Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-05742


Name of Fund:   BlackRock Funds
       BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund
       BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Fund Address:   100 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19809

Name and address of agent for service: John M. Perlowski, Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock Funds, 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 441-7762

Date of fiscal year end: 04/30/2022

Date of reporting period: 04/30/2022

Item 1 – Report to Stockholders


  (a)   The Report to Shareholders is attached herewith.



  APRIL 30, 2022



2022 Annual Report



BlackRock FundsSM


BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund






    Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • No Bank Guarantee     


The Markets in Review

Dear Shareholder,

The 12-month reporting period as of April 30, 2022 saw the emergence of significant challenges that disrupted the economic recovery and strong financial markets which characterized 2021. The U.S. economy shrank in the first quarter of 2022, ending the run of robust growth which followed reopening and the development of the COVID-19 vaccines. Rapid changes in consumer spending led to supply constraints and elevated inflation, which reached a 40-year high. Moreover, while the foremost effect of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been a severe humanitarian crisis, the invasion has presented challenges for both investors and policymakers.

Equity prices were mixed but mostly down, as persistently high inflation drove investors’ expectations for higher interest rates, particularly weighing on relatively high valuation growth stocks and economically sensitive small-capitalization stocks. Overall, small-capitalization U.S. stocks declined, while large-capitalization U.S. stocks were nearly flat. Both emerging market stocks and international equities from developed markets fell significantly, pressured by rising interest rates and a strengthening U.S. dollar.

The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield (which is inversely related to bond prices) rose during the reporting period as increasing inflation drove investors’ expectations for higher interest rates. The corporate bond market also faced inflationary headwinds, and increasing uncertainty led to higher corporate bond spreads (the difference in yield between U.S. Treasuries and similarly-dated corporate bonds).

The U.S. Federal Reserve (the “Fed”), acknowledging that inflation is growing faster than expected, raised interest rates in March 2022, the first increase of this business cycle. Furthermore, the Fed wound down its bond-buying programs and raised the prospect of reversing the flow and reducing its balance sheet. Continued high inflation and the Fed’s new tone led many analysts to anticipate that the Fed will continue to raise interest rates multiple times throughout the year.

Looking ahead, however, the horrific war in Ukraine has significantly clouded the outlook for the global economy, leading to major volatility in energy and metal markets. Sanctions on Russia, Europe’s top energy supplier, and general wartime disruption are likely to drive already-high commodity prices even higher. We believe sharp increases in energy prices will exacerbate inflationary pressure while also constraining economic growth. Combating inflation without stifling a recovery, while buffering against ongoing supply and price shocks amid the ebb and flow of the pandemic, will be an especially challenging environment for setting effective monetary policy. Despite the likelihood of more rate increases on the horizon, we believe the Fed will err on the side of protecting employment, even at the expense of higher inflation.

In this environment, we favor an overweight to equities, as valuations have become more attractive and inflation-adjusted interest rates remain low. Sectors that are better poised to manage the transition to a lower-carbon world, such as technology and healthcare, are particularly attractive in the long term. We favor U.S. equities due to strong earnings momentum, while Japanese equities should benefit from supportive monetary and fiscal policy. We are underweight credit overall, but inflation-protected U.S. Treasuries, Asian fixed income, and emerging market local-currency bonds offer potential opportunities for additional yield. We believe that international diversification and a focus on sustainability and quality can help provide portfolio resilience.

Overall, our view is that investors need to think globally, extend their scope across a broad array of asset classes, and be nimble as market conditions change. We encourage you to talk with your financial advisor and visit blackrock.com for further insight about investing in today’s markets.



Rob Kapito

President, BlackRock Advisors, LLC


Rob Kapito

President, BlackRock Advisors, LLC


Total Returns as of April 30, 2022
      6-Month     12-Month 

U.S. large cap equities
(S&P 500® Index)

   (9.65)%     0.21%

U.S. small cap equities
(Russell 2000® Index)

  (18.38)       (16.87)    

International equities
(MSCI Europe, Australasia,
Far East Index)

  (11.80)       (8.15)  

Emerging market equities
(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)

  (14.15)       (18.33)    

3-month Treasury bills
(ICE BofA 3-Month
U.S. Treasury Bill Index)

  0.07    0.08  

U.S. Treasury securities
(ICE BofA 10-Year
U.S. Treasury Index)

  (10.29)      (8.86)  

U.S. investment grade bonds
(Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate
Bond Index)

  (9.47)     (8.51)  

Tax-exempt municipal bonds
(Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index)

  (7.90)     (7.88)  

U.S. high yield bonds
(Bloomberg U.S. Corporate
High Yield 2%
Issuer Capped Index)

  (7.40)     (5.22)  

Past performance is not an indication of future results. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only. You cannot invest directly in an index.





T H I S   P A G E   I S   N O T   P A R T   O F   Y O U R   F U N D   R E P O R T

Table of Contents




The Markets in Review


Annual Report:


Fund Summary


About Fund Performance


Disclosure of Expenses


Derivative Financial Instruments


Financial Statements:


Schedules of Investments


Statements of Assets and Liabilities


Statements of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Important Tax Information


Statement Regarding Liquidity Risk Management Program


Trustee and Officer Information


Additional Information


Glossary of Terms Used in this Report









Fund Summary     as of April 30, 2022     BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund


Investment Objective

BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund’s (the “Fund”) investment objective is to seek long-term capital appreciation.

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?

During the 12-month period ended April 30, 2022, the Fund underperformed its benchmark, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.

What factors influenced performance?

Overall, the Fund struggled against a highly changeable macroeconomic and market backdrop. Emerging market (“EM”) equities faced macroeconomic and policy concerns in China in the summer of 2021, and electricity shortages, a potential debt default from Chinese real estate developer Evergrande, and ongoing regulatory uncertainty kept EM markets under pressure. The period also saw considerable volatility across market style preferences. Early in the period, investors preferred value styles, continuing the strong reflationary market tone from earlier in 2021. However, a surprisingly hawkish pivot from the Fed in June 2021 prompted a market rotation back toward secular growth positions. This pro-growth theme persisted until another sharp market rotation in September 2021, with a more hawkish Fed prompting investors to move back toward value stocks. The simultaneous sharp rise in commodities prices caused further inflationary pressure. Ultimately, this rotation proved short-lived, as the market returned to a pro-growth stance in October 2021. EM equities ultimately ended 2021 with negative returns amid the spread of the COVID-19 omicron variant. Despite positive performance from commodities that benefited many EM economies, flaring United States-China relations on issues including short-supply computer chips dragged on equities. Value and momentum styles continued to outperform growth. In early 2022, EM equities added to losses amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian assets were ultimately priced at a fair value of zero and removed from the MSCI Index. Additionally, heightened geopolitical tensions and sanctions caused commodity prices to spike, led by energy and with grains, precious metals, and ultimately the entire asset class following suit. This commodity spike spurred further inflationary concerns. Egypt declined the most during this part of the period amid increased costs as a major wheat importer. China also lagged as COVID-19 case counts spiked and the government imposed new lockdowns

The divergence of commodity importers versus exporters drove performance, with Latin American markets benefiting. For the period, energy and utilities were the only sectors positively contributing to returns of the MSCI EM Index, whereas information technology (“IT”), financials, and materials led losses. From a country perspective, India, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates pushed the index higher, whereas China, Korea, Taiwan, and South Africa drove losses.

Macro thematic positioning proved to be the most substantial detractor from relative performance. The Fund was underweight to Indian stocks due to country-specific valuations and trends, but strong performance in the oil and gas industry within energy and the renewable electricity industry within utilities detracted from performance. Additionally, an underweight to Saudi Arabian equities weighed on return, as did an overweight position in Taiwanese semiconductor stocks, which detracted as sustained regulatory pressure on the sector caused weakening sentiment. Lastly, the Fund was overweight in Chinese equities, which detracted amid policy concerns, tense international relations, and a poor response to the COVID-19 pandemic within the country.

Stock selection also hurt performance as China-specific insights struggled in a difficult environment amid macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns. Specifically, measures that evaluate hiring trends drove losses in the period, as the pro-growth quality positioning struggled amid eroding economic expectations. Similarly, the Fund’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) related measures, which lean in a pro-growth direction, declined. Environmental measures especially struggled, given their negative sensitivity to the sharp run-up in commodities prices.

Conversely, select sentiment and fundamental measures proved to be key contributors to performance, providing some portfolio ballast. Specifically, insights designed to gauge sentiment from company CFOs was a top contributor, as it helped motivate a favorable overweight to the household durables and tobacco industries. An insight that captured sentiment with faster moving alternative data measures that evaluate credit card trends helped to correctly capture positive corporate earnings. Elsewhere, certain fundamental measures also added to performance. In particular, traditional value metrics that evaluate company earnings and cash flows performed well in the context of the value style preference seen at various times during the period. Other fundamental insights evaluating managerial quality also benefited, particularly in the beverage industry.

The Fund’s cash balance at period-end was 5.7%. The cash balance did not materially affect relative performance during the period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

Over the course of the period, the portfolio maintained a balanced allocation of risk across all major return drivers. There were, however, several new signals added within the stock selection model. The Fund built upon its alternative data capabilities with enhanced signal constructs to identify emerging trends such as sentiment around supply chain disruptions, wage inflation, consumer behavior changes, and business sensitivity to the invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, new macro-thematic insights were added that use historical observations of recession-inflation and monetary policy normalization to motivate top-down positioning.

Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

Relative to the benchmark, the Fund ended the period with largely neutral positioning from a sector and country positioning perspective. The Fund had slight overweight positions in the IT and utilities sectors, and maintained slight underweights in consumer staples and communication services stocks. From a geographical perspective, the Fund had slight overweights to Thailand and maintained a slight underweight position to Saudi Arabia.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Fund Summary     as of April 30, 2022 (continued)    BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund







Assuming maximum sales charges, if any, transaction costs and other operating expenses, including investment advisory fees. Institutional Shares do not have a sales charge.


Under normal circumstances, the Fund seeks to invest at least 80% of its net assets plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes in equity securities issued by, or tied economically to, companies in emerging markets and derivatives that have similar economic characteristics to such securities. The Fund’s total returns prior to June 12, 2017 are the returns of the Fund when it followed different investment strategies under the name BlackRock Emerging Markets Long/Short Equity Fund.


An index that captures large- and mid-cap representation across Emerging Markets countries. The index covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country.




     Average Annual Total Returns(a)(b)  
     1 Year     5 Years     10 Years  


     (22.62 )%      N/A       1.50     N/A       0.37     N/A  

Investor A

     (22.83     (26.88 )%      1.23       0.14     0.11       (0.43 )% 

Investor C

     (23.40     (24.16     0.47       0.47       (0.49     (0.49

Class K

     (22.59     N/A       1.54       N/A       0.39       N/A  

MSCI Emerging Markets Index

     (18.33     N/A       4.32       N/A       2.89       N/A  



Assuming maximum sales charges, if any. Average annual total returns with and without sales charges reflect reductions for distribution and service fees. See “About Fund Performance” for a detailed description of share classes, including any related sales charges and fees, and how performance was calculated for certain share classes.


Under normal circumstances, the Fund seeks to invest at least 80% of its net assets plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes in equity securities issued by, or tied economically to, companies in emerging markets and derivatives that have similar economic characteristics to such securities. The Fund’s total returns prior to June 12, 2017 are the returns of the Fund when it followed different investment strategies under the name BlackRock Emerging Markets Long/Short Equity Fund.


N/A — Not applicable as the share class and index do not have a sales charge.

Past performance is not an indication of future results.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Expense Example


    Actual         Hypothetical 5% Return           







Account Value

Account Value

Paid During
the Period

Account Value

Account Value

Paid During
the Period



    $        1,000.00        $        839.90        $         3.88         $      1,000.00        $      1,020.58        $          4.26          0.85

Investor A

    1,000.00        838.50        5.24         1,000.00        1,019.09        5.76          1.15  

Investor C

    1,000.00        835.70        8.65         1,000.00        1,015.37        9.49          1.90  

Class K

    1,000.00        840.10        3.70           1,000.00        1,020.78        4.06          0.81  



For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period shown).


See “Disclosure of Expenses” for further information on how expenses were calculated.



F U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary   as of April 30, 2022 (continued)    BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund


Portfolio Information




Country/Geographic Region   Percent of
Net Assets







South Korea


South Africa


United States


Saudi Arabia












United Arab Emirates




Hong Kong






Other Assets Less Liabilities




Rounds to less than 1% of net assets.


Includes holdings within countries/geographic regions that are less than 1% of net assets. Please refer to the Schedule of Investments for such countries/geographic regions.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Fund Summary   as of April 30, 2022    BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Investment Objective

BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund’s (the “Fund”) investment objective is to seek total return over the long term.

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?

For the 12-month period ended April 30, 2022, the Fund underperformed its benchmark, the ICE BofA 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index.

What factors influenced performance?

Overall, the Fund struggled against a highly changeable macroeconomic and market backdrop. Markets went through multiple rotations in the first half of the period, as leadership shifted between valuation and secular growth preferences for much of 2021. However, value styles became the dominant market driver in early 2022 amid inflationary pressures and expected monetary policy normalization. The relatively orderly market reaction to 40-year highs in inflation turned disorderly with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which brought a fresh surge in commodity prices that further weighed on global markets and already-stretched supply chains. Adding to the economic challenges, China’s zero-COVID policy resulted in rolling lockdowns which adversely affected industrial production. Simultaneously, bond yields surged as central bankers began raising rates across the globe. Investors began to price in prospects for stagflation amid concerns that monetary policy error would stifle growth.

Unsurprisingly given the numerous macroeconomic events investors contended with, fundamental insights led declines for the period. This was highlighted by losses across growth-oriented quality insights, with notable weakness across Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) measures. Having provided differentiated returns for the past few years, these measures proved overly sensitive to rising commodities prices, with environmental transition measures struggling. This included losses across insights that capture carbon intensity as a measure of operational efficiency, as well as more forward-looking insights such as looking at “green” patent filings. Additionally, an insight that identifies investor flows into preferred ESG positions declined, as it failed to capture the market shift toward energy producers and defense companies.

Fundamental valuation measures were inconsistent. This was highlighted by weakness across European value stocks in 2022. Insights that specifically identified market laggards over the past few years motivated long positions across European banks, yet despite correct positioning for rising rates and inflation, these positions experienced a strong reversal in March 2022 as sentiment toward the region declined sharply because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Similar value insights performed well in other regions, such as the United States, but not to a sufficient extent to offset weakness in Europe.

Lastly among detractors, a slight net long position of approximately 9% over the past 12 months weighed slightly on relative performance, as broader equity markets declined during that period. Of note, this posture was reduced to close to market-neutral toward the end of the period.

Macro-thematic insights delivered mixed results from top-down positioning. Several recently added signals that seek to identify themes such as monetary policy normalization and recession-inflation were notably strong performers toward period-end. Collectively, these insights correctly motivated long positions across the materials and industrials sectors and short positions in information technology stocks. However, style timing preferences earlier in the period offset that positive performance. This was driven by a pro-value tilt during the summer of 2021 that ran against the market’s secular growth preference. Additionally, positioning proved overly conservative given supply chain challenges during the fall of 2021, which also detracted from performance.

Sentiment stock selection broadly contributed to relative performance. Trend-based measures performed well against the evolving market environment. Early in the period, higher frequency alternative data that capture company sensitivity to several economic reopening themes, such as vaccine rollouts, supply chain challenges, and consumer spending, performed well across biotechnology and retail companies in the United States. As the reopening theme quickly gave way to inflation concerns, sentiment measures correctly positioned the portfolio. Notably, insights that identify exposure to inflationary pressure through labor tightness and wage growth, as well as those using geospatial consumer transaction data to capture spending behavior changes, were additive.

The Fund was fully invested throughout the period. The Fund’s cash exposure had no material impact on performance, as cash was principally held in conjunction with the Fund taking long and short positions via the use of derivatives, such as total return swap contracts.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

Over the course of the period, the portfolio maintained a balanced allocation of risk across all major return drivers. There were, however, several new signals added within the stock selection group of insights. The Fund built upon its alternative data capabilities with enhanced signal constructs to identify emerging trends such as sentiment around supply chain disruptions, wage inflation, consumer behavior changes, and business sensitivity to the invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, new macro-thematic insights were added that use historical observations of stagflation and monetary policy normalization to motivate top-down positioning.

Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

Market-timing models continued to deteriorate, resulting in the Fund’s net market position moving closer to zero. Elsewhere, top-down signals reflected a combination of rising inflationary pressures, softening growth, and continued tightening of financial conditions. This motivated long positions in higher-quality growth names such as software and pharmaceutical stocks, alongside segments of the market that can either benefit or remain resilient to rising input costs. These include long positions across energy, precious metals, defense, and tobacco stocks.

The short side of the portfolio was dominated by richly valued growth names, with an increasingly negative stance toward consumer-facing stocks. The latter includes food producers with high exposure to rising input costs and retail stocks exposed to deteriorating consumption patterns.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.



F U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary   as of April 30, 2022 (continued)    BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund





The Fund commenced operations on December 20, 2012.


Assuming maximum sales charges, if any, transaction costs and other operating expenses, including investment advisory fees. Institutional Shares do not have a sales charge.


Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in equity instruments and related derivative instruments issued by, or tied economically to, companies located in developed markets.


An unmanaged index that measures returns of 3-month Treasury Bills. On 3/1/2021 the Fund began to track the 4pm pricing variant of the ICE BofA 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index (the “Index”). Historical index data prior to 3/1/2021 is for the 3pm pricing variant of the Index. Index data on and after 3/1/2021 is for the 4pm pricing variant of the Index.




              Average Annual Total Returns(a)  



              1 Year         5 Years         Since



































        (2.94 )%       N/A         2.04      N/A         2.82      N/A  

Investor A

        (3.23      (8.31 )%        1.76        0.67       2.55        1.96

Investor C

        (3.95      (4.89       1.00        1.00         1.90        1.90  

Class K

        (2.85      N/A         2.09        N/A         2.86        N/A  

ICE BofA 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index

                0.08        N/A           1.12        N/A           0.67        N/A  



Assuming maximum sales charges, if any. Average annual total returns with and without sales charges reflect reductions for distribution and service fees. See “About Fund Performance” for a detailed description of share classes, including any related sales charges and fees, and how performance was calculated for certain share classes.


The Fund commenced operations on December 20, 2012.


N/A — Not applicable as the share class and index do not have a sales charge.

Past performance is not an indication of future results.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Expense Example


    Actual         Hypothetical 5% Return           







Account Value

Account Value

Paid During
the Period

Account Value

Account Value

Paid During
the Period



    $       1,000.00        $       994.80        $         6.63         $       1,000.00        $       1,018.15        $         6.71          1.34

Investor A

    1,000.00        993.00        7.86         1,000.00        1,016.91        7.95          1.59  

Investor C

    1,000.00        988.80        11.54         1,000.00        1,013.19        11.68          2.34  

Class K

    1,000.00        994.80        6.38           1,000.00        1,018.40        6.46          1.29  



For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period shown).


See “Disclosure of Expenses” for further information on how expenses were calculated.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Fund Summary   as of April 30, 2022 (continued)    BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Portfolio Information


  Percent of   

Total Investments(a)

Country/Geographic Region   Long         Short         Total     

United States

  22%    22%    44%


  9       9       18   

United Kingdom

  3       3       6   


  3       2       5   


  2       2       4   


  2       1       3   


  2       1       3   


  1       1       2   


  1       1       2   


  1       1       2   


  4       7       11   
  50%    50%    100%









Total investments include the gross values of long and short equity securities of the underlying derivative contracts utilized by the Fund and exclude short-term securities.


Includes holdings within countries/geographic regions that are less than 1% of net assets. Please refer to the Schedule of Investments for such countries/geographic regions.



F U N D   S U M M A R Y


About Fund Performance


Institutional and Class K Shares are not subject to any sales charge. These shares bear no ongoing distribution or service fees and are available only to certain eligible investors. Class K Shares performance of BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund shown prior to the Class K Shares inception date of March 28, 2016 is that of Institutional Shares. Class K Shares performance of BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund shown prior to the Class K Shares inception date of January 25, 2018 is that of Institutional Shares. The performance of each Fund’s Class K Shares would be substantially similar to Institutional Shares because Class K Shares and Institutional Shares invest in the same portfolio of securities and performance would only differ to the extent that Class K Shares and Institutional Shares have different expenses. The actual returns of Class K Shares would have been higher than those of the Institutional Shares because Class K Shares have lower expenses than the Institutional Shares.

Investor A Shares are subject to a maximum initial sales charge (front-end load) of 5.25% and a service fee of 0.25% per year (but no distribution fee). Certain redemptions of these shares may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) where no initial sales charge was paid at the time of purchase. These shares are generally available through financial intermediaries.

Investor C Shares are subject to a 1.00% CDSC if redeemed within one year of purchase. In addition, these shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.75% per year and a service fee of 0.25% per year. These shares are generally available through financial intermediaries. These shares automatically convert to Investor A Shares after approximately eight years.

Past performance is not an indication of future results. Financial markets have experienced extreme volatility and trading in many instruments has been disrupted. These circumstances may continue for an extended period of time and may continue to affect adversely the value and liquidity of each Fund’s investments. As a result, current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Refer to blackrock.com to obtain performance data current to the most recent month-end. Performance results do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Figures shown in the performance table(s) assume reinvestment of all distributions, if any, at net asset value (“NAV”) on the ex-dividend date or payable date, as applicable. Investment return and principal value of shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Distributions paid to each class of shares will vary because of the different levels of service, distribution and transfer agency fees applicable to each class, which are deducted from the income available to be paid to shareholders.

BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”), each Fund’s investment adviser, has contractually and/or voluntarily agreed to waive and/or reimburse a portion of each Fund’s expenses. Without such waiver(s) and/or reimbursement(s), each Fund’s performance would have been lower. With respect to each Fund’s voluntary waiver(s), if any, the Manager is under no obligation to waive and/or reimburse or to continue waiving and/or reimbursing its fees and such voluntary waiver(s) may be reduced or discontinued at any time. With respect to each Fund’s contractual waiver(s), if any, the Manager is under no obligation to continue waiving and/or reimbursing its fees after the applicable termination date of such agreement. See the Notes to Financial Statements for additional information on waivers and/or reimbursements.

Disclosure of Expenses

Shareholders of each Fund may incur the following charges: (a) transactional expenses, such as sales charges; and (b) operating expenses, including investment advisory fees, administration fees, service and distribution fees, including 12b-1 fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, and other fund expenses. The expense examples shown (which are based on a hypothetical investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period (or from the commencement of operations if less than 6 months) and held through the end of the period) are intended to assist shareholders both in calculating expenses based on an investment in each Fund and in comparing these expenses with similar costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The expense examples provide information about actual account values and actual expenses. Annualized expense ratios reflect contractual and voluntary fee waivers, if any. In order to estimate the expenses a shareholder paid during the period covered by this report, shareholders can divide their account value by $1,000 and then multiply the result by the number corresponding to their Fund and share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During the Period.”

The expense examples also provide information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on a Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses. In order to assist shareholders in comparing the ongoing expenses of investing in these Funds and other funds, compare the 5% hypothetical examples with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

The expenses shown in the expense examples are intended to highlight shareholders’ ongoing costs only and do not reflect transactional expenses, such as sales charges, if any. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing expenses only and will not help shareholders determine the relative total expenses of owning different funds. If these transactional expenses were included, shareholder expenses would have been higher.

Derivative Financial Instruments

The Funds may invest in various derivative financial instruments. These instruments are used to obtain exposure to a security, commodity, index, market, and/or other assets without owning or taking physical custody of securities, commodities and/or other referenced assets or to manage market, equity, credit, interest rate, foreign currency exchange rate, commodity and/or other risks. Derivative financial instruments may give rise to a form of economic leverage and involve risks, including the imperfect correlation between the value of a derivative financial instrument and the underlying asset, possible default of the counterparty to the transaction or illiquidity of the instrument. The Funds’ successful use of a derivative financial instrument depends on the investment adviser’s ability to predict pertinent market movements accurately, which cannot be assured. The use of these instruments may result in losses greater than if they had not been used, may limit the amount of appreciation a Fund can realize on an investment and/or may result in lower distributions paid to shareholders. The Funds’ investments in these instruments, if any, are discussed in detail in the Notes to Financial Statements.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks


Brazil — 3.5%  

Ambev SA

    298,295     $ 876,069  

Ambev SA, ADR

    62,309       181,319  

Banco do Brasil SA

    21,761       146,219  

Cia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais-COPASA

    149,715       413,659  

CPFL Energia SA

    143,680       1,050,584  

Embraer SA(a)

    41,741       119,973  

Energisa SA

    32,699       315,088  

Fleury SA

    22,133       64,555  

Light SA

    43,192       78,016  

Marfrig Global Foods SA

    56,773       215,312  

Sao Martinho SA

    16,665       156,438  

Ultrapar Participacoes SA

    55,417       146,502  

Vale SA

    71,471       1,204,062  



China — 28.0%            

360 DigiTech, Inc.

    3,174       45,801  

3SBio, Inc.(a)(b)

    849,000       598,963  

51job, Inc., ADR(a)(c)

    1,431       87,076  

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.(a)

    303,720       3,704,679  

A-Living Smart City Services Co. Ltd., Class H(b)

    99,250       156,971  

Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd., Class A(a)

    264,800       186,352  

Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd., Class H(a)

    144,000       66,035  

Angang Steel Co. Ltd., Class H

    1,396,000       610,655  

Anhui Conch Cement Co. Ltd., Class H

    23,500       127,700  

Anhui Gujing Distillery Co. Ltd., Class A

    2,100       61,348  

Anta Sports Products Ltd.

    35,000       402,237  

Asymchem Laboratories Tianjin Co. Ltd., Class A

    4,100       163,503  

Autohome, Inc., ADR

    1,514       44,012  

BAIC Motor Corp. Ltd., Class H(b)

    976,500       304,943  

Baidu, Inc., Class A(a)

    49,042       781,911  

Bank of China Ltd., Class H

    832,000       326,462  

Bank of Communications Co. Ltd., Class A

    548,800       417,974  

Bank of Ningbo Co. Ltd., Class A

    7,466       40,434  

BeiGene Ltd., ADR(a)

    466       74,560  

Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd.

    124,500       420,890  

Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co. Ltd., Class A

    17,400       422,682  

BOE Technology Group Co. Ltd., Class A

    1,431,320       813,043  

BYD Co. Ltd., Class A

    27,100       977,709  

BYD Co. Ltd., Class H

    10,500       305,568  

BYD Electronic International Co. Ltd.

    41,500       82,724  

Chacha Food Co. Ltd., Class A

    8,200       65,252  

China Construction Bank Corp., Class H

    1,853,000       1,320,075  

China Hongqiao Group Ltd.

    344,500       428,637  

China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd., Class H

    146,500       882,991  

China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd., Class H

    113,000       42,849  

China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., Class H

    958,000       468,914  

China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd.

    70,000       58,082  

China Resources Gas Group Ltd.

    96,000       360,709  

China State Construction Engineering Corp. Ltd., Class A

    48,500       45,653  

China Yongda Automobiles Services Holdings Ltd.

    443,000       410,784  


    134,000       138,624  

CITIC Securities Co. Ltd., Class A

    73,625       215,853  

CITIC Securities Co. Ltd., Class H

    22,000       48,337  

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd., Class A

    4,787       290,131  

Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd.

    1,108,000       766,377  

CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.

    422,720       432,166  

Do-Fluoride New Materials Co. Ltd., Class A

    32,600       152,799  
Security   Shares     Value  
China (continued)            

Enn Energy Holdings Ltd.

    40,200     $ 538,482  

Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co. Ltd., Class H(b)

    18,800       76,811  

Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd.

    229,000       354,077  

Great Wall Motor Co. Ltd., Class H

    242,500       339,603  

Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co. Ltd., Class H(b)

    12,300       119,205  

Hello Group, Inc., ADR

    18,111       96,351  

Huazhu Group Ltd., ADR

    1,275       38,556  

Hundsun Technologies, Inc., Class A

    20,200       115,133  

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Class H

    1,102,000       664,293  

Industrial Bank Co. Ltd., Class A

    24,500       74,911  

JD.com, Inc., Class A(a)

    35,910       1,119,621  

Jiangsu King’s Luck Brewery JSC Ltd., Class A

    13,500       90,449  

Joinn Laboratories China Co. Ltd., Class H(b)

    20       146  

KE Holdings, Inc., ADR(a)

    7,112       100,848  

Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd.

    76,000       63,071  

Kweichow Moutai Co. Ltd., Class A

    3,927           1,077,946  

Lenovo Group Ltd.

    332,000       322,373  

Li Auto, Inc., ADR(a)

    7,111       159,500  

Li Ning Co. Ltd.

    27,500       214,340  

Lufax Holding Ltd., ADR

    24,647       136,791  

Luzhou Laojiao Co. Ltd., Class A

    4,200       132,141  

Maanshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., Class H

    938,000       366,763  

Meituan, Class B(a)(b)

    27,900       597,796  

NAURA Technology Group Co. Ltd., Class A

    2,200       77,781  

NavInfo Co. Ltd., Class A(a)

    41,100       76,241  

NetEase, Inc.

    41,270       790,538  

NIO, Inc., ADR(a)(c)

    23,502       392,483  

PetroChina Co. Ltd., Class A

    1,478,100       1,187,695  

PetroChina Co. Ltd., Class H

    940,000       446,212  

Pharmaron Beijing Co. Ltd., Class A

    6,500       121,923  

Pharmaron Beijing Co. Ltd., Class H(b)

    12,200       153,262  

Pinduoduo, Inc., ADR(a)

    7,196       310,076  

Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd., Class H

    256,000       1,618,103  

Postal Savings Bank of China Co. Ltd., Class A

    187,200       151,308  

Powerlong Real Estate Holdings Ltd.

    42,000       14,242  

RiseSun Real Estate Development Co. Ltd., Class A

    1       1  

SF Holding Co. Ltd., Class A

    15,600       119,621  

Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co. Ltd., Class A

    166,100       80,288  

Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology Co. Ltd., Class A

    5,800       102,021  

Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co. Ltd., Class A

    59,500       52,779  

Shenzhen Capchem Technology Co. Ltd., Class A

    4,871       48,385  

Shimao Services Holdings Ltd.(b)

    130,000       68,612  

Silergy Corp.

    2,000       178,065  

Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd., Class H

    836,000       156,412  

Sunac China Holdings Ltd.(d)

    254,000       139,625  

Sunny Optical Technology Group Co. Ltd.

    11,400       166,142  

Tencent Holdings Ltd.

    96,700       4,556,976  

Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp.

    148,000       270,124  

Trip.com Group Ltd., ADR(a)

    8,582       202,964  

Uni-President China Holdings Ltd.

    278,000       243,612  

Vipshop Holdings Ltd., ADR(a)

    15,248       116,800  

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class A

    8,900       137,158  

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H(b)

    47,580       647,173  

Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc.(a)(b)

    75,000       553,561  

Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co. Ltd., Class A

    6,300       41,261  

XPeng, Inc., ADR(a)

    6,079       149,604  

Yum China Holdings, Inc.

    8,285       346,313  

Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd., Class A

    308,600       507,764  

Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd., Class H

    416,000       605,741  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  
China (continued)            

Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Class H

    588,000     $ 343,807  

ZTE Corp., Class A

    19,500       70,202  

ZTE Corp., Class H

    45,600       95,742  



Colombia — 0.1%            

Bancolombia SA, ADR

    3,070       119,024  

Tecnoglass, Inc.

    2,132       47,608  



Greece — 0.8%            

Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA

    29,986       576,872  


    8,538       138,383  


    24,653       365,416  



Hong Kong — 0.6%            

Beijing Enterprises Water Group Ltd.

    56,000       18,115  

China Gas Holdings Ltd.

    44,200       53,878  

Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd.

    556,000       491,023  

SSY Group Ltd.

    502,000       246,593  



Hungary — 0.4%            

MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas PLC

    39,239       332,712  

OTP Bank Nyrt

    9,108       271,686  



India — 11.8%            

Adani Green Energy Ltd.(a)

    1,699       63,579  

APL Apollo Tubes Ltd.(a)

    11,029       147,082  

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd.

    1,987       115,061  

Asian Paints Ltd.

    10,529       443,820  

AU Small Finance Bank Ltd.(a)(b)

    7,679       138,301  

Axis Bank Ltd.(a)

    57,943       546,202  

Bajaj Finance Ltd.

    7,497       646,256  

Bandhan Bank Ltd.(b)

    24,856       107,784  

Bharti Airtel Ltd.(a)

    28,550       274,003  

Birlasoft Ltd.

    45,455       242,203  

Dr. Lal PathLabs Ltd.(b)

    2,039       68,792  

HCL Technologies Ltd.

    17,928       251,109  

HDFC Bank Ltd.

    43,149       773,568  

HDFC Bank Ltd., ADR

    20,549       1,134,510  

HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd.(b)

    62,776       475,993  

Hindustan Zinc Ltd.

    11,165       46,639  

ICICI Bank Ltd.

    99,525       956,740  

ICICI Bank Ltd., ADR

    20,081       382,342  

Indian Energy Exchange Ltd.(b)

    18,739       51,952  

IndusInd Bank Ltd.

    3,182       40,249  

Infosys Ltd.

    74,385       1,507,574  

Infosys Ltd., ADR

    20,226       401,891  

Inox Leisure Ltd.(a)

    9,478       61,471  

ITC Ltd.

    70,908       238,989  

JK Cement Ltd.

    1,148       39,593  

Kajaria Ceramics Ltd.

    5,105       68,665  

Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.

    68,766       1,594,693  

KPIT Technologies Ltd.

    9,740       69,578  

Macrotech Developers Ltd.(a)

    5,261       68,945  

Metropolis Healthcare Ltd.(b)

    2,625       81,530  

Mindtree Ltd.

    2,057       94,127  

Mphasis Ltd.

    2,989       109,759  

Persistent Systems Ltd.

    1,128       63,221  
Security   Shares     Value  
India (continued)            

Power Finance Corp. Ltd.

    27,972     $ 42,794  

Prestige Estates Projects Ltd.

    8,781       53,993  

PVR Ltd.(a)

    17,645       417,182  

Radico Khaitan Ltd.

    4,352       50,853  

RBL Bank Ltd.(a)(b)

    64,075       99,535  

Reliance Industries Ltd.

    65,918       2,388,369  

SRF Ltd.

    6,230       202,615  

State Bank of India

    63,597       408,460  

Strides Pharma Science Ltd.

    10,006       42,736  

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

    5,901       71,331  

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

    17,776       819,266  

Tech Mahindra Ltd.

    32,021       522,971  

Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd.

    21,089       87,665  

United Spirits Ltd.(a)

    14,402       161,467  



Indonesia — 1.6%            

Bank Central Asia Tbk PT

    1,116,200       626,045  

Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT

    479,600       294,491  

Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT

    2,156,300       718,451  

Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk PT(a)

    6,027,800       600,077  

Telkom Indonesia Persero Tbk PT

    156,700       49,938  



Malaysia — 1.3%            

CIMB Group Holdings BHD

    548,000       653,196  

Inari Amertron BHD

    87,300       55,950  

Malayan Banking BHD

    88,100       183,232  

Petronas Chemicals Group BHD

    4,600       10,799  

Public Bank BHD

    204,800       220,129  


    233,900       335,104  

Sime Darby BHD

    425,900       227,649  

Sime Darby Plantation BHD

    170,600       204,680  



Mexico — 2.3%            

Alfa SAB de CV, Class A

    216,018       144,707  

Arca Continental SAB de CV

    67,135       426,007  

Cemex SAB de CV(a)

    291,622       128,330  

Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV

    51,708       281,947  

Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV, ADR

    9,103       497,024  

Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV

    39,777       299,090  

Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV, Series A

    155,218       478,436  

Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV, Class O

    69,038       455,743  

Orbia Advance Corp. SAB de CV

    41,235       99,215  

Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV

    137,159       485,012  



Peru — 0.2%            

Credicorp Ltd.

    805       111,807  

Hochschild Mining PLC

    60,787       89,294  

Southern Copper Corp.

    1,878       116,943  



Philippines — 0.3%            

International Container Terminal Services, Inc.

    93,940       385,717  

Manila Electric Co.

    11,310       76,136  



Romania — 0.3%            

NEPI Rockcastle PLC

    57,559       352,175  



Russia(d) — 0.0%            

Alrosa AO(a)

    1,407,496       197  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  
Russia (continued)            


    15,098     $ 2  


    8,429       84  

Novatek PJSC, GDR, Registered Shares

    2,965       30  



Saudi Arabia — 4.7%            

ACWA Power Co.(a)

    1,036       39,236  

Al Rajhi Bank

    49,769           2,331,485  

Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Services Group Co.

    10,094       535,762  

Etihad Etisalat Co.

    5,093       58,727  

Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Co.(a)

    14,753       112,245  

Saudi Arabian Mining Co.(a)

    16,585       603,970  

Saudi Arabian Oil Co.(b)

    48,905       584,404  

Saudi Basic Industries Corp.

    66,218       2,293,901  



Singapore — 0.0%            


    1,057       41,826  



South Africa — 5.5%            

Absa Group Ltd.

    19,827       214,202  

Anglo American Platinum Ltd.

    411       45,666  

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.

    8,332       170,623  

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd., ADR

    1,976       40,350  

Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd.

    4,852       52,270  

AVI Ltd.

    73,961       322,070  

Bidvest Group Ltd.

    11,866       162,666  

Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd.

    5,074       708,278  

FirstRand Ltd.

    222,177       956,845  

Foschini Group Ltd.

    85,913       755,741  

Gold Fields Ltd.

    18,236       247,090  

Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd.

    5,422       70,136  

Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd.

    123,026       167,644  

MTN Group Ltd.

    31,383       332,848  

Nedbank Group Ltd.

    18,313       255,729  

Netcare Ltd.

    257,806       248,950  

Old Mutual Ltd.

    390,781       313,504  

Pepkor Holdings Ltd.(b)

    68,218       92,527  

Sasol Ltd.(a)

    10,291       252,098  

Shoprite Holdings Ltd.

    41,542       600,034  

Standard Bank Group Ltd.

    78,866       835,783  

Truworths International Ltd.

    117,105       417,032  

Woolworths Holdings Ltd.

    145,183       543,498  



South Korea — 11.3%            

Amorepacific Corp.

    3,199       455,236  

Celltrion, Inc.

    2,005       277,442  

CJ CheilJedang Corp.

    1,840       578,626  

CJ Logistics Corp.(a)

    1,340       129,756  

Doosan Bobcat, Inc.

    10,706       347,872  

Doosan Co. Ltd.

    603       42,275  

Fila Holdings Corp.

    2,231       57,004  

Hankook Tire & Technology Co. Ltd.

    1,514       41,554  

Hugel, Inc.(a)

    516       50,796  

Hyundai Construction Equipment Co. Ltd.

    8,750       255,300  

Hyundai Glovis Co. Ltd.

    380       62,259  

Hyundai Mobis Co. Ltd.

    3,337       542,887  

Hyundai Motor Co.

    2,650       384,482  

Kakao Corp.

    3,865       269,984  

Kolon Industries, Inc.

    3,967       193,221  

Korea Gas Corp.

    18,254       596,688  

LG Chem Ltd.

    2,559       1,048,077  

LG Display Co. Ltd.

    4,578       59,817  
Security   Shares     Value  
South Korea (continued)            

LG Electronics, Inc.

    2,217     $ 200,787  

LG Household & Health Care Ltd.

    467       334,456  

Mando Corp.

    1,112       47,176  


    3,384       753,816  

NHN Corp.(a)

    6,595       182,039  

Pan Ocean Co. Ltd.

    18,602       97,241  

POSCO Holdings, Inc.

    5,473       1,249,633  

POSCO Holdings, Inc., ADR

    3,985       225,989  

Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. Ltd.

    1,753       226,900  

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.

    115,502       6,155,511  

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., GDR, Registered Shares

    123       160,670  

Shinhan Financial Group Co. Ltd.

    16,508       548,472  

Shinsegae, Inc.

    454       88,464  

SK Innovation Co. Ltd.(a)

    869       138,307  

S-Oil Corp.

    1,849       151,281  



Taiwan — 15.9%            

Accton Technology Corp.

    13,000       101,398  

ACES Electronic Co. Ltd.

    19,000       26,327  

Advantech Co. Ltd.

    60,000       745,840  

ASPEED Technology, Inc.

    2,000       175,666  

Bizlink Holding, Inc.

    64,000       640,452  

Chailease Holding Co. Ltd.

    34,000       270,191  

Compeq Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    95,000       144,960  

CTBC Financial Holding Co. Ltd.

    1,807,000       1,777,399  

Delta Electronics, Inc.

    61,000       509,203  

E Ink Holdings, Inc.

    19,000       108,629  

Eva Airways Corp.

    110,000       129,226  

Evergreen Marine Corp. Taiwan Ltd.

    53,000       254,767  

Formosa Plastics Corp.

    83,000       295,069  

Fubon Financial Holding Co. Ltd.

    49,000       123,035  

General Interface Solution Holding Ltd.

    17,000       52,286  

Global Unichip Corp.

    7,000       95,859  

Hiwin Technologies Corp.

    86,180       638,178  

Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd.

    82,000       280,939  

Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp.

    51,000       287,499  

Largan Precision Co. Ltd.

    2,000       113,495  

Lotes Co. Ltd.

    1,000       24,456  

Makalot Industrial Co. Ltd.

    7,000       43,061  

MediaTek, Inc.

    28,000       771,903  

momo.com, Inc.

    6,000       158,383  

Nan Ya Plastics Corp.

    249,000       727,473  

Nanya Technology Corp.

    218,000       477,034  

Parade Technologies Ltd.

    3,000       142,670  

Pegatron Corp.

    25,000       59,228  

Pegavision Corp.

    5,000       68,208  

Phison Electronics Corp.

    9,000       116,003  

Primax Electronics Ltd.

    73,000       136,580  

Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

    87,000       1,180,548  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    507,000       9,167,901  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., ADR

    12,082       1,122,780  

Taiwan Union Technology Corp.

    58,000       149,767  

Tong Hsing Electronic Industries Ltd.

    12,000       93,146  

Unimicron Technology Corp.

    38,000       266,537  

United Microelectronics Corp.

    304,000       482,931  

Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp.

    76,000       267,409  

Voltronic Power Technology Corp.

    3,000       131,253  

WT Microelectronics Co. Ltd.

    18,000       43,381  



Thailand — 2.0%            

Advanced Info Service PCL, NVDR

    36,400       227,577  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares      Value  

Thailand (continued)


Bangchak Corp. PCL, NVDR

    92,600      $ 90,027  

Bangkok Bank PCL, NVDR

    72,900        274,964  


    72,900        137,448  

Energy Absolute PCL, NVDR

    84,200        216,023  

Home Product Center PCL, NVDR

    791,200        343,986  

Mega Lifesciences PCL, NVDR

    121,100        172,230  

PTT Exploration & Production PCL, NVDR

    175,400        767,447  


    366,800        398,648  

Thai Union Group PCL, NVDR

    398,800        196,128  



Turkey — 0.3%             

Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret A/S, Class D(a)

    155,075        156,999  

Migros Ticaret A/S(a)

    17,166        52,487  

Turk Hava Yollari AO(a)

    54,583        151,674  

Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A/S

    27,428        39,974  



United Arab Emirates — 1.2%             

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC

    56,786        156,975  

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank PJSC

    28,640        68,215  

Aldar Properties PJSC

    221,657        339,623  

Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC

    55,861        97,710  

Emaar Properties PJSC

    50,986        87,943  

Emirates NBD Bank PJSC

    49,810        205,773  

Emirates Telecommunications Group Co. PJSC

    35,472        339,281  

First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC

    53,263        325,403  







Total Common Stocks — 92.1%
(Cost: $133,254,740)




Preferred Securities             
Preferred Stocks — 0.9%             
Brazil — 0.9%             

Banco Bradesco SA, Preference Shares

    132,630        482,346  


Security   Shares      Value  

Brazil (continued)


Itau Unibanco Holding SA, Preference Shares

    11,430      $ 55,185  

Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Preference Shares

    107,590        658,952  







Total Preferred Securities — 0.9%
(Cost: $1,172,377)






Total Long-Term Investments — 93.0%
(Cost: $134,427,117)






Short-Term Securities

Money Market Funds — 5.2%             

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.29%(e)(f)

    7,133,591        7,133,591  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series, 0.47%(e)(f)(g)

    254,907        254,881  




Total Short-Term Securities — 5.2%
(Cost: $7,388,472)






Total Investments — 98.2%
(Cost: $141,815,589)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 1.8%





Net Assets — 100.0%

     $     141,134,288  






Non-income producing security.


Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


All or a portion of this security is on loan.


Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


Affiliate of the Fund.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


All or a portion of this security was purchased with the cash collateral from loaned securities.




Investments in issuers considered to be affiliate(s) of the Fund during the year ended April 30, 2022 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


       Affiliated Issuer   Value at
at Cost
from Sales
Gain (Loss)

Change in

    Value at
Held at
    Capital Gain

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

  $   13,397,402     $     $ (6,263,811 )(a)    $       $             —     $ 7,133,591       7,133,591     $ 2,206     $    

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series

            254,889 (a)            (8                      254,881       254,907       3,475 (b)         















          $ (8     $     $  7,388,472       $  5,681     $    


















Represents net amount purchased (sold).


All or a portion represents securities lending income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral from loaned securities, net of fees and collateral investment expenses, and other payments to and from borrowers of securities.





2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund


Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Futures Contracts


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Long Contracts


MSCI Emerging Markets Index

     144        06/17/22      $ 7,613      $ (383,037




Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts(a)

   $  —      $  —      $ 383,037      $      $  —      $      $ 383,037  
























Net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps, if any, are reported in the Schedule of Investments. In the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, only current day’s variation margin is reported in receivables or payables and the net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is included in accumulated earnings (loss).


For the period ended April 30, 2022, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Futures contracts

   $  —      $      $ (1,502,287    $      $      $      $ (1,502,287






















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Futures contracts

   $      $      $ (444,244    $      $      $      $ (444,244






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Futures contracts:


Average notional value of contracts — long

   $ 9,425,150    



For more information about the Fund’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. For a description of the input levels and information about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following table summarizes the Fund’s financial instruments categorized in the fair value hierarchy. The breakdown of the Fund’s financial instruments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



     Level 1          Level 2          Level 3          Total  







Long-Term Investments


Common Stocks



   $ 4,967,796        $        $        $ 4,967,796  


       2,724,417          36,628,247          139,625          39,492,289  


     166,632                            166,632  


                       1,080,671                                     1,080,671  

Hong Kong

              809,609                   809,609  


              604,398                   604,398  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End (continued)



     Level 1          Level 2          Level 3          Total  



Common Stocks (continued)



   $ 1,918,743        $ 14,756,715        $        $ 16,675,458  


     49,938          2,239,064                   2,289,002  


     10,799          1,879,940                   1,890,739  


       3,295,511                                                       3,295,511  


     228,750          89,294                   318,044  


              461,853                   461,853  


              352,175                   352,175  


                       313          313  

Saudi Arabia

     58,727          6,501,003                   6,559,730  


     41,826                            41,826  

South Africa

     2,142,250          5,663,334                   7,805,584  

South Korea

     225,989          15,728,029                   15,954,018  


     1,122,780            21,278,290                   22,401,070  


              2,824,478                   2,824,478  


     244,135          156,999                   401,134  

United Arab Emirates

     325,403          1,295,520                   1,620,923  

Preferred Securities


Preferred Stocks

     1,196,483                            1,196,483  

Short-Term Securities


Money Market Funds

     7,133,591                                                       7,133,591  












   $ 25,853,770        $  112,349,619        $ 139,938          138,343,327  













Investments Valued at NAV(a)




                  $  138,598,208  




Derivative Financial Instruments(b)




Equity Contracts

   $ (383,037      $        $        $ (383,037















Certain investments of the Fund were fair valued using NAV per share as no quoted market value is available and therefore have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy.


Derivative financial instruments are futures contracts. Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.


See notes to financial statements.    




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)






Common Stocks

Netherlands — 0.1%            

Climate Transition Capital Acquisition I BV(a)

    40,590     $ 419,640  



United States(a) — 0.0%  

Excelerate Energy, Inc., Class A

    1,966       53,102  

Palantir Technologies, Inc., Class A

    4       41  







Total Common Stocks — 0.1%
(Cost: $528,566)





Preferred Securities

Preferred Stocks — 0.5%(b)            
United States — 0.5%            



Series 6, (Acquired 12/15/15, Cost: $—)(c)


Series 8,

    823,530       8  

Illumio, Inc., Series C, (Acquired 03/10/15, Cost: $1,500,001)(c)

    466,730       3,323,118  







Total Preferred Securities — 0.5%
(Cost: $3,250,010)





U.S. Treasury Obligations


U.S. Treasury Floating Rate Note(d)


(3 mo.Treasury money market yield - 0.02%), 0.88%, 01/31/24

  $ 3,395       3,399,304  

(3 mo.Treasury money market yield + 0.04%), 0.93%, 10/31/23

    3,130       3,135,761  




Total U.S. Treasury Obligations — 1.1%
(Cost: $6,525,000)






Netherlands — 0.0%            

Climate Transition Capital Acquisition I BV,
(Expires: 12/31/30)(a)

    13,530       2,141  




Total Warrants — 0.0%
(Cost: $ — )





Total Long-Term Investments — 1.7%
(Cost: $10,303,576)





Short-Term Securities

Money Market Funds — 6.1%            

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.29%(e)(f)

    36,355,831       36,355,831  



Security   Par
U.S. Treasury Obligations — 85.3%  

U.S. Cash Management Bills(g)
0.13%, 05/03/22

  $ 9,195     $ 9,194,977  

0.23%, 05/17/22

    955       954,926  

0.28%, 05/31/22

    2,115       2,114,434  

0.98%, 08/16/22

    15,000       14,956,374  

1.13%, 08/30/22

    14,095       14,043,516  

U.S. Treasury Bills(g)
0.12%, 05/03/22

    700       699,998  

0.13%, 05/03/22

    1,495       1,494,996  

0.25%, 05/03/22

    7,000       6,999,983  

0.24%, 05/05/22 - 05/12/22

    14,595       14,594,624  

0.22%, 05/10/22

    4,885       4,884,878  

0.16%, 05/12/22

    20,000       19,999,319  

0.20%, 05/17/22

    3,895       3,894,696  

0.26%, 05/17/22

    30,000       29,997,656  

0.17%, 05/19/22

    10,000       9,998,961  

0.28%, 05/19/22 - 05/31/22

    8,885       8,883,932  

0.45%, 05/19/22 - 06/16/22

    20,105       20,095,424  

0.30%, 05/24/22

    25,000       24,995,608  

0.33%, 05/24/22

    10,000       9,998,243  

0.41%, 05/31/22

    7,000       6,998,125  

0.51%, 06/07/22

    15,000       14,993,763  

0.37%, 06/09/22

    20,000       19,990,830  

0.39%, 06/09/22

    40,050       40,031,637  

0.50%, 06/14/22 - 06/21/22

    25,000       24,984,181  

0.46%, 06/16/22

    8,000       7,995,556  

0.49%, 06/21/22

    10,000       9,992,199  

0.66%, 06/21/22

    40,000       39,968,796  

0.52%, 06/23/22 - 07/05/22

    45,875       45,822,976  

0.63%, 06/28/22

    25,000       24,975,359  

0.55%, 07/05/22

    5,000       4,993,585  

0.70%, 08/04/22

    475       473,862  

0.78%, 08/18/22

    1,505       1,500,493  

0.68%, 09/01/22

    3,685       3,671,659  

0.08%, 09/08/22

    1,362       1,356,821  

1.07%, 09/29/22

    2,675       2,662,173  

1.40%, 10/27/22

    14,890       14,789,026  

0.64%, 01/26/23

    2,475       2,444,969  

1.17%, 02/23/23

    2,165       2,134,139  

U.S. Treasury Floating Rate Note(d)


(3 mo.Treasury money market yield + 0.06%), 0.95%, 10/31/22

    20,000       20,019,357  

(3 mo.Treasury money market yield + 0.05%), 0.94%, 01/31/23

    14,633       14,648,694  

U.S. Treasury Notes
2.13%, 05/15/22

    585       585,373  

0.13%, 06/30/22 - 03/31/23

    3,925       3,861,855  

1.63%, 12/15/22

    2,000       2,000,000  

1.38%, 02/15/23

    5,000       4,980,078  







Total Short-Term Securities — 91.4%
(Cost: $550,061,077)





Total Investments — 93.1%
(Cost: $560,364,653)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 6.9%





Net Assets — 100.0%

    $ 602,196,817  






Non-income producing security.


Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.




S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund



Restricted security as to resale, excluding 144A securities. The Fund held restricted securities with a current value of $3,323,118, representing 0.6% of its net assets as of period end, and an original cost of $1,500,001.


Variable rate security. Interest rate resets periodically. The rate shown is the effective interest rate as of period end. Security description also includes the reference rate and spread if published and available.


Affiliate of the Fund.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


Rates are discount rates or a range of discount rates as of period end.




Investments in issuers considered to be affiliate(s) of the Fund during the year ended April 30, 2022 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer   Value at
at Cost
from Sales
Gain (Loss)
    Change in
    Value at
Held at
    Income     Capital Gain

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

  $ 18,454,009     $ 17,901,822 (a)    $     $     $     $ 36,355,831       36,355,831     $ 11,465     $  


















Represents net amount purchased (sold).


Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Futures Contracts


Description    Number of

Long Contracts



     94          06/09/22        $ 13,726        $ (487,733

S&P 500 E-Mini Index

     68          06/17/22          14,034          (123,607



                  $ (611,340




OTC Total Return Swaps


Reference Entity   Payment
  Counterparty(a)    Termination
     Net Notional      Accrued
     Net Value of
Net Asset

Equity Securities Long/Short

  At Termination  

Bank of America N.A.(b)

     02/15/23 – 06/15/23      $ (8,586,443    $ 3,245,734 (c)     $ (1,032,216      60.7

At Termination


Bank of America N.A.(d)

     02/15/23 – 06/15/23        (6,816,197      3,033,508 (e)       (89,684      40.4  

At Termination


BNP Paribas SA(f)

     12/12/22 – 12/19/22        (6,862,838      6,902,033 (g)       (362,256      125.9  

At Termination


Goldman Sachs & Co.(h)

     02/27/23 – 02/28/23        (11,083,575      12,066,813 (i)       (1,995,792      142.2  

At Termination


Goldman Sachs & Co.(j)

     02/27/23 – 02/28/23        (5,650,977      7,560,189 (k)       688,223        64.4  

At Termination



     07/08/22 – 01/20/27        (7,073,429      4,809,090 (m)       1,117,689        54.2  






             $ 37,617,367      $ (1,674,036   









The Fund receives the total return on a portfolio of long positions underlying the total return swap. The Fund pays the total return on a portfolio of short positions underlying the total return swap. In addition, the Fund pays or receives a variable rate of interest, based on a specified benchmark. The benchmark and spread are determined based upon the country and/or currency of the individual underlying positions.


Amount includes $(4,308,493) of net dividends and financing fees.


Amount includes $(3,693,005) of net dividends and financing fees.


Amount includes $401,451 of net dividends and financing fees.


Amount includes $2,979,030 of net dividends and financing fees.


Amount includes $1,220,989 of net dividends and financing fees.


Amount includes $(3,382,028) of net dividends and financing fees.


The following are the specified benchmarks (plus or minus a range) used in determining the variable rate of interest:




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


OTC Total Return Swaps (continued)


  (b)   (d)   (f)


  0-175 basis points   0-1,196 basis points   0-625 basis points


  AUD - 1D Overnight Reserve Bank of Australia Rate (AONIA)   AUD - 1D Overnight Reserve Bank of Australia Rate (AONIA)   AUD - 1D Overnight Reserve Bank of Australia Rate (AONIA)
  Bank of Canada Overnight Rate Target(CABROVER)   Bank of Canada Overnight Rate Target (CABROVER)   Bank of Canada Overnight Rate Target (CABROVER)
  CHF - Swiss Average Rate O/N (SSARON)   CHF - Swiss Average Rate O/N (SSARON)   CHF - Swiss Average Rate O/N (SSARON)
  DKK - 1W Copenhagen Interbank Swap Rate (CIBOR)   DKK - 1W Copenhagen Interbank Swap Rate (CIBOR)   DKK - Annualized Overnight Deposit MID Rate
  EUR - 1D Euro Short Term Rate (ESTR)
  EUR - 1D Euro Short Term Rate (ESTR)   EUR - 1D Euro Short Term Rate (ESTR)   GBP - 1D Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)
  GBP - 1D Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)   GBP - 1D Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)
  HKD - 1D Overnight Index Swap Rate (HKDONOIS)
  HKD - 1D Overnight Index Swap Rate (HKDONOIS)   HKD - 1D Overnight Index Swap Rate (HKDONOIS)
  ILS - 1M Tel Aviv Interbank Offer Rate (TELBOR)
  ILS - 1M Tel Aviv Interbank Offer Rate (TELBOR)   ILS - 1M Tel Aviv Interbank Offer Rate (TELBOR)   JPY - 1D Overnight Tokyo Average Rate (TONA)
  JPY - Provisional 1D Overnight Tokyo Average Rate (TONA)   JPY - Provisional 1D Overnight Tokyo Average Rate (TONA)   NOK - Norwegian Overnight Weighted Average (NOWA)
  NOK - 1W Norway Interbank Offer Rate (NIBOR)   NOK - 1W Norway Interbank Offer Rate (NIBOR)   NZD - 1D New Zealand Official Overnight Deposit
  NZD - 1M New Zealand Bank Bill Rate (BBR)   NZD - 1M New Zealand Bank Bill Rate (BBR)   Rate (NZOCO)
  SEK - 1W Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate (STIBOR)   SEK - 1W Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate (STIBOR)   SEK - 1W Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate (STIBOR)
  SGD - Overnight Rate Average (SORA)   SGD - Overnight Rate Average (SORA)   SGD - Overnight Rate Average (SORA)
  USD - 1D Overnight Bank Funding Rate (OBFR01)   USD - 1D Overnight Bank Funding Rate (OBFR01)   USD - 1D Overnight Bank Funding Rate (OBFR01)
  (h)   (j)   (l)
  0-1,300 basis points   15-1,350 basis points   20-170 basis points
  AUD - 1D Overnight Reserve Bank of Australia Rate (AONIA)   AUD - 1D Overnight Reserve Bank of Australia Rate (AONIA)   AUD - 1D Overnight Reserve Bank of Australia Rate (AONIA)
  CAD - 1D Overnight Bank of Canada Repo Rate (CORRA)   CAD - 1D Overnight Bank of Canada Repo Rate (CORRA)   CAD - 1D Overnight Bank of Canada Repo Rate (CORRA)
  CHF - Swiss Average Rate O/N (SSARON)   CHF - Swiss Average Rate O/N (SSARON)   CHF - Swiss Average Rate O/N (SSARON)
  DKK - Danish Tom/Next Reference Rate (DETNT/N)   DKK - Danish Tom/Next Reference Rate (DETNT/N)   DKK - 1W Copenhagen Interbank Swap Rate (CIBOR)
  EUR - 1D Euro Short Term Rate (ESTR)   EUR - 1D Euro Short Term Rate (ESTR)   EUR - 1D Euro Short Term Rate (ESTR)
  GBP - 1D Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)   GBP - 1D Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)   GBP - 1D Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)
  HKD - 1D Overnight Index Swap Rate (HKDONOIS)   HKD - 1D Overnight Index Swap Rate (HKDONOIS)   HKD - 1D Overnight Index Swap Rate (HKDONOIS)
  ILS - 1D Overnight Tel Aviv Interbank Offer Rate (TELBOR)   ILS - 1D Overnight Tel Aviv Interbank Offer Rate (TELBOR)   ILS - 1D Overnight Tel Aviv Interbank Offer Rate (TELBOR)
  JPY - Provisional 1D Overnight Tokyo Average Rate (TONA)   JPY - Provisional 1D Overnight Tokyo Average Rate (TONA)   JPY - Provisional 1D Overnight Tokyo Average Rate (TONA)
  NOK - Norwegian Overnight Weighted Average (NOWA)   NOK - Norwegian Overnight Weighted Average (NOWA)   NOK - Norwegian Overnight Weighted Average (NOWA)
  NZD - 1D New Zealand Official Overnight Deposit Rate (NZOCO)   NZD - 1D New Zealand Official Overnight Deposit Rate (NZOCO)   NZD - 1M New Zealand Bank Bill Rate (BBR)
  SEK - TN Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate (STIBOR)
  SEK - 1D Overnight Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate (STIBOR)   SEK - 1D Overnight Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate (STIBOR)
  SGD - Overnight Rate Average (SORA)
  SGD - Overnight Rate Average (SORA)   SGD - Overnight Rate Average (SORA)   USD - 1D Overnight Bank Funding Rate (OBFR01)
  USD - 1D Overnight Fed Funds Effective Rate (FEDL01)   USD - 1D Overnight Fed Funds Effective Rate (FEDL01)



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund



The following table represents the individual long and short positions and related values of the equity securities underlying the total return swap with Bank of America N.A. as of period end, termination dates February 15, 2023 and June 15, 2023:


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Reference Entity — Long

Common Stocks                  

MercadoLibre, Inc.

    172     $ 167,464       (16.2 )% 







Altium Ltd.

    4,191       94,412       (9.1

AMP Ltd.

    195,166       157,679       (15.3

Atlas Arteria Ltd.

    31,072       150,950       (14.6

Aurizon Holdings Ltd.

    64,246       181,438       (17.6

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.

    6,311       120,093       (11.6

Boral Ltd.

    166,715       415,892       (40.3

carsales.com Ltd.

    5,320       78,540       (7.6

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

    1,513       109,970       (10.7

CSR Ltd.

    37,701       161,458       (15.6

Deterra Royalties Ltd.

    39,957       135,362       (13.1

Domain Holdings Australia Ltd.

    49,275       120,001       (11.6

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd.

    1,331       69,773       (6.8

Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd.

    1,020       15,929       (1.5

Glencore PLC

    10,720       66,053       (6.4

Goodman Group

    3,074       51,163       (5.0

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd.

    58,573       208,641       (20.2

IDP Education Ltd.

    6,700       124,294       (12.0

IGO Ltd.

    1,089       9,902       (1.0

Iluka Resources Ltd.

    9,655       75,627       (7.3

Insignia Financial Ltd.

    120,335       289,266       (28.0

JB Hi-Fi Ltd.

    411       15,222       (1.5

Macquarie Group Ltd.

    1,905       274,249       (26.6

Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    5,445       61,599       (6.0

Medibank Pvt Ltd.

    93,373       209,822       (20.3

Metcash Ltd.

    3,082       10,346       (1.0

Mirvac Group

    49,657       83,925       (8.1

Origin Energy Ltd.

    10,116       48,386       (4.7

Orora Ltd.

    47,331       132,637       (12.8

OZ Minerals Ltd.

    26,379       457,885       (44.4

Pilbara Minerals Ltd.

    17,178       33,320       (3.2

Pro Medicus Ltd.

    968       31,657       (3.1

Qube Holdings Ltd.

    28,723       59,355       (5.8

REA Group Ltd.

    2,680       240,096       (23.3

Scentre Group

    17,745       36,972       (3.6


    7,130       139,715       (13.5

South32 Ltd.

    3,495       11,640       (1.1

Star Entertainment Grp Ltd.

    140,911       311,227       (30.2

Telstra Corp. Ltd.

    9,524       27,035       (2.6

Wesfarmers Ltd.

    292       10,104       (1.0

WiseTech Global Ltd.

    3,892       120,663       (11.7








    3,500       148,789       (14.4

Erste Group Bank AG

    23,474       730,881       (70.8

Raiffeisen Bank International AG

    3,157       36,568       (3.6







Ackermans & van Haaren NV

    1,461       260,462       (25.2

KBC Group NV

    758       51,568       (5.0
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Belgium (continued)                  

Telenet Group Holding NV

    5,723     $ 170,559       (16.5 )% 

Umicore SA

    3,213       123,519       (12.0

Warehouses De Pauw CVA

    11,005       423,364       (41.0







Hiscox Ltd.

    11,436       135,794       (13.2

RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.

    1,726       247,716       (24.0







Air Canada

    12,379       216,812       (21.0

Alamos Gold Inc., Class A

    67,176       521,867       (50.6

ARC Resources Ltd.

    17,478       242,310       (23.5

Aritzia Inc.

    3,494       124,431       (12.0

Atco Ltd., Class I

    4,613       164,354       (15.9

Boralex, Inc., Class A

    4,196       125,784       (12.2

Brookfield Infrastructure Corp., Class A

    4,247       301,338       (29.2

CAE, Inc.

    4,066       96,693       (9.4

Canada Goose Holdings, Inc.

    6,447       140,351       (13.6

Canadian Utilities Ltd., Class A

    7,829       235,361       (22.8

Cargojet, Inc.

    424       49,537       (4.8

CGI, Inc.

    4,356       347,354       (33.6

CI Financial Corp.

    5,541       72,247       (7.0

Descartes Systems Group Inc.

    3,688       229,063       (22.2

Enbridge, Inc.

    9,560       417,183       (40.4

Enerplus Corp.

    19,579       239,889       (23.2

Equinox Gold Corp.

    26,510       189,025       (18.3

Franco-Nevada Corp.

    2,538       383,826       (37.2

GFL Environmental, Inc.

    10,550       317,818       (30.8

Hydro One Ltd.

    9,028       244,068       (23.6

IGM Financial, Inc.

    3,215       101,882       (9.9

Imperial Oil Ltd.

    5,972       300,680       (29.1

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

    23,352       312,657       (30.3

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., Class A

    14,883       119,328       (11.6

Keyera Corp.

    2,603       64,576       (6.3

Lundin Mining Corp.

    2,482       22,663       (2.2

Northland Power, Inc.

    700       21,126       (2.0

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd.

    1,147       14,116       (1.4

Parex Resources, Inc.

    6,443       125,585       (12.2

Shopify, Inc., Class A

    569       243,399       (23.6

SSR Mining, Inc.

    536       11,791       (1.1

Stantec, Inc.

    3,890       178,565       (17.3

TC Energy Corp.

    1,833       96,954       (9.4


    15,770       394,542       (38.2

TFI International, Inc.

    1,616       129,994       (12.6

Whitecap Resources, Inc.

    15,738       129,001       (12.5

WSP Global, Inc.

    1,730       201,758       (19.5

Yamana Gold, Inc.

    35,305       194,849       (18.9







Budweiser Brewing Co. APAC Ltd.

    24,900       61,956       (6.0

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd.

    55,400       92,891       (9.0







Demant A/S

    4,351       191,198       (18.5

Genmab A/S

    399       140,305       (13.6

GN Store Nord A/S

    2,586       97,052       (9.4

H Lundbeck A/S

    5,606       128,479       (12.4


    4,528       74,323       (7.2




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Denmark (continued)                  

Jyske Bank A/S

    3,482     $ 192,534       (18.7 )% 

SimCorp A/S

    1,118       78,267       (7.6

Tryg A/S

    7,913       188,148       (18.2







Kesko OYJ, B Shares

    14,902       375,179       (36.3

Metso Outotec OYJ

    25,108       213,793       (20.7

Nokia OYJ

    18,846       95,551       (9.3

Nokian Renkaat OYJ

    10,916       146,586       (14.2

Nordea Bank Abp

    2,483       24,756       (2.4

Outokumpu OYJ

    21,432       105,215       (10.2

Valmet OYJ

    13,815       369,977       (35.8

Wartsila OYJ Abp

    31,599       253,735       (24.6







Accor SA

    6,223       204,448       (19.8

Aeroports de Paris

    1,048       148,240       (14.4

Air France-KLM

    18,396       75,778       (7.3

Air Liquide SA

    11,954       2,068,141       (200.4

Amundi SA

    263       15,814       (1.5

Arkema SA

    861       98,106       (9.5

Atos SE

    10,209       248,707       (24.1


    4,652       123,069       (11.9

Carrefour SA

    3,388       71,851       (7.0

Cie Plastic Omnium SA

    17,810       288,303       (27.9


    4,414       314,354       (30.5

Dassault Aviation SA

    206       34,568       (3.3

Dassault Systemes SE

    3,686       163,011       (15.8


    7,995       401,526       (38.9

Eurazeo SE

    1,684       129,397       (12.5

Exclusive Networks SA

    27,644       527,268       (51.1


    2,467       147,294       (14.3

Klepierre SA

    6,674       159,747       (15.5

Legrand SA

    2,323       205,851       (19.9

Orange SA

    4,109       48,919       (4.7

Publicis Groupe SA

    186       11,167       (1.1

Remy Cointreau SA

    617       122,310       (11.9

Rubis SCA

    2,023       53,807       (5.2


    1,211       34,240       (3.3

Ubisoft Entertainment SA

    6,074       274,623       (26.6

Wendel SE

    964       96,047       (9.3







1&1 AG

    3,138       66,128       (6.4

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    4,890       399,346       (38.7

Beiersdorf AG

    740       74,326       (7.2

Commerzbank AG

    3,248       21,204       (2.1

Covestro AG

    963       41,462       (4.0

CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA

    1,054       72,342       (7.0

Deutsche Bank AG

    16,185       164,358       (15.9


    29,762       309,732       (30.0

Freenet AG

    33,719       932,945       (90.4

Hannover Rueck SE

    564       87,663       (8.5

Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA

    2,856       180,306       (17.5


    1,669       92,840       (9.0


    2,179       84,232       (8.2


    1,766       15,512       (1.5

Nemetschek SE

    4,470       354,714       (34.4

Nordex SE

    7,007       101,126       (9.8

ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE

    24,523       282,156       (27.3
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Germany (continued)                  

Rational AG

    755     $ 460,584       (44.6 )% 

Rheinmetall AG

    1,205       271,636       (26.3

Rwe AG

    12,324       511,685       (49.6

Salzgitter AG

    4,702       195,178       (18.9

Scout24 AG

    1,656       104,739       (10.1

TAG Immobilien AG

    3,065       61,255       (5.9

Talanx AG

    3,623       150,643       (14.6

TeamViewer AG

    13,959       167,495       (16.2

Traton SE

    2,476       41,264       (4.0


    18,019       51,372       (5.0






Hong Kong                  

ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.

    24,000       241,867       (23.4

Bank of East Asia Ltd.

    53,000       78,425       (7.6

Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.

    276,000       275,759       (26.7

Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd.

    264,800       222,534       (21.6

Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd.

    93,000       251,179       (24.3

Haitong International Securities Group Ltd.

    159,000       25,170       (2.4

HK Electric Investments & HK Electric Investments Ltd., Class SS

    62,500       61,727       (6.0

Hutchison Port Holdings Trust, Class U

    686,400       163,608       (15.8

Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Ltd.

    174,000       29,048       (2.8

Hysan Development Co. Ltd.

    47,000       138,658       (13.4

Kerry Properties Ltd.

    27,500       74,364       (7.2


    9,800       84,650       (8.2

Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd., ADR

    13,848       79,211       (7.7

Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd.

    119,000       54,598       (5.3

Shangri-La Asia Ltd.

    16,000       12,114       (1.2

SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd.

    63,000       209,441       (20.3

SJM Holdings Ltd.

    145,000       60,909       (5.9

Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.

    18,000       207,308       (20.1

Swire Pacific Ltd., Class A

    73,500       418,649       (40.6

Swire Properties Ltd.

    14,800       35,469       (3.4

WH Group Ltd.

    179,000       123,617       (12.0

Wharf Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd.

    14,000       65,976       (6.4

Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd.

    38,500       56,629       (5.5







Adient PLC

    7,563       258,201       (25.0

Aptiv PLC

    2,198       233,867       (22.7

Experian PLC

    1,022       35,294       (3.4

Glanbia PLC

    45,333       544,238       (52.7

Icon PLC

    99       22,395       (2.2

James Hardie Industries PLC

    3,937       113,497       (11.0

Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC

    73       11,696       (1.1

Kingspan Group PLC

    584       54,363       (5.3

Trane Technologies PLC

    1,715       239,911       (23.2







Airport City Ltd.

    5,107       113,696       (11.0

Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd.

    8,375       137,068       (13.3

Amot Investments Ltd.

    3,766       28,587       (2.8

Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp. Ltd.

    27,878       44,195       (4.3

Big Shopping Centers Ltd.

    527       79,640       (7.7

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.

    2,065       260,789       (25.3

Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd.

    8,591       18,431       (1.8

Fattal Holdings 1998 Ltd.

    329       47,453       (4.6

Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd.

    14,405       176,560       (17.1



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Israel (continued)                  

Israel Corp. Ltd.

    238     $ 133,724       (12.9 )% 

Melisron Ltd.

    370       30,013       (2.9

Monday.com Ltd.

    397       51,372       (5.0

Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd.

    3,382       333,499       (32.3

OPC Energy Ltd.

    18,716       205,865       (19.9

Paz Oil Co. Ltd.

    1,196       185,361       (18.0

Phoenix Holdings Ltd.

    5,557       69,909       (6.8

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.

    316       79,129       (7.7

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR

    2,069       18,021       (1.7








    31,551       53,907       (5.2

Amplifon SpA

    5,001       199,514       (19.3

Azimut Holding SpA

    418       8,872       (0.9

Banca Generali SpA

    6,216       205,508       (19.9

Banca Mediolanum SpA

    33,430       242,680       (23.5

Buzzi Unicem SpA

    6,073       112,464       (10.9

Davide Campari-Milano NV

    7,172       80,923       (7.8

De’ Longhi SpA

    1,849       44,838       (4.4

Enel SpA

    72,602       472,123       (45.7

Ferrari NV

    190       40,005       (3.9

Interpump Group SpA

    3,553       143,647       (13.9

Italgas SpA

    64,436       417,202       (40.4

Leonardo SpA

    35,549       365,849       (35.5

Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA

    30,492       305,617       (29.6

Moncler SpA

    13,377       696,857       (67.5


    47,800       297,418       (28.8

Reply SpA

    3,409       501,863       (48.6

UniCredit SpA

    15,466       143,139       (13.9

UnipolSai Assicurazioni SpA

    64,518       181,478       (17.6







ABC-Mart, Inc.

    14,100       584,726       (56.6

Acom Co. Ltd.

    74,600       191,851       (18.6

Activia Properties, Inc.

    49       156,580       (15.2

Advantest Corp.

    1,400       95,547       (9.3

AEON Financial Service Co. Ltd.

    27,000       248,222       (24.0

Aica Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    9,200       212,963       (20.6

Alfresa Holdings Corp.

    9,100       123,748       (12.0

Amada Co. Ltd.

    31,400       243,820       (23.6

Amano Corp.

    4,700       90,481       (8.8

Anritsu Corp.

    12,900       162,211       (15.7

Aozora Bank Ltd.

    13,600       272,279       (26.4

Asahi Group Holdings Ltd.

    8,100       305,312       (29.6

Astellas Pharma, Inc.

    14,600       222,295       (21.5

Azbil Corp.

    4,700       142,702       (13.8

Bandai Namco Holdings, Inc.

    5,500       372,366       (36.1

Benesse Holdings, Inc.

    6,700       117,229       (11.4

Capcom Co. Ltd.

    13,600       358,865       (34.8

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.

    50,900       513,839       (49.8

Chugoku Bank Ltd.

    7,600       55,887       (5.4

Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    15,800       104,067       (10.1

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings, Inc.

    15,400       172,641       (16.7

COMSYS Holdings Corp.

    13,600       282,366       (27.4

Cosmo Energy Holdings Co. Ltd.

    500       12,422       (1.2

Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp.

    2,000       184,375       (17.9

Daifuku Co. Ltd.

    3,400       209,061       (20.3

Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd.

    1,500       144,468       (14.0

Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd.

    7,500       180,301       (17.5
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Denso Corp.

    100     $ 6,095       (0.6 )% 

Dentsu Group, Inc.

    9,000         324,375       (31.4

DMG Mori Co. Ltd.

    9,600       120,484       (11.7

Ebara Corp.

    2,800       128,597       (12.5

Electric Power Development Co. Ltd.

    16,500       226,096       (21.9

FP Corp.

    8,500       192,247       (18.6

Freee KK

    2,800       80,789       (7.8

Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.

    3,100       50,341       (4.9

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

    1,400       117,460       (11.4

H.U. Group Holdings, Inc.

    5,400       120,325       (11.7

Hamamatsu Photonics KK

    3,000       134,230       (13.0

Hirose Electric Co. Ltd.

    2,100       266,435       (25.8

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc.

    7,300       199,996       (19.4

Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd.

    4,700       106,414       (10.3

Hoshizaki Corp.

    100       6,334       (0.6

Hoya Corp.

    2,000       198,484       (19.2

Information Services International-Dentsu Ltd.

    5,600       160,822       (15.6

Internet Initiative Japan, Inc.

    2,700       84,270       (8.2

Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp.

    9,200       215,425       (20.9

Izumi Co. Ltd.

    3,300       71,721       (6.9

J Front Retailing Co. Ltd.

    25,800       193,336       (18.7

Japan Exchange Group, Inc.

    4,600       68,496       (6.6

Japan Post Bank Co. Ltd.

    20,700       156,167       (15.1

Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp.

    47       142,587       (13.8

Japan Tobacco, Inc.

    4,100       69,748       (6.8

Kakaku.com, Inc.

    20,500       429,307       (41.6

Kamigumi Co. Ltd.

    9,800       166,393       (16.1

Kandenko Co. Ltd.

    27,700       175,662       (17.0

Kao Corp.

    12,400       496,973       (48.1

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd.

    4,100       214,356       (20.8

Keisei Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    9,100       223,127       (21.6

Kewpie Corp.

    5,300       89,261       (8.6

Keyence Corp.

    300       120,601       (11.7

Kikkoman Corp.

    500       28,101       (2.7

Kintetsu Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    10,600       303,915       (29.4

Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    8,000       293,556       (28.4

Kokuyo Co. Ltd.

    7,100       92,472       (9.0

Konami Holdings Corp.

    2,700       166,032       (16.1

Kusuri no Aoki Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,400       194,938       (18.9

Kyocera Corp.

    11,600       609,080       (59.0

Kyowa Kirin Co. Ltd.

    15,100       318,259       (30.8

Kyudenko Corp.

    5,000       113,389       (11.0

Lasertec Corp.

    700       93,521       (9.1

Lion Corp.

    37,100       382,257       (37.0

Lixil Corp.

    10,500       184,677       (17.9

Mani Inc.

    13,600       155,312       (15.0

Marubeni Corp.

    14,200       155,002       (15.0

Maruwa Unyu Kikan Co. Ltd.

    16,600       193,805       (18.8

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp.

    55,700       339,639       (32.9

Mitsubishi HC Capital, Inc.

    32,700       147,133       (14.3

Mitsubishi Logistics Corp.

    5,900       135,980       (13.2

Mitsubishi Materials Corp.

    10,300       161,125       (15.6

Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd.

    4,400       93,252       (9.0

Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd.

    5,600       141,600       (13.7

Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd.

    1,600       37,458       (3.6

MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc.

    3,000       89,302       (8.7

Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    1,000       59,607       (5.8

Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd.

    4,800       77,093       (7.5

Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    30,400       542,726       (52.6

Nichirei Corp.

    16,600       304,784       (29.5

Nihon Kohden Corp.

    7,200       172,844       (16.7




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Nippon Express Holdings, Inc.

    1,500     $ 87,946       (8.5 )% 

Nippon Steel Corp.

    4,900       77,805       (7.5

Nippon Television Holdings, Inc.

    14,500       139,174       (13.5

Nippon Yusen KK

    1,500       108,216       (10.5

Nipro Corp.

    2,400       18,911       (1.8

Nissan Chemical Corp.

    3,600       190,161       (18.4

Nissin Foods Holdings Co. Ltd.

    6,200       431,288       (41.8

Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd.

    1,900       195,471       (18.9

Nitto Denko Corp.

    2,700       181,226       (17.6

NOK Corp.

    10,300       87,635       (8.5

Nomura Research Institute Ltd.

    4,300       121,589       (11.8

NTT Data Corp.

    6,000       110,627       (10.7

Obayashi Corp.

    13,400       92,154       (8.9

OBIC Business Consultants Co. Ltd.

    2,200       79,072       (7.7

Obic Co. Ltd.

    2,800       413,670       (40.1

Omron Corp.

    1,400       82,536       (8.0

Otsuka Corp.

    9,400       308,058       (29.8

Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,200       107,528       (10.4


    3,900       142,147       (13.8

Park24 Co. Ltd.

    17,800       253,481       (24.6

Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd.

    30,600       149,725       (14.5

PeptiDream, Inc.

    2,100       33,871       (3.3

Pigeon Corp.

    18,400       313,812       (30.4

Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc.

    9,000       103,762       (10.1

Relo Group, Inc.

    8,200       117,134       (11.3

Resorttrust, Inc.

    8,700       146,365       (14.2

Sankyu Inc.

    5,000       152,445       (14.8

Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    28,600       232,652       (22.5

Sapporo Holdings Ltd.

    4,100       85,338       (8.3

Sawai Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,900       164,369       (15.9

SBI Holdings, Inc.

    7,800       174,463       (16.9

SCSK Corp.

    12,600       200,319       (19.4

Sega Sammy Holdings, Inc.

    1,000       17,720       (1.7

Seino Holdings Co. Ltd.

    9,400       76,788       (7.4

Sekisui House REIT, Inc.

    448       262,148       (25.4

SG Holdings Co. Ltd.

    7,400       130,408       (12.6

Shimizu Corp.

    30,300       158,882       (15.4

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd.

    1,100       151,178       (14.6

Shionogi & Co. Ltd.

    3,000       166,878       (16.2

Skylark Co. Ltd.

    40,500       480,560       (46.6

SMS Co. Ltd.

    4,000       93,875       (9.1

Softbank Corp.

    39,100       455,040       (44.1

Sony Group Corp.

    2,900       250,273       (24.2

Sotetsu Holdings Inc.

    6,600       113,144       (11.0

Square Enix Holdings Co. Ltd.

    1,500       59,889       (5.8

Subaru Corp.

    800       12,140       (1.2

Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.

    2,500       10,631       (1.0

Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Ltd.

    14,800       131,833       (12.8

Sumitomo Forestry Co. Ltd.

    23,200       354,933       (34.4

Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.

    6,600       139,665       (13.5

Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd.

    600       26,314       (2.6

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc.

    20,300       630,061       (61.0

Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd.

    26,900       233,163       (22.6

Sundrug Co. Ltd.

    12,600       293,354       (28.4

Suzuki Motor Corp.

    3,100       93,450       (9.1

Taiheiyo Cement Corp.

    8,400       135,908       (13.2

Takara Bio Inc.

    5,600       90,070       (8.7

Takashimaya Co. Ltd.

    13,600       124,049       (12.0

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    400       11,607       (1.1

Terumo Corp.

    17,200       511,960       (49.6

TIS, Inc.

    13,600       305,447       (29.6
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.

    7,700     $ 416,329       (40.3 )% 

Tokyo Electron Ltd.

    700       295,362       (28.6

Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    500       27,168       (2.6

Toray Industries, Inc.

    12,500       59,241       (5.7

Tosoh Corp.

    9,700       133,943       (13.0


    2,700       90,987       (8.8

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd.

    25,000       270,410       (26.2

Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd.

    4,300       132,768       (12.9

Toyota Tsusho Corp.

    1,900       68,262       (6.6

Trend Micro, Inc.

    300       16,727       (1.6

Tsumura & Co.

    5,700       140,247       (13.6

Tsuruha Holdings, Inc.

    3,000       153,324       (14.9

Unicharm Corp.

    18,900       657,569       (63.7

Ushio, Inc.

    5,100       66,124       (6.4

Welcia Holdings Co. Ltd.

    5,300       108,645       (10.5

Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd.

    9,700       502,272       (48.7

Yamada Holdings Co. Ltd.

    165,700       494,794       (47.9

Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc.

    44,800       245,646       (23.8

Yaoko Co. Ltd.

    7,400       391,480       (37.9

Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd.

    21,900       293,210       (28.4

Z Holdings Corp.

    24,100       94,613       (9.2

ZOZO, Inc.

    200       4,188       (0.4







Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC

    7,386       173,500       (16.8







Aroundtown SA

    36,876       185,432       (18.0

L’Occitane International SA

    45,250       141,839       (13.7

RTL Group SA

    4,359       226,657       (22.0







MGM China Holdings Ltd.

    108,400       62,047       (6.0

Wynn Macau Ltd.

    90,000       55,280       (5.4







ASR Nederland NV

    5,718       259,875       (25.2


    2,959       41,896       (4.1

Heineken Holding NV

    5,137       401,006       (38.9


    2,516       400,604       (38.8

ING Groep NV

    30,572       289,645       (28.1


    2,462       93,291       (9.0


    59,010       193,362       (18.7


    2,012       92,788       (9.0

Randstad NV

    1,044       55,206       (5.3






New Zealand                  

a2 Milk Co. Ltd.

    3,063       9,514       (0.9

Air New Zealand Ltd.

    40,656       23,074       (2.2

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp. Ltd.

    5,400       74,207       (7.2







Adevinta ASA

    9,167       70,819       (6.8

AutoStore Holdings Ltd.

    198,723       443,212       (42.9

Equinor ASA

    3,825       130,928       (12.7


    7,901       11,228       (1.1

Nordic Semiconductor ASA

    10,379       206,347       (20.0



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Norway (continued)                  

Schibsted ASA, Class A

    4,055     $ 84,502       (8.2 )% 

Schibsted ASA, Class B

    2,291       44,333       (4.3







Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA

    16,038       333,857       (32.3






Puerto Rico                  

Popular, Inc.

    9,444       736,538       (71.4







ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd.

    94,400       99,719       (9.7

Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd.

    6,600       137,560       (13.3

Mapletree Commercial Trust

    244,200       328,430       (31.8

NetLink NBN Trust

    26,200       18,945       (1.8

Olam Group Ltd.

    20,900       25,540       (2.5


    400       1,306       (0.1

SIA Engineering Co. Ltd.

    9,600       18,437       (1.8

StarHub Ltd.

    95,300       86,440       (8.4

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

    9,900       211,922       (20.5

Wing Tai Holdings Ltd.

    9,100       11,421       (1.1







Bankinter SA

    20,301       119,469       (11.6

Cellnex Telecom SA

    452       21,068       (2.0

Iberdrola SA

    3,337       38,345       (3.7

Inmobiliaria Colonial Socimi SA

    34,301       285,226       (27.6

Merlin Properties Socimi SA

    9,810       106,572       (10.3

Naturgy Energy Group SA

    737       22,171       (2.2







Alfa Laval AB

    143       3,981       (0.4

Boliden AB

    4,004       173,618       (16.8

Castellum AB

    23,857       472,448       (45.8

Epiroc AB, Class B

    3,898       68,004       (6.6


    1,467       41,519       (4.0

Essity AB, Class B

    6,674       176,000       (17.1

Hexagon AB, B Shares

    729       9,406       (0.9

Holmen AB, B Shares

    8,115       469,037       (45.4

Indutrade AB

    16,011       377,665       (36.6

Investment AB Latour, B Shares

    3,692       97,810       (9.5

Lifco AB, B Shares

    6,501       136,363       (13.2

Lundin Energy AB

    2,660       109,980       (10.7

Nibe Industrier AB, B Shares

    13,544       132,791       (12.9

Saab AB, Class B

    1,353       57,230       (5.5

Sagax AB, Class B

    5,945       151,862       (14.7

Spotify Technology SA

    5,220       530,613       (51.4

SSAB AB, A Shares

    8,938       56,766       (5.5

Storskogen Group AB, Class B

    86,222       181,867       (17.6

Swedish Match AB

    83,617       665,991       (64.5

Tele2 AB, B Shares

    5,987       79,353       (7.7







Adecco Group AG

    4,213       162,579       (15.7

Barry Callebaut AG

    24       55,237       (5.3

Belimo Holding AG

    55       27,182       (2.6

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG, Registered Shares

    2       237,265       (23.0

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG, Participation Certificates

    23       257,945       (25.0
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Switzerland (continued)                  

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Class A

    1,747     $ 202,985       (19.7 )% 

Flughafen Zurich AG

    5,256       888,783       (86.1

Idorsia Ltd.

    7,017       119,769       (11.6

Logitech International SA

    946       61,564       (6.0

Lonza Group AG

    120       70,756       (6.9

SIG Combibloc Group AG

    13,893       290,857       (28.2

Sika AG

    1,014       309,734       (30.0

Straumann Holding AG

    1,238       145,950       (14.1

Swatch Group AG

    37       9,496       (0.9

Swiss Prime Site AG

    5,006       489,309       (47.4

UBS Group AG

    7,998       135,779       (13.2






United Kingdom                  

Abrdn PLC

    5,133       12,053       (1.2

BAE Systems PLC

    6,717       62,043       (6.0

Baltic Classifieds Group PLC

    87,726       143,751       (13.9

Barclays PLC

    198,287       364,479       (35.3

Barratt Developments PLC

    32,075       196,236       (19.0

Beazley PLC

    5,857       31,787       (3.1

Bellway PLC

    12,348       375,037       (36.3

Capri Holdings Ltd.

    1,647       78,562       (7.6

Croda International PLC

    109       10,587       (1.0

Darktrace PLC

    4,310       23,537       (2.3

Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC

    3,156       143,015       (13.8

Direct Line Insurance Group PLC

    71,519       226,993       (22.0

Electrocomponents PLC

    14,549       189,900       (18.4

Halma PLC

    13,717       426,899       (41.4

Hargreaves Lansdown PLC

    14,038       160,712       (15.6

Imperial Brands PLC

    5,370       111,779       (10.8

Intertek Group PLC

    8,874       552,983       (53.6

Janus Henderson Group PLC

    1,111       33,863       (3.3

Liberty Global PLC, Class A

    5,169       117,646       (11.4

Linde PLC

    747       233,034       (22.6


    43,547       115,615       (11.2

Melrose Industries PLC

    25,116       37,298       (3.6

Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC

    2       4       (0.0

Nomad Foods Ltd.

    54,636       1,008,581       (97.7

Phoenix Group Holdings PLC

    9,932       75,229       (7.3

Quilter PLC

    74,496       122,716       (11.9

Smiths Group PLC

    3,153       57,698       (5.6


    442       10,266       (1.0


    25,152       74,239       (7.2


    78,397       105,256       (10.2

Tritax Big Box REIT PLC

    102,296       312,276       (30.2

Weir Group PLC

    518       9,958       (1.0

Whitbread PLC

    2,516       89,123       (8.6






United States                  

A O Smith Corp.

    817       47,737       (4.6

AbbVie, Inc.

    1,402       205,926       (19.9


    1,581       453,083       (43.9

Adobe, Inc.

    1,049       415,352       (40.2

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

    5,891       503,798       (48.8

Aflac, Inc.

    2,082       119,257       (11.5

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

    1,467       174,969       (16.9

Airbnb, Inc., Class A

    872       133,599       (12.9

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

    199       10,824       (1.0

Alcoa Corp.

    898       60,884       (5.9

Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.

    3,741       681,461       (66.0

Alphabet, Inc., Class C

    10       22,993       (2.2




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc., Class A

    12,115     $ 185,360       (18.0 )% 

American Express Co.

    394       68,836       (6.7

American Water Works Co., Inc.

    1,458       224,649       (21.8


    107       13,510       (1.3

AMN Healthcare Services, Inc.

    2,530       247,308       (24.0

Amphenol Corp., Class A

    12,390       885,885       (85.8


    45       12,406       (1.2

Antero Midstream Corp.

    34,112       350,330       (33.9

Aon PLC, Class A

    117       33,695       (3.3

APA Corp.

    1,763       72,160       (7.0

Applied Materials, Inc.

    1,429       157,690       (15.3

Arista Networks, Inc.

    899       103,897       (10.1

Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.

    324       59,522       (5.8

ASGN, Inc.

    5,620       637,589       (61.8

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A

    1,191       267,773       (25.9

Autodesk, Inc.

    785       148,585       (14.4

AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

    4,327       984,306       (95.4

Avantor, Inc.

    4,046       128,987       (12.5

Axon Enterprise, Inc.

    3,812       427,706       (41.4

Ball Corp.

    130       10,551       (1.0

Bank of New York Mellon Corp.

    12,186       512,543       (49.7

Baxter International, Inc.

    3,891       276,494       (26.8

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

    1,343       109,253       (10.6

BJ’s Wholesale Club Holdings, Inc.

    911       58,623       (5.7

Black Hills Corp.

    2,027       148,458       (14.4

Blackline, Inc.

    3,014       202,089       (19.6

Block, Inc.

    798       79,433       (7.7

Blueprint Medicines Corp.

    1,007       58,758       (5.7

Boeing Co.

    14,833       2,207,744       (213.9

Booking Holdings, Inc.

    168       371,332       (36.0

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp.

    20,765       1,695,047       (164.2

BorgWarner, Inc.

    1,253       46,148       (4.5

Boston Properties, Inc.

    3,456       406,426       (39.4

Brighthouse Financial, Inc.

    1,066       54,750       (5.3

Brixmor Property Group, Inc.

    6,366       161,569       (15.6

Brown & Brown, Inc.

    2,207       136,790       (13.2

BWX Technologies, Inc.

    372       19,314       (1.9

CACI International, Inc., Class A

    604       160,241       (15.5

Camden Property Trust

    1,341       210,390       (20.4

Carnival Corp.

    6,178       106,879       (10.4

Catalent, Inc.

    373       33,779       (3.3

Cboe Global Markets, Inc.

    2,035       229,914       (22.3

ChampionX Corp.

    568       11,985       (1.2

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.

    1,475       356,227       (34.5

Charles Schwab Corp.

    7,582       502,914       (48.7

Cheniere Energy, Inc.

    6,483       880,456       (85.3

Chesapeake Energy Corp.

    6,237       511,559       (49.6

Chevron Corp.

    1,013       158,707       (15.4

Choice Hotels International, Inc.

    1,927       270,666       (26.2

Cisco Systems, Inc.

    3,287       160,997       (15.6

Citigroup, Inc.

    7,785       375,315       (36.4

Clorox Co.

    544       78,048       (7.6

CMS Energy Corp.

    2,530       173,786       (16.8

Coca-Cola Co.

    1,983       128,122       (12.4

Cognex Corp.

    955       64,587       (6.3

Colgate-Palmolive Co.

    680       52,394       (5.1


    3,419       326,583       (31.6

Continental Resources, Inc.

    14,837       824,492       (79.9

CoStar Group, Inc.

    2,950       187,679       (18.2

Coupa Software, Inc.

    354       30,550       (3.0

Crocs, Inc.

    6,449       428,407       (41.5

Crown Castle International Corp.

    944       174,838       (16.9
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Cummins, Inc.

    1,029     $ 194,677       (18.9 )% 

Danaher Corp.

    517       129,834       (12.6

DaVita, Inc.

    1,285       139,255       (13.5

Dentsply Sirona, Inc.

    657       26,273       (2.5

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc.

    3,014       290,610       (28.2

DocuSign, Inc.

    2,620       212,220       (20.6

Dominion Energy, Inc.

    2,218       181,078       (17.5

Domino’s Pizza, Inc.

    2,414       815,932       (79.0

Duke Realty Corp.

    4,356       238,491       (23.1

East West Bancorp, Inc.

    2,078       148,161       (14.3

eBay, Inc.

    1,192       61,889       (6.0

Edison International

    5,566       382,885       (37.1

Elanco Animal Health, Inc.

    1,568       39,686       (3.8

Eli Lilly & Co.

    326       95,234       (9.2

Emerson Electric Co.

    2,220       200,200       (19.4

EOG Resources, Inc.

    5,557       648,835       (62.9

EQT Corp.

    2,070       82,283       (8.0

Equifax, Inc.

    1,627       331,127       (32.1

Equinix, Inc.

    167       120,086       (11.6

Equitable Holdings, Inc.

    3,179       91,651       (8.9

Equity Residential

    9,809       799,434       (77.4

Erie Indemnity Co., Class A

    520       83,346       (8.1

Essential Utilities, Inc.

    4,244       189,961       (18.4

Etsy, Inc.

    4,615       430,072       (41.7

Evoqua Water Technologies Corp.

    2,256       94,053       (9.1

Expedia Group, Inc.

    4,394       767,852       (74.4

Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.

    470       46,563       (4.5

Fair Isaac Corp.

    36       13,446       (1.3

Fate Therapeutics, Inc.

    4,998       142,743       (13.8

Federal Realty Investment Trust

    4,415       516,820       (50.1

First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc.

    3,764       218,312       (21.1

Five Below, Inc.

    553       86,876       (8.4

Floor & Decor Holdings, Inc., Class A

    2,977       237,326       (23.0

Fortinet, Inc.

    440       127,164       (12.3

Fox Corp., Class A

    6,017       215,649       (20.9

Fox Corp., Class B

    10,825       359,823       (34.9

FTI Consulting, Inc.

    2,361       372,353       (36.1

Garmin Ltd.

    4,218       462,883       (44.8

Global Payments, Inc.

    77       10,547       (1.0

Globe Life, Inc.

    552       54,140       (5.2

Globus Medical, Inc., Class A

    4,049       268,125       (26.0

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

    3,225       42,957       (4.2

Guidewire Software, Inc.

    648       56,337       (5.5

H&R Block, Inc.

    1,473       38,401       (3.7

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.

    5,563       221,964       (21.5

Hanesbrands, Inc.

    17,367       230,286       (22.3

Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc.

    1,605       64,184       (6.2

Harley-Davidson, Inc.

    1,644       59,924       (5.8

Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

    3,213       224,685       (21.8

Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc.

    695       18,821       (1.8

HealthEquity, Inc.

    6,113       380,962       (36.9


    131       18,501       (1.8

HEICO Corp., Class A

    11,583       1,351,041       (130.9

Helmerich & Payne, Inc.

    355       16,341       (1.6

Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.

    18,468       490,879       (47.6

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.

    40,422       622,903       (60.3

Hexcel Corp.

    4,025       218,799       (21.2

Home Depot, Inc.

    1,046       314,218       (30.4

Honeywell International, Inc.

    1,962       379,667       (36.8

Horizon Therapeutics PLC

    2,814       277,348       (26.9

HubSpot, Inc.

    245       92,960       (9.0



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Huntington Bancshares, Inc.

    16,624     $ 218,606       (21.2 )% 

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.

    2,898       616,521       (59.7

Huntsman Corp.

    1,812       61,372       (5.9


    7,739       813,988       (78.9

II-VI, Inc.

    1,628       99,650       (9.6

Illinois Tool Works, Inc.

    2,557       504,010       (48.8

Illumina, Inc.

    559       165,827       (16.1

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp.

    476       29,112       (2.8

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.

    947       46,431       (4.5

International Game Technology PLC

    927       20,236       (2.0

Iridium Communications, Inc.

    5,408       193,120       (18.7

Iron Mountain, Inc.

    192       10,316       (1.0

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.

    1,619       224,312       (21.7

JetBlue Airways Corp.

    37,049       407,910       (39.5

Johnson Controls International PLC

    1,167       69,868       (6.8

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

    3,285       392,098       (38.0

Kellogg Co.

    6,869       470,527       (45.6

Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc.

    3,254       121,700       (11.8


    1,119       21,608       (2.1

Keysight Technologies, Inc.

    1,548       217,138       (21.0

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

    8,471       153,749       (14.9

Kirby Corp.

    3,671       239,349       (23.2

Kite Realty Group Trust

    4,971       110,853       (10.7

KLA Corp.

    1,061       338,735       (32.8

Lattice Semiconductor Corp.

    1,759       84,502       (8.2

Lear Corp.

    2,310       295,541       (28.6

Leggett & Platt, Inc.

    14,643       521,730       (50.5

Leidos Holdings, Inc.

    5,463       565,475       (54.8

Leslie’s, Inc.

    6,284       123,166       (11.9

Levi Strauss & Co., Class A

    12,330       223,296       (21.6

Liberty Media Corp. - Liberty Formula One, Class C

    11,690       728,638       (70.6

Liberty Media Corp. - Liberty SiriusXM, Class C

    1,537       64,370       (6.2

Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc.

    596       80,299       (7.8

Lincoln National Corp.

    1,255       75,488       (7.3

Lithia Motors, Inc.

    102       28,879       (2.8

Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.

    352       36,918       (3.6

Livent Corp.

    2,681       57,266       (5.5

Lockheed Martin Corp.

    628       271,371       (26.3

Lumen Technologies, Inc.

    29,318       294,939       (28.6

Lumentum Holdings, Inc.

    802       65,130       (6.3

MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc., Class H

    10,984       559,635       (54.2

ManpowerGroup, Inc.

    1,346       121,409       (11.8

Marathon Oil Corp.

    2,972       74,062       (7.2

MarketAxess Holdings, Inc.

    978       257,811       (25.0

Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp.

    166       24,789       (2.4

Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.

    334       118,309       (11.5

Marvell Technology, Inc.

    254       14,752       (1.4

Masimo Corp.

    709       80,096       (7.8

Matson, Inc.

    458       39,397       (3.8

MaxLinear, Inc.

    2,467       118,095       (11.4

Medical Properties Trust, Inc.

    4,932       90,699       (8.8

Merck & Co., Inc.

    1,352       119,909       (11.6

Meta Platforms, Inc., Class A

    412       82,594       (8.0

MetLife, Inc.

    6,105       400,976       (38.8

MGIC Investment Corp.

    21,974       286,980       (27.8

Microchip Technology, Inc.

    6,960       453,792       (44.0

Microsoft Corp.

    4,584       1,272,152       (123.2

MicroStrategy, Inc., Class A

    26       9,208       (0.9

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc.

    520       102,274       (9.9

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.

    31       12,159       (1.2
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

MP Materials Corp.

    3,013     $ 114,615       (11.1 )% 

National Vision Holdings, Inc.

    9,269         348,978       (33.8

NetApp, Inc.

    243       17,800       (1.7

Netflix, Inc.

    3,404       647,985       (62.8

New Relic, Inc.

    288       18,222       (1.8

New York Community Bancorp, Inc.

    11,745       108,524       (10.5

New York Times Co., Class A

    1,804       69,129       (6.7

Nexstar Media Group, Inc., Class A

    2,322       367,851       (35.6

Norfolk Southern Corp.

    3,463       893,038       (86.5

Northrop Grumman Corp.

    337       148,078       (14.3

NortonLifeLock, Inc.

    1,250       31,300       (3.0

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.

    756       15,143       (1.5

NRG Energy, Inc.

    940       33,746       (3.3


    190       35,239       (3.4

Okta, Inc.

    750       89,483       (8.7

Old National Bancorp

    15,178       230,099       (22.3

Omnicell, Inc.

    2,594       283,187       (27.4

Oracle Corp.

    2,657       195,024       (18.9

O’Reilly Automotive, Inc.

    57       34,573       (3.3

Ormat Technologies, Inc.

    4,936       383,527       (37.2

Outfront Media, Inc.

    1,958       50,125       (4.9

PacWest Bancorp

    8,830       290,419       (28.1

Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

    1,372       770,076       (74.6

Papa John’s International, Inc.

    514       46,800       (4.5

PayPal Holdings, Inc.

    493       43,350       (4.2

Penn National Gaming, Inc.

    2,057       75,225       (7.3

Penske Automotive Group, Inc.

    141       14,780       (1.4

Pentair PLC

    2,574       130,631       (12.7

Penumbra, Inc.

    2,240       386,534       (37.4

Performance Food Group Co.

    493       24,280       (2.3

Perrigo Co. PLC

    1,954       67,022       (6.5

Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc.

    4,782       370,844       (35.9

Planet Fitness, Inc., Class A

    8,582       686,817       (66.5

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

    1,457       242,008       (23.4

Portland General Electric Co.

    618       29,250       (2.8

Power Integrations, Inc.

    778       62,240       (6.0

PPG Industries, Inc.

    71       9,087       (0.9

Principal Financial Group, Inc.

    10,496       715,197       (69.3

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

    2,872       200,064       (19.4

PulteGroup, Inc.

    708       29,566       (2.9

PVH Corp.

    44       3,202       (0.3

Qualcomm, Inc.

    3,470       484,724       (47.0

Qualys, Inc.

    1,254       170,895       (16.6

Ralph Lauren Corp.

    1,074       112,061       (10.9

Raytheon Technologies Corp.

    8,696       825,337       (80.0

Regency Centers Corp.

    7,134       491,033       (47.6

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    121       79,752       (7.7

Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.

    394       78,111       (7.6

Repligen Corp.

    518       81,450       (7.9

Republic Services, Inc.

    98       13,158       (1.3

Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc.

    541       42,220       (4.1

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

    132       11,200       (1.1

Robert Half International, Inc.

    482       47,385       (4.6

Roku, Inc.

    2,137       198,527       (19.2

Roper Technologies, Inc.

    723       339,752       (32.9

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

    2,318       180,178       (17.5

Ryder System, Inc.

    711       49,699       (4.8

S&P Global, Inc.

    991       373,112       (36.1

salesforce.com, Inc.

    1,224       215,351       (20.9

Schlumberger NV

    2,895       112,934       (10.9

Science Applications International Corp.

    1,430       119,019       (11.5

Semtech Corp.

    203       12,099       (1.2




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Service Corp. International

    960     $ 62,986       (6.1 )% 

ServiceNow, Inc.

    11       5,259       (0.5

Sirius XM Holdings, Inc.

    45,883       275,298       (26.7

SL Green Realty Corp.

    930       64,375       (6.2

SM Energy Co.

    291       10,339       (1.0

Southern Co.

    3,738       274,332       (26.6

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc., Class A

    3,594       151,092       (14.6

STAAR Surgical Co.

    2,157       123,143       (11.9

Stifel Financial Corp.

    2,041       126,236       (12.2

Stryker Corp.

    777       187,459       (18.2

Switch, Inc., Class A

    759       22,664       (2.2

Syneos Health, Inc.

    6,259       457,470       (44.3

Sysco Corp.

    1,360       116,253       (11.3

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

    559       53,932       (5.2

Teledyne Technologies, Inc.

    771       332,725       (32.2

Teleflex, Inc.

    769       219,642       (21.3

Teradata Corp.

    1,137       47,015       (4.6

Teradyne, Inc.

    1,096       115,584       (11.2

Tetra Tech, Inc.

    1,550       215,884       (20.9

Textron, Inc.

    30,753           2,129,645       (206.3

Timken Co.

    6,767       390,050       (37.8

TransDigm Group, Inc.

    372       221,269       (21.4

Travel + Leisure Co.

    26,067       1,446,197       (140.1

TripAdvisor, Inc.

    5,411       138,900       (13.5

Twilio, Inc., Class A

    4,801       536,848       (52.0

UDR, Inc.

    5,962       317,238       (30.7

Ulta Beauty, Inc.

    742       294,426       (28.5

Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc.

    1,236       87,373       (8.5

United Therapeutics Corp.

    1,498       265,985       (25.8

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

    546       277,668       (26.9

Valero Energy Corp.

    1,737       193,641       (18.8

Veeva Systems, Inc., Class A

    1,253       227,983       (22.1

VF Corp.

    392       20,384       (2.0

ViacomCBS, Inc., Class B

    5,096       148,396       (14.4

Viatris, Inc.

    76,219       787,342       (76.3

W.W. Grainger, Inc.

    289       144,509       (14.0

Walt Disney Co.

    2,500       279,075       (27.0

Waters Corp.

    1,387       420,289       (40.7

Watsco, Inc.

    107       28,545       (2.8

Western Alliance Bancorp

    1,342       102,140       (9.9

WEX, Inc.

    403       66,995       (6.5

Willis Towers Watson PLC

    248       53,285       (5.2

Wintrust Financial Corp.

    4,174       364,474       (35.3

Workday, Inc., Class A

    1,683       347,876       (33.7

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., Class A

    7,233       422,335       (40.9

XPO Logistics, Inc.

    2,132       114,680       (11.1

Zions Bancorp NA

    4,109       232,200       (22.5

Zoetis, Inc.

    460       81,535       (7.9






Preferred Stocks                  

Fuchs Petrolub SE, Preference Shares

    6,851       216,089       (20.9

Porsche Automobil Holding SE, Preference Shares

    1,662       139,460       (13.5






Security   Shares     Value     % of
Germany (continued)                  

Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    679     $ 751       (0.1 )% 







Total Reference Entity — Long




Reference Entity — Short                  
Common Stocks                  

Newcrest Mining Ltd. NPV

    (5,530     (104,517     10.1  








    (4,452     (211,398     20.5  

Telekom Austria AG

    (6,448     (45,973     4.5  

Verbund AG

    (804     (85,939     8.3  







Ageas SA

    (481     (23,016     2.2  

Sofina SA

    (2,181     (668,383     64.8  







Signet Jewelers Ltd.

    (3,608     (253,282     24.5  

Triton International Ltd.

    (3,180     (194,266     18.8  







Alimentation Couche-Tard, Inc.

    (323     (14,379     1.4  

Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

    (8,778     (285,141     27.6  

Ballard Power Systems, Inc.

    (33,015     (274,215     26.6  

Brookfield Asset Management, Inc., Class A

    (3,019     (150,592     14.6  

Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd., Class A

    (7,037     (969,289     93.9  

Capital Power Corp.

    (1,348     (44,302     4.3  

Constellation Software, Inc.

    (169     (265,984     25.8  

Dollarama, Inc.

    (16,997     (944,947     91.5  

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

    (36,889     (429,580     41.6  

Element Fleet Management Corp.

    (37,560     (335,354     32.5  

Empire Co. Ltd.

    (27,093     (894,840     86.7  

Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.

    (455     (250,006     24.2  

Finning International, Inc.

    (15,219     (428,144     41.5  

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

    (5,122     (146,844     14.2  

Great-West Lifeco, Inc.

    (1,068     (29,463     2.8  

H&R Real Estate Investment Trust

    (22,636     (225,188     21.8  

iA Financial Corp., Inc.

    (18,104     (946,597     91.7  

Loblaw Cos. Ltd.

    (10,173     (930,548     90.1  

MEG Energy Corp.

    (16,536     (248,429     24.1  

Metro, Inc.

    (6,907     (379,639     36.8  

National Bank of Canada

    (429     (29,961     2.9  

Nuvei Corp.

    (3,574     (199,865     19.4  

Onex Corp.

    (6,040     (362,922     35.1  

Parkland Corp.

    (16,200     (460,155     44.6  

Quebecor, Inc., Class B

    (7,440     (175,076     17.0  

RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust

    (23,639     (441,627     42.8  

Royal Bank of Canada

    (457     (46,157     4.5  

Saputo, Inc.

    (5,246     (112,136     10.9  

SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust

    (5,527     (134,620     13.0  

Stelco Holdings, Inc.

    (8,865     (323,574     31.3  

Topicus.com, Inc.

    (1,024     (63,689     6.2  

Toromont Industries Ltd.

    (1,000     (88,032     8.5  









S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Ambu A/S, Class B

    (5,945   $ (78,251     7.6

AP Moller - Maersk A/S, Class A

    (9     (25,476     2.4  

Chr Hansen Holding A/S

    (5,341     (416,116     40.3  

Danske Bank A/S

    (27,907     (428,061     41.5  

Pandora A/S

    (1,927     (169,203     16.4  

Rockwool International A/S, B Shares

    (2,610     (729,965     70.7  

Royal Unibrew A/S

    (2,085     (179,708     17.4  







Huhtamaki OYJ

    (2,766     (104,556     10.1  

Kojamo OYJ

    (9,658     (192,128     18.6  

Orion OYJ, Class B

    (18,171     (712,712     69.1  

QT Group OYJ

    (1,615     (140,708     13.7  

Stora Enso OYJ, B Shares

    (29,858     (587,590     56.9  

UPM-Kymmene OYJ

    (10,628     (367,647     35.6  







Airbus SE

    (11,340     (1,241,411     120.3  


    (3,858     (367,289     35.6  

Bollore SA

    (25,683     (119,848     11.6  

Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA

    (2,250     (278,685     27.0  

Constellium SE

    (14,619     (243,991     23.6  

Danone SA

    (4,437     (268,311     26.0  

Eramet SA

    (1,023     (136,348     13.2  

EssilorLuxottica SA

    (926     (157,649     15.3  

Getlink SE

    (677     (12,484     1.2  

Ipsen SA

    (934     (96,822     9.4  

JCDecaux SA

    (1,539     (32,262     3.1  

Neoen SA

    (2,354     (94,056     9.1  

Pernod Ricard SA

    (1,154     (238,167     23.1  

Sartorius Stedim Biotech

    (196     (64,137     6.2  


    (3,122     (374,912     36.3  

Sodexo SA

    (2,235     (168,129     16.3  


    (1,103     (197,585     19.1  


    (515     (36,346     3.5  

Veolia Environnement SA

    (14,132     (412,323     39.9  

Worldline SA

    (6,414     (252,354     24.5  







Adidas AG

    (2,924     (589,652     57.1  


    (937     (24,022     2.3  

Auto1 Group SE

    (6,566     (68,747     6.7  


    (5,803     (305,603     29.6  

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    (108     (7,956     0.8  

Bechtle AG

    (6,009     (277,674     26.9  

Brenntag SE

    (6,197     (478,182     46.3  

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG

    (1,807     (226,968     22.0  

Daimler Truck Holding AG

    (4,774     (128,395     12.4  

Delivery Hero SE

    (4,768     (167,609     16.2  

Deutsche Wohnen SE

    (2,089     (59,829     5.8  

Evotec SE

    (3,017     (73,459     7.1  

Fielmann AG

    (4,238     (214,239     20.8  


    (24,384     (416,468     40.3  

Knorr-Bremse AG

    (898     (64,041     6.2  

Puma SE

    (584     (42,970     4.2  

Siemens Healthineers AG

    (937     (50,101     4.9  

Uniper SE

    (410     (10,539     1.0  

United Internet AG

    (12,823     (412,527     40.0  

Vantage Towers AG

    (5,376     (182,793     17.7  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Germany (continued)                  

Volkswagen AG

    (1,059   $ (229,656     22.3

Wacker Chemie AG

    (53     (8,409     0.8  

Zalando SE

    (6,423     (252,721     24.5  






Hong Kong                  

Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd.

    (17,000     (1,847     0.2  

Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd.

    (149,100     (695,546     67.4  

Sino Land Co. Ltd.

    (12,077     (15,963     1.5  







AerCap Holdings NV

    (264     (12,331     1.2  

Allegion PLC

    (2,747     (313,817     30.4  


    (3,608     (142,606     13.8  


    (3,422     (259,281     25.1  

Smurfit Kappa Group PLC

    (1,069     (45,877     4.5  






Isle of Man                  

GVC Holdings PLC

    (12,525     (235,349     22.8  







Ashtrom Group Ltd.

    (4,809     (134,105     13.0  

Fiverr International Ltd.

    (5,626     (299,584     29.0  

Global-e Online Ltd.

    (989     (22,292     2.2  

ironSource Ltd., Class A

    (39,159     (149,979     14.5  

Kornit Digital Ltd.

    (827     (54,995     5.3  

Mivne Real Estate KD Ltd.

    (61,534     (230,555     22.3  

Shapir Engineering and Industry Ltd.

    (1,759     (16,458     1.6  

Shikun & Binui Ltd.

    (31,886     (187,983     18.2  

Wix.com Ltd.

    (898     (67,763     6.6  

ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.

    (1,499     (83,389     8.1  







Banco BPM SpA

    (201,237     (634,037     61.4  

DiaSorin SpA

    (2,981     (390,486     37.8  

Eni SpA

    (13,079     (182,828     17.7  

FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA

    (27,745     (385,693     37.4  

Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane SpA

    (43,956     (469,025     45.4  

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA

    (165,385     (337,008     32.7  

Nexi SpA

    (366     (3,590     0.4  

Pirelli & C SpA

    (2,596     (12,866     1.3  

Poste Italiane SpA

    (84,168     (824,774     79.9  

Prysmian SpA

    (3,361     (109,316     10.6  

Snam SpA

    (16,457     (90,260     8.7  

Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA

    (181,213     (1,477,988     143.2  

Unipol Gruppo SpA

    (26,185     (142,777     13.8  







Advance Residence Investment Corp.

    (99     (271,959     26.3  

Aeon Mall Co. Ltd.

    (15,900     (193,464     18.7  

AEON REIT Investment Corp.

    (8     (9,185     0.9  

AGC, Inc.

    (500     (18,745     1.8  

Ain Holdings, Inc.

    (6,300     (282,585     27.4  

Air Water, Inc.

    (9,400     (124,765     12.1  

Ariake Japan Co. Ltd.

    (5,700     (228,692     22.2  

Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd.

    (5,200     (100,484     9.7  

Asics Corp.

    (4,400     (69,418     6.7  


    (10,900     (133,476     12.9  

Benefit One, Inc.

    (2,200     (33,357     3.2  

Bic Camera, Inc.

    (35,700     (301,322     29.2  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Canon Marketing Japan, Inc.

    (5,100   $     (110,975     10.8

Chiba Bank Ltd.

    (53,600     (308,912     29.9  

Concordia Financial Group Ltd.

    (148,400     (540,043     52.3  

Credit Saison Co. Ltd.

    (5,000     (56,317     5.5  

CyberAgent, Inc.

    (21,100     (222,919     21.6  

Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd.

    (12,400     (259,136     25.1  

Daicel Corp.

    (6,100     (37,289     3.6  

Daido Steel Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (108,394     10.5  

Daiichikosho Co. Ltd.

    (3,000     (81,825     7.9  

Daio Paper Corp.

    (4,700     (56,044     5.4  

Daiwa Office Investment Corp.

    (92     (520,836     50.5  

DeNA Co. Ltd.

    (45,500     (659,480     63.9  

Denka Co. Ltd.

    (12,600     (337,781     32.7  

DIC Corp.

    (2,400     (45,765     4.4  

Dowa Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (3,100     (131,876     12.8  

Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.

    (3,000     (86,006     8.3  

Fancl Corp.

    (11,700     (223,973     21.7  

Fast Retailing Co. Ltd.

    (600     (276,244     26.8  

Fuji Oil Holdings, Inc.

    (14,700     (208,620     20.2  

Fukuoka Financial Group, Inc.

    (21,000     (383,697     37.2  

Fukuyama Transporting Co. Ltd.

    (8,600     (240,711     23.3  

Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd.

    (800     (43,284     4.2  


    (190     (256,381     24.8  

GMO internet, Inc.

    (9,700     (193,856     18.8  

Goldwin, Inc.

    (1,800     (90,284     8.7  

GS Yuasa Corp.

    (21,200     (367,616     35.6  

GungHo Online Entertainment, Inc.

    (49,800     (1,016,037     98.4  

Hachijuni Bank Ltd.

    (228,800     (754,523     73.1  

Hakuhodo DY Holdings, Inc.

    (13,700     (161,681     15.7  

Hankyu Hanshin Holdings, Inc.

    (23,100     (609,646     59.1  

Heiwa Corp.

    (7,600     (114,271     11.1  

Hikari Tsushin, Inc.

    (800     (93,675     9.1  

Hino Motors Ltd.

    (53,900     (278,231     27.0  

Hirogin Holdings, Inc.

    (132,400     (652,356     63.2  

Hitachi Transport System Ltd.

    (8,400     (551,372     53.4  

Horiba Ltd.

    (4,700     (228,671     22.2  

House Foods Group, Inc.

    (8,200     (191,916     18.6  

Ibiden Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (142,013     13.8  

Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd.

    (4,100     (108,056     10.5  

Iida Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,300     (68,390     6.6  

Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment Corp.

    (300     (430,465     41.7  

INFRONEER Holdings, Inc.

    (119,812     (872,717     84.5  

Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.

    (3,200     (23,749     2.3  

Isuzu Motors Ltd.

    (7,200     (83,994     8.1  

Ito En Ltd.

    (4,800     (197,258     19.1  

Itoham Yonekyu Holdings, Inc.

    (45,500     (229,004     22.2  

Iwatani Corp.

    (9,300     (370,017     35.8  

Iyo Bank Ltd.

    (25,500     (123,647     12.0  

Japan Airlines Co. Ltd.

    (16,700     (275,708     26.7  

Japan Airport Terminal Co. Ltd.

    (11,200     (464,089     45.0  

Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd.

    (10,600     (148,221     14.4  

Japan Hotel REIT Investment Corp.

    (1,472     (747,609     72.4  

Japan Logistics Fund, Inc.

    (58     (141,549     13.7  

Japan Metropolitan Fund Invest

    (810     (643,811     62.4  

Japan Real Estate Investment Corp.

    (116     (561,423     54.4  

JCR Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.

    (7,700     (143,103     13.9  

JMDC, Inc.

    (400     (19,289     1.9  


    (12,300     (85,755     8.3  

Kadokawa Dwango

    (42,400     (1,062,882     103.0  

Kagome Co. Ltd.

    (15,600     (390,406     37.8  

Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (36,363     3.5  

Kaneka Corp.

    (4,700     (125,760     12.2  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.

    (26,400   $     (469,466     45.5

Keihan Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (6,800     (145,042     14.1  

Keikyu Corp.

    (37,200     (374,697     36.3  

Keio Corp.

    (4,900     (187,928     18.2  

Kenedix Office Investment Corp.

    (27     (141,121     13.7  

Kinden Corp.

    (16,300     (193,147     18.7  

Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (14,000     (204,088     19.8  

Kobe Steel Ltd.

    (44,100     (191,189     18.5  

Koei Tecmo Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (7,300     (223,855     21.7  

Kose Corp.

    (100     (10,266     1.0  

Kotobuki Spirits Co. Ltd.

    (4,900     (257,922     25.0  

K’s Holdings Corp.

    (3,300     (32,680     3.2  

Kubota Corp.

    (12,000     (203,864     19.8  

Kurita Water Industries Ltd.

    (3,700     (126,230     12.2  

Kyushu Financial Group, Inc.

    (84,400     (259,011     25.1  

Kyushu Railway Co.

    (25,600     (501,779     48.6  

LaSalle Logiport REIT

    (96     (129,879     12.6  

Lintec Corp.

    (11,800     (219,806     21.3  

Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd.

    (10,400     (277,768     26.9  

Marui Group Co. Ltd.

    (6,500     (111,914     10.8  

Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd.

    (5,800     (123,786     12.0  

Matsui Securities Co. Ltd.

    (48,700     (301,201     29.2  

Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (8,500     (280,970     27.2  

Medipal Holdings Corp.

    (19,700     (324,427     31.4  

MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (2,100     (104,678     10.1  

Menicon Co. Ltd.

    (7,200     (153,788     14.9  


    (39,600     (759,772     73.6  

Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd.

    (15,400     (224,325     21.7  

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc.

    (5,500     (80,316     7.8  

Mitsui High-Tec, Inc.

    (1,400     (120,940     11.7  

Miura Co. Ltd.

    (9,700     (202,611     19.6  

Money Forward, Inc.

    (1,400     (47,602     4.6  

Mori Hills REIT Investment Corp.

    (455     (516,033     50.0  

Morinaga & Co. Ltd.

    (8,900     (275,977     26.7  

Nabtesco Corp.

    (8,400     (191,584     18.6  

Nagase & Co. Ltd.

    (4,500     (64,485     6.2  

NEC Networks & System Integration Corp.

    (5,300     (75,256     7.3  

Nexon Co. Ltd.

    (4,000     (91,084     8.8  

NGK Insulators Ltd.

    (4,400     (59,187     5.7  

NH Foods Ltd.

    (7,900     (249,485     24.2  

NHK Spring Co. Ltd.

    (21,300     (137,575     13.3  

Nidec Corp.

    (7,600     (491,333     47.6  

Nifco, Inc.

    (1,900     (40,116     3.9  

Nihon Unisys Ltd.

    (10,800     (272,862     26.4  

Nippon Accommodations Fund, Inc.

    (79     (388,989     37.7  

Nippon Building Fund, Inc.

    (107     (555,469     53.8  

Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd.

    (35,500     (714,630     69.2  

Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd.

    (2,300     (20,045     1.9  

Nippon Shinyaku Co. Ltd.

    (1,800     (121,741     11.8  

Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd.

    (3,600     (144,833     14.0  

Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co. Ltd.

    (48,200     (964,232     93.4  

Nisshin Seifun Group, Inc.

    (8,900     (118,644     11.5  

Noevir Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (5,500     (215,650     20.9  

NOF Corp.

    (4,300     (161,398     15.6  

Nomura Holdings, Inc.

    (20,000     (77,009     7.5  

Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc.

    (301     (377,917     36.6  

NS Solutions Corp.

    (3,100     (92,484     9.0  

Odakyu Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (24,229     2.3  

Oji Holdings Corp.

    (5,100     (24,159     2.3  


    (2,900     (103,650     10.0  

Open House Co. Ltd.

    (11,400     (441,119     42.7  

Oracle Corp. Japan

    (5,600     (359,864     34.9  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Orient Corp.

    (904,800   $     (868,508     84.1

Oriental Land Co. Ltd.

    (800     (121,016     11.7  

Orix JREIT, Inc.

    (447     (604,219     58.5  

Osaka Gas Co. Ltd.

    (52,100     (939,019     91.0  

OSG Corp.

    (4,100     (51,506     5.0  

Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp.

    (2,700     (41,346     4.0  

Rakus Co. Ltd.

    (4,700     (57,602     5.6  

Rengo Co. Ltd.

    (69,300     (410,294     39.8  

Resona Holdings Inc.

    (6,500     (28,265     2.7  

Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (32,045     3.1  

Sankyo Co. Ltd.

    (20,800     (598,520     58.0  

Sansan, Inc.

    (30,400     (290,037     28.1  

Sanwa Holdings Corp.

    (3,700     (33,708     3.3  

Secom Co. Ltd.

    (5,600     (393,985     38.2  

Seibu Holdings, Inc.

    (6,300     (62,591     6.1  

Sharp Corp.

    (39,300     (332,529     32.2  


    (700     (132,650     12.9  

Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (48,500     (278,851     27.0  

Shimamura Co. Ltd.

    (1,900     (168,508     16.3  

Shinsei Bank Ltd.

    (3,800     (66,637     6.5  

Ship Healthcare Holdings, Inc.

    (16,600     (277,285     26.9  

Shiseido Co. Ltd.

    (5,200     (245,811     23.8  

Shizuoka Bank Ltd.

    (46,600     (301,505     29.2  

SHO-BOND Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (7,300     (306,819     29.7  

Shochiku Co. Ltd.

    (1,800     (183,709     17.8  

Showa Denko KK

    (30,900     (601,263     58.3  

Sohgo Security Services Co. Ltd.

    (10,000     (277,788     26.9  

Stanley Electric Co. Ltd.

    (6,900     (118,977     11.5  

Sugi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (2,800     (120,009     11.6  

Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd.

    (2,600     (85,309     8.3  

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd.

    (2,700     (64,073     6.2  

Suzuken Co. Ltd./Aichi Japan

    (5,800     (171,200     16.6  

Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,000     (157,552     15.3  

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp.

    (4,900     (88,178     8.5  

Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.

    (1,700     (66,789     6.5  

Takara Holdings, Inc.

    (19,300     (162,562     15.7  

TechnoPro Holdings Inc.

    (6,200     (157,902     15.3  

THK Co. Ltd.

    (8,600     (170,421     16.5  

Tobu Railway Co. Ltd.

    (11,200     (251,756     24.4  

Toda Corp.

    (22,200     (127,551     12.4  

Toho Gas Co. Ltd.

    (6,700     (157,176     15.2  

Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd.

    (52,100     (430,808     41.7  

Tokyo Century Corp.

    (2,000     (61,604     6.0  

Tokyu Corp.

    (59,300     (725,168     70.3  

Toppan Inc.

    (13,800     (228,109     22.1  

Toshiba Corp.

    (11,400     (473,423     45.9  

Toshiba TEC Corp.

    (1,300     (44,066     4.3  

Toyo Tire Corp.

    (5,500     (63,085     6.1  

Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd.

    (2,100     (30,580     3.0  

Toyota Boshoku Corp.

    (9,500     (151,406     14.7  

Toyota Industries Corp.

    (1,900     (113,956     11.0  

TS Tech Co. Ltd.

    (7,000     (73,049     7.1  

Ube Industries Ltd.

    (4,700     (72,873     7.1  

Ulvac, Inc.

    (8,200     (321,316     31.1  

United Urban Investment Corp.

    (157     (171,779     16.6  

USS Co. Ltd.

    (4,900     (81,575     7.9  

West Japan Railway Co.

    (4,600     (170,747     16.5  

Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd.

    (15,500     (191,613     18.6  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Yokogawa Electric Corp.

    (15,700   $ (250,297     24.2

Zenkoku Hosho Co. Ltd.

    (11,900     (417,644     40.5  

Zeon Corp.

    (12,700     (135,239     13.1  







Grand City Properties SA

    (37,350     (659,416     63.9  

Tenaris SA

    (65,705     (1,004,116     97.3  







Aegon NV

    (84,869     (440,019     42.6  

Argenx SE

    (1,154     (332,477     32.2  

ASM International NV

    (333     (100,064     9.7  

ASML Holding NV

    (145     (82,293     8.0  

Euronext NV

    (7,946     (636,650     61.7  

Iveco Group NV

    (27,055     (159,175     15.4  

Just Eat Takeaway.com NV

    (15,264     (414,609     40.2  

Koninklijke Philips NV

    (2,101     (54,902     5.3  

NN Group NV

    (7,050     (345,320     33.4  

SBM Offshore NV

    (17,449     (252,856     24.5  

Shop Apotheke Europe NV

    (922     (76,036     7.4  

Universal Music Group NV

    (24,551     (569,741     55.2  






New Zealand                  

Fletcher Building Ltd.

    (4,004     (15,950     1.5  







Aker ASA, A Shares

    (2,101     (171,254     16.6  

Gjensidige Forsikring ASA

    (8,685     (185,680     18.0  

Leroy Seafood Group ASA

    (17,922     (168,203     16.3  

Mowi ASA

    (3,626     (102,424     9.9  

Orkla ASA

    (27,437     (222,641     21.6  

Scatec ASA

    (20,242     (244,658     23.7  

Storebrand ASA

    (3,049     (26,484     2.5  

Var Energi

    (60,356     (258,011     25.0  

Yara International ASA

    (4,236     (215,393     20.9  







InPost SA

    (15,342     (94,060     9.1  







Galp Energia SGPS SA

    (13,033     (158,633     15.4  







Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust

    (38,900     (80,036     7.8  

City Developments Ltd.

    (8,500     (52,489     5.1  

Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust

    (14,700     (15,308     1.5  

Grab Holdings Ltd., Class A

    (69,276     (204,364     19.8  

Kenon Holdings Ltd.

    (13,088     (747,485     72.4  

Mapletree Logistics Trust

    (34,000     (43,667     4.2  






South Africa                  

Investec PLC

    (19,162     (112,862     10.9  







Acerinox SA

    (9,369     (98,648     9.6  


    (360     (51,088     4.9  

Banco de Sabadell SA

    (22,141     (17,183     1.7  

Corp. ACCIONA Energias Renovables SA

    (3,568     (131,899     12.8  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Spain (continued)  

EDP Renovaveis SA

    (10,315   $ (244,127     23.6

Fluidra SA

    (6,465     (174,970     16.9  

Mapfre SA

    (238,593     (435,398     42.2  

Red Electrica Corp. SA

    (13,991     (281,698     27.3  

Repsol SA

    (41,843     (624,209     60.5  

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA

    (4,789     (76,282     7.4  







Avanza Bank Holding AB

    (5,968     (151,120     14.6  

Axfood AB

    (15,006     (444,857     43.1  

Beijer Ref AB

    (3,769     (61,374     5.9  

Embracer Group AB

    (21,962     (146,794     14.2  

Fastighets AB Balder, Class B

    (853     (42,281     4.1  

Getinge AB, B Shares

    (2,522     (72,956     7.1  

Husqvarna AB, B Shares

    (36,533     (349,223     33.8  

Investor AB, Class A

    (10,937     (228,436     22.1  

Kinnevik AB, Class B

    (9,603     (187,954     18.2  

L E Lundbergforetagen AB, B Shares

    (2,218     (103,728     10.1  

Sandvik AB

    (1,045     (19,780     1.9  

Securitas AB, B Shares

    (30,331     (358,112     34.7  

Sinch AB

    (26,773     (118,320     11.5  

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, Class A

    (13,303     (149,181     14.5  

SKF AB, B Shares

    (3,234     (52,820     5.1  

Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA, Class B

    (13,897     (268,946     26.1  

Sweco AB, B Shares

    (12,195     (172,110     16.7  

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB

    (14,136     (297,376     28.8  

Thule Group AB

    (2,238     (77,630     7.5  

Volvo AB, A Shares

    (29,828     (490,391     47.5  

Volvo Car AB, B Shares

    (72,859     (534,506     51.8  







ABB Ltd.

    (24,115     (723,497     70.1  

Bachem Holding AG, Class B

    (660     (287,989     27.9  


    (2,846     (346,447     33.6  

Chubb Ltd.

    (766     (158,141     15.3  

CRISPR Therapeutics AG

    (2,565     (127,275     12.3  

EMS-Chemie Holding AG

    (122     (108,839     10.5  

Fischer (Georg) Reg

    (640     (34,733     3.4  

Givaudan SA

    (16     (63,592     6.2  

Helvetia Holding AG

    (168     (21,589     2.1  

Kuehne + Nagel International AG

    (332     (92,876     9.0  

Novartis AG

    (5,337     (471,627     45.7  

Partners Group Holding AG

    (74     (78,403     7.6  

PSP Swiss Property AG, Registered Shares

    (440     (55,454     5.4  

Roche Holding AG

    (1,575     (632,749     61.3  

Schindler Holding AG, Participation Certificates

    (2,591     (497,797     48.2  

Schindler Holding AG, Registered Shares

    (2,020     (387,788     37.6  


    (162     (416,262     40.3  

Swatch Group AG

    (12,416     (612,533     59.3  

Swisscom AG

    (591     (349,459     33.9  

Tecan Group AG

    (36     (10,819     1.0  






United Kingdom  

3i Group PLC

    (2,158     (35,316     3.4  

AstraZeneca PLC

    (83     (11,155     1.1  

Berkeley Group Holdings PLC

    (1,907     (96,716     9.4  

Clarivate PLC

    (652     (10,223     1.0  

CNH Industrial NV

    (37,031     (524,592     50.8  

ConvaTec Group PLC

    (5,521     (14,605     1.4  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)  

Diageo PLC

    (772   $ (38,514     3.7

Dr. Martens PLC

    (75,728     (198,000     19.2  

DS Smith PLC

    (60,635     (249,165     24.1  

Future PLC

    (4,782     (130,970     12.7  

Games Workshop Group PLC

    (8,990     (830,837     80.5  

Greggs PLC

    (7,125     (207,878     20.1  

Harbour Energy PLC

    (920     (5,769     0.6  

Howden Joinery Group PLC

    (11,864     (112,323     10.9  

Intermediate Capital Group PLC

    (12,469     (238,613     23.1  


    (17,132     (263,096     25.5  

Land Securities Group PLC

    (47,386     (444,413     43.1  

Mondi PLC

    (11,554     (217,053     21.0  

Pennon Group PLC

    (43,716     (607,489     58.9  

Rentokil Initial PLC

    (52,515     (360,687     34.9  

Rightmove PLC

    (1,588     (12,207     1.2  

Royal Mail PLC

    (74,948     (321,249     31.1  

Shell PLC

    (3,779     (101,451     9.8  

Standard Chartered PLC

    (576     (3,938     0.4  

WH Smith PLC

    (19,098     (343,597     33.3  

Wise PLC, Class A

    (123,051     (603,007     58.4  






United States  

3M Co.

    (8,473     (1,221,976     118.4  

Abbott Laboratories

    (5,233     (593,945     57.5  

Acuity Brands, Inc.

    (1,963     (338,578     32.8  

Advance Auto Parts, Inc.

    (1,947     (388,680     37.7  

Affirm Holdings, Inc.

    (3,386     (97,178     9.4  

AGCO Corp.

    (3,834     (488,452     47.3  

Agilon Health, Inc.

    (15,247     (270,939     26.2  

Air Lease Corp.

    (4,572     (184,160     17.8  

Albertsons Cos., Inc., Class A

    (20,270     (634,046     61.4  

Alight, Inc., Class A

    (14,807     (127,192     12.3  

Alteryx, Inc., Class A

    (3,559     (228,488     22.1  

Amedisys, Inc.

    (419     (53,485     5.2  

Amgen, Inc.

    (1,343     (313,174     30.3  

Amkor Technology, Inc.

    (10,841     (203,919     19.8  

Antero Resources Corp.

    (5,253     (184,906     17.9  

Apollo Global Management, Inc.

    (12,700     (631,952     61.2  

Appian Corp.

    (669     (31,978     3.1  

AppLovin Corp., Class A

    (21,707     (828,122     80.2  

Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.

    (12,707     (1,138,039     110.3  

Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

    (953     (80,681     7.8  

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

    (874     (147,260     14.3  

Assurant, Inc.

    (4,654     (846,470     82.0  

Automatic Data Processing, Inc.

    (632     (137,890     13.4  

AutoNation, Inc.

    (1,599     (185,340     18.0  

Avis Budget Group, Inc.

    (374     (100,109     9.7  

AZEK Co., Inc.

    (13,046     (277,097     26.8  

Bath & Body Works, Inc.

    (11,009     (582,266     56.4  

Beam Therapeutics, Inc.

    (4,493     (168,622     16.3  

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

    (2,105     (679,557     65.8  

Bill.Com Holdings, Inc.

    (638     (108,913     10.5  

Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd.

    (1,144     (102,010     9.9  

Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc., Class A

    (803     (24,122     2.3  

Blue Owl Capital, Inc.

    (23,293     (277,885     26.9  

Boston Beer Co., Inc., Class A

    (65     (24,375     2.4  

Box, Inc., Class A

    (4,842     (148,262     14.4  

Boyd Gaming Corp.

    (235     (14,236     1.4  

Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc.

    (1,465     (167,362     16.2  

Broadcom, Inc.

    (493     (273,314     26.5  

Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

    (231     (33,294     3.2  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Brunswick Corp.

    (1,465   $ (110,769     10.7

Bunge Ltd.

    (1,021     (115,496     11.2  

Caesars Entertainment, Inc.

    (1,723     (114,200     11.1  

Campbell Soup Co.

    (6,640     (313,541     30.4  

Casey’s General Stores, Inc.

    (1,118     (225,053     21.8  

Caterpillar, Inc.

    (1,327     (279,387     27.1  

Chemours Co.

    (2,733     (90,380     8.8  

Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

    (2,318     (226,144     21.9  

Churchill Downs, Inc.

    (189     (38,356     3.7  

CME Group, Inc.

    (1,840     (403,586     39.1  

Coca-Cola Co.

    (1,520     (75,924     7.4  

Coherent, Inc.

    (137     (36,702     3.6  

Coinbase Global, Inc., Class A

    (4,620     (520,720     50.4  

Columbia Sportswear Co.

    (293     (24,073     2.3  

Conagra Brands, Inc.

    (17,288     (603,870     58.5  

Concentrix Corp.

    (199     (31,339     3.0  

Confluent, Inc., Class A

    (351     (10,965     1.1  

Consolidated Edison, Inc.

    (1,096     (101,643     9.8  

Corning, Inc.

    (10,267     (361,296     35.0  

Coty, Inc., Class A

    (17,644     (143,093     13.9  

Cousins Properties, Inc.

    (6,324     (227,032     22.0  

Crane Co.

    (1,040     (100,079     9.7  

Crown Holdings, Inc.

    (512     (56,340     5.5  

Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc.

    (3,658     (483,917     46.9  

Curtiss-Wright Corp.

    (1,251     (178,780     17.3  

D.R. Horton, Inc.

    (3,173     (220,809     21.4  

Darden Restaurants, Inc.

    (287     (37,807     3.7  

Darling Ingredients, Inc.

    (811     (59,519     5.8  

Datadog, Inc., Class A

    (1,109     (133,945     13.0  

Dell Technologies, Inc., Class C

    (1,019     (47,903     4.6  

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

    (11,513     (495,404     48.0  

Diamondback Energy, Inc.

    (186     (23,479     2.3  

DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc.

    (1,561     (61,550     6.0  

Discover Financial Services

    (2,699     (303,530     29.4  

DISH Network Corp., Class A

    (9,506     (271,016     26.3  

Dollar General Corp.

    (3,340     (793,350     76.9  

Dollar Tree, Inc.

    (224     (36,389     3.5  

Dover Corp.

    (5,601     (746,613     72.3  

Dow, Inc.

    (15,856           (1,054,424     102.1  

Doximity, Inc., Class A

    (4,148     (165,381     16.0  

DTE Energy Co.

    (369     (48,354     4.7  

Duke Energy Corp.

    (1,201     (132,302     12.8  

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

    (2,949     (194,428     18.8  

Eagle Materials, Inc.

    (3,106     (383,032     37.1  

Eastman Chemical Co.

    (2,976     (305,546     29.6  

Electronic Arts, Inc.

    (362     (42,734     4.1  

EMCOR Group, Inc.

    (875     (93,170     9.0  

Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (17,787     (404,654     39.2  

Enovis Corp.

    (2,711     (175,863     17.0  

Entegris, Inc.

    (152     (16,931     1.6  

Essent Group Ltd.

    (4,307     (174,563     16.9  

Essex Property Trust, Inc.

    (61     (20,085     1.9  

Eversource Energy

    (5,109     (446,527     43.3  

Exact Sciences Corp.

    (490     (26,975     2.6  

Extra Space Storage, Inc.

    (524     (99,560     9.6  

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.

    (1,495     (148,229     14.4  

First Citizens BancShares, Inc., Class A

    (672     (429,663     41.6  

First Interstate Bancsystem, Inc., Class A

    (1,146     (37,268     3.6  

First Republic Bank

    (5,978     (892,037     86.4  

Fiserv, Inc.

    (2,360     (231,091     22.4  

Five9, Inc.

    (3,335     (367,183     35.6  

FleetCor Technologies, Inc.

    (41     (10,230     1.0  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Flex Ltd.

    (2,229   $ (36,756     3.6

Flowserve Corp.

    (13,533     (442,664     42.9  

FNB Corp.

    (41,538     (478,518     46.4  

Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc.

    (205     (14,606     1.4  

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.

    (8,308     (336,889     32.6  

Freshpet, Inc.

    (2,945     (274,916     26.6  

Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc.

    (696     (30,888     3.0  

Generac Holdings, Inc.

    (253     (55,503     5.4  

General Mills, Inc.

    (16,692     (1,180,625     114.4  

General Motors Co.

    (8,526     (323,221     31.3  

Genuine Parts Co.

    (533     (69,317     6.7  

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

    (2,957     (175,468     17.0  

GoDaddy, Inc., Class A

    (5,023     (405,909     39.3  

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

    (940     (287,161     27.8  

Graco, Inc.

    (694     (43,042     4.2  

Graphic Packaging Holding Co.

    (1,640     (35,752     3.5  

GXO Logistics, Inc.

    (709     (41,966     4.1  

Hasbro, Inc.

    (5,025     (442,501     42.9  

Hershey Co.

    (90     (20,319     2.0  

Hess Corp.

    (2,832     (291,894     28.3  

HF Sinclair Corp.

    (5,678     (215,878     20.9  

Hilton Grand Vacations, Inc.

    (10,362     (485,252     47.0  

Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc.

    (1,433     (222,531     21.6  

Hormel Foods Corp.

    (4,248     (222,553     21.6  

Howmet Aerospace, Inc.

    (8,005     (273,131     26.5  

HP, Inc.

    (187     (6,850     0.7  

Hubbell, Inc.

    (2,055     (401,465     38.9  

Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc.

    (21,444     (499,216     48.4  

IAA, Inc.

    (2,373     (86,970     8.4  


    (4,531     (375,529     36.4  

IDEX Corp.

    (2,911     (552,566     53.5  

Insulet Corp.

    (115     (27,484     2.7  

Intel Corp.

    (974     (42,457     4.1  

International Business Machines Corp.

    (7,629           (1,008,630     97.7  

Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc.

    (794     (40,184     3.9  

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

    (1,870     (447,491     43.4  

Invesco Ltd.

    (862     (15,844     1.5  

iRhythm Technologies, Inc.

    (976     (120,409     11.7  

J.M. Smucker Co.

    (1,961     (268,520     26.0  

Jabil, Inc.

    (218     (12,585     1.2  

Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.

    (811     (153,749     14.9  

Johnson & Johnson

    (867     (156,459     15.2  

Juniper Networks, Inc.

    (8,457     (266,565     25.8  

KBR, Inc.

    (587     (28,898     2.8  

Kimberly-Clark Corp.

    (1,931     (268,081     26.0  

Kraft Heinz Co.

    (3,082     (131,386     12.7  

L3Harris Technologies, Inc.

    (442     (102,659     9.9  

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.

    (290     (19,169     1.9  

Liberty Broadband Corp., Class A

    (346     (37,250     3.6  

LKQ Corp.

    (15,466     (767,578     74.4  

Louisiana-Pacific Corp.

    (5,172     (333,697     32.3  

Lyft, Inc., Class A

    (3,547     (115,632     11.2  

Macy’s, Inc.

    (10,569     (255,453     24.7  

Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp., Class A

    (2,809     (65,281     6.3  

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

    (1,401     (122,251     11.8  

Maravai LifeSciences Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (632     (19,421     1.9  

Marriott International, Inc., Class A

    (1,574     (279,416     27.1  

Masco Corp.

    (701     (36,936     3.6  

Maximus, Inc.

    (595     (43,364     4.2  

MDU Resources Group, Inc.

    (19,700     (507,472     49.2  

Medpace Holdings, Inc.

    (1,791     (239,224     23.2  

MGM Resorts International

    (1,896     (77,812     7.5  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Micron Technology, Inc.

    (950   $ (64,781     6.3

Middleby Corp.

    (124     (19,082     1.8  

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.

    (135     (8,342     0.8  

MKS Instruments, Inc.

    (1,872     (213,371     20.7  

Mondelez International, Inc., Class A

    (235     (15,153     1.5  

Morgan Stanley

    (7,538     (607,487     58.9  

Motorola Solutions, Inc.

    (96     (20,514     2.0  

MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc., Class A

    (5,904     (489,205     47.4  

Murphy Oil Corp.

    (579     (22,048     2.1  

National Fuel Gas Co.

    (394     (27,631     2.7  

New Fortress Energy, Inc.

    (6,781     (262,967     25.5  

NextEra Energy, Inc.

    (1,693     (120,237     11.6  

Northern Trust Corp.

    (198     (20,404     2.0  

Novavax, Inc.

    (5,783     (260,640     25.2  

Nucor Corp.

    (3,666     (567,423     55.0  

Oak Street Health, Inc.

    (3,467     (62,718     6.1  

Olaplex Holdings, Inc.

    (16,173     (237,743     23.0  

Olin Corp.

    (1,980              (113,652     11.0  

Omnicom Group, Inc.

    (4,673     (355,755     34.5  

OneMain Holdings, Inc.

    (562     (25,813     2.5  

Otis Worldwide Corp.

    (2,637     (192,079     18.6  

Owens Corning

    (592     (53,831     5.2  

Packaging Corp. of America

    (511     (82,358     8.0  

PDC Energy, Inc.

    (290     (20,225     2.0  

Peloton Interactive, Inc., Class A

    (1,114     (19,562     1.9  

Petco Health & Wellness Co., Inc.

    (15,077     (290,383     28.1  

Phillips Edison & Co., Inc.

    (14,433     (488,701     47.3  

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

    (1,701     (395,431     38.3  

Polaris, Inc.

    (306     (29,052     2.8  

Post Holdings, Inc.

    (484     (36,005     3.5  

Procore Technologies, Inc.

    (2,063     (114,435     11.1  

Procter & Gamble Co.

    (356     (57,156     5.5  

Progressive Corp.

    (1,771     (190,135     18.4  

Progyny, Inc.

    (21     (807     0.1  

Prologis, Inc.

    (2,519     (403,771     39.1  

Prudential Financial, Inc.

    (495     (53,712     5.2  

Qualtrics International, Inc., Class A

    (2,457     (45,553     4.4  

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.

    (55     (7,361     0.7  

R1 RCM, Inc.

    (26,335     (593,064     57.5  

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

    (298     (29,043     2.8  

Rayonier, Inc.

    (3,355     (144,936     14.0  

Red Rock Resorts, Inc., Class A

    (2,936     (129,067     12.5  


    (1,584     (532,414     51.6  

Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc.

    (1,107     (103,482     10.0  

Saia, Inc.

    (388     (79,912     7.7  

Scientific Games Corp., Class A

    (6,839     (383,394     37.1  

Seagate Technology Holdings PLC

    (1,358     (111,410     10.8  

SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc.

    (280     (18,883     1.8  

Sempra Energy

    (1,935     (312,232     30.2  

SentinelOne, Inc., Class A

    (1,401     (46,611     4.5  

Sherwin-Williams Co.

    (40     (10,998     1.1  

Shift4 Payments, Inc., Class A

    (647     (33,942     3.3  

Shockwave Medical, Inc.

    (28     (4,232     0.4  

Silvergate Capital Corp., Class A

    (128     (14,971     1.4  

SiTime Corp.

    (173     (29,163     2.8  

Six Flags Entertainment Corp.

    (3,634     (139,073     13.5  

Skechers USA, Inc., Class A

    (22,581     (864,852     83.8  

SLM Corp.

    (20,186     (337,712     32.7  

Snowflake, Inc., Class A

    (1,341     (229,901     22.3  

Sonoco Products Co.

    (9,364     (579,725     56.2  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Sonos, Inc.

    (1,511   $ (34,481     3.3

Southwestern Energy Co.

    (27,085     (203,138     19.7  

Sprout Social, Inc., Class A

    (302     (18,507     1.8  

SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.

    (1,353     (87,485     8.5  

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

    (867     (104,170     10.1  

Starbucks Corp.

    (4,070     (303,785     29.4  

Steel Dynamics, Inc.

    (1,405     (120,479     11.7  

Synaptics, Inc.

    (1,818     (269,864     26.1  


    (591     (59,153     5.7  

Synopsys, Inc.

    (338     (96,935     9.4  

Synovus Financial Corp.

    (3,616     (150,209     14.6  

T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.

    (1,053     (129,561     12.6  

Tapestry, Inc.

    (435     (14,320     1.4  

Tempur Sealy International, Inc.

    (12,440     (337,248     32.7  

Thor Industries, Inc.

    (186     (14,238     1.4  

T-Mobile US, Inc.

    (314     (38,666     3.7  

Toast, Inc., Class A

    (1,998     (37,223     3.6  

Toro Co.

    (1,511              (121,076     11.7  

Trade Desk, Inc., Class A

    (779     (45,899     4.4  


    (973     (85,157     8.2  

Trimble, Inc.

    (386     (25,746     2.5  

Trupanion, Inc.

    (2,586     (164,521     15.9  

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A

    (4,285     (399,191     38.7  

Uber Technologies, Inc.

    (380     (11,962     1.2  

UGI Corp.

    (1,839     (63,078     6.1  

Umpqua Holdings Corp.

    (2,412     (39,894     3.9  

Under Armour, Inc., Class A

    (6,003     (92,206     8.9  

Unity Software, Inc.

    (5,814     (386,108     37.4  

Univar Solutions, Inc.

    (5,002     (145,658     14.1  

Vail Resorts, Inc.

    (1,372     (348,708     33.8  

Valley National Bancorp

    (15,765     (188,865     18.3  

VeriSign, Inc.

    (1,124     (200,848     19.5  

Verizon Communications, Inc.

    (1,827     (84,590     8.2  

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (31     (8,470     0.8  

Vertiv Holdings Co.

    (2,930     (36,713     3.6  

VICI Properties, Inc.

    (9,333     (278,217     27.0  

Victoria’s Secret & Co.

    (1,188     (55,979     5.4  

Vontier Corp.

    (3,499     (89,644     8.7  

Vulcan Materials Co.

    (166     (28,600     2.8  

W.R. Berkley Corp.

    (1,246     (82,847     8.0  

Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

    (8,128     (344,627     33.4  

Warby Parker, Inc., Class A

    (1,392     (32,420     3.1  

Waste Management, Inc.

    (353     (58,047     5.6  

Wayfair, Inc., Class A

    (949     (73,016     7.1  

Webster Financial Corp.

    (4,329     (216,407     21.0  

WEC Energy Group, Inc.

    (338     (33,817     3.3  

Western Digital Corp.

    (1,418     (75,253     7.3  

WeWork, Inc., Class A

    (36,968     (259,146     25.1  

Weyerhaeuser Co.

    (24,159     (995,834     96.5  

Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

    (1,412     (184,238     17.8  

WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp.

    (8,295     (291,154     28.2  

Wingstop, Inc.

    (208     (19,086     1.8  

Xcel Energy, Inc.

    (682     (49,963     4.8  

Yum! Brands, Inc.

    (1,726     (201,959     19.6  

Zebra Technologies Corp., Class A

    (35     (12,938     1.3  

Zillow Group, Inc., Class A

    (6,007     (232,171     22.5  

Zillow Group, Inc., Class C

    (2,120     (84,418     8.2  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A

    (1,282   $ (60,767     5.9

Zurn Water Solutions Corp.

    (1,063     (33,187     3.2  











Axfood AB Right

    (15,006           0.0  







Total Reference Entity — Short





Net Value of Reference Entity — Bank of America N.A.


  $ (1,032,216  




The following table represents the individual long and short positions and related values of the equity securities underlying the total return swap with Bank of America N.A. as of period end, termination dates February 15, 2023 and June 15, 2023:


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Reference Entity — Long


Common Stocks



Abacus Property Group

    41,628     $ 95,536       (106.5 )% 

ARB Corp. Ltd.

    262       7,262       (8.1

Aussie Broadband Ltd.

    28,179       109,584       (122.2

Australian Ethical Investment Ltd.

    56,549       229,776       (256.2

Blackmores Ltd.

    265       13,419       (15.0

BWP Trust

    10,482       30,467       (34.0

Centuria Industrial REIT

    45,453       126,669       (141.2

Charter Hall Education Trust

    84,129       238,155       (265.6

Charter Hall Long Wale REIT

    53,317                 200,102       (223.1

Charter Hall Retail REIT

    49,207       153,711       (171.4

Data#3 Ltd.

    3,095       12,569       (14.0

Dexus Industria REIT

    30,829       73,755       (82.2

Dicker Data Ltd.

    3,416       31,588       (35.2

Elders Ltd.

    2,347       23,595       (26.3

GrainCorp Ltd., Class A

    24,146       174,488       (194.6

Growthpoint Properties Australia Ltd.

    17,004       52,301       (58.3

GWA Group Ltd.

    73,529       117,448       (131.0

HomeCo Daily Needs REIT

    107,749       108,485       (121.0

Imdex Ltd.

    122,844       215,510       (240.3

Imugene Ltd.

    41,660       6,234       (7.0

Johns Lyng Group Ltd.

    68,471       428,546       (477.8

Jumbo Interactive Ltd.

    8,330       101,275       (112.9

Kogan.com Ltd.

    11,703       31,812       (35.5

Lifestyle Communities Ltd.

    8,291       87,382       (97.4

Lovisa Holdings Ltd.

    3,167       36,260       (40.4

Monadelphous Group Ltd.

    13,570       101,086       (112.7

Nanosonics Ltd.

    40,301       111,363       (124.2

National Storage REIT

    27,382       49,596       (55.3

Netwealth Group Ltd.

    3,625       32,823       (36.6

Objective Corp. Ltd.

    8,957       106,781       (119.1

Pendal Group Ltd.

    56,035       206,283       (230.0

Pinnacle Investment Management Group Ltd.

    62,826       410,608       (457.8

PolyNovo Ltd.

    18,783       12,297       (13.7

Sandfire Resources NL

    7,377       29,238       (32.6

Silver Lake Resources Ltd.

    14,274       18,646       (20.8

St Barbara Ltd.

    248,632       232,413       (259.2

Tassal Group Ltd.

    41,619       110,353       (123.0

Technology One Ltd.

    5,617       40,534       (45.2
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Australia (continued)                  

United Malt Grp Ltd.

    12,401     $ 36,234       (40.4 )% 

Waypoint REIT

    78,446       147,877       (164.9

Webjet Ltd.

    43,382       179,999       (200.7







AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG

    1,274       65,236       (72.7

DO & Co. AG

    79       6,952       (7.8

Oesterreichische Post AG

    7,272       234,257       (261.2

Palfinger AG

    2,064       52,258       (58.3

Porr AG

    976       12,361       (13.8

Rhi Magnesita NV

    1,445       42,990       (47.9


    9,106       153,948       (171.7

Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe

    1,041       25,822       (28.8

Wienerberger AG

    5,072       143,172       (159.6







OneSpaWorld Holdings Ltd.

    8,027       80,591       (89.9







Barco NV

    1,280       28,825       (32.1

Euronav NV

    810       9,366       (10.5

Melexis NV

    981       84,204       (93.9

Shurgard Self Storage SA

    3,625       209,766       (233.9

Tessenderlo Group SA

    828       28,987       (32.3







Argo Group International Holdings Ltd.

    2,958       126,602       (141.2







Aecon Group Inc.

    14,405       167,861       (187.2

AirBoss of America Corp.

    264       6,395       (7.1

Altius Minerals Corp.

    12,109       202,092       (225.3

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

    3,577       156,958       (175.0

Bombardier, Inc., Class B

    202,136       198,257       (221.1

BSR Real Estate Investment Trust

    5,339       103,897       (115.9

Canada Goose Holdings, Inc.

    11,859       258,477       (288.2

Canadian Western Bank

    3,914       98,745       (110.1

Chorus Aviation Inc.

    6,100       18,329       (20.4

Cineplex Inc.

    9,094       93,159       (103.9

CT Real Estate Investment Trust

    17,086       236,077       (263.2

Eldorado Gold Corp.

    28,658       278,404       (310.4

Enerflex Ltd.

    6,040       41,657       (46.5

Equitable Group, Inc.

    5,167       231,875       (258.5

Evertz Technologies Ltd.

    7,733       84,695       (94.4

First National Financial Corp.

    579       16,370       (18.3

Headwater Exploration, Inc.

    2,000       10,322       (11.5

Kelt Exploration Ltd.

    26,312       135,795       (151.4

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

    19,864       312,499       (348.4

Laurentian Bank of Canada

    1,147       34,884       (38.9

Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust

    437       6,276       (7.0

NorthWest Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

    47,133       486,134       (542.1

Novagold Resources Inc.

    59,612       371,690       (414.4

Osisko Mining Inc.

    5,046       15,908       (17.7

Pason Systems Inc.

    6,893       86,977       (97.0

PrairieSky Royalty Ltd.

    1,769       24,277       (27.1

Premium Brands Holdings Corp.

    2,728       222,716       (248.3

Richelieu Hardware Ltd.

    3,519       99,901       (111.4




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Canada (continued)  

Rogers Sugar Inc.

    11,278     $ 53,640       (59.8 )% 

Seabridge Gold Inc.

    9,612       169,921       (189.5

Secure Energy Services Inc.

    1,489       7,638       (8.5

Silvercorp Metals Inc.

    13,917       42,033       (46.9

Slate Grocery REIT, Class U

    10,961       134,810       (150.3

Spin Master Corp.

    227       8,165       (9.1

SunOpta Inc.

    12,508       68,934       (76.9

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd.

    12,323       48,250       (53.8

Topaz Energy Corp.

    22,860       405,008       (451.6

Tucows, Inc., Class A

    208       11,985       (13.4







Alk Abello A/S

    8,882       193,750       (216.0

D/S Norden A/S

    853       31,694       (35.3

Drilling Co. of 1972 AS

    135       6,778       (7.6

FLSmidth & Co. A/S

    12,366       338,977       (378.0


    310       5,518       (6.1

Nilfisk Holding A/S

    3,277       91,736       (102.3

NKT Holding A/S

    1,650       78,638       (87.7

Per Aarsleff Holding A/S

    4,729       181,484       (202.4







Cargotec OYJ, Class B

    6,106       211,417       (235.7

Citycon OYJ

    3,229       22,950       (25.6

Konecranes Oyj

    3,089       86,813       (96.8

Musti Group OYJ

    3,621       85,197       (95.0

Rovio Entertainment OYJ

    5,605       51,270       (57.2

Talenom OYJ

    344       3,774       (4.2


    543       13,622       (15.2

Uponor OYJ

    4,297       75,502       (84.2


    78,126       314,466       (350.6







Albioma SA

    729       38,751       (43.2

Alten SA

    304       40,799       (45.5

Coface SA

    5,672       67,997       (75.8

Elior Group SA

    19,192       58,600       (65.3

Esker SA

    1,327       223,525       (249.2

ID Logistics Group

    446       143,034       (159.5

Imerys SA

    2,140       84,189       (93.9

Interparfums SA

    263       14,593       (16.3

Korian SA

    5,023       105,488       (117.6

Nexity SA

    5,088       154,503       (172.3

SES-imagotag SA

    180       16,558       (18.5


    19,234       124,981       (139.4

Societe BIC SA

    3,160       188,554       (210.2

Technip Energies N.V

    1,745       21,205       (23.7

Television Francaise 1

    2,299       19,471       (21.7

Vicat SA

    7,114       213,925       (238.5

Vilmorin & Cie SA

    77       3,659       (4.1

Virbac SA

    116       46,835       (52.2







Adesso SE

    908       177,966       (198.4

Atoss Software AG

    301       43,737       (48.8


    2,387       115,262       (128.5

Datagroup SE

    179       14,892       (16.6

Dermapharm Holding SE

    407       23,012       (25.7
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Germany (continued)  

Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG

    736     $ 9,263       (10.3 )% 

Duerr AG

    2,127       55,280       (61.6

Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG

    1,651       82,849       (92.4

ElringKlinger AG

    11,713       97,104       (108.3

GFT Technologies SE

    2,985       118,566       (132.2

Hensoldt AG

    8,395       233,792       (260.7

Kloeckner & Co. SE

    2,961       38,143       (42.5

Krones AG

    1,842       142,227       (158.6

Nagarro SE

    606       85,205       (95.0

Norma Group SE

    1,878       46,330       (51.7

Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG

    308       54,829       (61.1

SMA Solar Technology AG

    1,212       55,157       (61.5

Software AG

    2,565       78,950       (88.0

Steico SE

    818       82,075       (91.5

Suedzucker AG

    3,117       40,595       (45.3






Hong Kong  

Cowell e Holdings, Inc.

    5,000       5,597       (6.3

EC Healthcare

    89,000       89,450       (99.7

Health & Happiness H&H International Holdings Ltd.

    153,000       168,158       (187.5

Luk Fook Holdings International Ltd.

    16,000       36,623       (40.8

Nissin Foods Co. Ltd.

    115,000       75,606       (84.3

SA Sa International Holdings Ltd.

    604,000       107,960       (120.4







Cimpress PLC

    627       31,670       (35.3

Dalata Hotel Group PLC

    1,409       6,466       (7.2

Grafton Group PLC

    5,813       70,403       (78.5

Keywords Studios PLC

    6,295       190,292       (212.2

Origin Enterprises PLC

    2,166       9,630       (10.7

Prothena Corp. PLC

    226       6,590       (7.4

Uniphar PLC

    21,403       88,510       (98.7







Caesarstone Ltd.

    714       7,018       (7.8

Cognyte Software Ltd.

    3,192       21,642       (24.1

Israel Canada T.R Ltd.

    5,603       27,703       (30.9

Isras Investment Co. Ltd.

    222       54,110       (60.3

Mega Or Holdings Ltd.

    216       8,225       (9.2

Radware Ltd.

    4,915       142,093       (158.4

Reit 1 Ltd.

    3,401       22,063       (24.6

Retailors Ltd.

    283       6,876       (7.7

Taboola.com Ltd.

    16,559       71,369       (79.6

YH Dimri Construction & Development Ltd.

    93       8,351       (9.3







Biesse SpA

    2,248       35,071       (39.1

Brunello Cucinelli SpA

    708       36,238       (40.4

Datalogic SpA

    5,488       53,325       (59.5

El.En. SpA

    1,217       16,962       (18.9


    48,506       92,543       (103.2

Pharmanutra SpA

    719       48,679       (54.3

Saipem SpA

    18,340       20,756       (23.1

Sanlorenzo SpA/Ameglia

    1,302       46,040       (51.3

Seco SpA

    1,018       6,244       (7.0

Tinexta SpA

    5,194       129,940       (144.9



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Italy (continued)  

Webuild SpA

    159,355     $ 270,931       (302.1 )% 

Wiit SpA

    2,655       70,928       (79.1






Ivory Coast  


    221       21,700       (24.2







77 Bank Ltd.

    15,200       188,473       (210.2

Adastria Co. Ltd.

    2,900       48,062       (53.6

Aeon Delight Co. Ltd.

    2,600       55,572       (62.0

Ai Holdings Corp.

    13,800       181,170       (202.0

Aichi Steel Corp.

    12,800       221,549       (247.0

Anicom Holdings, Inc.

    37,100       175,005       (195.1

AOKI Holdings Inc.

    21,800       102,604       (114.4

Arata Corp.

    1,100       30,393       (33.9

Arcland Service Holdings Co. Ltd.

    8,400       145,162       (161.9

Arcs Co. Ltd.

    500       7,916       (8.8

ARTERIA Networks Corp.

    6,600       67,602       (75.4

Avex, Inc.

    19,300       207,470       (231.3

Belc Co. Ltd.

    500       21,294       (23.7

Bell System24 Holdings, Inc.

    17,300       200,067       (223.1

Belluna Co. Ltd.

    9,000       50,554       (56.4

Bengo4.com Inc.

    4,300       110,653       (123.4

Canon Electronics Inc.

    17,800       203,839       (227.3

CI Takiron Corp.

    3,700       15,765       (17.6

Comture Corp.

    17,300       373,669       (416.7

CRE Logistics REIT Inc.

    8       12,234       (13.6

Cybozu, Inc.

    7,200       71,152       (79.3

Daiho Corp.

    1,800       61,620       (68.7

Daiken Corp.

    8,800       142,277       (158.6

Daiseki Co. Ltd.

    10,200       366,855       (409.1

Dexerials Corp.

    2,500       54,818       (61.1

Digital Arts, Inc.

    1,300       72,631       (81.0

Dip Corp.

    1,200       39,123       (43.6

Direct Marketing MiX, Inc.

    13,700       168,169       (187.5

Doshisha Co. Ltd.

    17,200       202,603       (225.9

Doutor Nichires Holdings Co. Ltd.

    39,200       450,529       (502.4

Earth Corp.

    200       8,452       (9.4


    2,300       20,698       (23.1

Elan Corp.

    28,000       218,636       (243.8

Elecom Co. Ltd.

    800       9,593       (10.7

en-japan, Inc.

    13,900       326,593       (364.2

euglena Co. Ltd.

    3,000       19,849       (22.1

FCC Co. Ltd.

    35,000       349,611       (389.8

Fuji Machine Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    1,900       31,701       (35.4

Fuji Seal International, Inc.

    15,900       211,168       (235.5

Fujimi, Inc.

    8,100       353,156       (393.8

Fukui Computer Holdings Inc.

    2,700       67,395       (75.2

Fukuoka REIT Corp.

    28       35,019       (39.0

FULLCAST Holdings Co. Ltd.

    5,200       99,492       (110.9

Funai Soken Holdings Inc.

    19,000       318,634       (355.3

Fuso Chemical Co. Ltd.

    5,300       155,998       (173.9

Giken Ltd.

    6,500       178,362       (198.9

GMO GlobalSign Holdings KK

    400       16,863       (18.8

Gunma Bank Ltd.

    4,800       13,798       (15.4

Halows Co. Ltd.

    3,700       88,426       (98.6

Hanwa Co. Ltd.

    400       9,777       (10.9

Hazama Ando Corp.

    1,300       9,032       (10.1

Heiwa Real Estate Co. Ltd.

    300       9,464       (10.6

Heiwado Co. Ltd.

    5,900       89,008       (99.2
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)  

Hoshino Resorts REIT, Inc.

    8     $ 41,269       (46.0 )% 

IBJ Leasing Co. Ltd.

    11,500       266,578       (297.2

Infocom Corp.

    13,700                 233,526       (260.4

Infomart Corp.

    20,200       100,603       (112.2

Iriso Electronics Co. Ltd.

    6,100       142,539       (158.9

Jafco Co. Ltd.

    13,800       166,375       (185.5

Japan Elevator Service Holdings Co. Ltd.

    15,600       203,874       (227.3

Japan Lifeline Co. Ltd.

    55,200       460,109       (513.0

Japan Wool Textile Co. Ltd.

    6,800       50,828       (56.7

JCU Corp.

    1,400       35,658       (39.8


    1,600       52,733       (58.8

JSP Corp.

    4,400       50,852       (56.7

Kanamoto Co. Ltd.

    26,000       388,528       (433.2

Kanematsu Corp.

    3,100       32,039       (35.7

KH Neochem Co. Ltd.

    2,000       37,834       (42.2

KOMEDA Holdings Co. Ltd.

    23,600       406,556       (453.3

Konoike Transport Co. Ltd.

    24,700       219,238       (244.5

Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd.

    600       12,521       (14.0

Kura Sushi, Inc.

    7,900       195,632       (218.1

Kyokuto Kaihatsu Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    15,800       159,293       (177.6

Kyoritsu Maintenance Co. Ltd.

    3,100       112,887       (125.9

Life Corp.

    2,700       61,592       (68.7


    7,900       162,969       (181.7

M&A Capital Partners Co. Ltd.

    1,600       49,697       (55.4

Maeda Kosen Co. Ltd.

    16,200       370,386       (413.0

Makino Milling Machine Co. Ltd.

    1,500       46,220       (51.5

Mandom Corp.

    9,000       89,485       (99.8

Maruzen Showa Unyu Co. Ltd.

    2,200       53,701       (59.9

Matsuda Sangyo Co. Ltd.

    400       7,024       (7.8

Megachips Corp.

    2,200       56,362       (62.8

Megmilk Snow Brand Co. Ltd.

    3,900       58,133       (64.8

Micronics Japan Co. Ltd.

    5,900       69,049       (77.0

Midac Holdings Co. Ltd.

    7,200       116,088       (129.4

Milbon Co. Ltd.

    9,100       381,025       (424.9

Mirai Corp.

    46       17,868       (19.9

Mirait Holdings Corp.

    500       7,007       (7.8

Mitsubishi Pencil Co. Ltd.

    9,500       92,226       (102.8

Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

    600       18,064       (20.1

Mixi, Inc.

    1,000       17,202       (19.2

Monogatari Corp.

    4,200       175,140       (195.3

Morita Holdings Corp.

    13,300       127,647       (142.3

Nakanishi, Inc.

    13,400       219,023       (244.2

Nextage Co. Ltd.

    9,200       140,608       (156.8

Nichiha Corp.

    3,300       59,663       (66.5

Nihon Parkerizing Co. Ltd.

    5,600       39,610       (44.2

Nippn Corp.

    20,600       267,934       (298.8

Nippon Ceramic Co. Ltd.

    900       16,431       (18.3

Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd.

    10,500       83,400       (93.0

Nippon REIT Investment Corp.

    38       108,923       (121.5

Nippon Soda Co. Ltd.

    1,200       31,736       (35.4

Nissan Shatai Co. Ltd.

    36,700       160,054       (178.5

Nittetsu Mining Co. Ltd.

    200       9,955       (11.1

Nitto Kogyo Corp.

    20,400       240,194       (267.8

Noritsu Koki Co. Ltd.

    2,700       44,773       (49.9

NS United Kaiun Kaisha Ltd.

    1,900       52,217       (58.2

Obara Group Inc.

    10,900       243,941       (272.0

Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.

    95,100       616,036       (686.9

Okinawa Cellular Telephone Co.

    3,300       126,988       (141.6

Okumura Corp.

    1,300       30,689       (34.2

One REIT Inc.

    9       19,105       (21.3

Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Ltd.

    10,900       235,052       (262.1




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)  

Outsourcing Inc.

    19,700     $ 195,375       (217.9 )% 

Pack Corp.

    3,800       69,548       (77.6

Prestige International Inc.

    24,100       115,813       (129.1

Raksul Inc.

    4,600       95,049       (106.0

Round One Corp.

    600       6,678       (7.4

Saizeriya Co. Ltd.

    3,400       62,355       (69.5

Sakai Moving Service Co. Ltd.

    5,700       194,505       (216.9

SAMTY Co. Ltd.

    18,200       293,953       (327.8

Sanken Electric Co. Ltd.

    2,800       103,408       (115.3

Sanrio Co. Ltd.

    300       6,293       (7.0

Sato Holdings Corp.

    16,600       228,252       (254.5

Seria Co. Ltd.

    2,000       39,112       (43.6

Shizuoka Gas Co. Ltd.

    4,700       33,690       (37.6

Shoei Co. Ltd.

    8,800       326,474       (364.0

Siix Corp.

    14,400       109,999       (122.7

SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc.

    2,900       9,394       (10.5

Sodick Co. Ltd.

    17,400       97,360       (108.6

Sosei Group Corp.

    700       6,836       (7.6

S-Pool Inc.

    69,300       692,489       (772.1

Strike Co. Ltd.

    15,100       459,834       (512.7

Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd.

    79,900       259,239       (289.1

Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co. Ltd.

    2,100       58,721       (65.5

Systena Corp.

    50,700       159,363       (177.7

Taikisha Ltd.

    4,700       115,975       (129.3

Takamatsu Construction Group Co. Ltd.

    15,800       263,162       (293.4

Takara Leben Real Estate Investment Corp.

    18       16,776       (18.7

Takuma Co. Ltd.

    18,700       209,568       (233.7

T-Gaia Corp.

    1,200       15,210       (17.0

Toa Corp/Tokyo

    7,200       157,382       (175.5

Tokai Corp/Gifu

    1,200       15,900       (17.7

Token Corp.

    200       13,313       (14.8

Tokuyama Corp.

    1,200       15,960       (17.8

Tokyotokeiba Co. Ltd.

    3,200       108,891       (121.4

Tokyu REIT, Inc.

    45       63,083       (70.3

Toridoll Holdings Corp.

    300       5,441       (6.1

Tosei Corp.

    14,800       124,533       (138.9

Totetsu Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    4,900       88,576       (98.8

Toyo Gosei Co. Ltd.

    1,100       80,909       (90.2

Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,100       46,160       (51.5

Toyobo Co. Ltd.

    10,400       85,505       (95.3

TPR Co. Ltd.

    21,400       205,101       (228.7

Tri Chemical Laboratories Inc.

    5,700       107,053       (119.4

Trusco Nakayama Corp.

    13,500       210,525       (234.7

Trust Tech Inc.

    6,700       77,155       (86.0

Tsukishima Kikai Co. Ltd.

    1,400       11,058       (12.3

TV Asahi Holdings Corp.

    2,200       25,129       (28.0

UACJ Corp.

    6,600       110,418       (123.1

United Arrows Ltd.

    2,300       30,921       (34.5

UT Group Co. Ltd.

    1,500       33,729       (37.6

ValueCommerce Co. Ltd.

    7,800       227,928       (254.1

Wacom Co. Ltd.

    19,400       140,265       (156.4

Wakita & Co. Ltd.

    12,000       99,852       (111.3


    14,000       133,439       (148.8

Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp.

    16,900       247,847       (276.4

Yuasa Trading Co. Ltd.

    7,400       165,105       (184.1

Yurtec Corp.

    9,800       51,763       (57.7

Zojirushi Corp.

    7,400       78,252       (87.3

Zuken, Inc.

    12,300       284,788       (317.5






Security   Shares     Value     % of

Centamin PLC

    137,564     $ 157,665       (175.8 )% 







Befesa SA

    978       61,077       (68.1

Millicom International Cellular SA, SDR

    18,966       427,584       (476.8







Frencken Group Ltd.

    35,400       35,911       (40.0







AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV

    1,729       67,607       (75.4

Arcadis NV

    2,820       117,661       (131.2

Basic-Fit NV

    5,620       235,462       (262.5

Koninklijke BAM Groep NV

    2,392       6,621       (7.4

Wereldhave NV

    5,628       91,794       (102.4






New Zealand  

a2 Milk Co. Ltd.

    38,807       122,967       (137.1

Summerset Group Holdings Ltd.

    19,685                 148,267       (165.3







Borregaard ASA

    14,220       271,245       (302.4

Elkem ASA

    32,494       134,945       (150.5

FLEX Liquified Natural Gas Ltd.

    332       9,352       (10.4

Frontline Ltd.

    941       7,793       (8.7

Kongsberg Gruppen ASA

    9,351       401,650       (447.9

MPC Container Ships

    27,253       81,118       (90.4

Selvaag Bolig ASA

    13,392       63,752       (71.1








    1,387       9,205       (10.3

Navigator Co. SA

    69,437       284,846       (317.6








    92,400       94,486       (105.3

Ascendas India Trust

    53,100       47,976       (53.5

Far East Hospitality Trust

    131,800       63,490       (70.8

First Resources Ltd.

    12,100       18,455       (20.6

Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust

    178,400       107,715       (120.1

Sheng Siong Group Ltd.

    62,800       69,343       (77.3






South Sandwich Islands  

UK Commercial Property REIT Ltd.

    51,794       57,066       (63.6







Ence Energia y Celulosa SA

    55,002       206,036       (229.7

Indra Sistemas SA

    23,884       243,392       (271.4

Laboratorios Farmaceuticos Rovi SA

    951       64,935       (72.4

Melia Hotels International SA

    37,982       314,123       (350.3

Sacyr SA

    15,433       41,571       (46.3

Unicaja Banco SA

    12,033       11,335       (12.6

Viscofan SA

    1,439       79,439       (88.6








    13,057       226,549       (252.6

AcadeMedia AB

    12,815       72,342       (80.7

AddTech AB, B Shares

    32,788       578,393       (644.9


    4,116       68,234       (76.1



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Sweden (continued)  

Arjo AB, B Shares

    31,333     $ 236,127       (263.3 )% 

Betsson AB, Class B

    15,477       95,074       (106.0

Biotage AB

    15,471       320,482       (357.3

Bonava AB, B Shares

    9,732       47,244       (52.7

Bufab AB

    2,152       71,393       (79.6

Catena AB

    200       10,459       (11.7

Cloetta AB, B Shares

    78,181       197,566       (220.3

Coor Service Management Holding AB

    733       6,646       (7.4

Corem Property Group AB, Class B

    2,374       5,026       (5.6

Dios Fastigheter AB

    6,132       54,752       (61.1

Dometic Group AB

    4,371       37,434       (41.7

Fabege AB

    9,847       119,524       (133.3

Fingerprint Cards AB, Class B

    57,382       66,090       (73.7


    1,619       24,231       (27.0

Hexatronic Group AB

    3,615       152,944       (170.5

HMS Networks AB

    2,058       84,234       (93.9

Hufvudstaden AB, A Shares

    526       6,815       (7.6


    2,866       66,191       (73.8

Loomis AB

    2,957       73,676       (82.2

Nyfosa AB

    6,168       67,981       (75.8


    74,585       7,732       (8.6

Scandic Hotels Group AB

    7,354       28,302       (31.6

Stillfront Group AB

    16,184       32,685       (36.4

Troax Group AB

    1,025       22,765       (25.4







Bossard Holding AG, Class A

    679       146,991       (163.9

Comet Holding AG

    616       133,163       (148.5

Ferrexpo PLC

    3,398       6,978       (7.8

Gurit Holding AG

    140       178,475       (199.0

Inficon Holding AG

    68       61,912       (69.0


    7,630       23,164       (25.8

Kardex AG

    293       55,761       (62.2

Landis+Gyr Group AG

    631       35,216       (39.3

Medartis Holding AG

    720       76,237       (85.0

Softwareone Holding AG

    2,092       28,285       (31.5

Stadler Rail AG

    410       14,963       (16.7

Sulzer AG

    1,306       97,855       (109.1

u-Blox Holding AG

    3,466       287,943       (321.1

Valiant Holding AG

    547       54,639       (60.9

Ypsomed Holding AG

    1,133       161,911       (180.5






United Kingdom  


    4,653       33,847       (37.7


    2,035       6,306       (7.0

Alpha Fx Group PLC

    392       10,154       (11.3

Ascential PLC

    39,902       158,201       (176.4

Ashmore Group PLC

    5,938       16,415       (18.3

Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings PLC

    9,054       94,859       (105.8

Babcock International Group PLC

    17,047       65,085       (72.6

Bank of Georgia Group PLC

    21,404       330,510       (368.5

Big Yellow Group PLC

    25,305       457,311       (509.9

Bodycote PLC

    5,444       42,223       (47.1

boohoo Group PLC

    18,638       18,869       (21.0

Britvic PLC

    11,799       127,150       (141.8

Bytes Technology Group PLC

    27,969       157,279       (175.4

Capital & Counties Properties PLC

    15,290       31,592       (35.2

Capricorn Energy PLC

    59,952       154,199       (171.9

Chemring Group PLC

    1,713       7,481       (8.3
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)  

Craneware PLC

    6,871     $ 147,959       (165.0 )% 

Cranswick PLC

    1,023       40,679       (45.4

Currys PLC

    81,010       93,926       (104.7

Diploma PLC

    14,673       503,266       (561.2

dotdigital group PLC

    76,216       83,091       (92.6

Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC

    513       6,326       (7.1

GB Group PLC

    21,753       157,644       (175.8

Genus PLC

    3,268       102,677       (114.5

Great Portland Estates PLC

    792       6,727       (7.5

Hammerson PLC

    1,027,560       370,982       (413.7

Helios Towers PLC

    4,810       6,780       (7.6

Hill & Smith Holdings PLC

    7,750       134,039       (149.5

Hotel Chocolat Group Ltd.

    4,319       20,230       (22.6

Hunting PLC

    46,946       171,194       (190.9

Impax Asset Management Group PLC

    4,232       45,768       (51.0

IntegraFin Holdings PLC

    22,083       99,583       (111.0

Judges Scientific PLC

    2,061       173,638       (193.6

Kainos Group PLC

    3,990       61,110       (68.1

Lancashire Holdings Ltd.

    8,700       46,109       (51.4

Learning Technologies Group PLC

    11,574       19,109       (21.3

Luceco PLC

    49,332       118,058       (131.6

Luxfer Holdings PLC

    380       6,133       (6.8

Morgan Advanced Materials PLC

    55,279       193,861       (216.2

National Express Group PLC

    11,939       37,007       (41.3

Pets at Home Group PLC

    14,696       57,044       (63.6

Polypipe Group PLC

    9,255       52,246       (58.3

PZ Cussons PLC

    7,563       19,406       (21.6

Redrow PLC

    47,240       309,672       (345.3

Restaurant Group PLC

    216,937       166,054       (185.2

RWS Holdings PLC

    45,246       247,801       (276.3

Safestore Holdings PLC

    5,973       93,966       (104.8

Serica Energy PLC

    37,535       164,902       (183.9


    218,770       113,101       (126.1

Softcat PLC

    5,383       95,071       (106.0

Spirent Communications PLC

    21,605       62,468       (69.6

SThree PLC

    60,345       278,185       (310.2

Subsea 7 SA

    11,865       97,249       (108.4

Vesuvius PLC

    15,802       64,260       (71.6

Victrex PLC

    306       6,978       (7.8

Virgin Money UK PLC

    51,448       111,621       (124.5

Watkin Jones PLC

    5,546       17,260       (19.2

Wickes Group PLC

    72,623       173,130       (193.0

Workspace Group PLC

    13,364       111,837       (124.7

YouGov PLC

    5,972       94,244       (105.1






United States  

1-800-Flowers.com, Inc., Class A

    8,043       82,039       (91.5

1Life Healthcare, Inc.

    5,371       37,866       (42.2

2U, Inc.

    7,232       72,175       (80.5

8x8, Inc.

    4,858       44,548       (49.7

A10 Networks, Inc.

    11,445       163,435       (182.2

AAR Corp.

    959       45,054       (50.2

Academy Sports & Outdoors, Inc.

    1,746       65,231       (72.7

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    2,660       49,050       (54.7

Acadia Realty Trust

    7,427       155,373       (173.2

ACCO Brands Corp.

    47,141       345,544       (385.3

ACM Research, Inc., Class A

    2,072       31,308       (34.9

ACV Auctions, Inc., Class A

    5,041       67,297       (75.0

AdaptHealth Corp.

    476       6,026       (6.7

Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp.

    11,614       95,815       (106.8




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Addus HomeCare Corp.

    3,203     $ 269,949       (301.0 )% 

ADT, Inc.

    1,387       9,501       (10.6

Advantage Solutions, Inc.

    5,802       29,184       (32.5

Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc.

    5,728                 229,005       (255.3

AeroVironment, Inc.

    1,359       109,155       (121.7

Air Transport Services Group, Inc.

    548       17,152       (19.1

Alarm.com Holdings, Inc.

    2,622       160,152       (178.6

Alector, Inc.

    600       5,760       (6.4

Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.

    2,274       48,209       (53.8

Alignment Healthcare, Inc.

    7,103       68,260       (76.1

Allakos, Inc.

    1,797       6,775       (7.6

Allegiant Travel Co.

    846       131,291       (146.4

Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.

    1,113       27,057       (30.2


    6,613       392,415       (437.6

Alliance Data Systems Corp.

    5,080       278,384       (310.4

Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc.

    706       26,433       (29.5

Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.

    35,393       295,532       (329.5

Allovir, Inc.

    6,202       28,219       (31.5

Altair Engineering, Inc., Class A

    727       39,491       (44.0

Alto Ingredients, Inc.

    12,271       70,804       (78.9

Altra Industrial Motion Corp.

    7,001       273,039       (304.4

Amalgamated Financial Corp.

    2,427       42,691       (47.6

AMC Networks, Inc., Class A

    3,195       104,253       (116.2

Ameresco, Inc., Class A

    3,791       191,218       (213.2

American Assets Trust, Inc.

    9,287       339,904       (379.0

American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.

    16,196       244,722       (272.9

American Equity Investment Life Holding Co.

    611       23,047       (25.7

American States Water Co.

    2,013       158,343       (176.6

American Woodmark Corp.

    749       35,091       (39.1


    1,702       78,888       (88.0

Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    1,591       6,141       (6.8

Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    673       23,871       (26.6

Anika Therapeutics, Inc.

    685       14,748       (16.4

Annexon, Inc.

    4,581       11,682       (13.0

Apartment Investment and Management Co., Class A

    30,812       194,116       (216.4

Appfolio, Inc., Class A

    63       6,543       (7.3

Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc.

    161       16,855       (18.8

Arbor Realty Trust, Inc.

    20,483       350,259       (390.5

Archrock, Inc.

    974       8,484       (9.5

Arconic Corp.

    897       22,569       (25.2

Arcosa, Inc.

    132       7,066       (7.9

Ares Management Corp., Class A

    4,004       265,145       (295.6

Argan, Inc.

    420       15,448       (17.2

Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.

    17,793       241,095       (268.8

Artisan Partners Asset Management, Inc., Class A

    1,044       33,554       (37.4

Artivion, Inc.

    5,098       103,438       (115.3

Arvinas, Inc.

    1,009       55,465       (61.8

Aspen Aerogels, Inc.

    2,098       45,317       (50.5

Assetmark Financial Holdings, Inc.

    268       5,154       (5.7

Associated Banc-Corp.

    10,334       206,163       (229.9

Astec Industries, Inc.

    6,428       251,335       (280.2

Avaya Holdings Corp.

    11,466       106,060       (118.3

Avid Bioservices, Inc.

    1,614       21,724       (24.2

Avient Corp.

    1,193       58,743       (65.5

Axcelis Technologies, Inc.

    963       52,435       (58.5

AZZ, Inc.

    1,395       63,668       (71.0

Badger Meter, Inc.

    486       39,215       (43.7

Banc of California, Inc.

    6,435       116,087       (129.4

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A

    6,875       152,075       (169.6

Bar Harbor Bankshares

    1,722       44,961       (50.1
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Barrett Business Services, Inc.

    1,746     $ 125,660       (140.1 )% 

Beauty Health Co.

    968       12,681       (14.1

Berry Corp.

    4,498       49,343       (55.0

BGC Partners, Inc., Class A

    2,083       7,561       (8.4

BJ’s Restaurants, Inc.

    2,607       72,449       (80.8

Blackbaud, Inc.

    2,007       116,426       (129.8

Bloom Energy Corp., Class A

    6,361       118,060       (131.6

Bloomin’ Brands, Inc.

    4,451       97,877       (109.1

Boot Barn Holdings, Inc.

    2,390                 215,243       (240.0

Bridgebio Pharma, Inc.

    6,548       52,515       (58.6

Brigham Minerals, Inc., Class A

    7,750       192,045       (214.1

Brightsphere Investment Group, Inc.

    6,162       123,486       (137.7

Brookdale Senior Living, Inc.

    2,857       17,656       (19.7

BTRS Holdings, Inc., Class 1

    10,297       69,196       (77.2

Byline Bancorp, Inc.

    3,564       83,611       (93.2

California Resources Corp.

    402       16,164       (18.0

Calix, Inc.

    3,440       137,290       (153.1

Callon Petroleum Co.

    1,385       71,009       (79.2

Camden National Corp.

    2,340       104,715       (116.8

Camping World Holdings, Inc., Class A

    252       6,471       (7.2

Cannae Holdings, Inc.

    7,637       171,069       (190.7

Capital City Bank Group, Inc.

    2,266       58,032       (64.7

Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.

    14,524       271,599       (302.8

Cardlytics, Inc.

    185       6,314       (7.0

CareDx, Inc.

    414       12,602       (14.1

Casella Waste Systems, Inc., Class A

    599       49,262       (54.9

Castle Biosciences, Inc.

    319       7,126       (7.9

Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    955       7,277       (8.1

Cathay General Bancorp

    199       7,978       (8.9

CBTX, Inc.

    264       7,529       (8.4


    4,809       443,678       (494.7

Central Garden & Pet Co., Class A

    8,185       338,695       (377.7

Century Communities, Inc.

    185       9,753       (10.9

Cerence, Inc.

    332       9,794       (10.9

Cerus Corp.

    1,382       6,385       (7.1

CEVA, Inc.

    1,361       49,459       (55.1

ChannelAdvisor Corp.

    9,340       135,523       (151.1

Chatham Lodging Trust

    19,005       272,912       (304.3

Chefs’ Warehouse, Inc.

    208       7,613       (8.5

ChemoCentryx, Inc.

    2,991       55,214       (61.6

Chuy’s Holdings, Inc.

    2,756       68,928       (76.9

Cinemark Holdings, Inc.

    16,047       254,505       (283.8

Clean Energy Fuels Corp.

    10,214       59,854       (66.7

Clear Secure, Inc., Class A

    1,805       54,908       (61.2

Clearway Energy, Inc., Class A

    452       12,846       (14.3

CNO Financial Group, Inc.

    16,455       397,224       (442.9

Codexis, Inc.

    1,364       16,409       (18.3

Coeur Mining, Inc.

    6,611       23,998       (26.8

Cohen & Steers, Inc.

    1,053       81,808       (91.2

Coherus Biosciences, Inc.

    6,643       60,053       (67.0

Cohu, Inc.

    385       10,226       (11.4

CommScope Holding Co., Inc.

    13,158       79,343       (88.5

ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc.

    3,538       98,569       (109.9

Construction Partners, Inc., Class A

    2,862       73,868       (82.4

Corcept Therapeutics, Inc.

    1,344       28,909       (32.2

CorVel Corp.

    683       105,920       (118.1

Cowen, Inc., Class A

    7,947       181,589       (202.5

Cross Country Healthcare, Inc.

    1,232       23,088       (25.7

CrossFirst Bankshares, Inc.

    6,111       78,282       (87.3

CSW Industrials, Inc.

    157       16,565       (18.5

Cutera, Inc.

    6,284       341,284       (380.5

Dave & Buster’s Entertainment, Inc.

    827       37,628       (42.0



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    10,340     $ 104,641       (116.7 )% 

Delek US Holdings, Inc.

    417       10,091       (11.3

Deluxe Corp.

    3,142       85,085       (94.9

Denali Therapeutics, Inc.

    692       16,470       (18.4

Denbury, Inc.

    215       13,756       (15.3

Dime Community Bancshares, Inc.

    2,790       87,718       (97.8

Diodes, Inc.

    137       10,005       (11.2

Dorian LPG Ltd.

    5,497       80,916       (90.2

Douglas Dynamics, Inc.

    373       11,548       (12.9

Ducommun, Inc.

    926       47,291       (52.7

Duolingo, Inc.

    71       6,139       (6.8

Dyne Therapeutics, Inc.

    11,943       95,305       (106.3

Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    146       6,443       (7.2

Easterly Government Properties, Inc.

    13,339                 254,108       (283.3

EchoStar Corp., Class A

    9,890       230,931       (257.5

Ecovyst, Inc.

    29,614       297,917       (332.2

elf Beauty, Inc.

    6,438       156,637       (174.7

Emergent BioSolutions, Inc.

    6,916       223,940       (249.7

Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    927       59,699       (66.6

Energizer Holdings, Inc.

    3,927       118,949       (132.6

Energy Recovery, Inc.

    806       14,927       (16.6

EnPro Industries, Inc.

    1,490       138,883       (154.9

Enterprise Financial Services Corp.

    167       7,376       (8.2

ePlus, Inc.

    657       37,107       (41.4

Equitrans Midstream Corp.

    4,346       34,160       (38.1

ESCO Technologies, Inc.

    2,022       126,274       (140.8

Essential Properties Realty Trust, Inc.

    12,630       303,120       (338.0

Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc.

    5,374       127,579       (142.3

Everi Holdings, Inc.

    347       6,024       (6.7

Evolent Health, Inc., Class A

    7,390       203,373       (226.8

EW Scripps Co., Class A

    15,221       250,538       (279.4

eXp World Holdings, Inc.

    8,104       108,513       (121.0

F45 Training Holdings, Inc.

    601       5,283       (5.9

FB Financial Corp.

    1,850       71,280       (79.5

Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp., Class C

    317       32,470       (36.2

FibroGen, Inc.

    11,151       103,704       (115.6

Figs, Inc., Class A

    3,655       57,237       (63.8

Financial Institutions, Inc.

    2       56       (0.1

First Advantage Corp.

    780       13,541       (15.1

First Bancshares, Inc.

    10,927       351,740       (392.2

First Busey Corp.

    871       19,571       (21.8

First Financial Corp.

    5,729       244,170       (272.3

First Foundation, Inc.

    15,589       346,388       (386.2

First Merchants Corp.

    3,727       146,061       (162.9

First of Long Island Corp.

    2,501       41,967       (46.8

Flushing Financial Corp.

    11,972       257,398       (287.0

Focus Financial Partners, Inc., Class A

    3,649       143,953       (160.5

Foot Locker, Inc.

    2,004       58,737       (65.5

FormFactor, Inc.

    443       16,883       (18.8

Forrester Research, Inc.

    2,161       120,346       (134.2

Fox Factory Holding Corp.

    444       36,355       (40.5

Franchise Group, Inc.

    3,169       118,172       (131.8

Frontier Group Holdings, Inc.

    12,236       129,824       (144.8

fuboTV, Inc.

    3,986       15,107       (16.8

Fulton Financial Corp.

    17,753       269,313       (300.3

Funko, Inc., Class A

    4,482       73,012       (81.4

Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd.

    2,192       48,290       (53.8

Getty Realty Corp.

    2,527       68,002       (75.8

Gibraltar Industries, Inc.

    5,756       217,807       (242.9

G-III Apparel Group Ltd.

    5,369       142,171       (158.5

Gogo, Inc.

    908       16,716       (18.6

Golden Entertainment, Inc.

    724       34,723       (38.7
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Goosehead Insurance, Inc., Class A

    713     $ 40,990       (45.7 )% 

GoPro, Inc., Class A

    15,433       137,662       (153.5

Granite Construction, Inc.

    1,824       54,082       (60.3

Gray Television, Inc.

    4,629       85,729       (95.6

Green Brick Partners, Inc.

    7,415       146,075       (162.9

Griffon Corp.

    10,115       189,252       (211.0

Group 1 Automotive, Inc.

    949       165,259       (184.3

Gulfport Energy Corp.

    912       85,710       (95.6

H&E Equipment Services, Inc.

    6,755       239,667       (267.2

Hackett Group, Inc.

    542       12,732       (14.2

Harmonic, Inc.

    3,441       28,560       (31.8

Harmony Biosciences Holdings, Inc.

    3,702       166,738       (185.9

Harsco Corp.

    9,864       100,810       (112.4

Haverty Furniture Cos., Inc.

    13,801                 342,679       (382.1

Hawkins, Inc.

    341       12,712       (14.2

Hayward Holdings, Inc.

    4,932       78,419       (87.4

Heartland Express, Inc.

    4,694       64,777       (72.2

Heartland Financial USA, Inc.

    3,526       154,333       (172.1

Hecla Mining Co.

    20,003       104,216       (116.2

Hemisphere Media Group, Inc.

    8,395       32,657       (36.4

Heritage Commerce Corp.

    3,605       40,484       (45.1

Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc.

    262       7,153       (8.0

Heska Corp.

    1,873       205,730       (229.4

Hess Midstream LP, Class A

    1,805       53,085       (59.2

Hilltop Holdings, Inc.

    5,900       150,391       (167.7

Holley, Inc.

    10,388       109,490       (122.1

Horizon Bancorp, Inc.

    8,706       152,181       (169.7

Hub Group, Inc., Class A

    4,031       270,722       (301.9

Ideaya Biosciences, Inc.

    3,814       36,576       (40.8

ImmunoGen, Inc.

    32,133       155,202       (173.1

Impinj, Inc.

    410       20,197       (22.5

Independent Bank Corp.

    14,971       295,528       (329.5

Independent Bank Group, Inc.

    2,256       152,957       (170.6

Infinera Corp.

    2,760       21,224       (23.7

Ingevity Corp.

    4,388       262,841       (293.1

Innospec, Inc.

    991       94,452       (105.3

Innoviva, Inc.

    6,999       119,403       (133.1

Installed Building Products, Inc.

    873       70,250       (78.3

Integer Holdings Corp.

    568       42,697       (47.6

Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    13,235       207,922       (231.8

International Money Express, Inc.

    5,140       102,132       (113.9

International Seaways, Inc.

    14,877       314,351       (350.5

Invitae Corp.

    22,804       121,089       (135.0

iRobot Corp.

    3,013       152,608       (170.2

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    6,951       83,412       (93.0

iStar, Inc.

    4,601       77,481       (86.4

Itron, Inc.

    11,017       526,392       (586.9

J&J Snack Foods Corp.

    2,153       322,304       (359.4

Janus International Group, Inc.

    826       7,814       (8.7

John B Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.

    535       41,537       (46.3

Joint Corp.

    5,417       165,327       (184.3

Kadant, Inc.

    832       153,920       (171.6

Karuna Therapeutics, Inc.

    153       17,053       (19.0

Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc.

    1,373       8,375       (9.3

KB Home

    4,406       142,887       (159.3

Kforce, Inc.

    451       31,593       (35.2

Kontoor Brands, Inc.

    3,091       122,805       (136.9

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.

    7,397       112,212       (125.1

Krispy Kreme, Inc.

    7,390       98,139       (109.4

Kymera Therapeutics, Inc.

    537       16,835       (18.8

Lakeland Bancorp, Inc.

    1,453       21,839       (24.4

Laredo Petroleum, Inc.

    1,016       72,349       (80.7




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

LeMaitre Vascular, Inc.

    2,134     $ 92,210       (102.8 )% 

LendingClub Corp.

    6,798       103,669       (115.6

LGI Homes, Inc.

    731       68,502       (76.4

Liberty Latin America Ltd., Class A

    641       5,923       (6.6

Liberty Media Corp. - Liberty Braves, Class A

    1,269       33,337       (37.2

Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    306       28,415       (31.7

Limelight Networks, Inc.

    9,135       32,612       (36.4

Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., Class A

    21,650       292,058       (325.7

Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., Class B

    1,649       20,728       (23.1

Live Oak Bancshares, Inc.

    773       32,721       (36.5

LivePerson, Inc.

    10,612       240,043       (267.7

LiveRamp Holdings, Inc.

    1,840       57,629       (64.3

Luther Burbank Corp.

    9,243       122,655       (136.8

Malibu Boats, Inc., Class A

    9,448       475,140       (529.8

Marcus Corp.

    18,531       291,493       (325.0

MarineMax, Inc.

    6,150                 251,658       (280.6

Marten Transport Ltd.

    6,784       117,906       (131.5

McGrath RentCorp

    208       17,360       (19.4

MDC Holdings, Inc.

    647       23,881       (26.6

Media Gen, Inc.

    3,231             0.0  

Mercantile Bank Corp.

    502       15,763       (17.6

Merchants Bancorp

    5,018       118,023       (131.6

Merit Medical Systems, Inc.

    572       35,470       (39.6

MFA Financial, Inc.

    8,364       119,187       (132.9

MGP Ingredients, Inc.

    3,182       290,612       (324.0

Midland States Bancorp, Inc.

    12,983       342,232       (381.6

MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc.

    6,715       200,644       (223.7

Model N, Inc.

    5,675       146,642       (163.5

Modine Manufacturing Co.

    15,888       125,515       (140.0

ModivCare, Inc.

    1,160       120,605       (134.5

Moelis & Co., Class A

    8,670       383,734       (427.9

Momentive Global, Inc.

    1,784       28,223       (31.5

Montrose Environmental Group, Inc.

    3,407       154,576       (172.4

MRC Global, Inc.

    11,479       137,633       (153.5

Nabors Industries Ltd.

    681       105,296       (117.4

Napco Security Technologies, Inc.

    1,127       19,722       (22.0

National Beverage Corp.

    149       6,568       (7.3

National Instruments Corp.

    3,587       129,634       (144.5

NeoGenomics, Inc.

    13,640       128,898       (143.7

Nevro Corp.

    2,208       136,212       (151.9

NexPoint Residential Trust, Inc.

    2,118       188,841       (210.6

NextEra Energy Partners LP

    428       28,530       (31.8

NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.

    13,430       167,606       (186.9

Nicolet Bankshares, Inc.

    272       22,135       (24.7

NMI Holdings, Inc., Class A

    9,823       180,547       (201.3

Noble Corp.

    1,219       38,923       (43.4

Northern Oil and Gas, Inc.

    400       9,992       (11.1

Northfield Bancorp, Inc.

    535       7,003       (7.8

Northwest Natural Holding Co.

    3,505       167,644       (186.9

NorthWestern Corp.

    3,670       208,052       (232.0

Nurix Therapeutics, Inc.

    2,135       23,634       (26.4

NuVasive, Inc.

    1,058       54,424       (60.7

NV5 Global, Inc.

    2,287       273,983       (305.5

Oasis Petroleum, Inc.

    403       53,462       (59.6

Oceaneering International, Inc.

    1,214       13,755       (15.3

OceanFirst Financial Corp.

    24,210       453,453       (505.6

Office Properties Income Trust

    344       7,437       (8.3

Olema Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    9,732       24,817       (27.7

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Holdings, Inc.

    916       44,014       (49.1

Olo, Inc., Class A

    14,096       150,686       (168.0

Oportun Financial Corp.

    6,941       80,446       (89.7

Organogenesis Holdings, Inc.

    1,323       8,520       (9.5
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Origin Bancorp, Inc.

    2,393     $ 90,168       (100.5 )% 

Origin Materials, Inc.

    1,983       12,870       (14.4

Orthofix Medical, Inc.

    2,569       79,639       (88.8

OSI Systems, Inc.

    80       6,328       (7.1

Outfront Media, Inc.

    1,481       37,914       (42.3

Overstock.com, Inc.

    3,210       107,728       (120.1

Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.

    4,615       29,259       (32.6

PagerDuty, Inc.

    3,949       112,823       (125.8

Palomar Holdings, Inc.

    460       25,047       (27.9

Par Pacific Holdings, Inc.

    14,473       212,319       (236.7

PAR Technology Corp.

    4,829       159,550       (177.9

Paramount Group, Inc.

    2,823       26,847       (29.9

Party City Holdco, Inc.

    3,996       12,348       (13.8

Passage Bio, Inc.

    18,970       36,991       (41.2

Patrick Industries, Inc.

    1,457       90,698       (101.1

Peapack Gladstone Financial Corp.

    761       23,583       (26.3

Perella Weinberg Partners

    2,403       18,527       (20.7

Perficient, Inc.

    1,240       123,268       (137.4

Personalis, Inc.

    7,972       44,643       (49.8

PetIQ, Inc.

    7,141                 142,106       (158.5

PGT Innovations, Inc.

    421       7,481       (8.3

Phibro Animal Health Corp., Class A

    5,199       93,530       (104.3

Piedmont Lithium, Inc.

    2,307       150,901       (168.3

Piper Sandler Cos

    266       30,585       (34.1

PJT Partners, Inc., Class A

    3,824       252,346       (281.4

Plains GP Holdings LP, Class A

    23,959       267,622       (298.4

Playa Hotels & Resorts NV

    6,583       62,144       (69.3

Plymouth Industrial REIT, Inc.

    5,588       134,783       (150.3

Poshmark, Inc., Class A

    12,312       135,924       (151.6

PRA Group, Inc.

    2,031       85,363       (95.2

Premier Financial Corp.

    19,761       524,457       (584.8

Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Inc.

    5,983       327,031       (364.6

Primoris Services Corp.

    1,555       36,045       (40.2

Privia Health Group, Inc.

    3,155       69,378       (77.4

PROG Holdings, Inc.

    4,247       112,418       (125.4

ProPetro Holding Corp.

    5,703       80,640       (89.9

Proto Labs, Inc.

    831       35,409       (39.5

PTC Therapeutics, Inc.

    437       15,439       (17.2

PubMatic, Inc., Class A

    292       6,590       (7.3

QCR Holdings, Inc.

    1,129       61,293       (68.3

Quaker Chemical Corp.

    629       102,345       (114.1

Quanex Building Products Corp.

    519       9,975       (11.1

Qurate Retail, Inc., Series A

    23,152       97,470       (108.7

Ranpak Holdings Corp.

    8,785       132,478       (147.7

Ready Capital Corp.

    1,087       15,838       (17.7

Redwood Trust, Inc.

    33,311       323,117       (360.3

Replimune Group, Inc.

    1,982       33,238       (37.1

Revolution Medicines, Inc.

    1,362       27,199       (30.3

RLI Corp.

    467       53,602       (59.8

RLJ Lodging Trust

    4,801       67,310       (75.1

RMR Group, Inc., Class A

    261       7,120       (7.9

Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    9,363       96,252       (107.3

RPT Realty

    6,393       84,963       (94.7

Rush Enterprises, Inc., Class A

    6,205       315,710       (352.0

Rush Enterprises, Inc., Class B

    4,765       230,864       (257.4

Ryan Specialty Group Holdings, Inc., Class A

    4,660       172,373       (192.2

Ryerson Holding Corp.

    1,627       59,890       (66.8

Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc.

    2,830       33,054       (36.9

Sabre Corp.

    1,212       12,690       (14.2

Safehold, Inc.

    2,320       99,876       (111.4

Sana Biotechnology, Inc.

    25,864       195,273       (217.7

Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc.

    7,489       31,079       (34.7



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Select Medical Holdings Corp.

    583     $ 13,182       (14.7 )% 

Sensient Technologies Corp.

    2,453       207,524       (231.4

Shake Shack, Inc., Class A

    4,565       263,994       (294.4

Shutterstock, Inc.

    1,200       90,864       (101.3

Simply Good Foods Co.

    1,273       53,020       (59.1

Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc.

    456       47,274       (52.7

Simulations Plus, Inc.

    2,010       93,787       (104.6

SMART Global Holdings, Inc.

    3,659       82,913       (92.5

Sonic Automotive, Inc., Class A

    930       39,571       (44.1

Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc.

    14,488       21,877       (24.4

SPS Commerce, Inc.

    138       16,509       (18.4

SPX Corp.

    2,781       116,524       (129.9

Stagwell, Inc.

    1,137       7,709       (8.6

Standard Motor Products, Inc.

    1,092       46,607       (52.0

Stepan Co.

    199       20,320       (22.7

Stitch Fix, Inc., Class A

    4,978       47,291       (52.7

StoneX Group, Inc.

    915       62,019       (69.2

Summit Hotel Properties, Inc.

    4,544       44,849       (50.0

Summit Materials, Inc., Class A

    7,249       201,522       (224.7

SunCoke Energy, Inc.

    3,058       25,443       (28.4

Sunnova Energy International, Inc.

    9,635       166,396       (185.5

SunPower Corp.

    9,447       155,970       (173.9

Super Micro Computer, Inc.

    2,493       104,955       (117.0

Sutro Biopharma, Inc.

    356       2,140       (2.4

Sylvamo Corp.

    6,687       298,575       (332.9

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    1,238       20,761       (23.2

Tactile Systems Technology, Inc.

    4,512       76,163       (84.9

Talos Energy, Inc.

    622       11,302       (12.6

Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, Inc.

    645       10,404       (11.6

Targa Resources Corp.

    1,407       103,288       (115.2

Taylor Morrison Home Corp.

    6,846                 179,297       (199.9

Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.

    7,286       374,209       (417.3


    12,374       341,151       (380.4

TPG RE Finance Trust, Inc.

    567       5,982       (6.7

Transocean Ltd.

    19,015       71,496       (79.7

Tri Pointe Homes, Inc.

    5,268       108,890       (121.4

Trico Bancshares

    2,191       82,272       (91.7

Trinity Industries, Inc.

    5,190       143,971       (160.5

Triumph Group, Inc.

    618       13,930       (15.5

TTEC Holdings, Inc.

    693       51,150       (57.0

Turning Point Brands, Inc.

    14,673       460,585       (513.6

Tutor Perini Corp.

    14,896       138,086       (154.0

U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc.

    748       77,620       (86.5

UFP Industries, Inc.

    100       7,737       (8.6

UMB Financial Corp.

    4,518       407,433       (454.3

UMH Properties, Inc.

    15,111       355,411       (396.3

United Fire Group, Inc.

    3,432       100,523       (112.1

Unitil Corp.

    3,181       162,231       (180.9

Univest Financial Corp.

    5,646       142,279       (158.6

Upland Software, Inc.

    9,327       139,159       (155.2

Urban Edge Properties

    557       10,410       (11.6

Urban Outfitters, Inc.

    17,061       406,052       (452.8

Valaris Ltd.

    1,244       63,133       (70.4

Varex Imaging Corp.

    1,049       20,823       (23.2

Vector Group Ltd.

    7,540       95,909       (106.9

Vectrus, Inc.

    1,983       71,586       (79.8

Veeco Instruments, Inc.

    5,926       135,824       (151.4

Veracyte, Inc.

    3,058       62,597       (69.8

Vericel Corp.

    267       7,609       (8.5

Veris Residential, Inc.

    4,927       78,881       (88.0

Veritex Holdings, Inc.

    9,942       326,595       (364.2
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Veritiv Corp.

    458     $ 64,367       (71.8 )% 

Vertex Inc., Class A

    8,250       117,397       (130.9

Victory Capital Holdings Inc., Class A

    27,596       744,816       (830.5

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.

    20,848       388,398       (433.1

Vista Outdoor, Inc.

    300       10,569       (11.8

Vital Farms, Inc.

    373       4,289       (4.8

Walker & Dunlop, Inc.

    1,976       236,646       (263.9

Warrior Met Coal, Inc.

    5,738       195,494       (218.0

Washington Federal, Inc.

    6,683       203,364       (226.8

Watts Water Technologies, Inc., Class A

    779       99,291       (110.7

WD-40 Co.

    625       114,987       (128.2

Werner Enterprises, Inc.

    10,033                 397,608       (443.3

WesBanco, Inc.

    1,140       36,754       (41.0

Willdan Group, Inc.

    484       13,010       (14.5

Yext, Inc.

    13,321       77,129       (86.0

Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Inc.

    8,888       74,659       (83.2

ZimVie, Inc.

    295       6,637       (7.4

ZipRecruiter, Inc., Class A

    3,796       85,448       (95.3






Preferred Stocks                  

Schaeffler AG, Preference Shares

    7,794       41,856       (46.6







Total Reference Entity — Long





Reference Entity — Short

Common Stocks                  

Bega Cheese Ltd.

    (11,422     (40,310     44.9  

Breville Group Ltd.

    (630     (10,441     11.6  

BWX Ltd.

    (17,360     (22,837     25.5  

Cromwell Property Group

    (90,818     (54,506     60.8  

GUD Holdings Ltd.

    (1,835     (16,647     18.6  

Integral Diagnostics Ltd.

    (2,241     (6,239     7.0  


    (3,789     (29,147     32.5  

OceanaGold Corp.

    (10,532     (26,235     29.3  

Sigma Healthcare Ltd.

    (19,357     (6,838     7.6  

SolGold PLC

    (476,503     (171,964     191.7  

Super Retail Group Ltd.

    (4,511     (33,377     37.2  

Tyro Payments Ltd.

    (5,328     (4,554     5.1  







CA Immobilien Anlagen AG

    (40,631     (1,147,527     1,279.5  


    (1,883     (15,536     17.3  

Semperit AG Holding

    (17,877     (432,355     482.1  







Aedifica SA

    (3,927     (465,479     519.0  

Befimmo SA

    (28,212     (1,408,268     1,570.3  

bpost SA

    (3,904     (23,654     26.4  

Cofinimmo SA

    (1,548     (207,873     231.8  

Gimv NV

    (5,153     (295,695     329.7  

KBC Ancora

    (2,137     (86,460     96.4  

Ontex Group NV

    (31,557     (218,639     243.8  

Orange Belgium SA

    (1,790     (34,694     38.7  

X-Fab Silicon Foundries SE

    (991     (7,016     7.8  

Xior Student Housing NV

    (1,597     (85,306     95.1  










2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Enstar Group Ltd.

    (105   $ (24,754     27.6







Absolute Software Corp.

    (5,237     (40,154     44.8  

AG Growth International, Inc.

    (2,964     (89,729     100.1  

Altus Group Ltd.

    (1,261     (47,224     52.7  

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust

    (849     (8,664     9.7  

ATS Automation Tooling Systems, Inc.

    (2,963     (86,469     96.4  

Birchcliff Energy Ltd.

    (11,222     (82,113     91.6  

Boyd Group Services, Inc.

    (1,234     (152,731     170.3  

Canaccord Genuity Group, Inc.

    (857     (7,538     8.4  

Canacol Energy Ltd.

    (3,066     (6,802     7.6  

Canfor Corp.

    (21,670              (412,939     460.4  

Cascades, Inc.

    (11,557     (113,622     126.7  

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

    (2,246     (26,540     29.6  

City Office REIT, Inc.

    (738     (10,952     12.2  

Cogeco Communications Inc.

    (1,226     (100,683     112.3  

Cogeco, Inc.

    (3,701     (220,392     245.7  

Converge Technology Solutions Corp.

    (11,688     (78,517     87.6  

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust

    (715     (14,471     16.1  

Dye & Durham Ltd.

    (9,339     (154,190     171.9  

ECN Capital Corp.

    (8,263     (37,435     41.7  

Enthusiast Gaming Holdings, Inc.

    (48,808     (94,223     105.1  

Exchange Income Corp.

    (7,877     (254,156     283.4  

Extendicare, Inc.

    (125,854     (712,224     794.1  

Fiera Capital Corp.

    (2,608     (19,916     22.2  

GDI Integrated Facility Services, Inc.

    (1,835     (61,907     69.0  

HLS Therapeutics, Inc.

    (30,956     (330,127     368.1  

Hut 8 Mining Corp.

    (46,669     (166,383     185.5  

Interfor Corp.

    (7,756     (221,091     246.5  

Largo, Inc.

    (5,958     (49,810     55.5  

Lassonde Industries, Inc., Class A

    (1,828     (195,600     218.1  

LifeWorks, Inc.

    (7,092     (104,339     116.3  

Linamar Corp.

    (309     (12,238     13.6  

Maple Leaf Foods, Inc.

    (1,879     (41,379     46.1  

Martinrea International, Inc.

    (17,595     (105,051     117.1  

MDA Ltd.

    (6,745     (46,414     51.8  

Meta Materials, Inc.

    (14,468     (17,362     19.4  

MTY Food Group, Inc.

    (8,037     (324,883     362.3  

Mullen Group Ltd.

    (5,144     (49,212     54.9  

Neighbourly Pharmacy, Inc.

    (1,047     (19,764     22.0  

North West Co., Inc.

    (22,340     (623,082     694.8  

Orla Mining Ltd.

    (6,855     (29,082     32.4  

Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.

    (3,557     (36,244     40.4  

Sleep Country Canada Holdings, Inc.

    (11,931     (231,812     258.5  

Stella-Jones, Inc.

    (2,022     (55,876     62.3  

Superior Plus Corp.

    (15,964     (140,795     157.0  

Timbercreek Financial Corp.

    (32,822     (232,755     259.5  

TransAlta Renewables, Inc.

    (10,779     (149,521     166.7  

Winpak Ltd.

    (7,123     (235,594     262.7  

Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (1,992     (56,314     62.8  






Cayman Islands                  

Theravance Biopharma, Inc.

    (3,045     (29,384     32.8  






Costa Rica                  

Establishment Labs Holdings, Inc.

    (157     (11,109     12.4  







Chemometec A/S

    (540     (61,043     68.1  

Dfds A/S

    (3,779     (146,348     163.2  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Denmark (continued)                  

Matas A/S

    (3,406   $ (47,410     52.9

Netcompany Group A/S

    (3,506     (194,976     217.4  

Ringkjoebing Landbobank A/S

    (7,504     (920,202     1,026.0  

Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S

    (4,851     (101,123     112.7  

Sydbank A/S

    (3,955              (135,945     151.6  

Topdanmark A/S

    (1,243     (69,949     78.0  

Zealand Pharma A/S

    (7,679     (86,581     96.5  







Aktia Bank OYJ

    (12,553     (127,284     141.9  

Kamux Corp.

    (2,359     (23,873     26.6  

Kemira OYJ

    (4,864     (63,802     71.1  

Metsa Board OYJ, Class B

    (37,344     (402,449     448.8  

Remedy Entertainment OYJ

    (477     (15,702     17.5  

Sanoma OYJ

    (31,584     (398,970     444.9  







ABC arbitrage

    (792     (6,099     6.8  

Altarea SCA

    (370     (56,631     63.1  

Aramis Group SAS

    (15,529     (90,427     100.8  

Cellectis SA

    (3,488     (12,379     13.8  

Derichebourg SA

    (19,111     (172,464     192.3  

Eutelsat Communications SA

    (1,365     (15,170     16.9  

Maisons du Monde SA

    (12,818     (218,608     243.8  

McPhy Energy SA

    (341     (6,229     6.9  

Mercialys SA

    (9,630     (92,996     103.7  

Metropole Television SA

    (4,164     (77,272     86.2  

Sopra Steria Group SACA

    (144     (25,521     28.5  


    (509     (11,980     13.4  

Trigano SA

    (1,256     (161,825     180.4  

Verallia SA

    (1,465     (40,272     44.9  

Voltalia SA

    (10,930     (230,855     257.4  







Aareal Bank AG

    (1,894     (64,536     72.0  

AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co. KGaA

    (296     (7,886     8.8  

BayWa AG

    (2,772     (132,191     147.4  


    (29,902     (102,449     114.2  

Hamborner REIT AG

    (20,991     (195,915     218.4  

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    (2,439     (5,389     6.0  

Home24 SE

    (14,811     (86,765     96.7  

Hornbach Holding AG & Co. KGaA

    (1,924     (230,310     256.8  

Indus Holding AG

    (3,985     (113,365     126.4  

Instone Real Estate Group AG

    (6,667     (102,352     114.1  

New Work SE

    (55     (9,399     10.5  


    (1,750     (30,018     33.5  


    (311     (3,950     4.4  

Secunet Security Networks AG

    (102     (43,185     48.2  

SGL Carbon SE

    (21,101     (115,858     129.2  

Takkt AG

    (6,795     (109,783     122.4  

Westwing Group AG

    (10,351     (117,715     131.3  

Zeal Network SE

    (1,283     (49,944     55.7  






Hong Kong                  

Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels Ltd.

    (40,500     (40,206     44.8  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Hong Kong (continued)                  

Prosperity REIT

    (223,000   $ (76,446     85.3

SUNeVision Holdings Ltd.

    (1,000     (831     0.9  







C&C Group PLC

    (34,085     (88,978     99.2  

Cairn Homes PLC

    (119,996     (144,697     161.4  

COSMO Pharmaceuticals NV

    (1,263     (72,231     80.5  

Glenveagh Properties PLC

    (19,812     (23,908     26.7  

Hibernia REIT PLC

    (59,909     (102,512     114.3  







Cellcom Israel Ltd.

    (26,889     (155,983     173.9  

Doral Group Renewable Energy Resources Ltd.

    (104,434     (400,830     446.9  

Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.

    (8,726     (63,801     71.2  

JFrog Ltd.

    (519     (10,832     12.1  

Nano Dimension Ltd., ADR

    (109,265     (310,313     346.0  

Naphtha Israel Petroleum Corp. Ltd.

    (29,630     (235,440     262.5  


    (8,088     (105,710     117.9  

Perion Network Ltd.

    (8,037     (171,840     191.6  

Plus500 Ltd.

    (18,389     (358,087     399.3  

Riskified Ltd., Class A

    (28,380     (148,427     165.5  







Anima Holding SpA

    (2,145     (10,452     11.7  

Banca Popolare di Sondrio SCPA

    (91,887     (364,924     406.9  

Credito Emiliano SpA

    (73,839     (451,093     503.0  

Digital Bros SpA

    (2,585     (65,663     73.2  

doValue SpA

    (49,661     (422,256     470.8  

Enav SpA

    (34,127     (157,546     175.7  

Fila SpA

    (2,179     (21,673     24.2  

Freni Brembo SpA

    (7,800     (78,068     87.0  

Gruppo MutuiOnline SpA

    (3,732     (114,283     127.4  


    (39,565     (329,544     367.4  

Illimity Bank SpA

    (602     (7,881     8.8  


    (34,301     (201,670     224.9  

Zignago Vetro SpA

    (171     (2,097     2.3  








    (47,200     (905,210     1,009.3  

Aeon Hokkaido Corp.

    (31,700     (254,157     283.4  

Aichi Corp.

    (14,300     (99,506     111.0  

Aiful Corp.

    (79,100     (225,460     251.4  

Airtrip Corp.

    (25,200     (614,151     684.8  

Alpen Co. Ltd.

    (17,300     (262,234     292.4  

Alpha Systems, Inc.

    (1,200     (35,475     39.6  

Arcland Sakamoto Co. Ltd.

    (1,800     (21,546     24.0  

Atom Corp.

    (23,900     (136,191     151.9  

Autobacs Seven Co. Ltd.

    (5,200     (54,751     61.0  

Awa Bank Ltd.

    (11,600     (191,462     213.5  

Axial Retailing, Inc.

    (500     (13,094     14.6  

BML, Inc.

    (38,700     (995,967     1,110.5  

Bunka Shutter Co. Ltd.

    (2,400     (18,037     20.1  

Bushiroad, Inc.

    (15,400     (181,436     202.3  

CellSource Co. Ltd.

    (7,500     (217,007     242.0  

Central Glass Co. Ltd.

    (3,100     (57,083     63.6  

Chiyoda Corp.

    (45,600     (150,770     168.1  

Citizen Watch Co. Ltd.

    (2,000     (7,548     8.4  

Comforia Residential REIT, Inc.

    (4     (9,967     11.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Daiichi Jitsugyo Co. Ltd.

    (11,300   $ (328,114     365.9

Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group, Inc.

    (21,600     (417,795     465.9  

Daiwabo Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (13,400     (173,393     193.3  

Demae-Can Co. Ltd.

    (29,600     (121,823     135.8  

Digital Garage, Inc.

    (600     (19,857     22.1  

DTS Corp.

    (1,700     (37,300     41.6  

Duskin Co. Ltd.

    (11,000     (234,648     261.6  

EM Systems Co. Ltd.

    (37,100     (263,763     294.1  

eRex Co. Ltd.

    (7,700     (116,552     130.0  


    (2,000     (26,553     29.6  

Exedy Corp.

    (10,100     (120,272     134.1  

Financial Products Group Co. Ltd.

    (2,700     (16,523     18.4  

Fuji Soft, Inc.

    (1,200     (63,957     71.3  

Fujikura Ltd.

    (45,400     (214,764     239.5  

Fukushima Galilei Co. Ltd.

    (6,100              (176,675     197.0  

Geo Holdings Corp.

    (700     (6,788     7.6  


    (17,500     (353,115     393.7  

GMO Financial Gate, Inc.

    (1,400     (137,322     153.1  

GNI Group Ltd.

    (3,500     (30,706     34.2  

G-Tekt Corp.

    (1,600     (15,400     17.2  

H2O Retailing Corp.

    (1,900     (12,428     13.9  

Hankyu Hanshin REIT, Inc.

    (244     (277,285     309.2  


    (7,100     (40,380     45.0  

Hennge KK

    (1,100     (8,631     9.6  

Hiday Hidaka Corp.

    (4,100     (58,667     65.4  

Hirata Corp.

    (1,800     (66,140     73.7  

Hitachi Zosen Corp.

    (2,900     (15,649     17.5  

Hogy Medical Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (29,968     33.4  

Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (3,800     (14,106     15.7  

Hokkoku Financial Holdings, Inc.

    (1,700     (49,041     54.7  

Hokuetsu Corp.

    (115,700     (592,734     660.9  

Hokuhoku Financial Group, Inc.

    (14,500     (98,120     109.4  

Hokuriku Electric Power Co.

    (34,600     (137,257     153.0  

Hokuto Corp.

    (4,400     (69,110     77.1  

Hosiden Corp.

    (1,600     (15,258     17.0  

Hosokawa Micron Corp.

    (2,900     (54,978     61.3  

Hyakugo Bank Ltd.

    (146,200     (386,925     431.4  

Ichibanya Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (141,195     157.4  

Ichigo, Inc.

    (128,800     (288,837     322.1  

Idec Corp.

    (6,300     (111,202     124.0  

Inaba Denki Sangyo Co. Ltd.

    (3,300     (64,721     72.2  

Inabata & Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (62,182     69.3  

Invincible Investment Corp.

    (332     (108,257     120.7  

Itochu-Shokuhin Co. Ltd.

    (2,800     (106,910     119.2  

Jaccs Co. Ltd.

    (21,400     (541,160     603.4  

Japan Material Co. Ltd.

    (2,000     (30,216     33.7  

Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd.

    (600     (11,960     13.3  

JM Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,100     (13,765     15.3  

Joyful Honda Co. Ltd.

    (2,000     (23,986     26.7  

Kameda Seika Co. Ltd.

    (13,400     (436,149     486.3  

Kanematsu Electronics Ltd.

    (5,400     (161,356     179.9  

Kanto Denka Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    (27,700     (208,974     233.0  

Kappa Create Co. Ltd.

    (21,100     (217,651     242.7  

Katakura Industries Co. Ltd.

    (9,100     (176,675     197.0  

Keiyo Bank Ltd.

    (28,800     (109,753     122.4  

Keiyo Co. Ltd.

    (96,100     (678,250     756.3  

KFC Holdings Japan Ltd.

    (19,300     (422,904     471.5  

Kintetsu World Express, Inc.

    (7,100     (169,140     188.6  

Kisoji Co. Ltd.

    (11,900     (189,342     211.1  

Kissei Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (500     (9,894     11.0  

Ki-Star Real Estate Co. Ltd.

    (3,900     (160,869     179.4  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Kitanotatsujin Corp.

    (43,200   $ (56,848     63.4

Kiyo Bank Ltd.

    (30,300     (332,354     370.6  

Koa Corp.

    (8,800     (102,567     114.4  

Kohnan Shoji Co. Ltd.

    (2,600     (75,297     84.0  

Koshidaka Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (7,161     8.0  

Kureha Corp.

    (5,400     (405,705     452.4  

KYB Corp.

    (12,600     (285,201     318.0  

KYORIN Holdings, Inc.

    (39,100     (568,607     634.0  

Leopalace21 Corp.

    (276,000     (415,159     462.9  

Maruha Nichiro Corp.

    (10,600     (195,083     217.5  

Maruwa Co. Ltd/Aichi

    (200     (23,319     26.0  

Matsuya Co. Ltd.

    (77,500     (425,122     474.0  

Matsuyafoods Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (10,000     (291,941     325.5  

MCJ Co. Ltd.

    (3,100     (20,276     22.6  

Medley, Inc.

    (24,200     (446,970     498.4  

MedPeer, Inc.

    (6,000     (137,342     153.1  

Meidensha Corp.

    (400     (7,244     8.1  

Meiko Electronics Co. Ltd.

    (1,400     (37,024     41.3  

Meitec Corp.

    (3,100     (164,548     183.5  

Mie Kotsu Group Holdings, Inc.

    (47,000              (166,210     185.3  

Mitani Sekisan Co. Ltd.

    (2,400     (95,651     106.7  

Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co. Ltd.

    (300     (7,436     8.3  

Mitsuuroko Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (2,100     (16,242     18.1  

Mochida Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (2,400     (68,362     76.2  

Modec, Inc.

    (14,800     (138,767     154.7  

MOS Food Services, Inc.

    (3,400     (77,908     86.9  

Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co. Ltd.

    (21,600     (219,511     244.8  

Musashino Bank Ltd.

    (9,300     (127,208     141.8  

Nanto Bank Ltd.

    (7,600     (118,906     132.6  

Nichiden Corp.

    (8,300     (138,294     154.2  

Nihon Chouzai Co. Ltd.

    (3,100     (30,159     33.6  

Nippon Carbon Co. Ltd.

    (8,800     (282,714     315.2  

Nippon Kanzai Co. Ltd.

    (2,500     (53,720     59.9  

Nippon Light Metal Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,000     (12,812     14.3  

Nippon Road Co. Ltd.

    (1,500     (83,619     93.2  

Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd.

    (61,900     (187,203     208.7  

Nippon Steel Trading Corp.

    (200     (8,139     9.1  

Nishimatsuya Chain Co. Ltd.

    (6,500     (79,776     89.0  

Nissei ASB Machine Co. Ltd.

    (600     (13,682     15.3  

Nisshinbo Holdings, Inc.

    (14,100     (105,497     117.6  

Nissin Electric Co. Ltd.

    (16,700     (178,067     198.6  

Noritake Co. Ltd/Nagoya Japan

    (200     (6,351     7.1  

Noritz Corp.

    (1,400     (16,213     18.1  

North Pacific Bank Ltd.

    (13,700     (25,977     29.0  

NTT UD REIT Investment Corp.

    (27     (31,187     34.8  

Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd.

    (21,300     (312,178     348.1  

Ohsho Food Service Corp.

    (1,900     (89,216     99.5  

Oisix ra daichi, Inc.

    (3,500     (71,925     80.2  

Open Door, Inc.

    (500     (7,224     8.1  

Organo Corp.

    (100     (6,862     7.7  

PAL GROUP Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,400     (15,624     17.4  

Pasona Group, Inc.

    (4,300     (68,180     76.0  

Pilot Corp.

    (13,700     (556,616     620.6  

Piolax, Inc.

    (9,300     (108,498     121.0  

Plaid, Inc.

    (27,500     (246,321     274.7  

Plenus Co. Ltd.

    (10,900     (160,109     178.5  

Pressance Corp.

    (24,800     (297,718     332.0  

Qol Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (29,200     (245,782     274.1  

Raito Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    (400     (5,972     6.7  

Riken Keiki Co. Ltd.

    (7,300     (229,777     256.2  

Riken Vitamin Co. Ltd.

    (1,000     (13,145     14.7  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Ringer Hut Co. Ltd.

    (4,000   $ (69,191     77.2

Riso Kagaku Corp.

    (7,400     (138,949     154.9  

Roland Corp.

    (2,400     (82,824     92.4  

RS Technologies Co. Ltd.

    (5,000     (230,235     256.7  

Saibu Gas Co. Ltd.

    (17,700     (290,509     323.9  

Sakata Seed Corp.

    (1,100     (37,039     41.3  

SanBio Co. Ltd.

    (13,700     (116,533     129.9  

San-In Godo Bank Ltd.

    (2,400     (11,915     13.3  

Sanki Engineering Co. Ltd.

    (2,100     (23,788     26.5  

Septeni Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (36,800     (186,283     207.7  

Shiga Bank Ltd.

    (12,900     (242,578     270.5  

Shima Seiki Manufacturing Ltd.

    (9,600     (136,968     152.7  

Shinmaywa Industries Ltd.

    (900     (6,313     7.0  

Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.

    (800     (16,183     18.0  

Sinko Industries Ltd.

    (6,600     (82,954     92.5  

SRE Holdings Corp.

    (5,000     (103,146     115.0  

Starts Proceed Investment Corp.

    (76     (136,154     151.8  

Tadano Ltd.

    (43,400     (308,304     343.8  

Taiyo Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,700     (112,129     125.0  

Takasago International Corp.

    (6,900              (139,150     155.2  

Taki Chemical Co. Ltd.

    (2,300     (90,783     101.2  

Tama Home Co. Ltd.

    (27,200     (530,767     591.8  

TechMatrix Corp.

    (5,800     (89,492     99.8  

Tenma Corp.

    (1,500     (25,532     28.5  

TKC Corp.

    (600     (15,760     17.6  

TOC Co. Ltd.

    (9,100     (46,871     52.3  

Tocalo Co. Ltd.

    (7,800     (77,881     86.8  

Toei Co. Ltd.

    (3,700     (490,745     547.2  

Toho Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (2,500     (40,582     45.3  

Toho Titanium Co. Ltd.

    (2,800     (31,999     35.7  

TOKAI Holdings Corp.

    (16,400     (110,234     122.9  

Tokyo Seimitsu Co. Ltd.

    (3,600     (123,843     138.1  

Tokyu Construction Co. Ltd.

    (2,400     (11,130     12.4  

TOMONY Holdings, Inc.

    (106,100     (268,353     299.2  

Tomy Co. Ltd.

    (44,000     (417,453     465.5  

Toyo Tanso Co. Ltd.

    (7,400     (160,799     179.3  

Transcosmos, Inc.

    (3,400     (80,160     89.4  

TRE Holdings Corp.

    (2,900     (46,397     51.7  

Tsugami Corp.

    (20,400     (189,974     211.8  

Uchida Yoko Co. Ltd.

    (1,700     (64,157     71.5  

Universal Entertainment Corp.

    (1,600     (28,628     31.9  

Uzabase Inc.

    (6,800     (39,576     44.1  

Visional, Inc.

    (2,100     (115,567     128.9  

VT Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (16,800     (59,473     66.3  

WealthNavi, Inc.

    (5,000     (65,032     72.5  

West Holdings Corp.

    (600     (23,667     26.4  

World Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,500     (84,732     94.5  

Xebio Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,700     (33,196     37.0  

Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd.

    (2,900     (54,893     61.2  

Yokowo Co. Ltd.

    (29,600     (580,864     647.7  

Yoshinoya Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (6,000     (109,161     121.7  







Breedon Group PLC

    (19,083     (19,005     21.2  


    (1,636     (15,886     17.7  







Global Fashion Group SA

    (3,405     (6,484     7.2  









S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Kindred Group PLC

    (50,011   $ (438,466     488.9







Boskalis Westminster

    (10,169     (353,173     393.8  

CM.com NV

    (437     (7,263     8.1  

Corbion NV

    (194     (6,726     7.5  

Core Laboratories NV

    (2,035     (52,910     59.0  

Eurocommercial Properties NV

    (2,255     (54,562     60.8  


    (2,579     (101,211     112.9  

SIF Holding NV

    (672     (7,649     8.5  

Van Lanschot Kempen NV

    (754     (19,635     21.9  

Vastned Retail NV

    (61     (1,557     1.7  






New Zealand                  

Synlait Milk Ltd.

    (84,534     (192,650     214.8  







Aker Carbon Capture ASA

    (26,323     (53,179     59.3  

Aker Solutions ASA

    (57,347     (198,154     220.9  

Bonheur ASA

    (5,331     (198,243     221.0  

Fjordkraft Holding ASA

    (2,368     (5,344     6.0  

FREYR Battery SA

    (15,321     (137,583     153.4  

Hexagon Composites ASA

    (4,958     (19,598     21.9  

Hexagon Purus Holding

    (54,964     (208,021     232.0  

Pexip Holding ASA

    (16,292     (35,730     39.8  

Quantafuel ASA

    (50,048     (82,684     92.2  

SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA

    (24,359     (310,181     345.9  

TGS NOPEC Geophysical Co. ASA

    (1,178     (18,173     20.3  

Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA

    (8,951     (56,183     62.6  







Hochschild Mining PLC

    (71,800     (105,472     117.6  








    (15,247     (64,477     71.9  

REN - Redes Energeticas Nacionais SGPS SA

    (111,361     (339,518     378.6  






Puerto Rico                  


    (4,641     (182,855     203.9  

First BanCorp, Puerto Rico

    (12,177     (165,729     184.8  







BW Energy Ltd.

    (32,707     (95,202     106.1  

Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.

    (5,954     (276,325     308.1  

OUE Ltd.

    (10,500     (10,326     11.5  

Razer, Inc.

    (319,000     (115,336     128.6  

Yanlord Land Group Ltd.

    (1,600     (1,402     1.6  






South Africa                  

Mediclinic International PLC

    (71,744     (332,601     370.9  






South Sandwich Islands                  

Burford Capital Ltd.

    (82,995     (709,661     791.3  







Applus Services SA

    (8,343     (65,307     72.8  

Cia de Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings SA

    (487     (8,973     10.0  

CIE Automotive SA

    (4,265     (92,985     103.7  

Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles SA

    (7,883     (241,694     269.5  

Corp. Financiera Alba SA

    (1,231     (72,745     81.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Spain (continued)                  

Ebro Foods SA

    (1,646   $ (29,594     33.0

Global Dominion Access SA

    (16,299     (67,393     75.1  

Grupo Catalana Occidente SA

    (2     (58     0.1  

Metrovacesa SA

    (338     (2,710     3.0  

Soltec Power Holdings SA

    (48,956     (209,186     233.3  







BHG Group AB

    (50,538     (347,970     388.0  


    (6,095     (61,123     68.2  

Boozt AB

    (41,127     (431,852     481.5  

Bure Equity AB

    (696     (16,413     18.3  

Cint Group AB

    (17,842     (145,922     162.7  

Desenio Group AB

    (57,696     (32,112     35.8  

Duni AB

    (7,137     (65,341     72.9  

Electrolux Professional AB, Class B

    (5,817     (32,605     36.4  

Granges AB

    (34,063     (279,755     311.9  

Hexpol AB

    (5,123     (43,987     49.1  

Intrum AB

    (3,890     (94,033     104.9  

Karo Pharma AB

    (10,530     (60,588     67.6  


    (190     (13,494     15.0  

Munters Group AB

    (12,403     (74,096     82.6  

NCC AB, B Shares

    (1,724     (21,361     23.8  

New Wave Group AB, B Shares

    (461     (8,103     9.0  

Nordic Entertainment Group AB, Class B

    (314     (10,311     11.5  

Pandox AB

    (587     (8,178     9.1  

Paradox Interactive AB

    (5,263     (87,794     97.9  

Ratos AB, B Shares

    (1,396     (7,211     8.0  

Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB

    (16,722     (43,867     48.9  

SSAB AB, B Shares

    (2,450     (14,408     16.1  

Tobii Dynavox AB

    (14,139     (36,610     40.8  

Vimian Group AB

    (827     (5,133     5.7  

Wallenstam AB, B Shares

    (2,752     (30,428     33.9  

Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB

    (6,367     (110,389     123.1  

Xvivo Perfusion AB

    (393     (8,472     9.4  







Bobst Group SA

    (330     (27,835     31.0  

Burckhardt Compression Holding AG

    (26     (13,264     14.8  

Cembra Money Bank AG

    (3,303     (238,328     265.7  

dormakaba Holding AG

    (16     (7,426     8.3  

EFG International AG

    (866     (6,528     7.3  

Forbo Holding AG

    (217     (317,662     354.2  

Galenica AG

    (8,302     (611,338     681.7  

Interroll Holding AG

    (6     (18,188     20.3  

Komax Holding AG

    (23     (6,042     6.7  

Leonteq AG

    (158     (10,749     12.0  

Medmix AG

    (194     (6,515     7.3  

Meyer Burger Technology AG

    (1,175,921     (557,195     621.3  

Mobilezone Holding AG

    (5,475     (88,652     98.8  

Mobimo Holding AG

    (294     (84,082     93.7  

Montana Aerospace AG

    (1,630     (24,850     27.7  

OC Oerlikon Corp. AG

    (1,202     (8,571     9.6  

Peach Property Group AG

    (109     (5,611     6.2  

PolyPeptide Group AG

    (470     (41,130     45.9  

Rieter Holding AG

    (50     (6,797     7.6  

SFS Group AG

    (678     (84,908     94.7  

Siegfried Holding AG

    (11     (7,974     8.9  

St Galler Kantonalbank AG

    (519     (250,289     279.1  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Switzerland (continued)                  

Zehnder Group AG

    (1,324   $ (103,531     115.4

Zur Rose Group AG

    (299     (36,697     40.9  






United Kingdom                  

Abcam PLC

    (8,045     (124,836     139.2  

AO World PLC

    (160,948     (150,971     168.3  

Assura PLC

    (252,541     (209,271     233.3  

Auction Technology Group PLC

    (11,548     (127,079     141.7  

Biffa PLC

    (33,435     (145,016     161.7  

Bridgepoint Group PLC

    (99,237     (382,094     426.0  

Central Asia Metals PLC

    (1,933     (6,477     7.2  

Ceres Power Holdings PLC

    (843     (7,692     8.6  

Clipper Logistics PLC

    (3,612     (39,060     43.6  

Close Brothers Group PLC

    (1,252     (17,360     19.4  

CMC Markets PLC

    (37,448     (136,558     152.3  

ContourGlobal PLC

    (35,360     (84,987     94.8  

Countryside Properties PLC

    (43,127     (134,655     150.1  

Crest Nicholson Holdings PLC

    (5,702     (17,941     20.0  

Elementis PLC

    (83,065     (126,175     140.7  

Empiric Student Property PLC

    (66,480     (76,072     84.8  

Essentra PLC

    (52,475     (205,647     229.3  

Eurasia Mining PLC

    (1,855,752     (189,015     210.8  

Frasers Group PLC

    (31,508     (267,609     298.4  

Frontier Developments PLC

    (542     (8,751     9.8  

Funding Circle Holdings PLC

    (7,094     (6,512     7.3  

Greatland Gold PLC

    (2,934,693     (489,897     546.2  

Halfords Group PLC

    (107,358     (305,634     340.8  

Hays PLC

    (66,339     (101,886     113.6  

Ibstock PLC

    (13,189     (31,135     34.7  

Ideagen PLC

    (8,791     (25,977     29.0  

IG Design Group PLC

    (63,207     (53,887     60.1  

Inchcape PLC

    (14,929     (133,580     148.9  

Indivior PLC

    (5,264     (20,731     23.1  

IP Group PLC

    (118,320     (122,006     136.0  


    (67,618     (25,550     28.5  

Jupiter Fund Management PLC

    (23,762     (53,038     59.1  

Just Group PLC

    (126,320     (133,444     148.8  

Kape Technologies PLC

    (21,565     (92,725     103.4  

Keller Group PLC

    (15,208     (160,262     178.7  

Kier Group PLC

    (4,191     (4,179     4.7  

Liontrust Asset Management PLC

    (4,882     (70,855     79.0  

Mitie Group PLC

    (361,656     (243,808     271.8  

Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC

    (52,470     (114,944     128.2  

Morgan Sindall Group PLC

    (1,000     (26,962     30.1  

Naked Wines PLC

    (7,756     (35,102     39.1  


    (19,427     (44,704     49.8  


    (14,072     (98,229     109.5  

Oxford Biomedica PLC

    (45,128     (323,453     360.7  

Petrofac Ltd.

    (43,410     (73,178     81.6  

Polar Capital Holdings PLC

    (4,791     (33,393     37.2  

Primary Health Properties PLC

    (50,602     (91,767     102.3  

Provident Financial PLC

    (11,202     (35,854     40.0  

QinetiQ Group PLC

    (6,744     (28,612     31.9  

Rank Group PLC

    (73,882     (100,335     111.9  

Rathbone Brothers PLC

    (366     (9,665     10.8  

Reach PLC

    (46,045     (94,144     105.0  

Redde Northgate PLC

    (28,947     (143,197     159.7  

Renewi PLC

    (41,666     (361,511     403.1  

Rotork PLC

    (26,146     (95,394     106.4  

Sabre Insurance Group PLC

    (16,154     (42,657     47.6  

Savills PLC

    (7,822     (105,226     117.3  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)                  

Serco Group PLC

    (20,155   $ (38,115     42.5

Shaftesbury PLC

    (53,773     (402,681     449.0  

Target Healthcare REIT PLC

    (12,295     (17,160     19.1  

Telecom Plus PLC

    (548     (11,305     12.6  

TI Fluid Systems PLC

    (75,444     (153,317     170.9  


    (37,586     (62,292     69.5  

Trainline PLC

    (28,341     (101,068     112.7  

Trustpilot Group PLC

    (27,177     (35,200     39.2  

Tullow Oil PLC

    (98,015     (68,250     76.1  

Tyman PLC

    (36,905     (126,761     141.3  

Victoria PLC

    (18,039     (144,652     161.3  

Victorian Plumbing Group PLC

    (78,103     (58,926     65.7  

Vistry Group PLC

    (3,765     (39,281     43.8  

Volex PLC

    (2,684     (8,696     9.7  

Volution Group PLC

    (12,060     (61,429     68.5  

Yellow Cake PLC

    (10,861     (53,306     59.4  






United States                  

4D Molecular Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,349     (16,067     17.9  

AAON, Inc.

    (854     (41,624     46.4  

Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Class A

    (1,095     (37,865     42.2  

Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,649     (20,316     22.7  

Acushnet Holdings Corp.

    (231     (9,411     10.5  

Adtalem Global Education, Inc.

    (379     (11,108     12.4  

AdvanSix, Inc.

    (158     (7,037     7.8  

Aeva Technologies, Inc.

    (57,379     (188,203     209.9  

Agenus, Inc.

    (11,685     (21,617     24.1  

Agiliti, Inc.

    (3,182     (62,813     70.0  

Agilysys, Inc.

    (1,020     (37,546     41.9  

Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (456     (10,018     11.2  

Alaunos Therapeutics, Inc.

    (3,584     (1,905     2.1  

Albany International Corp., Class A

    (412     (32,227     35.9  

Albireo Pharma, Inc.

    (1,608     (51,167     57.1  

Alexander’s, Inc.

    (1,006     (249,659     278.4  

Alkami Technology, Inc.

    (6,045     (79,190     88.3  

Allegheny Technologies, Inc.

    (776     (21,092     23.5  

Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.

    (13,391     (276,658     308.5  

Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Ltd.

    (212     (9,095     10.1  

ALX Oncology Holdings, Inc.

    (649     (8,294     9.2  

Ambac Financial Group, Inc.

    (34,858     (269,452     300.4  

Amerant Bancorp, Inc.

    (358     (9,519     10.6  

AMMO, Inc.

    (93,363     (378,120     421.6  

Andersons, Inc.

    (229     (11,503     12.8  

API Group Corp.

    (5,962     (110,655     123.4  

Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc.

    (3,586     (43,175     48.1  

Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc.

    (498     (18,167     20.3  

Apple Hospitality REIT, Inc.

    (7,779     (137,611     153.4  

ArcBest Corp.

    (181     (13,061     14.6  

Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.

    (291     (5,640     6.3  

Arcus Biosciences, Inc.

    (6,109     (147,899     164.9  

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc.

    (310     (6,259     7.0  

Array Technologies, Inc.

    (1,377     (8,992     10.0  

Atea Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (2,091     (12,274     13.7  

Atlantic Sapphire ASA

    (6,501     (18,097     20.2  

Atlantic Union Bankshares Corp.

    (689     (23,274     26.0  

Avid Technology, Inc.

    (369     (11,701     13.0  

Avista Corp.

    (4,202     (170,475     190.1  

B. Riley Financial, Inc.

    (1,824     (82,372     91.8  

Balchem Corp.

    (297     (36,590     40.8  

BancFirst Corp.

    (3,964     (324,057     361.3  

BankUnited, Inc.

    (544     (20,422     22.8  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Banner Corp.

    (9,243   $ (496,349     553.4

BARK, Inc.

    (14,017     (43,313     48.3  

Barnes Group, Inc.

    (2,096     (70,384     78.5  

Beachbody Co., Inc.

    (3,783     (6,204     6.9  

Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc.

    (3,456     (206,081     229.8  

Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc.

    (8,011     (109,030     121.6  

Belden, Inc.

    (2,154     (111,211     124.0  

BellRing Brands, Inc.

    (3,372     (72,262     80.6  

Berkshire Grey, Inc.

    (9,856     (23,950     26.7  

Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc.

    (808     (19,990     22.3  

BigCommerce Holdings, Inc.

    (5,726     (102,324     114.1  

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (2,041     (18,961     21.1  

Bionano Genomics, Inc.

    (87,866              (143,222     159.7  

Bioxcel Therapeutics, Inc.

    (3,076     (40,326     45.0  

Bluebird Bio, Inc.

    (8,296     (30,114     33.6  

Boise Cascade Co.

    (986     (74,522     83.1  

BOK Financial Corp.

    (187     (15,508     17.3  

Brady Corp., Class A

    (2,430     (108,743     121.3  

Brandywine Realty Trust

    (519     (6,057     6.8  

Brightcove, Inc.

    (12,292     (86,659     96.6  

Brinker International, Inc.

    (2,837     (103,068     114.9  

Brink’s Co.

    (364     (21,458     23.9  

Broadmark Realty Capital, Inc.

    (30,473     (237,994     265.4  

Broadstone Net Lease, Inc.

    (21,599     (446,883     498.3  

BRP Group, Inc., Class A

    (1,657     (38,310     42.7  

Buckle, Inc.

    (2,127     (66,065     73.7  

Butterfly Network, Inc.

    (2,119     (7,056     7.9  

Cabot Corp.

    (2,220     (146,187     163.0  

Cactus, Inc., Class A

    (1,142     (57,020     63.6  

Caleres, Inc.

    (463     (10,617     11.8  

Canoo, Inc.

    (27,214     (130,627     145.7  

Cara Therapeutics, Inc.

    (594     (5,180     5.8  

Caribou Biosciences, Inc.

    (1,040     (7,696     8.6  

CarLotz, Inc.

    (124,229     (110,303     123.0  

Carpenter Technology Corp.

    (5,518     (210,677     234.9  

Casa Systems, Inc.

    (1,376     (6,742     7.5  

Catchmark Timber Trust, Inc., Class A

    (849     (6,970     7.8  

Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,320     (40,326     45.0  

Centrus Energy Corp., Class A

    (440     (12,214     13.6  

Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.

    (2,182     (63,889     71.2  

Certara, Inc.

    (9,978     (183,096     204.2  

Children’s Place, Inc.

    (482     (22,331     24.9  

Chimerix, Inc.

    (10,343     (45,509     50.7  

CIRCOR International, Inc.

    (4,012     (78,836     87.9  

Citi Trends, Inc.

    (1,177     (32,921     36.7  

Clearfield, Inc.

    (1,389     (80,881     90.2  

Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc.

    (20     (8,830     9.8  

Columbia Financial, Inc.

    (463     (8,774     9.8  

Comfort Systems USA, Inc.

    (515     (43,476     48.5  

Community Bank System, Inc.

    (1,104     (71,098     79.3  

Community Healthcare Trust, Inc.

    (2,714     (99,929     111.4  

Computer Programs & Systems, Inc.

    (253     (8,076     9.0  

Comstock Resources, Inc.

    (5,364     (91,349     101.9  


    (1,334     (177,369     197.8  

Consensus Cloud Solutions, Inc.

    (138     (7,275     8.1  

Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc.

    (1,365     (8,122     9.1  

Core & Main, Inc., Class A

    (267     (6,344     7.1  

Corporate Office Properties Trust

    (1,841     (49,136     54.8  

Couchbase, Inc.

    (661     (11,237     12.5  

Coursera, Inc.

    (4,090     (76,933     85.8  

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.

    (5,555     (616,549     687.5  

Crinetics Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (655     (13,310     14.8  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

CSG Systems International, Inc.

    (2,292   $ (140,889     157.1

CTS Corp.

    (3,921     (138,686     154.6  

CVB Financial Corp.

    (23,416     (539,036     601.0  

Denny’s Corp.

    (13,200     (169,224     188.7  

Designer Brands, Inc., Class A

    (480     (6,634     7.4  

Desktop Metal, Inc., Class A

    (56,277              (197,532     220.3  

DiamondRock Hospitality Co.

    (13,677     (145,250     162.0  

Diebold Nixdorf, Inc.

    (9,191     (37,683     42.0  

DigitalBridge Group, Inc.

    (2,485     (17,296     19.3  

Dine Brands Global, Inc.

    (1,116     (80,006     89.2  

DMC Global, Inc.

    (1,577     (31,524     35.1  

Doma Holdings, Inc.

    (44,329     (82,452     91.9  

Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc.

    (211     (6,176     6.9  

Dorman Products, Inc.

    (584     (57,652     64.3  

Douglas Elliman, Inc.

    (15,499     (93,924     104.7  

Driven Brands Holdings, Inc.

    (2,288     (63,812     71.2  

Duckhorn Portfolio, Inc.

    (2,108     (40,937     45.6  

Dycom Industries, Inc.

    (934     (79,306     88.4  

Dynavax Technologies Corp.

    (7,883     (69,607     77.6  

Eastern Bankshares, Inc.

    (3,453     (66,159     73.8  

Eastman Kodak Co.

    (15,465     (79,954     89.2  

Ebix, Inc.

    (1,497     (44,611     49.7  

Edgewell Personal Care Co.

    (1,094     (41,725     46.5  

Electric Last Mile Solutions, Inc.

    (149     (137     0.2  

Empire State Realty Trust, Inc., Class A

    (12,937     (111,776     124.6  

Employers Holdings, Inc.

    (2,904     (114,243     127.4  

Encore Capital Group, Inc.

    (309     (17,863     19.9  

Encore Wire Corp.

    (2,600     (293,306     327.0  

Energy Fuels, Inc.

    (1,201     (9,050     10.1  

Enerpac Tool Group Corp.

    (13,539     (271,863     303.1  

Enovix Corp.

    (5,950     (53,788     60.0  

EPR Properties

    (6,269     (329,248     367.1  

Equity Commonwealth

    (301     (7,883     8.8  

EverQuote, Inc., Class A

    (895     (12,423     13.9  

Evo Payments, Inc., Class A

    (3,389     (76,354     85.1  

Expro Group Holdings NV

    (619     (9,458     10.5  

Extreme Networks, Inc.

    (5,375     (51,600     57.5  

Fastly, Inc., Class A

    (7,872     (125,165     139.6  

Federal Signal Corp.

    (1,542     (52,474     58.5  

Federated Hermes, Inc., Class B

    (8,696     (247,662     276.1  

First Financial Bankshares, Inc.

    (2,450     (97,951     109.2  

First Hawaiian, Inc.

    (5,673     (133,940     149.3  

Fluor Corp.

    (2,106     (52,124     58.1  

Forward Air Corp.

    (117     (11,345     12.6  

Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc.

    (2,686     (69,970     78.0  

Fulcrum Therapeutics, Inc.

    (2,248     (21,626     24.1  

Fulgent Genetics, Inc.

    (4,293     (235,600     262.7  

Gannett Co., Inc.

    (34,861     (139,793     155.9  

Gatos Silver, Inc.

    (2,912     (9,843     11.0  

GATX Corp.

    (375     (38,771     43.2  

Generation Bio Co.

    (955     (6,045     6.7  

Genesco, Inc.

    (1,752     (108,677     121.2  

Gentherm, Inc.

    (93     (6,270     7.0  

Geron Corp.

    (15,256     (21,511     24.0  

Glaukos Corp.

    (1,623     (76,752     85.6  

Global Medical REIT, Inc.

    (4,421     (65,254     72.8  

Global Net Lease, Inc.

    (3,011     (42,244     47.1  

Globalstar, Inc.

    (290,842     (337,377     376.2  

GoHealth, Inc., Class A

    (25,553     (19,093     21.3  

Gossamer Bio, Inc.

    (1,167     (8,064     9.0  

Grand Canyon Education, Inc.

    (1,919     (184,166     205.3  

Greenbrier Cos., Inc.

    (17     (726     0.8  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Greif, Inc., Class A

    (3,529   $ (214,140     238.8

Greif, Inc., Class B

    (107     (6,245     7.0  

Grid Dynamics Holdings, Inc.

    (426     (5,930     6.6  

GrowGeneration Corp.

    (1,322     (7,813     8.7  

Guess?, Inc.

    (601     (13,504     15.1  

Haemonetics Corp.

    (1,691     (85,683     95.5  

Hamilton Lane, Inc., Class A

    (246     (16,871     18.8  

Hancock Whitney Corp.

    (2,148     (100,462     112.0  

Hanger, Inc.

    (336     (5,524     6.2  

Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.

    (6,373     (261,994     292.1  

HB Fuller Co.

    (3,946              (263,198     293.5  

Healthcare Services Group, Inc.

    (1,790     (30,591     34.1  

Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

    (405     (12,944     14.4  

Helios Technologies, Inc.

    (112     (7,524     8.4  

Hibbett, Inc.

    (4,029     (173,972     194.0  

Hillenbrand, Inc.

    (4,466     (182,302     203.3  

Hillman Solutions Corp.

    (20,452     (237,857     265.2  

Hippo Holdings, Inc.

    (77,714     (146,102     162.9  

HNI Corp.

    (6,093     (217,155     242.1  

Honest Co., Inc.

    (12,757     (50,518     56.3  

Hostess Brands, Inc.

    (10,049     (228,012     254.2  

Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc., Class A

    (1,853     (85,275     95.1  

Howard Hughes Corp.

    (467     (46,835     52.2  

Humanigen, Inc.

    (2,119     (3,984     4.4  

Huron Consulting Group, Inc.

    (168     (8,699     9.7  

Hyliion Holdings Corp.

    (36,537     (117,284     130.8  

Hyzon Motors, Inc.

    (20,456     (81,210     90.6  

Ichor Holdings Ltd.

    (485     (14,118     15.7  

Ideanomics, Inc.

    (116,059     (83,470     93.1  

IES Holdings, Inc.

    (184     (5,391     6.0  

IGM Biosciences, Inc.

    (369     (6,177     6.9  

Imago Biosciences, Inc.

    (2,361     (38,602     43.0  

Independent Bank Corp.

    (519     (40,046     44.7  

Industrial Logistics Properties Trust

    (1,959     (31,657     35.3  

Ingles Markets, Inc., Class A

    (2,798     (260,550     290.5  

Inogen, Inc.

    (236     (5,966     6.7  

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (18,287     (49,924     55.7  

Insight Enterprises, Inc.

    (79     (7,850     8.8  

Insmed, Inc.

    (1,253     (27,528     30.7  

Insperity, Inc.

    (257     (27,255     30.4  

Insteel Industries, Inc.

    (227     (9,629     10.7  

Interface, Inc.

    (466     (5,914     6.6  

International Bancshares Corp.

    (158     (6,287     7.0  

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.

    (6,602     (100,020     111.5  

JBG SMITH Properties

    (2,244     (59,152     66.0  

JELD-WEN Holding, Inc.

    (1,462     (30,395     33.9  

John Bean Technologies Corp.

    (794     (93,605     104.4  

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Class A

    (18,495     (941,211     1,049.5  

Kaman Corp.

    (167     (6,515     7.3  

KAR Auction Services, Inc.

    (8,707     (127,645     142.3  

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc.

    (3,602     (81,225     90.6  

Kimball International, Inc., Class B

    (730     (5,606     6.3  

Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Class A

    (1,471     (13,724     15.3  

KKR Real Estate Finance Trust, Inc.

    (9,134     (173,546     193.5  

KnowBe4, Inc., Class A

    (1,524     (36,271     40.4  

Korn Ferry

    (100     (6,144     6.9  

Krystal Biotech, Inc.

    (103     (6,243     7.0  

Kyndryl Holdings, Inc.

    (26,993     (320,947     357.9  

Ladder Capital Corp.

    (911     (10,376     11.6  

Lancaster Colony Corp.

    (412     (63,934     71.3  

Latch, Inc.

    (7,304     (24,030     26.8  

Latham Group, Inc.

    (307     (3,684     4.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

LCI Industries

    (907   $ (88,269     98.4

Lindsay Corp.

    (1,573     (212,591     237.0  

Lordstown Motors Corp., Class A

    (77,163     (168,215     187.6  

Lovesac Co.

    (454     (19,903     22.2  

Loyalty Ventures, Inc.

    (9,473     (121,160     135.1  

Lumber Liquidators Holdings, Inc.

    (1,044     (14,418     16.1  

Macerich Co.

    (5,432     (68,172     76.0  

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (878     (61,460     68.5  

Magnite, Inc.

    (2,428     (23,430     26.1  

ManTech International Corp., Class A

    (876     (70,378     78.5  

Markforged Holding Corp.

    (47,375              (161,549     180.1  

Matthews International Corp., Class A

    (3,343     (99,655     111.1  

MBIA, Inc.

    (2,065     (24,863     27.7  


    (342     (6,334     7.1  

Meridian Bioscience, Inc.

    (738     (18,885     21.1  

Methode Electronics, Inc.

    (8,634     (385,163     429.5  

Minerals Technologies, Inc.

    (1,341     (85,301     95.1  

Mission Produce, Inc.

    (2,437     (30,999     34.6  

Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc.

    (317     (22,238     24.8  

Moog, Inc., Class A

    (114     (9,105     10.2  

Movado Group, Inc.

    (975     (35,071     39.1  

Mr Cooper Group, Inc.

    (5,491     (246,930     275.3  

Mueller Industries, Inc.

    (863     (46,731     52.1  

Mueller Water Products, Inc., Class A

    (17,093     (205,629     229.3  

NanoString Technologies, Inc.

    (2,351     (44,152     49.2  

National Health Investors, Inc.

    (3,041     (156,703     174.7  

National HealthCare Corp.

    (155     (10,549     11.8  

National Presto Industries, Inc.

    (480     (34,142     38.1  

Navient Corp.

    (7,466     (118,635     132.3  

Nelnet, Inc., Class A

    (1,964     (161,185     179.7  

NetScout Systems, Inc.

    (5,849     (180,149     200.9  


    (4,007     (86,631     96.6  

New Jersey Resources Corp.

    (4,335     (187,099     208.6  

Newmark Group, Inc., Class A

    (15,009     (182,359     203.3  

NewMarket Corp.

    (932     (302,537     337.3  

NextGen Healthcare, Inc.

    (387     (7,295     8.1  

NexTier Oilfield Solutions, Inc.

    (2,765     (30,498     34.0  

Northwest Bancshares, Inc.

    (1,058     (13,415     15.0  

Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., Class A

    (249     (10,617     11.8  

Ocugen, Inc.

    (30,357     (66,482     74.1  

Ocular Therapeutix, Inc.

    (16,133     (57,595     64.2  

ODP Corp.

    (9,103     (391,702     436.8  

O-I Glass, Inc.

    (3,877     (52,262     58.3  

ON24, Inc.

    (13,351     (169,157     188.6  

ONE Gas, Inc.

    (226     (19,068     21.3  

OneSpan, Inc.

    (3,276     (46,290     51.6  

Open Lending Corp., Class A

    (10,594     (144,502     161.1  

OPKO Health, Inc.

    (95,091     (256,746     286.3  

Option Care Health, Inc.

    (1,792     (53,545     59.7  

Orion Office REIT, Inc.

    (4,429     (59,437     66.3  

Outset Medical, Inc.

    (376     (13,115     14.6  

Pacira BioSciences, Inc.

    (737     (54,958     61.3  

Parsons Corp.

    (5,248     (193,809     216.1  

Patterson Cos., Inc.

    (13,072     (402,225     448.5  

Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc.

    (5,126     (84,271     94.0  

PBF Energy, Inc., Class A

    (1,886     (54,807     61.1  

PDF Solutions, Inc.

    (892     (20,739     23.1  

PennyMac Financial Services, Inc.

    (578     (28,068     31.3  

Perdoceo Education Corp.

    (1,681     (18,794     21.0  

Pilgrim’s Pride Corp.

    (2,861     (81,109     90.4  

Ping Identity Holding Corp.

    (640     (16,723     18.6  

Pitney Bowes, Inc.

    (6,199     (32,669     36.4  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

PLBY Group, Inc.

    (24,595   $ (217,420     242.4

PotlatchDeltic Corp.

    (2,302     (127,508     142.2  

PowerSchool Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (1,204     (18,229     20.3  

Primerica, Inc.

    (1,147     (148,605     165.7  

ProAssurance Corp.

    (407     (10,000     11.1  

Progress Software Corp.

    (2,600     (124,748     139.1  

Proterra, Inc.

    (1,230     (7,638     8.5  

Provention Bio, Inc.

    (295     (1,325     1.5  

Pulmonx Corp.

    (7,191              (173,303     193.2  

Rackspace Technology, Inc.

    (2,214     (21,896     24.4  

RBC Bearings, Inc.

    (38     (6,397     7.1  

Realogy Holdings Corp.

    (40,767     (446,806     498.2  

Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A

    (1,633     (41,446     46.2  


    (1,807     (50,162     55.9  

Rekor Systems, Inc.

    (54,165     (160,870     179.4  

Relay Therapeutics, Inc.

    (2,168     (51,663     57.6  

Relmada Therapeutics, Inc.

    (2,251     (56,523     63.0  

Renalytix PLC

    (1,346     (3,597     4.0  

Rent-A-Center, Inc.

    (3,258     (78,583     87.6  

Resources Connection, Inc.

    (624     (10,727     12.0  

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.

    (7,874     (146,693     163.6  

REV Group, Inc., Series A

    (16,919     (201,674     224.9  

Revance Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,663     (27,240     30.4  

Reynolds Consumer Products Inc.

    (12,088     (357,684     398.8  

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (1,671     (10,460     11.7  

Rimini Street, Inc.

    (6,144     (35,389     39.5  

Romeo Power, Inc.

    (85,272     (93,799     104.6  

RPC, Inc.

    (7,319     (75,678     84.4  

Rush Street Interactive, Inc.

    (6,481     (41,154     45.9  

Ruth’s Hospitality Group, Inc.

    (9,473     (198,649     221.5  

Safety Insurance Group, Inc.

    (1,827     (157,195     175.3  

Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc.

    (15,396     (232,788     259.6  

Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc.

    (433     (17,004     19.0  

Schneider National, Inc., Class B

    (2,354     (55,625     62.0  

Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., Class A

    (2,883     (131,551     146.7  

Scholastic Corp.

    (1,045     (38,508     42.9  

Schrodinger, Inc.

    (1,760     (43,507     48.5  

Seer, Inc.

    (415     (3,021     3.4  

Selective Insurance Group, Inc.

    (1,739     (143,224     159.7  

Selectquote, Inc.

    (11,327     (23,334     26.0  

Sema4 Holdings Corp.

    (4,688     (10,079     11.2  

Shenandoah Telecommunications Co.

    (1,160     (23,432     26.1  

Shoe Carnival, Inc.

    (1,422     (42,930     47.9  


    (321     (6,414     7.2  

SIGA Technologies, Inc.

    (23,755     (163,197     182.0  

Sight Sciences, Inc.

    (866     (6,045     6.7  

Signify Health, Inc., Class A

    (2,126     (29,339     32.7  

Silgan Holdings, Inc.

    (6,664     (295,682     329.7  

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

    (961     (33,683     37.6  

Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc., Class A

    (20,170     (448,581     500.2  

Skyline Champion Corp.

    (546     (27,868     31.1  

SkyWater Technology, Inc.

    (7,434     (45,496     50.7  

Sleep Number Corp.

    (1,543     (62,584     69.8  

Sotera Health Co.

    (12,421     (253,140     282.3  

Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc.

    (4,281     (364,185     406.1  

Spire, Inc.

    (5,226     (380,191     423.9  

Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc.

    (550     (16,390     18.3  

St. Joe Co.

    (2,568     (136,643     152.4  

Steelcase, Inc., Class A

    (548     (6,428     7.2  

Stem, Inc.

    (14,083     (100,975     112.6  

StepStone Group, Inc., Class A

    (530     (13,579     15.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Stericycle, Inc.

    (1,604   $ (80,505     89.8

Steven Madden Ltd.

    (1,141     (46,849     52.2  

Surgery Partners, Inc.

    (302     (15,450     17.2  

Tejon Ranch Co.

    (3,496     (64,012     71.4  

Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.

    (7,777     (142,475     158.9  

Telos Corp.

    (7,374     (57,443     64.0  

Tennant Co.

    (595     (38,425     42.8  

TFS Financial Corp.

    (14,918              (223,621     249.3  

ThredUp, Inc., Class A

    (1,010     (6,656     7.4  

Thryv Holdings, Inc.

    (1,163     (30,040     33.5  

Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.

    (710     (24,871     27.7  

TPI Composites, Inc.

    (6,713     (76,797     85.6  

TransMedics Group, Inc.

    (689     (14,441     16.1  

Tredegar Corp.

    (2,874     (32,907     36.7  

TreeHouse Foods, Inc.

    (15,410     (485,415     541.2  

TriNet Group, Inc.

    (1,105     (98,014     109.3  

Trinseo PLC

    (143     (6,785     7.6  

TTM Technologies, Inc.

    (671     (9,360     10.4  

TuSimple Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (10,277     (106,572     118.8  

Twist Bioscience Corp.

    (162     (4,672     5.2  

Two Harbors Investment Corp.

    (5,450     (26,215     29.2  

U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc.

    (12,987     (241,298     269.1  

Under Armour, Inc., Class C

    (3,971     (56,348     62.8  

UniFirst Corp.

    (1,915     (329,955     367.9  

United Bankshares, Inc.

    (10,725     (356,713     397.7  

Universal Health Realty Income Trust

    (886     (44,468     49.6  

Upwork, Inc.

    (289     (6,060     6.8  

UroGen Pharma Ltd.

    (733     (5,175     5.8  

Utz Brands, Inc.

    (5,939     (83,859     93.5  

UWM Holdings Corp.

    (15,608     (57,906     64.6  

Vaxcyte, Inc.

    (8,321     (201,451     224.6  

Velodyne Lidar, Inc.

    (16,195     (30,447     33.9  

Verint Systems, Inc.

    (1,409     (76,875     85.7  

Verra Mobility Corp.

    (3,408     (47,814     53.3  

ViaSat, Inc.

    (1,151     (42,368     47.2  

Vicor Corp.

    (1,853     (112,144     125.0  

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

    (7,742     (157,550     175.7  

Visteon Corp.

    (1,008     (105,548     117.7  

Volta, Inc.

    (33,890     (70,830     79.0  

Waterstone Financial, Inc.

    (351     (5,637     6.3  

Weis Markets, Inc.

    (801     (63,984     71.3  

Westamerica BanCorp

    (1,348     (79,424     88.6  

White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd.

    (8     (8,384     9.3  

Whiting Petroleum Corp.

    (3,215     (234,856     261.9  

WideOpenWest, Inc.

    (2,546     (51,047     56.9  

Winnebago Industries, Inc.

    (3,819     (203,094     226.5  

Wolverine World Wide, Inc.

    (397     (7,869     8.8  

Worthington Industries, Inc.

    (3,984     (189,519     211.3  

WSFS Financial Corp.

    (3,253     (130,348     145.3  

WW International, Inc.

    (1,867     (18,278     20.4  

XBiotech, Inc.

    (528     (4,097     4.6  

Xenia Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

    (7,097     (136,901     152.6  

XL Fleet Corp.

    (116,477     (163,068     181.8  

Xperi Holding Corp.

    (7,089     (110,588     123.3  

Zomedica Corp.

    (12,729     (3,144     3.5  

Zumiez, Inc.

    (603     (22,088     24.6  










2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  
Preferred Stocks                  

Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Preference Shares

    (1,463   $ (72,404     80.7









Mobimo Holding AG Right

    (294     (1,024     1.1  







Total Reference Entity — Short





Net Value of Reference Entity — Bank of America N.A.


  $ (89,684  




The following table represents the individual long and short positions and related values of the equity securities underlying the total return swap with BNP Paribas SA as of period end, termination dates December 12, 2022 and December 19, 2022:


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Reference Entity — Long

Common Stocks                  

Globant SA

    252     $ 54,430       (15.0 )% 

MercadoLibre, Inc.

    197       191,805       (53.0







AGL Energy Ltd.

    55,510       337,439       (93.1

Altium Ltd.

    2,987       67,289       (18.6

Alumina Ltd.

    624,148       785,800       (216.9

AMP Ltd.

    45,101       36,438       (10.0

Aristocrat Leisure Ltd.

    44,433       1,030,949       (284.6

Atlas Arteria Ltd.

    80,232       389,773       (107.6

Aurizon Holdings Ltd.

    89,047       251,479       (69.4

BlueScope Steel Ltd.

    7,229       102,765       (28.4

Boral Ltd.

    82,481       205,759       (56.8

carsales.com Ltd.

    7,837       115,698       (31.9

Challenger Ltd.

    4,472       22,626       (6.2

Charter Hall Group

    27,189       292,211       (80.7

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

    5,760       418,657       (115.6

CSR Ltd.

    112,891       483,465       (133.4

Deterra Royalties Ltd.

    64,344       217,977       (60.2

Domain Holdings Australia Ltd.

    69,064       168,194       (46.4

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd.

    1,458       76,430       (21.1

Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd.

    76,727              1,198,231       (330.8

Goodman Group

    3,423       56,972       (15.7

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd.

    81,719       291,088       (80.3

IGO Ltd.

    30,869       280,672       (77.5

Iluka Resources Ltd.

    26,792       209,859       (57.9

Insignia Financial Ltd.

    121,170       291,273       (80.4

JB Hi-Fi Ltd.

    19,843       734,912       (202.9

Macquarie Group Ltd.

    1,081       155,624       (43.0

Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    3,716       42,039       (11.6

Medibank Pvt Ltd.

    147,124       330,609       (91.3

Metcash Ltd.

    182,033       611,080       (168.7

Mirvac Group

    54,208       91,616       (25.3

Origin Energy Ltd.

    14,889       71,216       (19.6

Orora Ltd.

    34,284       96,075       (26.5

OZ Minerals Ltd.

    5,823       101,075       (27.9
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Australia (continued)                  

Perpetual Ltd.

    21,135     $ 485,888       (134.1 )% 

Pilbara Minerals Ltd.

    35,630       69,111       (19.1

Platinum Asset Management Ltd.

    201,252       263,343       (72.7

Pro Medicus Ltd.

    5,202       170,125       (47.0

QBE Insurance Group Ltd.

    34,548       298,055       (82.3

Qube Holdings Ltd.

    37,022       76,504       (21.1

REA Group Ltd.

    1,450       129,902       (35.8

Scentre Group

    34,043       70,929       (19.6


    10,350       202,812       (56.0

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

    5,328       137,602       (38.0

South32 Ltd.

    102,936       342,812       (94.6

Star Entertainment Grp Ltd.

    101,977       225,235       (62.2


    37,022       107,158       (29.6

Telstra Corp. Ltd.

    48,964       138,992       (38.4

Wesfarmers Ltd.

    7,022       242,983       (67.1

Westpac Banking Corp.

    2,963       49,601       (13.7

WiseTech Global Ltd.

    3,980       123,391       (34.1

Woodside Petroleum Ltd.

    8,856       192,672       (53.2








    8,019       98,098       (27.1


    6,734       286,269       (79.0

Erste Group Bank AG

    4,072       126,785       (35.0

Raiffeisen Bank International AG

    6,644       75,631       (20.9







Elia Group SA

    909       144,693       (39.9

KBC Group NV

    1,087       73,951       (20.4

Umicore SA

    1,221       46,939       (13.0

Warehouses De Pauw CVA

    8,612       331,305       (91.5







Helen of Troy Ltd.

    189       40,542       (11.2

Hiscox Ltd.

    31,752       377,032       (104.0

RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.

    242       34,732       (9.6







Air Canada

    2,858       50,056       (13.8

Alamos Gold Inc., Class A

    69,169       537,350       (148.3

AltaGas Ltd.

    6,382       145,957       (40.3

ARC Resources Ltd.

    7,793       108,040       (29.8

Aritzia Inc.

    5,961       212,288       (58.6

Atco Ltd., Class I

    7,592       270,491       (74.7

B2Gold Corp.

    38,319       162,565       (44.9

Baytex Energy Corp.

    29,520       150,972       (41.7

BCE, Inc.

    17,679       939,926       (259.5

Boralex, Inc., Class A

    4,740       142,091       (39.2

Brookfield Infrastructure Corp., Class A

    2,896       205,480       (56.7

CAE, Inc.

    11,555       274,787       (75.9

Canada Goose Holdings, Inc.

    11,732       255,406       (70.5

Canadian Utilities Ltd., Class A

    28,922       869,472       (240.0

Cargojet, Inc.

    2,429       283,788       (78.3

Cenovus Energy Inc.

    3,358       62,081       (17.1

CGI, Inc.

    11,339       904,190       (249.6

CI Financial Corp.

    20,944       273,080       (75.4

Colliers International Group, Inc.

    2,105       232,432       (64.2

Crescent Point Energy Corp.

    65,032       450,539       (124.4

Descartes Systems Group Inc.

    7,438       461,976       (127.5

Emera, Inc.

    20,362       983,190       (271.4



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Canada (continued)                  

Enbridge, Inc.

    6,684     $ 291,679       (80.5 )% 

Enerplus Corp.

    37,644       461,228       (127.3

Equinox Gold Corp.

    4,826       34,411       (9.5

First Capital Real Estate Investment Trust

    3,465       46,177       (12.7

First Majestic Silver Corp.

    1,597       16,496       (4.6

FirstService Corp.

    1,063       132,543       (36.6

Franco-Nevada Corp.

    4,551       688,256       (190.0

George Weston Ltd.

    1,537       191,214       (52.8

GFL Environmental, Inc.

    505       15,213       (4.2

Hydro One Ltd.

    10,718       289,757       (80.0

IGM Financial, Inc.

    12,221       387,278       (106.9

Imperial Oil Ltd.

    5,330       268,357       (74.1

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

    15,671       209,817       (57.9

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., Class A

    8,478       67,975       (18.8

Keyera Corp.

    18,127       449,700       (124.1

Kinaxis, Inc.

    3,152       348,802       (96.3

Lululemon Athletica, Inc.

    3,651              1,294,754       (357.4

Lundin Mining Corp.

    15,682       143,191       (39.5

NexGen Energy Ltd.

    72,885       359,134       (99.1

Northland Power, Inc.

    409       12,343       (3.4

Nutrien Ltd.

    282       27,712       (7.7

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd.

    42,662       525,035       (144.9

Pan American Silver Corp.

    7,975       197,722       (54.6

Parex Resources, Inc.

    7,109       138,566       (38.3

Pembina Pipeline Corp.

    490       18,541       (5.1

Ritchie Bros Auctioneers, Inc.

    3,076       169,430       (46.8

Shopify, Inc., Class A

    1,517       648,922       (179.1

SSR Mining, Inc.

    4,334       95,340       (26.3

Stantec, Inc.

    3,492       160,295       (44.3

Summit Industrial Income REIT

    22,217       351,764       (97.1

TC Energy Corp.

    29,286       1,549,047       (427.6

Teck Resources Ltd., Class B

    3,757       148,215       (40.9


    19,443       486,434       (134.3

TFI International, Inc.

    1,826       146,887       (40.5

TMX Group Ltd.

    2,810       286,086       (79.0

Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd.

    4,758       129,816       (35.8

Vermilion Energy Inc.

    13,909       271,002       (74.8

Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.

    18,503       829,333       (228.9

Whitecap Resources, Inc.

    12,190       99,919       (27.6

Yamana Gold, Inc.

    95,361       526,299       (145.3







Budweiser Brewing Co. APAC Ltd.

    6,800       16,920       (4.7

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd.

    15,200       25,486       (7.0







Coloplast A/S, Class B

    1,374       185,117       (51.1

Demant A/S

    1,881       82,658       (22.8

Genmab A/S

    57       20,043       (5.5

GN Store Nord A/S

    5,162       193,727       (53.5

H Lundbeck A/S

    12,453       285,400       (78.8


    11,701       192,061       (53.0

Jyske Bank A/S

    4,723       261,154       (72.1

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

    3,763       429,833       (118.7

SimCorp A/S

    2,393       167,526       (46.2

Tryg A/S

    2,128       50,598       (14.0







Kesko OYJ, B Shares

    5,687       143,178       (39.5
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Finland (continued)                  

Metso Outotec OYJ

    23,195     $ 197,504       (54.5 )% 

Nokia OYJ

    66,941       339,396       (93.7

Nokian Renkaat OYJ

    5,607       75,294       (20.8

Nordea Bank Abp

    3,345       33,350       (9.2

Outokumpu OYJ

    58,518       287,280       (79.3

Valmet OYJ

    7,738       207,230       (57.2

Wartsila OYJ Abp

    33,067       265,523       (73.3







1&1 AG

    3,691       77,781       (21.5

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    7,940       648,426       (179.0

Beiersdorf AG

    3,995       401,260       (110.8

Commerzbank AG

    53,501       349,272       (96.4

Covestro AG

    7,977       343,454       (94.8

CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA

    5,605       384,705       (106.2

Deutsche Bank AG

    21,794       217,925       (60.2


    76,075       791,709       (218.5

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide

    19,718       1,053,716       (290.9

Freenet AG

    8,377       231,777       (64.0

GEA Group AG

    96       3,737       (1.0

Hannover Rueck SE

    3,446       535,614       (147.9

HeidelbergCement AG

    1,953       112,507       (31.1

Hochtief AG

    9,315       563,729       (155.6


    1,421       79,694       (22.0

Infineon Technologies AG

    8,414       238,816       (65.9


    2,070       115,146       (31.8


    2,352       90,919       (25.1

LEG Immobilien SE

    3,018       309,437       (85.4

Merck KGaA

    3,709       688,121       (189.9

MTU Aero Engines AG

    357       71,995       (19.9

Nemetschek SE

    2,401       190,530       (52.6

Nordex SE

    3,309       47,756       (13.2

ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE

    5,928       68,206       (18.8

Rational AG

    228       139,090       (38.4

Rheinmetall AG

    263       59,287       (16.4

Rwe AG

    1,854       76,977       (21.2

Salzgitter AG

    3,093       128,389       (35.4

Scout24 AG

    5,725       362,096       (100.0

Siemens AG

    9,988       1,228,074       (339.0

Solarworld AG

    10       4       (0.0

Symrise AG

    2,519       299,746       (82.7

TAG Immobilien AG

    5,656       113,038       (31.2

Talanx AG

    2,332       96,964       (26.8

TeamViewer AG

    13,280       159,347       (44.0

thyssenkrupp AG

    49,851       382,309       (105.5

Traton SE

    6,693       111,542       (30.8


    19,544       55,720       (15.4






Hong Kong                  

AIA Group Ltd.

    89,600       880,209       (243.0

ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.

    1,600       16,124       (4.5

Bank of East Asia Ltd.

    21,200       31,370       (8.7

Cafe de Coral Holdings Ltd.

    10,000       15,700       (4.3

Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd.

    125,600       105,552       (29.1

Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd.

    86,800       252,582       (69.7

Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd.

    44,900       121,268       (33.5

First Pacific Co. Ltd/Hong Kong

    146,000       58,868       (16.3

Haitong International Securities Group Ltd.

    103,000       16,305       (4.5

Hang Lung Group Ltd.

    40,000       78,100       (21.6




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Hong Kong (continued)                  

Hang Lung Properties Ltd.

    93,000     $ 177,869       (49.1 )% 

HK Electric Investments & HK Electric Investments Ltd., Class SS

    95,500       94,320       (26.0

Hutchison Port Holdings Trust, Class U

    139,800       33,322       (9.2

Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Ltd.

    64,000       10,684       (2.9

Hysan Development Co. Ltd.

    79,000       233,064       (64.3

Johnson Electric Holdings Ltd.

    8,000       9,084       (2.5

Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd., ADR

    13,729       78,530       (21.7

New World Development Co. Ltd.

    61,000       233,312       (64.4

Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd.

    690,000       316,579       (87.4

Shangri-La Asia Ltd.

    38,000       28,771       (7.9

Shun Tak Holdings Ltd.

    458,000       92,781       (25.6

SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd.

    9,000       29,920       (8.3

SJM Holdings Ltd.

    115,000       48,307       (13.3

Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.

    11,500       132,447       (36.6

Swire Pacific Ltd., Class A

    97,500       555,351       (153.3

Swire Properties Ltd.

    284,400       681,581       (188.1

Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd.

    55,000       734,145       (202.7

United Energy Group Ltd.

    1,746,000       205,334       (56.7

WH Group Ltd.

    423,500       292,469       (80.7

Wharf Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd.

    11,000       51,838       (14.3

Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd.

    10,000       22,128       (6.1

Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd.

    391,500       575,852       (159.0







Adient PLC

    5,586       190,706       (52.7

Alkermes PLC

    10,011       288,817       (79.7

Aptiv PLC

    4,585       487,844       (134.7

Experian PLC

    5,978       206,446       (57.0

Glanbia PLC

    15,459       185,591       (51.2

Icon PLC

    961       217,388       (60.0

James Hardie Industries PLC

    12,878       371,250       (102.5

Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC

    1,907       305,540       (84.4

Kerry Group PLC, Class A

    485       53,723       (14.8

Kingspan Group PLC

    2,903       270,232       (74.6

Medtronic PLC

    6,026       628,873       (173.6

Trane Technologies PLC

    3,572       499,687       (137.9







Airport City Ltd.

    10,183       226,701       (62.6

Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd.

    1,385       22,667       (6.3

Amot Investments Ltd.

    13,253       100,601       (27.8

Bank Hapoalim BM

    37,177       344,676       (95.1

Bayside Land Corp.

    10,950       120,519       (33.3

Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp. Ltd.

    173,513       275,068       (75.9

Big Shopping Centers Ltd.

    672       101,552       (28.0

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.

    7,356       928,989       (256.4

CyberArk Software Ltd.

    695       109,212       (30.2

Elbit Systems Ltd.

    566       122,860       (33.9

Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd.

    10,296       22,090       (6.1

Fattal Holdings 1998 Ltd.

    325       46,876       (12.9

Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd.

    4,563       55,928       (15.4

Israel Corp. Ltd.

    255       143,276       (39.6

Israel Discount Bank Ltd., Class A

    87,993       519,725       (143.5

Melisron Ltd.

    818       66,354       (18.3

Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd.

    3,332       123,250       (34.0

Monday.com Ltd.

    1,711       221,403       (61.1
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Israel (continued)                  

Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd.

    1,819     $ 179,372       (49.5 )% 

OPC Energy Ltd.

    17,656       194,206       (53.6

Paz Oil Co. Ltd.

    836       129,567       (35.8

Phoenix Holdings Ltd.

    8,577       107,902       (29.8

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.

    82       20,534       (5.7

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR

    55,206       480,844       (132.7








    120,271       205,490       (56.7

Amplifon SpA

    2,797       111,586       (30.8

Assicurazioni Generali SpA

    17,813       337,255       (93.1

Atlantia SpA

    17,423       415,635       (114.7

Azimut Holding SpA

    5,099       108,231       (29.9

Banca Generali SpA

    398       13,158       (3.6

Banca Mediolanum SpA

    64,459       467,930       (129.2

BPER Banca

    233,734       390,475       (107.8

Buzzi Unicem SpA

    578       10,704       (3.0

Davide Campari-Milano NV

    7,995       90,209       (24.9

De’ Longhi SpA

    4,162       100,928       (27.9

Enel SpA

    150,144       976,370       (269.5

Hera SpA

    6,721       25,067       (6.9

Interpump Group SpA

    1,171       47,343       (13.1

Italgas SpA

    8,870       57,430       (15.9

Leonardo SpA

    16,155       166,257       (45.9

Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA

    20,847       208,946       (57.7

Moncler SpA

    8,401       437,639       (120.8

Reply SpA

    2,284       336,244       (92.8

UniCredit SpA

    4,678       43,295       (11.9

UnipolSai Assicurazioni SpA

    77,927       219,196       (60.5







ABC-Mart, Inc.

    8,500       352,495       (97.3

Acom Co. Ltd.

    113,600       292,148       (80.6

Activia Properties, Inc.

    93       297,183       (82.0

Advantest Corp.

    400       27,299       (7.5

AEON Financial Service Co. Ltd.

    36,000       330,962       (91.4

Aica Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    13,100       303,241       (83.7

Ajinomoto Co., Inc.

    23,200       602,772       (166.4

Alfresa Holdings Corp.

    9,100       123,748       (34.2

Alps Alpine Co. Ltd.

    25,300       223,971       (61.8

Amada Co. Ltd.

    19,500       151,417       (41.8

Amano Corp.

    5,600       107,807       (29.8

Anritsu Corp.

    25,700       323,165       (89.2

Aozora Bank Ltd.

    13,200       264,271       (73.0

As One Corp.

    1,300       69,021       (19.1

Asahi Group Holdings Ltd.

    2,200       82,924       (22.9

Asahi Kasei Corp.

    60,300       494,743       (136.6

Azbil Corp.

    4,200       127,521       (35.2

Bandai Namco Holdings, Inc.

    1,600       108,325       (29.9

Benesse Holdings, Inc.

    32,700       572,148       (157.9

Calbee, Inc.

    24,700       442,436       (122.1

Capcom Co. Ltd.

    200       5,277       (1.5

Casio Computer Co. Ltd.

    45,100       467,680       (129.1

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.

    31,900       322,033       (88.9

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    26,500       794,076       (219.2

Chugoku Bank Ltd.

    24,300       178,691       (49.3

Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    14,100       92,870       (25.6

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings, Inc.

    14,800       165,915       (45.8

COMSYS Holdings Corp.

    16,700       346,729       (95.7

Cosmo Energy Holdings Co. Ltd.

    1,800       44,720       (12.3



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp.

    2,400     $ 221,250       (61.1 )% 

Daifuku Co. Ltd.

    1,800       110,679       (30.6

Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd.

    14,400       362,576       (100.1

Daikin Industries Ltd.

    2,300       351,480       (97.0

Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd.

    2,500       240,780       (66.5

Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd.

    19,900       478,400       (132.1

Dentsu Group, Inc.

    7,800       281,125       (77.6

DMG Mori Co. Ltd.

    48,800       612,458       (169.1

Ebara Corp.

    5,900       270,971       (74.8

Eisai Co. Ltd.

    6,500       283,081       (78.1

Electric Power Development Co. Ltd.

    19,700       269,945       (74.5

FP Corp.

    3,200       72,375       (20.0

Freee KK

    2,800       80,789       (22.3

FUJIFILM Holdings Corp.

    1,300       71,463       (19.7

Fujitsu Ltd.

    300       45,345       (12.5

Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.

    3,600       58,461       (16.1

H.U. Group Holdings, Inc.

    3,200       71,304       (19.7

Hamamatsu Photonics KK

    3,500       156,601       (43.2

Hirose Electric Co. Ltd.

    1,000       126,874       (35.0

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc.

    37,400            1,024,637       (282.8

Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd.

    4,400       99,622       (27.5

Hoya Corp.

    2,300       228,257       (63.0

Hulic Co. Ltd.

    9,900       83,590       (23.1

IHI Corp.

    1,400       31,745       (8.8

Information Services International-Dentsu Ltd.

    1,700       48,821       (13.5

Internet Initiative Japan, Inc.

    18,600       580,530       (160.3


    1,900       57,344       (15.8

Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp.

    10,800       252,891       (69.8

Izumi Co. Ltd.

    700       15,214       (4.2

J Front Retailing Co. Ltd.

    60,200       451,116       (124.5

Japan Exchange Group, Inc.

    15,700       233,779       (64.5

Japan Post Bank Co. Ltd.

    81,400       614,105       (169.5

Japan Post Holdings Co. Ltd.

    93,800       657,712       (181.6

Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp.

    47       142,587       (39.4

Japan Tobacco, Inc.

    93,300       1,587,199       (438.1

JGC Holdings Corp.

    19,300       218,402       (60.3

Kakaku.com, Inc.

    22,400       469,097       (129.5

Kamigumi Co. Ltd.

    17,300       293,735       (81.1

Kandenko Co. Ltd.

    21,300       135,076       (37.3

Kansai Paint Co. Ltd.

    17,300       238,254       (65.8

Kao Corp.

    7,600       304,596       (84.1

Keisei Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    9,100       223,127       (61.6

Kewpie Corp.

    8,500       143,155       (39.5

Keyence Corp.

    500       201,002       (55.5

Kintetsu Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,800       137,622       (38.0

Kobe Bussan Co. Ltd.

    34,200       833,772       (230.2

Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    10,100       370,615       (102.3

Kokuyo Co. Ltd.

    15,000       195,363       (53.9

Konami Holdings Corp.

    7,000       430,454       (118.8

Konica Minolta, Inc.

    245,700       855,114       (236.1

Kuraray Co. Ltd.

    28,700       229,535       (63.4

Kusuri no Aoki Holdings Co. Ltd.

    400       17,722       (4.9

Kyocera Corp.

    2,000       105,014       (29.0

Kyowa Exeo Corp.

    9,900       164,813       (45.5

Kyowa Kirin Co. Ltd.

    9,600       202,337       (55.9

Kyudenko Corp.

    11,200       253,992       (70.1

Lawson, Inc.

    6,800       250,105       (69.0

Lion Corp.

    25,100       258,616       (71.4

Lixil Corp.

    3,300       58,041       (16.0

Mani Inc.

    17,800       203,276       (56.1

Maruwa Unyu Kikan Co. Ltd.

    19,700       229,998       (63.5

Mercari, Inc.

    1,000       16,387       (4.5
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

MISUMI Group, Inc.

    4,500     $ 112,834       (31.1 )% 

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp.

    8,200       50,001       (13.8

Mitsubishi Corp.

    13,400       449,912       (124.2

Mitsubishi HC Capital, Inc.

    86,600       389,654       (107.6

Mitsubishi Logistics Corp.

    13,300       306,532       (84.6

Mitsubishi Materials Corp.

    7,200       112,631       (31.1

Mitsubishi Motors Corp.

    242,200       605,744       (167.2

Mitsui & Co. Ltd.

    6,800       164,667       (45.5

Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd.

    31,800       673,961       (186.0

Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd.

    6,100       154,242       (42.6

MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc.

    600       17,860       (4.9

Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    1,100       65,568       (18.1

Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd.

    400       6,424       (1.8

Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    4,200       74,982       (20.7

NEC Corp.

    3,700       143,545       (39.6

NET One Systems Co. Ltd.

    24,700                 589,411       (162.7

Nichirei Corp.

    11,300       207,473       (57.3

Nihon Kohden Corp.

    12,300       295,275       (81.5

Nippon Express Holdings, Inc.

    2,300       134,851       (37.2

Nippon Steel Corp.

    15,600       247,706       (68.4

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.

    1,500       44,204       (12.2

Nippon Television Holdings, Inc.

    24,000       230,357       (63.6

Nippon Yusen KK

    1,300       93,787       (25.9

Nipro Corp.

    22,300       175,716       (48.5

Nissan Chemical Corp.

    2,100       110,927       (30.6

Nissin Foods Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,900       271,294       (74.9

Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,800       493,821       (136.3

Nitto Denko Corp.

    3,800       255,059       (70.4

NOK Corp.

    14,100       119,967       (33.1

Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc.

    9,400       229,038       (63.2

Nomura Research Institute Ltd.

    10,500       296,902       (82.0

NSK Ltd.

    10,500       58,104       (16.0

NTT Data Corp.

    17,700       326,351       (90.1

Obayashi Corp.

    48,800       335,604       (92.6

OBIC Business Consultants Co. Ltd.

    5,400       194,086       (53.6

Obic Co. Ltd.

    1,200       177,287       (48.9

Olympus Corp.

    900       15,841       (4.4

Omron Corp.

    400       23,582       (6.5

Otsuka Corp.

    8,400       275,286       (76.0

Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd.

    16,600       557,800       (154.0


    400       14,579       (4.0

Panasonic Corp.

    1,800       16,044       (4.4

Park24 Co. Ltd.

    5,200       74,051       (20.4

Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd.

    24,400       119,389       (33.0

PeptiDream, Inc.

    7,100       114,515       (31.6

Pigeon Corp.

    12,600       214,893       (59.3

Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc.

    36,900       425,425       (117.4

Rakuten Group, Inc.

    1,800       12,654       (3.5

Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd.

    6,900       250,343       (69.1

Relo Group, Inc.

    2,700       38,568       (10.6

Renesas Electronics Corp.

    17,800       190,068       (52.5

Resorttrust, Inc.

    2,000       33,647       (9.3

Ricoh Co. Ltd.

    46,500       339,539       (93.7

Rinnai Corp.

    1,900       121,447       (33.5

Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd.

    6,600       59,315       (16.4

Sankyu Inc.

    400       12,196       (3.4

Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    25,100       204,180       (56.4

Sapporo Holdings Ltd.

    27,800       578,632       (159.7

Sawai Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    6,300       211,331       (58.3

SBI Holdings, Inc.

    9,900       221,434       (61.1

SCSK Corp.

    16,800       267,092       (73.7

Seino Holdings Co Ltd.

    28,200       230,365       (63.6




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Sekisui House Ltd.

    5,900     $ 102,471       (28.3 )% 

Sekisui House REIT, Inc.

    288       168,524       (46.5

SG Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,600       63,442       (17.5

Shimadzu Corp.

    29,500       964,418       (266.2

Shimizu Corp.

    25,400       133,188       (36.8

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd.

    1,500       206,152       (56.9

Shionogi & Co. Ltd.

    1,200       66,751       (18.4

Skylark Co. Ltd.

    7,600       90,179       (24.9

SMS Co. Ltd.

    3,500       82,140       (22.7

Softbank Corp.

    21,300       247,886       (68.4

SoftBank Group Corp.

    400       16,452       (4.5

Sompo Holdings, Inc.

    900       36,639       (10.1

Sony Group Corp.

    2,300       198,492       (54.8

Sotetsu Holdings Inc.

    6,500       111,430       (30.8

Square Enix Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,100       123,770       (34.2

Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.

    121,700                 517,493       (142.9

Sumitomo Corp.

    9,200       145,577       (40.2

Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Ltd.

    2,300       20,488       (5.7

Sumitomo Forestry Co. Ltd.

    10,400       159,108       (43.9

Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.

    4,100       86,762       (23.9

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.

    4,900       148,048       (40.9

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc.

    9,400       291,753       (80.5

Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd.

    4,700       40,739       (11.2

Sundrug Co. Ltd.

    8,100       188,585       (52.1

Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd.

    6,300       248,226       (68.5

Suzuki Motor Corp.

    3,000       90,435       (25.0

Sysmex Corp.

    4,600       301,749       (83.3

Taiheiyo Cement Corp.

    15,900       257,255       (71.0

Taisei Corp.

    3,400       92,099       (25.4

Teijin Ltd.

    42,500       454,167       (125.4

Terumo Corp.

    7,100       211,332       (58.3

TIS, Inc.

    2,800       62,886       (17.4

Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    62,900       349,884       (96.6

Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.

    12,600       681,265       (188.1

Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd.

    18,300       350,526       (96.8

Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    6,100       331,451       (91.5

Toray Industries, Inc.

    41,500       196,680       (54.3

Tosoh Corp.

    600       8,285       (2.3


    3,200       107,836       (29.8

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd.

    3,300       35,694       (9.9

Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd.

    7,700       237,748       (65.6

Toyota Tsusho Corp.

    1,200       43,113       (11.9

Trend Micro, Inc.

    8,500       473,934       (130.8

Tsumura & Co.

    3,900       95,959       (26.5

Tsuruha Holdings, Inc.

    6,600       337,313       (93.1

Unicharm Corp.

    12,500       434,900       (120.1

Ushio, Inc.

    5,000       64,828       (17.9

Welcia Holdings Co. Ltd.

    23,400       479,678       (132.4

Yamada Holdings Co. Ltd.

    214,700       641,111       (177.0

Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc.

    22,200       121,726       (33.6

Yamaha Corp.

    9,500       362,966       (100.2

Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd.

    4,500       92,906       (25.6

Yaoko Co. Ltd.

    2,900       153,418       (42.4

Yaskawa Electric Corp.

    5,100       173,173       (47.8

Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd.

    19,000       254,383       (70.2

Z Holdings Corp.

    52,900       207,677       (57.3

Zensho Holdings Co. Ltd.

    900       21,224       (5.9

ZOZO, Inc.

    7,900       165,406       (45.7






Security   Shares     Value     % of

Aroundtown SA

    17,538     $ 88,190       (24.3 )% 

L’Occitane International SA

    23,000       72,095       (19.9

RTL Group SA

    4,734       246,156       (68.0







MGM China Holdings Ltd.

    104,800       59,986       (16.6

Wynn Macau Ltd.

    131,200       80,586       (22.2







Fresnillo PLC

    22,039       213,254       (58.9








    24,924       309,834       (85.5

ASR Nederland NV

    8,103       368,271       (101.7


    702       9,940       (2.7

Heineken Holding NV

    5,688       444,018       (122.6

Heineken NV

    301       29,381       (8.1


    3,517       559,985       (154.6

ING Groep NV

    6,397       60,606       (16.7

Koninklijke Vopak NV

    6,761       181,802       (50.2


    4,212       159,603       (44.1


    95,438       312,728       (86.3


    1,913       88,222       (24.4

Randstad NV

    3,639       192,427       (53.1






New Zealand                  

a2 Milk Co. Ltd.

    44,102       136,987       (37.8

Air New Zealand Ltd.

    92,334       52,403       (14.5

Contact Energy Ltd.

    58,064       305,046       (84.2

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp. Ltd.

    6,806       93,529       (25.8

Infratil Ltd.

    90,102       487,599       (134.6

Xero Ltd.

    6,748       444,977       (122.8








    2,711       97,132       (26.8

Equinor ASA

    33,231       1,123,193       (310.1

Nordic Semiconductor ASA

    9,429       187,460       (51.7

Schibsted ASA, Class A

    6,638       138,329       (38.2

Schibsted ASA, Class B

    723       13,991       (3.9







EDP - Energias de Portugal SA

    102,021       475,485       (131.3

Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA

    7,212       150,130       (41.4






Puerto Rico                  

Popular, Inc.

    4,379       341,518       (94.3







ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd.

    260,700       275,389       (76.0

Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd.

    900       18,758       (5.2

Mapletree Commercial Trust

    76,700       103,156       (28.5

NetLink NBN Trust

    777,900       562,493       (155.3


    32,900       107,421       (29.6

Sea Ltd., ADR

    2,736       226,431       (62.5

Sembcorp Marine Ltd.

    165,700       12,993       (3.6

SIA Engineering Co. Ltd.

    36,600       70,290       (19.4

Singapore Post Ltd.

    1,187,100       609,606       (168.3



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Singapore (continued)                  

StarHub Ltd.

    158,800     $ 144,037       (39.8 )% 

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

    27,300       584,390       (161.3







Acciona SA

    1,094       214,148       (59.1

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA

    124,016       650,743       (179.6

Bankinter SA

    88,768       522,389       (144.2

Endesa SA

    6,453       135,238       (37.3

Grifols SA

    15,247       255,368       (70.5

Inmobiliaria Colonial Socimi SA

    46,205       384,212       (106.1

Merlin Properties Socimi SA

    26,796       291,103       (80.4

Naturgy Energy Group SA

    1,949       58,630       (16.2

Solaria Energia y Medio Ambiente SA

    650       14,619       (4.0







Alfa Laval AB

    12,109       337,069       (93.0

Autoliv, Inc.

    851       62,702       (17.3

Castellum AB

    5,303       105,017       (29.0

Electrolux AB, Class B

    16,549       252,379       (69.7

Elekta AB, B Shares

    53,231       358,525       (99.0

Epiroc AB, Class A

    8,046       163,117       (45.0

Epiroc AB, Class B

    15,027       262,159       (72.4


    3,692       104,490       (28.8

Essity AB, Class B

    18,332       483,433       (133.5

Hexagon AB, B Shares

    10,430       134,577       (37.2

Holmen AB, B Shares

    14,829       857,098       (236.6

Indutrade AB

    11,338       267,439       (73.8

Investment AB Latour, B Shares

    9,336       247,334       (68.3

Lifco AB, B Shares

    467       9,796       (2.7

Lundin Energy AB

    5,103       210,988       (58.2

Nibe Industrier AB, B Shares

    22,142       217,089       (59.9

Saab AB, Class B

    1,007       42,595       (11.8

Sagax AB, Class B

    6,799       173,677       (47.9

Skanska AB, B Shares

    1,786       34,116       (9.4

Spotify Technology SA

    5,730       582,454       (160.8

SSAB AB, A Shares

    12,141       77,109       (21.3

Svenska Handelsbanken AB, A Shares

    1,444       14,565       (4.0

Swedish Match AB

    47,664       379,633       (104.8

Tele2 AB, B Shares

    9,024       119,607       (33.0







Adecco Group AG

    1,068       41,214       (11.4

Baloise Holding AG

    605       105,234       (29.0

Barry Callebaut AG

    180       414,280       (114.4

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG, Registered Shares

    6       711,797       (196.5

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG, Participation Certificates

    56       628,039       (173.4

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Class A

    3,363       390,749       (107.9

Flughafen Zurich AG

    4,534       766,693       (211.6

Idorsia Ltd.

    15,312       261,351       (72.1

Julius Baer Group Ltd.

    1,678       80,188       (22.1

Logitech International SA

    2,010       130,808       (36.1

Lonza Group AG

    174       102,596       (28.3

SIG Combibloc Group AG

    8,511       178,182       (49.2

Sika AG

    5,656       1,727,670       (476.9

Straumann Holding AG

    2,240       264,077       (72.9

Swatch Group AG

    3,623       929,817       (256.7
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Switzerland (continued)                  

Swiss Prime Site AG

    5,778     $ 564,768       (155.9 )% 

Temenos AG

    1,714       173,021       (47.8

UBS Group AG

    19,127       324,712       (89.6






United Kingdom                  

Abrdn PLC

    34,049       79,951       (22.1

Ashtead Group PLC

    1,994       103,104       (28.5


    7,214       125,614       (34.7

Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure PLC

    16,287       503,268       (138.9

BAE Systems PLC

    48,516       448,126       (123.7

Barclays PLC

    226,967       417,197       (115.2

Barratt Developments PLC

    72,986       446,531       (123.3

Beazley PLC

    127,930       694,296       (191.7

Bellway PLC

    5,002       151,922       (41.9

British American Tobacco PLC

    6,896       289,028       (79.8

British Land Co. PLC

    18,063       116,351       (32.1

Capri Holdings Ltd.

    1,684       80,327       (22.2

Centrica PLC

    194,797       193,003       (53.3

Croda International PLC

    4,847       470,772       (130.0

Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC

    9,442       427,867       (118.1

Derwent London PLC

    2,212       83,928       (23.2

Direct Line Insurance Group PLC

    100,717       319,663       (88.2

Drax Group PLC

    59,429       600,572       (165.8

easyJet PLC

    31,342       217,184       (60.0

Endeavour Mining PLC

    3,240       79,294       (21.9

Halma PLC

    5,171       158,727       (43.8

Hammerson PLC

    40       14       (0.0

Hargreaves Lansdown PLC

    37,827       433,057       (119.5

Imperial Brands PLC

    30,327       631,273       (174.3

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC

    9,947       635,014       (175.3

International Consolidated Airlines Group SA

    211,222       374,341       (103.3

Intertek Group PLC

    5,635       351,145       (96.9


    62,226       57,463       (15.9

Janus Henderson Group PLC

    10,235       311,963       (86.1

Legal & General Group PLC

    41,897       130,597       (36.0

Liberty Global PLC, Class A

    41,569       946,110       (261.2

Liberty Global PLC, Class C

    24,846       588,850       (162.5

Linde PLC

    4,691       1,463,404       (404.0

Melrose Industries PLC

    104,701       152,141       (42.0

Natwest Group PLC

    87,481       234,693       (64.8

Nomad Foods Ltd.

    22,123       408,391       (112.7

Phoenix Group Holdings PLC

    12,188       92,317       (25.5

Quilter PLC

    49,365       81,318       (22.4

Schroders PLC

    9,920       350,178       (96.7

Segro PLC

    11,036       184,766       (51.0

Smiths Group PLC

    14,794       270,720       (74.7

Spectris PLC

    33,040       1,208,402       (333.6

Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC

    4,726       713,132       (196.9


    2,503       58,134       (16.0


    33,056       97,569       (26.9

Tate & Lyle PLC

    109,850       1,067,698       (294.7

Taylor Wimpey PLC

    102,091       160,564       (44.3


    14,747       19,799       (5.5

Travis Perkins PLC

    21,526       328,324       (90.6

Tritax Big Box REIT PLC

    37,297       113,855       (31.4

Weir Group PLC

    3,674       70,631       (19.5

Whitbread PLC

    45,140       1,575,695       (435.0










2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States                  

A O Smith Corp.

    2,365     $ 138,187       (38.1 )% 

AbbVie, Inc.

    2,566       376,894       (104.0


    706       202,325       (55.9

Acadia Healthcare Co., Inc.

    3,277       222,443       (61.4

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

    121       10,348       (2.9

Aflac, Inc.

    939       53,786       (14.8

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

    13,048       1,556,235       (429.6

Airbnb, Inc., Class A

    595       91,160       (25.2

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

    1,709       92,953       (25.7

Alcoa Corp.

    357       24,205       (6.7

Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.

    3,993       727,365       (200.8

Align Technology, Inc.

    1,148       332,817       (91.9

Ally Financial, Inc.

    13,454       537,622       (148.4

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

    21       47,926       (13.2

Alphabet, Inc., Class C

    31       71,279       (19.7

Altice USA, Inc., Class A

    63,568       589,911       (162.8

Altria Group, Inc.

    58,690              3,261,403       (900.3

Ambarella, Inc.

    2,464       202,245       (55.8

AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc., Class A

    7,917       121,130       (33.4

American Airlines Group, Inc.

    25,561       479,780       (132.4

American Express Co.

    60       10,483       (2.9

American International Group, Inc.

    7,021       410,799       (113.4

American Tower Corp.

    3,942       950,101       (262.3

American Water Works Co., Inc.

    431       66,408       (18.3

Ameriprise Financial, Inc.

    432       114,692       (31.7


    6,684       843,922       (233.0

AMN Healthcare Services, Inc.

    1,859       181,717       (50.2

Amphenol Corp., Class A

    5,260       376,090       (103.8

Antero Midstream Corp.

    36,779       377,720       (104.3

Aon PLC, Class A

    850       244,792       (67.6

Applied Materials, Inc.

    1,669       184,174       (50.8

AptarGroup, Inc.

    2,604       299,017       (82.5

Arch Capital Group Ltd.

    9,027       412,263       (113.8

Arista Networks, Inc.

    978       113,027       (31.2

Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.

    1,456       267,482       (73.8

ASGN, Inc.

    4,501       510,638       (141.0

Atmos Energy Corp.

    7,381       837,005       (231.1

Autodesk, Inc.

    111       21,010       (5.8

AutoZone, Inc.

    52       101,684       (28.1

AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

    6,102       1,388,083       (383.2

Avantor, Inc.

    18,604       593,096       (163.7

Avnet, Inc.

    8,610       375,913       (103.8

Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.

    18,809       477,184       (131.7

Axon Enterprise, Inc.

    7,507       842,285       (232.5

Baker Hughes Co.

    20       620       (0.2

Ball Corp.

    9,779       793,664       (219.1

Bank of America Corp.

    16,017       571,487       (157.8

Bank of New York Mellon Corp.

    18,760       789,046       (217.8

Baxter International, Inc.

    3,037       215,809       (59.6

Biogen, Inc.

    447       92,726       (25.6

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

    3,973       323,204       (89.2

Black Hills Corp.

    403       29,516       (8.1

Blackline, Inc.

    8,880       595,404       (164.4

Block, Inc.

    3,339       332,364       (91.7

Blueprint Medicines Corp.

    3,728       217,529       (60.0

Boeing Co.

    20,672       3,076,820       (849.4

Booking Holdings, Inc.

    408       901,806       (248.9

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp.

    15,086       1,231,470       (339.9

BorgWarner, Inc.

    16,113       593,442       (163.8

Boston Properties, Inc.

    2,935       345,156       (95.3

Brighthouse Financial, Inc.

    8,310       426,802       (117.8

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

    1,191       89,647       (24.7
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Brixmor Property Group, Inc.

    24,563     $ 623,409       (172.1 )% 

Brown & Brown, Inc.

    3,041       188,481       (52.0

Bruker Corp.

    16,048       922,600       (254.7

Builders FirstSource, Inc.

    5,357       329,830       (91.0

CACI International, Inc., Class A

    939       249,117       (68.8

Camden Property Trust

    6,651       1,043,475       (288.1

Capital One Financial Corp.

    1,794       223,568       (61.7

Carnival Corp.

    78,788       1,363,032       (376.3

Carnival PLC

    21,674       339,810       (93.8

Carrier Global Corp.

    1,217       46,575       (12.9

Catalent, Inc.

    3,244       293,777       (81.1

Cboe Global Markets, Inc.

    4,122       465,704       (128.6

ChampionX Corp.

    18,445       389,190       (107.4

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.

    2,331       562,960       (155.4

Charles Schwab Corp.

    6,345       420,864       (116.2

Chart Industries, Inc.

    463       78,164       (21.6

Charter Communications, Inc., Class A

    2,544              1,090,079       (300.9

Chegg, Inc.

    2,048       50,668       (14.0

Chemed Corp.

    335       164,616       (45.4

Cheniere Energy, Inc.

    1,167       158,490       (43.8

Chesapeake Energy Corp.

    18,109       1,485,300       (410.0

Chevron Corp.

    1,049       164,347       (45.4

Choice Hotels International, Inc.

    2,909       408,598       (112.8

Ciena Corp.

    3,350       184,820       (51.0

Cincinnati Financial Corp.

    2,098       257,341       (71.0

Cirrus Logic, Inc.

    3,162       239,680       (66.2

Cisco Systems, Inc.

    7,818       382,926       (105.7

Citigroup, Inc.

    19,268       928,910       (256.4

Clean Harbors, Inc.

    1,591       166,944       (46.1

Clorox Co.

    5,266       755,513       (208.6

CMS Energy Corp.

    8,792       603,922       (166.7

Coca-Cola Co.

    7,840       506,542       (139.8

Colgate-Palmolive Co.

    19,065       1,468,958       (405.5


    4,350       415,512       (114.7

Continental Resources, Inc.

    18,433       1,024,322       (282.8

CoStar Group, Inc.

    6,528       415,311       (114.6

Costco Wholesale Corp.

    4,399       2,339,036       (645.7

Coupa Software, Inc.

    5,493       474,046       (130.9

Credit Acceptance Corp.

    324       166,050       (45.8

Crocs, Inc.

    4,391       291,694       (80.5

Crown Castle International Corp.

    9,122       1,689,486       (466.4


    7,037       334,328       (92.3

Cummins, Inc.

    1,914       362,110       (100.0

Danaher Corp.

    2,476       621,798       (171.6

DaVita, Inc.

    1,050       113,789       (31.4

DexCom, Inc.

    233       95,199       (26.3

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc.

    2,935       282,993       (78.1

Digital Turbine, Inc.

    1,065       33,707       (9.3

Dominion Energy, Inc.

    282       23,022       (6.4

Domino’s Pizza, Inc.

    139       46,982       (13.0

Donaldson Co., Inc.

    6,374       312,581       (86.3

DraftKings, Inc., Class A

    3,939       53,886       (14.9

Duke Realty Corp.

    9,166       501,839       (138.5

East West Bancorp, Inc.

    9,762       696,031       (192.1

Eaton Corp. PLC

    1,316       190,846       (52.7

eBay, Inc.

    6,420       333,326       (92.0

Ecolab, Inc.

    4,610       780,657       (215.5

Edison International

    1,158       79,659       (22.0

Elanco Animal Health, Inc.

    842       21,311       (5.9

Eli Lilly & Co.

    2,793       815,919       (225.2

EOG Resources, Inc.

    11,314       1,321,023       (364.7

EPAM Systems, Inc.

    504       133,555       (36.9



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

EQT Corp.

    748     $ 29,733       (8.2 )% 

Equifax, Inc.

    1,660       337,843       (93.3

Equinix, Inc.

    1,305       938,399       (259.0

Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc.

    4,175       322,644       (89.1

Equity Residential

    962       78,403       (21.6

Erie Indemnity Co., Class A

    1,616       259,012       (71.5

Etsy, Inc.

    4,899       456,538       (126.0

Evercore, Inc., Class A

    1,574       166,451       (45.9

Evoqua Water Technologies Corp.

    10,275       428,365       (118.3

Exelixis, Inc.

    7,215       161,183       (44.5

Expedia Group, Inc.

    563       98,384       (27.2

Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.

    7,425       735,595       (203.1

Exxon Mobil Corp.

    8,103       690,781       (190.7

F5, Inc.

    427       71,484       (19.7

FactSet Research Systems, Inc.

    31       12,508       (3.5

Fair Isaac Corp.

    1,033       385,836       (106.5

Fate Therapeutics, Inc.

    5,316       151,825       (41.9

Federal Realty Investment Trust

    5,151       602,976       (166.5

First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc.

    5,236       303,688       (83.8

First Solar, Inc.

    978       71,423       (19.7

Floor & Decor Holdings, Inc., Class A

    5,453       434,713       (120.0

Fortinet, Inc.

    975       281,785       (77.8

Fox Corp., Class A

    27,746       994,417       (274.5

Fox Corp., Class B

    15,112       502,323       (138.7

FTI Consulting, Inc.

    878       138,469       (38.2

Gap, Inc.

    24,813       308,177       (85.1

Garmin Ltd.

    8,489       931,583       (257.2

General Dynamics Corp.

    16,418              3,883,350       (1,072.0

General Electric Co.

    15,270       1,138,378       (314.2

Global Payments, Inc.

    3,634       497,785       (137.4

Globe Life, Inc.

    690       67,675       (18.7

Globus Medical, Inc., Class A

    5,343       353,813       (97.7

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

    31,640       421,445       (116.3

Guidewire Software, Inc.

    9,271       806,021       (222.5

H&R Block, Inc.

    1,579       41,165       (11.4

Halliburton Co.

    904       32,200       (8.9

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.

    2,774       110,683       (30.6

Hanesbrands, Inc.

    6,346       84,148       (23.2

Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc.

    4,307       172,237       (47.5

Harley-Davidson, Inc.

    11,311       412,286       (113.8

Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

    9,505       664,685       (183.5

Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc.

    2,269       61,445       (17.0

HealthEquity, Inc.

    3,307       206,092       (56.9

Healthpeak Properties, Inc.

    1,403       46,032       (12.7


    4,064       573,959       (158.4

HEICO Corp., Class A

    4,982       581,100       (160.4

Helmerich & Payne, Inc.

    4,289       197,423       (54.5

Henry Schein, Inc.

    3,091       250,680       (69.2

Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.

    10,751       285,762       (78.9

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.

    466       7,181       (2.0

Hexcel Corp.

    12,329       670,204       (185.0

Highwoods Properties, Inc.

    21,756       888,515       (245.3

Hologic, Inc.

    6,072       437,123       (120.7

Home Depot, Inc.

    1,002       301,001       (83.1

Honeywell International, Inc.

    2,747       531,572       (146.7

Horizon Therapeutics PLC

    2,000       197,120       (54.4

Houlihan Lokey, Inc.

    443       36,897       (10.2

HubSpot, Inc.

    647       245,491       (67.8

Huntington Bancshares, Inc.

    20,938       275,335       (76.0

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.

    12,934       2,751,579       (759.6

Huntsman Corp.

    6,182       209,384       (57.8
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Hyatt Hotels Corp., Class A

    339     $ 32,191       (8.9 )% 


    666       70,050       (19.3

IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.

    1,100       473,528       (130.7

II-VI, Inc.

    2,769       169,490       (46.8

Illinois Tool Works, Inc.

    2,342       461,632       (127.4

Illumina, Inc.

    890       264,019       (72.9

Incyte Corp.

    370       27,735       (7.7

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp.

    6,211       379,865       (104.9

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.

    1,095       53,688       (14.8

Interactive Brokers Group, Inc., Class A

    58       3,454       (1.0

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.

    2,561                 296,589       (81.9

International Game Technology PLC

    30,086       656,777       (181.3

Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc.

    8,840       288,361       (79.6

Intuit, Inc.

    854       357,613       (98.7

Iridium Communications, Inc.

    9,873       352,565       (97.3

ITT, Inc.

    1,541       108,209       (29.9

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.

    1,578       218,632       (60.4

JB Hunt Transport Services, Inc.

    1,900       324,615       (89.6

JetBlue Airways Corp.

    14,122       155,483       (42.9

Johnson Controls International PLC

    8,663       518,654       (143.2

Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc.

    1,219       266,632       (73.6

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

    2,540       303,174       (83.7

Kellogg Co.

    4,434       303,729       (83.8

Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc.

    15,730       588,302       (162.4


    8,833       170,565       (47.1

Keysight Technologies, Inc.

    4,060       569,496       (157.2

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

    9,046       164,185       (45.3

Kirby Corp.

    4,431       288,901       (79.8

KLA Corp.

    2,252       718,974       (198.5

Lamar Advertising Co., Class A

    5,077       560,552       (154.7

Landstar System, Inc.

    483       74,817       (20.7

Las Vegas Sands Corp.

    1,350       47,831       (13.2

Lear Corp.

    5,054       646,609       (178.5

Leggett & Platt, Inc.

    9,630       343,117       (94.7

Leidos Holdings, Inc.

    1,877       194,288       (53.6

Lennox International, Inc.

    1,180       251,564       (69.4

Leslie’s, Inc.

    10,002       196,039       (54.1

Levi Strauss & Co., Class A

    24,484       443,405       (122.4

Liberty Media Corp. - Liberty SiriusXM, Class C

    690       28,897       (8.0

Life Storage, Inc.

    660       87,443       (24.1

Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc.

    3,711       499,983       (138.0

Lincoln National Corp.

    19,521       1,174,188       (324.1

Lithia Motors, Inc.

    1,586       449,044       (124.0

Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.

    1,824       191,301       (52.8

Livent Corp.

    18,715       399,752       (110.4

Lockheed Martin Corp.

    6,530       2,821,744       (778.9

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

    1,297       256,456       (70.8

LPL Financial Holdings, Inc.

    2,283       428,907       (118.4

Lumen Technologies, Inc.

    24,367       245,132       (67.7

Lumentum Holdings, Inc.

    3,690       299,665       (82.7

MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc., Class H

    8,153       415,395       (114.7

Manhattan Associates, Inc.

    4,090       533,950       (147.4

ManpowerGroup, Inc.

    558       50,332       (13.9

Marathon Oil Corp.

    22,574       562,544       (155.3

MarketAxess Holdings, Inc.

    1,583       417,295       (115.2

Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.

    1,469       520,349       (143.6

Marvell Technology, Inc.

    2,066       119,993       (33.1

Masimo Corp.

    15,587       1,760,863       (486.1

Matson, Inc.

    544       46,795       (12.9

MaxLinear, Inc.

    4,132       197,799       (54.6

Medical Properties Trust, Inc.

    15,419       283,555       (78.3




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Merck & Co., Inc.

    4,534     $ 402,120       (111.0 )% 

Meritage Homes Corp.

    1,146       94,602       (26.1

MetLife, Inc.

    18,433       1,210,679       (334.2

MGIC Investment Corp.

    18,154       237,091       (65.4

Microchip Technology, Inc.

    3,126       203,815       (56.3

Microsoft Corp.

    494       137,095       (37.8

MicroStrategy, Inc., Class A

    26       9,208       (2.5

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc.

    8,908              1,752,025       (483.6

Molson Coors Beverage Co., Class B

    14,235       770,683       (212.7

MongoDB, Inc.

    471       167,172       (46.1

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.

    1,264       495,791       (136.9

Moody’s Corp.

    843       266,793       (73.6

Morningstar, Inc.

    3,736       946,067       (261.2

Murphy USA, Inc.

    1,709       399,222       (110.2

National Vision Holdings, Inc.

    6,841       257,564       (71.1

NetApp, Inc.

    9,452       692,359       (191.1

Netflix, Inc.

    4,631       881,557       (243.4

New Relic, Inc.

    2,299       145,458       (40.2

New York Community Bancorp, Inc.

    52,466       484,786       (133.8

New York Times Co., Class A

    977       37,439       (10.3

Newell Brands, Inc.

    15,454       357,760       (98.8

Nexstar Media Group, Inc., Class A

    412       65,269       (18.0

Nordson Corp.

    772       166,513       (46.0

Nordstrom, Inc.

    32,315       830,495       (229.3

Norfolk Southern Corp.

    959       247,307       (68.3

Northrop Grumman Corp.

    2,076       912,194       (251.8

NortonLifeLock, Inc.

    746       18,680       (5.2

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.

    16,820       336,905       (93.0

NOV, Inc.

    7,209       130,699       (36.1

Novocure Ltd.

    1,647       126,127       (34.8

NRG Energy, Inc.

    10,843       389,264       (107.5

Nutanix, Inc., Class A

    20,552       514,417       (142.0


    600       111,282       (30.7

Occidental Petroleum Corp.

    4,200       231,378       (63.9

Okta, Inc.

    1,369       163,335       (45.1

Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.

    405       113,449       (31.3

Old National Bancorp

    7,408       112,305       (31.0

Omnicell, Inc.

    4,535       495,086       (136.7


    4,898       310,190       (85.6

Oracle Corp.

    961       70,537       (19.5

Ormat Technologies, Inc.

    7,496       582,439       (160.8

Oshkosh Corp.

    1,015       93,827       (25.9

Ovintiv Inc.

    6,788       347,418       (95.9


    1,670       138,694       (38.3

PacWest Bancorp

    4,874       160,306       (44.3

Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

    337       189,151       (52.2

Papa John’s International, Inc.

    781       71,110       (19.6

Park Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

    15,711       309,664       (85.5

Paycom Software, Inc.

    3,729       1,049,602       (289.7

Paylocity Holding Corp.

    2,829       536,463       (148.1

PayPal Holdings, Inc.

    4,911       431,824       (119.2

Penn National Gaming, Inc.

    1,807       66,082       (18.2

Penske Automotive Group, Inc.

    6,263       656,488       (181.2

Pentair PLC

    6,407       325,155       (89.8

Penumbra, Inc.

    793       136,840       (37.8

Perrigo Co. PLC

    5,270       180,761       (49.9

Pfizer, Inc.

    7,431       364,639       (100.7

PG&E Corp.

    24,061       304,372       (84.0

Phillips 66

    7,818       678,290       (187.2

Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc.

    4,720       366,036       (101.0

Planet Fitness, Inc., Class A

    10,202       816,466       (225.4

Plug Power, Inc.

    7,222       151,806       (41.9
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

    3,579     $ 594,472       (164.1 )% 

Portland General Electric Co.

    3,989       188,799       (52.1

Power Integrations, Inc.

    9,187       734,960       (202.9

PPG Industries, Inc.

    1,345       172,147       (47.5

Principal Financial Group, Inc.

    7,283       496,264       (137.0

PTC, Inc.

    3,531       403,276       (111.3

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

    2,529       176,170       (48.6

Public Storage

    766       284,569       (78.6

PulteGroup, Inc.

    12,935       540,166       (149.1

PVH Corp.

    7,371       536,461       (148.1

Qorvo, Inc.

    1,467       166,915       (46.1

Qualys, Inc.

    4,570       622,800       (171.9

Quidel Corp.

    1,664       167,432       (46.2

Radian Group, Inc.

    15,193       324,978       (89.7

Ralph Lauren Corp.

    10,372              1,082,214       (298.7

Rapid7, Inc.

    7,264       693,857       (191.5

Raytheon Technologies Corp.

    18,853       1,789,338       (493.9

Regency Centers Corp.

    1,577       108,545       (30.0

Reinsurance Group of America, Inc.

    235       25,220       (7.0

Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.

    2,124       421,083       (116.2

Repligen Corp.

    527       82,865       (22.9

ResMed, Inc.

    787       157,376       (43.4

Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc.

    1,847       144,140       (39.8

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

    8,275       702,134       (193.8

Robert Half International, Inc.

    114       11,207       (3.1

Roku, Inc.

    6,143       570,685       (157.5

Roper Technologies, Inc.

    632       296,989       (82.0

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

    14,841       1,153,591       (318.4

Ryder System, Inc.

    7,834       547,597       (151.2

salesforce.com, Inc.

    345       60,699       (16.8

Schlumberger NV

    21,742       848,155       (234.1

Science Applications International Corp.

    2,345       195,174       (53.9

Seagen, Inc.

    633       82,929       (22.9

SEI Investments Co.

    196       10,921       (3.0

Semtech Corp.

    226       13,470       (3.7

Sensata Technologies Holding PLC

    9,951       451,875       (124.7

Service Corp. International

    7,028       461,107       (127.3

ServiceNow, Inc.

    168       80,321       (22.2

Silicon Laboratories, Inc.

    1,560       210,460       (58.1

Simon Property Group, Inc.

    3,140       370,520       (102.3

Sirius XM Holdings, Inc.

    231,494       1,388,964       (383.4

SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.

    3,689       520,260       (143.6

SL Green Realty Corp.

    5,419       375,103       (103.5

Snap, Inc., Class A

    15,885       452,087       (124.8

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc., Class A

    2,155       90,596       (25.0

STAAR Surgical Co.

    3,008       171,727       (47.4

Stifel Financial Corp.

    9,085       561,907       (155.1

STORE Capital Corp.

    12,072       343,207       (94.7

Stryker Corp.

    152       36,672       (10.1

Switch, Inc., Class A

    2,000       59,720       (16.5

Synchrony Financial

    26,360       970,312       (267.9

Syneos Health, Inc.

    10,415       761,232       (210.1

Sysco Corp.

    5       427       (0.1

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

    3,422       330,155       (91.1

Teledyne Technologies, Inc.

    529       228,290       (63.0

Teleflex, Inc.

    1,038       296,474       (81.8

Tenable Holdings, Inc.

    4,963       274,106       (75.7

Teradata Corp.

    974       40,275       (11.1

Teradyne, Inc.

    1,646       173,587       (47.9

Tesla, Inc.

    78       67,919       (18.7

Tetra Tech, Inc.

    3,864       538,178       (148.6

Texas Instruments, Inc.

    675       114,919       (31.7



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Textron, Inc.

    51,674     $ 3,578,424       (987.8 )% 

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

    260       143,759       (39.7

Timken Co.

    5,976       344,457       (95.1

TJX Cos., Inc.

    17,274       1,058,551       (292.2

TransDigm Group, Inc.

    564       335,473       (92.6

Travel + Leisure Co.

    32,145              1,783,405       (492.3

Travelers Cos., Inc.

    1,453       248,550       (68.6

Trex Co., Inc.

    191       11,114       (3.1

TripAdvisor, Inc.

    6,261       160,720       (44.4

Truist Financial Corp.

    9,910       479,149       (132.3

Twilio, Inc., Class A

    3,334       372,808       (102.9

U.S. Bancorp

    551       26,757       (7.4

UDR, Inc.

    15,001       798,203       (220.3

Ulta Beauty, Inc.

    741       294,029       (81.2

Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc.

    1,377       97,340       (26.9

Union Pacific Corp.

    1,953       457,568       (126.3

United Airlines Holdings, Inc.

    7,260       366,630       (101.2

United Parcel Service, Inc., Class B

    3,127       562,797       (155.4

United Rentals, Inc.

    2,025       640,953       (176.9

United States Steel Corp.

    6,904       210,503       (58.1

United Therapeutics Corp.

    371       65,875       (18.2

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

    373       189,689       (52.4

Unum Group

    1,044       31,863       (8.8

Valero Energy Corp.

    7,524       838,776       (231.5

Valvoline, Inc.

    3,187       96,343       (26.6

Varonis Systems, Inc.

    3,471       149,947       (41.4

Veeva Systems, Inc., Class A

    4,290       780,565       (215.5

Verisk Analytics, Inc.

    1,187       242,207       (66.9

VF Corp.

    1,933       100,516       (27.7

ViacomCBS, Inc., Class B

    13,133       382,433       (105.6

Viatris, Inc.

    9,627       99,447       (27.5

Visa, Inc., Class A

    5,021       1,070,126       (295.4

Vistra Corp.

    36,558       914,681       (252.5

Voya Financial, Inc.

    8,861       559,484       (154.4

Walt Disney Co.

    5,514       615,528       (169.9

Waters Corp.

    1,943       588,768       (162.5

Watsco, Inc.

    44       11,738       (3.2

Wells Fargo & Co.

    6,957       303,534       (83.8

Western Alliance Bancorp

    4,063       309,235       (85.4

Western Union Co.

    64,236       1,076,595       (297.2

Westrock Co.

    219       10,847       (3.0

WEX, Inc.

    1,205       200,319       (55.3

Whirlpool Corp.

    2,907       527,679       (145.7

Willis Towers Watson PLC

    484       103,992       (28.7

Wintrust Financial Corp.

    4,528       395,385       (109.1

Workday, Inc., Class A

    3,740       773,058       (213.4

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., Class A

    7,910       461,865       (127.5

Wynn Resorts Ltd.

    221       15,576       (4.3

XPO Logistics, Inc.

    4,816       259,053       (71.5

Ziff Davis, Inc.

    3,318       293,178       (80.9

Zions Bancorp NA

    4,879       275,712       (76.1

Zoetis, Inc.

    1,100       194,975       (53.8

Zoom Video Communications, Inc., Class A

    674       67,110       (18.5

Zscaler, Inc.

    1,882       381,557       (105.3






Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  
Preferred Stocks                  

Fuchs Petrolub SE, Preference Shares

    15,295     $ 482,423       (133.2 )% 

Sartorius AG, Preference Shares

    21       7,874       (2.2







Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    465       514       (0.1







Total Reference Entity — Long





Reference Entity — Short


Common Stocks                  

Appen Ltd.

    (51,925     (237,190     65.5  

Beach Energy Ltd.

    (450,251     (513,339     141.7  

Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd.

    (8,891     (66,903     18.5  

BHP Group Ltd.

    (8,319     (278,790     76.9  

Mineral Resources Ltd.

    (9,855     (400,440     110.5  

Newcrest Mining Ltd.

    (12,030     (225,916     62.4  

Newcrest Mining Ltd. NPV

    (13,589     (256,833     70.9  

Orica Ltd.

    (11,813     (135,741     37.5  

Reece Ltd.

    (55,625     (675,822     186.5  

Seven Group Holdings Ltd.

    (24,241     (338,208     93.3  

TPG Telecom Ltd.

    (147,198     (603,406     166.6  

Vicinity Centres

    (1,079,633     (1,408,720     388.9  








    (6,288     (298,579     82.4  


    (15,054     (769,525     212.4  

Telekom Austria AG

    (6,015     (42,885     11.9  







Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV

    (2,644     (152,135     42.0  

Etablissements Franz Colruyt NV

    (665     (24,419     6.7  

Galapagos NV

    (388     (22,781     6.3  

Solvay SA

    (2,935     (275,999     76.2  







Everest Re Group Ltd.

    (1,336     (367,013     101.3  

Signet Jewelers Ltd.

    (4,232     (297,086     82.0  

Triton International Ltd.

    (550     (33,599     9.3  







AbCellera Biologics, Inc.

    (30,582     (234,564     64.8  

Alimentation Couche-Tard, Inc.

    (18,254     (812,631     224.3  

Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

    (25,638     (832,813     229.9  

Brookfield Asset Management, Inc., Class A

    (1,816     (90,584     25.0  

Canadian Apartment Properties REIT

    (17,460     (683,912     188.8  

Canadian Solar, Inc.

    (8,841     (243,304     67.2  

Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd., Class A

    (3,130     (431,132     119.0  

Capital Power Corp.

    (16,945     (556,897     153.7  

CCL Industries, Inc., Class B

    (12,704     (553,887     152.9  

Constellation Software, Inc.

    (341     (536,689     148.2  

Dollarama, Inc.

    (179     (9,952     2.7  

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

    (35,178     (409,655     113.1  

Element Fleet Management Corp.

    (22,936     (204,784     56.5  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Canada (continued)                  

Empire Co. Ltd.

    (13,129   $ (433,631     119.7

Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.

    (1,693     (930,244     256.8  

Finning International, Inc.

    (2,989     (84,087     23.2  

H&R Real Estate Investment Trust

    (47,851     (476,033     131.4  

iA Financial Corp., Inc.

    (8,203     (428,907     118.4  

Loblaw Cos. Ltd.

    (11,925     (1,090,808     301.1  

MEG Energy Corp.

    (24,507     (368,182     101.6  

Metro, Inc.

    (24,581     (1,351,080     373.0  

National Bank of Canada

    (826     (57,688     15.9  

Nuvei Corp.

    (4,844     (270,885     74.8  

Onex Corp.

    (4,691     (281,865     77.8  

Parkland Corp.

    (9,919     (281,745     77.8  

Power Corp. of Canada

    (41,940     (1,234,058     340.7  

Quebecor, Inc., Class B

    (6,178     (145,379     40.1  

Saputo, Inc.

    (6,054     (129,407     35.7  

SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust

    (17,598     (428,632     118.3  

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.

    (1,416     (31,491     8.7  

Stelco Holdings, Inc.

    (3,565     (130,123     35.9  

Sun Life Financial, Inc.

    (4,482     (222,975     61.6  

Topicus.com, Inc.

    (1,042     (64,808     17.9  

Toromont Industries Ltd.

    (119     (10,476     2.9  

Tourmaline Oil Corp.

    (418     (21,527     5.9  







Futu Holdings Ltd., ADR

    (11,647     (372,587     102.9  

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd.

    (469,200     (306,117     84.5  







Ambu A/S, Class B

    (6,674     (87,846     24.2  

AP Moller - Maersk A/S, Class A

    (50     (141,532     39.1  

AP Moller - Maersk A/S, Class B

    (128     (370,461     102.2  

Carlsberg A/S, Class B

    (887     (112,679     31.1  

Chr Hansen Holding A/S

    (2,961     (230,691     63.7  

Danske Bank A/S

    (14,330     (219,806     60.7  

Orsted A/S

    (3,961     (438,207         121.0  

Rockwool International A/S, B Shares

    (421     (117,745     32.5  

Royal Unibrew A/S

    (2,993     (257,970     71.2  

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

    (7,851     (200,208     55.3  







Elisa OYJ

    (3,190     (187,002     51.6  

Huhtamaki OYJ

    (3,127     (118,201     32.6  

Kojamo OYJ

    (6,265     (124,631     34.4  

Kone OYJ, Class B

    (1,761     (84,665     23.4  

Orion OYJ, Class B

    (2,038     (79,936     22.1  

UPM-Kymmene OYJ

    (51,688     (1,788,006     493.6  







Constellium SE

    (9,376     (156,485     43.2  







Adidas AG

    (6,771     (1,365,434     376.9  


    (3,065     (78,577     21.7  

Aurubis AG

    (1,507     (171,255     47.3  

Auto1 Group SE

    (16,833     (176,244     48.7  

Bayer AG

    (1,666     (109,741     30.3  

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    (2,370     (174,594     48.2  

Bechtle AG

    (3,278     (151,475     41.8  

Brenntag SE

    (7,462     (575,794     159.0  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Germany (continued)                  

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG

    (278   $ (34,918     9.6

Continental AG

    (2,307     (158,124     43.7  

Daimler Truck Holding AG

    (23,947     (644,048     177.8  

Delivery Hero SE

    (1,907     (67,037     18.5  

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

    (18,663     (138,845     38.3  

Deutsche Telekom AG

    (57,850     (1,065,663     294.2  

Deutsche Wohnen SE

    (3,438     (98,464     27.2  

DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA

    (3,967     (130,548     36.0  

Evotec SE

    (5,233     (127,415     35.2  

Fielmann AG

    (6,702     (338,799     93.5  

Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA

    (9,307     (578,773     159.8  

Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

    (10,948     (386,989     106.8  

Puma SE

    (1,856     (136,562     37.7  

Siemens Healthineers AG

    (9,979     (533,577     147.3  

Siltronic AG

    (7,030     (660,181     182.2  


    (14,821     (480,298     132.6  

Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG

    (36,415     (109,519     30.2  

Uniper SE

    (7,805     (200,625     55.4  

Volkswagen AG

    (779     (168,935     46.6  

Vonovia SE

    (19,641     (782,516         216.0  

Wacker Chemie AG

    (932     (147,879     40.8  






Hong Kong                  

Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd.

    (38,000     (177,269     48.9  

Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd.

    (400     (21,252     5.9  

Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd.

    (188,000     (340,858     94.1  







AerCap Holdings NV

    (5,043     (235,559     65.0  

Allegion PLC

    (1,648     (188,267     52.0  

Bank of Ireland Group PLC

    (16,746     (101,493     28.0  


    (12,815     (970,979     268.0  

Smurfit Kappa Group PLC

    (9,901     (418,374     115.5  






Isle of Man                  

GVC Holdings PLC

    (27,164     (510,420     140.9  







Ashtrom Group Ltd.

    (40,084     (1,117,789     308.6  

Fiverr International Ltd.

    (860     (45,795     12.6  

Global-e Online Ltd.

    (9,465     (213,341     58.9  

Inmode Ltd.

    (8,296     (208,313     57.5  

ironSource Ltd., Class A

    (15,792     (60,483     16.7  

Kornit Digital Ltd.

    (334     (22,211     6.1  

Shapir Engineering and Industry Ltd.

    (35,642     (333,474     92.1  

Shikun & Binui Ltd.

    (5,539     (32,655     9.0  

Wix.com Ltd.

    (3,814     (287,804     79.4  

ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.

    (4,373     (243,270     67.2  







DiaSorin SpA

    (2,098     (274,821     75.9  

FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA

    (20,061     (278,875     77.0  

Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane SpA

    (62,558     (667,514     184.3  

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA

    (35,205     (71,738     19.8  

Nexi SpA

    (15,329     (150,346     41.5  

Poste Italiane SpA

    (9,197     (90,123     24.9  

Prysmian SpA

    (2,634     (85,671     23.6  

Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica SpA

    (7,256     (349,655     96.5  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Italy (continued)                  

Snam SpA

    (109,656   $ (601,419     166.0

Unipol Gruppo SpA

    (66,123     (360,543     99.5  







Advance Residence Investment Corp.

    (18     (49,447     13.6  

AEON REIT Investment Corp.

    (100     (114,811     31.7  

AGC, Inc.

    (1,900     (71,230     19.7  

Ain Holdings, Inc.

    (7,900     (354,352     97.8  

Air Water, Inc.

    (5,600     (74,328     20.5  

Aisin Corp.

    (5,700     (165,588     45.7  

Ariake Japan Co. Ltd.

    (1,300     (52,158     14.4  

Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd.

    (2,300     (44,445     12.3  

Asics Corp.

    (2,800     (44,175     12.2  


    (15,300     (187,357     51.7  

Bank of Kyoto Ltd.

    (500     (21,784     6.0  

Benefit One, Inc.

    (10,400     (157,689     43.5  

Bridgestone Corp.

    (10,800     (395,860     109.3  

Brother Industries Ltd.

    (12,000     (208,555     57.6  

Canon Marketing Japan, Inc.

    (2,700     (58,752     16.2  

Central Japan Railway Co.

    (2,500     (314,713     86.9  

Chiba Bank Ltd.

    (12,200     (70,312     19.4  

Concordia Financial Group Ltd.

    (89,400     (325,336     89.8  

Credit Saison Co. Ltd.

    (7,000     (78,844     21.8  

CyberAgent, Inc.

    (2,800     (29,582     8.2  

Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd.

    (7,500     (156,735     43.3  

Daicel Corp.

    (16,700     (102,087     28.2  

Daido Steel Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (45,640     12.6  

Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.

    (3,200     (64,077     17.7  

Daiichikosho Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (32,730     9.0  

Daio Paper Corp.

    (800     (9,539     2.6  

Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp.

    (87     (211,758     58.5  

Daiwa Securities Group, Inc.

    (69,800     (342,099     94.4  

DeNA Co. Ltd.

    (7,200     (104,357     28.8  

Denka Co. Ltd.

    (3,400     (91,147     25.2  

Descente Ltd.

    (1,000     (19,204     5.3  

DIC Corp.

    (6,900     (131,574     36.3  

East Japan Railway Co.

    (18,500     (964,715         266.3  

ENEOS Holdings, Inc.

    (117,900     (414,844     114.5  

Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.

    (5,100     (146,210     40.4  

Fancl Corp.

    (21,300     (407,746     112.6  

Fast Retailing Co. Ltd.

    (400     (184,162     50.8  

Fuji Electric Co. Ltd.

    (7,000     (306,955     84.7  

Fuji Kyuko Co. Ltd.

    (18,100     (572,763     158.1  

Fuji Media Holdings, Inc.

    (17,900     (154,599     42.7  

Fuji Oil Holdings, Inc.

    (6,700     (95,085     26.2  

Fujitsu General Ltd.

    (20,500     (364,369     100.6  

Fukuoka Financial Group, Inc.

    (11,300     (206,466     57.0  

Fukuyama Transporting Co. Ltd.

    (800     (22,392     6.2  

Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd.

    (700     (37,873     10.5  

GMO internet, Inc.

    (7,000     (139,896     38.6  

Goldwin, Inc.

    (5,700     (285,898     78.9  

GS Yuasa Corp.

    (3,500     (60,691     16.8  

Hachijuni Bank Ltd.

    (127,800     (421,451     116.3  

Hakuhodo DY Holdings, Inc.

    (11,900     (140,439     38.8  

Haseko Corp.

    (19,000     (208,184     57.5  

Heiwa Corp.

    (7,700     (115,774     32.0  

Hikari Tsushin, Inc.

    (1,400     (163,931     45.2  

Hitachi Ltd.

    (6,300     (298,787     82.5  

Hitachi Metals Ltd.

    (30,400     (474,382     130.9  

Horiba Ltd.

    (4,800     (233,536     64.5  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

House Foods Group, Inc.

    (8,700   $ (203,618     56.2

Ibiden Co. Ltd.

    (3,200     (119,590     33.0  

Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd.

    (6,200     (163,401     45.1  

Iida Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (7,600     (120,875     33.4  

Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment Corp.

    (48     (68,874     19.0  

Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.

    (1,700     (12,617     3.5  

Isuzu Motors Ltd.

    (4,800     (55,996     15.5  

Ito En Ltd.

    (900     (36,986     10.2  

Iwatani Corp.

    (13,000     (517,228     142.8  

Iyo Bank Ltd.

    (20,000     (96,978     26.8  

Japan Airlines Co. Ltd.

    (23,800     (392,925     108.5  

Japan Airport Terminal Co. Ltd.

    (10,200     (422,652     116.7  

Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd.

    (36,600     (511,782     141.3  

Japan Hotel REIT Investment Corp.

    (554     (281,369     77.7  

Japan Logistics Fund, Inc.

    (36     (87,858     24.3  

Japan Metropolitan Fund Invest

    (225     (178,836     49.4  

Japan Post Insurance Co. Ltd.

    (9,000     (145,528     40.2  

Japan Real Estate Investment Corp.

    (25     (120,996     33.4  

JCR Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.

    (5,500     (102,217     28.2  


    (3,900     (27,190     7.5  

Justsystems Corp.

    (21,100     (917,077         253.2  

Kagome Co. Ltd.

    (5,200     (130,135     35.9  

Kajima Corp.

    (17,800     (198,372     54.8  

Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (4,500     (136,360     37.6  

Kaneka Corp.

    (2,900     (77,597     21.4  

Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.

    (1,500     (26,674     7.4  

Keihan Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,300     (27,729     7.7  

Keikyu Corp.

    (5,100     (51,370     14.2  

Kenedix Office Investment Corp.

    (12     (62,720     17.3  

Kinden Corp.

    (6,100     (72,282     20.0  

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (1,100     (75,014     20.7  

Kobe Steel Ltd.

    (27,200         (117,921     32.5  

Kotobuki Spirits Co. Ltd.

    (4,900     (257,922     71.2  

K’s Holdings Corp.

    (13,700     (135,673     37.4  

Kubota Corp.

    (4,400     (74,750     20.6  

Kurita Water Industries Ltd.

    (3,900     (133,054     36.7  

Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (9,800     (61,509     17.0  

Kyushu Financial Group, Inc.

    (3,900     (11,969     3.3  

Lintec Corp.

    (6,000     (111,766     30.8  

Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd.

    (2,300     (61,430     17.0  

Marui Group Co. Ltd.

    (4,500     (77,479     21.4  

Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd.

    (5,300     (113,114     31.2  

Matsui Securities Co. Ltd.

    (25,000     (154,621     42.7  

Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,300     (42,972     11.9  

McDonald’s Holdings Co. Japan Ltd.

    (27,000     (1,071,167     295.7  

Mebuki Financial Group, Inc.

    (144,200     (290,346     80.1  

Medipal Holdings Corp.

    (21,700     (357,364     98.6  

MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (7,900     (393,790     108.7  

Menicon Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (34,175     9.4  


    (11,300     (216,804     59.8  

Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

    (33,200     (347,746     96.0  

Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd.

    (20,500     (298,615     82.4  

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc.

    (4,600     (67,174     18.5  

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

    (194,300     (1,129,538     311.8  

Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park, Inc.

    (77     (330,132     91.1  

Miura Co. Ltd.

    (3,700     (77,284     21.3  

MonotaRO Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (20,614     5.7  

Mori Hills REIT Investment Corp.

    (59     (66,914     18.5  

Morinaga & Co. Ltd.

    (4,000     (124,035     34.2  

Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd.

    (8,400     (338,283     93.4  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Nabtesco Corp.

    (800   $ (18,246     5.0

Nagase & Co. Ltd.

    (6,200     (88,846     24.5  

NEC Networks & System Integration Corp.

    (2,400     (34,078     9.4  

NGK Insulators Ltd.

    (14,800     (199,084     55.0  

NGK Spark Plug Co. Ltd.

    (7,100     (108,951     30.1  

NH Foods Ltd.

    (6,400     (202,115     55.8  

NHK Spring Co. Ltd.

    (21,200     (136,929     37.8  

Nidec Corp.

    (1,200     (77,579     21.4  

Nifco, Inc.

    (1,000     (21,114     5.8  

Nihon Unisys Ltd.

    (11,300         (285,494     78.8  

Nintendo Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (547,669     151.2  

Nippon Accommodations Fund, Inc.

    (7     (34,467     9.5  

Nippon Building Fund, Inc.

    (71     (368,583     101.7  

Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd.

    (102,000     (888,963     245.4  

Nippon Shinyaku Co. Ltd.

    (2,400     (162,321     44.8  

Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd.

    (600     (24,139     6.7  

Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co. Ltd.

    (7,300     (146,035     40.3  

Nisshin Seifun Group, Inc.

    (9,400     (125,310     34.6  

Noevir Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (700     (27,446     7.6  

NOF Corp.

    (1,100     (41,288     11.4  

Nomura Holdings, Inc.

    (171,500     (660,353         182.3  

Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc.

    (65     (81,610     22.5  

NS Solutions Corp.

    (1,600     (47,733     13.2  

Odakyu Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    (11,100     (168,088     46.4  

Oji Holdings Corp.

    (65,600     (310,747     85.8  


    (5,200     (185,855     51.3  

Open House Co. Ltd.

    (8,900     (344,382     95.1  

Oracle Corp. Japan

    (1,600     (102,818     28.4  

Orient Corp.

    (41,200     (39,547     10.9  

Oriental Land Co. Ltd.

    (800     (121,016     33.4  

ORIX Corp.

    (2,900     (52,893     14.6  

Orix JREIT, Inc.

    (39     (52,717     14.5  

OSG Corp.

    (4,000     (50,250     13.9  

Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp.

    (5,300     (81,161     22.4  

Persol Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (31,743     8.8  

Rengo Co. Ltd.

    (42,900     (253,992     70.1  


    (5,300     (65,301     18.0  

Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (5,900     (157,557     43.5  

Sankyo Co. Ltd.

    (15,100     (434,502     119.9  

Sansan, Inc.

    (4,300     (41,025     11.3  

Sanwa Holdings Corp.

    (12,500     (113,878     31.4  

Secom Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (267,347     73.8  

Seibu Holdings, Inc.

    (7,400     (73,519     20.3  

Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd.

    (2,700     (36,561     10.1  

Seven Bank Ltd.

    (16,900     (31,591     8.7  


    (200     (37,900     10.5  

Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (14,900     (85,668     23.6  

Shimamura Co. Ltd.

    (600     (53,213     14.7  

Shimano, Inc.

    (700     (124,029     34.2  

Shinko Electric Industries Co. Ltd.

    (18,000     (775,892     214.2  

Shinsei Bank Ltd.

    (2,300     (40,333     11.1  

Ship Healthcare Holdings, Inc.

    (1,500     (25,056     6.9  

Shiseido Co. Ltd.

    (14,100     (666,527     184.0  

Shizuoka Bank Ltd.

    (47,000     (304,093     83.9  

SHO-BOND Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (900     (37,827     10.4  

Shochiku Co. Ltd.

    (1,500     (153,091     42.3  

Sohgo Security Services Co. Ltd.

    (9,100     (252,787     69.8  

Stanley Electric Co. Ltd.

    (6,700     (115,529     31.9  

Sugi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,100     (175,728     48.5  

Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd.

    (4,400     (144,369     39.8  

Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.

    (69,800     (750,408     207.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd.

    (1,200   $ (28,477     7.9

Suzuken Co Ltd/Aichi Japan

    (1,800     (53,131     14.7  

Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,100     (43,327     12.0  

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp.

    (10,800     (194,351     53.6  

Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.

    (500     (19,644     5.4  

Takara Holdings, Inc.

    (10,300     (86,756     23.9  

TDK Corp.

    (11,300     (349,076     96.4  

TechnoPro Holdings Inc.

    (1,400     (35,655     9.8  

THK Co. Ltd.

    (21,400     (424,072     117.1  

Tobu Railway Co. Ltd.

    (5,300     (119,134     32.9  

Toda Corp.

    (28,500     (163,747     45.2  

Toho Gas Co. Ltd.

    (1,400     (32,843     9.1  

Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings, Inc.

    (280,500     (968,218         267.3  

Tokyo Tatemono Co. Ltd.

    (8,700     (122,661     33.9  

Tokyu Corp.

    (24,800     (303,275     83.7  

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp.

    (76,400     (397,560     109.7  

Toppan Inc.

    (2,800     (46,283     12.8  

Toshiba Corp.

    (7,500     (311,462     86.0  

Toshiba TEC Corp.

    (1,200     (40,677     11.2  

Toyo Tire Corp.

    (18,800     (215,635     59.5  

Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd.

    (9,300     (135,427     37.4  

Toyota Boshoku Corp.

    (13,900     (221,530     61.2  

Toyota Industries Corp.

    (4,600     (275,893     76.2  

Toyota Motor Corp.

    (86,700     (1,485,492     410.1  

TS Tech Co. Ltd.

    (7,200     (75,136     20.7  

Ube Industries Ltd.

    (9,600     (148,846     41.1  

Ulvac, Inc.

    (2,400     (94,044     26.0  

United Urban Investment Corp.

    (212     (231,957     64.0  

USS Co. Ltd.

    (6,700     (111,542     30.8  

West Japan Railway Co.

    (4,300     (159,612     44.1  

Yamato Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (50,100     (937,471     258.8  

Yamato Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    (13,500     (435,688     120.3  

Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd.

    (16,500     (203,975     56.3  

Yokogawa Electric Corp.

    (7,200     (114,786     31.7  

Zenkoku Hosho Co. Ltd.

    (1,200     (42,115     11.6  

Zeon Corp.

    (7,900     (84,125     23.2  








    (4,116     (158,867     43.9  

Tenaris SA

    (56,346     (861,090         237.7  







Adyen NV

    (7     (11,741     3.3  

Aegon NV

    (82,401     (427,223     117.9  

Alfen Beheer BV

    (5,042     (453,444     125.2  

ASM International NV

    (873     (262,330     72.4  

BE Semiconductor Industries NV

    (3,285     (200,249     55.3  


    (889     (61,692     17.0  

Iveco Group NV

    (24,157     (142,125     39.2  

Just Eat Takeaway.com NV

    (1,520     (41,287     11.4  

Koninklijke DSM NV

    (3,582     (602,169     166.2  

Koninklijke Philips NV

    (11,186     (292,303     80.7  

NN Group NV

    (8,016     (392,636     108.4  

Prosus NV

    (9,629     (464,394     128.2  

SBM Offshore NV

    (18,053     (261,608     72.2  

Universal Music Group NV

    (22,349     (518,640     143.2  






New Zealand                  

Auckland International Airport Ltd.

    (179,340     (900,825     248.7  

Fletcher Building Ltd.

    (240,794     (959,208     264.8  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
New Zealand (continued)                  

Kiwi Property Group Ltd.

    (73,548   $ (50,164     13.9

Mainfreight Ltd.

    (383     (20,047     5.5  

Mercury NZ Ltd.

    (53,390     (206,996     57.1  

Meridian Energy Ltd.

    (49,550     (150,387     41.5  

Spark New Zealand Ltd.

    (210,179     (664,731     183.5  







Aker ASA, A Shares

    (648     (52,819     14.6  

Gjensidige Forsikring ASA

    (17,583     (375,914         103.8  

Leroy Seafood Group ASA

    (12,590     (118,161     32.6  

Mowi ASA

    (14,914     (421,276     116.3  

Orkla ASA

    (84,922     (689,112     190.2  

Salmar Asa

    (3,449     (282,231     77.9  

Scatec ASA

    (7,404     (89,489     24.7  

Storebrand ASA

    (34,874     (302,922     83.6  

Var Energi

    (74,604     (318,918     88.1  

Yara International ASA

    (7,162     (364,175     100.5  







InPost SA

    (21,448     (131,495     36.3  







Banco Comercial Portugues SA

    (69,416     (10,731     3.0  

Galp Energia SGPS SA

    (93,316     (1,135,809     313.5  







Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust

    (346,900     (713,739     197.0  

CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust

    (564,469     (945,819     261.1  

Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust

    (501,600     (522,346     144.2  

Genting Singapore Ltd.

    (817,300     (474,517     131.0  

Grab Holdings Ltd., Class A

    (64,782     (191,107     52.8  

Keppel DC REIT

    (461,800     (688,446     190.0  

Mapletree Industrial Trust

    (235,100     (441,772     122.0  

Mapletree Logistics Trust

    (395,300     (507,692     140.2  

Sembcorp Industries Ltd.

    (459,000     (972,073     268.3  

Singapore Airlines Ltd.

    (122,700     (483,642     133.5  

Singapore Exchange Ltd.

    (80,500     (566,425     156.4  

Venture Corp. Ltd.

    (31,500     (386,692     106.7  

Yangzijiang Financial Holdings

    (469,200     (184,905     51.0  







Acerinox SA

    (21,949     (231,106     63.8  

ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA

    (31,214     (799,243     220.6  


    (3,331     (472,701     130.5  

Banco de Sabadell SA

    (13,553     (10,518     2.9  

EDP Renovaveis SA

    (3,735     (88,397     24.4  

Fluidra SA

    (8,181     (221,412     61.1  

Mapfre SA

    (82,319     (150,220     41.5  

Red Electrica Corp. SA

    (13,394     (269,678     74.4  

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA

    (4,069     (64,813     17.9  

Telefonica SA

    (88,219     (429,154     118.5  







Assa Abloy AB, Class B

    (4,112     (103,919     28.7  

Atlas Copco AB, Class A

    (61,373     (2,782,459     768.1  

Atlas Copco AB, Class B

    (7,332     (290,184     80.1  

Avanza Bank Holding AB

    (2,138     (54,138     14.9  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Sweden (continued)                  

Beijer Ref AB

    (4,898   $ (79,759     22.0

Embracer Group AB

    (4,125     (27,572     7.6  

Fastighets AB Balder, Class B

    (3,216     (159,408     44.0  

H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB, B Shares

    (16,116     (202,885     56.0  

Husqvarna AB, B Shares

    (13,687     (130,835     36.1  

Industrivarden AB, A Shares

    (16,882     (432,560     119.4  

Investor AB, Class A

    (30,874     (644,850     178.0  

Investor AB, Class B

    (35,143     (676,253     186.7  

Sandvik AB

    (24,569     (465,050     128.4  

Securitas AB, B Shares

    (41,568     (490,785     135.5  

Sinch AB

    (68,578     (303,073     83.7  

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, Class A

    (67,156     (753,094     207.9  

SKF AB, B Shares

    (35,746     (583,828     161.2  

Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA, Class B

    (14,585     (282,261     77.9  

Sweco AB, B Shares

    (13,073     (184,501     50.9  

Telia Co. AB

    (203,874     (846,202         233.6  

Thule Group AB

    (15,692     (544,310     150.3  

Trelleborg AB, B Shares

    (2,958     (64,879     17.9  

Volvo AB, A Shares

    (7,940     (130,539     36.0  

Volvo AB, B Shares

    (22,420     (357,676     98.7  







ABB Ltd.

    (70,821     (2,124,767     586.5  

Bachem Holding AG, Class B

    (176     (76,797     21.2  

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise

    (2,723     (230,128     63.5  

Chubb Ltd.

    (415     (85,677     23.7  

Coca-Cola HBC AG

    (10,565     (214,194     59.1  

CRISPR Therapeutics AG

    (1,719     (85,297     23.5  

DKSH Holding AG

    (152     (13,052     3.6  

EMS-Chemie Holding AG

    (136     (121,329     33.5  

Fischer (Georg) Reg

    (18,740     (1,017,022     280.7  

Geberit AG

    (1,181     (673,493     185.9  

Givaudan SA

    (16     (63,592     17.6  

Helvetia Holding AG

    (3,010     (386,805     106.8  

Holcim Ltd.

    (6,562     (320,852     88.6  

Nestle SA

    (11,773     (1,519,825     419.5  

Novartis AG

    (3,265     (288,526     79.6  

On Holding AG, Class A

    (23,589     (589,017     162.6  

Partners Group Holding AG

    (323     (342,218     94.5  

PSP Swiss Property AG, Registered Shares

    (2,643     (333,102     92.0  

Roche Holding AG

    (715     (287,248     79.3  

Roche Holding AG Genusschein

    (2,318     (859,546     237.3  

Schindler Holding AG, Participation Certificates

    (3,349     (643,428     177.6  

Schindler Holding AG, Registered Shares

    (1,298     (249,183     68.8  


    (115     (295,495     81.6  

Swiss Re AG

    (1,042     (85,451     23.6  

Swisscom AG

    (2,990     (1,767,989     488.0  

Swissquote Group Holding SA

    (1,196     (194,384     53.7  






United Kingdom                  

3i Group PLC

    (50,216     (821,797     226.9  

Admiral Group PLC

    (2,673     (84,139     23.2  

Airtel Africa PLC

    (23,906     (43,742     12.1  

Amcor PLC

    (14,378     (170,523     47.1  

Avast PLC

    (125,062     (886,942     244.8  

Aviva PLC

    (61,628     (330,642     91.3  

B&M European Value Retail SA

    (163,198     (999,928     276.0  

Berkeley Group Holdings PLC

    (8,404     (426,221     117.7  


    (202,271     (976,523     269.6  

BT Group PLC

    (40,848     (90,584     25.0  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)                  

Bunzl PLC

    (6,868   $ (264,972     73.1

Burberry Group PLC

    (8,195     (161,732     44.6  

Clarivate PLC

    (25,534     (400,373     110.5  

ConvaTec Group PLC

    (13,289     (35,153     9.7  

Deliveroo PLC

    (493,602     (682,189     188.3  

Diageo PLC

    (8,148     (406,494     112.2  

Dr. Martens PLC

    (28,506     (74,532     20.6  

DS Smith PLC

    (30,790     (126,524     34.9  

Future PLC

    (565     (15,474     4.3  

Games Workshop Group PLC

    (4,658     (430,482     118.8  

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

    (59,989     (1,352,307     373.3  

Greggs PLC

    (11,482     (334,998     92.5  

Harbour Energy PLC

    (46,607     (292,273     80.7  

Howden Joinery Group PLC

    (76,466     (723,943     199.8  

HSBC Holdings PLC

    (186,476     (1,165,313     321.7  

Informa PLC

    (6,382     (45,273     12.5  

Intermediate Capital Group PLC

    (14,258     (272,848     75.3  

Land Securities Group PLC

    (89,389     (838,341     231.4  

London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    (6,066     (598,058     165.1  

LondonMetric Property PLC

    (909     (3,072     0.8  

Man Group PLC

    (7,200     (21,276     5.9  

Mondi PLC

    (21,995     (413,197     114.1  

National Grid PLC

    (81,253     (1,207,174     333.2  

Next PLC

    (4,842     (362,669     100.1  

nVent Electric PLC

    (10,558     (356,649     98.5  

Pennon Group PLC

    (12,630     (175,510     48.5  

Prudential PLC

    (43,594     (542,678     149.8  


    (6,362     (189,527     52.3  

Renishaw PLC

    (3,461     (182,904     50.5  

Rightmove PLC

    (5,579     (42,886     11.8  

Royal Mail PLC

    (9,137     (39,164     10.8  

Severn Trent PLC

    (6,479     (254,635     70.3  

Shell PLC

    (34,390     (923,230         254.9  

Smith & Nephew PLC

    (3,415     (55,352     15.3  

Standard Chartered PLC

    (88,426     (604,509     166.9  

Unilever PLC

    (6,468     (300,206     82.9  

Unilever PLC

    (19,307     (897,585     247.8  

Vodafone Group PLC

    (61,823     (93,597     25.8  

WH Smith PLC

    (7,551     (135,852     37.5  

Wise PLC, Class A

    (2,178     (10,673     2.9  


    (18,753     (233,754     64.5  






United States                  

10X Genomics, Inc., Class A

    (3,932     (187,792     51.8  

Abbott Laboratories

    (6,015     (682,703     188.5  

Acuity Brands, Inc.

    (6,343     (1,094,041     302.0  

Advance Auto Parts, Inc.

    (5,006     (999,348     275.9  

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.

    (4,943     (506,460     139.8  


    (3,841     (271,021     74.8  

Affiliated Managers Group, Inc.

    (131     (16,450     4.5  

Affirm Holdings, Inc.

    (4,015     (115,231     31.8  

AGCO Corp.

    (7,801     (993,847     274.3  

Agilon Health, Inc.

    (1,677     (29,800     8.2  

AGNC Investment Corp.

    (81,589     (895,847     247.3  

Air Lease Corp.

    (5,309     (213,847     59.0  

Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.

    (508     (118,908     32.8  

Akamai Technologies, Inc.

    (1,637     (183,802     50.7  

Albemarle Corp.

    (688     (132,667     36.6  

Albertsons Cos., Inc., Class A

    (9,387     (293,625     81.1  

Alight, Inc., Class A

    (52,551     (451,413     124.6  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (4,307   $ (574,683     158.6

Amazon.com, Inc.

    (36     (89,483     24.7  

Amedisys, Inc.

    (150     (19,148     5.3  


    (1,514     (810,717     223.8  

American Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (9,602     (951,654     262.7  

American Financial Group, Inc.

    (1,447     (200,381     55.3  

Americold Realty Trust

    (15,214     (401,345     110.8  

AmerisourceBergen Corp.

    (231     (34,948     9.6  

Amkor Technology, Inc.

    (13,080     (246,035     67.9  

Annaly Capital Management, Inc.

    (111,109     (713,320     196.9  

Antero Resources Corp.

    (11,374     (400,365     110.5  

Anthem, Inc.

    (368     (184,710     51.0  

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (3,476     (151,310     41.8  

Apollo Global Management, Inc.

    (7,411     (368,771     101.8  

Appian Corp.

    (3,123     (149,279     41.2  

AppLovin Corp., Class A

    (9,735     (371,390     102.5  

Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.

    (14,661     (1,313,039     362.5  

Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

    (6,324     (535,390     147.8  

Arrow Electronics, Inc.

    (2,977     (350,869     96.9  

Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (8,865     (364,440     100.6  

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

    (1,032     (173,882     48.0  

Asana, Inc., Class A

    (3,116     (83,509     23.1  

Ashland Global Holdings, Inc.

    (5,574     (585,103     161.5  

Assurant, Inc.

    (7,668         (1,394,656     385.0  

Atkore, Inc.

    (813     (78,129     21.6  

Automatic Data Processing, Inc.

    (325     (70,909     19.6  

AutoNation, Inc.

    (1,545     (179,081     49.4  

Avalara, Inc.

    (1,014     (77,135     21.3  

Avery Dennison Corp.

    (2,272     (410,323     113.3  

Avis Budget Group, Inc.

    (3,783     (1,012,596     279.5  

AZEK Co., Inc.

    (7,996     (169,835     46.9  

Bank OZK

    (8,160     (313,507     86.5  

Bath & Body Works, Inc.

    (16,824     (889,821         245.6  

Beam Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,499     (56,257     15.5  

Bentley Systems, Inc., Class B

    (4,628     (196,181     54.2  

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

    (1,136     (366,735     101.2  

Berry Global Group, Inc.

    (8,008     (451,251     124.6  

Bill.Com Holdings, Inc.

    (927     (158,248     43.7  

Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd.

    (1,359     (121,182     33.5  

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Class A

    (482     (246,813     68.1  

Bio-Techne Corp.

    (1,533     (582,065     160.7  

Black Knight, Inc.

    (5,248     (345,266     95.3  

Blue Owl Capital, Inc.

    (64,911     (774,388     213.8  

Boston Beer Co., Inc., Class A

    (807     (302,625     83.5  

Boyd Gaming Corp.

    (5,146     (311,745     86.1  

Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc.

    (3,144     (359,171     99.1  

Broadcom, Inc.

    (2,268     (1,257,357     347.1  

Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

    (2,659     (383,242     105.8  

Brown-Forman Corp., Class B

    (2,882     (194,362     53.7  

Brunswick Corp.

    (16,471     (1,245,372     343.8  

Bumble, Inc., Class A

    (8,787     (210,800     58.2  

Bunge Ltd.

    (8,899     (1,006,655     277.9  

Burlington Stores, Inc.

    (4,621     (940,651     259.7  

Cable One, Inc.

    (57     (66,473     18.3  

Cadence Bank

    (15,987     (400,315     110.5  

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

    (2,197     (331,417     91.5  

Caesars Entertainment, Inc.

    (8,256     (547,208     151.1  

Callaway Golf Co.

    (8,636     (189,474     52.3  

Campbell Soup Co.

    (19,227     (907,899     250.6  

Cargurus, Inc.

    (8,753     (286,048     79.0  

Carlisle Cos., Inc.

    (832     (215,788     59.6  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Carter’s, Inc.

    (1,842   $ (155,170     42.8

Casey’s General Stores, Inc.

    (863     (173,722     48.0  

Caterpillar, Inc.

    (1,283     (270,123     74.6  

Celanese Corp.

    (603     (88,605     24.5  

Celsius Holdings, Inc.

    (5,443     (283,036     78.1  

Centene Corp.

    (5,444     (438,514     121.0  

CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

    (8,867     (271,419     74.9  

Ceridian HCM Holding, Inc.

    (7,773     (436,299     120.4  

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

    (900     (87,147     24.1  

ChargePoint Holdings, Inc.

    (38,893     (503,275     138.9  

Chemours Co.

    (4,742     (156,818     43.3  

Chewy, Inc., Class A

    (3,198     (92,934     25.7  

Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

    (8,046     (784,968     216.7  

Churchill Downs, Inc.

    (4,521     (917,492     253.3  

Cintas Corp.

    (4,313     (1,713,382     473.0  

Civitas Resources, Inc.

    (35     (2,052     0.6  

Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.

    (4,032     (102,776     28.4  

Coherent, Inc.

    (4,619         (1,237,430     341.6  

Coinbase Global, Inc., Class A

    (1,846     (208,063     57.4  

Columbia Sportswear Co.

    (8,551     (702,550     193.9  

Comcast Corp., Class A

    (2,086     (82,939     22.9  

Commerce Bancshares, Inc.

    (165     (11,281     3.1  

Commercial Metals Co.

    (9,483     (388,803     107.3  

Conagra Brands, Inc.

    (25,883     (904,093     249.6  

Concentrix Corp.

    (484     (76,220     21.0  

Consolidated Edison, Inc.

    (5,229     (484,937     133.9  

Constellation Brands, Inc., Class A

    (702     (172,755     47.7  

Constellation Energy Corp.

    (15,860     (939,071         259.2  

Copart, Inc.

    (1,059     (120,355     33.2  

Corning, Inc.

    (15,135     (532,601     147.0  

Coterra Energy, Inc.

    (18,010     (518,508     143.1  

Coty, Inc., Class A

    (44,920     (364,301     100.6  

Cousins Properties, Inc.

    (14,938     (536,274     148.0  

Crane Co.

    (5,104     (491,158     135.6  

Crown Holdings, Inc.

    (5,221     (574,519     158.6  

Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc.

    (717     (94,852     26.2  

Curtiss-Wright Corp.

    (2,379     (339,983     93.9  

CVS Health Corp.

    (11,895     (1,143,466     315.7  

D.R. Horton, Inc.

    (10,248     (713,158     196.9  

Darden Restaurants, Inc.

    (4,642     (611,491     168.8  

Darling Ingredients, Inc.

    (466     (34,200     9.4  

Datadog, Inc., Class A

    (3,726     (450,026     124.2  

Deere & Co.

    (1,097     (414,172     114.3  

Dell Technologies, Inc., Class C

    (2,830     (133,038     36.7  

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

    (473     (20,353     5.6  

Devon Energy Corp.

    (2,108     (122,622     33.8  

Diamondback Energy, Inc.

    (1,172     (147,942     40.8  

DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc.

    (15,064     (593,974     164.0  

Dillard’s, Inc., Class A

    (1,326     (402,852     111.2  

Discover Financial Services

    (364     (40,935     11.3  

DISH Network Corp., Class A

    (31,699     (903,739     249.5  

Dollar General Corp.

    (8,975     (2,131,832     588.5  

Dollar Tree, Inc.

    (2,718     (441,539     121.9  

Douglas Emmett, Inc.

    (4,277     (126,000     34.8  

Dover Corp.

    (2,252     (300,192     82.9  

Dow, Inc.

    (22,930     (1,524,845     420.9  

Doximity, Inc., Class A

    (7,344     (292,805     80.8  

Dropbox, Inc., Class A

    (28,249     (614,416     169.6  

DTE Energy Co.

    (834     (109,287     30.2  

Duke Energy Corp.

    (10,165     (1,119,776     309.1  

Dun & Bradstreet Holdings, Inc.

    (101,527     (1,603,111     442.5  

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

    (3,410     (224,821     62.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Dynatrace, Inc.

    (4,876   $ (187,043     51.6

Eagle Materials, Inc.

    (4,455     (549,391     151.7  

Eastman Chemical Co.

    (4,103     (421,255     116.3  

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

    (334     (35,331     9.8  

Element Solutions, Inc.

    (6,102     (125,823     34.7  

EMCOR Group, Inc.

    (536     (57,073     15.8  

Encompass Health Corp.

    (16     (1,101     0.3  

Enovis Corp.

    (6,706     (435,018     120.1  

Entegris, Inc.

    (3,062     (341,076     94.2  

Envista Holdings Corp.

    (11,670     (462,365     127.6  

Essent Group Ltd.

    (5,354     (216,998     59.9  

Essex Property Trust, Inc.

    (1,336     (439,905     121.4  

Estee Lauder Cos., Inc., Class A

    (1,004     (265,116     73.2  

Eversource Energy

    (30,490         (2,664,826         735.6  

Exact Sciences Corp.

    (5,602     (308,390     85.1  

Exelon Corp.

    (38     (1,778     0.5  

Fastenal Co.

    (2,715     (150,167     41.5  

FedEx Corp.

    (551     (109,506     30.2  

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

    (3,412     (135,866     37.5  

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.

    (2,018     (200,085     55.2  

Fifth Third Bancorp

    (5,532     (207,616     57.3  

First Citizens BancShares, Inc., Class A

    (493     (315,214     87.0  

First Interstate Bancsystem, Inc., Class A

    (780     (25,366     7.0  

First Republic Bank

    (4,389     (654,927     180.8  

FirstEnergy Corp.

    (14,869     (643,976     177.8  

Fiserv, Inc.

    (7,435     (728,035     201.0  

Five9, Inc.

    (1,074     (118,247     32.6  

FleetCor Technologies, Inc.

    (2,531     (631,535     174.3  

Flex Ltd.

    (4,009     (66,108     18.2  

Flowserve Corp.

    (19,044     (622,929     172.0  

FMC Corp.

    (180     (23,857     6.6  

FNB Corp.

    (28,898     (332,905     91.9  

Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc.

    (3,029     (215,816     59.6  

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.

    (7,322     (296,907     82.0  

Freshpet, Inc.

    (5,157     (481,406     132.9  

Freshworks, Inc., Class A

    (5,903     (107,258     29.6  

Frontier Communications Parent, Inc.

    (5,490     (144,881     40.0  

Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc.

    (24,139     (1,071,289     295.7  

Generac Holdings, Inc.

    (700     (153,566     42.4  

General Mills, Inc.

    (22,052     (1,559,738     430.6  

General Motors Co.

    (1,948     (73,849     20.4  

Gentex Corp.

    (6,918     (203,043     56.0  

Genuine Parts Co.

    (3,880     (504,594     139.3  

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

    (1,946     (115,476     31.9  

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc.

    (51,997     (150,791     41.6  

Gitlab, Inc., Class A

    (1,178     (56,462     15.6  

GoDaddy, Inc., Class A

    (5,292     (427,647     118.0  

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

    (1,394     (425,853     117.6  

GoodRx Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (2,664     (36,097     10.0  

Graco, Inc.

    (1,592     (98,736     27.3  

GXO Logistics, Inc.

    (8,106     (479,794     132.4  

Hasbro, Inc.

    (11,807     (1,039,724     287.0  

HashiCorp, Inc., Class A

    (5,820     (274,006     75.6  

HCA Healthcare, Inc.

    (2,346     (503,334     138.9  

Herc Holdings, Inc.

    (134     (17,128     4.7  

Hershey Co.

    (4,387     (990,453     273.4  

Hess Corp.

    (1,333     (137,392     37.9  

HF Sinclair Corp.

    (3,518     (133,754     36.9  

Hilton Grand Vacations, Inc.

    (8,055     (377,216     104.1  

Hormel Foods Corp.

    (15,716     (823,361     227.3  

Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

    (9,207     (187,362     51.7  

Howmet Aerospace, Inc.

    (60,923     (2,078,693     573.8  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

HP, Inc.

    (5,704   $ (208,938     57.7

Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc.

    (21,297     (495,794     136.9  

IAA, Inc.

    (11,625     (426,056     117.6  


    (7,911     (655,664     181.0  

ICU Medical, Inc.

    (282     (60,345     16.7  

IDEX Corp.

    (1,195     (226,835     62.6  

Inari Medical, Inc.

    (5,686     (458,860     126.7  

Independence Realty Trust, Inc.

    (12,238     (333,608     92.1  

Ingersoll Rand, Inc.

    (4,190     (184,192     50.8  

Ingredion, Inc.

    (6,487     (552,109     152.4  

Innovative Industrial Properties, Inc.

    (5,040     (728,734     201.2  

Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.

    (609     (125,308     34.6  

Intel Corp.

    (5,957     (259,666     71.7  

International Business Machines Corp.

    (10,303     (1,362,160     376.0  

International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.

    (408     (49,490     13.7  

International Paper Co.

    (6,054     (280,179     77.3  

Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc.

    (671     (33,959     9.4  

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

    (1,921     (459,695         126.9  

Invesco Ltd.

    (4,841     (88,978     24.6  

J.M. Smucker Co.

    (8,241         (1,128,440     311.5  

Jabil, Inc.

    (1,689     (97,506     26.9  

Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.

    (2,589     (490,823     135.5  

Johnson & Johnson

    (2,149     (387,809     107.1  

Juniper Networks, Inc.

    (22,974     (724,141     199.9  

KBR, Inc.

    (3,574     (175,948     48.6  

Kilroy Realty Corp.

    (6,016     (421,120     116.2  

Kimberly-Clark Corp.

    (3,381     (469,384     129.6  

Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings, Inc.

    (5,145     (246,394     68.0  

Kraft Heinz Co.

    (499     (21,272     5.9  

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.

    (6,923     (457,610     126.3  

Lennar Corp., Class A

    (2,652     (202,852     56.0  

Liberty Broadband Corp., Class A

    (7,209     (776,121     214.2  

Liberty Broadband Corp., Class C

    (1,906     (213,129     58.8  

LKQ Corp.

    (22,539     (1,118,611     308.8  

Louisiana-Pacific Corp.

    (9,339     (602,552     166.3  

Lucid Group, Inc.

    (27,822     (503,022     138.9  

Luminar Technologies, Inc.

    (32,586     (403,089     111.3  

Lyft, Inc., Class A

    (13,040     (425,104     117.3  

LyondellBasell Industries NV, Class A

    (8,896     (943,243     260.4  

M&T Bank Corp.

    (358     (59,657     16.5  

Macy’s, Inc.

    (15,226     (368,012     101.6  

Madison Square Garden Sports Corp.

    (5,068     (821,574     226.8  

Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp., Class A

    (12,613     (293,126     80.9  

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

    (16,102     (1,405,061     387.9  

Maravai LifeSciences Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (6,780     (208,349     57.5  

Markel Corp.

    (222     (300,428     82.9  

Marqeta, Inc., Class A

    (48,118     (447,497     123.5  

Marriott International, Inc., Class A

    (1,773     (314,743     86.9  

Masco Corp.

    (3,322     (175,036     48.3  

MasTec, Inc.

    (146     (10,513     2.9  

Match Group, Inc.

    (3,245     (256,842     70.9  

Mattel, Inc.

    (3,943     (95,854     26.5  

Maximus, Inc.

    (9,722     (708,539     195.6  

McCormick & Co., Inc.

    (1,043     (104,895     29.0  

McDonald’s Corp.

    (1,324     (329,888     91.1  

MDU Resources Group, Inc.

    (39,286     (1,012,007     279.4  

Medpace Holdings, Inc.

    (2,317     (309,482     85.4  

MGM Resorts International

    (9,631     (395,256     109.1  

Middleby Corp.

    (2,637     (405,808     112.0  

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.

    (414     (25,581     7.1  

MKS Instruments, Inc.

    (714     (81,382     22.5  

Moderna, Inc.

    (714     (95,969     26.5  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Mohawk Industries, Inc.

    (9,596   $ (1,353,612     373.7

Molina Healthcare, Inc.

    (423     (132,589     36.6  

Mondelez International, Inc., Class A

    (44,037     (2,839,506     783.8  

Monster Beverage Corp.

    (7,168     (614,154     169.5  

Morgan Stanley

    (16,866     (1,359,231     375.2  

Motorola Solutions, Inc.

    (2,419     (516,916     142.7  

MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc., Class A

    (10,645     (882,045     243.5  

Murphy Oil Corp.

    (320     (12,186     3.4  

Nasdaq, Inc.

    (549     (86,396     23.8  

Natera, Inc.

    (2,596     (91,172     25.2  

National Fuel Gas Co.

    (11,048     (774,796     213.9  

National Retail Properties, Inc.

    (5,244     (229,897     63.5  

NCR Corp.

    (977     (34,224     9.4  

New Residential Investment Corp.

    (97,136     (1,010,214     278.9  

News Corp., Class A

    (17,596     (349,457     96.5  

NextEra Energy, Inc.

    (6,196     (440,040     121.5  

Northern Trust Corp.

    (122     (12,572     3.5  

Novavax, Inc.

    (914     (41,194     11.4  

Nucor Corp.

    (6,789         (1,050,801         290.1  

Olaplex Holdings, Inc.

    (28,984     (426,065     117.6  

Old Republic International Corp.

    (29,877     (657,593     181.5  

Olin Corp.

    (12,383     (710,784     196.2  

Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc.

    (13,657     (347,980     96.1  

ON Semiconductor Corp.

    (5,348     (278,684     76.9  

OneMain Holdings, Inc.

    (227     (10,426     2.9  

Onto Innovation, Inc.

    (1,266     (90,063     24.9  

Opendoor Technologies Inc.

    (52,369     (366,059     101.0  

Organon & Co.

    (13,165     (425,624     117.5  

Otis Worldwide Corp.

    (280     (20,395     5.6  

Packaging Corp. of America

    (7,494     (1,207,808     333.4  

Palantir Technologies, Inc., Class A

    (70,596     (734,198     202.7  

Parker-Hannifin Corp.

    (3,037     (822,480     227.0  

Paychex, Inc.

    (262     (33,203     9.2  

PDC Energy, Inc.

    (6,401     (446,406     123.2  

Peloton Interactive, Inc., Class A

    (3,002     (52,715     14.6  

PepsiCo, Inc.

    (10,928     (1,876,447     518.0  

PerkinElmer, Inc.

    (3,952     (579,403     159.9  

Petco Health & Wellness Co., Inc.

    (995     (19,164     5.3  

Phillips Edison & Co., Inc.

    (3,432     (116,208     32.1  

Pinnacle West Capital Corp.

    (8,740     (622,288     171.8  

Pinterest, Inc., Class A

    (5,772     (118,441     32.7  

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

    (4,931     (1,146,310     316.4  

Polaris, Inc.

    (443     (42,058     11.6  

Post Holdings, Inc.

    (7,039     (523,631     144.5  

Procore Technologies, Inc.

    (10,052     (557,584     153.9  

Procter & Gamble Co.

    (11,333     (1,819,513     502.3  

Progressive Corp.

    (108     (11,595     3.2  

Progyny, Inc.

    (3,480     (133,806     36.9  

Prologis, Inc.

    (2,187     (350,554     96.8  

Prosperity Bancshares, Inc.

    (7,663     (501,007     138.3  

Prudential Financial, Inc.

    (1,081     (117,299     32.4  

Pure Storage, Inc., Class A

    (3,725     (109,143     30.1  

Q2 Holdings, Inc.

    (3,959     (204,799     56.5  

Qualtrics International, Inc., Class A

    (17,840     (330,754     91.3  

QuantumScape Corp.

    (17,235     (257,491     71.1  

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.

    (5,501     (736,254     203.2  

R1 RCM, Inc.

    (21,369     (481,230     132.8  

Range Resources Corp.

    (2,375     (71,108     19.6  

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

    (4,595     (447,829     123.6  

Rayonier, Inc.

    (4,145     (179,064     49.4  

Red Rock Resorts, Inc., Class A

    (2,202     (96,800     26.7  

Regal Rexnord Corp.

    (123     (15,651     4.3  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Regions Financial Corp.

    (567   $ (11,748     3.2

Revolve Group, Inc.

    (797     (33,681     9.3  


    (1,378     (463,173     127.9  

Robinhood Markets, Inc., Class A

    (101,623     (996,414     275.1  

ROBLOX Corp., Class A

    (5,829     (178,659     49.3  

Rocket Lab USA, Inc.

    (81,432     (600,968     165.9  

Rockwell Automation, Inc.

    (2,790     (704,949     194.6  

Rollins, Inc.

    (19,185     (643,465     177.6  

Ross Stores, Inc.

    (14,013         (1,398,077         385.9  

RPM International, Inc.

    (7,700     (638,330     176.2  

Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc.

    (502     (46,927     13.0  

Saia, Inc.

    (816     (168,063     46.4  

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.

    (593     (42,886     11.8  

Scientific Games Corp., Class A

    (4,033     (226,090     62.4  

Seagate Technology Holdings PLC

    (9,335     (765,843     211.4  

SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc.

    (1,195     (80,591     22.2  

Sempra Energy

    (1,485     (239,620     66.1  

SentinelOne, Inc., Class A

    (9,004     (299,563     82.7  

Sherwin-Williams Co.

    (1,053     (289,533     79.9  

Shift4 Payments, Inc., Class A

    (14,013     (735,122     202.9  

Shockwave Medical, Inc.

    (1,200     (181,356     50.1  

Signature Bank

    (3,095     (749,764     207.0  

Silvergate Capital Corp., Class A

    (1,724     (201,639     55.7  

SiTime Corp.

    (2,334     (393,442     108.6  

Six Flags Entertainment Corp.

    (17,071     (653,307     180.3  

Skechers USA, Inc., Class A

    (9,082     (347,841     96.0  

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.

    (2,212     (250,620     69.2  

SLM Corp.

    (13,375     (223,764     61.8  

Smartsheet, Inc., Class A

    (3,287     (158,861     43.9  

Snowflake, Inc., Class A

    (92     (15,772     4.4  

SoFi Technologies, Inc.

    (49,223     (301,245     83.2  

Sonoco Products Co.

    (13,688     (847,424     233.9  

Sonos, Inc.

    (6,642     (151,570     41.8  

South State Corp.

    (1,835     (142,102     39.2  

Southwest Airlines Co.

    (5,106     (238,552     65.9  

Southwestern Energy Co.

    (92,476     (693,570     191.5  

Spirit Realty Capital, Inc.

    (15,074     (654,965     180.8  

Splunk, Inc.

    (2,164     (264,051     72.9  

Sprout Social, Inc., Class A

    (7,632     (467,689     129.1  

SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.

    (497     (32,136     8.9  

STAG Industrial, Inc.

    (168     (6,270     1.7  

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

    (2,154     (258,803     71.4  

Starbucks Corp.

    (6,955     (519,121     143.3  

Starwood Property Trust, Inc.

    (39,998     (915,154     252.6  

Steel Dynamics, Inc.

    (10,765     (923,099     254.8  

SVB Financial Group

    (730     (355,977     98.3  

Synaptics, Inc.

    (2,094     (310,833     85.8  


    (4,160     (416,374     114.9  

Synopsys, Inc.

    (1,818     (521,384     143.9  

Synovus Financial Corp.

    (5,005     (207,908     57.4  

T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.

    (607     (74,685     20.6  

Tapestry, Inc.

    (2,168     (71,371     19.7  

Target Corp.

    (4,829     (1,104,151     304.8  

Tempur Sealy International, Inc.

    (17,379     (471,145     130.1  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.

    (468     (33,935     9.4  

Terreno Realty Corp.

    (6,664     (484,806     133.8  

Texas Roadhouse, Inc.

    (2,446     (201,379     55.6  

Thor Industries, Inc.

    (5,776     (442,153     122.1  

T-Mobile US, Inc.

    (7,210     (887,839     245.1  

Toast, Inc., Class A

    (29,786     (554,913     153.2  

TopBuild Corp.

    (897     (162,483     44.9  

Toro Co.

    (8,556     (685,592     189.3  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Tractor Supply Co.

    (3,163   $ (637,186     175.9

Trade Desk, Inc., Class A

    (760     (44,779     12.4  

Tradeweb Markets, Inc., Class A

    (957     (68,129     18.8  


    (3,923     (343,341     94.8  

Trimble, Inc.

    (12,087     (806,203     222.5  

Trupanion, Inc.

    (3,171     (201,739     55.7  

Tyler Technologies, Inc.

    (65     (25,656     7.1  

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A

    (20,905     (1,947,510     537.6  

Uber Technologies, Inc.

    (23,335     (734,586     202.8  

UGI Corp.

    (2,660     (91,238     25.2  

UiPath, Inc., Class A

    (6,840     (121,957     33.7  

Umpqua Holdings Corp.

    (39,711     (656,820     181.3  

Under Armour, Inc., Class A

    (8,359     (128,394     35.4  

Unity Software, Inc.

    (9,236     (613,363     169.3  

Univar Solutions, Inc.

    (32,873     (957,262     264.2  

US Foods Holding Corp.

    (3,278     (123,318     34.0  

Vail Resorts, Inc.

    (293     (74,469     20.6  

Valley National Bancorp

    (45,517     (545,294     150.5  

Valmont Industries, Inc.

    (1,814     (451,341     124.6  

Ventas, Inc.

    (10,577     (587,552     162.2  

Verizon Communications, Inc.

    (10,056     (465,593     128.5  

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (1,311     (358,191     98.9  

Vertiv Holdings Co.

    (17,960     (225,039     62.1  

VICI Properties, Inc.

    (27,309     (814,081     224.7  

Victoria’s Secret & Co.

    (7,630     (359,526     99.2  

Virtu Financial, Inc., Class A

    (12,332     (356,148     98.3  

Vobile Group Ltd.

    (440,000     (222,503     61.4  

Vontier Corp.

    (8,619     (220,819     61.0  

Vornado Realty Trust

    (11,435     (442,649     122.2  

Vulcan Materials Co.

    (1,658     (285,657     78.9  

W.R. Berkley Corp.

    (3,926     (261,040     72.1  

Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

    (13,504     (572,570     158.1  

Walmart, Inc.

    (2,630     (402,364     111.1  

Warby Parker, Inc., Class A

    (29,953     (697,605     192.6  

Warner Bros Discovery, Inc.

    (30,689     (557,005     153.8  

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A

    (16,319     (485,817     134.1  

Waste Connections, Inc.

    (8,516     (1,174,953     324.3  

Waste Management, Inc.

    (6,697         (1,101,255         304.0  

Wayfair, Inc., Class A

    (594     (45,702     12.6  

Webster Financial Corp.

    (14,506     (725,155     200.2  

Welltower, Inc.

    (8,978     (815,292     225.1  

Wendy’s Co.

    (26,991     (533,342     147.2  

WESCO International, Inc.

    (4,639     (571,803     157.8  

Western Digital Corp.

    (7,134     (378,601     104.5  

Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp.

    (3,400     (305,694     84.4  

WeWork, Inc., Class A

    (18,428     (129,180     35.7  

Weyerhaeuser Co.

    (7,687     (316,858     87.5  

Williams Cos., Inc.

    (5,646     (193,601     53.4  

Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

    (1,599     (208,638     57.6  

WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp.

    (817     (28,677     7.9  

Wingstop, Inc.

    (2,043     (187,466     51.7  

Wolfspeed, Inc.

    (2,465     (226,065     62.4  

Woodward, Inc.

    (2,931     (323,817     89.4  

Workiva, Inc.

    (2,263     (218,402     60.3  

WP Carey, Inc.

    (3,221     (260,160     71.8  

Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

    (6,930     (609,563     168.3  

YETI Holdings, Inc.

    (3,175     (155,162     42.8  

Yum! Brands, Inc.

    (7,513     (879,096     242.7  

Zebra Technologies Corp., Class A

    (488     (180,394     49.8  

Zillow Group, Inc., Class A

    (10,782     (416,724     115.0  

Zillow Group, Inc., Class C

    (12,802     (509,776     140.7  

Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.

    (1,098     (132,584     36.6  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A

    (338   $ (16,021     4.4

Zurn Water Solutions Corp.

    (583     (18,201         5.0  










Total Reference Entity — Short






Net Value of Reference Entity — BNP Paribas SA


  $ (362,256  




The following table represents the individual long and short positions and related values of the equity securities underlying the total return swap with Goldman Sachs & Co. as of period end, termination dates February 27, 2023 and February 28, 2023:


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Reference Entity — Long

Common Stocks                  

Globant SA

    486     $ 104,971       (5.3 )% 

MercadoLibre, Inc.

    203       197,647       (9.9







AGL Energy Ltd.

    104,577           635,712       (31.8

AMP Ltd.

    195,832       158,218       (7.9

Aristocrat Leisure Ltd.

    15,974       370,634       (18.6

Aurizon Holdings Ltd.

    107,448       303,446       (15.2

BHP Group Ltd.

    5,794       194,171       (9.7

Boral Ltd.

    148,176       369,644       (18.5

carsales.com Ltd.

    8,770       129,472       (6.5

Challenger Ltd.

    25,773       130,400       (6.5

Charter Hall Group

    33,063       355,341       (17.8

CSR Ltd.

    35,462       151,869       (7.6

Deterra Royalties Ltd.

    36,802       124,674       (6.2

Domain Holdings Australia Ltd.

    12,250       29,833       (1.5

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd.

    2,693       141,170       (7.1

Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd.

    7,503       117,173       (5.9

Glencore PLC

    28,847       177,745       (8.9

Goodman Group

    18,877       314,187       (15.7

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd.

    30,878       109,989       (5.5

IDP Education Ltd.

    11,269       209,056       (10.5

IGO Ltd.

    23,939       217,662       (10.9

Iluka Resources Ltd.

    3,295       25,809       (1.3

Insignia Financial Ltd.

    234,028       562,566       (28.2

JB Hi-Fi Ltd.

    2,497       92,480       (4.6

Macquarie Group Ltd.

    1,713       246,609       (12.4

Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    12,642       143,019       (7.2

Metcash Ltd.

    131,926       442,872       (22.2

Mirvac Group

    110,740       187,161       (9.4

Nufarm Ltd.

    24,040       108,149       (5.4

Origin Energy Ltd.

    30,009       143,537       (7.2

Orora Ltd.

    73,054           204,722           (10.3

OZ Minerals Ltd.

    5,547       96,284       (4.8

Perpetual Ltd.

    7,359       169,181       (8.5

Pilbara Minerals Ltd.

    37,290       72,331       (3.6

Platinum Asset Management Ltd.

    125,662       164,431       (8.2

Pro Medicus Ltd.

    3,571       116,785       (5.8

QBE Insurance Group Ltd.

    59,481       513,159       (25.7

Qube Holdings Ltd.

    47,969       99,126       (5.0

REA Group Ltd.

    1,634       146,387       (7.3

Scentre Group

    22,326       46,516       (2.3
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Australia (continued)                  


    9,306     $ 182,355       (9.1 )% 

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

    13,701       353,845       (17.7

South32 Ltd.

    101,599       338,359       (17.0

Star Entertainment Grp Ltd.

    102,670       226,765       (11.4


    230,716       667,791       (33.5

Telstra Corp. Ltd.

    28,495       80,887       (4.1

Wesfarmers Ltd.

    9,323       322,604           (16.2

Westpac Banking Corp.

    19,868       332,590       (16.7

WiseTech Global Ltd.

    255       7,906       (0.4

Woodside Petroleum Ltd.

    904       19,667       (1.0








    1,500       63,766       (3.2

Erste Group Bank AG

    2,480       77,217       (3.9

Raiffeisen Bank International AG

    14,589       166,071       (8.3

voestalpine AG

    599       15,836       (0.8







Ackermans & van Haaren NV

    2,909       518,605       (26.0

Azelis Group NV

    6,787       167,153       (8.4

D’ieteren Group

    555       89,085       (4.5

Elia Group SA

    1,485       236,380       (11.8

Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA

    974       91,907       (4.6

KBC Group NV

    4,228       287,639       (14.4

Telenet Group Holding NV

    6,108       182,033       (9.1

Umicore SA

    7,920       304,472       (15.2

Warehouses De Pauw CVA

    7,096       272,984       (13.7







Hiscox Ltd.

    7,744       91,954       (4.6

RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.

    3,901       559,872       (28.1







Air Canada

    7,823       137,016       (6.9

Alamos Gold Inc., Class A

    6,851       53,223       (2.7

AltaGas Ltd.

    19,064       435,995       (21.8

ARC Resources Ltd.

    20,999       291,124       (14.6

Aritzia Inc.

    7,733       275,394       (13.8

Atco Ltd., Class I

    4,007       142,763       (7.2

B2Gold Corp.

    36,234       153,719       (7.7

BCE, Inc.

    2,455       130,523       (6.5

Brookfield Infrastructure Corp., Class A

    3,810       270,332       (13.5

CAE, Inc.

    9,397       223,468       (11.2

Canada Goose Holdings, Inc.

    12,312       268,032       (13.4

Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.

    4,875       356,598       (17.9

Canadian Utilities Ltd., Class A

    2,096       63,011       (3.2

Cargojet, Inc.

    868       101,411       (5.1

Cenovus Energy Inc.

    43,204       798,735       (40.0

CGI, Inc.

    7,524       599,976       (30.1

CI Financial Corp.

    2,813       36,678       (1.8

Crescent Point Energy Corp.

    91,317       632,640       (31.7

Descartes Systems Group Inc.

    4,104       254,901       (12.8

Enbridge, Inc.

    34,024       1,484,751       (74.4

Enerplus Corp.

    13,070       160,138       (8.0

Equinox Gold Corp.

    1,983       14,139       (0.7

First Capital Real Estate Investment Trust

    19,736       263,014       (13.2

FirstService Corp.

    3,335       415,833       (20.8

Franco-Nevada Corp.

    4,368       660,581       (33.1

George Weston Ltd.

    822       102,263       (5.1



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Canada (continued)                  

GFL Environmental, Inc.

    6,855     $ 206,506       (10.3 )% 

Hydro One Ltd.

    7,936       214,547       (10.8

IGM Financial, Inc.

    6,499       205,950       (10.3

Imperial Oil Ltd.

    2,831       142,536       (7.1

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

    38,365       513,664       (25.7

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., Class A

    27,580       221,129       (11.1

Keyera Corp.

    16,661       413,331       (20.7

Kinaxis, Inc.

    3,686       407,895       (20.4

Lululemon Athletica, Inc.

    1,567       555,705       (27.8

Lundin Mining Corp.

    3,069       28,023       (1.4

NexGen Energy Ltd.

    47,856       235,806           (11.8

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd.

    3,577       44,022       (2.2

Pan American Silver Corp.

    260       6,446       (0.3

Parex Resources, Inc.

    7,633       148,780       (7.5

Pembina Pipeline Corp.

    13,149       497,546       (24.9

Ritchie Bros Auctioneers, Inc.

    740       40,760       (2.0

Shopify, Inc., Class A

    31       13,261       (0.7

SSR Mining, Inc.

    12,579       276,715       (13.9

Stantec, Inc.

    780       35,805       (1.8

Summit Industrial Income REIT

    6,910       109,407       (5.5

TC Energy Corp.

    1,604       84,842       (4.3

Teck Resources Ltd., Class B

    17,635       695,708       (34.9


    22,259       556,887       (27.9

TFI International, Inc.

    4,097       329,571       (16.5

TMX Group Ltd.

    851       86,640       (4.3

Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd.

    191       5,211       (0.3

Vermilion Energy Inc.

    6,708       130,698       (6.6

Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.

    36,012           1,614,114       (80.9

Whitecap Resources, Inc.

    2,625       21,517       (1.1

WSP Global, Inc.

    4,234       493,783       (24.7

Yamana Gold, Inc.

    61,126       337,355       (16.9







Budweiser Brewing Co. APAC Ltd.

    229,900       572,036       (28.6

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd.

    46,000       77,129       (3.9







Demant A/S

    6,122       269,022       (13.5

Genmab A/S

    219       77,010       (3.9

GN Store Nord A/S

    389       14,599       (0.7

H Lundbeck A/S

    3,009       68,961       (3.4


    8,885       145,839       (7.3

Jyske Bank A/S

    8,977       496,375       (24.9

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

    5,262       601,059       (30.1

SimCorp A/S

    2,027       141,903       (7.1

Tryg A/S

    6,302       149,843       (7.5







Kesko OYJ, B Shares

    18,609       468,508       (23.5

Metso Outotec OYJ

    19,668       167,472       (8.4

Nokia OYJ

    125,426       635,919       (31.9

Nokian Renkaat OYJ

    18,639       250,295       (12.5

Outokumpu OYJ

    60,579       297,398       (14.9

Valmet OYJ

    592       15,854       (0.8

Wartsila OYJ Abp

    23,388       187,802       (9.4







Accor SA

    9,462       310,861       (15.6
Security   Shares     Value     % of
France (continued)                  

Aeroports de Paris

    1,047     $ 148,098       (7.4 )% 

Air France-KLM

    66,319       273,185       (13.7

Air Liquide SA

    228       39,446       (2.0


    85,338       1,160,425       (58.1

Amundi SA

    9,177       551,813       (27.6

Arkema SA

    2,882       328,387       (16.5

Atos SE

    20,291       494,320       (24.8


    22,287       589,603       (29.5

Capgemini SE

    982       199,915       (10.0

Carrefour SA

    4,787       101,521       (5.1

Cie Plastic Omnium SA

    8,127       131,558       (6.6


    938       66,802       (3.3

Dassault Systemes SE

    1,157       51,168       (2.6


    2,610       131,080       (6.6

Eiffage SA

    447       44,534       (2.2

Engie SA

    89,326           1,054,089       (52.8

Eurazeo SE

    6,772       520,354       (26.1

Gecina SA

    3,078       346,731       (17.4

Hermes International

    956       1,178,802       (59.1


    6,890       411,373       (20.6

Kering SA

    1,698       903,459       (45.3

Klepierre SA

    7,115       170,302       (8.5

La Francaise des Jeux SAEM

    1,475       55,411       (2.8

Legrand SA

    7,126       631,464       (31.6

LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE

    1,303       843,217       (42.2

Orange SA

    28,690       341,566       (17.1

Publicis Groupe SA

    2,240       134,482       (6.7

Remy Cointreau SA

    5,433       1,077,004       (54.0

Rubis SCA

    26,937       716,457       (35.9

Safran SA

    271       29,498       (1.5

Societe Generale SA

    12,760       306,674       (15.4


    1,894       679,778       (34.1

Thales SA

    13,099       1,676,998       (84.0

TotalEnergies SE

    14,846       728,983       (36.5

Ubisoft Entertainment SA

    1,774       80,208       (4.0


    21,094       383,512       (19.2

Vinci SA

    18,317       1,777,369       (89.1

Wendel SE

    5,165       514,611           (25.8







1&1 AG

    5,007       105,514       (5.3

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    7,094       579,337       (29.0

Beiersdorf AG

    2,596       260,743       (13.1

Commerzbank AG

    22,644       147,827       (7.4

Covestro AG

    5,886       253,425       (12.7

CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA

    2,834       194,515       (9.7

Daimler AG

    7,005       488,957       (24.5


    19,956       207,681       (10.4

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide

    1,797       96,030       (4.8

Freenet AG

    17,636       487,957       (24.5

GEA Group AG

    6,371       248,000       (12.4

Hannover Rueck SE

    2,160       335,730       (16.8

HeidelbergCement AG

    5,317       306,299       (15.4

Hochtief AG

    11,055       669,031       (33.5


    1,158       64,944       (3.3

Infineon Technologies AG

    5,669       160,904       (8.1


    1,747       67,532       (3.4

LEG Immobilien SE

    646       66,235       (3.3

Merck KGaA

    447       82,931       (4.2




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Germany (continued)                  

Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Muenchen

    1,349     $ 321,252           (16.1 )% 

Nemetschek SE

    3,363       266,869       (13.4

Nordex SE

    10,271       148,232       (7.4

ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE

    1,565       18,006       (0.9

Rational AG

    384       234,257       (11.7

Rwe AG

    14,443       599,665       (30.1

Scout24 AG

    4,324       273,486       (13.7

Siemens AG

    1,379       169,555       (8.5

TAG Immobilien AG

    10,574       211,326       (10.6

Talanx AG

    7,556       314,176       (15.7

thyssenkrupp AG

    13,415       104,443       (5.2

Traton SE

    2,734       45,563       (2.3


    29,671       84,592       (4.2






Hong Kong                  

AIA Group Ltd.

    103,600       1,017,741       (51.0

ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.

    17,500       176,361       (8.8

Bank of East Asia Ltd.

    147,600       218,406       (10.9

Cafe de Coral Holdings Ltd.

    60,000       94,199       (4.7

Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.

    285,000       284,751       (14.3

Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd.

    216,000       181,523       (9.1

Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd.

    50,100       135,312       (6.8

First Pacific Co. Ltd/Hong Kong

    310,000       124,994       (6.3

Haitong International Securities Group Ltd.

    49,000       7,757       (0.4

Hang Lung Group Ltd.

    7,000       13,667       (0.7

Hang Lung Properties Ltd.

    58,000       110,929       (5.6

HK Electric Investments & HK Electric Investments Ltd., Class SS

    196,000       193,577       (9.7

Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Ltd.

    128,000       21,369       (1.1

Hysan Development Co. Ltd.

    6,000       17,701       (0.9


    61,800       533,815       (26.7

Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd., ADR

    43,411       248,311       (12.4

Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd.

    98,000       44,963       (2.3

Shangri-La Asia Ltd.

    18,000       13,629       (0.7

Shun Tak Holdings Ltd.

    286,000       57,938       (2.9

SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd.

    72,000       239,362       (12.0

SJM Holdings Ltd.

    288,000       120,978       (6.1

Swire Pacific Ltd., Class A

    56,500       321,819       (16.1

Swire Properties Ltd.

    112,800       270,332       (13.5

United Energy Group Ltd.

    2,804,000       329,757       (16.5

WH Group Ltd.

    75,000       51,795       (2.6

Wharf Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd.

    37,000       174,365       (8.7

Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd.

    95,000       210,217       (10.5

Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd.

    176,500       259,611       (13.0







Accenture PLC, Class A

    166       49,860       (2.5

Adient PLC

    17,732       605,370       (30.3

Alkermes PLC

    12,103       349,171       (17.5

Aptiv PLC

    4,485       477,204       (23.9

Experian PLC

    20,381       703,845       (35.3

Glanbia PLC

    13,997       168,039       (8.4

Icon PLC

    1,177       266,249       (13.3

James Hardie Industries PLC

    1,446       41,686       (2.1

Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC

    1,712       274,297       (13.7

Kerry Group PLC, Class A

    9,648       1,068,707       (53.6
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Ireland (continued)                  

Kingspan Group PLC

    3,680     $ 342,560           (17.2 )% 

Medtronic PLC

    4,634       483,604       (24.2

Trane Technologies PLC

    4,238       592,854       (29.7







Airport City Ltd.

    2,114       47,063       (2.4

Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd.

    3,396       55,580       (2.8

Amot Investments Ltd.

    26,459       200,845       (10.1

Bank Hapoalim BM

    29,182       270,552       (13.6

Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM

    40,146       421,322       (21.1

Bayside Land Corp.

    7,600       83,648       (4.2

Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp. Ltd.

    559,577       887,090       (44.4

Big Shopping Centers Ltd.

    462       69,817       (3.5

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.

    3,123       394,404       (19.8

CyberArk Software Ltd.

    386       60,656       (3.0

Elbit Systems Ltd.

    333       72,284       (3.6

Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd.

    53,456       114,687       (5.7

Fattal Holdings 1998 Ltd.

    211       30,433       (1.5

Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd.

    5,946       72,880       (3.7

Israel Corp. Ltd.

    225       126,420       (6.3

Israel Discount Bank Ltd., Class A

    181,753       1,073,513       (53.8

Melisron Ltd.

    1,532       124,271       (6.2

Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd.

    8,280       306,274       (15.3

Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd.

    3,165       312,101       (15.6

OPC Energy Ltd.

    9,861       108,465       (5.4

Phoenix Holdings Ltd.

    16,939       213,100       (10.7

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.

    452       113,185       (5.7

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR

    70,238       611,773       (30.7








    92,941       158,795       (8.0

Amplifon SpA

    1,258       50,188       (2.5

Assicurazioni Generali SpA

    20,983       397,273       (19.9

Atlantia SpA

    22,707       541,688       (27.1

Azimut Holding SpA

    6,053       128,480       (6.4

Banca Generali SpA

    3,729       123,285       (6.2

Banca Mediolanum SpA

    30,582       222,005       (11.1

BPER Banca

    504,084       842,121       (42.2

Buzzi Unicem SpA

    6,119       113,316       (5.7

Davide Campari-Milano NV

    71,219       803,577       (40.3

De’ Longhi SpA

    1,059       25,680       (1.3

Enel SpA

    221,521       1,440,527       (72.2

Hera SpA

    66,151       246,716       (12.4

Interpump Group SpA

    2,918       117,974       (5.9

Italgas SpA

    19,781       128,075       (6.4

Leonardo SpA

    2,025       20,840       (1.0

Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA

    28,776       288,417       (14.5

Moncler SpA

    3,251       169,357       (8.5


    181,700       1,130,562       (56.6

Reply SpA

    4,107       604,621       (30.3

UnipolSai Assicurazioni SpA

    48,937       137,652       (6.9







ABC-Mart, Inc.

    2,000       82,940       (4.2

Acom Co. Ltd.

    65,500       168,448       (8.4

Activia Properties, Inc.

    56       178,949       (9.0

Advantest Corp.

    9,300       634,707       (31.8



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Japan (continued)                  

AEON Financial Service Co. Ltd.

    15,200     $ 139,740       (7.0 )% 

Aica Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    1,700       39,352       (2.0

Ajinomoto Co., Inc.

    4,300       111,721       (5.6

Alfresa Holdings Corp.

    18,900       257,015       (12.9

Amada Co. Ltd.

    70,900       550,536       (27.6

Amano Corp.

    3,800       73,154       (3.7

Anritsu Corp.

    25,800       324,422           (16.3

Aozora Bank Ltd.

    9,000       180,185       (9.0

As One Corp.

    1,000       53,093       (2.7

Asahi Group Holdings Ltd.

    28,800           1,085,553       (54.4

Astellas Pharma, Inc.

    14,400       219,250       (11.0

Azbil Corp.

    4,100       124,485       (6.2

Bandai Namco Holdings, Inc.

    1,100       74,473       (3.7

Benesse Holdings, Inc.

    21,900       383,182       (19.2

Calbee, Inc.

    35,200       630,516       (31.6

Capcom Co. Ltd.

    6,300       166,239       (8.3

Casio Computer Co. Ltd.

    12,100       125,475       (6.3

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.

    8,700       87,827       (4.4

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    5,200       155,819       (7.8

Chugoku Bank Ltd.

    10,000       73,536       (3.7

Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    32,400       213,403       (10.7

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings, Inc.

    34,600       387,882       (19.4

COMSYS Holdings Corp.

    37,400       776,506       (38.9

Cosmo Energy Holdings Co. Ltd.

    5,500       136,644       (6.8

Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp.

    2,500       230,469       (11.5

Daifuku Co. Ltd.

    5,600       344,336       (17.2

Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd.

    12,700       319,772       (16.0

Daikin Industries Ltd.

    1,300       198,663       (9.9

Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd.

    600       57,787       (2.9

Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd.

    8,900       213,958       (10.7

Dentsu Group, Inc.

    16,100       580,271       (29.1

DMG Mori Co. Ltd.

    53,700       673,955       (33.8

Ebara Corp.

    7,600       349,048       (17.5

Eisai Co. Ltd.

    5,000       217,755       (10.9

Electric Power Development Co. Ltd.

    2,300       31,516       (1.6

FP Corp.

    11,000       248,790       (12.5

FUJIFILM Holdings Corp.

    8,100       445,267       (22.3

Fujitsu Ltd.

    500       75,575       (3.8

Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.

    12,700       206,236       (10.3

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

    2,800       234,920       (11.8

H.U. Group Holdings, Inc.

    14,600       325,324       (16.3

Hamamatsu Photonics KK

    1,700       76,063       (3.8

Hirose Electric Co. Ltd.

    1,000       126,874       (6.4

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc.

    13,400       367,116       (18.4

Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd.

    15,300       346,413       (17.4

Honda Motor Co. Ltd.

    10,600       278,818       (14.0

Hoshizaki Corp.

    2,000       126,685       (6.3

Hulic Co. Ltd.

    26,000       219,528       (11.0

IHI Corp.

    4,700       106,571       (5.3

Information Services International-Dentsu Ltd.

    3,700       106,257       (5.3

Internet Initiative Japan, Inc.

    3,200       99,876       (5.0


    800       24,145       (1.2

Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp.

    7,800       182,643       (9.1

Izumi Co. Ltd.

    2,700       58,681       (2.9

J Front Retailing Co. Ltd.

    10,800       80,931       (4.1

Japan Post Bank Co. Ltd.

    46,700       352,318       (17.6

Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp.

    81       245,734       (12.3

Japan Tobacco, Inc.

    107,000       1,820,261       (91.2

JGC Holdings Corp.

    16,900       191,244       (9.6

Kakaku.com, Inc.

    5,200       108,897       (5.5

Kamigumi Co. Ltd.

    23,600       400,702       (20.1

Kandenko Co. Ltd.

    18,500       117,320       (5.9
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Japan (continued)                  

Kansai Paint Co. Ltd.

    20,500     $ 282,324           (14.1 )% 

Kao Corp.

    10,300       412,808       (20.7

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd.

    3,500       182,987       (9.2

Keisei Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    5,300       129,953       (6.5

Kewpie Corp.

    12,000       202,101       (10.1

Keyence Corp.

    1,100       442,205       (22.2

Kikkoman Corp.

    1,200       67,441       (3.4

Kintetsu Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    11,000       315,384       (15.8

Kobe Bussan Co. Ltd.

    3,000       73,138       (3.7

Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    7,300       267,870       (13.4

Kokuyo Co. Ltd.

    23,400       304,766       (15.3

Konami Holdings Corp.

    800       49,195       (2.5

Konica Minolta, Inc.

    20,100       69,954       (3.5

Kuraray Co. Ltd.

    131,300           1,050,103       (52.6

Kusuri no Aoki Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,300       190,508       (9.5

Kyocera Corp.

    7,800       409,554       (20.5

Kyowa Exeo Corp.

    8,200       136,512       (6.8

Kyowa Kirin Co. Ltd.

    10,700       225,521       (11.3

Kyudenko Corp.

    10,700       242,653       (12.2

Lawson, Inc.

    38,300       1,408,681       (70.6

Lion Corp.

    14,700       151,460       (7.6

Lixil Corp.

    14,600       256,789       (12.9

Mani Inc.

    21,600       246,672       (12.4

Marubeni Corp.

    6,400       69,860       (3.5

Maruwa Unyu Kikan Co. Ltd.

    10,900       127,258       (6.4

MISUMI Group, Inc.

    300       7,522       (0.4

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp.

    94,800       578,056       (29.0

Mitsubishi Corp.

    3,900       130,945       (6.6

Mitsubishi HC Capital, Inc.

    60,900       274,018       (13.7

Mitsubishi Logistics Corp.

    12,500       288,094       (14.4

Mitsubishi Materials Corp.

    1,200       18,772       (0.9

Mitsui & Co. Ltd.

    1,900       46,010       (2.3

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

    5,900       134,803       (6.8

Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd.

    1,900       40,268       (2.0

Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd.

    2,700       68,271       (3.4

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

    900       10,928       (0.5

MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc.

    38,300       1,140,086       (57.1

Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    6,400       381,488       (19.1

Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd.

    8,800       141,338       (7.1

Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    15,000       267,792       (13.4

NEC Corp.

    15,500       601,336       (30.1

NET One Systems Co. Ltd.

    6,700       159,881       (8.0

Nichirei Corp.

    12,200       223,998       (11.2

Nihon Kohden Corp.

    17,800       427,309       (21.4

Nihon M&A Center Holdings, Inc.

    7,400       91,122       (4.6

Nikon Corp.

    36,700       412,391       (20.7

Nippon Express Holdings, Inc.

    3,300       193,481       (9.7

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.

    7,800       229,861       (11.5

Nippon Television Holdings, Inc.

    121,200       1,163,303       (58.3

Nippon Yusen KK

    1,400       101,002       (5.1

Nipro Corp.

    16,800       132,378       (6.6

Nissan Chemical Corp.

    3,100       163,750       (8.2

Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.

    82,900       331,894       (16.6

Nissin Foods Holdings Co. Ltd.

    6,400       445,200       (22.3

Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd.

    900       92,591       (4.6

Nitto Denko Corp.

    5,400       362,453       (18.2

NOK Corp.

    22,900       194,839       (9.8

Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc.

    11,600       282,643       (14.2

Nomura Research Institute Ltd.

    4,400       124,416       (6.2

NSK Ltd.

    41,000       226,883       (11.4

NTT Data Corp.

    6,600       121,690       (6.1

Obayashi Corp.

    106,700       733,791       (36.8




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Japan (continued)                  

OBIC Business Consultants Co. Ltd.

    2,500     $ 89,855       (4.5 )% 

Obic Co. Ltd.

    1,100       162,513       (8.1

Omron Corp.

    21,600           1,273,408           (63.8

Otsuka Corp.

    2,600       85,207       (4.3

Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,600       154,571       (7.7


    2,200       80,186       (4.0

Panasonic Corp.

    4,700       41,892       (2.1

Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd.

    27,300       133,578       (6.7

PeptiDream, Inc.

    8,000       129,031       (6.5

Pigeon Corp.

    4,700       80,159       (4.0

Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc.

    7,200       83,010       (4.2

Relo Group, Inc.

    5,300       75,708       (3.8

Resorttrust, Inc.

    12,100       203,565       (10.2

Ricoh Co. Ltd.

    37,000       270,171       (13.5

Rinnai Corp.

    4,600       294,029       (14.7

Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd.

    7,200       64,707       (3.2

Sankyu Inc.

    12,400       378,064       (18.9

Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    37,200       302,610       (15.2

Sapporo Holdings Ltd.

    28,100       584,876       (29.3

Sawai Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,600       120,761       (6.0

SBI Holdings, Inc.

    35,900       802,979       (40.2

SCSK Corp.

    9,200       146,264       (7.3

Sega Sammy Holdings, Inc.

    1,100       19,492       (1.0

Seiko Epson Corp.

    48,500       683,245       (34.2

Seino Holdings Co Ltd.

    20,500       167,464       (8.4

Sekisui House Ltd.

    20,700       359,516       (18.0

Sekisui House REIT, Inc.

    272       159,161       (8.0

SG Holdings Co. Ltd.

    25,000       440,567       (22.1

Shimadzu Corp.

    6,200       202,691       (10.2

Shimizu Corp.

    71,400       374,396       (18.8

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd.

    4,100       563,481       (28.2

Shionogi & Co. Ltd.

    4,000       222,504       (11.1

Skylark Co. Ltd.

    41,100       487,680       (24.4

SMS Co. Ltd.

    1,000       23,469       (1.2

Softbank Corp.

    7,500       87,284       (4.4

SoftBank Group Corp.

    4,100       168,634       (8.4

Sony Group Corp.

    6,500       560,957       (28.1

Sotetsu Holdings Inc.

    7,900       135,430       (6.8

Square Enix Holdings Co. Ltd.

    2,300       91,829       (4.6

Subaru Corp.

    15,200       230,655       (11.6

Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.

    293,900       1,249,723       (62.6

Sumitomo Corp.

    4,500       71,206       (3.6

Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Ltd.

    4,500       40,084       (2.0

Sumitomo Forestry Co. Ltd.

    5,600       85,673       (4.3

Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.

    3,100       65,600       (3.3

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.

    13,800       416,952       (20.9

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc.

    1,700       52,764       (2.6

Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd.

    10,900       94,479       (4.7

Sundrug Co. Ltd.

    13,100       304,995       (15.3

Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd.

    37,700       1,485,418       (74.4

Suzuki Motor Corp.

    11,300       340,640       (17.1

Taiheiyo Cement Corp.

    20,300       328,445       (16.5

Taisei Corp.

    38,400       1,040,179       (52.1

Takara Bio Inc.

    8,500       136,713       (6.8

Takashimaya Co. Ltd.

    11,500       104,894       (5.3

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    9,200       266,952       (13.4

TBS Holdings, Inc.

    1,200       15,747       (0.8

Teijin Ltd.

    11,700       125,029       (6.3

Terumo Corp.

    12,000       357,182       (17.9

TIS, Inc.

    7,900       177,429       (8.9
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Japan (continued)                  

Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    13,700     $ 76,207       (3.8 )% 

Tokyo Electron Ltd.

    1,100       464,141           (23.3

Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd.

    22,900       438,637       (22.0

Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    3,400       184,743       (9.3

Toray Industries, Inc.

    35,000       165,875       (8.3

Tosoh Corp.

    15,500       214,032       (10.7


    900       30,329       (1.5

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd.

    17,100       184,960       (9.3

Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd.

    10,100       311,851       (15.6

Toyota Tsusho Corp.

    6,100       219,156       (11.0

Trend Micro, Inc.

    21,300       1,187,622       (59.5

Tsumura & Co.

    3,300       81,196       (4.1

Tsuruha Holdings, Inc.

    6,100       311,759       (15.6

Unicharm Corp.

    19,700       685,402       (34.3

Ushio, Inc.

    2,600       33,711       (1.7

Welcia Holdings Co. Ltd.

    1,900       38,948       (1.9

Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd.

    2,200       113,917       (5.7

Yamada Holdings Co. Ltd.

    139,400       416,260       (20.9

Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc.

    19,400       106,373       (5.3

Yamaha Corp.

    16,500       630,415       (31.6

Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd.

    1,700       35,098       (1.8

Yaoko Co. Ltd.

    6,900       365,028       (18.3

Yaskawa Electric Corp.

    1,600       54,329       (2.7

Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd.

    19,400       259,739       (13.0

Z Holdings Corp.

    58,000       227,699       (11.4

Zensho Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,400       103,762       (5.2

ZOZO, Inc.

    4,300       90,031       (4.5







Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC

    30,649       719,958       (36.1







Aroundtown SA

    29,714       149,418       (7.5

Majorel Group Luxembourg SA

    24,918       787,303       (39.4

RTL Group SA

    6,143       319,420       (16.0







Wynn Macau Ltd.

    59,600       36,608       (1.8







Fresnillo PLC

    755       7,305       (0.4








    29,333       364,643       (18.3

ASR Nederland NV

    3,586       162,979       (8.2


    1,615       22,866       (1.1

Heineken Holding NV

    76       5,933       (0.3

Heineken NV

    4,952       483,369       (24.2


    3,294       524,479       (26.3

ING Groep NV

    29,472       279,224       (14.0

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV

    4,137       122,025       (6.1

Koninklijke Vopak NV

    14,145       380,355       (19.1


    7,497       284,080       (14.2


    81,752       267,882       (13.4

Randstad NV

    15,614       825,655       (41.4

Wolters Kluwer NV

    15,728       1,588,257       (79.6






New Zealand                  

a2 Milk Co. Ltd.

    35,861       111,389       (5.6

Air New Zealand Ltd.

    85,618       48,591       (2.4



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



New Zealand (continued)                  

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp. Ltd.

    8,596     $ 118,127       (5.9 )% 

Infratil Ltd.

    62,942       340,620           (17.1

Xero Ltd.

    1,704       112,365       (5.6







Adevinta ASA

    2,819       21,778       (1.1


    12,883       461,583       (23.1


    8,452       163,777       (8.2

Equinor ASA

    12,043       407,048       (20.4

Nordic Semiconductor ASA

    8,042       159,885       (8.0

Schibsted ASA, Class A

    13,626       283,951       (14.2

Telenor ASA

    81,129       1,144,200       (57.4







EDP - Energias de Portugal SA

    83,892       390,992       (19.6

Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA

    6,175       128,543       (6.4







ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd.

    139,000       146,832       (7.3

Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd.

    8,600       179,245       (9.0

NetLink NBN Trust

    297,600       215,192       (10.8

Olam Group Ltd.

    14,500       17,719       (0.9


    60,900       198,843       (10.0

SIA Engineering Co. Ltd.

    66,800       128,290       (6.4

Singapore Post Ltd.

    815,400       418,729       (21.0

StarHub Ltd.

    83,100       75,374       (3.8

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

    8,400       179,812       (9.0

Wing Tai Holdings Ltd.

    8,000       10,041       (0.5







Acciona SA

    2,819       551,812       (27.7

Banco Santander SA

    35,387       103,413       (5.2

Cellnex Telecom SA

    3,112       145,051       (7.3

Grifols SA

    382       6,398       (0.3

Iberdrola SA

    4,058       46,630       (2.3

Industria de Diseno Textil SA

    19,464       408,107       (20.4

Inmobiliaria Colonial Socimi SA

    31,308       260,338       (13.0

Merlin Properties Socimi SA

    26,424       287,061       (14.4

Naturgy Energy Group SA

    2,234       67,204       (3.4

Solaria Energia y Medio Ambiente SA

    4,840       107,403       (5.4







Alfa Laval AB

    8,978       249,914       (12.5

Autoliv, Inc.

    1,706       125,698       (6.3

Boliden AB

    6,239       270,530       (13.6

Castellum AB

    662       13,110       (0.7

Elekta AB, B Shares

    31,607       212,882       (10.7

Epiroc AB, Class A

    9,259       187,708       (9.4

Epiroc AB, Class B

    8,856       154,500       (7.7


    3,832       108,453       (5.4

Essity AB, Class B

    10,443       275,392       (13.8

Evolution AB

    1,894       194,321       (9.7

Hexagon AB, B Shares

    7,280       93,933       (4.7

Holmen AB, B Shares

    4,034       233,160       (11.7

Industrivarden AB, C Shares

    3,433       86,441       (4.3

Indutrade AB

    27,363       645,434       (32.3

Investment AB Latour, B Shares

    7,717       204,443       (10.3

Lifco AB, B Shares

    5,165       108,339       (5.4
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Sweden (continued)                  

Lundin Energy AB

    11,476     $ 474,485           (23.8 )% 

Nibe Industrier AB, B Shares

    2,689       26,364       (1.3

Saab AB, Class B

    24,796       1,048,844       (52.6

Sagax AB, Class B

    4,207       107,465       (5.4

Spotify Technology SA

    3,532       359,028       (18.0

SSAB AB, A Shares

    29,339       186,335       (9.3

Svenska Handelsbanken AB, A Shares

    119,473       1,205,043       (60.4

Swedish Match AB

    64,710       515,401       (25.8

Tele2 AB, B Shares

    23,655       313,530       (15.7







Adecco Group AG

    5,047       194,763       (9.8

Barry Callebaut AG

    28       64,443       (3.2

Belimo Holding AG

    85       42,009       (2.1

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG, Registered Shares

    3       355,898       (17.8

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG, Participation Certificates

    63       706,544       (35.4

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Class A

    5,240       608,839       (30.5

Credit Suisse Group AG

    17,213       116,830       (5.9

Dufry AG

    2,932       116,700       (5.9

Flughafen Zurich AG

    1,109       187,530       (9.4

Idorsia Ltd.

    16,849       287,585       (14.4

Julius Baer Group Ltd.

    6,344       303,166       (15.2

Logitech International SA

    1,618       105,297       (5.3

Lonza Group AG

    72       42,454       (2.1

SIG Combibloc Group AG

    12,211       255,643       (12.8

Sika AG

    973       297,211       (14.9

Sonova Holding AG

    111       40,532       (2.0

Straumann Holding AG

    1,870       220,457       (11.1

Swatch Group AG

    776       199,155       (10.0

Swiss Life Holding AG

    124       72,505       (3.6

Swiss Prime Site AG

    1,479       144,564       (7.2

Temenos AG

    1,402       141,526       (7.1

UBS Group AG

    8,577       145,609       (7.3

VAT Group AG

    420       129,911       (6.5






United Kingdom                  

Associated British Foods PLC

    29,526       590,837       (29.6

Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure PLC

    17,218       532,036       (26.7

Barclays PLC

    164,705       302,751       (15.2

Barratt Developments PLC

    19,403       118,708       (5.9

Bellway PLC

    10,453       317,481       (15.9

British American Tobacco PLC

    1,339       56,121       (2.8

Capri Holdings Ltd.

    3,354       159,986       (8.0

Centrica PLC

    739,585       732,773       (36.7

Croda International PLC

    12,628       1,226,514       (61.5

Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC

    5,018       227,392       (11.4

Direct Line Insurance Group PLC

    23,455       74,443       (3.7

Drax Group PLC

    34,243       346,050       (17.3

easyJet PLC

    15,035       104,185       (5.2

Endeavour Mining PLC

    13,020       318,646       (16.0

Farfetch Ltd., Class A

    3,873       43,378       (2.2

Halma PLC

    1,490       45,736       (2.3

Hammerson PLC

    45       16       (0.0

Hargreaves Lansdown PLC

    17,465       199,945       (10.0

HomeServe PLC

    68,904       851,704       (42.7

Imperial Brands PLC

    64,458       1,341,728       (67.2

Intertek Group PLC

    365       22,745       (1.1


    273,738       252,784       (12.7




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United Kingdom (continued)                  

J Sainsbury PLC

    28,074     $ 81,913       (4.1 )% 

Janus Henderson Group PLC

    11,013       335,676           (16.8

Legal & General Group PLC

    44,761       139,524       (7.0

Liberty Global PLC, Class A

    8,354       190,137       (9.5

Liberty Global PLC, Class C

    5,084       120,491       (6.0

Linde PLC

    1,959       611,130       (30.6

Melrose Industries PLC

    303,607       441,171       (22.1

Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC

    3       7       (0.0

Natwest Group PLC

    120,142       322,315       (16.2

Nomad Foods Ltd.

    9,550       176,293       (8.8

Phoenix Group Holdings PLC

    17,757       134,499       (6.7

Quilter PLC

    108,673       179,015       (9.0

Schroders PLC

    2,136       75,401       (3.8

Smiths Group PLC

    17,611       322,269       (16.1

Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC

    5,420       817,854       (41.0


    9,960       231,329       (11.6


    66,699       196,870       (9.9

St James’s Place PLC

    9,239       148,467       (7.4

Tate & Lyle PLC

    81,339       790,583       (39.6

Taylor Wimpey PLC

    226,529       356,275       (17.9


    65,701       88,210       (4.4

Travis Perkins PLC

    3,693       56,327       (2.8

Tritax Big Box REIT PLC

    147,460       450,147       (22.6

United Utilities Group PLC

    918       13,192       (0.7

Weir Group PLC

    14,398       276,794       (13.9

Whitbread PLC

    21,256       741,980       (37.2






United States                  

AbbVie, Inc.

    247       36,279       (1.8


    707       202,612       (10.2

Acadia Healthcare Co., Inc.

    2,246       152,458       (7.6

Adobe, Inc.

    2,637       1,044,120       (52.3

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

    10,191       871,534       (43.7

AES Corp.

    22,739       464,330       (23.3

Aflac, Inc.

    924       52,927       (2.7

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

    13,243       1,579,493       (79.1

Alcoa Corp.

    5,435       368,493       (18.5

Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.

    5,276       961,076       (48.2

Align Technology, Inc.

    945       273,965       (13.7

Allstate Corp.

    812       102,750       (5.1

Ally Financial, Inc.

    2,338       93,426       (4.7

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

    71       162,035       (8.1

Ambarella, Inc.

    1,596       131,000       (6.6

AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc., Class A

    12,451       190,500       (9.5

American Express Co.

    815       142,389       (7.1

American Homes 4 Rent, Class A

    18,533       734,092       (36.8

American International Group, Inc.

    8,424       492,888       (24.7

American Tower Corp.

    2,300       554,346       (27.8


    976       123,230       (6.2

AMN Healthcare Services, Inc.

    6,596       644,759       (32.3

Amphenol Corp., Class A

    22,659       1,620,118       (81.2

Antero Midstream Corp.

    27,545       282,887       (14.2

Aon PLC, Class A

    1,045       300,950       (15.1

Apple, Inc.

    812       132,876       (6.7

Arch Capital Group Ltd.

    13,197       602,707       (30.2

Arista Networks, Inc.

    4,546       525,381       (26.3

Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.

    2,726       500,793       (25.1

ASGN, Inc.

    8,257       936,757       (46.9

Aspen Technology, Inc.

    154       24,415       (1.2

AT&T, Inc.

    29,665       559,482       (28.0
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A

    1,212     $ 272,494           (13.7 )% 

Atmos Energy Corp.

    4,242       481,043       (24.1

Autodesk, Inc.

    4,009       758,824       (38.0

AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

    3,955       899,683       (45.1

Avangrid, Inc.

    4,459       197,757       (9.9

Avantor, Inc.

    3,997       127,424       (6.4

Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.

    2,077       52,693       (2.6

Axon Enterprise, Inc.

    3,072       344,678       (17.3

Baker Hughes Co.

    4,792       148,648       (7.4

Ball Corp.

    2,031       164,836       (8.3

Bank of America Corp.

    26,101       931,284       (46.7

Bank of New York Mellon Corp.

    25,446       1,070,259       (53.6

Baxter International, Inc.

    371       26,363       (1.3

Biogen, Inc.

    2,035       422,140       (21.2

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

    2,772       225,502       (11.3

Black Hills Corp.

    956       70,017       (3.5

Blackline, Inc.

    151       10,125       (0.5

Block, Inc.

    809       80,528       (4.0

Blueprint Medicines Corp.

    6,338       369,822       (18.5

Boeing Co.

    12,289       1,829,095       (91.6

Booking Holdings, Inc.

    74       163,563       (8.2

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp.

    10,841       884,951       (44.3

BorgWarner, Inc.

    8,086       297,807       (14.9

Boston Properties, Inc.

    4,188       492,509       (24.7

Boston Scientific Corp.

    15,910       669,970       (33.6

Brighthouse Financial, Inc.

    25,685       1,319,182       (66.1

Brixmor Property Group, Inc.

    17,171       435,800       (21.8

Brown & Brown, Inc.

    637       39,481       (2.0

Builders FirstSource, Inc.

    3,099       190,805       (9.6

BWX Technologies, Inc.

    572       29,698       (1.5

C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.

    4,215       447,422       (22.4

CACI International, Inc., Class A

    3,064       812,879       (40.7

Camden Property Trust

    11,423       1,792,154       (89.8

Capital One Financial Corp.

    4,060       505,957       (25.4

Cardinal Health, Inc.

    6,285       364,844       (18.3

Carnival Corp.

    10,048       173,830       (8.7

Carnival PLC

    22,135       347,038       (17.4

Carrier Global Corp.

    2,256       86,337       (4.3

Catalent, Inc.

    5,630       509,853       (25.5

Cboe Global Markets, Inc.

    2,826       319,281       (16.0

CDW Corp.

    1,160       189,289       (9.5

ChampionX Corp.

    7,279       153,587       (7.7

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.

    2,424       585,420       (29.3

Charles Schwab Corp.

    9,559       634,048       (31.8

Chart Industries, Inc.

    1,427       240,906       (12.1

Charter Communications, Inc., Class A

    120       51,419       (2.6

Chegg, Inc.

    1,269       31,395       (1.6

Chemed Corp.

    568       279,110       (14.0

Cheniere Energy, Inc.

    2,739       371,984       (18.6

Chevron Corp.

    540       84,602       (4.2

Choice Hotels International, Inc.

    1,832       257,323       (12.9

Cigna Corp.

    2,427       598,935       (30.0

Cincinnati Financial Corp.

    2,550       312,783       (15.7

Cirrus Logic, Inc.

    5,244       397,495       (19.9

Cisco Systems, Inc.

    22,721           1,112,875       (55.8

Citigroup, Inc.

    26,437       1,274,528       (63.9

Clean Harbors, Inc.

    3,844       403,351       (20.2

Clorox Co.

    306       43,902       (2.2

CMS Energy Corp.

    7,317       502,605       (25.2

Coca-Cola Co.

    3,537       228,526       (11.4

Cognex Corp.

    2,921       197,547       (9.9



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

    2,786     $ 225,387           (11.3 )% 

Colgate-Palmolive Co.

    13,667       1,053,042       (52.8

Comerica, Inc.

    1,222       100,082       (5.0

Continental Resources, Inc.

    25,599       1,422,536       (71.3

Cooper Cos., Inc.

    392       141,528       (7.1

Corteva, Inc.

    42,002       2,423,095       (121.4

CoStar Group, Inc.

    4,623       294,115       (14.7

Costco Wholesale Corp.

    4,752       2,526,733       (126.6

Coupa Software, Inc.

    38       3,279       (0.2

Credit Acceptance Corp.

    814       417,175       (20.9

Crimson Wine Group Ltd.

    1       8       (0.0

Crocs, Inc.

    2,550       169,397       (8.5

Crown Castle International Corp.

    811       150,205       (7.5

CSX Corp.

    20,277       696,312       (34.9


    5,002       237,645       (11.9

Danaher Corp.

    2,760       693,119       (34.7

DaVita, Inc.

    1,771       191,923       (9.6

DexCom, Inc.

    147       60,061       (3.0

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc.

    9,829       947,712       (47.5

Digital Realty Trust, Inc.

    1,458       213,043       (10.7

Digital Turbine, Inc.

    370       11,711       (0.6

Dominion Energy, Inc.

    1,373       112,092       (5.6

Domino’s Pizza, Inc.

    68       22,984       (1.2

Donaldson Co., Inc.

    6,922       339,455       (17.0

DraftKings, Inc., Class A

    18,206       249,058       (12.5

DTE Midstream LLC

    1,547       83,151       (4.2

Duke Realty Corp.

    3,966       217,139       (10.9

East West Bancorp, Inc.

    3,074       219,176       (11.0

Eaton Corp. PLC

    1,731       251,030       (12.6

eBay, Inc.

    2,634       136,757       (6.9

Edison International

    3,832       263,603       (13.2

Elanco Animal Health, Inc.

    20,855       527,840       (26.4

Eli Lilly & Co.

    494       144,312       (7.2

Emerson Electric Co.

    251       22,635       (1.1

Entergy Corp.

    6,555       779,062       (39.0

EOG Resources, Inc.

    6,296       735,121       (36.8

EPAM Systems, Inc.

    2,131       564,694       (28.3

Equifax, Inc.

    2,987       607,914       (30.5

Equinix, Inc.

    298       214,286       (10.7

Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc.

    3,735       288,641       (14.5

Equity Residential

    15,970           1,301,555       (65.2

Erie Indemnity Co., Class A

    4,528       725,748       (36.4

Etsy, Inc.

    7,009       653,169       (32.7

Euronet Worldwide, Inc.

    135       16,423       (0.8

Evercore, Inc., Class A

    1,553       164,230       (8.2

Evoqua Water Technologies Corp.

    7,078       295,082       (14.8

Exelixis, Inc.

    1,723       38,492       (1.9

Expedia Group, Inc.

    5,917       1,033,996       (51.8

Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.

    2,421       239,848       (12.0

Exxon Mobil Corp.

    12,433       1,059,913       (53.1

F5, Inc.

    175       29,297       (1.5

FactSet Research Systems, Inc.

    731       294,951       (14.8

Fair Isaac Corp.

    736       274,903       (13.8

Fate Therapeutics, Inc.

    2,579       73,656       (3.7

Federal Realty Investment Trust

    5,507       644,649       (32.3

First American Financial Corp.

    216       12,595       (0.6

First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc.

    15,074       874,292       (43.8

First Solar, Inc.

    1,542       112,612       (5.6

Floor & Decor Holdings, Inc., Class A

    452       36,033       (1.8

Ford Motor Co.

    7,180       101,669       (5.1

Fortinet, Inc.

    1,497       432,648       (21.7

Fox Corp., Class A

    54,422       1,950,484       (97.7
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Fox Corp., Class B

    5,577     $ 185,379       (9.3 )% 

Franklin Resources, Inc.

    9,899       243,416           (12.2

FTI Consulting, Inc.

    3,246       511,927       (25.6

Gap, Inc.

    21,567       267,862       (13.4

Garmin Ltd.

    16,182       1,775,813       (89.0

Gartner, Inc.

    1,283       372,776       (18.7

General Dynamics Corp.

    29,062       6,874,035       (344.4

General Electric Co.

    765       57,031       (2.9

Globe Life, Inc.

    1,857       182,135       (9.1

Globus Medical, Inc., Class A

    6,783       449,170       (22.5

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

    4,154       55,331       (2.8

Guidewire Software, Inc.

    5,940       516,424       (25.9

Halliburton Co.

    4,093       145,793       (7.3

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.

    6,527       260,427       (13.0

Hanesbrands, Inc.

    39,100       518,466       (26.0

Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc.

    7,955       318,120       (15.9

Harley-Davidson, Inc.

    11,003       401,059       (20.1

Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

    2,974       207,972       (10.4

Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc.

    2,738       74,145       (3.7

HealthEquity, Inc.

    6,186       385,512       (19.3

Healthpeak Properties, Inc.

    5,355       175,698       (8.8


    8,593       1,213,589       (60.8

HEICO Corp., Class A

    15,835       1,846,994       (92.5

Helmerich & Payne, Inc.

    448       20,621       (1.0

Henry Schein, Inc.

    936       75,910       (3.8

Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.

    2,593       68,922       (3.5

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.

    3,101       47,786       (2.4

Hexcel Corp.

    12,154       660,691       (33.1

Hologic, Inc.

    1,034       74,438       (3.7

Home Depot, Inc.

    1,667       500,767       (25.1

Honeywell International, Inc.

    5,759           1,114,424       (55.8

Horizon Therapeutics PLC

    1,708       168,340       (8.4

HubSpot, Inc.

    1,518       575,975       (28.9

Humana, Inc.

    1,107       492,128       (24.7

Huntington Bancshares, Inc.

    43,468       571,604       (28.6

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.

    8,167       1,737,448       (87.1

Huntsman Corp.

    2,111       71,500       (3.6


    3,541       372,442       (18.7

IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.

    620       266,898       (13.4

II-VI, Inc.

    726       44,438       (2.2

Illinois Tool Works, Inc.

    2,539       500,462       (25.1

Illumina, Inc.

    1,752       519,731       (26.0

Incyte Corp.

    2,708       202,992       (10.2

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp.

    9,540       583,466       (29.2

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.

    934       45,794       (2.3

Interactive Brokers Group, Inc., Class A

    5,962       355,097       (17.8

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.

    9,698       1,123,125       (56.3

International Game Technology PLC

    4,412       96,314       (4.8

Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc.

    7,715       251,663       (12.6

Intuit, Inc.

    1,038       434,663       (21.8

Invitation Homes, Inc.

    6,302       250,946       (12.6

Iridium Communications, Inc.

    19,170       684,561       (34.3

Iron Mountain, Inc.

    10,319       554,440       (27.8

ITT, Inc.

    620       43,536       (2.2

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.

    3,997       553,784       (27.7

JB Hunt Transport Services, Inc.

    2,186       373,478       (18.7

JetBlue Airways Corp.

    20,936       230,505       (11.5

Johnson Controls International PLC

    3,812       228,224       (11.4

Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc.

    1,413       309,065       (15.5

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

    2,893       345,308       (17.3

Kellogg Co.

    4,295       294,208       (14.7




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc.

    9,327     $ 348,830           (17.5 )% 


    520       10,041       (0.5

Keysight Technologies, Inc.

    6,871       963,795       (48.3

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

    18,852       342,164       (17.1

KLA Corp.

    2,076       662,784       (33.2

Lamar Advertising Co., Class A

    3,051       336,861       (16.9

Landstar System, Inc.

    4,763       737,789       (37.0

Las Vegas Sands Corp.

    6,116       216,690       (10.9

Lattice Semiconductor Corp.

    1,274       61,203       (3.1

Lear Corp.

    3,384       432,949       (21.7

Leggett & Platt, Inc.

    7,704       274,494       (13.8

Leidos Holdings, Inc.

    16,975       1,757,082       (88.0

Leslie’s, Inc.

    635       12,446       (0.6

Levi Strauss & Co., Class A

    6,609       119,689       (6.0

Liberty Latin America Ltd., Class A

    2       18       (0.0

Liberty Media Corp. - Liberty SiriusXM, Class C

    4,127       172,839       (8.7

Life Storage, Inc.

    2,833       375,344       (18.8

Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc.

    1,871       252,080       (12.6

Lincoln National Corp.

    8,583       516,267       (25.9

Lithia Motors, Inc.

    568       160,818       (8.1

Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.

    452       47,406       (2.4

Livent Corp.

    13,951       297,993       (14.9

Lockheed Martin Corp.

    5,759           2,488,579       (124.7

LPL Financial Holdings, Inc.

    1,231       231,268       (11.6

Lumen Technologies, Inc.

    56,313       566,509       (28.4

Lumentum Holdings, Inc.

    7,052       572,693       (28.7

LXP Industrial Trust

    28,525       357,989       (17.9

MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc., Class H

    14,404       733,884       (36.8

Manhattan Associates, Inc.

    4,231       552,357       (27.7

ManpowerGroup, Inc.

    6,178       557,256       (27.9

Marathon Oil Corp.

    18,578       462,964       (23.2

MarketAxess Holdings, Inc.

    2,847       750,498       (37.6

Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp.

    74       11,050       (0.6

Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.

    4,719       763,062       (38.2

Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.

    2,391       846,940       (42.4

Marvell Technology, Inc.

    16,721       971,156       (48.7

Masimo Corp.

    9,604       1,084,964       (54.4

Mastercard, Inc., Class A

    448       162,794       (8.2

MaxLinear, Inc.

    4,098       196,171       (9.8

McKesson Corp.

    1,557       482,063       (24.2

Medical Properties Trust, Inc.

    15,633       287,491       (14.4

Merck & Co., Inc.

    10,295       913,064       (45.7

Meta Platforms, Inc., Class A

    2,151       431,211       (21.6

MetLife, Inc.

    16,214       1,064,936       (53.4

Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.

    613       783,126       (39.2

MGIC Investment Corp.

    32,719       427,310       (21.4

Microsoft Corp.

    4,569       1,267,989       (63.5

MicroStrategy, Inc., Class A

    36       12,750       (0.6

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc.

    6,373       1,253,442       (62.8

Molson Coors Beverage Co., Class B

    225       12,182       (0.6

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.

    1,608       630,722       (31.6

Moody’s Corp.

    669       211,725       (10.6

Morningstar, Inc.

    1,008       255,256       (12.8

Murphy USA, Inc.

    653       152,541       (7.6

National Vision Holdings, Inc.

    4,450       167,543       (8.4

NetApp, Inc.

    12,014       880,025       (44.1

Netflix, Inc.

    387       73,669       (3.7

New Relic, Inc.

    312       19,740       (1.0

New York Community Bancorp, Inc.

    72,399       668,967       (33.5

New York Times Co., Class A

    817       31,307       (1.6

Newmont Corp.

    9,838       716,698       (35.9
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Nexstar Media Group, Inc., Class A

    400     $ 63,368       (3.2 )% 

Nordson Corp.

    472       101,806       (5.1

Nordstrom, Inc.

    6,546       168,232       (8.4

Norfolk Southern Corp.

    912       235,187       (11.8

Northrop Grumman Corp.

    3,083       1,354,670       (67.9

NortonLifeLock, Inc.

    3,213       80,454       (4.0

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.

    23,026       461,211       (23.1

NOV, Inc.

    9,284       168,319       (8.4

NRG Energy, Inc.

    3,348       120,193       (6.0


    7,624           1,414,023           (70.8

Okta, Inc.

    2,717       324,165       (16.2

Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.

    752       210,650       (10.6

Old National Bancorp

    31,798       482,058       (24.2

Omnicell, Inc.

    97       10,589       (0.5


    2,948       186,697       (9.4

Oracle Corp.

    197       14,460       (0.7

Ormat Technologies, Inc.

    5,326       413,830       (20.7

Ovintiv Inc.

    28,487       1,458,000       (73.1

PacWest Bancorp

    5,926       194,906       (9.8

Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

    1,593       894,119       (44.8

Papa John’s International, Inc.

    851       77,484       (3.9

Park Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

    27,558       543,168       (27.2

Paycom Software, Inc.

    1,264       355,778       (17.8

Paylocity Holding Corp.

    2,296       435,390       (21.8

PayPal Holdings, Inc.

    18,750       1,648,687       (82.6

Pegasystems, Inc.

    8,064       617,622       (30.9

Penn National Gaming, Inc.

    854       31,231       (1.6

Penske Automotive Group, Inc.

    4,247       445,171       (22.3

Pentair PLC

    4,834       245,326       (12.3

Penumbra, Inc.

    2,571       443,652       (22.2

Perrigo Co. PLC

    789       27,063       (1.4

PG&E Corp.

    14,837       187,688       (9.4

Philip Morris International, Inc.

    45,567       4,556,700       (228.3

Phillips 66

    4,461       387,036       (19.4

Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc.

    2,887       223,887       (11.2

Planet Fitness, Inc., Class A

    17,762       1,421,493       (71.2

Plug Power, Inc.

    4,926       103,545       (5.2

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

    1,622       269,414       (13.5

Portland General Electric Co.

    1,735       82,118       (4.1

Power Integrations, Inc.

    4,905       392,400       (19.7

PPG Industries, Inc.

    1,230       157,428       (7.9

Principal Financial Group, Inc.

    10,832       738,092       (37.0

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

    6,060       422,140       (21.2

PulteGroup, Inc.

    2,102       87,780       (4.4

PVH Corp.

    5,615       408,660       (20.5

Qorvo, Inc.

    3,906       444,425       (22.3

Qualys, Inc.

    4,486       611,352       (30.6

Radian Group, Inc.

    11,612       248,381       (12.4

Ralph Lauren Corp.

    2,153       224,644       (11.3

Rapid7, Inc.

    4,721       450,950       (22.6

Raytheon Technologies Corp.

    12,503       1,186,660       (59.5

Regency Centers Corp.

    10,103       695,389       (34.8

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    18       11,864       (0.6

Reinsurance Group of America, Inc.

    14,181       1,521,905       (76.3

Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.

    4,851       961,711       (48.2

Repligen Corp.

    3,102       487,758       (24.4

Republic Services, Inc.

    725       97,346       (4.9

ResMed, Inc.

    1,944       388,742       (19.5

Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc.

    1,975       154,129       (7.7

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

    143       12,134       (0.6

Roku, Inc.

    5,968       554,427       (27.8

Roper Technologies, Inc.

    1,291       606,667       (30.4



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

    8,695     $ 675,862           (33.9 )% 

Ryder System, Inc.

    18,299           1,279,100       (64.1

salesforce.com, Inc.

    3,557       625,819       (31.4

SBA Communications Corp.

    1,700       590,087       (29.6

Schlumberger NV

    9,515       371,180       (18.6

Science Applications International Corp.

    6,766       563,134       (28.2

Seagen, Inc.

    1,953       255,863       (12.8

SEI Investments Co.

    476       26,523       (1.3

Semtech Corp.

    23,556       1,403,938       (70.3

Sensata Technologies Holding PLC

    16,711       758,847       (38.0

Service Corp. International

    99       6,495       (0.3

ServiceNow, Inc.

    1,511       722,409       (36.2

Silicon Laboratories, Inc.

    8,530       1,150,782       (57.7

Simon Property Group, Inc.

    351       41,418       (2.1

Sirius XM Holdings, Inc.

    40,278       241,668       (12.1

SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.

    5,094       718,407       (36.0

SL Green Realty Corp.

    12,382       857,082       (42.9

Snap, Inc., Class A

    16,765       477,132       (23.9

Snap-on, Inc.

    4,361       926,669       (46.4

Southern Co.

    929       68,179       (3.4

Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc.

    3,333       293,671       (14.7

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc., Class A

    10,602       445,708       (22.3

STAAR Surgical Co.

    1,809       103,276       (5.2

Stifel Financial Corp.

    7,208       445,815       (22.3

STORE Capital Corp.

    3,636       103,371       (5.2

Stryker Corp.

    651       157,060       (7.9

Sun Communities, Inc.

    3,786       664,708       (33.3

Switch, Inc., Class A

    4,282       127,861       (6.4

Sysco Corp.

    3,225       275,673       (13.8

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

    1,176       140,544       (7.0

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

    1,795       173,182       (8.7

TE Connectivity Ltd.

    5,805       724,348       (36.3

Teladoc Health, Inc.

    1,845       62,287       (3.1

Teleflex, Inc.

    4,335       1,238,163       (62.0

Tenable Holdings, Inc.

    2,141       118,247       (5.9

Teradata Corp.

    1,496       61,860       (3.1

Teradyne, Inc.

    5,462       576,023       (28.9

Tesla, Inc.

    412       358,753       (18.0

Tetra Tech, Inc.

    1,804       251,261       (12.6

Texas Instruments, Inc.

    4,303       732,586       (36.7

Textron, Inc.

    36,178       2,505,326       (125.5

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

    52       28,752       (1.4

Timken Co.

    3,516       202,662       (10.2

TJX Cos., Inc.

    1,371       84,015       (4.2

Toll Brothers, Inc.

    4,665       216,316       (10.8

TransDigm Group, Inc.

    1,658       986,195       (49.4

Travel + Leisure Co.

    34,823       1,931,980       (96.8

Travelers Cos., Inc.

    1,625       277,973       (13.9

Trex Co., Inc.

    2,203       128,193       (6.4

TripAdvisor, Inc.

    702       18,020       (0.9

Twilio, Inc., Class A

    2,366       264,566       (13.3

UDR, Inc.

    17,857       950,171       (47.6

Ulta Beauty, Inc.

    629       249,587       (12.5

Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc.

    6,712       474,471       (23.8

Union Pacific Corp.

    3,461       810,878       (40.6

United States Steel Corp.

    2,529       77,109       (3.9

United Therapeutics Corp.

    1,202       213,427       (10.7

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

    533       271,057       (13.6

Unum Group

    10,643       324,824       (16.3

Valero Energy Corp.

    7,531       839,556       (42.1

Valvoline, Inc.

    1,601       48,398       (2.4
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Varonis Systems, Inc.

    7,939     $ 342,965           (17.2 )% 

Veeva Systems, Inc., Class A

    5,986       1,089,153       (54.6

Verisk Analytics, Inc.

    2,718       554,608       (27.8

VF Corp.

    1,716       89,232       (4.5

ViacomCBS, Inc., Class B

    10,856       316,127       (15.8

Viatris, Inc.

    55,524       573,563       (28.7

Visa, Inc., Class A

    5,024       1,070,765       (53.7

Voya Financial, Inc.

    17,872       1,128,438       (56.5

W.W. Grainger, Inc.

    589       294,518       (14.8

Walt Disney Co.

    1,390       155,166       (7.8

Watsco, Inc.

    1,276       340,411       (17.1

Wells Fargo & Co.

    2,777       121,161       (6.1

West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.

    486       153,119       (7.7

Western Alliance Bancorp

    1,892       144,000       (7.2

Westrock Co.

    15,639       774,600       (38.8

WEX, Inc.

    2,093       347,940       (17.4

Whirlpool Corp.

    983       178,434       (8.9

Willis Towers Watson PLC

    775       166,517       (8.3

Wintrust Financial Corp.

    6,228       543,829       (27.2

Workday, Inc., Class A

    5,405       1,117,213       (56.0

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., Class A

    9,411       549,508       (27.5

Wynn Resorts Ltd.

    7,121       501,888       (25.1

XPO Logistics, Inc.

    1,503       80,846       (4.1

Xylem, Inc.

    1,603       129,042       (6.5

Ziff Davis, Inc.

    1,527       134,926       (6.8

Zions Bancorp NA

    9,734       550,068       (27.6

Zoetis, Inc.

    3,931       696,770       (34.9






Preferred Stocks                  

Fuchs Petrolub SE, Preference Shares

    4,613       145,500       (7.3

Sartorius AG, Preference Shares

    1,088       407,923       (20.4







Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    1,580       1,747       (0.1







Total Reference Entity — Long





Reference Entity — Short


Common Stocks                  

Adbri Ltd.

    (206,705     (421,852     21.1  

Allkem Ltd.

    (64,708     (539,290     27.0  

ALS Ltd.

    (135,846     (1,230,098     61.6  

Ampol Ltd.

    (56,877     (1,337,247     67.0  

Ansell Ltd.

    (4,281     (81,995     4.1  

APA Group

    (100,749     (809,530     40.6  

Appen Ltd.

    (6,505     (29,714     1.5  

ASX Ltd.

    (1,573     (95,103     4.8  

Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd.

    (8,072     (60,183     3.0  

Brambles Ltd.

    (138,953     (1,026,073     51.4  

Chalice Mining Ltd.

    (134,396     (645,197     32.3  

Champion Iron Ltd.

    (9,024     (45,745     2.3  

Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd.

    (885,328     (1,984,497     99.4  

Cochlear Ltd.

    (5,883     (947,559     47.5  

Coles Group Ltd.

    (24,463     (321,656     16.1  

Computershare Ltd.

    (48,455     (854,265     42.8  

Crown Resorts Ltd.

    (68,370     (619,032     31.0  

CSL Ltd.

    (3,327     (634,958     31.8  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Australia (continued)                  

Downer EDI Ltd.

    (4,499   $ (17,674     0.9

EBOS Group Ltd.

    (697     (19,011     0.9  

Endeavour Group Ltd.

    (321,808     (1,761,595     88.3  

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.

    (10,913     (164,929     8.3  

GPT Group

    (77,984     (277,224     13.9  

Incitec Pivot Ltd.

    (51,541     (139,007     7.0  

Insurance Australia Group Ltd.

    (355,374     (1,134,812         56.8  

Lendlease Group

    (93,105     (797,571     40.0  

Mineral Resources Ltd.

    (18,260     (741,963     37.2  

National Australia Bank Ltd.

    (4,973     (113,527     5.7  

Newcrest Mining Ltd.

    (26,380     (495,399     24.8  

Newcrest Mining Ltd. NPV

    (2,318     (43,810     2.2  


    (89,671     (696,192     34.9  

Northern Star Resources Ltd.

    (119,352     (820,400     41.1  

Orica Ltd.

    (69,078     (793,763     39.8  

Qantas Airways Ltd.

    (4,980     (19,297     1.0  

Ramsay Health Care Ltd.

    (28,074     (1,593,122     79.8  

Reece Ltd.

    (24,875     (302,221     15.1  

Rio Tinto Ltd.

    (2,169     (171,576     8.6  

Santos Ltd.

    (35,226     (196,845     9.9  

Seven Group Holdings Ltd.

    (21,718     (303,008     15.2  

Shopping Centres Australasia Property Group

    (142,313     (304,585     15.3  

Suncorp Group Ltd.

    (166,335     (1,335,502     66.9  

Tabcorp Holdings Ltd.

    (269,302     (1,029,869     51.6  

Transurban Group

    (121,228     (1,217,324     61.0  

Vicinity Centres

    (18,714     (24,792     1.2  

Woolworths Group Ltd.

    (44,112     (1,193,365     59.8  

Worley Ltd.

    (77,824     (756,840     37.9  








    (2,984     (141,692     7.1  


    (8,977     (458,883     23.0  

Telekom Austria AG

    (1,641     (11,700     0.6  







Etablissements Franz Colruyt NV

    (949     (34,848     1.8  

Galapagos NV

    (885     (51,961     2.6  

Sofina SA

    (2,417     (740,707     37.1  


    (2,724     (309,644     15.5  







Everest Re Group Ltd.

    (419     (115,104     5.8  

Signet Jewelers Ltd.

    (3,425     (240,435     12.1  

Triton International Ltd.

    (5,959     (364,035     18.2  







Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.

    (9,400     (547,178     27.4  

Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.

    (83,590     (1,210,271     60.6  

Bank of Montreal

    (16,948     (1,796,977     90.0  

Barrick Gold Corp.

    (15,433     (344,184     17.2  

BlackBerry Ltd.

    (13,566     (77,617     3.9  

Cameco Corp.

    (14,759     (381,081     19.1  

Canadian Apartment Properties REIT

    (8,520     (333,730     16.7  

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.

    (17,731     (1,097,413     55.0  

Canadian Solar, Inc.

    (11,542     (317,636     15.9  

Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd., Class A

    (3,861     (531,821     26.7  

Centerra Gold, Inc.

    (139,344     (1,289,690     64.6  

Constellation Software, Inc.

    (22     (34,625     1.7  
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Canada (continued)                  

Dollarama, Inc.

    (520   $ (28,909     1.5

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust

    (36,208     (421,649     21.1  

Empire Co. Ltd.

    (6,409     (211,679     10.6  

Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.

    (802     (440,671     22.1  

Finning International, Inc.

    (14,344     (403,528     20.2  

Fortis, Inc.

    (7,119     (346,405     17.4  

Gibson Energy, Inc.

    (13,660     (260,089     13.0  

Gildan Activewear, Inc.

    (5,267     (178,471     8.9  

Great-West Lifeco, Inc.

    (1,543     (42,567     2.1  

H&R Real Estate Investment Trust

    (64,591     (642,566     32.2  

Hudbay Minerals, Inc.

    (43,807     (280,646     14.1  

iA Financial Corp., Inc.

    (546     (28,549     1.4  

Kinross Gold Corp.

    (95,440     (482,159     24.2  

Lightspeed Commerce, Inc.

    (27,978     (625,266     31.3  

Loblaw Cos. Ltd.

    (7,100     (649,454     32.5  

Magna International, Inc.

    (20,193     (1,216,940     61.0  

MEG Energy Corp.

    (12,543     (188,440     9.4  

Methanex Corp.

    (1,563     (78,342     3.9  

Metro, Inc.

    (5,712     (313,957     15.7  

Nuvei Corp.

    (932     (52,119     2.6  

Open Text Corp.

    (53,091     (2,126,285     106.5  

Parkland Corp.

    (7,199     (204,485     10.3  

Quebecor, Inc., Class B

    (14,408     (339,045     17.0  

Restaurant Brands International, Inc.

    (20,352     (1,162,677     58.3  

RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust

    (19,163     (358,006     17.9  

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

    (16,347     (890,486     44.6  

Royal Bank of Canada

    (2,681     (270,782     13.6  

Saputo, Inc.

    (7,376     (157,665     7.9  

Shaw Communications, Inc., Class B

    (45,267     (1,348,161     67.6  

Stelco Holdings, Inc.

    (6,621     (241,668     12.1  

Sun Life Financial, Inc.

    (118,497     (5,895,102         295.4  

Thomson Reuters Corp.

    (1,348     (134,774     6.8  

Topicus.com, Inc.

    (828     (51,498     2.6  

Tricon Residential, Inc.

    (57,181     (827,459     41.5  

West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.

    (1,556     (136,759     6.9  







Antofagasta PLC

    (5,160     (98,783     5.0  







Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd.

    (314,200     (204,991     10.3  







Bavarian Nordic A/S

    (12,166     (230,799     11.6  







Elisa OYJ

    (6,033     (353,663     17.7  

Fortum OYJ

    (24,874     (413,551     20.7  

Huhtamaki OYJ

    (5,139     (194,256     9.7  

Kojamo OYJ

    (13,501     (268,578     13.5  

Orion OYJ, Class B

    (1,650     (64,717     3.3  

QT Group OYJ

    (276     (24,047     1.2  

Sampo OYJ, A Shares

    (4,455     (216,323     10.8  

Stora Enso OYJ, B Shares

    (20,253     (398,569     20.0  







Airbus SE

    (6,751     (739,045     37.0  

Alstom SA

    (20,322     (446,686     22.4  

BNP Paribas SA

    (12,339     (639,794     32.1  

Bollore SA

    (12,515     (58,400     2.9  

Bureau Veritas SA

    (6,634     (190,573     9.6  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



France (continued)                  

Cie de Saint-Gobain

    (3,241   $ (189,074     9.5

Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA

    (16,823     (2,083,695         104.4  

Constellium SE

    (9,731     (162,410     8.1  

Credit Agricole SA

    (27,038     (291,958     14.6  

Danone SA

    (6,833     (413,200     20.7  

Eramet SA

    (433     (57,711     2.9  

EssilorLuxottica SA

    (3,621     (616,467     30.9  

Getlink SE

    (104,040     (1,903,839     95.4  

JCDecaux SA

    (471     (9,874     0.5  

L’Oreal SA

    (72     (26,194     1.3  

Neoen SA

    (7,486     (299,109     15.0  

Renault SA

    (7,900     (193,026     9.7  

Rexel SA

    (5,113     (104,738     5.3  

Sartorius Stedim Biotech

    (534     (174,740     8.8  

Schneider Electric SE

    (11,827     (1,696,809     85.0  


    (6,418     (770,720     38.6  


    (1,517     (271,747     13.6  


    (465     (32,817     1.6  

Vallourec SA

    (31,879     (375,636     18.8  

Veolia Environnement SA

    (7,404     (216,023     10.8  

Worldline SA

    (6,310     (248,262     12.4  







Adidas AG

    (7,271     (1,466,264     73.5  


    (2,862     (73,372     3.7  

Aurubis AG

    (418     (47,501     2.4  

Auto1 Group SE

    (17,440     (182,600     9.1  

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    (2,607     (192,054     9.6  

Bechtle AG

    (4,373     (202,075     10.1  

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG

    (474     (59,537     3.0  

Daimler Truck Holding AG

    (738     (19,848     1.0  

Delivery Hero SE

    (5,180     (182,092     9.1  

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

    (42,414     (315,542     15.8  

Deutsche Post AG

    (7,037     (300,638     15.1  

DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA

    (2,957     (97,310     4.9  


    (19,506     (333,154     16.7  

Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

    (8,273     (292,434     14.6  

Knorr-Bremse AG

    (3,170     (226,067     11.3  

Puma SE

    (2,738     (201,458     10.1  

Siemens Healthineers AG

    (4,393     (234,894     11.8  

Uniper SE

    (9,549     (245,454     12.3  

United Internet AG

    (11,052     (355,552     17.8  

Vantage Towers AG

    (3,536     (120,230     6.0  

VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG

    (676     (47,904     2.4  

Volkswagen AG

    (668     (144,863     7.3  

Vonovia SE

    (5,962     (237,532     11.9  






Hong Kong                  

BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd.

    (226,500     (819,898     41.1  

Champion REIT

    (306,000     (134,146     6.7  

CK Asset Holdings Ltd.

    (135,500     (918,573     46.0  

CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd.

    (242,500     (1,701,847     85.3  

CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd.

    (110,000     (739,575     37.1  

CLP Holdings Ltd.

    (218,500     (2,132,205     106.8  

Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd.

    (154,000     (878,750     44.0  

Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd.

    (259,000     (28,141     1.4  

Hang Seng Bank Ltd.

    (18,800     (332,863     16.7  

Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd.

    (130,000     (525,722     26.3  

HKT Trust & HKT Ltd.

    (560,000     (803,568     40.3  
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Hong Kong (continued)                  

Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd.

    (460,000   $ (507,343     25.4

Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd.

    (13,300     (564,172     28.3  

Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd.

    (78,200     (364,800     18.3  

Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd.

    (19,908     (1,057,712     53.0  

JS Global Lifestyle Co. Ltd.

    (260,000     (308,441     15.5  

Kerry Logistics Network Ltd.

    (80,500     (185,121     9.3  

Man Wah Holdings Ltd.

    (371,200     (347,416     17.4  

Melco International Development Ltd.

    (988,000     (780,085     39.1  

NWS Holdings Ltd.

    (497,000     (449,924     22.5  


    (1,783,000     (1,010,181     50.6  

Power Assets Holdings Ltd.

    (155,500     (1,047,302     52.5  

Sino Land Co. Ltd.

    (366,025     (483,805     24.2  

VTech Holdings Ltd.

    (48,600     (343,792         17.2  







AerCap Holdings NV

    (27,947     (1,305,404     65.4  

Allegion PLC

    (771     (88,079     4.4  

Bank of Ireland Group PLC

    (37,461     (227,040     11.4  


    (2,159     (85,334     4.3  

Flutter Entertainment PLC

    (9,823     (987,108     49.5  

Smurfit Kappa Group PLC

    (4,273     (180,559     9.0  







Azrieli Group Ltd.

    (7,028     (603,693     30.2  

First International Bank Of Israel Ltd.

    (35,876     (1,506,523     75.5  

Fiverr International Ltd.

    (4,489     (239,039     12.0  

Gazit-Globe Ltd.

    (16,327     (153,061     7.7  

Global-e Online Ltd.

    (4,320     (97,373     4.9  

ICL Ltd.

    (58,544     (634,869     31.8  

Inmode Ltd.

    (14,661     (368,138     18.4  

ironSource Ltd., Class A

    (37,967     (145,413     7.3  

Kornit Digital Ltd.

    (6,276     (417,354     20.9  

Maytronics Ltd.

    (20,406     (362,325     18.2  

Sapiens International Corp. NV

    (3,103     (72,523     3.6  

Shapir Engineering and Industry Ltd.

    (15,467     (144,712     7.3  

Shufersal Ltd.

    (129,383     (1,088,577     54.5  

Strauss Group Ltd.

    (24,347     (650,822     32.6  

Wix.com Ltd.

    (1,746     (131,753     6.6  

ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.

    (3,341     (185,860     9.3  







DiaSorin SpA

    (3,122     (408,956     20.5  

Eni SpA

    (73,797     (1,031,593     51.7  

FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA

    (15,054     (209,271     10.5  

Nexi SpA

    (11,352     (111,339     5.6  

Poste Italiane SpA

    (34,331     (336,414     16.8  

Prysmian SpA

    (9,885     (321,509     16.1  

Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica SpA

    (3,907     (188,272     9.4  

Unipol Gruppo SpA

    (9,480     (51,691     2.6  







Advance Residence Investment Corp.

    (28     (76,918     3.9  

Aeon Mall Co. Ltd.

    (13,600     (165,479     8.3  

AEON REIT Investment Corp.

    (10     (11,481     0.6  

Ain Holdings, Inc.

    (4,900     (219,788     11.0  

Air Water, Inc.

    (9,900     (131,402     6.6  

Aisin Corp.

    (6,000     (174,303     8.7  

Ariake Japan Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (64,194     3.2  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd.

    (8,300   $ (160,389     8.0

Asics Corp.

    (1,500     (23,665     1.2  


    (8,400     (102,863     5.2  

Bank of Kyoto Ltd.

    (13,100     (570,736     28.6  

BayCurrent Consulting, Inc.

    (500     (163,934     8.2  

Benefit One, Inc.

    (7,400     (112,202     5.6  

Bic Camera, Inc.

    (3,700     (31,229     1.6  

Bridgestone Corp.

    (1,100     (40,319     2.0  

Brother Industries Ltd.

    (6,600     (114,705     5.7  

Canon Marketing Japan, Inc.

    (6,400     (139,263     7.0  

Canon, Inc.

    (3,900     (89,736     4.5  

Central Japan Railway Co.

    (2,700         (339,890         17.0  

Chiba Bank Ltd.

    (11,300     (65,125     3.3  

Credit Saison Co. Ltd.

    (4,600     (51,812     2.6  

CyberAgent, Inc.

    (17,300     (182,772     9.2  

Daido Steel Co. Ltd.

    (2,000     (57,050     2.9  

Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.

    (10,500     (210,252     10.5  

Daio Paper Corp.

    (2,000     (23,849     1.2  

Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp.

    (174     (423,516     21.2  

Daiwa Office Investment Corp.

    (13     (73,596     3.7  

Daiwa Securities Group, Inc.

    (31,300     (153,405     7.7  

Denka Co. Ltd.

    (2,200     (58,978     3.0  

Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.

    (2,300     (65,938     3.3  

Fuji Electric Co. Ltd.

    (3,900     (171,018     8.6  

Fuji Media Holdings, Inc.

    (11,700     (101,051     5.1  

Fuji Oil Holdings, Inc.

    (9,700     (137,661     6.9  

Fujitsu General Ltd.

    (32,300     (574,103     28.8  

Fukuoka Financial Group, Inc.

    (3,700     (67,604     3.4  

Fukuyama Transporting Co. Ltd.

    (2,500     (69,974     3.5  

Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd.

    (2,600     (140,673     7.0  


    (21     (28,337     1.4  

GMO internet, Inc.

    (3,800     (75,944     3.8  

Goldwin, Inc.

    (8,500     (426,339     21.4  

GS Yuasa Corp.

    (3,300     (57,223     2.9  

Hachijuni Bank Ltd.

    (105,400     (347,582     17.4  

Hakuhodo DY Holdings, Inc.

    (5,600     (66,089     3.3  

Haseko Corp.

    (19,500     (213,662     10.7  

Heiwa Corp.

    (1,500     (22,553     1.1  

Hikari Tsushin, Inc.

    (600     (70,256     3.5  

Hino Motors Ltd.

    (22,500     (116,145     5.8  

Hirogin Holdings, Inc.

    (136,800     (674,036     33.8  

Hitachi Ltd.

    (6,500     (308,272     15.4  

Hitachi Transport System Ltd.

    (4,800     (315,070     15.8  

Horiba Ltd.

    (2,300     (111,903     5.6  

House Foods Group, Inc.

    (5,600     (131,064     6.6  

Ibiden Co. Ltd.

    (4,000     (149,487     7.5  

Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd.

    (8,200     (216,111     10.8  

Iida Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (5,900     (93,837     4.7  

Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment Corp.

    (43     (61,700     3.1  

Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.

    (5,900     (43,787     2.2  

Isuzu Motors Ltd.

    (2,300     (26,831     1.3  

Ito En Ltd.

    (2,000     (82,191     4.1  

Itoham Yonekyu Holdings, Inc.

    (14,900     (74,992     3.8  

Iwatani Corp.

    (11,000     (437,655     21.9  

Iyo Bank Ltd.

    (26,900     (130,435     6.5  

Japan Airlines Co. Ltd.

    (32,700     (539,860     27.1  

Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd.

    (1,000     (13,983     0.7  

Japan Hotel REIT Investment Corp.

    (42     (21,331     1.1  

Japan Logistics Fund, Inc.

    (30     (73,215     3.7  

Japan Post Insurance Co. Ltd.

    (4,900     (79,232     4.0  

Japan Real Estate Investment Corp.

    (62     (300,071     15.0  

Japan Steel Works Ltd.

    (33,000     (928,771     46.5  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  


    (13,600   $ (94,818     4.8

Justsystems Corp.

    (6,300     (273,819     13.7  

Kajima Corp.

    (20,800     (231,805     11.6  

Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (400     (12,121     0.6  

Kaneka Corp.

    (7,600     (203,357     10.2  

Keihan Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (15,600     (332,744     16.7  

Keikyu Corp.

    (5,300     (53,384     2.7  

Keio Corp.

    (7,100     (272,303     13.6  

Kenedix Office Investment Corp.

    (52     (271,789     13.6  

Kinden Corp.

    (5,300     (62,802     3.1  

Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (33,400         (486,896         24.4  

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (2,200     (150,028     7.5  

Kobe Steel Ltd.

    (11,500     (49,856     2.5  

Koei Tecmo Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (13,100     (401,712     20.1  

Kotobuki Spirits Co. Ltd.

    (3,400     (178,966     9.0  

K’s Holdings Corp.

    (10,000     (99,031     5.0  

Kubota Corp.

    (8,500     (144,404     7.2  

Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (26,400     (165,697     8.3  

Kyushu Financial Group, Inc.

    (38,500     (118,151     5.9  

Kyushu Railway Co.

    (7,400     (145,046     7.3  

LaSalle Logiport REIT

    (14     (18,941     0.9  

Lintec Corp.

    (4,300     (80,099     4.0  

M3, Inc.

    (10,800     (344,887     17.3  

Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd.

    (5,600     (149,568     7.5  

Marui Group Co. Ltd.

    (900     (15,496     0.8  

Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd.

    (6,400     (136,591     6.8  

Matsui Securities Co. Ltd.

    (45,300     (280,172     14.0  

Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (2,200     (72,722     3.6  

Mebuki Financial Group, Inc.

    (28,000     (56,378     2.8  

MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (189,418     9.5  

Menicon Co. Ltd.

    (400     (8,544     0.4  

Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

    (27,800     (291,185     14.6  

Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd.

    (21,900     (319,008     16.0  

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc.

    (6,600     (96,380     4.8  

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.

    (17,500     (598,327     30.0  

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

    (27,600     (160,449     8.0  

Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park, Inc.

    (165     (707,425     35.4  

Mitsui High-Tec, Inc.

    (3,400     (293,711     14.7  

Miura Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (79,373     4.0  

MonotaRO Co. Ltd.

    (2,700     (46,381     2.3  

Mori Hills REIT Investment Corp.

    (99     (112,280     5.6  

Morinaga & Co. Ltd.

    (3,100     (96,127     4.8  

Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd.

    (9,500     (382,582     19.2  

Nabtesco Corp.

    (2,100     (47,896     2.4  

Nagase & Co. Ltd.

    (3,200     (45,856     2.3  

NEC Networks & System Integration Corp.

    (1,200     (17,039     0.9  

NGK Spark Plug Co. Ltd.

    (12,100     (185,677     9.3  

NH Foods Ltd.

    (2,900     (91,583     4.6  

NHK Spring Co. Ltd.

    (19,700     (127,241     6.4  

Nifco, Inc.

    (5,000     (105,569     5.3  

Nihon Unisys Ltd.

    (9,400     (237,491     11.9  

Nippon Accommodations Fund, Inc.

    (13     (64,011     3.2  

Nippon Building Fund, Inc.

    (24     (124,591     6.2  

Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd.

    (63,000     (549,065     27.5  

Nippon Shinyaku Co. Ltd.

    (1,100     (74,397     3.7  

Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd.

    (1,900     (76,440     3.8  

Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co. Ltd.

    (5,300     (106,025     5.3  

Nisshin Seifun Group, Inc.

    (14,600     (194,630     9.8  

Noevir Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,900     (74,497     3.7  

NOF Corp.

    (2,600     (97,590     4.9  

Nomura Holdings, Inc.

    (47,400     (182,511     9.1  

Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc.

    (25     (31,388     1.6  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

NS Solutions Corp.

    (6,600   $ (196,901     9.9

Oji Holdings Corp.

    (157,100         (744,183         37.3  


    (2,200     (78,631     3.9  

Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (18,800     (482,982     24.2  

Orient Corp.

    (51,900     (49,818     2.5  

ORIX Corp.

    (19,600     (357,484     17.9  

Orix JREIT, Inc.

    (22     (29,738     1.5  

OSG Corp.

    (8,500     (106,781     5.4  

Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp.

    (4,900     (75,035     3.8  

Persol Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (22,500     (446,392     22.4  

Rakus Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (46,572     2.3  

Rengo Co. Ltd.

    (41,800     (247,479     12.4  

Resona Holdings Inc.

    (18,300     (79,576     4.0  

Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (4,700     (125,511     6.3  

Sankyo Co. Ltd.

    (3,500     (100,712     5.0  

Sansan, Inc.

    (5,700     (54,382     2.7  

Sanwa Holdings Corp.

    (16,900     (153,963     7.7  

Secom Co. Ltd.

    (5,500     (386,949     19.4  

Seibu Holdings, Inc.

    (9,300     (92,396     4.6  

Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd.

    (9,700     (131,349     6.6  

Seven & i Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (8,500     (375,844     18.8  

Seven Bank Ltd.

    (205,200     (383,583     19.2  

Sharp Corp.

    (20,100     (170,072     8.5  

Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (11,500     (66,119     3.3  

Shimamura Co. Ltd.

    (1,700     (150,770     7.6  

Shimano, Inc.

    (600     (106,311     5.3  

Shinsei Bank Ltd.

    (3,800     (66,637     3.3  

Shizuoka Bank Ltd.

    (46,000     (297,623     14.9  

SHO-BOND Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,300     (180,729     9.1  

Shochiku Co. Ltd.

    (2,900     (295,976     14.8  

Showa Denko KK

    (16,700     (324,955     16.3  

Sohgo Security Services Co. Ltd.

    (10,600     (294,455     14.8  

Stanley Electric Co. Ltd.

    (5,200     (89,664     4.5  

Sugi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (3,700     (158,584     7.9  

Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd.

    (1,300     (42,654     2.1  

Sumitomo Realty & Development Co. Ltd.

    (14,500     (384,663     19.3  

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd.

    (4,500     (106,788     5.4  

Suzuken Co Ltd/Aichi Japan

    (7,300     (215,476     10.8  

Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,100     (43,327     2.2  

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp.

    (2,900     (52,187     2.6  

Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.

    (7,500     (294,656     14.8  

TechnoPro Holdings Inc.

    (1,200     (30,562     1.5  

Tobu Railway Co. Ltd.

    (4,900     (110,143     5.5  

Toda Corp.

    (15,600     (89,630     4.5  

Toho Co. Ltd.

    (5,700     (211,512     10.6  

Toho Gas Co. Ltd.

    (3,700     (86,799     4.4  

Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd.

    (108,800     (899,652     45.1  

Tokyo Tatemono Co. Ltd.

    (58,100     (819,148     41.0  

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp.

    (70,600     (367,379     18.4  

Toppan Inc.

    (25,800     (426,465     21.4  

Toshiba TEC Corp.

    (6,400     (216,942     10.9  

Toyo Tire Corp.

    (9,500     (108,964     5.5  

Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd.

    (3,900     (56,792     2.8  

Toyota Boshoku Corp.

    (3,800     (60,562     3.0  

Toyota Industries Corp.

    (700     (41,984     2.1  

TS Tech Co. Ltd.

    (15,700     (163,839     8.2  

Ube Industries Ltd.

    (4,200     (65,120     3.3  

Ulvac, Inc.

    (3,300     (129,310     6.5  

USS Co. Ltd.

    (4,500     (74,916     3.8  

Yamato Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (8,500     (159,052     8.0  

Yamato Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    (4,800     (154,911     7.8  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd.

    (15,200   $ (187,904     9.4

Yokogawa Electric Corp.

    (19,000     (302,907     15.2  

Zenkoku Hosho Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (56,154     2.8  

Zeon Corp.

    (11,500     (122,461     6.1  







Eurofins Scientific SE

    (7,433     (690,806     34.6  







Sands China Ltd.

    (312,000     (687,703     34.5  







Adyen NV

    (421     (706,141     35.4  

Akzo Nobel NV

    (3,446     (298,928     15.0  

Argenx SE

    (124     (35,726     1.8  

ASM International NV

    (216     (64,906     3.3  

ASML Holding NV

    (223     (126,561     6.3  

BE Semiconductor Industries NV

    (6,421     (391,415     19.6  

Euronext NV

    (2,873     (230,191     11.5  


    (2,176     (151,003     7.6  

Iveco Group NV

    (27,987     (164,658     8.3  

JDE Peet’s NV

    (1,716     (50,483     2.5  

Koninklijke KPN NV

    (641,528         (2,213,652         110.9  

Koninklijke Philips NV

    (18,209     (475,822     23.8  

NN Group NV

    (6,491     (317,939     15.9  

SBM Offshore NV

    (12,255     (177,589     8.9  

Shop Apotheke Europe NV

    (6,017     (496,215     24.9  

Stellantis NV

    (50,012     (671,444     33.6  






New Zealand                  

Fletcher Building Ltd.

    (2,438     (9,712     0.5  







InPost SA

    (73,607     (451,275     22.6  







Banco Comercial Portugues SA

    (340,297     (52,606     2.6  

Galp Energia SGPS SA

    (2,713     (33,022     1.7  







Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust

    (183,100     (376,724     18.9  

Ascott Residence Trust

    (95,700     (79,506     4.0  

CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust

    (88,800     (148,793     7.4  

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

    (35,800     (868,530     43.5  

Genting Singapore Ltd.

    (701,300     (407,168     20.4  

Keppel Corp. Ltd.

    (23,000     (113,431     5.7  

Keppel DC REIT

    (258,400     (385,220     19.3  

Mapletree Industrial Trust

    (24,000     (45,098     2.2  

Mapletree Logistics Trust

    (201,900     (259,304     13.0  

Singapore Exchange Ltd.

    (55,300     (389,110     19.5  

Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd.

    (153,100     (450,897     22.6  

Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.

    (17,900     (35,725     1.8  

Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust

    (26,700     (35,272     1.8  

Venture Corp. Ltd.

    (3,200     (39,283     2.0  

Wilmar International Ltd.

    (104,400     (332,795     16.7  

Yangzijiang Financial Holdings

    (314,200     (123,822     6.2  






South Africa                  

Investec PLC

    (23,089     (135,992     6.8  







ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA

    (15,517     (397,317     19.9  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Spain (continued)                  


    (3,393   $ (481,499     24.1

Amadeus IT Group SA

    (13,083     (819,819     41.1  

CaixaBank SA

    (288,603     (931,580     46.7  

Corp. ACCIONA Energias Renovables SA

    (1,057     (39,074     2.0  

Enagas SA

    (21,367     (462,012     23.1  

Ferrovial SA

    (34,969     (896,757     44.9  

Fluidra SA

    (14,097     (381,524     19.1  

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA

    (12,027     (191,573     9.6  







Volvo Car AB, B Shares

    (6,470     (47,465     2.4  







ABB Ltd.

    (99,508         (2,985,433         149.6  

Bachem Holding AG, Class B

    (132     (57,598     2.9  

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise

    (219     (18,508     0.9  

Chubb Ltd.

    (4,317     (891,245     44.7  

Coca-Cola HBC AG

    (6,212     (125,941     6.3  

CRISPR Therapeutics AG

    (8,630     (428,221     21.5  

DKSH Holding AG

    (497     (42,675     2.1  

EMS-Chemie Holding AG

    (207     (184,670     9.3  

Fischer (Georg) Reg

    (260     (14,110     0.7  

Geberit AG

    (962     (548,603     27.5  

Givaudan SA

    (30     (119,236     6.0  

Helvetia Holding AG

    (1,784     (229,256     11.5  

Holcim Ltd.

    (214     (10,593     0.5  

Novartis AG

    (8,157     (720,828     36.1  

PSP Swiss Property AG, Registered Shares

    (5,721     (721,029     36.1  

Roche Holding AG

    (415     (166,724     8.4  

Schindler Holding AG, Participation Certificates

    (2,111     (405,577     20.3  

Schindler Holding AG, Registered Shares

    (3,872     (743,324     37.2  


    (70     (179,866     9.0  

Siemens Energy AG

    (11,335     (218,338     10.9  

STMicroelectronics NV

    (10,915     (403,278     20.2  

Swiss Re AG

    (897     (73,560     3.7  

Tecan Group AG

    (80     (24,041     1.2  






United Kingdom                  

Admiral Group PLC

    (2,057     (64,749     3.2  

Airtel Africa PLC

    (36,540     (66,859     3.3  

Amcor PLC

    (65,589     (777,886     39.0  

Anglo American PLC

    (9,146     (405,085     20.3  

AstraZeneca PLC

    (1,143     (152,523     7.6  

Atotech Ltd.

    (29,891     (636,678     31.9  

Avast PLC

    (113,404     (804,264     40.3  

B&M European Value Retail SA

    (7,255     (44,720     2.2  

Berkeley Group Holdings PLC

    (13,972     (708,611     35.5  


    (40,339     (194,748     9.8  

Bunzl PLC

    (9,826     (379,093     19.0  

Clarivate PLC

    (22,715     (356,171     17.8  

CNH Industrial NV

    (6,478     (91,769     4.6  

Deliveroo PLC

    (40,607     (56,121     2.8  

Diageo PLC

    (22,439     (1,119,456     56.1  

Dr. Martens PLC

    (31,158     (81,466     4.1  

DS Smith PLC

    (45,299     (186,146     9.3  

Future PLC

    (4,557     (124,808     6.3  

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

    (33,517     (755,560     37.9  

Greggs PLC

    (3,318     (96,806     4.8  

Harbour Energy PLC

    (82,791     (519,183     26.0  

Howden Joinery Group PLC

    (34,481     (326,449     16.4  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)                  

HSBC Holdings PLC

    (99,900   $ (624,288     31.3

Intermediate Capital Group PLC

    (2,826     (54,080     2.7  

JD Sports Fashion PLC

    (5,567     (9,173     0.5  


    (10,196     (156,580     7.8  

Kingfisher PLC

    (85,085     (268,322     13.4  

London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    (1,273     (125,507     6.3  

LondonMetric Property PLC

    (40,586     (137,175     6.9  

Marks & Spencer Group PLC

    (326,641     (557,615     27.9  

Mondi PLC

    (23,402     (439,629     22.0  

Next PLC

    (1,639     (122,762     6.2  

nVent Electric PLC

    (14,450     (488,121     24.5  

Ocado Group PLC

    (10,041     (114,835     5.8  

Pearson PLC

    (34,180     (331,881     16.6  

Prudential PLC

    (48,971     (609,613     30.5  

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

    (3,110     (242,535     12.2  


    (2,672     (79,600     4.0  

Rentokil Initial PLC

    (100,112     (687,596     34.5  

Rio Tinto PLC

    (24,044         (1,698,856         85.1  

Sage Group PLC

    (13,802     (126,655     6.3  

Severn Trent PLC

    (19,056     (748,930     37.5  

Shell PLC

    (86,960     (2,334,519     117.0  

Unilever PLC

    (8,455     (393,074     19.7  

Unilever PLC

    (12,458     (578,227     29.0  


    (46,336     (656,128     32.9  

Vodafone Group PLC

    (298,393     (451,755     22.6  

WH Smith PLC

    (12,780     (229,928     11.5  

Wise PLC, Class A

    (50,345     (246,714     12.4  






United States                  

10X Genomics, Inc., Class A

    (4,043     (193,094     9.7  

Abbott Laboratories

    (1,746     (198,171     9.9  

Acuity Brands, Inc.

    (2,722     (469,491     23.5  

Advance Auto Parts, Inc.

    (1,945     (388,280     19.5  

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.

    (4,348     (445,496     22.3  

Affirm Holdings, Inc.

    (21,995     (631,256     31.6  

AGCO Corp.

    (8,214     (1,046,464     52.4  

Agilon Health, Inc.

    (16,862     (299,638     15.0  

AGNC Investment Corp.

    (46,078     (505,936     25.4  

Agree Realty Corp.

    (10,000     (679,200     34.0  

Air Lease Corp.

    (10,757     (433,292     21.7  

Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.

    (1,128     (264,031     13.2  

Akamai Technologies, Inc.

    (2,583     (290,019     14.5  

Albemarle Corp.

    (882     (170,076     8.5  

Alight, Inc., Class A

    (46,838     (402,338     20.2  

Alliant Energy Corp.

    (11,223     (660,025     33.1  

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (350     (46,701     2.3  

Alteryx, Inc., Class A

    (1,579     (101,372     5.1  

Amazon.com, Inc.

    (134     (333,074     16.7  

Amdocs Ltd.

    (18,992     (1,513,472     75.8  

Amedisys, Inc.

    (1,116     (142,457     7.1  

American Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (12,105     (1,199,727     60.1  

American Financial Group, Inc.

    (4,693     (649,887     32.6  

Americold Realty Trust

    (32,712     (862,943     43.2  

AmerisourceBergen Corp.

    (1,128     (170,655     8.6  

Amgen, Inc.

    (921     (214,768     10.8  

Amkor Technology, Inc.

    (5,432     (102,176     5.1  

Annaly Capital Management, Inc.

    (20,850     (133,857     6.7  

Antero Resources Corp.

    (8,286     (291,667     14.6  

Anthem, Inc.

    (434     (217,838     10.9  

Apartment Income REIT Corp.

    (2,593     (127,498     6.4  

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (512     (22,287     1.1  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Apollo Global Management, Inc.

    (12,797   $ (636,779     31.9

Appian Corp.

    (1,000     (47,800     2.4  

AppLovin Corp., Class A

    (11,718     (447,042     22.4  


    (22,829     (827,551     41.5  

Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.

    (35,884     (3,213,771         161.0  

Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

    (3,206     (271,420     13.6  

Arrow Electronics, Inc.

    (5,915     (697,142     34.9  

Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (3,999     (164,399     8.2  

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

    (1,479     (249,197     12.5  

Asana, Inc., Class A

    (2,217     (59,416     3.0  

Ashland Global Holdings, Inc.

    (207     (21,729     1.1  

Assurant, Inc.

    (7,687         (1,398,112     70.1  

Atkore, Inc.

    (4,652     (447,057     22.4  

AutoNation, Inc.

    (1,629     (188,817     9.5  

Avalara, Inc.

    (2,225     (169,256     8.5  

Avery Dennison Corp.

    (4,079     (736,667     36.9  

Avis Budget Group, Inc.

    (701     (187,637     9.4  

AZEK Co., Inc.

    (22,885     (486,077     24.4  

Azenta, Inc.

    (14,947     (1,120,427     56.1  

Bank OZK

    (1,230     (47,257     2.4  

Bath & Body Works, Inc.

    (14,424     (762,885     38.2  

Bausch Health Cos., Inc.

    (12,948     (246,029     12.3  

Beam Therapeutics, Inc.

    (2,158     (80,990     4.1  

Bentley Systems, Inc., Class B

    (2,396     (101,566     5.1  

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

    (5,554     (1,792,998     89.8  

Berry Global Group, Inc.

    (12,045     (678,736     34.0  

Best Buy Co., Inc.

    (1,873     (168,439     8.4  

Bill.Com Holdings, Inc.

    (2,295     (391,779     19.6  

Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd.

    (4,318     (385,036     19.3  

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Class A

    (539     (276,000     13.8  

Bio-Techne Corp.

    (572     (217,183     10.9  

Black Knight, Inc.

    (3,317     (218,225     10.9  

Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc., Class A

    (6,543     (196,552     9.8  

Blue Owl Capital, Inc.

    (25,068     (299,061     15.0  

Boston Beer Co., Inc., Class A

    (574     (215,250     10.8  

Boyd Gaming Corp.

    (2,308     (139,819     7.0  

Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc.

    (7,091     (810,076     40.6  

Broadcom, Inc.

    (343     (190,156     9.5  

Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

    (5,045     (727,136     36.4  

Brown-Forman Corp., Class B

    (3,888     (262,207     13.1  

Brunswick Corp.

    (3,380     (255,562     12.8  

Bumble, Inc., Class A

    (12,780     (306,592     15.4  

Bunge Ltd.

    (3,079     (348,296     17.5  

Burlington Stores, Inc.

    (53     (10,789     0.5  

Cable One, Inc.

    (310     (361,522     18.1  

Cadence Bank

    (2,666     (66,757     3.3  

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

    (1,917     (289,179     14.5  

Caesars Entertainment, Inc.

    (586     (38,840     1.9  

Callaway Golf Co.

    (32,381     (710,439     35.6  

Campbell Soup Co.

    (9,143     (431,732     21.6  

Cargurus, Inc.

    (8,083     (264,152     13.2  

Caterpillar, Inc.

    (3,460     (728,468     36.5  

CBRE Group, Inc., Class A

    (736     (61,117     3.1  

Celanese Corp.

    (2,235     (328,411     16.5  

Celsius Holdings, Inc.

    (2,494     (129,688     6.5  

Centene Corp.

    (3,475     (279,911     14.0  

CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

    (5,523     (169,059     8.5  

ChargePoint Holdings, Inc.

    (2,859     (36,995     1.9  

Chemours Co.

    (3,381     (111,810     5.6  

Chewy, Inc., Class A

    (7,382     (214,521     10.7  

Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

    (13,188     (1,286,621     64.5  

Churchill Downs, Inc.

    (3,307     (671,123     33.6  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Cintas Corp.

    (1,786   $ (709,506     35.6

Citizens Financial Group, Inc.

    (2,484     (97,870     4.9  

Civitas Resources, Inc.

    (16,405     (961,661     48.2  

Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.

    (943     (24,037     1.2  

Cloudflare, Inc., Class A

    (2,045     (176,156     8.8  

Coca-Cola Co.

    (1,720     (85,914     4.3  

Coherent, Inc.

    (1,468     (393,277     19.7  

Coinbase Global, Inc., Class A

    (12,450     (1,403,239     70.3  

Columbia Sportswear Co.

    (11,376     (934,652     46.8  

Conagra Brands, Inc.

    (20,814     (727,033     36.4  

Concentrix Corp.

    (4,981     (784,408     39.3  

Confluent, Inc., Class A

    (8,845     (276,318     13.8  

Consolidated Edison, Inc.

    (7,430     (689,058     34.5  

Constellation Brands, Inc., Class A

    (186     (45,773     2.3  

Constellation Energy Corp.

    (21,057     (1,246,785     62.5  

Copart, Inc.

    (7,959     (904,540     45.3  

Corning, Inc.

    (32,486         (1,143,182         57.3  

Coterra Energy, Inc.

    (15,003     (431,936     21.6  

Coty, Inc., Class A

    (33,116     (268,571     13.5  

Cousins Properties, Inc.

    (1,128     (40,495     2.0  

Crane Co.

    (7,451     (717,010     35.9  

Crown Holdings, Inc.

    (7,300     (803,292     40.2  

Curtiss-Wright Corp.

    (3,466     (495,326     24.8  

CVS Health Corp.

    (11,633     (1,118,280     56.0  

D.R. Horton, Inc.

    (7,043     (490,122     24.6  

Darden Restaurants, Inc.

    (20,189     (2,659,497     133.3  

Darling Ingredients, Inc.

    (10,145     (744,542     37.3  

Datadog, Inc., Class A

    (1,038     (125,370     6.3  

Deckers Outdoor Corp.

    (3,162     (840,301     42.1  

Dell Technologies, Inc., Class C

    (3,579     (168,249     8.4  

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

    (3,619     (155,726     7.8  

DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc.

    (4,156     (163,871     8.2  

Dillard’s, Inc., Class A

    (1,127     (342,394     17.2  

Dollar General Corp.

    (5,760     (1,368,173     68.6  

Dollar Tree, Inc.

    (10,604     (1,722,620     86.3  

DoorDash, Inc., Class A

    (7,210     (587,110     29.4  

Douglas Emmett, Inc.

    (14,672     (432,237     21.7  

Dover Corp.

    (611     (81,446     4.1  

Dow, Inc.

    (10,706     (711,949     35.7  

Doximity, Inc., Class A

    (1,229     (49,000     2.5  

Dropbox, Inc., Class A

    (5,226     (113,666     5.7  

DTE Energy Co.

    (1,404     (183,980     9.2  

Duke Energy Corp.

    (2,127     (234,310     11.7  

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

    (1,998     (131,728     6.6  

Dynatrace, Inc.

    (7,494     (287,470     14.4  

Eagle Materials, Inc.

    (1,195     (147,367     7.4  

Eastman Chemical Co.

    (2,862     (293,842     14.7  

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

    (2,728     (288,568     14.5  

Elastic NV

    (3,390     (258,115     12.9  

Electronic Arts, Inc.

    (2,543     (300,201     15.0  

Element Solutions, Inc.

    (42,310     (872,432     43.7  

EMCOR Group, Inc.

    (622     (66,231     3.3  

Encompass Health Corp.

    (16,625     (1,144,299     57.3  

Enovis Corp.

    (4,584     (297,364     14.9  

Essent Group Ltd.

    (2,723     (110,363     5.5  

Essex Property Trust, Inc.

    (1,458     (480,076     24.1  

Eversource Energy

    (20,017     (1,749,486     87.7  

Exact Sciences Corp.

    (4,355     (239,743     12.0  

Exelon Corp.

    (41,288     (1,931,453     96.8  

Fastenal Co.

    (3,356     (185,620     9.3  

FedEx Corp.

    (6,253     (1,242,721     62.3  

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.

    (2,742     (271,869     13.6  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Fifth Third Bancorp

    (16,780   $ (629,753     31.6

First Citizens BancShares, Inc., Class A

    (1,197     (765,338     38.3  

First Interstate Bancsystem, Inc., Class A

    (756     (24,585     1.2  

First Republic Bank

    (2,401     (358,277     18.0  

Fiserv, Inc.

    (6,235     (610,531     30.6  

Five9, Inc.

    (3,420     (376,542     18.9  

FleetCor Technologies, Inc.

    (710     (177,159     8.9  

Flex Ltd.

    (14,206     (234,257     11.7  

Flowers Foods, Inc.

    (17,226     (456,834     22.9  

Flowserve Corp.

    (12,623     (412,898     20.7  

FMC Corp.

    (3,100     (410,874     20.6  

FNB Corp.

    (13,669     (157,467     7.9  

Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc.

    (363     (25,864     1.3  

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.

    (1,455     (59,000     3.0  

Freshpet, Inc.

    (1,520     (141,892     7.1  

Freshworks, Inc., Class A

    (44,590     (810,200     40.6  

Frontier Communications Parent, Inc.

    (40,117         (1,058,688     53.0  

Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc.

    (3,364     (149,294     7.5  

Generac Holdings, Inc.

    (1,155     (253,384     12.7  

General Mills, Inc.

    (37,377     (2,643,675         132.5  

General Motors Co.

    (10,474     (397,069     19.9  

Genuine Parts Co.

    (3,432     (446,332     22.4  

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc.

    (40,141     (116,409     5.8  

Gitlab, Inc., Class A

    (2,384     (114,265     5.7  

GoDaddy, Inc., Class A

    (4,175     (337,382     16.9  

GoodRx Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (30,114     (408,045     20.4  

Graphic Packaging Holding Co.

    (94,931     (2,069,496     103.7  

Guardant Health, Inc.

    (6,829     (421,349     21.1  

GXO Logistics, Inc.

    (1,329     (78,664     3.9  

Hasbro, Inc.

    (5,862     (516,208     25.9  

HCA Healthcare, Inc.

    (4,934     (1,058,590     53.0  

Healthcare Trust of America, Inc., Class A

    (37,859     (1,153,185     57.8  

Hershey Co.

    (4,393     (991,808     49.7  

Hertz Global Holdings, Inc.

    (33,936     (680,756     34.1  

Hess Corp.

    (3,146     (324,258     16.2  

HF Sinclair Corp.

    (5,278     (200,670     10.1  

Hilton Grand Vacations, Inc.

    (5,190     (243,048     12.2  

Hormel Foods Corp.

    (8,785     (460,246     23.1  

Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

    (47,525     (967,134     48.5  

Howmet Aerospace, Inc.

    (18,985     (647,768     32.5  

HP, Inc.

    (4,726     (173,113     8.7  

Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc.

    (14,190     (330,343     16.6  

IAA, Inc.

    (6,936     (254,204     12.7  


    (14,017     (1,161,729     58.2  

ICU Medical, Inc.

    (100     (21,399     1.1  

IDEX Corp.

    (3,165     (600,780     30.1  

Inari Medical, Inc.

    (2,793     (225,395     11.3  

Independence Realty Trust, Inc.

    (15,767     (429,808     21.5  

Ingredion, Inc.

    (7,160     (609,388     30.5  

Innovative Industrial Properties, Inc.

    (309     (44,678     2.2  

Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.

    (1,990     (409,462     20.5  

Insulet Corp.

    (143     (34,176     1.7  

International Business Machines Corp.

    (943     (124,674     6.2  

International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.

    (2,957     (358,684     18.0  

International Paper Co.

    (5,317     (246,071     12.3  

Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc.

    (12,783     (646,948     32.4  

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

    (1,029     (246,240     12.3  

Invesco Ltd.

    (10,870     (199,791     10.0  

Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (254     (9,337     0.5  

IQVIA Holdings, Inc.

    (3,164     (689,720     34.6  

iRhythm Technologies, Inc.

    (345     (42,563     2.1  

J.M. Smucker Co.

    (1,786     (244,557     12.3  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Jabil, Inc.

    (1,302   $ (75,164     3.8

Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.

    (1,296     (245,696     12.3  

Johnson & Johnson

    (4,474     (807,378     40.5  

Juniper Networks, Inc.

    (43,996     (1,386,754     69.5  

KBR, Inc.

    (1,753     (86,300     4.3  

Kilroy Realty Corp.

    (4,673     (327,110     16.4  

Kimberly-Clark Corp.

    (9,043         (1,255,440         62.9  

Kimco Realty Corp.

    (6,209     (157,274     7.9  

Kraft Heinz Co.

    (2,702     (115,186     5.8  

L3Harris Technologies, Inc.

    (2,386     (554,172     27.8  

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings

    (695     (166,995     8.4  

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.

    (755     (49,906     2.5  

Lennar Corp., Class A

    (838     (64,099     3.2  

Liberty Broadband Corp., Class A

    (4,031     (433,977     21.7  

Liberty Broadband Corp., Class C

    (3,443     (384,996     19.3  

Liberty Media Corp. - Liberty SiriusXM

    (2,858     (119,550     6.0  

LKQ Corp.

    (26,218     (1,301,199     65.2  

Loews Corp.

    (22,506     (1,414,277     70.9  

LyondellBasell Industries NV, Class A

    (5,931     (628,864     31.5  

M&T Bank Corp.

    (2,964     (493,921     24.7  

Macy’s, Inc.

    (26,647     (644,058     32.3  

Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp., Class A

    (20,663     (480,208     24.1  

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

    (4,094     (357,242     17.9  

Maravai LifeSciences Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (4,092     (125,747     6.3  

Markel Corp.

    (506     (684,760     34.3  

Marqeta, Inc., Class A

    (28,807     (267,905     13.4  

Marriott International, Inc., Class A

    (2,617     (464,570     23.3  

Masco Corp.

    (4,830     (254,493     12.8  

MasTec, Inc.

    (1,696     (122,129     6.1  

Matador Resources Co.

    (9,512     (464,376     23.3  

Match Group, Inc.

    (344     (27,228     1.4  

Mattel, Inc.

    (15,215     (369,877     18.5  

Maximus, Inc.

    (12,119     (883,233     44.3  

McDonald’s Corp.

    (384     (95,677     4.8  

MDU Resources Group, Inc.

    (33,889     (872,981     43.7  

Micron Technology, Inc.

    (6,072     (414,050     20.7  

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.

    (3,392     (209,592     10.5  

MKS Instruments, Inc.

    (959     (109,307     5.5  

Moderna, Inc.

    (3,964     (532,801     26.7  

Mohawk Industries, Inc.

    (11,055     (1,559,418     78.1  

Molina Healthcare, Inc.

    (201     (63,003     3.2  

Mondelez International, Inc., Class A

    (14,815     (955,271     47.9  

Monster Beverage Corp.

    (17,143     (1,468,812     73.6  

Morgan Stanley

    (6,192     (499,013     25.0  

Mosaic Co.

    (5,508     (343,809     17.2  

Motorola Solutions, Inc.

    (475     (101,503     5.1  

MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc., Class A

    (12,063     (999,540     50.1  

Murphy Oil Corp.

    (1,116     (42,497     2.1  

Natera, Inc.

    (2,520     (88,502     4.4  

National Fuel Gas Co.

    (6,417     (450,024     22.5  

National Retail Properties, Inc.

    (13,027     (571,104     28.6  

National Storage Affiliates Trust

    (3,428     (194,025     9.7  

nCino, Inc.

    (9,882     (370,476     18.6  

NCR Corp.

    (16,251     (569,273     28.5  

New Fortress Energy, Inc.

    (11,492     (445,660     22.3  

New Residential Investment Corp.

    (111,150     (1,155,960     57.9  

News Corp., Class A

    (21,505     (427,089     21.4  

NextEra Energy, Inc.

    (1,150     (81,673     4.1  

Northern Trust Corp.

    (852     (87,799     4.4  

Novavax, Inc.

    (3,727     (167,976     8.4  

Nucor Corp.

    (12,576     (1,946,513     97.5  

NVR, Inc.

    (40     (175,048     8.8  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Oak Street Health, Inc.

    (21,005   $ (379,980     19.0

Olaplex Holdings, Inc.

    (16,775     (246,593     12.4  

Old Republic International Corp.

    (15,911     (350,201     17.5  

Olin Corp.

    (1,898     (108,945     5.5  

Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc.

    (14,245     (362,963     18.2  

ON Semiconductor Corp.

    (8,670     (451,794     22.6  

OneMain Holdings, Inc.

    (10,897     (500,499     25.1  

Onto Innovation, Inc.

    (8,353     (594,232     29.8  

Opendoor Technologies Inc.

    (49,020     (342,650     17.2  

Owens Corning

    (295     (26,824     1.3  

Packaging Corp. of America

    (8,786     (1,416,040     71.0  

Palantir Technologies, Inc., Class A

    (3,474     (36,130     1.8  

Parker-Hannifin Corp.

    (1,159     (313,880     15.7  

PDC Energy, Inc.

    (8,870     (618,594     31.0  

Peloton Interactive, Inc., Class A

    (17,561     (308,371     15.5  

PepsiCo, Inc.

    (9,892         (1,698,555     85.1  

Petco Health & Wellness Co., Inc.

    (15,310     (294,871     14.8  

Phillips Edison & Co., Inc.

    (25,456     (861,940     43.2  

Pinnacle West Capital Corp.

    (1,300     (92,560     4.6  

Pinterest, Inc., Class A

    (11,169     (229,188     11.5  

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

    (9,492     (2,206,605     110.6  

Polaris, Inc.

    (1,283     (121,808     6.1  

Post Holdings, Inc.

    (4,175     (310,578     15.6  

PPL Corp.

    (5,918     (167,539     8.4  

Primo Water Corp.

    (56,417     (825,186     41.3  

Procore Technologies, Inc.

    (12,929     (717,172     35.9  

Procter & Gamble Co.

    (26,072     (4,185,860         209.7  

Progressive Corp.

    (12,063     (1,295,084     64.9  

Progyny, Inc.

    (9,426     (362,430     18.2  

Prologis, Inc.

    (490     (78,542     3.9  

Prosperity Bancshares, Inc.

    (2,681     (175,284     8.8  

Prudential Financial, Inc.

    (5,069     (550,037     27.6  

Pure Storage, Inc., Class A

    (23     (674     0.0  

Q2 Holdings, Inc.

    (3,099     (160,311     8.0  

Qualtrics International, Inc., Class A

    (3,577     (66,318     3.3  

Quanta Services, Inc.

    (940     (109,021     5.5  

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.

    (2,063     (276,112     13.8  

R1 RCM, Inc.

    (14,590     (328,567     16.5  

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

    (9,534     (929,184     46.6  

Rayonier, Inc.

    (4,363     (188,482     9.4  

Realty Income Corp.

    (4,640     (321,830     16.1  

Red Rock Resorts, Inc., Class A

    (4,139     (181,950     9.1  

Regal Rexnord Corp.

    (7,902     (1,005,450     50.4  

Regions Financial Corp.

    (9,920     (205,542     10.3  

Revolve Group, Inc.

    (4,369     (184,634     9.3  

Robinhood Markets, Inc., Class A

    (3,342     (32,768     1.6  

ROBLOX Corp., Class A

    (4,540     (139,151     7.0  

Rockwell Automation, Inc.

    (421     (106,374     5.3  

Rollins, Inc.

    (11,775     (394,933     19.8  

Ross Stores, Inc.

    (11,370     (1,134,385     56.8  

Royal Gold, Inc.

    (2,598     (338,987     17.0  

RPM International, Inc.

    (984     (81,574     4.1  

Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc.

    (1,509     (141,061     7.1  

Saia, Inc.

    (1,245     (256,420     12.8  

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.

    (411     (29,724     1.5  

Scotts Miracle-Gro Co.

    (1,003     (104,242     5.2  

Seagate Technology Holdings PLC

    (967     (79,333     4.0  

Sempra Energy

    (2,371     (382,585     19.2  

SentinelOne, Inc., Class A

    (7,261     (241,573     12.1  

Sherwin-Williams Co.

    (2,018     (554,869     27.8  

Shift4 Payments, Inc., Class A

    (507     (26,597     1.3  

Shockwave Medical, Inc.

    (1,556     (235,158     11.8  
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Signature Bank

    (418   $ (101,261     5.1

Sims Ltd.

    (919     (13,486     0.7  

SiTime Corp.

    (660     (111,256     5.6  

Six Flags Entertainment Corp.

    (14,575         (557,785     27.9  

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.

    (600     (67,980     3.4  

SLM Corp.

    (13,236     (221,438     11.1  

Snowflake, Inc., Class A

    (2,837     (486,375     24.4  

SoFi Technologies, Inc.

    (31,009     (189,775     9.5  

Sonoco Products Co.

    (7,854     (486,241     24.4  

Sonos, Inc.

    (5,096     (116,291     5.8  

South State Corp.

    (5,628     (435,832     21.8  

Southwest Airlines Co.

    (7,834     (366,004     18.3  

Southwestern Energy Co.

    (51,726     (387,945     19.4  

Spirit Realty Capital, Inc.

    (10,866     (472,128     23.7  

Splunk, Inc.

    (1,871     (228,299     11.4  

Sprout Social, Inc., Class A

    (3,194     (195,728     9.8  

SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.

    (5,414     (350,069     17.5  

STAG Industrial, Inc.

    (9,011     (336,291     16.9  

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

    (2,935     (352,640     17.7  

Starbucks Corp.

    (21,359     (1,594,236     79.9  

Starwood Property Trust, Inc.

    (15,299     (350,041     17.5  

Steel Dynamics, Inc.

    (21,364     (1,831,963     91.8  


    (2,594     (581,186     29.1  

Sunrun, Inc.

    (10,889     (217,562     10.9  

Synaptics, Inc.

    (382     (56,704     2.8  


    (5,355     (535,982     26.9  

Synopsys, Inc.

    (1,512     (433,626     21.7  

Synovus Financial Corp.

    (16,672     (692,555     34.7  

T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.

    (147     (18,087     0.9  

Tapestry, Inc.

    (5,192     (170,921     8.6  

Target Corp.

    (3,659     (836,630     41.9  

Tempur Sealy International, Inc.

    (30,342     (822,572     41.2  

Tenet Healthcare Corp.

    (10,846     (786,443     39.4  

Terreno Realty Corp.

    (3,939     (286,562     14.4  

Texas Pacific Land Corp.

    (13     (17,766     0.9  

Texas Roadhouse, Inc.

    (5,517     (454,215     22.8  

Thor Industries, Inc.

    (2,303     (176,295     8.8  

T-Mobile US, Inc.

    (8,219     (1,012,088     50.7  

Toast, Inc., Class A

    (1,044     (19,450     1.0  

TopBuild Corp.

    (391     (70,826     3.5  

Toro Co.

    (6,377     (510,989     25.6  

Tractor Supply Co.

    (6,008     (1,210,312     60.6  

Trade Desk, Inc., Class A

    (799     (47,077     2.4  

Tradeweb Markets, Inc., Class A

    (9,462     (673,600     33.8  


    (2,676     (234,204     11.7  

Trimble, Inc.

    (13,664     (911,389     45.7  

Trupanion, Inc.

    (1,974     (125,586     6.3  

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A

    (3,075     (286,467     14.4  

Uber Technologies, Inc.

    (10,143     (319,302     16.0  

UGI Corp.

    (1,221     (41,880     2.1  

UiPath, Inc., Class A

    (11,585     (206,561     10.4  

Umpqua Holdings Corp.

    (2,191     (36,239     1.8  

Under Armour, Inc., Class A

    (6,795     (104,371     5.2  

Unity Software, Inc.

    (892     (59,238     3.0  

Univar Solutions, Inc.

    (25,928     (755,023     37.8  

Universal Health Services, Inc.,
Class B

    (6,228     (763,117     38.2  

Vail Resorts, Inc.

    (881     (223,915     11.2  

Valley National Bancorp

    (28,511     (341,562     17.1  

Valmont Industries, Inc.

    (356     (88,576     4.4  

Ventas, Inc.

    (7,592     (421,736     21.1  

Verizon Communications, Inc.

    (46,976     (2,174,989         109.0  

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (1,135     (310,105     15.5  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



United States (continued)                  

Vertiv Holdings Co.

    (38,828   $ (486,515     24.4

VICI Properties, Inc.

    (50,331     (1,500,367     75.2  

Victoria’s Secret & Co.

    (4,661     (219,626     11.0  

VMware, Inc., Class A

    (3,537     (382,137     19.1  

Vontier Corp.

    (2,349     (60,181     3.0  

Vornado Realty Trust

    (6,597     (255,370     12.8  

Vulcan Materials Co.

    (798     (137,487     6.9  

W.R. Berkley Corp.

    (6,115     (406,586     20.4  

Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

    (13,632     (577,997     29.0  

Walmart, Inc.

    (1,218     (186,342     9.3  

Warner Bros Discovery, Inc.

    (1,949     (35,374     1.8  

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A

    (6,610     (196,780     9.9  

Waste Connections, Inc.

    (3,270     (451,162         22.6  

Waste Management, Inc.

    (4,099     (674,040     33.8  

Wayfair, Inc., Class A

    (4,013     (308,760     15.5  

Webster Financial Corp.

    (10,649     (532,344     26.7  

WEC Energy Group, Inc.

    (1,019     (101,951     5.1  

Welltower, Inc.

    (4,496     (408,282     20.5  

Wendy’s Co.

    (17,154     (338,963     17.0  

WESCO International, Inc.

    (576     (70,998     3.6  

Western Digital Corp.

    (1,993     (105,769     5.3  

Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp.

    (6,719     (604,105     30.3  

Westlake Chemical Corp.

    (1,047     (132,498     6.6  

WeWork, Inc., Class A

    (20,007     (140,249     7.0  

Weyerhaeuser Co.

    (12,025     (495,670     24.8  

Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

    (703     (91,727     4.6  

WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp.

    (43,869     (1,539,802     77.2  

Wingstop, Inc.

    (2,836     (260,231     13.0  

Woodward, Inc.

    (517     (57,118     2.9  

Workiva, Inc.

    (2,505     (241,758     12.1  

WP Carey, Inc.

    (10,106     (816,262     40.9  

YETI Holdings, Inc.

    (4,337     (211,949     10.6  

Yum! Brands, Inc.

    (575     (67,281     3.4  

Zebra Technologies Corp., Class A

    (1,127     (416,607     20.9  

Zendesk, Inc.

    (2,337     (285,207     14.3  

Zillow Group, Inc., Class A

    (10,201     (394,269     19.8  

Zillow Group, Inc., Class C

    (10,786     (429,499     21.5  

Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.

    (1,144     (138,138     6.9  

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A

    (18,036     (854,906     42.8  

Zurn Water Solutions Corp.

    (3,820     (119,260     6.0  






Preferred Stocks                  

Volkswagen AG, Preference Shares

    (1,225     (189,711     9.5  







Total Reference Entity — Short





Net Value of Reference Entity — Goldman Sachs & Co.


  $ (1,995,792  




The following table represents the individual long and short positions and related values of the equity securities underlying the total return swap with Goldman Sachs & Co. as of period end, termination dates February 27, 2023 and February 28, 2023:


Security   Shares     Value    

% of




Reference Entity — Long


Common Stocks                  

29Metals Ltd.

    4,958     $ 9,382       1.4

Abacus Property Group

    40,531       93,018       13.5  

Arena REIT

    6,680       22,607       3.3  

AUB Group Ltd.

    11,444       185,287       26.9  

Aussie Broadband Ltd.

    14,565       56,641       8.2  

Australian Ethical Investment Ltd.

    42,877       174,222       25.3  

Blackmores Ltd.

    262       13,267       1.9  

BWP Trust

    3,135       9,112       1.3  

Centuria Industrial REIT

    43,299       120,666           17.5  

Charter Hall Education Trust

    55,836           158,062       23.0  

Charter Hall Long Wale REIT

    179,793       674,774       98.1  

Charter Hall Retail REIT

    51,097       159,615       23.2  

Codan Ltd.

    1,714       8,548       1.2  

Data#3 Ltd.

    10,231       41,549       6.0  

Dexus Industria REIT

    33,887       81,071       11.8  

Dicker Data Ltd.

    9,580       88,587       12.9  

Elders Ltd.

    2,009       20,197       2.9  

GrainCorp Ltd., Class A

    29,331       211,957       30.8  

Growthpoint Properties Australia Ltd.

    8,882       27,320       4.0  

GWA Group Ltd.

    140,675       224,701       32.7  

HomeCo Daily Needs REIT

    10,435       10,506       1.5  

Imdex Ltd.

    143,562       251,856       36.6  

Johns Lyng Group Ltd.

    137,701       861,843       125.2  

Jumbo Interactive Ltd.

    22,910       278,536       40.5  

Kogan.com Ltd.

    31,744       86,289       12.5  

Lifestyle Communities Ltd.

    12,655       133,376       19.4  

Lovisa Holdings Ltd.

    1,141       13,064       1.9  

MA Financial Group Ltd.

    1,177       5,694       0.8  

Monadelphous Group Ltd.

    44,524       331,669       48.2  

Nanosonics Ltd.

    36,438       100,688       14.6  

National Storage REIT

    48,312       87,505       12.7  

Netwealth Group Ltd.

    4,403       39,867       5.8  

Objective Corp. Ltd.

    4,574       54,529       7.9  

Pendal Group Ltd.

    36,498       134,361       19.5  

Pinnacle Investment Management Group Ltd.

    72,726       475,311       69.1  

Sandfire Resources NL

    19,555       77,505       11.3  

Silver Lake Resources Ltd.

    19,280       25,186       3.7  

St Barbara Ltd.

    525,265       490,999       71.3  

Tassal Group Ltd.

    49,305       130,733       19.0  

Technology One Ltd.

    2,728       19,686       2.9  

Temple & Webster Group Ltd.

    1,268       5,175       0.8  

United Malt Grp Ltd.

    5,996       17,520       2.5  

Waypoint REIT

    107,885       203,372       29.6  

Webjet Ltd.

    24,189       100,364       14.6  







AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG

    2,546       130,370       18.9  

Oesterreichische Post AG

    9,141       294,465       42.8  

Palfinger AG

    1,833       46,409       6.7  

Porr AG

    6,646       84,173       12.2  

Rhi Magnesita NV

    1,051       31,268       4.5  


    21,681       366,543       53.3  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Austria (continued)                  

Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe

    2,543     $ 63,079       9.2

Wienerberger AG

    26,442       746,401       108.5  







OneSpaWorld Holdings Ltd.

    9,750       97,890       14.2  







Barco NV

    3,086       69,496       10.1  

Euronav NV

    4,360       50,414       7.3  

Melexis NV

    1,391       119,396       17.4  

Recticel SA

    360       7,866       1.2  

Shurgard Self Storage SA

    19,555       1,131,581           164.4  

Tessenderlo Group SA

    532       18,624       2.7  


    742       192,992       28.0  







Argo Group International Holdings Ltd.

    2,075       88,810       12.9  

SiriusPoint Ltd.

    1,190       7,473       1.1  







Aecon Group Inc.

    19,217       223,935       32.5  

Altius Minerals Corp.

    10,162       169,597       24.6  

Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust

    3,498       153,491       22.3  

Bombardier, Inc., Class B

    293,286       287,658       41.8  

Canada Goose Holdings, Inc.

    24,190       527,241       76.6  

Canadian Western Bank

    10,245       258,468       37.6  

Cineplex Inc.

    14,064       144,072       20.9  

CT Real Estate Investment Trust

    16,046       221,708       32.2  

Eldorado Gold Corp.

    36,135       351,041       51.0  

Endeavour Silver Corp.

    1,205       4,596       0.7  

Enerflex Ltd.

    2,971       20,490       3.0  

Enghouse Systems Ltd.

    2,090       58,780       8.5  

Equitable Group, Inc.

    5,433       243,812       35.4  

Evertz Technologies Ltd.

    6,500       71,191       10.3  

First National Financial Corp.

    767       21,685       3.2  

Freehold Royalties Ltd.

    83,351       971,936       141.2  

Home Capital Group Inc.

    360       8,979       1.3  

K92 Mining, Inc.

    2,005       14,281       2.1  

Kelt Exploration Ltd.

    25,127       129,679       18.8  

Killam Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust

    46,813       736,458       107.0  

Laurentian Bank of Canada

    457       13,899       2.0  

Morguard Corp.

    3,003       295,005       42.9  

Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust

    1,012       14,534       2.1  

Novagold Resources Inc.

    8,114       50,592       7.4  

Osisko Mining Inc.

    2,519       7,941       1.2  

Pason Systems Inc.

    4,727       59,646       8.7  

PrairieSky Royalty Ltd.

    41,495       569,460       82.7  

Premium Brands Holdings Corp.

    2,660       217,165       31.6  

Real Matters Inc.

    24,504       86,980       12.6  

Richelieu Hardware Ltd.

    2,703       76,736       11.1  

Rogers Sugar Inc.

    16,751       79,670       11.6  

Sandstorm Gold Ltd.

    10,565       78,622       11.4  

Seabridge Gold Inc.

    11,043       195,218       28.4  

Silvercorp Metals Inc.

    14,891       44,975       6.5  

Slate Grocery REIT, Class U

    13,595       167,206       24.3  

SunOpta Inc.

    8,368       46,118       6.7  

Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd.

    3,201       12,533       1.8  

Topaz Energy Corp.

    28,076       497,419       72.3  
Security   Shares     Value    

% of



Canada (continued)                  

Tucows, Inc., Class A

    784     $ 45,174       6.6

Village Farms International, Inc.

    47,115       202,022       29.4  







Alk Abello A/S

    13,976       304,869       44.3  

D/S Norden A/S

    1,003       37,267       5.4  

Drilling Co. of 1972 AS

    317       15,808       2.3  

FLSmidth & Co. A/S

    4,756       130,372       18.9  

Nilfisk Holding A/S

    5,313       148,732       21.6  

NKT Holding A/S

    413       19,683       2.9  

Per Aarsleff Holding A/S

    4,983       191,232       27.8  







Cargotec OYJ, Class B

    9,590       332,049       48.2  

Citycon OYJ

    908       6,454       0.9  

Konecranes OYJ

    5,570       156,538       22.7  

Musti Group OYJ

    2,276       53,551       7.8  

Rovio Entertainment OYJ

    1,327       12,138       1.8  


    319       8,003       1.2  

Uponor OYJ

    10,714       188,254       27.4  


    62,375       251,066       36.5  







Albioma SA

    393       20,890       3.0  

Alten SA

    2,937       394,168       57.3  

Casino Guichard Perrachon SA

    596       10,443       1.5  

Coface SA

    16,863       202,158       29.4  

Elior Group SA

    18,781       57,345       8.3  

Esker SA

    1,148       193,373       28.1  

Groupe Fnac SA

    131       6,545       1.0  


    1       26       0.0  

ID Logistics Group

    768       246,301       35.8  

Imerys SA

    4,600       180,968       26.3  

Interparfums SA

    14,406       799,326           116.1  

Manitou BF SA

    4,598       104,322       15.2  

Nexity SA

    6,360       193,129       28.1  

SES-imagotag SA

    965       88,767       12.9  


    33,193       215,685       31.3  

Societe BIC SA

    913       54,478       7.9  

Technip Energies N.V

    663       8,057       1.2  

Television Francaise 1

    8,438       71,463       10.4  

Vicat SA

    12,454       374,505       54.4  

Vilmorin & Cie SA

    522       24,808       3.6  

Virbac SA

    115       46,431       6.7  







Adesso SE

    1,022       200,310       29.1  

Atoss Software AG

    135       19,616       2.9  


    2,065       99,714       14.5  

Cewe Stiftung & Co. KGAA

    69       6,298       0.9  

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KgaA

    103       5,506       0.8  

CropEnergies AG

    652       8,457       1.2  

Datagroup SE

    720       59,900       8.7  

Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG

    6,623       83,355       12.1  

Duerr AG

    7,420       192,844       28.0  

Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG

    1,436       72,060       10.5  

ElringKlinger AG

    11,418       94,659       13.8  

Gerresheimer AG

    1,146       79,604       11.6  

GFT Technologies SE

    3,429       136,202       19.8  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Germany (continued)                  

Hensoldt AG

    13,594     $ 378,579       55.0

Kloeckner & Co. SE

    21,706       279,611       40.6  

Krones AG

    3,495       269,861       39.2  


    34,066       241,143       35.0  

MorphoSys AG

    5,666       119,455       17.4  

Nagarro SE

    1,146       161,130       23.4  

Norma Group SE

    3,525       86,961       12.6  

Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG

    613       109,123       15.9  

SMA Solar Technology AG

    5,262       239,467       34.8  

Software AG

    1,495       46,016       6.7  

Steico SE

    284       28,496       4.1  

Suedzucker AG

    2,285       29,759       4.3  







888 Holdings PLC

    103,154       247,229       35.9  






Hong Kong                  

EC Healthcare

    127,000       127,642       18.5  

Health & Happiness H&H International Holdings Ltd.

    204,500       224,760           32.7  

Luk Fook Holdings International Ltd.

    51,000       116,734       17.0  

Nissin Foods Co. Ltd.

    24,000       15,779       2.3  

SA Sa International Holdings Ltd.

    2,584,000       461,869       67.1  

Texhong Textile Group Ltd.

    47,000       56,521       8.2  







Cimpress PLC

    4,054       204,767       29.7  

Grafton Group PLC

    4,322       52,345       7.6  

Keywords Studios PLC

    6,211       187,753       27.3  

Origin Enterprises PLC

    12,409       55,168       8.0  

Uniphar PLC

    19,790       81,840       11.9  







Caesarstone Ltd.

    39,765       390,890       56.8  

Cognyte Software Ltd.

    12,723       86,262       12.6  

Electra Consumer Products 1970 Ltd.

    113       6,379       0.9  

Israel Canada T.R Ltd.

    6,449       31,885       4.6  

Isras Investment Co. Ltd.

    345       84,090       12.2  

Matrix IT Ltd.

    278       7,006       1.0  

Mega Or Holdings Ltd.

    91       3,465       0.5  

One Software Technologies Ltd.

    749       12,340       1.8  

Radware Ltd.

    4,069       117,635       17.1  

Taboola.com Ltd.

    14,151       60,991       8.9  

YH Dimri Construction & Development Ltd.

    178       15,983       2.3  







Biesse SpA

    1,492       23,276       3.4  

Brunello Cucinelli SpA

    14,807       757,876       110.1  

Datalogic SpA

    4,341       42,180       6.1  

El.En. SpA

    5,014       69,883       10.2  


    133,378       254,466       37.0  

Pharmanutra SpA

    536       36,289       5.3  

Salvatore Ferragamo SpA

    414       7,196       1.0  

Sanlorenzo SpA/Ameglia

    1,782       63,013       9.2  

Sesa SpA

    4,540       656,339       95.4  

Tinexta SpA

    16,615       415,664       60.4  

Webuild SpA

    201,221       342,110       49.7  

Wiit SpA

    1,764       47,125       6.8  






Security   Shares     Value     % of

77 Bank Ltd.

    14,300     $ 177,313       25.8

Adastria Co. Ltd.

    56,800       941,346       136.8  

Aeon Delight Co. Ltd.

    1,600       34,198       5.0  

Ai Holdings Corp.

    13,200       173,293       25.2  

Aichi Steel Corp.

    14,800       256,166       37.2  

Anicom Holdings, Inc.

    63,900       301,424       43.8  

AOKI Holdings Inc.

    90,600       426,418       62.0  

Arata Corp.

    1,400       38,682       5.6  

Arcland Service Holdings Co. Ltd.

    20,500       354,265       51.5  

ARTERIA Networks Corp.

    12,600       129,059       18.8  

Avex, Inc.

    25,300       271,968       39.5  

Belc Co. Ltd.

    8,700       370,510       53.8  

Bell System24 Holdings, Inc.

    12,500       144,557       21.0  

Belluna Co. Ltd.

    35,100       197,162       28.6  

Bengo4.com Inc.

    11,500       295,931       43.0  

Canon Electronics Inc.

    14,900       170,629       24.8  

CI Takiron Corp.

    101,200       431,190       62.7  

Comture Corp.

    18,300       395,268       57.4  

CRE Logistics REIT Inc.

    19       29,056       4.2  

Cybozu, Inc.

    22,100       218,396       31.7  

Daiho Corp.

    3,000       102,700       14.9  

Daiken Corp.

    11,200       181,080       26.3  

Daiseki Co. Ltd.

    27,900       1,003,456       145.8  

Dexerials Corp.

    2,300       50,433       7.3  

Digital Arts, Inc.

    6,000       335,219       48.7  

Dip Corp.

    8,600       280,384       40.7  

Direct Marketing MiX, Inc.

    10,200       125,206       18.2  

Doshisha Co. Ltd.

    33,100       389,894       56.7  

Doutor Nichires Holdings Co. Ltd.

    26,600       305,716       44.4  

Earth Corp.

    800       33,810       4.9  


    8,400       75,591       11.0  

eGuarantee Inc.

    1,300       21,581       3.1  

Elan Corp.

    4,500       35,138       5.1  

en-japan, Inc.

    53,500           1,257,031           182.6  

euglena Co. Ltd.

    2,300       15,217       2.2  

FCC Co. Ltd.

    67,200       671,254       97.5  

Fuji Machine Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    1,500       25,027       3.6  

Fuji Seal International, Inc.

    26,400       350,618       50.9  

Fujimi, Inc.

    4,800       209,278       30.4  

Fujimori Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    300       8,275       1.2  

Fukui Computer Holdings Inc.

    500       12,481       1.8  

Fukuoka REIT Corp.

    12       15,008       2.2  

FULLCAST Holdings Co. Ltd.

    1,700       32,526       4.7  

Funai Soken Holdings Inc.

    22,500       377,330       54.8  

Fuso Chemical Co. Ltd.

    4,300       126,564       18.4  

Future Corp.

    500       7,326       1.1  

Genky DrugStores Co. Ltd.

    200       5,611       0.8  

Giken Ltd.

    24,000       658,566       95.7  

Glory Ltd.

    21,800       350,652       51.0  

GMO GlobalSign Holdings KK

    700       29,511       4.3  

Goldcrest Co. Ltd.

    25,100       326,452       47.4  

Halows Co. Ltd.

    4,100       97,986       14.2  

Hanwa Co. Ltd.

    300       7,333       1.1  

Harmonic Drive Systems, Inc.

    600       15,175       2.2  

Heiwa Real Estate Co. Ltd.

    900       28,391       4.1  

Heiwa Real Estate REIT, Inc.

    5       5,728       0.8  

Heiwado Co. Ltd.

    14,900       224,783       32.7  

Hoshino Resorts REIT, Inc.

    11       56,745       8.2  

IBJ Leasing Co. Ltd.

    8,600       199,354       29.0  

Infocom Corp.

    11,600       197,730       28.7  

Infomart Corp.

    38,700       192,740       28.0  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Iriso Electronics Co. Ltd.

    5,700     $ 133,192       19.4

Jafco Co. Ltd.

    13,600       163,964       23.8  

Japan Elevator Service Holdings Co. Ltd.

    18,300       239,160       34.8  

Japan Lifeline Co. Ltd.

    33,100       275,898       40.1  

Japan Wool Textile Co. Ltd.

    45,800       342,342       49.7  

JCU Corp.

    5,500       140,086       20.4  


    2,800       92,283       13.4  

JSP Corp.

    11,200       129,442       18.8  

Kanamoto Co. Ltd.

    18,700       279,441       40.6  

Kanematsu Corp.

    2,500       25,838       3.8  

KH Neochem Co. Ltd.

    1,000       18,917       2.7  

KOMEDA Holdings Co. Ltd.

    29,900       515,086       74.8  

Komeri Co. Ltd.

    400       8,449       1.2  

Konoike Transport Co. Ltd.

    21,900       194,385       28.2  

Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd.

    5,300       110,605       16.1  

Kura Sushi, Inc.

    29,000       718,143           104.3  

Kyokuto Kaihatsu Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    8,500       85,696       12.5  

Kyoritsu Maintenance Co. Ltd.

    2,700       98,321       14.3  

Life Corp.

    15,100       344,459       50.1  

Link And Motivation Inc.

    24,000       84,439       12.3  


    7,100       146,466       21.3  

M&A Capital Partners Co. Ltd.

    1,700       52,803       7.7  

Maeda Kosen Co. Ltd.

    11,900       272,074       39.5  

Makino Milling Machine Co. Ltd.

    600       18,488       2.7  

Mandom Corp.

    13,500           134,227       19.5  

Maruzen Showa Unyu Co. Ltd.

    1,400       34,173       5.0  

Matsuda Sangyo Co. Ltd.

    400       7,024       1.0  

Megachips Corp.

    4,300       110,162       16.0  

Megmilk Snow Brand Co. Ltd.

    9,700       144,587       21.0  

Micronics Japan Co. Ltd.

    2,500       29,258       4.3  

Midac Holdings Co. Ltd.

    13,500       217,665       31.6  

Milbon Co. Ltd.

    9,500       397,774       57.8  

Mirait Holdings Corp.

    500       7,007       1.0  

Mitsubishi Pencil Co. Ltd.

    12,200       118,437       17.2  

Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

    1,400       42,150       6.1  

Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd.

    11,700       179,216       26.0  

Mitsui DM Sugar Holdings Co. Ltd.

    17,600       261,759       38.0  

Mixi, Inc.

    2,800       48,167       7.0  

Monogatari Corp.

    4,000       166,800       24.2  

Morita Holdings Corp.

    21,900       210,186       30.5  

Nakanishi, Inc.

    9,700       158,546       23.0  

Nextage Co. Ltd.

    2,500       38,209       5.6  

Nichiha Corp.

    3,500       63,279       9.2  

Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    900       5,412       0.8  

Nihon Parkerizing Co. Ltd.

    9,000       63,658       9.2  

Nippn Corp.

    13,000       169,084       24.6  

Nippon Ceramic Co. Ltd.

    800       14,606       2.1  

Nippon Gas Co. Ltd.

    33,100       469,701       68.2  

Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd.

    16,400       130,263       18.9  

Nippon REIT Investment Corp.

    43       123,255       17.9  

Nippon Soda Co. Ltd.

    2,000       52,893       7.7  

Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd.

    78,200       345,277       50.2  

Nitto Kogyo Corp.

    23,600       277,871       40.4  

Noritsu Koki Co. Ltd.

    2,600       43,115       6.3  

NS United Kaiun Kaisha Ltd.

    1,700       46,721       6.8  

Obara Group Inc.

    16,900       378,220       55.0  

Oiles Corp.

    16,900       194,174       28.2  

Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.

    91,600       593,364       86.2  

Okinawa Cellular Telephone Co.

    2,000       76,963       11.2  

Okinawa Electric Power Co. Inc.

    800       7,964       1.2  

Okumura Corp.

    2,100       49,574       7.2  

One REIT Inc.

    10       21,228       3.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Ltd.

    12,100     $ 260,930       37.9

Outsourcing Inc.

    11,100       110,084       16.0  

Pack Corp.

    3,500       64,057       9.3  

Prestige International Inc.

    112,100       538,699       78.3  

Raksul Inc.

    3,700       76,452       11.1  

Round One Corp.

    1,600       17,808       2.6  

Saizeriya Co. Ltd.

    5,400       99,035       14.4  

Sakai Moving Service Co. Ltd.

    6,600       225,216       32.7  

Sakata INX Corp.

    900       6,806       1.0  

SAMTY Co. Ltd.

    17,400       281,032       40.8  

Sanken Electric Co. Ltd.

    4,800       177,270       25.8  

Sanrio Co. Ltd.

    2,300       48,245       7.0  

Sato Holdings Corp.

    16,500       226,877       33.0  

SBS Holdings, Inc.

    300       6,961       1.0  

Senko Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    1,000       6,763       1.0  

Seria Co. Ltd.

    27,400       535,832       77.9  

Shizuoka Gas Co. Ltd.

    6,800       48,744       7.1  

Shoei Co. Ltd.

    15,300       567,620       82.5  

Siix Corp.

    24,600       187,915       27.3  

SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc.

    4,400       14,253       2.1  

Sodick Co. Ltd.

    30,300       169,541       24.6  

Sosei Group Corp.

    1,000       9,765       1.4  

S-Pool Inc.

    58,400       583,569       84.8  

Strike Co. Ltd.

    18,700       569,463       82.7  

Sumitomo Densetsu Co. Ltd.

    3,600       61,605       9.0  

Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd.

    76,100       246,910       35.9  

Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co. Ltd.

    6,600       184,552       26.8  

Systena Corp.

    14,600       45,892       6.7  

Taikisha Ltd.

    7,800       192,469       28.0  

Takuma Co. Ltd.

    20,900       234,224       34.0  

T-Gaia Corp.

    2,700       34,222       5.0  

Toa Corp/Tokyo

    7,500       163,940       23.8  

Tokai Corp/Gifu

    1,600       21,200       3.1  

Tokuyama Corp.

    600       7,980       1.2  

Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    3,200       33,120       4.8  

Tokyotokeiba Co. Ltd.

    4,100       139,516       20.3  

Tokyu REIT, Inc.

    67       93,924       13.6  

Toridoll Holdings Corp.

    4,000       72,543       10.5  

Torii Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    300       7,539       1.1  

Tosei Corp.

    34,500           290,296       42.2  

Tosho Co. Ltd.

    500       6,690       1.0  

Totetsu Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    3,300       59,653       8.7  

Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co. Ltd.

    2,600       38,715       5.6  

Toyobo Co. Ltd.

    3,100       25,487       3.7  

TPR Co. Ltd.

    22,600       216,602       31.5  

Tri Chemical Laboratories Inc.

    9,400       176,544       25.7  

Trusco Nakayama Corp.

    24,500       382,064       55.5  

Trust Tech Inc.

    9,700       111,703       16.2  

Tsukishima Kikai Co. Ltd.

    8,400       66,348       9.6  

TV Asahi Holdings Corp.

    6,200       70,819       10.3  

UACJ Corp.

    7,000       117,110       17.0  

United Arrows Ltd.

    4,200       56,465       8.2  

UT Group Co. Ltd.

    2,100       47,220       6.9  

ValueCommerce Co. Ltd.

    6,700       195,784           28.4  

Vision Inc/Tokyo Japan

    700       6,978       1.0  

Wacoal Holdings Corp.

    32,500       462,921       67.3  

Wacom Co. Ltd.

    15,700       113,514       16.5  

Wakita & Co. Ltd.

    15,300       127,311       18.5  


    9,500       90,548       13.2  

Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp.

    19,500       285,977       41.6  

Yuasa Trading Co. Ltd.

    12,100       269,970       39.2  

Yurtec Corp.

    45,800       241,913       35.2  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)  

Zojirushi Corp.

    5,700     $ 60,275       8.8

Zuken, Inc.

    22,100       511,692       74.3  







Centamin PLC

    611,210       700,519       101.8  







Befesa SA

    269       16,799       2.4  

Millicom International Cellular SA, SDR

    17,059       384,591       55.9  


    31,455       281,444       40.9  







Frencken Group Ltd.

    22,500       22,825       3.3  







AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV

    652       25,821       3.8  

Arcadis NV

    731       30,500       4.4  

Basic-Fit NV

    6,624       277,527       40.3  

Koninklijke BAM Groep NV

    2,385       6,601       1.0  

TomTom NV

    1,076       9,290       1.3  

Wereldhave NV

    4,432       72,287       10.5  






New Zealand  

a2 Milk Co. Ltd.

    28,324       89,750       13.0  







Borregaard ASA

    15,134       288,679       41.9  

Elkem ASA

    28,403       117,955       17.1  

FLEX Liquified Natural Gas Ltd.

    4,750       133,805       19.4  

Grieg Seafood ASA

    449       6,689       1.0  

Kongsberg Gruppen ASA

    22,718       975,797       141.8  

MPC Container Ships

    16,628       49,493       7.2  

Selvaag Bolig ASA

    6,026       28,687       4.2  

SpareBank 1 SMN

    819       11,476       1.7  







Navigator Co. SA

    56,083       230,064       33.4  


    86,816       93,726       13.6  







AEM Holdings Ltd.

    139,400       477,385       69.4  


    66,400       67,899       9.9  

Ascendas India Trust

    48,000       43,368       6.3  

Far East Hospitality Trust

    85,600       41,235       6.0  

First Resources Ltd.

    36,600       55,822       8.1  

Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust

    49,500       29,887       4.3  

Sheng Siong Group Ltd.

    106,200       117,265       17.0  






South Sandwich Islands  

BMO Commercial Property Trust Ltd.

    5,843       8,624       1.3  

UK Commercial Property REIT Ltd.

    40,008       44,081       6.4  







Ence Energia y Celulosa SA

    48,680       182,354       26.5  

Indra Sistemas SA

    24,718       251,891       36.6  

Laboratorios Farmaceuticos Rovi SA

    1,199       81,869       11.9  

Mediaset Espana Comunicacion SA

    1,383       6,189       0.9  

Melia Hotels International SA

    41,660       344,541       50.0  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Spain (continued)  

Miquel y Costas & Miquel SA

    1     $ 13       0.0

Sacyr SA

    14,035       37,805       5.5  

Viscofan SA

    611       33,730       4.9  








    3,547       61,543       8.9  

AcadeMedia AB

    33,141       187,086       27.2  

AddTech AB, B Shares

    31,378       553,520       80.4  


    7,728       128,112       18.6  

Arjo AB, B Shares

    46,957       353,871       51.4  

Betsson AB, Class B

    25,742       158,131       23.0  

Biotage AB

    21,777       451,111       65.5  

Bonava AB, B Shares

    8,991       43,647       6.3  

Bravida Holding AB

    1,717       17,602       2.6  

Bufab AB

    1,747       57,957       8.4  

Cloetta AB, B Shares

    69,721       176,187       25.6  

Collector AB

    2,135       9,314       1.4  

Corem Property Group AB, Class B

    11,853       25,097       3.6  

Dios Fastigheter AB

    5,941       53,046       7.7  

Dometic Group AB

    7,685       65,815       9.6  

Fabege AB

    6,518       79,116       11.5  

Fingerprint Cards AB, Class B

    108,132       124,541       18.1  

Fortnox AB

    3,310       17,570       2.6  


    1,175       17,586       2.6  

Hexatronic Group AB

    4,108       173,802       25.3  

HMS Networks AB

    2,892       118,369       17.2  

Hufvudstaden AB, A Shares

    5,278       68,388       9.9  

Inwido AB

    680       9,388       1.4  


    1,902       43,927       6.4  

LeoVegas AB

    1,559       6,686       1.0  

Loomis AB

    1,109       27,631       4.0  

Nobia AB

    1,885       7,398       1.1  

Nyfosa AB

    3,589       39,557       5.8  

Scandic Hotels Group AB

    140,640       541,250       78.6  

Stillfront Group AB

    36,933       74,590       10.8  

Troax Group AB

    8,286       184,029       26.7  







Aryzta AG

    7,467       6,953       1.0  

Bossard Holding AG, Class A

    875       189,422       27.5  

Comet Holding AG

    3,206       693,054       100.7  

Daetwyler Holding AG

    1,487       478,122       69.5  

Ferrexpo PLC

    9,486       19,479       2.8  

Gurit Holding AG

    122       155,528       22.6  

Inficon Holding AG

    277       252,201       36.6  


    18,038       54,762       8.0  

Kardex AG

    42       7,993       1.2  

Landis+Gyr Group AG

    1,110       61,948       9.0  

Medartis Holding AG

    574       60,778       8.8  

Sensirion Holding AG

    5,515       661,440       96.1  

Softwareone Holding AG

    2,999       40,548       5.9  

Stadler Rail AG

    623       22,736       3.3  

Sulzer AG

    1,743       130,599       19.0  

u-Blox Holding AG

    5,224       433,991       63.1  

Valiant Holding AG

    919       91,797       13.3  

Ypsomed Holding AG

    894       127,757       18.6  









S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Network International Holdings PLC

    146,752     $ 479,428       69.7






United Kingdom                  


    2,876       20,921       3.0  


    7,374       22,850       3.3  

Alliance Pharma PLC

    5,033       7,215       1.0  

Alpha Fx Group PLC

    249       6,450       0.9  

Ascential PLC

    26,392                 104,638       15.2  

Ashmore Group PLC

    15,536       42,948       6.2  

Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings PLC

    3,729       39,069       5.7  

Babcock International Group PLC

    20,042       76,519       11.1  

Bank of Georgia Group PLC

    19,863       306,714       44.6  

Big Yellow Group PLC

    19,868       359,054       52.2  

Bodycote PLC

    8,757       67,918       9.9  

boohoo Group PLC

    88,827       89,926       13.1  

Britvic PLC

    10,085       108,679       15.8  

Bytes Technology Group PLC

    7,284       40,960       5.9  

Capita PLC

    32,219       9,615       1.4  

Capital & Counties Properties PLC

    20,008       41,340       6.0  

Capricorn Energy PLC

    43,733       112,483       16.3  

Chemring Group PLC

    3,218       14,053       2.0  

Clarkson PLC

    146       6,722       1.0  

Craneware PLC

    1,242       26,745       3.9  

Cranswick PLC

    1,409       56,028       8.1  

Currys PLC

    206,980       239,980       34.9  


    35,169       793,933       115.4  

Diploma PLC

    20,902       716,913       104.2  

dotdigital group PLC

    85,976       93,732       13.6  

Fevertree Drinks PLC

    38,394       870,574       126.5  

GB Group PLC

    23,340       169,145       24.6  

Genus PLC

    7,016       220,435       32.0  

Hammerson PLC

    516,886       186,612       27.1  

Hill & Smith Holdings PLC

    13,156       227,538       33.1  

Hotel Chocolat Group Ltd.

    8,237       38,582       5.6  

Hunting PLC

    47,670       173,834       25.3  

Impax Asset Management Group PLC

    6,560       70,945       10.3  

IntegraFin Holdings PLC

    12,844       57,920       8.4  

John Wood Group PLC

    33,859       94,145       13.7  

Judges Scientific PLC

    1,046       88,125       12.8  

Kainos Group PLC

    2,195       33,618       4.9  

Lancashire Holdings Ltd.

    4,918       26,065       3.8  

Learning Technologies Group PLC

    61,231       101,094       14.7  

Luceco PLC

    35,780       85,626       12.4  

Micro Focus International PLC

    48,173       227,482       33.1  

Morgan Advanced Materials PLC

    48,876       171,406       24.9  

National Express Group PLC

    18,829       58,364       8.5  

Pagegroup PLC

    1,269       7,765       1.1  

Pets at Home Group PLC

    109,971       426,864       62.0  

Polypipe Group PLC

    6,668       37,642       5.5  

PZ Cussons PLC

    21,831       56,017       8.1  

Redrow PLC

    77,540       508,298       73.9  

Restaurant Group PLC

    433,101       331,516       48.2  

RWS Holdings PLC

    71,159       389,720       56.6  

Safestore Holdings PLC

    28,395       446,703       64.9  

Serica Energy PLC

    18,289       80,349       11.7  


    159,924       82,679       12.0  

Smart Metering Systems PLC

    854       8,859       1.3  

Softcat PLC

    10,517       185,744       27.0  

Spirent Communications PLC

    31,227       90,289       13.1  

SThree PLC

    56,005       258,178       37.5  

Subsea 7 SA

    18,953       155,344       22.6  

Team17 Group PLC

    1,690       9,244       1.3  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)  

TechnipFMC PLC

    3,418     $ 23,653       3.4

Vesuvius PLC

    26,968       109,668       15.9  

Virgin Money UK PLC

    229,867       498,718       72.5  

Watkin Jones PLC

    8,963       27,895       4.1  

Wickes Group PLC

    50,450       120,271       17.5  

Workspace Group PLC

    16,380       137,076       19.9  

YouGov PLC

    7,023       110,830       16.1  






United States  

1-800-Flowers.com, Inc., Class A

    24,999       254,990       37.0  

1Life Healthcare, Inc.

    38,615       272,236       39.6  

1st Source Corp.

    1,310       56,684       8.2  

2U, Inc.

    19,532       194,929       28.3  

8x8, Inc.

    15,413       141,337       20.5  

A10 Networks, Inc.

    6,153       87,865       12.8  

AAR Corp.

    4,591       215,685       31.3  

Academy Sports & Outdoors, Inc.

    2,981       111,370       16.2  

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    2,364       43,592       6.3  

Acadia Realty Trust

    18,155       379,803       55.2  

Accel Entertainment, Inc.

    15,626       184,856       26.9  

ACCO Brands Corp.

    84,274       617,728       89.8  

ACI Worldwide, Inc.

    1,275       35,215       5.1  

ACM Research, Inc., Class A

    4,491       67,859       9.9  

ACV Auctions, Inc., Class A

    2,479       33,095       4.8  

Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp.

    17,047       140,638       20.4  

Addus HomeCare Corp.

    2,418       203,789       29.6  

Advantage Solutions, Inc.

    13,500       67,905       9.9  

Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc.

    9,154       365,977       53.2  

AeroVironment, Inc.

    469       37,670       5.5  

Alarm.com Holdings, Inc.

    3,705       226,301       32.9  

Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.

    2,372       50,286       7.3  

Alignment Healthcare, Inc.

    4,607       44,273       6.4  

Allegiant Travel Co.

    272       42,212       6.1  

Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.

    329       7,998       1.2  


    2,109       125,148       18.2  

Alliance Data Systems Corp.

    5,436       297,893       43.3  

Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc.

    312       11,681       1.7  

Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.

    17,356       144,923       21.1  

Allovir, Inc.

    9,680       44,044       6.4  

Alpha Metallurgical Resources, Inc.

    803       124,256       18.1  

Altair Engineering, Inc., Class A

    3,460       187,947       27.3  

Alto Ingredients, Inc.

    8,769       50,597       7.3  

Altra Industrial Motion Corp.

    6,707       261,573       38.0  

AMC Networks, Inc., Class A

    1,842       60,104       8.7  

Ameresco, Inc., Class A

    5,692       287,104       41.7  

American Assets Trust, Inc.

    6,560       240,096       34.9  

American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.

    18,611       281,212       40.9  

American Equity Investment Life Holding Co.

    937       35,344       5.1  

American States Water Co.

    2,917       229,451       33.3  

American Well Corp., Class A

    4,328       13,547       2.0  

American Woodmark Corp.

    9,749       456,741       66.4  

America’s Car-Mart, Inc.

    1,356       109,633       15.9  


    2,684       124,403       18.1  

Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    1,166       41,358       6.0  

Annexon, Inc.

    5,372       13,699       2.0  

Apartment Investment and Management Co., Class A

    13,600       85,680       12.4  

Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc.

    841       88,044       12.8  

Arbor Realty Trust, Inc.

    68,707       1,174,890       170.7  

Arconic Corp.

    249       6,265       0.9  

Arcosa, Inc.

    765       40,950       5.9  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Ares Management Corp., Class A

    2,224     $ 147,273       21.4

Argan, Inc.

    626       23,024       3.3  

Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.

    33,317                 451,445       65.6  

Arrow Financial Corp.

    470       14,711       2.1  

Artisan Partners Asset Management, Inc., Class A

    3,223       103,587       15.0  

Artivion, Inc.

    2,406       48,818       7.1  

Arvinas, Inc.

    743       40,843       5.9  

Aspen Aerogels, Inc.

    466       10,066       1.5  

Assetmark Financial Holdings, Inc.

    31,377       603,380       87.7  

Associated Banc-Corp.

    23,744       473,693       68.8  

Astec Industries, Inc.

    4,516       176,576       25.7  

Avaya Holdings Corp.

    9,218       85,266       12.4  

Avid Bioservices, Inc.

    3,455       46,504       6.8  

Avient Corp.

    1,201       59,137       8.6  

Axcelis Technologies, Inc.

    674       36,699       5.3  

AZZ, Inc.

    1,386       63,257       9.2  

Badger Meter, Inc.

    2,600       209,794       30.5  

Banc of California, Inc.

    20,439       368,720       53.6  

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A

    8,092       178,995       26.0  

Bar Harbor Bankshares

    1,558       40,679       5.9  

Barrett Business Services, Inc.

    2,739       197,126       28.6  

Beauty Health Co.

    1,650       21,615       3.1  

Benchmark Electronics, Inc.

    278       6,605       1.0  

Berry Corp.

    7,177       78,732       11.4  

BJ’s Restaurants, Inc.

    12,381       344,068       50.0  

Blackbaud, Inc.

    2,376       137,832       20.0  

Bloom Energy Corp., Class A

    3,853       71,512       10.4  

Bloomin’ Brands, Inc.

    2,184       48,026       7.0  

Boot Barn Holdings, Inc.

    2,733       246,134       35.8  

Bridgebio Pharma, Inc.

    9,407       75,444       11.0  

Brigham Minerals, Inc., Class A

    8,706       215,735       31.3  

Brightsphere Investment Group, Inc.

    7,448       149,258       21.7  

BTRS Holdings, Inc., Class 1

    19,747       132,700       19.3  

Byline Bancorp, Inc.

    8,815       206,800       30.0  

Calix, Inc.

    7,291       290,984       42.3  

Callon Petroleum Co.

    2,344       120,177       17.5  

Camden National Corp.

    2,226       99,613       14.5  

Cannae Holdings, Inc.

    10,571       236,790       34.4  

Capital City Bank Group, Inc.

    19,503       499,472       72.6  

Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.

    8,397       157,024       22.8  

CareDx, Inc.

    231       7,032       1.0  

Casella Waste Systems, Inc., Class A

    3,149       258,974       37.6  

Centennial Resource Development, Inc., Class A

    38,485       297,874       43.3  


    7,654       706,158       102.6  

Central Garden & Pet Co., Class A

    4,107       169,948       24.7  

Century Communities, Inc.

    5,429       286,217       41.6  

Cerence, Inc.

    7,597       224,111       32.6  

CEVA, Inc.

    1,184       43,027       6.2  

ChannelAdvisor Corp.

    14,294       207,406       30.1  

Chatham Lodging Trust

    15,044       216,032       31.4  

Cheesecake Factory, Inc.

    183       6,755       1.0  

Chefs’ Warehouse, Inc.

    4,794       175,460       25.5  

ChemoCentryx, Inc.

    309       5,704       0.8  

Chuy’s Holdings, Inc.

    5,526       138,205       20.1  

Cinemark Holdings, Inc.

    16,486       261,468       38.0  

Clean Energy Fuels Corp.

    3,009       17,633       2.6  

Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc.

    46,740       114,980       16.7  

Clear Secure, Inc., Class A

    1,010       30,724       4.5  

Clearwater Paper Corp.

    250       8,278       1.2  

Clearway Energy, Inc., Class A

    6,035       171,515       24.9  

Clearway Energy, Inc., Class C

    271       8,274       1.2  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

CNO Financial Group, Inc.

    8,179     $ 197,441       28.7

CNX Resources Corp.

    8,134       167,154       24.3  

Coeur Mining, Inc.

    9,748       35,385       5.1  

Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc.

    9,124                 533,754       77.6  

Cohen & Steers, Inc.

    1,656       128,655       18.7  

Coherus Biosciences, Inc.

    20,876       188,719       27.4  

Cohu, Inc.

    2,664       70,756       10.3  

CommScope Holding Co., Inc.

    13,630       82,189       11.9  

Community Trust Bancorp, Inc.

    727       28,942       4.2  

Compass Minerals International, Inc.

    221       13,068       1.9  

ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc.

    3,321       92,523       13.4  

Construction Partners, Inc., Class A

    331       8,543       1.2  

Corcept Therapeutics, Inc.

    4,781       102,839       14.9  

CorVel Corp.

    158       24,503       3.6  

Covetrus, Inc.

    639       8,818       1.3  

Cowen, Inc., Class A

    6,900       157,665       22.9  

Cross Country Healthcare, Inc.

    1,331       24,943       3.6  

CrossFirst Bankshares, Inc.

    6,131       78,538       11.4  

CryoPort, Inc.

    832       18,770       2.7  

CSW Industrials, Inc.

    266       28,066       4.1  

Cutera, Inc.

    3,307       179,603       26.1  

Dave & Buster’s Entertainment, Inc.

    7,618       346,619       50.4  

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    6,299       63,746       9.3  

Delek US Holdings, Inc.

    5,196       125,743       18.3  

Deluxe Corp.

    2,322       62,880       9.1  

Denali Therapeutics, Inc.

    253       6,021       0.9  

Denbury, Inc.

    317       20,282       2.9  

Dime Community Bancshares, Inc.

    1,906       59,925       8.7  

Diodes, Inc.

    1,392       101,658       14.8  

Donegal Group, Inc., Class A

    20,077       271,642       39.5  

Dorian LPG Ltd.

    3,108       45,750       6.6  

Dril-Quip, Inc.

    3,621       104,574       15.2  

Ducommun, Inc.

    392       20,019       2.9  

Duolingo, Inc.

    296       25,595       3.7  

DXP Enterprises, Inc.

    9,735       230,038       33.4  

Dyne Therapeutics, Inc.

    11,002       87,796       12.8  

Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    165       7,281       1.1  

Easterly Government Properties, Inc.

    16,675       317,659       46.2  

EchoStar Corp., Class A

    6,394       149,300       21.7  

Ecovyst, Inc.

    27,428       275,926       40.1  

Editas Medicine, Inc.

    6,651       88,059       12.8  

elf Beauty, Inc.

    6,719       163,473       23.8  

Emergent BioSolutions, Inc.

    7,177       232,391       33.8  

Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    955       61,502       8.9  

Energizer Holdings, Inc.

    8,632       261,463       38.0  

Energy Recovery, Inc.

    354       6,556       1.0  

EnPro Industries, Inc.

    978       91,159       13.2  

Ensign Group, Inc.

    74       5,944       0.9  

ePlus, Inc.

    654       36,938       5.4  

Equitrans Midstream Corp.

    24,093       189,371       27.5  

Esab Corp.

    152       7,144       1.0  

ESCO Technologies, Inc.

    1,142       71,318       10.4  

Essential Properties Realty Trust, Inc.

    19,833       475,992       69.2  

Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc.

    5,792       137,502       20.0  

Everbridge, Inc.

    6,545       282,089       41.0  

Everi Holdings, Inc.

    5,475       95,046       13.8  

Evolent Health, Inc., Class A

    3,772       103,805       15.1  

EW Scripps Co., Class A

    20,381       335,471       48.7  

eXp World Holdings, Inc.

    3,241       43,397       6.3  

Exponent, Inc.

    1,179       112,960       16.4  

F45 Training Holdings, Inc.

    1,041       9,150       1.3  

FB Financial Corp.

    4,084       157,357       22.9  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp., Class C

    320     $ 32,778       4.8

FibroGen, Inc.

    10,228       95,120       13.8  

Figs, Inc., Class A

    8,699       136,226       19.8  

First Advantage Corp.

    712       12,360       1.8  

First Bancshares, Inc.

    16,324                 525,470       76.3  

First Busey Corp.

    825       18,538       2.7  

First Financial Corp.

    26,262       1,119,286       162.6  

First Foundation, Inc.

    31,101       691,064       100.4  

First of Long Island Corp.

    3,153       52,907       7.7  

Flushing Financial Corp.

    9,290       199,735       29.0  

Focus Financial Partners, Inc., Class A

    3,464       136,655       19.9  

Foot Locker, Inc.

    1,622       47,541       6.9  

FormFactor, Inc.

    455       17,340       2.5  

Forrester Research, Inc.

    10,477       583,464       84.8  

Franchise Group, Inc.

    4,015       149,719       21.8  

frontdoor, Inc.

    14,400       445,104       64.7  

Frontier Group Holdings, Inc.

    12,054       127,893       18.6  

FRP Holdings, Inc.

    3,217       181,793       26.4  

fuboTV, Inc.

    11,919       45,173       6.6  

Fulton Financial Corp.

    8,125       123,256       17.9  

Funko, Inc., Class A

    13,525       220,322       32.0  

Gates Industrial Corp. PLC

    506       6,452       0.9  

Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd.

    1,420       31,283       4.5  

Getty Realty Corp.

    3,421       92,059       13.4  

Gibraltar Industries, Inc.

    6,667       252,279       36.7  

G-III Apparel Group Ltd.

    8,213       217,480       31.6  

Gladstone Land Corp.

    4,599       167,404       24.3  

GMS, Inc.

    168       8,056       1.2  

Gogo, Inc.

    12,016       221,215       32.1  

Goosehead Insurance, Inc., Class A

    727       41,795       6.1  

GoPro, Inc., Class A

    9,901       88,317       12.8  

Granite Construction, Inc.

    2,094       62,087       9.0  

Green Brick Partners, Inc.

    4,399       86,660       12.6  

Griffon Corp.

    11,752       219,880       31.9  

Grocery Outlet Holding Corp.

    2,773       93,367       13.6  

Group 1 Automotive, Inc.

    1,242       216,282       31.4  

Gulfport Energy Corp.

    1,494       140,406       20.4  

H&E Equipment Services, Inc.

    8,848       313,927       45.6  

Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.

    1,854       272,204       39.5  

Harmonic, Inc.

    2,580       21,414       3.1  

Harmony Biosciences Holdings, Inc.

    2,329       104,898       15.2  

Harsco Corp.

    5,504       56,251       8.2  

Haverty Furniture Cos., Inc.

    8,907       221,161       32.1  

Hawaiian Holdings, Inc.

    16,619       281,858       41.0  

Hawkins, Inc.

    492       18,342       2.7  

Hayward Holdings, Inc.

    9,487       150,843       21.9  

Health Catalyst, Inc.

    2,589       43,081       6.3  

Heartland Express, Inc.

    2,369       32,692       4.7  

Heartland Financial USA, Inc.

    4,756       208,170       30.2  

Hecla Mining Co.

    76,051       396,226       57.6  

Hemisphere Media Group, Inc.

    13,852       53,884       7.8  

Heritage Commerce Corp.

    2,847       31,972       4.6  

Heron Therapeutics, Inc.

    19,189       86,734       12.6  

Heska Corp.

    1,244       136,641       19.9  

Hess Midstream LP, Class A

    4,087       120,199       17.5  

Hilltop Holdings, Inc.

    5,657       144,197       20.9  

Holley, Inc.

    16,603       174,996       25.4  

Horizon Bancorp, Inc.

    8,360       146,133       21.2  

Hub Group, Inc., Class A

    3,463       232,575       33.8  

I3 Verticals, Inc., Class A

    3,718       102,059       14.8  

Ideaya Biosciences, Inc.

    1,851       17,751       2.6  

ImmunoGen, Inc.

    20,360       98,339       14.3  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Impinj, Inc.

    1,860     $ 91,624       13.3

Independent Bank Corp.

    15,516       306,286       44.5  

Independent Bank Group, Inc.

    2,796       189,569       27.5  

Ingevity Corp.

    6,014                 360,239       52.3  

Innospec, Inc.

    1,944       185,283       26.9  

Innoviva, Inc.

    508       8,666       1.3  

Installed Building Products, Inc.

    829       66,710       9.7  

Integer Holdings Corp.

    208       15,635       2.3  

Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    9,058       142,301       20.7  

International Money Express, Inc.

    5,760       114,451       16.6  

International Seaways, Inc.

    5,870       124,033       18.0  

Invitae Corp.

    11,173       59,329       8.6  

iRobot Corp.

    7,966       403,478       58.6  

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    12,616       151,392       22.0  

iStar, Inc.

    5,313       89,471       13.0  

Itron, Inc.

    5,556       265,466       38.6  

J&J Snack Foods Corp.

    1,877       280,987       40.8  

John B Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.

    169       13,121       1.9  

Joint Corp.

    2,493       76,086       11.1  

Kadant, Inc.

    140       25,900       3.8  

Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc.

    833       5,081       0.7  

Kforce, Inc.

    675       47,284       6.9  

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.

    4,052       24,393       3.5  

Kontoor Brands, Inc.

    3,870       153,755       22.3  

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.

    2,798       42,446       6.2  

Krispy Kreme, Inc.

    7,522       99,892       14.5  

Kura Oncology, Inc.

    5,255       75,409       11.0  

Kymera Therapeutics, Inc.

    1,882       59,001       8.6  

Lakeland Bancorp, Inc.

    1,632       24,529       3.6  

Laredo Petroleum, Inc.

    1,309       93,214       13.5  

LeMaitre Vascular, Inc.

    2,520       108,889       15.8  

LendingClub Corp.

    6,679       101,855       14.8  

LendingTree, Inc.

    2,428       192,832       28.0  

LGI Homes, Inc.

    1,096       102,706       14.9  

Liberty Latin America Ltd., Class C

    721       6,662       1.0  

Liberty Media Corp. - Liberty Braves, Class A

    276       7,251       1.1  

Limelight Networks, Inc.

    5,307       18,946       2.8  

Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc.

    640       9,798       1.4  

Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., Class A

    19,464       262,569       38.1  

Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., Class B

    9,748       122,532       17.8  

Live Oak Bancshares, Inc.

    226       9,567       1.4  

LivePerson, Inc.

    9,169       207,403       30.1  

LiveRamp Holdings, Inc.

    2,190       68,591       10.0  

Luther Burbank Corp.

    19,216       254,996       37.0  

M/I Homes, Inc.

    11,000       487,080       70.8  

Malibu Boats, Inc., Class A

    15,358       772,354       112.2  

MannKind Corp.

    1,934       6,053       0.9  

Marcus & Millichap, Inc.

    234       10,481       1.5  

Marcus Corp.

    33,019       519,389       75.5  

MarineMax, Inc.

    6,250       255,750       37.2  

Marten Transport Ltd.

    13,386       232,649       33.8  

Masonite International Corp.

    132       10,233       1.5  

McGrath RentCorp

    257       21,449       3.1  

MDC Holdings, Inc.

    2,077       76,662       11.1  

Mercantile Bank Corp.

    611       19,185       2.8  

Merchants Bancorp

    1,787       42,030       6.1  

Merit Medical Systems, Inc.

    1,074       66,599       9.7  

MFA Financial, Inc.

    6,476       92,283       13.4  

MGP Ingredients, Inc.

    4,862       444,046       64.5  

Midland States Bancorp, Inc.

    31,482       829,866       120.6  

MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc.

    3,157       94,331       13.7  

MiMedx Group, Inc.

    3,371       13,315       1.9  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Mitek Systems, Inc.

    7,307     $ 81,619       11.9

Model N, Inc.

    13,278                 343,104       49.9  

Modine Manufacturing Co.

    19,119       151,040       21.9  

ModivCare, Inc.

    189       19,650       2.9  

Moelis & Co., Class A

    3,579       158,407       23.0  

Momentive Global, Inc.

    7,559       119,583       17.4  

Monro, Inc.

    8,998       411,479       59.8  

Montrose Environmental Group, Inc.

    4,337       196,770       28.6  

Morphic Holding, Inc.

    194       5,880       0.9  

MRC Global, Inc.

    60,610       726,714       105.6  

Myers Industries, Inc.

    341       7,478       1.1  

Nabors Industries Ltd.

    1,063       164,361       23.9  

Napco Security Technologies, Inc.

    2,610       45,675       6.6  

National Instruments Corp.

    10,043       362,954       52.7  

Neogen Corp.

    385       10,164       1.5  

NeoGenomics, Inc.

    18,582       175,600       25.5  

NexPoint Residential Trust, Inc.

    18,791       1,675,406       243.4  

NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.

    17,588       219,498       31.9  

Nkarta, Inc.

    4,797       88,457       12.9  

nLight, Inc.

    1,092       14,360       2.1  

NMI Holdings, Inc., Class A

    20,451       375,889       54.6  

Noble Corp.

    1,585       50,609       7.4  

Northern Oil and Gas, Inc.

    304       7,594       1.1  

Northfield Bancorp, Inc.

    1,389       18,182       2.6  

Northwest Natural Holding Co.

    4,626       221,262       32.1  

NorthWestern Corp.

    8,882       503,521       73.2  

Nurix Therapeutics, Inc.

    410       4,539       0.7  

Oasis Petroleum, Inc.

    464       61,554       8.9  

Oceaneering International, Inc.

    2,308       26,150       3.8  

Olema Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    20,033       51,084       7.4  

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Holdings, Inc.

    9,600       461,280       67.0  

Olo, Inc., Class A

    18,397       196,664       28.6  

Oportun Financial Corp.

    3,097       35,894       5.2  

Origin Bancorp, Inc.

    19,276       726,320       105.5  

Origin Materials, Inc.

    1,340       8,697       1.3  

Orthofix Medical, Inc.

    3,360       104,160       15.1  

Outfront Media, Inc.

    14,878       380,877       55.3  

Overstock.com, Inc.

    5,303       177,969       25.9  

Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.

    5,055       32,049       4.7  

PagerDuty, Inc.

    5,377       153,621       22.3  

Palomar Holdings, Inc.

    681       37,080       5.4  

Par Pacific Holdings, Inc.

    11,136       163,365       23.7  

PAR Technology Corp.

    5,935       196,092       28.5  

Party City Holdco, Inc.

    3,314       10,240       1.5  

Passage Bio, Inc.

    15,656       30,529       4.4  

Patrick Industries, Inc.

    1,804       112,299       16.3  

Paymentus Holdings, Inc., Class A

    648       10,731       1.6  

Peapack Gladstone Financial Corp.

    256       7,933       1.2  

Pebblebrook Hotel Trust

    16,274       397,411       57.7  

Peoples Bancorp, Inc.

    17,007       466,332       67.8  

Perficient, Inc.

    496       49,307       7.2  

Personalis, Inc.

    22,633       126,745       18.4  

PetIQ, Inc.

    6,481       128,972       18.7  

Phibro Animal Health Corp., Class A

    4,176       75,126       10.9  

Piedmont Lithium, Inc.

    1,095       71,624       10.4  

Piper Sandler Cos

    282       32,424       4.7  

PJT Partners, Inc., Class A

    2,814       185,696       27.0  

Plains GP Holdings LP, Class A

    14,355       160,345       23.3  

Playa Hotels & Resorts NV

    3,973       37,505       5.4  

Plymouth Industrial REIT, Inc.

    18,748       452,202       65.7  

PMV Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    3,317       48,063       7.0  

Poshmark, Inc., Class A

    10,439       115,247       16.7  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Premier Financial Corp.

    16,673     $ 442,501       64.3

Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Inc.

    10,034                 548,458       79.7  

Primoris Services Corp.

    2,285       52,966       7.7  

PROG Holdings, Inc.

    4,479       118,559       17.2  

ProPetro Holding Corp.

    3,962       56,023       8.1  

Proto Labs, Inc.

    478       20,368       3.0  

PubMatic, Inc., Class A

    391       8,825       1.3  

QCR Holdings, Inc.

    2,513       136,431       19.8  

Quaker Chemical Corp.

    3,740       608,535       88.4  

QuinStreet, Inc.

    29,071       276,465       40.2  

Qurate Retail, Inc., Series A

    4,716       19,854       2.9  

Ranpak Holdings Corp.

    12,865       194,004       28.2  

Ready Capital Corp.

    699       10,184       1.5  

RealReal, Inc.

    11,773       63,810       9.3  

Redfin Corp.

    692       7,716       1.1  

Redwood Trust, Inc.

    15,160       147,052       21.4  

Replimune Group, Inc.

    2,939       49,287       7.2  

Revolution Medicines, Inc.

    4,294       85,751       12.5  

REX American Resources Corp.

    600       50,778       7.4  

RLI Corp.

    876       100,547       14.6  

RLJ Lodging Trust

    32,635       457,543       66.5  

Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    19,230       197,684       28.7  

RPT Realty

    11,851       157,500       22.9  

Rush Enterprises, Inc., Class A

    4,310       219,293       31.9  

Rush Enterprises, Inc., Class B

    4,717       228,539       33.2  

Ryan Specialty Group Holdings, Inc., Class A

    14,234       526,516       76.5  

Ryerson Holding Corp.

    173       6,368       0.9  

Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc.

    12,034       140,557       20.4  

Safehold, Inc.

    1,003       43,179       6.3  

Sage Therapeutics, Inc.

    215       6,777       1.0  

Sana Biotechnology, Inc.

    11,129       84,024       12.2  

Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc.

    4,794       19,895       2.9  

ScanSource, Inc.

    241       8,252       1.2  

Select Medical Holdings Corp.

    22,659       512,320       74.4  

Sensient Technologies Corp.

    543       45,938       6.7  

Shake Shack, Inc., Class A

    12,049       696,794       101.2  

Shutterstock, Inc.

    815       61,712       9.0  

Simply Good Foods Co.

    1,126       46,898       6.8  

Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc.

    818       84,802       12.3  

Simulations Plus, Inc.

    541       25,243       3.7  

SkyWest, Inc.

    21,516       627,191       91.1  

SMART Global Holdings, Inc.

    6,141       139,155       20.2  

Sonic Automotive, Inc., Class A

    490       20,849       3.0  

Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc.

    8,520       12,865       1.9  

SPS Commerce, Inc.

    3,895       465,959       67.7  

SPX Corp.

    1,446       60,587       8.8  

Standard Motor Products, Inc.

    2,243       95,731       13.9  

Standex International Corp.

    72       6,771       1.0  

Stepan Co.

    1,008       102,927       15.0  

Stitch Fix, Inc., Class A

    41,700       396,150       57.6  

Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.

    10,440       150,754       21.9  

StoneX Group, Inc.

    1,183       80,184       11.6  

Summit Hotel Properties, Inc.

    5,789       57,137       8.3  

Summit Materials, Inc., Class A

    15,548       432,234       62.8  

SunCoke Energy, Inc.

    3,190       26,541       3.9  

Sunnova Energy International, Inc.

    11,174       192,975       28.0  

SunPower Corp.

    3,554       58,677       8.5  

Super Micro Computer, Inc.

    1,976       83,190       12.1  

Sylvamo Corp.

    6,824       304,692       44.3  

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    528       8,855       1.3  

Tactile Systems Technology, Inc.

    10,290       173,695       25.2  

Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, Inc.

    1,145       18,469       2.7  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Targa Resources Corp.

    7,581     $ 556,521       80.9

Taylor Morrison Home Corp.

    8,988                 235,396       34.2  

TechTarget, Inc.

    3,359       226,094       32.8  

Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.

    13,086       672,097       97.7  

TG Therapeutics, Inc.

    862       5,982       0.9  


    6,284       173,250       25.2  

Transocean Ltd.

    50,648       190,436       27.7  

Travere Therapeutics, Inc.

    439       11,032       1.6  

Tri Pointe Homes, Inc.

    28,884       597,032       86.7  

Trico Bancshares

    15,789       592,877       86.1  

Trinity Industries, Inc.

    1,187       32,927       4.8  

Triumph Group, Inc.

    3,855       86,892       12.6  

TrueBlue, Inc.

    363       9,282       1.3  

TTEC Holdings, Inc.

    138       10,186       1.5  

Turning Point Brands, Inc.

    13,721       430,702       62.6  

Tutor Perini Corp.

    18,617       172,580       25.1  

U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc.

    515       53,442       7.8  

UMB Financial Corp.

    6,031       543,876       79.0  

UMH Properties, Inc.

    23,635       555,895       80.8  

United Fire Group, Inc.

    18,237       534,162       77.6  

United States Cellular Corp.

    17,264       496,858       72.2  

Unitil Corp.

    3,690       188,190       27.3  

Univest Financial Corp.

    2,032       51,206       7.4  

Upland Software, Inc.

    7,684       114,645       16.7  

Urban Edge Properties

    3,418       63,882       9.3  

Urban Outfitters, Inc.

    15,770       375,326       54.5  

Valaris Ltd.

    1,307       66,330       9.6  

Varex Imaging Corp.

    274       5,439       0.8  

Vector Group Ltd.

    4,194       53,348       7.7  

Vectrus, Inc.

    7,122       257,104       37.4  

Veeco Instruments, Inc.

    6,147       140,889       20.5  

Veracyte, Inc.

    4,705       96,311       14.0  

Veris Residential, Inc.

    4,977       79,682       11.6  

Veritex Holdings, Inc.

    12,337       405,270       58.9  

Veritiv Corp.

    785       110,324       16.0  

Vertex Inc., Class A

    6,175       87,870       12.8  

Viad Corp.

    1,661       54,398       7.9  

Victory Capital Holdings Inc., Class A

    23,611       637,261       92.6  

Virtus Investment Partners, Inc.

    63       11,161       1.6  

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.

    8,298       154,592       22.5  

Vista Outdoor, Inc.

    1,496       52,704       7.7  

Vital Farms, Inc.

    579       6,659       1.0  

Walker & Dunlop, Inc.

    1,693       202,754       29.5  

Warrior Met Coal, Inc.

    753       25,655       3.7  

Washington Federal, Inc.

    7,097       215,962       31.4  

Watts Water Technologies, Inc., Class A

    377       48,052       7.0  

WD-40 Co.

    1,820       334,844       48.7  

Werner Enterprises, Inc.

    12,068       478,255       69.5  

WesBanco, Inc.

    865       27,888       4.0  

Willdan Group, Inc.

    2,758       74,135       10.8  

Xerox Holdings Corp.

    1,753       30,502       4.4  

Yext, Inc.

    37,981       219,910       32.0  

Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Inc.

    10,891       91,484       13.3  

York Water Co.

    160       6,189       0.9  

ZimVie, Inc.

    1,177       26,482       3.8  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

ZipRecruiter, Inc., Class A

    16,563     $ 372,833       54.2

Zuora, Inc., Class A

    41,320                 502,864       73.1  







Preferred Stocks



Schaeffler AG, Preference Shares

    88,506       475,303       69.1  







Total Reference Entity — Long






Reference Entity — Short


Common Stocks



Bega Cheese Ltd.

    (133,503     (471,154     (68.5

Bellevue Gold Ltd.

    (8,742     (5,884     (0.9

Betmakers Technology Group Ltd.

    (973,259     (388,722     (56.5

Bravura Solutions Ltd.

    (188,410     (249,882     (36.3

Breville Group Ltd.

    (2,103     (34,852     (5.1

Brickworks Ltd.

    (4,960     (82,383     (12.0

BWX Ltd.

    (92,706     (121,954     (17.7

Coronado Global Resources, Inc.

    (12,544     (20,208     (2.9

Credit Corp. Group Ltd.

    (6,668     (127,502     (18.5

Cromwell Property Group

    (1,124,851     (675,093     (98.1

De Grey Mining Ltd.

    (205,568     (172,958     (25.1

Dubber Corp. Ltd.

    (69,176     (49,883     (7.2

Eagers Automotive Ltd.

    (21,794     (201,449     (29.3

EML Payments Ltd.

    (64,687     (70,030     (10.2

G8 Education Ltd.

    (146,411     (112,829     (16.4

Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd.

    (6,742     (14,175     (2.1

Gold Road Resources Ltd.

    (191,229     (208,866     (30.3

GUD Holdings Ltd.

    (27,366     (245,812     (35.7

Hansen Technologies Ltd.

    (20,544     (79,544     (11.6

Inghams Group Ltd.

    (297,627     (644,387     (93.6

Integral Diagnostics Ltd.

    (2,548     (7,065     (1.0

InvoCare Ltd.

    (131,413     (1,127,498     (163.8

ioneer Ltd.

    (37,869     (17,590     (2.6

IPH Ltd.

    (2,876     (15,247     (2.2


    (89,579     (689,090     (100.1

Karoon Energy Ltd.

    (585,768     (841,220     (122.2

Kelsian Group Ltd.

    (34,971     (193,754     (28.2

Link Administration Holdings Ltd.

    (156,351     (553,575     (80.4

Mayne Pharma Group Ltd.

    (32,773     (6,549     (1.0

nib holdings Ltd.

    (19,216     (95,684     (13.9

Nick Scali Ltd.

    (3,121     (22,264     (3.2

Nuix Ltd.

    (16,729     (14,509     (2.1

OceanaGold Corp.

    (153,228     (381,683     (55.5

Omni Bridgeway Ltd.

    (87,931     (206,592     (30.0

Pact Group Holdings Ltd.

    (8,110     (13,097     (1.9

Paladin Energy Ltd.

    (636,004     (350,009     (50.9

Perenti Global Ltd.

    (356,962     (177,361     (25.8

Perseus Mining Ltd.

    (93,647     (130,312     (18.9

PointsBet Holdings Ltd.

    (164,372     (334,960     (48.7

Premier Investments Ltd.

    (13,991     (247,920     (36.0

Redbubble Ltd.

    (71,634     (56,263     (8.2

Regis Resources Ltd.

    (7,535     (11,039     (1.6

Select Harvests Ltd.

    (8,401     (38,822     (5.6

Sigma Healthcare Ltd.

    (254,236     (89,815     (13.1

SmartGroup Corp. Ltd.

    (1,035     (6,482     (0.9




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Australia (continued)  

SolGold PLC

    (470,494   $ (169,796     (24.7 )% 

Steadfast Group Ltd.

    (9,291     (33,637     (4.9

Super Retail Group Ltd.

    (31,461              (232,783     (33.8

Tyro Payments Ltd.

    (7,231     (6,181     (0.9

Uniti Group Ltd.

    (206,170     (711,948     (103.4

Viva Energy Group Ltd.

    (257,522     (505,258     (73.4

West African Resources Ltd.

    (16,860     (16,084     (2.3








    (28,338     (233,801     (34.0


    (18,577     (449,574     (65.3

Semperit AG Holding

    (10,690     (258,537     (37.6

UNIQA Insurance Group AG

    (1,048     (7,990     (1.1







Aedifica SA

    (4,567     (541,340     (78.7

Biocartis Group NV

    (21     (46     (0.0

bpost SA

    (5,434     (32,925     (4.8

Cie d’Entreprises CFE

    (71     (9,276     (1.3

Cofinimmo SA

    (2,507     (336,653     (48.9

Gimv NV

    (6,126     (351,529     (51.1

KBC Ancora

    (2,375     (96,089     (14.0

Kinepolis Group NV

    (1,515     (83,834     (12.2

X-Fab Silicon Foundries SE

    (923     (6,534     (0.9







Assured Guaranty Ltd.

    (1,118     (61,658     (9.0

Enstar Group Ltd.

    (182     (42,906     (6.2







Absolute Software Corp.

    (4,474     (34,304     (5.0

Advantage Energy Ltd.

    (972     (8,119     (1.2

AG Growth International, Inc.

    (5,785     (175,128     (25.4

Altus Group Ltd.

    (186     (6,966     (1.0

ATS Automation Tooling Systems, Inc.

    (10,905     (318,241     (46.2

Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (554     (5,701     (0.8

AutoCanada, Inc.

    (286     (6,657     (1.0

Boyd Group Services, Inc.

    (1,740     (215,358     (31.3

Canacol Energy Ltd.

    (10,964     (24,324     (3.5

Canfor Corp.

    (17,367     (330,942     (48.1

Cascades, Inc.

    (13,519     (132,912     (19.3

Celestica, Inc.

    (26,691     (300,018     (43.6

Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust

    (2,369     (27,993     (4.1

Cogeco Communications Inc.

    (393     (32,274     (4.7

Cogeco, Inc.

    (892     (53,118     (7.7

Converge Technology Solutions Corp.

    (7,874     (52,896     (7.7

Denison Mines Corp.

    (58,731     (75,891     (11.0

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust

    (863     (17,466     (2.5

DREAM Un Ltd. Corp., Class A

    (202     (7,264     (1.1

Dye & Durham Ltd.

    (9,002     (148,626     (21.6

Enthusiast Gaming Holdings, Inc.

    (67,537     (130,379     (18.9

ERO Copper Corp.

    (7,920     (113,869     (16.5

Fiera Capital Corp.

    (1,527     (11,661     (1.7

Hut 8 Mining Corp.

    (13,396     (47,759     (6.9

IMAX Corp.

    (23,276     (368,226     (53.5

Interfor Corp.

    (6,886     (196,291     (28.5

Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corp.

    (11,613     (314,224     (45.7

Largo, Inc.

    (14,323     (119,744     (17.4
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Canada (continued)  

Lassonde Industries, Inc., Class A

    (53   $ (5,671     (0.8 )% 

LifeWorks, Inc.

    (919     (13,520     (2.0

Linamar Corp.

    (660     (26,140     (3.8

MAG Silver Corp.

    (1,387     (20,449     (3.0

Maple Leaf Foods, Inc.

    (4,710              (103,722     (15.1

Martinrea International, Inc.

    (6,205     (37,047     (5.4

Maverix Metals, Inc.

    (1,249     (5,629     (0.8

MDA Ltd.

    (1,258     (8,657     (1.3

Mercer International, Inc.

    (19,551     (313,011     (45.5

Meta Materials, Inc.

    (48,454     (58,145     (8.5

Mullen Group Ltd.

    (3,178     (30,403     (4.4

Neighbourly Pharmacy, Inc.

    (614     (11,590     (1.7

New Gold, Inc.

    (375,384     (546,427     (79.4

North West Co., Inc.

    (3,171     (88,442     (12.9

Pollard Banknote Ltd.

    (7,921     (133,060     (19.3

Russel Metals, Inc.

    (275     (7,330     (1.1

SilverCrest Metals, Inc.

    (926     (6,985     (1.0

Stella-Jones, Inc.

    (578     (15,972     (2.3

Torex Gold Resources, Inc.

    (965     (10,802     (1.6

TransAlta Renewables, Inc.

    (9,903     (137,369     (20.0

Uranium Energy Corp.

    (76,000     (323,000     (46.9

Westport Fuel Systems, Inc.

    (7,014     (8,463     (1.2

Westshore Terminals Investment Corp.

    (243     (6,513     (0.9

Winpak Ltd.

    (222     (7,343     (1.1

Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (617     (17,443     (2.5






Cayman Islands  

Theravance Biopharma, Inc.

    (3,661     (35,329     (5.1







Fosun Tourism Group

    (160,200     (213,593     (31.0






Costa Rica  

Establishment Labs Holdings, Inc.

    (749     (52,999     (7.7







NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S

    (113     (6,136     (0.9







Aktia Bank OYJ

    (6,290     (63,779     (9.3

Finnair OYJ

    (395,614     (194,991     (28.3

Kamux Corp.

    (6,590     (66,690     (9.7

Kemira OYJ

    (7,775     (101,986     (14.8

Metsa Board OYJ, Class B

    (35,567     (383,298     (55.7

Remedy Entertainment OYJ

    (2,911     (95,829     (13.9

Sanoma OYJ

    (13,746     (173,640     (25.2

Spinnova OYJ

    (1,870     (15,677     (2.3

Tokmanni Group Corp.

    (537     (6,978     (1.0







Altarea SCA

    (1,393     (213,209     (31.0

Aramis Group SAS

    (14,759     (85,944     (12.5

Carmila SA

    (418     (6,502     (0.9


    (224,703     (258,507     (37.6

Derichebourg SA, A Shares

    (10,394     (93,799     (13.6

Eutelsat Communications SA

    (18,337     (203,787     (29.6

Maisons du Monde SA

    (5,549     (94,637     (13.8

McPhy Energy SA

    (2,260     (41,284     (6.0

Metropole Television SA

    (1,074     (19,930     (2.9

Sopra Steria Group SACA

    (218     (38,636     (5.6



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
France (continued)  


    (1,006   $ (23,677     (3.4 )% 

Trigano SA

    (357     (45,996     (6.7

Verallia SA

    (2,120     (58,277     (8.5







About You Holding SE

    (813     (8,817     (1.3

Amadeus Fire AG

    (43     (6,018     (0.9

AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co. KGaA

    (697     (18,569     (2.7

BayWa AG

    (3,224              (153,746     (22.3

Bike24 Holding AG

    (136     (879     (0.1

Bilfinger SE

    (268     (10,786     (1.6

Hamborner REIT AG

    (13,745     (128,286     (18.6

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    (3,040     (6,716     (1.0

Home24 SE

    (31,778     (186,160     (27.1

Hornbach Holding AG & Co. KGaA

    (522     (62,485     (9.1

Indus Holding AG

    (1,703     (48,447     (7.0

Instone Real Estate Group AG

    (4,133     (63,450     (9.2


    (335     (12,958     (1.9

Medios AG

    (4,469     (114,635     (16.7

Mister Spex SE

    (520     (3,708     (0.5


    (10,562     (181,175     (26.3


    (13,524     (171,783     (25.0

Secunet Security Networks AG

    (98     (41,492     (6.0

SGL Carbon SE

    (27,827     (152,788     (22.2

Takkt AG

    (12,567     (203,038     (29.5

Vossloh AG

    (200     (7,630     (1.1

Westwing Group AG

    (17,970     (204,360     (29.7






Hong Kong  

Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust

    (422,000     (368,711     (53.6

Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels Ltd.

    (21,500     (21,344     (3.1

Prosperity REIT

    (692,000     (237,222     (34.5

SUNeVision Holdings Ltd.

    (160,000     (132,923     (19.3

Zensun Enterprises Ltd.

    (23,000     (10,757     (1.5







C&C Group PLC

    (15,006     (39,173     (5.7

Cairn Homes PLC

    (80,431     (96,988     (14.1

COSMO Pharmaceuticals NV

    (2,931     (167,623     (24.4

Glenveagh Properties PLC

    (171,230     (206,628     (30.0

Greencore Group PLC

    (367,230     (529,192     (76.9







Camtek Ltd.

    (1,558     (45,854     (6.7

Ituran Location and Control Ltd.

    (3,451     (77,440     (11.2

Nano Dimension Ltd., ADR

    (23,670     (67,223     (9.8


    (2,994     (39,132     (5.7

Oramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (7,660     (39,372     (5.7

Perion Network Ltd.

    (4,089     (87,427     (12.7

Plus500 Ltd.

    (19,289     (375,613     (54.6

Riskified Ltd., Class A

    (27,912     (145,980     (21.2

Sisram Medical Ltd.

    (139,600     (149,068     (21.7

Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

    (2,004     (78,657     (11.4







Credito Emiliano SpA

    (8,016     (48,971     (7.1

Digital Bros SpA

    (381     (9,678     (1.4

doValue SpA

    (5,973     (50,787     (7.4
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Italy (continued)  

Enav SpA

    (6,255   $ (28,876     (4.2 )% 

Fila SpA

    (9,028     (89,795     (13.0

Gruppo MutuiOnline SpA

    (803     (24,590     (3.6


    (4,019     (33,475     (4.9


    (18,885     (111,033     (16.1

Saras SpA

    (23,188     (21,581     (3.1

Societa Cattolica di Assicurazioni

    (28,902     (187,359     (27.2

Tod’s SpA

    (151     (5,968     (0.9








    (25,000     (479,455     (69.7

Aichi Corp.

    (14,000     (97,419     (14.2

Aiful Corp.

    (246,800              (703,459     (102.2

Airtrip Corp.

    (300     (7,311     (1.1

Alpen Co. Ltd.

    (1,000     (15,158     (2.2

Alpha Systems, Inc.

    (3,600     (106,424     (15.5

Arcland Sakamoto Co. Ltd.

    (2,000     (23,940     (3.5

Atom Corp.

    (46,200     (263,265     (38.3

Autobacs Seven Co. Ltd.

    (5,700     (60,015     (8.7

Awa Bank Ltd.

    (25,000     (412,634     (60.0

Axial Retailing, Inc.

    (100     (2,619     (0.4

BASE, Inc.

    (17,700     (48,133     (7.0

BML, Inc.

    (5,700     (146,693     (21.3

Bunka Shutter Co. Ltd.

    (900     (6,764     (1.0

Bushiroad, Inc.

    (1,000     (11,782     (1.7

CellSource Co. Ltd.

    (1,300     (37,615     (5.5

Central Glass Co. Ltd.

    (600     (11,048     (1.6


    (103,800     (511,590     (74.3

Create Restaurants Holdings, Inc.

    (1,200     (7,505     (1.1

Daiichi Jitsugyo Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (46,459     (6.7

Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group, Inc.

    (36,500     (705,996     (102.6

Daiwabo Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (3,900     (50,465     (7.3

DCM Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (800     (6,605     (1.0

Digital Garage, Inc.

    (800     (26,476     (3.8

DTS Corp.

    (2,600     (57,048     (8.3

Duskin Co. Ltd.

    (22,400     (477,829     (69.4

DyDo Group Holdings, Inc.

    (200     (7,754     (1.1

eRex Co. Ltd.

    (12,400     (187,694     (27.3


    (6,600     (87,625     (12.7

Exedy Corp.

    (13,100     (155,996     (22.7

Ferrotec Holdings Corp.

    (6,000     (110,024     (16.0

Financial Products Group Co. Ltd.

    (2,700     (16,523     (2.4

Frontier Real Estate Investment Corp.

    (79     (306,089     (44.5

Fuji Soft, Inc.

    (500     (26,649     (3.9

Fujikura Ltd.

    (21,300     (100,760     (14.6

Fujitec Co. Ltd.

    (38,800     (836,217     (121.5

Fukushima Galilei Co. Ltd.

    (2,800     (81,097     (11.8

giftee, Inc.

    (51,400     (404,797     (58.8


    (23,400     (472,165     (68.6

GMO Financial Gate, Inc.

    (1,100     (107,896     (15.7

GNI Group Ltd.

    (13,000     (114,050     (16.6

Gree, Inc.

    (2,600     (19,810     (2.9

G-Tekt Corp.

    (4,900     (47,163     (6.9

H2O Retailing Corp.

    (2,800     (18,316     (2.7

Hankyu Hanshin REIT, Inc.

    (145     (164,780     (23.9

Hirata Corp.

    (3,200     (117,582     (17.1

HIS Co. Ltd.

    (27,200     (463,763     (67.4

Hitachi Zosen Corp.

    (1,400     (7,555     (1.1

Hogy Medical Co. Ltd.

    (2,500     (62,432     (9.1

Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (3,900     (14,477     (2.1

Hokkoku Financial Holdings, Inc.

    (8,300     (239,434     (34.8




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)  

Hokuetsu Corp.

    (9,900   $ (50,718     (7.4 )% 

Hokuhoku Financial Group, Inc.

    (18,400     (124,510     (18.1

Hokuriku Electric Power Co.

    (22,800     (90,447     (13.1

Hokuto Corp.

    (3,200     (50,262     (7.3

Hosiden Corp.

    (9,200     (87,732     (12.7

Hosokawa Micron Corp.

    (10,300     (195,268     (28.4

Hyakugo Bank Ltd.

    (46,200     (122,270     (17.8

Ichibanya Co. Ltd.

    (800     (29,725     (4.3

Ichigo Office REIT Investment

    (11     (7,061     (1.0

Ichigo, Inc.

    (62,300              (139,709     (20.3

Idec Corp.

    (2,200     (38,832     (5.6

Inaba Denki Sangyo Co. Ltd.

    (3,700     (72,566     (10.5

Inabata & Co. Ltd.

    (9,800     (160,364     (23.3

Invincible Investment Corp.

    (166     (54,129     (7.9

Itochu-Shokuhin Co. Ltd.

    (1,000     (38,182     (5.5

Jaccs Co. Ltd.

    (2,200     (55,633     (8.1

Japan Display, Inc.

    (806,700     (415,093     (60.3

Japan Material Co. Ltd.

    (1,400     (21,152     (3.1


    (6,200     (258,248     (37.5

JM Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (800     (10,011     (1.5


    (2,300     (108,085     (15.7

Kameda Seika Co. Ltd.

    (1,700     (55,332     (8.0

Kanematsu Electronics Ltd.

    (2,600     (77,690     (11.3

Kanto Denka Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    (24,500     (184,833     (26.9

Kappa Create Co. Ltd.

    (600     (6,189     (0.9

Katakura Industries Co. Ltd.

    (28,700     (557,206     (81.0

Kato Sangyo Co. Ltd.

    (300     (7,784     (1.1

KeePer Technical Laboratory Co. Ltd.

    (4,600     (92,902     (13.5

Keiyo Bank Ltd.

    (19,900     (75,836     (11.0

Keiyo Co. Ltd.

    (3,500     (24,702     (3.6

KFC Holdings Japan Ltd.

    (16,200     (354,976     (51.6

Kintetsu Department Store Co. Ltd.

    (14,000     (276,709     (40.2

Kintetsu World Express, Inc.

    (2,400     (57,174     (8.3

Kisoji Co. Ltd.

    (5,000     (79,556     (11.6

Ki-Star Real Estate Co. Ltd.

    (6,000     (247,491     (36.0

Kitanotatsujin Corp.

    (1,600     (2,105     (0.3

Kiyo Bank Ltd.

    (41,400     (454,107     (66.0

Koa Corp.

    (3,200     (37,297     (5.4

Kohnan Shoji Co. Ltd.

    (5,300     (153,489     (22.3

Koshidaka Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (3,100     (18,500     (2.7

Kureha Corp.

    (7,800     (586,018     (85.1

KYB Corp.

    (10,400     (235,404     (34.2

KYORIN Holdings, Inc.

    (33,300     (484,261     (70.4

Leopalace21 Corp.

    (319,800     (481,043     (69.9

Macnica Fuji Electronics Holdings, Inc.

    (500     (10,366     (1.5

Maruha Nichiro Corp.

    (7,400     (136,190     (19.8

Maruwa Co. Ltd/Aichi

    (2,600     (303,149     (44.0

Matsuyafoods Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (800     (23,355     (3.4

MCJ Co. Ltd.

    (6,800     (44,477     (6.5

Medley, Inc.

    (1,200     (22,164     (3.2

MedPeer, Inc.

    (13,400     (306,730     (44.6

Meidensha Corp.

    (800     (14,487     (2.1

Meiko Electronics Co. Ltd.

    (1,700     (44,958     (6.5

Meitec Corp.

    (2,800     (148,624     (21.6

Mitani Sekisan Co. Ltd.

    (3,400     (135,506     (19.7

Mitsuuroko Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (12,000     (92,811     (13.5

Mochida Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (900     (25,636     (3.7

Modec, Inc.

    (9,400     (88,136     (12.8

Mori Trust Sogo REIT, Inc.

    (7     (7,622     (1.1

MOS Food Services, Inc.

    (1,900     (43,537     (6.3

Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co. Ltd.

    (2,600     (26,423     (3.8

Musashino Bank Ltd.

    (5,800     (79,334     (11.5
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)  

Nanto Bank Ltd.

    (12,600   $ (197,133     (28.6 )% 

Nihon Chouzai Co. Ltd.

    (5,900     (57,399     (8.3

Nippon Carbon Co. Ltd.

    (3,200     (102,805     (14.9

Nippon Kanzai Co. Ltd.

    (3,600     (77,356     (11.2

Nippon Light Metal Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (3,600     (46,125     (6.7

Nippon Road Co. Ltd.

    (1,700     (94,768     (13.8

Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd.

    (35,700     (107,967     (15.7

Nippon Steel Trading Corp.

    (200     (8,140     (1.2

Nishimatsu Construction Co. Ltd.

    (300     (8,832     (1.3

Nissei ASB Machine Co. Ltd.

    (400     (9,121     (1.3

Nisshinbo Holdings, Inc.

    (5,700     (42,648     (6.2

Nissin Electric Co. Ltd.

    (32,700              (348,671     (50.7

North Pacific Bank Ltd.

    (256,700     (486,741     (70.7

NSD Co. Ltd.

    (900     (15,976     (2.3

NTT UD REIT Investment Corp.

    (14     (16,171     (2.3

Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd.

    (15,700     (230,103     (33.4

Ohsho Food Service Corp.

    (1,400     (65,738     (9.6

Oisix ra daichi, Inc.

    (1,300     (26,715     (3.9

Okinawa Financial Group, Inc.

    (6,800     (116,409     (16.9

Open Door, Inc.

    (6,700     (96,800     (14.1

Optim Corp.

    (1,800     (11,922     (1.7

PAL GROUP Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (600     (6,696     (1.0

Pasona Group, Inc.

    (4,300     (68,180     (9.9

Pharma Foods International Co. Ltd.

    (21,600     (283,208     (41.1

Pilot Corp.

    (7,900     (320,968     (46.6

Piolax, Inc.

    (6,500     (75,832     (11.0

PKSHA Technology, Inc.

    (14,500     (206,742     (30.0

Plaid, Inc.

    (1,900     (17,019     (2.5

Plenus Co. Ltd.

    (4,300     (63,162     (9.2

Premier Anti-Aging Co. Ltd.

    (16,100     (462,999     (67.3

Pressance Corp.

    (26,700     (320,527     (46.6

Qol Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (17,000     (143,093     (20.8

Raito Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    (800     (11,945     (1.7

Riken Keiki Co. Ltd.

    (7,600     (239,220     (34.8

Riken Vitamin Co. Ltd.

    (600     (7,887     (1.1

Ringer Hut Co. Ltd.

    (2,000     (34,595     (5.0

Roland Corp.

    (300     (10,353     (1.5

Royal Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (400     (6,406     (0.9

RS Technologies Co. Ltd.

    (1,100     (50,652     (7.4

Saibu Gas Co. Ltd.

    (8,000     (131,303     (19.1

Sakata Seed Corp.

    (1,100     (37,039     (5.4

SanBio Co. Ltd.

    (2,100     (17,863     (2.6

San-In Godo Bank Ltd.

    (28,800     (142,985     (20.8

Sanki Engineering Co. Ltd.

    (5,600     (63,435     (9.2

Seiren Co. Ltd.

    (13,700     (217,137     (31.5

Septeni Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (10,700     (54,164     (7.9

Shibuya Corp.

    (400     (7,205     (1.0

Shiga Bank Ltd.

    (7,500     (141,034     (20.5

Shima Seiki Manufacturing Ltd.

    (2,400     (34,242     (5.0

Showa Sangyo Co. Ltd.

    (1,100     (22,252     (3.2

Sinko Industries Ltd.

    (1,200     (15,083     (2.2

SRE Holdings Corp.

    (15,000     (309,437     (45.0

Starts Proceed Investment Corp.

    (61     (109,281     (15.9

Sun Corp.

    (20,700     (245,507     (35.7

T Hasegawa Co. Ltd.

    (13,700     (266,797     (38.8

Tadano Ltd.

    (40,500     (287,703     (41.8

Takeuchi Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    (400     (7,335     (1.1

Taki Chemical Co. Ltd.

    (4,900     (193,406     (28.1

Tama Home Co. Ltd.

    (4,600     (89,762     (13.0

Tenma Corp.

    (19,800     (337,017     (49.0

TKC Corp.

    (600     (15,760     (2.3

TKP Corp.

    (1,000     (14,543     (2.1



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)  

TOC Co. Ltd.

    (2,200   $ (11,331     (1.6 )% 

Tocalo Co. Ltd.

    (3,400     (33,948     (4.9

Toei Co. Ltd.

    (1,500     (198,951     (28.9

Toho Titanium Co. Ltd.

    (700     (8,000     (1.2

TOKAI Holdings Corp.

    (42,900     (288,355     (41.9

Tokyo Seimitsu Co. Ltd.

    (3,500     (120,403     (17.5

TOMONY Holdings, Inc.

    (72,300     (182,865     (26.6

Tomy Co. Ltd.

    (34,200              (324,475     (47.1

Topcon Corp.

    (800     (10,239     (1.5

Toyo Construction Co. Ltd.

    (2,500     (17,988     (2.6

Toyo Tanso Co. Ltd.

    (9,200     (199,913     (29.0

TRE Holdings Corp.

    (4,800     (76,795     (11.2

Tsugami Corp.

    (4,700     (43,769     (6.4

Uchida Yoko Co. Ltd.

    (2,400     (90,575     (13.2

Universal Entertainment Corp.

    (4,100     (73,358     (10.7

Uzabase Inc.

    (6,800     (39,576     (5.7

Visional, Inc.

    (300     (16,510     (2.4

VT Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (13,300     (47,083     (6.8

WealthNavi, Inc.

    (41,500     (539,764     (78.4

World Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (2,100     (39,541     (5.7

Xebio Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,400     (31,077     (4.5

Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd.

    (1,100     (20,821     (3.0

Yokowo Co. Ltd.

    (6,600     (129,517     (18.8

Yoshinoya Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (14,100     (256,528     (37.3

Yukiguni Maitake Co. Ltd.

    (2,400     (19,364     (2.8







Implantica AG, SDR

    (7,960     (30,885     (4.5







Global Fashion Group SA

    (11,888     (22,636     (3.3

Orion Engineered Carbons SA

    (1,949     (29,430     (4.3







Kambi Group PLC

    (336     (5,352     (0.8

Kindred Group PLC

    (42,267     (370,572     (53.8







Boskalis Westminster

    (1,597     (55,464     (8.1

CM.com NV

    (1,514     (25,164     (3.7

Core Laboratories NV

    (543     (14,118     (2.0

Eurocommercial Properties NV

    (1,501     (36,318     (5.3

Pharming Group NV

    (84,244     (68,978     (10.0

SIF Holding NV

    (15,039     (171,187     (24.9

uniQure NV

    (10,560     (157,767     (22.9






New Zealand  

Chorus Ltd.

    (15,292     (72,549     (10.6

Z Energy Ltd.

    (239,737     (580,403     (84.3







Aker Carbon Capture ASA

    (27,357     (55,267     (8.0

Aker Solutions ASA

    (28,091     (97,064     (14.1

Austevoll Seafood ASA

    (515     (8,165     (1.2

Bonheur ASA

    (239     (8,888     (1.3

Hexagon Purus Holding

    (6,508     (24,631     (3.6

Kahoot! ASA

    (4,121     (9,934     (1.4

Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA

    (12,234     (17,075     (2.5
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Norway (continued)  

Nykode Therapeutics

    (9,769   $ (38,177     (5.6 )% 

Pexip Holding ASA

    (9,829     (21,556     (3.1

SpareBank 1 SR-Bank ASA

    (14,220     (181,074     (26.3







Hochschild Mining PLC

    (98,297              (144,395     (21.0








    (99,099     (419,070     (60.9

REN - Redes Energeticas Nacionais SGPS SA

    (163,016     (497,004     (72.2






Puerto Rico  


    (1,927     (75,924     (11.0

First BanCorp, Puerto Rico

    (3,872     (52,698     (7.7







BW Energy Ltd.

    (2,157     (6,278     (0.9

Frasers Hospitality Trust

    (46,300     (21,501     (3.1

Japfa Ltd.

    (1,268,400     (550,687     (80.0

Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.

    (18,032     (836,865     (121.6

Maxeon Solar Technologies Ltd.

    (9,197     (106,501     (15.5

OUE Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust

    (329,900     (98,604     (14.3

OUE Ltd.

    (120,000     (118,009     (17.1

Razer, Inc.

    (392,000     (141,730     (20.6

Starhill Global REIT

    (394,800     (169,025     (24.6

Yanlord Land Group Ltd.

    (414,500     (363,168     (52.8






South Africa  

Mediclinic International PLC

    (37,284     (172,846     (25.1






South Sandwich Islands                  

Burford Capital Ltd.

    (23,084     (197,383     (28.7







Cia de Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings SA

    (38,685     (712,788     (103.6

Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles SA

    (2,766     (84,806     (12.3

Corp. Financiera Alba SA

    (758     (44,794     (6.5

Ebro Foods SA

    (885     (15,912     (2.3

Metrovacesa SA

    (13,113     (105,135     (15.3







Bactiguard Holding AB

    (732     (8,613     (1.2

BHG Group AB

    (45,540     (313,557     (45.6


    (11,656     (116,890     (17.0

BillerudKorsnas AB

    (23,357     (360,428     (52.4

Boozt AB

    (11,271     (118,351     (17.2

Calliditas Therapeutics AB, Class B

    (15,367     (115,939     (16.8

Camurus AB

    (11,301     (187,248     (27.2

Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB

    (376     (8,696     (1.3

Cint Group AB

    (7,533     (61,609     (8.9

Clas Ohlson AB, B Shares

    (42,407     (481,447     (70.0

Creades AB, A Shares

    (624     (5,921     (0.9

Duni AB

    (5,969     (54,648     (7.9

Dustin Group AB

    (2,671     (19,192     (2.8

Electrolux Professional AB, Class B

    (1,148     (6,435     (0.9

Granges AB

    (15,992     (131,340     (19.1

Hansa Biopharma AB

    (34,952     (193,292     (28.1

Hemnet Group AB

    (671     (8,371     (1.2

Intrum AB

    (3,720     (89,924     (13.1




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Sweden (continued)  

Karo Pharma AB

    (31,924   $ (183,687     (26.7 )% 

Munters Group AB

    (3,443     (20,569     (3.0

Mycronic AB

    (380     (6,645     (1.0

NCC AB, B Shares

    (7,007     (86,819     (12.6

New Wave Group AB, B Shares

    (2,093     (36,545     (5.3

Nordic Entertainment Group AB, Class B

    (487     (15,992     (2.3

Nordnet AB publ

    (487     (8,535     (1.2

Pandox AB

    (435     (6,061     (0.9

Paradox Interactive AB

    (42,380     (706,955     (102.7

PowerCell Sweden AB

    (25,468     (372,092     (54.1

Re:NewCell AB

    (12,890     (152,131     (22.1

Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB

    (10,870     (28,515     (4.1

SSAB AB, B Shares

    (21,243     (124,922     (18.1

Wallenstam AB, B Shares

    (4,142     (45,797     (6.7

Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB

    (657     (11,391     (1.7

Xvivo Perfusion AB

    (218     (4,699     (0.7







Bobst Group SA

    (229     (19,316     (2.8

Burckhardt Compression Holding AG

    (24     (12,244     (1.8

Cembra Money Bank AG

    (7,932     (572,333     (83.2

dormakaba Holding AG

    (41     (19,030     (2.8

Forbo Holding AG

    (167     (244,468     (35.5

Galenica AG

    (12,077     (889,320     (129.2

Interroll Holding AG

    (41     (124,287     (18.1

Leonteq AG

    (89     (6,055     (0.9

Medmix AG

    (214     (7,187     (1.0

Meyer Burger Technology AG

    (497,235     (235,608     (34.2

Mobilezone Holding AG

    (13,690     (221,671     (32.2

Mobimo Holding AG

    (1,218     (348,339     (50.6

Montana Aerospace AG

    (584     (8,903     (1.3

PolyPeptide Group AG

    (154     (13,476     (2.0

SFS Group AG

    (1,601     (200,498     (29.1

Siegfried Holding AG

    (13     (9,489     (1.4

St Galler Kantonalbank AG

    (577     (278,259     (40.4

Zehnder Group AG

    (416     (32,529     (4.7

Zur Rose Group AG

    (1,260     (154,645     (22.5






United Kingdom  

Abcam PLC

    (5,062     (78,548     (11.4

AO World PLC

    (6,714     (6,298     (0.9

Assura PLC

    (234,354     (194,200     (28.2

Auction Technology Group PLC

    (7,851     (86,395     (12.6

Balfour Beatty PLC

    (72,105     (218,457     (31.7

Biffa PLC

    (18,380     (79,719     (11.6

Bridgepoint Group PLC

    (71,852     (276,653     (40.2

Central Asia Metals PLC

    (2,516     (8,430     (1.2

Clipper Logistics PLC

    (4,451     (48,133     (7.0

Close Brothers Group PLC

    (6,582     (91,265     (13.3

CMC Markets PLC

    (35,299     (128,722     (18.7

Computacenter PLC

    (28,492     (957,322     (139.1

Countryside Properties PLC

    (19,060     (59,511     (8.6

Crest Nicholson Holdings PLC

    (4,352     (13,693     (2.0

Domino’s Pizza Group PLC

    (51,623     (225,639     (32.8

Elementis PLC

    (132,274     (200,923     (29.2

Empiric Student Property PLC

    (93,814     (107,349     (15.6

Energean PLC

    (22,130     (329,476     (47.9

Essentra PLC

    (86,537     (339,134     (49.3

Finablr PLC

    (44,203     (1     (0.0
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)  

Firstgroup PLC

    (5,723   $ (8,034     (1.2 )% 

Frasers Group PLC

    (16,238     (137,915     (20.0

Funding Circle Holdings PLC

    (4,267     (3,917     (0.6

GAN Ltd.

    (7,336     (27,363     (4.0

Go-Ahead Group PLC

    (593     (7,136     (1.0

Greatland Gold PLC

    (689,358     (115,077     (16.7

Halfords Group PLC

    (110,795     (315,419     (45.8

Hays PLC

    (75,222     (115,529     (16.8

Ibstock PLC

    (2,838     (6,700     (1.0

Ideagen PLC

    (13,823     (40,847     (5.9

IG Design Group PLC

    (49,765     (42,427     (6.2

Inchcape PLC

    (24,627     (220,354     (32.0

IP Group PLC

    (64,754     (66,772     (9.7


    (42,145     (15,925     (2.3

Jupiter Fund Management PLC

    (39,688     (88,585     (12.9

Keller Group PLC

    (1,509     (15,902     (2.3

Liontrust Asset Management PLC

    (7,332     (106,414     (15.5

Marston’s PLC

    (84,704     (79,937     (11.6

Mitie Group PLC

    (112,087     (75,563     (11.0

Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC

    (23,173     (50,764     (7.4

Morgan Sindall Group PLC

    (699     (18,847     (2.7

Naked Wines PLC

    (20,535     (92,936     (13.5


    (3,040     (6,995     (1.0


    (10,995     (76,750     (11.2

Oxford Biomedica PLC

    (27,319     (195,808     (28.4

Petrofac Ltd.

    (41,142     (69,354     (10.1

Polar Capital Holdings PLC

    (5,940     (41,401     (6.0

Primary Health Properties PLC

    (67,874     (123,090     (17.9

Provident Financial PLC

    (5,947     (19,035     (2.8

QinetiQ Group PLC

    (6,740     (28,595     (4.2

Rank Group PLC

    (14,288     (19,404     (2.8

Reach PLC

    (12,278     (25,104     (3.6

Redde Northgate PLC

    (28,367     (140,328     (20.4

Renewi PLC

    (23,155     (200,902     (29.2

Rotork PLC

    (17,391     (63,452     (9.2

Sabre Insurance Group PLC

    (3,133     (8,273     (1.2

Saga PLC

    (32,970     (91,624     (13.3

Savills PLC

    (604     (8,125     (1.2

Serco Group PLC

    (46,064     (87,111     (12.7

Shaftesbury PLC

    (4,547     (34,050     (4.9

Target Healthcare REIT PLC

    (13,822     (19,292     (2.8

TI Fluid Systems PLC

    (104,136     (211,625     (30.7

Trainline PLC

    (17,735     (63,245     (9.2

Trustpilot Group PLC

    (41,078     (53,205     (7.7

Tullow Oil PLC

    (114,972     (80,057     (11.6

Victoria PLC

    (1,855     (14,875     (2.2

Volex PLC

    (3,858     (12,499     (1.8

Volution Group PLC

    (18,364     (93,539     (13.6






United States  

23andMe Holding Co., Class A

    (14,362     (42,942     (6.2

2seventy bio, Inc.

    (12,735     (171,413     (24.9

4D Molecular Therapeutics, Inc.

    (425     (5,062     (0.7

AAON, Inc.

    (2,977     (145,099     (21.1

Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Class A

    (5,850     (202,293     (29.4

ABM Industries, Inc.

    (21,524     (1,038,963     (151.0

Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc.

    (37,580     (36,077     (5.2

Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc.

    (5,066     (62,413     (9.1

Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (852     (6,058     (0.9

Aeva Technologies, Inc.

    (1,971     (6,465     (0.9



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

AEye, Inc.

    (37,926   $          (193,802     (28.2 )% 

Agenus, Inc.

    (59,079     (109,296     (15.9

Agiliti, Inc.

    (1,814     (35,808     (5.2

Agilysys, Inc.

    (527     (19,399     (2.8

Alaunos Therapeutics, Inc.

    (4,759     (2,529     (0.4

Albany International Corp., Class A

    (2,075     (162,306     (23.6

Albireo Pharma, Inc.

    (1,552     (49,385     (7.2

Alexander’s, Inc.

    (2,010     (498,822     (72.5

Alkami Technology, Inc.

    (20,142     (263,860     (38.3

Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.

    (5,456     (112,721     (16.4

Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Ltd.

    (13,512     (579,665     (84.2

Amerant Bancorp, Inc.

    (483     (12,843     (1.9

American Public Education, Inc.

    (16,342     (317,688     (46.2

Amyris, Inc.

    (41,987     (144,015     (20.9

AnaptysBio, Inc.

    (850     (19,890     (2.9

Anavex Life Sciences Corp.

    (11,054     (94,954     (13.8

API Group Corp.

    (42,955     (797,245     (115.8

Apogee Enterprises, Inc.

    (133     (5,852     (0.9

Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc.

    (1,099     (13,232     (1.9

Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc.

    (5,523     (201,479     (29.3

Apple Hospitality REIT, Inc.

    (12,492     (220,983     (32.1

ArcBest Corp.

    (130     (9,381     (1.4

Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.

    (5,621     (108,935     (15.8

Arcus Biosciences, Inc.

    (2,579     (62,438     (9.1

Array Technologies, Inc.

    (8,167     (53,331     (7.7

Astra Space, Inc.

    (14,960     (47,872     (7.0

Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc.

    (17,868     (113,640     (16.5

Atlantic Sapphire ASA

    (16,685     (46,447     (6.7

Atlantic Union Bankshares Corp.

    (3,920     (132,418     (19.2

Avid Technology, Inc.

    (688     (21,816     (3.2

Axonics, Inc.

    (5,188     (268,842     (39.1

B. Riley Financial, Inc.

    (9,467     (427,530     (62.1

Balchem Corp.

    (121     (14,907     (2.2

BancFirst Corp.

    (3,414     (279,094     (40.6

BARK, Inc.

    (123,566     (381,819     (55.5

Beachbody Co., Inc.

    (15,453     (25,343     (3.7

Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc.

    (15,985     (953,186     (138.5

Belden, Inc.

    (6,048     (312,258     (45.4

BellRing Brands, Inc.

    (249     (5,336     (0.8

Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc.

    (838     (20,732     (3.0

Big Lots, Inc.

    (325     (10,043     (1.5

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (5,610     (52,117     (7.6

Bionano Genomics, Inc.

    (71,934     (117,252     (17.0

Bioxcel Therapeutics, Inc.

    (2,125     (27,859     (4.0

Blucora, Inc.

    (24,781     (501,815     (72.9

Blue Bird Corp.

    (16,023     (256,849     (37.3

Bluebird Bio, Inc.

    (13,938     (50,595     (7.4

Boise Cascade Co.

    (9,558     (722,394     (105.0

BOK Financial Corp.

    (3,360     (278,645     (40.5

Brady Corp., Class A

    (3,114     (139,352     (20.2

Brightcove, Inc.

    (33,554     (236,556     (34.4

BrightSpire Capital, Inc.

    (27,481     (233,588     (33.9

Brinker International, Inc.

    (13,448     (488,566     (71.0

Brink’s Co.

    (1,801     (106,169     (15.4

Bristow Group, Inc.

    (14,420     (430,004     (62.5

Broadmark Realty Capital, Inc.

    (47,084     (367,726     (53.4

BRP Group, Inc., Class A

    (2,606     (60,251     (8.8

Buckle, Inc.

    (4,032     (125,234     (18.2

Butterfly Network, Inc.

    (119,973     (399,510     (58.0

C3.AI, Inc., Class A

    (364     (6,184     (0.9

Cabot Corp.

    (837     (55,116     (8.0

Cactus, Inc., Class A

    (2,001     (99,910     (14.5
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Caleres, Inc.

    (2,181   $            (50,010     (7.3 )% 

Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.

    (13,281     (713,588     (103.7

Cano Health, Inc.

    (1,902     (10,081     (1.5

Cara Therapeutics, Inc.

    (4,459     (38,882     (5.7

CareTrust REIT, Inc.

    (368     (5,965     (0.9

CarLotz, Inc.

    (16,886     (14,993     (2.2

Carpenter Technology Corp.

    (19,271     (735,767     (106.9

Cars.com, Inc.

    (33,171     (368,862     (53.6

Catchmark Timber Trust, Inc., Class A

    (10,194     (83,693     (12.2

Cavco Industries, Inc.

    (990     (233,887     (34.0

CBIZ, Inc.

    (241     (10,095     (1.5

Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.

    (9,911     (302,781     (44.0


    (1,229     (3,515     (0.5

Centrus Energy Corp., Class A

    (2,579     (71,593     (10.4

Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.

    (3,202     (93,755     (13.6

Certara, Inc.

    (3,839     (70,446     (10.2

Chimera Investment Corp.

    (3,737     (37,445     (5.4

Chimerix, Inc.

    (11,151     (49,064     (7.1

Cipher Mining, Inc.

    (35,802     (108,480     (15.8

CIRCOR International, Inc.

    (10,029     (197,070     (28.6

Citi Trends, Inc.

    (1,679     (46,962     (6.8

Clearfield, Inc.

    (1,853     (107,900     (15.7

Clover Health Investments Corp.

    (7,491     (20,151     (2.9

Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc.

    (293     (129,360     (18.8

Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.

    (24,195     (389,539     (56.6

Columbia Financial, Inc.

    (1,856     (35,171     (5.1

Comfort Systems USA, Inc.

    (254     (21,443     (3.1

Community Bank System, Inc.

    (15,520     (999,488     (145.2

Community Health Systems, Inc.

    (1,132     (8,682     (1.3

Community Healthcare Trust, Inc.

    (530     (19,515     (2.8

CommVault Systems, Inc.

    (1,397     (85,217     (12.4

Comstock Resources, Inc.

    (4,169     (70,998     (10.3


    (620     (82,435     (12.0

Consensus Cloud Solutions, Inc.

    (531     (27,994     (4.1

Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc.

    (4,780     (28,441     (4.1

ContextLogic, Inc., Class A

    (123,613     (210,142     (30.5

Core & Main, Inc., Class A

    (279     (6,629     (1.0

CoreCivic, Inc.

    (24,545     (305,094     (44.3

Corporate Office Properties Trust

    (16,141     (430,803     (62.6

Couchbase, Inc.

    (19,144     (325,448     (47.3

Coursera, Inc.

    (3,238     (60,907     (8.9

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.

    (7,305     (810,782     (117.8

Crescent Energy, Inc., Class A

    (24,934     (391,713     (56.9

Crinetics Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (520     (10,566     (1.5

CSG Systems International, Inc.

    (4,474     (275,017     (40.0

CTS Corp.

    (4,433     (156,795     (22.8

Cullinan Oncology, Inc.

    (500     (4,905     (0.7

CVB Financial Corp.

    (34,786     (800,774     (116.4

Dana, Inc.

    (24,823     (367,629     (53.4

Danimer Scientific, Inc.

    (19,829     (77,730     (11.3

Denny’s Corp.

    (10,083     (129,264     (18.8

DermTech, Inc.

    (469     (4,010     (0.6

Desktop Metal, Inc., Class A

    (46,347     (162,678     (23.6

Diebold Nixdorf, Inc.

    (27,808     (114,013     (16.6

DigitalBridge Group, Inc.

    (2,096     (14,588     (2.1

Dine Brands Global, Inc.

    (716     (51,330     (7.5

DMC Global, Inc.

    (1,633     (32,644     (4.7

Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc.

    (460     (13,464     (2.0

Dorman Products, Inc.

    (1,179     (116,391     (16.9

Douglas Elliman, Inc.

    (10,584     (64,139     (9.3

Driven Brands Holdings, Inc.

    (4,589     (127,987     (18.6

Duck Creek Technologies, Inc.

    (14,273     (227,369     (33.0




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Duckhorn Portfolio, Inc.

    (3,542   $            (68,786     (10.0 )% 

Dycom Industries, Inc.

    (3,189     (270,778     (39.3

Dynavax Technologies Corp.

    (7,239     (63,920     (9.3

Dynex Capital, Inc.

    (38,842     (630,406     (91.6

Eastern Bankshares, Inc.

    (42,942     (822,769     (119.6

Eastman Kodak Co.

    (93,299     (482,356     (70.1

Ebix, Inc.

    (4,483     (133,593     (19.4

Edgewell Personal Care Co.

    (12,043     (459,320     (66.7

El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc.

    (30,117     (320,746     (46.6

Electric Last Mile Solutions, Inc.

    (7,222     (6,644     (1.0

Empire State Realty Trust, Inc., Class A

    (10,383     (89,709     (13.0

Employers Holdings, Inc.

    (3,185     (125,298     (18.2

Encore Wire Corp.

    (4,726     (533,140     (77.5

Energy Fuels, Inc.

    (18,823     (141,834     (20.6

Enerpac Tool Group Corp.

    (14,149     (284,112     (41.3


    (4,203     (275,128     (40.0

Enova International, Inc.

    (577     (21,580     (3.1

Enovix Corp.

    (4,804     (43,428     (6.3

EPR Properties

    (11,105     (583,235     (84.7

Equity Commonwealth

    (3,015     (78,963     (11.5

Erasca, Inc.

    (2,584     (18,812     (2.7

EverQuote, Inc., Class A

    (820     (11,382     (1.7

Evo Payments, Inc., Class A

    (3,429     (77,255     (11.2

Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc.

    (11,864     (25,982     (3.8

Extreme Networks, Inc.

    (10,753     (103,229     (15.0

Fastly, Inc., Class A

    (2,944     (46,810     (6.8

Federal Signal Corp.

    (2,804     (95,420     (13.9

Federated Hermes, Inc., Class B

    (12,363     (352,098     (51.2

First Financial Bankshares, Inc.

    (2,316     (92,594     (13.5

First Hawaiian, Inc.

    (2,890     (68,233     (9.9

Fluidigm Corp.

    (3,556     (9,423     (1.4

Four Corners Property Trust, Inc.

    (2,569     (70,545     (10.3

Franklin Electric Co., Inc.

    (478     (33,431     (4.9

Franklin Street Properties Corp.

    (3,406     (17,575     (2.6

Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc.

    (15,245     (397,132     (57.7

FuelCell Energy, Inc.

    (3,989     (16,275     (2.4

Fulcrum Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,824     (17,547     (2.5

Fulgent Genetics, Inc.

    (9,041     (496,170     (72.1

FutureFuel Corp.

    (878     (8,350     (1.2

Gannett Co., Inc.

    (10,045     (40,280     (5.9

GATX Corp.

    (1,669     (172,558     (25.1

Generation Bio Co.

    (1,763     (11,160     (1.6

Genesco, Inc.

    (4,464     (276,902     (40.2

Gentherm, Inc.

    (12,613     (850,368     (123.6

Gevo, Inc.

    (75,810     (281,255     (40.9

Glacier Bancorp, Inc.

    (6,235     (285,314     (41.5

Gladstone Commercial Corp.

    (9,674     (203,541     (29.6

Glatfelter Corp.

    (27,056     (297,616     (43.2

Glaukos Corp.

    (1,373     (64,929     (9.4

Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.

    (340     (10,438     (1.5

Global Industrial Co.

    (6,933     (213,952     (31.1

Global Medical REIT, Inc.

    (14,945     (220,588     (32.1

Global Net Lease, Inc.

    (13,295     (186,529     (27.1

Globalstar, Inc.

    (13,931     (16,160     (2.3

GoHealth, Inc., Class A

    (5,872     (4,388     (0.6

Gossamer Bio, Inc.

    (2,582     (17,842     (2.6

GrafTech International Ltd.

    (30,561     (277,494     (40.3

Graham Holdings Co., Class B

    (31     (18,363     (2.7

Grand Canyon Education, Inc.

    (2,273     (218,140     (31.7

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp.

    (4,369     (60,336     (8.8

Greenbrier Cos., Inc.

    (1,485     (63,424     (9.2

Greif, Inc., Class A

    (12,586     (763,718     (111.0
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Grid Dynamics Holdings, Inc.

    (700   $              (9,744     (1.4 )% 

Groupon, Inc.

    (445     (8,682     (1.3

Haemonetics Corp.

    (3,707     (187,834     (27.3

Hain Celestial Group, Inc.

    (1,922     (64,464     (9.4

Hamilton Lane, Inc., Class A

    (665     (45,606     (6.6

Hancock Whitney Corp.

    (4,222     (197,463     (28.7

Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.

    (7,531     (309,599     (45.0

HB Fuller Co.

    (10,157     (677,472     (98.4

Healthcare Services Group, Inc.

    (5,158     (88,150     (12.8

Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

    (167     (5,337     (0.8

Hibbett, Inc.

    (24,542     (1,059,724     (154.0

Hillenbrand, Inc.

    (31,541     (1,287,504     (187.1

Hillman Solutions Corp.

    (3,600     (41,868     (6.1

Hims & Hers Health, Inc.

    (1,333     (5,612     (0.8

Hippo Holdings, Inc.

    (61,752     (116,094     (16.9

HNI Corp.

    (10,444     (372,224     (54.1

Home BancShares, Inc.

    (308     (6,659     (1.0

Homology Medicines, Inc.

    (2,050     (3,403     (0.5

Hostess Brands, Inc.

    (3,432     (77,872     (11.3

Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc., Class A

    (415     (19,098     (2.8

Howard Hughes Corp.

    (11,029     (1,106,098     (160.7

Hydrofarm Holdings Group, Inc.

    (796     (7,602     (1.1

Hyliion Holdings Corp.

    (41,440     (133,022     (19.3

Hyzon Motors, Inc.

    (48,090     (190,917     (27.7

ICF International, Inc.

    (95     (9,387     (1.4

Ichor Holdings Ltd.

    (1,137     (33,098     (4.8

Icosavax, Inc.

    (11,331     (82,150     (11.9

Ideanomics, Inc.

    (92,560     (66,569     (9.7

Imago Biosciences, Inc.

    (3,101     (50,701     (7.4

ImmunityBio, Inc.

    (20,663     (75,007     (10.9

Independent Bank Corp.

    (285     (21,991     (3.2

Industrial Logistics Properties Trust

    (11,058     (178,697     (26.0

Ingles Markets, Inc., Class A

    (2,763     (257,291     (37.4

Inhibrx, Inc.

    (735     (11,650     (1.7

Inogen, Inc.

    (826     (20,881     (3.0

Inseego Corp.

    (2,950     (8,408     (1.2

Insight Enterprises, Inc.

    (140     (13,912     (2.0

Insmed, Inc.

    (3,038     (66,745     (9.7

Insperity, Inc.

    (404     (42,844     (6.2

Insteel Industries, Inc.

    (4,056     (172,056     (25.0

Interface, Inc.

    (27,535     (349,419     (50.8

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.

    (8,937     (135,396     (19.7

IVERIC bio, Inc.

    (24,657     (341,499     (49.6

Jack in the Box, Inc.

    (2,614     (216,335     (31.4

Jamf Holding Corp.

    (11,955     (368,214     (53.5

JELD-WEN Holding, Inc.

    (1,925     (40,021     (5.8

John Bean Technologies Corp.

    (967     (114,000     (16.6

Kaiser Aluminum Corp.

    (78     (7,527     (1.1

Kaman Corp.

    (3,117     (121,594     (17.7

KAR Auction Services, Inc.

    (5,417     (79,413     (11.5

Kelly Services, Inc., Class A

    (308     (5,941     (0.9

Kennametal, Inc.

    (2,119     (54,522     (7.9

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc.

    (6,721     (151,559     (22.0

Kimball Electronics, Inc.

    (27,113     (483,696     (70.3

Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Class A

    (2,195     (20,479     (3.0

KKR Real Estate Finance Trust, Inc.

    (2,432     (46,208     (6.7

Korn Ferry

    (14,771     (907,530     (131.9

Krystal Biotech, Inc.

    (380     (23,032     (3.3

Kyndryl Holdings, Inc.

    (5,583     (66,382     (9.6

Lancaster Colony Corp.

    (163     (25,294     (3.7

Lantheus Holdings, Inc.

    (1,318     (87,528     (12.7

Latch, Inc.

    (71,136     (234,037     (34.0



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Latham Group, Inc.

    (4,985   $            (59,820     (8.7 )% 

La-Z-Boy, Inc.

    (413     (10,854     (1.6

LCI Industries

    (1,011     (98,391     (14.3

Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (69,502     (125,799     (18.3

Liberty Oilfield Services, Inc.

    (370     (5,972     (0.9

Lindsay Corp.

    (2,664     (360,040     (52.3

Liquidity Services, Inc.

    (1,469     (21,183     (3.1

Lordstown Motors Corp., Class A

    (108,365     (236,236     (34.3

Lovesac Co.

    (1,910     (83,734     (12.2

Loyalty Ventures, Inc.

    (6,542     (83,672     (12.2

LTC Properties, Inc.

    (32,778     (1,081,674     (157.2

Lumber Liquidators Holdings, Inc.

    (1,011     (13,962     (2.0

Macerich Co.

    (1,404     (17,620     (2.6

Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp.

    (887     (64,973     (9.4

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (2,465     (172,550     (25.1

Magnite, Inc.

    (1,103     (10,644     (1.5

Manitowoc Co., Inc.

    (581     (7,692     (1.1

ManTech International Corp., Class A

    (1,577     (126,696     (18.4

Markforged Holding Corp.

    (11,781     (40,173     (5.8

Matthews International Corp., Class A

    (8,035     (239,523     (34.8

MBIA, Inc.

    (2,577     (31,027     (4.5


    (3,535     (65,468     (9.5

MeiraGTx Holdings PLC

    (474     (4,877     (0.7

Meridian Bioscience, Inc.

    (19,260     (492,863     (71.6

Methode Electronics, Inc.

    (30,182     (1,346,419     (195.6

MillerKnoll, Inc.

    (468     (14,850     (2.2

Minerals Technologies, Inc.

    (2,182     (138,797     (20.2

Mission Produce, Inc.

    (1,456     (18,520     (2.7

Mister Car Wash, Inc.

    (5,092     (73,325     (10.7

Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc.

    (166     (11,645     (1.7

Monte Rosa Therapeutics, Inc.

    (469     (5,112     (0.7

Moog, Inc., Class A

    (1,225     (97,841     (14.2

Movado Group, Inc.

    (2,323     (83,558     (12.1

Mr Cooper Group, Inc.

    (4,127     (185,591     (27.0

MSA Safety, Inc.

    (1,991     (240,294     (34.9

Mueller Industries, Inc.

    (5,469     (296,146     (43.0

Mueller Water Products, Inc., Class A

    (34,018     (409,237     (59.5

Multiplan Corp.

    (1,353     (5,994     (0.9

Myriad Genetics, Inc.

    (535     (10,968     (1.6

N-Able, Inc.

    (900     (9,000     (1.3

NanoString Technologies, Inc.

    (2,332     (43,795     (6.4

National Health Investors, Inc.

    (13,011     (670,457     (97.4

National HealthCare Corp.

    (851     (57,919     (8.4

National Presto Industries, Inc.

    (1,353     (96,239     (14.0

Navient Corp.

    (12,726     (202,216     (29.4

Nelnet, Inc., Class A

    (7,732     (634,565     (92.2

NetScout Systems, Inc.

    (15,250     (469,700     (68.2


    (1,506     (32,560     (4.7

New Jersey Resources Corp.

    (6,281     (271,088     (39.4

Newmark Group, Inc., Class A

    (26,188     (318,184     (46.2

NewMarket Corp.

    (560     (181,782     (26.4

NexTier Oilfield Solutions, Inc.

    (1,123     (12,387     (1.8

Northwest Bancshares, Inc.

    (506     (6,416     (0.9

Novanta, Inc.

    (51     (6,564     (1.0

Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., Class A

    (12,808     (546,133     (79.4

Ocugen, Inc.

    (4,797     (10,505     (1.5

Ocular Therapeutix, Inc.

    (61,546     (219,719     (31.9

ODP Corp.

    (15,250     (656,207     (95.3

O-I Glass, Inc.

    (4,151     (55,955     (8.1

Omeros Corp.

    (14,818     (51,418     (7.5

One Liberty Properties, Inc.

    (7,793     (223,269     (32.4

OneSpan, Inc.

    (10,926     (154,384     (22.4
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Open Lending Corp., Class A

    (5,391   $           (73,533     (10.7 )% 

OPKO Health, Inc.

    (3,905     (10,544     (1.5

Option Care Health, Inc.

    (12,503     (373,590     (54.3

Orion Office REIT, Inc.

    (3,663     (49,157     (7.1

Outset Medical, Inc.

    (12,547     (437,639     (63.6

Owens & Minor, Inc.

    (6,241     (221,493     (32.2

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc.

    (314     (9,847     (1.4

Pacira BioSciences, Inc.

    (1,280     (95,450     (13.9

Pactiv Evergreen, Inc.

    (7,947     (78,357     (11.4

Parsons Corp.

    (14,418     (532,457     (77.4

Patterson Cos., Inc.

    (8,350     (256,929     (37.3

Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc.

    (3,308     (54,384     (7.9

PBF Energy, Inc., Class A

    (1,626     (47,252     (6.9

PC Connection, Inc.

    (125     (6,186     (0.9

PDF Solutions, Inc.

    (313     (7,277     (1.1

PennyMac Financial Services, Inc.

    (996     (48,366     (7.0

Perdoceo Education Corp.

    (90,870     (1,015,927     (147.6

PetMed Express, Inc.

    (318     (6,964     (1.0

Pilgrim’s Pride Corp.

    (588     (16,670     (2.4

Ping Identity Holding Corp.

    (1,575     (41,155     (6.0

Pitney Bowes, Inc.

    (29,190     (153,831     (22.4

Plexus Corp.

    (10,970     (890,106     (129.3

PotlatchDeltic Corp.

    (6,542     (362,361     (52.7

PowerSchool Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (5,101     (77,229     (11.2

Praxis Precision Medicines, Inc.

    (428     (3,467     (0.5

Premier, Inc., Class A

    (176     (6,373     (0.9

Primerica, Inc.

    (1,167     (151,197     (22.0

ProAssurance Corp.

    (291     (7,150     (1.0

Progress Software Corp.

    (6,014     (288,552     (41.9

Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc.

    (270     (2,454     (0.4

Proterra, Inc.

    (68,211     (423,590     (61.5

Provention Bio, Inc.

    (71,627     (321,605     (46.7

Pulmonx Corp.

    (4,400     (106,040     (15.4

PureCycle Technologies, Inc.

    (49,179     (383,596     (55.7

Purple Innovation, Inc.

    (63,841     (263,025     (38.2

Quotient Technology, Inc.

    (50,486     (268,081     (39.0

Rackspace Technology, Inc.

    (7,319     (72,385     (10.5

Radius Health, Inc.

    (1,619     (11,074     (1.6

RadNet, Inc.

    (368     (7,176     (1.0

Rambus, Inc.

    (11,284     (281,084     (40.8

RBC Bearings, Inc.

    (73     (12,290     (1.8

Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A

    (815     (20,685     (3.0

Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A

    (10,016     (62,099     (9.0


    (9,228     (256,169     (37.2

Relay Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,968     (46,897     (6.8

Relmada Therapeutics, Inc.

    (1,968     (49,416     (7.2

Renalytix PLC

    (3,062     (8,182     (1.2

Rent-A-Center, Inc.

    (12,136     (292,720     (42.5

Resideo Technologies, Inc.

    (12,278     (276,132     (40.1

Resources Connection, Inc.

    (479     (8,234     (1.2

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.

    (17,172     (319,914     (46.5

REV Group, Inc., Series A

    (25,600     (305,152     (44.3

Revance Therapeutics, Inc.

    (5,092     (83,407     (12.1

Reynolds Consumer Products Inc.

    (12,798     (378,693     (55.0

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (1,332     (8,338     (1.2

Rimini Street, Inc.

    (36,428     (209,825     (30.5

Rite Aid Corp.

    (2,510     (15,989     (2.3

Romeo Power, Inc.

    (216,886     (238,575     (34.7

Root, Inc., Class A

    (52,620     (101,557     (14.8

Rover Group, Inc.

    (11,788     (74,618     (10.8

Rush Street Interactive, Inc.

    (926     (5,880     (0.9

Ruth’s Hospitality Group, Inc.

    (5,574     (116,887     (17.0




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Safety Insurance Group, Inc.

    (6,897   $          (593,418     (86.2 )% 

Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc.

    (5,363     (81,089     (11.8

Saul Centers, Inc.

    (119     (6,142     (0.9

Schneider National, Inc., Class B

    (852     (20,133     (2.9

Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., Class A

    (2,280     (104,036     (15.1

Scholastic Corp.

    (956     (35,229     (5.1

Schrodinger, Inc.

    (1,965     (48,575     (7.1

Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc.

    (24,374     (613,250     (89.1

Seaboard Corp.

    (155     (654,873     (95.2

Seer, Inc.

    (23,881     (173,854     (25.3

Selective Insurance Group, Inc.

    (1,288     (106,080     (15.4

Selectquote, Inc.

    (64,909     (133,713     (19.4

Seres Therapeutics, Inc.

    (7,533     (35,631     (5.2

Seritage Growth Properties, Series A

    (543     (5,376     (0.8

Shenandoah Telecommunications Co.

    (751     (15,170     (2.2

Shoals Technologies Group, Inc., Class A

    (3,722     (37,146     (5.4

Shoe Carnival, Inc.

    (5,250     (158,497     (23.0


    (301     (6,014     (0.9

SIGA Technologies, Inc.

    (45,896     (315,306     (45.8

Sight Sciences, Inc.

    (18,872     (131,727     (19.1

Signify Health, Inc., Class A

    (13,569     (187,252     (27.2

Silgan Holdings, Inc.

    (30,017     (1,331,854     (193.5

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

    (526     (18,436     (2.7

Simmons First National Corp., Class A

    (1,298     (30,983     (4.5

SITE Centers Corp.

    (2,946     (46,841     (6.8

Skillz, Inc.

    (41,778     (85,645     (12.4

Skyline Champion Corp.

    (5,417     (276,484     (40.2

SkyWater Technology, Inc.

    (6,768     (41,420     (6.0

Sleep Number Corp.

    (568     (23,038     (3.3

Sotera Health Co.

    (2,308     (47,037     (6.8

Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc.

    (3,932     (334,495     (48.6

Spire, Inc.

    (7,644     (556,101     (80.8

SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc.

    (3,461     (148,512     (21.6

Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc.

    (2,307     (68,749     (10.0

St. Joe Co.

    (3,805     (202,464     (29.4

Stem, Inc.

    (44,096     (316,168     (45.9

StepStone Group, Inc., Class A

    (2,800     (71,736     (10.4

Stericycle, Inc.

    (1,457     (73,127     (10.6

Sterling Construction Co., Inc.

    (11,742     (268,774     (39.1

Steven Madden Ltd.

    (3,413     (140,138     (20.4

Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc.

    (1,936     (101,214     (14.7

Strategic Education, Inc.

    (96     (6,202     (0.9

Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    (276     (7,700     (1.1

TaskUS, Inc., Class A

    (4,162     (120,240     (17.5

Tejon Ranch Co.

    (2,869     (52,531     (7.6

Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.

    (1,766     (32,353     (4.7

Telos Corp.

    (12,989     (101,184     (14.7

Tennant Co.

    (10,429     (673,505     (97.9

TFS Financial Corp.

    (30,656     (459,533     (66.8

Thermon Group Holdings, Inc.

    (2,953     (44,295     (6.4

ThredUp, Inc., Class A

    (6,367     (41,959     (6.1

Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.

    (8,722     (305,532     (44.4

TPI Composites, Inc.

    (1,285     (14,700     (2.1

Traeger, Inc.

    (968     (5,798     (0.8

TransMedics Group, Inc.

    (3,956     (82,918     (12.0

Treace Medical Concepts, Inc.

    (314     (6,154     (0.9

Tredegar Corp.

    (60,698     (694,992     (101.0

TreeHouse Foods, Inc.

    (15,497     (488,155     (70.9

TriMas Corp.

    (213     (6,292     (0.9

TriNet Group, Inc.

    (335     (29,715     (4.3
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)  

Tupperware Brands Corp.

    (11,183   $          (196,597     (28.6 )% 

TuSimple Holdings, Inc., Class A

    (23,390     (242,554     (35.2

U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc.

    (5,805     (107,857     (15.7

Under Armour, Inc., Class C

    (2,682     (38,058     (5.5

UniFirst Corp.

    (5,228     (900,784     (130.9

Unisys Corp.

    (39,961     (567,846     (82.5

United Bankshares, Inc.

    (20,658     (687,085     (99.8

United Community Banks, Inc.

    (29,372     (885,272     (128.6

United Natural Foods, Inc.

    (6,718     (288,404     (41.9

Uniti Group, Inc.

    (52,446     (649,806     (94.4

Universal Corp.

    (13,586     (785,950     (114.2

Universal Health Realty Income Trust

    (2,278     (114,333     (16.6

USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

    (1,211     (92,835     (13.5

Utz Brands, Inc.

    (3,475     (49,067     (7.1

UWM Holdings Corp.

    (19,524     (72,434     (10.5

Vapotherm, Inc.

    (1,214     (5,390     (0.8

Vaxart, Inc.

    (54,961     (191,264     (27.8

Vaxcyte, Inc.

    (7,694     (186,272     (27.1

Velodyne Lidar, Inc.

    (77,137     (145,018     (21.1

Verint Systems, Inc.

    (5,725     (312,356     (45.4

Veritone, Inc.

    (14,559     (157,674     (22.9

Verra Mobility Corp.

    (4,201     (58,940     (8.6

Verve Therapeutics, Inc.

    (13,029     (194,393     (28.2

Vesync Co. Ltd.

    (9,000     (6,549     (1.0

ViaSat, Inc.

    (718     (26,430     (3.8

Vicor Corp.

    (1,747     (105,728     (15.4

View, Inc.

    (17,500     (26,950     (3.9

Vimeo, Inc.

    (25,839     (263,299     (38.3

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

    (7,964     (162,067     (23.5

Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc.

    (26,216     (196,358     (28.5

Visteon Corp.

    (664     (69,527     (10.1

Vivint Smart Home, Inc.

    (12,071     (63,252     (9.2

Volta, Inc.

    (10,779     (22,528     (3.3

Vroom, Inc.

    (2,685     (4,189     (0.6

Vuzix Corp.

    (26,166     (135,278     (19.7

Wabash National Corp.

    (20,671     (295,802     (43.0

Washington Real Estate Investment Trust

    (360     (8,672     (1.3

Waterstone Financial, Inc.

    (430     (6,906     (1.0

Weis Markets, Inc.

    (312     (24,923     (3.6

Westamerica BanCorp

    (4,346     (256,066     (37.2

Wheels Up Experience, Inc.

    (71,976     (219,527     (31.9

White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd.

    (909     (952,650     (138.4

Whiting Petroleum Corp.

    (3,477     (253,995     (36.9

WideOpenWest, Inc.

    (4,004     (80,280     (11.7

Workhorse Group, Inc.

    (114,783     (345,497     (50.2

World Fuel Services Corp.

    (253     (6,128     (0.9

Worthington Industries, Inc.

    (4,094     (194,752     (28.3

WSFS Financial Corp.

    (1,858     (74,450     (10.8

WW International, Inc.

    (3,306     (32,366     (4.7

Xencor, Inc.

    (6,708     (167,566     (24.3

Xenia Hotels & Resorts, Inc.

    (6,485     (125,096     (18.2

XL Fleet Corp.

    (87,490     (122,486     (17.8

Xperi Holding Corp.

    (63,809     (995,420     (144.6

Yelp, Inc.

    (2,138     (69,549     (10.1

Zomedica Corp.

    (224,978     (55,570     (8.1

Zumiez, Inc.

    (4,629     (169,560     (24.6









S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  

Karo Pharma Aktiebolag Right

    (95,772   $ (4,459     (0.6 )% 







Mobimo Holding AG Right

    (1,324     (4,614     (0.7







Total Reference Entity — Short





Net Value of Reference Entity — Goldman Sachs & Co.


  $ 688,223    




The following table represents the individual long and short positions and related values of the equity securities underlying the total return swap with UBS AG as of period end, termination dates July 8, 2022 and January 20, 2027:


Security   Shares     Value     % of

Reference Entity — Long

Common Stocks                  

Alumina Ltd.

    21,199     $ 27,110       2.4

AMP Ltd.

    122,812       99,223       8.9  

Aristocrat Leisure Ltd.

    10,184       236,292       21.1  

Atlas Arteria Ltd.

    120,462       585,213       52.4  

Boral Ltd.

    53,017       132,258       11.8  

carsales.com Ltd.

    12,737       188,037       16.8  

Challenger Ltd.

    33,710       170,557       15.3  

Charter Hall Group

    17,673       189,939       17.0  

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

    4,314       313,557       28.1  

CSR Ltd.

    29,983       128,405       11.5  

Deterra Royalties Ltd.

    145,091       491,523       44.0  

Domain Holdings Australia Ltd.

    94,008       228,941       20.5  

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd.

    2,035       106,677       9.5  

Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd.

    10,184       159,042       14.2  

Glencore PLC

    50,333       310,135       27.7  

Goodman Group

    18,452       307,113       27.5  

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd.

    38,861       138,425       12.4  

IDP Education Ltd.

    8,456       156,871       14.0  

IGO Ltd.

    57,612                 523,829       46.9  

Iluka Resources Ltd.

    17,527       137,287       12.3  

Insignia Financial Ltd.

    48,829       117,377       10.5  

Macquarie Group Ltd.

    840       120,929       10.8  

Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    24,241       274,239       24.5  

Medibank Pvt Ltd.

    68,492       153,911       13.8  

Mirvac Group

    1,151       1,945       0.2  

Origin Energy Ltd.

    34,012       162,684       14.6  

Orora Ltd.

    5,485       15,371       1.4  

OZ Minerals Ltd.

    22,485       390,293       34.9  

Pilbara Minerals Ltd.

    98,463       190,988       17.1  

Pro Medicus Ltd.

    9,648       315,526       28.2  

Qube Holdings Ltd.

    145,524       300,718       26.9  

REA Group Ltd.

    2,434       218,057       19.5  

Scentre Group

    70,862       147,642       13.2  


    1,949       38,191       3.4  

South32 Ltd.

    3,073       10,357       0.9  

Star Entertainment Grp Ltd.

    102,956       227,397       20.3  

Telstra Corp. Ltd.

    83,148       236,028       21.1  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Australia (continued)                  

Wesfarmers Ltd.

    11,355     $ 392,918       35.2

WiseTech Global Ltd.

    7,544       233,885       20.9  

Woodside Petroleum Ltd.

    6,758       147,028       13.2  








    5,227       222,205       19.9  

Erste Group Bank AG

    12,940       402,897       36.1  

Raiffeisen Bank International AG

    15,918       181,200       16.2  







Ackermans & van Haaren NV

    905       161,340       14.4  

Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA

    1,007       95,021       8.5  

KBC Group NV

    2,784       189,401       17.0  

Proximus SADP

    36,914       645,194       57.7  

Telenet Group Holding NV

    10,790       321,568       28.8  

Umicore SA

    9,479       364,405       32.6  

Warehouses De Pauw CVA

    7,671       295,105       26.4  







Hiscox Ltd.

    43,959       521,981       46.7  







Air Canada

    64,473       1,129,212       101.0  

Alamos Gold Inc., Class A

    14,226       110,517       9.9  

ARC Resources Ltd.

    6,563       90,988       8.1  

Aritzia Inc.

    5,424       193,164       17.3  

Bank of Nova Scotia

    3,914       247,853       22.2  

Baytex Energy Corp.

    76,920       393,387       35.2  

BCE, Inc.

    19,065       1,013,614       90.7  

BRP, Inc.

    1,724       139,662       12.5  

CAE, Inc.

    56,214       1,336,814       119.6  

Canadian Utilities Ltd., Class A

    13,440       404,042       36.1  

Cargojet, Inc.

    666       77,811       7.0  

Cenovus Energy Inc.

    3,297       60,953       5.4  

CGI, Inc.

    21,655       1,726,804       154.5  

CI Financial Corp.

    19,798       258,138       23.1  

Descartes Systems Group Inc.

    370       22,981       2.1  

Enbridge, Inc.

    26,635       1,162,307       104.0  

Equinox Gold Corp.

    9,736       69,421       6.2  

First Majestic Silver Corp.

    34,762       359,080       32.1  

Franco-Nevada Corp.

    2,087       315,621       28.2  

GFL Environmental, Inc.

    718       21,630       1.9  

Hydro One Ltd.

    19,200       519,064       46.4  

IGM Financial, Inc.

    9,295       294,554       26.4  

Imperial Oil Ltd.

    6,347       319,561       28.6  

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc.

    35,322       472,921       42.3  

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., Class A

    36,685       294,131       26.3  

Kinaxis, Inc.

    131       14,496       1.3  

Lundin Mining Corp.

    634       5,789       0.5  

Nutrien Ltd.

    205       20,145       1.8  

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd.

    15,153       186,486       16.7  

Parex Resources, Inc.

    19,164       373,539       33.4  

Pembina Pipeline Corp.

    2,592       98,079       8.8  

Shopify, Inc., Class A

    652       278,904       25.0  

Stantec, Inc.

    5,640       258,896       23.2  

TC Energy Corp.

    33,068       1,749,092       156.5  

Teck Resources Ltd., Class B

    1,587       62,608       5.6  


    51,686       1,293,106       115.7  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Canada (continued)                  

TFI International, Inc.

    5,106     $ 410,738       36.7

Vermilion Energy Inc.

    495       9,644       0.9  

Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.

    1,299       58,223       5.2  

Whitecap Resources, Inc.

    51,443       421,667       37.7  

WSP Global, Inc.

    689       80,353       7.2  

Yamana Gold, Inc.

    41,429       228,647       20.5  







Budweiser Brewing Co. APAC Ltd.

    205,600       511,573       45.8  

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd.

    18,200       30,517       2.7  







Coloplast A/S, Class B

    1,774       239,009       21.4  

Genmab A/S

    1,057       371,685       33.3  

GN Store Nord A/S

    6,075       227,992       20.4  

H Lundbeck A/S

    19,822       454,283       40.6  


    880       14,444       1.3  

Jyske Bank A/S

    4,331       239,479       21.4  

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

    1,674       191,215       17.1  

SimCorp A/S

    4,196       293,748       26.3  

Tryg A/S

    38,653       919,056       82.2  







Kesko OYJ, B Shares

    2,797       70,418       6.3  

Nokia OYJ

    58,921       298,734       26.7  

Nokian Renkaat OYJ

    33,798       453,859       40.6  

Nordea Bank Abp

    110,941       1,106,090       99.0  

Outokumpu OYJ

    77,931       382,583       34.2  

Valmet OYJ

    18,962       507,817       45.4  

Wartsila OYJ Abp

    93,587       751,489       67.3  







Accor SA

    24,474       804,059       71.9  


    1,236       16,807       1.5  

Arkema SA

    2,543       289,760       25.9  

Atos SE

    7,411       180,544       16.2  


    13,288       351,534       31.5  

Bouygues SA

    6,027       208,866       18.7  

Carrefour SA

    3,292       69,815       6.3  

Cie Plastic Omnium SA

    23,846       386,013       34.5  


    8,979       639,463       57.2  

Dassault Aviation SA

    4,423       742,202       66.4  

Dassault Systemes SE

    3,467       153,326       13.7  


    2,656       133,390       11.9  

Engie SA

    55,532       655,304       58.6  

Eurazeo SE

    3,287       252,570       22.6  

Hermes International

    100       123,306       11.0  


    13,068       780,236       69.8  

Klepierre SA

    13,349       319,517       28.6  

Legrand SA

    2,529       224,105       20.1  

Orange SA

    22,958       273,324       24.5  

Publicis Groupe SA

    10,311       619,038       55.4  

Remy Cointreau SA

    495       98,126       8.8  


    2,548       72,042       6.4  

Societe Generale SA

    752       18,381       1.6  

Thales SA

    11,557       1,479,584       132.4  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
France (continued)                  

TotalEnergies SE

    16,510     $ 810,690       72.5

Vinci SA

    6,540       634,601       56.8  







1&1 AG

    18,186       383,238       34.3  

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    23,612       1,928,292       172.5  

Beiersdorf AG

    5,581       560,559       50.1  

Capital Stage AG

    3,634       79,333       7.1  

Commerzbank AG

    223,994       1,462,306       130.8  

Covestro AG

    4,124       177,561       15.9  

CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA

    6,165       423,141       37.9  

Daimler AG

    1,352       94,371       8.4  

Deutsche Bank AG

    32,022       320,198       28.6  


    45,431       472,799       42.3  

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide

    236       12,787       1.1  

Freenet AG

    8,916       246,690       22.1  

Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA

    961       60,670       5.4  

HelloFresh SE

    5,523       236,439       21.1  

Hochtief AG

    194       11,899       1.1  


    943       32,023       2.9  


    940       36,337       3.2  

LEG Immobilien SE

    8,219       842,698       75.4  

Merck KGaA

    374       69,387       6.2  


    20,240       177,787       15.9  

MTU Aero Engines AG

    2,897       584,225       52.3  

Nemetschek SE

    6,548       519,612       46.5  

Nordex SE

    5,012       72,334       6.5  

ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE

    27,650       318,135       28.5  

Rational AG

    445       271,470       24.3  

Rheinmetall AG

    6,305       1,421,299       127.2  

Rwe AG

    17,084       709,317       63.5  

Salzgitter AG

    10,389       431,242       38.6  

Siemens AG

    14,552       1,789,241       160.1  

TAG Immobilien AG

    15,829       316,350       28.3  

Talanx AG

    10,933       454,590       40.7  

TeamViewer AG

    5,212       62,539       5.6  

thyssenkrupp AG

    14,247       109,261       9.8  

Traton SE

    8,900       148,322       13.3  


    25,163       71,740       6.4  






Hong Kong                  

ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.

    13,600       137,058       12.3  

Bank of East Asia Ltd.

    76,000       112,459       10.1  

Cafe de Coral Holdings Ltd.

    26,000       40,819       3.7  

Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.

    52,000       51,955       4.7  

Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd.

    254,400       213,794       19.1  

Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd.

    90,800       264,221       23.6  

Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd.

    67,600       182,577       16.3  

First Pacific Co. Ltd/Hong Kong

    262,000       105,640       9.5  

Haitong International Securities Group Ltd.

    96,000       15,197       1.4  

Hang Lung Group Ltd.

    49,000       95,672       8.6  

Hang Lung Properties Ltd.

    51,000       97,541       8.7  

HK Electric Investments & HK Electric Investments Ltd., Class SS

    333,000       328,884       29.4  

Hutchison Port Holdings Trust, Class U

    433,000       103,208       9.2  

Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Ltd.

    66,000       11,018       1.0  

Hysan Development Co. Ltd.

    94,000       277,316       24.8  

Kerry Properties Ltd.

    93,500       252,836       22.6  



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Hong Kong (continued)                  


    76,000     $ 656,471       58.7

New World Development Co. Ltd.

    76,000       290,684       26.0  

Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd.

    261,000       119,750       10.7  

Shangri-La Asia Ltd.

    130,000       98,428       8.8  

Shun Tak Holdings Ltd.

    970,000       196,502       17.6  

SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd.

    5,000       16,622       1.5  

SJM Holdings Ltd.

    365,000       153,323       13.7  

Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.

    51,000       587,371       52.6  

Swire Pacific Ltd., Class A

    153,500       874,322       78.2  

WH Group Ltd.

    99,500       68,715       6.1  

Wharf Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd.

    52,000       245,054       21.9  

Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd.

    57,000       83,840       7.5  







Experian PLC

    53,014       1,830,804       163.8  

Glanbia PLC

    9,014       108,216       9.7  

Kingspan Group PLC

    4,849       451,379       40.4  







Airport City Ltd.

    3,433       76,428       6.8  

Alony Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd.

    10,043       164,367       14.7  

Amot Investments Ltd.

    8,050       61,106       5.5  

Bayside Land Corp.

    18,706       205,884       18.4  

Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp. Ltd.

    9,426       14,943       1.3  

Big Shopping Centers Ltd.

    812       122,708       11.0  

Elbit Systems Ltd.

    2,458       533,553       47.7  

Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd.

    128       1,569       0.1  

Israel Corp. Ltd.

    503       282,619       25.3  

Melisron Ltd.

    3,610       292,832       26.2  

Nice Ltd.

    132       27,447       2.5  

OPC Energy Ltd.

    10,236       112,590       10.1  

Paz Oil Co. Ltd.

    1,273       197,295       17.7  

Phoenix Holdings Ltd.

    15,401       193,751       17.3  








    68,419       116,898       10.4  

Amplifon SpA

    11,209       447,181       40.0  

Azimut Holding SpA

    11,253       238,855       21.4  

Banca Generali SpA

    3,032       100,241       9.0  

Banca Mediolanum SpA

    44,135       320,391       28.7  

Buzzi Unicem SpA

    6,311       116,871       10.4  

De’ Longhi SpA

    2,398       58,151       5.2  

Enel SpA

    190,216       1,236,954       110.7  

Ferrari NV

    692       145,704       13.0  

Italgas SpA

    58,098       376,165       33.6  

Leonardo SpA

    30,590       314,814       28.2  

Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA

    75,811       759,842       68.0  

Moncler SpA

    7,834       408,102       36.5  

Reply SpA

    1,063       156,492       14.0  

UniCredit SpA

    71,597       662,636       59.3  

UnipolSai Assicurazioni SpA

    188,702       530,788       47.5  







ABC-Mart, Inc.

    4,700       194,909       17.4  

Acom Co. Ltd.

    262,500       675,077       60.4  

AEON Financial Service Co. Ltd.

    62,300       572,749       51.2  

Aica Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    6,700       155,093       13.9  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Alfresa Holdings Corp.

    20,900     $ 284,213       25.4

Amada Co. Ltd.

    33,400       259,350       23.2  

Amano Corp.

    20,300       390,799       35.0  

Anritsu Corp.

    10,900       137,062       12.3  

Aozora Bank Ltd.

    39,200       784,805       70.2  

Astellas Pharma, Inc.

    6,000       91,354       8.2  

Azbil Corp.

    10,300                 312,729       28.0  

Bandai Namco Holdings, Inc.

    400       27,081       2.4  

Capcom Co. Ltd.

    12,600       332,477       29.7  

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    2,900       86,899       7.8  

Chugoku Bank Ltd.

    33,400       245,609       22.0  

Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    69,100       455,128       40.7  

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings, Inc.

    34,500       386,761       34.6  

Cosmo Energy Holdings Co. Ltd.

    4,300       106,831       9.6  

Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp.

    6,300       580,781       52.0  

Daifuku Co. Ltd.

    8,400       516,504       46.2  

Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd.

    500       48,156       4.3  

Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd.

    1,500       36,060       3.2  

Denso Corp.

    2,400       146,269       13.1  

Dentsu Group, Inc.

    700       25,229       2.3  

Disco Corp.

    500       122,375       10.9  

DMG Mori Co. Ltd.

    1,000       12,550       1.1  

Ebara Corp.

    2,600       119,411       10.7  

Electric Power Development Co. Ltd.

    15,800       216,504       19.4  

FP Corp.

    8,400       189,985       17.0  

Freee KK

    3,600       103,872       9.3  

Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd.

    16,100       261,449       23.4  

H.U. Group Holdings, Inc.

    2,900       64,619       5.8  

Hamamatsu Photonics KK

    9,900       442,957       39.6  

Hirose Electric Co. Ltd.

    2,500       317,185       28.4  

Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd.

    12,200       276,224       24.7  

Hoshizaki Corp.

    2,900       183,693       16.4  

Hoya Corp.

    4,200       416,817       37.3  

Information Services International-Dentsu Ltd.

    9,000       258,464       23.1  

Internet Initiative Japan, Inc.

    1,100       34,332       3.1  


    15,100       455,733       40.8  

Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp.

    20,900       489,390       43.8  

Izumi Co. Ltd.

    22,700       493,354       44.1  

J Front Retailing Co. Ltd.

    18,500       138,632       12.4  

Japan Exchange Group, Inc.

    2,400       35,737       3.2  

Japan Post Bank Co. Ltd.

    2,600       19,615       1.8  

Japan Post Holdings Co. Ltd.

    5,800       40,669       3.6  

Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp.

    28       84,945       7.6  

Japan Tobacco, Inc.

    38,500       654,954       58.6  

JFE Holdings, Inc.

    1,300       15,897       1.4  

JGC Holdings Corp.

    1,100       12,448       1.1  

Kamigumi Co. Ltd.

    20,700       351,463       31.4  

Kandenko Co. Ltd.

    43,000       272,689       24.4  

Kao Corp.

    5,000       200,392       17.9  

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd.

    3,500       182,987       16.4  

Keisei Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    11,600       284,426       25.4  

Kewpie Corp.

    27,000       454,727       40.7  

Keyence Corp.

    600       241,203       21.6  

Kikkoman Corp.

    2,900       162,983       14.6  

Kintetsu Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,800       108,951       9.7  

Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    5,800       212,828       19.0  

Kokuyo Co. Ltd.

    21,900       285,229       25.5  

Konami Holdings Corp.

    3,700       227,526       20.4  

Konica Minolta, Inc.

    2,800       9,745       0.9  

Kusuri no Aoki Holdings Co. Ltd.

    8,400       372,155       33.3  

Kyocera Corp.

    7,600       399,053       35.7  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Kyowa Kirin Co. Ltd.

    1,100     $ 23,184       2.1

Kyudenko Corp.

    300       6,803       0.6  

Lasertec Corp.

    200       26,720       2.4  

Lion Corp.

    11,900       122,611       11.0  

Lixil Corp.

    20,900       367,596       32.9  

Mani Inc.

    11,500       131,330       11.8  

Marubeni Corp.

    33,400       364,582       32.6  

Maruwa Unyu Kikan Co. Ltd.

    30,700       358,423       32.1  

Mitsubishi Corp.

    32,900              1,104,635       98.8  

Mitsubishi HC Capital, Inc.

    100,700       453,097       40.5  

Mitsubishi Logistics Corp.

    10,400       239,694       21.4  

Mitsubishi Materials Corp.

    5,000       78,216       7.0  

Mitsui & Co. Ltd.

    17,500       423,776       37.9  

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

    26,200       598,615       53.6  

Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd.

    7,900       199,757       17.9  

Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd.

    1,800       42,140       3.8  

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

    19,000       230,711       20.6  

MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc.

    6,700       199,441       17.8  

Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd.

    17,800       285,888       25.6  

Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    5,100       91,049       8.1  

Nichirei Corp.

    25,500       468,192       41.9  

Nihon Kohden Corp.

    8,100       194,449       17.4  

Nippon Steel Corp.

    24,100       382,674       34.2  

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.

    15,900       468,563       41.9  

Nippon Yusen KK

    500       36,072       3.2  

Nipro Corp.

    54,000       425,500       38.1  

Nissan Chemical Corp.

    9,100       480,686       43.0  

Nissin Foods Holdings Co. Ltd.

    8,200       570,413       51.0  

Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd.

    2,600       267,486       23.9  

NOK Corp.

    27,800       236,530       21.2  

Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc.

    6,900       168,124       15.0  

Nomura Research Institute Ltd.

    12,200       344,972       30.9  

NTT Data Corp.

    32,100       591,857       53.0  

Obayashi Corp.

    57,600       396,123       35.4  

OBIC Business Consultants Co. Ltd.

    2,900       104,231       9.3  

Obic Co. Ltd.

    1,000       147,739       13.2  

Olympus Corp.

    2,600       45,763       4.1  

Omron Corp.

    1,700       100,222       9.0  

Otsuka Corp.

    17,200       563,680       50.4  


    7,100       258,781       23.2  

Panasonic Corp.

    54,300       483,987       43.3  

Park24 Co. Ltd.

    7,600       108,228       9.7  

Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd.

    43,700       213,823       19.1  

Pigeon Corp.

    25,700       438,314       39.2  

Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc.

    2,300       26,517       2.4  

Rakuten Group, Inc.

    9,100       63,972       5.7  

Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd.

    3,500       126,986       11.4  

Relo Group, Inc.

    100       1,429       0.1  

Resorttrust, Inc.

    32,900       553,494       49.5  

Rinnai Corp.

    10,600       677,546       60.6  

Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd.

    19,300       173,452       15.5  

Sankyu Inc.

    8,100       246,961       22.1  

Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    6,700       54,502       4.9  

Sawai Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    7,200       241,522       21.6  

SBI Holdings, Inc.

    21,800       487,603       43.6  

SCSK Corp.

    10,500       166,932       14.9  

Sega Sammy Holdings, Inc.

    1,800       31,895       2.9  

Seino Holdings Co Ltd.

    35,300       288,364       25.8  

Sekisui House Ltd.

    25,100       435,935       39.0  

Sekisui House REIT, Inc.

    600       351,091       31.4  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

SG Holdings Co. Ltd.

    13,200     $ 232,619       20.8

Shimizu Corp.

    99,900       523,839       46.9  

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd.

    2,300       316,099       28.3  

Skylark Co. Ltd.

    29,700       352,411       31.5  

SMS Co. Ltd.

    6,200       145,506       13.0  

SoftBank Group Corp.

    3,500       143,956       12.9  

Sojitz Corp.

    2,800       42,695       3.8  

Sompo Holdings, Inc.

    1,200       48,852       4.4  

Sony Group Corp.

    8,900       768,079       68.7  

Sotetsu Holdings Inc.

    3,000       51,429       4.6  

Square Enix Holdings Co. Ltd.

    700       27,948       2.5  

Subaru Corp.

    5,600       84,978       7.6  

Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.

    2,800       11,906       1.1  

Sumitomo Corp.

    13,200       208,872       18.7  

Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Ltd.

    6,300       56,118       5.0  

Sumitomo Forestry Co. Ltd.

    18,900       289,148       25.9  

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc.

    14,100       437,629       39.2  

Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd.

    36,000       312,040       27.9  

Sundrug Co. Ltd.

    35,900       835,827       74.8  

T&D Holdings, Inc.

    2,900       37,266       3.3  

Taiheiyo Cement Corp.

    38,100       616,442       55.2  

Takara Bio Inc.

    20,500       329,720       29.5  

Takashimaya Co. Ltd.

    67,300       613,860       54.9  

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    9,600       278,559       24.9  

TBS Holdings, Inc.

    7,200       94,483       8.5  

TIS, Inc.

    1,000       22,459       2.0  

Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.

    12,300       665,045       59.5  

Tokyo Electron Ltd.

    600       253,168       22.7  

Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co. Ltd.

    200       10,867       1.0  

Toray Industries, Inc.

    90,900       430,801       38.5  

Tosoh Corp.

    38,900       537,151       48.1  

Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd.

    16,600       179,552       16.1  

Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd.

    14,200       438,444       39.2  

Toyota Tsusho Corp.

    22,200       797,584       71.4  

Trend Micro, Inc.

    2,200       122,665       11.0  

Tsumura & Co.

    11,900       292,797       26.2  

Tsuruha Holdings, Inc.

    2,800       143,103       12.8  

Unicharm Corp.

    800       27,834       2.5  

Welcia Holdings Co. Ltd.

    12,700       260,338       23.3  

Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd.

    3,000       155,342       13.9  

Yamada Holdings Co. Ltd.

    122,800       366,691       32.8  

Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc.

    74,200       406,851       36.4  

Yaoko Co. Ltd.

    3,800       201,030       18.0  

Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd.

    16,300       218,234       19.5  

Z Holdings Corp.

    15,200       59,673       5.3  

Zensho Holdings Co. Ltd.

    14,200       334,867       30.0  

ZOZO, Inc.

    11,400       238,687       21.4  







Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC

    10,044       235,938       21.1  







ArcelorMittal SA

    6,028       178,790       16.0  

Aroundtown SA

    119,766       602,247       53.9  

L’Occitane International SA

    31,750       99,522       8.9  

RTL Group SA

    6,043       314,221       28.1  









S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of

MGM China Holdings Ltd.

    380,000     $ 217,506       19.5

Wynn Macau Ltd.

    262,400       161,173       14.4  







ASR Nederland NV

    566       25,724       2.3  


    4,327       61,265       5.5  

Heineken Holding NV

    1,884       147,069       13.2  

ING Groep NV

    45,530       431,361       38.6  

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV

    694       20,470       1.8  


    23,179       75,952       6.8  


    2,766       127,560       11.4  

Signify NV

    918       39,319       3.5  

Wolters Kluwer NV

    3,777       381,412       34.1  






New Zealand                  

a2 Milk Co. Ltd.

    8,515       26,449       2.4  

Air New Zealand Ltd.

    103,158       58,545       5.2  

Contact Energy Ltd.

    83,136       436,764       39.1  

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp. Ltd.

    10,925       150,133       13.4  

Infratil Ltd.

    75,229       407,112       36.4  







Adevinta ASA

    13,099       101,195       9.1  

Equinor ASA

    1,252       42,317       3.8  

Golden Ocean Group Ltd.

    5,398       67,200       6.0  


    21,406       30,420       2.7  

Nordic Semiconductor ASA

    2,153       42,804       3.8  

Norsk Hydro ASA

    29,497       247,702       22.2  

Schibsted ASA, Class A

    4,136       86,190       7.7  

Schibsted ASA, Class B

    2,117       40,966       3.7  







EDP - Energias de Portugal SA

    163,442       761,748       68.2  

Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA

    746       15,529       1.4  







Capitaland Investment Ltd.

    114,200       346,277       31.0  

ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd.

    39,100       41,303       3.7  

Mapletree Commercial Trust

    436,800       587,462       52.6  

NetLink NBN Trust

    417,900       302,180       27.0  

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd.

    5,400       47,944       4.3  

SIA Engineering Co. Ltd.

    6,600       12,675       1.1  

StarHub Ltd.

    129,400       117,370       10.5  

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

    9,100       194,797       17.4  

Wing Tai Holdings Ltd.

    3,600       4,519       0.4  







Iberdrola SA

    33,475       384,655       34.4  

Industria de Diseno Textil SA

    2,303       48,834       4.4  

Inmobiliaria Colonial Socimi SA

    41,078       341,579       30.6  

Merlin Properties Socimi SA

    41,100       446,496       39.9  

Naturgy Energy Group SA

    8,484       255,218       22.8  

Solaria Energia y Medio Ambiente SA

    1,645       36,504       3.3  







Boliden AB

    8,623       373,903       33.5  

Elekta AB, B Shares

    9,647       64,975       5.8  
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Sweden (continued)                  

Epiroc AB, Class B

    10,675     $ 186,235       16.7

Essity AB, Class B

    21,160       558,010       49.9  

Hexagon AB, B Shares

    73,845       952,816       85.2  

Holmen AB, B Shares

    3,660       211,544       18.9  

Lifco AB, B Shares

    16,331       342,553       30.6  

Nibe Industrier AB, B Shares

    6,941       68,052       6.1  

Saab AB, Class B

    16,063       679,447       60.8  

Skanska AB, B Shares

    6,357       121,433       10.9  

SSAB AB, A Shares

    52,801       335,345       30.0  

Swedish Match AB

    131,061       1,043,872       93.4  

Tele2 AB, B Shares

    32,051       424,813       38.0  

Vitrolife AB

    727       18,694       1.7  







Adecco Group AG

    2,918       112,605       10.1  

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG, Registered Shares

    1       118,633       10.6  

SIG Combibloc Group AG

    4,874       102,040       9.1  






United Kingdom                  

Abrdn PLC

    4,114       9,660       0.9  

Ashtead Group PLC

    6,401       330,978       29.6  

BAE Systems PLC

    23,564       217,653       19.5  

Barclays PLC

    366,934       674,476       60.3  

Barratt Developments PLC

    10,888       66,613       6.0  

Beazley PLC

    45,317       245,942       22.0  

British American Tobacco PLC

    2,746       115,091       10.3  

Centrica PLC

    119,907       118,803       10.6  

Croda International PLC

    2,553       247,964       22.2  

Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC

    8,854       401,222       35.9  

Direct Line Insurance Group PLC

    265,753       843,468       75.5  

Drax Group PLC

    3,664       37,027       3.3  

easyJet PLC

    48,498       336,066       30.1  

Electrocomponents PLC

    14,118       184,275       16.5  

Halma PLC

    15,279       468,997       42.0  

Hargreaves Lansdown PLC

    129,759       1,485,526       132.9  

Imperial Brands PLC

    44,315       922,440       82.5  

Intertek Group PLC

    851       53,030       4.7  

Persimmon PLC

    773       20,132       1.8  

Phoenix Group Holdings PLC

    13,577       102,838       9.2  

Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC

    209,768       215,046       19.2  

Smiths Group PLC

    24,393       446,375       39.9  


    40,686       944,966       84.6  


    114,826       338,923       30.3  

Tate & Lyle PLC

    108,647       1,056,006       94.5  


    69,746       93,641       8.4  

Tritax Big Box REIT PLC

    348,150       1,062,786       95.1  

United Utilities Group PLC

    13,663       196,343       17.6  

Weir Group PLC

    2,986       57,404       5.1  

Whitbread PLC

    8,979       313,429       28.0  






United States                  

Carnival PLC

    24,797       388,773       34.8  

Ovintiv Inc.

    18,552       949,515       84.9  










2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United States (continued)                  
Preferred Stocks                  

Fuchs Petrolub SE, Preference Shares

    10,874     $ 342,979       30.7

Porsche Automobil Holding SE, Preference Shares

    1,096       90,398       8.1  







Magellan Financial Group Ltd.

    3,393       3,752       0.3  







Total Reference Entity — Long





Reference Entity — Short

Common Stocks                  

Appen Ltd.

    (1,975     (9,021     (0.8

BHP Group Ltd.

    (10,163     (340,587     (30.5

TPG Telecom Ltd.

    (4,258     (17,455     (1.5








    (5,200     (246,916     (22.1


    (8,148     (416,507     (37.2

Telekom Austria AG

    (7,470     (53,259     (4.8

Verbund AG

    (326     (34,846     (3.1







Ageas SA

    (3,881     (185,712     (16.6

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV

    (5,013     (288,446     (25.8

Etablissements Franz Colruyt NV

    (2,210     (81,153     (7.3

Galapagos NV

    (1,604     (94,176     (8.4







Antofagasta PLC

    (34,722     (664,715     (59.5







Ambu A/S, Class B

    (2,090     (27,510     (2.5

Carlsberg A/S, Class B

    (6,465     (821,269     (73.5

Chr Hansen Holding A/S

    (2,072     (161,429     (14.4

Novozymes A/S, B Shares

    (2,169     (151,200     (13.5

Pandora A/S

    (1,160     (101,855     (9.1

Rockwool International A/S, B Shares

    (273     (76,353     (6.8

Royal Unibrew A/S

    (4,324     (372,690     (33.4

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

    (782     (19,942     (1.8







Elisa OYJ

    (3,485     (204,296     (18.3

Fortum OYJ

    (44,787     (744,622     (66.6

Huhtamaki OYJ

    (36,999     (1,398,572     (125.1

Kojamo OYJ

    (18,598     (369,973     (33.1

Kone OYJ, Class B

    (4,494     (216,061     (19.3

Neste OYJ

    (1,064     (45,655     (4.1

Orion OYJ, Class B

    (7,201     (282,441     (25.3

QT Group OYJ

    (635     (55,325     (5.0

Stora Enso OYJ, B Shares

    (15,663     (308,240     (27.6

UPM-Kymmene OYJ

    (23,335     (807,211     (72.2







Airbus SE

    (8,707     (953,171     (85.3
Security   Shares     Value     % of
France (continued)                  


    (2,974   $ (283,130     (25.3 )% 

Bollore SA

    (119,889     (559,453     (50.1

Cie de Saint-Gobain

    (624     (36,403     (3.3

Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA

    (10,756     (1,332,237     (119.2

Credit Agricole SA

    (13,673     (147,642     (13.2

Danone SA

    (15,417     (932,285     (83.4

Eramet SA

    (967     (128,884     (11.5

EssilorLuxottica SA

    (5,953     (1,013,485     (90.7

Gaztransport Et Technigaz SA

    (327     (38,939     (3.5

Getlink SE

    (4,539     (83,060     (7.4

JCDecaux SA

    (4,829     (101,231     (9.1

L’Oreal SA

    (2,392     (870,233     (77.9

Pernod Ricard SA

    (189     (39,007     (3.5

Renault SA

    (3,321     (81,144     (7.3

Rexel SA

    (7,980     (163,468     (14.6


    (2,761     (294,709     (26.4

Sartorius Stedim Biotech

    (1,351     (442,086     (39.5

Schneider Electric SE

    (14,011     (2,010,146     (179.8


    (1,069     (128,373     (11.5

Sodexo SA

    (6,260     (470,912     (42.1


    (4,603     (824,554     (73.8


    (6,040     (426,272     (38.1

Vallourec SA

    (4,314     (50,833     (4.5

Veolia Environnement SA

    (34,043     (993,258     (88.9

Worldline SA

    (16,595     (652,916     (58.4







Adidas AG

    (5,671     (1,143,609     (102.3

Aurubis AG

    (1,573     (178,755     (16.0

Auto1 Group SE

    (30,025     (314,366     (28.1


    (17,700     (932,135     (83.4

Bechtle AG

    (6,627     (306,232     (27.4

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG

    (2,285     (287,006     (25.7

Continental AG

    (2,546     (174,506     (15.6

Daimler Truck Holding AG

    (21,310     (573,126     (51.3

Delivery Hero SE

    (10,428     (366,575     (32.8

Deutsche Post AG

    (14,812     (632,805     (56.6

Deutsche Telekom AG

    (127,718     (2,352,712     (210.5

DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA

    (481     (15,829     (1.4

Evotec SE

    (8,821     (214,778     (19.2

Fielmann AG

    (4,384     (221,620     (19.8

Puma SE

    (374     (27,518     (2.5

Siemens Healthineers AG

    (1,144     (61,170     (5.5

Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG

    (156,150     (469,626     (42.0

Uniper SE

    (17,957     (461,578     (41.3

VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG

    (3,057     (216,632     (19.4

Volkswagen AG

    (1,637     (355,002     (31.8

Vonovia SE

    (15,257     (607,854     (54.4

Zalando SE

    (4,557     (179,301     (16.0






Hong Kong                  

Champion REIT

    (72,000     (31,563     (2.8

ESR Cayman Ltd.

    (225,400     (684,226     (61.2

Hang Seng Bank Ltd.

    (37,700     (667,496     (59.7

Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd.

    (53,000     (214,333     (19.2

Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd.

    (308,000     (339,699     (30.4

MTR Corp. Ltd.

    (332,000     (1,763,951     (157.8









S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of


    (10,340   $ (408,687     (36.6 )% 


    (7,367     (558,190     (49.9

Smurfit Kappa Group PLC

    (13,030     (550,592     (49.3






Isle of Man                  

GVC Holdings PLC

    (3,452     (64,864     (5.8







Banco BPM SpA

    (53,948     (169,974     (15.2

Eni SpA

    (16,326     (228,218     (20.4

FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA

    (19,055     (264,890     (23.7

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA

    (261,160     (532,170     (47.6

Pirelli & C SpA

    (10,290     (50,997     (4.6

Poste Italiane SpA

    (48,759     (477,796     (42.8

Snam SpA

    (77,518     (425,155     (38.0

Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA

    (7,858     (64,091     (5.7

Unipol Gruppo SpA

    (25,831     (140,847     (12.6







Advance Residence Investment Corp.

    (192     (527,436     (47.2

Aeon Co. Ltd.

    (23,900     (454,226     (40.6

AEON REIT Investment Corp.

    (626     (718,719     (64.3

AGC, Inc.

    (2,200     (82,477     (7.4

Air Water, Inc.

    (30,400     (403,496     (36.1

Aisin Corp.

    (12,700     (368,942     (33.0

ANA Holdings, Inc.

    (27,000     (508,968     (45.5

Ariake Japan Co. Ltd.

    (4,800     (192,582     (17.2

Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd.

    (22,900     (442,518     (39.6

Asics Corp.

    (19,100     (301,336     (27.0


    (24,600     (301,241     (27.0

BayCurrent Consulting, Inc.

    (200     (65,573     (5.9

Benefit One, Inc.

    (24,300     (368,447     (33.0

Bic Camera, Inc.

    (6,500     (54,863     (4.9

Bridgestone Corp.

    (11,200     (410,521     (36.7

Brother Industries Ltd.

    (38,400     (667,376     (59.7

Canon Marketing Japan, Inc.

    (5,300     (115,327     (10.3

Canon, Inc.

    (4,500     (103,541     (9.3

Chiba Bank Ltd.

    (23,200     (133,708     (12.0

Credit Saison Co. Ltd.

    (29,100     (327,766     (29.3

CyberAgent, Inc.

    (28,200     (297,929     (26.7

Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd.

    (25,700     (537,079     (48.1

Daicel Corp.

    (121,100     (740,283     (66.2

Daido Steel Co. Ltd.

    (4,300     (122,657     (11.0

Daiichikosho Co. Ltd.

    (5,700     (155,468     (13.9

Daio Paper Corp.

    (15,200     (181,250     (16.2

Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp.

    (225     (547,650     (49.0

Daiwa Office Investment Corp.

    (116     (656,706     (58.8

Daiwa Securities Group, Inc.

    (47,700     (233,784     (20.9

DeNA Co. Ltd.

    (12,500     (181,176     (16.2

Denka Co. Ltd.

    (17,900     (479,863     (42.9

Descente Ltd.

    (1,800     (34,568     (3.1

DIC Corp.

    (8,100     (154,457     (13.8

Dowa Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,100     (174,417     (15.6

Ezaki Glico Co. Ltd.

    (10,200     (292,420     (26.2

Fancl Corp.

    (7,000     (134,001     (12.0


    (400     (61,291     (5.5

Fast Retailing Co. Ltd.

    (1,700     (782,690     (70.0

Fuji Electric Co. Ltd.

    (18,200     (798,083     (71.4

Fuji Media Holdings, Inc.

    (14,000     (120,915     (10.8

Fuji Oil Holdings, Inc.

    (24,600     (349,119     (31.2
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Fukuoka Financial Group, Inc.

    (37,700   $ (688,827     (61.6 )% 

Fukuyama Transporting Co. Ltd.

    (8,400     (235,113     (21.0


    (293     (395,367     (35.4

GMO internet, Inc.

    (17,500     (349,741     (31.3

Goldwin, Inc.

    (6,500     (326,024     (29.2

GS Yuasa Corp.

    (33,900     (587,838     (52.6

Hachijuni Bank Ltd.

    (48,600     (160,270     (14.3

Hakuhodo DY Holdings, Inc.

    (14,300     (168,762     (15.1

Haseko Corp.

    (82,500     (903,955     (80.9

Heiwa Corp.

    (22,400     (336,797     (30.1

Hikari Tsushin, Inc.

    (2,500     (292,733     (26.2

Hino Motors Ltd.

    (83,900     (433,091     (38.7

Hitachi Ltd.

    (7,100     (336,728     (30.1

Hitachi Metals Ltd.

    (38,300     (597,659     (53.5

Hitachi Transport System Ltd.

    (4,300     (282,250     (25.3

Horiba Ltd.

    (5,600     (272,459     (24.4

House Foods Group, Inc.

    (60,500           (1,415,962     (126.7

Ibiden Co. Ltd.

    (10,200     (381,193     (34.1

Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd.

    (20,700     (545,550     (48.8

Iida Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (5,800     (92,247     (8.3

Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment Corp.

    (302     (433,335     (38.8

Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.

    (85,700     (636,029     (56.9

Isuzu Motors Ltd.

    (42,800     (499,295     (44.7

Ito En Ltd.

    (8,800     (361,641     (32.4

Itoham Yonekyu Holdings, Inc.

    (58,900     (296,446     (26.5

Iyo Bank Ltd.

    (37,600     (182,318     (16.3

Japan Airport Terminal Co. Ltd.

    (2,000     (82,873     (7.4

Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd.

    (20,700     (289,450     (25.9

Japan Hotel REIT Investment Corp.

    (229     (116,306     (10.4

Japan Logistics Fund, Inc.

    (241     (588,162     (52.6

Japan Metropolitan Fund Invest

    (337     (267,857     (24.0

Japan Post Insurance Co. Ltd.

    (7,400     (119,656     (10.7

Japan Real Estate Investment Corp.

    (15     (72,598     (6.5

Japan Steel Works Ltd.

    (700     (19,701     (1.8

JCR Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.

    (35,700     (663,478     (59.4

Jeol Ltd.

    (4,100     (184,125     (16.5

JMDC, Inc.

    (14,500     (699,240     (62.6


    (19,700     (137,347     (12.3

Justsystems Corp.

    (300     (13,039     (1.2

Kadokawa Dwango

    (2,100     (52,643     (4.7

Kagome Co. Ltd.

    (22,000     (550,573     (49.3

Kajima Corp.

    (7,300     (81,355     (7.3

Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (12,500     (378,777     (33.9

Kaneka Corp.

    (7,500     (200,682     (18.0

Kansai Electric Power Co Inc/The

    (25,800     (226,163     (20.2

Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.

    (12,900     (229,398     (20.5

Keihan Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (15,800     (337,010     (30.2

Keikyu Corp.

    (54,500     (548,951     (49.1

Keio Corp.

    (7,600     (291,479     (26.1

Kenedix Office Investment Corp.

    (27     (141,121     (12.6

Kinden Corp.

    (31,400     (372,075     (33.3

Kobe Steel Ltd.

    (5,600     (24,278     (2.2

Komatsu Ltd.

    (4,700     (105,780     (9.5

Kose Corp.

    (1,800     (184,790     (16.5

K’s Holdings Corp.

    (27,800     (275,307     (24.6

Kubota Corp.

    (37,600     (638,774     (57.1

Kurita Water Industries Ltd.

    (13,500     (460,570     (41.2

Kyushu Financial Group, Inc.

    (117,500     (360,590     (32.3

Kyushu Railway Co.

    (17,600     (344,973     (30.9

LaSalle Logiport REIT

    (288     (389,636     (34.9

Lintec Corp.

    (13,900     (258,924     (23.2




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd.

    (11,500   $ (307,148     (27.5 )% 

Makita Corp.

    (900     (26,601     (2.4

Marui Group Co. Ltd.

    (44,200     (761,013     (68.1

Matsui Securities Co. Ltd.

    (27,900     (172,556     (15.4

Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (15,600     (515,663     (46.1

Mazda Motor Corp.

    (13,300     (94,440     (8.4

Mebuki Financial Group, Inc.

    (3,300     (6,645     (0.6

Medipal Holdings Corp.

    (56,400              (928,818     (83.1

MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (4,200     (209,357     (18.7

Menicon Co. Ltd.

    (5,800     (123,885     (11.1


    (3,500     (67,152     (6.0

Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd.

    (8,100     (117,989     (10.6

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc.

    (32,600     (476,057     (42.6

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

    (38,000     (220,908     (19.8

Mitsui High-Tec, Inc.

    (700     (60,470     (5.4

Miura Co. Ltd.

    (19,000     (396,866     (35.5

Money Forward, Inc.

    (8,000     (272,013     (24.3

MonotaRO Co. Ltd.

    (1,300     (22,331     (2.0

Mori Hills REIT Investment Corp.

    (408     (462,728     (41.4

Morinaga & Co. Ltd.

    (4,200     (130,236     (11.7

Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd.

    (600     (24,163     (2.2

Nabtesco Corp.

    (20,800     (474,398     (42.4

Nagase & Co. Ltd.

    (16,500     (236,445     (21.2

NEC Networks & System Integration Corp.

    (24,500     (347,881     (31.1

Nexon Co. Ltd.

    (5,800     (132,072     (11.8

NGK Insulators Ltd.

    (46,700     (628,191     (56.2

NH Foods Ltd.

    (7,600     (240,011     (21.5

NHK Spring Co. Ltd.

    (55,700     (359,762     (32.2

Nidec Corp.

    (5,600     (362,035     (32.4

Nifco, Inc.

    (8,800     (185,802     (16.6

Nihon Unisys Ltd.

    (7,500     (189,487     (17.0

Nintendo Co. Ltd.

    (300     (136,917     (12.2

Nippon Accommodations Fund, Inc.

    (41     (201,880     (18.1

Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd.

    (17,400     (350,270     (31.3

Nippon Paint Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (5,200     (41,191     (3.7

Nippon Shinyaku Co. Ltd.

    (6,800     (459,910     (41.1

Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd.

    (7,100     (285,642     (25.6

Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co. Ltd.

    (2,700     (54,013     (4.8

Nisshin Seifun Group, Inc.

    (31,900     (425,253     (38.0

Noevir Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (5,800     (227,413     (20.3

NOF Corp.

    (10,900     (409,126     (36.6

Nomura Holdings, Inc.

    (3,500     (13,477     (1.2

Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc.

    (209     (262,408     (23.5

NS Solutions Corp.

    (6,700     (199,884     (17.9

Odakyu Electric Railway Co. Ltd.

    (32,100     (486,092     (43.5

Oji Holdings Corp.

    (30,000     (142,110     (12.7


    (14,300     (511,102     (45.7

Open House Co. Ltd.

    (1,400     (54,173     (4.8

Oracle Corp. Japan

    (1,100     (70,687     (6.3

Orient Corp.

    (696,200     (668,275     (59.8

Orix JREIT, Inc.

    (306     (413,627     (37.0

Osaka Gas Co. Ltd.

    (25,500     (459,597     (41.1

OSG Corp.

    (24,100     (302,756     (27.1

Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp.

    (22,800     (349,144     (31.2

Persol Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (6,800     (134,909     (12.1

Rengo Co. Ltd.

    (79,000     (467,724     (41.8


    (17,800     (219,311     (19.6

Resona Holdings Inc.

    (159,200     (692,269     (61.9

Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    (14,700     (392,557     (35.1

Sankyo Co. Ltd.

    (1,500     (43,162     (3.9

Sansan, Inc.

    (30,100     (287,174     (25.7
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Japan (continued)                  

Sanwa Holdings Corp.

    (59,000   $ (537,505     (48.1 )% 

SCREEN Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (800     (65,383     (5.8

Seibu Holdings, Inc.

    (33,000     (327,857     (29.3

Sharp Corp.

    (40,100     (339,298     (30.4


    (1,200     (227,400     (20.3

Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

    (58,100     (334,047     (29.9

Shimamura Co. Ltd.

    (3,800     (337,016     (30.2

Shimano, Inc.

    (1,500              (265,776     (23.8

Ship Healthcare Holdings, Inc.

    (11,400     (190,425     (17.0

Shiseido Co. Ltd.

    (3,000     (141,814     (12.7

Shizuoka Bank Ltd.

    (77,900     (504,019     (45.1

SHO-BOND Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (9,200     (386,676     (34.6

Shochiku Co. Ltd.

    (200     (20,412     (1.8

Showa Denko KK

    (17,600     (342,467     (30.6

Stanley Electric Co. Ltd.

    (24,000     (413,834     (37.0

Sugi Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (7,400     (317,167     (28.4


    (1,500     (21,602     (1.9

Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd.

    (8,700     (285,457     (25.5

Sumitomo Realty & Development Co. Ltd.

    (12,400     (328,953     (29.4

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd.

    (8,900     (211,203     (18.9

Suzuken Co Ltd/Aichi Japan

    (15,000     (442,759     (39.6

Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (1,600     (63,021     (5.6

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp.

    (17,200     (309,522     (27.7

Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.

    (9,000     (353,587     (31.6

Takara Holdings, Inc.

    (53,700     (452,309     (40.5

TechnoPro Holdings Inc.

    (17,600     (448,238     (40.1

THK Co. Ltd.

    (16,600     (328,953     (29.4

Tobu Railway Co. Ltd.

    (13,000     (292,216     (26.1

Toda Corp.

    (44,800     (257,400     (23.0

Toho Gas Co. Ltd.

    (12,500     (293,238     (26.2

Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd.

    (18,200     (150,493     (13.5

Tokyo Century Corp.

    (1,300     (40,043     (3.6

Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings, Inc.

    (4,300     (14,843     (1.3

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp.

    (14,800     (77,014     (6.9

Toppan Inc.

    (46,700     (771,935     (69.1

Toshiba Corp.

    (10,900     (452,659     (40.5

Toshiba TEC Corp.

    (6,700     (227,112     (20.3

Toyo Tire Corp.

    (18,000     (206,459     (18.5

Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd.

    (13,500     (196,587     (17.6

Toyota Boshoku Corp.

    (38,200     (608,809     (54.5

Toyota Industries Corp.

    (8,600     (515,800     (46.1

TS Tech Co. Ltd.

    (15,600     (162,796     (14.6

Ube Industries Ltd.

    (27,000     (418,630     (37.5

Ulvac, Inc.

    (1,200     (47,022     (4.2

United Urban Investment Corp.

    (320     (350,123     (31.3

USS Co. Ltd.

    (20,200     (336,291     (30.1

West Japan Railway Co.

    (9,900     (367,478     (32.9

Yamato Holdings Co. Ltd.

    (8,600     (160,923     (14.4

Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd.

    (9,800     (121,149     (10.8

Yokogawa Electric Corp.

    (39,400     (628,134     (56.2

Zenkoku Hosho Co. Ltd.

    (3,500     (122,836     (11.0

Zeon Corp.

    (19,700     (209,780     (18.8







Grand City Properties SA

    (7,886     (139,228     (12.5

Tenaris SA

    (58,398     (892,449     (79.8







Aalberts NV

    (552     (26,823     (2.4

Adyen NV

    (105     (176,116     (15.8



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022

   BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
Netherlands (continued)                  

Akzo Nobel NV

    (5,226   $ (453,337     (40.6 )% 

Argenx SE

    (1,061     (305,683     (27.3

ASM International NV

    (3,519           (1,057,432     (94.6

ASML Holding NV

    (991     (562,431     (50.3

BE Semiconductor Industries NV

    (1,067     (65,043     (5.8

Euronext NV

    (1,477     (118,340     (10.6


    (11,459     (795,195     (71.1

Iveco Group NV

    (97,806     (575,430     (51.5

JDE Peet’s NV

    (423     (12,444     (1.1

Just Eat Takeaway.com NV

    (3,895     (105,798     (9.5

Koninklijke KPN NV

    (27,230     (93,960     (8.4

NN Group NV

    (2,106     (103,155     (9.2

Prosus NV

    (640     (30,866     (2.8

SBM Offshore NV

    (18,095     (262,217     (23.5

Stellantis NV

    (16,033     (215,254     (19.3

Universal Music Group NV

    (3,964     (91,990     (8.2






New Zealand                  

Fletcher Building Ltd.

    (6,480     (25,813     (2.3

Kiwi Property Group Ltd.

    (215,752     (147,154     (13.2

Mainfreight Ltd.

    (526     (27,533     (2.4

Mercury NZ Ltd.

    (8,921     (34,587     (3.1

Meridian Energy Ltd.

    (125,895     (382,099     (34.2







Aker ASA, A Shares

    (1,013     (82,571     (7.4

Leroy Seafood Group ASA

    (2,030     (19,052     (1.7

Mowi ASA

    (8,355     (236,004     (21.1

Orkla ASA

    (66,476     (539,429     (48.3

Scatec ASA

    (19,472     (235,351     (21.1

Storebrand ASA

    (46,437     (403,361     (36.1

Tomra Systems ASA

    (8,762     (344,569     (30.8

Yara International ASA

    (20,401     (1,037,354     (92.8







InPost SA

    (17,682     (108,406     (9.7







Banco Comercial Portugues SA

    (797,696     (123,315     (11.0

Galp Energia SGPS SA

    (23,756     (289,150     (25.9







Ascott Residence Trust

    (201,400     (167,320     (15.0

Golden Agri-Resources Ltd.

    (995,900     (232,678     (20.8

Keppel REIT

    (668,200     (585,400     (52.4

Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust

    (16,100     (13,905     (1.3

Sembcorp Industries Ltd.

    (37,700     (79,841     (7.1

Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust

    (310,800     (410,588     (36.7






South Africa                  

Investec PLC

    (34,146     (201,116     (18.0







Acerinox SA

    (22,467     (236,560     (21.2

ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA

    (1,176     (30,112     (2.7

Banco de Sabadell SA

    (130,331     (101,146     (9.1

Corp. ACCIONA Energias Renovables SA

    (10,466     (386,899     (34.6

EDP Renovaveis SA

    (2,759     (65,298     (5.8

Fluidra SA

    (18,346     (496,519     (44.4
Security   Shares     Value     % of
Spain (continued)                  

Red Electrica Corp. SA

    (13,310   $ (267,987     (24.0 )% 

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA

    (16,510     (262,981     (23.5

Telefonica SA

    (16,743     (81,449     (7.3







Atlas Copco AB, Class A

    (4,158     (188,511     (16.9

Avanza Bank Holding AB

    (6,288     (159,223     (14.2

Beijer Ref AB

    (27,814     (452,923     (40.5

Embracer Group AB

    (43,758     (292,479     (26.2

Fastighets AB Balder, Class B

    (7,261     (359,908     (32.2

Getinge AB, B Shares

    (14,789     (427,813     (38.3

H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB, B Shares

    (8,302     (104,515     (9.3

Husqvarna AB, B Shares

    (75,651     (723,156     (64.7

Investor AB, Class A

    (31,676     (661,601     (59.2

Investor AB, Class B

    (76,414     (1,470,427     (131.6

L E Lundbergforetagen AB, B Shares

    (10,313     (482,301     (43.1

Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB

    (23,432     (74,094     (6.6

Sandvik AB

    (15,270     (289,035     (25.9

Securitas AB, B Shares

    (53,660     (633,553     (56.7

Sinch AB

    (9,431     (41,679     (3.7

SKF AB, B Shares

    (38,524     (629,200     (56.3

Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA, Class B

    (19,369     (374,844     (33.5

Sweco AB, B Shares

    (17,813     (251,397     (22.5

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB

    (5,545     (116,649     (10.4

Telia Co. AB

    (43,597     (180,954     (16.2

Thule Group AB

    (3,632     (125,984     (11.3

Trelleborg AB, B Shares

    (2,634     (57,773     (5.2

Volvo AB, A Shares

    (21,695     (356,679     (31.9

Volvo AB, B Shares

    (5,953     (96,054     (8.6







Bachem Holding AG, Class B

    (559     (243,918     (21.8


    (519     (63,178     (5.7

Coca-Cola HBC AG

    (23,178     (469,908     (42.0

EMS-Chemie Holding AG

    (207     (184,670     (16.5

Roche Holding AG

    (736     (295,685     (26.5

Schindler Holding AG, Registered Shares

    (473     (90,804     (8.1

Swatch Group AG

    (1,976     (97,484     (8.7






United Kingdom                  

3i Group PLC

    (18,059     (295,540     (26.4

Admiral Group PLC

    (13,242     (416,822     (37.3

Airtel Africa PLC

    (319,777     (585,107     (52.4

Anglo American PLC

    (4,127     (182,789     (16.4

AstraZeneca PLC

    (820     (109,422     (9.8

Avast PLC

    (22,607     (160,329     (14.3

Aviva PLC

    (3,860     (20,709     (1.9

B&M European Value Retail SA

    (12,622     (77,336     (6.9

Berkeley Group Holdings PLC

    (607     (30,785     (2.8


    (175,227     (845,960     (75.7

Bunzl PLC

    (4,429     (170,874     (15.3

Burberry Group PLC

    (11,445     (225,872     (20.2

CNH Industrial NV

    (62,198     (881,115     (78.8

Compass Group PLC

    (19,097     (402,982     (36.1

ConvaTec Group PLC

    (25,654     (67,862     (6.1

Diageo PLC

    (6,368     (317,692     (28.4

Dr. Martens PLC

    (155,619     (406,885     (36.4

DS Smith PLC

    (187,717     (771,379     (69.0

Ferguson PLC

    (1,147     (143,890     (12.9

Future PLC

    (7,937     (217,380     (19.5




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)                  

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

    (11,891   $ (268,054     (24.0 )% 

Greggs PLC

    (16,814     (490,564     (43.9

Harbour Energy PLC

    (12,773     (80,100     (7.2

Howden Joinery Group PLC

    (163,913     (1,551,848     (138.8

HSBC Holdings PLC

    (15,071     (94,181     (8.4

IG Group Holdings PLC

    (1,338     (13,674     (1.2

Informa PLC

    (35,448     (251,464     (22.5

Intermediate Capital Group PLC

    (11,301     (216,261     (19.4

JD Sports Fashion PLC

    (757,232     (1,247,672     (111.6


    (17,824     (273,723     (24.5

Kingfisher PLC

    (141,448     (446,066     (39.9

Land Securities Group PLC

    (2,425     (22,949     (2.1

Lloyds Banking Group PLC

    (1,260,119     (715,701     (64.0

London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    (1,471     (145,028     (13.0

Man Group PLC

    (42,594     (124,141     (11.1

Mondi PLC

    (15,020     (282,165     (25.2

National Grid PLC

    (5,098     (75,741     (6.8

Next PLC

    (14,883           (1,114,747     (99.7

Pearson PLC

    (65,586     (636,827     (57.0

Pennon Group PLC

    (9,956     (138,351     (12.4

Prudential PLC

    (61,327     (763,426     (68.3


    (1,198     (35,689     (3.2

Renishaw PLC

    (4,193     (221,588     (19.8
Security   Shares     Value     % of
United Kingdom (continued)                  

Rentokil Initial PLC

    (49,178   $ (337,768     (30.2 )% 

Rightmove PLC

    (54,138     (416,164     (37.2

Rio Tinto PLC

    (5,079     (358,863     (32.1

Royal Mail PLC

    (116,942     (501,248     (44.8

Sage Group PLC

    (1,760     (16,151     (1.4

Severn Trent PLC

    (3,029     (119,044     (10.7

Shell PLC

    (2,014     (54,068     (4.8

Smith & Nephew PLC

    (1,314     (21,298     (1.9

Standard Chartered PLC

    (92,987     (635,689     (56.9

Tesco PLC

    (38,961     (132,363     (11.8

Unilever PLC

    (119     (5,523     (0.5

Unilever PLC

    (5,849     (271,921     (24.3

Vodafone Group PLC

    (368,640     (558,106     (49.9

WH Smith PLC

    (11,283     (202,996     (18.2

Wise PLC, Class A

    (83,364     (408,522     (36.6







Preferred Stocks


Volkswagen AG, Preference Shares

    (517     (80,066     (7.2







Total Reference Entity — Short





Net Value of Reference Entity — UBS AG


  $ 1,117,689    




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for OTC Swaps


Description    Swap

OTC Swaps

   $         —      $         —      $ 37,617,367      $         —  

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Assets — Derivative Financial Instruments



Swaps — OTC


Unrealized appreciation on OTC swaps; Swap premiums paid

   $      $      $ 37,617,367      $      $      $      $ 37,617,367  






















Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments



Futures contracts


Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts(a)

   $      $      $ 611,340      $      $      $      $ 611,340  
























Net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps, if any, are reported in the Schedule of Investments. In the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, only current day’s variation margin is reported in receivables or payables and the net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is included in accumulated earnings (loss).


For the period ended April 30, 2022, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Futures contracts

   $      $      $ 3,315,892      $      $      $      $ 3,315,892  

Options purchased(a)

                   (6,827,207                           (6,827,207



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund



Options written

   $      $      $ 5,026,244      $      $      $      $ 5,026,244  


                   (39,884,002                           (39,884,002





















   $      $      $ (38,369,073    $      $      $      $ (38,369,073





















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:                                                 

Futures contracts

   $      $      $ (1,443,089    $      $      $      $ (1,443,089

Options purchased(b)

                   153,085                             153,085  

Options written

                   (114,676                           (114,676


                   33,768,518                             33,768,518  





















   $      $      $ 32,363,838      $      $      $      $ 32,363,838  
























Options purchased are included in net realized gain (loss) from investments — unaffiliated.


Options purchased are included in net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments — unaffiliated.


Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts:


Average notional value of contracts — long

   $ 99,477,435  

Average notional value of contracts — short

   $ 43,033,040  



Average value of option contracts purchased

   $ 620,526  

Average value of option contracts written

   $ 400,098  

Total return swaps:


Average notional value

   $ (13,701,592

For more information about the Fund’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Fund’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts

   $        $ 379,075  

Swaps — OTC(a)








Total derivative assets and liabilities in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities

     37,617,367          379,075  







Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $ 37,617,367        $  









Includes unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on OTC swaps and swap premiums (paid/received) in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


The following table presents the Fund’s derivative assets by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral received by the Fund:



Subject to
an MNA by

for Offset



Net Amount
of Derivative

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 6,279,242        $        $        $      $ 6,279,242  

BNP Paribas SA

     6,902,033                            (6,902,033       

Goldman Sachs & Co.

     19,627,002                            (19,210,000      417,002  


     4,809,090                                   4,809,090  















   $ 37,617,367        $        $        $ (26,112,033    $ 11,505,334  


















Excess of collateral received from the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount receivable from the counterparty in the event of default.





2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2022


BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. For a description of the input levels and information about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following table summarizes the Fund’s financial instruments categorized in the fair value hierarchy. The breakdown of the Fund’s financial instruments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Long-Term Investments


Common Stocks

   $ 472,783        $        $        $ 472,783  

Preferred Securities


Preferred Stocks

                       3,323,126          3,323,126  

U.S. Treasury Obligations

              6,535,065                   6,535,065  


     2,141                            2,141  

Short-Term Securities


Money Market Funds

     36,355,831                            36,355,831  

U.S. Treasury Obligations

              513,678,051                   513,678,051  












   $ 36,830,755        $ 520,213,116        $ 3,323,126        $ 560,366,997  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Equity Contracts

   $        $ 37,617,367        $        $ 37,617,367  



Equity Contracts

     (123,607        (487,733                 (611,340












   $ (123,607      $ 37,129,634        $        $ 37,006,027  















Derivative financial instruments are swaps and futures contracts. Swaps and futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.


See notes to financial statements.



S C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S T M E N T S


Statements of Assets and Liabilities

April 30, 2022


Emerging Markets
Long/Short Equity



Investments, at value — unaffiliated(a)(b)

  $ 131,209,736     $ 524,011,166  

Investments, at value — affiliated(c)

    7,388,472       36,355,831  


    49,533       19,266,990  

Cash pledged:


Collateral — OTC derivatives


Futures contracts

    460,000       1,335,000  

Foreign currency, at value(d)

    173,782       15,409,160  



Investments sold


Securities lending income — affiliated


Capital shares sold

    1,941,176       1,067,128  

Dividends — unaffiliated


Dividends — affiliated

    1,234       40,066  

Interest — unaffiliated


Due from broker

    24,532       500,000  

Variation margin on futures contracts


Unrealized appreciation on OTC swaps


Prepaid expenses

    31,589       77,381  







Total assets

    141,733,559       645,057,217  









Cash received as collateral for OTC derivatives


Collateral on securities loaned




Investments purchased

    65,306       14,043,069  

Accounting services fees

    21,647       78,699  

Administration fees


Capital shares redeemed

    12,861       716,172  

Custodian fees

    78,521       173,647  

Investment advisory fees

    49,193       504,607  

Trustees’ and Officer’s fees

    1,779       1,203  

Other accrued expenses

    20,119       28,582  

Professional fees

    90,344       110,295  

Service and distribution fees

    1,372       8,528  

Transfer agent fees

    3,248       66,665  

Variation margin on futures contracts


Other liabilities








Total liabilities

    599,271       42,860,400  








  $ 141,134,288     $ 602,196,817  









Paid-in capital

  $ 166,365,696     $ 652,584,044  

Accumulated loss

    (25,231,408     (50,387,227








  $ 141,134,288     $ 602,196,817  







(a) Investments, at cost — unaffiliated

  $ 134,427,117     $ 524,008,822  

(b) Securities loaned, at value

  $ 247,707     $  

(c)  Investments, at cost — affiliated

  $ 7,388,472     $ 36,355,831  

(d) Foreign currency, at cost

  $ 176,340     $ 15,968,486  




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Statements of Assets and Liabilities (continued)

April 30, 2022


Emerging Markets
Long/Short Equity



Net assets

  $ 9,583,296      $ 565,501,998  







Shares outstanding

    947,904        49,235,822  







Net asset value

  $ 10.11      $ 11.49  







Shares authorized

    Unlimited        Unlimited  







Par value

  $ 0.001      $ 0.001  






Investor A             

Net assets

  $ 5,246,191      $ 25,229,069  







Shares outstanding

    528,313        2,231,978  







Net asset value

  $ 9.93      $ 11.30  







Shares authorized

    Unlimited        Unlimited  







Par value

  $ 0.001      $ 0.001  






Investor C             

Net assets

  $ 281,815      $ 4,385,594  







Shares outstanding

    29,786        412,156  







Net asset value

  $ 9.46      $ 10.64  







Shares authorized

    Unlimited        Unlimited  







Par value

  $ 0.001      $ 0.001  






Class K             

Net assets

  $ 126,022,986      $ 7,080,156  







Shares outstanding

    12,465,309        614,706  







Net asset value

  $ 10.11      $ 11.52  







Shares authorized

    Unlimited        Unlimited  







Par value

  $ 0.001      $ 0.001  







See notes to financial statements.



F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Statements of Operations

Year Ended April 30, 2022


Emerging Markets
Long/Short Equity



Dividends — unaffiliated

  $ 4,517,185     $  

Dividends — affiliated

    2,206       11,465  

Interest — unaffiliated


Securities lending income — affiliated — net


Other income — affiliated


Foreign taxes withheld








Total investment income

    4,062,303       393,869  









Investment advisory

    1,331,037       6,983,224  


    176,670       194,951  


    84,443       387,818  


    71,095       93,707  


    70,711       232,520  

Accounting services

    44,311       127,263  

Administration — class specific

    33,276       110,011  

Transfer agent — class specific

    22,012       445,669  

Service and distribution — class specific

    20,504       118,029  

Trustees and Officer

    8,104       8,802  


    57,186       109,212  







Total expenses

    1,919,349       8,811,206  



Administration fees waived


Administration fees waived - class specific

    (33,276     (110,011

Fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager

    (427,131     (941,342

Transfer agent fees waived and/or reimbursed — class specific

    (9,736     (173,682







Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1,378,495       7,586,171  







Net investment income (loss)

    2,683,808       (7,192,302









Net realized gain (loss) from:


Investments — unaffiliated(a)

    (8,466,114     (8,696,033

Investments — affiliated


Foreign currency transactions

    (335,228     (586,434

Futures contracts

    (1,502,287     3,315,892  

Options written









    (10,303,637     (40,824,333







Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:


Investments — unaffiliated(b)

    (32,516,214     762,238  

Foreign currency translations

    (36,368     (1,347,397

Futures contracts

    (444,244     (1,443,089

Options written









    (32,996,826     31,625,594  







Net realized and unrealized loss

    (43,300,463     (9,198,739








  $ (40,616,655   $ (16,391,041







(a) Net of foreign capital gain tax and capital gain tax refund, if applicable of

  $ (351,868   $  

(b) Net of reduction in deferred foreign capital gain tax of

  $ 152,567     $  

See notes to financial statements.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Statements of Changes in Net Assets


    BlackRock Advantage Emerging
Markets Fund
          BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity
    Year Ended April 30,           Year Ended April 30,  
     2022     2021            2022     2021  






Net investment income (loss)

  $ 2,683,808     $ 1,736,060       $ (7,192,302   $ (8,008,841

Net realized gain (loss)

    (10,303,637     20,058,021         (40,824,333     43,649,263  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (32,996,826     28,008,446         31,625,594       (10,917,001













Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

    (40,616,655     49,802,527         (16,391,041     24,723,421  
















    (211,822     (184,178       (5,694,760     (1,486,534

Investor A

    (69,700     (88,691       (289,045     (9,555

Investor C

    (451     (10,800       (83,551      

Class K

    (2,045,863     (1,758,353       (64,174     (1,121













Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to shareholders

    (2,327,836     (2,042,022       (6,131,530     (1,497,210















Net increase (decrease) in net assets derived from capital share transactions

    9,079,203       25,998,281         129,941,298       (55,842,584















Total increase (decrease) in net assets

    (33,865,288     73,758,786         107,418,727       (32,616,373

Beginning of year

    174,999,576       101,240,790         494,778,090       527,394,463  













End of year

  $  141,134,288     $  174,999,576       $  602,196,817     $  494,778,090  















Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.

See notes to financial statements.



F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Financial Highlights

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund
    Year Ended April 30,    

Period from

to 04/30/20

          Year Ended July 31,  
    2022      2021           2019     2018     2017  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 13.24      $ 8.85     $ 10.25       $ 10.59     $ 10.10     $ 9.76  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    0.20        0.15       0.10         0.18       0.07       (0.12

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (3.17      4.43       (1.27       (0.52     0.42       0.46  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (2.97      4.58       (1.17       (0.34     0.49       0.34  



















Distributions from net investment income(b)

    (0.16      (0.19     (0.23                    



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 10.11      $ 13.24     $ 8.85       $ 10.25     $ 10.59     $ 10.10  



















Total Return(c)


Based on net asset value

    (22.62 )%       52.00     (11.78 )%(d)        (3.21 )%(e)      4.85     3.48 %(f)  



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(g)


Total expenses

    1.19      1.40     1.38 %(h)(i)        1.42 %(j)      1.28     1.91



















Total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.19      1.40 %(k)      1.38 %(h)(i)        1.39 %(j)      1.28     1.90



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.85      0.85     0.81 %(h)        0.92 %(j)      0.94     1.70



















Net investment income (loss)

    1.62      1.29     1.38 %(h)        1.83     0.67     (1.29 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 9,583      $ 17,216     $ 9,689       $ 15,904     $ 32,775     $ 106,243  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    183      180 %(l)       141 %(l)         128 %(l)       111 %(l)       7 %(l)  





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Where applicable, assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Aggregate total return.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


The Fund’s total return includes a reimbursement by an affiliate for a realized investment loss. Excluding this payment, the Fund’s total return would have been 3.38%.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Audit, printing and tax costs were not annualized in the calculation of the expense ratios. If these expenses were annualized, the total expenses and total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed would have been 1.42%, respectively.


Includes non-recurring expenses of offering costs. Without these costs, total expenses, total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed, and total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed would have been 1.40%, 1.37% and 0.90%, respectively.


Amount was previously reflected as total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed in the amount of 0.85%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.

See notes to financial statements.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund (continued)
    Investor A  
    Year Ended April 30,    

Period from

to 04/30/20

          Year Ended July 31,  
    2022      2021           2019     2018     2017  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 13.00      $ 8.69     $ 10.07       $ 10.43     $ 9.97     $ 9.67  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    0.15        0.11       0.07         0.17       0.14       (0.15

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (3.09      4.36       (1.25       (0.53     0.32       0.45  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (2.94      4.47       (1.18       (0.36     0.46       0.30  



















Distributions from net investment income(b)

    (0.13      (0.16     (0.20                    



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 9.93      $ 13.00     $ 8.69       $ 10.07     $ 10.43     $ 9.97  



















Total Return(c)


Based on net asset value

    (22.83 )%       51.62     (12.05 )%(d)        (3.45 )%(e)      4.61     3.10 %(e) 



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(f)


Total expenses

    1.52      1.74     1.70 %(g)(h)        1.69 %(i)      1.57     2.22



















Total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.52      1.74 %(j)      1.70 %(g)(h)        1.67 %(i)      1.55     2.21



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.15      1.14     1.12 %(g)        1.17 %(i)      1.19     1.99



















Net investment income (loss)

    1.29      0.98     1.02 %(g)        1.74     1.32     (1.62 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 5,246      $ 7,125     $ 5,224       $ 3,817     $ 5,454     $ 3,272  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    183      180 %(k)      141 %(k)        128 %(k)      111 %(k)      7 %(k)  





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Aggregate total return.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Audit, printing and tax costs were not annualized in the calculation of the expense ratios. If these expenses were annualized, the total expenses and total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed would have been 1.74%, respectively.


Includes non-recurring expenses of offering costs. Without these costs, total expenses, total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed, and total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed would have been 1.67%, 1.65% and 1.15%, respectively.


Amount was previously reflected as total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed in the amount of 1.14%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.

See notes to financial statements.



F I N A N C I A L   H I G H L I G H T S


Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund (continued)
    Investor C  
    Year Ended April 30,    

Period from

to 04/30/20

          Year Ended July 31,  
    2022      2021           2019     2018     2017  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 12.36      $ 8.29     $ 9.53       $ 9.95     $ 9.58     $ 9.36  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    0.07        0.04       0.02         0.08       0.03       (0.21

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (2.96      4.14       (1.21       (0.50     0.34       0.43  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (2.89      4.18       (1.19       (0.42     0.37       0.22  



















Distributions from net investment income(b)

    (0.01      (0.11     (0.05                    



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 9.46      $ 12.36     $ 8.29       $ 9.53     $ 9.95     $ 9.58  



















Total Return(c)


Based on net asset value

    (23.40 )%       50.49     (12.57 )%(d)        (4.22 )%(e)      3.86     2.35 %(e) 



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(f)


Total expenses

    2.43      2.56     2.53 %(g)(h)        2.53 %(i)      2.38     2.91



















Total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed

    2.43      2.56 %(j)      2.53 %(g)(h)        2.53 %(i)      2.38     2.91



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.90      1.90     1.90 %(g)        1.92 %(i)      1.94     2.71



















Net investment income (loss)

    0.61      0.43     0.26 %(g)        0.81     0.25     (2.30 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 282      $ 550     $ 1,164       $ 2,280     $ 3,240     $ 3,823  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    183      180 %(k)      141 %(k)        128 %(k)      111 %(k)      7 %(k)  





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Aggregate total return.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Audit, printing and tax costs were not annualized in the calculation of the expense ratios. If these expenses were annualized, the total expenses and total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed would have been 2.57%, respectively.


Includes non-recurring expenses of offering costs. Without these costs, total expenses, total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed, and total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed would have been 2.51%, 2.51% and 1.90%, respectively.


Amount was previously reflected as total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed in the amount of 1.90%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.

See notes to financial statements.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund (continued)  
    Class K  
    Year Ended April 30,      



Period from

to 04/30/20


Year Ended

July 31, 2019


Period from

to 07/31/18

    2022      2021        

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 13.24        $     8.84        $ 10.26     $ 10.59     $ 12.14  
















Net investment income(b)

    0.20        0.16          0.10       0.19       0.13  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (3.16      4.43          (1.28     (0.52     (1.68
















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (2.96      4.59          (1.18     (0.33     (1.55
















Distributions from net investment income(c)

    (0.17      (0.19        (0.24            
















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 10.11        $   13.24        $ 8.84     $ 10.26     $ 10.59  
















Total Return(d)


Based on net asset value

    (22.59 )%       52.19        (11.87 )%(e)      (3.12 )%(f)      (12.77 )%(e) 
















Ratios to Average Net Assets(g)


Total expenses

    1.13      1.36        1.41 %(h)(i)      1.37 %(j)      1.32 %(h)(k) 
















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.81      0.81        0.81 %(h)      0.87 %(j)      0.89 %(h)  
















Net investment income

    1.63      1.36        1.33 %(h)      1.93     2.33 %(h)  
















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 126,023        $150,108        $ 85,164     $ 80,529     $ 145,476  
















Portfolio turnover rate

    183      180 %(l)          141 %(l)       128 %(l)       111 %(l)(m) 


















Commencement of operations.


Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Where applicable, assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Aggregate total return.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Audit, printing and tax costs were not annualized in the calculation of the expense ratios. If these expenses were annualized, the total expenses would have been 1.45%.


Includes non-recurring expenses of offering costs. Without these costs, total expenses and total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed would have been 1.34% and 0.84%, respectively.


Offering costs were not annualized in the calculation of the expense ratios. If these expenses were annualized, the total expenses would have been 1.31%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.


Portfolio turnover rate is representative of the Fund for the entire year.

See notes to financial statements.



F I N A N C I A L   H I G H L I G H T S


Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund  
    Year Ended April 30,      



Period from

to 04/30/20

           Year Ended July 31,  
    2022     2021            2019     2018     2017  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 11.98     $ 11.42        $ 12.67        $ 12.17     $ 11.62     $ 10.56  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    (0.15     (0.17        (0.01        0.05       (0.06     (0.14

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (0.20     0.76          (0.46        0.57       0.61       1.20  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (0.35     0.59          (0.47        0.62       0.55       1.06  





















From net investment income


From net realized gain

    (0.14     (0.03        (0.74        (0.12            



















Total distributions

    (0.14     (0.03        (0.78        (0.12            



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 11.49     $ 11.98        $ 11.42        $ 12.67     $ 12.17     $ 11.62  



















Total Return(c)


Based on net asset value

    (2.94 )%(d)      5.21 %(e)          (3.80 )%(f)         5.09     4.73     10.04



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(g)


Total expenses

    1.58     1.82        1.80 %(h)          1.76     1.73     1.78



















Total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.58     1.82 %(i)          1.80 %(h)          1.76     1.71     1.78



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.36     1.57        1.57 %(h)          1.63     1.66     1.70



















Net investment income (loss)

    (1.29 )%      (1.49 )%         (0.09 )%(h)         0.36     (0.51 )%      (1.28 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $  565,502     $  459,420        $ 492,021        $  546,561     $  559,028     $  544,301  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    31 %(j)       43 %(j)          53 %(j)          7 %(j)       20 %(j)      





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Where applicable, assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


Includes payments from an affiliate, which impacted the Fund’s total return. Excluding the payments, the Fund’s total return would have been 5.12%.


Aggregate total return.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Amount was previously reflected as total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed in the amount of 1.57%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.

See notes to financial statements.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund (continued)
    Investor A  



    Year Ended April 30,    

Period from

to 04/30/20

           Year Ended July 31,  
    2022     2021            2019     2018     2017  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 11.82     $ 11.27     $ 12.50        $ 12.03     $ 11.52     $ 10.49  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    (0.18     (0.20     (0.02        0.01       (0.10     (0.17

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (0.20     0.75       (0.46        0.56       0.61       1.20  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (0.38     0.55       (0.48        0.57       0.51       1.03  





















From net investment income


From net realized gain

    (0.14     (0.00 )(c)       (0.74        (0.10            



















Total distributions

    (0.14     (0.00     (0.75        (0.10            



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 11.30     $ 11.82     $ 11.27        $ 12.50     $ 12.03     $ 11.52  



















Total Return(d)


Based on net asset value

    (3.23 )%(e)      4.92 %(f)      (3.94 )%(g)         4.79     4.43     9.82



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(h)


Total expenses

    1.86     2.07     2.07 %(i)         2.04     2.03     2.10



















Total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.86     2.07 %(j)      2.07 %(i)         2.04     1.95     2.10



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.61     1.82     1.82 %(i)         1.88     1.96     1.98



















Net investment income (loss)

    (1.54 )%      (1.75 )%      (0.28 )%(i)         0.12     (0.84 )%      (1.60 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 25,229     $ 23,390     $ 23,509        $ 49,514     $ 49,180     $ 35,658  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    31 %(k)       43 %(k)       53 %(k)          7 %(k)       20 %(k)      





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Amount is greater than $(0.005) per share.


Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


Includes payments received from an affiliate, which impacted the Fund’s total return. Excluding the payments, the Fund’s total return would have been 4.83%.


Aggregate total return.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Amount was previously reflected as total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed in the amount of 1.82%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.

See notes to financial statements.



F I N A N C I A L   H I G H L I G H T S


Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund (continued)  
    Investor C  
    Year Ended April 30,     

Period from

to 04/30/20

    Year Ended July 31,
     2022     2021            2019     2018     2017  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 11.22     $ 10.77        $ 11.99     $ 11.59     $ 11.18     $ 10.26  



















Net investment loss(a)

    (0.25     (0.27        (0.09     (0.08     (0.18     (0.24

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (0.19     0.72          (0.44     0.54       0.59       1.16  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (0.44     0.45          (0.53     0.46       0.41       0.92  



















Distributions from net realized gain(b)

    (0.14              (0.69     (0.06            



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 10.64     $ 11.22        $ 10.77     $ 11.99     $ 11.59     $ 11.18  



















Total Return(c)


Based on net asset value

    (3.95 )%(d)      4.18 %(e)         (4.51 )%(f)      4.02     3.67     8.97



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(g)


Total expenses

    2.64     2.86        2.83 %(h)      2.79     2.76     2.81



















Total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed

    2.64     2.86 %(i)         2.83 %(h)      2.79     2.72     2.81



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    2.36     2.57        2.57 %(h)      2.63     2.69     2.72



















Net investment loss

    (2.30 )%      (2.44 )%         (1.04 )%(h)      (0.64 )%      (1.58 )%      (2.32 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $  4,386     $  6,817        $  11,539     $  17,282     $  21,168     $  25,857  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    31 %(j)       43 %(j)          53 %(j)       7 %(j)       20 %(j)      





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


Includes payments received from an affiliate, which impacted the Fund’s total return. Excluding the payments, the Fund’s total return would have been 4.09%.


Aggregate total return.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Amount was previously reflected as total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed in the amount of 2.57%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.

See notes to financial statements.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund (continued)  
    Class K  
    Year Ended April 30,     Period from
to 04/30/20
    Year Ended July 31,
    2022     2021           2019     2018     2017  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 12.00     $ 11.44       $ 12.69     $ 12.19     $ 11.63     $ 10.56  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    (0.14     (0.25       (0.01     0.06       (0.01     (0.14

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (0.20     0.85         (0.46     0.56       0.57       1.21  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (0.34     0.60         (0.47     0.62       0.56       1.07  





















From net investment income


From net realized gain

    (0.14     (0.04       (0.74     (0.12            



















Total distributions

    (0.14     (0.04       (0.78     (0.12            



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 11.52     $ 12.00       $ 11.44     $ 12.69     $ 12.19     $ 11.63  



















Total Return(c)


Based on net asset value

    (2.85 )%(d)      5.24 %(d)        (3.77 )%(e)      5.11     4.82     10.13



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(f)


Total expenses

    1.51     1.77       1.76 %(g)      1.72     1.65     1.70



















Total expenses excluding recoupment of past fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.51     1.77 %(h)        1.76 %(g)      1.72     1.64     1.70



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.31     1.52       1.52 %(g)      1.57     1.58     1.63



















Net investment income (loss)

    (1.24 )%      (2.07 )%        (0.07 )%(g)      0.45     (0.04 )%      (1.32 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 7,080     $ 5,151       $ 325     $ 453     $ 217     $ 108  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    31 %(i)       43 %(i)         53 %(i)       7 %(i)       20 %(i)      





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Where applicable, assumes the reinvestment of distributions.


Includes payment from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Fund’s total return.


Aggregate total return.


Excludes fees and expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.




Amount was previously reflected as total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed in the amount of 1.52%.


Excludes underlying investments in total return swaps.

See notes to financial statements.



F I N A N C I A L   H I G H L I G H T S


Notes to Financial Statements   




BlackRock FundsSM (the “Trust”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company. The Trust is organized as a Massachusetts business trust. The following, each of which is a series of the Trust, are referred to herein collectively as the “Funds” or individually as a “Fund”:



Fund Name


Herein Referred To As





BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund

    Advantage Emerging Markets        Diversified  

BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund

    Global Long/Short Equity        Diversified  

Each Fund offers multiple classes of shares. All classes of shares have identical voting, dividend, liquidation and other rights and are subject to the same terms and conditions, except that certain classes bear expenses related to the shareholder servicing and distribution of such shares. Institutional and Class K Shares are sold only to certain eligible investors. Investor A and Investor C Shares bear certain expenses related to shareholder servicing of such shares, and Investor C Shares also bear certain expenses related to the distribution of such shares. Investor A and Investor C Shares are generally available through financial intermediaries. Each class has exclusive voting rights with respect to matters relating to its shareholder servicing and distribution expenditures (except that Investor C shareholders may vote on material changes to the Investor A Shares distribution and service plan).


Share Class   Initial Sales Charge      CDSC     Conversion Privilege  

Institutional and Class K Shares

    No        No       None  

Investor A Shares

    Yes        No (a)      None  

Investor C Shares

    No        Yes (b)      To Investor A Shares after approximately 8 years  



Investor A Shares may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) for certain redemptions where no initial sales charge was paid at the time of purchase.




A CDSC of 1.00% is assessed on certain redemptions of Investor C Shares made within one year after purchase.


The Funds, together with certain other registered investment companies advised by BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”) or its affiliates, are included in a complex of open-end equity, multi-asset, index and money market funds referred to as the BlackRock Multi-Asset Complex.




The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”), which may require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Each Fund is considered an investment company under U.S. GAAP and follows the accounting and reporting guidance applicable to investment companies. Below is a summary of significant accounting policies:

Investment Transactions and Income Recognition: For financial reporting purposes, investment transactions are recorded on the dates the transactions are executed. Realized gains and losses on investment transactions are determined using the specific identification method. Dividend income and capital gain distributions, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend dates. Non-cash dividends, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend dates at fair value. Dividends from foreign securities where the ex-dividend dates may have passed are subsequently recorded when the Funds are informed of the ex-dividend dates. Under the applicable foreign tax laws, a withholding tax at various rates may be imposed on capital gains, dividends and interest. Upon notification from issuers, a portion of the dividend income received from a real estate investment trust may be redesignated as a reduction of cost of the related investment and/or realized gain. Interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts on debt securities, is recognized daily on an accrual basis. Income, expenses and realized and unrealized gains and losses are allocated daily to each class based on its relative net assets.

Foreign Currency Translation: Each Fund’s books and records are maintained in U.S. dollars. Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates determined as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). Purchases and sales of investments are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions. Generally, when the U.S. dollar rises in value against a foreign currency, the investments denominated in that currency will lose value; the opposite effect occurs if the U.S. dollar falls in relative value.

Each Fund does not isolate the effect of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates from the effect of fluctuations in the market prices of investments for financial reporting purposes. Accordingly, the effects of changes in exchange rates on investments are not segregated in the Statements of Operations from the effects of changes in market prices of those investments, but are included as a component of net realized and unrealized gain (loss) from investments. Each Fund reports realized currency gains (losses) on foreign currency related transactions as components of net realized gain (loss) for financial reporting purposes, whereas such components are generally treated as ordinary income for U.S. federal income tax purposes.

Foreign Taxes: The Funds may be subject to foreign taxes (a portion of which may be reclaimable) on income, stock dividends, capital gains on investments, or certain foreign currency transactions. All foreign taxes are recorded in accordance with the applicable foreign tax regulations and rates that exist in the foreign jurisdictions in which each Fund invests. These foreign taxes, if any, are paid by each Fund and are reflected in its Statements of Operations as follows: foreign taxes withheld at source are presented as a reduction of income, foreign taxes on securities lending income are presented as a reduction of securities lending income, foreign taxes on stock dividends are presented as “Foreign taxes withheld”, and foreign taxes on capital gains from sales of investments and foreign taxes on foreign currency transactions are included in their respective net realized gain (loss) categories. Foreign taxes payable or deferred as of April 30, 2022, if any, are disclosed in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


The Funds file withholding tax reclaims in certain jurisdictions to recover a portion of amounts previously withheld. The Funds may record a reclaim receivable based on collectability, which includes factors such as the jurisdiction’s applicable laws, payment history and market convention. The Statements of Operations include tax reclaims recorded as well as professional and other fees, if any, associated with recovery of foreign withholding taxes.

Segregation and Collateralization: In cases where a Fund enters into certain investments (e.g., futures contracts, options written and swaps) that would be treated as “senior securities” for 1940 Act purposes, a Fund may segregate or designate on its books and records cash or liquid assets having a market value at least equal to the amount of its future obligations under such investments. Doing so allows the investments to be excluded from treatment as a “senior security.” Furthermore, if required by an exchange or counterparty agreement, the Funds may be required to deliver/deposit cash and/or securities to/with an exchange, or broker-dealer or custodian as collateral for certain investments or obligations.

Distributions: Distributions paid by the Funds are recorded on the ex-dividend dates. Distributions of capital gains are recorded on the ex-dividend dates and made at least annually. The character and timing of distributions are determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP.

Indemnifications: In the normal course of business, a Fund enters into contracts that contain a variety of representations that provide general indemnification. A Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown because it involves future potential claims against a Fund, which cannot be predicted with any certainty.

Other: Expenses directly related to a Fund or its classes are charged to that Fund or the applicable class. Expenses directly related to the Funds and other shared expenses prorated to the Funds are allocated daily to each class based on their relative net assets or other appropriate methods. Other operating expenses shared by several funds, including other funds managed by the Manager, are prorated among those funds on the basis of relative net assets or other appropriate methods.




Investment Valuation Policies: Each Fund’s investments are valued at fair value (also referred to as “market value” within the financial statements) each day that the Fund is open for business and, for financial reporting purposes, as of the report date. U.S. GAAP defines fair value as the price a fund would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Each Fund determines the fair values of its financial instruments using various independent dealers or pricing services under policies approved by the Board. If a security’s market price is not readily available or does not otherwise accurately represent the fair value of the security, the security will be valued in accordance with a policy approved by the Board as reflecting fair value. The BlackRock Global Valuation Methodologies Committee (the “Global Valuation Committee”) is the committee formed by management to develop global pricing policies and procedures and to oversee the pricing function for all financial instruments.

Fair Value Inputs and Methodologies: The following methods and inputs are used to establish the fair value of each Fund’s assets and liabilities:



Equity investments traded on a recognized securities exchange are valued at that day’s official closing price, as applicable, on the exchange where the stock is primarily traded. Equity investments traded on a recognized exchange for which there were no sales on that day may be valued at the last available bid (long positions) or ask (short positions) price.



Fixed-income investments for which market quotations are readily available are generally valued using the last available bid price or current market quotations provided by independent dealers or third-party pricing services. Pricing services generally value fixed-income securities assuming orderly transactions of an institutional round lot size, but a fund may hold or transact in such securities in smaller, odd lot sizes. Odd lots may trade at lower prices than institutional round lots. The pricing services may use matrix pricing or valuation models that utilize certain inputs and assumptions to derive values, including transaction data (e.g., recent representative bids and offers), market data, credit quality information, perceived market movements, news, and other relevant information. Certain fixed-income securities, including asset-backed and mortgage related securities may be valued based on valuation models that consider the estimated cash flows of each tranche of the entity, establish a benchmark yield and develop an estimated tranche specific spread to the benchmark yield based on the unique attributes of the tranche. The amortized cost method of valuation may be used with respect to debt obligations with sixty days or less remaining to maturity unless the Manager determines such method does not represent fair value.



Investments in open-end U.S. mutual funds (including money market funds) are valued at that day’s published net asset value (“NAV”).



The Funds value their investment in SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series (the “Money Market Series”) at fair value, which is ordinarily based upon their pro rata ownership in the underlying fund’s net assets.



Futures contracts are valued based on that day’s last reported settlement or trade price on the exchange where the contract is traded.



Exchange-traded options are valued at the mean between the last bid and ask prices at the close of the options market in which the options trade. An exchange-traded option for which there is no mean price is valued at the last bid (long positions) or ask (short positions) price. If no bid or ask price is available, the prior day’s price will be used, unless it is determined that the prior day’s price no longer reflects the fair value of the option. OTC options and options on swaps (“swaptions”) are valued by an independent pricing service using a mathematical model, which incorporates a number of market data factors, such as the trades and prices of the underlying instruments.



Swap agreements are valued utilizing quotes received daily by independent pricing services or through brokers, which are derived using daily swap curves and models that incorporate a number of market data factors, such as discounted cash flows, trades and values of the underlying reference instruments.



N O T E S   T O   F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)   


Generally, trading in foreign instruments is substantially completed each day at various times prior to the close of trading on the NYSE. Each business day, the Funds use current market factors supplied by independent pricing services to value certain foreign instruments (“Systematic Fair Value Price”). The Systematic Fair Value Price is designed to value such foreign securities at fair value as of the close of trading on the NYSE, which follows the close of the local markets.

If events (e.g., market volatility, company announcement or a natural disaster) occur that are expected to materially affect the value of such investment, or in the event that application of these methods of valuation results in a price for an investment that is deemed not to be representative of the market value of such investment, or if a price is not available, the investment will be valued by the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, in accordance with a policy approved by the Board as reflecting fair value (“Fair Valued Investments”). The fair valuation approaches that may be used by the Global Valuation Committee include market approach, income approach and cost approach. Valuation techniques such as discounted cash flow, use of market comparables and matrix pricing are types of valuation approaches and are typically used in determining fair value. When determining the price for Fair Valued Investments, the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, seeks to determine the price that each Fund might reasonably expect to receive or pay from the current sale or purchase of that asset or liability in an arm’s-length transaction. Fair value determinations shall be based upon all available factors that the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, deems relevant and consistent with the principles of fair value measurement. The pricing of all Fair Valued Investments is subsequently reported to the Board or a committee thereof on a quarterly basis.

For investments in equity or debt issued by privately held companies or funds (“Private Company” or collectively, the “Private Companies”) and other Fair Valued Investments, the fair valuation approaches that are used by the Global Valuation Committee and third-party pricing services utilize one or a combination of, but not limited to, the following inputs.


     Standard Inputs Generally Considered By Third Party-Pricing Services

Market approach


(i)  recent market transactions, including subsequent rounds of financing, in the underlying investment or comparable issuers;

(ii) recapitalizations and other transactions across the capital structure; and

(iii)   market multiples of comparable issuers.

Income approach


(i)  future cash flows discounted to present and adjusted as appropriate for liquidity, credit, and/or market risks;

(ii) quoted prices for similar investments or assets in active markets; and

(iii)   other risk factors, such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, recovery rates, liquidation amounts and/or default rates.

Cost approach


(i)  audited or unaudited financial statements, investor communications and financial or operational metrics issued by the Private Company;

(ii) changes in the valuation of relevant indices or publicly traded companies comparable to the Private Company;

(iii)   relevant news and other public sources; and

(iv)   known secondary market transactions in the Private Company’s interests and merger or acquisition activity in companies comparable to the Private Company.

Investments in series of preferred stock issued by Private Companies are typically valued utilizing market approach in determining the enterprise value of the company. Such investments often contain rights and preferences that differ from other series of preferred and common stock of the same issuer. Enterprise valuation techniques such as an option pricing model (“OPM”), a probability weighted expected return model (“PWERM”), current value method or a hybrid of those techniques are used as deemed appropriate under the circumstances. The use of these valuation techniques involve a determination of the exit scenarios of the investment in order to appropriately allocate the enterprise value of the company among the various parts of its capital structure.

The Private Companies are not subject to the public company disclosure, timing, and reporting standards applicable to other investments held by a Fund. Typically, the most recently available information by a Private Company is as of a date that is earlier than the date a Fund is calculating its NAV. This factor may result in a difference between the value of the investment and the price a Fund could receive upon the sale of the investment.

Fair Value Hierarchy: Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. These inputs to valuation techniques are categorized into a fair value hierarchy consisting of three broad levels for financial reporting purposes as follows:



Level 1 – Unadjusted price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets or liabilities that each Fund has the ability to access;



Level 2 – Other observable inputs (including, but not limited to, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and default rates) or other market–corroborated inputs); and



Level 3 – Unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the Global Valuation Committee’s assumptions used in determining the fair value of financial instruments).

The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3. The inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes, the fair value hierarchy classification is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. Investments classified within Level 3 have significant unobservable inputs used by the Global Valuation Committee in determining the price for Fair Valued Investments. Level 3 investments include equity or debt issued by Private Companies that may not have a secondary market and/or may have a limited number of investors. The categorization of a value determined for financial instruments is based on the pricing transparency of the financial instruments and is not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities.

As of April 30, 2022, certain investments of Advantage Emerging Markets were fair valued using NAV per share as no quoted market value is available and therefore have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy.




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)




Preferred Stocks: Preferred stock has a preference over common stock in liquidation (and generally in receiving dividends as well), but is subordinated to the liabilities of the issuer in all respects. As a general rule, the market value of preferred stock with a fixed dividend rate and no conversion element varies inversely with interest rates and perceived credit risk, while the market price of convertible preferred stock generally also reflects some element of conversion value. Because preferred stock is junior to debt securities and other obligations of the issuer, deterioration in the credit quality of the issuer will cause greater changes in the value of a preferred stock than in a more senior debt security with similar stated yield characteristics. Unlike interest payments on debt securities, preferred stock dividends are payable only if declared by the issuer’s board of directors. Preferred stock also may be subject to optional or mandatory redemption provisions.

Warrants: Warrants entitle a fund to purchase a specified number of shares of common stock and are non-income producing. The purchase price and number of shares are subject to adjustment under certain conditions until the expiration date of the warrants, if any. If the price of the underlying stock does not rise above the strike price before the warrant expires, the warrant generally expires without any value and a fund will lose any amount it paid for the warrant. Thus, investments in warrants may involve more risk than investments in common stock. Warrants may trade in the same markets as their underlying stock; however, the price of the warrant does not necessarily move with the price of the underlying stock.

Securities Lending: Certain Funds may lend their securities to approved borrowers, such as brokers, dealers and other financial institutions. The borrower pledges and maintains with the Funds collateral consisting of cash, an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank, or securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government. The initial collateral received by each Fund is required to have a value of at least 102% of the current value of the loaned securities for securities traded on U.S. exchanges and a value of at least 105% for all other securities. The collateral is maintained thereafter at a value equal to at least 100% of the current market value of the securities on loan. The market value of the loaned securities is determined at the close of each business day of the Fund and any additional required collateral is delivered to the Fund, or excess collateral returned by the Fund, on the next business day. During the term of the loan, the Funds are entitled to all distributions made on or in respect of the loaned securities, but do not receive interest income on securities received as collateral. Loans of securities are terminable at any time and the borrower, after notice, is required to return borrowed securities within the standard time period for settlement of securities transactions.

As of period end, any securities on loan were collateralized by cash and/or U.S. Government obligations. Cash collateral invested by the securities lending agent, BlackRock Investment Management, LLC (“BIM”), if any, is disclosed in the Schedules of Investments. Any non-cash collateral received cannot be sold, re-invested or pledged by the Fund, except in the event of borrower default. The securities on loan, if any, are disclosed in the Funds’ Schedules of Investments,. The market value of any securities on loan and the value of any related collateral are shown separately in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as a component of investments at value – unaffiliated, and collateral on securities loaned, respectively.

Securities lending transactions are entered into by the Funds under Master Securities Lending Agreements (each, an “MSLA”), which provide the right, in the event of default (including bankruptcy or insolvency), for the non-defaulting party to liquidate the collateral and calculate a net exposure to the defaulting party or request additional collateral. In the event that a borrower defaults, the Funds, as lender, would offset the market value of the collateral received against the market value of the securities loaned. When the value of the collateral is greater than that of the market value of the securities loaned, the lender is left with a net amount payable to the defaulting party. However, bankruptcy or insolvency laws of a particular jurisdiction may impose restrictions on or prohibitions against such a right of offset in the event of an MSLA counterparty’s bankruptcy or insolvency. Under the MSLA, absent an event of default, the borrower can resell or re-pledge the loaned securities, and the Funds can reinvest cash collateral received in connection with loaned securities. Upon an event of default, the parties’ obligations to return the securities or collateral to the other party are extinguished, and the parties can resell or re-pledge the loaned securities or the collateral received in connection with the loaned securities in order to satisfy the defaulting party’s net payment obligation for all transactions under the MSLA. The defaulting party remains liable for any deficiency.


Fund Name/Counterparty    


Loaned at Value




Cash Collateral





Non-Cash Collateral

Received at Fair Value








Advantage Emerging Markets


Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.

  $ 141,950      $ (141,950   $      $  

SG Americas Securities LLC

    105,757        (105,757             












  $ 247,707      $ (247,707   $      $  















Collateral received in excess of the market value of securities on loan is not presented in this table. The total cash collateral received by each Fund is disclosed in the Fund’s Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


The risks of securities lending include the risk that the borrower may not provide additional collateral when required or may not return the securities when due. To mitigate these risks, the Funds benefit from a borrower default indemnity provided by BIM. BIM’s indemnity allows for full replacement of the securities loaned to the extent the collateral received does not cover the value on the securities loaned in the event of borrower default. Each Fund could incur a loss if the value of an investment purchased with cash collateral falls below the market value of loaned securities or if the value of an investment purchased with cash collateral falls below the value of the original cash collateral received. Such losses are borne entirely by the Funds.




The Funds engage in various portfolio investment strategies using derivative contracts both to increase the returns of the Funds and/or to manage their exposure to certain risks such as credit risk, equity risk, interest rate risk, foreign currency exchange rate risk, commodity price risk or other risks (e.g., inflation risk). Derivative financial instruments categorized by risk exposure are included in the Schedules of Investments. These contracts may be transacted on an exchange or OTC.

Futures Contracts: Futures contracts are purchased or sold to gain exposure to, or manage exposure to, changes in interest rates (interest rate risk) and changes in the value of equity securities (equity risk) or foreign currencies (foreign currency exchange rate risk).



N O T E S   T O   F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)   


Futures contracts are exchange-traded agreements between the Funds and a counterparty to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specified price and on a specified date. Depending on the terms of a contract, it is settled either through physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash amount on the settlement date. Upon entering into a futures contract, the Funds are required to deposit initial margin with the broker in the form of cash or securities in an amount that varies depending on a contract’s size and risk profile. The initial margin deposit must then be maintained at an established level over the life of the contract. Amounts pledged, which are considered restricted, are included in cash pledged for futures contracts in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

Securities deposited as initial margin are designated in the Schedules of Investments and cash deposited, if any, are shown as cash pledged for futures contracts in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Pursuant to the contract, the Funds agree to receive from or pay to the broker an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in market value of the contract (“variation margin”). Variation margin is recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and, if any, shown as variation margin receivable (or payable) on futures contracts in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. When the contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is recorded in the Statements of Operations equal to the difference between the notional amount of the contract at the time it was opened and the notional amount at the time it was closed. The use of futures contracts involves the risk of an imperfect correlation in the movements in the price of futures contracts and interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates or underlying assets.

Options: The Funds may purchase and write call and put options to increase or decrease their exposure to the risks of underlying instruments, including equity risk, interest rate risk and/or commodity price risk and/or, in the case of options written, to generate gains from options premiums.

A call option gives the purchaser (holder) of the option the right (but not the obligation) to buy, and obligates the seller (writer) to sell (when the option is exercised) the underlying instrument at the exercise or strike price at any time or at a specified time during the option period. A put option gives the holder the right to sell and obligates the writer to buy the underlying instrument at the exercise or strike price at any time or at a specified time during the option period.

Premiums paid on options purchased and premiums received on options written, as well as the daily fluctuation in market value, are included in investments at value – unaffiliated and options written at value, respectively, in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. When an instrument is purchased or sold through the exercise of an option, the premium is offset against the cost or proceeds of the underlying instrument. When an option expires, a realized gain or loss is recorded in the Statements of Operations to the extent of the premiums received or paid. When an option is closed or sold, a gain or loss is recorded in the Statements of Operations to the extent the cost of the closing transaction exceeds the premiums received or paid. When the Funds write a call option, such option is typically “covered,” meaning that they hold the underlying instrument subject to being called by the option counterparty. When the Funds write a put option, cash is segregated in an amount sufficient to cover the obligation. These amounts, which are considered restricted, are included in cash pledged as collateral for options written in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

In purchasing and writing options, the Funds bear the risk of an unfavorable change in the value of the underlying instrument or the risk that they may not be able to enter into a closing transaction due to an illiquid market. Exercise of a written option could result in the Funds purchasing or selling a security when they otherwise would not, or at a price different from the current market value.

Swaps: Swap contracts are entered into to manage exposure to issuers, markets and securities. Such contracts are agreements between the Funds and a counterparty to make periodic net payments on a specified notional amount or a net payment upon termination. Swap agreements are privately negotiated in the OTC market and may be entered into as a bilateral contract (“OTC swaps”) or centrally cleared (“centrally cleared swaps”).

For OTC swaps, any upfront premiums paid and any upfront fees received are shown as swap premiums paid and swap premiums received, respectively, in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and amortized over the term of the contract. The daily fluctuation in market value is recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on OTC Swaps in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Payments received or paid are recorded in the Statements of Operations as realized gains or losses, respectively. When an OTC swap is terminated, a realized gain or loss is recorded in the Statements of Operations equal to the difference between the proceeds from (or cost of) the closing transaction and the Funds’ basis in the contract, if any. Generally, the basis of the contract is the premium received or paid.

In a centrally cleared swap, immediately following execution of the swap contract, the swap contract is novated to a central counterparty (the “CCP”) and the CCP becomes the Funds’ counterparty on the swap. Each Fund is required to interface with the CCP through the broker. Upon entering into a centrally cleared swap, each Fund is required to deposit initial margin with the broker in the form of cash or securities in an amount that varies depending on the size and risk profile of the particular swap. Securities deposited as initial margin are designated in the Schedules of Investments and cash deposited is shown as cash pledged for centrally cleared swaps in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Amounts pledged, which are considered restricted cash, are included in cash pledged for centrally cleared swaps in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Pursuant to the contract, each Fund agrees to receive from or pay to the broker an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in market value of the contract (“variation margin”). Variation margin is recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and shown as variation margin receivable (or payable) on centrally cleared swaps in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Payments received from (paid to) the counterparty are amortized over the term of the contract and recorded as realized gains (losses) in the Statements of Operations, including those at termination.



Total return swaps — Total return swaps are entered into to obtain exposure to a security or market without owning such security or investing directly in such market or to exchange the risk/return of one security or market (e.g., fixed-income) with another security or market (e.g., equity or commodity prices) (equity risk, commodity price risk and/or interest rate risk).

Total return swaps are agreements in which there is an exchange of cash flows whereby one party commits to make payments based on the total return (distributions plus capital gains/losses) of an underlying instrument, or basket of underlying instruments, in exchange for fixed or floating rate interest payments. If the total return of the instrument(s) or index underlying the transaction exceeds or falls short of the offsetting fixed or floating interest rate obligation, the Funds receive payment from or make a payment to the counterparty.

Certain total return swaps are designed to function as a portfolio of direct investments in long and short equity positions. This means that the Fund has the ability to trade in and out of these long and short positions within the swap and will receive the economic benefits and risks equivalent to direct investment in these positions, subject to certain adjustments due to events related to the counterparty. Benefits and risks include capital appreciation (depreciation), corporate actions and dividends received




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


and paid, all of which are reflected in the swap’s market value. The market value also includes interest charges and credits (“financing fees”) related to the notional values of the long and short positions and cash balances within the swap. These interest charges and credits are based on a specified benchmark rate plus or minus a specified spread determined based upon the country and/or currency of the positions in the portfolio.

Positions within the swap and financing fees are reset periodically. During a reset, any unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on positions and accrued financing fees become available for cash settlement between the Funds and the counterparty. The amounts that are available for cash settlement are recorded as realized gains or losses in the Statements of Operations. Cash settlement in and out of the swap may occur at a reset date or any other date, at the discretion of the Funds and the counterparty, over the life of the agreement. Certain swaps have no stated expiration and can be terminated by either party at any time.

Swap transactions involve, to varying degrees, elements of interest rate, credit and market risk in excess of the amounts recognized in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks involve the possibility that there will be no liquid market for these agreements, that the counterparty to the agreements may default on its obligation to perform or disagree as to the meaning of the contractual terms in the agreements, and that there may be unfavorable changes in interest rates and/or market values associated with these transactions.

Master Netting Arrangements: In order to define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help it mitigate its counterparty risk, a Fund may enter into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with its counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between a Fund and a counterparty that governs certain OTC derivatives and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, a Fund may, under certain circumstances, offset with the counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment. The provisions of the ISDA Master Agreement typically permit a single net payment in the event of default including the bankruptcy or insolvency of the counterparty. However, bankruptcy or insolvency laws of a particular jurisdiction may impose restrictions on or prohibitions against the right of offset in bankruptcy, insolvency or other events.

Collateral Requirements: For derivatives traded under an ISDA Master Agreement, the collateral requirements are typically calculated by netting the mark-to-market amount for each transaction under such agreement and comparing that amount to the value of any collateral currently pledged by the Funds and the counterparty.

Cash collateral that has been pledged to cover obligations of the Funds and cash collateral received from the counterparty, if any, is reported separately in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as cash pledged as collateral and cash received as collateral, respectively. Non-cash collateral pledged by the Funds, if any, is noted in the Schedules of Investments. Generally, the amount of collateral due from or to a counterparty is subject to a certain minimum transfer amount threshold before a transfer is required, which is determined at the close of business of the Funds. Any additional required collateral is delivered to/pledged by the Funds on the next business day. Typically, the counterparty is not permitted to sell, re-pledge or use cash and non-cash collateral it receives. A Fund generally agrees not to use non-cash collateral that it receives but may, absent default or certain other circumstances defined in the underlying ISDA Master Agreement, be permitted to use cash collateral received. In such cases, interest may be paid pursuant to the collateral arrangement with the counterparty. To the extent amounts due to the Funds from the counterparties are not fully collateralized, each Fund bears the risk of loss from counterparty non-performance. Likewise, to the extent the Funds have delivered collateral to a counterparty and stand ready to perform under the terms of their agreement with such counterparty, each Fund bears the risk of loss from a counterparty in the amount of the value of the collateral in the event the counterparty fails to return such collateral. Based on the terms of agreements, collateral may not be required for all derivative contracts.

For financial reporting purposes, the Funds do not offset derivative assets and derivative liabilities that are subject to netting arrangements, if any, in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.




Investment Advisory: The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with the Manager, the Funds’ investment adviser and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc. (“BlackRock”), to provide investment advisory services. The Manager is responsible for the management of each Fund’s portfolio and provides the personnel, facilities, equipment and certain other services necessary to the operations of each Fund.

For such services, each Fund pays the Manager a monthly fee at an annual rate equal to the following percentages of the average daily value of each Fund’s net assets:


     Investment Advisory Fees  
Average Daily Net Assets   Advantage Emerging Markets     Global Long/Short Equity  

First $1 billion.

    0.80     1.25

$1 billion — $3 billion

    0.75       1.18  

$3 billion — $5 billion

    0.72       1.13  

$5 billion — $10 billion

    0.70       1.09  

Greater than $10 billion

    0.68       1.06  

Prior to June 1, 2021, the annual rates as a percentage of average daily net assets, for the Global Long/Short Equity were as follows:


Average Daily Net Assets   Investment
Advisory Fees

First $1 Billion


$1 Billion — $3 Billion


$3 Billion — $5 Billion


$5 Billion — $10 Billion


Greater than $10 Billion




N O T E S   T O   F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


With respect to Global Long/Short Equity, the Manager entered into a sub-advisory agreement with BlackRock International Limited (“BIL”), an affiliate of the Manager. The Manager pays BIL for services it provides for that portion of the Fund for which BIL acts as sub-adviser, a monthly fee that is equal to a percentage of the investment advisory fees paid by Global Long/Short Equity to the Manager.

Service and Distribution Fees: The Trust, on behalf of the Funds, entered into a Distribution Agreement and a Distribution and Service Plan with BlackRock Investments, LLC (“BRIL”), an affiliate of the Manager. Pursuant to the Distribution and Service Plan and in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, each Fund pays BRIL ongoing service and distribution fees. The fees are accrued daily and paid monthly at annual rates based upon the average daily net assets of the relevant share class of each Fund as follows:


Share Class   Service Fees     Distribution Fees  

Investor A

    0.25     N/A  

Investor C

    0.25       0.75

BRIL and broker-dealers, pursuant to sub-agreements with BRIL, provide shareholder servicing and distribution services to the Funds. The ongoing service and/or distribution fee compensates/reimburses BRIL and each broker-dealer for providing shareholder servicing and/or distribution related services to shareholders.

For the year ended April 30, 2022, the following table shows the class specific service and distribution fees borne directly by each share class of each Fund:



Fund Name

  Investor A      Investor C      Total  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 16,421      $ 4,083      $ 20,504  

Global Long/Short Equity.

    59,340        58,689        118,029  

Administration: The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, entered into an Administration Agreement with the Manager, an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock, to provide administrative services. For these services, the Manager receives an administration fee computed daily and payable monthly, based on a percentage of the average daily net assets of each Fund. The administration fee, which is shown as administration in the Statements of Operations, is paid at the annual rates below.


Average Daily Net Assets   Administration Fees  

First $500 million


$500 million — $1 billion


$1 billion — $2 billion


$2 billion — $4 billion


$4 billion — $13 billion


Greater than $13 billion


In addition, the Manager charges each of the share classes an administration fee, which is shown as administration – class specific in the Statements of Operations, at an annual rate of 0.02% of the average daily net assets of each respective class.

For the year ended April 30, 2022, the following table shows the class specific administration fees borne directly by each share class of each Fund:


Fund Name   Institutional      Investor A      Investor C      Class K      Total  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 2,997      $ 1,314      $ 82      $ 28,883      $ 33,276  

Global Long/Short Equity

    102,874        4,747        1,174        1,216        110,011  

Transfer Agent: Pursuant to written agreements, certain financial intermediaries, some of which may be affiliates, provide the Funds with sub-accounting, recordkeeping, sub-transfer agency and other administrative services with respect to servicing of underlying investor accounts. For these services, these entities receive an asset-based fee or an annual fee per shareholder account, which will vary depending on share class and/or net assets. For the year ended April 30, 2022, the Funds did not pay any amounts to affiliates in return for these services.

The Manager maintains a call center that is responsible for providing certain shareholder services to the Funds. Shareholder services include responding to inquiries and processing purchases and sales based upon instructions from shareholders. For the year ended April 30, 2022, each Fund reimbursed the Manager the following amounts for costs incurred in running the call center, which are included in transfer agent — class specific in the Statements of Operations:


Fund Name   Institutional      Investor A      Investor C      Class K      Total  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 244      $ 438      $ 119      $ 115      $ 916  

Global Long/Short Equity

    944        500        376               1,820  

For the year ended April 30, 2022, the following table shows the class specific transfer agent fees borne directly by each share class of each Fund:


Fund Name   Institutional      Investor A      Investor C      Class K      Total  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 10,038      $ 9,537      $ 1,239      $ 1,198      $ 22,012  

Global Long/Short Equity

    412,246        25,245        7,608        570        445,669  




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


Other Fees: For the year ended April 30, 2022, affiliates earned underwriting discounts, direct commissions and dealer concessions on sales of each Fund’s Investor A Shares as follows:


Fund Name   Investor A  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 254  

Global Long/Short Equity


For the year ended April 30, 2022, affiliates received CDSCs as follows:


Fund Name   Investor A     Investor C  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 254     $  

Global Long/Short Equity.

    192       125  

Expense Limitations, Waivers and Reimbursements: With respect to each Fund, the Manager contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fees by the amount of investment advisory fees each Fund pays to the Manager indirectly through its investment in affiliated money market funds (the “affiliated money market fund waiver”) through June 30, 2023. The contractual agreement may be terminated upon 90 days’ notice by a majority of the trustees who are not “interested persons” of the Trust, as defined in the 1940 Act (“Independent Trustees”), or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of a Fund. The amount of waivers and/or reimbursements of fees and expenses made pursuant to the expense limitation described below will be reduced by the amount of the affiliated money market fund waiver. This amount is included in fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended April 30, 2022, the amounts waived were as follows:


Fund Name   Fees Waived and/or Reimbursed
by the Manager

Advantage Emerging Markets.

  $ 2,055  

Global Long/Short Equity


The Manager has contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee with respect to any portion of each Fund’s assets invested in affiliated equity and fixed-income mutual funds and affiliated exchange-traded funds that have a contractual management fee through June 30, 2023. The contractual agreement may be terminated upon 90 days’ notice by a majority of the Independent Trustees, or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of a Fund. For the year ended April 30, 2022, there were no fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager pursuant to this arrangement.

With respect to Advantage Emerging Markets, the Manager contractually agreed to waive and/or reimburse fees or expenses in order to limit other expenses (“expense limitation”) through June 30, 2023. Other expenses include accounting, administration, transfer agency, custody, professional and registration fees and exclude dividend expense, interest expense, and certain other fund expenses that constitute extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the Fund’s business. The expense limitations as a percentage of average daily net assets are as follows:


Fund Name/Share Class   Expense Limitation  

Advantage Emerging Markets




Investor A


Investor C


Class K


With respect to Global Long/Short Equity, the Manager contractually agreed to waive and/or reimburse fees or expenses in order to limit expenses, excluding interest expense, dividend expense, tax expense, acquired fund fees and expenses, and certain other fund expenses, which constitute extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of each Fund’s business (“expense limitation”). The expense limitations as a percentage of average daily net assets are as follows:


Fund Name/Share Class   Expense Limitation  

Global Long/Short Equity




Investor A


Investor C


Class K


Prior to June 1, 2021, the expense limitations as a percentage of average daily net assets were as follows:


Fund Name/Share Class   Expense Limitation  

Global Long/Short Equity




Investor A


Investor C


Class K




N O T E S   T O   F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


The Manager has agreed not to reduce or discontinue the contractual expense limitations through June 30, 2023, unless approved by the Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of a Fund. For the year ended April 30, 2022, amounts included in the Statements of Operations were as follows:


Fund Name   Fees Waived and/or Reimbursed
by the Manager

Advantage Emerging Markets.

  $ 425,076  

Global Long/Short Equity



Fund Name   Administration
Fees Waived

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 70,711  

In addition, these amounts waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager are included in Administration fees waived — class specific and transfer agent fees waived and/or reimbursed — class specific, respectively, in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended April 30, 2022, class specific expense waivers and/or reimbursements are as follows:


     Administration Fees Waived - Class Specific  
Fund Name   Institutional      Investor A      Investor C      Class K      Total  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 2,997      $ 1,314      $ 82      $ 28,883      $ 33,276  

Global Long/Short Equity

    102,874        4,747        1,174        1,216        110,011  


     Transfer Agent Fees Waived and/or
Reimbursed - Class Specific
Fund Name   Institutional      Investor A      Investor C      Class K      Total  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 4,043      $ 3,626      $ 871      $ 1,196      $ 9,736  

Global Long/Short Equity

    155,063        13,377        4,673        569        173,682  

Securities Lending: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has issued an exemptive order which permits BIM, an affiliate of the Manager, to serve as securities lending agent for the Funds, subject to applicable conditions. As securities lending agent, BIM bears all operational costs directly related to securities lending. The Funds are responsible for expenses in connection with the investment of cash collateral received for securities on loan (the “collateral investment expenses”). The cash collateral is invested in a private investment company, Money Market Series, managed by the Manager or its affiliates. However, BIM has agreed to cap the collateral investment expenses of the Money Market Series to an annual rate of 0.04%. The investment adviser to the Money Market Series will not charge any advisory fees with respect to shares purchased by the Funds. The Money Market Series may, under certain circumstances, impose a liquidity fee of up to 2% of the value withdrawn or temporarily restrict withdrawals for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period, in the event that the private investment company’s weekly liquid assets fall below certain thresholds. The Money Market Series seeks current income consistent with maintaining liquidity and preserving capital. Although the Money Market Series is not registered under the 1940 Act, its investments may follow the parameters of investments by a money market fund that is subject to Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act.

Securities lending income is equal to the total of income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral, net of fees and other payments to and from borrowers of securities, and less the collateral investment expenses. Each Fund retains a portion of securities lending income and remits a remaining portion to BIM as compensation for its services as securities lending agent.

Pursuant to the current securities lending agreement, Advantage Emerging Markets retains 82% of securities lending income (which excludes collateral investment expenses), and this amount retained can never be less than 70% of the total of securities lending income plus the collateral investment expenses.

In addition, commencing the business day following the date that the aggregate securities lending income earned across the BlackRock Multi-Asset Complex in a calendar year exceeds a specified threshold, Advantage Emerging Markets, pursuant to the securities lending agreement, will retain for the remainder of that calendar year securities lending income in an amount equal to 85% of securities lending income (which excludes collateral investment expenses), and this amount retained can never be less than 70% of the total of securities lending income plus the collateral investment expenses.

The share of securities lending income earned by each Fund is shown as securities lending income — affiliated — net in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended April 30, 2022, each Fund paid BIM the following amounts for securities lending agent services:


Fund Name   Amounts  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 783  

Interfund Lending: In accordance with an exemptive order (the “Order”) from the SEC, each Fund may participate in a joint lending and borrowing facility for temporary purposes (the “Interfund Lending Program”), subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the Order, and to the extent permitted by each Fund’s investment policies and restrictions. Each Fund is currently permitted to borrow and lend under the Interfund Lending Program.

A lending BlackRock fund may lend in aggregate up to 15% of its net assets, but may not lend more than 5% of its net assets to any one borrowing fund through the Interfund Lending Program. A borrowing BlackRock fund may not borrow through the Interfund Lending Program or from any other source more than 33 1/3% of its total assets (or any lower threshold provided for by the fund’s investment restrictions). If a borrowing BlackRock fund’s total outstanding borrowings exceed 10% of its total assets, each of its outstanding interfund loans will be subject to collateralization of at least 102% of the outstanding principal value of the loan. All interfund loans are for temporary or emergency




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


purposes and the interest rate to be charged will be the average of the highest current overnight repurchase agreement rate available to a lending fund and the bank loan rate, as calculated according to a formula established by the Board.

During the year ended April 30, 2022, the Funds did not participate in the Interfund Lending Program.

Trustees and Officers: Certain trustees and/or officers of the Trust are directors and/or officers of BlackRock or its affiliates. The Funds reimburse the Manager for a portion of the compensation paid to the Trust’s Chief Compliance Officer, which is included in Trustees and Officer in the Statements of Operations.

Other Transactions: During the year ended April 30, 2022, Global Long/Short Equity received a reimbursement of $4,851 from an affiliate, which is included in Other income - affiliated in the Statements of Operations, related to an operating event.




For the year ended April 30, 2022, purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term investments, were as follows:


     U.S. Government Securities      Other Securities  
Fund Name   Purchases      Sales      Purchases      Sales  

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $      $      $  292,771,699      $  286,274,826  

Global Long/Short Equity

    10,877,429        38,405,766        6,957,438        5,088,767  




It is each Fund’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies, and to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its shareholders. Therefore, no U.S. federal income tax provision is required.

Each Fund files U.S. federal and various state and local tax returns. No income tax returns are currently under examination. The statute of limitations on each Fund’s U.S. federal tax returns generally remains open for a period of three fiscal years after they are filed. The statutes of limitations on each Fund’s state and local tax returns may remain open for an additional year depending upon the jurisdiction.

Management has analyzed tax laws and regulations and their application to the Funds as of April 30, 2022, inclusive of the open tax return years, and does not believe that there are any uncertain tax positions that require recognition of a tax liability in the Funds’ financial statements.

U.S. GAAP requires that certain components of net assets be adjusted to reflect permanent differences between financial and tax reporting. These reclassifications have no effect on net assets or NAVs per share. As of period end, permanent differences attributable to a net operating loss were reclassified to the following accounts:


Fund Name   Paid-in Capital     Accumulated
Earnings (Loss)

Global Long/Short Equity

  $ (7,576,836   $ 7,576,836  

The tax character of distributions paid was as follows:


Fund Name   Year Ended
     Year Ended

Advantage Emerging Markets


Ordinary income

  $ 2,327,836      $ 2,042,022  







Global Long/Short Equity


Ordinary income

  $      $ 1,497,210  

Long-term capital gains

  $ 6,131,530      $  







As of April 30, 2022, the tax components of accumulated earnings (loss) were as follows:


Fund Name   Undistributed
Ordinary Income
Capital Loss
    Net Unrealized
Gains (Losses)(b)
Late-Year  Loss(c)

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 1,890      $ (18,689,323   $ (6,543,975   $     $ (25,231,408

Global Long/Short Equity

           (7,778,325     (39,753,638     (2,855,264     (50,387,227



Amounts available to offset future realized capital gains.


The difference between book-basis and tax-basis net unrealized losses was attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales and straddles, the realization for tax purposes of unrealized gains/losses on certain futures, options and foreign currency contracts, the realization for tax purposes of unrealized gain on investments in passive foreign investment companies, the timing and recognition of partnership income and the realization for tax purposes of unrealized gains on constructive sales.


The Fund has elected to defer certain qualified late-year losses and recognize such losses in the next taxable year.




N O T E S   T O   F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


As of April 30, 2022, gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation based on cost of investments (including short positions and derivatives, if any) for U.S. federal income tax purposes were as follows:


Fund Name   Tax Cost      Gross Unrealized
     Gross Unrealized
    Net Unrealized

Advantage Emerging Markets

  $ 145,132,262      $     11,499,820      $     (18,033,874   $ (6,534,054

Global Long/Short Equity

    560,377,376        39,509,994        (78,608,833     (39,098,839




The Trust, on behalf of the Funds, along with certain other funds managed by the Manager and its affiliates (“Participating Funds”), is a party to a 364-day, $2.50 billion credit agreement with a group of lenders. Under this agreement, the Funds may borrow to fund shareholder redemptions. Excluding commitments designated for certain individual funds, the Participating Funds, including the Funds, can borrow up to an aggregate commitment amount of $1.75 billion at any time outstanding, subject to asset coverage and other limitations as specified in the agreement. The credit agreement has the following terms: a fee of 0.10% per annum on unused commitment amounts and interest at a rate equal to the higher of (a) Overnight Bank Funding Rate (“OBFR”) (but, in any event, not less than 0.00%) on the date the loan is made plus 0.80% per annum, (b) the Fed Funds rate (but, in any event, not less than 0.00%) in effect from time to time plus 0.80% per annum on amounts borrowed or (c) the sum of (x) Daily Simple Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) (but, in any event, not less than 0.00%) on the date the loan is made plus 0.10% and (y) 0.80% per annum. The agreement expires in April 2023 unless extended or renewed. These fees were allocated among such funds based upon portions of the aggregate commitment available to them and relative net assets of Participating Funds. During the year ended April 30, 2022, the Funds did not borrow under the credit agreement.




In the normal course of business, the Funds invest in securities or other instruments and may enter into certain transactions, and such activities subject each Fund to various risks, including among others, fluctuations in the market (market risk) or failure of an issuer to meet all of its obligations. The value of securities or other instruments may also be affected by various factors, including, without limitation: (i) the general economy; (ii) the overall market as well as local, regional or global political and/or social instability; (iii) regulation, taxation or international tax treaties between various countries; or (iv) currency, interest rate and price fluctuations. Local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, the spread of infectious illness or other public health issues, recessions, or other events could have a significant impact on the Funds and their investments. Each Fund’s prospectus provides details of the risks to which each Fund is subject.

The Funds may be exposed to additional risks when reinvesting cash collateral in money market funds that do not seek to maintain a stable NAV per share of $1.00, which may be subject to redemption gates or liquidity fees under certain circumstances.

Market Risk: Investments in the securities of issuers domiciled in countries with emerging capital markets involve certain additional risks that do not generally apply to investments in securities of issuers in more developed capital markets, such as (i) low or nonexistent trading volume, resulting in a lack of liquidity and increased volatility in prices for such securities; (ii) uncertain national policies and social, political and economic instability, increasing the potential for expropriation of assets, confiscatory taxation, high rates of inflation or unfavorable diplomatic developments; (iii) lack of publicly available or reliable information about issuers as a result of not being subject to the same degree of regulatory requirements and accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards; and (iv) possible fluctuations in exchange rates, differing legal systems and the existence or possible imposition of exchange controls, custodial restrictions or other foreign or U.S. governmental laws or restrictions applicable to such investments.

An outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus has developed into a global pandemic and has resulted in closing borders, quarantines, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, as well as general concern and uncertainty. The impact of this pandemic, and other global health crises that may arise in the future, could affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the market in general in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen at the present time. This pandemic may result in substantial market volatility and may adversely impact the prices and liquidity of a fund’s investments. Although vaccines have been developed and approved for use by various governments, the duration of this pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty.

Valuation Risk: The market values of equities, such as common stocks and preferred securities or equity related investments, such as futures and options, may decline due to general market conditions which are not specifically related to a particular company. They may also decline due to factors which affect a particular industry or industries. A Fund may invest in illiquid investments. An illiquid investment is any investment that a Fund reasonably expects cannot be sold or disposed of in current market conditions in seven calendar days or less without the sale or disposition significantly changing the market value of the investment. A Fund may experience difficulty in selling illiquid investments in a timely manner at the price that it believes the investments are worth. Prices may fluctuate widely over short or extended periods in response to company, market or economic news. Markets also tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. This volatility may cause each Fund’s NAV to experience significant increases or decreases over short periods of time. If there is a general decline in the securities and other markets, the NAV of a Fund may lose value, regardless of the individual results of the securities and other instruments in which a Fund invests.

The price a Fund could receive upon the sale of any particular portfolio investment may differ from a Fund’s valuation of the investment, particularly for securities that trade in thin or volatile markets or that are valued using a fair valuation technique or a price provided by an independent pricing service. Changes to significant unobservable inputs and assumptions (i.e., publicly traded company multiples, growth rate, time to exit) due to the lack of observable inputs may significantly impact the resulting fair value and therefore a Fund’s results of operations. As a result, the price received upon the sale of an investment may be less than the value ascribed by a Fund, and a Fund could realize a greater than expected loss or lesser than expected gain upon the sale of the investment. A Fund’s ability to value its investments may also be impacted by technological issues and/or errors by pricing services or other third-party service providers.




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


Counterparty Credit Risk: The Funds may be exposed to counterparty credit risk, or the risk that an entity may fail to or be unable to perform on its commitments related to unsettled or open transactions, including making timely interest and/or principal payments or otherwise honoring its obligations. The Funds manage counterparty credit risk by entering into transactions only with counterparties that the Manager believes have the financial resources to honor their obligations and by monitoring the financial stability of those counterparties. Financial assets, which potentially expose the Funds to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks, consist principally of financial instruments and receivables due from counterparties. The extent of the Funds’ exposure to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks with respect to these financial assets is approximately their value recorded in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, less any collateral held by the Funds.

A derivative contract may suffer a mark-to-market loss if the value of the contract decreases due to an unfavorable change in the market rates or values of the underlying instrument. Losses can also occur if the counterparty does not perform under the contract.

For OTC options purchased, each Fund bears the risk of loss in the amount of the premiums paid plus the positive change in market values net of any collateral held by the Funds should the counterparty fail to perform under the contracts. Options written by the Funds do not typically give rise to counterparty credit risk, as options written generally obligate the Funds, and not the counterparty, to perform. The Funds may be exposed to counterparty credit risk with respect to options written to the extent each Fund deposits collateral with its counterparty to a written option.

With exchange-traded options purchased and exchange-traded futures, there is less counterparty credit risk to the Funds since the exchange or clearinghouse, as counterparty to such instruments, guarantees against a possible default. The clearinghouse stands between the buyer and the seller of the contract; therefore, credit risk is limited to failure of the clearinghouse. While offset rights may exist under applicable law, a Fund does not have a contractual right of offset against a clearing broker or clearinghouse in the event of a default (including the bankruptcy or insolvency). Additionally, credit risk exists in exchange-traded futures with respect to initial and variation margin that is held in a clearing broker’s customer accounts. While clearing brokers are required to segregate customer margin from their own assets, in the event that a clearing broker becomes insolvent or goes into bankruptcy and at that time there is a shortfall in the aggregate amount of margin held by the clearing broker for all its clients, typically the shortfall would be allocated on a pro rata basis across all the clearing broker’s customers, potentially resulting in losses to the Funds.

Concentration Risk: A diversified portfolio, where this is appropriate and consistent with a fund’s objectives, minimizes the risk that a price change of a particular investment will have a material impact on the NAV of a fund. The investment concentrations within each Fund’s portfolio are disclosed in its Schedule of Investments.

Certain Funds invest a substantial amount of their assets in issuers located in a single country or a limited number of countries. When a Fund concentrates its investments in this manner, it assumes the risk that economic, regulatory, political and social conditions in those countries may have a significant impact on their investment performance and could affect the income from, or the value or liquidity of, the Fund’s portfolio. Unanticipated or sudden political or social developments may cause uncertainty in the markets and as a result adversely affect the Fund’s investments. Foreign issuers may not be subject to the same uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and practices as used in the United States. Foreign securities markets may also be more volatile and less liquid than U.S. securities and may be less subject to governmental supervision not typically associated with investing in U.S. securities. Investment percentages in specific countries are presented in the Schedules of Investments.

Certain Funds invest a significant portion of their assets in securities of issuers located in Europe or with significant exposure to European issuers or countries. The European financial markets have recently experienced volatility and adverse trends due to concerns about economic downturns in, or rising government debt levels of, several European countries as well as acts of war in the region. These events may spread to other countries in Europe and may affect the value and liquidity of certain of the Funds’ investments.

Responses to the financial problems by European governments, central banks and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. Further defaults or restructurings by governments and others of their debt could have additional adverse effects on economies, financial markets and asset valuations around the world. The United Kingdom has withdrawn from the European Union, and one or more other countries may withdraw from the European Union and/or abandon the Euro, the common currency of the European Union. The impact of these actions, especially if they occur in a disorderly fashion, is not clear but could be significant and far reaching. In addition, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The extent and duration of the military action, resulting sanctions and resulting future market disruptions in the region are impossible to predict, but could be significant and have a severe adverse effect on the region, including significant negative impacts on the economy and the markets for certain securities and commodities, such as oil and natural gas, as well as other sectors.

Certain Funds invest a significant portion of their assets in securities of issuers located in Asia or with significant exposure to Asian issuers or countries. The Asian financial markets have recently experienced volatility and adverse trends due to concerns in several Asian countries regarding monetary policy, government intervention in the markets, rising government debt levels or economic downturns. These events may spread to other countries in Asia and may affect the value and liquidity of certain of the Funds’ investments.

Certain Funds invest a significant portion of their assets in securities of issuers located in China or with significant exposure to Chinese issuers or countries. Investments in Chinese securities, including certain Hong Kong-listed securities, involves risks specific to China. China may be subject to considerable degrees of economic, political and social instability and demonstrates significantly higher volatility from time to time in comparison to developed markets. Chinese markets generally continue to experience inefficiency, volatility and pricing anomalies resulting from governmental influence, a lack of publicly available information and/or political and social instability. Internal social unrest or confrontations with other neighboring countries may disrupt economic development in China and result in a greater risk of currency fluctuations, currency non-convertibility, interest rate fluctuations and higher rates of inflation. Incidents involving China’s or the region’s security may cause uncertainty in Chinese markets and may adversely affect the Chinese economy and the Fund’s investments. Reduction in spending on Chinese products and services, institution of tariffs or other trade barriers, or a downturn in any of the economies of China’s key trading partners may have an adverse impact on the Chinese economy. In addition, measures may be taken to limit the flow of capital and/or sanctions may be imposed, which could prohibit or restrict the ability to own or transfer fund assets and may also include retaliatory actions, such as seizure of fund assets.

LIBOR Transition Risk: The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority announced a phase out of the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). Although many LIBOR rates ceased to be published or no longer are representative of the underlying market they seek to measure after December 31, 2021, a selection of widely used USD LIBOR



N O T E S   T O   F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


rates will continue to be published through June 2023 in order to assist with the transition. The Funds may be exposed to financial instruments tied to LIBOR to determine payment obligations, financing terms, hedging strategies or investment value. The transition process away from LIBOR might lead to increased volatility and illiquidity in markets for, and reduce the effectiveness of new hedges placed against instruments whose terms currently include LIBOR. The ultimate effect of the LIBOR transition process on the Funds is uncertain.




Transactions in capital shares for each class were as follows:


     Year Ended
    Year Ended
Fund Name / Share Class   Shares     Amounts     Shares     Amounts  

Advantage Emerging Markets




Shares sold

    172,173     $ 2,149,062       486,880     $ 6,360,500  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    15,307       189,748       13,009       156,567  

Shares redeemed

    (540,197     (6,345,580     (294,601     (3,337,976












    (352,717   $ (4,006,770     205,288     $ 3,179,091  













Investor A


Shares sold

    60,578     $ 730,563       204,267     $ 2,338,991  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    5,633       68,598       7,349       87,639  

Shares redeemed

    (85,864     (1,000,083     (264,631     (3,105,555












    (19,653   $ (200,922     (53,015   $ (678,925













Investor C


Shares sold

    494     $ 5,613       12,988     $ 127,341  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    36       450       949       10,800  

Shares redeemed

    (15,259     (175,008     (109,763     (1,201,547












    (14,729   $ (168,945     (95,826   $ (1,063,406













Class K


Shares sold

    2,518,212     $ 29,836,376       6,925,990     $ 82,456,154  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    165,545       2,045,863       145,913       1,758,353  

Shares redeemed

    (1,558,201     (18,426,399     (5,365,264     (59,652,986












    1,125,556     $ 13,455,840       1,706,639     $ 24,561,521  












    738,457     $ 9,079,203       1,763,086     $ 25,998,281  














     Year Ended
    Year Ended
Fund Name / Share Class   Shares     Amounts     Shares     Amounts  

Global Long/Short Equity




Shares sold

    21,428,123     $ 249,500,008       16,451,047     $ 191,723,004  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    338,212       4,007,822       86,013       1,014,954  

Shares redeemed

    (10,894,979       (126,513,641     (21,253,572       (247,004,557












    10,871,356     $ 126,994,189       (4,716,512   $ (54,266,599













Investor A


Shares sold

    798,505     $ 9,148,217       881,103     $ 10,154,455  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    23,726       277,350       803       9,371  

Shares redeemed

    (569,722     (6,530,854     (988,539     (11,330,527












    252,509     $ 2,894,713       (106,633   $ (1,166,701













Investor C


Shares sold

    70,815     $ 760,368       21,226     $ 233,394  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    7,514       83,179              

Shares redeemed

    (274,027     (2,959,803     (484,504     (5,318,904












    (195,698   $ (2,116,256     (463,278   $ (5,085,510
















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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


     Year Ended
    Year Ended
Fund Name / Share Class (continued)   Shares     Amounts     Shares     Amounts  

Global Long/Short Equity (continued)


Class K


Shares sold

    215,060     $ 2,517,495       433,307     $ 5,059,238  

Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions

    5,402       64,174       95       1,121  

Shares redeemed

    (34,941     (413,017     (32,642     (384,133












    185,521     $ 2,168,652       400,760     $ 4,676,226  












    11,113,688     $   129,941,298       (4,885,663   $   (55,842,584
















Management’s evaluation of the impact of all subsequent events on the Funds’ financial statements was completed through the date the financial statements were issued and the following items were noted:

On May 10, 2022, the Board approved a proposal to change the name of the Fund from BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund to BlackRock Global Equity Market Neutral Fund. The name change is expected to become effective on or about September 1, 2022.



N O T E S   T O   F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


To the Shareholders of BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund and BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund and the Board of Trustees of BlackRock FundsSM:

Opinion on the Financial Statements and Financial Highlights

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund and BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund of BlackRock FundsSM (the “Funds”), including the schedules of investments, as of April 30, 2022, the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the two years in the period then ended and for the period from August 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020, and the related notes. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Funds as of April 30, 2022, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the two years in the period then ended and for the period from August 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The financial highlights for each of the three years in the period ended July 31, 2019 of the Funds were audited by other auditors whose report dated September 24, 2019, expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements and financial highlights.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Funds are not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of their internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and financial highlights, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of April 30, 2022, by correspondence with the custodians or counterparties; when replies were not received, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
June 28, 2022

We have served as the auditor of one or more BlackRock investment companies since 1992.




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Important Tax Information (unaudited)


The following amounts, or maximum amounts allowable by law, are hereby designated as qualified dividend income for individuals for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2022:



Fund Name  

Qualified Dividend





Advantage Emerging Markets

  $         2,153,163  



The Funds hereby designate the following amounts, or maximum amounts allowable by law, as capital gain dividends, subject to a long-term capital gains tax rate as noted below, for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2022:



Fund Name  

20% Rate Long-Term

Capital Gain Dividends




Global Long/Short Equity

  $                 6,131,516  



The Funds intend to pass through to their shareholders the following amounts, or maximum amounts allowable by law, of foreign source income earned and foreign taxes paid for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2022:



Fund Name  

Foreign Source

Income Earned



Taxes Paid




Advantage Emerging Markets

  $             2,330,790      $             212,135  






Statement Regarding Liquidity Risk Management Program


In compliance with Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”), BlackRock FundsSM (the “Trust”) has adopted and implemented a liquidity risk management program (the “Program”) for BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund and BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund (the “Funds”), each a series of the Trust, which is reasonably designed to assess and manage each Fund’s liquidity risk.

The Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Trust, on behalf of the Funds, met on November 9-10, 2021 (the “Meeting”) to review the Program. The Board previously appointed BlackRock Advisors, LLC or BlackRock Fund Advisors (“BlackRock”), each an investment adviser to certain BlackRock funds, as the program administrator for each Fund’s Program, as applicable. BlackRock also previously delegated oversight of the Program to the 40 Act Liquidity Risk Management Committee (the “Committee”). At the Meeting, the Committee, on behalf of BlackRock, provided the Board with a report that addressed the operation of the Program and assessed its adequacy and effectiveness of implementation, including the management of each Fund’s Highly Liquid Investment Minimum (“HLIM”) where applicable, and any material changes to the Program (the “Report”). The Report covered the period from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 (the “Program Reporting Period”).

The Report described the Program’s liquidity classification methodology for categorizing each Fund’s investments (including derivative transactions) into one of four liquidity buckets. It also referenced the methodology used by BlackRock to establish each Fund’s HLIM and noted that the Committee reviews and ratifies the HLIM assigned to each Fund no less frequently than annually. The Report also discussed notable events affecting liquidity over the Program Reporting Period, including the imposition of capital controls in certain countries.

The Report noted that the Program complied with the key factors for consideration under the Liquidity Rule for assessing, managing and periodically reviewing each Fund’s liquidity risk, as follows:



The Fund’s investment strategy and liquidity of portfolio investments during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions. During the Program Reporting Period, the Committee reviewed whether each Fund’s strategy is appropriate for an open-end fund structure with a focus on funds with more significant and consistent holdings of less liquid and illiquid assets. The Committee also factored a fund’s concentration in an issuer into the liquidity classification methodology by taking issuer position sizes into account. Where a fund participated in borrowings for investment purposes (such as tender option bonds or reverse repurchase agreements), such borrowings were factored into the Program’s calculation of a fund’s liquidity bucketing. Derivative exposure was also considered in such calculation.



Short-term and long-term cash flow projections during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions. During the Program Reporting Period, the Committee reviewed historical redemption activity and used this information as a component to establish each Fund’s reasonably anticipated trading size (“RATS”). Each Fund has adopted an in-kind redemption policy which may be utilized to meet larger redemption requests. The Committee may also take into consideration a fund’s shareholder ownership concentration (which, depending on product type and distribution channel, may or may not be available), a fund’s distribution channels, and the degree of certainty associated with a fund’s short-term and long-term cash flow projections.



Holdings of cash and cash equivalents, as well as borrowing arrangements. The Committee considered the terms of the credit facility committed to each Fund, the financial health of the institution providing the facility and the fact that the credit facility is shared among multiple funds (including that a portion of the aggregate commitment amount is specifically designated for BlackRock Floating Rate Income Portfolio, a series of BlackRock Funds V). The Committee also considered other types of borrowing available to the Funds, such as the ability to use reverse repurchase agreements and interfund lending, as applicable.

There were no material changes to the Program during the Program Reporting Period other than the enhancement of certain model components in the Program’s methodology. The Report provided to the Board stated that the Committee concluded that based on the operation of the functions, as described in the Report, the Program is operating as intended and is effective in implementing the requirements of the Liquidity Rule.




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Trustee and Officer Information


Independent Trustees(a)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)(c)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years   

Number of BlackRock-Advised
Registered Investment Companies
(“RICs”)  Consisting of

Investment Portfolios
(“Portfolios”) Overseen


Public Company
and Other
Directorships Held

Past Five Years

Mark Stalnecker



Chair of the Board

(Since 2019) and


(Since 2015)

   Chief Investment Officer, University of Delaware from 1999 to 2013; Trustee and Chair of the Finance and Investment Committees, Winterthur Museum and Country Estate from 2005 to 2016; Member of the Investment Committee, Delaware Public Employees’ Retirement System since 2002; Member of the Investment Committee, Christiana Care Health System from 2009 to 2017; Member of the Investment Committee, Delaware Community Foundation from 2013 to 2014; Director and Chair of the Audit Committee, SEI Private Trust Co. from 2001 to 2014.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None

Susan J. Carter




(Since 2016)

   Trustee, Financial Accounting Foundation from 2017 to 2021; Advisory Board Member, Center for Private Equity and Entrepreneurship at Tuck School of Business from 1997 to 2021; Director, Pacific Pension Institute from 2014 to 2018; Senior Advisor, Commonfund Capital, Inc. (“CCI”) (investment adviser) in 2015; Chief Executive Officer, CCI from 2013 to 2014; President & Chief Executive Officer, CCI from 1997 to 2013; Advisory Board Member, Girls Who Invest from 2015 to 2018 and Board Member thereof since 2018; Advisory Board Member, Bridges Fund Management since 2016; Practitioner Advisory Board Member, Private Capital Research Institute (“PCRI”) since 2017; Lecturer in the Practice of Management, Yale School of Management since 2019; Advisor to Finance Committee, Altman Foundation since 2020; Investment Committee Member, Tostan since 2021.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None

Collette Chilton




(Since 2015)

   Chief Investment Officer, Williams College since 2006; Chief Investment Officer, Lucent Asset Management Corporation from 1998 to 2006; Director, Boys and Girls Club of Boston since 2017; Director, B1 Capital since 2018; Director, David and Lucile Packard Foundation since 2020.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None

Neil A. Cotty




(Since 2016)

   Bank of America Corporation from 1996 to 2015, serving in various senior finance leadership roles, including Chief Accounting Officer from 2009 to 2015, Chief Financial Officer of Global Banking, Markets and Wealth Management from 2008 to 2009, Chief Accounting Officer from 2004 to 2008, Chief Financial Officer of Consumer Bank from 2003 to 2004, Chief Financial Officer of Global Corporate Investment Bank from 1999 to 2002.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None

Lena G. Goldberg




(Since 2019)

   Director, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. since 2013; Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School from 2008 to 2021; FMR LLC/Fidelity Investments (financial services) from 1996 to 2008, serving in various senior roles including Executive Vice President—Strategic Corporate Initiatives and Executive Vice President and General Counsel; Partner, Sullivan & Worcester LLP from 1985 to 1996 and Associate thereof from 1979 to 1985.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None



T R U S T E E   A N D   O F F I C E R   I N F O R M A T I O N


Trustee and Officer Information  (continued)


Independent Trustees(a) (continued)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)(c)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years   

Number of BlackRock-Advised
Registered Investment Companies
(“RICs”)  Consisting of

Investment Portfolios
(“Portfolios”) Overseen


Public Company
and Other
Directorships Held

Past Five Years

Henry R. Keizer


(Since 2019)
   Director, Park Indemnity Ltd. (captive insurer) since 2010; Director, MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation and MUFG Union Bank, N.A. (financial and bank holding company) from 2014 to 2016; Director, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants from 2009 to 2011; Director, KPMG LLP (audit, tax and advisory services) from 2004 to 2005 and 2010 to 2012; Director, KPMG International in 2012, Deputy Chairman and Chief Operating Officer thereof from 2010 to 2012 and U.S. Vice Chairman of Audit thereof from 2005 to 2010; Global Head of Audit, KPMGI (consortium of KPMG firms) from 2006 to 2010; Director, YMCA of Greater New York from 2006 to 2010.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    Hertz Global Holdings (car rental); GrafTech International Ltd. (materials manufacturing); Montpelier Re Holdings, Ltd. (publicly held property and casualty reinsurance) from 2013 to 2015; WABCO (commercial vehicle safety systems) from 2015 to 2020; Sealed Air Corp. (packaging) from 2015 to 2021.

Cynthia A. Montgomery


(Since 2007)
   Professor, Harvard Business School since 1989.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    Newell Rubbermaid, Inc. (manufacturing) from 1995 to 2016.

Donald C. Opatrny


(Since 2019)
   Director, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (investment management firm) from 2013 to 2020; Trustee, Vice Chair, Member of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Investment Committee, Cornell University from 2004 to 2019; President and Trustee, the Center for the Arts, Jackson Hole from 2011 to 2018; Member of the Board and Investment Committee, University School from 2007 to 2018; Trustee, Artstor (a Mellon Foundation affiliate) from 2010 to 2015; Member of the Investment Committee, Mellon Foundation from 2009 to 2015; President, Trustee and Member of the Investment Committee, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum from 2007 to 2014; Trustee and Chair of the Investment Committee, Community Foundation of Jackson Hole since 2014; Member of Affordable Housing Supply Board of Jackson, Wyoming since 2017; Member, Investment Funds Committee, State of Wyoming since 2017; Trustee, Phoenix Art Museum since 2018; Trustee, Arizona Community Foundation and Member of Investment Committee since 2020.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None

Joseph P. Platt


(Since 2007)
   General Partner, Thorn Partners, LP (private investments) since 1998; Director, WQED Multi-Media (public broadcasting not-for-profit) since 2001; Chair, Basic Health International (non-profit) since 2015.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. (reinsurance company); Consol Energy Inc.




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Trustee and Officer Information  (continued)


Independent Trustees(a) (continued)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)(c)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years   

Number of BlackRock-Advised
Registered Investment Companies
(“RICs”)  Consisting of

Investment Portfolios
(“Portfolios”) Overseen


Public Company
and Other
Directorships Held

Past Five Years

Kenneth L. Urish


(Since 2007)
   Managing Partner, Urish Popeck & Co., LLC (certified public accountants and consultants) since 1976; Past- Chairman of the Professional Ethics Committee of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Committee Member thereof since 2007; Member of External Advisory Board, The Pennsylvania State University Accounting Department since founding in 2001; Principal, UP Strategic Wealth Investment Advisors, LLC since 2013; Trustee, The Holy Family Institute from 2001 to 2010; President and Trustee, Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing Associates from 2003 to 2008; Director, Inter-Tel from 2006 to 2007; Member, Advisory Board, ESG Competent Boards since 2020.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None

Claire A. Walton


(Since 2016)
   Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Liberty Square Asset Management, LP from 1998 to 2015; General Partner of Neon Liberty Capital Management, LLC since 2003; Director, Boston Hedge Fund Group from 2009 to 2018; Director, Woodstock Ski Runners since 2013; Director, Massachusetts Council on Economic Education from 2013 to 2015.    29 RICs consisting of 163 Portfolios    None
Interested Trustees(a)(d)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)(c)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years   

Number of BlackRock-Advised
Registered Investment Companies
Consisting of

Investment Portfolios

(“Portfolios”) Overseen


Public Company

and Other
Held During

Past Five Years

Robert Fairbairn


(Since 2018)
   Vice Chairman of BlackRock, Inc. since 2019; Member of BlackRock’s Global Executive and Global Operating Committees; Co-Chair of BlackRock’s Human Capital Committee; Senior Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2010 to 2019; oversaw BlackRock’s Strategic Partner Program and Strategic Product Management Group from 2012 to 2019; Member of the Board of Managers of BlackRock Investments, LLC from 2011 to 2018; Global Head of BlackRock’s Retail and iShares® businesses from 2012 to 2016.    98 RICs consisting of 262 Portfolios    None

John M. Perlowski(e)


(Since 2015)
President and Chief Executive Officer
(Since 2010)
   Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2009; Head of BlackRock Global Accounting and Product Services since 2009; Advisory Director of Family Resource Network (charitable foundation) since 2009.    100 RICs consisting of 264 Portfolios    None

The address of each Trustee is c/o BlackRock, Inc., 55 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10055.



Independent Trustees serve until their resignation, retirement, removal or death, or until December 31 of the year in which they turn 75. The Board may determine to extend the terms of Independent Trustees on a case-by-case basis, as appropriate.



Following the combination of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, L.P. (“MLIM”) and BlackRock, Inc. in September 2006, the various legacy MLIM and legacy BlackRock fund boards were realigned and consolidated into three new fund boards in 2007. Furthermore, effective January 1, 2019, three BlackRock Fund Complexes were realigned and consolidated into two BlackRock Fund Complexes. As a result, although the chart shows the year that each Independent Trustee joined the Board, certain Independent Trustees first became members of the boards of other BlackRock-advised Funds, legacy MLIM funds or legacy BlackRock funds as follows: Cynthia A. Montgomery, 1994; Joseph P. Platt, 1999; Kenneth L. Urish, 1999; Lena G. Goldberg, 2016; Henry R. Keizer, 2016; Donald C. Opatrny, 2015.



Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Perlowski are both “interested persons,” as defined in the 1940 Act, of the Trust based on their positions with BlackRock, Inc. and its affiliates. Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Perlowski are also board members of the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex.



T R U S T E E   A N D   O F F I C E R    I N F O R M A T I O N


Trustee and Officer Information  (continued)



Mr. Perlowski is also a trustee of the BlackRock Credit Strategies Fund and BlackRock Private Investments Fund.


Officers Who Are Not Trustees(a)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years

Jennifer McGovern


   Vice President
(Since 2014)
   Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2016; Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2011 to 2015; Head of Americas Product Development and Governance for BlackRock’s Global Product Group since 2019; Head of Product Structure and Oversight for BlackRock’s U.S. Wealth Advisory Group from 2013 to 2019.

Trent Walker


   Chief Financial Officer
(Since 2021)
   Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since September 2019; Executive Vice President of PIMCO from 2016 to 2019; Senior Vice President of PIMCO from 2008 to 2015; Treasurer from 2013 to 2019 and Assistant Treasurer from 2007 to 2017 of PIMCO Funds, PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust, PIMCO ETF Trust, PIMCO Equity Series, PIMCO Equity Series VIT, PIMCO Managed Accounts Trust, 2 PIMCO-sponsored interval funds and 21 PIMCO-sponsored closed-end funds.

Jay M. Fife


(Since 2007)
   Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2007.

Charles Park


   Chief Compliance Officer
(Since 2014)
   Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer for certain BlackRock-advised Funds from 2014 to 2015; Chief Compliance Officer of BlackRock Advisors, LLC and the BlackRock-advised Funds in the BlackRock Multi-Asset Complex and the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex since 2014; Principal of and Chief Compliance Officer for iShares® Delaware Trust Sponsor LLC since 2012 and BlackRock Fund Advisors (“BFA”) since 2006; Chief Compliance Officer for the BFA-advised iShares® exchange traded funds since 2006; Chief Compliance Officer for BlackRock Asset Management International Inc. since 2012.

Lisa Belle


   Anti-Money Laundering
Compliance Officer
(Since 2019)
   Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2019; Global Financial Crime Head for Asset and Wealth Management of JP Morgan from 2013 to 2019; Managing Director of RBS Securities from 2012 to 2013; Head of Financial Crimes for Barclays Wealth Americas from 2010 to 2012.

Janey Ahn


(Since 2019)

Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2018; Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2009 to 2017.

(a)  The address of each Officer is c/o BlackRock, Inc., 55 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10055.

(b)  Officers of the Trust serve at the pleasure of the Board.

Further information about the Trust’s Trustees and Officers is available in the Trust’s Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained without charge by calling (800) 441-7762.


Effective December 31, 2021, Bruce R. Bond retired as a Trustee of the Funds.

Effective March 31, 2022, Thomas Callahan resigned as a Vice President of the Funds and effective May 10, 2022, Roland Villacorta was appointed as a Vice President of the Funds.




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Additional Information


Regulation Regarding Derivatives

On October 28, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) adopted regulations governing the use of derivatives by registered investment companies (“Rule 18f-4”). The Funds will be required to implement and comply with Rule 18f-4 by August 19, 2022. Once implemented, Rule 18f-4 will impose limits on the amount of derivatives a fund can enter into, eliminate the asset segregation framework currently used by funds to comply with Section 18 of the 1940 Act, treat derivatives as senior securities and require funds whose use of derivatives is more than a limited specified exposure amount to establish and maintain a comprehensive derivatives risk management program and appoint a derivatives risk manager.

General Information

Quarterly performance, semi-annual and annual reports, current net asset value and other information regarding the Funds may be found on BlackRock’s website, which can be accessed at blackrock.com. Any reference to BlackRock’s website in this report is intended to allow investors public access to information regarding the Funds and does not, and is not intended to, incorporate BlackRock’s website in this report.


The Funds will mail only one copy of shareholder documents, including prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports, Rule 30e-3 notices and proxy statements, to shareholders with multiple accounts at the same address. This practice is commonly called “householding” and is intended to reduce expenses and eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents. Mailings of your shareholder documents may be householded indefinitely unless you instruct us otherwise. If you do not want the mailing of these documents to be combined with those for other members of your household, please call the Funds at (800) 441-7762.

Availability of Quarterly Schedule of Investments

The Funds file their complete schedules of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year as an exhibit to their reports on Form N-PORT. The Funds’ Forms N-PORT are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Additionally, each Fund makes its portfolio holdings for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year available at blackrock.com/fundreports.

Availability of Proxy Voting Policies, Procedures and Voting Records

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information about how the Funds voted proxies relating to securities held in the Funds’ portfolios during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge, upon request (1) by calling (800) 441-7762; (2) on the BlackRock website at blackrock.com; and (3) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.

BlackRock’s Mutual Fund Family

BlackRock offers a diverse lineup of open-end mutual funds crossing all investment styles and managed by experts in equity, fixed-income and tax-exempt investing. Visit blackrock.com for more information.

Shareholder Privileges

Account Information

Call us at (800) 441-7762 from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET on any business day to get information about your account balances, recent transactions and share prices. You can also visit blackrock.com for more information.

Automatic Investment Plans

Investor class shareholders who want to invest regularly can arrange to have $50 or more automatically deducted from their checking or savings account and invested in any of the BlackRock funds.

Systematic Withdrawal Plans

Investor class shareholders can establish a systematic withdrawal plan and receive periodic payments of $50 or more from their BlackRock funds, as long as their account balance is at least $10,000.

Retirement Plans

Shareholders may make investments in conjunction with Traditional, Rollover, Roth, Coverdell, Simple IRAs, SEP IRAs and 403(b) Plans.



A D D I T I O N A L   I N F O R M A T I O N


Additional Information   (continued)


BlackRock Privacy Principles

BlackRock is committed to maintaining the privacy of its current and former fund investors and individual clients (collectively, “Clients”) and to safeguarding their non-public personal information. The following information is provided to help you understand what personal information BlackRock collects, how we protect that information and why in certain cases we share such information with select parties.

If you are located in a jurisdiction where specific laws, rules or regulations require BlackRock to provide you with additional or different privacy-related rights beyond what is set forth below, then BlackRock will comply with those specific laws, rules or regulations.

BlackRock obtains or verifies personal non-public information from and about you from different sources, including the following: (i) information we receive from you or, if applicable, your financial intermediary, on applications, forms or other documents; (ii) information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others; (iii) information we receive from a consumer reporting agency; and (iv) from visits to our websites.

BlackRock does not sell or disclose to non-affiliated third parties any non-public personal information about its Clients, except as permitted by law or as is necessary to respond to regulatory requests or to service Client accounts. These non-affiliated third parties are required to protect the confidentiality and security of this information and to use it only for its intended purpose.

We may share information with our affiliates to service your account or to provide you with information about other BlackRock products or services that may be of interest to you. In addition, BlackRock restricts access to non-public personal information about its Clients to those BlackRock employees with a legitimate business need for the information. BlackRock maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that are designed to protect the non-public personal information of its Clients, including procedures relating to the proper storage and disposal of such information.

Fund and Service Providers


Investment Adviser and Administrator

BlackRock Advisors, LLC

Wilmington, DE 19809


BlackRock International Limited(a)

Edinburgh, EH3 8BL

United Kingdom

Accounting Agent and Custodian

State Street Bank and Trust Company

Boston, MA 02111

Transfer Agent

BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc.

Wilmington, DE 19809


BlackRock Investments, LLC

New York, NY 10022

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Boston, MA 02116

Legal Counsel

Sidley Austin LLP

New York, NY 10019

Address of the Funds

100 Bellevue Parkway

Wilmington, DE 19809




For Global Long/Short Equity.




2 0 2 2   B L A C K R O C K   A N N U A L   R E P O R T   T O   S H A R E H O L D E R S

Glossary of Terms Used in this Report


Currency Abbreviation
USD    United States Dollar
Portfolio Abbreviation
ADR    American Depositary Receipt
AGC    Assured Guaranty Corp.
AMBAC    AMBAC Assurance Corp.
ARB    Airport Revenue Bonds
BAM    Build America Mutual Assurance Co.
BMO    BMO Capital Markets
CME    Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CVA    Certificaten Van Aandelen (Dutch Certificate)
DIP    Debtor-In-Possession
GAN    Grant Anticipation Notes
GDR    Global Depositary Receipt
JSC    Joint Stock Company
LP    Limited Partnership
MSCI    Morgan Stanley Capital International
NVDR    Non-Voting Depositary Receipt
PCL    Public Company Limited
PILOT    Payment in Lieu of Taxes
PJSC    Public Joint Stock Company
REIT    Real Estate Investment Trust
S&P    Standard & Poor’s
SAW    State Aid Withholding
SCA    Societe en Commandite par Actions
SDR    Swedish Depositary Receipt
SEB    SEB Securities Inc.
SG    Syncora Guarantee
SRF    State Revolving Fund
ST    Special Tax
UT    Unlimited Tax



G L O S S A R Y   O F   T E R M S   U S E D   I N   T H I S   R E P O R T



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blackrock.com  |  800-441-7762

This report is intended for current holders. It is not authorized for use as an offer of sale or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of the Funds unless preceded or accompanied by the Funds’ current prospectus. Past performance results shown in this report should not be considered a representation of future performance. Investment returns and principal value of shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Statements and other information herein are as dated and are subject to change.






  (b)   Not Applicable


Item 2 –

Code of Ethics – The registrant (or the “Fund”) has adopted a code of ethics, as of the end of the period covered by this report, applicable to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions. During the period covered by this report, the code of ethics was amended to update certain information and to make other non-material changes. During the period covered by this report, there have been no waivers granted under the code of ethics. The registrant undertakes to provide a copy of the code of ethics to any person upon request, without charge, who calls 1-800-441-7762.


Item 3 –

Audit Committee Financial Expert – The registrant’s board of directors (the “board of directors”), has determined that (i) the registrant has the following audit committee financial experts serving on its audit committee and (ii) each audit committee financial expert is independent:

Neil A. Cotty

Henry R. Keizer

Kenneth L. Urish

Under applicable securities laws, a person determined to be an audit committee financial expert will not be deemed an “expert” for any purpose, including without limitation for the purposes of Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933, as a result of being designated or identified as an audit committee financial expert. The designation or identification of a person as an audit committee financial expert does not impose on such person any duties, obligations, or liabilities greater than the duties, obligations, and liabilities imposed on such person as a member of the audit committee and board of directors in the absence of such designation or identification. The designation or identification of a person as an audit committee financial expert does not affect the duties, obligations, or liability of any other member of the audit committee or board of directors.


Item 4 –

Principal Accountant Fees and Services

The following table presents fees billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”) and Deloitte & Touche (“D&T”) in each of the last two fiscal years for the services rendered to the Fund:


  (a) Audit Fees  

(b) Audit-Related  


(c) Tax Fees2   (d) All Other Fees  
Entity Name

































BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund $46,002 $45,551 $0 $0 $18,100 $21,800 $420 $0
BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund $62,016 $61,408 $0 $0 $24,000 $21,800 $420 $0

The following table presents fees billed by PwC that were required to be approved by the registrant’s audit committee (the “Committee”) for services that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the Fund and that are rendered on behalf of BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Investment Adviser” or “BlackRock”) and entities controlling, controlled by, or under common control with BlackRock (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser) that provide ongoing services to the Fund (“Affiliated Service Providers”):

      Current Fiscal Year End        Previous Fiscal Year End    

(b) Audit-Related Fees1

   $0    $0

(c) Tax Fees2

   $0    $0

(d) All Other Fees3

   $0    $0



The nature of the services includes assurance and related services reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of financial statements not included in Audit Fees, including accounting consultations, agreed-upon procedure reports, attestation reports, comfort letters, out-of-pocket expenses and internal control reviews not required by regulators.


The nature of the services includes tax compliance and/or tax preparation, including services relating to the filing or amendment of federal, state or local income tax returns, regulated investment company qualification reviews, taxable income and tax distribution calculations.


Aggregate fees borne by BlackRock in connection with the review of compliance procedures and attestation thereto performed by PwC with respect to all of the registered closed-end funds and some of the registered open-end funds advised by BlackRock.


(e)(1) Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures:

The Committee has adopted policies and procedures with regard to the pre-approval of services. Audit, audit-related and tax compliance services provided to the registrant on an annual basis require specific pre-approval by the Committee. The Committee also must approve other non-audit services provided to the registrant and those non-audit services provided to the Investment Adviser and Affiliated Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and the financial reporting of the registrant. Certain of these non-audit services that the Committee believes are (a) consistent with the SEC’s auditor independence rules and (b) routine and recurring services that will not impair the independence of the independent accountants may be approved by the Committee without consideration on a specific case-by-case basis (“general pre-approval”). The term of any general pre-approval is 12 months from the date of the pre-approval, unless the Committee provides for a different period. Tax or other non-audit services provided to the registrant which have a direct impact on the operations or financial reporting of the registrant will only be deemed pre-approved provided that any individual project does not exceed $10,000 attributable to the registrant or $50,000 per project. For this purpose, multiple projects will be aggregated to determine if they exceed the previously mentioned cost levels.

Any proposed services exceeding the pre-approved cost levels will require specific pre-approval by the Committee, as will any other services not subject to general pre-approval (e.g., unanticipated but permissible services). The Committee is informed of each service approved subject to general pre-approval at the next regularly scheduled in-person board meeting. At this meeting, an analysis of such services is presented to the Committee for ratification. The Committee may delegate to the Committee Chairman the authority to approve the provision of and fees for any specific engagement of permitted non-audit services, including services exceeding pre-approved cost levels.

(e)(2) None of the services described in each of Items 4(b) through (d) were approved by the Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception in paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

(f) Not Applicable

(g) The aggregate non-audit fees, defined as the sum of the fees shown under “Audit-Related Fees,” “Tax Fees” and “All Other Fees,” paid to the accountant for services rendered by the accountant to the registrant, the Investment Adviser and the Affiliated Service Providers were:

Entity Name

    Current Fiscal    

Year End

    Previous Fiscal    

Year End

BlackRock Advantage Emerging Markets Fund

$18,520 $21,800

BlackRock Global Long/Short Equity Fund

$24,420 $21,800

(h) The Committee has considered and determined that the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the Investment Adviser and the Affiliated Service Providers that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.

(i) – Not Applicable

(j) – Not Applicable


Item 5 –

Audit Committee of Listed Registrant – Not Applicable


Item 6 –


(a) The registrant’s Schedule of Investments is included as part of the Report to Stockholders filed under Item 1(a) of this Form.

(b) Not Applicable due to no such divestments during the semi-annual period covered since the previous Form N-CSR filing.


Item 7 –

Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not Applicable


Item 8 –

Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not Applicable


Item 9 –

Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers – Not Applicable


Item 10 –

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders – There have been no material changes to these procedures.


Item 11 –

Controls and Procedures

(a) The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”)) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report based on the evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act and Rule 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12 –

Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies –Not Applicable


Item 13 –

Exhibits attached hereto

(a)(1) Code of Ethics – See Item 2

(a)(2) Section 302 Certifications are attached

(a)(3) Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 – Not Applicable

(a)(4) Change in Registrant’s independent public accountant – Not Applicable

(b) Section 906 Certifications are attached

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

BlackRock Funds





/s/ John M. Perlowski                            


John M. Perlowski


Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of


BlackRock Funds

Date: June 28, 2022

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.





/s/ John M. Perlowski                            


John M. Perlowski


Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of


BlackRock Funds

Date: June 28, 2022





/s/ Trent Walker                            


Trent Walker


Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of


BlackRock Funds

Date: June 28, 2022