Washington, D.C. 20549








Investment Company Act file number 811-05601



SEI Institutional International Trust

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)



SEI Investments

One Freedom Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)



Timothy D. Barto, Esq.

SEI Investments

One Freedom Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

(Name and address of agent for service)



Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: 610-676-1000

Date of fiscal year end: September 30, 2020

Date of reporting period: September 30, 2020





Item 1.

Reports to Stockholders.


September 30, 2020


SEI Institutional International Trust





International Equity Fund





Emerging Markets Equity Fund





International Fixed Income Fund


LOGO   Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Funds’ shareholder reports like this one will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Funds or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Funds electronically by contacting your financial intermediary.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you invest through a financial intermediary, you can follow the instructions included with this disclosure, if applicable, or you can contact your financial intermediary to inform it that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Funds, you can inform the Funds that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports by calling 1-800-DIAL-SEI. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held with the SEI Funds or your financial intermediary.




Letter to Shareholders      1  

Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Fund Performance

Schedule of Investments      14  
Statements of Assets and Liabilities      72  
Statements of Operations      74  
Statements of Changes in Net Assets      75  
Financial Highlights      77  
Notes to Financial Statements      79  

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Trustees and Officers of the Trust      98  
Disclosure of Fund Expenses      101  

Liquidity Risk Management Program

Board of Trustees Considerations in Approving the Advisory Agreement      103  
Notice to Shareholders      106  




The Trust files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year as an exhibit to its reports on Form N-PORT. The Trust’s Form N-PORT reports are available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

A description of the policies and procedures that the Trust uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities, as well as information relating to how a Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30, is available (i) without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-DIAL-SEI; and (ii) on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov.


September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



To Our Shareholders:

The fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, began with strong returns in the equity markets over the final months of 2019. After hitting all-time highs in February, concerns about the international spread of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) dominated investor concerns, and by the end of March most equity indexes had fallen into bear-market territory. Plans to reopen economic activity and developments in the race for COVID-19 treatments encouraged investors in April and May; global financial markets rallied sharply amid renewed “risk-on” sentiment, with U.S. equity markets eclipsing their pre-pandemic peaks before the end of the fiscal year. Despite tension around a U.S.-China trade deal and ongoing Brexit concerns in late 2019, the lingering effects of COVID-19 demanded plenty of attention from investors.

The Federal Reserve (Fed) cut interest rates three times prior to March. Two off-cycle moves in February brought the federal-funds rate to near zero and were designed to bolster the economy in response to the economic threat posed by the coronavirus outbreak; the emergency actions were the first since the global financial crisis. Additionally, the Fed committed to purchasing unlimited amounts of Treasurys and established or renewed multiple facilities designed to support the economy.

Christine Lagarde succeeded Mario Draghi as European Central Bank (ECB) President in November. The ECB restarted its asset-purchase program in November with a monthly pace of 20 billion and stated it intends to continue to fully reinvest the principal payments from maturing securities purchased under the program. In response to COVID-19, the ECB announced a new quantitative easing (QE) package in March—the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme
— amounting to 750 billion, which should bring total QE-related asset purchases to more than 1.3 trillion in 2020.

The Japanese yen, typically viewed as a safe-haven asset in “risk-off” environments, finished the period 2.5% higher against the U.S. dollar, while the Bank of Japan indicated it would continue a negative rate policy through 2023. The Chinese yuan finished the fiscal year up 5.3%; the currency rebounded from an 11-year low reached before the start of the fiscal year after a U.S.-China phase-one trade agreement was signed.

West Texas Intermediate crude-oil prices stayed mostly range-bound over the first quarter of the reporting period. From January onward, the commodity became a victim of an oil-production impasse between Saudi Arabia and Russia and travel restrictions that sapped usage due to the coronavirus pandemic. Between the high price toward the end of 2019 and the April lows, crude-oil prices fell over 80%. Record supply cuts and a pickup in global fuel demand toward the end of the reporting period helped drive a partial price recovery, and oil finished down over 25% for the 12-month period.

Geopolitical events

Market volatility accelerated in the first quarter of 2020 following concerns about COVID-19 and its eventual economic effect: as the outbreak spread from China to other countries, governments issued stay-at-home orders and initiated widespread lockdowns. Beyond the threat to public health, the outbreak and resulting containment measures evoked concerns about the potential halt to global economic activity. The official daily infection rate continued to trend generally higher, with over 33 million cases worldwide at the end of September, while in the U.S., the total recorded number of COVID-19-related deaths surpassed 200,000 by the end of September—out of about 1,000,000 total worldwide. Nevertheless, markets remained generally optimistic over the last half of the reporting period as forward-looking investors attempted to spot sources of encouragement.

At least 68 countries and territories postponed elections between February 21 and July 26, also citing concerns about COVID-19 containment, according to the Wall Street Journal; at least 49 countries and territories committed to holding their elections as scheduled. The U.S. presidential election cycle formally progressed to its final phase before Election Day, as President Donald Trump accepted the Republican Party’s nomination and former Vice President Joe Biden accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination at their respective quadrennial conventions during August. The U.S. general election will proceed in early November.

The United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement was ratified by all three countries in December and officially replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement on July 1. The Trump administration announced in September that it would not pursue a 10% tariff on U.S. imports of Canadian aluminum previously announced in August, as trade is now expected to normalize in the coming months following high import levels earlier in 2020. President Trump



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



and France’s President Emmanuel Macron successfully walked back threats of tariffs that originated with French plans for a digital tax that would have targeted U.S.-based multi-national technology companies. The prospect of a digital tax re-surfaced in other countries—including the U.K., Italy, Austria and Turkey—which prompted more threats of retailiatory tariffs by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Sajid Javid, the UK’s former Chancellor of the Exchequer, disappointed Secretary Mnuchin by explaining during a joint interview in late January at the World Economic Forum that the U.K. would prioritize trade negotiations with the EU over a deal with the U.S.

China and the U.S. formalized a “phase one” trade deal in mid-January that offered tariff relief to China (via the reduction of existing tariffs and the delay of additional scheduled tariffs). In exchange, China committed to purchasing $200 billion in U.S. products over a two-year period; addressing its long-standing practice of forcing the transfer of intellectual property and technology to Chinese counterparts in exchange for access to the Chinese market; and promising to continue opening its financial-services industry to foreign investors. The tense U.S.-China relationship was stressed in May by a U.S. push for more transparency in the ownership of U.S.-listed Chinese companies and the U.S. government’s barring of certain Chinese securities from its retirement plans.

Under Boris Johnson, the UK’s Conservative Party consolidated its power in a mid-December election—winning a majority of seats in the House of Commons and gaining approval for Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s EU departure deal. The country officially left the EU at the end of January 2020, giving way to an 11-month transition period to negotiate terms of the future U.K.-EU relationship. Johnson emerged from his personal battle with COVID-19 in April, having been hospitalized in intensive care and temporarily deputizing Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to fulfill his role while incapacitated.

Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party selected Yoshihide Suga to succeed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who resigned in August due to health issues. Elsewhere in Asia, China-Taiwan tensions flared in September after a high-level U.S. government official’s visit to Taiwan; China was angered by what it saw as one of its territories assuming sovereignty by inappropriately conducting international diplomacy. Chinese planes made a show of force to coincide with the visit, prompting Taiwan to quickly mobilize its military jets. The island’s government had previously condemned nearby Chinese military drills as provocations. In Beijing, a military spokesman accused Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party of “collusion” with the U.S., and said the U.S. is trying to “use Taiwan to control China.”

Economic performance

U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew 2.1% in the fourth quarter of 2019, driven by an increase in net trade but weakened by a sharp slowdown in consumer spending. The economy saw a decline of 5.0% in the first quarter of 2020, the largest drop since the global financial crisis, but reflected just two weeks of lockdowns that began across the country in March. The economy contracted by a worst-ever 31.4% in the second quarter, falling in all 50 states. The abrupt halt to the 10-year economic expansion came amid mandated lockdowns throughout most of the country.

The U.S. unemployment rate touched a 50-year low of 3.5% during the fiscal year before jumping as high as 14.7% in April and settling at 7.9% in the final reading; the number of Americans filing for initial unemployment benefits hit record numbers as many non-essential businesses were forced to close in the wake of the pandemic. The labor-force participation rate ended at 61.4%, down from 63.2% a year earlier. Average hourly earnings gained 4.7% over the fiscal year, as the increase in unemployment tended to hit lower-wage workers hardest.

Broad economic activity in the eurozone slowed to its weakest pace since records began in 1995 during the first quarter of 2020; the 13.6% annualized decline wiped away three years of growth in the area. The region officially fell into recession after a 40.3% contraction in the second quarter and far exceeded that in the U.S. as measures imposed to limit the spread of COVID-19 reflected the closing of everything from restaurants to factories. The magnitude and speed of the contraction solidified the case for continued accommodative policy by the ECB for some time.

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee cut its Bank Rate to 0.1% in March, the lowest in the 325-year history of its lending rate, during the fiscal year. It also announced a £200 billion asset-purchase program, mostly of government bonds, to be conducted at a monthly pace that will eclipse previous rounds of QE. Additionally, it launched a so-called funding-for-lending scheme to spur banks to lend to small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as a commercial paper facility with no cap limit, both to be financed by central-bank reserves. Following its mid-June meeting, the central bank announced that it would expand its stock of asset purchases to £745 billion. The U.K.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






economy shrank a record 19.8% seasonally-adjusted at annual rates through the second quarter of 2020; while the decline was less severe than originally thought, it was also the largest since records have been kept.

Japanese GDP contracted 7.2% in seasonally-adjusted annualized terms in the fourth quarter of 2019 as the country’s sales tax hike weakened consumer and business spending; an additional 2.2% decline in the first quarter of 2020 confirmed that Japan had fallen into recession for the first time in over four years. Japan’s economy contracted 28.1% in the second quarter as capital expenditures were hit hard by the pandemic. The Bank of Japan expanded monetary stimulus as pandemic pain worsened late in the period. Meanwhile, GDP in China shrank by 6.8% year-on-year and seasonally-adjusted in the first quarter of 2020, its worst pace in several decades, as consumer spending, exports and fixed-asset investments all were affected by the lockdowns in January and early February; a 3.2% gain in the second quarter came as restrictions eased and the country rolled out stimulus measures intended to aid the economy.

Market developments

The S&P 500 Index finished the fiscal year up 15.15%, despite falling over 30% from its peak on February 19, 2020, to the trough on March 23. Prior to the coronavirus onset, investors enjoyed the continuation of the modest U.S. economic expansion, reasonably strong corporate profitability and accommodative Fed monetary policy. Over the full reporting period, mega-cap stocks, a narrow group of companies with unusually large weights in the broad equity index, outperformed, and growth companies in the information technology sector generally led, while many value stocks underperformed. Commodity-sensitive stocks, particularly those within the energy sector, lagged the most.

U.S. large-cap stocks (Russell 1000 Index) finished the reporting period up 16.01%; small-cap stocks (Russell 2000 Index) were hit harder in the coronavirus-driven selloff, as investors tended to avoid smaller companies with lesser financial strength, and edged just 0.39% higher over the fiscal year.

Despite continued accommodative monetary policy from the ECB, European equities lagged, as fears over trade wars and COVID-19 grew. The MSCI Europe Index (Net) fell 0.79% in U.S. dollar terms and was 7.33% lower in euros; the euro finished up 6.68% versus the U.S. dollar for the period. The MSCI ACWI Index (Net), a proxy for global equities in both developed and emerging markets, climbed 10.44% in U.S. dollar terms.

Despite a strong rally over the second half of the year, the FTSE UK Series All-Share Index lost 12.30% in U.S. dollar terms over the full reporting period, while it fell 16.59% in sterling.

Emerging-market equities were higher. After gaining 9.56% in the final quarter of the fiscal year, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net) finished the reporting period up 10.54% in U.S. dollar terms. U.S.-China trade news generally drove performance for the first three months; however, a rally after the U.S. and China agreed to a “phase-one” trade deal in January was wiped out until COVID-19 concerns in China began to decelerate.

Global government bonds outperformed global high-yield bonds as the escalation of COVID-19 hit the bond market’s most economically sensitive sectors the hardest. The global high-yield market, as measured by the ICE BofA Global High Yield Constrained Index, was 3.84% higher during the reporting period, while global government bonds, as measured by the Bloomberg Barclays Global Treasury Index, did better and climbed 5.84%.

A continuing theme for U.S. fixed-income markets was the inverted yield curve. The spread between 2-year and 5-year Treasurys yields was inverted early in the reporting period, as was the spread between 3-year and 5-year Treasurys. Notably, the spread between 3-month and 10-year rates was inverted for only the second time in about 12 years during the fiscal year, a signal of impending recession to some market watchers that occurred long before any knowledge of the pandemic. The differential reverted during the period and eventually stayed in positive territory from March onward.

Yields for 10-year U.S. government bonds ended the period down 99 basis points at 0.69%, after hitting an all-time low of 0.54% in March as investors rushed to “safe-haven” securities; 2-year yields declined during the fiscal year to finish down 150 basis points at 0.13%.

Inflation-sensitive assets, such as commodities and Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS), were mixed. The Bloomberg Commodity Total Return Index (which represents the broad commodity market) finished down 8.20% over the full one-year period, after an oil-production impasse between Saudi Arabia and Russia created a downdraft in the



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



oil market around the same time that demand contracted due to the coronavirus pandemic; the Bloomberg Barclays 1-10 Year US TIPS Index (USD) moved 7.75% higher during the reporting period.

U.S. investment-grade corporate debt was higher; the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Investment Grade Index returned 7.90% as investors remained eager to buy higher-yielding securities. U.S. asset- and mortgage-backed securities also managed to rise during the fiscal year.

Coronavirus concerns and the steep drop in global oil prices led to a declining outlook for economic growth in emerging markets; the JP Morgan Global Bond Index-Emerging Markets (GBI-EM) Global Diversified Index, which tracks local-currency-denominated EM bonds, declined 1.45% in U.S. dollar terms. The JP Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI) Global Diversified Index, which tracks EM debt denominated in external currencies (such as the U.S. dollar), managed a 1.29% gain for the fiscal year.

Our view

It has already been an eventful and exhausting year, but we have a sense that the next few months could prove critical to the future course of the global economy and financial markets. Most countries were in V-shaped recovery mode during the third quarter, moving sharply off their low points in May and June. We assume that future lockdowns to contain COVID-19 outbreaks will be far more limited in scope. For developed countries, treatments have improved, vulnerable populations appear to be better-protected, and younger, generally healthier people are accounting for a much larger share of confirmed new cases.

But we doubt there will be a full return to normal economic behavior until safe and effective vaccines are introduced and distributed globally. The news on this score has been positive, and probably is a key reason for the continued buoyancy of equities and other risk assets. According to the World Health Organization, researchers were testing 38 vaccines in clinical trials at the end of September, while 93 more were in pre-clinical testing. Ten vaccines have been approved for large-scale efficacy and safety trials. We think it is realistic to assume that a few different vaccines will be generally available by this time next year, which means that social-distancing measures must still be followed well into 2021 and, most likely, into 2022.

There’s no disputing that U.S. economic activity remains far below normal. Although incomes are now recovering as more people get back to work, the lack of additional income support may drag down consumer spending as we head into the end of the year. Business sentiment appears to have bottomed, but the outlook remains sufficiently uncertain to keep us in a watch-and-wait mode. We would not be surprised to see the official U.S. unemployment rate move up in the months ahead as hard-hit industries eliminate jobs now that government support has run out.

In August, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell officially unveiled a new framework for conducting the central bank’s monetary policy. The Fed has decided to see how low the U.S. unemployment rate can get before it causes the inflation rate to exceed the 2% mark by a meaningful extent.

The FOMC’s own inflation projection does not envision a return to 2% inflation until the end of its forecast window in 2023, so it may be a long time before the federal-funds rate rises.

In our view, all that’s really left in the Fed’s monetary toolbox is quantitative easing, along with the provision of lifeline support to corporations as well as state and local governments through its various credit facilities. Monetization of debt will likely continue until the pandemic crisis is well past and the U.S. unemployment rate approaches its previous lows.

The U.S. presidential election will have a major impact on the economy and financial markets in the months and years ahead. Still, we firmly believe that it would be a mistake to pursue even a short-term investment strategy that necessitates accurately predicting: (1) the election winner; (2) the policies proposed by the newly inaugurated president; (3) the ways in which Congress will modify those proposals throughout the legislative process; or (4) the impact those new laws would have on the economy and financial markets.

Regardless of the election’s outcome, we assume that both candidates would see their platforms tempered before they’re put into practice. There is a high degree of institutional inertia, which is partly deliberate (constitutional checks and balances) and partly happenstance (increasing polarization of opinion in the country tends to favor a draw). While there could be some market volatility plausibly attributed to the election, it is usually best to pay strict attention to the fundamentals and to ignore the politics.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






The U.K. is undergoing its own unique political melodrama, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson facing a rebellion among his own backbenchers and intense criticism from senior Conservatives over his proposal to renege on the withdrawal treaty that would allow Northern Ireland to trade without border restrictions with Ireland and the rest of the EU. The move to abrogate the treaty, if successful, would almost certainly lead to a hard Brexit—a reversion to the World Trade Organization’s most-favored-nation trading rules with the EU. It also could breathe new life into the separatist movement in Northern Ireland itself, not to mention Scotland.

Prime Minister Johnson’s decision reflects his government’s frustration with EU negotiators. There are two main sticking points, one small (EU fishing industry demanding full access to U.K. waters) and one large (EU demanding the UK’s continued adherence to EU strictures on government financial assistance to private-sector businesses).

Obviously, a hard Brexit will not help matters. But the worst impact potentially will be sustained by financial companies and other service- producing entities, since World Trade Organization rules deal mostly with tradable goods. The increase in tariffs, for the most part, will be bearable once border-related issues are worked out. In the meantime, the U.K. and the rest of Europe are facing a second wave of COVID-19 that could turn what’s been a V-shaped recovery into something looking more like a W.

This year’s pandemic and postponement of the summer Olympics proved to be a bitter ending to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s record-breaking term in office. His push to lift Japan out of its deflationary spiral was somewhat successful. Prices mostly stopped declining in the aggregate, but there were few occasions when overall consumer-price inflation rose above 1%. Pandemic pressures have caused a return to outright deflation in recent months.

In our view, it is unlikely that radical changes will be made to the direction of policy under Japan’s new Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. In the near-term, the priority will be on the response to the coronavirus; fiscal policy will remain quite expansionary. The Bank of Japan will continue to buy most of the government-issued bonds, along with other types of corporate debt and equity, as it has been doing as part of its Quantitative and Qualitative Easing program over the past four years.

The contrast of the big Asian stock markets versus other large emerging-market equities is dramatic. China’s strong gains can be chalked up to its rebound in economic activity. Although travel and other services are still constrained due to lingering concerns about the virus, infrastructure-related spending and manufacturing have experienced an almost-complete recovery to pre-pandemic levels. Investors seem to be unfazed by the deterioration in the US-China economic relationship or by the increasingly fraught diplomatic relations between China and other countries.

Emerging markets are already showing some good news. The price of raw industrials bottomed in early May, and have since enjoyed a sharp move higher. If industrial commodity prices advance in a sustained, multi-year fashion as they have in previous cycles, it’s a good bet that emerging-market corporate profits will also rise sharply.

Our optimism is somewhat tempered by the rising debt burden facing many emerging countries. Much of the increase in emerging-market debt has been tied to the corporate sector—especially in China, where private domestic, non-financial debt has reached an eye-watering 216% of GDP. Of more concern are the mostly small-to-medium-sized countries that are running current-account deficits and are too dependent on external hard-currency debt, or do not have the reserves to easily cover their debt service.

The actions of the world’s major central banks back in March, especially the Fed’s provision of U.S. dollar liquidity, have helped to ease the strain on the market for emerging-country debt. Governments and other official lenders, meanwhile, have granted loan forbearance to nearly 80 countries; it’s a tougher job to get private creditors to agree to do the same. Nonetheless, emerging-market sovereign yields on dollar-denominated debt have fallen back toward their previous record lows, more than reversing the spike endured in March, prior to the Fed’s rescue operations.




William T. Lawrence, CFA

Head and Chief Investment Officer of Traditional Asset Management, SEI



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)

International Equity Fund



I. Objective

The International Equity Fund (the “Fund”) seeks long-term capital appreciation.

II. Multi-Manager Approach Statement

The Fund uses a multi-manager approach, relying on a number of sub-advisors with differing investment approaches to manage portions of the Fund’s portfolio, under the general supervision of SEI Investments Management Corporation (“SIMC”). The Fund utilized the following sub-advisors as of September 30, 2020: Acadian Asset Management LLC (“Acadian”), Causeway Capital Management LLC (“Causeway”), INTECH Investment Management LLC (“INTECH”), JO Hambro Capital Management Limited (“JO Hambro”), Lazard Asset Management LLC (“Lazard”), NWQ Investment Management Company, LLC (“NWQ”) and WCM Investment Management LLC (“WCM”).

During the period, JO Hambro was added to the Fund, while Blackcrane Capital, LLC (“Blackcrane”), and Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC (“Neuberger Berman”), were removed from the Fund.

III. Return vs. Benchmark

For the year ended September 30, 2020, the Fund’s Class F shares outperformed the MSCI EAFE Index (Net)—which tracks the performance of developed-market equities outside North America—returning 3.44% versus the Index return of 0.49%.

IV. Fund Attribution

As noted in the shareholder letter, developed-market equities rose steadily at the start of the fiscal year as the global economy found footing; the eventual outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 forced lockdowns and stay-at-home orders across most countries, sending major equity indexes lower as investors dealt with the economic uncertainty. Over the last half of the reporting period, markets generally rallied as central banks enacted significant monetary and fiscal stimulus measures.

Although Japanese economic growth remained lackluster during the reporting period, Japan was the best-performing country in the MSCI EAFE Index over the full fiscal year. Europe also performed well and was boosted by the strong performance of its healthcare sector. During the worst of the selloff, the European Central Bank announced massive amounts of monetary stimulus, which was eventually accompanied by large amounts of fiscal stimulus from its member nations, to

support the region’s economy. The European Union also made progress in issuing the region’s first common bonds, signaling to investors its determination in helping the region’s economy recuperate. The Pacific ex-Japan region was dragged down by results from Australia’s energy and banking sector. The U.K. was the worst-performing region as the twin headwinds of COVID-19 and a collapse in oil prices put heavy pressure on the region’s equity prices. Lack of progress in Brexit negotiations was also a dampener on equity prices.

The best-performing sectors in the benchmark were information technology and healthcare, with investors flocking to sectors believed to have the most durable and sustainable long-term growth prospects. Healthcare also outperformed given the outbreak-driven demand for healthcare services. Information technology was the Fund’s most significant contributor as stability and momentum managers had favorable results within the sector. The materials sector also did well on strong results from non-commodity-related companies. Real estate contributed as the Fund’s aversion to the sector’s rich valuations and lack of growth opportunities helped avoid losses from the otherwise poorly performing sector. The biggest detractors came from defensive sectors like consumer staples and utilities, which generally matched or outperformed the benchmark and that the Fund was underweight. Energy was the benchmark’s worst-performing sector given the weakness in the oil industry, although the Fund’s underweight was beneficial.

From a regional point of view, Europe was the biggest contributor due to favorable exposure and results in the European industrials and healthcare sectors. Exposure to ex-benchmark emerging-market Asian technology also contributed. An underweight to Pacific ex-Japan, especially the region’s underperforming banks, was beneficial. The U.K. also contributed, primarily due to the Fund’s underweight to the region’s lagging energy sector, which took a hit during the crude oil selloff in the spring. Japan was the biggest regional detractor due to negative results in the Fund’s Japanese healthcare and consumer sectors.

WCM was the Fund’s best-performing manager and outperformed due to tailwinds to stability, especially stocks on the faster growing end of the stability spectrum. During the fiscal year, stocks with durable and stable growth prospects continued to be favored by investors as the COVID-19 break altered expectations for future growth. Acadian also contributed and saw favorable results from its quantitative model-driven selection; headwinds to value were not enough to offset







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






the tailwinds from momentum. Blackcrane contributed and enjoyed a tailwind to momentum, as companies with strong fundamental momentum were heavily rewarded. During the period, momentum became more aligned with stability as companies with strong and consistent earnings growth prospects continued to outperform and trend higher. Stability manager Neuberger Berman also benefited from a similar tailwind to stability, and both of the Fund’s momentum managers, INTECH and JO Hambro, enjoyed positive tailwinds to momentum and added to alpha as well.

The Fund’s three value managers—Causeway, NWQ and Lazard—were the only detractors. Performance for our value managers was in line with expectations given the continued headwinds that value faced as investors preferred stability and momentum throughout most of the fiscal year.

Investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. Past performance is no indication of future results.


     1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
to Date
International Equity Fund, Class F     3.44%       0.24%       4.88%       4.25%       3.43%  
International Equity Fund, Class I     3.19%       -0.01%       4.60%       3.98%       3.17%  
International Equity Fund, Class Y     3.68%       0.48%       5.12%       4.39%       3.47%  
MSCI EAFE Index (Net)     0.49%       0.62%       5.26%       4.62%       4.25%  

Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the International Equity Fund, Class F, Class I and Class Y, versus the MSCI EAFE Index (Net)




For the year ended September 30, 2020. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Class F shares were offered beginning December 20, 1989. Class I shares were offered beginning January 4, 2002. The performance of Class I shares prior to January 4, 2002 is calculated using the performance of Class F shares adjusted for the higher expenses of the Class I shares. Returns for Class I shares are substantially similar to those of Class F shares and differ only to the extent that Class I shares have higher total annual fund operating expenses than Class F shares. The Fund’s Class Y shares commenced operations on December 31, 2014. For periods prior to December 31, 2014, the performance of the Fund’s Class F Shares has been used. Returns for Class Y Shares would have been substantially similar to those of Class F shares and would have differed only to the extent that Class Y shares have lower total annual fund operating expenses than Class F shares. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. The returns for the period reflect fee waivers and/or reimbursements in effect for the period; absent fee waivers and reimbursements, performance would have been lower.




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)

Emerging Market Equity Fund



I. Objective

The Emerging Markets Equity Fund (the “Fund”) seeks capital appreciation.

II. Multi-Manager Approach Statement

The Fund uses a multi-manager approach, relying on a number of sub-advisors with differing investment approaches to manage portions of the Fund’s portfolio, under the general supervision of SEI Investments Management Corp. (“SIMC”). The Fund utilized the following sub-advisors as of September 30, 2020: JO Hambro Capital Management Limited (“JO Hambro”), KBI Global Investors (North America) Ltd. (“KBI”), Lazard Asset Management LLC (“Lazard”), Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC (“Neuberger Berman”), Qtron Investments LLC (“Qtron”) and RWC Asset Advisors (US) LLC (“RWC”).

During the period, Delaware Investments Fund Advisers, a series of Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust (“Macquarie”), was removed from the Fund.

III. Return vs. Benchmark

For the year ended September 30, 2020, the Fund’s Class F shares underperformed the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net)—which tracks the performance of global emerging market equities—returning 8.75% versus the Index return of 10.54%.

IV. Fund Attribution

Emerging markets finished on a positive note after a rollercoaster performance during the fiscal year. The fourth quarter of 2019 was a positive one, with markets rallying on hopes of a pickup in global economic growth before the outbreak of COVID-19 sent major equity markets into freefall; most global economies enacted business lockdowns and stay-at-home orders. Oil also experienced a major disruption as expected cuts to crude were not realized, sending oil prices crashing and contributing to the equity market freefall, especially in commodity-exporting nations.

Asian countries outperformed the benchmark, led by Chinese equities. China was the first to be impacted by COVID-19 but was also the first to recover, boosted by fiscal and monetary stimulus from the government. Strong demand for online retail and internet platforms (from consumers staying home), as well as technology components, partially fueled the strong performance of Chinese equities. Strong demand for technology components like memory and 5G also helped both Taiwan and Korea outperform. India lagged Asia but kept

pace with the benchmark as COVID-19 exacerbated the country’s economic slowdown.

The Europe, Middle East and Africa region lagged the benchmark as the drop in oil prices, as well as the shock to overall commodity demand, was a drag on South Africa and Russia and the commodity exporters in both countries. A drop in global tourism also impacted Greece and Turkey, which were among the biggest laggards in the region and the benchmark.

Latin America also lagged the benchmark and was the worst-performing region due to weak performance from Brazil, which was affected by both high cases for COVID-19 and the drop in commodity prices. Mexico outperformed the region but lagged the benchmark due to weak performance in banks and consumer stocks.

The best-performing sectors in the benchmark were information technology on strong demand due to significant work-from-home use, as well as healthcare due to pandemic demand. Online retailing and consumer discretionary also outperformed as consumers were forced to stay at home. The worst-performing sectors were energy, which was weakened by price cuts and a slump in demand, and financials, as many emerging-market banks suffered from the drop in local growth.

An overweight to information technology was the largest contributor to Fund performance. Overweights to materials and industrials also contributed due to strong results in select metals, chemicals and capital goods companies. Consumer discretionary was the biggest detractor given the Fund’s low exposure to online retailing stocks amid elevated valuations. Weak selection within the healthcare and consumer staples sectors further challenged Fund performance.

KBI was the biggest detractor as the manager’s dividend-yield process faced headwinds. Investors preferred companies with faster and more durable growth prospects over cheaper companies that tended to have impaired business fundamentals. Neuberger Berman also detracted and lagged expectations given the manager’s stability profile and strong preference for stability. Stability generally outperformed, influenced by investor preferences for fast-growing companies with durable prospects, as well as the large index weights of the big internet and technology companies; Neuberger Berman was tilted towards the smaller, cheaper, and slower-growing end of that stability spectrum. The manager did not have exposure to the expensive and fast-growing online retailing companies that dominated index performance during the reporting period. Lazard was the smallest detractor during the period and







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






underperformed largely due to an oversized exposure to high-quality banks in countries like India and Colombia that were hit by slowing economic growth.

JO Hambro was the top-performing manager and benefited from its momentum philosophy. Momentum outperformed as internet, technology and healthcare companies outperformed for most of the fiscal year. Macquarie also contributed and benefited from an underweight to banks and selection within energy and information technology. Qtron’s quantitative model led to above-benchmark returns in all sectors except healthcare and the consumer sectors. RWC contributed slightly during the fiscal year and was helped by an overweight to information technology and strong selection within materials and internet stocks.

Investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. Past performance is no indication of future results.


     1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
to Date
Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Class F     8.75%       0.28%       8.42%       1.36%       4.34%  
Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Class Y     8.99%       0.52%       8.69%       1.51%       4.40%  
MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Gross)     10.91%       2.79%       9.37%       2.87%       6.04%  
MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net)     10.54%       2.42%       8.97%       2.50%       N/A  

Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Class F and Class Y, versus the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net) and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Gross)




For the year ended September 30, 2020. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Class F shares were offered beginning January 17, 1995. Class Y shares were offered beginning December 31, 2014. Class Y shares performance for the period prior to December 31, 2014 is derived from the performance of Class F shares. The Fund’s Class Y shares commenced operations on December 31, 2014. For periods prior to December 31, 2014, the performance of the Fund’s Class F Shares has been used. Returns for Class Y Shares would have been substantially similar to those of Class F shares and would have differed only to the extent that Class Y shares have lower total annual fund operating expenses than Class F shares. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. The returns for the period reflect fee waivers and/or reimbursements in effect for the period; absent fee waivers and reimbursements, performance would have been lower.

N/A – Not available




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)

International Fixed Income Fund



I. Objective

The International Fixed Income Fund (the Fund) seeks capital appreciation and current income.

II. Multi-Manager Approach Statement

The Fund uses a multi-manager approach, relying on a number of sub-advisors with differing investment approaches to manage portions of the Fund’s portfolio, under the general supervision of SEI Investments Management Corporation (“SIMC”). The Fund utilized the following sub-advisors as of September 30, 2020: AllianceBernstein L.P. (“AllianceBernstein”), Colchester Global Investors Limited (“Colchester”) and Wellington Management Company LLP (“Wellington”).

No manager changes were made during the Fund’s fiscal year.

III. Return vs. Benchmark

For the year ended September 30, 2020, the Fund’s Class F shares underperformed the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Index, Hedged (the “Index”)—which tracks the performance of the global investment-grade fixed-rate debt markets outside of the U.S.—returning 0.73% versus the Index return of 1.82%.

IV. Fund Attribution

Global fixed income delivered decent performance over the period, although international (ex-U.S. dollar) indexes produced more modest returns given that the U.S. was the best-performing major bond market. Weakness in the U.S. dollar essentially meant that hedged indexes inherently underperformed their unhedged equivalents.

U.S. fixed income started the reporting period with a significant yield advantage over other G7 markets, which gave U.S. bonds a strong starting point from which to outperform through the fiscal year as escalating COVID-19 concerns prompted a sharp rally in sovereign yields. The strong performance of duration-sensitive assets was matched by the weakness in risk assets as credit spreads widened significantly through late February and March. The selloff in credit was dramatic, with spreads widening at a far quicker pace than what was experienced during the global financial crisis. The subsequent retracement in spreads was equally fast, aided by unprecedented levels of monetary support from the U.S. Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and other global central banks, as noted in the shareholder letter. On an excess return basis, sterling and euro corporates outperformed U.S. corporates. Local-currency emerging-market debt (EMD) lagged other risk-sensitive

sectors—including hard-currency debt—during the period as bond gains were pared by general weakness within the EM currency complex.

The Fund underperformed its benchmark during the reporting period. The biggest performance detractor was the overweight to corporate credit, which was a significant drag in March when investor risk aversion peaked. Duration underweights in Japan, core Europe and the U.K. during February/early March also weighed on relative performance as core markets caught a “safe-haven” bid. Active currency positioning was an overall detractor, through long positions in the Mexican peso, Colombian peso, Chilean peso and Russian ruble, as well as shorts in the Swiss franc and New Zealand dollar.

This underperformance was largely offset by out-of-index exposure to the U.S. bond market (both U.S. Treasurys and spread sectors) and an overweight to Mexican local bonds. Currency overweights to British pounds and Swedish krona, as well as shorts in Turkish lira, Hungarian forint and Thai baht also pared losses on other active currency positions.

Wellington lagged during the period. Most of the underperformance was generated at the start of the reporting period due to an ill-timed pivot to overweight duration, and during mid-2020, when the portfolio was short euros. AllianceBernstein was challenged by its overweight exposure to corporate credit (including some off-index high yield) during a period of heightened risk aversion.

Colchester outperformed and benefited from overweights in emerging local-currency debt markets (Mexico and Colombia), off-index exposure to U.S. Treasury inflation-protected securities, as well as currency overweights in Norwegian krone, Swedish krona, British pound, Mexican peso and Colombian peso.

The Fund used financial futures, interest-rate swaps and over-the-counter options during the reporting period to hedge existing exposures and gain exposure to particular areas of the market. The use of derivatives did not have a material impact on performance.

Investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. Past performance is no indication of future results.







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







     1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
to Date
International Fixed Income Fund, Class F     0.73%       3.73%       3.46%       3.26%       4.22%  
International Fixed Income Fund, Class Y     0.88%       3.96%       3.69%       3.38%       4.26%  
Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Index, Hedged     1.82%       4.94%       4.33%       4.06%       5.58%  

Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the International Fixed Income Fund, Class F versus the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex-USD Index, Hedged





For the year ended September 30, 2020. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Class F shares were offered beginning September 1, 1993. Class Y shares were offered beginning October 30, 2015. Class Y shares performance for the period prior to October 30, 2015 is derived from the performance of Class F shares. The Fund’s Class Y shares commenced operations on December 31, 2014. For periods prior to December 31, 2014, the performance of the Fund’s Class F Shares has been used. Returns for Class Y Shares would have been substantially similar to those of Class F shares and would have differed only to the extent that Class Y shares have lower total annual fund operating expenses than Class F shares. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. The returns for the period reflect fee waivers and/or reimbursements in effect for the period; absent fee waivers and reimbursements, performance would have been lower.




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)

Emerging Markets Debt Fund



I. Objective

The Emerging Markets Debt Fund (the “Fund”) seeks to maximize total return.

II. Multi-Manager Approach

The Fund uses a multi-manager approach, relying on a number of sub-advisors with differing investment approaches to manage portions of the Fund’s portfolio, under the general supervision of SEI Investments Management Corp. (“SIMC”). The Fund utilized the following sub-advisors as of September 30, 2020: Colchester Global Investors Limited (“Colchester”), Marathon Asset Management, L.P. (“Marathon”), Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC (“Neuberger Berman”), Ninety One UK Ltd (fka Investec Asset Management Ltd.) (“Ninety One”) and Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP (“Stone Harbor”).

No manager changes were made during the Fund’s fiscal year.

III. Return vs. Benchmark

For the year ended September 30, 2020, the Fund’s Class F shares underperformed a hybrid of 50% JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index (which tracks the performance of external debt instruments in the emerging markets) and 50% JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index (which tracks the performance of debt instruments issued in domestic currencies by emerging-market governments), returning -0.53% versus the Index return of -0.02%.

IV. Fund Attribution

Emerging markets began the period strongly, with both hard- and local-currency indexes posting positive returns in the fourth quarter of 2019. Emerging-market debt benefited from positive growth with high real yields and (relatively) attractive spreads, providing positive carry through the end of the calendar year.

The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic began to be realized around mid-February. Much of the damage was done by late March, with spread assets repricing two to three times wider. Emerging-market governments responded to the global slowdown and local lockdowns with fiscal packages aimed at providing help to local businesses and consumers alike (though these fiscal packages were modest in size compared to those seen in developed markets), and central banks slashed policy rates to spur consumption; some also implemented asset purchase programs aimed at maintaining liquidity.

Hard-currency markets, as represented by the JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index, saw spreads widen from under 300 basis points over U.S. Treasurys in February to slightly over 700 basis points at peak crisis in March. The ensuing recovery was mostly concentrated in higher-quality assets. The spread of the investment-grade portion of the index ended February at 196 basis points, widened to more than 400 basis points during March, and ended September back at 196 basis points. Sub-investment-grade spreads remained more than 150 basis points wider at the end of the fiscal year than where they stood at the end of February, a sign that investors remained uncomfortable moving into the riskier names of an already risky asset class.

Local rates provided a positive absolute return for the year as inflation continued to be benign and many emerging-market central banks cut policy rates in response to local lockdowns and the slowdown in global trade. Virtually every country in JP Morgan’s local-currency index saw its central bank cut its policy rate at least one time since February, though most cut rates at least twice. In all, central banks of local-index countries produced more than 50 rate cuts since February. Unlike local rates, emerging-market currencies have experienced significant weakening since the coronavirus pandemic. Many currencies weakened more than 10% to the U.S. dollar and, although they have recovered somewhat in the months since the pandemic’s initial outbreak, a majority of currencies in the local index are weaker on a 12-month basis.

The Fund underperformed its blended benchmark during the fiscal year. Overweights to Venezuela (which continued to experience a political crisis along with U.S. sanctions) and the Russian ruble (which weakened over the period with the twin problems of an economic slowdown and lower oil prices) detracted over the period. An underweight to the Polish zloty and positioning in South Africa (which was experiencing fiscal difficulties before the coronavirus slowdown began) further weakened Fund performance. Argentina and Ecuador contributed to performance as each country reached a debt restructuring deal with creditors over the summer of 2020. An underweight to Turkey (where questionable governance at the central bank produced low policy rates despite an economy dogged by high inflation) also contributed to relative return.

Colchester outperformed its local-currency benchmark, benefiting from overweights to Mexico and Colombia, but detracted from overall Fund performance due to its overweight to Brazil and underweight to Poland. Ninety One also outperformed its local-currency benchmark,







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






benefiting from an off-benchmark position to Egypt and an underweight to Turkey, but detracted from overall Fund performance due to positioning in South Africa and an underweight to Poland.

Stone Harbor outperformed and benefited from overweights to Ecuador and Mexico; the manager was hurt by exposure to Venezuela and an underweight to China. Marathon outperformed and was helped by an off-benchmark position in Israel and security selection in Ecuador, while exposure to Venezuela and an underweight to Saudi Arabia detracted. Neuberger Berman also outperformed thanks to overweights to Argentina and Egypt, while exposure to South Africa and Turkey detracted.

Currency forwards and swap contracts were used in the Fund for the one-year period ending September 30, 2020, as a way to either hedge particular positions or gain exposure to additional areas of the market. Currency forwards had a material impact on the Fund during the period as 50% of the Index is directly affected by foreign currencies. Positive and negative impacts differed on a country-to-country basis, depending on whether the forward increased or decreased currency exposure and whether the currency strengthened or weakened relative to the U.S. dollar.

Investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. Past performance is no indication of future results.



1 Year



3 Year

5 Year
10 Year
to Date
Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Class F     -0.53%       0.19%       4.60%       2.12%       7.16%  
Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Class Y     -0.33%       0.45%       4.86%       2.27%       7.23%  
JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index     1.29%       3.49%       6.15%       5.43%       8.06%  
JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index     -1.45%       0.17%       4.78%       0.52%       N/A  
50/50 Hybrid of the JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index and the JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index     -0.02%       1.89%       5.53%       3.02%       N/A  

Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Class F and Class Y, versus a 50/50 Hybrid of the Following Indexes: the JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index and the JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index




For the year ended September 30, 2020. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Class F shares were offered beginning June 26, 1997. The Fund’s Class Y shares commenced operations on December 31, 2014. For periods prior to December 31, 2014, the performance of the Fund’s Class F Shares has been used. Returns for Class Y Shares would have been substantially similar to those of Class F shares and would have differed only to the extent that Class Y shares have lower total annual fund operating expenses than Class F shares. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. The returns for the period reflect fee waivers and/or reimbursements in effect for the period; absent fee waivers and reimbursements, performance would have been lower.

N/A — Not Available.




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Equity Fund







Percentages based on total investments. Includes investments held as collateral for securities on loan (see Note 9).




  Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)



Argentina — 0.5%


MercadoLibre Inc *

    17,228       $             18,649  




Australia — 3.2%


a2 Milk Co Ltd/The *(A)

    1,652,395       16,737  

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd

    125,050       1,551  

Avita Therapeutics Inc *

    199,996       990  

BlueScope Steel Ltd

    896,249       8,179  

Brambles Ltd

    224,767       1,707  

Coles Group Ltd

    37,256       456  


    83,863       17,347  


    792,249       2,430  

Evolution Mining Ltd

    849,680       3,512  

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd

    1,647,033       19,346  

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd

    896,394       2,925  

Iluka Resources Ltd

    221,712       1,434  

Newcrest Mining Ltd

    712,097       15,960  

Orica Ltd

    318,520       3,529  

Orora Ltd

    1,270,565       2,199  

OZ Minerals Ltd

    349,366       3,528  

Rio Tinto Ltd

    202,214       13,723  

South32 Ltd

    6,544,807       9,649  

Technology One Ltd

    57,602       329  

Wesfarmers Ltd

    26,392       844  








Austria — 0.2%



    161,151       5,823  

Verbund AG, Cl A

    37,632       2,058  








Belgium — 1.2%


Ageas SA/NV

    495,494       20,274  

Colruyt SA

    58,532       3,798  

Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA

    145,793       13,167  


    48,928       5,555  
Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Umicore SA

    91,664       $             3,804  








Canada — 1.2%


Air Canada, Cl A *

    543,100       6,379  

BRP Inc *

    10,000       527  

Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd

    53,934       16,419  

Dollarama Inc

    75,700       2,893  

Nutrien Ltd (A)

    339,890       13,285  

Stantec Inc (A)

    68,200       2,064  

Sun Life Financial Inc

    150,900       6,130  








China — 1.5%


Baidu Inc ADR *

    232,815       29,472  

Beijing Capital International Airport Co Ltd, Cl H

    5,718,000       3,447  

China Communications Services Corp Ltd, Cl H

    4,389,584       2,591  

China Lesso Group Holdings Ltd

    327,000       593  

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd, Cl H

    9,454,000       4,932  

STMicroelectronics NV

    48,311       1,486  

Tencent Holdings Ltd

    233,100       15,717  








Denmark — 3.1%


Ambu A/S, Cl B (A)

    47,633       1,347  

AP Moller - Maersk A/S, Cl B

    1,656       2,625  

Carlsberg AS, Cl B

    95,260       12,840  


    113,970       18,522  

Genmab A/S *

    6,406       2,320  

H Lundbeck A/S

    151,129       4,985  

Novo Nordisk A/S, Cl B

    429,553       29,697  

Novozymes A/S, Cl B

    16,007       1,004  

Orsted A/S

    73,960       10,152  

Pandora A/S *

    43,948       3,147  

ROCKWOOL International A/S, Cl B

    18,518       7,091  

Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S

    644,917       9,567  

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

    118,670       19,181  








Finland — 1.1%


Kone Oyj, Cl B

    167,622       14,722  

Neste Oyj

    146,007       7,669  

Nokia Oyj *

    1,229,753       4,818  

Nokia Oyj ADR *

    1,095,554       4,284  

Orion Oyj, Cl B

    207,978       9,399  

Stora Enso Oyj, Cl R

    131,736       2,059  








France — 8.6%


Air France-KLM *(A)

    201,300       696  

Airbus SE *

    163,947       11,928  

Amundi SA *

    54,884       3,873  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)



    615,052         $            11,343  


    4,660       730  

BNP Paribas SA

    556,412       20,173  

Bollore SA

    2,803,117       10,462  

Carrefour SA

    1,421,223       22,769  

Cie de Saint-Gobain *

    88,633       3,728  

Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA, Cl B

    7,894       842  

CNP Assurances *

    112,984       1,412  

Credit Agricole SA *

    1,023,476       8,957  

Criteo SA ADR *

    60,571       738  

Danone SA

    165,707       10,703  


    81,226       3,649  

Engie SA *

    1,213,062       16,222  

EssilorLuxottica SA *

    54,965       7,477  

Iliad SA

    761       140  

Ipsen SA

    45,627       4,784  


    18,645       467  

L’Oreal SA

    30,317       9,857  

LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE

    30,077       14,067  

Nexans SA *

    25,765       1,489  

Pernod Ricard SA

    48,610       7,756  

Peugeot SA *

    447,567       8,116  

Publicis Groupe SA

    381,789       12,342  

Renault SA *

    107,400       2,788  

Rexel SA *

    527,080       6,628  


    505,274       50,526  

Sartorius Stedim Biotech

    24,563       8,478  

Schneider Electric SE

    78,011       9,670  

Thales SA

    215,152       16,193  


    380,375       12,980  

Ubisoft Entertainment SA *

    78,877       7,118  

Valeo SA

    153,850       4,728  

Vinci SA

    113,140       9,473  

Vivendi SA

    308,400       8,578  

Wendel SE

    15,501       1,408  








Germany — 8.5%


adidas AG *

    27,977       9,029  

Allianz SE

    106,120       20,359  


    395,561       24,049  

Bayer AG

    508,676       31,330  

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

    62,482       4,525  


    237,111       1,167  

Deutsche Boerse AG

    56,898       9,977  

Deutsche Post AG

    1,078,925       49,071  


    431,930       4,763  

Evonik Industries AG

    50,057       1,296  

Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA

    219,531       18,533  

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG

    24,359       427  

Hannover Rueck SE

    7,749       1,197  

HeidelbergCement AG

    22,099       1,352  
Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


HelloFresh SE *

    138,970         $            7,755  

Infineon Technologies AG

    609,071       17,132  


    111,152       9,495  

Linde PLC

    68,010       16,077  

Rheinmetall AG

    49,680       4,468  


    277,463       10,378  


    204,390       31,769  

Scout24 AG

    22,886       1,998  

Siemens AG

    402,821       50,900  

Siemens Energy AG *

    201,411       5,432  

thyssenkrupp AG *

    26,790       135  








Greece — 0.0%


Aegean Airlines SA *

    12,601       46  

National Bank of Greece SA *

    89,899       114  








Hong Kong — 1.9%


AIA Group Ltd

    1,451,200       14,386  

BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd

    385,000       1,024  

Chaoda Modern Agriculture Holdings Ltd *

    2,440,000       16  


    839,084       620  

CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd

    194,500       1,178  

Country Garden Services Holdings Co Ltd

    402,000       2,604  

Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd

    325,734       15,358  

Lenovo Group Ltd

    2,622,000       1,739  


    293,100       2,399  

Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd

    1,683,000       2,133  

Power Assets Holdings Ltd

    10,000       53  

Sands China Ltd *

    1,242,800       4,840  

SJM Holdings Ltd

    8,483,340       10,119  

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd

    444,000       5,914  

Topsports International Holdings Ltd

    5,332,000       7,428  

West China Cement Ltd

    3,744,000       557  

Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd

    166,000       680  

Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co Ltd

    1,226,800       1,189  








India — 0.2%


HDFC Bank Ltd ADR *

    180,834       9,034  




Ireland — 1.5%


Experian PLC

    409,652       15,433  


    158,190       30,229  

Ryanair Holdings PLC *

    59,824       797  

Ryanair Holdings PLC ADR *

    156,760       12,817  








Israel — 0.8%


Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM

    1,668,755       7,381  

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd *

    100,467       12,090  

Isracard Ltd


Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd

    30,121       536  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Equity Fund (Continued)



Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Nice Ltd *

    9,345       $ 2,123  

Nice Ltd ADR *(A)

    41,714       9,470  








Italy — 2.7%



    293,978       428  

Assicurazioni Generali SpA

    819,445       11,537  

Banca Mediolanum SpA

    299,871       2,158  

De’ Longhi SpA *

    2,846       97  

Enel SpA

    1,195,704       10,378  


    115,844       6,309  

Ferrari NV

    54,815       10,059  

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV *

    495,169       6,073  

FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA *

    669,767       9,246  

Hera SpA

    636,483       2,353  

Pirelli & C SpA *

    1,251,944       5,370  

Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica SpA

    181,268       9,287  

Telecom Italia SpA/Milano

    6,763,117       2,721  

Tenaris SA

    888,739       4,430  

UniCredit SpA *

    2,842,801       23,463  








Japan — 18.7%


77 Bank Ltd/The

    33,364       515  

Advantest Corp

    208,000       10,087  

AEON Financial Service Co Ltd

    29,500       268  

Arcland Sakamoto Co Ltd

    33,873       694  


    14,400       588  

Bandai Namco Holdings Inc

    76,600       5,601  

Canon Marketing Japan Inc

    106,500       2,125  

Capcom Co Ltd

    193,300       10,797  

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd

    132,300       5,931  

CyberAgent Inc

    167,800       10,364  

Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd

    491,900       9,959  

Daifuku Co Ltd

    10,300       1,037  

Daito Trust Construction Co Ltd

    81,900       7,252  

Daiwa House Industry Co Ltd

    290,800       7,456  

Disco Corp

    800       194  

East Japan Railway Co

    129,200       7,940  


    102,200       19,674  

Fuji Electric Co Ltd

    36,800       1,163  

FUJIFILM Holdings Corp

    213,800       10,536  

Fujitsu Ltd

    258,100       35,298  

Glory Ltd

    57,200       1,273  

Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc

    106,900       1,380  

Haseko Corp

    231,200       3,033  

Hikari Tsushin Inc

    3,700       879  

Hitachi Ltd

    369,667       12,509  


    207,800       5,310  

Itoki Corp

    21,300       73  

Japan Airlines Co Ltd *

    319,000       5,972  

Japan Exchange Group Inc

    364,400       10,164  
Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd *

    313,900       $ 2,135  

Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd

    45,200       710  

Kao Corp

    124,200       9,294  


    430,900       10,858  

Keyence Corp

    28,200       13,134  

Kokuyo Co Ltd

    103,900       1,303  

Komatsu Ltd

    447,900       9,844  

Konami Holdings Corp

    132,000       5,705  

K’s Holdings Corp

    82,700       1,115  

Kyocera Corp

    60,700       3,466  

Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd

    223,400       6,347  

Lion Corp

    41,300       849  

Mabuchi Motor Co Ltd

    389,800       15,123  

Mebuki Financial Group Inc

    77,900       176  

Mitsubishi Electric Corp

    294,600       3,988  

Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd

    556,000       8,375  

Mixi Inc (A)

    121,300       3,257  

Mizuno Corp *

    41,500       750  

MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc

    671,000       17,987  

Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    266,100       17,168  

Nexon Co Ltd

    293,600       7,314  

Nihon Unisys Ltd

    159,700       5,031  

Nikon Corp

    90,100       606  

Nintendo Co Ltd

    39,100       22,187  

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp

    585,800       11,933  

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp ADR

    840,932       17,374  

Nitori Holdings Co Ltd

    38,800       8,054  

Nitto Denko Corp

    44,100       2,874  

Nomura Holdings Inc

    537,100       2,437  


    475,200       17,512  


    672,800       8,349  

Otsuka Corp

    199,100       10,181  

Panasonic Corp

    1,264,500       10,705  

PeptiDream Inc *

    221,200       10,352  

Persol Holdings Co Ltd *

    139,100       2,263  

Rakuten Inc *

    906,100       9,770  

Recruit Holdings Co Ltd *

    278,700       11,111  

Renesas Electronics Corp *

    32,900       240  

Rohm Co Ltd

    200,800       15,480  

Sankyo Co Ltd

    103,300       2,708  

Sanwa Holdings Corp

    178,600       1,896  

SBI Holdings Inc/Japan

    518,000       13,398  

Secom Co Ltd

    52,400       4,791  

Seiko Holdings Corp *

    42,200       569  

Sekisui House Ltd

    745,614       13,146  

Seria Co Ltd

    7,600       323  

Seven & i Holdings Co Ltd

    494,900       15,293  

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

    88,086       11,490  

Shiseido Co Ltd

    135,700       7,780  

Sompo Holdings Inc

    197,500       6,801  

Sony Corp ADR

    77,850       5,975  

Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd

    96,100       1,267  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc

    317,400     $ 8,811  

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc

    365,822       9,708  

Suruga Bank Ltd

    45,700       165  

Suzuki Motor Corp *

    151,937       6,490  

Sysmex Corp

    2,600       248  

T&D Holdings Inc

    257,000       2,523  

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd

    1,077,400       38,421  

TDK Corp

    24,500       2,674  

Terumo Corp

    250,900       9,985  


    238,900       5,062  

Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc *

    1,117,600       3,074  

Tokyo Electron Ltd (A)

    49,700       12,958  

Tomy Co Ltd

    135,700       1,166  

Toppan Printing Co Ltd

    92,600       1,303  

Toshiba Corp

    142,000       3,607  

Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd

    36,600       1,935  

Toyota Industries Corp

    110,578       6,982  

Toyota Motor Corp ADR (A)

    115,231       15,261  

Universal Entertainment *

    317,053       5,808  

Yamada Holdings Co Ltd

    296,800       1,478  

Z Holdings Corp *

    1,632,900       10,873  


    95,500       2,662  








Malta — 0.0%


BGP Holdings *(B)





Mexico — 0.3%


Arca Continental SAB de CV

    1,940,380       8,378  

Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV, Cl O *

    1,077,720       3,729  








Netherlands — 6.3%


Aalberts NV

    44,615       1,609  

Adyen NV *

    4,775       8,799  

Akzo Nobel NV

    357,544       36,264  

ArcelorMittal SA *

    299,342       4,003  

ASML Holding NV

    26,828       9,896  

ASR Nederland NV

    180,815       6,100  

Galapagos NV *

    19,180       2,726  

ING Groep NV *

    5,070,405       36,025  

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV

    963,857       28,556  

Koninklijke DSM NV

    135,711       22,373  

Koninklijke Philips NV *

    303,632       14,292  

Koninklijke Vopak NV

    43,888       2,476  

NN Group NV

    128,474       4,823  

PostNL NV *

    1,207,552       3,688  

Prosus NV *

    103,775       9,584  

Randstad NV *

    153,948       8,034  

Royal Dutch Shell PLC ADR, Cl B

    429,732       10,408  

Wolters Kluwer NV

    436,924       37,286  








Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


New Zealand — 0.3%


a2 Milk Co Ltd/The *

    569,604       $ 5,783  

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd

    175,906       3,861  








Norway — 0.8%


Aker BioMarine AS *

    47,749       475  

Atlantic Sapphire ASA *

    1,293,932       15,224  

Equinor ASA

    544,173       7,708  

Kahoot! AS *

    1,409,188       6,469  








Portugal — 0.0%


EDP - Energias de Portugal SA

    305,767       1,503  




Singapore — 0.7%


City Developments Ltd

    1,883,900       10,558  

DBS Group Holdings Ltd

    467,400       6,864  

Hong Leong Finance Ltd

    61,282       102  

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd

    1,022,635       6,350  

Venture Corp Ltd

    83,000       1,174  








South Africa — 0.0%


DataTec Ltd *

    100,188       133  

Investec PLC

    416,323       775  








South Korea — 2.3%


BNK Financial Group Inc

    353,064       1,525  

Kangwon Land Inc

    490,300       8,999  


    389,057       3,739  

Kumho Petrochemical Co Ltd

    101,720       9,548  

LG Electronics Inc

    93,216       7,343  

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd

    457,615       22,751  

SK Hynix Inc

    257,292       18,440  

SK Telecom Co Ltd ADR

    787,189       17,649  








Spain — 1.8%


Aena SME SA *

    53,573       7,486  

Amadeus IT Group SA, Cl A

    284,786       15,857  

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA *

    4,074,280       11,331  

Banco Santander SA *

    3,188,173       5,962  

CaixaBank SA

    4,907,558       10,422  

Cia de Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings SA

    57,814       992  

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA

    372,398       10,045  

Unicaja Banco SA *

    11,477,455       8,625  








Sweden — 3.1%


Alfa Laval AB *

    34,212       757  

Atlas Copco AB, Cl A

    222,603       10,625  

Axfood AB

    33,444       767  

Betsson AB

    131,332       1,011  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Equity Fund (Continued)



Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Byggmax Group AB *

    148,444     $ 878  

Elanders AB, Cl B *

    3,872       30  

Electrolux AB, Cl B

    396,816       9,269  

Essity AB, Cl B

    591,372       19,967  

Evolution Gaming Group AB

    33,346       2,214  

Getinge AB, Cl B

    170,531       3,717  

Hennes & Mauritz AB, Cl B *

    70,739       1,220  

Husqvarna AB, Cl B

    725,567       7,983  

ICA Gruppen AB (A)

    109,424       5,569  

Kinnevik AB *

    88,053       3,588  


    176,215       3,216  

Sandvik AB *

    322,819       6,300  

Securitas AB, Cl B *

    93,252       1,427  


    209,999       4,331  

Swedish Match AB

    198,481       16,231  

Tele2 AB, Cl B (A)

    375,530       5,317  

Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ADR (A)

    218,705       2,382  

Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Cl B

    385,497       4,223  

Telia Co AB

    163,350       671  

Volvo AB, Cl B *

    533,128       10,284  








Switzerland — 8.9%



    796,088       20,276  

Adecco Group AG

    388,625       20,500  

Alcon Inc *

    186,979       10,623  

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Cl A

    308,640       20,672  

Clariant AG *

    161,467       3,190  

Coca-Cola HBC AG *

    500,359       12,384  

Credit Suisse Group AG

    1,135,097       11,397  

dormakaba Holding AG

    2,973       1,613  

EMS-Chemie Holding AG

    7,574       6,802  

Geberit AG

    10,772       6,391  

Lonza Group AG

    42,038       25,956  

Nestle SA

    107,994       12,855  

Novartis AG

    577,522       50,191  

Partners Group Holding AG

    8,954       8,264  

Roche Holding AG

    189,991       65,244  

Schindler Holding AG

    20,643       5,643  

Sika AG

    50,315       12,371  

Sonova Holding AG *

    3,121       789  

Straumann Holding AG

    7,808       7,897  

Swatch Group AG/The

    20,157       4,700  

Swiss Life Holding AG

    8,627       3,273  

Tecan Group AG

    3,228       1,613  

UBS Group AG (A)

    1,909,976       21,317  

Vifor Pharma AG

    29,978       4,086  

Zurich Insurance Group AG

    22,328       7,792  








Taiwan — 1.9%


Acter Group Corp Ltd

    16,000       106  

Asustek Computer Inc

    107,000       940  
Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Chicony Electronics Co Ltd

    687,000     $ 2,007  

Chipmos Technologies Inc *

    1,894,000       1,879  

Compal Electronics Inc

    3,330,000       2,200  

eGalax_eMPIA Technology Inc

    406,000       745  

Foxconn Technology Co Ltd

    605,000       1,082  

General Interface Solution Holding Ltd

    206,000       895  

Gigabyte Technology Co Ltd

    445,000       1,171  

Global Mixed Mode Technology Inc

    91,000       482  

Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

    2,871,000       7,716  

Lite-On Technology Corp

    2,772,000       4,427  

MediaTek Inc

    894,252       18,926  

Micro-Star International Co Ltd

    542,000       2,511  

Novatek Microelectronics Corp

    93,000       859  

Pegatron Corp

    552,000       1,225  

Sanyang Motor Co Ltd

    264,000       205  

Simplo Technology Co Ltd

    246,000       2,561  

Sitronix Technology Corp

    173,000       786  

Synnex Technology International Corp

    1,787,000       2,558  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd ADR

    228,545       18,528  

Topco Scientific Co Ltd

    219,000       869  








Turkey — 0.0%


BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS *

    97,034       878  




United Arab Emirates — 0.0%


Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank PJSC

    202,345       237  




United Kingdom — 7.9%


Aggreko PLC

    165,796       789  

Anglo American PLC

    203,130       4,905  

Antofagasta PLC

    129,878       1,709  

AstraZeneca PLC

    82,366       9,010  

AstraZeneca PLC ADR

    66,820       3,662  

Aviva PLC

    3,414,771       12,587  

B&M European Value Retail SA

    166,334       1,061  

Balfour Beatty PLC *

    1,931,941       5,579  

Barclays PLC *

    10,929,043       13,803  

Barratt Developments PLC *

    702,432       4,308  


    511,341       10,916  


    2,850,167       8,302  

British American Tobacco PLC

    478,024       17,190  

BT Group PLC, Cl A

    1,065,250       1,353  

Compass Group PLC *

    553,170       8,330  

Computacenter PLC

    62,379       1,911  

Dialog Semiconductor PLC *

    45,565       1,988  

Evraz PLC

    1,669,026       7,410  

Ferguson PLC

    51,964       5,247  

Ferrexpo PLC

    524,939       1,198  

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

    670,993       12,577  

GVC Holdings PLC *

    374,324       4,686  

Hays PLC *

    1,583,408       2,308  

Howden Joinery Group PLC *

    64,573       492  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Inchcape PLC *

    215,309       $ 1,225  

Indivior PLC *

    415,882       630  

International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (A)

    3,842,716       4,690  

Investec PLC

    657,648       1,213  

J Sainsbury PLC

    273,832       675  


    61,134       530  

Johnson Matthey PLC

    94,700       2,878  

Kingfisher PLC *

    3,641,566       13,956  

Legal & General Group PLC

    2,331,659       5,644  

London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    103,547       11,869  


    1,861,325       3,834  

Micro Focus International PLC *

    226,117       717  

National Grid PLC

    974,019       11,202  

Next PLC *

    40,361       3,093  

Ninety One PLC *(A)

    375,849       987  

Ocado Group PLC *

    5,768       205  

Pagegroup PLC *

    97,734       472  

Playtech Plc *

    36,739       172  

Plus500 Ltd

    44,090       895  

Prudential PLC

    1,511,808       21,684  

QinetiQ Group PLC

    171,097       613  

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

    60,193       5,891  


    193,542       4,313  

Rio Tinto PLC

    76,571       4,607  

Rio Tinto PLC ADR

    79,425       4,796  

Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC *(A)

    5,048,574       8,421  

Royal Mail PLC *

    646,648       1,992  

Smith & Nephew PLC

    541,054       10,586  

Tate & Lyle PLC

    239,520       2,059  

Taylor Wimpey PLC *

    6,401,196       8,953  

Tesco PLC

    4,941,464       13,575  

Unilever PLC

    36,791       2,269  

Vodafone Group PLC

    5,140,903       6,844  

WH Smith PLC

    325,213       4,005  








United States — 4.9%


Accenture PLC, Cl A

    112,246       25,366  

Aon PLC, Cl A

    38,530       7,949  

Aptiv PLC *

    113,689       10,423  

ASML Holding NV, Cl G

    35,225       13,008  

Atlassian Corp PLC, Cl A *

    97,277       17,684  

Axis Capital Holdings Ltd

    308,388       13,582  

Coca-Cola European Partners PLC

    100,448       3,898  

Flex Ltd *

    1,018,773       11,349  

IHS Markit Ltd

    125,000       9,814  

Lululemon Athletica Inc *

    40,222       13,248  

Medtronic PLC

    93,264       9,692  

Mettler-Toledo International Inc *

    10,220       9,870  

Nomad Foods Ltd *

    399,072       10,168  

ResMed Inc

    76,878       13,179  

Shopify Inc, Cl A *

    12,800       13,094  
Description   Shares     Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)



    56,651       $ 9,981  








Total Common Stock
(Cost $3,401,185) ($ Thousands)








Germany — 1.3%


Henkel AG & Co KGaA, 2.200%

    84,950       8,880  

Porsche Automobil Holding SE, 3.900%

    59,634       3,550  

Volkswagen AG, 3.200%

    251,643       40,422  








South Korea — 0.7%


Hyundai Motor Co (C)

    132,660       9,616  

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (C)

    381,858       16,452  








Total Preferred Stock
(Cost $73,157) ($ Thousands)






        Number of

RIGHTS — 0.0%*


Taiwan — 0.0%


Simplo Technology Co Ltd





Total Rights
(Cost $—) ($ Thousands)









SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P.
0.100% **(D)

    94,804,714       94,836  




Total Affiliated Partnership
(Cost $94,827) ($ Thousands)








SEI Daily Income Trust, Government Fund,
Cl F 0.010%**

    71,396,914       71,397  




Total Cash Equivalent
(Cost $71,397) ($ Thousands)






Total Investments in Securities — 100.4%
(Cost $3,640,566) ($ Thousands)


    $ 3,915,670  







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Equity Fund (Concluded)



A list of the open futures contracts held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Type of Contract    Number of
Contracts Long
     Notional Amount
     Unrealized Appreciation
(Depreciation) (Thousands)

Euro STOXX 50

     817        Dec-2020        $ 31,923          $ 30,600          $ (1,013)   

FTSE 100 Index

     195        Dec-2020        15,055          14,726          (410)   

Hang Seng Index

     21        Nov-2020        3,150          3,175          24    

SPI 200 Index

     76        Dec-2020        8,155          7,901          (115)   


     147        Dec-2020        21,957          22,643          539    









           $ 80,240          $ 79,045          $ (975)   











Percentages are based on Net Assets of $3,899,792 ($ Thousands).



Non-income producing security.



The rate reported is the 7-day effective yield as of September 30, 2020.



Investment in Affiliated Security (see Note 5).



Real Estate Investment Trust.


Expiration date not available.



Certain securities or partial positions of certain securities are on loan at September 30, 2020 (See Note 9). The total market value of securities on loan at September 30, 2020 was $90,323 ($ Thousands).



Level 3 security in accordance with fair value hierarchy.



There is currently no rate available.



This security was purchased with cash collateral held from securities on loan. The total market value of such securities as of September 30, 2020 was $94,836 ($ Thousands).

ADR — American Depositary Receipt

Cl — Class

FTSE— Financial Times and Stock Exchange

L.P. — Limited Partnership

Ltd. — Limited

PJSC — Public Joint-Stock Company

PLC — Public Limited Company

REIT — Real Estate investment Trust

SPI — Share Price Index

TOPIX- Tokyo Price Index

The following is a list of the level of inputs used as of September 30, 2020, in valuing the Fund’s investments and other financial instruments carried at value ($ Thousands):


Investments in Securities   

Level 1



Level 2


     Level 3




Common Stock

     3,667,301          3,216          ^         3,670,517    

Preferred Stock

     78,920          –          –          78,920    


     –          –          –          –    

Affiliated Partnership

     –          94,836          –          94,836    

Cash Equivalent

     71,397          –          –          71,397    













Total Investments in Securities

     3,817,618          98,052          –          3,915,670    












Other Financial Instruments      Level 1
       Level 2
       Level 3




Futures Contracts*


Unrealized Appreciation

     563           –          –          563    

Unrealized Depreciation

     (1,538)          –          –          (1,538)   













Total Other Financial Instruments

            (975)              –              –              (975)    













^One security with a market value of $0.

*Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.

For the year ended September 30, 2020, there were no transfers in or out of Level 3.

For more information on valuation inputs, see Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies in Notes to Financial Statements.



The following is a summary of the transactions with affiliates for the year ended September 30, 2020 ($ Thousands):


Security Description

    Purchases at  
   Proceeds from 
    Realized Gain     Change in
  Shares       Income       Capital Gains

SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P.

  $122,509   $ 728,493   $ (756,182)   $13   $ 3   $94,836       94,804,714       $1,027   $ —

SEI Daily Income Trust, Government Fund, Cl F

  83,730   358,479   (370,812)       71,397   71,396,914   439     —

















  $206,239   $1,086,972   $(1,126,994)   $13   $ 3   $166,233     $1,466   $ —
















Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020


September 30, 2020

Emerging Market Equity Fund





Percentages based on total investments. Includes investments held as collateral for securities on loan (see Note 9).


Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)



Argentina — 0.2%


MercadoLibre Inc *

    2,718       $ 2,942  




Austria — 0.1%


Erste Group Bank AG

    66,053       1,381  




Brazil — 3.7%


Ambev SA *

    630,200       1,407  

Arezzo Industria e Comercio SA

    145,800       1,392  

Atacadao SA *

    225,310       814  

B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao

    631,020       6,171  

Banco Bradesco SA ADR *

    1,115,411       3,826  

Banco do Brasil SA *

    456,813       2,407  

Banco Santander Brasil SA

    450,800       2,231  


    331,800       750  

Cia de Saneamento do Parana *

    132,783       597  

Cosan Ltd, Cl A

    51,454       764  

Cosan SA

    184,600       2,242  

CPFL Energia SA

    133,655       655  

Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes

    333,098       1,383  

Duratex SA *

    584,887       1,851  

Energisa SA

    436,168       3,196  

Engie Brasil Energia SA

    49,200       353  

Gerdau SA ADR

    608,335       2,251  

Hypera SA *

    192,500       1,015  


    186,066       683  

Lojas Renner SA

    129,100       910  

Magazine Luiza SA

    32,799       521  

Notre Dame Intermedica Participacoes SA

    121,400       1,404  

Petrobras Distribuidora SA

    298,489       1,076  

Petroleo Brasileiro SA

    21,549       153  

Petroleo Brasileiro SA ADR

    833,246       5,933  

Porto Seguro SA

    107,757       921  
Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Qualicorp Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros SA

    132,618       $ 803  

Rumo SA *

    2,306,197       7,807  

SLC Agricola SA

    130,921       598  

TIM Participacoes SA *

    885,600       2,046  

TIM Participacoes SA ADR *

    42,119       486  


    456,657       2,187  

Vale SA ADR, Cl B

    228,963       2,422  


    81,666       947  

YDUQS Participacoes SA

    125,688       611  








Canada — 0.9%


First Quantum Minerals Ltd

    1,264,992       11,241  

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd, Cl A *

    427,514       1,549  

Pan American Silver Corp

    38,277       1,231  

Parex Resources Inc *

    134,497       1,413  








Chile — 0.2%


Falabella SA

    227,607       665  

Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA ADR (A)

    65,886       2,136  








China — 25.7%


Communication Services — 7.4%


Baidu Inc ADR *

    21,156       2,678  

Focus Media Information Technology Co Ltd, Cl A

    5,911,041       7,034  


    32,084       2,588  

Momo Inc ADR *

    149,967       2,064  

NetEase Inc ADR

    34,764       15,806  

Tencent Holdings Ltd

    1,233,777       83,189  

Tencent Music Entertainment Group ADR *

    174,702       2,580  

Weibo Corp ADR *

    41,089       1,497  

Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co Ltd, Cl A

    1,273,000       7,444  








Consumer Discretionary — 9.8%


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd ADR

    235,928       69,358  

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd

    699,208       25,193  

ANTA Sports Products Ltd

    68,000       712  

BYD Co Ltd, Cl H

    61,000       971  

Chow Tai Seng Jewellery Co Ltd, Cl A

    428,493       1,574  

Great Wall Motor Co Ltd, Cl H

    782,000       1,002  

Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai, Cl A

    496,600       3,917  

Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co Ltd, Cl A

    808,661       3,900  

Huazhu Group Ltd ADR

    100,693       4,354  

JD.com Inc ADR

    180,732       14,027  

New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc ADR *

    36,907       5,518  

Oppein Home Group Inc, Cl A

    125,254       1,990  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Market Equity Fund (Continued)



Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Pinduoduo Inc ADR *

    57,979       $ 4,299  

Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Group Co Ltd, Cl A

    1,922,200       2,502  

Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd

    68,100       1,163  

Suofeiya Home Collection Co Ltd, Cl A

    635,400       2,470  

TAL Education Group ADR *

    19,545       1,486  

Trip.com Group Ltd ADR *

    158,839       4,946  

Vipshop Holdings Ltd ADR *

    35,753       559  

Yum China Holdings Inc *

    39,001       2,065  

Zhejiang Supor Co Ltd, Cl A *

    104,010       1,209  

Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd

    1,897,867       11,974  








Consumer Staples — 0.7%


Angel Yeast Co Ltd, Cl A

    49,600       445  

Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd, Cl A

    10,000       2,462  

Laobaixing Pharmacy Chain JSC, Cl A

    83,520       1,020  

Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp

    1,292,000       2,280  

Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd, Cl H

    126,000       1,029  

Uni-President China Holdings Ltd

    646,000       595  

Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd, Cl A

    79,700       2,602  

Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd, Cl A

    1,643,100       1,896  








Energy — 0.1%


Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Group Co Ltd, Cl A

    316,097       1,389  




Financials — 3.6%


Agricultural Bank of China Ltd, Cl H

    9,356,000       2,937  

Bank of China Ltd, Cl H

    10,387,000       3,235  

China Construction Bank Corp, Cl H

    17,087,328       11,156  

China Life Insurance Co Ltd, Cl H

    1,912,498       4,324  

China Merchants Bank Co Ltd, Cl H

    1,168,966       5,563  

CITIC Securities Co Ltd, Cl H

    193,500       434  

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd, Cl H

    17,355,068       9,054  

Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co Ltd, Cl A

    3,007,774       3,454  

Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd, Cl H

    2,030,004       21,029  








Health Care — 0.9%


BeiGene Ltd ADR *

    4,364       1,250  

China National Medicines Corp Ltd, Cl A

    304,000       1,950  

Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Ltd, Cl A

    237,000       4,878  

Huadong Medicine Co Ltd, Cl A

    323,200       1,175  

Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co Ltd, Cl A

    21,200       569  

Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Cl A

    841,598       2,759  

Zai Lab Ltd ADR *

    8,078       672  
Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Zhejiang NHU Co Ltd, Cl A

    592,525       $ 2,605  








Industrials — 1.2%


China Lesso Group Holdings Ltd

    2,242,000       4,066  

NARI Technology Co Ltd, Cl A

    1,012,783       2,950  

Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co Ltd, Cl A

    172,500       1,474  

Sinotruk Hong Kong Ltd

    1,570,580       4,059  

Zhejiang Expressway Co Ltd, Cl H

    4,404,000       3,185  

Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Co


Ltd, Cl A

    903,786       2,132  

ZTO Express Cayman Inc ADR *

    57,281       1,714  








Information Technology — 1.0%


Beijing Sinnet Technology Co Ltd, Cl A

    1,034,547       3,420  

Beijing Thunisoft Corp Ltd, Cl A

    366,400       1,291  

Chaozhou Three-Circle Group Co Ltd, Cl A

    267,226       1,140  

Sangfor Technologies Inc, Cl A

    139,691       4,363  

Shenzhen Sunway Communication Co Ltd, Cl A

    833,290       6,749  








Materials — 0.7%


Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd, Cl H

    941,963       6,530  

China Jushi Co Ltd, Cl A

    245,900       524  

China National Building Material Co Ltd, Cl H

    1,084,733       1,382  

Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co Ltd, Cl A *

    641,013       3,299  

Zhejiang Juhua Co Ltd, Cl A

    700       1  








Real Estate — 0.3%


KWG Group Holdings Ltd

    1,497,803       2,585  

Longfor Group Holdings Ltd

    313,197       1,775  












Colombia — 0.2%


Bancolombia SA ADR, Cl R

    63,513       1,623  

Ecopetrol SA ADR

    73,423       722  

Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA

    148,552       795  








Cyprus — 0.1%


TCS Group Holding PLC GDR

    73,758       1,958  




Czech Republic — 0.2%


Moneta Money Bank AS

    1,277,345       2,937  




Egypt — 0.1%


Commercial International Bank Egypt SAE

    525,769       2,221  




Germany — 0.4%


Delivery Hero SE *

    53,642       6,169  




Greece — 0.3%


Cairo Mezz PLC *

    444,897       38  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings SA *

    5,653,895       $ 2,501  

Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA

    62,188       895  


    25,080       438  


    89,224       845  








Hong Kong — 10.8%


3SBio Inc *(A)

    2,435,500       2,772  

AIA Group Ltd

    265,400       2,631  

A-Living Services Co Ltd, Cl H

    1,193,812       6,089  

ASM Pacific Technology Ltd

    279,400       2,860  

AviChina Industry & Technology Co Ltd, Cl H

    1,455,000       836  

BAIC Motor Corp Ltd, Cl H

    4,836,000       1,986  

Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd

    961,000       2,903  

Beijing Enterprises Water Group Ltd

    3,926,000       1,531  

Chaoda Modern Agriculture Holdings Ltd *

    2,056,181       13  

China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd

    418,500       1,948  

China Education Group Holdings Ltd

    1,694,000       3,120  

China Gas Holdings Ltd

    1,574,200       4,507  

China High Precision Automation Group Ltd *


China Medical System Holdings Ltd

    2,642,000       2,930  

China Meidong Auto Holdings Ltd

    284,000       1,094  

China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd

    235,000       1,113  

China Mobile Ltd

    1,483,909       9,542  

China Resources Beer Holdings Co Ltd

    173,465       1,066  

China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd

    1,010,203       1,392  

China Resources Land Ltd

    794,000       3,622  

China State Construction International Holdings Ltd

    2,131,123       1,401  

Chinasoft International Ltd

    1,530,004       1,119  


    10,717,462       10,359  

Country Garden Services Holdings Co Ltd

    290,801       1,884  

CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd

    584,000       1,144  

Dali Foods Group Co Ltd

    4,392,000       2,703  

Far East Horizon Ltd

    705,884       575  

Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co Ltd, Cl H

    264,400       976  

Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd *

    401,800       2,717  

Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd

    2,898,000       5,843  

GF Securities Co Ltd, Cl H

    669,200       853  

Greentown Management Holdings Co Ltd *

    1,223,429       484  

Haier Electronics Group Co Ltd

    783,407       2,849  

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd *

    150,000       735  

Hengan International Group Co Ltd

    119,000       870  

Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd

    149,500       7,049  

Huatai Securities Co Ltd, Cl H

    2,454,000       4,041  

Huazhu Group Ltd *

    14,900       661  

Innovent Biologics Inc *

    126,000       941  

JD.com Inc, Cl A *

    106,450       4,114  

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd

    1,557,000       803  

Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd

    1,541,500       2,127  

Kunlun Energy Co Ltd

    1,750,000       1,158  
Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Lenovo Group Ltd

    1,468,000       $ 974  

Li Ning Co Ltd

    701,114       3,296  


    382,816       3,133  

Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc, Cl H

    125,072       572  

Logan Group Co Ltd

    3,874,000       6,196  

Lonking Holdings Ltd

    2,166,000       578  

Luye Pharma Group Ltd

    2,380,500       1,393  

Meituan Dianping, Cl B *

    399,238       12,600  

Minth Group Ltd

    1,302,000       5,708  

Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd

    2,747,070       3,481  

Q Technology Group Co Ltd

    603,000       679  

Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd

    1,305,000       1,744  

Shanghai Industrial Urban Development Group Ltd

    261,000       25  

Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd, Cl H

    906,800       1,525  

Shenzhen International Holdings Ltd

    14,524       23  

Shimao Group Holdings Ltd

    237,500       990  

Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd

    847,269       933  

SITC International Holdings Co Ltd

    387,000       539  

SJM Holdings Ltd

    2,299,000       2,742  

Sunny Optical Technology Group Co Ltd

    363,629       5,621  

Techtronic Industries Co Ltd

    161,425       2,150  

Tianneng Power International Ltd (A)

    514,000       928  

Topsports International Holdings Ltd

    775,000       1,080  

United Laboratories International Holdings Ltd/The

    668,602       692  

Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc *

    70,361       1,729  

Xiabuxiabu Catering Management China Holdings Co Ltd (A)

    1,600,500       1,983  

Xiaomi Corp, Cl B *

    1,349,400       3,609  

Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd

    1,720,000       3,477  

Yihai International Holding Ltd

    83,000       1,305  

ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance Co Ltd, Cl H *(A)

    313,100       1,569  

Zhou Hei Ya International Holdings Co Ltd (A)

    969,500       1,016  

Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co Ltd

    1,714,710       1,663  








Hungary — 0.4%


OTP Bank Nyrt *

    20,205       608  

Richter Gedeon Nyrt

    303,336       6,414  








India — 9.3%


Ambuja Cements Ltd

    757,374       2,236  

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd

    72,837       2,125  

Aurobindo Pharma Ltd

    66,294       718  

Bajaj Auto Ltd

    65,984       2,580  

Bharat Electronics Ltd

    542,788       708  

Britannia Industries Ltd

    16,480       850  

Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd ADR

    15,819       1,100  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Market Equity Fund (Continued)



Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Escorts Ltd

    147,194       $ 2,646  

Essel Propack Ltd

    923,632       3,054  

GMM Pfaudler Ltd

    28,388       1,543  

Grasim Industries Ltd

    92,199       934  

HCL Technologies Ltd

    518,059       5,725  

HDFC Bank Ltd *

    328,388       4,827  

HDFC Bank Ltd ADR *

    71,233       3,559  

HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd *

    110,044       838  

Hero MotoCorp Ltd

    148,059       6,343  

Hindalco Industries Ltd

    379,893       908  

Hindustan Unilever Ltd

    32,765       920  

Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd

    411,916       9,741  

ICICI Bank Ltd *

    1,329,504       6,450  

ICICI Bank Ltd ADR *

    462,301       4,544  

ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd

    187,287       3,307  

IndusInd Bank Ltd *

    604,800       4,365  

Infosys Ltd

    394,085       5,444  

Infosys Ltd ADR

    265,853       3,671  

Ipca Laboratories Ltd

    36,366       1,070  

JM Financial Ltd

    506,635       532  

Jubilant Foodworks Ltd

    21,720       691  

LIC Housing Finance Ltd

    194,234       729  

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd

    270,324       2,230  

Manappuram Finance Ltd

    516,889       1,109  

Metropolis Healthcare Ltd

    12,312       300  

Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd

    1,910,388       2,993  

Mphasis Ltd

    96,297       1,809  

Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd

    81,248       1,903  

Muthoot Finance Ltd

    115,536       1,777  

Petronet LNG Ltd

    767,232       2,297  

Reliance Industries Ltd

    889,619       26,842  

SBI Cards & Payment Services Ltd

    155,447       1,791  

Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd

    110,254       931  

Spandana Sphoorty Financial Ltd *

    96,705       677  

Strides Pharma Science Ltd

    188,369       1,847  

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd

    320,658       10,864  

UltraTech Cement Ltd

    53,503       2,944  

United Breweries Ltd

    123,786       1,610  

United Spirits Ltd *

    253,792       1,782  


    626,546       4,303  

Vedanta Ltd

    518,151       965  

Wipro Ltd

    245,158       1,045  

WNS Holdings Ltd ADR *

    17,029       1,089  

Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd

    699,938       1,993  








Indonesia — 1.0%


Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk PT

    18,894,300       2,028  

Astra International Tbk PT

    2,483,700       748  

Bank Central Asia Tbk PT

    3,049,767       5,564  

Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT

    4,540,700       1,517  

Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT

    1,768,400       529  

Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT

    20,689,905       4,244  
Description   Shares     Market Value
($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT

    2,458,477       $ 1,182  

Kalbe Farma Tbk PT

    8,412,200       877  








Jordan — 0.1%


Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC

    42,916       1,436  




Malaysia — 0.8%


Dialog Group Bhd

    1,285,300       1,179  

Frontken Corp Bhd

    1,091,900       958  

Inari Amertron Bhd

    5,046,975       2,795  

Kossan Rubber Industries

    561,200       1,853  

Petronas Gas Bhd

    227,100       900  

PPB Group Bhd

    822,800       3,768  

Public Bank Bhd

    140,200       530  

RHB Bank Bhd

    1,875,200       2,065  








Mexico — 1.1%


America Movil SAB de CV ADR, Cl L

    202,222       2,526  

Arca Continental SAB de CV

    68,800       297  

Cemex SAB de CV ADR *

    215,242       818  

Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV

    477,029       2,684  

Gruma SAB de CV, Cl B

    295,491       3,275  

Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV, Cl B

    45,605       530  

Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV, Cl O *

    752,719       2,604  

Grupo Mexico SAB de CV, Ser B

    1,273,684       3,247  

Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV

    82,200       579  

Qualitas Controladora SAB de CV

    191,603       725  

Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV

    169,300       406  








Netherlands — 0.2%


Prosus NV *

    40,810       3,769  




Peru — 0.3%


Credicorp Ltd

    41,800       5,183  




Philippines — 0.3%


BDO Unibank Inc

    1,048,215       1,875  

First Gen Corp

    599,361       290  

Globe Telecom Inc

    31,155       1,337  

International Container Terminal Services Inc

    585,258       1,324  








Poland — 0.7%


Cyfrowy Polsat SA

    85,560       598  

Dino Polska SA *

    136,680       8,068  

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SA

    39,130       464  

Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen SA *

    276,225       1,770  








Qatar — 0.3%


Commercial Bank PSQC/The

    420,581       470  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description   Shares    

Market Value

    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Masraf Al Rayan QSC

    782,506       $ 895  

Ooredoo QPSC

    756,566       1,399  

Qatar Gas Transport Co Ltd

    1,069,057       791  

Qatar National Bank QPSC

    239,874       1,201  








Russia — 3.2%


Detsky Mir PJSC

    1,465,592       2,224  


    9,685,000       700  


    205,075       11,780  

Magnit GDR *

    159,457       2,042  


    13,117       196  

Novatek PJSC GDR

    751       103  


    108,712       1,886  

Sberbank of Russia PJSC

    533,262       1,567  

Sberbank of Russia PJSC ADR

    1,260,466       14,709  

X5 Retail Group NV GDR

    62,031       2,300  

Yandex NV, Cl A *

    254,878       16,631  








Saudi Arabia — 0.7%


Advanced Petrochemical Co

    39,986       631  

Al Rajhi Bank

    193,515       3,396  

Arab National Bank

    102,807       557  

Jarir Marketing Co

    22,918       1,146  

Riyad Bank

    332,731       1,657  

Samba Financial Group

    118,058       849  

Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Co

    82,608       1,806  

Saudi Arabian Oil Co

    87,445       837  

Saudi Telecom Co

    27,365       734  

Savola Group/The

    72,020       923  








South Africa — 3.3%


Absa Group Ltd

    148,252       793  

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd

    9,999       259  

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd ADR

    167,341       4,414  

Bid Corp Ltd

    160,798       2,484  

Bidvest Group Ltd/The

    53,538       443  

Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd *

    77,752       4,833  

Exxaro Resources Ltd

    87,967       658  

FirstRand Ltd

    1,828,072       4,519  

Gold Fields Ltd ADR

    259,966       3,195  

Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd

    97,797       850  

Kumba Iron Ore Ltd

    38,672       1,151  

Mr Price Group Ltd

    556,286       4,404  

Naspers Ltd, Cl N

    91,875       16,342  

Nedbank Group Ltd

    188,227       1,136  

Old Mutual Ltd

    2,051,244       1,274  

Sanlam Ltd

    216,409       674  

Shoprite Holdings Ltd (A)

    91,536       752  

Sibanye Stillwater Ltd

    1,050,424       2,893  

SPAR Group Ltd/The

    65,425       745  
Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Standard Bank Group Ltd

    510,750       $ 3,308  








South Korea — 12.7%


BGF retail Co Ltd

    14,911       1,576  

Celltrion Healthcare Co Ltd *

    6,013       453  

Celltrion Inc *

    7,812       1,717  

Cheil Worldwide Inc

    49,727       890  

Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corp

    7,769       1,107  

CJ CheilJedang Corp

    2,976       1,008  


    84,589       10,292  

CJ Logistics Corp *

    6,037       916  


    28,665       2,808  

Coway Co Ltd

    61,335       4,184  

Daelim Industrial Co Ltd

    10,636       706  

DB HiTek Co Ltd

    40,164       1,296  

DB Insurance Co Ltd

    38,506       1,484  


    20,043       2,434  

Hana Financial Group Inc

    126,404       3,040  

Hankook Tire & Technology Co Ltd

    31,915       858  

Hansol Chemical Co Ltd

    5,858       752  

Hanwha Solutions Corp

    9,089       298  

Hite Jinro Co Ltd

    22,928       711  

Hyundai Glovis Co Ltd

    7,005       861  

Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd

    3,801       747  

Hyundai Motor Co

    10,141       1,544  

Iljin Materials Co Ltd

    13,880       538  

Kakao Corp

    17,354       5,411  

Kangwon Land Inc

    78,015       1,432  

KB Financial Group Inc

    96,370       3,087  

Kia Motors Corp

    118,334       4,744  

Korea Investment Holdings Co Ltd

    10,408       645  

Korea Zinc Co Ltd

    6,073       1,956  

Kumho Petrochemical Co Ltd

    27,312       2,564  

LG Chem Ltd

    17,129       9,572  

LG Corp

    13,451       854  

LG Electronics Inc

    60,920       4,799  

LG Household & Health Care Ltd

    1,582       1,960  

LG Innotek Co Ltd

    9,473       1,256  

Mando Corp

    55,616       1,696  


    30,305       7,687  

NCSoft Corp

    19,669       13,564  

Orion Corp/Republic of Korea

    50,608       5,690  


    18,699       783  

Posco International Corp

    59,658       683  

Samsung Biologics Co Ltd *

    2,980       1,758  

Samsung C&T Corp

    10,055       901  

Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd

    28,815       3,423  

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd

    1,495,759       74,364  

Samsung SDI Co Ltd

    8,527       3,163  

Seegene Inc

    3,544       795  

Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd

    30,500       716  

SK Hynix Inc

    142,970       10,247  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Market Equity Fund (Continued)



Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


SK Telecom Co Ltd

    19,457       $ 3,963  


    106,267       3,052  

Yuhan Corp

    36,409       2,002  








Switzerland — 0.1%


Wizz Air Holdings Plc *

    26,136       1,049  




Taiwan — 12.8%


Accton Technology Corp

    736,200       5,691  

Airtac International Group

    114,000       2,594  

ASE Technology Holding Co Ltd

    833,372       1,714  

Asia Cement Corp

    2,469,000       3,552  

ASMedia Technology Inc

    38,000       1,931  

Asustek Computer Inc

    165,862       1,457  

Bizlink Holding Inc

    306,000       2,408  

Chailease Holding Co Ltd

    1,707,800       7,767  

Chilisin Electronics Corp

    400,000       1,379  

Chroma ATE Inc

    486,000       2,593  

Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd

    955,000       3,533  

Compeq Manufacturing Co Ltd

    478,000       681  

CTBC Financial Holding Co Ltd

    995,896       635  

Delta Electronics Inc

    876,500       5,757  

Elite Material Co Ltd

    144,000       734  

eMemory Technology Inc

    48,200       860  

Epistar Corp *

    932,000       1,149  

Fubon Financial Holding Co Ltd

    2,738,000       3,984  

Gigabyte Technology Co Ltd

    280,000       737  

Globalwafers Co Ltd

    232,000       3,103  

Hiwin Technologies Corp

    449,300       4,463  

Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

    479,000       1,287  

Hotai Motor Co Ltd

    114,000       2,559  

Innolux Corp

    5,999,000       1,965  

Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp

    480,000       1,105  

LandMark Optoelectronics Corp

    263,000       2,281  

Largan Precision Co Ltd

    15,446       1,811  

MediaTek Inc

    380,137       8,045  

Mega Financial Holding Co Ltd

    772,177       743  

Merida Industry Co Ltd

    175,000       1,419  

Micro-Star International Co Ltd

    944,000       4,374  

momo.com Inc

    29,000       709  

Nien Made Enterprise Co Ltd

    95,000       1,137  

Novatek Microelectronics Corp

    330,000       3,047  

Parade Technologies Ltd

    98,600       3,619  

Poya International Co Ltd

    16,000       307  

Realtek Semiconductor Corp

    102,379       1,315  

Ruentex Development Co Ltd

    646,500       873  

Silergy Corp

    18,890       1,122  

Silicon Motion Technology Corp ADR

    37,880       1,431  

Simplo Technology Co Ltd

    57,000       593  

Sinbon Electronics Co Ltd

    148,000       922  

Sino-American Silicon Products Inc

    306,155       1,033  

Swancor Holding Co Ltd

    203,000       1,027  
Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Synnex Technology International Corp

    604,000       $ 865  

Taishin Financial Holding Co Ltd

    2,854,000       1,266  

Taiwan Cement Corp

    770,156       1,106  

Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co Ltd

    945,629       638  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd

    5,748,952       86,853  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd ADR

    120,310       9,754  

Tong Hsing Electronic Industries Ltd

    404,000       1,870  

Topco Scientific Co Ltd

    115,000       456  

Tripod Technology Corp

    203,000       778  

Unimicron Technology Corp

    370,853       966  

Uni-President Enterprises Corp

    2,103,000       4,542  

United Microelectronics Corp

    3,713,480       3,689  

Win Semiconductors Corp

    85,000       848  

Wistron Corp

    1,029,718       1,066  

Yuanta Financial Holding Co Ltd

    2,152,928       1,330  








Thailand — 1.7%


Advanced Info Service PCL

    457,200       2,476  

Carabao Group PCL

    343,800       1,278  

Carabao Group PCL NVDR (A)

    198,629       739  

Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL

    1,102,000       980  

Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL NVDR

    1,342,100       1,193  

Com7 PCL

    1,173,000       1,479  


    471,500       594  


    1,065,300       2,034  

Home Product Center PCL

    20,873,454       9,521  

Intouch Holdings PCL NVDR

    528,200       858  

Minor International PCL NVDR *(A)

    2,591,664       1,647  

PTT Exploration & Production PCL NVDR

    235,200       588  


    1,918,900       1,953  


    632,328       644  

Siam Cement PCL


Thai Beverage PCL

    4,246,250       1,894  








Turkey — 0.6%


Aselsan Elektronik Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS

    321,920       809  

Ford Otomotiv Sanayi AS

    58,066       662  

Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS

    629,042       681  

Koza Altin Isletmeleri AS *

    69,194       705  

Migros Ticaret AS *(A)

    290,177       1,554  

Turk Hava Yollari AO *(A)

    1,313,088       1,792  

Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS

    449,240       888  

Turkiye Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari AS (A)

    1,772,355       1,687  

Ulker Biskuvi Sanayi AS *

    201,675       601  








United Arab Emirates — 0.2%


Aldar Properties PJSC

    4,179,647       2,294  

Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC

    783,536       924  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

COMMON STOCK (continued)


Emaar Properties PJSC *

    1,056,677       $ 804  








United Kingdom — 1.4%


Anglo American PLC

    125,860       3,049  

Antofagasta PLC

    78,067       1,028  

Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC GDR

    66,132       706  

KAZ Minerals PLC

    581,829       3,940  

Mail.Ru Group Ltd GDR *

    74,228       2,046  

NAC Kazatomprom JSC GDR

    57,894       845  

Network International Holdings PLC

    429,536       1,522  

Novatek PJSC GDR

    7,334       1,002  

Polymetal International PLC

    203,003       4,427  


    16,784       1,757  

Rio Tinto PLC

    38,558       2,320  

Tullow Oil PLC *(A)

    2,881,615       569  


    1,147,366       955  








United States — 1.2%


360 DigiTech Inc ADR *

    35,350       422  

DouYu International Holdings Ltd ADR *

    61,193       808  


    393,296       8,346  

Pagseguro Digital Ltd, Cl A *

    171,276       6,459  

Southern Copper Corp

    45,441       2,057  

Vasta Platform Ltd, Cl A *

    103,994       1,605  








Vietnam — 0.3%


Hoa Phat Group JSC

    2,260,634       2,578  

Vincom Retail JSC *

    1,461,675       1,739  








Total Common Stock (Cost $1,241,383) ($ Thousands)







Brazil — 0.5%


Banco Bradesco SA *(B)

    330,158       1,142  

Bradespar SA, 3.560% *

    89,428       715  

Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA, 4.880%

    99,600       553  

Cia Energetica de Minas Gerais (B)

    172,551       309  

Cia Paranaense de Energia, 2.720% *

    155,677       1,718  

Itau Unibanco Holding SA (B)

    274,466       1,101  

Lojas Americanas SA *(B)

    75,000       376  

Petroleo Brasileiro SA *(B)

    677,212       2,367  








Chile — 0.1%


Embotelladora Andina SA (B)

    278,442       613  




South Korea — 0.4%


LG Household & Health Care Ltd (B)

    3,427       2,077  
Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)



Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (B)

    118,755       $ 5,115  








Total Preferred Stock (Cost $15,408) ($ Thousands)





    Number of



Thailand — 0.0%


Minor International PCL, Expires 07/31/2023 *

    117,803       28  

Minor International PCL, Expires 09/30/2021 *

    162,947       2  




Total Warrants
(Cost $—) ($ Thousands)





    Number of

RIGHTS — 0.0%


Taiwan — 0.0%


Simplo Technology Co Ltd *





Total Rights
(Cost $—) ($ Thousands)





    Face Amount  



Brazil — 0.0%


Vale, Ser 1997


0.000% (C)(D)

    BRL  8        




Total Debenture Bond
(Cost $—) ($ Thousands)









SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P. 0.100% **(E)

    20,013,695       20,023  




Total Affiliated Partnership (Cost $20,015) ($ Thousands)








SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Market Equity Fund (Concluded)



Description   Shares     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)



SEI Daily Income Trust, Government Fund, Cl F

    27,198,619       $ 27,199  




Total Cash Equivalent
(Cost $27,199) ($ Thousands)





Total Investments in Securities — 99.4%
(Cost $1,304,005) ($  Thousands)


    $ 1,666,983  




A list of the open futures contracts held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:



Type of Contract    Number of
Contracts Long
         Notional Amount



MSCI Emerging Markets

     537        Dec-2020      $ 28,761      $ 29,226      $ 466  













Percentages are based on Net Assets of $1,677,233 ($ Thousands).



Non-income producing security.



The rate reported is the 7-day effective yield as of September 30, 2020.



Investment in Affiliated Security (See Note 5).



Real Estate Investment Trust.



Expiration date not available.



Certain securities or partial positions of certain securities are on loan at September 30, 2020 (See Note 9). The total market value of securities on loan at September 30, 2020 was $18,725 ($ Thousands).



There is currently no rate available.



Perpetual security with no stated maturity date.



Variable or floating rate security, the interest rate of which adjusts periodically based on changes in current interest rates and prepayments on the underlying pool of assets.



This security was purchased with cash collateral held from securities on loan. The total market value of such securities as of September 30, 2020 was $20,023 ($ Thousands).

ADR — American Depositary Receipt

BRL — Brazilian Real

Cl — Class

GDR — Global Depositary Receipt

JSC — Joint-Stock Company

L.P. — Limited Partnership

Ltd. — Limited

MSCI — Morgan Stanley Capital International

NVDR — Non-Voting Depositary Receipt

PJSC — Public Joint-Stock Company

PLC — Public Limited Company

REIT — Real Estate investment Trust

Ser — Series

USD — U.S. Dollar

VAR — Variable Rate

The following is a list of the level of inputs used as of September 30, 2020, in valuing the Fund’s investments and other financial instruments carried at value ($ Thousands):


Investments in Securities   

Level 1  



Level 2  


   Level 3  



Common Stock

     1,599,649        3,996               1,603,645  

Preferred Stock

     14,009        2,077               16,086  


            30               30  



Debenture Bond


Affiliated Partnership

            20,023               20,023  

Cash Equivalent

     27,199                      27,199  
















Total Investments in Securities

     1,640,857        26,126               1,666,983  
















Other Financial Instruments    Level 1  
   Level 2  
   Level 3  



Futures Contracts*


Unrealized Appreciation

     466                      466  
















Total Other Financial Instruments

     466                      466  
















*Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation on the instruments.

For the year ended September 30, 2020, there were no transfers in or out of Level 3.

For more information on valuation inputs, see Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies in Notes to Financial Statements.







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







The following is a summary of the transactions with affiliates for the year ended September 30, 2020 ($ Thousands):


Security Description   Value
at Cost
  Proceeds from
   Realized Gain    Change in
  Value 9/30/2020   Shares   Income   Capital Gains

SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P.

  $48,638   $202,332   $(230,948)   $1   $—   $20,023   20,013,695   $ 339   $—

SEI Daily Income Trust, Government Fund, Cl F

  29,816   257,448   (260,065)       27,199   27,198,619   180  

















      $78,454           $459,780       $(491,013)   $1   $—    $47,222         $ 519       $—
















Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund






Percentages based on total investments.


Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)



Australia — 2.8%


Australia & New Zealand Banking Group


4.500%, 03/19/2024 (A)

        $ 200       $ 220  

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group MTN


5.000%, 08/16/2023

  AUD 750       606  

3.625%, 07/18/2022

  EUR 300       378  

Australia Government Bond


4.750%, 04/21/2027

  AUD 820       749  

4.500%, 04/21/2033

    195       198  

3.750%, 04/21/2037

          1,463       1,439  

3.250%, 04/21/2025

    843       685  

3.000%, 03/21/2047

    3,161       2,929  

2.750%, 04/21/2024

    1,230       961  

2.750%, 06/21/2035

    1,243       1,088  

2.750%, 05/21/2041

    609       533  

2.500%, 05/21/2030

    607       504  

1.750%, 06/21/2051

    305       220  

BHP Billiton Finance


4.750%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+4.363%, 04/22/2076

  EUR 101       121  

Commonwealth Bank of Australia MTN


3.000%, 05/03/2022

    330       408  

0.375%, 04/11/2024

    455       547  

Glencore Finance Europe MTN


1.625%, 01/18/2022

    240       285  

1.500%, 10/15/2026

    120       144  

National Australia Bank


5.000%, 03/11/2024

  AUD 750       618  

National Australia Bank MTN


2.250%, 06/06/2025

  EUR 206       271  

Westpac Banking Corp MTN


1.500%, 03/24/2021

    220       261  

0.500%, 05/17/2024

    885       1,070  








Description            Face Amount
     Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Austria — 1.4%


JAB Holdings BV


1.000%, 12/20/2027

   EUR 400          $ 467  

Republic of Austria Government Bond (A)


4.150%, 03/15/2037

     326        652  

3.650%, 04/20/2022

     1,045        1,307  

2.400%, 05/23/2034

     110        175  

2.100%, 09/20/2117

     50        124  

0.850%, 06/30/2120

     9        13  

0.750%, 10/20/2026

     749        950  

0.750%, 03/20/2051

     515        707  

0.500%, 02/20/2029

     885        1,120  

0.000%, 07/15/2024 (E)

     765        919  

Republic of Austria Government Bond, Ser 97-6


6.250%, 07/15/2027

     525        904  







Belgium — 2.0%


Anheuser-Busch InBev MTN


2.250%, 05/24/2029

   GBP 205        282  

2.125%, 12/02/2027

   EUR 410        537  

1.125%, 07/01/2027

     230        283  

Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance


2.600%, 05/15/2024

   CAD 550        440  

Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond


4.250%, 03/28/2041 (A)

   EUR 470        997  

3.750%, 06/22/2045

     259        553  

3.000%, 06/22/2034 (A)

     346        579  

2.600%, 06/22/2024 (A)

     243        320  

1.700%, 06/22/2050 (A)

     246        394  

1.600%, 06/22/2047 (A)

     351        542  

1.000%, 06/22/2031 (A)

     490        651  

0.900%, 06/22/2029 (A)

     305        398  

0.800%, 06/22/2025 (A)

     263        329  

0.500%, 10/22/2024 (A)

     810        994  

0.200%, 10/22/2023 (A)

     1,050        1,264  

0.000%, 10/22/2027 (A) (E)

           1,425        1,727  

Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond, Ser 44


5.000%, 03/28/2035 (A)

     64        130  







Brazil — 0.0%


Odebrecht Finance


7.125%, 06/26/2042 (B)

         $ 280        17  

4.375%, 04/25/2025 (B)

     200        10  







Canada — 6.8%


Bank of Montreal


0.750%, 09/21/2022

   EUR 235        282  

Bank of Montreal MTN


0.125%, 04/19/2021

     280        330  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description       Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



Bank of Nova Scotia MTN


0.750%, 09/17/2021

  EUR 570       $ 676  

Bell Canada MTN


4.700%, 09/11/2023

  CAD 80       66  

Canada Housing Trust No. 1 (A)


2.250%, 12/15/2025

    2,235       1,814  

1.750%, 06/15/2022

    2,465       1,892  

Canadian Government Bond


5.750%, 06/01/2033

    1,205       1,451  

5.000%, 06/01/2037

    816       1,003  

2.750%, 12/01/2048

    400       420  

2.750%, 12/01/2048

    300       315  

2.500%, 06/01/2024

    1,761       1,425  

2.250%, 06/01/2029

    3,965       3,410  

1.500%, 06/01/2026 (F)

    7,545       6,011  

1.000%, 09/01/2022

    525       399  

1.000%, 06/01/2027

    1,375       1,071  

0.750%, 09/01/2021

    655       493  

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce


0.239%, 07/25/2022 (E)

  EUR 445       526  

Export Development Canada MTN


2.400%, 06/07/2021

  AUD 1,259       916  

Husky Energy


4.400%, 04/15/2029

        $ 205       214  

Province of Alberta Canada MTN


1.000%, 11/15/2021

  GBP 650       847  

Province of Manitoba Canada


3.850%, 12/01/2021

  CAD 710       554  

Province of Ontario Canada


4.700%, 06/02/2037

    1,355       1,439  

4.650%, 06/02/2041

    540       590  

2.800%, 06/02/2048

    2,200       1,909  

2.600%, 06/02/2025

    1,614       1,314  

2.400%, 06/02/2026

    585       475  

Province of Ontario Canada MTN


0.161%, VAR ICE LIBOR GBP 3 Month+0.090%, 11/10/2020

  GBP 600       776  

Province of Quebec Canada


6.250%, 06/01/2032

  CAD 720       815  

3.500%, 12/01/2048

    520       511  

Rogers Communications


4.000%, 06/06/2022

    165       130  

Royal Bank of Canada MTN


0.500%, 12/16/2020

  EUR 1,000       1,175  

Toronto-Dominion Bank


0.000%, 02/09/2024 (E)

    490       582  

Toyota Credit Canada MTN


2.200%, 02/25/2021

  CAD 1,500       1,131  








China — 5.4%


China Development Bank


4.880%, 02/09/2028

  CNY     10,600       1,673  
Description       Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


3.650%, 05/21/2029

  CNY 18,120       $ 2,635  

3.480%, 01/08/2029

    23,680       3,404  

3.390%, 07/10/2027

    9,530       1,381  

3.230%, 01/10/2025

    11,360       1,650  

China Government Bond


3.390%, 03/16/2050

    44,030       5,922  

3.120%, 12/05/2026

    39,150       5,755  

2.850%, 06/04/2027

    22,770       3,270  

2.680%, 05/21/2030

    9,350       1,320  

1.990%, 04/09/2025

    3,270       460  



3.680%, 01/21/2030 (A)

        $ 275       297  



3.500%, 07/05/2024

    200       210  








Colombia — 0.5%


Colombian TES


10.000%, 07/24/2024

  COP     1,833,400       584  

7.750%, 09/18/2030

    2,685,700       804  

7.500%, 08/26/2026

    1,100,600       329  

7.250%, 10/18/2034

    164,600       47  

7.000%, 05/04/2022

    312,500       87  

7.000%, 06/30/2032

    968,800       272  

6.000%, 04/28/2028

    1,690,100       463  

5.750%, 11/03/2027

    176,100       48  








Czech Republic — 0.2%


Czech Republic Government Bond


4.700%, 09/12/2022

  CZK 7,470       352  

2.500%, 08/25/2028

    14,630       718  








Denmark — 0.4%


Danske Bank MTN


5.875%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 7 Yr+5.471% (D)

  EUR 344       415  

Kingdom of Denmark


4.500%, 11/15/2039

  DKK 2,040       611  

1.500%, 11/15/2023

    4,025       676  



6.250%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+4.750%, 06/26/2099

  EUR 210       279  




Egypt — 0.0%


Egypt Government International Bond MTN


4.750%, 04/11/2025 (A)

    170       194  




Finland — 0.6%


Finland Government Bond (A)


1.375%, 04/15/2047

    130       206  

0.000%, 09/15/2030 (E)

    1,397       1,692  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Government of Finland


0.875%, 09/15/2025 (A)

  EUR 355     $ 448  

Nordea Kiinnitysluottopankki MTN


0.250%, 03/18/2026

    480       583  








France — 6.9%


BNP Paribas MTN


3.375%, 01/23/2026

  GBP 490       696  

2.875%, 10/01/2026

  EUR 160       209  

1.250%, 03/19/2025

    375       458  

BNP Paribas Home Loan SFH


0.375%, 05/07/2025

    400       486  



5.150%, 07/21/2024

        $ 310       347  



1.125%, 01/18/2023

  EUR 300       360  



3.750%, 09/13/2021

    200       244  

Bpifrance Financement


0.064%, 11/25/2022 (E)

    600       709  

Caisse Francaise de Financement Local MTN


3.000%, 10/02/2028

    100       148  

0.500%, 01/19/2026

    500       614  

Cie de Financement Foncier


0.375%, 12/11/2024

    300       364  

Cie de Financement Foncier MTN


5.500%, 01/26/2027

  GBP 387       648  

CNP Assurances


1.875%, 10/20/2022

  EUR 200       241  

Credit Agricole Home Loan SFH MTN


1.250%, 03/24/2031

    300       404  

0.250%, 02/23/2024

    700       840  

Dexia Credit Local MTN


0.625%, 02/03/2024

    200       242  

0.500%, 01/17/2025

    300       363  

0.000%, 05/29/2024 (E)

          1,200       1,424  

Electricite de France MTN


5.375%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 12 Yr+3.794% (D)

    200       257  

4.000%, 11/12/2025

    350       493  

2.250%, 04/27/2021

    100       119  

Elis SA


1.000%, 04/03/2025

    100       109  



3.250%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.169% (D)

    500       627  

Engie MTN


0.875%, 03/27/2024

    300       363  

0.375%, 02/28/2023

    100       119  

French Republic Government Bond OAT


5.750%, 10/25/2032

    403       816  

4.500%, 04/25/2041

    334       736  
Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



4.000%, 10/25/2038

  EUR 99       $ 198  

4.000%, 04/25/2055 (A)

    195       490  

3.250%, 05/25/2045

    2,061       4,126  

2.750%, 10/25/2027

    242       350  

2.500%, 05/25/2030

    238       356  

1.750%, 05/25/2023

    2,359       2,944  

1.750%, 06/25/2039 (A)

    60       92  

1.750%, 05/25/2066 (A)

    165       291  

0.750%, 05/25/2028

    279       357  

0.750%, 11/25/2028

    277       356  

0.500%, 05/25/2029

    284       358  

0.000%, 03/25/2025 (E)

    633       763  

0.000%, 02/25/2021 (E)

          2,055       2,415  

0.000%, 05/25/2021 (E)

    1,685       1,983  

0.000%, 05/25/2022 (E)

    868       1,029  

0.000%, 02/25/2026 (E)

    530       640  

0.000%, 11/25/2029 (E)

    297       359  

Orange MTN


2.500%, 03/01/2023

    500       623  

1.750%, VAR EUAMDB05+2.181% (D)

    400       469  



2.000%, 02/05/2048

    300       458  



5.500%, 12/01/2021

  GBP 205       281  

4.250%, 10/07/2026

  EUR 200       298  

2.250%, 12/20/2047

    300       484  

1.125%, 05/19/2027

    300       383  

1.125%, 05/25/2030

    200       259  

Societe Generale


4.250%, 04/14/2025 (A)

        $ 325       347  

Societe Generale MTN


1.125%, 01/23/2025

  EUR 100       120  



2.000%, 02/01/2026

    117       137  



2.875%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+2.504% (D)

    300       358  



3.369%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.350% (D)

    260       332  

1.750%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+1.765% (D)

    115       135  

Total Capital International MTN


4.250%, 11/26/2021

  AUD 640       476  



1.250%, 05/25/2033

  EUR 700       945  








Germany — 5.4%




2.241%, VAR Euribor 3 Month+2.650%, 07/07/2045

    600       741  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


BMW Finance MTN


0.454%, 01/29/2021

  JPY 200,000       $ 1,893  



0.000%, 10/18/2024 (E)

  EUR 1,830       2,210  

Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe



    411       834  

3.250%, 07/04/2042

    1,121       2,344  

2.500%, 08/15/2046

    1,242       2,478  

0.500%, 02/15/2026

    138       173  

0.281%, 08/15/2026

    1,882       2,301  

0.250%, 02/15/2027

    2,160       2,690  

0.281%, 02/15/2030 (E)

    895       1,105  

Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundesanleihe, Ser 03


4.750%, 07/04/2034

    95       193  

Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH


3.500%, 02/11/2027 (A)

    191       216  

Commerzbank MTN


4.000%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+4.350%, 12/05/2030

    200       239  

Daimler International Finance BV MTN


0.250%, 11/06/2023

    430       504  

Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV MTN


0.625%, 04/03/2023

    330       394  



0.000%, 12/18/2023 (E)

    550       645  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH


3.625%, 05/15/2025 (A)

    175       206  

Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau


2.600%, 06/20/2037

  JPY       160,000       2,159  

0.500%, 09/15/2027

  EUR 510       640  

0.125%, 06/07/2023

    1,135       1,358  

Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau MTN


2.800%, 02/17/2021

  AUD 1,230       890  

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank MTN


0.625%, 05/18/2027

  EUR 225       283  

Merck Financial Services GmbH MTN


0.125%, 07/16/2025

    400       472  

Vertical Midco GmbH


4.375%, 07/15/2027 (A)

    240       286  

Volkswagen Bank GmbH MTN


0.625%, 09/08/2021

    200       236  

Volkswagen Financial Services MTN


2.750%, 10/02/2020

  GBP 850       1,099  

Volkswagen International Finance


1.125%, 10/02/2023

  EUR 400       479  

Volkswagen Leasing GmbH MTN


1.125%, 04/04/2024

    520       618  

WEPA Hygieneprodukte GmbH


2.875%, 12/15/2027

    298       343  








Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Hungary — 0.2%


Hungary Government Bond


3.000%, 06/26/2024

  HUF       297,650       $ 1,014  




Indonesia — 0.5%


Indonesia Government International Bond


8.375%, 03/15/2034

  IDR 797,000       1,500  

1.450%, 09/18/2026

  EUR 300       356  

Indonesia Treasury Bond


7.375%, 05/15/2048

  IDR 7,641,000       507  








Ireland — 0.5%


AerCap Ireland Capital DAC


6.500%, 07/15/2025

        $ 200       216  

4.500%, 09/15/2023

    205       211  

Allied Irish Banks MTN


4.125%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.950%, 11/26/2025

  EUR 177       208  

CRH Funding MTN


1.875%, 01/09/2024

    310       384  

Ireland Government Bond


5.400%, 03/13/2025

    351       522  

1.500%, 05/15/2050

    250       378  

1.100%, 05/15/2029

    670       879  








Israel — 0.2%


Israel Government Bond


5.500%, 01/31/2042

  ILS 276       141  

4.250%, 03/31/2023

    2,521       812  

2.000%, 03/31/2027

    925       297  








Italy — 6.8%


Assicurazioni Generali MTN


5.500%, VAR Euribor 3 Month+5.350%, 10/27/2047

  EUR 230       317  



3.500%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.564%, 05/24/2080

    175       217  

Enel Finance International MTN


5.750%, 09/14/2040

  GBP 145       287  



4.250%, 05/09/2029 (A)

        $ 515       580  

Intesa Sanpaolo MTN


5.017%, 06/26/2024 (A)

    530       557  

3.625%, 12/05/2022

  EUR 200       255  

Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro


5.000%, 09/01/2040 (A)

    1,393       2,615  

3.850%, 09/01/2049 (A)

    245       425  

3.750%, 05/01/2021 (A)

    386       463  

3.500%, 03/01/2030 (A)

    665       972  

3.350%, 03/01/2035 (A)

    1,493       2,249  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


3.100%, 03/01/2040 (A)

  EUR 267       $ 399  

3.000%, 08/01/2029

    1,609       2,255  

2.800%, 03/01/2067 (A)

    90       131  

2.700%, 03/01/2047 (A)

    55       79  

2.450%, 09/01/2033 (A)

    552       753  

2.450%, 09/01/2050 (A)

    420       572  

2.000%, 02/01/2028

    512       661  

1.850%, 07/01/2025 (A)

    6,560       8,268  

1.800%, 03/01/2041 (A)

    1,526       1,874  

1.650%, 12/01/2030 (A)

    1,509       1,904  

1.350%, 04/15/2022

    4,630       5,560  

0.950%, 03/01/2023

    1,546       1,860  

0.300%, 08/15/2023 (A)

    784       928  

UniCredit MTN


6.572%, 01/14/2022 (A)

        $ 350       372  

4.875%, VAR EUAMDB05+4.739%, 02/20/2029

  EUR 220       273  








Japan — 14.8%


Development Bank of Japan


2.300%, 03/19/2026

  JPY 220,000       2,339  

1.050%, 06/20/2023

    10,000       97  

Government of Japan 10 Year Bond


0.900%, 06/20/2022

    859,850       8,294  

0.100%, 06/20/2026

    74,300       713  

0.100%, 03/20/2027

    71,550       687  

Government of Japan 20 Year Bond


1.900%, 09/20/2022

    406,050       4,003  

1.700%, 06/20/2033

    1,207,550       13,656  

1.400%, 09/20/2034

    444,650       4,902  

1.000%, 12/20/2035

    50,000       526  

0.700%, 03/20/2037

    38,450       387  

0.500%, 09/20/2036

    451,400       4,415  

0.200%, 06/20/2036

    169,400       1,585  

Government of Japan 20 Year Bond, Ser 140


1.700%, 09/20/2032

    210,750       2,369  

Government of Japan 20 Year Bond, Ser 143


1.600%, 03/20/2033

    40,450       452  

Government of Japan 20 Year Bond, Ser 144


1.500%, 03/20/2033

    87,200       964  

Government of Japan 30 Year Bond


0.800%, 09/20/2047

    549,500       5,539  

0.300%, 06/20/2046

    74,600       669  

Government of Japan 30 Year Bond, Ser 29


2.400%, 09/20/2038

    119,300       1,532  

Government of Japan 30 Year Bond, Ser 30


2.300%, 03/20/2039

    387,700       4,934  

Government of Japan 30 Year Bond, Ser 33


2.000%, 09/20/2040

    212,700       2,629  

Government of Japan 30 Year Bond, Ser 36


2.000%, 03/20/2042

    252,050       3,147  
Description       Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Government of Japan 30 Year Bond, Ser 37


1.900%, 09/20/2042

  JPY       166,850           $ 2,058  

Government of Japan 30 Year Bond, Ser 38


1.800%, 03/20/2043

    207,550       2,527  

Government of Japan 40 Year Bond


0.400%, 03/20/2056

    351,250       3,099  

Government of Japan 40 Year Bond, Ser 6


1.900%, 03/20/2053

    38,700       506  

Japan Bank for International Cooperation


2.125%, 11/16/2020

        $ 2,200       2,205  

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group


0.339%, 07/19/2024

  EUR 250       295  

Mizuho Financial Group MTN


0.956%, 10/16/2024

    385       466  

Mizuho Financial Group Cayman


3 4.600%, 03/27/2024 (A)

        $ 450       494  

Nissan Motor


4.345%, 09/17/2027 (A)

    205       205  

Takeda Pharmaceutical


1.125%, 11/21/2022 (A)

  EUR 430       515  

0.750%, 07/09/2027

    125       149  








Luxembourg — 0.1%


Prologis International Funding II


2.375%, 11/14/2030

    200       274  

SIG Combibloc PurchaseCo Sarl


1.875%, 06/18/2023 (A)

    114       136  








Malaysia — 1.3%


Malaysia Government Bond


4.232%, 06/30/2031

  MYR 635       172  

4.181%, 07/15/2024

    3,360       866  

4.048%, 09/30/2021

    3,380       832  

3.955%, 09/15/2025

    3,440       893  

3.885%, 08/15/2029

    2,032       535  

3.882%, 03/10/2022

    568       141  

3.828%, 07/05/2034

    2,337       609  

3.795%, 09/30/2022

    3,430       856  

3.502%, 05/31/2027

    7,477       1,917  








Mexico — 1.8%


Mexican Bonos


8.000%, 11/07/2047

  MXN 18,935       948  

7.750%, 11/23/2034

    4,820       245  

7.750%, 11/13/2042

    25,845       1,268  

7.500%, 06/03/2027

    2,763       139  

5.750%, 03/05/2026

    14,711       682  

Mexican Bonos, Ser M


6.500%, 06/10/2021

    5,356       246  

Mexican Bonos, Ser M20


10.000%, 12/05/2024

    46,390       2,497  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description       Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


8.500%, 05/31/2029

  MXN 8,114           $ 435  

7.750%, 05/29/2031

          25,298       1,292  

Mexican Bonos, Ser M30


10.000%, 11/20/2036

    22,113       1,335  

8.500%, 11/18/2038

    3,304       175  








Netherlands — 2.5%




4.750%, 07/28/2025

        $ 305       343  



1.250%, 01/10/2033

  EUR 300       411  

Akzo Nobel Sweden Finance MTN


2.625%, 07/27/2022

    340       418  



0.250%, 02/22/2023

    1,505       1,796  

Cooperatieve Rabobank UA


3.250%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.702% (D)

    200       221  

Cooperatieve Rabobank UA MTN


5.250%, 09/14/2027

  GBP 195       314  

4.625%, 05/23/2029

    130       206  

1.250%, 05/31/2032

  EUR 300       409  

Heineken MTN


1.000%, 05/04/2026

    335       412  

ING Groep


5.750%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate


T Note Const Mat 5
Yr+4.342% (D)

        $ 200       208  

Intertrust Group BV


3.375%, 11/15/2025 (A)

  EUR 180       215  

Lincoln Financing SARL


3.625%, 04/01/2024 (A)

    170       191  

Nederlandse Waterschapsbank MTN


1.250%, 05/27/2036

    281       387  

0.625%, 01/18/2027

    225       280  

Netherlands Government Bond (A)


4.000%, 01/15/2037

    389       776  

2.750%, 01/15/2047

    288       592  

2.500%, 01/15/2033

    550       874  

2.000%, 07/15/2024

    345       446  

0.500%, 07/15/2026

    570       713  

0.500%, 01/15/2040

    382       504  

0.250%, 07/15/2025

    922       1,129  

0.000%, 01/15/2022 (E)

    914       1,080  

0.000%, 07/15/2030 (E)

    865       1,056  

Q-Park Holding


2.000%, 03/01/2027

    122       128  








New Zealand — 1.0%


New Zealand Government Bond


6.000%, 05/15/2021

  NZD 900       617  

5.500%, 04/15/2023

    1,608       1,211  
Description       Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



3.000%, 04/20/2029

  NZD 873     $ 704  

2.750%, 04/15/2025

    1,289       957  

2.750%, 04/15/2037

    687       582  

1.500%, 05/15/2031

    956       696  

New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency Bond


4.500%, 04/15/2027

    479       396  








Norway — 0.6%


DNB Bank


6.500%, VAR USD Swap Semi 30/360 5 Yr Curr+5.080% (D)

        $ 355       368  

Norway Government Bond (A)


3.000%, 03/14/2024

  NOK   2,516       295  

2.000%, 05/24/2023

    5,358       600  

2.000%, 04/26/2028

    3,738       444  

1.750%, 02/17/2027

    4,149       481  

1.750%, 09/06/2029

    2,174       256  

1.500%, 02/19/2026

    2,403       272  

1.375%, 08/19/2030

    1,510       173  








Poland — 0.2%


Republic of Poland Government Bond


2.750%, 10/25/2029

  PLN 1,493       435  

2.500%, 07/25/2027

    1,860       529  








Portugal — 0.6%


EDP - Energias de Portugal


4.496%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+4.287%, 04/30/2079

  EUR 300       379  

Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT (A)


4.100%, 04/15/2037

    277       500  

2.200%, 10/17/2022

    775       961  

1.950%, 06/15/2029

    199       271  

0.900%, 10/12/2035

    251       306  

0.700%, 10/15/2027

    735       905  








Qatar — 0.1%


Qatar Government International Bond


3.400%, 04/16/2025 (A)

  $ 385       422  




Romania — 0.1%


Romania Government Bond


3.650%, 07/28/2025

  RON 1,540       376  




Saudi Arabia — 0.1%




4.000%, 10/10/2023 (A)

  $ 345       371  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)



Description       Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Saudi Government International Bond MTN


2.375%, 10/26/2021 (A)

        $ 275       $ 279  








Singapore — 2.5%


Singapore Government Bond


3.500%, 03/01/2027

  SGD 1,341       1,157  

3.375%, 09/01/2033

    112       106  

3.125%, 09/01/2022

    3,592       2,777  

3.000%, 09/01/2024

    5,560       4,488  

2.875%, 07/01/2029

    1,258       1,081  

2.875%, 09/01/2030

    189       165  

2.750%, 04/01/2042

    114       106  

2.750%, 03/01/2046

    200       193  

2.375%, 07/01/2039

    963       836  

2.250%, 08/01/2036

    412       348  

2.125%, 06/01/2026

    1,259       1,002  

Temasek Financial I MTN


2.375%, 01/23/2023 (A)

        $ 495       516  








Slovak Republic — 0.0%


Slovakia Government Bond


3.375%, 11/15/2024

  EUR 75       102  




Slovenia — 0.1%


Slovenia Government Bond


1.250%, 03/22/2027

    305       391  




South Africa — 0.1%


Anglo American Capital MTN


1.625%, 09/18/2025

    220       270  




South Korea — 0.6%


Hyundai Capital Services MTN


3.500%, 03/30/2022

  AUD 680       494  

Korea Treasury Bond


3.000%, 09/10/2024

  KRW     1,206,590       1,110  

2.000%, 03/10/2049

    361,670       337  

1.875%, 06/10/2029

    401,030       355  

1.500%, 12/10/2026

    994,000       863  








Spain — 4.4%


Arena Luxembourg Finance


1.875%, 02/01/2028

  EUR 175       184  

Ayt Cedulas Cajas Global


3.750%, 12/14/2022

    600       767  

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria


5.875%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+5.660% (D)

    200       231  

2.250%, 06/12/2024

    200       257  
Description       Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Banco de Sabadell


0.625%, VAR EUSA1+0.970%, 11/07/2025

  EUR 400     $ 462  

Banco Santander


5.250%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+4.999% (D)

    200       227  

5.179%, 11/19/2025

        $ 400       453  

1.000%, 03/03/2022

  EUR 400       478  



1.250%, 01/11/2027

    500       642  

Gas Natural Fenosa Finance BV MTN


1.250%, 04/19/2026

    300       371  

Instituto de Credito Oficial MTN


6.000%, 03/08/2021

    180       217  

Naturgy Finance BV


4.125%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 8 Yr+3.353% (D)

    200       243  

Spain Government Bond


6.000%, 01/31/2029

    104       182  

5.750%, 07/30/2032

    102       195  

4.900%, 07/30/2040 (A)

    28       58  

4.700%, 07/30/2041 (A)

    781       1,599  

3.450%, 07/30/2066 (A)

    192       390  

2.350%, 07/30/2033 (A)

    605       879  

1.950%, 07/30/2030 (A)

    141       194  

1.850%, 07/30/2035 (A)

    135       187  

1.600%, 04/30/2025 (A)

    504       643  

1.500%, 04/30/2027 (A)

    393       510  

1.400%, 04/30/2028 (A)

    1,009       1,308  

1.250%, 10/31/2030 (A)

    1,278       1,647  

1.200%, 10/31/2040 (A)

    1,170       1,469  

1.000%, 10/31/2050 (A)

    412       475  

0.800%, 07/30/2027 (A)

    3,965       4,918  

0.600%, 10/31/2029 (A)

    151       184  

0.500%, 04/30/2030 (A)

    251       303  

0.000%, 04/30/2023 (E)

    1,869       2,215  

Telefonica Europe BV


4.375%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 6 Yr+4.107% (D)

    300       370  

3.750%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.858% (D)

    100       119  








Supra-National — 2.4%


Asian Development Bank MTN


2.350%, 06/21/2027

  JPY 290,000       3,216  

European Financial Stability Facility MTN


0.500%, 07/11/2025

  EUR 695       855  

European Investment Bank


1.900%, 01/26/2026

  JPY     397,500       4,182  

European Investment Bank MTN


1.250%, 05/12/2025

  SEK 13,180       1,544  

0.250%, 10/14/2024

  EUR 156       189  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


European Stability Mechanism MTN


1.000%, 09/23/2025

  EUR 570     $ 718  

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development MTN


2.800%, 01/13/2021

  AUD     1,230       888  

International Finance MTN


2.375%, 07/19/2023

  CAD 1,000       789  








Sweden — 0.7%


Kommunivest I Sverige AB MTN


1.000%, 10/02/2024

  SEK 5,830       676  

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken MTN


0.250%, 06/20/2024

  EUR 460       553  

Stadshypotek MTN


0.375%, 02/22/2023

    485       581  



5.625%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+4.134% (D)

        $ 200       209  

Swedbank Hypotek


0.375%, 03/11/2022

  EUR 360       427  

Sweden Government Bond


3.500%, 06/01/2022

  SEK 3,040       361  

3.500%, 03/30/2039

    1,205       212  

1.000%, 11/12/2026

    1,725       208  

Vattenfall MTN


6.250%, 03/17/2021

  EUR 213       257  








Switzerland — 0.8%


Credit Suisse MTN


0.750%, 09/17/2021

    220       261  

Credit Suisse Group


7.500%, VAR USD Swap Semi 30/360 5 Yr Curr+4.600% (D)

        $ 286       302  

7.500%, VAR USD Swap Semi 30/360 5 Yr Curr+4.600% (A)(D)

    200       211  

Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey MTN


1.250%, 04/14/2022

  EUR 295       353  

Government of Switzerland


2.000%, 04/28/2021

  CHF 735       813  

2.000%, 05/25/2022

    75       86  

1.500%, 04/30/2042

    408       623  

1.250%, 06/11/2024

    405       474  

Swiss Re Finance Luxembourg


5.000%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+3.582%, 04/02/2049 (A)

        $ 200       227  



4.750%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.400%, 02/12/2026

  EUR 200       237  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


UBS Group Funding Switzerland


1.750%, 11/16/2022

  EUR 427     $ 520  








Thailand — 0.5%


Thailand Government Bond


4.875%, 06/22/2029

  THB     16,455       669  

4.675%, 06/29/2044

    17,119       801  

3.650%, 12/17/2021

    11,020       361  

3.625%, 06/16/2023

    5,375       183  

3.300%, 06/17/2038

    3,522       134  

2.125%, 12/17/2026

    7,336       247  








Turkey — 0.1%


Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO


2.375%, 05/04/2021

  EUR 265       307  




United Arab Emirates — 0.1%


Abu Dhabi Government International Bond MTN


2.500%, 04/16/2025 (A)

        $ 255       271  

DP World Crescent MTN


4.848%, 09/26/2028

    265       293  








United Kingdom — 7.3%


Barclays Bank MTN


10.000%, 05/21/2021

  GBP 180       245  

BAT International Finance MTN


1.250%, 03/13/2027

  EUR 333       399  

BG Energy Capital MTN


2.250%, 11/21/2029

    400       538  

BP Capital Markets


4.375%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+4.036% (D)

        $ 470       490  

3.250%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.880% (D)

  EUR 110       132  

BP Capital Markets MTN


1.117%, 01/25/2024

    165       200  

0.831%, 11/08/2027

    130       156  

Centrica MTN


4.375%, 03/13/2029

  GBP 164       254  

CK Hutchison Finance 16 II


0.875%, 10/03/2024

  EUR 212       253  

CNH Industrial Finance Europe MTN


2.875%, 05/17/2023

    220       275  

1.750%, 09/12/2025

    130       158  

CPUK Finance


3.588%, 08/28/2025

    215       285  

DS Smith MTN


1.375%, 07/26/2024

    430       514  

Gatwick Funding MTN


5.250%, 01/23/2024

  GBP 250       348  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Heathrow Funding MTN


2.750%, 08/09/2049

  GBP 160     $ 188  

1.875%, 05/23/2022

  EUR 235       280  

HSBC Holdings


6.375%, VAR USD ICE Swap 11:00 NY 5 Yr+4.368% (D)

        $     200       209  

3.000%, VAR BPSW1+1.650%, 07/22/2028

  GBP 167       231  

HSBC Holdings MTN


6.000%, 03/29/2040

    70       121  

Imperial Brands Finance


0.500%, 07/27/2021

  EUR 150       176  

Nationwide Building Society MTN


4.625%, 02/08/2021

    550       657  

Natwest Group


2.540%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month+2.320% (D)

        $ 200       190  

Northumbrian Water Finance


6.875%, 02/06/2023

  GBP 190       280  

Rolls-Royce MTN


0.875%, 05/09/2024

  EUR 140       142  

Santander UK Group Holdings PLC MTN


3.625%, 01/14/2026

  GBP 100       142  

Santander UK PLC MTN


4.250%, 04/12/2021

  EUR 350       421  

Severn Trent Utilities Finance MTN


3.625%, 01/16/2026

  GBP 175       258  



6.000%, 05/21/2027

    50       86  

2.250%, 11/17/2025

  EUR 275       359  

Standard Chartered


1.778%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month+1.510%

        $ 500       423  

Thames Water Utilities Finance MTN


4.625%, 06/04/2046

  GBP 155       291  

United Kingdom Gilt


5.000%, 03/07/2025

    43       68  

4.500%, 12/07/2042

    279       640  

4.250%, 03/07/2036

    56       112  

4.250%, 09/07/2039

    53       112  

4.250%, 12/07/2040

    561       1,211  

4.250%, 12/07/2046

    1,259       2,975  

4.250%, 12/07/2049

    108       267  

3.750%, 07/22/2052

    80       192  

3.500%, 01/22/2045

    902       1,875  

3.250%, 01/22/2044

    457       906  

2.750%, 09/07/2024

    248       356  

2.500%, 07/22/2065

    1,197       2,613  

2.250%, 09/07/2023

    19       26  

1.750%, 09/07/2022

    654       875  

1.750%, 09/07/2037

    74       113  

1.500%, 07/22/2047

    356       542  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


1.250%, 10/22/2041

  GBP 79     $ 112  

1.000%, 04/22/2024

    52       70  

0.750%, 07/22/2023

    2,170       2,871  

0.625%, 06/07/2025

    497       663  

0.625%, 10/22/2050

    400       496  

0.500%, 10/22/2061

    680       816  

0.125%, 01/31/2023

    7,050       9,146  

United Kingdom Gilt - Inflation Linked


1.250%, 11/22/2027

    265       460  

United Kingdom Treasury


4.750%, 12/07/2038

    51       113  

Western Power Distribution West Midlands PLC


3.875%, 10/17/2024

    230       331  

Wm Morrison Supermarkets MTN


3.500%, 07/27/2026

    225       329  

Zurich Finance PLC MTN


6.625%, 10/30/2049 (C)

    235       333  








United States — 8.9%


AbbVie (A)


2.625%, 11/15/2028

  EUR 100       137  

2.300%, 11/21/2022

        $ 800       828  



5.250%, 08/11/2025 (A)

    221       216  

4.400%, 09/25/2023

    10       10  



3.625%, 05/15/2030

    336       378  

Altria Group


3.125%, 06/15/2031

  EUR 310       415  

American Honda Finance


1.950%, 10/18/2024

    159       200  

0.350%, 08/26/2022

    375       443  

American Tower


1.950%, 05/22/2026

    275       349  

1.300%, 09/15/2025

        $ 535       541  



3.825%, 11/25/2020

  CAD     1,125       846  

2.875%, VAR EUAMDB05+3.140% (D)

  EUR 200       226  

1.800%, 09/05/2026

    365       460  

1.650%, 02/01/2028

        $ 870       872  

1.600%, 05/19/2028

  EUR 390       484  



4.750%, 06/01/2030

        $ 172       203  

Aviation Capital Group LLC (A)


5.500%, 12/15/2024

    80       83  

4.375%, 01/30/2024

    27       27  

3.875%, 05/01/2023

    6       6  

3.500%, 11/01/2027

    5       4  

Bank of America


6.500%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month+4.174% (D)

    67       74  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020




Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Bank of America MTN


2.375%, 06/19/2024

  EUR 835     $ 1,058  

Bank of New York Mellon


4.700% (C)(D)

        $ 40       42  

Becton Dickinson


0.632%, 06/04/2023

    200       236  

Berkshire Hathaway


0.625%, 01/17/2023

  EUR 265       315  

Berkshire Hathaway Finance


2.625%, 06/19/2059

  GBP 144       226  

Boardwalk Pipelines


4.800%, 05/03/2029

        $ 119       130  

Booking Holdings


4.625%, 04/13/2030

    80       96  

2.375%, 09/23/2024

    355       444  



4.250%, 04/15/2026

    195       220  

Capital One Financial


1.650%, 06/12/2029

  EUR 300       360  

0.800%, 06/12/2024

    291       341  



1.625%, 02/22/2021

    180       206  

1.000%, 10/28/2029

    316       231  

Carrier Global Corp


1.923%, 02/15/2023 (A)

        $ 290       298  

Catalent Pharma Solutions


2.375%, 03/01/2028 (A)

  EUR 119       134  

Charles Schwab


5.375%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+4.971% (D)

        $ 395       428  

Chubb INA Holdings


1.550%, 03/15/2028

  EUR 325       408  

0.875%, 06/15/2027

    115       138  

0.300%, 12/15/2024

    190       223  



0.457%, 02/18/2021

  JPY 100,000       946  

Citigroup MTN


1.500%, VAR Euribor 3 Month+1.074%, 07/24/2026

  EUR 325       400  

0.750%, 10/26/2023

    365       436  



0.750%, 02/20/2032

    180       212  



1.450%, 01/22/2027

    154       179  

Delta Airlines Inc


4.500%, 10/20/2025 (A)

    125       128  

DH Europe Finance


1.700%, 01/04/2022

    150       180  

1.200%, 06/30/2027

    335       412  

DH Europe Finance II


0.450%, 03/18/2028

        $ 154       179  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Discover Bank


4.682%, VAR USD Swap Semi 30/360 5 Yr
Curr+1.730%, 08/09/2028

        $ 400     $ 419  

Dover Corp


0.750%, 11/04/2027

  EUR 440       520  

Emerson Electric


0.375%, 05/22/2024

    350       415  

Exxon Mobil


4.327%, 03/19/2050

        $ 200       250  

0.835%, 06/26/2032

  EUR 600       695  



0.700%, 05/13/2022

    108       128  

Fidelity National Information Services


0.625%, 12/03/2025

    185       221  

0.400%, 01/15/2021

    700       822  

0.125%, 12/03/2022

    500       588  

Fifth Third Bancorp


4.500%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+4.215% (D)

        $ 65       65  

GE Capital UK Funding Unlimited MTN


6.250%, 05/05/2038

  GBP         165       270  

5.875%, 11/04/2020

    500       649  

5.875%, 01/18/2033

    160       250  

General Motors Financial


0.850%, 02/26/2026

  EUR 125       139  

General Motors Financial MTN


0.955%, 09/07/2023

    275       321  

Gilead Sciences Inc


0.750%, 09/29/2023

    725       727  

Goldman Sachs Group


2.625%, 04/25/2021

        $ 425       430  

Goldman Sachs Group MTN


2.125%, 09/30/2024

  EUR 536       672  

2.000%, 07/27/2023

    352       435  

1.625%, 07/27/2026

    170       212  

Harley-Davidson Financial Services


3.875%, 05/19/2023

    110       139  

0.900%, 11/19/2024

    335       389  

Host Hotels & Resorts


3.500%, 09/15/2030

    200       192  

Intercontinental Exchange


0.700%, 06/15/2023

        $ 535       536  

International Business Machines


2.850%, 05/13/2022

    990       1,031  

International Business Machines MTN


0.875%, 01/31/2025

  EUR 593       724  

International Flavors & Fragrances


1.800%, 09/25/2026

    100       123  



2.875%, 06/15/2028 (A)

    180       213  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)



Description   Face Amount
  Market Value
($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Johnson Controls International PLC


1.375%, 02/25/2025

  EUR 395       $ 485  

JPMorgan Chase MTN


1.090%, VAR Euribor 3 Month+0.760%, 03/11/2027

    810       981  



4.250%, 05/15/2029

      $ 35       38  

3.800%, 09/15/2027

    193       204  

3.500%, 05/30/2030

    42       43  

Liberty Mutual Group


3.625%, VAR EUR Swap Annual 5 Yr+3.700%, 05/23/2059

  EUR 300       347  

LYB International Finance II BV


1.875%, 03/02/2022

    355       424  

Marriott International


4.650%, 12/01/2028

      $ 120       128  

MassMutual Global Funding II MTN


0.850%, 06/09/2023 (A)

    998       1,009  

Medtronic Global Holdings SCA


1.125%, 03/07/2027

  EUR 400       494  

0.375%, 10/15/2028

    163       192  

0.250%, 07/02/2025

    115       136  

Metropolitan Life Global Funding I MTN


1.950%, 01/13/2023 (A)

      $ 1,000       1,034  



1.750%, 03/09/2027

  EUR 375       482  

Morgan Stanley


1.875%, 03/30/2023

    490       600  

Morgan Stanley MTN


1.375%, 10/27/2026

    360       447  

0.000%, VAR Euribor 3 Month+0.400%, 05/21/2021

    850       999  

National Grid North America MTN


1.000%, 07/12/2024

    300       364  

National Oil Well


3.600%, 12/01/2029

      $ 205       199  

Noble Energy


3.250%, 10/15/2029

    205       227  



6.350%, 01/15/2031

    89       103  

Philip Morris International



  EUR 285       341  

Philip Morris International MTN


2.875%, 03/03/2026

    170       227  

1.875%, 03/03/2021

    300       355  

Plains All American Pipeline


4.500%, 12/15/2026

      $       204       217  

3.550%, 12/15/2029

    79       76  

PNC Financial Services Group


2.200%, 11/01/2024

    885       936  

PNC Funding


3.300%, 03/08/2022

    150       156  
Description   Face Amount
  Market Value
($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Principal Life Global Funding II


1.250%, 06/23/2025 (A)

        $ 315       $ 321  

Prudential Financial


5.875%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month+4.175%, 09/15/2042

    199       210  

Ralph Lauren Corp


2.950%, 06/15/2030

    390       407  

Ross Stores


4.700%, 04/15/2027

    265       312  

Schlumberger Finance France SAS


1.000%, 02/18/2026

  EUR 305       367  

Seagate HDD Cayman


4.750%, 06/01/2023

        $ 6       7  

Simon International Finance SCA


1.250%, 05/13/2025

    134       159  

Southern Power


0.777%, VAR ICE
LIBOR USD 3 Month+0.550%, 12/20/2020

    400       400  

Starbucks Corp


1.300%, 05/07/2022

    350       355  

Toyota Motor Credit MTN


0.625%, 11/21/2024

  EUR 465       557  

UnitedHealth Group


1.250%, 01/15/2026

        $ 175       180  

US Bancorp MTN


0.850%, 06/07/2024

  EUR 226       272  

Verizon Communications


4.016%, 12/03/2029

        $ 391       468  

0.875%, 04/08/2027

  EUR 175       212  

Verizon Communications MTN


4.750%, 02/17/2034

  GBP 170       300  

4.050%, 02/17/2025

  AUD 680       546  



3.700%, 06/01/2028

        $ 180       200  

Wells Fargo MTN


2.125%, 12/20/2023

  GBP 345       462  

2.000%, 04/27/2026

  EUR 210       264  

1.375%, 06/30/2022

  GBP 195       255  

0.500%, 04/26/2024

  EUR 500       588  

Welltower Inc


4.500%, 12/01/2034

    140       211  

WPC Eurobond BV


1.350%, 04/15/2028

    405       480  








Total Global Bonds
(Cost $446,985) ($ Thousands)









U.S. Treasury Bills


0.078%, 10/20/2020 (E)

    $       21,925       21,924  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020



Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)



U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities


0.750%, 07/15/2028

        $ 306      $ 353  

U.S. Treasury Notes


1.625%, 11/15/2022

    432       446  

1.500%, 08/15/2022

    437       448  




Total U.S. Treasury Obligations
(Cost $23,127) ($ Thousands)







Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligation — 0.2%


FHLMC Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes, Ser 2016-HQA1, Cl M3


6.498%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month+6.350%, 09/25/2028

    196       204  

FHLMC Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes, Ser 2017-DNA2, Cl M2


3.598%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month+3.450%, 10/25/2029

    470       484  

FNMA Connecticut Avenue Securities, Ser 2014-C04, Cl 2M2


5.148%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month+5.000%, 11/25/2024

    188       193  

FNMA Connecticut Avenue Securities, Ser 2016-C04, Cl 1M2


4.398%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month+4.250%, 01/25/2029

    63       65  

FNMA Connecticut Avenue Securities, Ser 2016-C07, Cl 2M2


4.498%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month+4.350%, 05/25/2029

    86       89  








Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligation — 0.1%


Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust, Ser 2004-6, Cl 3A


2.743%, 09/25/2034 (C)

    9       8  

COMM Mortgage Trust, Ser 2014-CCRE14, Cl A3


3.955%, 02/10/2047

    70       75  

JPMorgan Mortgage Trust, Ser 2004-A5, Cl 3A1


3.025%, 12/25/2034 (C)

    29       29  

LSTAR Commercial Mortgage Trust, Ser 2016-4, Cl A2


2.579%, 03/10/2049 (A)

    142       144  

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust, Ser 2015-C28, Cl A3


3.290%, 05/15/2048

    108       116  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)



Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust, Ser 2015-C30, Cl A3


3.411%, 09/15/2058

  $ 75        $ 82  








Total Mortgage-Backed Securities
(Cost $1,474) ($ Thousands)







New York — 0.0%


Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Ser AAA, RB


1.086%, 07/01/2023

    330       335  




Total Municipal Bond
(Cost $330) ($ Thousands)





Total Investments in Securities — 97.1%
(Cost $471,916) ($ Thousands)


    $ 499,832  







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)


A list of the open futures contracts held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Type of Contract   

Number of
Contracts Long


      Notional Amount
  Unrealized Appreciation
(Depreciation) (Thousands)

Australian 3-Year Bond

     12        Dec-2020     $ 1,022     $ 1,009     $ 3  

Australian 10-Year Bond

     (14)        Dec-2020       (1,507     (1,499     (14

Australian 10-Year Bond

     21        Dec-2020       2,247       2,249       18  

Canadian 5-Year Bond

     (19)        Dec-2020       (1,864     (1,845     (2

Canadian 10-Year Bond

     (44)        Dec-2020       (5,060     (5,000     2  

Canadian 10-Year Bond

     45        Dec-2020       5,158       5,114       15  


     (240)        Dec-2020       (35,533     (35,206     327  


     17        Dec-2020       2,709       2,695       1  


     (10)        Dec-2020       (1,589     (1,585     1  


     (11)        Dec-2020       (1,878     (1,904     (36


     11        Dec-2020       2,263       2,251       2  


     9        Dec-2020       1,855       1,842       4  


     19        Dec-2020       4,922       4,961       68  


     (7)        Dec-2020       (1,815     (1,828     (20


     49        Dec-2020       9,648       9,685        


     (49)        Dec-2020       (6,513     (6,452     (1

Japanese 10-Year Bond

     22        Dec-2020       31,463       31,711       54  

Japanese 10-Year Government Bond E-MINI

     8        Dec-2020       1,144       1,153       1  

Long Gilt 10-Year Bond

     76        Jan-2021       13,362       13,373       (24

Short-Term Euro-BTP

     23        Dec-2020       3,055       3,055        

U.S. 2-Year Treasury Note

     (66)        Jan-2021       (14,580     (14,583     (3

U.S. 2-Year Treasury Note

     41        Jan-2021       9,058       9,059       1  

U.S. 5-Year Treasury Note

     (21)        Jan-2021       (2,647     (2,647      

U.S. 5-Year Treasury Note

     (95)        Jan-2021       (11,957     (11,973     (16

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Note

     (7)        Dec-2020       (978     (977     1  

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Note

     27        Dec-2020       3,763       3,767       4  

U.S. Ultra Long Treasury Bond

     9        Dec-2020       2,017       1,996       (21

U.S. Ultra Long Treasury Bond

     (18)        Dec-2020       (4,015     (3,993     22  

Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note

     (33)        Dec-2020       (5,263     (5,277     (14












          $ (1,513     $ (849     $     373  












A list of the open forward foreign currency contracts held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Counterparty    Settlement Date             

Currency to Deliver



Currency to Receive







Bank of America

     10/02/20        EUR        466        USD        551     $ 5  

Bank of America

     10/02/20        USD        551        JPY        58,497       3  

Bank of America

     10/02/20        AUD        6,910        USD        5,107       154  

Bank of America

     10/15/20        USD        1,233        EUR        1,045       (8

Bank of America

     11/10/20        KRW        6,100        USD        5        

Bank of America

     11/19/20        USD        559        GBP        440       9  

Bank of America

     11/27/20        ZAR        25,862        USD        1,547       6  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        26        AUD        35       (1

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        NZD        26        USD        18        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        CHF        28        USD        31        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        30        NZD        45        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        15        SEK        137       1  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        15        SEK        137        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        SGD        35        USD        26        






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020



Counterparty    Settlement Date             

Currency to Deliver



Currency to Receive







Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        43        CAD        57     $ (1

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        44        NOK        399       (2

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        CAD        46        USD        35       1  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        CAD        20        USD        15        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        76        CHF        69       (1

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        AUD        264        USD        192       2  

Barclays PLC

     11/04/20        AUD        25        USD        18        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        301        GBP        235       3  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        105        GBP        80       (2

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        SEK        519        USD        59       1  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        NOK        835        USD        93       3  

Barclays PLC

     11/04/20        NOK        150        USD        16        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        3,660        JPY        386,591       4  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        14        JPY        1,500        

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        ILS        4,438        USD        1,323       25  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        ZAR        4,920        USD        294       (1

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        9,376        EUR        8,026       40  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        USD        65        EUR        55       (1

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        CZK        25,007        USD        1,144       62  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        EUR        36,709        USD        43,946       899  

Barclays PLC

     11/04/20        EUR        84        USD        98       (1

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        GBP        23,270        USD        31,235       1,152  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        GBP        30,554        USD        39,404       (97

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        JPY        9,413        USD        90       1  

Barclays PLC

     10/02/20        JPY        6,557,674        USD        62,079       (62

Barclays PLC

     11/04/20        USD        547        MXN        12,260       7  

Barclays PLC

     11/18/20        TWD        211        USD        7        

BNP Paribas

     10/02/20        USD        776        CAD        1,023       (10

BNP Paribas

     10/02/20        USD        1,429        EUR        1,200       (22

BNP Paribas

     10/02/20        PLN        3,559        USD        970       50  

BNP Paribas

     11/04/20        PLN        3,559        USD        912       (9

BNP Paribas

     10/02/20        MYR        8,712        USD        2,100       4  

BNP Paribas

     11/04/20        MYR        8,712        USD        2,084       (16

BNP Paribas

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        EUR        36,352        USD        43,563       934  

BNP Paribas

     10/15/20        IDR        19,266,370        USD        1,279       (15

BNP Paribas

     11/04/20        BRL        10        USD        2        

BNP Paribas

     11/04/20        USD        191        CHF        177       2  

BNP Paribas

     11/04/20        CHF        1,977        USD        2,132       (23

BNP Paribas

     11/04/20        AUD        7,090        USD        5,003       (78

BNP Paribas

     11/04/20        CZK        25,007        USD        1,075       (8

BNP Paribas

     11/27/20        USD        664        ZAR        11,405       15  

BNP Paribas

     11/27/20        ZAR        11,399        USD        666       (14

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/08/20        USD        1,356        MXN        30,700       34  

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/09/20        USD        15        CAD        20        

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/09/20        USD        708        CNY        4,826        

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/09/20        USD        1,399        CNY        9,489       (5

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/15/20        USD        1,107        EUR        949       7  

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/15/20        USD        5,094        EUR        4,296       (55

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/15/20 - 11/04/20        EUR        15,354        USD        18,196       181  

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/22/20        EUR        20,737        USD        23,746       (579



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)


Counterparty    Settlement Date             

Currency to Deliver



Currency to Receive







Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/21/20        CNY        9,489        USD        1,397      $ 3  

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/22/20        PLN        52        USD        14         

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/27/20        USD        14        NZD        21         

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/29/20        USD        74        AUD        106        2  

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/29/20        AUD        586        USD        420        1  

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/29/20        AUD        9,281        USD        6,651        (1

Brown Brothers Harriman

     11/19/20        GBP        319        USD        411        (1


     10/21/20        CNY        70,683        USD        10,116        (285


     10/27/20        USD        1,761        NZD        2,693        18  


     11/10/20        KRW        1,303,795        USD        1,116        (4


     10/02/20        CHF        14        USD        15         


     10/02/20        USD        14        CAD        19         


     11/04/20        USD        9        NOK        85         


     10/02/20        USD        43        NOK        374        (3


     10/02/20        NZD        89        USD        60        1  


     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        123        NZD        188        1  


     10/02/20        USD        44        JPY        4,698         


     10/02/20        USD        216        JPY        22,620        (2


     10/02/20        GBP        272        USD        357        5  


     10/02/20        GBP        113        USD        146        (1


     10/02/20        USD        745        GBP        584        10  


     11/04/20        USD        2,483        EUR        2,126        11  


     10/02/20        USD        770        EUR        643        (16


     10/02/20        JPY        3,125        USD        30         


     10/02/20        JPY        1,571        USD        15         


     10/02/20        DKK        7,862        USD        1,265        27  


     10/02/20        NOK        4,375        USD        503        35  


     11/04/20        NOK        4,375        USD        459        (8


     10/02/20        SGD        6,853        USD        5,052        32  


     11/04/20        SGD        6,890        USD        5,005        (44


     10/02/20        CAD        22,457        USD        17,196        384  


     10/02/20        EUR        135        USD        160        2  


     11/04/20        EUR        66,949        USD        77,996        (555


     10/02/20        MXN        49,920        USD        2,292        31  


     11/04/20        MXN        49,920        USD        2,207        (46


     11/04/20        USD        77        SEK        696        1  


     11/04/20        AUD        80        USD        57        (1


     11/04/20        ILS        4,438        USD        1,283        (15


     11/04/20        SEK        8,658        USD        955        (13

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia

     10/02/20        AUD        30        USD        21         

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia

     10/02/20        EUR        287        USD        340        4  

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia

     10/21/20        CNY        7,407        USD        1,078        (12

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia

     11/04/20        USD        6,525        GBP        5,074        35  

Credit Suisse First Boston

     10/08/20        USD        1,416        MXN        29,895        (63

Credit Suisse First Boston

     10/08/20        MXN        60,680        USD        2,776        29  

Credit Suisse First Boston

     10/09/20        CAD        1,770        USD        1,343        18  

Credit Suisse First Boston

     10/15/20        GBP        915        EUR        1,011        3  

Credit Suisse First Boston

     10/27/20        NZD        2,688        USD        1,766        (10

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20        GBP        191        USD        246        (1






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





Counterparty    Settlement Date             

Currency to Deliver



Currency to Receive







Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20        USD        725        JPY        76,800      $ 3  

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        859        ZAR        14,720        21  

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20        USD        935        GBP        698        (32

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20        USD        957        EUR        802        (17

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        847        TRY        6,610        7  

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20        USD        140        TRY        1,075         

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        TRY        10,678        USD        1,424        39  

Goldman Sachs

     11/04/20        TRY        8,513        USD        1,083        (14

Goldman Sachs

     10/08/20        USD        1,055        MXN        23,712        18  

Goldman Sachs

     10/15/20        USD        687        INR        52,133        20  

Goldman Sachs

     10/27/20        MYR        6        USD        2         

Goldman Sachs

     11/04/20        ZAR        18,538        USD        1,076        (31

Goldman Sachs

     11/13/20        USD        0        CLP        78         


     10/02/20        AUD        120        USD        85        (1


     10/02/20        USD        838        CAD        1,105        (11


     10/02/20        USD        613        GBP        483        11  


     10/02/20        USD        263        GBP        202        (2


     10/02/20        GBP        1,126        USD        1,489        33  


     10/15/20        EUR        2,245        USD        2,639        6  


     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        EUR        358        USD        418        (2


     10/02/20        BRL        7,363        USD        1,324        17  


     10/15/20        INR        51,967        USD        703        (2


     10/16/20        SEK        19,796        USD        2,167        (45


     10/27/20        NZD        2,714        USD        1,790        (3


     11/04/20        JPY        20,861        USD        198         


     11/18/20        USD        1,840        TWD        52,699        (6

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        CHF        14        USD        15         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        SGD        20        USD        15         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        29        SGD        40         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        56        NZD        85        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        45        NZD        67         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        16        NOK        150         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        119        NOK        1,076        (4

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/04/20        USD        29        CAD        39         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        119        CAD        157        (2

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        35        AUD        50        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        122        AUD        168        (2

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        AUD        98        USD        71        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        AUD        65        USD        46         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        38        CHF        35         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        144        CHF        131        (1

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        CAD        166        USD        126        2  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        CAD        20        USD        15         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        34        SEK        310         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        250        SEK        2,178        (7

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        NZD        295        USD        199        4  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/04/20        NZD        25        USD        16         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        430        ZAR        7,290        7  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        631        EUR        540        2  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        269        EUR        225        (5



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Continued)


Counterparty    Settlement Date             

Currency to Deliver



Currency to Receive







JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        GBP        293        USD        383      $ 4  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        GBP        714        USD        917        (6

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        SEK        874        USD        99        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        SEK        170        USD        19         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        592        JPY        62,827        3  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        482        JPY        50,530        (3

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        NOK        1,124        USD        127        7  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/04/20        NOK        150        USD        16         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        1,625        GBP        1,268        15  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        USD        218        GBP        167        (3

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        EUR        2,263        USD        2,676        22  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        EUR        78        USD        91         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        RON        1,562        USD        384        8  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/04/20        RON        1,562        USD        375         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        ZAR        2,570        USD        155        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        ZAR        25,768        USD        1,535        (9

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        JPY        10,915        USD        104        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        JPY        48,140        USD        455        (1

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/02/20        THB        71,207        USD        2,269        22  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/04/20        THB        71,207        USD        2,246        (1

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/05/20        USD        880        KRW        1,031,807        2  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/05/20        USD        44        KRW        51,349         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/05/20        KRW        1,083,156        USD        910        (16

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/08/20        USD        1,233        JPY        130,725        6  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/08/20        MXN        23,662        USD        1,096        25  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/09/20        USD        1,392        CAD        1,825        (26

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/09/20        CAD        15,783        USD        11,769        (47

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/15/20        USD        1,325        IDR        19,619,595        (7

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/16/20        USD        1,097        NOK        9,686        (61

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20        USD        1,616        RUB        123,160        (32

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/21/20 - 10/22/20        THB        134,214        USD        4,293        57  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/26/20        USD        364        EUR        307        (4

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/26/20 - 12/15/20        EUR        43,515        USD        51,596        521  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/27/20        USD        50        NZD        75        (1

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/27/20        NZD        15,036        USD        10,145        209  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        USD        208        SGD        283         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        USD        864        PLN        3,255        (21

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        CAD        2,593        USD        1,968        26  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        USD        80        GBP        63        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        USD        3,520        GBP        2,716        (9

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        AUD        3,858        USD        2,814        49  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        USD        46        NOK        439        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        USD        3,855        NOK        35,045        (109

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        CHF        6,809        USD        7,486        68  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        USD        6,829        SEK        60,021        (119

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/28/20        SGD        10,007        USD        7,365        33  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/30/20        USD        97        MXN        2,170        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/30/20        USD        437        COP        1,659,231        (7

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/30/20        MXN        65,756        USD        3,059        90  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/30/20        KRW        1,031,807        USD        880        (6






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





Counterparty    Settlement Date             

Currency to Deliver



Currency to Receive







JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/30/20        JPY        2,462,370        USD        23,571      $ 226  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/02/20        USD        44        IDR        656,879         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/02/20        IDR        27,404,940        USD        1,846        7  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/04/20        CNY        105,629        USD        15,425        (108

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/27/20        USD        837        ZAR        14,236        12  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/27/20        USD        697        ZAR        11,533        (10

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        15        SGD        20         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        SGD        42        USD        31         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        13        NZD        20         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        33        NZD        49        (1

Morgan Stanley

     11/04/20        USD        14        NOK        130        1  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        37        NOK        327        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        58        CAD        76        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        16        CHF        15         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        75        CHF        68        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        72        GBP        56         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        86        GBP        66        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        58        AUD        82         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        104        AUD        143        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        1,239        SEK        11,192        12  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        53        SEK        465        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        1,317        BRL        7,353        (13

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        CHF        2,047        USD        2,274        46  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        CHF        29        USD        31         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 10/29/20        AUD        2,414        USD        1,730        1  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        AUD        95        USD        67        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        210        EUR        180        1  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        USD        4,386        EUR        3,670        (82

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        NZD        3,304        USD        2,234        50  

Morgan Stanley

     11/04/20        NZD        3,750        USD        2,456        (22

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/19/20        GBP        7,343        USD        9,547        54  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        GBP        48        USD        61        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        630        JPY        66,832        3  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        USD        8,570        JPY        901,891        (19

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        SEK        9,583        USD        1,110        40  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 10/16/20        NOK        9,978        USD        1,099        33  

Morgan Stanley

     11/04/20        NOK        280        USD        29        (1

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 12/10/20        EUR        11,468        USD        13,552        86  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        EUR        25        USD        29         

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        CAD        76        USD        58        1  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        CAD        20,408        USD        15,249        (33

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        HUF        314,649        USD        1,063        47  

Morgan Stanley

     11/04/20        HUF        314,649        USD        1,007        (8

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        JPY        6,378,519        USD        60,573        95  

Morgan Stanley

     10/02/20        JPY        180,892        USD        1,704        (10

Morgan Stanley

     10/15/20        GBP        1,015        EUR        1,127        10  

Morgan Stanley

     11/04/20        DKK        7,862        USD        1,232        (8


     10/02/20        USD        1,888        JPY        200,000        8  


     10/02/20        USD        2,401        EUR        2,020        (32


     11/13/20        COP        3,207        USD        1         

Standard Chartered

     11/10/20        USD        1,099        KRW        1,308,383        24  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

International Fixed Income Fund (Concluded)



Counterparty    Settlement Date              Currency to Deliver
             Currency to Receive

Standard Chartered

     11/18/20        TWD        51,987        USD        1,783      $ (27

State Street

     10/02/20        EUR        100        USD        118        1  

State Street

     10/02/20        USD        134        EUR        113        (1

State Street

     10/02/20        NZD        325        USD        219        5  

State Street

     10/02/20        USD        2,739        JPY        286,900        (20

State Street

     10/02/20 - 11/04/20        GBP        912        USD        1,200        21  

State Street

     10/02/20        GBP        7,677        USD        9,898        (27

State Street

     11/04/20        USD        73        MXN        1,625         

State Street

     11/04/20        SGD        226        USD        165         

TD Securities

     10/02/20        USD        398        JPY        41,999         


     10/02/20        USD        285        EUR        241        (3


     10/02/20        USD        303        ZAR        5,140        5  


     10/02/20        USD        147        ZAR        2,430        (1


     10/02/20        EUR        1,059        USD        1,254        12  


     10/02/20        TRY        1,060        USD        142        4  


     10/02/20        ZAR        2,430        USD        148        2  


     10/02/20        ZAR        5,140        USD        306        (2
                  $ 3,228  

A list of the open OTC swap agreements held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Credit Default Swap  
Counterparty       Reference Entity/






     Net Unrealized

Goldman Sachs

  CMBX.NA.BBB.6   Sell   3.00%   Monthly   05/11/2063   $(882)     $ (294)        $ (105)          $ (189 )  











Interest Rate Swaps  
Counterparty   Fund Pays     Fund Receives     Payment Frequency     Termination









  Net Unrealized

Deutsche Bank

China 7-Day Reverse Repo
    2.985%       Quarterly       06/03/2024       CNY       23,220      $ 59      $      $         59   

Deutsche Bank

China 7-Day Reverse Repo
    2.755%       Quarterly       09/09/2024       CNY       31,000       38             38   












               $ 97      $         –      $ 97   












A list of the open centrally cleared swap agreements held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Interest Rate Swaps

Fund Pays   Fund Receives   Payment
    Termination Date     Currency     Notional
  Net Unrealized


  5.635%     Semi-Annual       02/28/2025       GBP       1,230       $ 28       $       $ 28  


  6-MONTH GBP - LIBOR     Semi-Annual       10/03/2047       GBP       460       (169           (169


  4.385%     Semi-Annual       07/20/2050       GBP       1,060       (45           (45












              $ (186     $       $ (186

















SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





Percentages are based on Net Assets of $514,528 ($ Thousands).



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutions. On September 30, 2020, the value of these securities amounted to $82,580 ($ Thousands), representing 16.0% of the Net Assets of the Fund.



Security is in default on interest payment.



Variable or floating rate security, the interest rate of which adjusts periodically based on changes in current interest rates and prepayments on the underlying pool of assets.



Perpetual security with no stated maturity date.



Zero coupon security. The rate shown on the Schedule of Investments is the security’s effective yield at the time of purchase.



Security, or portion thereof, has been pledged as collateral on open futures comments.

AUD — Australian Dollar

BRL — Brazilian Real

CAD — Canadian Dollar

CHF — Swiss Franc

Cl — Class

CLP — Chilean Peso

CNY — Chinese Yuan Onshore

COP — Colombian Peso

CZK — Czech Koruna

DAC — Designated Activity Company

DKK — Danish Krone

EUR — Euro

FHLMC — Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

FNMA — Federal National Mortgage Association


GBP — British Pound Sterling

HUF — Hungarian Forint

ICE— Intercontinental Exchange

IDR — Indonesian Rupiah

ILS — Israeli New Sheckels

INR — Indian Rupee

JPY — Japanese Yen

KRW — Korean Won

LIBOR — London Interbank Offered Rate

LLC — Limited Liability Company

MTN — Medium Term Note

MXN — Mexican Peso

MYR — Malaysian Ringgit

NOK — Norwegian Krone

NZD — New Zealand Dollar

PLC — Public Limited Company

PLN — Polish Zloty

RON — Romanian Leu

RUB — Russian Ruble

SEK — Swedish Krona

SGD — Singapore Dollar

Ser — Series

THB — Thai Bhat

TRY — Turkish Lira

TWD — Taiwan Dollar

USD — U.S. Dollar

VAR — Variable Rate

ZAR — South African Rand

The following is a list of the level of inputs used as of September 30, 2020, in valuing the Fund’s investments and other financial instruments carried at value ($ Thousands):


     Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   


Investments in Securities    ($)   ($)   ($)   


Global Bonds

           474,837              474,837  

U.S. Treasury Obligations

           23,171              23,171  

Mortgage-Backed Securities

           1,489              1,489  

Municipal Bond

           335              335  
















Total Investments in Securities

       –         499,832         –          499,832  
















Other Financial Instruments    Level 1
  Level 2
  Level 3



Futures Contracts*


Unrealized Appreciation

     524                    524  

Unrealized Depreciation

     (151                  (151

Forwards Contracts*


Unrealized Appreciation

           6,431              6,431  

Unrealized Depreciation

           (3,203            (3,203

OTC Swaps


Credit Default Swaps*


Unrealized Depreciation

           (189            (189

Interest Rate Swaps*


Unrealized Appreciation

           97              97  

Centrally Cleared Swaps


Interest Rate Swaps*


Unrealized Appreciation

           28              28  

Unrealized Depreciation

           (214            (214
















Total Other Financial Instruments

     373       2,950              3,323  
















*Futures contracts, forwards contracts and swap contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instruments.

For the year ended September 30, 2020, there were no transfers in or out of Level 3.

For more information on valuation inputs, see Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies in Notes to Financial Statements.

Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund





Percentages based on total investments. Includes investments held as collateral for securities on loan (see Note 9).


Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)



Albania — 0.0%


Albania Government International Bond


3.500%, 10/09/2025

  EUR 403       $ 484  




Angola — 0.7%


Angolan Government International Bond


9.375%, 05/08/2048

        $ 2,800       2,183  

8.250%, 05/09/2028

    1,085       862  

Angolan Government International Bond MTN


9.125%, 11/26/2049

    1,061       825  

9.125%, 11/26/2049 (A)(B)

    670       521  

8.000%, 11/26/2029 (A)

    1,357       1,071  

8.000%, 11/26/2029

    1,017       803  

Republic of Angola Via Avenir II BV MTN


7.867%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 6 Month+7.500%, 07/01/2023

    4,007       3,546  

4.981%, VAR ICE LIBOR USD 6 Month+4.500%, 12/07/2023

    483       418  

Republic of Angola Via Avenir Issuer II


Ireland DAC
6.927%, 02/19/2027

    700       555  








Argentina — 1.6%




6.000%, 09/21/2027 (A)(B)

    663       656  

Argentina Treasury Bond BONCER


2.000%, 11/09/2026

  ARS 102,998       579  

Argentine Republic Government International Bond


1.000%, 07/09/2029

        $ 5,966       2,721  

0.500%, 07/09/2029

  EUR 13       6  

0.125%, 0.500%, 07/09/2021, 07/09/2030 (C)

        $ 17,129       7,194  

0.125%, 07/09/2030

  EUR 403       186  

0.125%, 1.125%, 07/09/2021, 07/09/2035 (C)

        $ 5,406       2,033  

0.125%, 2.000%, 07/09/2021, 01/09/2038 (C)

    7,301       3,139  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


0.125%, 2.500%, 07/09/2021, 07/09/2041 (C)

        $ 9,247       $ 3,671  

0.125%, 1.125%, 07/09/2021, 07/09/2046 (C)

    4,969       1,907  

Provincia de Buenos Aires


7.875%, 06/15/2027 (D)

    350       136  

5.375%, 01/20/2023 (D)

  EUR 620       298  

Provincia de Cordoba


7.125%, 06/10/2021 (A)

        $ 531       324  

Rio Energy


6.875%, 02/01/2025 (A)

    1,040       637  








Armenia — 0.1%


Republic of Armenia International Bond


3.950%, 09/26/2029

    758       734  




Azerbaijan — 1.0%


Republic of Azerbaijan International Bond


5.125%, 09/01/2029

    1,711       1,798  

Southern Gas Corridor CJSC


6.875%, 03/24/2026 (A)

    1,437       1,632  

6.875%, 03/24/2026

    4,625       5,252  

State Oil of the Azerbaijan Republic


6.950%, 03/18/2030

    2,110       2,487  

State Oil of the Azerbaijan Republic MTN


4.750%, 03/13/2023

    2,353       2,435  

4.750%, 03/13/2023

    500       517  








Bahrain — 0.5%


Bahrain Government International Bond


6.750%, 09/20/2029

    200       214  

6.125%, 08/01/2023

    520       551  

5.625%, 09/30/2031 (A)

    717       699  

5.625%, 09/30/2031

    462       450  

5.450%, 09/16/2032 (A)

    1,929       1,832  

5.450%, 09/16/2032

    364       343  

CBB International Sukuk Programme SPC


3.950%, 09/16/2027 (A)

    1,929       1,885  

Oil and Gas Holding BSCC (A)


8.375%, 11/07/2028

    560       621  

7.625%, 11/07/2024

    1,158       1,235  








Belarus — 0.3%


Republic of Belarus International Bond


7.625%, 06/29/2027

    1,754       1,708  

6.200%, 02/28/2030

    358       334  

Republic of Belarus Ministry of Finance


6.378%, 02/24/2031

    721       672  

6.378%, 02/24/2031 (A)

    604       563  

5.875%, 02/24/2026

    1,077       997  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description         Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



5.875%, 02/24/2026 (A)

        $ 410       $ 380  








Belize — 0.0%


Belize Government International Bond


4.938%, 02/20/2038

    1,117       486  




Benin — 0.1%


Benin Government International Bond


5.750%, 03/26/2026 (A)

  EUR 1,688       1,873  




Bermuda — 0.4%


Bermuda Government International Bond


4.854%, 02/06/2024

        $ 268       294  

4.750%, 02/15/2029

    1,204       1,436  

3.717%, 01/25/2027

    1,521       1,666  

3.375%, 08/20/2050

    330       339  

2.375%, 08/20/2030 (A)

    1,720       1,739  

2.375%, 08/20/2030

    221       224  








Brazil — 5.3%


Brazil Letras do Tesouro Nacional (E)


11.065%, 07/01/2021

  BRL 5,000       871  

5.851%, 01/01/2024

    20,000       2,947  

Brazil Loan Trust


1 5.477%, 07/24/2023 (A)

        $ 1,034       1,058  

5.477%, 07/24/2023

    217       221  

Brazil Minas SPE via State of Minas Gerais


5.333%, 02/15/2028

    1,745       1,791  

5.333%, 02/15/2028

    1,176       1,207  

5.333%, 02/15/2028 (A)

    179       184  

Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional, Serie B


6.000%, 05/15/2045

  BRL 562       412  

6.000%, 08/15/2050

    1,670       1,246  

Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional, Serie F


10.000%, 01/01/2021

    1,510       273  

10.000%, 01/01/2023

    101,817       20,064  

10.000%, 01/01/2025

    32,832       6,591  

10.000%, 01/01/2027

    41,212       8,313  

10.000%, 01/01/2029

    34,338       7,033  

10.000%, 01/01/2031

    6,682       1,373  

Brazilian Government International Bond


5.625%, 01/07/2041

        $ 360       390  

5.625%, 02/21/2047

    709       771  

5.000%, 01/27/2045

    2,078       2,093  

4.625%, 01/13/2028

    618       670  

3.875%, 06/12/2030

    6,250       6,250  

Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras


4.625%, 02/04/2030 (A)

    226       227  

CSN Islands XI


6.750%, 01/28/2028 (A)

    592       573  
Description         Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


CSN Resources


7.625%, 04/17/2026 (A)

        $ 763       $ 772  

Gol Finance


7.000%, 01/31/2025 (A)(B)

    998       699  

JBS Investments II GmbH


5.750%, 01/15/2028 (A)

    466       485  

Minerva Luxembourg


6.500%, 09/20/2026 (A)

    741       769  

MV24 Capital BV


6.748%, 06/01/2034 (A)

    1,215       1,227  

Nexa Resources


5.375%, 05/04/2027 (A)

    2,591       2,691  

Petrobras Global Finance BV


6.900%, 03/19/2049

    2,296       2,566  

5.999%, 01/27/2028

    437       485  

5.093%, 01/15/2030

    256       269  

Raizen Fuels Finance


5.300%, 01/20/2027 (A)

    661       718  

Suzano Austria GmbH (A)


7.000%, 03/16/2047

    399       472  

6.000%, 01/15/2029

    288       328  

5.000%, 01/15/2030

    494       532  

Vale Overseas Ltd


3.750%, 07/08/2030

  BRL 180       185  

Votorantim Cimentos International


7.250%, 04/05/2041

        $ 536       687  








Cameroon — 0.0%


Republic of Cameroon International Bond


9.500%, 11/19/2025 (A)

    283       291  




Cayman Islands — 0.3%


Bioceanico Sovereign Certificate Ltd


2.471%, 06/05/2034 (E)

    2,303       1,710  

Neon Capital MTN


2.015%, 01/06/2028 (E)(F)

  JPY 306,529       2,168  








Chile — 1.4%


Banco de Credito e Inversiones


3.500%, 10/12/2027 (A)

        $ 1,046       1,139  

Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos


6.000%, 01/01/2043

  CLP 1,515,000       2,636  

4.700%, 09/01/2030 (A)

    815,000       1,215  

Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion


5.150%, 01/29/2050 (A)

        $ 576       610  



4.375%, 07/17/2027 (A)

    1,819       1,979  

Chile Government International Bond


3.500%, 01/25/2050

    1,423       1,622  

2.550%, 01/27/2032

    540       570  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



2.450%, 01/31/2031

        $ 3,509     $ 3,690  

Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro


3.650%, 05/07/2030 (A)

    217       240  

Empresa Nacional del Petroleo


3.750%, 08/05/2026 (B)

    749       795  



6.500%, 09/21/2024 (A)

    492       466  

Nacional del Cobre de Chile


5.625%, 10/18/2043

    442       595  

4.500%, 09/16/2025 (A)

    735       828  

4.375%, 02/05/2049 (A)

    506       598  

3.750%, 01/15/2031 (A)

    234       260  

3.700%, 01/30/2050 (A)

    1,216       1,286  

3.625%, 08/01/2027 (A)(B)

    368       402  

3.625%, 08/01/2027

    353       386  

3.150%, 01/14/2030

    300       319  

3.150%, 01/14/2030 (A)

    297       316  

3.000%, 09/30/2029 (A)

    442       467  








China — 2.4%


Alibaba Group Holding


4.200%, 12/06/2047

    310       394  

Charming Light Investments MTN


4.375%, 12/21/2027

    1,341       1,520  

China Government Bond


3.390%, 03/16/2050

  CNY 8,350       1,123  

3.130%, 11/21/2029

    6,500       949  

3.120%, 12/05/2026

    9,040       1,329  

2.850%, 06/04/2027

    9,640       1,384  

2.680%, 05/21/2030

    36,100       5,095  

1.990%, 04/09/2025

    60,830       8,550  

China Government International Bond


3.250%, 10/19/2023

        $ 1,762       1,907  

1.875%, 12/03/2022

    752       775  

China Minmetals


4.450%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate


T Note Const Mat 3 Yr+6.070%, 11/13/2168

    640       645  

3.750%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate


T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+4.717% (G)

    2,047       2,082  

Chinalco Capital Holdings


4.250%, 04/21/2022 (B)

    740       752  

4.100%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate


T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+5.788% (G)

    224       227  

CNAC HK Finbridge


5.125%, 03/14/2028

    780       888  

Country Garden Holdings


4.800%, 08/06/2030

    407       423  

Dianjian Haiyu


4.300% (G)

    204       210  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Dianjian International Finance


4.600%, VAR US Treas Yield


Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+6.933% (G)

        $ 303     $ 312  

ENN Clean Energy International Investment


7.500%, 02/27/2021

    475       476  

Huarong Finance 2017


4.500%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve


Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+7.773% (G)

    1,378       1,392  

Leader Goal International Ltd MTN


4.250% (F)(G)

    212       216  

Minmetals Bounteous Finance BVI


3.375%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate


T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+5.209% (G)

    805       812  

Shimao Group Holdings


5.600%, 07/15/2026

    400       437  

Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2018


2.500%, 08/08/2024

    2,394       2,496  

Tencent Holdings LTD MTN


3.240%, 06/03/2050 (A)

  THB 450       457  

Wanda Properties International


7.250%, 01/29/2024

        $ 400       398  








Colombia — 5.5%


Colombia Government International Bond


3.125%, 04/15/2031

    3,061       3,141  

3.000%, 01/30/2030

    1,842       1,883  

Colombian TES


10.000%, 07/24/2024

  COP  9,671,700       6,270  

7.750%, 09/18/2030

    2,839,000       3,844  

7.500%, 08/26/2026

    2,033,500       9,576  

7.250%, 10/18/2034

    9,926,900       2,816  

7.000%, 05/04/2022

    83,500       2,798  

7.000%, 06/30/2032

    1,931,400       3,349  

6.250%, 11/26/2025

    2,448,500       9,227  

6.000%, 04/28/2028

    2,148,200       8,812  

5.750%, 11/03/2027

    4,339,900       9,321  

4.750%, 04/04/2035

    1,170,600       1,023  

2.250%, 04/18/2029

    805,600       580  



7.375%, 09/18/2043

        $ 268       336  

6.875%, 04/29/2030

    1,228       1,470  

5.875%, 05/28/2045

    420       458  

Emgesa ESP


8.750%, 01/25/2021

  COP 870,000       229  

Empresas Publicas de Medellin ESP (A)


8.375%, 11/08/2027

    2,351,000       630  

7.625%, 09/10/2024

    3,116,000       846  

Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial Findeter


7.875%, 08/12/2024 (A)

    1,127,000       317  

7.875%, 08/12/2024

    884,000       249  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



Grupo Aval


4.375%, 02/04/2030 (A)

        $ 812       $ 784  

Republic of Colombia



9.850%, 06/28/2027

  COP 5,060,000       1,685  

8.125%, 05/21/2024

        $ 908       1,094  

7.750%, 04/14/2021

  COP 3,331,000       884  

7.375%, 09/18/2037

        $ 749       1,054  

6.125%, 01/18/2041

    2,137       2,741  

5.625%, 02/26/2044

    132       164  

5.000%, 06/15/2045

    2,530       2,948  

4.500%, 01/28/2026

    581       644  

4.375%, 03/21/2023

  COP 2,871,000       753  

4.000%, 02/26/2024

        $ 965       1,029  








Costa Rica — 0.6%


Costa Rica Government International Bond


7.158%, 03/12/2045

    500       455  

7.158%, 03/12/2045

    4,816       4,385  

7.158%, 03/12/2045 (A)

    387       352  

7.000%, 04/04/2044

    1,208       1,093  

7.000%, 04/04/2044

    230       208  

6.125%, 02/19/2031

    1,362       1,280  

Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad


6.375%, 05/15/2043

    250       198  

Republic of Costa Rica


5.625%, 04/30/2043 (A)

    450       371  








Croatia — 0.1%


Croatia Government International Bond


6.375%, 03/24/2021

    1,181       1,211  

1.500%, 06/17/2031

  EUR 650       791  








Czech Republic — 1.2%



Czech Republic Government Bond


4.200%, 12/04/2036

  CZK 9,570       608  

2.750%, 07/23/2029

    97,920       4,946  

2.500%, 08/25/2028

    18,330       900  

2.400%, 09/17/2025

    99,550       4,710  

2.000%, 10/13/2033

    24,480       1,185  

1.200%, 03/13/2031

    40,700       1,807  

1.000%, 06/26/2026

    16,430       727  

0.950%, 05/15/2030

    61,080       2,668  








Dominican Republic — 1.7%



Dominican Republic International Bond


11.250%, 02/05/2027

  DOP 14,500       270  

9.750%, 06/05/2026 (A)

    29,200       508  

8.900%, 02/15/2023 (A)

    43,400       740  

7.450%, 04/30/2044

        $ 1,672       1,881  

7.450%, 04/30/2044 (A)

    687       773  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



6.850%, 01/27/2045 (A)

        $ 129     $ 136  

6.850%, 01/27/2045

    2,391       2,518  

6.600%, 01/28/2024

    656       719  

6.500%, 02/15/2048

    3,120       3,156  

6.400%, 06/05/2049

    959       962  

5.950%, 01/25/2027

    638       685  

5.875%, 04/18/2024 (A)

    71       75  

5.875%, 01/30/2060 (A)

    3,727       3,522  

5.875%, 01/30/2060

    2,782       2,629  

5.500%, 01/27/2025

    949       1,009  

4.875%, 09/23/2032 (A)

    2,441       2,428  

4.500%, 01/30/2030 (A)

    3,240       3,183  








Ecuador — 0.8%


Ecuador Government International Bond


6.500%, 07/31/2030 (A)(E)

    2,297       1,066  

0.500%, 5.000%, 07/31/2021, 07/31/2030 (A)(C)

    5,415       3,655  

0.500%, 5.000%, 07/31/2021, 07/31/2030 (C)

    360       243  

0.500%, 1.000%, 07/31/2021, 07/31/2035 (A)(C)

    9,663       5,339  

0.500%, 0.500%, 07/31/2021, 07/31/2040 (A)(C)

    2,978       1,485  








Egypt — 3.2%


Egypt Government Bond


14.406%, 07/07/2027

  EGP 17,842       1,124  

14.196%, 07/07/2023

    21,779       1,375  

Egypt Government International Bond


18.000%, 11/06/2028

    30,307       2,236  

17.700%, 08/07/2025

    29,457       2,071  

16.300%, 04/09/2024

    15,034       1,002  

16.100%, 05/07/2029

    14,920       1,021  

8.875%, 05/29/2050 (A)

        $ 4,440       4,394  

8.700%, 03/01/2049 (A)

    816       794  

8.700%, 03/01/2049

    800       778  

7.903%, 02/21/2048 (A)

    421       388  

7.625%, 05/29/2032 (A)

    6,199       6,052  

7.625%, 05/29/2032

    621       606  

5.250%, 10/06/2025 (A)

    2,585       2,579  

Egypt Government International Bond MTN


8.500%, 01/31/2047

    4,131       3,991  

8.150%, 11/20/2059 (A)

    485       451  

8.150%, 11/20/2059

    277       258  

7.053%, 01/15/2032 (A)

    547       521  

6.375%, 04/11/2031

  EUR 1,230       1,338  

6.375%, 04/11/2031 (A)

    300       326  

6.125%, 01/31/2022 (A)

        $ 865       886  

5.625%, 04/16/2030

  EUR 2,433       2,578  

5.625%, 04/16/2030 (A)

    244       258  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


4.750%, 04/11/2025

  EUR 457     $ 522  

4.750%, 04/16/2026

    670       747  

Egypt Treasury Bills (E)


13.474%, 01/05/2021

  EGP 84,700       5,201  

13.528%, 04/06/2021

    87,225       5,184  








El Salvador — 0.6%


El Salvador Government International Bond


9.500%, 07/15/2052

        $ 568       537  

8.250%, 04/10/2032 (A)

    326       294  

Republic of El Salvador


8.250%, 04/10/2032

    3,324       3,000  

7.750%, 01/24/2023

    2,488       2,401  

7.650%, 06/15/2035

    499       429  

7.625%, 02/01/2041

    327       274  

7.125%, 01/20/2050

    640       498  

5.875%, 01/30/2025

    1,396       1,217  








Gabon — 0.1%


Gabon Government International Bond


6.625%, 02/06/2031

    603       538  

6.625%, 02/06/2031 (A)

    247       220  

Gabonese Republic


6.950%, 06/16/2025 (A)

    465       435  

6.375%, 12/12/2024

    946       892  








Georgia — 0.0%


Republic of Georgia


6.875%, 04/12/2021 (A)

    66       67  




Ghana — 1.3%


Ghana Government International Bond


24.750%, 07/19/2021


19.750%, 03/25/2024

    5,311       912  

19.000%, 11/02/2026

    11,055       1,826  

10.750%, 10/14/2030

        $ 2,854       3,459  

8.950%, 03/26/2051 (A)

    3,695       3,191  

8.750%, 03/11/2061 (A)

    658       554  

8.750%, 03/11/2061

    233       196  

8.627%, 06/16/2049 (A)

    593       498  

8.125%, 03/26/2032 (A)

    246       215  

7.875%, 03/26/2027 (A)

    1,357       1,288  

7.875%, 03/26/2027

    72       68  

7.875%, 02/11/2035 (A)

    1,589       1,338  

7.875%, 02/11/2035

    1,055       888  

7.625%, 05/16/2029

    995       897  

7.625%, 05/16/2029 (A)

    653       589  

6.375%, 02/11/2027 (A)

    2,568       2,308  

Kosmos Energy


7.125%, 04/04/2026 (A)

    182       160  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Republic of Ghana


8.125%, 01/18/2026 (A)

        $ 83     $ 83  

Tullow Oil


7.000%, 03/01/2025 (A)

    783       364  








Guatemala — 0.2%


Comunicaciones Celulares Via Comcel Trust


6.875%, 02/06/2024 (A)

    390       399  

Guatemala Government Bond


6.125%, 06/01/2050

    962       1,147  

5.375%, 04/24/2032

    600       688  

4.900%, 06/01/2030

    558       618  








Honduras — 0.1%


Honduras Government International Bond


6.250%, 01/19/2027

    326       357  

5.625%, 06/24/2030 (A)

    736       787  

5.625%, 06/24/2030

    299       320  








Hong Kong — 0.1%


AIA Group


3.200%, 09/16/2040 (A)

    200       207  



4.125%, 07/18/2029

    757       769  








Hungary — 1.4%


Hungary Government Bond


6.750%, 10/22/2028

  HUF 489,630       2,138  

6.375%, 03/29/2021

        $ 2,228       2,291  

5.500%, 06/24/2025

  HUF 500,750       1,909  

3.000%, 06/26/2024

    413,620       1,409  

3.000%, 10/27/2027

    1,192,460       4,123  

3.000%, 08/21/2030

    727,940       2,513  

2.750%, 12/22/2026

    1,072,960       3,638  

2.500%, 10/24/2024

    653,680       2,199  

Hungary Government International Bond


1.750%, 06/05/2035

  EUR 265       326  








India — 0.2%


Adani Electricity Mumbai


3.949%, 02/12/2030 (A)

  $ 540       528  

Export-Import Bank of India MTN


3.250%, 01/15/2030 (A)

    1,060       1,068  

Network i2i


5.650%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+4.277% (A)(G)

    275       275  

Power Finance MTN


3.950%, 04/23/2030 (A)

    569       549  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



Vedanta Holdings Mauritius II


13.000%, 08/21/2023 (A)

      $ 601     $ 619  








Indonesia — 7.2%


Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero


6.757%, 11/15/2048 (A)

    331       425  

6.757%, 11/15/2048

    257       330  

5.800%, 05/15/2050 (A)

    2,234       2,609  

5.710%, 11/15/2023 (A)

    618       686  

5.450%, 05/15/2030 (A)

    1,051       1,215  

4.750%, 05/15/2025 (A)

    1,370       1,507  

Indonesia Government International Bond


9.000%, 03/15/2029

  IDR 2,750,000       3,236  

8.750%, 05/15/2031

    779,000       4,556  

8.500%, 10/12/2035

      $ 1,969       3,148  

8.375%, 03/15/2024

  IDR 173,000       1,474  

8.375%, 03/15/2034

    2,065,000       10,243  

8.375%, 04/15/2039

    801,000       5,779  

8.250%, 05/15/2029

    8,743,000       5,030  

8.250%, 06/15/2032

    2,030,000       864  

8.250%, 05/15/2036

    2,516,000       5,148  

8.125%, 05/15/2024

    6,235,000       5,533  

7.750%, 01/17/2038

      $ 1,797       2,776  

7.500%, 08/15/2032

  IDR 6,770,000       1,826  

7.500%, 05/15/2038

    8,662,000       3,909  

7.000%, 05/15/2022

    233,000       2,814  

7.000%, 05/15/2027

    3,129,000       4,370  

6.625%, 05/15/2033

    4,323,000       1,557  

6.125%, 05/15/2028

    9,066,000       586  

5.625%, 05/15/2023

    3,267,000       223  

5.250%, 01/08/2047 (A)

      $ 170       220  

4.750%, 02/11/2029

    985       1,168  

4.350%, 01/08/2027 (A)

    206       236  

3.500%, 01/11/2028

    2,300       2,514  

2.850%, 02/14/2030

    1,059       1,112  

1.400%, 10/30/2031

  EUR 300       343  

0.900%, 02/14/2027

    428       490  

Indonesia Government International Bond MTN


5.250%, 01/17/2042

      $ 3,200       4,046  

5.125%, 01/15/2045

    410       515  

4.625%, 04/15/2043

    1,320       1,544  

3.850%, 07/18/2027

    400       450  

Indonesia Treasury Bond


7.500%, 06/15/2035

  IDR 1,796,000       2,151  

7.500%, 04/15/2040

    1,221,000       2,111  

7.000%, 09/15/2030

    3,842,000       6,327  

6.500%, 06/15/2025

    2,680,000       3,652  

6.500%, 02/15/2031

    1,038,000       67  

JPMorgan Chase Bank MTN


7.500%, 06/15/2035 (A)

    1,500,000       2,807  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Medco Bell Pte


6.375%, 01/30/2027 (A)

       $ 466     $ 401  

Pertamina Persero MTN


6.450%, 05/30/2044

    529       685  

3.650%, 07/30/2029 (A)

    1,035       1,110  

Perusahaan Listrik Negara


1.875%, 11/05/2031 (A)

  EUR 691       776  

Perusahaan Listrik Negara MTN


6.150%, 05/21/2048 (A)

       $ 657       845  

6.150%, 05/21/2048

    250       322  

4.375%, 02/05/2050 (A)

    265       274  

Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia III


4.325%, 05/28/2025

    2,135       2,409  








Iraq — 0.1%


Iraq International Bond


5.800%, 01/15/2028

    1,405       1,252  




Israel — 0.6%


Bank Leumi Le-Israel


3.275%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+1.631%, 01/29/2031 (A)

    431       433  

Leviathan Bond (A)


6.750%, 06/30/2030

    394       408  

6.500%, 06/30/2027

    959       995  

State of Israel


4.500%, 04/03/2120

    2,842       3,893  

3.875%, 07/03/2050

    2,695       3,234  








Ivory Coast — 0.6%


Ivory Coast Government International Bond


6.875%, 10/17/2040

  EUR 1,515       1,594  

6.625%, 03/22/2048

    1,552       1,533  

6.625%, 03/22/2048

    271       268  

5.875%, 10/17/2031

    1,729       1,832  

5.875%, 10/17/2031 (A)

    1,157       1,226  

5.750%, 12/31/2032

       $ 1,162       1,075  

5.250%, 03/22/2030

  EUR 855       907  

5.125%, 06/15/2025

    371       443  








Jamaica — 0.1%


Government of Jamaica


7.875%, 07/28/2045

       $ 736       931  




Jordan — 0.2%


Jordan Government International Bond


7.375%, 10/10/2047 (A)

    228       226  

7.375%, 10/10/2047

    141       140  

5.850%, 07/07/2030 (A)

    1,238       1,199  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



Description   Face Amount
    Market Value
($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


4.950%, 07/07/2025 (A)

  $ 1,030     $ 1,026  








Kazakhstan — 1.3%


Development Bank of Kazakhstan


4.125%, 12/10/2022

    770       807  

Kazakhstan Government International Bond MTN


6.500%, 07/21/2045

    330       512  

KazMunayGas National JSC


6.375%, 10/24/2048 (A)

    1,688       2,152  

5.750%, 04/19/2047 (A)

    2,247       2,662  

5.750%, 04/19/2047

    63       75  

5.375%, 04/24/2030 (A)

    984       1,149  

5.375%, 04/24/2030

    3,678       4,293  

4.750%, 04/24/2025 (A)

    732       804  

3.875%, 04/19/2022

    1,777       1,834  

KazTransGas JSC


4.375%, 09/26/2027 (A)

    932       1,003  

4.375%, 09/26/2027

    799       859  

Tengizchevroil Finance International (A)


3.250%, 08/15/2030

    450       454  

2.625%, 08/15/2025

    1,990       1,998  








Kenya — 0.3%


Kenya Government International Bond


8.250%, 02/28/2048

    1,793       1,718  

8.250%, 02/28/2048 (A)

    654       626  

8.000%, 05/22/2032

    368       363  

7.000%, 05/22/2027

    1,394       1,367  

7.000%, 05/22/2027 (A)

    362       355  








Kuwait — 0.1%


Kuwait International Government Bond


3.500%, 03/20/2027

    418       470  

2.750%, 03/20/2022

    645       662  

Meglobal Canada ULC MTN


5.875%, 05/18/2030 (A)

    222       259  

NBK Tier 1 Financing 2


4.500%, VAR USD Swap Semi 30/360 6 Yr Curr+2.832% (A)(G)

    513       506  








Lebanon — 0.2%


Lebanon Government International Bond


8.250%, 05/17/2034 (D)

    4,532       703  

8.200%, 05/17/2033 (D)

    2,700       418  

6.650%, 04/22/2024 (D)

    2,250       354  

6.000%, 01/27/2023 (D)

    560       88  

Lebanon Government International Bond MTN


8.250%, 04/12/2021 (D)

    1,073       184  
Description   Face Amount
    Market Value
($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


7.000%, 03/20/2028 (D)

        $ 2,432       $ 376  

6.850%, 05/25/2029 (D)

    387       60  

6.650%, 02/26/2030 (D)

    1,225       188  

6.600%, 11/27/2026 (D)

    2,201       347  

6.400%, 05/26/2023 (D)

    1,555       246  

6.100%, 10/04/2022 (D)

    1,573       259  

6.100%, 10/04/2022 (D)

    569       93  








Luxembourg — 0.0%


Millicom International Cellular


6.250%, 03/25/2029 (A)

    449       479  




Macau — 0.1%


Sands China


5.400%, 08/08/2028

    635       706  

Studio City Finance (A)


6.500%, 01/15/2028

    371       388  

6.000%, 07/15/2025

    142       145  








Malaysia — 6.2%


1MDB Energy


5.990%, 05/11/2022

    2,000       2,084  

1MDB Global Investments


4.400%, 03/09/2023

    3,000       3,003  

4.400%, 03/09/2023

    7,400       7,407  

Gohl Capital


4.250%, 01/24/2027

    850       845  

Malaysia Government Bond


5.248%, 09/15/2028

  MYR 1,050       299  

4.935%, 09/30/2043

    2,200       609  

4.921%, 07/06/2048

    1,768       494  

4.893%, 06/08/2038

    800       227  

4.642%, 11/07/2033

    500       139  

4.392%, 04/15/2026

    3,480       923  

4.232%, 06/30/2031

    1,200       325  

4.181%, 07/15/2024

    4,186       1,079  

4.160%, 07/15/2021

    1,920       471  

4.059%, 09/30/2024

    8,576       2,209  

3.955%, 09/15/2025

    19,783       5,135  

3.906%, 07/15/2026

    16,152       4,199  

3.899%, 11/16/2027

    2,500       655  

3.885%, 08/15/2029

    30,830       8,124  

3.882%, 03/10/2022

    5,848       1,449  

3.828%, 07/05/2034

          28,209       7,354  

3.800%, 08/17/2023

    30,074       7,583  

3.795%, 09/30/2022

    3,200       799  

3.757%, 04/20/2023

    13,915       3,492  

3.757%, 05/22/2040

    1,500       382  

3.733%, 06/15/2028

    12,719       3,299  

3.659%, 10/15/2020

    36,600       8,813  

3.620%, 11/30/2021

    18,334       4,506  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description         Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



3.502%, 05/31/2027

  MYR 2,412       $ 618  

3.480%, 03/15/2023

    5,870       1,462  

3.478%, 06/14/2024

    6,160       1,550  

3.418%, 08/15/2022

    10,450       2,585  

Malaysia Government Investment Issue


4.369%, 10/31/2028

    1,200       324  

4.119%, 11/30/2034

    5,564       1,475  

4.070%, 09/30/2026

    6,500       1,706  

Malaysia Sukuk Global


3.179%, 04/27/2026

        $ 1,777       1,976  

Petronas Capital MTN


4.550%, 04/21/2050 (A)

    563       715  

4.550%, 04/21/2050

    561       713  

3.500%, 04/21/2030 (A)

    2,200       2,459  








Mauritius — 0.0%


Liquid Telecommunications Financing


8.500%, 07/13/2022 (A)

    496       501  




Mexico — 8.4%


America Movil


7.125%, 12/09/2024

  MXN 18,110       856  



6.375%, 11/14/2024 (A)

        $ 713       741  

Banco Mercantil del Norte (A)


7.500%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 10 Yr+5.470% (G)

    476       469  

6.750%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+4.967% (G)

    609       600  

Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior SNC


3.800%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+3.000%, 08/11/2026 (A)

    1,015       1,012  

3.800%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+3.000%, 08/11/2026

    844       842  

Banco Santander Mexico Institucion de Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santand


5.375%, 04/17/2025 (A)

    414       461  

Cemex (A)


7.375%, 06/05/2027

    572       618  

5.450%, 11/19/2029

    750       758  

Cometa Energia


6.375%, 04/24/2035 (A)

    1,333       1,459  

Comision Federal de Electricidad


7.350%, 11/25/2025

  MXN 39,785       1,734  

5.750%, 02/14/2042 (A)

        $ 500       551  

4.750%, 02/23/2027 (A)

    458       492  

Grupo Televisa


6.625%, 01/15/2040

    616       813  

Industrias Penoles


5.650%, 09/12/2049 (A)

    359       418  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)



Infraestructura Energetica Nova


4.750%, 01/15/2051 (A)

        $ 1,410       $ 1,322  

Mexican Bonos


8.000%, 11/07/2047

  MXN 62,579       3,132  

7.750%, 11/23/2034

    39,185       1,990  

7.750%, 11/13/2042

    94,898       4,654  

7.500%, 06/03/2027

    146,597       7,381  

6.500%, 06/09/2022

    12,008       562  

5.750%, 03/05/2026

    87,650       4,065  

Mexican Bonos, Ser M20


10.000%, 12/05/2024

    305,382       16,440  

8.500%, 05/31/2029

    55,069       2,950  

8.000%, 12/07/2023

    3,082       153  

7.750%, 05/29/2031

    134,983       6,893  

Mexican Bonos, Ser M30


8.500%, 11/18/2038

    91,941       4,881  

Mexican Udibonos


4.000%, 11/15/2040

    39,297       2,042  

4.000%, 11/03/2050

    41,686       2,230  

Mexico City Airport Trust


5.500%, 07/31/2047 (A)

        $ 715       584  

Mexico Government International Bond


5.000%, 04/27/2051

    397       445  

4.750%, 04/27/2032

    3,640       4,108  

4.500%, 04/22/2029

    2,486       2,788  

4.500%, 01/31/2050

    893       944  

Mexico Government International Bond MTN


5.750%, 10/12/2110

    1,906       2,206  

4.750%, 03/08/2044

    386       421  

Minera Mexico


4.500%, 01/26/2050 (A)

    627       680  

Petroleos Mexicanos


9.500%, 09/15/2027

    169       179  

7.690%, 01/23/2050 (A)

    8,402       7,033  

7.470%, 11/12/2026

  MXN 175,079       6,257  

7.190%, 09/12/2024

    108,672       4,264  

6.950%, 01/28/2060 (A)

        $ 3,398       2,628  

6.950%, 01/28/2060

    5,749       4,447  

6.840%, 01/23/2030

    3,342       2,983  

6.625%, 06/15/2035

    4,400       3,654  

6.500%, 01/23/2029

    423       380  

6.500%, 01/23/2029 (A)

    785       706  

6.490%, 01/23/2027 (A)

    62       58  

6.350%, 02/12/2048

    678       510  

6.350%, 02/12/2048 (A)

    430       324  

5.950%, 01/28/2031

    1,490       1,258  

5.950%, 01/28/2031 (A)

    2,188       1,848  

5.625%, 01/23/2046

    253       185  

5.350%, 02/12/2028 (A)

    1,079       933  

4.500%, 01/23/2026

    602       538  

Petroleos Mexicanos MTN


6.875%, 08/04/2026

    741       713  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


6.750%, 09/21/2047

        $ 553     $ 429  

4.875%, 02/21/2028

  EUR 755       775  

United Mexican States MTN


6.050%, 01/11/2040

        $ 1,116       1,397  








Mongolia — 0.4%


Development Bank of Mongolia


7.250%, 10/23/2023 (A)

    784       819  

Mongolia Government International Bond


5.625%, 05/01/2023

    1,287       1,321  

5.125%, 04/07/2026

    381       384  

5.125%, 04/07/2026 (A)

    201       202  

Mongolia Government International Bond MTN


8.750%, 03/09/2024

    1,951       2,176  

5.125%, 12/05/2022

    500       510  








Morocco — 0.0%


Morocco Government International Bond


1.500%, 11/27/2031

  EUR 481       530  




Mozambique — 0.2%


Mozambique International Bond


5.000%, 09/15/2031 (A)

        $ 3,120       2,527  




Namibia — 0.0%


Namibia International Bonds


5.250%, 10/29/2025

    379       376  




Netherlands — 0.0%


Minejesa Capital BV (A)


5.625%, 08/10/2037

    82       84  

4.625%, 08/10/2030

    557       573  








Nigeria — 0.7%


IHS Netherlands Holdco


8.000%, 09/18/2027 (A)

    299       306  

Nigeria Government International Bond


9.248%, 01/21/2049

    322       319  

8.747%, 01/21/2031

    1,719       1,754  

8.747%, 01/21/2031 (A)

    535       546  

7.875%, 02/16/2032

    1,803       1,718  

7.875%, 02/16/2032 (A)

    588       560  

7.696%, 02/23/2038

    3,163       2,851  

7.696%, 02/23/2038 (A)

    601       542  

7.143%, 02/23/2030

    682       646  

Nigeria Government International Bond MTN


6.500%, 11/28/2027 (A)

    1,129       1,074  

6.500%, 11/28/2027

    130       124  








Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Oman — 0.7%


Oman Government International Bond


6.750%, 01/17/2048 (A)

  $ 1,059     $ 875  

6.750%, 01/17/2048

    7,649       6,317  

5.625%, 01/17/2028 (A)

    366       336  

4.750%, 06/15/2026

    900       825  

3.625%, 06/15/2021

    1,326       1,318  

Oman Government International Bond MTN (A)


6.000%, 08/01/2029

    309       284  

4.875%, 02/01/2025

    917       884  








Pakistan — 0.2%


Pakistan Government International Bond


8.250%, 09/30/2025 (B)

    1,000       1,062  

7.875%, 03/31/2036

    200       199  

6.875%, 12/05/2027

    1,114       1,107  

Third Pakistan International Sukuk


5.500%, 10/13/2021

    1,201       1,198  








Panama — 1.4%


Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen


6.000%, 11/18/2048 (A)

    672       748  

5.625%, 05/18/2036

    555       615  

AES Panama Generation Holdings SRL


4.375%, 05/31/2030 (A)

    984       1,010  

Banco Nacional de Panama


2.500%, 08/11/2030 (A)

    791       783  

Cable Onda


4.500%, 01/30/2030 (A)

    208       216  

Empresa de Transmision Electrica


5.125%, 05/02/2049 (A)

    635       736  

Panama Government International Bond


4.500%, 04/16/2050

    1       1  

2.252%, 09/29/2032

    1,719       1,732  

Republic of Panama


9.375%, 04/01/2029

    1,004       1,542  

8.125%, 04/28/2034

    478       685  

4.500%, 04/01/2056

    4,367       5,470  

3.870%, 07/23/2060

    2,826       3,232  

3.750%, 03/16/2025

    2,016       2,200  

3.160%, 01/23/2030

    2,099       2,283  








Papua New Guinea — 0.2%


Papua New Guinea Government International Bond


8.375%, 10/04/2028 (A)

    2,882       2,885  

8.375%, 10/04/2028

    306       306  














SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Paraguay — 0.2%


Paraguay Government International Bond


6.100%, 08/11/2044

        $ 1,010     $ 1,306  

5.400%, 03/30/2050

    571       692  

4.950%, 04/28/2031

    847       975  








Peru — 2.9%


Abengoa Transmision Sur


6.875%, 04/30/2043 (A)

    266       347  



7.000%, 02/14/2024 (A)

  PEN 3,704       1,150  

Inkia Energy


5.875%, 11/09/2027 (A)

        $ 359       374  

Kallpa Generacion (A)


4.875%, 05/24/2026

    192       207  

4.125%, 08/16/2027

    1,197       1,251  

Peru Government Bond


5.350%, 08/12/2040

  PEN 708       195  

Peruvian Government International Bond


8.200%, 08/12/2026

    4,697       1,734  

8.200%, 08/12/2026

    4,478       1,654  

6.950%, 08/12/2031

    154       52  

6.950%, 08/12/2031

    23,360       7,949  

6.900%, 08/12/2037

    7,121       2,359  

6.850%, 02/12/2042

    613       197  

6.550%, 03/14/2037

        $ 309       467  

6.350%, 08/12/2028 (A)

  PEN 1,465       492  

6.350%, 08/12/2028

    346       116  

6.350%, 08/12/2028

    1,570       527  

6.350%, 08/12/2028

    5,940       1,994  

6.150%, 08/12/2032

    21,790       6,950  

5.940%, 02/12/2029

    367       120  

5.700%, 08/12/2024 (A)

    4,932       1,614  

5.625%, 11/18/2050

        $ 758       1,207  

5.400%, 08/12/2034

  PEN 4,002       1,164  

2.844%, 06/20/2030

        $ 1,153       1,254  

2.783%, 01/23/2031

    1,840       1,988  

2.392%, 01/23/2026

    1,475       1,547  

Petroleos del Peru


5.625%, 06/19/2047

    1,993       2,292  

5.625%, 06/19/2047 (A)

    366       421  

4.750%, 06/19/2032

    1,843       1,996  

4.750%, 06/19/2032 (A)

    1,201       1,301  








Philippines — 0.4%


Philippine Government International Bond


4.000%, 01/15/2021

    157       158  

3.900%, 11/26/2022

  PHP 45,000       946  

3.750%, 01/14/2029

        $ 2,522       2,942  

2.950%, 05/05/2045

    530       561  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


2.457%, 05/05/2030

        $ 915     $ 986  








Poland — 2.9%


Republic of Poland Government Bond


5.000%, 03/23/2022

    2,281       2,437  

3.250%, 07/25/2025

  PLN 8,585       2,499  

2.750%, 04/25/2028

    21,486       6,214  

2.750%, 10/25/2029

    25,298       7,374  

2.500%, 01/25/2023

    16,804       4,589  

2.500%, 04/25/2024

    6,060       1,690  

2.500%, 07/25/2026

    29,930       8,482  

2.500%, 07/25/2027

    16,396       4,659  

2.250%, 04/25/2022

    13,055       3,493  

2.000%, 04/25/2021

    912       238  

1.750%, 07/25/2021

    5,000       1,312  








Qatar — 1.4%


Qatar Government International Bond


5.750%, 01/20/2042 (A)

        $ 574       846  

5.103%, 04/23/2048 (A)

    694       964  

5.103%, 04/23/2048

    567       788  

4.817%, 03/14/2049 (A)

    573       771  

4.817%, 03/14/2049

    3,737       5,032  

4.400%, 04/16/2050 (A)

    662       852  

4.400%, 04/16/2050

    317       408  

4.000%, 03/14/2029

    1,334       1,559  

4.000%, 03/14/2029 (A)

    2,833       3,311  

3.750%, 04/16/2030 (A)

    4,027       4,666  

3.750%, 04/16/2030

    367       425  

3.400%, 04/16/2025

    654       717  








Romania — 2.1%


Government of Romania


5.850%, 04/26/2023

  RON 7,190       1,842  

Romania Government Bond


4.850%, 04/22/2026

    9,840       2,544  

4.400%, 09/25/2023

    790       197  

4.150%, 01/26/2028

    3,980       999  

3.700%, 11/25/2024

    1,740       425  

3.650%, 07/28/2025

    8,440       2,061  

Romanian Government International Bond


5.125%, 06/15/2048

        $ 628       765  

5.000%, 02/12/2029

  RON 8,095       2,156  

4.500%, 06/17/2024

    8,245       2,070  

4.250%, 06/28/2023

    2,730       675  

4.000%, 10/27/2021

    10,545       2,569  

4.000%, 02/14/2051 (A)

        $ 1,742       1,794  

3.000%, 02/14/2031 (A)

    1,224       1,256  

Romanian Government International Bond MTN


4.625%, 04/03/2049 (A)

  EUR 1,338       1,911  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


4.625%, 04/03/2049

  EUR  1,248     $ 1,781  

4.125%, 03/11/2039

    1,258       1,674  

3.875%, 10/29/2035

    330       439  

3.375%, 02/08/2038

    973       1,212  

3.375%, 01/28/2050

    1,660       1,985  

3.375%, 01/28/2050 (A)

    471       563  

2.124%, 07/16/2031

    158       185  

2.000%, 01/28/2032

    950       1,097  








Russia — 5.5%


Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital (A)


5.150%, 02/11/2026

        $ 2,673       2,978  

4.950%, 02/06/2028

    640       714  

Gtlk Europe Capital DAC


4.650%, 03/10/2027

    596       590  

GTLK Europe Capital DAC


4.949%, 02/18/2026

    968       989  



5.950%, 07/19/2021

    220       224  

Rusal Capital DAC


5.125%, 02/02/2022

    860       866  

Russian Federal Bond - OFZ


8.500%, 09/17/2031

  RUB 176,982       2,686  

8.150%, 02/03/2027

    827,610       12,036  

7.950%, 10/07/2026

    280,027       4,034  

7.700%, 03/23/2033

    345,745       4,978  

7.700%, 03/16/2039

    54,617       802  

7.650%, 04/10/2030

    100,827       1,437  

7.250%, 05/10/2034

    238,383       3,318  

7.100%, 10/16/2024

    139,464       1,925  

7.050%, 01/19/2028

    953,320       13,074  

7.000%, 08/16/2023

    321,552       4,374  

6.900%, 05/23/2029

    334,404       4,535  

6.000%, 10/06/2027

    16,284       211  

Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond


7.500%, 03/31/2030

        $ 2       2  

5.875%, 09/16/2043

    3,800       5,263  

5.625%, 04/04/2042

    2,200       2,939  

5.250%, 06/23/2047

    1,000       1,324  

5.100%, 03/28/2035

    3,200       3,922  

4.375%, 03/21/2029 (B)

    5,600       6,425  

SCF Capital Designated Activity


5.375%, 06/16/2023 (A)

    529       568  

Vnesheconombank Via VEB Finance


6.800%, 11/22/2025

    580       692  

6.800%, 11/22/2025 (A)

    150       179  








Saudi Arabia — 1.3%


Acwa Power Management And Investments One


5.950%, 12/15/2039 (A)

    1,742       1,966  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Saudi Arabian Oil MTN


4.250%, 04/16/2039 (A)

        $ 1,597           $ 1,836  

4.250%, 04/16/2039

    2,150       2,471  

Saudi Government International Bond


5.250%, 01/16/2050

    680       914  

5.250%, 01/16/2050 (A)

    326       438  

Saudi Government International Bond MTN


5.000%, 04/17/2049 (A)

    1,013       1,310  

5.000%, 04/17/2049

    803       1,038  

4.500%, 10/26/2046

    580       696  

3.250%, 10/26/2026 (A)

    1,884       2,049  

3.250%, 10/22/2030 (A)

    3,329       3,615  

3.250%, 10/22/2030

    395       429  

2.750%, 02/03/2032

    1,146       1,192  

2.750%, 02/03/2032 (A)

    727       756  








Senegal — 0.1%


Senegal Government International Bond


6.750%, 03/13/2048

    260       246  

6.250%, 07/30/2024

    677       696  








Serbia — 0.8%


Republic of Serbia


7.250%, 09/28/2021

    437       462  

Serbia International Bond


3.125%, 05/15/2027

    320       401  

1.500%, 06/26/2029

  EUR  2,344       2,653  

Serbia Treasury Bonds


5.875%, 02/08/2028

  RSD  203,510       2,368  

4.500%, 01/11/2026

    211,800       2,279  

4.500%, 08/20/2032

    177,880       1,874  

3.750%, 01/17/2022

    159,400       1,628  








South Africa — 4.1%


Eskom Holdings SOC


7.125%, 02/11/2025 (A)

        $ 2,085       1,899  

7.125%, 02/11/2025

    1,430       1,302  

5.750%, 01/26/2021 (A)

    1,681       1,640  

Eskom Holdings SOC MTN


8.450%, 08/10/2028 (A)

    471       432  

7.500%, 09/15/2033

  ZAR  35,200       1,492  

6.750%, 08/06/2023

        $ 1,556       1,431  

6.750%, 08/06/2023 (A)

    1,329       1,222  

6.350%, 08/10/2028 (A)

    322       323  

Republic of South Africa


10.500%, 12/21/2026

  ZAR  192,764       13,374  

9.000%, 01/31/2040

    54,699       2,625  

8.875%, 02/28/2035

    41,899       2,102  

8.750%, 01/31/2044

    85,589       3,958  

8.750%, 02/28/2048

    127,725       5,885  

8.500%, 01/31/2037

    114,313       5,372  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


8.250%, 03/31/2032

  ZAR  4,180           $ 215  

8.000%, 01/31/2030

    63,249       3,460  

7.750%, 02/28/2023

    5,181       333  

7.000%, 02/28/2031

    51,041       2,488  

6.500%, 02/28/2041

    16,423       613  

6.300%, 06/22/2048

        $ 964       877  

6.250%, 03/31/2036

  ZAR  68,414       2,669  

5.875%, 09/16/2025

        $ 790       844  

5.750%, 09/30/2049

    3,772       3,194  

5.650%, 09/27/2047

    386       327  

5.000%, 10/12/2046

    357       286  

4.850%, 09/27/2027

    420       414  

4.850%, 09/30/2029

    1,508       1,437  

SASOL Financing USA


5.875%, 03/27/2024

    442       425  

Transnet SOC MTN


9.500%, 05/13/2021 (A)

  ZAR  6,760       411  








South Korea — 0.3%


Export-Import Bank of Korea MTN


8.400%, 11/30/2021

  IDR  2,400,000       1,539  

7.250%, 12/07/2024

    700,000       49  

Korea International Bond


2.000%, 06/19/2024

        $ 1,026       1,074  

1.000%, 09/16/2030

    1,948       1,921  








Spain — 0.1%


AI Candelaria Spain SLU


7.500%, 12/15/2028 (A)

    975       1,053  




Sri Lanka — 0.9%


Sri Lanka Government International Bond


7.850%, 03/14/2029

    1,598       1,103  

7.550%, 03/28/2030

    1,689       1,140  

6.850%, 03/14/2024

    512       374  

6.850%, 11/03/2025

    1,339       937  

6.825%, 07/18/2026 (A)

    1,584       1,103  

6.825%, 07/18/2026

    500       348  

6.750%, 04/18/2028 (A)

    4,437       2,995  

6.750%, 04/18/2028

    746       504  

6.350%, 06/28/2024 (A)

    1,294       938  

6.250%, 07/27/2021

    1,834       1,596  

6.200%, 05/11/2027

    1,186       800  

5.875%, 07/25/2022 (A)

    308       245  

5.750%, 04/18/2023 (A)

    1,031       758  

5.750%, 04/18/2023

    995       731  








Supra-National — 0.5%


African Export-Import Bank MTN


3.994%, 09/21/2029 (A)

    363       374  
Description           Face Amount
  Market Value
  ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Banque Ouest Africaine de Developpement (A)


5.000%, 07/27/2027

        $ 865           $ 931  

4.700%, 10/22/2031

    683       715  

European Bank for Reconstruction & Development MTN


6.450%, 12/13/2022

    9,486,000       644  

European Investment Bank MTN


8.500%, 09/17/2024

  ZAR  9,200       621  

Inter-American Development Bank MTN


7.875%, 03/14/2023

  IDR  880,000       3,587  

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development MTN


7.450%, 08/20/2021

    914,700       744  








Tanzania — 0.0%


AngloGold Ashanti Holdings


3.750%, 10/01/2030

        $ 229       235  




Thailand — 2.6%


Thailand Government Bond


5.670%, 03/13/2028

  THB  3,000       125  

3.775%, 06/25/2032

    210,074       8,263  

3.650%, 06/20/2031

    84,500       3,243  

3.625%, 06/16/2023

    30,000       1,022  

3.400%, 06/17/2036

    216,743       8,424  

3.300%, 06/17/2038

    99,572       3,803  

2.875%, 12/17/2028

    85,796       3,051  

2.875%, 06/17/2046

    3,431       125  

2.400%, 12/17/2023

    88,000       2,926  

2.125%, 12/17/2026

    15,000       505  

1.875%, 06/17/2022

    20,000       645  

1.600%, 12/17/2029

    40,631       1,310  

1.600%, 06/17/2035

    27,023       857  

1.585%, 12/17/2035

    32,515       1,029  

1.450%, 12/17/2024

    85,200       2,760  

1.250%, 03/12/2028

    404       12  








Trinidad & Tobago — 0.2%


Trinidad & Tobago Government International Bond


4.500%, 06/26/2030 (A)

        $ 1,026       1,007  

4.375%, 01/16/2024

    1,287       1,306  








Tunisia — 0.3%


Banque Centrale de Tunisie


8.250%, 09/19/2027

    337       316  

Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond


6.375%, 07/15/2026

  EUR  1,630       1,719  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


5.625%, 02/17/2024

  EUR  1,650     $ 1,747  








Turkey — 2.3%


Export Credit Bank of Turkey (A)



6.125%, 05/03/2024

        $ 247       236  

5.375%, 10/24/2023

    1,033       973  

5.000%, 09/23/2021

    538       533  

Export Credit Bank of Turkey MTN



5.375%, 02/08/2021 (A)

    896       894  

Hazine Mustesarligi Varlik Kiralama



5.800%, 02/21/2022 (A)(B)

    2,770       2,756  

QNB Finansbank


6.875%, 09/07/2024 (A)

    613       620  

Republic of Turkey


4.875%, 04/16/2043

    4,934       3,670  

TC Ziraat Bankasi MTN (A)


5.125%, 05/03/2022

    1,063       1,032  

4.750%, 04/29/2021

    311       309  

Turkey Government International Bond



16.200%, 06/14/2023

  TRY 11,584       1,606  

12.200%, 01/18/2023

    6,050       777  

11.000%, 03/02/2022

    3,700       468  

10.700%, 08/17/2022

    21,356       2,672  

10.600%, 02/11/2026

    13,916       1,656  

10.500%, 08/11/2027

    24,059       2,801  

7.250%, 12/23/2023

        $ 1,732       1,784  

6.875%, 03/17/2036

    1,757       1,644  

6.350%, 08/10/2024

    294       293  

6.125%, 10/24/2028

    1,455       1,382  

6.000%, 03/25/2027

    597       572  

6.000%, 01/14/2041

    308       255  

5.750%, 03/22/2024

    1,918       1,882  

5.750%, 05/11/2047

    252       199  

5.600%, 11/14/2024

    870       843  

5.125%, 02/17/2028

    242       220  

4.875%, 10/09/2026

    1,017       930  

4.250%, 04/14/2026

    338       304  

3.000%, 08/02/2023

  TRY  11,253       1,486  

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi


6.125%, VAR USD Swap Semi 30/360 5


Yr Curr+4.220%, 05/24/2027 (A)

          $656       588  

Turkiye Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari


6.950%, 03/14/2026

    500       508  

Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi MTN


5.850%, 06/21/2024 (A)

    429       404  








Ukraine — 2.4%


Government of Ukraine


7.750%, 09/01/2023

    376       382  

NAK Naftogaz Ukraine via Kondor Finance



7.625%, 11/08/2026 (A)

    990       949  
Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


7.125%, 07/19/2024

  EUR  720     $ 812  

Ukraine Government International Bond



17.000%, 05/11/2022

  UAH  71,848       2,751  

16.000%, 08/11/2021

    148,624       5,492  

15.840%, 02/26/2025

    66,553       2,633  

15.700%, 01/20/2021 (A)

    48,000       1,730  

9.750%, 11/01/2028

        $ 1,807       1,951  

9.750%, 11/01/2028 (A)

    375       405  

8.994%, 02/01/2024

    1,128       1,176  

7.750%, 09/01/2021

    2,047       2,096  

7.750%, 09/01/2022

    566       579  

7.750%, 09/01/2024 (A)

    245       246  

7.750%, 09/01/2025

    1,058       1,059  

7.750%, 09/01/2026 (A)

    45       45  

7.750%, 09/01/2026

    3,153       3,133  

7.750%, 09/01/2027

    1,030       1,019  

7.750%, 09/01/2027 (A)

    223       221  

7.375%, 09/25/2032

    2,536       2,378  

7.253%, 03/15/2033

    453       416  

7.253%, 03/15/2033 (A)

    1,568       1,441  

6.750%, 06/20/2026

  EUR  1,299       1,481  

4.375%, 01/27/2030 (A)

    961       918  

3.000%, 05/31/2040 (A)(F)

        $ 2,206       2,004  

Ukreximbank Via Biz Finance 9.625%, 04/27/2022 (A)

    570       582  








United Arab Emirates — 1.9%


Abu Dhabi Crude Oil Pipeline


4.600%, 11/02/2047 (A)

    3,268       4,000  

4.600%, 11/02/2047

    330       404  

3.650%, 11/02/2029 (A)

    1,794       2,037  

Abu Dhabi Government International Bond



4.125%, 10/11/2047 (A)

    824       1,037  

3.125%, 09/30/2049 (A)

    2,552       2,731  

3.125%, 09/30/2049

    293       314  

Abu Dhabi Government International Bond MTN



3.875%, 04/16/2050

    460       561  

3.875%, 04/16/2050 (A)

    201       245  

3.125%, 04/16/2030

    300       335  

2.700%, 09/02/2070

    681       658  

2.700%, 09/02/2070 (A)

    2,830       2,734  

2.500%, 04/16/2025 (A)

    3,135       3,326  

DP World MTN (A)


6.850%, 07/02/2037

    421       525  

5.625%, 09/25/2048

    1,009       1,150  

4.700%, 09/30/2049

    134       135  

DP World Salaam


6.000%, VAR US Treas Yield Curve Rate T Note Const Mat 5 Yr+5.750% (G)

    200       209  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Emirate of Dubai Government International Bonds MTN



5.250%, 01/30/2043

        $ 490     $ 558  

Finance Department Government of Sharjah MTN



4.000%, 07/28/2050

    674       690  

4.000%, 07/28/2050 (A)

    2,031       2,077  



3.933%, 02/28/2030

    691       723  



4.500%, 11/07/2028 (A)

    1,346       1,611  



3.950%, 05/21/2050

    200       234  

3.700%, 11/07/2049 (A)

    711       795  

Sharjah Sukuk Program MTN



3.854%, 04/03/2026

    359       390  








United Kingdom — 0.3%


Standard Chartered Bank MTN (A)



8.375%, 10/18/2039

  IDR  797,000       1,487  

8.250%, 05/18/2029

    930,000       2,995  








United States — 0.3%


JPMorgan Chase Bank MTN


7.000%, 09/18/2030 (A)(F)

    7,028,000       4,519  




Uruguay — 0.8%


Republic of Uruguay


5.100%, 06/18/2050

        $ 535       719  

Uruguay Government International Bond



9.875%, 06/20/2022

  UYU  42,797       1,052  

8.500%, 03/15/2028

    8,397       205  

4.975%, 04/20/2055

        $ 661       879  

4.375%, 10/27/2027

    2,310       2,668  

4.375%, 01/23/2031

    4,957       5,893  








Uzbekistan — 0.1%


Republic of Uzbekistan Bond MTN


5.375%, 02/20/2029

    783       873  

4.750%, 02/20/2024

    232       244  








Venezuela — 0.1%


Petroleos de Venezuela


9.750%, 05/17/2035 (D)

    1,000       25  

9.000%, 11/17/2021 (B)(D)

    4,300       108  

6.000%, 05/16/2024 (D)

    10,192       255  

6.000%, 05/16/2024 (D)

    7,785       195  

6.000%, 11/15/2026 (D)

    13,215       330  

5.500%, 04/12/2037 (D)

    1,740       43  

5.375%, 04/12/2027 (D)

    4,563       114  
Description           Face Amount
    Market Value
    ($ Thousands)

GLOBAL BONDS (continued)


Venezuela Government International Bond



9.250%, 09/15/2027 (D)

  $ 2,300     $ 172  

9.250%, 05/07/2028 (D)

    2,941       221  

8.250%, 10/13/2024 (D)

    3,304       248  

7.750%, 10/13/2019 (D)

    3,976       298  








Vietnam — 0.1%


Mong Duong Finance Holdings BV



5.125%, 05/07/2029 (A)

    684       697  




Zambia — 0.1%


First Quantum Minerals (A)


7.500%, 04/01/2025

    404       400  

6.875%, 03/01/2026

    403       388  

Zambia Government International Bond


5.375%, 09/20/2022

    1,053       522  

5.375%, 09/20/2022 (A)

    794       394  








Total Global Bonds


(Cost $1,450,538) ($ Thousands)









U.S. Treasury Bills


0.100%, 05/20/2021 (E)

    14,991       14,981  




Total U.S. Treasury Obligation


(Cost $14,981) ($ Thousands)









SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P.


0.100% **(H)

    15,314,028       15,318  




Total Affiliated Partnership
(Cost $15,315) ($ Thousands)





Total Investments in Securities — 97.5%
(Cost $1,480,834) ($ Thousands)


  $ 1,436,061  







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



A list of the open futures contracts held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:    


Type of Contract   

Number of


Long (Short)





  Notional Amount






Unrealized Appreciation

    (Depreciation) (Thousands)


     (71)        Dec-2020       $     (14,689     $ (14,530     $ (133


     (18)        Dec-2020       (4,647     (4,700     (146

R023 Bond Future

     594        Nov-2020       3,890       3,866       39  

R186 Bond Future

     1,511        Nov-2020       10,664       10,849       173  

R2032 Bond Future

     525        Nov-2020       2,804       2,712       (44

R2035 Bond Future

     976        Nov-2020       5,188       4,968       (131

R2037 Bond Future

     419        Nov-2020       2,110       2,014       (59

R2040 Bond Future

     379        Nov-2020       1,943       1,871       (39

R208 Bond Future

     117        Nov-2020       729       716       (1

R213 Bond Future

     837        Nov-2020       4,262       4,131       (58

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Note

     (11)        Dec-2020       (1,533     (1,535     (2

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Note

     102        Dec-2020       14,196       14,232       36  

U.S. Long Treasury Bond

     (22)        Dec-2020       (3,908     (3,878     30  

U.S. Ultra Long Treasury Bond

     42        Dec-2020       9,382       9,316       (66












          $ 30,391       $     30,032       $ (401












A list of the open forward foreign currency contracts held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Counterparty    Settlement Date             

Currency to Deliver


             Currency to Receive

Barclays PLC

     12/16/20        IDR        31,854,320        USD        2,114      $ (3

Barclays PLC

     12/17/20        USD        22,483        ZAR        381,050        160  

Brown Brothers Harriman

     10/09/20        USD        2,550        CNY        17,375        2  


     10/02/20 - 12/02/20        USD        2,297        BRL        12,241        (126


     10/05/20 - 12/16/20        USD        4,576        EUR        3,858        (50


     10/05/20 - 12/16/20        EUR        12,712        USD        15,070        151  


     10/05/20        EUR        521        USD        606        (5


     10/07/20 - 12/16/20        USD        13,586        RUB        998,838        (761


     10/07/20        RUB        80,108        USD        1,098        66  


     10/09/20 - 12/16/20        USD        18,440        CNY        127,218        226  


     10/21/20        UAH               USD                


     10/29/20 - 11/05/20        UAH        312,679        USD        10,954        (3,681


     11/03/20        EUR        2,125        HUF        753,669        (59


     11/03/20 - 12/11/20        HUF        1,536,767        EUR        4,213        (16


     11/04/20        EUR        2,053        RON        9,998        (8


     11/04/20 - 12/09/20        RON        6,283        EUR        1,283         


     12/02/20        BRL        27,576        USD        4,971        85  


     11/04/20        BRL        9,411        USD        1,662        (7


     11/06/20 - 12/17/20        USD        7,393        ZAR        126,737        172  


     11/06/20        USD        3,846        ZAR        63,619        (48


     11/06/20        USD        3,306        MXN        73,817        25  


     12/16/20        USD        13,502        MXN        290,390        (459


     11/06/20        MXN        54,793        USD        2,494        22  


     11/06/20 - 12/16/20        MXN        28,262        USD        1,262        (11


     11/06/20        ZAR        95,548        USD        5,650        (56


     11/10/20        EUR        2,129        CZK        56,980        (30


     11/10/20        CZK        28,275        EUR        1,045        2  


     11/10/20        CZK        9,894        EUR        364        (1


     11/19/20 - 01/27/21        EGP        37,425        USD        2,192        (152


     11/27/20 - 12/16/20        USD        10,751        INR        798,962        26  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020



Counterparty    Settlement Date              Currency to Deliver
             Currency to Receive


     11/27/20        IDR        11,462,626        USD        773      $ 8  


     12/16/20        IDR        26,176,634        USD        1,730        (10


     12/02/20        KRW        260,352        USD        220        (3


     12/07/20        USD        338        UYU        13,787        (17


     12/16/20        USD        432        COP        1,679,866        2  


     12/16/20        USD        465        PEN        1,667        (2


     12/16/20        EUR        1,495        PLN        6,662        (32


     12/16/20        PLN        2,887        EUR        635        (1


     12/16/20        PLN        2,935        USD        783        24  


     12/16/20        USD        2,938        CZK        66,301        (63


     12/16/20        USD        9,106        PLN        34,275        (235


     12/16/20        RON        8,265        USD        1,999        20  


     12/16/20        RON        3,081        USD        737        (1


     12/16/20        USD        13,656        THB        428,612        (129


     12/16/20        PEN        36,210        USD        10,165        93  


     12/16/20        PHP        357,250        USD        7,319        (28


     01/28/21        NGN        547,260        USD        1,289        (70

Goldman Sachs

     10/02/20        BRL        5,985        USD        1,088        26  

Goldman Sachs

     10/07/20        USD        6,135        RUB        461,905        (185

Goldman Sachs

     10/07/20 - 12/16/20        RUB        136,883        USD        1,798        45  

Goldman Sachs

     10/16/20 - 11/05/20        TRY        44,664        USD        6,147        391  

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        TRY        9,428        USD        1,196        (2

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        USD        7,246        CNY        49,865        64  

Goldman Sachs

     10/21/20        USD        2,407        CNY        16,329        (6

Goldman Sachs

     10/26/20 - 12/16/20        USD        4,899        IDR        73,751,434        27  

Goldman Sachs

     11/03/20        EUR        2,017        HUF        721,716        (36

Goldman Sachs

     11/05/20 - 12/16/20        USD        4,196        TRY        32,704        (25

Goldman Sachs

     11/05/20        UAH        10,069        USD        353        (125

Goldman Sachs

     11/06/20        USD        486        ZAR        8,207        4  

Goldman Sachs

     11/06/20        MXN        12,133        USD        541        (7

Goldman Sachs

     11/06/20        USD        7,830        MXN        175,706        98  

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        USD        7,585        MXN        163,344        (248

Goldman Sachs

     11/06/20        ZAR        59,544        USD        3,584        28  

Goldman Sachs

     11/19/20 - 01/21/21        EGP        64,552        USD        3,861        (156

Goldman Sachs

     11/27/20        IDR        4,833,064        USD        328        6  

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        IDR        12,407,849        USD        818        (7

Goldman Sachs

     12/02/20        USD        9,284        BRL        51,932        (84

Goldman Sachs

     12/09/20        RON        2,423        EUR        494        (1

Goldman Sachs

     12/09/20        EUR        3,214        RON        15,727        (7

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        USD        375        RON        1,544        (5

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        USD        891        PEN        3,165        (10

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        USD        2,061        HUF        621,215        (56

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        RON        2,146        USD        519        5  

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        USD        2,936        CLP        2,263,405        (60

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        USD        15,686        CZK        351,737        (438

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        HUF        207,734        EUR        568        (3

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        CLP        1,453,238        USD        1,886        39  

Goldman Sachs

     12/16/20        COP        53,323,499        USD        14,385        589  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/05/20        USD        2,734        EUR        2,333        2  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/05/20 - 12/15/20        USD        5,766        EUR        4,864        (58



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)


Counterparty    Settlement Date              Currency to Deliver
             Currency to Receive

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/05/20 - 12/15/20        EUR        17,552        USD        20,870      $ 259  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/04/20 - 12/15/20        EUR        1,192        USD        1,394        (5

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/05/20        KRW        2,974,856        USD        2,503        (42

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/15/20        PEN        1,240        USD        1,243        3  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/18/20        USD        764        RUB        60,102        4  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/07/20        USD        2,639        RUB        200,877        (52

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/07/20        RUB        152,779        USD        2,057        89  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/13/20        MYR        10,191        USD        2,448        (6

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/16/20        TRY        4,388        USD        580        12  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20        USD        189        PEN        668        (4

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20        USD        208        UYU        7,800        (25

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20        USD        507        PHP        24,673        2  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20        USD        1,628        THB        50,939        (21

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20 - 10/26/20        USD        6,354        CLP        4,839,436        (208

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20 - 10/26/20        BRL        15,921        USD        3,018        194  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/19/20 - 10/21/20        RUB        248,312        USD        3,279        85  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/20/20        USD        91        COP        353,691        1  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/20/20        COP        12,399,270        USD        3,356        141  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/27/20 - 11/02/20        IDR        137,212,476        USD        9,263        55  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/20/20 - 11/03/20        IDR        92,579,647        USD        6,196        (19

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/21/20        USD        1,239        MYR        5,130        (3

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/21/20        USD        3,442        TRY        26,108        (67

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/30/20        USD        140        BRL        792         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/21/20 - 10/30/20        USD        7,153        BRL        38,806        (271

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/27/20        USD        6,388        CNY        44,393        129  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/21/20        USD        1,451        CNY        9,856        (2

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/21/20 - 10/26/20        PEN        11,616        USD        3,272        41  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/22/20        ZAR        123,754        USD        7,420        18  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/22/20        ZAR        855        USD        49        (2

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     10/29/20        USD        1,591        CNY        10,854        5  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/02/20        USD        103        IDR        1,532,730         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/06/20 - 11/20/20        USD        2,723        MXN        61,746        62  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/06/20        MXN        7,792        USD        354        2  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/06/20 - 11/20/20        MXN        52,260        USD        2,340        (15

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/10/20        EUR        3,232        CZK        85,264        (100

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/10/20        CZK        33,934        EUR        1,291        46  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/19/20        USD        4,545        ZAR        79,809        214  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/20/20        USD        4,043        RON        16,685        (41

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/20/20        USD        5,793        PLN        21,568        (212

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/27/20        USD        253        IDR        3,790,752         

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     11/27/20        INR        189,037        USD        2,551        (3

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/11/20        USD        215        THB        6,788        (1

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/15/20        JPY        237,343        USD        2,242        (10

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/16/20        USD        716        PEN        2,561        (3

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/16/20        HUF        39,006        EUR        109        2  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/16/20        KRW        9,178,548        USD        7,733        (149

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/16/20        COP        14,074,855        USD        3,786        145  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/16/20        COP        948,453        USD        245        (1

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/17/20        USD        110        CZK        2,461        (3

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/17/20        USD        4,241        HUF        1,283,476        (100






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020



Counterparty    Settlement Date              Currency to Deliver
             Currency to Receive

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     12/30/20        EUR        4,146        RON        20,386      $ 4  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

     02/26/21        USD        689        UAH        19,981        244  

Merrill Lynch

     12/16/20        SGD        15,817        USD        11,562        (29

Morgan Stanley

     12/18/20        USD        1,182        RUB        93,542        13  

Morgan Stanley

     10/07/20        USD        1,277        RUB        94,668        (58

Morgan Stanley

     10/07/20        RUB        104,691        USD        1,390        42  

Morgan Stanley

     10/21/20        USD        2,690        INR        198,690        3  

Morgan Stanley

     10/26/20        KRW        2,881,967        USD        2,480        7  

Morgan Stanley

     11/06/20        MXN        55,794        USD        2,480        (38

Morgan Stanley

     11/06/20        ZAR        65,982        USD        3,825        (116

Morgan Stanley

     11/10/20        CZK        28,275        EUR        1,043        (1

Morgan Stanley

     11/23/20        EUR        5,390        PLN        23,691        (196

Morgan Stanley

     11/23/20        PLN        7,058        EUR        1,606        58  

Standard Bank

     10/05/20        USD        2,029        EUR        1,712        (21

Standard Bank

     12/16/20        EUR        7,797        USD        9,257        98  

Standard Bank

     10/05/20        EUR        818        USD        952        (8

Standard Bank

     11/02/20 - 02/04/21        NGN        1,635,311        USD        3,744        (358

Standard Bank

     11/06/20        USD        616        ZAR        10,682        21  

Standard Bank

     12/16/20        USD        3,960        MYR        16,511        21  

Standard Bank

     12/16/20        RUB        24,160        USD        314        5  

Standard Bank

     12/16/20        IDR        11,516,114        USD        767        1  

Standard Bank

     12/16/20        IDR        11,655,729        USD        774         

Standard Bank

     12/17/20        ZAR        1,100        USD        64        (1

Standard Bank

     02/17/21 - 02/24/21        GHS        8,035        USD        1,291        (36

Standard Chartered

     11/04/20 - 01/05/21        USD        953        BRL        5,399        4  

Standard Chartered

     10/02/20 - 01/05/21        USD        14,182        BRL        76,041        (705

Standard Chartered

     10/02/20 - 12/02/20        BRL        52,032        USD        9,554        326  

Standard Chartered

     10/05/20        USD        2,524        KRW        2,984,362        29  

Standard Chartered

     10/07/20        RUB        274,493        USD        3,723        187  

Standard Chartered

     10/07/20        RUB        664,258        USD        8,417        (138

Standard Chartered

     10/13/20        USD        2,454        MYR        10,244        13  

Standard Chartered

     10/21/20        MYR        19,322        USD        4,631        (22

Standard Chartered

     10/21/20        INR        184,096        USD        2,498        3  

Standard Chartered

     11/05/20        TRY        5,462        USD        723        19  

Standard Chartered

     11/27/20        IDR        22,703,713        USD        1,525        11  

Standard Chartered

     12/11/20        EUR        2,024        HUF        726,042        (34

Standard Chartered

     12/16/20        IDR               USD                

Standard Chartered

     12/16/20        USD        1,656        CLP        1,266,028        (47

Standard Chartered

     12/17/20        PHP        17,839        USD        367         

Standard Chartered

     12/18/20        USD        7,851        RUB        624,380        127  

State Street

     10/05/20        EUR        11,120        USD        12,573        (467

State Street

     10/05/20 - 12/03/20        EUR        17,257        USD        20,661        404  

State Street

     10/05/20 - 11/04/20        EUR        1,278        USD        1,492        (6

State Street

     10/05/20 - 11/04/20        USD        8,356        EUR        7,166        51  

State Street

     10/05/20        USD        18,731        EUR        15,810        (191

State Street

     10/07/20        RUB        32,022        USD        430        18  

State Street

     11/04/20 -12/16/20        USD        8,208        BRL        42,831        (615

State Street

     11/06/20        USD        1,220        ZAR        21,264        50  

State Street

     11/06/20        MXN        57,607        USD        2,537        (62

State Street

     11/10/20        EUR        1,050        CZK        27,558        (38



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Continued)



Counterparty    Settlement Date            Currency to Deliver
           Currency to Receive

State Street

   11/10/20      CZK      47,135      EUR      1,806      $ 77   

State Street

   12/16/20      USD      1,669      INR      124,042         

State Street

   12/16/20      USD      1,682      KRW      1,971,690        12   




                     $     (6,367)  




A list of the open OTC swap agreements held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Interest Rate Swaps  
Counterparty   Fund Pays   Fund Receives  



  Currency   Notional
  Net Unrealized

Goldman Sachs

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   12.725%   Annually   01/04/2021   BRL     10,608     $ 711      $     $ 711  

JPMorgan Chase

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   9.61%   Annually   01/04/2021   BRL     4,626       138             138  

JPMorgan Chase

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   10.89%   Annually   01/04/2021   BRL     170       6             6  

JPMorgan Chase

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   10.04%   Annually   01/04/2021   BRL     3,557       118             118  

JPMorgan Chase

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   9.275%   Annually   01/04/2021   BRL     5,815       157             157  

JPMorgan Chase

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   8.87%   Annually   01/04/2021   BRL     8,089       195             195  

Goldman Sachs

  28-DAY MXN - TIIE   5.37%   Monthly   03/17/2021   MXN     46,500       9             9  

Goldman Sachs

  3-MONTH MosPrime - RUB   7.515%   Annually   06/10/2021   RUB     1,020,770       481             481  

JPMorgan Chase

  1.3775%   6-MONTH HUF - BUBOR   Semi-
  06/17/2021   HUF     654,998       (14           (14

Goldman Sachs

  6-MONTH PLN - WIBOR   2.208%   Annually   11/16/2021   PLN     6,842       73             73  


  6-MONTH PLN - WIBOR   2.431%   Annually   12/14/2021   PLN     11,000       131             131  

Goldman Sachs

  3-MONTH MosPrime - RUB   6.29%   Annually   12/14/2021   RUB     535,000       92             92  

Goldman Sachs

  6-MONTH HUF - BUBOR   1.265%   Semi-
  01/10/2022   HUF     1,537,322       (59           (59
  1-DAY-CLP - Sinacofi Chile                

JPMorgan Chase

  Interbank Rate Avg   3.430%   Semi-
  05/10/2022   CLP     420,527       31             31  

Goldman Sachs

  28-DAY MXN - TIIE   5.900%   Monthly   09/12/2022   MXN     75,956       89             89  

Goldman Sachs

  6-MONTH HUF - BUBOR   0.8385%   Annually   09/21/2022   HUF     1,390,000       (22           (22

Goldman Sachs

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   11.985%   Annually   01/02/2023   BRL     3,000       297             297  

Goldman Sachs

  1-DAY BRL - CETIP   10.04%   Annually   01/03/2023   BRL     5,012       384             384  

Goldman Sachs

  3-MONTH MosPrime - RUB   7.072%   Annually   04/02/2023   RUB     715,570       310             310  

Goldman Sachs

  28-DAY MXN - TIIE   6.355%   Monthly   05/21/2025   MXN     23,145       60             60  


  .953%   3-MONTH MYR - KLIBOR   Quarterly   08/18/2025   MYR     11,000       30             30  

Goldman Sachs

  28-DAY MXN - TIIE   6.205%   Monthly   12/08/2025   MXN     16,624       38             38  

Goldman Sachs

  28-DAY MXN - TIIE   6.165%   Monthly   03/05/2026   MXN     47,200       104             104  

JPMorgan Chase

  28-DAY MXN - TIIE   6.13%   Monthly   06/18/2026   MXN     40,000       83             83  

Goldman Sachs

  28-DAY MXN - TIIE   6.381%   Monthly   09/16/2026   MXN     26,000       68             68  












               $ 3,510      $  –      $ 3,510  













Cross Currency Swaps  
Counterparty    Fund Pays   Fund Receives   Payment
  Currency   Notional
  Net Unrealized

JPMorgan Chase

   3-MONTH USD - LIBOR   12.90%   Quarterly   10/07/2025   TRY     3,070      $ 69      $      $ 69  

JPMorgan Chase

   3-MONTH USD - LIBOR   11.065%   Quarterly   12/07/2025   TRY     2,351       163             163  












                $ 232      $  –      $ 232  

















SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020



A list of the open centrally cleared swap agreements held by the Fund at September 30, 2020, is as follows:


Interest Rate Swaps  
Fund Pays    Fund Receives   Payment
  Termination Date   Currency   Notional
    Net Unrealized


   28-DAY MXN - TIIE   Monthly   01/28/2021   MXN     133,260         $ (71       $         $ (71


   4.85 FIXED   Monthly   07/25/2025   MXN     6,144       (2           (2


   .605%   Quarterly   07/16/2025   CNY     45,500       (6           (6

1-DAY-CLP - Sinacofi Chile Interbank Rate Avg

   1.16%   Semi-Annually   06/23/2025   CLP     2,335,691       (4           (4


   6-MONTH HUF - BUBOR   Semi-Annually   06/23/2025   HUF     734,635       36             36  

1-DAY-CLP - Sinacofi Chile Interbank Rate Avg

   .36%   Semi-Annually   06/17/2025   CLP     1,931,133       21             21  

0.644 FIXED

   6-MONTH PLN - WIBOR   Semi-Annually   06/09/2025   PLN     11,248       (25           (25


   .45% FIXED   Monthly   04/01/2025   MXN     27,064       74             74  


   .725%   Annually   03/25/2025   HUF     598,334       (50           (50


   .62 FIXED   Monthly   03/21/2025   MXN     19,328       59             59  


   INR - MIBOR   Semi-Annually   02/26/2025   INR     76,447       (31           (31


   INR - MIBOR   Semi-Annually   02/25/2025   INR     152,895       (61           (61


   .455%   Annually   01/02/2025   BRL     3,591       10             10  


   6.82%   Annually   01/02/2025   BRL     3,362       10             10  


   .65%   Annually   01/02/2025   BRL     12,389       (48           (48


   .77 FIXED   Annually   01/02/2025   BRL     4,102       11             11  

1-Day Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate - (MIBID)

   4.26%   Semi-Annually   08/14/2025   INR     204,000       (21           (21


   0.81%   Annually   09/12/2024   HUF     75,000       (4           (4


   7.72%   Monthly   12/03/2026   MXN     8,000       47             47  


   6-MONTH HUF - BUBOR   Semi-Annually   02/08/2029   HUF     200,000       (32           (32


   6-MONTH PLN - WIBOR   Semi-Annually   06/12/2030   PLN     8,141       (21           (21


   1-DAY-CLP - Sinacofi Chile Interbank Rate Avg   Semi-Annually   06/05/2030   CLP     830,041       (80           (80


   5.45%   Quarterly   03/12/2030   COP     1,338,006       (33           (33


   5.47%   Quarterly   03/11/2030   COP     879,919       (22           (22


   5.4%   Quarterly   03/11/2030   COP     2,751,828       (66           (66


   1.75%   Annually   02/26/2030   PLN     11,700       243             243  


   6-MONTH HUF - BUBOR   Semi-Annually   01/17/2030   HUF     135,000       3             3  


   6-MONTH CZK - PRIBOR   Semi-Annually   01/17/2030   CZK     10,000       (43           (43


   6-MONTH PLN - WIBOR   Semi-Annually   12/17/2029   PLN     11,500       (252           (252


   6-MONTH CZK - PRIBOR   Semi-Annually   11/18/2029   CZK     33,000       97             97  


   28-DAY MXN - TIIE   Monthly   09/10/2029   MXN     33,993       (121           (121


   28-DAY MXN - TIIE   Monthly   08/31/2029   MXN     42,602       (166           (166


   8.49%   Quarterly   07/18/2029   ZAR     10,000       (11           (11


   1-DAY COP- COLUMBIA IBR   Quarterly   06/21/2029   COP     1,800,000       (44           (44


   1-DAY COP- COLUMBIA IBR   Quarterly   05/15/2029   COP     3,600,000       (133           (133


   7.51%   Monthly   04/20/2027   MXN     8,110       45             45  


   6-MONTH CZK - PRIBOR   Semi-Annually   07/17/2024   CZK     21,146       (41           (41


   6-MONTH CZK - PRIBOR   Semi-Annually   06/21/2024   CZK     14,000       (26           (26


   .47%   Monthly   06/19/2024   MXN     95,833       3             3  


   6.71%   Monthly   07/07/2022   MXN     37,637       65             65  


   .645&   Annually   06/25/2022   HUF     1,811,931       (50           (50


   6.745%   Monthly   06/23/2022   MXN     26,758       46             46  


   675%   Annually   06/23/2022   HUF     1,807,262       (28           (28


   .885 FIXED   Annually   01/03/2022   BRL     15,625       (4           (4


   2.99%   Annually   01/03/2022   BRL     20,697       (1           (1


   5.89%   Annually   01/03/2022   BRL     27,057       160             160  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Emerging Markets Debt Fund (Concluded)


Fund Pays    Fund Receives   Payment
    Currency     Notional













   1-DAY-CLP - Sinacofi Chile     Semi-Annually       12/12/2021       CLP          
   Interbank Rate Avg           2,569,905     $ (58   $     $ (58


   2.135%     Annually       11/18/2021       CZK       155,000       138             138  


   2.263%     Annually       11/12/2021       PLN       7,000       40             40  


   2.225%     Annually       11/11/2021       CZK       40,000       36             36  


   2.07%     Annually       09/30/2021       CZK       121,000       92             92  


   2.1%     Annually       09/30/2021       CZK       150,349       114             114  


   28-DAY MXN - TIIE     Monthly       01/28/2021       MXN       136,359       (74           (74


   28-DAY MXN - TIIE     Monthly       01/28/2021       MXN       60,000       (33           (33

China 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate

   2.5375%     Quarterly       08/31/2022       CNY       44,500       13             13  


   2.87%     Annually       09/01/2022       COP       16,554,805       21             21  


   .775%     Annually       09/02/2022       COP       12,743,638       13             13  


   5.25%     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       11,519       33             33  


   6-MONTH CZK - PRIBOR     Semi-Annually       06/18/2024       CZK       140,000       (270           (270


   .65 FIXED     Annually       03/26/2024       PLN       2,804       8             8  


   .63 FIXED     Annually       03/26/2024       PLN       3,196       8             8  


   6-MONTH PLN - WIBOR     Semi-Annually       03/25/2024       PLN       14,396       (214           (214


   4.835%     Annually       01/02/2024       BRL       21,544       (76           (76


   .5 FIXED     Annually       01/02/2024       BRL       4,808       21             21  


   5.56%     Annually       01/02/2024       BRL       18,819       (1           (1


   1-DAY COP- COLUMBIA IBR     Quarterly       07/08/2030       COP       1,318,748       3             3  


   .76%     Annually       01/02/2024       BRL       8,953       8             8  


   .23 FIXED     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       5,579       35             35  


   .77 FIXED     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       6,361       51             51  


   3.8875%     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       12,478       (24           (24


   9.255%     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       2,368       38             38  


   11.475%     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       3,524       80             80  


   5.655     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       2,705       12             12  


   6.61%     Annually       01/02/2023       BRL       4,693       35             35  


   .55% FIXED     Monthly       04/13/2023       MXN       52,615       56             56  

1-DAY-CLP - Sinacofi Chile Interbank Rate Avg

   .145%     Semi-Annually       08/24/2030       CLP       444,725       (8           (8









             $ (470     $     $ (470











Credit Default Swap  
Reference Entity/
  Termination Date   Notional Amount
    Upfront Payments/
    Net Unrealized


   Buy   1.00%   Quarterly   12/20/2025     21,298     $ 1,355     $ 1,427     $ (72






Percentages are based on Net Assets of $1,473,435 ($ Thousands).



The rate reported is the 7-day effective yield as of September 30, 2020.


Investment in Affiliated Security (see Note 5).



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutions. On September 30, 2020, the value of these securities amounted to $277,531 ($ Thousands), representing 18.8% of the Net Assets of the Fund.



Certain securities or partial positions of certain securities are on loan at September 30, 2020 (See Note 9). The total market value of securities on loan at September 30, 2020 was $14,743 ($ Thousands).



Step Bonds – Represents the current rate, the step rate, the step date and the final maturity date.



Security is in default on interest payment.



Zero coupon security. The rate shown on the Schedule of Investments is the security’s effective yield at the time of purchase.


Variable or floating rate security, the interest rate of which adjusts periodically based on changes in current interest rates and prepayments on the underlying pool of assets.



Perpetual security with no stated maturity date.



This security was purchased with cash collateral held from securities on loan. The total market value of such securities as of September 30, 2020 was $15,318 ($ Thousands).







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






ARS — Argentine Peso

BRL — Brazilian Real

BUBOR— Budapest Interbank Offered Rate

CETIP— Central of Custody and Financial Settlement of Securities

CLP — Chilean Peso

CNY — Chinese Yuan Onshore

COP — Colombian Peso

CZK — Czech Koruna

DAC — Designated Activity Company

DOP — Dominican Peso

EGP — Egyptian Pound

EUR — Euro

GHS — Ghanaian Cedi

HUF — Hungarian Forint

IBR — Interbank Rate

ICE— Intercontinental Exchange

IDR — Indonesian Rupiah

INR — Indian Rupee

JPY — Japanese Yen

JSC — Joint-Stock Company

KLIBOR — Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rate

KRW — Korean Won

LIBOR— London Interbank Offered Rate

L.P. — Limited Partnership

Ltd. — Limited

MTN — Medium Term Note

MXN — Mexican Peso

MYR — Malaysian Ringgit

NGN — Nigerian Naira

PEN — Peruvian Nuevo Sol

PHP— Philippine Peso

PLN — Polish Zloty

PRIBOR— Prague Interbank Offered Rate

RON — Romanian Leu

RSD — Serbian Dinar

RUB — Russian Ruble

SGD — Singapore Dollar

Ser — Series

THB — Thai Bhat

TIIE —Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate

TRY — Turkish Lira

UAH — Ukrainian Hryvnia

ULC — Unlimited Liability Company

USD — U.S. Dollar

UYU — Uruguayan Peso

WIBOR— Warsaw Interbank Offered Rate

VAR — Variable Rate

ZAR — South African Rand


Investments in Securities   

Level 1  



Level 2  



Level 3  






Global Bonds

            1,405,762               1,405,762  

U.S. Treasury Obligation

            14,981               14,981  

Affiliated Partnership

            15,318               15,318  













Total Investments in Securities

            1,436,061               1,436,061  














Other Financial Instruments    Level 1
    Level 2
    Level 3

Futures Contracts*


Unrealized Appreciation

     278                    278  

Unrealized Depreciation

     (679                  (679

Forwards Contracts*


Unrealized Appreciation

           5,765              5,765  

Unrealized Depreciation

           (12,132            (12,132

OTC Swaps


Interest Rate Swaps*


Unrealized Appreciation

           3,605              3,605  

Unrealized Depreciation

           (95            (95

Cross Currency Swaps*


Unrealized Appreciation

           232              232  

Centrally Cleared Swaps


Interest Rate Swaps*


Unrealized Appreciation

           1,785              1,785  

Unrealized Depreciation

           (2,255            (2,255

Credit Default Swaps*


Unrealized Depreciation

           (72            (72













Total Other Financial Instruments

     (401     (3,167            (3,568













* Futures contracts, forwards contracts and swap contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.

For the year ended September 30, 2020, there were no transfers in or out of Level 3.

For more information on valuation inputs, see Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies in Notes to Financial Statements.



The following is a summary of the transactions with affiliates for the period ended September 30, 2020 ($ Thousands):


Security Description    Value 9/30/2019   

Purchases at


   Proceeds from



   Change in
   Shares    Income    Capital Gains

SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P.

   $87,228    $231,055    $(302,978)   $8    $5    $15,318    15,314,028    $177    $—
















Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020



      International Equity
    Emerging Markets
Equity Fund
    International Fixed
Income Fund
    Emerging Markets
Debt Fund



Investments, at value

      $ 3,749,437      $ 1,619,761      $ 499,832        $ 1,420,743*  

Affiliated investments, at value

        166,233          47,222                   15,318  


        49,222          18,462          7,428          32,797  

Cash pledged as collateral for forward foreign currency contracts


Cash pledged as collateral for futures contracts

        7,756          3,370          435          2,475  

Cash pledged as collateral for swap contracts

                          142          1,330  

Foreign currency, at value

        6,376          7,501          1,163          3,046  

Receivable for fund shares sold

        1,236          615          245          562  

Receivable for investment securities sold

        16,664          8,579          2,810          6,598  

Dividends and interest receivable

        9,046          2,411          2,944          20,753  

Unrealized gain on forward foreign currency contracts

                          6,431          5,765  

Unrealized gain on foreign spot currency contracts

                          1,051          22  

Due from broker


Swap contracts, at value

                          97          3,837  

Foreign tax reclaim receivable

        12,343          72                    

Receivable for variation margin

        23          501          166          282  

Prepaid expenses

              40                17                6                16  

Total Assets

              4,018,376                1,708,511                522,750                1,518,587  



Payable upon return on securities loaned

        94,816          20,013                   15,310  

Payable for investment securities purchased

        16,336          3,200          3,764          14,319  

Payable for fund shares redeemed

        3,180          2,917          278          1,232  

Swap contracts, at value

                          294          95  

Payable for variation margin

        812                   150          206  

Administration fees payable

        1,013          615          137          530  

Unrealized loss on foreign currency spot contracts

        14          9          128          68  

Unrealized loss on forward foreign currency contracts

                          3,203          12,132  

Trustees fees payable


Chief compliance officer fees payable

        5          2          1          2  

Administrative servicing fees payable


Shareholder servicing fees payable

        479          321          91          288  

Investment advisory fees payable

        1,642          1,325          96          766  

Accrued expense payable

        282          241          80          204  

Accrued foreign capital gains tax on appreciated securities


Total Liabilities

              118,584                31,278                8,222                45,152  

Net Assets

            $ 3,899,792              $ 1,677,233              $ 514,528              $ 1,473,435  

Cost of investments

      $ 3,474,342        $ 1,256,791        $ 471,916        $ 1,465,519  

Cost of affiliated investments

        166,224          47,214                   15,315  

Cost of foreign currency

        6,382          7,461          1,159          3,036  

Cost (premiums received)


* Includes market value of securities on loan

              90,323                18,725                               14,743  






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






      International Equity
     Emerging Markets
Equity Fund
     International Fixed
Income Fund
     Emerging Markets
Debt Fund

Net Assets:


Paid-in Capital — (unlimited authorization — no par value)

      $ 3,678,629         $ 1,480,081         $ 510,034         $ 1,599,424  

Total distributable earnings/(loss)

              221,163                 197,152                 4,494                 (125,989)  

Net Assets

            $ 3,899,792               $ 1,677,233               $ 514,528               $ 1,473,435  

Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share — Class F

      $ 10.86         $ 12.06         $ 10.46         $ 9.80  
($3,568,372,946 ÷
($1,542,551,467 ÷
($445,864,185 ÷
($1,374,566,013 ÷

Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share — Class I

      $ 10.87           N/A           N/A           N/A  
($1,350,165 ÷

Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share — Class Y

      $ 10.86         $ 12.07         $ 10.47         $ 9.79  
($134,681,529 ÷
($68,664,161 ÷
($98,868,564 ÷

N/A — Not applicable. Share classes currently not offered.

Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





For the year ended September 30, 2020



International Equity


Emerging Markets
Equity Fund


International Fixed
Income Fund


Emerging Markets
Debt Fund


Investment Income:



     $ 89,618        $ 39,732        $        $  

Income from affiliated investments(1)

          439          180                    

Interest Income

       477          185          6,843          84,852  

Security lending income — net(2)(3)

       1,027          339                   177  

Less: foreign taxes withheld

       (11,298        (4,472        (82        (1,816

Total Investment Income

         80,263            35,964            6,761            83,213  



Investment advisory fees

       19,891          17,597          1,542          13,031  

Administration fees

       12,323          7,385          2,313          6,849  

Shareholder servicing fees — Class F

       8,983          3,845          1,113          3,571  

Shareholder servicing fees — Class I


Administrative servicing fees — Class I


Printing fees

       573          245          74          221  

Custodian/wire agent fees

       430          750          139          453  

Professional fees

       195          64          25          75  

Trustees’ fees

       82          35          11          31  

Registration fees

       60          26          8          24  

Chief compliance officer fees

       22          9          3          8  

Other expenses

       181          89          132          177  

Total Expenses

         42,748            30,045            5,360            24,440  



Waiver of investment advisory fees

                (1,676        (227        (3,524

Waiver of administration fees

                         (51        (300

Waiver of shareholder servicing fees — Class F


Net Expenses

         42,676            28,369            5,082            20,616  

Net Investment Income

         37,587            7,595            1,679            62,597  

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on:



       30,468          (55,201        3,939          (6,780

Affiliated investments

       13          1                   8  

Futures contracts

       3,147          6,223          (3,952        1,550  

Swap contracts

                         (333        469  

Purchased and written options


Foreign currency transactions

       (250        (944        (265        (37,890

Forward foreign currency contracts

       211                   (14,131        (9,493

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:



       49,626          182,067          18,010          (25,953

Affiliated investments

       3                            5  

Futures contracts

       (2,324        1,306          (136        222  

Option contracts


Swap contracts

                         (169        2,150  

Foreign capital gains tax on appreciated securities


Foreign currency translation of other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

       892          80          1,095          554  

Forward foreign currency contracts

                         (2,541        (2,620

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

       $ 119,373          $ 139,060          $ 3,196          $ (15,307

(1) See Note 5 in the Notes to Financial Statements for additional information.

(2) Income is from the investment of collateral in an affiliated security.

(3) See Note 9 in the Notes to Financial Statements for additional information.

Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020


For the years ended September 30,


        International Equity Fund        Emerging Markets Equity Fund  
        2020        2019        2020        2019  



Net investment income

     $ 37,587        $ 78,036        $ 7,595        $ 16,194  

Net realized gain (loss) on investments and futures contracts

       33,628          (92,628)          (48,977)          (72,504)  

Net realized loss on forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions

       (39)          (1,944)          (944)          (1,474)  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and futures contracts

       47,305          (191,554)          183,373          26,765  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts, foreign currencies and translation of other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

       892          (332)          80          6  

Net change in unrealized depreciation on foreign capital tax gains on appreciated securities

                         (2,067)          (145)  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

       119,373          (208,422)          139,060          (31,158)  



Class F

       (67,877)          (53,543)          (18,642)          (9,542)  

Class I

       (25)          (25)          N/A          N/A  

Class Y

       (7,618)          (5,551)          (2,039)          (1,045)  

Total Distributions

       (75,520)          (59,119)          (20,681)          (10,587)  

Capital Share Transactions:


Class F:


Proceeds from shares issued

       568,725          581,641          259,125          262,961  

Reinvestment of dividends & distributions

       62,626          49,614          17,191          8,884  

Cost of shares redeemed

       (794,429)          (720,379)          (408,775)          (337,016)  

Net Decrease from Class F Transactions

       (163,078)          (89,124)          (132,459)          (65,171)  

Class I:


Proceeds from shares issued

       491          398          N/A          N/A  

Reinvestment of dividends & distributions

       13          15          N/A          N/A  

Cost of shares redeemed

       (1,060)          (960)          N/A          N/A  

Net Decrease from Class I Transactions

       (556)          (547)          N/A          N/A  

Class Y:


Proceeds from shares issued

       72,880          107,012          30,639          50,713  

Reinvestment of dividends & distributions

       7,068          5,135          1,901          971  

Cost of shares redeemed

       (118,964)          (68,972)          (51,350)          (29,199)  

Net Increase (Decrease) from Class Y Transactions

       (39,016)          43,175          (18,810)          22,485  

Net Decrease in Net Assets Derived from Capital Share Transactions

       (202,650)          (46,496)          (151,269)          (42,686)  

Net Decrease in Net Assets

       (158,797)          (314,037)          (32,890)          (84,431)  

Net Assets:


Beginning of Year

       4,058,589          4,372,626          1,710,123          1,794,554  

End of Year

     $     3,899,792        $     4,058,589        $     1,677,233        $     1,710,123  

Capital Share Transactions:


Class F:


Shares issued

       56,479          55,772          23,437          23,647  

Reinvestment of distributions

       5,441          5,278          1,385          859  

Shares redeemed

       (78,402)          (69,493)          (36,491)          (30,383)  

Total Class F Transactions

       (16,482)          (8,443)          (11,669)          (5,877)  

Class I:


Shares issued

       51          38          N/A          N/A  

Reinvestment of distributions

       1          2          N/A          N/A  

Shares redeemed

       (109)          (93)          N/A          N/A  

Total Class I Transactions

       (57)          (53)          N/A          N/A  

Class Y:


Shares issued

       7,463          10,480          2,869          4,578  

Reinvestment of distributions

       615          547          153          94  

Shares redeemed

       (12,369)          (6,631)          (4,844)          (2,626)  

Total Class Y Transactions

       (4,291)          4,396          (1,822)          2,046  

Net Decrease in Shares Outstanding from Share Transactions

       (20,830)          (4,100)          (13,491)          (3,831)  

N/A — Not applicable. Share classes currently not offered.

Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





For the years ended September 30,


        International Fixed Income Fund        Emerging Markets Debt Fund  
        2020        2019        2020        2019  



Net investment income

     $ 1,679        $ 2,207        $ 62,597        $ 77,900  

Net realized gain (loss) on investments, futures contracts and swap contracts

       (346)          4,840          (5,032)          (8,302)  

Net realized gain (loss) on forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions

       (14,396)          11,720          (47,383)          (48,917)  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, futures contracts, option contracts and swap contracts

       17,705          21,837          (23,423)          111,211  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts, foreign currencies and translation of other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

       (1,446)          3,144          (2,066)          (3,018)  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

       3,196          43,748          (15,307)          128,874  



Class F

       (14,461)          (19,278)          (11,445)          (24,016)  

Class Y

       (2,410)          (2,040)          (1,066)          (2,284)  

Total Distributions

       (16,871)          (21,318)          (12,511)          (26,300)  

Capital Share Transactions:


Class F:


Proceeds from shares issued

       80,130          76,574          207,358          224,174  

Reinvestment of dividends & distributions

       13,322          17,932          10,357          21,787  

Cost of shares redeemed

       (87,928)          (100,729)          (300,839)          (308,307)  

Net Increase (Decrease) from Class F Transactions

       5,524          (6,223)          (83,124)          (62,346)  

Class Y:


Proceeds from shares issued

       16,132          28,909          23,514          30,730  

Reinvestment of dividends & distributions

       2,180          1,813          985          2,127  

Cost of shares redeemed

       (17,464)          (7,009)          (35,537)          (42,670)  

Net Increase (Decrease) from Class Y Transactions

       848          23,713          (11,038)          (9,813)  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Derived from Capital Share Transactions

       6,372          17,490          (94,162)          (72,159)  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets

       (7,303)          39,920          (121,980)          30,415  

Net Assets:


Beginning of Year

       521,831          481,911          1,595,415          1,565,000  

End of Year

     $     514,528        $     521,831        $     1,473,435        $     1,595,415  

Capital Share Transactions:


Class F:


Shares issued

       7,694          7,424          21,356          23,304  

Reinvestment of distributions

       1,290          1,798          1,060          2,186  

Shares redeemed

       (8,463)          (9,831)          (31,470)          (32,215)  

Total Class F Transactions

       521          (609)          (9,054)          (6,725)  

Class Y:


Shares issued

       1,551          2,797          2,528          3,226  

Reinvestment of distributions

       211          182          102          214  

Shares redeemed

       (1,687)          (677)          (3,816)          (4,425)  

Total Class Y Transactions

       75          2,302          (1,186)          (985)  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Shares Outstanding from Share Transactions

       596          1,693          (10,240)          (7,710)  

Amounts designated as “—” are $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020


For the years or period ended September 30

For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Year or Period


     Net Asset
of Year


Income (Loss)(1)


Net Realized





from Net
from Net
    Net Asset
of Year
    Net Assets
End of Year
($ Thousands)
    Ratio of Net
to Average
Net Assets*

Ratio of

to Average

Net Assets
(Excluding Fees

Paid Indirectly
and Including

  Ratio of Expenses
to Average
Net Assets
(Excluding Fees
Paid Indirectly
and Waivers)**
  Ratio of Net
Income (Loss)
to Average
Net Assets

International Equity Fund



Class F(2)



    $10.68       $0.10       $0.28       $0.38       $(0.20)       $—       $(0.20)       $10.86       3.44%       $3,568,373     1.11%   1.11%   1.11%     0.94%       102%  


    11.38       0.20       (0.75)       (0.55)       (0.15)             (0.15)       10.68       (4.63)       3,686,195     1.10(3)   1.10(3)   1.10(3)     1.92         73  


    11.29       0.16       0.08       0.24       (0.15)             (0.15)       11.38       2.11       4,024,987     1.09(3)   1.09(3)   1.09(3)     1.35         40  


    9.58       0.13       1.69       1.82       (0.11)             (0.11)       11.29       19.23       3,795,858     1.15(3)   1.15(3)   1.15(3)     1.27         57  


    9.16       0.13       0.39       0.52       (0.10)             (0.10)       9.58       5.63       2,729,762     1.27(3)(4)   1.27(3)(4)   1.28(3)(4)     1.36         45  

Class I




    $10.68       $0.07       $0.28       $0.35       $(0.16)       $—       $(0.16)       $10.87       3.19%       $1,350     1.36%   1.36%   1.36%     0.63%       102%  


    11.37       0.17       (0.74)       (0.57)       (0.12)             (0.12)       10.68       (4.90)       1,932     1.35(5)   1.35(5)   1.35(5)     1.61         73  


    11.27       0.12       0.09       0.21       (0.11)             (0.11)       11.37       1.86       2,662     1.34(5)   1.34(5)   1.34(5)     1.06         40  


    9.55       0.10       1.70       1.80       (0.08)             (0.08)       11.27       19.00       2,954     1.40(5)   1.40(5)   1.40(5)     0.96         57  


    9.15       0.10       0.38       0.48       (0.08)             (0.08)       9.55       5.27       4,341     1.52(4)(5)   1.52(4)(5)   1.52(4)(5)     1.09         45  

Class Y




    $10.68       $0.12       $0.29       $0.41       $(0.23)       $—       $(0.23)       $10.86       3.68%       $330,069     0.86%   0.86%   0.86%     1.16%       102%  


    11.39       0.23       (0.76)       (0.53)       (0.18)             (0.18)       10.68       (4.43)       370,462     0.85(6)   0.85(6)   0.85(6)     2.24         73  


    11.31       0.18       0.09       0.27       (0.19)             (0.19)       11.39       2.40       344,977     0.84(6)   0.84(6)   0.84(6)     1.60         40  


    9.59       0.16       1.69       1.85       (0.13)             (0.13)       11.31       19.59       319,689     0.90(6)   0.90(6)   0.90(6)     1.53         57  


    9.18       0.16       0.37       0.53       (0.12)             (0.12)       9.59       5.77       168,719     1.02(4)(6)   1.02(4)(6)   1.03(4)(6)     1.70         45  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund



Class F(2)




    $11.21       $0.05       $0.93       $0.98       $(0.13)       $—       $(0.13)       $12.06       8.75%       $1,542,551     1.71%(7)   1.71%(7)   1.81%(8)     0.43%         90%  


    11.47       0.10       (0.29)       (0.19)       (0.07)             (0.07)       11.21       (1.64)       1,564,523     1.70(7)   1.70(7)   1.81(8)     0.92         89  


    12.32       0.08       (0.77)       (0.69)       (0.16)             (0.16)       11.47       (5.71)       1,668,960     1.69(7)   1.69(7)   1.80(8)     0.61         70  


    10.09       0.07       2.24       2.31       (0.08)             (0.08)       12.32       23.10       1,821,009     1.74(7)   1.74(7)   1.82(8)     0.65         66  


    8.43       0.05       1.68       1.73       (0.07)             (0.07)       10.09       20.66       1,532,960     1.76(4)(7)   1.76(4)(7)   1.86(4),(8)     0.59         79  

Class Y




    $11.22       $0.08       $0.93       $1.01       $(0.16)       $—       $(0.16)       $12.07       8.99%       $134,682     1.46%(9)   1.46%(9)   1.56%(10)
    0.66%         90%  


    11.49       0.14       (0.31)       (0.17)       (0.10)             (0.10)       11.22       (1.44)       145,600     1.45(9)   1.45(9)   1.56(10)     1.25         89  


    12.35       0.11       (0.76)       (0.65)       (0.21)             (0.21)       11.49       (5.46)       125,594     1.44(9)   1.44(9)   1.55(10)     0.89         70  


    10.11       0.10       2.24       2.34       (0.10)             (0.10)       12.35       23.46       125,400     1.49(9)   1.49(9)   1.57(10)     0.93         66  


    8.45       0.09       1.66       1.75       (0.09)             (0.09)       10.11       20.95       72,218     1.52(4),(9)   1.52(4),(9)   1.62(4) (10)     0.96         79  



Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.



Includes Fees Paid Indirectly, if applicable. See Note 5 in Notes to Financial Statements



See Note 5 in Notes to Financial Statements.



Per share net investment income and net realized and unrealized gains (losses) calculated using average shares.



Effective January 31, 2017, Class A Shares converted to Class F Shares of the same Fund.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.10%, 1.09%, 1.15% and 1.27% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes proxy expenses outside the cap.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.35%, 1.34%, 1.40% and 1.52% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 0.85%, 0.84%, 0.90% and 1.02% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.71%, 1.70%, 1.69%, 1.74%, and 1.76% for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.81%, 1.81%, 1.80%, 1.82%, and 1.86% for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.46%, 1.45%, 1.44%, 1.49% and 1.52% for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.56%, 1.56%, 1.55%, 1.58% and 1.62% for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.

Amounts designated as “—” are either $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





For the years or period ended September 30

For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Year or Period



     Net Asset
of Year


Income (Loss)(1)


Net Realized





from Net
from Net
    Net Asset
of Year
    Net Assets
End of Year
($ Thousands)
    Ratio of Net
to Average
Net Assets*

Ratio of

to Average

Net Assets
(Excluding Fees

Paid Indirectly
and Including

  Ratio of Expenses
to Average
Net Assets
(Excluding Fees
Paid Indirectly
and Waivers)**
  Ratio of Net
Income (Loss)
to Average
Net Assets

International Fixed Income Fund



Class F(2)



    $10.73       $0.03       $0.04       $0.07       $(0.26)       $(0.08)       $(0.34)       $10.46       0.73%       $445,864     1.02%   1.02%   1.08%     0.29%         64%  


    10.27       0.04       0.88       0.92       (0.40)       (0.06)       (0.46)       10.73       9.28       452,150     1.02(3)   1.02(3)   1.07(4)     0.42         58  


    10.13       0.07       0.07       0.14                         10.27       1.38       438,908     1.02(3)   1.02(3)   1.07(4)     0.66         71  


    10.51       0.07       (0.18)       (0.11)       (0.17)       (0.10)       (0.27)       10.13       (1.03)       415,582     1.02(3)   1.02(3)   1.08(4)     0.66       113  


    10.38       0.10       0.62       0.72       (0.57)       (0.02)       (0.59)       10.51       7.32       497,157     1.05(3)(5)   1.05(3)(5)   1.11(4)(5)     0.98       106  

Class Y



    $10.75       $0.06       $0.03       $0.09       $(0.29)       $(0.08)       $(0.37)       $10.47       0.88%       $68,664     0.77%   0.77%   0.83%     0.54%         64%  


    10.29       0.07       0.88       0.95       (0.43)       (0.06)       (0.49)       10.75       9.54       69,681     0.77(6)   0.77(6)   0.82(7)     0.66         58  


    10.12       0.09       0.08       0.17                         10.29       1.68       43,003     0.77(6)   0.77(6)   0.82(7)     0.91         71  


    10.50       0.09       (0.17)       (0.08)       (0.20)       (0.10)       (0.30)       10.12       (0.76)       37,982     0.77(6)   0.77(6)   0.83(7)     0.94       113  


    10.45       0.12       0.55       0.67       (0.60)       (0.02)       (0.62)       10.50       6.79       12,901     0.80(5)(6)   0.80(5)(6)   0.87(5)(7)     1.23       106  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund



Class F(2)



    $9.93       $0.40       $(0.45)       $(0.05)       $(0.08)       $—       $(0.08)       $9.80       (0.53)%       $1,374,566     1.36%   1.36%   1.61%     4.07%         95%  


    9.30       0.47       0.32       0.79       (0.16)             (0.16)       9.93       8.51       1,483,467     1.36(9)   1.36(9)   1.62(10)     4.93       114  


    10.55       0.51       (1.19)       (0.68)       (0.57)             (0.57)       9.30       (6.81)       1,451,128     1.36(9)   1.36(9)   1.61(10)     5.08         80  


    10.08       0.51       0.17       0.68       (0.21)             (0.21)       10.55       6.93       1,458,611     1.36(9)   1.36(9)   1.63(10)     5.06         79  


    8.66       0.49       0.93       1.42                         10.08       16.40       1,453,586     1.39(5)(9)   1.39(5)(9)   1.65(5)(10)     5.30         86  

Class Y



    $9.92       $0.42       $(0.45)       $(0.03)       $(0.10)       $—       $(0.10)       $9.79       (0.33)%       $98,869     1.11%   1.11%   1.36%     4.33%         95%  


    9.28       0.50       0.32       0.82       (0.18)             (0.18)       9.92       8.84       111,948     1.11(11)   1.11(11)   1.37(12)     5.18       114  


    10.57       0.53       (1.18)       (0.65)       (0.64)             (0.64)       9.28       (6.57)       113,872     1.11(11)   1.11(11)   1.36(12)     5.34         80  


    10.12       0.53       0.17       0.70       (0.25)             (0.25)       10.57       7.18       108,361     1.11(11)   1.11(11)   1.38(12)     5.31         79  


    8.67       0.52       0.93       1.45                         10.12       16.72       100,566     1.14(5)(11)   1.14(5)(11)   1.40(5)(12)     5.55         86  



Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.



Includes Fees Paid Indirectly, if applicable. See Note 5 in Notes to Financial Statements



See Note 5 in Notes to Financial Statements.



Per share net investment income and net realized and unrealized gains (losses) calculated using average shares.



Effective January 31, 2017, Class A Shares converted to Class F Shares of the same Fund.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.02%, 1.02%, 1.02% and 1.05% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.07%, 1.07%, 1.08% and 1.11% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes proxy expenses outside the cap.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 0.77%, 0.77%, 0.77% and 0.80% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 0.82%, 0.82%, 0.83% and 0.87% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



Commenced operations on October 30, 2015. All ratios for the period have been annualized.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.37%, 1.36%, 1.36% and 1.39% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.62%, 1.61%, 1.63% and 1.65% for 2019, 2018, 2016 and 2015.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.11%, 1.11%, 1.11% and 1.14% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.



The expense ratio includes overdraft fees. Had this expense been excluded the ratios would have been 1.37%, 1.36%, 1.38% and 1.40% for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.

Amounts designated as “—” are either $0 or have been rounded to $0.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020


September 30, 2020



SEI Institutional International Trust (the “Trust”) was organized as a Massachusetts business trust under a Declaration of Trust dated June 30, 1988.

The Trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end investment company with four funds: International Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Equity Fund, International Fixed Income Fund and Emerging Markets Debt Fund (together the “Funds”) each of which are diversified Funds with the exception of the International Fixed Income Fund and the Emerging Markets Debt Fund. Each Fund’s prospectus provides a description of its investment goal, principal investment strategies and risks. The Trust is registered to offer Class F (formerly Class A) and Class Y shares of each of the Funds and Class I shares of the International Equity Fund.


The following are significant accounting policies, which are consistently followed in the preparation of its financial statements by the Funds. The Funds are investment companies that apply the accounting and reporting guidance issued in Topic 946 by the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”).

Use of Estimates — The Funds are investment companies in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). Therefore, the Funds follow the accounting and reporting guidelines for investment companies. The preparation of financial statements, in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Security Valuation — Securities listed on a securities exchange, market or automated quotation system for which quotations are readily available (other than securities traded on National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) or as otherwise noted below) at the last quoted sale price on an exchange or market (foreign or domestic) on which the securities are traded, or, if there is no such reported sale, at the most recent quoted bid price. The Funds value securities traded on NASDAQ at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price. If available, debt securities, swaps (which are not centrally cleared), bank loans or collateralized debt obligations (including collateralized loan obligations), such as those held by the Funds, are priced based upon valuations provided by independent,

third-party pricing agents. Such values generally reflect the last reported sales price if the security is actively traded. The third-party pricing agents may also value debt securities at an evaluated bid price by employing methodologies that utilize actual market transactions, broker-supplied valuations or other methodologies designed to identify the market value for such securities. Redeemable securities issued by open-end investment companies are valued at the investment company’s applicable net asset value, with the exception of ETFs, which are priced as equity securities. The prices of foreign securities are reported in local currency and converted to U.S. dollars using currency exchange rates. If a security’s price cannot be obtained, as noted above, the Funds will value the securities using a bid price from at least one independent broker. If such prices are not readily available or cannot be valued using the methodologies described above, the Funds will value the security using the Funds’ Fair Value Pricing Policies and Procedures (“Fair Value Procedures”), as described below.

On the first day a new debt security purchase is recorded, if a price is not available from a third-party pricing agent or an independent broker, the security may be valued at its purchase price. Each day thereafter, the debt security will be valued according to the Funds’ Fair Value Procedures until a price from an independent source can be secured. Securities held by a Fund with remaining maturities of 60 days or less may be valued by the amortized cost method, which involves valuing a security at its cost on the date of purchase and thereafter (absent unusual circumstances) assuming a constant amortization to maturity of any discount or premium, regardless of the impact of fluctuations in general market rates of interest on the value of the instrument. While this method provides certainty in valuation, it may result in periods during which value, as determined by this method, is higher or lower than the price a Fund would receive if it sold the instrument. Further, the value of securities in the Fund can be expected to vary inversely with changes in prevailing interest rates. Should existing credit, liquidity or interest rate conditions in the relevant markets and issuer-specific circumstances suggest that amortized cost does not approximate fair value, then the amortized cost method may not be used.

Futures and swaps cleared through a central clearing house (“centrally cleared swaps”) are valued at the settlement price established each day by the board of exchange on which they are traded. The daily settlement prices for financial futures and centrally cleared swaps are provided by an independent source. On days when there is excessive volume, market volatility or the future or centrally cleared swap does not end trading by the




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time a Fund calculates its Net Asset Value (“NAV”), the settlement price may not be available at the time at which the Fund calculates its NAV. On such days, the best available price (which is typically the last sales price) may be used to value a Fund’s futures or centrally cleared swaps position.

Foreign currency forward contracts are valued at the current day’s interpolated foreign exchange rate, as calculated using forward rates provided by an independent source.

Prices for most securities held by a Fund are provided daily by third-party independent pricing agents. SEI Investments Management Corporation (“SIMC”) or a Sub-Adviser (“Sub-Adviser”), as applicable, reasonably believes that prices provided by independent pricing agents are reliable. However, there can be no assurance that such pricing service’s prices will be reliable. SIMC or a Sub-Adviser, as applicable, will continuously monitor the reliability of prices obtained from any pricing service and shall promptly notify the Funds’ administrator if it believes that a particular pricing service is no longer a reliable source of prices. The Funds’ administrator, in turn, will notify the Fair Value Pricing Committee (the “Committee”) if it receives such notification from SIMC or a Sub-Adviser, as applicable, or if the Funds’ administrator reasonably believes that a particular pricing service is no longer a reliable source for prices.

The Funds’ Fair Value Procedures provide that any change in a primary pricing agent or a pricing methodology requires prior approval by the Board of Trustees (“Board”) or its designated sub-committee. However, when the change would not materially affect valuation of a Fund’s net assets or involve a material departure in pricing methodology from that of the Fund’s existing pricing agent or pricing methodology, approval may be obtained at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.

Securities for which market prices are not readily available, for which market prices are determined to be unreliable, or which cannot be valued using the methodologies described above are valued in accordance with the Fair Value Procedures established by the Board. The Funds’ Fair Value Procedures are implemented through the Committee designated by the Board. The Committee is currently composed of one member of the Board, as well as representatives from SIMC and its affiliates. Some of the more common reasons that may necessitate that a security be valued using Fair Value Procedures include: (i) the security’s trading has been halted or suspended, (ii) the security has been delisted from a national exchange, (iii) the security’s primary trading market is temporarily closed at a time when under normal conditions it would be

open, or (iv) the security’s primary pricing source is not able or willing to provide a price. When a security is valued in accordance with the Fair Value Procedures, the Committee will determine the value after taking into consideration relevant information reasonably available to the Committee. Examples of factors the Committee may consider include: (i) the facts giving rise to the need to fair value, (ii) the last trade price, (iii) the performance of the market or the issuer’s industry, (iv) the liquidity of the security, (v) the size of the holding in a Fund, or (vi) any other appropriate information.

The determination of a security’s fair value price often involves the consideration of a number of subjective factors, and is therefore subject to the unavoidable risk that the value assigned to a security may be higher or lower than the security’s value would be if a reliable market quotation for the security was readily available.

For securities that principally trade on a foreign market or exchange, a significant gap in time can exist between the time of a particular security’s last trade and the time at which a Fund calculates its NAV. The closing prices of such securities may no longer reflect their market value at the time a Fund calculates NAV if an event that could materially affect the value of those securities (a “Significant Event”), including substantial fluctuations in domestic or foreign markets or occurrences not tied directly to the securities markets, such as natural disasters, armed conflicts or significant governmental actions, has occurred between the time of the security’s last close and the time that the Fund calculates its NAV. A Fund may invest in securities that are primarily listed on foreign exchanges that trade on weekends or other days when the Fund does not price its shares. As a result, the NAV of the Fund’s shares may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or redeem Fund shares.

A Significant Event may relate to a single issuer or to an entire market sector. If SIMC or a Sub-Adviser becomes aware of a Significant Event that has occurred with respect to a security or group of securities after the closing of the exchange or market on which the security or securities principally trade, but before the time at which the Funds calculate NAV, it may request that a Committee meeting be called. In addition, the Funds use several processes, with respect to certain securities to monitor the pricing data supplied by various sources, including price comparisons and price movements. Any identified discrepancies are researched and subject to the procedures described above.

The International Equity Fund and Emerging Markets Equity Fund also use a third-party fair valuation vendor. The vendor provides a fair value for foreign securities held by these Funds based on certain factors and







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methodologies (involving, generally, tracking valuation correlations between the U.S. market and each non-U.S. security). Values from the fair value vendor are applied in the event that there is a movement in the U.S. market that exceeds a specific threshold that has been established by the Committee. The Committee has also established a “confidence interval” which is used to determine the level of historical correlation between the value of a specific foreign security and movements in the U.S. market before a particular security will be fair valued when the threshold is exceeded. In the event that the threshold established by the Committee is exceeded on a specific day, the International Equity Fund and Emerging Markets Equity Fund will value the non-U.S. securities in their portfolios that exceed the applicable “confidence interval” based upon the adjusted prices provided by the fair valuation vendor.

In accordance with U.S. GAAP, fair value is defined as the price that the Fund would receive upon selling an investment in an orderly transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market of the investment. A three-tier hierarchy has been established to maximize the use of the observable market data and minimize the use of unobservable inputs and to establish classification of the fair value measurements for disclosure purposes. Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset. Inputs may be observable or unobservable. Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.

The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarized in the three broad Levels listed below:

Level 1 — quoted prices in active markets for identical investments

Level 2 — other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risks, etc.)

Level 3 — significant unobservable inputs (including the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments)

Investments are classified within the level of the lowest significant input considered in determining fair value. Investments classified within Level 3 whose fair value measurement considers several inputs may include

Level 1 or Level 2 inputs as components of the overall fair value measurement.

The valuation techniques used by the Funds to measure fair value during the year ended September 30, 2020 maximized the use of observable inputs and minimized the use of unobservable inputs.

For the year ended September 30, 2020, there have been no significant changes to the inputs or the Trust’s fair valuation methodologies.

Security Transactions and Investment Income — Security transactions are recorded on the trade date. Cost used in determining net realized capital gains and losses on the sale of securities is determined on the basis of specific identification. Dividend income and expense is recognized on the ex-dividend date, and interest income or expense is recognized using the accrual basis of accounting.

Distributions received on securities that represent a return of capital or capital gain are recorded as a reduction of cost of investments and/ or as a realized gain. The Trust estimates the components of distributions received that may be considered nontaxable distributions or capital gain distributions.

Amortization and accretion is calculated using the scientific interest method, which is not materially different from the effective interest method. Amortization of premiums and discounts is included in interest income.

Cash and Cash Equivalents — Idle cash and currency balances may be swept into various overnight sweep accounts and are classified as cash and cash equivalents on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities/ Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows. These amounts, at times, may exceed United States federally insured limits. Amounts swept are available on the next business day.

Expenses — Expenses that are directly related to one of the Funds are charged directly to that Fund. Other operating expenses of the Trust are prorated to the Funds on the basis of relative daily net assets.

Classes — Class-specific expenses are borne by that class. Income, non-class specific expenses, and realized and unrealized gains/losses are allocated to




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the respective classes on the basis of relative daily net assets.

Foreign Currency Translation — The books and records of the Funds investing in international securities are maintained in U.S. dollars on the following basis:

(i) market value of investment securities, assets and liabilities at the current rate of exchange; and

(ii) purchases and sales of investment securities, income and expenses at the relevant rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.

The Funds do not isolate that portion of gains and losses on investments in investment securities that is due to changes in the foreign exchange rates from that which is due to changes in market prices of investment securities.

The Funds report certain foreign-currency-related transactions as components of realized gains for financial reporting purposes, whereas such components are treated as ordinary income for Federal income tax purposes.

Forward Foreign Currency Contracts — To the extent consistent with its investment objective and strategies, a Fund may enter into forward foreign currency contracts as hedges against either specific transactions, fund positions, speculative purposes or anticipated fund positions. All commitments are “marked-to-market” daily at the applicable foreign exchange rate, and any resulting unrealized gains or losses are recorded currently. The Fund realizes gains and losses at the time forward contracts are extinguished. Unrealized gains or losses on outstanding positions in forward foreign currency contracts held at the close of the year are recognized as ordinary income or loss for federal income tax purposes. The Fund could be exposed to risk if the counterparties to the contracts are unable to meet the terms of the contract and from unanticipated movements in the value of a foreign currency relative to the U.S. dollar.

Finally, the risk exists that losses could exceed amounts disclosed on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Refer to each Fund’s Schedule of Investments for details regarding open forward foreign currency contracts as of September 30, 2020, if applicable.

Futures Contracts — To the extent consistent with its investment objective and strategies, the Funds may purchase futures contracts to gain exposure to market changes, which may be more efficient or cost effective than actually buying the securities. To the extent consistent with its investment objective and strategies, a Fund may utilize futures contracts for tactical hedging purposes as well as to enhance the Funds’ returns

and may also utilize futures contracts to efficiently assist in managing the Funds’ duration and yield curve exposure. Upon entering into such a contract, a Fund is required to deposit and maintain as collateral such initial margin as required by the exchange on which the contract is held. The contracts are marked to market daily and the resulting changes in value are accounted for as unrealized gains and losses. Variation margin payments are paid or received, depending upon whether unrealized losses or gains are incurred. When the contract is closed, the Funds record a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the proceeds from (or cost of) the closing transaction and the amount invested in the contract.

Risks of entering into futures contracts include the possibility that there will be an imperfect price correlation between the futures and the underlying securities. Second, it is possible that a lack of liquidity for futures contracts could exist in the secondary market, resulting in an inability to close a position prior to its maturity date. Third, the futures contract involves the risk that a Fund could lose more than the original margin deposit required to initiate a futures transaction.

Finally, the risk exists that losses could exceed amounts disclosed on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Refer to each Fund’s Schedule of Investments for details regarding open futures contracts as of September 30, 2020, if applicable.

Options/Swaptions Written/Purchased — To the extent consistent with its investment objective and strategies, a Fund may invest in financial options/swaptions contracts for the purpose of hedging its existing portfolio securities, or securities that a Fund intends to purchase, against fluctuations in fair market value caused by changes in prevailing market interest rates. A Fund may also invest in financial option/swaption contracts to enhance its returns. When the Fund writes or purchases an option/swaption, an amount equal to the premium received or paid by the Fund is recorded as a liability or an asset and is subsequently adjusted to the current market value of the option/swaption written or purchased. Premiums received or paid from writing or purchasing options/swaptions which expire unexercised are treated by the Fund on the expiration date as realized gains or losses. The difference between the premium and the amount paid or received on effecting a closing purchase or sale transaction, including brokerage commissions, is also treated as a realized gain or loss. If an option/swaption is exercised, the premium paid or received is added to the cost of







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the purchase or proceeds from the sale in determining whether the Fund has realized a gain or a loss.

The risk in writing a call option/swaption is a Fund may give up the opportunity for profit if the market price of the security increases. The risk in writing a put option/swaption is a Fund may incur a loss if the market price of the security decreases and the option/swaption is exercised. The risk in purchasing an option/swaption is a Fund may pay a premium whether or not the option/swaption is exercised. The Funds also have the additional risk of being unable to enter into a closing transaction at an acceptable price if a liquid secondary market does not exist. Option/swaption contracts also involve the risk that they may not work as intended due to unanticipated developments in market conditions or other causes.

Finally, the risk exists that losses on written options could exceed amounts disclosed on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Refer to each Fund’s Schedule of Investments for details regarding open option/swaption contracts as of September 30, 2020, if applicable.

Swap Agreements — To the extent consistent with its investment objective and strategies, a Fund may invest in swap contracts as an efficient means to take and manage risk in the portfolio, including interest rate risk, credit risk and overall yield sensitivity. A swap agreement is a two-party contract under which an agreement is made to exchange returns from predetermined investments or instruments, including a particular interest rate, foreign currency, or “basket” of securities representing a particular index. Swap agreements are privately negotiated in the over-the-counter market (“OTC swaps”) or may be executed in a multilateral or other trade facility platform, such as a registered commodities exchange (“Centrally Cleared swaps”). Interest rate swaps involve the exchange by a Fund with another party of their respective commitments to pay or receive interest (e.g., an exchange of floating rate payments for fixed rate payments) with respect to a notional amount of principal. Credit default swaps involve the periodic payment by a Fund or counterparty of interest based on a specified rate multiplied by a notional amount assigned to an underlying debt instrument or group of debt instruments in exchange for the assumption of credit risk on the same instruments. In the event of a credit event, usually in the form of a credit rating downgrade, the party receiving periodic payments (i.e. floating rate payer) must pay the other party (i.e. fixed rate payer) an amount equal to the outstanding principal of the downgraded debt instrument. Total return swaps allow an investor to benefit from the cash flow without ever actually owning the underlying security. The receiver must pay any decline in value to

the payer at the end of the total return swap. However, the investor does not need to make a payment if there is no decline in price. Payments can be made on various indices, bonds (i.e. mortgage backed securities, bank debt and corporate), loans or commodities. The value of a total return swap is equal to the change in value of the underlying asset versus the accrued income payment based on LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) or some other form of index on the notional amount. Interest rate swaps involve the exchange by a Fund with another party of their respective commitments to pay or receive interest (e.g., an exchange of floating rate payments for fixed rate payments) with respect to a notional amount of principal to manage a Fund’s exposure to interest rates. Payments received or made are recorded as realized gains or losses. A Fund could be exposed to credit or market risk due to unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates or if the counterparty defaults on its obligation to perform. Risk of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the statement of assets and liabilities. In connection with swap agreements, securities/cash may be set aside as collateral by the Fund’s custodian. A Fund may enter into swap agreements in order to, among other things, change the maturity or duration of the investment portfolio; protect a Fund’s value from changes in interest rates; or expose a Fund to a different security or market.

Swaps are marked-to-market daily based upon quotations from market makers and the resulting changes in market values, if any, are recorded as unrealized gains or losses in the Statement of Operations. Centrally cleared swaps are valued at the settlement price established each day by the board of exchange on which they are traded. The daily settlement prices for centrally cleared swaps are provided by an independent source. Net payments of interest are recorded as realized gains or losses. Daily changes in valuation of Centrally Cleared swaps, if any, are recorded as a receivable or payable for the change in value as appropriate (“variation margin”) on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

Entering into swap agreements involves, to varying degrees, elements of credit and market risk in excess of the amounts recognized on the Schedule of Investments or the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks involve the possibility that there will be no liquid market for these agreements, that the counterparty to the agreement may default on its obligation to perform and that there may be unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates. Risks also arise from potential losses from adverse market movements.

Counterparty risk may be mitigated by having a master netting arrangement between a Fund and




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the counterparty and by having the counterparty post collateral to cover a Fund’s exposure to the counterparty. Refer to each Fund’s Schedule of Investments for details regarding open swap contracts as of September 30, 2020, if applicable.

Delayed Delivery Transactions — A Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis. These transactions involve a commitment by the Fund to purchase or sell securities for a predetermined price or yield, with payment and delivery taking place beyond the customary settlement period. When delayed delivery purchases are outstanding, the Fund will set aside liquid assets in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price. When purchasing a security on a delayed delivery basis, the Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its net asset value. The Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a delayed delivery transaction after it is entered into, and may sell when-issued securities before they are delivered, which may result in a capital gain or loss. When the Fund has sold a security on a delayed delivery basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains and losses with respect to the security.

Loan Participations and Brady Bonds — To the extent consistent with its investment objective and strategies, a Fund may invest in U.S. dollar-denominated fixed- and floating-rate loans (“Loans”) arranged through private negotiations between a foreign sovereign entity and one or more financial institutions (“Lenders”). The Fund invests in such Loans in the form of participations in Loans (“Participations”) or assignments of all or a portion of Loans from third parties. Participations typically result in a Fund having a contractual relationship only with the Lenders, not with the sovereign borrowers. The Fund has the right to receive payments of principal, interest and any fees to which it is entitled from the Lender selling the Participation and only upon receipt by the Lender of the payments from the borrower. In connection with purchasing Participations, the Fund generally has no right to enforce compliance by the borrower with the terms of the loan agreement relating to the Loan, nor any rights of set-off against the borrower, and the Fund will not benefit directly from any collateral supporting the Loan in which it has purchased the Participation. As a result, the Fund assumes the credit risk of both the borrower and the Lender that is selling the Participation.

Certain debt obligations, customarily referred to as “Brady Bonds”, are created through the exchange of existing commercial bank loans to foreign entities for new obligations in connection with debt restructuring under a plan introduced by former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Nicholas F. Brady. Brady Bonds have only

been issued since 1989, and, accordingly, do not have a long payment history. They are issued by governments that may have previously defaulted on the loans being restructured by the Brady Bonds, so they are subject to the risk of default by the issuer. They may be fully or partially collateralized or uncollateralized and issued in various currencies.

Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders — The International Equity, Emerging Markets Equity and International Fixed Income Funds will distribute substantially all of their net investment income and all net realized capital gains, if any, at least annually. The Emerging Markets Debt Fund will distribute substantially all of its net investment income, if any, at least quarterly and all net realized gains, if any, at least annually. All dividends and distributions are recorded on ex-dividend date.

Investments in Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”) — Dividend income is recorded based on the income included in distributions received from the REIT investments using published REIT reclassifications including management estimates when actual amounts are not available. Distributions received in excess of this estimated amount are recorded as a reduction of the cost of investments or reclassified to capital gains. The actual amounts of income, return of capital, and capital gains are only determined by each REIT after its fiscal year-end, and may differ from the estimated amounts.

Participation Notes (P-Notes) — To the extent consistent with its investment objective and strategies, a Fund may acquire P-Notes issued by participating banks or broker-dealers. P-Notes are participation interest notes that are designed to offer a return linked to a particular underlying equity, debt, currency or market. The P-Notes in which the Fund may invest will typically have a maturity of one year. When purchasing a P-Note, the posting of margin is not required because the full cost of the P-Note (plus commission) is paid at the time of purchase. When the P-Note matures, the issuer will pay to, or receive from, the purchaser the difference between the minimal value of the underlying instrument at the time of purchase and that instrument’s value at maturity. Investments in P-Notes involve the same risks associated with a direct investment in the underlying foreign companies of foreign securities markets that they seek to replicate. In addition, there can be no assurance that the trading price of P-Notes will equal the underlying value of the foreign companies or foreign securities markets that they seek to replicate. The holder of a participation note that is linked to a particular underlying security is entitled to receive any dividends paid in connection with an underlying security or instrument. However, the holder of a participation note does not receive voting rights as it would if it







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directly owned the underlying security or instrument. P-Notes are generally traded over-the-counter. P-Notes constitute general unsecured contractual obligations of the banks or broker-dealers that issue them and the counterparty. There is also counterparty risk associated with these investments because the Fund is relying on the creditworthiness of such counterparty and has no rights under a participation note against the issuer of the underlying security.


A Fund may use credit default swaps to reduce risk where a Fund has exposure to the issuer, or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of an event of default. The reference obligation of the swap can be a single issuer, a “basket” of issuers, or an index. The underlying referenced assets are corporate debt, sovereign debt and asset backed securities.

The buyer of a credit default swap is generally obligated to pay the seller a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract in return for a contingent payment upon the occurrence of a credit event with respect to an underlying reference obligation. Generally, a credit event for corporate or sovereign reference obligations means bankruptcy, failure to pay, obligation acceleration, repudiation/
moratorium or restructuring. For credit default swaps on asset-backed securities, a credit event may be triggered by events such as failure to pay principal, maturity extension, rating downgrade or write-down.

If a Fund is a seller of protection, and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, a Fund will generally either (i) pay to the buyer an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation, other deliverable obligations, or underlying securities comprising a referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising a referenced index.

If a Fund is a buyer of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, a Fund will either (i) receive from the seller of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and deliver the referenced obligation, other deliverable obligations or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) receive a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index. Recovery values are calculated by market makers considering either industry standard recovery rates or entity specific factors and considerations until a credit event occurs. If a credit event has occurred, the recovery value is determined by a facilitated auction whereby a minimum number of allowable broker bids, together with a specified valuation method, are used to calculate the settlement value.


As of September 30, 2020, the International Fixed Income Fund is the seller (“providing protection”) on a total notional amount of approximately $1 million. The notional amounts of the swaps are not recorded in the financial statements; however the notional amounts approximate the maximum potential amount of future payments that the Fund could be required to make if the Fund was the seller of protection and a credit event were to occur. Those credit default swaps (“CDS”) for which the Funds are providing protection at balance sheet date are summarized as follows:


International Fixed Income Fund



Written Credit Derivative Contracts

              Single Name CDS                                        CDS  Index           

Reference Asset

     Corp US$        Sovereign US$        ABS US$        Corp US$        Total  

Fair value of written credit derivatives

     $                    —        $                    —        $            (294,546)        $                    —        $                (294,546)  

Maximum potential amount of future payments

                   882,000               882,000  



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International Fixed Income Fund


Recourse provisions with the third parties any amounts paid under the credit derivative (including any purchased credit protection)

     $        —        $        —        $        —        $        —        $        —  

Collateral held by the Fund or other third parties which the Fund can obtain upon occurrence of triggering event



Maximum Potential Amount of Future Payments by Contract Term                                  
       0-6 Months        6-12 Months        1-5 Years        5-10 Years        >10 Years        Total  

Current credit spread* on underlying (in basis points)(1)



     $                    —         $                    —        $                     —          $                    —          $ —          $ —      


     —         —          —          —            —            —      


     —         —          —          —            —            —      


     —         —          —          —            —            —      


     —         —          —          —            882,000            882,000      


     $                    —         $                    —        $ —          $                    —           $
   $         882,000      



The credit spread on the underlying asset is generally indicative of the current status of the underlying risk of the Fund having to perform. The spread also reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into a contract. Higher credit spreads with a shorter contract term is indicative of a higher likelihood of performance by the Fund.



Potential recoveries would include purchased credit derivatives to the extent they offset written credit derivatives which have an identical underlying, or a netting arrangement or credit support annex with the counterparty. There may be other potential recoveries from recourse provisions where agreements cover multiple derivative arrangements but those amounts have not been included.

The credit spread disclosed above for each reference obligation where the Fund is the seller of protection is a representation of the current payment/performance risk of the swap.


The following tables include only Funds that had exposure to more than one type of risk on derivatives held throughout the year. For Funds that held derivatives throughout the year with only one type of risk exposure, additional information can be found on the Schedules of Investments and the Statements of Operations. The fair value of derivative instruments as of period end was as follows ($ Thousand):


    Asset Derivatives           Liability Derivatives        

Year Ended September 30, 2020

          Year Ended September 30, 2020        

Statements of Assets and Liabilities


    Fair Value     Statements of Assets and Liabilities
    Fair Value  

International Fixed Income Fund


Interest rate contracts

  Net Assets — Unrealized appreciation on
            swaps contracts
  $ 125      Net Assets — Unrealized depreciation
            on swaps contracts
  $                   214   
  Net Assets — Unrealized appreciation
            on futures contracts
    524*      Net Assets — Unrealized depreciation
            on futures contracts

Credit contracts

  Net Assets — Unrealized appreciation
            on swaps contracts
           Net Assets — Unrealized depreciation
            on swap contracts

Foreign exchange contracts

  Unrealized gain on forward foreign
            currency contracts
    6,431       Unrealized loss on forward foreign
            currency contracts

Total derivatives not accounted for as hedging


    $                   7,080         $ 3,757    






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






    Asset Derivatives           Liability Derivatives        

Year ended September 30, 2020

          Year ended September 30, 2020        

Statements of Assets and Liabilities

    Fair Value     Statements of Assets and Liabilities
    Fair Value  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Interest rate contracts

  Net Assets — Unrealized appreciation           on futures contracts   $ 278*      Net Assets — Unrealized depreciation             on futures contracts   $                   679*   
  Net Assets — Unrealized appreciation           on swaps contracts      5,390      Net Assets — Unrealized depreciation             on swaps contracts      2,350   

Credit Contracts

  Net Assets — Unrealized appreciation           on swaps contracts            Net Assets — Unrealized depreciation             on swap contracts      72   

Foreign exchange contracts

  Unrealized gain on forward foreign           currency contracts     5,765      Unrealized loss on forward foreign           currency contracts     12,132   
  Net Assets — Unrealized appreciation           on swaps contracts      232      Net Assets — Unrealized depreciation             on swap contracts         

Total derivatives not accounted for as hedging


    $                   11,665          $ 15,233     



Includes cumulative appreciation/depreciation of futures contracts as reported in the Schedules of Investments. Only current day’s variation margin is reported within the Statements of Assets & Liabilities.



Includes cumulative appreciation/depreciation of swap contracts as reported in the Schedules of Investments. Market Value is reported within the Statements of Assets & Liabilities for OTC swap contracts that have paid premiums. For centrally cleared swap contracts current days variation margin is reported within the Statements of Assets & Liabilities.

The effect of derivative instruments on the Statements of Operations for the year ended September 30, 2020.

Amount of realized gain or (loss) on derivatives recognized in income ($ Thousands):


Derivatives Not Accounted for as Hedging Instruments            Futures     




     Swaps              Total      

International Fixed Income Fund


Interest rate contracts

      $ (2,237)      $      $               —      $ (2,237)  

Foreign exchange contracts

        (1,715)        (14,131)               (15,846)  

Credit contracts

                      (333)        (333)  


            $ (3,952)      $ (14,131)      $ (333)      $         (18,416)  
Derivatives Not Accounted for as Hedging Instruments            Options                  Futures         




     Swaps      Total  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Interest rate contracts

   $      $ 1,550      $      $ 469      $ 2,019  

Foreign exchange contracts

     (279)               (9,493)               (9,772)  


   $             (279)      $             1,550      $             (9,493)      $ 469      $ (7,753)  


Change in unrealized appreciation or (depreciation) on derivatives recognized in income ($ Thousands):



Derivatives Not Accounted for as Hedging Instruments                    Futures         




     Swaps          Total      

International Fixed Income Fund


Interest rate contracts

      $ (136)      $      $ 59      $ (77)  

Foreign exchange contracts

               (2,541)               (2,541)  

Credit contracts

                      (228)        (228)  


            $ (136)      $ (2,541)      $ (169)      $ (2,846)  



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020


Derivatives Not Accounted for as Hedging Instruments            Options                  Futures                  Forward    
             Swaps                  Total      

Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Interest rate contracts

   $      $                 222      $      $ 293      $ 515  

Credit contracts

                          1,154        1,154  

Foreign exchange contracts

     153               (2,620)        703        (1,764)  


   $                 153      $ 222      $                 (2,620)      $                 2,150      $ (95)  


A Fund is subject to various netting arrangements with select counterparties (“Master Agreements”). Master Agreements govern the terms of certain transactions, and reduce the counterparty risk associated with relevant transactions by specifying credit protection mechanisms and providing standardization that improves legal certainty. Since different types of transactions have different mechanics and are sometimes traded out of different legal entities of a particular counterparty organization, each type of transaction may be covered by a different Master Agreement, resulting in the need for multiple agreements with a single counterparty. As the Master Agreements are specific to unique operations of different asset types, they allow a Fund to close out and net its total exposure to a specific counterparty entity in the event of a default with respect to all the transactions governed under a single agreement with a specific counterparty entity.

Master Agreements can also help limit counterparty risk by specifying collateral posting arrangements at pre-arranged exposure levels. Under the Master Agreements, collateral is routinely transferred if the total net exposure to certain transactions (net of existing collateral already in place) governed under the relevant Master Agreement with a counterparty in a given account exceeds a specified threshold, which typically ranges from zero to $250,000 depending on the counterparty and the type of Master Agreement. United States Treasury Securities and U.S. dollar cash

are generally the preferred forms of collateral. Securities and cash pledged as collateral are reflected as assets in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as either a component of investments at value (securities) or deposits due from counterparties (cash). Cash collateral received is not typically held in a segregated account and as such is reflected as a liability in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as deposits due to counterparties. The market value of any securities received as collateral is not reflected as a component of net asset value. A Fund’s overall exposure to counterparty risk can change substantially within a short period, as it is affected by each transaction subject to the relevant Master Agreement.

Customer Account Agreements and related addendums govern exchange traded derivatives transactions such as futures, options on futures, and centrally cleared swaps. Exchange traded derivative transactions require posting of initial margin as determined by each relevant clearing agency which is segregated at a broker account registered with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), or the applicable regulator. In the US, counterparty risk is significantly reduced as creditors of the futures broker do not have claim to Fund assets in the segregated account. Additionally, portability of exposure in the event of default further reduces risk to the Funds. Variation margin, or changes in market value, are exchanged daily, but may not be netted between futures and cleared OTC derivatives.



The following is a summary of the market value and variation margin of exchange-traded or centrally cleared

financial derivative instruments of the Funds as of September 30, 2020 ($ Thousands):


      Financial Derivatives Assets          Financial Derivatives Liabilities
     Variation Margin Asset              Variation Margin Liability     
Fund            Futures                Swap Agreements                Total                      Futures            Swap Agreements              Total      

International Equity Fund

     $                 23      $         —      $             23           $                 812      $                 —        $         812  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

       501               501                    —          —  

International Fixed Income Fund

       160        6        166             136        14          150  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

       133        149        282             110        96          206  


Cash pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared derivative instruments as of September 30, 2020 amounted to $7,756 ($ Thousands) for the International Equity Fund. Cash pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared derivative instruments as of September 30, 2020 amounted to

$3,370 ($ Thousands) for the Emerging Markets Equity Fund. Cash pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared derivative instruments as of September 30, 2020 amounted to $577 ($ Thousands) for the International Fixed Income Fund. Cash pledged as collateral for exchange-traded and centrally cleared







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






derivative instruments as of September 30, 2020 amounted to $7,325 ($ Thousands) for the Emerging Markets Debt Fund.

International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreements and Credit Support Annexes (“ISDA Master Agreements”) govern OTC financial derivative transactions entered into by a Fund and select counterparties. ISDA Master Agreements maintain provisions for general obligations, representations, agreements, collateral and events of default or termination. Events of termination include conditions that

may entitle counterparties to elect to terminate early and cause settlement of all outstanding transactions under the applicable ISDA Master Agreement. Any election to terminate early could be material to the financial statements. In limited circumstances, the ISDA Master Agreement may contain additional provisions that add additional counterparty protection beyond coverage of existing daily exposure if the counterparty has a decline in credit quality below a predefined level. These amounts, if any, may be segregated with a third party custodian.



The following is a summary by derivative type of the market value of OTC financial derivative instruments and collateral (received)/pledged as of September 30, 2020 ($ Thousands):


    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities                  



International Fixed Income Fund   Forward

Over the  


Over the  
            Net Market
Value of OTC    

Bank of America

  $ 177     $      $ 177         $ 8     $      $ 8        $ 169     $     $ 169      

Barclays PLC

    2,201              2,201           169              169          2,032             2,032  

BNP Paribas

    1,005              1,005           195              195          810             810  

Brown Brothers Harriman

    228              228           641              641          (413)             (413)  


    18              18           289              289          (271)             (271)  


    540              540           704              704          (164)             (164)  

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia

    39              39           12              12          27             27  

Credit Suisse First Boston

    50              50           73              73          (23)             (23)  

Deutsche Bank

          97        97                                 97             97  

Goldman Sachs

    108              108           95       189        284          (176)             (176)  


    67              67           72              72          (5)             (5)  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

    1,436              1,436           627              627          809             809  

Morgan Stanley

    480              480           205              205          275             275  


    8              8           32              32          (24)             (24)  

Standard Chartered

    24              24           27              27          (3)             (3)  

State Street

    27              27           48              48          (21)             (21)  



    23              23           6              6          17             17  
    Financial Derivative Assets           Financial Derivative Liabilities                  



Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Forward

Over the  


Over the  
            Net Market
Value of OTC    

Barclays PLC

  $ 160     $      $ 160         $ 3     $      $ 3        $ 157     $     $ 157  

Brown Brothers Harriman

    2              2                                 2             2  


    922       161        1,083           6,061              6,061          (4,978)       2,200       (2,778)  

Goldman Sachs

    1,322       2,716        4,038           1,461       81        1,542          2,496             2,496  

JPMorgan Chase Bank

    1,756       960        2,716           1,423       14        1,437          1,279             1,279  

Merrill Lynch

                           29              29          (29)             (29)  

Morgan Stanley

    123              123           409              409          (286)       260       (26)  

Standard Bank

    146              146           424              424          (278)             (278)  

Standard Chartered

    719              719           946              946          (227)             (227)  

State Street

    615              615           1,376              1,376          (761)             (761)  



Net Exposures represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from OTC financial derivative instruments can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity.



Excess collateral pledged is not shown for financial reporting purposes.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020


No securities have been pledged or have been received as collateral for OTC financial derivative instruments as governed by ISDA Master Agreements as of September 30, 2020.

The following table discloses the volume of the Funds’ futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts and swap activity during the six months ended September 30, 2020 ($ Thousands):


     International Equity
     Emerging Markets
Equity Fund
     International Fixed
Income Fund
     Emerging Markets
Debt Fund

Futures Contracts:


Equity Contracts


Average Notional Balance Long

   $                   46,978      $                   25,152      $                   –      $                   –  

Average Notional Balance Short


Ending Notional Balance Long

     80,240        28,761                

Ending Notional Balance Short


Interest Contracts


Average Notional Balance Long

                   89,924        53,978  

Average Notional Balance Short

                   45,420        24,742  

Ending Notional Balance Long

                   93,686        55,167  

Ending Notional Balance Short

                   59,666        24,776  

Currency Contracts


Average Notional Balance Short


Ending Notional Balance Short


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts:


Average Notional Balance Long

                   996,402        738,971  

Average Notional Balance Short

                   996,648        742,672  

Ending Notional Balance Long

                   1,078,203        711,255  

Ending Notional Balance Short

                   1,074,046        717,673  



Credit Contracts


Average Notional Balance Long

                   54        8,266  

Average Notional Balance Short

                   4,300        947  

Ending Notional Balance Long


Ending Notional Balance Short


Interest Contracts


Average Notional Balance

                   9,912        251,421  

Ending Notional Balance

                   56,970        63,245,632  

Foreign Exchange Contracts


Average Notional Balance Long


Ending Notional Balance Long






Average Notional Balance Long



Represents cost.


Investment Advisory, Administration and Distribution Agreements — SIMC serves as investment adviser (the “Adviser”) to each Fund. In connection with serving as Adviser, SIMC is entitled to a fee, which is calculated daily and paid monthly, based on the average daily net assets of each fund.

SEI Investments Global Funds Services (the

“Administrator”) provides administrative and transfer agency services to the Funds for annual fees, based on the average daily net assets of each fund.

SEI Investments Distribution Co. (the “Distributor”) is the distributor of the shares of the Funds. The Funds have adopted a shareholder services plan and agreement (the Service Plan) with respect to Class F (formerly Class A) and Class I Shares that allows such shares to pay service providers a fee, based on average daily net assets of each respective Class of Shares, in connection with the ongoing servicing of shareholder accounts owning such shares. The International Equity Fund has also adopted an administrative services plan and agreement (the Administrative Service Plan) with respect to Class I Shares that allows such Shares to pay service providers a fee, based on average daily net assets of the Class I Shares, in connection with ongoing administrative services for shareholder accounts owning such Shares.







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020




The Service Plan and Administrative Service Plan provide that shareholder service fees and administrative service fees, respectively, on Class F (formerly Class A) and Class I Shares will be paid to the Distributor, which may then be used by the Distributor to compensate financial intermediaries for providing shareholder services and administrative services, as applicable, with respect to the Shares.

The Adviser, Administrator and/or Distributor have voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of their fees in order to keep total direct operating expenses (exclusive

of interest from borrowings, brokerage commissions, taxes, Trustees fees and extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the Funds’ business) at a specified level. The voluntary waivers by the Funds’ Adviser, Administrator and/or Distributor are limited to the Funds’ direct operating expenses and, therefore, do not apply to indirect expenses incurred by the Funds, such as acquired fund fees and expenses (AFFE). The waivers are voluntary and the Funds’ Adviser, Administrator and/or Distributor may discontinue all or part of any of these waivers at any time.


The following is a summary of annual fees payable to the Adviser and Distributor and the contractual and voluntary

expense limitations for each Fund:


      Servicing Fee
      Servicing Fee
        Voluntary Expense Limitation  

International Equity Fund


Class F

     0.505%       0.25%             1.15%  

Class I

     0.505%       0.25%       0.25%       1.40%  

Class Y

     0.505%                   0.90%  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund*


Class F

     1.05%       0.25%             N/A  

Class Y

     1.05%                   N/A  

International Fixed Income Fund


Class F

     0.30%       0.25%             1.02%  

Class Y

     0.30%                   0.77%  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Class F

     0.85%       0.25%             1.36%  

Class Y

     0.85%                   1.11%  



Renewed as of January 31, 2020, SIMC has contractually agreed to waive its advisory fee as necessary to keep the advisory fee paid by the Fund during its fiscal year from exceeding 0.95%. This fee waiver agreement shall remain in effect until January 31, 2021 and, unless earlier terminated, shall be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods thereafter. The agreement may be amended or terminated only with the consent of the Board of Trustees.

N/A — Not applicable.

The following is a summary of annual fees payable to the Administrator:


    First $1.5 Billion of
    Next $500 Million of
    Next $500 Million of
    Next $500 Million of
    Over $3 Billion of Assets  

International Equity Fund

    0.450%       0.370     0.2900     0.210     0.130%   

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

    0.450%       0.370     0.2900     0.210     0.130%   

International Fixed Income Fund

    0.450%       0.370     0.2900     0.210     0.130%   

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

    0.450%       0.370     0.2900     0.210     0.130%   


Investment Sub-Advisory Agreements — As of September 30, 2020, SIMC has entered into Investment Sub-Advisory Agreements with the following parties:



Investment Sub-Adviser


International Equity Fund

Acadian Asset Management LLC

Causeway Capital Management LLC

INTECH Investment Management LLC

JO Hambro Capital Management Limited

Lazard Asset Management LLC

NWQ Investment Management Company, LLC

WCM Investment Management LLC

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

JO Hambro Capital Management Limited

KBI Global Investors (North America) Ltd.

Lazard Asset Management LLC

Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC

Qtron Investments LLC

RWC Asset Advisors (US) LLC

International Fixed Income Fund

AllianceBernstein L.P.

Colchester Global Investors Ltd.

Wellington Management Company, LLP

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Colchester Global Investors Ltd.

Marathon Asset Management, L.P.

Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC

Ninety One UK Ltd.

Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020


Under the investment sub-advisory agreements, each sub-adviser receives a fee, paid by SIMC.

Brokerage Commissions Paid to Affiliates — The Distributor may receive compensation on fund transactions effected for the Trust in accordance with the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Accordingly, it is expected that fund transactions may result in brokerage commissions being paid to the Distributor. The SEC rules require that such commissions not exceed usual and customary commissions.

Such commissions for the year ended September 30, 2020 were as follows ($ Thousands):


International Equity Fund

   $         188    

Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Fees Paid Indirectly — The Funds may direct certain fund trades to the Distributor who pays a portion of the Fund’s expenses. Accordingly, the expenses reduced, which were used to pay third party expenses, and the effect on the Fund’s expense ratio, as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily net assets for the year ended September 30, 2020 can be found on the Statement of Operations and Financial Highlights, if applicable.

Investment in Affiliated Securities — The Funds may invest in the SEI Daily Income Trust Government Fund, an affiliated money market fund to manage excess cash or to serve as margin or collateral for derivative positions. Additionally, the Funds may invest cash

collateral from the securities lending program in the SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P., also an affiliated fund.

Payment to Affiliates — Certain Officers and Trustees of the Trust are also Officers and/or Directors of the Administrator, Adviser and/or the Distributor.

The Trust pays each unaffiliated Trustee an annual fee for attendance at quarterly, interim, and committee meetings. The Administrator or the Distributor pays compensation of Officers and affiliated Trustees.

A portion of the services provided by the Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) and his staff, whom are employees of the Administrator, are paid for by the Trust as incurred. The services include regulatory oversight of the Trust’s Adviser, sub-advisers and service providers.

Interfund Lending — The SEC has granted an exemption that permits the Trust to participate in an interfund lending program (“The Program”) with existing or future investment companies registered under the 1940 Act that are advised by SIMC (the “SEI Funds”). The Program allows the SEI Funds to lend money to and borrow money from each other for temporary or emergency purposes. Participation in The Program is voluntary for both borrowing and lending funds. Interfund loans may be made only when the rate of interest to be charged is more favorable to the lending fund than an investment in overnight repurchase agreements (“Repo Rate”), and more favorable to the borrowing fund than the rate of interest that would be charged by a bank for short-term borrowings (“Bank Loan Rate”). The Bank Loan Rate will be determined using a formula reviewed annually by the SEI Funds’ Board of Trustees. The interest rate imposed on interfund loans is the average of the Repo Rate and the Bank Loan Rate. As of and during the year ended September 30, 2020, the Trust has not participated in the Program.




The cost of security purchases and the proceeds from the sale of securities, other than temporary cash investments,

during the year ended September 30, 2020, were as follows:


      International Equity Fund
($ Thousands)

Emerging Markets Equity

($ Thousands)


International Fixed Income

($ Thousands)

     Emerging Markets Debt Fund
($ Thousands)



U.S. Government

     $—        $—        $3,926        $—  


     3,928,513        1,480,852        299,741        1,379,561  



U.S. Government



     4,139,726        1,659,099        316,561        1,492,243  


It is each Fund’s intention to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code and distribute all of its


taxable income (including net capital gains). Accordingly, no provision for Federal income taxes is required.

The Funds may be subject to taxes imposed by countries in which they invest with respect to their







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020




investments in issuers existing or operating in such countries. Such taxes are generally based on income earned. The Funds accrue such taxes when the related income is earned.

Dividends from net investment income and distributions from net realized capital gains are determined in accordance with U.S. Federal income tax regulations, which may differ from those amounts determined under U.S. GAAP. These book/tax differences are either temporary or permanent in nature. To the extent these differences are permanent, they are charged or credited to paid-in capital and distributable earnings, as appropriate, in the period that the differences arise.

Accordingly, the following permanent differences, primarily attributable to different treatment for gains


and losses on paydowns of mortgage and asset-backed securities for tax purposes, investments in swaps, investments in passive foreign investment companies, distribution reclassification, REIT income reclassification and foreign currency transactions. The permanent difference that is credited or charged to Paid in Capital and Distributable Earnings as of September 30, 2020 is primarily related to net operating losses and distribution in excess of net investment income.



Paid-in Capital
($ Thousands)


International Fixed Income Fund

   $           (9,985     $          9,985  

These reclassifications have no impact on net assets of the net asset value per share.


The tax character of dividends and distributions declared during the last two years were as follows:


              Ordinary Income
($ Thousands)
     Long-term Capital Gain
($ Thousands)
($ Thousands)

International Equity Fund

     2020      $             75,520        $                                      —      $                 75,520    
     2019        59,119                 59,119    

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

     2020        20,681                 20,681    
     2019        10,587                 10,587    

International Fixed Income Fund

     2020        16,125          746        16,871    
     2019        18,958          2,360        21,318    

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

     2020        12,511                 12,511    
     2019        26,300                 26,300    

As of September 30, 2020, the components of Distributable Earnings (Accumulated Losses) were as follows:



($ Thousands)
Capital Gain
($ Thousands)



($ Thousands)



($ Thousands)

    Late Year
($ Thousands)
($ Thousands)
($ Thousands)
($ Thousands)



International Equity Fund

  $ 43,972     $     $ (29,194   $     $     $ 206,384     $ 1     $ 221,163  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

    10,009             (83,070     (44,681           314,897       (3     197,152  

International Fixed Income Fund

                (418     (388     (7,367     26,026       (13,359     4,494  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

                (23,012     (6,212     (16,663     (60,729     (19,373     (125,989


Post-October losses represent losses realized on investment transactions from November 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 that, in accordance with Federal income tax regulations, the Funds may elect to defer and treat as having arisen in the following fiscal year.

For the year ended September 30, 2020, the International Equity Fund and Emerging Markets Debt Fund utilized capital loss carryforwards to offset capital gains of $52,104 and $2,327 ($ Thousands), respectively.

For Federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards may be carried forward and applied against future capital gains.


The Funds have capital losses carried forward as follows:


($ Thousands)
($ Thousands)
    Total Capital Loss
($ Thousands)

International Equity Fund

     $(29,194)       $—       $(29,194)  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

     (73,672     (9,398     (83,070)  

International Fixed Income Fund

     (2     (416     (418)  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

           (23,012     (23,012)  

For Federal income tax purposes, the cost of securities owned at September 30, 2020, and the net realized gains or losses on securities sold for the period were not materially different from amounts reported for financial reporting purposes. These differences are primarily due to investments in derivatives, passive




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020


foreign investment companies and wash sales which cannot be used for Federal income tax purposes in the current year and have been deferred for use in future years. The aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation on total investments held by the Funds at September 30, 2020, was as follows:


     Federal Tax Cost
($ Thousands)
($ Thousands)
($ Thousands)
    Net Unrealized
($ Thousands)

International Equity Fund

  $ 3,710,284      $ 550,494      $ (344,110 )     $206,384 

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

    1,349,530        438,306        (123,409 )     314,897 

International Fixed Income Fund

    472,923        31,342        (5,316 )     26,026 

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

    1,493,887        53,066        (113,795 )     (60,729) 

Management has analyzed the Funds’ tax positions taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years and has concluded that as of September 30, 2020, no provision for income tax would be required in the Funds’ financial statements. The Funds’ federal and state income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue.


In the normal course of business, the Trust enters into contracts that provide general indemnifications by the Trust to the counterparty to the contract. The Trust’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is dependent on future claims that may be made against the Trust and, therefore, cannot be estimated; however, management believes that, based on experience, the risk of loss from such claims is considered remote.

To the extent consistent with its Investment Strategy, a Fund may have one of more of the following principal risks:

Asset-Backed Securities Risk — Payment of principal and interest on asset-backed securities is dependent largely on the cash flows generated by the assets backing the securities. Securitization trusts generally do not have any assets or sources of funds other than the receivables and related property they own, and asset-backed securities are generally not insured or guaranteed by the related sponsor or any other entity. Asset-backed securities may be more illiquid than more conventional types of fixed-income securities that the Funds acquire.

Credit Risk — The risk that the issuer of a security or the counterparty to a contract will default or otherwise become unable to honor a financial obligation.

Currency Risk — As a result of the Funds’ investments in securities denominated in, and/or receiving revenues in,

foreign currencies, the Funds will be subject to currency risk. Currency risk is the risk that foreign currencies will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar or, in the case of hedging positions, that the U.S. dollar will decline in value relative to the currency hedged. In either event, the dollar value of an investment in the Funds would be adversely affected. Currency exchange rates may fluctuate in response to, among other things, changes in interest rates, intervention (or failure to intervene) by U.S. or foreign governments, central banks or supranational entities, or by the imposition of currency controls or other political developments in the United States or abroad.

Economic Risks of Global Health Events — Global health events and pandemics, such as COVID-19, have the ability to affect—quickly, drastically and substantially the economies of many nations, states, individual companies and the markets in general and can cause disruptions that cannot necessarily be foreseen. The spread of COVID-19 around the world in 2020 resulted in a substantial number of nations implementing social distancing measures, quarantines, and the shutdown of non-essential businesses and governmental services. Further, it has caused significant volatility in U.S. and international markets. The impact of the outbreak may be short term or may last for an extended period of time.

Foreign Investment/Emerging Markets Risk — The risk that non-U.S. securities may be subject to additional risks due to, among other things, political, social and economic developments abroad, currency movements, and different legal, regulatory and tax environments. These additional risks may be heightened with respect to emerging market countries since political turmoil and rapid changes in economic conditions are more likely to occur in these countries.

Interest Rate Risk — The risk that a rise in interest rates will cause a fall in the value of fixed income securities, including U.S. Government securities, in which the Funds invest. A low interest rate environment may present greater interest rate risk, because there may be a greater likelihood of rates increasing and rates may increase more rapidly.

Market Risk — The risk that the market value of a security may move up and down, sometimes rapidly and unpredictably. Market risk may affect a single issuer, an industry, a sector or the equity or bond market as a whole. The prices of the Funds’ fixed income securities respond to economic developments, particularly interest rate changes, as well as to perceptions about the creditworthiness of individual issuers, including governments and their agencies. Generally, the Funds’ fixed income securities will decrease in value if interest rates rise and vice versa. In a low interest







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020




rate environment, risks associated with rising rates are heightened. Declines in dealer market-making capacity as a result of structural or regulatory changes could further decrease liquidity and/or increase volatility in the fixed income markets. In the case of foreign securities, price fluctuations will reflect international economic and political events, as well as changes in currency valuations relative to the U.S. dollar. In response to these events, the Funds’ value may fluctuate and/or the Funds may experience increased redemptions from shareholders, which may impact the Funds’ liquidity or force the Funds to sell securities into a declining or illiquid market.

Mortgage-Backed Securities Risk — Mortgage-backed securities are affected significantly by the rate of prepayments and modifications of the mortgage loans backing those securities, as well as by other factors such as borrower defaults, delinquencies, realized or liquidation losses and other shortfalls. Mortgage-backed securities are particularly sensitive to prepayment risk, which is described below, given that the term to maturity for mortgage loans is generally substantially longer than the expected lives of those securities; however, the timing and amount of prepayments cannot be accurately predicted. The timing of changes in the rate of prepayments of the mortgage loans may significantly affect the Funds’ actual yield to maturity on any mortgage-backed securities, even if the average rate of principal payments is consistent with the Funds’ expectation. Along with prepayment risk, mortgage-backed securities are significantly affected by interest rate risk, which is described above. In a low interest rate environment, mortgage loan prepayments would generally be expected to increase due to factors such as refinancing and loan modifications at lower interest rates. In contrast, if prevailing interest rates rise, prepayments of mortgage loans would generally be expected to decline and therefore extend the weighted average lives of mortgage-backed securities held or acquired by the Funds.

Please refer to each Fund’s current prospectus for additional disclosure regarding the risks associated with investing in the Funds. The foregoing is not intended to be a complete discussion of the risks associated with the investment strategies of the Funds.


A Fund may lend portfolio securities to brokers, dealers and other financial organizations that meet capital and other credit requirements or other criteria established by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These loans may not exceed 33 1/3% of the total asset value of a Fund (including the loan collateral). No Fund will lend portfolio securities to its Adviser, sub-adviser or their affiliates

unless it has applied for and received specific authority to do so from the SEC. Loans of portfolio securities will be fully collateralized by cash. Collateral will be maintained in an amount equal to at least 100% of the current market value of the loaned securities by marking to market daily, although the borrower will be required to deliver collateral between 102% and 105% of the market value of borrowed securities for domestic and foreign securities, respectively. However, due to market fluctuations during the day, the value of securities loaned on a particular day may, during the course of the day, exceed the value of collateral. On each business day, the amount of collateral is adjusted based on the prior day’s market fluctuations and the current day’s lending activity. Income from lending activity is determined by the amount of interest earned on collateral, less any amounts payable to the borrowers of the securities and the lending agent. Lending securities involves certain risks, including the risk that a Fund may be delayed or restricted from recovering the loaned securities or disposing of the collateral for the loan which could give rise to loss because of adverse market actions expenses and/or delays in connection with the disposition of the underlying securities.

Cash collateral received in connection with securities lending is invested in eligible securities by the lending agent. These investments may include the SEI Liquidity Fund, L.P. (“Liquidity Fund”) and the Fund bears its pro rata portion of the Liquidity Fund’s expenses and is subject to the risk of loss in the underlying investments of the Liquidity Fund and losses on such investment. There is no guarantee that these investments will not lose value.

The following is a summary of securities lending agreements held by certain Funds which would be subject to offset as of September 30, 2020 ($ Thousands):


at Value
       Cash Collateral
  Net Amount

International Equity Fund

  $       90,323     $         90,323     $     —  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

        18,725           18,725       —  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

        14,743           14,743       —  



Excess collateral received in connection with the above securities lending transactions is not shown for financial reporting purposes. See each Fund’s Schedule of Investments for the total collateral received.




SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020



SEI Private Trust Company (“SPTC”) and SIMC are subsidiaries of SEI Investments Company. As of

September 30, 2020, SPTC held of record the following:


Fund    Class F      Class I      Class Y  


International Equity Fund

     96.88%        37.87%        45.38%  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

     95.40%        —%        65.99%  

International Fixed Income Fund

     96.68%        —%        99.45%  

Emerging Markets Debt Fund

     97.87%        —%        52.36%  

SPTC is not a direct service provider to the SEI Funds. However, SPTC performs a role in the comprehensive investment solution that SEI provides to investors. SPTC holds shares in the Funds as custodian for shareholders that are clients of independent registered investment advisers, financial planners, bank trust departments and other financial advisers. SPTC maintains omnibus accounts at the Fund’s transfer agent.


In August 2018, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820). The new guidance includes additions and modifications to disclosures requirements for fair value measurements. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Management elected to early adopt the removal and modifications of certain disclosures and delay the adoption of additional disclosures until the effective date.


In July 2017, the Financial Conduct Authority, the United Kingdom’s financial regulatory body, announced that after 2021 it will cease its active encouragement of banks to provide the quotations needed to sustain LIBOR. That announcement suggests that LIBOR very likely will cease to be published after that time. Various financial industry groups have begun planning for that transition, whether through marketwide protocols, fallback contractual provisions, bespoke negotiations or amendments or otherwise, but there are obstacles to converting certain securities and transactions to a new benchmark. Transition planning is at an early stage, and neither the effect of the transition process nor its ultimate success can yet be known. The transition process might lead to increased volatility and illiquidity in markets for instruments whose terms currently include LIBOR. It could also lead to a reduction in the value of some LIBOR-based investments and reduce the

effectiveness of new hedges placed against existing LIBOR-based investments. While some LIBOR-based instruments may contemplate a scenario where LIBOR is no longer available by providing for an alternative rate-setting methodology and/or increased costs for certain LIBOR-related instruments or financing transactions, not all may have such provisions and there may be significant uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of any such alternative methodologies, resulting in prolonged adverse market conditions for the Fund. Because the usefulness of LIBOR as a benchmark could deteriorate during the transition period, these effects could occur prior to the end of 2021. There also remains uncertainty and risk regarding the willingness and ability of issuers to include enhanced provisions in new and existing contracts or instruments. All of the aforementioned may adversely affect the Fund’s performance or NAV.


Management has evaluated the need for disclosures and/or adjustments resulting from subsequent events through the date the financial statements were issued. Based on this evaluation, no disclosure and/or adjustments were required to the financial statements as of September 30, 2020.







SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020




To the Shareholders of the Funds and Board of Trustees

SEI Institutional International Trust:

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of SEI Institutional International Trust, comprised of the International Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Equity Fund, International Fixed Income Fund, and Emerging Markets Debt Fund (collectively, the Funds), including the schedules of investments, as of September 30 2020, the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended, and the related notes (collectively, the financial statements) and the financial highlights for each of the years in the five year period then ended. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Funds as of September 30, 2020, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the years or periods in the five year period then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and financial highlights, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Such procedures also included confirmation of securities owned as of September 30, 2020, by correspondence with custodians, transfer agents and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures when replies were not received. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements and financial highlights. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.



We have served as the auditor of one or more SEI Funds investment companies since 2005.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

November 27, 2020



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





The following chart lists Trustees and Officers as of September 30, 2020.

Set forth below are the names, addresses, ages, position with the Trust, Term of Office and Length of Time Served, the principal occupations for the last five years, number of positions in fund complex overseen by trustee, and other directorships outside the fund complex of each of the persons currently serving as Trustees and Officers of the Trust. The Trust’s Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) includes additional information about the Trustees and Officers. The SAI may be obtained without charge by calling 1-800-835-4531.




and Age



Held with



Term of

Office and

Length of

Time Served1

  Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years

Number of

Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen

by Trustee2


Other Directorships

Held by Trustee




Robert A. Nesher

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

74 yrs. old

  Chairman of the Board of Trustees*   since 1989   Currently performs various services on behalf of SEI for which Mr. Nesher is compensated.   92   President and Director of SEI Structured Credit Fund, LP. Director of SEI Global Master Fund plc, SEI Global Assets Fund plc, SEI Global Investments Fund plc, SEI Investments—Global Funds Services, Limited, SEI Investments Global, Limited, SEI Investments (Europe) Ltd., SEI Multi-Strategy Funds PLC, SEI Global Nominee Ltd and SEI Investments—Unit Trust Management (UK) Limited. President, Director and Chief Executive Officer of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2007 to 2013. Trustee of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 1989 to 2016. Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Vice Chairman of O’Connor EQUUS (closed-end investment company) from 2014 to 2016. Vice Chairman of Winton Series Trust from 2014 to 2017. Vice Chairman of The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund III and Winton Diversified Opportunities Fund (closed-end investment company) from 2014 to 2018. Vice Chairman of Gallery Trust, Schroder Series Trust and Schroder Global Series Trust from 2015 to 2018. Trustee of The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund, The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund II, Bishop Street Funds, and the KP Funds. President, Chief Executive Officer and Trustee of SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, The New Covenant Funds and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

William M. Doran

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

80 yrs. old

  Trustee*   since 1988   Self-employed consultant since 2003.Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP (law firm) from 1976 to 2003, counsel to the Trust, SEI, SIMC, the Administrator and the Distributor.   92   Director of SEI since 1974; Secretary of SEI since 1978. Director of SEI Investments Distribution Co. since 2003. Director of SEI Investments—Global Funds Services, Limited, SEI Investments Global, Limited, SEI Investments (Europe), Limited, SEI Investments (Asia) Limited, SEI Global Nominee Ltd. and SEI Investments—Unit Trust Management (UK) Limited. Trustee of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 1982 to 2016. Trustee of O’Connor EQUUS from 2014 to 2016. Director of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2007 to 2013. Trustee of Winton Series Trust from 2014 to 2017. Trustee of The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund, The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund II and Bishop Street Funds from 1991 to 2018. Trustee of The KP Funds from 2013 to 2018. Trustee of Winton Diversified Opportunities Fund from 2014 to 2018. Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Trustee of The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund III, Gallery Trust, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, New Covenant Funds, Schroder Series Trust, Schroder Global Series Trust and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

George J. Sullivan Jr.

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456

77 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 1996   Retired since January 2012. Self-Employed Consultant, Newfound Consultants Inc. April 1997-December 2011.   92   Member of the independent review committee for SEI’s Canadian-registered mutual funds from 2011 to 2017. Director of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2007 to 2013. Trustee of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 1996 to 2016. Trustee/Director of State Street Navigator Securities Lending Trust from 1996 to 2017. Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Trustee/Director of The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund, The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund II, Bishop Street Funds, SEI Structured Credit Fund, LP, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, New Covenant Funds, The KP Funds and SEI Catholic Values Trust.



Messrs. Nesher and Doran are Trustees who may be deemed as “interested” persons of the Trust as that term is defined in the 1940 Act by virtue of their affiliation with SIMC and the Trust’s Distributor.


Each trustee shall hold office during the lifetime of this Trust until the election and qualification of his or her successor, or until he or she sooner dies, resigns or is removed in accordance with the Trust’s Declaration of Trust


The Fund Complex includes the following Trusts: SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, SEI Catholic Values Trust and New Covenant Funds.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020



and Age
Held with
  Term of
Office and
Length of
Time Served1
  Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
by  Trustee2
  Other Directorships
Held by Trustee

TRUSTEES (continued)



Nina Lesavoy

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456

63 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 2003   Founder and Managing Director, Avec Capital (strategic fundraising firm) since 2008. Managing Director, Cue Capital (strategic fundraising firm) from March 2002-March 2008.   92   Director of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2007 to 2013. Trustee of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 2003 to 2016. Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Trustee/Director of SEI Structured Credit Fund, L.P., SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, New Covenant Funds, Adviser Managed Trust and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

James M. Williams

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456

72 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 2004   Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, J. Paul Getty Trust, Non-Profit Foundation for Visual Arts, since December 2002. President, Harbor Capital Advisors and Harbor Mutual Funds, 2000-2002. Manager, Pension Asset Management, Ford Motor Company, 1997-1999.   92   Director of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2007 to 2013, Trustee of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 2004 to 2016. Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Trustee/Director of Ariel Mutual Funds, SEI Structured Credit Fund, LP, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, New Covenant Funds, Adviser Managed Trust and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

Mitchell A. Johnson

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456

78 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 2007   Retired Private Investor since 1994.   92   Director, Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac) since 1997. Director of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2007 to 2013. Trustee of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 2007 to 2016. Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Trustee of the Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund, The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund II, Bishop Street Funds, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, The KP Funds, New Covenant Funds and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

Hubert L. Harris, Jr.

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456

77 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 2008   Retired since December 2005. Owner of Harris Plantation, Inc. since 1995. Chief Executive Officer of Harris CAPM, a consulting asset and property management entity. Chief Executive Officer, INVESCO North America, August 2003-December 2005. Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors, AMVESCAP Retirement, Inc., January 1998- August 2003.   92   Director of AMVESCAP PLC from 1993-2004. Served as a director of a bank holding company, 2003-2009. Director, Aaron’s Inc., 2012-present. President and CEO of Oasis Ornamentals LLC since 2011. Member of the Board of Councilors of the Carter Center (nonprofit corporation) and served on the board of other non-profit organizations. Director of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2008 to 2013. Trustee of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 2008 to 2016. Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Trustee of SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, New Covenant Funds, Adviser Managed Trust and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

Susan C. Cote

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

65 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 2016   Retired since July 2015. Americas Director of Asset Management, Ernst & Young LLP from 2006-2013. Global Asset Management Assurance Leader, Ernest & Young LLP from 2006-2015. Partner Ernest & Young LLP from 1997-2015. Prudential, 1983-1997.Member of the Ernst & Young LLP Retirement Investment Committee, Treasurer and Chair of Finance, Investment and Audit Committee of the New York Women’s Foundation.   92   Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2016 to 2020. Trustee of SEI Structured Credit Fund, LP, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, New Covenant Funds, Adviser Managed Trust and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

James B. Taylor

One Freedom

Valley Drive Oaks, PA 19456

69 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 2018   Retired since December 2017. Chief Investment Officer at Georgia Tech Foundation from 2008 to 2017. Chief Investment Officer at Delta Air Lines from 1983 to 2007. Member of the Investment Committee at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers from 1999 to 2004. President, Vice President and Treasurer at Southern Benefits Conference from 1998 to 2000.   92   Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2018 to 2020. Trustee of SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, New Covenant Funds and SEI Catholic Values Trust.

Christine Reynolds

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

62 yrs. old

  Trustee   since 2019   Retired since December 2016. Executive Vice President, Fidelity Investments from 2014-2016. President, Fidelity Pricing and Cash Management Services and Chief Financial Officer of Fidelity Funds from 2008-2014. Chief Operating Officer, Fidelity Pricing and Cash Management Services from 2007-2008. President and Treasurer, Fidelity Funds from 2004-2007. Anti-Money Laundering Officer, Fidelity Funds in 2004. Executive Vice President, Fidelity Funds from 2002-2004. Audit Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers from 1992-2002.   92   Trustee of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2019 to 2020. Trustee of SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, New Covenant Funds and SEI Catholic Values Trust.




Each trustee shall hold office during the lifetime of this Trust until the election and qualification of his or her successor, or until he or she sooner dies, resigns or is removed in accordance with the Trust’s Declaration of Trust.


The Fund Complex includes the following Trusts: SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, SEI Catholic Values Trust and New Covenant Funds.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020






Address, and
Held with
  Term of
Office and
Length of
Time Served1
  Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
by  Trustee2
  Other Directorships
Held by Trustee




Robert A. Nesher

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456

74 yrs. Old

  President and CEO   since 2005   Currently performs various services on behalf of SEI for which Mr. Nesher is compensated.   N/A   N/A

Peter A. Rodriguez

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

58 yrs. old

  Controller and Chief Financial Officer   since 2020   Director, Fund Accounting, SEI Investments Global Funds Services since April 2020 and previously from March 2011 to March 2015; Director, Financial Reporting from June 2017 to March 2020. Director, Centralized Operations from March 2015 to June 2017.   N/A   N/A

Glenn R. Kurdziel

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

46 yrs. old

  Assistant Controller   since 2017   Assistant Controller, Funds Accounting, SEI Investments Global Funds Services (March 2017); Manager, Funds Accounting, SEI Investments Global Funds Services since 2005.   N/A   N/A

Russell Emery

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456 57 yrs. old

  Chief Compliance Officer   since 2006   Chief Compliance Officer of SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund, The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund II and Bishop Street Funds since March 2006. Chief Compliance Officer of SEI Liquid Asset Trust from 2006 to 2016. Chief Compliance Officer of SEI Structured Credit Fund, LP since June 2007. Chief Compliance Officer of Adviser Managed Trust since December 2010. Chief Compliance Officer of SEI Alpha Strategy Portfolios, LP from 2007 to 2013. Chief Compliance Officer of New Covenant Funds since February 2012. Chief Compliance Officer of SEI Insurance Products Trust from 2013 to 2020. Chief Compliance Officer of The KP Funds since 2013. Chief Compliance Officer of New Covenant Funds since February 2012. Chief Compliance Officer of O’Connor EQUUS from 2014 to 2016. Chief Compliance Officer of The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund III since 2014. Chief Compliance Officer of Winton Series Trust from 2014 to 2017. Chief Compliance Officer of Winton Diversified Opportunities Fund from 2014 to 2018. Chief Compliance Officer of SEI Catholic Values Trust and Gallery Trust since 2015. Chief Compliance Officer of Schroder Series Trust and Schroder Global Series Trust since 2017.   N/A   N/A

Timothy D Barto

One Freedom

Valley Drive

Oaks, PA 19456

52 yrs. old

  Vice President and Secretary   since 2002   Vice President and Secretary of SEI Institutional Transfer Agent, Inc. since 2009. General Counsel and Secretary of SIMC and the Administrator since 2004. Vice President of SIMC and the Administrator since 1999. Vice President and Assistant Secretary of SEI since 2001.   N/A   N/A

Aaron Buser

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456

49 yrs. old

  Vice President and Assistant Secretary   since 2008   Vice President and Assistant Secretary of SEI Institutional Transfer Agent, Inc. since 2009. Vice President and Assistant Secretary of SIMC since 2007. Attorney Stark & Stark (law firm), March 2004-July 2007.   N/A   N/A

David F. McCann

One Freedom

Valley Drive,

Oaks, PA 19456 44 yrs. old

  Vice President and Assistant Secretary   since 2009   Vice President and Assistant Secretary of SEI Institutional Transfer Agent, Inc. since 2009. Vice President and Assistant Secretary of SIMC since 2008. Attorney, Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP (law firm), May 2005 - October 2008.   N/A   N/A

Stephen G. MacRae One Freedom

Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456

52 yrs. old

  Vice President   since 2012   Director of Global Investment Product Management since January 2004.   N/A   N/A

Bridget E. Sudall

One Freedom

Valley Drive Oaks, PA 19456

39 yrs. old

  Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer and Privacy Officer   since 2015   Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer and Privacy Officer (since 2015), Senior Associate and AML Officer, Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners, April 2011-March 2015, Investor Services Team Lead, Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners, July 2007-April 2011.   N/A   N/A




Each trustee shall hold office during the lifetime of this Trust until the election and qualification of his or her successor, or until he or she sooner dies, resigns or is removed in accordance with the Trust’s Declaration of Trust.


The Fund Complex includes the following Trusts: SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Tax Exempt Trust, SEI Catholic Values Trust and New Covenant Funds.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020


September 30, 2020

All mutual funds have operating expenses. As a shareholder of a fund, your investment is affected by these ongoing costs, which include (among others) costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports like this one. It is important for you to understand the impact of these costs on your investment returns.

Operating expenses such as these are deducted from the fund’s gross income and directly reduce your final investment return. These expenses are expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets; this percentage is known as the fund’s expense ratio.

The following examples use the expense ratio and are intended to help you understand the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020.

The table on this page illustrates your fund’s costs in two ways:

Actual fund return. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses after fee waivers that your Fund incurred over the period. The “Expenses Paid During Period” column shows the actual dollar expense cost incurred by a $1,000 investment in the Fund, and the “Ending Account Value” number is derived from deducting that expense cost from the Fund’s gross investment return.

You can use this information, together with the actual amount you invested in the Fund, to estimate the expenses you paid over that period. Simply divide your actual account value by $1,000 to arrive at a ratio (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply that ratio by the number shown for your Fund under “Expenses Paid During Period”.

Hypothetical 5% return. This section helps you compare your Fund’s costs with those of other mutual funds. It assumes that the fund had an annual 5% return before expenses during the year, but that the expense ratio (Column 3) for the period is unchanged. This example is useful in making comparisons because the Securities and Exchange Commission requires all mutual funds to make this 5% calculation. You can assess your Fund’s comparative cost by comparing the hypothetical result for your Fund in the “Expense Paid During Period” column with those that appear in the same charts in the shareholder reports for other funds.

NOTE: Because the return is set at 5% for comparison purposes — NOT your Fund’s actual return — the account values shown may not apply to your specific investment.

Period *

International Equity Fund



Actual Fund Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,265.70       1.12%       $6.34    

Class I

    1,000.00       1,264.00       1.37         7.75    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,267.20       0.87         4.93    

Hypothetical 5% Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,019.40       1.12%       $5.65    

Class I

    1,000.00       1,018.15       1.37         6.91    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,020.65       0.87         4.39    

Emerging Markets Equity Fund



Actual Fund Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,310.90       1.72%       $9.94    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,312.00       1.47         8.50    

Hypothetical 5% Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,016.40       1.72%       $8.67    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,017.65       1.47         7.41    
Period *

International Fixed Income Fund



Actual Fund Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,027.50       1.02%       $5.17    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,028.50       0.77         3.90    

Hypothetical 5% Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,019.90       1.02%       $5.15    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,021.15       0.77         3.89    

Emerging Markets Debt Fund



Actual Fund Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,145.40       1.36%       $7.29    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,146.50       1.11         5.96    

Hypothetical 5% Return



Class F

    $1,000.00       $1,018.20       1.36%       $6.86    

Class Y

    1,000.00       1,019.45       1.11         5.60    

Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period shown).



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





September 30, 2020

Pursuant to Rule 22e-4 under the 1940 Act, the Trust, on behalf of the Funds, has adopted a liquidity risk management program (the “Program”) to govern the Trust’s approach to managing liquidity risk. The Program is overseen by the SIMC Liquidity Risk Oversight Committee, and the Program’s principal objectives include assessing, managing and periodically reviewing each Fund’s liquidity risk, based on factors specific to the circumstances of the Fund.

At a meeting of the Board held on March 24, 2020, the Trustees received a report from the SIMC Liquidity Risk Oversight Committee addressing the operations of the Program and assessing its adequacy and effectiveness of implementation. The SIMC Liquidity Risk Oversight Committee determined, and reported to the Board, that the Program is reasonably designed to assess and manage each Fund’s liquidity risk and has operated adequately and effectively to manage each Fund’s liquidity risk since the Program was implemented on December 1, 2018. The SIMC Liquidity Risk Oversight Committee reported that during the period covered by the report, there were no liquidity events that impacted the Funds or their ability to timely meet redemptions without dilution to existing shareholders. The SIMC Liquidity Risk Oversight Committee further noted that no material changes have been made to the Program since its implementation.

There can be no assurance that the Program will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to the prospectus for more information regarding a Fund’s exposure to liquidity risk and other principal risks to which an investment in the Funds may be subject.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





SEI Institutional International Trust (the “Trust”) and SEI Investments Management Corporation (“SIMC”) have entered into an investment advisory agreement (the “Advisory Agreement”), pursuant to which SIMC provides investment advisory services to the series of the Trust (the “Funds”). Pursuant to separate sub-advisory agreements with SIMC (the “Sub-Advisory Agreements” and, together with the Advisory Agreement, the “Investment Advisory Agreements”), and under the supervision of SIMC and the Trust’s Board of Trustees (the “Board”), the sub-advisers (each, a “Sub-Adviser” and collectively, the “Sub-Advisers”) provide security selection and certain other advisory services with respect to all or a discrete portion of the assets of the Funds. The Sub-Advisers are also responsible for managing their employees who provide services to the Funds. The Sub-Advisers are selected based primarily upon the research and recommendations of SIMC, which evaluates quantitatively and qualitatively the Sub-Advisers’ skills and investment results in managing assets for specific asset classes, investment styles and strategies.

The Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), requires that the initial approval of a Fund’s Investment Advisory Agreements be specifically approved by the vote of a majority of the outstanding shareholders of the Funds and the vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not parties to the Investment Advisory Agreements or “interested persons” of any party (the “Independent Trustees”) cast in person (or otherwise, as consistent with applicable laws, regulations and related guidance and relief) at a meeting called for such purpose. In addition, the 1940 Act requires that the continuation or renewal of any Investment Advisory Agreement be approved at least annually (after an initial period of up to two years), which also requires the vote of a majority of the Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees. In the case of the initial approval of a Sub-Advisory Agreement, only the approval of a majority of the Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, is required, pursuant to an exemptive order that has been granted to the Trust by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In connection with their consideration of such initial approvals and renewals, the Funds’ Trustees must request and evaluate, and SIMC and the Sub-Advisers are required to furnish, such information as may be reasonably necessary to evaluate the terms of the Investment Advisory Agreements. In addition, the Securities and Exchange Commission takes the position that, as part of their fiduciary duties with respect to a mutual fund’s fees, mutual fund boards are required to evaluate the material factors applicable to a decision to approve an investment advisory agreement.

Consistent with these responsibilities, the Board calls and holds meetings each year to consider whether to approve new and/or renew existing Investment Advisory Agreements between the Trust and SIMC and SIMC and the Sub-Advisers with respect to the Funds of the Trust. In preparation for these meetings, the Board requests and reviews a wide variety of materials provided by SIMC and the Sub-Advisers, including information about SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ affiliates, personnel and operations and the services provided pursuant to the Investment Advisory Agreements. The Board also receives data from third parties. This information is provided in addition to the detailed information about the Funds that the Board reviews during the course of each year, including information that relates to Fund operations and Fund performance. The Trustees also receive a memorandum from counsel regarding the responsibilities of Trustees in connection with their consideration of whether to approve the Trust’s Investment Advisory Agreements. Finally, the Independent Trustees receive advice from independent counsel to the Independent Trustees, meet in executive sessions outside the presence of Fund management and participate in question and answer sessions with representatives of SIMC and the Sub-Advisers.

Specifically, during the course of the Trust’s fiscal year, the Board requested and received written materials from SIMC and the Sub-Advisers regarding: (i) the quality of SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ investment management and other services; (ii) SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ investment management personnel; (iii) SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ operations and financial condition; (iv) SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ brokerage practices (including any soft dollar arrangements) and investment strategies; (v) the level of the advisory fees that SIMC charges the Funds and the level of the sub-advisory fees that SIMC pays the Sub-Advisers, compared with fees each charge to comparable accounts; (vi) the advisory fees charged by SIMC and the Funds’ overall fees and operating expenses compared with peer groups of mutual funds prepared by Broadridge, an independent provider of investment company data; (vii) the level of SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ profitability from their Fund-related operations; (viii) SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ compliance program, including a description of material compliance matters and material compliance violations; (ix) SIMC’s potential economies of scale; (x) SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ policies on and compliance procedures for personal securities transactions; (xi) SIMC’s and the Sub-Advisers’ expertise and resources in domestic and/or international financial markets; and (xii) the Funds’ performance over various periods of time compared with peer groups of mutual funds prepared by Broadridge and the Funds’ benchmark indexes.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







At the March 23-25, 2020 meeting of the Board, the Trustees, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, approved the renewal of the Advisory Agreement. Also, each Sub-Advisory Agreement was either initially approved or, if the Sub-Advisory Agreement was already in effect (unless operating under an initial two-year term), renewed at meetings of the Board held during the course of the Trust’s fiscal year on December 2-4, 2019, June 22-24, 2020 and September 14-16, 2020. In each case, the Board’s approval (or renewal) was based on its consideration and evaluation of the factors described above, as discussed at the meetings and at prior meetings. The following discusses some, but not all, of the factors that were considered by the Board in connection with its assessment of the Investment Advisory Agreements.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services. The Board considered the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by SIMC and the Sub-Advisers to the Funds and the resources of SIMC and the Sub-Advisers and their affiliates dedicated to the Funds. In this regard, the Trustees evaluated, among other things, SIMC’s and each Sub-Adviser’s personnel, experience, track record and compliance program. Following evaluation, the Board concluded that, within the context of its full deliberations, the nature, extent and quality of services provided by SIMC and the Sub-Advisers to the Funds and the resources of SIMC and the Sub-Advisers and their affiliates dedicated to the Funds were sufficient to support the renewal of the Investment Advisory Agreements. In addition to advisory services, the Board considered the nature and quality of certain administrative, transfer agency and other non-investment advisory services provided to the Funds by SIMC and/or its affiliates.

Performance. In determining whether to renew SIMC’s Advisory Agreement, the Trustees considered the Funds’ performance relative to their peer groups and appropriate indexes/benchmarks. The Trustees reviewed performance information for each Fund, noting that they receive performance reports that permit them to monitor each Fund’s performance at board meetings throughout the year. As part of this review, the Trustees considered the composition of each peer group and selection criteria. In assessing Fund performance, the Trustees considered a report compiled by Broadridge, an independent third-party that was engaged to prepare an assessment of the Funds in connection with the renewal of the Advisory Agreement (the “Broadridge Report”). The Broadridge Report included metrics on risk analysis, volatility versus total return, net total return and performance consistency for the Funds and a universe of comparable funds. Based on the materials considered and discussed at the meetings, the Trustees found Fund performance satisfactory, or, where performance was materially below the benchmark and/or peer group, the Trustees were satisfied with the reasons provided to explain such performance. In connection with the approval or renewal of Sub-Advisory Agreements, the Board considered the performance of the Sub-Adviser relative to appropriate indexes/benchmarks. Following evaluation, the Board concluded that, within the context of its full deliberations, the performance of the Funds was sufficient to support renewal of SIMC’s Advisory Agreement, and the performance of each Sub-Adviser was sufficient to support approval or renewal of the Sub-Advisory Agreement.

Fees. With respect to the Funds’ expenses under the Investment Advisory Agreements, the Trustees considered the rate of compensation called for by the Investment Advisory Agreements and the Funds’ net operating expense ratios in comparison to those of the Funds’ respective peer groups. In assessing Fund expenses, the Trustees considered the information in the Broadridge Report, which included various metrics related to fund expenses, including, but not limited to, contractual management fees at various asset levels, actual management fees (including transfer agent expenses), and actual total expenses for the Funds and a universe of comparable funds. Based on the materials considered and discussion at the meetings, the Trustees further determined that fees were either shown to be below the peer average in the comparative fee analysis, or that there was a reasonable basis for the fee level. The Trustees also considered the effects of SIMC’s and its affiliates’ voluntary waivers of management and other fees to prevent total Fund operating expenses from exceeding any applicable cap, as well as SIMC’s contractual waiver of its management fee with respect to the Emerging Markets Equity Fund to prevent the management fee from exceeding a specified cap, and concluded that SIMC, through waivers, has maintained the Funds’ net operating expenses at competitive levels for its distribution channels. In determining the appropriateness of fees, the Board also took into consideration the impact of fees incurred indirectly by the Funds as a result of investments into underlying funds, including funds from which SIMC or its affiliates earn fees. The Board also took into consideration compensation earned from the Funds by SIMC or its affiliates for non-advisory services, such as administration, transfer agency, shareholder services or brokerage, and considered whether SIMC and its affiliates may have realized other benefits from their relationship with the Funds, such as any research and brokerage services received under soft dollar arrangements. When considering fees paid to Sub-Advisers, the Board took into account the fact that the Sub-Advisers are compensated by SIMC and not by the Funds directly, and that such compensation with respect to any unaffiliated Sub-Adviser reflects an arms-length negotiation between the Sub-Adviser and SIMC. Following






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020





evaluation, the Board concluded that, within the context of its full deliberations, the expenses of the Funds are reasonable and supported renewal of the Investment Advisory Agreements. The Board also considered whether the Sub-Advisers and their affiliates may have realized other benefits from their relationship with the Funds, such as any research and brokerage services received under soft dollar arrangements.

Profitability. With regard to profitability, the Trustees considered compensation flowing to SIMC and the Sub-Advisers and their affiliates, directly or indirectly. The Trustees considered whether the levels of compensation and profitability were reasonable. As with the fee levels, when considering the profitability of the Sub-Advisers, the Board took into account the fact that compensation with respect to any unaffiliated Sub-Adviser reflects an arms-length negotiation between the Sub-Adviser and SIMC. In connection with the approval or renewal of each Sub-Advisory Agreement, the Board also took into consideration the impact that the fees paid to the Sub-Adviser have on SIMC’s advisory fee margin and profitability. Based on this evaluation, the Board concluded that, within the context of its full deliberations, the profitability of each of SIMC and the Sub-Advisers is reasonable and supported renewal of the Investment Advisory Agreements.

Economies of Scale. With respect to the Advisory Agreement, the Trustees considered whether any economies of scale were being realized by SIMC and its affiliates and, if so, whether the benefits of such economies of scale were passed along to the Funds’ shareholders through a graduated investment advisory fee schedule or other means, including any fee waivers by SIMC and its affiliates. The Trustees recognized that economies of scale are difficult to identify and quantify and are rarely identifiable on a fund-by-fund basis. Based on this evaluation, the Board determined that the fees were reasonable in light of the information that was provided by SIMC with respect to economies of scale.

Based on the Trustees’ deliberation and their evaluation of the information described above, the Board, including all of the Independent Trustees, with the assistance of Fund counsel and Independent Trustees’ counsel, unanimously approved the approval or renewal, as applicable, of the Investment Advisory Agreements and concluded that the compensation under the Investment Advisory Agreements is fair and reasonable in light of such services and expenses and such other matters as the Trustees considered to be relevant in the exercise of their reasonable judgment. In the course of its deliberations, the Board did not identify any particular factor (or conclusion with respect thereto) or single piece of information that was all-important, controlling or determinative of its decision, but considered all of the factors together, and each Trustee may have attributed different weights to the various factors (and conclusions with respect thereto) and information.



SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020







For shareholders who do not have a September 30, 2020, taxable year end, this notice is for informational purposes only. For shareholders with a September 30, 2020, taxable year end, please consult your tax adviser as to the pertinence of this notice.

For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, the Funds are designating long term and qualifying dividend income with regard to distributions paid during the year as follows:


Return of


Long Term
Capital Gains
(Tax Basis)

(Tax Basis)


(Tax Basis)



for Corporate



(15% Tax Rate
for QDI)(2)









Capital Gain

Equity Fund

   0.00%   0.00%   100.00%   100.00%   0.04%   100.00%   0.00%   0.05%   0.00%

Emerging Markets
Equity Fund

   0.00%   0.00%   100.00%   100.00%   0.05%   100.00%   0.00%   0.15%   0.00%

International Fixed
Income Fund

   0.00%   10.85%   89.15%   100.00%   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%   100.00%

Emerging Markets
Debt Fund

   0.00%   0.00%   100.00%   100.00%   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%

The Funds intend to pass through foreign tax credit to shareholders. For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, the amount of foreign source income and foreign tax credit are as follows:


Fund    Foreign
Tax Credit

Emerging Markets Equity

   $ 13,402,348      $ 4,389,845  

International Equity

     52,215,806        8,187,257  



“Dividends Received Deduction” represent dividends which qualify for the corporate dividends received deduction.



“Qualifying Dividend Income” represent qualifying dividends as created by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. It is the intention of the Fund to designate the max amount permitted by law.



“U.S. Government Interest” represent the amount of interest that was derived from direct U.S. Government obligations and distributed during the fiscal year. Generally, interest from direct U.S. Government obligations is exempt from state income tax. However, for shareholders who are residents of California, Connecticut or New York, the statutory threshold requirements were not satisfied to permit exemption of these amounts from state income.



The percentage in this column represents the amount of “Interest Related Dividend” is reflected as a percentage of ordinary income distribution. Interest related dividends is exempted from U.S. withholding tax when paid to foreign investors.



The percentage of this column represents the amount of “Short Term Capital Gain Dividend” is reflected as a percentage of short term capital gain distribution that is exempted from U.S. withholding tax when paid to foreign investors.

Items (A), (B), (C) and (D) are based on the percentage of each fund’s total distribution.

Items (E) and (F) are based on the percentage of “Ordinary Income Distributions.”

Item (G) is based on the percentage of gross income of each Fund.

Item (H) is based on the percentage of net investment income distributions.

Item (I) is based on the percentage of short-term capital gains distributions.

Please consult your tax adviser for proper treatment of this information. This notification should be kept with your permanent tax records.






SEI Institutional International Trust / Annual Report / September 30, 2020




Robert A. Nesher, Chairman


William M. Doran

George J. Sullivan, Jr.

Nina Lesavoy

James M. Williams

Mitchell A. Johnson

Hubert L. Harris, Jr.

Susan C. Cote

James B. Taylor

Christine Reynolds


Robert A. Nesher

President and Chief Executive Officer

Peter A. Rodriguez

Controller and Chief Financial Officer

Glenn R. Kurdziel

Assistant Controller

Russell Emery

Chief Compliance Officer

Timothy D. Barto

Vice President and Secretary

David F. McCann

Vice President and Assistant Secretary

Aaron Buser

Vice President and Assistant Secretary

Stephen G. MacRae

Vice President

Bridget E. Sudall

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer and Privacy Officer

Investment Adviser

SEI Investments Management Corporation


SEI Investments Global Funds Services


SEI Investments Distribution Co.

Legal Counsel

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


This report and the financial statements contained herein are submitted for the general information of the shareholders of the Trust and must be preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus. Shares of the Funds are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed or endorsed by, any bank. The shares are not federally insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Reserve Board, or any other government agency. Investment in the shares involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.

For more information call

1 800 DIAL SEI

(1 800 342 5734)



1 Freedom Valley Drive, P.O. Box 1100, Oaks, PA 19456





SEI-F-018 (9/20)

Item 2.

Code of Ethics.

The Registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the Registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, or controller, or persons performing similar functions.


Item 3.

Audit Committee Financial Expert.

(a)(1) The Registrant’s Board of Trustees has determined that the Registrant has three financial experts serving on the audit committee.

(a) (2) The audit committee financial experts are Susan C. Cote, George J. Sullivan, Jr. and Hubert L. Harris, Jr.    Ms. Cote and Messrs. Sullivan and Harris are independent as defined in Form N-CSR Item 3 (a) (2).


Item 4.

Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Fees billed by KPMG LLP (“KPMG”) related to the Registrant.

KPMG billed the Registrant aggregate fees for services rendered to the Registrant for the fiscal years 2020 and 2019 as follows:



Fiscal Year 2020



Fiscal Year 2019


            All fees and
services to
the Registrant
that were pre-
   All fees and
services to
affiliates that
were pre-
   All other fees
and services
to service
affiliates that
did not
require pre-
   All fees and
services to
the Registrant
that were pre-
   All fees and
services to
affiliates that
were pre-
   All other fees
and services
to service
affiliates that
did not
require pre-

Audit Fees(1)


   $208,580    $0    N/A    $206,500    $0    N/A
(b)    Audit-Related Fees    $0    $0    $0    $0    $0    $0



   $0    $0    $0    $0    $0    $0
(d)    All Other Fees(2)    $0    $534,502    $0    $0    $289,100    $0



Audit fees include amounts related to the audit of the Registrant’s annual financial statements and services normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings.


See Item 4(g) for a description of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this category.

(e)(1) The Registrant’s Audit Committee has adopted and the Board of Trustees has ratified an Audit and Non-Audit Services Pre-Approval Policy (the “Policy”), which sets forth the procedures and the conditions pursuant to which services proposed to be performed by the independent auditor of the Registrant may be pre-approved. In any instance where services require pre-approval, the Audit Committee will consider whether such services are consistent with SEC’s rules on auditor independence and whether the provision of such services would compromise the auditor’s independence.

The Policy provides that all requests or applications for proposed services to be provided by the independent auditor must be submitted to the Registrant’s Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) and must include a detailed description of the services proposed to be rendered. The CFO will determine whether such services: (1) require specific pre-approval; (2) are included within the list of services that have received the general pre-approval of the Audit Committee pursuant to the Policy; or (3) have been previously pre-approved in connection with the independent auditor’s annual engagement letter for the applicable year or otherwise.

Requests or applications to provide services that require specific pre-approval by the Audit Committee will be submitted to the Audit Committee by the CFO. The Audit Committee has delegated specific pre-approval authority to either the Audit Committee Chair or financial experts, provided that the estimated fee for any such proposed pre-approved service does not exceed $100,000 and any pre-approval decisions are reported to the Audit Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

Services that have received the general pre-approval of the Audit Committee are identified and described in the Policy. In addition, the Policy sets forth a maximum fee per engagement with respect to each identified service that has received general pre-approval. The Audit Committee will annually review and pre-approve the services that may be provided by the independent auditor during the following twelve months without obtaining specific pre-approval from the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee will be informed by the CFO on a quarterly basis of all services rendered by the independent auditor.

All services to be provided by the independent auditor shall be provided pursuant to a signed written engagement letter with the Registrant, the investment advisor or applicable control affiliate (except that matters as to which an engagement letter would be impractical because of timing issues or because the matter is small may not be the subject of an engagement letter) that sets forth both the services to be provided by the independent auditor and the total fees (or the manner of their determination) to be paid to the independent auditor for those services.

In addition, the Audit Committee has determined to take additional measures on an annual basis to meet its responsibility to oversee the work of the independent auditor and to assure the auditor’s independence from the Registrant, such as reviewing a formal written statement from the independent auditor delineating all relationships between the independent auditor and the Registrant, and discussing with the independent auditor its methods and procedures for ensuring independence.

(e)(2) Percentage of fees billed applicable to non-audit services pursuant to waiver of pre-approval requirement were as follows:



Audit-Related Fees








Tax Fees








All Other Fees








(f) Not Applicable.

(g)(1) The aggregate non-audit fees and services billed by KPMG for the fiscal years 2020 and 2019 were $534,502 and $289,100, respectively. Non-audit fees consist of SSAE No. 16 review of fund accounting and administration operations, and an attestation report in accordance with Rule 17Ad-13.

(h) During the past fiscal year, the Registrant’s principal accountant provided certain non-audit services to the Registrant’s investment adviser or to entities controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Registrant’s investment adviser that provide ongoing services to the Registrant that were not subject to pre-approval pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. The Audit Committee of the Registrant’s Board of Trustees reviewed and considered these non-audit services provided by the Registrant’s principal accountant to the Registrant’s affiliates, including whether the provision of these non-audit services is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.


Item 5.

Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not applicable.


Item 6.


The Schedules of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period for the International Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Equity Fund, International Fixed Income Fund, and Emerging Markets Debt Fund are included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.


Item 7.

Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable.


Item 8.

Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable.


Item 9.

Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

Not applicable.


Item 10.

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant’s Board of Trustees (the “Board”). The Registrant has a standing Governance Committee (the “Committee”) currently consisting of the Independent Trustees. The Committee is responsible for evaluating and recommending nominees for election to the Board. Pursuant to the Committee’s Charter, adopted on June 18, 2004, as amended, the Committee will review all shareholder recommendations for nominations to fill vacancies on the Board if such recommendations are submitted in writing and addressed to the Committee at the Registrant’s office.


Item 11.

Controls and Procedures.

(a) The Registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule

30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”)) are effective, based on the evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.

(b) There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12.

Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable.


Item 13.


(a)(1) Code of Ethics attached hereto.

(a)(2) A separate certification for the principal executive officer and the principal financial officer of the Registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 are filed herewith.

(b) Officer certifications as required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended also accompany this filing as exhibits.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


      SEI Institutional International Trust

/s/ Robert A. Nesher

      Robert A. Nesher
      President & CEO

Date: December 8, 2020

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



/s/ Robert A. Nesher

      Robert A. Nesher
      President & CEO

Date: December 8, 2020



/s/ Peter A. Rodriguez

      Peter A. Rodriguez
      Controller & CFO

Date: December 8, 2020

EX-99.CODE 2 d57505dex99code.htm CODE OF ETHICS Code of Ethics











Financial Officer Code of Ethics




The reputation and integrity of SEI Tax Exempt Trust, SEI Daily Income Trust, SEI Institutional Managed Trust, SEI Institutional International Trust, SEI Asset Allocation Trust, SEI Institutional Investments Trust, Adviser Managed Trust, New Covenant Funds, SEI Insurance Products Trust, SEI Catholic Values Trust and SEI Cayman Foreign Corporations (each a “Trust” and, collectively, the “Trusts”) are valuable assets that are vital to the each Trust’s success. The Trusts’ senior financial officers (“SFOs”) are responsible for conducting the Trusts’ business in a manner that demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of integrity. The Trusts’ SFOs include the principal executive officer, the principal financial officer, comptroller or principal accounting officer, and any person who performs a similar function.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the “Act”) effected sweeping corporate disclosure and financial reporting reform on public companies, including mutual funds, to address corporate malfeasance and assure investors that the companies in which they invest are accurately and completely disclosing financial information. Under the Act, all public companies (including the Trusts) must either have a code of ethics for their SFOs, or disclose why they do not. The Act was intended to foster corporate environments which encourage employees to question and report unethical and potentially illegal business practices. Each Trust has chosen to adopt this Financial Officer Code of Ethics (the “Code”) to encourage its SFOs to act in a manner consistent with the highest principles of ethical conduct.



Purposes of the Code

The purposes of this Code are:



To promote honest and ethical conduct by each Trust’s SFOs, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;



To assist each Trust’s SFOs in recognizing and avoiding conflicts of interest, including disclosing to an appropriate person any material transaction or relationship that reasonably could be expected to give rise to such a conflict;


To promote full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that the Trusts file with, or submit to, the SEC and in other public communications made by the Trusts;



To promote compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations;



To encourage the prompt internal reporting to an appropriate person of violations of this Code; and



To establish accountability for adherence to this Code.



Questions about this Code

Each Trust’s compliance officer designated to oversee compliance with the Trust’s Code of Ethics adopted pursuant to Rule 17j-1 shall serve as Compliance Officer for the implementation and administration of this Code. You should direct your questions about this Code to the Compliance Officer.



Conduct Guidelines

Each Trust has adopted the following guidelines under which the Trust’s SFOs must perform their official duties and conduct the business affairs of the Trust.



Ethical and honest conduct is of paramount importance. Each Trust’s SFOs must act with honesty and integrity and avoid violations of this Code, including the avoidance of actual or apparent conflicts of interest with the Trust in personal and professional relationships.



SFOs must disclose material transactions or relationships. Each Trust’s SFOs must disclose to the Compliance Officer any actual or apparent conflicts of interest the SFO may have with the Trust that reasonably could be expected to give rise to any violations of this Code. Such conflicts of interest may arise as a result of material transactions or business or personal relationships to which the SFO may be a party. If it is not possible to disclose the matter to the Compliance Officer, it should be disclosed to the Trust’s Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive Officer or another appropriate person. In addition to disclosing any actual or apparent conflicts of interest in which an SFO is personally involved, the Trusts’ SFOs have an obligation to report any other actual or apparent conflicts which they discover or of which they otherwise become aware. If you are unsure whether a particular fact pattern gives rise to a conflict of interest, or whether a particular transaction or relationship is “material,” you should bring the matter to the attention of the Compliance Officer.



Standards for quality of information shared with service providers of the Trusts. Each Trust’s SFOs must at all times seek to provide information to the Trust’s service providers (adviser, administrator, outside auditor, outside counsel, custodian, etc.) that is accurate, complete, objective, relevant, timely, and understandable.


Standards for quality of information included in periodic reports. Each Trust’s SFOs must at all times endeavor to ensure full, fair, timely, accurate, and understandable disclosure in the Trust’s periodic reports.



Compliance with laws. Each Trust’s SFOs must comply with the federal securities laws and other laws and rules applicable to the Trusts, such as the Internal Revenue Code.



Standard of care. Each Trust’s SFOs must at all times act in good faith and with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting material facts or allowing your independent judgment to be subordinated. Each Trust’s SFOs must conduct the affairs of the Trust in a responsible manner, consistent with this Code.



Confidentiality of information. Each Trust’s SFOs must respect and protect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their professional duties, except when authorized by the Trust to disclose it or where disclosure is otherwise legally mandated. You may not use confidential information acquired in the course of your work for personal advantage.



Sharing of information and educational standards. Each Trust’s SFOs should share information with relevant parties to keep them informed of the business affairs of the Trust, as appropriate, and maintain skills important and relevant to the Trust’s needs.



Promote ethical conduct. Each Trust’s SFOs should at all times proactively promote ethical behavior among peers in your work environment.



Standards for recordkeeping. Each Trust’s SFOs must at all times endeavor to ensure that the Trust’s financial books and records are thoroughly and accurately maintained to the best of their knowledge in a manner consistent with applicable laws and this Code.



Waivers of this Code

You may request a waiver of a provision of this Code by submitting your request in writing to the Compliance Officer for appropriate review. For example, if a family member works for a service provider that prepares a Trust’s financial statements, you may have a potential conflict of interest in reviewing those statements and should seek a waiver of this Code to review the work. An executive officer of each Trust, or another appropriate person (such as a designated Board or Audit Committee member), will decide whether to grant a waiver. All waivers of this code must be disclosed to the applicable Trust’s shareholders to the extent required by SEC rules.



Affirmation of the Code

Upon adoption of the Code, each Trust’s SFOs must affirm in writing that they have received, read and understand the Code, and annually thereafter must affirm that they have complied with the requirements of the Code. To the extent necessary, each Trust’s Compliance Officer will provide guidance on the conduct required by this Code and the manner in which violations or suspected violations must be reported and waivers must be requested.


Reporting Violations

In the event that an SFO discovers or, in good faith, suspects a violation of this Code, the SFO must immediately report the violation or suspected violation to the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer may, in his discretion, consult with another member of the Trust’s senior management or the Board in determining how to address the suspected violation. For example, a Code violation may occur when a periodic report or financial statement of a Trust omits a material fact, or is technically accurate but, in the view of the SFO, is written in a way that obscures its meaning.

SFOs who report violations or suspected violations in good faith will not be subject to retaliation of any kind. Reported violations will be investigated and addressed promptly and will be treated as confidential to the extent possible.



Violations of the Code

Dishonest or unethical conduct or conduct that is illegal will constitute a violation of this Code, regardless of whether this Code specifically refers to such particular conduct. A violation of this Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal as an SFO of the Trust. A variety of laws apply to the Trusts and their operations, including the Securities Act of 1933, the Investment Company Act of 1940, state laws relating to duties owed by Trust officers, and criminal laws. The Trusts will report any suspected criminal violations to the appropriate authorities, and will investigate, address and report, as appropriate, non-criminal violations.

Dated: October 2020

EX-99.CERT 3 d57505dex99cert.htm CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 302 Certification Pursuant to Section 302


Pursuant to Section 302

of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, Robert A. Nesher, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of SEI Institutional International Trust;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The Registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the Registrant and have:

(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The Registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the Registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the Registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: December 8, 2020


/s/ Robert A. Nesher
Robert A. Nesher
President & CEO


Pursuant to Section 302

of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, Peter A. Rodriguez, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of SEI Institutional International Trust;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The Registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the Registrant and have:

(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The Registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the Registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the Registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: December 8, 2020


/s/ Peter A. Rodriguez
Peter A. Rodriguez
Controller & CFO
EX-99.906CE 4 d57505dex99906ce.htm CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 906 Certification Pursuant to Section 906


Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350,

As Adopted Pursuant to Section 906

of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

The undersigned, the President and Chief Executive Officer of SEI Institutional International Trust (the “Trust”), with respect to the Trust’s Report on Form N-CSR for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, hereby certifies, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that, to the best of my knowledge:

1. such Report fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

2. the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Trust.

Dated: December 8, 2020


/s/ Robert A. Nesher

Robert A. Nesher

President & CEO


Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350,

As Adopted Pursuant to Section 906

of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

The undersigned, the Controller and Chief Financial Officer of SEI Institutional International Trust (the “Trust”), with respect to the Trust’s Report on Form N-CSR for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, hereby certifies, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that, to the best of my knowledge:

1. such Report fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

2. the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Trust.

Dated: December 8, 2020


/s/ Peter A. Rodriguez

Peter A. Rodriguez

Controller & CFO

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