DEF 14A 1 d794072ddef14a.htm GOLDMAN SACHS TRUST & GOLDMAN SACHS VARIABLE INSURANCE TRUST Goldman Sachs Trust & Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust





Washington, D.C. 20549






Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.     )



Filed by the Registrant  ☒                             Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  ☐

Check the appropriate box:


  Preliminary Proxy Statement
  Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
  Definitive Proxy Statement
  Definitive Additional Materials
  Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12



(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

  No fee required.
  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:




Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:




Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):




Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:




Total fee paid:



  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

Amount Previously Paid:




Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:




Filing Party:




Date Filed:









71 South Wacker Drive

Chicago, Illinois 60606

November 14, 2019

Dear Shareholder or Variable Contract Owner:

You are cordially invited to attend a Special Meeting (the “Meeting”) of the Goldman Sachs Trust (“GST”) and the Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (“GSVIT”) (collectively, the “Trusts”) to be held on January 23, 2020, at 10:30 am (Eastern time), at the offices of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P., located at 30 Hudson Street, 21st Floor—Room 21L, Jersey City, NJ, 07302. Please note that if you plan to attend the Meeting, photographic identification as well as proof of ownership of fund shares, such as a copy of your proxy voting card, voting instruction form or brokerage statement showing your holdings of fund shares, will be required for admission.

At this important meeting, you will be asked to consider and act upon one or more of the following proposals.

Proposal 1 is to be voted upon by all Shareholders of each series of the Trusts (each, a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”):


  Proposal 1.

To elect four Trustees of the Trusts.

Proposal 2 is to be voted upon only by Shareholders of the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund, a series of GST:


  Proposal 2.

To approve a change to the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund’s sub-classification under the Investment Company Act of 1940 from “diversified” to “non-diversified” and to eliminate a related fundamental investment restriction.

Proposal 3 is to be voted upon by all Shareholders of each Fund:


  Proposal 3.

To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof.

A formal Notice of Special Meeting and Joint Proxy Statement setting forth in detail the matters to come before the Meeting are attached to this letter, and a proxy card and voting instruction form is enclosed for your use. You should read the Joint Proxy Statement carefully.

WHETHER OR NOT YOU PLAN TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING, YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT. The Boards of Trustees of the Trusts recommend that you vote “FOR” each of the proposals with respect to your Fund(s). However, before you vote, please read the Joint Proxy Statement for a complete description of the proposals. If you do not plan to be present at the Meeting, you can vote by signing, dating and returning the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form promptly or by using the Internet or telephone



voting options as described on your proxy card or voting instruction form. If you have any questions regarding the proxy materials, please contact the Trusts at 1-800-621-2550. Your prompt response will help reduce proxy costs—which are paid by the Funds and their Shareholders—and will also mean that you can avoid receiving follow-up phone calls or mailings.


James A. McNamara





Important Information to Help You Understand and Vote on the Proposals – Questions and Answers

The following questions and answers provide an overview of the matters on which you are being asked to vote. The accompanying Joint Proxy Statement contains more detailed information about each proposal, and we encourage you to read it in its entirety before voting. Your vote is important.



What is the purpose of this proxy solicitation?



The purpose of this proxy solicitation is: (i) to ask Shareholders of each Fund to vote on the election of four members of the Boards of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Goldman Sachs Trust (“GST”) and the Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (“GSVIT”) (collectively, the “Trusts”); and (ii) with respect to the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund, to approve a change to the Fund’s sub-classification under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”) from “diversified” to “non-diversified” and to eliminate a related fundamental investment restriction.





Why am I being asked to vote for Trustees?



You are being asked to elect each of the following four nominees to serve as Trustees of each of GST and GSVIT: Dwight L. Bush, Kathryn A. Cassidy, Joaquin Delgado and Gregory G. Weaver (each, a “Nominee” and, collectively, the “Nominees”). These four individuals have not previously been elected by Shareholders of the Trusts.

Each of Ms. Cassidy and Mr. Weaver has served (and currently serves) as a Trustee of each Trust since originally appointed in 2015. The two non-incumbent Nominees – Ambassador Bush and Dr. Delgado – were unanimously approved by the Board to stand for election, upon a recommendation from each Trust’s Governance and Nominating Committee, as part of the Committee’s succession planning process.

Information about each of the Nominees, including age, principal occupations during the past five years and other information, such as the Nominee’s experience, qualifications, attributes or skills, is set forth in the Joint Proxy Statement.

While the Board can ordinarily appoint new Trustees without a Shareholder vote, the Board cannot do so if, after such appointment, fewer than two-thirds of the Trustees would have been elected by Shareholders. If the two non-incumbent Nominees were appointed to the Board, the number of Trustees elected by Shareholders would represent fewer than two-thirds of the members of the Board. Accordingly, a Shareholder meeting to elect the two non-incumbent Nominees is required. Additionally, the Board believes this is an appropriate time for the incumbent Trustees that were previously appointed (rather than elected) to stand for election. Electing these four Nominees would give the Board additional flexibility in the future to appoint a limited number of additional new Trustees, if necessary, without incurring the costs of holding one or more expensive Shareholder meetings. Your vote is important and can make a difference in the governance of the Funds.



How were the Nominees chosen?



Each Trust’s Governance and Nominating Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Board with respect to the composition of the Board, reviewed the requisite skills of the Nominees and criteria for new Trustees. The Governance and Nominating Committee is comprised exclusively of those Trustees who are not “interested persons” of the Trusts, as that term is defined in the 1940 Act, the primary Federal statute regulating mutual funds (the “Independent Trustees”). The Governance and Nominating Committee conducted a search for qualified candidates for Board



  membership, interviewed candidates extensively and sought nominees who were both qualified and who would bring relevant expertise to the Board.



If the Nominees are elected by Shareholders, how many Board members will sit on the Board?



If each Nominee is elected, the Board of each of the Trusts will consist of eight Trustees, seven of whom would be Independent Trustees. Six of these individuals currently serve as Trustees and two will be new to the Board. Although not required by the 1940 Act to do so, for many years at least 75% of the Board has been comprised of Independent Trustees. If each Nominee is elected, seven of the eight Trustees will be Independent Trustees (approximately 87%).



Will the proposed changes result in higher fund expenses?



Each Fund’s expenses will increase by a relatively immaterial amount. Each Independent Trustee is compensated with a unitary annual fee for his or her services as a Trustee of the Trusts and as a member of the Governance and Nominating Committee, Compliance Committee, Contract Review Committee and Audit Committee. The Board currently has five Independent Trustees and one interested Trustee. If each Nominee is elected, two additional individuals would serve on the Board of each of the Trusts, each of whom would be an Independent Trustee. Accordingly, the cost of Trustee compensation to each Fund will increase if each Nominee is elected. The amount of this increase to each individual Fund is expected to be immaterial.




Why am I being asked to approve a change to the sub-classification of the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund from diversified to non-diversified?



The Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund is currently sub-classified as a “diversified” fund for purposes of Section 5(b)(1) of the 1940 Act. As a diversified fund, the Fund is generally limited as to the amount it may invest in any single issuer.

The Board, subject to Shareholder approval, has approved a change to the Fund’s sub-classification under the 1940 Act to a “non-diversified” company and to eliminate the Fund’s related fundamental investment restriction. Changing the Fund’s status to non-diversified would provide Goldman Sachs Asset Management, the Fund’s investment adviser, with enhanced flexibility to invest a greater portion of the Fund’s assets in one or more issuers. Given the weightings of certain large capitalization stocks in the Fund’s benchmark, the portfolio managers of the Fund believe that it is important to have this additional flexibility, and that they will be better able to execute the Fund’s investment strategy and other policies with this additional flexibility. If Proposal 2 is approved, as a non-diversified fund, the Fund may be more susceptible to adverse developments affecting any single issuer held in its portfolio, and may be more susceptible to greater losses because of these developments.




What are the Board’s recommendations?



The Board recommends that all Shareholders vote “FOR” each Proposal.



What happens if Shareholders do not approve one or more of the Proposals?



If Shareholders do not approve one or more of the Proposals, the Board will take such actions as it deems necessary or appropriate in the best interests of the respective Fund’s/Funds’ Shareholders based on the facts and circumstances.




Will my vote make a difference?



Yes! Your vote is needed to ensure that the Proposals can be acted upon. We encourage all Shareholders to participate in the governance of their Fund(s). Additionally, your immediate response on the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form, on the Internet or over the phone, each as discussed immediately below, will help save the costs of any further solicitations. Your vote is important!



How can I vote?



Shareholders and variable contract holders can vote in any one of four ways:



By mailing the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form after signing and dating;



Over the Internet by going to the website indicated on your proxy card or voting instruction form;



By telephone, with a toll free call to the number on your proxy card or voting instruction form; or



In person at the Meeting.

We encourage you to vote over the Internet by going to the website provided on your enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form, or by telephone by calling the toll-free number on your enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form, in each case using the voting control number that appears on your proxy card or voting instruction form. These voting methods will save your Fund money. However, whichever method you choose, please take the time to read the Joint Proxy Statement before you vote.



I plan to vote by mail. How should I sign my proxy card or voting instruction form?



Please see the instructions at the end of the Notice of Special Meeting, which is enclosed.



I plan to vote over the Internet. How does Internet voting work?



To vote over the Internet, please log on to the website indicated on your proxy card or voting instruction form and follow the instructions provided on the voting website.



I plan to vote by telephone. How does telephone voting work?



To vote by telephone, please call toll free the number on your proxy card or voting instruction form from within the United States and follow the instructions provided during your call.



Whom should I call with questions?



If you have any additional questions about the Joint Proxy Statement or the upcoming Meeting, please contact the Trusts at 1-800-621-2550.



What is the relationship between the proxy solicitor, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., and the Trusts?



The Trusts have retained an outside firm that specializes in proxy solicitation to assist it with the proxy solicitation process, including the mailing of this Joint Proxy Statement, the collection of the proxies, and with any necessary follow up. A proxy solicitor may contact Shareholders on behalf of the Trusts, but is not permitted to use personal information about Shareholders for other purposes.







71 South Wacker Drive

Chicago, Illinois 60606


To Be Held On January 23, 2020

November 14, 2019

To the Shareholders of the Goldman Sachs Trust (“GST”) and owners, annuitants or beneficiaries of variable life insurance and variable annuity contracts (“variable contracts”) issued by life insurance companies (the “Life Companies”) having separate accounts (the “Accounts”) that invest in shares of a series of the Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (“GSVIT,” and, together with GST, the “Trusts”) who are entitled to give voting instructions in connection with their variable contracts:

A Special Meeting (the “Meeting”) of the Trusts will be held on January 23, 2020, at 10:30 am (Eastern time), at the offices of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. (“GSAM”), located at 30 Hudson Street, 21st Floor—Room 21L, Jersey City, NJ, 07302 for the following purposes.

Proposal 1 is to be voted upon by all Shareholders of each series of the Trusts (each, a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”):


  Proposal 1.

To elect four Trustees of the Trusts.

Proposal 2 is to be voted upon only by Shareholders of the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund, a series of GST:


  Proposal 2.

To approve a change to the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund’s sub-classification under the Investment Company Act of 1940 from “diversified” to “non-diversified” and to eliminate a related fundamental investment restriction.

Proposal 3 is to be voted upon by all Shareholders of each Fund:


  Proposal 3.

To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof.

The matters referred to above are discussed in the Joint Proxy Statement attached to this Notice. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, GSAM, the Life Companies and the Accounts are the only Shareholders of GSVIT. Each Life Company hereby solicits and agrees to vote the shares of a GSVIT Fund at the Meeting, and, as applicable, in accordance with timely instructions received from owners of variable contracts issued by it and having contract values allocated to one of its Accounts invested in such shares. Shareholders and variable contract owners of record at the close of business on November 4, 2019, the record date for the Meeting, are entitled to receive notice of and to vote, or instruct the Life Company that issued the contract as to the manner in which shares of a GSVIT Fund attributable to the contract should be voted, at the Meeting and at any postponements or adjournments thereof. Each Shareholder and variable contract owner is invited to attend the Meeting in person.

Please note that if you plan to attend the Meeting, photographic identification as well as proof of ownership of Fund shares, such as a copy of your proxy voting card, voting instruction form or brokerage statement showing your holdings of Fund shares, will be required for admission. If you will not be present at the Meeting, we urge you to sign, date and promptly return the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form in the envelope provided, which is addressed for your convenience and needs no postage if mailed in the United States. You may also vote easily and quickly by Internet or by telephone. In order to avoid the additional expense to the Funds of further solicitation, we ask your cooperation in returning your proxy promptly.

By Order of the Boards of Trustees

of Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs

Variable Insurance Trust

Caroline Kraus






To secure the largest possible representation at the Meeting, please mark your proxy card or voting instruction form, sign it, date it, and return it in the postage paid envelope provided (unless you are voting by Internet or by telephone). If you sign, date and return a proxy card or voting instruction form but give no voting instructions, your shares will be voted “FOR” all of the Proposals indicated on the card. If you prefer, you may instead vote via the Internet or by telephone. To vote in this manner, you should refer to the directions below.

To vote via the Internet, please access the website found on your proxy card or voting instruction form and follow the on-screen instructions on the website.

To vote by telephone, please call the toll-free number found on your proxy card or voting instruction form from within the United States, and follow the recorded instructions (Shareholders outside the United States should vote via the Internet or by submitting a proxy card or voting instruction form instead).

You may revoke your proxy or voting instruction form at any time at or before the Meeting, by submitting to the Secretary of the Trusts at the Trusts’ principal executive offices a written notice of revocation or subsequently executed proxy or voting instruction form or by attending the Meeting and electing to vote in person.




The following general guidelines for signing proxy cards may be of assistance to you and will help avoid the time and expense to the Trusts involved in validating your vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.



Individual Accounts: Sign your name exactly as it appears in the registration on the proxy card or voting instruction form.



Joint Accounts: Either party may sign, but the name of the party signing should conform exactly to the name shown in the registration on the proxy card or voting instruction form.



All Other Accounts: The capacity of the individual signing the proxy card or voting instruction form should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of registration. For example:




Valid Signature

Corporate Accounts


(1) ABC Corp.


ABC Corp.


John Doe, Treasurer

(2) ABC Corp.


John Doe, Treasurer

(3) ABC Corp. c/o John Doe, Treasurer


John Doe

(4) ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan


John Doe, Trustee

Partnership Accounts


(1) The XYZ Partnership


Jane B. Smith, Partner

(2) Smith and Jones, Limited Partnership


Jane B. Smith, General Partner

Trust Accounts


(1) ABC Trust Account


Jane B. Doe, Trustee

(2) Jane B. Doe, Trustee u/t/d 12/18/98


Jane B. Doe

Custodial or Estate Accounts


(1) John B. Smith, Cust. f/b/o
John B. Smith Jr. UGMA/UTMA

   John B. Smith
(2) Estate of John B. Smith    John B. Smith, Jr., Executor







































71 South Wacker Drive

Chicago, Illinois 60606


November 14, 2019

This Joint Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by and on behalf of the Boards of Trustees of the Goldman Sachs Trust (“GST”) and the Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (“GSVIT”) (collectively, the “Trusts”) for use at the Trusts’ Special Meeting to be held at the offices of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. (“GSAM” or “Investment Adviser”), located at 30 Hudson Street, 21st Floor—Room 21L, Jersey City, NJ, 07302, on January 23, 2020, at 10:30 am (Eastern time), or any postponement or adjournment thereof, for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting. Such meeting and any postponement or adjournment thereof is referred to as the “Meeting.” Please note that if you plan to attend the Meeting, photographic identification as well as proof of ownership of fund shares, such as a copy of your proxy voting card, voting instruction form or brokerage statement showing your holdings of fund shares, will be required for admission. This Joint Proxy Statement, the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting, and the accompanying proxy card and voting instruction form (or, if applicable, the appropriate notice of where to access these materials) are being mailed to Shareholders on or about November 14, 2019.

This Joint Proxy Statement is also being furnished by certain life insurance companies (the “Life Companies”) to owners, annuitants or beneficiaries of variable life insurance and variable annuity contracts (“variable contracts”) issued by a Life Company and having contract assets on the record date allocated to a separate account of a Life Company that has invested in shares of a series of GSVIT (an “Account”).

The Trustees have fixed the close of business on November 4, 2019 as the record date for the determination of Shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting (the “Record Date”). Shareholders of record of the respective Trusts on the Record Date are entitled to one vote per share at the Meeting. Exhibit A to this Joint Proxy Statement sets forth the number of shares of beneficial interest of each investment portfolio (“Fund”) of the Trusts outstanding as of the Record Date. Exhibit B to this Joint Proxy Statement sets forth the persons who owned beneficially more than 5% of any class of a Fund as of September 30, 2019.

Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, GSAM, the Life Companies and the Accounts are the only Shareholders of GSVIT. Each Life Company hereby solicits and agrees to vote the shares of a series of GSVIT at the Meeting, and, as applicable, in accordance with timely instructions received from persons entitled to give voting instructions under variable contracts issued by it and having contract values allocated to one of its Accounts invested in shares of a series of GSVIT. As a variable contract owner of record at the close of business on the Record Date, you have the right to instruct the Life Company that issued your contract as to the manner in which shares of a series of GSVIT attributable to your contract should be voted. The Life Companies will vote shares attributable to variable contracts as to which proxy cards or voting instruction forms are neither executed nor



returned in proportion (“for” or “withhold authority”) to those shares for which instructions are received. As a result, a small number of variable contract owners could determine the outcome of the vote if other owners fail to vote. GSAM will vote shares of GSVIT that it owns, if any, in proportion to the votes cast by the Life Companies on behalf of variable contract owners.

It is expected that the solicitation of proxies will be primarily by mail. However, some Shareholders will not automatically receive a copy of this Joint Proxy Statement in the mail, but will instead receive a notice that informs them how to access all of the proxy materials on a publicly available website (commonly referred to as “notice and access”). Shareholders who receive such a notice will not be able to return the notice to have their vote recorded. Instead, these Shareholders can access the proxy materials at to vote eligible shares or may use the instructions on the notice to request a paper or email copy of the proxy materials at no charge. The Trusts’ officers, and personnel of the Funds’ investment advisers and transfer agent and any authorized proxy solicitation agent, may also solicit proxies by telephone, facsimile, Internet or in person. If a Trust records votes through the Internet or by telephone, it will use procedures designed to authenticate Shareholders’ identities, to allow Shareholders to authorize the voting of their shares in accordance with their instructions, and to confirm that their identities have been properly recorded.

The Funds will pay their respective share of the expenses associated with this Joint Proxy Statement and solicitation, in a manner agreed upon by the Boards of Trustees. However, GSAM has agreed to reimburse a Fund to the extent such expenses exceed a specified percentage of the Fund’s net assets. The Trusts have engaged Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent proxy solicitation firm, to assist in the distribution of the proxy materials and the solicitation and tabulation of proxies. The cost of Broadridge’s services with respect to the Trusts is estimated to be approximately $4.1 million, plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

To vote by mail, sign, date and promptly return the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form in the accompanying postage pre-paid envelope. To vote by Internet or telephone, please use the control number on your proxy card or voting instruction form and follow the instructions as described on your proxy card or voting instruction form. If you have any questions regarding the proxy materials, please contact the Trusts at 1-800-621-2550. If the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form is properly executed and received prior to the Meeting and has not been revoked, the shares represented thereby will be voted in accordance with the instructions marked on the returned proxy card or voting instruction form or, if no instructions are marked on the returned proxy card or voting instruction form, the proxy card or voting instruction form will be voted “FOR” the election of the Trustee Nominees described in this Joint Proxy Statement; “FOR” Proposal 2; and, in the discretion of the persons named as proxies, in connection with any other matter that may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.

Any person giving a proxy may revoke it at any time before it is exercised by submitting to the Secretary of the Trusts at the Trusts’ principal executive offices a written notice of revocation or subsequently executed proxy or voting instruction form or by attending the Meeting and electing to vote in person.

If (i) you are a member of a household in which multiple Shareholders of either Trust share the same address, (ii) your shares are held in “street name” and (iii) your broker or bank has received consent to household material, then your broker or bank may have sent to your household only one copy of this Joint Proxy Statement or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials, unless your broker or bank previously received contrary instructions from a Shareholder in your household. If you are part of a household that has received only one copy of this Joint Proxy Statement or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials, your respective Trust will deliver promptly a separate copy of this Joint Proxy Statement or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to you upon written or oral request. To receive a separate copy of this Joint Proxy Statement or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials, please contact the Trusts by calling toll free 1-800-621-2550 (for institutional shareholders) or 1-800-526-7384 (for retail shareholders), or by mail at Goldman Sachs Funds,



P.O. Box 06050, Chicago, Illinois 60606-6306. If your shares are held with certain banks, trust companies, brokers, registered investment advisers and other financial intermediaries (each, an “Authorized Institution”) and you would like to receive a separate copy of future proxy statements, notices of internet availability of proxy materials, prospectuses or annual reports or you are now receiving multiple copies of these documents and would like to receive a single copy in the future, please contact your Authorized Institution.







All Funds listed in Exhibit A

Proposal 1 relates to the election of members of the Boards of Trustees of the Trusts (the “Board”). You are being asked to elect the following four nominees to serve as Trustees of each of GST and GSVIT: Dwight L. Bush, Kathryn A. Cassidy, Joaquin Delgado and Gregory G. Weaver (each, a “Nominee” and, collectively, the “Nominees”). These four individuals have not previously been elected by Shareholders of those Trusts.

Each of Ms. Cassidy and Mr. Weaver has served (and currently serves) as a Trustee of each Trust since originally appointed in 2015. The other two Nominees—Ambassador Bush and Dr. Delgado—do not currently serve on the Board. However, effective October 15, 2019, the Board unanimously appointed Ambassador Bush and Dr. Delgado to serve on each Trust’s Advisory Board pending their election as Trustees. Ambassador Bush and Dr. Delgado were unanimously approved by the Board, including the Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”)) of the Trusts (the “Independent Trustees”), to stand for election, upon a recommendation from each Trust’s Governance and Nominating Committee, as part of the Committee’s succession planning process.

If elected by Shareholders at the Meeting, the Nominees will hold office for an indefinite term. The Board would also be able to fill future vacancies by appointment (subject to the requirement of the 1940 Act that, after such appointment, at least two-thirds of the Trustees holding office must have been elected by Shareholders) without incurring the additional expense associated with calling one or more shareholder meetings to fill those vacancies.

Information concerning the Nominees and other relevant factors is provided below. Using the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form or voting by the Internet or by telephone, a Shareholder may authorize proxies to vote his or her shares for the Nominees or may withhold from the proxies authority to vote his or her shares for one or more of the Nominees. If the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form is properly executed and received prior to the Meeting (and has not been revoked) but no instructions are marked, the proxies will vote “FOR” the Nominees. Each of the Nominees has consented to his or her nomination and has agreed to serve if elected. If, at the time of the Meeting, for any reason, any Nominee is not available for election or able to serve as a Trustee, the proxies will exercise their voting power in favor of such substitute Nominee, if any, as the Trustees may designate. The Trusts have no reason to believe that it will be necessary to designate a substitute Nominee. Each Trust proposes the election by all of its respective Shareholders of the four Nominees named in the table below to serve as members of the Board.

Each Trust’s Governance and Nominating Committee, which is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Board with respect to the composition of the Board, reviewed the requisite skills of the Nominees and criteria for new Trustees. Moreover, the Governance and Nominating Committee conducted a search for qualified candidates for Board membership, interviewed candidates extensively and sought nominees who were both qualified and who would bring relevant expertise to the Board.

The following table sets forth the names of the Nominees and Trustees and their addresses, ages, term of office (including length of time served as a Trustee or Advisory Board Member, as applicable), principal occupations for at least the past five years, any other directorships they hold in companies which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”), or are registered as investment companies under the 1940 Act, and the number of portfolios in the Goldman Sachs Fund Complex (as defined below) that they oversee (or will oversee if elected). Nominees who are not deemed to be “interested persons” of the Trusts are referred to as “Independent Trustees.” Trustees who are deemed to be “interested persons” of the Trusts are referred to as “Interested Trustees.”




Nominees (Independent Trustees)


Name, Address and
Age (1)


Held with the


Term of
Office and
Length of
Served (2)


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years

  Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
Overseen by
Trustee (3)

Held by Trustee (4)

Dwight L. Bush

Age: 62

  Advisory Board Member/Nominee   Since 2019  

Ambassador Bush is President and CEO of D.L. Bush & Associates (a financial advisory and private investment firm) (2002–2014 and 2017–present); and Member of the Board of Directors of Santander Bank, N.A. (2018–present); and was formerly U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco (2014–2017).


Advisory Board Member—Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

  102   None

Kathryn A. Cassidy

Age: 65

  Trustee/Nominee   Since 2015  

Ms. Cassidy is retired. Formerly, she was Advisor to the Chairman (May 2014–December 2014); and Senior Vice President and Treasurer (2008–2014), General Electric Company & General Electric Capital Corporation (technology and financial services companies).


Trustee—Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

  102   None

Joaquin Delgado

Age: 59

  Advisory Board Member/Nominee   Since 2019  

Dr. Delgado is retired. He is Director, Hexion Inc. (a specialty chemical manufacturer) (2019–present); and Director, Stepan Company (a specialty chemical manufacturer) (2011–present); and was formerly Executive Vice President, Consumer Business Group of 3M Company (July 2016–July 2019); and Executive Vice President, Health Care Business Group of 3M Company (October 2012–July 2016).


Advisory Board Member—Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

  102   Stepan Company (a specialty chemical manufacturer)



Name, Address and
Age (1)


Held with the


Term of
Office and
Length of
Served (2)


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years

  Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
Overseen by
Trustee (3)

Held by Trustee (4)

Gregory G. Weaver

Age: 68

  Trustee/Nominee   Since 2015  

Mr. Weaver is retired. He is Director, Verizon Communications Inc. (2015–Present); and was formerly Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte & Touche LLP (a professional services firm) (2001–2005 and 2012–2014); and Member of the Board of Directors, Deloitte & Touche LLP (2006–2012).


Trustee—Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

  102   Verizon Communications Inc.

Current (Non-Nominee) Trustees


Independent Trustees      

Name, Address and
Age (1)


Held with the


Term of
Office and
Length of
Served (2)


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years

  Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
Overseen by
Trustee (3)


Held by Trustee (4)

Jessica Palmer

Age: 70

  Chair of the Board of Trustees  

Since 2018

(Trustee since 2007)


Ms. Palmer is retired. She was formerly Consultant, Citigroup Human Resources Department (2007–2008); Managing Director, Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking (previously, Salomon Smith Barney/Salomon Brothers) (1984–2006). Ms. Palmer was a Member of the Board of Trustees of Indian Mountain School (private elementary and secondary school) (2004–2009).


Chair of the Board of Trustees—Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

    102     None

Diana M. Daniels

Age: 70

  Trustee   Since 2007  

Ms. Daniels is retired. Formerly, she was Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, The Washington Post Company (1991–2006). Ms. Daniels is a Trustee Emeritus and serves as a Presidential Councillor of Cornell University (2013–Present); former Member of the Legal Advisory Board, New York Stock Exchange (2003–2006) and of the Corporate Advisory Board, Standish Mellon Management Advisors (2006–2007).


Trustee—Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

    102     None



Name, Address and
Age (1)


Held with the


Term of
Office and
Length of
Served (2)


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years

  Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
Overseen by
Trustee (3)


Held by Trustee (4)

Roy W. Templin

Age: 59

  Trustee   Since 2013  

Mr. Templin is retired. He is Director, Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (a designer and manufacturer of ceiling, wall and suspension system solutions) (2016–Present); and was formerly Chairman of the Board of Directors, Con-Way Incorporated (a transportation, logistics and supply chain management service company) (2014–2015); Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Whirlpool Corporation (an appliance manufacturer and marketer) (2004–2012).


Trustee—Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

  102   Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (a ceiling, wall and suspension systems solutions manufacturer)


Interested Trustee      

Name, Address and
Age (1)


Held with the


Term of
Office and
Length of
Served (2)


Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years

  Number of
Portfolios in
Fund Complex
Overseen by
Trustee (3)


Held by Trustee (4)

James A. McNamara*

Age: 57

  President and Trustee   Since 2007  

Advisory Director, Goldman Sachs (January 2018–Present); Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (January 2000–December 2017); Director of Institutional Fund Sales, GSAM (April 1998–December 2000); and Senior Vice President and Manager, Dreyfus Institutional Service Corporation (January 1993–April 1998).


President and Trustee—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

    162     None



Mr. McNamara is considered to be an “Interested Trustee” because he holds positions with Goldman Sachs and owns securities issued by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Mr. McNamara holds comparable positions with certain other companies of which Goldman Sachs, GSAM or an affiliate thereof is the investment adviser, administrator and/or distributor.


Each Trustee may be contacted by writing to the Trustee, c/o Goldman Sachs, 200 West Street, New York, New York, 10282, Attn: Caroline Kraus.


Subject to such policies as may be adopted by the Board from time-to-time, each Trustee holds office for an indefinite term, until the earliest of: (a) the election of his or her successor; (b) the date the Trustee resigns or is removed by the Board or Shareholders, in accordance with each Trust’s Declaration of Trust; or (c) the termination of the Trust. The Board has adopted policies which provide that (a) no Trustee shall hold office for more than 15 years and (b) a Trustee shall retire as



  of December 31st of the calendar year in which he or she reaches his or her 74th birthday, unless a waiver of such requirements shall have been adopted by a majority of the other Trustees. These policies may be changed by the Trustees without shareholder vote.

The Goldman Sachs Fund Complex includes certain other companies listed above for each respective Trustee. As of November 14, 2019, Goldman Sachs Trust consisted of 89 portfolios; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust consisted of 13 portfolios; Goldman Sachs Trust II consisted of 19 portfolios (17 of which offered shares to the public); Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund and Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund each consisted of one portfolio; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust consisted of 39 portfolios (21 of which offered shares to the public).


This column includes only directorships of companies required to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (i.e., “public companies”) or other investment companies registered under the 1940 Act.

The significance or relevance of a Nominee’s or Trustee’s particular experience, qualifications, attributes and/or skills is considered by the Board on an individual basis. Experience, qualifications, attributes and/or skills common to all Nominees and Trustees include the ability to critically review, evaluate and discuss information provided to them and to interact effectively with the other Trustees and with representatives of the investment advisers and their affiliates, other service providers, legal counsel and the Funds’ independent registered public accounting firm, the capacity to address financial and legal issues and exercise reasonable business judgment, and a commitment to the representation of the interests of the Funds and their Shareholders. The Governance and Nominating Committee’s charter contains certain other factors that are considered by the Governance and Nominating Committee in identifying and evaluating potential nominees to serve as Independent Trustees. Based on each Nominee’s or Trustee’s experience, qualifications, attributes and/or skills, considered individually and with respect to the experience, qualifications, attributes and/or skills of other Nominees and Trustees, the Board has concluded that each Nominee and Trustee should serve as a Trustee. Below is a brief discussion of the experience, qualifications, attributes and/or skills of each individual Trustee or Nominee as of November 14, 2019 that led the Board to conclude that such individual should serve as a Trustee.

Jessica Palmer. Ms. Palmer has served as a Trustee since 2007 and Chair of the Board since 2018. Ms. Palmer worked at Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking (previously, Salomon Smith Barney/Salomon Brothers) for over 20 years, where she was a Managing Director. While at Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking, Ms. Palmer was Head of Global Risk Management, Chair of the Global Commitment Committee, Co-Chair of International Investment Banking (New York) and Head of Fixed Income Capital Markets. Ms. Palmer was also a member of the Management Committee and Risk Management Operating Committee of Citigroup, Inc. Ms. Palmer was also Assistant Vice President of the International Division at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Ms. Palmer was also a member of the Board of Trustees of a private elementary and secondary school. Based on the foregoing, Ms. Palmer is experienced with financial and investment matters.

Kathryn A. Cassidy. Ms. Cassidy has served as a Trustee since 2015. Previously, Ms. Cassidy held several senior management positions at General Electric Company (“GE”) and General Electric Capital Corporation (“GECapital”) and its subsidiaries, where she worked for 35 years, most recently as Advisor to the Chairman of GECapital and Senior Vice President and Treasurer of GE and GECapital. As Senior Vice President and Treasurer, Ms. Cassidy led capital markets and treasury matters of multiple initial public offerings. Ms. Cassidy was responsible for managing global treasury operations, including global funding, hedging, derivative accounting and execution, cash and liquidity management, cash operations and treasury services, and global regulatory compliance and reporting for liquidity, derivatives, market risk and counterparty credit risk. Ms. Cassidy also serves as a Director of buildOn, a not-for-profit organization. Based on the foregoing, Ms. Cassidy is experienced with financial and investment matters.

Diana M. Daniels. Ms. Daniels has served as a Trustee since 2007. Ms. Daniels also serves as a Trustee Emeritus and Presidential Councillor of Cornell University. Ms. Daniels held several senior management positions at The Washington Post Company and its subsidiaries, where she worked for 29 years. While at The Washington Post Company, Ms. Daniels served as Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary to the Board of



Directors and Secretary to the Audit Committee. Previously, Ms. Daniels served as Vice President and General Counsel of Newsweek, Inc. Ms. Daniels has also served as Vice Chair and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Cornell University and as a member of the Corporate Advisory Board of Standish Mellon Management Advisors and of the Legal Advisory Board of New York Stock Exchange. Ms. Daniels is also a member of the American Law Institute and of the Advisory Council of the Inter-American Press Association. Based on the foregoing, Ms. Daniels is experienced with legal, financial and investment matters.

Roy W. Templin. Mr. Templin has served as a Trustee since 2013. Mr. Templin is a member of the Board of Directors of Armstrong World Industries, Inc., a ceiling, wall and suspension system solutions manufacturer, where he serves as Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Nominating and Governance Committee, Management Development and Compensation Committee and Audit Committee. Previously, Mr. Templin served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Con-Way Incorporated, a transportation, logistics and supply-chain management services company, prior to its sale to XPO Logistics, Inc. in 2015. Mr. Templin held a number of senior management positions at Whirlpool Corporation, an appliance manufacturer and marketer, including Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Vice President and Corporate Controller there. At Whirlpool, Mr. Templin served on the Executive Committee and was responsible for all aspects of finance globally, including treasury, accounting, risk management, investor relations, internal auditing, tax and facilities. Prior to joining Whirlpool, Mr. Templin served in several roles at Kimball International, a furniture and electronic assemblies manufacturer, including Vice President of Finance and Chief Accounting Officer. Mr. Templin was also a Director of Corporate Finance for Cummins, Inc., a diesel engine manufacturer, a Director of Financial Development at NCR Corporation, a computer hardware and electronics company, and a member of the audit staff of Price Waterhouse (now PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP). Mr. Templin is a certified public accountant, a certified management accountant and a member of the Institute of Management Accountants Accounting Honor Society Advisory Board. Based on the foregoing, Mr. Templin is experienced with accounting, financial and investment matters.

Gregory G. Weaver. Mr. Weaver has served as a Trustee since 2015. Mr. Weaver has been designated as the Board’s “audit committee financial expert” given his extensive accounting and finance experience. Mr. Weaver also serves as a Director of Verizon Communications Inc., where he serves as Chair of the Audit Committee. Previously, Mr. Weaver was a partner with Deloitte & Touche LLP for 30 years. He was the firm’s first chairman and chief executive officer from 2001–2005, and was elected to serve a second term (2012–2014). While serving as chairman at Deloitte & Touche LLP, Mr. Weaver led the audit and enterprise risk services practice, overseeing all operations, strategic positioning, audit quality, and talent matters. Mr. Weaver also served as a member of the firm’s Board of Directors for six years where he served on the Governance Committee and Partner Earnings and Benefits Committee and was chairman of the Elected Leaders Committee and Strategic Investment Committee. Mr. Weaver is also a Board member and Audit Committee chair of the YMCA of Westfield, New Jersey. Mr. Weaver has also served as President of the Council of Boy Scouts of America in Long Rivers, Connecticut, President of A Better Chance in Glastonbury, Connecticut, as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council and as a board member of the Stan Ross Department of Accountancy, Baruch College. Based on the foregoing, Mr. Weaver is experienced with accounting, financial and investment matters.

James A. McNamara. Mr. McNamara has served as a Trustee and President of the Trust since 2007 and has served as an officer of the Trust since 2001. Mr. McNamara is an Advisory Director to Goldman Sachs. Prior to retiring as Managing Director at Goldman Sachs in 2017, Mr. McNamara was head of Global Third Party Distribution at GSAM and was previously head of U.S. Third Party Distribution. Prior to that role, Mr. McNamara served as Director of Institutional Fund Sales. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, Mr. McNamara was Vice President and Manager at Dreyfus Institutional Service Corporation. Based on the foregoing, Mr. McNamara is experienced with financial and investment matters.

Dwight L. Bush. Ambassador Bush serves as President and CEO of D.L. Bush & Associates, a financial advisory and private investment firm, and is a member of the Board of Directors of Santander Bank, N.A. From 2014 to 2017, he served as U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco. Prior to his service as U.S.



Ambassador, he established and served as CEO of Urban Trust Bank and UTB Education Finance, LLC, an integrated provider of education credit services. Ambassador Bush was previously Vice President of Corporate Development for SLM Corporation (commonly known as Sallie Mae). He has served as a member of the Board of Directors of JER Investors Trust, a specialty real estate finance company, and as Director and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of CASI Pharmaceuticals (formerly Entremed, Inc.) where he was Chairman of the Audit Committee. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for several philanthropic organizations, including the Middle East Investment Initiative and the American Council of Young Political Leaders, and has served on the executive committee of Cornell University. Ambassador Bush currently serves on each Trust’s Advisory Board. Based on the foregoing, Ambassador Bush is experienced with financial and investment matters.

Joaquin Delgado. Dr. Delgado is a member of the Board of Directors for Stepan Company, a publicly-traded specialty chemical manufacturer, and Hexion Inc., a privately held specialty chemical manufacturer. Previously, Dr. Delgado held several senior management positions at 3M Company, where he worked for over 30 years, most recently as Executive Vice President of 3M Company’s Consumer Business Group. As Executive Vice President, Vice President, and General Manager at 3M Company, Dr. Delgado directed mergers and acquisitions worldwide, and was responsible for managing global operations in specialized markets such as semiconductors, consumer electronics, communications, oral care, pharmaceuticals, medical and office supplies and software. Dr. Delgado also serves as a Director of MacPhail Center for Music, a not-for-profit organization. Dr. Delgado currently serves on each Trust’s Advisory Board. Based on the foregoing, Dr. Delgado is experienced with financial and investment matters.

Information Concerning Meetings of Trustees and Standing Board Committees

In the following discussion, the Funds are classified by their fiscal year ends, which are set forth on Exhibit A. Each Fund has one of the following five fiscal year ends:



March 31



August 31



October 31



November 30



December 31

Because these fiscal reporting periods overlap with each other, information provided with respect to the fiscal year end of certain Funds may overlap the information provided with respect to other Funds.

The Trustees held seven meetings during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2019, seven meetings during the fiscal year ended October 31, 2018, six meetings during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2018, six meetings during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, and six meetings during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019. No Trustee attended fewer than seventy-five percent of the meetings held by the Board or by any committee of which he or she was a member while he or she was a Trustee during any such year. Each Trust does not hold an annual meeting of Shareholders, and therefore does not have a policy regarding attendance of Trustees at annual meetings of Shareholders.

The Board has established five standing committees—Audit, Governance and Nominating, Compliance, Valuation and Contract Review Committees.

The Audit Committee oversees the audit process and provides assistance to the Board with respect to fund accounting, tax compliance and financial statement matters. In performing its responsibilities, the Audit Committee selects and recommends annually to the Board an independent registered public accounting firm to



audit the books and records of the Trusts for the ensuing year, and reviews with the firm the scope and results of each audit. All of the Independent Trustees serve on the Audit Committee and Mr. Weaver serves as Chair of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee held five meetings during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2019 and six meetings during each of the fiscal years ended October 31, 2018, November 30, 2018, December 31, 2018 and March 31, 2019, respectively.

The Governance and Nominating Committee has been established to: (i) assist the Board in matters involving mutual fund governance, which includes making recommendations to the Board with respect to the effectiveness of the Board in carrying out its responsibilities in governing the Funds and overseeing their management; (ii) select and nominate candidates for appointment or election to serve as Independent Trustees and work to retain high-performing Independent Trustees; and (iii) advise the Board on ways to improve its effectiveness. All of the Independent Trustees serve on the Governance and Nominating Committee. The Governance and Nominating Committee held two meetings during each of the fiscal years ended August 31, 2019 and November 30, 2018, respectively, and three meetings during each of the fiscal years ended October 31, 2018, December 31, 2018 and March 31, 2019, respectively. As stated above, each Trustee holds office for an indefinite term until the occurrence of certain events. The Governance and Nominating Committee acts pursuant to a written charter, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C.

In connection with the selection and nomination of candidates to the Board, the Governance and Nominating Committee evaluates the qualifications of candidates for Board membership and their independence from the Trusts’ investment advisers and other principal service providers. Persons selected as Independent Trustee candidates must be independent in terms of both the letter and the spirit of the 1940 Act. In this regard, with respect to Independent Trustee Nominees, the Governance and Nominating Committee considers the effect of any relationships beyond those delineated in the 1940 Act that might impair independence (for example, business, financial or family relationships with the investment advisers or other service providers). Without limiting the foregoing, the Governance and Nominating Committee considers, among other criteria, a candidate’s:(i) experience in business, financial or investment matters or in other fields of endeavor; (ii) reputation; (iii) ability to attend scheduled Board and committee meetings; (iv) general availability to attend to Board business on short notice; (v) actual or potential business, family or other conflicts bearing on either the candidate’s independence or the business of the Trust; (vi) length of potential service; (vii) commitment to the representation of the interests of the Funds and their Shareholders; (viii) commitment to maintaining and improving Trustee skills and education; and (ix) experience in corporate governance and best business practices. In filling Board vacancies, the Governance and Nominating Committee will consider nominees recommended by Shareholders. Nominee recommendations should be submitted to a Trust at its mailing address stated in the Funds’ prospectuses and should be directed to the attention of the Governance and Nominating Committee. Shareholders can send other Board communications to the Governance and Nominating Committee, c/o Goldman Sachs, 200 West Street, New York, New York, 10282, Attn: Caroline Kraus. In considering the selection and nomination of Independent Trustee candidates, it is expected that the Governance and Nominating Committee will consult with the interested Trustees of the Trust and such other persons as the Governance and Nominating Committee deems appropriate.

The Compliance Committee has been established for the purpose of overseeing the compliance processes: (i) of the Funds; and (ii) insofar as they relate to services provided to the Funds, of the Funds’ investment advisers, distributor, administrator (if any), and transfer agent, except that compliance processes relating to the accounting and financial reporting processes, and certain related matters, are overseen by the Audit Committee. In addition, the Compliance Committee provides assistance to the full Board with respect to compliance matters. The Compliance Committee met five times during each of the fiscal years ended August 31, 2019 and October 31, 2019, respectively, six times during each of the fiscal years ended November 30, 2018 and December 31, 2018, respectively, and five times during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019. All of the Independent Trustees serve on the Compliance Committee.



The Valuation Committee is authorized to act for the Board in connection with the valuation of portfolio securities held by the Funds in accordance with the Trusts’ Valuation Procedures. James A. McNamara and Joseph F. DiMaria (Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer) serve on the Valuation Committee. The Valuation Committee met twelve times during each of the fiscal years ended August 31, 2019, October 31, 2019, November 30, 2018, December 31, 2018 and March 31, 2019, respectively.

The Contract Review Committee has been established for the purpose of overseeing the processes of the Board for reviewing and monitoring performance under the Funds’ investment management, distribution, transfer agency and certain other agreements with the Funds’ investment advisers and their affiliates. The Contract Review Committee is also responsible for overseeing the Board’s processes for considering and reviewing performance under the operation of the Funds’ distribution, service, shareholder administration and other plans, and any agreements related to the plans, whether or not such plans and agreements are adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. The Contract Review Committee also provides appropriate assistance to the Board in connection with the Board’s approval, oversight and review of the Funds’ other service providers including, without limitation, the Funds’ custodian/accounting agent, sub-transfer agents, professional (legal and accounting) firms and printing firms. The Contract Review Committee met four times during each of the fiscal years ended August 31, 2019, October 31, 2019, December 31, 2018 and March 31, 2019, respectively, and three times during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2018. All of the Independent Trustees serve on the Contract Review Committee.

Risk Oversight

The Board is responsible for the oversight of the activities of the Funds, including oversight of risk management. Day-to-day risk management with respect to the Funds is the responsibility of GSAM or other service providers (depending on the nature of the risk), subject to supervision by GSAM. The risks of the Funds include, but are not limited to liquidity risk, investment risk, compliance risk, operational risk, reputational risk, credit risk and counterparty risk. Each of GSAM and the other service providers have their own independent interest in risk management and their policies and methods of risk management may differ from the Funds and each other’s in the setting of priorities, the resources available or the effectiveness of relevant controls. As a result, the Board recognizes that it is not possible to identify all of the risks that may affect the Funds or to develop processes and controls to eliminate or mitigate all of their occurrences or effects because some risks are simply beyond the control of the Funds or GSAM, its affiliates or other service providers.

The Board effectuates its oversight role primarily through regular and special meetings of the Board and Board committees. In certain cases, risk management issues are specifically addressed in reports, presentations and discussions. For example, on an annual basis, GSAM will provide the Board with a written report that addresses the operation, adequacy and effectiveness of the Trust’s liquidity risk management program, which is designed to assess and manage the Funds’ liquidity risk. GSAM also has a risk management team that assists GSAM in managing investment risk. Representatives from the risk management team meet regularly with the Board to discuss their analysis and methodologies. In addition, investment risk is discussed in the context of regular presentations to the Board on Fund strategy and performance. Other types of risk are addressed as part of presentations on related topics (e.g. compliance policies) or in the context of presentations focused specifically on one or more risks. The Board also receives reports from GSAM management on operational risks, reputational risks and counterparty risks relating to the Funds.

Board oversight of risk management is also performed by various Board committees. For example, the Audit Committee meets with both the Funds’ independent registered public accounting firm and GSAM’s internal audit group to review risk controls in place that support the Funds as well as test results, and the Compliance Committee meets with the Chief Compliance Officer and representatives of GSAM’s compliance group to review testing results of the Funds’ compliance policies and procedures and other compliance issues. Board oversight of risk is also performed as needed between meetings through communications between GSAM and the Board. The Board may, at any time and in its discretion, change the manner in which it conducts risk



oversight. The Board’s oversight role does not make the Board a guarantor of the Funds’ investments or activities.

Board and Advisory Board Compensation

Each Independent Trustee and Advisory Board Member is compensated with a unitary annual fee for his or her services as a Trustee or Advisory Board Member, as applicable, of a Trust and as a member of the Governance and Nominating Committee, Compliance Committee, Contract Review Committee, and Audit Committee. The Chair and “audit committee financial expert” receive additional compensation for their services. The Independent Trustees and Advisory Board Members are also reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses incurred in connection with attending meetings. The Trusts may also pay the reasonable incidental costs of a Trustee or Advisory Board Member to attend training or other types of conferences relating to the investment company industry. The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the compensation of each Independent Trustee and Advisory Board Member for the 12-month period ended August 31, 2019.



Compensation Table*


Name of Trustee

from the
Goldman Sachs
Large Cap
Insights Funds 4
     Pension or
Benefits Accrued
as Part penses
From Fund
Complex (including
the Funds) 5

Kathryn A. Cassidy

   $ 3,221      $ 0      $ 328,500  

Diana M. Daniels

     3,221        0        328,500  

James A. McNamara 1

     —          —          —    

Jessica Palmer 2

     4,568        0        493,000  

Roy W. Templin

     3,221        0        328,500  

Gregory G. Weaver 3

     3,734        0        381,500  



Effective October 15, 2019, the Board unanimously appointed Ambassador Bush and Dr. Delgado to serve on each Trust’s Advisory Board. Accordingly, Ambassador Bush and Dr. Delgado did not receive compensation during the 12-month period ended August 31, 2019.


Mr. McNamara is an Interested Trustee, and as such, receives no compensation from the Funds or the Goldman Sachs Fund Complex.


Includes compensation as Chair of Board of Trustees.


Includes compensation as “audit committee financial expert,” as defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR.


Reflects aggregate compensation for the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund’s fiscal year ended October 31, 2018.


Represents fees paid to each Trustee during the fiscal year ended August 31, 2019 from the Goldman Sachs Fund Complex. Mr. McNamara oversees 162 portfolios in the fund complex, and each other Trustee oversees 102 portfolios.




The following table shows the dollar range of shares beneficially owned by each Nominee/Trustee in the investment portfolios of each Trust and the Goldman Sachs Fund Complex as of August 31, 2019:


Name of


Dollar Range of Equity

Securities in Each Fund (1)


Aggregate Dollar Range of
Equity Securities in All
Portfolios in Fund Complex
Overseen By Nominee/Trustee

Independent Trustee Nominees


Dwight L. Bush

  None   $0

Kathryn A. Cassidy

  Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker: $10,001 - $50,000   Over $100,000
  Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Insights: $10,001 - $50,000  
  Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market: $1 - $10,000  
  Goldman Sachs High Yield: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Securities: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs U.S. Equity Insights: Over $100,000  
Joaquin Delgado   None   $0

Gregory G. Weaver

  Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity: Over $100,000   Over $100,000
  Goldman Sachs Income Builder: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs MLP Energy Infrastructure: Over $100,000  

Independent Trustees

(Previously Elected)

Jessica Palmer   Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income: Over $100,000   Over $100,000
  Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Long Short Credit Strategies: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value: Over $100,000  

Diana M. Daniels

  Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income: Over $100,000   Over $100,000
  Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Securities: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Long Short Credit Strategies: $1 - $10,000  
  Goldman Sachs Short Duration Tax-Free: Over $100,000  

Roy W. Templin

  Goldman Sachs International Real Estate Securities: Over $100,000   Over $100,000
  Goldman Sachs International Small Cap Insights: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs MLP Energy Infrastructure: $10,001 - $50,000  
  Goldman Sachs Short Duration Tax-Free: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth: Over $100,000  

Interested Trustee

(Previously Elected)


James A. McNamara

  Goldman Sachs Financial Square Treasury Solutions: Over $100,000   Over $100,000
  Goldman Sachs High Yield Floating Rate: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs High Yield Municipal: $1 - $10,000  
  Goldman Sachs Income Builder: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs International Equity ESG: $50,001 - $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Rising Dividend Growth: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Short-Term Conservative Income: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Strategic Income: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs Tax-Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio: Over $100,000  
  Goldman Sachs U.S. Equity Dividend and Premium: Over $100,000  



Includes the value of shares beneficially owned by each Nominee/Trustee in the portfolios of the Trusts.



As of September 30, 2019, the Nominees, Trustees and Officers of the Trusts as a group owned less than 1% of the outstanding shares of beneficial interest of each class of the Funds, except for the Income Builder Fund and International Real Estate Securities Fund. As of September 30, 2019, the Nominees, Trustees and Officers of the Trusts, as a group, owned 5.41% of the Income Builder Fund’s outstanding Class P Shares and 1.59% of the International Real Estate Securities Fund’s Institutional Shares.

As of December 31, 2018, none of the Independent Trustees, Nominees nor any member of their immediate family owned any securities issued by GSAM or a sub-adviser or any other person (other than a registered investment company) directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with GSAM or a sub-adviser, except as provided below.

Ambassador Bush may be deemed to be a beneficial owner of common stock issued by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (“GS Group”) as a result of his ownership of GS Group common stock (as well as the ownership of GS Group common stock by an immediate family member). During the past five years, such common stock had a value exceeding $120,000 in aggregate and represented substantially less than one percent of the outstanding common stock of GS Group. The stock was disposed of prior to the date of this Joint Proxy Statement. GS Group is a controlling person of GSAM, the investment adviser to the Funds.






Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund

The investment objective of the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund (“Large Cap Growth Insights Fund” or the “Fund”) is long-term growth of capital, with dividend income as a secondary consideration. The Large Cap Growth Insights Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes in a broadly diversified portfolio of equity investments in large-cap U.S. issuers, including foreign issuers that are traded in the United States.

The Large Cap Growth Insights Fund is currently sub-classified as a “diversified” fund for purposes of Section 5(b)(1) of the 1940 Act. The Fund is also subject to a related fundamental investment restriction which prohibits it from making any investment inconsistent with its classification as a diversified fund. As a diversified fund, the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund is limited as to the amount it may invest in any single issuer. Specifically, with respect to 75% of its total assets, the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund currently may not invest in a security if, as a result of such investment, more than 5% of its total assets (calculated at the time of purchase) would be invested in securities of any one issuer. In addition, with respect to 75% of its total assets, the Fund may not hold more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of any one issuer. The restrictions in Section 5(b)(1) do not apply to U.S. government securities, securities of other investment companies, cash and cash items (including receivables).

The Board, subject to Shareholder approval, has approved a change to the Fund’s sub-classification under the 1940 Act to a “non-diversified” company and to eliminate the Fund’s related fundamental investment restriction. This investment restriction (which may only be changed with shareholder approval) provides that the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund, as a fundamental policy, may not “make any investment inconsistent with the Fund’s classification as a diversified company under the [1940] Act.” If approved, the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund will no longer be subject to the diversification limitation discussed above.

Changing the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund’s status to non-diversified would provide the Fund’s investment adviser, GSAM, with enhanced flexibility to invest a greater portion of the Fund’s assets in one or more issuers. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal circumstances, in issuers that have public stock market capitalizations similar to those of companies constituting the Russell 1000® Index. Given the weightings of certain large capitalization stocks in the Fund’s benchmark, the portfolio managers of the Fund believe that it is important to have this additional flexibility, and that they will be better able to execute the Fund’s investment strategy and other policies with this additional flexibility.

Shareholders should note that if the change in the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund’s sub-classification to “non-diversified” is approved, the Fund may be subject to additional investment risks. This is because, as a non-diversified fund, the Fund would be permitted to invest a greater percentage of its assets in one or more issuers or in fewer issuers than diversified funds. Thus, the Fund may be more susceptible to adverse developments affecting any single issuer held in its portfolio, and may be more susceptible to greater losses because of these developments. Accordingly, if Proposal 2 is approved, the Fund could be subject to greater risk than it currently is subject to as a diversified fund. The change of the Fund’s sub-classification to “non-diversified” and the elimination of the Fund’s related fundamental investment restriction was approved unanimously by the Board of the Fund, with adoption and implementation of the new policy conditioned upon Shareholder approval.



It should be noted that, although the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund would no longer be subject to the 1940 Act diversification restrictions if Shareholders approve the proposal at the Meeting, the Fund intends to continue to comply with Federal tax diversification restrictions of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “IRC”). For purposes of the IRC, the Fund operates as a “regulated investment company.” Under the IRC, the Fund must diversify its holdings so that, in general, at the close of each quarter of its taxable year, (i) at least 50% of the fair market value of the Fund’s total (gross) assets is comprised of cash, cash items, U.S. government securities, securities of other regulated investment companies and other securities limited in respect of any one issuer to an amount not greater in value than 5% of the value of the Fund’s total assets and to not more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer; and (ii) not more than 25% of the value of its total (gross) assets is invested in the securities of any one issuer (other than U.S. government securities and securities of other regulated investment companies), two or more issuers controlled by the Fund and engaged in the same, similar or related trades or businesses, or certain publicly traded partnerships. These Federal tax diversification requirements, or the Fund’s determination to comply with them, may change in the future without shareholder approval.

Shareholders should note that if the change in the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund’s sub-classification to “non-diversified” is not approved, the Fund will remain “diversified” and remain subject to the Fund’s related fundamental investment restriction to not “make any investment inconsistent with the Fund’s classification as a diversified company under the [1940] Act.”






The management of the Trusts does not know of any other matters to be brought before the Meeting. If such matters are properly brought before the Meeting, proxies that do not contain specific instructions to the contrary will be voted in accordance with the judgment of the person or persons acting thereunder.




The following table sets forth the names of the Trusts’ officers and their ages, terms of office, including length of time served as officer, and principal occupations for the past five years. As a result of the responsibilities assumed by the Trusts’ investment advisers, custodian and distributor, each Trust has no employees. The Trusts’ officers do not receive any compensation from the Trusts for serving as such.

Officers of the Trusts


Name, Age And Address


Position(s) Held

With the Trusts


Term of Office
and Length of
Time Served 1


Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

James A. McNamara

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 57

   Trustee and President    Since 2007   

Advisory Director, Goldman Sachs (January 2018–Present); Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (January 2000–December 2017); Director of Institutional Fund Sales, GSAM (April 1998–December 2000); and Senior Vice President and Manager, Dreyfus Institutional Service Corporation (January 1993–April 1998).


President and Trustee—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

Joseph F. DiMaria

30 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ


Age: 51

   Treasurer, Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer    Since 2017 (Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer since 2019)   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (November 2015–Present) and Vice President–Mutual Fund Administration, Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC (May 2010–October 2015).


Treasurer, Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer—Goldman Sachs Trust (previously Assistant Treasurer (2016)); Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (previously Assistant Treasurer (2016)); Goldman Sachs Trust II (previously Assistant Treasurer (2017)); Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund (previously Assistant Treasurer (2017)); Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund (previously Assistant Treasurer (2017)); and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust (previously Assistant Treasurer (2017)).

Julien Yoo

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 48

   Chief Compliance Officer    Since 2019   

Vice President, Goldman Sachs (December 2014–Present); Contingent Worker, Goldman Sachs (September 2013–May 2014); and Vice President, Morgan Stanley Investment Management (2005–2010).


Chief Compliance Officer—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc.; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit LLC; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit II LLC; Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp.; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.



Name, Age And Address


Position(s) Held

With the Trusts


Term of
Office and
Length of
Time Served 1


Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

Philip V. Giuca, Jr.

30 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ


Age: 57

   Assistant Treasurer    Since 1997   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (January 2014–Present); and Vice President, Goldman Sachs (May 1992–December 2013).


Assistant Treasurer—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc.; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit LLC; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit II LLC; Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp.; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

Peter Fortner

30 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ


Age: 61

   Assistant Treasurer    Since 2000   

Vice President, Goldman Sachs (July 2000–Present); and Principal Accounting Officer, Commerce Bank Mutual Fund Complex (2008–Present).


Assistant Treasurer—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

Kenneth G. Curran

30 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ


Age: 55

   Assistant Treasurer    Since 2001   

Vice President, Goldman Sachs (November 1998–Present); and Senior Tax Manager, KPMG Peat Marwick (accountants) (August 1995–October 1998).


Assistant Treasurer—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc.; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit LLC; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit II LLC; Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp.; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

Allison Fracchiolla

30 Hudson Street

Jersey City, NJ


Age: 36

   Assistant Treasurer    Since 2014   

Vice President, Goldman Sachs (January 2013–Present).


Assistant Treasurer—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

Tyler Hanks

222 S. Main St

Salt Lake City, UT


Age: 37

   Assistant Treasurer    Since 2019   

Vice President, Goldman Sachs (January 2016–Present); and Associate, Goldman Sachs (January 2014–January 2016).


Assistant Treasurer—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.



Name, Age And Address


Position(s) Held

With the Trusts


Term of
Office and
Length of
Time Served 1


Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

Jesse Cole

71 South Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

Age: 56

   Vice President    Since 1998   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (December 2006–Present); Vice President, GSAM (June 1998–Present); and Vice President, AIM Management Group, Inc. (investment adviser) (April 1996–June 1998).


Vice President—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; and Goldman Sachs Trust II.

Miriam Cytryn

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 61

   Vice President    Since 2008   

Vice President, GSAM (2008–Present); Vice President of Divisional Management, Investment Management Division (2007–2008); Vice President and Chief of Staff, GSAM US Distribution (2003–2007); and Vice President of Employee Relations, Goldman Sachs (1996–2003).


Vice President—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; and Goldman Sachs Trust II.

Levee Brooks

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 37

   Vice President    Since 2019   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (2017–Present); Vice President, Goldman Sachs (2009–2017); Associate, Goldman Sachs (2006–2009); Analyst, Goldman Sachs (2005–2006); and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Moogi, Inc. (2008–2013).


Vice President—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

Frank Murphy

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 45

   Vice President    Since 2019   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (2015–Present); Vice President, Goldman Sachs (2003–2014); Associate, Goldman Sachs (2001–2002); and Analyst, Goldman Sachs (1999–2001).


Vice President—Goldman Sachs Trust; and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust.

Patrick Hyland

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 45

   Vice President    Since 2019   

Vice President, Goldman Sachs (2010–Present).

Vice President—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.



Name, Age And Address


Position(s) Held

With the Trusts


Term of
Office and
Length of
Time Served 1


Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

Caroline L. Kraus

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 42

   Secretary    Since 2012   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (January 2016–Present); Vice President, Goldman Sachs (August 2006–December 2015); Associate General Counsel, Goldman Sachs (2012–Present); Assistant General Counsel, Goldman Sachs (August 2006–December 2011); and Associate, Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP (2002–2006).


Secretary—Goldman Sachs Trust (previously Assistant Secretary (2012)); Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (previously Assistant Secretary (2012)); Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc.; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit LLC; Goldman Sachs Private Middle Market Credit II LLC; Goldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp.; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

David Fishman

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 55

   Assistant Secretary    Since 2001   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (December 2001–Present); and Vice President, Goldman Sachs (1997–December 2001).


Assistant Secretary—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; and Goldman Sachs Trust II.

Robert Griffith

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 45

   Assistant Secretary    Since 2011   

Vice President, Goldman Sachs (August 2011–Present); Associate General Counsel, Goldman Sachs (December 2014–Present); Assistant General Counsel, Goldman Sachs (August 2011–December 2014); Vice President and Counsel, Nomura Holding America, Inc. (2010–2011); and Associate, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP (2005–2010).


Assistant Secretary—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; Goldman Sachs Trust II; Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund; Goldman Sachs MLP and Energy Renaissance Fund; and Goldman Sachs ETF Trust.

Shaun Cullinan

200 West Street

New York, NY


Age: 39

   Assistant Secretary    Since 2018   

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs (2018–Present); Vice President, Goldman Sachs (2009–2017); Associate, Goldman Sachs (2006–2008); Analyst, Goldman Sachs (2004–2005).


Assistant Secretary—Goldman Sachs Trust; Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust; and Goldman Sachs Trust II.



Officers hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Each officer holds comparable positions with certain other companies of which Goldman Sachs, GSAM or an affiliate thereof is the investment adviser, administrator and/or distributor.




At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held on August 13-14, 2019, the Audit Committee selected and recommended, and the Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, approved, the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to act as independent registered public accountants for the Trusts on behalf of the Funds with fiscal years ending August 31, 2020 and October 31, 2020. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held on February 12-13, 2019, the Audit Committee selected and recommended, and the Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, approved, the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to act as independent registered public accountants for the Trusts on behalf of the Funds with the fiscal year ending November 30, 2019, December 31, 2019, and March 31, 2020 and on behalf of the Goldman Sachs Municipal Income Completion Fund for its initial fiscal year period.

Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are not expected to be present at the Meeting but will be available by telephone to respond to appropriate questions from Shareholders if necessary. Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will be given the opportunity to make statements at the Meeting, if they so desire.

Audit Fees

The aggregate fees billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for professional services for the audits of the annual, and in certain cases semi-annual, financial statements of the Funds in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust, were:



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   December 31, 2017      December 31, 2018  


   $ 508,700      $ 476,700  



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   August 31, 2018      August 31, 2019  


   $ 3,442,690      $ 4,421,760  

Fees included in the audit fees category are those associated with the annual and in certain cases semi-annual audits of financial statements and services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings.

Audit-Related Fees

The aggregate audit-related fees billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for services rendered to the Funds that are reasonably related to the performance of the audits of the financial statements of the Funds (but not reported as audit fees in the table above) in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust, were:



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   December 31, 2017      December 31, 2018  


   $ 0      $ 18,142  



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   August 31, 2018      August 31, 2019  


   $ 485,871      $ 216,184  

Fees included in the audit-related category are those associated with other attest services.

With respect to Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X, there were no audit-related fees that were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the Funds’ two most recent fiscal years on



behalf of (i) the Funds’ service providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Funds, or (ii) the Funds themselves.

The following table shows the amount of audit-related fees billed by the Funds’ independent registered public accountant to GSAM, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, GSAM, that provides ongoing services to the Funds, for engagements directly related to the Funds’ operations and financial reporting, in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust.



  For the Fiscal Year Ending    

Description of Services Rendered

  December 31, 2017     December 31, 2018  


  $ 1,860,429     $ 1,845,098     Internal control review performed in accordance with Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 and semi-annual updates related to withholding tax accrual for non-U.S. jurisdictions. These fees are borne by the Funds’ investment adviser.



   For the Fiscal Year Ending     

Description of Services Rendered

   August 31, 2018      August 31, 2019  


   $ 1,897,685      $ 2,000,617      Internal control review performed in accordance with Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 and semi-annual updates related to withholding tax accrual for non-U.S. jurisdictions. These fees are borne by the Funds’ investment adviser.

Tax Fees

The aggregate fees billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for services rendered to the Funds for tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust, were:



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   December 31, 2017      December 31, 2018  


   $ 116,271      $ 116,270  



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   August 31, 2018      August 31, 2019  


   $ 1,505,569      $ 1,177,014  

Fees included in the tax fees category comprise all services performed by professional staff in the independent registered public accountants’ tax division except those services related to the audits. This category comprises fees for tax compliance services provided in connection with the preparation and review of the Funds’ tax returns.



With respect to Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X, there were no tax fees that were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the Funds’ two most recent fiscal years on behalf of (i) the Funds’ service providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Funds, or (ii) the Funds themselves.

No tax fees were billed by the Funds’ independent registered public accountants to GSAM, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, GSAM, that provides ongoing services to the Funds, for engagements directly related to the Funds’ operations and financial reporting, in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust.

All Other Fees

No fees were billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for products and services provided to the Trusts, other than the services reported in “Audit Fees,” “Audit Related Fees,” and “Tax Fees” above, in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP did not bill any fees for professional services rendered to the Trusts, their investment advisers or companies controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment advisers that provided services to the Trusts during their most recent fiscal years for information technology services relating to financial information systems design and implementation.

With respect to Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X, there were no fees within this category that were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the Funds’ two most recent fiscal years on behalf of (i) the Funds’ service providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Funds, or (ii) the Funds themselves.

No other fees were billed by the Funds’ independent registered public accountants to GSAM, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, GSAM, that provides ongoing services to the Funds, for engagements directly related to the Funds’ operations and financial reporting, in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust.

Aggregate Non-Audit Fees

The aggregate non-audit fees billed to the Trusts by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust, were:



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   December 31, 2017      December 31, 2018  


   $ 116,271      $ 134,412  



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   August 31, 2018      August 31, 2019  


   $ 1,991,440      $ 1,393,197  

The aggregate non-audit fees billed to the Trusts’ investment advisers and service affiliates by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for non-audit services in each of the last two fiscal years of each Trust, were:



   For the Fiscal Year Ending  
   December 31, 2017      December 31, 2018  


   $ 9,700,000      $ 12,300,00  



With regard to the aggregate non-audit fees billed to the Trusts’ investment advisers and service affiliates, the amounts include fees for non-audit services required to be pre-approved and fees for non-audit services that did not require pre-approval since they did not directly relate to the Trusts’ operations or financial reporting.

The Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the Funds’ investment advisers (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the Funds that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X, was compatible with maintaining the independence of the Trusts’ independent registered public accountants.

Pre-Approval of Audit and Non-Audit Services Provided to the Funds

The Audit and Non-Audit Services Pre-Approval Policy (the “Policy”) adopted by the Audit Committee of each Trust sets forth the procedures and the conditions pursuant to which services performed by an independent auditor of the Trust may be pre-approved. Services may be pre-approved specifically by the Audit Committee as a whole or, in certain circumstances, by the Audit Committee Chairman or the person designated as the Audit Committee Financial Expert. In addition, subject to specified cost limitations, certain services may be pre-approved under the provisions of the Policy. The Policy provides that the Audit Committee will consider whether the services provided by an independent auditor are consistent with the SEC’s rules on auditor independence. The Policy provides for periodic review and pre-approval by the Audit Committee of the services that may be provided by the independent auditor.



A quorum for the transaction of business at the Meeting is established by the presence, in person or by proxy, of holders representing one-third of the votes entitled to be cast at the Meeting, but any lesser number will be sufficient for adjournments. The election of each Nominee of a Trust requires a plurality of the votes cast by all Shareholders of that Trust present at the Meeting. Because each Fund is a series of the respective Trust, with respect to Proposal 1, your vote will be counted together with the votes of Shareholders of the other Funds of that Trust. Cumulative voting is not permitted. Proposal 2 will be voted upon separately by Shareholders of the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund. The adoption of Proposal 2 requires an affirmative vote of the lesser of: (i) 67% or more of the voting securities of the Large Cap Growth Insights Fund that are present at the meeting or represented by proxy, if holders of shares representing more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund are present or represented by proxy; or (ii) more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund (a “1940 Act Majority”).

If a proxy card is properly executed and returned accompanied by instructions to withhold authority (an abstention), the shares represented thereby will be counted as shares present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present, but will not be counted as a vote in favor of any Proposal. Broker “non-votes” are shares held in an account with an Authorized Institution for which the broker indicates that instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or other persons entitled to vote, and the broker does not have discretionary voting authority. Brokers who hold shares in street name for customers generally have discretionary authority to vote on “routine” proposals when they have not received instructions from the beneficial owners of those shares. The election of Trustees is a “routine” proposal and beneficial owners who do not provide proxy instructions or who do not return a proxy card may have their shares voted by their brokers in favor of Proposal 1. Broker non-votes, if any, will be counted as shares present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present, but will not be counted as a vote in favor of any Proposal. Accordingly, abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on Proposal 1 (other than for quorum purposes), for which the required vote is a plurality of the votes cast, but effectively will be a vote against Proposal 2, for which the required vote is a 1940 Act Majority.



With respect to GSVIT, Life Companies that use shares of a Fund as funding media for its variable contracts will vote shares of the Fund held by its Accounts in accordance with the instructions received from variable contract holders. The Life Companies will also vote shares attributable to variable contracts as to which proxy cards or voting instruction forms are neither executed nor returned in proportion (“for,” “against” or “withhold authority”) to those shares for which instructions are received, even in instances where a broker would be prevented from exercising discretion. As a result, a small number of variable contract holders could determine the outcome of the vote if other variable contract holders fail to vote. A Life Company whose separate account invests in a Fund will vote shares held by its general account and its subsidiaries in the same proportion as other votes cast by its Accounts in the aggregate.

In the event that at the time any session of the Meeting is called to order a quorum is not present in person or by proxy, the persons named as proxies may vote those proxies which have been received to adjourn the Meeting to a later date. In the event that a quorum is present but sufficient votes in favor of any Proposal have not been received, the persons named as proxies may propose one or more adjournments of the Meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies with respect to the Proposal. If a quorum is present, any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast, and the persons named as proxies will vote those proxies which they are entitled to vote in favor of any such Proposal in favor of such an adjournment, and will vote those proxies required to be voted against any such Proposal against any such adjournment. A shareholder vote may be taken on one or more of the Proposals in this Proxy Statement prior to such adjournment if sufficient votes for its approval have been received. Such vote will be considered final regardless of whether the Meeting is adjourned to permit additional solicitation with respect to any other Proposal. Subject to the foregoing, the Meeting may be adjourned and re-adjourned without further notice to Shareholders or variable contract owners.


Each Trust is not required and does not intend to hold a meeting of Shareholders each year. Instead, meetings will be held only when and if required by law or as otherwise determined by the Board. Any Shareholder desiring to present a proposal for consideration at the next meeting of Shareholders of their respective Fund must submit the proposal in writing, so that it is received by the appropriate Fund within a reasonable time before any meeting. The proposals should be sent to each respective Trust at its address stated on the first page of this Joint Proxy Statement.


Investment Advisers/Administrators

Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P.

200 West Street

New York, New York 10282

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International

Christchurch Court

10-15 Newgate Street

London, England EC1A 7HD


Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC

200 West Street

New York, NY10282

November 14, 2019



Shareholders and variable contract owners who do not expect to be present at the Meeting and who wish to have their shares voted are requested to vote by mail, Internet or telephone. If you choose to vote by mail, please sign and date the enclosed proxy card or voting instruction form and return it in the enclosed envelope. No postage is required if mailed in the United States. If you choose to vote by Internet or telephone, please use the control number on the proxy card or voting instruction form and follow the instructions on the proxy card or voting instruction form. If you have any questions regarding the proxy materials please contact the Trusts at 1-800-621-2550.





Each Fund’s Shares outstanding as of November 4, 2019 is set forth in the table below.



   Outstanding Shares  

Fiscal Year End 3/31


Goldman Sachs Bond Fund


Goldman Sachs Core Fixed Income Fund


Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income Fund


Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income Fund


Goldman Sachs Global Income Fund


Goldman Sachs Government Income Fund


Goldman Sachs High Quality Floating Rate Fund


Goldman Sachs High Yield Floating Rate Fund


Goldman Sachs High Yield Fund


Goldman Sachs High Yield Municipal Fund


Goldman Sachs Inflation Protected Securities Fund


Goldman Sachs Investment Grade Credit Fund


Goldman Sachs Local Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Goldman Sachs Long Short Credit Strategies Fund


Goldman Sachs Municipal Income Completion Fund


Goldman Sachs Short Duration Government Fund


Goldman Sachs Short Duration Income Fund


Goldman Sachs Short Duration Tax-Free Fund


Goldman Sachs Short-Term Conservative Income Fund


Goldman Sachs Strategic Income Fund


Goldman Sachs U.S. Mortgages Fund


Fiscal Year End 8/31


Goldman Sachs Blue Chip Fund


Goldman Sachs Capital Growth Fund


Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth Fund


Goldman Sachs Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio


Goldman Sachs Equity Income Fund


Goldman Sachs Flexible Cap Fund


Goldman Sachs Focused Value Fund


Goldman Sachs Global Managed Beta Fund


Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities Fund


Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value Fund


Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Fund


Goldman Sachs Small Cap Growth Fund


Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value Fund


Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Growth Fund


Goldman Sachs Small/Mid Cap Value Fund


Goldman Sachs Strategic Factor Allocation Fund


Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth Fund


Goldman Sachs Tactical Tilt Overlay Fund


Goldman Sachs Tax-Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio


Goldman Sachs Technology Opportunities Fund


Goldman Sachs Financial Square Federal Instruments Fund





   Outstanding Shares  

Goldman Sachs Financial Square Government Fund


Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund


Goldman Sachs Financial Square Prime Obligations Fund


Goldman Sachs Financial Square Treasury Instruments Fund


Goldman Sachs Financial Square Treasury Obligations Fund


Goldman Sachs Financial Square Treasury Solutions Fund


Goldman Sachs Investor Money Market Fund


Goldman Sachs Investor Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund


Fiscal Year End 10/31


Goldman Sachs China Equity Fund (formerly Asia Equity Fund) (effective November 20, 2019)


Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs ESG Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Goldman Sachs Imprint Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund


Goldman Sachs Income Builder Fund


Goldman Sachs International Equity ESG Fund


Goldman Sachs International Equity Income Fund


Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs International Small Cap Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs Large Cap Value Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs Rising Dividend Growth Fund


Goldman Sachs Small Cap Equity Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs Small Cap Growth Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs U.S. Equity Insights Fund


Fiscal Year End 11/30


Goldman Sachs MLP Energy Infrastructure Fund


Goldman Sachs MLP & Energy Fund


Fiscal Year End 12/31


Goldman Sachs Absolute Return Tracker Fund


Goldman Sachs Alternative Premia Fund


Goldman Sachs Balanced Strategy Portfolio


Goldman Sachs Commodity Strategy Fund


Goldman Sachs Dynamic Global Equity Fund


Goldman Sachs Global Infrastructure Fund


Goldman Sachs Global Real Estate Securities Fund


Goldman Sachs Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio


Goldman Sachs Growth Strategy Portfolio


Goldman Sachs International Equity Dividend and Premium Fund


Goldman Sachs International Real Estate Securities Fund


Goldman Sachs International Tax-Managed Equity Fund


Goldman Sachs Managed Futures Strategy Fund


Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund


Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies Portfolio


Goldman Sachs U.S. Tax-Managed Equity Fund


Goldman Sachs U.S. Equity Dividend and Premium Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Core Fixed Income Fund





   Outstanding Shares  

Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Equity Index Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Global Trends Allocation Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Government Money Market Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Growth Opportunities Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust High Quality Floating Rate Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust International Equity Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Large Cap Value Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Mid Cap Value Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Multi-Strategy Alternatives Portfolio


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Strategic Growth Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust Small Cap Equity Insights Fund


Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust U.S. Equity Insights Fund






As of September 30, 2019, the following persons or entities owned beneficially or of record more than 5% of the outstanding shares, as applicable, of any class of each Fund:




Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of





   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,251,006.83        26.57%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,502,680.38        17.74%  
   MML Distributor, LLC, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP C105, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      1,185,017.34        13.99%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      593,392.97        7.00%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market Street, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      159,182.19        18.62%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      122,737.02        14.36%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR1, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      117,951.78        13.80%  
   Cambridge Investment Research, Ascensus Trust Company FBO Associates in Hearing Inc., PS Plan 211635, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      116,075.49        13.58%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      89,550.34        10.47%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      74,515.28        8.72%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      3,652,363.35        27.65%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Voya Institutional Plan Services LLC, Voya Institutional TR Co as TTEE, Custodian for Core Market Solutions, 30 Braintree Hill Office Park, Braintree, MA 02184-8747      2,240,759.14        16.96%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      1,138,377.80        8.62%  
   Winthrop University Hospital, Pool Fund, 700 Hicksville Rd. Ste. 205, Bethpage, NY 11714-3472      871,863.20        6.60%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market Street, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      867,581.77        6.57%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Prudential PIMS/Retirement, AS Nominee for the TTEE/Cust Pl 767, Retirement Plan For the Employees of 5550 Peachtree PKWY STE 500, Norcross, GA 30092-2555      903,487.40        26.25%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      791,409.11        22.99%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Great West Trust Co. LLC, FBO Recordkeeping for various benefit Pl Omniputnam, 8515 E Orchard Rd. #2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      657,422.46        19.10%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      434,652.49        12.63%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      386,554.96        11.23%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      8,770,419.89        99.99%  
CLASS R SHARES    MML Distributor, LLC-Aviator, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      257,986.46        39.13%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      87,160.62        13.22%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   GWFS Equities Inc., Morse Chevrolet Inc. TTEE FBO Morse Chevrolet Inc. RSP 401k, C/O Fascore LLC. 8515 E Orchard Rd # 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      73,370.19        11.13%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., J M Fahey Construction Company TTEE, J M Fahet Construction Company 401k, C/O Fascore LLC. 8515 E Orchard Rd # 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      52,343.34        7.94%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Company, The Hartford, 1 Hartford Plz., Hartford, CT 06155-0001      50,214.11        7.62%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      36,185.31        5.49%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    MML Distributors, LLC- PE, Reliance Trust Co., Custodian, FBO MassMutual Registered Product, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      2,542,525.24        33.58%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,866,623.34        24.65%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401K, 8515 E Orchard Rd. 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      581,545.99        7.68%  
   Valic Financial Advisors Inc., VRSCO, FBO AIGFSB Cust. TTEE FBO COOP SCHL DIST of GTR St. Louis 403B, 2727-A Allen Parkway, 4-D1, Houston, TX 77019-2107      477,815.58        6.31%  
   Valic Financial Advisors Inc., VRSCO, FBO AIGFSB Cust. TTEE FBO Minneapolis Public Schools 403B, 2727-A Allen Parkway, 4-D1, Houston, TX 77019-2107      461,736.62        6.10%  
SERVICE SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, PAI Trust Company, Inc., the Rhoads Group 401(k) P/S Plan, 1300 Enterprise Dr., De Pere, WI 54115-4934      1,905.55        48.15%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,602.01        40.48%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, PAI Trust Company, Inc., SK MD PC, 1300 Enterprise Dr., De Pere, WI 54115-4934      449.99        11.37%  



   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      4,318,633.05        42.84%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      2,529,870.61        25.09%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      82,557.66        14.10%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      59,212.10        10.11%  
   Mid Atlantic Capital Corp., FBO Distinctive Car Toyz of Pleasantville, Pleasantville, NJ 08232      40,386.99        6.90%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      36,947.36        6.31%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      35,521.74        6.07%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RT5, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      34,842.66        5.95%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      30,976.32        5.29%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      11,675,221.36        64.51%  
   Reliance Trust Co., Reliance Trust Company FBO Bancorp South EB R/R, P.O. Box 48529, Atlanta, GA 30362-1529      2,142,117.92        11.84%  
INVESTOR SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,450,243.10        50.74%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      859,378.02        30.07%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Prudential PIMS/Retirement, AS Nominee for the TTEE/Cust Pl 900, Tishman Speyer Properties LP, 11 W 42nd St. Fl. 2, New York, NY 10036-8008      359,045.13        12.56%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      53,193,018.32        99.63%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      353,631.16        75.59%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., FBO PPL Motor Homes 401k, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E Orchard Rd # 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      38,394.85        8.21%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, KPMG Partner Pension Plan, 3 Chestnut Ridge Rd, Montvale, NJ 07645-1842      7,619,644.03        51.37%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Magna US Consolidated Pension Pln, 750 Tower DR MSC 7000, Troy, MI 48098-2863      6,238,755.04        42.06%  
SERVICE SHARES    TCA TrustCorp. America, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. NW, 4th Fl, Washington, DC 20015-2047      61,722.40        72.57%  
   Charles Schwab & Company, Charles Schwab & Co Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      12,344.65        14.51%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      6,084.11        7.15%  



   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market Street, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      13,798,361.54        18.69%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      8,930,188.16        12.10%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      7,831,031.74        10.61%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      7,818,473.86        10.59%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PP5, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      7,470,772.72        10.12%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      5,794,817.37        7.85%  
   Charles Schwab & Company, Charles Schwab & Co Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      5,290,958.87        7.17%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      4,556,914.14        6.17%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market Street, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,074,317.78        27.65%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR9, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,428,909.35        19.05%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,075,199.91        14.33%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      865,812.16        11.54%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      488,102.31        6.51%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      377,624.67        5.03%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      48,979,945.86        24.72%  
   Charles Schwab & Company, Charles Schwab & Co Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      34,458,713.64        17.39%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      27,501,622.63        13.88%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      23,160,480.89        11.69%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market Street, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      14,017,551.50        7.08%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      13,986,932.02        7.06%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      11,428,232.98        5.77%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      18,314,273.99        39.48%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      13,539,945.15        29.19%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      11,227,839.56        24.20%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      2,925,506.66        6.31%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      91,511,043.22        99.61%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      3,846,058.03        95.16%  
SERVICE SHARES    BB&T Securities LLC, Customers, 20525 Wellington Ct, Colton Point, MD 20626-2132      9,578.14        67.58%  
   TCA TrustCorp. America, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. NW, 4th Fl, Washington, DC 20015-2047      1,284.52        9.06%  
   BB&T Securities LLC, Customers, PT Pleas Bch, NJ 08742-3330      1,241.47        8.76%  
   BB&T Securities LLC, Customers, 402 New Jersey Ave., PT Pleas Bch, NJ 08742-3330      993.17        7.01%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Omnibus, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops Manager, 60 S 6th ST. Ste. 700 #P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      842.39        5.94%  



   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,082,775.98        24.00%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      551,983.31        12.23%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      518,885.34        11.50%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      478,834.17        10.61%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      368,317.18        8.16%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      357,585.58        7.93%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      238,942.61        5.30%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      429,290.17        28.84%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      307,069.70        20.63%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      169,836.46        11.41%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR1, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      151,280.35        10.16%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      102,476.71        6.88%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      76,996.68        5.17%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      29,772,947.83        34.70%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      14,357,717.57        16.73%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      9,690,513.78        11.29%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      7,396,161.68        8.62%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      5,776,895.07        6.73%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      3,073,100.67        38.84%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      2,063,934.90        26.08%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      1,704,777.65        21.55%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      641,791.19        8.11%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      1,232,626.28        99.93%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    JP Morgan Securities LLC FBO Customers, Mutual Fund Dept., 3 Chase Metrotech Center, Fl. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11245-0001      5,483,376.45        28.27%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Satellite Strategies Portfolio, Emerging Markets Debt, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      4,529,329.03        23.36%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Employee & Agent Pension Benefit Plan, GWLA Fin., 8515 E Orchard Rd. 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      2,298,047.39        11.85%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Growth & Income Strategy, Emerging Markets Debt, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,870,428.99        9.64%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Growth Strategy, Emerging Markets Debt, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,736,371.23        8.95%  



   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      301,522.25        25.02%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RJ3, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      127,243.13        10.56%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      106,866.74        8.87%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      98,806.77        8.20%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      91,605.31        7.60%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      86,085.03        7.14%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      61,855.01        5.13%  
ADMINISTRATION SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      364,291.04        98.21%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Reliance Trust Comoany/FIS, Vallee & Co. FBO FCB C/O Reliance Trust Co (WI), 480 Pilgrim Way – Suite 1000, Green Bay, WI 54304-5280      6,565,460.42        23.34%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      5,428,802.51        19.30%  
   National Grid Insurance USA Ltd., 1 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201-3948      5,356,316.38        19.04%  
   Reliance Trust Comoany/FIS, Mitra & Co. FBO FCB C/O Reliance Trust Co (WI), 480 Pilgrim Way – Suite 1000, Green Bay, WI 54304-5280      3,449,674.77        12.27%  
   Reliance Trust Comoany/FIS, Mitra & Co. FBO FCB ERISA DB C/O Reliance Trust Co (WI), 480 Pilgrim Way – Suite 1000, Green Bay, WI 54304-5280      1,900,845.90        6.76%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      1,544,966.30        5.49%  
INVESTOR SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      599,334.00        77.81%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      170,904.91        22.19%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      18,443,998.23        99.99%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,927,719.86        91.92%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      319,221.86        5.95%  



   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,089,460.40        25.06%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      675,787.22        15.55%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      629,388.41        14.48%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PS4, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      412,085.50        9.49%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      325,868.75        7.50%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      146,301.42        25.32%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      88,150.66        15.26%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR3, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      61,338.75        10.62%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      53,420.29        9.25%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      37,359.56        6.47%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      34,797.76        6.02%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      11,067,375.56        54.54%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      2,744,103.61        13.52%  
   Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, Attn: Outside Funds K22, PO Box 2600, Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600      1,274,475.20        6.28%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,270,332.03        6.26%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,812,801.41        43.11%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,124,047.94        26.73%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      533,904.76        12.70%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      267,789.68        6.37%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      626,809.59        99.86%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co Cust, FBO Goldman Sachs Balanced Strategy, Omnibus A/C – Global Income Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      11,386,064.79        51.38%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co Cust, FBO Goldman Sachs Growth & Income Strategy, Omnibus A/C – Global Income Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      8,792,120.35        39.68%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,244,636.34        5.62  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      50,055.11        79.32%  
   Principal Securities, Inc., DCGT as TTEE and/or Cust. FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      6,791.56        10.76%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      6,103.67        9.67%  



   Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      1,181,713.89        21.16%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team 97PP7, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      535,579.67        9.59%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, Meek Lumber Co Retirement Plan, PO Box 52129, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2129      411,257.57        7.36%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      312,971.44        5.60%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      61,383.48        25.78%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR6, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      54,028.47        22.69%  
   Mid Atlantic Capital Corp., Geo Imaging Solutions Inc. 401(k) PR, 2150 Town Square Pl Ste. 290, Sugar Land, TX 77479-1643      16,352.74        6.87%  
   FSC Securities Corp., Hillock Anodizing, Inc. 401k, 19 Legacy Oaks Dr., Richboro, PA 18954-2200      13,190.22        5.54%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,852,318.82        30.47%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,492,927.74        15.95%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,386,555.71        14.81%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,236,359.39        13.21%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, Wells Fargo Bank FBO Various Retirement Plans, 9888888836 NC 1151, 1525 West WT Harris BLVD, Charlotte, NC 28288-1076      472,384.56        5.05%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      35,283.16        33.87%  
   Principal Securities, Inc., DCGT as TTEE and/or Cust. FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      18,312.64        17.58%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      17,717.85        17.01%  
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank Trustee and or Custodian FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      8,887.07        8.53%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      6,718.51        6.45%  
   Mid Atlantic Capital Corp., Mid Atlantic TR Co FBO BYL Risk Management LLC 401k PSP & Trust, 1251 Waterfront Pl. Ste. 525, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4228      5,289.15        5.08%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      868,202.71        99.92%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      910,158.56        66.48%  
   MML Distributor, LLC, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP C105, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      145,285.09        10.61%  
   MML Distributors, LLC- PE, Reliance Trust Co., Custodian, FBO MassMutual Omnibus PE, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      104,900.31        7.66%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      80,887.77        5.91%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    MML Distributors LLC, Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Co., 1295 State Street, MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      128,015.81        21.86%  
   Reliance Trust Co., Reliance Trust Company, P.O. Box 48529, Atlanta, GA 30362-1529      100,724.38        17.20%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, SEI Private Trust Company C/O Johnson Bank ETS ID 243, Attn: Mutual Funds Administrator, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456-9989      77,696.54        13.27%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      53,045.79        9.06%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      51,251.90        8.75%  
SERVICE SHARES    Security Benefit Life Insurance Co., UMB Bank NA, FBO Fiduciary for Tax Deferred Accts., 1 SW Security Benefit Pl., Topeka, KS 66636-1000      1,653,196.91        69.08%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account, 200 Hopmeadow St., Weatogue, CT 06089-9793      420,548.85        17.57%  
   Security Benefit Life Insurance Co., SBL Variable Annuity Acct XIV, 1 SW Security Benefit Pl., Topeka, KS 66636-1000      127,415.54        5.32%  



   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      310,770.91        28.18%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      210,742.47        19.11%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      207,315.47        18.80%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      140,230.26        12.72%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Reliance Trust Company/FIS, Maril & Co. FBOSG, C/O Reliance Trust Company (WI), 480 Pilgrim Way Ste. 1000, Green Bay, WI 54304-5280      3,844,892.19        47.71%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,987,992.12        24.67%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      555,655.87        6.90%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      707,306.67        50.33%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      638,355.29        45.42%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      29,253,292.53        99.60%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      288,783.87        99.18%  
SERVICE SHARES    GWFS Equities Inc., Gilmore Obrien & Johansen TTEE FBO Producers Livestock Marketing ASSOC C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E Orchard Rd. 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO, 80111-5002      6,082.56        42.75%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,261.40        15.89%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,121.34        14.91%  
   Devon Bank, Attn: Trust Operations, 6445 N Western Ave. Ste. 300, Chicago, IL 60645-5494      1,909.67        13.42%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Co. TTEE FBO, G Pucci & Sons Inc. 401k, 8515 E Orchard Rd. 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO, 80111-5002      1,673.12        11.76%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      111,206.59        29.69%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      74,363.63        19.85%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      67,332.38        17.98%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      41,472.50        11.07%  
CLASS C SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      23,867.82        22.36%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      21,862.87        20.48%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      20,449.39        19.16%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      19,378.65        18.16%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      7,903.79        7.41%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Advanced Series Trust AST Goldman Sachs Multi-Asset Portfolio, 655 Broad St. Fl. 17, Newark, NJ 07102-4419      5,444,250.65        40.10%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,760,457.30        12.97%  
   JP Morgan Securities LLC FEBO Customers, Mutual Fund Dept., 3 Chase Metrotech Center, Fl. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11245-0001      1,710,673.44        12.60%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,618,608.60        11.92%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      74,624.80        48.49%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      68,625.55        44.59%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      10,637.73        6.91%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      209,862,104.49        99.84%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,348.96        100%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Satellite Strategies Portfolio, GS High Yield Floating Rate Fund C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      2,106,224.36        54.65%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Growth & Income Strategy, GS Financial Sq Government Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      9,120.35        23.67%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Balanced Strategy, GS Financial Sq Government Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      6,974.39        18.10%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      5,185,786.50        21.34%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,235,466.65        9.20%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      1,893,134.82        7.79%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,770,843.42        7.29%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,535,686.57        6.32%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      507,271.35        24.54%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      431,035.39        20.85%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR4, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      219,792.21        10.63%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      212,889.24        10.30%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      124,566.98        6.03%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      103,410.84        5.00%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      11,950,525.84        23.50%  
   Factory Mutual Insurance Company, Pension Plan, 404 Wyman St. Ste. 390, Waltham, MA 02451-1275      11,698,240.91        23.01%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      3,806,893.36        7.49%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      3,085,250.17        6.07%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,467,462.73        54.28%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      838,499.36        31.02%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      288,460.52        10.67%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      256,404,323.45        99.83%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      1,595,584.00        82.03%  
   MML Distributor, LLC, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP C105, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      253,254.11        13.02%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Satellite Strategies Portfolio, GS High Yield Fund C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      5,953,576.55        58.90%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Growth & Income, High Yield Fund C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,369,205.25        13.55%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Growth Strategy, High Yield Fund C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,252,417.66        12.39%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Balanced Strategy, High Yield Fund C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      785,715.72        7.77%  
SERVICE SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      798,255.82        68.69%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      195,331.79        16.81%  
   MML Distributors, LLC- PE, Reliance Trust Co., Custodian, FBO MassMutual Omnibus PE, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      67,605.82        5.82%  
   TCA TrustCorp America, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Fourth Floor, Washington, DC 20015-2047      60,278.77        5.19%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      9,089,049.85        21.36%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      5,555,070.73        13.05%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      5,083,800.41        11.95%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      4,848,130.61        11.39%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      3,431,964.40        8.07%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      2,400,987.34        5.64%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,343,657.86        5.51%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      2,222,959.36        5.22%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,222,526.60        30.06%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,021,978.15        13.82%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      713,981.32        9.66%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      604,923.66        8.18%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      566,455.56        7.66%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      505,895.44        6.84%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      505,196.29        6.83%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      15,217,574.66        15.89%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      11,772,428.17        12.29%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      10,192,617.03        10.64%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      9,203,341.59        9.61%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      8,055,047.90        8.41%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      7,312,391.26        7.64%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Zions First National Bank 0, PO Box 30880, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0880      6,441,959.92        6.73%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      5,458,325.09        5.70%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      8,623,762.80        29.05%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      8,492,605.67        28.61%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      5,252,866.08        17.70%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      3,395,456.86        11.44%  
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Omnibus, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops. Manager, 60 S 6th St. Ste. 700 #P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      1,934,250.82        6.52%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      633,929,043.15        98.72  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,134.24        100%  



   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RS6, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,776,465.73        35.39%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Trukan & Co., PO Box 3699, Wichita, KS 67201-3699      976,730.45        19.46%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      270,188.89        5.38%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      258,692.08        5.15%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      118,511.36        42.67%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      41,973.43        15.11%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      15,478.42        5.57%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      14,709.74        5.30%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,383,868.74        30.27%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,901,023.41        13.13%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,363,021.60        9.41%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Trukan & Co., PO Box 3699, Wichita, KS 67201-3699      961,963.12        6.64%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      771,511.58        5.33%  
INVESTOR SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      657,406.29        36.42%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      316,259.42        17.52%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      311,941.20        17.28%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO Texas Roadhouse Management, Corp. Deferred Compensation Plan, PO Box 52129, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2129      170,173.30        9.43%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      10,739,605.90        99.99%  
CLASS R SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      306,353.22        21.47%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust AS, Trustee and/or Custodian, FBO ADOP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2901      1,178,710.94        29.69%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,062,821.47        26.78%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      661,428.02        16.66%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      393,852.35        9.92%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      213,976.26        24.02%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      180,604.02        20.27%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      128,229.03        14.39%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      64,043.70        7.19%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      60,632.82        6.81%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      3,380,712.50        71.64%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      676,992.11        14.35%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      362,031.57        7.67%  
SEPARATE ACCOUNT INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GS PWM INSTL Class, Goldman, Sachs & CO. FBO ACCT# 021117726 C/O Mutual Fund OPS 200, West Street, New York, NY 10282-2198      2,095,350.56        8.74%  
   GS PWM INSTL Class, Goldman, Sachs & CO. FBO ACCT# 021117601 C/O Mutual Fund OPS 200, West Street, New York, NY 10282-2198      1,523,745.10        6.35%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      285,056.76        78.30%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      36,404.00        10.00%  
   Mid Atlantic Capital Corp., Mid Atlantic Trust Company FBO Liberty National Bank Safe Harbor 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan, 1251 Waterfront Pl. Ste. 525, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4228      35,040.93        9.63%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      20,368,197.21        99.99%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      96,277.26        97.83%  



   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      215,125.73        22.07%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      161,791.02        16.60%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      133,519.86        13.70%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      121,132.83        12.43%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      98,786.50        10.13%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      60,587.40        6.22%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      53,601.75        5.50%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      48,949.14        5.02%  
CLASS C SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      224,270.47        42.71%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      84,061.72        16.01%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      61,261.31        11.67%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      40,957.11        7.80%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      34,421.04        6.56%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      27,986.64        5.33%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,806,440.93        42.42%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      622,955.32        14.63%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      595,805.86        13.99%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      391,755.88        9.20%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Naidot & Co, C/O Bessemer Trust Co, 100 Woodbridge Center DR Woodbridge, NJ 07095-1162      223,944.65        5.26%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      968,338.82        82.73%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      124,352.67        10.62%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      6,791,204.58        94.70%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Satellite Strategies Portfolio, Local Emerging Markets Debt C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      2,852,068.93        42.39%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Growth & Income, Local Emerging Markets Debt C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,601,493.15        23.80%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Growth Strategy, Local Emerging Markets Debt C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,387,316.03        20.62%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Tr Co Cust, GS Trust Balanced Strategy, Local Emerging Markets Debt C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette Fl 6 Boston, MA 02111-1888      880,018.35        13.08%  



   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      80,062.63        37.66%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      36,335.02        17.09%  
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Omnibus, Attn Mutual Fund Ops Manager, 60 S 6th ST. Ste. 700 #P08, Minneapolis, MC 55402-4413      24,542.49        11.55%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      22,379.94        10.53%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      15,447.01        7.27%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      12,583.33        5.92%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      11,717.60        5.51%  
CLASS C SHARES    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      30,633.49        34.09%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      22,326.85        24.84%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      11,835.47        13.17%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      8,043.27        8.95%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      6,502.07        7.23%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,532.50        5.04%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      813,598.84        33.66%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      469,640.23        19.43%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      416,746.94        17.24%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      262,816.90        10.87%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   E*Trade Clearing LLC, E*Trade Savings Bank FBO #32, PO Box 6503, Englewood, CO 80155-6503      163,628.21        6.77%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      145,178.52        6.01%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      194,410.43        47.20%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      113,731.97        27.61%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      48,078.15        11.67%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      31,560.46        7.66%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      9,170,619.65        98.81%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,906.88        100%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, GS Variable Insurance Trust – GS Multi-Strategy Alternatives Portfolio, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 02210-2126      240,239.20        99.52%  



   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      507,305.20        100.00%  



   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97P46, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,159,126.34        15.45%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      754,133.30        10.05%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      743,763.43        9.92%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Trust Co. FSB C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      733,797.04        9.78%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      531,642.76        7.09%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      410,853.54        5.48%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      499,948.52        38.58%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      132,892.47        10.25%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RS3, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      128,711.11        9.93%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      102,275.24        7.89%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      87,696.29        6.77%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      84,321.62        6.51%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      8,416,769.04        22.07%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      5,559,026.85        14.58%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      5,424,710.48        14.22%  
   SEI Private trust Company, C/O Hills Bank & Trust ID 533, Attn: Mutual Fund Administrator, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456-9989      3,746,889.79        9.82%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      2,311,190.40        6.06%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      653,677.59        19.97%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      650,809.88        19.89%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      617,917.28        18.88%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      507,978.15        15.52%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      487,608.43        14.90%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      184,261.33        5.63%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      37,691,458.19        91.67%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      2,154,421.36        5.24%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC SEI Private trust Company, C/O Johnson Bank ETS ID 243, Attn: Mutual Fund Administrator, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456-9989      238,319.30        35.35%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      207,109.78        30.72%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      113,999.70        16.91%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   EFC Financial Services, LLC, Ascensus Trust Company FBO MTW Pinta Elements, Inc. 401(k) Retirement 251461, P.O. Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      47,097.59        6.99%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      970,343.65        53.64%  
   Devon Bank, Attn: Trust Operations, 6445 N Western Ave. Ste. 300, Chicago, IL 60645-5494      646,805.09        35.76%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      115,012.82        6.36%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      411,261.62        50.96%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      112,600.61        13.95%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      58,393.31        7.24%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      47,049.20        5.83%  
CLASS C SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      48,188.22        30.24%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      30,868.90        19.37%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      26,669.22        16.73%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      25,810.08        16.20%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      10,478.00        6.58%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC SEI Private trust Company, C/O M&T Bank ID 337, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456-9989      516,895.03        11.17%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Trust 10 22 14 SGRE FOB Old Repub D, SGRE PIP Re Acct OR Safe-Guard Products INTL LLC, 2 Concourse PKWY STE 500, Atlanta GA 30328-5584      462,089.70        9.99%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      449,977.07        9.73%  
   Reliance Trust Company, CTIC EB R/R PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      416,119.61        8.99%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Dealer CFCS Virginia Surety Trust, SGRE PIP Re Acct VS Safe-Guard Products INTL LLC, 2 Concourse PKWY STE 500, Atlanta GA 30328-5584      357,025.03        7.72%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Trust 10 22 14 SGRE FOB Old Repub D, SGRE ADM SUB Acct OR Safe-Guard Products INTL LLC, 2 Concourse PKWY STE 500, Atlanta GA 30328-5584      274,680.69        5.94%  
INVESTOR SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      2,167,285.19        91.04%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      186,363.18        7.83%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      66,112,958.19        98.39%  
CLASS R SHARES    EFC Financial Services, LLC, Ascensus Trust Company FBO Kriegman & Smith, Inc. 401(k) Saving, 228038, P.O. Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      8,743.49        65.43%  
   EFC Financial Services, LLC, Ascensus Trust Company FBO MTW Aerospace 401k Plan, 685488, P.O. Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      1,621.42        12.13%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,123.42        8.41%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      1,026.46        7.68%  
   Kestra Investment Services, Ascensus Trust Company FBO J I Landis Welding & Mechanical I, 685431, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      824.24        6.17%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., Attn: Mutual Funds Shareholder Accounting, 201 Progress PKWY, Maryland Hts, MO 63043-3042      123,519.02        94.20%  



   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,888,330.06        25.72%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97P47, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      2,570,810.88        22.89%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,588,282.26        14.14%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      809,488.34        7.21%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      713,889.37        6.36%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      655,230.10        5.83%  
CLASS C SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      527,718.09        38.36%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      266,616.53        19.38%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      129,091.09        9.38%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      94,294.00        6.85%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      85,340.86        6.20%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      56,694,980.06        38.42%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      34,082,983.82        23.10%  
   Suntrust Bank Mutual Funds, SEI Private TR Co., C/O Suntrust ID 866, Attn: Mutual Fund Administrator, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      17,473,502.81        11.84%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      17,377,333.39        11.78%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      4,700,193.28        62.67%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      2,218,922.16        29.58%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      534,152.16        7.12%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      502,170,524.17        99.02%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Reliance Trust Company/FIS, Maril & Co. FBOSG, C/O Reliance Trust Company (WI), 480 Pilgrim Way Ste. 1000, Green Bay, WI 54304-5280      476,269.99        90.040%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      51,699.22        9.774%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      10,094.98        65.79%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct Accts., 1016 Founders Ridge Ln., McLean, VA 22102-2040      4,804.55        31.31%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of



   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      808,501.95        36.89%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co, FBO Customers, 501 Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      641,828.70        29.29%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      285,741.55        13.04%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      177,562.72        8.10%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      163,574.53        7.46%  
ADMINISTRATION SHARES    BB&T Capital Markets, Legal Services Corp of Virginia, 919 E Main St STE 615, Richmond, VA 23219-4600      93,529.94        97.25%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    18 Fremont Street Acquisition, LLC, 1 Fremont St., Las Vegas, NV 89101-5601      34,192,967.17        22.77%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      28,384,229.12        18.90%  
   Endeavor Operating Co, LLC, Entertainment LLC, 11 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010-3643      14,925,373.13        9.94%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      12,994,562.83        8.66%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      12,355,316.38        8.23%  
INVESTOR SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      3,595,980.32        39.66%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      3,029,447.19        33.41%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      2,245,085.79        24.76%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      175,996,520.74        99.92%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
PREFERRED SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,633.19        100.00%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Motorola Solutions Retirement Trust, 500 Monroe St., Chicago, IL 60661-3671      66,690,609.32        69.20%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, Tactical Exposure Fund, 200 W St. Fl 36, New York, NY 10282-2102      27,568,515.89        28.61%  



   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      2,985,883.52        18.62%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,462,211.92        15.36%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,333,427.58        14.55%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,261,819.99        14.11%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,609,367.82        10.04%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      951,177.26        5.93%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      3,303,811.85        25.53%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,891,285.66        14.62%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      1,467,789.37        11.34%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,457,012.43        11.26%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,179,699.15        9.12%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,129,125.24        8.73%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      1,042,469.46        8.06%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      26,158,070.56        30.06%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      11,458,338.33        13.17%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      10,215,819.95        11.74%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      8,949,140.71        10.29%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      8,758,576.34        10.07%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      4,935,154.44        5.67%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      3,307,553.22        45.44%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      1,744,957.08        23.97%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      956,290.97        13.14%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      417,539.47        5.74%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      32,391,335.43        99.82%  
CLASS R SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      134,110.73        26.33%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      96,199.15        18.89%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      82,179.45        16.13%  
   MML Distributors, LLC-Aviator, Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1295 State St. MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      59,514.92        11.69%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co LLC, GS Variable Insurance Trust, GS Multi-Strategy Alternatives Portfolio, 70 Fargo St., Boston, MA 02210-2126      188,906.15        25.33%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      163,064.67        21.86%  
   JP Morgan Securities LLC FBO Customers, Mutual Fund Dept., 3 Chase Metrotech Center, Fl. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11245-0001      106,964.29        14.34%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      80,072.36        10.74%  
   EFC Financial Services, LLC, Ascensus Trust Company FBO B&L Associates 401(K) Plan 20925, P.O. Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      71,141.82        9.54%  
   MML Distributors, Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1295 State St. MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      50,335.95        6.75%  



   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      972,594.09        32.93%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      416,889.04        14.12%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   GWFS Equities Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC TTEE/C Employee Benefits 401(k), C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E Orchard Rd 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      235,947.90        7.99%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GWFS Equities Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC TTEE F Energy North West 401(k) Deferred Comp., Action Plan, 8515 E Orchard Rd 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      795,582.03        27.59%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      657,781.87        22.81%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      491,637.92        17.05%  
SEPARATE ACCOUNT INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GS PWM INSTL Class, Goldman Sachs & Co. FBO Account# 021117726 C/O Mutual Fund OPS 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282-2198      2,027,572.50        9.96%  
   GS PWM INSTL Class, Goldman Sachs & Co. FBO Account# 021117601 C/O Mutual Fund OPS 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282-2198      1,468,183.23        7.21%  
   GS PWM INSTL Class, Goldman Sachs & Co. FBO Account# 021113246 C/O Mutual Fund OPS 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282-2198      1,155,051.92        5.67%  
   GS PWM INSTL Class, Goldman Sachs & Co. FBO Account# 021087754 C/O Mutual Fund OPS 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282-2198      1,071,012.09        5.26%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      14,315,697.94        91.07%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      915,970.09        5.83%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      854,571.63        99.88%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GWFS Equities Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC TTEE/C Employee Benefits 401(k), C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E Orchard Rd 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      953,762.66        65.52%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      297,298.77        20.42%  
   State Street Bank Trustee and or Custodian FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2901      83,148.73        5.71%  





   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      108,435.33        36.16%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      70,646.33        23.56%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      27,642.16        9.22%  
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Omnibus, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops Manager, 60 S 6th ST. Ste. 700 #P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      19,722.53        6.58%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      18,759.49        6.26%  
CLASS C SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      74,207.59        64.42%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      22,566.84        19.59%  
INTUITIONAL SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      33,605.34        58.54%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      13,714.88        23.89%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      10,086.17        17.57%  
INVESTOR SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      64,432.30        83.09%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      6,192.17        7.99%  
   EFC Financial Services, LLC, Ascensus Trust Company FBO Legacy Biodesign 401(k) Plan 224748, P.O. Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      4,424.15        5.71%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      154,674.73        99.46%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,459.54        100.00%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      229,570.63        99.68%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      3,919,296.20        12.77%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,014,946.90        6.56%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      157,616.68        12.35%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR1, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      117,583.85        9.22%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      580,216.69        25.41%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      411,269.25        18.01%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      320,355.19        14.03%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      162,302.13        7.11%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      134,863.88        5.91%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      103,844.22        36.05%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      52,476.35        18.22%  
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      39,713.09        13.79%  
   Mid Atlantic Capital Corp., Bates Brothers Moving & Truck 401(k), 1251 Waterfront Pl STE 525, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4228      22,460.37        7.80%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      22,221.71        7.72%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FIIOC FBO Origene Technologies Inc. 401(k) Plan, 100 Magellan Way #KW1C, Covington, KY 41015-1987      20,108.06        6.98%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      3,233,917.09        99.99%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      338,018.37        88.27%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      82,434.15        97.30%  
SERVICE SHARES    Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      44,501.05        62.40%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account, 200 Hopmeadow St., Weatogue, CT 06089-9793      13,218.89        18.54%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      6,869.93        9.63%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      55,461.43        14.31%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97PS0, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      55,232.70        14.25%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      44,995.68        11.61%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      41,584.23        10.73%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      30,428.52        7.85%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      30,423.65        7.85%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      29,044.49        7.49%  
CLASS C SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      11,773.22        20.76%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      11,484.04        20.25%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      9,406.65        16.59%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      5,484.68        9.67%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      5,199.55        9.17%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      4,348.98        7.67%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      203,893.49        30.97%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      121,459.94        18.45%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, FBO RT Sherwin Williams Rabbi Trust, 021022000, PO Box 1533, Minneapolis, MN 55480-1533      89,116.89        13.53%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      75,159.13        11.41%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      42,078.81        6.39%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      5,395.91        72.64%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,372.84        18.48%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      515.05        6.93%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      6,592,013.86        98.12%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,378.65        65.01%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      742.03        34.99%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      22,956.12        78.21%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, PAI Trust Company, Inc., Smith Communication Partners, Inc., 1300 Enterprise Dr., De Pere, WI 54115-4934      5,596.76        19.07%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      240,631.90        36.06%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      146,521.13        21.96%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      63,808.45        9.56%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      41,273.40        6.19%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co, FBO Customers, 501 Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      38,136.92        5.72%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      36,712.96        5.50%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    M&T Bank, SEI Private Trust Company, C/O M&T Bank ID 337, One Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      667,475.55        31.42%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      525,569.84        24.74%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      214,304.28        10.09%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      127,144.87        5.99%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      110,690.26        5.21%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      48,645,543.21        98.23%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      880.14        100.00%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      4,319,527.75        53.92%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS C SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RR5, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      34,358.51        16.30%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      30,012.92        14.24%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      16,528.45        7.84%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      11,805.55        5.60%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      10,742.21        5.10%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, Flushing Savings Bank NQ Plans Mast, PO Box 52129, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2129      169,930.8        33.30%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      81,041.09        15.88%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      51,997.64        10.19%  
   Reliance Trust Co., Reliance Trust Company FBO Pentegra Omnibus, P.O. Box 2804, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      44,338.22        8.69%  
INVESTOR SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      21,583.44        36.18%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      18,312.82        30.70%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      15,587.17        26.13%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      282,963.24        97.94%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Provident Trust, Custodian FBO Region V Services 457(b) Plan, 8401 W Dodge Rd STE 256, Omaha, NE 68114-3493      14,425.67        36.817%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      10,939.58        27.920%  
   Cetera Advisors LLC, Pam O’ FBO Medalist Golf Inc. 401(k) Profit Sha, 327 Dahlonega St STE 1005, Cumming, GA 30040-8210      7,617.73        19.442%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      150,209.94        99.78%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      3,310.66        73.95%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      408.88        9.13%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., Attn: Mutual Funds Shareholder Accounting, 201 Progress PKWY, Maryland Hts, MO 63043-3042      292.66        6.54%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      262.62        5.87%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      134,783.24        29.44%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      118,357.12        25.85%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      44,777.65        9.78%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      37,325.03        8.15%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      35,491.20        7.75%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      23,055.75        5.04%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      45,813.30        34.27%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      31,980.81        23.92%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      14,069.75        10.53%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co, FBO Customers, 501 Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      7,496.87        5.61%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      20,159.68        43.87%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      17,844.89        38.83%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      6,786.50        14.77%  
INVESTOR SHARES    TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      3,098.15        56.06%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,428.83        43.95%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      858,498.78        99.90%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,543.47        74.04%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, MG Trust Company CUST FBO Ottawa Elementary Dist. #141403B, 717 17th St. STE 1300, Denver CO 80202-3304      883.04        25.70%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      14,867.10        92.94%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,128.77        7.06%  



   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,920.05        49.31%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,054.71        17.81%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, 9703 Versailles Rd, Angola, NY 14006-9519      979.37        16.54%  
   Allstate Financial Services LLC, UMB Bank NA, CUST Non DFI Simple FBO, 2 Hickory Ln, Daytona, FL 32118-5409      507.23        8.57%  
   Allstate Financial Services LLC, UMB Bank NA, CUST Non DFI Simple FBO, 2 Hickory Ln, Daytona, FL 32118-5409      334.32        5.65%  
CLASS C SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,856.62        100.00%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      63,071.28        87.20%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      9,259.26        12.80%  
INVESTOR SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,949.87        100.00%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      446,423.80        99.77%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,902.98        100.00%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,965.25        100.00%  



   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Sprint Master Trust, 6200 Sprint PKWY #HF0202-2BDTX, Overland Park, KS 66251-6117      24,156,359.32        24.44%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Christian School Pension Trust fund, 3350 East Paris AVE SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49515-3054      23,946,020.87        24.23%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Valvoline LLC, Defined Benefit Trust, 100 Valvoline Way, Lexington, KY 40509-2714      17,505,520.83        17.71%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, KPMG Pensions Plan, 3 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale, NJ 07645-1842      11,879,887.47        12.02%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, M&T Directed Trustee Retirement Plan of Crouse Hospital, 736 Irving Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210-1687      5,611,177.06        5.68%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      2,388,470.15        13.22%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR7, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,570,926.89        8.69%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,481,643.46        8.20%  
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      1,292,133.07        7.15%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,032,648.61        5.71%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      941,943.55        5.21%  
CLASS C SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR7, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      541,656.27        14.50%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      476,773.53        12.76%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      411,032.05        11.00%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      350,348.32        9.38%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      336,123.98        9.00%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      188,698.99        5.05%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      186,906.66        5.00%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,584,389.86        21.99%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      4,418,899.99        21.20%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,186,749.35        10.49%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,296,346.47        6.22%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      1,354,698.03        35.22%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      569,575.74        14.81%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      505,578.04        13.14%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      347,178.72        9.03%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      210,606.55        5.48%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      3,033,144.08        99.98%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      1,175,280.22        44.07%  
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      643,121.23        24.11%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Associated Trust Company, PO Box 22037, Green Bay, WI 54305-2037      2,674,705.62        33.93%  
   ational Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,062,309.84        26.16%  
   Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, Attn: Outside Funds K22, PO Box 2600, Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600      400,045.01        5.08%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,109,762.53        69.86%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      179,300.37        11.29%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Fifth Third Bank TTEE, Various FASCORP Record Kept Plans, 8515 E Orchard Rd 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      96,817.95        6.09%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,882,885.83        32.46%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      509,309.82        8.78%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      458,763.70        7.91%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      345,248.77        5.95%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      337,390.80        5.82%  
CLASS C SHARES    UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      1,015,505.62        65.47%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      93,771.82        6.05%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      81,395.21        5.25%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      7,952,532.16        77.26%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      524,148.17        5.09%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      163,307.61        57.75%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      61,145.43        21.62%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      29,521.21        10.44%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      14,140.44        5.00%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      12,001,309.40        99.79%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      214,210.75        74.43%  
   MML Distributor, LLC-Aviator, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      28,095.35        9.76%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      26,189.52        9.10%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      81,419.89        56.73%  
   MML Distributors LLC, Reliance Trust Company FBO MassMutual Registered Product, P.O. Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      30,465.89        21.23%  
   MML Distributor, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      28,167.20        19.63%  
SERVICE SHARES    TCA TrustCorp. America, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. NW, 4th Fl, Washington, DC 20015-2047      39,412.84        57.97%  
   Lincoln Financial Group Trust Co., FBO Rollover IRA Plans, 1 Granite Pl, Concord, NH 03301-3271      14,568.40        21.43%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      9,311.12        13.70%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      4,593,625.88        28.68%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Company, Hartford Life Insurance Co. Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd. N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      1,193,876.12        7.45%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RJ3, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,053,467.18        6.58%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      889,677.13        5.55%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      168,094.52        17.78%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RS5, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      155,486.15        16.44%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      80,197.26        8.48%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      71,593.41        7.57%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      70,343.79        7.44%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      65,019.91        6.88%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      63,549.32        6.72%  
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Omnibus, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops Manager, 60 S 6th ST. Ste. 700 #P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      49,225.90        5.21%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,018,843.03        19.86%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,335,934.16        13.14%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      923,016.09        9.08%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      828,389.85        8.15%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, Wells Fargo Bank FBO Various Retirement Plans, 9888888836 NC 1151, 1525 West WT Harris BLVD, Charlotte, NC 28288-1076      636,584.03        6.26%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      511,149.64        5.03%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      661,606.74        50.42%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      266,680.00        20.32%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      158,459.80        12.08%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      4,240,040.34        99.72%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      207,990.54        29.66%  
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      138,881.21        19.80%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      88,927.20        12.68%  
   MML Distributor, LLC-Aviator, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      57,199.23        8.16%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,044,810.42        67.96%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Great West Trust Co. LLC, Plans of Great West Financial, 8515 E Orchard Rd. #2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      121,175.40        7.88%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      120,468.24        7.84%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      842,032.05        57.80%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, P.O. Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      150,811.44        10.35%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account, 200 Hopmeadow St., Weatogue, CT 06089-9793      117,748.73        8.08%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      102,866.19        7.06%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,563,294.38        12.55%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PY5, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,508,055.56        12.10%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      1,311,964.06        10.53%  
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      1,012,277.82        8.12%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      945,833.73        7.59%  
CLASS C SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ# 97RT6, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      62,131.58        25.76%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      54,830.96        22.74%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      17,628.95        7.31%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, St Louis, MO 63103-2523      17,326.39        7.19%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      17,271.09        7.16%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      22,959,927.16        37.70%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, Wells Fargo Bank FBO Various Retirement Plans, 9888888836 NC 1151, 1525 West WT Harris BLVD, Charlotte, NC 28288-1076      6,351,159.67        10.43%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      6,042,177.12        9.92%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      633,127.73        22.36%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      631,762.73        22.31%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      169,977.27        6.00%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Great West Trust Co. LLC, Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E Orchard Rd. #2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      159,879.16        5.65%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      4,493,544.09        99.35%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      679,217.52        37.06%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      309,013.87        16.86%  
   MML Distributor, LLC-Aviator, Mass Mutual Life Insurance, 1295 State St. MIP M200-INVST, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      252,226.01        13.76%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      120,109.13        6.55%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      111,356.12        6.08%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      8,093,266.36        31.92%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      2,400,389.22        9.47%  
   JP Morgan Securities LLC FBO Customers, Mutual Fund Dept., 3 Chase Metrotech Center, Fl. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11245-0001      1,466,687.74        5.79%  
SERVICE SHARES    American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, P.O. Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      546910.58        33.55%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      293,977.04        18.03%  
   John Hancock Trust Co, LLC, 690 Canton St. STE 100, Westwood, MA 02090-2324      165,109.22        10.13%  
   Security Benefit Life Insurance Co., UMB Bank NA, FBO Fiduciary for Tax Deferred Accts., 1 SW Security Benefit Pl., Topeka, KS 66636-1000      147,177.50        9.03%  
   Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account, 200 Hopmeadow St., Weatogue, CT 06089-9793      83,109.06        5.10%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,648,256.74        11.91%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,334,728.81        9.65%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,267,935.70        9.16%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,034,648.91        7.48%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,010,238.47        7.30%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,001,102.70        7.23%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      880,839.06        6.37%  
   Voya Financial Partners LLC, Voya Retirement insurance & Annuity Co, 1 Orange Way, Windsor, CT 06095-4773      732,226.33        5.29%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,364,882.39        24.73%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,646,754.36        17.22%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      1,547,682.15        16.19%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      855,687.15        8.95%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      824,304.33        8.62%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      8,176,582.12        22.52%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      4,551,064.78        12.53%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      3,590,924.36        9.89%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      3,425,625.21        9.43%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      2,782,052.97        7.66%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,212,165.35        6.09%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      8,927,817.92        48.61%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,720,859.25        14.81%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      2,495,018.56        13.58%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,425,264.33        7.76%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,361,062.51        7.41%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      8,325,490.28        98.88%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Co., Separate Account 401, 1 Griffin Rd N, Windsor, CT 06095-1512      240,783.82        31.25%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      110,454.62        14.34%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GWFS Equities Inc., Great West Trust Co. LLC, Plans of Great West Financial, 8515 E Orchard Rd. #2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      447,178.88        18.55%  
   Prudential PIMS/Retirement, As Nominee for the TTEE/CUST PL 767, CGB Enterprises Inc. 401(k), 1127 Highway 190, East Service Rd., Covington, LA 70433      433,174.80        17.96%  
   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      291,180.77        12.08%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      195,102.45        8.09%  
   Principal Securities Inc., DCGT AS TTEE and/or Cust., FBO PLIC various retirement plans, Omnibus, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      166,094.11        6.89%  
SERVICE SHARES    GWFS Equities Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC TTEE/C FBO Great West IRA Advantage, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E Orchard Rd 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      739,072.89        83.38%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      69,592.22        7.85%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      24,691.29        21.98%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      23,368.94        20.80%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      17,347.73        15.44%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      16,923.68        15.07%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      43,926.67        50.98%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      15,037.15        17.45%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      345,274.79        67.55%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, FBO Mastercard INTL Deferral Plan, 10071000, P.O. Box 1533, Minneapolis, MN 55480-1533      125,330.47        24.52%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      146,452.30        54.38%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      116,412.57        43.22%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      4,014,044.48        99.98%  
CLASS R SHARES    GWFS Equities Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Co. TTEE FBO, Corporate Facilities Group Inc. EMP C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E Orchard Rd. 2T2, Greenwood Village, CO, 80111-5002      7,943.11        59.11%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., PAI Trust Company Inc., River Falls Eye Surgery & Laser Center, 1300 Enterprise Dr., DE Pere, WI 54115-4934      4,424.26        32.92%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      941.40        7.01%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Voya institutional Plan Services LLC, Ing National Trust, As Trustee or Custodian for Core Market Retirement Plans, 1 Heritage Dr., North Quincy, MA 02171-2105      4,393,214.01        92.04%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company, Attn: Outside Funds K22, PO Box 2600, Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600      379,012.91        7.94%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      484,688.07        100.00%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      142,213,008.27        99.99%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      963.89        100.00%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      557,942.36        18.20%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      469,699.34        15.32%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FIIOC FBO, Inter-Mares Trading Co., Profit Sharing & 401(k) Plan, 100 Magellan Way #KW1C, Covington, KY 41015-1987      226,298.61        7.38%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR7, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      202,921.42        6.62%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      196,528.38        6.41%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      182,734.37        5.96%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      178,770.28        5.83%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      105,292.48        15.97%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      92,771.96        14.07%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      85,510.59        12.97%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      74,139.22        11.24%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      40,775.11        6.18%  
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Omnibus, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops Manager, 60 S 6th ST. Ste. 700 #P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      40,464.57        6.14%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR7, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      39,293.31        5.96%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      3,289,962.21        67.38%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      389,073.75        7.97%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      304,342.38        6.23%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      262,164.32        5.37%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      258,214.90        5.29%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      80,719.50        53.00%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      49,252.73        32.34%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      11,168.22        7.33%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      6,959,647.52        99.89%  
CLASS R SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 97PR8, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      31,527.79        95.06%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      40,879.21        96.43%  
SERVICE SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, MG Trust Company CUST. FBO Robbins Tesar, Inc. 401(k) Plan, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      27,901.07        43.81%  
   Lincoln Financial Advisors, Lincoln Financial Group Trust Co. FBO Rollover IRA Plans, 1 Granite Pl., Concord, NH 0331-3271      12,561.61        19.73%  
   Lincoln Financial Advisors, Lincoln Financial Group Trust Co. FBO Traditional IRA Plans, 1 Granite Pl., Concord, NH 0331-3271      12,374.17        19.43%  
   Lincoln Financial Advisors, Lincoln Financial Group Trust Co. FBO Rollover SS IRA Plan, 1 Granite Pl., Concord, NH 0331-3271      3,793.85        5.96%  



   Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 295 S Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-2185      1,789,572.92        69.11%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      410,531.40        15.85%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, AST Goldman Sachs Global Growth Portfolio, Gateway Center Three, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, NL 07102-4056      198,532.22        7.67%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      326,710,345.50        100.00%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co LLC, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Goldman Sachs Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio Local Emerging Markets Debt Institutional, 1 Beacon St. Fl 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      28,680,339.62        37.54%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Deloitte Pension Plan For Employees, Multi Asset Class, 695 E Main St., Stamford, CT 06901-2141      9,842,787.78        12.89%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Deloitte Pension Plan For Partners, PRIN and DIR Multi Asset Class, Senior MGR Total Rewards COE Talent, 695 E Main St., Stamford, CT 06901-2141      6,665,052.27        8.73%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co LLC, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Goldman Sachs Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio Equity Dividend and Premium, 1 Beacon St. Fl 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      6,246,036.60        8.18%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Sprint Master Trust, 6200 Sprint PKWY #HF0202-2BDTX, Overland Park, KS 66251-6117      5,964,439.83        7.81%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, KPMG Pension Plan, 3 Chestnut Ridge Rd, Montvale, NJ 07645-1842      4,061,224.49        5.32%  



   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      20,367.12        70.32%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co, FBO Customers, 501 Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      6,175.05        21.32%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      831,214.76        29.90%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      816,308.61        29.37%  
   JP Morgan Securities LLC FBO Customers, Mutual Fund Dept., 3 Chase Metrotech Center, Fl. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11245-0001      401,026.00        14.43%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co, FBO Customers, 501 Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      243,111.42        8.75%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      176,450,717.16        99.27%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      655.11        100.00%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,036,249.57        15.60%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,305,424.24        10.00%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 9EH17, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      904,457.76        6.93%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Inc. FBO our clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      781,540.56        5.99%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      707,843.10        5.42%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      240,266.96        18.13%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC# 9EH17, Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East 3rd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      177,590.69        13.40%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      137,679.02        10.39%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      124,798.64        9.42%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      84,736.94        6.40%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers, Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Flr., 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      720,390.74        24.69%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, P.O. Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      307,806.67        10.55%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St, Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      276,858.78        9.49%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      244,420.44        8.38%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz. Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      194,603.92        6.67%  
   Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      192,743.02        6.61%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Unit investment Trust, Attn: Separate Accounts, P.O. Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      172,471.54        5.91%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., American Enterprise Investment SVC, FBO 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      422,729.41        56.78%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      129,367.84        17.38%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      86,727.45        11.65%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      66,293.56        8.91%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      917,983.09        97.07%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      8,237.80        94.38%  
   GWFS Equities Inc., Great West Trust Co. LLC, TTEE F, Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E Orchard Rd. #2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      490.86        5.62%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
SERVICE SHARES    GWFS Equities Inc., Great West Trust Co. LLC, TTEE/C, FBO Great West IRA Advantage, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E Orchard Rd. #2T2, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      817,076.63        64.45%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, WTRISC Co. IRA Omnibus Account, C/O ICMA Retirement Corporation, 777 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington DC 20002-4239      209,398.39        16.52%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, P.O. Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      137,160.46        10.82%  



   Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, 30 N Lasalle St. 38th Fl., Chicago, IL 60602-2590      55,888,733.94        89.38%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO ANHE, 30 Hudson St. FL. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      5,392,353.41        8.62%  
CAPITAL SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO ACN7, 30 Hudson St. FL. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      573,774.44        91.71%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      51,836.58        8.29%  
CASH MANAGEMENT    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      50,963.53        54.10%  
   Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      43,248.05        45.91%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., 295 Chipeta Way Fl. 4, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1285      677,753,892.14        46.03%  
   JP Morgan Securities LLC, JPMS – Shase Processing 28521, JPMS IB 352, FBO 7528019313019, FBO Braeburn Capital, Inc., 4 Chase Metrotech Center 7th Fl., Brooklyn, NY 11245-0003      250,000,000.00        16.98%  
   Hare & Co., C/O The Bank Of New York STIF Department 2nd Fl., 111 Sanders Creek Pkwy., East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      79,000,000.00        5.37%  
PREFERRED SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      5,683,843.33        98.01%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
PREMIER SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      51,515.11        100.00%  
SELECT SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      48,949.13        100.00%  
SERVICE SHARES    Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, 30 N Lasalle St. 38th Fl., Chicago, IL 60602-2590      9,623,818.47        99.99%  



   Edward D Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., St Louis, MO 63131-3710      175,581,827.54        65.68%  
   UBS Financial Services Inc., UBS WM USA, 0O0 11011 6100, Omni Account M/F Special Custody A/C EBOC UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      18,421,512.09        6.89%  
   ADP/Broker Dealer Inc., State Street Bank and Trust TTEE/Cust., FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      14,353,544.32        5.37%  
ADMINISTRATION SHARES    Commerce Bank of Kansas City, NA, Mori & Co., Commerce Bank of Kansas City Attn: Trust Operations, 911 Main St. STE 201, Kansas City, MO 64105-5304      1,876,326,753.82        36.82%  
   M&T Bank, Tice & Co., C/O M&T Trust Co., P.O. Box 1377, Buffalo, NY 14240-1377      368,288,286.93        7.23%  
   Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, 30 N Lasalle St. 38th Fl., Chicago, IL 60602-2590      308,473,942.90        6.05%  
   Glenview Trust Company, Attn: Operations, 4969 US Highway 42 STE 2000, Louisville, KY 40222-6391      297,878,971.53        5.85%  
CLASS C SHARES    Goldman Sachs Direct EX DLR Accounts, Satimo LLC, ADP Plan # 610395, Goldman Sachs/ADP 401(k) Plan, 2105 Barrett Park Dr. NW STE 104, Kennesaw, GA 30144-7080      485,754.59        10.55%  
   Western International SEC Inc., Smelly Mels Plumbing Inc., ADP Plan #600396, Goldman Sachs/ADP 401(k) plan, 123 Manor Dr., Pacifica, CA 94044-1953      377,100.28        8.19%  
   Raymond James & Associates, 92500015, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL. 33716-1102      354,236.64        7.69%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs Direct Ex DLR Accounts, Rocky Fun Family Medicine, Goldman Sachs/ADP 401(k) Plan, ADP Plan #100645, 5645 Stone Rd., Centreville, VA 20120-1618      343,104.05        7.45%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct Ex DLR Account, StracQ Inc. DBA Stryka Botanics, Goldman Sachs/ADP 401(k) Plan, ADP Plan #170019, 239 Homestead Rd., Hillsborough, NJ 08844-1913      240,322.70        5.22%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, Garrod trust, ADP Plan #100504, Goldman Sachs/ADP 401(k) Plan, 22600 Mount Eden Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070-9758      230,621.07        5.01%  
CAPITAL SHARES    SEI Private trust Company, C/O Regions Bank, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456-9989      360,773,550.05        24.17%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Stratevest & Co., P.O. Box 2499, Brattleboro, VT 05303-2499      186,017,016.34        12.46%  
   Hare & Co., C/O The Bank Of New York STIF Department 2nd Fl., 111 Sanders Creek Pkwy., East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      147,279,456.68        9.87%  
   Raymond James Trust NA, Charitable Endowment Fund, P.O. Box 23559, St. Petersburg, FL 33742-3559      79,213,146.28        5.31%  
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    Pershing LLC, BNY Mellon NA, FBO Bank of Custody Solution, Attn: Cash Management, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0001      99,936,260.07        79.67%  
   Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      25,501,446.31        20.33%  
DREXEL HAMILTON CLASS SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Accounts, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      30,000.00        99.99%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Hare & Co., C/O The Bank Of New York STIF Department 2nd Fl., 111 Sanders Creek Pkwy., East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      9,291,949,291.01        9.96%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co., 295 Chipeta Way Fl. 4, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1285      4,908,249,160.87        5.26%  
PREFERRED SHARES    M&T Bank, Tice & Co., C/O M&T Trust Co., P.O. Box 1377, Buffalo, NY 14240-1377      451,456,431.51        38.99%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   CIBC Bank USA, Attn: Wealth Management Operations, 70 W Madison St. STE 800, Chicago, IL 60602-4282      202,193,853.17        17.46%  
   Commerce Bank of Kansas City, NA, Mori & Co., Commerce Bank of Kansas City Attn: Trust Operations, 911 Main St. STE 201, Kansas City, MO 64105-5304      110,175,554.18        9.51%  
   Commerce Bank – SE MO, Post Holding Inc., 2503 S Hanley Rd., St. Louis, MO 63144-2503      100,338,168.67        8.67%  
   Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      80,440,100.35        6.95%  
PREMIER SHARES    Bank of Oklahoma, Nabank & Co., C/O Bank of Oklahoma, Attn: Trust Securities, P.O. Box 2180, Tulsa, OK 74101-2180      127,762,012.26        73.13%  
   Commerce Bank – Lenxa, Beacon House LLC, 1055 Broadway Fl. 12, Kansas City, MO 64105-1591      10,190,241.19        5.83%  
RESOURCE SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      62,310,233.25        85.95%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Unit Investment Trust, Attn: Separate Accounts, P.O. Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      5,599,884.72        7.72%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, P.O. Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      4,587,317.52        6.33%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, GS Multi Manager, Global Equity Fund, 200 West St., New York, NY 10282-2102      44,541,183.76        52.95%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, Goldman Sachs Income Builder Fund, C/O Goldman Sachs & Co., 200 West St., New York, NY 10282-2198      18,681,537.85        22.21%  
SELECT SHARES    Bank of Oklahoma NA, Brazos Delaware II LLC, 3017 W 17th St STE 300, Fort Worth, TX 76107-2223      72,583,350.83        17.02%  
   Bank of Oklahoma NA, Craft Capital LLC, 1717 S Boulder Ave. STE 400, Tulsa, OK 74119-4833      51,245,570.20        12.01%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Bank Leumi USA, INRE Aggrenox Antitrust, Litigation Indirect Purchaser, QSF Escrow Account, 600 AB Data Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53217-4931      50,612,876.10        11.87%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, Wells Fargo Bank Account FBO Customers, Attn: Money Funds, 1525 West WT Harris BLVD, Charlotte, NC 28288-1076      42,369,444.36        9.93%  
   Band & Co. C/O US Bank, Attn: ACM Dept., P.O. Box 1787 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1787      27,990,142.14        6.56%  
SERVICE SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Stratevest & Co., P.O. Box 2499, Brattleboro, VT 05303-2499      321,770,758.54        46.59%  
   SEI Private trust Company, C/O City National Bank, One Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456-9989      40,792,292.89        5.91%  
   Laba & Co., 135 S Lasalle St. IL4 135 18 11, Chicago, IL 60603      39,264,301.43        5.69%  
   Security National Bank of Omaha, P.O. Box 31400, Omaha, NE 68131-0400      36,798,160.86        5.33%  



   Bank Leumi USA, 16047 Collins Ave., Apt. 2803, Sunny Island Beach, FL 33160-5581      1,101,461.70        24.52%  
   Bank Leumi USA, 322 W. 57th St., Apt. 50B, New York, NY 10019-8803      1,005,658.48        22.39%  
   Bank Leumi USA, 1705 Cochrane Rd., Morgan Hill, CA 95037-9311      1,002,863.40        22.33%  
   Bank Leumi USA, 199 Liberty Ave., Mineola, NY 11501-3513      252,452.37        5.62%  
   Bank Leumi USA, 28 Carriage Rd., Great Neck, NY 11024-1446      252,452.37        5.62%  
CAPITAL SHARES    BB&T Capital Markets, Lucky Four LLC, 11505 Brittany Oaks Dr., Charlotte, NC 28277-2406      4,859,427.94        41.48%  
   Bank Leumi USA, FBO Trust, 22 Cherry Lane, Kings Point, NY 11024-1153      4,440,116.78        37.90%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, Rock Corner Properties LLC, 1419 Rock Corner Rd., Forrest City, NC 28043-7668      1,205,038.41        10.29%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, Atlantic Coast Contractors, 7680 Townsend Dr., Denver, NC 28037-9206      1,008,283.26        8.61%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,027.35        99.99%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      2,575,774,535.61        15.97%  
   BofA Securities, Inc., 200 N. College St., Fl. 3, Charlotte, NC 28202-2191      1,416,752,087.45        8.78%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, Account FBO Customers, Attn: Money Funds, 1525 W. WT Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28288-1076      1,054,189,997.90        6.54%  
   Micron Technology, Inc., Attn: Treasury Investments MS 1-109, 8000 S. Federal Way, Boise, ID 83716-7128      850,279,927.12        5.27%  
PREFERRED SHARES    BB&T Capital Markets, Thermal Technologies, Inc., 130 Northpoint Center, Blythewood, SC 29016-8875      2,826,671.28        51.83%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, Atsko, Inc., 2664 Russel St., Orangeburg, SC 29115-3900      1,211,535.73        22.21%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, Petree & Stoudt Assoc., Inc., PO Box 4069, High Point, NC 27263-4069      442,899.23        8.12%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center, Inc., 515 S. George St., York, PA 17401-2723      361,389.23        6.63%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, United Way of S. Hampton, RDS Investments, 2515 Walmer Ave., Norfolk, VA 23513-2604      322,283.56        5.91%  
PREMIER SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,039.51        99.99%  
RESOURCE SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,031.74        99.99%  
SELECT SHARES    BB&T Capital Markets, Advanced Home Care, Inc., PO Box 18049, Greensboro, NC 27419-8049      15,197,326.42        44.56%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, High Point University, 1 University Parkway, High Point, NC 27268-0002      8,429,453.77        24.72%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   BB&T Capital Markets, Bonray Investments LLC, 929 E. Britton Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73114-7802      3,923,657.72        11.51%  
SERVICE SHARES    BB&T Capital Markets, The Lawson Companies, Inc., 373 Edwin Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4522      5,070.05        65.81%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct EX DLR Accounts, 30 Moreno Point Rd., PH 701C, Destin, FL 32541-3186      1,095.27        14.22%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,035.96        13.45%  
   One Bank & Trust NA, Treadway Properties Building Fund, 300 W. Capitol Ave., Little Rock, AR 72201-3544      500.61        6.50%  



   Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, 30 N. LaSalle St., Fl. 38, Chicago, IL 60602-2590      75,287,092.72        91.70%  
CAPITAL SHARES    BB&T Capital Markets, Alpha Omega Construction Group, PO Box 3196, Matthews, NC 28106-3196      3,766,157.39        60.34%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, Hope International, 277 Granite Run Dr., Suite 250, Lancaster, PA 17601      796,559.42        12.76%  
   Bank of Oklahoma NA, Actus Holdings LLC, 3100 Norge Rd., Chickasha, OK 73018-6169      563,163.97        9.02%  
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,027.51        99.99%  
DREXEL HAMILTON CLASS SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      29,982.01        99.99%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,009,279,001.67        16.43%  
   Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      649,906,625.59        10.58%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   BofA Securities, Inc., 200 N. College St., Fl. 3, Charlotte, NC 28202-2191      488,276,188.39        7.95%  
PREFERRED SHARES    BB&T Capital Markets, O’Neal, Inc., 10 Falcon Crest Dr., Suite 300, Greenville, SC 29607-1586      2,322,564.00        60.61%  
   BB&T Capital Markets, American Civil Liberties Union Capital Improvement Fund, Foundation, Inc. – John Adams Fund, Attn: Accounting Department, 125 Broad St., New York, NY 10004-2427      993,674.67        25.93%  
   Bank of Oklahoma NA, West Texas Automation, Inc., PO Box 1610, Joshua, TX 76058-1610      503,769.24        13.15%  
PREMIER SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,039.12        99.99%  
RESOURCE SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,030.57        99.99%  
SELECT SHARES    M&T Bank, Tice & Co., C/O M&T Trust Co. Reinvest, PO Box 1377, Buffalo, NY 14240-1377      25,769,334.06        26.26%  
   Bank of Oklahoma NA, Southwest Energy LP, 1869 E. 71st St., Tulsa, OK 74136-3922      24,817,623.93        25.29%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, Account FBO Customers, Attn: Money Funds, 1525 W. WT Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28288-1076      16,404,120.71        16.72%  
   Bank of Oklahoma NA, The DKJ LAJ Family Trust, 1869 E. 71st St, Tulsa, OK 74136-3922      6,832,430.80        6.96%  
   Bank of Oklahoma NA, Strat Land Exploration Co., 15 E. 5th St., Suite 2020, Tulsa, OK 74103-4318      6,247,886.90        6.37%  
SERVICE SHARES    Delaware Trust Company, CSC Trust Company of Delaware, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808-1674      3,362.08        94.84%  



   Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      495,000,784.56        25.89%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   BMO Harris Bank NA, BMO Harris Bank NA GS Investment, Acct FBO BMO Harris Bank NA GS, 111 W. Monroe St., Fl. 9, Chicago, IL 60603-4096      116,353,551.18        6.09%  
   Union Bank, Union Bank Tr. Nominee FBO Cash Management Sweeps, PO Box 85484, San Diego, CA 92186-5484      114,031,939.47        5.97%  
CAPITAL SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO AL03, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      440,157,681.78        46.61%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO ALYX, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      68,658,943.20        7.27%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO AR75, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      51,620,015.94        5.47%  
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    Pershing LLC, BNY Mellon NA, FBO Bank of Custody Solution, Attn: Cash Management, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      6,829,815.03        63.21%  
   Jefferies LLC, FBO Triple S Fund LP, 101 Hudson St., Fl. 11, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3915      3,924,526.61        36.32%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      15,774,834,359.54        30.15%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co., 295 Chipeta Way, Fl. 4, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1285      4,229,882,380.71        8.08%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, Attn: Cash Sweep Department – MAC N9310-130, 550 S. 4th St., Minneapolis, MN 55415-1529      3,292,951,039.90        6.29%  
PREFERRED SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      53,470,664.50        63.54%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO 7MBP, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      10,760,141.79        12.79%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO ALXT, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      4,373,223.94        5.20%  
PREMIER SHARES    Bank of Oklahoma, NA Bank & Co., C/O Bank Of Oklahoma, Attn: Trust Securities, PO Box 2180, Tulsa, OK 74101-2180      148,841,352.04        99.99%  
RESOURCE SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,022.00        100.00%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
SELECT SHARES    Deutsche Bank Trust Co., Horseshoe Re II Ltd., Segregated Account LC02100 RTA, Wessex House 45 Reid St., Hamiliton, Bermuda HM 12      78,081,012.12        55.19%  
   Deutsche Bank Trust Co., Horseshoe Re II Ltd., Segregated Account LC1100, Wessex House 45 Reid St., Hamiliton, Bermuda HM 12      35,032,397.49        24.76%  
   Deutsche Bank Trust Co., Horseshoe Re II Ltd., Insurance Trust, Wessex House 45 Reid St., Hamiliton, Bermuda HM 12      15,195,602.20        10.74%  
SERVICE SHARES    Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      9,755,213.92        42.93%  
   Cenco, Compass Bank, Sweep Coordinator, 701 32nd St. S., Birmingham, AL 35233-3515      6,588,480.12        28.99%  
   Western Alliance Bank, Attn: Finance, One East Washington St., Suite 600, Phoenix, AZ 85004-2580      4,107,416.18        18.07%  
   SEI Private Trust Company, C/O BBVA Compass Bank, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      1,590,756.25        7.00%  



   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Stratevest & Co., PO Box 2499, Brattleboro, VT 05303-2499      448,331,991.97        19.81%  
   Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      304,742,754.16        13.47%  
   Fulton Bank, The Fulton Company, PO Box 3215, Lancaster, PA 17604-3215      234,584,191.80        10.37%  
   M&T Bank, Tice & Co., C/O M&T Trust Co., PO Box 1377, Buffalo, NY 14240-1377      218,482,548.96        9.66%  
   GreatBanc Trust Company, Anbee & Co., C/O GreatBanc Trust Company, 801 Warrenville Rd., Suite 500, Lisle, IL 60532-4347      188,518,084.59        8.33%  
   TD Banknorth NA, Attn: Deposit Accounting ME091-31N, PO Box 1377, Lewiston, ME 04243-1377      115,615,997.49        5.11%  
CAPITAL SHARES    First National Capital Markets, Inc., Applied Underwriters Captive Risk Assurance, PO Box 3646, Omaha, NE 68103-0646      85,924,072.46        15.45%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO AR98, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      48,204,870.36        8.67%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO 7TLN, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      42,625,714.36        7.66%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO AHPR, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      37,058,767.57        6.66%  
   First National Capital Markets, Inc., Continental Indemnity Co., 10805 Old Mill Rd., Omaha, NE 68154-2607      34,160,462.10        6.14%  
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      12,056,703.37        50.02%  
   Pershing LLC, BNY Mellon NA, FBO Bank of Custody Solution, Attn: Cash Management, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      10,671,503.02        44.28%  
   Jefferies LLC, FBO Cavatina Capital LLC, 101 Hudson St., Fl. 11, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3915      1,372,845.82        5.70%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      3,935,006,022.22        29.82%  
PREFERRED SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      122,860,419.45        28.03%  
   BBC Partnership, 1401 Avenue Q, Lubbock, TX 79401-3819      105,591,712.71        24.09%  
   M&T Bank, Tice & Co., C/O M&T Trust Co., PO Box 1377, Buffalo, NY 14240-1377      104,065,651.03        23.74%  
   Union Bank & Trust Co., Industricorp & Co., 312 Central Ave. S.E., Suite 508, Minneapolis, MN 55414-1166      43,818,539.73        10.00%  
   Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      24,477,656.04        5.58%  
   Enterprise Bank & Trust, 1281 N. Warson Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63132-1805      23,107,327.33        5.27%  
PREMIER SHARES    Commerce Bank – Lenexa, Cement Masons And Plasterers Local 518, Health Care Fund Holding Account, 2156 W. 2200 S., Salt Lake City, UT 84119-1326      4,822,767.68        25.98%  
   Commerce Bank – SE MO, C&E Investment Properties, Inc., 5845 Crystal Tree Cors, Saint Louis, MO 63128-3207      3,368,597.95        18.14%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Commerce Bank – Lenexa, Tower Properties Company, 1000 Walnut St., Suite 900, Kansas City, MO 64106-2161      3,351,882.23        18.05%  
   Commerce Bank – SE MO, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, 9450 Clayton Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63124-1568      989,587.14        5.33%  
RESOURCE SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,023.80        100.00%  
SELECT SHARES    Bank of Oklahoma NA, Texas Oncology PA, 12221 Merit Dr., Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75251-3100      38,143,211.03        74.17%  
   Deutsche Bank Trust Co., Bayonne Water Joint Venture LLC, Revenue Account, C/O Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., 9 W. 57th St., Suite 4200, New York, NY 10019-2707      5,131,669.35        9.98%  
   J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, FBO Third Party TS Link, 10410 Highland Manor Dr., Fl. 3, Tampa, FL 33610-9128      5,006,244.35        9.73%  
SERVICE SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Stratevest & Co., PO Box 2499, Brattleboro, VT 05303-2499      356,237,860.91        42.49%  
   SEI Private Trust Company, C/O Regions Bank, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      220,641,762.57        26.32%  
   Hare & Co., C/O The Bank of New York, STIF Department, Fl. 2, 111 Sanders Creek Parkway, East Syracuse, NY 13057-1382      121,545,344.52        14.50%  



   Harris Associates, LP, The Oakmark Funds, Attn: Mutual Fund Operations, C/O Harris Associates, 111 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 4600, Chicago, IL 60606-4319      60,152,634.76        16.90%  
   Commerce Bank of Kansas City, NA, Mori & Co., Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Attn: Trust Operations, 911 Main St., Suite 201, Kansas City, MO 64105-5304      38,390,279.14        10.78%  
   Jefferies LLC, FBO Karsub 1 LLC, 101 Hudson St., Fl. 11, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3915      34,890,272.70        9.80%  
   Jefferies LLC, FBO Venrock Healthcare Capital, 101 Hudson St., Fl. 11, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3915      29,172,636.56        8.19%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Simmons Bank, C/O Simmons Bank, 501 S. Main St., Pine Bluff, AR 71601-4327      23,849,187.98        6.70%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, FBO AR2R, 30 Hudson St., Fl. 5, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4600      19,152,307.25        5.38%  
   Jefferies LLC, FBO NIS Preferred Stock Fund II LLC, 101 Hudson St., Fl. 11, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3915      18,912,868.97        5.31%  
CAPITAL SHARES    Commerce Bank – Lenexa, Skaggs Community Hospital Assoc., DBA Cox Medical Center Branson, 1423 N. Jefferson Ave., Springfield, MO 65802-1917      14,622,648.79        11.37%  
   Commerce Bank – Lenexa, Massman Construction Co., 4400 W. 109th St., Suite 300, Overland Park, KS 66211-1319      10,491,843.52        8.16%  
   Commerce Bank – Lenexa, The Pembroke Hill School, 400 W. 51st St., Kansas City, MO 64112-3407      10,337,045.78        8.04%  
   Commerce Bank of Kansas City, BKD LLP, PO Box 1900, Springfield, MO 65801-1900      7,862,143.38        6.11%  
   Commerce Bank – Lenexa, Ridewell Corporation, PO Box 4586, Springfield, MO 65808-4586      6,657,656.53        5.18%  
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Stratevest & Co., PO Box 2499, Brattleboro, VT 05303-2499      247,677,261.53        89.07%  
   Pershing LLC, BNY Mellon NA, FBO Bank of Custody Solution, Attn: Cash Management, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0001      29,168,268.48        10.49%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, 295 Chipeta Way, Fl. 4, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1285      3,544,955,053.84        43.80%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, NRMA LLC, 767 3rd Ave., Fl. 16, New York, NY 10017-9017      408,464,083.20        5.05%  
PREFFERED SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      18,687,428.01        39.66%  
   Jefferies LLC, 101 Hudson St., Fl. 11, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3915      9,886,974.81        20.98%  
   Band & Co., C/O US Bank, Attn: ACM Department, PO Box 1787, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1787      8,147,025.56        17.29%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Commerce Bank of Kansas City, NA, Mori & Co., Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Attn: Trust Operations, 911 Main St., Suite 201, Kansas City, MO 64105-5304      5,983,281.78        12.70%  
   Jefferies LLC, FBO Langdon Street Capital LP, 101 Hudson St., Fl. 11, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3915      3,801,871.46        8.07%  
PREMIER SHARES    Bank of Oklahoma, NA Bank & Co., C/O Bank Of Oklahoma, Attn: Trust Securities, PO Box 2180, Tulsa, OK 74101-2180      102,111,260.82        81.30%  
RESOURCE SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,022.35        100.00%  
SELECT SHARES    Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Special Account, PO Box 782050, Wichita, KS 67278-2050      5,502,634.81        66.11%  
   Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Jabara Ventures Group LP, PO Box 782050, Wichita, KS 67278-2050      2,512,042.92        30.18%  
SERVICE SHARES    MidAmerica National Bank, PO Box 1300, Macomb, IL 61455-5600      34,610,699.19        28.24%  
   Charlevoix State Bank, PO Box 217, Charlevoix, MI 49720-0217      31,684,500.01        25.85%  
   AMG National Trust Bank, Haws & Co., 6295 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4968      21,188,758.47        17.29%  
   Commerce Bank – Lenexa, Henderson Engineers, Inc., DBA Henderson Building Solutions LLC, 8345 Lenexa Dr., Suite 110, Lenexa, KS 66214-1654      11,079,870.90        9.04%  
   Cenco, Compass Bank, Sweep Coordinator, 701 32nd St. S., Birmingham, AL 35233-3515      8,305,000.00        6.78%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      155,631,277.50        85.99%  
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops. Manager, 60 S. 6th St., Suite 700 # P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      14,016,544.92        7.74%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co., FBO Customers, 501 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      9,942,484.07        5.49%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
ADMINISTRATION SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      27,651,097.19        90.62%  
   Union Bank & Trust Co., Industricorp & Co., 312 Central Ave. S.E., Suite 508, Minneapolis, MN 55414-1166      2,850,398.60        9.34%  
CLASS C SHARES    AXA Advisors LLC, 2535 Roaring Run Rd., Goode, VA 24556-2565      14,843.73        58.94%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      10,337.14        41.04%  
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      23,109,451.92        99.95%  
CLASS I SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      922,679,168.08        66.04%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Fund Operations, PO Box 509046, San Diego, CA 92150-9046      142,377,499.70        10.19%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      136,260,482.95        9.75%  
RESOURCE SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      10,592.93        100.00%  
SERVICE SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      25,968,946.78        99.96%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      10,418,149.69        85.34%  
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops. Manager, 60 S. 6th St., Suite 700 # P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      1,095,252.46        8.97%  
ADMINISTRATION SHARES    James I. Black & Co., 7037 Pelican Island Dr., Tampa, FL 33634-7422      298,189.02        99.99%  
CLASS C SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      9,044.24        100.00%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CAPITAL SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,026.15        100.00%  
CASH MANAGEMENT SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,009.49        99.99%  
CLASS I SHARES    The Glenmede Trust Company NA, 1650 Market St., Suite 1200, Philadelphia, PA 19103-7391      756,204,923.70        52.60%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Zions First National Bank, PO Box 30880, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0880      142,777,474.58        9.93%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      132,504,224.92        9.22%  
   SEI Private Trust Company, C/O BMO Harris SWP, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      93,500,279.96        6.50%  
   First Premier Bank, Unifalls & Co., C/O First Premier Bank, PO Box 2640, Sioux Falls, SD 57101-2640      90,872,334.86        6.32%  
PREFERRED SHARES    Band & Co. Institutional Trust, C/O US Bank, Attn: ACM Department, PO Box 1787, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1787      60,604.20        98.33%  
PREMIER SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,020.43        100.00%  
RESOURCE SHARES    Pershing LLC, FBO Customers, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0002      2,103,474.26        99.95%  
SELECT SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,030.01        99.97%  
SERVICE SHARES    SEI Private Trust Company, C/O City National Bank, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      1,612,801.81        75.45%  
   Bank of Oklahoma NA, 4280 Kings Place, Springdale, AR 72762-0160      518,004.53        24.23%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of





   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      173,014.39        33.11%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      52,868.88        10.12%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      41,466.01        7.94%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      36,609.65        7.01%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      32,183.05        6.16%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      30,702.12        5.88%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customers, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      7,333.17        18.95%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      3,720.26        9.62%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      3,677.29        9.50%  
   Cambridge Investment Research, UMB Bank NA, FBO P.R.F., 3165 E Fur Hollow Dr., Sandy, UT 84092-4227      2,892.22        7.48%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      2,871.86        7.42%  
   Cambridge Investment Research, UMB Bank NA, FBO J.M.F., 3165 E Fur Hollow Dr., Sandy, UT 84092-4227      2,854.43        7.38%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      2,690.65        6.95%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,556.48        6.61%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., 822 Ida St., New Orleans, LA 70119-3840      1,990.12        5.14%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      84,674.59        35.85%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      69,200.87        29.30%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      18,226.21        7.72%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      15,935.99        6.75%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1100      4,989.33        60.71%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,696.46        20.64%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,264.19        15.38%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      1,919,318.04        99.98%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      15,673.14        97.83%  



   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      7,226,834.12        63.53%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      630,034.81        5.54%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      570,508.11        5.02%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      572,462.24        5.03%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      424,241.80        25.58%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      299,388.33        18.06%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97TE1 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      219,888.53        13.26%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      156,646.91        9.45%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      90,544.86        5.46%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      13,712,752.02        32.02%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      7,168,512.43        16.74%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      5,048,372.50        11.79%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      3,540,383.64        8.27%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Mt. Whitney Securities LLC, 477 Martinsville Rd., Liberty Corner, NJ 07938      2,846,789.97        6.65%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,257,718.03        5.27%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      3,206,526.51        52.21%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      1,457,740.34        23.74%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,403,347.02        22.85%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      17,638,919.66        99.79%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Satellite Strategies Portfolio, Emerging Markets Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      687,821.64        59.80%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      280,029.25        24.35%  
SERVICE SHARES    Security Benefit Life Insurance Co., UMB Bank NA, FBO Tax Deferred Accounts, 1 SW. Security Benefit Pl., Topeka, KS 66636-1000      1,028,062.25        83.78%  
   Security Benefit Life Insurance Co., SBL Variable Annuity Account XIV, 1 SW. Security Benefit Pl., Topeka, KS 66636-1000      136,933.18        11.16%  



   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,038,152.03        24.96%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      956,522.32        11.72%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Security Benefit Life Insurance Co., UMB Bank NA Customer, FBO Security Financial Resources, 1 SW. Security Benefit Pl., Topeka, KS 66636-1000      815,372.70        9.99%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      649,580.54        7.96%  
CLASS C SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      207,280.10        21.92%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      197,598.66        20.89%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      143,921.51        15.22%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      105,820.69        11.19%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      87,159.20        9.22%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co., FBO Customers, 501 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      81,624.61        8.63%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      66,299.43        7.01%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      25,557,379.16        24.69%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      25,002,625.73        24.15%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      19,336,496.06        18.68%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      7,311,664.78        48.96%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      3,524,145.86        23.60%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      3,073,752.07        20.58%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      3,260,966.57        99.99%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      2,005,480.62        64.47%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Emerging Markets Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      15,357,765.08        29.68%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      7,483,625.34        14.46%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GSS Growth Strategy Omnibus A/C GS Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      5,510,231.68        10.65%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Trust Growth & Income, Structured Emerging Markets Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      4,569,729.54        8.83%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Dynamic Global Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      3,364,729.20        6.50%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Emerging Markets Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      3,327,911.03        6.43%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of



   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,012.14        99.57%  
CLASS C SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      47,400        100.00%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      678,342.23        97.97%  
INVESTOR SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,020.21        100.00%  
CLASS R SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO Township High SD #113 (IL) 403(B), 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      7,388.95        49.27%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,004.07        33.37%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO New Trier High School District 203 403B, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      1,604.74        10.70%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO Mundelein Elementary SD 75 (IL) 403, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      972.33        6.48%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,025.06        100.00%  



   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., FBO Clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      144,217.81        32.99%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      72,408.98        16.56%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      41,011.40        9.38%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      38,891.66        8.90%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      30,312.00        6.93%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      50,959.89        31.35%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      26,754.38        16.46%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      22,724.75        13.98%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      16,342.48        10.05%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      15,030.93        9.25%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      12,572.24        7.73%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      170,208.38        33.90%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      144,768.03        28.83%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      35,298.84        7.03%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops. Manager, 60 S. 6th St., Suite 700 # P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      28,616.75        5.70%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      26,276.53        5.23%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      76,291.74        43.78%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      48,734.64        27.97%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      36,901.30        21.18%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      1,604,940.83        99.94%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      973.14        99.99%  
INCOME BUILDER FUND CLASS A SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      2,203,339.74        16.58%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,160,576.55        16.26%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,125,352.60        15.99%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,035,680.52        7.79%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      916,886.77        6.90%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      813,340.76        6.12%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      6,152,113.13        30.70%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      3,376,009.58        16.85%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      2,966,785.22        14.81%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97RT4 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,901,733.39        9.49%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      1,237,933.38        6.18%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      1,177,987.77        5.88%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,035,153.33        5.17%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      5,908,826.75        24.43%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      4,645,501.78        19.21%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      4,335,830.20        17.93%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,981,322.46        8.19%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      1,972,312.81        8.15%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,299,163.64        5.37%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      6,206,950.05        59.18%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      2,030,651.15        19.36%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,939,002.04        18.49%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      525,524.73        99.91%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      408,725.66        98.73%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      631,311.91        36.69%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      164,117.69        9.54%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      163,148.19        9.48%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      110,785.21        6.44%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      88,910.83        5.17%  
CLASS C SHARES    UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      420,488.14        74.07%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      39,125.59        6.89%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      188,481.08        52.63%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      40,174.19        11.22%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      21,311.88        5.95%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      19,674.28        5.49%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      13,302.30        61.69%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      4,927.49        22.85%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,550.31        7.19%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,531.15        7.10%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      3,260,966.57        99.86%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      22,052.18        97.30%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      130.40        68.43%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      60.17        31.57%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      99,588.42        8.25%  
CLASS C SHARES    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Family Medicine Associates 401(k)/P, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      23,889.62        17.52%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      16,225.15        11.90%  
   AXA Advisors LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO 401(k) Plan – 192619, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      10,598.82        7.77%  
   EFC Financial Services LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO L.W. Real Estate Services, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      8,394.95        6.16%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      97,877.85        39.56%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      66,053.64        26.70%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      59,461.24        24.03%  
INVESTOR SHARES    TIAA CREF Individual & TIAA, FBO Retirement Plans for Which TIAA Acts as Recordkeeper, Attn: Trust Operations, 211 N. Broadway, Suite 1000, Saint Louis, MO 63102-2748      10,268.89        46.33%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      5,471.50        24.69%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      3,132.23        14.13%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,908.25        8.61%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      2,324,844.24        99.26%  
CLASS R SHARES    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Bryan Electric, Inc. 401(k) Plan 2, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      2,624.37        50.26%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,421.74        27.23%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      794.54        15.22%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Morris Auto Plaza Safe Harbor 401(k), PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      381.29        7.30%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      9,261.97        59.46%  
   EFC Financial Services LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Infinity Conference Group, Inc. 401(k), PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      5,304.34        34.05%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,010.41        6.49%  



   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      8,866,795.25        45.93%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,695,139.40        13.96%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97RT0 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,764,278.95        9.14%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,321,188.58        6.84%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      492,402.96        25.64%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      267,482.23        13.93%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97RT3 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      246,790.99        12.85%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      246,675.61        12.85%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      161,455.50        8.41%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      127,384.75        6.63%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      121,229.93        6.31%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      28,680,796.55        28.79%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      9,013,709.58        9.05%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      8,599,248.53        8.63%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      36,440,232.84        73.95%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      4,411,406.63        8.95%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      29,308,411.46        100.00%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      2,516,188.02        5.11%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      497,649.09        63.82%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      107,293.83        13.76%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      7,614,675.52        16.02%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth Strategy, GS International Equity Insights Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      7,077,045.38        14.88%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth & Income Strategy, GS International Equity Insights Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      5,999,779.86        12.62%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Dynamic Global Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      5,483,477.86        11.53%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      4,396,401.76        9.25%  
SERVICE SHARES    American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      114,385.21        26.86%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      88,977.26        20.90%  
   MML Distributors LLC, Reliance Trust Company, FBO MassMutual Registered Product, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      57,909.36        13.60%  
   Lincoln Financial Advisors, Lincoln Financial Group Trust Co., FBO Rollover SS IRA Plan, 1 Granite Pl., Concord, NH 03301-3271      35,333.25        8.30%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Unit Investment Trust, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      29,714.45        6.98%  



   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      5,528,596.65        39.39%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,047,870.05        14.59%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,008,406.28        7.18%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,346,371.93        28.46%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      926,977.88        19.59%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      636,331.43        13.45%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      412,266.73        8.71%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      358,191.70        7.57%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co., FBO Customers, 501 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      255,878.31        5.41%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      50,339,147.36        27.65%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      40,577,229.85        22.29%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      31,732,385.08        17.43%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      12,017,523.62        47.98%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      5,399,335.84        21.56%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      3,878,815.55        15.49%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,920,097.43        7.67%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      6,771,015.54        99.61%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      60,894,733.91        60.02%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio, Structured International Small Cap, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      8,970,088.65        8.84%  



   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97P45 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,864,001.23        18.18%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,350,817.90        13.17%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      787,813.08        7.68%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      325,066.65        21.04%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      214,310.86        13.87%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      200,671.71        12.99%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      198,672.46        12.86%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      125,255.09        8.11%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97RS1 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      108,184.27        7.00%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      84,662.36        5.48%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,440,992.43        18.57%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,526,881.83        10.56%  
   Reliance Trust Company, FBO BancorpSouth C/C, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      1,641,195.21        6.86%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,229,129.61        5.14%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      4,202,046.01        31.78%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      2,411,509.53        18.24%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., 1 American Sq., Indianapolis, IN 46282-0002      1,878,170.73        14.21%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,568,548.70        11.86%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct Accounts, John Hancock Trust Company LLC, 690 Canton St., Suite 100, Westwood, MA 02090-2324      800,329.10        6.05%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      1,512,411.82        99.96%  
CLASS R SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      377,379.36        32.25%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      74,135.72        6.33%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    MML Distributors LLC, Reliance Trust Company, FBO MassMutual Registered Product, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      1,644,368.78        17.00%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Dynamic Global Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,620,496.91        16.75%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,030,277.22        10.65%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      944,952.45        9.77%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      928,082.73        9.60%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      537,886.09        5.56%  
SERVICE SHARES    American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      972,335.42        59.77%  
   Devon Bank, Attn: Trust Operations, 6445 N. Western Ave., Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60645-5494      361,788.07        22.24%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Unit Investment Trust, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      141,537.10        8.70%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      571,077.40        18.15%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      450,771.76        14.32%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      227,388.32        7.23%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., FBO Clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      219,285.32        6.97%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      199,217.18        6.33%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      187,810.95        5.97%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      179,913.36        5.72%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      157,677.20        5.01%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      100,037.58        16.67%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      98,054.86        16.34%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      64,568.25        10.76%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      49,618.69        8.27%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      46,712.14        7.79%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      42,545.86        7.09%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,915,819.83        32.76%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,383,214.38        23.65%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      433,631.69        7.41%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      418,663.04        7.16%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      312,781.26        5.35%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      3,593,551.52        56.40%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,380,766.98        21.67%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      514,896.15        8.08%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      1,586,404.27        99.33%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      197,862.17        78.20%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      13,843.67        5.47%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Dynamic Global Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      2,516,505.53        69.84%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      192,321.95        5.34%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      208,605.92        57.52%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Prudential PIMS/Retirement, Questex LLC 401(k) Plan, 275 Grove St., Suite 2-130, Newton, MA 02466-2275      88,606.44        24.43%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      54,565.77        15.05%  



   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      3,152,336.56        16.69%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      2,763,665.94        14.64%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,689,596.34        8.95%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      1,620,273.54        8.58%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,562,747.89        8.28%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,217,688.80        6.45%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,108,239.41        5.87%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,075,738.33        5.70%  
CLASS C SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      3,261,760.96        18.52%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      3,047,589.98        17.31%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      3,042,209.05        17.27%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,979,986.38        11.24%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,232,504.76        7.00%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,150,904.50        6.54%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,070,833.99        6.08%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      968,180.19        5.50%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      3,127,677.72        18.68%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      3,086,855.54        18.44%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,975,092.50        17.77%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,592,060.73        9.51%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,421,829.35        8.49%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      1,303,971.51        7.79%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      4,241,544.70        45.21%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      2,529,010.92        26.96%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,972,769.94        21.03%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 295 Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1285      1,834,066.68        99.41%  
CLASS R SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      34,521.44        14.75%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co., FBO Customers, 501 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      26,945.83        11.52%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., TD Ameritrade Trust Company, CO# 00C6B, PO Box 17748, Denver, CO 80217-0748      25,582.33        10.93%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct Accounts, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO My Plastic Surgery Group – Sando & AK, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      15,902.58        6.80%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Co., FBO Gyk Antler 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      12,954.82        5.54%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., FBO Gift Services, Inc. 401(k), C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      12,676.22        5.42%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      12,150.68        5.19%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      203,234.44        99.53%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      392,355.13        18.49%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      211,297.02        9.96%  
   USI Securities, Inc., Patterson & Co., FBO Knox County EE RET & AAP 6055899734, 1525 West WT Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28288-1076      138,823.60        6.54%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      124,545.91        5.87%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      107,147.05        5.05%  
CLASS C SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      68,841.12        19.36%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      44,477.24        12.51%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      32,429.85        9.12%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      32,370.74        9.10%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      26,555.62        7.47%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      7,390,040.24        68.37%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,117,526.84        10.34%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      752,487.00        6.96%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      652,122.76        6.03%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,528,932.34        56.62%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,013,492.24        37.53%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      3,905,035.92        98.17%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      147,685.67        22.29%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,206,903.73        38.41%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Small Cap Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      1,871,263.97        32.57%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Dynamic Global Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      687,995.95        11.98%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      333,488.24        5.80%  
SERVICE SHARES    GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Great West IRA Advantage, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      21,955.11        18.19%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Company, AHH, Inc. 401(k) Plan, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      16,372.27        13.57%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Now Plastics, Inc., FBO Now Plastics, Inc. 401(k) Plan, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      10,110.08        8.38%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Company, FBO ManageAmerica Integrated Billing Services, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      8,816.44        7.31%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., MJI, Inc. Profit Sharing & 401(k) Plan, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      6,892.11        5.71%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      6,620.21        5.49%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., FBO Probity Products 401(k), C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      6,520.99        5.40%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Company, FBO Everist Materials LLC 401(k), C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      6,036.91        5.00%  



   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      423,591.33        17.43%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      130,977.27        5.39%  
   Voya Financial Partners LLC, Voya Retirement Insurance & Annuity Company, 1 Orange Way, Windsor, CT 06095-4773      126,195.65        5.19%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      43,321.50        13.59%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co., FBO Customers, 501 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      31,812.23        9.98%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      30,526.95        9.58%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      24,677.88        7.74%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      23,858.81        7.49%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      19,410.84        6.09%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      17,849.71        5.60%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      2,305,337.87        27.18%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,180,627.10        13.92%  
   Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Trust Company, FBO Participating Retirement Plans, NTC-PLNS, C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      988,861.85        11.66%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Wells Fargo Bank NA, FBO State of Kansas Public Employee Def. Comp. A, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      697,210.76        8.22%  
INVESTOR SHARES    LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      9,380,037.83        90.07%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      312,688.89        99.92%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      340,192.59        57.69%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      64,086.44        10.87%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,898,814.24        25.63%  
   MML Distributors LLC, Reliance Trust Company, FBO MassMutual Registered Product, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      913,943.39        12.33%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      637,466.29        8.60%  
   Prudential PIMS/Retirement, PL 960 Kelsey-Seybold 401(k) Plan, 11511 Shadow Creek Parkway, Pearland, TX 77584-7298      501,943.64        6.77%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Recordkeeping for Various Benefit Plans, C/O Mutual Fund Trading, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      413,140.04        5.58%  
   T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc., FBO Retirement Plan Clients, 4515 Painters Mill Rd., Owings Mills, MD 21117-4903      371,074.01        5.01%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      507,479.76        15.10%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      215,343.45        6.41%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      174,921.42        5.20%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      62,086.34        21.48%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      32,771.53        11.34%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co., FBO Customers, 501 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      32,212.28        11.14%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      27,434.74        9.49%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      20,624.82        7.13%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      751,974.93        24.23%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      529,996.94        17.08%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      407,568.97        13.13%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      339,752.00        10.95%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      290,245.91        9.35%  
   SEI Private Trust Company, C/O Franklin Street Trust ID 701, Attn: Mutual Fund Administrator, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      193,818.75        6.25%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      437,691.32        29.88%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      412,824.22        28.18%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Wells Fargo Bank NA, FBO State of New Hampshire Public Employees, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      249,962.47        17.06%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      196,775.48        13.43%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      906,839.20        99.98%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      18,884.40        24.34%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      6,773.55        8.73%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Company, FBO Advanced Payroll Solutions, Inc. 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      5,348.84        6.89%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., FBO John T. Given M.D., Inc. Employees PSP, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      5,110.92        6.59%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO Shuffield Lowman 401(k) Profit Sharing, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      4,783.43        6.17%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., FBO First Cumberland Properties 401(k) PS, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      4,058.00        5.23%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc., FBO Retirement Plan Clients, 4515 Painters Mill Rd., Owings Mills, MD 21117-4903      424,288.30        21.39%  
   Wells Fargo Bank NA, FBO Modesto Irrig Basic GS Small Cap, PO Box 1533, Minneapolis, MN 55480-1533      279,086.45        14.07%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      271,039.63        13.66%  
   MML Distributors LLC, Reliance Trust Company, FBO MassMutual Registered Product, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      163,231.94        8.23%  
   Principal Securities, Inc., FBO PLIC Various Retirement Plans, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      129,772.28        6.54%  
   Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Trust Company, FBO Participating Retirement Plans, NTC-PLNS, C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      119,214.41        6.01%  
   Prudential PIMS/Retirement, PL 763 Archer & Greiner, 1 Centennial Sq., Haddonfield, NJ 08033-2454      103,175.31        5.20%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      853,962.41        13.78%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      627,700.23        10.13%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      356,742.66        5.76%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      69,691.60        19.33%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      53,130.21        14.74%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      27,467.58        7.62%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      21,136.98        5.86%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      19,415.68        5.39%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      3,923,606.96        65.37%  
   SEI Private Trust Company, C/O Glens Falls Bank ID 963, Attn: Mutual Fund Administrator, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      409,333.25        6.82%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      778,068.35        31.07%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      479,872.07        19.16%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      463,170.41        18.50%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct Accounts, John Hancock Trust Company LLC, 690 Canton St., Suite 100, Westwood, MA 02090-2324      256,962.35        10.26%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      170,614.02        6.81%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      4,399,877.92        99.99%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      72,714.89        7.70%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GWFS Equities, Inc., SunTrust Bank, FBO Various SunTrust Omnibus Accounts, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      46,357.41        19.90%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      46,233.39        19.85%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      27,753.13        11.91%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      26,136.79        11.22%  
   MML Distributors LLC, Reliance Trust Company, FBO MassMutual Registered Product, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      17,300.00        7.43%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      15,438.61        6.63%  
   MML Distributors LLC – MM Aviator, MassMutual Life Insurance Co., 1295 State St., Springfield, MA 01111-0001      12,561.46        5.39%  
SERVICE SHARES    GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Co., FBO Hathaway-Sycamores Child & Family Services, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      30,725.00        22.47%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Unit Investment Trust, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      27,606.04        20.19%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      21,272.82        15.56%  
   MML Distributors LLC, Reliance Trust Company, FBO MassMutual Registered Product, PO Box 28004, Atlanta, GA 30358-0004      20,116.57        14.71%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      15,821.41        11.57%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Co., FBO PAC Machine Company, Inc. 401(k) PSP, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      10,958.59        8.01%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of





   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,856,897.39        23.74%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,535,770.54        12.76%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, U.S. Bank, FBO SISC GASB 45 Trust A, 1555 N. Rivercenter Dr., Suite 302, Milwaukee, WI 53212-3958      1,150,421.82        9.56%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      986,726.52        8.20%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      959,131.23        7.97%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      905,881.18        7.53%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      788,639.50        6.55%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      649,666.51        5.40%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      623,653.21        5.18%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      3,313,493.75        26.36%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      2,609,200.70        20.75%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      1,982,039.89        15.77%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,485,174.47        11.81%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      858,919.97        6.83%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      800,648.47        6.37%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      30,147,170.57        32.52%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      9,513,969.80        10.26%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      8,956,633.45        9.66%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      8,715,344.05        9.40%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, SEI Private Trust Company, C/O Rockland SWP, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      8,700,604.10        9.39%  
   Vanguard Brokerage Services, A/C 8031-2347, PO Box 1170, Valley Forge, PA 19482-1170      7,498,168.19        8.09%  
   Pershing LLC, 1 Pershing Plz., Jersey City, NJ 07399-0001      5,132,788.18        5.54%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      7,469,666.82        42.04%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      6,342,624.02        35.70%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      3,343,508.00        18.82%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      163,430,181.77        98.53%  
CLASS R SHARES    Lincoln Financial Advisors, Lincoln Retirement Services Company, FBO Int’l Church Foursquare 403B, PO Box 7876, Fort Wayne, IN 46801-7876      99,003.53        51.31%  
   EFC Financial Services LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Rankin & Rankin, Inc. 401(k) Plan, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      24,383.30        12.64%  
   EFC Financial Services LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Modern Glass, Paint & Tile Company, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      13,957.09        7.23%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio, GS MLP Energy Infrastructure, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      10,080,865.67        42.74%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, GS Tactical Tilt Implementation Fund, 200 West St., Fl. 36, New York, NY 10282-2102      9,108,996.10        38.62%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio, GS MLP Energy Infrastructure, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      2,195,299.50        9.31%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, GS Collective Trust Tactical Exposure Fund, 200 West St., Fl. 36, New York, NY 10282-2102      1,588,743.50        6.74%  



   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,278.06        84.97%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      933.59        15.03%  
CLASS C SHARES    Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      12,327.42        70.30%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,208.49        29.70%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      292,159.36        99.95%  
INVESTOR SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,299.10        100.00%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      6,203,116.19        99.08%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,254.05        94.78%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, PAi Trust Company, Inc., Cantor Novak Beaver & Pike PC 401(k), 1300 Enterprise Dr., De Pere, WI 54115-4934      289.09        5.22%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      5,312.96        100.00%  





   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      3,556,994.75        44.32%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      975,740.91        12.16%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      604,109.39        7.53%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      491,957.52        6.13%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      417,106.90        5.20%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      412,440.11        5.14%  
CLASS C SHARES    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      647,914.28        34.62%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97RS0 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      356,643.41        19.05%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      172,486.51        9.22%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      159,429.41        8.52%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      139,393.41        7.45%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      134,714.49        7.20%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      131,656.46        7.03%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      59,804,455.58        24.10%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      59,720,893.95        24.07%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      40,339,175.38        16.26%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      31,938,484.16        12.87%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      17,000,063.72        49.16%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      9,585,383.95        27.72%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      4,338,982.95        12.55%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      20,262,996.45        99.99%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Company, Separate Account 401(k), 1 Griffin Rd. N., Windsor, CT 06095-1512      86,229.40        33.64%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      46,805.71        18.26%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO Miscor Group 401(k) Plan & Trust, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      22,518.83        8.78%  
   MML Distributors LLC – MM Aviator, MassMutual Life Insurance Co., 1295 State St., Springfield, MA 01111-0001      17,365.44        6.77%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      14,008.29        5.46%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO 401(k) Goncalves & Alves, Inc., 539 Sport Hill Rd., Easton, CT 06612-1715      13,623.77        5.31%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      288,296.21        35.68%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, Newport Trust Company Viejas Retirement Program, 35 Iron Point Cir., Suite 300, Folsom, CA 95630-8589      245,501.35        30.38%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, GS Variable Insurance Trust, GS Multi-Strategy Alternatives Portfolio, 70 Fargo St., Boston, MA 02210-2126      122,423.21        15.15%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      77,422.35        9.58%  



   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      217,839.12        21.19%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      122,561.13        11.92%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      112,541.17        10.95%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      102,746.38        10.00%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      102,038.53        9.93%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      87,876.16        8.55%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      86,876.91        8.45%  
CLASS C SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      146,135.73        21.10%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      126,935.78        18.33%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      113,741.29        16.42%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      91,855.19        13.26%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      72,848.26        10.52%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      38,229.26        5.52%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      305,287.29        28.40%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      165,835.50        15.43%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, AST GS Global Growth Portfolio, Gateway Center Three, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, NJ 07102-4056      113,736.06        10.58%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      81,080.48        7.54%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      64,118.61        5.96%  
INVESTOR SHARES    RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops. Manager, 60 S. 6th St., Suite 700 # P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      525,092.25        49.01%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      272,516.11        25.44%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      185,464.11        17.31%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      74,100.36        6.92%  
CLASS P SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,191.28        72.75%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      446.12        27.25%  
CLASS R SHARES    Principal Securities, Inc., FBO PLIC Various Retirement Plans, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      4,925.73        75.22%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,623.07        24.78%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth & Income Strategy, GS Dynam. Alloc. Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,677,199.46        30.62%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Balanced Strategy, GS Dynam. Alloc. Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,222,483.34        22.32%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth Strategy Omnibus A/C GS Dynam. Alloc. Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,157,935.35        21.14%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, KPMG Partner Pension Plan, 3 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale, NJ 07645-1842      770,303.31        14.06%  
   Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, KPMG Pension Plan, 3 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale, NJ 07645-1842      457,367.59        8.35%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      3,315,455.97        35.66%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      802,982.50        8.64%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      663,734.50        7.14%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97TL7 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      570,034.31        6.13%  
CLASS C SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      185,147.97        18.23%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      147,779.84        14.55%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      84,763.50        8.34%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      69,136.78        6.81%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97TL5 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      56,075.61        5.52%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      53,679.57        5.28%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      25,667,536.59        98.07%  
INVESTOR SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      159,651.30        50.35%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      45,124.87        14.23%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      38,890.98        12.26%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      28,256.34        8.91%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      24,185.58        7.63%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      3,642,867.74        99.94%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      340,971.10        39.21%  
   The Strategic Financial Alliance, Tapia Quality Products 401(k) Plan & Defined Benefit Plan, 1291 Thurston Ave., Los Altos, CA 94024-6865      247,196.67        28.42%  
   The Strategic Financial Alliance, California Waterproofing Supply Cash Balance Plan, 14855 Wicks Blvd., San Leandro, CA 94577-6605      177,903.84        20.46%  
   The Strategic Financial Alliance, De Vore Packaging, Inc. Defined Benefit Pension Plan, 1010 Calle Cordillera, Suite 107, San Clemente, CA 92673-6243      80,049.71        9.20%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      107,121.11        64.27%  
   Voya Financial Partners LLC, Voya Retirement & Annuity Company, ING Fund Operations TN41, 1 Orange Way, Windsor, CT 06095-4773      28,765.68        17.26%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   EFC Financial Services, LLC Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Gary’s Tree & Landscape Safe Harbor, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      28,252.59        16.95%  
SERVICE SHARES    TCA TrustCorp America, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., Fl. 4, Washington, D.C. 20015-2047      32,397.82        55.34%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      14,514.74        24.79%  
   MidFirst Trust, 1760 S. Monaco Parkway, Denver, CO 80224-2170      10,170.70        17.37%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      994,544.33        44.25%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      305,543.17        13.59%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      179,246.36        7.98%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      148,035.47        6.59%  
CLASS C SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      83,719.18        35.37%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      33,191.68        14.02%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      26,746.26        11.30%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      23,968.00        10.13%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Principal Securities, Inc., FBO PLIC Various Retirement Plans, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      17,154.41        7.25%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97RR1 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      17,044.75        7.20%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,942,069.24        30.83%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      3,607,488.27        22.51%  
   Band & Co. Institutional Trust, C/O U.S. Bank NA, PO Box 1787, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1787      2,289,659.36        14.28%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,160,173.32        7.24%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      396,627.42        63.44%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      147,190.50        23.54%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      145,083.62        99.42%  
CLASS R SHARES    Mid Atlantic Capital Corp., Mid Atlantic Trust Company, FBO Myval LLC 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan, 1251 Waterfront Pl., Suite 525, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4228      28,820.58        13.79%  
   Principal Securities, Inc., FBO PLIC Various Retirement Plans, Attn: NPIO Trade Desk, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      26,756.48        12.80%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      24,891.02        11.91%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   MML Distributors LLC – MM Aviator, MassMutual Life Insurance Co., 1295 State St., Springfield, MA 01111-0001      24,007.71        11.49%  
   KMS Financial Services, Inc., Ascensus Trust Co., FBO UIDC 401(k) Plan 005253, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      17,121.28        8.19%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Company, FBO J&R Dairy Service / Joe & RSS Ice Cream, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      13,283.22        6.35%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Capital Bank & Trust Company, FBO NJ Festival of Ballooning 401(k) PSP, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      13,135.44        6.28%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      7,589,791.41        99.50%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,278,658.87        15.74%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      960,379.88        11.82%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      756,284.99        9.31%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team 97TM6 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      624,861.02        7.69%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      524,551.36        6.46%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      199,944.54        20.55%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      73,523.23        7.56%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team 97TM4 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      71,823.77        7.38%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct EX DLR Accounts, Sweeney & Associates, Inc., ADP Plan #600486—Goldman Sachs 401(k) Plan, 38730 Sky Canyon Dr., Suite C, Murrieta, CA 92563-2560      58,426.82        6.01%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      172,649.71        29.34%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      141,689.82        24.08%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., FBO Clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      61,180.84        10.40%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      60,795.75        10.33%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      33,623.27        5.71%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      29,793.01        5.06%  
INVESTOR SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      155,584.36        63.95%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      34,957.84        14.37%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      29,965.59        12.32%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      15,888.11        6.53%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      6,235,496.43        99.99%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      303,278.51        99.49%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Trust Growth Strategy, GS Financial Square Government Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      10,404,068.07        41.88%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Trust Growth & Income Strategy, GS Financial Square Government Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      10,080,594.95        40.58%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Trust Balanced Strategy, GS Financial Square Government Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      4,090,039.75        16.47%  
SERVICE SHARES    MidFirst Trust, MidFirst Bank, FBO M.G.F. IRA, 7559 S. Emerson St., Centennial, CO 80122-3069      11,882.31        35.39%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      5,799.27        17.27%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,209.41        12.54%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      3,855.68        11.48%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      2,347.66        6.99%  



   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      84,237.36        97.42%  
CLASS C SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      219,916.25        98.30%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, AST GS Global Growth Portfolio, Gateway Center Three, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, NJ 07102-4056      58,112.62        61.10%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      33,044.03        34.75%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      55,671.01        95.37%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      266,425.26        99.63%  
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,660.07        100.00%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Tax Managed Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      5,455,390.00        35.99%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Satellite Strategies Portfolio, GS Global Infrastructure Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      3,735,152.24        24.64%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Trust Growth & Income Strategy, GS Global Infrastructure Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,572,501.46        10.37%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth Strategy, GS Global Infrastructure Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,343,837.35        8.87%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Small Cap Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      1,195,167.66        7.88%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Equity Growth Strategy Portfolio, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,081,256.33        7.13%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Trust Balanced Strategy, GS Global Infrastructure Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      770,299.05        5.08%  



   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,806.74        61.76%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct EX DLR Accounts, 2222 Denbeigh Dr., Jamison, PA 18929-1445      656.01        14.43%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct Accounts, UMB Bank NA, 43 Wandsworth Bridge Way, Lutherville Timonium, MD 21093-3963      505.50        11.12%  
   Lincoln Investment Planning, UMB Bank NA, 1860 Hill Chase, Alpharetta, GA 30022-4464      273.25        6.01%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      255.44        5.62%  
CLASS C SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,736.86        49.16%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc., S.I.B. IRA, 48 Greenway Lane, Rye Brook, NY 10573-1516      1,853.93        33.30%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc., J.B. IRA, 1767 Central Park Ave., Suite 1, Yonkers, NY 10710-2828      976.57        17.54%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      174,175.54        95.30%  
INVESTOR SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,843.92        100.00%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      3,603,394.50        99.97%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R SHARES    GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,789.07        100.00%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Tax Managed Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      5,618,612.03        33.83%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Satellite Strategies Portfolio, GS Global Real Estate Securities Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      5,021,831.76        30.24%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Trust Growth & Income Strategy, GS Global Real Estate Securities Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,500,437.47        9.03%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth Strategy, GS Global Real Estate Securities Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,294,938.99        7.80%  
   Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Small Cap Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      1,230,650.27        7.41%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Dynamic Global Equity Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,110,689.99        6.69%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      7,181,029.81        35.36%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,809,748.52        8.91%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team 97TM0 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,302,479.88        6.41%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,257,566.81        6.19%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      321,252.63        21.45%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      134,036.77        8.95%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team 97TL8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      123,845.59        8.27%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      88,253.96        5.89%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      76,806.55        5.13%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      75,634.93        5.05%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      22,170,286.68        91.45%  
INVESTOR SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      181,938.02        34.23%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      150,094.93        28.24%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      119,044.88        22.40%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      69,097.09        13.00%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      14,347,688.23        99.13%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      307,276.44        88.00%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      20,067.66        5.75%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      367,799.35        72.51%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      74,982.01        14.78%  
   Voya Financial Partners LLC, Voya Retirement & Annuity Company, ING Fund Operations TN41, 1 Orange Way, Windsor, CT 06095-4773      26,034.39        5.13%  
SERVICE SHARES    TCA TrustCorp America, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., Fl. 4, Washington, D.C. 20015-2047      158,315.31        75.13%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      16,024.33        7.60%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      10,696.65        5.08%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      3,920,757.23        18.90%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      2,539,843.91        12.24%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team 97TM3 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,566,501.95        7.55%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,513,305.40        7.29%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,316,073.95        6.34%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,173,552.69        5.66%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      234,245.19        12.69%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team 97TM1 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      130,793.31        7.08%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      110,257.97        5.97%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      99,908.51        5.41%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      96,525.44        5.23%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      10,492,855.79        89.24%  
INVESTOR SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      166,647.17        37.75%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      120,519.93        27.30%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      67,098.44        15.20%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      36,993.79        8.38%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      10,662,010.85        98.89%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      344,226.85        82.86%  
   Mid Atlantic Capital Corp., Mid Atlantic Trust Company, FBO Vantage Partners LLC 401(k), 1251 Waterfront Pl., Suite 525, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4228      26,293.44        6.33%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      21,532.38        5.18%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      139,664.99        25.96%  
   Voya Financial Partners LLC, Voya Retirement & Annuity Company, ING Fund Operations TN41, 1 Orange Way, Windsor, CT 06095-4773      126,448.34        23.50%  
   Voya Financial Partners LLC, Voya Retirement & Annuity Company, 1 Orange Way, Windsor, CT 06095-4773      80,693.58        15.00%  
   ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      43,686.54        8.12%  
   EFC Financial Services LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Buffini & Company 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      41,989.45        7.80%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   EFC Financial Services, LLC Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Gary’s Tree & Landscape Safe Harbor, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      29,738.44        5.53%  
SERVICE SHARES    TCA TrustCorp America, 5301 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., Fl. 4, Washington, D.C. 20015-2047      104,476.72        77.22%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Unit Investment Trust, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      10,776.33        7.97%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      8,678.38        6.41%  



   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      86,761.96        24.81%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      57,499.42        16.44%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      45,693.90        13.07%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      40,210.12        11.50%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      32,669.04        9.34%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      24,300.51        6.95%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      19,888.09        5.69%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      33,849.80        26.27%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      19,534.60        15.16%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      15,253.51        11.84%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      10,100.82        7.84%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      9,755.95        7.57%  
   EFC Financial Services LLC, Ascensus Trust Co., FBO Dr. J.M.C. 401(k) 214194, PO Box 10758, Fargo, ND 58106-0758      7,634.56        5.93%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      725,036.84        43.90%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Mori & Co., 922 Walnut St., Mailstop TBTS 2, Kansas City, MO 64106-1802      277,594.49        16.81%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      178,237.01        10.79%  
   First Tennessee Bank National Association, SEI Private Trust Company, C/O First Tennessee ID 683, Attn: Mutual Fund Administrator, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      121,416.23        7.35%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      712,596.41        46.92%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      313,090.73        20.61%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      287,732.78        18.95%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      176,594.97        11.63%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      20,632,014.75        99.27%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio, International Equity Dividend & Premium Fund, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      19,546,544.33        99.99%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      101,777.73        23.11%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      88,213.20        20.03%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      37,338.11        8.48%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      26,927.97        6.12%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      25,001.23        5.68%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      24,632.58        5.59%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      5,416.34        24.01%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      5,164.33        22.89%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      3,002.50        13.31%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   RBC Capital Markets Corporation, RBC Capital Markets LLC, Mutual Fund Omnibus Processing, Attn: Mutual Fund Ops. Manager, 60 S. 6th St., Suite 700 # P08, Minneapolis, MN 55402-4413      2,333.89        10.34%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      1,923.13        8.52%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,689.76        7.49%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct EX DLR Accounts, UMB Bank NA, FBO Customer Roth IRA, 2720 White Barn Rd., Aurora, IL 60502-6332      1,177.02        5.22%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    GS PWM Institutional Class, State Street Bank & Trust Co., FBO American Bureau of Shipping, 801 Pennsylvania Ave., Kansas City, MO 64105-1307      528,259.06        51.74%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      186,279.25        18.25%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      166,969.68        16.35%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      4,378.95        26.61%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO Graham & Jensen LLP, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      4,027.38        24.47%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      3,557.36        21.62%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      2,230.32        13.55%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,549.98        9.42%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      10,940,422.88        99.71%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, GS Absolute Return Multi-Asset Fund, 200 West St., Fl. 36, New York, NY 10282-2102      3,366.81        64.76%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      1,831.88        35.24%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      212,070.20        25.09%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      122,090.89        14.44%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      108,847.14        12.88%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      98,971.76        11.71%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      72,048.01        8.52%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., FBO Clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      67,079.77        7.93%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      40,763.64        28.54%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      23,463.81        16.43%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      22,492.05        15.74%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      12,289.62        8.60%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      470,856.78        28.67%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      228,544.03        13.92%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      218,123.75        13.28%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., FBO Clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      147,923.49        9.01%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      126,153.63        7.68%  
   Goldman Sachs Direct Accounts, FIIOC FBO Belle Tire Distributors, Inc. 401(k) Salary Reduction Plan, 100 Magellan Way, #KW1C, Covington, KY 41015-1999      87,125.91        5.30%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      873,978.91        50.50%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      428,032.76        24.73%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      273,734.19        15.82%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      118,160.46        6.83%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      6,605,673.90        99.99%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio, International Tax Managed Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      62,215,475.22        99.41%  



   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      366,685.40        43.99%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      131,778.81        15.81%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      125,169.98        15.02%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., FBO Clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      71,701.14        8.60%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      52,072.90        6.25%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      187,819.47        54.02%  
   Stifel Nicolaus & Co., FBO Customers, 501 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102-2188      76,508.22        22.00%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      64,990.92        18.69%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      5,768,723.37        70.71%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      923,162.07        11.32%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      520,443.55        6.38%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      9,078,744.88        83.51%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      1,529,178.29        14.07%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      19,604.68        95.39%  
CLASS R SHARES    ADP / Broker Dealer, Inc., State Street Bank and Trust, Trustee/Customer, FBO ADP Access Product, 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111-2900      12,116.53        21.63%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Health Care Technology, FBO Health Care Technology 401(k) PSP, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      10,437.54        18.63%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FIIOC FBO Mori Associates, Inc. 401(k) Plan & Trust, 100 Magellan Way, #KW1C, Covington, KY 41015-1987      9,128.04        16.30%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., FBO Greenville Pathology PA PSP, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      6,997.58        12.49%  
   Crown Capital Securities LP, Matrix Trust Company, FBO M.C.T. 401(k) Plan, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      5,544.85        9.90%  
   MSCS Financial Services LLC, Matrix Trust Company, FBO BFABC 401(k) Plan, 717 17th St., Suite 1300, Denver, CO 80202-3304      4,608.31        8.23%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth & Income Strategy, Managed Futures Strategy Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,829,622.15        41.15%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Balanced Strategy, Managed Futures Strategy Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,226,332.25        27.58%  
   Goldman Sachs Trust, State Street Bank & Trust Co., GS Growth Strategy, Managed Futures Strategy Fund, C/O State Street Corporation, 2 Avenue De Lafayette, Fl. 6, Boston, MA 02111-1888      1,162,215.71        26.14%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      395,645.93        21.33%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      178,185.38        9.61%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      172,481.14        9.30%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      161,322.74        8.70%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      121,545.53        6.55%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      44,164.04        22.47%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      31,868.74        16.21%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      26,509.44        13.49%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      11,353.38        5.78%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Goldman Sachs Foundation, Attn: GS Foundation Team, 200 West St., Fl. 29, New York, NY 10282-2198      1,042,501.98        55.41%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      359,924.66        19.13%  
   State Treasurer – Nebraska Investment Council, State of Nebraska, 1526 K. St., Suite 420, Lincoln, NE 68508-2734      113,454.97        6.03%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      237,775.61        59.68%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      68,076.83        17.09%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      44,589.07        11.19%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      5,922,893.19        99.64%  
CLASS R SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      37,993.99        33.29%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FIIOC FBO F.E.E. M.D. PA 401(k) Plan, 100 Magellan Way, #KW1C, Covington, KY 41015-1987      14,271.74        12.51%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Trust Company LLC, FBO Employee Benefits Clients 401(k), 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      12,596.28        11.04%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FIIOC Demitri Chesapeake Sales, Inc. 401(k) Plan, 100 Magellan Way, #KW1C, Covington, KY 41015-1987      7,930.07        6.95%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, GS Variable Insurance Trust, GS Multi-Strategy Alternatives Portfolio, 70 Fargo St., Boston, MA 02210-2126      37,693.13        90.87%  
SERVICE SHARES    Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      56,283.94        49.67%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., FBO Blue Ridge Pediatrics LLP PSP, C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      11,720.99        10.34%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   GWFS Equities, Inc., FBO D.B.L. D.D.S. P.C. Cash Def., C/O Fascore LLC, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      7,300.26        6.44%  



   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,324,290.40        23.62%  
   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      966,043.07        17.23%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      819,894.20        14.63%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      404,875.36        7.22%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97RR1 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      357,407.03        6.38%  
CLASS C SHARES    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      542,704.57        24.18%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEQ #97RR1 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      396,300.08        17.66%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      280,517.31        12.50%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      172,741.53        7.70%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      164,271.90        7.32%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      141,977.01        6.33%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      125,548.25        5.59%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      10,347,648.33        44.39%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      3,897,953.96        16.72%  
   SEI Private Trust Company, C/O Hills Bank & Trust ID 533, Attn: Mutual Fund Administrator, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      1,505,895.84        6.46%  
   Reliance Trust Company, FIS / Vallee & Co., 480 Pilgrim Way, Suite 1000, Green Bay, WI 54304-5280      1,248,946.76        5.36%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      1,147,809.54        45.93%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      578,858.75        23.16%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      550,219.65        22.02%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      445,171.50        99.72%  
CLASS R SHARES    Hartford Life Insurance Company, Separate Account 401(k), 1 Griffin Rd. N., Windsor, CT 06095-1512      61,323.54        44.36%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      34,053.47        24.64%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      28,394.15        20.54%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
CLASS R6 SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, Associated Trust Company, PO Box 22037, Green Bay, WI 54305-2037      4,102,114.05        70.43%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      1,212,498.41        20.82%  
SERVICE SHARES    MSCS Financial Services LLC, BankPlus Wealth Management Group, 1200 Eastover Dr., Suite 300, Jackson, MS 39211-6325      15,699.73        52.27%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      6,229.65        20.74%  
   American United Life Insurance Co., FBO Group Retirement Account, Attn: Separate Accounts, PO Box 368, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368      2,514.53        8.37%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,601.73        5.33%  
   SEI Private Trust Company, C/O Trustmark, 1 Freedom Valley Dr., Oaks, PA 19456-9989      1,507.84        5.02%  



   Edward D. Jones & Co., FBO Customers, 12555 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63131-3710      358,677.03        13.69%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      346,591.25        13.23%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      291,996.83        11.15%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      237,094.61        9.05%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      230,626.78        8.80%  
   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      188,740.51        7.21%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      179,355.31        6.85%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      140,569.78        5.37%  
CLASS C SHARES    Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      202,937.83        28.67%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      163,735.47        23.13%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      85,359.78        12.06%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      48,703.21        6.88%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      37,379.04        5.28%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      809,068.96        50.05%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      168,832.94        10.44%  
   MSCS Financial Services, Zeel & Co., Attn: Trust Ops., 141 E. 8th St., Holland, MI 49423-3503      160,804.91        9.95%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      141,855.17        8.77%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      90,957.10        5.63%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
INVESTOR SHARES    Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      340,018.70        42.05%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      226,996.73        28.07%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      222,104.77        27.46%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      5,295,670.00        99.93%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio, Structured Tax Managed Equity, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      60,628,342.10        99.94%  
SERVICE SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      62,372.29        99.99%  



   National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      4,432,760.49        30.72%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,652,113.00        11.45%  
   Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,181,982.51        8.19%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,141,971.07        7.91%  
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      1,136,555.89        7.88%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      1,067,144.58        7.39%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      781,489.99        5.42%  
CLASS C SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      1,888,518.69        18.05%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      1,838,540.26        17.57%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      1,564,717.17        14.95%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      1,348,779.45        12.89%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      1,029,946.70        9.84%  
   Pershing LLC, PO Box 2052, Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052      692,321.08        6.62%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      565,982.84        5.41%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    National Financial Services LLC, FBO Customers Mutual Funds, Attn: Mutual Funds Dept. 4th Floor, 499 Washington Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07310-1995      17,792,505.52        19.58%  
   Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, FBO Customers, 1 New York Plz., Fl. 12, New York, NY 10004-1965      12,286,527.87        13.52%  
   TD Ameritrade Clearing Inc., FBO Clients, PO Box 2226, Omaha, NE 68103-2226      12,042,704.05        13.25%  
   Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, FBO Customers, Attn: Service Team SEC #97PR8 Goldman Sachs Funds, 4800 Deer Lake Dr. East, 3rd Fl., Jacksonville, FL 32246-6484      8,004,875.79        8.81%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Special Custody Account FBO Customers, Attn: Mutual Funds, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105-1905      7,984,610.34        8.79%  
   Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC, A/C 1699-0135, Special Custody Account FBO Customer, 2801 Market St., Saint Louis, MO 63103-2523      7,657,922.24        8.43%  
   Saxon & Co., FBO 40400904099990, PO Box 7780-1888, Philadelphia, PA 19182-0001      7,566,805.32        8.33%  
   UBS Financial Services, Inc., UBS WM USA, OMNI Account M/F, Special Custody Account FBO UBSFSI, 1000 Harbor Blvd., Weehawken, NJ 07086-6761      4,735,013.63        5.21%  
INVESTOR SHARES    Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., American Enterprise Investment Svc, FBO # 41999970, 707 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55402-2405      14,947,069.92        43.47%  
   LPL Financial Corporation, Omnibus Customer Account, Attn: Mutual Fund Trading, 4707 Executive Dr., San Diego, CA 92121-3091      13,146,889.34        38.24%  
   Raymond James & Associates, Omnibus for Mutual Funds, 92500015, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-1102      4,549,297.21        13.23%  
CLASS P SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co., FBO Omnibus 6600, C/O Mutual Fund Ops., 222 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84101-2199      49,163,117.34        99.69%  
CLASS R6 SHARES    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, GS Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio, U.S. Equity Dividend & Premium, 1 Beacon St., Fl. 18, Boston, MA 02108-3107      20,470,164.06        99.99%  



   Lombard International Life Assurance Company, One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Fl. 54, Philadelphia, PA 19103-4201      449,533.36        61.20%  
   AIG Life Insurance Co., AIG Life of Bermuda Ltd., In Respect of SEG Acct. Bermuda VL-U-II, 27 Richmond Rd., PO Box HM 152, Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda      237,300.01        32.31%  
   Members Life Insurance Company, 2000 Heritage Way, Waverly, IA 50677-9208         5.72%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
SERVICE SHARES    Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      2,591,298.82        75.55%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Co., Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      283,388.89        8.26%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      243,903.10        7.11%  
   Forethought Life Insurance Co., 10 W. Market St., Suite 2300, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2954      185,974.07        5.42%  



   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      8,893,401.36        91.13%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Co., Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      682,317.29        6.99%  



   Lombard International Life Assurance Company, One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Fl. 54, Philadelphia, PA 19103-4201      18,692.74        88.30%  
   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      2,477.40        11.70%  
SERVICE SHARES    Securian Financial Services, Inc., Minnesota Life Insurance Company, 400 Robert St. N., Suite A, Saint Paul, MN 55101-2099      13,056,791.00        48.33%  
   Ohio National Life Insurance Co., FBO Separate Accounts, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242-5800      11,462,731.46        42.43%  



   Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Life Insurance Company, FBO NWPP, C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      220,262,984.65        65.24%  
   Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA, FBO Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. – P69279, 4 Chase, Metrotech Center, Fl. 6, Brooklyn, NY 11245-0003      76,176,087.26        22.56%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
SERVICE SHARES    Life of Virginia, GE Life & Annuity Assurance Co., Attn: Variable Accounting, 660 W. Broad St., Building 2, Richmond, VA 23230-1721      132,643,623.60        36.44%  
   AIG Life Insurance Co., American General Life Insurance Co., Variable Separate Account (VSA), Attn: Variable Products Accounting, 2727A Allen Parkway, Houston, TX 77019-2107      99,462,681.65        27.32%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      65,289,463.27        17.94%  
   Lincoln Financial Distributors, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1300 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3506      29,406,495.43        8.08%  



   GSAM Holdings LLC Seed Account, Attn: IMD-India-SAOS, Crystal Downs, Fl. 3, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Bangalore 560071 India      3,721.15        60.19%  
   Kemper Investors Life Insurance Company, Zurich American Life Insurance Company, 165 Broadway, Fl. 21, New York, NY 10006-1454      2,460.40        39.80%  
SERVICE SHARES    Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      4,557,112.73        81.70%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Co., Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      499,570.02        8.96%  



   Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Life Insurance Company, FBO NWVA4, C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      625,590.25        97.91%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    AIG Life Insurance Co., AIG Life of Bermuda Ltd., In Respect of SEG Acct. Bermuda VL-U-II, 27 Richmond Rd., PO Box HM 152, Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda      245,973.50        54.08%  
   Lombard International Life Assurance Company, One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Fl. 54, Philadelphia, PA 19103-4201      206,300.80        45.35%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
SERVICE SHARES    Securian Financial Services, Inc., Minnesota Life Insurance Company, 400 Robert St. N., Suite A, Saint Paul, MN 55101-2099      4,178,583.44        60.71%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      1,826,084.46        26.53%  
   Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Life Insurance Company, FBO NWPP, C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      744,608.03        10.82%  



   Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      3,691,323.68        71.64%  
   Kemper Investors Life Insurance Company, Zurich American Life Insurance Company, 165 Broadway, Fl. 21, New York, NY 10006-1454      531,135.08        10.31%  
SERVICE SHARES    Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      5,170,971.92        90.28%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Co., Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      356,584.32        6.23%  



   Ohio National Life Insurance Co., FBO Separate Accounts, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242-5800      9,534,228.75        54.35%  
   Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      5,755,718.89        32.81%  
SERVICE SHARES    Lincoln Financial Distributors, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1300 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3506      15,251,910.76        46.08%  
   Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      11,867,601.58        35.85%  
   Ohio National Life Insurance Co., FBO Separate Accounts, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242-5800      4,672,594.20        14.12%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of



   RiverSource Life Insurance Co., RiverSource Life Insurance Co. of New York, A/C 1 Investment Accounting Managed Assets, 1646 AXP Financial Center, Minneapolis, MN 55474-0001      12,916,131.57        63.23%  
   Life of Virginia, GE Life & Annuity Assurance Co., Attn: Variable Accounting, 660 W. Broad St., Building 2, Richmond, VA 23230-1721      2,233,696.94        10.94%  
SERVICE SHARES    Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      9,526,099.35        89.15%  



   RiverSource Life Insurance Co., RiverSource Life Insurance Co. of New York, A/C 1 Investment Accounting Managed Assets, 1646 AXP Financial Center, Minneapolis, MN 55474-0001      813,196.23        49.36%  
   Lincoln Financial Distributors, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1300 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3506      257,504.93        15.63%  
   Jefferson National Life Insurance Co., 10350 Ormsby Park Place, Louisville, KY 40223-6178      243,938.33        14.81%  
   GWFS Equities, Inc., Great-West Life & Annuity, FBO Variable Annuity 2 SmartTrack I, 8515 E. Orchard Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5002      142,532.63        8.65%  
   AIG Life Insurance Co., American General Life Insurance Co., Variable Separate Account (VSA), Attn: Variable Products Accounting, 2727A Allen Parkway, Houston, TX 77019-2107      90,244.18        5.48%  
INSTITUTIONAL SHARES    Lincoln Financial Distributors, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1300 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3506      56,843.86        47.20%  
   Kemper Investors Life Insurance Company, Zurich American Life Insurance Company, 165 Broadway, Fl. 21, New York, NY 10006-1454      36,187.49        30.05%  
   Lombard International Life Assurance Company, One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St., Fl. 54, Philadelphia, PA 19103-4201      26,083.56        21.66%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
SERVICE SHARES    Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Life Insurance Company, FBO NWVAII, C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      161,017.40        57.33%  
   Nationwide Investment Services, Nationwide Life Insurance Company, FBO NWVA4, C/O IPO Portfolio Accounting, PO Box 182029, Columbus, OH 43218-2029      86,888.71        30.94%  



   Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      3,578,723.67        36.25%  
   Farmers New World Life Insurance Co., 3120 139th Ave. S.E., Suite 300, Bellevue, WA 98005-4491      1,618,841.75        16.40%  
   Ohio National Life Insurance Co., FBO Separate Accounts, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242-5800      951,373.60        9.64%  
   Lincoln Financial Distributors, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1300 S. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3506      923,767.64        9.36%  
   MassMutual Life Insurance, Attn: RS Fund Operations, 1295 State St., MIP C105, Springfield, MA 01111-0001      685,338.46        6.94%  
   MetLife Investors Insurance Co., MetLife Insurance Company of Connecticut, Attn: Shareholder Accounting, PO Box 990027, Hartford, CT 06199-0027      520,418.72        5.27%  
SERVICE SHARES    Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      14,993,680.78        78.47%  
   Ohio National Life Insurance Co., FBO Separate Accounts, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242-5800      2,077,333.21        10.87%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Co., Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      1,094,386.91        5.73%  



   Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      2,531,100.25        40.85%  





Shareholder Name and Address*

   Number of
     Percentage of
   RiverSource Life Insurance Co., RiverSource Life Insurance Co. of New York, A/C 1 Investment Accounting Managed Assets, 1646 AXP Financial Center, Minneapolis, MN 55474-0001      994,519.24        16.05%  
   Principal Securities, Inc., Principal Life Insurance Co., FBO Principal Investment Plus Variable Annuity, Attn: Individual Life Accounting, 711 High St., Des Moines, IA 50392-0001      451,228.46        7.28%  
   Midland National Life Insurance Co., 1 Midland Plaza, Sioux Falls, SD 57193-0001      360,995.15        5.83%  
SERVICE SHARES    Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      1,058,857.61        83.49%  



   RiverSource Life Insurance Co., RiverSource Life Insurance Co. of New York, A/C 1 Investment Accounting Managed Assets, 1646 AXP Financial Center, Minneapolis, MN 55474-0001      8,866,239.61        63.09%  
   Protective Life Insurance Co., Protective VAR Annuity Sep. Account, Attn: Annuity Operational Accounting, 2801 Highway 280 S., Birmingham, AL 35223-2479      1,535,928.12        10.93%  
   Ohio National Life Insurance Co., FBO Separate Accounts, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242-5800      1,519,605.53        10.81%  
SERVICE SHARES    Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      1,318,254.75        42.79%  
   Ohio National Life Insurance Co., FBO Separate Accounts, One Financial Way, Cincinnati, OH 45242-5800      1,036,864.68        33.65%  
   Commonwealth Annuity & Life Insurance Company, First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Co., Attn: Separate Account S-291, 440 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01653-0002      254,138.98        8.25%  



The entities set forth in this column are the shareholders of record and may be deemed to be the beneficial owners of certain of the shares listed for certain purposes under the securities laws. However, these entities generally do not have an economic interest in these shares and would ordinarily disclaim any beneficial ownership therein.







Organization and Purpose

The Trustees of Goldman Sachs Trust and Goldman Sachs Variable Insurance Trust (together the “Trusts” and the series thereof, the “Funds”) have established a Governance and Nominating Committee (the “Committee”), comprising all of the independent Trustees. “Independent Trustees” are those Trustees who: (a) are independent of the management of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC; (b) are not “interested persons” of the Funds or any investment adviser or principal underwriter of the Funds within the meaning of Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”); and (c) do not accept any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from the Funds except in their capacities as members of the Board of Trustees or committees thereof (Board and committee members serving the Trusts in additional capacities, e.g., as Chairman of the Board or as Audit Committee Financial Expert, may receive additional compensation). The Committee has been established for the following purposes: (1) assisting the Board of Trustees in matters involving mutual fund governance and industry best practices; (2) with respect to the selection and nomination of independent Trustees, satisfying certain regulatory requirements adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”); and (3) advising the Board of Trustees from time to time on ways to improve its effectiveness.

Statement of Policy

The mission of the Board of Trustees is to represent and protect the interests of the Funds and their shareholders. In doing so, the Board has the legal responsibility for overseeing the affairs of the Funds. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that in fulfilling its mission and meeting its responsibilities, the Trustees will seek high standards of integrity, commitment and independence of thought and judgment in a manner that is consistent with best practices of mutual fund governance.

Summary of Responsibilities

The Committee will have the following responsibilities:



Making recommendations to the Board of Trustees with respect to the effectiveness of the Board in carrying out its responsibilities in governing the Funds and overseeing their management.



Monitoring the governance policies set forth in the Trustee Charter adopted by the Board of Trustees, and recommending such changes to those policies as the Committee deems appropriate from time to time.



Making recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding its size, structure and composition as well as qualifications for Board membership.



Making recommendations to the Board of Trustees with respect to the Board’s committee structure, committee membership and chairmanship.



Monitoring the Trusts’ standards of Trustee independence.



Overseeing and reviewing the Board and committee evaluations performed from time to time in accordance with the Trustee Charter and, based on its review, recommending such actions as the Committee deems appropriate.



Keeping informed of regulatory changes and industry practices relating to mutual fund governance and recommending such changes as the Committee deems appropriate.




Oversee the process for setting independent Trustee compensation.



Overseeing the continuing education of incumbent and new independent Trustees.



Reviewing periodically the investments made by the Trustees in the Funds pursuant to the policies set forth in the Trustee Charter.



Selecting and nominating candidates for election or appointment as non-interested members of the Board of Trustees and the retention of such members, as discussed below.

In carrying out its responsibilities under this Charter, the policies and procedures of the Committee should remain flexible in order to best react to changing conditions and to provide assurance to the full Board of Trustees and shareholders that the Trusts’ governance practices are in accordance with applicable requirements and are of the highest quality.

The Committee performs its functions under this Governance and Nominating Committee Charter on the basis of information and advice provided or representations made to it by the management of the Funds, or by service providers, or by legal counsel or other experts or consultants, without independent verification. Nothing in this charter is intended to impose, or should be interpreted as imposing, on any member of the Committee any additional duties or responsibilities over and above those placed on the member in his or her capacity as a Trustee of the Trusts under applicable federal and state law.

Selection, Nomination and Retention of Independent Trustees

The Committee will be responsible for the selection and nomination of the candidates for election or appointment as independent Trustees of the Trusts. In connection with the selection and nomination of candidates to the Board of Trustees, the Committee will evaluate the qualifications of candidates for Board membership and their independence from the Trusts’ investment advisers, principal underwriter(s), and other principal service providers. Persons selected must be independent under the provisions of the 1940 Act. The Committee will also consider the effect of any relationships beyond those delineated in the 1940 Act that might impair independence (for example, business, financial or family relationships with the investment advisers or other service providers). Candidates should have the capacity to address financial and legal issues and to exercise reasonable business judgment. Without limiting the foregoing, the Committee will also consider, among other criteria, a candidate’s:



experience in business, financial or investment matters or in other fields of endeavor;






ability to attend scheduled Board and Committee meetings;



general availability to attend to Board business on short notice;



actual or potential business, family or other conflicts bearing on either the candidate’s independence or the business of the Trusts;



length of potential service;



commitment to the representation of the interests of the Funds and their shareholders;



commitment to maintaining and improving Trustee skills and education; and



experience in corporate governance and best business practices.

The Committee will also consider the diversity of the Board’s composition as part of the selection and nomination process.

In considering the selection and nomination of independent Trustee candidates, it is expected that the Committee will consult with the interested Trustees and Officers of the Trusts and such other persons as the Committee deems appropriate.



In addition, the Committee shall work to retain high performing independent Trustees, once elected or appointed as the case may be.

Additional Matters



The Committee will meet at such times as it deems appropriate. The Committee will set its agenda and the places of its meetings. The Committee may meet alone and outside the presence of management personnel.



The Committee will submit the minutes of all meetings of the Committee to, or discuss the matters discussed at each Committee meeting with, the full Board of Trustees.



The Committee may delegate any portion of its authority to a subcommittee of one or more members. Any decision of the subcommittee shall be presented to the full Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting.



The Committee is authorized to investigate any matter brought to its attention within the scope of its duties, and is authorized to meet with the compliance personnel of management as the committee deems appropriate in connection with the performance of its responsibilities.



The Committee is authorized to engage independent counsel and other advisers as it deems necessary to carry out its duties.



The Funds will provide for appropriate funding, as determined by the Committee, for payment of compensation to any advisers employed by the Committee as described above.



Except as otherwise provided by the Board of Trustees or required by applicable law, the Committee shall act by a vote of a majority of the Committee members at a Committee meeting, including a meeting held by conference telephone, teleconference or other electronic media or communication equipment, or by written consent of a majority of Committee members without a meeting. Any written consent or waiver may be provided and delivered to the Committee by e-mail, facsimile or other similar electronic mechanism.



The Committee will periodically review the provisions of this Governance and Nominating Committee Charter.



January 29, 2003



June 14, 2007

February 12, 2013

February 11, 2014

February 12, 2015

February 11, 2016 (approved without change)

February 13, 2019




[Form of Proxy]





P.O. BOX 9112





To vote by Internet


1)  Read the Joint Proxy Statement and have the proxy card below at hand.

2)  Go to website

3)  Follow the instructions provided on the website.



To vote by Telephone


1)  Read the Joint Proxy Statement and have the proxy card below at hand.

2)  Call 1-800-690-6903

3)  Follow the instructions.



To vote by Mail


1)  Read the Joint Proxy Statement.

2)  Check the appropriate box on the proxy card below.

3)  Sign and date the proxy card.

4)  Return the proxy card in the envelope provided.



— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —  — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —  — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —  




The Board of Trustees recommends you vote FOR the following proposals:


1.  To elect four Trustees of the Trust.








For All



To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark “For All Except” and write the name(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below.


                      01)   Dwight L. Bush




                      02)   Kathryn A. Cassidy


                      03)   Joaquin Delgado


                      04)   Gregory G. Weaver




To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.





Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full corporate or partnership name by authorized officer.







Signature [Joint Owners]



[Form of Proxy]

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Special Meeting:

The Joint Proxy Statement is available at

—  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —   —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —   —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —






(each a “TRUST”)


The undersigned shareholder of the Fund(s), revoking prior proxies, hereby appoints Caroline Kraus, Secretary of the Trusts, and Joseph F. DiMaria, Treasurer, Principal Financial Officer, and Principal Accounting Officer of the Trusts, and each of them, the proxies of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote, as indicated herein, all of the shares of the Fund(s) standing in the name of the undersigned at the close of business on November 4, 2019 at a Special Meeting to be held at the offices of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P., located at 30 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302, Room 21L on the 21st Floor at 10:30 a.m. (Eastern) on January 23, 2020, and at any and all adjournments thereof, with all of the powers the undersigned would possess if then and there personally present and especially (but without limiting the general authorization and power hereby given) to vote as indicated on the proposal, as more fully described in the Joint Proxy Statement for the Special meeting.




[Form of Proxy]




P.O. BOX 9112





To vote by Internet


1)  Read the Joint Proxy Statement and have the proxy card below at hand.

2)  Go to website

3)  Follow the instructions provided on the website.



To vote by Telephone


1)  Read the Joint Proxy Statement and have the proxy card below at hand.

2)  Call 1-800-690-6903

3)  Follow the instructions.



To vote by Mail


1)  Read the Joint Proxy Statement.

2)  Check the appropriate boxes on the proxy card below.

3)  Sign and date the proxy card.

4)  Return the proxy card in the envelope provided.



— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —  — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —  — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —  



The Board of Trustees recommends you vote FOR the following proposals:


1.  To elect four Trustees of the Trust.








For All



To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark “For All Except” and write the name(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below.


                      01)   Dwight L. Bush




                      02)   Kathryn A. Cassidy


                      03)   Joaquin Delgado


                      04)   Gregory G. Weaver



                   For   Against   Abstain

To approve a change to the Goldman Sachs Large Cap Growth Insights Fund’s sub-classification under the Investment Company Act of 1940 from “diversified” to “non-diversified” and to eliminate a related fundamental investment restriction.


To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.






Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full corporate or partnership name by authorized officer.





Signature [Joint Owners]



[Form of Proxy]

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Special Meeting:

The Joint Proxy Statement is available at

—  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —   —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —   —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —






The undersigned shareholder of the Fund, revoking prior proxies, hereby appoints Caroline Kraus, Secretary of the Trust, and Joseph F. DiMaria, Treasurer, Principal Financial Officer, and Principal Accounting Officer of the Trust, and each of them, the proxies of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote, as indicated herein, all of the shares of the Fund standing in the name of the undersigned at the close of business on November 4, 2019 at a Special Meeting to be held at the offices of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P., located at 30 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302, Room 21L on the 21st Floor at 10:30 a.m. (Eastern) on January 23, 2020, and at any and all adjournments thereof, with all of the powers the undersigned would possess if then and there personally present and especially (but without limiting the general authorization and power hereby given) to vote as indicated on the proposals, as more fully described in the Joint Proxy Statement for the Special meeting.




[Form of Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials]

*** Exercise Your Right to Vote ***

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the

Shareholder Meeting to Be Held on January 23, 2020.




Meeting Information




Meeting Type:


Special Meeting


For holders as of:


November 4, 2019


Date: January 23, 2020 Time: 10:30 am (Eastern)


Location:  Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P.


30 Hudson Street


Room 21L on the 21st Floor


Jersey City, NJ 07302




P.O. BOX 9112



You are receiving this communication because you hold shares in one or more Funds of the Goldman Sachs Trust and are eligible to vote at this Special Meeting (or any adjournment or postponement thereof).



This is not a ballot. You cannot use this notice to vote these shares. This communication presents only an overview of the more complete proxy materials that are available to you on the Internet. You may view the proxy materials online at or easily request a paper copy (see reverse side).



We encourage you to access and review all of the important information contained in the proxy materials before voting.




See the reverse side of this notice to obtain proxy materials and voting instructions.



—–  Before You Vote  —–

How to Access the Proxy Materials





Proxy Materials Available to VIEW or RECEIVE:




  How to View Online:     

Have the information that is printed in the box marked by the arrow LOGO (located on the following page) and visit:



How to Request and Receive a PAPER or E-MAIL Copy:


If you want to receive a paper or e-mail copy of these documents, you must request one. There is NO charge for requesting a copy. Please choose one of the following methods to make your request:


                                                 1) BY INTERNET:


                                                 2) BY TELEPHONE:




                                                 3) BY E-MAIL*:


* If requesting materials by e-mail, please send a blank e-mail with the information that is printed in the box marked by the arrow LOGO (located on the following page) in the subject line.


Requests, instructions and other inquiries sent to this e-mail address will NOT be forwarded to your investment advisor. Please make the request as instructed above on or before January 9, 2020 to facilitate timely delivery.


—–  How To Vote  —–

Please Choose One of the Following Voting Methods






Vote In Person: Many shareholder meetings have attendance requirements including, but not limited to, the possession of an attendance ticket issued by the entity holding the meeting. Please check the meeting materials for any special requirements for meeting attendance. At the meeting, you will need to request a ballot to vote these shares.


Vote By Internet: To vote now by Internet, go to Have the information that is printed in the box marked by the arrow LOGO (located on the following page) available and follow the instructions.


Vote By Mail: You can vote by mail by requesting a paper copy of the materials, which will include a proxy card.





          Voting Items


  The Board of Trustees recommends you vote FOR
  the following proposals:



To elect four Trustees of the Trust.




Dwight L. Bush




Kathryn A. Cassidy




Joaquin Delgado




Gregory G. Weaver




To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.