EX-3.988 349 p16855a2exv3w988.htm EX-3.988 exv3w988
Exhibit 3.988
294 Hobbs & Warren, Inc. 1965
Secretary of the Commonwealth
(Under G. L. Ch. 156B)
(including given name in full)
[ILLEGIBLE] Richard M. Vining
  66 Gaston Street
Josephine V. Vining
  Medford, Massachusetts
David T. Vining
Michael P. Vining
[ILLEGIBLE] associate ourselves as incorporators with the intention of forming a corporation under the provisions of [ILLEGIBLE], Chapter 156B.
The name by which the corporation shall be known is:
Vining Disposal Service, Inc.
The purposes for which the corporation is formed are as follows:
[ILLEGIBLE] engage and carry on the business of collecting and disposing of waste [ILLEGIBLE]roducts and refuse of all kinds and description: and in connection herewith to engage in any and all activities in furtherance of and relating [ILLEGIBLE] the said disposal business.
[ILLEGIBLE] buy, hire, own and operate any and all equipment, machinery, tools and [ILLEGIBLE]ppliances which may be necessary or incidental in the conduct of the waste disposal business and generally to own, hold and use any and all articles and materials and to engage in all activity incidental and/or useful in the conduct of said business.
[ILLEGIBLE] purchase, hold, sell, mortgage, lease and convey all and any kind of property, [ILLEGIBLE] personal property or real property, insofar as may be necessary or expedient in the conduct of the business of the corporation.
[ILLEGIBLE] carry on in connection with the foregoing any other business or activity advantagious to the business of the corporation: and in general, to do every act and thing and carry on every other business whatsoever convenient or proper for the carrying on of the business of the corporation.
If provisions for which the space provided under Articles 2, 4, 5 and 6 is not sufficient additions should out on continuation sheets to be numbered 2A, 2B, etc. Indicate under each Article where the provision is Continuation sheets shall be on 81/2” x11” paper and must have a left-hand margin 1 inch wide for binding. One side should be used.



3.   The total number of shares and the par value, if any, of each class of stock which the corporation is [ILLEGIBLE] to issue is as follows:
*4.   If more than one class is authorized, a description of each of the different classes of stock with, if any preferences, voting powers, qualifications, special or relative rights or privileges as to each class thereof and series now established:
*5.   The restrictions, if any, imposed by the Articles of Organization upon the transfer of shares of stock of [ILLEGIBLE] are as follows: As referenced on the stock certificates
*6.   Other lawful provisions, if any, for the conduct and regulation of the business and affairs of the corporat[ILLEGIBLE] its voluntary dissolution, or for limiting, defining, or regulating the powers of the corporation, or of its or stockholders, or of any class of stockholders:
*   If there are no provisions state “None.”



The first meeting of the incorporators was duly held on the first   day of   December     , 73 [ILLEGIBLE] by laws of the corporation were duly adopted and at which the initial directors, president, [ILLEGIBLE] and clerk, whose names are set out below, were duly elected.
     [ILLEGIBLE] following information shall not for any purpose be treated as a permanent part of the Articles of Organization of the Corporation.
a.   The post office address of the initial principal office of the corporation in Massachusetts is:
66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
b.   The name residence, and post office address of each of the initial directors and following officers of the corporation elected at the first meeting are as follows:
President. Richard M. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
[ILLEGIBLE] President Michael P. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
Treasurer: Josephine V. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
Assistant Treasurer: David T. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
Clerk: Josephine V. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
  Richard M. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
  Michael P. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
  Josephine V. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
  David T. Vining   66 Gaston Street, Medford, Massachusetts
c.   The date initially adopted on which the corporation’s fiscal year ends is: March 31,
d.   The date initially fixed in the by-laws for the annual meeting of stockholders of the corporation is:
    first Tuesday in September
e.   The name and business address of the registered agent, if any, of the corporation are: None
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and under the penalties of perjury, we, the above-named INCORPORATORS, hereto sign our names, this first day of December 1973.
  /s/ Richard M. Vining    
  /s/ Josephine V. Vining    
  /s/ Michael P. Vining    
  /s/ David T. Vining    



~-de:ui. n; rnncv /.v FTrpEnNxn EN’nric.vrrcN NQ. C **<** . N-0. T-l-"-; — X- Che QCjinuioniijsculili uc EEi3«5c bust its TlUIr i rr ncii O ivtn Sccrr:”’ of ihc Cdinmon’wcsith One Aahbuiicn Piacrr. Sostcn. MissachuserU 021 uS-1512 f r I A i ATvTZCLZS OF XQS5C3BKSI3OT/ \MS3GE3 ~ (General L-ws, Chapter 1563, Setnion TS) f} 0$ CJM5CiatCMaa:/’r.crscro: / Virung Disposal Servica, tnc.* / XT) i • • < ar a<r ‘jjg’L_*:ion Cr.e , “C . / • ilia* #C C2r.iCirJC“C CCrponticrJ. ;n:C ; Vinir.g Disposal S-srvica, Inc. ‘ :~Tt nCC KW. “/r.-j ;:’’.he ;or.ii:rucr.t :=r,. ..o.-.s. Tl’.e ur.dsn;syied j “:cirs of =ch of ±s corjrimcr.: corpor=::cns c=r: ;,’ ur.dcr ±c per.aJt:es of perjury.’ is foilc s: L. .\n usrcc.-r.cr.t of VjarswiHJsKjri/ *.t.c— =r has bcrJr. duly utioctcd -Jl corSpihr.CS v.i’J: ±C rtruircr cr/J Qt GcncnU Lu’vj. Copter’. 5-oE. ;s ::cr. To, .T.U ‘.’,-Q be ‘;cc: Ji pr vic U ;y iuhscsion ‘.i . :hs 5;. riic i LuSjj, ‘sumvag ccrpor tion will r.;rr;i3h a copv of ;a;t 5rr: :~cr;r :o my of its i’tGCi-hgitlcrs. or :o -ir.y r;cr»cr -who ‘is i stcclc-’uclcisr of iny ccnit:rjcr.( corporsticc. upon rittc.-. request :cl - -ithcut chars=. 2. Tit: effective elite of the asoiiffisf: / ‘mcrscr tlctcrr.inc’J pura:zr.i to :hc agr rr-.sr.: ot’. v c5H34wi£i2iS/ ‘merger sns’.l be :hc dsic upprovcd and filed by -fie icryct r.- of :hc Cot — onweiltli. lr s         .’; /< .- erfce:ive date -s dcsirc-J, specify such dace -which shr.l r.oc be n-.orc th=n .Vji>.7 ;vr ‘iftcr :hc d;;e of rliir. : 5. (For a me-£tr* “Tlie foliov/ir.q; .rr.er.drr.;r.;s :o the Articles of Crj-nirsticn of ;hc j::.-LT’:-;.-:g ccr cr:::— hive beer. c::“cetct pursuant to the agreement of r.er;er. Yining Disposal Service, Inc. amends its Articles c£ Organisation to ceac as follows: The purpose of this corporation is to enaage in non-hazardous waste Banag< tn=>nt as well as any lawful act or activity for which a corporation iray be crgani7.ec under the .Massachusetts Business Corporation Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the purpose of this corporation is to encage in any lawful act or activity for which a corporation may be organized under tho Massachusetts Business Corporation I aw. ‘Delete tlic inaM.icutila :rr.rtl. • • ”.- • w.- ir- -at ;ififi\ium .:j:c ‘Vunc’ v/if,.; (f n,,. • n-io- ;-r irn -ii iimiar “>tv .<rrfc;.’ ->f n«m >>n :t,ri /rii-« it iitsut/Sctgnt. .iiijitmn.t >it,ii ,,f ,,-r • :r:t , ,,,, vcnurntc “ , — .t t r i/i»«-fT v • tiirtff ;>-itlt         .1 .’ • • ;’ • w«r-;“t -if .«’ .’.’ii.vt / mc;>. ,lit.lltlnni n miff ilt.in rtr. .imr.v — .iv « • • -f.i,«> ,\tt .1 jini. c • /’ • *« • i» ‘pwra <t ‘-(K’. 1 ’ rf“n\ ‘ rrntt. -ttii’ .mjt”; ji r i’fj /r :.i r;>rjrfi’ in/«icMfcii.



• ’For a cooioticlauont U) ~ie purnoje of the .-rju/rtnr corporation ts to cnc= c :a iac renowns; Suaimrj =cnvu«r:: ‘ SSS;Sr B Cr “’ “* “ *"* * “ ° f »** U rtc ***** C’rpor or. to WnHOUT PAR VALUE j wiTd P.\R YAIG5 T g j NUMBER OP SHAMS TY75 [ lW:,tSE5 OF SHAHE5 “ ~] PAR VALUE Camjr.cn: Common: | ‘ j “~ <c> I/ more than one class of stdck is authorised, sare a dtainguishing designatiaa for cch class sad Drcvid- a d«e-intion USS “ 1 V ° rin " OWerS - < £tod8M - “ d S P« i=J — ar - «*« P**8« oSSS“S * "(d) Ti:c restrictions, if any, on the r=rjfcr of 5:cc -: contained in the 2src:.T.cr.t cf cori’iiL zticn =rc:         , : I -<c) Other taw*ui provisions, if mv. for the cor.d-jc: nd resulation cf the business ml aff=irs of the corpo—en for =rs vo iU nu:r fe 0 ; K ian, or for Btniting. defining cr rc -J:=::n u:; po r of ;hc c=rr C r:;:on, or nf • • • < tfr cc - rn j :r u.;,, r or of any cUs of stockholders:



4.Tac nswn««a iaIi««bjwfafsrea fpnrf ‘=»—*. ,,,...-» corpcrsnon. - CD Tbc «= sddaas of cte -kbhsies / ‘jumvun; cst c=S£a is Xssaesssea ik (pott c&cs imsrr wr t«m *«**»ett*} CT Corporation System, 2 Oliver St., Boston, MA 02109 Cb) t>"—~ -"—* • ’" • »’ aitess, ==d pt»i J==±2as= CS5ssi:c:rs=3rssdcgfesreftte ‘reuses/ *rjtfvT ceroottM« • * HAME KES20EamAL-U3DH2SS POST OIrIC2ADD2ESS Pr=ide:= Robert Deak 2 Overlook Way, Setauket, RY 11733 Trcraurer G ___ 7homas Roc j,ford, Jr. 9550 S. Thunderbird #267, Scottsdale A2 55260 (-T..-JJ. G. Thomas Rcchford, Jr. DirKzon: G> Thomas Roc hford r Jr. (c) THe fijol yesr CLe. tar yea) of the ‘resulting / ‘su/wing ctsi oniioa shall dd on the list day of the isonth oft (d) Tfca iKnSISo m&afHa address of die resides: ageat, if any. of Ac Verities / ‘sur/iviog corpcr=icn is CT Corporation System, 2 Oliver St., Boston, MA 02109 Tec m«i«ta3cd.ofEcs3 cf the arr«=l coasiwes: carpcrsioaj Used sfccvs Sa ±e su-.c usder ic penalties of pcj r ss » fjicil1 respecave cotto=ttdai thai :he agrc=3=ii of -csniofijtoion / “nurscr has be=a daly ercoiBrf ca bebslf of such corporation sad di’j>- 3ppfcvrf)by is stoddicWirs of such ccrponcoo :a fte =ax:er r==aired by Goes Laws, Chapter 1563, Sec Ofl 78. / v i L-, if V,|/ . , -Prcsidcst AfificcarTirfiry Robert ( . . / I ) X” f .VX- — - . (£r-c-nfr -rz{ f /- *c:=r c/ “JTrtrCT / G, Thomas Rochford, Jr. n //y*~\___‘ “ ‘(Xante of arjtlZunrccrporoXcn} w ‘jjgX * rciic;c=t / -V«SWM«»JflK Robert Deak r —. ; « I (/ V-/ \ » f /< U I _s/ f ‘ ‘ f/-\J -Y“r i \ , -I *— c .
“71 ‘ /.. ‘Ccr.’c.’ ‘.’cairiKXlCEK G. Thomas Rocntorri, ,Tr - • Alllc’i Acnuisit’iGr. Ono r Inc. 0. <* _,, , . — • .. ___ • • • • 1 • f.V<j,*»tf o/connrriienr Tpsm-Tor 1 ‘C<uttC » ittODSULZSt* ‘J,T)rCl



niHCOM.MONV/lL-’J.TriOFMASSACifUSETTS . v ; • ’ • • • .- i rv’** 1 f~~ TTT 1 T™ • **"****K<Or\ **7V/*»F*WW / »*<f fT *” r-— - \ii i iL.j.iOi iJi- .iivuM223jL.-iE£iI-i ii-4 / .fiiiitCji;: ., “r~ _:; ‘ • • ;,o. — - • r i___d — j t, i i g (G nemi Laws. Chapter ISoU, Sceiiort 73) I iicichy sppto\ p c the 7.-idiLi Artic as of • Jj.SJOBiBiiH, 1 . 1 / “Merger and, the filing fee in the amouni of S *T - 1 . C , having been paid. said snides src decncd to have been filed -with me this _J ~ D ri, yn p f=s fiji/A£\/ 193L$L. Effective fiax: ___. /i gfr&~3 &*b \vniJAM FR.-VNCIS GA1VES’ Secretary of the arnmonwcaith p— « «_ ATRUECOPYATlisT” ; &* *i*Mtt WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN £ECfi£IA£Y OF friE COMMONWEAUH Dffi kn TO BE FILLED IN BY COKPOR.\TION Photocopy of docurne-t to be sent tot ar.-.T-n w.asr” tNp-ST T” 5 - TNC - i ap.o m. r.r 0 n’i- - - nv / H vd r. Leon,. S-olte 100 . j- n.il .         .-i-or.-i P n At*:n: Socr-qtarv Tr cphi-n<:. <1 ~ — .1 “* “ — ’ lie ._