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Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number 811-05567


(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Susan S. Newton

Massachusetts Financial Services Company

111 Huntington Avenue

Boston, Massachusetts 02199

(Name and address of agents for service)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (617) 954-5000

Date of fiscal year end: November 30

Date of reporting period: November 30, 2013

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November 30, 2013










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New York Stock Exchange Symbol: CIF


Letter from the Chairman and CEO     1   
Portfolio composition     2   
Management review     4   
Performance summary     6   
Portfolio managers’ profiles     8   
Dividend reinvestment and cash purchase plan     9   
Portfolio of investments     10   
Statement of assets and liabilities     27   
Statement of operations     28   
Statements of changes in net assets     29   
Statement of cash flows     30   
Financial highlights     31   
Notes to financial statements     33   
Report of independent registered public accounting firm     46   
Results of shareholder meeting     47   
Trustees and officers     48   
Board review of investment advisory agreement     53   
Proxy voting policies and information     57   
Quarterly portfolio disclosure     57   
Further information     57   
Federal tax information     57   
MFS® privacy notice     58   
Contact information    back cover   



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Dear Shareholders:

The global economy continues to grow at a modest pace. U.S. job growth has picked up in recent months, and gross domestic product growth has accelerated each quarter.

The U.K. and eurozone economies are expanding again. China’s economy has regained traction, while Japan’s government and central bank have revived a once-struggling economy.

However, challenges still exist. The eurozone recovery remains uneven, with France at risk of sliding back into recession, and unemployment rates among the region’s northern countries differ substantially with rates in the south. China faces risks in its pursuit of greater domestic consumption. Japan is bracing itself for the national sales tax increase in April. The U.S. Federal Reserve remains a key focus for investors. As the nation’s

economy improves, there are rising expectations that the Fed may start to shift away from its accommodative monetary policy.

Managing risk in the face of uncertainty is always a top priority for investors. At MFS®, our collaborative process employs integrated, global research and active risk management. Our team of investment professionals shares ideas and evaluates opportunities that span continents, investment disciplines and asset classes. Our goal is to build better insights, and ultimately better results, for our clients.

We understand and appreciate the economic challenges investors face, and we believe in the value of maintaining a long-term view and employing time-tested principles, such as asset allocation and diversification. We are confident that our unique approach can serve investors well as they work with their financial advisors to identify and pursue the most suitable opportunities.




Robert J. Manning

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

MFS Investment Management®

January 15, 2014

The opinions expressed in this letter are subject to change, may not be relied upon for investment advice, and no forecasts can be guaranteed.



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Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Energy – Independent     11.4%   
Medical & Health Technology & Services     7.0%   
Broadcasting     6.1%   
Wireless Communications     6.1%   
Natural Gas-Pipeline     4.9%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
BBB     4.3%   
BB     50.6%   
B     53.9%   
CCC     19.8%   
C     0.1%   
D     0.1%   
Not Rated     1.4%   
Non-Fixed Income     0.6%   
Cash & Other     (30.8)%   
Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     5.5   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     6.8 yrs.   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. Non-Fixed Income includes equity securities (including convertible bonds and equity derivatives) and commodities. Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.



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Portfolio Composition – continued


(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

From time to time “Cash & Other Net Assets” may be negative due to borrowings for leverage transactions, timing of cash receipts, and/or equivalent exposure from any derivative holdings.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 11/30/13.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



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Summary of Results

MFS Intermediate High Income Fund (“fund”) is a closed-end fund. The fund’s investment objective is to seek high current income, but may also consider capital appreciation. MFS normally invests at least 80% of the fund’s net assets, including borrowings for investment purposes, in high income debt instruments.

For the twelve months ended November 30, 2013, shares of the MFS Intermediate High Income Fund provided a total return of 9.75%, at net asset value and a total return of –1.49%, at market value. This compares with a return of 8.54% for the fund’s benchmark, the Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate 2% Issuer Capped Index.

The performance commentary below is based on the net asset value performance of the fund which reflects the performance of the underlying pool of assets held by the fund. The total return at market value represents the return earned by owners of the shares of the fund which are traded publicly on the exchange.

Market Environment

At the beginning of the period, year-end fiscal cliff negotiations between the Republicans in the US Congress and President Obama were a particular source of market attention, where uncertainty surrounding the fiscal negotiations continued right up to the end-of-year deadline. A last minute political agreement averted the worst-case scenario and markets gravitated towards risk assets again, though the implementation of the US budget sequester, combined with concerns surrounding the Italian election results, was a source of uncertainty which lingered throughout the first half of the period.

The more dominant features of the first few months of 2013 included a marked improvement in market sentiment as global macroeconomic indicators improved, monetary easing by the Bank of Japan accelerated and fears of fiscal austerity in the US waned. In the middle of the period, concerns that the US Federal Reserve (Fed) would begin tapering its quantitative easing (QE) program caused sovereign bond yields to spike, credit spreads to widen, and equity valuations to fall. Equities subsequently outperformed fixed income in response to the improved economic fundamentals.

Toward the end of the period, the Fed’s decision to postpone QE tapering surprised markets. Favorable market reactions were tempered, however, by tense negotiations over US fiscal policy which resulted in a 16-day partial shutdown of the federal government and a short-term extension in the debt ceiling. The volatility was short-lived, however, as an extension of budget and debt ceiling deadlines allowed the government to re-open, and subsequent economic data reflected moderate but resilient US growth. Also well-received was the decision by the European Central Bank to cut its policy rate as inflation pressures waned in the region. In addition, equity investors appeared to have concluded that there would be no major change in US monetary policy as a result of the nomination of Janet Yellen as the new Fed Chair for a term beginning in early 2014.

Contributors to Performance

The portion of the fund’s return derived from yield, which was greater than that of the Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate 2% Issuer Capped Index, was a major driver of



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Management Review – continued


positive relative performance. A greater exposure to corporate bonds in the finance sector contributed to relative results as this market sector turned in strong performance for the period. A greater exposure to “BB” rated (r) bonds, which outperformed higher-rated securities during the reporting period, also benefited relative returns.

Security selection further supported relative returns. Individual securities that were among the fund’s top relative contributors included the debt of financial services firm Bank of America, financial planning consultancy company Abbey National, global financial services firm JPMorgan Chase, steel products distribution company Edgen Murray and arms and weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch (Germany).

The fund employs leverage which has been created through the use of loan agreements with a bank. To the extent that investments are purchased through the use of leverage, the fund’s net asset value will increase or decrease at a greater rate than a comparable unleveraged fund. During the reporting period, the fund’s use of leverage enhanced its absolute positive returns.

Detractors from Performance

Yield curve (y) positioning in the U.S., particularly the fund’s greater exposure to shifts in the long portion of the yield curve (centered around maturities of 10 years), detracted from relative performance. Individual bond holdings that were among the fund’s top relative detractors for the reporting period included the debt of oil and natural gas company El Paso Energy, insurance company MetLife, independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company QEP Resources, deathcare products and services company Service Corp. and commercial financial and leasing products company CIT Group.



William Adams   David Cole
Portfolio Manager   Portfolio Manager


(r) Bonds rated “BBB”, “Baa”, or higher are considered investment grade; bonds rated “BB”, “Ba”, or below are considered non-investment grade. The source for bond quality ratings is Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, Inc. and are applied using the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). For securities which are not rated by any of the three agencies, the security is considered Not Rated.
(y) A yield curve graphically depicts the yields of different maturity bonds of the same credit quality and type; a normal yield curve is upward sloping, with short-term rates lower than long-term rates.

The views expressed in this report are those of the portfolio managers only through the end of the period of the report as stated on the cover and do not necessarily reflect the views of MFS or any other person in the MFS organization. These views are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions, and MFS disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice or an indication of trading intent on behalf of any MFS portfolio. References to specific securities are not recommendations of such securities, and may not be representative of any MFS portfolio’s current or future investments.



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The following chart represents the fund’s historical performance in comparison to its benchmark(s). Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. The performance shown does not reflect the deduction of taxes, if any, that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the sale of fund shares. Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results.

Price Summary for MFS Intermediate High Income Fund



Year Ended 11/30/13


              Date        Price     
   Net Asset Value        11/30/13         $3.16  
            11/30/12         $3.12  
   New York Stock Exchange Price        11/30/13         $2.80  
            1/28/13  (high) (t)       $3.31  
            8/19/13  (low) (t)       $2.65  
              11/30/12         $3.08    

Total Returns vs Benchmark


Year Ended 11/30/13


     MFS Intermediate High Income Fund at       

New York Stock Exchange Price (r)


Net Asset Value (r)

   Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond 2% Issuer Capped Index (f)      8.54%    
(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.


(r) Includes reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions.


(t) For the period December 1, 2012 through November 30, 2013.

Benchmark Definition

Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond 2% Issuer Capped Index – a component of the Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond Index, which measures performance of non-investment grade, fixed rate debt. The index limits the maximum exposure to any one issuer to 2%.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

Notes to Performance Summary

The fund’s shares may trade at a discount or premium to net asset value. When fund shares trade at a premium, buyers pay more than the net asset value underlying fund



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Performance Summary – continued


shares, and shares purchased at a premium would receive less than the amount paid for them in the event of the fund’s liquidation.

The fund’s monthly distributions may include a return of capital to shareholders to the extent that distributions are in excess of the fund’s net investment income and net capital gains, determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations. Distributions that are treated for federal income tax purposes as a return of capital will reduce each shareholder’s basis in his or her shares and, to the extent the return of capital exceeds such basis, will be treated as gain to the shareholder from a sale of shares. Returns of shareholder capital have the effect of reducing the fund’s assets and increasing the fund’s expense ratio.

Net asset values and performance results based on net asset value per share do not include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and may differ from amounts reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities or the Financial Highlights.

From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.


In accordance with Section 23(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the fund hereby gives notice that it may from time to time repurchase shares of the fund in the open market at the option of the Board of Trustees and on such terms as the Trustees shall determine.



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Portfolio Manager   Primary Role   Since   Title and Five Year History
William Adams   Lower Quality Debt
Portfolio Manager
  2011   Investment Officer of MFS; employed in the investment management area of MFS since 2009; Credit Analyst at MFS from 1997 to 2005.
David Cole   Portfolio Manager   2007   Investment Officer of MFS; employed in the investment management area of MFS since 2004.



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The fund offers a Dividend Reinvestment and Cash Purchase Plan (the “Plan”) that allows common shareholders to reinvest either all of the distributions paid by the fund or only the long-term capital gains. Generally, purchases are made at the market price unless that price exceeds the net asset value (the shares are trading at a premium). If the shares are trading at a premium, purchases will be made at a price of either the net asset value or 95% of the market price, whichever is greater. You can also buy shares on a quarterly basis in any amount $100 and over. The Plan Agent will purchase shares under the Cash Purchase Plan on the 15th of January, April, July, and October or shortly thereafter.

If shares are registered in your own name, new shareholders will automatically participate in the Plan, unless you have indicated that you do not wish to participate. If your shares are in the name of a brokerage firm, bank, or other nominee, you can ask the firm or nominee to participate in the Plan on your behalf. If the nominee does not offer the Plan, you may wish to request that your shares be re-registered in your own name so that you can participate. There is no service charge to reinvest distributions, nor are there brokerage charges for shares issued directly by the fund. However, when shares are bought on the New York Stock Exchange or otherwise on the open market, each participant pays a pro rata share of the transaction expenses, including commissions. Dividends and capital gains distributions are taxable whether received in cash or reinvested in additional shares – the automatic reinvestment of distributions does not relieve you of any income tax that may be payable (or required to be withheld) on the distributions.

You may withdraw from the Plan at any time by going to the Plan Agent’s website at www.computershare.com, by calling 1-800-637-2304 any business day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time or by writing to the Plan Agent at P.O. Box 43078, Providence, RI 02940 - 3078. Please have available the name of the fund and your account number. For certain types of registrations, such as corporate accounts, instructions must be submitted in writing. Please call for additional details. When you withdraw from the Plan, you can receive the value of the reinvested shares in one of three ways: your full shares will be held in your account, the Plan Agent will sell your shares and send the proceeds to you, or you may transfer your full shares to your investment professional who can hold or sell them. Additionally, the Plan Agent will sell your fractional shares and send the proceeds to you.

If you have any questions or for further information or a copy of the Plan, contact the Plan Agent Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (the Transfer Agent for the fund) at 1-800-637-2304, at the Plan Agent’s website at www.computershare.com, or by writing to the Plan Agent at P.O. Box 43078, Providence, RI 02940 - 3078.



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The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Bonds - 124.3%                 
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Aerospace - 3.0%                 
Alliant Techsystems, Inc., 5.25%, 2021 (n)    $ 85,000      $ 85,425   
Bombardier, Inc., 7.5%, 2018 (n)      235,000        266,725   
Bombardier, Inc., 7.75%, 2020 (n)      135,000        153,560   
Bombardier, Inc., 6.125%, 2023 (n)      200,000        199,000   
CPI International, Inc., 8%, 2018      250,000        258,750   
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc., 7.125%, 2021      405,000        441,450   
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc., 10%, 2017      555,000        600,788   



             $ 2,005,698   
Apparel Manufacturers - 1.4%                 
Hanesbrands, Inc., 6.375%, 2020    $ 225,000      $ 245,813   
Jones Group, Inc., 6.875%, 2019      215,000        219,838   
PVH Corp., 7.375%, 2020      335,000        365,988   
PVH Corp., 4.5%, 2022      145,000        136,300   



             $ 967,939   
Asset-Backed & Securitized - 0.5%                 
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc., FRN, 6.438%, 2051 (z)    $ 450,000      $ 187,605   
Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust, FRN, 5.893%, 2049      275,000        34,672   
G-Force LLC, CDO, “A2”, 4.83%, 2036 (z)      12,743        12,986   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp., “C”, FRN, 6.191%, 2051      155,000        82,352   



             $ 317,615   
Automotive - 4.0%                 
Accuride Corp., 9.5%, 2018    $ 385,000      $ 382,113   
Allison Transmission, Inc., 7.125%, 2019 (n)      385,000        414,838   
General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 4.75%, 2017 (n)      75,000        79,500   
General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 6.75%, 2018      245,000        277,463   
General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 4.25%, 2023 (n)      130,000        123,825   
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 6.5%, 2021      345,000        365,700   
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 7%, 2022      85,000        91,588   
Jaguar Land Rover PLC, 7.75%, 2018 (n)      150,000        162,000   
Jaguar Land Rover PLC, 8.125%, 2021 (n)      345,000        390,713   
Jaguar Land Rover PLC, 5.625%, 2023 (n)      150,000        148,875   
Lear Corp., 8.125%, 2020      152,000        167,960   
Lear Corp., 4.75%, 2023 (n)      65,000        61,913   



             $ 2,666,488   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Broadcasting - 6.0%                 
AMC Networks, Inc., 7.75%, 2021    $ 311,000      $ 349,875   
Clear Channel Communications, Inc., 9%, 2021      253,000        255,530   
Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc., 6.5%, 2022      45,000        46,350   
Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc., 6.5%, 2022      205,000        212,175   
Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc., “A”, 7.625%, 2020      10,000        10,450   
Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc., “B”, 7.625%, 2020      185,000        195,175   
Hughes Network Systems LLC, 7.625%, 2021      215,000        237,038   
IAC/InterActive Corp., 4.875%, 2018 (z)      45,000        45,956   
IAC/InterActive Corp., 4.75%, 2022      165,000        152,625   
Inmarsat Finance PLC, 7.375%, 2017 (n)      165,000        171,600   
Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A., 6.625%, 2022 (n)      215,000        219,300   
Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A., 6.625%, 2022      195,000        198,900   
Intelsat S.A., 8.125%, 2023 (n)      365,000        385,075   
LBI Media, Inc., 13.5% to 2015, 11.5% to 2020 (n)(p)      102,841        60,676   
Liberty Media Corp., 8.5%, 2029      250,000        265,930   
Liberty Media Corp., 8.25%, 2030      10,000        10,613   
Netflix, Inc., 5.375%, 2021 (n)      250,000        254,375   
Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc., 6.875%, 2020      185,000        195,637   
SIRIUS XM Radio, Inc., 4.25%, 2020 (n)      55,000        52,525   
SIRIUS XM Radio, Inc., 5.875%, 2020 (n)      30,000        30,935   
SIRIUS XM Radio, Inc., 5.25%, 2022 (n)      35,000        35,438   
Univision Communications, Inc., 6.875%, 2019 (n)      280,000        301,700   
Univision Communications, Inc., 7.875%, 2020 (n)      150,000        166,875   
Univision Communications, Inc., 8.5%, 2021 (n)      135,000        149,513   



             $ 4,004,266   
Brokerage & Asset Managers - 0.8%                 
E*TRADE Financial Corp., 6.375%, 2019    $ 485,000      $ 518,950   
Building - 4.1%                 
Allegion U.S. Holding Co., Inc., 5.75%, 2021 (n)    $ 120,000      $ 124,500   
Boise Cascade Co., 6.375%, 2020      125,000        131,250   
Building Materials Holding Corp., 6.875%, 2018 (n)      185,000        197,488   
Building Materials Holding Corp., 7%, 2020 (n)      115,000        123,625   
Building Materials Holding Corp., 6.75%, 2021 (n)      160,000        172,400   
CEMEX Espana S.A., 9.25%, 2020 (n)      205,000        222,681   
CEMEX S.A.B. de C.V., 9.25%, 2020      170,000        184,660   
Gibraltar Industries, Inc., 6.25%, 2021      80,000        82,400   
HD Supply, Inc., 8.125%, 2019      115,000        128,369   
HD Supply, Inc., 7.5%, 2020      330,000        349,800   
Nortek, Inc., 8.5%, 2021      290,000        320,450   
Roofing Supply Group LLC/Roofing Supply Finance, Inc., 10%, 2020 (n)      157,000        176,625   
USG Corp., 6.3%, 2016      304,000        326,800   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Building - continued                 
USG Corp., 7.875%, 2020 (n)    $ 110,000      $ 121,825   
USG Corp., 5.875%, 2021 (n)      60,000        62,100   



             $ 2,724,973   
Business Services - 2.4%                 
Equinix, Inc., 4.875%, 2020    $ 135,000      $ 134,663   
Equinix, Inc., 5.375%, 2023      70,000        68,775   
Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., 5%, 2022      170,000        173,825   
First Data Corp., 10.625%, 2021 (n)      230,000        248,400   
iGate Corp., 9%, 2016      319,000        340,931   
Iron Mountain, Inc., 8.375%, 2021      187,000        201,960   
Iron Mountain, Inc., 6%, 2023      170,000        173,400   
Lender Processing Services, Inc., 5.75%, 2023      70,000        72,800   
NeuStar, Inc., 4.5%, 2023      220,000        197,450   



             $ 1,612,204   
Cable TV - 4.7%                 
CCO Holdings LLC, 8.125%, 2020    $ 395,000      $ 431,538   
CCO Holdings LLC, 7.375%, 2020      75,000        81,563   
CCO Holdings LLC, 6.5%, 2021      350,000        365,313   
CCO Holdings LLC/CCO Capital Corp., 5.75%, 2024      95,000        89,538   
Cequel Communications Holdings, 6.375%, 2020 (n)      190,000        196,175   
Cequel Communications Holdings I LLC, 5.125%, 2021 (n)      55,000        52,250   
DISH DBS Corp., 7.875%, 2019      70,000        81,025   
DISH DBS Corp., 6.75%, 2021      175,000        188,563   
DISH DBS Corp., 5%, 2023      90,000        85,725   
Lynx I Corp., 5.375%, 2021 (n)      200,000        203,500   
ONO Finance ll PLC, 10.875%, 2019 (n)      150,000        162,750   
Telenet Finance Luxembourg, 6.375%, 2020 (n)    EUR 200,000        291,398   
Time Warner Cable, Inc., 4.5%, 2042    $ 170,000        125,765   
UPC Holding B.V., 9.875%, 2018 (n)      200,000        214,750   
UPCB Finance III Ltd., 6.625%, 2020 (n)      354,000        377,010   
Ziggo Bond Co. B.V., 8%, 2018 (n)    EUR 135,000        195,318   



             $ 3,142,181   
Chemicals - 3.7%                 
Celanese U.S. Holdings LLC, 6.625%, 2018    $ 95,000      $ 102,006   
Celanese U.S. Holdings LLC, 5.875%, 2021      137,000        146,248   
Celanese U.S. Holdings LLC, 4.625%, 2022      90,000        86,400   
Flash Dutch 2 B.V./U.S. Coatings Acquisition, 7.375%, 2021 (n)      150,000        159,000   
Hexion U.S. Finance Corp., 6.625%, 2020      110,000        112,063   
Hexion U.S. Finance Corp./Hexion Nova Scotia Finance, 8.875%, 2018      245,000        254,494   
Huntsman International LLC, 8.625%, 2021      375,000        420,000   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Chemicals - continued                 
INEOS Finance PLC, 8.375%, 2019 (n)    $ 400,000      $ 444,500   
INEOS Group Holdings S.A., 6.125%, 2018 (n)      200,000        201,250   
NOVA Chemicals Corp., 5.25%, 2023 (n)      145,000        149,350   
Polypore International, Inc., 7.5%, 2017      90,000        95,400   
Tronox Finance LLC, 6.375%, 2020      280,000        280,350   



             $ 2,451,061   
Computer Software - 1.2%                 
Infor (US), Inc., 11.5%, 2018    $ 215,000      $ 248,325   
Syniverse Holdings, Inc., 9.125%, 2019      325,000        355,063   
VeriSign, Inc., 4.625%, 2023      190,000        181,925   



             $ 785,313   
Computer Software - Systems - 1.1%                 
Audatex North America, Inc., 6%, 2021 (n)    $ 290,000      $ 303,050   
Audatex North America, Inc., 6.125%, 2023 (n)      50,000        51,625   
CDW LLC/CDW Finance Corp., 12.535%, 2017      19,000        19,903   
CDW LLC/CDW Finance Corp., 8.5%, 2019      300,000        333,375   



             $ 707,953   
Conglomerates - 3.1%                 
Amsted Industries, Inc., 8.125%, 2018 (n)    $ 375,000      $ 395,625   
BC Mountain LLC, 7%, 2021 (n)      140,000        139,300   
Dynacast International LLC, 9.25%, 2019      200,000        220,000   
Griffon Corp., 7.125%, 2018      365,000        389,638   
Renaissance Acquisition, 6.875%, 2021 (n)      350,000        350,875   
Rexel S.A., 6.125%, 2019 (n)      200,000        208,000   
Silver II Borrower, 7.75%, 2020 (n)      300,000        316,500   
WESCO Distribution, Inc., 5.375%, 2021 (z)      35,000        35,263   



             $ 2,055,201   
Construction - 0.1%                 
Empresas ICA S.A.B. de C.V., 8.9%, 2021    $ 45,000      $ 42,975   
Consumer Products - 1.3%                 
Elizabeth Arden, Inc., 7.375%, 2021    $ 280,000      $ 305,550   
Jarden Corp., 7.5%, 2020      295,000        319,338   
Prestige Brands, Inc., 8.125%, 2020      79,000        87,789   
Spectrum Brands Escrow Corp., 6.375%, 2020 (n)      165,000        175,725   



             $ 888,402   
Consumer Services - 1.5%                 
ADT Corp., 6.25%, 2021 (n)    $ 140,000      $ 146,125   
ADT Corp., 4.125%, 2023      85,000        75,253   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Consumer Services - continued                 
Monitronics International, Inc., 9.125%, 2020    $ 45,000      $ 47,475   
Monitronics International, Inc., 9.125%, 2020 (n)      175,000        184,625   
QVC, Inc., 7.375%, 2020 (n)      125,000        135,257   
Service Corp. International, 7%, 2017      365,000        409,713   



             $ 998,448   
Containers - 3.9%                 
Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC, 7.375%, 2017 (n)    $ 200,000      $ 215,000   
Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC, 9.125%, 2020 (n)      400,000        430,000   
Ball Corp., 5%, 2022      134,000        132,325   
Ball Corp., 4%, 2023      15,000        13,463   
Berry Plastics Group, Inc., 9.5%, 2018      65,000        70,200   
Berry Plastics Group, Inc., 9.75%, 2021      100,000        116,375   
Crown American LLC, 4.5%, 2023      345,000        319,988   
Exopack Holdings S.A., 7.875%, 2019 (n)      200,000        201,000   
Greif, Inc., 6.75%, 2017      170,000        188,488   
Reynolds Group, 7.125%, 2019      225,000        240,750   
Reynolds Group, 9.875%, 2019      100,000        111,000   
Reynolds Group, 5.75%, 2020      130,000        133,250   
Reynolds Group, 8.25%, 2021      385,000        405,213   



             $ 2,577,052   
Defense Electronics - 0.3%                 
Ducommun, Inc., 9.75%, 2018    $ 186,000      $ 207,390   
Electrical Equipment - 0.2%                 
Avaya, Inc., 9.75%, 2015    $ 120,000      $ 120,000   
Avaya, Inc., 7%, 2019 (n)      45,000        43,763   



             $ 163,763   
Electronics - 1.4%                 
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 9.25%, 2018    $ 234,000      $ 252,422   
Nokia Corp., 5.375%, 2019      65,000        67,356   
Nokia Corp., 6.625%, 2039      65,000        64,350   
NXP B.V., 5.75%, 2023 (n)      245,000        250,513   
Sensata Technologies B.V., 6.5%, 2019 (n)      305,000        328,638   



             $ 963,279   
Energy - Independent - 11.0%                 
Antero Resources Finance Corp., 6%, 2020    $ 90,000      $ 94,275   
Antero Resources Finance Corp., 5.375%, 2021 (n)      135,000        136,350   
BreitBurn Energy Partners LP, 8.625%, 2020      85,000        90,950   
BreitBurn Energy Partners LP, 7.875%, 2022      320,000        327,200   
Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc., 8.625%, 2018      160,000        173,800   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Energy - Independent - continued                 
Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc., 7.5%, 2020    $ 85,000      $ 93,075   
Chaparral Energy, Inc., 7.625%, 2022      150,000        162,375   
Concho Resources, Inc., 6.5%, 2022      280,000        303,100   
Concho Resources, Inc., 5.5%, 2023      175,000        177,625   
Continental Resources, Inc., 8.25%, 2019      180,000        197,550   
Continental Resources, Inc., 7.375%, 2020      65,000        72,800   
Continental Resources, Inc., 4.5%, 2023      189,000        187,110   
Denbury Resources, Inc., 8.25%, 2020      270,000        298,013   
Energy XXI Gulf Coast, Inc., 9.25%, 2017      295,000        328,925   
Energy XXI Gulf Coast, Inc., 7.5%, 2021 (n)      175,000        183,310   
EP Energy LLC, 6.875%, 2019      75,000        80,813   
EP Energy LLC, 9.375%, 2020      285,000        327,750   
EP Energy LLC, 7.75%, 2022      365,000        410,625   
EPL Oil & Gas, Inc., 8.25%, 2018      255,000        273,806   
Halcon Resources Corp., 8.875%, 2021      210,000        213,150   
Harvest Operations Corp., 6.875%, 2017      345,000        372,600   
Hilcorp Energy I/Hilcorp Finance Co., 8%, 2020 (n)      105,000        113,663   
Laredo Petroleum, Inc., 9.5%, 2019      170,000        189,550   
LINN Energy LLC, 8.625%, 2020      40,000        42,800   
LINN Energy LLC, 7.75%, 2021      194,000        201,275   
MEG Energy Corp., 6.5%, 2021 (n)      105,000        109,200   
MEG Energy Corp., 7%, 2024 (n)      110,000        112,200   
Oasis Petroleum, Inc., 6.875%, 2022 (n)      125,000        134,375   
QEP Resources, Inc., 6.875%, 2021      410,000        435,625   
Range Resources Corp., 8%, 2019      185,000        197,025   
Range Resources Corp., 5%, 2022      160,000        157,200   
Samson Investment Co., 10.5%, 2020 (n)      175,000        189,219   
SandRidge Energy, Inc., 8.125%, 2022      360,000        379,350   
SM Energy Co., 6.5%, 2021      235,000        251,450   
Whiting Petroleum Corp., 6.5%, 2018      240,000        255,000   
Whiting Petroleum Corp., 5%, 2019      75,000        76,685   



             $ 7,349,819   
Engineering - Construction - 0.3%                 
BakerCorp International, Inc., 8.25%, 2019    $ 195,000      $ 193,538   
Entertainment - 1.8%                 
Activision Blizzard, Inc., 6.125%, 2023 (n)    $ 120,000      $ 125,700   
AMC Entertainment, Inc., 8.75%, 2019      210,000        224,700   
Cedar Fair LP, 9.125%, 2018      115,000        125,350   
Cedar Fair LP, 5.25%, 2021 (n)      180,000        176,400   
Cinemark USA, Inc., 5.125%, 2022      165,000        159,019   
Cinemark USA, Inc., 4.875%, 2023      140,000        131,250   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Entertainment - continued                 
Six Flags Entertainment Corp., 5.25%, 2021 (n)    $ 250,000      $ 245,000   



             $ 1,187,419   
Financial Institutions - 7.4%                 
Aviation Capital Group, 4.625%, 2018 (n)    $ 140,000      $ 143,355   
Aviation Capital Group, 6.75%, 2021 (n)      120,000        129,966   
CIT Group, Inc., 5.25%, 2018      225,000        242,438   
CIT Group, Inc., 6.625%, 2018 (n)      319,000        360,470   
CIT Group, Inc., 5.5%, 2019 (n)      280,000        301,700   
CIT Group, Inc., 5%, 2022      400,000        396,000   
Credit Acceptance Corp., 9.125%, 2017      225,000        237,094   
Icahn Enterprises LP, 8%, 2018      429,000        447,769   
Icahn Enterprises LP, 6%, 2020 (n)      90,000        92,363   
International Lease Finance Corp., 8.625%, 2015      80,000        89,100   
International Lease Finance Corp., 7.125%, 2018 (n)      246,000        284,438   
Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Capital Corp., 10.875%, 2015      120,000        123,300   
Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Capital Corp., 6.5%, 2018      140,000        142,450   
Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Capital Corp., 7.875%, 2020      525,000        544,688   
PHH Corp., 7.375%, 2019      235,000        253,800   
PHH Corp., 6.375%, 2021      115,000        115,719   
SLM Corp., 8.45%, 2018      185,000        215,525   
SLM Corp., 8%, 2020      585,000        663,975   
SLM Corp., 7.25%, 2022      145,000        153,700   



             $ 4,937,850   
Food & Beverages - 1.4%                 
B&G Foods, Inc., 4.625%, 2021    $ 110,000      $ 105,050   
Constellation Brands, Inc., 3.75%, 2021      35,000        32,988   
Constellation Brands, Inc., 4.25%, 2023      215,000        202,100   
Hawk Acquisition Sub, Inc., 4.25%, 2020 (n)      175,000        168,438   
Sun Merger Sub, Inc., 5.875%, 2021 (n)      175,000        181,125   
TreeHouse Foods, Inc., 7.75%, 2018      215,000        226,288   



             $ 915,989   
Forest & Paper Products - 1.2%                 
Appvion, Inc., 9%, 2020 (z)    $ 175,000      $ 171,063   
Graphic Packaging Holding Co., 7.875%, 2018      125,000        135,625   
Smurfit Kappa Group PLC, 4.875%, 2018 (n)      200,000        206,500   
Smurfit Kappa Group PLC, 7.75%, 2019 (n)    EUR 120,000        177,904   
Tembec Industries, Inc., 11.25%, 2018    $ 110,000        120,725   



             $ 811,817   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Gaming & Lodging - 3.2%                 
Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., Inc., 8.5%, 2020    $ 95,000      $ 91,438   
Chester Downs & Marina LLC, 9.25%, 2020 (n)      95,000        95,000   
GLP Capital LP/GLP Financing II, Inc., 4.375%, 2018 (n)      95,000        96,900   
Hilton Worldwide Finance Co., 5.625%, 2021 (n)      130,000        132,600   
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc., 8.875%, 2020      170,000        181,050   
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc., 5.875%, 2021      35,000        33,950   
MGM Resorts International, 11.375%, 2018      195,000        249,113   
MGM Resorts International, 6.625%, 2021      180,000        189,450   
Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc., 8.75%, 2020      165,000        182,325   
PNK Finance Corp., 6.375%, 2021 (n)      130,000        134,225   
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc., REIT, 5%, 2021      105,000        102,900   
Seven Seas Cruises S. DE R.L., 9.125%, 2019      310,000        342,163   
Wynn Las Vegas LLC, 7.75%, 2020      260,000        289,900   



             $ 2,121,014   
Health Maintenance Organizations - 0.1%                 
Wellcare Health Plans, Inc., 5.75%, 2020    $ 50,000      $ 51,375   
Industrial - 1.6%                 
Dematic S.A., 7.75%, 2020 (n)    $ 310,000      $ 330,925   
Howard Hughes Corp., 6.875%, 2021 (n)      175,000        181,560   
Hyva Global B.V., 8.625%, 2016 (n)      200,000        202,500   
Mueller Water Products, Inc., 8.75%, 2020      126,000        141,435   
SPL Logistics Escrow LLC, 8.875%, 2020 (n)      175,000        185,938   



             $ 1,042,358   
Insurance - 0.7%                 
MetLife, Inc., 9.25% to 2038, FRN to 2068 (n)    $ 370,000      $ 473,600   
Insurance - Property & Casualty - 0.7%                 
XL Group PLC, 6.5% to 2017, FRN to 2049    $ 490,000      $ 480,200   
International Market Quasi-Sovereign - 0.2%                 
Eksportfinans A.S.A., 5.5%, 2016    $ 60,000      $ 63,000   
Eksportfinans A.S.A., 5.5%, 2017      95,000        99,869   



             $ 162,869   
Machinery & Tools - 3.1%                 
Case New Holland, Inc., 7.875%, 2017    $ 620,000      $ 733,150   
CNH America LLC, 7.25%, 2016      90,000        99,000   
CNH Capital LLC, 3.625%, 2018      140,000        141,400   
H&E Equipment Services Co., 7%, 2022      230,000        251,275   
NESCO LLC/NESCO Holdings Corp., 11.75%, 2017 (n)      280,000        315,700   
RSC Equipment Rental, Inc., 8.25%, 2021      240,000        273,000   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Machinery & Tools - continued                 
United Rentals North America, Inc., 5.75%, 2018    $ 115,000      $ 123,481   
United Rentals North America, Inc., 7.625%, 2022      117,000        131,040   



             $ 2,068,046   
Major Banks - 2.1%                 
Bank of America Corp., FRN, 5.2%, 2049    $ 245,000      $ 220,500   
Barclays Bank PLC, 7.625%, 2022      400,000        420,500   
JPMorgan Chase & Co., 6% to 2023, FRN to 2049      380,000        365,750   
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, 6.99% to 2017, FRN to 2049 (n)      100,000        105,750   
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, 7.648% to 2031, FRN to 2049      275,000        286,688   



             $ 1,399,188   
Medical & Health Technology & Services - 6.9%                 
AmSurg Corp., 5.625%, 2020    $ 150,000      $ 156,000   
Davita, Inc., 6.375%, 2018      505,000        530,250   
Davita, Inc., 6.625%, 2020      190,000        203,300   
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA, 9%, 2015 (n)      165,000        183,975   
Fresenius Medical Care Capital Trust III, 5.625%, 2019 (n)      170,000        183,600   
Fresenius Medical Care Capital Trust III, 5.875%, 2022 (n)      145,000        154,788   
HCA, Inc., 8.5%, 2019      455,000        486,281   
HCA, Inc., 7.5%, 2022      380,000        422,750   
HCA, Inc., 5.875%, 2022      170,000        176,375   
HealthSouth Corp., 8.125%, 2020      425,000        467,500   
IASIS Healthcare LLC/IASIS Capital Corp., 8.375%, 2019      220,000        232,650   
Kinetic Concepts, Inc., 12.5%, 2019      190,000        209,950   
Lifepoint Hospitals, Inc., 5.5%, 2021 (z)      165,000        165,825   
Tenet Healthcare Corp., 8%, 2020      245,000        267,050   
Tenet Healthcare Corp., 4.5%, 2021      210,000        200,550   
Tenet Healthcare Corp., 8.125%, 2022      135,000        146,475   
Universal Health Services, Inc., 7%, 2018      130,000        139,100   
Universal Health Services, Inc., 7.625%, 2020      245,000        257,250   



             $ 4,583,669   
Medical Equipment - 1.0%                 
Biomet, Inc., 6.5%, 2020    $ 230,000      $ 243,800   
Physio-Control International, Inc., 9.875%, 2019 (n)      128,000        143,360   
Teleflex, Inc., 6.875%, 2019      275,000        288,750   



             $ 675,910   
Metals & Mining - 3.9%                 
ArcelorMittal S.A., 6.75%, 2022    $ 60,000      $ 65,025   
ArcelorMittal S.A., 7.25%, 2041      145,000        137,750   
Arch Coal, Inc., 7.25%, 2020      135,000        101,925   
Century Aluminum Co., 7.5%, 2021 (n)      170,000        165,325   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Metals & Mining - continued                 
Commercial Metals Co., 4.875%, 2023    $ 130,000      $ 121,225   
Consol Energy, Inc., 8%, 2017      170,000        179,775   
Consol Energy, Inc., 8.25%, 2020      180,000        195,750   
First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 7.25%, 2019 (n)      400,000        386,000   
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd., 8.25%, 2019 (n)      180,000        201,150   
Peabody Energy Corp., 7.375%, 2016      350,000        394,625   
Peabody Energy Corp., 6%, 2018      110,000        116,875   
Peabody Energy Corp., 6.25%, 2021      110,000        112,475   
TMS International Corp., 7.625%, 2021 (n)      155,000        163,525   
Walter Energy, Inc., 9.5%, 2019 (n)      60,000        62,700   
Walter Energy, Inc., 8.5%, 2021      195,000        164,288   



             $ 2,568,413   
Municipals - 0.1%                 
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 2023    $ 90,000      $ 83,288   
Natural Gas - Distribution - 0.9%                 
AmeriGas Finance LLC, 6.75%, 2020    $ 310,000      $ 337,900   
Ferrellgas LP/Ferrellgas Finance Corp., 6.5%, 2021      230,000        234,025   
Ferrellgas LP/Ferrellgas Finance Corp., 6.75%, 2022 (n)      55,000        55,963   



             $ 627,888   
Natural Gas - Pipeline - 4.8%                 
Access Midstream Partners Co., 5.875%, 2021    $ 75,000      $ 80,250   
Access Midstream Partners Co., 4.875%, 2023      345,000        338,100   
Atlas Pipeline Partners LP, 4.75%, 2021 (n)      70,000        64,750   
Atlas Pipeline Partners LP, 5.875%, 2023 (n)      135,000        130,950   
Colorado Interstate Gas Co., 6.8%, 2015      91,000        101,118   
Crestwood Midstream Partners LP, 6.125%, 2022 (n)      55,000        56,238   
Crosstex Energy, Inc., 8.875%, 2018      270,000        284,850   
Crosstex Energy, Inc., 7.125%, 2022      20,000        22,800   
El Paso Corp., 7%, 2017      175,000        198,048   
El Paso Corp., 7.75%, 2032      455,000        465,566   
Energy Transfer Equity LP, 7.5%, 2020      290,000        330,600   
Enterprise Products Partners LP, 7.034% to 2018, FRN to 2068      13,000        14,333   
Inergy Midstream LP, 6%, 2020 (n)      235,000        240,581   
MarkWest Energy Partners LP, 5.5%, 2023      170,000        173,400   
MarkWest Energy Partners LP, 4.5%, 2023      135,000        127,913   
Sabine Pass Liquefaction, 5.625%, 2021 (n)      100,000        98,750   
Sabine Pass Liquefaction, 5.625%, 2023 (n)      350,000        331,625   
Summit Midstream Holdings LLC, 7.5%, 2021 (n)      130,000        135,850   



             $ 3,195,722   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Network & Telecom - 1.4%                 
Centurylink, Inc., 6.45%, 2021    $ 40,000      $ 41,700   
Centurylink, Inc., 7.65%, 2042      175,000        157,938   
Citizens Communications Co., 9%, 2031      160,000        161,200   
Frontier Communications Corp., 8.125%, 2018      95,000        109,725   
Qwest Corp., 7.5%, 2014      1,000        1,052   
TW Telecom Holdings, Inc., 5.375%, 2022      120,000        119,550   
TW Telecom Holdings, Inc., 5.375%, 2022 (n)      70,000        69,732   
Windstream Corp., 8.125%, 2018      45,000        48,488   
Windstream Corp., 7.75%, 2020      135,000        144,450   
Windstream Corp., 7.75%, 2021      55,000        58,713   



             $ 912,548   
Oil Services - 2.3%                 
Bristow Group, Inc., 6.25%, 2022    $ 285,000      $ 301,388   
Dresser-Rand Group, Inc., 6.5%, 2021      80,000        84,800   
Edgen Murray Corp., 8.75%, 2020 (n)      235,000        272,013   
Pacific Drilling S.A., 5.375%, 2020 (n)      235,000        237,350   
Shale-Inland Holdings LLC/Finance Co., 8.75%, 2019 (n)      330,000        335,775   
Unit Corp., 6.625%, 2021      265,000        278,250   



             $ 1,509,576   
Other Banks & Diversified Financials - 1.5%                 
Groupe BPCE S.A., 12.5% to 2019, FRN to 2049 (n)    $ 225,000      $ 292,500   
LBG Capital No. 1 PLC, 7.875%, 2020 (n)      410,000        439,520   
UBS AG, 7.625%, 2022      250,000        285,934   



             $ 1,017,954   
Pharmaceuticals - 1.7%                 
Capsugel FinanceCo. SCA, 9.875%, 2019 (n)    EUR 200,000      $ 303,964   
Capsugel S.A., 7%, 2019 (n)(p)    $ 70,000        71,225   
Endo Health Solutions, Inc., 7.25%, 2022      135,000        146,138   
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., 7%, 2020 (n)      310,000        332,475   
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., 7.25%, 2022 (n)      105,000        113,138   
Vantage Point Imaging, 7.5%, 2021 (n)      125,000        137,500   



             $ 1,104,440   
Precious Metals & Minerals - 0.7%                 
Eldorado Gold Corp., 6.125%, 2020 (n)    $ 175,000      $ 171,500   
IAMGOLD Corp., 6.75%, 2020 (n)      354,000        314,175   



             $ 485,675   
Printing & Publishing - 0.9%                 
American Media, Inc., 13.5%, 2018 (z)    $ 28,207      $ 30,323   
Gannett Co., Inc., 6.375%, 2023 (n)      150,000        156,375   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Printing & Publishing - continued                 
Gannett Co., Inc., 5.125%, 2020 (n)    $ 110,000      $ 112,200   
Lamar Media Corp., 5%, 2023      165,000        157,575   
Nielsen Finance LLC, 7.75%, 2018      165,000        179,438   



             $ 635,911   
Railroad & Shipping - 0.2%                 
Kansas City Southern de Mexico S.A. de C.V., 6.125%, 2021    $ 16,000      $ 17,760   
Watco Cos. LLC, 6.375%, 2023 (n)      145,000        144,638   



             $ 162,398   
Real Estate - 1.8%                 
Aviv Healthcare Properties LP, 6%, 2021 (n)    $ 160,000      $ 164,000   
CNL Lifestyle Properties, Inc., REIT, 7.25%, 2019      135,000        139,388   
DuPont Fabros Technology, Inc., REIT, 5.875%, 2021 (n)      180,000        185,400   
ERP Properties, REIT, 7.75%, 2020      200,000        230,138   
ERP Properties, REIT, 5.75%, 2022      50,000        51,546   
Felcor Lodging LP, REIT, 5.625%, 2023      100,000        97,500   
MPT Operating Partnership LP, REIT, 6.875%, 2021      150,000        160,875   
MPT Operating Partnership LP, REIT, 6.375%, 2022      165,000        169,950   



             $ 1,198,797   
Retailers - 2.3%                 
Academy Ltd., 9.25%, 2019 (n)    $ 95,000      $ 104,975   
Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp., 10%, 2019      210,000        235,463   
CST Brands, Inc., 5%, 2023 (n)      60,000        57,750   
J. Crew Group, Inc., 8.125%, 2019      41,000        43,204   
Jo-Ann Stores Holdings, Inc., 9.75%, 2019 (n)(p)      185,000        193,325   
Limited Brands, Inc., 6.9%, 2017      85,000        97,538   
Limited Brands, Inc., 7%, 2020      50,000        56,250   
Limited Brands, Inc., 6.95%, 2033      175,000        173,250   
Rite Aid Corp., 9.25%, 2020      310,000        357,663   
Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc., 6.875%, 2019      135,000        149,344   
William Carter Co., 5.25%, 2021 (n)      45,000        45,782   



             $ 1,514,544   
Specialty Chemicals - 0.5%                 
Chemtura Corp., 5.75%, 2021    $ 195,000      $ 197,438   
Koppers, Inc., 7.875%, 2019      105,000        113,925   



             $ 311,363   
Specialty Stores - 0.3%                 
Michaels Stores, Inc., 11.375%, 2016    $ 81,000      $ 83,026   
Michaels Stores, Inc., 7.75%, 2018      105,000        113,663   



             $ 196,689   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Telecommunications - Wireless - 6.0%                 
Crown Castle International Corp., 7.125%, 2019    $ 345,000      $ 373,600   
Crown Castle International Corp., 5.25%, 2023      90,000        88,875   
Digicel Group Ltd., 8.25%, 2017 (n)      235,000        244,694   
Digicel Group Ltd., 10.5%, 2018 (n)      100,000        107,750   
Eileme 2 AB, 11.625%, 2020 (n)      200,000        240,500   
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc., 7.875%, 2018      205,000        220,888   
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc., 6.25%, 2021 (n)      200,000        208,000   
Sprint Capital Corp., 6.875%, 2028      185,000        175,750   
Sprint Corp., 7.875%, 2023 (n)      300,000        328,500   
Sprint Nextel Corp., 8.375%, 2017      390,000        452,400   
Sprint Nextel Corp., 9%, 2018 (n)      100,000        121,000   
Sprint Nextel Corp., 6%, 2022      205,000        203,463   
T-Mobile USA, Inc, 6.5%, 2024      95,000        96,188   
T-Mobile USA, Inc., 6.125%, 2022      35,000        35,656   
T-Mobile USA, Inc., 5.25%, 2018 (n)      100,000        104,250   
T-Mobile USA, Inc., 6.464%, 2019      50,000        53,250   
T-Mobile USA, Inc., 6.633%, 2021      55,000        57,610   
Wind Acquisition Finance S.A., 11.75%, 2017 (n)      150,000        159,375   
Wind Acquisition Finance S.A., 12.25%, 2017 (n)(p)      300,000        295,560   
Wind Acquisition Finance S.A., 7.25%, 2018 (n)      410,000        430,500   



             $ 3,997,809   
Telephone Services - 0.6%                 
Cogent Communications Group, Inc., 8.375%, 2018 (n)    $ 100,000      $ 109,000   
Level 3 Financing, Inc., 9.375%, 2019      155,000        173,213   
Level 3 Financing, Inc., 8.625%, 2020      80,000        89,600   



             $ 371,813   
Transportation - Services - 3.9%                 
Aguila American Resources Ltd., 7.875%, 2018 (n)    $ 300,000      $ 318,375   
Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 8.25%, 2019      130,000        141,700   
Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 9.75%, 2020      95,000        111,150   
CEVA Group PLC, 8.375%, 2017 (n)      365,000        383,250   
Jack Cooper Finance Co., 9.25%, 2020 (n)      180,000        193,500   
Navios Maritime Acquisition Corp., 8.125%, 2021 (n)      195,000        197,438   
Navios Maritime Holding, Inc., 7.375%, 2022 (z)      175,000        175,875   
Navios South American Logistics, Inc., 9.25%, 2019      217,000        234,360   
Swift Services Holdings, Inc., 10%, 2018      485,000        540,169   
Syncreon Group BV/Syncre, 8.625%, 2021 (n)      200,000        207,500   
Ultrapetrol (Bahamas) Ltd., 8.875%, 2021 (n)      19,000        20,283   
Ultrapetrol (Bahamas) Ltd., 8.875%, 2021 (n)      90,000        96,075   



             $ 2,619,675   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Bonds - continued                 
Utilities - Electric Power - 3.1%                 
AES Corp., 8%, 2017    $ 29,000      $ 34,003   
AES Corp., 7.375%, 2021      195,000        220,350   
Calpine Corp., 7.875%, 2020 (n)      172,000        188,340   
Calpine Corp., 6%, 2022 (n)      35,000        35,963   
Covanta Holding Corp., 7.25%, 2020      265,000        289,448   
Energy Future Holdings Corp., 10%, 2020      333,000        353,813   
Energy Future Holdings Corp., 10%, 2020 (n)      200,000        212,000   
InterGen N.V., 7%, 2023 (n)      200,000        206,500   
NRG Energy, Inc., 8.25%, 2020      280,000        311,500   
NRG Energy, Inc., 6.625%, 2023      90,000        92,250   
Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co. LLC, 11.5%, 2020 (n)      125,000        91,563   



             $ 2,035,730   
Total Bonds (Identified Cost, $80,177,665)            $ 82,806,045   
Floating Rate Loans (g)(r) - 2.6%                 
Aerospace - 0.1%                 
TransDigm, Inc., Term Loan C, 3.75%, 2020    $ 97,549      $ 97,969   
Conglomerates - 0.1%                 
Silver II U.S. Holdings LLC, Term Loan, 4%, 2019    $ 95,976      $ 95,902   
Consumer Services - 0.1%                 
Realogy Corp., Extended Term Loan, 4.5%, 2020    $ 63,617      $ 64,200   
Energy - Independent - 0.2%                 
MEG Energy Corp., Term Loan B, 3.75%, 2020    $ 120,268      $ 120,982   
Entertainment - 0.1%                 
Cedar Fair LP, Term Loan B, 3.25%, 2020    $ 81,450      $ 81,603   
Food & Beverages - 0.5%                 
Aramark Corp., Term Loan D, 4%, 2019    $ 98,080      $ 98,447   
Darling International, Inc., Bridge Term Loan, 2014 (o)      182,994        182,994   
H.J. Heinz Co., Term Loan B2, 3.5%, 2020      59,256        59,626   



             $ 341,067   
Gaming & Lodging - 0.2%                 
Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC, Term Loan B2, 4%, 2020    $ 119,546      $ 119,919   
Metals & Mining - 0.2%                 
FMG Resources Ltd., New Term Loan B, 4.25%, 2019 (o)    $ 109,400      $ 110,397   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Floating Rate Loans (g)(r) - continued                 
Retailers - 0.3%                 
Rite Aid Corp., 2nd Lien Term Loan, 4.87%, 2021    $ 79,361      $ 80,352   
Toys “R” Us Property Co. I LLC, Term Loan B, 6%, 2019      156,073        151,625   



             $ 231,977   
Transportation - Services - 0.5%                 
Commercial Barge Line Co., 1st Lien Term Loan, 7.5%, 2019    $ 308,659      $ 305,186   
Utilities - Electric Power - 0.3%                 
Calpine Construction Finance Co., Term Loan B1, 3%, 2020    $ 203,827      $ 201,570   
Total Floating Rate Loans (Identified Cost, $1,770,942)            $ 1,770,772   
Convertible Bonds - 0.2%                 
Network & Telecom - 0.2%                 
Nortel Networks Corp., 2.125%, 2014
(Identified Cost, $133,688) (a)(d)
   $ 135,000      $ 132,975   
Preferred Stocks - 0.4%                 
Other Banks & Diversified Financials - 0.4%                 
Ally Financial, Inc., 7% (z)      100      $ 96,097   
GMAC Capital Trust I, 8.125%      5,675        152,317   
Total Preferred Stocks (Identified Cost, $237,049)            $ 248,414   
Common Stocks - 0.1%                 
Automotive - 0.0%                 
Accuride Corp. (a)      4,099      $ 14,387   
Printing & Publishing - 0.1%                 
American Media Operations, Inc. (a)      7,229      $ 35,350   
Total Common Stocks (Identified Cost, $167,543)            $ 49,737   
Money Market Funds - 4.0%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%,
at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)
     2,662,511      $ 2,662,511   
Total Investments (Identified Cost, $85,149,398)            $ 87,670,454   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - (31.6)%              (21,041,386
Net Assets - 100.0%            $ 66,629,068   


(a) Non-income producing security.
(d) In default. Interest and/or scheduled principal payment(s) have been missed.
(g) The rate shown represents a weighted average coupon rate on settled positions at period end, unless otherwise indicated.



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


(n) Securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be sold in the ordinary course of business in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At period end, the aggregate value of these securities was $29,227,634 representing 43.9% of net assets.
(o) All or a portion of this position has not settled. Upon settlement date, interest rates for unsettled amounts will be determined. The rate shown, if any, represents the weighted average coupon rate for settled amounts.
(p) Payment-in-kind security.
(r) Remaining maturities of floating rate loans may be less than stated maturities shown as a result of contractual or optional prepayments by the borrower. Such prepayments cannot be predicted with certainty. These loans may be subject to restrictions on resale. Floating rate loans generally have rates of interest which are determined periodically by reference to a base lending rate plus a premium.
(v) Underlying affiliated fund that is available only to investment companies managed by MFS. The rate quoted for the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio is the annualized seven-day yield of the fund at period end.
(z) Restricted securities are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and are subject to legal restrictions on resale. These securities generally may be resold in transactions exempt from registration or to the public if the securities are subsequently registered. Disposal of these securities may involve time-consuming negotiations and prompt sale at an acceptable price may be difficult. The fund holds the following restricted securities:


Restricted Securities   



   Cost      Value  
Ally Financial, Inc., 7% (Preferred Stock)    4/13/11-4/14/11      $93,750         $96,097   
American Media, Inc., 13.5%, 2018    12/22/10      28,530         30,323   
Appvion, Inc., 9%, 2020    11/13/13      172,387         171,063   
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc., FRN, 6.438%, 2051    6/19/08      331,037         187,605   
G-Force LLC, CDO, “A2”, 4.83%, 2036    1/20/11      12,391         12,986   
IAC/InterActive Corp., 4.875%, 2018    11/12/13      45,000         45,956   
Lifepoint Hospitals, Inc., 5.5%, 2021    11/21/13-11/22/13      165,150         165,825   
Navios Maritime Holding, Inc., 7.375%, 2022    11/14/13      175,000         175,875   
WESCO Distribution, Inc., 5.375%, 2021    11/21/13      35,000         35,263   
Total Restricted Securities            $920,993   
% of Net assets            1.4%   

The following abbreviations are used in this report and are defined:


CDO   Collateralized Debt Obligation
FRN   Floating Rate Note. Interest rate resets periodically and may not be the rate reported at period end.
PLC   Public Limited Company
REIT   Real Estate Investment Trust

Abbreviations indicate amounts shown in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. All amounts are stated in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated. A list of abbreviations is shown below:


EUR   Euro



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Derivative Contracts at 11/30/13

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts at 11/30/13


Type   Currency  









Date Range





at Value





Asset Derivatives                                   
BUY   EUR   Goldman Sachs International     116,768        1/17/14        $157,838        $158,631        $793   



Liability Derivatives                                   
SELL   EUR   Deutsche Bank AG     416,590        1/17/14        $562,368        $565,944        $(3,576
SELL   EUR   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     416,590        1/17/14        562,368        565,944        (3,576







Swap Agreements at 11/30/13






Cash Flows

to Receive

  Cash Flows
to Pay
Asset Derivatives           
Credit Default Swap Agreements      
12/20/17     USD        690,000      Goldman Sachs International (a)   5.0% (fixed rate)   (1)     $69,072   





(1) Fund, as protection seller, to pay notional amount upon a defined credit event by a reference obligation specified in the CDX. NA. HY.19 Index, a B+ rated credit default index. The fund entered into the contract to manage market/sector exposure.
(a) Net unamortized premiums paid by the fund amounted to $25,109.

The credit ratings presented here are an indicator of the current payment/performance risk of the related swap agreement, the reference obligation for which may be either a single security or, in the case of a credit default index, a basket of securities issued by corporate or sovereign issuers. Ratings are assigned to each reference security, including each individual security within a reference basket of securities, utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). The ratings for a credit default index are calculated by MFS as a weighted average of the external credit ratings of the individual securities that compose the index’s reference basket of securities.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



At 11/30/13

This statement represents your fund’s balance sheet, which details the assets and liabilities comprising the total value of the fund.





Non-affiliated issuers, at value (identified cost, $82,486,887)


Underlying affiliated funds, at cost and value


Total investments, at value (identified cost, $85,149,398)




Receivables for


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts


Investments sold




Swaps, at value (net unamortized premiums paid, $25,109)


Other assets


Total assets


Notes payable


Payables for




Forward foreign currency exchange contracts


Investments purchased


Payable to affiliates


Investment adviser


Transfer agent and dividend disbursing costs


Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation


Accrued interest expense


Accrued expenses and other liabilities


Total liabilities


Net assets

Net assets consist of         

Paid-in capital


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and translation of
assets and liabilities in foreign currencies


Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency


Undistributed net investment income


Net assets


Shares of beneficial interest outstanding


Net asset value per share (net assets of $66,629,068 / 21,092,613 shares of
beneficial interest outstanding)


See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



Year ended 11/30/13

This statement describes how much your fund earned in investment income and accrued in expenses. It also describes any gains and/or losses generated by fund operations.


Net investment income         







Dividends from underlying affiliated funds


Foreign taxes withheld


Total investment income




Management fee


Transfer agent and dividend disbursing costs


Administrative services fee


Independent Trustees’ compensation


Stock exchange fee


Custodian fee


Interest expense


Shareholder communications


Audit and tax fees


Legal fees




Total expenses


Fees paid indirectly


Reduction of expenses by investment adviser


Net expenses


Net investment income

Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency   

Realized gain (loss) (identified cost basis)




Swap agreements


Foreign currency


Net realized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency


Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)




Swap agreements


Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies


Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency translation


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency


Change in net assets from operations


See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



These statements describe the increases and/or decreases in net assets resulting from operations, any distributions, and any shareholder transactions.


     Years ended 11/30  
     2013      2012  
Change in net assets              
From operations                  

Net investment income

     $4,821,441         $5,416,041   

Net realized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency

     1,949,459         (695,478

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency translation

     (894,686      7,183,445   

Change in net assets from operations

     $5,876,214         $11,904,008   
Distributions declared to shareholders                  

From net investment income

     $(5,069,865      $(6,023,250

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $136,596         $394,240   

Total change in net assets

     $942,945         $6,274,998   
Net assets                  

At beginning of period

     65,686,123         59,411,125   

At end of period (including undistributed net investment income of $37,536 and $13,936, respectively)

     $66,629,068         $65,686,123   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



Year ended 11/30/13

This statement provides a summary of cash flows from investment activity for the fund.


Cash flows from operating activities:         

Change in net assets from operations

Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets from operations to net cash provided by operating activities:         

Purchase of investment securities


Proceeds from disposition of investment securities


Proceeds from swap agreements


Purchases of short-term investments, net


Realized gain/loss on investments


Realized gain/loss on swap agreements


Unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments


Unrealized appreciation/depreciation on foreign currency contracts


Unrealized appreciation/depreciation on swaps


Net amortization/accretion of income


Decrease in interest and dividends receivable


Increase in accrued expenses and other liabilities


Decrease in other assets


Decrease in interest payable


Net cash provided by operating activities

Cash flows from financing activities:         

Distributions paid in cash


Net decrease in cash


Beginning of period


End of period


Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:

Non-cash financing activities not included herein consist of reinvestment of dividends and distributions of $136,596.

Cash paid during the year ended November 30, 2013 for interest was $219,793.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund’s financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 11/30  
     2013     2012     2011     2010     2009  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $3.12        $2.84        $3.02        $2.72        $1.72   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                   

Net investment income (d)

     $0.23        $0.26        $0.27        $0.29        $0.28   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
on investments and foreign currency

     0.05        0.31        (0.14     0.28        1.01   

Total from investment operations

     $0.28        $0.57        $0.13        $0.57        $1.29   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                   

From net investment income

     $(0.24     $(0.29     $(0.31     $(0.27     $(0.29

Net increase from repurchase of capital shares

     $—        $—        $—        $—        $0.00 (w) 

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $3.16        $3.12        $2.84        $3.02        $2.72   

Market value, end of period

     $2.80        $3.08        $2.85        $3.01        $2.42   

Total return at market value (%)

     (1.49     18.81        4.90        36.61        107.88   

Total return at net asset value (%) (j)(r)(s)(x)

     9.75        20.77        4.19        21.94        83.39   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets)
and Supplemental data:

Expenses before expense reductions (f)

     1.72        1.89        1.92        2.31        2.85   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.67        1.73        1.81        1.88        2.16   

Net investment income

     7.28        8.55        8.83        9.85        12.69   

Portfolio turnover

     46        38        60        57        45   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $66,629        $65,686        $59,411        $63,092        $56,684   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense (f)

     1.35        1.35        1.35        1.03        1.08   
Senior Securities:                                         

Total notes payable outstanding (000 omitted)

     $22,000        $22,000        $22,000        $22,000        $21,000   

Asset coverage per $1,000 of indebtedness (k)

     $4,029        $3,986        $3,701        $3,868        $3,699   



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(j) Total return at net asset value is calculated using the net asset value of the fund, not the publicly traded price and therefore may be different than the total return at market value.
(k) Calculated by subtracting the fund’s total liabilities (not including notes payable) from the fund’s total assets and dividing this number by the notes payable outstanding and then multiplying by 1,000.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(w) Per share amount was less than $0.01.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns at net asset value per share have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents


(1) Business and Organization

MFS Intermediate High Income Fund (the fund) is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a closed-end management investment company.

(2) Significant Accounting Policies

General – The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. In the preparation of these financial statements, management has evaluated subsequent events occurring after the date of the fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities through the date that the financial statements were issued. The fund invests in high-yield securities rated below investment grade. Investments in high-yield securities involve greater degrees of credit and market risk than investments in higher-rated securities and tend to be more sensitive to economic conditions. The fund invests in foreign securities. Investments in foreign securities are vulnerable to the effects of changes in the relative values of the local currency and the U.S. dollar and to the effects of changes in each country’s legal, political, and economic environment.

In January 2013, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Accounting Standards Update 2013-01 (“ASU 2013-01”) entitled Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities which is intended to clarify the scope of Accounting Standards Update 2011-11 (“ASU 2011-11”), Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities. Consistent with the effective date for ASU 2011-11, ASU 2013-01 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and interim periods within those annual periods. ASU 2013-01 limits the scope of ASU 2011-11’s disclosure requirements on offsetting to financial assets and financial liabilities related to derivatives, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities lending and securities borrowing transactions. Although still evaluating the potential impact of these two ASUs to the fund, management expects that the impact of the fund’s adoption will be limited to additional financial statement disclosures.

In June 2013, FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2013-08 Financial Services – Investment Companies (Topic 946) – Amendments to the Scope, Measurement, and Disclosure Requirements (“ASU 2013-08”) which is effective for interim and annual reporting periods in fiscal years that begin after December 15, 2013. ASU 2013-08 sets forth a methodology for determining whether an entity should be characterized as an investment company and prescribes fair value accounting for an investment company’s non-controlling ownership interest in another investment company. FASB has determined that a fund registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 automatically meets ASU 2013-08’s criteria for an investment company. Although still evaluating the potential impacts of ASU 2013-08 to the fund, management expects that the impact of the fund’s adoption will be limited to additional financial statement disclosures.



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Investment Valuations – Debt instruments and floating rate loans (other than short-term instruments), including restricted debt instruments, are generally valued at an evaluated or composite bid as provided by a third-party pricing service. Equity securities, including restricted equity securities, are generally valued at the last sale or official closing price as provided by a third-party pricing service on the market or exchange on which they are primarily traded. Equity securities, for which there were no sales reported that day, are generally valued at the last quoted daily bid quotation as provided by a third-party pricing service on the market or exchange on which such securities are primarily traded. Short-term instruments with a maturity at issuance of 60 days or less generally are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Exchange-traded options are generally valued at the last sale or official closing price as provided by a third-party pricing service on the exchange on which such options are primarily traded. Exchange-traded options for which there were no sales reported that day are generally valued at the last daily bid quotation as provided by a third-party pricing service on the exchange on which such options are primarily traded. Options not traded on an exchange are generally valued at a broker/dealer bid quotation. Foreign currency options are generally valued at valuations provided by a third-party pricing service. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are generally valued at the mean of bid and asked prices for the time period interpolated from rates provided by a third-party pricing service for proximate time periods. Swap agreements are generally valued at valuations provided by a third-party pricing service, which for cleared swaps includes an evaluation of any trading activity at the clearinghouses. Open-end investment companies are generally valued at net asset value per share. Securities and other assets generally valued on the basis of information from a third-party pricing service may also be valued at a broker/dealer bid quotation. Values obtained from third-party pricing services can utilize both transaction data and market information such as yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity, type of issue, trading characteristics, and other market data. The values of foreign securities and other assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the mean of bid and asked prices for rates provided by a third-party pricing service.

The Board of Trustees has delegated primary responsibility for determining or causing to be determined the value of the fund’s investments (including any fair valuation) to the adviser pursuant to valuation policies and procedures approved by the Board. If the adviser determines that reliable market quotations are not readily available, investments are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the adviser in accordance with such procedures under the oversight of the Board of Trustees. Under the fund’s valuation policies and procedures, market quotations are not considered to be readily available for most types of debt instruments and floating rate loans and many types of derivatives. These investments are generally valued at fair value based on information from third-party pricing services. In addition, investments may be valued at fair value if the adviser determines that an investment’s value has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of the exchange or market on which the investment is principally traded (such as foreign exchange or market) and prior to the determination of the fund’s net asset value, or after the halting of trading of a specific security where trading does not resume prior to the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded. The adviser generally relies on third-party pricing services



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


or other information (such as the correlation with price movements of similar securities in the same or other markets; the type, cost and investment characteristics of the security; the business and financial condition of the issuer; and trading and other market data) to assist in determining whether to fair value and at what value to fair value an investment. The value of an investment for purposes of calculating the fund’s net asset value can differ depending on the source and method used to determine value. When fair valuation is used, the value of an investment used to determine the fund’s net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same investment. There can be no assurance that the fund could obtain the fair value assigned to an investment if it were to sell the investment at the same time at which the fund determines its net asset value per share.

Various inputs are used in determining the value of the fund’s assets or liabilities. These inputs are categorized into three broad levels. In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, an investment’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The fund’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment, and considers factors specific to the investment. Level 1 includes unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 includes other significant observable market-based inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speed, and credit risk). Level 3 includes unobservable inputs, which may include the adviser’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments. Other financial instruments are derivative instruments not reflected in total investments, such as forward foreign currency exchange contracts and swap agreements. The following is a summary of the levels used as of November 30, 2013 in valuing the fund’s assets or liabilities:


Investments at Value    Level 1      Level 2     Level 3      Total  
Equity Securities      $166,704         $96,097        $35,350         $298,151   
Non-U.S. Sovereign Debt              162,869                162,869   
Municipal Bonds              83,288                83,288   
U.S. Corporate Bonds              67,359,647                67,359,647   
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities              304,629                304,629   
Asset-Backed Securities (including CDOs)              12,986                12,986   
Foreign Bonds              15,015,601                15,015,601   
Floating Rate Loans              1,770,772                1,770,772   
Mutual Funds      2,662,511                        2,662,511   
Total Investments      $2,829,215         $84,805,889        $35,350         $87,670,454   
Other Financial Instruments                           
Swap Agreements      $—         $69,072        $—         $69,072   
Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts              (6,359             (6,359

For further information regarding security characteristics, see the Portfolio of Investments.



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


The following is a reconciliation of level 3 assets for which significant unobservable inputs were used to determine fair value. The fund’s policy is to recognize transfers between the levels as of the end of the period. The table presents the activity of level 3 securities held at the beginning and the end of the period.


Balance as of 11/30/12      $34,338   

Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

Balance as of 11/30/13      $35,350   

The net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) from investments still held as level 3 at November 30, 2013 is $1,012.

Foreign Currency Translation – Purchases and sales of foreign investments, income, and expenses are converted into U.S. dollars based upon currency exchange rates prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions or on the reporting date for foreign denominated receivables and payables. Gains and losses attributable to foreign currency exchange rates on sales of securities are recorded for financial statement purposes as net realized gains and losses on investments. Gains and losses attributable to foreign exchange rate movements on receivables, payables, income and expenses are recorded for financial statement purposes as foreign currency transaction gains and losses. That portion of both realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments that results from fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates is not separately disclosed.

Derivatives – The fund uses derivatives for different purposes, primarily to increase or decrease exposure to a particular market or segment of the market, or security, to increase or decrease interest rate or currency exposure, or as alternatives to direct investments. Derivatives are used for hedging or non-hedging purposes. While hedging can reduce or eliminate losses, it can also reduce or eliminate gains. When the fund uses derivatives as an investment to increase market exposure, or for hedging purposes, gains and losses from derivative instruments may be substantially greater than the derivative’s original cost.

The derivative instruments used by the fund were purchased options, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, and swap agreements. The fund’s period end derivatives, as presented in the Portfolio of Investments and the associated Derivative Contract tables, generally are indicative of the volume of its derivative activity during the period.

The following table presents, by major type of derivative contract, the fair value, on a gross basis, of the asset and liability components of derivatives held by the fund at November 30, 2013 as reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities:


        Fair Value  
Risk   Derivative Contracts   Asset Derivatives     Liability Derivatives  
Foreign Exchange   Forward Foreign Currency Exchange     $793        $(7,152)   
Credit   Credit Default Swaps     69,072          
Total       $69,865        $(7,152)   



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


The following table presents, by major type of derivative contract, the realized gain (loss) on derivatives held by the fund for the year ended November 30, 2013 as reported in the Statement of Operations:


Risk    Swap
Foreign Exchange      $—         $(47,389      $—   
Equity                      115,074   
Credit      13,776                   
Total      $13,776         $(47,389      $115,074   

The following table presents, by major type of derivative contract, the change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on derivatives held by the fund for the year ended November 30, 2013 as reported in the Statement of Operations:


Risk    Swap
of Assets and
Liabilities in
Foreign Exchange      $—         $2,024         $—   
Equity                      (1,232
Credit      43,963                   
Total      $43,963         $2,024         $(1,232

Derivative counterparty credit risk is managed through formal evaluation of the creditworthiness of all potential counterparties. On certain, but not all, over-the-counter derivatives, the fund attempts to reduce its exposure to counterparty credit risk whenever possible by entering into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Master Agreement on a bilateral basis with each of the counterparties with whom it undertakes a significant volume of transactions. The ISDA Master Agreement gives each party to the agreement the right to terminate all transactions traded under such agreement if there is a certain deterioration in the credit quality of the other party. Upon an event of default or a termination of the ISDA Master Agreement, the non-defaulting party has the right to close out all transactions traded under such agreement and to net amounts owed under each transaction to one net amount payable by one party to the other. This right to close out and net payments across all transactions traded under the ISDA Master Agreement could result in a reduction of the fund’s credit risk to such counterparty equal to any amounts payable by the fund under the applicable transactions, if any.

Collateral and margin requirements differ by type of derivative. Margin requirements are set by the broker or clearing house for cleared derivatives (i.e., futures contracts, cleared swaps, and exchange-traded options) while collateral terms are contract specific for over-the-counter traded derivatives (i.e., forward foreign currency exchange contracts, uncleared swap agreements, and over-the-counter options). For derivatives traded under an ISDA Master Agreement, the collateral requirements are netted across all transactions traded under such agreement and one amount is posted from one party to the other to collateralize such obligations. Cash that has been segregated to cover the fund’s collateral or margin obligations under derivative contracts, if any, will



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


be reported separately in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as restricted cash. Securities pledged as collateral or margin for the same purpose, if any, are noted in the Portfolio of Investments.

The fund’s accounting policy with respect to balance sheet offsetting is that, absent an event of default by the counterparty or a termination of the agreement, the ISDA Master Agreement does not result in an offset of reported amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities across transactions between the fund and the applicable counterparty.

Purchased Options – The fund purchased call options for a premium. Purchased call options entitle the holder to buy a specified number of shares or units of a particular security, currency or index at a specified price at a specified date or within a specified period of time. Purchasing call options may hedge against an anticipated increase in the dollar cost of securities or currency to be acquired or increase the fund’s exposure to an underlying instrument.

The premium paid is initially recorded as an investment in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. That investment is subsequently marked-to-market daily with the difference between the premium paid and the market value of the purchased option being recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Premiums paid for purchased call options which have expired are treated as realized losses on investments in the Statement of Operations. Upon the exercise or closing of a purchased call option, the premium paid is added to the cost of the security or financial instrument purchased.

Whether or not the option is exercised, the fund’s maximum risk of loss from purchasing an option is the amount of premium paid. All option contracts involve credit risk if the counterparty to the option contract fails to perform. For over-the-counter options, this risk is mitigated in cases where there is an ISDA Master Agreement between the fund and the counterparty providing for netting as described above and for posting of collateral by the counterparty to the fund to cover the fund’s exposure to the counterparty under such ISDA Master Agreement.

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts – The fund entered into forward foreign currency exchange contracts for the purchase or sale of a specific foreign currency at a fixed price on a future date. These contracts may be used to hedge the fund’s currency risk or for non-hedging purposes. For hedging purposes, the fund may enter into contracts to deliver or receive foreign currency that the fund will receive from or use in its normal investment activities. The fund may also use contracts to hedge against declines in the value of foreign currency denominated securities due to unfavorable exchange rate movements. For non-hedging purposes, the fund may enter into contracts with the intent of changing the relative exposure of the fund’s portfolio of securities to different currencies to take advantage of anticipated exchange rate changes.

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are adjusted by the daily exchange rate of the underlying currency and any unrealized gains or losses are recorded as a receivable or payable for forward foreign currency exchange contracts until the contract settlement date. On contract settlement date, any gain or loss on the contract is recorded as realized gains or losses on foreign currency.



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Risks may arise upon entering into these contracts from unanticipated movements in the value of the contract and from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts. Generally, the fund’s maximum risk due to counterparty credit risk is the unrealized gain on the contract due to the use of Continuous Linked Settlement, an industry accepted settlement system. This risk is mitigated in cases where there is an ISDA Master Agreement between the fund and the counterparty providing for netting as described above and for posting of collateral by the counterparty to the fund to cover the fund’s exposure to the counterparty under such ISDA Master Agreement.

Swap Agreements – During the period the fund entered into swap agreements. Effective June 10, 2013, certain types of swaps (“cleared swaps”) are required to be centrally cleared under provisions of the Dodd-Frank Regulatory Reform Bill. In a cleared swap transaction, the swap agreement is novated to a central counterparty (the “clearinghouse”) immediately following execution of the swap contract with an executing broker. Thereafter, throughout the term of the cleared swap, the fund interfaces indirectly with the clearinghouse through a clearing broker.

A swap agreement is generally an exchange of cash payments, at specified intervals or upon the occurrence of specified events, between the fund and a counterparty. The net cash payments exchanged are recorded as a realized gain or loss on swap agreements in the Statement of Operations. The value of the swap agreement, which is adjusted daily and includes any related interest accruals to be paid or received by the fund, is recorded in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, as “Swaps, at value” for uncleared swaps and is included in “Due from brokers” or “Due to brokers” for cleared swaps. The daily change in value, including any related interest accruals to be paid or received, is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation on swap agreements in the Statement of Operations. The daily change in valuation of centrally cleared swaps is recorded as a receivable or payable for variation margin in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Amounts paid or received at the inception of the swap agreement are reflected as premiums paid or received in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and are amortized using the effective interest method over the term of the agreement. A liquidation payment received or made upon early termination is recorded as a realized gain or loss on swap agreements in the Statement of Operations.

Risks related to swap agreements include the possible lack of a liquid market, unfavorable market and interest rate movements of the underlying instrument and the failure of the counterparty to perform under the terms of the agreements. To address counterparty risk, swap agreements are limited to only highly-rated counterparties. For uncleared swaps, that risk is further reduced by having an ISDA Master Agreement between the fund and the counterparty providing for netting as described above and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the fund to cover the fund’s exposure to the counterparty under such ISDA Master Agreement. Although not covered by an ISDA Master Agreement, the fund’s counterparty risk due to cleared swaps is mitigated by the clearinghouses’ margining requirements and financial safeguards in the event of a clearing broker default.

The fund entered into credit default swap agreements in order to manage its exposure to the market or certain sectors of the market, to reduce its credit risk exposure to



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


defaults of corporate and sovereign issuers or to create exposure to corporate or sovereign issuers to which it is not otherwise exposed. In a credit default swap agreement, the protection buyer can make an upfront payment and will make a stream of payments based on a fixed percentage applied to the agreement notional amount to the protection seller in exchange for the right to receive a specified return upon the occurrence of a defined credit event on the reference obligation (which may be either a single security or a basket of securities issued by corporate or sovereign issuers) and, with respect to the rare cases where physical settlement applies, the delivery by the buyer to the seller of a defined deliverable obligation. Although agreement-specific, credit events generally consist of a combination of the following: bankruptcy, failure to pay, restructuring, obligation acceleration, obligation default, or repudiation/moratorium, each as defined in the 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions as amended by the relevant agreement. Restructuring is generally not applicable when the reference obligation is issued by a North American corporation and obligation acceleration, obligation default, or repudiation/moratorium are generally only applicable when the reference obligation is issued by a sovereign entity or an entity in an emerging country. Upon determination of the final price for the deliverable obligation (or upon delivery of the deliverable obligation in the case of physical settlement), the difference between the value of the deliverable obligation and the swap agreement’s notional amount is recorded as realized gain or loss on swap agreements in the Statement of Operations.

Credit default swap agreements are considered to have credit-risk-related contingent features since they trigger payment by the protection seller to the protection buyer upon the occurrence of a defined credit event. The maximum amount of future, undiscounted payments that the fund, as protection seller, could be required to make is equal to the swap agreement’s notional amount. The protection seller’s payment obligation would be offset to the extent of the value of the agreement’s deliverable obligation. At November 30, 2013, the fund did not hold any credit default swap agreements at an unrealized loss where it is the protection seller.

The fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk, either as the protection seller or as the protection buyer, is the fair value of the agreement. For uncleared swaps, counterparty risk is reduced by having an ISDA Master Agreement between the fund and the counterparty providing for netting as described above and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the fund to cover the fund’s exposure to the counterparty under such ISDA Master Agreement. For cleared swaps, the fund’s counterparty risk is mitigated by the clearinghouses’ margining requirements and financial safeguards in the event of a clearing broker default.

Loans and Other Direct Debt Instruments – The fund invests in loans and loan participations or other receivables. These investments may include standby financing commitments, including revolving credit facilities, which obligate the fund to supply additional cash to the borrower on demand. Loan participations involve a risk of insolvency of the lending bank or other financial intermediary.

Statement of Cash Flows – Information on financial transactions which have been settled through the receipt or disbursement of cash is presented in the Statement of Cash Flows. The cash amount shown in the Statement of Cash Flows is the amount



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


included within the fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities and includes cash on hand at its custodian bank and does not include any short term investments.

Indemnifications – Under the fund’s organizational documents, its officers and Trustees may be indemnified against certain liabilities and expenses arising out of the performance of their duties to the fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the fund enters into agreements with service providers that may contain indemnification clauses. The fund’s maximum exposure under these agreements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against the fund that have not yet occurred.

Investment Transactions and Income – Investment transactions are recorded on the trade date. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. All premium and discount is amortized or accreted for financial statement purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The fund earns certain fees in connection with its floating rate loan purchasing activities. These fees are in addition to interest payments earned and may include amendment fees, commitment fees, facility fees, consent fees, and prepayment fees. Commitment fees are recorded on an accrual basis as income in the accompanying financial statements. Dividends received in cash are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded when the fund is informed of the dividend if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividend and interest payments received in additional securities are recorded on the ex-dividend or ex-interest date in an amount equal to the value of the security on such date. Debt obligations may be placed on non-accrual status or set to accrue at a rate of interest less than the contractual coupon when the collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Interest income for those debt obligations may be further reduced by the write-off of the related interest receivables when deemed uncollectible.

The fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements. Any proceeds received from litigation involving portfolio holdings are reflected in the Statement of Operations in realized gain/loss if the security has been disposed of by the fund or in unrealized gain/loss if the security is still held by the fund. Any other proceeds from litigation not related to portfolio holdings are reflected as other income in the Statement of Operations.

Fees Paid Indirectly – The fund’s custody fee may be reduced according to an arrangement that measures the value of cash deposited with the custodian by the fund. This amount, for the year ended November 30, 2013, is shown as a reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations.

Tax Matters and Distributions – The fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, and to distribute all of its taxable income, including realized capital gains. As a result, no provision for federal income tax is required. The fund’s federal tax returns, when filed, will remain subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service for a three year period. Foreign taxes, if any, have been accrued by the fund in the accompanying financial statements in accordance with the applicable foreign tax law. Foreign income taxes may be withheld by certain countries in which the fund invests. Additionally, capital gains realized by the fund on securities issued in or by certain foreign countries may be subject to capital gains tax imposed by those countries.



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Certain capital accounts in the financial statements are periodically adjusted for permanent differences in order to reflect their tax character. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or net asset value per share. Temporary differences which arise from recognizing certain items of income, expense, gain or loss in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes will reverse at some time in the future. Distributions in excess of net investment income or net realized gains are temporary overdistributions for financial statement purposes resulting from differences in the recognition or classification of income or distributions for financial statement and tax purposes.

Book/tax differences primarily relate to amortization and accretion of debt securities.

The tax character of distributions declared to shareholders for the last two fiscal years is as follows:


     11/30/13      11/30/12  
Ordinary income (including any short-term capital gains)      $5,069,865         $6,023,250   

The federal tax cost and the tax basis components of distributable earnings were as follows:


As of 11/30/13       
Cost of investments      $85,411,846   
Gross appreciation      3,330,068   
Gross depreciation      (1,071,460
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)      $2,258,608   
Undistributed ordinary income      85,685   
Capital loss carryforwards      (14,536,659
Post-October capital loss deferral      (415,008
Other temporary differences      (17,344

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), net capital losses recognized for fund fiscal years beginning after November 30, 2011 may be carried forward indefinitely, and their character is retained as short-term and/or long-term losses (“post-enactment losses”). Previously, net capital losses were carried forward for eight years and treated as short-term losses (“pre-enactment losses”). As a transition rule, the Act requires that all post-enactment net capital losses be used before pre-enactment net capital losses.

As of November 30, 2013, the fund had capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized gains. Such pre-enactment losses expire as follows:


11/30/14      $(1,121,832
11/30/16      (5,956,332
11/30/17      (6,983,828
11/30/18      (474,667
Total      $(14,536,659



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


(3) Transactions with Affiliates

Investment Adviser – The fund has an investment advisory agreement with MFS to provide overall investment management and related administrative services and facilities to the fund. The management fee is computed daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of 0.65% of the fund’s average daily net assets. The fund pays the adviser a monthly fee equal to 20% of the fund’s leverage income after deducting the expenses of leveraging (“Net leverage income”); provided, however, if the fund’s net leverage income is less than zero, the adviser pays the fund the percentage indicated of the fund’s net leverage income.

The management fee incurred for the year ended November 30, 2013 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of 1.05% of the fund’s average daily net assets.

The investment adviser has agreed in writing to pay a portion of the fund’s total annual operating expenses, exclusive of interest, taxes, extraordinary expenses, brokerage and transaction costs and investment-related expenses, such that the total fund operating expenses do not exceed 1.34% annually of the fund’s average daily net assets. This written agreement will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until November 30, 2014. For the year ended November 30, 2013, this reduction amounted to $32,093 and is reflected as a reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations.

Transfer Agent – The fund engages Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (“Computershare”) as the sole transfer agent for the fund. MFS Service Center, Inc. (MFSC) monitors and supervises the activities of Computershare for an agreed upon fee approved by the Board of Trustees. For the year ended November 30, 2013, these fees paid to MFSC amounted to $2,711.

Administrator – MFS provides certain financial, legal, shareholder communications, compliance, and other administrative services to the fund. Under an administrative services agreement, the fund partially reimburses MFS the costs incurred to provide these services. The fund is charged an annual fixed amount of $17,500 plus a fee based on average daily net assets. The administrative services fee incurred for the year ended November 30, 2013 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of 0.0294% of the fund’s average daily net assets.

Trustees’ and Officers’ Compensation – The fund pays compensation to independent Trustees in the form of a retainer, attendance fees, and additional compensation to Board and Committee chairpersons. The fund does not pay compensation directly to Trustees or officers of the fund who are also officers of the investment adviser, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to the fund from MFS. Certain officers and Trustees of the fund are officers or directors of MFS and MFSC.

Deferred Trustee Compensation – Prior to MFS’ appointment as investment adviser to the fund, the fund’s former independent Trustees participated in a Deferred Compensation Plan (the “Former Colonial Trustees Plan” or “Plan”). The fund’s current independent Trustees are not allowed to defer compensation under the Former Colonial Trustees Plan. Amounts deferred under the Plan are invested in shares of certain non-MFS funds selected by the former independent Trustees as notional



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


investments. Deferred amounts represent an unsecured obligation of the fund until distributed in accordance with the Plan. During the year ended November 30, 2013, the final payment of $1,605 was distributed in accordance with the Plan. At November 30, 2013, the fund had no unsecured obligation under this plan. There is no current year expense associated with the Former Colonial Trustees Plan.

Other – This fund and certain other funds managed by MFS (the funds) have entered into services agreements (the Agreements) which provide for payment of fees by the funds to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC in return for the provision of services of an Independent Chief Compliance Officer (ICCO) and Assistant ICCO, respectively, for the funds. The ICCO and Assistant ICCO are officers of the funds and the sole members of Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC, respectively. The funds can terminate the Agreements with Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC at any time under the terms of the Agreements. For the year ended November 30, 2013, the aggregate fees paid by the fund to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC were $442 and are included in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statement of Operations. MFS has agreed to reimburse the fund for a portion of the payments made by the fund in the amount of $171, which is shown as a reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations. Additionally, MFS has agreed to bear all expenses associated with office space, other administrative support, and supplies provided to the ICCO and Assistant ICCO.

The fund invests in the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio which is managed by MFS and seeks current income consistent with preservation of capital and liquidity. Income earned on this investment is included in “Dividends from underlying affiliated funds” in the Statement of Operations. This money market fund does not pay a management fee to MFS.

(4) Portfolio Securities

Purchases and sales of investments, other than purchased option transactions and short-term obligations, aggregated $39,832,480 and $38,945,853, respectively.

(5) Shares of Beneficial Interest

The fund’s Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest. The Trustees have authorized the repurchase by the fund of up to 10% annually of its own shares of beneficial interest. During the years ended November 30, 2013 and November 30, 2012, the fund did not repurchase any shares. Transactions in fund shares were as follows:


     Year ended
     Year ended
     Shares      Amount      Shares      Amount  
Shares issued to shareholders in
reinvestment of distributions
     43,147         $136,596         130,712         $394,240   

(6) Loan Agreement

The fund had a credit agreement with a bank for a revolving secured line of credit that could be drawn upon up to $30,000,000. This credit agreement matured on January 11, 2013. The Trustees approved the renewal of the revolving secured line of credit up to the amount of $25,000,000 on substantially similar terms for an additional 364 day period which matures on January 10, 2014. At November 30, 2013, the fund had outstanding borrowings under this agreement in the amount of $22,000,000, which



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


are secured by a lien on the fund’s assets. The loan’s carrying value in the fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities approximates its fair value. The loan value as of the reporting date is considered Level 2 under the fair value hierarchy. The credit agreement matures on January 10, 2014. Subsequent to fiscal year end, the Trustees approved the renewal of the revolving secured line of credit up to the amount of $25,000,000 on substantially similar terms for an additional 364 day period. Borrowing under this agreement can be made for liquidity or leverage purposes. Interest is charged at a rate per annum equal to LIBOR plus an agreed upon spread or an alternate rate, at the option of the borrower, stated as the greater of Overnight LIBOR or the Federal Funds Rate each plus an agreed upon spread. The fund incurred interest expense in the amount of $213,149 during the period in connection with this loan agreement. The fund paid a commitment fee of $3,637 based on the average daily unused portion of the revolving secured line of credit which is reported in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statement of Operations. For the year ended November 30, 2013, the average loan balance was $22,000,000 at a weighted average annual interest rate of 0.97%. The fund is subject to certain covenants including, but not limited to, requirements with respect to asset coverage, portfolio diversification and liquidity.

(7) Transactions in Underlying Affiliated Funds-Affiliated Issuers

An affiliated issuer may be considered one in which the fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common control. For the purposes of this report, the fund assumes the following to be an affiliated issuer:


Underlying Affiliated Fund    Beginning
MFS Institutional Money
Market Portfolio
     1,922,693         22,920,982         (22,181,164      2,662,511   
Underlying Affiliated Fund    Realized
Gain (Loss)
     Capital Gain
MFS Institutional Money
Market Portfolio
     $—         $—         $3,198         $2,662,511   



Table of Contents


To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of MFS Intermediate High Income Fund:

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of MFS Intermediate High Income Fund (the Fund), including the portfolio of investments, as of November 30, 2013, and the related statements of operations and cash flows for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. We were not engaged to perform an audit of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of November 30, 2013, by correspondence with the custodian and others or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from others were not received. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of MFS Intermediate High Income Fund at November 30, 2013, the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and its financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.



Boston, Massachusetts

January 15, 2014



Table of Contents



At the annual meeting of shareholders of MFS Intermediate High Income Fund, which was held on October 3, 2013, the following action was taken:

Item 1: To elect the following individuals as Trustees:


    Number of Shares  





Withheld Authority

Maureen R. Goldfarb     14,094,235.425        692,962.411   
Robert J. Manning     14,131,995.425        655,202.411   
Laurie J. Thomsen     14,145,365.425        641,832.411   



Table of Contents



The Trustees and Officers of the Trust, as of January 1, 2014, are listed below, together with their principal occupations during the past five years. (Their titles may have varied during that period.) The address of each Trustee and Officer is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618.


Name, Age



with Fund



Since (h)





Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)


Robert J. Manning (k)

(age 50)

  Trustee   February 2004   2016   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director; President (until 2009); Chief Investment Officer (until 2010)   N/A

Robin A. Stelmach (k)

(age 52)

  Trustee   January 2014   2015  

Massachusetts Financial

Services Company,

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer


David H. Gunning

(age 71)

  Trustee and Chair of Trustees   January 2004   2015   Private investor   Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. (welding equipment manufacturer), Director; Development Alternatives, Inc. (consulting), Director/Non-Executive Chairman
Robert E. Butler
(age 72)
  Trustee   January 2006   2015   Consultant – investment company industry regulatory and compliance matters   N/A

Maureen R. Goldfarb

(age 58)

  Trustee   January 2009   2016   Private investor   N/A

William R. Gutow

(age 72)

  Trustee   December 1993   2014   Private investor and real estate consultant; Capitol Entertainment Management Company (video franchise), Vice Chairman   Texas Donuts (donut franchise), Vice Chairman (until 2010)



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age



with Fund



Since (h)





Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)

Michael Hegarty

(age 69)

  Trustee   December 2004   2014   Private investor   Brookfield Office Properties, Inc. (real estate), Director; Rouse Properties Inc. (real estate), Director; Capmark Financial Group Inc. (real estate), Director

John P. Kavanaugh

(age 59)

  Trustee   January 2009   2014   Private investor   N/A

Laurie J. Thomsen

(age 56)

  Trustee   March 2005   2016   Private investor; New Profit, Inc. (venture philanthropy), Executive Partner (until 2010)   The Travelers Companies (insurance), Director
Robert W. Uek
(age 72)
  Trustee   January 2006   2014   Consultant to investment company industry   N/A

John M. Corcoran (k)

(age 48)

  President   October 2008   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President   N/A

Christopher R. Bohane (k)

(age 39)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   July 2005   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel   N/A

Kino Clark (k)

(age 45)




  January 2012   N/A  

Massachusetts Financial

Services Company,

Vice President


Thomas H. Connors (k)

(age 54)



Secretary and Assistant Clerk

  September 2012   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel; Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc. (financial service provider), Director and Senior Counsel (until 2012)   N/A



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age



with Fund



Since (h)





Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)

Ethan D. Corey (k)

(age 50)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   July 2005   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel   N/A

David L. DiLorenzo (k)

(age 45)

  Treasurer   July 2005   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President   N/A
Robyn L. Griffin
(age 38)
  Assistant Independent Chief Compliance Officer   August 2008   N/A   Griffin Compliance LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal   N/A

Brian E. Langenfeld (k)

(age 40)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   June 2006   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel   N/A

Susan S. Newton (k)

(age 63)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   May 2005   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel   N/A

Susan A. Pereira (k)

(age 43)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   July 2005   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel   N/A

Kasey L. Phillips (k)

(age 43)

  Assistant Treasurer   September 2012   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President; Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, Senior Vice President, Fund Treasurer (until 2012)   N/A
Mark N. Polebaum (k)
(age 61)
  Secretary and Clerk   January 2006   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary   N/A



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age



with Fund



Since (h)





Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)

Frank L. Tarantino
(age 69)
  Independent Chief Compliance Officer   June 2004   N/A   Tarantino LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal   N/A
Richard S. Weitzel (k)
(age 43)
  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   October 2007   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel   N/A
James O. Yost (k)
(age 53)
  Deputy Treasurer   September 1990   N/A   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President   N/A


(h) Date first appointed to serve as Trustee/officer of an MFS Fund. Each Trustee has served continuously since appointment unless indicated otherwise. For the period from December 15, 2004 until February 22, 2005, Mr. Manning served as Advisory Trustee. For the period October 2008, until January 2012, Mr. Corcoran served as Treasurer of the Funds. Prior to January 2012, Messrs. DiLorenzo and Yost served as Assistant Treasurers of the Funds.
(j) Directorships or trusteeships of companies required to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (i.e., “public companies”).
(k) “Interested person” of the Trust within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (referred to as the 1940 Act), which is the principal federal law governing investment companies like the fund, as a result of position with MFS. The address of MFS is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618.

The Trust holds annual shareholder meetings for the purpose of electing Trustees, and Trustees are elected for fixed terms. The Board of Trustees is currently divided into three classes, each having a term of three years which term expires on the date of the third annual meeting following the election to office of the Trustee’s class. Each year the term of one class expires. Each Trustee and officer will serve until next elected or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement or removal.

Messrs. Butler, Kavanaugh, and Uek and Ms. Thomsen are members of the Fund’s Audit Committee.

Each of the Fund’s Trustees and officers holds comparable positions with certain other funds of which MFS or a subsidiary is the investment adviser or distributor, and, in the case of the officers, with certain affiliates of MFS. As of January 1, 2014, the Trustees served as board members of 142 funds within the MFS Family of Funds.



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund includes further information about the Trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling 1-800-225-2606.



Investment Adviser   Custodian
Massachusetts Financial Services Company   State Street Bank and Trust Company
111 Huntington Avenue   1 Lincoln Street
Boston, MA 02199-7618   Boston, MA 02111-2900
Portfolio Managers   Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
William Adams   Ernst & Young LLP
David Cole   200 Clarendon Street
  Boston, MA 02116



Table of Contents


The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires that both the full Board of Trustees and a majority of the non-interested (“independent”) Trustees, voting separately, annually approve the continuation of the Fund’s investment advisory agreement with MFS. The Trustees consider matters bearing on the Fund and its advisory arrangements at their meetings throughout the year, including a review of performance data at each regular meeting. In addition, the independent Trustees met several times over the course of three months beginning in May and ending in July, 2013 (“contract review meetings”) for the specific purpose of considering whether to approve the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for the Fund and the other investment companies that the Board oversees (the “MFS Funds”). The independent Trustees were assisted in their evaluation of the Fund’s investment advisory agreement by independent legal counsel, from whom they received separate legal advice and with whom they met separately from MFS during various contract review meetings. The independent Trustees were also assisted in this process by the MFS Funds’ Independent Chief Compliance Officer, a full-time senior officer appointed by and reporting to the independent Trustees.

In connection with their deliberations regarding the continuation of the investment advisory agreement, the Trustees, including the independent Trustees, considered such information and factors as they believed, in light of the legal advice furnished to them and their own business judgment, to be relevant. The investment advisory agreement for the Fund was considered separately, although the Trustees also took into account the common interests of all MFS Funds in their review. As described below, the Trustees considered the nature, quality, and extent of the various investment advisory, administrative, and shareholder services performed by MFS under the existing investment advisory agreement and other arrangements with the Fund.

In connection with their contract review meetings, the Trustees received and relied upon materials that included, among other items: (i) information provided by Lipper Inc., an independent third party, on the investment performance (based on net asset value) of the Fund for various time periods ended December 31, 2012 and the investment performance (based on net asset value) of a group of funds with substantially similar investment classifications/objectives (the “Lipper performance universe”), (ii) information provided by Lipper Inc. on the Fund’s advisory fees and other expenses and the advisory fees and other expenses of comparable funds identified by Lipper Inc. (the “Lipper expense group”), (iii) information provided by MFS on the advisory fees of comparable portfolios of other clients of MFS, including institutional separate accounts and other clients, (iv) information as to whether and to what extent applicable expense waivers, reimbursements or fee “breakpoints” are observed for the Fund, (v) information regarding MFS’ financial results and financial condition, including MFS’ and certain of its affiliates’ estimated profitability from services performed for the Fund and the MFS Funds as a whole, and compared to MFS’ institutional business, (vi) MFS’ views regarding the outlook for the mutual fund industry and the strategic business plans of MFS, (vii) descriptions of various functions performed by MFS for the Funds, such as compliance monitoring and portfolio trading practices, and (viii) information regarding the overall organization of MFS, including information about MFS’ senior management and other personnel providing investment



Table of Contents

Board Review of Investment Advisory Agreement – continued


advisory, administrative and other services to the Fund and the other MFS Funds. The comparative performance, fee and expense information prepared and provided by Lipper Inc. was not independently verified and the independent Trustees did not independently verify any information provided to them by MFS.

The Trustees’ conclusion as to the continuation of the investment advisory agreement was based on a comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees and not the result of any single factor. Some of the factors that figured particularly in the Trustees’ deliberations are described below, although individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently from one another, giving different weights to various factors. It is also important to recognize that the fee arrangements for the Fund and other MFS Funds are the result of years of review and discussion between the independent Trustees and MFS, that certain aspects of such arrangements may receive greater scrutiny in some years than in others, and that the Trustees’ conclusions may be based, in part, on their consideration of these same arrangements during the course of the year and in prior years.

Based on information provided by Lipper Inc. and MFS, the Trustees reviewed the Fund’s total return investment performance as well as the performance of peer groups of funds over various time periods. The Trustees placed particular emphasis on the total return performance of the Fund’s common shares in comparison to the performance of funds in its Lipper performance universe over the three-year period ended December 31, 2012, which the Trustees believed was a long enough period to reflect differing market conditions. The total return performance of the Fund’s common shares ranked 15th out of a total of 38 funds in the Lipper performance universe for this three-year period (a ranking of first place out of the total number of funds in the performance universe indicating the best performer and a ranking of last place out of the total number of funds in the performance universe indicating the worst performer). The total return performance of the Fund’s common shares ranked 25th out of a total of 39 funds for the one-year period and 12th out of a total of 38 funds for the five-year period ended December 31, 2012. Given the size of the Lipper performance universe and information previously provided by MFS regarding differences between the Fund and other funds in its Lipper performance universe, the Trustees also reviewed the Fund’s performance in comparison to the Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond 2% Issuer Capped Index. The Fund out-performed the Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond 2% Issuer Capped Index for each of the one- and three-year periods ended December 31, 2012 (one-year: 18.7% total return for the Fund versus 15.8% total return for the benchmark; three-year: 14.5% total return for the Fund versus 11.8% total return for the benchmark) and under-performed the Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond 2% Issuer Capped Index for the five-year period ended December 31, 2012 (9.4% total return for the Fund versus 10.4% total return for the benchmark). Because of the passage of time, these performance results may differ from the performance results for more recent periods, including those shown elsewhere in this report.

In the course of their deliberations, the Trustees took into account information provided by MFS in connection with the contract review meetings, as well as during investment review meetings conducted with portfolio management personnel during the course of the year regarding the Fund’s performance. After reviewing these and



Table of Contents

Board Review of Investment Advisory Agreement – continued


related factors, the Trustees concluded, within the context of their overall conclusions regarding the investment advisory agreement, that they were satisfied with MFS’ responses and efforts relating to investment performance.

In assessing the reasonableness of the Fund’s advisory fee, the Trustees considered, among other information, the Fund’s advisory fee and the total expense ratio of the Fund’s common shares as a percentage of average daily net assets and the advisory fee and total expense ratios of peer groups of funds based on information provided by Lipper Inc. The Trustees considered that MFS currently observes an expense limitation for the Fund, which may not be changed without the Trustees’ approval. The Trustees also considered that, according to the Lipper data (which takes into account any fee reductions or expense limitations that were in effect during the Fund’s last fiscal year), the Fund’s effective advisory fee rate and total expense ratio were each lower than the Lipper expense group median.

The Trustees also considered the advisory fees charged by MFS to any comparable institutional accounts. In comparing these fees, the Trustees considered information provided by MFS as to the generally broader scope of services provided by MFS to the Fund in comparison to institutional accounts and the impact on MFS and expenses associated with the more extensive regulatory regime to which the Fund is subject in comparison to institutional accounts.

The Trustees considered that, as a closed-end fund, the Fund is unlikely to experience meaningful asset growth. As a result, the Trustees did not view the potential for realization of economies of scale as the Fund’s assets grow to be a material factor in their deliberations. The Trustees noted that they would consider economies of scale in the future in the event the Fund experiences significant asset growth, such as through an offering of preferred shares (which is not currently contemplated), or a material increase in the market value of the Fund’s portfolio securities.

The Trustees also considered information prepared by MFS relating to MFS’ costs and profits with respect to the Fund, the MFS Funds considered as a group, and other investment companies and accounts advised by MFS, as well as MFS’ methodologies used to determine and allocate its costs to the MFS Funds, the Fund and other accounts and products for purposes of estimating profitability.

After reviewing these and other factors described herein, the Trustees concluded, within the context of their overall conclusions regarding the investment advisory agreement, that the advisory fees charged to the Fund represent reasonable compensation in light of the services being provided by MFS to the Fund.

In addition, the Trustees considered MFS’ resources and related efforts to continue to retain, attract and motivate capable personnel to serve the Fund. The Trustees also considered current and developing conditions in the financial services industry, including the presence of large and well-capitalized companies which are spending, and appear to be prepared to continue to spend, substantial sums to engage personnel and to provide services to competing investment companies. In this regard, the Trustees also considered the financial resources of MFS and its ultimate parent, Sun Life Financial Inc. The Trustees also considered the advantages and possible disadvantages to the Fund of having an adviser that also serves other investment companies as well as other accounts.



Table of Contents

Board Review of Investment Advisory Agreement – continued


The Trustees also considered the nature, quality, cost, and extent of administrative services provided to the Fund by MFS under agreements other than the investment advisory agreement. The Trustees also considered the nature, extent and quality of certain other services MFS performs or arranges for on the Fund’s behalf, which may include securities lending programs, directed expense payment programs, class action recovery programs, and MFS’ interaction with third-party service providers, principally custodians and sub-custodians. The Trustees concluded that the various non-advisory services provided by MFS and its affiliates on behalf of the Fund were satisfactory.

The Trustees also considered benefits to MFS from the use of the Fund’s portfolio brokerage commissions, if applicable, to pay for investment research and various other factors. Additionally, the Trustees considered so-called “fall-out benefits” to MFS such as reputational value derived from serving as investment manager to the Fund.

Based on their evaluation of factors that they deemed to be material, including those factors described above, the Board of Trustees, including the independent Trustees, concluded that the Fund’s investment advisory agreement with MFS should be continued for an additional one-year period, commencing August 1, 2013.

A discussion regarding the Board’s most recent review and renewal of the fund’s Investment Advisory Agreement with MFS is available by clicking on the fund’s name under “Closed-End Funds” in the “Products” section of the MFS Web site (mfs.com).



Table of Contents


A general description of the MFS funds’ proxy voting policies and procedures is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-225-2606, by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.

Information regarding how the fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is available without charge by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.


The fund will file a complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. A shareholder can obtain the quarterly portfolio holdings report at mfs.com. The fund’s Form N-Q is also available on the EDGAR database on the Commission’s Internet Web site at http://www.sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the:

Public Reference Room

Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, NE, Room 1580

Washington, D.C. 20549

Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. Copies of the Fund’s Form N-Q also may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following e-mail address: publicinfo@sec.gov or by writing the Public Reference Section at the above address.


From time to time, MFS may post important information about the fund or the MFS funds on the MFS web site (mfs.com). This information is available by visiting the “News & Commentary” section of mfs.com or by clicking on the fund’s name under “Closed-End Funds” in the “Products” section of mfs.com.


The fund will notify shareholders of amounts for use in preparing 2013 income tax forms in January 2014.



Table of Contents

rev. 3/11







Why?   Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.



The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:


 Social Security number and account balances

 Account transactions and transaction history

 Checking account information and wire transfer instructions


When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.


How?   All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons MFS chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.


Reasons we can share your
personal information
  Does MFS
  Can you limit
this sharing?

For our everyday business purposes –

such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus

  Yes   No

For our marketing purposes –

to offer our products and services to you

  No   We don’t share
For joint marketing with other financial companies   No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your transactions and experiences

  No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your creditworthiness

  No   We don’t share
For nonaffiliates to market to you   No   We don’t share


Questions?   Call 800-225-2606 or go to mfs.com.



Table of Contents
Page 2  



Who we are
Who is providing this notice?   MFS Funds, MFS Investment Management, MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Fund Distributors, Inc., MFS Heritage Trust Company, and MFS Service Center, Inc.


What we do
How does MFS protect my personal information?   To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include procedural, electronic, and physical safeguards for the protection of the personal information we collect about you.
How does MFS collect my personal information?  

We collect your personal information, for example, when you


open an account or provide account information

direct us to buy securities or direct us to sell your securities

make a wire transfer


We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates and other companies.

Why can’t I limit all sharing?  

Federal law gives you the right to limit only


sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness

affiliates from using your information to market to you

sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you


State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


MFS does not share personal information with affiliates, except for everyday business purposes as described on page one of this notice.


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


MFS does not share with nonaffiliates so they can market to you.

Joint Marketing  

A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.


MFS doesnt jointly market.



Other important information
If you own an MFS product or receive an MFS service in the name of a third party such as a bank or broker-dealer, their privacy policy may apply to you instead of ours.



Table of Contents








9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time


Computershare Trust Company, N.A.

P.O. Box 43078

Providence, RI 02940-3078


New York Stock Exchange Symbol: CIF

Table of Contents

The Registrant has adopted a Code of Ethics pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and as defined in Form N-CSR that applies to the Registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial and accounting officer. During the period covered by this report, the Registrant has not amended any provision in its Code of Ethics (the “Code”) that relates to an element of the Code’s definitions enumerated in paragraph (b) of Item 2 of this Form N-CSR. During the period covered by this report, the Registrant did not grant a waiver, including an implicit waiver, from any provision of the Code.

A copy of the Code of Ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.



Messrs. Robert E. Butler, John P. Kavanaugh and Robert W. Uek and Ms. Laurie J. Thomsen, members of the Audit Committee, have been determined by the Board of Trustees in their reasonable business judgment to meet the definition of “audit committee financial expert” as such term is defined in Form N-CSR. In addition, Messrs. Butler, Kavanaugh and Uek and Ms. Thomsen are “independent” members of the Audit Committee (as such term has been defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission in regulations implementing Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002). The Securities and Exchange Commission has stated that the designation of a person as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to this Item 3 on the Form N-CSR does not impose on such a person any duties, obligations or liability that are greater than the duties, obligations or liability imposed on such person as a member of the Audit Committee and the Board of Trustees in the absence of such designation or identification.



Items 4(a) through 4(d) and 4(g):

The Board of Trustees has appointed Ernst & Young LLP (“E&Y”) to serve as independent accountants to the Registrant (hereinafter the “Registrant” or the “Fund”). The tables below set forth the audit fees billed to the Fund as well as fees for non-audit services provided to the Fund and/or to the Fund’s investment adviser, Massachusetts Financial Services Company (“MFS”), and to various entities either controlling, controlled by, or under common control with MFS that provide ongoing services to the Fund (“MFS Related Entities”).

For the fiscal years ended November 30, 2013 and 2012, audit fees billed to the Fund by E&Y were as follows:


     Audit Fees  
   2013      2012  

Fees billed by E&Y:


MFS Intermediate High Income Fund

     55,293         51,774   

Table of Contents

For the fiscal years ended November 30, 2013 and 2012, fees billed by E&Y for audit-related, tax and other services provided to the Fund and for audit-related, tax and other services provided to MFS and MFS Related Entities were as follows:


     Audit-Related  Fees1      Tax Fees2      All Other Fees3  
     2013      2012      2013      2012      2013      2012  

Fees billed by E&Y:


To MFS Intermediate High Income Fund

     10,714         10,504         9,894         9,753         0         0   
     Audit-Related  Fees1      Tax Fees2      All Other Fees3  
     2013      2012      2013      2012      2013      2012  

Fees billed by E&Y:


To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Intermediate High Income Fund*

     0         0         0         0         0         0   



Aggregate Fees for Non-audit


     2013      2012  

Fees Billed by E&Y:


To MFS Intermediate High Income Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     78,608         60,257   



This amount reflects the fees billed to MFS and MFS Related Entities for non-audit services relating directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Fund (portions of which services also related to the operations and financial reporting of other funds within the MFS Funds complex).

# This amount reflects the aggregate fees billed by E&Y for non-audit services rendered to the Fund and for non-audit services rendered to MFS and the MFS Related Entities.

The fees included under “Audit-Related Fees” are fees related to assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of financial statements, but not reported under “Audit Fees,” including accounting consultations, agreed-upon procedure reports, attestation reports, comfort letters and internal control reviews.


The fees included under “Tax Fees” are fees associated with tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning, including services relating to the filing or amendment of federal, state or local income tax returns, regulated investment company qualification reviews and tax distribution and analysis.


The fees under “All Other Fees” are fees for products and services provided by E&Y other than those reported under “Audit Fees,” “Audit-Related Fees” and “Tax Fees”.

Item 4(e)(1):

Set forth below are the policies and procedures established by the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees relating to the pre-approval of audit and non-audit related services:

To the extent required by applicable law, pre-approval by the Audit Committee of the Board is needed for all audit and permissible non-audit services rendered to the Fund and all permissible non-audit services rendered to MFS or MFS Related Entities if the services relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant. Pre-approval is currently on an engagement-by-engagement basis. In the event pre-approval of such

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services is necessary between regular meetings of the Audit Committee and it is not practical to wait to seek pre-approval at the next regular meeting of the Audit Committee, pre-approval of such services may be referred to the Chair of the Audit Committee for approval; provided that the Chair may not pre-approve any individual engagement for such services exceeding $50,000 or multiple engagements for such services in the aggregate exceeding $100,000 between such regular meetings of the Audit Committee. Any engagement pre-approved by the Chair between regular meetings of the Audit Committee shall be presented for ratification by the entire Audit Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

Item 4(e)(2):

None, or 0%, of the services relating to the Audit-Related Fees, Tax Fees and All Other Fees paid by the Fund and MFS and MFS Related Entities relating directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant disclosed above were approved by the audit committee pursuant to paragraphs (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X (which permits audit committee approval after the start of the engagement with respect to services other than audit, review or attest services, if certain conditions are satisfied).

Item 4(f): Not applicable.

Item 4(h): The Registrant’s Audit Committee has considered whether the provision by a Registrant’s independent registered public accounting firm of non-audit services to MFS and MFS Related Entities that were not pre-approved by the Committee (because such services were provided prior to the effectiveness of SEC rules requiring pre-approval or because such services did not relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant) was compatible with maintaining the independence of the independent registered public accounting firm as the Registrant’s principal auditors.



The Registrant has an Audit Committee established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The members of the Audit Committee are Messrs. Robert E. Butler, John P. Kavanaugh, and Robert W. Uek and Ms. Laurie J. Thomsen.



A schedule of investments of the Registrant is included as part of the report to shareholders of the Registrant under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.

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March 1, 2012

Massachusetts Financial Services Company, MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS International (UK) Limited, MFS Heritage Trust Company, McLean Budden Limited and MFS’ other subsidiaries that perform discretionary investment management activities (collectively, “MFS”) have adopted proxy voting policies and procedures, as set forth below (“MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures”), with respect to securities owned by the clients for which MFS serves as investment adviser and has the power to vote proxies, including the pooled investment vehicles sponsored by MFS (the “MFS Funds”). References to “clients” in these policies and procedures include the MFS Funds and other clients of MFS, such as funds organized offshore, sub-advised funds and separate account clients, to the extent these clients have delegated to MFS the responsibility to vote proxies on their behalf under the MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures.

The MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures include:


  A. Voting Guidelines;


  B. Administrative Procedures;


  C Records Retention; and


  D. Reports.




1. General Policy; Potential Conflicts of Interest

MFS’ policy is that proxy voting decisions are made in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients, and not in the interests of any other party or in MFS’ corporate interests, including interests such as the distribution of MFS Fund shares and institutional client relationships.

In developing these proxy voting guidelines, MFS reviews corporate governance issues and proxy voting matters that are presented for shareholder vote by either management or shareholders of public companies. Based on the overall principle that all votes cast by MFS on behalf of its clients must be in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of such clients, MFS has adopted proxy voting guidelines, set forth below, that govern how MFS generally will vote on specific matters presented for shareholder vote.

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As a general matter, MFS votes consistently on similar proxy proposals across all shareholder meetings. However, some proxy proposals, such as certain excessive executive compensation, environmental, social and governance matters, are analyzed on a case-by-case basis in light of all the relevant facts and circumstances of the proposal. Therefore, MFS may vote similar proposals differently at different shareholder meetings based on the specific facts and circumstances of the issuer or the terms of the proposal. In addition, MFS also reserves the right to override the guidelines with respect to a particular proxy proposal when such an override is, in MFS’ best judgment, consistent with the overall principle of voting proxies in the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients.

MFS also generally votes consistently on the same matter when securities of an issuer are held by multiple client accounts, unless MFS has received explicit voting instructions to vote differently from a client for its own account. From time to time, MFS may also receive comments on the MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures from its clients. These comments are carefully considered by MFS when it reviews these guidelines and revises them as appropriate.

These policies and procedures are intended to address any potential material conflicts of interest on the part of MFS or its subsidiaries that are likely to arise in connection with the voting of proxies on behalf of MFS’ clients. If such potential material conflicts of interest do arise, MFS will analyze, document and report on such potential material conflicts of interest (see Sections B.2 and D below), and shall ultimately vote the relevant proxies in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of its clients. The MFS Proxy Voting Committee is responsible for monitoring and reporting with respect to such potential material conflicts of interest.

MFS is also a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. In developing these guidelines, MFS considered environmental, social and corporate governance issues in light of MFS’ fiduciary obligation to vote proxies in the best long-term economic interest of its clients.


2. MFS’ Policy on Specific Issues

Election of Directors

MFS believes that good governance should be based on a board with at least a simple majority of directors who are “independent” of management, and whose key committees (e.g., compensation, nominating, and audit committees) are comprised entirely of “independent” directors. While MFS generally supports the board’s nominees in uncontested or non-contentious elections, we will not support a nominee to a board of a U.S. issuer (or issuer listed on a U.S. exchange) if, as a result of such nominee being elected to the board, the board would be comprised of a simple majority of members who are not “independent” or, alternatively, the compensation, nominating (including instances in which the full board serves as the compensation or nominating committee) or audit committees would include members who are not “independent.”

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MFS will also not support a nominee to a board if we can determine that he or she attended less than 75% of the board and/or relevant committee meetings in the previous year without a valid reason stated in the proxy materials or other company communications. In addition, MFS may not support all nominees standing for re-election to a board if we can determine: (1) the board or its compensation committee has re-priced or exchanged underwater stock options since the last annual meeting of shareholders and without shareholder approval; (2) the board or relevant committee has not taken adequately responsive action to an issue that received majority support or opposition from shareholders, including MFS; (3) the board has implemented a poison pill without shareholder approval since the last annual meeting and such poison pill is not on the subsequent shareholder meeting’s agenda, (including those related to net-operating loss carryforwards); or (4) there are severe governance concerns at the issuer.

MFS may not support certain board nominees of U.S. issuers under certain circumstances where MFS deems compensation to be egregious due to pay-for-performance issues and/or poor pay practices. Please see the section below titled “MFS’ Policy on Specific Issues — Advisory Votes on Executive Compensation” for further details.

MFS evaluates a contested or contentious election of directors on a case-by-case basis considering the long-term financial performance of the company relative to its industry, management’s track record, the qualifications of all nominees, and an evaluation of what each side is offering shareholders.

Majority Voting and Director Elections

MFS votes for reasonably crafted proposals calling for directors to be elected with an affirmative majority of votes cast and/or the elimination of the plurality standard for electing directors (including binding resolutions requesting that the board amend the company’s bylaws), provided the proposal includes a carve-out for a plurality voting standard when there are more director nominees than board seats (e.g., contested elections) (“Majority Vote Proposals”).

Classified Boards

MFS generally supports proposals to declassify a board (e.g. a board in which only one-third of board members is elected each year) for all issuers other than for certain closed-end investment companies. MFS generally opposes proposals to classify a board for issuers other than for certain closed-end investment companies.

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Proxy Access

MFS analyzes proposals seeking the ability of qualifying shareholders to nominate a certain number of directors on the company’s proxy statement (“Proxy Access”) on a case-by-case basis. In its analysis, MFS will consider the proposed ownership criteria for qualifying shareholders (such as ownership threshold and holding period) as well as the proponent’s rationale for seeking Proxy Access.

Stock Plans

MFS opposes stock option programs and restricted stock plans that provide unduly generous compensation for officers, directors or employees, or that could result in excessive dilution to other shareholders. As a general guideline, MFS votes against restricted stock, stock option, non-employee director, omnibus stock plans and any other stock plan if all such plans for a particular company involve potential dilution, in the aggregate, of more than 15%. However, MFS will also vote against stock plans that involve potential dilution, in aggregate, of more than 10% at U.S. issuers that are listed in the Standard and Poor’s 100 index as of December 31 of the previous year.

MFS also opposes stock option programs that allow the board or the compensation committee to re-price underwater options or to automatically replenish shares without shareholder approval. MFS also votes against stock option programs for officers, employees or non-employee directors that do not require an investment by the optionee, that give “free rides” on the stock price, or that permit grants of stock options with an exercise price below fair market value on the date the options are granted. MFS will consider proposals to exchange existing options for newly issued options, restricted stock or cash on a case-by-case basis, taking into account certain factors, including, but not limited to, whether there is a reasonable value-for-value exchange and whether senior executives are excluded from participating in the exchange.

MFS supports the use of a broad-based employee stock purchase plans to increase company stock ownership by employees, provided that shares purchased under the plan are acquired for no less than 85% of their market value and do not result in excessive dilution.

Shareholder Proposals on Executive Compensation

MFS believes that competitive compensation packages are necessary to attract, motivate and retain executives. However, MFS also recognizes that certain executive compensation practices can be “excessive” and not in the best, long-term economic interest of a company’s shareholders. We believe that the election of an issuer’s board of directors (as outlined above), votes on stock plans (as outlined above) and advisory votes on pay (as outlined below) are typically the most effective mechanisms to express our view on a company’s compensation practices.

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MFS generally opposes shareholder proposals that seek to set rigid restrictions on executive compensation as MFS believes that compensation committees should retain some flexibility to determine the appropriate pay package for executives. Although we support linking executive stock option grants to a company’s performance, MFS also opposes shareholder proposals that mandate a link of performance-based pay to a specific metric. MFS generally supports reasonably crafted shareholder proposals that (i) require the issuer to adopt a policy to recover the portion of performance-based bonuses and awards paid to senior executives that were not earned based upon a significant negative restatement of earnings unless the company already has adopted a satisfactory policy on the matter, or (ii) expressly prohibit the backdating of stock options.

Advisory Votes on Executive Compensation

MFS will analyze advisory votes on executive compensation on a case-by-case basis. MFS will vote against an advisory vote on executive compensation if MFS determines that the issuer has adopted excessive executive compensation practices and will vote in favor of an advisory vote on executive compensation if MFS has not determined that the issuer has adopted excessive executive compensation practices. Examples of excessive executive compensation practices may include, but are not limited to, a pay-for-performance disconnect, employment contract terms such as guaranteed bonus provisions, unwarranted pension payouts, backdated stock options, overly generous hiring bonuses for chief executive officers, unnecessary perquisites, or the potential reimbursement of excise taxes to an executive in regards to a severance package. In cases where MFS (i) votes against consecutive advisory pay votes, or (ii) determines that a particularly egregious excessive executive compensation practice has occurred, then MFS may also vote against certain or all board nominees. MFS may also vote against certain or all board nominees if an advisory pay vote for a U.S. issuer is not on the agenda, or the company has not implemented the advisory vote frequency supported by a plurality/ majority of shareholders.

MFS generally supports proposals to include an advisory shareholder vote on an issuer’s executive compensation practices on an annual basis.

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“Golden Parachutes”

From time to time, MFS may evaluate a separate, advisory vote on severance packages or “golden parachutes” to certain executives at the same time as a vote on a proposed merger or acquisition. MFS will support an advisory vote on a severance package on a on a case-by-case basis, and MFS may vote against the severance package regardless of whether MFS supports the proposed merger or acquisition.

Shareholders of companies may also submit proxy proposals that would require shareholder approval of severance packages for executive officers that exceed certain predetermined thresholds. MFS votes in favor of such shareholder proposals when they would require shareholder approval of any severance package for an executive officer that exceeds a certain multiple of such officer’s annual compensation that is not determined in MFS’ judgment to be excessive.

Anti-Takeover Measures

In general, MFS votes against any measure that inhibits capital appreciation in a stock, including proposals that protect management from action by shareholders. These types of proposals take many forms, ranging from “poison pills” and “shark repellents” to super-majority requirements.

MFS generally votes for proposals to rescind existing “poison pills” and proposals that would require shareholder approval to adopt prospective “poison pills,” unless the company already has adopted a clearly satisfactory policy on the matter. MFS may consider the adoption of a prospective “poison pill” or the continuation of an existing “poison pill” if we can determine that the following two conditions are met: (1) the “poison pill” allows MFS clients to hold an aggregate position of up to 15% of a company’s total voting securities (and of any class of voting securities); and (2) either (a) the “poison pill” has a term of not longer than five years, provided that MFS will consider voting in favor of the “poison pill” if the term does not exceed seven years and the “poison pill” is linked to a business strategy or purpose that MFS believes is likely to result in greater value for shareholders; or (b) the terms of the “poison pill” allow MFS clients the opportunity to accept a fairly structured and attractively priced tender offer (e.g. a “chewable poison pill” that automatically dissolves in the event of an all cash, all shares tender offer at a premium price). MFS will also consider on a case-by-case basis proposals designed to prevent tenders which are disadvantageous to shareholders such as tenders at below market prices and tenders for substantially less than all shares of an issuer.

MFS will consider any poison pills designed to protect a company’s net-operating loss carryforwards on a case-by-case basis, weighing the accounting and tax benefits of such a pill against the risk of deterring future acquisition candidates.

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Reincorporation and Reorganization Proposals

When presented with a proposal to reincorporate a company under the laws of a different state, or to effect some other type of corporate reorganization, MFS considers the underlying purpose and ultimate effect of such a proposal in determining whether or not to support such a measure. MFS generally votes with management in regards to these types of proposals, however, if MFS believes the proposal is in the best long-term economic interests of its clients, then MFS may vote against management (e.g. the intent or effect would be to create additional inappropriate impediments to possible acquisitions or takeovers).

Issuance of Stock

There are many legitimate reasons for the issuance of stock. Nevertheless, as noted above under “Stock Plans,” when a stock option plan (either individually or when aggregated with other plans of the same company) would substantially dilute the existing equity (e.g. by approximately 10-15% as described above), MFS generally votes against the plan. In addition, MFS typically votes against proposals where management is asking for authorization to issue common or preferred stock with no reason stated (a “blank check”) because the unexplained authorization could work as a potential anti-takeover device. MFS may also vote against the authorization or issuance of common or preferred stock if MFS determines that the requested authorization is excessive or not warranted.

Repurchase Programs

MFS supports proposals to institute share repurchase plans in which all shareholders have the opportunity to participate on an equal basis. Such plans may include a company acquiring its own shares on the open market, or a company making a tender offer to its own shareholders.

Cumulative Voting

MFS opposes proposals that seek to introduce cumulative voting and for proposals that seek to eliminate cumulative voting. In either case, MFS will consider whether cumulative voting is likely to enhance the interests of MFS’ clients as minority shareholders. In our view, shareholders should provide names of qualified candidates to a company’s nominating committee, which, in our view, should be comprised solely of “independent” directors.

Written Consent and Special Meetings

The right to call a special meeting or act by written consent can be a powerful tool for shareholders. As such, MFS supports proposals requesting the right for shareholders who hold at least 10% of the issuer’s outstanding stock to call a special meeting. MFS also supports proposals requesting the right for shareholders to act by written consent.

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Independent Auditors

MFS believes that the appointment of auditors for U.S. issuers is best left to the board of directors of the company and therefore supports the ratification of the board’s selection of an auditor for the company. Some shareholder groups have submitted proposals to limit the non-audit activities of a company’s audit firm or prohibit any non-audit services by a company’s auditors to that company. MFS opposes proposals recommending the prohibition or limitation of the performance of non-audit services by an auditor, and proposals recommending the removal of a company’s auditor due to the performance of non-audit work for the company by its auditor. MFS believes that the board, or its audit committee, should have the discretion to hire the company’s auditor for specific pieces of non-audit work in the limited situations permitted under current law.

Other Business

MFS generally votes against “other business” proposals as the content of any such matter is not known at the time of our vote.

Adjourn Shareholder Meeting

MFS generally supports proposals to adjourn a shareholder meeting if we support the other ballot items on the meeting’s agenda. MFS generally votes against proposals to adjourn a meeting if we do not support the other ballot items on the meeting’s agenda.

Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Issues

MFS believes that a company’s ESG practices may have an impact on the company’s long-term economic financial performance and will generally support proposals relating to ESG issues that MFS believes are in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders. For those ESG proposals for which a specific policy has not been adopted, MFS considers such ESG proposals on a case-by-case basis. As a result, it may vote similar proposals differently at various shareholder meetings based on the specific facts and circumstances of such proposal.

MFS generally supports proposals that seek to remove governance structures that insulate management from shareholders (i.e., anti-takeover measures) or that seek to enhance shareholder rights. Many of these governance-related issues, including compensation issues, are outlined within the context of the above guidelines. In addition, MFS typically supports proposals that

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require an issuer to reimburse successful dissident shareholders (who are not seeking control of the company) for reasonable expenses that such dissident incurred in soliciting an alternative slate of director candidates. MFS also generally supports reasonably crafted shareholder proposals requesting increased disclosure around the company’s use of collateral in derivatives trading. MFS typically does not support proposals to separate the chairman and CEO positions as we believe that the most beneficial leadership structure of a company should be determined by the company’s board of directors. For any governance-related proposal for which an explicit guideline is not provided above, MFS will consider such proposals on a case-by-case basis and will support such proposals if MFS believes that it is in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders.

MFS generally supports proposals that request disclosure on the impact of environmental issues on the company’s operations, sales, and capital investments. However, MFS may not support such proposals based on the facts and circumstances surrounding a specific proposal, including, but not limited to, whether (i) the proposal is unduly costly, restrictive, or burdensome, (ii) the company already provides publicly-available information that is sufficient to enable shareholders to evaluate the potential opportunities and risks that environmental matters pose to the company’s operations, sales and capital investments, or (iii) the proposal seeks a level of disclosure that exceeds that provided by the company’s industry peers. MFS will analyze all other environmental proposals on a case-by-case basis and will support such proposals if MFS believes such proposal is in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders.

MFS will analyze social proposals on a case-by-case basis. MFS will support such proposals if MFS believes that such proposal is in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders. Generally, MFS will support shareholder proposals that (i) seek to amend a company’s equal employment opportunity policy to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; and (ii) request additional disclosure regarding a company’s political contributions (including trade organizations and lobbying activity) (unless the company already provides publicly-available information that is sufficient to enable shareholders to evaluate the potential opportunities and risks that such contributions pose to the company’s operations, sales and capital investments).

The laws of various states or countries may regulate how the interests of certain clients subject to those laws (e.g. state pension plans) are voted with respect to social issues. Thus, it may be necessary to cast ballots differently for certain clients than MFS might normally do for other clients.

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Foreign Issuers

MFS generally supports the election of a director nominee standing for re-election in uncontested or non-contentious elections unless it can be determined that (1) he or she failed to attend at least 75% of the board and/or relevant committee meetings in the previous year without a valid reason given in the proxy materials; (2) since the last annual meeting of shareholders and without shareholder approval, the board or its compensation committee has re-priced underwater stock options; or (3) since the last annual meeting, the board has either implemented a poison pill without shareholder approval or has not taken responsive action to a majority shareholder approved resolution recommending that the “poison pill” be rescinded. Also, certain markets outside of the U.S. have adopted best practice guidelines relating to corporate governance matters (e.g. the United Kingdom’s Corporate Governance Code). Many of these guidelines operate on a “comply or explain” basis. As such, MFS will evaluate any explanations by companies relating to their compliance with a particular corporate governance guideline on a case-by-case basis and may vote against the board nominees or other relevant ballot item if such explanation is not satisfactory.

MFS generally supports the election of auditors, but may determine to vote against the election of a statutory auditor in certain markets if MFS reasonably believes that the statutory auditor is not truly independent.

Some international markets have also adopted mandatory requirements for all companies to hold shareholder votes on executive compensation. MFS will not support such proposals if MFS determines that a company’s executive compensation practices are excessive, considering such factors as the specific market’s best practices that seek to maintain appropriate pay-for-performance alignment and to create long-term shareholder value.

Many other items on foreign proxies involve repetitive, non-controversial matters that are mandated by local law. Accordingly, the items that are generally deemed routine and which do not require the exercise of judgment under these guidelines (and therefore voted with management) for foreign issuers include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) receiving financial statements or other reports from the board; (ii) approval of declarations of dividends; (iii) appointment of shareholders to sign board meeting minutes; (iv) discharge of management and supervisory boards; and (v) approval of share repurchase programs (absent any anti-takeover or other concerns). MFS will evaluate all other items on proxies for foreign companies in the context of the guidelines described above, but will generally vote against an item if there is not sufficient information disclosed in order to make an informed voting decision.

In accordance with local law or business practices, some foreign companies or custodians prevent the sales of shares that have been voted for a certain period beginning prior to the shareholder meeting and ending on the day following the meeting (“share blocking”). Depending on the country in which a company is domiciled, the blocking period may begin a stated number of days prior or subsequent to the meeting (e.g. one, three or five days) or on a date established by the company. While practices vary, in many countries the block period can be

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continued for a longer period if the shareholder meeting is adjourned and postponed to a later date. Similarly, practices vary widely as to the ability of a shareholder to have the “block” restriction lifted early (e.g. in some countries shares generally can be “unblocked” up to two days prior to the meeting whereas in other countries the removal of the block appears to be discretionary with the issuer’s transfer agent). Due to these restrictions, MFS must balance the benefits to its clients of voting proxies against the potentially serious portfolio management consequences of a reduced flexibility to sell the underlying shares at the most advantageous time. For companies in countries with share blocking periods or in markets where some custodians may block shares, the disadvantage of being unable to sell the stock regardless of changing conditions generally outweighs the advantages of voting at the shareholder meeting for routine items. Accordingly, MFS will not vote those proxies in the absence of an unusual, significant vote that outweighs the disadvantage of being unable to sell the stock.

In limited circumstances, other market specific impediments to voting shares may limit our ability to cast votes, including, but not limited to, late delivery of proxy materials, power of attorney and share re-registration requirements, or any other unusual voting requirements. In these limited instances, MFS votes securities on a best efforts basis in the context of the guidelines described above.




1. MFS Proxy Voting Committee

The administration of these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures is overseen by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, which includes senior personnel from the MFS Legal and Global Investment Support Departments. The Proxy Voting Committee does not include individuals whose primary duties relate to client relationship management, marketing, or sales. The MFS Proxy Voting Committee:


  a. Reviews these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures at least annually and recommends any amendments considered to be necessary or advisable;


  b. Determines whether any potential material conflict of interest exists with respect to instances in which MFS (i) seeks to override these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures; (ii) votes on ballot items not governed by these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures; (iii) evaluates an excessive executive compensation issue in relation to the election of directors; or (iv) requests a vote recommendation from an MFS portfolio manager or investment analyst (e.g. mergers and acquisitions); and


  c. Considers special proxy issues as they may arise from time to time.

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2. Potential Conflicts of Interest

The MFS Proxy Voting Committee is responsible for monitoring potential material conflicts of interest on the part of MFS or its subsidiaries that could arise in connection with the voting of proxies on behalf of MFS’ clients. Due to the client focus of our investment management business, we believe that the potential for actual material conflict of interest issues is small. Nonetheless, we have developed precautions to assure that all proxy votes are cast in the best long-term economic interest of shareholders.1 Other MFS internal policies require all MFS employees to avoid actual and potential conflicts of interests between personal activities and MFS’ client activities. If an employee identifies an actual or potential conflict of interest with respect to any voting decision, then that employee must recuse himself/herself from participating in the voting process. Additionally, with respect to decisions concerning all Non-Standard Votes, as defined below, MFS will review the securities holdings reported by investment professionals that participate in such decisions to determine whether such person has a direct economic interest in the decision, in which case such person shall not further participate in making the decision. Any significant attempt by an employee of MFS or its subsidiaries to unduly influence MFS’ voting on a particular proxy matter should also be reported to the MFS Proxy Voting Committee.

In cases where proxies are voted in accordance with these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures, no material conflict of interest will be deemed to exist. In cases where (i) MFS is considering overriding these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures, (ii) matters presented for vote are not governed by these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures, (iii) MFS evaluates a potentially excessive executive compensation issue in relation to the election of directors or advisory pay or severance package vote, or (iv) a vote recommendation is requested from an MFS portfolio manager or investment analyst (e.g. mergers and acquisitions) (collectively, “Non-Standard Votes”); the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will follow these procedures:


  a. Compare the name of the issuer of such proxy against a list of significant current (i) distributors of MFS Fund shares, and (ii) MFS institutional clients (the “MFS Significant Client List”);


  b. If the name of the issuer does not appear on the MFS Significant Client List, then no material conflict of interest will be deemed to exist, and the proxy will be voted as otherwise determined by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee;


1  For clarification purposes, note that MFS votes in what we believe to be the best, long-term economic interest of our clients entitled to vote at the shareholder meeting, regardless of whether other MFS clients hold “short” positions in the same issuer.

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  c. If the name of the issuer appears on the MFS Significant Client List, then the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will be apprised of that fact and each member of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will carefully evaluate the proposed vote in order to ensure that the proxy ultimately is voted in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients, and not in MFS’ corporate interests; and


  d. For all potential material conflicts of interest identified under clause (c) above, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will document: the name of the issuer, the issuer’s relationship to MFS, the analysis of the matters submitted for proxy vote, the votes as to be cast and the reasons why the MFS Proxy Voting Committee determined that the votes were cast in the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients, and not in MFS’ corporate interests. A copy of the foregoing documentation will be provided to MFS’ Conflicts Officer.

The members of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee are responsible for creating and maintaining the MFS Significant Client List, in consultation with MFS’ distribution and institutional business units. The MFS Significant Client List will be reviewed and updated periodically, as appropriate.

If an MFS client has the right to vote on a matter submitted to shareholders by Sun Life Financial, Inc. or any of its affiliates (collectively “Sun Life”), MFS will cast a vote on behalf of such MFS client pursuant to the recommendations of Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc.’s (“ISS”) benchmark policy, or as required by law.

Except as described in the MFS Fund’s prospectus, from time to time, certain MFS Funds (the “top tier fund”) may own shares of other MFS Funds (the “underlying fund”). If an underlying fund submits a matter to a shareholder vote, the top tier fund will generally vote its shares in the same proportion as the other shareholders of the underlying fund. If there are no other shareholders in the underlying fund, the top tier fund will vote in what MFS believes to be in the top tier fund’s best long-term economic interest. If an MFS client has the right to vote on a matter submitted to shareholders by a pooled investment vehicle advised by MFS, MFS will cast a vote on behalf of such MFS client in the same proportion as the other shareholders of the pooled investment vehicle.


3. Gathering Proxies

Most proxies received by MFS and its clients originate at Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”). Broadridge and other service providers, on behalf of custodians, send proxy related material to the record holders of the shares beneficially owned by MFS’ clients, usually to the client’s proxy voting administrator or, less commonly, to the client itself. This material will include proxy ballots reflecting the shareholdings of Funds and of clients on the record dates for such shareholder meetings, as well as proxy materials with the issuer’s explanation of the items to be voted upon.

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MFS, on behalf of itself and certain of its clients (including the MFS Funds) has entered into an agreement with an independent proxy administration firm pursuant to which the proxy administration firm performs various proxy vote related administrative services such as vote processing and recordkeeping functions. Except as noted below, the proxy administration firm for MFS and its clients, including the MFS Funds, is ISS. The proxy administration firm for MFS Development Funds, LLC is Glass, Lewis & Co., Inc. (“Glass Lewis”; Glass Lewis and ISS are each hereinafter referred to as the “Proxy Administrator”).

The Proxy Administrator receives proxy statements and proxy ballots directly or indirectly from various custodians, logs these materials into its database and matches upcoming meetings with MFS Fund and client portfolio holdings, which are input into the Proxy Administrator’s system by an MFS holdings data-feed. Through the use of the Proxy Administrator system, ballots and proxy material summaries for all upcoming shareholders’ meetings are available on-line to certain MFS employees and members of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee.

It is the responsibility of the Proxy Administrator and MFS to monitor the receipt of ballots. When proxy ballots and materials for clients are received by the Proxy Administrator, they are input into the Proxy Administrator’s on-line system. The Proxy Administrator then reconciles a list of all MFS accounts that hold shares of a company’s stock and the number of shares held on the record date by these accounts with the Proxy Administrator’s list of any upcoming shareholder’s meeting of that company. If a proxy ballot has not been received, the Proxy Administrator contacts the custodian requesting the reason as to why a ballot has not been received.


4. Analyzing Proxies

Proxies are voted in accordance with these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures. The Proxy Administrator, at the prior direction of MFS, automatically votes all proxy matters that do not require the particular exercise of discretion or judgment with respect to these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures as determined by MFS. With respect to proxy matters that require the particular exercise of discretion or judgment, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee considers and votes on those proxy matters. MFS also receives research and recommendations from the Proxy Administrator which it may take into account in deciding how to vote. MFS uses the research of ISS to identify (i) circumstances in which a board may have approved excessive executive compensation, (ii) environmental and social proposals that warrant consideration or (iii) circumstances in which a non-U.S. company is not in compliance with local governance or compensation best practices. In those situations where the only

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MFS fund that is eligible to vote at a shareholder meeting has Glass Lewis as its Proxy Administrator, then we will rely on research from Glass Lewis to identify such issues. Representatives of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee review, as appropriate, votes cast to ensure conformity with these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures.

As a general matter, portfolio managers and investment analysts have little or no involvement in most votes taken by MFS. This is designed to promote consistency in the application of MFS’ voting guidelines, to promote consistency in voting on the same or similar issues (for the same or for multiple issuers) across all client accounts, and to minimize the potential that proxy solicitors, issuers, or third parties might attempt to exert inappropriate influence on the vote. In limited types of votes (e.g. mergers and acquisitions, capitalization matters, potentially excessive executive compensation issues, or shareholder proposals relating to environmental and social issues), a representative of MFS Proxy Voting Committee may consult with or seek recommendations from MFS portfolio managers or investment analysts.2 However, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee would ultimately determine the manner in which all proxies are voted.

As noted above, MFS reserves the right to override the guidelines when such an override is, in MFS’ best judgment, consistent with the overall principle of voting proxies in the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients. Any such override of the guidelines shall be analyzed, documented and reported in accordance with the procedures set forth in these policies.


5. Voting Proxies

In accordance with its contract with MFS, the Proxy Administrator also generates a variety of reports for the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, and makes available on-line various other types of information so that the MFS Proxy Voting Committee may review and monitor the votes cast by the Proxy Administrator on behalf of MFS’ clients.


6. Securities Lending

From time to time, the MFS Funds or other pooled investment vehicles sponsored by MFS may participate in a securities lending program. In the event MFS or its agent receives timely notice of a shareholder meeting for a U.S. security, MFS and its agent will attempt to recall any securities on loan before the meeting’s record date so that MFS will be entitled to vote these shares. However, there may be instances in which MFS is unable to timely recall securities on loan



From time to time, due to travel schedules and other commitments, an appropriate portfolio manager or research analyst may not be available to provide a vote recommendation. If such a recommendation cannot be obtained within a reasonable time prior to the cut-off date of the shareholder meeting, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee may determine to abstain from voting.

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for a U.S. security, in which cases MFS will not be able to vote these shares. MFS will report to the appropriate board of the MFS Funds those instances in which MFS is not able to timely recall the loaned securities. MFS generally does not recall non-U.S. securities on loan because there may be insufficient advance notice of proxy materials, record dates, or vote cut-off dates to allow MFS to timely recall the shares in certain markets. As a result, non-U.S. securities that are on loan will not generally be voted. If MFS receives timely notice of what MFS determines to be an unusual, significant vote for a non-U.S. security whereas MFS shares are on loan, and determines that voting is in the best long-term economic interest of shareholders, then MFS will attempt to timely recall the loaned shares.


7. Engagement

The MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures are available on www.mfs.com and may be accessed by both MFS’ clients and the companies in which MFS’ clients invest. From time to time, MFS may determine that it is appropriate and beneficial for representatives from the MFS Proxy Voting Committee to engage in a dialogue or written communication with a company or other shareholders regarding certain matters on the company’s proxy statement that are of concern to shareholders, including environmental, social and governance matters. A company or shareholder may also seek to engage with representatives of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee in advance of the company’s formal proxy solicitation to review issues more generally or gauge support for certain contemplated proposals.



MFS will retain copies of these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures in effect from time to time and will retain all proxy voting reports submitted to the Board of Trustees and Board of Managers of the MFS Funds for the period required by applicable law. Proxy solicitation materials, including electronic versions of the proxy ballots completed by representatives of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, together with their respective notes and comments, are maintained in an electronic format by the Proxy Administrator and are accessible on-line by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee. All proxy voting materials and supporting documentation, including records generated by the Proxy Administrator’s system as to proxies processed, including the dates when proxy ballots were received and submitted, and the votes on each company’s proxy issues, are retained as required by applicable law.

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MFS Funds

MFS publicly discloses the proxy voting records of the MFS Funds on an annual basis, as required by law. MFS will also report the results of its voting to the Board of Trustees and Board of Managers of the MFS Funds. These reports will include: (i) a summary of how votes were cast (including advisory votes on pay and “golden parachutes”); (ii) a summary of votes against management’s recommendation; (iii) a review of situations where MFS did not vote in accordance with the guidelines and the rationale therefore; (iv) a review of the procedures used by MFS to identify material conflicts of interest and any matters identified as a material conflict of interest; (v) a review of these policies and the guidelines; (vi) a review of our proxy engagement activity; (vii) a report and impact assessment of instances in which the recall of loaned securities of a U.S. issuer was unsuccessful; and (viii) as necessary or appropriate, any proposed modifications thereto to reflect new developments in corporate governance and other issues. Based on these reviews, the Trustees and Managers of the MFS Funds will consider possible modifications to these policies to the extent necessary or advisable.

All MFS Advisory Clients

MFS may publicly disclose the proxy voting records of certain clients or the votes it casts with respect to certain matters as required by law. At any time, a report can also be printed by MFS for each client who has requested that MFS furnish a record of votes cast. The report specifies the proxy issues which have been voted for the client during the year and the position taken with respect to each issue and, upon request, may identify situations where MFS did not vote in accordance with the MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures.

Except as described above, MFS generally will not divulge actual voting practices to any party other than the client or its representatives because we consider that information to be confidential and proprietary to the client. However, as noted above, MFS may determine that it is appropriate and beneficial to engage in a dialogue with a company regarding certain matters. During such dialogue with the company, MFS may disclose the vote it intends to cast in order to potentially effect positive change at a company in regards to environmental, social or governance issues.

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Information regarding the portfolio manager(s) of the MFS Intermediate High Income Fund (the “Fund”) is set forth below. Each portfolio manager is primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund.


Portfolio Manager


Primary Role




Title and Five Year History

William J. Adams


Lower Quality Debt

Instruments Portfolio Manager

   2011    Investment Officer of MFS; employed in the investment area of MFS since 2009, Credit Analyst at MFS from 1997 to 2005.

David P. Cole

   Portfolio Manager    2007    Investment Officer of MFS; employed in the investment area of MFS since 2004.


Portfolio manager compensation is reviewed annually. As of December 31, 2012, portfolio manager total cash compensation is a combination of base salary and performance bonus:

Base Salary — Base salary represents a smaller percentage of portfolio manager total cash compensation than performance bonus.

Performance Bonus — Generally, the performance bonus represents more than a majority of portfolio manager total cash compensation.

The performance bonus is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, generally with more weight given to the former and less weight given to the latter.

The quantitative portion is based on the pre-tax performance of assets managed by the portfolio manager over one-, three-, and five-year periods relative to peer group universes and/or indices (“benchmarks”). As of December 31, 2012, the following benchmarks were used to measure the following portfolio manager’s performance for the Fund:


Fund        Portfolio Manager                                     Benchmark(s)

MFS Intermediate High Income Fund

   William J. Adams    Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond Index
   David P. Cole    Barclays U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bond Index

Additional or different benchmarks, including versions of indices, custom indices, and linked indices that combine performance of different indices for different portions of the time period, may also be used. Primary weight is given to portfolio performance over a three-year time period with lesser consideration given to portfolio performance over one- and five-year periods (adjusted as appropriate if the portfolio manager has served for less than five years).

The qualitative portion is based on the results of an annual internal peer review process (conducted by other portfolio managers, analysts, and traders) and management’s assessment of overall portfolio manager contributions to investor relations and the investment process (distinct from fund and other account performance). This performance bonus may be in the form of cash and/or a deferred cash award, at the discretion of management. A deferred cash award is issued for a cash value and becomes payable over a three-year vesting period if the portfolio manager remains in the continuous employ of MFS or its affiliates. During the vesting period, the value of the unfunded deferred cash award will fluctuate as though the portfolio manager had invested the cash value of the award in an MFS Fund(s) selected by the portfolio manager. A selected fund may be, but is not required to be, a fund that is managed by the portfolio manager.

Portfolio managers also typically benefit from the opportunity to participate in the MFS Equity Plan. Equity interests and/or options to acquire equity interests in MFS or its parent company are awarded by management, on a discretionary basis, taking into account tenure at MFS, contribution to the investment process, and other factors.

Finally, portfolio managers also participate in benefit plans (including a defined contribution plan and health and other insurance plans) and programs available generally to other employees of MFS. The percentage such benefits represent of any portfolio manager’s compensation depends upon the length of the individual’s tenure at MFS and salary level, as well as other factors.

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Ownership of Fund Shares

The following table shows the dollar range of equity securities of the Fund beneficially owned by the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) as of the Fund’s fiscal year ended November 30, 2013. The following dollar ranges apply:

N. None

A. $1 - $10,000

B. $10,001 - $50,000

C. $50,001 - $100,000

D. $100,001 - $500,000

E. $500,001 - $1,000,000

F. Over $1,000,000


Name of Portfolio Manager


Dollar Range of Equity Securities in Fund


William J. Adams


David P. Cole


Other Accounts

In addition to the Fund, the portfolio manager of the Fund is named as a portfolio manager of certain other accounts managed or subadvised by MFS or an affiliate. The number and assets of these accounts were as follows as of November 30, 2013:


     Registered Investment
     Other Pooled
Investment Vehicles
     Other Accounts  



William J. Adams

     12       $ 7.5 billion         3       $ 1.3 billion         1       $ 102.3 million   

David P. Cole

     12       $ 7.5 billion         1       $ 920.9 million         1       $ 102.3 million   


* Includes the Fund.

Advisory fees are not based upon performance of any of the accounts identified in the table above.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

The Adviser seeks to identify potential conflicts of interest resulting from a portfolio manager’s management of both the Fund and other accounts, and has adopted policies and procedures designed to address such potential conflicts.

The management of multiple funds and accounts (including proprietary accounts) gives rise to potential conflicts of interest if the funds and accounts have different objectives and strategies, benchmarks, time horizons and fees as a portfolio manager must allocate his or

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her time and investment ideas across multiple funds and accounts. In certain instances there are securities which are suitable for the Fund’s portfolio as well as for accounts of the Adviser or its subsidiaries with similar investment objectives. The Fund’s trade allocation policies may give rise to conflicts of interest if the Fund’s orders do not get fully executed or are delayed in getting executed due to being aggregated with those of other accounts of the Adviser or its subsidiaries. A portfolio manager may execute transactions for another fund or account that may adversely affect the value of the Fund’s investments. Investments selected for funds or accounts other than the Fund may outperform investments selected for the Fund.

When two or more clients are simultaneously engaged in the purchase or sale of the same security, the securities are allocated among clients in a manner believed by the Adviser to be fair and equitable to each. It is recognized that in some cases this system could have a detrimental effect on the price or volume of the security as far as the Fund is concerned. In most cases, however, the Adviser believes that the Fund’s ability to participate in volume transactions will produce better executions for the Fund.

The Adviser and/or a portfolio manager may have a financial incentive to allocate favorable or limited opportunity investments or structure the timing of investments to favor accounts other than the Fund, for instance, those that pay a higher advisory fee and/or have a performance adjustment and/or include an investment by the portfolio manager.




MFS Intermediate High Income Fund  


   (a) Total number
of Shares

Paid  per
     (c) Total
Number of
Purchased as
Part of Publicly
Plans or
     (d) Maximum
Number (or
Dollar Value) of
Shares that May
Yet Be Purchased
under the Plans
or Programs


     0         N/A         0         2,095,336   


     0         N/A         0         2,095,336   


     0         N/A         0         2,095,336   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   


     0         N/A         0         2,107,020   








     0            0      







Note: The Board of Trustees approves procedures to repurchase shares annually. The notification to shareholders of the program is part of the semi-annual and annual reports sent to shareholders. These annual programs begin on March 1st of each year. The programs conform to the conditions of Rule 10b-18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and limit the aggregate number of shares that may be purchased in each annual period (March 1 through the following February 28) to 10% of the Registrant’s outstanding shares as of the first day of the plan year (March 1). The aggregate number of shares available for purchase for the March 1, 2013 plan year is 2,107,020.

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There were no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may send recommendations to the Board for nominees to the Registrant’s Board since the Registrant last provided disclosure as to such procedures in response to the requirements of Item 407 (c)(2)(iv) of Regulation S-K or this Item.




(a) Based upon their evaluation of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Act”)) as conducted within 90 days of the filing date of this Form N-CSR, the registrant’s principal financial officer and principal executive officer have concluded that those disclosure controls and procedures provide reasonable assurance that the material information required to be disclosed by the registrant on this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms.


(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Act) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter covered by the report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

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(a) File the exhibits listed below as part of this form. Letter or number the exhibits in the sequence indicated.


  (1) Any code of ethics, or amendment thereto, that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2, to the extent that the registrant intends to satisfy the Item 2 requirements through filing of an exhibit: Code of Ethics attached hereto.


  (2) A separate certification for each principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2): Attached hereto.


  (3) Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 under the Act sent or given during the period covered by the report by or on behalf of the Registrant to 10 or more persons. Not applicable.


(b) If the report is filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, provide the certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2(b)), Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13a-14(b) or 240.15d-14(b)) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. 1350) as an exhibit. A certification furnished pursuant to this paragraph will not be deemed “filed” for the purposes of Section 18 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78r), or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certification will not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the registrant specifically incorporates it by reference: Attached hereto.

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A copy of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust, as amended, of the Registrant is on file with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and notice is hereby given that this instrument is executed on behalf of the Registrant by an officer of the Registrant as an officer and not individually and the obligations of or arising out of this instrument are not binding upon any of the Trustees or shareholders individually, but are binding only upon the assets and property of the respective constituent series of the Registrant.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



By (Signature and Title)*    JOHN M. CORCORAN
  John M. Corcoran, President

Date: January 15, 2014

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By (Signature and Title)*    JOHN M. CORCORAN

John M. Corcoran, President

(Principal Executive Officer)

Date: January 15, 2014


By (Signature and Title)*    DAVID L. DILORENZO

David L. DiLorenzo, Treasurer

(Principal Financial Officer

and Accounting Officer)

Date: January 15, 2014


* Print name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.