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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Share-Based Payment Arrangement [Abstract]  
Discretionary Annual Incentive Awards
Citigroup grants immediate cash bonus payments and various forms of immediate and deferred awards as part of its discretionary annual incentive award program involving a large segment of Citigroup’s employees worldwide.
Discretionary annual incentive awards are generally awarded in the first quarter of the year based on the previous year’s performance. Awards valued at less than U.S. $75,000 (or the local currency equivalent) are generally paid entirely in the form of an immediate cash bonus. Pursuant to Citigroup policy and/or regulatory requirements, certain employees are subject to mandatory deferrals of incentive pay and generally receive 15%–60% of their awards in the form of deferred stock or deferred cash stock units. Discretionary annual incentive awards to certain employees in the EU are subject to deferral requirements regardless of the total award value, with at least 50% of the immediate incentive delivered in the form of a stock payment award subject to a restriction on sale or transfer (generally, for 12 months).
For deferred incentive awards granted in 2022 and after, Citigroup changed the annual deferred compensation structure from granting deferred cash awards for certain regulated employees to deferred stock awards. Certain employees located in countries that have regulations or tax advantages for offering deferred cash or deferred cash stock units received those types of awards as a part of their annual incentive compensation rather than deferred stock.
Subject to certain exceptions (principally, for retirement-eligible employees), continuous employment within Citigroup is required to vest in deferred annual incentive awards. Post employment vesting by retirement-eligible employees and participants who meet other conditions is generally conditioned upon their compliance with certain restrictions during the remaining vesting period.
Generally, the deferred awards vest in equal annual installments over three- or four-year periods. Vested stock awards are delivered in shares of common stock. Deferred cash awards are payable in cash and, except as prohibited by applicable regulatory guidance, earn a fixed notional rate of interest that is paid only if and when the underlying principal award amount vests. Deferred cash stock unit awards are payable in cash at the vesting value of the underlying stock. The value of each deferred stock unit is equal to one share of Citigroup stock, and the award will fluctuate with changes in the stock price. Recipients of deferred stock awards and deferred cash stock unit awards, however, may, except as prohibited by applicable regulatory guidance, be entitled to receive or accrue dividend-equivalent payments during the vesting period. Generally, in the EU, vested shares are subject to a restriction on sale or transfer after vesting, and vested deferred cash awards and deferred cash stock units are subject to hold back (generally, for 6 or 12 months based on the award type).
Stock awards, deferred cash stock units and deferred cash awards are subject to one or more cancellation and clawback provisions that apply in certain circumstances, including gross misconduct.
Outstanding (Unvested) Stock Awards
A summary of the status of unvested stock awards granted as discretionary annual incentive or sign-on and replacement stock awards is presented below:

Unvested stock awardsSharesWeighted-
average grant
date fair
value per share
Unvested at December 31, 2022
41,908,207 $65.23 
37,029,558 49.36 
Unvested at December 31, 2023
59,857,333 $56.09 

(1)The weighted-average fair value of the shares granted during 2022 and 2021 was $65.07 and $62.10, respectively.
(2)The weighted-average fair value of the shares vesting during 2023 was approximately $49.86 per share on the vesting date, compared to $63.93 on the grant date.

Citigroup did not capitalize any stock-based compensation costs in 2023, 2022 and 2021. The related income tax benefits for stock-based compensation costs were $392 million, $350 million and $335 million for 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively. Total unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested stock awards was $1 billion at December 31, 2023. The cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.7 years.

Performance Share Units
Certain senior executives were awarded performance share units (PSUs) every February from 2020 to 2023, for performance in the year prior to the award date based on two performance metrics. For PSUs awarded in 2020, those metrics were return on average tangible common equity and earnings per share. For PSU awards in 2021, 2022 and 2023, the metrics were average return on tangible common equity and cumulative tangible book value per share. In each year, the metrics were equally weighted.
For all award years, if the total shareholder return is negative over the three-year performance period, executives may earn no more than 100% of the target PSUs, regardless of the extent to which Citigroup outperforms against performance goals and/or peer firms. The number of PSUs ultimately earned could vary from zero, if performance goals are not met, to as much as 150% of target, if performance goals are meaningfully exceeded. The reported financial metrics during the performance period are adjusted to reflect any mandatory equitable adjustments as required under the applicable award agreements for unusual and non-recurring items as presented to and approved by the Compensation, Performance Management and Culture (CPC) Committee.
For all award years, the value of each PSU is equal to the value of one share of Citi common stock. Dividend equivalents are forfeitable, or accrued and paid on the number of earned PSUs after the end of the performance period.

PSUs are subject to variable accounting, pursuant to which the associated value of the award will fluctuate with changes in Citigroup’s stock price and the attainment of the specified performance goals for each award. The award is settled solely in cash after the end of each performance period. The value of the award, subject to the performance goals and taking into account any mandatory equitable adjustments as per the terms of the award agreement, is estimated using a simulation model that incorporates multiple valuation assumptions, including the probability of achieving the specified performance goals of each award. The risk-free rate used in the model is based on the applicable U.S. Treasury yield curve. Other significant assumptions for the awards are as follows:

Valuation assumptions—weighted average202320222021
Expected volatility35.97 %37.01 %40.88 %
Expected dividend yield4.13 2.96 4.21 

A summary of the performance share unit activity for 2023 is presented below:

Performance share unitsUnitsWeighted-
average grant
date fair
value per unit
Outstanding, beginning of year1,282,135 $76.90 
1,093,234 47.15 
Outstanding, end of year2,043,156 $59.79 

(1)     The weighted-average grant date fair value per unit awarded in 2022 and 2021 was $71.04 and $78.55, respectively.
(2)    No payments were processed for this program in 2023.

Transformation Program
In order to provide an incentive for select employees to effectively execute Citi’s transformation program, in August 2021 the Personnel and Compensation (P&C) Committee of Citigroup’s Board of Directors, the predecessor of the Compensation, Performance Management and Culture (CPC) Committee of Citigroup’s Board of Directors, approved a program for the select employees to earn additional compensation based on the achievement of Citi’s transformation goals from August 2021 through December 2024 and satisfaction of other conditions. Performance under the program is divided into three consecutive periods, ending on December 31, 2022, 2023 and 2024. The awards are subject to variable accounting, pursuant to which the associated value of the award will fluctuate with the attainment of the performance conditions for each tranche and changes to Citigroup’s stock price for the third tranche. Payment for each period will be in cash, in a lump sum, with the third payment indexed to changes in the value of Citi’s common stock from the service inception date through the payment date. Earnings generally will be based on collective performance with respect to Citi’s transformation goals and
will be evaluated and approved by the CPC Committee on an annual basis.
Payments in the event of any category of employment termination or change in job title or employment status are subject to Citi’s discretion. Cancellation and clawback are provided for in the event of misconduct and certain other circumstances. The program applies to senior leaders, other than the CEO, critical to helping deliver a successful transformation with the value of the awards varying based on individual compensation levels.

Stock Option Program
All outstanding options were fully vested at December 31, 2020 and exercised during 2021, with none outstanding at December 31, 2023 and 2022.

Other Variable Incentive Compensation
Citigroup has various incentive plans globally that are used to motivate and reward performance primarily in the areas of sales, operational excellence and customer satisfaction. Participation in these plans is generally limited to employees who are not eligible for discretionary annual incentive awards. Other forms of variable compensation include commissions paid to financial advisors and mortgage loan officers.

Additional Information
Except for awards subject to variable accounting, the total expense recognized for stock awards represents the grant date fair value of such awards, which is generally recognized as a charge to income ratably over the vesting period, other than for awards to retirement-eligible employees and immediately vested awards. Whenever awards are granted or are expected to be granted to retirement-eligible employees, the charge to income is accelerated based on when the applicable conditions for retirement eligibility were or will be met. If the employee is retirement eligible on the grant date, or the award is vested at the grant date, Citi recognizes the expense each year equal to the grant date fair value of the awards that it estimates will be granted in the following year.
Recipients of Citigroup stock awards generally do not have any stockholder rights until shares are delivered upon vesting. Recipients of stock-settled awards and other vested stock awards subject to a sale-restriction period are generally entitled to vote the shares in their award and receive dividends on such shares during the sale-restriction period. Once a stock award vests, the shares delivered to the participant are freely transferable, unless they are subject to a restriction on sale or transfer for a specified period.
All equity awards granted since April 19, 2005 have been made pursuant to stockholder-approved stock incentive plans that are administered by the CPC Committee (or its predecessor), which is composed entirely of independent non-employee directors.
On December 31, 2023, approximately 41.7 million shares of Citigroup common stock were authorized and available for grant under Citigroup’s 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, the only plan from which equity awards are currently granted.

The 2019 Stock Incentive Plan and predecessor plans permit the use of treasury stock or newly issued shares in connection with awards granted under the plans. Treasury shares were used to settle vestings from 2018 to 2022, and for the first quarter of 2023, except where local laws favor newly issued shares. The use of treasury stock or newly issued shares to settle stock awards does not affect the compensation expense recorded in the Consolidated Statement of Income for equity awards.

Incentive Compensation Cost
The following table presents components of compensation expense, relating to the incentive compensation programs described above:

In millions of dollars202320222021
Charges for estimated awards to retirement-eligible employees$663 $742 $807 
Amortization of deferred cash awards, deferred cash stock units and performance stock units340 463 384 
Immediately vested stock award expense(1)
127 101 99 
Amortization of restricted and deferred stock awards(2)
689 533 395 
Other variable incentive compensation286 304 435 
$2,105 $2,143 $2,091 

(1)    Represents expense for immediately vested stock awards that generally were stock payments in lieu of cash compensation. The expense is generally accrued as cash incentive compensation in the year prior to grant.
(2)    All periods include amortization expense for all unvested awards to non-retirement-eligible employees.
(3)    Citigroup recognized an additional $46 million of share-based compensation costs in 2023 that is reflected in the Restructuring line (not reflected in the above totals). See Note 9.