-----BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE----- Proc-Type: 2001,MIC-CLEAR Originator-Name: webmaster@www.sec.gov Originator-Key-Asymmetric: MFgwCgYEVQgBAQICAf8DSgAwRwJAW2sNKK9AVtBzYZmr6aGjlWyK3XmZv3dTINen TWSM7vrzLADbmYQaionwg5sDW3P6oaM5D3tdezXMm7z1T+B+twIDAQAB MIC-Info: RSA-MD5,RSA, S4E2g9K9YuBR4zg2XcaLFJWcDEds9kT8LHRbf622peIE4KUTUrzcUdwD0TaQLWUx IpffvdbaU/MXoLdG9+D8Bw== <SEC-DOCUMENT>0001181431-02-002056.txt : 20021119 <SEC-HEADER>0001181431-02-002056.hdr.sgml : 20021119 <ACCEPTANCE-DATETIME>20021118203211 ACCESSION NUMBER: 0001181431-02-002056 CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE: 4 PUBLIC DOCUMENT COUNT: 1 CONFORMED PERIOD OF REPORT: 20021115 FILED AS OF DATE: 20021119 SUBJECT COMPANY: COMPANY DATA: COMPANY CONFORMED NAME: TARANTELLA INC CENTRAL INDEX KEY: 0000851560 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION: SERVICES-PREPACKAGED SOFTWARE [7372] IRS NUMBER: 942549086 STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA FISCAL YEAR END: 0930 FILING VALUES: FORM TYPE: 4 SEC ACT: 1934 Act SEC FILE NUMBER: 000-21484 FILM NUMBER: 02832093 BUSINESS ADDRESS: STREET 1: 425 ENCINAL STREET STREET 2: PO BOX 1900 CITY: SANTA CRUZ STATE: CA ZIP: 95061 BUSINESS PHONE: 4084277172 MAIL ADDRESS: STREET 1: 425 ENCINAL STREET STREET 2: PO BOX 1900 CITY: SANTA CRUZ STATE: CA ZIP: 95061 FORMER COMPANY: FORMER CONFORMED NAME: SANTA CRUZ OPERATION INC DATE OF NAME CHANGE: 19940614 REPORTING-OWNER: COMPANY DATA: COMPANY CONFORMED NAME: LACHMAN RONALD CENTRAL INDEX KEY: 0001190225 RELATIONSHIP: DIRECTOR FILING VALUES: FORM TYPE: 4 BUSINESS ADDRESS: STREET 1: 425 ENCINAL ST CITY: SANTA CRUZ STATE: CA ZIP: 95060 BUSINESS PHONE: 8314277451 </SEC-HEADER> <DOCUMENT> <TYPE>4 <SEQUENCE>1 <FILENAME>rrd2021.htm <DESCRIPTION>FORM 4 <TEXT> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> SEC Form 4 <TABLE width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4> <TR> <TD width=254 valign=top> <div align=center><font size=4 face=arial,helvetica><b>FORM 4</b></font></div> <br><div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>[ ] Check this box if no longer<br>subject to Section 16. Form 4 or Form<br>5 obligations may continue.<br>See Instruction 1(b).</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=764 valign=middle align=center> <font face=arial,helvetica><b>UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION</b></font><br> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Washington, D.C. 20549</b></font><br><br> <font size=2 face=arial,helvetica><b>STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP</b></font><br><br> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Filed pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Section 17(a) of the Public Utility</font><br> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Holding Company Act of 1935 or Section 30(h) of the Investment Company Act of 1940</font><br> </TD> <TD width=254 valign=top> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>OMB APPROVAL</font></div> <br><div align=center><hr width=98%></div><br> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>OMB Number: 3235-0287</font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Expires: January 31, 2005<br>Estimated average burden<br>hours per response. . . . . 0.5</font></div> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4> <TR> <TD width=446 valign=top> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>1. Name and Address of Reporting Person<sup>*</sup></font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Lachman, Ronald</b></font></div> <div align=center><hr width=98%></div> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>(Last) (First) (Middle)</font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>425 Encinal Street</b></font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b></b></font></div> <div align=center><hr width=98%></div> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>(Street)</font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Santa Cruz, CA 95060</b></font></div> <div align=center><hr width=98%></div> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>(City) (State) (Zip)</font></div> <br> </TD> <TD width=254 valign=top> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>2. Issuer Name<BR> and Ticker or Trading Symbol</font></div><br> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Tarantella, Inc.<BR>TTLA</b></font></div> <div align=center><hr width=98%></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>3. I.R.S. Identification<br> Number of Reporting<br> Person, if an entity<br> (voluntary)</font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b></b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=190 valign=top> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>4. Statement for<br> Month/Day/Year</font></div><br> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>11/15/02</b></font></div> <br><div align=center><hr width=98%></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>5. If Amendment,<BR> Date of Original<br> (Month/Day/Year)</font></div><br> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b></b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=382 valign=top> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>6. Relationship of Reporting Person(s) to Issuer</font></div> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>(Check all applicable)</font></div><br> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><u>X</u> Director <u> </u> 10% Owner</font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><u> </u> Officer (give title below) <u> </u> Other (specify below)</font></div> <br> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Description <b><u>Director</u></b></font></div> <div align=center><hr width=98%></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>7. Individual or Joint/Group<br> Filing (Check Applicable Line)</font></div> <br><div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><u>X</u> Form filed by One Reporting Person</font></div> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><u> </u> Form filed by More than One Reporting Person</font></div> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <TABLE width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4> <TR> <TD width=100% valign=top colspan=16> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Table I - Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned</b></font></div> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width=280 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>1. Title of Security<br> (Instr. 3)</font></div><br> </TD> <TD width=64 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>2.Transaction<BR>Date<br>(Month/Day/Year)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=64 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>2A. Deemed Execution Date, if any<br>(Month/Day/Year)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=100 valign=top colspan=2> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>3. Transaction<br> Code<br> (Instr. 8)</font> </TD> <TD width=320 valign=top colspan=3> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>4. Securities Acquired (A) or Disposed Of (D)<br> (Instr. 3, 4, and 5)</font> </TD> <TD width=140 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>5. Amount of<br> Securities<br> Beneficially<br> Owned Following<br> Reported Transaction(s)<br><br> (Instr. 3 and 4)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=114 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>6. Owner-<br> ship<br> Form:<br> Direct (D)<br> or<br> Indirect (I)<br><br> (Instr. 4)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=190 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>7. Nature of<br> Indirect<br> Beneficial<br> Ownership<br><br> (Instr. 4)</font></div> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Code</font></div> </TD> <TD> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>V</font></div> </TD> <TD> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Amount</font></div> </TD> <TD> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>A/D</font></div> </TD> <TD> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Price</font></div> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4> <TR> <TD width=100% valign=top colspan=16> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Table II - Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned</b></font></div> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>(e.g., puts, calls, warrants, options, convertible securities)</b></font></div> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width=102 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>1. Title of Derivative Security<br> (Instr. 3)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=76 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>2. Conver-<br> sion or<br> Exercise<br> Price of<br> Deri-<br> vative<br> Security</font></div> </TD> <TD width=76 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>3. Transaction Date<br><br>(Month/<BR>Day/<BR>Year)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=76 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>3A. Deemed Execution Date, if any <br><br>(Month/<BR>Day/<BR>Year)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=78 valign=top colspan=2> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>4. Transaction Code</font><br> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica> (Instr.8)</font> </TD> <TD width=160 valign=top colspan=2> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>5. Number of Derivative<br> Securities Acquired (A)<br> or Disposed Of (D)<br><br> (Instr. 3, 4 and 5) </TD> <TD width=162 valign=top colspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>6. Date Exercisable(DE) and<br> Expiration Date(ED)<br> (Month/Day/Year)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=186 valign=top colspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>7. Title and Amount of<br> Underlying Securities<br> (Instr. 3 and 4)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=76 valign=top rowspan=2> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>8. Price<br> of<br> Derivative<br> Security<br> (Instr.5)</font></div> </TD> <TD width=102 valign=top rowspan=2> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>9. Number of<br> Derivative<br> Securities<br> Beneficially<br> Owned<br> Following<br> Reported<br> Transaction(s)<br> (Instr.4)</font> </TD> <TD width=50 valign=top rowspan=2> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>10. Owner-<br>ship<br>Form of<br>Deriv-<br>ative<br>Securities:<BR>Direct (D)<br>or<BR>Indirect (I)<br><BR>(Instr.4)</font> </TD> <TD width=128 valign=top rowspan=2> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>11. Nature of<br> Indirect<br> Beneficial<br> Ownership<br> (Instr.4)</font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Code</font></div> </TD> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>V</font></div> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>A</font></div> </TD> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>D</font> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>DE</font></div> </TD> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>ED</font></div> </TD> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Title</font></div> </TD> <TD valign=bottom> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Amount or Number of Shares</font></div> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width=102 align=left> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Non-Qualified Stock Option (right to buy)</b></font> </TD> <TD width=76 align=left> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>$0.18</b></font> </TD> <TD width=76 align=center> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>11/15/02</b></font> </TD> <TD width=76 align=center> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>11/15/02</b></font> </TD> <TD width=100 align=center> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>A</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=100 align=center> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b><b>V</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=160 align=center> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>75,000</b></font> </TD> <TD width=160 align=center> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b> </b></font> </TD> <TD width=170 align=center> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>(1)</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=170 align=center> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>11/15/12</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=186 align=center> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>Common Stock</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=186 align=center> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>75,000</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=76 align=left> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b></b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=102 align=center> <div><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>75,000</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=50 align=center> <div align=center><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b>D</b></font></div> </TD> <TD width=128 align=left> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b></b></font> </TD> </TR> <BR> </TABLE> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><B>Explanation of Responses:</B> </font><br> <TABLE width=100% border=0> <TR> <TD width=100% align=right><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b> </b></font><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4> <TR> <TD width=1272> <div><font size=2 face=arial,helvetica>(1) 1/4 of the shares subject to the option shall vest every three (3) months from Vesting Commencement Date.</font></div> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE width=100% border=0> <TR> <TD width=40% valign=top> <font size=2 face=arial,helvetica><b>By: </b><br><U>/s/ Steven M. Sabbath on behalf of Ronald Lachman</U> <u>11/18/02</U> <br>** Signature of Reporting Person Date </font><br><br><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><b></b></font><br><br> <div align=right><font size=1 face=arial,helvetica><br>SEC 1474 (8-02)</font></div> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width=60% valign=top> <font size=1 face=arial,helvetica>Reminder: Report on a separate line for each class of securities beneficially owned directly or indirectly.<BR><BR> * If the form is filed by more than one reporting person, see Instruction 4(b)(v).<BR> ** Intentional misstatements or omissions of facts constitute Federal Criminal Violations See 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 15 U.S.C. 78ff(a).<BR> Note: File three copies of this Form, one of which must be manually signed. If space is insufficient, see Instruction 6 for procedure. <BR> Potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not<BR> required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB Number. </font> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> </TEXT> </DOCUMENT> </SEC-DOCUMENT> -----END PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE-----