CORRESP 1 filename1.htm Document

April 21, 2021


Matthew S. Williams
Division of Investment Management
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re: Athene Annuity and Life Company Post-effective Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-225544)

Dear Mr. Williams:

Per your request, I am writing to provide you with a description of the changes to the above-referenced post-effective amendment as compared against the Post-effective Amendment No.1 version and to reiterate our request that the Staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission afford the above-referenced post-effective amendment to registration statement on Form S-1 selective review in accordance with Securities Act Release No. 6510 (Feb. 15, 1984).

The substantive changes reflected in the redline I sent you earlier are discussed in order below. We do not believe any of these changes are material.

Removed CARES Act Supplement since it is no longer needed.
Section 4: Updated LIBOR risk factor disclosure and Interim Value disclosure to reflect current view of transition away from LIBOR.
Section 5: Updated S&P index disclosure to most current version provided by S&P.
Section 10:
Updated LIBOR language to reflect current view of transition away from LIBOR.
Small revision to calculations in examples 8 and 9 to properly include Segment Fees in Resulting Segment Value.
Section 14:
Moved paragraph in Tax Information section from non-qualified contracts section to qualified contracts section and clarified language on page 50 of the redline regarding events that may trigger taxation.
Removed disclosure related to Puerto Rico since we do not sell this product in Puerto Rico.

Section 15: Minor clarifications to disclosures in Other Information section.
Section 16:
Information on the Company’s Business and Property
Added information about the Company’s investment practices.
Updated premium and reserves data.
Clarified description of fixed indexed annuities and added language about registered index-linked annuities.
In the funding agreement description, included additional disclosure to reflect new activity within this product category, namely the introduction of an active FABN program at AAIA and the introduction of a secured funding agreement backed repurchase agreement product.
Updated dates and figures in the information regarding Global Atlantic, STAR, and Athene Re IV ceded business.
Removed the ALICNY reinsurance relationship discussion. The Company recaptured the block.
Updated the Reinsurance section to reflect the conversion of the reinsurance agreement between AAIA and AARe from Funds Withheld to Modco and to reflect updated dates and reserve figures.
Updated dates and figures in the Investment Management section.
Added a paragraph regarding funding agreement competition.
Included Human Capital Management section to comply with Release No. 33-10825 Section II.B.7.
Updated the Regulation section to comply with Release No. 33-10825 Section II.B.6.
Legal Proceedings: Clarified language and provided updated information.
Directors and Executive Officers: Updated information.
Executive Compensation: Updated language to account for the fact that certain employees were moved from AES to AAIA to avoid AES having to obtain a third-party administrator license in some states. There are still no executive officers under AAIA. We will supplement this section very soon with additional executive compensation disclosures.
Securities Ownership: Updated share information.
Transactions with Related Persons:
Disclosed the proposed merger with Apollo.
Updated dates and dollar figures of transactions with Apollo and its affiliates.
Updated dates and dollar figures regarding related party investments, including information on MidCap’s change in ownership structure.
Updated information on the Company’s plan to enter into a new revolving promissory note to replace the expiring Intercompany Note.
Clarified the conditions under which the Net Worth Maintenance Agreement may be terminated.
Company Related Risk Factors: Reorganized to comply with Release No. 33-10825 Section II.D.3.
Selected Financial Data: Updated dates and dollar figures of financial data.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis:
Updated dates and numbers in the Overview section.

Updated the information regarding Market Conditions and the Interest Rate Environment.
Updated information in the Analysis of Results of Operations. Please note that the document-compare software showed some entire paragraphs as a marked change even though only select portions were changed.

Appendix B: Added state variations that are currently captured via supplement.

Please contact me if you have any additional questions or comments. Thank you for your time.


/s/ Chris Jefferson

Chris Jefferson
VP & Senior Counsel
Athene Annuity and Life Company