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T. Rowe Price 05-13-05 Responses - Public
July 15, 2005 
Laura Hatch and Tony Burak 
Securities and Exchange Commission 
Division of Investment Management 
Office of Disclosure 
Mail Stop 0505 
Washington, DC 20549 
RE:  T. Rowe Price Funds 
  October 31, 2004 and December 31, 2004 Annual Reports 
Dear Ms. Hatch and Mr. Burak: 
Following are responses to the comments/questions we discussed on May 13, 2005, related 
to the October 31, 2004 and December 31, 2004 annual reports for the T. Rowe Price 

1.  Manager Commentary (N-1A, Item 21(d)(1)) 
  The hypothetical expense example presented in the shareholder reports of the variable 
  annuity funds should state that the example does not include any fees or expenses 
  imposed at the contract level. 
  Management Response: Beginning with the June 30, 2005 reporting cycle, the 
  hypothetical expense example presented in shareholder reports of T. Rowe Price 
  variable annuity funds will include language stating that, “Figures do not reflect fees at 
  the insurance product or contract level; if those fees were included, expenses would be 
2.  Statement of Assets and Liabilities (Reg. S-X, Rule 6-04(11)) 
  Disclose separately on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities “deposits for securities 
  loaned” as prescribed by S-X 6-04(11). 
  Management Response: Beginning with the February 28, 2005 reporting cycle, all T. 
  Rowe Price funds began to present separately on the face of the Statement of Assets and 
  Liabilities the liability to return securities lending collateral. Previously, such amounts 
  had been presented separately only if the balance exceeded 5% of the fund’s net assets. 
  Additionally, the footnotes to the financial statements state the total value of securities 
  loaned and the nature of the collateral received. 
3.  Statement of Operations (Reg. S-X, Rule 6-07) 
  On the Statement of Operations, state separately dividend and interest income from 
  investments in affiliated companies. 

  Management Response: Beginning with the June 30, 2005 reporting cycle, T. Rowe 
  Price funds will disclose dividend and interest income from investments in affiliated 
  companies separately in accordance with Regulation S-X, Rule 6-07. 
4.  Statement of Operations (Reg. S-X, Rule 6-07) 
  The manager of the Personal Strategy Balanced Portfolio charges an all-inclusive 
  management and administrative fee, which it reduced by $38,000 during the year ended 
  December 31, 2004 related to the fund’s investment in T. Rowe Price Institutional High 
  Yield Fund. This fee reduction should be presented separately on the Statement of 
  Operations as a decrease in total expenses. 
  Management Response: The Statement of Operations of the Personal Strategy 
  Balanced Portfolio erroneously reflected a net presentation of the fund’s management 
  fee. It is the policy of T. Rowe Price funds that the management fee should be 
  presented gross on the Statement of Operations and any contractual management fee 
  reduction should be presented separately as a reduction to arrive at total expenses. 
  Total expenses were reported accurately and the expense ratios in the financial 
  highlights were calculated and presented correctly. 
5.  Manager Commentary 
  The Average Annual Compound Total Return Since Inception for the MSCI EAFE 
  Index presented in the annual report of the International Growth & Income Fund does 
  not agree to the return recalculated using the plot points in the Growth of $10,000 
  performance comparison chart. 
  Management Response: The inception date of the International Growth & Income 
  Fund is December 21, 1998. It is the policy of T. Rowe Price funds that since- 
  inception performance information for a fund’s benchmark should be presented from 
  the date of fund inception, when such information is available for the benchmark. The 
  Average Annual Compound Total Return Since Inception for the MSCI EAFE Index 
  presented in the fund’s annual report was calculated for the period from December 21, 
  1998 (inception date of the fund) to October 31, 2004; however, the tickmark 
  accompanying the performance calculation erroneously stated, “. for the period 
  12/31/98 to 10/31/04.” We have enhanced our financial statement review process to 
  include a procedure to verify that the periods disclosed in the tickmark explanations for 
  since-inception benchmark data presented in the annual report are appropriate. 
6.  Manager Commentary 
  The Average Annual 5-Year and 10-Year Compound Total Returns for the Citigroup 
  Non-U.S. Extended Market Index presented in the T. Rowe Price International 
  Discovery Fund do not agree to the returns recalculated using the plot points in the 
  Growth of $10,000 performance comparison chart. 
  Management Response: The Average Annual 5-Year and 10-Year Compound Total 
  Returns presented for the Citigroup Non-U.S. Extended Market Index presented in the 
  International Discovery Fund annual report were accurate; however, the plot points for 
  the Growth of $10,000 performance comparison chart as of October, 2002, October, 
  2003 and October, 2004 were misstated due to inaccurate data points in our internal 
  statistical reporting database. We have corrected the data in our internal statistical 
  reporting database and enhanced our period-end review process to include a procedure 
  to verify that all performance data contained in our internal statistical reporting 
  database agrees to the performance data provided by the benchmark organization. 
7.  Statement of Assets and Liabilities 
  The value of affiliated companies in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities of New 
  Asia Fund does not agree to the total value of investments in affiliated companies 
  presented in the affiliate schedule following the Portfolio of Investments
  Management Response: The value of the three affiliated companies presented in the 
  affiliate schedule following the Portfolio of Investments was misclassified as 
  unaffiliated on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. We have enhanced our financial 
  statement review checklist to include a procedure to verify that the value of investments 
  in affiliated companies as reflected on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities agrees 
  with the total value of affiliated companies held at period-end shown in the affiliate 

In connection with responding to your comments, T. Rowe Price acknowledges that: 
•  the fund is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the filings; 
•  staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments in the filings 
  reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with 
  respect to the filing; and 
•  the fund may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceedings initiated by 
  the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United States. 
If you have any additional questions after reviewing or would like to discuss any of the 
responses further, I can be reached at (410) 345-2014 or via email at
Neil Kotras 
Investment Treasury 
cc: Joe Carrier 
      Forrest Foss 
      Cathy Mathews