For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022

Commission File No. 1-9924


A.Full title of the plan and the address of the plan, if different from that of the issuer named below:

Plans Administration Committee
388 Greenwich Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10013

B.Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan and the address of its principal executive office:

Citigroup Inc.
388 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10013

Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedule
December 31, 2022 and 2021
(With Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Thereon)

Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedule
December 31, 2022 and 2021
Table of Contents
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Financial Statements:
Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits as of December 31, 2022 and 2021
Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021
Notes to Financial Statements
Supplemental Schedule:*
Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2022
Exhibit Index
*    Other schedules required by Form 5500 which are not applicable have been omitted

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Plan Participants and Plan Administrator
Citi Retirement Savings Plan:

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits of the Citi Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan) as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the related statements of changes in net assets available for benefits for the years then ended, and the related notes (collectively, the financial statements). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the years then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Plan in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


Accompanying Supplemental Information

The Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2022, has been subjected to audit procedures performed in conjunction with the audit of the Plan’s financial statements. The supplemental information is the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our audit procedures included determining whether the supplemental information reconciles to the financial statements or the underlying accounting and other records, as applicable, and performing procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the information presented in the supplemental information. In forming our opinion on the supplemental information, we evaluated whether the supplemental information, including its form and content, is presented in conformity with the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. In our opinion, the supplemental information is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the financial statements as a whole.


We have served as the Plan's auditor since 1987.

New York, New York
June 21, 2023

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
December 31, 2022 and 2021
Investments, at fair value$15,637,777,884 $18,574,877,752 
 Investments in fully benefit-responsive investment contracts,
at contract value
1,224,668,199 1,184,360,975 
Total investments$16,862,446,083 $19,759,238,727 
Employer contributions$468,514,042 $434,579,876 
Interest and dividends6,387,294 4,339,147 
Receivable for securities sold3,704,566 1,371,277 
Participant contributions533,096 296,013 
Participant loans197,215,177 201,654,860 
Total receivables$676,354,175 $642,241,173 
Total assets$17,538,800,258 $20,401,479,900 
Payable for securities purchased $6,013,104 $2,312,555 
Other investment liabilities13,086,043 1,834,691 
Payable for trustee, administrative fees and other4,111,644 4,420,383 
Total liabilities$23,210,791 $8,567,629 
Net assets available for benefits$17,515,589,467 $20,392,912,271 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
Years Ended December 31, 2022 and 2021
Additions to net assets attributable to:
Investment (loss) income:
Dividends$35,181,384 $28,510,074 
Interest22,740,113 21,194,840 
Net (depreciation) appreciation in fair value of investments(3,125,265,006)2,538,780,132 
Net investment (loss) income$(3,067,343,509)$2,588,485,046 
Interest income on loans receivable from participants$9,371,415 $10,286,035 
Employer$468,560,846 $434,647,937 
Participants739,710,443 642,031,902 
Rollover108,390,417 87,533,153 
Total contributions
$1,316,661,706 $1,164,212,992 
Total (reductions) additions to net assets$(1,741,310,388)$3,762,984,073 
Deductions from net assets attributable to:
Distributions to participants$1,117,942,390 $1,210,079,168 
Trustee and administrative expenses17,573,253 19,818,068 
Dividends paid directly to participants496,773 617,902 
Total deductions from net assets$1,136,012,416 $1,230,515,138 
Net (decrease) increase$(2,877,322,804)$2,532,468,935 
Net assets available for benefits at:
Beginning of year20,392,912,271 17,860,443,336 
End of year$17,515,589,467 $20,392,912,271 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021

(1)Description of the Plan
The following brief description of the Citi Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan) is provided for general information purposes only. Participants should refer to the Plan's Summary Plan Description and legal plan document for a more complete description of the Plan.
(a)    General
The Plan was established in 1987 and is a defined contribution plan designed to encourage savings on the part of eligible employees. The Plan covers eligible employees of Citigroup Inc. (the Company), its subsidiaries and affiliates. The Company is the Plan Sponsor, as defined by the Plan document. The Plan is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code). The Plan is designed to comply with Section 404(c) of ERISA and the related regulations. The Plan provides for participant-directed accounts, which permits a participant or beneficiary to exercise control over the assets in the account and make investment decisions. As a result, the Plan's fiduciaries may be released from liability for any losses that result from the participant's or beneficiary's individual investment decisions.
The Plan was initially designed as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) within the meaning of Section 4975(e)(7) of the Code. Effective March 1, 2003, the Plan consists of a non-leveraged ESOP component and a non‑ESOP component. The ESOP component consists of any amount invested in the Citigroup Common Stock Fund under the Plan.
Bank of New York Mellon is the trustee and the custodian of the Plan. The Plan is administered by Alight Solutions Inc., a third‑party administrator.
(b)    Eligibility
Eligible employees generally include (1) employees working in the U.S. and paid from a Company payroll or (2) U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents of the U.S. performing services overseas in an expatriate employment classification in each case who are performing services for the Company and participating subsidiaries, as defined in the Plan document.
Effective January 1, 2021, full-time and part-time employees are eligible to participate on the first day of the first pay period after the participant becomes an employee of the Company.
(c)    Employee Contributions
Eligible employees may defer on a before-tax and/or Roth basis through payroll deductions up to 50% (in 1% increments) of their eligible pay subject to certain legal limitations. Eligible pay generally includes base salary, overtime, commissions, shift differential pay, and periodic incentive bonuses. The maximum annual eligible pay under the Plan does not exceed the applicable statutory limit.
Newly hired and rehired eligible employees are automatically enrolled in the Plan at a 6% before-tax contribution rate unless they otherwise enroll themselves or opt out of the Plan. Participants who are automatically enrolled in the Plan, but do not make an investment election, are invested in the Plan’s default investment, which is the Plan’s “target retirement date” fund consistent with the participant’s projected year of retirement. Further, unless the participant elects a different rate, for employees who are automatically enrolled, their contribution rate is automatically increased by 1% annually until they reach a before-tax contribution rate of 15%.

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
Participants who are age 50 or older by the end of the Plan year are permitted to make additional contributions up to 49% of their eligible pay, known as "catch-up" contributions, up to the applicable statutory limit. There is no automatic enrollment for catch‑up contributions.
(d)    Employer Contributions
During 2022 and 2021, employer contributions consisted of three components: the Company matching contribution, fixed contribution, and transition contribution. A one‑time Company contribution is also provided to certain grandfathered participants on a limited basis when they become eligible.
The Company matching contribution was equal to 100% of the participant’s before-tax and/or Roth contributions up to 6% of the participant’s eligible compensation (up to the annual compensation maximum set by the Code) for eligible employees at all compensation levels. Company matching contributions did not exceed the lesser of the participant’s contribution or 6% of the participant’s eligible compensation up to the statutory limit. Catch‑up contributions are not subject to matching contributions. Participants must contribute to the Plan to receive Company matching contributions.
A fixed contribution of up to 2% of eligible pay is credited to the Plan accounts of eligible employees whose qualifying annual compensation, as defined in the Plan, is $100,000 or less.
An annual transition contribution is credited to the Plan accounts of certain employees who were eligible to receive benefits under the Plan, the Citigroup Pension Plan, and the Citigroup Ownership Program in 2007, prior to the Plans’ redesign. If an employee’s total benefit opportunity under the three programs was greater than his or her benefit opportunity under the Plan, an additional transition contribution is credited. Participants receiving this transition contribution generally have long service and must be continuously employed by the Company since December 31, 2006.
Matching, fixed, and transition contributions are invested in the same manner as a participant's contributions, or, in the Plan's qualified default investment alternative in the absence of such an election.
At December 31, 2022, the employer contribution receivable was $468.5 million; whereas, at December 31, 2021, the employer contribution receivable was $434.6 million. Company contributions relating to 2022 and 2021 were received and credited to participant accounts during the first quarter of 2023 and 2022, respectively.
(e)    Participant Accounts
The Plan maintains a separate account for each participant, to which contributions, expenses, and investment gains and losses are allocated.
Participants may elect to invest their account balance among the investment fund options offered under the Plan in whole increments of 1%.
A participant may elect to suspend or resume his or her contributions, subject to the Plan’s notice requirements. In addition, a participant may change the rate of his or her contributions, subject to the Plan’s notice requirements, and may elect to change the allocation of future contributions among the funds daily. A participant may also elect to transfer the value of his or her contributions in whole increments of 1% to other Plan investment funds, subject to certain restrictions.
Changes requested by participants are implemented as soon as administratively practicable, in accordance with the Plan document.

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
(f)    Rollover and Transfer Contributions
The Plan accepts qualifying rollover contributions made by participants in cash from qualified retirement plans or Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA). Such transfers or rollovers to the Plan may only be made with the approval of the Plan’s management and do not affect any other contributions made by or on behalf of a participant.
Participant rollover contributions into the Plan in 2022 and 2021 amounted to $108.4 million and $87.5 million, respectively.
(g)    Investment Options
Plan assets are held in a trust fund and are invested in the investment options offered under the Plan at the direction of Plan participants, in accordance with the Plan document.
Subject to certain restrictions, Plan participants may move a portion or all of their account balances among the Plan’s investment options through a fund transfer, reallocation, or rebalance, generally not more frequently than once every seven calendar days.
Restrictions are subject to change at any time depending on generally applicable Plan rules or the requirements of the funds.
To the extent required by the compliance procedures of a mutual fund to ensure the fund’s adherence to the market timing rules mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and upon request by a mutual fund, the Plan may provide reports to the fund detailing Plan participants’ trading activity in that particular fund. The Company also may restrict the ability of certain Plan participants to invest in or divest from the Citigroup Common Stock Fund.
In general, no investment-related transaction costs are associated with the Plan, though the funds have the right to impose redemption fees, should they decide to do so.
The Plan does not directly participate in securities lending programs; however, there are investment funds that engage in securities lending which are available to Plan participants. The investment manager for an investment option determines the terms of, and the extent to which, securities lending is used. Engaging in securities lending is intended to benefit Plan participants investing in such investment offering.
(h)    Vesting
The rights of a participant to his or her own contributions, matching contributions, and any earnings thereon are at all times fully vested and non-forfeitable.
Company fixed and transition contributions, as described in note 1(d), vest according to the following schedule:
Upon completion of three years of service, any fixed and/or transition contributions made on a participant’s behalf will be immediately vested;
    If a participant reaches age 55, dies, or becomes disabled while in service;
    In the case of a full or partial termination of the Plan or complete discontinuance of contributions under the Plan.

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
Once a participant is vested in his or her Company contributions, those contributions are available for distribution or rollover once he or she leaves the Company or is otherwise eligible to take a distribution, as more fully described in notes 1(k) and (l).
(i)    Forfeited Accounts
Forfeitures may be used to offset expenses of the Plan. During 2022 and 2021, $421,712 and $15,492, respectively, of forfeitures were used to offset Plan expenses. As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, unallocated forfeitures were $598,929 and $416,987, respectively.
(j)    Loans Receivable from Participants
Subject to the Plan’s provisions and the requirements contained within ERISA and the Code, participants may apply for up to two loans from the Plan at a fixed annual interest rate equal to the prime rate, as published in The Wall Street Journal for the fifteenth business day of the month in which the loan application is initiated, plus 1%. Loans may be made for a minimum amount of $1,000, the maximum of which would be the lesser of 50% of the participant’s vested account balance or $50,000, less the highest outstanding loan balance in the previous twelve months. Loans receivable from participants as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, bore interest rates from 4.25% to 10.25% and 4.25% to 10.25%, respectively. Loan terms range from 1 to 5 years for general-purpose loans or up to 20 years for the purchase of a primary residence.
Loans receivable from participants are valued at unpaid principal plus any accrued but unpaid interest.
Each loan is secured through the vested balance in the participant’s Plan account. If a participant defaults on his or her loan by failing to make timely repayments, the outstanding principal and interest due on the loan is treated as a deemed distribution and reported as a taxable distribution to the participant as soon as administratively practicable in the year of default. If the participant has an outstanding loan and takes a distribution of his or her Plan benefit, the outstanding principal and interest due on the loan is deducted from the account balance before an amount is distributed to the participant.
A participant applying for a loan through the Plan will be charged a $50 loan application fee. The loan application fee is nonrefundable and will be used to offset the administrative expenses associated with the loan. The fee will be deducted from the participant’s Plan account at the time his or her loan request is processed. Plan participants who reside in Florida may be subject to a nominal tax imposed by Florida law, which is deducted from the participant’s Plan account at the time his or her loan request is processed as soon as administratively practicable.
(k)    Withdrawals
Prior to termination of employment, a participant may withdraw, subject to the Plan’s notice requirements, all or a portion of the vested value of his or her participant account if the participant has attained age 59½ or becomes totally and permanently disabled, or a certain portion of the value of his or her participant account in the event of demonstrated financial hardship, subject to the Plan’s provisions. Withdrawals to which a participant is entitled are the amounts that can be provided by the contributions and income thereon (including net realized and unrealized investment gains and losses) allocated to each participant’s account, less allocated expenses. Withdrawals from the Citigroup Common Stock Fund and the State Street Common Stock Fund (removed from the Plan effective July 31, 2021) may be paid in either shares of common stock or cash at the discretion of the participant, with the exception of a hardship withdrawal, which must be paid in cash. Fractional shares and withdrawals from other funds are paid in cash.

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
(l)    Distributions
A participant, after leaving the Company, can have the total of his or her vested account distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. The value of this distribution will be based on the value of the participant's vested account at the valuation date that coincides with the distribution to the extent administratively practicable.
If the value of a participant’s account exceeds $5,000, the participant may elect to defer the commencement of his or her distribution until the date he or she must take the first required minimum distribution (RMD). If the participant is still employed at RMD age, minimum distributions must commence when the participant retires or otherwise separates from service.
If the value of a participant’s account is at least $1,000 and does not exceed $5,000, the Plan will automatically roll the participant’s account over to an IRA, if the participant does not elect otherwise within 90 days of receiving a notice from the Plan. However, if the Plan participant is age 65 or older and his or her account balance is $5,000 or less, the Plan will distribute his or her account as a lump‑sum distribution and withhold the applicable taxes. If the value of a participant’s account is less than $1,000, the Plan will distribute the participant’s account upon termination of employment, unless otherwise instructed.
Distributions to which a participant is entitled are the vested amounts that can be provided by the contributions and income thereon (including net realized and unrealized investment gains and losses) allocated to each participant’s account, less allocated expenses. Fractional shares and distributions from other funds are paid in cash.
(2)    Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
(a)    Basis of Accounting
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared under the accrual basis of accounting and displayed in U.S. dollars.
(b)    Use of Estimates
The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) requires the Plan’s management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, changes therein, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date the financial statements are prepared. Actual results could differ from those estimates and assumptions. Significant estimates inherent in the preparation of the financial statements include the fair value of investments.
(c)    Investment Valuation and Income Recognition
Investments held by the Plan are generally stated at fair value with the exception of fully benefit-responsive investment contracts, which according to GAAP are stated at contract value.

Equity investments traded on national securities exchanges are valued at their closing market prices. When no trades are reported, they are valued at the most recent reported sale price on the last business day of the year; securities traded in the over the counter market are valued at their last sale or bid price. This includes U.S. and non-U.S. equities in separately managed accounts, and the Citigroup Common Stock Fund.


Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
Mutual funds are valued at the net asset value (NAV) as reported by the underlying fund or its agent. Exchange-traded funds are valued at their last sale price.
Debt securities for which published quotations are not available are valued based on yields currently available on comparable securities of other issuers with similar credit ratings, and long-term debt securities are valued using the latest available bid prices as quoted by dealers making a market in the securities.
Collective trust funds are determined to have readily determinable fair values and valued based on NAV. Participant‑directed redemptions from these collective trust funds generally can be made daily, subject to a Plan imposed 7‑day minimum holding period on investments (other than BNY Mellon Stable Value Fund related investments, which have a longer holding period).
Purchases and sales of investments are recorded on a trade-date basis. Securities purchased or sold near year-end may result in payments on these securities not being made or received until after the Plan’s year-end. The amounts of such payments are recorded as payables or receivables as of year-end in the statements of net assets available for benefits. Interest income is recorded as earned on the accrual basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date.

Pending foreign exchange purchases are marked to market based upon year-end forward exchange rates.

(d)    Fair Value of Other Assets and Liabilities
The carrying value of other assets and liabilities approximates fair value because of the short-term nature of these items.
(e)    Payment of Benefits
Benefits are recorded when paid.
(3)    Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GIC)
The Plan’s BNY Mellon Stable Value Fund (Fund) is a custom investment vehicle that invests in fully benefit‑responsive investment contracts, which are synthetic GICs issued by insurance companies.
The Plan’s GICs consist of the underlying investments, which are fixed-income securities owned directly by the Plan and “wrapper” contracts purchased from the insurance companies. The wrapper contracts guarantee full payment of principal and interest and provide an interest crediting rate of not less than zero. The wrapper contracts amortize the realized and unrealized gains and losses on the underlying fixed income investments over the duration of the investments, through adjustments to the future interest crediting rate. These investments are credited with earnings on the underlying investments and charged for participant withdrawals and administrative expenses. Participants may ordinarily direct the withdrawal or transfer of all or a portion of their investment at contract value.
There are no reserves against contract value for credit risk of the contract issuers or otherwise.
An investment contract is considered fully benefit‑responsive if all of the following criteria are met:
    The investment contract is between the Fund and the issuer and the contract cannot be sold or assigned.

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
    The contract issuer must be obligated to repay principal and interest to participants in the Fund or provide prospective crediting rate adjustments that cannot result in an interest crediting rate less than zero.
    All permitted participant‑initiated transactions occur at contract value, without limitations.
    An event that limits the ability of the participant to transact at contract value is not probable.
    The Fund must allow participants reasonable access to their funds.
The Plan’s management has concluded that the GICs are fully benefit‑responsive investment contracts and has reported such contracts at contract value, as shown in the table below:
Synthetic GICs$1,224,668,199 $1,184,360,975 
In addition, the Fund owns units of the Bank of New York Mellon Short‑Term Investment Fund, which serves as the Fund’s short‑term liquidity vehicle, included in the fair value hierarchy table in cash equivalents and short-term investments.
(4)    Fair Value Measurements
FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 820, Fair Value Measurement, provides a framework for measuring fair value, which provides a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:
    Level 1 – Quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets.
    Level 2 – Quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; and model‑derived valuations in which all significant inputs and significant value drivers are observable in active markets.
    Level 3 – Valuations derived from valuation techniques in which one or more significant inputs or significant value drivers are unobservable.
This hierarchy requires the Plan’s management to use observable market data, when available, and to minimize the use of unobservable inputs when determining fair value. As required by ASC 820, assets are classified in their entirety based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement.
The methods described above may produce a fair value measurement that may not be indicative of net realizable value or reflective of future fair values. Furthermore, while the Plan believes its valuation methods are appropriate and consistent with other market participants, the use of different methodologies or assumptions to determine the fair value of certain financial instruments could result in a different fair value measurement at the reporting date.
The table below categorizes the Plan’s investments by level within the fair value hierarchy as of December 31, 2022.

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
December 31, 2022
Level 1Level 2Total
Investments, at fair value:
Cash equivalents and short-term investments
$13,853,350 $67,250,583 $81,103,933 
Collective trust funds— 13,413,539,732 13,413,539,732 
U.S. equities787,036,825 — 787,036,825 
Non-U.S. equities487,299,352 — 487,299,352 
Mutual funds and other registered investment companies867,817,749 — 867,817,749 
Non-U.S. corporate bonds— 980,293 980,293 
Investments, at fair value$2,156,007,276 $13,481,770,608 $15,637,777,884 
Other investment liabilities$— $(13,086,043)$(13,086,043)

The table below categorizes the Plan’s investments by level within the fair value hierarchy as of December 31, 2021.
December 31, 2021
Level 1Level 2Total
Investments, at fair value:
Cash equivalents and short-term investments
$28,888 $70,111,454 $70,140,342 
Collective trust funds— 15,976,439,144 15,976,439,144 
U.S. equities1,002,332,996 — 1,002,332,996 
Non-U.S. equities661,316,622 — 661,316,622 
Mutual funds and other registered investment companies864,648,648 — 864,648,648 
Investments, at fair value$2,528,327,154 $16,046,550,598 $18,574,877,752 
Other investment liabilities$(83,600)$(1,751,091)$(1,834,691)
There were no transfers or reclassifications of investments between levels within the fair value hierarchy during the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, and there were no changes in valuation methodologies used to measure the fair value of the Plan’s investments as of and for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021.
(5)    Administrative Expenses
Plan provisions allow for administrative expenses, including, but not limited to, audit fees, custodial and trustee fees, investment manager fees, and recordkeeping fees to be paid by the Plan and allocated to participant accounts. Expenses related to monthly investment service fees and loan fees are charged to participants’ investment balances and are reflected in the value of their participant accounts. These expenses are reported in trustee and administrative expenses in the statements of changes in net assets

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
available for benefits, or if paid by the investment funds, are included in net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments.
Any expenses not borne by the Plan are paid by the Company.
(6)    Risks and Uncertainties
The Plan invests in a variety of investment securities. Investment securities, in general, are exposed to various risks, such as interest rate, credit, foreign exchange, and overall market volatility risk. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investment securities, it is reasonable to expect that changes in the values of investment securities will occur in the near term and that such changes could materially affect participant account balances and the net assets available for plan benefits.
The Plan’s exposure to a concentration of credit risk is limited by the diversification of investments across participant‑directed fund elections and one election that is closed to new contributions. Additionally, the investments within each investment fund option are further diversified into varied financial instruments, with the exception of the Citigroup Common Stock Fund and State Street Common Stock Fund (removed from the Plan effective July 31, 2021), which primarily invest in the securities of a single issuer. At December 31, 2022 and 2021, approximately 3% and 3% of the Plan’s total investments were invested in Citigroup common stock, respectively.
Plan investments include a variety of investments that may directly or indirectly invest in securities with contractual cash flows. The value, liquidity, and related income of these securities are sensitive to changes in economic conditions and may be adversely affected by shifts in the market’s perception of the issuers and changes in interest rates.
(7)    Party‑in‑Interest Transactions
Certain Plan investments are units of the Citigroup Common Stock Fund, which consists of common stock issued by the Company. The Plan’s investment in the Citigroup Common Stock Fund was $513.9 million and $630.8 million at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
The Plan held no direct investments through other investment options in the Company’s common stock at December 31, 2022 and 2021. However, certain of the collective trust funds and mutual funds may have invested in Citigroup common stock if consistent with the fund's objective. In 2022 and 2021, the Company paid $22.4 million and $21.2 million, respectively, to the participants for dividends on common stocks held directly.
At December 31, 2022 and 2021, the Plan held $67.2 million and $67.8 million, respectively, of the Bank of New York Mellon Short-Term Investment Fund. At December 31, 2022 and 2021, the Plan also held through its investment in synthetic GICs valued at $601,939 and $667,987, respectively, of Bank of New York Mellon corporate bonds, and the Bank of New York Mellon Short-Term Investment Fund.
These transactions qualify as exempt party-in-interest transactions.
(8)    Tax Status
The Internal Revenue Service (the IRS) has determined and informed the Plan by a letter dated April 8, 2016 that the Plan as amended and restated effective January 1, 2014 and related trust are established in accordance with applicable sections of the Code and, therefore, the Plan qualifies as tax‑exempt under Section 401(a) of the Code. Although the Plan has been amended since receiving the favorable determination letter, the Plan's management and the Plan's legal counsel believe that the Plan, as amended, continues to be qualified as tax-exempt and continues to operate in compliance with the applicable

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2022 and 2021
requirements of the Code. Therefore, no provision for income taxes is included in the Plan’s financial statements.
GAAP requires the Plan’s management to evaluate tax positions taken by the Plan and recognize a tax liability (or asset) if the Plan has taken an uncertain position that more likely than not would not be sustained upon examination by the IRS. The Plan’s management has concluded that, as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there are no uncertain positions taken or expected to be taken that would require recognition of a liability (or asset) or disclosure in the financial statements.
The Plan is subject to audits by taxing jurisdictions. An examination of the Plan by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration (DOL), which commenced on March 20, 2019, was closed by the DOL with no findings on July 13, 2021. The Company believes the Plan is no longer subject to tax examination for years prior to 2019.
(9)    Plan Termination
Although it has not expressed any intention to do so, the Plan Sponsor reserves the right under the Plan to amend or discontinue its contributions at any time and to amend or terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA. In the event of Plan termination, either full or partial, all amounts credited to the impacted participants’ accounts will become 100% vested and, therefore, will not be subject to forfeiture.
(10)     Subsequent Events
    The Plan's management evaluated subsequent events through the date on which the financial statements were issued, and determined that, other than those disclosed throughout the financial statements, no additional disclosures were required.
(11)    Reconciliation of Financial Statements to Form 5500
The following is a reconciliation of amounts reported in the financial statements to amounts reported on Form 5500 as of and for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021:
Net assets available for benefits per the financial statements$17,515,589,467 $20,392,912,271 
Adjustment from contract value to fair value for fully benefit-responsive investment contracts
Net assets available for benefits per Form 5500$17,415,735,243 $20,407,852,881 
Net (decrease) increase in net assets available for benefits per the financial statements$(2,877,322,804)$2,532,468,935 
Prior year adjustment from contract value to fair value for fully benefit-responsive investment contracts(14,940,610)(53,562,265)
Current year adjustment from contract value to fair value for fully benefit-responsive investment contracts(99,854,224)14,940,610 
Net (decrease) increase in net assets per Form 5500$(2,992,117,638)$2,493,847,280 


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Cash equivalents and short-term investments:
Australian Dollar$2,056 
Brazil Real14,560 
Canadian Dollar10,099 
Chinese Yuan Renminbi10,912,859 
Euro Currency Unit24,100 
Hong Kong Dollar29,748 
Indian Rupee96,142 
Japanese Yen67,237 
Mexican Peso4,035 
New Taiwan Dollar120,303 
New Zealand Dollar4,088 
Norwegian Krone54 
Polish Zloty
Pound Sterling6,229 
Qatari Riyal21 
South African Rand22 
South Korean Won22,141 
Swedish Krona192 
Swiss Franc160 
Thailand Baht34 
Turkish Lira
U.S. Dollar2,539,248 
UAE Dirham15 
*Collective U.S. Gov't Stif 15 Bps4.20%67,250,583 
Total cash equivalents and short-term investments 81,103,933 
Collective trust funds:
Blackrock EAFE Equity Fund22,149,094 1,045,824,830 
Blackrock Emerg Mkts Fund34,046,685 390,988,724 
Blackrock Gbl Esg2,454,999 33,750,094 
Blackrock Lifepath 202514,828,228 338,389,057 
Blackrock Lifepath 203017,319,124 446,461,050 
Blackrock Lifepath 203518,922,309 477,283,076 
Blackrock Lifepath 204018,181,103 515,077,928 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Blackrock Lifepath 204523,530,644 $632,395,467 
Blackrock Lifepath 205021,276,872 474,157,228 
Blackrock Lifepath 205511,231,321 325,482,558 
Blackrock Lifepath 20603,942,730 66,531,195 
Blackrock Lifepath Index Retirement Fund17,630,289 394,449,503 
Blackrock Roll Select Fund8,745,881 121,407,703 
Blackrock Russ 1000 G154,241 6,463,093 
Blackrock Russ 1000 Val249,254 11,194,043 
Blackrock Russell 2000 Fund9,773,261 558,019,976 
Blackrock Russell 3000 Fund14,397,053 1,113,933,106 
Blackrock S&P 400 Index7,814,723 958,113,578 
Blackrock S&P 500 Index51,368,341 4,034,303,361 
Blackrock US Debt Fund34,857,477 1,087,173,331 
Blackrock US Tips Fund9,929,679 228,423,320 
Schroder Collective Invt Tr7,433,353 97,228,262 
Wellington Em Mkt Dt6,180,443 56,489,249 
       Total collective trust funds13,413,539,732 
Mutual funds and other registered investment companies:
Blackrock Cash-Trsry-Inst609,094,896 609,094,896 
Blackrock Hi Yld Bnd Port-K9,941,593 66,012,177 
Blackrock Instl Trr Co N A Inv797,645 9,365,543 
Dimensional Emrg Mrkts Ii3,459,171 55,035,418 
Fidelity Adv Ttl Bnd-Z1,221,370 11,383,171 
Ishares Msci Eafe Small-Cap13,765 777,452 
Natixis Ls Core Pl Bnd-Y996,076 11,415,027 
Pgim High Yield-R67,268,566 32,999,289 
Pimco Income Fund-Ins551,444 5,707,444 
T Rowe Pr Inst Hi Yld-Inst8,971,105 66,027,332 
Total mutual funds867,817,749 
Non U.S. Corporate Bonds:
HSBC Bank Plc0%7/20/202310,911 456,431 
HSBC Bank Plc0%11/9/202332,903 523,862 
Total Non-U.S. corporate bonds980,293 
Non-U.S. equities:
3I Group Plc85,337 1,377,072 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Aalberts Nv5,615 $217,116 
Aarti Industries Ltd3,104 14,227 
Abb India Ltd4,955 160,683 
Abb Ltd51,855 1,572,674 
Abcam Plc38,718 602,459 
Absa Group Ltd60,213 686,173 
Abu Dhabi National Oil Co For114,669 137,691 
Academedia Ab41,344 177,130 
Accenture Plc11,831 3,156,951 
Accton Technology Corp15,938 121,599 
Adani Ports & Special Economic15,092 149,242 
Adesso Se649 91,319 
Adriatic Metals Plc67,832 144,900 
Advantech Co Ltd16,831 181,261 
Adyen Nv1,799 2,473,776 
Aedas Homes Sa11,855 174,354 
Affle India Ltd4,699 61,495 
African Rainbow Minerals Ltd22,808 386,053 
Aia Group Ltd216,160 2,403,949 
Aia Group Ltd216,085 2,403,118 
Aia Group Ltd126,306 1,404,672 
Aida Engineering Ltd19,876 117,345 
Aiful Corp163,599 492,242 
Air Arabia Pjsc522,550 305,905 
Air Liquide Sa15,313 2,163,781 
Air Liquide Sa18,605 2,628,928 
Airtac International Group5,397 163,476 
Airtel Africa Plc191,604 257,677 
Aixtron Se4,467 128,563 
Aj Bell Plc33,703 145,217 
Aker Solutions Asa32,960 125,133 
Akzo Nobel Nv18,587 1,240,970 
Alcon Inc42,862 2,926,975 
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd183,194 2,024,420 
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd76,302 843,187 
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd221,833 2,451,406 
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd14,895 1,312,082 
Alkermes Plc6,593 172,288 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Alleima Ab— $
Als Ltd14,936 123,873 
Altium Ltd10,757 255,899 
Altus Group Ltd7,760 309,514 
Amadeus Fire Ag1,848 227,962 
Amadeus It Group Sa13,983 724,517 
Amadeus It Group Sa10,495 543,804 
Americana Restaurants Internat194,267 157,100 
Amplifon Spa31,926 947,905 
Ams-Osram Ag23,016 167,916 
Andritz Ag7,091 405,276 
Anglo American Plc38,040 1,480,976 
Anglogold Ashanti Ltd21,521 416,416 
Anglogold Ashanti Ltd21,065 409,076 
Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd39,844 139,367 
Anima Holding Spa31,961 127,640 
Anta Sports Products Ltd20,918 274,177 
Anta Sports Products Ltd63,950 838,198 
Aon Plc8,328 2,499,704 
Aon Plc12,100 3,631,690 
Apl Apollo Tubes Ltd10,773 142,198 
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Lt6,726 364,016 
Applus Services Sa19,726 135,051 
Arca Continental Sab De Cv236,717 1,919,757 
Arca Continental Sab De Cv47,813 387,761 
Arcadis Nv10,507 411,543 
Arcland Service Holdings Co Lt16,879 276,321 
Arco Platform Ltd15,381 207,645 
Arcticzymes Technologies Asa20,375 148,195 
Argo Graphics Inc5,593 157,690 
Ariston Holding Nv25,637 263,209 
Aritzia Inc10,487 366,482 
Aryzta Ag197,757 235,333 
Ascential Plc247,787 600,894 
Asiainfo Technologies Ltd97,081 171,152 
Asian Paints Ltd7,144 266,653 
Asics Corp61,397 1,355,950 
Askul Corp26,168 338,936 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Asm International Nv6,928 $1,742,397 
Asml Holding Nv2,673 1,437,306 
Asml Holding Nv4,440 2,426,189 
Aspeed Technology Inc2,291 125,601 
Assured Guaranty Ltd6,907 430,036 
Astra International Tbk Pt367,663 134,618 
Astral Ltd5,856 139,016 
Astrazeneca Plc22,849 3,083,334 
Atlas Copco Ab110,649 1,307,251 
Atoss Software Ag1,029 152,830 
Ats Corporation2,597 80,667 
Atul Ltd447 44,644 
Auction Technology Group Plc20,303 183,658 
Austevoll Seafood Asa19,975 179,355 
Auto1 Group Se6,907 57,383 
Autohome Inc34,670 1,060,913 
Avanza Bank Holding Ab16,665 357,617 
Axalta Coating Systems Ltd6,093 155,192 
Axfood Ab25,069 687,872 
Axis Bank Ltd20,230 1,149,061 
Axis Capital Holdings Ltd10,250 555,231 
Azimut Holding Spa29,508 659,131 
B3 Sa - Brasil Bolsa Balcao181,690 454,590 
Bajaj Finance Ltd9,911 787,726 
Baltic Classifieds Group Plc117,510 199,024 
Banco Bradesco Sa
Banco Btg Pactual Sa99,013 448,955 
Bandai Namco Holdings Inc18,140 1,143,022 
Bangkok Dusit Medical Services709,428 599,127 
Bank Central Asia Tbk Pt3,475,318 1,908,707 
Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk Pt2,400,804 1,530,614 
Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk Pt343,757 219,159 
Bank Of Chengdu Co Ltd1,793 3,946 
Bank Of Chengdu Co Ltd175,514 386,289 
Bank Of Ningbo Co Ltd106,656 497,863 
Bank Of Nt Butterfield & Son L20,616 614,553 
Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero3,440,628 1,091,800 
Barclays Plc408,494 778,932 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Barrick Gold Corp66,641 $1,144,885 
Bawag Group Ag16,017 851,306 
Baycurrent Consulting Inc5,793 180,664 
Bayer Ag21,570 1,112,453 
Bayer Ag27,578 1,422,321 
Bdo Unibank Inc148,561 281,781 
Beiersdorf Ag15,736 1,800,339 
Beijer Ref Ab11,543 162,959 
Bell System24 Holdings Inc9,988 103,174 
Bharat Electronics Ltd139,460 168,404 
Bid Corp Ltd10,122 196,232 
Bidvest Group Ltd/The24,295 306,119 
Big Yellow Group Plc11,912 164,358 
Biogaia Ab20,325 163,018 
Biohaven Ltd1,711 23,746 
Bml Inc11,885 302,213 
Boe Varitronix Ltd114,859 218,388 
Bolsa Mexicana De Valores Sab57,929 112,158 
Bossard Holding Ag497 107,413 
Bouvet Asa13,503 82,246 
Bp Plc485,794 2,775,131 
Bridgepoint Group Plc54,879 125,822 
Britannia Industries Ltd3,728 194,126 
Brp Inc10,895 830,059 
Bucher Industries Ag1,060 443,030 
Bumrungrad Hospital Pcl44,825 274,372 
Byd Co Ltd22,412 553,063 
Bytes Technology Group Plc30,967 144,158 
Cae Inc11,486 222,012 
Cairn Homes Plc274,145 259,528 
Canadian National Railway Co13,000 1,545,441 
Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd61,855 4,613,798 
Cancom Se8,001 233,634 
Capgemini Se4,785 796,433 
Capgemini Se11,887 1,978,393 
Capitaland India Trust270,468 227,877 
Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd3,765 411,287 
Capri Holdings Ltd3,647 209,063 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Carel Industries Spa24,486 $614,116 
Carlsberg As11,145 1,476,668 
Carlsberg As6,403 848,338 
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras27,991 229,184 
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras142,443 1,136,363 
Central Pattana Pcl157,086 322,019 
Central Retail Corp Pcl154,994 206,972 
Centrica Plc272,665 316,575 
Centuria Office Reit111,863 116,065 
Chacha Food Co Ltd26,795 192,725 
Chailease Holding Co Ltd51,267 361,955 
Charter Hall Group92,454 751,122 
Check Point Software Technolog10,815 1,364,450 
Chicony Power Technology Co Lt65,919 156,565 
China Longyuan Power Group Cor799,357 977,055 
China Overseas Property Holdin199,755 208,074 
China Resources Gas Group Ltd91,587 343,822 
China Resources Mixc Lifestyle117,655 597,703 
China Tourism Group Duty Free42,932 1,334,155 
Chroma Ate Inc27,966 164,688 
Chroma Ate Inc16,934 99,723 
Ci Financial Inc16,879 168,301 
Ci&T Inc9,070 58,954 
Cie Automotive Sa8,063 207,044 
Cie De Saint-Gobain17,506 852,897 
Cie Financiere Richemont Sa13,532 1,753,693 
Cie Financiere Richemont Sa14,690 1,903,785 
Cie Financiere Richemont Sa6,399 829,268 
Clicks Group Ltd20,536 325,965 
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners37,546 2,077,036 
Cochlear Ltd2,649 366,650 
Coface Sa34,188 442,954 
Cogeco Communications Inc22,805 1,292,420 
Compass Group Plc54,819 1,264,427 
Compass Group Plc84,299 1,944,413 
Computacenter Plc27,128 623,595 
Contemporary Amperex Technolog4,981 281,865 
Continental Ag12,634 754,827 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Coor Service Management Holdin24,140 $148,973 
Coronado Global Resources Inc145,821 196,788 
Corp Inmobiliaria Vesta Sab De74,908 177,514 
Credicorp Ltd1,427 193,644 
Credo Technology Group Holding32,324 430,237 
Crispr Therapeutics Ag2,132 86,676 
Croda International Plc5,928 470,895 
Csl Ltd15,098 2,946,305 
Cts Eventim Ag & Co Kgaa10,031 638,032 
Dabur India Ltd23,445 159,113 
Daewoo Engineering & Construct49,888 164,911 
Daihen Corp8,889 260,720 
Daikin Industries Ltd8,970 1,373,305 
Daiwabo Holdings Co Ltd32,660 481,686 
Dassault Syst Shs14,986 535,728 
Dbs Group Holdings Ltd55,935 1,414,641 
Dbs Group Holdings Ltd53,124 1,343,556 
Dechra Pharmaceuticals Plc7,481 235,585 
Definity Financial Corp8,884 252,304 
Denso Corp18,140 898,580 
Dentalcorp Holdings Ltd23,771 156,139 
Derwent London Plc9,564 272,435 
Descartes Sys Group Inc7,966 554,951 
Descartes Systems Group Inc/Th3,987 277,685 
Deutsche Boerse Ag11,282 1,943,318 
Devyani International Ltd31,701 69,261 
Dexerials Corp17,878 345,515 
Diageo Plc35,647 1,565,117 
Diagnosticos Da America Sa71,122 184,953 
Dic Corp14,582 257,061 
Dino Polska Sa5,165 441,916 
Diploma Plc3,208 107,125 
Disco Corp7,376 2,110,192 
Disco Corp400 114,301 
Dixon Technologies India Ltd2,604 122,892 
Dksh Holding Ag5,412 410,665 
Dmg Mori Co Ltd31,561 419,796 
Domino'S Pizza Group Plc22,158 78,202 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Dr Martens Plc98,760 $226,429 
Drax Group Plc26,148 221,117 
Ds Smith Plc136,832 529,173 
Dsv A/S8,701 1,369,274 
Dundee Precious Metals Inc56,601 271,948 
E.Sun Financial Holding Co Ltd365,249 285,801 
Edenred4,250 230,770 
Edita Food Industries Sae12,485 28,964 
Eguarantee Inc6,892 127,599 
Eiken Chemical Co Ltd18,377 238,031 
Electric Power Development Co23,172 368,089 
Elis Sa15,541 229,219 
Emaar Properties Pjsc230,744 368,170 
Emaar Properties Pjsc989,024 1,578,065 
Ememory Technology Inc2,988 129,798 
Encavis Ag18,038 355,853 
Enerplus Corp27,982 493,881 
Enghouse Systems Ltd9,009 239,161 
Engie Sa100,951 1,442,425 
Engie Sa92,841 1,326,544 
Eni Spa80,638 1,143,410 
Enn Energy Holdings Ltd64,487 905,547 
Equinor Asa28,675 1,024,051 
Ergomed Plc13,050 199,676 
Ermenegildo Zegna Nv28,265 295,937 
Esker Sa1,252 210,261 
Esr Group Ltd606,395 1,272,621 
Esr-Logos Reit625,065 172,438 
Essent Group Ltd7,183 279,265 
Essilorluxottica Sa9,355 1,689,325 
Eurofins Scientific Se8,856 633,831 
Europris Asa55,266 385,140 
Evertec Inc2,196 71,112 
Evolution Ab26,896 2,621,072 
Evotec Se6,737 109,716 
Evraz Plc78,939 76,810 
Experian Plc93,842 3,175,375 
Experian Plc46,664 1,578,986 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fabrinet2,256 $289,276 
Fd Technologies Plc12,216 200,141 
Ferguson Plc6,544 821,859 
Ferguson Plc14,901 1,871,274 
Ferrari Nv15,384 3,287,026 
Fine Organic Industries Ltd1,843 127,878 
Finecobank Banca Fineco Spa33,819 560,176 
First Abu Dhabi Bank Pjsc89,833 418,266 
First International Bank Of Is13,818 544,341 
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Cor29,500 421,651 
Flatexdegiro Ag44,009 297,123 
Fluidra Sa18,783 291,069 
Formula Systems 1985 Ltd2,477 178,936 
Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Fo896 10,265 
Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Fo23,309 266,897 
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc11,008 288,294 
Frontier Developments Plc11,687 135,096 
Fujikura Ltd44,845 341,235 
Fujimi Inc4,494 212,895 
Fujitec Co Ltd599 13,612 
Fukui Computer Holdings Inc6,492 129,993 
Fullcast Holdings Co Ltd6,292 134,673 
Funding Circle Holdings Plc158,684 104,985 
Future Corp9,089 113,451 
Fuyo General Lease Co Ltd4,694 306,675 
G-7 Holdings Inc21,374 267,931 
Galp Energia Sgps Sa151,654 2,040,956 
Galp Energia Sgps Sa59,047 794,652 
Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd491,081 717,278 
Genuit Group Plc45,671 154,374 
Genus Plc9,788 351,335 
Gestamp Automocion Sa69,914 269,662 
Getinge Ab7,680 159,421 
Gildan Activewear Inc26,402 722,517 
Globant Sa1,553 261,141 
Globant Sa5,111 859,470 
Goldcrest Co Ltd8,490 108,158 
Golden Agri-Resources Ltd830,979 154,895 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Goldwin Inc2,597 $187,954 
Golfzon Co Ltd2,008 179,082 
Grange Resources Ltd260,680 149,379 
Greggs Plc15,311 432,082 
Grieg Seafood Asa18,028 143,842 
Grupo Aeroportuario Del Surest749 174,528 
Grupo Aeroportuario Del Surest1,764 411,019 
Grupo Financiero Banorte Sab D177,214 1,275,320 
Grupo Financiero Banorte Sab D175,414 1,262,370 
Grupo Sbf Sa68,416 165,606 
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd3,309 124,427 
Gunma Bank Ltd/The88,891 339,543 
Gvs Spa23,312 100,764 
H World Group Ltd97,280 419,412 
H. Lundbeck A/S28,964 108,286 
Haier Smart Home Co Ltd107,268 365,580 
Hansol Chemical Co Ltd2,656 389,575 
Hanwa Co Ltd17,978 510,268 
Hapvida Participacoes E Invest676,257 650,672 
Havells India Ltd7,418 98,627 
Hdfc Bank Ltd7,237 495,088 
Hdfc Bank Ltd53,800 1,058,794 
Hdfc Bank Ltd32,685 2,235,999 
Headhunter Group Plc8,290 
Heineken Nv5,944 557,466 
Helen Of Troy Ltd206 22,818 
Helios Towers Plc184,803 235,860 
Hensoldt Ag10,687 252,063 
Herbalife Ltd15,648 232,840 
Hikari Tsushin Inc2,597 366,460 
Hilan Ltd3,915 193,513 
Hindustan Unilever Ltd8,940 276,755 
Hitachi Ltd19,934 1,010,868 
Hitachi Ltd40,666 2,062,170 
Horiba Ltd4,395 190,845 
Horizon Therapeutics Plc2,277 259,130 
Horizon Therapeutics Plc19,175 2,182,146 
Housing Development Finance Co22,347 712,457 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Howden Joinery Group Plc98,719 $666,893 
Hoya Corp11,362 1,094,089 
Hoya Corp12,558 1,209,257 
Hsbc Bank Plc775,228 616,152 
Huaneng Lancang River Hydropow2,391 2,270 
Huaneng Lancang River Hydropow303,912 288,537 
Hypera Sa53,989 462,201 
Hypoport Se609 63,332 
Icici Bank Ltd73,839 1,616,332 
Icici Bank Ltd113,855 2,492,297 
Icici Bank Ltd109,639 2,399,987 
Icon Plc8,014 1,556,816 
Icon Plc13,753 2,671,428 
Idec Corp/Japan12,185 269,660 
Idec Corp/Japan7,191 159,144 
Idom Inc40,850 205,573 
Idp Education Ltd14,472 266,754 
Ig Group Holdings Plc58,227 547,727 
Ihi Corp7,091 206,647 
Ihi Corp18,677 544,267 
Iluka Resources Ltd75,987 491,084 
Imcd Nv3,321 471,917 
Immunocore Holdings Plc10,686 609,863 
Impro Precision Industries Ltd492,395 140,054 
Inchcape Plc28,485 280,970 
Indivior Plc11,386 253,654 
Infineon Technologies Ag53,835 1,633,456 
Infocom Corp14,882 242,831 
Infosys Ltd20,399 371,887 
Ing Groep Nv107,595 1,307,695 
Ingenia Communities Group216,248 655,520 
Inmode Ltd8,709 310,922 
Intact Financial Corp5,071 729,498 
Integrated Diagnostics Holding168,633 106,913 
Integrated Diagnostics Holding8,281 3,808 
Intelbras Sa Industria De Tele30,862 177,991 
Intermediate Capital Group Plc33,267 459,396 
International Container Termin84,739 304,119 
International Game Technology12,117 274,822 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
International Games System Co13,983 $197,217 
Internet Initiative Japan Inc26,967 500,730 
Intershop Holding Ag201 130,841 
Intesa Sanpaolo Spa515,869 1,144,066 
Inwido Ab14,892 158,214 
Iph Ltd44,365 262,655 
Ipsos3,675 229,476 
Iqe Plc587,356 350,793 
Itau Unibanco Holding Sa124,102 584,520 
Janus Henderson Group Plc32,258 758,718 
Jcu Corp8,190 191,178 
Jd.Com Inc34,889 984,309 
Jd.Com Inc12,402 349,883 
Jd.Com Inc19,446 1,091,504 
Jk Cement Ltd2,923 103,175 
Jpm -Cw23 Beijing Orien142,842 661,286 
Jpm -Cw23 Ming Yang Sma146,926 514,211 
Jpm -Cw23 Shandong Phar152,583 617,762 
Jpm Cw23 Sungrow Power55,284 724,418 
Jpm Struct.Prod.Bv Cert130,291 589,279 
Jpm Struct.Prod.Bv Lepw78,998 583,971 
Jpm-Cw23 Anhui Conch C116,345 456,935 
Jubilant Foodworks Ltd4,222 26,078 
Julius Baer Group Ltd13,527 787,482 
Jumbo Sa6,622 112,934 
Justsystems Corp11,586 247,354 
Jyp Entertainment Corp3,942 211,341 
Kajaria Ceramics Ltd10,335 144,932 
Kanamoto Co Ltd13,883 238,108 
Kanzhun Ltd46,813 953,591 
Kanzhun Ltd21,763 443,311 
Kasikornbank Pcl32,573 138,717 
Kb Financial Group Inc39,522 1,515,851 
Kbc Group Nv10,872 697,120 
Kei Industries Ltd10,783 190,906 
Kendrion Nv4,281 70,814 
Kerry Properties Ltd114,859 250,175 
Keyence Corp6,479 2,524,752 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Keywords Studios Plc19,941 $653,390 
Kfc Holdings Japan Ltd14,682 306,669 
Kindred Group Plc35,042 365,234 
Knaus Tabbert Ag3,689 124,428 
Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd31,895 480,309 
Komeri Co Ltd10,687 221,359 
Koninklijke Bam Groep Nv61,924 143,412 
Koninklijke Dsm Nv8,138 992,738 
Kose Corp7,575 827,851 
Kotobuki Spirits Co Ltd3,496 204,796 
Kpit Technologies Ltd19,889 169,310 
Kubota Corp48,539 668,432 
Kureha Corp4,494 274,550 
Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd4,781 1,187,814 
Kyocera Corp22,426 1,113,601 
L&F Co Ltd4,853 665,877 
Laboratorios Farmaceuticos Rov10,246 394,334 
Laboratorios Farmaceuticos Rov12,102 465,751 
Lasertec Corp11,627 1,916,097 
Leeno Industrial Inc1,638 201,381 
Legrand Sa10,590 845,627 
Li Ning Co Ltd157,978 1,371,307 
Li Ning Co Ltd219,312 1,903,711 
Li Ning Co Ltd25,968 225,413 
Li Ning Co Ltd74,708 648,495 
Linde Plc5,955 1,941,379 
Linde Plc4,252 1,386,096 
Linea Directa Aseguradora Sa C94,747 104,354 
Localiza Rent A Car Sa25,998 261,966 
Localiza Rent A Car Sa114 231 
Lojas Renner Sa142,144 551,374 
London Stock Exchange Group Pl9,377 804,911 
Lonza Group Ag2,841 1,391,136 
L'Oreal Sa2,160 768,984 
Lotes Co Ltd11,207 301,188 
Lvmh Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitt3,780 2,743,218 
Lvmh Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitt3,421 2,482,131 
Macrotech Developers Ltd11,207 147,774 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Majorel Group Luxembourg Sa14,780 $323,363 
Makino Milling Machine Co Ltd4,494 147,494 
Man Group Plc/Jersey268,058 689,068 
Mapletree Industrial Trust159,804 264,513 
Marcopolo Sa415,143 222,521 
Marfrig Global Foods Sa67,917 111,913 
Masonite International Corp1,837 148,051 
Matsukiyococokara & Co20,632 1,032,019 
Matsukiyococokara & Co15,081 754,388 
Max Healthcare Institute Ltd35,845 190,446 
Mcmillan Shakespeare Ltd9,938 90,576 
Media Do Co Ltd3,995 52,412 
Mediatek Inc38,848 789,970 
Medical Data Vision Co Ltd13,384 91,087 
Mega Lifesciences Pcl134,834 181,998 
Melexis Nv3,025 261,527 
Merck Kgaa10,941 2,112,295 
Merck Kgaa10,213 1,971,822 
Metawater Co Ltd13,483 166,161 
Michelin (Cgde) Eur0.5023,067 639,698 
Minerva Sa/Brazil37,953 93,163 
Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co Ltd7,291 172,406 
Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co Lt12,485 291,903 
Mitsui-Soko Holdings Co Ltd11,286 307,504 
Modec Inc17,479 180,422 
Molten Ventures Plc73,451 312,950 
Montana Aerospace Ag16,955 262,794 
Montea Nv1,948 138,434 
Morgan Advanced Materials Plc69,807 264,089 
Morgan Sindall Group Plc14,706 270,653 
Motherson Sumi Wiring India Lt249,489 175,815 
Mtu Aero Engines Ag4,926 1,062,958 
Mtu Aero Engines Ag2,881 621,816 
Multiplan Empreendimentos Imob25,700 106,600 
Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co L23,172 274,838 
Myt Netherlands Parent Bv9,189 81,871 
Nabors Industries Ltd473 73,314 
Nachi-Fujikoshi Corp6,991 190,754 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Nagarro Se1,664 $196,410 
Nakanishi Inc13,983 270,977 
Nari Technology Co Ltd51,917 182,226 
National Energy Services Reuni20,842 144,644 
National Express Group Plc104,398 163,254 
Nestle India Ltd730 173,036 
Nestle Sa24,736 2,864,501 
Nestle Sa31,082 3,599,382 
Net One Systems Co Ltd10,387 270,023 
Netease Inc42,360 621,428 
Netease Inc42,683 626,170 
New Work Se499 81,331 
Nexity Sa10,541 293,173 
Nextage Co Ltd24,370 469,135 
Nifco Inc/Japan8,589 201,806 
Nippon Carbon Co Ltd6,492 206,897 
Nippon Ceramic Co Ltd6,192 110,759 
Nippon Gas Co Ltd14,482 228,519 
Nippon Seiki Co Ltd25,768 153,503 
Nippon Soda Co Ltd13,883 454,540 
Nipro Corp46,343 363,172 
Niterra Co Ltd15,681 289,858 
Nitto Boseki Co Ltd4,794 69,289 
Noevir Holdings Co Ltd3,895 170,929 
Nojima Corp28,964 313,253 
Nordea Bank Abp134,688 1,443,631 
Nova Ljubljanska Banka Dd35,198 478,961 
Novanta Inc2,015 273,833 
Novartis Ag17,647 1,594,340 
Novo Nordisk A/S31,780 4,278,157 
Novo Nordisk A/S18,739 2,522,616 
Nrw Holdings Ltd138,829 264,554 
Nsk Ltd22,572 119,922 
Ntg Nordic Transport Group A/S4,276 146,353 
Obara Group Inc12,485 340,633 
Oberoi Realty Ltd11,056 115,990 
Ocado Group Plc45,164 335,090 
Oci Nv9,357 333,723 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Odfjell Drilling Ltd53,934 $143,991 
Ohsho Food Service Corp2,697 122,219 
Okea Asa72,910 253,125 
Olink Holding Ab9,703 246,264 
Olink Holding Ab200 5,069 
Olink Holding Ab7,890 200,244 
Olympus Corp94,488 1,684,298 
Olympus Corp65,384 1,165,506 
Ooh!Media Ltd163,853 142,785 
Ordina Nv60,925 251,962 
Osaka Soda Co Ltd9,388 272,521 
Osg Corp18,477 254,449 
Osstem Implant Co Ltd11,869 1,296,223 
Oxford Nanopore Technologies P41,872 124,155 
Oz Minerals Ltd14,608 276,390 
Page Industries Ltd272 140,806 
Pagegroup Plc77,415 429,480 
Patria Investments Ltd9,656 134,512 
Pepco Group Nv34,573 311,501 
Pernod Ricard Sa6,324 1,240,199 
Pernod Ricard Sa11,138 2,184,275 
Pernod Ricard Sa8,768 1,719,469 
Perseus Mining Ltd297,634 425,884 
Persol Holdings Co Ltd5,893 126,301 
Petroleo Brasileiro Sa49,891 531,339 
Pharma Mar Sa3,596 246,744 
Phoenix Holdings Ltd/The15,667 166,502 
Pi Industries Ltd4,000 165,368 
Pidilite Industries Ltd6,330 195,130 
Ping An Insurance Group Co Of173,821 1,150,275 
Pirelli & C Spa52,935 226,205 
Plus500 Ltd8,452 183,403 
Pm Struct.Prod.Bv Lepw16,336 731,022 
Polycab India Ltd4,592 142,602 
Polymetal International Plc30,576 152,207 
Polypeptide Group Ag3,764 103,020 
Popular Inc8,289 549,747 
Premier Investments Ltd8,063 135,825 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Prosus Nv8,186 $563,069 
Prothena Corp Plc1,872 112,763 
Proya Cosmetics Co Ltd16,409 395,322 
Prudential Plc100,635 1,364,885 
Prudential Plc59,811 811,201 
Prudential Plc48,112 652,528 
Ptt Exploration & Production P51,897 264,468 
Qatar Gas Transport Co Ltd118,601 119,261 
Qatar Islamic Bank Saq40,444 206,121 
Qatar National Bank Qpsc86,632 428,196 
Qatar National Bank Qpsc90,695 448,274 
Qiagen Nv19,367 971,668 
Qifu Technology Inc79,116 1,610,798 
Qol Holdings Co Ltd13,284 117,791 
Raia Drogasil Sa62,954 282,829 
Randstad Nv12,070 733,747 
Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc12,514 866,128 
Reliance Industries Ltd18,437 1,135,327 
Reliance Industries Ltd78,652 2,421,630 
Reliance Industries Ltd24,724 1,522,492 
Relx Plc90,684 2,495,840 
Relx Plc57,438 1,580,831 
Renaissancere Holdings Ltd1,176 216,743 
Renew Energy Global Plc68,133 374,730 
Renew Holdings Plc18,477 162,697 
Renishaw Plc3,742 165,124 
Rentokil Initial Plc6,507 200,469 
Resilient Reit Ltd56,930 179,841 
Resorttrust Inc32,061 570,771 
Richelieu Hardware Ltd5,293 141,465 
Rightmove Plc28,497 175,303 
Rightmove Plc59,913 368,565 
Rio Tinto Plc14,676 1,023,598 
Roche Holding Ag9,303 2,921,087 
Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc393,022 440,618 
Rotork Plc128,410 473,589 
Round One Corp53,534 194,751 
Rumo Sa71,620 252,446 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Rws Holdings Plc60,925 $275,265 
Ryanair Holdings Plc8,684 649,237 
Ryanair Holdings Plc13,731 1,026,499 
Ryohin Keikaku Co Ltd15,181 180,181 
Safestore Holdings Plc41,459 471,282 
Sakata Inx Corp37,654 299,643 
Salik Co Pjsc226,531 152,968 
Samsung Biologics Co Ltd503 326,604 
Samsung Biologics Co Ltd587 380,930 
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd46,877 2,050,048 
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd34,856 1,392,025 
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd46,535 2,035,106 
Samsung Sdi Co Ltd1,313 613,606 
Samsung Sdi Co Ltd628 293,302 
Sandvik Ab45,377 820,482 
Sangetsu Corp7,990 130,076 
Sanki Engineering Co Ltd10,487 123,116 
Sankyu Inc4,195 153,557 
Sanofi17,565 1,684,155 
Sanwa Holdings Corp16,779 155,274 
Sap Se17,622 1,812,786 
Sapiens International Corp Nv4,586 84,751 
Sapiens International Corp Nv12,575 229,253 
Saras Spa399,509 489,906 
Saudi Tadawul Group Holding Co3,536 170,291 
Savills Plc17,748 176,239 
Schneider Electric Se21,170 2,953,445 
Schneider Electric Se21,296 2,970,966 
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield E2,943 182,825 
Scout24 Se3,033 151,925 
Screen Holdings Co Ltd6,692 429,061 
Sega Sammy Holdings Inc8,490 128,490 
Sensirion Holding Ag1,521 161,123 
Serco Group Plc260,791 487,498 
Serica Energy Plc32,960 112,994 
Shandong Weigao Group Medical251,691 413,414 
Shell Plc19,666 550,248 
Sheng Siong Group Ltd209,742 258,034 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Shenzhen Inovance Technology C14,115 $141,114 
Shenzhen Inovance Technology C20,387 203,823 
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co Ltd4,385 539,275 
Shop Apotheke Europe Nv6,433 302,847 
Shopify Inc9,998 346,871 
Shoprite Holdings Ltd29,707 394,579 
Sika Ag11,537 2,764,504 
Sika Ag3,520 843,562 
Simplo Technology Co Ltd23,971 222,271 
Sinbon Electronics Co Ltd29,883 267,374 
Sitc International Holdings Co75,907 168,834 
Sk Hynix Inc13,989 829,700 
Skan Group Ag778 52,980 
Skc Co Ltd4,236 296,501 
Sky Perfect Jsat Holdings Inc72,211 265,432 
Smart Global Holdings Inc10,851 161,463 
Smartgroup Corp Ltd77,904 269,437 
Smc Corp2,392 1,007,635 
Sociedad Quimica Y Minera De C2,507 200,175 
Socionext Inc4,494 197,567 
Sonova Holding Ag1,865 442,021 
Sony Group Corp16,545 1,258,342 
Sophia Genetics Sa11,685 24,071 
Sophia Genetics Sa13,383 27,568 
Sparebank 1 Sr-Bank Asa27,606 338,245 
Spie Sa22,283 579,308 
Spie Sa23,341 606,833 
Spin Master Corp13,014 320,032 
Spirax-Sarco Engineering Plc2,662 339,871 
Srf Ltd6,362 176,133 
Ssab Ab44,945 245,612 
Stanley Electric Co Ltd10,088 193,350 
Star Micronics Co Ltd26,368 323,537 
Starts Corp Inc17,279 342,315 
Steadfast Group Ltd40,100 148,749 
Steris Plc12,962 2,393,977 
Steris Plc935 172,647 
Strabag Se9,229 385,107 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Subsea 7 Sa7,715 $88,532 
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Grou41,862 1,680,237 
Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co Lt5,993 185,077 
Sun Frontier Fudousan Co Ltd19,676 164,183 
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries32,485 393,213 
Suncor Energy Inc56,288 1,784,246 
Suncor Energy Inc21,217 672,544 
Sunny Optical Technology Group49,507 588,944 
Suzhou Maxwell Technologies Co4,283 253,753 
Swcc Corp10,987 149,129 
Syncona Ltd87,541 190,600 
Systena Corp75,907 236,445 
Taiheiyo Cement Corp23,072 359,683 
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu36,985 2,754,990 
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu15,744 1,172,766 
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu41,257 3,073,217 
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu62,755 915,733 
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu267,953 3,910,034 
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu11,296 841,428 
Taiyo Yuden Co Ltd4,594 133,361 
Takeuchi Manufacturing Co Ltd10,987 242,636 
Takuma Co Ltd13,883 129,944 
Tamron Co Ltd14,582 328,897 
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd11,215 441,490 
Tata Consumer Products Ltd19,739 182,989 
Tecan Group Ag324 144,243 
Technipfmc Plc18,502 225,541 
Telekom Austria Ag31,758 195,906 
Teleperformance6,062 1,440,784 
Telkom Indonesia Persero Tbk P44,670 1,065,386 
Tencent Holdings Ltd27,310 1,168,673 
Tencent Holdings Ltd22,426 959,677 
Tencent Holdings Ltd19,718 843,797 
Tencent Holdings Ltd30,381 1,300,116 
Tencent Holdings Ltd13,190 558,748 
Terumo Corp36,180 1,027,183 
Tesco Plc299,898 808,796 
Tessenderlo Group Sa6,372 226,803 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Tgs Asa30,416 $407,559 
Thales Sa12,663 1,612,306 
Thomson Reuters Corp17,323 1,974,735 
Thule Group Ab14,131 295,239 
Tikehau Capital Sca10,713 277,257 
Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding177,782 313,882 
Titan Co Ltd12,386 388,875 
Tmx Group Ltd10,974 1,097,574 
Tokai Carbon Co Ltd15,481 125,894 
Tokyo Century Corp7,491 254,339 
Tokyo Seimitsu Co Ltd3,795 122,825 
Tokyo Tatemono Co Ltd25,469 308,647 
Tokyo Tatemono Co Ltd19,576 237,235 
Tokyu Reit Inc130 204,190 
Topcon Corp27,666 321,018 
Toronto Dominion Bank14,768 955,552 
Totvs Sa67,038 350,697 
Toyo Tire Corp24,170 274,228 
Trainline Plc109,971 363,252 
Transcosmos Inc16,879 416,401 
Trelleborg Ab9,081 209,863 
Trent Ltd15,387 251,336 
Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd41,948 414,381 
Tube Investments Of India Ltd6,426 215,585 
Ubs Group Ag112,315 2,088,600 
Unilever Plc37,953 1,909,261 
United Laboratories Internatio265,674 166,792 
United Tractors Tbk Pt79,788 133,642 
Uno Minda Ltd40,951 257,992 
Upl Ltd30,128 260,804 
Valmet Oyj6,092 163,569 
Van Lanschot Kempen Nv8,716 203,724 
Varun Beverages Ltd25,152 402,084 
Veidekke Asa9,918 97,457 
Verallia Sa17,655 596,935 
Victorian Plumbing Group Plc68,233 63,200 
Victrex Plc14,117 271,185 
Vinci Partners Investments Ltd13,248 119,764 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Vnet Group Inc88,436 $501,434 
Voltronic Power Technology Cor7,740 389,059 
Vonovia Se37,563 882,757 
Wajax Corp5,443 79,262 
Wal-Mart De Mexico Sab De Cv332,686 1,175,918 
Wal-Mart De Mexico Sab De Cv101,503 358,776 
Waste Connections Inc13,495 1,788,947 
Watches Of Switzerland Group P37,601 371,112 
Watkin Jones Plc121,384 146,597 
Weatherford International Plc3,015 153,529 
Weg Sa66,161 482,575 
Weir Group Plc/The18,054 362,456 
White Mountains Insurance Grou465 658,229 
Whitehaven Coal Ltd23,501 150,129 
Wienerberger Ag8,729 210,176 
Wingarc1St Inc9,888 151,902 
Wiwynn Corp3,984 103,320 
Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd26,397 686,112 
Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipmen43,928 254,343 
Yamaha Corp25,516 951,433 
Ya-Man Ltd16,879 184,086 
Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdi497,788 504,766 
Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdi364,552 369,662 
Yellow Hat Ltd22,572 306,906 
Yougov Plc46,157 566,331 
Zealand Pharma A/S13,470 389,352 
Zeria Pharmaceutical Co Ltd6,991 119,910 
Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmac299 12,400 
Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmac4,283 177,733 
Zhejiang Jingsheng Mechanical28,190 257,742 
Zurich Insurance Group Ag3,366 1,609,084 
Total non-U.S. equities487,299,352 
U.S. equities:
2Seventy Bio Inc— 
A10 Networks Inc4,860 80,817 
Aaon Inc1,443 108,697 
Abm Industries Inc20,299 901,674 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Abm Industries Inc19,567 $869,156 
Academy Sports & Outdoors Inc2,576 135,326 
Acadia Healthcare Co Inc677 55,741 
Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc4,441 70,705 
Aci Worldwide Inc2,730 62,801 
Acuity Brands Inc928 153,654 
Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp2,489 19,014 
Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp30,561 233,483 
Addus Homecare Corp1,763 175,374 
Addus Homecare Corp9,887 983,682 
Advanced Energy Industries Inc1,897 162,686 
Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings In2,937 164,278 
Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc1,804 50,647 
Agree Realty Corp25,867 1,834,721 
Agree Realty Corp19,365 1,373,556 
Akero Therapeutics Inc1,174 64,362 
Alarm.Com Holdings Inc409 20,261 
Albany International Corp1,358 133,910 
Alector Inc1,763 16,270 
Alexandria Real Estate Equitie16,141 2,351,301 
Alexandria Real Estate Equitie13,789 2,008,630 
Allegro Microsystems Inc48,637 1,460,091 
Allison Transmission Holdings5,824 242,299 
Allogene Therapeutics Inc2,123 13,355 
Alpha Metallurgical Resources574 84,066 
Altra Industrial Motion Corp5,124 306,182 
Amedisys Inc981 81,931 
Amedisys Inc2,514 209,999 
American Homes 4 Rent55,213 1,664,105 
American Tower Corp8,835 1,871,707 
Ameris Bancorp38,850 1,831,384 
Ameris Bancorp2,757 129,986 
Amicus Therapeutics Inc6,090 74,361 
Amn Healthcare Services Inc2,866 294,713 
Amn Healthcare Services Inc1,828 187,918 
Amphastar Pharmaceuticals Inc3,715 104,100 
Apa Corp1,469 68,578 
Apellis Pharmaceuticals Inc2,656 137,320 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Arch Resources Inc397 $56,757 
Arconic Corp1,320 27,937 
Ares Commercial Real Estate Co10,956 112,736 
Array Technologies Inc35,255 681,470 
Arvinas Inc1,485 50,805 
Asbury Automotive Group Inc236 42,249 
Asgn Inc1,082 88,129 
Asgn Inc5,243 427,219 
Ashland Inc1,665 179,022 
Aspen Technology Inc427 87,798 
Atkore Inc2,701 306,293 
Atlassian Corp18,229 2,345,672 
Atricure Inc1,889 83,814 
Avalonbay Communities Inc16,638 2,687,420 
Avantax Inc5,461 139,418 
Aveanna Healthcare Holdings In73,405 57,256 
Avidity Biosciences Inc1,617 35,879 
Avnet Inc7,196 299,198 
Axcelis Technologies Inc2,321 184,195 
Azenta Inc372 21,630 
Balchem Corp1,556 190,002 
Bancorp Inc/The3,163 89,764 
Bankunited Inc3,595 122,134 
Belden Inc9,578 688,633 
Bellring Brands Inc3,922 100,559 
Berkshire Hills Bancorp Inc5,773 172,599 
Berry Global Group Inc1,282 77,492 
Bgc Partners Inc54,387 205,038 
Bj'S Wholesale Club Holdings I2,314 153,095 
Bj'S Wholesale Club Holdings I16,079 1,063,804 
Blackstone Mortgage Trust Inc13,392 283,503 
Bloomin' Brands Inc3,502 70,470 
Bloomin' Brands Inc24,369 490,296 
Bloomin' Brands Inc8,126 163,485 
Blue Owl Capital Inc10,039 106,414 
Blueprint Medicines Corp2,334 102,252 
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Co2,576 269,210 
Boston Beer Co Inc/The173 56,934 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Boston Properties Inc20,128 $1,360,281 
Box Inc6,577 204,727 
Boyd Gaming Corp4,412 240,603 
Bright Horizons Family Solutio490 30,942 
Brink'S Co/The5,407 290,411 
Brixmor Property Group Inc128,773 2,919,284 
Brixmor Property Group Inc22,099 500,975 
Broadridge Financial Solutions812 108,907 
Brp Group Inc2,077 52,224 
Bruker Corp1,239 84,713 
Brunswick Corp/De438 31,602 
Buckle Inc/The4,339 196,792 
Builders Firstsource Inc3,278 212,662 
Burlington Stores Inc385 77,962 
Bwx Technologies Inc2,092 121,521 
C4 Therapeutics Inc662 3,907 
Cabot Corp3,689 246,589 
Caci International Inc1,100 330,523 
Cactus Inc2,055 103,302 
Cactus Inc4,884 245,455 
Cadre Holdings Inc1,750 35,240 
Caesars Entertainment Inc21,872 909,867 
Caleres Inc44,842 999,084 
Caleres Inc5,840 130,126 
California Resources Corp20,474 890,806 
Caredx Inc1,010 11,521 
Carriage Services Inc1,099 30,255 
Casella Waste Systems Inc5,225 414,416 
Casey'S General Stores Inc476 106,877 
Castle Biosciences Inc16,579 390,261 
Catalent Inc2,103 94,669 
Catalyst Pharmaceuticals Inc4,587 85,320 
Cavco Industries Inc525 118,854 
Cbiz Inc3,118 146,077 
Centerspace8,668 508,550 
Central Garden & Pet Co16,379 586,364 
Centrus Energy Corp768 24,945 
Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings2,595 81,835 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Championx Corp3,055 $88,566 
Championx Corp74,804 2,168,555 
Championx Corp13,072 378,961 
Charles River Laboratories Int849 184,976 
Chart Industries Inc8,289 955,177 
Chemed Corp143 72,897 
Choice Hotels International In2,342 263,801 
Chord Energy Corp2,369 324,074 
Churchill Downs Inc1,413 298,788 
Cirrus Logic Inc1,508 112,320 
*Citigroup Inc11,361,846 513,896,297 
Clean Harbors Inc2,181 248,917 
Clearway Energy Inc2,972 94,723 
Cno Financial Group Inc32,558 743,951 
Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc428 219,519 
Cogent Communications Holdings555 31,696 
Cognex Corp938 44,179 
Collegium Pharmaceutical Inc34,855 808,637 
Comfort Systems Usa Inc2,460 283,077 
Commercial Metals Co26,466 1,278,302 
Commscope Holding Co Inc35,054 257,645 
Concentrix Corp1,359 180,997 
Concentrix Corp9,188 1,223,494 
Concentrix Corp5,059 673,720 
Conmed Corp1,176 104,283 
Consensus Cloud Solutions Inc645 34,684 
Core & Main Inc43,544 840,832 
Corecivic Inc15,418 178,233 
Corvel Corp1,282 186,363 
Coty Inc13,540 115,898 
Cousins Properties Inc8,596 217,391 
Crocs Inc2,658 288,161 
Cross Country Healthcare Inc21,872 581,134 
Csw Industrials Inc934 108,255 
Cto Realty Growth Inc11,744 214,679 
Curtiss-Wright Corp1,846 308,200 
Curtiss-Wright Corp4,048 675,939 
Cvb Financial Corp14,981 385,753 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Cytokinetics Inc2,438 $111,703 
Darling Ingredients Inc1,585 99,202 
Darling Ingredients Inc19,375 1,212,682 
Deckers Outdoor Corp482 192,546 
Delek Us Holdings Inc4,431 119,645 
Denali Therapeutics Inc2,693 74,879 
Denali Therapeutics Inc9,488 263,855 
Design Therapeutics Inc18,876 193,664 
Dice Therapeutics Inc1,334 41,630 
Dick'S Sporting Goods Inc1,319 158,698 
Digital Turbine Inc3,224 49,131 
Digitalocean Holdings Inc13,722 349,507 
Digitalocean Holdings Inc5,253 133,800 
Diodes Inc2,324 176,950 
Domino'S Pizza Inc310 107,246 
Dorman Products Inc1,228 99,342 
Doubleverify Holdings Inc1,394 30,617 
Doubleverify Holdings Inc20,661 453,723 
Douglas Emmett Inc54,260 850,803 
Doximity Inc13,383 449,125 
Dycom Industries Inc19,904 1,863,045 
Eagle Materials Inc1,220 162,134 
Ecovyst Inc23,090 204,579 
Element Solutions Inc8,933 162,500 
Embecta Corp1,420 35,916 
Emcor Group Inc2,111 312,701 
Emcor Group Inc2,644 391,542 
Employers Holdings Inc3,922 169,153 
Encompass Health Corp37,536 2,245,043 
Encore Capital Group Inc8,389 402,177 
Endeavor Group Holdings Inc8,008 180,493 
Enersys13,383 988,182 
Enersys3,598 265,703 
Ensign Group Inc/The4,028 381,071 
Entegris Inc1,314 86,205 
Entegris Inc12,484 818,819 
Envestnet Inc2,189 135,072 
Envista Holdings Corp11,539 388,522 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Enviva Inc818 $43,327 
Epam Systems Inc7,994 2,619,812 
Eplus Inc609 26,976 
Epr Properties22,823 860,889 
Equinix Inc7,574 4,961,275 
Equinix Inc5,810 3,805,453 
Equity Lifestyle Properties In1,395 90,130 
Equity Lifestyle Properties In46,137 2,980,473 
Equity Residential43,233 2,550,750 
Essex Property Trust Inc11,037 2,339,028 
Euronet Worldwide Inc1,127 106,324 
Evercore Inc3,999 436,194 
Everi Holdings Inc5,568 79,898 
Evolent Health Inc3,615 101,519 
Evoqua Water Technologies Corp2,540 100,573 
Exact Sciences Corp10,387 514,241 
Exelixis Inc6,541 104,911 
Exlservice Holdings Inc2,062 349,422 
Exlservice Holdings Inc9,488 1,607,512 
Exponent Inc2,776 275,115 
Extra Space Storage Inc21,182 3,117,623 
Factset Research Systems Inc417 167,490 
Fair Isaac Corp478 286,351 
Farmland Partners Inc23,843 297,086 
Fate Therapeutics Inc2,287 23,076 
Federal Agricultural Mortgage2,805 316,195 
Federal Signal Corp2,150 99,921 
Fibrogen Inc1,994 31,951 
First Advantage Corp44,243 575,158 
First Bancorp/Southern Pines N1,496 64,092 
First Foundation Inc13,083 187,481 
First Hawaiian Inc6,380 166,129 
First Industrial Realty Trust2,991 144,353 
First Merchants Corp22,072 907,361 
First Merchants Corp8,195 336,914 
Firstcash Holdings Inc1,838 159,708 
Floor & Decor Holdings Inc273 18,985 
Flywire Corp16,978 415,454 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Focus Financial Partners Inc38,051 $1,418,158 
Foot Locker Inc6,863 259,358 
Formfactor Inc4,440 98,707 
Fortinet Inc1,654 80,858 
Fti Consulting Inc2,311 366,990 
Gaming And Leisure Properties40,131 2,090,432 
Gartner Inc310 104,069 
Generation Bio Co2,328 9,149 
Gibraltar Industries Inc652 29,921 
Globus Medical Inc3,976 295,288 
Graco Inc680 45,745 
Grand Canyon Education Inc1,185 125,257 
Graphic Packaging Holding Co14,823 329,809 
Graphic Packaging Holding Co48,338 1,075,513 
Graphic Packaging Holding Co52,081 1,158,799 
Gray Television Inc11,631 130,151 
Gxo Logistics Inc3,490 148,967 
Haemonetics Corp2,135 167,937 
Haemonetics Corp4,145 325,977 
Halozyme Therapeutics Inc7,400 421,086 
Hancock Whitney Corp3,976 192,392 
Hanover Insurance Group Inc/Th6,782 916,486 
Hanover Insurance Group Inc/Th2,930 395,961 
Harley-Davidson Inc10,667 443,757 
Hb Fuller Co2,106 150,852 
Herc Holdings Inc1,152 151,505 
Heritage Commerce Corp10,533 136,934 
Hexcel Corp2,186 128,657 
Highwoods Properties Inc6,643 185,883 
Hillenbrand Inc7,089 302,482 
Hilton Grand Vacations Inc3,283 126,518 
Host Hotels & Resorts Inc117,235 1,881,616 
Hostess Brands Inc4,328 97,130 
Hub Group Inc3,175 252,373 
Iaa Inc3,669 146,771 
Icf International Inc8,889 880,410 
Icu Medical Inc956 150,514 
Igm Biosciences Inc935 15,901 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Inari Medical Inc1,257 $79,919 
Informatica Inc3,832 62,424 
Ingevity Corp1,692 119,172 
Ingevity Corp3,765 265,217 
Insight Enterprises Inc6,357 637,397 
Insmed Inc6,858 137,026 
Insmed Inc30,161 602,619 
Insperity Inc1,994 226,567 
Inspire Medical Systems Inc1,169 294,572 
Intellia Therapeutics Inc2,045 71,363 
Inter Parfums Inc1,930 186,236 
Interdigital Inc5,964 295,114 
Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc2,376 125,735 
Invitation Homes Inc60,064 1,780,297 
Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc4,475 169,029 
Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc3,065 19,586 
Iovance Biotherapeutics Inc22,171 141,675 
Irhythm Technologies Inc1,156 108,237 
Iridium Communications Inc5,192 266,884 
Iveric Bio Inc2,805 60,063 
Jamf Holding Corp20,973 446,724 
John Bean Technologies Corp1,708 155,973 
John Wiley & Sons Inc3,983 159,554 
Kadant Inc1,182 210,043 
Karuna Therapeutics Inc796 156,409 
Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc6,874 108,130 
Kite Realty Group Trust126,057 2,653,507 
Knowbe4 Inc45,825 1,135,541 
Korn Ferry6,039 305,705 
Kosmos Energy Ltd44,246 281,402 
Kosmos Energy Ltd51,881 329,964 
Kulicke & Soffa Industries Inc2,669 118,110 
Kymera Therapeutics Inc1,615 40,308 
Landstar System Inc1,031 167,896 
Landstar System Inc726 118,276 
Lantheus Holdings Inc3,644 185,714 
Lattice Semiconductor Corp5,908 383,336 
Laureate Education Inc16,551 159,217 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Lci Industries226 $20,867 
Lci Industries4,102 379,203 
Life Storage Inc921 90,700 
Life Storage Inc17,329 1,706,902 
Life Time Group Holdings Inc109,059 1,304,350 
Lifestance Health Group Inc74,604 368,543 
Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc1,142 164,939 
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings28,863 222,243 
Littelfuse Inc402 88,626 
Livent Corp7,272 144,487 
Louisiana-Pacific Corp3,347 198,124 
Lpl Financial Holdings Inc1,114 240,719 
Lululemon Athletica Inc6,037 1,934,146 
Lulu'S Fashion Lounge Holdings3,895 9,776 
Lulu'S Fashion Lounge Holdings40,648 102,025 
Lumentum Holdings Inc2,090 109,051 
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc258 74,788 
Magnolia Oil & Gas Corp9,391 220,216 
Manhattan Associates Inc2,997 363,852 
Maravai Lifesciences Holdings4,182 59,839 
Marketaxess Holdings Inc574 160,155 
Matador Resources Co4,018 229,980 
Mativ Holdings Inc11,506 240,479 
Mattel Inc12,768 227,773 
Maximus Inc1,723 126,331 
Maxlinear Inc4,354 147,831 
Mcgrath Rentcorp908 89,639 
Medical Properties Trust Inc95,828 1,067,521 
Medifast Inc3,196 368,645 
Medpace Holdings Inc1,495 317,568 
Mercadolibre Inc1,010 854,499 
Mercadolibre Inc577 488,066 
Mercury Systems Inc1,289 57,685 
Merit Medical Systems Inc3,898 275,275 
Mettler-Toledo International I1,542 2,228,741 
Mirati Therapeutics Inc1,176 53,306 
Mirion Technologies Inc Cw2540,348 45,190 
Mks Instruments Inc861 72,943 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Modine Manufacturing Co46,090 $915,339 
Modivcare Inc564 50,632 
Moelis & Co10,786 413,862 
Molina Healthcare Inc993 327,816 
Monolithic Power Systems Inc257 90,761 
Monte Rosa Therapeutics Inc300 2,280 
Moog Inc923 80,986 
Morphic Holding Inc599 16,029 
Msa Safety Inc653 94,179 
Murphy Usa Inc1,042 291,185 
Myr Group Inc12,384 1,140,198 
Natera Inc2,329 93,556 
Natera Inc50,035 2,009,925 
National Retail Properties Inc54,896 2,512,047 
National Vision Holdings Inc1,577 61,123 
Ncr Corp3,597 84,214 
Ncr Corp10,601 248,177 
Nelnet Inc2,947 267,458 
Neogenomics Inc1,236 11,400 
Netstreit Corp56,806 1,041,261 
Neurocrine Biosciences Inc1,196 142,905 
Nevro Corp19,675 779,115 
Nexstar Media Group Inc1,692 296,119 
Nexstar Media Group Inc4,004 700,792 
Nextera Energy Partners Lp1,348 94,500 
Nextier Oilfield Solutions Inc35,001 323,408 
Now Inc12,542 159,281 
Nurix Therapeutics Inc817 8,970 
Nv5 Global Inc795 105,191 
Oceanfirst Financial Corp6,003 127,569 
Olin Corp1,426 75,501 
Omnicell Inc2,147 108,263 
Onto Innovation Inc2,287 155,725 
Option Care Health Inc7,485 225,234 
Ormat Technologies Inc770 66,590 
Osi Systems Inc2,112 167,968 
Pacira Biosciences Inc1,602 61,851 
Pacwest Bancorp12,898 296,018 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Palomar Holdings Inc2,233 $100,848 
Papa John'S International Inc1,816 149,447 
Par Pacific Holdings Inc7,448 173,175 
Patrick Industries Inc407 24,693 
Paya Holdings Inc9,058 71,289 
Paylocity Holding Corp866 168,207 
Pbf Energy Inc406 16,576 
Pdc Energy Inc1,103 69,992 
Pdc Energy Inc27,165 1,724,432 
Pdc Energy Inc2,608 165,533 
Peapack-Gladstone Financial Co5,656 210,505 
Pebblebrook Hotel Trust98,673 1,321,228 
Pennymac Financial Services In2,600 147,296 
Penske Automotive Group Inc458 52,685 
Penumbra Inc552 122,862 
Perficient Inc1,938 135,296 
Performance Food Group Co5,475 319,682 
Performance Food Group Co18,276 1,067,161 
Petco Health & Wellness Co Inc52,532 498,006 
Petco Health & Wellness Co Inc13,062 123,829 
Petiq Inc12,563 115,829 
Phillips Edison & Co Inc66,152 2,106,280 
Piedmont Lithium Inc7,291 320,422 
Piper Sandler Cos2,374 309,063 
Planet Fitness Inc2,404 189,427 
Pmv Pharmaceuticals Inc21,372 185,940 
Pool Corp593 179,353 
Portillo'S Inc22,471 366,727 
Portland General Electric Co32,358 1,585,555 
Post Holdings Inc3,218 290,443 
Postal Realty Trust Inc12,832 186,446 
Power Integrations Inc3,019 216,530 
Powerschool Holdings Inc3,671 84,733 
Pra Group Inc6,078 205,320 
Preferred Bank/Los Angeles Ca3,781 282,147 
Prestige Consumer Healthcare I499 31,260 
Primerica Inc1,276 181,013 
Privia Health Group Inc28,963 657,742 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Procept Biorobotics Corp1,549 $64,346 
Prologis Inc47,612 5,367,352 
Prologis Inc57,379 6,468,322 
Propetro Holding Corp17,552 182,018 
Provident Financial Services I32,758 699,706 
Ptc Inc1,373 164,842 
Ptc Therapeutics Inc2,764 105,518 
Public Storage10,439 2,925,040 
Pure Storage Inc9,927 265,652 
Qualys Inc1,711 192,002 
Quidelortho Corp1,195 102,373 
R1 Rcm Inc18,021 197,327 
Range Resources Corp6,975 174,515 
Rapid7 Inc1,894 64,343 
Rayonier Inc54,751 1,804,607 
Rbc Bearings Inc1,121 234,588 
Realty Income Corp35,086 2,225,509 
Red Rock Resorts Inc3,392 135,699 
Regal Rexnord Corp4,495 539,289 
Repligen Corp1,274 215,761 
Replimune Group Inc2,408 65,495 
Resideo Technologies Inc25,190 414,368 
Resmed Inc8,417 1,751,865 
Revolution Medicines Inc2,340 55,738 
Rexford Industrial Realty Inc1,898 103,682 
Rexford Industrial Realty Inc28,963 1,582,519 
Rexford Industrial Realty Inc35,177 1,922,065 
Rocket Pharmaceuticals Inc1,861 36,412 
Royal Gold Inc932 105,032 
Rush Enterprises Inc23,370 1,221,776 
Rxo Inc2,352 40,454 
Ryan Specialty Holdings Inc4,918 204,132 
Ryman Hospitality Properties I747 61,093 
Sage Therapeutics Inc1,523 58,089 
Saia Inc1,592 333,799 
Sarepta Therapeutics Inc990 128,248 
Sba Communications Corp6,504 1,823,198 
Sba Communications Corp3,463 970,768 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Scholar Rock Holding Corp2,536 $22,948 
Science Applications Internati5,803 643,673 
Seagen Inc600 77,135 
Seagen Inc5,093 654,557 
Seaworld Entertainment Inc1,719 91,972 
Selective Insurance Group Inc2,153 190,797 
Servisfirst Bancshares Inc486 33,516 
Shoals Technologies Group Inc3,250 80,173 
Shockwave Medical Inc514 105,753 
Signify Health Inc15,180 435,071 
Simon Property Group Inc38,362 4,506,724 
Simon Property Group Inc17,225 2,023,611 
Simply Good Foods Co/The5,895 224,202 
Siteone Landscape Supply Inc1,463 171,652 
Sitime Corp7,191 730,722 
Skechers Usa Inc3,313 138,969 
Skyline Champion Corp2,076 106,951 
Slm Corp3,824 63,480 
Slm Corp57,222 949,889 
Sm Energy Co5,434 189,266 
Sonder Holdings Inc67,513 83,716 
Sotera Health Co23,202 193,273 
Southstate Corp2,768 211,397 
Southwest Gas Holdings Inc19,675 1,217,466 
Spirit Realty Capital Inc5,591 223,240 
Sprout Social Inc18,276 1,031,887 
Sps Commerce Inc2,132 273,845 
Spx Technologies Inc2,728 179,125 
Ss&C Technologies Holdings Inc1,643 85,528 
Staar Surgical Co9,688 470,232 
Standard Motor Products Inc3,618 125,918 
Starwood Property Trust Inc16,197 296,893 
Steven Madden Ltd12,123 387,463 
Stonex Group Inc5,294 504,535 
Stonex Group Inc1,571 149,714 
Stride Inc18,530 579,622 
Summit Materials Inc41,237 1,170,719 
Sun Communities Inc19,887 2,843,830 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Sun Communities Inc20,421 $2,920,185 
Sun Country Airlines Holdings19,675 312,040 
Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc2,142 76,414 
Synaptics Inc1,167 111,099 
Syneos Health Inc22,571 827,900 
Syneos Health Inc9,671 354,715 
Synovus Financial Corp12,176 457,220 
Tandem Diabetes Care Inc1,201 54,005 
Targa Resources Corp1,007 73,993 
Taylor Morrison Home Corp35,554 1,079,068 
Td Synnex Corp9,588 908,045 
Techtarget Inc608 26,798 
Tegna Inc19,298 408,927 
Teledyne Technologies Inc465 186,118 
Tempur Sealy International Inc5,236 179,760 
Tempur Sealy International Inc13,478 462,687 
Tenable Holdings Inc3,280 125,123 
Teradata Corp2,020 68,006 
Terex Corp3,922 167,545 
Terreno Realty Corp1,334 75,880 
Texas Pacific Land Corp35 81,942 
Texas Roadhouse Inc3,150 286,487 
Thryv Holdings Inc2,252 42,790 
Titan Machinery Inc25,168 999,907 
Topbuild Corp849 132,845 
Topgolf Callaway Brands Corp33,381 659,274 
Toro Co/The1,892 214,125 
Travel + Leisure Co2,113 76,923 
Travel + Leisure Co8,056 293,224 
Ttec Holdings Inc4,881 215,386 
Twist Bioscience Corp1,369 32,601 
Tyler Technologies Inc474 152,948 
Ubiquiti Inc128 34,967 
Udr Inc58,873 2,280,164 
Ufp Industries Inc3,335 264,275 
Ultra Clean Holdings Inc7,410 245,656 
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc2,301 106,607 
United Community Banks Inc/Ga55,628 1,880,235 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Universal Corp/Va2,209 $116,665 
Univest Financial Corp5,080 132,752 
Urban Edge Properties135,179 1,904,678 
Urban Edge Properties58,102 818,655 
Vail Resorts Inc569 135,685 
Valley National Bancorp30,939 349,921 
Valvoline Inc16,923 552,542 
Vector Group Ltd10,565 125,305 
Ventas Inc42,165 1,899,540 
Ventyx Biosciences Inc979 32,093 
Veritex Holdings Inc6,002 168,543 
Viad Corp4,327 105,546 
Victoria'S Secret & Co5,374 192,284 
Viper Energy Partners Lp17,602 559,577 
Voya Financial Inc3,381 207,876 
Wabash National Corp9,874 223,158 
Walker & Dunlop Inc3,890 305,286 
Watsco Inc477 119,060 
Watts Water Technologies Inc1,506 220,231 
Webster Financial Corp40,799 1,931,443 
Welltower Inc43,351 2,841,646 
Wendy'S Co/The11,946 270,329 
Werner Enterprises Inc4,096 164,894 
Wesco International Inc10,087 1,262,891 
Wesco International Inc8,132 1,018,066 
West Pharmaceutical Services I646 152,075 
Western Alliance Bancorp1,281 76,317 
Weyerhaeuser Co72,268 2,240,308 
Willscot Mobile Mini Holdings4,913 221,905 
Wintrust Financial Corp5,034 425,432 
Workiva Inc820 68,851 
World Fuel Services Corp27,265 745,148 
World Fuel Services Corp21,869 597,674 
World Wrestling Entertainment2,795 191,540 
World Wrestling Entertainment24,668 1,690,264 
Xencor Inc2,845 74,092 
Xpo Inc3,668 122,117 
Yum China Holdings Inc19,058 1,041,519 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Yum China Holdings Inc13,990 $764,539 
Zebra Technologies Corp388 99,615 
Zentalis Pharmaceuticals Inc896 18,042 
Ziff Davis Inc1,106 87,451 
Total U.S. equities787,036,825 
Synthetic guaranteed investment contracts (GICs):
Voya Retirement Ins & Annuity Co 60266
1-3 Year Credit Bond Index Fund1,029,271 13,068,455 
Asset-Backed Securities Index Fund1,154,720 41,835,958 
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities Index Fund547,225 16,325,517 
GOV1-3A (#101089)545,994 66,022,003 
Intermediate Government Bond Index Fund— 
Intermediate Term Credit Bond Index Fund1,332,100 77,085,308 
Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) Index Fund941,950 46,925,927 
Total Voya Retirement Ins & Annuity Co 60266261,263,169 
Prudential GA-62194
Treasury Bond6.25 %8/15/20233,923,497 4,046,620 
Treasury Note2.13 %7/31/202410,063,322 9,769,933 
Treasury Note3.13 %11/15/20285,605,709 5,378,386 
Treasury Note2.63 %2/15/20296,015,031 5,632,472 
Treasury Note2.00 %8/15/20253,474,242 3,308,861 
Treasury Note2.13 %5/15/20253,599,035 3,431,825 
Treasury Note0.38 %4/30/20251,048,263 957,868 
Treasury Note0.38 %1/31/202634,942 31,170 
Treasury Note0.75 %3/31/202611,515,914 10,355,800 
Treasury Note0.75 %4/30/20268,211,391 7,359,101 
Treasury Note0.88 %6/30/20263,059,929 2,752,336 
Treasury Note1.25 %11/30/20263,429,316 3,083,723 
Treasury Note1.50 %11/30/20282,640,624 2,301,237 
Treasury Note1.25 %12/31/20263,024,987 2,731,100 
Treasury Note1.75 %3/15/2025289,520 275,153 
Treasury Note2.50 %4/30/2024329,454 321,496 
Treasury Note2.88 %5/15/20324,387,728 4,077,769 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Treasury Note2.50 %5/31/20241,831,964 $1,780,960 
Treasury Note2.75 %7/31/20273,064,920 2,939,044 
Treasury Note4.25 %9/30/20247,013,376 7,055,834 
Treasury Note4.13 %11/15/20322,820,326 2,903,295 
Treasury Note4.50 %11/30/2024913,486 917,706 
Treasury Note3.88 %11/30/20292,445,946 2,444,724 
Treasury Note3.88 %11/30/20273,983,398 3,982,653 
Treasury Note4.00 %12/15/20254,592,389 4,576,930 
Treasury Note3.88 %12/31/20291,447,601 1,443,755 
Treasury Note3.88 %12/31/2027898,511 895,327 
Fhlmc6.75 %3/15/2031399,338 479,095 
Fnma6.63 %11/15/2030299,504 352,739 
Fnma0.50 %6/17/2025444,264 404,466 
Fnma0.88 %8/5/203099,835 79,958 
Fnma1.63 %1/7/2025169,719 161,736 
Pefco3.55 %1/15/2024144,760 144,793 
Pefco1.40 %7/15/20281,008,329 861,639 
Tva1.50 %9/15/203164,892 51,570 
Fgold 30Yr Giant5.50 %1/1/203521,742 22,325 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.50 %6/1/203925,502 25,401 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.00 %11/1/203987,403 85,075 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.50 %12/1/203950,097 49,898 
Fgold 30Yr Giant5.50 %1/1/204027,228 28,193 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.00 %12/1/204067,315 65,407 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.00 %12/1/204075,475 73,336 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.00 %2/1/2041145,693 141,565 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.50 %4/1/2041215,057 214,163 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.00 %6/1/204291,274 83,083 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.50 %9/1/2042149,369 141,082 
Fgold 15Yr Giant3.00 %1/1/2032182,380 173,463 
Fgold 15Yr Giant2.00 %1/1/2032106,185 97,535 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.50 %7/1/2047172,127 159,980 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.00 %8/1/204787,707 84,113 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.50 %8/1/204793,095 91,724 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.50 %10/1/204788,173 81,950 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.50 %1/1/2048103,402 96,104 
Fgold 30Yr Giant5.50 %6/1/2038127,982 132,516 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.50 %10/1/2039110,335 109,897 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.50 %11/1/203921,487 $21,401 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.50 %5/1/2045239,435 222,908 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.00 %11/1/2045149,556 144,452 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.50 %12/1/2045372,882 347,144 
Fgold 30Yr Giant4.00 %12/1/2046119,668 114,841 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.00 %1/1/2047223,825 201,884 
Fgold 30Yr Giant3.00 %2/1/2047495,700 447,108 
Fgold 15Yr Giant2.50 %12/1/203175,320 70,481 
Fgold 20Yr3.00 %1/1/203783,977 77,733 
Fgold 20Yr3.50 %11/1/203768,509 65,374 
Fgold 20Yr3.00 %12/1/203760,038 55,530 
Fgold 15Yr4.00 %6/1/202630,682 30,209 
Fgold 15Yr4.00 %7/1/202624,216 23,782 
Fgold 30Yr3.00 %12/1/2042187,088 170,298 
Fgold 30Yr3.00 %10/1/2042107,675 98,012 
Fgold 30Yr3.00 %1/1/2043331,591 301,832 
Fgold 30Yr4.00 %11/1/204059,203 57,525 
Fgold 30Yr4.00 %12/1/2040190,829 185,499 
Fgold 15Yr2.50 %8/1/202855,924 53,449 
Fgold 15Yr3.00 %8/1/202990,864 87,924 
Fgold 15Yr2.50 %4/1/2031109,096 102,087 
Fgold 15Yr2.50 %7/1/203181,720 76,470 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Mirror2.50 %10/1/204657,690 50,145 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Mirror4.00 %7/1/204816,627 15,917 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Mirror4.50 %12/1/2048117,988 116,081 
Fhlmc 15Yr Umbs Super4.00 %11/1/2037595,103 582,160 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super3.00 %2/1/20501,018,257 907,726 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.00 %9/1/2050403,662 331,979 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.00 %2/1/2051980,009 804,458 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super1.50 %11/1/2050392,428 303,675 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.00 %12/1/20501,600,364 1,314,680 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.00 %3/1/2051441,851 362,304 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.00 %4/1/2051425,896 349,089 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.50 %4/1/20511,648,488 1,409,949 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.00 %5/1/2051471,633 386,431 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super2.50 %9/1/2051478,822 408,328 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super3.00 %6/1/2052481,702 424,411 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super3.50 %8/1/2052497,372 453,826 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super5.00 %9/1/2052993,000 $983,363 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super5.50 %1/1/2053499,123 502,927 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs Super5.50 %11/1/2052572,326 576,688 
Fgold 30Yr5.00 %8/1/2041152,638 155,333 
Fgold 30Yr5.00 %7/1/204127,291 27,773 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr2.50 %1/1/2043148,615 130,956 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr3.00 %2/1/2043272,929 249,394 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr3.50 %9/1/2043214,240 201,372 
Fhlmc Gold 15Yr Cash Issuance3.00 %6/1/2029147,917 143,131 
Fhlmc Gold 15Yr Cash Issuance3.00 %6/1/2029223,903 216,659 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr3.50 %12/1/204686,429 80,958 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr4.50 %7/1/204748,532 47,817 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr4.00 %1/1/2048155,563 149,190 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs3.00 %1/1/2050207,018 184,547 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs2.50 %10/1/20512,164,160 1,856,461 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs2.50 %4/1/205293,875 79,807 
Fhlmc 30Yr Umbs2.50 %9/1/2051489,495 415,943 
Fhlmc 20Yr Umbs2.00 %6/1/2040371,156 314,064 
Fnma 30Yr5.50 %5/1/203730,538 31,580 
Fnma 30Yr5.50 %6/1/203341,625 42,651 
Fnma 30Yr5.50 %10/1/203352,626 53,923 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %12/1/2040102,591 99,589 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %1/1/2041125,631 121,956 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %2/1/2041290,310 288,820 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %2/1/204156,049 54,244 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %1/1/2042153,683 148,733 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %10/1/204322,353 20,322 
Fnma 30Yr5.00 %12/1/203497,772 98,688 
Fnma 15Yr3.00 %5/1/2027116,174 112,356 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %5/1/203935,153 34,979 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %8/1/2042257,087 242,590 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %5/1/2042424,488 398,810 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %12/1/2042138,254 126,755 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %1/1/2043276,686 252,566 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %2/1/2043325,414 295,848 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %7/1/2043144,277 131,168 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %3/1/2043229,357 216,129 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %10/1/204369,374 63,070 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fnma 15Yr3.00 %8/1/202898,961 $95,694 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %9/1/204496,522 93,221 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %7/1/204579,965 77,161 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %5/1/2045258,276 242,280 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %6/1/2045327,952 305,018 
Fnma 15Yr3.00 %12/1/203076,487 72,704 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %12/1/2045128,246 123,748 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %4/1/2046134,875 125,256 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %7/1/204631,262 29,973 
Fnma 15Yr2.00 %8/1/2031121,662 111,630 
Fnma 30Yr2.50 %9/1/2046171,671 149,214 
Fnma 20Yr3.00 %11/1/2036215,585 199,344 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %11/1/2046195,667 176,311 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %12/1/204656,745 51,131 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %12/1/2046241,623 224,390 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %1/1/2047613,834 553,110 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %2/1/2047250,818 240,477 
Fnma 15Yr2.50 %7/1/202863,701 60,825 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %9/1/204353,734 48,852 
Fnma 15Yr2.50 %8/1/202871,865 68,620 
Fnma 15Yr2.50 %8/1/20286,372 6,084 
Fnma 15Yr3.00 %11/1/202856,545 54,678 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %10/1/204346,316 44,757 
Fnma 15Yr2.50 %2/1/202942,702 40,214 
Fnma 15Yr2.50 %7/1/203047,806 44,899 
Fnma 30Yr5.50 %4/1/203445,761 46,889 
Fnma 30Yr5.00 %4/1/2034209,360 211,126 
Fnma 30Yr5.50 %9/1/203444,123 45,258 
Fnma 30Yr5.00 %7/1/203562,561 63,147 
Fnma 30Yr5.50 %2/1/203577,237 79,141 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %10/1/2046301,380 271,565 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %9/1/2047178,852 167,596 
Fnma 15Yr3.50 %12/1/203037,156 36,252 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %1/1/2048101,780 97,517 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %11/1/204867,359 66,271 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.00 %2/1/2050280,179 249,912 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.00 %6/1/2050301,634 268,816 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.50 %8/1/20501,398,171 1,198,785 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %12/1/2050319,987 $264,561 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.50 %3/1/2052139,903 118,843 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %8/1/204866,745 61,934 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.00 %4/1/2052463,070 408,671 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.00 %3/1/2052480,856 423,851 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs Super3.50 %11/1/2048318,929 296,139 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs Super2.50 %4/1/2051714,392 616,767 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs Super3.00 %7/1/2050384,934 343,524 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs Super3.00 %3/1/2052919,587 819,234 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs Super3.00 %4/1/2052971,666 864,761 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs Super2.50 %5/1/2052477,785 408,406 
Fnma 30Yr6.50 %12/1/203728,960 31,158 
Fnma 30Yr6.00 %5/1/2038123,769 130,370 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %9/1/204064,198 62,320 
Fnma 30Yr5.50 %3/1/203849,162 50,850 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %3/1/203921,215 20,629 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %2/1/2041281,277 279,834 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %3/1/204191,717 91,218 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %5/1/2042237,928 224,980 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %9/1/204288,620 83,259 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %6/1/2042860,387 808,341 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %10/1/2042119,421 108,591 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %11/1/2042300,850 282,651 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %12/1/2042246,165 223,841 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %1/1/204370,044 63,798 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %1/1/2043196,990 179,424 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %1/1/2043209,604 190,595 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %3/1/2043331,947 304,341 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %9/1/203934,245 34,076 
Fnma 20Yr4.50 %6/1/203163,942 63,448 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %1/1/2046105,397 98,026 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %12/1/204842,189 41,507 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %11/1/2046184,357 166,119 
Fnma 30Yr3.00 %1/1/2047234,170 211,004 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %8/1/2047125,024 116,090 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %10/1/2047388,435 372,166 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %11/1/2047312,995 290,629 
Fnma 30Yr4.50 %3/1/204859,561 58,626 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %2/1/204887,497 $83,833 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %4/1/2048179,492 171,826 
Fnma 15Yr3.50 %3/1/203353,329 51,728 
Fnma 15Yr3.50 %5/1/2033127,088 123,273 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %8/1/2051501,585 410,516 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %10/1/2051989,295 809,062 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.50 %11/1/20511,928,799 1,642,884 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.00 %11/1/2051467,715 413,626 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.50 %12/1/2051484,651 412,564 
Fnma 20Yr Umbs2.00 %8/1/2040420,307 355,500 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs1.50 %9/1/2050874,254 676,503 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %9/1/2050841,428 692,006 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.50 %9/1/20501,230,743 1,055,233 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs1.50 %10/1/205074,855 57,923 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %10/1/2050776,680 638,515 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.50 %10/1/20502,047,435 1,754,826 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %11/1/20502,060,754 1,693,523 
Fnma 20Yr Umbs2.00 %1/1/20411,207,036 1,020,050 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs1.50 %1/1/2051892,999 691,008 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %1/1/2051403,627 331,449 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs1.50 %12/1/20502,226,240 1,722,677 
Fnma 20Yr Umbs2.00 %2/1/2041454,779 384,257 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %2/1/20511,753,161 1,439,112 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %3/1/2051881,675 722,966 
Fnma 15Yr Umbs2.00 %5/1/2036789,256 706,179 
Fnma 20Yr Umbs2.00 %5/1/20412,696,557 2,279,521 
Fnma 20Yr Umbs2.50 %5/1/2041845,223 737,899 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.50 %4/1/20511,904,422 1,628,847 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs2.00 %5/1/20511,457,466 1,194,204 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.50 %5/1/2052496,923 453,027 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs4.00 %4/1/2052941,422 886,259 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.50 %7/1/2052989,711 902,362 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs4.50 %6/1/20521,408,329 1,362,287 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs5.00 %7/1/2052484,020 479,322 
Fnma 15Yr Umbs4.00 %7/1/2037373,210 365,080 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs3.50 %9/1/2052494,174 450,829 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs5.50 %11/1/2052499,185 502,989 
Fnma 30Yr Umbs5.50 %1/1/2053249,586 251,494 
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %7/1/204032,439 31,543 
Fnma 30Yr3.50 %6/1/203964,385 60,471 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fnma 30Yr4.00 %10/1/204024,912 $24,183 
Gnma 30Yr3.50 %1/15/2042132,903 125,165 
Gnma 30Yr3.00 %11/15/2042201,325 182,930 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %4/20/204239,958 39,089 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %8/20/204276,474 69,748 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %8/20/2042227,365 214,841 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %9/20/2042158,135 144,226 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %9/20/2042185,564 175,342 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %10/20/2042184,438 174,278 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %12/20/204281,046 73,918 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %1/20/2043112,194 102,326 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %5/20/2043235,394 222,409 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %6/20/2044120,718 120,869 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %10/20/2044188,926 178,324 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %10/20/2044143,443 139,072 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %12/20/204444,294 40,323 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %4/20/2046125,795 118,391 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %4/20/2045215,951 203,599 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %6/20/204587,849 82,824 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %8/20/2045111,209 101,074 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %9/20/2045105,168 95,583 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %12/20/2045231,340 224,047 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %5/20/2046147,612 134,151 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %5/20/2046112,931 109,371 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %7/20/2046335,740 305,123 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %7/20/204696,236 90,572 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %8/20/2046110,088 103,609 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %9/20/2046114,673 107,925 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %10/20/2046284,058 258,155 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %10/20/204644,285 42,881 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %11/20/204636,183 34,053 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %11/20/204652,856 51,180 
Gnma2 30Yr2.50 %12/20/204674,826 66,011 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %12/20/2046396,092 372,781 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %3/20/2047109,506 106,032 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %8/20/204865,783 61,546 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %7/20/2047144,490 135,373 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %8/20/2047139,708 134,782 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %8/20/204799,746 93,452 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %9/20/2047164,110 158,323 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %11/20/2047269,640 252,626 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %12/20/204768,841 66,413 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %1/20/2048129,474 $117,653 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %1/20/2048100,854 97,297 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %1/20/204867,072 66,116 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %2/20/204862,493 61,602 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %10/20/204946,366 41,896 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %12/20/2048146,919 137,457 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %7/20/2049148,950 134,799 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %9/20/2049165,486 149,581 
Gnma 30Yr3.00 %12/20/2049199,942 180,559 
Gnma2 30Yr3.50 %12/20/2049104,667 97,669 
Gnma2 30Yr2.00 %3/20/2051389,746 328,738 
Gnma2 30Yr2.50 %3/20/20512,181,348 1,903,588 
Gnma2 30Yr2.50 %5/20/20511,119,429 976,194 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %6/20/2051309,864 278,052 
Gnma2 30Yr2.00 %7/20/2051445,255 375,007 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %7/20/20511,049,869 941,791 
Gnma2 30Yr2.50 %8/20/2051499,038 434,132 
Gnma2 30Yr3.00 %8/20/2051560,532 502,673 
Gnma2 30Yr2.00 %9/20/20511,095,251 921,774 
Gnma2 30Yr2.00 %12/20/2051934,475 785,595 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %8/20/2052506,609 493,113 
Gnma2 30Yr5.00 %8/20/2052997,461 992,205 
Gnma 30Yr3.50 %5/15/204374,700 70,262 
Gnma 30Yr3.00 %3/15/204387,638 79,629 
Gnma2 15Yr3.00 %3/20/202726,058 25,021 
Gnma2 30Yr5.00 %8/20/203925,216 25,792 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %5/20/204097,460 97,795 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %7/20/204061,416 61,627 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %9/20/204072,810 71,310 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %10/20/2040115,246 112,872 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %10/20/204071,613 71,859 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %12/20/2040103,520 103,875 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %2/20/204125,879 25,346 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %1/20/204147,030 46,061 
Gnma2 30Yr4.00 %3/20/204175,488 73,884 
Gnma2 30Yr5.00 %4/20/204190,914 93,011 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %8/20/204190,401 90,688 
Gnma2 30Yr4.50 %7/20/204129,462 29,556 
Gnma 30Yr4.50 %11/15/203940,284 40,261 
Gnma 30Yr4.50 %4/15/204095,606 95,554 
Gnma 30Yr5.00 %5/15/203535,915 36,606 
Gnma 30Yr Platinum5.00 %7/15/203947,583 48,777 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Gnma 30Yr5.50 %4/15/203814,364 $14,792 
Gnma 30Yr5.50 %6/15/203876,180 79,009 
Umbs 30Yr Tba(Reg A)3.50 %1/12/2023998,345 907,317 
Umbs 30Yr Tba(Reg A)4.00 %1/12/2023499,173 468,523 
Gnma2 30Yr Tba(Reg C)3.00 %1/23/2023499,173 444,484 
Gnma2 30Yr Tba(Reg C)5.50 %2/21/2023249,586 251,272 
Bbcms_20-C81.62 %10/15/2053848,594 725,251 
Bank_21-Bn372.37 %11/15/2064599,007 486,754 
Bank_19-Bn222.73 %11/15/2062474,214 409,938 
Bank_21-Bn311.77 %2/15/2054998,345 789,046 
Bbcms_19-C42.66 %8/15/2052599,007 524,668 
Bmark_20-B172.04 %3/15/20531,198,014 987,640 
Bmark_20-B181.67 %7/15/2053698,842 560,298 
Bmark_21-B312.67 %12/15/2054499,173 415,267 
Comm_15-Pc13.62 %7/10/2050211,916 205,261 
Comm_15-Cr253.51 %8/10/2048502,376 479,508 
Comm_16-Dc23.50 %2/10/2049525,935 500,286 
Comm_16-Dc23.77 %2/10/2049698,842 665,883 
Csail_15-C33.45 %8/15/2048449,715 429,728 
Csail_16-C53.76 %11/15/2048369,388 352,960 
Csail_16-C73.21 %11/15/2049481,932 450,784 
Dbjpm_17-C63.27 %6/10/2050149,393 144,536 
Cgcmt_15-Gc333.52 %9/10/2058204,654 195,429 
Jpmbb_15-C303.55 %7/15/2048544,892 521,928 
Jpmcc_19-Cor43.76 %3/10/2052798,676 745,785 
Msbam_15-C233.45 %7/15/2050971,127 927,277 
Msbam_15-C243.73 %5/15/2048998,345 953,068 
Msbam_15-C253.37 %10/15/2048698,842 664,026 
Ubscm_18-C83.72 %2/15/2051826,228 769,224 
Ubscm_19-C172.67 %10/15/2052249,586 213,537 
Ubscm_18-C134.07 %10/15/2051798,676 762,998 
Wfcm_16-C373.79 %12/15/2049603,999 571,860 
American Intl Grp Inc3.90 %4/1/2026170,717 167,148 
Anthem Inc3.65 %12/1/202794,843 89,857 
Anthem Inc4.10 %3/1/2028119,801 116,686 
Anthem Inc2.25 %5/15/2030194,677 162,356 
Arch Cap Fin Llc4.01 %12/15/202624,959 23,931 
Banco Santander Sa3.80 %2/23/2028399,338 368,502 
Banco Santander Sa3.49 %5/28/2030399,338 338,676 
Bank Of Amer Corp4.00 %1/22/2025179,702 179,198 
Bank Of Amer Corp3.95 %4/21/2025409,322 402,170 
Bank Of Amer Corp3.97 %3/5/20291,133,122 1,062,508 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Bank Of Amer Corp3.97 %2/7/2030249,586 $231,260 
Bank Of Amer Corp2.50 %2/13/2031923,469 761,267 
Bank Of Amer Corp2.69 %4/22/203224,959 20,170 
*Bank Of NY Mellon Corp1.60 %4/24/202589,851 83,819 
Barclays Plc4.97 %5/16/2029109,818 104,415 
Barclays Plc3.93 %5/7/2025499,173 486,812 
Barclays Plc2.28 %11/24/2027374,380 325,666 
Broadstone Net Lease Inc2.60 %9/15/2031194,677 147,979 
Cna Finl Corp3.95 %5/15/2024204,661 202,237 
Corebridge Finl Inc3.90 %4/5/2032304,495 270,463 
Credit Suisse Grp Fdg Guernsey Ltd4.55 %4/17/2026524,131 470,888 
Cubesmart Lp2.25 %12/15/202884,859 70,243 
Fairfax Fin Hldgs Ltd5.63 %8/16/203264,892 62,544 
Goldman Sachs Grp Inc4.22 %5/1/2029474,214 445,934 
Goldman Sachs Grp Inc1.99 %1/27/2032514,148 397,671 
Goldman Sachs Grp Inc1.43 %3/9/2027164,727 144,988 
Goldman Sachs Grp Inc2.62 %4/22/2032154,744 124,478 
Goldman Sachs Grp Inc1.54 %9/10/2027469,222 408,078 
Hsbc Hldgs Plc4.58 %6/19/2029364,396 336,377 
Hsbc Holdings Plc1.65 %4/18/202699,835 90,541 
Hcp Inc3.00 %1/15/2030119,801 104,645 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co3.88 %9/10/2024194,677 192,889 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co3.51 %1/23/20291,477,551 1,366,427 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co4.45 %12/5/2029249,586 236,037 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co2.74 %10/15/2030409,322 346,825 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co2.58 %4/22/2032584,032 471,314 
Kimco Realty Corp1.90 %3/1/2028299,504 253,521 
Lincoln Natl Corp3.05 %1/15/203044,926 37,861 
Lloyds Bkg Grp Plc4.38 %3/22/2028199,669 191,704 
Markel Corp3.35 %9/17/2029209,653 184,390 
Marsh & Mclennan Cos Inc3.50 %6/3/2024124,793 122,604 
Mitsubishi Ufj Fin Grp Inc1.54 %7/20/2027349,421 306,222 
Morgan Stanley4.43 %1/23/2030459,239 438,704 
Morgan Stanley2.70 %1/22/2031778,709 655,603 
Morgan Stanley1.93 %4/28/2032559,073 425,447 
Morgan Stanley3.77 %1/24/2029269,553 251,687 
Morgan Stanley3.88 %1/27/2026404,330 398,185 
Morgan Stanley2.51 %10/20/203244,926 35,454 
Morgan Stanley1.59 %5/4/202794,843 83,591 
Nomura Hldgs Inc2.61 %7/14/2031199,669 156,692 
Pnc Finl Svcs Grp Inc3.90 %4/29/202454,909 54,650 
Realty Income Corp3.10 %12/15/2029174,710 152,879 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Royal Bk Of Canada1.15 %6/10/2025424,297 $389,354 
Simon Property Grp Lp3.75 %2/1/2024394,346 394,871 
Simon Property Grp Lp3.50 %9/1/202579,868 77,571 
Simon Property Grp Lp2.65 %2/1/2032104,826 85,736 
Unitedhealth Grp Inc3.75 %7/15/2025289,520 288,579 
Unum Grp4.00 %6/15/2029474,214 429,898 
Ventas Realty Lp3.85 %4/1/2027124,793 119,093 
Wells Fargo & Co3.00 %10/23/2026284,528 265,079 
Wells Fargo & Co2.57 %2/11/2031449,255 377,182 
Wells Fargo & Co4.81 %7/25/2028354,413 353,536 
At&T Inc2.30 %6/1/2027254,578 227,619 
At&T Inc2.55 %12/1/2033250,585 194,091 
Abbvie Inc3.20 %11/21/2029853,585 774,899 
Altria Grp Inc4.00 %1/31/2024239,603 241,242 
Anheuser Busch Inbev Worldwide Inc4.75 %1/23/2029369,388 373,672 
Apple Inc3.25 %2/23/2026129,785 126,328 
Automatic Data Processing Inc1.70 %5/15/202894,843 82,717 
Autonation Inc1.95 %8/1/202869,884 56,574 
Autozone Inc3.75 %4/18/202949,917 46,717 
Bat Cap Corp3.56 %8/15/202759,901 55,395 
Bat Cap Corp4.70 %4/2/202754,909 53,439 
Bat Intl Fin Plc4.45 %3/16/2028279,537 262,665 
Becton Dickinson & Co3.73 %12/15/2024159,735 156,028 
Berry Global Inc1.57 %1/15/202659,901 53,919 
Boeing Co2.25 %6/15/2026104,826 94,843 
Boeing Co3.10 %5/1/202629,950 28,361 
Boeing Co2.70 %2/1/2027424,297 388,398 
Boeing Co2.20 %2/4/2026249,586 229,091 
Broadcom Inc4.11 %9/15/2028525,130 497,027 
Broadcom Inc3.15 %11/15/202558,902 56,122 
Broadcom Inc3.42 %4/15/2033190,684 155,315 
Broadcom Inc4.00 %4/15/2029234,611 215,938 
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Llc3.40 %9/1/2024154,744 153,097 
Cigna Corp4.50 %2/25/2026464,231 465,316 
Cigna Corp2.40 %3/15/2030199,669 169,107 
Cvs Hlth Corp4.30 %3/25/2028156,740 153,666 
Carlisle Cos Inc2.20 %3/1/2032289,520 222,366 
Cenovus Energy Inc2.65 %1/15/203299,835 81,081 
Charter Comms Operating Llc Cap5.05 %3/30/2029314,479 300,024 
Charter Comms Operating Llc Cap2.80 %4/1/2031374,380 293,967 
Cintas Corp No 23.70 %4/1/2027124,793 121,604 
Comcast Corp3.70 %4/15/2024109,818 109,037 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Comcast Corp4.15 %10/15/202869,884 $67,794 
Constellation Brands Inc3.70 %12/6/202679,868 76,297 
Constellation Brands Inc4.40 %11/15/202559,901 59,262 
Constellation Brands Inc2.25 %8/1/2031144,760 116,697 
Continental Airlines Inc4.15 %4/11/202418,604 18,097 
Continental Airlines Inc4.00 %10/29/202457,866 55,445 
Dcp Midstream Operating Lp5.13 %5/15/202999,835 97,203 
Diamondback Energy Inc3.50 %12/1/20294,992 4,405 
Diamondback Energy Inc3.13 %3/24/2031189,686 159,294 
Discovery Comm Llc3.95 %3/20/2028718,809 647,692 
Dowdupont Inc4.49 %11/15/2025174,710 173,019 
Eog Resources Inc3.15 %4/1/202534,942 34,015 
Eastman Chemical Co3.80 %3/15/202564,892 63,664 
Energy Transfer Lp4.75 %1/15/2026331,451 331,054 
Enterprise Products Operating Llc3.13 %7/31/2029199,669 178,848 
Equifax Inc2.60 %12/1/2024269,553 257,857 
Equifax Inc2.35 %9/15/2031274,545 215,454 
Expedia Grp Inc4.63 %8/1/2027249,586 244,885 
Fmc Corp3.45 %10/1/2029299,504 267,167 
Fiserv Inc3.85 %6/1/2025154,744 150,781 
Fiserv Inc2.75 %7/1/202419,967 19,544 
Freeport Mcmoran Inc4.38 %8/1/2028149,752 143,149 
Glp Cap Lp Glp Fin Ii Inc5.38 %4/15/2026174,710 174,256 
General Motors Fin Co Inc4.00 %1/15/2025254,578 251,673 
General Motors Fin Co Inc3.60 %6/21/2030773,718 654,422 
Halliburton Co3.80 %11/15/202535,940 35,169 
Helmerich & Payne Inc2.90 %9/29/2031149,752 122,773 
Intuit Inc1.35 %7/15/202729,950 26,148 
Kinross Gold Corp4.50 %7/15/202749,917 48,378 
Lyb Intl Fin Iii Llc2.25 %10/1/203059,901 48,131 
Laboratory Corp Of Amer3.60 %2/1/2025239,603 235,733 
Mplx Lp4.50 %7/15/2023199,669 202,994 
Mplx Lp4.13 %3/1/202794,843 91,094 
Mplx Lp4.00 %3/15/202884,859 80,171 
Mplx Lp4.25 %12/1/2027184,694 175,394 
Mplx Lp2.65 %8/15/2030174,710 144,018 
Magallanes Inc4.28 %3/15/2032324,462 272,546 
Magellan Midstream Partners Lp3.25 %6/1/2030119,801 104,995 
Marriott Intl Inc3.13 %6/15/2026149,752 140,346 
Martin Marietta Materials Inc2.50 %3/15/203059,901 50,012 
Martin Marietta Materials Inc2.40 %7/15/203174,876 60,908 
Mcdonalds Corp3.70 %1/30/2026174,710 172,897 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Mylan Inc4.55 %4/15/2028638,941 $598,990 
Newmont Goldcorp Corp2.80 %10/1/2029234,611 202,417 
Newmont Corp2.25 %10/1/203044,926 36,499 
Newmont Corp2.60 %7/15/203299,835 81,059 
Nucor Corp4.30 %5/23/2027129,785 127,096 
O Reilly Automotive Inc1.75 %3/15/203149,917 39,024 
Oreilly Automotive Inc4.70 %6/15/2032109,818 107,002 
Oneok Inc3.40 %9/1/202989,851 78,852 
Oneok Inc3.10 %3/15/2030594,016 505,147 
Owens Corning Inc4.20 %12/1/2024299,504 296,132 
Owens Corning Inc3.95 %8/15/202974,876 69,154 
Phillips 662.15 %12/15/2030149,752 120,176 
Pioneer Natural Resources Co1.13 %1/15/2026449,255 403,169 
Plains All Amern Pipeline Lp3.55 %12/15/202979,868 69,720 
Southwest Airlines Co5.13 %6/15/2027119,801 118,898 
Steel Dynamics Inc3.45 %4/15/2030299,504 266,431 
Stryker Corp3.38 %5/15/202479,868 78,333 
Stryker Corp3.38 %11/1/202569,884 67,898 
Energy Transfer Lp3.90 %7/15/2026449,255 433,188 
T Mobile Usa Inc3.88 %4/15/2030169,719 155,597 
T Mobile Usa Inc2.05 %2/15/2028648,925 564,276 
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd2.05 %3/31/2030239,603 197,264 
Teledyne Tech Inc2.25 %4/1/2028244,595 212,990 
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co3.25 %5/15/2030419,305 366,678 
Tyson Foods Inc4.00 %3/1/2026254,578 250,045 
Raytheon Tech Corp4.13 %11/16/202889,851 86,707 
Verizon Comms Inc4.33 %9/21/2028274,545 268,159 
Verizon Comms Inc4.02 %12/3/2029412,317 388,300 
Viatris Inc2.70 %6/22/2030209,653 165,003 
Vulcan Materials Co3.50 %6/1/2030174,710 155,040 
Wabtec Corp3.45 %11/15/2026199,669 187,088 
Weyerhaeuser Co4.00 %4/15/2030184,694 170,570 
Williams Cos Inc3.75 %6/15/2027149,752 141,624 
Williams Cos Inc4.30 %3/4/2024194,677 194,898 
Workday Inc3.50 %4/1/202744,926 42,469 
Workday Inc3.70 %4/1/2029119,801 111,034 
Aep Texas Inc2.10 %7/1/2030559,073 459,576 
Ameren Illinois Co3.80 %5/15/2028269,553 258,356 
Atlantic City Elec Co2.30 %3/15/203184,859 69,767 
Avangrid Inc3.20 %4/15/2025374,380 360,686 
Centerpoint Energy Inc2.95 %3/1/2030149,752 130,573 
Cleveland Elec Illuminating Co5.50 %8/15/2024149,752 153,596 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Commonwealth Edison Co3.70 %8/15/2028159,735 $152,845 
Dte Energy Co1.50 %10/1/2024144,760 139,160 
Dte Elec Co2.25 %3/1/2030134,777 114,991 
Duke Energy Carolinas Llc3.95 %11/15/2028239,603 231,725 
Duke Energy Fl Llc1.75 %6/15/2030149,752 119,845 
Emera Us Fin Lp3.55 %6/15/2026274,545 257,670 
Entergy Louisiana Llc2.40 %10/1/202699,835 91,531 
Evergy Inc2.90 %9/15/2029299,504 262,103 
Eversource Energy1.65 %8/15/203054,909 43,179 
Fortis Inc3.06 %10/4/202640,932 38,369 
Nextera Energy Cap Hldgs Inc2.75 %11/1/2029174,710 152,302 
Oncor Elec Delivery Co Llc2.95 %4/1/2025119,801 115,926 
Pacific Gas & Elec Co4.55 %7/1/2030199,669 185,912 
Pacificorp2.70 %9/15/203069,884 60,705 
Puget Energy Inc3.65 %5/15/202584,859 81,451 
Puget Energy Inc4.10 %6/15/2030164,727 148,059 
Puget Energy Inc2.38 %6/15/202824,959 21,339 
Sempra Energy3.40 %2/1/2028144,760 136,533 
Sempra Energy3.30 %4/1/2025184,694 178,922 
Tampa Elec Co2.40 %3/15/2031129,785 106,386 
Tucson Elec Pwr Co3.25 %5/15/203284,859 72,834 
Xcel Energy Inc4.00 %6/15/2028149,752 143,963 
Hydro Quebec8.05 %7/7/202469,884 75,771 
Italy Rep Of2.38 %10/17/2024399,338 377,903 
Quebec Province Of7.13 %2/9/2024124,793 131,168 
Advocate Hlth Corp2.21 %6/15/2030369,388 305,406 
Ascension Hlth2.53 %11/15/2029119,801 103,280 
Johns Hopkins Univ4.71 %7/1/2032124,793 124,528 
Peacehealth Obligated Grp1.38 %11/15/202524,959 22,357 
Stanford Univ1.29 %6/1/2027399,338 346,559 
Sutter Health3.70 %8/15/2028289,520 270,282 
University Ca3.06 %7/1/2025474,214 460,145 
University Ca3.35 %7/1/2029324,462 299,882 
University Ca1.61 %5/15/2030174,710 138,134 
Yale Univ1.48 %4/15/2030354,413 285,131 
Suzano Austria Gmbh6.00 %1/15/2029199,669 205,162 
Vale Overseas Ltd6.25 %8/10/202689,851 95,501 
Indonesia Rep Of3.50 %1/11/2028449,255 434,750 
Indonesia Rep Of4.15 %9/20/2027269,553 268,609 
Panama Rep Of7.13 %1/29/2026299,504 325,247 
Peru Rep Of2.78 %1/23/203138,935 32,902 
Uruguay Oriental Rep Of4.38 %10/27/2027529,123 539,283 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Mexico United Mexican States4.50 %4/22/2029269,553 $260,216 
Total Prudential GA-62194246,244,504 
American General Life Contract No. 725840
Cash Collateral Fut Rdr Usd4.23 %12/31/2060207,157 207,157 
Vm Cash Fut Dom Rdr Usd4.23 %12/31/2060125,411 125,411 
Atmos Energy Corp Sr Unsec0.63 %3/9/2023648,925 644,199 
Entergy Louisiana Llc 1St Mtge Sec0.62 %11/17/2023301,500 290,364 
Slclt 2007-1 A4 3Mlib+6Bp4.67 %5/15/2029241,192 233,224 
Slma 2005-7 A4 3Mlib+15Bp4.51 %10/25/2029162,878 161,822 
Fh Arm 1Q1534 H15T1Y+222.9 10.2623.22 %6/1/2037103,346 104,199 
Fn Arm 793029 Us0006M+158.2 10.8694.32 %7/1/203468,327 69,404 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #2550755.50 %2/1/202415,724 15,793 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #3101645.50 %1/1/20261,364 1,370 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #Al69385.50 %4/1/20305,770 5,795 
Met Trn Auth-A2-Babs5.36 %11/15/2023299,504 300,941 
*Collective U.S. Gov't Stif 15 Bps4.20 %12/1/2030259,060 259,060 
Fed Home Ln Bk Bd (2.963Mmm)3.38 %12/8/2023848,594 836,513 
U S Treasury Note0.13 %7/31/202324,958,635 24,302,204 
U S Treasury Note0.13 %5/31/20234,891,892 4,804,660 
U S Treasury Repo4.26 %1/4/20239,783,785 9,783,785 
U S Treasury Repo4.35 %1/3/20239,783,785 9,783,785 
7-Eleven Inc Sr Unsec 144A Smr0.80 %2/10/2024449,255 427,654 
Advent Health System2.95 %3/1/2029299,504 257,668 
American Express Co Sofr Sr Unsec Sofr4.74 %5/3/2024998,345 997,462 
American Homes 4 Rent Sr Unsec4.25 %2/15/2028249,586 231,604 
Andrew W Mellon Foundati Unsec0.95 %8/1/2027599,007 512,255 
Arrow Electronics Inc Sr Unsec3.25 %9/8/2024499,173 480,188 
Avangrid Inc Sr Unsec3.80 %6/1/2029399,338 364,632 
Bank Of America Corp Sr Unsec Sofr2.59 %4/29/20311,247,932 1,022,095 
Bank Of America Corp Sr Unsec Sofr1.66 %3/11/20271,198,014 1,061,650 
Dell Int Llc / Emc Corp4.90 %10/1/2026249,586 246,364 
Dell Int Llc / Emc Corp6.02 %6/15/2026249,586 255,480 
Emory University Unsec2.14 %9/1/2030648,925 540,183 
Equitable Financial Life Sec 144A1.80 %3/8/2028349,421 292,349 
Florida Power & Light 1St Mtg2.45 %2/3/2032299,504 251,128 
Ga Global Funding Trust 144A1.00 %4/8/2024698,842 655,224 
Ga Global Funding Trust Sec 144A1.95 %9/15/2028349,421 290,942 
Ga Global Funding Trust Sec 144A2.25 %1/6/2027249,586 220,342 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Goldman Sachs Group Inc Sr Unsec3.85 %1/26/20271,996,691 $1,903,424 
Hormel Foods Corp Sr Unsec Smr0.65 %6/3/2024499,173 470,516 
Hyundai Capital America Sr Unsec 144A0.80 %4/3/2023499,173 493,401 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co Sr Unsec4.01 %4/23/20291,497,518 1,385,800 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co Sr Unsec Sofr1.58 %4/22/2027648,925 571,886 
Kinder Morgan Ener Part Sr Unsec4.25 %9/1/2024848,594 835,208 
Lloyds Banking Group Plc Sr Unsec3.75 %3/18/2028149,752 138,251 
Morgan Stanley Sr Unsec3.59 %7/22/2028499,173 460,515 
Morgan Stanley Sr Unsec3.63 %1/20/20271,297,849 1,227,296 
Nvr Inc Sr Unsec3.00 %5/15/2030399,338 337,118 
Pacific Gas & Electric3.00 %6/15/2028299,504 259,971 
Pacific Gas & Electric Sr Sec4.25 %8/1/2023249,586 248,352 
Pacific Gas & Electric Sr Sec3.85 %11/15/2023399,338 393,747 
Pinnacle West Capital Sr Unsec1.30 %6/15/2025399,338 364,207 
Rga Global Funding Sec 144A2.00 %11/30/2026499,173 442,980 
Sba Tower Trust Nt Sec 144A 2A C3.87 %10/8/2049549,090 525,313 
Seattle Children Hosp Unsec1.21 %10/1/2027449,255 365,759 
Southern Cal Edison 1St Mtge Sofr4.24 %4/3/2023698,842 697,820 
Southern Calif Gas Co Sr Unsec2.95 %4/15/2027599,007 554,020 
Stanford University Unsec1.29 %6/1/2027349,421 304,350 
Sutter Health Unsec3.70 %8/15/2028599,007 553,349 
Ubs Group Ag Sr Unsec 144A1.36 %1/30/2027998,345 876,330 
Verizon Communications Sr Unsec2.55 %3/21/2031499,173 412,435 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec3.20 %6/17/2027349,421 324,434 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec3.00 %4/22/2026623,966 584,500 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec3.58 %5/22/2028499,173 464,937 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec Tsfr3M2.88 %10/30/2030648,925 554,601 
Yale University Unsec0.87 %4/15/2025998,345 919,728 
Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc Sr Unsec Smr3.55 %4/1/2025549,090 531,004 
Barclays Plc Sr Unsec3.65 %3/16/2025499,173 480,284 
Barclays Plc Sr Unsec Sofr2.85 %5/7/2026648,925 604,012 
Bnp Paribas Sr Non-Prefer 144A Sofr3.05 %1/13/2031748,759 617,558 
Brookfield Finance Inc Sr Unsec4.35 %4/15/2030748,759 684,424 
Credit Suisse Group Ag Sr Unsec 144A3.87 %1/12/2029549,090 441,641 
Credit Suisse Group Ag Srunsec 144A Sofr6.44 %8/11/2028499,173 455,982 
Credit Suisse Group Ag Srunsec 144A Sofr4.19 %4/1/2031499,173 389,512 
Deutsche Bank Ny Sofr3.04 %5/28/2032698,842 533,127 
Hsbc Holdings Plc Sr Unsec4.58 %6/19/20291,896,856 1,753,029 
Ing Groep Nv Sr Unsec4.05 %4/9/2029748,759 692,866 
Lloyds Banking Group Plc Sr Unsec4.55 %8/16/2028698,842 660,018 
Lloyds Banking Group Plc Sr Unsec3.57 %11/7/2028249,586 225,537 
Mizuho Financial Group Sr Unsec 144A3.48 %4/12/2026748,759 703,982 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Nissan Motor Co Sr Unsec 144A4.35 %9/17/2027499,173 $453,898 
Nomura Holdings Inc Sr Unsec3.10 %1/16/2030399,338 334,040 
Olympus Corp Sr Unsec 144A2.14 %12/8/2026499,173 442,346 
Santander Uk Group Hldgs Sr Unsec3.37 %1/5/2024499,173 499,173 
Santander Uk Group Hldgs Sr Unsec Sofr2.47 %1/11/202899,835 85,502 
Santander Uk Group Hldgs Sr Unsec Sofr2.90 %3/15/2032698,842 543,305 
Smbc Aviation Capital Fi Sr Unsec 144A4.13 %7/15/2023499,173 494,004 
Standard Charter Sr Unsec 144A2.68 %6/29/2032599,007 453,136 
Sumitomo Mitsui Finl Grp Sr Unsec2.13 %7/8/2030499,173 396,931 
Ubs Group Ag Sr Unsec 144A4.70 %8/5/2027174,710 169,289 
Fed Home Ln Bk Bd (600Mm)1.05 %8/13/2026698,842 617,672 
Fed Home Ln Bk Glbl Bd (300Mm)1.00 %7/27/20261,148,097 1,014,992 
Fed Home Ln Bk Glbl Nt (2Mmm)4.50 %10/3/20242,695,533 2,694,157 
Fed Home Ln Mtge Glbl Nt (1.035Mmm)0.80 %10/28/20261,347,766 1,175,077 
Fed Home Ln Mtge Glbl Nt (850Mm)0.65 %10/27/20251,946,774 1,742,401 
Fin Fut Us 2Yr Cbt 03/31/236.00 %4/1/20238,585,770 8,803,768 
Fin Fut Us Ultra 10Yr Cbt 03/22/236.00 %3/23/2023(2,995,036)(3,542,566)
Fin Fut Us Ultra 30Yr Cbt 03/22/236.00 %3/23/2023(599,007)(804,542)
Carmx 2022-4 A35.34 %8/16/2027499,173 504,698 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr #Q3-73053.00 %11/1/2045546,763 492,346 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G0-86873.50 %1/1/2046614,739 573,220 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G0-86933.50 %3/1/204613,888 12,950 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G0-88233.50 %7/1/2048240,300 222,979 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G6-10403.50 %6/1/20472,205,592 2,054,298 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Al22223.00 %8/1/202733,327 32,123 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Fm17963.50 %10/1/2034417,153 401,921 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Fm18433.50 %11/1/2034351,698 338,456 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Fm38693.00 %6/1/203567,001 63,020 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #2566005.50 %2/1/2027196 197 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #2570475.50 %1/1/202810,433 10,479 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #8888435.50 %3/1/20278,322 8,358 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #Ad09125.50 %4/1/202936,928 37,088 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #Ae07875.50 %5/1/202812,048 12,100 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #3579085.50 %7/1/20355,531 5,742 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #7562025.50 %12/1/20334,844 5,005 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8023165.50 %11/1/20342,513 2,524 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8080405.50 %2/1/203581,072 83,986 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8176405.50 %11/1/203566,601 66,920 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8313565.50 %3/1/203635,361 36,662 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8492995.50 %1/1/203675,963 78,782 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8654335.50 %2/1/20363,494 3,563 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8895615.50 %6/1/203849,737 51,660 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #9407655.50 %6/1/203727,978 $28,789 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #9957595.50 %11/1/2038127,924 132,865 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Ad09635.50 %9/1/203817,497 18,173 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Al75795.50 %2/1/204241,109 42,698 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #As09245.00 %11/1/2043392,960 396,855 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Au53863.00 %6/1/2043841,144 766,472 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Bv26163.00 %7/1/20524,455,450 3,923,139 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Fm32413.00 %3/1/2050822,313 731,148 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Ma46983.00 %8/1/20525,168,018 4,549,091 
Fnma Tba 4.5% Feb 30Yr4.50 %2/13/20535,241,313 5,051,111 
Fnma Tba 5.0% Feb 30Yr5.00 %2/13/20531,048,263 1,033,849 
Fnma Tba 5.0% Jan 30Yr5.00 %1/12/20536,688,914 6,597,987 
Gnma Ii Multpl Sgl 30Yr #Ma4587M4.00 %7/20/2047256,107 246,434 
Gnma Ii Multpl Sgl 30Yr #Ma4720M4.00 %9/20/2047552,007 532,507 
Gnma Ii Tba 2.5% Jan 30Yr Jmbo2.50 %1/23/20533,594,043 3,120,630 
Bay Area Ca Toll Auth2.57 %4/1/2031599,007 525,344 
La Local Govt Envrn-A4.15 %2/1/2033149,752 141,980 
La Local Govt Envrn-A4.28 %2/1/2036449,255 418,357 
Nyc Transtnl Fin-C33.50 %11/1/20321,123,139 969,900 
Nys Twy-Txb-B-Babs5.45 %4/1/2025848,594 857,722 
Sales Tax Securitiztn2.96 %1/1/2032499,173 409,578 
Ut St-Babs-B3.54 %7/1/2025751,173 737,019 
Va St Clg Bldg Auth-B0.77 %9/1/2026678,875 584,620 
U S Treasury Note4.38 %10/31/202440,782,409 40,688,418 
U S Treasury Note4.25 %10/15/202511,980,145 11,982,017 
U S Treasury Note0.38 %1/31/20267,487,590 6,669,513 
Uninvested Cash Plus Receivables928,710 
Net Unsettled Trades(25,638,308)
Net Futures Held(4,456,661)
Broker Cash Collateral Received(145,907)
Total American General Life Contract No. 725840167,995,840 
Royal Bank of Canada Contract No. Citigroup01
Cash Collateral Fut Rdr Usd4.23 %12/31/2060207,157 207,157 
Vm Cash Fut Dom Rdr Usd4.23 %12/31/2060125,411 125,411 
Atmos Energy Corp Sr Unsec0.63 %3/9/2023648,925 644,199 
Entergy Louisiana Llc 1St Mtge Sec0.62 %11/17/2023301,500 290,364 
Slclt 2007-1 A4 3Mlib+6Bp4.67 %5/15/2029241,192 233,224 
Slma 2005-7 A4 3Mlib+15Bp4.51 %10/25/2029162,878 161,822 
Fh Arm 1Q1534 H15T1Y+222.9 10.2623.22 %6/1/2037103,346 104,199 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fn Arm 793029 Us0006M+158.2 10.8694.32 %7/1/203468,327 $69,404 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #2550755.50 %2/1/202415,724 15,793 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #3101645.50 %1/1/20261,364 1,370 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #Al69385.50 %4/1/20305,770 5,795 
Met Trn Auth-A2-Babs5.36 %11/15/2023299,504 300,941 
*Collective U.S. Gov't Stif 15 Bps4.20 %12/1/2030259,060 259,060 
Fed Home Ln Bk Bd (2.963Mmm)3.38 %12/8/2023848,594 836,513 
U S Treasury Note0.13 %7/31/202324,958,635 24,302,204 
U S Treasury Note0.13 %5/31/20234,891,892 4,804,660 
U S Treasury Repo4.26 %1/4/20239,783,785 9,783,785 
U S Treasury Repo4.35 %1/3/20239,783,785 9,783,785 
7-Eleven Inc Sr Unsec 144A Smr0.80 %2/10/2024449,255 427,654 
Advent Health System2.95 %3/1/2029299,504 257,668 
American Express Co Sofr Sr Unsec Sofr4.74 %5/3/2024998,345 997,462 
American Homes 4 Rent Sr Unsec4.25 %2/15/2028249,586 231,604 
Andrew W Mellon Foundati Unsec0.95 %8/1/2027599,007 512,255 
Arrow Electronics Inc Sr Unsec3.25 %9/8/2024499,173 480,188 
Avangrid Inc Sr Unsec3.80 %6/1/2029399,338 364,632 
Bank Of America Corp Sr Unsec Sofr2.59 %4/29/20311,247,932 1,022,095 
Bank Of America Corp Sr Unsec Sofr1.66 %3/11/20271,198,014 1,061,650 
Dell Int Llc / Emc Corp4.90 %10/1/2026249,586 246,364 
Dell Int Llc / Emc Corp6.02 %6/15/2026249,586 255,480 
Emory University Unsec2.14 %9/1/2030648,925 540,183 
Equitable Financial Life Sec 144A1.80 %3/8/2028349,421 292,349 
Florida Power & Light 1St Mtg2.45 %2/3/2032299,504 251,128 
Ga Global Funding Trust 144A1.00 %4/8/2024698,842 655,224 
Ga Global Funding Trust Sec 144A1.95 %9/15/2028349,421 290,942 
Ga Global Funding Trust Sec 144A2.25 %1/6/2027249,586 220,342 
Goldman Sachs Group Inc Sr Unsec3.85 %1/26/20271,996,691 1,903,424 
Hormel Foods Corp Sr Unsec Smr0.65 %6/3/2024499,173 470,516 
Hyundai Capital America Sr Unsec 144A0.80 %4/3/2023499,173 493,401 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co Sr Unsec4.01 %4/23/20291,497,518 1,385,800 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co Sr Unsec Sofr1.58 %4/22/2027648,925 571,886 
Kinder Morgan Ener Part Sr Unsec4.25 %9/1/2024848,594 835,208 
Lloyds Banking Group Plc Sr Unsec3.75 %3/18/2028149,752 138,251 
Morgan Stanley Sr Unsec3.59 %7/22/2028499,173 460,515 
Morgan Stanley Sr Unsec3.63 %1/20/20271,297,849 1,227,296 
Nvr Inc Sr Unsec3.00 %5/15/2030399,338 337,118 
Pacific Gas & Electric3.00 %6/15/2028299,504 259,971 
Pacific Gas & Electric Sr Sec4.25 %8/1/2023249,586 248,352 
Pacific Gas & Electric Sr Sec3.85 %11/15/2023399,338 393,747 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Pinnacle West Capital Sr Unsec1.30 %6/15/2025399,338 $364,207 
Rga Global Funding Sec 144A2.00 %11/30/2026499,173 442,980 
Sba Tower Trust Nt Sec 144A 2A C3.87 %10/8/2049549,090 525,313 
Seattle Children Hosp Unsec1.21 %10/1/2027449,255 365,759 
Southern Cal Edison 1St Mtge Sofr4.24 %4/3/2023698,842 697,820 
Southern Calif Gas Co Sr Unsec2.95 %4/15/2027599,007 554,020 
Stanford University Unsec1.29 %6/1/2027349,421 304,350 
Sutter Health Unsec3.70 %8/15/2028599,007 553,349 
Ubs Group Ag Sr Unsec 144A1.36 %1/30/2027998,345 876,330 
Verizon Communications Sr Unsec2.55 %3/21/2031499,173 412,435 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec3.20 %6/17/2027349,421 324,434 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec3.00 %4/22/2026623,966 584,500 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec3.58 %5/22/2028499,173 464,937 
Wells Fargo & Company Sr Unsec Tsfr3M2.88 %10/30/2030648,925 554,601 
Yale University Unsec0.87 %4/15/2025998,345 919,728 
Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc Sr Unsec Smr3.55 %4/1/2025549,090 531,004 
Barclays Plc Sr Unsec3.65 %3/16/2025499,173 480,284 
Barclays Plc Sr Unsec Sofr2.85 %5/7/2026648,925 604,012 
Bnp Paribas Sr Non-Prefer 144A Sofr3.05 %1/13/2031748,759 617,558 
Brookfield Finance Inc Sr Unsec4.35 %4/15/2030748,759 684,424 
Credit Suisse Group Ag Sr Unsec 144A3.87 %1/12/2029549,090 441,641 
Credit Suisse Group Ag Srunsec 144A Sofr6.44 %8/11/2028499,173 455,982 
Credit Suisse Group Ag Srunsec 144A Sofr4.19 %4/1/2031499,173 389,512 
Deutsche Bank Ny Sofr3.04 %5/28/2032698,842 533,127 
Hsbc Holdings Plc Sr Unsec4.58 %6/19/20291,896,856 1,753,029 
Ing Groep Nv Sr Unsec4.05 %4/9/2029748,759 692,866 
Lloyds Banking Group Plc Sr Unsec4.55 %8/16/2028698,842 660,018 
Lloyds Banking Group Plc Sr Unsec3.57 %11/7/2028249,586 225,537 
Mizuho Financial Group Sr Unsec 144A3.48 %4/12/2026748,759 703,982 
Nissan Motor Co Sr Unsec 144A4.35 %9/17/2027499,173 453,898 
Nomura Holdings Inc Sr Unsec3.10 %1/16/2030399,338 334,040 
Olympus Corp Sr Unsec 144A2.14 %12/8/2026499,173 442,346 
Santander Uk Group Hldgs Sr Unsec3.37 %1/5/2024499,173 499,173 
Santander Uk Group Hldgs Sr Unsec Sofr2.47 %1/11/202899,835 85,502 
Santander Uk Group Hldgs Sr Unsec Sofr2.90 %3/15/2032698,842 543,305 
Smbc Aviation Capital Fi Sr Unsec 144A4.13 %7/15/2023499,173 494,004 
Standard Charter Sr Unsec 144A2.68 %6/29/2032599,007 453,136 
Sumitomo Mitsui Finl Grp Sr Unsec2.13 %7/8/2030499,173 396,931 
Ubs Group Ag Sr Unsec 144A4.70 %8/5/2027174,710 169,289 
Fed Home Ln Bk Bd (600Mm)1.05 %8/13/2026698,842 617,672 
Fed Home Ln Bk Glbl Bd (300Mm)1.00 %7/27/20261,148,097 1,014,992 
Fed Home Ln Bk Glbl Nt (2Mmm)4.50 %10/3/20242,695,533 2,694,157 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fed Home Ln Mtge Glbl Nt (1.035Mmm)0.80 %10/28/20261,347,766 $1,175,077 
Fed Home Ln Mtge Glbl Nt (850Mm)0.65 %10/27/20251,946,774 1,742,401 
Fin Fut Us 2Yr Cbt 03/31/236.00 %4/1/20238,585,770 8,803,768 
Fin Fut Us Ultra 10Yr Cbt 03/22/236.00 %3/23/2023(2,995,036)(3,542,566)
Fin Fut Us Ultra 30Yr Cbt 03/22/236.00 %3/23/2023(599,007)(804,542)
Carmx 2022-4 A35.34 %8/16/2027499,173 504,698 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr #Q3-73053.00 %11/1/2045546,763 492,346 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G0-86873.50 %1/1/2046614,739 573,220 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G0-86933.50 %3/1/204613,888 12,950 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G0-88233.50 %7/1/2048240,300 222,979 
Fhlmc Gold 30Yr Gnt #G6-10403.50 %6/1/20472,205,592 2,054,298 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Al22223.00 %8/1/202733,327 32,123 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Fm17963.50 %10/1/2034417,153 401,921 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Fm18433.50 %11/1/2034351,698 338,456 
Fnma Pass Thru 15Yr #Fm38693.00 %6/1/203567,001 63,020 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #2566005.50 %2/1/2027196 197 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #2570475.50 %1/1/202810,433 10,479 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #8888435.50 %3/1/20278,322 8,358 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #Ad09125.50 %4/1/202936,928 37,088 
Fnma Pass Thru 20Yr #Ae07875.50 %5/1/202812,048 12,100 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #3579085.50 %7/1/20355,531 5,742 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #7562025.50 %12/1/20334,844 5,005 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8023165.50 %11/1/20342,513 2,524 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8080405.50 %2/1/203581,072 83,986 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8176405.50 %11/1/203566,601 66,920 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8313565.50 %3/1/203635,361 36,662 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8492995.50 %1/1/203675,963 78,782 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8654335.50 %2/1/20363,494 3,563 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #8895615.50 %6/1/203849,737 51,660 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #9407655.50 %6/1/203727,978 28,789 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #9957595.50 %11/1/2038127,924 132,865 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Ad09635.50 %9/1/203817,497 18,173 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Al75795.50 %2/1/204241,109 42,698 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #As09245.00 %11/1/2043392,960 396,855 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Au53863.00 %6/1/2043841,144 766,472 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Bv26163.00 %7/1/20524,455,450 3,923,139 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Fm32413.00 %3/1/2050822,313 731,148 
Fnma Pass Thru 30Yr #Ma46983.00 %8/1/20525,168,018 4,549,091 
Fnma Tba 4.5% Feb 30Yr4.50 %2/13/20535,241,313 5,051,111 
Fnma Tba 5.0% Feb 30Yr5.00 %2/13/20531,048,263 1,033,849 
Fnma Tba 5.0% Jan 30Yr5.00 %1/12/20536,688,914 6,597,987 
Gnma Ii Multpl Sgl 30Yr #Ma4587M4.00 %7/20/2047256,107 246,434 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Gnma Ii Multpl Sgl 30Yr #Ma4720M4.00 %9/20/2047552,007 $532,507 
Gnma Ii Tba 2.5% Jan 30Yr Jmbo2.50 %1/23/20533,594,043 3,120,630 
Bay Area Ca Toll Auth2.57 %4/1/2031599,007 525,344 
La Local Govt Envrn-A4.15 %2/1/2033149,752 141,980 
La Local Govt Envrn-A4.28 %2/1/2036449,255 418,357 
Nyc Transtnl Fin-C33.50 %11/1/20321,123,139 969,900 
Nys Twy-Txb-B-Babs5.45 %4/1/2025848,594 857,722 
Sales Tax Securitiztn2.96 %1/1/2032499,173 409,578 
Ut St-Babs-B3.54 %7/1/2025751,173 737,019 
Va St Clg Bldg Auth-B0.77 %9/1/2026678,875 584,620 
U S Treasury Note4.38 %10/31/202440,782,409 40,688,418 
U S Treasury Note4.25 %10/15/202511,980,145 11,982,017 
U S Treasury Note0.38 %1/31/20267,487,590 6,669,513 
Uninvested Cash Plus Receivables928,710 
Net Unsettled Trades(25,638,308)
Net Futures Held(4,456,661)
Broker Cash Collateral Received(145,907)
Total Royal Bank of Canada Contract No. Citigroup01167,995,840 
American United Life Insurance Company: S00020
Amxca 2022-4 A5.18 %10/15/2025468,224 473,160 
Bbcms 2022-C18 A25.50 %11/15/2027933,453 946,929 
Bmwot 2022-A A33.21 %6/25/2025170,717 166,376 
Bank 2018-Bn13 A13.22 %5/15/20234,242,968 327,939 
Cd 2016-Cd2 A33.25 %10/13/2026848,594 750,138 
Cnh 2019-C A32.01 %7/17/20231,996,691 390,104 
Comm 2014-Cr14 A23.15 %3/10/20232,470,905 629,789 
Comet 2021-A1 A10.55 %7/15/20242,021,649 1,892,544 
Cnp 2012-1 A33.03 %10/15/20242,096,525 961,378 
Cgcmt 2019-C7 A12.08 %11/15/20241,996,691 1,062,821 
Dbjpm 2017-C6 A43.07 %5/10/2027998,345 921,016 
Dcent 2022-A3 A33.56 %7/15/20251,232,957 1,199,803 
Fnr 2014-81 Ve3.00 %1/27/20251,597,353 1,539,910 
Fnr 2017-104 Pa3.00 %9/25/20286,189,741 1,097,638 
Fnr 2022-29 Nq4.00 %4/27/20261,497,518 1,274,340 
Fnr 2022-50 A4.50 %6/25/20261,547,435 1,477,015 
Fnr 2022-54 Da4.50 %9/25/20301,048,263 927,770 
Fhr 4272 Yg2.00 %11/15/20234,991,727 149,667 
Fhr 4486 Jn2.00 %4/15/20242,995,036 141,441 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Fhr 4571 Ca2.50 %11/17/20254,093,216 $665,914 
Fhr 5057 Ab2.50 %7/25/20282,675,566 1,699,795 
Fhr 4888 Cb3.00 %5/15/20285,490,900 1,094,569 
Fhr 5254 A4.50 %10/25/20301,487,535 1,331,555 
Fhr 5263 Ea4.00 %5/25/20291,232,957 1,158,056 
Fnr 2011-36 Qb4.00 %7/25/20302,745,450 1,092,555 
Fordl 2022-A A33.23 %5/15/20241,098,180 1,078,139 
Fordo 2022-B A34.41 %5/15/2025291,517 285,637 
Gnr 2013-41 Pa2.50 %6/20/20235,690,569 166,280 
Gnr 2015-16 Gm2.00 %10/21/20246,189,741 231,164 
Gnr 2020-74 Dc1.00 %10/20/20273,993,382 1,313,815 
Gnr 2021-78 D2.50 %1/20/20312,096,525 1,401,285 
Gnr 2022-85 Ka4.00 %4/20/20261,597,353 1,467,157 
Gnr 2022-100 Ka4.00 %7/20/20261,247,932 1,166,975 
Gnr 2022-107 A3.00 %2/20/20261,447,601 1,223,560 
Jdot 2022-B A33.74 %2/17/2026512,151 501,227 
Mbart 2022-1 A35.21 %5/15/2026756,746 765,499 
Narot 2019-C A31.93 %3/15/20231,497,518 176,448 
Narot 2022-B A34.46 %3/16/2026906,498 901,451 
T 2 5/8 04/15/252.63 %4/15/20251,562,610 1,513,674 
T 2 3/4 05/15/252.75 %5/15/20252,042,615 1,978,261 
T 2 7/8 06/15/252.88 %6/16/20252,027,839 1,964,031 
T 3 07/15/253.00 %7/15/20255,136,487 5,049,769 
Woart 2022-B A33.25 %11/17/2025327,457 317,193 
Woart 2022-C A33.66 %2/17/2026643,933 627,912 
Total American United Life Insurance Company: S0002045,501,699 
Reinsurance Group of America Contract No. RGA00084
Net Receivable101,070 101,070 
Us Dollar3.53 %3,096,123 3,096,123 
Dominion Energy 2.75 03/15/20232.75 %3/15/2023973,387 977,287 
Boston Properties, Inc. 3.125 09/01/20233.13 %9/1/2023848,594 844,178 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. 3.375 05/01/20233.38 %5/1/2023299,504 299,781 
Ford Motor Credit Co. Llc 4.375 08/06/20234.38 %8/6/20232,346,112 2,360,343 
Bank Of America Corp. 4.20 08/26/20244.20 %8/26/20241,597,353 1,595,935 
Kinder Morgan, Inc. 4.30 06/01/20254.30 %6/1/20252,346,112 2,309,192 
Cox Enterprises, Inc. 3.85 02/01/20253.85 %2/1/20251,397,684 1,372,659 
Crh Plc 3.875 05/18/20253.88 %5/18/2025948,428 919,280 
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Llc 3.442 06/16/20283.44 %6/16/2028358,357 336,484 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Wells Fargo & Co. 4.30 07/22/20274.30 %7/22/2027998,345 $979,695 
Hsbc Holdings Plc 4.25 08/18/20254.25 %8/18/20251,272,890 1,244,443 
Bnp Paribas Sa 4.375 09/28/20254.38 %9/28/20251,297,849 1,274,873 
Exelon Corp. 3.15 10/15/20253.15 %10/15/2025943,436 913,614 
Capital One Financial Corp. 4.20 10/29/20254.20 %10/29/2025499,173 485,979 
Zoetis, Inc. 4.50 11/13/20254.50 %11/13/2025973,387 975,611 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 1.625 04/30/20231.63 %4/30/20234,208,026 4,180,603 
Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag 2.80 04/11/20262.80 %4/11/2026998,345 938,886 
Bnp Paribas Sa 4.375 05/12/20264.38 %5/12/2026623,966 598,200 
Lloyds Banking Group Plc 4.582 12/10/20254.58 %12/10/2025923,469 896,661 
Fannie Mae 4.50 08/01/20404.50 %8/1/2040974,810 956,554 
Charter Communications, Inc. 4.908 07/23/20254.91 %7/23/2025873,552 874,986 
Bank Of America Corp. 4.183 11/25/20274.18 %11/25/2027449,255 427,998 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. 3.625 12/01/20273.63 %12/1/2027349,421 324,081 
Barclays Plc 4.337 01/10/20284.34 %1/10/2028998,345 948,159 
Fannie Mae 3.50 02/01/20373.50 %2/1/20372,225,363 2,133,811 
Bnp Paribas Sa 4.625 03/13/20274.63 %3/13/2027224,628 216,126 
The Sherwin-Williams Co. 3.45 06/01/20273.45 %6/1/2027998,345 939,258 
Fannie Mae 3.077 07/01/20473.08 %7/1/2047593,076 581,873 
Freddie Mac Gold 4.50 09/01/20444.50 %9/1/20441,918,356 1,893,859 
Fannie Mae 3.10 07/01/20473.10 %7/1/2047440,528 432,263 
Fannie Mae 4.50 01/01/20434.50 %1/1/20432,119,400 2,088,955 
Freddie Mac 3.152 05/01/20473.15 %5/1/204769,780 68,368 
Freddie Mac Gold 4.50 07/01/20454.50 %7/1/20451,511,563 1,505,821 
Fannie Mae 4.50 06/01/20474.50 %6/1/20471,519,901 1,498,623 
Fannie Mae 3.131 06/01/20473.13 %6/1/2047393,659 386,729 
Freddie Mac 3.37 07/01/20473.37 %7/1/204736,207 35,538 
Bank Of America Corp. 3.593 07/21/20283.59 %7/21/2028399,338 374,004 
Exelon Corp. 2.95 08/15/20272.95 %8/15/2027499,173 466,040 
Freddie Mac Gold 4.50 04/01/20474.50 %4/1/2047957,730 945,394 
Fannie Mae 2.86 10/01/20472.86 %10/1/2047189,677 184,901 
Unitedhealth Group, Inc. 2.95 10/15/20272.95 %10/15/2027998,345 930,456 
Fannie Mae 2.987 10/01/20472.99 %10/1/204783,244 80,830 
Charter Communications, Inc. 4.20 03/15/20284.20 %3/15/20281,946,774 1,813,374 
Freddie Mac Gold 4.50 10/01/20474.50 %10/1/2047260,174 256,687 
Slm Student Loan Trust 4.95843 01/25/20414.96 %1/25/2041526,472 500,750 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Freddie Mac Gold 4.00 11/01/20454.00 %11/1/2045201,930 $192,184 
Cvs Health Corp. 4.30 03/25/20284.30 %3/25/2028816,647 799,260 
Slm Student Loan Trust 4.52843 07/25/20404.53 %7/25/20402,585,715 2,445,893 
Slm Student Loan Trust 4.98843 01/25/20404.99 %1/25/20401,153,639 1,117,370 
Freddie Mac 3.38 06/01/20483.38 %6/1/204865,253 63,389 
Bayer Ag 4.375 12/15/20284.38 %12/15/2028923,469 868,671 
Comcast Corp. 3.95 10/15/20253.95 %10/15/2025549,090 542,308 
Charter Communications, Inc. 5.05 03/30/20295.05 %3/30/2029249,586 238,007 
Fannie Mae 5.00 02/01/20495.00 %2/1/2049119,457 120,238 
Fannie Mae 5.00 03/01/20495.00 %3/1/2049396,574 396,076 
Fannie Mae 5.00 12/01/20485.00 %12/1/2048498,178 502,437 
Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag 3.15 04/18/20243.15 %4/18/2024524,131 514,486 
Anheuser-Busch Inbev Sa/Nv 3.65 02/01/20263.65 %2/1/2026973,387 951,601 
Imperial Brands Plc 3.875 07/26/20293.88 %7/26/2029998,345 870,403 
Cigna Corp. 4.375 10/15/20284.38 %10/15/20281,098,180 1,069,265 
Ford Motor Credit Co. Llc 4.063 11/01/20244.06 %11/1/2024449,255 434,360 
Wells Fargo & Co. 2.879 10/30/20302.88 %10/30/2030249,586 213,217 
Fannie Mae 3.343 10/01/20493.34 %10/1/2049771,598 748,778 
Dow, Inc. 4.80 11/30/20284.80 %11/30/20281,447,601 1,432,580 
Prosus Nv 3.68 01/21/20303.68 %1/21/20301,322,808 1,121,479 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.50 03/15/20230.50 %3/15/20234,028,324 4,003,637 
Exxon Mobil Corp. 3.482 03/19/20303.48 %3/19/20301,148,097 1,082,042 
United Parcel Service, Inc. 4.45 04/01/20304.45 %4/1/2030973,387 968,934 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. 4.493 03/24/20314.49 %3/24/20311,397,684 1,322,296 
Wells Fargo & Co. 4.478 04/04/20314.48 %4/4/20312,171,401 2,058,992 
Nextera Energy, Inc. 2.85 04/01/20252.85 %4/1/2025449,255 433,354 
Cvs Health Corp. 3.75 04/01/20303.75 %4/1/2030399,338 365,809 
Target Corp. 2.65 09/15/20302.65 %9/15/20301,048,263 908,910 
Oracle Corp. 2.95 04/01/20302.95 %4/1/20301,322,808 1,137,585 
Dominion Energy 3.375 04/01/20303.38 %4/1/20301,148,097 1,021,409 
The Southern Co. 3.70 04/30/20303.70 %4/30/20301,098,180 998,014 
Tc Energy Corp. 4.10 04/15/20304.10 %4/15/20301,098,180 1,015,515 
Berkshire Hathaway Energy 2.70 09/15/20302.70 %9/15/20301,547,435 1,342,632 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. 2.522 04/22/20312.52 %4/22/2031823,635 677,951 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. 2.083 04/22/20262.08 %4/22/2026723,800 674,794 
Toyota Auto Receivables Owner Trust     1.66 09/15/20251.66 %9/15/20251,083,205 1,047,825 
Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.10 05/01/20302.10 %5/1/20302,545,781 2,067,709 
Boston Properties, Inc. 3.25 01/30/20313.25 %1/30/2031374,380 314,595 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. 2.956 05/13/20312.96 %5/13/2031823,635 $681,885 
Relx Plc 3.00 05/22/20303.00 %5/22/2030998,345 853,985 
At&T, Inc. 2.75 06/01/20312.75 %6/1/20313,144,788 2,613,337 
Hsbc Holdings Plc 2.848 06/04/20312.85 %6/4/2031998,345 798,918 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 07/01/20502.50 %7/1/20503,693,997 3,166,827 
Fannie Mae 2.50 08/01/20502.50 %8/1/20504,619,930 3,970,197 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.00 08/01/20502.00 %8/1/20504,645,241 3,823,111 
Fannie Mae 2.50 09/01/20502.50 %9/1/20506,152,449 5,273,838 
British American Tobacco Plc 2.726 03/25/20312.73 %3/25/20311,297,849 1,022,039 
British American Tobacco Plc 2.259 03/25/20282.26 %3/25/2028848,594 709,379 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.125 10/15/20230.13 %10/15/2023289,520 279,386 
Fannie Mae 2.00 11/01/20502.00 %11/1/20503,760,108 3,092,375 
State Street Corp. 3.152 03/30/20313.15 %3/30/20311,772,063 1,573,676 
Fannie Mae 2.50 09/01/20402.50 %9/1/20408,687,317 7,659,115 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 10/01/20402.50 %10/1/2040917,626 809,019 
Abbvie, Inc. 3.20 11/21/20293.20 %11/21/20292,895,202 2,620,243 
The Williams Companies, Inc. 3.25 05/15/20303.25 %5/15/20301,198,014 1,044,600 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 10/01/20402.50 %10/1/20402,550,109 2,248,287 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 11/01/20502.50 %11/1/20501,677,932 1,439,000 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 10/01/20502.50 %10/1/20502,611,699 2,251,144 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 08/01/20402.50 %8/1/20403,050,741 2,689,696 
Fannie Mae 2.50 01/01/20412.50 %1/1/20411,791,680 1,579,623 
Fannie Mae 2.00 01/01/20512.00 %1/1/20512,317,016 1,907,638 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.125 01/31/20230.13 %1/31/20235,990,072 5,975,176 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.125 04/30/20230.13 %4/30/20234,900,878 4,834,540 
T-Mobile U.S., Inc. 2.55 02/15/20312.55 %2/15/20311,297,849 1,072,742 
T-Mobile U.S., Inc. 3.75 04/15/20273.75 %4/15/2027524,131 497,823 
Nextera Energy, Inc. 1.90 06/15/20281.90 %6/15/20281,297,849 1,109,135 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.25 06/15/20240.25 %6/15/20241,078,213 1,012,050 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.125 06/30/20230.13 %6/30/20239,758,826 9,542,312 
Prosus Nv 3.061 07/13/20313.06 %7/13/20312,470,905 1,940,563 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 07/01/20412.50 %7/1/20413,278,815 2,851,858 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.125 08/31/20230.13 %8/31/20236,494,237 6,300,869 
Freddie Mac Pool 2.50 02/01/20512.50 %2/1/20511,872,247 1,607,235 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 0.50 11/30/20230.50 %11/30/20237,492,582 7,211,982 
Fannie Mae 2.50 12/01/20512.50 %12/1/20516,017,350 5,142,146 
Prosus Nv 4.193 01/19/20324.19 %1/19/2032274,545 232,467 
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 1.50 02/29/20241.50 %2/29/20245,371,098 $5,204,630 
Exelon Corp. 3.35 03/15/20323.35 %3/15/20321,098,180 964,591 
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 3.615 03/15/20283.62 %3/15/20281,871,898 1,763,526 
Charter Communications, Inc. 4.40 04/01/20334.40 %4/1/2033274,545 237,937 
British American Tobacco Plc 4.742 03/16/20324.74 %3/16/20321,497,518 1,349,496 
Wells Fargo & Co. 3.908 04/25/20263.91 %4/25/2026798,676 781,964 
Verizon Communications, Inc. 2.355 03/15/20322.36 %3/15/20321,074,220 858,983 
Capital One Financial Corp. 5.268 05/10/20335.27 %5/10/20331,272,890 1,191,914 
Dominion Energy 3.75 05/15/20273.75 %5/15/2027449,255 430,891 
U.S. Treasury Note/Bond 3.25 06/30/20273.25 %6/30/20272,535,797 2,452,115 
Fannie Mae 3.50 04/01/20523.50 %4/1/20521,182,513 1,081,393 
Fannie Mae 3.50 07/01/20523.50 %7/1/20525,447,976 4,993,924 
Kinder Morgan, Inc. 4.80 02/01/20334.80 %2/1/2033623,966 590,801 
Fannie Mae 2.537 06/01/20522.54 %6/1/20522,533,846 2,286,782 
Freddie Mac 4.24 09/01/20524.24 %9/1/205211,043,623 10,749,678 
Freddie Mac 3.339 07/01/20523.34 %7/1/20525,073,907 4,786,940 
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. 5.717 09/14/20335.72 %9/14/2033648,925 644,412 
T-Mobile U.S., Inc. 5.20 01/15/20335.20 %1/15/2033823,635 828,820 
The Southern Co. 5.70 10/15/20325.70 %10/15/20321,921,815 1,991,804 
Enel Spa 7.1 10/14/20277.10 %10/14/20271,148,097 1,204,637 
Bank Of America Corp. 6.204 11/10/20286.20 %11/10/2028574,049 597,734 
Philip Morris International, Inc. 5.125 11/17/20275.13 %11/17/2027324,462 328,863 
Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-D 5.27 05/17/20275.27 %5/17/20274,130,155 4,180,820 
Freddie Mac 4.669 01/01/20534.67 %1/1/20531,233,955 1,221,712 
Total Reinsurance Group of America Contract No. RGA00084235,812,923 
Total Synthetic guaranteed investment contracts (GICs)1,124,813,975 
     Total investments16,762,591,859 
*Participant loans4.25% to 10.25%$0197,215,177 
Other investment liabilities
Payable in Brazil Real(30,417)
Payable in Canadian Dollar(3,885)
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
EIN: 52-1568099 Plan No. 004
December 31, 2022

InterestMaturity Number of Cost Current
Identity of issuerratedateshares/unitsvalue**value
Payable in Japanese Yen$(4,562)
Payable in Pound Sterling(1,022,957)
Payable in South African Rand(15,573)
Payable in South Korean Won(138,619)
Payable in U.S. Dollar(49,916)
Payable in Chinese R Yuan(10,964,672)
Payable in Euro(855,442)
      Total Other investment liabilities(13,086,043)
*Party-in-interest, as defined by ERISA
**The cost of participant-directed investments is not required to be disclosed
See accompanying Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the trustees (or other persons who administer the employee benefit plan) have duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Citi Retirement Savings Plan

By: /s/ Sara Wechter
Sara Wechter
Global Head of Human Resources

Date: June 21, 2023


Description of Exhibit
* Filed herewith.

EX-23.1 2 ex231-401kplan11xkx12312022.htm EX-23.1 Document
Exhibit 23.1

Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
We consent to the incorporation by reference in the registration statements (No. 333-119680, No. 333-148844, No. 333-166215, No. 333-225038, and No. 333-256099) on Form S-8 of our report dated June 21, 2023, with respect to the financial statements (and financial statement schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2022) of the Citi Retirement Savings Plan.

New York, New York
June 21, 2023