Filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3)
File No. 333-121061
Invesco Senior Loan Fund
(the “Fund”)
This supplement amends the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) of the above referenced fund and is in addition to any other supplement(s), unless otherwise specified. You should read this supplement in conjunction with the SAI and retain it for future reference.
The following information replaces in its entirety the information under the heading “PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS AND BROKERAGE ALLOCATION” in the SAI for the Fund:
Invesco and the Sub-Advisers have adopted compliance procedures that cover, among other items, brokerage allocation and other trading practices. If all or a portion of the Fund’s assets are managed by one or more Sub-Advisers, the decision to buy and sell securities and broker selection will be made by the Sub- Adviser for the assets it manages. Unless specifically noted, the Sub-Advisers brokerage allocation procedures do not materially differ from Invesco Advisers, Inc.’s procedures.
As discussed below, Invesco and the Sub-Advisers, unless prohibited by applicable law, may cause the Fund to pay a broker-dealer a commission for effecting a transaction that exceeds the amount another broker-dealer would have charged for effecting the same transaction in recognition of the value of brokerage and research services provided by that broker-dealer. Effective January 3, 2018, under the European Union’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (“MiFID II”), European Union investment advisers, including Invesco Deutschland and Invesco Asset Management, which may act as sub-adviser to certain Invesco Funds as described in such Funds’ prospectuses, must pay for research from broker-dealers directly out of their own resources, rather than through client commissions.
With respect to interests in Senior Loans, the Fund generally will engage in privately negotiated transactions for purchase or sale in which the Adviser will negotiate on behalf of the Fund, although a more developed market may exist for certain Senior Loans. The Fund may be required to pay fees, or forgo a portion of interest and any fees payable to the Fund, to the Lender selling Participations or Assignments to the Fund. The Adviser will determine the Lenders from whom the Fund will purchase Assignments and Participations by considering their professional ability, level of service, relationship with the Borrower, financial condition, credit standards and quality of management. The illiquidity of many Senior Loans may restrict the ability of the Adviser to locate in a timely manner persons willing to purchase the Fund’s interests in Senior Loans at a fair price should the Fund desire to sell such interests. See “Principal Risks” in the Prospectus. Affiliates of the Adviser may participate in the primary and secondary market for Senior Loans. Because of certain limitations imposed by the 1940 Act, this may restrict the Fund’s ability to acquire some Senior Loans. The Adviser does not believe that this will have a material effect on the Fund’s ability to acquire Senior Loans consistent with its investment policies.
Brokerage Transactions
Placing trades generally involves acting on portfolio manager instructions to buy or sell a specified amount of portfolio securities, including selecting one or more broker-dealers, including affiliated and third-party broker- dealers to execute the trades, and negotiating commissions and spreads. Various Invesco Ltd. subsidiaries have created a global equity trading desk. The global equity trading desk has assigned local traders in six primary trading centers to place equity securities trades in their regions. The Invesco Advisers’ Americas desk, located in Atlanta and Toronto, generally places trades of equity securities trading in North America, Canada and Latin America; the Hong Kong desk of Invesco Hong Kong (the “Hong Kong Desk”) generally places trades of equity securities in the Asia- Pacific markets, except Japan and China; the Japan trading desk of Invesco Japan generally places trades of equity securities in the Japanese markets; the EMEA trading desk of Invesco Asset Management Limited (the “EMEA Desk”) generally places trades of equity securities in European, Middle Eastern and African countries; the Australia desk, located in Sydney and Melbourne, for the execution of orders of equity securities trading in the Australian and New Zealand markets and the Taipei desk, located in Taipei, for the execution of orders of securities trading in the Chinese market. Invesco, Invesco Canada, Invesco Japan, Invesco Deutschland, Invesco Hong Kong, Invesco Capital and Invesco Asset Management use the global equity trading desk to place equity trades. Other Sub-Advisers may use the global equity trading desk in the future. The trading procedures for the global trading desks are similar in all material respects.
References in the language below to actions by Invesco or a Sub-Adviser making determinations or taking actions related to equity trading include these entities’ delegation of these determinations/actions to the Americas Desk, the Hong Kong Desk, and the

EMEA Desk. Even when trading is delegated by Invesco or the Sub-Advisers to the various arms of the global equity trading desk, Invesco or the Sub-Advisers that delegate trading is responsible for oversight of this trading activity.
Invesco or the Sub-Advisers make decisions to buy and sell securities for the Fund, select broker-dealers (each, a “Broker”), effect the Fund’s investment portfolio transactions, allocate brokerage fees in such transactions and, where applicable, negotiate commissions and spreads on transactions. Invesco’s and the Sub-Advisers’ primary consideration in effecting a security transaction is to obtain best execution, which Invesco defines as prompt and efficient execution of the transaction at the best obtainable price with payment of commissions, mark-ups or mark-downs which are reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage services provided by the Broker. While Invesco or the Sub-Advisers seek reasonably competitive commission rates, the Fund may not pay the lowest commission or spread available. See “Broker Selection” below.
Some of the securities in which the Fund invests are traded in OTC markets. Portfolio transactions in such markets may be effected on a principal basis at net prices without commissions, but which include compensation to the Broker in the form of a mark-up or mark-down, or on an agency basis, which involves the payment of negotiated brokerage commissions to the Broker, including electronic communication networks. Purchases of underwritten issues, which include initial public offerings and secondary offerings, include a commission or concession paid by the issuer (not the Fund) to the underwriter. Purchases of money market instruments may be made directly from issuers without the payment of commissions.
Historically, Invesco and the Sub-Advisers did not negotiate commission rates on stock markets outside the United States. In recent years many overseas stock markets have adopted a system of negotiated rates; however, a number of markets maintain an established schedule of minimum commission rates.
In some cases, Invesco may decide to place trades on a “blind principal bid” basis, which involves combining all trades for one or more portfolios into a single basket, and generating a description of the characteristics of the basket for provision to potential executing brokers. Based on the trade characteristics information provided by Invesco, these brokers submit bids for executing all of the required trades at a designated time for a specific commission rate. Invesco generally selects the broker with the lowest bid to execute these trades.
Substantially all of the Fund’s trades are effected on a principal basis. For the last three fiscal years ended February 28, the Fund paid the following brokerage commissions:
The Fund paid no commissions to brokers or affiliated brokers during the last three fiscal years.
In addition, the Fund may purchase or sell a security from or to certain other Invesco Funds or other accounts (and may invest in the Affiliated Money Market Funds) provided the Funds follow procedures adopted by the Boards of the various Invesco Funds, including the Fund. These inter-fund transactions generally do not generate brokerage commissions but may result in custodial fees or taxes or other related expenses.
Broker Selection
Invesco’s or the Sub-Advisers’ primary consideration in selecting Brokers to execute portfolio transactions for an Invesco Fund is to obtain best execution. In selecting a Broker to execute a portfolio transaction in equity securities for the Fund, Invesco or the Sub-Advisers consider the full range and quality of a Broker’s services, including the value of research and/or brokerage services provided (if permitted by applicable law or regulation), execution capability, commission rate, and willingness to commit capital, anonymity and responsiveness. Invesco’s and the Sub-Advisers’ primary consideration when selecting a Broker to execute a portfolio transaction in fixed income securities for the Fund is the Broker’s ability to deliver or sell the relevant fixed income securities; however, Invesco and the Sub-Advisers will, if permitted by applicable law or regulation, also consider the various factors listed above. In each case, the determinative factor is not the lowest commission or spread available but whether the transaction represents the best qualitative execution for the Fund. Invesco and the Sub-Advisers will not select Brokers based upon their promotion or sale of Fund shares.
Unless prohibited by applicable law, such as MiFID II (described herein), in choosing Brokers to execute portfolio transactions for the Fund, Invesco or the Sub-Advisers may select Brokers that provide brokerage and/ or research services (Soft Dollar Products) to the Fund and/or the other accounts over which Invesco and its affiliates have investment discretion. For the avoidance of doubt, European Union investment advisers, including Invesco Deutschland and Invesco Asset Management, which may act as sub-adviser to certain Invesco Funds as described in such Funds’ prospectuses, must pay for research from broker-dealers directly out of their own resources, rather than through client commissions. Therefore, the use of the defined term “Sub-Advisers” throughout this section shall not be deemed to apply to those Sub-Advisers subject to the MiFID II prohibitions. Section 28(e) of the Exchange Act, provides that Invesco or the Sub-Advisers, under certain circumstances, lawfully may cause an account to pay a higher

commission than the lowest available. Under Section 28(e)(1), Invesco or the Sub-Advisers must make a good faith determination that the commissions paid are “reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research services provided ... viewed in terms of either that particular transaction or [Invesco’s or the Sub-Advisers’] overall responsibilities with respect to the accounts as to which [it] exercises investment discretion.” The services provided by the Broker also must lawfully and appropriately assist Invesco or the Sub-Advisers in the performance of its investment decision-making responsibilities. Accordingly, the Fund may pay a Broker commissions higher than those available from another Broker in recognition of the Broker’s provision of Soft Dollar Products to Invesco or the Sub-Advisers.
Invesco and the Sub-Advisers face a potential conflict of interest when they use client trades to obtain Soft Dollar Products. This conflict exists because Invesco and the Sub-Advisers are able to use the Soft Dollar Products to manage client accounts without paying cash for the Soft Dollar Products, which reduces Invesco’s or a Sub-Adviser’s expenses to the extent that Invesco or such Sub-Adviser would have purchased such products had they not been provided by Brokers. Section 28(e) permits Invesco or the Sub-Advisers to use Soft Dollar Products for the benefit of any account it manages. Certain Invesco-managed accounts (or accounts managed by the Sub-Advisers) may generate soft dollars used to purchase Soft Dollar Products that ultimately benefit other Invesco-managed accounts (or Sub-Adviser-managed accounts), effectively cross subsidizing the other Invesco- managed accounts (or the other Sub-Adviser-managed accounts) that benefit directly from the product. Invesco or the Sub-Advisers may not use all of the Soft Dollar Products provided by Brokers through which the Fund effects securities transactions in connection with managing the Fund whose trades generated the soft dollars used to purchase such products.
Invesco presently engages in the following instances of cross-subsidization:
Fixed income funds normally do not generate soft dollar commissions to pay for Soft Dollar Products. Therefore, soft dollar commissions used to pay for Soft Dollar Products which are used to manage certain fixed income Invesco Funds are generated entirely by equity Invesco Funds and other equity client accounts managed by Invesco. In other words, certain fixed income Invesco Funds are cross-subsidized by the equity Invesco Funds in that the fixed income Invesco Funds receive the benefit of Soft Dollar Products services for which they do not pay. Similarly, other accounts managed by Invesco or certain of its affiliates may benefit from Soft Dollar Products services for which they do not pay.
Invesco and the Sub-Advisers attempt to reduce or eliminate the potential conflicts of interest concerning the use of Soft Dollar Products by directing client trades for Soft Dollar Products only if Invesco or the Sub- Adviser concludes that the Broker supplying the product is capable of providing best execution.
Certain Soft Dollar Products may be available directly from a vendor on a hard dollar basis; other Soft Dollar Products are available only through Brokers in exchange for soft dollars. Invesco and the Sub-Adviser use soft dollars to purchase two types of Soft Dollar Products:
proprietary research created by the Broker executing the trade, and
other products created by third parties that are supplied to Invesco or the Sub-Advisers through the Broker executing the trade.
Proprietary research consists primarily of traditional research reports, recommendations and similar materials produced by the in- house research staffs of broker-dealer firms. This research includes evaluations and recommendations of specific companies or industry groups, as well as analyses of general economic and market conditions and trends, market data, contacts and other related information and assistance. Invesco periodically rates the quality of proprietary research produced by various Brokers. Based on the evaluation of the quality of information that Invesco receives from each Broker, Invesco develops an estimate of each Broker’s share of Invesco clients’ commission dollars and attempts to direct trades to these firms to meet these estimates.
Invesco and the Sub-Advisers also use soft dollars to acquire products from third parties that are supplied to Invesco or the Sub- Advisers through Brokers executing the trades or other Brokers who “step in” to a transaction and receive a portion of the brokerage commission for the trade. Invesco or the Sub-Advisers may from time to time instruct the executing Broker to allocate or “step out” a portion of a transaction to another Broker. The Broker to which Invesco or the Sub-Advisers have “stepped out” would then settle and complete the designated portion of the transaction, and the executing Broker would settle and complete the remaining portion of the transaction that has not been “stepped out.” Each Broker may receive a commission or brokerage fee with respect to that portion of the transaction that it settles and completes.
Soft Dollar Products received from Brokers supplement Invesco’s and the Sub-Advisers’ own research (and the research of certain of its affiliates), and may include the following types of products and services:
Database Services—comprehensive databases containing current and/or historical information on companies and industries and indices. Examples include historical securities prices, earnings estimates and financial data. These services may include software tools that allow the user to search the database or to prepare value-added analyses related to the investment process (such as forecasts and models used in the portfolio management process).

Quotation/Trading/News Systems—products that provide real time market data information, such as pricing of individual securities and information on current trading, as well as a variety of news services.
Economic Data/Forecasting Tools—various macro-economic forecasting tools, such as economic data or currency and political forecasts for various countries or regions.
Quantitative/Technical Analysis—software tools that assist in quantitative and technical analysis of investment data.
Fundamental/Industry Analysis—industry specific fundamental investment research.
Fixed Income Security Analysis—data and analytical tools that pertain specifically to fixed income securities. These tools assist in creating financial models, such as cash flow projections and interest rate sensitivity analyses, which are relevant to fixed income securities.
Other Specialized Tools—other specialized products, such as consulting analyses, access to industry experts, and distinct investment expertise such as forensic accounting or custom built investment- analysis software.
If Invesco or the Sub-Advisers determine that any service or product has a mixed use (i.e., it also serves functions that do not assist the investment decision-making or trading process), Invesco or the Sub-Advisers will allocate the costs of such service or product accordingly in its reasonable discretion. Invesco or the Sub-Advisers will allocate brokerage commissions to Brokers only for the portion of the service or product that Invesco or the Sub-Advisers determine assists it in the investment decision-making or trading process and will pay for the remaining value of the product or service in cash.
Outside research assistance is useful to Invesco or the Sub-Advisers because the Brokers used by Invesco or the Sub-Advisers tend to provide more in-depth analysis of a broader universe of securities and other matters than Invesco’s or the Sub-Advisers’ staff follow. In addition, such services provide Invesco or the Sub-Advisers with a diverse perspective on financial markets. Some Brokers may indicate that the provision of research services is dependent upon the generation of certain specified levels of commissions and underwriting concessions by Invesco’s or the Sub-Advisers’ clients, including the Fund. However, the Fund is not under any obligation to deal with any Broker in the execution of transactions in portfolio securities. In some cases, Soft Dollar Products are available only from the Broker providing them. In other cases, Soft Dollar Products may be obtainable from alternative sources in return for cash payments. Invesco and the Sub-Advisers believe that because Broker research supplements rather than replaces Invesco’s or the Sub-Advisers’ research, the receipt of such research tends to improve the quality of Invesco’s or the Sub-Advisers’ investment advice. The advisory fee paid by the Fund is not reduced because Invesco or the Sub-Advisers receive such services. To the extent the Fund’s portfolio transactions are used to obtain Soft Dollar Products, the brokerage commissions obtained by the Fund might exceed those that might otherwise have been paid.
Invesco or the Sub-Advisers may determine target levels of brokerage business with various Brokers on behalf of its clients (including the Fund) over a certain time period. Invesco determines target levels based upon the following factors, among others: (1) the execution services provided by the Broker; and (2) the research services provided by the Broker. Portfolio transactions may be effected through Brokers that recommend the Fund to their clients, or that act as agent in the purchase of the Fund’s Shares for their clients, provided that Invesco or the Sub-Advisers believe such Brokers provide best execution and such transactions are executed in compliance with Invesco’s policy against using directed brokerage to compensate Brokers for promoting or selling Invesco Fund shares. Invesco and the Sub-Advisers will not enter into a binding commitment with Brokers to place trades with such Brokers involving brokerage commissions in precise amounts.
As noted above, under MiFID II, European Union investment advisers, including Invesco Deutschland and Invesco Asset Management, are not permitted to use Soft Dollar Products to pay for research from brokers but rather must pay for research out of their own profit and loss or have research costs paid by clients through research payment accounts that are funded by a specific client research charge or the research component of trade orders. Such payments for research must be unbundled from the payments for execution. As a result, Invesco Deutschland and Invesco Asset Management are restricted from using Soft Dollar Products in managing the Invesco Funds that they sub-advise.
Directed Brokerage (Research Services)
During the last fiscal year ended February 28, 2022, the Fund did not pay any directed brokerage (research services).
Affiliated Transactions
The Adviser or Sub-Adviser may place trades with Invesco Capital Markets, Inc. (ICMI), a broker- dealer with whom it is affiliated, provided the Adviser or Sub-Adviser determines that ICMI’s trade execution abilities and costs are at least comparable to those of non-affiliated brokerage firms with which the Adviser or Sub-Adviser could otherwise place similar trades. ICMI receives brokerage commissions in connection with effecting trades for an Invesco Fund and, therefore, use of ICMI presents a conflict of interest for the Adviser or Sub-Adviser. Trades placed through ICMI, including the brokerage commissions paid to ICMI, are subject to procedures adopted by the Board.

Regular Brokers
During the last fiscal year ended February 28, 2022, the Fund did not acquire any securities of regular brokers or dealers, as defined in Rule 10b-1 under the 1940 Act.
Allocation of Portfolio Transactions
Invesco and the Sub-Advisers manage numerous Invesco Funds and other accounts. Some of these accounts may have investment objectives similar to the Fund. Occasionally, identical securities will be appropriate for investment by multiple Invesco Funds or other accounts. However, the position of each account in the same security and the length of time that each account may hold its investment in the same security may vary. Invesco and the Sub-Adviser will also determine the timing and amount of purchases for an account based on its cash position. If the purchase or sale of securities is consistent with the investment policies of the Fund(s) and one or more other accounts, and is considered at or about the same time, Invesco or the Sub-Adviser will allocate transactions in such securities among the Fund(s) and these accounts on a pro rata basis based on order size or in such other manner believed by Invesco to be fair and equitable. In determining what is fair and equitable, Invesco or the Sub-Adviser can consider various factors, including how closely the investment opportunity matches the investment objective and strategy of a Fund or account, the capital available to a Fund or account, and which portfolio management team sourced the opportunity. Invesco or the Sub-Adviser may combine transactions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to obtain the most favorable execution. Simultaneous transactions could, however, adversely affect the Fund’s ability to obtain or dispose of the full amount of a security which it seeks to purchase or sell.
Allocation of Initial Public Offering (IPO) Transactions
Certain of the Invesco Funds or other accounts managed by Invesco may become interested in participating in IPOs. Purchases of IPOs by one Invesco Fund or other accounts may also be considered for purchase by one or more other Invesco Funds or accounts. Invesco combines indications of interest for IPOs for all Invesco Funds and accounts participating in purchase transactions for that IPO. When the full amount of all IPO orders for such Invesco Funds and accounts cannot be filled completely, Invesco shall allocate such transactions in accordance with the following procedures.
Invesco or the Sub-Adviser may determine the eligibility of each Invesco Fund and account that seeks to participate in a particular IPO by reviewing a number of factors, including market capitalization/liquidity suitability and sector/style suitability of the investment with the Invesco Fund’s or account’s investment objective, policies, strategies and current holdings. Invesco will allocate securities issued in IPOs to eligible Invesco Funds and accounts on a pro rata basis based on order size.
Invesco Canada, Invesco Hong Kong and Invesco Japan allocate IPOs on a pro rata basis based on size of order or in such other manner which they believe is fair and equitable.
Invesco Asset Management allocates IPOs on a pro rata basis based on account size or in such other manner believed by Invesco Asset Management to be fair and equitable.
Invesco Deutschland and Invesco Senior Secured do not subscribe to IPOs.