N-CSR 1 dncsr.htm CERTIFIED ANNUAL SHAREHOLDER REPORT Certified Annual shareholder report



Washington, D.C. 20549






Investment Company Act File Number: 811-05476


(Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

90 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Thomas R. Phillips, Esq., Vice President & Assistant Secretary

90 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302

(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 201-6984

Date of fiscal year end: 12/31

Date of reporting period: 12/31/2010

Item 1: Reports to Shareholders.






Lord Abbett

Emerging Markets Currency Fund*

Global Allocation Fund

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010

* Formerly known as Developing Local Markets Fund






Lord Abbett Global Fund

Lord Abbett Emerging Markets Currency Fund and

Lord Abbett Global Allocation Fund

Annual Report

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010



From left to right: Robert S. Dow, Director and Chairman of the Lord Abbett Funds; E. Thayer Bigelow, Independent Lead Director of the Lord Abbett Funds; and Daria L. Foster, Director and President of the Lord Abbett Funds.


Dear Shareholders: We are pleased to provide you with this overview of the performance of the Lord Abbett Emerging Markets Currency Fund and Lord Abbett Global Allocation Fund for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010. On this page and the following pages, we discuss the major factors that influenced performance. For detailed and more timely information about the Funds, please visit our Website at www.lordabbett.com, where you also can access the quarterly commentaries by the Funds’ portfolio managers.

Thank you for investing in Lord Abbett mutual funds. We value the trust that you place in us and look forward to serving your investment needs in the years to come.

Best regards,


Robert S. Dow




Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, the Emerging Markets Currency Fund returned 5.79%, reflecting performance at the net asset value (NAV) of Class A shares, with all distributions reinvested, compared to its benchmark, the J.P. Morgan Emerging Local Markets Index Plus (ELMI+),1 which returned 5.68% over the same period.

Global markets had a volatile run during the 12-month period, with developed markets, specifically the eurozone, faring worse compared with global emerging markets. While investors’ concerns over the sovereign balance sheets in peripheral Europe (i.e., Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland) negatively affected the currencies of emerging central and Eastern Europe, Asian and Latin American currencies continued to appreciate, as their debt levels and government finances






generally are far lower than those of many developed countries.

Contributing to Fund performance during the 12-month period was the portfolio’s exposure to commodity-exporting countries, which benefited from continued improvement in the global economy. One of the largest contributors to Fund performance was the portfolio’s overweight in the Chilean peso (CLP). Driving CLP strength were much stronger economic data and continued strength in copper prices, which led Chile to tighten its monetary policy. The Fund’s overweight in higher-yielding Asian currencies, such as the Philippine peso, also aided performance. Stable inflation in the Philippines and a low-interest rate environment helped to accelerate economic growth.

Detracting from relative Fund performance were the portfolio’s short position in the euro and overweight in the Polish zloty, which both exhibited volatility during the year. During the first half of the year, the euro was mainly lower versus most currencies, as investors reacted to news of Greece’s budget problems and to slower growth across the continent, especially among the periphery of Europe. However, in the third quarter and first half of the fourth quarter, the euro rebounded as fears of the debt crisis receded. The European Central Bank stabilized the market by holding interest rates near zero, completing successful stress tests on major financial institutions, and starting direct purchases of government debt. At the same time, weakness in the U.S. economy turned the market’s attention toward another round of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve, which caused depreciation of the dollar. Sovereign debt worries returned in Europe toward the end of the 12-month period, causing a large sell-off in the euro, as Ireland was forced to accept a bailout package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund in late November 2010.

Global Allocation Fund

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, the Global Allocation Fund returned 11.36%, reflecting performance at the net asset value (NAV) of Class A shares, with all distributions reinvested, compared to its benchmark, the MSCI World Index with Gross Dividends,2 which returned 12.34% over the same period.

For the 12-month period, domestic equities, as represented by the S&P® 500 Index,3 returned 15.06%, outperforming fixed income, as represented by the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index,4 which returned 6.54%. Furthermore, domestic equities outperformed international equities, as represented by the MSCI EAFE Index with Gross Dividends,5 which returned 8.21% for the period. High-yield corporates, as represented by the BofA Merrill Lynch High Yield Master II Constrained Index,6 returned 15.07% and outperformed investment-grade corporates, as represented by the Barclays Capital Baa Bond Index,7 which returned 9.99% for the period.






Detracting from relative Fund performance was the Fund’s exposure to the international large-cap asset class, as well as fixed-income, with the exception of the high-yield sector, which benefited relative Fund performance. Among the most significant detractors from the Fund’s relative performance was the portfolio’s exposure to the international large-cap class and currencies. Shares of international large-cap holding Irish Life & Permanent Group Holdings plc, an Ireland-based financial services company, dropped during the second quarter of 2010 due to investors’ concerns about the company’s ‘BBB+’ credit rating and need for government support. In addition, the portfolio’s exposure to certain currencies, specifically the Czech koruna, Hungarian forint, Romanian new leu, and Polish zloty, exhibited notable volatility. Investors’ concerns over the sovereign balance sheets in peripheral Europe (i.e., Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland) negatively affected the currencies of emerging central and Eastern Europe.

Contributing to relative Fund performance was the Fund’s exposure to U.S. equities, specifically the large and mid-cap asset classes, as well as to the international small-cap asset class. Among the most significant contributors to the Fund’s relative performance was the Fund’s exposure to the U.S. mid-cap growth and international small-cap asset classes. Shares of U.S. mid-cap growth holding Limited Brands, a specialty retailer of women’s apparel, accessories, and beauty products, benefited from strong sales, which were helped by customers buying full-priced items, as well as from an unexpected dividend payment as a result of the company’s strong balance sheet. In addition, shares of international small-cap holding Megaworld Corporation, a Philippines-based real estate company, were boosted due to the rise in the company’s residential project launches as demand for condominiums in the Philippines increased during the second half of the year.

Each Fund’s portfolio is actively managed and, therefore, its holdings and the weightings of a particular issuer or particular sector as a percentage of portfolio assets are subject to change. Sectors may include many industries.

1  The J.P. Morgan Emerging Local Markets Index Plus (ELMI+) tracks total returns for local currency-denominated money market instruments in 24 emerging markets countries.

2  The MSCI World Index with Gross Dividends is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure global developed market equity market performance of the following 24 developed market country indices: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The MSCI World Index with Gross Dividends approximates the maximum possible dividend reinvestment. The amount reinvested is the entire dividend distributed to individuals resident in the country of the company, but does not include tax credits.






The MSCI World Index with Net Dividends is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure global developed market equity performance of the following 24 developed market country indices: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The MSCI World Index with Net Dividends approximates the minimum possible dividend reinvestment. The dividend is reinvested after deduction of withholding tax, applying the rate to nonresident individuals who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. MSCI uses withholding tax rates applicable to Luxembourg holding companies, as Luxembourg applies the highest rates. Unlike the index, the Fund’s performance reflects the extent to which the Fund is able to benefit from foreign tax withholdings at taxable treaty rates. Accordingly, the index performance would be higher if it used the same methodology.

3  The S&P 500® Index is widely regarded as the standard for measuring large-cap U.S. stock market performance and includes a representative sample of leading companies in leading industries.

4  The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index composed of securities from the Barclays Capital Government/Corporate Bond Index, the Mortgage-Backed Securities Index and the Asset-Backed Securities Index. Total return comprises price appreciation/depreciation and income as a percentage of the original investment. Indices are rebalanced monthly by market capitalization.

5  The MSCI EAFE Index (Europe, Australasia, Far East) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the United States and Canada. As of May 27, 2010, the MSCI EAFE Index consisted of the following 22 developed market country indexes: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

The MSCI EAFE Index is calculated with both gross and net dividends. The MSCI EAFE Index with Gross Dividends approximates the maximum possible dividend reinvestment. The amount reinvested is the entire dividend distributed to individuals resident in the country of the company, but does not include tax credits.

6  The BofA Merrill Lynch High Yield Master II Constrained Index tracks the performance of below investment-grade U.S. dollar-denominated corporate bonds publicly issued in the U.S. domestic market, including 144A issues. Qualifying bonds must have at least one year remaining term to maturity, a fixed coupon schedule, and a minimum amount outstanding of $100 million. Bonds must be rated below investment grade based on a composite of Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. Qualifying bonds are capitalization-weighted provided the total allocation to an individual issuer (defined by Bloomberg tickers) does not exceed 2%. Issuers that exceed the limit are reduced to 2% and the face value of each of their bonds is adjusted on a pro-rata basis. Similarly, the face value of bonds of all other issuers that fall below the 2% cap is increased on a pro-rata basis.

7  The Barclays Capital Baa Bond Index is a subset of the Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index, which includes only corporate bonds with a rating of Baa1, Baa2, or Baa3.

Unless otherwise specified, indexes reflect total return, with all dividends reinvested. Indexes are unmanaged, do not reflect the deduction of fees or expenses, and are not available for direct investment.

Important Performance and Other Information

Performance data quoted in the following pages reflect past performance and are no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance quoted. The investment return and principal value of an investment in the Funds will fluctuate so that shares, on any given day or when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. You can obtain performance data current to the most recent month end by calling Lord Abbett at 888-522-2388 or referring to www.lordabbett.com.

Except where noted, comparative Fund performance does not account for the deduction of sales charges and would be different if sales charges were included. The Funds offer several classes of shares with distinct pricing options. For a full description of the differences in pricing alternatives, please see the Funds’ prospectus.

During certain periods shown, expense waivers and reimbursements were in place. Without such expense waivers and reimbursements, the Funds’ returns would have been lower.

The views of the Funds’ management and the portfolio holdings described above are as of






December 31, 2010; these views and portfolio holdings may have changed subsequent to this date, and they do not guarantee the future performance of the markets or the Funds. Information provided in this report should not be considered a recommendation to purchase or sell securities.

A Note about Risk: See “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of investment risks. For a more detailed discussion of the risks associated with the Funds, please see the Funds’ prospectus.

Mutual funds are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, banks, and are subject to investment risks including possible loss of principal amount invested.



Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)




Investment Comparison

Below is a comparison of a $10,000 investment in Class A shares with the same investment in the JPMorgan Emerging Local Markets Index Plus, assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. The performance of the other classes will be greater than or less than the performance shown in the graph below due to different sales loads and expenses applicable to such classes. The graph and performance table below do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. During certain periods, expenses of the Fund have been waived or reimbursed by Lord Abbett; without such waiver or reimbursement of expenses, the Fund’s returns would have been lower. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


Average Annual Total Returns at Maximum Applicable

Sales Charge for the Periods Ended December 31, 2010

     1 Year      5 Years      10 Years      Life of Class  

Class A3

     0.83%         3.98%         5.09%           

Class B4

     1.10%         4.18%         5.06%           

Class C5

     5.09%         4.35%         4.96%           

Class F6

     6.20%                         5.00%   

Class I7

     6.17%         5.39%                 4.36%   

Class P8

     5.87%         5.02%         5.49%           

Class R29

     5.54%                         4.63%   

Class R310

     5.49%                         4.64%   


1    Reflects the deduction of the maximum initial sales charge of 4.75%.

2    Performance of the unmanaged index does not reflect any fees or expenses. The performance of the index is not necessarily representative of the Fund’s performance.

3    Total return, which is the percentage change in net asset value, after deduction of the maximum initial sales charge of 4.75% applicable to Class A shares, with all dividends and distributions reinvested for the periods shown ending December 31, 2010, is calculated using the SEC-required uniform method to compute such return.

4    Performance reflects the deduction of a CDSC of 4% for 1 year, 1% for 5 years and 0% for 10 years. Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares after approximately 8 years. (There is no initial sales charge for automatic conversions.) All returns for periods greater than 8 years reflect this conversion.

5    The 1% CDSC for Class C shares normally applies before the first anniversary of the purchase date. Performance is at net asset value.

6    Class F shares commenced operations and performance for the Class began on September 28, 2007. Performance is at net asset value.

7    Class I shares commenced operations and performance for the Class began on October 19, 2004. Performance is at net asset value.

8    Performance is at net asset value.

9    Class R2 shares commenced operations and performance for the Class began on September 28, 2007. Performance is at net asset value.

10   Class R3 shares commenced operations and performance for the Class began on September 28, 2007. Performance is at net asset value.



Global Allocation Fund




Investment Comparison

Below is a comparison of a $10,000 investment in Class A shares with the same investment in the MSCI World Index with Gross Dividends and the MSCI World Index with Net Dividends, assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions. With Net Dividends reflects a reduction in dividends after taking into account withholding of taxes by certain foreign countries represented in the MSCI World Index. The performance of the other classes will be greater than or less than the performance shown in the graph below due to different sales loads and expenses applicable to such classes. The graph and performance table below do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. During certain periods, expenses of the Fund have been waived or reimbursed by Lord Abbett and reimbursed by the Underlying Funds; without such waiver or reimbursement of expenses, the Fund’s returns would have been lower. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


Average Annual Total Returns at Maximum Applicable

Sales Charge for the Periods Ended December 31, 2010

     1 Year      5 Years      10 Years      Life of Class  

Class A3

     4.99%         3.66%         1.68%           

Class B4

     6.60%         4.07%         1.75%           

Class C5

     10.58%         4.22%         1.61%           

Class F6

     11.57%                         -1.45%   

Class I7

     11.69%         5.27%                 7.51%   

Class R28

     11.63%                         3.52%   

Class R39

     11.17%                         3.34%   


1    Reflects the deduction of the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%.

2    Performance of each unmanaged index does not reflect any fees or expenses. The performance of each index is not necessarily representative of the Fund’s performance.

3    Total return, which is the percentage change in net asset value, after deduction of the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75% applicable to Class A shares, with all distributions reinvested for the periods shown ending December 31, 2010, is calculated using the SEC-required uniform method to compute such return.

4    Performance reflects the deduction of a CDSC of 4% for 1 year, 1% for 5 years and 0% for 10 years. Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares after approximately 8 years. (There is no initial sales charge for automatic conversions.) All returns for periods greater than 8 years reflect this conversion.

5    The 1% CDSC for Class C shares normally applies before the first anniversary of the purchase date. Performance is at net asset value.

6    Class F shares commenced operations and performance for the Class began on September 28, 2007. Performance is at net asset value.

7    Class I shares commenced operations and performance for the Class began on October 19, 2004. Performance is at net asset value.

8    Class R2 shares commenced operations on June 23, 2008 and performance for the Class began on June 30, 2008. Performance is at net asset value.

9    Class R3 shares commenced operations on June 23, 2008 and performance for the Class began on June 30, 2008. Performance is at net asset value.






Expense Example

As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (these charges vary among the share classes); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees (these charges vary among the share classes); and other Fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in each Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010).

Actual Expenses

For each class of each Fund, the first line of the table on the following pages provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During the Period 7/1/10 – 12/31/10” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

For each class of each Fund, the second line of the table on the following pages provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in each Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.



Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)




Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


Paid During
       7/1/10     12/31/10     7/1/10 -

Class A



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,092.90      $ 6.28   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,019.20      $ 6.06   

Class B



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,089.00      $ 9.69   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,015.92      $ 9.35   

Class C



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,088.80      $ 9.69   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,015.92      $ 9.35   

Class F



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,094.10      $ 4.96   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,020.50      $ 4.79   

Class I



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,095.00      $ 4.44   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,020.96      $ 4.28   

Class P



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,092.50      $ 6.80   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,018.70      $ 6.56   

Class R2



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,089.70      $ 7.58   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,017.99      $ 7.32   

Class R3



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,092.20      $ 7.07   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,018.47      $ 6.82   



For each class of the Fund, net expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for such class (1.19% for Class A, 1.84% for Classes B and C, 0.94% for Class F, 0.84% for Class I, 1.29% for Class P, 1.44% for Class R2 and 1.34% for Class R3) multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect one-half year period).



Portfolio Holdings Presented by Sector

December 31, 2010


Sector*    %**         Sector*    %**  



Foreign Government




Health Care










Basic Industry




Capital Goods




Consumer Cyclical


Technology & Electronics


Consumer Non-Cyclical








Financial Services


Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.
**   Represents percent of total investments.



Global Allocation Fund




Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


Paid During
       7/1/10     12/31/10     7/1/10 -

Class A



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,203.70      $ 1.94   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,023.44      $ 1.79   

Class B



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,198.90      $ 5.54   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,020.17      $ 5.09   

Class C



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,198.50      $ 5.54   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,020.17      $ 5.09   

Class F



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,204.30      $ 0.56   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,024.70      $ 0.51   

Class I



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,205.80      $ 0.00   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,025.21      $ 0.00   

Class R2



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,203.80      $ 0.56   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,024.72      $ 0.51   

Class R3



     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,203.30      $ 2.78   

Hypothetical (5% Return Before Expenses)

     $ 1,000.00      $ 1,022.70      $ 2.55   



For each class of the Fund, net expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for such class (0.35% for Class A and 1.00% for Classes B and C, 0.10% for Class F, 0.00% for Class I, 0.10% R2 and 0.50% for Class R3) multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect one-half year period).


Does not include expenses of Underlying Funds in which Global Allocation Fund invests.



Portfolio Holdings Presented by Portfolio Allocation

December 31, 2010


Portfolio Allocation    %*  



Fixed Income


Short-Term Investment





*   Represents percent of total investments.



Schedule of Investments

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Automobiles 6.09%          
Bank of America Auto Trust 2010-1A A2     0.75%        6/15/2012        0.15      $           749      $        749,636   
Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2008-1 A3B     1.26% #      8/15/2012        0.23        343        343,747   
Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust 2008-CPA A1     1.11% #      1/15/2013        0.04        572        574,051   
Capital One Prime Auto Receivables Trust 2007-1 A4     0.28% #      12/15/2012        0.44        731        730,283   
CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2010-1 A2     0.83%        11/15/2012        0.31        768        769,026   
CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2010-3 A2     0.75%        9/16/2013        0.89        650        650,188   
Chrysler Financial Auto Securitization Trust 2009-B A2     1.15%        11/8/2011        0.18        690        691,119   
Chrysler Financial Auto Securitization Trust 2010-A A2     0.69%        1/8/2013        0.79        1,000        1,000,311   
Chrysler Financial Lease Trust 2010-A A2     1.78%        6/15/2011               393        393,891   
Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2009-A A3     3.71%        1/15/2014        0.34        869        877,968   
Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2010-A A2     1.04%        3/15/2013        0.26        871        871,337   
Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust 2010-B A2     0.75%        10/15/2012        0.90        620        620,001   
Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2007-B A3B     0.60% #      11/15/2011        0.04        140        139,868   
Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2009-E A2     0.80%        3/15/2012        0.15        716        716,477   
Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2010-B A2     0.65%        12/15/2012        0.54        400        400,289   
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2009-2 A2     2.00%        7/15/2012        0.03        29        29,357   
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2009-4 A2     1.16%        10/15/2012        0.19        537        537,656   
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2010-1 A2     0.83%        11/15/2013        0.93        750        750,188   
Honda Auto Receivables Owner Trust 2010-1 A2     0.62%        2/21/2012        0.22        738        738,474   
Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2009-A A2     1.11%        2/15/2012        0.13        697        697,321   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Automobiles (continued)          
Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables Trust 2010-1 A2     0.70%        8/15/2012        0.35      $ 1,000      $ 1,000,880   
Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2009-A A3     2.92%        12/15/2011        0.26        917        922,391   
Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2009-A A3     3.41%        4/16/2012        0.38        1,366        1,380,880   
Volkswagen Auto Loan Enhanced Trust 2010-1 A2     0.66%        5/21/2012        0.25        395        395,442   
World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2010-A A2     0.70%        6/15/2012        0.25                  811               811,391   
Total             16,792,172   
Credit Cards 5.73%          
Bank of America Credit Card Trust 2007-A2     0.28% #      6/17/2013        0.04        1,050        1,049,916   
Bank of America Credit Card Trust 2008-A5     1.46% #      12/16/2013        0.04        1,500        1,508,156   
Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust 2004-A5     0.41% #      3/17/2014        0.04        1,300        1,299,604   
Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust 2005-A1     0.33% #      1/15/2015        0.03        1,000        996,256   
Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust 2006-A4     0.30% #      12/16/2013        0.04        883        882,842   
Chase Issuance Trust 2005-A2     0.33% #      12/15/2014        0.04        965        963,002   
Chase Issuance Trust 2006-A1 A     0.30% #      4/15/2013        0.04        1,500        1,499,731   
Chase Issuance Trust 2006-B1     0.41% #      4/15/2013        0.04        500        499,855   
Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2005-A8     0.331% #      10/20/2014        0.04        1,000        996,277   
Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust 2009-A1     2.01% #      3/17/2014        0.05        1,200        1,221,749   
Citibank Omni Master Trust 2009-A8     2.36% #      5/16/2016        0.05        650        658,302   
Discover Card Master Trust 2009-A1     1.56% #      12/15/2014        0.05        450        456,104   
Discover Card Master Trust I 2006-1 A2     0.31% #      8/16/2013        0.04        1,242        1,241,809   
Discover Card Master Trust I 2006-2 A2     0.29%     1/16/2014        0.04        1,000        999,223   
GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Trust 2009-1 A     2.36% #      4/15/2015        0.05        1,100        1,124,022   
Nordstrom Private Label Credit Card Master Note Trust 2007-2A A     0.32% #      5/15/2015        0.03        420        417,726   
Total             15,814,574   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Home Equity 0.03%          
Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-FXD2 2A1     5.90%        3/25/2037        0.56      $ 84      $ 79,959   
Other 2.90%          
CNH Equipment Trust 2007-A A4     0.30% #      9/17/2012        0.04        494        494,472   
Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2010-4A A     1.069% #      4/25/2046        0.06        800        801,012   
SLM Student Loan Trust 2007-2 A2     0.288% #      7/25/2017        0.05        1,374        1,363,576   
SLM Student Loan Trust 2007-6 A1     0.458% #      4/27/2015        0.06                  354               354,375   
SLM Student Loan Trust 2007-7 A2(a)     0.488% #      1/25/2016        0.05        1,464        1,460,657   
SLM Student Loan Trust 2007-8 A1     0.518% #      7/27/2015        0.06        304        304,230   
SLM Student Loan Trust 2008-2 A1     0.588% #      1/25/2015        0.06        1,241        1,241,872   
SLM Student Loan Trust 2008-3 A1     0.788%     1/25/2014        0.06        726        727,298   
SLM Student Loan Trust 2008-4 A1     0.968% #      7/25/2013        0.06        1,249        1,250,192   
Total             7,997,684   
Total Asset-Backed Securities (cost $40,678,034)            40,684,389   
CORPORATE BONDS 36.07%          
Aerospace/Defense 0.18%          
Northrop Grumman Systems Corp.     7.125%        2/15/2011        0.11        500        503,518   
Airlines 0.49%          
Southwest Airlines Co.     10.50%        12/15/2011        0.91        1,250        1,346,294   
Auto Loans 0.65%          
PACCAR Financial Corp.     1.04% #      4/1/2011        0.24        1,800        1,799,827   
Auto Parts & Equipment 0.44%          
Johnson Controls, Inc.     5.25%        1/15/2011        0.03        1,200        1,201,394   
Banking 8.72%          
Banco Santander Chile (Chile)(b)     1.539% #      4/20/2012        1.28        1,000        1,000,010   
Bank of America Corp.     2.10%        4/30/2012        1.30        2,800        2,859,072   
Bank of Nova Scotia (Canada)(b)     0.311% #      7/6/2011        0.52        1,000        999,998   
Barclays Bank plc (United Kingdom)(b)     2.50%        9/21/2015        4.38        800        771,846   
Bear Stearns Cos. LLC     5.50%        8/15/2011        0.60        1,100        1,133,855   
BNP Paribas Home Loan Covered Bonds SA (France)(b)     2.20%        11/2/2015        4.52        700        671,164   
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Canada)(b)     2.00%        2/4/2013        2.03        730        743,429   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Banking (continued)          
Cie de Financement Foncier (France)(b)     2.125%        4/22/2013        2.24      $ 800      $ 807,258   
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Australia)(b)     0.586% #      11/4/2011        0.85        1,300        1,300,835   
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Australia)(b)     2.70%        11/25/2014        3.69        720        743,677   
Deutsche Bank AG     0.589% #      1/19/2012        1.06        1,000        1,001,178   
DnB NOR Boligkreditt AS (Norway)(b)     2.10%        10/14/2015        4.48                  800               761,821   
Export-Import Bank of Korea (South Korea)(b)     5.125%        2/14/2011        0.12        1,000        1,003,658   
FIH Erhvervsbank AS (Denmark)(b)     1.75%        12/6/2012        1.90        930        942,638   
Korea Development Bank (South Korea)(b)     5.75%        5/13/2012        1.32        250        263,312   
NIBC Bank NV (Netherlands)(b)     2.80%        12/2/2014        3.70        785        809,885   
Societe Financement de l’Economie Francaise (France)(b)     3.375%        5/5/2014        3.15        2,130        2,245,109   
Stadshypotek AB (Sweden)(b)     1.45%        9/30/2013        2.68        600        599,675   
Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) (Canada)(b)     2.20%        7/29/2015        4.28        500        492,370   
U.S. Central Federal Credit Union     1.90%        10/19/2012        1.76        2,205        2,252,213   
Western Corporate Federal Credit Union     1.75%        11/2/2012        1.79        1,200        1,222,249   
Westpac Banking Corp. (Australia)(b)     2.90%        9/10/2014        3.47        1,380        1,427,316   
Total             24,052,568   
Beverages 1.21%           
Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc.     1.033% #      3/26/2013        0.22        1,500        1,514,601   
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc.     1.70%        12/21/2011        0.95        1,500        1,513,750   
SABMiller plc (United Kingdom)(b)     6.20%        7/1/2011        0.49        305        312,908   
Total             3,341,259   
Chemicals 0.61%           
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.     6.25%        2/7/2011        0.09        500        501,811   
Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, Inc. (Canada)(b)     7.75%        5/31/2011        0.42        1,140        1,173,025   
Total             1,674,836   
Computer Hardware 0.36%           
Hewlett-Packard Co.     0.427% #      9/13/2012        0.19        1,000        1,001,586   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Consumer/Commercial/Lease Financing 1.76%       
General Electric Capital Corp.     0.562% #      9/15/2014        0.19      $ 3,000      $ 2,914,161   
General Electric Capital Corp.     2.00%        9/28/2012        1.70        1,900        1,941,574   
Total             4,855,735   
Department Stores 0.19%           
Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc.     7.45%        9/15/2011        0.67      $ 500      $ 521,250   
Diversified Capital Goods 0.55%           
Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV (Netherlands)(b)     0.452% #      3/16/2012        1.22               1,520            1,520,187   
Electric: Generation 0.31%           
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative     6.25%        6/1/2011        0.40        850        869,071   
Electric: Integrated 4.48%           
Allegheny Energy Supply Co. LLC     8.25%        4/15/2012        1.21        295        316,599   
Arizona Public Service Co.     6.375%        10/15/2011        0.76        500        520,788   
Commonwealth Edison Co.     6.15%        3/15/2012        1.15        1,000        1,062,304   
DPL, Inc.     6.875%        9/1/2011        0.64        800        830,387   
DTE Energy Co.     7.05%        6/1/2011        0.40        850        871,482   
KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Co.     7.95%        2/1/2011        0.07        500        502,521   
KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Co.     11.875%        7/1/2012        1.39        350        397,146   
Nevada Power Co.     8.25%        6/1/2011        0.40        1,075        1,107,582   
NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc.     0.686% #      11/9/2012        0.10        2,000        2,010,228   
NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc.     1.182% #      6/17/2011        0.20        1,750        1,756,489   
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co.     6.70%        2/1/2011        0.07        236        237,048   
Southern Co.     0.689% #      10/21/2011        0.05        2,225        2,232,567   
TAQA Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. (United Arab Emirates)(a)     5.62%        10/25/2012        1.70        500        523,570   
Total             12,368,711   
Electronics 0.33%           
Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV (Netherlands)(b)     1.452% #      3/11/2011        0.19        900        901,974   
Energy: Exploration & Production 0.81%           
Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd. III (Qatar)(b)     4.50%        9/30/2012        1.68        890        938,998   
Woodside Finance Ltd. (Australia)(b)     6.70%        8/1/2011        0.56        1,250        1,290,386   
Total             2,229,384   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Environmental 0.55%           
Allied Waste North America, Inc.     6.375%        4/15/2011        0.28      $ 1,500      $ 1,522,262   
Food: Wholesale 1.67%           
HJ Heinz Finance Co.     6.625%        7/15/2011        0.51               3,000            3,093,672   
WM Wrigley Jr. Co.     1.678% #      6/28/2011        0.23        1,500        1,500,906   
Total             4,594,578   
Gas Distribution 1.05%          
AGL Capital Corp.     7.125%        1/14/2011        0.03        500        500,703   
Enterprise Products Partners LP     7.50%        2/1/2011        0.07        1,600        1,607,096   
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP     7.125%        3/15/2012        1.14        500        533,551   
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp.     7.00%        8/15/2011        0.59        250        259,360   
Total             2,900,710   
Health Services 0.10%          
McKesson Corp.     7.75%        2/1/2012        1.01        250        267,316   
Integrated Energy 1.09%          
BP Capital Markets plc (United Kingdom)(b)     1.55%        8/11/2011        0.61        150        150,700   
Petronas Capital Ltd. (Malaysia)†(b)     7.00%        5/22/2012        1.33        750        806,911   
Shell International Finance BV (Netherlands)(b)     1.30%        9/22/2011        0.72        1,000        1,006,666   
Total Capital SA (France)(b)     5.00%        10/10/2011        0.77        1,000        1,030,642   
Total             2,994,919   
Life Insurance 0.74%          
MetLife, Inc.     1.536% #      8/6/2013        0.09        2,000        2,032,398   
Managed Care 1.11%          
UnitedHealth Group, Inc.     1.586% #      2/7/2011        0.09        1,450        1,451,595   
WellPoint, Inc.     5.00%        1/15/2011        0.03        1,600        1,601,699   
Total             3,053,294   
Media: Cable 1.79%          
Comcast Cable Communications LLC     6.75%        1/30/2011        0.07        2,250        2,259,299   
DirecTV Holdings LLC/DirecTV Financing Co., Inc.     6.375%        6/15/2015        0.07        1,500        1,558,125   
DirecTV Holdings LLC/DirecTV Financing Co., Inc.     7.625%        5/15/2016        1.30        1,000        1,109,980   
Total             4,927,404   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Medical Products 0.18%          
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.     7.50%        8/15/2013        0.01      $           500      $        509,375   
Metals/Mining (Excluding Steel) 1.50%           
Freeport-McMoRan Copper &
Gold, Inc.
    8.25%        4/1/2015        0.24        2,475        2,610,355   
Xstrata Canada Corp. (Canada)(b)     8.375%        2/15/2011        0.12        1,500        1,512,801   
Total             4,123,156   
Non-Electric Utilities 0.36%          
Southwest Gas Corp.     8.375%        2/15/2011        0.11        980        987,725   
Pharmaceuticals 0.36%          
Roche Holdings, Inc.     2.288% #      2/25/2011        0.14        1,000        1,003,143   
Railroads 0.96%          
CSX Corp.     6.75%        3/15/2011        0.19        2,625        2,654,736   
Real Estate Investment Trusts 0.32%          
Federal Realty Investment Trust     4.50%        2/15/2011        0.11        875        878,442   
Software/Services 0.19%          
Intuit, Inc.     5.40%        3/15/2012        1.15        500        523,765   
Telecommunications: Integrated/Services 0.84%         
Telefonica Emisiones SAU (Spain)(b)     5.984%        6/20/2011        0.47        2,000        2,044,586   
TELUS Corp. (Canada)(b)     8.00%        6/1/2011        0.41        275        282,528   
Total             2,327,114   
Telecommunications: Wireless 1.46%          
Cellco Partnership/Verizon Wireless Capital LLC     2.884% #      5/20/2011        0.13        1,000        1,010,121   
Vodafone Group plc (United Kingdom)(b)     0.642% #      6/15/2011        0.46        3,000        3,004,554   
Total             4,014,675   
Transportation (Excluding Air/Rail) 0.71%           
FedEx Corp.     7.25%        2/15/2011        0.11        1,955        1,968,974   
Total Corporate Bonds (cost $99,165,781)              99,471,580   
Hungary 2.22%          
Hungary Government Bond(c)     7.50%        2/12/2011        0.10      HUF 1,270,500        6,114,460   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Mexico 0.49%          
United Mexican States(b)     7.50%        1/14/2012        0.97      $        1,250      $ 1,340,625   
Panama 0.20%          
Republic of Panama(b)     7.25%        3/15/2015        3.61        30        34,800   
Republic of Panama(b)     9.625%        2/8/2011        0.09        500        508,250   
Total             543,050   
Poland 2.60%          
Poland Government Bond(c)     4.25%        5/24/2011        0.38      PLN 18,083        6,115,180   
Poland Government Bond(b)     6.25%        7/3/2012        1.44      $ 1,000        1,066,275   
Total             7,181,455   
Turkey 3.98%          
Turkey Government Bond(c)     Zero Coupon        2/2/2011        0.08      TRY 17,000        10,979,203   
United Arab Emirates 0.12%          
Emirate of Abu Dhabi(b)     5.50%        8/2/2012        1.49      $ 300        319,149   
Total Foreign Government Obligations (cost $27,664,044)            26,477,942   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 2564 PD     5.00%        9/15/2016        0.55        943        963,340   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. K005 A1     3.484%        4/25/2019        4.50        1,806        1,860,671   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. K006 A1     3.398%        7/25/2019        4.62        1,884        1,929,763   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. K007 A1     3.342%        12/25/2019        4.89        2,260        2,298,048   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. K008 A1     2.746%        12/25/2019        5.13        794        781,660   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 2004-61 A     5.00%        2/25/2018        0.58        1,444        1,474,289   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 2005-14 OP     4.50%        10/25/2028        0.79        757        776,851   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 2009-M2 A1     2.387%        1/25/2019        2.54        1,271        1,298,420   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc. 2010-M3 A1     2.587%        3/25/2020        3.08        816        830,224   
Total Government Sponsored Enterprises Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
(cost $12,193,146)


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.     4.00%        5/1/2011        0.28      $ 49      $ 49,248   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.     4.861% #      5/1/2035        1.00               1,203        1,258,067   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.     4.938% #      7/1/2035        1.13        634        666,251   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.     5.00%        5/1/2021        2.69        419        445,906   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.     5.054% #      9/1/2035        2.51        929        989,097   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.(d)     5.50%        TBA        2.78        2,700        2,877,611   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.     5.542% #      6/1/2036        0.52        896        940,090   
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.     5.691% #      11/1/2037        1.21        366        388,217   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.     2.95%        3/1/2015        3.91        1,000        988,074   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.     3.18%        11/1/2014        3.53        1,182        1,225,197   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.     4.00%        1/1/2011        0.07        6        5,724   
Federal National Mortgage Assoc.     4.00%        6/1/2011        0.31        472        480,303   
Total Government Sponsored Enterprises Pass-Throughs (cost $10,234,565)            10,313,785   
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 2002-2 A3     5.118%        7/11/2043        0.90        960        989,255   
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 2002-PB2 A4     6.186%        6/11/2035        0.79        571        591,313   
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 2003-1 A1     3.878%        9/11/2036        0.65        1,089        1,104,081   
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 2005-2 AAB     4.742%        7/10/2043        2.07        654        686,182   
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 2005-5 A2     5.001%        10/10/2045        0.16        113        112,996   
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 2005-6 A2     5.165%        9/10/2047        0.10        108        107,961   
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2001-TOP4 A3     5.61%        11/15/2033        0.47        477        484,721   
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2003-T10 A1     4.00%        3/13/2040        0.88        927        942,097   
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2005-T20 A2     5.127%        10/12/2042        0.51        1,160        1,171,877   
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2006-PW11 A1     5.266%        3/11/2039        0.10        280        280,045   
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2006-T22 A2     5.512% #      4/12/2038        0.12        552        553,519   
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2006-T24 AB     5.533%        10/12/2041        3.11        800        861,698   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2007-BBA8 A1     0.33% #      3/15/2022        0.02      $           374      $        367,230   
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2007-T28 A1     5.422%        9/11/2042        0.86        1,351        1,385,487   
Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-C3 A2     4.639%        5/15/2043        1.96        1,115        1,127,071   
Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates 2003-LB1A A2     4.084%        6/10/2038        2.07        1,220        1,268,239   
Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates 2006-C7 A2     5.69%        6/10/2046        0.25        611        615,058   
Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates 2010-C1 A1     3.156%        7/10/2046        3.95        749        751,167   
Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital 2006-C1 A2     5.512%        2/15/2039        1.64        983        1,012,480   
Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital 2006-C1 A3     5.539% #      2/15/2039        2.82        770        812,954   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2001-CK6 A3     6.387%        8/15/2036        0.64        1,004        1,031,795   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2001-CP4 A4     6.18%        12/15/2035        0.32        287        290,465   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-CKP1 A3     6.439%        12/15/2035        0.82        1,224        1,270,058   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-CKS4 A1     4.485%        11/15/2036        0.16        107        107,107   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-CKS4 A2     5.183%        11/15/2036        1.32        860        897,044   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-CP5 A2     4.94%        12/15/2035        1.61        1,275        1,338,836   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2003-C4 A4     5.137%        8/15/2036        2.18        900        963,608   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2003-CK2 A4     4.801%        3/15/2036        1.87        1,549        1,629,980   
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 2004-C5 A2     4.183%        11/15/2037        0.12        1,051        1,050,190   
Developers Diversified Realty I Depositor LLC Trust 2009-DDR1 A     3.807%        10/14/2022        3.35        489        507,603   
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2001-3 A2     6.07%        6/10/2038        0.64        1,425        1,463,495   
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2002-1A A3     6.269%        12/10/2035        0.92        1,290        1,343,886   
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2002-2A A3     5.349%        8/11/2036        1.29        1,135        1,187,910   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2002-3A A1     4.229%        12/10/2037        0.36      $           336      $        338,885   
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2002-3A A2     4.996%        12/10/2037        1.49        1,580        1,658,943   
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2003-C2 A4     5.145%        7/10/2037        2.09        210        223,299   
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2004-C3 A2     4.433%        7/10/2039        0.25        85        85,161   
GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp. 2005-C1 A2     4.353%        6/10/2048        0.81        833        839,727   
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2002-C1 A2     6.278%        11/15/2039        0.60        970        995,638   
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2002-C2 A3     5.713%        10/15/2038        1.04        1,555        1,618,321   
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2002-C3 A2     4.93%        7/10/2039        1.53        1,025        1,076,272   
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2003-C1 A1     3.337%        5/10/2036        0.97        658        668,047   
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2003-C1 A2     4.079%        5/10/2036        1.92        750        778,224   
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2003-C2 A2     5.471% #      5/10/2040        2.31        900        969,483   
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 2006-C1 A2     5.147%        11/10/2045        0.11        1,091        1,091,600   
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp. 2002-C1 A4     4.948%        1/11/2035        1.49        1,400        1,466,632   
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp. 2003-C1 A4     4.111%        7/5/2035        2.05        1,910        1,988,617   
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp. 2003-C2 A4     4.915%        1/5/2036        2.37        1,000        1,064,758   
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp. 2005-GG5 A2     5.117%        4/10/2037        1.16        809        815,590   
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp. 2007-GG9 A2     5.381%        3/10/2039        1.04        1,003        1,030,360   
GS Mortgage Securities Corp. II 2005-GG4 AABA     4.68%        7/10/2039        1.83        498        519,251   
GS Mortgage Securities Corp. II 2006-GG8 A2     5.479%        11/10/2039        0.63        647        658,826   
GS Mortgage Securities Corp. II 2010-C1 A1     3.679%        8/10/2043        4.20        688        702,651   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
GS Mortgage Securities Corp. II 2010-C2 A1     3.85%        12/10/2043        4.35      $           799      $        815,102   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2001-CIB2 A3     6.429%        4/15/2035        0.36        776        786,312   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2001-CIB3 A3     6.465%        11/15/2035        0.62        810        831,740   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-C1 A2     4.914%        7/12/2037        0.18        218        218,698   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-C1 A3     5.376%        7/12/2037        1.19        1,200        1,254,295   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-C2 A2     5.05%        12/12/2034        1.61        1,000        1,053,810   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2002-CIB5 A2     5.161%        10/12/2037        1.55        1,193        1,254,631   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2003-CB6 A1     4.393%        7/12/2037        1.22        444        458,172   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2004-LN2 A1     4.475%        7/15/2041        1.02        1,446        1,474,410   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2005-LDP2 A2     4.575%        7/15/2042        0.04        140        140,305   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2005-LDP4 ASB     4.824%        10/15/2042        1.92        884        926,871   
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 2007-LD11 A2     5.802% #      6/15/2049        1.33        1,150        1,191,515   
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2002-C1 A4     6.462%        3/15/2031        0.86        950        992,106   
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2002-C4 A5     4.853%        9/15/2031        1.49        1,000        1,046,217   
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2004-C8 A2     4.201%        12/15/2029        0.27        111        111,870   
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-C3 A2     4.553%        7/15/2030        0.08        511        511,485   
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C3 A1     5.478%        3/15/2032        0.03        18        17,931   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-C1 A2     5.318%        2/15/2040        0.95      $           1,000      $        1,025,709   
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2005-CIP1 A2     4.96%        7/12/2038        1.45        637        649,020   
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2005-CKI1 A2     5.22% #      11/12/2037        1.43        501        503,165   
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2005-LC1 A2     5.202%        1/12/2044        0.11        245        245,006   
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2005-MCP1 A2     4.556%        6/12/2043        2.03        384        389,111   
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2005-MKB2 A2     4.806%        9/12/2042        0.11        376        376,128   
Merrill Lynch/Countrywide Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-1 A2     5.439%        2/12/2039        0.18        1,057        1,060,755   
Morgan Stanley Capital I 2006-HQ8 A2     5.374%        3/12/2044        0.11        716        715,374   
Morgan Stanley Capital I 2006-T21 A2     5.09%        10/12/2052        0.89        413        413,154   
Morgan Stanley Capital I 2006-T23 AAB     5.795% #      8/12/2041        2.56        1,000        1,085,001   
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital I 2001-TOP1 A4     6.66%        2/15/2033        0.08        507        506,436   
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital I 2001-TOP3 A4     6.39%        7/15/2033        0.36        789        800,332   
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital I 2003-HQ2 A1     4.18%        3/12/2035        1.22        953        981,444   
RBSCF Trust 2010-MB1 A2     3.686%        4/15/2024        3.87        1,335        1,373,669   
Salomon Brothers Mortgage
Securities VII, Inc. 2002-KEY2 A3
    4.865%        3/18/2036        1.31        475        494,603   
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 2002-C1 A4     6.287%        4/15/2034        1.00        1,280        1,337,735   
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 2003-C5 A1     2.986%        6/15/2035        0.41        462        462,950   
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 2003-C5 A2     3.989%        6/15/2035        1.97        980        1,018,984   
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 2003-C7 A1     4.241%        10/15/2035        1.20        785        791,505   
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-C18 APB     4.807%        4/15/2042        1.95        573        600,813   
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-C19 A5     4.661%        5/15/2044        1.39        1,000        1,035,156   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Investments   Interest
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-C21 A4     5.204% #      10/15/2044        3.68      $        1,000      $     1,081,892   
Total Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
(cost $76,423,929)
Total Long-Term Investments 96.49% (cost $266,359,499)          266,092,067   
SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT 1.19%           
Foreign Government Obligation          
Israel Treasury Bill—Makam(c)
(cost $3,232,487)
    Zero Coupon        2/2/2011        0.09        ILS 11,727        3,296,515   
Total Investments in Securities 97.68% (cost $269,591,986)            269,388,582   
Cash, Foreign Cash and Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities(e) 2.32%             6,393,965   
Net Assets 100.00%          $ 275,782,547   


HUF   Hungarian forint
ILS   Israeli new shekel.
PLN   Polish zloty.
TRY   Turkish lira.
  Security was purchased pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933 and, unless registered under the Act or exempted from registration, may only be resold to qualified institutional investors. Unless otherwise noted, 144A securities are deemed to be liquid.
#   Variable rate security. The interest rate represents the rate in effect at December 31, 2010.
~   Modified Duration is the change in the value of a fixed income security that will result from a 1% change in market interest rates. Duration is expressed as a number of years, and generally, the larger a duration, the greater the interest-rate risk or reward for a portfolio’s underlying bond prices. The sum of these weighted values within a portfolio, including applicable aggregated interest rate exposure, is divided by the sum of the market values (or notional values where appropriate) of all fixed income securities.
(a)   Security pledged as collateral to cover margin requirements for open futures contracts as of December 31, 2010 (See Note 2(h)).
(b)   Foreign security traded in U.S. dollars.
(c)   Investment in non-U.S. dollar denominated securities.
(d)   To-be-announced (“TBA”). Security purchased on a forward commitment basis with an approximate principal and maturity date. Actual principal and maturity will be determined upon settlement when the specific mortgage pools are assigned.
(e)   Cash, Foreign Cash and Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities include net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts and forward foreign currency exchange contracts as follows:


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Open Futures Contracts at December 31, 2010:


Type   Expiration   Contracts     Position   Market
U.S. 2-Year Treasury Note   March 2011     207      Short   $ (45,313,594)      $ 40,794   
U.S. 5-Year Treasury Note   March 2011     250      Short     (29,429,687)        466,563   
Totals         $ (74,743,281)      $ 507,357   

Open Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts at December 31, 2010:


Foreign Currency
Exchange Contracts
  Counterparty     Expiration
    U.S. $
Cost on
    U.S. $
Argentine peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     12,520,000      $   3,092,885      $   3,138,479      $ 45,594   
Argentine peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     5,880,000        1,463,415        1,473,982        10,567   
Argentine peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     550,000        137,123        137,873        750   
Argentine peso   Buy     Credit Suisse      3/14/2011     12,980,000        3,208,107        3,217,367        9,260   
Argentine peso   Buy     Credit Suisse      3/14/2011     1,420,000        351,964        351,977        13   
Brazilian real   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     5,405,000        3,122,472        3,220,219        97,747   
Brazilian real   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     345,000        196,693        205,546        8,853   
Brazilian real   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     8,320,000        4,770,369        4,937,440        167,071   
Brazilian real   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     480,000        277,794        284,852        7,058   
Chilean peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     84,000,000        171,990        179,203        7,213   
Chilean peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     66,000,000        134,529        140,802        6,273   
Chilean peso   Buy     Credit Suisse      2/22/2011     390,000,000        796,325        829,983        33,658   
Chilean peso   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     2,840,000,000        5,813,716        6,033,836        220,120   
Chilean peso   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     120,000,000        247,270        254,951        7,681   
Chinese yuan renminbi   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     660,000        100,136        100,124        (12)   
Chinese yuan renminbi   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     27,130,000        4,081,541        4,115,713        34,172   
Chinese yuan renminbi   Buy     Credit Suisse      3/14/2011     2,230,000        339,525        338,350        (1,175)   
Colombian peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     2,920,000,000        1,619,343        1,528,486        (90,857)   
Colombian peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     1,150,000,000        639,646        601,972        (37,674)   
Colombian peso   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     200,000,000        111,658        104,691        (6,967)   
Colombian peso   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     3,400,000,000        1,865,057        1,787,669        (77,388)   
Colombian peso   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     260,000,000        138,298        136,704        (1,594)   
Colombian peso   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     2,440,000,000        1,278,826        1,283,880        5,054   
Colombian peso   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     910,000,000        478,695        478,824        129   
Czech koruna   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     104,800,000        5,958,947        5,591,689        (367,258)   
Czech koruna   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     3,350,000        190,861        178,742        (12,119)   
Czech koruna   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     2,850,000        163,043        152,064        (10,979)   
Czech koruna   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     55,100,000        3,195,314        2,939,404        (255,910)   
Czech koruna   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     3,900,000        220,339        208,052        (12,287)   
Czech koruna   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     4,000,000        220,799        213,387        (7,412)   
Czech koruna   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      3/14/2011     185,000,000        9,773,364        9,867,557        94,193   
Czech koruna   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      3/14/2011     3,650,000        192,414        194,684        2,270   
Hong Kong dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     53,900,000        6,959,958        6,937,348        (22,610)   
Hong Kong dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     1,500,000        193,687        193,062        (625)   
Hong Kong dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     1,300,000        167,865        167,320        (545)   
Hong Kong dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     72,080,000        9,289,756        9,279,001        (10,755)   
Hong Kong dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     1,700,000        218,678        218,844        166   
Hong Kong dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     26,000,000        3,347,108        3,347,032        (76)   
Hong Kong dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     4,500,000        580,207        579,294        (913)   
Hungarian forint   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     185,000,000        938,610        887,452        (51,158)   
Hungarian forint   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     38,000,000        189,863        182,288        (7,575)   
Hungarian forint   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     27,000,000        138,164        129,520        (8,644)   
Hungarian forint   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     393,000,000        2,028,701        1,879,163        (149,538)   
Hungarian forint   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     39,000,000        194,971        186,482        (8,489)   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Foreign Currency
Exchange Contracts
  Counterparty     Expiration
    U.S. $
Cost on
    U.S. $
Hungarian forint   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     28,000,000      $ 138,408      $ 133,884      $ (4,524)   
Hungarian forint   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/11/2011     1,505,000,000        7,127,634        7,181,723        54,089   
Hungarian forint   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/11/2011     45,000,000        214,225        214,736        511   
Indian rupee   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     105,920,000        2,376,486        2,347,685        (28,801)   
Indian rupee   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     200,000,000        4,373,497        4,415,632        42,135   
Indian rupee   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     61,500,000        1,338,703        1,357,807        19,104   
Indian rupee   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     12,500,000        273,943        275,977        2,034   
Indonesian rupiah   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     22,700,000,000        2,518,305        2,511,689        (6,616)   
Indonesian rupiah   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     1,450,000,000        161,662        160,438        (1,224)   
Indonesian rupiah   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     29,650,000,000        3,301,782        3,265,997        (35,785)   
Indonesian rupiah   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     1,500,000,000        167,937        165,227        (2,710)   
Indonesian rupiah   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     15,400,000,000        1,695,102        1,691,064        (4,038)   
Indonesian rupiah   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     3,100,000,000        345,596        340,409        (5,187)   
Indonesian rupiah   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     2,500,000,000        276,978        274,524        (2,454)   
Israeli new shekel   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     5,000,000        1,371,366        1,408,611        37,245   
Israeli new shekel   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     600,000        165,499        169,033        3,534   
Israeli new shekel   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     5,000,000        1,363,029        1,408,610        45,581   
Israeli new shekel   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     600,000        165,746        168,935        3,189   
Israeli new shekel   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     10,550,000        2,898,192        2,970,435        72,243   
Malaysian ringgit   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     930,000        300,097        301,171        1,074   
Malaysian ringgit   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     420,000        134,853        136,012        1,159   
Malaysian ringgit   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     8,640,000        2,779,923        2,792,850        12,927   
Malaysian ringgit   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     520,000        167,095        168,088        993   
Malaysian ringgit   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     6,110,000        1,935,075        1,972,653        37,578   
Malaysian ringgit   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     525,000        170,455        169,500        (955)   
Mexican peso   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     32,250,000        2,559,016        2,607,896        48,880   
Mexican peso   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     2,700,000        216,407        218,336        1,929   
Mexican peso   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     1,665,000        133,517        134,640        1,123   
Mexican peso   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     1,345,000        109,022        108,764        (258)   
Mexican peso   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     3,400,000        277,006        274,941        (2,065)   
Mexican peso   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     142,140,000        11,542,490        11,468,700        (73,790)   
Mexican peso   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     2,060,000        166,825        166,213        (612)   
Mexican peso   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     2,400,000        193,525        193,646        121   
Mexican peso   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     4,100,000        330,459        330,259        (200)   
Mexican peso   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     3,500,000        281,892        281,928        36   
Mexican peso   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     5,500,000        441,129        443,029        1,900   
Mexican peso   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     184,600,000        14,852,361        14,869,689        17,328   
Peruvian Nuevo sol   Buy     Credit Suisse      3/14/2011     965,000        343,111        342,821        (290)   
Peruvian Nuevo sol   Buy     Credit Suisse      3/14/2011     11,775,000        4,151,974        4,183,128        31,154   
Philippine peso   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     226,800,000        5,151,033        5,178,044        27,011   
Philippine peso   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     7,000,000        160,513        159,816        (697)   
Philippine peso   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     117,000,000        2,681,641        2,670,426        (11,215)   
Philippine peso   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     10,800,000        248,276        246,501        (1,775)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     9,170,000        3,199,675        3,093,637        (106,038)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     690,000        243,954        232,782        (11,172)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     535,000        186,456        180,490        (5,966)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     310,000        109,579        104,389        (5,190)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     27,460,000        9,911,211        9,246,803        (664,408)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     1,030,000        361,274        346,840        (14,434)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     950,000        331,862        319,900        (11,962)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     640,000        221,086        215,512        (5,574)   
Polish zloty   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     830,000        276,064        279,492        3,428   
Polish zloty   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     3,850,000        1,380,992        1,296,438        (84,554)   
Polish zloty   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     1,160,000        385,562        390,105        4,543   
Polish zloty   Buy     UBS AG      3/14/2011     31,130,000        10,278,677        10,468,929        190,252   
Romanian new leu   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     7,900,000        2,536,930        2,475,398        (61,532)   
Romanian new leu   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     425,000        137,407        133,170        (4,237)   
Romanian new leu   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     5,500,000        1,800,622        1,717,074        (83,548)   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Foreign Currency
Exchange Contracts
  Counterparty     Expiration
    U.S. $
Cost on
    U.S. $
Romanian new leu   Buy     Goldman Sachs      2/22/2011     525,000      $ 165,772      $ 163,903      $ (1,869)   
Romanian new leu   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      3/14/2011     16,770,000        5,112,026        5,220,450        108,424   
Romanian new leu   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      3/14/2011     540,000        165,032        168,101        3,069   
Russian ruble   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     95,600,000        3,157,199        3,126,277        (30,922)   
Russian ruble   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     3,300,000        108,754        107,915        (839)   
Russian ruble   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     6,000,000        193,424        196,210        2,786   
Russian ruble   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      3/14/2011     8,700,000        284,128        283,264        (864)   
Russian ruble   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      3/14/2011     140,600,000        4,469,167        4,577,799        108,632   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     3,815,000        2,917,157        2,972,770        55,613   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     210,000        161,309        163,639        2,330   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     245,000        189,004        190,912        1,908   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      2/22/2011     11,905,000        9,282,434        9,276,937        (5,497)   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      2/22/2011     250,000        194,200        194,812        612   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      2/22/2011     320,000        248,210        249,359        1,149   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Morgan Stanley      2/22/2011     420,000        321,778        327,284        5,506   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     16,400,000        12,518,224        12,779,717        261,493   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     500,000        383,745        389,626        5,881   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     180,000        137,655        140,265        2,610   
Singapore dollar   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     180,000        138,896        140,265        1,369   
South African rand   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     1,180,000        169,420        178,595        9,175   
South African rand   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     945,000        135,875        143,027        7,152   
South African rand   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     760,000        107,786        115,027        7,241   
South African rand   Buy     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     1,165,000        164,790        176,324        11,534   
South African rand   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     9,560,000        1,364,327        1,440,896        76,569   
South African rand   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     37,165,000        5,373,149        5,601,558        228,409   
South African rand   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     1,160,000        165,223        174,837        9,614   
South African rand   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     1,522,000        220,532        229,398        8,866   
South African rand   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     8,129,000        1,171,832        1,221,756        49,924   
South African rand   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     931,000        137,797        139,925        2,128   
South African rand   Buy     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     56,250,000        8,050,089        8,454,151        404,062   
South Korean won   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     2,120,000,000        1,874,033        1,866,023        (8,010)   
South Korean won   Buy     UBS AG      1/24/2011     150,000,000        128,811        132,030        3,219   
Taiwan dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     27,150,000        883,933        931,689        47,756   
Taiwan dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     46,850,000        1,554,929        1,608,750        53,821   
Taiwan dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     4,150,000        139,028        142,503        3,475   
Taiwan dollar   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     4,030,000        137,778        138,384        606   
Thai baht   Buy     UBS AG      2/22/2011     52,430,000        1,764,132        1,737,883        (26,249)   
Thai baht   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     69,600,000        2,316,139        2,305,797        (10,342)   
Thai baht   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     42,800,000        1,420,983        1,417,933        (3,050)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     3,180,000        2,206,188        2,054,618        (151,570)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     235,000        163,297        151,835        (11,462)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     355,000        244,037        229,368        (14,669)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     6,255,000        4,404,930        4,026,744        (378,186)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     2,000,000        1,405,039        1,287,528        (117,511)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     240,000        166,990        154,503        (12,487)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     405,000        278,088        260,725        (17,363)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     322,500        220,634        207,614        (13,020)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     242,500        165,193        156,113        (9,080)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     168,000        110,952        108,153        (2,799)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     740,000        493,696        475,131        (18,565)   
Turkish lira   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     345,000        219,746        221,514        1,768   
Turkish lira   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     215,000        136,621        138,045        1,424   
Turkish lira   Buy     Goldman Sachs      3/14/2011     13,930,000        9,268,131        8,944,018        (324,113)   
Brazilian real   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     236,000        136,180        140,605        (4,425)   
Brazilian real   Sell     UBS AG      3/14/2011     350,000        207,654        207,705        (51)   
Chilean peso   Sell     UBS AG      1/24/2011     150,000,000        320,102        320,005        97   
Chilean peso   Sell     UBS AG      3/14/2011     100,000,000        212,404        212,459        (55)   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments (concluded)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) December 31, 2010


Foreign Currency
Exchange Contracts
  Counterparty     Expiration
    U.S. $
Cost on
    U.S. $
Chinese yuan renminbi   Sell     UBS AG      1/24/2011     3,255,000      $ 493,062      $ 493,794      $ (732)   
Chinese yuan renminbi   Sell     UBS AG      1/24/2011     8,535,000        1,282,109        1,294,788        (12,679)   
Czech koruna   Sell     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     13,400,000        714,552        714,968        (416)   
euro   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     981,352        1,380,993        1,311,199        69,794   
euro   Sell     UBS AG      2/22/2011     1,120,000        1,500,822        1,496,448        4,374   
euro   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      3/14/2011     3,010,000        3,978,166        4,021,335        (43,169)   
Hong Kong dollar   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     12,920,000        1,661,715        1,662,904        (1,189)   
Hungarian forint   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     180,000,000        862,689        863,467        (778)   
Indonesian rupiah   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     1,241,000,000        136,074        136,698        (624)   
Israeli new shekel   Sell     UBS AG      1/24/2011     700,000        197,089        197,206        (117)   
Mexican peso   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     3,404,000        272,200        275,264        (3,064)   
Philippine peso   Sell     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     57,100,000        1,344,795        1,303,643        41,152   
Philippine peso   Sell     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     61,100,000        1,396,571        1,394,967        1,604   
Polish zloty   Sell     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     5,750,000        1,945,209        1,939,849        5,360   
Romanian new leu   Sell     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     1,185,000        365,177        371,310        (6,133)   
Singapore dollar   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     1,775,000          1,379,446        1,383,137        (3,691)   
Singapore dollar   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     287,000        217,655        223,640        (5,985)   
Singapore dollar   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      1/24/2011     320,000        249,610        249,354        256   
Singapore dollar   Sell     Morgan Stanley      2/22/2011     325,000        247,406        253,255        (5,849)   
South African rand   Sell     Goldman Sachs      1/24/2011     4,050,000        610,257        612,973        (2,716)   
South African rand   Sell     Morgan Stanley      3/14/2011     6,450,000        964,486        969,409        (4,923)   
South Korean won   Sell     UBS AG      1/24/2011     2,270,000,000        2,024,220          1,998,053        26,167   
Turkish lira   Sell     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     610,000        407,346        394,125        13,221   
Turkish lira   Sell     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     322,008        214,386        208,051        6,335   
Turkish lira   Sell     Morgan Stanley      1/24/2011     1,330,000        856,076        859,321        (3,245)   
Turkish lira   Sell     Barclays Bank plc      2/22/2011     377,100        245,108        242,763        2,345   
Net Unrealized Depreciation on Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts          $ (564,906)   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Schedule of Investments



Investments   Shares        Value
Lord Abbett Affiliated Fund, Inc.—Class I(b)     763,461         $ 8,872   
Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc.—Classic Stock Fund—Class I(c)     402,492           11,918   
Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc.—Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)—Class I(d)     2,764,281           18,604   
Lord Abbett Investment Trust—Floating Rate Fund—Class I(e)     312,207           2,916   
Lord Abbett Securities Trust—Fundamental Equity Fund—Class I(b)     924,563           11,982   
Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc.—Growth Opportunities Fund— Class I*(f)     510,928           12,109   
Lord Abbett Investment Trust—High Yield Fund—Class I(g)     2,637,434           20,598   
Lord Abbett Securities Trust—International Core Equity Fund—Class I(h)     761,449           9,335   
Lord Abbett Securities Trust—International Dividend Income Fund— Class I(i)     5,613,950           48,280   
Lord Abbett Securities Trust—International Opportunities Fund— Class I(j)     915,238           12,548   
Total Investments in Underlying Funds
(cost $149,297,701)
Investments   Principal
Repurchase Agreement       
Repurchase Agreement dated 12/31/2010, 0.04% due 1/3/2011 with Fixed Income Clearing Corp. collateralized by $300,000 of Federal Home Loan Bank at 4.625% due 8/15/2012;
value: $323,250; proceeds: $312,929
(cost $312,927)
  $ 313         $ 313   
Total Investments in Securities 100.03%
(cost $149,610,628)
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (0.03%)          (53
Net Assets 100.00%        $ 157,422   


*   Non-income producing security.
(a)   Affiliated issuers (See Note 9).
(b)   Fund investment objective is long-term growth of capital and income without excessive fluctuations in market value.
(c)   Fund investment objective is growth of capital and growth of income consistent with reasonable risk.
(d)   Fund investment objective is to seek high total return.
(e)   Fund investment objective is to seek a high level of current income.
(f)   Fund investment objective is capital appreciation.
(g)   Fund investment objective is to seek high current income and the opportunity for capital appreciation to produce a high total return.
(h)   Fund investment objective is to seek long-term capital appreciation.
(i)   Fund investment objective is to seek a high level of total return.
(j)   Fund investment objective is long-term capital appreciation.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Assets and Liabilities

December 31, 2010


    Emerging Markets
Currency Fund*
Allocation Fund



Investments in securities, at cost

  $ 269,591,986         $ 149,610,628   

Investments in securities, at value

  $ 269,388,582         $ 157,474,726   



Foreign cash, at value (cost $35,765 and $0, respectively)




Interest and dividends

    2,102,544           206,133   

Investment securities sold


Capital shares sold

    1,102,562           346,295   

From affiliates (See Note 3)


Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency exchange contracts


Prepaid expenses and other assets

    34,320           17,765   

Total assets

    285,202,061           158,078,082   





Investment securities purchased

    3,677,675           379,978   

Capital shares reacquired

    901,149           93,822   

Management fee


12b-1 distribution fees

    78,589           66,853   

Fund administration


Directors’ fees

    45,320           28,112   

To affiliates (See Note 3)


Variation margin


Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency exchange contracts


Distributions payable


Accrued expenses

    146,010           87,248   

Total liabilities

    9,419,514           656,013   


  $ 275,782,547         $ 157,422,069   



Paid-in capital

  $ 273,607,765         $ 155,999,608   

Undistributed net investment income

    1,975,349           35,547   

Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments, futures contracts and foreign currency related transactions

    463,013           (6,476,553

Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments, futures contracts and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

    (263,580        7,863,467   

Net Assets

  $ 275,782,547         $ 157,422,069   
*   Formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Assets and Liabilities (concluded)

December 31, 2010


    Emerging Markets
Currency Fund*
Allocation Fund

Net assets by class:


Class A Shares

  $ 98,279,176         $ 107,234,354   

Class B Shares

  $ 2,693,046         $ 11,389,286   

Class C Shares

  $ 34,231,523         $ 25,892,711   

Class F Shares

  $ 61,059,441         $ 2,256,457   

Class I Shares

  $ 79,092,164         $ 8,459,735   

Class P Shares

  $ 31,739             

Class R2 Shares

  $ 69,958         $ 10,778   

Class R3 Shares

  $ 325,500         $ 2,178,748   

Outstanding shares by class:


Class A Shares (415 million and 430 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)

    14,579,080           9,398,440   

Class B Shares (30 million and 15 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)

    397,625           1,077,385   

Class C Shares (100 million and 20 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)

    5,048,783           2,444,255   

Class F Shares (100 million and 20 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)

    9,065,618           197,745   

Class I Shares (100 million and 15 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)

    11,757,614           737,665   

Class P Shares (20 million and 20 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)


Class R2 Shares (20 million and 20 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)

    10,359           933   

Class R3 Shares (20 million and 20 million shares of common stock authorized, $.001 par value)

    48,381           190,013   

Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share
(Net assets divided by outstanding shares):



Class A Shares–Net asset value

    $6.74           $11.41   

Class A Shares–Maximum offering price (Net asset value plus sales charge of 4.75% and 5.75%, respectively)

    $7.08           $12.11   

Class B Shares–Net asset value

    $6.77           $10.57   

Class C Shares–Net asset value

    $6.78           $10.59   

Class F Shares–Net asset value

    $6.74           $11.41   

Class I Shares–Net asset value

    $6.73           $11.47   

Class P Shares–Net asset value


Class R2 Shares–Net asset value

    $6.75           $11.55   

Class R3 Shares–Net asset value

    $6.73           $11.47   
*   Formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Operations

For the Year Ended December 31, 2010


     Emerging Markets
Currency Fund*
Allocation Fund

Investment income:



   $      $ 4,497,557   

Interest and other

     7,312,060        39   

Total investment income

     7,312,060        4,497,596   



Management fee

     1,287,723        327,890   

12b-1 distribution plan–Class A

     352,689        321,244   

12b-1 distribution plan–Class B

     32,720        108,329   

12b-1 distribution plan–Class C

     325,526        215,778   

12b-1 distribution plan–Class F

     53,065        1,278   

12b-1 distribution plan–Class P


12b-1 distribution plan–Class R2

     209        7   

12b-1 distribution plan–Class R3

     1,123        6,360   

Shareholder servicing

     301,959        306,612   


     64,580        23,979   

Reports to shareholders

     27,810        18,379   

Fund administration



     93,390        9,434   

Directors’ fees

     10,051        5,230   


     105,046        82,590   

Subsidy (See Note 3)



     14,972        7,779   

Gross expenses

     2,888,240        1,434,889   

Expense reductions (See Note 7)

     (268     (159

Expenses assumed by Underlying Funds (See Note 3)


Management fee waived (See Note 3)


Net expenses

     2,887,972        652,996   

Net investment income

     4,424,088        3,844,600   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss):


Capital gain distributions received from Underlying Funds


Net realized gain (loss) on investments, futures contracts and foreign currency related transactions

     10,989,549        (721,687 )** 

Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments, futures contracts and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

     (2,261,658     12,034,420   

Net realized and unrealized gain

     8,727,891        11,710,556   

Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting From Operations

   $ 13,151,979      $ 15,555,156   
*   Formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund
**   Includes net realized loss from affiliated issuers of $(778,963) (See Note 9).


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


      Emerging Markets Currency Fund*  
INCREASE IN NET ASSETS    For the Year Ended
December 31, 2010
    For the Year Ended
December 31, 2009



Net investment income

   $ 4,424,088      $ 3,736,759   

Net realized gain on investments, futures contracts and foreign currency related transactions

     10,989,549        8,432,229   

Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments, futures contracts and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

     (2,261,658     11,262,786   

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     13,151,979        23,431,774   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income


Class A

     (2,934,278     (2,369,807

Class B

     (72,968     (76,069

Class C

     (742,063     (413,001

Class F

     (1,691,340     (307,383

Class I

     (2,251,834     (751,395

Class P

     (400     (213

Class R2

     (1,030     (370

Class R3

     (6,710     (2,136

Net realized gain


Class A


Class B


Class C


Class F


Class I


Class P


Class R2


Class R3


Total distributions to shareholders

     (13,413,579     (3,920,374

Capital share transactions (Net of share conversions) (See Note 11):


Net proceeds from sales of shares

     214,871,426        115,318,811   

Reinvestment of distributions

     10,115,662        3,022,376   

Cost of shares reacquired

     (141,269,836     (72,075,459

Net increase in net assets resulting from capital share transactions

     83,717,252        46,265,728   

Net increase in net assets

     83,455,652        65,777,128   



Beginning of year

   $ 192,326,895      $ 126,549,767   

End of year

   $ 275,782,547      $ 192,326,895   

Undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income

   $ 1,975,349      $ (413,468

*   Formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund



See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statements of Changes in Net Assets (concluded)


      Global Allocation Fund  
INCREASE IN NET ASSETS    For the Year Ended
December 31, 2010
    For the Year Ended
December 31, 2009



Net investment income

   $ 3,844,600      $ 2,489,805   

Capital gain distributions received from Underlying Funds


Net realized loss on investments and foreign currency related transactions

     (721,687     (1,974,350

Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

     12,034,420        25,945,012   

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     15,555,156        26,460,467   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income


Class A

     (2,865,161     (2,300,211

Class B

     (284,751     (247,290

Class C

     (601,037     (371,217

Class F

     (50,152     (15,143

Class I

     (158,392     (30,740

Class R2

     (279     (276

Class R3

     (45,322     (789

Total distributions to shareholders

     (4,005,094     (2,965,666

Capital share transactions (Net of share conversions) (See Note 11):


Net proceeds from sales of shares

     63,613,559        37,804,987   

Reinvestment of distributions

     3,710,387        2,774,104   

Cost of shares reacquired

     (35,241,387     (21,054,014

Net increase in net assets resulting from capital share transactions

     32,082,559        19,525,077   

Net increase in net assets

     43,632,621        43,019,878   



Beginning of year

   $ 113,789,448      $ 70,769,570   

End of year

   $ 157,422,069      $ 113,789,448   

Undistributed net investment income

   $ 35,547      $ 28,466   


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class A Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $6.70        $5.72        $6.73        $6.84        $6.80   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(a)

    .11        .17        .24        .22        .18   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .27        .99        (1.01     .31        .17   

Total from investment operations

    .38        1.16        (.77     .53        .35   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.20     (.18     (.14     (.64     (.31

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.34     (.18     (.24     (.64     (.31

Net asset value, end of year

    $6.74        $6.70        $5.72        $6.73        $6.84   

Total Return(b)

    5.79     20.53     (11.90 )%      7.98     5.22

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    1.17     1.27     1.23     1.14     1.30

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.17     1.27     1.22     1.14     1.30

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.17     1.27     1.27     1.83     1.43

Net investment income

    1.68     2.69     3.59     3.25     2.70
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $98,279        $109,152        $83,426        $44,148        $50,398   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30     271.35



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads and assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class B Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $6.73        $5.74        $6.74        $6.85        $6.80   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(a)

    .07        .13        .19        .18        .14   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .26        .99        (1.00     .28        .17   

Total from investment operations

    .33        1.12        (.81     .46        .31   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.15     (.13     (.11     (.57     (.26

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.29     (.13     (.19     (.57     (.26

Net asset value, end of year

    $6.77        $6.73        $5.74        $6.74        $6.85   

Total Return(b)

    5.10     19.68     (12.37 )%      7.26     4.67

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    1.83     1.93     1.88     1.79     1.95

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.83     1.93     1.88     1.79     1.95

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.83     1.93     1.95     2.46     2.08

Net investment income

    1.05     2.11     2.93     2.58     2.05
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $2,693        $3,884        $4,105        $3,303        $4,184   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30     271.35



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads and assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class C Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $6.74        $5.74        $6.75        $6.86        $6.81   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(a)

    .07        .13        .19        .18        .14   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .26        1.00        (1.01     .30        .17   

Total from investment operations

    .33        1.13        (.82     .48        .31   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.15     (.13     (.11     (.59     (.26

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.29     (.13     (.19     (.59     (.26

Net asset value, end of year

    $6.78        $6.74        $5.74        $6.75        $6.86   

Total Return(b)

    5.09     19.85     (12.50 )%      7.27     4.66

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    1.82     1.91     1.87     1.79     1.95

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.82     1.91     1.87     1.79     1.95

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.82     1.91     1.91     2.47     2.08

Net investment income

    1.02     2.03     2.95     2.60     2.05
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $34,232        $27,512        $18,407        $5,952        $6,608   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30     271.35



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads and assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class F Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31     9/28/2007(a)
    2010     2009     2008    

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of period

    $6.69        $5.71        $6.73        $6.92   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(b)

    .13        .18        .25        .07   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .27        .99        (1.01     .17   

Total from investment operations

    .40        1.17        (.76     .24   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.21     (.19     (.15     (.43

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.35     (.19     (.26     (.43

Net asset value, end of period

    $6.74        $6.69        $5.71        $6.73   

Total Return(c)

    6.20     20.82     (11.76 )%      3.56 %(d) 

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    .92     .98     .96     .16 %(d) 

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    .92     .98     .96     .16 %(d) 

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    .92     .98     .98     .17 %(d) 

Net investment income

    1.88     2.72     3.94     1.02 %(d) 
Supplemental Data:                            

Net assets, end of period (000)

    $61,059        $24,463        $710        $10   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30



Commencement of operations was 9/28/2007, SEC effective date was 9/14/2007 and date shares first became available to the public was 10/1/2007.


Calculated using average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class I Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $6.69        $5.72        $6.73        $6.85        $6.80   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(a)

    .13        .19        .26        .25        .21   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .27        .98        (1.00     .29        .17   

Total from investment operations

    .40        1.17        (.74     .54        .38   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.22     (.20     (.15     (.66     (.33

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.36     (.20     (.27     (.66     (.33

Net asset value, end of year

    $6.73        $6.69        $5.72        $6.73        $6.85   

Total Return(b)

    6.17     20.89     (11.47 )%      8.20     5.75

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    .83     .92     .88     .77     .95

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    .83     .92     .87     .77     .95

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    .83     .92     .90     1.45     1.08

Net investment income

    2.00     3.06     3.96     3.64     3.03
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $79,092        $27,176        $19,830        $888        $1,041   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30     271.35



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class P Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $6.69        $5.71        $6.71        $6.82        $6.77   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(a)

    .11        .16        .24        .22        .18   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .27        .99        (1.01     .30        .17   

Total from investment operations

    .38        1.15        (.77     .52        .35   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.19     (.17     (.13     (.63     (.30

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.33     (.17     (.23     (.63     (.30

Net asset value, end of year

    $6.74        $6.69        $5.71        $6.71        $6.82   

Total Return(b)

    5.87     20.43     (11.91 )%      7.96     5.34

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    1.27     1.32     1.30     1.17     1.22

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.27     1.32     1.30     1.17     1.22

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.27     1.32     1.37     1.93     1.50

Net investment income

    1.61     2.50     3.52     3.30     2.60
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $32        $16        $4        $9        $2   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30     271.35



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class R2 Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31     9/28/2007(a)
    2010     2009     2008    

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of period

    $6.71        $5.72        $6.73        $6.92   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(b)

    .09        .15        .25        .06   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .27        1.00        (1.01     .17   

Total from investment operations

    .36        1.15        (.76     .23   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.18     (.16     (.14     (.42

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.32     (.16     (.25     (.42

Net asset value, end of period

    $6.75        $6.71        $5.72        $6.73   

Total Return(c)

    5.54     20.12     (11.63 )%      3.45 %(d) 

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    1.42     1.50     1.08     .27 %(d) 

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.42     1.50     1.07     .27 %(d) 

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.42     1.50     1.15     .28 %(d) 

Net investment income

    1.39     2.44     3.74     .92 %(d) 
Supplemental Data:                            

Net assets, end of period (000)

    $70        $23        $12        $10   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30



Commencement of operations was 9/28/2007, SEC effective date was 9/14/2007 and date shares first became available to the public was 10/1/2007.


Calculated using average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (concluded)

EMERGING MARKETS CURRENCY FUND (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


     Class R3 Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31     9/28/2007(a)
    2010     2009     2008    

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of period

    $6.70        $5.72        $6.73        $6.92   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(b)

    .10        .16        .23        .07   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .26        .99        (.99     .17   

Total from investment operations

    .36        1.15        (.76     .24   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.19     (.17     (.14     (.43

Net realized gain


Return of capital


Total distributions

    (.33     (.17     (.25     (.43

Net asset value, end of period

    $6.73        $6.70        $5.72        $6.73   

Total Return(c)

    5.49     20.33     (11.76 )%      3.48 %(d) 

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses reimbursed

    1.33     1.41     1.26     .25 %(d) 

Expenses, including expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.33     1.41     1.26     .25 %(d) 

Expenses, excluding expense reductions and expenses reimbursed

    1.33     1.41     1.30     .25 %(d) 

Net investment income

    1.48     2.52     3.50     .95 %(d) 
Supplemental Data:                            

Net assets, end of period (000)

    $326        $103        $57        $10   

Portfolio turnover rate

    113.50     90.72     83.70     301.30



Commencement of operations was 9/28/2007, SEC effective date was 9/14/2007 and date shares first became available to the public was 10/1/2007.


Calculated using average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights



     Class A Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $10.56        $7.95        $13.15        $13.17        $12.23   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(a)

    .33        .28        .26        .06        .05   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .84        2.66        (5.10     1.48        2.13   

Total from investment operations

    1.17        2.94        (4.84     1.54        2.18   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.32     (.33     (.17     (.03     (.04

Net realized gain

                  (.19     (1.53     (1.20

Total distributions

    (.32     (.33     (.36     (1.56     (1.24

Net asset value, end of year

    $11.41        $10.56        $7.95        $13.15        $13.17   

Total Return(b)

    11.36     37.83     (37.33 )%      11.82     18.12

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .35 %(c)      .35 %(c)      1.07 %(c)      1.60     1.60

Expenses, including expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .35 %(c)      .35 %(c)      1.06 %(c)      1.60     1.60

Expenses, excluding expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .94 %(c)      1.17 %(c)      1.60 %(c)      1.71     1.83

Net investment income

    3.07 %(c)      3.15 %(c)      2.40 %(c)      .45     .36
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $107,234        $83,625        $53,568        $94,321        $83,067   

Portfolio turnover rate

    9.48     6.81     147.44     87.01     95.23



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads and assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Does not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)



     Class B Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance



Net asset value, beginning of year

    $  9.81        $7.38        $12.25        $12.42        $11.65   

Investment operations:


Net investment income (loss)(a)

    .23        .21        .18        (.03     (.04

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .79        2.48        (4.74     1.39        2.02   

Total from investment operations

    1.02        2.69        (4.56     1.36        1.98   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.26     (.26     (.12            (.01

Net realized gain

                  (.19     (1.53     (1.20

Total distributions

    (.26     (.26     (.31     (1.53     (1.21

Net asset value, end of year

    $10.57        $9.81        $  7.38        $12.25        $12.42   

Total Return(b)

    10.60     37.10     (37.74 )%      11.08     17.28

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses assumed and management fee waived

    1.00 %(c)      1.00 %(c)      1.72 %(c)      2.25     2.25

Expenses, including expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    1.00 %(c)      1.00 %(c)      1.72 %(c)      2.25     2.25

Expenses, excluding expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    1.59 %(c)      1.82 %(c)      2.26 %(c)      2.36     2.48

Net investment income (loss)

    2.35 %(c)      2.49 %(c)      1.74 %(c)      (.20 )%      (.29 )% 
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $11,389        $10,668        $7,194        $12,653        $11,502   

Portfolio turnover rate

    9.48     6.81     147.44     87.01     95.23



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads and assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Does not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)



     Class C Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $  9.83        $7.40        $12.28        $12.44        $11.67   

Investment operations:


Net investment income (loss)(a)

    .24        .22        .18        (.03     (.04

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .78        2.47        (4.75     1.40        2.02   

Total from investment operations

    1.02        2.69        (4.57     1.37        1.98   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.26     (.26     (.12            (.01

Net realized gain

                  (.19     (1.53     (1.20

Total distributions

    (.26     (.26     (.31     (1.53     (1.21

Net asset value, end of year

    $10.59        $9.83        $  7.40        $12.28        $12.44   

Total Return(b)

    10.58     37.00     (37.73 )%      11.14     17.25

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses assumed and management fee waived

    1.00 %(c)      1.00 %(c)      1.71 %(c)      2.25     2.25

Expenses, including expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    1.00 %(c)      1.00 %(c)      1.71 %(c)      2.25     2.25

Expenses, excluding expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    1.59 %(c)      1.80 %(c)      2.25 %(c)      2.36     2.48

Net investment income (loss)

    2.46 %(c)      2.55 %(c)      1.76 %(c)      (.20 )%      (.30 )% 
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $25,893        $17,741        $9,428        $16,104        $12,681   

Portfolio turnover rate

    9.48     6.81     147.44     87.01     95.23



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads and assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Does not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)



     Class F Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31     9/28/2007(a)
    2010     2009     2008    

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of period

    $10.56        $  7.95        $13.12        $14.71   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(b)

    .39        .35        .32        .01   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .80        2.61        (5.11     (.26

Total from investment operations

    1.19        2.96        (4.79     (.25

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.34     (.35     (.19     (.07

Net realized gain

                  (.19     (1.27

Total distributions

    (.34     (.35     (.38     (1.34

Net asset value, end of period

    $11.41        $10.56        $  7.95        $13.12   

Total Return(c)

    11.57     38.16     (37.09 )%      (1.67 )%(d) 

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .10 %(e)      .10 %(e)      .62 %(e)      .30 %(d) 

Expenses, including expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .10 %(e)      .10 %(e)      .61 %(e)      .30 %(d) 

Expenses, excluding expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .69 %(e)      .83 %(e)      1.26 %(e)      .39 %(d) 

Net investment income

    3.63 %(e)      3.66 %(e)      3.02 %(e)      .04 %(d) 
Supplemental Data:                            

Net assets, end of period (000)

    $2,256        $641        $9        $10   

Portfolio turnover rate

    9.48     6.81     147.44     87.01



Commencement of operations was 9/28/2007, SEC effective date was 9/14/2007 and date shares first became available to the public was 10/1/2007.


Calculated using average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Not annualized.


Does not include expenses of Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)



     Class I Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of year

    $10.61        $  7.98        $13.18        $13.19        $12.25   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(a)

    .37        .32        .31        .11        .09   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .84        2.67        (5.13     1.49        2.14   

Total from investment operations

    1.21        2.99        (4.82     1.60        2.23   

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.35     (.36     (.19     (.08     (.09

Net realized gain

                  (.19     (1.53     (1.20

Total distributions

    (.35     (.36     (.38     (1.61     (1.29

Net asset value, end of year

    $11.47        $10.61        $  7.98        $13.18        $13.19   

Total Return(b)

    11.69     38.39     (37.10 )%      12.25     18.46

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .00 %(c)      .00 %(c)      .69 %(c)      1.25     1.25

Expenses, including expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .00 %(c)      .00 %(c)      .69 %(c)      1.25     1.25

Expenses, excluding expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .60 %(c)      .80 %(c)      1.25 %(c)      1.36     1.48

Net investment income

    3.40 %(c)      3.55 %(c)      2.85 %(c)      .78     .70
Supplemental Data:                                   

Net assets, end of year (000)

    $8,460        $1,055        $557        $804        $582   

Portfolio turnover rate

    9.48     6.81     147.44     87.01     95.23



Calculated using average shares outstanding during the year.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Does not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (continued)



     Class R2 Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31     6/23/2008(a)
    2010     2009    

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of period

    $10.64        $7.96        $11.83   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(b)

    .36        .31        .18   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .85        2.68        (3.70

Total from investment operations

    1.21        2.99        (3.52

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.30     (.31     (.16

Net realized gain


Total distributions

    (.30     (.31     (.35

Net asset value, end of period

    $11.55        $10.64        $7.96   

Total Return(c)

    11.63     38.36     (30.36 )%(d) 

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .05 %(e)      .00 %(e)      .32 %(d)(e) 

Expenses, including expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .05 %(e)      .00 %(e)      .32 %(d)(e) 

Expenses, excluding expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .65 %(e)      .81 %(e)      .87 %(d)(e) 

Net investment income

    3.34 %(e)      3.46 %(e)      1.88 %(d)(e) 
Supplemental Data:                     

Net assets, end of period (000)

    $11        $10        $7   

Portfolio turnover rate

    9.48     6.81     147.44



Commencement of operations was 6/23/2008, SEC effective date was 9/14/2007 and date shares first became available to the public was 7/1/2008.


Calculated using average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Not annualized.


Does not include expenses of Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Financial Highlights (concluded)



     Class R3 Shares  
     Year Ended 12/31     6/23/2008(a)
    2010     2009    

Per Share Operating Performance


Net asset value, beginning of period

    $10.62        $  7.95        $11.83   

Investment operations:


Net investment income(b)

    .34        .37        .18   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    .82        2.62        (3.70

Total from investment operations

    1.16        2.99        (3.52

Distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

    (.31     (.32     (.17

Net realized gain


Total distributions

    (.31     (.32     (.36

Net asset value, end of period

    $11.47        $10.62        $  7.95   

Total Return(c)

    11.17     38.40     (30.40 )%(d) 

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, excluding expense reductions and including expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .50 %(e)      .26 %(e)      .27 %(d)(e) 

Expenses, including expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    .50 %(e)      .26 %(e)      .26 %(d)(e) 

Expenses, excluding expense reductions, expenses assumed and management fee waived

    1.10 %(e)      .92 %(e)      .82 %(d)(e) 

Net investment income

    3.20 %(e)      3.79 %(e)      1.93 %(d)(e) 
Supplemental Data:                     

Net assets, end of period (000)

    $2,179        $51        $7   

Portfolio turnover rate

    9.48     6.81     147.44



Commencement of operations was 6/23/2008, SEC effective date was 9/14/2007 and date shares first became available to the public was 7/1/2008.


Calculated using average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


Not annualized.


Does not include expenses of Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Notes to Financial Statements



Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc. (the “Company”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Act”), as an open-end management investment company and was incorporated under Maryland law on February 23, 1988. The Company consists of the following two portfolios (the “Funds”): Lord Abbett Emerging Markets Currency Fund (“Emerging Markets Currency Fund”) and Lord Abbett Global Allocation Fund (“Global Allocation Fund”). Global Allocation Fund is diversified as defined in the Act and Emerging Markets Currency Fund is non-diversified. Effective January 31, 2011, Lord Abbett Developing Local Markets Fund changed its name to Lord Abbett Emerging Markets Currency Fund.

Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s investment objective is to seek high total return. Global Allocation Fund’s investment objective is total return. Global Allocation Fund invests in other mutual funds (“Underlying Funds”) managed by Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett”). Each Fund has eight classes of shares: Class A, B, C, F, I, P, R2 and R3, each with different expenses and dividends. As of the date of this report, Global Allocation has not issued Class P shares. A front-end sales charge is normally added to the net asset value (“NAV”) for Class A shares. There is no front-end sales charge in the case of Class B, C, F, I, P, R2 and R3 shares, although there may be a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) in certain cases as follows: Class A shares purchased without a sales charge and redeemed before the first day of the month in which the one-year anniversary of the purchase falls (subject to certain exceptions as set forth in the Funds’ prospectus); Class B shares redeemed before the sixth anniversary of purchase; and Class C shares redeemed before the first anniversary of purchase. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on the 25th day of the month (or, if the 25th day is not a business day, the next business day thereafter) following the eighth anniversary of the day on which the purchase order was accepted. Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s Class P shares are closed to substantially all new investors, with certain exceptions as set forth in the Funds’ prospectus. On March 31, 2010, each of the Funds of the Company no longer made Class B shares available for purchase.

The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.




Investment Valuation–Securities actively traded on any recognized U.S. or non-U.S. exchange or on The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC are valued at the last sale price or official closing price on the exchange or system on which they are principally traded. Events occurring after the close of trading on non-U.S. exchanges may result in adjustments to the valuation of foreign securities to more accurately reflect their fair value as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange LLC (“NYSE”). Each Fund may rely on an independent fair valuation service in adjusting the valuations of foreign securities. Unlisted equity securities are valued at the last quoted sale price or, if no sale price is available, at the mean between the most recently quoted bid and asked prices. Fixed income securities are valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices on the basis of prices supplied by independent pricing



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



services, which reflect broker/dealer supplied valuations and the independent pricing services’ own electronic data processing techniques. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are valued using daily forward exchange rates. Exchange-traded options and futures contracts are valued at the last sale price in the market where they are principally traded. If no sale has occurred, the mean between the most recently quoted bid and asked prices is used. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined by management and approved in good faith by the Board of Directors. Investments in the Underlying Funds are valued at their net asset value (“NAV”) each business day at the close of regular trading on the NYSE, normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. Short-term securities with 60 days or less remaining to maturity are valued using the amortized cost method, which approximates current fair value.


(b)   Security Transactions–Security transactions are recorded as of the date that the securities are purchased or sold (trade date). Realized gains and losses on sales of portfolio securities are calculated using the identified-cost method. Realized and unrealized gains (losses) are allocated to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of net assets at the beginning of the day.


(c)   Investment Income–Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis as earned. Discounts are accreted and premiums are amortized using the effective interest method and are included in Interest and other income in the Statements of Operations. Investment income is allocated to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of net assets at the beginning of the day.


(d)   Income Taxes–It is the policy of each Fund to meet the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all taxable income and capital gains to its shareholders. Therefore, no income tax provision is required.

Each Fund files U.S. federal and various state and local tax returns. No income tax returns are currently under examination. The statute of limitations on the Funds’ U.S. federal tax returns remains open for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2007 through December 31, 2010. The statutes of limitations on the Company’s state and local tax returns may remain open for an additional year depending upon the jurisdiction.


(e)   Expenses–Expenses incurred by the Company that do not specifically relate to an individual fund are generally allocated to the Funds within the Company on a pro rata basis by relative net assets. Expenses, excluding class-specific expenses, are allocated to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of net assets at the beginning of the day. Class A, B, C, F, P, R2 and R3 shares bear their class-specific share of all expenses and fees relating to the Funds’ 12b-1 Distribution Plan.



Foreign Transactions–The books and records of Emerging Markets Currency Fund are maintained in U.S. dollars and transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded in the Fund’s records at the rate prevailing when earned or recorded. Asset and liability accounts that are denominated in foreign currencies are adjusted daily to reflect current exchange rates and any unrealized gain (loss) is included in Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments, futures contracts and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies on the Fund’s Statement of Operations. The resultant exchange gains and losses upon settlement of such transactions are included in Net realized gain on investments, futures contracts and foreign currency related transactions on the Fund’s



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



Statement of Operations. The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations arising as a result of changes in the foreign exchange rates from the changes in market prices of the securities.

The Fund uses foreign currency exchange contracts to facilitate transactions in foreign-denominated securities. Losses from these transactions may arise from changes in the value of the foreign currency or if the counterparties do not perform under the contracts’ terms.


(g)   Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts–Emerging Markets Currency Fund may enter into forward foreign currency exchange contracts in order to reduce its exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on their foreign portfolio holdings or gain or reduce exposure to foreign currency for investment purposes. A forward foreign currency exchange contract is a commitment to purchase or sell a foreign currency at a future date at a negotiated rate. The contracts are valued daily at forward exchange rates and any unrealized gain (loss) is included in Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments, futures contracts and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies on the Fund’s Statement of Operations. The gain (loss) arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing of such contracts is included in Net realized gain (loss) on investments, futures contracts and foreign currency related transactions on the Fund’s Statement of Operations. As of December 31, 2010, the Fund had open forward foreign currency exchange contracts.


(h)   Futures Contracts–Emerging Markets Currency Fund may purchase and sell futures contracts to enhance returns, to attempt to hedge some of its investment risk, or as a substitute position for holding the underlying asset on which the instrument is based. At the time of entering into a futures transaction, an investor is required to deposit and maintain a specified amount of cash or eligible securities called “initial margin.” Subsequent payments made or received by a Fund called “variation margin” are made on a daily basis as the market price of the futures contract fluctuates. The Fund will record an unrealized gain (loss) based on the amount of variation margin. When a contract is closed, a realized gain (loss) is recorded equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract. As of December 31, 2010, the Fund had open futures contracts.


(i)   When-Issued, Forward Transactions or To-Be-Announced (“TBA”) Transactions–Emerging Markets Currency Fund may purchase portfolio securities on a when-issued or forward basis. When-issued, forward transactions or TBA transactions involve a commitment by the Fund to purchase securities, with payment and delivery (“settlement”) to take place in the future, in order to secure what is considered to be an advantageous price or yield at the time of entering into the transaction. During the period between purchase and settlement, the value of the securities will fluctuate and assets consisting of cash and/or marketable securities (normally short-term U.S. Government or U.S. Government sponsored enterprise securities) marked to market daily in an amount sufficient to make payment at settlement will be segregated at the Fund’s custodian in order to pay for the commitment. At the time the Fund makes the commitment to purchase a security on a when-issued basis, it will record the transaction and reflect the liability for the purchase and value of the security in determining its NAV. The Fund, generally, has the ability to close out a purchase obligation on or before the settlement date rather than take delivery of the security. Under no circumstances will settlement for such securities take place more than 120 days after the purchase date.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



(j)   Repurchase Agreements–Each Fund may enter into repurchase agreements with respect to securities. A repurchase agreement is a transaction in which a Fund acquires a security and simultaneously commits to resell that security to the seller (a bank or securities dealer) at an agreed-upon price on an agreed-upon date. Each Fund requires at all times that the repurchase agreement be collateralized by cash, or by securities of the U.S. Government, its agencies, its instrumentalities, or U.S. Government sponsored enterprises having a value equal to, or in excess of, the value of the repurchase agreement (including accrued interest). If the seller of the agreement defaults on its obligation to repurchase the underlying securities at a time when the value of these securities has declined, a Fund may incur a loss upon disposition of the securities.


(k)   Fair Value Measurements–Fair value is defined as the price that each Fund would receive upon selling an investment or transferring a liability in an orderly transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market of the investment. A three-tier hierarchy is used to maximize the use of observable market data and minimize the use of unobservable inputs and to establish classification of fair value measurements for disclosure purposes. Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risk – for example, the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique used to measure fair value (such as a pricing model) and/or the risk inherent in the inputs to the valuation technique. Inputs may be observable or unobservable. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Observable inputs are based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Unobservable inputs are based on the best information available in the circumstances. The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarized in the three broad Levels listed below:



Level 1 - unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical investments;



Level 2 - other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.); and



Level 3 - significant unobservable inputs (including each Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments).

The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

The following is a summary of the inputs used as of December 31, 2010 in valuing each Fund’s investments carried at value:


      Emerging Markets Currency Fund  
Investment Type*    Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  

Asset-Backed Securities

   $        –       $ 40,684,389       $        –       $ 40,684,389   

Corporate Bonds

             99,471,580                 99,471,580   

Foreign Government Obligations

             29,774,457                 29,774,457   

Government Sponsored Enterprises Collateralized Mortgage Obligations

             12,213,266                 12,213,266   

Government Sponsored Enterprises Pass-Throughs

             10,313,785                 10,313,785   

Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities

             76,931,105                 76,931,105   


   $       $ 269,388,582       $       $ 269,388,582   



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



      Emerging Markets Currency Fund  
Other Financial Instruments    Level 1      Level 2     Level 3      Total  

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts



   $       $ 3,077,773      $       $ 3,077,773   


             (3,642,679             (3,642,679

Futures Contracts



     507,357                        507,357   




   $ 507,357       $ (564,906   $         –       $ (57,549
*   See Schedule of Investments for values in each industry.


      Global Allocation Fund  
Investment Type   

Level 1



Level 2



Level 3






Investments in Underlying Funds

   $ 157,162       $       $         –       $ 157,162   

Repurchase Agreement

             313                 313   


   $ 157,162       $ 313       $       $ 157,475   


(l)   Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities–Emerging Markets Currency Fund entered into forward foreign currency exchange contracts during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 (as described in note 2(g)). A forward foreign currency exchange contract reduces the Fund’s exposure to changes in the value of the currency it will deliver (or settle in cash) and increases its exposure to changes in the value of the currency it will receive (or settle in cash) for the duration of the contract. The Fund’s use of forward foreign currency exchange contracts involves the risk that Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett”) will not accurately predict currency movements, and the Fund’s returns could be reduced as a result. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are subject to the risk that those currencies will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar, or, in the case of hedged positions, that the U.S. dollar will decline relative to the currency being hedged. Currency rates in foreign countries may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. The Fund’s risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the unrealized appreciation on foreign currency exchange contracts.

Emerging Markets Currency Fund entered into U.S. Treasury futures contracts during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 (as described in note 2(h)) to hedge against changes in interest rates. The Fund bears the risk of interest rates moving unexpectedly, in which case the Fund may not achieve the anticipated benefits of the futures contracts and realize a loss. There is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange traded futures, guarantees futures against default.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


As of December 31, 2010, the Emerging Markets Currency Fund had the following derivatives, grouped into appropriate risk categories that illustrate how and why the Fund uses derivative instruments.


Asset Derivatives    Interest Rate
     Forward Foreign
Currency Exchange
     Fair Value  

Futures Contracts(1)

   $ 507,357       $       $ 507,357   

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts(2)

             3,077,773         3,077,773   


   $ 507,357       $ 3,077,773       $ 3,585,130   
Liability Derivatives                        

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts (3)

   $       $ 3,642,679       $ 3,642,679   


   $       $ 3,642,679       $ 3,642,679   

Statements of Assets & Liabilities location: Includes cumulative unrealized appreciation of futures contracts as reported in the Schedule of Investments. Only current day’s variation margin is reported within the statement of assets and liabilities.


Statements of Assets & Liabilities location: Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency exchange contracts.


Statements of Assets & Liabilities location: Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency exchange contracts.

Transactions in derivative instruments during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 were as follows:



Interest Rate


    Forward Foreign
Currency Exchange

Net Realized Gain (Loss)(1)


Futures Contracts

   $ (2,184,279   $      $ (2,184,279

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

   $      $ 8,900,107      $ 8,900,107   

Net Change in Unrealized


Futures Contracts

   $ (415,157   $      $ (415,157

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

   $      $ (303,031   $ (303,031

Average Number of Contracts/
Notional Amounts*


Futures Contracts(3)

     434               434   

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts(4)

   $      $ 281,564,713      $ 281,564,713   


  *   Calculated based on the number of contracts or notional amounts for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010.

Statements of Operations location: Net realized gain (loss) on investments, futures contracts, and foreign currency related transactions.


Statements of Operations location: Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments, futures contracts, and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies.


Amount represents number of contracts.


Amount represents notional amount in U.S. dollars.


Management Fee

The Company has a management agreement with Lord Abbett, pursuant to which Lord Abbett supplies each Fund with investment management services and executive and other personnel, provides office space and pays for ordinary and necessary office and clerical expenses relating to research and statistical work and supervision of each Fund’s investment portfolio.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The management fee is based on each Fund’s average daily net assets at the following annual rates:


Emerging Markets Currency Fund


First $1 billion


Next $1 billion


Global Allocation Fund

     .25% (1) 



For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, Lord Abbett contractually agreed to waive all of its management fee for Global Allocation Fund. Lord Abbett has contractually agreed to continue this management fee waiver through April 30, 2011. Such agreement may be terminated only upon approval of the Board of Directors.

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, the effective management fee paid to Lord Abbett was at a rate of .50% of the Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s average daily net assets.

For the period January 1, 2010 through April 30, 2010, Lord Abbett voluntarily agreed to reimburse Global Allocation Fund to the extent necessary so that each class’ total annual operating expenses as a percentage of average net assets did not exceed the following annualized rates:


Class    % of Average
Daily Net Assets

Class A


Class B


Class C


Class F


Class I


Class P


Class R2


Class R3


Effective May 1, 2010, the voluntary reimbursement for all classes of the Fund were discontinued.

In addition, Lord Abbett provides certain administrative services to each Fund pursuant to an Administrative Services Agreement in return for a fee at an annual rate of .04% of the Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s average daily net assets. The Global Allocation Fund does not pay such a fee.

Global Allocation Fund has entered into a Servicing Arrangement with the Underlying Funds in which it invests (Lord Abbett Affiliated Fund; Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc. – Lord Abbett Emerging Markets Currency Fund; Lord Abbett Investment Trust – Lord Abbett High Yield Fund and Lord Abbett Floating Rate Fund, Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc. – Lord Abbett Classic Stock Fund, Lord Abbett Growth Opportunities Fund; and Lord Abbett Securities Trust – Lord Abbett Fundamental Equity Fund, Lord Abbett International Core Equity Fund, Lord Abbett International Dividend Income Fund, Lord Abbett International Opportunities Fund) pursuant to which each Underlying Fund will pay a portion of the expenses (excluding management fees and distribution and service fees) of Global Allocation Fund in proportion to the average daily value of total Underlying Fund shares owned by Global Allocation Fund. The expenses assumed by the Underlying Funds are reflected in Expenses assumed by Underlying Funds on Global Allocation Fund’s Statement of Operations and Receivables from affiliates on Global Allocation Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Amounts paid pursuant to the Servicing Arrangement are included in Subsidy expense on Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s Statement of Operations and Payable to affiliates on Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


As of December 31, 2010, the percentage of Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s outstanding shares owned by Lord Abbett Balanced Strategy Fund, Lord Abbett Diversified Income Strategy Fund, Lord Abbett Global Allocation Fund and Lord Abbett Growth and Income Strategy Fund were 10.00%, 2.05%, 6.76% and 4.35%, respectively.

12b-1 Distribution Plan

Each Fund has adopted a distribution plan with respect to Class A, B, C, F, P, R2 and R3 shares pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Act, which provides for the payment of ongoing distribution and service fees to Lord Abbett Distributor LLC (the “Distributor”), an affiliate of Lord Abbett. The fees are accrued daily at annual rates based upon each Fund’s average daily net assets as follows:


Fees*    Class A(1)      Class B      Class C(2)      Class F      Class P      Class R2      Class R3  


     .25%         .25%         .25%                 .25%         .25%         .25%   


     .10%         .75%         .75%         .10%         .20%         .35%         .25%   



The Fund may designate a portion of the aggregate fee as attributable to service activities for purposes of calculating Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) sales charge limitations.


Effective February 1, 2011, the Class A 12b-1 fee for Emerging Markets Currency Fund was reduced to .20% (.15% service, .05% distribution) of the Fund’s average daily net assets attributable to Class A shares.


Effective February 1, 2011, the Class C 12b-1 fee for Emerging Markets Currency Fund was reduced to a blended rate calculated based on 1.00% of the Fund’s average daily net assets attributable to Class C shares held for less than one year and .80% (.05% service, .75% distribution) of the Fund’s average daily net assets attributable to Class C shares held for one year or more. All Class C shareholders of the Fund will bear Rule 12b-1 fees at the same rate.

Class I shares do not have a distribution plan.


Distributor received the following commissions on sales of shares of the Funds, after concessions were paid to authorized dealers, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010:



Emerging Markets Currency Fund

   $ 40,803       $ 209,802   

Global Allocation Fund

     149,256         855,221   

Distributor received the following amount of CDSCs for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010:


      Class A      Class C  

Emerging Markets Currency Fund

   $ 41,215       $ 11,465   

Global Allocation Fund

     1,388         9,944   

Two Directors and certain of the Company’s officers have an interest in Lord Abbett.


Dividends from net investment income, if any, are declared daily and paid monthly for Emerging Markets Currency Fund and declared and paid quarterly for Global Allocation Fund. Taxable net realized gains from investment transactions, reduced by allowable capital loss carryforwards, if any, are declared and distributed to shareholders at least annually. The capital loss carryforward amount, if any, is available to offset future net capital gains. Dividends and distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amounts of dividends and distributions from net investment income and net realized capital gains are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These book/tax differences are either considered temporary or



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


permanent in nature. To the extent these differences are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the components of net assets based on their federal tax basis treatment; temporary differences do not require reclassification. Dividends and distributions, which exceed earnings and profits for tax purposes, are reported as a tax return of capital.

The tax character of distributions paid during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 was as follows:



Emerging Markets

Currency Fund

              Global Allocation Fund  

Year Ended



Year Ended



Year Ended



Year Ended



Distributions paid from:


Ordinary income

  $ 10,064,119      $ 3,920,374         $ 4,005,094      $ 2,965,666   

Net long-term capital gains


Total distributions paid

  $ 13,413,579      $ 3,920,374         $ 4,005,094      $ 2,965,666   

As of December 31, 2010, the components of accumulated gains on a tax-basis were as follows:



Emerging Markets

Currency Fund

    Global Allocation Fund  

Undistributed ordinary income – net

   $ 3,804,447        $63,659   

Total undistributed earnings

   $ 3,804,447      $ 63,659   

Capital loss carryforwards*


Temporary differences

     (875,834     (28,112

Unrealized gains (losses) – net

     (753,831     6,716,258   

Total accumulated gains – net

   $ 2,174,782      $ 1,422,461   
*   As of December 31, 2010, the capital loss carryforwards, along with the related expiration dates, were as follows:


     2016     2017     2018     Total  
Global Allocation Fund   $ 3,583,054      $ 1,738,042      $ 8,248      $ 5,329,344   

Certain losses incurred after October 31, (“Post-October Losses”), within the taxable year are deemed to arise on the first business day of the Fund’s next taxable year. Emerging Markets Currency Fund incurred and will elect to defer capital losses of $830,514 after October 31.

As of December 31, 2010, the aggregate unrealized security gains and losses based on cost for U.S. federal income tax purposes were as follows:






Tax cost

   $ 270,897,860      $ 150,757,837   

Gross unrealized gain

     1,703,001        8,436,664   

Gross unrealized loss

     (3,212,279     (1,719,775

Net unrealized security gain (loss)

   $ (1,509,278   $ 6,716,889   

The difference between book-basis and tax-basis unrealized gains (losses) is attributable to the tax treatment of certain distributions received, wash sales and amortization of premiums.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Permanent items identified during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 have been reclassified among the components of net assets based on their tax basis treatment as follows:


Net Investment


Net Realized

Gain (Loss)


Emerging Markets Currency Fund

   $ 5,665,352       $ (5,665,352

Global Allocation Fund

     167,575         (167,575

The permanent differences are attributable to the tax treatment of amortization of premiums, foreign currency transactions, certain distributions and paydown gains and losses.

On December 22, 2010, the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Modernization Act”) was signed by the President. The Modernization Act includes numerous provisions that generally become effective for taxable years beginning after the date of enactment. Management is currently assessing the impact of the Modernization Act as it relates to the Funds.


Purchases and sales of investment securities (excluding short-term investments) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 were as follows:



















Emerging Markets Currency Fund

   $ 82,646,106       $ 344,968,153       $ 67,477,886       $ 207,319,015   

Global Allocation Fund

             46,013,826                 12,316,618   


*   Includes U.S. Government sponsored enterprises securities.


The Company’s officers and the two Directors who are associated with Lord Abbett do not receive any compensation from the Company for serving in such capacities. Outside Directors’ fees are allocated among all Lord Abbett-sponsored funds based on the net assets of each fund. There is an equity-based plan available to all outside Directors under which outside Directors must defer receipt of a portion of, and may elect to defer receipt of an additional portion of Directors’ fees. The deferred amounts are treated as though equivalent dollar amounts had been invested in the funds. Such amounts and earnings accrued thereon are included in Directors’ fees on the Statements of Operations and in Directors’ fees payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and are not deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes until such amounts are paid.


The Company has entered into an arrangement with its transfer agent and custodian, whereby credits realized as a result of uninvested cash balances are used to reduce a portion of each Fund’s expenses.


State Street Bank and Trust Company (“SSB”) is the Company’s custodian and accounting agent. SSB performs custodial, accounting and recordkeeping functions relating to portfolio transactions and calculating each Fund’s NAV.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



An affiliated issuer is one in which a Fund has ownership of at least 5% of the outstanding voting securities of the underlying issuer at any point during the fiscal year or any company which is under common ownership or control. The Global Allocation Fund had the following transactions with affiliated issuers (i.e., the Underlying Funds) during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010:


Affiliated Issuer   Balance of
Held at
    Balance of
Held at
    Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
1/1/2010 to
1/1/2010 to

Lord Abbett Affiliated Fund, Inc. – Class I

    812,037        171,854        (220,430     763,461      $ 8,871,417      $ (346,504   $ 89,528   

Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc. – Classic Stock Fund – Class I

    316,298        96,452        (10,258     402,492        11,917,791        (9,726     80,267   

Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc. – Emerging Markets Currency Fund – Class I

    1,677,871        1,165,565        (79,155     2,764,281        18,603,613        335,375 (a)      511,919   

Lord Abbett Investment Trust – Floating Rate Fund – Class I

           312,207               312,207        2,916,015        16,321 (b)      126,628   

Lord Abbett Securities Trust – Fundamental Equity Fund – Class I

    764,473        160,090               924,563        11,982,341               70,191   

Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc. – Growth Opportunities Fund –Class I

    445,124        103,017        (37,213     510,928        12,109,002        53,416          

Lord Abbett Investment Trust – High Yield Fund – Class I

    2,271,115        941,787        (575,468     2,637,434        20,598,361        247,445        1,622,007   

Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Core Equity Fund – Class I

    479,367        288,995        (6,913     761,449        9,335,366        (19,496     130,594   

Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Dividend Income Fund – Class I

    3,923,219        1,884,119        (193,388     5,613,950        48,279,973        (294,665     1,780,815   

Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Opportunities Fund – Class I

    996,768        128,776        (210,306     915,238        12,547,919        (363,306     85,608   


                                  $ 157,161,798      $ (381,140   $ 4,497,557   



Includes $381,502 of distributed capital gains.


Amount represents distributed capital gains.


Each Fund is subject to the risks of investing in securities that are issued by non-U.S. entities, the risks of investing in derivatives, liquidity risk, and the risks from leverage.

Foreign securities may pose greater risks than domestic securities, including greater price fluctuations, less government regulation, and higher transaction costs. Foreign investments also may be affected by changes in currency rates or currency controls.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Derivatives are subject to risks such as liquidity risk, leveraging risk, interest rate risk, market risk, and credit risk. Derivatives also involve the risk of mispricing or improper valuation and the risk that changes in the value of the derivative may not correlate perfectly with the value of the underlying asset, rate, or index.

Illiquid securities may lower a Fund’s returns since the Fund may be unable to sell these securities at its desired time or price.

Leverage, including borrowing, may increase volatility in a Fund by magnifying the effect of changes in the value of the Fund’s holdings. The use of leverage may cause investors in a Fund to lose more money in adverse environments than would be the case in the absence of leverage.

The Emerging Markets Currency Fund is subject to the general risks and considerations associated with investing in debt securities, including interest rate risk. When interest rates rise, the prices of debt securities and an investment in the Emerging Markets Currency Fund are likely to decline. In times of economic uncertainty, high-yield debt securities (or “junk bonds”) may decline in price, even when interest rates are falling. There is also the risk that an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest to the Emerging Markets Currency Fund, a risk that is greater with junk bonds.

Foreign currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. The Emerging Markets Currency Fund’s use of currency-related transactions involves the risk that Lord Abbett will not accurately predict currency movements, and the Fund’s returns could be reduced as a result. A decline in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar will reduce the value of securities held by the Emerging Markets Currency Fund that are denominated in those currencies.

The securities markets of developing or emerging countries tend to be less liquid, are especially subject to greater price volatility, have a smaller market capitalization, have less government regulation and may not be subject to as extensive and frequent accounting, financial, and other reporting requirements as securities issued in more developed countries.

The Emerging Markets Currency Fund believes that its investment strategies with respect to foreign currencies will generate qualifying income under current U.S. federal income tax law. However, there can be no assurance that the U.S. Treasury Department will not issue regulations in the future (possibly with retroactive effect) that would treat some or all of the Fund’s foreign currency gains as nonqualifying income.

The value of the Global Allocation Fund’s investments will fluctuate in response to various factors related to domestic and foreign equity and fixed income markets, as well as the financial condition and prospects of issuers in which the Fund invests through its Underlying Funds. Because equity and fixed income investments can move in different directions or to different degrees, fixed income investments may counteract some of the volatility experienced by equity holdings, but the diminished risk that may accompany this investment approach also may result in lower returns.

These factors can affect each Fund’s performance.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



Transactions in shares of capital stock were as follows:


Emerging Markets Currency Fund         

Year Ended

December 31, 2010


Year Ended

December 31, 2009

Class A Shares   Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  

Shares sold

    6,566,758      $ 44,499,819        9,999,328      $ 65,022,801   

Converted from Class B*

    47,734        321,296        37,500        224,160   

Reinvestment of distributions

    594,344        3,973,169        318,135        1,947,071   

Shares reacquired

    (8,912,116     (59,781,744     (8,659,116     (52,214,793

Increase (decrease)

    (1,703,280   $ (10,987,460     1,695,847      $ 14,979,239   
Class B Shares                            

Shares sold

    60,033      $ 408,491        113,488      $ 729,414   

Reinvestment of distributions

    17,198        115,437        10,070        61,614   

Shares reacquired

    (208,818     (1,405,725     (225,308     (1,331,549

Converted to Class A*

    (47,515     (321,296     (37,348     (224,160


    (179,102   $ (1,203,093     (139,098   $ (764,681
Class C Shares                            

Shares sold

    2,134,426      $ 14,509,471        2,296,908      $ 14,986,323   

Reinvestment of distributions

    107,336        721,292        35,375        217,910   

Shares reacquired

    (1,274,574   $ (8,651,113     (1,456,718     (8,933,716


    967,188        6,579,650        875,565      $ 6,270,517   
Class F Shares                            

Shares sold

    15,142,311      $ 102,132,204        4,620,067      $ 28,890,200   

Reinvestment of distributions

    206,507        1,381,209        8,912        57,233   

Shares reacquired

    (9,937,218     (66,098,586     (1,099,323     (7,088,731


    5,411,600      $ 37,414,827        3,529,656      $ 21,858,702   
Class I Shares                            

Shares sold

    7,816,703      $ 52,460,142        861,602      $ 5,545,404   

Reinvestment of distributions

    586,121        3,911,634        120,561        737,699   

Shares reacquired

    (706,923     (4,742,905     (389,965     (2,414,179


    7,695,901      $ 51,628,871        592,198      $ 3,868,924   
Class P Shares                            

Shares sold

    3,536      $ 23,731        1,885      $ 12,327   

Reinvestment of distributions

    80        534        9        66   

Shares reacquired

    (1,221     (8,256     (217     (1,331


    2,395      $ 16,009        1,677      $ 11,062   



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Emerging Markets Currency Fund          

Year Ended

December 31, 2010


Year Ended

December 31, 2009

Class R2 Shares    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  

Shares sold

     7,454      $ 50,087        1,549      $ 10,480   

Reinvestment of distributions

     83        558        41        253   

Shares reacquired

     (609     (3,974     (219     (1,412


     6,928      $ 46,671        1,371      $ 9,321   
Class R3 Shares                             

Shares sold

     116,194      $ 787,481        18,904      $ 121,862   

Reinvestment of distributions

     1,771        11,829        86        530   

Shares reacquired

     (84,924     (577,533     (13,586     (89,748


     33,041      $ 221,777        5,404      $ 32,644   

Automatic conversion of Class B shares occurs on the 25th day of the month (or, if the 25th day is not a business day, the next business day thereafter) following the eighth anniversary of the day on which the purchase order was accepted.


Global Allocation Fund         

Year Ended

December 31, 2010


Year Ended

December 31, 2009

Class A Shares   Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  

Shares sold

    3,467,075      $ 37,037,293        2,675,427      $ 25,827,729   

Converted from Class B*

    79,770        846,262        58,189        519,791   

Reinvestment of distributions

    249,943        2,678,411        239,902        2,161,986   

Shares reacquired

    (2,315,635     (24,460,274     (1,794,253     (15,931,176


    1,481,153      $ 16,101,692        1,179,265      $ 12,578,330   
Class B Shares                            

Shares sold

    343,477      $ 3,411,858        426,440      $ 3,673,044   

Reinvestment of distributions

    26,945        269,525        28,211        234,998   

Shares reacquired

    (294,926     (2,912,260     (279,537     (2,191,072

Converted to Class A*

    (85,959     (846,262     (61,707     (519,791

Increase (decrease)

    (10,463   $ (77,139     113,407      $ 1,197,179   
Class C Shares                            

Shares sold

    1,259,557      $ 12,551,632        825,179      $ 7,306,379   

Reinvestment of distributions

    53,598        538,259        40,706        342,732   

Shares reacquired

    (673,674     (6,658,784     (335,534     (2,699,831


    639,481      $ 6,431,107        530,351      $ 4,949,280   
Class F Shares                            

Shares sold

    211,385      $ 2,247,733        68,346      $ 543,709   

Reinvestment of distributions

    1,874        20,335        267        2,642   

Shares reacquired

    (76,231     (811,751     (9,073     (68,234


    137,028      $ 1,456,317        59,540      $ 478,117   



Notes to Financial Statements (concluded)


Global Allocation Fund          

Year Ended

December 31, 2010


Year Ended

December 31, 2009

Class I Shares    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  

Shares sold

     643,481      $ 6,255,937        44,348      $ 411,668   

Reinvestment of distributions

     14,323        158,272        3,361        30,681   

Shares reacquired

     (19,571     (206,081     (18,067     (160,764


     638,233      $ 6,208,128        29,642      $ 281,585   
Class R2 Shares                             

Shares sold

     (a)    $ 1        (a)    $ 2   

Reinvestment of distributions

     26        279        31        276   


     26      $ 280        31      $ 278   
Class R3 Shares                             

Shares sold

     199,141      $ 2,109,105        4,117      $ 42,456   

Reinvestment of distributions

     4,174        45,306        80        789   

Shares reacquired

     (18,095     (192,237     (281     (2,937


     185,220      $ 1,962,174        3,916      $ 40,308   

Automatic conversion of Class B shares occurs on the 25th day of the month (or, if the 25th day is not a business day, the next business day thereafter) following the eighth anniversary of the day on which the purchase order was accepted.


Value is less than 1 share.



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc. (the “Funds”) comprising Lord Abbett Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly, Lord Abbett Developing Local Markets Fund) and Lord Abbett Global Allocation Fund, including the schedules of investments, as of December 31, 2010, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Funds are not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of their internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of December 31, 2010, by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of December 31, 2010, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


New York, New York

February 25, 2011



Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)


Global Allocation Fund invests in Underlying Funds managed by Lord Abbett. As of December 31, 2010, Global Allocation Fund’s long-term investments were allocated among the Underlying Funds as follows:


Underlying Fund Name    % of Investments  

Lord Abbett Affiliated Fund, Inc. – Class I


Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc. – Classic Stock Fund – Class I


Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc. – Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund) – Class I


Lord Abbett Investment Trust – Floating Rate Fund – Class I


Lord Abbett Securities Trust – Fundamental Equity Fund – Class I


Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc. – Growth Opportunities Fund – Class I


Lord Abbett Investment Trust – High Yield Fund – Class I


Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Core Equity Fund – Class I


Lord Abbett Securities Trust –International Dividend Income Fund –Class I


Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Opportunities Fund – Class I


The Ten Largest Holdings and the Holdings by Sector, as of December 31, 2010, for each Underlying Fund are presented below. Each Underlying Fund’s annual and semiannual reports, which are sent to shareholders and filed with the SEC, contain information about the Fund’s portfolio holdings, including a complete schedule of holdings. A complete schedule of holdings for each Underlying Fund is also filed with the SEC on Form N-Q as of the end of each respective Underlying Fund’s first and third quarters. In addition, on or about the first day of the second month following each calendar quarter-end, each Fund makes publicly available a complete schedule of its portfolio holdings as of the last day of each such quarter. The information for the most recently ended calendar quarter may be viewed at www.lordabbett.com or requested at no charge by calling Lord Abbett at 888-522-2388.

Lord Abbett Affiliated Fund, Inc.


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Wells Fargo & Co.


Bank of America Corp.


Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The)


Chevron Corp.


Pfizer, Inc.


AT&T, Inc.


General Electric Co.


Dow Chemical Co. (The)


Citigroup, Inc.




Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)(continued)



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  

Consumer Discretionary


Consumer Staples






Health Care




Information Technology




Telecommunication Services




Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.

Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc. – Classic Stock Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Apple, Inc.


Schlumberger Ltd.


JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Google, Inc. Class A


Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The)


Bank of America Corp.


Marriott International, Inc. Class A


Union Pacific Corp.


Exxon Mobil Corp.


Wells Fargo & Co.



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  

Consumer Discretionary


Consumer Staples






Health Care




Information Technology




Telecommunication Services




Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.



Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)(continued)


Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc. – Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly, Developing Local Markets Fund)


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Turkey Government Bond, Zero Coupon, 2/2/2011


Poland Government Bond, 4.25%, 5/24/2011


Hungary Government Bond, 7.50%, 2/12/2011


H.J. Heinz Finance Co., 6.625%, 7/15/2011


Vodafone Group plc, 0.642%, 6/15/2011


General Electric Capital Corp., 0.562%, 9/15/2014


Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 5.50%, TBA


Bank of America Corp., 2.10%, 4/30/2012


CSX Corp., 6.75%, 3/15/2011


Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc., 8.25%, 4/1/2015



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  









Basic Industry


Capital Goods


Consumer Cyclical


Consumer Non-Cyclical




Financial Services


Foreign Government


Health Care










Technology & Electronics






Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.

Lord Abbett Investment Trust – Floating Rate Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

AGFS Funding Co. Term Loan B, 7.25%, 4/21/2015


CIT Group, Inc. Term Loan 3, 6.25%, 8/11/2015


Intelsat Jackson Holdings Ltd. Term Loan, 3.29%, 2/2/2014


Ford Motor Co. Term Loan B1, 3.01%, 12/16/2013


International Lease Finance Corp. Term Loan B1, 6.75%, 3/17/2015


Allison Transmission, Inc. Term Loan B, 3.01%, 8/7/2014


Univision Communications, Inc. Initial Term Loan, 2.505%, 9/29/2014


Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Extended Term Loan B, 4.504%, 12/1/2016


Advantage Sales & Marketing, Inc. Term Loan, 5.00%, 5/5/2016


Goodman Global, Inc. 1st Lien Term Loan, 5.75%, 10/28/2016




Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)(continued)



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  





Consumer Non-Durables






Food & Drug




Forest Products








Information Technology
















Short-Term Investment




Lord Abbett Securities Trust – Fundamental Equity Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Exxon Mobil Corp.


Omnicom Group, Inc.


Amgen, Inc.


State Street Corp.


Anadarko Petroleum Corp.


Barrick Gold Corp.


Ford Motor Co.


Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.


Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The)


Lazard Ltd. Class A



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  

Consumer Discretionary


Consumer Staples






Health Care




Information Technology






Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.



Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)(continued)


Lord Abbett Research Fund, Inc. – Growth Opportunities Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Cummins, Inc.


Concho Resources, Inc.


T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.


priceline.com, Inc.


Agilent Technologies, Inc.


Weatherford International Ltd.


Monster Worldwide, Inc.


Walter Energy, Inc.


NetApp, Inc.


Limited Brands, Inc.



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  

Consumer Discretionary


Consumer Staples






Health Care




Information Technology




Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.

Lord Abbett Investment Trust – High Yield Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Nextel Communications, Inc., 6.875%, 10/31/2013


Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, 12.00%, 5/15/2015


El Paso Corp., 8.05%, 10/15/2030


Republic of Brazil, 12.50%, 1/5/2016


Pinnacle Foods Finance LLC/Pinnacle Foods Finance Corp., 10.625%, 4/1/2017


Nielsen Finance LLC/Nielsen Finance Co. (12.50% after 8/1/2011), Zero Coupon 8/1/2016


Inergy LP/Inergy Finance Corp., 8.25%, 3/1/2016


Liberty Mutual Group, Inc., 10.75%, 6/15/2058


United Airlines, Inc., 12.00%, 11/1/2013


Ally Financial Inc., 6.25%, 12/1/2017




Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)(continued)



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  


     0.00% ** 





Basic Industry


Capital Goods


Consumer Cyclical


Consumer Non-Cyclical




Financial Services


Foreign Government










Real Estate




Technology & Electronics






Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.
**   Amount is less than .01%.

Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Core Equity Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Tullow Oil plc


Anglo American plc


Yara International ASA


Honda Motor Co., Ltd.


Vedanta Resources plc


Xstrata plc


Sumitomo Corp.


Vodafone Group plc


Hyundai Mobis


Nestle SA Registered Shares



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  

Consumer Discretionary


Consumer Staples






Health Care




Information Technology




Telecommunication Services




Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.



Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)(continued)


Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Dividend Income Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Kumba Iron Ore Ltd.


Oesterreichische Post AG


Vinci SA


Banco do Brasil SA


Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo ADR


Stagecoach Group plc


Sumitomo Corp.


Konecranes OYJ


Vodafone Group plc


Metropole Television SA



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  

Consumer Discretionary


Consumer Staples






Health Care




Information Technology




Telecommunication Services




Short Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.

Lord Abbett Securities Trust – International Opportunities Fund


Ten Largest Holdings    % of Investments  

Incitec Pivot Ltd.


Dialog Semiconductor plc


Equinox Minerals Ltd.


Dufry Group Registered Shares


FP Corp.


Gerresheimer AG


Ipsos SA


EFG International AG


Rheinmetall AG


Dragon Oil plc




Investments in Underlying Funds (unaudited)(concluded)



Holdings by Sector*    % of Investments  

Consumer Discretionary


Consumer Staples






Health Care




Information Technology




Telecommunication Services




Short-Term Investment





*   A sector may comprise several industries.



Basic Information About Management


The Board of Directors (the “Board”) is responsible for the management of the business and affairs of the Company in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland. The Board appoints officers who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Company and who execute policies authorized by the Board. The Board also approves an investment adviser to the Company and continues to monitor the cost and quality of the services the investment adviser provides, and annually considers whether to renew the contract with the adviser. Generally, each Director holds office until his/her successor is elected and qualified or until his/her earlier resignation or removal, as provided in the Company’s organizational documents.

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett”), a Delaware limited liability company, is the Company’s investment adviser.

Interested Directors

The following Directors are associated with Lord Abbett and are “interested persons” of the Company as defined in the Act. Mr. Dow and Ms. Foster are officers and directors or trustees of each of the 13Lord Abbett-sponsored funds, which consist of 53 portfolios or series.


Name, Address and

Year of Birth


Current Position and

Length of Service

with the Company


Principal Occupation and Other Directorships

During Past Five Years

Robert S. Dow

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 1995 and Chairman since 1996  

Principal Occupation: Senior Partner of Lord Abbett (since 2007) and was formerly Managing Partner (1996 - 2007) and Chief Investment Officer (1995 - 2007), joined Lord Abbett in 1972.


Other Directorships: None.

Daria L. Foster

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director and President since 2006  

Principal Occupation: Managing Partner of Lord Abbett (since 2007), and was formerly Director of Marketing and Client Service, joined Lord Abbett in 1990.


Other Directorships: None.



Independent Directors

The following Independent Directors also are directors or trustees of each of the 13 Lord Abbett-sponsored funds, which consist of 53 portfolios or series.


Name, Address and

Year of Birth


Current Position and

Length of Service
with the Company


Principal Occupation and Other Directorships

During Past Five Years

E. Thayer Bigelow

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

c/o Legal Dept.

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 1994  

Principal Occupation: Managing General Partner, Bigelow Media, LLC (since 2000); Senior Adviser, Time Warner Inc. (1998 - 2000).


Other Directorships: Currently serves as director of Crane Co. (since 1984) and Huttig Building Products Inc. (since 1998). Previously served as a director of R.H. Donnelley Inc. (2009 - 2010) and Adelphia Communications Inc. (2003 - 2007).



Basic Information About Management (continued)


Name, Address and

Year of Birth


Current Position and

Length of Service
with the Company


Principal Occupation and Other Directorships

During Past Five Years

Robert B. Calhoun, Jr.

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

c/o Legal Dept.

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 1998  

Principal Occupation: Senior Advisor of Monitor Clipper Partners, a private equity investment fund (since 1997); President of Clipper Asset Management Corp. (1991 - 2009).


Other Directorships: Previously served as a director of Avondale, Inc. (1991 - 2005) and Interstate Bakeries Corp. (1991 - 2008).

Evelyn E. Guernsey

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

c/o Legal Dept.

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 2011  

Principal Occupation: CEO, Americas of J.P. Morgan Asset Management (2004 - 2010).


Other Directorships: None.

Julie A. Hill

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

c/o Legal Dept.

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 2004  

Principal Occupation: Owner and CEO of The Hill Company, a business consulting firm (since 1998).


Other Directorships: Currently serves as director of WellPoint, Inc., a health benefits company (since 1994). Previously served as a director of Resources Connection, Inc., a consulting firm (2004 - 2007).

Franklin W. Hobbs

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

c/o Legal Dept.

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 2000  

Principal Occupation: Advisor of One Equity Partners, a private equity firm (since 2004).


Other Directorships: Currently serves as a director and Chairman of the Board of Ally Financial Inc., a financial services firm (since 2009) and as a director of Molson Coors Brewing Company (since 2002).

Thomas J. Neff

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

c/o Legal Dept.

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 1988  

Principal Occupation: Chairman of Spencer Stuart (U.S.), an executive search consulting firm (since 1996).


Other Directorships: Currently serves as director of Ace, Ltd. (since 1997). Previously served as a director of Hewitt Associates, Inc. (2004 - 2010).

James L.L. Tullis

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC

c/o Legal Dept.

90 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ 07302


  Director since 2006  

Principal Occupation: CEO of Tullis-Dickerson and Co. Inc., a venture capital management firm (since 1990).


Other Directorships: Currently serves as director of Crane Co. (since 1998). Previously served as a director of Viacell Inc. (2003 - 2007).




Basic Information About Management (continued)



None of the officers listed below have received compensation from the Company. All of the officers of the Company also may be officers of the other Lord Abbett-sponsored funds and maintain offices at 90 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302. Unless otherwise indicated, the position(s) and title(s) listed under the “Principal Occupation” column indicate each officer’s position(s) and title(s) with Lord Abbett.


Name and

Year of Birth

  Current Position
with the Company

Length of Service

of Current


Principal Occupation

During Past Five Years

Robert S. Dow


  Chief Executive Officer and Chairman   Elected in 1996   Senior Partner of Lord Abbett (since 2007), and was formerly Managing Partner (1996 - 2007) and Chief Investment Officer (1995 - 2007), joined Lord Abbett in 1972.

Daria L. Foster


  President   Elected in 2006   Managing Partner of Lord Abbett (since 2007), and was formerly Director of Marketing and Client Service, joined Lord Abbett in 1990.

Robert P. Fetch


  Executive Vice President   Elected in 2008   Partner and Director, joined Lord Abbett in 1995.

Robert I. Gerber


  Executive Vice President   Elected in 2001   Partner and Chief Investment Officer (since 2007), joined Lord Abbett in 1997 as Director of Taxable Fixed Income Management.

Robert A. Lee


  Executive Vice President   Elected in 2008   Partner and Director, joined Lord Abbett in 1997.

Harold E. Sharon


  Executive Vice President   Elected in 2003   Partner and Director, joined Lord Abbett in 2003.

Christopher J. Towle


  Executive Vice President   Elected in 2008   Partner and Director, joined Lord Abbett in 1987.

Stacy P. Allen


  Vice President   Elected in 2009   Partner and Chief Administrative Officer (since 2009), and was formerly a Client Portfolio Manager (2006 - 2008) and Director of Institutional Mutual Funds (2003 - 2006), joined Lord Abbett in 2003.



Basic Information About Management (concluded)


Name and

Year of Birth

  Current Position
with the Company

Length of Service

of Current


Principal Occupation

During Past Five Years

James W. Bernaiche


  Chief Compliance Officer   Elected in 2004   Partner and Chief Compliance Officer, joined Lord Abbett in 2001.

Joan A. Binstock


  Chief Financial Officer and Vice President   Elected in 1999   Partner and Chief Operations Officer, joined Lord Abbett in 1999.

John K. Forst


  Vice President and Assistant Secretary   Elected in 2005   Deputy General Counsel, joined Lord Abbett in 2004.

Lawrence H. Kaplan


  Vice President and Secretary   Elected in 1997   Partner and General Counsel, joined Lord Abbett in 1997.
A. Edward Oberhaus, III (1959)   Vice President   Elected in 1996   Partner and Director, joined Lord Abbett in 1983.

Thomas R. Phillips


  Vice President and Assistant Secretary   Elected in 2008   Deputy General Counsel, joined Lord Abbett in 2006 and was formerly an attorney at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP.

David B. Ritt


  Vice President   Elected in 2009   Associate Portfolio Manager, joined Lord Abbett in 2006 and was formerly a Summer Associate at MotherRock LP (2005).

Lawrence B. Stoller


  Vice President and Assistant Secretary   Elected in 2007   Partner and Senior Deputy General Counsel, joined Lord Abbett in 2007 and was formerly an Executive Vice President and the General Counsel at Cohen & Steers Capital Management, Inc. (1999 - 2007).

Leah G. Traub


  Vice President   Elected in 2009   Director, joined Lord Abbett in 2007 and was formerly a Research Economist at Princeton Economics Group (2006 - 2007) and Research Assistant and Lecturer at Rutgers University (2003 - 2007).

Bernard J. Grzelak


  Treasurer   Elected in 2003   Partner and Director of Fund Administration, joined Lord Abbett in 2003.

Please call 888-522-2388 for a copy of the statement of additional information (“SAI”), which contains further information about the Company’s Directors. It is available free upon request.



Approval of Advisory Contracts

At meetings held on December 15 and 16, 2010, the Board of the Company, including all of the Directors who are not interested persons of the Company or Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett”), considered whether to approve the continuation of the existing management agreements between each of the Funds and Lord Abbett. In addition to the materials the Board had reviewed throughout the course of the year, including information about the investment performance of each Fund compared to the performance of its benchmark, the Board received materials relating to the management agreement before the meeting and had the opportunity to ask questions and request further information in connection with its consideration. The Board also took into account its familiarity with Lord Abbett gained through its previous meetings and discussions, and the examination of the portfolio management teams conducted by members of the Contract Committee during the year.

The materials received by the Board as to each Fund included, but were not limited to: (1) information provided by Lipper Inc. (“Lipper”) regarding the investment performance of the Fund compared to the investment performance of one or more groups of funds with substantially similar investment objectives, including a group of funds within the same investment classification/objective (each group a “performance universe”) and to the investment performance of an appropriate fund index; (2) information on the expense ratios, effective management fee rates, and other expense components for the Fund and similar funds (the “peer group”); (3) information provided by Lord Abbett on the projected expense ratios, management fee rates, and other expense components for the Fund; (4) sales and redemption information for the Fund; (5) information regarding Lord Abbett’s financial condition; (6) an analysis of the relative profitability of the management agreement to Lord Abbett; (7) information provided by Lord Abbett regarding the investment management fees Lord Abbett receives from its other advisory clients maintaining accounts with a similar investment strategy as the Fund; (8) information regarding the distribution arrangements of the Fund; and (9) information regarding the personnel and other resources devoted by Lord Abbett to managing the Fund.

Investment Management Services Generally. The Board considered the investment management services provided by Lord Abbett to each Fund, including investment research, portfolio management, and trading, and Lord Abbett’s commitment to compliance with all relevant legal requirements. The Board also observed that Lord Abbett was solely engaged in the investment management business and accordingly did not experience the conflicts of interest resulting from being engaged in other lines of business. The Board noted that in recent years Lord Abbett had not used brokerage commissions to purchase third-party research, but had changed this practice in 2009, as it previously had discussed with the Board. The Board considered the investment advisory services provided by Lord Abbett to other clients, the fees charged for the services, and the differences in the nature of the services provided to each of the Funds and other Lord Abbett Funds, on the one hand, and the services provided to other clients, on the other.

Investment Performance. The Board reviewed each Fund’s investment performance in relation to that of the performance universe, both in terms of total return and in terms of other statistical measures.

As to the Emerging Markets Currency Fund (formerly the Developing Local Markets Fund), the Board observed that in June 2008 the Fund changed its investment objective from seeking high current income consistent with reasonable risk, with capital appreciation as a secondary consideration, to seeking high total return, and changed its principal investment strategy from



investing primarily in high-quality and investment grade debt securities of domestic and foreign companies to investing primarily in currencies of, and in fixed income instruments denominated in currencies of, developing markets. The Board noted that these changes had resulted in Lipper changing the classification of the Fund from global income to emerging markets debt, but also noted that the investment objective and strategy of the Fund differed from those of the most funds in the Lipper classification, so that the performance and expense comparisons were of limited value. The Board observed that the investment performance of the Class A shares of the Fund was in the fifth quintile of the performance universe for the nine-month, one-year, three-year, five-year, and ten-year periods and lower than that of the Lipper Emerging Markets Debt Index for each of those periods.

As to the Global Allocation Fund, the Board observed that the investment performance of the Class A shares of the Fund was in the first quintile of both performance universes for the nine-month, one-year, three-year, and five-year periods and the third quintile for the ten-year period. The Board also observed that the investment performance was higher than that of the Lipper Global Large-Cap Core Index for each of those periods.

Lord Abbett’s Personnel and Methods. The Board considered the qualifications of the personnel providing investment management services to each Fund, in light of its investment objective and discipline. Among other things, the Board considered the size, experience, and turnover of Lord Abbett’s investment management staff, Lord Abbett’s investment methodology and philosophy, and Lord Abbett’s approach to recruiting, training, and retaining investment management personnel. The Board determined that Lord Abbett had the expertise and resources to manage each Fund effectively.

Nature and Quality of Other Services. The Board considered the nature, quality, costs, and extent of compliance, administrative, and other services performed by Lord Abbett and Lord Abbett Distributor LLC (“Distributor”) and the nature and extent of Lord Abbett’s supervision of third party service providers, including each Fund’s transfer agent and custodian.

Expenses. The Board considered the expense levels of each Fund and the expense levels of the peer group. The Board considered the fiscal periods on which the peer group comparison was based, and noted that such periods ended before September 30, 2010. It also considered the projected expense levels of the Fund. It also considered the amount and nature of the fees paid by shareholders.

As to the Emerging Markets Currency Fund, the Board observed that for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 the contractual management and administrative services fees for the Fund were approximately eleven basis points below the median of the peer group and the actual management and administrative services fees were approximately nine basis points below the median of the peer group. The Board also observed that for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 the total expense ratio of Class A was approximately eleven basis points below the median of the peer group, the total expense ratios of Class B and Class C were approximately eight basis points below the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class F was approximately two basis points above the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class I was approximately the same as the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class R2 was approximately two basis points below the median of the peer group, and the total expense ratio of Class R3 was approximately twenty-two basis points above the median of the peer group. The Board also observed that the Rule 12b-1 plan had not been operational for Class R2 and that had it been operational the expense ratio of Class R2 would have been approximately sixty basis points higher. The Board also noted that the Class A and Class C expense ratios did not reflect recent



reductions in Rule 12b-1 fees. The Board also considered the projected expense ratio of each class and how that ratio would relate to the expense ratios of the peer group.

As to the Global Allocation Fund, the Board considered the management fees and the total expenses of the Fund in comparison to two peer groups, the first consisting of funds of funds classified as actively managed global large-cap core funds and the second consisting of global large-cap core funds that are not funds of funds. The Board observed that, like other funds in the first peer group, the Fund indirectly pays the management fees and other expenses of the underlying funds in which it invests. As to the first peer group, the Board observed that the contractual management and administrative services fees were approximately twelve basis points above the median of the peer group and the actual management and administrative services fees were approximately the same as the median of the peer group. The Board observed that, taking into account the indirect expenses, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, the total expense ratios of Class A, Class B, and Class C were approximately thirty-three basis points below the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class F was approximately thirty-one basis points below the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class I was approximately thirteen basis points below the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class R2 was approximately thirty-five basis points below the median of the peer group, and the total expense ratio of Class R3 was approximately ten basis points below the median of the peer group. As to the second peer group, the Board observed that, taking into account indirect expenses, the total expense ratio of Class A was approximately twenty-one basis points below the median of the first peer group, the total expense ratios of Class B and Class C were approximately twenty-seven basis points below the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class I was approximately thirteen basis points below the median of the peer group, the total expense ratio of Class R2 was approximately seventy-two basis points below the median of the peer group, and the total expense ratio of Class R3 was approximately forty-seven basis points below the median of the peer group. The Board also observed that the Rule 12b-1 plan had not been operational for Class R2 and had been operational for Class R3 for only a portion of the fiscal year and that had it been operational for both classes for the entire fiscal year the expense ratios of Class R2 and Class R3 would have been approximately sixty and twenty-four basis points higher, respectively. The Board also noted that there were only a limited number of substantially similar funds with Class F shares or an equivalent class of shares, so Lipper had not provided an expense group comparison for that class. The Board noted that effective May 1, 2010 it and Lord Abbett had entered into a management fee waiver agreement waiving all twenty-five basis points of its management fees and that Lord Abbett intended to enter into a new management fee waiver agreement through May 1, 2012, under which it would waive twenty basis points of its management fees. The Board considered the projected expense ratio of each class and how that ratio would relate to the expense ratios of the peer group.

Profitability. As to each Fund, the Board considered the level of Lord Abbett’s profits in managing the Fund, including a review of Lord Abbett’s methodology for allocating its costs to its management of the Fund. The Board concluded that the allocation methodology had a reasonable basis and was appropriate. It considered any profits realized by Lord Abbett in connection with the operation of the Fund and whether the amount of profit was fair for the management of the Fund. The Board also considered the profits realized from other businesses of Lord Abbett, which may benefit from or be related to the Fund’s business. The Board considered Lord Abbett’s profit margins in comparison with available industry data, both accounting for and ignoring marketing and distribution expenses, and how those profit margins could affect Lord Abbett’s ability to recruit and retain investment personnel. The Board recognized that Lord Abbett’s profitability was a factor in enabling it to attract and retain qualified investment management personnel to provide services to



the Fund. The Board noted that Lord Abbett’s overall profitability had increased in its 2010 fiscal year. The Board concluded that Lord Abbett’s profitability overall and as to each Fund was not excessive.

Economies of Scale. As to each Fund, the Board considered whether there had been any economies of scale in managing the Fund, whether the Fund had appropriately benefited from any such economies of scale, and whether there was potential for realization of any further economies of scale. The Board concluded that each existing advisory fee schedule, with its breakpoints in the level of the advisory fee, adequately addressed any economies of scale in managing the applicable Fund.

Other Benefits to Lord Abbett. As to each Fund, the Board considered the character and amount of fees paid by the Fund and the Fund’s shareholders to Lord Abbett and Distributor for services other than investment advisory services. The Board also considered the revenues and profitability of Lord Abbett’s investment advisory business apart from its mutual fund business, and the intangible benefits enjoyed by Lord Abbett by virtue of its relationship with the Fund. The Board observed that Distributor receives 12b-1 fees from certain of the Lord Abbett Funds as to shares held in accounts for which there is no other broker of record, may retain a portion of the 12b-1 fees from the Funds, and receives a portion of the sales charges on sales and redemptions of some classes of shares. In addition, the Board observed that Lord Abbett accrues certain benefits for its business of providing investment advice to clients other than the Lord Abbett Funds, but that that business also benefits the Funds. The Board also noted that Lord Abbett, as disclosed in the prospectuses of the Funds, has entered into revenue sharing arrangements with certain entities that distribute shares of the Funds. The Board also took into consideration the investment research that Lord Abbett receives as a result of Fund brokerage transactions.

Alternative Arrangements. As to each Fund, the Board considered whether, instead of approving the continuation of the management agreement, it might be in the best interests of the Fund to implement one or more alternative arrangements, such as continuing to employ Lord Abbett, but on different terms. After considering all of the relevant factors, the Board unanimously found that continuation of the existing management agreements was in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders and voted unanimously to approve the continuation. In considering whether to approve the continuation of the management agreements, the Board did not identify any single factor as paramount or controlling. This summary does not discuss in detail all matters considered.




The Company has adopted a policy that allows it to send only one copy of each Fund’s prospectus, proxy material, annual report and semiannual report to certain shareholders residing at the same “household.” This reduces Fund expenses, which benefits you and other shareholders. If you need additional copies or do not want your mailings to be “householded,” please call Lord Abbett at 888-522-2388 or send a written request with your name, the name of your fund or funds and your account number or numbers to Lord Abbett Family of Funds, P.O. Box 219336, Kansas City, MO 64121.

Proxy Voting Policies, Procedures and Records

A description of the policies and procedures that Lord Abbett uses to vote proxies related to each Fund’s portfolio securities, and information on how Lord Abbett voted each Fund’s proxies during the 12-month period ended June 30 are available without charge, upon request, (i) by calling 888-522-2388; (ii) on Lord Abbett’s Website at www.lordabbett.com; and (iii) on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) Website at www.sec.gov.

Shareholder Reports and Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure

The Funds are required to file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for its first and third fiscal quarters on Form N-Q. Copies of the filings are available without charge, upon request on the SEC’s Website at www.sec.gov and may be available by calling Lord Abbett at 888-522-2388. You can also obtain copies of Form N-Q by (i) visiting the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC (information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800-SEC-0330); (ii) sending your request and duplicating fee to the SEC’s Public Reference Section, Washington, DC 20549-1520; or (iii) sending your request electronically, after paying a duplicating fee, to publicinfo@sec.gov.


Tax Information

56.09% of the ordinary income distributions paid by the Global Allocation Fund during 2010 is qualified dividend income. For corporate shareholders, 5.99% of the Global Allocation Fund’s ordinary income distributions is qualified for the dividends received deduction.

Additionally, of the distributions paid by the Emerging Markets Currency Fund to shareholders during the year ended December 31, 2010, $2,363,496 and $3,349,460 represent short-term and long-term capital gains respectively.

For foreign shareholders 75.89% of the ordinary income distributions paid by the Emerging Markets Currency Fund represents interest-related dividends.







This report, when not used for the general information of shareholders of the Fund, is to be distributed only if preceded or accompanied by a current fund prospectus.

Lord Abbett mutual fund shares are distributed by LORD ABBETT DISTRIBUTOR LLC.


Lord Abbett Global Fund, Inc.

Lord Abbett Emerging Markets Currency Fund

Lord Abbett Global Allocation Fund





Item 2: Code of Ethics.


  (a) In accordance with applicable requirements, the Registrant adopted a Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics on June 19, 2003 that applies to the principal executive officer and senior financial officers of the Registrant (“Code of Ethics”). The Code of Ethics was in effect during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 (the “Period”).


  (b) Not applicable.


  (c) The Registrant has not amended the Code of Ethics as described in Form N-CSR during the Period.


  (d) The Registrant has not granted any waiver, including an implicit waiver, from a provision of the Code of Ethics as described in Form N-CSR during the Period.


  (e) Not applicable.


  (f) See Item 12(a)(1) concerning the filing of the Code of Ethics. The Registrant will provide a copy of the Code of Ethics to any person without charge, upon request. To obtain a copy, please call Lord Abbett at 888-522-2388.


Item 3: Audit Committee Financial Expert.


    The Registrant’s board of directors has determined that each of the following independent directors who are members of the audit committee is an audit committee financial expert: E. Thayer Bigelow, Robert B. Calhoun Jr., Franklin W. Hobbs, and James L.L. Tullis. Each of these persons is independent within the meaning of the Form N-CSR.


Item 4: Principal Accountant Fees and Services.


    In response to sections (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Item 4, the aggregate fees billed to the Registrant for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 by the Registrant’s principal accounting firm, Deloitte & Touche LLP, the member firms of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and their respective affiliates (collectively, “Deloitte”) were as follows:


     Fiscal year ended:
     2010    2009

Audit Fees {a}

   $68,000    $62,500

Audit-Related Fees

   - 0 -    - 0 -

Total audit and audit-related fees

   $68,000    62,500

Tax Fees {b}

   17,245    15,620

All Other Fees

   - 0 -    - 0 -

Total Fees

   $85,245    $78,120


{a} Consists of fees for audits of the Registrant’s annual financial statements.

{b} Fees for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 consist of fees for preparing the U.S. Income Tax Return for Regulated Investment Companies, New Jersey Corporation Business Tax Return, New Jersey Annual Report Form, U.S. Return of Excise Tax on Undistributed Income of Investment Companies, IRS Forms 1099-MISC and 1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns.

(e) (1) Pursuant to Rule 2-01(c) (7) of Regulation S-X, the Registrant’s Audit Committee has adopted pre-approval policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures generally provide that the Audit Committee must pre-approve:



any audit, audit-related, tax, and other services to be provided to the Lord Abbett Funds, including the Registrant, and


any audit-related, tax, and other services to be provided to the Registrant’s investment adviser and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to one or more Funds comprising the Registrant if the engagement relates directly to operations and financial reporting of a Fund, by the independent auditor to assure that the provision of such services does not impair the auditor’s independence.

The Audit Committee has delegated pre-approval authority to its Chairman, subject to a fee limit of $10,000 per event, and not to exceed $25,000 annually. The Chairman will report any pre-approval decisions to the Audit Committee at its next scheduled meeting. Unless a type of service to be provided by the independent auditor has received general pre-approval, it must be pre-approved by the Audit Committee. Any proposed services exceeding pre-approved cost levels will require specific pre-approval by the Audit Committee.

(e) (2) The Registrant’s Audit Committee has approved 100% of the services described in this Item 4 (b) through (d).

(f) Not applicable.

(g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by Deloitte for services rendered to the Registrant are shown above in the response to Item 4 (a), (b), (c) and (d) as “All Other Fees”.

The aggregate non-audit fees billed by Deloitte for services rendered to the Registrant’s investment adviser, Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett”), for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 were:


     Fiscal year ended:
     2010    2009

All Other Fees {a}

   $171,360    $161,385



{a} Consist of fees for Independent Services Auditors’ Report on Controls Placed in Operation and Tests of Operating Effectiveness related to Lord Abbett’s Asset Management Services (“SAS 70 Report”).

The aggregate non-audit fees billed by Deloitte for services rendered to entities under the common control of Lord Abbett for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 were:


     Fiscal year ended:
     2010    2009

All Other Fees

   $ - 0 -    $ - 0-



(h) The Registrant’s Audit Committee has considered the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the Registrant’s investment adviser, and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the Registrant, that were not pre-approved pursuant to Rule 2-01 (c)(7)(ii) of Regulation S-X and has determined that the provision of such services is compatible with maintaining Deloitte’s independence.


Item 5: Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.


    Not applicable.


Item 6: Investments.


    Not applicable.


Item 7: Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


    Not applicable.


Item 8: Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


    Not applicable.


Item 9: Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.


    Not applicable.


Item 10: Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


    Not applicable.

Item 11: Controls and Procedures.


  (a) Based on their evaluation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the Registrant have concluded that such disclosure controls and procedures are reasonably designed and effective to ensure that material information relating to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to them by others within those entities.


  (b) There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12: Exhibits.


  (a)(1) Amendments to Code of Ethics – Not applicable.


  (a)(2) Certification of each principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the Registrant as required by Rule 30a-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 is attached hereto as a part of EX-99.CERT.


  (a)(3) Not applicable.


  (b) Certification of each principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the Registrant as required by Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is provided as a part of


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


    By:    /s/ Robert S. Dow
      Robert S. Dow
      Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
Date: February 25, 2011      
    By:   /s/ Joan A. Binstock
      Joan A. Binstock
      Chief Financial Officer and Vice President
Date: February 25, 2011      

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


    By:    /s/ Robert S. Dow
      Robert S. Dow
      Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
Date: February 25, 2011      
    By:    /s/ Joan A. Binstock
      Joan A. Binstock
      Chief Financial Officer and Vice President
Date: February 25, 2011