EX-99.77C VOTES 3 res.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ RESULTS OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS (UNAUDITED) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ On April 19, 2001, the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Progressive Return Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") was held and the following matters were voted upon: (1) To elect two class I Directors until the year 2004 Annual Meeting and one Class II Director until the year 2002 Annual Meeting. NAME OF CLASS I DIRECTORS FOR ABSTAIN ------------------------- --- -------- Thomas H. Lenagh 3,400,911 272,614 Andrew A. Strauss 3,400,915 272,610 NAME OF CLASS II DIRECTOR FOR ABSTAIN ------------------------- --- -------- Edwin Meese III 3,399,862 273,663 (2) To approve a new investment management agreement between Cornerstone Advisors, Inc. and the Fund. FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN --- ------- ------- 2,240,090 276,605 24,665 (3) To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independentpublic accountants for the year ending December 31, 2001. FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN --- ------- ------- 3,490,256 167,211 16,058