New York. Until May 2003, Co-Chief Executive Officer, The Charles Schwab Corporation. Randall W. Merk 2 Executive Vice President and President, Schwab 98 None. 1954 Financial Products, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Trustee Director, Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) (Trustee of The Charles Schwab Limited and Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds PLC. From Family of Funds since 2005.) September 2002 to July 2004, Chief Executive Officer and President, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. and Executive Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to September 2002, President and Chief Investment Officer, American Century Investment Management, and Director, American Century Companies, Inc.
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST; (TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH OF TIME SERVED 3) PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OFFICERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evelyn Dilsaver President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director, Charles Schwab Investment 1955 Management, Inc.; Executive Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc; President President and Chief Executive Officer and Chief Executive Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust; (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family President, Excelsior Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior of Funds since 2004.) Funds Trust; President, Mutual Fund Division, UST Advisers, Inc. From June 2003 to July 2004, Senior Vice President, Asset Management Products and Services, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to June 2003, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer, U.S. Trust, a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen B. Ward Director, Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Charles Schwab 1955 Investment Management, Inc.; Chief Investment Officer, The Charles Schwab Trust Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer Company. (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds since 1991.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Pereira Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Charles Schwab Investment 1964 Management, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer Insurance Trust; Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer, Excelsior (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust; Chief of Funds since 2004.) Financial Officer, Mutual Fund Division, UST Advisers, Inc. Director, Charles Schwab Worldwide Fund, PLC and Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) Limited. From December 1999 to November 2004, Sr. Vice President, Financial Reporting, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST; (TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH OF TIME SERVED 3) PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Koji E. Felton Senior Vice President, Chief Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Charles Schwab 1961 Investment Management, Inc.; Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Secretary and Chief Legal Officer Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Chief Legal Officer, Laudus Trust, Laudus Variable (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family Insurance Trust, Excelsior Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and of Funds since 1998.) Excelsior Funds Trust. Prior to June 1998, Branch Chief in Enforcement at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in San Francisco. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Randall Fillmore Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, Charles Schwab Investment 1960 Management, Inc.; Senior Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Chief Chief Compliance Officer and AML Officer Compliance Officer, Laudus Trust, Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, Excelsior (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust. From of Funds since 2002.) 2002 to 2003, Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., and Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. From 2000 to 2002, Vice President, Internal Audit, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kimon P. Daifotis Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer -- Fixed Income, Charles 1959 Schwab Investment Management, Inc. Prior to 2004, Vice President and Sr. Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer Portfolio Manager, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. -- Fixed Income (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds since 2004.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jeffrey M. Mortimer Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer -- Equities, Charles Schwab 1963 Investment Management, Inc.; Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Laudus Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. Prior to 2004, Vice President and -- Equities Sr. Portfolio Manager, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds since 2004.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Trustees remain in office until they resign, retire or are removed by shareholder vote. The Schwab Funds(R) retirement policy requires that independent trustees elected after January 1, 2000 retire at age 72 or after twenty years as a trustee, whichever comes first. Independent trustees elected prior to January 1, 2000 will retire on the following schedule: Messrs. Holmes and Dorward will retire on December 31, 2007, and Messrs. Stephens and Wilsey will retire on December 31, 2010. 2 In addition to their employment with the investment adviser and the distributor, Messrs. Schwab and Merk also own stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Mr. Schwab and Mr. Merk are Interested Trustees because they are employees of Schwab and/or the adviser. 3 The President, Treasurer and Secretary hold office until their respective successors are chosen and qualified or until he or she sooner dies, resigns, is removed or becomes disqualified. Each other officer serves at the pleasure of the Board. TRUSTEE COMMITTEES The Board of Trustees has established certain committees and adopted Committee charters with respect to those committees, each as described below: 16 - The Audit and Compliance Committee (formerly the Audit/Portfolio Compliance Committee) has oversight responsibility for the integrity of the Trust's financial reporting processes and compliance policies, procedures and processes, and for the Trust's overall system of internal controls. This Committee is comprised of at least four Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Hasler, Holmes, Wilsey and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee must meet four times annually, with additional meetings as the Committee deems appropriate. The Committee met 4 times during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Governance Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Board regarding Trust governance-related matters, including but not limited to Board compensation practices, retirement policies and term limits, Board self-evaluations, the effectiveness and allocation of assignments and functions by the Board, the composition of committees of the Board, and the training of Trustees. The Committee is also responsible for selecting and nominating candidates to serve as trustees. There are no specific procedures in place to consider nominees recommended by shareholders, but such nominees would be considered if such nominations were submitted in accordance with Rule 14a-8 of the 1934 Act in conjunction with a shareholder meeting to consider the election of Trustees. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Hasler and Holmes and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Investment Oversight Committee is to oversee the investment activities of the Trust. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Smith, Stephens and Wilsey are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purposes of the Marketing, Distribution and Shareholder Services Committee are to review matters relating to the marketing of the Trust's shares; to oversee the quality and cost of shareholder services provided to the Trust and its shareholders pursuant to the shareholder servicing and/or administrative service plans; and to oversee the Trust's distribution-related arrangements, including the distribution-related services provided to the Trust and its shareholders. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Smith and Stephens are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. TRUSTEE COMPENSATION The following table provides trustee compensation for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. This information is for the Fund Complex, which included 67 funds as of December 31, 2005.
($) Pension or Retirement Benefits ($) Aggregate Accrued as Part of Fund Total Compensation from Fund Name of Trustee Compensation Expenses Complex -------------------- ------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab 0 N/A 0 Randy Merk 0 N/A 0
($) Pension or Retirement Benefits ($) Aggregate Accrued as Part of Fund Total Compensation from Fund Name of Trustee Compensation Expenses Complex -------------------- ------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------- INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter $100,131 $68 $226,192 Donald F. Dorward $100,079 N/A $169,245 William A. Hasler $107,699 $68 $236,192 Robert G. Holmes $100,079 N/A $169,245 Gerald B. Smith $100,079 N/A $169,245 Donald R. Stephens $ 97,233 N/A $163,020 Michael W. Wilsey $ 96,264 N/A $163,020
SECURITIES BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH TRUSTEE The following tables provide each Trustee's equity ownership of the fund and ownership of all registered investment companies overseen by each Trustee in the Family of Investment Companies as of December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2005, the Family of Investment Companies included 56 funds.
Dollar Range of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: Aggregate Dollar Range Of Schwab Value Trustee Ownership In the Advantage Money Family of Investment Name of Trustee Fund(R) Companies -------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab Over $100,000 Over $100,000 Randy Merk None Over $100,000 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter Over $100,000 Over $100,000 Donald F. Dorward $10,001-$50,000 Over $100,000 William A. Hasler $50,001-$100,000 Over $100,000 Robert G. Holmes Over $100,000 Over $100,000 Gerald B. Smith $10,001-$50,000 Over $100,000 Donald R. Stephens Over $100,000 Over $100,000 Michael W. Wilsey Over $100,000 Over $100,000
18 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Independent Trustees may enter into a fee deferral plan. Under this plan, deferred fees will be credited to an account established by the Trust as of the date that such fees would have been paid to the trustee. The value of this account will equal the value that the account would have if the fees credited to the account had been invested in the shares of Schwab Funds(R) selected by the trustee. Currently, none of the Independent Trustees has elected to participate in this plan. CODE OF ETHICS The Trust, its investment adviser and Schwab have adopted a Code of Ethics (Code) as required under the 1940 Act. Subject to certain conditions or restrictions, the Code permits the trustees, directors, officers or advisory representatives of the fund or the investment adviser or the directors or officers of Schwab to buy or sell directly or indirectly securities for their own accounts. This includes securities that may be purchased or held by the fund. Securities transactions by some of these individuals may be subject to prior approval of the investment adviser's Chief Compliance Officer or alternate. Most securities transactions are subject to quarterly reporting and review requirements. DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES Charles Schwab Investment Management ("CSIM"), as an investment adviser, is generally responsible for voting proxies with respect to the securities held in accounts of investment companies for which it provides discretionary investment management services. CSIM's Proxy Committee exercises and documents CSIM's responsibility with regard to voting of client proxies (the "Proxy Committee"). The Proxy Committee is composed of representatives of CSIM's Compliance, Fund Administration, Legal and Portfolio Management Departments, and chaired by CSIM's Chief Investment Officer. The Chairman of the Committee may appoint the remaining members of the Committee. The Proxy Committee reviews and, as necessary, may amend periodically these Procedures to address new or revised proxy voting policies or procedures. The policies stated in these Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures (the "CSIM Proxy Procedures") pertain to all of CSIM's clients. The Boards of Trustees (the "Trustees") of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust, and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively, the "Funds" or "Schwab Funds") has delegated the responsibility for voting proxies to CSIM through their respective Investment Advisory and Administration Agreements. The Trustees have adopted these Proxy Procedures with respect to proxies voted on behalf of the various Schwab Funds portfolios. CSIM will present amendments to the Trustees for approval. However, there may be circumstances where the Proxy Committee deems it advisable to amend the Proxy Procedures between regular Schwab Funds Board meetings. In such cases, the Trustees will be asked to ratify any changes at the next regular meeting of the Board. To assist CSIM in its responsibility for voting proxies and the overall proxy voting process, CSIM has retained Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS") as an expert in the proxy voting and corporate governance area. ISS is an independent company that specializes in providing a variety of proxy-related services to institutional investment managers, plan sponsors, custodians, consultants, and other institutional investors. The services provided by ISS include in-depth research, global issuer analysis, and voting recommendations as well as vote execution, reporting and record keeping. PROXY VOTING POLICY For investment companies and other clients for which CSIM exercises its responsibility for voting proxies, it is CSIM's policy to vote proxies in the manner that CSIM and the Proxy Committee 19 determine will maximize the economic benefit to CSIM's clients. In furtherance of this policy, the Proxy Committee has received and reviewed ISS's written proxy voting policies and procedures ("ISS's Proxy Procedures") and has determined that ISS's Proxy Procedures are consistent with the CSIM Proxy Procedures and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. The Proxy Committee will review any material amendments to ISS's Proxy Procedures to determine whether such procedures continue to be consistent with the CSIM Proxy Voting Procedures, and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. Except under the circumstances described below, the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies, including timely submission of votes, on behalf of CSIM's clients in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. For proxy issues that are not addressed by ISS's Proxy Procedures or are determined by the Proxy Committee or the applicable portfolio manager or other relevant portfolio management staff to raise significant concerns with respect to the accounts of CSIM clients, the Proxy Committee will review the analysis and recommendation of ISS. Examples of factors that could cause a matter to raise significant concerns include, but are not limited to: issues whose outcome has the potential to materially affect the company's industry, or regional or national economy, and matters which involve broad public policy developments which may similarly materially affect the environment in which the company operates. The Proxy Committee also will solicit input from the assigned portfolio manager and other relevant portfolio management staff for the particular portfolio security. After evaluating all such recommendations, the Proxy Committee will decide how to vote the shares and will instruct ISS to vote consistent with its decision. The Proxy Committee has the ultimate responsibility for making the determination of how to vote the shares in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. With respect to proxies of an affiliated mutual fund, the Proxy Committee will vote such proxies in the same proportion as the vote of all other shareholders of the fund (i.e., "echo vote"), unless otherwise required by law. When required by law, the Proxy Committee will also "echo vote" proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund. For example, certain exemptive orders issued to the Schwab Funds by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Section 12(d)(1)(F) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, require the Schwab Funds, under certain circumstances, to "echo vote" proxies of registered investment companies that serve as underlying investments of the Schwab Funds. When not required to "echo vote," the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. Under certain circumstances, ISS may not provide an analysis or recommendation for voting a security's proxy. In that event, and when the following criteria are met, two members of the Proxy Committee, including at least one representative from equity Portfolio Management, may decide how to vote such proxy in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. The following criteria must be met: (1) For each Fund that holds the security in its portfolio, the value of the security must represent less than one tenth of one cent in the Fund's NAV, and (2) the security's value must equal less than $50,000 in the aggregate across all of the Funds and separate accounts that hold this security. Any voting decision made under these circumstances will be reported to the Proxy Committee at its next scheduled meeting. Conflicts of Interest. Except as described above for proxies of mutual funds, for proxy issues that present material conflicts of interest between CSIM, and/or any of its affiliates, and CSIM's clients, CSIM will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting such proxies in accordance with ISS's Proxy 20 Procedures. The CSIM Legal Department is responsible for developing procedures to identify material conflicts of interest. Voting Foreign Proxies. CSIM has arrangements with ISS for voting proxies. However, voting proxies with respect to shares of foreign securities may involve significantly greater effort and corresponding cost than voting proxies with respect to domestic securities, due to the variety of regulatory schemes and corporate practices in foreign countries with respect to proxy voting. Problems voting foreign proxies may include the following: - proxy statements and ballots written in a foreign language; - untimely and/or inadequate notice of shareholder meetings; - restrictions of foreigner's ability to exercise votes; - requirements to vote proxies in person; - the imposition of restrictions on the sale of securities for a period of time in proximity to the shareholder meeting; - requirements to provide local agents with power of attorney to facilitate CSIM's voting instructions. In consideration of the foregoing issues, ISS uses its best-efforts to vote foreign proxies. As part of its ongoing oversight, the Proxy Committee will monitor the voting of foreign proxies to determine whether all reasonable steps are taken to vote foreign proxies. If the Proxy Committee determines that the cost associated with the attempt to vote outweighs the potential benefits clients may derive from voting, the Proxy Committee may decide not to attempt to vote. Sub-Advisory Relationships. For investment companies or other clients that CSIM has delegated day-to-day investment management responsibilities to an investment adviser, CSIM may delegate its responsibility to vote proxies with respect to such investment companies' or other clients' securities. Each Sub-adviser to whom proxy voting responsibility has been delegated will be required to review all proxy solicitation material and to exercise the voting rights associated with the securities as it has been allocated in the best interest of each investment company and its shareholders, or other client. Prior to delegating the proxy voting responsibility, CSIM will review each sub-adviser's proxy voting policy to ensure that each Sub-adviser's proxy voting policy is generally consistent with the maximization of economic benefits to the investment company or other client. REPORTING AND RECORD RETENTION CSIM will maintain, or cause ISS to maintain, records which identify the manner in which proxies have been voted (or not voted) on behalf of CSIM clients. CSIM will comply with all applicable rules and regulations regarding disclosure of its or its clients proxy voting records and procedures. CSIM will retain all proxy voting materials and supporting documentation as required under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and the rules and regulations thereunder. PROXY COMMITTEE QUORUM At scheduled meetings of the Proxy Committee, attendance by four members (or their respective designates) constitutes a quorum. Two members of the Committee may make voting decisions under the limited circumstances described above. CONCISE SUMMARY OF ISS 2007 PROXY VOTING GUIDELINES Effective for Meetings on or after Feb. 1, 2007 21 Updated Dec. 15, 2006 1. AUDITORS AUDITOR RATIFICATION Vote FOR proposals to ratify auditors, unless any of the following apply: - An auditor has a financial interest in or association with the company, and is therefore not independent, - There is reason to believe that the independent auditor has rendered an opinion which is neither accurate nor indicative of the company's financial position; or - Fees for non-audit services ("Other" fees) are excessive. 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOTING ON DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN UNCONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on director nominees, examining, but not limited to, the following factors: - Composition of the board and key board committees; - Attendance at board and committee meetings; - Corporate governance provisions and takeover activity; - Disclosures under Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act; - Long-term company performance relative to a market and peer index; - Extent of the director's investment in the company; - Existence of related party transactions; - Whether the chairman is also serving as CEO; - Whether a retired CEO sits on the board; - Number of outside boards at which a director serves; - Majority vote standard for director elections without a provision to allow for plurality voting when there are more nominees than seats. WITHHOLD from individual directors who: - Attend less than 75 percent of the board and committee meetings without a valid excuse (such as illness, service to the nation, work on behalf of the company); - Sit on more than six public company boards; - Are CEOs of public companies who sit on the boards of more than two public companies besides their own-- withhold only at their outside boards. WITHHOLD from the entire board of directors, (except from new nominees, who should be considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis) if: - The company's proxy indicates that not all directors attended 75% of the aggregate of their board and committee meetings, but fails to provide the required disclosure of the names of the directors involved. If this information cannot be obtained, withhold from all incumbent directors; - The company's poison pill has a dead-hand or modified dead-hand feature. Withhold every year until this feature is removed; - The board adopts or renews a poison pill without shareholder approval since the beginning of 2005, does not commit to putting it to shareholder vote within 12 months of adoption, or reneges on a commitment to put the pill to a vote, and has not yet received a withhold recommendation for this issue; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval by a majority of the shares outstanding the previous year; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval of the majority of shares cast for the previous two consecutive years; - The board failed to act on takeover offers where the majority of the shareholders tendered their shares; 22 - At the previous board election, any director received more than 50 percent withhold votes of the shares cast and the company has failed to address the issue(s) that caused the high withhold rate; - The company is a Russell 3000 company that underperformed its industry group (GICS group) under the criteria discussed in the section "Performance Test for Directors". WITHHOLD from Inside Directors and Affiliated Outside Directors (per the Classification of Directors below) when: - The inside or affiliated outside director serves on any of the three key committees: audit, compensation, or nominating; - The company lacks an audit, compensation, or nominating committee so that the full board functions as that committee; - The company lacks a formal nominating committee, even if board attests that the independent directors fulfill the functions of such a committee; - The full board is less than majority independent. WITHHOLD from the members of the Audit Committee if: - The non - audit fees paid to the auditor are excessive (see discussion under Auditor Ratification); - A material weakness identified in the Section 404 Sarbanes-Oxley Act disclosures rises to a level of serious concern; there are chronic internal control issues and an absence of established effective control mechanisms; - There is persuasive evidence that the audit committee entered into an inappropriate indemnification agreement with its auditor that limits the ability of the company, or its shareholders, to pursue legitimate legal recourse against the audit firm. WITHHOLD from the members of the Compensation Committee if: - There is a negative correlation between the chief executive's pay and company performance (see discussion under Equity Compensation Plans); - The company reprices underwater options for stock, cash or other consideration without prior shareholder approval, even if allowed in their equity plan; - The company fails to submit one-time transfers of stock options to a shareholder vote; - The company fails to fulfill the terms of a burn rate commitment they made to shareholders; - The company has backdated options (see "Options Backdating" policy); - The company has poor compensation practices (see "Poor Pay Practices" policy). Poor pay practices may warrant withholding votes from the CEO and potentially the entire board as well. WITHHOLD from directors, individually or the entire board, for egregious actions or failure to replace management as appropriate. CLASSIFICATION/DECLASSIFICATION OF THE BOARD Vote AGAINST proposals to classify the board. Vote FOR proposals to repeal classified boards, and to elect all directors annually. INDEPENDENT CHAIR (SEPARATE CHAIR/CEO) Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals requiring an independent director fill the position of chair, unless there are compelling reasons to recommend against the proposal, such as a counterbalancing governance structure. This should include all of the following: - Has a designated lead director, elected by and from the independent board members with clearly delineated and comprehensive duties. (The role may alternatively reside with a presiding director, vice chairman, or rotating lead director; however the director must serve a minimum of one year in order to qualify as a lead director.) At a minimum these should include: 23 - Presiding at all meetings of the board at which the chairman is not present, including executive sessions of the independent directors, - Serving as liaison between the chairman and the independent directors, - Approving information sent to the board, - Approving meeting agendas for the board, - Approves meetings schedules to assure that there is sufficient time for discussion of all agenda items, - Having the authority to call meetings of the independent directors, - If requested by major shareholders, ensuring that he is available for consultation and direct communication; - Two-thirds independent board; - All-independent key committees; - Established governance guidelines; - The company does not under-perform its peers*. * Starting in 2007, the industry peer group used for this evaluation will change from the 4-digit GICS group to the average of the 12 companies in the same 6-digit GICS group that are closest in revenue to the company, and identified on the Executive compensation page of proxy analyses. To fail, the company must under-perform its index and industry group on all 4 measures (1 and 3 year performance, on industry peers, and index). MAJORITY VOTE SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS Generally vote FOR precatory and binding resolutions requesting that the board change the company's bylaws to stipulate that directors need to be elected with an affirmative majority of votes cast, provided it does not conflict with the state law where the company is incorporated. Binding resolutions need to allow for a carve-out for a plurality vote standard when there are more nominees than board seats. Companies are strongly encouraged to also adopt a post-election policy (also know as a director resignation policy) that will provide guidelines so that the company will promptly address the situation of a holdover director. 3. PROXY CONTESTS VOTING FOR DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN CONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors in contested elections, considering the following factors: - Long-term financial performance of the target company relative to its industry; - Management's track record; - Background to the proxy contest; - Qualifications of director nominees (both slates); - Strategic plan of dissident slate and quality of critique against management; - Likelihood that the proposed goals and objectives can be achieved (both slates); - Stock ownership positions. REIMBURSING PROXY SOLICITATION EXPENSES Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When voting in conjunction with support of a dissident slate, vote FOR the reimbursement of all appropriate proxy solicitation expenses associated with the election. 4. TAKEOVER DEFENSES POISON PILLS Vote FOR shareholder proposals requesting that the company submit its poison pill to a shareholder vote or redeem it UNLESS the company has: (1) A shareholder approved poison pill in place; or (2) The company has adopted a policy concerning the adoption of a pill in the future specifying that the 24 board will only adopt a shareholder rights plan if either: - Shareholders have approved the adoption of the plan; or - The board, in its exercise of its fiduciary responsibilities, determines that it is in the best interest of shareholders under the circumstances to adopt a pill without the delay in adoption that would result from seeking stockholder approval (i.e. the "fiduciary out" provision). A poison pill adopted under this fiduciary out will be put to a shareholder ratification vote within twelve months of adoption or expire. If the pill is not approved by a majority of the votes cast on this issue, the plan will immediately terminate. Vote FOR shareholder proposals calling for poison pills to be put to a vote within a time period of less than one year after adoption. If the company has no non-shareholder approved poison pill in place and has adopted a policy with the provisions outlined above, vote AGAINST the proposal. If these conditions are not met, vote FOR the proposal, but with the caveat that a vote within twelve months would be considered sufficient. Vote CASE-by-CASE on management proposals on poison pill ratification, focusing on the features of the shareholder rights plan. Rights plans should contain the following attributes: - No lower than a 20% trigger, flip-in or flip-over; - A term of no more than three years; - No dead-hand, slow-hand, no-hand or similar feature that limits the ability of a future board to redeem the pill; - Shareholder redemption feature (qualifying offer clause); if the board refuses to redeem the pill 90 days after a qualifying offer is announced, ten percent of the shares may call a special meeting or seek a written consent to vote on rescinding the pill. SUPERMAJORITY VOTE REQUIREMENTS Vote AGAINST proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote. Vote FOR proposals to lower supermajority vote requirements. 5. MERGERS AND CORPORATE RESTRUCTURINGS For mergers and acquisitions, review and evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the proposed transaction, balancing various and sometimes countervailing factors including: - Valuation - Is the value to be received by the target shareholders (or paid by the acquirer) reasonable? While the fairness opinion may provide an initial starting point for assessing valuation reasonableness, emphasis is placed on the offer premium, market reaction and strategic rationale. - Market reaction - How has the market responded to the proposed deal? A negative market reaction should cause closer scrutiny of a deal. - Strategic rationale - Does the deal make sense strategically? From where is the value derived? Cost and revenue synergies should not be overly aggressive or optimistic, but reasonably achievable. Management should also have a favorable track record of successful integration of historical acquisitions. - Negotiations and process - Were the terms of the transaction negotiated at arm's-length? Was the process fair and equitable? A fair process helps to ensure the best price for shareholders. Significant negotiation "wins" can also signify the deal makers' competency. The comprehensiveness of the sales process (e.g., full auction, partial auction, no auction) can also affect shareholder value. - Conflicts of interest - Are insiders benefiting from the transaction disproportionately and inappropriately as compared to non-insider shareholders? As the result of potential conflicts, the directors and officers of the company may be more likely to vote to approve a merger than if they did not hold these interests. Consider whether these interests may have influenced 25 these directors and officers to support or recommend the merger. The CIC figure presented in the "ISS Transaction Summary" section of this report is an aggregate figure that can in certain cases be a misleading indicator of the true value transfer from shareholders to insiders. Where such figure appears to be excessive, analyze the underlying assumptions to determine whether a potential conflict exists. - Governance - Will the combined company have a better or worse governance profile than the current governance profiles of the respective parties to the transaction? If the governance profile is to change for the worse, the burden is on the company to prove that other issues (such as valuation) outweigh any deterioration in governance. 6. STATE OF INCORPORATION REINCORPORATION PROPOSALS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to change a company's state of incorporation, taking into consideration both financial and corporate governance concerns, including the reasons for reincorporating, a comparison of the governance provisions, comparative economic benefits, and a comparison of the jurisdictional laws. Vote FOR re-incorporation when the economic factors outweigh any neutral or negative governance changes. 7. CAPITAL STRUCTURE COMMON STOCK AUTHORIZATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of shares of common stock authorized for issuance using a model developed by ISS. Vote FOR proposals to approve increases beyond the allowable increase when a company's shares are in danger of being de-listed or if a company's ability to continue to operate as a going concern is uncertain. In addition, for capital requests that are less than or equal to 300 percent of the current authorized shares and that marginally fail the calculated allowable cap (i.e., exceed the allowable cap by no more than 5 percent), vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. In this situation, vote FOR the increase based on the company's performance, and whether the company's ongoing use of shares has shown prudence. ISSUE STOCK FOR USE WITH RIGHTS PLAN Vote AGAINST proposals that increase authorized common stock for the explicit purpose of implementing a non-shareholder approved shareholder rights plan (poison pill). PREFERRED STOCK Vote AGAINST proposals authorizing the creation of new classes of preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution, and other rights ("blank check" preferred stock). Vote FOR proposals to create "de-clawed" blank check preferred stock (stock that cannot be used as a takeover defense). Vote FOR proposals to authorize preferred stock in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion, and other rights of such stock and the terms of the preferred stock appear reasonable. Vote AGAINST proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred stock authorized for issuance when no shares have been issued or reserved for a specific purpose. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred shares after analyzing the number of preferred shares available for issue given a company's industry and performance in terms of shareholder returns. 8. EXECUTIVE AND DIRECTOR COMPENSATION POOR PAY PRACTICES WITHHOLD from compensation committee members, CEO, and potentially the entire board, if the company has poor compensation practices, such as: - Egregious employment contracts (e.g., those containing multi-year guarantees for bonuses and grants); 26 - Excessive perks that dominate compensation (e.g., tax gross-ups for personal use of corporate aircraft); - Huge bonus payouts without justifiable performance linkage or proper disclosure; - Performance metrics that are changed (e.g., canceled or replaced during the performance period without adequate explanation of the action and the link to performance); - Egregious pension/SERP (supplemental executive retirement plan) payouts (e.g., the inclusion of additional years of service not worked or inclusion of performance-based equity awards in the pension calculation); - New CEO awarded an overly generous new hire package (e.g., including excessive "make whole" provisions or any of the poor pay practices listed in this policy); - Excessive severance provisions (e.g., including excessive change in control payments); - Change in control payouts without loss of job or substantial diminution of job duties; - Internal pay disparity; - Options backdating (covered in a separate policy); and EQUITY COMPENSATION PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on equity-based compensation plans. Vote AGAINST the equity plan if any of the following factors apply: - The total cost of the company's equity plans is unreasonable; - The plan expressly permits the repricing of stock options without prior shareholder approval; - There is a disconnect between CEO pay and the company's performance; - The company's three year burn rate exceeds the greater of 2% and the mean plus 1 standard deviation of its industry group; or - The plan is a vehicle for poor pay practices. DIRECTOR COMPENSATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on compensation plans for non-employee directors, based on the cost of the plans against the company's allowable cap. On occasion, director stock plans that set aside a relatively small number of shares when combined with employee or executive stock compensation plans exceed the allowable cap. Vote for the plan if ALL of the following qualitative factors in the board's compensation are met and disclosed in the proxy statement: - Director stock ownership guidelines with a minimum of three times the annual cash retainer. - Vesting schedule or mandatory holding/deferral period: - A minimum vesting of three years for stock options or restricted stock; or - Deferred stock payable at the end of a three-year deferral period. - Mix between cash and equity: - A balanced mix of cash and equity, for example 40% cash/60% equity or 50% cash/50% equity; or - If the mix is heavier on the equity component, the vesting schedule or deferral period should be more stringent, with the lesser of five years or the term of directorship. - No retirement/benefits and perquisites provided to non-employee directors; and - Detailed disclosure provided on cash and equity compensation delivered to each non-employee director for the most recent fiscal year in a table. The column headers for the table may include the following: name of each non-employee director, annual retainer, board meeting fees, committee retainer, committee-meeting fees, and equity grants. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on qualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR employee stock purchase plans where all of the following apply: 27 - Purchase price is at least 85% of fair market value; - Offering period is 27 months or less; and - The number of shares allocated to the plan is ten percent or less of the outstanding shares. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--NON-QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-by-CASE on nonqualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR nonqualified employee stock purchase plans with all the following features: - Broad-based participation (i.e., all employees of the company with the exclusion of individuals with 5% or more of beneficial ownership of the company); - Limits on employee contribution, which may be a fixed dollar amount or expressed as a percent of base salary; - Company matching contribution up to 25% of employee's contribution, which is effectively a discount of 20% from market value; - No discount on the stock price on the date of purchase, since there is a company matching contribution. OPTIONS BACKDATING In cases where a company has practiced options backdating, WITHHOLD on a CASE-BY-CASE basis from the members of the compensation committee, depending on the severity of the practices and the subsequent corrective actions on the part of the board. WITHHOLD from the compensation committee members who oversaw the questionable options grant practices or from current compensation committee members who fail to respond to the issue proactively, depending on several factors, including, but not limited to: - Reason and motive for the options backdating issue, such as inadvertent vs. deliberate grant date changes; - Length of time of options backdating; - Size of restatement due to options backdating; - Corrective actions taken by the board or compensation committee, such as canceling or repricing backdated options, or recouping option gains on backdated grants; - Adoption of a grant policy that prohibits backdating, and creation of a fixed grant schedule or window period for equity grants going forward. SEVERANCE AGREEMENTS FOR EXECUTIVES/GOLDEN PARACHUTES Vote FOR shareholder proposals to require golden parachutes or executive severance agreements to be submitted for shareholder ratification, unless the proposal requires shareholder approval prior to entering into employment contracts. Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to ratify or cancel golden parachutes. An acceptable parachute should include, but is not limited to, the following: - The triggering mechanism should be beyond the control of management; - The amount should not exceed three times base amount (defined as the average annual taxable W-2 compensation) during the five years prior to the year in which the change of control occurs; - Change-in-control payments should be double-triggered, i.e., (1) after a change in control has taken place, and (2) termination of the executive as a result of the change in control. Change in control is defined as a change in the company ownership structure. 9. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ANIMAL RIGHTS Generally vote AGAINST proposals to phase out the use of animals in product testing unless: - The company is conducting animal testing programs that are unnecessary or not required by regulation; - The company is conducting animal testing when suitable alternatives are accepted and used at peer firms; 28 - The company has been the subject of recent, significant controversy related to its testing programs. DRUG PRICING AND RE-IMPORTATION Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies implement specific price restraints on pharmaceutical products, unless the company fails to adhere to legislative guidelines or industry norms in its product pricing. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals requesting that the company evaluate their product pricing considering: - The existing level of disclosure on pricing policies; - Deviation from established industry pricing norms; - The company's existing initiatives to provide its products to needy consumers; - Whether the proposal focuses on specific products or geographic regions. Generally vote FOR proposals requesting that companies report on the financial and legal impact of their policies regarding prescription drug re-importation unless such information is already publicly disclosed. Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies adopt specific policies to encourage or constrain prescription drug re-importation. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products, or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. TOBACCO Most tobacco-related proposals (such as on second-hand smoke, advertising to youth, and spin-offs of tobacco-related business) should be evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. TOXIC CHEMICALS Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that a company discloses its policies related to toxic chemicals. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on resolutions requesting that companies evaluate and disclose the potential financial and legal risks associated with utilizing certain chemicals. Generally vote AGAINST resolutions requiring that a company reformulate its products within a certain timeframe, unless such actions are required by law in specific markets. ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Generally vote AGAINST request for reports outlining potential environmental damage from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) unless: - New legislation is adopted allowing development and drilling in the ANWR region; - The company intends to pursue operations in the ANWR; and - The company has not disclosed an environmental risk report for its ANWR operations. CONCENTRATED AREA FEEDING OPERATIONS (CAFOS) Vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies report to shareholders on the risks and liabilities associated with CAFOs, unless: 29 - The company has publicly disclosed guidelines for its corporate and contract farming operations, including compliance monitoring; or - The company does not directly source from CAFOs. GLOBAL WARMING AND KYOTO PROTOCOL COMPLIANCE Generally vote FOR proposals requesting a report on greenhouse gas emissions from company operations and/or products unless this information is already publicly disclosed or such factors are not integral to the company's line of business. Generally vote AGAINST proposals that call for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by specified amounts or within a restrictive time frame unless the company lags industry standards and has been the subject of recent, significant fines or litigation resulting from greenhouse gas emissions. Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies outline their preparations to comply with standards established by Kyoto Protocol signatory markets unless: - The company does not maintain operations in Kyoto signatory markets; - The company already evaluates and substantially discloses such information; or, - Greenhouse gas emissions do not significantly impact the company's core businesses. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to improve the disclosure of a company's political contributions considering: recent significant controversy or litigation related to the company's political contributions or governmental affairs; and the public availability of a policy on political contributions. Vote AGAINST proposals barring the company from making political contributions. LINK EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION TO SOCIAL PERFORMANCE Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to review ways of linking executive compensation to social factors, such as corporate downsizings, customer or employee satisfaction, community involvement, human rights, environmental performance, predatory lending, and executive/employee pay disparities. OUTSOURCING/OFF-SHORING Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals calling for companies to report on the risks associated with outsourcing, considering: the risks associated with certain international markets; the utility of such a report to shareholders; the existence of a publicly available code of corporate conduct that applies to international operations. COUNTRY-SPECIFIC HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on requests for reports detailing the company's operations in a particular country and on proposals to implement certain human rights standards at company facilities or those of its suppliers and to commit to outside, independent monitoring. 10. MUTUAL FUND PROXIES ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors and trustees, following the same guidelines for uncontested directors for public company shareholder meetings. However, mutual fund boards do not usually have compensation committees, so do not withhold for the lack of this committee. CONVERTING CLOSED-END FUND TO OPEN-END FUND Vote CASE-BY-CASE on conversion proposals, considering the following factors: - Past performance as a closed-end fund; - Market in which the fund invests; - Measures taken by the board to address the discount; and 30 - Past shareholder activism, board activity, and votes on related proposals. ESTABLISH DIRECTOR OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENT Generally vote AGAINST shareholder proposals that mandate a specific minimum amount of stock that directors must own in order to qualify as a director or to remain on the board. REIMBURSE SHAREHOLDER FOR EXPENSES INCURRED Vote CASE-BY-CASE on shareholder proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When supporting the dissidents, vote FOR the reimbursement of the proxy solicitation expenses. FUND'S PROXY VOTING RECORD. The Trust is required to disclose annually the fund's complete proxy voting record on Form N-PX. The fund's proxy voting record for the most recent 12 month period ended June 30th will be available by visiting the Schwab website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. The fund's Form N-PX will also be available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES As of September 13, 2006, the officers and trustees of the trust, as a group, owned of record or beneficially, less than 1% of the outstanding voting securities of any class of the fund. As of September 13, 2006, no person or entity owned of record or beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding voting securities of any class of the fund. INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES INVESTMENT ADVISER Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. (CSIM or the investment adviser), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation, 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, serves as the fund's investment adviser and administrator pursuant to an Investment Advisory and Administration Agreement (Advisory Agreement) between it and the Trust. Schwab is an affiliate of the investment adviser and is the Trust's distributor, shareholder services agent and transfer agent. Charles R. Schwab is the founder, Chairman and Director of The Charles Schwab Corporation. As a result of his ownership of and interests in The Charles Schwab Corporation, Mr. Schwab may be deemed to be a controlling person of the investment adviser and Schwab. ADVISORY AGREEMENT The continuation of the fund's Advisory Agreement must be specifically approved at least annually (1) by the vote of the trustees or by a vote of the shareholders of the fund, and (2) by the vote of a majority of the trustees who are not parties to the investment advisory agreement or "interested persons" of any party (the "Independent Trustees"), cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. Each year, the Board of Trustees calls and holds a meeting to decide whether to renew the Advisory Agreement between the Trust and CSIM with respect to existing funds in the Trust. In preparation for the meeting, the Board requests and reviews a wide variety of materials provided by the fund's investment adviser, as well as extensive data provided by third parties, and the Independent Trustees receive advice from counsel to the Independent Trustees. 31 For its advisory and administrative services to the fund, the investment adviser is entitled to receive a graduated annual fee payable monthly based on the fund's average daily net assets as described below. First $1 billion -- 0.38% More than $1 billion but not exceeding $10 billion -- 0.35% More than $10 billion but not exceeding $20 billion -- 0.32% More than $20 billion but not exceeding $40 billion -- 0.30% More than $40 billion -- 0.27% For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, the fund paid net investment advisory fees of $78,509,000 (fees were reduced by $37,912,000), $60,536,000 (fees were reduced by $31,187,000) and $57,023,000 (fees were reduced by $29,307,000), respectively. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the fund's Institutional Prime Shares' "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.21% through September 29, 2007. The amount of the expense cap is determined in coordination with the Board of Trustees, and the expense cap is intended to limit the effects on shareholders of expenses incurred in the ordinary operation of the fund. The expense cap is not intended to cover all fund expenses, and the fund's expenses may exceed the expense cap. For example, the expense cap does not cover investment-related expenses, such as brokerage commissions, interest and taxes, nor does it cover extraordinary or non-routine expenses, if any, such as shareholder meeting costs. DISTRIBUTOR Pursuant to an agreement, Schwab is the principal underwriter for shares of the fund and is the Trust's agent for the purpose of the continuous offering of the fund's shares. The fund pays the cost of the prospectuses and shareholder reports to be prepared and delivered to existing shareholders. Schwab pays such costs when the described materials are used in connection with the offering of shares to prospective investors and for supplemental sales literature and advertising. Schwab receives no fee under the agreement. SHAREHOLDER SERVICES AND TRANSFER AGENT Schwab provides fund information to shareholders, including share price, reporting shareholder ownership and account activities and distributing the fund's prospectuses, financial reports and other informational literature about the fund. Schwab maintains the office space, equipment and personnel necessary to provide these services. Schwab also distributes and markets Schwab Funds(R) and provides other services. At its own expense, Schwab may engage third party entities, as appropriate, to perform some or all of these services. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the fund, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from the Institutional Prime SharesTM of the fund, payable monthly in the amount of 0.01% of the average daily net assets of the class. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the fund, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from the Institutional Prime Shares of the fund, payable monthly in the amount of 0.01% of the average daily net assets of the class. 32 CUSTODIAN AND FUND ACCOUNTANT State Street Bank and Trust Company, One Lincoln Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02111, serves as custodian and fund accountant for the fund. The custodian is responsible for the daily safekeeping of securities and cash held or sold by the fund. The fund accountant maintains the books and records related to the fund's transactions. INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM The fund's independent registered public accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, audits and reports on the annual financial statements of each series of the Trust and reviews certain regulatory reports and the fund's federal income tax return. They also perform other professional accounting, auditing, tax and advisory services when the Trust engages them to do so. Their address is 3 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111-4004. LEGAL COUNSEL Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP serves as counsel to the Trust. OTHER EXPENSES The fund pays other expenses that typically are connected with the Trust's operations, and include legal, audit and custodian fees, as well as the costs of accounting and registration of the fund. Expenses not directly attributable to the fund will generally be allocated among the funds in the Trust on the basis of the fund's relative net assets at the time the expense is incurred. BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES PORTFOLIO TURNOVER Because securities with maturities of less than one year are excluded from required portfolio turnover rate calculations, the fund's portfolio turnover rate for reporting purposes is expected to be near zero. PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS DISCLOSURE The fund's Board of Trustees has approved policies and procedures that govern the timing and circumstances regarding the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings information to shareholders and third parties. These policies and procedures are designed to ensure that disclosure of information regarding the fund's portfolio securities is in the best interests of fund shareholders, and include procedures to address conflicts between the interests of the fund's shareholders, on the one hand, and those of the fund's investment adviser, principal underwriter or any affiliated person of the fund, its investment adviser, or its principal underwriter, on the other. Pursuant to such procedures, the Board has authorized the president of the fund to authorize the release of the fund's portfolio holdings, as necessary, in conformity with the foregoing principles. The Board exercises on-going oversight of the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings by overseeing the implementation and enforcement of the fund's policies and procedures by the Chief Compliance Officer and by considering reports and recommendations by the Chief Compliance Officer concerning any material compliance matters. The Board will receive periodic updates, at least 33 annually, regarding entities which were authorized to be provided "early disclosure" (as defined below) of the fund's portfolio holdings information. A complete list of the fund's portfolio holdings is published on the Schwab Funds(R) website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds, under "Prospectuses and Reports", typically 60-80 days after the end of the fund's fiscal quarter. The portfolio holdings information available on the Schwab Funds' website is the same that is filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q or Form N-CSR. In addition, the fund's top ten holdings list is posted on the Schwab Funds website monthly, typically with a 10-day lag. In addition to the top ten holdings information, the fund also provides on the website monthly information regarding certain attributes of the fund's portfolio, such as the fund's sector weightings, portfolio composition, credit quality and duration and maturity, as applicable. The information on the website is publicly available to all categories of persons. The fund may disclose portfolio holdings information to certain persons and entities prior to and more frequently than the public disclosure of such information ("early disclosure"). The president may authorize early disclosure of portfolio holdings information to such parties at differing times and/or with different lag times provided that (a) the president of the fund determines that the disclosure is in the best interests of the fund and that there are no conflicts of interest between the fund's shareholders and fund's adviser and distributor; and (b) the recipient is, either by contractual agreement or otherwise by law, required to maintain the confidentiality of the information. In addition, the fund's service providers including, without limitation, the investment adviser, distributor, the custodian, fund accountant, transfer agent, auditor, proxy voting service provider, pricing information venders, publisher, printer and mailing agent may receive early disclosure of portfolio holdings information as frequently as daily in connection with the services they perform for the fund. Service providers will be subject to a duty of confidentiality with respect to any portfolio holdings information whether imposed by the provisions of the service provider's contract with the trust or by the nature of its relationship with the trust. The fund's policies and procedures prohibit the fund, the fund's investment adviser or any related party from receiving any compensation or other consideration in connection with the disclosure of portfolio holdings information. The fund may disclose non-material information including commentary and aggregate information about the characteristics of the fund in connection with or relating to the fund or its portfolio securities to any person if such disclosure is for a legitimate business purpose, such disclosure does not effectively result in the disclosure of the complete portfolio securities of any fund (which can only be disclosed in accordance with the above requirements), and such information does not constitute material non-public information. Such disclosure does not fall within the portfolio securities disclosure requirements outlined above. Whether the information constitutes material non-public information will be made on a good faith determination, which involves an assessment of the particular facts and circumstances. In most cases commentary or analysis would be immaterial and would not convey any advantage to a recipient in making a decision concerning the fund. Commentary and analysis includes, but is not limited to, the allocation of the fund's portfolio securities and other investments among various asset classes, sectors, industries, and countries, the characteristics of the stock components and other investments of the fund, the attribution of fund returns by asset class, sector, industry and country, and the volatility characteristics of the fund. 34 PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS The fund paid no brokerage commissions during the last three fiscal years. The investment adviser makes decisions with respect to the purchase and sale of portfolio securities on behalf of the fund. The investment adviser is responsible for implementing these decisions, including the negotiation of commissions and the allocation of principal business and portfolio brokerage. Purchases and sales of securities on a stock exchange or certain riskless principal transactions placed on NASDAQ are typically effected through brokers who charge a commission for their services. Purchases and sales of fixed income securities may be transacted with the issuer, the issuer's underwriter, or a dealer. The fund does not usually pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of fixed income securities, although the price of the securities generally includes compensation, in the form of a spread or a mark-up or mark-down, which is not disclosed separately. The prices the fund pays to underwriters of newly-issued securities usually include a commission paid by the issuer to the underwriter. Transactions placed through dealers who are serving as primary market makers reflect the spread between the bid and asked prices. The money market securities in which the fund invests are traded primarily in the over-the-counter market and or purchased directly from the issuer or an underwriter or market maker. Purchases from underwriters will include a commission or concession paid by the issuer to the underwriter, and purchases from dealers serving as market makers will include the spread between the bid and asked price. It is expected that the cost of executing portfolio securities transactions of the fund will primarily consist of dealer spreads and underwriting commissions. The investment adviser seeks to obtain the best overall execution in executing portfolio transactions. The investment adviser may take a number of factors into account in selecting brokers or dealers to execute these transactions. Such factors may include, without limitation, the following: execution price; brokerage commission or dealer spread; size or type of the transaction; nature or character of the markets; clearance or settlement capability; reputation; financial strength and stability of the broker or dealer; efficiency of execution and error resolution; block trading capabilities; willingness to execute related or unrelated difficult transactions in the future; order of call; or provision of additional brokerage or research services or products. The investment adviser may cause the fund to pay a higher commission than otherwise obtainable from other brokers or dealers in return for brokerage or research services or products if the investment adviser believes that such commission is reasonable in relation to the services provided. In addition to agency transactions, the investment adviser may receive brokerage and research services or products in connection with certain riskless transactions, in accordance with applicable SEC guidelines. In both instances, these services or products may include: economic, industry, or company research reports or investment recommendations; subscriptions to financial publications or research data compilations; compilations of securities prices, earnings, dividends, and similar data; computerized databases; quotation equipment and services; research or analytical computer software and services; products or services that assist in effecting transactions, including services of third-party computer systems developers directly related to research and brokerage activities; and effecting securities transactions and performing functions incidental thereto (such as clearance and settlement). The investment adviser may use research services furnished by brokers or dealers in servicing all client accounts and not all services may necessarily be used in connection with the account that paid commissions or spreads to the broker or dealer providing such services. The investment adviser may receive a service from a broker or dealer that has both a "research" and a "non-research" use. When this occurs, the investment adviser will make a good faith allocation, under all the circumstances, between the research and non-research uses of the service. The 35 percentage of the service that is used for research purposes may be paid for with client commissions, while the investment adviser will use its own funds to pay for the percentage of the service that is used for non-research purposes. In making this good faith allocation, the investment adviser faces a potential conflict of interest, but the investment adviser believes that the costs of such services may be appropriately allocated to their anticipated research and non-research uses. The fund may purchase new issues of securities for clients in a fixed price offering. In these situations, the seller may be a member of the selling group that will, in addition to selling securities, provide the investment adviser with research services. The NASD has adopted rules expressly permitting these types of arrangements under certain circumstances. The investment adviser may place orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems. Placing orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems may enable the fund to trade directly with other institutional holders. At times, this may allow the fund to trade larger blocks than would be possible trading through a single market maker. The investment adviser may aggregate securities sales or purchases among two or more clients. Investment adviser will not aggregate transactions unless it believes such aggregation is consistent with its duty to seek best execution for each affected client and is consistent with the terms of the investment advisory agreement for such client. In any single transaction in which purchases and/or sales of securities of any issuer for the account of the fund are aggregated with other accounts managed by the investment adviser, the actual prices applicable to the transaction will be averaged among the accounts for which the transaction is effected, including the account of the fund. In determining when and to what extent to use Schwab or any other affiliated broker-dealer as its broker for executing orders for the fund on securities exchanges, the investment adviser follows procedures, adopted by the Board of Trustees, that are designed to ensure that affiliated brokerage commissions (if relevant) are reasonable and fair in comparison to unaffiliated brokerage commissions for comparable transactions. The Board reviews the procedures annually and approves and reviews transactions involving affiliated brokers quarterly. REGULAR BROKER-DEALERS The fund's regular broker-dealers during its most recent fiscal year are: (1) the ten broker-dealers that received the greatest dollar amount of brokerage commissions from the fund; (2) the ten broker-dealers that engaged as principal in the largest dollar amount of portfolio transactions; and (3) the ten broker-dealers that sold the largest dollar amount of the fund's shares. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, the fund purchased securities issued by its respective regular broker-dealers, as indicated below:
36 DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST The fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, an open-end investment management company organized as a Massachusetts business Trust on October 20, 1989. The fund may hold special meetings of shareholders, which may cause the fund to incur non-routine expenses. These meetings may be called for purposes such as electing trustees, changing fundamental policies and amending management contracts. Shareholders are entitled to one vote for each share owned and may vote by proxy or in person. Proxy materials will be mailed to shareholders prior to any meetings, and will include a voting card and information explaining the matters to be voted upon. The bylaws of the Trust provide that a majority of shares entitled to vote shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at a shareholders' meeting, except that where any provision of law, or of the Declaration of Trust or of the bylaws permits or requires that (1) holders of any series shall vote as a series, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that series entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that series, or (2) holders of any class shall vote as a class, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that class entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that class. Any lesser number shall be sufficient for adjournments. Any adjourned session or sessions may be held, within a reasonable time after the date set for the original meeting, without the necessity of further notice. The Declaration of Trust specifically authorizes the Board of Trustees to terminate the Trust (or any of its investment portfolios) by notice to the shareholders without shareholder approval. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of a Massachusetts business Trust could, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for the Trust's obligations. The Declaration of Trust, however, disclaims shareholder liability for the Trust's acts or obligations and requires that notice of such disclaimer be given in each agreement, obligation or instrument entered into or executed by the Trust or the trustees. In addition, the Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of the property of an investment portfolio in which a shareholder owns or owned shares for all losses and expenses of such shareholder or former shareholder if he or she is held personally liable for the obligations of the Trust solely by reason of being or having been a shareholder. Moreover, the Trust will be covered by insurance which the trustees consider adequate to cover foreseeable tort claims. Thus, the risk of a shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is considered remote, because it is limited to circumstances in which a disclaimer is inoperative and the Trust itself is unable to meet its obligations. There is a remote possibility that the fund could become liable for a misstatement in the prospectus or SAI about another fund. As more fully described in each Declaration of Trust, the trustees may each year, or more frequently, distribute to the shareholders of each series accrued income less accrued expenses and any net realized capital gains less accrued expenses. Distributions of each year's income of each series shall be distributed pro rata to shareholders in proportion to the number of shares of each series held by each of them. Distributions will be paid in cash or shares or a combination thereof as determined by the trustees. Distributions paid in shares will be paid at the net asset value per share as determined in accordance with the bylaws. 37 PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS PURCHASING AND REDEEMING SHARES OF THE FUND The fund is open for business each day, except for days on which the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is closed and the following federal holidays observances: Columbus Day and Veterans Day. The NYSE's trading session is normally conducted from 9:30 a.m. Eastern time until 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, although some days, such as in advance of and following holidays, the NYSE's trading sessions closes early. The following holiday closings are currently scheduled for 2006: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (observed), Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day (observed), Veterans' Day (observed), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. On any day that the Fed, NYSE or principal government securities markets close early, the fund reserves the right to advance the time by which purchase, redemption and exchange orders must be received by the fund's transfer agent. Shareholders may invest directly in the fund by placing orders through the fund's sub-transfer agent (direct orders) or you may invest in the fund through an intermediary by placing orders through your brokerage account at Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (Schwab account), or through other broker/dealers, investment professionals, 401(k) plans, banks or other financial institutions (intermediary orders). It is important to note that only direct orders provide same day settlement. To place direct orders, shareholders must open an account with the fund through the fund's sub-transfer agent, Boston Financial Data Services (sub-transfer agent). Shareholders may obtain an account application by calling the sub-transfer agent at 1-800-407-0256. Your completed application and supporting documents must be returned to, and accepted by, the sub-transfer agent before you can place direct orders. You can not place direct orders through your Schwab account or through your account at another intermediary. You cannot place direct orders (both purchase and redemption) by mail and cannot pay for purchases by check. In addition, you must authorize the telephone redemption option in the account application (and such authorization must be accepted by the fund) prior to placing direct orders with the fund's sub-transfer agent. This is because direct orders to redeem shares can only be placed by telephone. The fund offers same day investment on initial purchase orders that satisfy the following conditions which must occur in the order stated: (1) if you have not yet opened an account with the fund, you must fax a signed, hard copy of the completed account application and all supporting documents to the fund's sub-transfer agent, at 1-781-796-2938, (2) you must call the sub-transfer agent at 1-800-407-0256 prior to the close of the fund (generally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time or the close of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), whichever is earlier) to place your order and to receive wire instructions, and (3) your wired funds must be received and accepted by the sub-transfer agent prior to 6:00 p.m. Eastern time or the deadline for the Fedwire Funds Service for initiating third party transfers, whichever is earlier. The fund also offers same day investment on certain additional purchases by wire. To make a same day investment, you must call the sub-transfer agent at 1-800-407-0256 prior to the close of the fund (generally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time or the close of the NYSE, whichever is earlier) to place your order and to receive wire instructions. Your wired funds must be received and accepted by the subtransfer agent prior to 6:00 p.m. Eastern time or the deadline for the Fedwire Funds Service for initiating third party transfers, whichever is earlier. 38 To protect you, the fund and its service providers from fraud, signature guarantees may be required to enable the sub-transfer agent to verify the identity of the person who has authorized a redemption from an account. Signature guarantees are required for (1) redemptions where the proceeds are to be sent to someone other than the registered shareholder(s) at the registered address, (2) redemptions if your account address has changed within the last 10 business days, (3) share transfer requests, and (4) redemptions where the proceeds are wired in connection with bank instructions not already on file with the sub-transfer agent. Signature guarantees may be obtained from certain eligible financial institutions, including, but not limited to, the following: U.S. banks, trust companies, credit unions, securities brokers and dealers, savings and loan associations and participants in the Securities and Transfer Association Medallion Program ("STAMP"), the Stock Exchange Medallion Program ("SEMP") or the New York Stock Exchange Medallion Signature Program ("MSP"). Signature guarantees from non-U.S. banks that do not include a stamp may require a U.S. consulate stamp. You may contact the fund's sub-transfer agent at 1-800-407-0256 for further details. As long as the fund, the sub-transfer agent or Schwab follows reasonable procedures to confirm that your telephone or Internet order is genuine, they will not be liable for any losses an investor may experience due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions. These procedures may include requiring a form of personal identification or confirmation before acting upon any telephone or Internet order, providing written confirmation of telephone or Internet orders and tape recording all telephone orders. Share certificates will not be issued in order to avoid additional administrative costs, however, share ownership records are maintained by Schwab. The Declaration of Trust provides that shares may be automatically redeemed if held by a shareholder in an amount less than the minimum required by the fund or share class. The fund's minimum initial and additional investments and minimum balance requirements, if any, are set forth in the prospectus. These minimums may be waived for certain institutional and retirement plan accounts, including clients of Schwab Institutional and Schwab Corporate Services retirement plans. These minimums may also be waived for certain other investors, including trustees, officers and employees of Schwab, and for certain investment programs, including programs for retirement savings, education savings, or charitable giving. Schwab may receive other compensation for providing services to these clients, investors and programs. The minimums may be changed without prior notice. The fund has made an election with the SEC to pay in cash all redemptions requested by any shareholder of record limited in amount during any 90-day period to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of its net assets at the beginning of such period. This election is irrevocable without the SEC's prior approval. Redemption requests in excess of these limits may be paid, in whole or in part, in investment securities or in cash, as the Board of Trustees may deem advisable. Payment will be made wholly in cash unless the Board of Trustees believes that economic or market conditions exist that would make such payment a detriment to the best interests of the fund. If redemption proceeds are paid in investment securities, such securities will be valued as set forth in "Pricing of Shares". A redeeming shareholder would normally incur transaction costs if he or she were to convert the securities to cash. EXCHANGING SHARES OF THE FUND Except as discussed below, shares of any Schwab Funds, including any class of shares, may be sold and the shares of any other Schwab Funds or class purchased, provided the minimum investment and any other requirement of the fund or class purchased are satisfied. Without limiting this privilege, "an exchange order," which is a simultaneous order to sell shares of one fund or class and automatically invest the proceeds in another fund or class, may not be executed between shares of Sweep 39 Investments(R) and shares of non-Sweep Investments. Shares of Sweep Investments may be bought and sold automatically pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Schwab account agreement or by direct order as long as you meet the minimums for direct investments. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, there are no exchange privileges for shares purchased directly from the fund. The fund and Schwab reserve certain rights with regard to exchanging shares of the fund. These rights include the right to: (i) refuse any purchase or exchange order that may negatively impact the fund's operations; (ii) refuse orders that appear to be associated with short-term trading activities; and (iii) materially modify or terminate the exchange privilege upon 60 days' written notice to shareholders. PRICING OF SHARES The fund values its portfolio instruments at amortized cost, which means they are valued at their acquisition cost, as adjusted for amortization of premium or discount, rather than at current market value. Calculations are made to compare the value of the fund's investments at amortized cost with market values. Such values are required to be determined in one of two ways: securities for which market quotations are readily available are required to be valued at current market value; and securities for which market quotations are not readily available are required to be valued at fair value using procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. The fund uses approved pricing services to provide values for its portfolio securities. Securities may be fair valued pursuant to procedures approved by the fund's Board of Trustees when approved pricing services do not provide a value for a security, a furnished price appears manifestly incorrect or events occur prior to the close of the NYSE that materially affect the furnished price. The Board of Trustees regularly reviews fair value determinations made by the fund pursuant to the procedures. The amortized cost method of valuation seeks to maintain a stable net asset value per share (NAV) of $1.00, even where there are fluctuations in interest rates that affect the value of portfolio instruments. Accordingly, this method of valuation can in certain circumstances lead to a dilution of a shareholder's interest. If a deviation of 1/2 of 1% or more were to occur between the NAV calculated using market values and the fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost or if there were any other deviation that the Board of Trustees believed would result in a material dilution to shareholders or purchasers, the Board of Trustees would promptly consider what action, if any, should be initiated. If the fund's NAV calculated using market values declined, or was expected to decline, below the fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost, the Board of Trustees might temporarily reduce or suspend dividend payments in an effort to maintain the fund's $1.00 NAV. As a result of such reduction or suspension of dividends or other action by the Board of Trustees, an investor would receive less income during a given period than if such a reduction or suspension had not taken place. Such action could result in investors receiving no dividend for the period during which they hold their shares and receiving, upon redemption, a price per share lower than that which they paid. On the other hand, if the fund's NAV calculated using market values were to increase, or were anticipated to increase above the fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost, the Board of Trustees might supplement dividends in an effort to maintain the fund's $1.00 NAV. Orders that are placed through your Schwab account or through your account at another intermediary generally settle on the next business day. Intermediary orders to buy shares that are accepted no later than the close of the fund on a given day (generally 4 p.m. Eastern time) generally will receive the next business day's dividend. Intermediary orders to sell or exchange shares that are accepted and executed no later than the close of the fund on a given day generally will receive that day's dividend. 40 The fund also offers same-day settlement for certain orders to purchase Institutional Prime Shares placed directly with the fund's sub-transfer agent, as described in the section "Purchasing and Redeeming Shares of the Fund." Orders that satisfy these conditions will generally receive that business day's dividend. DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS Typically once a year, an updated prospectus will be mailed to shareholders describing the fund's investment strategies, risks and shareholder policies. Twice a year, financial reports will be mailed to shareholders describing the fund's performance and investment holdings. In order to eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents, each household may receive one copy of these documents, under certain conditions. This practice is commonly called "householding." If you want to receive multiple copies, you may write or call your fund at the address or telephone number on the front of this SAI. Your instructions will be effective within 30 days of receipt by Schwab. TAXATION FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION FOR THE FUND This discussion of federal income tax consequences is based on the Code and the regulations issued thereunder as in effect on the date of this Statement of Additional Information. New legislation, as well as administrative changes or court decisions, may significantly change the conclusions expressed herein, and may have a retroactive effect with respect to the transactions contemplated herein. It is the fund's policy to qualify for taxation as a "regulated investment company" (RIC) by meeting the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code). By qualifying as a RIC, the fund expects to eliminate or reduce to a nominal amount the federal income tax to which it is subject. If the fund does not qualify as a RIC under the Code, it will be subject to federal income tax on its net investment income and any net realized capital gains. In order to qualify as a regulated investment company, the fund must satisfy certain requirements relating to the source of its income, diversification of its assets, and distributions of its income to shareholders. If the fund meets all of the requirements to be treated as a regulated investment company, it will not be subject to federal income tax on any of its net investment income or capital gains that it distributes to shareholders. First, the fund must derive at least 90% of its annual gross income (including tax-exempt interest) from dividends, interest, payments with respect to securities loans, gains from the sale or other disposition of stock or securities or foreign currencies, or other income (including but not limited to gains from options and futures) derived with respect to its business of investing in such stock, securities or currencies, and net income derived from an interest in a qualified publicly traded partnership (the "90% gross income test"). Second, the fund must diversify its holdings so that, at the close of each quarter of its taxable year, (i) at least 50% of the value of its total assets is comprised of cash, cash items, United States Government securities, securities of other regulated investment companies and other securities limited in respect of any one issuer to an amount not greater in value than 5% of the value of the fund's total assets and to not more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer, and (ii) not more than 25% of the value of the total assets is invested in the securities of any one issuer (other than United States Government securities and securities of other regulated investment companies), the securities (other than the securities of other regulated investment companies) of two or more issuers controlled by the fund and engaged in the same, similar or related trades or businesses, or the securities of one or more qualified publicly traded partnerships. 41 In addition to the above requirements, in order to qualify as a regulated investment company for a tax year, the fund must distribute at least 90% of the sum of (i) its "investment company taxable income" (which includes dividends, taxable interest, taxable original issue discount and market discount income, income from securities lending, net short-term capital gain in excess of long-term capital loss, and any other taxable income other than "net capital gain" (as defined below) and is reduced by deductible expenses) and (ii) its net tax-exempt interest (the excess of its gross tax-exempt interest income over certain disallowed deductions). Each Fund intends to distribute at least annually to its shareholders all or substantially all of its net tax-exempt interest, any investment company taxable income, and net capital gain, if any. The fund, however, may retain its net capital gain (which consists of the excess of its net long-term capital gain over its short-term capital loss). If for a tax year the fund retains any net capital gain or any investment company taxable income, it will be subject to tax at regular corporate rates on the amount retained. If the fund retains any net capital gain, the Fund may elect to designate the retained amount as undistributed capital gains. If the fund makes this election, it will notify shareholders who will be required to include in income for income tax purposes their shares of such undistributed amount, and will be entitled to credit their proportionate shares of the tax paid by such Fund against their federal income tax liabilities, if any, and to claim refunds to the extent the credit exceeds such liabilities. In this case, for federal income tax purposes, the tax basis of shares owned by a shareholder of the Fund will be increased by an amount equal to the difference between the amount of the includible gain and the tax deemed paid by the shareholder in respect to these shares. The Code imposes a non-deductible excise tax on RICs that do not distribute in a calendar year (regardless of whether they otherwise have a non-calendar taxable year) an amount equal to 98% of their "ordinary income" (as defined in the Code) for the calendar year plus 98% of their net capital gain for the one-year period ending on October 31 of such calendar year, plus any undistributed amounts from prior years. The non-deductible excise tax is equal to 4% of the deficiency. For the foregoing purposes, the fund is treated as having distributed any amount on which it is subject to income tax for any taxable year ending in such calendar year. FEDERAL INCOME TAX INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS The discussion of federal income taxation presented below supplements the discussion in the fund's prospectus and only summarizes some of the important federal tax considerations generally affecting shareholders of the fund. Accordingly, prospective investors (particularly those not residing or domiciled in the United States) should consult their own tax advisors regarding the consequences of investing in the fund. On each business day that the NAV of the fund is determined, such fund's net investment income will be declared as of the close of the fund (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) as a daily dividend to shareholders of record. Your daily dividend is calculated each business day by applying the daily dividend rate by the number of shares owned, and is rounded to the nearest penny. The daily dividend is accrued each business day, and the sum of the daily dividends is paid monthly. For the fund, dividends will normally be reinvested monthly in shares of the fund at the NAV on the 15th day of each month, if a business day, otherwise on the next business day, except in December when dividends are reinvested on the last business day of December. If cash payment is requested, checks will normally be mailed on the business day following the reinvestment date. The fund will pay shareholders, who redeem all of their shares, all dividends accrued to the time of the redemption within 7 days. The fund calculates its dividends based on its daily net investment income. For this purpose, the net investment income of the fund generally consists of: (1) accrued interest income, plus or minus amortized discount or premium, minus (2) accrued expenses allocated to that fund. If the fund 42 realizes any capital gains, they will be distributed at least once during the year as determined by the Board of Trustees. Any realized capital losses, to the extent not offset by realized capital gains, will be carried forward. Distributions by the fund of its investment company taxable income will be taxable to shareholders as ordinary income whether received in cash or additional shares. Because the taxable portion of the fund's investment income consists primarily of interest, none of its dividends are expected to qualify under the Code for the dividends received deduction for corporations or as qualified dividend income eligible for reduced tax rates. Any dividends declared by the fund in October, November or December and paid the following January are treated, for tax purposes, as if they were received by shareholders on December 31 of the year in which they were declared. The fund may adjust its schedule for the reinvestment of distributions for the month of December to assist in complying with the reporting and minimum distribution requirements of the Code. The fund does not expect to realize any long-term capital gains. However, long-term capital gains distributions are taxable as long-term capital gains, regardless of how long you have held your shares. If you receive a long-term capital gains distribution with respect to fund shares held for six months or less, any loss on the sale or exchange of those shares shall, to the extent of the long-term capital gains distribution, be treated as a long-term capital loss. Distributions by the fund also may be subject to state, local and foreign taxes, and its treatment under applicable tax laws may differ from the federal income tax treatment. Note that most states grant tax-exempt status to distributions paid to shareholders from earnings received on direct investment on U.S. government securities, subject to certain restrictions. For example, some states do not extend this exemption to distributions paid to shareholders from earning on certain U.S. government agencies, such as Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, or Sallie Mae. The fund may engage in techniques that may alter the timing and character of its income. The fund may be restricted in its use of these techniques by rules relating to its qualification as a regulated investment company. The redemption or exchange of the shares of the fund may result in capital gain or loss to the shareholders. Generally, if a shareholder holds the shares as a capital asset, any gain or loss will be long-term gain or loss if the shares have been held for more than one year. Capital gains of corporate shareholders are subject to regular corporate tax rates. For non-corporate taxpayers, gain on the sales of shares held for more than 12 months will generally be taxed at the rate applicable to long-term capital gains, while gain on the sale of shares held for one year or less will generally be taxed at ordinary income rates. No capital gain or loss to a shareholder is anticipated upon the redemption or exchange of the shares of the fund so long as the fund maintains a stable $1 share price. The fund will be required in certain cases to withhold at the applicable withholding rate and remit to the U.S. Treasury, the withheld amount of taxable dividends paid to any shareholder who (1) fails to provide a correct taxpayer identification number certified under penalty of perjury; (2) is subject to withholding by the Internal Revenue Service for failure to properly report all payments of interest or dividends; (3) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is not subject to "backup withholding;" or (4) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). Backup withholding is not an additional tax and any amounts withheld may be credited against the shareholder's ultimate U.S. tax liability. Foreign shareholders (i.e., nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations, partnerships, trusts and estates) are generally subject to U.S. withholding tax at the rate of 30% (or a lower tax treaty rate) 43 on distributions derived from net investment income and short-term capital gains; provided, however, that dividends with respect to the fund's taxable year beginning after December 31, 2004 and not beginning after December 31, 2007 are not subject to U.S. withholding tax if, subject to certain exceptions, such dividends qualify as interest-related dividends or as short-term capital gain dividends Distributions to foreign shareholders of such short-term capital gain dividends of long-term capital gains and any gains from the sale or other disposition of shares of the fund generally are not subject to U.S. taxation, unless the recipient is an individual who either (1) meets the Code's definition of "resident alien" or (2) who is physically present in the U.S. for 183 days or more per year as determined under certain IRS rules. Different tax consequences may result if the foreign shareholder is engaged in a trade or business within the United States. In addition, the tax consequences to a foreign shareholder entitled to claim the benefits of a tax treaty may be different than those described above. 44 APPENDIX - RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES COMMERCIAL PAPER MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Prime-1 is the highest commercial paper rating assigned by Moody's. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of commercial paper with this rating are considered to have a superior ability to repay short-term promissory obligations. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of securities rated Prime-2 are viewed as having a strong capacity to repay short-term promissory obligations. This capacity will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics of issuers whose commercial paper is rated Prime-1 but to a lesser degree. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P A-1 commercial paper rating indicates a strong degree of safety regarding timely payment of principal and interest. Issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics are denoted A-1+. Capacity for timely payment on commercial paper rated A-2 is satisfactory, but the relative degree of safety is not as high as for issues designated A-1. FITCH, INC. F1+ is the highest category, and indicates the strongest degree of assurance for timely payment. Issues rated F1 reflect an assurance of timely payment only slightly less than issues rated F1+. Issues assigned an F2 rating have a satisfactory degree of assurance for timely payment, but the margin of safety is not as great as for issues in the first two rating categories. SHORT-TERM NOTES AND VARIABLE RATE DEMAND OBLIGATIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Short-term notes/variable rate demand obligations bearing the designations MIG-1/VMIG-1 are considered to be of the best quality, enjoying strong protection from established cash flows, superior liquidity support or demonstrated broad-based access to the market for refinancing. Obligations rated MIG-2/VMIG-2 are of high quality and enjoy ample margins of protection although not as large as those of the top rated securities. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P SP-1 rating indicates that the subject securities' issuer has a very strong capacity to pay principal and interest. Issues determined to possess very strong safety characteristics are given a plus (+) designation. S&P's determination that an issuer has a strong capacity to pay principal and interest is denoted by an SP-2 rating. 45 STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THE CHARLES SCHWAB FAMILY OF FUNDS SCHWAB AMT TAX-FREE MONEY FUND -- VALUE ADVANTAGE SHARES TM (FORMERLY SCHWAB FLORIDA MUNICIPAL MONEY FUND) NOVEMBER 1, 2006 AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 1, 2007 The Statement of Additional Information (SAI) is not a prospectus. It should be read in conjunction with the fund's prospectus dated November 1, 2006 (as amended from time to time). To obtain a free copy of the prospectus, please contact Schwab Funds(R) at 1-800-435-4000. For TDD service call 1-800-345-2550. The prospectus also may be available on the Internet at: http://www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. The fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds (the Trust). The Trust and Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios are collectively referred to as the "Schwab Funds." TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ---- INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS................................................... 2 MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND.................................................. 12 DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES....................... 20 CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES..................... 32 INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES.................................. 32 BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES................................ 34 DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST................................................ 38 PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS................................................... 39 TAXATION................................................................ 41 APPENDIX-RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES............................... 45 1 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES The fund seeks the highest current income exempt from federal income tax that is consistent with stability of capital and liquidity. The fund's investment objective may be changed only by a vote of a majority of its outstanding voting shares. A majority of the outstanding voting shares of the fund means the affirmative vote of the lesser of: (a) 67% or more of the voting shares represented at the meeting, if more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of the fund are represented at the meeting; or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of the fund. There is no guarantee the fund will achieve its objective. The fund operates as a money market fund and seeks to comply with the requirements of Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act), as that Rule may be amended from time to time. The Rule's key provisions govern the maturity, quality and diversification of money market fund investments. For example, with respect to maturity, Rule 2a-7 currently provides that money funds limit their investments to securities with remaining maturities of 397 days or less, and maintain dollar-weighted average maturities of 90 days or less, both calculated as described in the Rule. In addition, money funds may only invest in high quality securities. The fund is also subject to strict diversification requirements under Rule 2a-7. The following investment strategy, securities, risks and limitations supplement those set forth in the prospectus and may be changed without shareholder approval unless otherwise noted. Also, policies and limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard, shall be measured immediately after and as a result of the fund's acquisition of such security or asset unless otherwise noted. Additionally, for purposes of calculating any restriction, an issuer shall be the entity deemed to be ultimately responsible for payments of interest and principal on the security pursuant to Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act unless otherwise noted. INVESTMENT STRATEGY The fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in money market securities from states and municipal agencies around the country and from U.S. territories and possessions. Under normal circumstances, the fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in municipal money market securities whose interest is exempt from federal income tax, including the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). This policy may only be changed with shareholder approval. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets means net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. INVESTMENT SECURITIES AND RISKS BORROWING may subject the fund to interest costs, which may exceed the interest received on the securities purchased with the borrowed funds. The fund normally may borrow at times to meet redemption requests rather than sell portfolio securities to raise the necessary cash. Borrowing can involve leveraging when securities are purchased with the borrowed money. To avoid this, the fund will not purchase securities while borrowings are outstanding or will earmark or segregate assets to cover such borrowings in accordance with positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 2 COMMERCIAL PAPER consists of short-term, promissory notes issued by banks, corporations and other entities to finance short-term credit needs. These securities generally are discounted but sometimes may be interest bearing. Commercial paper, which also may be unsecured, is subject to credit risk. CONCENTRATION means that substantial amounts of assets are invested in a particular industry or group of industries. Concentration increases investment exposure to industry risk. For example, the automobile industry may have a greater exposure to a single factor, such as an increase in the price of oil, which may adversely affect the sale of automobiles and, as a result, the value of the industry's securities. The fund may invest more than 25% of its total assets in private activity bonds and municipal securities financing similar projects such as those relating to education, health care, transportation, utilities, industrial development and housing. To the extent the fund invests a substantial portion of its assets in private activity bond and municipal securities financing similar projects, the fund may be more sensitive to adverse economic, business or political developments. A change that affects one project, such as proposed legislation on the financing of the project, a shortage of the materials needed for the project, or a declining need for the project, would likely affect all similar projects and the overall municipal risk. CREDIT AND LIQUIDITY SUPPORTS or enhancements may be employed by issuers to reduce the credit risk of their securities. Credit supports include letters of credit, insurance and guarantees provided by foreign and domestic entities as well as moral obligations, which are sometimes issued with municipal securities. Liquidity supports include puts, demand features, and lines of credit. Most of these arrangements move the credit risk of an investment from the issuer of the security to the support provider. Changes in the credit quality of a support provider could cause losses to the fund. DEBT SECURITIES are obligations issued by domestic and foreign entities, including governments and corporations, in order to raise money. They are basically "IOUs," but are commonly referred to as bonds or money market securities. These securities normally require the issuer to pay a fixed, variable or floating rate of interest on the amount of money borrowed (the "principal") until it is paid back upon maturity. Debt securities experience price changes when interest rates change. For example, when interest rates fall, the prices of debt securities generally rise. Issuers tend to pre-pay their outstanding debts and issue new ones paying lower interest rates. Conversely, in a rising interest rate environment, prepayment on outstanding debt securities generally will not occur. This is known as extension risk and may cause the value of debt securities to depreciate as a result of the higher market interest rates. Typically, longer-maturity securities react to interest rate changes more severely than shorter-term securities (all things being equal), but generally offer greater rates of interest. Debt securities also are subject to the risk that the issuers will not make timely interest and/or principal payments or fail to make them at all. DELAYED-DELIVERY TRANSACTIONS include purchasing and selling securities on a delayed-delivery or when-issued basis. These transactions involve a commitment to buy or sell specific securities at a predetermined price or yield, with payment and delivery taking place after the customary settlement period for that type of security. When purchasing securities on a delayed-delivery basis, the fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations. Typically, no interest will accrue to the fund until the security is delivered. The fund will earmark or segregate appropriate liquid assets to cover its delayed-delivery purchase obligations. When the fund sells a security on a delayed-delivery basis, the fund does not participate in further gains or losses with respect to that security. If the other party to a delayed-delivery transaction fails to deliver or pay for the securities, the fund could suffer losses. 3 DIVERSIFICATION involves investing in a wide range of securities and thereby spreading and reducing the risks of investment. The fund is a diversified mutual fund. The fund follows the regulations set forth by the SEC in Rule 2a-7 that dictate the diversification requirements for money market mutual funds, as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. The fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in "first tier" securities of a single issuer for a period of up to three business days. FOREIGN SECURITIES involve additional risks, because they are issued by foreign entities, including foreign governments, banks and corporations or because they are traded principally overseas. Credit and liquidity supports also may be provided by foreign entities. Foreign securities in which the fund may invest include foreign entities that are not subject to uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards, practices and requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. corporations. In addition, there may be less publicly available information about foreign entities. Foreign economic, political and legal developments, and withholding taxes, could have more dramatic effects on the value of foreign securities. For example, conditions within and around foreign countries, such as the possibility of expropriation or confiscatory taxation, political or social instability, diplomatic developments, change of government or war could affect the value of foreign investments. Moreover, individual foreign economies may differ favorably or unfavorably from the U.S. economy in such respects as growth of gross national product, rate of inflation, capital reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency and balance of payments position. Foreign securities typically have less volume and are generally less liquid and more volatile than securities of U.S. companies. Fixed commissions on foreign securities exchanges are generally higher than negotiated commissions on U.S. exchanges, although the fund will endeavor to achieve the most favorable overall results on portfolio transactions. There is generally less government supervision and regulation of foreign securities exchanges, brokers, dealers and listed companies than in the United States, thus increasing the risk of delayed settlements of portfolio transactions or loss of certificates for portfolio securities. There may be difficulties in obtaining or enforcing judgments against foreign issuers as well. These factors and others may increase the risks with respect to the liquidity of the fund, and its ability to meet a large number of shareholder redemption requests. Foreign markets also have different clearance and settlement procedures and, in certain markets, there have been times when settlements have been unable to keep pace with the volume of securities transactions, making it difficult to conduct such transactions. Such delays in settlement could result in temporary periods when a portion of the assets of the fund are uninvested and no return is earned thereon. The inability to make intended security purchases due to settlement problems could cause the fund to miss attractive investment opportunities. Losses to the fund arising out of the inability to fulfill a contract to sell such securities also could result in potential liability for the fund. ILLIQUID SECURITIES generally are any securities that cannot be disposed of promptly and in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount at which the fund has valued the instruments. The liquidity of the fund's investments is monitored under the supervision and direction of the Board of Trustees. Investments currently not considered liquid include repurchase agreements not maturing within seven days and certain restricted securities. INTERFUND BORROWING AND LENDING allows the fund to borrow money from and/or lend money to other Schwab Funds(R). All loans are for temporary or emergency purposes and the interest rates to be charged will be the average of the overnight repurchase agreement rate and the short-term bank loan rate. All loans are subject to numerous conditions designed to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all participating funds. The interfund lending facility is subject to the oversight and periodic review of the Board of Trustees of the Schwab Funds(R). 4 MONEY MARKET SECURITIES are high-quality, short-term debt securities that may be issued by entities such as the U.S. government, municipalities, corporations and financial institutions (like banks). Money market securities include commercial paper, promissory notes, certificates of deposit, banker's acceptances, notes and time deposits. Money market securities pay fixed, variable or floating rates of interest and are generally subject to credit and interest rate risks. The maturity date or price of and financial assets collateralizing a security may be structured in order to make it qualify as or act like a money market security. These securities may be subject to greater credit and interest rate risks than other money market securities because of their structure. Money market securities may be issued with puts or these can be sold separately. MUNICIPAL LEASES are obligations issued to finance the construction or acquisition of equipment or facilities. These obligations may take the form of a lease, an installment purchase contract, a conditional sales contract or a participation interest in any of these obligations. Municipal leases may be considered illiquid investments. Additionally, municipal leases are generally subject to "nonappropriation risk," which is the risk that the municipality may terminate the lease because funds have not been allocated to make the necessary lease payments. The lessor would then be entitled to repossess the property, but the value of the property may be less to private sector entities than it would be to the municipality. MUNICIPAL SECURITIES are debt securities issued by a state, its counties, municipalities, authorities and other subdivisions, or the territories and possessions of the United States and the District of Columbia, including their subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities and corporations ("municipal issuers"). These securities may be issued to obtain money for various public purposes, including the construction of a wide range of public facilities such as airports, bridges, highways, housing, hospitals, mass transportation, public utilities, schools, streets, and water and sewer works. Other public purposes include refunding outstanding obligations, obtaining funds for general operating expenses and obtaining funds to loan to other public institutions and facilities. Municipal securities also may be issued to finance various private activities, including certain types of private activity bonds ("industrial development bonds" under prior law). These securities may be issued by or on behalf of public authorities to obtain funds to provide certain privately owned or operated facilities. The fund may not be a desirable investment for "substantial users" of facilities financed by private activity bonds or industrial development bonds or for "related persons" of substantial users because distributions from the fund attributable to interest on such bonds may not be tax exempt. The fund may also acquire and hold "conduit securities," which are securities issued by a municipal issuer involving an arrangement or agreement with a person other than a municipal issuer to provide for, or secure repayment of, the securities. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the potential effect on them (if any) of any investment in these funds. Municipal securities may be owned directly or through participation interests, and include general obligation or revenue securities, tax-exempt commercial paper, notes and leases. The maturity date or price of and financial assets collateralizing a municipal money market security may be structured in order to make it qualify as or act like a municipal money market security. These securities may be subject to greater credit and interest rate risks than other municipal money market securities because of their structure. Municipal securities generally are classified as "general obligation" or "revenue" and may be purchased directly or through participation interests. General obligation securities typically are 5 secured by the issuer's pledge of its full faith and credit and taxing power for the payment of principal and interest. Revenue securities typically are payable only from the revenues derived from a particular facility or class of facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds of a special tax or other specific revenue source. Private activity bonds and industrial development bonds are, in most cases, revenue bonds and generally do not constitute the pledge of the credit of the issuer of such bonds. The credit quality of private activity bonds is frequently related to the credit standing of private corporations or other entities. Examples of municipal securities that are issued with original maturities of 397 days or less are short-term tax anticipation notes, bond anticipation notes, revenue anticipation notes, construction loan notes, pre-refunded municipal bonds and tax-free commercial paper. Tax anticipation notes typically are sold to finance working capital needs of municipalities in anticipation of the receipt of property taxes on a future date. Bond anticipation notes are sold on an interim basis in anticipation of a municipality's issuance of a longer-term bond in the future. Revenue anticipation notes are issued in expectation of the receipt of other types of revenue, such as that available under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program. Construction loan notes are instruments insured by the Federal Housing Administration with permanent financing by Fannie Mae or "Ginnie Mae" (the Government National Mortgage Association) at the end of the project construction period. Pre-refunded municipal bonds are bonds that are not yet refundable, but for which securities have been placed in escrow to refund an original municipal bond issue when it becomes refundable. Tax-free commercial paper is an unsecured promissory obligation issued or guaranteed by a municipal issuer. The fund may purchase other municipal securities similar to the foregoing that are or may become available, including securities issued to pre-refund other outstanding obligations of municipal issuers. The fund also may invest in moral obligation securities, which are normally issued by special purpose public authorities. If the issuer of a moral obligation security is unable to meet its obligation from current revenues, it may draw on a reserve fund. The state or municipality that created the entity has only a moral commitment, not a legal obligation, to restore the reserve fund. The value of municipal securities may be affected by uncertainties with respect to the rights of holders of municipal securities in the event of bankruptcy or the taxation of municipal securities as a result of legislation or litigation. For example, under federal law, certain issuers of municipal securities may be authorized in certain circumstances to initiate bankruptcy proceedings without prior notice to or the consent of creditors. Such action could result in material adverse changes in the rights of holders of the securities. In addition, litigation challenging the validity under the state constitutions of present systems of financing public education has been initiated or adjudicated in a number of states, and legislation has been introduced to effect changes in public school finances in some states. In other instances, there has been litigation challenging the issuance of pollution control revenue bonds or the validity of their issuance under state or federal law, which ultimately could affect the validity of those municipal securities or the tax-free nature of the interest thereon. Municipal securities pay fixed, variable or floating rates of interest, which is meant to be exempt from federal income tax, and, typically personal income tax of a state or locality. The investment adviser relies on the opinion of the issuer's counsel, which is rendered at the time the security is issued, to determine whether the security is eligible, with respect to its validity and tax status, to be purchased by the fund. PUTS, sometimes called demand features or guarantees, are agreements that allow the buyer of the put to sell a security at a specified price and time to the seller or "put provider." When the fund buys a 6 security with a put feature, losses could occur if the put provider does not perform as agreed. Standby commitments are types of puts. QUALITY OF INVESTMENTS. The fund follows regulations set forth by the SEC that dictate the quality requirements for investments by money market mutual funds as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. These regulations require the fund to invest exclusively in high-quality securities. Generally, high-quality securities are securities that present minimal credit risks and are rated in one of the two highest rating categories by two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs), or by one if only one NRSRO has rated the securities, or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser pursuant to guidelines adopted by the Board of Trustees. High-quality securities may be "first tier" or "second tier" securities. First tier securities may be rated within the highest category or determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser. Money market fund shares and U.S. government securities also are first tier securities. Second tier securities generally are rated within the second-highest category. Should a security's high-quality rating change after purchase by the fund, the investment adviser would take such action, including no action, as determined to be in the best interest of the fund and as required by Rule 2a-7. For more information about the ratings assigned by some NRSROs, refer to the Appendix. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS involve the fund buying securities (usually U.S. government securities) from a seller and simultaneously agreeing to sell them back at an agreed-upon price (usually higher) and time. There are risks that losses will result if the seller does not perform as agreed. Repurchase agreements will be "collateralized" by first tier securities in which the fund could invest directly. In addition, repurchase agreements collateralized entirely by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be collateralized fully pursuant to Rule 2a-7. Under certain circumstances, repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be investments in U.S. government securities. RESTRICTED SECURITIES are securities that are subject to legal restrictions on their sale. For example, tender option bonds, commercial paper and other promissory notes may be issued under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 and may be sold only to qualified institutional buyers, such as the fund, under Securities Act Rule 144A. Restricted securities may be deemed liquid or illiquid. In order to be deemed liquid, the fund must be able to dispose of the security in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount the fund has valued the security. In addition, the investment adviser must determine that an institutional or other market exists for these securities. In making this determination, the investment adviser may take into account any liquidity support associated with the security. It is not possible to predict with assurance whether the market for any restricted security will continue. Therefore, the investment adviser monitors the fund's investments in these securities, focusing on factors, such as valuation, liquidity and availability of information. To the extent the fund invests in restricted securities that are deemed liquid, the general level of illiquidity in the fund's portfolio may increase if buyers in that market become unwilling to purchase the securities. SECURITIES OF OTHER INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Investment companies generally offer investors the advantages of diversification and professional investment management, by combining shareholders' money and investing it in securities such as stocks, bonds and money market instruments. The risks of investing in a particular investment company will generally reflect the risks of the securities in which it invests and the investment techniques it employs. Because investment companies employ 7 investment advisers and other service providers, investments by the fund into another investment company may cause shareholders to pay duplicative fees and incur expenses. Federal law restricts the ability of one registered investment company to invest in another. As a result, the extent to which the fund may invest in another investment company may be limited. With respect to investments in other mutual funds, the SEC has granted the Schwab Funds(R) an exemption from the limitations of the 1940 Act that restrict the amount of securities of underlying mutual funds a Schwab fund may hold, provided that certain conditions are met. The conditions imposed by the SEC were designed to address certain abuses perceived to be associated with "funds of funds", including unnecessary costs (such as sales loads, advisory fees and administrative costs), and undue influence by the investing fund over the underlying fund. The conditions apply only when a Schwab fund and its affiliates in the aggregate own more than 3% of the outstanding shares of any one underlying fund. TAXABLE SECURITIES. Under normal conditions, the fund does not intend to invest more than 20% of its net assets in securities whose interest is subject to federal income tax, including the AMT. However, from time to time, as a temporary defensive measure or under abnormal market conditions, the fund may make temporary investments in securities whose interest is subject to federal income tax and in municipal securities whose interest is subject to the AMT. TEMPORARY DEFENSIVE INVESTMENTS. During unusual market conditions, the fund may invest in taxable money market securities and in municipal securities whose interest is subject to the AMT as a temporary defensive measure. U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Many U.S. government securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, which means they are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury. Securities such as those issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA or Sallie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) maintain limited lines of credit with the U.S. Treasury. Others, such as obligations issued by the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation (FFCB), are supported solely by the credit of the issuer. There can be no assurance that the U.S. government will provide financial support to securities of its agencies and instrumentalities if it is not obligated to do so under law. Also, any government guarantees on securities that the fund owns do not extend to shares of the fund itself. Although the risk of default with U.S. government securities is considered unlikely, any default on the part of a portfolio investment could cause the fund's share price or yield to fall. U.S. TREASURY SECURITIES are obligations of the U.S. Treasury and include bills, notes and bonds. U.S. Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. VARIABLE AND FLOATING RATE DEBT SECURITIES pay an interest rate, which is adjusted either periodically or at specific intervals or which floats continuously according to a formula or benchmark. Although these structures generally are intended to minimize the fluctuations in value that occur when interest rates rise and fall, some structures may be linked to a benchmark in such a way as to cause greater volatility to the security's value. Some variable rate securities may be combined with a put or demand feature (variable rate demand securities) that entitles the holder to the right to demand repayment in full or to resell at a specific price and/or time. While the demand feature is intended to reduce credit risks, it is not always unconditional, and may make the securities more difficult to sell quickly without losses. There are risks involved with these securities because there may be no active secondary market for a particular variable rate demand security purchased by the fund. In addition, the fund may exercise only its 8 demand rights at certain times. The fund could suffer losses in the event that the issuer defaults on its obligation. Synthetic variable or floating rate securities include tender option bond receipts. Tender option bond receipts are derived from fixed-rate municipal bonds that are placed in a trust from which two classes of trust receipts are issued. These receipts represent proportionate interest in the underlying bonds. The remarketing agent for the trust sets a floating or variable rate on typically a weekly basis. Tender option bonds grant the investors the right to require the issuer or a specified third party acting as agent for the issuer (e.g., a tender agent) to purchase the bonds, usually at par, at a certain time or times prior to maturity or upon the occurrence of specified events or conditions. The put option or tender option right is typically available to the investor on a periodic (e.g., daily, weekly or monthly) basis. Typically, the put option is exercisable on dates on which the floating or variable rate changes. As consideration for providing the option, the agent receives periodic fees equal to the difference between the bond's fixed coupon rate and the rate, as determined by a remarketing or similar agent, that would cause the securities, coupled with the tender option, to trade at par on the date of such determination. Thus, after payment of this fee, the security holder effectively holds a demand obligation that bears interest at the prevailing short-term, tax-exempt rate. An institution will normally not be obligated to accept tendered bonds in the event of certain defaults or a significant downgrading in the credit rating assigned to the issuer of the bond. Certain tender option bonds may be illiquid or may become illiquid as a result of a credit rating downgrade, a payment default or a disqualification from tax-exempt status. Under certain circumstances, the holder of a trust receipt also may participate in any gain or loss on the sale of such bonds. Tender option bonds may be considered derivatives and are subject to the risk thereof. The fund may invest in tender option bonds the interest on which will, in the opinion of bond counsel or counsel for the issuer of interests therein, be exempt from regular federal income tax. However, because there can be no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") will agree with such counsel's opinion in any particular case, there is a risk that the fund will not be considered the owner of such tender option bonds and thus will not be entitled to treat such interest as exempt from such tax. Additionally, the federal income tax treatment of certain other aspects of these investments, including the proper tax treatment of tender option bonds and the associated fees in relation to various regulated investment company tax provisions is unclear. Tender option bond trust receipts generally are structured as private placements and, accordingly, may be deemed to be restricted securities for purposes of the fund's investment limitations. INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS The following investment limitations may be changed only by vote of a majority of the fund's outstanding voting shares. SCHWAB AMT TAX-FREE MONEY FUND TM MAY NOT: (1) Concentrate investments in a particular industry or group of industries, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (2) Purchase or sell commodities, commodities contracts, futures contracts, or real estate, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. 9 (3) Lend or borrow money, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (4) Underwrite securities, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (5) Pledge, mortgage or hypothecate any of its assets, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (6) Issue senior securities, except as permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (7) Purchase securities of any issuer unless consistent with the maintenance of its status as a diversified company under the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time, provided, however, that the fund may invest up to 25% of its total assets without regard to this restriction as permitted by Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTIONS OF THE 1940 ACT MAY ASSIST INVESTORS IN UNDERSTANDING THE ABOVE POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS. Diversification. Under the 1940 Act, a diversified fund, with respect to 75% of its total assets, may not purchase securities (other than U.S. government securities or securities of other investment companies) if, as a result, more than 5% of its total assets would be invested in the securities of such issuer or it would own more than 10% of such issuer's outstanding voting securities. Money market funds that satisfy the applicable diversification requirements of Rule 2a-7 of the 1940 Act are deemed to satisfy the diversification requirements set forth above. Borrowing. The 1940 Act presently restricts the fund from borrowing (including pledging, mortgaging or hypothecating assets) in excess of 33 1/3% of its total assets (not including temporary borrowings not in excess of 5% of its total assets). Lending. Under the 1940 Act, the fund may only make loans if expressly permitted by its investment policies. Concentration. The SEC presently defines concentration as investing 25% or more of the fund's net assets in an industry or group of industries, with certain exceptions. Municipal securities are not deemed to be issued by an issuer from a single industry or group of industries. Underwriting. Under the 1940 Act, underwriting securities involves the fund purchasing securities directly from an issuer for the purpose of selling (distributing) them or participating in any such activity either directly or indirectly. Under the 1940 Act, a diversified fund may not make any commitment as underwriter, if immediately thereafter the amount of its outstanding underwriting commitments, plus the value of its investments in securities of issuers (other than investment companies) of which it owns more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities, exceeds 25% of the value of its total assets. Senior Securities. Senior securities may include any obligation or instrument issued by the fund evidencing indebtedness. The 1940 Act generally prohibits funds from issuing senior securities, although it provides allowances for certain borrowings and certain other investments, such as short 10 sales, reverse repurchase agreements, firm commitment agreements and standby commitments, with appropriate earmarking or segregation of assets to cover such obligations. Real Estate. The 1940 Act does not directly restrict the fund's ability to invest in real estate, but does require that every fund have a fundamental investment policy governing such investments. The fund has adopted a fundamental policy that would permit direct investment in real estate. However, the fund has a non-fundamental investment limitation that prohibits it from investing directly in real estate. This non-fundamental policy may be changed only by vote of the fund's Board of Trustees. THE FOLLOWING ARE NON-FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS, AND MAY BE CHANGED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE FUND MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities of other investment companies, except as permitted by the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (2) Lend any security or make any other loan if, as a result, more than 33 1/3% of its total assets would be lent to other parties (this restriction does not apply to purchases of debt securities or repurchase agreements). (3) Borrow money except that the fund may (i) borrow money from banks or through an interfund lending facility, if any, only for temporary or emergency purposes (and not for leveraging) and (ii) engage in reverse repurchase agreements with any party; provided that (i) and (ii) in combination do not exceed 33 1/3% of its total assets (any borrowings that come to exceed this amount will be reduced to the extent necessary to comply with the limitation within three business days). (4) Sell securities short unless it owns the security or the right to obtain the security or equivalent securities, or unless it covers such short sale as required by current SEC rules and interpretations (transactions in futures contracts, options and other derivative instruments are not considered selling securities short). (5) Purchase or sell commodities, commodity contracts or real estate, including interests in real estate limited partnerships, provided that the fund may (i) purchase securities of companies that deal in real estate or interests therein (including REITs), (ii) purchase or sell futures contracts, options contracts, equity index participations and index participation contracts, and (iii) purchase securities of companies that deal in precious metals or interests therein. (6) Invest more than 10% of its net assets in illiquid securities. (7) Purchase securities on margin, except such short-term credits as may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities and provided that margin deposits in connection with futures contracts, options on futures or other derivative instruments shall not constitute purchasing securities on margin. (8) Purchase securities (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a result of such purchase, 25% or more of the value of its total assets would be invested in any industry or group of industries (although securities 11 issued by government or political subdivisions of governments are not considered to be securities subject to this industry concentration restriction). Policies and investment limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard shall be measured immediately after and as a result of the fund's acquisition of such security or asset, unless otherwise noted. Except with respect to limitations on borrowing, any subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances does not require the fund to sell an investment if it could not then make the same investment. With respect to the limitation on illiquid securities, in the event that a subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances causes the fund to exceed its limitation, the fund will take steps to bring the aggregate amount of illiquid instruments back within the limitations as soon as reasonably practicable. MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND The fund is overseen by a Board of Trustees. The trustees are responsible for protecting shareholder interests. The trustees regularly meet to review the investment activities, contractual arrangements and the investment performance of the fund. The trustees met 8 times during the most recent fiscal year. Certain trustees are "interested persons." A trustee is considered an interested person of the Trust under the 1940 Act if he or she is an officer, director, or an employee of Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. ("CSIM") or Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). A trustee also may be considered an interested person of the Trust under the 1940 Act if he or she owns stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation, a publicly traded company and the parent company of the fund's investment adviser and distributor. Each of the officers and/or trustees also serves in the same capacity as described for the Trust, for Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively referred to herein as the "Family of Investment Companies"), which as of December 31, 2005, included 56 funds. The tables below provide information about the trustees and officers for the Trust. The "Fund Complex" includes The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust Schwab Annuity Portfolios, Laudus Trust, Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, Excelsior Funds, Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust. As of September 30, 2006, the Fund Complex included 96 funds. The address of each individual below is 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94104. 12
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH NUMBER OF THE TRUST; PORTFOLIOS IN (TERM OF OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS FUND COMPLEX LENGTH OF TIME DURING THE PAST FIVE OVERSEEN BY THE OTHER SERVED 1) YEARS TRUSTEE DIRECTORSHIPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter Chairman of JDN 96 Board 1 -- Director, 1960 Corporate Advisory Redwood Trust, Inc. Trustee LLC. From 1996 to (Trustee of The 2001, Vice President Board 2 -- Director, Charles Schwab for Business Affairs PMI Group, Inc. Family of Funds and Chief Financial since 2000.) Officer of Stanford University, and in 2001, Special Advisor to the President of Stanford University. Donald F. Dorward Chief Executive 57 None. 1931 Officer, Dorward & Trustee Associates (corporate (Trustee of The management, marketing Charles Schwab and communications Family of Funds consulting firm). since 1989.) From 1996-1999, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Grey Advertising. Prior to 1996, President and Chief Executive Officer, Allen & Dorward Advertising. William A. Hasler Retired. Dean 96 Board 1 -- Director, 1941 Emeritus, Haas School Aphton Corp. Trustee of Business, (Trustee of The University of Board 2 -- Director, Charles Schwab California, Mission West Family of Funds Berkeley. Until Properties. since 2000.) February 2004, Co-Chief Executive Board 3 -- Director, Officer, Aphton Corp. TOUSA. (bio-pharmaceuticals). Prior to August 1998, Board 4 -- Director, Dean of the Haas Stratex Networks. School of Business, University of Board 5 -- Director, California, Berkeley Genitope Corp. (higher education). Board 6 -- Director & Non-Executive Chairman, Solectron Corp. Board 7 -- Director, Ditech Communications Corp.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH NUMBER OF THE TRUST; PORTFOLIOS IN (TERM OF OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS FUND COMPLEX LENGTH OF TIME DURING THE PAST FIVE OVERSEEN BY THE OTHER SERVED 1) YEARS TRUSTEE DIRECTORSHIPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert G. Holmes Chairman, Chief 57 None. 1931 Executive Officer and Trustee Director, Semloh (Trustee of The Financial, Inc. Charles Schwab (international Family of Funds financial services since 1989.) and investment advisory firm). Gerald B. Smith Chairman and Chief 57 Board 1 -- Board of 1950 Executive Officer and Cooper Industries. Trustee founder of Smith (Trustee of The Graham & Co. Board 2 -- Chairman Charles Schwab (investment advisors). of the Audit Family of Funds Committee of Northern since 2000.) Border Partners, M.L.P. Donald R. Stephens Managing Partner, 57 None. 1938 D.R. Stephens & Trustee Company (investments). (Trustee of The Prior to 1996, Chairman Charles Schwab and Chief Executive Family of Funds Officer of North since 1989.) American Trust (real estate investment trust). Michael W. Wilsey Chairman and Chief 57 None. 1943 Executive Officer, Trustee Wilsey Bennett, Inc. (Trustee of The (real estate Charles Schwab investment and Family of Funds management, and other since 1989.) investments). INTERESTED TRUSTEES
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH NUMBER OF THE TRUST; PORTFOLIOS IN (TERM OF OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS FUND COMPLEX LENGTH OF TIME DURING THE PAST FIVE OVERSEEN BY THE OTHER SERVED 1) YEARS TRUSTEE DIRECTORSHIPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles R. Schwab 2 Chairman, Chief 57 None. 1937 Executive Officer and Chairman and Director, The Charles Trustee (Chairman Schwab Corporation, and Trustee of The Charles Schwab & Co., Charles Schwab Inc.; Chairman and Family of Funds Director, Charles since 1989.) Schwab Investment Management, Inc., Charles Schwab Bank, N. A.; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schwab (SIS) Holdings Inc. I, Schwab International Holdings, Inc.; Chief Executive Officer and Director, Schwab Holdings, Inc.; Director, U.S. Trust Company, N. A., U.S. Trust Corporation, United States Trust Company of New York. Until May 2003, Co-Chief Executive Officer, The Charles Schwab Corporation. Randall W. Merk 2 Executive Vice 96 None. 1954 President and Trustee President, Schwab (Trustee of The Financial Products, Charles Schwab Charles Schwab & Co., Family of Funds Inc.; Director, since 2005.) Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) Limited and Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds PLC. From September 2002 to July 2004, Chief Executive Officer and President, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. and Executive Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to September 2002, President and Chief Investment Officer, American Century
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH NUMBER OF THE TRUST; PORTFOLIOS IN (TERM OF OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS FUND COMPLEX LENGTH OF TIME DURING THE PAST FIVE OVERSEEN BY THE OTHER SERVED 1) YEARS TRUSTEE DIRECTORSHIPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment Management, and Director, American Century Companies, Inc.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST; (TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH OF TIME SERVED 3) PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICERS Evelyn Dilsaver President, Chief Executive Officer, and 1955 Director, Charles Schwab Investment President and Chief Executive Officer Management, Inc.; Executive Vice President, (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc; President and Funds since 2004.) Chief Executive Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust; President, Excelsior Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust; President, Mutual Fund Division, UST Advisers, Inc. From June 2003 to July 2004, Senior Vice President, Asset Management Products and Services, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to June 2003, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer, U.S. Trust, a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. George Pereira Senior Vice President and Chief Financial 1964 Officer, Charles Schwab Investment Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer Management, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer, (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Funds since 2004.) Trust; Chief Financial Officer and Chief Accounting Officer, Excelsior Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust; Chief Financial Officer, Mutual Fund Division, UST Advisers, Inc. Director, Charles Schwab Worldwide Fund, PLC and Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) Limited. From December 1999 to November 2004, Sr. Vice President, Financial Reporting, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST; (TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH OF TIME SERVED 3) PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Koji E. Felton Senior Vice President, Chief Counsel and 1961 Corporate Secretary, Charles Schwab Secretary and Chief Legal Officer Investment Management, Inc.; Senior Vice (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of President and Deputy General Counsel, Funds since 1998.) Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Chief Legal Officer, Laudus Trust and, Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, Excelsior Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust. Prior to June 1998, Branch Chief in Enforcement at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in San Francisco. Randall Fillmore Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance 1960 Officer, Charles Schwab Investment Chief Compliance Officer and AML Officer Management, Inc.; Senior Vice President, (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Chief Funds since 2002.) Compliance Officer, Laudus Trust, Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, Excelsior Funds Inc., Excelsior Tax-Exempt Funds, Inc., and Excelsior Funds Trust. From 2002 to 2003, Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., and Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. From 2000 to 2002, Vice President, Internal Audit, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Kimon P. Daifotis Senior Vice President and Chief Investment 1959 Officer -- Fixed Income, Charles Schwab Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Management, Inc. Prior to 2004, Investment Officer -- Fixed Income Vice President and Sr. Portfolio Manager, (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. Funds since 2004.) Jeffrey M. Mortimer Senior Vice President and Chief Investment 1963 Officer -- Equities, Charles Schwab Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Management, Inc.; Vice President Investment Officer -- Equities and Chief Investment Officer, Laudus Trust (Officer of The Charles Schwab Family of and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. Prior Funds since 2004.) to 2004, Vice President and Sr. Portfolio Manager, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
1 Trustees remain in office until they resign, retire or are removed by shareholder vote. The Schwab Funds(R) retirement policy requires that independent trustees elected after January 1, 2000 retire at age 72 or after twenty years as a trustee, whichever comes first. Independent trustees elected prior to January 1, 2000 will retire on the following schedule: Messrs. Holmes and Dorward will retire on December 31, 2007, and Messrs. Stephens and Wilsey will retire on December 31, 2010. 2 Mr. Schwab and Mr. Merk are Interested Trustees because they are employees of Schwab and/or the adviser. In addition to their employment with the investment adviser and the distributor, Messrs. Schwab and Merk also own stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation. 3 The President, Treasurer and Secretary hold office until their respective successors are chosen and qualified or until he or she sooner dies, resigns, is removed or becomes disqualified. Each other officer serves at the pleasure of the Board. TRUSTEE COMMITTEES The Board of Trustees has established certain committees and adopted Committee charters with respect to those committees, each as described below: 17 - The Audit and Compliance Committee (formerly the Audit/Portfolio Compliance Committee) has oversight responsibility for the integrity of the Trust's financial reporting processes and compliance policies, procedures and processes, and for the Trust's overall system of internal controls. This Committee is comprised of at least four Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Hasler, Holmes, Wilsey and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee must meet four times annually, with additional meetings as the Committee deems appropriate. The Committee met 4 times during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Governance Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Board regarding Trust governance-related matters, including but not limited to Board compensation practices, retirement policies and term limits, Board self-evaluations, the effectiveness and allocation of assignments and functions by the Board, the composition of committees of the Board, and the training of Trustees. The Committee is also responsible for selecting and nominating candidates to serve as trustees. There are no specific procedures in place to consider nominees recommended by shareholders, but such nominees would be considered if such nominations were submitted in accordance with Rule 14a-8 of the 1934 Act in conjunction with a shareholder meeting to consider the election of Trustees. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Hasler and Holmes and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met twice during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Investment Oversight Committee is to oversee the investment activities of the Trust. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Smith, Stephens and Wilsey are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purposes of the Marketing, Distribution and Shareholder Services Committee are to review matters relating to the marketing of the Trust's shares; to oversee the quality and cost of shareholder services provided to the Trust and its shareholders pursuant to the shareholder servicing and/or administrative service plans; and to oversee the Trust's distribution-related arrangements, including the distribution-related services provided to the Trust and its shareholders. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Smith and Stephens are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. TRUSTEE COMPENSATION The following table provides trustee compensation for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. Certain information provided relates to the Fund Complex, which included 67 funds as of December 31, 2005. 18
Pension or ($) Retirement Benefits ($) Aggregate Accrued as Part of Total Compensation Name of Trustee Compensation Fund Expenses from Fund Complex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab 0 N/A 0 Randy Merk 0 N/A 0 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter $100,131 $68 $226,192 Donald F. Dorward $100,079 N/A $169,245 William A. Hasler $107,699 $68 $236,192 Robert G. Holmes $100,079 N/A $169,245 Gerald B. Smith $100,079 N/A $169,245 Donald R. Stephens $97,233 N/A $163,020 Michael W. Wilsey $96,264 N/A $163,020
SECURITIES BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH TRUSTEE The following table provides each Trustee's equity ownership of the fund and ownership of all registered investment companies overseen by each Trustee in the Family of Investment Companies as of December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2005, the Family of Investment Companies included 56 funds.
Aggregate Dollar Range Of Trustee Ownership In the Dollar Range of Trustee Family of Name of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: Investment Companies* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab None Over $100,000 Randy Merk None Over $100,000 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter None Over $100,000 Donald F. Dorward None Over $100,000 William A. Hasler None Over $100,000 Robert G. Holmes None Over $100,000 Gerald B. Smith None Over $100,000 Donald R. Stephens None Over $100,000 Michael W. Wilsey None Over $100,000
19 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Independent Trustees may enter into a fee deferral plan. Under this plan, deferred fees will be credited to an account established by the Trust as of the date that such fees would have been paid to the trustee. The value of this account will equal the value that the account would have if the fees credited to the account had been invested in the shares of Schwab Funds(R) selected by the trustee. Currently, none of the Independent Trustees has elected to participate in this plan. CODE OF ETHICS The fund, its investment adviser and Schwab have adopted a Code of Ethics (Code) as described under the 1940 Act. Subject to certain conditions or restrictions, the Code permits the trustees, directors, officers or advisory representatives of the fund or the investment adviser or the directors or officers of Schwab to buy or sell directly or indirectly securities for their own accounts. This includes securities that may be purchased or held by the fund. Securities transactions by some of these individuals may be subject to prior approval of the investment adviser's Chief Compliance Officer or alternate. Most securities transactions are subject to quarterly reporting and review requirements. DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES Charles Schwab Investment Management ("CSIM"), as an investment adviser, is generally responsible for voting proxies with respect to the securities held in accounts of investment companies for which it provides discretionary investment management services. CSIM's Proxy Committee exercises and documents CSIM's responsibility with regard to voting of client proxies (the "Proxy Committee"). The Proxy Committee is composed of representatives of CSIM's Compliance, Fund Administration, Legal and Portfolio Management Departments, and chaired by CSIM's Chief Investment Officer. The Chairman of the Committee may appoint the remaining members of the Committee. The Proxy Committee reviews and, as necessary, may amend periodically these Procedures to address new or revised proxy voting policies or procedures. The policies stated in these Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures (the "CSIM Proxy Procedures") pertain to all of CSIM's clients. The Boards of Trustees (the "Trustees") of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust, and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively, the "Funds" or "Schwab Funds") has delegated the responsibility for voting proxies to CSIM through their respective Investment Advisory and Administration Agreements. The Trustees have adopted these Proxy Procedures with respect to proxies voted on behalf of the various Schwab Funds portfolios. CSIM will present amendments to the Trustees for approval. However, there may be circumstances where the Proxy Committee deems it advisable to amend the Proxy Procedures between regular Schwab Funds Board meetings. In such cases, the Trustees will be asked to ratify any changes at the next regular meeting of the Board. To assist CSIM in its responsibility for voting proxies and the overall proxy voting process, CSIM has retained Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS") as an expert in the proxy voting and corporate governance area. ISS is an independent company that specializes in providing a variety of proxy-related services to institutional investment managers, plan sponsors, custodians, consultants, and other institutional investors. The services provided by ISS include in-depth research, global issuer analysis, and voting recommendations as well as vote execution, reporting and record keeping. 20 PROXY VOTING POLICY For investment companies and other clients for which CSIM exercises its responsibility for voting proxies, it is CSIM's policy to vote proxies in the manner that CSIM and the Proxy Committee determine will maximize the economic benefit to CSIM's clients. In furtherance of this policy, the Proxy Committee has received and reviewed ISS's written proxy voting policies and procedures ("ISS's Proxy Procedures") and has determined that ISS's Proxy Procedures are consistent with the CSIM Proxy Procedures and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. The Proxy Committee will review any material amendments to ISS's Proxy Procedures to determine whether such procedures continue to be consistent with the CSIM Proxy Voting Procedures, and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. Except under the circumstances described below, the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies, including timely submission of votes, on behalf of CSIM's clients in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. For proxy issues that are not addressed by ISS's Proxy Procedures or are determined by the Proxy Committee or the applicable portfolio manager or other relevant portfolio management staff to raise significant concerns with respect to the accounts of CSIM clients, the Proxy Committee will review the analysis and recommendation of ISS. Examples of factors that could cause a matter to raise significant concerns include, but are not limited to: issues whose outcome has the potential to materially affect the company's industry, or regional or national economy, and matters which involve broad public policy developments which may similarly materially affect the environment in which the company operates. The Proxy Committee also will solicit input from the assigned portfolio manager and other relevant portfolio management staff for the particular portfolio security. After evaluating all such recommendations, the Proxy Committee will decide how to vote the shares and will instruct ISS to vote consistent with its decision. The Proxy Committee has the ultimate responsibility for making the determination of how to vote the shares in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. With respect to proxies of an affiliated mutual fund, the Proxy Committee will vote such proxies in the same proportion as the vote of all other shareholders of the fund (i.e., "echo vote"), unless otherwise required by law. When required by law, the Proxy Committee will also "echo vote" proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund. For example, certain exemptive orders issued to the Schwab Funds by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Section 12(d)(1)(F) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, require the Schwab Funds, under certain circumstances, to "echo vote" proxies of registered investment companies that serve as underlying investments of the Schwab Funds. When not required to "echo vote," the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. Under certain circumstances, ISS may not provide an analysis or recommendation for voting a security's proxy. In that event, and when the following criteria are met, two members of the Proxy Committee, including at least one representative from equity Portfolio Management, may decide how to vote such proxy in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. The following criteria must be met: (1) For each Fund that holds the security in its portfolio, the value of the security must represent less than one tenth of one cent in the Fund's NAV, and (2) the security's value must equal less than $50,000 in the aggregate across all of the Funds and separate accounts that hold this security. Any voting decision made under these circumstances will be reported to the Proxy Committee at its next scheduled meeting. 21 Conflicts of Interest. Except as described above for proxies of mutual funds, for proxy issues that present material conflicts of interest between CSIM, and/or any of its affiliates, and CSIM's clients, CSIM will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting such proxies in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. The CSIM Legal Department is responsible for developing procedures to identify material conflicts of interest. Voting Foreign Proxies. CSIM has arrangements with ISS for voting proxies. However, voting proxies with respect to shares of foreign securities may involve significantly greater effort and corresponding cost than voting proxies with respect to domestic securities, due to the variety of regulatory schemes and corporate practices in foreign countries with respect to proxy voting. Problems voting foreign proxies may include the following: - proxy statements and ballots written in a foreign language; - untimely and/or inadequate notice of shareholder meetings; - restrictions of foreigner's ability to exercise votes; - requirements to vote proxies in person; - the imposition of restrictions on the sale of securities for a period of time in proximity to the shareholder meeting; - requirements to provide local agents with power of attorney to facilitate CSIM's voting instructions. In consideration of the foregoing issues, ISS uses its best-efforts to vote foreign proxies. As part of its ongoing oversight, the Proxy Committee will monitor the voting of foreign proxies to determine whether all reasonable steps are taken to vote foreign proxies. If the Proxy Committee determines that the cost associated with the attempt to vote outweighs the potential benefits clients may derive from voting, the Proxy Committee may decide not to attempt to vote. Sub-Advisory Relationships. For investment companies or other clients that CSIM has delegated day-to-day investment management responsibilities to an investment adviser, CSIM may delegate its responsibility to vote proxies with respect to such investment companies' or other clients' securities. Each Sub-adviser to whom proxy voting responsibility has been delegated will be required to review all proxy solicitation material and to exercise the voting rights associated with the securities as it has been allocated in the best interest of each investment company and its shareholders, or other client. Prior to delegating the proxy voting responsibility, CSIM will review each sub-adviser's proxy voting policy to ensure that each Sub-adviser's proxy voting policy is generally consistent with the maximization of economic benefits to the investment company or other client. REPORTING AND RECORD RETENTION CSIM will maintain, or cause ISS to maintain, records which identify the manner in which proxies have been voted (or not voted) on behalf of CSIM clients. CSIM will comply with all applicable rules and regulations regarding disclosure of its or its clients proxy voting records and procedures. CSIM will retain all proxy voting materials and supporting documentation as required under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and the rules and regulations thereunder. PROXY COMMITTEE QUORUM At scheduled meetings of the Proxy Committee, attendance by four members (or their respective designates) constitutes a quorum. Two members of the Committee may make voting decisions under the limited circumstances described above. 22 CONCISE SUMMARY OF ISS 2007 PROXY VOTING GUIDELINES Effective for Meetings on or after Feb. 1, 2007 Updated Dec. 15, 2006 1. AUDITORS AUDITOR RATIFICATION Vote FOR proposals to ratify auditors, unless any of the following apply: - An auditor has a financial interest in or association with the company, and is therefore not independent, - There is reason to believe that the independent auditor has rendered an opinion which is neither accurate nor indicative of the company's financial position; or - Fees for non-audit services ("Other" fees) are excessive. 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOTING ON DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN UNCONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on director nominees, examining, but not limited to, the following factors: - Composition of the board and key board committees; - Attendance at board and committee meetings; - Corporate governance provisions and takeover activity; - Disclosures under Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act; - Long-term company performance relative to a market and peer index; - Extent of the director's investment in the company; - Existence of related party transactions; - Whether the chairman is also serving as CEO; - Whether a retired CEO sits on the board; - Number of outside boards at which a director serves; - Majority vote standard for director elections without a provision to allow for plurality voting when there are more nominees than seats. WITHHOLD from individual directors who: - Attend less than 75 percent of the board and committee meetings without a valid excuse (such as illness, service to the nation, work on behalf of the company); - Sit on more than six public company boards; - Are CEOs of public companies who sit on the boards of more than two public companies besides their own-- withhold only at their outside boards. WITHHOLD from the entire board of directors, (except from new nominees, who should be considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis) if: - The company's proxy indicates that not all directors attended 75% of the aggregate of their board and committee meetings, but fails to provide the required disclosure of the names of the directors involved. If this information cannot be obtained, withhold from all incumbent directors; - The company's poison pill has a dead-hand or modified dead-hand feature. Withhold every year until this feature is removed; - The board adopts or renews a poison pill without shareholder approval since the beginning of 2005, does not commit to putting it to shareholder vote within 12 months of adoption, or reneges on a commitment to put the pill to a vote, and has not yet received a withhold recommendation for this issue; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval by a majority of the shares outstanding the previous year; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval of the majority of shares cast for the previous two consecutive years; 23 - The board failed to act on takeover offers where the majority of the shareholders tendered their shares; - At the previous board election, any director received more than 50 percent withhold votes of the shares cast and the company has failed to address the issue(s) that caused the high withhold rate; - The company is a Russell 3000 company that underperformed its industry group (GICS group) under the criteria discussed in the section "Performance Test for Directors". WITHHOLD from Inside Directors and Affiliated Outside Directors (per the Classification of Directors below) when: - The inside or affiliated outside director serves on any of the three key committees: audit, compensation, or nominating; - The company lacks an audit, compensation, or nominating committee so that the full board functions as that committee; - The company lacks a formal nominating committee, even if board attests that the independent directors fulfill the functions of such a committee; - The full board is less than majority independent. WITHHOLD from the members of the Audit Committee if: - The non - audit fees paid to the auditor are excessive (see discussion under Auditor Ratification); - A material weakness identified in the Section 404 Sarbanes-Oxley Act disclosures rises to a level of serious concern; there are chronic internal control issues and an absence of established effective control mechanisms; - There is persuasive evidence that the audit committee entered into an inappropriate indemnification agreement with its auditor that limits the ability of the company, or its shareholders, to pursue legitimate legal recourse against the audit firm. WITHHOLD from the members of the Compensation Committee if: - There is a negative correlation between the chief executive's pay and company performance (see discussion under Equity Compensation Plans); - The company reprices underwater options for stock, cash or other consideration without prior shareholder approval, even if allowed in their equity plan; - The company fails to submit one-time transfers of stock options to a shareholder vote; - The company fails to fulfill the terms of a burn rate commitment they made to shareholders; - The company has backdated options (see "Options Backdating" policy); - The company has poor compensation practices (see "Poor Pay Practices" policy). Poor pay practices may warrant withholding votes from the CEO and potentially the entire board as well. WITHHOLD from directors, individually or the entire board, for egregious actions or failure to replace management as appropriate. CLASSIFICATION/DECLASSIFICATION OF THE BOARD Vote AGAINST proposals to classify the board. Vote FOR proposals to repeal classified boards, and to elect all directors annually. INDEPENDENT CHAIR (SEPARATE CHAIR/CEO) Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals requiring an independent director fill the position of chair, unless there are compelling reasons to recommend against the proposal, such as a counterbalancing governance structure. This should include all of the following: - Has a designated lead director, elected by and from the independent board members with clearly delineated and comprehensive duties. (The role may alternatively reside with a presiding director, vice chairman, or rotating lead director; however the director must serve a 24 minimum of one year in order to qualify as a lead director.) At a minimum these should include: - Presiding at all meetings of the board at which the chairman is not present, including executive sessions of the independent directors, - Serving as liaison between the chairman and the independent directors, - Approving information sent to the board, - Approving meeting agendas for the board, - Approves meetings schedules to assure that there is sufficient time for discussion of all agenda items, - Having the authority to call meetings of the independent directors, - If requested by major shareholders, ensuring that he is available for consultation and direct communication; - Two-thirds independent board; - All-independent key committees; - Established governance guidelines; - The company does not under-perform its peers*. * Starting in 2007, the industry peer group used for this evaluation will change from the 4-digit GICS group to the average of the 12 companies in the same 6-digit GICS group that are closest in revenue to the company, and identified on the Executive compensation page of proxy analyses. To fail, the company must under-perform its index and industry group on all 4 measures (1 and 3 year performance, on industry peers, and index). MAJORITY VOTE SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS Generally vote FOR precatory and binding resolutions requesting that the board change the company's bylaws to stipulate that directors need to be elected with an affirmative majority of votes cast, provided it does not conflict with the state law where the company is incorporated. Binding resolutions need to allow for a carve-out for a plurality vote standard when there are more nominees than board seats. Companies are strongly encouraged to also adopt a post-election policy (also know as a director resignation policy) that will provide guidelines so that the company will promptly address the situation of a holdover director. 3. PROXY CONTESTS VOTING FOR DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN CONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors in contested elections, considering the following factors: - Long-term financial performance of the target company relative to its industry; - Management's track record; - Background to the proxy contest; - Qualifications of director nominees (both slates); - Strategic plan of dissident slate and quality of critique against management; - Likelihood that the proposed goals and objectives can be achieved (both slates); - Stock ownership positions. 25 REIMBURSING PROXY SOLICITATION EXPENSES Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When voting in conjunction with support of a dissident slate, vote FOR the reimbursement of all appropriate proxy solicitation expenses associated with the election. 4. TAKEOVER DEFENSES POISON PILLS Vote FOR shareholder proposals requesting that the company submit its poison pill to a shareholder vote or redeem it UNLESS the company has: (1) A shareholder approved poison pill in place; or (2) The company has adopted a policy concerning the adoption of a pill in the future specifying that the board will only adopt a shareholder rights plan if either: - Shareholders have approved the adoption of the plan; or - The board, in its exercise of its fiduciary responsibilities, determines that it is in the best interest of shareholders under the circumstances to adopt a pill without the delay in adoption that would result from seeking stockholder approval (i.e. the "fiduciary out" provision). A poison pill adopted under this fiduciary out will be put to a shareholder ratification vote within twelve months of adoption or expire. If the pill is not approved by a majority of the votes cast on this issue, the plan will immediately terminate. Vote FOR shareholder proposals calling for poison pills to be put to a vote within a time period of less than one year after adoption. If the company has no non-shareholder approved poison pill in place and has adopted a policy with the provisions outlined above, vote AGAINST the proposal. If these conditions are not met, vote FOR the proposal, but with the caveat that a vote within twelve months would be considered sufficient. Vote CASE-by-CASE on management proposals on poison pill ratification, focusing on the features of the shareholder rights plan. Rights plans should contain the following attributes: - No lower than a 20% trigger, flip-in or flip-over; - A term of no more than three years; - No dead-hand, slow-hand, no-hand or similar feature that limits the ability of a future board to redeem the pill; - Shareholder redemption feature (qualifying offer clause); if the board refuses to redeem the pill 90 days after a qualifying offer is announced, ten percent of the shares may call a special meeting or seek a written consent to vote on rescinding the pill. SUPERMAJORITY VOTE REQUIREMENTS Vote AGAINST proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote. Vote FOR proposals to lower supermajority vote requirements. 5. MERGERS AND CORPORATE RESTRUCTURINGS For mergers and acquisitions, review and evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the proposed transaction, balancing various and sometimes countervailing factors including: - Valuation - Is the value to be received by the target shareholders (or paid by the acquirer) reasonable? While the fairness opinion may provide an initial starting point for assessing valuation reasonableness, emphasis is placed on the offer premium, market reaction and strategic rationale. - Market reaction - How has the market responded to the proposed deal? A negative market reaction should cause closer scrutiny of a deal. - Strategic rationale - Does the deal make sense strategically? From where is the value derived? Cost and revenue synergies should not be overly aggressive or optimistic, but reasonably achievable. Management should also have a favorable track record of successful integration of historical acquisitions. 26 - Negotiations and process - Were the terms of the transaction negotiated at arm's-length? Was the process fair and equitable? A fair process helps to ensure the best price for shareholders. Significant negotiation "wins" can also signify the deal makers' competency. The comprehensiveness of the sales process (e.g., full auction, partial auction, no auction) can also affect shareholder value. - Conflicts of interest - Are insiders benefiting from the transaction disproportionately and inappropriately as compared to non-insider shareholders? As the result of potential conflicts, the directors and officers of the company may be more likely to vote to approve a merger than if they did not hold these interests. Consider whether these interests may have influenced these directors and officers to support or recommend the merger. The CIC figure presented in the "ISS Transaction Summary" section of this report is an aggregate figure that can in certain cases be a misleading indicator of the true value transfer from shareholders to insiders. Where such figure appears to be excessive, analyze the underlying assumptions to determine whether a potential conflict exists. - Governance - Will the combined company have a better or worse governance profile than the current governance profiles of the respective parties to the transaction? If the governance profile is to change for the worse, the burden is on the company to prove that other issues (such as valuation) outweigh any deterioration in governance. 6. STATE OF INCORPORATION REINCORPORATION PROPOSALS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to change a company's state of incorporation, taking into consideration both financial and corporate governance concerns, including the reasons for reincorporating, a comparison of the governance provisions, comparative economic benefits, and a comparison of the jurisdictional laws. Vote FOR re-incorporation when the economic factors outweigh any neutral or negative governance changes. 7. CAPITAL STRUCTURE COMMON STOCK AUTHORIZATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of shares of common stock authorized for issuance using a model developed by ISS. Vote FOR proposals to approve increases beyond the allowable increase when a company's shares are in danger of being de-listed or if a company's ability to continue to operate as a going concern is uncertain. In addition, for capital requests that are less than or equal to 300 percent of the current authorized shares and that marginally fail the calculated allowable cap (i.e., exceed the allowable cap by no more than 5 percent), vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. In this situation, vote FOR the increase based on the company's performance, and whether the company's ongoing use of shares has shown prudence. ISSUE STOCK FOR USE WITH RIGHTS PLAN Vote AGAINST proposals that increase authorized common stock for the explicit purpose of implementing a non-shareholder approved shareholder rights plan (poison pill). PREFERRED STOCK Vote AGAINST proposals authorizing the creation of new classes of preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution, and other rights ("blank check" preferred stock). Vote FOR proposals to create "de-clawed" blank check preferred stock (stock that cannot be used as a takeover defense). Vote FOR proposals to authorize preferred stock in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion, and other rights of such stock and the terms of the preferred stock appear reasonable. Vote AGAINST proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred stock authorized for issuance when no shares have been issued or reserved for a specific purpose. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred shares after analyzing 27 the number of preferred shares available for issue given a company's industry and performance in terms of shareholder returns. 8. EXECUTIVE AND DIRECTOR COMPENSATION POOR PAY PRACTICES WITHHOLD from compensation committee members, CEO, and potentially the entire board, if the company has poor compensation practices, such as: - Egregious employment contracts (e.g., those containing multi-year guarantees for bonuses and grants); - Excessive perks that dominate compensation (e.g., tax gross-ups for personal use of corporate aircraft); - Huge bonus payouts without justifiable performance linkage or proper disclosure; - Performance metrics that are changed (e.g., canceled or replaced during the performance period without adequate explanation of the action and the link to performance); - Egregious pension/SERP (supplemental executive retirement plan) payouts (e.g., the inclusion of additional years of service not worked or inclusion of performance-based equity awards in the pension calculation); - New CEO awarded an overly generous new hire package (e.g., including excessive "make whole" provisions or any of the poor pay practices listed in this policy); - Excessive severance provisions (e.g., including excessive change in control payments); - Change in control payouts without loss of job or substantial diminution of job duties; - Internal pay disparity; - Options backdating (covered in a separate policy); and EQUITY COMPENSATION PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on equity-based compensation plans. Vote AGAINST the equity plan if any of the following factors apply: - The total cost of the company's equity plans is unreasonable; - The plan expressly permits the repricing of stock options without prior shareholder approval; - There is a disconnect between CEO pay and the company's performance; - The company's three year burn rate exceeds the greater of 2% and the mean plus 1 standard deviation of its industry group; or - The plan is a vehicle for poor pay practices. DIRECTOR COMPENSATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on compensation plans for non-employee directors, based on the cost of the plans against the company's allowable cap. On occasion, director stock plans that set aside a relatively small number of shares when combined with employee or executive stock compensation plans exceed the allowable cap. Vote for the plan if ALL of the following qualitative factors in the board's compensation are met and disclosed in the proxy statement: - Director stock ownership guidelines with a minimum of three times the annual cash retainer. - Vesting schedule or mandatory holding/deferral period: - A minimum vesting of three years for stock options or restricted stock; or - Deferred stock payable at the end of a three-year deferral period. - Mix between cash and equity: - A balanced mix of cash and equity, for example 40% cash/60% equity or 50% cash/50% equity; or - If the mix is heavier on the equity component, the vesting schedule or deferral period should be more stringent, with the lesser of five years or the term of directorship. 28 - No retirement/benefits and perquisites provided to non-employee directors; and - Detailed disclosure provided on cash and equity compensation delivered to each non-employee director for the most recent fiscal year in a table. The column headers for the table may include the following: name of each non-employee director, annual retainer, board meeting fees, committee retainer, committee-meeting fees, and equity grants. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on qualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR employee stock purchase plans where all of the following apply: - Purchase price is at least 85% of fair market value; - Offering period is 27 months or less; and - The number of shares allocated to the plan is ten percent or less of the outstanding shares. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--NON-QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-by-CASE on nonqualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR nonqualified employee stock purchase plans with all the following features: - Broad-based participation (i.e., all employees of the company with the exclusion of individuals with 5% or more of beneficial ownership of the company); - Limits on employee contribution, which may be a fixed dollar amount or expressed as a percent of base salary; - Company matching contribution up to 25% of employee's contribution, which is effectively a discount of 20% from market value; - No discount on the stock price on the date of purchase, since there is a company matching contribution. OPTIONS BACKDATING In cases where a company has practiced options backdating, WITHHOLD on a CASE-BY-CASE basis from the members of the compensation committee, depending on the severity of the practices and the subsequent corrective actions on the part of the board. WITHHOLD from the compensation committee members who oversaw the questionable options grant practices or from current compensation committee members who fail to respond to the issue proactively, depending on several factors, including, but not limited to: - Reason and motive for the options backdating issue, such as inadvertent vs. deliberate grant date changes; - Length of time of options backdating; - Size of restatement due to options backdating; - Corrective actions taken by the board or compensation committee, such as canceling or repricing backdated options, or recouping option gains on backdated grants; - Adoption of a grant policy that prohibits backdating, and creation of a fixed grant schedule or window period for equity grants going forward. SEVERANCE AGREEMENTS FOR EXECUTIVES/GOLDEN PARACHUTES Vote FOR shareholder proposals to require golden parachutes or executive severance agreements to be submitted for shareholder ratification, unless the proposal requires shareholder approval prior to entering into employment contracts. Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to ratify or cancel golden parachutes. An acceptable parachute should include, but is not limited to, the following: - The triggering mechanism should be beyond the control of management; - The amount should not exceed three times base amount (defined as the average annual taxable W-2 compensation) during the five years prior to the year in which the change of control occurs; - Change-in-control payments should be double-triggered, i.e., (1) after a change in control has taken place, and (2) termination of the executive as a result of the change in control. Change in control is defined as a change in the company ownership structure. 29 9. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ANIMAL RIGHTS Generally vote AGAINST proposals to phase out the use of animals in product testing unless: - The company is conducting animal testing programs that are unnecessary or not required by regulation; - The company is conducting animal testing when suitable alternatives are accepted and used at peer firms; - The company has been the subject of recent, significant controversy related to its testing programs. DRUG PRICING AND RE-IMPORTATION Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies implement specific price restraints on pharmaceutical products, unless the company fails to adhere to legislative guidelines or industry norms in its product pricing. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals requesting that the company evaluate their product pricing considering: - The existing level of disclosure on pricing policies; - Deviation from established industry pricing norms; - The company's existing initiatives to provide its products to needy consumers; - Whether the proposal focuses on specific products or geographic regions. Generally vote FOR proposals requesting that companies report on the financial and legal impact of their policies regarding prescription drug re-importation unless such information is already publicly disclosed. Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies adopt specific policies to encourage or constrain prescription drug re-importation. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products, or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. TOBACCO Most tobacco-related proposals (such as on second-hand smoke, advertising to youth, and spin-offs of tobacco-related business) should be evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. TOXIC CHEMICALS Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that a company discloses its policies related to toxic chemicals. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on resolutions requesting that companies evaluate and disclose the potential financial and legal risks associated with utilizing certain chemicals. Generally vote AGAINST resolutions requiring that a company reformulate its products within a certain timeframe, unless such actions are required by law in specific markets. 30 ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Generally vote AGAINST request for reports outlining potential environmental damage from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) unless: - New legislation is adopted allowing development and drilling in the ANWR region; - The company intends to pursue operations in the ANWR; and - The company has not disclosed an environmental risk report for its ANWR operations. CONCENTRATED AREA FEEDING OPERATIONS (CAFOS) Vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies report to shareholders on the risks and liabilities associated with CAFOs, unless: - The company has publicly disclosed guidelines for its corporate and contract farming operations, including compliance monitoring; or - The company does not directly source from CAFOs. GLOBAL WARMING AND KYOTO PROTOCOL COMPLIANCE Generally vote FOR proposals requesting a report on greenhouse gas emissions from company operations and/or products unless this information is already publicly disclosed or such factors are not integral to the company's line of business. Generally vote AGAINST proposals that call for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by specified amounts or within a restrictive time frame unless the company lags industry standards and has been the subject of recent, significant fines or litigation resulting from greenhouse gas emissions. Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies outline their preparations to comply with standards established by Kyoto Protocol signatory markets unless: - The company does not maintain operations in Kyoto signatory markets; - The company already evaluates and substantially discloses such information; or, - Greenhouse gas emissions do not significantly impact the company's core businesses. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to improve the disclosure of a company's political contributions considering: recent significant controversy or litigation related to the company's political contributions or governmental affairs; and the public availability of a policy on political contributions. Vote AGAINST proposals barring the company from making political contributions. LINK EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION TO SOCIAL PERFORMANCE Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to review ways of linking executive compensation to social factors, such as corporate downsizings, customer or employee satisfaction, community involvement, human rights, environmental performance, predatory lending, and executive/employee pay disparities. OUTSOURCING/OFF-SHORING Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals calling for companies to report on the risks associated with outsourcing, considering: the risks associated with certain international markets; the utility of such a report to shareholders; the existence of a publicly available code of corporate conduct that applies to international operations. COUNTRY-SPECIFIC HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on requests for reports detailing the company's operations in a particular country and on proposals to implement certain human rights standards at company facilities or those of its suppliers and to commit to outside, independent monitoring. 31 10. MUTUAL FUND PROXIES ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors and trustees, following the same guidelines for uncontested directors for public company shareholder meetings. However, mutual fund boards do not usually have compensation committees, so do not withhold for the lack of this committee. CONVERTING CLOSED-END FUND TO OPEN-END FUND Vote CASE-BY-CASE on conversion proposals, considering the following factors: - Past performance as a closed-end fund; - Market in which the fund invests; - Measures taken by the board to address the discount; and - Past shareholder activism, board activity, and votes on related proposals. ESTABLISH DIRECTOR OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENT Generally vote AGAINST shareholder proposals that mandate a specific minimum amount of stock that directors must own in order to qualify as a director or to remain on the board. REIMBURSE SHAREHOLDER FOR EXPENSES INCURRED Vote CASE-BY-CASE on shareholder proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When supporting the dissidents, vote FOR the reimbursement of the proxy solicitation expenses. FUND'S PROXY VOTING RECORD. The Trust is required to disclose annually the fund's complete proxy voting records on Form N-PX. The fund's proxy voting record for the most recent 12 month period ended June 30th will be available by visiting the Schwab website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. The fund's Form N-PX will also be available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES As of October 20, 2006, the officers and trustees of the Trust, as a group, owned of record or beneficially, less than 1% of the outstanding voting securities of any share class of the fund. As of October 18, 2006, no persons or entities owned, of record or beneficially, more than 5% of the outstanding voting securities of any share class of the fund. INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES INVESTMENT ADVISER Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. (CSIM or the investment adviser), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation, 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, serves as the fund's investment adviser and administrator pursuant to an Investment Advisory and Administration Agreement (Advisory Agreement) between it and the Trust. Schwab is an affiliate of the investment adviser and is the Trust's distributor, shareholder services agent and transfer agent. Charles R. Schwab is the founder, Chairman and Director of The Charles Schwab Corporation. As a result of his ownership of and interests in The Charles Schwab Corporation, Mr. Schwab may be deemed to be a controlling person of the investment adviser and Schwab. 32 ADVISORY AGREEMENT The continuation of the fund's Advisory Agreement must be specifically approved at least annually (1) by the vote of the trustees or by a vote of the shareholders of the fund, and (2) by the vote of a majority of the trustees who are not parties to the investment advisory agreement or "interested persons" of any party (the "Independent Trustees"), cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. Each year, the Board of Trustees calls and holds a meeting to decide whether to renew the Advisory Agreement between the Trust and CSIM with respect to existing funds in the Trust. In preparation for the meeting, the Board requests and reviews a wide variety of materials provided by the fund's investment adviser, as well as extensive data provided by third parties, and the Independent Trustees receive advice from counsel to the Independent Trustees. For its advisory and administrative services to the fund, the investment adviser is entitled to receive a graduated annual fee payable monthly based on the fund's average daily net assets as described below. First $1 billion -- 0.38% More than $1 billion but not exceeding $10 billion -- 0.35% More than $10 billion but not exceeding $20 billion -- 0.32% More than $20 billion but not exceeding $40 billion -- 0.30% More than $40 billion -- 0.27% For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, the fund paid net investment advisory fees of $1,798,000 (fees were reduced by $2,332,000), $2,251,000 (fees were reduced by $2,204,000) and $2,164,000 (fees were reduced by $2,362,000), respectively. Through October 31, 2007, Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) of the Value Advantage Shares to 0.45%. The expense cap is determined in coordination with the Board of Trustees, and the expense cap is intended to limit the effects on shareholders of expenses incurred in the ordinary operation of the fund. The expense cap is not intended to cover all fund expenses, and the fund's expenses may exceed the expense cap. For example, the expense cap does not cover investment-related expenses, such as brokerage commissions, interest and taxes, nor does it cover extraordinary or non-routine expenses, if any, such as shareholder meeting costs. DISTRIBUTOR Pursuant to an agreement, Schwab is the principal underwriter for shares of the fund and is the Trust's agent for the purpose of the continuous offering of the fund's shares. The fund pays the cost of the prospectuses and shareholder reports to be prepared and delivered to existing shareholders. Schwab pays such costs when the described materials are used in connection with the offering of shares to prospective investors and for supplemental sales literature and advertising. Schwab receives no fee under the agreement. SHAREHOLDER SERVICES AND TRANSFER AGENT Schwab provides fund information to shareholders, including share price, reporting shareholder ownership and account activities and distributing the fund's prospectuses, financial reports and other 33 informational literature about the fund. Schwab maintains the office space, equipment and personnel necessary to provide these services. Schwab also distributes and markets Schwab Funds(R) and provides other services. At its own expense, Schwab may engage third party entities, as appropriate, to perform some or all of these services. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the fund, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from the fund's Value Advantage Shares(R), payable monthly in the amount of 0.05% of the share class' average daily net assets. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the fund, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from the fund's Value Advantage Shares, payable monthly in the amount of 0.17% of the share class' average daily net assets. CUSTODIAN AND FUND ACCOUNTANT State Street Bank and Trust Company, One Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111, serves as custodian and fund accountant for the fund. The custodian is responsible for the daily safekeeping of securities and cash held or sold by the fund. The fund accountant maintains the books and records related to the fund's transactions. INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM The fund's independent registered public accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, audits and reports on the annual financial statements of each series of the Trust and reviews certain regulatory reports and the fund's federal income tax return. They also perform other professional accounting, auditing, tax and advisory services when the Trust engages them to do so. Their address is Three Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111-4004. LEGAL COUNSEL Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP serves as counsel to the Trust. OTHER EXPENSES The fund pays other expenses that typically are connected with the Trust's operations, and include legal, audit and custodian fees, as well as the costs of accounting and registration of the fund. Expenses not directly attributable to a particular fund will generally be allocated among the funds in the Trust on the basis of a fund's relative net assets at the time the expense is incurred. BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES PORTFOLIO TURNOVER Because securities with maturities of less than one year are excluded from required portfolio turnover rate calculations, the fund's portfolio turnover rate for reporting purposes is expected to be near zero. 34 PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS DISCLOSURE The fund's Board of Trustees has approved policies and procedures that govern the timing and circumstances regarding the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings information to shareholders and third parties. These policies and procedures are designed to ensure that disclosure of information regarding the fund's portfolio securities is in the best interests of fund shareholders, and include procedures to address conflicts between the interests of the fund's shareholders, on the one hand, and those of the fund's investment adviser, principal underwriter or any affiliated person of the fund, its investment adviser, or its principal underwriter, on the other. Pursuant to such procedures, the Board has authorized the president of the fund to authorize the release of the fund's portfolio holdings, as necessary, in conformity with the foregoing principles. The Board exercises on-going oversight of the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings by overseeing the implementation and enforcement of the fund's policies and procedures by the Chief Compliance Officer and by considering reports and recommendations by the Chief Compliance Officer concerning any material compliance matters. The Board will receive periodic updates, at least annually, regarding entities which were authorized to be provided "early disclosure" (as defined below) of the fund's portfolio holdings information. A complete list of the fund's portfolio holdings is published on the Schwab Funds(R) website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds, under "Prospectuses and Reports", typically 60-80 days after the end of the fund's fiscal quarter. The portfolio holdings information available on the Schwab Funds' website is the same that is filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q or Form N-CSR. In addition, the fund's top ten holdings list is posted on the Schwab Funds website monthly, typically with a 10-day lag. In addition to the top ten holdings information, the fund also provides on the website monthly information regarding certain attributes of the fund's portfolio, such as the fund's sector weightings, portfolio composition, credit quality and duration and maturity, as applicable. The information on the website is publicly available to all categories of persons. The fund may disclose portfolio holdings information to certain persons and entities prior to and more frequently than the public disclosure of such information ("early disclosure"). The president may authorize early disclosure of portfolio holdings information to such parties at differing times and/or with different lag times provided that (a) the president of the fund determines that the disclosure is in the best interests of the fund and that there are no conflicts of interest between the fund's shareholders and fund's adviser and distributor; and (b) the recipient is, either by contractual agreement or otherwise by law, required to maintain the confidentiality of the information. In addition, the fund's service providers including, without limitation, the investment adviser, distributor, the custodian, fund accountant, transfer agent, auditor, proxy voting service provider, pricing information venders, publisher, printer and mailing agent may receive early disclosure of portfolio holdings information as frequently as daily in connection with the services they perform for the fund. Service providers will be subject to a duty of confidentiality with respect to any portfolio holdings information whether imposed by the provisions of the service provider's contract with the trust or by the nature of its relationship with the trust. The fund's policies and procedures prohibit the fund, the fund's investment adviser or any related party from receiving any compensation or other consideration in connection with the disclosure of portfolio holdings information. The fund may disclose non-material information including commentary and aggregate information about the characteristics of the fund in connection with or relating to the fund or its portfolio securities to any person if such disclosure is for a legitimate business purpose, such disclosure does not effectively result in the disclosure of the complete portfolio securities of any fund (which can only 35 be disclosed in accordance with the above requirements), and such information does not constitute material non-public information. Such disclosure does not fall within the portfolio securities disclosure requirements outlined above. Whether the information constitutes material non-public information will be made on a good faith determination, which involves an assessment of the particular facts and circumstances. In most cases commentary or analysis would be immaterial and would not convey any advantage to a recipient in making a decision concerning the fund. Commentary and analysis includes, but is not limited to, the allocation of the fund's portfolio securities and other investments among various asset classes, sectors, industries, and countries, the characteristics of the stock components and other investments of the fund, the attribution of fund returns by asset class, sector, industry and country, and the volatility characteristics of the fund. PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS The fund paid no brokerage commissions during the last three fiscal years. The investment adviser makes decisions with respect to the purchase and sale of portfolio securities on behalf of the fund. The investment adviser is responsible for implementing these decisions, including the negotiation of commissions and the allocation of principal business and portfolio brokerage. Purchases and sales of securities on a stock exchange or certain riskless principal transactions placed on NASDAQ are typically effected through brokers who charge a commission for their services. Purchases and sales of fixed income securities may be transacted with the issuer, the issuer's underwriter, or a dealer. The fund does not usually pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of fixed income securities, although the price of the securities generally includes compensation, in the form of a spread or a mark-up or mark-down, which is not disclosed separately. The prices the fund pays to underwriters of newly-issued securities usually include a commission paid by the issuer to the underwriter. Transactions placed through dealers who are serving as primary market makers reflect the spread between the bid and asked prices. The money market securities in which the fund invests are traded primarily in the over-the-counter market and or purchased directly from the issuer or an underwriter or market maker. Purchases from underwriters will include a commission or concession paid by the issuer to the underwriter, and purchases from dealers serving as market makers will include the spread between the bid and asked price. It is expected that the cost of executing portfolio securities transactions of the fund will primarily consist of dealer spreads and underwriting commissions. The investment adviser seeks to obtain the best overall execution in executing portfolio transactions. The investment adviser may take a number of factors into account in selecting brokers or dealers to execute these transactions. Such factors may include, without limitation, the following: execution price; brokerage commission or dealer spread; size or type of the transaction; nature or character of the markets; clearance or settlement capability; reputation; financial strength and stability of the broker or dealer; efficiency of execution and error resolution; block trading capabilities; willingness to execute related or unrelated difficult transactions in the future; order of call; or provision of additional brokerage or research services or products. The investment adviser may cause the fund to pay a higher commission than otherwise obtainable from other brokers or dealers in return for brokerage or research services or products if the investment adviser believes that such commission is reasonable in relation to the services provided. In addition to agency transactions, the investment adviser may receive brokerage and research services or products in connection with certain riskless transactions, in accordance with applicable SEC guidelines. In both instances, these services or products may include: economic, industry, or 36 company research reports or investment recommendations; subscriptions to financial publications or research data compilations; compilations of securities prices, earnings, dividends, and similar data; computerized databases; quotation equipment and services; research or analytical computer software and services; products or services that assist in effecting transactions, including services of third-party computer systems developers directly related to research and brokerage activities; and effecting securities transactions and performing functions incidental thereto (such as clearance and settlement). The investment adviser may use research services furnished by brokers or dealers in servicing all client accounts and not all services may necessarily be used in connection with the account that paid commissions or spreads to the broker or dealer providing such services. The investment adviser may receive a service from a broker or dealer that has both a "research" and a "non-research" use. When this occurs, the investment adviser will make a good faith allocation, under all the circumstances, between the research and non-research uses of the service. The percentage of the service that is used for research purposes may be paid for with client commissions, while the investment adviser will use its own funds to pay for the percentage of the service that is used for non-research purposes. In making this good faith allocation, the investment adviser faces a potential conflict of interest, but the investment adviser believes that the costs of such services may be appropriately allocated to their anticipated research and non-research uses. The fund may purchase new issues of securities for clients in a fixed price offering. In these situations, the seller may be a member of the selling group that will, in addition to selling securities, provide the investment adviser with research services. The NASD has adopted rules expressly permitting these types of arrangements under certain circumstances. The investment adviser may place orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems. Placing orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems may enable the fund to trade directly with other institutional holders. At times, this may allow the fund to trade larger blocks than would be possible trading through a single market maker. The investment adviser may aggregate securities sales or purchases among two or more clients. The investment adviser will not aggregate transactions unless it believes such aggregation is consistent with its duty to seek best execution for each affected client and is consistent with the terms of the investment advisory agreement for such client. In any single transaction in which purchases and/or sales of securities of any issuer for the account of the fund are aggregated with other accounts managed by the investment adviser, the actual prices applicable to the transaction will be averaged among the accounts for which the transaction is effected, including the account of the fund. In determining when and to what extent to use Schwab or any other affiliated broker-dealer as its broker for executing orders for the fund on securities exchanges, the investment adviser follows procedures, adopted by the Board of Trustees, that are designed to ensure that affiliated brokerage commissions (if relevant) are reasonable and fair in comparison to unaffiliated brokerage commissions for comparable transactions. The Board reviews the procedures annually and approves and reviews transactions involving affiliated brokers quarterly. REGULAR BROKER-DEALERS The fund's regular broker-dealers during its most recent fiscal year are: (1) the ten broker-dealers that received the greatest dollar amount of brokerage commissions from the fund; (2) the ten broker-dealers that engaged as principal in the largest dollar amount of portfolio transactions; and (3) the ten broker-dealers that sold the largest dollar amount of the fund's shares. During the fiscal year ended 37 December 31, 2005, the fund did not purchase securities issued by its regular broker-dealers. DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST The fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, an open-end investment management company organized as a Massachusetts business trust on October 20, 1989. The fund may hold special meetings of shareholders, which may cause the fund to incur non-routine expenses. These meetings may be called for purposes such as electing trustees, changing fundamental policies and amending management contracts. Shareholders are entitled to one vote for each share owned and may vote by proxy or in person. Proxy materials will be mailed to shareholders prior to any meetings, and will include a voting card and information explaining the matters to be voted upon. The bylaws of the Trust provide that a majority of shares entitled to vote shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at a shareholders' meeting, except that where any provision of law, or of the Declaration of Trust or of the bylaws permits or requires that (1) holders of any series shall vote as a series, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that series entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that series, or (2) holders of any class shall vote as a class, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that class entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that class. Any lesser number shall be sufficient for adjournments. Any adjourned session or sessions may be held, within a reasonable time after the date set for the original meeting, without the necessity of further notice. The Declaration of Trust specifically authorizes the Board of Trustees to terminate the Trust (or any of its investment portfolios) by notice to the shareholders without shareholder approval. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of a Massachusetts business trust could, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for the Trust's obligations. The Declaration of Trust, however, disclaims shareholder liability for the Trust's acts or obligations and requires that notice of such disclaimer be given in each agreement, obligation or instrument entered into or executed by the Trust or the trustees. In addition, the Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of the property of an investment portfolio in which a shareholder owns or owned shares for all losses and expenses of such shareholder or former shareholder if he or she is held personally liable for the obligations of the Trust solely by reason of being or having been a shareholder. Moreover, the Trust will be covered by insurance which the trustees consider adequate to cover foreseeable tort claims. Thus, the risk of a shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is considered remote, because it is limited to circumstances in which a disclaimer is inoperative and the Trust itself is unable to meet its obligations. There is a remote possibility that the fund could become liable for a misstatement in the prospectus or SAI about another fund. As more fully described in the Declaration of Trust, the trustees may each year, or more frequently, distribute to the shareholders of each series accrued income less accrued expenses and any net realized capital gains less accrued expenses. Distributions of each year's income of each series shall be distributed pro rata to shareholders in proportion to the number of shares of each series held by each of them. Distributions will be paid in cash or shares or a combination thereof as determined by the trustees. Distributions paid in shares will be paid at the net asset value per share as determined in accordance with the bylaws. 38 PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS PURCHASING AND REDEEMING SHARES OF THE FUND The fund is open for business each day, except for days on which the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is closed and when the following federal holidays are observances: Columbus Day and Veterans Day. The NYSE's trading session is normally conducted from 9:30 a.m. Eastern time until 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, although some days, such as in advance of and following holidays, the NYSE's trading sessions closes early. The following holiday closings are currently scheduled for 2006: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (observed), Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day (observed), Veterans' Day (observed), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. On any day that the Fed, NYSE or principal government securities markets close early, the fund reserves the right to advance the time by which purchase, redemption and exchange orders must be received by the fund's transfer agent. As long as the fund or Schwab follow reasonable procedures to confirm that your telephone or Internet order is genuine, they will not be liable for any losses an investor may experience due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions. These procedures may include requiring a form of personal identification or confirmation before acting upon any telephone or Internet order, providing written confirmation of telephone or Internet orders and tape recording all telephone orders. Share certificates will not be issued in order to avoid additional administrative costs, however, share ownership records are maintained by Schwab. The Declaration of Trust provides that shares may be automatically redeemed if held by a shareholder in an amount less than the minimum required by the fund's share classes. The fund's minimum initial and additional investments and minimum balance requirements, if any, are set forth in the prospectus. These minimums may be waived for certain institutional and retirement plan accounts, including clients of Schwab Institutional and Schwab Corporate Services retirement plans. These minimums may also be waived for certain other investors, including trustees, officers and employees of Schwab, and for certain investment programs, including programs for retirement savings, education savings, or charitable giving. Schwab may receive other compensation for providing services to these clients, investors and programs. The minimums may be changed without prior notice. The fund has made an election with the SEC to pay in cash all redemptions requested by any shareholder of record limited in amount during any 90-day period to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of its net assets at the beginning of such period. This election is irrevocable without the SEC's prior approval. Redemption requests in excess of these limits may be paid, in whole or in part, in investment securities or in cash, as the Board of Trustees may deem advisable. Payment will be made wholly in cash unless the Board of Trustees believes that economic or market conditions exist that would make such payment a detriment to the best interests of the fund. If redemption proceeds are paid in investment securities, such securities will be valued as set forth in "Pricing of Shares". A redeeming shareholder would normally incur transaction costs if he or she were to convert the securities to cash. The fund is composed of two classes of shares, which share a common investment portfolio and objective but have different minimum investment requirements and different expenses. The Sweep Shares, which are not offered in this SAI, are designed to provide convenience through automatic 39 investment of uninvested cash balances and automatic redemptions for transactions in your Schwab account, although shares also may be purchased directly. The Value Advantage Shares do not have a sweep feature, but rather must be purchased directly. EXCHANGING SHARES OF THE FUND Shares of any Schwab Funds, including any class of shares, may be sold and the shares of any other Schwab Fund or class purchased, provided the minimum investment and any other requirement of the fund or class purchased are satisfied, including any investor eligibility requirements. Without limiting this privilege, "an exchange order," which is a simultaneous order to sell shares of one fund or class and automatically invest the proceeds in another fund or class, may not be executed between shares of Sweep Investments(R) and shares of non-Sweep Investments. Shares of Sweep Investments may be bought and sold automatically pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Schwab account agreement or by direct order as long as you meet the minimums for direct investments. The fund and Schwab reserves certain rights with regard to exchanging shares of the fund. These rights include the right to: (i) refuse any purchase or exchange order that may negatively impact the fund's operations; (ii) refuse orders that appear to be associated with short-term trading activities; and (iii) materially modify or terminate the exchange privilege upon 60 days' written notice to shareholders. PRICING OF SHARES The fund values its portfolio instruments at amortized cost, which means they are valued at their acquisition cost, as adjusted for amortization of premium or discount, rather than at current market value. Calculations are made to compare the value of the fund's investments at amortized cost with market values. Such values are required to be determined in one of two ways: securities for which market quotations are readily available are required to be valued at current market value; and securities for which market quotations are not readily available are required to be valued at fair value using procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. The fund uses approved pricing services to provide values for their portfolio securities. Securities may be fair valued pursuant to procedures approved by the fund's Board of Trustees when approved pricing services do not provide a value for a security, a furnished price appears manifestly incorrect or events occur prior to the close of the NYSE that materially affect the furnished price. The Board of Trustees regularly reviews fair value determinations made by the fund pursuant to the procedures. The amortized cost method of valuation seeks to maintain a stable net asset value per share (NAV) of $1.00, even where there are fluctuations in interest rates that affect the value of portfolio instruments. Accordingly, this method of valuation can in certain circumstances lead to a dilution of a shareholder's interest. If a deviation of 1/2 of 1% or more were to occur between the NAV calculated using market values and the fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost or if there were any other deviation that the Board of Trustees believed would result in a material dilution to shareholders or purchasers, the Board of Trustees would promptly consider what action, if any, should be initiated. If the fund's NAV calculated using market values declined, or was expected to decline, below the fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost, the Board of Trustees might temporarily reduce or suspend dividend payments in an effort to maintain the fund's $1.00 NAV. As a result of such reduction or suspension of dividends or other action by the Board of Trustees, an investor would receive less income during a given period than if such a reduction or suspension had not taken place. 40 Such action could result in investors receiving no dividend for the period during which they hold their shares and receiving, upon redemption, a price per share lower than that which they paid. On the other hand, if the fund's NAV (calculated using market values) were to increase, or were anticipated to increase above the fund's $1.00 NAV (calculated using amortized cost), the Board of Trustees might supplement dividends in an effort to maintain the fund's $1.00 NAV. DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS Typically once a year, an updated prospectus will be mailed to shareholders describing the fund's investment strategy, risks and shareholder policies. Twice a year, financial reports will be mailed to shareholders describing the fund's performance and investment holdings. In order to eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents, each household may receive one copy of these documents, under certain conditions. This practice is commonly called "householding." If you want to receive multiple copies, you may write or call your fund at the address or telephone number on the front of this SAI. Your instructions will be effective within 30 days of receipt by Schwab. TAXATION FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION FOR THE FUND This discussion of federal income tax consequences is based on the Code and the regulations issued thereunder as in effect on the date of this Statement of Additional Information. New legislation, as well as administrative changes or court decisions, may significantly change the conclusions expressed herein, and may have a retroactive effect with respect to the transactions contemplated herein. It is each fund's policy to qualify for taxation as a "regulated investment company" (RIC) by meeting the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code). By qualifying as a RIC, a fund expects to eliminate or reduce to a nominal amount the federal income tax to which it is subject. If a fund does not qualify as a RIC under the Code, it will be subject to federal income tax, at regular corporate rates on its net income, including any net realized capital gains. The fund is treated as a separate entity for federal income tax purposes and is not combined with the trust's other funds. The fund intends to qualify as a RIC so that it will be relieved of federal income tax on that part of its income that is distributed to shareholders. In order to qualify for treatment as a RIC, the fund must distribute annually to its shareholders at least 90% of its investment company taxable income (generally, net investment income plus the excess, if any, of net short-term capital gain over net long-term capital losses) and also must meet several additional requirements. Among these requirements are the following: (i) at least 90% of a fund's gross income each taxable year must be derived from dividends, interest, payments with respect to securities loans, and gains from the sale or other disposition of stock, securities or foreign currencies, or other income derived with respect to its business of investing in such stock or securities or currencies and net income derived from an interest in a qualified publicly traded partnership; (ii) at the close of each quarter of a fund's taxable year, at least 50% of the value of its total assets must be represented by cash and cash items, U.S. Government securities, securities of other RICs and other securities, with such other securities limited, in respect of any one issuer, to an amount that does not exceed 5% of the value of a fund's assets and that does not represent more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer; and (iii) at the close of each quarter of a fund's taxable year, not more than 25% of the value of its assets may be invested in securities (other than U.S. Government securities or the securities of other RICs) of any one issuer or of two or more issuers which the fund controls and which are engaged in the same, similar, or related trades or businesses, or the securities of one or more qualified publicly traded partnerships. 41 The Code imposes a non-deductible excise tax on RICs that do not distribute in a calendar year (regardless of whether they otherwise have a non-calendar taxable year) an amount equal to 98% of their "ordinary income" (as defined in the Code) for the calendar year plus 98% of their net capital gain for the one-year period ending on October 31 of such calendar year, plus any undistributed amounts from prior years. The non-deductible excise tax is equal to 4% of the deficiency. For the foregoing purposes, a fund is treated as having distributed any amount on which it is subject to income tax for any taxable year ending in such calendar year. The fund may in certain circumstances be required to liquidate fund investments in order to make sufficient distributions to avoid federal excise tax liability at a time when the investment adviser might not otherwise have chosen to do so, and liquidation of investments in such circumstances may affect the ability of the fund to satisfy the requirements for qualification as a RIC. A fund's transactions in futures contracts, options and certain other investment activities may be restricted by the Code and are subject to special tax rules. In a given case, these rules may accelerate income to a fund, defer its losses, cause adjustments in the holding periods of a fund's assets, convert short-term capital losses into long-term capital losses or otherwise affect the character of a fund's income. These rules could therefore affect the amount, timing and character of distributions to shareholders. A fund will endeavor to make any available elections pertaining to these transactions in a manner believed to be in the best interest of a fund and its shareholders. FEDERAL INCOME TAX INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS The discussion of federal income taxation presented below supplements the discussion in the fund's prospectus and only summarizes some of the important federal tax considerations generally affecting shareholders of the fund. Accordingly, prospective investors (particularly those not residing or domiciled in the United States) should consult their own tax advisors regarding the consequences of investing in the fund. On each business day that the NAV of the fund is determined, such fund's net investment income will be declared as of the close of the fund (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) as a daily dividend to shareholders of record. Your daily dividend is calculated each business day by applying the daily dividend rate by the number of shares owned, and is rounded to the nearest penny. The daily dividend is accrued each business day, and the sum of the daily dividends is paid monthly. The fund's dividends will normally be reinvested monthly in shares of the fund at the NAV on the 15th day of each month, if a business day, otherwise on the next business day, except in December when dividends are reinvested on the last business day of December. If cash payment is requested, checks will normally be mailed on the business day following the reinvestment date. The fund will pay shareholders, who redeem all of their shares, all dividends accrued to the time of the redemption within 7 days. The fund calculates its dividends based on its daily net investment income. For this purpose, the net investment income of the fund generally consists of: (1) accrued interest income, plus or minus amortized discount or premium, minus (2) accrued expenses allocated to that fund. If the fund realizes any capital gains, they will be distributed at least once during the year as determined by the Board of Trustees. Any dividends declared by the fund in October, November or December and paid the following January are treated, for tax purposes, as if they were received by shareholders on December 31 of the year in which they were declared. The fund may adjust its schedule for the reinvestment of distributions for the month of December to assist in complying with the reporting and minimum distribution requirements of the Code. 42 The fund does not expect to realize any long-term capital gains. However, long-term capital gains distributions are taxable as long-term capital gains, regardless of how long you have held your shares. If you receive a long-term capital gains distribution with respect to fund shares held for six months or less, any loss on the sale or exchange of those shares shall, to the extent of the long-term capital gains distribution, be treated as a long-term capital loss. Distributions by the fund also may be subject to state, local and foreign taxes, and its treatment under applicable tax laws may differ from the federal income tax treatment. The fund may engage in investment techniques that may alter the timing and character of its income. The fund may be restricted in its use of these techniques by rules relating to its qualification as a regulated investment company. The fund will be required in certain cases to withhold at the applicable withholding rate and remit to the U.S. Treasury, the withheld amount of taxable dividends paid to any shareholder who (1) fails to provide a correct taxpayer identification number certified under penalty of perjury; (2) is subject to withholding by the Internal Revenue Service for failure to properly report all payments of interest or dividends; (3) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is not subject to "backup withholding;" or (4) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). Backup withholding is not an additional tax and any amounts withheld may be credited against the shareholder's ultimate U.S. tax liability. Foreign shareholders (i.e., nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations, partnerships, trusts and estates) are generally subject to U.S. withholding tax at the rate of 30% (or a lower tax treaty rate) on distributions derived from net investment income and short-term capital gains; provided, however, that dividends with respect to the fund's taxable year beginning after December 31, 2004 and not beginning after December 31, 2007 are not subject to U.S. withholding tax, if, subject to certain exceptions, such dividends qualify as interest related dividends or as short-term capital gain dividends. Distributions to foreign shareholders of such short-term capital gain dividends of long-term capital gains and any gains from the sale or other disposition of shares of the fund generally are not subject to U.S. taxation, unless the recipient is an individual who either (1) meets the Code's definition of "resident alien" or (2) who is physically present in the U.S. for 183 days or more per year as determined under certain IRS rules. Different tax consequences may result if the foreign shareholder is engaged in a trade or business within the United States. In addition, the tax consequences to a foreign shareholder entitled to claim the benefits of a tax treaty may be different than those described above. If, at the close of each quarter of its taxable year, at least 50% of the value of the fund's assets consist of obligations the interest on which is excludable from gross income, the fund may pay "exempt-interest dividends" to its shareholders. Those dividends constitute the portion of the aggregate dividends as designated by the fund, equal to the excess of the excludable interest over certain amounts disallowed as deductions. Exempt-interest dividends are excludable from a shareholder's gross income for federal income tax purposes. Tax-exempt income, including exempt interest dividends paid by the fund, are taken into account in determining whether a portion of a shareholder's social security or railroad retirement benefits will be subject to federal income. Exempt-interest dividends may nevertheless be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT) imposed by Section 55 of the Code. The AMT is imposed at rates of 26% and 28%, in the case of non-corporate taxpayers, and at the rate of 20%, in the case of corporate taxpayers, to the extent it 43 exceeds the taxpayer's federal income tax liability. The AMT may be imposed in the following two circumstances. First, exempt-interest dividends derived from certain private activity bonds issued after August 7, 1986, will generally be an item of tax preference (and, therefore, potentially subject to AMT) for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers. Second, in the case of exempt-interest dividends received by corporate shareholders, all exempt-interest dividends, regardless of when the bonds from which they are derived were issued or whether they are derived from private activity bonds, will be included in the corporation's "adjusted current earnings," as defined in Section 56(g) of the Code, in calculating the corporations' alternative minimum taxable income for purposes of determining the AMT. Current federal law limits the types and volume of bonds qualifying for the federal income tax exemption of interest that may have an effect on the ability of the fund to purchase sufficient amounts of tax-exempt securities to satisfy the Code's requirements for the payment of "exempt-interest dividends." Interest on indebtedness incurred or continued by a shareholder in order to purchase or carry shares of the fund is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Furthermore, these funds may not be an appropriate investment for persons (including corporations and other business entities) who are "substantial users" (or persons related to "substantial users") of facilities financed by industrial development private activity bonds. Such persons should consult their tax advisors before purchasing shares. A "substantial user" is defined generally to include "certain persons" who regularly use in their trade or business a part of a facility financed from the proceeds of such bonds. Because the taxable portion of the fund's investment income consists primarily of interest, none of its dividends, whether or not treated as exempt-interest dividends, are expected to qualify under the Code for the dividends received deduction for corporations or as qualified dividend income eligible for reduced tax rates. The redemption or exchange of the shares of the fund may result in capital gain or loss to the shareholders. Generally, if a shareholder holds the shares as a capital asset, any gain or loss will be long-term gain or loss if the shares have been held for more than one year. Capital gains of corporate shareholders are subject to regular corporate tax rates. For non-corporate taxpayers, gain on the sale of shares held for more than 12 months will generally be taxed at the rate applicable to long-term capital gains, while gain on the sale of shares held for one year or less will generally be taxed at ordinary income rates. 44 APPENDIX - RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES COMMERCIAL PAPER MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Prime-1 is the highest commercial paper rating assigned by Moody's. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of commercial paper with this rating are considered to have a superior ability to repay short-term promissory obligations. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of securities rated Prime-2 are viewed as having a strong capacity to repay short-term promissory obligations. This capacity will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics of issuers whose commercial paper is rated Prime-1 but to a lesser degree. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P A-1 commercial paper rating indicates a strong degree of safety regarding timely payment of principal and interest. Issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics are denoted A-1+. Capacity for timely payment on commercial paper rated A-2 is satisfactory, but the relative degree of safety is not as high as for issues designated A-1. FITCH, INC. F1+ is the highest category, and indicates the strongest degree of assurance for timely payment. Issues rated F1 reflect an assurance of timely payment only slightly less than issues rated F1+. Issues assigned an F2 rating have a satisfactory degree of assurance for timely payment, but the margin of safety is not as great as for issues in the first two rating categories. SHORT-TERM NOTES AND VARIABLE RATE DEMAND OBLIGATIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Short-term notes/variable rate demand obligations bearing the designations MIG-1/VMIG-1 are considered to be of the best quality, enjoying strong protection from established cash flows, superior liquidity support or demonstrated broad-based access to the market for refinancing. Obligations rated MIG-2/VMIG-2 are of high quality and enjoy ample margins of protection although not as large as those of the top rated securities. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P SP-1 rating indicates that the subject securities' issuer has a very strong capacity to pay principal and interest. Issues determined to possess very strong safety characteristics are given a plus (+) designation. S&P's determination that an issuer has a strong capacity to pay principal and interest is denoted by an SP-2 rating. 45 STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
APRIL 30, 2006 AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 1, 2007 The Statement of Additional Information (SAI) is not a prospectus. It should be read in conjunction with each fund's prospectus dated April 30, 2006 (as amended from time to time). To obtain a free copy of any of the prospectuses, please contact Schwab Funds(R) at 1-800-435-4000. For TDD service call 1-800-345-2550. The prospectuses also may be available on the Internet at: http://www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. Each fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds (the Trust). The Trust, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios are collectively referred to as the "Schwab Funds(R)". The funds' audited financial statements from the funds' annual reports for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, are incorporated by reference into this SAI. A copy of a fund's 2005 annual report is delivered with the SAI. TABLE OF CONTENTS
Page ---- INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, INVESTMENT STRATEGIES, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS...........................................................................2 MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS........................................................................13 DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES..............................................24 CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES............................................36 INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES.........................................................36 BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES.......................................................40 DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST.......................................................................45 PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS..........................................................................46 TAXATION.......................................................................................48 APPENDIX -- RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES...................................................51
1 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, INVESTMENT STRATEGIES, SECURITIES, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES Each of the Schwab Government Money Fund TM, Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM, Schwab Money Market Fund TM, Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R), Schwab Retirement Advantage Money Fund TM, Schwab Investor Money Fund TM, Schwab Cash Reserves and Schwab Advisor Cash Reserves TM seeks the highest current income consistent with stability of capital and liquidity. Each fund's investment objective may be changed only by vote of a majority of its outstanding voting shares. There is no guarantee the funds will achieve their objectives. A majority of the outstanding voting shares of a fund means the affirmative vote of the lesser of: (a) 67% or more of the voting shares represented at the meeting, if more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of a fund are represented at the meeting; or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of a fund. The funds operate as money market funds and seek to comply with the requirements of Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act), as that Rule may be amended from time to time. The Rule's key provisions govern the maturity, quality and diversification of its money market fund investments. For example, with respect to maturity, Rule 2a-7 currently provides that money funds limit their investments to securities with remaining maturities of 397 days or less, and maintain dollar-weighted average maturities of 90 days or less, both calculated as described in the Rule. In addition, money funds may only invest in high quality securities. The funds are also subject to strict diversification requirements under Rule 2a-7. The following investment strategies, securities, risks and limitations supplement those set forth in the prospectus and may be changed without shareholder approval unless otherwise noted. Also, policies and limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard, shall be measured immediately after and as a result of a fund's acquisition of such security or asset unless otherwise noted. Additionally, for purposes of calculating any restriction, an issuer shall be the entity deemed to be ultimately responsible for payments of interest and principal on the security pursuant to Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act unless otherwise noted. INVESTMENT STRATEGIES Under normal circumstances, the Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM will invest at least 80% of its net assets in U.S. Treasury securities; including bills, notes and bonds. The fund will notify its shareholders at least 60 days before changing this policy. Also, for purposes of this policy, net assets means net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. Under normal circumstances, the Schwab Government Money Fund TM will invest at least 80% of its net assets in U.S. government securities including repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by U.S. government securities. The fund will notify its shareholders at least 60 days before changing this policy. Also, for purposes of the policy, net assets means net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes. 2 Each of the Schwab Money Market Fund TM, Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R), Schwab Retirement Advantage Money Fund TM, Schwab Investor Money Fund TM, Schwab Cash Reserves and Schwab Advisor Cash Reserves TM seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in high-quality, U.S. dollar-denominated money market securities, including U.S. government securities and repurchase agreements for these securities. Not all investment securities or techniques discussed below are eligible investments for each fund. A fund will invest in securities or engage in techniques that are intended to help achieve its investment objective. INVESTMENT SECURITIES AND RISKS ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES are securities that are backed by the loans or accounts receivables of an entity, such as a bank or credit card company. These securities are obligations which the issuer intends to repay using the assets backing them (once collected). Therefore, repayment depends largely on the cash flows generated by the assets backing the securities. The rate of principal payments on asset-backed securities generally depends on the rate of principal payments received on the underlying assets, which in turn may be affected by a variety of economic and other factors. As a result, the yield on any asset-backed security is difficult to predict with precision, and actual yield to maturity may be more or less than the anticipated yield to maturity. Sometimes the credit quality of these securities is limited to the support provided by the underlying assets, but, in other cases, additional credit support also may be provided by a third party via a letter of credit or insurance guarantee. Such credit support falls into two classes: liquidity protection and protection against ultimate default on the underlying assets. Liquidity protection refers to the provision of advances, generally by the entity administering the pool of assets, to ensure that scheduled payments on the underlying pool are made in a timely fashion. Protection against ultimate default ensures payment on at least a portion of the assets in the pool. Such protection may be provided through guarantees, insurance policies or letters of credit obtained from third parties, through various means of structuring the transaction or through a combination of such approaches. The degree of credit support provided on each issue is based generally on historical information respecting the level of credit risk associated with such payments. Delinquency or loss in excess of that anticipated could adversely affect the return on an investment in an asset-backed security. For purposes of a fund's concentration policy, the fund will determine the industry classification of asset-backed securities based upon the investment adviser's evaluation of the risks associated with an investment in the underlying assets. For example, asset-backed securities whose underlying assets share similar economic characteristics because, for example, they are funded (or supported) primarily from a single or similar source or revenue stream will be classified in the same industry sector. In contrast, asset-backed securities whose underlying assets represent a diverse mix of industries, business sectors and/or revenue streams will be classified into distinct industries based on their underlying credit and liquidity structures. A fund will limit its investments in each identified industry to less than 25% of its net assets. BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES or notes are credit instruments evidencing a bank's obligation to pay a draft drawn on it by a customer. These instruments reflect the obligation both of the bank and of the drawer to pay the full amount of the instrument upon maturity. A fund will invest only in bankers' acceptances of banks that have capital, surplus and undivided profits in excess of $100 million. 3 BORROWING may subject a fund to interest costs, which may exceed the interest received on the securities purchased with the borrowed funds. A fund normally may borrow at times to meet redemption requests rather than sell portfolio securities to raise the necessary cash. Borrowing can involve leveraging when securities are purchased with the borrowed money. A fund will earmark or segregate assets to cover such borrowings in accordance with positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT or time deposits are issued against funds deposited in a banking institution for a specified period of time at a specified interest rate. A fund will invest only in certificates of deposit, including time deposits, of banks that have capital, surplus and undivided profits in excess of $100 million. COMMERCIAL PAPER consists of short-term, promissory notes issued by banks, corporations and other entities to finance short-term credit needs. These securities generally are discounted but sometimes may be interest bearing. Commercial paper, which also may be unsecured, is subject to credit risk. CONCENTRATION means that substantial amounts of assets are invested in a particular industry or group of industries. Concentration increases investment exposure to industry risk. For example, the automobile industry may have a greater exposure to a single factor, such as an increase in the price of oil, which may adversely affect the sale of automobiles and, as a result, the value of the industry's securities. Based on the primary characteristics of non-U.S. (foreign) banks, the funds have identified each foreign country as a separate bank industry for purposes of a fund's concentration policy. A fund will limit its investments in securities issued by foreign banks in each country to less than 25% of its net assets. However, the funds, except for the Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM and Schwab Government Money Fund TM reserve the freedom of action to invest up to 100% of their assets in certificates of deposit or bankers' acceptances issued by domestic branches of U.S. banks and U.S. branches of foreign banks (which the funds have determined to be subject to the same regulation as U.S. banks). CREDIT AND LIQUIDITY SUPPORTS or enhancements may be employed by issuers to reduce the credit risk of their securities. Credit supports include letters of credit, insurance and guarantees provided by foreign and domestic entities. Liquidity supports include puts, demand features, and lines of credit. Most of these arrangements move the credit risk of an investment from the issuer of the security to the support provider. Changes in the credit quality of a support provider could cause losses to a fund. DEBT SECURITIES are obligations issued by domestic and foreign entities, including governments and corporations, in order to raise money. They are basically "IOUs," but are commonly referred to as bonds or money market securities. These securities normally require the issuer to pay a fixed, variable or floating rate of interest on the amount of money borrowed (the "principal") until it is paid back upon maturity. Debt securities experience price changes when interest rates change. For example, when interest rates fall, the prices of debt securities generally rise. Issuers tend to pre-pay their outstanding debts and issue new ones paying lower interest rates. Conversely, in a rising interest rate environment, prepayment on outstanding debt securities generally will not occur. This is known as extension risk and may cause the value of debt securities to depreciate as a result of the higher market interest rates. Typically, longer-maturity securities react to interest rate changes more severely than shorter-term securities (all things being equal), but generally offer greater rates of interest. Debt securities also are subject to the risk that the issuers will not make timely interest and/or principal payments or fail to make them at all. 4 DELAYED-DELIVERY TRANSACTIONS include purchasing and selling securities on a delayed-delivery or when-issued basis. These transactions involve a commitment to buy or sell specific securities at a predetermined price or yield, with payment and delivery taking place after the customary settlement period for that type of security. When purchasing securities on a delayed-delivery basis, a fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations. Typically, no interest will accrue to a fund until the security is delivered. A fund will earmark or segregate appropriate liquid assets to cover its delayed-delivery purchase obligations. When a fund sells a security on a delayed-delivery basis, the fund does not participate in further gains or losses with respect to that security. If the other party to a delayed-delivery transaction fails to deliver or pay for the securities, a fund could suffer losses. DIVERSIFICATION involves investing in a wide range of securities and thereby spreading and reducing the risks of investment. Each fund is a series of an open-end investment management company and is a diversified mutual fund. Each fund also follows the regulations set forth by the SEC that dictate the diversification requirements for money market mutual funds, as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. Each fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in "first tier" securities of a single issuer for a period of up to three business days. FOREIGN SECURITIES involve additional risks, because they are issued by foreign entities, including foreign governments, banks and corporations or because they are traded principally overseas. Credit and liquidity supports also may be provided by foreign entities. Foreign securities in which a fund may invest include foreign entities that are not subject to uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards, practices and requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. corporations. In addition, there may be less publicly available information about foreign entities. Foreign economic, political and legal developments, and withholding taxes, could have more dramatic effects on the value of foreign securities. For example, conditions within and around foreign countries, such as the possibility of expropriation or confiscatory taxation, political or social instability, diplomatic developments, change of government or war could affect the value of foreign investments. Moreover, individual foreign economies may differ favorably or unfavorably from the U.S. economy in such respects as growth of gross national product, rate of inflation, capital reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency and balance of payments position. Foreign securities typically have less volume and are generally less liquid and more volatile than securities of U.S. companies. Fixed commissions on foreign securities exchanges are generally higher than negotiated commissions on U.S. exchanges, although a fund will endeavor to achieve the most favorable overall results on portfolio transactions. There is generally less government supervision and regulation of foreign securities exchanges, brokers, dealers and listed companies than in the United States, thus increasing the risk of delayed settlements of portfolio transactions or loss of certificates for portfolio securities. There may be difficulties in obtaining or enforcing judgments against foreign issuers as well. These factors and others may increase the risks with respect to the liquidity of a fund, and its ability to meet a large number of shareholder redemption requests. Foreign markets also have different clearance and settlement procedures and, in certain markets, there have been times when settlements have been unable to keep pace with the volume of securities transactions, making it difficult to conduct such transactions. Such delays in settlement could result in temporary periods when a portion of the assets of a fund is uninvested and no return is earned thereon. The inability to make intended security purchases due to settlement problems could cause a fund to miss attractive investment opportunities. Losses to a fund arising out of the inability to fulfill a contract to sell such securities also could result in potential liability for a fund. 5 ILLIQUID SECURITIES generally are any securities that cannot be disposed of promptly and in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount at which a fund has valued the instruments. The liquidity of a fund's investments is monitored under the supervision and direction of the Board of Trustees. Investments currently not considered liquid include repurchase agreements not maturing within seven days and certain restricted securities. INTERFUND BORROWING AND LENDING allows the funds to borrow money from and/or lend money to other Schwab Funds(R). All loans are for temporary or emergency purposes and the interest rates to be charged will be the average of the overnight repurchase agreement rate and the short-term bank loan rate. All loans are subject to numerous conditions designed to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all participating funds. The interfund lending facility is subject to the oversight and periodic review of the Board of Trustees of the Schwab Funds. LENDING of portfolio securities is a common practice in the securities industry. A fund will engage in security lending arrangements with the primary objective of increasing its income. For example, a fund may receive cash collateral and it may invest in short-term, interest-bearing obligations, but will do so only to the extent that it will not lose the tax treatment available to regulated investment companies. Lending portfolio securities involve risks that the borrower may fail to return the securities or provide additional collateral. Also, voting rights with respect to the loaned securities may pass with the lending of the securities. A fund may lend portfolio securities to qualified broker-dealers or other institutional investors provided that: (1) the loan is secured continuously by collateral consisting of U.S. government securities, letters of credit, cash or cash equivalents or other appropriate instruments maintained on a daily marked-to-market basis in an amount at least equal to the current market value of the securities loaned; (2) a fund may at any time call the loan and obtain the return of the securities loaned; (3) a fund will receive any interest or dividends paid on the loaned securities; and (4) the aggregate market value of securities loaned will not at any time exceed one-third of the total assets of a fund, including collateral received from the loan (at market value computed at the time of the loan). MONEY MARKET SECURITIES are high-quality, short-term debt securities that may be issued by entities such as the U.S. government, municipalities, corporations and financial institutions (like banks). Money market securities include commercial paper, promissory notes, certificates of deposit, banker's acceptances, notes and time deposits. Money market securities pay fixed, variable or floating rates of interest and are generally subject to credit and interest rate risks. The maturity date or price of and financial assets collateralizing a security may be structured in order to make it qualify as or act like a money market security. These securities may be subject to greater credit and interest rate risks than other money market securities because of their structure. Money market securities may be issued with puts or these can be sold separately. PROMISSORY NOTES are written agreements committing the maker or issuer to pay the payee a specified amount either on demand or at a fixed date in the future, with or without interest. These are sometimes called negotiable notes or instruments and are subject to credit risk. Bank notes are notes used to represent obligations issued by banks in large denominations. PUTS, sometimes called demand features or guarantees, are agreements that allow the buyer of the put to sell a security at a specified price and time to the seller or "put provider." When a fund buys a security with a put feature, losses could occur if the put provider does not perform as agreed. Standby commitments are types of puts. 6 QUALITY OF INVESTMENTS. Each fund follows regulations set forth by the SEC that dictate the quality requirements for investments made by money market mutual funds, as such regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. These regulations require the funds to invest exclusively in high-quality securities. Generally, high-quality securities are securities that present minimal credit risks and are rated in one of the two highest rating categories by two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs), or by one if only one NRSRO has rated the securities, or, if unrated, determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser pursuant to guidelines adopted by the Board of Trustees. High-quality securities may be "first tier" or "second tier" securities. First tier securities may be rated within the highest category or determined to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser. Money market fund shares and U.S. government securities also are first tier securities. Second tier securities generally are rated within the second-highest category. Should a security's high-quality rating change after purchase by a fund, the investment adviser would take such action, including no action, as determined to be in the best interest of the fund and as required by Rule 2a-7. For more information about the ratings assigned by some NRSROs, refer to the Appendix section of the SAI. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS involve a fund buying securities (usually U.S. government securities) from a seller and simultaneously agreeing to sell them back at an agreed-upon price (usually higher) and time. There are risks that losses will result if the seller does not perform as agreed. Repurchase agreements will be "collateralized" by first tier securities in which the funds could invest directly. In addition, repurchase agreements collateralized entirely by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be collateralized fully pursuant to Rule 2a-7. Under certain circumstances, repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by U.S. government securities may be deemed to be investments in U.S. government securities. RESTRICTED SECURITIES are securities that are subject to legal restrictions on their sale. For example, tender option bonds, commercial paper and other promissory notes may be issued under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 and may be sold only to qualified institutional buyers, such as the funds, under Securities Act Rule 144A. Restricted securities may be deemed liquid or illiquid. In order to be deemed liquid, a fund must be able to dispose of the security in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount the fund has valued the security. In addition, the investment adviser must determine that an institutional or other market exists for these securities. In making this determination, the investment adviser may take into account any liquidity support associated with the security. It is not possible to predict with assurance whether the market for any restricted security will continue. Therefore, the investment adviser monitors a fund's investments in these securities, focusing on factors, such as valuation, liquidity and availability of information. To the extent a fund invests in restricted securities that are deemed liquid, the general level of illiquidity in a fund's portfolio may increase if buyers in that market become unwilling to purchase the securities. REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS. In a reverse repurchase agreement, a fund would sell a security in exchange for cash and enter into an agreement to repurchase the security at a specified future date and price. A fund generally retains the right to interest and principal payments on the security. If a fund uses the cash it obtains to invest in other securities, this may be considered a form of leverage and may expose the fund to greater risk. Leverage tends to magnify the effect of any decrease or increase in the value of the fund's portfolio securities. 7 SECURITIES OF OTHER INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Investment companies generally offer investors the advantages of diversification and professional investment management by combining shareholders' money and investing it in securities such as stocks, bonds and money market instruments. The risks of investing in a particular investment company will generally reflect the risks of the securities in which it invests and the investment techniques it employs. Because investment companies employ investment advisers and other service providers, investments by a fund into another investment company may cause shareholders to pay duplicative fees and incur expenses. Federal law restricts the ability of one registered investment company to invest in another. As a result, the extent to which a fund may invest in another investment company may be limited. With respect to investments in other mutual funds, the SEC has granted the Schwab Funds(R) an exemption from the limitations of the 1940 Act that restrict the amount of securities of underlying mutual funds a Schwab Fund may hold, provided that certain conditions are met. The conditions requested by the SEC were designed to address certain abuses perceived to be associated with "funds of funds", including unnecessary costs (such as sales loads, advisory fees and administrative costs), and undue influence by the investing fund over the underlying fund. The conditions apply only when Schwab and its affiliates in the aggregate own more than 3% of the outstanding shares of any one underlying fund. STRIPPED SECURITIES are securities whose income and principal components are detached and sold separately. While the risks associated with stripped securities are similar to other money market securities, stripped securities are typically subject to greater changes in value. U.S. Treasury securities that have been stripped by the Federal Reserve Bank are obligations of the U.S. Treasury. TEMPORARY DEFENSIVE INVESTMENTS. During unusual market conditions, the Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM may make investments that are not exempt from state and local income taxes as a temporary defensive measure. U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Many of the U.S. government securities that the funds may invest in are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, which means they are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury. Securities such as those issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA or Sallie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) are supported by limited lines of credit their issuers maintain with the U.S. Treasury. Others, such as obligations issued by the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation (FFCB), are supported solely by the credit of the issuer. There can be no assurance that the U.S. government will provide financial support to securities of its agencies and instrumentalities if it is not obligated to do so under law. Also, any government guarantees on securities that a fund owns do not extend to shares of the fund itself. Although the risk of default with U.S. government securities is considered unlikely, any default on the part of a portfolio investment could cause fund's share price or yield to fall. U.S. TREASURY SECURITIES are obligations of the U.S. Treasury and include bills, notes and bonds. U.S. Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. VARIABLE AND FLOATING RATE DEBT SECURITIES pay an interest rate, which is adjusted either periodically or at specific intervals or which floats continuously according to a formula or benchmark. Although these structures generally are intended to minimize the fluctuations in value that occur when interest rates rise and fall, some structures may be linked to a benchmark in such a way as to cause greater volatility to the security's value. 8 Some variable rate securities may be combined with a put or demand feature (variable rate demand securities) that entitles the holder to the right to demand repayment in full or to resell at a specific price and/or time. While the demand feature is intended to reduce credit risks, it is not always unconditional, and may make the securities more difficult to sell quickly without losses. There are risks involved with these securities because there may be no active secondary market for a particular variable rate demand security purchased by a fund. In addition, a fund may exercise only its demand rights at certain times. A fund could suffer losses in the event that the issuer defaults on its obligation. Synthetic variable or floating rate securities include tender option bond receipts. Tender option bond receipts are derived from fixed-rate municipal bonds that are placed in a trust from which two classes of trust receipts are issued. These receipts represent proportionate interest in the underlying bonds. Under certain circumstances, the holder of a trust receipt also may participate in any gain or loss on the sale of such bonds. Tender option bond trust receipts generally are structured as private placements and, accordingly, may be deemed to be restricted securities for purposes of a fund's investment limitations. INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS THE FOLLOWING INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS MAY BE CHANGED ONLY BY A VOTE OF A MAJORITY OF EACH FUND'S OUTSTANDING SHARES. SCHWAB MONEY MARKET FUND TM, SCHWAB GOVERNMENT MONEY FUND TM, SCHWAB RETIREMENT ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND TM AND SCHWAB INVESTOR MONEY FUND TM MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities of an issuer, except as consistent with the maintenance of its status as an open-end diversified company under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (2) Concentrate investments in a particular industry or group of industries, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (3) Purchase or sell commodities or real estate, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (4) Make loans to other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (5) Borrow money, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (6) Underwrite securities issued by other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. 9 (7) Issue senior securities, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (8) Purchase securities or make investments other than in accordance with its investment objectives and policies. SCHWAB U.S. TREASURY MONEY FUND TM, SCHWAB CASH RESERVES AND SCHWAB ADVISOR CASH RESERVES TM MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities of an issuer, except as consistent with the maintenance of its status as an open-end diversified company under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (2) Concentrate investments in a particular industry or group of industries, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (3) Purchase or sell commodities or real estate, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (4) Make loans to other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (5) Borrow money, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (6) Underwrite securities issued by other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (7) Issue senior securities, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. SCHWAB VALUE ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND(R) MAY NOT: (1) Underwrite securities issued by other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (2) Purchase or sell commodities or real estate, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. 10 (3) Concentrate investments in a particular industry or group of industries, as concentration is defined under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (4) Make loans to other persons, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (5) Issue senior securities, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (6) Purchase securities of any issuer unless consistent with the maintenance of its status as a diversified company under the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. (7) Borrow money, except to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act or the rules or regulations thereunder, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended from time to time. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTIONS OF THE 1940 ACT MAY ASSIST INVESTORS IN UNDERSTANDING THE ABOVE FUNDAMENTAL POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS. Diversification. Under the 1940 Act, a diversified fund, with respect to 75% of its total assets, may not purchase securities (other than U.S. government securities or securities of other investment companies) if, as a result, more than 5% of its total assets would be invested in the securities of such issuer or it would own more than 10% of such issuer's outstanding voting securities. Money market funds that satisfy the applicable diversification requirements of Rule 2(a)(7) of the 1940 Act are deemed to satisfy the diversification requirements set forth above. Borrowing. The 1940 Act presently restricts a fund from borrowing (including pledging, mortgaging or hypothecating assets) in excess of 33 1/3% of its total assets (not including temporary borrowings not in excess of 5% of its total assets). Lending. Under the 1940 Act, a fund may only make loans if expressly permitted by its investment policies. Concentration. The SEC presently defines concentration as investing 25% or more of a fund's net assets in an industry or group of industries, with certain exceptions. Municipal securities are not deemed to be issued by an issuer from a single industry or group of industries. Underwriting. Under the 1940 Act, underwriting securities involves a fund purchasing securities directly from an issuer for the purpose of selling (distributing) them or participating in any such activity either directly or indirectly. Under the 1940 Act, a diversified fund may not make any commitment as underwriter, if immediately thereafter the amount of its outstanding underwriting commitments, plus the value of its investments in securities of issuers (other than investment companies) of which it owns more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities, exceeds 25% of the value of its total assets. Senior Securities. Senior securities may include any obligation or instrument issued by a fund evidencing indebtedness. The 1940 Act generally prohibits funds from issuing senior securities, although it provides allowances for certain borrowings and certain other investments, such as short 11 sales, reverse repurchase agreements, firm commitment agreements and standby commitments, with appropriate earmarking or segregation of assets to cover such obligations. Real Estate. The 1940 Act does not directly restrict a fund's ability to invest in real estate, but does require that every fund have a fundamental investment policy governing such investments. The funds have adopted a fundamental policy that would permit direct investment in real estate. However, the funds have a non-fundamental investment limitation that prohibits them from investing directly in real estate. This non-fundamental policy may be changed only by vote of the funds' Board of Trustees. THE FOLLOWING ARE NON-FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT POLICIES AND RESTRICTIONS, AND MAY BE CHANGED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. EACH FUND MAY NOT: (1) Purchase securities (other than securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities) if, as a result of such purchase, 25% or more of the value of its total assets would be invested in any industry or group of industries. (2) Purchase or sell commodities, commodity contracts or real estate, including interests in real estate limited partnerships, provided that the fund may (i) purchase securities of companies that deal in real estate or interests therein (including REITs), (ii) purchase or sell futures contracts, options contracts, equity index participations and index participation contracts, and (iii) purchase securities of companies that deal in precious metals or interests therein. (3) Invest more than 10% of its net assets in illiquid securities. (4) Purchase securities of other investment companies, except as permitted by the 1940 Act, the rules or regulations thereunder or any exemption therefrom, as such statute, rules or regulations may be amended or interpreted from time to time. (5) Lend any security or make any other loan if, as a result, more than 33 1/3% of its total assets would be lent to other parties (this restriction does not apply to purchases of debt securities or repurchase agreements). (6) Borrow money except that the fund may (i) borrow money from banks or through an interfund lending facility, if any, only for temporary or emergency purposes (and not for leveraging) and (ii) engage in reverse repurchase agreements with any party; provided that (i) and (ii) in combination do not exceed 33 1/3% of its total assets (any borrowings that come to exceed this amount will be reduced to the extent necessary to comply with the limitation within three business days). (7) Sell securities short unless it owns the security or the right to obtain the security or equivalent securities, or unless it covers such short sale as required by current SEC rules and interpretations (transactions in futures contracts, options and other derivative instruments are not considered selling securities short). (8) Purchase securities on margin, except such short-term credits as may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities and provided that margin deposits in connection with futures contracts, options on futures or other derivative instruments shall not constitute purchasing securities on margin. 12 Policies and investment limitations that state a maximum percentage of assets that may be invested in a security or other asset, or that set forth a quality standard shall be measured immediately after and as a result of the fund's acquisition of such security or asset, unless otherwise noted. Except with respect to limitations on borrowing, any subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances does not require a fund to sell an investment if it could not then make the same investment. With respect to the limitation on illiquid securities, in the event that a subsequent change in net assets or other circumstances cause a fund to exceed its limitation, the fund will take steps to bring the aggregate amount of illiquid instruments back within the limitations as soon as reasonably practicable. MANAGEMENT OF THE FUNDS The funds are overseen by a Board of Trustees. The trustees are responsible for protecting shareholder interests. The trustees regularly meet to review the investment activities, contractual arrangements and the investment performance of each fund. The trustees met 8 times during the most recent fiscal year. Certain trustees are "interested persons." A trustee is considered an interested person of the Trust under the 1940 Act if he or she is an officer, director, or an employee of Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. ("CSIM") or Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). A trustee also may be considered an interested person of the Trust under the 1940 Act if he or she owns stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation, a publicly traded company and the parent company of the funds' investment adviser and distributor. Each of the officers and/or trustees also serves in the same capacity as described for the Trust, for Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively referred to herein as the "Family of Investment Companies"), which as of December 31, 2005, included 56 funds. CSIM also is the investment advisor of the Laudus Trust and the Laudus Variable Insurance Trust (the Family of Investment Companies, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust are collectively referred to herein as the "Fund Complex"). As of December 31, 2005, the Fund Complex consisted of 67 funds. Ms. Byerwalter and Mr. Hasler also serve as trustees for the Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, therefore, each of these trustees oversees all 67 funds in the Fund Complex. The address of each individual is 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94104. 13 Each officer's and trustee's principal occupations during the past five years, other current directorships and affiliations, if any, with The Charles Schwab Corporation, Schwab and CSIM are as follows:
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING (POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST) OF TIME SERVED 1 THE PAST FIVE YEARS OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Donald F. Dorward Trustee of The Charles Chief Executive Officer, 1931 Schwab Family of Funds Dorward & Associates (corporate (Trustee) since 1989. management, marketing and communications consulting firm). From 1996-1999, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Grey Advertising. Prior to 1996, President and Chief Executive Officer, Allen & Dorward Advertising. Robert G. Holmes Trustee of The Charles Chairman, Chief Executive 1931 Schwab Family of Funds Officer and Director, Semloh (Trustee) since 1989. Financial, Inc. (international financial services and investment advisory firm). Donald R. Stephens Trustee of The Charles Managing Partner, D.R. Stephens 1938 Schwab Family of Funds & Company (investments). Prior (Trustee) since 1989. to 1996, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of North American Trust (real estate investment trust). Michael W. Wilsey Trustee of The Charles Chairman and Chief Executive 1943 Schwab Family of Funds Officer, Wilsey Bennett, Inc. (Trustee) since 1989. (real estate investment
---------- 1 Trustees remain in office until they resign, retire or are removed by shareholder vote. The Schwab Funds(R) retirement policy requires that independent trustees elected after January 1, 2000 retire at age 72 or after twenty years as a trustee, whichever comes first. Independent trustees elected prior to January 1, 2000 will retire on the following schedule: Messr. Holmes and Dorward will retire on December 31, 2007, and Messrs. Stephens and Wilsey will retire on December 31, 2010. 14
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING (POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST) OF TIME SERVED 1 THE PAST FIVE YEARS OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- and management, and other investments). Mariann Byerwalter Trustee of The Charles Chairman of JDN Corporate Ms. Byerwalter is on the Boards 1960 Schwab Family of Funds Advisory LLC. From 1996 to of Redwood Trust, Inc. (mortgage (Trustee) since 2000. 2001, Vice President for finance), and PMI Group Inc. Business Affairs and Chief (mortgage insurance). Ms. Financial Officer of Stanford Byerwalter is also a Trustee of University, and in 2001, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Special Advisor to the Insurance Trust, both of which President of Stanford are managed by CSIM or its University. affiliates and are included in the Schwab mutual fund complex. William A. Hasler Trustee of The Charles Retired. Dean Emeritus, Haas Mr. Hasler is on the Boards of 1941 Schwab Family of Funds School of Business, University Aphton Corp. (bio-pharmaceuticals), (Trustee) since 2000. of California, Berkeley. Until Mission West Properties (commercial February 2004, Co-Chief real estate), Stratex Networks Executive Officer, Aphton Corp. (network equipment), Genitope (bio-pharmaceuticals). Prior Corp. (bio-pharmaceuticals), to August 1998, Dean of the TOUSA (homebuilding), Ditech Haas School of Business, Communications Corp. (voice University of California, communications technology); Berkeley (higher education). Director and Non-Executive Chairman, Solectron Corp. (manufacturing). Mr. Hasler is also a Trustee of Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust, both of which are managed by CSIM or its affiliates and are included in the Schwab mutual fund complex. Gerald B. Smith Trustee of The Chairman and Chief Mr. Smith is on the Board
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING (POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST) OF TIME SERVED 1 THE PAST FIVE YEARS OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------- 1950 Charles Schwab Family of Executive Officer and founder of Cooper Industries (electrical (Trustee) Funds since 2000. of Smith Graham & Co. products, tools and hardware) and (investment advisors). Chairman of the Audit Committee of Northern Border Partners, M.L.P. (energy). INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab 2 Chairman and Trustee of Chairman, Chief Executive 1937 The Charles Schwab Family Officer and Director, The (Chairman and Trustee) of Funds since 1989. Charles Schwab Corporation, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Chairman and Director, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc., Charles Schwab Bank, N. A.; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schwab (SIS) Holdings Inc. I, Schwab International Holdings, Inc.; Chief Executive Officer and Director, Schwab Holdings, Inc.; Director, U.S. Trust Company, N. A., U.S. Trust Corporation, United States Trust Company of New York. Until May 2003, Co-Chief Executive Officer, The Charles Schwab Corporation. Randall W. Merk 2 Trustee of The Charles Executive Vice President and 1954 Schwab Family of Funds President, Schwab Financial (Trustee) since 2005. Products, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.;
---------- 2 In addition to their employment with the investment adviser and the distributor, Messrs. Schwab and Merk also own stock of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Mr. Schwab and Mr. Merk are Interested Trustees because they are employees of Schwab and/or the adviser. 16
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING (POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST) OF TIME SERVED 1 THE PAST FIVE YEARS OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS ---------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------ Director, Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) Limited and Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds PLC. From September 2002 to July 2004, Chief Executive Officer and President, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. and Executive Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to September 2002, President and Chief Investment Officer, American Century Investment Management, and Director, American Century Companies, Inc. Until June 2001, Chief Investment Officer -- Fixed Income, American Century Companies, Inc. OFFICERS Evelyn Dilsaver Officer of The Charles President, Chief Executive 1955 Schwab Family of Funds Officer, and Director, Charles (President and Chief Executive since 2004. Schwab Investment Management, Officer) Inc.; Executive Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. From June 2003 to July 2004, Senior Vice President, Asset Management
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING (POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST) OF TIME SERVED 1 THE PAST FIVE YEARS OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS ---------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------- Products and Services, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to June 2003, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer, U.S. Trust, a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Stephen B. Ward Officer of The Charles Director, Senior Vice President 1955 Schwab Family of Funds and Chief Investment Officer, (Senior Vice President and Chief since 1991. Charles Schwab Investment Investment Officer) Management, Inc.; Chief Investment Officer, The Charles Schwab Trust Company. George Pereira Officer of The Charles Senior Vice President and Chief 1964 Schwab Family of Funds Financial Officer, Charles (Treasurer and Principal since 2004. Schwab Investment Management, Financial Officer) Inc.; Director, Charles Schwab Asset Management (Ireland) Limited and Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds, PLC. From December 1999 to November 2004, Sr. Vice President, Financial Reporting, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Koji E. Felton Officer of The Charles Senior Vice President, Chief 1961 Schwab Family of Funds Counsel and Corporate (Secretary and Chief Legal since 1998. Secretary, Charles Schwab Officer) Investment Management, Inc.;
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING (POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST) OF TIME SERVED 1 THE PAST FIVE YEARS OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Prior to June 1998, Branch Chief in Enforcement at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in San Francisco. Randall Fillmore Officer of The Charles Senior Vice President and Chief 1960 Schwab Family of Funds Compliance Officer, Charles (Chief Compliance Officer and since 2002. Schwab Investment Management, AML Officer) Inc.; Senior Vice President Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.; Chief Compliance Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. From 2002 to 2003, Vice President, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., and Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. From 2000 to 2002, Vice President, Internal Audit, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Kimon P. Daifotis Officer of The Charles Senior Vice President and Chief 1959 Schwab Family of Funds Investment Officer -- Fixed (Senior Vice President and Chief since 2004. Income, Charles Schwab Investment Officer -- Fixed Investment Management, Inc. Income) Prior to 2004, Vice President and Sr. Portfolio Manager, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. Jeffrey M. Mortimer Officer of The Senior Vice President
NAME, YEAR OF BIRTH, AND TERM OF OFFICE AND LENGTH PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS DURING (POSITION(S) WITH THE TRUST) OF TIME SERVED 1 THE PAST FIVE YEARS OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- 1963 Charles Schwab Family of and Chief Investment Officer -- (Senior Vice President and Chief Funds since 2004. Equities, Charles Schwab Investment Officer -- Equities) Investment Management, Inc.; Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Laudus Trust and Laudus Variable Insurance Trust. Prior to 2004, Vice President and Sr. Portfolio Manager, Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
TRUSTEE COMMITTEES The Board of Trustees has established certain committees and adopted Committee charters with respect to those committees, each as described below: - The Audit and Compliance Committee (formerly the Audit/Portfolio Compliance Committee) has oversight responsibility for the integrity of the Trust's financial reporting processes and compliance policies, procedures and processes, and for the Trust's overall system of internal controls. This Committee is comprised of at least four Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Hasler, Holmes, Wilsey and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee must meet four times annually, with additional meetings as the Committee deems appropriate. The Committee met 4 times during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Governance Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Board regarding Trust governance-related matters, including but not limited to Board compensation practices, retirement policies and term limits, Board self-evaluations, the effectiveness and allocation of assignments and functions by the Board, the composition of committees of the Board, and the training of Trustees. The Committee is also responsible for selecting and nominating candidates to serve as trustees. There are no specific procedures in place to consider nominees recommended by shareholders, but such nominees would be considered if such nominations were submitted in accordance with Rule 14a-8 of the 1934 Act in conjunction with a shareholder meeting to consider the election of Trustees. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Hasler and Holmes and Ms. Byerwalter are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purpose of the Investment Oversight Committee is to oversee the investment activities of the Trust. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. 20 Currently, Messrs. Smith, Stephens and Wilsey are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. - The primary purposes of the Marketing, Distribution and Shareholder Services Committee are to review matters relating to the marketing of the Funds' shares; to oversee the quality and cost of shareholder services provided to the Trust and its shareholders pursuant to the shareholder servicing and/or administrative service plans; and to oversee the Trust's distribution-related arrangements, including the distribution-related services provided to the Trust and its shareholders. This Committee is comprised of at least three Independent Trustees. Currently, Messrs. Dorward, Smith and Stephens are members of this Committee. The charter directs that the Committee meets at such times and with such frequency as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee. The Committee met once during the most recent fiscal year. TRUSTEE COMPENSATION The following table provides trustee compensation for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. This information is for the Fund Complex, which included 67 funds as of December 31, 2005.
($) Pension or Retirement Benefits ($) Aggregate Accrued as Part of Fund Total Compensation from Fund Name of Trustee Compensation Expenses Complex --------------- ------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab 0 N/A 0 Randy Merk 0 N/A 0 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter $100,131 $68 $226,192 Donald F. Dorward $100,079 N/A $169,245 William A. Hasler $107,699 $68 $236,192 Robert G. Holmes $100,079 N/A $169,245 Gerald B. Smith $100,079 N/A $169,245 Donald R. Stephens $97,233 N/A $163,020 Michael W. Wilsey $96,264 N/A $163,020
21 SECURITIES BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH TRUSTEE The following tables provide each Trustee's equity ownership of a fund and ownership of all registered investment companies overseen by each Trustee in the Family of Investment Companies as of December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2005, the Family of Investment Companies included 56 funds.
Dollar Range of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Schwab Aggregate Dollar Range Of Trustee Schwab Schwab Government U.S. Treasury Ownership In the Family of Name of Trustee Money Market Fund TM Money Fund TM Money Fund TM Investment Companies --------------- -------------------- ----------------- ------------- --------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab Over $100,000 $10,001-$50,000 None Over $100,000 Randy Merk $1-$10,000 None None Over $100,000 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter None None None Over $100,000 Donald F. Dorward $1-$10,000 None None Over $100,000 William A. Hasler None None None Over $100,000 Robert G. Holmes None None None Over $100,000 Gerald B. Smith $10,001-$50,000 None None Over $100,000 Donald R. Stephens Over $100,000 None None Over $100,000 Michael W. Wilsey $10,001-$50,000 None None Over $100,000
Dollar Range of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Schwab Retirement Aggregate Dollar Range Of Trustee Schwab Schwab Value Advantage Advantage Ownership In the Family of Name of Trustee Investor Money Fund TM Money Fund(R) Money Fund TM Investment Companies --------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab None Over $100,000 None Over $100,000 Randy Merk None None None Over $100,000 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter None Over $100,000 None Over $100,000 Donald F. Dorward $1-$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 None Over $100,000 William A. Hasler None $50,001-$100,000 None Over $100,000 Robert G. Holmes None Over $100,000 None Over $100,000 Gerald B. Smith None $10,001-$50,000 None Over $100,000
Dollar Range of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Schwab Retirement Aggregate Dollar Range Of Trustee Schwab Schwab Value Advantage Advantage Ownership In the Family of Name of Trustee Investor Money Fund TM Money Fund(R) Money Fund TM Investment Companies --------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- Donald R. Stephens None Over $100,000 None Over $100,000 Michael W. Wilsey None Over $100,000 None Over $100,000
Dollar Range of Trustee Ownership of the Fund: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate Dollar Range Of Trustee Schwab Adviser Cash Schwab Ownership In the Family of Name of Trustee Reserves Fund Cash Reserves Investment Companies --------------- ------------------- ------------- --------------------------------- INTERESTED TRUSTEES Charles R. Schwab None None Over $100,000 Randy Merk None None Over $100,000 INDEPENDENT TRUSTEES Mariann Byerwalter None None Over $100,000 Donald F. Dorward None None Over $100,000 William A. Hasler None None Over $100,000 Robert G. Holmes None None Over $100,000 Gerald B. Smith None None Over $100,000 Donald R. Stephens None None Over $100,000 Michael W. Wilsey None None Over $100,000
DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Independent Trustees may enter into a fee deferral plan. Under this plan, deferred fees will be credited to an account established by the Trust as of the date that such fees would have been paid to the trustee. The value of this account will equal the value that the account would have if the fees credited to the account had been invested in the shares of Schwab Funds(R) selected by the trustee. Currently, none of the Independent Trustees has elected to participate in this plan. CODE OF ETHICS The funds, their investment adviser and Schwab have adopted a Code of Ethics (Code) as required under the 1940 Act. Subject to certain conditions or restrictions, the Code permits the trustees, directors, officers or advisory representatives of the funds or the investment adviser or the directors or officers of Schwab to buy or sell directly or indirectly securities for their own accounts. This includes 23 securities that may be purchased or held by the funds. Securities transactions by some of these individuals may be subject to prior approval of the investment adviser's Chief Compliance Officer or alternate. Most securities transactions are subject to quarterly reporting and review requirements. DESCRIPTION OF PROXY VOTING POLICY AND PROCEDURES Charles Schwab Investment Management ("CSIM"), as an investment adviser, is generally responsible for voting proxies with respect to the securities held in accounts of investment companies for which it provides discretionary investment management services. CSIM's Proxy Committee exercises and documents CSIM's responsibility with regard to voting of client proxies (the "Proxy Committee"). The Proxy Committee is composed of representatives of CSIM's Compliance, Fund Administration, Legal and Portfolio Management Departments, and chaired by CSIM's Chief Investment Officer. The Chairman of the Committee may appoint the remaining members of the Committee. The Proxy Committee reviews and, as necessary, may amend periodically these Procedures to address new or revised proxy voting policies or procedures. The policies stated in these Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures (the "CSIM Proxy Procedures") pertain to all of CSIM's clients. The Boards of Trustees (the "Trustees") of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, Schwab Investments, Schwab Capital Trust, and Schwab Annuity Portfolios (collectively, the "Funds" or "Schwab Funds") has delegated the responsibility for voting proxies to CSIM through their respective Investment Advisory and Administration Agreements. The Trustees have adopted these Proxy Procedures with respect to proxies voted on behalf of the various Schwab Funds portfolios. CSIM will present amendments to the Trustees for approval. However, there may be circumstances where the Proxy Committee deems it advisable to amend the Proxy Procedures between regular Schwab Funds Board meetings. In such cases, the Trustees will be asked to ratify any changes at the next regular meeting of the Board. To assist CSIM in its responsibility for voting proxies and the overall proxy voting process, CSIM has retained Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS") as an expert in the proxy voting and corporate governance area. ISS is an independent company that specializes in providing a variety of proxy-related services to institutional investment managers, plan sponsors, custodians, consultants, and other institutional investors. The services provided by ISS include in-depth research, global issuer analysis, and voting recommendations as well as vote execution, reporting and record keeping. PROXY VOTING POLICY For investment companies and other clients for which CSIM exercises its responsibility for voting proxies, it is CSIM's policy to vote proxies in the manner that CSIM and the Proxy Committee determine will maximize the economic benefit to CSIM's clients. In furtherance of this policy, the Proxy Committee has received and reviewed ISS's written proxy voting policies and procedures ("ISS's Proxy Procedures") and has determined that ISS's Proxy Procedures are consistent with the CSIM Proxy Procedures and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. The Proxy Committee will review any material amendments to ISS's Proxy Procedures to determine whether such procedures continue to be consistent with the CSIM Proxy Voting Procedures, and CSIM's fiduciary duty with respect to its clients. Except under the circumstances described below, the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies, including timely submission of votes, on behalf of CSIM's clients in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. 24 For proxy issues that are not addressed by ISS's Proxy Procedures or are determined by the Proxy Committee or the applicable portfolio manager or other relevant portfolio management staff to raise significant concerns with respect to the accounts of CSIM clients, the Proxy Committee will review the analysis and recommendation of ISS. Examples of factors that could cause a matter to raise significant concerns include, but are not limited to: issues whose outcome has the potential to materially affect the company's industry, or regional or national economy, and matters which involve broad public policy developments which may similarly materially affect the environment in which the company operates. The Proxy Committee also will solicit input from the assigned portfolio manager and other relevant portfolio management staff for the particular portfolio security. After evaluating all such recommendations, the Proxy Committee will decide how to vote the shares and will instruct ISS to vote consistent with its decision. The Proxy Committee has the ultimate responsibility for making the determination of how to vote the shares in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. With respect to proxies of an affiliated mutual fund, the Proxy Committee will vote such proxies in the same proportion as the vote of all other shareholders of the fund (i.e., "echo vote"), unless otherwise required by law. When required by law, the Proxy Committee will also "echo vote" proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund. For example, certain exemptive orders issued to the Schwab Funds by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Section 12(d)(1)(F) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, require the Schwab Funds, under certain circumstances, to "echo vote" proxies of registered investment companies that serve as underlying investments of the Schwab Funds. When not required to "echo vote," the Proxy Committee will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting proxies of an unaffiliated mutual fund in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. Under certain circumstances, ISS may not provide an analysis or recommendation for voting a security's proxy. In that event, and when the following criteria are met, two members of the Proxy Committee, including at least one representative from equity Portfolio Management, may decide how to vote such proxy in order to maximize the value of that particular holding. The following criteria must be met: (1) For each Fund that holds the security in its portfolio, the value of the security must represent less than one tenth of one cent in the Fund's NAV, and (2) the security's value must equal less than $50,000 in the aggregate across all of the Funds and separate accounts that hold this security. Any voting decision made under these circumstances will be reported to the Proxy Committee at its next scheduled meeting. Conflicts of Interest. Except as described above for proxies of mutual funds, for proxy issues that present material conflicts of interest between CSIM, and/or any of its affiliates, and CSIM's clients, CSIM will delegate to ISS responsibility for voting such proxies in accordance with ISS's Proxy Procedures. The CSIM Legal Department is responsible for developing procedures to identify material conflicts of interest. Voting Foreign Proxies. CSIM has arrangements with ISS for voting proxies. However, voting proxies with respect to shares of foreign securities may involve significantly greater effort and corresponding cost than voting proxies with respect to domestic securities, due to the variety of regulatory schemes and corporate practices in foreign countries with respect to proxy voting. Problems voting foreign proxies may include the following: - proxy statements and ballots written in a foreign language; - untimely and/or inadequate notice of shareholder meetings; - restrictions of foreigner's ability to exercise votes; - requirements to vote proxies in person; 25 - the imposition of restrictions on the sale of securities for a period of time in proximity to the shareholder meeting; - requirements to provide local agents with power of attorney to facilitate CSIM's voting instructions. In consideration of the foregoing issues, ISS uses its best-efforts to vote foreign proxies. As part of its ongoing oversight, the Proxy Committee will monitor the voting of foreign proxies to determine whether all reasonable steps are taken to vote foreign proxies. If the Proxy Committee determines that the cost associated with the attempt to vote outweighs the potential benefits clients may derive from voting, the Proxy Committee may decide not to attempt to vote. Sub-Advisory Relationships. For investment companies or other clients that CSIM has delegated day-to-day investment management responsibilities to an investment adviser, CSIM may delegate its responsibility to vote proxies with respect to such investment companies' or other clients' securities. Each Sub-adviser to whom proxy voting responsibility has been delegated will be required to review all proxy solicitation material and to exercise the voting rights associated with the securities as it has been allocated in the best interest of each investment company and its shareholders, or other client. Prior to delegating the proxy voting responsibility, CSIM will review each sub-adviser's proxy voting policy to ensure that each Sub-adviser's proxy voting policy is generally consistent with the maximization of economic benefits to the investment company or other client. REPORTING AND RECORD RETENTION CSIM will maintain, or cause ISS to maintain, records which identify the manner in which proxies have been voted (or not voted) on behalf of CSIM clients. CSIM will comply with all applicable rules and regulations regarding disclosure of its or its clients proxy voting records and procedures. CSIM will retain all proxy voting materials and supporting documentation as required under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and the rules and regulations thereunder. PROXY COMMITTEE QUORUM At scheduled meetings of the Proxy Committee, attendance by four members (or their respective designates) constitutes a quorum. Two members of the Committee may make voting decisions under the limited circumstances described above. CONCISE SUMMARY OF ISS 2007 PROXY VOTING GUIDELINES Effective for Meetings on or after Feb. 1, 2007 Updated Dec. 15, 2006 1. AUDITORS AUDITOR RATIFICATION Vote FOR proposals to ratify auditors, unless any of the following apply: - An auditor has a financial interest in or association with the company, and is therefore not independent, - There is reason to believe that the independent auditor has rendered an opinion which is neither accurate nor indicative of the company's financial position; or - Fees for non-audit services ("Other" fees) are excessive. 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOTING ON DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN UNCONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on director nominees, examining, but not limited to, the following factors: 26 - Composition of the board and key board committees; - Attendance at board and committee meetings; - Corporate governance provisions and takeover activity; - Disclosures under Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act; - Long-term company performance relative to a market and peer index; - Extent of the director's investment in the company; - Existence of related party transactions; - Whether the chairman is also serving as CEO; - Whether a retired CEO sits on the board; - Number of outside boards at which a director serves; - Majority vote standard for director elections without a provision to allow for plurality voting when there are more nominees than seats. WITHHOLD from individual directors who: - Attend less than 75 percent of the board and committee meetings without a valid excuse (such as illness, service to the nation, work on behalf of the company); - Sit on more than six public company boards; - Are CEOs of public companies who sit on the boards of more than two public companies besides their own-- withhold only at their outside boards. WITHHOLD from the entire board of directors, (except from new nominees, who should be considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis) if: - The company's proxy indicates that not all directors attended 75% of the aggregate of their board and committee meetings, but fails to provide the required disclosure of the names of the directors involved. If this information cannot be obtained, withhold from all incumbent directors; - The company's poison pill has a dead-hand or modified dead-hand feature. Withhold every year until this feature is removed; - The board adopts or renews a poison pill without shareholder approval since the beginning of 2005, does not commit to putting it to shareholder vote within 12 months of adoption, or reneges on a commitment to put the pill to a vote, and has not yet received a withhold recommendation for this issue; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval by a majority of the shares outstanding the previous year; - The board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval of the majority of shares cast for the previous two consecutive years; - The board failed to act on takeover offers where the majority of the shareholders tendered their shares; - At the previous board election, any director received more than 50 percent withhold votes of the shares cast and the company has failed to address the issue(s) that caused the high withhold rate; - The company is a Russell 3000 company that underperformed its industry group (GICS group) under the criteria discussed in the section "Performance Test for Directors". WITHHOLD from Inside Directors and Affiliated Outside Directors (per the Classification of Directors below) when: - The inside or affiliated outside director serves on any of the three key committees: audit, compensation, or nominating; - The company lacks an audit, compensation, or nominating committee so that the full board functions as that committee; - The company lacks a formal nominating committee, even if board attests that the independent directors fulfill the functions of such a committee; 27 - The full board is less than majority independent. WITHHOLD from the members of the Audit Committee if: - The non-audit fees paid to the auditor are excessive (see discussion under Auditor Ratification); - A material weakness identified in the Section 404 Sarbanes-Oxley Act disclosures rises to a level of serious concern; there are chronic internal control issues and an absence of established effective control mechanisms; - There is persuasive evidence that the audit committee entered into an inappropriate indemnification agreement with its auditor that limits the ability of the company, or its shareholders, to pursue legitimate legal recourse against the audit firm. WITHHOLD from the members of the Compensation Committee if: - There is a negative correlation between the chief executive's pay and company performance (see discussion under Equity Compensation Plans); - The company reprices underwater options for stock, cash or other consideration without prior shareholder approval, even if allowed in their equity plan; - The company fails to submit one-time transfers of stock options to a shareholder vote; - The company fails to fulfill the terms of a burn rate commitment they made to shareholders; - The company has backdated options (see "Options Backdating" policy); - The company has poor compensation practices (see "Poor Pay Practices" policy). Poor pay practices may warrant withholding votes from the CEO and potentially the entire board as well. WITHHOLD from directors, individually or the entire board, for egregious actions or failure to replace management as appropriate. CLASSIFICATION/DECLASSIFICATION OF THE BOARD Vote AGAINST proposals to classify the board. Vote FOR proposals to repeal classified boards, and to elect all directors annually. INDEPENDENT CHAIR (SEPARATE CHAIR/CEO) Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals requiring an independent director fill the position of chair, unless there are compelling reasons to recommend against the proposal, such as a counterbalancing governance structure. This should include all of the following: - Has a designated lead director, elected by and from the independent board members with clearly delineated and comprehensive duties. (The role may alternatively reside with a presiding director, vice chairman, or rotating lead director; however the director must serve a minimum of one year in order to qualify as a lead director.) At a minimum these should include: - Presiding at all meetings of the board at which the chairman is not present, including executive sessions of the independent directors, - Serving as liaison between the chairman and the independent directors, - Approving information sent to the board, - Approving meeting agendas for the board, - Approves meetings schedules to assure that there is sufficient time for discussion of all agenda items, - Having the authority to call meetings of the independent directors, - If requested by major shareholders, ensuring that he is available for consultation and direct communication; - Two-thirds independent board; - All-independent key committees; - Established governance guidelines; 28 - The company does not under-perform its peers*. *Starting in 2007, the industry peer group used for this evaluation will change from the 4-digit GICS group to the average of the 12 companies in the same 6-digit GICS group that are closest in revenue to the company, and identified on the Executive compensation page of proxy analyses. To fail, the company must under-perform its index and industry group on all 4 measures (1 and 3 year performance, on industry peers, and index). MAJORITY VOTE SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS Generally vote FOR precatory and binding resolutions requesting that the board change the company's bylaws to stipulate that directors need to be elected with an affirmative majority of votes cast, provided it does not conflict with the state law where the company is incorporated. Binding resolutions need to allow for a carve-out for a plurality vote standard when there are more nominees than board seats. Companies are strongly encouraged to also adopt a post-election policy (also know as a director resignation policy) that will provide guidelines so that the company will promptly address the situation of a holdover director. 3. PROXY CONTESTS VOTING FOR DIRECTOR NOMINEES IN CONTESTED ELECTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors in contested elections, considering the following factors: - Long-term financial performance of the target company relative to its industry; - Management's track record; - Background to the proxy contest; - Qualifications of director nominees (both slates); - Strategic plan of dissident slate and quality of critique against management; - Likelihood that the proposed goals and objectives can be achieved (both slates); - Stock ownership positions. REIMBURSING PROXY SOLICITATION EXPENSES Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When voting in conjunction with support of a dissident slate, vote FOR the reimbursement of all appropriate proxy solicitation expenses associated with the election. 4. TAKEOVER DEFENSES POISON PILLS Vote FOR shareholder proposals requesting that the company submit its poison pill to a shareholder vote or redeem it UNLESS the company has: (1) A shareholder approved poison pill in place; or (2) The company has adopted a policy concerning the adoption of a pill in the future specifying that the board will only adopt a shareholder rights plan if either: - Shareholders have approved the adoption of the plan; or - The board, in its exercise of its fiduciary responsibilities, determines that it is in the best interest of shareholders under the circumstances to adopt a pill without the delay in adoption that would result from seeking stockholder approval (i.e. the "fiduciary out" provision). A poison pill adopted under this fiduciary out will be put to a shareholder ratification vote within twelve months of adoption or expire. If the pill is not approved by a majority of the votes cast on this issue, the plan will immediately terminate. Vote FOR shareholder proposals calling for poison pills to be put to a vote within a time period of less than one year after adoption. If the company has no non-shareholder approved poison pill in place and has adopted a policy with the provisions outlined above, vote AGAINST the proposal. If these conditions are not met, vote FOR the proposal, but with the caveat that a vote within twelve 29 months would be considered sufficient. Vote CASE-by-CASE on management proposals on poison pill ratification, focusing on the features of the shareholder rights plan. Rights plans should contain the following attributes: - No lower than a 20% trigger, flip-in or flip-over; - A term of no more than three years; - No dead-hand, slow-hand, no-hand or similar feature that limits the ability of a future board to redeem the pill; - Shareholder redemption feature (qualifying offer clause); if the board refuses to redeem the pill 90 days after a qualifying offer is announced, ten percent of the shares may call a special meeting or seek a written consent to vote on rescinding the pill. SUPERMAJORITY VOTE REQUIREMENTS Vote AGAINST proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote. Vote FOR proposals to lower supermajority vote requirements. 5. MERGERS AND CORPORATE RESTRUCTURINGS For mergers and acquisitions, review and evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the proposed transaction, balancing various and sometimes countervailing factors including: - Valuation - Is the value to be received by the target shareholders (or paid by the acquirer) reasonable? While the fairness opinion may provide an initial starting point for assessing valuation reasonableness, emphasis is placed on the offer premium, market reaction and strategic rationale. - Market reaction - How has the market responded to the proposed deal? A negative market reaction should cause closer scrutiny of a deal. - Strategic rationale - Does the deal make sense strategically? From where is the value derived? Cost and revenue synergies should not be overly aggressive or optimistic, but reasonably achievable. Management should also have a favorable track record of successful integration of historical acquisitions. - Negotiations and process - Were the terms of the transaction negotiated at arm's-length? Was the process fair and equitable? A fair process helps to ensure the best price for shareholders. Significant negotiation "wins" can also signify the deal makers' competency. The comprehensiveness of the sales process (e.g., full auction, partial auction, no auction) can also affect shareholder value. - Conflicts of interest - Are insiders benefiting from the transaction disproportionately and inappropriately as compared to non-insider shareholders? As the result of potential conflicts, the directors and officers of the company may be more likely to vote to approve a merger than if they did not hold these interests. Consider whether these interests may have influenced these directors and officers to support or recommend the merger. The CIC figure presented in the "ISS Transaction Summary" section of this report is an aggregate figure that can in certain cases be a misleading indicator of the true value transfer from shareholders to insiders. Where such figure appears to be excessive, analyze the underlying assumptions to determine whether a potential conflict exists. - Governance - Will the combined company have a better or worse governance profile than the current governance profiles of the respective parties to the transaction? If the governance profile is to change for the worse, the burden is on the company to prove that other issues (such as valuation) outweigh any deterioration in governance. 6. STATE OF INCORPORATION REINCORPORATION PROPOSALS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to change a company's state of incorporation, taking into consideration both financial and corporate governance concerns, including the reasons for 30 reincorporating, a comparison of the governance provisions, comparative economic benefits, and a comparison of the jurisdictional laws. Vote FOR re-incorporation when the economic factors outweigh any neutral or negative governance changes. 7. CAPITAL STRUCTURE COMMON STOCK AUTHORIZATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of shares of common stock authorized for issuance using a model developed by ISS. Vote FOR proposals to approve increases beyond the allowable increase when a company's shares are in danger of being de-listed or if a company's ability to continue to operate as a going concern is uncertain. In addition, for capital requests that are less than or equal to 300 percent of the current authorized shares and that marginally fail the calculated allowable cap (i.e., exceed the allowable cap by no more than 5 percent), vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. In this situation, vote FOR the increase based on the company's performance, and whether the company's ongoing use of shares has shown prudence. ISSUE STOCK FOR USE WITH RIGHTS PLAN Vote AGAINST proposals that increase authorized common stock for the explicit purpose of implementing a non-shareholder approved shareholder rights plan (poison pill). PREFERRED STOCK Vote AGAINST proposals authorizing the creation of new classes of preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution, and other rights ("blank check" preferred stock). Vote FOR proposals to create "de-clawed" blank check preferred stock (stock that cannot be used as a takeover defense). Vote FOR proposals to authorize preferred stock in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion, and other rights of such stock and the terms of the preferred stock appear reasonable. Vote AGAINST proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred stock authorized for issuance when no shares have been issued or reserved for a specific purpose. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of blank check preferred shares after analyzing the number of preferred shares available for issue given a company's industry and performance in terms of shareholder returns. 8. EXECUTIVE AND DIRECTOR COMPENSATION POOR PAY PRACTICES WITHHOLD from compensation committee members, CEO, and potentially the entire board, if the company has poor compensation practices, such as: - Egregious employment contracts (e.g., those containing multi-year guarantees for bonuses and grants); - Excessive perks that dominate compensation (e.g., tax gross-ups for personal use of corporate aircraft); - Huge bonus payouts without justifiable performance linkage or proper disclosure; - Performance metrics that are changed (e.g., canceled or replaced during the performance period without adequate explanation of the action and the link to performance); - Egregious pension/SERP (supplemental executive retirement plan) payouts (e.g., the inclusion of additional years of service not worked or inclusion of performance-based equity awards in the pension calculation); - New CEO awarded an overly generous new hire package (e.g., including excessive "make whole" provisions or any of the poor pay practices listed in this policy); - Excessive severance provisions (e.g., including excessive change in control payments); - Change in control payouts without loss of job or substantial diminution of job duties; - Internal pay disparity; 31 - Options backdating (covered in a separate policy); and EQUITY COMPENSATION PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on equity-based compensation plans. Vote AGAINST the equity plan if any of the following factors apply: - The total cost of the company's equity plans is unreasonable; - The plan expressly permits the repricing of stock options without prior shareholder approval; - There is a disconnect between CEO pay and the company's performance; - The company's three year burn rate exceeds the greater of 2% and the mean plus 1 standard deviation of its industry group; or - The plan is a vehicle for poor pay practices. DIRECTOR COMPENSATION Vote CASE-BY-CASE on compensation plans for non-employee directors, based on the cost of the plans against the company's allowable cap. On occasion, director stock plans that set aside a relatively small number of shares when combined with employee or executive stock compensation plans exceed the allowable cap. Vote for the plan if ALL of the following qualitative factors in the board's compensation are met and disclosed in the proxy statement: - Director stock ownership guidelines with a minimum of three times the annual cash retainer. - Vesting schedule or mandatory holding/deferral period: - A minimum vesting of three years for stock options or restricted stock; or - Deferred stock payable at the end of a three-year deferral period. - Mix between cash and equity: - A balanced mix of cash and equity, for example 40% cash/60% equity or 50% cash/50% equity; or - If the mix is heavier on the equity component, the vesting schedule or deferral period should be more stringent, with the lesser of five years or the term of directorship. - No retirement/benefits and perquisites provided to non-employee directors; and - Detailed disclosure provided on cash and equity compensation delivered to each non-employee director for the most recent fiscal year in a table. The column headers for the table may include the following: name of each non-employee director, annual retainer, board meeting fees, committee retainer, committee-meeting fees, and equity grants. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on qualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR employee stock purchase plans where all of the following apply: - Purchase price is at least 85% of fair market value; - Offering period is 27 months or less; and - The number of shares allocated to the plan is ten percent or less of the outstanding shares. EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLANS--NON-QUALIFIED PLANS Vote CASE-by-CASE on nonqualified employee stock purchase plans. Vote FOR nonqualified employee stock purchase plans with all the following features: - Broad-based participation (i.e., all employees of the company with the exclusion of individuals with 5% or more of beneficial ownership of the company); - Limits on employee contribution, which may be a fixed dollar amount or expressed as a percent of base salary; - Company matching contribution up to 25% of employee's contribution, which is effectively a discount of 20% from market value; - No discount on the stock price on the date of purchase, since there is a company matching contribution. 32 OPTIONS BACKDATING In cases where a company has practiced options backdating, WITHHOLD on a CASE-BY-CASE basis from the members of the compensation committee, depending on the severity of the practices and the subsequent corrective actions on the part of the board. WITHHOLD from the compensation committee members who oversaw the questionable options grant practices or from current compensation committee members who fail to respond to the issue proactively, depending on several factors, including, but not limited to: - Reason and motive for the options backdating issue, such as inadvertent vs. deliberate grant date changes; - Length of time of options backdating; - Size of restatement due to options backdating; - Corrective actions taken by the board or compensation committee, such as canceling or repricing backdated options, or recouping option gains on backdated grants; - Adoption of a grant policy that prohibits backdating, and creation of a fixed grant schedule or window period for equity grants going forward. SEVERANCE AGREEMENTS FOR EXECUTIVES/GOLDEN PARACHUTES Vote FOR shareholder proposals to require golden parachutes or executive severance agreements to be submitted for shareholder ratification, unless the proposal requires shareholder approval prior to entering into employment contracts. Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to ratify or cancel golden parachutes. An acceptable parachute should include, but is not limited to, the following: - The triggering mechanism should be beyond the control of management; - The amount should not exceed three times base amount (defined as the average annual taxable W-2 compensation) during the five years prior to the year in which the change of control occurs; - Change-in-control payments should be double-triggered, i.e., (1) after a change in control has taken place, and (2) termination of the executive as a result of the change in control. Change in control is defined as a change in the company ownership structure. 9. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ANIMAL RIGHTS Generally vote AGAINST proposals to phase out the use of animals in product testing unless: - The company is conducting animal testing programs that are unnecessary or not required by regulation; - The company is conducting animal testing when suitable alternatives are accepted and used at peer firms; - The company has been the subject of recent, significant controversy related to its testing programs. DRUG PRICING AND RE-IMPORTATION Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies implement specific price restraints on pharmaceutical products, unless the company fails to adhere to legislative guidelines or industry norms in its product pricing. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals requesting that the company evaluate their product pricing considering: - The existing level of disclosure on pricing policies; - Deviation from established industry pricing norms; - The company's existing initiatives to provide its products to needy consumers; - Whether the proposal focuses on specific products or geographic regions. Generally vote FOR proposals requesting that companies report on the financial and legal impact of their policies regarding prescription drug re-importation unless such information is already publicly 33 disclosed. Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting that companies adopt specific policies to encourage or constrain prescription drug re-importation. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products, or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS Vote AGAINST proposals asking companies to voluntarily label genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their products or alternatively to provide interim labeling and eventually eliminate GE ingredients due to the costs and feasibility of labeling and/or phasing out the use of GE ingredients. TOBACCO Most tobacco-related proposals (such as on second-hand smoke, advertising to youth, and spin-offs of tobacco-related business) should be evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. TOXIC CHEMICALS Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that a company discloses its policies related to toxic chemicals. Vote CASE-BY-CASE on resolutions requesting that companies evaluate and disclose the potential financial and legal risks associated with utilizing certain chemicals. Generally vote AGAINST resolutions requiring that a company reformulate its products within a certain timeframe, unless such actions are required by law in specific markets. ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Generally vote AGAINST request for reports outlining potential environmental damage from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) unless: - New legislation is adopted allowing development and drilling in the ANWR region; - The company intends to pursue operations in the ANWR; and - The company has not disclosed an environmental risk report for its ANWR operations. CONCENTRATED AREA FEEDING OPERATIONS (CAFOS) Vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies report to shareholders on the risks and liabilities associated with CAFOs, unless: - The company has publicly disclosed guidelines for its corporate and contract farming operations, including compliance monitoring; or - The company does not directly source from CAFOs. GLOBAL WARMING AND KYOTO PROTOCOL COMPLIANCE Generally vote FOR proposals requesting a report on greenhouse gas emissions from company operations and/or products unless this information is already publicly disclosed or such factors are not integral to the company's line of business. Generally vote AGAINST proposals that call for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by specified amounts or within a restrictive time frame unless the company lags industry standards and has been the subject of recent, significant fines or litigation resulting from greenhouse gas emissions. Generally vote FOR resolutions requesting that companies outline their preparations to comply with standards established by Kyoto Protocol signatory markets unless: - The company does not maintain operations in Kyoto signatory markets; - The company already evaluates and substantially discloses such information; or, 34 - Greenhouse gas emissions do not significantly impact the company's core businesses. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to improve the disclosure of a company's political contributions considering: recent significant controversy or litigation related to the company's political contributions or governmental affairs; and the public availability of a policy on political contributions. Vote AGAINST proposals barring the company from making political contributions. LINK EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION TO SOCIAL PERFORMANCE Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to review ways of linking executive compensation to social factors, such as corporate downsizings, customer or employee satisfaction, community involvement, human rights, environmental performance, predatory lending, and executive/employee pay disparities. OUTSOURCING/OFF-SHORING Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals calling for companies to report on the risks associated with outsourcing, considering: the risks associated with certain international markets; the utility of such a report to shareholders; the existence of a publicly available code of corporate conduct that applies to international operations. COUNTRY-SPECIFIC HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on requests for reports detailing the company's operations in a particular country and on proposals to implement certain human rights standards at company facilities or those of its suppliers and to commit to outside, independent monitoring. 10. MUTUAL FUND PROXIES ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Vote CASE-BY-CASE on the election of directors and trustees, following the same guidelines for uncontested directors for public company shareholder meetings. However, mutual fund boards do not usually have compensation committees, so do not withhold for the lack of this committee. CONVERTING CLOSED-END FUND TO OPEN-END FUND Vote CASE-BY-CASE on conversion proposals, considering the following factors: - Past performance as a closed-end fund; - Market in which the fund invests; - Measures taken by the board to address the discount; and - Past shareholder activism, board activity, and votes on related proposals. ESTABLISH DIRECTOR OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENT Generally vote AGAINST shareholder proposals that mandate a specific minimum amount of stock that directors must own in order to qualify as a director or to remain on the board. REIMBURSE SHAREHOLDER FOR EXPENSES INCURRED Vote CASE-BY-CASE on shareholder proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When supporting the dissidents, vote FOR the reimbursement of the proxy solicitation expenses. FUNDS' PROXY VOTING RECORD. The Trust is required to disclose annually each fund's complete proxy voting record on Form N-PX. A fund's proxy voting record for the most recent 12 month period ended June 30th will be available by visiting the Schwab website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds. A fund's Form N-PX will also be available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. 35 CONTROL PERSONS AND PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF SECURITIES As of April 4, 2006, the officers and trustees of the trust, as a group, owned of record or beneficially, less than 1% of the outstanding voting securities of any class of each fund. As of April 4, 2006, the following represents persons or entities that owned more than 5% of the outstanding voting securities of any class of each fund: SCHWAB VALUE ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND -- INSTITUTIONAL SHARES Charles Schwab Trust DCC&S 6.75% 1 Montgomery Street, 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 SCHWAB VALUE ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND -- INSTITUTIONAL SHARES Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe 5.04% Future Security Account 7070 East Broadway Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 SCHWAB RETIREMENT ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND The Charles Schwab Trust Co. 6.6% 425 Market Street, 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 SCHWAB RETIREMENT ADVANTAGE MONEY FUND Charles Schwab Trust DCC&S 79.38% 1 Montgomery Street, 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES INVESTMENT ADVISER Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. (CSIM or the investment adviser), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation, 101 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, serves as the funds' investment adviser and administrator pursuant to an Investment Advisory and Administration Agreement (Advisory Agreement) between it and the Trust. Schwab is an affiliate of the investment adviser and is the Trust's distributor, shareholder services agent and transfer agent. Charles R. Schwab is the founder, Chairman and Director of The Charles Schwab Corporation. As a result of his ownership of and interests in The Charles Schwab Corporation, Mr. Schwab may be deemed to be a controlling person of the investment adviser and Schwab. ADVISORY AGREEMENT The continuation of a fund's Advisory Agreement must be specifically approved at least annually (1) by the vote of the trustees or by a vote of the shareholders of the fund, and (2) by the vote of a majority of the trustees who are not parties to the investment advisory agreement or "interested persons" of any party (the "Independent Trustees"), cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. 36 ] Each year, the Board of Trustees calls and holds a meeting to decide whether to renew the Advisory Agreement between the Trust and CSIM with respect to existing funds in the Trust. In preparation for the meeting, the Board requests and reviews a wide variety of materials provided by the funds' investment adviser, as well as extensive data provided by third parties, and the Independent Trustees receive advice from counsel to the Independent Trustees. For its advisory and administrative services to the funds, the investment adviser is entitled to receive a graduated annual fee payable monthly based on each fund's average daily net assets as described below. First $1 billion -- 0.38% More than $1 billion but not exceeding $10 billion -- 0.35% More than $10 billion but not exceeding $20 billion -- 0.32% More than $20 billion but not exceeding $40 billion -- 0.30% More than $40 billion -- 0.27% For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R) paid net investment advisory fees of $78,509,000 (fees were reduced by $37,912,000), $60,536,000 (fees were reduced by $31,187,000) and $57,023,000 (fees were reduced by $29,307,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, the Schwab Money Market Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $143,227,000 (fees were reduced by $15,320,000), $132,398,000 (fees were reduced by $14,284,000) and $116,179,000 (fees were reduced by $19,092,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab Government Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $8,526,000 (fees were reduced by $2,533,000), $7,834,000 (fees were reduced by $2,301,000) and $7,008,000 (fees were reduced by $2,000,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $7,600,000 (fees were reduced by $7,178,000), $7,648,000 (fees were reduced by $7,154,000) and $6,203,000 (fees were reduced by $6,651,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab Retirement Advantage Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $2,222,000 (fees were reduced by $1,128,000), $1,764,000 (fees were reduced by $968,000) and $1,541,000 (fees were reduced by $896,000), respectively. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Schwab Investor Money Fund TM paid net investment advisory fees of $2,263,000 (fees were reduced by $0), $2,084,000 (fees were reduced by $0) and $1,931,000 (fees were reduced by $0), respectively. From August 12, 2004 (commencement of operation) through December 31, 2004 and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, Schwab Cash Reserves paid net investment advisory fees of $12,000 (fees were reduced by $148,000) and $438,000 (fees were reduced by $695,000), respectively. From August 19, 2004 (commencement of operation) through December 31, 2004 and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, Schwab Advisor Cash Reserves paid net investment advisory fees of 37 $1,856,000 (fees were reduced by $1,440,000) and $9,728,000 (fees were reduced by $7,610,000), respectively. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the Schwab Money Market Fund's "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.74% through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the Schwab Government Money Fund TM and Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund's TM net operating expenses (excluding interest, taxes, and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.75% and 0.63%, respectively, through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the Schwab Retirement Advantage Money Fund's TM "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.49% through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R) -- Investor Shares' "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.45% through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit "net operating expenses" for the Institutional Shares and Select Shares(R) of Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.24% and 0.35%, respectively, through April 29, 2007. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to permanently limit the Schwab Advisor Cash Reserves TM -- Sweep Shares "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.69% permanently and Schwab Advisor Cash Reserves TM - Premier Sweep Shares to 0.59% permanently. Schwab and the investment adviser have agreed to limit the Schwab Cash Reserves "net operating expenses" (excluding interest, taxes and certain non-routine expenses) to 0.69% permanently. The amount of the expense cap is determined in coordination with the Board of Trustees, and the expense cap is intended to limit the effects on shareholders of expenses incurred in the ordinary operation of a fund. The expense cap is not intended to cover all fund expenses, and a fund's expenses may exceed the expense cap. For example, the expense cap does not cover investment-related expenses, such as brokerage commissions, interest and taxes, nor does it cover extraordinary or non-routine expenses, if any, such as shareholder meeting costs. DISTRIBUTOR Pursuant to an agreement, Schwab is the principal underwriter for shares of the funds and is the Trust's agent for the purpose of the continuous offering of the funds' shares. Each fund pays the cost of the prospectuses and shareholder reports to be prepared and delivered to existing shareholders. Schwab pays such costs when the described materials are used in connection with the offering of shares to prospective investors and for supplemental sales literature and advertising. Schwab receives no fee under the agreement. SHAREHOLDER SERVICES AND TRANSFER AGENT 38 Schwab provides fund information to shareholders, including share price, reporting shareholder ownership and account activities and distributing the funds' prospectuses, financial reports and other informational literature about the funds. Schwab maintains the office space, equipment and personnel necessary to provide these services. Schwab also distributes and markets Schwab Funds(R) and provides other services. At its own expense, Schwab may engage third party entities, as appropriate, to perform some or all of these services. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the Schwab Government Money Fund TM, Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM and Schwab Money Market Fund TM, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each fund, payable monthly in the amount of 0.25% of each fund's average daily net assets. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the Schwab Investor Money Fund TM and Schwab Retirement Advantage Money Fund TM, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each fund, payable monthly in the amount of 0.05% of each fund's average daily net assets. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R), Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each of the Investor Shares and Select Shares of the fund, payable monthly in the amount of 0.05% of the average daily net assets of each class. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund -- Institutional Shares, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee payable monthly in the amount of 0.01% of the average daily net assets of the class. For the services performed as transfer agent under its contract with the Schwab Cash Reserves and Schwab Advisor Cash Reserves TM -- Sweep Shares and Premier Sweep Shares, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each share class of the fund, payable monthly in the amount of 0.25% of the average daily net assets of each class. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the Schwab Investor Money Fund TM, Schwab Government Money Fund TM, Schwab U.S. Treasury Money Fund TM and Schwab Money Market Fund TM, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each fund. The fee is payable monthly in the amount of 0.20% of the average daily net assets of each fund. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the Schwab Retirement Advantage Money Fund TM, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee payable monthly in the amount of 0.17% of the average daily net assets of each fund. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund(R) -- Investor Shares, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee payable monthly in the amount of 0.20% of the average daily net assets of the class. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund - Select Shares, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee payable monthly in the amount of 0.10% of the average daily net assets of the class. For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund - Institutional Shares, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee payable monthly in the amount of 0.03% of the average daily net assets of the class. 39 For the services performed as shareholder services agent under its contract with the Schwab Cash Reserves and Schwab Advisor Cash Reserves TM -- Sweep Shares and Premier Sweep Shares, Schwab is entitled to receive an annual fee from each share class of the fund, payable monthly in the amount of 0.20% of the average daily net assets of each class. CUSTODIAN AND FUND ACCOUNTANT State Street Bank and Trust Company, One Lincoln Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02111, serves as custodian and fund accountant for the funds. The custodian is responsible for the daily safekeeping of securities and cash held or sold by the funds. The fund accountant maintains the books and records related to each fund's transactions. INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM The funds' independent registered public accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, audits and reports on the annual financial statements of each series of the Trust and reviews certain regulatory reports and each fund's federal income tax return. They also perform other professional accounting, auditing, tax and advisory services when the Trust engages them to do so. Their address is Three Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111-4004. Each fund's audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005, are included in the fund's annual report that is supplied with the SAI. LEGAL COUNSEL Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP serves as counsel to the Trust. OTHER EXPENSES The funds pay other expenses that typically are connected with the Trust's operations, and include legal, audit and custodian fees, as well as the costs of accounting and registration of the funds. Expenses not directly attributable to a particular fund will generally be allocated among the funds in the Trust on the basis of each fund's relative net assets at the time the expense is incurred. BROKERAGE ALLOCATION AND OTHER PRACTICES PORTFOLIO TURNOVER Because securities with maturities of less than one year are excluded from required portfolio turnover rate calculations, the funds' portfolio turnover rate for reporting purposes is expected to be near zero. PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS DISCLOSURE The funds' Board of Trustees has approved policies and procedures that govern the timing and circumstances regarding the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings information to shareholders and third parties. These policies and procedures are designed to ensure that disclosure of information regarding the funds' portfolio securities is in the best interests of fund shareholders, and include procedures to address conflicts between the interests of the funds' shareholders, on the one hand, and those of the funds' investment adviser, principal underwriter or any affiliated person of the funds, its investment adviser, or its principal underwriter, on the other. Pursuant to such procedures, the Board 40 has authorized the president of the funds to authorize the release of the funds' portfolio holdings, as necessary, in conformity with the foregoing principles. The Board exercises on-going oversight of the disclosure of fund portfolio holdings by overseeing the implementation and enforcement of the fund's policies and procedures by the Chief Compliance Officer and by considering reports and recommendations by the Chief Compliance Officer concerning any material compliance matters. The Board will receive periodic updates, at least annually, regarding entities which were authorized to be provided "early disclosure" (as defined below) of the fund's portfolio holdings information. A complete list of each fund's portfolio holdings is published on the Schwab Funds(R) website at www.schwab.com/schwabfunds, under "Prospectuses and Reports", typically 60-80 days after the end of each fund's fiscal quarter. The portfolio holdings information available on the Schwab Funds' website is the same that is filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q or Form N-CSR. In addition, each fund's top ten holdings list is posted on the Schwab Funds website monthly, typically with a 10-day lag. In addition to the top ten holdings information, the funds also provide on the website monthly information regarding certain attributes of a fund's portfolio, such as a fund's sector weightings, portfolio composition, credit quality and duration and maturity, as applicable. The information on the website is publicly available to all categories of persons. Each fund may disclose portfolio holdings information to certain persons and entities prior to and more frequently than the public disclosure of such information ("early disclosure"). The president may authorize early disclosure of portfolio holdings information to such parties at differing times and/or with different lag times provided that (a) the president of the funds determines that the disclosure is in the best interests of the funds and that there are no conflicts of interest between the fund's shareholders and fund's adviser and distributor; and (b) the recipient is, either by contractual agreement or otherwise by law, required to maintain the confidentiality of the information. In addition, the funds' service providers including, without limitation, the investment adviser, distributor, the custodian, fund accountant, transfer agent, auditor, proxy voting service provider, pricing information venders, publisher, printer and mailing agent may receive early disclosure of portfolio holdings information as frequently as daily in connection with the services they perform for the funds. Service providers will be subject to a duty of confidentiality with respect to any portfolio holdings information whether imposed by the provisions of the service provider's contract with the trust or by the nature of its relationship with the trust. The funds' policies and procedures prohibit the funds, the funds' investment adviser or any related party from receiving any compensation or other consideration in connection with the disclosure of portfolio holdings information. The funds may disclose non-material information including commentary and aggregate information about the characteristics of a fund in connection with or relating to a fund or its portfolio securities to any person if such disclosure is for a legitimate business purpose, such disclosure does not effectively result in the disclosure of the complete portfolio securities of any fund (which can only be disclosed in accordance with the above requirements), and such information does not constitute material non-public information. Such disclosure does not fall within the portfolio securities disclosure requirements outlined above. Whether the information constitutes material non-public information will be made on a good faith determination, which involves an assessment of the particular facts and circumstances. In most cases commentary or analysis would be immaterial and would not convey any advantage to a recipient in 41 making a decision concerning a fund. Commentary and analysis includes, but is not limited to, the allocation of a fund's portfolio securities and other investments among various asset classes, sectors, industries, and countries, the characteristics of the stock components and other investments of a fund, the attribution of fund returns by asset class, sector, industry and country, and the volatility characteristics of a fund. PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS Each of the funds paid no brokerage commissions during the last three fiscal years. The investment adviser makes decisions with respect to the purchase and sale of portfolio securities on behalf of a fund. The investment adviser is responsible for implementing these decisions, including the negotiation of commissions and the allocation of principal business and portfolio brokerage. Purchases and sales of securities on a stock exchange or certain riskless principal transactions placed on NASDAQ are typically effected through brokers who charge a commission for their services. Purchases and sales of fixed income securities may be transacted with the issuer, the issuer's underwriter, or a dealer. A fund does not usually pay brokerage commissions on purchases and sales of fixed income securities, although the price of the securities generally includes compensation, in the form of a spread or a mark-up or mark-down, which is not disclosed separately. The prices a fund pays to underwriters of newly-issued securities usually include a commission paid by the issuer to the underwriter. Transactions placed through dealers who are serving as primary market makers reflect the spread between the bid and asked prices. The money market securities in which the funds invest are traded primarily in the over-the-counter market and or purchased directly from the issuer or an underwriter or market maker. Purchases from underwriters will include a commission or concession paid by the issuer to the underwriter, and purchases from dealers serving as market makers will include the spread between the bid and asked price. It is expected that the cost of executing portfolio securities transactions of the funds will primarily consist of dealer spreads and underwriting commissions. The investment adviser seeks to obtain the best overall execution in executing portfolio transactions. The investment adviser may take a number of factors into account in selecting brokers or dealers to execute these transactions. Such factors may include, without limitation, the following: execution price; brokerage commission or dealer spread; size or type of the transaction; nature or character of the markets; clearance or settlement capability; reputation; financial strength and stability of the broker or dealer; efficiency of execution and error resolution; block trading capabilities; willingness to execute related or unrelated difficult transactions in the future; order of call; or provision of additional brokerage or research services or products. The investment adviser may cause a fund to pay a higher commission than otherwise obtainable from other brokers or dealers in return for brokerage or research services or products if the investment adviser believes that such commission is reasonable in relation to the services provided. In addition to agency transactions, the investment adviser may receive brokerage and research services or products in connection with certain riskless transactions, in accordance with applicable SEC guidelines. In both instances, these services or products may include: economic, industry, or company research reports or investment recommendations; subscriptions to financial publications or research data compilations; compilations of securities prices, earnings, dividends, and similar data; computerized databases; quotation equipment and services; research or analytical computer software and services; products or services that assist in effecting transactions, including services of third-party computer systems developers directly related to research and brokerage activities; and effecting securities transactions and performing functions incidental thereto (such as clearance and settlement). The investment adviser may use research services furnished by brokers or dealers in servicing all 42 client accounts and not all services may necessarily be used in connection with the account that paid commissions or spreads to the broker or dealer providing such services. The investment adviser may receive a service from a broker or dealer that has both a "research" and a "non-research" use. When this occurs, the investment adviser will make a good faith allocation, under all the circumstances, between the research and non-research uses of the service. The percentage of the service that is used for research purposes may be paid for with client commissions, while the investment adviser will use its own funds to pay for the percentage of the service that is used for non-research purposes. In making this good faith allocation, the investment adviser faces a potential conflict of interest, but the investment adviser believes that the costs of such services may be appropriately allocated to their anticipated research and non-research uses. A fund may purchase new issues of securities for clients in a fixed price offering. In these situations, the seller may be a member of the selling group that will, in addition to selling securities, provide the investment adviser with research services. The NASD has adopted rules expressly permitting these types of arrangements under certain circumstances. The investment adviser may place orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems. Placing orders with electronic communications networks or other alternative trading systems may enable a fund to trade directly with other institutional holders. At times, this may allow a fund to trade larger blocks than would be possible trading through a single market maker. The investment adviser may aggregate securities sales or purchases among two or more clients. Investment adviser will not aggregate transactions unless it believes such aggregation is consistent with its duty to seek best execution for each affected client and is consistent with the terms of the investment advisory agreement for such client. In any single transaction in which purchases and/or sales of securities of any issuer for the account of a fund are aggregated with other accounts managed by the investment adviser, the actual prices applicable to the transaction will be averaged among the accounts for which the transaction is effected, including the account of the fund. In determining when and to what extent to use Schwab or any other affiliated broker-dealer as its broker for executing orders for the funds on securities exchanges, the investment adviser follows procedures, adopted by the Board of Trustees, that are designed to ensure that affiliated brokerage commissions (if relevant) are reasonable and fair in comparison to unaffiliated brokerage commissions for comparable transactions. The Board reviews the procedures annually and approves and reviews transactions involving affiliated brokers quarterly. REGULAR BROKER-DEALERS Each fund's regular broker-dealers during its most recent fiscal year are: (1) the ten broker-dealers that received the greatest dollar amount of brokerage commissions from the fund; (2) the ten broker-dealers that engaged as principal in the largest dollar amount of portfolio transactions; and (3) the ten broker-dealers that sold the largest dollar amount of the fund's shares. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, certain of the funds purchased securities issued by their respective regular broker-dealers, as indicated below: 43
DESCRIPTION OF THE TRUST Each fund is a series of The Charles Schwab Family of Funds, an open-end investment management company organized as a Massachusetts business Trust on October 20, 1989. The funds may hold special meetings of shareholders, which may cause the funds to incur non-routine expenses. These meetings may be called for purposes such as electing trustees, changing fundamental policies and amending management contracts. Shareholders are entitled to one vote for each share owned and may vote by proxy or in person. Proxy materials will be mailed to shareholders prior to any meetings, and will include a voting card and information explaining the matters to be voted upon. The bylaws of the Trust provide that a majority of shares entitled to vote shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at a shareholders' meeting, except that where any provision of law, or of the Declaration of Trust or of the bylaws permits or requires that (1) holders of any series shall vote as a series, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that series entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that series, or (2) holders of any class shall vote as a class, then a majority of the aggregate number of shares of that class entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by that class. Any lesser number shall be sufficient for adjournments. Any adjourned session or sessions may be held, within a reasonable time after the date set for the original meeting, without the necessity of further notice. The Declaration of Trust specifically authorizes the Board of Trustees to terminate the Trust (or any of its investment portfolios) by notice to the shareholders without shareholder approval. Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of a Massachusetts business Trust could, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for the Trust's obligations. The Declaration of Trust, however, disclaims shareholder liability for the Trust's acts or obligations and requires that notice of such disclaimer be given in each agreement, obligation or instrument entered into or executed by the Trust or the trustees. In addition, the Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of the property of an investment portfolio in which a shareholder owns or owned shares for all losses and expenses of such shareholder or former shareholder if he or she is held personally liable for the obligations of the Trust solely by reason of being or having been a shareholder. Moreover, the Trust will be covered by insurance which the trustees consider adequate to cover foreseeable tort claims. Thus, the risk of a 45 shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is considered remote, because it is limited to circumstances in which a disclaimer is inoperative and the Trust itself is unable to meet its obligations. There is a remote possibility that a fund could become liable for a misstatement in the prospectus or SAI about another fund. As more fully described in each Declaration of Trust, the trustees may each year, or more frequently, distribute to the shareholders of each series accrued income less accrued expenses and any net realized capital gains less accrued expenses. Distributions of each year's income of each series shall be distributed pro rata to shareholders in proportion to the number of shares of each series held by each of them. Distributions will be paid in cash or shares or a combination thereof as determined by the trustees. Distributions paid in shares will be paid at the net asset value per share as determined in accordance with the bylaws. PURCHASE, REDEMPTION AND PRICING OF SHARES AND DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS PURCHASING AND REDEEMING SHARES OF THE FUNDS The funds are open each day that both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (the Fed) are open. The NYSE's trading session is normally conducted from 9:30 a.m. Eastern time until 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, although some days, such as in advance of and following holidays, the NYSE's trading sessions closes early. The funds reserve the right to open for business on days the NYSE is closed but the Fed is open. The following holiday closings are currently scheduled for 2006: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (observed), Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day (observed), Veterans' Day (observed), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. On any day that the Fed, NYSE or principal government securities markets close early, the funds reserve the right to advance the time by which purchase, redemption and exchange orders must be received by the funds' transfer agent. As long as the funds or Schwab follow reasonable procedures to confirm that your telephone or Internet order is genuine, they will not be liable for any losses an investor may experience due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions. These procedures may include requiring a form of personal identification or confirmation before acting upon any telephone or Internet order, providing written confirmation of telephone or Internet orders and tape recording all telephone orders. Share certificates will not be issued in order to avoid additional administrative costs, however, share ownership records are maintained by Schwab. The Declaration of Trust provides that shares may be automatically redeemed if held by a shareholder in an amount less than the minimum required by each fund or share class. Each fund's minimum initial and additional investments and minimum balance requirements, if any, are set forth in the prospectus. These minimums may be waived for certain institutional and retirement plan accounts, including clients of Schwab Institutional and Schwab Corporate Services retirement plans. These minimums may also be waived for certain other investors, including trustees, officers and employees of Schwab, and for certain investment programs, including programs for retirement savings, education savings, or charitable giving. Schwab may receive other compensation for providing services to these clients, investors and programs. The minimums may be changed without prior notice. Each fund has made an election with the SEC to pay in cash all redemptions requested by any 46 shareholder of record limited in amount during any 90-day period to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of its net assets at the beginning of such period. This election is irrevocable without the SEC's prior approval. Redemption requests in excess of these limits may be paid, in whole or in part, in investment securities or in cash, as the Board of Trustees may deem advisable. Payment will be made wholly in cash unless the Board of Trustees believes that economic or market conditions exist that would make such payment a detriment to the best interests of a fund. If redemption proceeds are paid in investment securities, such securities will be valued as set forth in "Pricing of Shares". A redeeming shareholder would normally incur transaction costs if he or she were to convert the securities to cash. EXCHANGING SHARES OF THE FUNDS Shares of any Schwab Funds, including any class of shares, may be sold and the shares of any other Schwab Funds or class purchased, provided the minimum investment and any other requirement of the fund or class purchased are satisfied. Without limiting this privilege, "an exchange order," which is a simultaneous order to sell shares of one fund or class and automatically invest the proceeds in another fund or class, may not be executed between shares of Sweep Investments(R) and shares of non-Sweep Investments. Shares of Sweep Investments may be bought and sold automatically pursuant to the terms and conditions of your Schwab account agreement or by direct order as long as you meet the minimums for direct investments. The funds and Schwab reserve certain rights with regard to exchanging shares of the funds. These rights include the right to: (i) refuse any purchase or exchange order that may negatively impact the fund's operations; (ii) refuse orders that appear to be associated with short-term trading activities; and (iii) materially modify or terminate the exchange privilege upon 60 days' written notice to shareholders. PRICING OF SHARES Each fund values its portfolio instruments at amortized cost, which means they are valued at their acquisition cost, as adjusted for amortization of premium or discount, rather than at current market value. Calculations are made to compare the value of a fund's investments at amortized cost with market values. Such values are required to be determined in one of two ways: securities for which market quotations are readily available are required to be valued at current market value; and securities for which market quotations are not readily available are required to be valued at fair value using procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. The funds use approved pricing services to provide values for their portfolio securities. Securities may be fair valued pursuant to procedures approved by the funds' Board of Trustees when approved pricing services do not provide a value for a security, a furnished price appears manifestly incorrect or events occur prior to the close of the NYSE that materially affect the furnished price. The Board of Trustees regularly reviews fair value determinations made by the funds pursuant to the procedures. The amortized cost method of valuation seeks to maintain a stable net asset value per share (NAV) of $1.00, even where there are fluctuations in interest rates that affect the value of portfolio instruments. Accordingly, this method of valuation can in certain circumstances lead to a dilution of a shareholder's interest. If a deviation of 1/2 of 1% or more were to occur between the NAV calculated using market values and a fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost or if there were any other deviation that the Board of Trustees believed would result in a material dilution to shareholders or purchasers, the Board of Trustees would promptly consider what action, if any, should be initiated. 47 If a fund's NAV calculated using market values declined, or was expected to decline, below a fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost, the Board of Trustees might temporarily reduce or suspend dividend payments in an effort to maintain a fund's $1.00 NAV. As a result of such reduction or suspension of dividends or other action by the Board of Trustees, an investor would receive less income during a given period than if such a reduction or suspension had not taken place. Such action could result in investors receiving no dividend for the period during which they hold their shares and receiving, upon redemption, a price per share lower than that which they paid. On the other hand, if a fund's NAV calculated using market values were to increase, or were anticipated to increase above a fund's $1.00 NAV calculated using amortized cost, the Board of Trustees might supplement dividends in an effort to maintain a fund's $1.00 NAV. DELIVERY OF SHAREHOLDER DOCUMENTS Typically once a year, an updated prospectus will be mailed to shareholders describing each fund's investment strategies, risks and shareholder policies. Twice a year, financial reports will be mailed to shareholders describing each fund's performance and investment holdings. In order to eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents, each household may receive one copy of these documents, under certain conditions. This practice is commonly called "householding." If you want to receive multiple copies, you may write or call your fund at the address or telephone number on the front of this SAI. Your instructions will be effective within 30 days of receipt by Schwab. TAXATION FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION FOR THE FUNDS This discussion of federal income tax consequences is based on the Code and the regulations issued thereunder as in effect on the date of this Statement of Additional Information. New legislation, as well as administrative changes or court decisions, may significantly change the conclusions expressed herein, and may have a retroactive effect with respect to the transactions contemplated herein. It is each fund's policy to qualify for taxation as a "regulated investment company" (RIC) by meeting the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code). By qualifying as a RIC, each fund expects to eliminate or reduce to a nominal amount the federal income tax to which it is subject. If a fund does not qualify as a RIC under the Code, it will be subject to federal income tax on its net investment income and any net realized capital gains. The Code imposes a non-deductible excise tax on RICs that do not distribute in a calendar year (regardless of whether they otherwise have a non-calendar taxable year) an amount equal to 98% of their "ordinary income" (as defined in the Code) for the calendar year plus 98% of their net capital gain for the one-year period ending on October 31 of such calendar year, plus any undistributed amounts from prior years. The non-deductible excise tax is equal to 4% of the deficiency. For the foregoing purposes, a fund is treated as having distributed any amount on which it is subject to income tax for any taxable year ending in such calendar year. FEDERAL INCOME TAX INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS The discussion of federal income taxation presented below supplements the discussion in the funds' prospectuses and only summarizes some of the important federal tax considerations generally affecting shareholders of the funds. Accordingly, prospective investors (particularly those not 48 residing or domiciled in the United States) should consult their own tax advisors regarding the consequences of investing in a fund. On each business day that the NAV of a fund is determined, such fund's net investment income will be declared as of the close of the fund (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) as a daily dividend to shareholders of record. Your daily dividend is calculated each business day by applying the daily dividend rate by the number of shares owned, and is rounded to the nearest penny. The daily dividend is accrued each business day, and the sum of the daily dividends is paid monthly. For each fund, dividends will normally be reinvested monthly in shares of the fund at the NAV on the 15th day of each month, if a business day, otherwise on the next business day, except in December when dividends are reinvested on the last business day of December. If cash payment is requested, checks will normally be mailed on the business day following the reinvestment date. Each fund will pay shareholders, who redeem all of their shares, all dividends accrued to the time of the redemption within 7 days. Each fund calculates its dividends based on its daily net investment income. For this purpose, the net investment income of a fund generally consists of: (1) accrued interest income, plus or minus amortized discount or premium, minus (2) accrued expenses allocated to that fund. If a fund realizes any capital gains, they will be distributed at least once during the year as determined by the Board of Trustees. Any realized capital losses, to the extent not offset by realized capital gains, will be carried forward. Any dividends declared by a fund in October, November or December and paid the following January are treated, for tax purposes, as if they were received by shareholders on December 31 of the year in which they were declared. A fund may adjust its schedule for the reinvestment of distributions for the month of December to assist in complying with the reporting and minimum distribution requirements of the Code. The funds do not expect to realize any long-term capital gains. However, long-term capital gains distributions are taxable as long-term capital gains, regardless of how long you have held your shares. If you receive a long-term capital gains distribution with respect to fund shares held for six months or less, any loss on the sale or exchange of those shares shall, to the extent of the long-term capital gains distribution, be treated as a long-term capital loss. Distributions by a fund also may be subject to state, local and foreign taxes, and its treatment under applicable tax laws may differ from the federal income tax treatment. Note that most states grant tax-exempt status to distributions paid to shareholders from earnings received on direct investment on U.S. government securities, subject to certain restrictions. For example, some states do not extend this exemption to distributions paid to shareholders from earning on certain U.S. government agencies, such as Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, or Sallie Mae. A fund may engage in techniques that may alter the timing and character of its income. A fund may be restricted in its use of these techniques by rules relating to its qualification as a regulated investment company. Because the taxable portion of a fund's investment income consists primarily of interest, none of its dividends are expected to qualify under the Code for the dividends received deduction for corporations or as qualified dividend income eligible for reduced tax rates. The redemption or exchange of the shares of a fund may result in capital gain or loss to the shareholders. Generally, if a shareholder holds the shares as a capital asset, any gain or loss will be long-term gain or loss if the shares have been held for more than one year. Capital gains of corporate shareholders are subject to regular corporate tax rates. For non-corporate taxpayers, gain on the sales of shares held for more than 12 months will generally be taxed at the rate applicable to long-term 49 capital gains, while gain on the sale of shares held for one year or less will generally be taxed at ordinary income rates. Each fund will be required in certain cases to withhold at the applicable withholding rate and remit to the U.S. Treasury, the withheld amount of taxable dividends paid to any shareholder who (1) fails to provide a correct taxpayer identification number certified under penalty of perjury; (2) is subject to withholding by the Internal Revenue Service for failure to properly report all payments of interest or dividends; (3) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is not subject to "backup withholding;" or (4) fails to provide a certified statement that he or she is a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). Backup withholding is not an additional tax and any amounts withheld may be credited against the shareholder's ultimate U.S. tax liability. Foreign shareholders (i.e., nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations, partnerships, trusts and estates) are generally subject to U.S. withholding tax at the rate of 30% (or a lower tax treaty rate) on distributions derived from net investment income and short-term capital gains; provided, however, that dividends with respect to a fund's taxable year beginning after December 31, 2004 and not beginning after December 31, 2007 are not subject to U.S. withholding tax if, subject to certain exceptions, such dividends qualify as interest-related dividends or as short-term capital gain dividends Distributions to foreign shareholders of such short-term capital gain dividends of long-term capital gains and any gains from the sale or other disposition of shares of the funds generally are not subject to U.S. taxation, unless the recipient is an individual who either (1) meets the Code's definition of "resident alien" or (2) who is physically present in the U.S. for 183 days or more per year as determined under certain IRS rules. Different tax consequences may result if the foreign shareholder is engaged in a trade or business within the United States. In addition, the tax consequences to a foreign shareholder entitled to claim the benefits of a tax treaty may be different than those described above. 50 APPENDIX - RATINGS OF INVESTMENT SECURITIES COMMERCIAL PAPER MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Prime-1 is the highest commercial paper rating assigned by Moody's. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of commercial paper with this rating are considered to have a superior ability to repay short-term promissory obligations. Issuers (or related supporting institutions) of securities rated Prime-2 are viewed as having a strong capacity to repay short-term promissory obligations. This capacity will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics of issuers whose commercial paper is rated Prime-1 but to a lesser degree. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P A-1 commercial paper rating indicates a strong degree of safety regarding timely payment of principal and interest. Issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics are denoted A-1+. Capacity for timely payment on commercial paper rated A-2 is satisfactory, but the relative degree of safety is not as high as for issues designated A-1. FITCH, INC. F1+ is the highest category, and indicates the strongest degree of assurance for timely payment. Issues rated F1 reflect an assurance of timely payment only slightly less than issues rated F1+. Issues assigned an F2 rating have a satisfactory degree of assurance for timely payment, but the margin of safety is not as great as for issues in the first two rating categories. SHORT-TERM NOTES AND VARIABLE RATE DEMAND OBLIGATIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Short-term notes/variable rate demand obligations bearing the designations MIG-1/VMIG-1 are considered to be of the best quality, enjoying strong protection from established cash flows, superior liquidity support or demonstrated broad-based access to the market for refinancing. Obligations rated MIG-2/VMIG-2 are of high quality and enjoy ample margins of protection although not as large as those of the top rated securities. STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION An S&P SP-1 rating indicates that the subject securities' issuer has a very strong capacity to pay principal and interest. Issues determined to possess very strong safety characteristics are given a plus (+) designation. S&P's determination that an issuer has a strong capacity to pay principal and interest is denoted by an SP-2 rating. 51