EX-99.2 3 ldr-20150515xex992.htm EX-99.2 Exhibit 992 FY15 Q2 Investor Presentation

C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide1.PNGRespect  Innovation  Honesty Reliability  Investor PresentationSecond Quarter 2015 Earnings Presentation


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide2.PNGSafe Harbor Statement  Someoftheinformationsharedhere(including,inparticular,thesectiontitled“Fiscal2014Outlook”)constitutesforward-lookingstatementsthatarebasedonassumptionsandinvolvecertainrisksanduncertainties.Theseincludethefollowing,withoutlimitation: assumptions,risksanduncertaintiesassociatedwiththeCompany’sfutureperformance,theCompany’sdevelopmentandintroductionofnewtechnologiesingeneral;theabilitytoprotectandutilizetheCompany’sintellectualproperty;continuedcustomeracceptanceoftheInLighttechnology;theadaptabilityofopticallystimulatedluminescence(OSL)technologytonewplatformsandformats;militaryandothergovernmentfundingforthepurchaseofcertainoftheCompany’sequipmentandservices;theimpactonsalesandpricingofcertaincustomergrouppurchasingarrangements;changesinspendingorreimbursementformedicalproductsorservices;thecostsassociatedwiththeCompany’sresearchandbusinessdevelopmentefforts;theusefulnessofoldertechnologiesandrelatedlicensesandintellectualproperty;theeffectivenessofandcostsassociatedwiththeCompany’sITplatformenhancements;theanticipatedresultsofoperationsoftheCompanyanditssubsidiariesorventures;valuationoftheCompany’slong-livedassetsorbusinessunitsrelativetofuturecashflows;changesinpricingofservicesandproducts;changesinpostalanddeliverypractices;theCompany’sbusinessplans;anticipatedrevenueandcostgrowth;theabilitytointegratetheoperationsofacquiredbusinessesandtorealizetheexpectedbenefitsofacquisitions;therisksassociatedwithconductingbusinessinternationally;costsincurredforpotentialacquisitionsorsimilartransactions;otheranticipatedfinancialevents;theeffectsofchangingeconomicandcompetitiveconditions,includinginstabilityincapitalmarketswhichcouldimpactavailabilityofshortandlong-termfinancing;thetimingandextentofchangesininterestrates;thelevelofborrowings;foreignexchangerates;governmentregulations;accreditationrequirements;changesinthetradingmarketthataffectthecostsofobligationsundertheCompany’sbenefitplans;andpendingaccountingpronouncements.Theseassumptionsmaynotmaterializetotheextentassumed,andrisksanduncertaintiesmaycauseactualresultstobedifferentfromwhatisanticipatedtoday.TheserisksanduncertaintiesalsomayresultinchangestotheCompany’sbusinessplansandprospects,andcouldcreatetheneedfromtimetotimetowritedownthevalueofassetsorotherwisecausetheCompanytoincurunanticipatedexpenses. AdditionalinformationmaybeobtainedbyreviewingtheinformationsetforthinItem1A“RiskFactors”andItem7A“QuantitativeandQualitativeDisclosuresaboutMarketRisk”andinformationcontainedintheCompany'sAnnualReportonForm10-KfortheyearendedSeptember30,2014andotherreportsfiledbytheCompany,fromtimetotime,withtheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission.TheCompanydoesnotundertake,andexpresslydisclaims,anydutytoupdateanyforward-lookingstatementwhetherasaresultofnewinformation,futureeventsorchangesintheCompany’sexpectations,exceptasrequiredbylaw.


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide3.PNGBusiness Facts  Financial Highlights  The Global Leader in Radiation Science and Services  Landauer Today  .$155 Million in Annual Revenue (Fiscal 2014) .$37 Million in International Sales (Fiscal 2014) .~ 90% Recurring Revenues .$44.4 Million in Adjusted EBITDA (Fiscal 2014) .$189 Million in Cumulative Dividends paid over last 10 years    .Based in Glenwood, IL .Founded in 1954  .Approximately 650 employees .Global Platform and Infrastructure .73,000 annual customers served; 1.8M annual individuals  served .94%+ Customer retention rates   Three Operating Segments  Diverse Markets Served  W:\Logos\Company Logos\IJKL\izi med.jpg Luxel_Waist.png inlight_clip_holder_front_L.png Untitled-1.png .Healthcare & Education .National Security .Energy .Industry  .Military/Emergency Response   .Radiation Measurement -85% of FY 2014 Op Income     .Medical Physics -12% of FY 2014 Op Income     .Medical Products -3% of FY 2014 Op Income       * Normalized to adjust for charges.


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide4.PNGOUR MODEL  HIGHLIGHTS  •Annuity focused  revenues streams  •Best-in-class technology •Large, diverse client  base across multiple  industries and  geographies •Significant free cash  flow generation •Strong shareholder  returns via meaningful  dividend yield      .Stable Core Business      .Strong Financial Profile      .Strategic Expansion Opportunities


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide5.PNGFinancial Leadership Transition •Dan Fujii named Chief Financial Officer •Kara Venegas named Corporate Controller and Chief Accounting Officer       Bolstered Leadership Team   •Strengthened internal controls •Returned to normal reporting cycle •Actively working to remediate control issues identified in latest Form 10-K filing       Financial Controls Stabilization  •Unfavorable foreign currency rates impacted both revenues and  operating expenses for the second quarter of 2015 •Adverse impact of foreign currency exchange rates expected to result in financial  performance near the lower end of FY’15 revenue guidance       Forex Impact  Recent Developments


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide6.PNGSignificant  Significant Expansion of  Expansion of  Addressable Market Creating  Addressable Market Creating  Growth Opportunity Growth Opportunity  V A L U E P R O P O S I T I O N   M A R K E T D E M A N D   COMPETITIVE  ADVANTAGES  .First Mover Advantage .Market Leading Positions .Best in Class Technology .Integrated Platform and  Infrastructure .Large, Diverse Client Base   INDUSTRY TRENDS  .Healthcare Consolidation .The Joint Commission -New  Accreditation Standards .Radiation Treatment Complexity .Tougher State and Federal  Regulations .Cost Reduction Pressures   What is the OpportunityRadiation Risk: Not Managed Consistently/More Complex  R a d i a t i o n M e a s u r e m e n t   I m a g i n g P h y s i c s   I n f o r m a t i c s   The Only Enterprise  Wide Radiation Safety  Solution Provider   No Single Individual  Managing Radiation Risk  Consistently Across A  Healthcare System  E N T E R P R I S E W I D E R A D I A T I O N S A F E T Y S O L U T I O N   E N T E R P R I S E W I D E R A D I A T I O N S A F E T Y S O L U T I O N   ENTERPRISE WIDE RADIATION SAFETY & SECURITY SOLUTIONS


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide7.PNGto   Driving Strong Cash Flows…  .Fund competitive dividend .Invest in the business .Pay down debt   2011  2012  2013  2014  $18,314 $18,314  $10  $20  $21,886 $21,886  $16,204 $16,204  Q2 YTD  2015  $11,794 $11,794  $25  $30  $35  $15  Free Cash Flow  •Cumulative FCF Generation of +$100M since 2011   Cash Flow Priorities & Strategy  Strong FCF Generation  Strong FCF Generation  is an important component  is an important component  of the Landauer value  of the Landauer value  proposition proposition  $ (Millions)  $32,524 $32,524


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide8.PNGBalanced Approach to Capital   Investing in the business and returning cash to shareholders Investing in the business and returning cash to shareholders  .A track record of returning  cash to shareholders through  a competitive dividend .Currently over 3% dividend  yield .Long history of uninterrupted  dividend payments   Committed to Strong  Shareholder Returns  0.00%  1.00%  2.00%  3.00%  4.00%  5.00%  6.00%  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015*  Dividend Yield  LDR  Russell 2000  *Dividend Yield as of 5/7/2015


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide9.PNG.Capitalize on the continued convergence of radiation dosimetry and  imaging physics services     .Support our clients’ compliance with new regulatory requirements pursuant  to The Joint Commission -July 2015     .Significant progress on development of software for our digital  dosimetry service .On track for 2016 commercial launch     .Added the required resources during the quarter to pursue this market  niche more aggressively given the opportunity to claim market share. .Expect to see benefits from this investment as soon as 2Q 2016      Strategic Initiatives  Alignment of Sales  and Marketing  Functions  Target Professional  Office and Medical  Clinic Market   Commercialization  of Verifii  Advancement of  Informatics Solutions   Core Business Investments Focused on Top and Bottom Line Benefits


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide10.PNG Financial Overview  Respect 


Innovation  Honesty  Reliability C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide11.PNGLandauer Financial Overview  ($ in millions, FYE 9/30)  Revenue Revenue  $120.5  $152.1  $149.7  $155.1  $153 -$163  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015Guidance  ($ in millions, FYE 9/30)  Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA  $48.2  $54.0  $47.9  $44.4  $41 -$46  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015Guidance  .Approximately 90% of revenue derived from  subscription and is recurring in nature .Increase operating income at a higher growth  rate than revenue .Contract with U.S. military to replace its  antiquated radiation monitoring system  provides opportunities to expand to other  global military and first responder markets .Strategic expansion contributing to long term  growth prospects .Strong history of EBITDA to support dividend  return to shareholders, reinvestment in the  core business and capital required to support  strategic expansion .Diversified business platform


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide12.PNGQ2 FY15 Financial Highlights  Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA  .Revenue of $38.1M in the second quarter of fiscal 2015  down $1.0 million y/y due to unfavorable FX. On a  constant currency basis, revenues increased y/y. .Increase in military sales by $1.1 million over the prior  year period; materially in-line with plan year to date .Operating income of $5.6 million versus income of $6.9  million in prior year period.  .Net income of $3.5 million, or $0.37 per diluted share. .Adjusted EBITDA of $9.0 million, down $2.3 million y/y  due to lower revenue and margin, unfavorable FX and  higher SG&A   $9.0 $9.0  $ $11.4 11.4  $0  $5  $10  $15  Q2 2015  Q2 2014  Millions  Revenue Revenue  Free Cash Flow Free Cash Flow  $11.8 $11.8  $17.7 $17.7  $0  $5  $10  $15  $20  Q2 2015  Q2 2014  Millions  $27.2  $28.7  $8.6  $8.0  $2.3  $2.3  $0  $10  $20  $30  $40  $50  Q2 2015  Q2 2014  Millions  Rad Measurement  Med Physics  Med Products  Key Q2 FY 2015 Financial Drivers Key Q2 FY 2015 Financial Drivers


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide13.PNGAttractive Total Return to Shareholders  Driving Long-Term Sustainable Growth  .Approx. 3% base annual dividend yield .Reduced dividend in Q2 to enhance operational and financial  flexibility of the Company in the current market   Capital to support  strategic  expansion  Reinvestment in core  business  Commitment to  Dividend  .Core business investments focused on top and bottom line  benefits; .Driving increase in annuity based revenues, as well as  growing operating income at a higher rate than revenues .Next generation dosimetry platform investments .Improvements focused in both core business growth  segments


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide14.PNGUnderlying Assumptions for 2015 Underlying Assumptions for 2015  Fiscal Year  Fiscal Year 2015 Outlook 2015 Outlook  Outlook  .Outlook reflects uncertainty of FX and to a lesser  extent government funding for FY’2015 .Effective tax rate within range of 21% -25% .Higher professional fees associated with stabilizing  financial controls .Adjusted Net Income and EBITDA FY’2015 results  likely to be near the lower end of guidance range  due to unfavorable impact of FX     Q2 YTD  Full Year  Adjusted  Guidance  Revenue  $75.7  $153 -$163M   Adjusted   Net Income  $8.6  $16 -$19M   Adjusted EBITDA  $ 19.4  $41 -$46M


C:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide15.PNGAppendix  Respect  Innovation 


Honesty  ReliabilityC:\Users\ssvec\Desktop\Q2 Landauer Outline_5 11 15 FINAL\Slide16.PNGQ2 2015 YTD Adjusted Results  $ Millions  Q2 YTD Adjustment  Non-cash  Q2 YTD  Stock Based  Q2YTD  As Reported  Compensation  Adjusted  Revenue  $75.7  $75.7  Net Income  $7.9  $0.7   $8.6   Adjusted EBITDA  $18.5  $0.9  $19.4     Q2 YTD Adjusted Results Q2 YTD Adjusted Results