Goldman Sachs Funds ASSET ALLOCATION PORTFOLIOS Semiannual Report June 30, 2002 Strategies designed to provide a complete investment program in a single investment and capitalize on the benefits of asset allocation.



GOLDMAN SACHS ASSET ALLOCATION PORTFOLIOS Market Overview Dear Shareholder: During the six-month period under review, the world’s equity markets generated poor results. While there were pockets of opportunity they were few and far between. Overall, the global fixed income markets rose, amid a great deal of volatility. A Global Economic Rebound As the reporting period began, we were at the tail end of the first global recession in a decade. While it was initially assumed that the recession was triggered by the September 11 terrorist attacks, economic data pointed to the contraction beginning in March of 2001. However, as the period progressed there was mounting evidence that a global economic recovery was taking place. The U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) rose an estimated 5.6% during the first quarter of 2002, following a 1.7% increase in the fourth quarter of 2001. Internationally, positive economic news was the norm, with many leading economic indicators rising during the period. Perhaps the most surprising economic news came from Japan, where growth for the first quarter of 2002 was a positive 1.4%, breaking a nine month string of negative results. Equities Post Poor Results Despite positive economic news, the global equity markets performed poorly during the reporting period. Weak corporate profits, threats of terrorism, and unrest in the Middle East all took their toll on investor sentiment. In addition, a dark cloud hung over the market as accounting irregularities took center stage following the bankruptcies at Enron and Global Crossing. Throughout the period investors waited for the other shoe to drop, which occurred late in the period as WorldCom and Xerox admitted they had previously misstated profits. All told, investors chose to believe that the prospects for the stock market were “half empty” rather than “half full.” This was evident in the United States, as the S&P 500 Index fell 13.16% during the six-month reporting period. The news was better in the international markets, as the MSCI EAFE Index fell only 1.38%—due in part to the performance in Japan, where the TOPIX rose 8.52%. A Rising But Volatile Bond Market During the reporting period, the overall fixed income market, as measured by the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index, returned 3.79%. Based on this performance, it may appear that the fixed income markets were tranquil; however, this was far from the case. The markets gyrated throughout the period, rising and falling based on the changing prospects for the economy and interest rates. However, their status as a “safer haven” amid the accounting scandals, falling stock prices, and global unrest led to increased demand and rising prices for most fixed income securities. Given the fluctuation we’ve experienced in the markets we would encourage you to maintain your long-term perspective and to work closely with your financial adviser to ensure that your asset allocation strategy reflects your goals. As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to serving your investment needs in the years to come. Sincerely, David W. Blood Head, Goldman Sachs Asset Management July 8, 2002



GOLDMAN SACHS ASSET ALLOCATION PORTFOLIOS What Differentiates Goldman Sachs’ Approach to Asset Allocation? We believe that strong, consistent investment results through asset allocation are best achieved through teams of experts working together on a global scale: EACH GOLDMAN SACHS ASSET ALLOCATION STRATEGY DELIVERS: A lifetime of comprehensive investment strategies Automatic diversification and risk management benefits Forward-looking, quarterly tactical reallocation Simplicity and efficiency
Goldman Sachs’ Quantitative Strategies Team determines the strategic and quarterly tactical asset allocations. The team comprises 39 professionals with significant academic and practitioner experience and currently manages more than $6 billion in asset allocation strategies for institutional, high net worth and individual investors.
Goldman Sachs’ Portfolio Management Teams offer expert management of the mutual funds that are contained within each Asset Allocation Strategy. These same teams manage portfolios for institutional and high net worth investors.
Goldman Sachs Asset Allocation Investment Process
Quantitative Strategies Team Each of the five Goldman Sachs Asset Allocation Strategies begins with strategic benchmark asset allocations based on the efficient frontier of investing.The efficient frontier tells us that, for every level of risk an investor is willing to assume, there is a mix of assets that can deliver the highest potential return.
Quantitative Strategies Team The team seeks to improve the overall risk/return profile of each portfolio by determining the current relative attractiveness of the world’s stock, bond and currency markets.
Using proprietary portfolio construction models to maintain each portfolio’s original risk/return profile over time, the team makes four active decisions each quarter based on current valuation and momentum, and using a forward-looking strategies in an effort to give each client the best risk-adjusted returns:
Equities vs. Fixed Income vs. Cash: Which asset class is most attractive? Equity Selection: Are U.S. or non-U.S. equity markets more attractive? Fixed Income Selection: Are U.S. or non-U.S. fixed income markets more attractive? Currency Selection: Are U.S. or non-U.S. currencies more attractive?
Mutual Fund Portfolio Management Teams Each Goldman Sachs Asset Allocation Portfolio comprises 4 to 11 underlying Goldman Sachs Funds managed by broad, deep portfolio management teams.Whether in the equity or fixed income arenas, these teams share a commitment to firsthand fundamental research and performance driven by successful security selection – not risky sector bets.



Balanced Strategy as of June 30, 2002 Assets Under Management $92.1 Million
Class A Shares GIPAX
Class B Shares GIPBX
Class C Shares GIPCX
Institutional Shares GIPIX
Service Shares GIPSX
January 1, 2002–June 30, 2002 Portfolio Total Return (based on NAV)1
Class A 0.57% Class B 0.10% Class C 0.18% Institutional 0.68% Service 0.43%
1 The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Portfolio (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Portfolio’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Portfolio’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges. STANDARDIZED TOTAL RETURNS 2
For the period ending June 30, 2002 Class A Class B Class C Institutional Service
One Year–6.27% –6.62% –2.60% –0.43% –1.03% Since Inception (1/2/98) 1.76 1.82 2.31 3.46 2.95
2 The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at net asset value. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class B Shares (5% maximum declining to 0% after six years) and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Service Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns. Total return figures in the above charts represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance reflects expense limitations in effect. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. The Asset Allocation Portfolios invest primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and are subject to the risks associated with investment in such Funds. Total return figures represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
COMPOSITION3 For the investor seeking current income and long- term capital appreciation. Over half of the Portfolio is invested in domestic fixed income funds which seek to provide income with the remaining balance in domestic and international stock funds and an allocation to a global bond fund. The balance in equities is intended to add diversification and may enhance returns, but will also add a moderate level of volatility to the Portfolio.
STRATEGIC MODEL TACTICAL FUND WEIGHTINGS PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS(Changes quarterly) 48.7% Short Duration 53.5% Short Duration Government Fund Government Fund 4.1% High Yield Fund 3.6% High Yield Fund 9.2% Global Income Fund 10.6% CORESM Large Cap 7.4% CORESM Large Cap Value Fund Value Fund 6.0% CORESM Large Cap 6.9% CORESM Large Cap Growth Fund Growth Fund 2.8% CORESM Small Cap 2.4% CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund Equity Fund 20.3% CORESM International 18.7% CORESM International Equity Fund Equity Fund 3.2% Real Estate 2.5% Real Estate Securities Fund Securities Fund
3 As of 3/31/02. Actual Fund weighting in the Asset Allocation Portfolios may differ slightly from the figures shown above due to rounding, differences in returns of the underlying Funds, or both. The above figures are not indicative of future allocations.



Growth and Income Strategy as of June 30, 2002 Assets Under Management $264.1 Million
Class A Shares GOIAX
Class B Shares GOIBX
Class C Shares GOICX
Institutional Shares GOIIX
Service Shares GOISX
January 1, 2002–June 30, 2002 Portfolio Total Return (based on NAV)1
Class A –1.57% Class B –1.96% Class C –1.95% Institutional –1.40% Service –1.63%
1 The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Portfolio (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Portfolio’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Portfolio’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.
For the period ending June 30, 2002 Class A Class B Class C Institutional Service
One Year–10.67% –10.93% –7.17% –5.11% –5.58% Since Inception (1/2/98) 0.35 0.41 0.85 2.02 1.50
2The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at net asset value. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class B Shares (5% maximum declining to 0% after six years) and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Service Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns.
Total return figures in the above charts represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance reflects expense limitations in effect. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.
The Asset Allocation Portfolios invest primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and are subject to the risks associated with investment in such Funds. Total return figures represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
For the investor who is less conservative and seeks long-term capital appreciation and current income. Under normal circumstances, assets are allocated fairly equally among fixed income funds, which are intended to provide the income component, and equity funds, which are intended to provide the capital appreciation component.
5.2% Short Duration 5.2% Short Duration Government Fund Government Fund 12.7% Core Fixed 19.1% Core Fixed Income Fund                      Income Fund 5.1% High Yield Fund 5.1% High Yield Fund 18.7% Global Income Fund 8.5% Global Income Fund 12.6% CORESM Large Cap 15.4% CORESM Large Cap Value Fund Value Fund 11.7% CORESM Large Cap 10.4% CORESM Large Cap Growth Fund                      Growth Fund 3.0% CORESM Small Cap 3.2% CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund                      Equity                      Fund 22.6% CORESM International 24.4% CORESM International Equity Fund Equity Fund 3.3% Emerging Markets 3.9% Emerging Markets Equity Fund Equity                      Fund 2.6% Real Estate 3.0% Real Estate Securities Fund                      Securities Fund 2.5% International Growth 1.8% International Growth Opportunities Fund                      Opportunities Fund
3 As of 3/31/02. Actual Fund weighting in the Asset Allocation Portfolios may differ slightly from the figures shown above due to rounding, differences in returns of the underlying Funds, or both. The above figures are not indicative of future allocations.



Growth Strategy as of June 30, 2002 Assets Under Management $210.7 Million
Class A Shares GGSAX
Class B Shares GGSBX
Class C Shares GGSCX
Institutional Shares GGSIX
Service Shares GGSSX
January 1, 2002–June 30, 2002 Portfolio Total Return (based on NAV)1
Class A –3.33% Class B –3.66% Class C –3.76% Institutional –3.23% Service –3.45%
1The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Portfolio (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Portfolio’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Portfolio’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.
For the period ending June 30, 2002 Class A Class B Class C Institutional Service
One Year–14.08% –14.31% –10.69% –8.64% –9.30% Since Inception (1/2/98) –1.40 –1.34 –0.89 0.22 –0.29
2The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class B Shares (5% maximum declining to 0% after six years) and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Service Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns. Total return figures in the above charts represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance reflects expense limitations in effect. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. The Asset Allocation Portfolios invest primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and are subject to the risks associated with investment in such Funds. Total return figures represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
For the investor seeking long-term capital appreciation and, secondarily, current income. Over 75% of the assets are allocated among equity funds, with a blend of domestic large-cap, small-cap and international exposure, which seek to provide capital appreciation. The bond portion is intended to provide diversification.
7.5% Core Fixed 11.1% Core Fixed Income Fund Income Fund 5.2% High Yield Fund 5.4% High Yield Fund 8.4% Global Income Fund 20.8% CORESM Large Cap 17.3% CORESM Large Cap Value Fund Value Fund 15.5% CORESM Large Cap 16.1% CORESM Large Cap Growth Fund Growth Fund 4.9% CORESM Small Cap 4.5% CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund Equity Fund30.8% CORESM International 28.7% CORESM International Equity Fund Equity Fund 5.1% Emerging Markets 5.6% Emerging Markets Equity Fund Equity Fund 3.3% Real Estate 2.6% Real Estate Securities Fund Securities Fund 3.1% International Growth 4.1% International Growth Opportunities Fund Opportunities Fund
3 As of 3/31/02. Actual Fund weighting in the Asset Allocation Portfolios may differ slightly from the figures shown above due to rounding, differences in returns of the underlying Funds, or both. The above figures are not indicative of future allocations.



Aggressive Growth Strategy as of June 30, 2002 Assets Under Management $99.9 Million
Class B Shares GAPBX
Class C Shares GAXCX
Institutional Shares GAPIX
January 1, 2002–June 30, 2002 Portfolio Total Return (based on NAV)1 Class A –3.78% Class B –4.14% Class C –4.15% Institutional –3.56% Service –3.80%
1The net asset value (NAV) represents the net assets of the class of the Portfolio (ex-dividend) divided by the total number of shares of the class outstanding. The Portfolio’s performance assumes the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. The Portfolio’s performance does not reflect the deduction of any applicable sales charges.
For the period ending June 30, 2002 Class A Class B Class C Institutional Service
One Year–15.24% –15.40% –11.84% –9.88% –10.41% Since Inception (1/2/98) –2.45 –2.37 –1.91 –0.89 –1.33
2 The Standardized Total Returns are average annual total returns as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at NAV. These returns reflect a maximum initial sales charge of 5.5% for Class A Shares and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class B Shares (5% maximum declining to 0% after six years) and the assumed deferred sales charge for Class C Shares (1% if redeemed within 12 months of purchase). Because Institutional and Service Shares do not involve a sales charge, such a charge is not applied to their Standardized Total Returns. Total return figures in the above charts represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance reflects expense limitations in effect. In their absence, performance would be reduced. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. The Asset Allocation Portfolios invest primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and are subject to the risks associated with investment in such Funds. Total return figures represent past performance and do not indicate future results, which will vary. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and, therefore, an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
For the investor seeking long-term capital appreciation. Substantially all assets are allocated among equity funds with a greater focus on small- cap and international investments for enhanced return opportunities.
22.7% CORESM Large Cap 23.0% CORESM Large Cap Value FundValue Fund 21.1% CORESM Large Cap 17.5% CORESM Large Cap Growth Fund Growth Fund 6.1% CORESM Small Cap 5.6% CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund Equity Fund 33.9% CORESM International 38.7% CORESM International Equity Fund Equity Fund 8.5% Emerging Markets 7.4% Emerging Markets Equity Fund Equity Fund 2.6% Real Estate 3.8% Real Estate Securities Fund Securities Fund 5.2% International Growth 4.0% International Growth Opportunities Fund Opportunities Fund
3As of 3/31/02. Actual Fund weighting in the Asset Allocation Portfolios may differ slightly from the figures shown above due to rounding, differences in returns of the underlying Funds, or both. The above figures are not indicative of future allocations.



Asset Allocation Portfolios
Dear Shareholder, This report provides an overview on the performance of the Goldman Sachs Asset Allocation Portfolios (individually, the
“Portfolio,” and collectively, the “Portfolios”) for the six-month period that ended June 30, 2002. Asset Allocation Overall, the various Portfolios invest their assets in a strategic mix of stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. Every June, we reset our strategic benchmarks to reflect current market expectations, and to bring the total equity portion of the various Portfolios in line with our long-term target weights. During the rest of the year, we allow these strategic targets to shift with their respective market returns, but we continue to adjust our tactical allocations to reflect our views. Each quarter, the overall asset allocation is adjusted based on current market conditions and our economic and market forecasts. By reallocating your Portfolio on a quarterly basis, we seek to enhance performance over the long term.
Regional and Sector Preferences Equities — We began 2002 favoring international equities over their domestic counterparts given weak export prospects and expensive valuation levels in the U.S. Moreover, we expected the strengthening of global currencies versus the U.S. dollar, thus increasing the attractiveness of foreign holdings. Among international equity markets, we were most favorable on Asia given strong fund flows, good momentum, and attractive valuation levels. European equities appeared less attractive, primarily due to expensive long-term value and poor short-term momentum. Among our style and size allocation models that we introduced during the fourth quarter of 2001, we began the year bullish on small-cap stocks relative to large-caps, and neutral on value stocks relative to growth stocks. Our positive view on small- cap equities was motivated by attractive relative valuations, strong momentum, and supportive macroeconomic conditions.
While our outlook on the U.S. improved during the second quarter of 2002, we continued to tactically overweight international equity relative to the U.S., albeit at a more moderate level. Japan remained among our favorite equity markets globally throughout the first six months of 2002, as a result of strong fund flows and attractive valuations. During the second quarter we continued to favor Asia ex-Japan, given good momentum and supportive macroeconomic conditions. Europe, and in particular the UK, remained our least favorite equity region globally, due to expensive long-term value and poor momentum. Among our style and size allocation models, we became modestly positive on value stocks relative to growth stocks given strong momentum, and neutral on small-cap stocks relative to large-cap stocks, as attractive valuation levels were offset by poor momentum indicators.
Fixed Income— During the first six months of 2002, we remained bullish on domestic fixed income relative to international securities. The U.S. was among our favorite bond markets globally, as a result of high-risk premiums, supportive macroeconomic conditions and favorable distribution characteristics. Canada and Australia were also among our favorite bond markets globally, given attractive valuation levels and supportive macroeconomic



conditions. We maintained a generally neutral outlook on most European bond markets for the period, as strong momentum indicators were offset by less supportive macroeconomic conditions. The UK and Japan remained among our least favorite bond markets globally. This was due to expensive valuations and unfavorable distribution characteristics.
Performance The performance of your Portfolio is driven primarily by three factors: 1) strategic asset allocation policy, 2) underlying fund performance, and 3) tactical reallocation. Strategic asset allocation contributed negatively to overall performance for the first six months of 2002, driven primarily by poor returns in domestic and international equity markets. In general, the Portfolios generated negative returns roughly proportional to their equity market exposure. The contribution to return from underlying fund security selection was positive for the period, with equity funds generally outperforming their benchmarks. The contribution from underlying fixed income funds was mixed, with two funds outperforming and two funds underperforming their benchmarks. Global tactical asset allocation (GTAA) detracted from overall performance during the reporting period, with the exception of the Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio, where GTAA contributed to performance.
The first component of Portfolio performance is derived from strategic asset allocation. For the first six months of 2002, the Portfolios were subject to extreme volatility in the global financial markets. Despite positive returns from global equity markets during the first quarter of 2002, the strategic asset allocation component (the long-term target mix of equity and fixed income asset classes) in all our Portfolios generated negative performance year-to-date through June 30, 2002. This was primarily due to poor equity returns during the second quarter. In this bearish market environment, Portfolios with larger equity exposure experienced progressively greater negative returns.
The second component of Portfolio performance is the contribution from our underlying fund managers. On an overall basis, the contribution to return from underlying funds was positive during the reporting period in all Portfolios. In general, our underlying equity funds outperformed their benchmarks, with the exception of the CORE Large Cap Value Fund and the International Growth Opportunities Fund. Among our underlying fixed income funds, the Short Duration Government Fund and the high yield bond funds outperformed their benchmarks, while the Core Fixed Income Fund and the Global Income Fund underperformed their respective benchmarks.
The final component of Portfolio performance is derived from tactical reallocation. With the exception of the Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio, our asset allocation decisions detracted from overall performance for the first two quarters of 2002. This was primarily attributable to our sizable overweight position in stocks versus bonds during the second quarter of 2002. We were positive on stocks relative to bonds throughout the period, due to strong growth prospects, attractive valuation levels and a favorable inflation environment. As the Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio is a 100% equity portfolio, it was unaffected by our stocks versus bonds decision. While our overweight in international equity relative to domestic equity did not have a significant effect on performance during the first quarter of 2002, it did yield positive returns in the second quarter when the U.S. equity market underperformed the international market. GTAA also benefited from our overweight position in U.S. fixed income



relative to international fixed income during the first two quarters of 2002. Our overweight position in small-cap stocks relative to their large-cap counterparts in the first quarter of 2002 and our overweight position in value stocks relative to growth stocks in the second quarter both contributed to performance as well.
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strategy Portfolio— During the six-month period that ended June 30, 2002, the Portfolio’s Class A, B, C, Institutional, and Service Shares generated cumulative total returns of 0.57%, 0.10%, 0.18%, 0.68%, and 0.43%, respectively.
Goldman Sachs Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio—During the six-month period that ended June 30, 2002, the Portfolio’s Class A, B, C, Institutional, and Service Shares generated cumulative total returns of –1.57%, –1.96% -1.95%, –1.40%, and –1.63%, respectively.
Goldman Sachs Growth Strategy Portfolio—During the six-month period that ended June 30, 2002, the Portfolio’s Class A, B, C, Institutional, and Service Shares generated cumulative total returns of –3.33%, –3.66%, –3.76%, –3.23%, and –3.45%, respectively.
Goldman Sachs Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio—During the six-month period that ended June 30, 2002, the Portfolio’s Class A, B, C, Institutional, and Service Shares generated cumulative total returns of –3.78%, –4.14%, –4.15%, –3.56%, and –3.80%, respectively.
Current Outlook Global Asset Allocation — Our quantitative models continue to favor a modest timing overweight in domestic stocks over domestic bonds, and stocks and bonds over cash. We are positive on stocks due to strong growth prospects and a favorable inflation environment. We remain bullish on bonds relative to cash as a result of attractive valuation levels and good momentum.
Among our style and size allocation models, we are modestly positive on value stocks relative to growth stocks, but are neutral on small-cap stocks relative to large-cap stocks. Among global equity markets, we are slightly underweight U.S. equity relative to international equity. Among global fixed income markets, we maintain our overweight position in U.S. bonds relative to international markets.
Equities — We continue to favor international equities over U.S. equities. Despite supportive macroeconomic conditions, the U.S. appears less attractive relative to other developed equity markets, given weak export prospects and expensive valuation levels. Moreover, we expect to see the strengthening of global currencies versus the U.S. dollar, further increasing the attractiveness of international equity markets.
Among international equity markets, we are most favorable on Asia, and particularly on Singapore and Japan, given good momentum, attractive valuations, and supportive macro- economic conditions. Continental Europe appears less attractive, primarily as a result of expensive valuation levels and poor momentum. Our negative outlook on the UK is motivated by expensive valuation levels, relatively low-risk premiums, and less supportive macroeconomic conditions.



We are modestly positive on value stocks relative to growth stocks for the coming quarter, motivated by attractive relative valuations and strong momentum. We are neutral on small-cap stocks relative to large-cap stocks, as supportive macroeconomic conditions are offset by poor momentum indicators.
Bonds — Our favorite bond markets include Canada, the U.S., and Denmark. We consider Japan, the UK, and Switzerland our least favorite bond markets globally. Our positive outlook on Canada and the U.S. is motivated by attractive long-term valuations and favorable distribution characteristics. Within the dollar bloc we are also positive on Australia, due to attractive valuations and supportive macroeconomic conditions.
Within Europe, we are most optimistic on Denmark as a result of supportive macroeconomic conditions and relatively high-risk premiums. We are also positive on Euroland bonds given relatively high-risk premiums and good momentum. Sweden appears less attractive due to poor momentum and less supportive macroeconomic conditions. Our negative outlook on Switzerland is motivated by relatively low-risk premiums and expensive valuation levels. With expensive valuations and less favorable distribution characteristics, the UK is among our least favorite bond markets globally.
Japan is among our least favorite bond markets globally given expensive long-term value and less favorable distribution characteristics.
We hope this summary has been helpful to you in your understanding of how we manage your Portfolio. We thank you for the confidence you have placed in us and look forward to your continued support.
Goldman Sachs Quantitative Strategies Group
July 8, 2002




Performance Summary
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

The following graph shows the value, as of June 30, 2002, of a $10,000 investment made on February 1, 1998 in Class A Shares (with the maximum sales charge of 5.5%). For comparative purposes, the performance of the Portfolio’s benchmarks with dividends reinvested (the S&P 500 Index, Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index and Two-Year U.S. Treasury Security (“Two-Year T-Bill”)) are also shown. All performance data shown represents past performance and should not be considered indicative of future performance which will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. These performance fluctuations will cause an investor’s shares, when redeemed, to be worth more or less than the original cost. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares. Performance of Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Shares will vary from Class A Shares due to differences in fees and loads.

Goldman Sachs Balanced Strategy Portfolio’s Lifetime Performance

Performance of a $10,000 Investment, Distributions Reinvested February 1, 1998 to June 30, 2002(a).


Average Annual Total Return through June 30, 2002 Since Inception(b) One Year Six Months(c)
Class A
Excluding sales charges
    3.05%       -0.85%       0.57%  
Including sales charges
    1.76%       -6.27%       -4.97%  

Class B
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    2.28%       -1.70%       0.10%  
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    1.82%       -6.62%       -4.91%  

Class C
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    2.31%       -1.62%       0.18%  
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    2.31%       -2.60%       -0.82%  

Institutional Class
    3.46%       -0.43%       0.68%  

Service Class
    2.95%       -1.03%       0.43%  

(a)  For comparative purposes, initial investments are assumed to be made on the first day of the month following commencement of operations.
(b)  All Classes commenced operations on January 2, 1998.
(c)  Not annualized.



Performance Summary
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

The following graph shows the value, as of June 30, 2002, of a $10,000 investment made on February 1, 1998 in Class A Shares (with the maximum sales charge of 5.5%). For comparative purposes, the performance of the Portfolio’s benchmarks with dividends reinvested (the S&P 500 Index, Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index, Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index and Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australasia, and the Far East (“MSCI EAFE”) Index) are also shown. All performance data shown represents past performance and should not be considered indicative of future performance which will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. These performance fluctuations will cause an investor’s shares, when redeemed, to be worth more or less than the original cost. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares. Performance of Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Shares will vary from Class A Shares due to differences in fees and loads.

Goldman Sachs Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio’s Lifetime Performance

Performance of a $10,000 Investment, Distributions Reinvested February 1, 1998 to June 30, 2002(a).


Average Annual Total Return through June 30, 2002 Since Inception(b) One Year Six Months(c)
Class A
Excluding sales charges
    1.62%       -5.49%       -1.57%  
Including sales charges
    0.35%       -10.67%       -7.03%  

Class B
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    0.86%       -6.24%       -1.96%  
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    0.41%       -10.93%       -6.86%  

Class C
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    0.85%       -6.23%       -1.95%  
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    0.85%       -7.17%       -2.93%  

Institutional Class
    2.02%       -5.11%       -1.40%  

Service Class
    1.50%       -5.58%       -1.63%  

(a)  For comparative purposes, initial investments are assumed to be made on the first day of the month following commencement of operations.
(b)  All classes commenced operations on January 2, 1998.
(c)  Not annualized.



Statements of Investments
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)
Shares Description Value
Mutual Funds (Institutional Shares) – 99.6%

    Equity – 43.6%
      2,267,299     Goldman Sachs CORE International Equity Fund – 20.4%   $ 18,818,584  
      1,026,963     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Value Fund – 10.6%     9,715,067  
      638,113     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Growth Fund – 6.7%     6,157,793  
      251,483     Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund – 3.3%     3,058,032  
      220,171     Goldman Sachs CORE Small Cap Equity Fund – 2.6%     2,415,277  
                $ 40,164,753  
    Fixed Income – 56.0%
      4,840,922     Goldman Sachs Short Duration Government Fund – 52.5%   $ 48,360,807  
      457,927     Goldman Sachs High Yield Fund – 3.5%     3,164,277  
                $ 51,525,084  
    (Cost $93,215,661)   $ 91,689,837  
Shares Description Value
Mutual Funds (Institutional Shares) – 99.9%

    Equity – 64.0%
      8,079,769     Goldman Sachs CORE International Equity Fund – 25.4%   $ 67,062,080  
      4,249,496     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Value Fund – 15.2%     40,200,236  
      3,105,594     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Growth Fund – 11.3%     29,968,983  
      1,219,678     Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Fund – 3.7%     9,733,033  
      716,205     Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund – 3.3%     8,709,058  
      792,825     Goldman Sachs CORE Small Cap Equity Fund – 3.3%     8,697,288  
      502,278     Goldman Sachs International Growth Opportunities Fund – 1.8%     4,731,463  
                $ 169,102,141  
    Fixed Income – 35.9%
      5,145,464     Goldman Sachs Core Fixed Income Fund – 19.4%   $ 51,197,366  
      1,641,286     Goldman Sachs Global Income Fund – 8.9%     23,519,633  
      1,922,122     Goldman Sachs High Yield Fund – 5.0%     13,281,859  
      674,078     Goldman Sachs Short Duration Government Fund – 2.6%     6,734,035  
                $ 94,732,893  
    (Cost $280,485,451)   $ 263,835,034  

  The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of total net assets.
  For information on the underlying mutual funds, please call our toll free Shareholder Services Line at 1-800-526-7384 or visit us on the web at www.gs.com/funds.

12     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Performance Summary
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

The following graph shows the value, as of June 30, 2002, of a $10,000 investment made on February 1, 1998 in Class A Shares (with the maximum sales charge of 5.5%). For comparative purposes, the performance of the Portfolio’s benchmarks with dividends reinvested (the S&P 500 Index, Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australasia, and the Far East (“MSCI EAFE”) Index, Russell 2000 Index and Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Free (“MSCI EMF”) Index) are also shown. All performance data shown represents past performance and should not be considered indicative of future performance which will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. These performance fluctuations will cause an investor’s shares, when redeemed, to be worth more or less than the original cost. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares. Performance of Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Shares will vary from Class A Shares due to differences in fees and loads.

Goldman Sachs Growth Strategy Portfolio’s Lifetime Performance

Performance of a $10,000 Investment, Distributions Reinvested February 1, 1998 to June 30, 2002(a).


Average Annual Total Return through June 30, 2002 Since Inception(b) One Year Six Months(c)
Class A
Excluding sales charges
    -0.16%       -9.06%       -3.33%      
Including sales charges
    -1.40%       -14.08%       -8.64%      

Class B
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    -0.89%       -9.80%       -3.66%      
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    -1.34%       -14.31%       -8.48%      

Class C
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    -0.89%       -9.78%       -3.76%      
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    -0.89%       -10.69%       -4.73%      

Institutional Class
    0.22%       -8.64%       -3.23%      

Service Class
    -0.29%       -9.30%       -3.45%      

(a)  For comparative purposes, initial investments are assumed to be made on the first day of the month following commencement of operations.
(b)  All Classes commenced operations on January 2, 1998.
(c)  Not annualized.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.       13



Performance Summary
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)

The following graph shows the value, as of June 30, 2002, of a $10,000 investment made on February 1, 1998 in Class A Shares (with the maximum sales charge of 5.5%). For comparative purposes, the performance of the Portfolio’s benchmarks with dividends reinvested (the S&P 500 Index, Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australasia, and the Far East (“MSCI EAFE”) Index, Russell 2000 Index and Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Free (“MSCI EMF”) Index) are also shown. All performance data shown represents past performance and should not be considered indicative of future performance which will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. These performance fluctuations will cause an investor’s shares, when redeemed, to be worth more or less than the original cost. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares. Performance of Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Shares will vary from Class A Shares due to differences in fees and loads.

Goldman Sachs Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio’s Lifetime Performance

Performance of a $10,000 Investment, Distributions Reinvested February 1, 1998 to June 30, 2002(a).


Average Annual Total Return through June 30, 2002 Since Inception(b) One Year Six Months(c)
Class A
Excluding sales charges
    -1.22%       -10.28%       -3.78%  
Including sales charges
    -2.45%       -15.24%       -9.09%  

Class B
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    -1.93%       -10.94%       -4.14%  
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    -2.37%       -15.40%       -8.94%  

Class C
Excluding contingent deferred sales charges
    -1.91%       -10.95%       -4.15%  
Including contingent deferred sales charges
    -1.91%       -11.84%       -5.11%  

Institutional Class
    -0.89%       -9.88%       -3.56%  

Service Class
    -1.33%       -10.41%       -3.80%  

(a)  For comparative purposes, initial investments are assumed to be made on the first day of the month following commencement of operations.
(b)  All classes commenced operations on January 2, 1998.
(c)  Not annualized.



Statements of Investments
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)
Shares Description Value
Mutual Funds (Institutional Shares) – 100.1%

    Equity – 84.4%
      8,357,314     Goldman Sachs CORE International Equity Fund – 32.9%   $ 69,365,704  
      4,374,483     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Value Fund – 19.6%     41,382,607  
      3,444,431     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Growth Fund – 15.8%     33,238,756  
      1,289,572     Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Fund – 4.9%     10,290,788  
      805,461     Goldman Sachs CORE Small Cap Equity Fund – 4.2%     8,835,911  
      638,858     Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund – 3.7%     7,768,511  
      727,379     Goldman Sachs International Growth Opportunities Fund – 3.3%     6,851,909  
                $ 177,734,186  
    Fixed Income – 15.7%
      2,453,512     Goldman Sachs Core Fixed Income Fund – 11.6%   $ 24,412,449  
      1,256,184     Goldman Sachs High Yield Fund – 4.1%     8,680,235  
                $ 33,092,684  
    (Cost $230,481,552)   $ 210,826,870  
Shares Description Value
Mutual Funds (Institutional Shares) – 100.0%

    Equity – 100.0%
      4,499,860     Goldman Sachs CORE International Equity Fund – 37.4%   $ 37,348,842  
      2,435,610     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Value Fund – 23.1%     23,040,871  
      1,989,097     Goldman Sachs CORE Large Cap Growth Fund – 19.2%     19,194,787  
      907,791     Goldman Sachs Emerging Markets Equity Fund – 7.2%     7,244,175  
      433,116     Goldman Sachs CORE Small Cap Equity Fund – 4.7%     4,751,278  
      345,527     Goldman Sachs Real Estate Securities Fund – 4.2%     4,201,606  
      442,752     Goldman Sachs International Growth Opportunities Fund – 4.2%     4,170,720  
                $ 99,952,279  
    (Cost $110,278,526)   $ 99,952,279  

  The percentage shown for each investment category reflects the value of investments in that category as a percentage of total net assets.
  For information on the underlying mutual funds, please call our toll free Shareholder Services Line at 1-800-526-7384 or visit us on the web at www.gs.com/funds.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.      15



Statements of Assets and Liabilities
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)
Growth and Aggressive
Balanced Income Growth Growth
Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio

Investment in securities, at value (identified cost $93,215,661, $280,485,451, $230,481,552 and $110,278,526, respectively)
  $ 91,689,837     $ 263,835,034     $ 210,826,870     $ 99,952,279  
Investment securities sold
    2,509,000       10,361,303       5,743,039       5,348,853  
Dividends and interest
    278,616       763,351       451,211       118,813  
Fund shares sold
    324,452       445,428       73,718       107,792  
Reimbursement from adviser
    19,626       18,591       18,475       18,232  
Deferred organization expenses, net
    1,577       1,577       1,577       1,577  
Other assets
          1,301       58       47  
Total assets
    94,840,798       275,426,585       217,114,948       105,547,593  

Due to Custodian
          719,388       428,039       14,853  
Investment securities purchased
    2,526,690       9,642,000       5,315,000       5,334,000  
Fund shares repurchased
    148,339       673,946       434,085       172,111  
Amounts owed to affiliates
    58,922       215,224       177,523       78,968  
Accrued expenses and other liabilities
    38,449       29,704       42,692       42,575  
Total liabilities
    2,772,400       11,280,262       6,397,339       5,642,507  
    Net Assets:

Paid-in capital
    99,580,486       304,458,610       251,570,890       123,179,816  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income (loss)
    (908 )     6,264       605,304       (291,835 )
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions
    (5,985,356 )     (23,668,134 )     (21,803,903 )     (12,656,648 )
Net unrealized loss on investments
    (1,525,824 )     (16,650,417 )     (19,654,682 )     (10,326,247 )
  $ 92,068,398     $ 264,146,323     $ 210,717,609     $ 99,905,086  
Net asset value, offering and redemption price per share:(a)
Class A
  $ 9.36     $ 9.14     $ 8.99     $ 8.90  
Class B
  $ 9.35     $ 9.12     $ 8.95     $ 8.79  
Class C
  $ 9.37     $ 9.12     $ 8.95     $ 8.78  
  $ 9.35     $ 9.15     $ 9.00     $ 8.94  
  $ 9.36     $ 9.12     $ 8.95     $ 8.86  
Shares outstanding:
Class A
    2,894,334       13,102,564       9,569,555       4,824,662  
Class B
    2,498,139       8,837,941       7,930,616       3,043,067  
Class C
    1,550,712       6,303,109       5,322,466       2,687,750  
    2,799,140       509,480       575,599       726,694  
    99,037       180,427       104,984       16,331  
Total shares outstanding, $.001 par value (unlimited number of shares authorized)
    9,841,362       28,933,521       23,503,220       11,298,504  

(a)  Maximum public offering price per share (NAV per share multiplied by 1.0582) for Class A shares of the Balanced, Growth and Income, Growth and Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolios is $9.90, $9.67, $9.51 and $9.42, respectively. At redemption, Class B and Class C shares may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge, assessed on the amount equal to the lesser of the current net asset value or the original purchase price of the shares.

16     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Statements of Operations
For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)
Growth and Aggressive
Balanced Income Growth Growth
Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio
    Investment income:

Income distributions from underlying funds
  $ 1,357,084     $ 3,424,513     $ 1,718,904     $ 213,342  
Total income
    1,358,452       3,424,513       1,718,904       213,342  

Management fees
    146,977       489,505       396,300       186,763  
Distribution and Service fees(a)
    224,428       879,177       752,862       326,554  
Transfer Agent fees(a)
    66,133       257,487       209,176       96,071  
Registration fees
    27,961       26,982       27,930       27,654  
Custodian fees
    23,589       23,656       24,411       24,217  
Professional fees
    13,007       13,007       13,007       13,007  
Trustee fees
    4,741       4,741       4,741       4,741  
Service share fees
    2,290       4,520       2,300       378  
Amortization of deferred organization expenses
    1,549       1,549       1,549       1,549  
    34,659       34,712       34,809       34,921  
Total expenses
    545,334       1,735,336       1,467,085       715,855  
Less — expense reductions
    (187,814 )     (378,769 )     (328,375 )     (210,678 )
Net expenses
    357,520       1,356,567       1,138,710       505,177  
    1,000,932       2,067,946       580,194       (291,835 )
    Realized and unrealized gain (loss):

Net realized loss from investment transactions
    (1,502,216 )     (6,313,632 )     (7,062,278 )     (3,491,364 )
Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    608,484       (109,700 )     (1,395,212 )     (234,526 )
Net realized and unrealized loss
    (893,732 )     (6,423,332 )     (8,457,490 )     (3,725,890 )
  $ 107,200     $ (4,355,386 )   $ (7,877,296 )   $ (4,017,725 )

(a)  Class specific Distribution and Service and Transfer Agent fees were as follows:

Distribution and Service Fees Transfer Agent Fees

Portfolio Class A Class B Class C Class A Class B Class C Institutional Service

Balanced Strategy Portfolio
  $ 34,826     $ 115,289     $ 74,313     $ 26,467     $ 21,905     $ 14,120     $ 3,458     $ 183  
Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio
    154,815       426,437       297,925       117,659       81,023       56,606       1,837       362  
Growth Strategy Portfolio
    113,233       384,172       255,457       86,057       72,993       48,537       1,405       184  
Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio
    57,207       144,182       125,165       43,478       27,395       23,781       1,387       30  
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.      17



Statements of Changes in Net Assets
For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)
Growth and Aggressive
Balanced Income Growth Growth
Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio
    From operations:

Net investment income (loss)
  $ 1,000,932     $ 2,067,946     $ 580,194     $ (291,835 )
Net realized loss from investment transactions
    (1,502,216 )     (6,313,632 )     (7,062,278 )     (3,491,364 )
Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    608,484       (109,700 )     (1,395,212 )     (234,526 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations
    107,200       (4,355,386 )     (7,877,296 )     (4,017,725 )
    Distributions to shareholders:

From net investment income
Class A Shares
    (348,830 )     (1,230,016 )            
Class B Shares
    (219,417 )     (515,766 )            
Class C Shares
    (134,253 )     (366,974 )            
Institutional Shares
    (324,813 )     (51,189 )            
Service Shares
    (11,890 )     (16,628 )            
Total distributions to shareholders
    (1,039,203 )     (2,180,573 )            
    From share transactions:

Net proceeds from sales of shares
    27,811,439       32,529,629       15,872,233       11,570,638  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    939,921       2,036,309              
Cost of shares repurchased
    (17,462,279 )     (57,100,471 )     (33,418,232 )     (19,272,158 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions
    11,289,081       (22,534,533 )     (17,545,999 )     (7,701,520 )
    10,357,078       (29,070,492 )     (25,423,295 )     (11,719,245 )
    Net assets:

Beginning of period
    81,711,320       293,216,815       236,140,904       111,624,331  
End of period
  $ 92,068,398     $ 264,146,323     $ 210,717,609     $ 99,905,086  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income (loss)
  $ (908 )   $ 6,264     $ 605,304     $ (291,835 )
18     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Statements of Changes in Net Assets
For the Year Ended December 31, 2001
Growth and Aggressive
Balanced Income Growth Growth
Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy
Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio
    From operations:

Net investment income (loss)
  $ 2,111,471     $ 5,703,854     $ 1,728,256     $ (583,027 )
Net realized loss from investment transactions
    (2,680,778 )     (12,634,799 )     (12,238,767 )     (7,460,014 )
Net change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments
    (1,976,417 )     (20,498,413 )     (22,634,016 )     (11,178,079 )
Net decrease in net assets resulting from operations
    (2,545,724 )     (27,429,358 )     (33,144,527 )     (19,221,120 )
    Distributions to shareholders:

From net investment income
Class A Shares
    (994,599 )     (2,926,620 )     (1,256,728 )      
Class B Shares
    (603,683 )     (1,383,302 )     (410,301 )      
Class C Shares
    (419,569 )     (956,711 )     (285,210 )      
Institutional Shares
    (128,562 )     (468,197 )     (122,046 )      
Service Shares
    (25,100 )     (34,208 )     (11,655 )      
From net realized gain
Class A Shares
    (460,729 )     (3,383,084 )     (2,294,562 )      
Class B Shares
    (345,458 )     (2,454,757 )     (2,012,266 )      
Class C Shares
    (242,114 )     (1,683,949 )     (1,300,197 )      
Institutional Shares
    (134,135 )     (484,869 )     (166,999 )      
Service Shares
    (13,155 )     (50,071 )     (21,564 )      
Total distributions to shareholders
    (3,367,104 )     (13,825,768 )     (7,881,528 )      
    From share transactions:

Net proceeds from sales of shares
    23,323,737       43,584,552       40,634,155       39,090,458  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    2,954,551       13,020,281       7,434,638        
Cost of shares repurchased
    (22,331,670 )     (95,582,211 )     (65,445,577 )     (40,461,744 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from share transactions
    3,946,618       (38,977,378 )     (17,376,784 )     (1,371,286 )
    (1,966,210 )     (80,232,504 )     (58,402,839 )     (20,592,406 )
    Net assets:

Beginning of year
    83,677,530       373,449,319       294,543,743       132,216,737  
End of year
  $ 81,711,320     $ 293,216,815     $ 236,140,904     $ 111,624,331  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income
  $ 37,363     $ 118,891     $ 25,110     $  
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.      19



Notes to Financial Statements
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)


Goldman Sachs Trust (the “Trust”) is a Delaware business trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (as amended) as an open-end, management investment company. The Trust includes Goldman Sachs Balanced Strategy Portfolio (“Balanced Strategy”), Goldman Sachs Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio (“Growth and Income Strategy”), Goldman Sachs Growth Strategy Portfolio (“Growth Strategy”) and Goldman Sachs Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio (“Aggressive Growth Strategy”), collectively, the “Portfolios” or, individually, a “Portfolio”. All of the Portfolios offer five classes of shares — Class A, Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Shares. On April 30, 2002, the Goldman Sachs Conservative Strategy Portfolio was terminated.


The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Portfolios. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that may affect the reported amounts. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

A. Investment Valuation — Each Portfolio invests in a combination of underlying funds (the “Underlying Funds”) for which Goldman Sachs Asset Management (“GSAM”), a business unit of the Investment Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. (“Goldman Sachs”), Goldman Sachs Funds Management L.P. (“GSFM”) and Goldman Sachs Asset Management International (“GSAMI”), affiliates of Goldman Sachs, act as investment advisers. Investments in the Underlying Funds are valued at the closing net asset value per share of each Underlying Fund on the day of valuation. Because each Portfolio invests primarily in other mutual funds, which fluctuate in value, the Portfolios’ shares will correspondingly fluctuate in value. Short-term debt obligations maturing in sixty days or less are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value.

B. Securities Transactions and Investment Income — Purchases and sales of the Underlying Funds are recorded as of the trade date. Realized gains and losses on sales of the Underlying Funds are calculated on the identified cost basis. Dividend income and capital gains distributions from the Underlying Funds are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income is recorded on the basis of interest accrued.

     Net investment income (other than class-specific expenses) and unrealized and realized gains or losses are allocated daily to each class of shares of the Portfolios based upon the relative proportion of net assets of each class.

C. Dividend Distributions to Shareholders — Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income and capital gains distributions, if any, are declared and paid according to the following schedule:

Capital Gains
Income Distribution Distribution

Portfolio Declared Paid Declared Paid

Balanced Strategy
    Quarterly       Quarterly       Annually       Annually  

Growth and Income Strategy
    Quarterly       Quarterly       Annually       Annually  

Growth Strategy
    Annually       Annually       Annually       Annually  

Aggressive Growth Strategy
    Annually       Annually       Annually       Annually  

D. Federal Taxes — It is each Portfolio’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute each year substantially all of its investment company taxable income and capital gains to its shareholders. Accordingly, no federal tax provisions are required.

     The characterization of distributions to shareholders for financial reporting purposes is determined in accordance with income tax rules.



E. Expenses — Expenses incurred by the Trust that do not specifically relate to an individual Portfolio of the Trust are allocated to the Portfolios based on a straight-line or pro rata basis depending upon the nature of the expense. Expenses included in the accompanying financial statements reflect the expenses of each Portfolio and do not include any expenses associated with the Underlying Funds.

     Class A, Class B and Class C shareholders of the Portfolios bear all expenses and fees relating to their respective Distribution and Service plans. Shareholders of Service Shares bear all expenses and fees paid to service organizations. Each class of shares of the Portfolios separately bears its respective class-specific Transfer Agency fees.

F. Deferred Organization Expenses — Organization-related costs are being amortized on a straight-line basis over a period of five years beginning with the commencement of each Portfolio’s operations.

G. Repurchase Agreements — Repurchase agreements involve the purchase of securities subject to the seller’s agreement to repurchase them at a mutually agreed upon date and price. During the term of a repurchase agreement the value of the underlying securities held as collateral including accrued interest, is required to equal or exceed the value of the repurchase agreement, including accrued interest. The underlying securities for all repurchase agreements are held in safekeeping at each Portfolio’s custodian.


GSAM serves as investment adviser to the Portfolios pursuant to an Investment Management Agreement (the “Agreement”). Under the Agreement, GSAM, subject to the general supervision of the Trust’s Board of Trustees, manages the Portfolios. As compensation for the services rendered pursuant to the Agreement, the assumption of the expenses related thereto and administering the Portfolio’s business affairs, including providing facilities, GSAM is entitled to a fee, computed daily and payable monthly, at an annual rate equal to 0.35% of the average daily net assets of each Portfolio. For the six months ended June 30, 2002, GSAM has voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of the Management fee equal annually to 0.20% of each Portfolio’s average daily net assets. GSAM may discontinue or modify this waiver in the future at its discretion.
     GSAM has voluntarily agreed to limit “Other Expenses” (excluding Management fees, Distribution and Service fees, Transfer Agent fees, taxes, interest, brokerage, litigation, Service Share fees, indemnification costs and other extraordinary expenses) to the extent that such expenses exceed .00% of the average daily net assets of each Portfolio.
     For the six months ended June 30, 2002, GSAM waived and reimbursed certain expenses as follows (in thousands):
Portfolio Fee Waivers Reimbursement Total

Balanced Strategy
  $ 84     $ 104     $ 188  

Growth and Income Strategy
    280       99       379  

Growth Strategy
    226       102       328  

Aggressive Growth Strategy
    107       104       211  

     Goldman Sachs serves as Distributor of the shares of the Portfolios pursuant to Distribution Agreements. Goldman Sachs may receive a portion of the Class A sales load and Class B and Class C contingent deferred sales charges and has advised the Portfolios that it retained approximately $6,000, $11,000, $12,000 and $7,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2002, from the Balanced, Growth and Income, Growth and Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolios, respectively.

     The Trust, on behalf of each Portfolio, has adopted Distribution and Service Plans. Under the Distribution and Service Plans, Goldman Sachs and/or Authorized Dealers are entitled to a monthly fee from each Portfolio for distribution and shareholder maintenance services equal, on an annual basis, to 0.25%, 1.00% and 1.00% of the average daily net assets attributable to Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively.


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)
3. AGREEMENTS (continued)
     The Trust, on behalf of each Portfolio, has adopted a Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan. These plans allow for Service Shares to compensate service organizations for providing varying levels of personal and account administration and shareholder administration services to their customers, who are beneficial owners of such shares. The Service Plan and Shareholder Administration Plan provide for compensation to the service organizations in an amount up to 0.25% and 0.25%, respectively, (on an annualized basis), of the average daily net asset value of the Service Shares.
     Goldman Sachs also serves as Transfer Agent to the Portfolios for a fee. Fees charged for such transfer agency services are calculated daily and payable monthly at an annual rate as follows: 0.19% of average daily net assets for Class A, Class B and Class C Shares and 0.04% of average daily net assets for Institutional and Service Shares.
     At June 30, 2002, the amounts owed to affiliates were as follows (in thousands):
Management Transfer Distribution and
Portfolio Fees Agent Fees Service Fees Total

Balanced Strategy
  $ 11     $ 11     $ 37     $ 59  

Growth and Income Strategy
    33       41       141       215  

Growth Strategy
    27       33       118       178  

Aggressive Growth Strategy
    13       15       51       79  


The cost of purchases and proceeds of sales of the Underlying Funds for the six months ended June 30, 2002, were as follows:
Portfolio Purchases Sales

Balanced Strategy
  $ 29,988,389     $ 19,147,053  

Growth and Income Strategy
    47,628,165       71,216,185  

Growth Strategy
    25,271,856       42,412,576  

Aggressive Growth Strategy
    14,384,657       22,478,782  


The Portfolios participate in a $350,000,000 committed, unsecured revolving line of credit facility. Under the most restrictive arrangement, each Portfolio must own securities having a market value in excess of 400% of the total bank borrowings. This facility is to be used solely for temporary or emergency purposes. The interest rate on borrowings is based on the Federal Funds rate. This facility also requires a fee to be paid by the Portfolios based on the amount of the commitment, which has not been utilized. During the six months ended June 30, 2002, the Portfolios did not have any borrowings under this facility.




As of the most recent fiscal year end December 31, 2001, the capital loss carryforwards and certain timing differences on a tax basis were as follows:
Growth and
Balanced Income Growth Aggressive Growth
Strategy Portfolio Strategy Portfolio Strategy Portfolio Strategy Portfolio

Timing differences (post October Losses)
                          (935,943 )             (876,828 )             (842,122 )
Capital loss carryforward
            (1,803,829 )             (7,533,379 )             (6,125,856 )             (96,961 )
Capital loss carryforward years of expiration
            2009               2009               2009               2009  

At June 30, 2002, the Funds’ aggregate security unrealized gains and losses based on cost for U.S. federal income tax purposes was as follows:

Growth and
Balanced Income Growth Aggressive Growth
Strategy Portfolio Strategy Portfolio Strategy Portfolio Strategy Portfolio

Tax Cost
          $ 95,894,972             $ 289,370,631             $ 238,220,493             $ 118,504,727  
Gross unrealized gain
            1,685,122               3,688,112               2,944,999               1,364,812  
Gross unrealized loss
            (5,890,257 )             (29,223,709 )             (30,338,622 )             (19,917,260 )
Net unrealized security loss
          $ (4,205,135 )           $ (25,535,597 )           $ (27,393,623 )           $ (18,552,448 )

The difference between book-basis and tax-basis unrealized gains (losses) is attributable primarily to wash sales.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)


Share activity for the six months ended June 30, 2002 was as follows:
Balanced Strategy Portfolio Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio

Shares Dollars Shares Dollars

Class A Shares
Shares sold
    629,594     $ 5,957,363       2,331,881     $ 21,815,447  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    34,658       325,054       127,922       1,182,123  
Shares repurchased
    (1,113,176 )     (10,463,708 )     (2,539,043 )     (23,820,548 )
      (448,924 )     (4,181,291 )     (79,240 )     (822,978 )

Class B Shares
Shares sold
    271,737       2,564,234       338,606       3,155,840  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    18,098       169,742       50,369       464,338  
Shares repurchased
    (298,515 )     (2,817,146 )     (1,069,290 )     (10,003,955 )
      (8,680 )     (83,170 )     (680,315 )     (6,383,777 )

Class C Shares
Shares sold
    153,532       1,452,360       610,768       5,706,565  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    12,171       114,406       36,219       333,510  
Shares repurchased
    (346,549 )     (3,262,804 )     (817,884 )     (7,644,388 )
      (180,846 )     (1,696,038 )     (170,897 )     (1,604,313 )

Institutional Shares
Shares sold
    1,876,461       17,792,328       191,740       1,805,141  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    34,564       323,530       5,083       46,917  
Shares repurchased
    (95,807 )     (904,379 )     (1,615,946 )     (15,400,935 )
      1,815,218       17,211,479       (1,419,123 )     (13,548,877 )

Service Shares
Shares sold
    4,809       45,154       5,099       46,636  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    765       7,189       1,022       9,421  
Shares repurchased
    (1,503 )     (14,242 )     (25,112 )     (230,645 )
      4,071       38,101       (18,991 )     (174,588 )

    1,180,839     $ 11,289,081       (2,368,566 )   $ (22,534,533 )




Growth Strategy Portfolio Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio

Shares Dollars Shares Dollars

      839,348     $ 7,778,094       732,164     $ 6,788,209  
      (1,305,635 )     (12,098,488 )     (1,167,458 )     (10,896,898 )

      (466,287 )     (4,320,394 )     (435,294 )     (4,108,689 )

      208,690       1,943,245       124,343       1,141,779  
      (1,054,205 )     (9,753,568 )     (355,886 )     (3,238,865 )

      (845,515 )     (7,810,323 )     (231,543 )     (2,097,086 )

      592,445       5,465,121       363,112       3,315,064  
      (971,509 )     (8,968,604 )     (468,060 )     (4,298,641 )

      (379,064 )     (3,503,483 )     (104,948 )     (983,577 )

      58,279       536,250       34,415       321,086  
      (270,575 )     (2,476,855 )     (89,626 )     (830,956 )

      (212,296 )     (1,940,605 )     (55,211 )     (509,870 )

      16,863       149,526       486       4,500  
      (13,349 )     (120,720 )     (733 )     (6,798 )

      3,514       28,806       (247 )     (2,298 )

      (1,899,648 )   $ (17,545,999 )     (827,243 )   $ (7,701,520 )



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
June 30, 2002 (Unaudited)


Share activity for the year ended December 31, 2001 was as follows:
Balanced Strategy Portfolio Growth and Income Strategy Portfolio

Shares Dollars Shares Dollars

Class A Shares
Shares sold
    870,935     $ 8,485,554       2,443,372     $ 24,362,470  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    145,816       1,376,827       651,266       6,139,423  
Shares repurchased
    (1,024,340 )     (10,036,494 )     (4,805,967 )     (47,894,281 )
      (7,589 )     (174,113 )     (1,711,329 )     (17,392,388 )

Class B Shares
Shares sold
    300,038       2,927,405       679,234       6,804,579  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    76,135       717,983       371,718       3,484,770  
Shares repurchased
    (559,187 )     (5,444,832 )     (2,509,454 )     (25,109,489 )
      (183,014 )     (1,799,444 )     (1,458,502 )     (14,820,140 )

Class C Shares
Shares sold
    309,146       3,038,333       981,090       9,812,620  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    60,985       576,199       258,508       2,423,684  
Shares repurchased
    (562,416 )     (5,490,567 )     (2,128,119 )     (21,106,718 )
      (192,285 )     (1,876,035 )     (888,521 )     (8,870,414 )

Institutional Shares
Shares sold
    907,182       8,735,541       201,945       2,019,676  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    27,585       258,582       98,228       927,164  
Shares repurchased
    (140,275 )     (1,350,109 )     (132,283 )     (1,329,472 )
      794,492       7,644,014       167,890       1,617,368  

Service Shares
Shares sold
    14,164       136,904       60,739       585,207  
Reinvestment of dividends and distributions
    2,643       24,960       4,828       45,240  
Shares repurchased
    (980 )     (9,668 )     (14,065 )     (142,251 )
      15,827       152,196       51,502       488,196  

    427,431     $ 3,946,618       (3,838,960 )   $ (38,977,378 )




Growth Strategy Portfolio Aggressive Growth Strategy Portfolio

Shares Dollars Shares Dollars

      1,801,032     $ 17,807,282       1,678,824     $ 16,258,871  
      371,051       3,398,829              
      (2,967,844 )     (29,623,704 )     (1,412,095 )     (13,553,585 )

      (795,761 )     (8,417,593 )     266,729       2,705,286  

      595,919       5,965,846       369,936       3,566,676  
      242,103       2,217,661              
      (1,825,734 )     (18,144,614 )     (823,040 )     (7,904,992 )

      (987,712 )     (9,961,107 )     (453,104 )     (4,338,316 )

      1,157,404       11,776,927       864,082       8,401,511  
      164,312       1,506,358              
      (1,661,729 )     (16,642,192 )     (1,130,058 )     (10,696,213 )

      (340,013 )     (3,358,907 )     (265,976 )     (2,294,702 )

      459,274       4,657,454       1,046,581       10,811,450  
      31,144       285,282              
      (92,087 )     (951,208 )     (826,546 )     (8,285,020 )

      398,331       3,991,528       220,035       2,526,430  

      43,119       426,646       5,353       51,950  
      2,903       26,508              
      (8,308 )     (83,859 )     (2,382 )     (21,934 )

      37,714       369,295       2,971       30,016  

      (1,687,441 )   $ (17,376,784 )     (229,345 )   $ (1,371,286 )




Financial Highlights
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
Income (loss) from
investment operations Distributions to shareholders

Net asset In excess
value at Net Net realized Total from From net of net From net
beginning investment and unrealized investment investment investment realized Total
of period income gain (loss) operations income income gains distributions

    2002 - Class A Shares   $ 9.43     $ 0.12 (d)   $ (0.07 )   $ 0.05     $ (0.12 )   $     $     $ (0.12 )    
    2002 - Class B Shares     9.43       0.09 (d)     (0.08 )     0.01       (0.09 )                 (0.09 )    
    2002 - Class C Shares     9.44       0.09 (d)     (0.07 )     0.02       (0.09 )                 (0.09 )    
    2002 - Institutional Shares     9.43       0.14 (d)     (0.08 )     0.06       (0.14 )                 (0.14 )    
    2002 - Service Shares     9.44       0.12 (d)     (0.08 )     0.04       (0.12 )                 (0.12 )    

    2001 - Class A Shares     10.16       0.30 (d)     (0.58 )     (0.28 )     (0.31 )           (0.14 )     (0.45 )    
    2001 - Class B Shares     10.16       0.23 (d)     (0.59 )     (0.36 )     (0.23 )           (0.14 )     (0.37 )    
    2001 - Class C Shares     10.17       0.23 (d)     (0.59 )     (0.36 )     (0.23 )           (0.14 )     (0.37 )    
    2001 - Institutional Shares     10.16       0.36 (d)     (0.60 )     (0.24 )     (0.35 )           (0.14 )     (0.49 )    
    2001 - Service Shares     10.17       0.29 (d)     (0.58 )     (0.29 )     (0.30 )           (0.14 )     (0.44 )    
    2000 - Class A Shares     10.99       0.48 (d)     (0.54 )     (0.06 )     (0.50 )     (0.01 )     (0.26 )     (0.77 )    
    2000 - Class B Shares     10.98       0.39 (d)     (0.53 )     (0.14 )     (0.41 )     (0.01 )     (0.26 )     (0.68 )    
    2000 - Class C Shares     10.99       0.39 (d)     (0.53 )     (0.14 )     (0.41 )     (0.01 )     (0.26 )     (0.68 )    
    2000 - Institutional Shares     10.99       0.53 (d)     (0.55 )     (0.02 )     (0.54 )     (0.01 )     (0.26 )     (0.81 )    
    2000 - Service Shares     10.99       0.61 (d)     (0.68 )     (0.07 )     (0.48 )     (0.01 )     (0.26 )     (0.75 )    
    1999 - Class A Shares     10.31       0.34       0.73       1.07       (0.34 )     (0.05 )           (0.39 )    
    1999 - Class B Shares     10.31       0.26       0.72       0.98       (0.26 )     (0.05 )           (0.31 )    
    1999 - Class C Shares     10.32       0.27       0.71       0.98       (0.27 )     (0.04 )           (0.31 )    
    1999 - Institutional Shares     10.32       0.37       0.74       1.11       (0.37 )     (0.07 )           (0.44 )    
    1999 - Service Shares     10.31       0.33       0.73       1.06       (0.33 )     (0.05 )           (0.38 )    

    1998 - Class A Shares     10.00       0.25       0.38       0.63       (0.25 )     (0.03 )     (0.04 )     (0.32 )    
    1998 - Class B Shares     10.00       0.19       0.38       0.57       (0.19 )     (0.03 )     (0.04 )     (0.26 )    
    1998 - Class C Shares     10.00       0.19       0.39       0.58       (0.19 )     (0.03 )     (0.04 )     (0.26 )    
    1998 - Institutional Shares     10.00       0.30       0.39       0.69       (0.30 )     (0.03 )     (0.04 )     (0.37 )    
    1998 - Service Shares     10.00       0.25       0.37       0.62       (0.25 )     (0.02 )     (0.04 )     (0.31 )    
(a)  Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total returns would be reduced if sales or redemption charges were taken into account. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares.
(b)  Annualized.
(c)  Class A, Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Share activity commenced on January 2, 1998.
(d)  Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
(e)  Expense ratios exclude expenses of the Underlying Funds.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Ratios assuming no
expense reductions

Ratio of Ratio of
Net assets Ratio of net investment Ratio of net investment
Net asset at end of net expenses income to expenses to income to Portfolio
value, end Total period to average average average average turnover
of period return(a) (in 000s) net assets(e) net assets net assets(e) net assets rate

    $ 9.36       0.57 %   $ 27,080       0.59 %(b)     2.62 %(b)     1.04 %(b)     2.17 %(b)     23 %    
      9.35       0.10       23,364       1.34 (b)     1.88 (b)     1.79 (b)     1.43 (b)     23      
      9.37       0.18       14,526       1.34 (b)     1.87 (b)     1.79 (b)     1.42 (b)     23      
      9.35       0.68       26,171       0.19 (b)     3.11 (b)     0.64 (b)     2.66 (b)     23      
      9.36       0.43       927       0.69 (b)     2.53 (b)     1.14 (b)     2.08 (b)     23      

      9.43       (2.62 )     31,539       0.59       3.09       1.05       2.63       51      
      9.43       (3.37 )     23,643       1.34       2.34       1.80       1.88       51      
      9.44       (3.38 )     16,354       1.34       2.34       1.80       1.88       51      
      9.43       (2.21 )     9,278       0.19       3.74       0.65       3.28       51      
      9.44       (3.28 )     897       0.69       2.99       1.15       2.53       51      

      10.16       (0.66 )     34,056       0.59       4.45       1.09       3.95       23      
      10.16       (1.33 )     27,326       1.34       3.60       1.84       3.10       23      
      10.17       (1.31 )     19,567       1.34       3.59       1.84       3.09       23      
      10.16       (0.25 )     1,924       0.19       4.94       0.69       4.44       23      
      10.17       (0.11 )     805       0.69       5.70       1.19       5.20       23      

      10.99       10.58       39,774       0.59       3.17       1.05       2.71       51      
      10.98       9.66       32,932       1.34       2.42       1.80       1.96       51      
      10.99       9.63       23,354       1.34       2.40       1.80       1.94       51      
      10.99       10.92       1,753       0.19       3.93       0.65       3.47       51      
      10.99       10.47       419       0.69       3.04       1.15       2.58       51      

      10.31       6.38       40,237       0.60 (b)     3.03 (b)     1.46 (b)     2.17 (b)     51      
      10.31       5.75       33,763       1.30 (b)     2.38 (b)     2.08 (b)     1.60 (b)     51      
      10.32       5.83       24,195       1.30 (b)     2.34 (b)     2.08 (b)     1.56 (b)     51      
      10.32       6.99       205       0.24 (b)     3.55 (b)     1.02 (b)     2.77 (b)     51      
      10.31       6.30       456       0.74 (b)     2.90 (b)     1.52 (b)     2.12 (b)     51      




Financial Highlights
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
Income (loss) from
investment operations Distributions to shareholders

Net asset In excess
value at Net Net realized Total from From net of net From net
beginning investment and unrealized investment investment investment realized Total
of period income gain (loss) operations income income gains distributions

    2002 - Class A Shares   $ 9.38     $ 0.09 (d)   $ (0.24 )   $ (0.15 )   $ (0.09 )   $     $     $ (0.09 )    
    2002 - Class B Shares     9.36       0.05 (d)     (0.23 )     (0.18 )     (0.06 )                 (0.06 )    
    2002 - Class C Shares     9.36       0.05 (d)     (0.23 )     (0.18 )     (0.06 )                 (0.06 )    
    2002 - Institutional Shares     9.39       0.10 (d)     (0.23 )     (0.13 )     (0.11 )                 (0.11 )    
    2002 - Service Shares     9.36       0.08 (d)     (0.23 )     (0.15 )     (0.09 )                 (0.09 )    

    2001 - Class A Shares     10.64       0.21 (d)     (0.98 )     (0.77 )     (0.22 )           (0.27 )     (0.49 )    
    2001 - Class B Shares     10.62       0.14 (d)     (0.99 )     (0.85 )     (0.14 )           (0.27 )     (0.41 )    
    2001 - Class C Shares     10.61       0.14 (d)     (0.98 )     (0.84 )     (0.14 )           (0.27 )     (0.41 )    
    2001 - Institutional Shares     10.66       0.25 (d)     (0.99 )     (0.74 )     (0.26 )           (0.27 )     (0.53 )    
    2001 - Service Shares     10.62       0.20 (d)     (0.98 )     (0.78 )     (0.21 )           (0.27 )     (0.48 )    
    2000 - Class A Shares     11.71       0.38 (d)     (0.92 )     (0.54 )     (0.41 )     (0.05 )     (0.07 )     (0.53 )    
    2000 - Class B Shares     11.69       0.29 (d)     (0.92 )     (0.63 )     (0.33 )     (0.04 )     (0.07 )     (0.44 )    
    2000 - Class C Shares     11.69       0.29 (d)     (0.93 )     (0.64 )     (0.33 )     (0.04 )     (0.07 )     (0.44 )    
    2000 - Institutional Shares     11.71       0.44 (d)     (0.91 )     (0.47 )     (0.45 )     (0.06 )     (0.07 )     (0.58 )    
    2000 - Service Shares     11.69       0.37 (d)     (0.92 )     (0.55 )     (0.40 )     (0.05 )     (0.07 )     (0.52 )    
    1999 - Class A Shares     10.38       0.22       1.40       1.62       (0.22 )     (0.06 )     (0.01 )     (0.29 )    
    1999 - Class B Shares     10.36       0.14       1.40       1.54       (0.14 )     (0.06 )     (0.01 )     (0.21 )    
    1999 - Class C Shares     10.36       0.14       1.40       1.54       (0.14 )     (0.06 )     (0.01 )     (0.21 )    
    1999 - Institutional Shares     10.39       0.27       1.39       1.66       (0.27 )     (0.06 )     (0.01 )     (0.34 )    
    1999 - Service Shares     10.37       0.20       1.40       1.60       (0.20 )     (0.07 )     (0.01 )     (0.28 )    

    1998 - Class A Shares     10.00       0.18       0.47       0.65       (0.18 )     (0.04 )     (0.05 )     (0.27 )    
    1998 - Class B Shares     10.00       0.12       0.46       0.58       (0.12 )     (0.05 )     (0.05 )     (0.22 )    
    1998 - Class C Shares     10.00       0.12       0.46       0.58       (0.12 )     (0.05 )     (0.05 )     (0.22 )    
    1998 - Institutional Shares     10.00       0.20       0.49       0.69       (0.20 )     (0.05 )     (0.05 )     (0.30 )    
    1998 - Service Shares     10.00       0.16       0.48       0.64       (0.16 )     (0.06 )     (0.05 )     (0.27 )    
(a)  Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total return would be reduced if sales or redemption charges were taken into account. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares.
(b)  Annualized.
(c)  Class A, Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Share activity commenced on January 2, 1998.
(d)  Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
(e)  Expense ratios exclude expenses of the Underlying Funds.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Ratios assuming no
expense reductions

Ratio of Ratio of
Net assets Ratio of net investment Ratio of net investment
Net asset at end of net expenses income to expenses to income to Portfolio
value, end Total period to average average average average turnover
of period return(a) (in 000s) net assets(e) net assets net assets(e) net assets rate

    $ 9.14       (1.57 )%   $ 119,731       0.59 %(b)     1.86 %(b)     0.86 %(b)     1.59 %(b)     17 %    
      9.12       (1.96 )     80,630       1.34 (b)     1.11 (b)     1.61 (b)     0.84 (b)     17      
      9.12       (1.95 )     57,478       1.34 (b)     1.11 (b)     1.61 (b)     0.84 (b)     17      
      9.15       (1.40 )     4,662       0.19 (b)     2.06 (b)     0.46 (b)     1.79 (b)     17      
      9.12       (1.63 )     1,645       0.69 (b)     1.76 (b)     0.96 (b)     1.49 (b)     17      

      9.38       (7.27 )     123,586       0.59       2.11       0.85       1.85       42      
      9.36       (8.01 )     89,089       1.34       1.36       1.60       1.10       42      
      9.36       (7.92 )     60,569       1.34       1.36       1.60       1.10       42      
      9.39       (6.95 )     18,107       0.19       2.52       0.45       2.26       42      
      9.36       (7.35 )     1,866       0.69       2.05       0.95       1.79       42      

      10.64       (4.54 )     158,430       0.59       3.35       0.87       3.07       20      
      10.62       (5.28 )     116,542       1.34       2.57       1.62       2.29       20      
      10.61       (5.36 )     78,144       1.34       2.57       1.62       2.29       20      
      10.66       (3.99 )     18,763       0.19       3.87       0.47       3.59       20      
      10.62       (4.63 )     1,570       0.69       3.26       0.97       2.98       20      
      11.71       15.79       195,153       0.59       2.00       0.85       1.74       49      
      11.69       14.95       143,686       1.34       1.24       1.60       0.98       49      
      11.69       14.94       95,523       1.34       1.23       1.60       0.97       49      
      11.71       16.14       29,200       0.19       2.53       0.45       2.27       49      
      11.69       15.60       1,856       0.69       1.91       0.95       1.65       49      

      10.38       6.55       181,441       0.60 (b)     2.37 (b)     1.05 (b)     1.92 (b)     42      
      10.36       5.82       138,914       1.30 (b)     1.72 (b)     1.68 (b)     1.34 (b)     42      
      10.36       5.80       100,711       1.30 (b)     1.68 (b)     1.68 (b)     1.30 (b)     42      
      10.39       6.96       9,030       0.23 (b)     2.97 (b)     0.61 (b)     2.59 (b)     42      
      10.37       6.43       1,354       0.73 (b)     2.28 (b)     1.11 (b)     1.90 (b)     42      




Financial Highlights
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
Income (loss) from
investment operations Distributions to shareholders

Net asset In excess
value at Net Net realized Total from From net of net From net
beginning investment and unrealized investment investment investment realized Total
of period income gain (loss) operations income income gains distributions

    2002 - Class A Shares   $ 9.30     $ 0.04 (d)   $ (0.35 )   $ (0.31 )   $     $     $     $      
    2002 - Class B Shares     9.29       0.01 (d)     (0.35 )     (0.34 )                            
    2002 - Class C Shares     9.30       0.01 (d)     (0.36 )     (0.35 )                            
    2002 - Institutional Shares     9.30       0.06 (d)     (0.36 )     (0.30 )                            
    2002 - Service Shares     9.27       0.04 (d)     (0.36 )     (0.32 )                            

    2001 - Class A Shares     10.88       0.11 (d)     (1.32 )     (1.21 )     (0.13 )           (0.24 )     (0.37 )    
    2001 - Class B Shares     10.86       0.03 (d)     (1.31 )     (1.28 )     (0.05 )           (0.24 )     (0.29 )    
    2001 - Class C Shares     10.87       0.03 (d)     (1.31 )     (1.28 )     (0.05 )           (0.24 )     (0.29 )    
    2001 - Institutional Shares     10.87       0.16 (d)     (1.32 )     (1.16 )     (0.17 )           (0.24 )     (0.41 )    
    2001 - Service Shares     10.86       0.10 (d)     (1.33 )     (1.23 )     (0.12 )           (0.24 )     (0.36 )    
    2000 - Class A Shares     12.24       0.22 (d)     (1.28 )     (1.06 )     (0.22 )     (0.08 )           (0.30 )    
    2000 - Class B Shares     12.21       0.13 (d)     (1.27 )     (1.14 )     (0.15 )     (0.06 )           (0.21 )    
    2000 - Class C Shares     12.22       0.13 (d)     (1.27 )     (1.14 )     (0.15 )     (0.06 )           (0.21 )    
    2000 - Institutional Shares     12.23       0.25 (d)     (1.26 )     (1.01 )     (0.25 )     (0.10 )           (0.35 )    
    2000 - Service Shares     12.22       0.23 (d)     (1.29 )     (1.06 )     (0.22 )     (0.08 )           (0.30 )    
    1999 - Class A Shares     10.29       0.11       2.03       2.14       (0.11 )     (0.08 )           (0.19 )    
    1999 - Class B Shares     10.28       0.02       2.02       2.04       (0.02 )     (0.09 )           (0.11 )    
    1999 - Class C Shares     10.28       0.02       2.03       2.05       (0.02 )     (0.09 )           (0.11 )    
    1999 - Institutional Shares     10.29       0.13       2.05       2.18       (0.13 )     (0.11 )           (0.24 )    
    1999 - Service Shares     10.29       0.09       2.03       2.12       (0.09 )     (0.10 )           (0.19 )    

    1998 - Class A Shares     10.00       0.10       0.36       0.46       (0.10 )     (0.02 )     (0.05 )     (0.17 )    
    1998 - Class B Shares     10.00       0.05       0.35       0.40       (0.05 )     (0.02 )     (0.05 )     (0.12 )    
    1998 - Class C Shares     10.00       0.05       0.35       0.40       (0.05 )     (0.02 )     (0.05 )     (0.12 )    
    1998 - Institutional Shares     10.00       0.12       0.37       0.49       (0.12 )     (0.03 )     (0.05 )     (0.20 )    
    1998 - Service Shares     10.00       0.09       0.35       0.44       (0.09 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )     (0.15 )    
(a)  Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total return would be reduced if sales or redemption charges were taken into account. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares.
(b)  Annualized.
(c)  Class A, Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Share activity commenced on January 2, 1998.
(d)  Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
(e)  Expense ratios exclude expenses of the Underlying Funds.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



Ratios assuming no
expense reductions

Ratio of Ratio of
Net assets Ratio of net investment Ratio of net investment
Net asset at end of net expenses income to expenses to income (loss) to Portfolio
value, end Total period to average average average average turnover
of period return(a) (in 000s) net assets(e) net assets net assets(e) net assets rate

    $ 8.99       (3.33 )%   $ 85,993       0.59 %(b)     0.93 %(b)     0.88 %(b)     0.64 %(b)     11 %    
      8.95       (3.66 )     70,967       1.34 (b)     0.17 (b)     1.63 (b)     (0.12 )(b)     11      
      8.95       (3.76 )     47,637       1.34 (b)     0.17 (b)     1.63 (b)     (0.12 )(b)     11      
      9.00       (3.23 )     5,181       0.19 (b)     1.28 (b)     0.48 (b)     0.99 (b)     11      
      8.95       (3.45 )     940       0.69 (b)     0.83 (b)     0.98 (b)     0.54 (b)     11      

      9.30       (11.03 )     93,313       0.59       1.09       0.88       0.80       40      
      9.29       (11.72 )     81,563       1.34       0.34       1.63       0.05       40      
      9.30       (11.69 )     53,001       1.34       0.34       1.63       0.05       40      
      9.30       (10.55 )     7,324       0.19       1.65       0.48       1.36       40      
      9.27       (11.16 )     940       0.69       1.01       0.98       0.72       40      

      10.88       (8.68 )     117,857       0.59       1.83       0.89       1.53       23      
      10.86       (9.39 )     109,080       1.34       1.08       1.64       0.78       23      
      10.87       (9.36 )     65,681       1.34       1.11       1.64       0.81       23      
      10.87       (8.28 )     4,234       0.19       2.10       0.49       1.80       23      
      10.86       (8.67 )     692       0.69       1.95       0.99       1.65       23      

      12.24       20.85       130,322       0.59       0.90       0.87       0.62       50      
      12.21       19.87       121,937       1.34       0.17       1.62       (0.11 )     50      
      12.22       19.96       70,127       1.34       0.16       1.62       (0.12 )     50      
      12.23       21.24       5,891       0.19       1.40       0.47       1.12       50      
      12.22       20.62       735       0.69       0.87       0.97       0.59       50      

      10.29       4.62       128,832       0.60 (b)     1.50 (b)     1.15 (b)     0.95 (b)     38      
      10.28       3.98       109,246       1.30 (b)     0.83 (b)     1.78 (b)     0.35 (b)     38      
      10.28       3.96       63,925       1.30 (b)     0.79 (b)     1.78 (b)     0.31 (b)     38      
      10.29       4.92       2,205       0.23 (b)     2.88 (b)     0.71 (b)     2.40 (b)     38      
      10.29       4.45       378       0.73 (b)     1.63 (b)     1.21 (b)     1.15 (b)     38      




Financial Highlights
Selected Data for a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period
Income (loss) from
investment operations Distributions to shareholders

Net asset In excess
value at Net Net realized Total from From net of net From net
beginning investment and unrealized investment investment investment realized Total
of period income gain (loss) operations income income gains distributions

    2002 - Class A Shares   $ 9.25     $ (0.01 ) (d)   $ (0.34 )   $ (0.35 )   $     $     $     $      
    2002 - Class B Shares     9.17       (0.04 ) (d)     (0.34 )     (0.38 )                            
    2002 - Class C Shares     9.16       (0.04 ) (d)     (0.34 )     (0.38 )                            
    2002 - Institutional Shares     9.27       0.01 (d)     (0.34 )     (0.33 )                            
    2002 - Service Shares     9.21       (0.01 ) (d)     (0.34 )     (0.35 )                            

    2001 - Class A Shares     10.71       (0.01 ) (d)     (1.45 )     (1.46 )                            
    2001 - Class B Shares     10.70       (0.08 ) (d)     (1.45 )     (1.53 )                            
    2001 - Class C Shares     10.69       (0.08 ) (d)     (1.45 )     (1.53 )                            
    2001 - Institutional Shares     10.70       0.02 (d)     (1.45 )     (1.43 )                            
    2001 - Service Shares     10.68       (0.02 ) (d)     (1.45 )     (1.47 )                            
    2000 - Class A Shares     12.61       0.03 (d)     (1.49 )     (1.46 )           (0.15 )     (0.29 )     (0.44 )    
    2000 - Class B Shares     12.57       (0.06 ) (d)     (1.47 )     (1.53 )           (0.05 )     (0.29 )     (0.34 )    
    2000 - Class C Shares     12.57       (0.05 ) (d)     (1.47 )     (1.52 )           (0.07 )     (0.29 )     (0.36 )    
    2000 - Institutional Shares     12.60       0.10 (d)     (1.51 )     (1.41 )           (0.20 )     (0.29 )     (0.49 )    
    2000 - Service Shares     12.59       0.04 (d)     (1.51 )     (1.47 )           (0.15 )     (0.29 )     (0.44 )    
    1999 - Class A Shares     10.16       0.02       2.56       2.58       (0.02 )     (0.11 )           (0.13 )    
    1999 - Class B Shares     10.14       (0.07 )     2.54       2.47             (0.04 )           (0.04 )    
    1999 - Class C Shares     10.15       (0.06 )     2.53       2.47             (0.05 )           (0.05 )    
    1999 - Institutional Shares     10.16       0.06       2.55       2.61       (0.06 )     (0.11 )           (0.17 )    
    1999 - Service Shares     10.15             2.55       2.55             (0.11 )           (0.11 )    

    1998 - Class A Shares     10.00       0.05       0.20       0.25       (0.05 )           (0.04 )     (0.09 )    
    1998 - Class B Shares     10.00       0.01       0.18       0.19       (0.01 )           (0.04 )     (0.05 )    
    1998 - Class C Shares     10.00       0.01       0.19       0.20       (0.01 )           (0.04 )     (0.05 )    
    1998 - Institutional Shares     10.00       0.07       0.20       0.27       (0.07 )           (0.04 )     (0.11 )    
    1998 - Service Shares     10.00       0.04       0.21       0.25       (0.04 )     (0.02 )     (0.04 )     (0.10 )    
(a)  Assumes investment at the net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, a complete redemption of the investment at the net asset value at the end of the period and no sales or redemption charges. Total return would be reduced if sales or redemption charges were taken into account. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Portfolio distributions or the redemption of Portfolio shares.
(b)  Annualized.
(c)  Class A, Class B, Class C, Institutional and Service Share activity commenced on January 2, 1998.
(d)  Calculated based on the average shares outstanding methodology.
(e)  Expense ratios exclude expenses of the Underlying Funds.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.





Ratios assuming no
expense reductions

Ratio of Ratio of
Net assets Ratio of net investment Ratio of net investment
Net asset at end of net expenses income (loss) to expenses to income (loss) to Portfolio
value, end Total period to average average average average turnover
of period return(a) (in 000s) net assets(e) net assets net assets(e) net assets rate

    $ 8.90       (3.78 )%   $ 42,927       0.59 %(b)     (0.20 )%(b)     0.98 %(b)     (0.59 )%(b)     13 %    
      8.79       (4.14 )     26,743       1.34 (b)     (0.94 )(b)     1.73 (b)     (1.33 )(b)     13      
      8.78       (4.15 )     23,595       1.34 (b)     (0.94 )(b)     1.73 (b)     (1.33 )(b)     13      
      8.94       (3.56 )     6,495       0.19 (b)     0.21 (b)     0.58 (b)     (0.18 )(b)     13      
      8.86       (3.80 )     145       0.69 (b)     (0.29 )(b)     1.08 (b)     (0.68 )(b)     13      

      9.25       (13.63 )     48,639       0.59       (0.11 )     0.97       (0.49 )     43      
      9.17       (14.30 )     30,013       1.34       (0.87 )     1.72       (1.25 )     43      
      9.16       (14.31 )     25,571       1.34       (0.86 )     1.72       (1.24 )     43      
      9.27       (13.36 )     7,248       0.19       0.25       0.57       (0.13 )     43      
      9.21       (13.76 )     153       0.69       (0.20 )     1.07       (0.58 )     43      

      10.71       (11.47 )     53,480       0.59       0.28       0.99       (0.12 )     19      
      10.70       (12.07 )     39,885       1.34       (0.49 )     1.74       (0.89 )     19      
      10.69       (12.00 )     32,695       1.34       (0.42 )     1.74       (0.82 )     19      
      10.70       (11.07 )     6,011       0.19       0.84       0.59       0.44       19      
      10.68       (11.55 )     146       0.69       0.30       1.09       (0.10 )     19      

      12.61       25.39       58,387       0.59       0.12       1.00       (0.29 )     47      
      12.57       24.41       47,462       1.34       (0.63 )     1.75       (1.04 )     47      
      12.57       24.35       28,573       1.34       (0.61 )     1.75       (1.02 )     47      
      12.60       25.74       3,570       0.19       0.66       0.60       0.25       47      
      12.59       25.17       137       0.69       0.00       1.10       (0.41 )     47      

      10.16       2.57       47,135       0.60 (b)     0.91 (b)     1.42 (b)     0.09 (b)     26      
      10.14       1.93       41,204       1.30 (b)     0.14 (b)     2.05 (b)     (0.61 )(b)     26      
      10.15       2.04       21,726       1.30 (b)     0.16 (b)     2.05 (b)     (0.59 )(b)     26      
      10.16       2.80       124       0.24 (b)     8.17 (b)     0.99 (b)     7.42 (b)     26      
      10.15       2.54       121       0.74 (b)     0.76 (b)     1.49 (b)     0.01 (b)     26      



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*Effective July 1, 2002, the Adjustable Rate Government Fund was renamed the Ultra-Short Duration Government Fund.



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The Asset Allocation Balanced Strategy invests primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and is subject to the risks associated with investments in such funds. In particular, some of the primary risk factors of this Fund include the price fluctuations of U.S. government securities in response to changes in interest rates; the risk that emerging markets securities may be difficult to sell in down markets and their volatility; the political risks and currency fluctuations of non-U.S. securities; the default risks of high yield bonds; and the volatility of stock and real estate investments.
The Asset Allocation Growth and Income Strategy invests primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and is subject to the risks associated with investments in such funds. In particular, some of the primary risk factors of this Fund include the price fluctuations of fixed income securities in response to changes in interest rates; the risk that emerging markets securities may be difficult to sell in down markets and their volatility; the political risks and currency fluctuations of non-U.S. securities; the default risks of high yield bonds; and the volatility of stock investments, including the possibility that small cap stocks will be more difficult to sell during down markets.
The Asset Allocation Growth Strategy invests primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and is subject to the risks associated with investments in such funds. In particular, some of the primary risk factors of this Fund include the price fluctuations of fixed income securities in response to changes in interest rates; the risk that emerging markets securities may be difficult to sell in down markets and their volatility; the political risks and currency fluctuations of non-U.S. securities; the default risks of high yield bonds; and the volatility of stock investments, including the possibility that small cap stocks will be more difficult to sell during down markets.
The Asset Allocation Aggressive Growth Strategy invests primarily in other Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Equity and Money Market Funds and is subject to the risks associated with investments in such funds. In particular, some of the primary risk factors of this Fund include the risk that emerging markets securities may be difficult to sell in down markets and their volatility; the political risks and currency fluctuations of non- U.S. securities; the default risks of high yield bonds; and the volatility of stock investments, including the possibility that small cap stocks will be more difficult to sell during down markets.
CORESM is a service mark of Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Goldman, Sachs & Co. is the distributor of the Funds.
Copyright 2002 Goldman, Sachs & Co. All rights reserved. Date of first use: August 29, 2002 02-1536 / AASAR / 28.2K / 8-02