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Goldman Sachs Funds
SPECIALTY FUNDS Semiannual Report June 30, 2006 
  Long-term growth of capital from portfolios that invest in a variety of equity securities.


Goldman Sachs Specialty Funds
The Tollkeeper FundSM invests in equity securities of high quality technology, media or service companies that adopt or use technology to improve their cost structure, revenue opportunities or competitive advantage. The Tollkeeper FundSM is subject to greater risk of loss as a result of adverse economic, business or other developments than if its investments were diversified across different industry sectors. Securities of issuers held by the Fund may lack sufficient market liquidity to enable the Fund to sell the securities at an advantageous time or without a substantial drop in price. Because the Fund invests in “Tollkeeper” companies, its net asset value may fluctuate substantially over time and its performance may be substantially different from the returns of the broader stock market.
The Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund invests in a broadly diversified portfolio of U.S. equity investments and is subject to market risk so that the value of the securities in which it invests may go up or down in response to the prospects of individual companies, particular industry sectors and/or general economic conditions. The Fund may invest in securities of any capitalization, including mid-cap and small-cap companies, which involve greater risks than those associated with larger, more established companies and may be subject to more abrupt or erratic price movements. The Fund uses both a variety of quantitative techniques and fundamental research when selecting investments which have the potential to maximize the Fund’s after-tax return, and minimize capital gains and income distribution. Of course, no assurance can be offered that the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund’s tax-managed strategies will reduce the amount of taxable income and capital gains distributed by the Fund to shareholders. The Fund is not suitable for IRAs or other tax-exempt or tax-deferred accounts.
IRS Circular 230 disclosure: Goldman Sachs does not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. Any statement contained in this communication (including any attachments) concerning U.S. tax matters was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, and was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed. Clients of Goldman Sachs should obtain their own independent tax advice based on their particular circumstances.
The Real Estate Securities Fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity investments in issuers related to the real estate industry, including Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”). The value of a REIT is affected by changes in the value of the properties owned by the REIT or securing mortgage loans held by the REIT. REITs and real estate companies are also subject to risks generally associated with investments in real estate including possible declines in the value of real estate, general and local economic conditions, environmental problems and changes in interest rates. The Fund is subject to greater risk of loss as a result of adverse economic, business or other developments than if its investments were diversified across different industry sectors. Securities of issuers held by the Fund may lack sufficient market liquidity to enable the Fund to sell the securities at an advantageous time or without a substantial drop in price. Because the Fund invests in issuers related to the real estate industry, its net asset value may fluctuate substantially overtime and its performance may be substantially different from the returns of the broader stock market.
Effective January 6, 2006, the CORESM Tax-Managed Equity Fund was renamed the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund.
  May Lose Value   No Bank Guarantee


What Differentiates the Goldman Sachs
Tollkeeper Investment Process?
The Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper Fund seeks to provide investors with a unique solution to investing in companies
that are well positioned to benefit from the proliferation of technology. The Fund invests in a portfolio of high quality
technology, media and service companies that adopt or use technology to improve their cost structure, revenue
opportunities or competitive advantage.
Goldman Sachs’ Growth Equity Investment Process
Buy the business:
Invest as though we are actually buying the company, rather than trading its stock
Buy high quality growth businesses with the following attributes:    
n Strong brand name

Dominant market share

Recurring revenue stream
  n Free cash flow generation

Long product life cycles

Strong company management
Buy at a discount to the business’ true value    
Team Based:
Portfolio decisions are made by the entire team

Continuous Scrutiny:
Daily review of market, industry and company developments

Fundamental Analysis:
Portfolio holdings are determined by the risk/reward characteristics and the team’s conviction in the overall business
Growth stock portfolio that:

n  is strategically positioned for long-term growth potential

has low turnover — a result of bottom-up stock selection with a focus on
long-term investing

is a high quality portfolio that is strategically positioned for long-term
growth potential


Tollkeeper Fund
Dear Shareholder:
This report provides an overview on the performance of the Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper Fund during the six-month reporting period that ended June 30, 2006.
  Performance Review
During the six-month period that ended June 30, 2006, the Fund’s Class A, B, C, Institutional and Service Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of -1.50%, -1.96%, -1.83%, -1.34% and -1.63%, respectively. These returns compare to the -1.51% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the NASDAQ Composite Index, over the same time period.
As these returns indicate, the market was relatively weak during the reporting period. During this time, the Fund performed largely in line with its benchmark.
  Market Review
During the first half of 2006, the U.S. equity markets finished in positive territory. Energy and Utility companies continued to be favored by investors, producing significant returns. Conversely, sectors such as Healthcare and Technology lagged during the six-month period. The Retail sector remained weak as a result of the overall market environment. The Federal Reserve Board raised short-term interest rates for the 17th consecutive time in June 2006. This was the first increase that was not accompanied by a statement indicating future interest rate hikes, which triggered a slight rally in the equities market at the end of June.
  Portfolio Positioning
Electronic Arts, Inc. and Activision, Inc. detracted from performance during the reporting period. Shares of Electronic Arts sold off following the release of its quarterly earnings results. Similarly, Activision’s stock declined after the company announced weak revenues. Both software publishing companies cited a challenging industry environment as consumers have had to wait to purchase new video games until backordered Xbox 360 consoles and next generation Sony and Nintendo consoles, which are due by the end of 2006, become available. We believe the video gaming industry will continue to grow and Electronic Arts and Activision are strong franchises with high quality products.
XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. was down significantly during the period, despite a revenue increase of over 100% driven by strong subscriber growth during the first quarter. Its shares fell after management made some missteps, causing them to lower their outlook for 2006. XM has also been the subject of FCC and FTC investigations. We believe XM should be positioned for strong growth, as the company believes that cars pre-installed with its radios will increase significantly.


Shares of CNET Networks, Inc. fell after the company reported a narrower-than-expected first quarter loss, a soft revenue number, and weak guidance. Despite the disappointing results, we believe CNET Networks should be well positioned to benefit from the growing opportunity in Internet advertising as it continues to expand its audience and customer base, grow its core brands, and add new ones.
Cisco Systems, Inc. enhanced results as its earnings beat market expectations. The company’s order growth is at its strongest in over a year, due to increased demand from its corporate customers. Many companies are focused on increasing the capacity and security of their networks, and Cisco has been a beneficiary of this trend. In addition, the company was upgraded by several analysts who believe it should see accelerated revenue and profit growth in 2006. We believe Cisco is well positioned for growth as it has increased its sales force by approximately 30% in recent quarters. The company’s strengthened sales force has led to increased productivity and the potential for higher sales worldwide. In addition, Cisco offered a positive sales growth outlook, strengthened by the fact that it had twice as many product launches in 2005 than a typical year, its gross margins remain healthy, and sales have been moving upward in Europe.
The phone-number clearinghouse service provider, NeuStar, Inc. added to returns during the period. NeuStar operates like a monopoly in the telephone industry as it provides essential data to thousands of communication services providers in order to route calls in North America. In mid-April, the company announced an agreement to acquire UltraDNA, a recognized domain name systems service provider for $61.8 million cash. Later in the second quarter, eHarmony selected NeuStar’s Domain Name Systems (DNS) service to deliver enhanced Web site performance. Currently, NeuStar provides clearinghouse services to emerging Communication Service Providers (“CSP”), including Internet service providers, cable television operators, and voiceover Internet protocol service providers. The acquisition of UltraDNA and agreement with eHarmony further diversifies NeuStar’s customer base and we believe it should enable the company to capitalize on the rapidly growing Internet-based CSP market.


  Portfolio Highlights
n  FormFactor, Inc. — FormFactor, a wafer probe card manufacturer, contributed to performance during the period. In June 2006, the company announced a technology agreement with Korean-based Hynix Semiconductor. Under the agreement, FormFactor will provide Hynix with advanced wafer cards for its semiconductor manufacturing business. FormFactor also received a favorable ruling from a Korean Court that upheld the validity of the company’s technology patents. We believe FormFactor should benefit as growth in third generation phone usage continues and the transition to the company’s wafer-level chip testing products takes hold. The company’s products are also well positioned to benefit from the trend toward miniaturization of electronics, as its technology enables the requisite testing on multi-chip packaging and significantly reduces costs for its customers.
n  American Tower Corp. — During the period, American Tower announced strong quarterly performance and full-year 2005 results due in part to its merger with SpectraSite. In addition, American Tower issued a positive outlook for 2006. Wireless tower clients continue to see new subscriber growth and an increase in the usage of their existing client base.
n  Lamar Advertising Co. — Lamar Advertising contributed to returns when the company revealed that revenues were strong and earnings for the full-year 2005 more than tripled. The company is the third largest billboard company in the U.S. with over 150,000 advertising displays. The low capital expenditure nature of billboards, combined with the recurring revenue the company collects from advertisers, creates a generous amount of operating leverage within Lamar’s business model. Due to fragmentation elsewhere in media, outdoor advertising continues to take a healthy share of media dollars. Lamar is strategically positioning itself to take advantage of this trend by tripling its number of digital billboards by the end of 2006.
We thank you for your investment and look forward to your continued confidence.
Goldman Sachs Growth Equity Management Team
July 17, 2006


Tollkeeper Fund
as of June 30, 2006


January 1, 2006–   Fund Total Return   NASDAQ    
June 30, 2006   (based on NAV)1   Composite Index2    
Class A
    -1.50 %     -1.51 %    
Class B
    -1.96       -1.51      
Class C
    -1.83       -1.51      
    -1.34       -1.51      
    -1.63       -1.51      
1 The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance reflects the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.
2 The NASDAQ Composite Index is a broad-based capitalization-weighted index of all NASDAQ National Market and Small-Cap stocks. The Index figures do not reflect any deduction for fees, expenses or taxes. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.
For the period ended June 30, 2006   One Year   Five Years   Since Inception3 (10/1/99)    
Class A
    -1.13 %     -6.04 %     -4.02 %    
Class B
    -1.27       -6.08       -3.95      
Class C
    2.73       -5.70       -3.95      
    4.91       -4.61       -2.82      
    4.38       -5.04       -3.29      
3 The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class B Shares (5% maximum declining to 0% after six years) and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Service Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.
  Total return figures in the above charts represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the total return figures in the above charts. Please visit www.goldmansachsfunds.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects expense limitations in effect. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
TOP 10 HOLDINGS AS OF 6/30/064
Holding   % of Net Assets   Line of Business    
Google, Inc. 
    5.1 %   Internet & Online    
Tessera Technologies, Inc. 
    5.1     Semi-Capital    
FormFactor, Inc. 
    4.8     Semi-Capital    
Linear Technology Corp. 
    4.8     Semiconductors    
American Tower Corp. 
    4.6     Telecommunications    
Yahoo!, Inc. 
    4.5     Internet & Online    
Research In Motion Ltd. 
    4.3     Networking/Telecommunications Equipment    
Activision, Inc. 
    4.3     Computer Software    
Electronic Arts, Inc. 
    4.2     Computer Software    
First Data Corp. 
    4.0     Computer Services    
4 The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.


Percentage of Net Assets
5 The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets. Short-term investments include repurchase agreements and securities lending collateral, if any. Figures in the above graph may not sum to 100% due to the exclusion of other assets and/or liabilities.



What Differentiates the Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Management Process?
In managing money for many of the world’s wealthiest taxable investors, Goldman Sachs often constructs a diversified investment portfolio around a tax-managed core. With the Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund, investors can access Goldman Sachs’ tax-smart investment expertise while capitalizing on this same strategic approach to portfolio construction.
   Goldman Sachs’ Structured Tax-Management Investment Process
Goldman Sachs’ Structured investment process is a disciplined quantitative approach that has been consistently applied since 1989. With this Fund, the Structured process is enhanced with an additional layer that seeks to maximize after-tax returns.
n Comprehensive


  n Extensive


Advantage: Daily analysis of approximately 3,000 U.S. equity securities using a proprietary model
n Benchmark driven

Sector and size neutral

Tax optimized
Tax optimization is an additional layer that is built into the existing Structured investment process — a distinct advantage. While other managers may simply seek to minimize taxable distributions through a low turnover strategy, this extension of the Structured investment process seeks to maximize after-tax returns — the true objective of every taxable investor.
Advantage: Value added through stock selection — not market timing, industry rotation or style bias
n A fully invested, style — consistent portfolio

Broad access to the total U.S. equity market

A consistent goal of maximizing after-tax risk-adjusted returns


Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund
Dear Shareholder:
This report provides an overview on the performance of the Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund during the six-month reporting period that ended June 30, 2006.
  Performance Review
Over the six-month period that ended June 30, 2006, the Fund’s Class A, B, C, Institutional and Service Shares generated cumulative total returns, without sales charges, of 3.75%, 3.39%, 3.29%, 3.88% and 3.57%, respectively. These returns compare to the 3.23% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the Russell 3000 Index (with dividends reinvested), over the same time period.
The Fund outperformed its benchmark over this period, due to strong returns from our investment themes, a disciplined approach to security analysis, and rigorous risk management.
Returns to the Structured investment themes were positive overall for the six-month period. Momentum was the best performing theme as companies with strong momentum characteristics outperformed their industry counterparts. Valuation, Management Impact, Profitability, and Analyst Sentiment also added value, albeit to a lesser extent. Meanwhile, Earnings Quality was relatively flat for the period. Stock selection was successful overall during the reporting period. The Fund’s positions in the Consumer Discretionary and Information Technology sectors were the most successful relative to their peers in the benchmark. On the downside, stock picks in the Healthcare sector were the biggest detractors from performance and did little to offset gains made elsewhere.
  Market Review
The broad market, as measured by the Russell 3000 Index, returned 3.23% over the six-month period. Eight of the ten sectors in the Index were up for the period, with the Telecommunication Services (+12.9%) and Energy (+12.4%) sectors experiencing the largest absolute gains. The Energy sector was also the largest contributor (weight times performance) to Index gains.
  Portfolio Positioning
The Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund seeks to provide investors with a tax-efficient means for maintaining broadly diversified exposure to the entire U.S. equity market. The benchmark is the Russell 3000 Index, which covers a range of issuers from large- to small-cap stocks. In managing the Structured products, we do not take size or sector bets. Rather, we seek to add value versus the Fund’s benchmark by individual stock selection. Our quantitative process seeks out stocks with good momentum that also appear to be good values (relative to other stocks in the same industry). We prefer stocks favored by fundamental research analysts and less volatile stocks with lower-than-average probability of reporting disappointing earnings. Our portfolio construction process integrates tax considerations into investment decisions with the goal of maximizing after-tax return.


In terms of individual stocks, overweights in Choice Hotels International, Inc., Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. and Corning, Inc. were among the most successful holdings in the portfolio for the period. On the downside, overweight positions in UnitedHealth Group, Inc., Intergraph Corp. and Express Scripts were among the biggest detractors from excess returns for the period. Express Scripts was subsequently eliminated from the portfolio.
We thank you for your investment and look forward to your continued confidence.
Goldman Sachs Quantitative Equity Investment Team
New York, July 17, 2006


Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund
as of June 30, 2006


January 1, 2006–   Fund Total Return        
June 30, 2006   (based on NAV)1   Russell 3000 Index2    
Class A
    3.75 %     3.23 %    
Class B
    3.39       3.23      
Class C
    3.29       3.23      
    3.88       3.23      
    3.57       3.23      
1 The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.
2 The Russell 3000 Index is an unmanaged index that measures the performance of the 3,000 largest U.S. companies based on total market capitalization which represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market. Index figures do not reflect any deduction for fees, expenses or taxes. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.
For the period ended June 30, 2006   One Year   Five Years   Since Inception (4/3/00)    
Class A
    6.71 %     4.24 %     0.43 %    
Class B
    7.10       4.29       0.60      
Class C
    11.01       4.63       0.57      
    13.37       5.84       1.75      
    12.70       5.33       1.24      
3 The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares, the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class B Shares (5% maximum declining to 0% after six years) and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Service Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.
Total return figures in the above charts represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the total return figures in the above charts. Please visit www.goldmansachsfunds.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns.
Performance reflects expense limitations in effect. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
TOP 10 HOLDINGS AS OF 6/30/064
Holding   % of Total Net Assets   Line of Business    
Pfizer, Inc.
    2.3 %   Pharmaceuticals    
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
    2.1     Diversified Financials    
Procter & Gamble Co.
    2.0     Household Products    
Cisco Systems, Inc.
    1.9     Communications Equipment    
Wells Fargo & Co.
    1.9     Banks    
Hewlett-Packard Co.
    1.8     Computers & Peripherals    
Merck & Co., Inc.
    1.8     Pharmaceuticals    
Bank of America Corp.
    1.7     Banks    
Time Warner, Inc.
    1.6     Media    
The Boeing Co.
    1.5     Aerospace & Defense    
4 The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.


            Since Inception    
Class A Shares   One Year   Five Years   (4/3/00)    
Returns before taxes*
    6.71 %     4.24 %     0.43 %    
Estimated returns after taxes on distributions**
    6.70       4.20       0.40      
Estimated returns after taxes on distributions***
and sale of Fund shares
    4.38       3.63       0.35      
The estimated after-tax returns are calculated using the historically highest individual federal marginal income tax rates at the time of distributions (currently 15% for qualifying ordinary income dividends and long-term capital gain distributions and 35% for non-qualifying ordinary income dividends) and do not reflect state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns will be calculated at calendar year-end and depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. In addition, the after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold Fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. Under certain circumstances, the addition of the tax benefits from capital losses resulting from redemptions may cause the Returns After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares to be greater than the Returns After Taxes on Distributions or even Returns Before Taxes.
Standardized after-tax returns assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV and reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares.
Returns Before Taxes do not reflect taxes on distributions on a Fund’s Class A Shares nor do they show how performance can be impacted by taxes when shares are redeemed.
**  Estimated Returns After Taxes on Distributions assume that taxes are paid on distributions on a Fund’s Class A Shares (i.e., dividends and capital gains) but do not reflect taxes that may be incurred upon redemption of the Class A Shares at the end of the performance period.
***  Estimated Returns After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Shares reflect taxes paid on distributions on a Fund’s Class A Shares and taxes applicable when the shares are redeemed.
Percentage of Net Assets
5 The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets. Short-term investments include repurchase agreements and securities lending collateral, if any. Figures in the above graph may not sum to 100% due to the exclusion of other assets and/or liabilities.


What Differentiates the Goldman Sachs
Real Estate Investment Process?
The Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Strategy seeks to generate long-term growth of capital and dividend income by investing primarily in real estate investment trusts (REITs). REITs offer daily liquidity, strong historic returns, low volatility and low correlation to traditional asset classes.
    Goldman Sachs’ Real Estate Investment Process


Buy high quality companies.
We seek to purchase those companies that combine the best market exposures, capital structures, growth prospects and management teams.

Buy at a reasonable price.
We seek to consistently select securities at a discount to the intrinsic value of the business.

Diversification reduces risk.
We seek to diversify the portfolio holdings based on property type and geographic markets to manage risk without compromising returns.


Team Based:
Portfolio decisions are made by the entire team

Continuous Scrutiny:
Daily review of market, industry and company developments

Fundamental Analysis:
Portfolio holdings are determined by the risk reward characteristics and the team’s conviction in the overall business


Real estate securities portfolio that:

is strategically positioned for long-term growth potential

has low turnover — a result of bottom-up stock selection with a focus on long-term investing

is a high quality portfolio that is strategically positioned for long-term growth potential


Real Estate Securities Fund
Dear Shareholder,
This report provides an overview on the performance of the Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund during the six-month reporting period that ended June 30, 2006.
  Performance Review
During the six-month period that ended June 30, 2006, the Fund’s Class A, B, C, Institutional and Service Shares generated cumulative total returns of 13.68%, 13.32%, 13.22%, 13.90% and 13.62%, respectively. These returns compare to the 14.07% cumulative total return of the Fund’s benchmark, the Wilshire Real Estate Securities Index (with dividends reinvested), over the same time period.
During the reporting period, the Fund generated solid results but underperformed its benchmark. Underweight positions in the Office and Apartment sectors, as well as stock selection in the Industrial sector, detracted from results. In contrast, stock selection was positive in the Office, Apartment and Hotel sectors. In addition, an underweight position in the Retail sector and an overweight position in the Hotel sector enhanced results.
  Market Review
The real estate securities market, as measured by the Wilshire Real Estate Securities Index, returned 14.07% during the first six months of 2006. Returns continue to be supported by improved real estate fundamentals which have largely translated into continued capital flows into the sector. Year-to-date, gross domestic product (“GDP”) and job growth have accelerated at above-average levels. Importantly, not only is demand increasing, but it is at a magnitude that is far in excess of new construction levels. Consequently, we believe we should continue to see higher occupancies, rents, and, ultimately, higher cash flows.
  Portfolio Positioning
During the reporting period, the Apartment sector was the best performing sector in the real estate securities market, as measured by the Wilshire Real Estate Securities Index, returning 22.0%. Unlike other aspects of the economy, the Apartment sector benefits from rising interest rates, as more would-be homebuyers are forced back into the rental market, increasing demand in the Apartment sector. Additionally, there are positive demographic trends favoring the sector. We continue to focus on companies with significant exposure to the high barrier, bi-coastal markets, well-respected management teams, robust development pipelines, strong balance sheets, and compelling valuation. Camden Property Trust and AvalonBay Communities, Inc., two of the Fund’s largest overweights in the sector, contributed positively to performance over the period. Both companies continue to see a rapid improvement in occupancies and rents, driven by continued job growth and 15-year low housing affordability levels. While the Fund’s stock selection in the sector enhanced results, it remained underweight versus the benchmark, since the sector is trading at an approximate 25% premium to the real estate securities market. This underweight position detracted from performance over the period.


The Office sector was the second best performing area of the overall REIT market during the period, posting a 20.8% return. This strong return was driven by companies with more focused concentrations in the strong markets of New York, Washington DC, and California. In this area, we prefer companies that have strong management teams, high quality assets, strong capital structures, and favorable geographic exposures. Two examples of Fund holdings are SL Green Realty Corp. and Boston Properties, Inc. The Fund remains underweight in the sector due to valuation concerns as merger and acquisition activity and aggressive earnings expectations have made the office sector expensive. While the Fund’s underweight position in the sector detracted from performance, stock selection within the sector contributed positively to results.
The Hotel sector also rose sharply, as this portion of the Index returned 16.5% during the period. We continue to overweight the sector, particularly in the luxury-oriented companies such as Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., Host Marriott Corp., and Four Seasons Hotels, Inc. New construction, especially in the case of the high end luxury segment, has been muted and condominium conversions have helped further reduce new supply in the major markets. At the same time, demand continues to be strong, with leisure travel steady and corporate travel increasing across the globe. The Fund’s overweight position in the sector, as well as stock selection within the sector, contributed positively to performance.
After five years of outperformance versus the overall REIT market, the Retail sector lagged the overall Index during the period, largely due to investors’ rotation into more economically sensitive sectors like Office and Apartments. While we believe that fundamentals in the Retail sector should remain solid, the perception that retail REITs are retailers rather than property owners may weigh heavily on the sector. The Regional Mall sector decline was accentuated at the lower end of the quality spectrum with companies like CBL Associates (not a Fund holding) lagging those companies with higher quality portfolios such as Simon Property Group, Inc. and The Macerich Company. Since the Fund is oriented towards these quality names, stock selection contributed positively year to date. The Fund’s underweight position in the sector also contributed positively to performance.
Although the Industrial sector lagged during the period, we believe its fundamentals continue to improve. Due to positive economic trends and the value-enhancing business strategies of the Industrial sector, the Fund maintained an overweight position, which detracted from performance. However, stock selection contributed positively to results.
The Self-Storage sector also underperformed the overall REIT market over the period. The Fund maintained an underweight position due to valuation concerns, as aggressive earnings expectations have made Self-Storage one of the most richly valued sectors. Stock selection contributed negatively for the period, largely due to an underweight position in Public Storage, Inc. and an overweight position in U-Store-It Trust.


  Portfolio Highlights
n  ProLogis — ProLogis is benefiting from structural changes in distribution logistics for the world’s largest users of warehouse space. ProLogis has three linked businesses, property investment, property fund management, and development for sale. It operates in three continents — North America, Europe, and Asia — and is led by an excellent management team. We believe Prologis has a diverse, dynamic, and innovative business model that generates high returns on invested capital.
n  Simon Property Group, Inc. — Simon Property Group is the largest owner, developer, and manager of retail real estate in the U.S. It owns or has an interest in 285 properties in the U.S., comprising 200 million square feet in 40 states. The company operates from four major platforms — regional malls, premium outlet centers, community/lifestyle centers, and international properties. Its strategy is to have a significant presence in all types of the retail real estate spectrum that appeal to retailers and consumers.
n  SL Green Realty Corp. — SL Green Realty Corp. owns and operates a portfolio of 28 commercial office buildings with over 17 million square feet, focused in midtown Manhattan. We believe the company has a solid balance sheet, a strong and experienced management team, and a track record of producing long-term value for its shareholders. With its geographic focus on midtown Manhattan, where occupancies are much higher than the national average and rents are increasing rapidly, SL Green continued to outperform its peers.
We remain confident and focused on our fundamental premise that good companies with superior management and strategies should outperform over time. As such, we are comfortable with the current positioning of the Fund.
We thank you for your investment and look forward to your continued confidence.
Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Investment Team
July 17, 2006


Real Estate Securities Fund
as of June 30, 2006


January 1, 2006–   Fund Total Return   Wilshire Real Estate    
June 30, 2006   (based on NAV)1   Securities Index2    
Class A
    13.68 %     14.07 %    
Class B
    13.32       14.07      
Class C
    13.22       14.07      
    13.90       14.07      
    13.62       14.07      
1 The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Fund (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Fund’s performance reflects the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Fund’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.
2 The Wilshire Real Estate Securities Index is a market capitalization-weighted index comprised of publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REIT) and real estate operating companies. The Index is unmanaged and does not reflect any fees or expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.
For the period ended June 30, 2006   One Year   Five Years   Since Inception (7/27/98)    
Class A
    14.76 %     18.18 %     15.03 %    
Class B
    15.24       18.39       15.02      
Class C
    19.49       18.68       15.03      
    21.96       20.00       16.32      
    21.36       19.44       15.81      
3 The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class B Shares (5% maximum declining to 0% after six years) and the assumed contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Service Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.
  Total return figures in the above charts represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the total return figures in the above charts. Please visit www.goldmansachsfunds.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns. Performance reflects expense limitations in effect. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
TOP 10 HOLDINGS AS OF 6/30/064
Holding   % of Total Net Assets   Line of Business    
Simon Property Group, Inc. (REIT)
    6.8 %   Regional Malls    
ProLogis (REIT)
    6.4     Industrial    
Host Marriott Corp. (REIT)
    6.3     Hotels    
Vornado Realty Trust (REIT)
    5.7     Diversified    
Boston Properties, Inc. (REIT)
    4.4     Office    
Archstone-Smith Trust (REIT)
    4.3     Residential    
General Growth Properties, Inc. (REIT)
    4.2     Regional Malls    
Kimco Realty Corp. (REIT)
    3.9     Shopping Centers    
Equity Residential Properties Trust (REIT)
    3.5     Residential    
AMB Property Corp. (REIT)
    3.3     Industrial    
4 The top 10 holdings may not be representative of the Fund’s future investments.


Percentage of Net Assets
5 The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets. Short-term investments include repurchase agreements and securities lending collateral, if any. Figures in the above graph may not sum to 100% due to the exclusion of other assets and/or liabilities.


Schedule of Investments
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
    Shares   Description   Value
Common Stocks – 100.2%
    Audio Technology – 2.7%
      321,845     Dolby Laboratories, Inc.*   $ 7,498,988  
    Broadcasting & Cable/Satellite TV – 2.6%
      483,365     XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc.*     7,081,297  
    Commercial Services – 5.9%
      183,300     Iron Mountain, Inc.*     6,851,754  
      184,970     The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.     9,291,043  
    Computer Hardware – 5.4%
      181,345     Avocent Corp.*     4,760,306  
      924,760     EMC Corp.*     10,144,617  
    Computer Services – 6.7%
      149,020     CheckFree Corp.*     7,385,431  
      243,890     First Data Corp.     10,984,806  
    Computer Software – 19.9%
      1,037,880     Activision, Inc.*     11,811,074  
      180,405     Cogent, Inc.*(a)     2,718,703  
      147,370     Cognos, Inc.*     4,192,677  
      267,513     Electronic Arts, Inc.*     11,513,760  
      439,340     Microsoft Corp.     10,236,622  
      158,470     NAVTEQ*     7,080,440  
      269,981     Salesforce.com, Inc.*     7,197,693  
    Internet & Online – 12.6%
      296,960     CNET Networks, Inc.*     2,369,741  
      33,560     Google, Inc.*     14,072,715  
      213,810     Netflix, Inc.*(a)     5,817,770  
      375,340     Yahoo!, Inc.*     12,386,220  
    Movies & Entertainment – 1.3%
      97,970     Viacom, Inc. Class B*     3,511,245  
    Networking/Telecommunications Equipment – 8.0%
      522,340     Cisco Systems, Inc.*     10,201,300  
      170,820     Research In Motion Ltd.*     11,918,112  
    Publishing – 3.8%
      192,730     Lamar Advertising Co.*     10,380,438  
    Semi-Capital – 9.8%
      293,120     FormFactor, Inc.*     13,081,946  
      504,550     Tessera Technologies, Inc.*     13,875,125  
    Semiconductors – 12.2%
      390,280     Linear Technology Corp.     13,070,477  
      126,430     Marvell Technology Group Ltd.*     5,604,642  
      233,780     QUALCOMM, Inc.     9,367,565  
      240,160     Xilinx, Inc.(a)     5,439,624  
    Telecommunications – 9.3%
      403,310     American Tower Corp.*     12,551,007  
      110,931     Crown Castle International Corp.*     3,831,557  
      272,290     NeuStar, Inc.*     9,189,787  
    (Cost $256,116,502)   $ 275,418,482  
    (Cost $256,116,502)   $ 275,418,482  
Securities Lending Collateral – 4.6%
      12,537,250     Boston Global Investment Trust – Enhanced Portfolio   $ 12,537,250  
    (Cost $12,537,250)        
    (Cost $268,653,752)   $ 287,955,732  
    LIABILITIES IN EXCESS OF OTHER ASSETS – (4.8)%     (13,092,623 )
    NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 274,863,109  
  The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.
 *    Non-income producing security.
 (a)   All or portion of security is on loan.
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Schedule of Investments
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
    Shares   Description   Value
Common Stocks – 96.5%
    Aerospace & Defense – 3.3%
      34,100     Northrop Grumman Corp.   $ 2,184,446  
      30,200     Raytheon Co.     1,346,014  
      38,000     The Boeing Co.     3,112,580  
    Air Freight & Couriers – 0.3%
      6,100     EGL, Inc.*     306,220  
      3,600     United Parcel Service, Inc. Class B     296,388  
    Banks – 5.2%
      70,942     Bank of America Corp.     3,412,310  
      8,800     Corus Bankshares, Inc.(a)     230,384  
      5,000     Marshall & Ilsley Corp.     228,700  
      3,900     U.S. Bancorp     120,432  
      10,300     UnionBanCal Corp.     665,277  
      37,504     Wachovia Corp.     2,028,217  
      56,300     Wells Fargo & Co.     3,776,604  
      2,300     Zions Bancorp.     179,262  
    Beverages – 0.1%
      9,400     PepsiAmericas, Inc.     207,834  
    Biotechnology – 2.2%
      81,500     Alkermes, Inc.*     1,541,980  
      19,640     Amgen, Inc.*     1,281,117  
      26,900     Celgene Corp.*     1,275,867  
      5,022     Genentech, Inc.*     410,800  
    Building Products – 0.1%
      3,200     USG Corp.*(a)     233,376  
    Chemicals – 1.7%
      19,300     Ashland, Inc.     1,287,310  
      7,100     H.B. Fuller Co.     309,347  
      22,176     Monsanto Co.     1,866,997  
      247     Tronox, Inc. Class B     3,253  
    Commercial Services & Supplies – 2.5%
      30     Arbitron, Inc.     1,150  
      11,900     CSG Systems International, Inc.*     294,406  
      16,800     Global Payments, Inc.     815,640  
      38,100     Manpower, Inc.     2,461,260  
      1,885     PHH Corp.*     51,913  
      5,500     Republic Services, Inc.     221,870  
      30,000     Spherion Corp.*     273,600  
      12,100     The Brink’s Co.     682,561  
      8,800     Waste Management, Inc.     315,744  
    Communications Equipment – 3.4%
      201,500     Cisco Systems, Inc.*     3,935,295  
      43,300     Corning, Inc.*     1,047,427  
      22,900     Motorola, Inc.     461,435  
      19,760     QUALCOMM, Inc.     791,783  
      57,500     Tellabs, Inc.*     765,325  
    Computers & Peripherals – 2.7%
      116,858     Hewlett-Packard Co.     3,702,062  
      9,300     Intergraph Corp.*     292,857  
      79,100     Western Digital Corp.*     1,566,971  
    Construction & Engineering – 0.6%
      23,800     EMCOR Group, Inc.*     1,158,346  
    Diversified Financials – 8.6%
      3,700     Advanta Corp. Class B     133,015  
      49,800     AmeriCredit Corp.*     1,390,416  
      1,300     BlackRock, Inc.     180,921  
      26,000     CIT Group, Inc.     1,359,540  
      26,500     Citigroup, Inc.     1,278,360  
      17,000     CompuCredit Corp.*(a)     653,480  
      71,100     Countrywide Financial Corp.     2,707,488  
      25,400     Investment Technology Group, Inc.*     1,291,844  
      103,900     J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.     4,363,800  
      23,660     Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.     1,645,790  
      28,100     Moody’s Corp.     1,530,326  
      14,900     Principal Financial, Inc.     829,185  
      4,300     SEI Investments Co.     210,184  
    Diversified Telecommunication Services – 3.3%
      54,200     AT&T, Inc.     1,511,638  
      25,000     BellSouth Corp.     905,000  
      18,700     CenturyTel, Inc.     694,705  
      1,715     Embarq Corp.*     70,298  
      38,000     Sprint Nextel Corp.     759,620  
      80,500     Verizon Communications, Inc.     2,695,945  
    Electric Utilities – 3.8%
      4,300     Constellation Energy Group, Inc.     234,436  
      31,900     Edison International     1,244,100  
      16,000     Entergy Corp.     1,132,000  
      62,100     PG&E Corp.     2,439,288  
      46,500     TXU Corp.     2,780,235  
    Electrical Equipment – 0.5%
      7,400     Acuity Brands, Inc.     287,934  
      14,600     General Cable Corp.*     511,000  
      3,900     Woodward Governor Co.     118,989  
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Schedule of Investments (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
    Shares   Description   Value
Common Stocks – (continued)
    Electronic Equipment & Instruments – 0.8%
      4,900     Tech Data Corp.*   $ 187,719  
      34,200     Waters Corp.*     1,518,480  
    Energy Equipment & Services – 0.8%
      20,300     Transocean, Inc.*     1,630,496  
    Food & Drug Retailing – 0.5%
      14,579     Longs Drug Stores Corp.     665,094  
      5,800     Performance Food Group Co.*     176,204  
      9,500     Spartan Stores, Inc.     138,985  
    Food Products – 2.3%
      64,800     Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.     2,674,944  
      32,800     Dean Foods Co.*     1,219,832  
      54,600     Tyson Foods, Inc.     811,356  
    Healthcare Equipment & Supplies – 1.3%
      81,000     Applera Corp. – Applied Biosystems Group     2,620,350  
    Healthcare Providers & Services – 4.3%
      55,500     AmerisourceBergen Corp.     2,326,560  
      45,400     Caremark Rx, Inc.     2,264,098  
      3,800     Humana, Inc.*     204,060  
      45,700     McKesson Corp.     2,160,696  
      40,830     UnitedHealth Group, Inc.     1,828,367  
    Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 1.9%
      39,300     Choice Hotels International, Inc.     2,381,580  
      5,200     Darden Restaurants, Inc.     204,880  
      10,900     Papa John’s International, Inc.*     361,880  
      6,700     Ruby Tuesday, Inc.     163,547  
      22,200     Starbucks Corp.*     838,272  
    Household Durables – 0.2%
      16,800     Furniture Brands International, Inc.(a)     350,112  
    Household Products – 3.3%
      44,100     Colgate-Palmolive Co.     2,641,590  
      74,720     Procter & Gamble Co.     4,154,432  
    Industrial Conglomerates – 2.2%
      80,800     General Electric Co.     2,663,168  
      15,200     Reynolds American, Inc.     1,752,560  
    Insurance – 6.8%
      884     Alleghany Corp.*     244,302  
      20,300     AMBAC Financial Group, Inc.     1,646,330  
      30,700     American International Group, Inc.     1,812,835  
      1,800     American National Insurance Co.     233,496  
      12,400     CNA Financial Corp.*     408,704  
      5,100     Genworth Financial, Inc.     177,684  
      74,000     Loews Corp.     2,623,300  
      31,867     MBIA, Inc.     1,865,813  
      3,500     MetLife, Inc.     179,235  
      6,100     Nationwide Financial Services, Inc.     268,888  
      22,200     Prudential Financial, Inc.     1,724,940  
      35,200     Radian Group, Inc.     2,174,656  
      3,500     Stewart Information Services Corp.     127,085  
      10,050     W.R. Berkley Corp.     343,007  
    Internet & Catalog Retail – 0.2%
      15,350     Coldwater Creek, Inc.*     410,766  
    Internet Software & Services – 1.4%
      5,600     Google, Inc.*     2,348,248  
      52,400     RealNetworks, Inc.*     560,680  
    IT Consulting & Services – 1.1%
      44,200     Computer Sciences Corp.*     2,141,048  
    Machinery – 0.8%
      4,950     Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc.     120,335  
      2,300     Caterpillar, Inc.     171,304  
      5,175     Graco, Inc.     237,946  
      3,800     Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.     315,210  
      9,000     SPX Corp.     503,550  
      6,900     Valmont Industries, Inc.     320,781  
    Marine – 0.1%
      3,700     Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc.     218,855  
    Media – 5.9%
      61,700     CBS Corp. Class B     1,668,985  
      64,400     Clear Channel Communications, Inc.     1,993,180  
      8,500     Liberty Global, Inc. Series C*     174,845  
      6,500     Netflix, Inc.*(a)     176,865  
      101,200     The Walt Disney Co.     3,036,000  
      191,000     Time Warner, Inc.     3,304,300  
      49,700     Univision Communications, Inc.*     1,664,950  
    Metals & Mining – 0.3%
      7,100     Southern Copper Corp.(a)     632,823  
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


    Shares   Description   Value
Common Stocks – (continued)
    Multiline Retail – 0.8%
      7,400     J. C. Penney Co., Inc.   $ 499,574  
      23,100     Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.     1,112,727  
    Office Electronics – 0.2%
      28,300     IKON Office Solutions, Inc.     356,580  
    Oil & Gas – 8.1%
      55,300     Anadarko Petroleum Corp.     2,637,257  
      14,579     ConocoPhillips     955,362  
      49,800     Devon Energy Corp.     3,008,418  
      5,700     Equitable Resources, Inc.     190,950  
      49,800     Exxon Mobil Corp.     3,055,230  
      2,450     Kerr-McGee Corp.     169,907  
      17,600     Occidental Petroleum Corp.     1,804,880  
      18,600     Sunoco, Inc.     1,288,794  
      22,300     Tesoro Petroleum Corp.     1,658,228  
      25,600     Valero Energy Corp.     1,702,912  
    Pharmaceuticals – 4.8%
      6,000     Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.*     197,880  
      12,300     Johnson & Johnson     737,016  
      98,500     Merck & Co., Inc.     3,588,355  
      9,800     Mylan Laboratories, Inc.     196,000  
      11,200     New River Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*(a)     319,200  
      201,600     Pfizer, Inc.     4,731,552  
    Real Estate – 1.2%
      22,400     American Home Mortgage Investment Corp.     825,664  
      8,100     CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc.*     201,690  
      3,200     Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc.     280,160  
      14,300     New Century Financial Corp.(a)     654,225  
      10,600     ProLogis (REIT)     552,472  
    Road & Rail – 0.4%
      3,100     CSX Corp.     218,364  
      3,800     Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc.*     171,266  
      4,900     Union Pacific Corp.     455,504  
    Semiconductor Equipment & Products – 1.9%
      24,400     Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.*     595,848  
      51,800     Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.*     1,502,200  
      21,281     Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Class B*     625,661  
      37,500     MPS Group, Inc.*     564,750  
      16,300     Texas Instruments, Inc.     493,727  
    Software – 2.0%
      6,100     American Reprographics Co.*     221,125  
      16,335     Autodesk, Inc.*     562,904  
      20,100     CA, Inc.     413,055  
      24,700     Cadence Design Systems, Inc.*     423,605  
      27,800     Microsoft Corp.     647,740  
      16,100     Red Hat, Inc.*     376,740  
      54,100     Synopsys, Inc.*     1,015,457  
      11,000     VeriFone Holdings, Inc.*     335,280  
    Specialty Retail – 4.3%
      45,100     AutoNation, Inc.*     966,944  
      69,642     Circuit City Stores, Inc.     1,895,655  
      12,100     Group 1 Automotive, Inc.     681,714  
      60,800     Office Depot, Inc.*     2,310,400  
      17,270     Payless ShoeSource, Inc.*     469,226  
      34,100     Sonic Automotive, Inc.     756,338  
      49,300     United Rentals, Inc.*     1,576,614  
    Textiles & Apparel – 0.2%
      14,900     Kellwood Co.     436,123  
    Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0.1%
      1,900     Telephone & Data Systems, Inc. Special Shares     73,910  
      3,100     United States Cellular Corp.*     187,860  
    (Cost $159,925,134)   $ 196,577,148  
    Principal   Interest   Maturity    
    Amount   Rate   Date   Value
Repurchase Agreement(b) – 2.9%
    Joint Repurchase Agreement Account II
    $ 5,900,000       5.28 %     07/03/2006     $ 5,900,000  
    Maturity Value: $5,902,594
    (Cost $5,900,000)        
    (Cost $165,825,134)   $ 202,477,148  
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Schedule of Investments (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
    Shares   Description   Value
Securities Lending Collateral – 1.5%
      3,006,475     Boston Global Investment Trust – Enhanced Portfolio   $ 3,006,475  
    (Cost $3,006,475)
    (Cost $168,831,609)   $ 205,483,623  
    LIABILITIES IN EXCESS OF OTHER ASSETS – (0.9)%   $ (1,781,840 )
    NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 203,701,783  
  The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.
 *    Non-income producing security.
 (a)   All or portion of security is on loan.
 (b)   Joint repurchase agreement was entered into on June 30, 2006. Additional information appears on page 25.
    Investment Abbreviation:
    REIT     Real Estate Investment Trust
FUTURES CONTRACTS — At June 30, 2006, the following futures contracts were open as follows:
    Number of   Settlement   Market   Unrealized
Type   Contracts Long   Month   Value   Gain
S&P Mini 500 Index
    103     September 2006   $ 6,588,970     $ 125,505  
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Schedule of Investments
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
    Shares   Description   Value
Common Stocks – 98.5%
    Diversified – 9.4%
      302,301     Duke Realty Corp. (REIT)   $ 10,625,880  
      480,562     Liberty Property Trust (REIT)(a)     21,240,840  
      494,889     Vornado Realty Trust (REIT)     48,276,422  
    Health Care – 0.5%
      222,313     Cogdell Spencer, Inc.     4,337,327  
    Hotels – 12.8%
      99,400     Four Seasons Hotels, Inc.(a)     6,107,136  
      2,462,019     Host Marriott Corp. (REIT)     53,844,355  
      384,954     Innkeepers USA Trust (REIT)     6,652,005  
      484,146     LaSalle Hotel Properties (REIT)     22,415,960  
      332,361     Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.     20,054,663  
    Industrial – 10.8%
      558,562     AMB Property Corp. (REIT)     28,235,309  
      1,045,362     ProLogis (REIT)     54,484,268  
      149,603     PS Business Parks, Inc. (REIT)     8,826,577  
    Office – 19.7%
      169,151     Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (REIT)     15,000,311  
      297,993     BioMed Realty Trust, Inc. (REIT)     8,921,910  
      410,197     Boston Properties, Inc. (REIT)     37,081,809  
      794,282     Brandywine Realty Trust (REIT)     25,552,052  
      867,002     Brookfield Properties Corp.     27,891,454  
      105,319     Corporate Office Properties Trust (REIT)     4,431,823  
      591,049     Equity Office Properties Trust (REIT)     21,579,199  
      246,595     SL Green Realty Corp. (REIT)(a)     26,994,755  
    Other REITs – 1.9%
      238,289     Gramercy Capital Corp. (REIT)     6,171,685  
      892,507     Spirit Finance Corp. (REIT)     10,049,629  
    Regional Malls – 13.4%
      164,294     Feldman Mall Properties, Inc.     1,800,662  
      793,457     General Growth Properties, Inc. (REIT)     35,753,173  
      695,965     Simon Property Group, Inc. (REIT)     57,723,337  
      267,059     The Macerich Company (REIT)     18,747,542  
    Residential – 15.2%
      723,597     Archstone-Smith Trust (REIT)     36,809,379  
      254,817     AvalonBay Communities, Inc. (REIT)     28,187,857  
      257,596     Camden Property Trust (REIT)     18,946,186  
      668,633     Equity Residential Properties Trust (REIT)     29,907,954  
      76,966     Essex Property Trust, Inc. (REIT)     8,594,024  
      236,638     United Dominion Realty Trust, Inc. (REIT)     6,628,230  
    Self Storage – 3.1%
      222,364     Public Storage, Inc. (REIT)     16,877,427  
      487,194     U-Store-It Trust (REIT)     9,188,479  
    Shopping Centers – 11.7%
      445,158     Developers Diversified Realty Corp. (REIT)     23,228,344  
      911,489     Kimco Realty Corp. (REIT)     33,260,234  
      435,121     Kite Realty Group Trust (REIT)     6,783,536  
      295,706     Regency Centers Corp. (REIT)     18,378,128  
      475,927     Weingarten Realty Investors (REIT)     18,218,486  
    (Cost $588,537,127)   $ 837,808,347  
    Principal   Interest   Maturity    
    Amount   Rate   Date   Value
Repurchase Agreement(b) – 4.3%
    Joint Repurchase Agreement Account II
    $ 36,300,000       5.28 %     07/03/2006     $ 36,300,000  
    Maturity Value: $36,315,960
    (Cost $36,300,000)                
    (Cost $624,837,127)   $ 874,108,347  
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Schedule of Investments (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
    Shares   Description   Value
Securities Lending Collateral – 5.1%
      43,205,675     Boston Global Investment Trust – Enhanced Portfolio   $ 43,205,675  
    (Cost $43,205,675)        
    (Cost $668,042,802)   $ 917,314,022  
    LIABILITIES IN EXCESS OF OTHER ASSETS – (7.9)%     (66,913,920 )
    NET ASSETS – 100.0%   $ 850,400,102  
  The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of net assets.
 (a)   All or portion of security is on loan.
 (b)   Joint repurchase agreement was entered into on June 30, 2006. Additional information appears on page 25.
    Investment Abbreviation:
    REIT     Real Estate Investment Trust
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


JOINT REPURCHASE AGREEMENT ACCOUNT II — At June 30, 2006, the Portfolios had undivided interests in the Joint Repurchase Agreement Account II, as follows:
Fund   Principal Amount
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
  $ 5,900,000  
Real Estate Securities
    Principal   Interest   Maturity   Maturity
Repurchase Agreements   Amount   Rate   Date   Value
Banc of America Securities LLC
  $ 2,860,000,000       5.30 %   07/03/2006   $ 2,861,263,167  
Barclays Capital PLC
    1,500,000,000       5.32     07/03/2006     1,500,665,000  
Bear Stearns
    500,000,000       5.31     07/03/2006     500,221,250  
Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.
    1,000,000,000       5.20     07/03/2006     1,000,433,333  
Greenwich Capital Markets
    300,000,000       5.32     07/03/2006     300,133,000  
J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc.
    400,000,000       5.28     07/03/2006     400,176,000  
Merrill Lynch
    500,000,000       5.25     07/03/2006     500,218,750  
Morgan Stanley & Co.
    3,000,000,000       5.25     07/03/2006     3,001,312,500  
UBS Securities LLC
    1,050,000,000       5.25     07/03/2006     1,050,459,375  
UBS Securities LLC
    475,000,000       5.30     07/03/2006     475,209,792  
UBS Securities LLC
    400,000,000       5.34     07/03/2006     400,178,000  
Wachovia Capital Markets
    250,000,000       5.26     07/03/2006     250,109,583  
  $ 12,235,000,000                 $ 12,240,379,750  
At June 30, 2006, the Joint Repurchase Agreement Account II was fully collateralized by Federal Home Loan Bank, 0.00% to 11.00%, due 07/07/2006 to 04/20/2016; Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association, 3.00% to 8.50%, due 02/01/2007 to 07/01/2036; Federal National Mortgage Association, 0.00% to 10.50%, due 02/01/2007 to 07/01/2036; and U.S. Treasury Bonds, 5.00% to 7.14%, due 11/13/2008 to 10/20/2018. The aggregate market value of the collateral, including accrued interest, was $12,492,409,737.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Statements of Assets and Liabilities
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
        Tollkeeper   Structured Tax-Managed   Real Estate    
        Fund   Equity Fund   Securities Fund    
Investment in securities, at value (identified cost $256,116,502, $165,825,134 and $624,837,127, respectively) — including $12,200,250, $2,944,563 and $42,785,274 of securities on loan, respectively
  $ 275,418,482     $ 202,477,148     $ 874,108,347      
Securities lending collateral, at value (cost $12,537,250, $3,006,475 and $43,205,675)
    12,537,250       3,006,475       43,205,675      
    154,638       654,229       86,763      
Dividends and interest
    14,633       202,087       3,084,104      
Fund shares sold
    114,088       852,629       1,035,351      
Investment securities sold, at value
Reimbursement from adviser
    23,752       33,398       40,313      
Securities lending income
    21,194       3,380       12,015      
Other assets
    2,831       1,310       6,039      
Total assets
    288,768,390       207,230,656       921,578,607      
Payable upon return of securities loaned
    12,537,250       3,006,475       43,205,675      
Fund shares repurchased
    784,786       233,918       26,944,151      
Amounts owed to affiliates
    413,994       191,658       881,501      
Variation margin
Accrued expenses
    169,251       92,470       147,178      
Total liabilities
    13,905,281       3,528,873       71,178,505      
    Net Assets:
Paid-in capital
    1,661,638,419       209,641,142       548,198,965      
Accumulated undistributed (distribution in excess of) net investment income
    (2,411,719 )     397,871       346,582      
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investment, futures and foreign currency related transactions
    (1,403,665,571 )     (43,114,749 )     52,583,304      
Net unrealized gain on investments, futures and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
    19,301,980       36,777,519       249,271,251      
  $ 274,863,109     $ 203,701,783     $ 850,400,102      
Net Assets:
Class A
  $ 112,256,248     $ 109,532,513     $ 369,754,838      
Class B
    99,294,721       24,863,934       21,475,815      
Class C
    52,030,348       25,360,712       22,416,886      
    11,094,538       43,602,270       428,395,272      
    187,254       342,354       8,357,291      
Shares Outstanding:
Class A
    14,216,975       10,163,186       18,210,726      
Class B
    13,233,652       2,396,127       1,053,956      
Class C
    6,939,386       2,449,938       1,109,490      
    1,366,790       3,975,841       21,027,394      
    23,812       31,868       409,684      
Total shares of beneficial interest outstanding, $0.001 par value (unlimited shares authorized)
    35,780,615       19,016,960       41,811,250      
Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share:(b)
Class A
    $7.90     $ 10.78     $ 20.30      
Class B
    7.50       10.38       20.38      
Class C
    7.50       10.35       20.20      
    8.12       10.97       20.37      
    7.86       10.74       20.40      
(a)  Includes restricted cash of $572,000 for the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund relating to initial margin requirements on futures transactions.
(b)  Maximum public offering price per share (NAV per share multiplied by 1.0582) for Class A Shares of the Tollkeeper, Structured Tax-Managed Equity and Real Estate Securities Funds is $8.36, $11.41 and $21.48, respectively. At redemption, Class B and Class C Shares may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge, assessed on the amount equal to the lesser of the current net asset value or the original purchase price of the shares.
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Statements of Operations
For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
        Tollkeeper   Structured Tax-Managed   Real Estate
        Fund   Equity Fund   Securities Fund
    Investment income:
  $ 442,190     $ 1,324,520     $ 13,316,894  
Interest (including securities lending income of $50,616, $8,720 and $29,711, respectively)
    102,302       113,221       658,076  
Total income
    544,492       1,437,741       13,974,970  
Management fees
    1,561,755       588,891       3,988,566  
Distribution and Service fees(b)
    1,033,015       367,285       647,114  
Transfer agent fees(b)
    287,854       141,715       450,186  
Custody and accounting fees
    56,728       59,182       80,835  
Registration fees
    25,529       32,605       32,342  
Printing fees
    32,247       16,474       38,865  
Professional fees
    24,715       23,764       25,778  
Trustee fees
    7,199       7,199       7,199  
Service share fees
    369       983       17,827  
    79,256       30,533       41,176  
Total expenses
    3,108,667       1,268,631       5,329,888  
Less — expense reductions
    (126,693 )     (207,673 )     (217,730 )
Net expenses
    2,981,974       1,060,958       5,112,158  
    (2,437,482 )     376,783       8,862,812  
    Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment, futures and foreign currency transactions:
Net realized gain (loss) from:
Investment transactions (including commissions recaptured of $37,470, $0 and $0, respectively)
    (5,156,540 )     (557,412 )     51,470,507  
Futures transactions
          (43,875 )      
Net change in unrealized gain on:
    4,722,429       5,345,075       39,415,900  
Translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment, futures and foreign currency transactions
    (434,111 )     4,882,086       90,886,438  
  $ (2,871,593 )   $ 5,258,869     $ 99,749,250  
(a)   For the Real Estate Securities Fund foreign taxes withheld on dividends were $46,304.
(b)   Class specific Distribution and Service and Transfer Agent fees were as follows:
    Distribution and Service Fees   Transfer Agent Fees
Fund   Class A   Class B   Class C   Class A   Class B   Class C   Institutional   Service
  $ 156,515     $ 580,244     $ 296,256     $ 118,952     $ 110,246     $ 56,289     $ 2,338     $ 29  
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
    117,667       127,590       122,028       89,427       24,242       23,185       4,782       79  
Real Estate Securities
    430,169       109,137       107,808       326,929       20,736       20,483       80,612       1,426  
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Statements of Changes in Net Assets
        Tollkeeper Fund   Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund   Real Estate Securities Fund
        For the       For the       For the    
        Six Months Ended   For the   Six Months Ended   For the   Six Months Ended   For the
        June 30, 2006   Year Ended   June 30, 2006   Year Ended   June 30, 2006   Year Ended
        (Unaudited)   December 31, 2005   (Unaudited)   December 31, 2005   (Unaudited)   December 31, 2005
    From operations:
Net investment income (loss)
  $ (2,437,482 )   $ (5,331,671 )   $ 376,783     $ 138,882     $ 8,862,812     $ 9,744,583  
Net realized gain (loss) on investment, futures and foreign currency related transactions
    (5,156,540 )     34,310,169       (601,287 )     2,644,126       51,470,507       32,087,872  
Payment by affiliates to reimburse certain security claims
Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments, futures and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
    4,722,429       (27,520,784 )     5,483,373       6,277,034       39,415,931       37,370,852  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations
    (2,871,593 )     1,457,714       5,258,869       9,066,029       99,749,250       79,203,307  
    Distributions to shareholders:
From net investment income
Class A Shares
                      (58,662 )     (3,755,355 )     (5,422,554 )
Class B Shares
                            (142,359 )     (268,940 )
Class C Shares
                            (148,761 )     (228,774 )
Institutional Shares
                      (59,132 )     (5,226,484 )     (6,829,368 )
Service Shares
                            (75,428 )     (80,949 )
From net realized gain:
Class A Shares
                                  (17,327,418 )
Class B Shares
                                  (1,269,974 )
Class C Shares
                                  (1,156,212 )
Institutional Shares
                                  (19,326,686 )
Service Shares
                                  (325,342 )
Total distributions to shareholders
                      (117,794 )     (9,348,387 )     (52,236,217 )
    From share transactions:
Proceeds from sales of shares
    22,047,162       29,251,261       68,398,306       57,795,919       167,940,614       272,656,738  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
                      77,567       8,317,685       46,281,094  
Cost of shares repurchased
    (60,002,877 )     (127,253,551 )     (12,381,945 )     (19,086,548 )     (113,886,541 )     (204,033,747 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions
    (37,955,715 )     (98,002,290 )     56,016,361       38,786,938       62,371,758       114,904,085  
    (40,827,308 )     (96,544,576 )     61,275,230       47,735,173       152,772,621       141,871,175  
    Net assets:
Beginning of period
    315,690,417       412,234,993       142,426,553       94,691,380       697,627,481       555,756,306  
End of period
  $ 274,863,109     $ 315,690,417     $ 203,701,783     $ 142,426,553     $ 850,400,102     $ 697,627,481  
Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income
  $ (2,411,719 )   $ 25,763     $ 397,871     $ 21,088     $ 346,582     $ 832,157  
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Notes to Financial Statements
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
Goldman Sachs Trust (the “Trust”) is a Delaware statutory trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, (the “Act”) as an open-end management investment company. The Trust includes the Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper Fund, (“Tollkeeper”), Goldman Sachs Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund (“Structured Tax-Managed Equity”) (formerly, Goldman Sachs CORESM Tax-Managed Equity Fund) and Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund (“Real Estate Securities”) (collectively, the “Funds” or individually a “Fund”). Each Fund is a diversified portfolio offering five classes of shares — Class A, Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service. Class A shares of the Funds are sold with a front-end sales charge of up to 5.50%. Class B shares of the Funds are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 5.00% to zero, depending upon the period of time the shares are held. Class C shares of the Funds are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1% during the first 12 months. Institutional and Service Class shares of the Funds are not subject to a sales charge. Such sales loads are paid directly to Goldman Sachs & Co. (“Goldman Sachs”) as distributor of the Funds.
The Real Estate Securities Fund invests primarily in securities of issuers that are engaged in or related to the real estate industry and has a policy of concentrating its investments in the real estate industry. Therefore, an investment in the Real Estate Securities Fund is subject to certain risks associated with the direct ownership of real estate and with the real estate industry in general. Such risks include, but are not limited to, declines in property values; increases in property taxes, operating expenses, interest rates or competition; zoning changes; and losses from casualty and condemnation.
The Tollkeeper Fund invests primarily in equity investments in “Tollkeeper” companies. In general, the Investment Adviser defines a Tollkeeper company as a high-quality technology, media, or service company that adopts or uses technology to improve its cost structure, revenue, opportunities or competitive advantage. Because of its focus on technology, media and service companies, the Fund’s investment performance will be closely tied to many factors which affect technology, media and service companies. The Fund may also invest in a relatively few numbers of issuers. As a result, the Fund’s Net Asset Value is more likely to have greater fluctuations than that of a fund which is more diversified or invests in other industries.
The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Funds. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that may affect the reported amounts. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
A. Investment Valuation — Investments in equity securities and investment companies traded on a U.S. securities exchange or the NASDAQ system are valued daily at their last sale price or official closing price on the principal exchange or system on which they are traded. If no sale occurs, such securities are valued at the last bid price. Debt securities are valued at prices supplied by independent pricing services, broker/dealer-supplied valuations or matrix pricing systems. Unlisted equity securities for which market quotations are available are valued at the last sale price on valuation date, or if no sale occurs, at the last bid price. Investments in investment companies (other than those that are exchange traded) are valued at the net asset value per share on the valuation date. Short-term debt obligations maturing in sixty days or less are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available or are deemed not to reflect market value by the investment adviser are valued at fair value using methods approved by the Trust’s Board of Trustees.
B. Security Transactions and Investment Income — Security transactions are reflected as of the trade date. Realized gains and losses on sales of portfolio securities are calculated using the identified cost basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date, net of foreign withholding taxes, if any, which are reduced by any amounts reclaimable by the Funds, where applicable. Interest income is recorded on the basis of interest accrued, premium amortized and discount accreted.


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
Net investment income (other than class specific expenses) and unrealized and realized gains or losses are allocated daily to each class of shares of the respective Fund based upon the relative proportion of net assets of each class.
C. Expenses — Expenses incurred by the Trust that do not specifically relate to an individual Fund of the Trust are allocated to the Funds on a straight-line and/or “pro-rata” basis depending upon the nature of the expense.
Class A, Class B and Class C shareholders of the Funds bear all expenses and fees relating to their respective Distribution and Service Plans. Service Shares bear all expenses and fees relating to their Service and Shareholder Administration Plans. Each class of shares of the Funds separately bears its respective class-specific Transfer Agency fees.
D. Federal Taxes and Distributions to Shareholders — It is each Fund’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute each year substantially all of its investment company taxable income and capital gains to its shareholders. Accordingly, no federal tax provisions are required. Dividends and distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income distributions, if any, are declared and paid annually for the Tollkeeper and Structured Tax-Managed Equity Funds and quarterly for the Real Estate Securities Fund. Capital gains distributions, if any, are declared and paid annually for all Funds.
The characterization of distributions to shareholders for financial reporting purposes is determined in accordance with Federal income tax rules, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. Therefore, the source of each Fund’s distributions may be shown in the accompanying financial statements as either from net investment income or net realized gain, or from tax return of capital.
In addition, distributions paid by the Structured Tax-Managed Equity and the Real Estate Securities Funds’ investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) often include a “return of capital” which is recorded by the Funds as a reduction of the cost basis of the securities held. The Code requires a REIT to distribute at least 95% of its taxable income to investors. In many cases, however, because of “non-cash” expenses such as property depreciation, a REIT’s cash flow will exceed its taxable income. The REIT may distribute this excess cash to offer a more competitive yield. This portion of the Funds’ distributions is deemed a return of capital and is generally not taxable to shareholders.
E. Repurchase Agreements — Repurchase agreements involve the purchase of securities subject to the seller’s agreement to repurchase them at a mutually agreed upon date and price. During the term of a repurchase agreement, the value of the underlying securities held as collateral on behalf of the Funds, including accrued interest, is required to exceed the value of the repurchase agreement, including accrued interest. If the seller defaults or becomes insolvent, realization of the collateral by the Funds may be delayed or limited and there may be a decline in the value of the collateral during the period while the Funds seek to assert their rights. The underlying securities for all repurchase agreements are held in safekeeping at the Funds’ custodian or designated subcustodians under triparty repurchase agreements.
Pursuant to exemptive relief granted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and terms and conditions contained therein, the Funds, together with other registered investment companies having management or investment advisory agreements with Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. (“GSAM”), or its affiliates, may transfer uninvested cash into joint accounts, the daily aggregate balance of which is invested in one or more repurchase agreements.
F. Segregation Transactions — As set forth in the prospectus, the Funds may enter into certain derivative transactions to seek to increase total return. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, futures contracts, written options, mortgage dollar rolls, when-issued securities and forward commitments represent examples of such transactions. As a result of entering into these transactions, the Funds are required to segregate liquid assets, on the books of their custodian, with a current value equal to or greater than the market value of the corresponding transactions.


G. Futures Contracts — The Funds may enter into futures transactions to hedge against changes in interest rates, securities prices, currency exchange rates or to seek to increase total return. Futures contracts are valued at the last settlement price, or in absence of a sale, the last bid price, at the end of each day on the board of trade or exchange upon which they are traded. Upon entering into a futures contract, the Funds are required to deposit with a broker or the Funds’ custodian bank on behalf of the broker an amount of cash or securities equal to the minimum “initial margin” requirement of the associated futures exchange. Subsequent payments for futures contracts (“variation margin”) are paid or received by the Funds, dependent on the daily fluctuations in the value of the contracts, and are recorded for financial reporting purposes as unrealized gains or losses. When contracts are closed, the Funds realize a gain or loss which is reported in the Statement of Operations.
The use of futures contracts involves, to varying degrees, elements of market and counterparty risk which may exceed the amounts recognized in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Changes in the value of a futures contract may not directly correlate with changes in the value of the underlying securities. This risk may decrease the effectiveness of the Funds’ strategies and potentially result in a loss.
H. Commission Recapture — The Tollkeeper Fund may direct portfolio trades, subject to obtaining best execution, to various brokers who have agreed to rebate a portion of the commissions generated. Such rebates are made directly to the Tollkeeper Fund as cash payments and are included in the net realized gain (loss) on investments in the Statements of Operations.
GSAM, an affiliate of Goldman, Sachs & Co. (“Goldman Sachs”), serves as investment adviser pursuant to an Investment Management Agreement (the “Agreement”) with the Trust on behalf of the Funds. Under the Agreement, GSAM manages the Funds, subject to the general supervision of the Trust’s Board of Trustees.
As compensation for the services rendered pursuant to the Agreement, the assumption of the expenses related thereto and administering the Funds’ business affairs, including providing facilities, GSAM is entitled to a fee (“Management fee”) computed daily and payable monthly, equal to an annual percentage rate of each Fund’s average daily net assets.
GSAM has entered into a fee reduction commitment for the Fund which was implemented on a voluntary basis beginning on July 1, 2005 and on a contractual basis as of April 28, 2006 to achieve the rates listed below:
    Management Fee   Average Daily
Fund   Annual Rate   Net Assets
    1.00 %     First $1 Billion  
      0.90       Next $1 Billion  
      0.86       Over $2 Billion  
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
    0.70       First $1 Billion  
      0.63       Next $1 Billion  
      0.60       Over $2 Billion  
Real Estate Securities
    1.00       First $1 Billion  
      0.90       Next $1 Billion  
      0.86       Over $2 Billion  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
3. AGREEMENTS (continued)
Additionally, effective January 6, 2006, GSAM has agreed to voluntarily waive a portion of its Management fee equal to 0.05% of the average daily net assets of the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund.
GSAM has voluntarily agreed to limit certain “Other Expenses” of the Funds (excluding Management fees, Distribution and Service fees, Transfer Agency fees and expenses, and Service Share fees, taxes, interest, brokerage fees and litigation, indemnification, shareholder meeting and other extraordinary expenses exclusive of any expense offset arrangements) to the extent that such expenses exceed, on an annual basis, a percentage rate of the average daily net assets of each Fund. Such expense reimbursements, if any, are computed daily and paid monthly. In addition, the Funds are not obligated to reimburse GSAM for prior fiscal year expense reimbursements, if any.
For the six months ended June 30, 2006, the Other Expense limitations for the Tollkeeper, Structured Tax-Managed Equity and the Real Estate Securities Funds as an annual percentage rate of average daily net assets were 0.064%, 0.004% and 0.004%, respectively. Prior to January 6, 2006, the Other Expense limitation for Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund was 0.054%.
The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, has adopted Distribution and Service Plans (the “Plans”). Under the Plans, Goldman Sachs and/or authorized dealers are entitled to a monthly fee for distribution services equal to, on an annual basis, 0.25%, 0.75% and 0.75% of the Funds’ average daily net assets attributable to Class A, Class B and Class C Shares, respectively. Additionally, Goldman Sachs and/or authorized dealers are entitled to receive under the Plans a separate fee for personal and account maintenance services equal to, on an annual basis, 0.25% of each Fund’s average daily net assets attributable to Class B and Class C Shares.
Goldman Sachs serves as Distributor of shares of the Funds pursuant to a Distribution Agreement. Goldman Sachs may retain a portion of the Class A sales load and Class B and Class C contingent deferred sales charges. During the six months ended June 30, 2006, Goldman Sachs advised the Funds that it retained the following approximate amounts:
        Contingent Deferred
    Sales Load   Sales Charge
                         Fund   Class A   Class B   Class C
  $ 6,800     $ 1,100     $ 100  
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
Real Estate Securities
    29,400       200        
Goldman Sachs also serves as the Transfer Agent of the Funds for a fee. The fees charged for such transfer agency services are calculated daily and payable monthly at an annual rate as follows: 0.19% of the average daily net assets for Class A, Class B and Class C Shares and 0.04% of the average daily net assets for Institutional and Service Shares.
The Trust, on behalf of each Fund, has adopted a Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan for Service Shares. These plans allow for Service Shares to compensate service organizations for providing varying levels of personal and account administration and shareholder administration services to their customers who are beneficial owners of such shares. The Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan provide for compensation to the service organizations in an amount equal to, on an annualized basis, 0.25% and 0.25%, respectively, of the average daily net assets of the Service Shares.


3. AGREEMENTS (continued)
For the six months ended June 30, 2006, GSAM has voluntarily agreed to waive certain fees and reimburse other expenses. In addition, the Funds have entered into certain offset arrangements with the custodian resulting in a reduction in the Funds’ expenses. These expense reductions were as follows (in thousands):
    Management   Other Expense   Custody Fee   Total Expense
                         Fund   Fee Waiver   Reimbursement   Reduction   Reductions
  $     $ 126     $ 1     $ 127  
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
    41       165       2       208  
Real Estate Securities
          210       8       218  
     At June 30, 2006, the amounts owed to affiliates were as follows (in thousands):
    Management   Distribution and   Transfer    
                         Fund   Fees   Service Fees   Agent Fees   Total
  $ 225     $ 148     $ 41     $ 414  
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
    104       63       25       192  
Real Estate Securities
    696       109       77       882  
The cost of purchases and proceeds from sales and maturities of long-term securities for the six months ended June 30, 2006 were as follows:
                         Fund   Purchases   Sales and Maturities
  $ 76,318,861     $ 115,456,538  
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
    118,939,879       68,518,900  
Real Estate Securities
    232,587,402       164,898,003  
For the six months ended June 30, 2006, Goldman Sachs earned approximately $16,100, $9,700 and $7,500 of brokerage commissions from portfolio transactions, including futures transactions, executed on behalf of the Tollkeeper, Structured Tax-Managed Equity and Real Estate Securities Funds, respectively.
Pursuant to exemptive relief granted by the SEC and the terms and conditions contained therein, the Funds may lend their securities through a securities lending agent, Boston Global Advisers (“BGA”) — a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, to certain qualified borrowers including Goldman Sachs and affiliates. In accordance with the Funds’ security lending procedures, the loans are collateralized at all times with cash and/or securities with a market value at least equal to the securities on loan. The market value of the loaned securities is determined at the close of business of the funds at their last sale price or official closing price on the principal exchange or system on which they are traded and any additional required


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
collateral is delivered to the funds on the next business day. As with other extensions of credit, the Funds bear the risk of delay on recovery or loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the securities fail financially.
Both the Funds and BGA receive compensation relating to the lending of the Funds’ securities. The amounts earned by the Funds for the six months ended June 30, 2006, are reported parenthetically under Investment Income on the Statements of Operations. The Funds invest the cash collateral received in connection with securities lending transactions in the Enhanced Portfolio of Boston Global Investment Trust, a Delaware statutory trust. The Enhanced Portfolio is exempt from registration under Section 3(c)(7) of the Act and is managed by GSAM, for which GSAM receives an investment advisory fee of up to 0.10% of the average daily net assets of the Enhanced Portfolio. The Enhanced Portfolio invests in high quality money market instruments. The Funds bear the risk of incurring a loss from the investment of cash collateral due to either credit or market factors.
The table below details securities lending activity as of, and for the six months ended June 30, 2006:
            Earnings of BGA   Earnings Received
            Relating to   by the Funds
    Market Value of   Cash Collateral   Securities   From Lending to
    Securities on Loan   Received for Loans   Loaned for the   Goldman Sachs for
    as of   Outstanding as of   Six Months Ended   the Six Months Ended
                         Fund   June 30, 2006   June 30, 2006   June 30, 2006   June 30, 2006
  $ 12,200,250     $ 12,537,250     $ 7,723     $ 4,059  
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
    2,944,563       3,006,475       1,333       798  
Real Estate Securities
    42,785,274       43,205,675       4,775       96  
The Funds participate in a $400,000,000 committed, unsecured revolving line of credit facility together with other registered investment companies having management of investment advisory agreements with GSAM. Under the most restrictive arrangement, the Funds must own securities having a market value in excess of 300% of each fund’s total bank borrowings. This facility is to be used solely for temporary or emergency purposes. The interest rate on borrowings is based on the federal funds rate. The committed facility also requires a fee to be paid by the Funds based on the amount of the commitment that has not been utilized. During the six months ended June 30, 2006, the Funds did not have any borrowings under this facility.
As of the Funds’ most recent fiscal year end, December 31, 2005, the Funds’ capital loss carryforwards on a tax basis were as follows.


7. TAX INFORMATION (continued)
        Tax-Managed   Real Estate
    Tollkeeper Fund   Equity Fund   Securities Fund
Capital loss carryforward:(1)
Expiring 2009
    (775,760,676 )     (21,567,672 )      
Expiring 2010
    (476,361,177 )     (20,748,975 )      
Expiring 2011
    (137,998,151 )     (209,608 )      
Expiring 2012
    (1,145,651 )            
Total capital loss carryforward
    (1,391,265,655 )     (42,526,255 )      
(1)  Expiration occurs on December 31 of the year indicated.
At June 30, 2006, the Funds’ aggregate security unrealized gains and losses based on cost for U.S. federal income tax purposes were as follows:
        Tax-Managed   Real Estate
    Tollkeeper Fund   Equity Fund   Securities Fund
Tax cost
  $ 275,871,365     $ 168,831,609     $ 668,679,464  
Gross unrealized gain
    33,949,747       38,640,605       249,648,761  
Gross unrealized loss
    (21,865,380 )     (1,988,591 )     (1,014,203 )
Net unrealized security gain
  $ 12,084,367     $ 36,652,014     $ 248,634,558  
Net unrealized gain on other investments
Net unrealized gain on other investments
  $ 12,084,367     $ 36,777,519     $ 248,634,558  
The difference between book-basis and tax-basis unrealized gains (losses) is attributable primarily to wash sales, the recognition of gains on appreciated stock for tax purposes and net mark to market losses on Section 1256 futures contracts.
As of June 30, 2006, Goldman Sachs & Co. Employees Profit Sharing Master Trust was the beneficial owner of approximately 16% of the outstanding shares of the Real Estate Securities Fund.
In addition, the following Goldman Sachs Asset Allocation Portfolios were beneficial owners of the Real Estate Securities Fund as of June 30, 2006 (as a percentage of outstanding Institutional shares):
        Goldman Sachs       Goldman Sachs
    Goldman Sachs   Growth and   Goldman Sachs   Equity Growth
    Balanced Strategy   Income Strategy   Growth Strategy   Strategy
             Fund   Portfolio   Portfolio   Portfolio   Portfolio
Real Estate Securities
    1 %     3 %     3 %     1 %
Legal Proceedings — Purported class and derivative action lawsuits were filed in April and May 2004 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (“GSG”), GSAM and certain related parties, including certain Goldman Sachs Funds including these Funds, and the Trustees and Officers of the Trust. In


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
8. OTHER MATTERS (continued)
June 2004, these lawsuits were consolidated into one action and in November 2004 a consolidated and amended complaint was filed against GSG, GSAM, GSAMI, Goldman Sachs and certain related parties including certain Goldman Sachs Funds and the Trustees and Officers of the Trust. These Funds, along with certain other investment portfolios of the Trust, were named as nominal defendants in the amended complaint. Plaintiffs filed a second amended consolidated complaint on April 15, 2005. The second amended consolidated complaint alleges violations of the Act and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The complaint also asserts claims involving common law breach of fiduciary duty and unjust enrichment. The complaint alleges, among other things, that between April 2, 1999 and January 9, 2004 (the “Class Period”), GSAM and other defendants made improper and excessive brokerage commission and other payments to brokers that sold shares of the Goldman Sachs Funds and omitted statements of fact in registration statements and reports filed pursuant to the Act which were necessary to prevent such registration statements and reports from being materially false and misleading. The complaint further alleges that the Goldman Sachs Funds paid excessive and improper advisory fees to Goldman Sachs. The complaint also alleges that GSAM and GSAMI used 12b-1 fees for improper purposes and made improper use of soft dollars. The complaint further alleges that the Trust’s Officers and Trustees breached their fiduciary duties in connection with the foregoing. On January 13, 2006, all claims against the defendants were dismissed by the U.S. District Court. On February 22, 2006, the plaintiffs appealed this decision.
Based on currently available information, GSAM and GSAMI believe that the likelihood that the pending purported class action and derivative action lawsuit will have a material adverse financial impact on the Funds is remote, and the pending action is not likely to materially affect their ability to provide investment management services to their clients, including the Goldman Sachs Funds.
New Accounting Pronouncement — On July 13, 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) released FASB Interpretation No. 48 “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes” (“FIN 48”). FIN 48 provides guidance for how uncertain tax positions should be recognized, measured, presented and disclosed in the financial statements. FIN 48 requires the evaluation of tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the Fund’s tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are “more-likely-than-not” of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not threshold would be recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. Adoption of FIN 48 is required for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006 and is to be applied to all open tax years as of the effective date. At this time, management is evaluating the implications of FIN 48 and its impact in the financial statements has not yet been determined.


Share activity is as follows:
    Tollkeeper Fund
    For the Six Months Ended   For the Year Ended
    June 30, 2006   December 31, 2005
    Shares   Dollars   Shares   Dollars
Class A Shares
Shares sold
    1,893,672     $ 16,072,858       3,095,992     $ 23,855,881  
Shares converted from Class B(a)
    90,090       743,046       137,949       1,063,670  
Shares repurchased
    (3,448,169 )     (29,286,069 )     (7,643,167 )     (58,350,553 )
      (1,464,407 )     (12,470,165 )     (4,409,226 )     (33,431,002 )
Class B Shares
Shares sold
    59,366       482,357       261,562       1,913,691  
Shares converted to Class A(a)
    (94,757 )     (743,046 )     (144,191 )     (1,063,670 )
Shares repurchased
    (2,477,032 )     (19,929,921 )     (5,990,133 )     (44,061,374 )
      (2,512,423 )     (20,190,610 )     (5,872,762 )     (43,211,353 )
Class C Shares
Shares sold
    178,374       1,439,699       369,226       2,715,457  
Shares repurchased
    (1,174,649 )     (9,432,573 )     (2,918,197 )     (21,386,034 )
      (996,275 )     (7,992,874 )     (2,548,971 )     (18,670,577 )
Institutional Shares
Shares sold
    447,671       3,951,008       93,645       737,148  
Shares repurchased
    (152,917 )     (1,351,077 )     (429,593 )     (3,405,481 )
      294,754       2,599,931       (335,948 )     (2,668,333 )
Service Shares
Shares sold
    11,657       101,240       3,757       29,084  
Shares repurchased
    (408 )     (3,237 )     (6,600 )     (50,109 )
      11,249       98,003       (2,843 )     (21,025 )
    (4,667,102 )   $ (37,955,715 )     (13,169,750 )   $ (98,002,290 )
(a)   Class B Shares will automatically convert into Class A Shares at the end of the calendar quarter that is eight years after the initial purchase date of either the Fund or another Goldman Sachs Fund.


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2006 (Unaudited)
    Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund
    For the Six Months Ended   For the Year Ended
    June 30, 2006   December 31, 2005
    Shares   Dollars   Shares   Dollars
Class A Shares
Shares sold
    3,528,562     $ 38,271,731       4,056,229     $ 40,430,685  
Shares converted from Class B(a)
    14,873       161,470       6,461       65,417  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
                4,962       51,757  
Shares repurchased
    (718,154 )     (7,789,622 )     (927,457 )     (9,014,017 )
      2,825,281       30,643,579       3,140,195       31,533,842  
Class B Shares
Shares sold
    80,385       843,485       111,891       1,052,770  
Shares converted to Class A(a)
    (15,427 )     (161,470 )     (6,678 )     (65,417 )
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
Shares repurchased
    (179,418 )     (1,885,436 )     (540,991 )     (5,027,276 )
      (114,460 )     (1,203,421 )     (435,778 )     (4,039,923 )
Class C Shares
Shares sold
    329,398       3,455,079       264,729       2,458,239  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
Shares repurchased
    (143,491 )     (1,500,092 )     (418,178 )     (3,894,499 )
      185,907       1,954,987       (153,449 )     (1,436,260 )
Institutional Shares
Shares sold
    2,388,084       25,828,011       1,358,712       13,854,225  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
                2,437       25,810  
Shares repurchased
    (102,462 )     (1,122,048 )     (101,700 )     (966,306 )
      2,285,622       24,705,963       1,259,449       12,913,729  
Service Shares
Shares sold
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
Shares repurchased
    (7,796 )     (84,747 )     (18,350 )     (184,450 )
      (7,796 )     (84,747 )     (18,350 )     (184,450 )
    5,174,554     $ 56,016,361       3,792,067     $ 38,786,938  
(a)   Class B Shares will automatically convert into Class A Shares at the end of the calendar quarter that is eight years after the initial purchase date of either the Fund or another Goldman Sachs Fund.


    Real Estate Securities Fund
    For the Six Months Ended   For the Year Ended
    June 30, 2006   December 31, 2005
    Shares   Dollars   Shares   Dollars
Class A Shares
Shares sold
    3,938,491     $ 76,947,471       6,274,862     $ 109,847,880  
Shares converted from Class B(a)
    9,185       183,793       6,639       116,418  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    162,413       3,292,978       1,100,597       19,642,193  
Shares repurchased
    (2,601,460 )     (50,929,868 )     (6,753,846 )     (116,817,551 )
      1,508,629       29,494,374       628,252       12,788,940  
Class B Shares
Shares sold
    53,418       1,060,073       197,614       3,492,326  
Shares converted to Class A(a)
    (9,168 )     (183,793 )     (6,623 )     (116,418 )
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    5,963       121,391       72,939       1,308,501  
Shares repurchased
    (189,149 )     (3,700,685 )     (480,926 )     (8,502,399 )
      (138,936 )     (2,703,014 )     (216,996 )     (3,817,990 )
Class C Shares
Shares sold
    120,988       2,362,959       245,826       4,327,210  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    5,413       109,264       61,086       1,087,285  
Shares repurchased
    (131,829 )     (2,576,598 )     (261,227 )     (4,566,541 )
      (5,428 )     (104,375 )     45,685       847,954  
Institutional Shares
Shares sold
    4,295,729       84,615,659       8,663,661       150,445,372  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    234,286       4,765,046       1,346,111       24,114,871  
Shares repurchased
    (2,776,837 )     (55,464,213 )     (4,146,435 )     (72,522,372 )
      1,753,178       33,916,492       5,863,337       102,037,871  
Service Shares
Shares sold
    151,164       2,954,452       260,484       4,543,950  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    1,425       29,006       7,131       128,244  
Shares repurchased
    (61,643 )     (1,215,177 )     (92,570 )     (1,624,884 )
      90,946       1,768,281       175,045       3,047,310  
    3,208,389     $ 62,371,758       6,495,323     $ 114,904,085  
(a)   Class B Shares will automatically convert into Class A Shares at the end of the calendar quarter that is eight years after the initial purchase date of either the Fund or another Goldman Sachs Fund.


Financial Highlights
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
            Income (loss) from    
            investment operations    
        Net asset        
        value,   Net   Net realized   Total from    
        beginning   investment   and unrealized   investment    
    Year - Share Class   of period   loss(a)   gain (loss)   operations    
    2006 - A   $ 8.02     $ (0.05 )   $ (0.07 )   $ (0.12 )    
    2006 - B     7.65       (0.08 )     (0.07 )     (0.15 )    
    2006 - C     7.64       (0.08 )     (0.06 )     (0.14 )    
    2006 - Institutional     8.23       (0.03 )     (0.08 )     (0.11 )    
    2006 - Service     7.99       (0.05 )     (0.08 )     (0.13 )    
    2005 - A     7.87       (0.08 )     0.23       0.15      
    2005 - B     7.56       (0.13 )     0.22       0.09      
    2005 - C     7.55       (0.13 )     0.22       0.09      
    2005 - Institutional     8.04       (0.05 )     0.24       0.19      
    2005 - Service     7.85       (0.09 )     0.23       0.14      
    2004 - A     6.99       (0.04 )     0.92       0.88      
    2004 - B     6.77       (0.09 )     0.88       0.79      
    2004 - C     6.76       (0.09 )     0.88       0.79      
    2004 - Institutional     7.11       (0.02 )     0.95       0.93      
    2004 - Service     6.96       (0.04 )     0.93       0.89      
    2003 - A     4.80       (0.08 )     2.27       2.19      
    2003 - B     4.68       (0.12 )     2.21       2.09      
    2003 - C     4.67       (0.12 )     2.21       2.09      
    2003 - Institutional     4.86       (0.05 )     2.30       2.25      
    2003 - Service     4.78       (0.08 )     2.26       2.18      
    2002 - A     7.91       (0.08 )     (3.03 )     (3.11 )    
    2002 - B     7.77       (0.12 )     (2.97 )     (3.09 )    
    2002 - C     7.77       (0.12 )     (2.98 )     (3.10 )    
    2002 - Institutional     7.98       (0.06 )     (3.06 )     (3.12 )    
    2002 - Service     7.89       (0.09 )     (3.02 )     (3.11 )    
    2001 - A     11.90       (0.13 )     (3.86 )     (3.99 )    
    2001 - B     11.79       (0.20 )     (3.82 )     (4.02 )    
    2001 - C     11.78       (0.20 )     (3.81 )     (4.01 )    
    2001 - Institutional     11.97       (0.09 )     (3.90 )     (3.99 )    
    2001 - Service     11.88       (0.13 )     (3.86 )     (3.99 )    
(a)   Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
(b)   Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total return would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge were taken into account. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
(c)   Annualized.
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                        Ratios assuming no        
                        expense reductions        
                    Ratio of       Ratio of        
            Net assets,   Ratio of   net investment   Ratio of   net investment        
    Net asset       end of   net expenses   loss to   total expenses   loss to   Portfolio    
    value, end   Total   period   to average   average   to average   average   turnover    
    of period   return(b)   (in 000s)   net assets   net assets   net assets   net assets   rate    
    $ 7.90       (1.50 )%   $ 112,256       1.50 %(c)     (1.16 )% (c)     1.58 %(c)     (1.24 )% (c)     25 %    
      7.50       (1.96 )     99,295       2.25  (c)     (1.90 )(c)     2.33  (c)     (1.98 )(c)     25      
      7.50       (1.83 )     52,030       2.25  (c)     (1.90 )(c)     2.33  (c)     (1.98 )(c)     25      
      8.12       (1.34 )     11,095       1.10  (c)     (0.75 )(c)     1.18  (c)     (0.83 )(c)     25      
      7.86       (1.63 )     187       1.60  (c)     (1.24 )(c)     1.68  (c)     (1.32 )(c)     25      
      8.02       1.91       125,718       1.50       (1.10 )     1.56       (1.16 )     48      
      7.65       1.19       120,415       2.25       (1.85 )     2.31       (1.91 )     48      
      7.64       1.19       60,638       2.25       (1.85 )     2.31       (1.91 )     48      
      8.23       2.36       8,819       1.10       (0.70 )     1.16       (0.76 )     48      
      7.99       1.78       100       1.60       (1.20 )     1.66       (1.26 )     48      
      7.87       12.59       158,079       1.50       (0.55 )     1.56       (0.61 )     37      
      7.56       11.67       163,502       2.25       (1.31 )     2.31       (1.37 )     37      
      7.55       11.69       79,210       2.25       (1.31 )     2.31       (1.37 )     37      
      8.04       13.08       11,323       1.10       (0.31 )     1.16       (0.37 )     37      
      7.85       12.79       121       1.60       (0.57 )     1.66       (0.63 )     37      
      6.99       45.63       180,819       1.50       (1.30 )     1.55       (1.35 )     27      
      6.77       44.66       189,420       2.25       (2.04 )     2.30       (2.09 )     27      
      6.76       44.75       92,752       2.25       (2.04 )     2.30       (2.09 )     27      
      7.11       46.30       27,687       1.10       (0.89 )     1.15       (0.94 )     27      
      6.96       45.61       48       1.60       (1.39 )     1.65       (1.44 )     27      
      4.80       (39.32 )     147,055       1.51       (1.46 )     1.56       (1.51 )     28      
      4.68       (39.77 )     154,251       2.26       (2.21 )     2.31       (2.26 )     28      
      4.67       (39.90 )     74,765       2.26       (2.21 )     2.31       (2.26 )     28      
      4.86       (39.10 )     15,920       1.11       (1.06 )     1.16       (1.11 )     28      
      4.78       (39.42 )     74       1.61       (1.56 )     1.66       (1.61 )     28      
      7.91       (33.53 )     325,639       1.50       (1.37 )     1.50       (1.37 )     24      
      7.77       (34.10 )     345,170       2.25       (2.12 )     2.25       (2.12 )     24      
      7.77       (34.04 )     173,860       2.25       (2.12 )     2.25       (2.12 )     24      
      7.98       (33.33 )     56,030       1.10       (0.97 )     1.10       (0.97 )     24      
      7.89       (33.59 )     309       1.60       (1.40 )     1.60       (1.40 )     24      
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Financial Highlights
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
            Income (loss) from        
            investment operations        
        Net asset       to shareholders    
        value,   Net   Net realized   Total from   from net    
        beginning   investment   and unrealized   investment   investment    
    Year - Share Class   of period   income (loss)(a)   gain (loss)   operations   income    
    2006 - A   $ 10.39     $ 0.03     $ 0.36     $ 0.39     $      
    2006 - B     10.04       (0.01 )     0.35       0.34            
    2006 - C     10.02       (0.01 )     0.34       0.33            
    2006 - Institutional     10.56       0.05       0.36       0.41            
    2006 - Service     10.37       0.03       0.34       0.37            
    2005 - A     9.56       0.04       0.80       0.84       (0.01 )    
    2005 - B     9.30       (0.03 )     0.77       0.74            
    2005 - C     9.28       (0.03 )     0.77       0.74            
    2005 - Institutional     9.70       0.09       0.81       0.90       (0.04 )    
    2005 - Service     9.54       0.03       0.80       0.83            
    2004 - A     8.09       0.06       1.45       1.51       (0.04 )    
    2004 - B     7.90       (0.01 )     1.41       1.40            
    2004 - C     7.88       (0.01 )     1.41       1.40            
    2004 - Institutional     8.21       0.10       1.47       1.57       (0.08 )    
    2004 - Service     8.06       0.05       1.44       1.49       (0.01 )    
    2003 - A     6.27       0.02       1.80       1.82            
    2003 - B     6.16       (0.03 )     1.77       1.74            
    2003 - C     6.15       (0.03 )     1.76       1.73            
    2003 - Institutional     6.33       0.05       1.83       1.88            
    2003 - Service     6.24       0.01       1.81       1.82            
    2002 - A     7.92       0.01       (1.66 )     (1.65 )          
    2002 - B     7.84       (0.04 )     (1.64 )     (1.68 )          
    2002 - C     7.82       (0.04 )     (1.63 )     (1.67 )          
    2002 - Institutional Shares     7.96       0.04       (1.67 )     (1.63 )          
    2002 - Service Shares     7.90        (d)     (1.66 )     (1.66 )          
    2001 - A     8.93        (d)     (0.99 )     (0.99 )     (0.02 )    
    2001 - B     8.89       (0.06 )     (0.99 )     (1.05 )          
    2001 - C     8.88       (0.06 )     (0.99 )     (1.05 )     (0.01 )    
    2001 - Institutional     8.96       0.03       (1.00 )     (0.97 )     (0.03 )    
    2001 - Service     8.93       (0.01 )     (0.99 )     (1.00 )     (0.03 )    
(a)  Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
(b)  Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total return would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge were taken into account. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
(c)  Annualized.
(d)  Less than $0.005 per share.
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                        Ratios assuming no        
                        expense reductions        
                    Ratio of       Ratio of        
            Net assets,   Ratio of   net investment   Ratio of   net investment        
    Net asset       end of   net expenses   income (loss)   total expenses   income (loss)   Portfolio    
    value, end   Total   period   to average   to average   to average   to average   turnover    
    of period   return(b)   (in 000s)   net assets   net assets   net assets   net assets   rate    
    $ 10.78       3.75 %   $ 109,533       1.09 %(c)     0.61 %(c)     1.34 %(c)     0.36 %(c)     42 %    
      10.38       3.39       24,864       1.84  (c)     (0.13 )(c)     2.09  (c)     (0.38 )(c)     42      
      10.35       3.29       25,361       1.84  (c)     (0.13 )(c)     2.09  (c)     (0.38 )(c)     42      
      10.97       3.88       43,602       0.69  (c)     1.02  (c)     0.94  (c)     0.77  (c)     42      
      10.74       3.57       342       1.19  (c)     0.52  (c)     1.44  (c)     0.27  (c)     42      
      10.39       8.77       76,268       1.19       0.45       1.55       0.10       92      
      10.04       7.96       25,218       1.94       (0.33 )     2.29       (0.68 )     92      
      10.02       7.97       22,687       1.94       (0.33 )     2.29       (0.68 )     92      
      10.56       9.25       17,843       0.79       0.89       1.15       0.52       92      
      10.37       8.70       411       1.29       0.32       1.64       (0.03 )     92      
      9.56       18.69       40,125       1.21       0.64       1.57       0.28       102      
      9.30       17.72       27,405       1.96       (0.12 )     2.32       (0.48 )     102      
      9.28       17.77       22,431       1.96       (0.12 )     2.32       (0.48 )     102      
      9.70       19.10       4,177       0.81       1.16       1.17       0.80       102      
      9.54       18.54       553       1.31       0.50       1.67       0.14       102      
      8.09       29.03       35,664       1.25       0.25       1.57       (0.07 )     73      
      7.90       28.25       26,689       2.00       (0.50 )     2.32       (0.82 )     73      
      7.88       28.13       22,832       2.00       (0.50 )     2.32       (0.82 )     73      
      8.21       29.70       2,814       0.85       0.65       1.17       0.33       73      
      8.06       29.17       856       1.35       0.15       1.67       (0.17 )     73      
      6.27       (20.83 )     38,013       1.26       0.11       1.48       (0.11 )     81      
      6.16       (21.43 )     24,066       2.01       (0.64 )     2.23       (0.86 )     81      
      6.15       (21.36 )     21,711       2.01       (0.64 )     2.23       (0.86 )     81      
      6.33       (20.48 )     5,863       0.86       0.52       1.08       0.30       81      
      6.24       (21.01 )     729       1.36       0.03       1.58       (0.19 )     81      
      7.92       (11.03 )     62,896       1.24             1.45       (0.20 )     102      
      7.84       (11.78 )     37,711       1.99       (0.74 )     2.20       (0.95 )     102      
      7.82       (11.85 )     33,089       1.99       (0.74 )     2.20       (0.95 )     102      
      7.96       (10.78 )     9,933       0.84       0.42       1.05       0.21       102      
      7.90       (11.15 )     723       1.34       (0.09 )     1.55       (0.30 )     102      
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Financial Highlights
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
            Income (loss) from        
            investment operations   Distributions to shareholders    
        Net asset            
        value,   Net   Net realized   Total from   From net   From net   From tax        
        beginning   investment   and unrealized   investment   investment   realized   return of   Total    
    Year - Share Class   of period   income(a)   gain (loss)   operations   income   gains   capital   distributions    
    2006 - A   $ 18.04     $ 0.20     $ 2.27     $ 2.47     $ (0.21 )   $     $     $ (0.21 )    
    2006 - B     18.10       0.12       2.29       2.41       (0.13 )                 (0.13 )    
    2006 - C     17.96       0.12       2.25       2.37       (0.13 )                 (0.13 )    
    2006 - Institutional     18.10       0.24       2.28       2.52       (0.25 )                 (0.25 )    
    2006 - Service     18.13       0.19       2.28       2.47       (0.20 )                 (0.20 )    
    2005 - A     17.29       0.25       1.93       2.18       (0.34 )     (1.09 )           (1.43 )    
    2005 - B     17.34       0.10       1.96       2.06       (0.21 )     (1.09 )           (1.30 )    
    2005 - C     17.22       0.12       1.93       2.05       (0.22 )     (1.09 )           (1.31 )    
    2005 - Institutional     17.34       0.34       1.92       2.26       (0.41 )     (1.09 )           (1.50 )    
    2005 - Service     17.37       0.27       1.91       2.18       (0.33 )     (1.09 )           (1.42 )    
    2004 - A     13.98       0.29       4.39       4.68       (0.34 )     (1.03 )           (1.37 )    
    2004 - B     14.04       0.17       4.40       4.57       (0.24 )     (1.03 )           (1.27 )    
    2004 - C     13.95       0.17       4.38       4.55       (0.25 )     (1.03 )           (1.28 )    
    2004 - Institutional     14.02       0.35       4.40       4.75       (0.40 )     (1.03 )           (1.43 )    
    2004 - Service     14.05       0.33       4.35       4.68       (0.33 )     (1.03 )           (1.36 )    
    2003 - A     10.53       0.41       3.63       4.04       (0.43 )     (0.16 )           (0.59 )    
    2003 - B     10.57       0.31       3.66       3.97       (0.34 )     (0.16 )           (0.50 )    
    2003 - C     10.51       0.31       3.63       3.94       (0.34 )     (0.16 )           (0.50 )    
    2003 - Institutional     10.55       0.46       3.65       4.11       (0.48 )     (0.16 )           (0.64 )    
    2003 - Service     10.57       0.47       3.59       4.06       (0.42 )     (0.16 )           (0.58 )    
    2002 - A     10.85       0.46       (0.14 )     0.32       (0.31 )     (0.27 )     (0.06 )     (0.64 )    
    2002 - B     10.90       0.40       (0.16 )     0.24       (0.24 )     (0.27 )     (0.06 )     (0.57 )    
    2002 - C     10.84       0.39       (0.16 )     0.23       (0.23 )     (0.27 )     (0.06 )     (0.56 )    
    2002 - Institutional     10.87       0.51       (0.14 )     0.37       (0.36 )     (0.27 )     (0.06 )     (0.69 )    
    2002 - Service     10.90       0.42       (0.11 )     0.31       (0.31 )     (0.27 )     (0.06 )     (0.64 )    
    2001 - A     11.00       0.37       0.34       0.71       (0.39 )     (0.47 )           (0.86 )    
    2001 - B     11.05       0.30       0.34       0.64       (0.32 )     (0.47 )           (0.79 )    
    2001 - C     10.98       0.30       0.35       0.65       (0.32 )     (0.47 )           (0.79 )    
    2001 - Institutional     11.03       0.41       0.34       0.75       (0.44 )     (0.47 )           (0.91 )    
    2001 - Service     11.04       0.37       0.34       0.71       (0.38 )     (0.47 )           (0.85 )    
(a)  Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
(b)  Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total return would be reduced if a sales or redemption charge were taken into account. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
(c)  Annualized.
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                        Ratios assuming no        
                        expense reductions        
                    Ratio of       Ratio of        
            Net assets,   Ratio of   net investment   Ratio of   net investment        
    Net asset       end of   net expenses   income   total expenses   income   Portfolio    
    value, end   Total   period   to average   to average   to average   to average   turnover    
    of period   return(b)   (in 000s)   net assets   net assets   net assets   net assets   rate    
    $ 20.30       13.68 %   $ 369,755       1.44 %(c)     2.06 %(c)     1.49 %(c)     2.01 %(c)     21 %    
      20.38       13.32       21,476       2.19  (c)     1.25  (c)     2.24  (c)     1.20  (c)     21      
      20.20       13.22       22,417       2.19  (c)     1.28  (c)     2.24  (c)     1.23  (c)     21      
      20.37       13.90       428,395       1.04  (c)     2.47  (c)     1.09  (c)     2.42  (c)     21      
      20.40       13.62       8,357       1.54  (c)     1.98  (c)     1.59  (c)     1.93  (c)     21      
      18.04       12.83       301,360       1.44       1.42       1.53       1.33       19      
      18.10       12.03       21,597       2.19       0.58       2.28       0.50       19      
      17.96       12.03       20,020       2.19       0.65       2.28       0.56       19      
      18.10       13.30       348,872       1.04       1.89       1.13       1.80       19      
      18.13       12.76       5,778       1.54       1.49       1.64       1.40       19      
      17.29       34.28       277,873       1.44       1.92       1.62       1.74       30      
      17.34       33.24       24,452       2.19       1.12       2.28       1.03       30      
      17.22       33.26       18,410       2.19       1.13       2.28       1.04       30      
      17.34       34.76       232,525       1.04       2.34       1.13       2.25       30      
      17.37       34.15       2,496       1.54       2.19       1.63       2.10       30      
      13.98       39.25       189,164       1.44       3.37       1.81       3.00       17      
      14.04       38.27       19,728       2.19       2.58       2.31       2.46       17      
      13.95       38.24       13,732       2.19       2.62       2.31       2.50       17      
      14.02       39.90       125,388       1.04       3.81       1.16       3.69       17      
      14.05       39.24       130       1.54       3.78       1.66       3.66       17      
      10.53       2.91       123,487       1.45       4.08       1.84       3.69       37      
      10.57       2.12       14,256       2.20       3.61       2.34       3.47       37      
      10.51       2.11       9,072       2.20       3.56       2.34       3.42       37      
      10.55       3.31       76,792       1.05       4.53       1.19       4.39       37      
      10.57       2.78       30       1.55       3.97       1.69       3.83       37      
      10.85       6.75       144,286       1.44       3.36       1.83       2.97       50      
      10.90       5.98       7,559       2.19       2.71       2.33       2.57       50      
      10.84       6.13       5,594       2.19       2.74       2.33       2.60       50      
      10.87       7.16       74,923       1.04       3.75       1.18       3.61       50      
      10.90       6.83       2       1.54       3.32       1.68       3.18       50      
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 


Statement Regarding Basis for Approval of Management Agreement (Unaudited)
       The Trustees oversee the management of Goldman Sachs Trust (the “Trust”), and review the investment performance and expenses of the investment funds covered by this Report (the “Funds”) at regularly scheduled meetings held during the Funds’ fiscal year. In addition, the Trustees determine annually whether to approve and continue the Trust’s investment management agreement (the “Management Agreement”) with Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. (the “Investment Adviser”) for the Funds.
     The Management Agreement was most recently approved by the Trustees, including all of the Trustees who are not parties to the Management Agreement or “interested persons” (as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) of any party thereto (the “Independent Trustees”), on June 15, 2006 (the “Annual Contract Meeting”).
     To assist the Trustees in their deliberations at the Annual Contract Meeting, and in addition to the reviews of the Funds’ investment performance, expenses and other matters at other regularly scheduled meetings, the Trustees have a Contract Review Committee (the “Committee”) whose members include all of the Independent Trustees. The Committee held meetings on December 15, 2005, February 8, 2006 and May 10, 2006. At these Committee meetings, the Independent Trustees considered matters relating to the Management Agreement including: (a) the Funds’ investment performance; (b) the Funds’ management fee arrangements; (c) the Investment Adviser’s undertaking to reimburse certain expenses of the Funds that exceed specified levels; (d) the Investment Adviser’s potential economies of scale and the breakpoints implemented in 2005 for the fees payable by the Funds under the Management Agreement; (e) the relative expense levels of the Funds; (f) information on the advisory fees charged by the Investment Adviser to institutional accounts; (g) the Investment Adviser’s profitability with respect to the Trust and the Funds; (h) the quality of the non-advisory services provided to the Funds; (i) the statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the approval and continuation of mutual fund investment management agreements; (j) an evaluation of the Trustees’ contract review process provided by an outside third party; and (k) information on the processes followed by the third party mutual fund data provider engaged as part of the Trustees’ contract review (the “Outside Data Provider”) in producing investment performance and expense comparisons for the Funds.
     At the Annual Contract Meeting, the Trustees reviewed the matters that were considered at the Committee meetings and also considered additional matters including: (a) a summary of fee concessions by the Investment Adviser and its affiliates with respect to the Goldman Sachs mutual funds since 2003; (b) the quality of the Investment Adviser’s services; (c) the structure, staff and capabilities of the Investment Adviser and its portfolio management teams; (d) the groups within the Investment Adviser that support the portfolio management teams, including the legal and compliance departments, the credit department, the valuation oversight group, the risk and performance analytics group, the business planning team and the technology group; (e) the Investment Adviser’s business continuity and disaster recovery planning; (f) the Investment Adviser’s financial resources and its ability to hire and retain talented personnel; (g) the fees received by the Investment Adviser’s affiliates from the Funds for transfer agency, securities lending, distribution, portfolio brokerage and other services; (h) the terms of the Management Agreement; (i) the administrative services provided under the Management Agreement, including the nature and extent of the Investment Adviser’s oversight of the Funds’ other service providers including the custodian and fund accounting agent; and (j) the Investment Adviser’s policies addressing various types of potential conflicts of interest. At the Annual Contract Meeting, the Trustees also considered at further length the Funds’ investment performance, fees and expenses, including the Funds’ expense trends over time and the breakpoints in the contractual fee rates under the Management Agreement that were approved in 2005.


Statement Regarding Basis for Approval of Management Agreement (Unaudited) (continued)
     In connection with the Committee meetings and the Annual Contract Meeting, the Trustees received written materials and oral presentations on the topics covered, and were advised by their independent legal counsel regarding their responsibilities under applicable law. Also, in conjunction with these meetings, the Trustees attended other sessions at which the Trustees reviewed the commission rates paid by the Funds on brokerage transactions, the Investment Adviser’s receipt of research services in connection with those transactions, and the payment of Rule 12b-1 distribution and service fees by the Funds. Information was also provided to the Trustees relating to the Funds’ portfolio turnover rates, revenue sharing by the Investment Adviser, portfolio manager compensation and the alignment of the interests of the Funds and the portfolio managers, the number and types of accounts managed by the portfolio managers, and other matters. During the course of their deliberations, the Independent Trustees met in executive sessions without employees of the Investment Adviser present.
     The presentations made at the Contract Review Committee meetings and at the Annual Contract Meeting encompassed the Funds and other mutual fund portfolios for which the Board of Trustees has responsibility. While the Management Agreement for all of the Funds was approved at the same Annual Contract Meeting, the Trustees considered the Management Agreement as it applied to each Fund separately.
     In evaluating the Management Agreement at the Annual Contract Meeting, the Trustees relied upon their knowledge, resulting from their meetings and other interactions throughout the year, of the Investment Adviser, its services and the Funds. At those meetings the Trustees received materials relating to the Investment Adviser’s investment management and other services under the Management Agreement, including: (a) information on the investment performance of the Funds in comparison to other mutual funds and benchmark performance indices; (b) general investment outlooks in the markets in which the Funds invest; (c) compliance reports; and (d) expenses borne by the Funds. In addition, the Trustees were provided with disclosure materials regarding the Goldman Sachs mutual funds and their expenses that were provided to investors who had invested in the funds, as well as information on the Goldman Sachs mutual funds’ competitive universe and discussed the broad range of other investment choices that are available to those investors.


Statement Regarding Basis for Approval of Management Agreement (Unaudited) (continued)
     In connection with their approval of the Management Agreement, the Trustees gave weight to various factors, but did not identify any particular factor as controlling their decision. As part of their review, the Trustees considered the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by the Investment Adviser. In this regard, the Trustees considered both the investment advisory services, and the other, non-advisory services, that are provided to the Funds by the Investment Adviser and its affiliates. These services include services as the Funds’ transfer agent, securities lending agent and distributor. In addition, affiliates of the Investment Adviser receive compensation in connection with the execution of Funds’ portfolio securities transactions and sales loads on the sale of certain classes of shares offered by the Funds. The Trustees concluded that the Investment Adviser was both able to commit substantial financial and other resources to the operations of the Funds and had, in fact, continued to commit those resources in multiple areas including portfolio management, trading, technology, human resources, tax, treasury, legal, compliance, vendor oversight and risk management. The Trustees also believed that the Investment Adviser had made significant commitments to address regulatory compliance requirements applicable to the Funds and the Investment Adviser, including education and training initiatives.
     The Trustees also considered the investment performance of the Funds and the Investment Adviser. In this regard, the Trustees compared the investment performance of the Funds to the performance of other SEC-registered funds and to rankings and ratings issued by the Outside Data Provider. The Trustees also reviewed the Funds’ investment performance relative to their respective performance benchmarks. For Funds that had been in existence for the respective periods, this information on the Funds’ investment performance was provided for one, three and five year periods. In addition, the Trustees considered the investment performance trends of the Funds over time, and reviewed the investment performance of the Funds in light of their respective investment objectives and policies, as well as in light of periodic analyses of their respective quality and risk profiles. In addition, the Trustees considered whether the Funds had operated within their investment policies, and their record of compliance with their investment limitations. The Trustees believed that the Tollkeeper Fund and Real Estate Securities Fund were providing investment performance within a competitive range for investors. In this connection, the Trustees considered, in particular, the respective market sectors in which the Tollkeeper Fund and the Real Estate Securities Fund invest. The Trustees believed that the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund had provided very competitive performance to investors.


Statement Regarding Basis for Approval of Management Agreement (Unaudited) (continued)
     The Board of Trustees also considered the contractual fee rates payable by the Funds under the Management Agreement. In this regard, the Trustees considered information on the services rendered by the Investment Adviser to the Funds, which included both advisory and administrative services that were directed to the needs and operations of the Funds as registered mutual funds. They also considered information that indicated that these mutual fund services differed in various significant respects from the services provided to the Investment Adviser’s institutional accounts, which generally paid lower fees. In addition, the fees paid by the Funds and the Funds’ total operating expense ratios (before and after voluntary fee waivers and expense reimbursements) were compared to similar information for mutual funds advised by other, unaffiliated investment management firms. Most of the comparisons of the Funds’ fee rates and total operating expense ratios were prepared by the Outside Data Provider.
     More particularly, the Trustees reviewed analyses prepared by the Outside Data Provider of the expense rankings of the Funds. The analyses provided a comparison of the Funds’ management fees to relevant peer groups and category universes; an expense analysis which compared each Fund’s expenses to a peer group and a category universe; and a five-year history comparing each Fund’s expenses to a category average. The analyses also compared the Funds’ transfer agency fees, custody and accounting fees and other expenses to peer groups and medians. The Trustees believed that the comparisons provided by the Outside Data Provider were useful in evaluating the reasonableness of the management fees paid by the Fund. In addition, the Trustees noted the Investment Adviser’s voluntary undertaking to limit the Funds’ total expense ratios (excluding certain expenses) to specified levels and the Investment Adviser’s voluntary undertaking at the beginning of 2006 to waive a portion of its management fee for the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund.


Statement Regarding Basis for Approval of Management Agreement (Unaudited) (continued)
     The Board of Trustees also considered the reduction in the contractual fee rate payable by the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund under the Management Agreement that was approved by the Trustees in June 2004, and the breakpoints in the contractual fee rates under the Management Agreement for each of the Funds that were approved in 2005, which had been implemented at the following annual percentages of the average daily net assets of the respective Funds:
    Tollkeeper   Tax-Managed   Real Estate
    Fund   Equity Fund   Securities Fund
Up to $1 billion
    1.00 %     0.70 %     1.00 %
Next $1 billion
    0.90       0.63       0.90  
Over $2 billion
    0.86       0.60       0.86  
     In approving these new fee breakpoints, the Trustees had reviewed information regarding the Investment Adviser’s potential economies of scale, and whether the Funds and their shareholders were participating in the benefits of these economies. In this regard, the Trustees considered the amount of assets in the Funds; the information provided by the Investment Adviser relating to the costs of the services provided by the Investment Adviser and its affiliates and the profits realized by them; and information comparing fee rates charged by the Investment Adviser with fee rates charged by other, unaffiliated investment managers to other mutual funds. Upon reviewing these matters again at the Annual Contract Meeting in 2006, the Trustees continued to believe that the fee breakpoints were a way to ensure that benefits of scalability would be passed along to shareholders at the specified asset levels.


Statement Regarding Basis for Approval of Management Agreement (Unaudited) (continued)
     The Trustees also considered the other benefits derived by the Investment Adviser and its affiliates from the Funds as stated above, including the fees received by them for transfer agency, securities lending, distribution and brokerage services, and the brokerage and research services received by the Investment Adviser in connection with the placement of brokerage transactions for the Funds. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the Investment Adviser had adopted a policy to cease obtaining third party non-broker research based on the Funds’ brokerage commissions. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the Investment Adviser’s pre-tax revenues and pre-tax margins with respect to the Trust and the Funds. In this regard the Trustees reviewed, among other things, profitability analyses and summaries, revenue and expense schedules and expense allocation methodologies, as well as a report of independent accountants regarding the results of certain agreed-upon procedures to verify expense allocation calculations that were designed to assist the Trustees in their evaluation of the Investment Adviser’s schedules of revenues and expenses. The Trustees considered the Investment Adviser’s revenues and margins both in absolute terms and in comparison to the information on the reported margins earned by other asset management firms.
     After deliberation and consideration of the information provided, including the factors described above, the Trustees concluded that the management fees paid by the Funds were reasonable in light of the services provided by the Investment Adviser, its costs and the Funds’ current and reasonably foreseeable asset levels, and that the Management Agreement should be approved and continued.


Fund Expenses (Unaudited) — Six Month Period Ended June 30, 2006
          As a shareholder of Class A, Class B, Class C, Institutional or Service Shares of the Fund you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (with respect to Class A Shares) and contingent deferred sales charges (loads) on redemptions (with respect to Class B and Class C Shares), and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees (with respect to Class A, Class B and Class C Shares); and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.
          The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2006.
Actual Expenses — The first line under each share class in the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account for this period.
Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes — The second line under each share class in the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which are not the Funds’ actual returns. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Funds and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.
          Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
    Tollkeeper Fund   Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund   Real Estate Securities Fund
    Expenses       Expense       Expenses
    Beginning   Ending   Paid for the   Beginning   Ending   Paid for the   Beginning   Ending   Paid for the
    Account Value   Account Value   6 months ended   Account Value   Account Value   6 months ended   Account Value   Account Value   6 months ended
Share Class   1/1/06   6/30/06   6/30/06*   1/1/06   6/30/06   6/30/06*   1/1/06   6/30/06   6/30/06*
Class A
  $ 1,000.00     $ 985.00     $ 7.40     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,037.50     $ 5.53     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,136.80     $ 7.64  
Hypothetical 5% return
    1,000.00       1,017.34 +     7.52       1,000.00       1,019.37 +     5.48       1,000.00       1,017.64 +     7.21  
Class B
    1,000.00       980.40       11.06       1,000.00       1,033.90       9.29       1,000.00       1,133.20       11.58  
Hypothetical 5% return
    1,000.00       1,013.62 +     11.25       1,000.00       1,015.66 +     9.21       1,000.00       1,013.93 +     10.94  
Class C
    1,000.00       981.70       11.07       1,000.00       1,032.90       9.29       1,000.00       1,132.20       11.58  
Hypothetical 5% return
    1,000.00       1,013.62 +     11.25       1,000.00       1,015.66 +     9.21       1,000.00       1,013.93 +     10.94  
    1,000.00       986.60       5.42       1,000.00       1,038.80       3.99       1,000.00       1,139.00       5.53  
Hypothetical 5% return
    1,000.00       1,019.30 +     5.51       1,000.00       1,020.88 +     3.96       1,000.00       1,019.63 +     5.22  
    1,000.00       983.70       7.87       1,000.00       1,035.70       6.01       1,000.00       1,136.20       8.16  
Hypothetical 5% return
    1,000.00       1,016.86 +     8.00       1,000.00       1,018.89 +     5.96       1,000.00       1,017.16 +     7.70  
*   Expenses for each share class are calculated using each Fund’s annualized expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing expenses as a percentage of net assets for the six months ended June 30, 2006. Expenses are calculated by multiplying the annualized expense ratio by the average account value for the period; then multiplying the result by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year; and then dividing that result by the number of days in the fiscal year. The annualized net expense ratios for the period were as follows:
Fund   Class A   Class B   Class C   Institutional   Service
    1.50 %     2.25 %     2.25 %     1.10 %     1.60 %
Structured Tax-Managed Equity
    1.09       1.84       1.84       0.70       1.19  
Real Estate Securities
    1.44       2.19       2.19       1.04       1.54  
Hypothetical expenses are based on each Fund’s actual expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses.


Goldman Sachs Funds
Goldman Sachs is a premier financial services firm, known since 1869 for creating thoughtful and customized investment solutions in complex global markets. Today, the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs serves a diverse set of clients worldwide, including private institutions, public entities and individuals. With portfolio management teams located around the world — and $582.1 billion in assets under management as of June 30, 2006 — our investment professionals bring firsthand knowledge of local markets to every investment decision, making us one of the few truly global asset managers.
In building a globally diversified portfolio, you can select from more than 50 Goldman Sachs Funds and gain access to investment opportunities across borders, investment styles, asset classes and security capitalizations.

Money Market Funds1

Fixed Income Funds
 Enhanced Income Fund
 Ultra-Short Duration
   Government Fund
 Short Duration Government Fund
 Short Duration Tax-Free Fund
 California Intermediate AMT-Free    Municipal Fund
 New York Intermediate AMT-Free    Municipal Fund
 Tennessee Municipal Fund
   Municipal Income Fund
 U.S. Mortgages Fund
 Government Income Fund
 Core Fixed Income Fund
 Investment Grade Credit Fund
 Global Income Fund
 High Yield Municipal Fund
 High Yield Fund
 Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Specialty Funds3
 Real Estate Securities Fund
 U.S. Equity Dividend and
   Premium Fund
 Structured Tax-Managed
   Equity Fund2
 Tollkeeper FundSM
Domestic Equity Funds
 Structured U.S. Equity Fund2
 Structured Large Cap Value Fund2
 Structured Large Cap Growth Fund2
 Growth and Income Fund
 Large Cap Value Fund
 Capital Growth Fund
 Strategic Growth Fund
 Research Select FundSM
 Concentrated Growth Fund
 Mid Cap Value Fund
 Growth Opportunities Fund
 Small/ Mid Cap Growth Fund
 Structured Small Cap Equity Fund2
 Small Cap Value Fund

International Equity Funds

 Structured International
   Equity Fund2
 International Equity Fund
 European Equity Fund
 Japanese Equity Fund
 International Small Cap Fund2
 Emerging Markets Equity Fund
 Asia Equity Fund2

Asset Allocation Funds3
 Asset Allocation Portfolios
 Balanced Fund
1 An investment in a money market fund is neither insured nor guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the Funds seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Funds.
2 Effective December 30, 2005, the Asia Growth Fund was renamed the Asia Equity Fund and the International Growth Opportunities Fund was renamed the International Small Cap Fund. Also effective December 30, 2005, the CORE International Equity, CORE Small Cap Equity, CORE Large Cap Growth, CORE Large Cap Value and CORE U.S. Equity Funds were renamed, respectively, the Structured International Equity, Structured Small Cap Equity, Structured Large Cap Growth, Structured Large Cap Value Funds and Structured U.S. Equity. Effective January 6, 2006, the CORE Tax-Managed Equity Fund was renamed the Structured Tax-Managed Equity Fund.
3 Individual Funds within the Asset Allocation and Specialty categories will have various placement on the risk/return spectrum and may have greater or lesser risk than that indicated by the placement of the general Asset Allocation or Specialty category.
  The Goldman Sachs Research Select FundSM and Tollkeeper FundSM are registered service marks of Goldman, Sachs & Co.


Ashok N. Bakhru,
John P. Coblentz, Jr.
Patrick T. Harker
Mary Patterson McPherson
Alan A. Shuch
Wilma J. Smelcer
Richard P. Strubel
Kaysie P. Uniacke
Kaysie P. Uniacke,
James A. Fitzpatrick, Vice President
James A. McNamara, Vice President
John M. Perlowski, Treasurer
Peter V. Bonanno, Secretary
Distributor and Transfer Agent
Investment Adviser
Visit our Web site at www.goldmansachsfunds.com to obtain the most recent month-end returns.
The reports concerning the Funds included in this shareholder report may contain certain forward-looking statements about the factors that may affect the performance of the Funds in the future. These statements are based on Fund management’s predictions and expectations concerning certain future events and their expected impact on the Funds, such as performance of the economy as a whole and of specific industry sectors, changes in the levels of interest rates, the impact of developing world events, and other factors that may influence the future performance of the Funds. Management believes these forward-looking statements to be reasonable, although they are inherently uncertain and difficult to predict. Actual events may cause adjustments in portfolio management strategies from those currently expected to be employed.
A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information regarding how a Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available (i) without charge, upon request by calling 1-800-526-7384 (for Retail Shareholders) or 1-800-621-2550 (for Institutional Shareholders); and (ii) on the Securities and Exchange Commission Web site at http://www.sec.gov.
The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’ Form N-Q will become available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov within 60 days after the Funds’ first and third fiscal quarters. When available, the Funds’ Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. and information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. When available, Form N-Q may be obtained upon request and without charge by calling 1-800-526-7384 (for Retail Shareholders) or 1-800-621-2550 (for Institutional Shareholders).
The Goldman Sachs TollkeeperSM and Real Estate Securities Funds may invest in foreign securities, which may be more volatile and less liquid than investment in U.S. securities and will be subject to the risks of currency fluctuations and sudden economic or political developments. At times, the Funds may be unable to sell certain of their portfolio securities without a substantial drop in price, if at all.
The Goldman Sachs TollkeeperSM and Real Estate Securities Funds may participate in the Initial Public Offering (IPO) market, and a portion of the Funds’ returns consequently may be attributable to its investment in IPOs. The market value of IPO shares may fluctuate considerably due to factors such as the absence of a prior public market, unseasoned trading, and the small number of shares available for trading and limited information about the issuer. When a fund’s asset base is small, IPOs may have a magnified impact on the fund’s performance. As a fund’s assets grow, it is probable that the effect of the fund’s investment in IPOs on its total returns may not be as significant, which could reduce the fund’s performance.
Holdings and allocations shown may not be representative of current or future investments. Holdings and allocations may not include the Fund’s entire investment portfolio, which may change at any time. Fund holdings should not be relied on in making investment decisions and should not be construed as research or investment advice regarding particular securities.
Goldman Sachs Tollkeeper FundSM and CORESM are registered service marks of Goldman, Sachs & Co.
This material is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current Prospectus. Please consider a Fund’s objectives, risks, and charges and expenses, and read the Prospectus carefully before investing. The Prospectus contains this and other information about the Funds.
Copyright 2006 Goldman, Sachs & Co. All rights reserved. 
SPECSAR/ 85.5K/ 08-06