Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

DATE OF REPORT – December 8, 2009
(Date of Earliest Event Reported)
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Commission File No.  1-10352

(State of Incorporation)
(I.R.S. Employer
Identification No.)
354 Eisenhower Parkway
Livingston, New Jersey
(Address of principal
executive offices)
Zip Code

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:  (973) 994-3999


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Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.
On December 8, 2009, Columbia Laboratories (Bermuda) Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Columbia Laboratories, Inc. (together “Columbia”), entered into a manufacturing and supply agreement (the “Agreement”) with Fleet Laboratories (“Fleet”), Watford Herts, United Kingdom for the manufacture of bulk progesterone vaginal gel (“Gel”) for Columbia’s CRINONE® and PROCHIEVE® products. The Agreement supersedes the supply agreement between Columbia and Fleet dated July 12, 1996, that was filed as an exhibit to the Registrant’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007.
Under the Agreement, Fleet will exclusively manufacture and supply, and Columbia will exclusively purchase its requirements of Gel from Fleet. Columbia also granted Fleet a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use and practice Columbia’s intellectual property solely and exclusively in connection with the manufacture and supply of Gel to Columbia.
Under the Agreement, Fleet agrees to manufacture and supply Columbia with Gel at a set price per batch in pounds sterling pursuant to rolling monthly forecasts and quarterly firm forecasts. The price may be adjusted annually on the anniversary date of the Agreement to take into account any documented decrease or increase in the cost of raw materials or any other decrease or increase in the cost of manufacturing Gel.
The initial term of the Agreement is five years and the Agreement automatically renews for additional periods of two years unless either party gives to the other party, not less than six months  prior to expiration of the Agreement, written notice of its intention not to extend the Agreement; provided, however, that upon termination of the Agreement Fleet agrees to perform its obligations under the Agreement for the earlier of one year or Columbia’s engagement and qualification of an alternative manufacturer of Gel.
Either party may terminate the Agreement immediately for (i) breach of any material provision that is not cured within sixty days after receipt of written notice, or (ii) in the event that the other party is or becomes insolvent. Columbia may terminate the Agreement upon thirty days notice to Fleet in the event: (i) Fleet fails to maintain its regulatory authorizations to manufacture the Product, including without limitation those from the US Food and Drug Administration and the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency; (ii) a Change of Control Event, as defined in the Agreement, occurs with respect to Fleet, or (iii) Fleet cannot supply product at a competitive price, which is a price for Gel that is no more than ten percent greater than the price of Gel available from a comparable alternate independent third party located in North America or Europe. Fleet may terminate the Agreement upon six months notice to Columbia in the event that Columbia does not meet its minimum purchase obligation for Gel over the immediately preceding 12 calendar months.
The foregoing description of the Agreement contained in this Item 1.01 does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the complete text of the Agreement, which is attached hereto as Exhibit 10.1.

Item 9.01                      Financial Statements and Exhibits.
 (d)           Exhibits.
Exhibit No.
Manufacturing and Supply Agreement between Fleet Laboratories and Columbia Laboratories (Bermuda), Ltd., dated December 8, 2009.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.
Date:  December 9, 2009

By: /S/ Lawrence A. Gyenes
Lawrence A. Gyenes
Senior Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer,
and Treasurer




Exhibit No.
Manufacturing and Supply Agreement between Fleet Laboratories and Columbia Laboratories (Bermuda), Ltd., dated December 8, 2009.



“Applicable Law”means all applicablelaws, orders and regulations of any governmental authority with jurisdiction over Fleet’s or Columbia’s activities in connection with this Agreement.
Batch means a specific quantity of material produced in a process or series of processes that is expected to be homogeneous within specified limits.
Confidential Information” means, with respect to a party, all information of any kind whatsoever (including without limitation, data, compilations, formulae, models, patent disclosures, procedures, processes, projections, protocols, results of experimentation and testing, specifications, strategies and techniques), and all tangible and intangible embodiments thereof of any kind whatsoever (including without limitation, apparatus, compositions, documents, drawings, machinery, patent applications, records and reports), which is disclosed by a party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other party (the “Receiving Party”).  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information of a party shall not include information that the Receiving Party can establish by written documentation or other competent evidence (a) to have been publicly known prior to disclosure of such information by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, (b) to have become publicly known, without fault on the part of the Receiving Party, subsequent to disclosure of such information by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, (c) to have been received by the Receiving Party at any time from a source, other than the Disclosing Party, rightfully having possession of and the right to disclose such information, (d) to have been otherwise known by the Receiving Party prior to disclosure of such information by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, and/or (e) to have been independently developed by employees or agents of the Receiving Party without the use of such information disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party.
Change of Control Event” means a party is merged or consolidated into or with another corporation or other legal person not currently an Affiliate with such party and, as a result thereof, less than a majority of the combined voting power of the voting securities of such party, after such merger or consolidation is held in the aggregate by the holders of the voting securities of such party, immediately prior to such merger or consolidation; or (b) a party sells or otherwise transfers all or substantially all of its assets to any other corporation or other legal person not currently an Affiliate with such party, or such party sells or otherwise transfers a majority of all of its voting securities to any other corporation or other legal person not currently an Affiliate with such party;
“Fleet Know-How” means any and all present and future information, any materials, including, without limitation, formulations, processes, techniques, formulas, biological, chemical, assay control and manufacturing data, methods, software, equipment designs, know-how, and trade secrets, patentable or otherwise, tangible or intangible, that are owned or controlled by Fleet.
(b)               Columbia hereby grants to Fleet a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use and practice the Intellectual Property solely and exclusively in connection with the manufacture and supply of Product to Columbia, as Columbia may order from time to time, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Fleet acknowledges that it has no ownership or other rights in Columbia’s Intellectual Property and/or the Product.  Fleet hereby grants to Columbia all right, title and interest to all Improvements conceived of, or reduced to practice by, Fleet, its Affiliates or third parties under contract with Fleet and, in connection therewith, shall (i) promptly disclose the same to Columbia, and (ii) take all acts, at Columbia’s sole cost and expense, as may be reasonably requested by Columbia to transfer or instill ownership of the same in Columbia; provided however, the rights of the parties with respect to any Improvements and the terms and conditions under which such Improvements shall be developed, including without limitation rights to financial compensation for any work performed by Fleet outside the scope of this Agreement shall be subject to the reasonable agreement of Columbia and Fleet. In addition, to the extent any Improvements have application to both the Product and to other products or processes owned, developed or utilized by Fleet, such Improvements shall be the property of Fleet and Fleet shall grant to Columbia a perpetual, exclusive, royalty-free license to use such Improvements in connection with the Product and any Improvements thereto.  
(c)                Fleet shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to, at its sole cost and expense, obtain all necessary authorizations under Applicable Law to manufacture the Product at the site at which the manufacture of Product shall occur and provide Columbia with a copy of any authorizations or applications filed therefor.  During the term of this Agreement, Fleet shall not, without the prior written consent of Columbia which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, assign or transfer any authorizations obtained in connection with the manufacture of the Product or applications filed therefor. Fleet shall provide Columbia with reasonable advance notice of all meetings or calls with any governmental authorities relating to the manufacture of the Product.  Columbia may attend such meetings or calls, at its own cost and expense.
(i)                 Columbia or its designee shall be, at its sole cost and expense, responsible for the filing and maintenance of any Regulatory Approvals and/or to supplement such Regulatory Approvals; provided, however, that Fleet shall, at Fleet’s sole cost and expense, take all steps necessary to obtain any authorizations under Applicable Law necessary to manufacture the Product at the site at which the manufacture of Product shall occur.  Columbia or its designee shall be responsible for completing such submissions of Regulatory Approvals and for payment of associated fees and Columbia shall be responsible for its pro rata share of any fee assessed on Fleet’s facility by the FDA or other governmental authority with respect to any Regulatory Approval, including, without limitation, prescription drug-user fees.
(ii)               Subject to Columbia’s confidentiality obligations set forth in Section 11, Fleet shall (A) communicate and deliver to Columbia, for Columbia’s sole use, all information presently in possession of Fleet, or that may hereafter come into the possession of Fleet, that is reasonably necessary for the registration and maintenance of Regulatory Approvals; (B) provide reasonable technical assistance, as may be reasonably requested by Columbia from time to time, including without limitation relating to test methods, specifications, and impurity/degradation product identification, and (C) execute and/or deliver such documents, reports and certificates and take such other action, as Columbia may reasonably request, to assist Columbia to procure the amendment to any Regulatory Approvals.  If additional development or validation work is required or requested by Columbia subsequent to receiving any Regulatory Approval, the terms under which such additional development or validation work shall be performed will be mutually agreed upon by both Fleet and Columbia.  
(i)                 Change Control. Fleet will not undertake any changes to the manufacturing process, including, without limitation, equipment, critical facilities utilities, methods, and cleaning procedures (together, “Product Changes”), without Columbia’s prior written authorization.  Columbia will not unreasonably withhold its consent to any requested Product Changes, provided, that such Product Changes would not affect Columbia’s Regulatory Approvals under current regulatory guidelines nor adversely affect Fleet’s ability to timely deliver Product in connection with this Agreement.  Columbia will notify Fleet, in writing and in advance, of any Product Changes to ensure that Fleet is capable of making the change.  Fleet shall comply with any reasonable request by Columbia for changes in the Product Specifications, manufacturing process and materials, and any change in analytical testing methods requested by Columbia, the FDA or any other applicable regulatory agency.  Any Product Changes (and work to be performed subsequent to such Product Change that is outside the scope of this Agreement) shall be governed by and subject to the reasonable agreement of Columbia and Fleet.
(l)                 Obsolete Inventory.   Any Columbia specific inventory including, but not limited to, raw materials and work-in-process rendered obsolete as a result of formula, artwork, packaging changes or Product Changes requested by Columbia or by changes required by a Regulatory  Approval shall be reimbursed to Fleet by Columbia at Fleet’s standard cost.  Any Columbia specific inventory including, but not limited to, raw materials and work-in-process rendered obsolete as a result of an act, or failure to act, of Fleet or Product Changes requested by Fleet shall be at the sole expense of Fleet. Fleet shall be responsible for the disposition of the obsolete inventory, and the party responsible for the obsolescence (either Columbia or Fleet, as the case may be) shall bear one hundred percent (100%) of all destruction costs related to said obsolete inventory.  The destruction or disposition shall be in accordance with Applicable Law.  Fleet shall provide Columbia with all manifests and other applicable evidence of proper destruction of materials purchased by or on the account of Columbia or required by Applicable Law.
(m)             Nonconforming Batches.  Fleet will pay for all disposal costs related to nonconforming Batches.
3.2              Reports by Fleet. Fleet shall provide to Columbia a monthly report setting forth the inventory of Columbia purchased Raw Materials in its possession and used in its production of Product during such period. Such reports shall be received by Columbia not later than the fifth (5th) business day after the close of every calendar month.
3.3              Delivery and Acceptance.
(b)               Rejection and Cure.   If a shipment of Product or any portion thereof contains a Defect, Columbia shall have the right to reject such Defective shipment of Product or the portion thereof, upon written notice to Fleet of its rejection hereunder, to be given within thirty (30) days after Columbia’s discovery of such Defect, specifying the grounds for such rejection.  After receipt of such notice from Columbia, Fleet shall be permitted to analyze any Product rejected by Columbia regarding such Defect, at Fleet’s sole cost and expense, and to present its findings with respect to such Product to Columbia.  If the parties cannot agree on whether the Product in question contains a Defect, an independent FDA and/or MHRA qualified laboratory, reasonably acceptable to both parties and at a cost equally shared by both parties, shall analyze both Columbia’s and Fleet’s samples of Product in question, and the definitive results of such laboratory shall be binding.  If the shipment of Product in question is determined to contain a Defect, such Product shall be held for Product Disposition, or shall be returned to Fleet, in each case at Fleet’s expense, as directed by Columbia.  Fleet shall replace each Defective shipment of Product, or the portion thereof, with conforming Product within thirty (30) days of the later of receipt of notice of rejection or expedited receipt of out of stock raw materials, if any.
 Fleet shall bear one hundred percent (100%) of all costs including cost of destruction of all rejected Product resulting from the fault or negligence of Fleet. Columbia shall bear one hundred percent (100%) of all costs including cost of destruction of all rejected Product resulting from the fault or negligence of Columbia.   Fleet shall destroy rejected Product in accordance with all Applicable Laws, and shall indemnify Columbia for any liability, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and court costs, relating to a failure to dispose of such Product in accordance with Applicable Law, and shall provide all manifests and other applicable evidence of proper destruction as may be required by Applicable Law.
(c)                Fleet Warranty.  Fleet warrants that (i) Product manufactured hereunder shall conform to the Product Specifications; (ii) Product is manufactured in compliance with Applicable Law, including, without limitation, cGMPs; and (iii) Fleet does not (A) employ an individual who has been debarred by the FDA pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 335a(a) or (b) (“Debarred Individual”) to provide services in any capacity to a Person that has an approved or pending drug product application, or an employer, employee or partner of such a Debarred Individual or, (B) utilize a corporation, partnership or association that has been debarred by FDA pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 335a(a) or 21 U.S.C. § 335a(b) (“Debarred Entity”) from submitting or assisting in the submission of a drug application, or an employee, partner, shareholder, member, subsidiary, or Affiliate of a Debarred Entity, and (C) to the knowledge of Fleet, no circumstances exist that may affect the accuracy of the foregoing representations contained in clauses (iii)(A) and (B) of this Section 3.3(c), including, without limitation, any FDA investigations of, or debarment proceedings against, Fleet or any person or entity performing services or rendering assistance which is in any way related to activities taken pursuant to this Agreement, and shall immediately notify Columbia in writing if Fleet, at any time during the Term, becomes aware of any such circumstances.  The foregoing shall comprise the “Fleet Warranty”. 
4.1              Audits.  Columbia QA may conduct inspections and audits of Fleet’s manufacturing facility, quality control laboratories, and other quality systems relating to the manufacture and storage of the Product according to Columbia’s reasonable procedures upon reasonable prior written notice, during normal business hours, at its sole cost and expense; provided, however, that Columbia may conduct a “For Cause” audit, during normal business hours, at Columbia’s sole cost and expense, upon three (3) business days prior written notice to Fleet.  Columbia shall have the right, in connection with any such audit, to inspect and obtain copies of any records or other documents and materials associated with or related to the manufacture of the Product. Fleet shall promptly notify Columbia of any proposed inspections by any governmental authority of the facilities at which Product is manufactured in sufficient time for Columbia to attend such inspection.
Columbia agrees to provide Fleet with copies of any part of a Regulatory Approval applicable to the Product manufactured and/or tested by Fleet, and copies of any changes in or updates of same as they, from time to time, hereafter occur.
4.2              Person in the Plant; Manufacturing Operations. Columbia may, at its option and sole cost and expense, upon reasonable prior written notice, have up to three (3) people on site during normal business hours, to observe the manufacturing and storage activities of Fleet.  These individuals may observe such activities and provide technical or quality advice.  Columbia QA will be consulted concerning any quality-related incidents that occur during manufacture.  Fleet is responsible for documenting any event (i.e. deviation) from Fleet SOPs that may occur during manufacture of the Product.  Columbia QA retains the final authority regarding any action taken during manufacture of the Product that may affect the Product quality.  Fleet QA is responsible for ensuring and shall ensure that the Product is manufactured in accordance with Regulatory Approvals and in accordance with Applicable Law, including without limitation, those relating to cGMP.  Columbia acknowledges and agrees that its representatives visiting any Fleet facility may, at Fleet’s discretion, be subject to reasonable and necessary confidentiality procedures to secure other Fleet clients’ information. 
5                    PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS
5.1       Price.  During the Term, the purchase price for each Batch purchased by Columbia from Fleet shall be the price stated on Exhibit A attached hereto. This price may be adjusted annually on the anniversary date of the execution of this Agreement to take into account any documented decrease or increase in the cost of Raw Materials or any other decrease or increase in the cost of manufacturing the Product.  If Columbia finds an alternate supplier that reduces the raw material cost and Fleet secures such alternate supplier, or Columbia identifies any other decrease in the cost of manufacturing, the price per Batch shall be reduced by 50% of the amount of the reduction in cost identified.  If Fleet finds an alternate supplier that reduces the raw material cost, or identifies any other decrease in the cost of manufacturing, the price per Batch shall be adjusted to reflect one-half the reduction, provided that the cost of qualifying and obtaining any Regulatory Approval is borne 50:50 by both parties. Upon reasonable prior written notice from Columbia, Fleet shall provide Columbia with all books and records necessary to verify changes to the Product manufacturing costs.
Fleet and Columbia shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance, including product liability insurance against claims regarding the manufacture of Product under this Agreement, with insurers having an AM Best rating within the top 2 categories at the time (at the date of this Agreement known as “superior” or “excellent”) or reasonably comparable coverage, in such amounts as it customarily maintains for similar products and activities, but in no event less than $3,000,000 per individual claim and $3,000,000 in the aggregate.  Each party shall maintain such insurance during the Term and thereafter for so long as it customarily maintains insurance for itself for similar products and activities (but in no event less than two (2) years following termination or expiration).  Each party shall cause the other party to be named as an additional insured under such insurance and shall provide the other party proof of such insurance upon request.  Each party shall cause such insurance policies to provide that the other party shall be given at least thirty (30) days notice of any cancellation, termination or change in such insurance.  Either party may elect to substitute a self-insurance program on notice to the other party with information reasonably demonstrating the adequacy of such program.
9.1              Product Complaints and Adverse Events. Columbia and Fleet shall each notify the other within twenty four (24) hours of any Product Complaints or any serious and unexpected Adverse Events reported to Columbia or Fleet resulting from the use of a finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product.  Both Columbia and Fleet agree to furnish each other with any information pertaining to the event in a timely manner.  Columbia QA will initiate an investigation of each Product Complaint according to Columbia procedures and promptly notify Fleet QA of any specific reasonable actions that need to be taken by Fleet.  Columbia shall have the sole right to respond to all Product Complaints and for reporting any unexpected Adverse Events to the relevant regulatory authorities resulting from use of a finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product in accordance with Applicable Law.  Fleet agrees to cooperate with Columbia in connection with any such response or report, at Columbia’s expense. 
9.2              Recalls.  In the event either party believes it may be necessary to conduct a recall, field correction, market withdrawal, stock recovery, or other similar action with respect to any finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product that was sold by Fleet or its Affiliates to Columbia or its Affiliates under this Agreement (a “Recall”), Fleet and Columbia shall consult with each other as to how best to proceed, it being understood and agreed that the final decision as to any Recall of any finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product shall be made by Columbia; provided, however, that Fleet shall not be prohibited hereunder from taking any action that it is required to take by Applicable Law.  Columbia and Fleet shall work together to agree on the details of any Recall decision; however Columbia is responsible for executing a Recall of Columbia distributed finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product.  Fleet QA is responsible for notifying Columbia QA of all quarantined Product in Fleet’s possession. If a Recall arises from the manufacture of the Product or Fleet’s breach of its representations, warranties  (including, without limitation, the Fleet Warranty), covenants or obligations hereunder, the cost of goods sold, distribution expenses and all other recall expenses (collectively, the “Recall Costs”) shall be borne by Fleet.  If a Recall arises from Columbia’s marketing, distribution, storage or handling of a finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product, Recall Costs shall be borne by Columbia.  Columbia and Fleet shall each maintain records of all sales of Product and finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product sufficient to adequately administer a Recall for the period required by Applicable Law. 
(a)                Fleet’s Indemnity Obligations.  Fleet shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Columbia, its Affiliates and their respective successors and permitted assigns (and the respective officers, directors, stockholders, partners and employees of each) from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, actions, proceedings, damages and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) (“Damages”) relating to or arising from (i) any breach by Fleet or its Affiliates of its representations, warranties, covenants, agreements or obligations under this Agreement, including without limitation, the failure of Fleet to timely deliver all Product ordered or the failure of the Product to meet the Fleet Warranty and/or Product Specifications and (ii) any claims of infringement or misappropriation with respect to the manufacture of the Product, except to the extent such claim of infringement  relates to the use of the Intellectual Property.
(b)               Columbia’s Indemnity Obligations.  Columbia shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Fleet and its Affiliates, and their respective successors and permitted assigns (and the respective officers, directors, stockholders, partners and employees of each) from and against any and all Damages arising out of (i) the handling, possession, use, marketing, distribution or sale of any Product and finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product by Columbia or any of its distributors or agents after Fleet’s delivery of the Product to Columbia; (ii) product liability claims, including, wrongful death, resulting from the use of the a finished pharmaceutical product containing a Product (except to the extent such claims arise out of the circumstances described in Section 10.1(a); (iii)  any breach by Columbia of its representations, warranties, covenants, agreements or obligations under this Agreement; and (iv) any claims of infringement or misappropriation relating to the Intellectual Property.
10.2          Indemnification Procedure.  A party (the “Indemnitee”) that intends to claim indemnification under this Section 10 shall notify the other party (the “Indemnitor”) promptly in writing of any action, claim or liability in respect of which the Indemnitee believes it is entitled to claim indemnification, provided that the failure to give timely notice to the Indemnitor shall not release the Indemnitor from any liability to the Indemnitee except to the extent the Indemnitor is prejudiced thereby.  The Indemnitor shall have the right, by notice to the Indemnitee, to assume the defense of any such action or claim within a reasonable period after the Indemnitor’s receipt of notice of any action or claim with counsel of the Indemnitor’s choice and at the sole cost of the Indemnitor.  If the Indemnitor so assumes such defense, the Indemnitee may participate therein through counsel of its choice, but at the sole cost of the Indemnitee.  The party not assuming the defense of any such claim shall render all reasonable assistance to the party assuming such defense, and all reasonable out‑of‑pocket costs of such assistance shall be for the account of the Indemnitor.  No such claim shall be settled other than by the party defending the same, and then only with the consent of the other party which shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided that the Indemnitee shall have no obligation to consent to any settlement of any such action or claim which imposes on the Indemnitee any liability or obligation which cannot be assumed and performed in full by the Indemnitor, and the Indemnitee shall have no right to withhold its consent to any settlement of any such action or claim if the settlement involves only the payment of money by the Indemnitor or its insurer.
10.3          Limitations of Liability.  Notwithstanding any contrary provision herein no party shall be entitled to indemnification with respect to any claim or suit to the extent such claim or suit results from (i) its own negligence or willful misconduct, or (ii) breach of such party’s representations, warranties, covenants, agreements or obligations under this Agreement, or (iii) any action to which it has consented in writing. NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY OR USE OF ANY KIND, SUFFERED BY THE OTHER PARTY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH PARTY WAS ADVISED OF, KNEW OF OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS.
11.1          Confidentiality.  Except for literature and information intended for disclosure to customers, each party will treat as confidential the Confidential Information, and will take all necessary precautions to assure the confidentiality of such Confidential Information.  Each party agrees to return to the other party upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement all Confidential Information acquired from such other party, except as to such information it may be required to retain under Applicable Law, and except for one copy of such information to be retained by such party’s legal counsel.  Neither party shall, during the period of this Agreement nor for five (5) years thereafter, without the other party’s express prior written consent use or disclose any such Confidential Information for any purpose other than to carry out its obligations hereunder.  Each party, prior to disclosure of such Confidential Information to any employee, consultant or advisor shall ensure that such person is bound in writing to observe the confidentiality provisions at least as strict as those of this Agreement.  The obligations of confidentiality shall not apply to information that the Receiving Party is required by Applicable Law to disclose, provided however that the Receiving Party shall so notify the Disclosing Party of its intent and cooperate with the Disclosing Party on reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information.
12.1          Term.  Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 12.2 below, the initial term of this Agreement shall expire on the date which is five (5) years from the date of the execution of this agreement (“Initial Term”) and shall be automatically extended for additional periods of two (2) years (each a “Renewal Term”) and together with the Initial Term, the “Term”, unless either party gives to the other party, not less than six (6) months  prior to expiration of the Initial Term or any Renewal Term, written notice of its intention not to extend this Agreement; provided, however, that upon termination of this Agreement Fleet agrees to perform its obligations under this Agreement for the earlier of one year or Columbia’s engagement and qualification of an alternative manufacturer of the Product.
    (ii)   a Change of Control Event with respect to Fleet occurs, or
    (iii)        Fleet cannot supply product at a Competitive Price.
(d)               Expiration or termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any rights of either party against the other that may have accrued prior to the date of such termination.
(c)                If Columbia terminates this Agreement under Section 12.2 (b)(ii) or (iii), it shall reimburse Fleet for the cost of Fleet’s inventory of raw materials that are unique to the Products   
Fleet Laboratories Limited 
94 Rickmansworth Road  
Watford Herts
WD18 7JJ, UK
Tel: 01923 229251
Fax: 01923 220728 
Attention: Managing Director                                                                                                         
If to Columbia:
22 Victoria Street
P O Box HM 1179
Hamilton HM EX
TEL: 441 298 3529
FAX: 441 298 3467
Columbia Laboratories, Inc.
354 Eisenhower Parkway
Livingston, New Jersey 07039
Tel:      973-994-3999
Fax:     973-994-3001
Attention: General Counsel
13.2          Assignment.  Neither party shall, without the prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) of the other party having been obtained, assign or transfer this Agreement to any person or entity, in whole or in part (and any attempt to do so shall be void), provided that, each party may assign or transfer this Agreement to any Affiliate or to any successor by merger of such party, or upon a sale of all or substantially all of such party’s assets, provided that such assigning party shall remain liable for its obligations hereunder.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Columbia shall not be required to consent, and it shall not be deemed unreasonable for Columbia to withhold consent, to any proposed or attempted assignment (including by merger or sale) by Fleet to a party which is not an Affiliate, if Columbia is not reasonably satisfied that the assignee possesses the management, finances, personnel, capabilities and facilities to perform fully the obligations of Fleet hereunder.  All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
13.6          Amendment; Waiver.  This Agreement cannot be amended, changed, modified or supplemented orally, and no amendment, change, modification or supplement of this Agreement shall be recognized nor have any effect, unless the writing in which it is set forth is signed by Fleet and Columbia, nor shall any waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement be effective unless in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith.  The failure of either party to enforce, at any time, or for any period of time, any provision hereof or the failure of either party to exercise any option herein shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or option and shall in no way affect that party’s right to enforce such provision or exercise such option.  No waiver of any provision hereof shall be deemed to be, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, or with respect to any succeeding breach of the same provision.
13.12      Technical Agreement.  Columbia and Fleet are parties to that certain Technical Agreement dated December 7, 2009, the terms of which outline the responsibilities of Columbia and Fleet with respect to assuring the quality of the Product.  Columbia and Fleet acknowledge and agree that in the event the terms of this Agreement and the Technical Agreement conflict or are inconsistent, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail over the terms of the Technical Agreement; provided however, that to the extent possible, the terms of both the Technical Agreement and this Agreement shall be read and considered to effect the intent of the parties.
/S/ Tom Homer
/S/ Robert S. Mills
Tom Homer
Robert S Mills
Managing Director
Exhibit A Intentionally Omitted