10-Q 1 mphase10q.htm MPHASE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. - FORM 10-Q mPhase Technologies, Inc. - Form 10-Q - Prepared By TNT Filings Inc.







mPhase Technologies, Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

NEW JERSEY 22-2287503
(State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization) Identification Number)

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)






  Consolidated Balance Sheets-June 30, 2004 and  
     September 30, 2004, (Unaudited) 3
  Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations-Three months  
     ended September 30, 2003 and 2004 and from October 2, 1996  
     (Date of Inception) to September 30, 2004 4
  Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders'  
     Deficit Three months ended September 30, 2004 5
  Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows-Three Months  
     ended September 30, 2003 and 2004 and from October 2, 1996  
     (Date of Inception) to June 30, 2004 6
  Notes to Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements 7
ITEM 2 Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and  
     Condition and Results of Operations 14
ITEM 3 Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about market risk 24
Item 1. Legal Proceedings 25
Item 2. Changes in Securities 25
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities 25
Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders 25
Item 5. Other Information 25
Item 6. Exhibits on Reports on Form 8-K 26
Signature Page 27
Certifications 28


(A Development Stage Company)
Consolidated Balance Sheets

    June 30, September 30,
    2004   2004
Cash and cash equivalents $ 90,045 $ 45,487
Accounts receivable, net of bad debt reserve        
   of $0 for each period   64,100   13,909
Stock subscription receivable   886,000   -
Inventories, net   1,237,972   1,153,232
Prepaid expenses and other current assets   81,061   410,132
   Total Current Assets   2,359,178   1,622,760
Property and equipment, net   52,685   37,301
Patents and licensing rights, net   161,605   194,056
Other Assets   17,250   98,373
   Accounts payable   2,088,658   2,402,811
   Accrued expenses   691,033   602,926
   Due to related parties   625,956   770,622
   Notes payable, related parties   300,000   700,000
   Current portion of long-term debt   550,803   395,305
   Deferred revenue   214,180   325,000
   TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES   4,470,630   5,196,664
Long-term debt, net of current portion   139,500   300,000
Other Liabilities   618,550   279,050
Other Liabilities, related parties   280,000   355,000
Common stock, stated value $.01, 250,000,000        
   shares authorized; 88,899,962 and        
   90,509,962 shares issued and outstanding at        
   June 30, 2004 and September 30, 2004, respectively   888,999   905,719
Additional paid in capital   111,976,095   112,530,975
Deficit accumulated during development stage (115,775,083)   (117,606,945)
Less-Treasury stock, 13,750 shares at cost   (7,973)   (7,973)
   TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' DEFICIT   (2,917,962)   (4,178,224)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated balance sheets.


(A Development Stage Company)
Consolidated Statements of Operations

          October 2, 1996
    Three Months Ended     (Date of
    September 30,   Inception) to
          September 30,
    2003   2004   2004
REVENUES $ 2,489,201 $ 179,163 $ 19,788,204
   Cost of Sales   2,098,744 129,781   14,042,988
   Research and development            
      including non-cash stock related            
      charges of $0, $0            
      and $2,117,669, respectively)   611,420 1,101,400   39,518,200
   General and Administrative            
      (including non-cash stock            
      related charges of $112,245,            
      $0 and $47,333,142            
      respectively)   604,892 708,895   79,763,992
   Depreciation and amortization   46,104   1,021   2,890,928
   TOTAL COSTS AND EXPENSES   3,361,160   1,941,097   136,216,108
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS   (871,959)   (1,761,934)   (116,427,904)
OTHER INCOME            
   Gain (Loss) on extinguishments   23,087   (40,500)   313,020
   Minority interest loss in            
      consolidated subsidiary   -   -   20,000
   Loss on Sale of Securities   -   -   (11,258)
   Loss from unconsolidated            
      subsidiary   -   -   (1,466,467)
   Interest Income (expense), net   (15,639)   (29,428)   (34,336)
   TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)   7,448   (69,928)   (1,179,041)
basic and diluted $
OUTSTANDING, basic and diluted  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


(A Development Stage Company)
Consolidated Statement of Changes in
Shareholders' Deficit (unaudited)

        Additional   Shareholders
    $.01 Stated Treasury Paid-in Accumulated (Deficit)
  Shares Value Stock Capital Deficit Equity
Balance June 30, 2004 89,899,962 $888,999 $(7,973) $111,976,095 $(115,775,083) $(2,917,962)
Issuance of warrants in            
connection with settlement            
of liabilities -- -- -- 169,500 -- 169,500
Issuance of common stock with            
warrants in private placement, net of            
cash expenses of $15,900 1,672,000 16,720 -- 385,380 -- 402,100
Net Loss -- -- -- -- (1,831,862) (1,831,862)
Balance, September, 2004 90,571,962 $ 905,719 $(7,973) $ 112,530,975 $(117,606,945) $(4,178,224)


(A Development Stage Company)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

            October 2,
    Three Months Ended   (Date of
    September 30,   Inception) to
            September 30,
    2003   2004   2004
Cash Flow From Operating Activities:            
Net Loss $ (864,511) $ ( 1,831,862) $ (117,606,945)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net            
   cash used in operating activities:            
   Depreciation and amortization   210,543   15,384   6,345,623
   Book Value of fixed assets disposed   --   --   74,272
   Provision for doubtful accounts   --   --   32,124
   (Gain) loss on debt extinguishments   (23,087)   40,500   (313,020)
   Loss on unconsolidated subsidiary   --       1,466,467
   Impairment of note receivable   --       232,750
   Loss on Security           11,258
   Non-cash charges relating to issuance of   112,245       49,458,890
   common stock, common stock options and            
Changes in assets and liabilities:            
   Accounts receivable   (442,320)   50,191   (46,033)
   Inventories   1,014,452   84,740   (942,993)
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets   (263)   (329,071)   (906,253)
   Other non-current assets   --   (81,123)   (81,123)
   Accounts payable   49,692   263,633   4,592,740
   Accrued expenses   (400,014)   (87,487)   1,692,382
   Due to/from related parties            
   Microphase   (57,778)   89,633   2,469,344
   Janifast   21,963   44,213   2,747,118
   Officers   (90,583)   10,820   479,576
   Lintel   --   -   477,000
   Others   --   (50,000)   129,472
   Receivables from Subsidiary   --   -   (150,000)
   Deferred revenue   53,000   110,820   325,000
Net cash used in operating activities   (416,662)   ( 1,669,609)   (49,512,351)
Cash Flow from Investing Activities:            
   Payments related to patents and licensing rights   --   (32,451)   (449,064)
   Purchase of fixed assets   (5,500)   -   (2,641,106)
Net Cash (used)/provided by investing            
activities   (5,500)   (32,451)   (3,090,170)
Cash Flow from Financing Activities:            
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock and            
      exercises of options and warrants   173,840   1,288,000   50,874,976
   Payments of notes payable   (2,000)   (105,498)   (327,335)
   Advances from Microphase   --   175,000   522,840
   Proceeds from notes payable - officers   --   600,000   1,030,000
   Repayments of notes payable - offiers   --   (300,000)   (330,000)
   Repurchase of treasury stock at cost   --   --   (7,973)
Net cash provided by financing activities   171,840   1,657,502   52,648,008
Net increase (decrease) in cash   (250,322)   (44,558)   --
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period   396,860   90,045   --

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.






mPhase Technologies, Inc. (the "Company") was organized on October 2, 1996. On February 17, 1997, the Company acquired Tecma Laboratories, Inc. ("Tecma") in a transaction accounted for as a reverse merger. On June 25, 1998, the Company acquired Microphase Telecommunications, Inc. ("MicroTel"), through the issuance of 2,500,000 shares of its common stock in exchange for all the issued and outstanding shares of MicroTel. The assets acquired in this acquisition were patents related to the mPhase line of DSL component products (e.g., POTS Splitters) and patent applications utilized in the Company's proprietary Traverser(TM) Digital Video Data Delivery System ("Traverser"). The primary business of the company is to design, develop, manufacture and market high band-width telecommunication products incorporating digital subscriber line ("DSL") technology. The present activities of the Company are focused (a) upon cost reduction and enhancement of its proprietary Traverser(TM) product under an Agreement with Lucent Technologies, Inc. and (b) deployment of the Traverser(TM) product. The Traverser(TM) enables telecommunications service providers to simultaneously deliver MPEG2 digital quality television (utilizing non-internet protocol), high-speed Internet and voice over copper telephone wire utilizing DSL technology. Additionally, the Company sells DSL component products which includes microfilters, splitters, and line extenders.

The Company is in the development stage, as defined by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 7, "Accounting and Reporting by Development Stage Enterprises." and its present activities are focused on the commercial deployment of its proprietary Traverser (TM) and associated DSL component products. Since mPhase is in the development stage, the accompanying consolidated financial statements should not be regarded as typical for normal operating periods.

BASIS OF PRESENTATION-The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial information and pursuant to the regulations of the Securities Exchange Commission. Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes required by generally accepted accounting principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for a fair presentation have been included. Operating results for the three months ending September 30, 2004 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for a full fiscal year. For further information, refer to the consolidated financial statements and footnotes thereto included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2004.

Through September 30, 2004, the Company had incurred cumulative (a) development stage losses totaling approximately $117,606,945 and (b) negative cash flow from operations equal to $49,512,351. At September 30, 2004, the Company had approximately $45,487 of cash, cash equivalents and approximately $13,909 of trade receivables to fund short-term working capital requirements. The Company's ability to continue as a going concern and its future success is dependent upon its ability to raise capital in the near term to: (1) satisfy its current obligations, (2) continue its research and development efforts, and (3) allow the successful wide scale development, deployment and marketing of its products.

USE OF ESTIMATES-The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

RECLASSIFICATIONS-Certain reclassifications have been made in the prior period consolidated financial statements to conform to the current period presentation.





LOSS PER COMMON SHARE, BASIC AND DILUTED - The Company accounts for net loss per common share in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 128, "EARNINGS PER SHARE" ("EPS"). SFAS No. 128 requires the disclosure of the potential dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted into common stock or resulted in the issuance of common stock that then shared in the earnings of the entity. Common equivalent shares have been excluded from the computation of diluted EPS for all periods presented since their affect is antidilutive.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT-Research and development costs are charged to operations as incurred.

REVENUE RECOGNITION-All revenue included in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations for all periods presented relates to sales of mPhase's line of POTS Splitter products and other related DSL component products. As required, the Company adopted the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB") No. 101, REVENUE RECOGNITION IN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, which provides guidance on applying generally accepted accounting principles to revenue recognition based on the interpretations and practices of the SEC. The Company recognizes revenue for its line of POTS Splitter products and other DSL component products at the time of shipment, at which time, no other significant obligations of the Company exist, other than normal warranty support. In addition, the Company includes costs of shipping and handling billed to customers in revenue and the related expenses of shipping and handling costs is included in cost of sales.

STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION-mPhase has elected to continue to account for stock-based compensation under APB Opinion No. 23, under which no compensation expense has been recognized for stock options and certain compensating warrants granted to employees at fair market value. In accordance with SFAS No. 148 the Company has elected to implement the disclosure only provisions of this statement. Had compensation expense for stock options granted under the Plan and certain warrants granted to employees in 2003 and 2004 been determined based on fair value at the grant dates, mPhase's net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2004 would have been increased to the pro forma amounts shown below.

    Three Months Ended
    September 30,
    2003   2004
Net Loss:        
As reported $
( 1,831,862)
Pro forma $
( 1,831,862)
Net Loss Per Share:        
As reported $
$ (0.02)
Pro forma $
$ (0.02)






In January 2003, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. 46 (" FIN 46"), "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, an Interpretation of ARB No. 51." FIN 46 requires certain variable interest entities to be consolidated by the primary beneficiary of the entity if the equity investors in the entity do not have the characteristics of a controlling financial interest or do not have sufficient equity at risk for the entity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support from other parties. FIN 46 is effective for all new variable interest entities created or acquired after January 31, 2003. For variable interest entities created or acquired prior to February 1, 2003, the provisions of FIN 46 must be applied for the first interim or annual period beginning after June 15, 2003. The adoption of FIN 46 did not have a significant impact on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.

In May 2003, the FASB issued SFAS Statement No. 150, "Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity". This Statement establishes standards for how an issuer classifies and measures certain financial instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and equity. It requires that an issuer classify a financial instrument that is within its scope as a liability (or an asset in some circumstances). This statement is effective for financial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003, and otherwise is effective at the beginning of the first interim period beginning after June 15, 2003, except for mandatory redeemable financial instruments of nonpublic entities, if applicable. It is to be implemented by reporting the cumulative effect of a change in an accounting principle for financial instruments created before the issuance date of the Statement and still existing at the beginning of the interim period of adoption. The adoption of this statement is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company's results of operations or financial position.


    2003   2004
Interest Paid $
Taxes Paid $

Non Cash Investing and Financing Activities:

  2003   2004
Conversion of accounts payable and      
accrued expenses  to equity $  0   $ 129,000
Conversion of accounts payable and      
accrued expenses to  notes payable $  0   $  460,000




mPhase's President, Chief Operating Officer and Chairman of the Board of the Company are also officers of Microphase and mPhase's president and chairman of the board are shareholders of Microphase. On May 1, 1997, the Company entered into an agreement with Microphase, whereby it will use office space as well as the administrative services of Microphase, including the use of accounting personnel. This agreement was for $5,000 per month and was on a month-to-month basis. In July 1998, the office space agreement was revised to $10,000, in January 2000 to $11,050 per month, in July 2001 to $11,340 per month, in July 2002 to $12,200 per month, in January 2003 to $10,000 per month, and in July 2003 to $18,000 per month. Additionally, in July 1998, mPhase entered into an agreement with Microphase, whereby mPhase reimburses Microphase $40,000 per month for technical research and development. In January 2003 the technical research and development agreement was revised to $20,000 per month, and in July 2003 it was further revised to $5,000 per month.

Microphase also charges fees for specific projects on a project-by-project basis. During the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2004 and from inception (October 2, 1996) to September 30, 2004, $72,948, $45,000, and $7,269,526 respectively, have been charged to expense or inventory under these Agreements and is included in operating expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations.

The Company is obligated to pay a 3% royalty to Microphase on revenues from its proprietary Traverser(TM) Digital Video and Data Delivery System and DSL component products. For the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2004, mPhase recorded royalties to Microphase totaling $63,507 and $5,670, respectively.

As a result of the foregoing transactions as of September 30, 2004, the Company had $235,183 payable to Microphase, which is included in amounts due to related parties in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet. Additionally, at September 30, 2004, there are no undelivered purchase orders that remain outstanding to Microphase.

The Company purchases products and incurs certain research and development expenses with Janifast Ltd., which is owned by U.S. Janifast Holdings, Ltd., a company in which three directors of mPhase are significant shareholders and one is an officer, in connection with the manufacturing of POTS Splitter shelves and component products including cards and filters sold by the Company.

During the three months ended September 30, 2003 and 2004 and the period from inception (October 2, 1996) to September 30, 2004, $1,185,995, $160,684 and $13,624,295, respectively have been charged by Janifast to inventory or expense and is included in operating expenses in the accompanying statements of operations.

As a result of the foregoing transactions as of September 30, 2004, the Company had $467,118 payable to Janifast, which is included in amounts due to related parties in the accompanying balance sheet. Additionally, at September, 2004, approximately $556,500 of undelivered purchase orders remain outstanding to Janifast Ltd.

On August 30, 2004, the Company paid $100,000 in cash to Piper Rudnick LLP, outside legal counsel to the Company as part of a renegotiated settlement agreement that was originally effective as of March 31, 2002. The Company was in arrears with respect to payments due under the original settlement agreement and as part of the renegotiated agreement agreed to make the following payments:

  1. $25,000 on each of December 1, 2004, March 1, 2005, June 1,2005, September 1, 2005 and a $50,000 payment on December 1, 2005. Thereafter the Company is obligated to pay $25,000 on each of March 1, 2006, June 1, 2006, September 1, 2006 with a final payment of $75,000 on December 1, 2006.
  2. The Company also delivered a 5 year cashless warrant to purchase $150,000 worth of common stock at $.25 per share.







Inventory is stated at the lower of cost, determined on a first-in, first-out basis, or market. Inventory consists mainly of the Company's POTS Splitter shelves and cards. At September 30, 2004 inventory is comprised of the following:

Raw materials $ 75,834
Work in progress   525,647
Finished goods   940,076
Total   1,541,557
Less: Reserve for Obsolescence   (388,325)
Net Inventory $


The Company accounts for income taxes using the asset and liability method in accordance with SFAS No. 109 "ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES". Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carry-forwards. Because of the uncertainty as to their future realizability, net deferred tax assets, consisting primarily of net operating loss carry-forwards, have been fully reserved for. Accordingly, no income tax benefit for the net operating loss has been recorded in the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

Utilization of net operating losses generated through September 30, 2004 may be limited due to changes in ownership that have occurred.


At September, 2004 accrued expenses consisting of administrative expenses were $346,926 and accrued expenses for research and development expenses incurred with Lucent Technologies, Inc. were $256,000, totaling $602,926.


In March 2000, mPhase acquired a 50% interest in mPhaseTelevision.Net pursuant to a Joint Venture Agreement (the "Agreement") for $20,000. The agreement stipulates for mPhase's joint venture partner, AlphaStar International, Inc., ("Alphastar"), to provide mPhaseTelevision.Net right of first transmission for its transmissions including MPEG-2 digital satellite television. In addition, in March 2000, mPhase loaned the joint venture $1,000,000 at 8% interest per annum. The loan is repayable to the Company from equity infusions to the subsidiary, no later than such time that mPhaseTelevision.Net qualifies for a NASDAQ Small Cap Market Listing. During April 2000, the Company acquired an additional 6.5% interest in mPhaseTelevision.Net for $1,500,000 and presently the Company owns 56.5% of this venture.





During the three months ended September, 2003 and ended September 30, 2004, mPhaseTelevision.Net, Inc., was charged $0 and $0, respectively for fees and costs by its joint venture partner and its affiliates.

Pursuant to an agreement dated as of June 18, 2002, mPhaseTelevision.Net has terminated its lease of the earth station and Alphastar and its affiliated entity have converted certain accounts payable into shares of the Company's common stock. Additionally, under this Agreement, mPhase is obligated to pay Alphastar and its affiliates $35,000, which is included in amounts due to related parties in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet.


During the three months ending September 2003, the Company granted 174,667 shares of its common stock and warrants to purchase 249,667 shares of its common stock to consultants for services performed valued at $112,243. In August of 2003, the Company issued 333,334 shares of its common stock together with a like amount of 5 year warrants to purchase one share each of the Company's common stock, with an exercise price of $.30 per share, in a private placement generating net proceeds of $100,000 which was collected during the three month period ended on September 30, 2003.

In July of 2004, the Company issued 622,000 shares of its commons stock together with a like amount of callable warrants at $.35 and $.50 respectively in a private placement .In August and September of 2004, Company issued 1,050,000 shares and of its commons stock together with a like amount of callable warrants at $.25 and $.50 in private placements, which after cash outlays of approximately $15,900, generated net proceeds of $247,500. The aggregate net proceeds of such private placements of $402,100 were collected during the three month period ended on September 30, 2004.


During the three months ending September 30, 2003, a note payable in the amount of $360,000 to Microphase Corporation was executed in exchange for the cancellation of a like amount of accounts payable to Microphase on September 25, 2003 which matures on July 25, 2004. Additionally, a note payable to Martin Smiley, CFO and General Counsel of mPhase, in the amount of $100,000 was extended from September 25, 2003 to July 24, 2004. Both liabilities carry an interest rate of 12% payable quarterly in arrears. Each note is convertible into Common Stock of mPhase at the rate of $.30 cents per share through July 25, 2004. Upon conversion, each note holder will be granted warrants to purchase an equivalent amount of mPhase Common stock at $.30 cents per share for a period of five years from the date of conversion.

During the three months ending September 30, 2004, a note payable in the amount of $180,000 to Microphase Corporation, a related party, remained outstanding. Such note was extended by Microphase from July 25,2004 and now matures on July 25, 2005. Additionally, a note payable to Martin Smiley, CFO and General Counsel of mPhase, in the amount of $100,000 was extended from July 25, 2004 to July 25, 2005. Both liabilities carry an interest rate of 12% payable quarterly in arrears and were extended effective June 30, 2004. Each note is convertible into Common Stock of mPhase at the rate of $.25 cents per share plus a 5 year warrant for a like amount of common stock at $.25 per share through July 25, 2005 and a second 5 year warrant at $.50 per share convertible into a like amount of shares.

On August 30, 2004, the Company paid $100,000 to Piper&Rudnick, LLP, its outside counsel, in connection with the renegotiation of a Payment Agreement effective June 30, 2004. Under the terms of the renegotiated Payment Agreement, the Company agreed to payments of $25,000 each on December 1, 2004, March 1, 2005, June 1, 2005 and September 1, 2005 and a payment of $50,000 on December 1, 2006 plus $25,000 payments on March 1, 2006, June 1, 2006, September 1, 2006 and a final payment of $75,000 payment on December 1, 2007. In addition, Piper&Rudnick LLP agreed to convert $150,000 of such payable into a 5 year cashless warrant to purchase the Company's common stock at $.25 per share.

On August 30, 2004 the Company issued two demand promissory notes each in the principal amount of $75,000 at 12% interest in consideration of loans of $75,000 to the Company from each of Mr. Dotoli, its COO and Mr. Smiley, its CFO and General Counsel. In addition on September 30, 2004, the Company issued a demand promissory note to Microphase Corporation, a related party, for a loan of $175,000 to the Company with a 12% interest rate. Finally, the Company issued demand promissory notes with an interest rate of 12% to Mr. Ronald Durando, CEO of the Company for loans made to the Company dated August 30, 2004, as well as demand promissory notes to Mr. Durando, its CEO, for loans to the Company of $200,000 on August 30, 2004, $75,000 on September 28, 2004 and $175,000 on September 30, 2004 respectively.






The Company has entered into various agreements with Georgia Tech Research Corporation ("GTRC"), pursuant to which the Company receives technical assistance in developing the commercialization of its Digital Video and Data Delivery System (DVDDS). The amounts incurred by the Company for GTRC technical assistance with respect to its research and development activities and included in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the three months ending September 30, 2003 and 2004 and for the period from inception through September 30, 2004 totaled approximately $0, $0 and $ 13,539,952, respectively.

If and when sales commence utilizing this particular technology, the Company will be obligated to pay to GTRC a royalty of up to 5% of sales of the Traverser(TM) DVDDS.

As of February 3, 2004, the Company entered into a Development Agreement with Lucent Technologies, Inc. relating to Micro-Power Source Arrays Fabricated Using Nanotextured, Superhydrophobic Materials. The first product expected to be completed through this exploratory research effort is a battery with a very long shelf life for military field applications. Under such contract the Company is obligated to pay Lucent a total of $1.2 million payable in installments of $100,000 per month through February of 2005.

As of September 15, 2004, the Company entered into Amendment Number 2. to its Development Agreement dated as of September 15, 2003, for Development of Release 3.0 of its TV+ solution for a total cost of $1,411,200 payable in 9 installments of $156,800 each between September 27, 2004 and April 25, 2005 each payable 60 days, in arrears of 9 completion milestones occurring between such dates.


Deferred revenue as of September 30, 2004 consists of customer's billings totaling $267,000 on the POTS product line whereby completion of customer acceptance will be attained when original splitters are upgraded to the next generation splitters and deposits of $58,000 from Beta customers on the Traverser(TM) product line orders to be delivered when it reaches commercial production.



The following is management's discussion and analysis of certain significant factors, which have affected mPhase's financial position and should be read in conjunction with the accompanying financial statements, financial data, and the related notes.


Some of the statements contained in or incorporated by reference in this Form 10-Q discuss the Company's plans and strategies for its business or state other forward-looking statements, as this term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "plan," "intend," "should," "seek," "will," and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of identifying them. These forward-looking statements include, among others, statements concerning the Company's expectations regarding its working capital requirements, gross margin, results of operations, business, growth prospects, competition and other statements of expectations, beliefs, future plans and strategies, anticipated events or trends, and similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Any forward-looking statements contained in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those results expressed in or implied by the statements contained herein.



mPhase, a New Jersey corporation, founded in 1996 is a publicly-held company with over 12,000 shareholders and approximately 90 million shares of common stock outstanding. The Company's common stock is traded on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board under the ticker symbol XDSL. We are headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut with offices in Little Falls, NJ and New York, N.Y. mPhase shares common office space with Microphase Corporation, a privately held company. Microphase is a leader in the field of RF and filtering technologies within the defense and telecommunications industry. It has been in operation for almost 50 years and supports mPhase with both engineering, administrative and financial resources as needed.

mPhase develops, markets and sells a line of innovative DSL ("digital subscriber line")-based broadband telecommunications equipment. Our flagship product line is our TV+ solution systems enables the delivery of television over DSL by telephone service providers. The TV+ facilitates telephone companies becoming full service communications providers by enabling the simultaneous delivery of digital broadcast television, high speed data and voice services over the existing telephone line infrastructure. mPhase has developed its flagship line of products with a specific target in mind-telephone companies in parts of the world where access to multichannel television is limited. To that end, mPhase's primary goal is to develop cost-effective TV over DSL solutions that support proven, revenue-generating services (i.e., broadcast television) rather than developing robust, feature-intensive and expensive platforms intended to compete with cable companies such as those that exist in the US.

mPhase introduced its first TV over DSL product, the Traverser(TM) Digital Video and Data Delivery System in 1999. The Traverser(TM) DVDDS, is a patented end-to-end system based upon proprietary technology developed in conjunction with Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Because it is an end-to-end video-over-ADSL system, the Traverser(TM) does not interoperate with other manufacturer's DSL CO equipment or CPE modems. This system is the only non-Internet Protocol system on the market today. The company continues to market this product, and believes it to be ideal for customers specifically interested in supporting television services with a minimal need to support high-speed data customers. The legacy Traverser DVDDS has been replaced by mPhase's TV+ solution which has been developed by Lucent Technologies Inc.


The Traverser(TM) is installed at Hart Telephone Company in Hartwell, Georgia, where a user system is currently operational that is being replaced by the TV+ solution.. The legacy Traverser DVDDS system is also installed at the BMW manufacturing plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina for use as a telebroadcast system in a commercial setting.

The mPhase TV+ platform, developed in conjunction with the Bell Labs division of Lucent Technologies, Inc. (Lucent), enables telephone service providers to deliver high speed data, and broadcast TV over copper telephone lines between a telephone service provider's central office and the customer premises. The new mPhase TV+ system, developed in conjunction with Bell Laboratories division of Lucent Technologies, Inc., is also designed to allow for the simultaneous delivery of voice, high speed data, and broadcast TV over copper telephone lines between a telephone service provider's central office (CO) and the customer premises. The TV+ system was developed in conjunction with Bell Laboratories as an outgrowth of mPhase's engagement of Bell Labs in fiscal year 2003 to cost reduce mPhase's set top box that operates with the legacy DVDDS sytem developed by GTRC. The TV+ system replaces the DVDDS system with an open industry standards-based platform. Release 1 of the mPhaseTV+ system is complete and ready for commercial deployment. The TV+ system delivers 255 broadcast television channels over ADSL and utilizes an industry-leading, standards-based Lucent Technologies, Inc.'s StingerTM DSL Access Concentrator for transport of digital television plus high speed internet and voice. The mPhase TV+ system consists of a powerful software platform and a cost reduced set top box located in a telephone customer's premises plus the Lucent Stinger located at the CO or in the loop servicing the customer.

The mPhase TV+ system provides comprehensive end to end management of delivery of digital broadcast television by interfacing with the Stinger and a video headend built by a telephone service provider to downlink broadcast television programming from satellites. mPhase software manages the broadcast television compressed data prior to the distribution to a customer by the Stinger and supports administrative tasks associated with subscriber management. The use of the Lucent Stinger (digital subscriber line access mutiplexer commonly known as a DSLAM) for transport in the TV+ system results in a highly scalable architecture for the delivery of broadcast television. This is accomplished by internally multicasting each television channel for delivery from the CO to a larger number of end users. Release 1.0 of the TV+ system is capable of distributing 255 channels of broadcast television simultaneously to 455 customers by one Lucent Stinger DSLAM concentrator. We believe that the TV+ platform is the most cost-effective standards-based solution for delivery of broadcast television using ADSL. For mPhase the alliance with Lucent marks a change in strategy from selling a complete proprietary platform to providing an industry-standards solution.

The Company believes that the demand for the TV+ system will be greatest in markets primarily outside of the United States that do not have a hybrid fiber coaxial cable ("HFC") infrastructure necessary for cable TV or fiber to the curb necessary for very fast DSL (VDSL). We believe there is a significant cost advantage when our mPhase TV+ solution is compared against other platforms utilizing existing telephone lines containing the same features. Release 1.0 of the mPhase TV+ system completed in July of 2004 does not contain features such as the delivery of two or more TV channels over a single DSL copper telephone line, video on demand, or interactive TV. Release 2.0 of the TV+ completed in September of 2004 contains the same basic characteristics of Release 1.0 plus an enhanced electronic program guide. Releases 1.0 and 2.0 of the TV+ system are designed to operate only with the Lucent Stinger DSLAM.

Release 3.0 of the TV+ solution, expected to be completed in the third quarter of fiscal year 2005, will utilize a communications framework based upon Internet Protocol (IP) instead of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) that is utilized by Releases 1.0 and 2.0. ATM is an industry standard for transportation of data based upon a packaging of information into a fixed-size cell format for transportation across networks. Many telecommunications service providers currently deploy equipment that handles this protocol because it can support voice, video, data and multimedia applications simultaneously with a high degree of reliability. IP is another transport protocol that maintains network information and routes packets across networks. IP packets are larger and can hold more data than ATM cells. Historically, there have been concerns that service providers would be unable to provide the same quality of service with IP because it is not optimized for time-sensitive signals such as broadcast television and voice. Nevertheless, there is a greater demand by telecommunication service providers for IP systems for delivery of television, voice and high-speed data because such systems are significantly more cost effective to deploy based upon greater scalability.

Release 3.0 of the TV+ system will operate with both the Lucent Stinger as well as the DSLAM's of other major vendors. Release 3.0 of the TV system will also be able to send multiple TV channels down a single DSL line using ADSL2 supported DSLAM's and be capable of delivery of Video on Demand. As ADSL technology migrates forward to ADSL2 or ADSL2+, mPhase plans to include additional features in future versions of the TV+ system in a scalable, cost - effective manner depending upon actual market demand for such features in markets that mPhase is targeting. In addition, mPhase will be continuously updating its set top box to be used as part of the TV+ system and as a stand - alone product.

For those television markets in the United States that are not served by HFC, we believe the availability of programming content is essential to facilitate potential sales of our TV platforms over ADSL. In March of 2000, we established mPhase Television net., Inc. (mPhase TV), a joint venture between mPhase and Alphastar International, Inc. mPhase TV can provide contracts, licensing agreements, marketing and legal support to service providers interested in deploying television over ADSL for U.S. markets. mPhase TV has secured licenses to resell programming for approximately 80 channels of U.S. broadcast television. mPhase TV enables telecommunications service providers in the U.S. to provide customers a full complement of television programming. This enables a U.S. telecommunications service provider to avoid the necessity of securing such contracting rights individually with many different providers of broadcast television content. It is important to note that the role of mPhase TV has changed since its inception. Originally, mPhase TV was to utilize a satellite uplink/downlink facility and serve as an aggregator of television content. This would eliminate the need for a telecommunications service provider, purchasing a TV delivery platform from mPhase, from having to build a full scale television reception facility (head-end) to downlink broadcast television channels from satellites orbiting the earth. However, recent advances in technology have significantly reduced the costs for a telephone company to build a full scale headend. Therefore, the role of mPhaseTV is now limited to providing the appropriate licenses and relationships as opposed to offering a content aggregation solution. As part of its cost reduction efforts, mPhase terminated its lease of Alphastar's earth station satellite uplink and downlink facility in Oxford, CT. mPhase owns approximately 57% of mPhase TV.

To effectively market this joint solution, mPhase has been established as a Lucent Business Partner. As a business partner, mPhase is able to sell the complete TV +platform, including reselling the Lucent Stinger(R). The agreement enables mPhase to sell the TV+ platform anywhere in the world where the customer is interested in supporting digital video services. Additionally, mPhase and Lucent are jointly marketing this product solution to existing Lucent customers, as well as to Lucent's extensive network of business partners around the world. Together the two companies are in the process of identifying strong opportunities and target markets. Once identified, collectively mPhase and Lucent will approach Lucent's established business partner in that region for further marketing to the appropriate end customer. This co-marketing relationship adds tremendous value to mPhase. By gaining access to Lucent's business partners, mPhase will have the opportunity to significantly increase exposure for its TV +solution without having to increase the size of its direct sales force.



mPhase DSL Component Products - mPhase also has designed and markets a line of DSL component products ranging from items such as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) splitters to innovative loop management products. From our inception in 1996 to date virtually all of mPhase's revenue has been derived from sales of our component DSL products such as POTS splitters and low pass filters. Our newest innovation in our suite of DSL component products is our iPOTS or Intelligent POTS splitter product. This product enables telephone service providers comprehensive remote and automated test access to all elements of a DSL network. The iPOTS1, and iPOTS3 allow a telephone service provider to bypass POTS splitters on a DSL network and avoid having to manually intervene and disrupt line usage so a test signal can pass through a DSL network. This product marks an advancement in automating DSL loop management. As DSL deployments increase, it is becoming more important for telecommunications service providers to streamline the process for rolling-out and troubleshooting DSL services. Additionally, as competition for high speed Internet expands, the market is witnessing a reduction in the price for such service. Therefore, it has become imperative that telecommunications service providers lower the operational costs involved with supporting DSL services. Currently our iPOTS1 is designed for use with the Lucent Stinger, whereas, the iPOTS3 is compatible with DSLAM's manufactured by other vendors. mPhase currently has a non-exclusive worldwide distribution agreement with Corning Cable Systems for the sale of the iPOTS products. The Company is also aggressively pursuing direct efforts with respect to sales of the iPOTS product.

mPhase was organized on October 2, 1996. On February 17, 1997, the Company acquired Tecma Laboratories, Inc., a public corporation in a reverse merger transaction. This resulted in the Company's stock becoming publicly traded on the NASDAQ Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board. On June 25, 1998, the Company acquired Microphase Telecommunications, Inc. in a stock for stock exchange, whose principal assets included patents and patent applications utilized in the Company's Traverser(TM) product. On March 2, 2000, mPhase acquired an interest in mPhaseTelevision.Net, Inc., a joint venture organized to provide digital television programming content to service providers deploying television over DSL.

From mPhase's inception, the operating activities related primarily to research and development, establishing third-party manufacturing and distribution relationships and developing product brand recognition among telecommunications service providers. These activities included establishing trials and field tests of the Traverser(TM) and TV+ products with Hart Telephone Company in Georgia, and establishing a core administrative and sales organization.

In February of 2004, the Company entered into the business of developing a new battery using the science of Nanotechnology initially targeted for military applications. The Company entered into a Development Agreement with Lucent Technology to develop such battery.

Revenues. To date, all material revenues have been generated from sales of the POTS Splitter Shelves and other DSL component products to a small number of telecommunications companies. mPhase believes that future revenues are difficult to predict because of the length and variability of the commercial roll-out of the Traverser(TM) to various telecommunications service providers. Since the Company believes that there may be a significant international market for the Traverser(TM) involving many different countries, with different regulations, certifications and commercial practices than the United States, future revenues are highly subject to the changing variables and uncertainties. Additionally, the recent instability of the telecommunications market evidenced by reduction in capital spending across the whole telecom sector contributes to our difficulty in accurately predicting future revenues.

Cost of revenues. The costs necessary to generate revenues from the sale of POTS Splitter Shelves and other related DSL component products include direct material, labor and manufacturing. mPhase paid these costs to Janifast Ltd., which has facilities in the People's Republic of China and is owned by and managed by certain senior executives of the Company. The cost of revenues also includes certain royalties paid to Microphase Corporation, a privately held corporation organized in 1955, which shares certain common management with the Company. Costs for future production of the Traverser(TM) product will consist primarily of payments to manufacturers to acquire the necessary components and assemble the products and future patent royalties payable to Georgia Tech Research Corporation, ("GTRC").



Research and development. Research and development expenses consist principally of payments made to GTRC, Microphase Corporation and Lucent Technologies, Inc. for development of the Traverser(TM) and the integration mPhase's Broadcast Television Switch with the Lucent Stinger(R) voice and data delivery system product. All research and development costs are expensed as incurred.

General and administrative. Selling, general and administrative expenses consist primarily of salaries and related expenses for personnel engaged in direct marketing of the Traverser(TM), the POTS Splitter Shelves and other DSL component products, as well as support functions including executive, legal and accounting personnel. Certain administrative activities are outsourced on a monthly fee basis to Microphase Corporation. Finally, mPhase leases the principal office from Microphase Corporation.Non-cash compensation charge. The Company makes extensive use of stock options and warrants as a form of compensation to employees, directors and outside consultants. From inception (October 2, 1996) through September 30, 2004 the Company has incurred cumulative (a) development stage losses and has an accumulated deficit of $117,606,945 and (b) negative cash flow from operations of $49,512,351. The auditors report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004 includes the statement that "there is substantial doubt of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern". Management estimates that the Company needs to raise approximately $5-10 million during the next 12 months to continue its present level of operations. As of September 30, 2004, the Company had a negative net worth of $4,178,224 up from a negative net worth of $2,917,962 as a result of continuing net losses incurred after June 30, 2004.

In fiscal 2001, the Company had anticipated that the sales of its component products would be able to supplement the underwriting of the completion of our flagship Television over DSL product line . In fiscal 2002 these sales declined with the overall decline of DSL deployments and spending in the telephone industry. For the first three months of fiscal year 2004, sales of POTS splitters were $2,489,201 which was greater than the total of sales of POTS Splitters for the entire fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. However throughout each subsequent quarter of fiscal year 2004, revenues from POTS Splitter sales declined. In period ended September 30, 2004, revenues from POTS Splitter sales were $179,163. The Company believes its new IPOTS product will capture some of the existing DSL deployments, providing increases in revenue in fiscal year 2005. Until such time such revenues are realized, the Company intends on maintaining its reduced cost structure to minimize its losses, which management believes will permit the Company to sustain its development process and ultimately achieve profitability.

The Company believes that significant deployments and resulting revenues from these deployments of its flagship products, the TV+ respectively, are not expected until the second half of fiscal year 2005. The Company further believes that an increase in capital expenditures in the telecommunications industry will also increase sales and improve the Company's margins as well as increase the probability that the Company will attain profitability.





Total revenues were $179,163 for the three months ended September 30, 2004 compared to $2,489,201 for the three months ended September 30, 2003. The decrease was primarily attributable to a decreased demand of the Company's POTS Splitter product line.


Cost of sales were $129,781 for the three months ended September 30, 2004 as compared to $197,319 in the prior period, representing 72% of gross revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 and 84.3% for the quarter ended September 30, 2003, respectively. Our margins have contracted dramatically over the past four years as spending among the telecommunications providers has contracted, coupled with downward pressures related to the supply and demand of telecommunications products. Margins for the quarter ended September 30, 2004, increased by 12.3% over the margins for the same period ended September 30, 2003. We are unable to determine whether such increase in margins will continue for the remainder of fiscal year 2005.


Research and development expenses were $1,104,400 for the three months ended September 30, 2004 as compared to $611,420 during the comparable period in 2003 or an increase of $657,419. This increase consists of increased spending in TV+ product development activity and Nanotechnology battery exploratory research, the year over year quarterly spending has increased $ 200,400 and $ 300,000 for those products, respectively. Both areas represent activities contracted thought Lucent Technologies and managed by mPhase. Reduced spending with MicroPhase offsets these spending increases.

Research expenditures incurred with Microphase were related to the continuing development of the Company's DSL component products, including the Company's line of POTS Splitters and Microfilters and the Company's newest products, the iPOTS(TM) and the mPhase Stretch. We believe the mPhase iPOTS(TM) offers a much needed solution for the DSL industry; the iPOTS(TM) enables telcos to remotely and cost-effectively perform loop management and maintenance including line testing, qualification and troubleshooting. Prior to the introduction of the iPOTS(TM), loop management could not be remotely performed through a conventional POTS Splitter without the use of expensive cross connects or relay banks because of the mandatory DC blocking capacitors in traditional POTS splitters, as required by the ITU, ANSI and ETSI. The unique (patent pending) iPOTS(TM) circuit allows most test heads to perform both narrow and wideband testing of the local loop through the central office POTS Splitter without having to physically disconnect the POTS Splitter, thereby eliminating the need to dispatch personnel and a truckroll. The Company anticipates future demand for this product, as it significantly reduces the cost of deploying and maintaining DSL services. Also recently developed is the DSL loop extender product called mPhaseStretch. This product extends the service distance for the mPhase Traverser(TM) and can be used in conjunction with other DSL services. The Company anticipates future demand for the Stretch loop extender product as it addresses a primary issue in DSL services.



Selling, general and administrative expenses were $708,895 for the three months ending September 30, 2004 up from $604,892 or an increase of $104,503 from the comparable period in 2003. The increase in this expense is attributable to the growth in salaries and related expense of $78,788 and increased spending on travel and trade shows of $62,946. This increased spending corresponds with a ramp up of selling activities in anticipation of the planned release and commercialization of the TV+ product.


The Company recorded a net loss of $1,831,862 for the three months ended September 30, 2004 as compared to a loss of $861,511 for the three months ended September 30, 2003. This represents a loss per common share of $.02 for the three month period ended September 30, 2004 as compared to a loss per common share of $.01 for the three months ending September 30, 2003; based upon weighted average common shares outstanding of 71,725,318 and 89,719,962 during the periods ending September 30, 2003 and 2004, respectively.

The Company believes the initial major deployments and the resultant revenues of its Flagship product the TV+ is not expected until the second quarter of fiscal year 2005, which along with any upturn of spending in the telephone industry will also increase sales and improve the Company's margins and provide the Company with the opportunities to attain profitability.



All revenue included in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations for all periods presented relates to sales of mPhase's POTS Splitter Shelves and DSL component products.

As required, mPhase has adopted the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC")Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB") No. 101, "Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements", which provides guidelines on applying generally accepted accounting principals to revenue recognition based upon the interpretations and practices of the SEC. The Company recognizes revenue for its POTS Splitter Shelf and Other DSL component products at the time of shipment, at which time, no other significant obligations of the Company exist, other than normal warranty support.


Research and development costs are charged to operations as incurred in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS"), No.2, "Accounting for Research and Development Cost."


mPhase accounts for income taxes using the asset and liability method in accordance with SFAS No.109 "Accounting for Income Taxes." Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using currently enacted tax rates. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in results of operations in the period that includes the enactment date. Because of the uncertainty as to their future realizability, net deferred tax assets, consisting primarily of net operating loss carryforwards, have been fully reserved for. Accordingly, no income tax benefit for the net operating loss has been recorded in the accompanying financial statements.


Utilization of net operating losses generated through June 30, 2004 may be limited due to "changes in control" of our common stock that occurred.


The Company follows the disclosure-only provisions of SFAS No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-based Compensation". SFAS No 123 encourages, but does not require companies to record compensation expense for stock-based employee compensation at fair value. As permitted, the Company has elected to continue to account for stock-based compensation to employees using the intrinsic value method presented in Accounting Principles Board ("APB") Opinion No.25 "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" and provide pro forma net income and pro forma earnings per share disclosures for employee stock option grants as if the fair valued-based method, as defined, had been applied. Compensation expense is generally measured on the date of grant only if the current market price of the underlying stock exceeded the exercise price.

The Company accounts for non-employee stock based awards in which goods or services are the consideration received for the equity instruments issued based on the fair value of the consideration received or the fair value of the equity instrument issued, whichever is more readily determinable.


The Company carries its inventory at the lower of cost, determined on a first-in, first-out basis, or market. Inventory consists mainly of the Company's POTS Splitter Shelf and Filters. In determining the lower of cost or market, the Company periodically reviews and estimates a valuation allowance to reserve for technical obsolescence and marketability. The allowance represents management's assessment and reserve for the technical obsolescence based upon the inter-operability of its component products, primarily filters and splitters, with presently deployed and next generation DSL infrastructures as well as a reserve for marketability based upon current prices and the overall demand for the individual inventory items. Material changes in either the technical standards of future DSL deployments or further erosion in the demand for deployments of DSL infrastructures could affect the estimates and assumptions resulting in the amounts reported. Actual results could differ from these estimates.


The Company records material related party transactions. The Company incurs costs for engineering, design and production of prototypes and certain administrative functions from Microphase Corporation and the purchase of finished goods, primarily consisting of DSL splitter shelves and filters, from Janifast Limited. The Company has incurred costs for obtaining transmission rights. This enabled the Company to obtain re-transmission accreditation to proprietary television content that the Company plans to provide with its flagship product, the Traverser(TM) within its incorporated joint venture mPhase Television.net, in which the Company owns a 56.5% interest.

The Company has also incurred charges for beta testing and on-site marketing, including the display of a live working model at Hart Telephone. In addition, the Company has entered into a supply agreement with Hart Telephone, which was scheduled to commence upon the commercial production of the Traverser(TM) which will be replaced by its TV+ solution. A member of mPhase's board of directors is employed by Lintel, Inc., the parent corporation of Hart Telephone.


Mr. Durando, the President and CEO of mPhase, owns a controlling interest and is a director of Janifast Limited. Mr. Durando and Mr. Dotoli are officers of Microphase Corporation. Mr. Ergul, the chairman of the board of mPhase, owns a controlling interest and is a director of Microphase Corporation. Microphase, Janifast, Hart Telephone and Lintel Corporation are significant shareholders of mPhase. Microphase, Janifast and Hart Telephone have converted significant liabilities to equity in fiscal years June 30, 2001, 2002 and 2003. Management believes the amounts charged to the Company by Microphase, Janifast, mPhase Television.net and Hart Telephone are commensurate to amounts that would be incurred if outside parties were used. The Company believes Microphase, Janifast and Hart Telephone have the ability to fulfill their obligations to the Company without further support from the Company.



At September 30, 2004 mPhase had working capital deficit of $3,573,904 as compared to working capital deficit of $2,111,452 at June 30, 2004. Through September 30, 2004, the Company had incurred development stage losses totaling approximately $117,606,945. At September 30, 2004, the Company had approximately $45,487 of cash, cash equivalents and approximately $13,909 of trade receivables to fund short-term working capital requirements. The Company's ability to continue as a going concern and its future success is dependent upon its ability to raise capital in the near term to: (1) satisfy its current obligations, (2) continue its research and development efforts, and (3) the successful wide scale development, deployment and marketing of its products.

Historically, mPhase has funded its operations and capital expenditures primarily through private placements of common stock. Management expects that its ongoing financial needs will be provided by financing activities and believes that the sales of its line of POTS Splitter products and other related DSL component products will provide some offset to cashflow used in operations, although there can be no assurance as to the level and growth rate of such sales in future periods as seen with quarter to quarter fluctuations in component sales. At September 30, 2004, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $45,487 compared to $90,045 at June 30, 2004, accounts receivable of $13,909 and inventory of $1,153,232. This compared to $64,100 of accounts receivable and $1,237,972 of inventory at June 30, 2004.

Cash used in operating activities was $1,669,609 during the three months ending September 30, 2004.. The cash used by operating activities principally consists of the net loss, the net decrease in inventory, the net decrease in accounts receivable offset by depreciation and amortization, and by non-cash charges for common stock options and warrants issued for services and increased accrued expenses.

The Company has entered into various agreements with GTARC, pursuant to which the Company receives technical assistance in developing the Digital Video and Data Delivery System. The Company has incurred expenses in connection with technical assistance from GTARC totaling approximately $0, $0, for the three month periods ended September 30, 2004 and 2003, respectively, and $13,539,952 from the period from inception through September 30, 2004. On February 18, 2004, the Company entered into an Agreement with GTARC to convert approximately $1.8 million in outstanding payables into a 5 year cashless warrant to purchase up to 5,069,200 shares of the Company's common stock through 2009. GTRC may receive a royalty of up to 5% of product sales from the Traverser DVDDS product.

As of September 30,2004, mPhase is obligated to pay Lucent Technologies, Inc., a total sum of $940,800 for completion of Version 3.0 of the TV+ product in increments of $156,800 against project milestones. In addition in February of 2004, mPhase entered into a new Development Agreement with Lucent for development of a micro cell battery using the science of Nanotechnology at a total cost of $1.2 million payable in monthly installments of $100,000 each through February of 2005.



From inception (October 2, 1996) through September 30, 2004 the Company had incurred development stage losses and has an accumulated deficit of approximately $117,606,945 million and a stockholder's deficit of $4,178,224. For the three months ended September 30, 2004, and from inception through September 30, 2004 respectively, the Company had negative cash flow from operations of $1,669,609 and $49,512,351, respectively. The report of the Company's outside auditor's, Rosenberg, Rich, Baker, Berman and Company with respect to its latest audited 10k for the fiscal year ended June 30,2004 stated that "there is substantial doubt of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern". Management estimates that the Company will need to raise approximately $5-10 million during the next 12 months to continue its present level of operations.

We continue our efforts to raise additional funds through private placements of our common stock and strategic alliances, the proceeds of which are required to fund continuing expenditures and the controlled development stage rollout of our TV+ system. However, there can be no assurance that mPhase will generate sufficient revenues to provide positive cash flows from operations or that sufficient capital will be available, when needed or at terms that we deem to be reasonable.

We have evaluated our cash requirements for fiscal year 2005 based upon certain assumptions, including our ability to raise additional financing and increased sales of our POTS splitter. The Company anticipates that it will need to raise approximately $5-10 million primarily in private placements of its common stock with accredited investors, during the next 12 months, or alternatively we will need to curtail certain expenses as incurred at the present levels including marketing and research and development expenses. Additional investment in technology design to further enhance the capabilities of the TV+ product will be necessary over the next 12 months. In the long-term, the Company may also invest additional funds annually on research and development of the Nanotechnology product line based upon sales levels, changes to technology and the overall success of the Company attaining sufficient financing until such time as it achieves profitable operations.

Should these cash flows not be available to us, we believe we would have the ability to revise our operating plan and make certain further reductions in expenses, so that our resources which were available at September 30, 2004, plus financing to be secured during fiscal year 2005, and expected POTS splitter revenues, will be sufficient to meet our obligations until the end of fiscal year 2005. We have continued to experience operating losses and negative cash flows. To date, we have funded our operations with a combination of component sales debt conversions with related parties and strategic vendors, and private equity offerings. Management believes that we will be able to secure the necessary financing in the short-term to fund our operations into our next fiscal year. However, failure to raise additional funds, or generate significant cash flows through revenues, could have a material adverse effect on our ability to achieve our intended business objectives.



The Company is not exposed to changes in interest rates as the Company has no debt arrangements and no investments in certain held-to-maturity securities. Under our current policies, we do not use interest rate derivative instruments to manage exposure to interest rate changes. A hypothetical 100 basis point adverse move in interest rates along the entire interest rate yield curve would not materially affect the fair value of any financial instruments at September 30, 2004.


Under the supervision and with the participation of management including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we have evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 13a-14c and of the end of the period covered by this report. Based on that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have concluded that these disclosure controls and procedures are effective. There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter ended September 30, 2004 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over financial reporting.




mPhase was advised in April 2002 that following an investigation by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the staff intended to recommend that the Commission file a civil injunctive action against Packetport.com, Inc. ("Packetport") and its Officer's and Directors. Such recommendation related to alleged civil violations by Packetport and such Officers and Directors of various sections of the Federal Securities Laws. The staff has alleged civil violations of Sections 5 and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Sections 10(b) and 13(d) of the Securities Exchanges Act of 1934. As noted in other public filings of mPhase, the CEO and COO of mPhase also serve as Directors and Officers of Packetport. At that time these persons advised mPhase that they deny any violation of law on their part and intend to vigorously contest such recommendation or action, if any. To date no action has been filed against Packetport, its Officers or Directors. mPhase is not named as a party in connection with this matter.

From time to time mPhase may be involved in various legal proceedings and other matters arising in the normal course of business.


Effective for the three-month period ended September 30, 2004 the Company issued the following unregistered securities:

A July private placement of 622,000 shares, each with two separate 5 year warrants were sold for $ 155,000, each warrant specifying the right to purchase one additional share at $.25 and $.50, respectively. A September private placement of 1,050,000 shares, each with two separate 5 year warrants were sold for $ 247,400, each warrant specifying the right to purchase one additional share at $.25 and $.35, respectively. A total of 3,344,00 shares have been reserved to provide for conversion in connection with these warrants.











10.19 Amendment No 2 to Development Agreement with Lucent Technologies, Inc for the development of Release 3.0 of the TV+ solution dated as of September 15, 2004.

31.1 Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

31.2. Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

32.1. Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

32.2. Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


  1. On September 22, 2004, the Company reported on Form 8K the entry into a new amendment to its Development Agreement with Lucent Technologies, Inc., dated as of September 15, 2004 to develop Version 3.0 of its TV+ solution at a cost of approximately $1.2 million.
  2. On September 29, 2004, the Company reported on Form 8K a joint press release with Lucent Technologies, Inc. relating to the fabrication of nanotech based batteries that can store electric current.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant, has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Dated: November 15, 2004 By: /s/ Martin S. Smiley  
  Martin S. Smiley
  Executive Vice President
  Chief Financial Officer and
  General Counsel