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Goldman Sachs Funds




Semi-Annual Report      

April 30, 2015


Fundamental International Equity Funds


Focused International Equity


International Small Cap


Strategic International Equity



Goldman Sachs Fundamental International

Equity Funds










Principal Investment Strategies and Risks


Investment Process


Market Review


Portfolio Management Discussions and Performance Summaries


Schedules of Investments


Financial Statements


Financial Highlights


Notes to the Financial Statements


Other Information



NOT FDIC-INSURED   May Lose Value   No Bank Guarantee



Principal Investment Strategies and Risks


This is not a complete list of risks that may affect the Funds. For additional information concerning the risks applicable to the Funds, please see the Funds’ Prospectus.

The Goldman Sachs Focused International Equity Fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity investments in companies that are organized outside the United States or whose securities are principally traded outside the United States. The Fund is subject to market risk, which means that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular sectors and/or general economic conditions. Foreign and emerging markets investments may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and adverse economic or political developments. Because the Fund may invest in a relatively small number of issuers, the Fund is subject to greater risk of loss.

The Goldman Sachs International Small Cap Fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity investments in non-U.S. small-capitalization companies. The Fund is subject to market risk, which means that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular sectors and/or general economic conditions. Foreign and emerging markets investments may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and adverse economic or political developments. The securities of mid- and small-capitalization companies involve greater risks than those associated with larger, more established companies and may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements.

The Goldman Sachs Strategic International Equity Fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity investments in companies that are organized outside the United States or whose securities are principally traded outside the United States. The Fund’s equity investments are subject to market risk, which means that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular sectors and/or general economic conditions. Foreign and emerging markets investments may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and adverse economic or political developments.





What Differentiates Goldman Sachs’ Fundamental International Equity Investment Process?


Goldman Sachs’ Fundamental International Equity investment process is based on the belief that strong, consistent results are best achieved through expert stock selection, performed by research teams working together on a global scale. Our deep, diverse and experienced team of research analysts and portfolio managers combines local insights with global, industry-specific expertise to identify its high conviction investment ideas.







n   Fundamental research teams based in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Brazil and India and focusing on long-term business and management quality


n   Analysts collaborate regularly to leverage regional and industry-specific research and insights


n   Global perspective is informed by local market expertise


n   A common valuation framework, focusing on long-term earnings power, ensures consistency when valuing and comparing a company to its peers globally




n   Team of experienced Research Analysts is regionally aligned and has sector expertise


n   Team leverages the research of the approximately 80+ regional investment professionals


n   Decision-making process is informed by active participation in the global research process




n   Security selections are aligned with level of investment conviction


n   Risk monitoring considers whether investment and other risks to the Funds are intended and justified


n   Dedicated portfolio construction team assists in ongoing monitoring and adjustment of the Funds



International equity portfolios that strive to offer:


  n   Access to markets across the world  


  n   Disciplined approach to stock selection  


  n   Optimal risk/return profiles  





Goldman Sachs Fundamental Equity International Funds


Market Review

International equities gained solid ground during the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”). The MSCI® Europe, Australasia, Far East (EAFE) Index (net, unhedged) (the “MSCI® EAFE Index”) posted a return of 6.81%.* Central bank policy, currency movements and the sharp decline in oil prices were some of the biggest themes dominating the international equities markets during the Reporting Period.

Both the European Central Bank (“ECB”) and the Bank of Japan (“BoJ”) employed easy monetary policy in an effort to stimulate economic growth. With interest rates near zero in both regions, both the euro and the yen fell against the U.S. dollar, which helped increase exports, an important source of revenue to companies in Europe and Japan. The euro sank to a 12-year low against the U.S. dollar in March 2015 before rebounding slightly in April 2015, and the impact of depreciation was already noticeable in many European corporate earnings reports, many of which were better than expected. Japanese companies also began to benefit from the weak yen. Strong equity markets in both regions reflected optimism that the monetary stimulus would stave off deflation and promote economic growth. While progress was slow, a number of economic indicators in both regions appeared to be improving toward the end of the Reporting Period.

As for oil prices, the international Brent crude oil benchmark price fell rather steadily from a high of $115 per barrel in June 2014 to a low of $47 per barrel in January 2015 before rebounding to almost $70 per barrel by the end of April 2015. The low price of crude oil forced many energy companies to lower their earnings projections. As a result, the energy sector, and those countries’ equity markets most closely tied to the commodities markets, declined most during the Reporting Period. The utilities sector also posted a negative return during the Reporting Period.

However, market participants perceived the combination of lower energy prices, aggressive monetary stimulus and improving economies as beneficial for consumers in Europe and Japan. As consumer confidence and consumer spending slowly improved during the Reporting Period, the stocks of many consumer-oriented companies rose in anticipation of increased consumption. The consumer discretionary sector was the best performing sector in the MSCI® EAFE Index during the Reporting Period. The information technology, health care and industrials sectors also outperformed the MSCI® EAFE Index amidst robust global merger and acquisition activity.

From a country and region perspective, Denmark, Ireland, Hong Kong and Japan were the best performing individual country constituents of the MSCI® EAFE Index for the Reporting Period overall, while China, Norway, Australia and Spain were weakest.

Looking Ahead

As the equity bull market enters its seventh year, we believe the global economy may be nearing several inflection points and new equity market leaders may well emerge. For example, the U.S. economy has strengthened to the point where the Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) is preparing to raise interest rates for the first time since June 2006. The euro has depreciated to match the ECB’s near zero interest rate Policy, and European banks are lending again after years of deleveraging. In Japan, inflation is taking hold, wages are rising and


*All   index returns are expressed in U.S. dollar terms.





consumption may be about to pick up. It is widely anticipated that India’s re-accelerating Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”) growth will likely eclipse China’s slowing economic growth rate this year. In our view, the macroeconomic themes behind many of these changes — diverging monetary policies, currency movements, low oil prices and structural reforms — affect nearly every company’s earnings and stock price in a different way.

Naturally, we believe new equity market leaders are likely to emerge from the changing economic landscape. But the best performing stocks and stock markets may not necessarily be in the countries or industries with the highest economic growth, and yesterday’s laggards are not always ready to be tomorrow’s leaders. Furthermore, earnings multiples have crept up, leaving few bargains, in our opinion. Indeed, because earnings multiples have already expanded, we believe earnings growth will become an increasingly important driver of stock performance in the months ahead. The sometimes offsetting or contradicting effects of macroeconomic conditions are likely to make top-down calls more difficult, but we believe the true impact may be revealed in corporate earnings. In our view, more expensive equities, lower return expectations and offsetting macroeconomic influences create a stock-picker’s market and one in which portfolios that outperform may look different from the broader market. Even when sector and country weightings are similar, a closer look may reveal differentiation through concentration, market capitalization, quality or other characteristics. The past year or so was challenging for most active managers, but we think that is about to change.

In all, we think global equity returns for calendar year 2015 may be slightly below their long-term average, but still are likely to compare favorably with other asset classes. As always, we maintain our focus on seeking companies that we believe will generate long-term growth in today’s ever-changing market conditions.





Goldman Sachs Focused International Equity Fund


Investment Objective

The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Portfolio Management Discussion and Analysis

Below, the Goldman Sachs Global Equity Team discusses the Goldman Sachs Focused International Equity Fund’s (the “Fund”) performance and positioning for the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”).



Q   How did the Fund perform during Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, the Fund’s Class A, C, Institutional, Service and IR Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of 5.64%, 5.26%, 5.85%, 5.58% and 5.74%, respectively. These returns compare to the 6.81% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the MSCI® Europe, Australasia, Far East (EAFE) Index (Net, USD, Unhedged) (the “MSCI® Index”), during the same period.


Q   What key factors were responsible for the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund generated solid absolute gains, but its underperformance to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period can be primarily attributed to individual stock selection. Sector and country allocation also detracted.


Q   Which stocks detracted significantly from the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The biggest detractors from Fund performance relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period were Aurizon Holdings, Hana Financial Group and Mediatek.


  Aurizon Holdings, an Australian railroad operator to the mining industry, performed poorly, as the slowing Chinese economy raised concerns that commodities freight volumes may come under pressure despite the long-term nature of the company’s contracts with its mining customers. We sold the Fund’s position in Aurizon Holdings by the end of the Reporting Period.


  Hana Financial Group detracted from the Fund’s relative returns during the Reporting Period. The South Korean banking group performed poorly due to earnings downgrades driven by the slowdown in the South Korean economy. The economic slowdown led to rate cuts by the nation’s central bank, which, in turn, pressured banks’ margins and also increased their competition.


  Mediatek is a Taiwanese semiconductor company focusing on low-end handsets for emerging markets. Its shares came under pressure as the growth in mobile phone sales in Mediatek’s key Asian markets slowed due to sluggish economies as well as due to a move to fourth generation devices, a market that Mediatek is expected to only start supplying later in 2015.


Q   What were some of the Fund’s best-performing individual stocks?


A   The greatest contributors to Fund performance relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period were Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Novo-Nordisk and BG Group.


  Japanese banking group Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group was the top positive contributor to the Fund’s relative results during the Reporting Period. It performed well on the back of strong results, driven by a gradual recovery in its Japanese business and robust growth in its international businesses, especially in Asia and the U.S. Additionally, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group announced increased shareholder distributions via a higher dividend and share buy-backs.






  Danish multinational pharmaceuticals company Novo-Nordisk was a strong positive contributor during the Reporting Period. In January 2015, Novo-Nordisk announced that its sales volumes were up 8% in local currency in the fourth quarter of 2014, with the majority of growth coming from North America. Its stock also responded well to positive Phase II results for its oral diabetes drug GLP-1 in February 2015 and its currently ongoing talks with regulators about potentially initiating Phase III. If realized, many believe Phase III trials would be a major opportunity for Novo-Nordisk, as the oral administration of the drug should appeal to more patients than the use of injections, allowing the company to take market share. (Phase II is when a drug or treatment is given to a larger group of people to see if it is effective and to further evaluate its safety. Phase III is when a drug or treatment is given to large groups of people to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments and collect information that will allow the drug or treatment to be used safely.) At the end of March 2015, the company also announced its decision to resubmit new applications for its drugs Tresiba and Ryzodeg for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) approval. The market saw this as positive, as approval would remove the overhang on the company’s stock stemming from the growth uncertainty of the company’s insulin drug portfolio.


  Shares of BG Group, a U.K.-listed oil and gas exploration company, rose upon its acceptance of a takeover offer from its larger rival Royal Dutch Shell at a 55% premium. Royal Dutch Shell is particularly interested in BG Group’s oil assets in the promising pre-salt basin off the coast of Brazil as well as its leading franchise in global liquid natural gas production and trading.


Q   Which equity market sectors most significantly affected Fund performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The sectors that detracted most from the Fund’s relative results during the Reporting Period were consumer discretionary, information technology and consumer staples, where stock selection in each weighed most negatively on performance. Having a slightly underweighted allocation to the strongly performing consumer discretionary sector also dampened relative results.


  The sectors that contributed most positively to the Fund’s performance relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period were financials, health care and energy, each due primarily to effective stock selection.


Q   Which countries most affected the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   Typically, the Fund’s individual stock holdings will significantly influence the Fund’s performance within a particular country or region relative to the MSCI® Index. This effect may be even more pronounced in a concentrated portfolio or in countries that represent only a modest proportion of the MSCI® Index.


  That said, the countries that detracted most from the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period were Japan, South Korea and Germany, where stock selection and country allocation overall hurt. Effective stock selection in France, Switzerland and the U.K. boosted the Fund’s relative returns most. Having a modestly overweighted allocation to Switzerland also helped, as its equity market outpaced the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period.


Q   How did the Fund use derivatives and similar instruments during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we did not use derivatives to hedge positions or as part of an active management strategy.


Q   Did the Fund make any significant purchases or sales during the Reporting Period?


A   We established new Fund positions during the Reporting Period in French global advertising company Publicis Groupe, French banking group Societe Generale and Japanese diversified financing services company ORIX.


  We initiated a Fund position in Publicis Groupe during the fourth quarter of 2014. Its stock had been weak earlier in 2014 given concerns around the European economy and the company’s acquisition of U.S. technology company Sapient, which was initially poorly received by the market. We saw it as an opportunity to buy into what we perceived as a steadily growing company with strong cash generation.


  We established a Fund position in Societe Generale in the first quarter of 2015. Its stock had been a significant laggard compared to other European banks for more than a year, and its relative valuation appeared attractive to us at 0.8x price/ tangible book value vs. 1.1x for the sector. We believed that concerns around weakness in the bank’s Russian business and continued re-regulation of banks were well priced in already. At the time of purchase, we believed the gradual recovery of the European economy should lead to upgrades to the growth outlook for the bank.






  We purchased a Fund position in ORIX, which provides and operates corporate financing, leasing, real estate related business, principal investment and retail business. We expect return on equity to improve as ORIX rebalances its business portfolio and focuses more on return on net assets. Also, we believe capital gain is likely to be maintained at current levels for the next several years. In addition, we believed at the time of purchase that ORIX had an attractive valuation, which looked undervalued considering anticipated net income growth going forward.


  In addition to the sale of Aurizon, already mentioned, we sold the Fund’s positions in Intesa Sanpaolo and Credit Suisse during the Reporting Period.


  We exited the Fund’s position in Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the leading banks in Italy, taking profits. While we still like the trends in peripheral European nation banks, such as rising net interest margins on the back of lower funding costs and loss provisions, we thought valuations were getting stretched. Performance of Intesa Sanpaolo was strong in the first quarter of 2015, and we considered it appropriate to sell out and redeploy capital into what we considered to be more attractive investment opportunities elsewhere.


  We eliminated the Fund’s position in Swiss bank Credit Suisse toward the end of 2014, as we saw what we believed to be better opportunities elsewhere. We had turned more cautious around new money inflows into Credit Suisse’s private bank, as we believed weakness in emerging markets economies could slow wealth creation.


Q   Were there any notable changes in the Fund’s weightings during the Reporting Period?


A   In this Fund, both sector weightings and country allocations are largely the result of our bottom-up stock selection process rather than any top-down macroeconomic views or regional, country, sector or industry bets. We seek to outpace the MSCI® Index by overweighting stocks that we expect to outperform and underweighting those we think may lag. Consequently, changes in its sector or country weightings are generally the direct result of individual stock selection or of stock appreciation or depreciation. That said, during the Reporting Period, the Fund’s exposure to information technology, health care, consumer staples, materials and consumer discretionary increased relative to the MSCI®
  Index during the Reporting Period, while its relative exposure to financials, industrials, energy and telecommunication services decreased. From a country perspective, several changes were made. Among them, the Fund’s exposure to Japan, France and Spain increased relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period, while its relative exposure to the U.K., Switzerland, Italy and Sweden decreased.


Q   Were there any changes to the Fund’s portfolio management team during the Reporting Period?


A   There were no material changes to the Fund’s portfolio management team during the Reporting Period.


Q   How was the Fund positioned relative to the MSCI® Index at the end of the Reporting Period?


A   At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund had more exposure to South Korea, France, Spain, Taiwan, Japan and Ireland and less exposure to the U.K., Germany, Australia, Switzerland and Sweden relative to the MSCI® Index. At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund held neutral positions relative to the MSCI® Index in several countries and had no position at all in several other countries and regions, most notably China, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands and Singapore.


  From a sector allocation perspective, the Fund had overweight positions relative to the MSCI® Index in information technology and industrials at the end of the Reporting Period. On the same date, the Fund had underweighted positions compared to the MSCI® Index in financials, telecommunication services and consumer staples and was rather neutrally weighted compared to the MSCI® Index in materials, energy, utilities, consumer discretionary and health care.


  As always, we remained focused on individual stock selection, with sector and country positioning being a secondary, closely-monitored effect.





Focused International Equity Fund

as of April 30, 2015





     November 1, 2014–April 30, 2015    Fund Total Return
(based on NAV)1
       MSCI® EAFE Index
(Net, USD, Unhedged)2
  Class A      5.64        6.81
  Class C      5.26           6.81   
  Institutional      5.85           6.81   
  Service      5.58           6.81   
    Class IR      5.74           6.81   


  1    The net asset value (“NAV”) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.


  2    The MSCI® EAFE Index (Net, USD, Unhedged) is a market capitalization-weighted composite of securities in 22 developed markets. The Index approximates the minimum possible dividend reinvestment. The dividend is reinvested after deduction for withholding tax, applying the rate to non- resident individuals who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. MSCI® Barra uses withholding tax rates applicable to Luxembourg holding companies, as Luxembourg applies the highest rates. The Index is unmanaged and the figures for the Index do not include any deduction for fees or expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


     For the period ended 3/31/15   One Year     Five Years     Ten Years     Since Inception     Inception Date
  Class A     -11.97     3.53     2.27     4.42   12/01/92
  Class C     -8.49        3.92        2.09        1.73      8/15/97
  Institutional     -6.50        5.13        3.26        4.21      2/07/96
  Service     -6.95        4.60        2.74        4.68      3/06/96
    Class IR     -6.61        N/A        N/A        7.28      8/31/10


  3    The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional, Service and Class IR Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.


The returns set forth in the tables above represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted above. Please visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations in effect during the periods shown. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.







          Net Expense Ratio (Current)        Gross Expense Ratio (Before Waivers)  
  Class A     1.32        1.63
  Class C     2.07           2.38   
  Institutional     0.92           1.23   
  Service     1.42           1.73   
    Class IR     1.07           1.38   


  4    The expense ratios of the Fund, both current (net of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) and before waivers (gross of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) are as set forth above according to the most recent publicly available Prospectus for the Fund and may differ from the expense ratios disclosed in the Financial Highlights in this report. Pursuant to a contractual arrangement, the Fund’s waivers and/or expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date the investment adviser may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. If these arrangements are discontinued in the future, the expense ratios may change without shareholder approval.


     Holding    % of Net Assets     Line of Business    Country
  Computershare Ltd.      4.0   Software & Services    Australia
  Bayer AG (Registered)      4.0      Pharmaceuticals,

Biotechnology & Life


  Banco Popular Espanol SA      3.6      Banks    Spain
  Sanofi      3.2      Pharmaceuticals,

Biotechnology & Life


  Publicis Groupe SA      3.2      Media    France

Reckitt Benckiser Group


     3.2      Household & Personal


   United Kingdom
  Societe Generale SA      3.1      Banks    France
  ORIX Corp.      3.1      Diversified Financials    Japan
  Iberdrola SA      3.1      Utilities    Spain
    BG Group PLC      3.0      Energy    United Kingdom


  5    The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.







As of April 30, 2015





  6    The Fund is actively managed and, as such, its composition may differ over time. Consequently, the Fund’s overall sector allocations may differ from percentages contained in the graph above. The graph categorizes investments using Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”), however, the sector classifications used by the portfolio management team may differ from GICS. Underlying sector allocations of exchange traded funds held by the Fund are not reflected in the graph above. The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of market value. The graph depicts the Fund’s investments but may not represent the Fund’s market exposure due to the exclusion of certain derivatives, if any, as listed in the Additional Investment Information section of the Schedule of Investments.





Goldman Sachs International Small Cap Fund


Investment Objective

The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Portfolio Management Discussion and Analysis

Below, the Goldman Sachs Global Equity Team discusses the Goldman Sachs International Small Cap Fund’s (the “Fund”) performance and positioning for the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”).



Q   How did the Fund perform during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, the Fund’s Class A, C, Institutional, Service and IR Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of 7.96%, 7.59%, 8.19%, 7.95% and 8.13%, respectively. These returns compare to the 9.60% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Developed Ex-U.S. Small Cap Index (Net, USD, Unhedged) (the “S&P Index”), during the same period.


Q   What key factors were responsible for the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund generated solid absolute gains, but its underperformance to the S&P Index during the Reporting Period can be primarily attributed to individual stock selection. Sector and country allocation also detracted.


Q   Which stocks detracted significantly from the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The biggest detractors from Fund performance relative to the S&P Index during the Reporting Period were Brocolli, Aryzta and En-Japan.


  Brocolli, a Japanese manufacturer of character-themed goods, such as trading card games, books, CDs and stationery items, detracted most from the Fund’s relative results during the Reporting Period. Its stock underperformed the S&P Index due mainly to a connection issue on a new network game that was launched in December 2014. Investors had expected the launch of the new smartphone game to be a catalyst for rapid earnings growth in the next fiscal year. However, given the technical glitch, the number of downloads was not increasing. We decided to sell the Fund’s position in Brocolli by the end of the Reporting Period.


  Aryzta, a Swiss-based global specialty bakery supplier, also detracted from the Fund’s relative performance during the Reporting Period. The company reported a disappointing set of fourth quarter 2014 results, highlighting an unexpected drop in performance in the U.S. Furthermore, the stock suffered when the company announced a poorly-received acquisition at the end of March 2015.


  En-Japan is a Japan-based Internet-based recruiting solutions provider. Its underperformance to the S&P Index during the Reporting Period can be attributed back to the first quarter of 2014 when the company formally announced a downward revision of its earnings forecast for its fiscal year 2014 due to a 360 million Japanese yen charge for the planned closure of its existing new graduate recruitment website and planned migration into a new service. The company saw a period of better performance between May and September 2014, but its stock underperformed again in the last quarter of 2014 due to profit taking sell offs after its outperformance since May 2014. We sold the Fund’s position in En-Japan by the end of the Reporting Period.


Q   What were some of the Fund’s best-performing individual stocks?


A   The greatest contributors to Fund performance relative to the S&P Index during the Reporting Period were Gategroup Holding, OCI Materials and Disco.



Gategroup Holding, a Swiss-based global airline catering company, was the greatest positive contributor to the Fund’s relative performance during the Reporting Period. The company benefited from lower oil prices, which, in turn, stimulated airline volumes. Additionally, activist shareholders began to try to increase the company’s focus on cost control and the emerging market growth opportunity, which may provide an added catalyst in the future. At the end of the Reporting Period, we continued to like the stock and believe the company has room for improved top-line, or






revenue, growth as airlines become less focused on reducing food content as part of their service.


  South Korean-based materials manufacturer OCI Materials was also a strong contributor to the Fund’s relative results. OCI Materials’ products are used in the manufacturing process of semiconductors, thin film transistor liquid crystal displays (“TFT-LCD”) and solar cells and film deposition. With approximately 50% exposure each to the semiconductor and LCD industries, as measured by client mix, both businesses have been showing strong order flows — increasingly so from the semiconductor industry. In our view, incremental volume increases may come from potential capacity expansion within OCI Materials, which we believe likely, as talks with major clients indicate there may be an industry-wide supply shortage in the next six to 12 months without any immediate capital expenditure decisions.


  Disco is a Japanese manufacturer of abrasive and precision industrial machinery for cutting and grinding. Its stock price rose, as analysts revised their forecasts up incorporating potential margin improvement with a favorable currency effect. In addition, new orders for dicing machines were expected to bottom out from the first calendar quarter, led by strong high-end smartphone demand.


Q   Which equity market sectors most significantly affected Fund performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The biggest detractors from the Fund’s relative results during the Reporting Period were financials, consumer discretionary and utilities, where stock selection overall hurt relative performance. The sectors that contributed most to the Fund’s performance relative to the S&P Index were industrials, information technology and energy, due primarily to effective stock selection in each.


Q   Which countries most affected the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   Typically, the Fund’s individual stock holdings will significantly influence the Fund’s performance within a particular country or region relative to the S&P Index. This effect may be even more pronounced in countries that represent only a modest proportion of the S&P Index.


  That said, the Fund’s stock selection in South Korea and China detracted most from the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period. Both stock selection and having an underweighted allocation to the strongly performing Hong Kong equity market also hurt performance. Conversely, the countries that contributed most positively to the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period were Japan, Australia and Switzerland, where stock selection proved particularly effective.


Q   How did the Fund use derivatives and similar instruments during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we did not use derivatives to hedge positions or as part of an active management strategy, but we used index futures on an opportunistic basis to ensure the portfolio remained almost fully exposed to equities following cash inflows or stock sales.


Q   Did the Fund make any significant purchases or sales during the Reporting Period?


A   We established Fund positions in Otsuka, GMO Internet and PSP Swiss Property during the Reporting Period.


  We initiated a Fund position in Otsuka, a Japan-based large information technology service company that sells software and hardware to mid- and small-sized companies. We believe Otsuka should continue to be stable in the system integration business segment because the industry has a high barrier to entry. Without selling larger numbers of software packages, the system integration business has faced challenges. First, its pricing has been declining due to severe deflation in Japan. Second, its results are related to capital expenditure of its customers, so there is still a cyclicality, though less than that for large companies. Also, we expect Otsuka’s core businesses, such as hardware supply and service, to continue to grow going forward.


  We established a Fund position in GMO Internet, a Japanese company that provides whole Internet-related services to customers. The company offers domain, server, Internet security and settlement services through its web infrastructure and e-commerce business segments. We expect to see earnings recover in its fiscal year 2015 based on an increase of commercial transactions via the Internet. GMO Internet’s share price had underperformed in 2014, and in our view, its valuation was attractive at the time of purchase.



We bought shares of PSP Swiss Property, a real estate company that owns commercial buildings in Switzerland, primarily in Zurich and Geneva, and generates revenue by collecting rent on these buildings. Its stock, in our view, has an attractive dividend yield of almost 4%, especially compared to the Swiss 10-year bond at a yield of less than 0.2%. With European quantitative easing getting underway






and the very low interest rate environment that persists, we believe PSP Swiss Property is well positioned to benefit from investor demand for yield. We also believe it offers attractive upside potential.


  In addition to those sales mentioned earlier, we eliminated the Fund’s positions in M3, Unite Group and Seiko Holdings during the Reporting Period.


  We eliminated the Fund’s position in M3, a Japanese supplier of medical information services for doctors through the Internet. In addition to top-line growth, growth expectations for both new business in Japan and overseas sales pushed its share price higher. Indeed, its share price doubled since December 2013 and thus we decided to sell out of the position, taking profits.


  We sold the Fund’s position in Unite Group, the largest student housing operator in the U.K. We had bought its stock, as the student housing sector was undersupplied, which was leading to high rental growth. The thesis subsequently played out, and the stock performed well. At the time of sale, we felt the supply in the student housing sector had picked up, and while we believed Unite Group is still a good business, we felt such sentiment was being reflected in its then-current stock price and thus the upside potential in its stock price may be limited.


  Seiko Holdings designs, manufactures and sells electronic devices, watches and clocks in Japan and overseas. Its stock price rose on investors’ expectations for the company to benefit from increasing consumption of inbound tourism as well as on its attractive valuation. In addition, the company has grown sales of watches in both domestic and overseas markets as a result of its efforts to reinforce its brand power, which led to improving profitability. We sold the Fund’s position in Seiko Holdings, taking profits.


Q   Were there any notable changes in the Fund’s weightings during the Reporting Period?


A   In this Fund, both sector weightings and country allocations are largely the result of our bottom-up stock selection process rather than any top-down macroeconomic views or industry bets. We seek to outpace the S&P Index by overweighting stocks that we expect to outperform and underweighting those we think may lag. Consequently, changes in its sector or country weightings are generally the direct result of individual stock selection or of stock appreciation or depreciation. That said, during the Reporting Period, the Fund’s exposure to industrials, consumer discretionary and information technology increased relative to the S&P Index during the Reporting Period, while its relative exposure to financials, materials, health care and telecommunication services decreased. From a country perspective, among the changes made during the Reporting Period were the Fund’s increased exposure to France relative to the S&P Index during the Reporting Period and its decreased relative exposure to the U.K. and Sweden.


Q   Were there any changes to the Fund’s portfolio management team during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, Aidan Farrell, managing director and lead portfolio manager of the Fund left the firm. Gaurav Rege, former co-lead portfolio manager, was named lead portfolio manager of the Fund.


Q   How was the Fund positioned relative to the S&P Index at the end of the Reporting Period?


A   At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund had more exposure to the U.K., China, Taiwan, Portugal and Italy and less exposure to Sweden, Germany, Spain and France relative to the S&P Index. At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund held neutral positions relative to the S&P Index in several countries, most notably Japan and Canada, and had no position at all in several other countries and regions, most notably Hong Kong.


  From a sector allocation perspective, the Fund had an overweighted position relative to the S&P Index in information technology at the end of the Reporting Period. On the same date, the Fund had underweighted positions compared to the S&P Index in financials and consumer staples and was rather neutrally weighted relative to the S&P Index in health care, energy, utilities, materials, industrials and consumer discretionary. The Fund had no exposure to the telecommunication services sector at the end of the Reporting Period.


  As always, we remained focused on individual stock selection, with sector and country positioning being a secondary, closely-monitored effect.






International Small Cap Fund

as of April 30, 2015





     November 1, 2014–April 30, 2015    Fund Total Return
(based on NAV)1
       S&P Developed
Ex-U.S. Small Cap
Index (Net, USD, Unhedged)2
  Class A      7.96        9.60
  Class C      7.59           9.60   
  Institutional      8.19           9.60   
  Service      7.95           9.60   
    Class IR      8.13           9.60   


  1    The net asset value (“NAV”) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.


  2    The S&P Developed Ex-U.S. Small Cap Index (Net, USD, Unhedged) is the small capitalization stock component of the S&P Developed Broad Market Index (BMI). The BMI is a float-weighted index that spans 22 countries (inclusive of the US) and includes the listed shares of all companies with an available market capitalization (float) of at least $100 million at the annual rebalance. At rebalance, companies are deleted from the index if their float falls below $75 million. The Small Cap Ex-U.S. is defined as those stocks falling in the bottom 15% of the cumulative available capital in each country. The Index reflects returns net of withholding taxes applied to foreign investors, calculated daily based on tax rates that would be applied to a Luxembourg-based investor. The Index is unmanaged and the figures for the Index do not include any deduction for fees or expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


     For the period ended 3/31/15   One Year     Five Years     Ten Years     Since Inception     Inception Date  
  Class A     -7.77     8.31     4.13     5.64     5/01/98   
  Class C     -4.11        8.72        3.95        5.31        5/01/98   
  Institutional     -2.03        10.01        5.17        6.52        5/01/98   
  Service     -2.50        9.44        4.62        5.97        5/01/98   
    Class IR     -2.20        N/A        N/A        11.88        8/31/10   


  3    The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional, Service and Class IR Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.


The returns set forth in the tables above represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted above. Please visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations in effect during the periods shown. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.







          Net Expense Ratio (Current)      Gross Expense Ratio (Before Waivers)  
  Class A     1.38      1.77
  Class C     2.12         2.52   
  Institutional     0.97         1.37   
  Service     1.47         1.86   
    Class IR     1.09         1.52   


  4    The expense ratios of the Fund, both current (net of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) and before waivers (gross of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) are as set forth above according to the most recent publicly available Prospectus for the Fund and may differ from the expense ratios disclosed in the Financial Highlights in this report. Pursuant to a contractual arrangement, the Fund’s waivers and/or expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date the investment adviser may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. If these arrangements are discontinued in the future, the expense ratios may change without shareholder approval.


     Holding   % of Net Assets     Line of Business   Country
  Inchcape PLC     1.4   Retailing   United Kingdom
  Actelion Ltd. (Registered)     1.3      Pharmaceuticals,

Biotechnology & Life


  Julius Baer Group Ltd.     1.3      Diversified Financials   Switzerland
  Brenntag AG     1.2      Capital Goods   Germany
  Regus PLC     1.2      Commercial &

Professional Services

  Persimmon PLC     1.2      Consumer Durables &


  United Kingdom
  Gategroup Holding AG     1.1      Commercial &

Professional Services

  Big Yellow Group PLC     1.1      Real Estate Investment
  United Kingdom
  GEA Group AG     1.1      Capital Goods   Germany
    CTT-Correios de Portugal SA     1.1      Transportation   Portugal


  5    The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.







As of April 30, 2015





  6    The Fund is actively managed and, as such, its composition may differ over time. Consequently, the Fund’s overall sector allocations may differ from percentages contained in the graph above. The graph categorizes investments using Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”), however, the sector classifications used by the portfolio management team may differ from GICS. Underlying sector allocations of exchange traded funds held by the Fund are not reflected in the graph above. The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of market value. The graph depicts the Fund’s investments but may not represent the Fund’s market exposure due to the exclusion of certain derivatives, if any, as listed in the Additional Investment Information section of the Schedule of Investments.





Goldman Sachs Strategic International Equity Fund


Investment Objective

The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Portfolio Management Discussion and Analysis

Below, the Goldman Sachs Global Equity Team discusses the Goldman Sachs Strategic International Equity Fund’s (the “Fund”) performance and positioning for the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”).



Q   How did the Fund perform during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, the Fund’s Class A, C, Institutional, IR and R Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of 5.26%, 4.87%, 5.52%, 5.44% and 5.11%, respectively. These returns compare to the 6.81% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the MSCI® Europe, Australasia, Far East (EAFE) Index (Net, USD, Unhedged) (the “MSCI® Index”), during the same period.


Q   What key factors were responsible for the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund generated solid absolute gains, but its underperformance to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period can be primarily attributed to individual stock selection. Sector and country allocation also detracted.


Q   Which stocks detracted significantly from the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   Among the biggest detractors from Fund performance relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period were Drax Group, Magnit and Total.


  Drax Group, a British utilities company, detracted most from the Fund’s relative returns during the Reporting Period. The company’s poor performance can be attributed largely to the negative impact of falling oil prices on the U.K. power price. We sold the Fund’s position in the stock by the end of the Reporting Period.


  Magnit, the largest food retailer in Russia, detracted from the Fund’s relative returns during the Reporting Period. The European and U.S. sanctions on Russia — as well as the drop in oil prices — pushed the Russian economy into recession.


  The company reported solid results for the fourth quarter of 2014 but was dragged lower by these geopolitical factors and by the sharp fall in the ruble. Still, as the dominant player within the food retail industry in Russia, we believe Magnit can benefit from current weakness by gaining market share using its scale to source cheaper products and by continuing to grow its store footprint.


  French integrated oil company Total detracted from the Fund’s relative performance. Total’s share price decline can be tied to oil prices, which fell dramatically during the Reporting Period. At the end of the Reporting Period, Total remained our top pick amongst large global integrated oil companies given what we consider to be its attractive valuation, near-years production growth, falling capital expenditure profile and cost cutting measures — along with low expectations for the company seemingly embedded in consensus estimates.


Q   What were some of the Fund’s best-performing individual stocks?


A   The greatest contributors to Fund performance relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period were Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Pola Orbis Holding and Just Eat.



Japanese banking group Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group was the top positive contributor to the Fund’s relative results during the Reporting Period. It performed strongly on the back of strong results, driven by a gradual recovery in its Japanese business and strong growth in its international businesses, especially in Asia and the U.S. Additionally, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group announced increased






shareholder distributions via a higher dividend and share buy-backs.


  Japanese consumer goods company Pola Orbis Holding was another top contributor to the Fund’s relative results during the Reporting Period. Pola Orbis Holding reported strong fourth quarter 2014 domestic sales and showed resilient sales in China, its other key market. The market also seemed to like the company’s focus on shareholder returns with a high dividend pay-out ratio and a return on equity target that is gradually rising towards 8%.


  Just Eat, a U.K.-based online marketplace for restaurant delivery and a new purchase for the Fund during the Reporting Period, was a strong positive contributor during the Reporting Period. The company continued to take market share in its biggest market, i.e. the U.K., and also grew in smaller markets, such as Canada, France, Spain and Italy. Additionally, the company announced good fourth quarter 2014 results with growth ahead of consensus expectations. At the end of the Reporting Period, we continued to like the growth potential and strong positioning of Just Eat. We took advantage of a recent placing by private equity to increase the Fund’s position in the stock.


Q   Which equity market sectors most significantly affected Fund performance during the Reporting Period?


A   The biggest detractors from the Fund’s results during the Reporting Period were consumer discretionary, information technology and utilities, where weak stock selection hurt most. Having an underweighted allocation to consumer discretionary, which outpaced the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period, also dampened results.


  The sectors that contributed most to the Fund’s performance relative to the MSCI® Index were financials, health care and consumer staples. Stock selection in all three sectors proved effective during the Reporting Period.


Q   Which countries most affected the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   Typically, the Fund’s individual stock holdings will significantly influence the Fund’s performance within a particular country or region relative to the MSCI® Index. This effect may be even more pronounced in countries that represent only a modest proportion of the MSCI® Index.


  That said, the countries that detracted most from the Fund’s relative performance were Spain, Russia and South Korea. Stock selection overall in Spain proved disappointing. Having exposure to Russia and South Korea, each of which are not components of the MSCI® Index and each of which underperformed the MSCI® Index, also hurt. Conversely, effective individual stock selection in Switzerland and Italy contributed most positively to the Fund’s results relative to the MSCI® Index. Having an underweighted allocation to Australia, which underperformed the MSCI® Index, also boosted the Fund’s relative results.


Q   How did the Fund use derivatives and similar instruments during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we did not use derivatives to hedge positions or as part of an active management strategy.


Q   Did the Fund make any significant purchases or sales during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we purchased Fund positions in French banking group Societe Generale, U.K. insurer Aviva and Irish specialty pharmaceuticals company Shire.


  We established a Fund position in Societe Generale in the first quarter of 2015. Its stock had been a significant laggard compared to other European banks for more than a year, and its relative valuation appeared attractive to us at 0.8x price/ tangible book value vs. 1.1x for the sector. We believed that concerns around weakness in the bank’s Russian business and around continued re-regulation of banks were well priced in already. At the time of purchase, we believed the gradual recovery of the European economy would lead to upgrades to the growth outlook for the bank.


  We initiated a Fund position in Aviva, as its share price weakened at the end of 2014 when the company announced its acquisition of Friends Life, one of its competitors. We think the market misjudged the deal. We believe the deal should allow Aviva to generate cost synergies and improve its cash flow going forward.



We purchased a Fund position in Shire during the Reporting Period, and the company proved to be a strong performer during the Reporting Period, as the stock recovered from a sharp decline in share price in October 2014 when pharmaceuticals company Abbvie decided to pull its offer to buy the company. We had taken advantage of the sell-off to re-initiate a position, as we believed the company had once again become undervalued. (We had sold the Fund’s position






in Shire in July 2014 after the agreed takeover offer by Abbvie.) Shire performed well during the Reporting Period, as it reported strong fourth quarter 2014 earnings, confirming the resilience of its existing business. Additionally, the company announced in January 2015 its acquisition of NPS Pharmaceutical, which added two assets that complemented Shire’s orphan drug business. (An orphan drug is a pharmaceutical agent that has been developed specifically to treat a rare medical condition, the condition itself being referred to as an orphan disease. The assignment of orphan status to a disease and to any drugs developed to treat it is a matter of public policy in many countries.


  In addition to the sales already mentioned, we sold out of the Fund’s positions in Aurizon Holdings, LM Ericsson Telefon and Credit Saison during the Reporting Period.


  Aurizon Holdings, an Australian railroad operator to the mining industry, performed poorly, as the slowing Chinese economy raised concerns that commodities freight volumes may come under pressure despite the long-term nature of the company’s contracts with its mining customers. We sold the Fund’s position in Aurizon Holdings by the end of the Reporting Period.


  We sold the Fund’s position in LM Ericsson Telefon, a Swedish communication networks manufacturer, because we are concerned that the end of the mobile network fourth generation upgrade cycle in the U.S. may not be offset by the continuation of this upgrade cycle in Europe and emerging market nations, which are lower margin geographies than the U.S.


  We eliminated the Fund’s position in Credit Saison, a Japanese consumer finance company, because we believe an increase in repayment of excessive interest charged in previous years and an increase in costs to upgrade its information technology systems will likely hurt its earnings in the next few quarters despite an acceleration of its top line, or revenue, growth.


Q   Were there any notable changes in the Fund’s weightings during the Reporting Period?


A   In this Fund, both sector weightings and country allocations are largely the result of our bottom-up stock selection process rather than any top-down macroeconomic views or regional, country, sector or industry bets. We seek to outpace the MSCI® Index by overweighting stocks that we expect to outperform and underweighting those we think may lag. Consequently, changes in its sector or country weightings are generally the direct result of individual stock selection or of stock appreciation or depreciation. That said, during the Reporting Period, the Fund’s exposure to consumer discretionary increased relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period, while its relative exposure to financials and materials decreased. From a country perspective, the Fund’s exposure to the U.K. increased relative to the MSCI® Index during the Reporting Period, while its relative exposure to Italy decreased.


Q   Were there any changes to the Fund’s portfolio management team during the Reporting Period?


A   There were no material changes to the Fund’s portfolio management team during the Reporting Period.


Q   How was the Fund positioned relative to the MSCI® Index at the end of the Reporting Period?


A   At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund had more exposure to Belgium, South Korea, Ireland, Switzerland, Taiwan and Sweden relative to the MSCI® Index and less exposure to the U.K., Australia, Italy and the Netherlands relative to the MSCI® Index. At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund held neutral positions relative to the MSCI® Index in several countries, most notably Japan and France, and had no position at all in several other countries and regions, most notably Hong Kong.


  From a sector allocation perspective, the Fund had overweight positions relative to the MSCI® Index in consumer staples and information technology at the end of the Reporting Period. On the same date, the Fund had underweighted positions compared to the MSCI® Index in consumer discretionary, financials, materials, industrials, utilities and health care and rather neutral positions relative to the MSCI® Index in energy and telecommunication services.


  As always, we remained focused on individual stock selection, with sector and country positioning being a secondary, closely-monitored effect.






Strategic International Equity Fund

as of April 30, 2015





     November 1, 2014–April 30, 2015   

Fund Total Return

(based on NAV)1



(Net, USD, Unhedged)2

  Class A      5.26      6.81
  Class C      4.87         6.81   
  Institutional      5.52         6.81   
  Class IR      5.44         6.81   
    Class R      5.11         6.81   


  1    The net asset value (“NAV”) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.
  2    The MSCI® EAFE Index (Net, USD, Unhedged) is a market capitalization-weighted composite of securities in 22 developed markets. The Index approximates the minimum possible dividend reinvestment. The dividend is reinvested after deduction for withholding tax, applying the rate to non- resident individuals who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. MSCI® Barra uses withholding tax rates applicable to Luxembourg holding companies, as Luxembourg applies the highest rates. The Index is unmanaged and the figures for the Index do not include any deduction for fees or expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


     For the period ended 3/31/15   One Year      Five Years      Since Inception      Inception Date
  Class A     -7.46      4.52      -1.05    6/25/07
  Class C     -3.75         4.92         -1.07       6/25/07
  Institutional     -1.71         6.11         0.05       6/25/07
  Class IR     -1.87         6.06         -1.04       11/30/07
    Class R     -2.37         5.44         -1.60       11/30/07


  3    The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional, Class IR and Class R Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.


The returns set forth in the tables above represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted above. Please visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations in effect during the periods shown. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.







           Net Expense Ratio (Current)    Gross Expense Ratio (Before Waivers)  
  Class A    1.35%      1.79
  Class C    2.10      2.54   
  Institutional    0.95      1.39   
  Class IR    1.09      1.54   
    Class R    1.60      2.04   


  4    The expense ratios of the Fund, both current (net of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) and before waivers (gross of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) are as set forth above according to the most recent publicly available Prospectus for the Fund and may differ from the expense ratios disclosed in the Financial Highlights in this report. Pursuant to a contractual arrangement, the Fund’s waivers and/or expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date the investment adviser may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. If these arrangements are discontinued in the future, the expense ratios may change without shareholder approval.


     Holding   % of Net Assets     Line of Business    Country
  iShares MSCI Japan Fund     4.8   Exchange Traded Fund    United States
  Novartis AG (Registered)     3.1      Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences    Switzerland
  Anheuser-Busch InBev NV     2.8      Food, Beverage & Tobacco    Belgium
  Vodafone Group PLC     2.8      Telecommunication Services    United Kingdom
  Nidec Corp.     2.2      Capital Goods    Japan
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.     2.2      Banks    Japan
  Beiersdorf AG     2.2      Household & Personal Products    Germany
  UBS Group AG     2.2      Diversified Financials    Switzerland
  BG Group PLC     2.0      Energy    United Kingdom
    Bayer AG (Registered)     2.0      Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences    Germany


  5    The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.






As of April 30, 2015





  6    The Fund is actively managed and, as such, its composition may differ over time. Consequently, the Fund’s overall sector allocations may differ from percentages contained in the graph above. The graph categorizes investments using Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”), however, the sector classifications used by the portfolio management team may differ from GICS. Underlying sector allocations of exchange traded funds held by the Fund are not reflected in the graph above. The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of market value. The graph depicts the Fund’s investments but may not represent the Fund’s market exposure due to the exclusion of certain derivatives, if any, as listed in the Additional Investment Information section of the Schedule of Investments.





Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – 91.3%   
  Australia – 4.0%   
  935,489      Computershare Ltd. (Software & Services)   $ 9,074,616   



  Belgium – 2.1%   
  31,294      Solvay SA (Materials)     4,607,886   



  Denmark – 2.0%   
  79,772      Novo Nordisk A/S Class B (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     4,478,454   



  France – 13.4%   
  84,501      Publicis Groupe SA (Media)     7,087,147   
  227,169      Rexel SA (Capital Goods)     4,281,375   
  62,412      Safran SA (Capital Goods)     4,560,280   
  70,048      Sanofi (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     7,130,221   
  140,571      Societe Generale SA (Banks)     7,027,805   






  Germany – 5.9%   
  62,015      Bayer AG (Registered) (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     8,925,980   
  50,821      Beiersdorf AG (Household & Personal Products)     4,420,701   






  Ireland – 3.4%   
  821,772      C&C Group PLC (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     3,329,884   
  52,957      Shire PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     4,303,478   






  Japan – 22.9%   
  94,900      Dentsu, Inc. (Media)     4,423,735   
  172,000      Hoya Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     6,629,034   
  475,400      Isuzu Motors Ltd. (Automobiles & Components)     6,300,864   
  294,000      Kubota Corp. (Capital Goods)     4,601,399   
  676,400      Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (Banks)     4,805,382   
  64,000      Nidec Corp. (Capital Goods)     4,787,508   
  448,700      ORIX Corp. (Diversified Financials)     6,900,289   
  85,700      Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc. (Household & Personal Products)     4,446,657   
  1,193,000      Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co. Ltd. (Materials)     3,885,543   
  634,200      Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp. (Real Estate)     4,712,705   






  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Netherlands – 1.8%   
  127,779      Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class A (Energy)   $ 4,028,906   



  South Korea – 4.7%   
  145,128      Hana Financial Group, Inc. (Banks)     4,271,971   
  135,136      Kia Motors Corp. (Automobiles & Components)     6,227,312   






  Spain – 6.6%   
  1,539,600      Banco Popular Espanol SA (Banks)     8,010,626   
  1,030,847      Iberdrola SA (Utilities)     6,899,758   






  Sweden – 2.0%   
  326,312      Volvo AB Class B (Capital Goods)     4,508,067   



  Switzerland – 9.8%   
  19,551      Syngenta AG (Registered) (Materials)     6,542,347   
  9,831      The Swatch Group AG (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     4,395,001   
  223,163      UBS Group AG (Diversified Financials)*     4,458,202   
  110,641      Wolseley PLC (Capital Goods)     6,543,797   






  Taiwan – 2.4%   
  414,000      MediaTek, Inc. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     5,321,634   



  United Kingdom – 10.3%   
  373,590      BG Group PLC (Energy)     6,767,042   
  1,122,838      Melrose Industries PLC (Capital Goods)     4,556,466   
  79,498      Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC (Household & Personal Products)     7,075,675   
  1,330,281      Vodafone Group PLC (Telecommunication Services)     4,686,858   






  (Cost $212,037,271)   $ 205,014,605   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   25



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Exchange Traded Funds – 3.4%   
  United States – 3.4%   
  67,383      iShares MSCI EAFE Fund   $ 4,481,644   
  247,236      iShares MSCI Japan Fund     3,179,455   



  (Cost $7,532,113)   $ 7,661,099   



  (Cost $219,569,384)   $ 212,675,704   






    LIABILITIES – 5.3%




  NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 224,576,406   





The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.


  Non-income producing security.


26   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – 94.9%   
  Australia – 5.0%   
  379,124      Aveo Group (Real Estate)   $ 826,932   
  25,876      Caltex Australia Ltd. (Energy)     721,678   
  156,296      Computershare Ltd. (Software & Services)     1,516,133   
  378,543      Echo Entertainment Group Ltd. (Consumer Services)     1,351,610   
  86,728      GrainCorp Ltd. Class A (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     676,086   
  342,194      Macquarie Atlas Roads Group (Transportation)     877,291   
  141,185      Navitas Ltd. (Consumer Services)     513,836   
  57,298      Seek Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     732,880   
  120,732      Super Retail Group Ltd. (Retailing)     939,830   
  165,941      Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     727,778   
  173,472      Veda Group Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     313,046   






  Belgium – 0.6%   
  31,563      bpost SA (Transportation)     905,180   
  929      Cie d’Entreprises CFE (Capital Goods)     100,517   
  40,230      Rezidor Hotel Group AB (Consumer Services)     171,379   






  Canada – 7.7%   
  36,376      Aimia, Inc. (Media)     404,010   
  109,587      Alamos Gold, Inc. (Materials)     757,526   
  18,374      Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. (Utilities)     149,703   
  11,838      Amaya, Inc. (Consumer Services)*     276,989   
  255,454      B2Gold Corp. (Materials)*     400,172   
  3,031      Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)     152,643   
  17,730      Bonterra Energy Corp. (Energy)     566,802   
  16,964      Canadian Solar, Inc. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)*     600,526   
  22,137      Canadian Western Bank (Banks)     575,580   
  5,510      CCL Industries, Inc. Class B (Materials)     633,479   
  70,271      Celestica, Inc. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)*     857,929   
  7,900      Cogeco Cable, Inc. (Media)     452,523   
  48,041      Element Financial Corp. (Diversified Financials)*     688,860   
  58,055      Enerflex Ltd. (Energy)     778,558   
  9,462      FirstService Corp. (Real Estate)     619,402   
  12,952      Home Capital Group, Inc. (Banks)     511,209   
  10,103      Laurentian Bank of Canada (Banks)     404,371   
  3,665      MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates Ltd. (Capital Goods)     290,952   
  10,655      Maple Leaf Foods, Inc. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     204,445   
  10,564      Methanex Corp. (Materials)     635,766   
  38,673      Mullen Group Ltd. (Energy)     670,567   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Canada – (continued)  
  27,281      Northland Power, Inc. (Utilities)   $ 390,052   
  11,575      Parkland Fuel Corp. (Energy)     252,702   
  13,503      Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     390,261   
  9,921      ShawCor Ltd. (Energy)     335,908   
  24,434      Stantec, Inc. (Commercial & Professional Services)     660,012   
  98,749      Surge Energy, Inc. (Energy)     359,310   
  37,203      Veresen, Inc. (Energy)     559,356   
  16,992      WestJet Airlines Ltd. (Transportation)     384,063   






  China – 2.4%   
  17,298      Ctrip.com International Ltd. ADR (Retailing)*     1,101,537   
  21,669      Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     476,068   
  124,400      Livzon Pharmaceutical Group, Inc. Class H (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     898,827   
  236,500      Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd. Class H (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     900,092   
  25,326      TAL Education Group ADR (Consumer Services)*     930,730   






  Denmark – 0.9%   
  73,451      GN Store Nord A/S (Health Care Equipment & Services)     1,585,771   



  Finland – 0.8%   
  60,541      Amer Sports OYJ (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,515,100   



  France – 6.8%   
  18,496      Cap Gemini SA (Software & Services)     1,647,911   
  100,040      Coface SA (Diversified Financials)*     1,246,933   
  13,272      Eramet (Materials)*     1,091,765   
  15,432      Ingenico (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     1,936,294   
  20,088      Ipsen SA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,153,615   
  27,462      JCDecaux SA (Media)     1,084,860   
  31,397      Klepierre (REIT)     1,522,932   
  41,732      Nexity SA (Real Estate)     1,832,720   
  52,623      UBISOFT Entertainment (Software & Services)*     970,356   






  Germany – 5.5%   
  37,393      Brenntag AG (Capital Goods)     2,243,605   
  41,307      GEA Group AG (Capital Goods)     1,983,807   
  32,186      Gerry Weber International AG (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,052,021   
  30,332      GfK SE (Media)     1,160,650   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   27



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Germany – (continued)  
  44,655      Infineon Technologies AG (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)   $ 524,997   
  18,925      Leoni AG (Automobiles & Components)     1,211,971   
  34,260      Salzgitter AG (Materials)     1,168,635   
  11,059      Symrise AG (Materials)     670,545   






  Hong Kong – 0.5%   
  1,194,000      China Traditional Chinese Medicine Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     929,738   



  Ireland – 1.0%   
  441,521      Beazley PLC (Insurance)     1,898,799   



  Italy – 3.2%   
  63,943      Buzzi Unicem SpA (Materials)     1,029,170   
  14,782      Ei Towers SpA (Technology Hardware & Equipment)*     897,950   
  73,377      MARR SpA (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,473,920   
  36,815      Moncler SpA (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     655,603   
  228,470      Unione di Banche Italiane SCpA (Banks)     1,813,453   






  Japan – 20.3%   
  17,700      ABC-Mart, Inc. (Retailing)     1,007,112   
  26,400      Alps Electric Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     655,787   
  21,800      Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     1,342,514   
  34,600      Asics Corp. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     887,846   
  37,200      Azbil Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     979,926   
  34,400      Century Tokyo Leasing Corp. (Diversified Financials)     1,086,174   
  106,500      Daibiru Corp. (Real Estate)     1,045,739   
  102,500      Daifuku Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,365,512   
  341,000      Denki Kagaku Kogyo KK (Materials)     1,392,369   
  62,300      Eiken Chemical Co. Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     1,234,166   
  36,700      FP Corp. (Materials)     1,316,687   
  36,800      Fuji Seal International, Inc. (Materials)     1,104,039   
  135,400      GMO Internet, Inc. (Software & Services)     1,702,136   
  40,100      HIS Co. Ltd. (Consumer Services)     1,336,636   
  86,000      Iwatani Corp. (Capital Goods)     581,658   
  57,400      J. Front Retailing Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     956,497   
  102,000      Makino Milling Machine Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     931,630   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)  
  14,700      Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co. Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)   $ 535,242   
  28,700      MISUMI Group, Inc. (Capital Goods)     1,077,057   
  197,000      Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd. (Transportation)     941,753   
  15,000      Obic Co. Ltd. (Software & Services)     627,459   
  37,600      Otsuka Corp. (Software & Services)     1,731,818   
  91,400      Sac’s Bar Holdings, Inc. (Retailing)     1,632,545   
  40,500      Sakata Seed Corp. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     702,256   
  50,000      Shinmaywa Industries Ltd. (Capital Goods)     519,792   
  53,800      Ship Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     1,314,881   
  63,100      Start Today Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     1,545,801   
  51,900      Sumco Corp. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     783,077   
  215,000      Takuma Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,651,765   
  127,000      The 77 Bank Ltd. (Banks)     732,941   
  274,000      The Hokkoku Bank Ltd. (Banks)     992,500   
  137,000      The Nishi-Nippon City Bank Ltd. (Banks)     436,543   
  22,900      Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co. Ltd. (Materials)     712,767   
  171,700      Tosei Corp. (Real Estate)     1,240,680   
  37,000      Tv Tokyo Holdings Corp. (Media)     686,380   
  18,400      Yonex Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     274,463   






  Luxembourg – 1.2%   
  558,230      Regus PLC (Commercial & Professional Services)     2,132,059   



  Netherlands – 1.5%   
  64,557      Delta Lloyd NV (Insurance)     1,220,846   
  110,466      USG People NV (Commercial & Professional Services)     1,500,132   






  New Zealand – 0.4%   
  129,040      Fletcher Building Ltd. (Materials)     806,340   



  Portugal – 1.5%   
  173,439      CTT-Correios de Portugal SA (Transportation)     1,956,214   
  256,559      REN – Redes Energeticas Nacionais SGPS SA (Utilities)*     803,161   






  Singapore – 0.4%   
  3,773,400      SIIC Environment Holdings Ltd. (Utilities)*     640,240   



  South Africa – 0.6%   
  57,803      Mondi PLC (Materials)     1,170,405   





28   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  South Korea – 4.1%   
  4,936      BGF Retail Co. Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)   $ 540,266   
  135,035      Byucksan Corp. (Capital Goods)     788,830   
  2,258      CJ CheilJedang Corp. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     878,130   
  73,989      Doosan Infracore Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)*     817,718   
  13,433      Grand Korea Leisure Co. Ltd. (Consumer Services)     480,734   
  39,074      GS Engineering & Construction Corp. (Capital Goods)*     1,167,197   
  15,957      Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd. (Transportation)*     680,998   
  16,974      OCI Materials Co. Ltd. (Materials)     1,603,147   
  3,718      Spigen Korea Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     512,353   






  Spain – 1.5%   
  37,665      Enagas SA (Utilities)     1,159,996   
  34,653      Tecnicas Reunidas SA (Energy)     1,611,835   






  Sweden – 0.9%   
  32,736      Indutrade AB (Capital Goods)     1,599,216   



  Switzerland – 7.8%   
  17,702      Actelion Ltd. (Registered) (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     2,329,245   
  20,459      Aryzta AG (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)*     1,380,515   
  927      Barry Callebaut AG (Registered) (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)*     1,124,562   
  59,676      Gategroup Holding AG (Commercial & Professional Services)*     2,091,650   
  4,668      Geberit AG (Registered) (Capital Goods)     1,653,282   
  24,256      Implenia AG (Registered) (Capital Goods)     1,660,837   
  44,006      Julius Baer Group Ltd. (Diversified Financials)*     2,303,308   
  18,289      PSP Swiss Property AG (Registered) (Real Estate)*     1,705,862   






  Taiwan – 1.6%   
  507,000      Chipbond Technology Corp. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     1,095,623   
  53,120      Eclat Textile Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     711,188   
  120,000      momo.com, Inc. (Retailing)     1,174,388   






  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  United Kingdom – 18.4%   
  171,686      Alent PLC (Materials)   $ 953,446   
  268,923      Ashmore Group PLC (Diversified Financials)     1,271,279   
  78,217      Ashtead Group PLC (Capital Goods)     1,341,233   
  38,513      Bellway PLC (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,170,881   
  194,288      Big Yellow Group PLC (REIT)     1,986,514   
  142,686      Bodycote PLC (Capital Goods)     1,502,717   
  141,899      BTG PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     1,565,724   
  334,456      Cairn Energy PLC (Energy)*     911,211   
  38,773      Close Brothers Group PLC (Diversified Financials)     906,336   
  83,766      Drax Group PLC (Utilities)     511,794   
  311,656      Foxtons Group PLC (Real Estate)     1,050,281   
  142,120      Greene King PLC (Consumer Services)     1,806,897   
  157,292      Halma PLC (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     1,713,048   
  363,617      Hays PLC (Commercial & Professional Services)     854,629   
  149,301      Henderson Group PLC CDI (Diversified Financials)     628,962   
  195,535      Inchcape PLC (Retailing)     2,487,218   
  171,682      Jupiter Fund Management PLC (Diversified Financials)     1,130,395   
  740,006      Londonmetric Property PLC (REIT)     1,874,250   
  35,479      Melrose Industries PLC (Capital Goods)     143,974   
  81,035      Persimmon PLC (Consumer Durables & Apparel)*     2,104,021   
  623,451      SIG PLC (Capital Goods)     1,852,776   
  208,538      Smart Metering Systems PLC (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     1,137,576   
  324,250      Spire Healthcare Group PLC (Health Care Equipment & Services)*(a)     1,588,011   
  98,261      St. James’s Place PLC (Insurance)     1,340,350   
  56,525      Telecom Plus PLC (Utilities)     663,921   
  33,983      Victrex PLC (Materials)     1,028,551   






  United States – 0.3%   
  41,154      Tahoe Resources, Inc. (Materials)     581,579   



  (Cost $167,655,904)   $ 173,422,226   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   29



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Exchange Traded Fund – 0.7%   
  United States – 0.7%   
  23,261      iShares MSCI Israel Capped Fund   $ 1,201,663   
  (Cost $1,084,603)  



  (Cost $168,740,507)   $ 174,623,889   






    LIABILITIES – 4.4%




  NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 182,655,994   





The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.


  Non-income producing security.


  Exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Under procedures approved by the Board of Trustees, such securities have been determined to be liquid by the Investment Adviser and may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $1,588,011, which represents approximately 0.9% of net assets as of April 30, 2015.



Investment Abbreviations:



—American Depositary Receipt



—CHESS Depositary Interest



—Real Estate Investment Trust



30   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





FUTURES CONTRACTS — At April 30, 2015, the Fund had the following futures contracts:


Type    Number of
Long (Short)
Gain (Loss)

MSCI Singapore Index

   31      May 2015      $ 1,846,131        $ (10,040 )


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   31



Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – 87.9%   
  Australia – 3.4%   
  40,969      Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. (Banks)   $ 1,096,243   
  133,478      Computershare Ltd. (Software & Services)     1,294,790   






  Belgium – 4.1%   
  16,062      Anheuser-Busch InBev NV (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,955,522   
  6,202      Solvay SA (Materials)     913,214   






  China – 0.6%   
  89,000      China Mengniu Dairy Co. Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     450,710   



  Denmark – 1.5%   
  18,994      Novo Nordisk A/S Class B (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,066,336   



  France – 9.4%   
  5,447      Air Liquide SA (Materials)     712,361   
  10,760      Klepierre (REIT)     521,921   
  26,157      Rexel SA (Capital Goods)     492,972   
  14,445      Safran SA (Capital Goods)     1,055,458   
  11,302      Sanofi (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,150,436   
  26,712      Societe Generale SA (Banks)     1,335,459   
  24,723      Total SA (Energy)     1,338,749   






  Germany – 6.8%   
  8,994      Adidas AG (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     736,932   
  9,720      Bayer AG (Registered) (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     1,399,025   
  17,755      Beiersdorf AG (Household & Personal Products)     1,544,431   
  14,729      GEA Group AG (Capital Goods)     707,374   
  7,823      Rocket Internet SE (Software & Services)*(a)     388,826   






  India – 1.0%   
  44,408      Thermax Ltd. (Capital Goods)     685,644   



  Ireland – 3.8%   
  1,317,504      Bank of Ireland (Banks)*     504,129   
  15,067      Kerry Group PLC Class A (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,108,214   
  13,544      Shire PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,100,634   






  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Italy – 1.0%   
  213,378      Intesa Sanpaolo SpA (Banks)   $ 716,844   



  Japan – 17.3%   
  5,500      Disco Corp. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     500,869   
  20,100      Hoya Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     774,672   
  37,900      Japan Tobacco, Inc. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,323,501   
  34,700      KDDI Corp. (Telecommunication Services)     821,083   
  62,000      Kubota Corp. (Capital Goods)     970,363   
  217,900      Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (Banks)     1,548,038   
  20,900      Nidec Corp. (Capital Goods)     1,563,420   
  68,900      ORIX Corp. (Diversified Financials)     1,059,572   
  22,000      Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc. (Household & Personal Products)     1,141,499   
  21,300      Start Today Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     521,800   
  131,800      Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp. (Real Estate)     979,398   
  37,500      Unicharm Corp. (Household & Personal Products)     943,881   






  Netherlands – 3.2%   
  138,699      Aegon NV (Insurance)     1,094,322   
  36,273      Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class A (Energy)     1,143,697   






  Russia – 0.8%   
  2,468      OJSC Magnit (Food & Staples Retailing)     539,849   



  Singapore – 0.9%   
  39,005      DBS Group Holdings Ltd. (Banks)     619,804   



  South Korea – 2.4%   
  19,644      Hana Financial Group, Inc. (Banks)     578,238   
  24,415      Kia Motors Corp. (Automobiles & Components)     1,125,088   






  Spain – 4.3%   
  102,483      Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA (Banks)     1,029,758   
  157,141      Banco Popular Espanol SA (Banks)     817,614   
  180,138      Iberdrola SA (Utilities)     1,205,716   






  Sweden – 4.0%   
  32,512      Hennes & Mauritz AB Class B (Retailing)     1,292,572   
  29,833      Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA Class B (Household & Personal Products)     754,625   
  56,285      Volvo AB Class B (Capital Goods)     777,589   








32   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Switzerland – 12.5%   
  48,460      Credit Suisse Group AG (Registered) (Diversified Financials)*   $ 1,282,594   
  10,276      Julius Baer Group Ltd. (Diversified Financials)*     537,854   
  21,094      Novartis AG (Registered) (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     2,153,111   
  3,280      Syngenta AG (Registered) (Materials)     1,097,586   
  2,411      The Swatch Group AG (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,077,850   
  76,354      UBS Group AG (Diversified Financials)*     1,525,349   
  19,228      Wolseley PLC (Capital Goods)     1,137,229   






  Taiwan – 1.1%   
  59,000      MediaTek, Inc. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     758,397   



  United Kingdom – 9.8%   
  138,173      Aviva PLC (Insurance)     1,111,666   
  78,126      BG Group PLC (Energy)     1,415,139   
  165,891      ITV PLC (Media)     644,075   
  118,625      Just Eat PLC (Software & Services)*     831,854   
  20,507      Rio Tinto PLC (Materials)     917,711   
  552,668      Vodafone Group PLC (Telecommunication Services)     1,947,165   






  (Cost $58,861,216)   $ 61,840,772   



  Preferred Stock – 1.3%   
  Germany – 1.3%   
  3,599      Volkswagen AG (Automobiles & Components)  
  (Cost $846,001)   $ 926,547   





    Description   Value  
  Exchange Traded Funds – 5.8%   
  United States – 5.8%   
  10,214      iShares MSCI EAFE Fund   $ 679,333   
  261,137      iShares MSCI Japan Fund     3,358,222   



  (Cost $3,881,912)   $ 4,037,555   



  (Cost $63,589,129)   $ 66,804,874  






    LIABILITIES – 5.0%




  NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 70,331,486  





The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.




Non-income producing security.

Exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Under procedures approved by the Board of Trustees, such securities have been determined to be liquid by the Investment Adviser and may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $388,826, which represents approximately 0.6% of net assets as of April 30, 2015.



Investment Abbreviation:



—Real Estate Investment Trust



The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   33



Statements of Assets and Liabilities

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


Equity Fund
Small Cap Fund
Equity Fund

Investments, at value (cost $219,569,384, $168,740,507 and $63,589,129)

  $ 212,675,704       $ 174,623,889       $ 66,804,874   


    12,909,706         6,211,599         3,123,749   

Foreign currencies, at value (cost $92,474, $823,839 and $121,283)

    92,148         824,612         117,040   

Due from custodian





    711,296         501,177         198,975   

Fund shares sold

    534,641         201,274         167,081   

Foreign tax reclaims

    391,894         193,480         187,134   

Reimbursement from investment adviser

    43,731         56,904         71,007   

Investments sold

            2,011,100         325,469   

Collateral on certain derivative contracts(a)


Variation margin on certain derivative contracts


Other assets

    70,917         4,486         321   
  Total assets     227,430,037         185,885,037         70,995,650   



Investments purchased

    2,241,203         1,489,175         500,660   

Fund shares redeemed

    342,672         1,494,666         22,466   

Management fees

    155,605         135,372         48,274   

Distribution and Service fees and Transfer Agent fees

    43,326         15,784         14,895   

Foreign capital gains taxes


Accrued expenses

    70,825         94,046         57,212   
  Total liabilities     2,853,631         3,229,043         664,164   
  Net Assets:   

Paid-in capital

    441,928,140         177,770,774         110,159,975   

Undistributed net investment income

    1,425,344         709,067         198,242   

Accumulated net realized loss

    (211,869,056      (1,672,183      (43,217,798

Net unrealized gain (loss)

    (6,908,022      5,848,336         3,191,067   
    NET ASSETS   $ 224,576,406       $ 182,655,994       $ 70,331,486   

Net Assets:


Class A

  $ 54,604,298       $ 15,534,545       $ 24,396,837   

Class C

    18,901,740         3,804,393         4,946,961   


    149,071,418         156,524,448         40,845,404   


    38,781         1,297,454           

Class IR

    1,960,169         5,495,154         124,767   

Class R


Total Net Assets

  $ 224,576,406       $ 182,655,994       $ 70,331,486   

Shares outstanding $0.001 par value (unlimited shares authorized):


Class A

    2,884,306         774,649         1,779,635   

Class C

    1,072,999         197,300         400,508   


    7,735,766         7,587,871         2,850,494   


    2,039         65,574           

Class IR

    102,140         267,191         9,097   

Class R


Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share:(b)


Class A

    $18.93         $20.05         $13.71   

Class C

    17.62         19.28         12.35   


    19.27         20.63         14.33   


    19.02         19.79           

Class IR

    19.19         20.57         13.72   

Class R



  (a)   Includes amount segregated for initial margin and/or collateral on futures of $46,339 for the International Small Cap Fund.
  (b)   Maximum public offering price per share for Class A shares of the Focused International Equity, International Small Cap and Strategic International Equity Funds is $20.03, $21.22 and $14.51, respectively. At redemption, Class C Shares may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge assessed on the amount equal to the lesser of the current net asset value (“NAV”) or the original purchase price of the shares.


34   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Statements of Operations

For the Six Months Ended April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


Equity Fund


Small Cap

Equity Fund
  Investment income:   

Dividends (net of foreign taxes withheld of $245,424, $131,339 and $75,200)

  $ 2,638,486     $ 2,136,038      $ 804,534  

Management fees

    1,108,327       1,046,141        279,540  

Distribution and Service fees(a)

    157,137       34,758        52,674  

Transfer Agent fees(a)

    99,560       55,053        34,024  

Custody, accounting and administrative services

    90,963       123,424        61,518  

Professional fees

    44,350       43,168        43,402  

Registration fees

    36,334       40,842        39,149  

Printing and mailing costs

    31,425       30,822        25,923  

Trustee fees

    10,939       10,368        10,581  

Service share fees — Service Plan

    170       1,424         

Service share fees — Shareholder Administration Plan

    170       1,424         


    6,151       4,381        6,485  
  Total expenses     1,585,526       1,391,805        553,296  

Less — expense reductions

    (372,931     (412,641      (183,202
  Net expenses     1,212,595       979,164        370,094  
  NET INVESTMENT INCOME     1,425,891       1,156,874        434,440  
  Realized and unrealized gain (loss):       

Net realized gain (loss) from:



    (6,762,557     7,159,882        534,168  

Futures contracts


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts

          (107,513 )       

Foreign currency transactions

    (242,710     (3,000      (44,671

Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on:


Investments (including the effects of the net change in the foreign capital gains tax liability of $6,862 for the Strategic International Equity Fund)

    17,227,759       6,789,020        2,526,040  

Futures contracts


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts


Foreign currency translation

    13,583       (4,054      (9,172
  Net realized and unrealized gain     10,236,075       14,035,826        3,006,365  
  NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS   $ 11,661,966     $ 15,192,700      $ 3,440,805  


  (a)   Class specific Distribution and Service, and Transfer Agent fees were as follows:


     Distribution and Service Fees      Transfer Agent Fees  



Class A


Class B(b)


Class C


Class R


Class A


Class B(b)


Class C






Class IR


Class R


Focused International Equity

   $ 66,978       $ 115       $ 90,044       $       $ 50,904       $ 22       $ 17,108       $ 29,579       $ 27       $ 1,920       $   

International Small Cap

     18,063         100         16,595                 13,728         19         3,153         33,278         228         4,647           

Strategic International Equity

     28,597         583         23,453         41         21,734         111         4,456         7,590                 117         16   


  (b)   Class B Shares were converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   35



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


        Focused International Equity Fund  
        For the
Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015

For the Fiscal

Year Ended
October 31, 2014

  From operations:   

Net investment income

  $ 1,425,891     $ 7,711,148  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (7,005,267     9,955,040  

Net change in unrealized gain (loss)

    17,241,342       (37,422,124
  Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations     11,661,966       (19,755,936
  Distributions to shareholders:    

From net investment income


Class A Shares

    (1,737,059     (228,497

Class B Shares(a)


Class C Shares


Institutional Shares

    (5,428,826     (930,005

Service Shares

    (9,843     (940

Class IR Shares

    (70,733     (14,137

Class R Shares

  Total distributions to shareholders     (7,703,429     (1,173,579
  From share transactions:    

Proceeds from sales of shares

    16,373,774       132,262,656  

Reinvestment of distributions

    7,537,145       1,140,136  

Cost of shares redeemed

    (53,713,567     (56,445,399
  Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions     (29,802,648     76,957,393  
  TOTAL INCREASE (DECREASE)     (25,844,111     56,027,878  
  Net assets:    

Beginning of period

    250,420,517       194,392,639  

End of period

  $ 224,576,406     $ 250,420,517  
  Undistributed net investment income   $ 1,425,344     $ 7,702,882  


  (a)   Class B shares were converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.


36   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    International Small Cap Fund         Strategic International Equity Fund  
    For the
Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015

For the Fiscal

Year Ended
October 31, 2014

        For the
Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015

For the Fiscal

Year Ended
October 31, 2014

  $ 1,156,874       $ 2,631,047       $ 434,440       $ 2,551,063  
    7,168,982         18,506,583         489,497         6,105,483  
    6,866,844           (21,277,002         2,516,868           (9,639,888
    15,192,700           (139,372         3,440,805           (983,342
    (202,348       (252,522       (849,696       (181,701
            (3,621               (1,078
    (28,965       (29,832       (152,361       (8,305
    (2,965,911       (3,353,326       (1,528,500       (464,488
    (14,470       (16,362                
    (81,045       (18,633       (5,027       (623
                        (557         (111
    (3,292,739         (3,674,296         (2,536,141         (656,306
    29,766,337         63,131,042         13,312,291         14,098,789  
    3,164,213         3,530,834         2,501,121         650,708  
    (58,730,405         (56,636,871         (20,253,590         (12,450,865
    (25,799,855         10,025,005           (4,440,178         2,298,632  
    (13,899,894         6,211,337           (3,535,514         658,984  
    196,555,888           190,344,551           73,867,000           73,208,016  
  $ 182,655,994         $ 196,555,888         $ 70,331,486         $ 73,867,000  
  $ 709,067         $ 2,844,932         $ 198,242         $ 2,299,943  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   37



Financial Highlights

Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period


               Income (loss) from
investment operations
    Year - Share Class   Net asset
of period
income (loss)(a)
    Net realized
and unrealized
gain (loss)
     Total from
to shareholders
from net
     Increase from

2015 - A

  $ 18.49       $ 0.10      $ 0.90       $ 1.00       $ (0.56    $   

2015 - C

    17.18         0.03        0.84         0.87         (0.43        

2015 - Institutional

    18.86         0.13        0.93         1.06         (0.65        

2015 - Service

    18.57         0.07        0.93         1.00         (0.55        

2015 - IR

    18.76         0.12        0.91         1.03         (0.60        

2014 - A

    20.00         0.55 (e)      (1.99      (1.44      (0.07        

2014 - C

    18.65         0.36 (e)      (1.83      (1.47                

2014 - Institutional

    20.39         0.64 (e)      (2.02      (1.38      (0.15        

2014 - Service

    20.08         0.52 (e)      (1.98      (1.46      (0.05        

2014 - IR

    20.29         0.75 (e)      (2.14      (1.39      (0.14        

2013 - A

    15.58         0.15        4.71         4.86         (0.44        

2013 - C

    14.60         0.02        4.41         4.43         (0.38        

2013 - Institutional

    15.92         0.23        4.79         5.02         (0.55        

2013 - Service

    15.69         0.14        4.72         4.86         (0.47        

2013 - IR

    15.87         0.16        4.82         4.98         (0.56        

2012 - A

    14.74         0.28        0.93         1.21         (0.47      0.10   

2012 - C

    13.82         0.16        0.87         1.03         (0.35      0.10   

2012 - Institutional

    15.07         0.32        0.97         1.29         (0.54      0.10   

2012 - Service

    14.85         0.26        0.94         1.20         (0.46      0.10   

2012 - IR

    15.06         0.28        0.98         1.26         (0.55      0.10   

2011 - A

    16.81         0.42 (g)      (2.22      (1.80      (0.27        

2011 - C

    15.79         0.29 (g)      (2.09      (1.80      (0.17        

2011 - Institutional

    17.18         0.50 (g)      (2.27      (1.77      (0.34        

2011 - Service

    16.92         0.42 (g)      (2.24      (1.82      (0.25        

2011 - IR

    17.22         0.63 (g)      (2.45      (1.82      (0.34        

2010 - A

    15.22         0.10        1.79         1.89         (0.30        

2010 - C

    14.35         (0.02     1.69         1.67         (0.23        

2010 - Institutional

    15.55         0.16        1.82         1.98         (0.35        

2010 - Service

    15.32         0.08        1.80         1.88         (0.28        

2010 - IR (Commenced August 31, 2010)

    15.13         0.02        2.07         2.09                   


  (a)   Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
  (b)   Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total returns would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge was taken into account. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.
  (c)   The Fund's portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund's portfolio turnover rate may be higher.
  (d)   Annualized.
  (e)   Reflects income recognized from a corporate action which amounted to $0.35 per share and 1.76% of average net assets.
  (f)   Total returns reflects the impact of payments for regulatory settlements entitled to be received during the year and recorded as an increase to capital by the Fund. Excluding such payments, the total return would have been:


      Class A     Class C     Institutional     Service     Class IR  

For the Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 2012

     8.66     7.81     9.15     8.57     8.92


  (g)   Reflects income recognized from a corporate action which amounted to $0.26 per share and 1.55% of average net assets.


38   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Net asset
value, end
of period
        Net assets,
end of
(in 000s)
        Ratio of
net expenses
to average
net assets
        Ratio of
total expenses
to average
net assets
        Ratio of
net investment
income (loss)
to average
net assets
  $ 18.93          5.64     $ 54,604          1.30 %(d)        1.64 %(d)        1.08 %(d)        48
    17.62          5.26          18,902          2.05 (d)        2.39 (d)        0.37 (d)        48   
    19.27          5.85          149,071          0.90 (d)        1.24 (d)        1.47 (d)        48   
    19.02          5.58          39          1.40 (d)        1.73 (d)        0.74 (d)        48   
    19.19          5.74          1,960          1.05 (d)        1.39 (d)        1.31 (d)        48   
    18.49          (7.16       58,368          1.33          1.63          2.78 (e)        121   
    17.18          (7.83       18,247          2.08          2.38          1.97 (e)        121   
    18.86          (6.79       170,954          0.93          1.23          3.17 (e)        121   
    18.57          (7.28       332          1.43          1.73          2.62 (e)        121   
    18.76            (6.90         2,253            1.07            1.38            3.73 (e)          121   
    20.00          31.94          61,224          1.46          1.69          0.89          189   
    18.65          30.97          17,910          2.20          2.44          0.15          189   
    20.39          32.50          112,707          1.06          1.29          1.29          189   
    20.08          31.86          364          1.56          1.79          0.80          189   
    20.29            32.36            1,609            1.20            1.44            0.89            189   
    15.58          9.36 (f)        52,564          1.48          1.72          1.95          144   
    14.60          8.55 (f)        14,039          2.23          2.47          1.14          144   
    15.92          9.84 (f)        61,874          1.08          1.31          2.11          144   
    15.69          9.26 (f)        299          1.58          1.82          1.77          144   
    15.87            9.61 (f)          30            1.23            1.46            1.87            144   
    14.74          (10.89       118,977          1.53          1.67          2.55 (g)        135   
    13.82          (11.55       15,883          2.28          2.42          1.86 (g)        135   
    15.07          (10.53       28,105          1.13          1.27          2.94 (g)        135   
    14.85          (10.96       300          1.63          1.77          2.51 (g)        135   
    15.06            (10.80         3            1.28            1.42            3.87 (g)          135   
    16.81          12.48          162,231          1.54          1.61          0.66          182   
    15.79          11.72          20,031          2.29          2.36          (0.11       182   
    17.18          12.95          36,693          1.14          1.21          1.05          182   
    16.92          12.37          354          1.64          1.71          0.54          182   
    17.22            13.81            1            1.29 (d)          1.36 (d)          0.08 (d)          182   


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   39



Financial Highlights

Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period


               Income (loss) from
investment operations
    Year - Share Class   Net asset
of period
income (loss)(a)
    Net realized
and unrealized
gain (loss)
     Total from
to shareholders
from net

2015 - A

  $ 18.84       $ 0.09      $ 1.39       $ 1.48       $ (0.27

2015 - C

    18.08         0.02        1.34         1.36         (0.16

2015 - Institutional

    19.42         0.12        1.44         1.56         (0.35

2015 - Service

    18.59         0.08        1.38         1.46         (0.26

2015 - IR

    19.36         0.12        1.42         1.54         (0.33

2014 - A

    19.26         0.19        (0.28      (0.09      (0.33

2014 - C

    18.52         0.03        (0.25      (0.22      (0.22

2014 - Institutional

    19.82         0.27        (0.29      (0.02      (0.38

2014 - Service

    19.00         0.16        (0.27      (0.11      (0.30

2014 - IR

    19.77         0.23        (0.28      (0.05      (0.36

2013 - A

    15.18         0.16 (e)      4.04         4.20         (0.12

2013 - C

    14.65         0.04 (e)      3.88         3.92         (0.05

2013 - Institutional

    15.67         0.25 (e)      4.14         4.39         (0.24

2013 - Service

    15.04         0.14 (e)      3.99         4.13         (0.17

2013 - IR

    15.65         0.25 (e)      4.10         4.35         (0.23

2012 - A

    14.06         0.11        1.26         1.37         (0.25

2012 - C

    13.54         (f)      1.24         1.24         (0.13

2012 - Institutional

    14.53         0.17        1.29         1.46         (0.32

2012 - Service

    13.98         0.09        1.25         1.34         (0.28

2012 - IR

    14.50         0.14        1.30         1.44         (0.29

2011 - A

    14.62         0.08 (g)      (0.39      (0.31      (0.25

2011 - C

    14.10         (0.03 )(g)      (0.38      (0.41      (0.15

2011 - Institutional

    15.06         0.15 (g)      (0.38      (0.23      (0.30

2011 - Service

    14.53         0.06 (g)      (0.38      (0.32      (0.23

2011 - IR

    15.09         0.18 (g)      (0.47      (0.29      (0.30

2010 - A

    12.27         0.04 (h)      2.74         2.78         (0.43

2010 - C

    11.85         (0.05 )(h)      2.64         2.59         (0.34

2010 - Institutional

    12.62         0.10 (h)      2.81         2.91         (0.47

2010 - Service

    12.20         0.03 (h)      2.72         2.75         (0.42

2010 - IR (Commenced August 31, 2010)

    12.90         0.02 (h)      2.17         2.19           


  (a)   Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
  (b)   Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total returns would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge was taken into account. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.
  (c)   The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate may be higher.
  (d)   Annualized.
  (e)   Reflects income recognized from non-recurring special dividends which amounted to $0.06 per share and 0.31% of average net assets.
  (f)   Amount is less than $0.005 per share.
  (g)   Reflects income recognized from special dividends which amounted to $0.03 per share and 0.16% of average net assets.
  (h)   Reflects income recognized from special dividends which amounted to $0.01 per share and 0.10% of average net assets.


40   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Net asset
value, end
of period




Net assets,
end of


(in 000s)


Ratio of

net expenses

to average

net assets

        Ratio of
total expenses
to average
net assets

Ratio of
net investment
income (loss)
to average

net assets

  $ 20.05          7.96     $ 15,535          1.37 %(d)        1.81 %(d)        0.93 %(d)        42
    19.28          7.59          3,804          2.12 (d)        2.56 (d)        0.21 (d)        42   
    20.63          8.19          156,524          0.97 (d)        1.40 (d)        1.26 (d)        42   
    19.79          7.95          1,297          1.47 (d)        1.91 (d)        0.89 (d)        42   
    20.57          8.13          5,495          1.12 (d)        1.56 (d)        1.21 (d)        42   
    18.84          (0.48       14,189          1.50          1.77          0.97          100   
    18.08          (1.19       3,183          2.24          2.52          0.17          100   
    19.42          (0.06       173,215          1.09          1.37          1.34          100   
    18.59          (0.57       1,052          1.59          1.86          0.82          100   
    19.36            (0.23         4,686            1.21            1.52            1.16            100   
    19.26          27.90          14,029          1.56          1.88          0.94 (e)        89   
    18.52          26.81          2,389          2.31          2.63          0.22 (e)        89   
    19.82          28.43          171,473          1.16          1.46          1.39 (e)        89   
    19.00          27.75          1,035          1.66          1.98          0.87 (e)        89   
    19.77            28.20            968            1.31            1.62            1.44 (e)          89   
    15.18          9.84          10,551          1.58          2.18          0.80          85   
    14.65          9.14          1,796          2.33          2.92          (0.01       85   
    15.67          10.49          67,614          1.18          1.73          1.14          85   
    15.04          9.77          805          1.68          2.25          0.65          85   
    15.65            10.13            362            1.33            1.84            0.93            85   
    14.06          (1.97       22,537          1.60          1.94          0.54 (g)        117   
    13.54          (2.68       2,177          2.35          2.69          (0.23 )(g)        117   
    14.53          (1.59       36,067          1.20          1.54          0.95 (g)        117   
    13.98          (2.05       730          1.70          2.04          0.41 (g)        117   
    14.50            (1.72         24            1.35            1.69            1.12 (g)          117   
    14.62          23.11          23,503          1.60          1.86          0.31 (h)        155   
    14.10          22.18          2,120          2.35          2.61          (0.43 )(h)        155   
    15.06          23.61          89,035          1.20          1.46          0.78 (h)        155   
    14.53          22.91          490          1.70          1.96          0.23 (h)        155   
    15.09            16.74            1            1.35 (d)          1.61 (d)          0.73 (d)(h)          155   


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   41



Financial Highlights

Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period


               Income (loss) from
investment operations
    Year - Share Class  

Net asset


of period






Net realized

and unrealized

gain (loss)


Total from





to shareholders

from net




2015 - A

  $ 13.52       $ 0.07       $ 0.61       $ 0.68       $ (0.49

2015 - C

    12.17         0.02         0.55         0.57         (0.39

2015 - Institutional

    14.13         0.11         0.63         0.74         (0.54

2015 - IR

    13.55         0.09         0.61         0.70         (0.53

2015 - R

    13.57         0.06         0.60         0.66         (0.45

2014 - A

    13.81         0.45 (e)       (0.63      (0.18      (0.11

2014 - C

    12.45         0.31 (e)       (0.57      (0.26      (0.02

2014 - Institutional

    14.44         0.52 (e)       (0.67      (0.15      (0.16

2014 - IR

    13.84         0.40 (e)       (0.56      (0.16      (0.13

2014 - R

    13.88         0.41 (e)       (0.63      (0.22      (0.09

2013 - A

    11.06         0.14         2.80         2.94         (0.19

2013 - C

    10.01         0.04         2.54         2.58         (0.14

2013 - Institutional

    11.58         0.19         2.93         3.12         (0.26

2013 - IR

    11.11         0.18         2.80         2.98         (0.25

2013 - R

    11.14         0.08         2.85         2.93         (0.19

2012 - A

    10.62         0.20         0.61         0.81         (0.37

2012 - C

    9.64         0.10         0.57         0.67         (0.30

2012 - Institutional

    11.11         0.19         0.71         0.90         (0.43

2012 - IR

    10.70         0.21         0.63         0.84         (0.43

2012 - R

    10.57         0.16         0.64         0.80         (0.23

2011 - A

    11.71         0.28 (f)       (1.25      (0.97      (0.12

2011 - C

    10.63         0.17 (f)       (1.12      (0.95      (0.04

2011 - Institutional

    12.24         0.25 (f)       (1.22      (0.97      (0.16

2011 - IR

    11.70         0.17 (f)       (1.06      (0.89      (0.11

2011 - R

    11.64         0.27 (f)       (1.26      (0.99      (0.08

2010 - A

    10.55         0.10         1.19         1.29         (0.13

2010 - C

    9.59         0.01         1.09         1.10         (0.06

2010 - Institutional

    11.02         0.10         1.28         1.38         (0.16

2010 - IR

    10.54         0.12         1.19         1.31         (0.15

2010 - R

    10.52         0.07         1.19         1.26         (0.14


  (a)   Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
  (b)   Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total returns would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge was taken into account. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.
  (c)   The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate may be higher.
  (d)   Annualized.
  (e)   Reflects income recognized from a corporate action which amounted to $0.33 per share and 2.32% of average net assets.
  (f)   Reflects income recognized from a corporate action which amounted to $0.14 per share and 1.22% of average net assets.


42   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Net asset

value, end

of period





Net assets,

end of


(in 000s)


Ratio of

net expenses

to average

net assets


Ratio of

total expenses

to average

net assets


Ratio of

net investment


to average

net assets





  $ 13.71          5.26     $ 24,397          1.30 %(d)        1.86 %(d)        1.14 %(d)        42
    12.35          4.87          4,947          2.05 (d)        2.61 (d)        0.39 (d)        42   
    14.33          5.52          40,845          0.90 (d)        1.46 (d)        1.55 (d)        42   
    13.72          5.44          125          1.05 (d)        1.60 (d)        1.35 (d)        42   
    13.78          5.11          18          1.55 (d)        2.11 (d)        0.89 (d)        42   
    13.52          (1.41       22,384          1.33          1.77          3.21 (e)        89   
    12.17          (2.10       4,873          2.08          2.52          2.44 (e)        89   
    14.13          (1.05       45,118          0.93          1.37          3.55 (e)        89   
    13.55          (1.14       128          1.07          1.52          2.86 (e)        89   
    13.57            (1.58         17            1.58            2.02            2.92 (e)          89   
    13.81          27.11          23,850          1.47          1.87          1.16          102   
    12.45          26.06          5,700          2.22          2.62          0.37          102   
    14.44          27.63          41,058          1.07          1.47          1.51          102   
    13.84          27.37          65          1.22          1.62          1.49          102   
    13.88            26.72            17            1.72            2.11            0.61            102   
    11.06          8.17          21,854          1.45          1.95          1.91          119   
    10.01          7.35          5,147          2.20          2.70          1.01          119   
    11.58          8.58          23,684          1.05          1.51          1.68          119   
    11.11          8.42          79          1.20          1.68          2.01          119   
    11.14            7.87            7            1.70            2.19            1.49            119   
    10.62          (8.40       41,862          1.45          1.78          2.36 (f)        139   
    9.64          (9.00       6,643          2.20          2.53          1.63 (f)        139   
    11.11          (8.04       6,416          1.05          1.38          2.02 (f)        139   
    10.70          (7.69       56          1.20          1.53          1.56 (f)        139   
    10.57            (8.61         7            1.70            2.03            2.30 (f)          139   
    11.71          12.34          60,561          1.45          1.71          0.89          121   
    10.63          11.48          8,845          2.20          2.46          0.13          121   
    12.24          12.69          21,434          1.05          1.31          0.90          121   
    11.70          12.55          7          1.20          1.46          1.13          121   
    11.64            12.06            28            1.70            1.96            0.67            121   


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   43



Notes to Financial Statements

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




Goldman Sachs Trust (the “Trust”) is a Delaware statutory trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Act”), as an open-end management investment company. The following table lists those series of the Trust that are included in this report (collectively, the “Funds” or individually a “Fund”), along with their corresponding share classes and respective diversification status under the Act:


Fund      Share Classes Offered   



Focused International Equity and International Small Cap


A, C, Institutional, Service and IR


Strategic International Equity


A, C, Institutional, IR and R         


Class A Shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of up to 5.50%. Class C Shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%, which is imposed on redemptions made within 12 months of purchase. Institutional, Service, Class IR and Class R Shares are not subject to a sales charge.

At the close of business on November 14, 2014, Class B Shares of each Fund were converted to Class A Shares of the Fund.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management International (“GSAMI”), an affiliate of Goldman, Sachs & Co. (“Goldman Sachs”), serves as investment adviser to the Funds pursuant to a management agreement (the “Agreement”) with the Trust.



The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) and require management to make estimates and assumptions that may affect the reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results may differ from those estimates and assumptions.

A.  Investment Valuation — The Funds’ valuation policy is to value investments at fair value.

B.  Investment Income and Investments — Investment income includes interest income and dividend income, net of any foreign withholding taxes, less any amounts reclaimable. Interest income is accrued daily and adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. Dividend income is recognized on ex-dividend date or, for certain foreign securities, as soon as such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Investment transactions are reflected on trade date. Realized gains and losses are calculated using identified cost. Investment transactions are recorded on the following business day for daily net asset value (“NAV”) calculations. Any foreign capital gains tax is accrued daily based upon net unrealized gains, and is payable upon sale of such investments. Distributions received from the Funds’ investments in United States (“U.S.”) real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) may be characterized as ordinary income, net capital gain or a return of capital. A return of capital is recorded by the Funds as a reduction to the cost basis of the REIT.

For derivative contracts, realized gains and losses are recorded upon settlement of the contract.









C.  Class Allocations and Expenses — Investment income, realized and unrealized gain (loss), and non-class specific expenses of each Fund are allocated daily based upon the proportion of net assets of each class. Class specific expenses, where applicable, are borne by the respective share classes and include Distribution and Service, Transfer Agent and Service and Shareholder Administration fees. Non-class specific expenses directly incurred by a Fund are charged to that Fund, while such expenses incurred by the Trust are allocated across the respective Funds on a straight-line and/or pro-rata basis depending upon the nature of the expenses.

D.  Federal Taxes and Distributions to Shareholders — It is each Fund’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), applicable to regulated investment companies (mutual funds) and to distribute each year substantially all of its investment company taxable income and capital gains to its shareholders. Accordingly, the Funds are not required to make any provisions for the payment of federal income tax. Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income and capital gains distributions, if any, are declared and paid annually.

Net capital losses are carried forward to future fiscal years and may be used to the extent allowed by the Code to offset any future capital gains. Utilization of capital loss carryforwards will reduce the requirement of future capital gains distributions.

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, the Funds are permitted to carry forward capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning after December 22, 2010 for an unlimited period. However, any losses incurred during those future taxable years will be required to be utilized prior to the losses incurred in pre-enactment taxable years. As a result of this ordering rule, pre-enactment capital loss carryforwards may be more likely to expire unused. Additionally, post-enactment capital losses that are carried forward will retain their character as either short-term or long-term capital losses rather than being considered all short-term as under previous law.

The characterization of distributions to shareholders for financial reporting purposes is determined in accordance with federal income tax rules, which may differ from GAAP. The source of each Fund’s distributions may be shown in the accompanying financial statements as either from net investment income, net realized gain or capital. Certain components of the Funds’ net assets on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities reflect permanent GAAP/tax differences based on the appropriate tax character.

E.  Foreign Currency Translation — The accounting records and reporting currency of the Funds are maintained in U.S. dollars. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using the current exchange rates at the close of each business day. The effect of changes in foreign currency exchange rates on investments is included within net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments. Changes in the value of other assets and liabilities as a result of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates are included in the Statements of Operations within net change in unrealized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars on the date the transaction occurred, the effects of which are included within net realized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions.



The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (i.e., the exit price). GAAP establishes a fair value





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The levels used for classifying investments are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in these investments. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:

Level 1 — Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are accessible at the measurement date for identical, unrestricted assets or liabilities;

Level 2 — Quoted prices in markets that are not active or financial instruments for which significant inputs are observable (including, but not limited to, quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, volatility and credit spreads), either directly or indirectly;

Level 3 — Prices or valuations that require significant unobservable inputs (including GSAMI’s assumptions in determining fair value measurement).

The Trustees have adopted Valuation Procedures that govern the valuation of the portfolio investments held by the Funds, including investments for which market quotations are not readily available. The Trustees have delegated to GSAMI day-to-day responsibility for implementing and maintaining internal controls and procedures related to the valuation of the Funds’ portfolio investments. To assess the continuing appropriateness of pricing sources and methodologies, GSAMI regularly performs price verification procedures and issues challenges as necessary to third party pricing vendors or brokers, and any differences are reviewed in accordance with the Valuation Procedures.

A.  Level 1 and Level 2 Fair Value Investments — The valuation techniques and significant inputs used in determining the fair values for investments classified as Level 1 and Level 2 are as follows:

Equity Securities — Equity securities and investment companies traded on a U.S. securities exchange or the NASDAQ system, or those located on certain foreign exchanges, including but not limited to the Americas, are valued daily at their last sale price or official closing price on the principal exchange or system on which they are traded. If there is no sale or official closing price or it is believed by the investment adviser to not represent fair value, equity securities and exchange traded investment companies are valued at the last bid price for long positions and at the last ask price for short positions. Investments in investment companies (other than those that are exchange traded) are valued at the NAV on the valuation date. To the extent these investments are actively traded, they are classified as Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy, otherwise they are generally classified as Level 2.

Unlisted equity securities for which market quotations are available are valued at the last sale price on the valuation date, or if no sale occurs, at the last bid price. Securities traded on certain foreign securities exchanges are valued daily at fair value determined by an independent fair value service (if available) under Valuation Procedures approved by the Trustees and consistent with applicable regulatory guidance. The independent fair value service takes into account multiple factors including, but not limited to, movements in the securities markets, certain depositary receipts, futures contracts and foreign currency exchange rates that have occurred subsequent to the close of the foreign securities exchange. These investments are generally classified as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.









Derivative Contracts — A derivative is an instrument whose value is derived from underlying assets, indices, reference rates or a combination of these factors. The Funds enter into derivative transactions to hedge against changes in interest rates, securities prices, and/or currency exchange rates, to increase total return, or to gain access to certain markets or attain exposure to other underliers.

Exchange-traded derivatives, including futures contracts, are valued at the last sale or settlement price and typically fall within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy. Over-the-counter (“OTC”) and centrally cleared derivatives are valued using market transactions and other market evidence, including market-based inputs to models, calibration to market-clearing transactions, broker or dealer quotations, or other alternative pricing sources. Where models are used, the selection of a particular model to value OTC and centrally cleared derivatives depends upon the contractual terms of, and specific risks inherent in, the instrument, as well as the availability of pricing information in the market. Valuation models require a variety of inputs, including contractual terms, market prices, yield curves, credit curves, measures of volatility, voluntary and involuntary prepayment rates, loss severity rates and correlations of such inputs. For OTC and centrally cleared derivatives that trade in liquid markets, model inputs can generally be verified and model selection does not involve significant management judgment. OTC and centrally cleared derivatives are classified within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy when significant inputs are corroborated by market evidence.

i.  Forward Contracts — A forward contract is a contract between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on a future date. A forward contract settlement can occur on a cash or delivery basis. Forward contracts are marked-to-market daily using independent vendor prices, and the change in value, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss.

A forward foreign currency contract is a forward contract in which a Fund agrees to receive or deliver a fixed quantity of one currency for another, at a pre-determined price at a future date. All forward foreign currency exchange contracts are settled with the counterparty in cash without the delivery of foreign currency.

ii.  Futures Contracts — Futures contracts are contracts to buy or sell a standardized quantity of a specified commodity or security and are valued based on exchanged settlement prices or independent market quotes. Futures contracts are valued at the last settlement price, or in the absence of a sale, the last bid price for long positions and at the last ask price for short positions, at the end of each day on the board of trade or exchange upon which they are traded. Upon entering into a futures contract, a Fund deposits cash or securities in an account on behalf of the broker in an amount sufficient to meet the initial margin requirement. Subsequent payments are made or received by a Fund equal to the daily change in the contract value and are recorded as variation margin receivable or payable with a corresponding offset to unrealized gains or losses.

B.  Level 3 Fair Value Investments — To the extent that significant inputs to valuation models and other alternative pricing sources are unobservable, or if quotations are not readily available, or if GSAMI believes that such quotations do not accurately reflect fair value, the fair value of the Funds’ investments may be determined under Valuation Procedures approved by the Trustees. GSAMI, consistent with its procedures and applicable regulatory guidance, may make an adjustment to the most recent valuation prices of either domestic or foreign securities in light of significant events to reflect what it believes to be the fair value of the securities at the time of determining a Fund’s NAV. Significant events which could affect a large number of securities in a particular market may include, but are not limited to: significant fluctuations in U.S. or foreign markets; market dislocations; market disruptions; or unscheduled market closings. Significant events which could also affect a single issuer may include, but are not limited to: corporate actions such as reorganizations, mergers and buy-outs; ratings downgrades; and bankruptcies.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




C.  Fair Value Hierarchy — The following is a summary of the Funds’ investments and derivatives classified in the fair value hierarchy as of April 30, 2015:


Investment Type    Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  

Common Stock and/or Other Equity Investments(a)



   $         $ 67,314,033         $         —   

Australia and Oceania




North America

Total    $ 7,661,099         $ 205,014,605         $   
Investment Type    Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  

Common Stock and/or Other Equity Investments(a)



   $         $ 1,170,405         $         —   


     2,508,335           50,885,617             

Australia and Oceania




North America

Total    $ 18,255,253         $ 156,368,636         $   
Derivative Type                            

Futures Contracts

   $ (10,040      $         $         —   
Investment Type    Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  

Common Stock and/or Other Equity Investments(a)



   $         $ 16,905,826         $         —   

Australia and Oceania




North America

Total    $ 4,037,555         $ 62,767,319         $   


(a)   Amounts are disclosed by continent to highlight the impact of time zone differences between local market close and the calculation of NAV. Security valuations are based on the principal exchange or system on which they are traded, which may differ from country of domicile. The Funds utilize fair value model prices provided by an independent fair value service for international equities, resulting in a Level 2 classification.
(b)   Amount shown represents unrealized loss at period end.

For further information regarding security characteristics, see the Schedules of Investments.









The following table sets forth, by certain risk types, the gross value of derivative contracts as of April 30, 2015. These instruments were used to meet the Fund’s investment objectives and to obtain and/or manage exposure related to the risks below. The values in the table below exclude the effects of cash collateral received or posted pursuant to these derivative contracts, and therefore are not representative of the Fund’s net exposure:


Fund           Risk      Statements of Assets and Liabilities    Liabilities  

International Small Cap

         Equity      Variation margin on certain derivative contracts    $ (10,040) (a) 


(a)   Includes unrealized gain (loss) on futures contracts described in the Additional Investment Information sections of the Schedules of Investments. Only current day’s variation margin is reported within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table sets forth, by certain risk types, the Fund’s gains (losses) related to these derivatives and their indicative volumes for the six months ended April 30, 2015. These gains (losses) should be considered in the context that these derivative contracts may have been executed to create investment opportunities and/or economically hedge certain investments, and accordingly, certain gains (losses) on such derivative contracts may offset certain (losses) gains attributable to investments. These gains (losses) are included in “Net realized gain (loss)” or “Net change in unrealized gain (loss)” on the Statements of Operations:


Risk    Statements of Operations    Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
    Net Change in
Gain (Loss)
Number of
Currency    Net realized gain (loss) from forward foreign currency exchange contracts/Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on forward foreign currency exchange contracts    $ (107,513   $ 100,593        1   
Equity    Net realized gain (loss) from futures contracts/Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on futures contracts      119,613        (18,715     22   
Total         $ 12,100      $ 81,878        23   


(a)   Average number of contracts is based on the average of month end balances for the period ended April 30, 2015.



A.  Management Agreement — Under the Agreement, GSAMI manages the Funds, subject to the general supervision of the Trustees.

As compensation for the services rendered pursuant to the Agreement, the assumption of the expenses related thereto and administration of the Funds’ business affairs, including providing facilities, GSAMI is entitled to a management fee, accrued daily and paid monthly, equal to an annual percentage rate of each Fund’s average daily net assets.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




For the six months ended April 30, 2015, contractual and effective net management fees with GSAMI were at the following rates:


         Contractual Management Rate      Effective Net


$1 billion



$1 billion



$3 billion



$3 billion



$8 billion


Focused International Equity

         1.00      0.90      0.86      0.84      0.82      1.00      0.85 %* 

International Small Cap

         1.10         1.10         0.99         0.94         0.92         1.10         0.90 * 

Strategic International Equity

         0.85         0.77         0.73         0.72         0.71         0.85         0.85   


^   Effective Net Management Rate includes the impact of management fee waivers of affiliated underlying funds, if any.


*   GSAMI agreed to waive a portion of its management fee in order to achieve effective net management fee rates of 0.85% and 0.90% for the Focused International Equity and International Small Cap Funds, respectively, through at least February 29, 2016. Prior to such date GSAMI may not terminate the arrangement without the approval of the Trustees.

B.  Distribution and Service Plans — The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, has adopted Distribution and Service Plans (the “Plans”). Under the Plans, Goldman Sachs, which serves as distributor (the “Distributor”), is entitled to a fee accrued daily and paid monthly, for distribution services and personal and account maintenance services, which may then be paid by Goldman Sachs to authorized dealers, at the following annual rates calculated on a Fund’s average daily net assets of each respective share class:


     Distribution and Service Plan Rates  
      Class A*      Class C      Class R*  

Distribution Plan

     0.25      0.75      0.50

Service Plan



*   With respect to Class A and Class R Shares, the Distributor at its discretion may use compensation for distribution services paid under the Distribution Plan to compensate service organizations for personal and account maintenance services and expenses as long as such total compensation does not exceed the maximum cap on “service fees” imposed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

C.  Distribution Agreement — Goldman Sachs, as Distributor of the shares of the Funds pursuant to a Distribution Agreement, may retain a portion of the Class A front end sales charge and Class C Shares’ CDSC. During the six months ended April 30, 2015, Goldman Sachs advised that it retained the following amounts:


         Front End
Sales Charge
       Contingent Deferred
Sales Charge
Fund         Class A        Class C  

Focused International Equity

       $ 2,619         $ 239   

International Small Cap


Strategic International Equity


D.  Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan — The Trust, on behalf of each Fund that offers Service Shares, has adopted a Service Plan and a Shareholder Administration Plan. These plans allow for service organizations to provide varying levels of personal and account maintenance and shareholder administration services to their customers who are beneficial owners of such shares. The Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan each provide for compensation to the service organizations which is accrued daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of 0.25% (0.50% in aggregate) of the average daily net assets of the Service Shares.









E.  Transfer Agency Agreement — Goldman Sachs also serves as the transfer agent of the Funds for a fee pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement. The fees charged for such transfer agency services are accrued daily and paid monthly at annual rates as follows: 0.19% of the average daily net assets of Class A, Class C, Class IR and Class R Shares; and 0.04% of the average daily net assets of Institutional and Service Shares.

F.  Other Expense Agreements and Affiliated Transactions — GSAMI has agreed to limit certain “Other Expenses” of the Funds (excluding acquired fund fees and expenses, transfer agency fees and expenses, service fees and shareholder administration fees (as applicable), taxes, interest, brokerage fees, shareholder meetings, litigation, indemnification and extraordinary expenses) to the extent such expenses exceed, on an annual basis, a percentage rate of the average daily net assets of each Fund. Such Other Expense reimbursements, if any, are accrued daily and paid monthly. In addition, the Funds are not obligated to reimburse GSAMI for prior fiscal year expense reimbursements, if any. The Other Expense limitations as an annual percentage rate of average daily net assets for the Focused International Equity, International Small Cap and Strategic International Equity Funds are 0.014%, 0.034% and 0.014%, respectively. These Other Expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date GSAMI may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Trustees. The Funds bear their respective share of costs related to proxy and shareholder meetings and GSAMI has agreed to reimburse each Fund to the extent such expenses exceed a specified percentage of the Fund’s net assets. In addition, the Funds have entered into certain offset arrangements with the custodian and the transfer agent, which may result in a reduction of the Funds’ expenses and are received irrespective of the application of the “Other Expense” limitations described above.

For the six months ended April 30, 2015, these expense reductions, including any fee waivers and Other Expense reimbursements, were as follows:


Fund         Management
Fee Waiver
       Custody Fee
       Other Expense
       Total Expense

Focused International Equity

       $ 166,249         $ 2,037         $ 204,645         $ 372,931   

International Small Cap

         190,209           1,773           220,659           412,641   

Strategic International Equity

                   748           182,454           183,202   

G.  Line of Credit Facility — As of April 30, 2015, the Funds participated in a $1,080,000,000 committed, unsecured revolving line of credit facility (the “facility”) together with other funds of the Trust and registered investment companies having management agreements with GSAMI or its affiliates (“Other Borrowers”). Pursuant to the terms of the facility, the Funds and Other Borrowers could increase the credit amount by an additional $120,000,000, for a total of up to $1,200,000,000. This facility is to be used for temporary emergency purposes, or to allow for an orderly liquidation of securities to meet redemption requests. The interest rate on borrowings is based on the federal funds rate. The facility also requires a fee to be paid by the Funds based on the amount of the commitment that has not been utilized. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the Funds did not have any borrowings under the facility. The facility was increased to $1,205,000,000 effective May 5, 2015.

H.  Other Transactions with Affiliates — For the six months ended April 30, 2015, Goldman Sachs earned $902 in brokerage commissions from portfolio transactions, including futures transactions executed with Goldman Sachs as the Futures Commission Merchant, on behalf of the International Small Cap Fund.

As of April 30, 2015, the Goldman Sachs Satellite Strategies Portfolio was the beneficial owner of approximately 39% of total outstanding shares of the International Small Cap Fund.

As of April 30, 2015, the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. was the beneficial owner of approximately 8% and 53% of the Class IR and Class R Shares of the Strategic International Equity Fund, respectively.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




The cost of purchases and proceeds from sales and maturities of long-term securities for the six months ended April 30, 2015, were as follows:


Fund         Purchases        Sales and Maturities  

Focused International Equity

       $ 106,001,013         $ 151,857,051   

International Small Cap

         77,122,166           105,859,512   

Strategic International Equity

         26,920,516           35,011,295   



As of the Funds’ most recent fiscal year end, October 31, 2014, the Funds’ capital loss carryforwards on a tax-basis were as follows:


           Focused International
       International Small
       Strategic International

Capital loss carryforwards(1):


Expiring 2016

     $ (89,358,426      $         $ (15,319,008

Expiring 2017

       (106,107,378        (8,401,592        (28,233,535

Expiring 2019


Total capital loss carryforwards

       $ (204,716,235      $ (8,401,592      $ (43,552,543


(1)   Expiration occurs on October 31 of the year indicated.

As of April 30, 2015, the Funds’ aggregate security unrealized gains and losses based on cost for U.S. federal income tax purposes were as follows:


           Focused International
       International Small
       Strategic International

Tax cost

       $ 219,716,938         $ 169,727,411         $ 63,743,881   

Gross unrealized gain

       9,616,353           15,340,417           6,337,511   

Gross unrealized loss

         (16,657,587        (10,443,939        (3,276,518

Net unrealized security gain (loss)

       $ (7,041,234      $ 4,896,478         $ 3,060,993   

The difference between GAAP-basis and tax-basis unrealized gains (losses) is attributable primarily to wash sales and differences related to the tax treatment of passive foreign investment company investments.

GSAMI has reviewed the Funds’ tax positions for all open tax years (the current and prior three years, as applicable) and has concluded that no provision for income tax is required in the Funds’ financial statements. Such open tax years remain subject to examination and adjustment by tax authorities.



The Funds’ risks include, but are not limited to, the following:

Foreign Custody Risk — A Fund that invests in foreign securities may hold such securities and foreign currency with foreign banks, agents, and securities depositories appointed by the Fund’s custodian (each a “Foreign Custodian”). Some foreign







8. OTHER RISKS (continued)


custodians may be recently organized or new to the foreign custody business. In some countries, Foreign Custodians may be subject to little or no regulatory oversight or independent evaluation of their operations. Further, the laws of certain countries may place limitations on a Fund’s ability to recover its assets if a Foreign Custodian enters bankruptcy. Investments in emerging markets may be subject to greater custody risks than investments in more developed markets. Custody services in emerging market countries are very often undeveloped and may be considerably less well regulated than in more developed countries, and thus may not afford the same level of investor protection as would apply in developed countries.

Investments in Other Investment Companies — As a shareholder of another investment company, including an exchange traded fund (“ETF”), a Fund will directly bear its proportionate share of any net management fees and other expenses paid by such other investment companies, in addition to the fees and expenses regularly borne by the Fund. ETFs are subject to risks that do not apply to conventional mutual funds, including but not limited to the following: (i) the market price of the ETF’s shares may trade at a premium or a discount to their NAV; and (ii) an active trading market for an ETF’s shares may not develop or be maintained.

Issuer Concentration Risk — The Focused International Equity Fund intends to invest in a relatively small number of issuers. As a result, it may be subject to greater risks than a fund that invests in a greater number of issuers. A change in the value of any single investment held by the Fund may affect the overall value of the Fund more than it would affect a mutual fund that holds more investments. In particular, the Fund may be more susceptible to adverse developments affecting any single issuer in the Fund and may be susceptible to greater losses because of these developments.

Large Shareholder Transactions Risk — A Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders, such as other funds, institutional investors (including those trading by use of non-discretionary mathematical formulas), financial intermediaries (who may make investment decisions on behalf of underlying clients and/or include a Fund in their investment model), individuals, accounts and Goldman Sachs affiliates, purchase or redeem large amounts of shares of a Fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the Fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact a Fund’s NAV and liquidity. Similarly, large Fund share purchases may adversely affect a Fund’s performance to the extent that a Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in a Fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the Fund’s expense ratio.

Liquidity Risk — The Funds may make investments that are illiquid or that may become less liquid in response to market developments or adverse investor perceptions. Illiquid investments may be more difficult to value. Liquidity risk may also refer to the risk that a Fund will not be able to pay redemption proceeds within the allowable time period because of unusual market conditions, an unusually high volume of redemption requests, or other reasons. To meet redemption requests, a Fund may be forced to sell investments at an unfavorable time and/or under unfavorable conditions.

Market and Credit Risks — In the normal course of business, the Funds trade financial instruments and enter into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to changes in the market (market risk). Additionally, the Funds may also be exposed to credit risk in the event that an issuer or guarantor fails to perform or that an institution or entity with which the Funds have unsettled or open transactions defaults.

Investing in foreign markets may involve special risks and considerations not typically associated with investing in the U.S. Foreign securities may be subject to risk of loss because of more or less foreign government regulation, less public information and less economic, political and social stability in the countries in which the Fund invests. Loss may also result from the imposition of exchange controls, confiscations and other government restrictions by the U.S. or other governments, or from problems in registration, settlement or custody. Foreign risk also involves the risk of negative foreign currency rate fluctuations, which may cause the value of securities denominated in such foreign currency (or other instruments through which the Fund has exposure to foreign currencies) to decline in value. Currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. To the extent that the Fund also invests in securities of issuers located in emerging markets, these risks may be more pronounced.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




Under the Trust’s organizational documents, its Trustees, officers, employees and agents are indemnified, to the extent permitted by the Act and state law, against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Funds. Additionally, in the course of business, the Funds enter into contracts that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Funds that have not yet occurred. However, GSAMI believes the risk of loss under these arrangements to be remote.



Subsequent events after the Statement of Assets and Liabilities date have been evaluated through the date the financial statements were issued. GSAMI has concluded that there is no impact requiring adjustment or disclosure in the financial statements.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




Share activity is as follows:


    Focused International Equity Fund  



    For the Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015
     For the Fiscal Year Ended
October 31, 2014



    Shares     Dollars      Shares     Dollars  



Class A Shares         

Shares sold

    151,424      $ 2,734,304         810,545      $ 16,129,234   

Shares converted from Class B

    4,363        79,894         1,752        34,678   

Reinvestment of distributions

    94,946        1,684,348         11,140        220,455   

Shares redeemed

    (522,592     (9,266,071      (729,100     (14,367,121
      (271,859     (4,767,525      94,337        2,017,246   
Class B Shares(a)         

Shares sold

                   1,969        37,951   

Shares converted to Class A

    (4,448     (79,894      (1,778     (34,678

Shares redeemed

    (10,228     (183,739      (14,882     (290,077
      (14,676     (263,633      (14,691     (286,804
Class C Shares         

Shares sold

    125,269        2,080,654         302,550        5,604,612   

Reinvestment of distributions

    26,339        435,904                  

Shares redeemed

    (140,726     (2,367,104      (200,946     (3,633,294
      10,882        149,454         101,604        1,971,318   
Institutional Shares         

Shares sold

    627,844        11,298,805         5,268,434        106,829,174   

Reinvestment of distributions

    296,452        5,345,040         45,024        905,437   

Shares redeemed

    (2,251,474     (40,966,915      (1,779,054     (35,339,890
      (1,327,178     (24,323,070      3,534,404        72,394,721   
Service Shares         

Shares sold

    516        9,234         1,479        29,637   

Reinvestment of distributions

    63        1,120         6        107   

Shares redeemed

    (16,435     (284,841      (1,715     (33,946
      (15,856     (274,487      (230     (4,202
Class IR Shares         

Shares sold

    13,584        250,777         179,185        3,632,048   

Reinvestment of distributions

    3,938        70,733         706        14,137   

Shares redeemed

    (35,518     (644,897      (139,046     (2,781,071
      (17,996     (323,387      40,845        865,114   


    (1,636,683   $ (29,802,648      3,756,269      $ 76,957,393   


(a)   Class B Shares converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




Share activity is as follows:


    International Small Cap Fund  



    For the Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015
     For the Fiscal Year Ended
October 31, 2014



    Shares     Dollars      Shares     Dollars  



Class A Shares         

Shares sold

    119,307      $ 2,262,388         323,285      $ 6,313,379   

Shares converted from Class B

    2,533        47,348         788        15,330   

Reinvestment of distributions

    9,774        179,944         11,580        217,128   

Shares redeemed

    (110,011     (2,087,840      (311,187     (6,123,835
      21,603        401,840         24,466        422,002   
Class B Shares(a)         

Shares sold

                   447        8,625   

Shares converted to Class A

    (2,585     (47,348      (801     (15,330

Reinvestment of distributions

                   164        3,040   

Shares redeemed

    (9,887     (181,106      (11,188     (215,433
      (12,472     (228,454      (11,378     (219,098
Class C Shares         

Shares sold

    59,440        1,059,778         90,302        1,723,658   

Reinvestment of distributions

    1,390        24,687         1,298        23,503   

Shares redeemed

    (39,543     (706,940      (44,567     (832,733
      21,287        377,525         47,033        914,428   
Institutional Shares         

Shares sold

    1,341,944        25,442,805         2,553,932        50,907,382   

Reinvestment of distributions

    151,458        2,864,067         168,944        3,252,168   

Shares redeemed

    (2,825,860     (55,303,381      (2,456,065     (49,189,267
      (1,332,458     (26,996,509      266,811        4,970,283   
Service Shares         

Shares sold

    14,921        273,459         1,583        28,818   

Reinvestment of distributions

    796        14,470         884        16,362   

Shares redeemed

    (6,733     (122,734      (382     (7,173
      8,984        165,195         2,085        38,007   
Class IR Shares         

Shares sold

    37,749        727,875         205,667        4,149,180   

Reinvestment of distributions

    4,295        81,045         969        18,633   

Shares redeemed

    (16,904     (328,372      (13,552     (268,430
      25,140        480,548         193,084        3,899,383   


    (1,267,916   $ (25,799,855      522,101      $ 10,025,005   







(a)   Class B Shares converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.









Share activity is as follows:


    Strategic International Equity Fund  



    For the Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015
     For the Fiscal Year Ended
October 31, 2014



    Shares     Dollars      Shares     Dollars  



Class A Shares         

Shares sold

    126,402      $ 1,672,641         198,704      $ 2,763,446   

Shares converted from Class B

    82,119        1,098,759         32,994        459,442   

Reinvestment of distributions

    64,638        831,893         13,124        178,224   

Shares redeemed

    (149,390     (1,944,568      (315,548     (4,390,132
      123,769        1,658,725         (70,726     (989,020
Class B Shares(a)         

Shares sold

                   2,579        32,762   

Shares converted to Class A

    (92,333     (1,098,759      (36,933     (459,442

Reinvestment of distributions

                   87        1,060   

Shares redeemed

    (19,706     (234,677      (58,436     (727,361
      (112,039     (1,333,436      (92,703     (1,152,981
Class C Shares         

Shares sold

    27,052        318,238         82,020        1,031,878   

Reinvestment of distributions

    11,938        138,834         605        7,442   

Shares redeemed

    (38,894     (460,756      (139,914     (1,749,533
      96        (3,684      (57,289     (710,213
Institutional Shares         

Shares sold

    820,966        11,316,920         701,638        10,194,170   

Reinvestment of distributions

    113,557        1,525,074         32,742        463,301   

Shares redeemed

    (1,276,058     (17,599,414      (386,526     (5,573,406
      (341,535     (4,757,420      347,854        5,084,065   
Class IR Shares         

Shares sold

    334        4,227         5,492        76,480   

Reinvestment of distributions

    391        5,027         46        623   

Shares redeemed

    (1,085     (14,175      (773     (10,433
      (360     (4,921      4,765        66,670   
Class R Shares         

Shares sold

    20        265         4        53   

Reinvestment of distributions

    23        293         4        58   
      43        558         8        111   


    (330,026   $ (4,440,178      131,909      $ 2,298,632   


(a)   Class B Shares converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.





Fund Expenses — Six Month Period Ended April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)

As a shareholder of Class A, Class C, Institutional, Service, Class IR or Class R Shares of a Fund you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges on purchase payments (with respect to Class A Shares) and contingent deferred sales charges on redemptions (with respect to and Class C Shares); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees (with respect to Class A, Class C and Class R Shares); and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in Class A, Class C, Institutional, Service, Class IR and Class R Shares of the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from November 1, 2014 through April 30, 2015.

Actual Expenses — The first line under each share class in the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000=8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes — The second line under each share class in the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual net expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Funds’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Funds and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges, redemption fee or exchange fees. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


     Focused International Equity Fund     International Small Cap Fund     Strategic International Equity Fund  
Share Class  











Paid for the

6 Months Ended














Paid for the

6 Months Ended














Paid for the

6 Months Ended


Class A                                    


  $ 1,000      $ 1,056.40      $ 6.63      $ 1,000      $ 1,079.60      $ 7.06      $ 1,000      $ 1,052.60      $ 6.62   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,018.35     6.51        1,000        1,018.00     6.85        1,000        1,018.35     6.51   
Class C                                    


    1,000        1,052.60        10.43        1,000        1,075.90        10.91        1,000        1,048.70        10.41   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,014.63     10.24        1,000        1,014.28     10.59        1,000        1,014.63     10.24   


    1,000        1,058.50        4.59        1,000        1,081.90        5.01        1,000        1,055.20        4.59   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,020.33     4.51        1,000        1,019.98     4.86        1,000        1,020.33     4.51   


    1,000        1,055.80        7.14        1,000        1,079.50        7.58        N/A        N/A        N/A   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,017.85     7.00        1,000        1,017.50     7.35        N/A        N/A        N/A   
Class IR                                    


    1,000        1,057.40        5.36        1,000        1,081.30        5.78        1,000        1,054.40        5.35   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,019.59     5.26        1,000        1,019.24     5.61        1,000        1,019.59     5.26   
Class R                                    


    N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        1,000        1,051.10        7.88   

Hypothetical 5% return

    N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        1,000        1,017.11        7.75   


*   Expenses are calculated using each Fund’s annualized net expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing expenses as a percentage of net assets for the six months ended April 30, 2015. Expenses are calculated by multiplying the annualized net expense ratio by the average account value for the period; then multiplying the result by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year; and then dividing that result by the number of days in the fiscal year. The annualized net expense ratios for the period were as follows:


Fund    Class A      Class C      Institutional      Service      Class IR      Class R  

Focused International Equity

     1.30      2.05      0.90      1.40      1.05      N/A   

International Small Cap

     1.37         2.12         0.97         1.47         1.12         N/A   

Strategic International Equity

     1.30         2.05         0.90         N/A         1.05         1.55


+   Hypothetical expenses are based on each Fund’s actual annualized net expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses.






Goldman Sachs Funds





Goldman Sachs is a premier financial services firm, known since 1869 for creating thoughtful and customized investment solutions in complex global markets.

Today, the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs serves a diverse set of clients worldwide, including private institutions, public entities and individuals. With approximately $1.02 trillion in assets under supervision as of March 31, 2015, Goldman Sachs Asset Management (“GSAM”) has portfolio management teams located around the world and our investment professionals bring firsthand knowledge of local markets to every investment decision. Assets under supervision includes assets under management and other client assets for which Goldman Sachs does not have full discretion. GSAM leverages the resources of Goldman, Sachs & Co. subject to legal, internal and regulatory restrictions.




Money Market1

Financial Square FundsSM

n   Financial Square Tax-Exempt Funds
n   Financial Square Federal Fund
n   Financial Square Government Fund
n   Financial Square Money Market Fund
n   Financial Square Prime Obligations Fund
n   Financial Square Treasury Instruments Fund
n   Financial Square Treasury Obligations Fund

Fixed Income

Short Duration and Government

n   Enhanced Income Fund
n   High Quality Floating Rate Fund
n   Limited Maturity Obligations Fund
n   Short Duration Government Fund
n   Short Duration Income Fund
n   Government Income Fund
n   Inflation Protected Securities Fund


n   Core Fixed Income Fund
n   Bond Fund2
n   Global Income Fund
n   Strategic Income Fund

Municipal and Tax-Free

n   High Yield Municipal Fund
n   Dynamic Municipal Income Fund3
n   Short Duration Tax-Free Fund

Single Sector

n   Investment Grade Credit Fund
n   U.S. Mortgages Fund
n   High Yield Fund
n   High Yield Floating Rate Fund
n   Emerging Markets Debt Fund
n   Local Emerging Markets Debt Fund
n   Dynamic Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Fixed Income Alternatives

n   Long Short Credit Strategies Fund
n   Fixed Income Macro Strategies Fund

Fundamental Equity

n   Growth and Income Fund
n   Small Cap Value Fund
n   Small/Mid Cap Value Fund
n   Mid Cap Value Fund
n   Large Cap Value Fund
n   Capital Growth Fund
n   Strategic Growth Fund
n   Focused Growth Fund
n   Small/Mid Cap Growth Fund
n   Flexible Cap Growth Fund
n   Concentrated Growth Fund
n   Technology Tollkeeper Fund
n   Growth Opportunities Fund
n   Rising Dividend Growth Fund
n   Dynamic U.S. Equity Fund4
n   Income Builder Fund

Tax-Advantaged Equity

n   U.S. Tax-Managed Equity Fund
n   International Tax-Managed Equity Fund
n   U.S. Equity Dividend and Premium Fund
n   International Equity Dividend and Premium Fund

Equity Insights

n   Small Cap Equity Insights Fund
n   U.S. Equity Insights Fund
n   Small Cap Growth Insights Fund
n   Large Cap Growth Insights Fund
n   Large Cap Value Insights Fund
n   Small Cap Value Insights Fund
n   International Small Cap Insights Fund
n   International Equity Insights Fund
n   Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund

Fundamental Equity


n   Strategic International Equity Fund
n   Focused International Equity Fund
n   International Small Cap Fund
n   Asia Equity Fund
n   Emerging Markets Equity Fund
n   BRIC Fund (Brazil, Russia, India, China)
n   N-11 Equity Fund

Select Satellite5

n   Global Managed Beta Fund
n   Multi-Manager Non-Core Fixed Income Fund
n   Real Estate Securities Fund
n   International Real Estate Securities Fund
n   Commodity Strategy Fund
n   Dynamic Commodity Strategy Fund
n   Dynamic Allocation Fund
n   Absolute Return Tracker Fund
n   Long Short Fund
n   Managed Futures Strategy Fund
n   MLP Energy Infrastructure Fund
n   Multi-Manager Alternatives Fund
n   Multi-Asset Real Return Fund
n   Retirement Portfolio Completion Fund
n   Tactical Tilt Implementation Fund

Total Portfolio Solutions5

n   Balanced Strategy Portfolio
n   Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio
n   Growth Strategy Portfolio
n   Equity Growth Strategy Portfolio
n   Satellite Strategies Portfolio
n   Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio
n   Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio


1   An investment in a money market fund is neither insured nor guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) or any other government agency. Although the Funds seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Funds.
2    Effective on October 1, 2014, the Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income Fund was renamed the Goldman Sachs Bond Fund.
3    Effective on December 18, 2014, the Goldman Sachs Municipal Income Fund was renamed the Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income Fund.
4    Effective on April 30, 2015, the Goldman Sachs U.S. Equity Fund was renamed the Goldman Sachs Dynamic U.S. Equity Fund.
5    Individual Funds within the Total Portfolio Solutions and Select Satellite categories will have various placement on the risk/return spectrum and may have greater or lesser risk than that indicated by the placement of the general Total Portfolio Solutions or Select Satellite category.

Financial Square FundsSM is a registered service mark of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

*This   list covers open-end funds only. Please visit our website at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to learn about our closed-end funds.


Ashok N. Bakhru, Chairman

Kathryn A. Cassidy

John P. Coblentz, Jr.

Diana M. Daniels

Joseph P. LoRusso

Herbert J. Markley

James A. McNamara

Jessica Palmer

Alan A. Shuch

Richard P. Strubel

Roy W. Templin

Gregory G. Weaver



James A. McNamara, President

Scott M. McHugh, Principal Financial Officer and Treasurer

Caroline L. Kraus, Secretary


Distributor and Transfer Agent



Investment Adviser

Visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P., 200 West Street, New York, New York 10282

The reports concerning the Funds included in this shareholder report may contain certain forward-looking statements about the factors that may affect the performance of the Funds in the future. These statements are based on Fund management’s predictions and expectations concerning certain future events and their expected impact on the Funds, such as performance of the economy as a whole and of specific industry sectors, changes in the levels of interest rates, the impact of developing world events, and other factors that may influence the future performance of the Funds. Management believes these forward-looking statements to be reasonable, although they are inherently uncertain and difficult to predict. Actual events may cause adjustments in portfolio management strategies from those currently expected to be employed.

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information regarding how a Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available (I) without charge, upon request by calling 1-800-526-7384 (for Retail Shareholders) or 1-800-621-2550 (for Institutional Shareholders); and (II) on the Securities and Exchange Commission Web site at http://www.sec.gov.

The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’ Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s web site at http://www.sec.gov within 60 days after the Funds’ first and third fiscal quarters. The Funds’ Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. and information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may also be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. Forms N-Q may be obtained upon request and without charge by calling 1-800-526-7384 (for Retail Shareholders) or 1-800-621-2550 (for Institutional Shareholders).

The website links provided are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation by GSAM of any of these websites or the products or services offered. GSAM is not responsible for the accuracy and validity of the content of these websites.

Fund holdings and allocations shown are as of April 30, 2015 and may not be representative of future investments. Fund holdings should not be relied on in making investment decisions and should not be construed as research or investment advice regarding particular securities. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) was developed by and is the exclusive property and a service mark of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. (MSCI) and Standard & Poor’s, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (S&P) and is licensed for use by Goldman Sachs. Neither MSCI, S&P nor any other party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such standard or classification (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of such standard or classification. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, S&P, any of their affiliates or any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

The portfolio risk management process includes an effort to monitor and manage risk, but does not imply low risk.

This material is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current Prospectus or summary prospectus, if applicable. Investors should consider a Fund’s objective, risks, and charges and expenses, and read the summary prospectus, if available, and/or the Prospectus carefully before investing or sending money. The summary prospectus, if available, and the Prospectus contain this and other information about a Fund and may be obtained from your authorized dealer or from Goldman, Sachs & Co. by calling (retail – 1-800-526-7384) (institutional – 1-800-621-2550).

© 2015 Goldman Sachs. All rights reserved. 164842.MF.MED.TMPL/6/2015 EQINTSAR-15/10.6K

Goldman Sachs Funds




Semi-Annual Report      

April 30, 2015


International Equity Insights Funds


Emerging Markets Equity Insights


International Equity Insights


International Small Cap Insights



Goldman Sachs International Equity

Insights Funds










Principal Investment Strategies and Risks


Investment Process


Market Review


Portfolio Management Discussions and Performance Summaries


Schedules of Investments


Financial Statements


Financial Highlights


Notes to the Financial Statements


Other Information



NOT FDIC-INSURED   May Lose Value   No Bank Guarantee



Principal Investment Strategies and Risks

This is not a complete list of risks that may affect the Funds. For additional information concerning the risks applicable to the Funds, please see the Funds’ Prospectus.

The Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity investments in emerging country issuers. The Fund’s investments are subject to market risk, which means that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular sectors and/or general economic conditions. Foreign and emerging markets investments may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and adverse economic and political developments. The securities markets of emerging countries have less government regulation and are subject to less extensive accounting and financial reporting requirements than the markets of more developed countries. At times, the Fund may be unable to sell certain of its illiquid investments without a substantial drop in price, if at all. The Investment Adviser’s use of quantitative models to execute the Fund’s investment strategy may fail to produce the intended result. Different investment styles (e.g., “quantitative”) tend to shift in and out of favor, and at times the Fund may underperform other funds that invest in similar asset classes. The Fund may have a high rate of portfolio turnover, which involves correspondingly greater expenses which must be borne by the Fund, and is also likely to result in short-term capital gains taxable to shareholders.

The Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights Fund invests primarily in a broadly diversified portfolio of equity investments in companies that are organized outside the United States or whose securities are principally traded outside the United States. The Fund’s investments are subject to market risk, which means that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular sectors and/or general economic conditions. Foreign and emerging markets investments may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and adverse economic or political developments. The Investment Adviser’s use of quantitative models to execute the Fund’s investment strategy may fail to produce the intended result. Different investment styles (e.g., “quantitative”) tend to shift in and out of favor, and at times the Fund may underperform other funds that invest in similar asset classes. The Fund may have a high rate of portfolio turnover, which involves correspondingly greater expenses which must be borne by the Fund, and is also likely to result in short-term capital gains taxable to shareholders.

The Goldman Sachs International Small Cap Insights Fund invests primarily in a broadly diversified portfolio of equity investments in small capitalization non-U.S. issuers. The Fund’s investments are subject to market risk, which means that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular sectors and/or general economic conditions. Foreign and emerging markets investments may be more volatile and less liquid than investments in U.S. securities and are subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and adverse economic or political developments. The securities of mid- and small-capitalization companies involve greater risks than those associated with larger, more established companies and may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements. The Investment Adviser’s use of quantitative models to execute the Fund’s investment strategy may fail to produce the intended result. Different investment styles (e.g., “quantitative”) tend to shift in and out of favor, and at times the Fund may underperform other funds that invest in similar asset classes. The Fund may have a high rate of portfolio turnover, which involves correspondingly greater expenses which must be borne by the Fund, and is also likely to result in short-term capital gains taxable to shareholders.





Goldman Sachs’ International Equity Insights Investment Process





n   Comprehensive – We forecast returns on over 8,000 international stocks and 43 equity markets on a daily basis.


n   Rigorous – We evaluate stocks, countries and currencies based on fundamental investment criteria that have outperformed historically.


n   Objective – Our stock and equity market selection process is free from emotion that may lead to biased investment decisions.




n   Our computer optimization process allocates risk to our best investment ideas and constructs funds that strive to neutralize systematic risks and deliver better returns.


n   We use proprietary risk models that are designed to be more precise, more focused and faster to respond because they seek to identify, track and manage risk specific to our process, using daily data.



Fully invested, well-diversified international portfolio that seeks to:


n   Blend top-down market views with bottom-up stock selection.


n   Maintain style, sector, risk and capitalization characteristics similar to the benchmark.


n   Achieve excess returns by taking many small diversified stock positions. Additionally, in the Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund and the Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights Fund we take intentional country bets.


    The portfolio risk management process includes an effort to monitor and manage risk, but does not imply low risk.






Enhancements Made to Proprietary Quantitative Model during the Six-Month Period Ended April 30, 2015

We continuously look for ways to improve our investment process. Accordingly, we introduced a number of enhancements to our proprietary quantitative model during the six-month period ended April 30, 2015.

We implemented an enhancement to our Valuation theme to evaluate energy companies’ reserves. Energy reserves are not capitalized on the balance sheet, so we believe reserve-based valuation metrics provide a more accurate picture of the intrinsic value of an energy company. In addition, we implemented an enhancement to our Sentiment theme through which we analyze short selling of stocks in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of investor views about potential future price declines. We analyze more than 9,000 stocks on a daily basis to identify companies with large, “fresh” short positions that may indicate negative return expectations. Also, in all global regions except Europe, we implemented an enhancement to our Momentum theme, evaluating price pressures created through consistent trade imbalances between buyers and sellers. In certain instances, traders may push prices as they engage in end-of-day hedging, inventory management and index trading. Such activities, when persistent, can create buying and selling opportunities as stock prices revert to long-term views. Additionally, for India, we enhanced our ability, through our global linkages theme, to examine the relationship between the separate companies that belong to a single conglomerate as well as between public sector companies that belong to the same state owned industry sub-group. In Japan, we enhanced our global linkages theme to look at economic relationships between companies along the automotive supply chain from parts manufacturers to auto dealers.





Goldman Sachs International Equity

Insights Funds


Market Review

During the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”), emerging markets equities and international developed markets equities generated positive returns.

Emerging Markets Equities

Emerging markets equities advanced during the Reporting Period despite concerns about slowing economic growth, particularly in China, and the impact of weak commodity prices, particularly the sharp decline in oil prices.

During the Reporting Period, China’s Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”) growth slowed to 7% for the first quarter of 2015, down from 7.3% for calendar year 2014, while many other economic indicators similarly deteriorated. However, the Chinese central bank took a number of steps toward easing its monetary policy during the Reporting Period. Most notably, perhaps, in April 2015, the People’s Bank of China slashed its reserve requirement ratio by 100 basis points to 18.5% for the largest banks, which is the lowest level since 2012. (A basis point is 1/100th of a percentage point. The reserve requirement ratio is the portion, expressed as a percent, of depositors’ balances banks must have on hand as cash. This is a requirement determined by a country’s central bank. The reserve ratio affects the money supply in a country.) Chinese equities soared on the news, sparking a sharp rally in emerging markets equities broadly in April 2015. Indeed, outperformance of Chinese equities accounted for most of the gains of the MSCI® Emerging Markets Standard Index (unhedged, with dividends reinvested, net of dividend withholding taxes) (“MSCI® EM Index”) for the Reporting Period as a whole.

As for oil prices, the international Brent Crude oil benchmark price fell rather steadily from a high of $115 per barrel in June 2014 to a low of $47 per barrel in January 2015 before rebounding to almost $70 per barrel by the end of April 2015. In turn, big commodity-exporting countries, including Brazil and Russia, as well as the energy sector of the MSCI® EM Index, were negatively impacted by the low prices for most of the Reporting Period. However, both countries’ equity markets and the broader MSCI® EM Index rallied with the rebound in oil prices in April 2015.

For the Reporting Period overall, the MSCI® EM Index returned 3.92%.* Eight of the 23 countries in the MSCI® EM Index were up for the Reporting Period, with China (+29.60%) and Hungary (+23.75%) posting the largest gains. China was also the largest positive contributor on the basis of impact, which takes both weightings and total returns into account.

Five of the 10 sectors in the MSCI® EM Index were up for the Reporting Period, with information technology (+9.76%) and financials (+8.49%) generating the strongest returns. The financials sector was the largest positive contributor to MSCI® EM Index returns on the basis of impact.


*   All index returns are expressed in U.S. dollar terms.






International Equities

International developed markets equities recorded a solid gain during the Reporting Period, with central bank policy, currency movements and the sharp decline in oil prices among the dominant themes.

Both the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan employed easy monetary policy in an effort to stimulate economic growth. With interest rates near zero in both regions, both the euro and the yen fell against the U.S. dollar, which helped increase exports, an important source of revenue to companies in Europe and Japan. The euro sank to a 12-year low against the U.S. dollar in March 2015 before rebounding slightly in April 2015, and the impact of depreciation was already noticeable in many European corporate earnings reports, many of which were better than expected. Japanese companies also began to benefit from the weak yen. Strong equity markets in both regions reflected optimism that the monetary stimulus would stave off deflation and promote economic growth. While progress was slow, a number of economic indicators in both regions appeared to be improving toward the end of the Reporting Period.

As for oil prices, the international Brent Crude oil benchmark price fell rather steadily from a high of $115 per barrel in June 2014 to a low of $47 per barrel in January 2015 before rebounding to almost $70 per barrel by the end of April 2015. The low price of crude oil forced many energy companies to lower their earnings projections. As a result, the energy sector, and those countries’ equity markets most closely tied to the commodities markets, declined most during the Reporting Period. That said, market participants perceived the combination of lower energy prices, aggressive monetary stimulus and improving economies as beneficial for consumers in Europe and Japan. As consumer confidence and consumer spending slowly improved during the Reporting Period, the stocks of many consumer-oriented companies rose in anticipation of a further increase in consumption.

For the Reporting Period overall, the MSCI® EAFE Index returned 6.81%.* Seventeen of the 21 countries in the MSCI® EAFE Index were up for the Reporting Period, with Denmark (+16.29%) and Ireland (+15.43%) recording the largest gains. Japan (+12.62%) was the largest contributor on the basis of impact, which takes both weightings and total returns into account.

Eight of the 10 sectors in the MSCI® EAFE Index generated positive returns during the Reporting Period, with consumer discretionary (+14.40%) and information technology (+10.71%) gaining the most. The consumer discretionary sector was also the largest contributor to MSCI® EAFE Index returns on the basis of impact.

In the international small cap arena, the MSCI® EAFE Small Cap Index (unhedged, with dividends reinvested, net of dividend withholding taxes) (“MSCI® EAFE Small Cap Index”) gained 10.08%* during the Reporting Period. Nineteen of the 21 countries in the MSCI® EAFE Small Cap Index were up for the Reporting Period, with Ireland (+27.44%) and Italy (+21.48%) advancing the most. Japan (+10.60%) was also the largest contributor on the basis of impact, which takes both weightings and total returns into account.

Eight of the 10 sectors in the MSCI® EAFE Small Cap Index recorded positive returns during the Reporting Period, with materials (+13.58%) and consumer discretionary (+12.03%) posting the largest gains. The financials sector (+11.98%) was the largest contributor to MSCI® EAFE Small Cap Index returns on the basis of impact.


*   All index returns are expressed in U.S. dollar terms.






Looking Ahead

At the end of the Reporting Period, we continued to believe that less expensive stocks should outpace more expensive stocks. In addition, we expected stocks with good momentum to outperform those with poor momentum. We plan to focus on seeking companies about which fundamental research analysts are becoming more positive as well as profitable companies with what we view as sustainable earnings and a track record of using their capital to enhance shareholder value. As such, we anticipate remaining fully invested, with long-term performance likely to be the result of stock selection rather than sector or capitalization allocations.

We stand behind our investment philosophy that sound economic investment principles, coupled with a disciplined quantitative approach, can provide strong, uncorrelated returns over the long term. Our research agenda is robust, and we continue to enhance our existing models, add new proprietary forecasting signals and improve our trading execution as we seek to provide the most value to our shareholders.





Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund


Investment Objective

The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Portfolio Management Discussion and Analysis

Below, the Goldman Sachs Quantitative Investment Strategies Team discusses the Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund’s (the “Fund”) performance and positioning for the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”).


Q   How did the Fund perform during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, the Fund’s Class A, C, Institutional, IR and R Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of 6.32%, 5.93%, 6.61%, 6.48% and 6.34%, respectively. These returns compare to the 3.92% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the MSCI® Emerging Markets Standard Index (unhedged, with dividends reinvested, net of dividend withholding taxes) (the “MSCI® EM Index” or the “Index”), during the same period.


Q   What key factors were most responsible for the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   We use two distinct strategies — a bottom-up stock selection strategy and a top-down country/currency selection strategy — to manage the Fund. These strategies are uncorrelated, that is, they tend to perform independently of each other over time, which enables us to greater diversify the portfolio. During the Reporting Period, our stock selection strategy, which uses fundamental research and stock selection models based on six investment themes, added to the Fund’s relative performance. Our country/currency selection strategy also enhanced relative returns.


Q   Which investment themes helped and which hurt within the Team’s stock selection strategy?


A   Our bottom-up stock selection strategy contributed positively to the Fund’s relative performance during the Reporting Period. We use a quantitative model and six investment themes to take a long-term view of market patterns and look for inefficiencies, selecting stocks for the Fund and overweighting or underweighting those stocks chosen by the model. Over time and by design, the performance of any one of our model’s investment themes tends to have a low correlation with the model’s other themes, demonstrating the diversification benefit of our theme-driven quantitative model. The variance in performance supports our research indicating that the diversification provided by our different investment themes is a significant investment advantage over the long term, even though the Fund may experience underperformance in the short term. Of course, diversification does not protect an investor from market risk nor does it ensure a profit.


    During the Reporting Period, five of our six investment themes added to the Fund’s relative returns. Momentum was our best performing theme. The Momentum theme seeks to predict drifts in stock prices caused by delayed investor reaction to company-specific information and information about related companies. Sentiment, Management, Profitability and Valuation also added to relative results. The Sentiment theme reflects selected investment views and decisions of individuals and financial intermediaries. The Management theme assesses the characteristics, policies and strategic decisions of company management. The Profitability theme assesses whether a company is earning more than its cost of capital. The Valuation theme attempts to capture potential mispricings of securities, typically by comparing a measure of the company’s intrinsic value to its market value.


    Our Quality theme, which seeks to assess both firm and management quality, had a rather neutral impact on relative performance during the Reporting Period.


Q   How did the Fund’s sector and industry allocations affect relative results?


A   In constructing the portfolio, we focus on picking stocks rather than on making sector or industry bets. Consequently, the Fund is similar to the Index in terms of its sector and industry allocations and its style. Changes in its sector or industry weights generally do not have a meaningful impact on relative returns.






Q   Did stock selection help or hurt Fund performance during the Reporting Period?


A   We seek to outpace the Index by overweighting stocks we expect to outperform and underweighting those we think may lag. At the same time, we strive to maintain a risk profile similar to the Index. The Fund’s investments are selected using fundamental research and a variety of quantitative techniques based on our investment themes. For example, the Fund aims to hold a basket of stocks with better Momentum characteristics than the benchmark.


    During the Reporting Period, our stock selection bolstered the Fund’s relative performance. Investments in the industrials, consumer staples and financials sectors added to relative returns. Holdings in health care, utilities and energy detracted from results.


Q   Which stock positions contributed most to the Fund’s relative returns during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund benefited from overweight positions in Pegatron, a Taiwan-based electronics manufacturing company; Bank of China; and China Southern Airlines. We chose to overweight Pegatron and China Southern Airlines because of our positive views on Momentum and Valuation. The overweight in Bank of China was the result of our positive views of Management and Valuation.


Q   Which Fund positions detracted most from results during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund was hurt by an underweight in Infosys, an India-based business and information technology consulting company. Overweight positions in China-based Sihuan Pharmaceutical and Brazil-based bank Banco do Brasil also dampened relative returns. The underweight in Infosys was adopted because of our negative views on Momentum. We assumed the overweights in Sihuan Pharmaceutical and Banco do Brasil due to our positive views on Momentum and Valuation (The Fund exited its position in Pegatron during the Reporting Period.).


Q   What impact did the Team’s country/currency selection strategy have on the Fund’s relative performance during the Reporting Period?


A   Our country/currency strategy added to relative performance during the Reporting Period. Overweight positions in Hungary and India, as well as an underweight in Poland, contributed positively. The Fund was hampered by overweight positions in Turkey and Malaysia. An underweight in China also detracted from results.


    We made our picks using our proprietary models, which, during the Reporting Period, were based on three investment themes specific to our country/currency strategy — Valuation, Risk Premium and Macro. Valuation favors equity and currency markets that appear cheap relative to accounting measures of value and purchasing power. Risk Premium evaluates whether a country is overcompensating investors for various types of risk. Macro assesses a market’s macroeconomic environment and growth prospects.


Q   How did the Fund use derivatives and similar instruments during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we used financial futures contracts to equitize the Fund’s cash holdings. In other words, we put the Fund’s cash holdings to work by using them as collateral for the purchase of financial futures contracts.


Q   What changes did you make to the Fund’s country weightings during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we moved the Fund from underweight positions relative to the Index in Turkey and Mexico to overweight positions. We reduced the size of the Fund’s underweight in India and the size of its overweight in Brazil. In addition, we shifted the Fund from overweight positions in Poland and Hungary to underweight positions relative to the Index.


Q   What were the Fund’s sector and country weightings at the end of the Reporting Period?


A   At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund was overweight relative to the Index in the consumer staples, industrials, information technology and health care sectors. Compared to the Index, the Fund was underweight utilities, energy, consumer discretionary and telecommunications services. The Fund was relatively neutral compared to the Index in the financials and materials sectors at the end of the Reporting Period.


    In terms of countries, the Fund was overweight China, Mexico, Turkey, South Korea and Brazil at the end of the Reporting Period. Compared to the Index, the Fund was underweight Hungary, Malaysia, Poland, Chile and South Africa. The Fund was relatively neutral compared to the Index in Peru, Taiwan, Russia, Greece, Thailand, Egypt, India, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, the Philippines, Indonesia and the Czech Republic at the end of the Reporting Period.





Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund

as of April 30, 2015



     November 1, 2014–April 30, 2015   Fund Total Return
(based on NAV)1
       MSCI® EM Index2  
  Class A     6.32        3.92
  Class C     5.93           3.92   
  Institutional     6.61           3.92   
  Class IR     6.48           3.92   
    Class R     6.34           3.92   


  1    The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.


  2    The MSCI® EM Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance of emerging markets. As of April 30, 2015, the MSCI® EM Index consists of the following 23 emerging market country indices: Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. Index figures do not reflect any deduction for fees, expenses or taxes. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


     For the period ended 3/31/15   One Year      Five Years      Since Inception      Inception Date  
  Class A     -1.66      1.60      -1.48      10/5/07   
  Class C     2.28         1.99         -1.41         10/5/07   
  Institutional     4.54         3.18         -0.34         10/5/07   
  Class IR     4.43         N/A         4.45         8/31/10   
    Class R     3.77         N/A         5.65         2/28/14   


  3    The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional, Class R and Class IR Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.


The returns set forth in the tables above represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted above. Please visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations in effect during the periods shown. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.







           Net Expense Ratio (Current)      Gross Expense Ratio (Before Waivers)  
  Class A      1.58      1.66
  Class C      2.33         2.41   
  Institutional      1.18         1.26   
  Class IR      1.34         1.39   
    Class R      1.82         2.07   


  4    The expense ratios of the Fund, both current (net of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) and before waivers (gross of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) are as set forth above according to the most recent publicly available Prospectus for the Fund and may differ from the expense ratios disclosed in the Financial Highlights in this report. Pursuant to a contractual arrangement, the Fund’s waivers and/or expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date the investment adviser may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. If these arrangements are discontinued in the future, the expense ratios may change without shareholder approval.


     Holding   % of Total
Net Assets
     Line of Business    Country
  Tencent Holdings Ltd.     3.0    Software & Services    China
  Bank of China Ltd. Class H     2.7       Banks    China
  Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.     2.5       Technology Hardware &
   South Korea
  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ADR     2.3       Semiconductors &
Semiconductor Equipment
  Itau Unibanco Holding SA ADR     2.2       Banks    Brazil
  Infosys Ltd. ADR     2.0       Software & Services    India
  America Movil SAB de CV Class L ADR     1.9       Telecommunication Services    Mexico
  Fubon Financial Holding Co. Ltd.     1.8       Diversified Financials    Taiwan
  BRF SA     1.8       Food, Beverage & Tobacco    Brazil
    Amorepacific Corp.     1.8       Household & Personal
   South Korea


  5    The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.







     As of April 30, 2015




  6    The Fund is actively managed and, as such, its composition may differ over time. Consequently, the Fund’s overall sector allocations may differ from percentages contained in the graph above. The graph categorizes investments using Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”), however, the sector classifications used by the portfolio management team may differ from GICS. Underlying sector allocations of exchange traded funds held by the Fund are not reflected in the graph above. The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of market value. The graph depicts the Fund’s investments but may not represent the Fund’s market exposure due to the exclusion of certain derivatives, if any, as listed in the Additional Investment Information section of the Schedule of Investments.





Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights Fund


Investment Objective

The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Portfolio Management Discussion and Analysis

Below, the Goldman Sachs Quantitative Investment Strategies Team discusses the Goldman Sachs International Equity Insights Fund’s (the “Fund”) performance and positioning for the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”).


Q   How did the Fund perform during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, the Fund’s Class A, C, Institutional, Service, IR and R Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of 6.08%, 5.66%, 6.29%, 5.95%, 6.22% and 5.89%, respectively. These returns compare to the 6.81% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the MSCI® EAFE Standard Index (unhedged, with dividends reinvested, net of dividend withholding taxes) (the “MSCI® EAFE (Net) Index” or the “Index”), during the same period.


Q   What key factors were most responsible for the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   We use two distinct strategies — a bottom-up stock selection strategy and a top-down country/currency selection strategy — to manage the Fund. These strategies are uncorrelated, that is, they tend to perform independently of each other over time, which enables us to greater diversify the portfolio. Our bottom-up stock selection strategy, which uses fundamental research and stock selection models based on six investment themes, added to relative performance during the Reporting Period. Our country/currency selection strategy detracted from relative returns.


Q   Which investment themes helped and which hurt within the Team’s stock selection strategy?


A   Our bottom-up stock selection strategy contributed positively to relative performance during the Reporting Period. We use a quantitative model and six investment themes to take a long-term view of market patterns and look for inefficiencies, selecting stocks for the Fund and overweighting or underweighting those stocks chosen by the model. Over time and by design, the performance of any one of our model’s investment themes tends to have a low correlation with the model’s other themes, demonstrating the diversification benefit of our theme-driven quantitative model. The variance in performance supports our research indicating that the diversification provided by our different investment themes is a significant investment advantage over the long term, even though the Fund may experience underperformance in the short term. Of course, diversification does not protect an investor from market risk nor does it ensure a profit.


    During the Reporting Period, five of our six investment themes added to the Fund’s relative returns. Our best performing theme was Momentum. The Momentum theme seeks to predict drifts in stock prices caused by delayed investor reaction to company-specific information and information about related companies. Sentiment, Valuation, Profitability and Quality also enhanced results. The Sentiment theme reflects selected investment views and decisions of individuals and financial intermediaries. The Valuation theme attempts to capture potential mispricings of securities, typically by comparing a measure of the company’s intrinsic value to its market value. The Profitability theme assesses whether a company is earning more than its cost of capital. The Quality theme seeks to assess both firm and management quality.


   The Management theme, which assesses the characteristics, policies and strategic decisions of company management, detracted slightly from relative performance during the Reporting Period.


Q   How did the Fund’s sector and industry allocations affect relative results?


A   In constructing the portfolio, we focus on picking stocks rather than on making sector or industry bets. Consequently, the Fund is similar to the Index in terms of its sector and industry allocations and its style. Changes in its sector or industry weights generally do not have a meaningful impact on relative returns.





Q   Did stock selection help or hurt Fund performance during the Reporting Period?


A   We seek to outpace the Index by overweighting stocks we expect to outperform and underweighting those we think may lag. At the same time, we strive to maintain a risk profile similar to the Index. The Fund’s investments are selected using fundamental research and a variety of quantitative techniques based on our investment themes. For example, the Fund aims to hold a basket of stocks with better Momentum characteristics than the benchmark.


    During the Reporting Period, certain stock positions hurt the Fund’s relative performance. Stock choices in telecommunication services, financial and consumer staples detracted from returns. Investments in the industrials, information technology and consumer discretionary sectors contributed positively.


Q   Which stock positions contributed most to the Fund’s relative returns during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund benefited from overweight positions in Duerr, a German mechanical and plant engineering firm; Renault, a French vehicle manufacturer; and AMS, an Austrian-headquartered semiconductor maker. We adopted the overweight in Duerr because of our positive views on Valuation and Sentiment, while the overweight in Renault was the result of our positive views on Valuation. The Fund was overweight AMS due to our positive views on Momentum and Sentiment.


Q   Which Fund positions detracted most from results during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund was hampered by its lack of exposure to Japan-based Toyota Motor; stock exchange Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing; and Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis. Our negative views on Momentum led us to underweight Toyota Motor. The underweight in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing was due to our negative views on Valuation and Profitability. The Fund was underweight Novartis because of our negative views on Momentum and Sentiment.


Q   What impact did the Team’s country/currency selection strategy have on the Fund’s relative performance during the Reporting Period?


A   Our country/currency selection strategy hurt Fund returns during the Reporting Period. Overweight positions in Norway, Germany and Switzerland detracted from relative performance. The Fund benefited from underweight positions in Australia and Spain as well as from an overweight in Japan.


    We made our picks using our proprietary models, which, during the Reporting Period, were based on five investment themes specific to our country/currency strategy — Valuation, Momentum, Risk Premium, Fund Flows and Macro. Valuation favors equity and currency markets that appear cheap relative to accounting measures of value and purchasing power. The Momentum factor favors countries and currencies that have had strong recent outperformance. Risk Premium evaluates whether a country is overcompensating investors for various types of risk, while Fund Flows evaluates the strength of capital market inflows. Finally, Macro assesses a market’s macroeconomic environment and growth prospects.


Q   How did the Fund use derivatives and similar instruments during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we used financial futures contracts to equitize the Fund’s cash holdings. In other words, we put the Fund’s cash holdings to work by using them as collateral for the purchase of financial futures contracts.


Q   What changes did you make to the Fund’s country weightings during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we shifted the Fund from underweight positions in Germany and France to overweight positions relative to the Index. We reduced the size of the Fund’s underweight in the U.K., increased the size of its underweight in Australia and decreased the size of its overweight in Finland. In addition, we moved the Fund from an overweight position in Switzerland to an underweight position relative to the Index.


Q   What were the Fund’s sector and country weightings at the end of the Reporting Period?


A   At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund was overweight the health care, industrials and information technology sectors relative to the Index. Compared to the Index, the Fund was underweight the financials, utilities and energy sectors. The Fund was relatively neutral compared to the Index in the telecommunication services, materials, consumer staples and consumer discretionary sectors at the end of the Reporting Period.


    In terms of countries, the Fund was overweight relative to the Index in Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Norway. Compared to the Index, the Fund was underweight in Switzerland, Australia, Spain and Italy. The Fund was relatively neutral compared to the Index in Finland, Hong Kong, Singapore, France, Austria, New Zealand, Portugal, the U.K., Sweden, Ireland, Israel and Belgium at the end of the Reporting Period.





International Equity Insights Fund

as of April 30, 2015



     November 1, 2014–April 30, 2015    Fund Total Return
(based on NAV)1
       MSCI® EAFE
(Net) Index2
  Class A      6.08        6.81
  Class C      5.66           6.81   
  Institutional      6.29           6.81   
  Service      5.95           6.81   
  Class IR      6.22           6.81   
    Class R      5.89           6.81   


  1    The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.


  2    The unmanaged MSCI® EAFE (Net) Index is a market capitalization-weighted composite of securities in 21 developed markets. As of April 30, 2015, the MSCI® EAFE (Net) Index consists of the following 21 developed countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The Index figures do not reflect any deduction for fees, expenses or taxes. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


     For the period ended 3/31/15   One Year     Five Years     Ten Years     Since Inception     Inception Date
  Class A     -8.48     3.48     3.39     3.10   8/15/97
  Class C     -4.79        3.90        3.21        2.78      8/15/97
  Institutional     -2.74        5.09        4.40        3.95      8/15/97
  Service     -3.20        4.56        3.88        3.44      8/15/97
  Class IR     -2.89        4.92        N/A        -1.16      11/30/07
    Class R     -3.39        4.44        N/A        -1.63      11/30/07


  3    The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional, Service, Class IR and Class R Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.


The returns set forth in the tables above represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted above. Please visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations in effect during the periods shown. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.







          Net Expense Ratio (Current)      Gross Expense Ratio (Before Waivers)  
  Class A     1.25      1.36
  Class C     2.00         2.11   
  Institutional     0.85         0.96   
  Service     1.35         1.45   
  Class IR     1.00         1.10   
    Class R     1.50         1.61   


  4    The expense ratios of the Fund, both current (net of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) and before waivers (gross of applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations) are as set forth above according to the most recent publicly available Prospectus for the Fund and may differ from the expense ratios disclosed in the Financial Highlights in this report. Pursuant to a contractual arrangement, the Fund’s waivers and/or expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date the investment adviser may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. If these arrangements are discontinued in the future, the expense ratios may change without shareholder approval.


     Holding   % of Total
Net Assets
    Line of Business    Country
  British American Tobacco PLC     2.0   Food, Beverage & Tobacco    United Kingdom
  Unilever NV CVA     1.8      Food, Beverage & Tobacco    United Kingdom
  HSBC Holdings PLC     1.7      Banks    United Kingdom
  AIA Group Ltd.     1.5      Insurance    Hong Kong
  Allianz SE (Registered)     1.3      Insurance    Germany
  BHP Billiton PLC     1.3      Materials    Australia
  Sanofi     1.3      Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology &
Life Sciences
  Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class A     1.2      Energy    Netherlands
  Deutsche Telekom AG (Registered)     1.2      Telecommunication Services    Germany
    Vodafone Group PLC ADR     1.2      Telecommunication Services    United Kingdom


  5    The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.







     As of April 30, 2015




  6    The Fund is actively managed and, as such, its composition may differ over time. Consequently, the Fund’s overall sector allocations may differ from percentages contained in the graph above. The graph categorizes investments using Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”), however, the sector classifications used by the portfolio management team may differ from GICS. The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of market value (excluding investments in the securities lending reinvestment vehicle, if any). Investments in the securities lending reinvestment vehicle represented 6.3% of the Fund’s net assets at April 30, 2015. The graph depicts the Fund’s investments but may not represent the Fund’s market exposure due to the exclusion of certain derivatives, if any, as listed in the Additional Investment Information section of the Schedule of Investments





Goldman Sachs International Small Cap

Insights Fund


Investment Objective

The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

Portfolio Management Discussion and Analysis

Below, the Goldman Sachs Quantitative Investment Strategies Team discusses the Goldman Sachs International Small Cap Insights Fund’s (the “Fund”) performance and positioning for the six-month period ended April 30, 2015 (the “Reporting Period”).


Q   How did the Fund perform during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, the Fund’s Class A, C, Institutional and IR Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of 9.26%, 8.79%, 9.37% and 9.37%, respectively. These returns compare to the 10.08% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the MSCI® EAFE Small Cap Index (unhedged, with dividends reinvested, net of dividend withholding taxes) (the “MSCI® EAFE Small Cap (Net) Index” or the “Index”), during the same period.


Q   What key factors were most responsible for the Fund’s performance during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, stock selection driven by our quantitative model and five of its six investment themes contributed positively to relative returns, but the Fund underperformed the Index after fees and expenses. During the Reporting Period, certain stock positions detracted from the Fund’s relative performance.


Q   What impact did the Fund’s investment themes have on performance during the Reporting Period?


A   As expected, and in keeping with our investment approach, our quantitative model and six investment themes had the greatest impact on relative performance. We use these themes to take a long-term view of market patterns and look for inefficiencies, selecting stocks for the Fund and overweighting or underweighting those stocks chosen by the model. Over time and by design, the performance of any one of our model’s investment themes tends to have a low correlation with the model’s other themes, demonstrating the diversification benefit of our theme-driven quantitative model. The variance in performance supports our research indicating that the diversification provided by our different investment themes is a significant investment advantage over the long term, even though the Fund may experience underperformance in the short term. Of course, diversification does not protect an investor from market risk nor does it ensure a profit.


    During the Reporting Period, five of our six investment themes contributed positively to the Fund’s relative returns. Sentiment was the Fund’s best performing theme. The Sentiment theme reflects selected investment views and decisions of individuals and financial intermediaries. Valuation and Momentum also contributed positively. The Valuation theme attempts to capture potential mispricings of securities, typically by comparing a measure of the company’s intrinsic value to its market value. The Momentum theme seeks to predict drifts in stock prices caused by delayed investor reaction to company-specific information and information about related companies. In addition, Quality and Profitability added value, though to a lesser extent. The Quality theme seeks to assess both firm and management quality. The Profitability theme assesses whether a company is earning more than its cost of capital.


    Our Management theme, which assesses the characteristics, policies and strategic decisions of company management, had a rather neutral impact on relative performance during the Reporting Period.


Q   How did the Fund’s sector and industry allocations affect relative results?


A   In constructing the portfolio, we focus on picking stocks rather than on making sector or industry bets. Consequently, the Fund is similar to the Index in terms of its sector and industry allocations and its style. Changes in its sector or industry weights generally do not have a meaningful impact on relative returns.





Q   Did stock selection help or hurt Fund performance during the Reporting Period?


A   We seek to outpace the Index by overweighting stocks we expect to outperform and underweighting those we think may lag. At the same time, we strive to maintain a risk profile similar to the Index. The Fund’s investments are selected using fundamental research and a variety of quantitative techniques based on our investment themes. For example, the Fund aims to hold a basket of stocks with better Momentum characteristics than the benchmark.


    During the Reporting Period, our security selection enhanced relative performance. Investments in the industrials, information technology and consumer discretionary sectors contributed positively. Stock choices in telecommunication services, financials and consumer staples detracted from returns.


Q   Which Fund positions detracted most from results during the Reporting Period?


A   Detracting from relative returns were the Fund’s overweight positions in Portugal Telecom, a telecommunication services provider; Vedanta Resources, a U.K.-headquartered metals and mining company; and Marine Harvest, a Norwegian seafood company. The Fund was overweight Portugal Telecom as a result of our positive views on Valuation and Management. We adopted the overweight in Vedanta Resources based on our positive views on Valuation and Management. The overweight in Marine Harvest was due to our positive views on Momentum and Valuation. (The Fund exited its positions in all three stocks during the Reporting Period.)


Q   Which stock positions contributed most to the Fund’s relative returns during the Reporting Period?


A   The Fund benefited from overweight positions in Duerr, a German mechanical and plant engineering firm; AMS, an Austrian-headquartered semiconductor maker; and JVC Kenwood, a Japanese electronics company. We adopted the overweight in Duerr because of our positive views on Sentiment and Valuation, while the overweight in AMS was due to our positive views on Momentum and Sentiment. Our positive views on Profitability and Quality led to the Fund’s overweight in JVC Kenwood.
Q   What impact did country selection have on the Fund’s relative performance during the Reporting Period?


A   To construct the portfolio, we focus on security selection rather than on making country bets. As a result, the Fund is similar to the Index in terms of its country allocation; changes in its country weightings are generally the result of our stock picking. That said, the Fund benefited during the Reporting Period from its overweights relative to the Index in Japan, Switzerland and Sweden. Compared to the Index, the Fund was hurt by its overweight position in Portugal as well as by its underweights in Finland and Ireland. Security selection in all six countries added to returns.


Q   How did the Fund use derivatives and similar instruments during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we used financial futures contracts to equitize the Fund’s cash holdings. In other words, we put the Fund’s cash holdings to work by using them as collateral for the purchase of financial futures contracts.


Q   What changes did you make to the Fund’s country weightings during the Reporting Period?


A   During the Reporting Period, we increased the size of the Fund’s overweight positions relative to the Index in Japan and Portugal. In addition, we reduced the size of its overweight in the Netherlands and the size of its underweight in the U.K. We also shifted the Fund from overweight positions in Switzerland and Australia to underweight positions relative to the Index.


Q   What were the Fund’s sector and country weightings at the end of the Reporting Period?


A   At the end of the Reporting Period, the Fund was overweight the consumer discretionary, information technology, health care and materials sectors relative to the Index. Compared to the Index, the Fund was underweight utilities, industrials, energy, financials and telecommunication services. The Fund was relatively neutral compared to the Index in the consumer staples sector at the end of the Reporting Period.


    In terms of countries, the Fund was overweight Japan and France relative to the Index. Compared to the Index, the Fund was underweight Singapore, the U.K. and Denmark. The Fund was relatively neutral compared to the Index in Portugal, Italy, Germany, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Finland, Belgium, Israel and Ireland at the end of the Reporting Period.





International Small Cap Insights Fund

as of April 30, 2015



     November 1, 2014–April 30, 2015   Fund Total Return
(based on NAV)1
       MSCI® EAFE Small Cap
(Net) Index2
  Class A     9.26        10.08
  Class C     8.79           10.08   
  Institutional     9.37           10.08   
    Class IR     9.37           10.08   


  1    The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charge.


  2    The MSCI® EAFE Small Cap (Net) Index (unhedged and net of dividend withholding taxes) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure developed market equity performance, excluding the U.S. and Canada. MSCI selects the most liquid securities across developed markets relative to their market capitalization, and targets for index inclusion 40% of the full market capitalization of the eligible small cap universe within each industry group, within each country. Its returns include net reinvested dividends but, unlike Fund returns, do not reflect the payment of sales commissions or other expenses incurred in the purchase or sale of the securities included in the Index. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


     For the period ended 3/31/15   One Year      Five Years      Since Inception      Inception Date  
  Class A     -7.98      8.86      2.68      9/28/07   
  Class C     -4.20         9.29         2.73         9/28/07   
  Institutional     -2.24         10.53         3.88         9/28/07   
    Class IR     -2.37         N/A         12.96         8/31/10   


  3    The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Class IR Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.


The returns set forth in the tables above represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The Fund’s investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted above. Please visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations in effect during the periods shown. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.







          Net Expense Ratio (Current)      Gross Expense Ratio (Before Waivers)  
  Class A     1.30      1.39
  Class C     2.05         2.15   
  Institutional     0.90         0.99   
    Class IR     1.05         1.14   


  4    The expense ratios of the Fund, both current (net of applicable fee waivers and/ or expense limitations) and before waivers (gross of applicable fee waivers and/ or expense limitations) are as set forth above according to the most recent publicly available Prospectus for the Fund and may differ from the expense ratios disclosed in the Financial Highlights in this report. Pursuant to a contractual arrangement, the Fund’s waivers and/or expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date the investment adviser may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Fund’s Board of Trustees. If these arrangements are discontinued in the future, the expense ratios may change without shareholder approval.


     Holding   % of Total
Net Assets
     Line of Business    Country
  Mondi PLC     1.0    Materials    South Africa
  DS Smith PLC     0.9       Materials    United Kingdom
  Inchcape PLC     0.9       Retailing    United Kingdom
  Catlin Group Ltd.     0.9       Insurance    Bermuda
  ams AG     0.8       Semiconductors &
Semiconductor Equipment
  Mediaset SpA     0.8       Media    Italy
  Man Group PLC     0.8       Diversified Financials    United Kingdom
  Berkeley Group Holdings PLC     0.8       Consumer Durables & Apparel    United Kingdom
  Dialog Semiconductor PLC     0.8       Semiconductors &
Semiconductor Equipment
    Duerr AG     0.8       Capital Goods    Germany


  5    The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.







     As of April 30, 2015




  6    The Fund is actively managed and, as such, its composition may differ over time. Consequently, the Fund’s overall sector allocations may differ from percentages contained in the graph above. The graph categorizes investments using Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”), however, the sector classifications used by the portfolio management team may differ from GICS. The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of market value (excluding investments in the securities lending reinvestment vehicle, if any). Investments in the securities lending reinvestment vehicle represented 7.8% of the Fund’s net assets at April 30, 2015. The graph depicts the Fund’s investments but may not represent the Fund’s market exposure due to the exclusion of certain derivatives, if any, as listed in the Additional Investment Information section of the Schedule of Investments.





Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – 95.5%   
  Brazil – 8.6%   
  269,240      Banco Bradesco SA (Banks)   $ 2,684,402   
  108,620      Banco Bradesco SA ADR (Banks)     1,161,148   
  1,233,700      Banco do Brasil SA (Banks)     10,899,980   
  23,500      BB Seguridade Participacoes SA (Insurance)     274,938   
  541,500      BRF SA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     11,574,238   
  35,400      Cosan SA Industria e Comercio (Energy)     346,604   
  151,200      Fibria Celulose SA (Materials)*     2,120,248   
  213,200      Grendene SA (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,273,702   
  1,104,920      Itau Unibanco Holding SA ADR (Banks)     14,165,074   
  440,700      JBS SA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     2,273,014   
  147,500      Odontoprev SA (Health Care Equipment & Services)     514,031   
  510,000      Telefonica Brasil SA ADR (Telecommunication Services)(a)     8,374,200   






  China – 24.0%   
  11,535,000      Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. Class H (Banks)     6,493,979   
  3,648,000      Air China Ltd. Class H (Transportation)     4,399,921   
  1,221,000      ANTA Sports Products Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     2,690,736   
  25,709,000      Bank of China Ltd. Class H (Banks)     17,615,897   
  9,203,000      Bank of Communications Co. Ltd. Class H (Banks)     9,433,638   
  1,274,000      Beijing Capital International Airport Co. Ltd. Class H (Transportation)     1,354,105   
  11,645,000      China Construction Bank Corp. Class H (Banks)     11,304,206   
  401,000      China Everbright Bank Co. Ltd. Class H (Banks)     271,695   
  741,000      China Medical System Holdings Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,307,682   
  6,746,000      China Southern Airlines Co. Ltd. Class H (Transportation)     6,629,396   
  14,952,000      China Telecom Corp. Ltd. Class H (Telecommunication Services)     11,076,566   
  6,143,000      Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co. Ltd. Class H (Banks)     5,479,632   
  137,000      CITIC Securities Co. Ltd. Class H (Diversified Financials)     606,896   
  766,000      Datang International Power Generation Co. Ltd. Class H (Utilities)     448,083   
  5,840,000      Dongfeng Motor Group Co. Ltd. Class H (Automobiles & Components)     9,702,323   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  China – (continued)   
  510,000      Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd. Class H (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)   $ 1,950,383   
  1,379,200      Haitong Securities Co. Ltd. Class H (Diversified Financials)     4,504,599   
  218,000      Hengan International Group Co. Ltd. (Household & Personal Products)     2,689,450   
  347,000      Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. Class H (Banks)     301,009   
  3,376,500      KWG Property Holding Ltd. (Real Estate)     3,411,603   
  5,929,000      Metallurgical Corp of China Ltd. Class H (Capital Goods)     3,498,882   
  30,900      NetEase, Inc. ADR (Software & Services)     3,961,071   
  4,780,000      PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ltd. Class H (Insurance)     10,590,240   
  1,556,000      Shenzhen Expressway Co. Ltd. Class H (Transportation)     1,484,383   
  7,986,000      Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     4,543,969   
  590,000      Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd. Class H (Materials)     356,449   
  1,324,000      Sunac China Holdings Ltd. (Real Estate)     1,740,987   
  936,600      Tencent Holdings Ltd. (Software & Services)     19,330,376   
  301,000      Travelsky Technology Ltd. Class H (Software & Services)     583,647   
  107,500      Vipshop Holdings Ltd. ADR (Retailing)*     3,041,175   
  3,282,000      Zhejiang Expressway Co. Ltd. Class H (Transportation)     5,212,451   






  Czech Republic – 0.4%   
  10,524      Komercni Banka AS (Banks)     2,346,924   



  Greece – 0.3%   
  209,744      OPAP SA (Consumer Services)     1,876,471   



  Hong Kong – 3.0%   
  288,000      China Everbright Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     952,083   
  2,316,000      China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd. (Consumer Services)     1,031,725   
  350,000      Far East Horizon Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     369,626   
  2,886,400      Hua Han Bio-Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     791,492   
  4,470,000      Huabao International Holdings Ltd. (Materials)     5,020,898   





24   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Hong Kong – (continued)   
  8,332,000      Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)   $ 9,512,464   
  1,952,000      Skyworth Digital Holdings Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,738,921   






  Hungary – 0.2%   
  11,421      MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC (Energy)     635,317   
  29,289      OTP Bank PLC (Banks)     647,645   






  India – 5.8%   
  11,355      Bajaj Auto Ltd. (Automobiles & Components)     348,010   
  58,196      Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     1,184,811   
  422,981      Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. (Energy)     5,085,994   
  133,079      Cadila Healthcare Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     3,565,675   
  6,653      Colgate-Palmolive India Ltd. (Household & Personal Products)     208,036   
  345,327      Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. (Energy)     1,960,849   
  414,715      Infosys Ltd. ADR (Software & Services)     12,847,871   
  382,520      Power Finance Corp. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     1,596,755   
  896,073      Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     4,390,922   
  572,666      Tata Motors Ltd. Class A (Automobiles & Components)     2,798,272   
  468,717      UPL Ltd. (Materials)     3,617,280   






  Indonesia – 1.4%   
  18,411,800      PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Banks)     9,086,534   



  Malaysia – 0.3%   
  31,900      British American Tobacco Malaysia Bhd (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     598,824   
  383,600      DiGi.Com Bhd (Telecommunication Services)     646,693   
  94,900      Tenaga Nasional Bhd (Utilities)     381,948   






  Mexico – 6.2%   
  585,015      America Movil SAB de CV Class L ADR (Telecommunication Services)     12,220,963   
  75,200      El Puerto de Liverpool SAB de CV (Retailing)*     826,063   
  721,400      Gruma SAB de CV Class B (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     8,698,461   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Mexico – (continued)   
  66,060      Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV ADR (Transportation)   $ 4,693,563   
  67,521      Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV ADR (Transportation)*     9,761,511   
  1,861,400      Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV (Food & Staples Retailing)     4,396,893   






  Peru – 1.3%   
  54,291      Credicorp Ltd. (Banks)     8,282,092   



  Poland – 0.6%   
  33,481      KGHM Polska Miedz SA (Materials)     1,173,928   
  81,980      Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen SA (Energy)     1,556,929   
  670,057      Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA (Energy)     1,208,588   






  Qatar – 0.1%   
  16,849      Qatar National Bank SAQ (Banks)     914,039   



  Russia – 4.1%   
  1,279,565      OAO Gazprom ADR (Energy)     7,496,910   
  111,185      OAO Lukoil ADR (Energy)     5,687,726   
  65,235      OAO Tatneft ADR (Energy)     2,237,700   
  578,690      OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel ADR (Materials)     10,901,097   






  South Africa – 5.3%   
  30,087      Barclays Africa Group Ltd. (Banks)     481,936   
  181,948      Clicks Group Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,394,388   
  2,296,719      FirstRand Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     10,971,649   
  276,631      Investec Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     2,630,365   
  612,603      Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     2,103,956   
  479,544      MMI Holdings Ltd. (Insurance)     1,364,511   
  269,014      Mondi Ltd. (Materials)     5,424,564   
  26,231      Nedbank Group Ltd. (Banks)     566,574   
  835,371      Netcare Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     2,922,310   
  73,167      Rand Merchant Insurance Holdings Ltd. (Insurance)     287,738   
  255,394      Standard Bank Group Ltd. (Banks)     3,743,548   
  568,608      Super Group Ltd. (Retailing)*     1,720,223   
  75,170      The Foschini Group Ltd. (Retailing)     1,113,003   






  South Korea – 15.5%   
  5,043      AK Holdings, Inc. (Materials)     400,400   
  3,175      Amorepacific Corp. (Household & Personal Products)     11,503,451   
  6,857      AMOREPACIFIC Group (Household & Personal Products)     10,426,222   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   25



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  South Korea – (continued)   
  416,738      Asiana Airlines, Inc. (Transportation)*   $ 2,991,536   
  16,577      Bukwang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     380,813   
  20,476      GOLFZONYUWONHOLDINGS Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     252,419   
  9,123      Hanjin Transportation Co. Ltd. (Transportation)     516,593   
  8,069      Hansae Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     309,273   
  4,626      Hanssem Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     853,638   
  9,850      Huchems Fine Chemical Corp. (Materials)     243,299   
  14,337      Hyosung Corp. (Materials)     1,585,792   
  47,249      Hyundai Development Co. – Engineering & Construction (Capital Goods)     2,515,066   
  115,998      Korea Electric Power Corp. (Utilities)     5,044,050   
  62,449      Korea Investment Holdings Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     3,998,435   
  176,503      Korea Real Estate Investment & Trust Co. Ltd. (REIT)     531,226   
  207,244      Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     3,189,663   
  6,063      LG Hausys Ltd. (Capital Goods)     942,398   
  13,148      LG Household & Health Care Ltd. (Household & Personal Products)     9,664,761   
  33,065      Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund (Diversified Financials)     243,978   
  10,618      Medy-Tox, Inc. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     3,670,673   
  475,230      Meritz Securities Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     2,777,932   
  156,734      Mirae Asset Securities Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     8,644,738   
  12,380      Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     16,240,751   
  8,455      Samyang Holdings Corp. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     803,587   
  246,787      SK Hynix, Inc. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     10,558,804   
  30,025      S-Oil Corp. (Energy)     2,045,730   
  342,996      Tongyang, Inc. (Materials)*     455,942   






  Taiwan – 11.9%   
  5,954,000      Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     8,443,515   
  2,784,000      Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd. (Insurance)     4,863,719   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Taiwan – (continued)   
  94,000      Elite Advanced Laser Corp. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)   $ 407,776   
  2,117,000      Elite Material Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     3,529,183   
  414,000      Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology, Inc. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     580,614   
  5,499,000      Fubon Financial Holding Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     11,825,913   
  142,000      Grape King Bio Ltd. (Household & Personal Products)     773,598   
  213,000      Highwealth Construction Corp. (Real Estate)     555,630   
  3,489,120      Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     10,454,966   
  552,000      Nien Hsing Textile Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     516,656   
  274,000      Novatek Microelectronics Corp. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     1,432,098   
  5,822,000      Siliconware Precision Industries Co. Ltd. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     9,564,415   
  376,000      Simplo Technology Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     1,860,933   
  273,000      Sitronix Technology Corp. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     984,813   
  247,000      Soft-World International Corp. (Software & Services)     702,355   
  643,000      Taiwan Paiho Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,745,883   
  136,000      Taiwan PCB Techvest Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     221,014   
  621,400      Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ADR (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     15,187,016   
  1,169,000      TXC Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     1,517,322   
  401,000      United Integrated Services Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     464,809   
  1,640,000      Wan Hai Lines Ltd. (Transportation)     1,818,376   






  Thailand – 1.8%   
  770,100      Airports of Thailand PCL (Transportation)     6,752,075   
  245,800      Delta Electronics Thailand PCL (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     620,714   





26   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Thailand – (continued)   
  394,800      PTT PCL (Energy)   $ 4,256,759   






  Turkey – 4.7%   
  688,048      Akbank TAS (Banks)     2,004,657   
  78,459      Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayii AS (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     316,888   
  4,894,839      Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS (Materials)     8,260,120   
  318,480      TAV Havalimanlari Holding AS (Transportation)*     2,800,038   
  692,557      Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS (Automobiles & Components)     4,244,312   
  322,046      Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri AS (Energy)*     7,822,379   
  1,552,441      Turk Hava Yollari AO (Transportation)*     5,149,796   






  (Cost $533,207,371)   $ 620,169,788   



  Preferred Stocks – 0.9%   
  Brazil – 0.2%   
  73,500      Itau Unibanco Holding SA (Banks)   $ 939,928   



  South Korea – 0.7%   
  2,621      Hyundai Motor Co. (Automobiles & Components)     297,194   
  2,457      LG Household & Health Care Ltd. (Household & Personal Products)     822,099   
  3,528      Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     3,579,833   






  (Cost $4,126,063)   $ 5,639,054   



  Exchange Traded Fund(a) – 1.6%   
  United States – 1.6%   
  239,108      Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets Fund  
  (Cost $9,484,530)   $ 10,489,668   





Units     Description   Expiration
  Right* – 0.0%   
  India – 0.0%   
  42,753      Tata Motors Ltd., Class A (Automobiles & Components)     05/15     
  (Cost $0)          $ 26,494   



  Warrant* – 0.0%   
  Thailand – 0.0%   
  1,567,600      BTS Group Holdings PCL (Transportation)     11/18     
  (Cost $0)     $ 52,784   



  (Cost $546,817,964)     $ 636,377,788   





    Distribution Rate   Value  
  Securities Lending Reinvestment Vehicle(b)(c) – 1.5%   


Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund – FST


  9,827,275      0.111%  
  (Cost $9,827,275)   $ 9,827,275   



  (Cost $556,645,239)   $ 646,205,063   



    LIABILITIES – 0.5%



  NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 649,588,019   





The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.


  Non-income producing security.


  All or a portion of security is on loan.


  Represents an affiliated issuer.


  Variable rate security. Interest rate or distribution rate disclosed is that which is in effect on April 30, 2015.



Investment Abbreviations:



—American Depositary Receipt



—Real Estate Investment Trust



The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   27



Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – 96.8%   
  Australia – 3.8%   
  226,286      Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)   $ 299,945   
  437,917      BHP Billiton PLC (Materials)     10,525,985   
  181,032      Caltex Australia Ltd. (Energy)     5,048,960   
  98,131      Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd. (Consumer Services)     2,824,280   
  37,327      nib holdings Ltd. (Insurance)     107,622   
  330,409      Northern Star Resources Ltd. (Materials)     587,601   
  1,386,037      Qantas Airways Ltd. (Transportation)*     3,704,792   
  7,752      Ramsay Health Care Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     382,144   
  342,259      Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,501,067   
  187,790      Woodside Petroleum Ltd. (Energy)     5,178,724   






  Austria – 0.8%   
  89,084      ams AG (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     4,843,263   
  1,778      Lenzing AG (Materials)     121,144   
  37,501      OMV AG (Energy)     1,248,170   
  4,060      Strabag SE (Capital Goods)     95,005   






  Belgium – 0.5%   
  50,159      Delhaize Group SA (Food & Staples Retailing)     4,037,819   



  Denmark – 3.1%   
  2,348      A.P. Moeller—Maersk A/S Class A (Transportation)     4,526,701   
  2,984      A.P. Moller—Maersk A/S Class B (Transportation)     5,922,000   
  26,539      NKT Holding A/S (Capital Goods)     1,684,166   
  165,242      Novo Nordisk A/S Class B (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     9,276,797   
  64,061      Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Capital Goods)     2,905,644   






  Finland – 1.5%   
  32,441      Huhtamaki OYJ (Materials)     1,037,066   
  4,297      Kesko OYJ Class B (Food & Staples Retailing)     175,570   
  73,023      Metsa Board OYJ Class B (Materials)     431,458   
  89,667      Orion OYJ Class B (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     2,932,026   
  396,481      UPM-Kymmene OYJ (Materials)     7,174,151   






  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  France – 9.4%   
  4,521      Alten SA (Software & Services)   $ 220,682   
  27,591      Arkema SA (Materials)     2,220,338   
  127,938      BNP Paribas SA (Banks)     8,079,453   
  33,566      Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin Class B (Automobiles & Components)     3,743,141   
  234,957      Credit Agricole SA (Banks)     3,655,546   
  43,169      Fonciere Des Regions (REIT)(a)     4,086,744   
  41,399      Havas SA (Media)     345,299   
  53,279      Klepierre (REIT)     2,584,333   
  12,419      L’Oreal SA (Household & Personal Products)*(a)     2,370,053   
  12,144      Metropole Television SA (Media)     253,455   
  514,735      Orange SA (Telecommunication Services)     8,478,370   
  36,541      Peugeot SA (Automobiles & Components)*     690,830   
  46,485      Plastic Omnium SA (Automobiles & Components)     1,294,441   
  71,080      Renault SA (Automobiles & Components)     7,478,874   
  92,870      Safran SA (Capital Goods)(a)     6,785,765   
  100,533      Sanofi (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     10,233,305   
  142,574      SCOR SE (Insurance)(a)     5,131,489   
  2,396      Societe BIC SA (Commercial & Professional Services)     409,312   
  104,364      Technicolor SA (Registered) (Media)*     708,063   
  34,338      Valeo SA (Automobiles & Components)     5,505,059   






  Germany – 10.9%   
  62,490      Allianz SE (Registered) (Insurance)(a)     10,636,719   
  40,061      Axel Springer SE (Media)     2,234,931   
  48,408      BASF SE (Materials)(a)     4,809,239   
  40,207      Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (Automobiles & Components)     4,743,004   
  62,425      Beiersdorf AG (Household & Personal Products)     5,430,083   
  19,247      Deutsche Post AG (Registered) (Transportation)     633,770   
  519,536      Deutsche Telekom AG (Registered) (Telecommunication Services)     9,549,410   
  182,833      Dialog Semiconductor PLC (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)*     8,243,736   
  41,403      Duerr AG (Capital Goods)     4,237,915   
  112,280      Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA (Health Care Equipment & Services)     6,679,867   
  18,965      Gerresheimer AG (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,073,357   
  21,871      Grammer AG (Automobiles & Components)     839,980   





28   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Germany – (continued)   
  12,687      Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (Transportation)   $ 279,823   
  49,227      Hannover Rueck SE (Insurance)(a)     5,003,961   
  11,677      Hochtief AG (Capital Goods)(a)     902,245   
  21,436      K+S AG (Registered) (Materials)     698,802   
  21,916      Merck KGaA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     2,362,657   
  32,732      Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG (Registered) (Insurance)     6,389,206   
  57,373      Nordex SE (Capital Goods)*     1,227,991   
  84,994      ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG (Registered) (Media)     4,345,505   
  121,355      Rhoen Klinikum AG (Health Care Equipment & Services)     3,359,738   
  14,494      Siemens AG (Registered) (Capital Goods)     1,576,685   
  27,874      Software AG (Software & Services)     804,689   
  2,621      United Internet AG (Registered) (Software & Services)     117,182   






  Hong Kong – 3.8%   
  1,798,400      AIA Group Ltd. (Insurance)     11,960,224   
  195,000      Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. (Transportation)     502,135   
  5,498,000      China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd. (Consumer Services)     2,449,234   
  239,000      Hang Lung Properties Ltd. (Real Estate)     807,955   
  148,900      Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd. (Real Estate)     1,206,090   
  309,000      Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. (Capital Goods)     4,542,831   
  31,700      Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,087,865   
  90,600      Swire Properties Ltd. (Real Estate)     311,261   
  1,762,000      The United Laboratories International Holdings Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     1,188,682   
  500,000      Wheelock & Co. Ltd. (Real Estate)     2,815,465   
  851,000      Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     3,233,541   






  Ireland – 0.4%   
  489,992      Beazley PLC (Insurance)     2,107,252   
  10,591      Shire PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     860,663   
  834      Shire PLC ADR (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     203,088   






  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Italy – 0.7%   
  519,710      Enel SpA (Utilities)   $ 2,463,396   
  74,894      ERG SpA (Energy)     1,078,935   
  335,473      Mediaset SpA (Media)*     1,724,202   






  Japan – 25.8%   
  99,400      Accordia Golf Co. Ltd. (Consumer Services)     1,010,961   
  15,600      Aderans Co. Ltd. (Household & Personal Products)     147,124   
  125,100      Alfresa Holdings Corp. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     1,874,837   
  58,200      Alpine Electronics, Inc. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,182,701   
  296,300      Amada Holdings Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     2,990,038   
  569,700      Astellas Pharma, Inc. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     8,870,627   
  5,700      Avex Group Holdings, Inc. (Media)     87,972   
  287,400      Brother Industries Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     4,572,664   
  68,200      Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Utilities)     903,963   
  17,700      COMSYS Holdings Corp. (Capital Goods)     246,592   
  406,800      Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     7,065,586   
  206,000      Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. (Real Estate)     4,598,955   
  782,000      Daiwa Securities Group, Inc. (Diversified Financials)     6,487,329   
  35,400      DCM Holdings Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     295,222   
  157,100      Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (Automobiles & Components)     5,253,427   
  122,200      Fuji Media Holdings, Inc. (Media)     1,710,767   
  107,400      FUJIFILM Holdings Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     4,045,438   
  88,500      Gree, Inc. (Software & Services)(a)     571,398   
  35,900      H2O Retailing Corp. (Retailing)     645,939   
  11,100      Heiwa Corp. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     231,429   
  23,000      Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     991,161   
  34,300      Hokuriku Electric Power Co. (Utilities)     507,080   
  281,700      Ibiden Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     4,926,828   
  525,500      ITOCHU Corp. (Capital Goods)     6,470,520   
  125,900      Japan Airlines Co. Ltd. (Transportation)     4,197,782   
  167,200      JTEKT Corp. (Capital Goods)     2,847,701   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   29



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  580,400      JX Holdings, Inc. (Energy)   $ 2,527,458   
  1,648,000      Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. (Transportation)     4,256,971   
  197,200      KDDI Corp. (Telecommunication Services)     4,666,214   
  12,700      Kokuyo Co. Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     116,010   
  47,000      Kureha Corp. (Materials)     215,101   
  22,100      KYORIN Holdings, Inc. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     508,340   
  55,500      Medipal Holdings Corp. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     757,159   
  509,000      Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Capital Goods)     6,647,392   
  965,000      Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc. (Materials)     5,392,210   
  1,060,000      Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (Capital Goods)     5,873,166   
  286,300      Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     4,871,427   
  61,400      Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     329,367   
  392,600      Mitsui & Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     5,490,954   
  3,994,300      Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (Banks)     7,614,258   
  77,000      MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc. (Insurance)     2,203,513   
  33,600      NET One Systems Co. Ltd. (Software & Services)     241,312   
  197,000      Nexon Co. Ltd. (Software & Services)     2,512,752   
  15,000      NH Foods Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     327,728   
  40,300      Nikon Corp. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     573,005   
  448,000      Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     2,547,630   
  146,400      Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd. (Materials)(a)     2,552,935   
  1,114,000      Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. (Materials)     2,897,755   
  27,600      Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     83,790   
  54,800      Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. (Telecommunication Services)     3,700,370   
  9,600      Nippon Television Holdings, Inc. (Media)     165,541   
  5,100      Nitto Kogyo Corp. (Capital Goods)     92,323   
  1,021,500      Nomura Holdings, Inc. (Diversified Financials)     6,626,899   
  28,900      NTT DOCOMO, Inc. (Telecommunication Services)     511,891   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  528,500      ORIX Corp. (Diversified Financials)   $ 8,127,485   
  164,800      Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     5,201,837   
  10,500      Paltac Corp. (Retailing)     150,441   
  559,200      Panasonic Corp. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     8,009,909   
  16,100      Parco Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     152,538   
  24,300      Rohm Co. Ltd. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     1,685,564   
  29,700      SoftBank Corp. (Telecommunication Services)     1,856,557   
  17,900      Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings, Inc. (Insurance)     584,790   
  435,000      Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     4,915,052   
  195,700      Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. (Banks)     8,545,162   
  172,000      T&D Holdings, Inc. (Insurance)     2,481,924   
  10,400      Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     730,855   
  43,000      The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. (Utilities)     631,298   
  183,100      The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd. (Insurance)     3,009,413   
  15,900      Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. (Utilities)     200,018   
  164,700      Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. (Insurance)     6,714,112   
  402,000      Toko, Inc. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)(a)     1,192,356   
  92,000      Tokyo Tatemono Co. Ltd. (Real Estate)     667,060   
  8,600      Toppan Forms Co. Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     103,081   
  243,000      Toppan Printing Co. Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     2,037,395   
  33,100      Wacom Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)(a)     171,621   
  13,400      Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. (Automobiles & Components)     315,331   






  Netherlands – 6.0%   
  104,733      Boskalis Westminster NV (Capital Goods)     5,441,994   
  16,836      Euronext NV (Diversified Financials)*(b)     706,789   
  80,651      Heineken Holding NV (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     5,622,135   
  550,692      ING Groep NV CVA (Banks)*     8,448,471   
  227,681      Koninklijke Ahold NV (Food & Staples Retailing)     4,411,123   





30   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Netherlands – (continued)   
  302,894      Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class A (Energy)   $ 9,603,918   
  216,157      Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Class B (Energy)     6,920,445   
  123,577      TomTom NV (Consumer Durables & Apparel)*     1,096,718   
  175,212      Wolters Kluwer NV (Media)(a)     5,676,439   






  Norway – 2.0%   
  143,465      Kongsberg Automotive Holding ASA (Automobiles & Components)*     119,352   
  5,109      Kongsberg Gruppen ASA (Capital Goods)     109,783   
  9,557      Leroey Seafood Group ASA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     317,068   
  18,681      Marine Harvest ASA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     227,696   
  207,609      Norsk Hydro ASA (Materials)     983,195   
  310,141      Orkla ASA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     2,435,438   
  259,099      Statoil ASA (Energy)     5,492,994   
  115,253      Yara International ASA (Materials)     5,905,274   






  Singapore – 1.4%   
  7,316,200      Golden Agri-Resources Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     2,314,500   
  23,000      Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd. (Retailing)     700,838   
  201,000      OUE Ltd. (Consumer Services)     335,459   
  314,900      Singapore Airlines Ltd. (Transportation)     2,901,548   
  1,930,700      Wilmar International Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     4,742,038   






  South Africa – 0.9%   
  35,931      Investec PLC (Diversified Financials)     343,101   
  336,188      Mondi PLC (Materials)     6,807,190   






  Spain – 2.0%   
  54,391      ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA (Capital Goods)     1,916,507   
  1,016,834      Banco Santander SA (Banks)     7,687,848   
  64,645      eDreams ODIGEO SA (Consumer Services)*(a)     247,224   
  25,531      Ence Energia y Celulosa SA (Materials)     92,092   
  88,641      Gamesa Corp. Tecnologica SA (Capital Goods)*     1,185,342   
  113,900      Grifols SA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     4,832,961   






  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Sweden – 2.6%   
  48,868      Assa Abloy AB Class B (Capital Goods)   $ 2,835,019   
  26,009      BillerudKorsnas AB (Materials)     450,219   
  248,734      Boliden AB (Materials)     5,403,915   
  12,305      Electrolux AB Series B (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     368,444   
  31,856      Holmen AB Class B (Materials)     1,054,050   
  101,084      Husqvarna AB Class B (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     747,684   
  123,605      JM AB (Consumer Durables & Apparel)(a)     3,677,497   
  9,467      Loomis AB Class B (Commercial & Professional Services)     303,412   
  108,145      Meda AB Class A (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,815,257   
  42,221      Modern Times Group AB Class B (Media)     1,404,072   
  15,064      Mycronic AB (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     109,510   
  14,248      Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Class A (Banks)     180,047   
  66,253      Swedish Match AB (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     2,039,539   






  Switzerland – 4.3%   
  130,800      ABB Ltd. (Registered) (Capital Goods)*     2,866,147   
  69,869      Actelion Ltd. (Registered) (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     9,193,423   
  5,192      Adecco SA (Registered) (Commercial & Professional Services)*     423,131   
  51,191      Ascom Holding AG (Registered) (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     911,421   
  7,637      Baloise Holding AG (Registered) (Insurance)*     993,850   
  316,307      Logitech International SA (Registered) (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     4,748,501   
  16,796      Lonza Group AG (Registered) (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     2,374,788   
  17,603      Nestle SA (Registered) (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,365,715   
  552      Partners Group Holding AG (Diversified Financials)     173,017   
  510,004      STMicroelectronics NV (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     4,061,297   
  80,285      Swiss Re AG (Insurance)*     7,121,874   








The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   31



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  United Kingdom – 16.9%   
  246,001      3i Group PLC (Diversified Financials)   $ 1,905,706   
  48,599      ARM Holdings PLC (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     825,764   
  27,193      Ashmore Group PLC (Diversified Financials)     128,549   
  81,757      AstraZeneca PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     5,610,707   
  8,328      AstraZeneca PLC ADR (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     570,301   
  13,610      Berendsen PLC (Commercial & Professional Services)     216,366   
  86,853      Berkeley Group Holdings PLC (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     3,344,074   
  293,799      British American Tobacco PLC (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     16,142,386   
  509,414      BT Group PLC (Telecommunication Services)     3,552,954   
  408,901      Dixons Carphone PLC (Retailing)     2,653,700   
  148,302      DS Smith PLC (Materials)     792,964   
  1,318,038      HSBC Holdings PLC (Banks)     13,166,547   
  135,798      Imperial Tobacco Group PLC (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     6,631,086   
  125,385      Indivior PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     383,970   
  101,085      InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (Consumer Services)     4,322,952   
  52,604      International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (Transportation)*     438,780   
  1,709,658      ITV PLC (Media)     6,637,779   
  571,579      National Grid PLC (Utilities)     7,689,651   
  113,097      Persimmon PLC (Consumer Durables & Apparel)*     2,936,489   
  102,714      Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC (Household & Personal Products)     9,142,003   
  117,250      Reed Elsevier NV (Media)(a)     2,827,768   
  39,156      Rio Tinto PLC (Materials)     1,752,275   
  35,523      Rio Tinto PLC ADR (Materials)(a)     1,591,075   
  58,307,898      Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC (Capital Goods)*     6,635,334   
  405,920      Standard Chartered PLC (Banks)     6,645,808   
  25,109      Tullett Prebon PLC (Diversified Financials)     137,495   
  327,565      Unilever NV CVA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     14,288,583   
  81,097      Unilever PLC (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     3,554,847   
  266,964      Vodafone Group PLC ADR (Telecommunication Services)(c)     9,397,133   






  (Cost $724,069,243)   $ 766,261,632   



Securities Lending Reinvestment Vehicle(d)(e) – 6.3%   

Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund – FST Shares


49,557,959   0.111%  
(Cost $49,557,959)   $ 49,557,959   


(Cost $773,627,202)   $ 815,819,591   


    OTHER ASSETS – (3.1)%


NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 791,210,818   




The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.


  Non-income producing security.


  All or a portion of security is on loan.


  Exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Under procedures approved by the Board of Trustees, such securities have been determined to be liquid by the Investment Adviser and may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $706,789, which represents approximately 0.1% of net assets as of April 30, 2015.


  All or a portion of security is segregated as collateral for initial margin requirements on futures transactions.


  Represents an affiliated issuer.


  Variable rate security. Interest rate or distribution rate disclosed is that which is in effect on April 30, 2015.



Investment Abbreviations:



—American Depositary Receipt



—Dutch Certification



—Real Estate Investment Trust



32   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





FUTURES CONTRACTS — At April 30, 2015, the Fund had the following futures contracts:


Type    Number of
Long (Short)
Gain (Loss)


     92         June 2015      $ 3,685,822        $ (68,030 )

FTSE 100 Index

     16         June 2015        1,701,762          46,766  

Hang Seng Index

     1         May 2015        181,310          590  

MSCI Singapore Index

     2         May 2015        119,105          653  

SPI 200 Index

     6         June 2015        683,370          (19,312 )


     12         June 2015        1,596,482          40,757  
TOTAL                                 $ 1,424  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   33



Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – 96.3%   
  Australia – 5.5%   
  81,564      Abacus Property Group (REIT)   $ 190,028   
  700,005      Beach Energy Ltd. (Energy)     610,587   
  102,963      BT Investment Management Ltd. (Diversified Financials)(a)     775,093   
  529,279      Cabcharge Australia Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)(a)     1,885,706   
  279,262      Charter Hall Group (REIT)     1,128,101   
  1,789,047      CSR Ltd. (Materials)     5,141,788   
  186,960      Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd. (Consumer Services)     5,380,841   
  1,109,067      Downer EDI Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     3,856,581   
  326,847      Evolution Mining Ltd. (Materials)     260,806   
  152,204      Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd. (Banks)     402,026   
  106,954      GUD Holdings Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     668,328   
  1,004,402      Independence Group NL (Materials)     4,686,800   
  127,364      Investa Office Fund (REIT)     373,067   
  60,078      JB Hi-Fi Ltd. (Retailing)(a)     928,026   
  793,635      M2 Group Ltd. (Telecommunication Services)(a)     6,867,968   
  149,717      Magellan Financial Group Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     2,349,729   
  1,829,412      Northern Star Resources Ltd. (Materials)     3,253,434   
  896,654      Nufarm Ltd. (Materials)     5,139,052   
  250,026      OZ Minerals Ltd. (Materials)     920,441   
  46,737      Pact Group Holdings Ltd. (Materials)     151,918   
  140,440      Premier Investments Ltd. (Retailing)     1,415,193   
  162,250      RCR Tomlinson Ltd. (Capital Goods)     240,032   
  66,919      Sandfire Resources NL (Materials)     258,915   
  3,863,667      Sigma Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     2,648,992   
  65,507      Sirtex Medical Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,094,655   
  44,057      Slater & Gordon Ltd. (Consumer Services)     220,613   
  44,142      Technology One Ltd. (Software & Services)     135,531   
  75,473      Thorn Group Ltd. (Retailing)     157,428   






  Austria – 1.9%   
  141,541      ams AG (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     7,695,212   
  61,452      Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     975,631   
  135,796      CA Immobilien Anlagen AG (Real Estate)*     2,464,414   
  4,521      DO & CO AG (Consumer Services)(a)     334,586   
  22,924      Flughafen Wien AG (Transportation)(a)     2,059,217   
  10,656      Lenzing AG (Materials)     726,047   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Austria – (continued)   
  2,992      Mayr Melnhof Karton AG (Materials)   $ 347,547   
  56,182      Oesterreichische Post AG (Transportation)(a)     2,734,374   
  24,771      S IMMO AG (Real Estate)*     231,747   






  Belgium – 0.9%   
  85,475      bpost SA (Transportation)     2,451,296   
  3,961      Fagron (Health Care Equipment & Services)     175,076   
  8,441      Galapagos NV (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     356,087   
  2,157      Gimv NV (Diversified Financials)     100,634   
  5,411      KBC Ancora (Diversified Financials)*     202,991   
  28,120      Kinepolis Group NV (Media)(a)     1,090,900   
  51,396      Melexis NV (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     3,172,943   
  22,870      Tessenderlo Chemie NV (Materials)*     752,745   






  Bermuda – 1.2%   
  730,486      Catlin Group Ltd. (Insurance)     7,944,382   
  225,947      Hiscox Ltd. (Insurance)     2,846,795   






  Canada – 0.1%   
  181,510      Entertainment One Ltd. (Media)     874,388   



  China – 0.4%   
  6,302,000      FIH Mobile Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)*     3,366,249   



  Denmark – 1.1%   
  154,221      Bakkafrost P/F (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     3,621,717   
  2,490      Bavarian Nordic A/S (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     116,683   
  8,437      Dfds A/S (Transportation)     944,111   
  39,815      NKT Holding A/S (Capital Goods)     2,526,662   
  579      PER Aarsleff A/S Class B (Capital Goods)     162,502   
  3,931      Royal Unibrew A/S (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)(a)     752,542   
  24,541      Schouw & Co. A/S (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,257,782   
  26,875      SimCorp A/S (Software & Services)     929,602   






  Finland – 0.8%   
  24,672      Huhtamaki OYJ (Materials)     788,709   
  47,735      Kesko OYJ Class B (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,950,395   
  148,780      Metsa Board OYJ Class B (Materials)     879,069   
  23,413      Sanoma OYJ (Media)     123,325   
  434,070      Sponda OYJ (Real Estate)     1,898,325   





34   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Finland – (continued)   
  29,337      Tieto OYJ (Software & Services)   $ 703,512   
  102,744      Valmet OYJ (Capital Goods)     1,190,739   






  France – 4.7%   
  32,526      ABC Arbitrage (Diversified Financials)     182,244   
  260,970      Air France-KLM (Transportation)*(a)     2,249,791   
  12,856      Alten SA (Software & Services)     627,536   
  39,576      Assystem (Commercial & Professional Services)     862,095   
  69,864      Belvedere SA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)*(a)     1,377,525   
  21,396      Boiron SA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     2,387,314   
  20,806      Cegid Group (Software & Services)     911,729   
  12,279      Euler Hermes Group (Insurance)     1,344,279   
  23,664      GameLoft SE (Software & Services)*     125,131   
  5,837      Guerbet (Health Care Equipment & Services)     248,072   
  348,198      Havas SA (Media)     2,904,232   
  41,911      Ipsen SA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     2,406,867   
  100,996      IPSOS (Media)     2,979,336   
  173,132      Mercialys SA (REIT)     4,302,100   
  182,712      Metropole Television SA (Media)     3,813,351   
  74,537      Plastic Omnium SA (Automobiles & Components)     2,075,589   
  9,312      Rallye SA (Food & Staples Retailing)     347,867   
  65,939      Saft Groupe SA (Capital Goods)     2,629,873   
  9,966      Societe de la Tour Eiffel (REIT)(a)     594,094   
  959,394      Technicolor SA (Registered) (Media)*     6,509,058   
  139,003      UBISOFT Entertainment (Software & Services)*     2,563,183   
  42,823      Valneva SE (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*(a)     187,009   
  19,547      Vicat (Materials)     1,409,476   






  Germany – 6.1%   
  3,172      Amadeus Fire AG (Commercial & Professional Services)     257,093   
  12,997      Aurubis AG (Materials)     821,269   
  363,510      Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA (Media)(a)     1,394,032   
  37,608      CENTROTEC Sustainable AG (Capital Goods)     600,531   
  13,928      CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA (Media)     476,600   
  71,938      Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (Diversified Financials)     2,394,596   
  95,324      Deutsche Euroshop AG (Real Estate)     4,745,168   
  200,928      Deutz AG (Capital Goods)     972,530   
  162,218      Dialog Semiconductor PLC (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)*     7,314,228   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Germany – (continued)   
  24,889      DIC Asset AG (Real Estate)   $ 250,693   
  8,679      DMG Mori Seiki AG (Capital Goods)     304,520   
  3,821      Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA (Health Care Equipment & Services)     335,097   
  70,726      Duerr AG (Capital Goods)     7,239,349   
  108,828      Gerresheimer AG (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)(a)     6,159,308   
  71,022      Grammer AG (Automobiles & Components)     2,727,678   
  23,995      Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (Transportation)     529,232   
  23,168      Homag Group AG (Capital Goods)     910,236   
  38,417      Krones AG (Capital Goods)     4,239,749   
  6,223      Nemetschek AG (Software & Services)     808,981   
  94,504      Nordex SE (Capital Goods)*     2,022,729   
  1,733      Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG (Capital Goods)     161,501   
  5,749      R Stahl AG (Capital Goods)     257,307   
  229,363      Rhoen Klinikum AG (Health Care Equipment & Services)     6,349,961   
  46,585      Software AG (Software & Services)     1,344,852   
  8,080      STRATEC Biomedical AG (Health Care Equipment & Services)     403,913   
  50,780      Takkt AG (Retailing)     925,150   
  9,041      Tom Tailor Holding AG (Retailing)*     111,755   
  19,891      Wacker Neuson SE (Capital Goods)     510,551   
  7,599      XING AG (Software & Services)     1,255,622   






  Hong Kong – 2.1%   
  3,131,000      Brightoil Petroleum Holdings Ltd. (Energy)*(a)     997,744   
  386,400      Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd. (Banks)     2,712,759   
  493,926      Dickson Concepts International Ltd. (Retailing)     213,221   
  890,000      Emperor Entertainment Hotel Ltd. (Consumer Services)     207,843   
  1,418,000      Emperor International Holdings (Real Estate)     350,592   
  263,600      Esprit Holdings Ltd. (Retailing)     249,732   
  1,552,000      Giordano International Ltd. (Retailing)     776,946   
  2,212,000      Global Brands Group Holding Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)*     452,474   
  908,000      Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. (Telecommunication Services)     419,988   
  2,686,000      Newocean Energy Holdings Ltd. (Energy)(a)     1,495,635   
  135,500      Orient Overseas International Ltd. (Transportation)     831,629   
  210,000      Regal Hotels International Holdings Ltd. (Consumer Services)     130,223   
  1,453,000      Samson Holding Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     211,375   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   35



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Hong Kong – (continued)   
  3,506,000      Shun Tak Holdings Ltd. (Capital Goods)   $ 2,035,872   
  514,208      SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Ltd. (Telecommunication Services)     936,957   
  109,138      SOCAM Development Ltd. (Capital Goods)*     97,612   
  187,000      Sun Hung Kai & Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     194,490   
  607,000      Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)     306,565   
  288,000      Texwinca Holdings Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     279,284   
  4,326,000      The United Laboratories International Holdings Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     2,918,410   
  100,000      Tian An China Investments Co. Ltd. (Real Estate)     66,189   
  4,824,000      Truly International Holdings Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     2,278,011   
  657,600      VST Holdings Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     259,069   
  19,100      VTech Holdings Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     265,607   
  438,000      Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd. (Automobiles & Components)     291,878   






  Ireland – 0.8%   
  583,667      Aer Lingus Group PLC (Transportation)     1,520,460   
  688,056      Beazley PLC (Insurance)     2,959,043   
  76,774      Grafton Group PLC (Capital Goods)     968,862   
  129,410      Irish Continental Group PLC (Transportation)     581,232   
  203,700      UDG Healthcare PLC (Health Care Equipment & Services)     1,665,018   






  Israel – 0.7%   
  157,026      Delek Automotive Systems Ltd. (Retailing)     1,907,116   
  5,548      Elbit Systems Ltd. (Capital Goods)     439,029   
  5,798      Melisron Ltd. (Real Estate)     222,317   
  389,222      Oil Refineries Ltd. (Energy)*     139,075   
  2,770      Paz Oil Co. Ltd. (Energy)     423,152   
  253,918      Plus500 Ltd. (Diversified Financials)(a)     2,925,180   






  Italy – 4.7%   
  36,120      ACEA SpA (Utilities)     486,318   
  23,499      Amplifon SpA (Health Care Equipment & Services)     183,034   
  134,855      ASTM SpA (Transportation)     1,917,292   
  132,048      Banca IFIS SpA (Diversified Financials)     2,709,304   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Italy – (continued)   
  1,172,281      Banca Popolare di Milano Scarl (Banks)*   $ 1,207,950   
  65,795      Banca Popolare di Sondrio Scarl (Banks)     298,614   
  21,263      Brembo SpA (Automobiles & Components)     850,577   
  249,136      Cementir Holding SpA (Materials)     1,756,870   
  13,608      Cosmo Pharmaceuticals SA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     2,300,211   
  187,748      Credito Emiliano SpA (Banks)     1,566,211   
  54,324      DiaSorin SpA (Health Care Equipment & Services)     2,483,826   
  272,839      ERG SpA (Energy)     3,930,564   
  822,662      Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione (REIT)     809,469   
  59,884      Industria Macchine Automatiche SpA (Capital Goods)     3,049,066   
  10,275      MARR SpA (Food & Staples Retailing)     206,393   
  1,468,289      Mediaset SpA (Media)*     7,546,439   
  230,821      Recordati SpA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     4,599,305   
  9,441      Reply SpA (Software & Services)*     1,010,441   
  39,156      Salini Impregilo SpA (Capital Goods)*     170,858   
  98,677      Saras SpA (Energy)*     191,330   
  575,052      Societa Cattolica di Assicurazioni Scarl (Insurance)     4,912,837   
  15,866      Societa Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi SpA (Transportation)     183,242   
  101,748      Sogefi SpA (Automobiles & Components)*     339,773   
  182,664      Sorin SpA (Health Care Equipment & Services)*     574,953   
  69,255      Tamburi Investment Partners SpA (Diversified Financials)     274,898   






  Japan – 31.2%   
  151,300      Accordia Golf Co. Ltd. (Consumer Services)     1,538,817   
  212,900      Aderans Co. Ltd. (Household & Personal Products)     2,007,870   
  773      Advance Residence Investment Corp. (REIT)     1,823,722   
  606      AEON REIT Investment Corp. (REIT)     837,706   
  31,500      Aisan Industry Co. Ltd. (Automobiles & Components)     296,520   
  36,300      Alpen Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     593,129   
  184,500      Alpine Electronics, Inc. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     3,749,283   
  32,200      AOKI Holdings, Inc. (Retailing)     446,329   
  81,600      Aoyama Trading Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     2,822,396   
  62,700      Arcs Co. Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,311,841   





36   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  56,900      Artnature, Inc. (Household & Personal Products)   $ 529,287   
  127,600      ASKA Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,272,947   
  212,100      Avex Group Holdings, Inc. (Media)     3,273,485   
  10,600      C. Uyemura & Co. Ltd. (Materials)     525,339   
  86,900      Canon Marketing Japan, Inc. (Retailing)     1,632,390   
  21,300      Cawachi Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)     341,948   
  177,000      Central Glass Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     813,260   
  100,000      Century Tokyo Leasing Corp. (Diversified Financials)     3,157,483   
  41,500      Chiyoda Integre Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,030,415   
  212,000      Chugoku Marine Paints Ltd. (Materials)     1,836,894   
  39,300      CKD Corp. (Capital Goods)     360,139   
  103,400      Coca-Cola West Co. Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,645,080   
  35,600      Cocokara fine, Inc. (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,086,026   
  264,200      COMSYS Holdings Corp. (Capital Goods)     3,680,773   
  76,900      Daido Metal Co. Ltd. (Automobiles & Components)     834,538   
  93,400      Daiichikosho Co. Ltd. (Media)     3,012,313   
  31,000      Daiwa Industries Ltd. (Capital Goods)     213,013   
  44      Daiwa Office Investment Corp. (REIT)     231,597   
  337,000      Daiwabo Holdings Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     561,808   
  466,300      DCM Holdings Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     3,888,754   
  141,000      Denki Kagaku Kogyo KK (Materials)     575,730   
  165,700      Doutor Nichires Holdings Co. Ltd. (Consumer Services)     3,129,756   
  89,800      DTS Corp. (Software & Services)     1,827,676   
  7,800      Dydo Drinco, Inc. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     322,689   
  586,600      EDION Corp. (Retailing)(a)     4,281,516   
  4,700      Eizo Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     104,256   
  157,600      Fancl Corp. (Household & Personal Products)(a)     2,049,137   
  111,300      Foster Electric Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     2,880,183   
  413      Frontier Real Estate Investment Corp. (REIT)     2,019,545   
  286,300      Fuji Machine Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     3,532,866   
  80,900      Fuji Soft, Inc. (Software & Services)     1,644,782   
  703,000      Fujikura Ltd. (Capital Goods)     3,348,288   
  31,600      Fujitec Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     343,596   
  112,000      Fukuyama Transporting Co. Ltd. (Transportation)(a)     634,635   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  256,000      Funai Electric Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)   $ 3,024,282   
  45,700      Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     1,869,329   
  12,900      Geo Holdings Corp. (Retailing)     140,115   
  1,455      Global One Real Estate Investment Corp. (REIT)     5,133,308   
  253,300      Gree, Inc. (Software & Services)(a)     1,635,426   
  85,200      G-Tekt Corp. (Automobiles & Components)     819,538   
  1,647      Hankyu REIT, Inc. (REIT)     2,095,533   
  35,300      Happinet Corp. (Retailing)     406,993   
  20,600      Heiwa Corp. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     429,500   
  35,800      Heiwa Real Estate Co. Ltd. (Real Estate)     485,867   
  229,600      Hitachi Capital Corp. (Diversified Financials)     5,201,622   
  93,500      Hitachi Transport System Ltd. (Transportation)     1,507,906   
  27,800      Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. (Utilities)*     256,388   
  115,200      Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co. Ltd. (Materials)     626,642   
  19,000      Hosokawa Micron Corp. (Capital Goods)     98,923   
  116,500      IBJ Leasing Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     2,605,101   
  1,908      Ichigo Real Estate Investment Corp. (REIT)(a)     1,430,576   
  41,200      Ines Corp. (Software & Services)     390,879   
  290,000      IT Holdings Corp. (Software & Services)     5,710,655   
  307,000      Jaccs Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     1,611,708   
  157,900      Jafco Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     5,916,313   
  47,000      Japan Digital Laboratory Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     715,785   
  518      Japan Logistics Fund, Inc. (REIT)     1,098,475   
  57,000      Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd. (Energy)     2,194,236   
  120,400      Japan Securities Finance Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     787,849   
  145,000      Japan Vilene Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     728,563   
  170,000      J-Oil Mills, Inc. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     574,784   
  330,700      Kadokawa Dwango (Media)*     5,205,331   
  179,000      Kato Works Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,146,496   
  2,514,000      Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. (Transportation)     6,493,947   
  21,500      Keihin Corp. (Automobiles & Components)     352,162   
  125,800      Kissei Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     3,733,871   
  540,500      Kitz Corp. (Capital Goods)     2,741,150   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   37



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  128,000      Koa Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)   $ 1,311,162   
  140,800      Koei Tecmo Holdings Co. Ltd. (Software & Services)     2,133,498   
  202,100      Kohnan Shoji Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     2,254,189   
  266,200      Kokuyo Co. Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     2,431,634   
  76,600      Konoike Transport Co. Ltd. (Transportation)     819,057   
  210,000      Kurabo Industries Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     368,001   
  307,000      Kureha Corp. (Materials)     1,405,023   
  74,800      KYORIN Holdings, Inc. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,720,534   
  298,600      Kyowa Exeo Corp. (Capital Goods)     3,483,609   
  52,750      Macnica Fuji Electronics Holdings, Inc. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)*     649,876   
  117,000      Maeda Road Construction Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,928,231   
  4,900      Mandom Corp. (Household & Personal Products)     188,865   
  240,000      Marudai Food Co. Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     863,878   
  44,200      Marusan Securities Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     441,543   
  19,400      Maruwa Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     439,576   
  40,400      Matsumotokiyoshi Holdings Co. Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,471,005   
  31,700      Megmilk Snow Brand Co. Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     380,122   
  85,000      Melco Holdings, Inc. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)(a)     1,753,596   
  1,131      MID REIT, Inc. (REIT)     3,343,816   
  24,500      Ministop Co. Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)     363,267   
  69,400      Mirait Holdings Corp. (Capital Goods)     784,269   
  200,000      Mito Securities Co. Ltd. (Diversified Financials)     750,671   
  84,500      Mitsui High-Tec, Inc. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     635,796   
  678,000      Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     2,512,378   
  125,600      NEC Networks & System Integration Corp. (Software & Services)     2,691,470   
  589,000      NET One Systems Co. Ltd. (Software & Services)     4,230,143   
  81,000      Nichias Corp. (Capital Goods)(a)     488,766   
  41,700      Nichi-iko Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     877,816   
  13,300      NIFTY Corp. (Software & Services)     169,397   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  382,000      Nippon Chemi-Con Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)*   $ 1,151,851   
  206,000      Nippon Flour Mills Co. Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,016,452   
  1,061,600      Nippon Light Metal Holdings Co. Ltd. (Materials)     1,644,578   
  389,000      Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd. (Materials)(a)     6,783,414   
  55,700      Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     169,099   
  239,000      Nippon Thompson Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,361,645   
  58,000      Nissha Printing Co. Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     1,123,101   
  138,000      Nissin Electric Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     903,902   
  69,400      Nitto Kogyo Corp. (Capital Goods)     1,256,311   
  3,486      Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc. (REIT)     4,535,192   
  437      Nomura Real Estate Office Fund, Inc. (REIT)     2,008,710   
  311      Nomura Real Estate Residential Fund, Inc. (REIT)     1,758,920   
  16,300      NSD Co. Ltd. (Software & Services)     236,336   
  30,400      Ohsho Food Service Corp. (Consumer Services)     1,080,007   
  143,900      Paltac Corp. (Retailing)     2,061,756   
  45,900      Paramount Bed Holdings Co. Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     1,243,669   
  76,600      Parco Co. Ltd. (Retailing)     725,738   
  103,700      Plenus Co. Ltd. (Consumer Services)     2,025,236   
  58,900      Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc. (Household & Personal Products)     3,056,104   
  62,300      Riso Kagaku Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     1,031,198   
  352,000      Rohto Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     5,025,507   
  6,200      Roland DG Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     165,961   
  285,500      Round One Corp. (Consumer Services)     1,512,757   
  82,000      Ryobi Ltd. (Capital Goods)     267,744   
  6,000      Ryosan Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     142,890   
  110,000      Sakai Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. (Materials)     363,029   
  35,700      San-A Co. Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,492,862   
  90,500      Sankyo Tateyama, Inc. (Capital Goods)     1,691,477   
  1,142,000      Sankyu, Inc. (Transportation)     5,355,906   
  291,000      Sanyo Special Steel Co. Ltd. (Materials)     1,408,230   





38   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  210,700      Seino Holdings Co. Ltd. (Transportation)   $ 2,418,606   
  457      Sekisui House SI Residential Investment Corp. (REIT)     508,256   
  381,000      Senko Co. Ltd. (Transportation)(a)     2,405,678   
  57,000      Senshu Ikeda Holdings, Inc. (Banks)     252,982   
  279,000      Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     1,428,568   
  51,700      Shinko Electric Industries Co. Ltd. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     413,142   
  206,000      SMK Corp. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     853,198   
  46,200      St. Marc Holdings Co. Ltd. (Consumer Services)     1,553,941   
  75,000      Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd. (Materials)     341,921   
  19,800      Sumitomo Densetsu Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     238,965   
  186,000      Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co. Ltd. (Materials)     1,397,197   
  137,400      Tamron Co. Ltd. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     3,246,145   
  9,000      The Nippon Road Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     48,560   
  33,000      The Nippon Signal Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     316,009   
  74,000      The Nippon Synthetic Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. (Materials)     517,889   
  348,000      The Nisshin Oillio Group Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,279,793   
  7,700      The Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc. (Utilities)     292,543   
  323,000      The Towa Bank Ltd. (Banks)     280,514   
  329,000      Toagosei Co. Ltd. (Materials)     1,460,050   
  15,100      Tocalo Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     296,483   
  101,000      Toei Co. Ltd. (Media)     744,410   
  186,500      Toho Holdings Co. Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     3,247,722   
  19,900      Tohokushinsha Film Corp. (Media)     164,485   
  215,000      Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. (Materials)     630,167   
  2,400      Token Corp. (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     121,496   
  68,000      Toko, Inc. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     201,692   
  1,603,000      Tokuyama Corp. (Materials)*     3,566,362   
  236,400      Tokyo Seimitsu Co. Ltd. (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     5,095,439   
  843      Tokyu REIT, Inc. (REIT)     1,135,321   
  864      Top REIT, Inc. (REIT)     3,727,022   
  176,700      Toppan Forms Co. Ltd. (Commercial & Professional Services)     2,117,954   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Japan – (continued)   
  17,900      Torii Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)   $ 473,514   
  69,100      Towa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     3,654,206   
  137,000      Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co. Ltd. (Materials)     652,343   
  59,000      Tsubakimoto Chain Co. (Capital Goods)     483,018   
  57,400      Tsumura & Co. (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,345,070   
  152,200      TV Asahi Holdings Corp. (Media)     2,808,433   
  1,678,000      Ube Industries Ltd. (Materials)     2,783,872   
  25,100      UNY Group Holdings Co. Ltd. (Food & Staples Retailing)     141,927   
  24,030      Usen Corp. (Media)*     70,651   
  86,600      Wacom Co. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)(a)     449,013   
  139,100      Wakita & Co. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,387,002   
  37,000      Warabeya Nichiyo Co. Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     828,533   






  Jersey – 0.1%   
  537,790      Centamin PLC (Materials)     525,242   



  Luxembourg – 0.1%   
  48,538      Oriflame Cosmetics SA SDR (Household & Personal Products)     838,162   



  Netherlands – 2.0%   
  5,504      ASM International NV (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     267,230   
  182,781      BE Semiconductor Industries NV (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     5,213,350   
  320,279      BinckBank NV (Diversified Financials)     3,210,084   
  26,729      Eurocommercial Properties NV CVA (Real Estate)     1,221,378   
  56,745      Euronext NV (Diversified Financials)*(b)     2,382,203   
  26,306      NSI NV (REIT)     123,548   
  349,050      SNS REAAL NV (Diversified Financials)*(a)       
  43,006      TKH Group NV CVA (Capital Goods)     1,595,800   
  56,373      Vastned Retail NV (REIT)(a)     2,752,777   
  28,394      Wereldhave NV (REIT)(a)     1,822,598   








The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   39



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  New Zealand – 0.7%   
  2,868,023      Air New Zealand Ltd. (Transportation)   $ 5,893,892   
  190,667      Summerset Group Holdings Ltd. (Health Care Equipment & Services)     504,396   






  Norway – 1.4%   
  265,401      Austevoll Seafood ASA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     1,543,620   
  47,054      Avance Gas Holding Ltd. (Energy)(b)     742,838   
  196,575      Borregaard ASA (Materials)(a)     1,519,826   
  1,474,133      Kongsberg Automotive Holding ASA (Automobiles & Components)*     1,226,366   
  84,036      Leroey Seafood Group ASA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     2,788,023   
  93,555      Norwegian Property ASA (Real Estate)*     126,112   
  160,062      Salmar ASA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     2,598,677   
  32,558      Selvaag Bolig ASA (Real Estate)     122,800   
  135,030      SpareBanken 1 SMN (Banks)     1,206,191   
  378,864      Storebrand ASA (Insurance)*     1,339,550   






  Portugal – 1.3%   
  96,237      Altri SGPS SA (Materials)     412,738   
  547,360      CTT-Correios de Portugal SA (Transportation)     6,173,658   
  364,531      NOS SGPS SA (Media)     2,655,149   
  651,857      Portucel SA (Materials)     3,189,154   






  Singapore – 0.8%   
  239,800      Chip Eng Seng Corp. Ltd. (Capital Goods)     161,031   
  785,000      Indofood Agri Resources Ltd. (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     431,457   
  59,000      OUE Ltd. (Consumer Services)     98,468   
  27,061      REC Solar ASA (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)*     366,578   
  954,300      United Engineers Ltd. (Capital Goods)     1,911,196   
  413,600      Venture Corp. Ltd. (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     2,637,781   
  882,800      Wing Tai Holdings Ltd. (Real Estate)     1,306,310   






  South Africa – 1.0%   
  465,576      Mondi PLC (Materials)     9,427,059   
  15,018      Mota-Engil Africa NV (Capital Goods)*     117,748   






  Spain – 2.4%   
  70,950      Almirall SA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     1,337,738   
  74,120      Bolsas y Mercados Espanoles SHMSF SA (Diversified Financials)(a)     3,315,898   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Spain – (continued)   
  13,034      Cie Automotive SA (Automobiles & Components)   $ 198,072   
  37,067      Duro Felguera SA (Capital Goods)     149,367   
  169,639      Ebro Foods SA (Food, Beverage & Tobacco)     3,290,685   
  351,260      Ence Energia y Celulosa SA (Materials)     1,267,020   
  42,858      Faes Farma SA (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     110,755   
  212,599      Gamesa Corp. Tecnologica SA (Capital Goods)*     2,842,958   
  56,492      Hispania Activos Inmobiliarios SAU (Real Estate)*     805,587   
  83,355      Lar Espana Real Estate Socimi SA (REIT)*     982,749   
  30,191      Let’s GOWEX SA (Telecommunication Services)*(a)       
  506,232      Mediaset Espana Comunicacion SA (Media)*(a)     6,861,802   
  2,504      Miquel y Costas & Miquel SA (Materials)     91,687   
  88,715      Papeles y Cartones de Europa SA (Materials)     574,747   






  Sweden – 4.0%   
  67,020      Axfood AB (Food & Staples Retailing)     1,058,758   
  44,906      Betsson AB (Consumer Services)*     1,880,010   
  99,991      Bilia AB Class A (Retailing)     3,550,256   
  313,733      BillerudKorsnas AB (Materials)     5,430,753   
  25,966      BioGaia AB Class B (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     710,428   
  54,651      Clas Ohlson AB Class B (Retailing)     937,809   
  38,222      Dios Fastigheter AB (Real Estate)     297,690   
  9,542      Fabege AB (Real Estate)     145,457   
  26,948      Gunnebo AB (Commercial & Professional Services)     134,201   
  71,855      Haldex AB (Capital Goods)     1,073,757   
  13,051      Hexpol AB (Materials)     1,398,563   
  39,296      Holmen AB Class B (Materials)     1,300,224   
  45,778      Industrial & Financial Systems AB Class B (Software & Services)(a)     1,582,084   
  117,693      Intrum Justitia AB (Commercial & Professional Services)(a)     3,706,411   
  138,257      JM AB (Consumer Durables & Apparel)(a)     4,113,424   
  98,297      Loomis AB Class B (Commercial & Professional Services)     3,150,362   
  67,772      Modern Times Group AB Class B (Media)     2,253,777   
  23,182      Net Entertainment NE AB Class B (Software & Services)*     876,477   





40   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  Sweden – (continued)   
  148,341      Nobia AB (Consumer Durables & Apparel)(a)   $ 1,604,750   
  85,789      Nolato AB Class B (Capital Goods)     2,059,292   






  Switzerland – 3.4%   
  64,018      Ascom Holding AG (Registered) (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     1,139,797   
  20,816      Autoneum Holding AG (Automobiles & Components)*     4,596,681   
  8,867      Flughafen Zuerich AG (Registered) (Transportation)     6,905,504   
  3,606      Forbo Holding AG (Registered) (Consumer Durables & Apparel)*     4,367,279   
  3,956      Georg Fischer AG (Registered) (Capital Goods)     2,798,100   
  7,673      Inficon Holding AG (Registered) (Technology Hardware & Equipment)*     2,913,511   
  297      Intershop Holding AG (Real Estate)     127,338   
  9,362      Komax Holding AG (Registered) (Capital Goods)*     1,721,778   
  2,513      Kuoni Reisen Holding AG (Registered) (Consumer Services)*     845,792   
  32,609      Mobilezone Holding AG (Registered) (Retailing)     513,803   
  5,729      Mobimo Holding AG (Registered) (Real Estate)*     1,278,353   
  38,669      Nobel Biocare Holding AG (Registered) (Health Care Equipment & Services)*     708,762   
  2,417      Rieter Holding AG (Registered) (Capital Goods)*     398,135   
  4,971      Siegfried Holding AG (Registered) (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     847,193   
  29,531      Temenos Group AG (Registered) (Software & Services)*     1,073,161   
  27,086      Zehnder Group AG (Capital Goods)     1,283,243   






  United Kingdom – 16.9%   
  57,439      Advanced Medical Solutions Group PLC (Health Care Equipment & Services)     124,979   
  22,126      Alent PLC (Materials)     122,875   
  926,028      Amlin PLC (Insurance)     6,489,612   
  1,025,643      Ashmore Group PLC (Diversified Financials)(a)     4,848,520   
  170,374      Barratt Developments PLC (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,351,637   
  44,747      Bellway PLC (Consumer Durables & Apparel)     1,360,408   
  215,695      Berendsen PLC (Commercial & Professional Services)     3,429,023   



  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  United Kingdom – (continued)   
  193,776      Berkeley Group Holdings PLC (Consumer Durables & Apparel)   $ 7,460,897   
  73,269      Betfair Group PLC (Consumer Services)     2,610,878   
  194,837      Big Yellow Group PLC (REIT)     1,992,127   
  126,724      Bodycote PLC (Capital Goods)     1,334,611   
  149,209      Chesnara PLC (Insurance)     732,875   
  74,868      Close Brothers Group PLC (Diversified Financials)     1,750,073   
  68,740      Concentric AB (Capital Goods)(a)     972,664   
  77,701      CSR PLC (Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)     1,049,585   
  228,886      Dart Group PLC (Transportation)     1,359,686   
  189,725      Diploma PLC (Capital Goods)     2,315,262   
  1,556,369      DS Smith PLC (Materials)     8,321,837   
  203,569      Fenner PLC (Capital Goods)     654,200   
  252,666      Galliford Try PLC (Capital Goods)     5,813,886   
  1,383,678      Globo PLC (Software & Services)*(a)     1,125,691   
  74,935      Go-Ahead Group PLC (Transportation)     2,829,479   
  151,334      Great Portland Estates PLC (REIT)     1,847,346   
  112,206      Greggs PLC (Food & Staples Retailing)     2,039,194   
  537,298      Halfords Group PLC (Retailing)     3,741,940   
  272,558      Hansteen Holdings PLC (REIT)(a)     492,848   
  1,648,798      Henderson Group PLC (Diversified Financials)     7,035,425   
  175,344      Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)     5,483,390   
  1,922,932      Home Retail Group PLC (Retailing)     4,913,746   
  64,229      Homeserve PLC (Commercial & Professional Services)     375,330   
  634,086      IG Group Holdings PLC (Diversified Financials)     7,149,412   
  625,401      Inchcape PLC (Retailing)     7,955,142   
  1,200,713      Indivior PLC (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)*     3,676,973   
  394,277      Intermediate Capital Group PLC (Diversified Financials)     3,184,438   
  103,994      John Wood Group PLC (Energy)     1,095,728   
  33,452      Keller Group PLC (Capital Goods)     511,681   
  150,578      Lancashire Holdings Ltd. (Insurance)     1,472,016   
  740,729      Londonmetric Property PLC (REIT)     1,876,081   
  347,782      Lookers PLC (Retailing)     834,630   
  2,533,453      Man Group PLC (Diversified Financials)     7,469,921   
  212,100      Micro Focus International PLC (Software & Services)     4,092,459   
  447,465      Moneysupermarket.com Group PLC (Software & Services)     1,917,409   
  39,680      Northgate PLC (Transportation)     392,862   
  649,713      Pace PLC (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     4,119,295   
  959,617      QinetiQ Group PLC (Capital Goods)     2,970,005   
  720,072      Redefine International PLC (REIT)     648,265   





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   41



Schedule of Investments (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)



    Description   Value  
  Common Stocks – (continued)   
  United Kingdom – (continued)   
  155,898      Safestore Holdings PLC (REIT)   $ 669,061   
  68,311      Savills PLC (Real Estate)     865,129   
  224,092      Soco International PLC (Energy)     619,656   
  673,806      Speedy Hire PLC (Capital Goods)     765,376   
  1,790,935      Spirit Pub Co. PLC (Consumer Services)     3,081,725   
  164,929      Stobart Group Ltd. (Transportation)(a)     274,685   
  89,843      SVG Capital PLC (Diversified Financials)*     687,583   
  33,807      Synergy Health PLC (Health Care Equipment & Services)*     1,149,446   
  146,626      Trinity Mirror PLC (Media)*     414,130   
  309,732      TT electronics PLC (Technology Hardware & Equipment)     633,598   
  461,077      Tullett Prebon PLC (Diversified Financials)     2,524,822   
  18,060      Vesuvius PLC (Capital Goods)     125,599   
  69,039      Victrex PLC (Materials)     2,089,579   
  191,650      WH Smith PLC (Retailing)     4,204,819   
  49,682      Workspace Group PLC (REIT)     641,480   
  180,449      WS Atkins PLC (Commercial & Professional Services)     3,702,478   
  97,989      Xchanging PLC (Software & Services)     183,267   






  (Cost $781,220,054)   $ 888,176,575   



  Preferred Stocks – 0.2%   
  Germany – 0.1%   
  1,161      Biotest AG (Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences)   $ 97,387   
  915      Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA (Health Care Equipment & Services)     105,662   
  19,801      Sixt SE (Transportation)     728,859   






  Italy – 0.1%   
  162,039      Unipol Gruppo Finanziario SpA (Insurance)     851,681   



  (Cost $1,346,455)   $ 1,783,589   





     Shares   Distribution Rate   Value  
Investment Company(c)(d) – 2.0%   

Goldman Sachs Financial Square Government Fund – FST Shares


18,403,042   0.006%  
(Cost $18,403,042)   $ 18,403,042   




Units   Description   Expiration
Warrant – 0.0%   
France – 0.0%     
9,966   Societe de la Tour Eiffel
(Real Estate)*(a)
(Cost $0)     $   


(Cost $800,969,551)     $ 908,363,206   





  Distribution Rate   Value  
Securities Lending Reinvestment Vehicle(c)(d) – 7.8%   

Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund – FST Shares


72,351,865   0.111%  
(Cost $72,351,865)   $ 72,351,865   


(Cost $873,321,416)   $ 980,715,071   




    OTHER ASSETS – (6.3)%



NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 922,943,928   




The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.


  Non-income producing security.


  All or a portion of security is on loan.


  Exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Under procedures approved by the Board of Trustees, such securities have been determined to be liquid by the Investment Adviser and may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $3,125,041, which represents approximately 0.3% of net assets as of April 30, 2015.


  Represents an affiliated issuer.


  Variable rate security. Interest rate or distribution rate disclosed is that which is in effect on April 30, 2015.



Investment Abbreviations:



—Dutch Certification



—Real Estate Investment Trust



—Swedish Depositary Receipt



42   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





FUTURES CONTRACTS — At April 30, 2015, the Fund had the following futures contracts:


Type    Number of
Long (Short)
Gain (Loss)


     172         June 2015      $ 6,890,885        $ (99,182 )

FTSE 100 Index

     34         June 2015        3,616,245          28,855  

Hang Seng Index

     2         May 2015        362,619          2,039  

MSCI Singapore Index

     7         May 2015        416,868          2,038  

SPI 200 Index

     14         June 2015        1,594,531          (29,457 )


     32         June 2015        4,257,286          152,413  
TOTAL                                 $ 56,706  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   43



Statements of Assets and Liabilities

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


        Emerging Markets
Equity Insights
Equity Insights
Small Cap Insights

Investments in unaffiliated issuers, at value (cost $546,817,964, $724,069,243 and $782,566,509)(a)

  $ 636,377,788       $ 766,261,632       $ 889,960,164   

Investments in affiliated issuers, at value (cost $–, $– and $18,403,042)


Investments in affiliated securities lending reinvestment vehicle, at value which equals cost

    9,827,275         49,557,959         72,351,865   


    1,068,242         9,767,022         49,947   

Foreign currencies, at value (cost $109,068, $7,175,615 and $8,530,139)

    110,187         7,258,679         8,803,751   

Due from custodian




Investments sold

    23,223,693         9,972,887         26,456,264   

Fund shares sold

    9,106,332         83,826         4,356,968   


    1,064,056         3,453,271         4,494,406   

Securities lending income

    7,437         108,838         80,907   

Reimbursement from investment adviser

    1,228         48,461         138,079   

Foreign tax reclaims

    864         653,716         274,112   

Collateral on certain derivative contracts(b)

            530,000         912,172   

Other assets

    2,243         57,272         2,151   
  Total assets     680,789,345         849,476,440         1,026,283,828   



Investments purchased

    12,478,665         7,307,173         27,820,711   

Payable upon return of securities loaned

    9,827,275         49,557,959         72,351,865   

Fund shares redeemed

    7,293,659         665,649         2,187,307   

Foreign capital gains taxes


Management fees

    538,698         525,290         629,860   

Distribution and Service fees and Transfer Agent fees

    36,319         59,039         107,193   

Variation margin on certain derivative contracts

            39,805         112,422   

Accrued expenses

    187,418         110,707         130,542   
  Total liabilities     31,201,326         58,265,622         103,339,900   
  Net Assets:        

Paid-in capital

    588,391,796         2,097,409,366         833,019,283   

Undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income

    (39,172      1,025,212         525,678   

Accumulated net realized loss

    (27,649,791      (1,349,544,577      (18,392,655

Net unrealized gain

    88,885,186         42,320,817         107,791,622   
    NET ASSETS   $ 649,588,019       $ 791,210,818       $ 922,943,928   

Net Assets:


Class A

  $ 38,730,699       $ 83,627,751       $ 162,995,220   

Class C

    949,029         3,646,250         25,043,938   


    606,139,255         701,748,211         708,194,953   



Class IR

    902,631         304,109         26,709,817   

Class R

    2,866,405         135,353           

Total Net Assets

  $ 649,588,019       $ 791,210,818       $ 922,943,928   

Shares outstanding $0.001 par value (unlimited shares authorized):


Class A

    4,145,554         7,670,642         15,279,861   

Class C

    102,227         339,111         2,411,765   


    65,025,202         62,795,095         66,416,721   



Class IR

    96,850         28,357         2,512,719   

Class R

    309,281         12,647           

Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share:(c)


Class A

    $9.34         $10.90         $10.67   

Class C

    9.28         10.75         10.38   


    9.32         11.18         10.66   



Class IR

    9.32         10.72         10.63   

Class R

    9.27         10.70           


  (a)   Includes loaned securities having a market value of $9,373,460, $47,236,512 and $68,790,722 for the Emerging Markets Equity Insights, International Equity Insights and International Small Cap Insights Funds, respectively.
  (b)   Includes amounts segregated for initial margin and/or collateral on futures transactions of $530,000 and $912,712, respectively for the International Equity Insights and International Small Cap Insights Funds.
  (c)   Maximum public offering price per share for Class A Shares of the Emerging Markets Equity Insights, International Equity Insights and International Small Cap Insights Funds is $9.88, $11.53 and $11.29, respectively. At redemption, Class C Shares may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge assessed on the amount equal to the lesser of the current net asset value (“NAV”) or the original purchase price of the shares.


44   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Statements of Operations

For the Six Months Ended April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


        Emerging Markets
Equity Insights
Equity Insights
Small Cap Insights
  Investment income:        

Dividends — unaffiliated issuers (net of foreign taxes withheld of $663,792, $785,043 and $790,591)

  $ 7,282,808       $ 10,928,163       $ 11,083,249   

Dividends — affiliated issuer


Securities lending income — affiliated issuer

    29,125         324,169         427,830   
  Total investment income     7,311,933         11,252,332         11,511,133   

Management fees

    3,258,174         3,162,465         3,552,011   

Custody, accounting and administrative services

    533,865         128,967         264,925   

Transfer Agent fees(a)

    160,313         209,803         307,579   

Professional fees

    98,472         69,858         58,142   

Distribution and Service fees(a)

    54,629         113,893         281,279   

Registration fees

    39,300         46,115         62,392   

Printing and mailing costs

    35,037         29,033         56,191   

Trustee fees

    10,929         11,056         10,882   

Service share fees — Service Plan


Service share fees — Shareholder Administration Plan



    21,774         5,431         5,476   
  Total expenses     4,212,493         3,781,493         4,598,877   

Less — expense reductions

    (272,279      (330,592      (403,195
  Net expenses     3,940,214         3,450,901         4,195,682   
  NET INVESTMENT INCOME     3,371,719         7,801,431         7,315,451   
  Realized and unrealized gain (loss):        

Net realized gain (loss) from:



    (21,132,519      (12,208,247      (17,401,199

Futures contracts

            3,254,012         2,096,698   

Foreign currency transactions

    (882,650      (1,599,382      (1,323,626

Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on:


Investments (including the effects of the net change in the foreign capital gains tax liability of $162,633, $0 and $0)

    54,868,573         44,604,209         85,609,272   

Futures contracts

            (163,167      145,742   

Foreign currency translation

    (222,539      400,745         305,916   
  Net realized and unrealized gain     32,630,865         34,288,170         69,432,803   
  NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS   $ 36,002,584       $ 42,089,601       $ 76,748,254   


  (a)   Class specific Distribution and Service, and Transfer Agent fees were as follows:


    Distribution and Service Fees     Transfer Agent Fees  



Class A


Class B(b)


Class C


Class R


Class A


Class B(b)


Class C






Class IR


Class R


Emerging Markets Equity Insights

  $ 45,643      $      $ 4,210      $ 4,776      $ 34,689      $      $ 800      $ 122,332      $      $ 677      $ 1,815   

International Equity Insights

    97,313        520        15,580        480        73,959        99        2,960        132,136        390        259          

International Small Cap Insights

    182,295               98,984               138,546               18,807        129,708               20,518          


  (b)   Class B Shares were converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   45



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


        Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund  
        For the
Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015
     For the Fiscal
Year Ended
October 31, 2014
  From operations:     

Net investment income

  $ 3,371,719       $ 12,799,775   

Net realized gain (loss)

    (22,015,169      20,522,961   

Net change in unrealized gain (loss)

    54,646,034         (20,788,323
  Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations     36,002,584         12,534,413   
  Distributions to shareholders:     

From net investment income


Class A Shares

    (540,220      (223,899

Class B Shares(a)


Class C Shares

    (4,206      (9,186

Institutional Shares

    (11,716,286      (7,745,349

Service Shares


Class IR Shares

    (11,352      (21,586

Class R Shares

    (21,187      (b) 

From net realized gains


Class A Shares


Class C Shares


Institutional Shares


Class IR Shares


Class R Shares

    (10,409      (b) 
  Total distributions to shareholders     (17,835,646      (8,000,020
  From share transactions:     

Proceeds from sales of shares

    73,621,575         294,676,544   

Reinvestment of distributions

    17,524,245         7,753,915   

Cost of shares redeemed

    (161,368,392      (189,151,733
  Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions     (70,222,572      113,278,726   
  TOTAL INCREASE (DECREASE)     (52,055,634      117,813,119   
  Net assets:     

Beginning of period

    701,643,653         583,830,534   

End of period

  $ 649,588,019       $ 701,643,653   
  Undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income   $ (39,172    $ 8,882,360   


  (a)   Class B Shares were converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.
  (b)   Commenced operations on February 28, 2014.


46   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    International Equity Insights Fund         International Small Cap Insights Fund  
    For the
Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015
        For the Fiscal
Year Ended
October 31, 2014
        For the
Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015
        For the Fiscal
Year Ended
October 31, 2014
  $ 7,801,431        $ 35,027,660        $ 7,315,451        $ 12,216,255   
    (10,553,617       83,169,464          (16,628,127       11,015,151   
    44,841,787            (110,793,926         86,060,930            (57,025,466
    42,089,601            7,403,198            76,748,254            (33,794,060
    (3,035,885       (2,365,617       (2,355,924       (1,904,636
    (98,011       (69,048       (229,064       (136,885
    (29,792,716       (28,809,684       (13,054,172       (14,879,493
    (85,003       (158,000                  
    (11,495       (12,760       (400,411       (148,164
    (6,273       (3,366                  
                      (1,419,007       (413,382
                      (191,500       (32,138
                      (6,378,743       (3,027,072
                      (208,754       (30,480
    (33,029,383         (31,452,026         (24,237,575         (20,572,250
    127,146,824          130,617,325          202,972,172          653,580,757   
    32,820,575          31,175,399          20,405,481          18,076,085   
    (206,522,557         (359,418,669         (204,541,383         (268,341,118
    (46,555,158         (197,625,945         18,836,270            403,315,724   
    (37,494,940         (221,674,773         71,346,949            348,949,414   
    828,705,758            1,050,380,531            851,596,979            502,647,565   
  $ 791,210,818          $ 828,705,758          $ 922,943,928          $ 851,596,979   
  $ 1,025,212          $ 26,253,164          $ 525,678          $ 9,249,798   


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   47



Financial Highlights

Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period


               Income (loss) from
investment operations
to shareholders
    Year - Share Class  

Net asset
of period

     Net realized
and unrealized
gain (loss)
     Total from
     From net
     From net

2015 - A

  $ 8.99       $ 0.03       $ 0.52       $ 0.55       $ (0.13    $ (0.07    $ (0.20

2015 - C

    8.88         (e)       0.51         0.51         (0.04      (0.07      (0.11

2015 - Institutional

    8.98         0.05         0.52         0.57         (0.16      (0.07      (0.23

2015 - IR

    8.97         0.04         0.52         0.56         (0.14      (0.07      (0.21

2015 - R

    8.94         0.01         0.53         0.54         (0.14      (0.07      (0.21

2014 - A

    8.95         0.14         (0.02      0.12         (0.08              (0.08

2014 - C

    8.90         0.07         (0.01      0.06         (0.08              (0.08

2014 - Institutional

    8.95         0.17         (0.02      0.15         (0.12              (0.12

2014 - IR

    8.94         0.13         0.02         0.15         (0.12              (0.12

2014 - R (Commenced February 28, 2014)

    8.26         0.02         0.66         0.68                           

2013 - A

    8.40         0.07         0.60         0.67         (0.12              (0.12

2013 - C

    8.36         0.04         0.55         0.59         (0.05              (0.05

2013 - Institutional

    8.40         0.16         0.53         0.69         (0.14              (0.14

2013 - IR

    8.39         0.14         0.54         0.68         (0.13              (0.13

2012 - A

    8.08         0.13         0.28         0.41         (0.09              (0.09

2012 - C

    8.00         0.08         0.28         0.36                           

2012 - Institutional

    8.12         0.16         0.28         0.44         (0.16              (0.16

2012 - IR

    8.11         0.25         0.18         0.43         (0.15              (0.15

2011 - A

    8.91         0.11         (0.87      (0.76      (0.07              (0.07

2011 - C

    8.82         (e)       (0.81      (0.81      (0.01              (0.01

2011 - Institutional

    8.96         0.16         (0.88      (0.72      (0.12              (0.12

2011 - IR

    8.98         0.15         (0.90      (0.75      (0.12              (0.12

2010 - A

    7.14         0.08         1.76         1.84         (0.07              (0.07

2010 - C

    7.11         (e)       1.77         1.77         (0.06              (0.06

2010 - Institutional

    7.17         0.10         1.79         1.89         (0.10              (0.10

2010 - IR (Commenced August 31, 2010)

    7.67         0.01         1.30         1.31                           


  (a)   Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
  (b)   Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total returns would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge was taken into account. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.
  (c)   The Fund's portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund's portfolio turnover rate may be higher.
  (d)   Annualized.
  (e)   Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


48   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Net asset
value, end
of period

Net assets,
end of


(in 000s)

        Ratio of
net expenses
to average
net assets
        Ratio of
total expenses
to average
net assets

Ratio of
net investment
income (loss)
to average

net assets

  $ 9.34          6.32     $ 38,731          1.58 %(d)        1.67 %(d)        0.68 %(d)        86
    9.28          5.93          949          2.33 (d)        2.41 (d)        (0.10 )(d)        86   
    9.32          6.61          606,139          1.18 (d)        1.27 (d)        1.06 (d)        86   
    9.32          6.48          903          1.33 (d)        1.41 (d)        0.87 (d)        86   
    9.27          6.34          2,866          1.83 (d)        1.91 (d)        0.32 (d)        86   
    8.99          1.38          37,905          1.58          1.66          1.59          180   
    8.88          0.66          944          2.33          2.41          0.80          180   
    8.98          1.65          660,922          1.18          1.26          1.95          180   
    8.97          1.70          875          1.34          1.39          1.47          180   
    8.94            8.23            998            1.82 (d)          2.07 (d)          0.31 (d)          180   
    8.95          8.00          24,758          1.52          1.65          0.82          249   
    8.90          7.02          989          2.31          2.48          0.51          249   
    8.95          8.41          556,434          1.14          1.27          1.87          249   
    8.94            8.16            1,649            1.32            1.50            1.59            249   
    8.40          5.26          50,760          1.45          1.69          1.58          180   
    8.36          4.49          228          2.20          2.46          0.97          180   
    8.40          5.68          464,180          1.05          1.30          1.98          180   
    8.39            5.48            118            1.20            1.41            3.06            180   
    8.08          (8.58       17,089          1.45          1.71          1.17          200   
    8.00          (9.23       207          2.20          2.46          0.01          200   
    8.12          (8.19       273,027          1.05          1.31          1.75          200   
    8.11            (8.54         1            1.20            1.46            1.67            200   
    8.91          25.91          52,030          1.45          1.70          0.99          214   
    8.82          25.07          1,282          2.20          2.45          0.04          214   
    8.96          26.56          364,053          1.05          1.30          1.25          214   
    8.98            17.08            1            1.20 (d)          1.45 (d)          0.51 (d)          214   


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   49



Financial Highlights

Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period


               Income (loss) from
investment operations
    Year - Share Class   Net asset
of period
     Net realized
and unrealized
gain (loss)
     Total from
to shareholders
from net

2015 - A

  $ 10.69       $ 0.09       $ 0.53       $ 0.62       $ (0.41

2015 - C

    10.51         0.06         0.51         0.57         (0.33

2015 - Institutional

    10.97         0.11         0.55         0.66         (0.45

2015 - Service

    10.76         0.08         0.53         0.61         (0.37

2015 - IR

    10.53         0.10         0.52         0.62         (0.43

2015 - R

    10.52         0.07         0.52         0.59         (0.41

2014 - A

    10.99         0.37 (e)       (0.39      (0.02      (0.28

2014 - C

    10.83         0.28 (e)       (0.37      (0.09      (0.23

2014 - Institutional

    11.29         0.42 (e)       (0.40      0.02         (0.34

2014 - Service

    11.06         0.35 (e)       (0.37      (0.02      (0.28

2014 - IR

    10.86         0.38 (e)       (0.38      (f)       (0.33

2014 - R

    10.85         0.34 (e)       (0.38      (0.04      (0.29

2013 - A

    9.00         0.19         2.11         2.30         (0.31

2013 - C

    8.87         0.16         2.04         2.20         (0.24

2013 - Institutional

    9.25         0.30         2.09         2.39         (0.35

2013 - Service

    9.06         0.22         2.08         2.30         (0.30

2013 - IR

    8.91         0.22         2.08         2.30         (0.35

2013 - R

    8.88         0.21         2.04         2.25         (0.28

2012 - A

    9.02         0.19         0.21         0.40         (0.42

2012 - C

    8.89         0.13         0.20         0.33         (0.35

2012 - Institutional

    9.27         0.24         0.21         0.45         (0.47

2012 - Service

    9.08         0.18         0.21         0.39         (0.41

2012 - IR

    8.97         0.20         0.21         0.41         (0.47

2012 - R

    8.93         0.17         0.20         0.37         (0.42

2011 - A

    10.21         0.28         (1.26      (0.98      (0.21

2011 - C

    10.06         0.19         (1.23      (1.04      (0.13

2011 - Institutional

    10.49         0.33         (1.30      (0.97      (0.25

2011 - Service

    10.27         0.27         (1.27      (1.00      (0.19

2011 - IR

    10.15         0.23         (1.18      (0.95      (0.23

2011 - R

    10.12         0.19         (1.18      (0.99      (0.20

2010 - A

    9.61         0.18         0.63         0.81         (0.21

2010 - C

    9.47         0.10         0.63         0.73         (0.14

2010 - Institutional

    9.86         0.22         0.66         0.88         (0.25

2010 - Service

    9.67         0.16         0.65         0.81         (0.21

2010 - IR

    9.56         0.20         0.63         0.83         (0.24

2010 - R

    9.55         0.15         0.63         0.78         (0.21


  (a)   Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
  (b)   Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total returns would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge was taken into account. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.
  (c)   The Fund's portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund's portfolio turnover rate may be higher.
  (d)   Annualized.
  (e)   Reflects income recognized from a corporate action which amounted to $0.13 per share and 1.18% of average net assets.
  (f)   Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


50   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Net asset
value, end
of period

Net assets,

end of


(in 000s)

        Ratio of
net expenses
to average
net assets
        Ratio of
total expenses
to average
net assets

Ratio of
net investment

to average

net assets

  $ 10.90          6.08     $ 83,628          1.28 %(d)        1.37 %(d)        1.80 %(d)        82
    10.75          5.66          3,646          2.03 (d)        2.12 (d)        1.10 (d)        82   
    11.18          6.29          701,748          0.88 (d)        0.97 (d)        2.14 (d)        82   
    11.00          5.95          1,749          1.38 (d)        1.47 (d)        1.52 (d)        82   
    10.72          6.22          304          1.03 (d)        1.12 (d)        2.02 (d)        82   
    10.70          5.89          135          1.53 (d)        1.62 (d)        1.41 (d)        82   
    10.69          (0.14       79,214          1.29          1.36          3.31 (e)        142   
    10.51          (0.85       3,054          2.04          2.11          2.61 (e)        142   
    10.97          0.22          742,016          0.89          0.96          3.74 (e)        142   
    10.76          (0.17       2,779          1.39          1.45          3.17 (e)        142   
    10.53          0.12          278          1.04          1.10          3.52 (e)        142   
    10.52            (0.33         161            1.54            1.61            3.09 (e)          142   
    10.99          26.31          92,919          1.29          1.37          1.98          189   
    10.83          25.33          3,166          2.04          2.11          1.61          189   
    11.29          26.71          945,546          0.89          0.96          2.99          189   
    11.06          26.13          6,237          1.39          1.46          2.25          189   
    10.86          26.55          468          1.04          1.11          2.22          189   
    10.85            25.99            95            1.54            1.61            2.14            189   
    9.00          4.94          210,612          1.28          1.37          2.21          203   
    8.87          4.10          3,087          2.04          2.12          1.48          203   
    9.25          5.47          596,986          0.88          0.97          2.69          203   
    9.06          4.77          7,945          1.38          1.47          2.09          203   
    8.91          5.16          65          1.04          1.11          2.33          203   
    8.88            4.69            71            1.53            1.62            1.98            203   
    9.02          (9.87       314,225          1.25          1.31          2.74          101   
    8.89          (10.50       3,660          2.00          2.06          1.94          101   
    9.27          (9.52       1,013,458          0.85          0.91          3.18          101   
    9.08          (9.91       12,982          1.35          1.41          2.60          101   
    8.97          (9.58       45          1.00          1.06          2.53          101   
    8.93            (9.99         116            1.50            1.56            1.87            101   
    10.21          8.59          530,086          1.25          1.29          1.89          111   
    10.06          7.78          5,023          2.00          2.04          1.12          111   
    10.49          9.05          1,819,375          0.85          0.89          2.24          111   
    10.27          8.49          23,267          1.35          1.39          1.68          111   
    10.15          8.77          8          1.00          1.04          2.13          111   
    10.12            8.30            192            1.50            1.54            1.59            111   


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   51



Financial Highlights

Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period


               Income (loss) from
investment operations
to shareholders
    Year - Share Class  

Net asset
of period

     Net realized
and unrealized
gain (loss)
     Total from
     From net
     From net

2015 - A

  $ 10.03       $ 0.07       $ 0.83       $ 0.90       $ (0.16    $ (0.10    $ (0.26

2015 - C

    9.76         0.04         0.80         0.84         (0.12      (0.10      (0.22

2015 - Institutional

    10.05         0.09         0.82         0.91         (0.20      (0.10      (0.30

2015 - IR

    10.01         0.09         0.82         0.91         (0.19      (0.10      (0.29

2014 - A

    10.62         0.14         (0.34      (0.20      (0.32      (0.07      (0.39

2014 - C

    10.40         0.06         (0.33      (0.27      (0.30      (0.07      (0.37

2014 - Institutional

    10.62         0.17         (0.33      (0.16      (0.34      (0.07      (0.41

2014 - IR

    10.59         0.18         (0.35      (0.17      (0.34      (0.07      (0.41

2013 - A

    8.29         0.23         2.49         2.72         (0.39              (0.39

2013 - C

    8.13         0.14         2.47         2.61         (0.34              (0.34

2013 - Institutional

    8.30         0.26         2.50         2.76         (0.44              (0.44

2013 - IR

    8.28         0.22         2.52         2.74         (0.43              (0.43

2012 - A

    7.92         0.17         0.38         0.55         (0.18              (0.18

2012 - C

    7.79         0.11         0.38         0.49         (0.15              (0.15

2012 - Institutional

    7.94         0.20         0.38         0.58         (0.22              (0.22

2012 - IR

    7.93         0.16         0.40         0.56         (0.21              (0.21

2011 - A

    8.20         0.17         (0.21      (0.04      (0.24              (0.24

2011 - C

    8.08         0.13         (0.23      (0.10      (0.19              (0.19

2011 - Institutional

    8.21         0.20         (0.20              (0.27              (0.27

2011 - IR

    8.21         0.20         (0.21      (0.01      (0.27              (0.27

2010 - A

    7.03         0.12 (e)       1.21         1.33         (0.16              (0.16

2010 - C

    6.95         0.09 (e)       1.17         1.26         (0.13              (0.13

2010 - Institutional

    7.04         0.16 (e)       1.19         1.35         (0.18              (0.18

2010 - IR (Commenced August 31, 2010)

    7.00         0.03 (e)       1.18         1.21                           


  (a)   Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
  (b)   Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total returns would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge was taken into account. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.
  (c)   The Fund's portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund's portfolio turnover rate may be higher.
  (d)   Annualized.
  (e)   Reflects income recognized from special dividends which amounted to $0.01 per share and 0.19% of average net assets.


52   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



    Net asset
value, end
of period

Net assets,
end of


(in 000s)

        Ratio of
net expenses
to average
net assets
        Ratio of
total expenses
to average
net assets

Ratio of
net investment

to average

net assets

  $ 10.67          9.26     $ 162,995          1.30 %(d)        1.40 %(d)        1.46 %(d)        61
    10.38          8.79          25,044          2.05 (d)        2.15 (d)        0.78 (d)        61   
    10.66          9.37          708,195          0.90 (d)        1.00 (d)        1.84 (d)        61   
    10.63          9.37          26,710          1.05 (d)        1.15 (d)        1.78 (d)        61   
    10.03          (1.94       144,558          1.30          1.39          1.33          129   
    9.76          (2.71       19,158          2.05          2.15          0.57          129   
    10.05          (1.54       668,746          0.90          0.99          1.65          129   
    10.01            (1.68         19,134            1.05            1.14            1.66            129   
    10.62          34.41          53,564          1.30          1.48          2.52          166   
    10.40          33.40          3,514          2.05          2.24          1.53          166   
    10.62          34.96          441,964          0.90          1.07          2.85          166   
    10.59            34.77            3,605            1.05            1.26            2.28            166   
    8.29          7.32          18,914          1.30          1.51          2.13          150   
    8.13          6.56          896          2.05          2.26          1.44          150   
    8.30          7.80          244,135          0.90          1.11          2.59          150   
    8.28            7.54            345            1.05            1.26            2.06            150   
    7.92          (0.68       29,729          1.30          1.47          1.95          79   
    7.79          (1.39       856          2.05          2.22          1.56          79   
    7.94          (0.16       249,545          0.90          1.07          2.30          79   
    7.93            (0.33         1,368            1.05            1.22            2.39            79   
    8.20          19.36          34,154          1.30          1.50          1.71 (e)        113   
    8.08          18.50          213          2.05          2.25          1.24 (e)        113   
    8.21          19.67          236,265          0.90          1.10          2.18 (e)        113   
    8.21            17.29            1            1.05 (d)          1.25 (d)          2.49 (d)(e)          113   


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   53



Notes to Financial Statements

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




Goldman Sachs Trust (the “Trust”) is a Delaware statutory trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Act”), as an open-end management investment company. The following table lists those series of the Trust that are included in this report (collectively, the “Funds” or individually a “Fund”), along with their corresponding share classes and respective diversification status under the Act:


Fund      Share Classes Offered   



Emerging Markets Equity Insights


A, C, Institutional, IR and R


International Equity Insights


A, C, Institutional, Service, IR and R


International Small Cap Insights


A, C, Institutional and IR


Class A Shares are sold with a front-end sales charge of up to 5.50%. Class C Shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00%, which is imposed on redemptions made within 12 months of purchase. Institutional, Service, Class IR and Class R Shares are not subject to a sales charge.

At the close of business on November 14, 2014, Class B Shares of the International Equity Insights Fund were converted to Class A Shares of the Fund.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. (“GSAM”), an affiliate of Goldman, Sachs & Co. (“Goldman Sachs”), serves as investment adviser to the Funds pursuant to a management agreement (the “Agreement”) with the Trust.



The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) and require management to make estimates and assumptions that may affect the reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results may differ from those estimates and assumptions.

A.  Investment Valuation — The Funds’ valuation policy is to value investments at fair value.

B.  Investment Income and Investments — Investment income includes interest income and dividend income, net of any foreign withholding taxes, less any amounts reclaimable. Interest income is accrued daily and adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. Dividend income is recognized on ex-dividend date or, for certain foreign securities, as soon as such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Investment transactions are reflected on trade date. Realized gains and losses are calculated using identified cost. Investment transactions are recorded on the following business day for daily net asset value (“NAV”) calculations. Any foreign capital gains tax is accrued daily based upon net unrealized gains, and is payable upon sale of such investments. Distributions received from the Funds’ investments in United States (“U.S.”) real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) may be characterized as ordinary income, net capital gain or a return of capital. A return of capital is recorded by the Funds as a reduction to the cost basis of the REIT.

For derivative contracts, realized gains and losses are recorded upon settlement of the contract.

C.  Class Allocations and Expenses — Investment income, realized and unrealized gain (loss), and non-class specific expenses of each Fund are allocated daily based upon the proportion of net assets of each class. Class specific expenses, where applicable, are borne by the respective share classes and include Distribution and Service, Transfer Agent and Service and Shareholder Administration fees. Non-class specific expenses directly incurred by a Fund are charged to that Fund, while such expenses incurred by the Trust are allocated across the respective Funds on a straight-line and/or pro-rata basis depending upon the nature of the expenses.









D.  Federal Taxes and Distributions to Shareholders — It is each Fund’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), applicable to regulated investment companies (mutual funds) and to distribute each year substantially all of its investment company taxable income and capital gains to its shareholders. Accordingly, the Funds are not required to make any provisions for the payment of federal income tax. Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income and capital gains distributions, if any, are declared and paid annually.

Net capital losses are carried forward to future fiscal years and may be used to the extent allowed by the Code to offset any future capital gains. Utilization of capital loss carryforwards will reduce the requirement of future capital gains distributions.

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, the Funds are permitted to carry forward capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning after December 22, 2010 for an unlimited period. However, any losses incurred during those future taxable years will be required to be utilized prior to the losses incurred in pre-enactment taxable years. As a result of this ordering rule, pre-enactment capital loss carryforwards may be more likely to expire unused. Additionally, post-enactment capital losses that are carried forward will retain their character as either short-term or long term capital losses rather than being considered all short-term as under previous law.

The characterization of distributions to shareholders for financial reporting purposes is determined in accordance with federal income tax rules, which may differ from GAAP. The source of each Fund’s distributions may be shown in the accompanying financial statements as either from net investment income, net realized gain or capital. Certain components of the Funds’ net assets on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities reflect permanent GAAP/tax differences based on the appropriate tax character.

E.  Foreign Currency Translation — The accounting records and reporting currency of the Funds are maintained in U.S. dollars. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using the current exchange rates at the close of each business day. The effect of changes in foreign currency exchange rates on investments is included within net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments. Changes in the value of other assets and liabilities as a result of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates are included in the Statements of Operations within net change in unrealized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars on the date the transaction occurred, the effects of which are included within net realized gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions.



The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (i.e., the exit price). GAAP establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The levels used for classifying investments are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in these investments. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:

Level 1 — Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are accessible at the measurement date for identical, unrestricted assets or liabilities;

Level 2 — Quoted prices in markets that are not active or financial instruments for which significant inputs are observable (including, but not limited to, quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, volatility and credit spreads), either directly or indirectly;

Level 3 — Prices or valuations that require significant unobservable inputs (including GSAM’s assumptions in determining fair value measurement).





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




The Trustees have adopted Valuation Procedures that govern the valuation of the portfolio investments held by the Funds, including investments for which market quotations are not readily available. The Trustees have delegated to GSAM day-to-day responsibility for implementing and maintaining internal controls and procedures related to the valuation of the Funds’ portfolio investments. To assess the continuing appropriateness of pricing sources and methodologies, GSAM regularly performs price verification procedures and issues challenges as necessary to third party pricing vendors or brokers, and any differences are reviewed in accordance with the Valuation Procedures.

A.  Level 1 and Level 2 Fair Value Investments — The valuation techniques and significant inputs used in determining the fair values for investments classified as Level 1 and Level 2 are as follows:

Equity Securities — Equity securities and investment companies traded on a U.S. securities exchange or the NASDAQ system, or those located on certain foreign exchanges, including but not limited to the Americas, are valued daily at their last sale price or official closing price on the principal exchange or system on which they are traded. If there is no sale or official closing price or it is believed by the investment adviser to not represent fair value, equity securities and exchange traded investment companies are valued at the last bid price for long positions and at the last ask price for short positions. Investments in investment companies (other than those that are exchange traded) are valued at the NAV on the valuation date. To the extent these investments are actively traded, they are classified as Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy, otherwise they are generally classified as Level 2.

Unlisted equity securities for which market quotations are available are valued at the last sale price on the valuation date, or if no sale occurs, at the last bid price. Securities traded on certain foreign securities exchanges are valued daily at fair value determined by an independent fair value service (if available) under Valuation Procedures approved by the Trustees and consistent with applicable regulatory guidance. The independent fair value service takes into account multiple factors including, but not limited to, movements in the securities markets, certain depositary receipts, futures contracts and foreign currency exchange rates that have occurred subsequent to the close of the foreign securities exchange. These investments are generally classified as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

Money Market Funds — Investments in the Goldman Sachs Financial Square Government Fund are valued at the NAV of the FST Share class on the day of valuation. These investments are generally classified as Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

The Goldman Sachs Financial Square Government Fund may invest in debt securities which are valued daily on the basis of quotations supplied by dealers, if market quotations are readily available, or an independent pricing service approved by the Trustees. The pricing services may use valuation models or matrix pricing, which consider: (i) yield or price with respect to bonds that are considered comparable in characteristics such as rating, interest rate and maturity date or (ii) quotations from securities dealers to determine current value.

Derivative Contracts — A derivative is an instrument whose value is derived from underlying assets, indices, reference rates or a combination of these factors. The Funds enter into derivative transactions to hedge against changes in interest rates, securities prices, and/or currency exchange rates, to increase total return, or to gain access to certain markets or attain exposure to other underliers.









Exchange-traded derivatives, including futures contracts, are valued at the last sale or settlement price and typically fall within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy. Over-the-counter (“OTC”) and centrally cleared derivatives are valued using market transactions and other market evidence, including market-based inputs to models, calibration to market-clearing transactions, broker or dealer quotations, or other alternative pricing sources. Where models are used, the selection of a particular model to value OTC and centrally cleared derivatives depends upon the contractual terms of, and specific risks inherent in, the instrument, as well as the availability of pricing information in the market. Valuation models require a variety of inputs, including contractual terms, market prices, yield curves, credit curves, measures of volatility, voluntary and involuntary prepayment rates, loss severity rates and correlations of such inputs. For OTC and centrally cleared derivatives that trade in liquid markets, model inputs can generally be verified and model selection does not involve significant management judgment. OTC and centrally cleared derivatives are classified within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy when significant inputs are corroborated by market evidence.

i.  Futures Contracts — Futures contracts are contracts to buy or sell a standardized quantity of a specified commodity or security and are valued based on exchanged settlement prices or independent market quotes. Futures contracts are valued at the last settlement price, or in the absence of a sale, the last bid price for long positions and at the last ask price for short positions, at the end of each day on the board of trade or exchange upon which they are traded. Upon entering into a futures contract, a Fund deposits cash or securities in an account on behalf of the broker in an amount sufficient to meet the initial margin requirement. Subsequent payments are made or received by a Fund equal to the daily change in the contract value and are recorded as variation margin receivable or payable with a corresponding offset to unrealized gains or losses.

B.  Level 3 Fair Value Investments — To the extent that significant inputs to valuation models and other alternative pricing sources are unobservable, or if quotations are not readily available, or if GSAM believes that such quotations do not accurately reflect fair value, the fair value of the Funds’ investments may be determined under Valuation Procedures approved by the Trustees. GSAM, consistent with its procedures and applicable regulatory guidance, may make an adjustment to the most recent valuation prices of either domestic or foreign securities in light of significant events to reflect what it believes to be the fair value of the securities at the time of determining a Fund’s NAV. Significant events which could affect a large number of securities in a particular market may include, but are not limited to: significant fluctuations in U.S. or foreign markets; market dislocations; market disruptions; or unscheduled market closings. Significant events which could also affect a single issuer may include, but are not limited to: corporate actions such as reorganizations, mergers and buy-outs; ratings downgrades; and bankruptcies.

C.  Fair Value Hierarchy — The following is a summary of the Funds’ investments and derivatives classified in the fair value hierarchy as of April 30, 2015:

Investment Type    Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  

Common Stock and/or Other Equity Investments(a)



   $         $ 34,724,765         $         —   


     35,037,133           441,199,367             



North America


South America

     63,943,671           939,928             

Securities Lending Reinvestment Vehicle

Total    $ 159,895,201         $ 486,309,862         $   





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




Investment Type    Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  

Common Stock and/or Other Equity Investments(a)



   $         $ 7,150,291         $   



Australia and Oceania



     11,761,597           471,567,647             

Securities Lending Reinvestment Vehicle

Total    $ 61,319,556         $ 754,500,035         $   
Derivative Type                            

Futures Contracts

   $ 88,766         $         $   

Futures Contracts

   $ (87,342      $         $   
Investment Type    Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  

Common Stock and/or Other Equity Investments(a)



   $         $ 9,544,807         $         —   



Australia and Oceania




North America


Investment Company


Securities Lending Reinvestment Vehicle

Total    $ 90,754,907         $ 889,960,164         $   
Derivative Type                            

Futures Contracts

   $ 185,345         $         $   

Futures Contracts

   $ (128,639      $         $   


(a)   Amounts are disclosed by continent to highlight the impact of time zone differences between local market close and the calculation of NAV. Security valuations are based on the principal exchange or system on which they are traded, which may differ from country of domicile. The Funds utilize fair value model prices provided by an independent fair value service for international equities, resulting in a Level 2 classification.
(b)   Amount shown represents unrealized gain (loss) at period end.

For further information regarding security characteristics, see the Schedules of Investments.









The following table sets forth, by certain risk types, the gross value of derivative contracts as of April 30, 2015. These instruments were used to meet the Funds’ investment objectives and to obtain and/or manage exposure related to the risks below. The values in the table below exclude the effects of cash collateral received or posted pursuant to these derivative contracts, and therefore are not representative of the Funds’ net exposure:


Fund   Risk   

Statements of Assets

and Liabilities


Statements of Assets

and Liabilities


International Equity Insights

  Equity    Receivable for unrealized gain on futures variation margin     $88,766       Payable for unrealized loss on futures variation margin      $(87,342)   

International Small Cap Insights

  Equity    Receivable for unrealized gain on futures variation margin     185,345       Payable for unrealized loss on futures variation margin      (128,639)   


(a)   Includes unrealized gain (loss) on futures contracts described in the Additional Investment Information sections of the Schedules of Investments. Only current day’s variation margin is reported within the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table sets forth, by certain risk types, the Funds’ gains (losses) related to these derivatives and their indicative volumes for the six months ended April 30, 2015. These gains (losses) should be considered in the context that these derivative contracts may have been executed to create investment opportunities and/or economically hedge certain investments, and accordingly, certain gains (losses) on such derivative contracts may offset certain (losses) gains attributable to investments. These gains (losses) are included in “Net realized gain (loss)” or “Net change in unrealized gain (loss)” on the Statements of Operations:


Fund    Risk    Statements of Operations    Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
     Net Change in
Gain (Loss)
Number of

International Equity Insights

   Equity    Net realized gain (loss) from futures contracts/Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on futures contracts      3,254,012         (163,167     205   

International Small Cap Insights

   Equity    Net realized gain (loss) from futures contracts/Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on futures contracts      2,096,698         145,742        168   


(a)   Average number of contracts is based on the average of month end balances for the period ended April 30, 2015.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




A.  Management Agreement — Under the Agreement, GSAM manages the Funds, subject to the general supervision of the Trustees.

As compensation for the services rendered pursuant to the Agreement, the assumption of the expenses related thereto and administration of the Funds’ business affairs, including providing facilities, GSAM is entitled to a management fee, accrued daily and paid monthly, equal to an annual percentage rate of each Fund’s average daily net assets.

For the six months ended April 30, 2015, contractual and effective net management fees with GSAM were at the following rates:


         Contractual Management Rate     

Effective Net




$1 billion



$1 billion



$3 billion



$3 billion



$8 billion


Emerging Markets Equity Insights

         1.00      1.00      0.90      0.86      0.84      1.00      1.00

International Equity Insights

         0.85         0.77         0.73         0.72         0.71         0.85         0.84

International Small Cap Insights

         0.85         0.85         0.77         0.73         0.72         0.85         0.85   


^   Effective Net Management Rate includes the impact of management fee waivers of affiliated underlying funds, if any.
*   GSAM has agreed to waive a portion of its management fee in order to achieve an effective net management rate of 0.81% for the International Equity Insights Fund through at least February 29, 2016. Prior to such date, GSAM may not terminate the arrangement without the approval of the Trustees. Prior to February 27, 2015, the effective net management rate for the International Equity Insights Fund was 0.85%.

The International Small Cap Insights Fund invests in FST Shares of the Goldman Sachs Financial Square Government Fund. This Underlying Fund is considered to be affiliated with the Fund. GSAM has agreed to waive a portion of its management fee payable by the Fund in an amount equal to the management fee it earns as an investment adviser to any of the affiliated funds in which the Fund invests. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, GSAM waived $1,408 of the Fund’s management fee.

B.  Distribution and Service Plans — The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, has adopted Distribution and Service Plans (the “Plans”). Under the Plans, Goldman Sachs, which serves as distributor (the “Distributor”), is entitled to a fee accrued daily and paid monthly, for distribution services and personal and account maintenance services, which may then be paid by Goldman Sachs to authorized dealers, at the following annual rates calculated on a Fund’s average daily net assets of each respective share class:


     Distribution and Service Plan Rates  
      Class A*      Class C      Class R*  

Distribution Plan

     0.25      0.75      0.50

Service Plan



*   With respect to Class A and Class R Shares, the Distributor at its discretion may use compensation for distribution services paid under the Distribution Plan to compensate service organizations for personal and account maintenance services and expenses as long as such total compensation does not exceed the maximum cap on “service fees” imposed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.









C.  Distribution Agreement — Goldman Sachs, as Distributor of the shares of the Funds pursuant to a Distribution Agreement, may retain a portion of the Class A front end sales charge and Class C Shares’ CDSC. During the six months ended April 30, 2015, Goldman Sachs advised that it retained the following amounts:


         Front End
Sales Charge
       Contingent Deferred
Sales Charge
Fund         Class A        Class C  

Emerging Markets Equity Insights

       $ 489         $         —   

International Equity Insights


International Small Cap Insights


D.  Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan — The Trust, on behalf of each Fund that offers Service Shares, has adopted a Service Plan and a Shareholder Administration Plan. These plans allow for service organizations to provide varying levels of personal and account maintenance and shareholder administration services to their customers who are beneficial owners of such shares. The Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan each provide for compensation to the service organizations which is accrued daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of 0.25% (0.50% in aggregate) of the average daily net assets of the Service Shares.

E.  Transfer Agency Agreement — Goldman Sachs also serves as the transfer agent of the Funds for a fee pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement. The fees charged for such transfer agency services are accrued daily and paid monthly at annual rates as follows: 0.19% of the average daily net assets of Class A, Class C, Class IR and Class R Shares and 0.04% of the average daily net assets of Institutional and Service Shares.

F.  Other Expense Agreements and Affiliated Transactions — GSAM has agreed to limit certain “Other Expenses” of the Funds (excluding acquired fund fees and expenses, transfer agency fees and expenses, service fees and shareholder administration fees (as applicable), taxes, interest, brokerage fees, shareholder meetings, litigation, indemnification and extraordinary expenses) to the extent such expenses exceed, on an annual basis, a percentage rate of the average daily net assets of each Fund. Such Other Expense reimbursements, if any, are accrued daily and paid monthly. In addition, the Funds are not obligated to reimburse GSAM for prior fiscal year expense reimbursements, if any. The Other Expense limitations as an annual percentage rate of average daily net assets for Emerging Markets Equity Insights, International Equity Insights and International Small Cap Insights Funds are 0.144%, 0.004% and 0.014%, respectively. These Other Expense limitations will remain in place through at least February 29, 2016, and prior to such date GSAM may not terminate the arrangements without the approval of the Trustees. The Funds bear their respective share of costs related to proxy and shareholder meetings, and GSAM has agreed to reimburse each Fund to the extent such expenses exceed a specified percentage of the Fund’s net assets. In addition, the Funds have entered into certain offset arrangements with the custodian and the transfer agent, which may result in a reduction of the Funds’ expenses and are received irrespective of the application of the “Other Expense” limitations described above.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




For the six months ended April 30, 2015, these expense reductions, including any fee waivers and Other Expense reimbursements, were as follows:


Fund         Management
Fee Waiver
       Custody Fee
       Other Expense
       Total Expense

Emerging Markets Equity Insights

       $         $ 2,177         $ 270,102         $ 272,279   

International Equity Insights

         51,728           3,288           275,576           330,592   

International Small Cap Insights

         1,408           2,305           399,482           403,195   

G.  Line of Credit Facility — As of April 30, 2015, the Funds participated in a $1,080,000,000 committed, unsecured revolving line of credit facility (the “facility”) together with other funds of the Trust and registered investment companies having management agreements with GSAM or its affiliates (“Other Borrowers”). Pursuant to the terms of the facility, the Funds and Other Borrowers could increase the credit amount by an additional $120,000,000, for a total of up to $1,200,000,000. This facility is to be used for temporary emergency purposes, or to allow for an orderly liquidation of securities to meet redemption requests. The interest rate on borrowings is based on the federal funds rate. The facility also requires a fee to be paid by the Funds based on the amount of the commitment that has not been utilized. For the six months ended April 30, 2015, the Funds did not have any borrowings under the facility. The facility was increased to $1,205,000,000 effective May 5, 2015.

H.  Other Transactions with Affiliates — For the six months ended April 30, 2015, Goldman Sachs earned $8,892 in brokerage commissions from portfolio transactions, including futures transactions executed with Goldman Sachs as the Futures Commission Merchant, on behalf of the International Equity Insights Fund.

The following table provides information about the International Small Cap Insights Fund’s investment in the Goldman Sachs Financial Square Government Fund as of and for the six months ended April 30, 2015:


Fund         Number of
Shares Held
of Period






       Number of
Shares Held
End of Period
       Value at
End of Period

International Small Cap Insights

                   31,262,429           (12,859,387        18,403,042         $ 18,403,042         $ 54   

As of April 30, 2015, the following Goldman Sachs Fund of Funds Portfolios were the beneficial owners of 5% or more of total outstanding shares of the following Funds:


Fund        Goldman Sachs
    Goldman Sachs
Global Equity
    Goldman Sachs
Equity Growth

Goldman Sachs




Goldman Sachs

Growth and



Goldman Sachs



Goldman Sachs


Global Equity



Emerging Markets Equity Insights

            5     5     9     6     11     20

International Equity Insights

        5               16        26        19                 

International Small Cap Insights

                                           12        6   

As of April 30, 2015, the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. was the beneficial owner of approximately 7% of the Class R Shares of the International Equity Insights Fund.









The cost of purchases and proceeds from sales and maturities of long-term securities for the six months ended April 30, 2015, were as follows:


Fund         Purchases        Sales and Maturities  

Emerging Markets Equity Insights

       $ 560,417,265         $ 660,485,725   

International Equity Insights

         610,496,365           683,875,451   

International Small Cap Insights

         511,686,924           548,996,126   



Pursuant to exemptive relief granted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the terms and conditions contained therein, the Funds may lend their securities through a securities lending agent, Goldman Sachs Agency Lending (“GSAL”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, to certain qualified borrowers including Goldman Sachs and affiliates. In accordance with the Funds’ securities lending procedures, the Funds receive cash collateral at least equal to the market value of the securities on loan. The market value of the loaned securities is determined at the close of business of the Funds, at their last sale price or official closing price on the principal exchange or system on which they are traded, and any additional required collateral is delivered to the Funds on the next business day. As with other extensions of credit, the Funds may experience delay in the recovery of their securities or incur a loss should the borrower of the securities breach its agreement with the Funds or become insolvent at a time when the collateral is insufficient to cover the cost of repurchasing securities on loan. Dividend income received from securities on loan may not be subject to withholding taxes and therefore withholding taxes paid may differ from the amounts listed in the Statement of Operations.

The Funds invest the cash collateral received in connection with securities lending transactions in the Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund (“Money Market Fund”), an affiliated series of the Trust. The Money Market Fund is registered under the Act as an open end investment company, is subject to Rule 2a-7 under the Act, and is managed by GSAM, for which GSAM may receive an investment advisory fee of up to 0.205% on an annualized basis of the average daily net assets of the Money Market Fund.

In the event of a default by a borrower with respect to any loan, GSAL will exercise any and all remedies provided under the applicable borrower agreement to make the Funds whole. These remedies include purchasing replacement securities by applying the collateral held from the defaulting broker against the purchase cost of the replacement securities. If, despite such efforts by GSAL to exercise these remedies, the Funds sustain losses as a result of a borrower’s default, GSAL indemnifies the Funds by purchasing replacement securities at its expense, or paying the Funds an amount equal to the market value of the replacement securities, subject to an exclusion for any shortfalls resulting from a loss of value in the cash collateral pool due to reinvestment risk and a requirement that the Funds agree to assign rights to the collateral to GSAL for purpose of using the collateral to cover purchase of replacement securities as more fully described in the Securities Lending Agency Agreement. The Funds’ loaned securities were all subject to enforceable Securities Lending Agreements and the value of the collateral is at least equal to the value of the cash received. The value of loaned securities and cash collateral at period end are disclosed in the Funds’ Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

Both the Funds and GSAL received compensation relating to the lending of the Funds’ securities. The amounts earned by the Funds for the six months ended April 30, 2015, are reported under Investment Income on the Statements of Operations.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




The table below details securities lending activity with affiliates of Goldman Sachs:


         For the Six Months ended April 30, 2015       

Amounts Payable to
Goldman Sachs upon
Return of Securities
Loaned as of
April 30, 2015

Fund         Earnings of GSAL Relating
to Securities Loaned
       Amounts Received by the
Funds from Lending to
Goldman Sachs

Emerging Markets Equity Insights

       $ 3,223         $ 10,366         $ 298,425   

International Equity Insights

         35,935           79,163           585,300   

International Small Cap Insights

         47,601           52,334           13,896,055   

The following table provides information about the Funds’ investment in the Money Market Fund for the six months ended April 30, 2015:



Number of

Shares Held

of Period








Number of

Shares Held

End of Period


Value at

End of Period


Emerging Markets Equity Insights

           10,631,042           142,759,613           (143,563,380        9,827,275         $ 9,827,275   

International Equity Insights

           10,729,897           202,178,898           (163,350,836        49,557,959           49,557,959   

International Small Cap Insights

           52,882,281           114,535,304           (95,065,720        72,351,865           72,351,865   



As of the Fund’s most recent fiscal year end, October 31, 2014, the International Equity Insights Fund’s capital loss carryforwards on a tax-basis were as follows:


Capital loss carryforwards(1):


Expiring 2016

   $ (392,336,296

Expiring 2017


Expiring 2019


Total capital loss carryforwards

   $ (1,336,087,231


(1)   Expiration occurs on October 31 of the year indicated.

As of April 30, 2015, the Funds’ aggregate security unrealized gains and losses based on cost for U.S. federal income tax purposes were as follows:




Equity Insights

Equity Insights
Small Cap

Tax cost

   $ 562,511,559         $ 776,943,568         $ 880,171,924   

Gross unrealized gain

     100,654,904           62,739,213           122,908,716   

Gross unrealized loss

     (16,961,400        (23,863,190        (22,365,569

Net unrealized security gain

   $ 83,693,504         $ 38,876,023         $ 100,543,147   







8. TAX INFORMATION (continued)


The difference between GAAP-basis and tax-basis unrealized gains (losses) is attributable primarily to wash sales, net mark to market gains (losses) on regulated futures and foreign currency contracts and differences in the tax treatment of passive foreign investment company investments.

GSAM has reviewed the Funds’ tax positions for all open tax years (the current and prior three years, as applicable) and has concluded that no provision for income tax is required in the Funds’ financial statements. Such open tax years remain subject to examination and adjustment by tax authorities.



The Funds’ risks include, but are not limited to, the following:

Foreign Custody Risk — A Fund that invests in foreign securities may hold such securities and foreign currency with foreign banks, agents, and securities depositories appointed by the Fund’s custodian (each a “Foreign Custodian”). Some foreign custodians may be recently organized or new to the foreign custody business. In some countries, Foreign Custodians may be subject to little or no regulatory oversight or independent evaluation of their operations. Further, the laws of certain countries may place limitations on a Fund’s ability to recover its assets if a Foreign Custodian enters bankruptcy. Investments in emerging markets may be subject to greater custody risks than investments in more developed markets. Custody services in emerging market countries are very often undeveloped and may be considerably less well regulated than in more developed countries, and thus may not afford the same level of investor protection as would apply in developed countries.

Investments in Other Investment Companies — As a shareholder of another investment company, including an exchange traded fund (“ETF”), a Fund will directly bear its proportionate share of any net management fees and other expenses paid by such other investment companies, in addition to the fees and expenses regularly borne by the Fund. ETFs are subject to risks that do not apply to conventional mutual funds, including but not limited to the following: (i) the market price of the ETF’s shares may trade at a premium or a discount to their NAV; and (ii) an active trading market for an ETF’s shares may not develop or be maintained.

Large Shareholder Transactions Risk — A Fund may experience adverse effects when certain large shareholders, such as other funds, institutional investors (including those trading by use of non-discretionary mathematical formulas), financial intermediaries (who may make investment decisions on behalf of underlying clients and/or include a Fund in their investment model), individuals, accounts and Goldman Sachs affiliates, purchase or redeem large amounts of shares of a Fund. Such large shareholder redemptions may cause the Fund to sell portfolio securities at times when it would not otherwise do so, which may negatively impact a Fund’s NAV and liquidity. Similarly, large Fund share purchases may adversely affect a Fund’s performance to the extent that a Fund is delayed in investing new cash and is required to maintain a larger cash position than it ordinarily would. These transactions may also accelerate the realization of taxable income to shareholders if such sales of investments resulted in gains, and may also increase transaction costs. In addition, a large redemption could result in a Fund’s current expenses being allocated over a smaller asset base, leading to an increase in the Fund’s expense ratio.

Liquidity Risk — The Funds may make investments that are illiquid or that may become less liquid in response to market developments or adverse investor perceptions. Illiquid investments may be more difficult to value. Liquidity risk may also refer to the risk that a Fund will not be able to pay redemption proceeds within the allowable time period because of unusual market conditions, an unusually high volume of redemption requests, or other reasons. To meet redemption requests, a Fund may be forced to sell investments at an unfavorable time and/or under unfavorable conditions.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)


9. OTHER RISKS (continued)


Market and Credit Risks — In the normal course of business, the Funds trade financial instruments and enter into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to changes in the market (market risk). Additionally, the Funds may also be exposed to credit risk in the event that an issuer or guarantor fails to perform or that an institution or entity with which the Funds have unsettled or open transactions defaults.

Investing in foreign markets may involve special risks and considerations not typically associated with investing in the U.S. Foreign securities may be subject to risk of loss because of more or less foreign government regulation, less public information and less economic, political and social stability in the countries in which the Fund invests. Loss may also result from the imposition of exchange controls, confiscations and other government restrictions by the U.S. or other governments, or from problems in registration, settlement or custody. Foreign risk also involves the risk of negative foreign currency rate fluctuations, which may cause the value of securities denominated in such foreign currency (or other instruments through which the Fund has exposure to foreign currencies) to decline in value. Currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. To the extent that the Fund also invests in securities of issuers located in emerging markets, these risks may be more pronounced.



Under the Trust’s organizational documents, its Trustees, officers, employees and agents are indemnified, to the extent permitted by the Act and state law, against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Funds. Additionally, in the course of business, the Funds enter into contracts that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Funds that have not yet occurred. However, GSAM believes the risk of loss under these arrangements to be remote.



Subsequent events after the Statement of Assets and Liabilities date have been evaluated through the date the financial statements were issued. GSAM has concluded that there is no impact requiring adjustment or disclosure in the financial statements.







Share activity is as follows:


    Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund  




For the Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015


     For the Fiscal Year Ended
October 31, 2014



    Shares     Dollars      Shares     Dollars  



Class A Shares         

Shares sold

    718,720      $ 6,168,890         3,106,867      $ 27,111,536   

Reinvestment of distributions

    97,926        827,477         24,616        213,173   

Shares redeemed

    (889,284     (7,722,821      (1,679,618     (14,419,969
      (72,638     (726,454      1,451,865        12,904,740   
Class C Shares         

Shares sold

    16,005        139,476         59,922        513,470   

Reinvestment of distributions

    1,125        9,472         921        7,932   

Shares redeemed

    (21,209     (184,159      (65,655     (556,076
      (4,079     (35,211      (4,812     (34,674
Institutional Shares         

Shares sold

    7,555,456        65,205,740         30,442,332        265,225,820   

Reinvestment of distributions

    1,976,076        16,638,558         871,372        7,511,224   

Shares redeemed

    (18,093,978     (152,962,026      (19,875,721     (172,622,441
      (8,562,446     (71,117,728      11,437,983        100,114,603   
Class IR Shares         

Shares sold

    42,475        373,614         89,237        748,653   

Reinvestment of distributions

    2,036        17,142         2,504        21,586   

Shares redeemed

    (45,260     (389,745      (178,606     (1,494,845
      (749     1,011         (86,865     (724,606
Class R(a)         

Shares sold

    206,479        1,733,855         118,145        1,077,065   

Reinvestment of distributions

    3,766        31,596                  

Shares redeemed

    (12,588     (109,641      (6,521     (58,402
      197,657        1,655,810         111,624        1,018,663   


    (8,442,255   $ (70,222,572      12,909,795      $ 113,278,726   


(a)   Commenced operations on February 28, 2014.





Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)




Share activity is as follows:


    International Equity Insights Fund  




For the Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015


     For the Fiscal Year Ended
October 31, 2014



    Shares     Dollars      Shares     Dollars  



Class A Shares         

Shares sold

    1,073,529      $ 11,068,655         994,006      $ 10,922,575   

Shares converted from Class B

    24,889        263,075         8,834        97,775   

Reinvestment of distributions

    291,811        2,932,700         213,135        2,272,021   

Shares redeemed

    (1,128,585     (11,571,048      (2,260,250     (24,974,383
      261,644        2,693,382         (1,044,275     (11,682,012
Class B Shares(a)         

Shares sold

                   6,157        68,430   

Shares converted to Class A

    (25,175     (263,075      (8,903     (97,775

Reinvestment of distributions

                   3,037        32,250   

Shares redeemed

    (88,787     (927,959      (65,819     (723,014
      (113,962     (1,191,034      (65,528     (720,109
Class C Shares         

Shares sold

    70,963        734,664         44,285        480,131   

Reinvestment of distributions

    8,739        86,865         5,864        61,859   

Shares redeemed

    (31,193     (314,078      (51,788     (558,069
      48,509        507,451         (1,639     (16,079
Institutional Shares         

Shares sold

    10,865,889        115,200,396         10,491,344        118,751,786   

Reinvestment of distributions

    2,889,476        29,732,706         2,634,973        28,747,556   

Shares redeemed

    (18,577,945     (192,481,355      (29,263,086     (329,167,069
      (4,822,580     (47,548,253      (16,136,769     (181,667,727
Service Shares         

Shares sold

    8,248        85,254         24,284        268,840   

Reinvestment of distributions

    5,162        52,390         4,316        46,355   

Shares redeemed

    (112,844     (1,150,872      (333,898     (3,752,225
      (99,434     (1,013,228      (305,298     (3,437,030
Class IR Shares         

Shares sold

    4,446        45,897         3,519        38,821   

Reinvestment of distributions

    1,163        11,495         1,216        12,760   

Shares redeemed

    (3,624     (35,650      (21,446     (224,962
      1,985        21,742         (16,711     (173,381
Class R Shares         

Shares sold

    1,199        11,958         8,023        86,742   

Reinvestment of distributions

    447        4,419         247        2,598   

Shares redeemed

    (4,280     (41,595      (1,736     (18,947
      (2,634     (25,218      6,534        70,393   


    (4,726,472   $ (46,555,158      (17,563,686   $ (197,625,945


(a)   Class B Shares converted into Class A Shares at the close of business on November 14, 2014.







Share activity is as follows:


    International Small Cap Insights Fund  




For the Six Months Ended
April 30, 2015


     For the Fiscal Year Ended
October 31, 2014



    Shares     Dollars      Shares     Dollars  



Class A Shares         

Shares sold

    3,553,731      $ 36,012,996         14,255,876      $ 150,928,252   

Reinvestment of distributions

    377,041        3,661,067         218,400        2,232,053   

Shares redeemed

    (3,061,265     (30,806,680      (5,106,460     (54,190,286
      869,507        8,867,383         9,367,816        98,970,019   
Class C Shares         

Shares sold

    743,352        7,398,481         1,790,510        18,547,023   

Reinvestment of distributions

    39,196        371,581         14,055        140,693   

Shares redeemed

    (333,401     (3,203,839      (179,887     (1,805,896
      449,147        4,566,223         1,624,678        16,881,820   
Institutional Shares         

Shares sold

    14,980,093        150,099,142         42,785,209        453,931,646   

Reinvestment of distributions

    1,626,828        15,763,967         1,522,029        15,524,695   

Shares redeemed

    (16,755,141     (166,577,418      (19,364,419     (199,413,158
      (148,220     (714,309      24,942,819        270,043,183   
Class IR Shares         

Shares sold

    938,885        9,461,553         2,844,465        30,173,836   

Reinvestment of distributions

    63,030        608,866         17,549        178,644   

Shares redeemed

    (400,560     (3,953,446      (1,290,996     (12,931,778
      601,355        6,116,973         1,571,018        17,420,702   


    1,771,789      $ 18,836,270         37,506,331      $ 403,315,724   





Fund Expenses — Six Month Period Ended April 30, 2015 (Unaudited)

As a shareholder of Class A, Class C, Institutional, Service, Class IR or Class R Shares of a Fund you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges on purchase payments (with respect to Class A Shares) and contingent deferred sales charges on redemptions (with respect to Class C Shares); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees (with respect to Class A, Class C and Class R Shares); and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in Class A, Class C, Institutional, Service, Class IR and Class R Shares of the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from November 1, 2014 through April 30, 2015.

Actual Expenses — The first line under each share class in the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000=8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes — The second line under each share class in the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual net expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Funds’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Funds and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges, redemption fees or exchange fees. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


     Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund     International Equity Insights Fund     International Small Cap Insights Fund  
Share Class   Beginning
Paid for the
6 Months Ended
Paid for the
6 Months Ended
Paid for the
6 Months Ended
Class A                                    


  $ 1,000      $ 1,063.20      $ 8.08      $ 1,000      $ 1,060.80      $ 6.54      $ 1,000      $ 1,092.60      $ 6.75   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,016.96     7.90        1,000        1,018.45     6.41        1,000        1,018.35     6.51   
Class C                                    


    1,000        1,059.30        11.90        1,000        1,056.60        10.35        1,000        1,087.90        10.61   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,013.24     11.63        1,000        1,014.73     10.14        1,000        1,014.63     10.24   


    1,000        1,066.10        6.04        1,000        1,062.90        4.50        1,000        1,093.70        4.67   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,018.94     5.91        1,000        1,020.43     4.41        1,000        1,020.33     4.51   


    N/A        N/A        N/A        1,000        1,059.50        7.05        N/A        N/A        N/A   

Hypothetical 5% return

    N/A        N/A        N/A        1,000        1,017.95     6.90        N/A        N/A        N/A   
Class IR                                    


    1,000        1,064.80        6.81        1,000        1,062.20        5.27        1,000        1,093.70        5.45   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,018.20     6.66        1,000        1,019.69     5.16        1,000        1,019.59     5.26   
Class R                                    


    1,000        1,063.40        9.36        1,000        1,058.90        7.81        N/A        N/A        N/A   

Hypothetical 5% return

    1,000        1,015.72     9.15        1,000        1,017.21     7.65        N/A        N/A        N/A   


*   Expenses are calculated using each Fund’s annualized net expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing expenses as a percentage of net assets for the six months ended April 30, 2015. Expenses are calculated by multiplying the annualized net expense ratio by the average account value for the period; then multiplying the result by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year; and then dividing that result by the number of days in the fiscal year. The annualized net expense ratios for the period were as follows:


Fund    Class A     Class C     Institutional     Service     Class IR     Class R  

Emerging Markets Equity Insights

     1.58     2.33     1.18     N/A        1.33     1.83

International Equity Insights

     1.28        2.03        0.88        1.38     1.03        1.53   

International Small Cap Insights

     1.30        2.05        0.90        N/A        1.05        N/A   


+   Hypothetical expenses are based on each Fund's actual annualized net expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses.






Goldman Sachs Funds






Goldman Sachs is a premier financial services firm, known since 1869 for creating thoughtful and customized investment solutions in complex global markets.

Today, the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs serves a diverse set of clients worldwide, including private institutions, public entities and individuals. With approximately $1.02 trillion in assets under supervision as of March 31, 2015, Goldman Sachs Asset Management (“GSAM”) has portfolio management teams located around the world and our investment professionals bring firsthand knowledge of local markets to every investment decision. Assets under supervision includes assets under management and other client assets for which Goldman Sachs does not have full discretion. GSAM leverages the resources of Goldman, Sachs & Co. subject to legal, internal and regulatory restrictions.




Money Market1

Financial Square FundsSM

n   Financial Square Tax-Exempt Funds
n   Financial Square Federal Fund
n   Financial Square Government Fund
n   Financial Square Money Market Fund
n   Financial Square Prime Obligations Fund
n   Financial Square Treasury Instruments Fund
n   Financial Square Treasury Obligations Fund

Fixed Income

Short Duration and Government

n   Enhanced Income Fund
n   High Quality Floating Rate Fund
n   Limited Maturity Obligations Fund
n   Short Duration Government Fund
n   Short Duration Income Fund
n   Government Income Fund
n   Inflation Protected Securities Fund


n   Core Fixed Income Fund
n   Bond Fund2
n   Global Income Fund
n   Strategic Income Fund

Municipal and Tax-Free

n   High Yield Municipal Fund
n   Dynamic Municipal Income Fund3
n   Short Duration Tax-Free Fund

Single Sector

n   Investment Grade Credit Fund
n   U.S. Mortgages Fund
n   High Yield Fund
n   High Yield Floating Rate Fund
n   Emerging Markets Debt Fund
n   Local Emerging Markets Debt Fund
n   Dynamic Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Fixed Income Alternatives

n   Long Short Credit Strategies Fund
n   Fixed Income Macro Strategies Fund

Fundamental Equity

n   Growth and Income Fund
n   Small Cap Value Fund
n   Small/Mid Cap Value Fund
n   Mid Cap Value Fund
n   Large Cap Value Fund
n   Capital Growth Fund
n   Strategic Growth Fund
n   Focused Growth Fund
n   Small/Mid Cap Growth Fund
n   Flexible Cap Growth Fund
n   Concentrated Growth Fund
n   Technology Tollkeeper Fund
n   Growth Opportunities Fund
n   Rising Dividend Growth Fund
n   Dynamic U.S. Equity Fund4
n   Income Builder Fund

Tax-Advantaged Equity

n   U.S. Tax-Managed Equity Fund
n   International Tax-Managed Equity Fund
n   U.S. Equity Dividend and Premium Fund
n   International Equity Dividend and Premium Fund

Equity Insights

n   Small Cap Equity Insights Fund
n   U.S. Equity Insights Fund
n   Small Cap Growth Insights Fund
n   Large Cap Growth Insights Fund
n   Large Cap Value Insights Fund
n   Small Cap Value Insights Fund
n   International Small Cap Insights Fund
n   International Equity Insights Fund
n   Emerging Markets Equity Insights Fund

Fundamental Equity International

n   Strategic International Equity Fund
n   Focused International Equity Fund
n   International Small Cap Fund
n   Asia Equity Fund
n   Emerging Markets Equity Fund
n   BRIC Fund (Brazil, Russia, India, China)
n   N-11 Equity Fund

Select Satellite5

n   Global Managed Beta Fund
n   Multi-Manager Non-Core Fixed Income Fund
n   Real Estate Securities Fund
n   International Real Estate Securities Fund
n   Commodity Strategy Fund
n   Dynamic Commodity Strategy Fund
n   Dynamic Allocation Fund
n   Absolute Return Tracker Fund
n   Long Short Fund
n   Managed Futures Strategy Fund
n   MLP Energy Infrastructure Fund
n   Multi-Manager Alternatives Fund
n   Multi-Asset Real Return Fund
n   Retirement Portfolio Completion Fund
n   Tactical Tilt Implementation Fund

Total Portfolio Solutions5

n   Balanced Strategy Portfolio
n   Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio
n   Growth Strategy Portfolio
n   Equity Growth Strategy Portfolio
n   Satellite Strategies Portfolio
n   Enhanced Dividend Global Equity Portfolio
n   Tax Advantaged Global Equity Portfolio


1    An investment in a money market fund is neither insured nor guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) or any other government agency. Although the Funds seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Funds.
2    Effective on October 1, 2014, the Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income Fund was renamed the Goldman Sachs Bond Fund.
3    Effective on December 18, 2014, the Goldman Sachs Municipal Income Fund was renamed the Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income Fund.
4    Effective on April 30, 2015, the Goldman Sachs U.S. Equity Fund was renamed the Goldman Sachs Dynamic U.S. Equity Fund.
5    Individual Funds within the Total Portfolio Solutions and Select Satellite categories will have various placement on the risk/return spectrum and may have greater or lesser risk than that indicated by the placement of the general Total Portfolio Solutions or Select Satellite category.

Financial Square FundsSM is a registered service mark of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

*   This list covers open-end funds only. Please visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to learn about our closed-end funds.


Ashok N. Bakhru, Chairman

Kathryn A. Cassidy

John P. Coblentz, Jr.

Diana M. Daniels

Joseph P. LoRusso

Herbert J. Markley

James A. McNamara

Jessica Palmer

Alan A. Shuch

Richard P. Strubel

Roy W. Templin

Gregory G. Weaver



James A. McNamara, President

Scott M. McHugh, Principal Financial Officer and Treasurer

Caroline L. Kraus, Secretary


Distributor and Transfer Agent


Visit our web site at www.GSAMFUNDS.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P., 200 West Street, New York, New York 10282

The reports concerning the Funds included in this shareholder report may contain certain forward-looking statements about the factors that may affect the performance of the Funds in the future. These statements are based on Fund management’s predictions and expectations concerning certain future events and their expected impact on the Funds, such as performance of the economy as a whole and of specific industry sectors, changes in the levels of interest rates, the impact of developing world events, and other factors that may influence the future performance of the Funds. Management believes these forward-looking statements to be reasonable, although they are inherently uncertain and difficult to predict. Actual events may cause adjustments in portfolio management strategies from those currently expected to be employed.

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information regarding how a Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available (I) without charge, upon request by calling 1-800-526-7384 (for Retail Shareholders) or 1-800-621-2550 (for Institutional Shareholders); and (II) on the Securities and Exchange Commission web site at http://www.sec.gov.

The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’ Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s web site at http://www.sec.gov within 60 days after the Funds’ first and third fiscal quarters. The Funds’ Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C., and information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may also be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. Forms N-Q may be obtained upon request and without charge by calling 1-800-526-7384 (for Retail Shareholders) or 1-800-621-2550 (for Institutional Shareholders).

The website links provided are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation by GSAM of any of these websites or the products or services offered. GSAM is not responsible for the accuracy and validity of the content of these websites.

Fund holdings and allocations shown are unaudited, and may not be representative of current or future investments. Fund holdings and allocations may not include the Fund’s entire investment portfolio, which may change at any time. Fund holdings should not be relied on in making investment decisions and should not be construed as research or investment advice regarding particular securities. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.

Economic and market forecasts presented herein reflect a series of assumptions and judgments as of the date of this presentation and are subject to change without notice. These forecasts do not take into account the specific investment objectives, restrictions, tax and financial situation or other needs of any specific client. Actual data will vary and may not be reflected here. These forecasts are subject to high levels of uncertainty that may affect actual performance. Accordingly, these forecasts should be viewed as merely representative of a broad range of possible outcomes. These forecasts are estimated, based on assumptions, and are subject to significant revision and may change materially as economic and market conditions change. Goldman Sachs has no obligation to provide updates or changes to these forecasts. Case studies and examples are for illustrative purposes only.

The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) was developed by and is the exclusive property and a service mark of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. (MSCI) and Standard & Poor’s, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (S&P) and is licensed for use by Goldman Sachs. Neither MSCI, S&P nor any other party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such standard or classification (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of such standard or classification. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, S&P, any of their affiliates or any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

The portfolio risk management process includes an effort to monitor and manage risk, but does not imply low risk.

This material is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current Prospectus or summary prospectus, if applicable. Investors should consider a Fund’s objective, risks, and charges and expenses, and read the summary prospectus, if available, and/or the Prospectus carefully before investing or sending money. The summary prospectus, if available, and the Prospectus contain this and other information about a Fund and may be obtained from your authorized dealer or from Goldman, Sachs & Co. by calling (retail – 1-800-526-7384) (institutional – 1-800-621-2550).

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