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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Purchase and Sales Contracts Outstanding (Details)
Aug. 31, 2013
Aug. 31, 2012
Sales Contracts
Derivative [Line Items]    
Grain and oilseed - bushels 806,295,000 1,074,535,000
Energy products - barrels 21,312,000 19,561,000
Soy products - tons 847,000 215,000
Crop nutrients - tons 1,050,000 725,000
Ocean and barge freight - metric tons 151,000 183,000
Derivative, Number of Units, Cargo and Freight Rail Contract 43,000 34,000
Derivative, Number of Units, Livestock 17,280,000 3,440,000
Purchase Contracts
Derivative [Line Items]    
Grain and oilseed - bushels 521,979,000 722,895,000
Energy products - barrels 12,626,000 9,047,000
Soy products - tons 24,000 15,000
Crop nutrients - tons 968,000 600,000
Ocean and barge freight - metric tons 1,225,000 1,018,000
Derivative, Number of Units, Cargo and Freight Rail Contract 220,000 184,000
Derivative, Number of Units, Livestock   2,560,000