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Investment Company Act file number:  811-05340


Name of Registrant:

Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Free Funds


Address of Registrant:

P.O. Box 2600
  Valley Forge, PA 19482


Name and address of agent for service:

Heidi Stam, Esquire
  P.O. Box 876
  Valley Forge, PA 19482


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (610) 669-1000


Date of fiscal year end: November 30


Date of reporting period: December 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016


Item 1: Reports to Shareholders


Semiannual Report | May 31, 2016

Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Funds

Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund


Vanguard’s Principles for Investing Success

We want to give you the best chance of investment success. These principles, grounded in Vanguard’s research and experience, can put you on the right path.

Goals. Create clear, appropriate investment goals.

Balance. Develop a suitable asset allocation using broadly diversified funds. Cost. Minimize cost.

Discipline. Maintain perspective and long-term discipline.

A single theme unites these principles: Focus on the things you can control.

We believe there is no wiser course for any investor.

Your Fund’s Total Returns. 1
Chairman’s Letter. 2
Advisor’s Report. 8
New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund. 11
New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund. 26
About Your Fund’s Expenses. 58
Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangements. 60
Glossary. 61

Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that—informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice.
Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the
risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.
See the Glossary for definitions of investment terms used in this report.
About the cover: Pictured is a sailing block on the Brilliant, a 1932 schooner docked in Mystic, Connecticut. A type of pulley, the
sailing block helps coordinate the setting of the sails. At Vanguard, the intricate coordination of technology and people allows
us to help millions of clients around the world reach their financial goals.


Your Fund’s Total Returns

Six Months Ended May 31, 2016          
  SEC Equivalent  Income Capital Total
  Yield Yield Returns Returns Returns
Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market          
Fund 0.26% 0.50% 0.05% 0.00% 0.05%
Other States Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds          
Average         0.01
Other States Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.  
Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund          
Investor Shares 2.26% 4.39% 1.82% 3.01% 4.83%
Admiral™ Shares 2.34 4.54 1.87 3.01 4.88
Barclays NJ Municipal Bond Index         4.86
New Jersey Municipal Debt Funds Average         3.82

New Jersey Municipal Debt Funds Average: Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.
7-day SEC yield for the New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund; 30-day SEC yield for the New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund.
The calculation of taxable-equivalent yield assumes a typical itemized tax return and is based on the maximum federal tax rate of 43.4% and
the maximum income tax rate for the state. Local taxes were not considered. Please see the prospectus for a detailed explanation of the
Admiral Shares carry lower expenses and are available to investors who meet certain account-balance requirements.


Your Fund’s Performance at a Glance        
November 30, 2015, Through May 31, 2016        
      Distributions Per Share
  Starting Ending Income Capital
  Share Price Share Price Dividends Gains
Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market        
Fund $1.00 $1.00 $0.000 $0.000
Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
Investor Shares $12.00 $12.34 $0.215 $0.021
Admiral Shares 12.00 12.34 0.220 0.021








Chairman’s Letter

Dear Shareholder,

The broad U.S. municipal bond market returned more than 3% for the six months ended May 31, 2016. New Jersey’s tax-exempt bond market fared even better, returning nearly 5%—a turnabout from the prior fiscal year, when New Jersey lagged the national index.

Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund returned 4.83% for Investor Shares and 4.88% for Admiral Shares. This result was in line with that of its state-specific benchmark (which of course incurs no expenses) and about a percentage point ahead of the average return of its peer group. Well more than half of the fund’s total return came from higher prices for its bond holdings.

As bond prices and yields move in opposite directions, the fund’s 30-day SEC yield for Investor Shares dropped about half a percentage point, from 2.78% at the end of November to 2.26% at the end of May. At the other end of the maturity spectrum, short-term yields rose—but with a lag—after the Federal Reserve’s interest rate increase.

Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund’s month-end yield remained at 0.01% from November through February before rising by the end of the period to 0.26%—a level not seen since 2009. The fund’s six-month return inched up to 0.05%; the average return of other state tax-exempt money market funds was 0.01%.



Please note that although the funds are permitted to invest in securities whose income is subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT), during the half year the Long-Term Fund held no securities that would generate income distributions subject to the AMT. The Money Market Fund did hold such securities during the period and on May 31.

Before discussing the markets, I wanted to give you a brief update on money market reform. As I’ve mentioned, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted core reforms that will take effect in October. Their impact on the Money Market Fund will be minimal. All of Vanguard’s tax-exempt money market funds, including the New Jersey fund, will be designated as retail funds and will continue to seek to maintain a stable share price of $1.

Bonds enjoyed a strong ride after some early weakness

The broad U.S. taxable bond market returned 3.12% for the half year, behind the broad tax-exempt market. After dipping in December, taxable bonds climbed. The yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury note closed at 1.85% at the end of May, down from 2.22% six months earlier.

The period began with the Fed’s long-anticipated but small increase in short-term interest rates. Through the succeeding months, mixed signals from Fed officials—

Market Barometer      
  Total Returns
  Periods Ended May 31, 2016
  Six One Five Years
  Months Year (Annualized)
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable      
market) 3.12% 2.99% 3.33%
Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) 3.42 5.87 5.07
Citigroup Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index 0.10 0.12 0.05
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) 1.64% 0.78% 11.44%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) -2.86 -5.97 7.86
Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) 1.29 0.22 11.15
FTSE All-World ex US Index (International) -1.14 -10.87 0.52
Consumer Price Index 1.22% 1.02% 1.23%




as well as from global economic data—created uncertainty about when the next increase might occur.

Money market funds and savings accounts produced limited returns as the Fed’s target rate of 0.25%–0.5% remained historically low, despite the quarter-percentage-point rise in December.

International bond markets (as measured by the Barclays Global Aggregate Index ex USD) returned more than 9%. In a reversal from the trend of recent years, many foreign currencies strengthened against the dollar, boosting international bond returns for U.S. investors. Even without this currency benefit, internatio27nal bond returns were solidly positive.

In a tale of two halves, stocks fell and then rose

U.S. stocks advanced about 1% for the six months. Equities retreated over the period’s first three months before rebounding, partly as a sharp recovery in oil prices seemed to alleviate fears of a global economic slowdown.

International stocks fared worse than their U.S. counterparts, returning about –1%. Emerging-market stocks rose a bit, while stocks from the developed markets of Europe and the Pacific region declined. European stocks lagged amid investor anxiety in the lead-up to the United Kingdom’s June vote on whether to remain in the European Union.

Expense Ratios      
Your Fund Compared With Its Peer Group      
  Investor Admiral Peer Group
  Shares Shares Average
New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market      
Fund 0.16% 0.11%
New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund 0.20 0.12% 0.95

The fund expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated March 29, 2016, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For
the six months ended May 31, 2016, the funds’ annualized expense ratios were: for the New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund, 0.12%;
and for the New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund, 0.20% for Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares. The six-month expense ratio
for the New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund reflects a temporary reduction in operating expenses (described in Note B of the Notes
to Financial Statements). Before this reduction, the fund’s annualized six-month expense ratio was 0.16%. Peer-group expense ratios are
derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company, and capture information through year-end 2015.

Peer groups: For the New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund, Other States Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds; for the New Jersey
Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund, New Jersey Municipal Debt Funds. In most, if not all, cases, the expense ratios for funds in the peer groups are
based on net operating expenses after reimbursement and/or fee waivers by fund sponsors. In contrast, the Vanguard money market funds’
expense ratios in the table above do not reflect expense reductions.



The quest for yield boosted returns of longer-dated bonds

Through May, the broad municipal bond market posted 11 consecutive monthly gains. This strong performance reflected some factors shared with taxable bonds and some factors specific to the tax-exempt market.

The potential upside of rising rates
Bond fund investors may wonder about the effect of rising interest rates on bond prices—
even though the Federal Reserve has raised rates more slowly than anticipated.
Initially, as interest rates go up, the market value of bonds in a portfolio will decline, bringing
their yields closer to those of newer issues. However, the opportunity to reinvest cash flow
into higher-yielding bonds over time can benefit investors who can wait.
Consider a hypothetical example of an intermediate-term investment-grade taxable bond fund
yielding 2.25%. Assume rates rise by a quarter of a percentage point every January and July
from 2016 through 2019, ending at 4.25%. Although the cumulative total return would decline
initially, by mid-2023, it would be higher than if rates hadn’t changed. The bond math would be
similar for municipal bonds. Of course, the pace and magnitude of rate increases would affect
the time until breakeven.
The silver lining of higher yields
Cumulative rate of return

Notes: This hypothetical example shows the impact on a generic, taxable intermediate-term bond fund if the Federal Reserve raised
short-term interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point every January and July from 2016 through 2019. Intermediate-term rates
are assumed to rise by the same amount. The bond fund has a duration of 5.5 years. (Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of
bond—and bond mutual fund—prices to interest rate movements.)
Source: Vanguard.




Investors often turn to the relative safety of higher-quality bonds during periods of uncertainty and stock-market distress. This was especially evident in January, when many U.S. and international stock markets fell into or near bear-market territory, in part because of concerns about global economic growth. (A decline of 20% or more lasting at least two months generally qualifies as a bear market for stocks.)

Both the broad taxable and tax-exempt bond markets returned more than 1% in January, their best monthly result of the half year. And as negative interest rates became more common in Europe and Japan during the period, international buyers sought the positive yields on both taxable and tax-exempt U.S. bonds.

In addition, municipal bonds benefited from favorable supply-and-demand trends. Nationwide, the dollar volume of municipal bonds issued during the fiscal half year was lower than in the same period a year ago. Demand was robust, and not only for a safe harbor. The higher yields offered on longer-term bonds attracted investors—especially amid a subdued outlook for inflation (with oil prices still relatively low) and muted expectations of further rate hikes. (Although rising interest rates can hurt bond prices in the near term, they can offer long-term upside, as we explain in the box on page 5.)

New Jersey municipal bonds were lifted by this generally rising tide. The state continues to face fiscal challenges, but investors seemed to take some comfort that overall conditions were relatively stable.

In the Long-Term Fund, Vanguard Fixed Income Group, the advisor, positioned the fund for a flatter yield curve by overweighting bonds that mature past 10 years. The advisor also favored bonds rated single-A and BBB, for their higher yields. This strategy was successful again, as it was in the previous fiscal year.

The ongoing financial struggles of Atlantic City and Puerto Rico remained in the headlines. At the end of May, the Money Market Fund held no Atlantic City debt, and the Long-Term Fund had minimal exposure to Atlantic City general obligation bonds. Neither fund had any credit exposure to Puerto Rico, whose debt relief negotiations are ongoing. (Because the commonwealth’s bonds are exempt from federal, state, and local income tax, they often appear in state and national muni bond funds. The Long-Term Fund held one Puerto Rican bond, but it is escrowed to maturity.)

For more about the funds’ strategy and performance, please see the Advisor’s Report that follows this letter.

Consider rebalancing to manage your risk

After you’ve created an investment portfolio—with a diversified mix of stock, bond, and money market funds tailored to your goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance—what next?



As stocks and bonds rise or fall over time, and that portfolio drifts from its original asset allocation, you should consider rebalancing back to your targets.

Just one year of outsized returns can throw your allocation out of whack. For example, in 2013, the broad U.S. stock market returned nearly 34% and the broad taxable bond market declined. A hypothetical simple portfolio that tracked the broad U.S. market indexes and started the year with 60% stocks and 40% bonds would have ended with a more aggressive mix of 67% stocks and 33% bonds.

Rebalancing means shifting assets away from areas that have performed well toward those that have fallen behind, to restore the portfolio’s original asset allocation. That isn’t easy or intuitive, but it helps manage risk, because over time riskier assets tend to grow faster. (For more on this, see Best Practices for Portfolio Rebalancing at vanguard.com/research.)

You might consider, for example, monitoring your portfolio annually or semiannually and rebalancing when your allocations shift about 5 percentage points from their targets. And be aware of the tax implications.

Keeping your asset allocation from drifting too far off target can help you stay on track with the investment plan you’ve crafted to meet your financial goals.

As always, thank you for investing with Vanguard.


F. William McNabb III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
June 14, 2016



Advisor’s Report

For the six months ended May 31, 2016, Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund returned 0.05%, just ahead of the average return of peer funds. Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund returned 4.83% for Investor Shares and 4.88% for Admiral Shares, in line with the 4.86% return of its benchmark (the Barclays New Jersey Municipal Bond Index) and about one percentage point ahead of the average return of its peers.

The investment environment

As the fiscal year began, the market expected that the Federal Reserve would start raising interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade. Two weeks later, the Fed did raise the federal funds target range by a quarter percentage point, to 0.25%–0.5%. The Fed cited considerable improvement in labor market conditions and reasonable confidence that inflation would rise over the medium term to the Fed’s 2% objective. Future rate hikes were expected to be gradual, and the Fed reaffirmed its data-dependent stance.

A global growth scare and steep declines in commodity prices early in 2016, however, ran contrary to expectations and triggered a large risk-off move in global financial markets. The Fed began to sound less eager to raise rates as it evaluated how deteriorating economic conditions abroad might impede the United States from reaching the central bank’s employment and inflation targets.

In 2015, the U.S. economy grew 1.4% in the fourth quarter, bringing growth to 2.4% for the year. In 2016, for the third consecutive year, the economy got off to a weak start, this time with 0.8% growth in the first quarter. The still-strong U.S. dollar, combined with weaker global economic and financial conditions overall,

Yields of Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds    
(AAA-Rated General-Obligation Issues)    
  November 30, May 31,
Maturity 2015 2016
2 years 0.72% 0.72%
5 years 1.26 1.09
10 years 2.02 1.66
30 years 2.96 2.45
Source: Vanguard.




is believed to be behind the slowdown. But we expect growth to return to about 2% over the coming year.

The employment picture also weakened this spring. After increasing at an average rate of well over 200,000 jobs per month in December through March, nonfarm payrolls grew by about 123,000 in April and only 38,000 in May. The national unemployment rate fell to 4.7% in May as the supply of workers seeking jobs shrank. Meanwhile, inflation was fairly steady, with core inflation rising from 2.0% last November to 2.2% in May.

As negative interest rates spread across Europe and the Bank of Japan surprised markets in late January by introducing a negative-rate policy for certain deposits, U.S. bonds fared well. Investors also sought higher-quality bonds as a safe harbor from stock market volatility. For the six months, the broad U.S. taxable bond market returned 3.12%, and the Barclays US Treasury Index returned 2.92%.

Treasury yields generally rose in anticipation of the Fed’s December rate increase, closing out December above November levels. Except for the shortest maturities, yields then fell as prospects for global growth and inflation dimmed. With short-term rates inching up, the yield curve (the difference between the yield of the 30-year and 1-year Treasuries) flattened. At the end of May, the yield of the benchmark 10-year Treasury note stood at 1.85%, down from 2.22% at the end of November.

The Barclays Municipal Bond Index returned 3.42% for the period—half a percentage point more than the broad Treasury index. Long-term munis delivered some of the most notable outperformance. Part of munis’ strength came from robust demand; in 2016, municipal bond funds industrywide have experienced net cash inflows every week through May. Improving credit quality across much of the municipal market supported demand. Lighter supply also helped: Nationwide, tax-exempt bond issuance in the first five months of 2016 was nearly 8% below year-ago levels.

Bonds issued by borrowers in New Jersey enjoyed strong demand that helped absorb an increase in issuance above last year’s relatively low base. There were no new credit rating downgrades of the state’s general obligation bonds.

In early June, after the close of the reporting period, the state Supreme Court voted to uphold the freeze in cost-of-living adjustments for retired workers that was part of a 2011 law aimed at addressing the state’s unfunded pension obligations. We view this decision as credit-positive for the state, although long-standing structural budget imbalances and pension-funding challenges persist.

Management of the funds

An allocation to bonds with longer maturities than those in the benchmark served the Long-Term Fund well, but we pulled back to a more neutral stance as valuations at the short end of the yield curve normalized and expectations for a slower Fed rate-hike cycle grew.



Being overweighted in some lower-rated (but still investment-grade) bonds helped as investors’ reach for yield continued. So did favoring sectors that tend to offer wider credit spreads. They included health care and university revenue bonds. We continued to overweight premium callable bonds, which outperformed. They will remain a core strategy for us, as they would provide some protection to the fund if rates were to rise sharply.

As in the recent past, we underweighted state-backed bonds. This modestly held back our performance because investors looking for yield opportunities sought such bonds, which lifted their prices and tightened credit spreads.

A look ahead

Interest rates are likely to remain range-bound for some time, with the U.S. growth pace determining how low they can go and weakness in the global economy capping how high they can rise. Given that future Fed hikes remain dependent on economic data at home and abroad, rate volatility may remain elevated. The above-average liquidity levels in our New Jersey funds should position us to take advantage of any buying opportunities that arise from such dislocation.

The Fed left interest rates unchanged at its May meeting and seems on track to continue tightening at a much slower pace than in previous cycles. That slower pace, and possibly a lower terminal short-term interest rate, would most likely keep municipal rates below what we’ve seen over the past ten to 15 years.

We are starting the second half of the fiscal year more neutral on duration and yield-curve positioning but will make tactical adjustments as seasonal opportunities arise.

On the money market front, as previously reported, we plan to designate the New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund as a retail fund, along with all our national and state-specific tax-exempt money market funds—giving investors continued access to these stable-value offerings.

As always, our experienced team of portfolio managers, traders, and credit analysts will seek to add value to the portfolios through security selection by identifying bonds that are mispriced by the market.

Christopher W. Alwine, CFA, Principal,
Head of Municipal Group

John M. Carbone, Principal,
Portfolio Manager

Adam Ferguson, CFA, Portfolio Manager

Vanguard Fixed Income Group

June 20, 2016



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Fund Profile
As of May 31, 2016

Financial Attributes  
Ticker Symbol VNJXX
Expense Ratio1 0.16%
7-Day SEC Yield 0.26%
Average Weighted  
Maturity 46 days


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)
First Tier 100.0%

A First Tier security is one that is eligible for money market funds and has been rated in the highest short-term rating category for
debt obligations by nationally recognized statistical rating organizations. Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's,
Fitch, and S&P. For securities rated by all three agencies, where two of them are in agreement and assign the highest rating
category, the highest rating applies. If a security is only rated by two agencies, and their ratings are in different categories, the
lower of the ratings applies. An unrated security is First Tier if it represents quality comparable to that of a rated security, as
determined in accordance with SEC Rule 2a-7. For more information about these ratings, see the Glossary entry for Credit

1 The expense ratio shown is from the prospectus dated March 29, 2016, and represents estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the
six months ended May 31, 2016, the annualized expense ratio was 0.12%, reflecting a temporary reduction in operating expenses (described
in Note B of the Notes to Financial Statements). Before this reduction, the annualized six-month expense ratio was 0.16%.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Performance Summary

Investment returns will fluctuate. All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions. An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund. The fund’s 7-day SEC yield reflects its current earnings more closely than do the average annual returns.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): November 30, 2005, Through May 31, 2016  
    Spliced NJ
    Money Mkt
    Funds Avg.
Fiscal Year Total Returns Total Returns
2006 3.25% 2.74%
2007 3.60 3.12
2008 2.27 1.90
2009 0.45 0.25
2010 0.11 0.01
2011 0.06 0.00
2012 0.04 0.01
2013 0.01 0.00
2014 0.01 0.00
2015 0.01 0.01
2016 0.05 0.01

7-day SEC yield (5/31/2016): 0.26%
For a benchmark description, see the Glossary.
Spliced New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds Average. Derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company.
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended May 31, 2016.

Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2016
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

  Inception One Five Ten
  Date Year Years Years
New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money        
Market Fund 2/3/1988 0.01% 0.02% 0.88%


See Financial Highlights for dividend information.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of May 31, 2016

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in various monthly and quarterly regulatory filings. The fund publishes its holdings on a monthly basis at vanguard.com and files them with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-MFP. The fund’s Form N-MFP filings become public 60 days after the relevant month-end, and may be viewed at sec.gov or via a link on the “Portfolio Holdings” page on vanguard.com. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the SEC on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds (100.9%)        
New Jersey (100.9%)        
Bergen County NJ GO 3.000% 10/15/16 4,000 4,037
Branchburg Township NJ BAN 2.000% 10/7/16 2,505 2,517
Burlington County NJ BAN 2.000% 5/16/17 10,000 10,123
Burlington County NJ Bridge Commission        
Revenue 2.000% 12/1/16 8,275 8,326
Burlington County NJ Bridge Commission        
Revenue 2.000% 4/26/17 16,500 16,674
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue (Parkview Redevelopment        
Housing Project) VRDO 0.420% 6/7/16 LOC 46,500 46,500
Cedar Grove Township NJ School District GO 2.000% 8/15/16 14,000 14,037
Chatham Township NJ BAN 2.000% 7/13/16 3,451 3,457
Cliffside Park Borough NJ BAN 2.000% 7/22/16 4,933 4,944
Clifton NJ BAN 2.000% 10/12/16 7,532 7,577
Cranford NJ BAN 2.000% 1/27/17 4,850 4,893
Cranford NJ BAN 2.000% 5/19/17 9,000 9,106
Delaware River & Bay Authority New Jersey        
Revenue VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 4,300 4,300
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue VRDO 0.390% 6/7/16 LOC 21,055 21,055
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue VRDO 0.390% 6/7/16 LOC 14,075 14,075
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue VRDO 0.390% 6/7/16 LOC 33,430 33,430
Essex County NJ Improvement Authority Revenue        
(Fern Senior Housing Project) VRDO 0.410% 6/7/16 LOC 7,300 7,300
Essex County NJ Improvement Authority Revenue        
(Jewish Community Center of MetroWest Inc.        
Project) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 10,345 10,345
Essex County NJ Improvement Authority Revenue        
(Pooled Government Loan) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 15,625 15,625
Fair Lawn NJ BAN 2.000% 9/16/16 9,019 9,062
Freehold Township NJ BAN 2.000% 11/18/16 4,139 4,167




New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Gloucester County NJ Pollution Control Financing        
Authority Revenue (ExxonMobil Project) VRDO 0.090% 6/1/16 18,985 18,985
1 Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority Lease        
Revenue (Hudson County Vocational-Technical        
Schools Project) TOB VRDO 0.430% 6/7/16 4,875 4,875
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Pooled Revenue 2.250% 4/19/17 7,550 7,643
Mahwah Township NJ BAN 2.000% 8/5/16 5,550 5,566
Mahwah Township NJ BAN 2.000% 10/7/16 2,900 2,917
Mercer County NJ BAN 2.000% 9/1/16 13,000 13,051
Middlesex County NJ BAN 1.250% 6/3/16 10,000 10,001
Monmouth County NJ GO 2.000% 7/15/16 365 366
Monmouth County NJ GO 2.000% 7/15/16 160 160
Monmouth County NJ GO 2.000% 7/15/16 3,420 3,427
Monmouth County NJ GO 4.000% 1/15/17 6,655 6,806
Monmouth County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue (Pooled Equipment Lease) 2.000% 10/1/16 2,185 2,197
Monmouth County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Pooled Government Loan) 4.000% 12/1/16 1,000 1,017
2 Morristown NJ BAN 2.250% 6/9/17 4,005 4,063
Mount Laurel Township NJ BAN 2.000% 3/8/17 4,880 4,930
New Jersey Building Authority Revenue 5.000% 6/15/16 (Prere.) 1,000 1,002
New Jersey Building Authority Revenue 5.000% 6/15/16 (Prere.) 7,005 7,017
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Retirement Community Revenue        
(Seabrook Village Inc.) 5.250% 11/15/16 (Prere.) 1,000 1,021
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Applewood Estates Project) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 8,700 8,700
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.500% 6/15/16 (ETM) 1,500 1,503
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.500% 6/15/16 (ETM) 1,525 1,528
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Columbia University Project) CP 0.120% 6/15/16 6,375 6,375
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cooper Health System Project) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 12,600 12,600
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Duke Farms Foundation Project) VRDO 0.300% 6/1/16 LOC 28,800 28,800
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Job Haines Home Project) VRDO 0.410% 6/7/16 LOC 3,000 3,000
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Princeton Day School) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 5,000 5,000
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 12/15/16 (ETM) 8,675 8,884
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue Pollution Control Revenue        
(Exxon Project) VRDO 0.090% 6/1/16 2,000 2,000
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Trustees of the Lawrenceville School        
Project) VRDO 0.250% 6/1/16 23,050 23,050
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Trustees of the Lawrenceville School        
Project) VRDO 0.310% 6/1/16 23,500 23,500




New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
1 New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Institute for Advanced Studies) VRDO 0.380% 6/7/16 21,500 21,500
  New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Institute for Advanced Studies) VRDO 0.380% 6/7/16 16,325 16,325
  New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Kean University) 5.000% 7/1/16 (Prere.) 5,240 5,260
  New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Kean University) 5.000% 7/1/16 (Prere.) 1,010 1,014
  New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Princeton University) 3.000% 7/1/16 2,725 2,731
  New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/16 1,585 1,591
1 New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Princeton University) TOB VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 2,665 2,665
1 New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Princeton University) TOB VRDO 0.430% 6/7/16 4,330 4,330
  New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
  Revenue (Seton Hall University) VRDO 0.260% 6/7/16 LOC 12,435 12,435
  New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
  Trust Revenue 5.000% 9/1/16 2,225 2,251
  New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
  Trust Revenue 5.000% 9/1/16 (ETM) 5 5
1 New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
  Trust Revenue TOB VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 4,015 4,015
1,3 New Jersey GO TOB PUT 0.550% 6/28/16 LOC 20,000 20,000
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (AHS Hospital Corp.) VRDO 0.390% 6/7/16 LOC 6,500 6,500
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (AHS Hospital Corp.) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 15,585 15,585
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Hospital Capital Asset        
  Pooled Program) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 6,000 6,000
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Hospital Capital Asset        
  Pooled Program) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 13,200 13,200
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Hospital Capital Asset        
  Pooled Program) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 9,500 9,500
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Hospital Capital Asset        
  Pooled Program) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 14,450 14,450
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
  Obligated Group) VRDO 0.390% 6/7/16 LOC 25,140 25,140
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (MHAC I LLC) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 9,785 9,785
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (MHAC I LLC) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 5,540 5,540
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Rahway Hospital) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 5,980 5,980
  New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
  University) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 2,500 2,500




New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 14,810 14,810
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) VRDO 0.380% 6/7/16 LOC 5,200 5,200
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) VRDO 0.380% 6/7/16 LOC 7,500 7,500
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (RWJ Health Care Corp.)        
VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 13,440 13,440
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Southern Ocean County        
Hospital) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 10,145 10,145
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Underwood Memorial        
Hospital) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 7,840 7,840
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) 5.250% 7/1/16 3,125 3,138
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) VRDO 0.260% 6/1/16 LOC 17,350 17,350
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) VRDO 0.290% 6/1/16 LOC 3,700 3,700
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 11,300 11,300
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 14,000 14,000
1 New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue TOB VRDO 0.430% 6/7/16 3,845 3,845
1 New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue TOB VRDO 0.440% 6/7/16 LOC 3,995 3,995
1 New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue TOB VRDO 0.440% 6/7/16 LOC 3,155 3,155
1 New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue TOB VRDO 0.550% 6/7/16 26,985 26,985
1 New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue TOB VRDO 0.710% 6/7/16 1,110 1,110
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Multi-Family Housing Revenue        
(Broadway Townhouses Project) 0.600% 12/1/16 1,820 1,819
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Multi-Family Housing Revenue        
(Lincoln Towers Project) PUT 0.480% 9/1/16 19,500 19,493
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Multi-Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.320% 6/7/16 LOC 33,700 33,700
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Multi-Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.450% 6/7/16 LOC 6,715 6,715
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.380% 6/7/16 4,565 4,565
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 21,585 21,585
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.420% 6/7/16 10,895 10,895




New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.420% 6/7/16 1,400 1,400
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.150% 1/1/17 (Prere.) 4,895 5,026
North Bergen Township NJ BAN 2.000% 3/31/17 6,502 6,567
1 Nuveen New Jersey Dividend Advantage        
Municipal Fund VRDP VRDO 0.510% 6/7/16 LOC 10,000 10,000
1 Nuveen New Jersey Dividend Advantage        
Municipal Fund VRDP VRDO 0.510% 6/7/16 LOC 47,300 47,300
Ocean City NJ BAN 2.000% 6/17/16 5,000 5,003
Ocean County NJ GO 4.000% 10/1/16 775 784
Paramus Borough NJ BAN 2.000% 2/17/17 13,990 14,125
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.430% 6/1/16 6,025 6,025
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.450% 6/1/16 5,015 5,015
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.450% 6/20/16 11,745 11,745
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.150% 6/22/16 2,825 2,825
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.520% 7/7/16 16,460 16,460
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.450% 7/14/16 4,655 4,655
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.470% 7/28/16 10,000 10,000
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.480% 8/16/16 12,215 12,215
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue CP 0.500% 8/18/16 4,575 4,575
1 Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue TOB VRDO 0.420% 6/7/16 2,100 2,100
1 Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue TOB VRDO 0.430% 6/7/16 6,960 6,960
1 Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue TOB VRDO 0.440% 6/7/16 3,500 3,500
1 Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue TOB VRDO 0.440% 6/7/16 1,000 1,000
1 Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue TOB VRDO 0.440% 6/7/16 1,170 1,170
Princeton NJ BAN 1.500% 12/15/16 9,000 9,047
Princeton University New Jersey CP 0.400% 6/3/16 1,500 1,500
Princeton University New Jersey CP 0.420% 6/3/16 6,600 6,600
Rahway NJ BAN 2.000% 6/29/16 2,269 2,272
Rahway NJ BAN 2.000% 8/5/16 7,400 7,419
Rockaway NJ BAN 2.000% 11/18/16 5,012 5,046
Roseland NJ BAN 2.000% 5/10/17 6,365 6,430
Rumson NJ BAN 1.500% 8/25/16 4,002 4,009
1 Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue        
TOB VRDO 0.410% 6/7/16 14,800 14,800
1 Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue        
TOB VRDO 0.420% 6/7/16 2,400 2,400
1 Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue        
TOB VRDO 0.440% 6/7/16 11,780 11,780




New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund        
        Face Market
      Maturity Amount Value
    Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
1 Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue        
  TOB VRDO 0.440% 6/7/16 6,700 6,700
  Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue        
  VRDO 0.360% 6/1/16 23,400 23,400
  Secaucus NJ BAN 1.500% 8/10/16 2,724 2,729
  Secaucus NJ BAN 2.000% 1/6/17 2,221 2,236
  Somerset County NJ BAN 2.000% 9/22/16 5,000 5,024
  Sussex County NJ GO 2.000% 9/23/16 3,375 3,390
  Union County NJ Pollution Control Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Exxon Project) VRDO 0.090% 6/1/16 17,845 17,845
  Union County NJ Pollution Control Financing        
  Authority Revenue (Exxon Project) VRDO 0.090% 6/1/16 19,770 19,770
1 Union County NJ Utilities Authority Revenue        
  TOB VRDO 0.420% 6/7/16 8,815 8,815
  Voorhees Township NJ BAN 2.000% 7/29/16 3,668 3,676
  Woodbridge Township NJ BAN 1.500% 8/19/16 7,370 7,389
  Woodbridge Township NJ BAN 2.000% 8/19/16 15,000 15,054
Total Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds (Cost $1,291,902)     1,291,902
Other Assets and Liabilities (-0.9%)        
Other Assets        
Investment in Vanguard       107
Receivables for Capital Shares Issued       2,377
Receivables for Accrued Income       3,445
Other Assets       1,850
Total Other Assets       7,779
Payables for Investment Securities Purchased       (13,975)
Payables for Capital Shares Redeemed       (1,537)
Payables for Distributions       (8)
Payables to Vanguard       (4,152)
Total Liabilities       (19,672)
Net Assets (100%)        
Applicable to 1,279,731,414 outstanding $.001 par value shares of      
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)       1,280,009
Net Asset Value Per Share       $1.00




New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund  
At May 31, 2016, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 1,280,019
Undistributed Net Investment Income
Accumulated Net Realized Losses (10)
Net Assets 1,280,009

• See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
1 Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt
from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At May 31, 2016, the aggregate value of these securities was $213,000,000,
representing 16.6% of net assets.
2 Security purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of May 31, 2016.
3 Adjustable-rate security.
A key to abbreviations and other references follows the Statement of Net Assets.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Key to Abbreviations

ARS—Auction Rate Security.
BAN—Bond Anticipation Note.
COP—Certificate of Participation.
CP—Commercial Paper.
FR—Floating Rate.
GAN—Grant Anticipation Note.
GO—General Obligation Bond.
PILOT—Payments in Lieu of Taxes.
PUT—Put Option Obligation.
RAN—Revenue Anticipation Note.
TAN—Tax Anticipation Note.
TOB—Tender Option Bond.
TRAN—Tax Revenue Anticipation Note.
VRDO—Variable Rate Demand Obligation.
VRDP—Variable Rate Demand Preferred.
(ETM)—Escrowed to Maturity.

Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by:
(1) MBIA (Municipal Bond Investors Assurance).
(2) AMBAC (Ambac Assurance Corporation).
(3) FGIC (Financial Guaranty Insurance Company).
(4) AGM (Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation).
(5) BIGI (Bond Investors Guaranty Insurance).
(6) Connie Lee Inc.
(7) FHA (Federal Housing Authority).
(8) CapMAC (Capital Markets Assurance Corporation).
(9) American Capital Access Financial Guaranty Corporation.
(10) XL Capital Assurance Inc.
(11) CIFG (CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty).
(12) AGC (Assured Guaranty Corporation).
(13) BHAC (Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corporation).
(14) NPFG (National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation).
(15) BAM (Build America Mutual Assurance Company).
(16) MAC (Municipal Assurance Corporation).
(17) RAA (Radian Asset Assurance Inc.).
The insurance does not guarantee the market value of the municipal bonds.

LOC—Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by bank letter of credit.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Statement of Operations

  Six Months Ended
  May 31, 2016
Investment Income  
Interest 1,384
Total Income 1,384
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 144
Management and Administrative 720
Marketing and Distribution 187
Custodian Fees 8
Shareholders’ Reports 2
Total Expenses 1,061
Expense Reduction—Note B (269)
Net Expenses 792
Net Investment Income 592
Realized Net Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities Sold (5)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 587


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Statement of Changes in Net Assets

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  May 31, November 30,
  2016 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 592 141
Realized Net Gain (Loss) (5) 6
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 587 147
Net Investment Income (592) (141)
Realized Capital Gain
Total Distributions (592) (141)
Capital Share Transactions (at $1.00 per share)    
Issued 404,621 847,210
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 571 136
Redeemed (469,797) (976,302)
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions (64,605) (128,956)
Total Increase (Decrease) (64,610) (128,950)
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 1,344,619 1,473,569
End of Period1 1,280,009 1,344,619
1 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of $0 and $0.


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Financial Highlights

Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding May 31, Year Ended November 30,
Throughout Each Period 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income .0005 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0004 .001
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments
Total from Investment Operations .0005 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0004 .001
Dividends from Net Investment Income (.0005) (.0001) (.0001) (.0001) (.0004) (.001)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains
Total Distributions (.0005) (.0001) (.0001) (.0001) (.0004) (.001)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Total Return1 0.05% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.04% 0.06%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $1,280 $1,345 $1,474 $1,621 $1,742 $1,949
Ratio of Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.12%2 0.08%2 0.08%2 0.12%2 0.16% 0.17%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 0.09% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.03% 0.07%

The expense ratio and net investment income ratio for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about
any applicable account service fees.
2 The ratio of total expenses to average net assets before an expense reduction was 0.16% for 2016, 0.16% for 2015, 0.16% for 2014, and
0.16% for 2013. See Note B in Notes to Financial Statements.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund invests in debt instruments of municipal issuers whose ability to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments in the state.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Securities are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value.

2. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (November 30, 2012–2015), and for the period ended May 31, 2016, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.

3. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month.

4. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group (“Vanguard”) participate in a $3.1 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.10% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate based upon the higher of the one-month London Interbank Offered Rate, federal funds effective rate, or overnight bank funding rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at May 31, 2016, or at any time during the period then ended.

5. Other: Interest income is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

B. In accordance with the terms of a Funds’ Service Agreement (the “FSA”) between Vanguard and the fund, Vanguard furnishes to the fund investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services at Vanguard’s cost of operations (as defined by the FSA). These costs of operations are allocated to the fund based on methods and guidelines approved by the board of trustees. Vanguard does not require reimbursement in the current period for certain costs of operations (such as deferred compensation/benefits and risk/insurance costs); the fund’s liability for these costs of operations is included in Payables to Vanguard on the Statement of Net Assets.



New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund

Upon the request of Vanguard, the fund may invest up to 0.40% of its net assets as capital in Vanguard. At May 31, 2016, the fund had contributed to Vanguard capital in the amount of $107,000, representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.04% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.

Vanguard and the board of trustees have agreed to temporarily limit certain net operating expenses in excess of the fund’s daily yield in order to maintain a zero or positive yield for the fund. Vanguard and the board of trustees may terminate the temporary expense limitation at any time. For the period ended May 31, 2016, Vanguard’s expenses were reduced by $269,000 (an effective annual rate of 0.04% of the fund’s average net assets); the fund is not obligated to repay this amount to Vanguard.

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

At May 31, 2016, 100% of the market value of the fund’s investments was determined using amortized cost, in accordance with rules under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Amortized cost approximates the current fair value of a security, but since the value is not obtained from a quoted price in an active market, securities valued at amortized cost are considered to be valued using Level 2 inputs.

D. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to May 31, 2016, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Fund Profile
As of May 31, 2016

Share-Class Characteristics  
  Investor Admiral
  Shares Shares
Ticker Symbol VNJTX VNJUX
Expense Ratio1 0.20% 0.12%
30-Day SEC Yield 2.26% 2.34%


Financial Attributes    
    NJ Barclays
    Muni Municipal
    Bond Bond
  Fund Index Index
Number of Bonds 473 1,355 48,863
Yield to Maturity      
(before expenses) 2.5% 2.7% 1.8%
Average Coupon 4.5% 4.6% 4.8%
Average Duration 6.3 years 6.4 years 5.8 years
Average Stated      
Maturity 15.6 years 12.6 years  13.0 years
Reserves 3.6%


Volatility Measures    
  Barclays NJ Barclays
  Muni Bond Municipal
  Index Bond Index
R-Squared 0.96 0.95
Beta 1.00 1.17
These measures show the degree and timing of the fund’s fluctuations compared with the indexes over 36 months.


Distribution by Stated Maturity  
(% of portfolio)  
Under 1 Year 4.0%
1 - 3 Years 3.6
3 - 5 Years 6.1
5 - 10 Years 11.3
10 - 20 Years 42.5
20 - 30 Years 29.2
Over 30 Years 3.3


Distribution by Credit Quality (% of portfolio)
AAA 2.2%
AA 28.8
A 53.9
BBB 12.0
BB 0.8
B 0.7
Not Rated 1.6

Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody's and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is shown. "Not Rated" is used to
classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund's investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity
Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may
serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts. For more information about these ratings, see
the Glossary entry for Credit Quality.

1 The expense ratios shown are from the prospectus dated March 29, 2016, and represent estimated costs for the current fiscal year. For the
six months ended May 31, 2016, the annualized expense ratios were 0.20% for Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Investment Focus



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Performance Summary

All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at vanguard.com/performance.) Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

Fiscal-Year Total Returns (%): November 30, 2005, Through May 31, 2016  
        Barclays NJ
        Muni Bond
      Investor Shares Index
Fiscal Year Income Returns Capital Returns Total Returns Total Returns
2006 4.61% 2.40% 7.01% 6.85%
2007 4.34 -2.30 2.04 2.15
2008 4.11 -7.60 -3.49 -2.61
2009 4.61 7.58 12.19 13.15
2010 4.11 -0.52 3.59 4.28
2011 4.24 1.30 5.54 5.85
2012 3.91 7.16 11.07 11.65
2013 3.41 -7.24 -3.83 -3.31
2014 3.82 5.00 8.82 7.49
2015 3.55 -1.38 2.17 1.34
2016 1.82 3.01 4.83 4.86
Note: For 2016, performance data reflect the six months ended May 31, 2016.


Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, 2016
This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period.
Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

        Ten Years
  Inception Date One Year Five Years Income Capital Total
Investor Shares 2/3/1988 3.97% 5.78% 4.05% 0.54% 4.59%
Admiral Shares 5/14/2001 4.05 5.87 4.13 0.54 4.67


See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Financial Statements (unaudited)

Statement of Net Assets
As of May 31, 2016

The fund reports a complete list of its holdings in regulatory filings four times in each fiscal year, at the quarter-ends. For the second and fourth fiscal quarters, the lists appear in the fund’s semiannual and annual reports to shareholders. For the first and third fiscal quarters, the fund files the lists with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form N-Q. Shareholders can look up the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room (see the back cover of this report for further information).

      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds (99.6%)        
New Jersey (98.6%)        
Atlantic City NJ GO 4.000% 11/1/16 2,700 2,064
Atlantic City NJ GO 4.000% 11/1/17 3,965 2,842
Atlantic City NJ GO 5.000% 11/1/22 3,000 2,041
Atlantic City NJ GO 4.000% 11/1/23 (4) 1,425 1,473
Bayonne NJ GO 5.750% 7/1/19 (Prere.) 7,500 8,584
Bergen County NJ Improvement Authority        
Pooled Loan Revenue 5.000% 2/15/20 455 520
Bergen County NJ Improvement Authority        
Pooled Loan Revenue 5.000% 2/15/39 4,000 4,780
Burlington County NJ Bridge Commission        
Revenue 5.000% 12/1/29 275 323
Burlington County NJ Bridge Commission        
Revenue (Burlington County Solid Waste Project) 5.000% 10/1/26 2,100 2,513
Burlington County NJ Bridge Commission        
Revenue (Burlington County Solid Waste Project) 5.000% 10/1/27 4,100 4,876
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.000% 2/15/28 1,500 1,758
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.000% 2/15/29 3,500 4,088
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.000% 2/15/30 2,900 3,376
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.000% 2/15/31 2,500 2,901
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.000% 2/15/32 2,500 2,881
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.000% 2/15/33 1,000 1,149
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.000% 2/15/34 1,500 1,719




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Health Care Redevelopment Project Revenue        
(Cooper Health System Obligated Group) 5.750% 2/15/42 12,625 14,947
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue (Rowan University School of        
Osteopathic Medicine Project) 5.000% 12/1/32 6,035 7,084
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue 5.000% 1/15/28 3,600 4,184
Camden County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue 5.000% 1/15/29 3,225 3,739
Delaware River & Bay Authority Delaware        
Revenue 5.000% 1/1/26 2,000 2,445
Delaware River & Bay Authority Delaware        
Revenue 5.000% 1/1/27 2,000 2,425
Delaware River & Bay Authority Delaware        
Revenue 5.000% 1/1/28 2,250 2,712
Delaware River & Bay Authority Delaware        
Revenue 5.000% 1/1/42 9,980 11,375
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission        
Pennsylvania & New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/1/24 1,200 1,433
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission        
Pennsylvania & New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/1/26 1,000 1,181
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission        
Pennsylvania & New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/1/29 300 365
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission        
Pennsylvania & New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/1/31 500 602
Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission        
Pennsylvania & New Jersey Revenue 4.000% 7/1/34 (15) 2,660 2,941
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/21 3,160 3,567
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/26 4,335 4,934
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/27 2,660 3,020
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/28 6,000 6,730
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/29 4,000 4,486
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/30 5,000 5,612
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/35 9,060 10,196
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/37 15,000 17,655
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/40 (4) 1,000 1,126
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/1/40 2,500 2,929
Delaware River Port Authority Pennsylvania        
& New Jersey Revenue VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 3,485 3,485
Flemington Raritan NJ School District GO 5.000% 6/15/26 1,000 1,227
Garden State Preservation Trust New Jersey        
Revenue (Open Space & Farmland Preservation) 5.750% 11/1/28 (4) 18,545 23,867




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Gloucester County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/30 3,910 4,635
Gloucester County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/31 1,950 2,304
Gloucester County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/32 1,775 2,089
Gloucester County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/33 2,275 2,668
Gloucester County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/34 1,200 1,402
Gloucester County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 4.000% 7/1/42 (4) 2,000 2,140
Gloucester County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/44 1,500 1,705
Gloucester Township NJ Municipal Utility        
Authority Revenue 5.650% 3/1/18 (2) 730 764
Hillsborough Township NJ School District GO 5.375% 10/1/19 (4) 1,720 1,954
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Essential Purpose Pooled Governmental Loan        
Revenue VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 LOC 1,900 1,900
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue 5.000% 4/1/26 790 924
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue 5.000% 5/1/41 5,500 6,536
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue 5.000% 5/1/46 5,000 5,918
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue 5.250% 5/1/51 7,000 8,449
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Solid Waste Systems Revenue 5.750% 1/1/35 2,000 2,290
Hudson County NJ Improvement Authority        
Solid Waste Systems Revenue 6.000% 1/1/40 3,000 3,410
Jersey City NJ GO 5.000% 3/1/22 1,750 2,037
Mercer County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Courthouse Annex Project) 5.000% 9/1/40 2,480 2,931
Monmouth County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue (Brookdale Community College) 5.875% 8/1/18 (Prere.) 1,000 1,108
Monmouth County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue (Brookdale Community College) 6.000% 8/1/18 (Prere.) 3,900 4,332
Monmouth County NJ Improvement Authority        
Revenue (Pooled Government Loan) 5.000% 12/1/16 (ETM) 5 5
Monroe Township NJ Board of Education GO 5.000% 3/1/34 1,250 1,494
Monroe Township NJ Board of Education GO 5.000% 3/1/38 3,000 3,534
New Brunswick NJ Parking Authority Revenue 5.000% 9/1/25 615 722
New Brunswick NJ Parking Authority Revenue 5.000% 9/1/28 465 540
New Brunswick NJ Parking Authority Revenue 5.000% 9/1/30 570 661
New Brunswick NJ Parking Authority Revenue 5.000% 9/1/31 600 695
New Brunswick NJ Parking Authority Revenue 5.000% 9/1/39 (15) 2,000 2,394
New Jersey Building Authority Revenue 5.000% 6/15/16 2,250 2,254
New Jersey Building Authority Revenue 4.000% 6/15/30 1,000 1,014
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Hotel Room Fee) 5.250% 1/1/20 (2) 3,045 3,085
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Hotel Room Fee) 5.250% 1/1/21 (2) 6,255 6,337




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Hotel Room Fee) 5.250% 1/1/22 (2) 5,585 5,657
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Luxury Tax) 5.000% 11/1/28 (4) 2,000 2,254
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Luxury Tax) 5.000% 11/1/29 (4) 2,500 2,809
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Luxury Tax) 5.000% 11/1/30 (4) 2,950 3,307
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Luxury Tax) 5.000% 11/1/31 (4) 1,500 1,671
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Luxury Tax) 5.000% 11/1/32 (4) 1,250 1,389
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Luxury Tax) 5.250% 11/1/44 11,735 12,195
New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development        
Authority Revenue (Parking Fee) 5.250% 6/1/21 (14) 3,000 3,010
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Lease Revenue (Rutgers State University) 5.000% 6/15/38 4,000 4,687
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Lease Revenue (Rutgers State University) 5.000% 6/15/46 4,475 5,202
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Retirement Community Revenue (Seabrook        
Village Inc.) 5.250% 11/15/16 (Prere.) 935 955
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue 5.000% 6/15/23 11,500 12,647
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue 4.125% 6/15/26 2,500 2,577
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue 4.125% 6/15/27 2,750 2,815
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue 5.250% 6/15/32 10,000 11,116
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue 5.250% 6/15/33 6,000 6,651
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue 5.250% 6/15/40 10,000 11,036
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.000% 6/15/18 1,030 1,090
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.000% 6/15/23 2,500 2,808
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.000% 6/15/25 5,990 6,640
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.000% 6/15/26 8,500 9,364
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.000% 6/15/28 2,000 2,186
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Cigarette Tax) 5.000% 6/15/29 1,400 1,527
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Duke Farms Foundation Project) 5.000% 7/1/48 7,000 7,777
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Lions Gate Project) 5.000% 1/1/34 1,500 1,567
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Lions Gate Project) 5.125% 1/1/39 2,000 2,092




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Lions Gate Project) 5.250% 1/1/44 5,850 6,150
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Motor Vehicle Surcharges) 5.250% 7/1/24 (14) 6,000 7,066
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Motor Vehicle Surcharges) 5.250% 7/1/25 (14) 6,000 7,132
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Motor Vehicle Surcharges) 5.250% 7/1/26 (14) 2,500 2,990
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Motor Vehicle Surcharges) 5.250% 7/1/31 (14) 17,675 17,854
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 9/1/17 (ETM) 1,800 1,895
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 12/15/17 (ETM) 2,920 3,108
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 12/15/17 120 126
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 9/1/18 (ETM) 1,835 2,003
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 9/1/18 665 707
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.500% 9/1/18 (ETM) 3,000 3,309
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 12/15/18 2,220 2,374
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/19 (ETM) 3,070 3,408
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/19 1,560 1,681
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 9/1/19 (Prere.) 4,065 4,591
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 9/1/19 (Prere.) 8,000 9,035
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/19 (ETM) 2,190 2,486
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/19 810 881
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 12/15/19 2,100 2,273
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.500% 12/15/19 (2) 3,550 3,902
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 3/1/21 (Prere.) 3,005 3,545
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 3/1/21 (Prere.) 1,210 1,428
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.750% 3/1/21 (Prere.) 2,700 3,248
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/22 1,110 1,216
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/23 2,290 2,512
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.750% 9/1/23 300 336
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/24 3,650 4,000




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/24 2,990 3,304
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/24 375 410
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.500% 9/1/24 (2) 1,500 1,726
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/25 2,500 2,726
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/25 (4) 2,380 2,767
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/25 3,460 3,779
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.500% 9/1/25 (4) 1,660 2,032
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/26 5,000 5,434
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/26 3,000 3,264
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/27 5,000 5,418
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.250% 9/1/27 1,000 1,087
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/28 21,965 23,797
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.500% 9/1/28 (14) 2,165 2,671
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/29 7,500 8,111
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.500% 9/1/29 (14) 7,055 8,773
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.500% 12/15/29 11,520 12,646
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/30 6,360 6,883
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/30 6,975 7,603
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/31 4,000 4,356
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 12/15/31 7,105 7,500
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/32 4,005 4,318
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 12/15/32 3,780 3,983
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/33 (4) 1,500 1,688
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/34 2,685 2,895
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/35 12,095 12,951
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 3/1/38 5,000 5,328
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction) 5.000% 6/15/40 11,515 12,431




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
1 New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction)        
TOB VRDO 0.490% 6/7/16 LOC 9,805 9,805
1 New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (School Facilities Construction)        
TOB VRDO 0.520% 6/7/16 (12) 1,235 1,235
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Seeing Eye Inc.) 5.000% 3/1/25 4,000 5,025
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (United Methodist Homes        
Obligated Group) 4.000% 7/1/24 2,000 2,163
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (United Methodist Homes        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/29 2,000 2,245
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (West Campus Housing LLC) 5.000% 7/1/35 5,950 6,228
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (West Campus Housing LLC) 5.000% 7/1/47 7,515 7,770
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Provident Group-Montclair Properties        
LLC - Montclair State University Student        
Housing Project) 5.000% 6/1/18 1,390 1,469
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Provident Group-Montclair Properties        
LLC - Montclair State University Student        
Housing Project) 5.375% 6/1/25 1,340 1,504
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Provident Group-Montclair Properties        
LLC - Montclair State University Student        
Housing Project) 5.750% 6/1/31 1,160 1,308
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Provident Group-Montclair Properties        
LLC - Montclair State University Student        
Housing Project) 5.875% 6/1/42 8,280 9,289
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Provident Group-Rowan Properties        
LLC - Rowan University Housing Project) 5.000% 1/1/30 2,515 2,871
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Provident Group-Rowan Properties        
LLC - Rowan University Housing Project) 5.000% 1/1/35 2,000 2,247
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Revenue (Provident Group-Rowan Properties        
LLC - Rowan University Housing Project) 5.000% 1/1/48 12,000 13,249
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Sublease Revenue (New Jersey Transit Corp.        
Light Rail Transit System Project) 5.000% 5/1/18 6,260 6,609
New Jersey Economic Development Authority        
Sublease Revenue (New Jersey Transit Corp.        
Light Rail Transit System Project) 5.000% 5/1/19 3,580 3,849
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (College of New Jersey) 5.000% 7/1/19 1,105 1,225
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (College of New Jersey) 5.000% 7/1/38 1,250 1,439




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (College of New Jersey) 5.000% 7/1/43 2,500 2,858
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Georgian Court University) 5.000% 7/1/27 1,000 1,032
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Georgian Court University) 5.000% 7/1/33 1,000 1,036
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Higher Education Trust Fund) 5.000% 9/1/19 (4) 5,000 5,019
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Higher Education Trust Fund) 5.000% 6/1/21 4,335 4,761
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Kean University) 5.000% 7/1/17 (Prere.) 3,025 3,164
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Kean University) 5.000% 7/1/17 (Prere.) 2,585 2,704
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Kean University) 5.000% 7/1/17 (Prere.) 3,000 3,138
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Kean University) 5.000% 7/1/27 (4) 885 1,071
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Kean University) 5.250% 9/1/29 2,980 3,317
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Kean University) 5.500% 9/1/36 12,500 14,045
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/16 (Prere.) 5,000 5,018
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/28 2,500 3,097
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/29 2,500 3,084
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/30 2,500 3,070
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/31 2,500 3,059
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/32 2,500 3,049
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/32 4,920 5,905
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/33 3,170 3,790
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/34 2,000 2,383
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/35 2,100 2,494
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/36 1,150 1,360
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Montclair State University) 5.000% 7/1/39 8,000 9,290
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (New Jersey City University) 5.000% 7/1/40 4,000 4,574
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (New Jersey City University) 5.000% 7/1/45 1,000 1,136
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (New Jersey Institute of Technology) 5.000% 7/1/21 2,635 3,009
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (New Jersey Institute of Technology) 5.000% 7/1/31 1,000 1,128




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/27 5,000 5,919
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/28 1,500 1,906
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/28 4,780 6,072
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/30 4,090 4,835
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/34 2,000 2,328
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 4.500% 7/1/35 7,400 7,936
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/35 2,000 2,328
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Princeton University) 5.000% 7/1/39 3,000 3,458
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Ramapo College) 5.000% 7/1/29 1,430 1,652
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Ramapo College) 5.000% 7/1/30 1,500 1,731
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Ramapo College) 5.000% 7/1/31 1,575 1,813
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Ramapo College) 5.000% 7/1/37 2,065 2,343
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Ramapo College) 5.000% 7/1/40 2,150 2,458
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Ramapo College) 5.000% 7/1/42 2,390 2,697
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Richard Stockton College) 5.500% 7/1/23 1,265 1,377
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Richard Stockton College) 5.375% 7/1/38 8,395 9,035
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/16 (Prere.) 405 406
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/16 (Prere.) 1,450 1,455
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Rowan University) 5.000% 7/1/24 (14) 750 753
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) 5.000% 7/1/31 1,165 1,376
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) 5.000% 7/1/33 1,000 1,165
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) 5.000% 7/1/33 430 504
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) 5.000% 7/1/34 850 993
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) 5.000% 7/1/37 1,345 1,555
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) 5.000% 7/1/38 1,200 1,381
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) 5.000% 7/1/43 1,500 1,715
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (Seton Hall University) VRDO 0.260% 6/7/16 LOC 2,500 2,500




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (University Medical & Dentistry) 6.250% 12/1/18 (ETM) 420 474
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (University Medical & Dentistry) 7.125% 6/1/19 (Prere.) 65 77
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority        
Revenue (University Medical & Dentistry) 7.500% 6/1/19 (Prere.) 7,250 8,628
New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
Trust Revenue 5.000% 9/1/19 (Prere.) 180 203
New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
Trust Revenue 5.000% 9/1/19 (Prere.) 3,690 4,165
New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
Trust Revenue 5.000% 9/1/19 (Prere.) 405 457
New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
Trust Revenue 5.000% 9/1/19 (Prere.) 135 152
New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure        
Trust Revenue 5.000% 9/1/26 2,590 3,290
New Jersey Equipment Lease Purchase COP 5.000% 6/15/23 3,000 3,200
New Jersey GO 5.000% 8/15/19 5,000 5,542
New Jersey GO 5.000% 6/1/23 4,000 4,710
New Jersey GO 5.000% 6/1/28 2,180 2,578
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Lease Revenue (Greystone Park        
Psychiatric Hospital Project) 5.000% 9/15/27 11,095 12,074
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Lease Revenue (Marlboro Psychiatric        
Hospital Project) 5.000% 9/15/33 5,085 5,470
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (AHS Hospital Corp.) 5.000% 7/1/18 4,095 4,419
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (AHS Hospital Corp.) 5.000% 7/1/27 2,195 2,368
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (AHS Hospital Corp.) 5.500% 7/1/31 95 113
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (AHS Hospital Corp.) 6.000% 7/1/41 1,500 1,804
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (AtlantiCare Regional        
Medical Center) 5.000% 7/1/17 (Prere.) 10,000 10,458
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (AtlantiCare Regional        
Medical Center) 5.000% 7/1/17 (Prere.) 2,780 2,907
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (AtlantiCare Regional        
Medical Center) 5.000% 7/1/17 (Prere.) 2,675 2,797
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Barnabas Health) 5.000% 7/1/44 22,650 25,985
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hackensack University        
Medical Center) 5.000% 1/1/19 2,170 2,351
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hackensack University        
Medical Center) 5.000% 1/1/20 3,000 3,321
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hackensack University        
Medical Center) 5.125% 1/1/21 12,795 13,514




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hackensack University        
Medical Center) 5.000% 1/1/22 3,500 3,902
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hackensack University        
Medical Center) 5.000% 1/1/28 3,500 3,857
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hackensack University        
Medical Center) 5.000% 1/1/34 2,000 2,204
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Holy Name Medical Center) 5.000% 7/1/25 3,215 3,587
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hospital Asset        
Transformation Program) 5.500% 10/1/23 10,000 10,816
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hospital Asset        
Transformation Program) 5.750% 10/1/31 2,505 2,797
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hunterdon Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/31 700 817
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hunterdon Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/32 800 931
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hunterdon Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/33 1,585 1,839
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hunterdon Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/34 1,415 1,638
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hunterdon Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/45 4,050 4,634
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Hunterdon Medical Center) 5.250% 7/1/16 (Prere.) 1,200 1,205
2 New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Inspira Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/28 5,000 6,083
2 New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Inspira Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/30 5,000 6,036
2 New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Inspira Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/34 1,500 1,785
2 New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Inspira Health System        
Obligated Group) 4.000% 7/1/41 3,700 3,922
2 New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Inspira Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/46 2,000 2,345
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Kennedy Health Systems) 5.000% 7/1/31 2,910 3,287
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Kennedy Health Systems) 5.000% 7/1/37 4,960 5,508




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Kennedy Health Systems) 5.000% 7/1/42 1,750 1,941
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/24 5,000 5,951
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/25 2,000 2,367
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/26 2,225 2,615
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/27 3,635 4,249
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/27 1,310 1,543
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/32 2,000 2,318
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/38 (12) 570 611
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Meridian Health System        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/38 (12) 4,170 4,472
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Palisades Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.000% 7/1/26 2,070 2,359
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Palisades Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.250% 7/1/31 2,000 2,272
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Palisades Medical Center        
Obligated Group) 5.500% 7/1/43 6,530 7,457
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Princeton Healthcare        
System) 5.000% 7/1/27 1,000 1,240
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Princeton Healthcare        
System) 5.000% 7/1/31 2,000 2,425
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Princeton Healthcare        
System) 5.000% 7/1/32 2,630 3,176
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Princeton Healthcare        
System) 5.000% 7/1/33 3,340 4,024
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Princeton Healthcare        
System) 5.000% 7/1/34 2,190 2,630
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Princeton Healthcare        
System) 5.000% 7/1/39 5,000 5,893




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.000% 7/1/31 5,500 6,133
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.000% 7/1/32 1,000 1,171
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.000% 7/1/33 2,150 2,512
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.000% 7/1/34 1,200 1,398
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.250% 7/1/35 7,000 8,183
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.000% 7/1/39 3,500 4,015
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.000% 7/1/43 4,000 4,592
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Robert Wood Johnson        
University) 5.500% 7/1/43 8,000 9,475
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (St. Barnabas Health        
Care System) 0.000% 7/1/21 (ETM) 1,260 1,171
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (St. Barnabas Health        
Care System) 5.000% 7/1/24 2,000 2,305
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (St. Barnabas Health        
Care System) 5.000% 7/1/29 1,000 1,026
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (St. Barnabas Health        
Care System) 5.625% 7/1/32 2,330 2,745
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (St. Barnabas Health        
Care System) 5.625% 7/1/37 5,260 6,122
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (St. Joseph’s Healthcare        
System) 6.625% 7/1/38 4,440 4,863
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (St. Luke’s Warren Hospital        
Obligated Group) 4.500% 8/15/43 5,800 6,204
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Trinitas Hospital Obligated        
Group) 5.250% 7/1/30 2,170 2,262
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Trinitas Hospital Obligated        
Group) 5.250% 7/1/30 635 662
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (University Hospital) 5.000% 7/1/22 (4) 1,000 1,182




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (University Hospital) 5.000% 7/1/23 (4) 2,000 2,395
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (University Hospital) 5.000% 7/1/27 (4) 2,000 2,401
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (University Hospital) 5.000% 7/1/29 (4) 1,950 2,321
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (University Hospital) 5.000% 7/1/30 (4) 1,650 1,957
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (University Hospital) 4.125% 7/1/38 (4) 4,170 4,467
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (University Hospital) 5.000% 7/1/46 (4) 7,950 9,144
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) 5.000% 7/1/26 7,600 9,114
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) 5.000% 7/1/27 4,000 4,761
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) 5.000% 7/1/28 3,000 3,547
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) 5.000% 7/1/29 2,410 2,834
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) 5.750% 7/1/33 3,010 3,398
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) 5.500% 7/1/38 (12) 3,210 3,604
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing        
Authority Revenue (Virtua Health) VRDO 0.370% 6/7/16 LOC 2,000 2,000
New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue 5.000% 6/1/19 1,075 1,178
New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue 4.750% 12/1/21 3,550 3,777
New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue 5.000% 12/1/25 1,060 1,114
New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue 5.000% 12/1/26 1,065 1,116
New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue 5.625% 6/1/30 7,175 7,942
1 New Jersey Higher Education Assistance        
Authority Student Loan Revenue TOB VRDO 0.600% 6/7/16 2,000 2,000
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Multi-Family Housing Revenue 3.750% 11/1/45 1,000 1,011
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Multi-Family Housing Revenue 3.900% 11/1/50 3,000 3,035
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue 4.250% 10/1/32 2,725 2,856
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue 6.500% 10/1/38 295 305
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.380% 6/7/16 4,735 4,735
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.400% 6/7/16 6,000 6,000
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.430% 6/7/16 8,875 8,875
New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance        
Agency Single Family Housing Revenue VRDO 0.450% 6/7/16 3,515 3,515




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Institute of Technology Revenue 5.000% 7/1/32 1,500 1,773
New Jersey Institute of Technology Revenue 5.000% 7/1/40 6,910 8,061
New Jersey Institute of Technology Revenue 5.000% 7/1/42 6,925 8,088
New Jersey Institute of Technology Revenue 5.000% 7/1/45 9,090 10,440
New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority        
Revenue 5.500% 3/1/17 (14) 5,120 5,275
New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority        
Revenue 5.500% 3/1/17 (ETM) 385 399
New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority        
Revenue 5.500% 3/1/17 (ETM) 250 259
New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority        
Revenue (Convention Center Luxury Tax) 5.500% 3/1/21 (ETM) 3,000 3,594
New Jersey Transportation Corp. GAN 5.000% 9/15/19 5,000 5,476
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/24 2,500 2,736
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/25 4,500 4,892
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/27 11,245 12,244
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.250% 6/15/31 1,500 1,661
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/32 10,000 10,765
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/33 9,500 10,227
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 4.750% 6/15/38 2,850 3,020
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/38 6,105 6,527
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/38 10,550 11,397
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.500% 6/15/39 5,400 6,008
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.250% 6/15/41 7,700 8,491
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/44 3,585 3,860
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue 5.000% 6/15/46 5,385 5,769
3 New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation Program Revenue        
PUT 1.600% 12/15/21 7,000 6,593
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 6.000% 12/15/18 (Prere.) 1,740 1,964
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.750% 6/15/20 5,000 5,562
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.250% 12/15/20 5,205 5,749
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.250% 12/15/22 2,500 2,812
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.500% 12/15/22 4,730 5,390
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/23 3,900 2,972




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.750% 6/15/24 (14) 4,900 5,944
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.750% 6/15/25 (14) 7,000 8,595
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/26 4,915 3,239
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/26 (2) 2,000 1,336
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 6/15/27 5,000 5,398
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.125% 6/15/28 5,245 5,680
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/28 3,855 2,287
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/28 1,730 1,026
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/28 (2) 755 462
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 6/15/29 2,785 3,041
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/29 (4) 6,970 4,193
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/29 7,520 4,239
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.250% 6/15/30 3,065 3,337
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.250% 6/15/31 5,395 5,861
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.500% 6/15/31 6,000 6,682
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/31 11,500 5,848
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 6/15/32 16,275 17,812
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.250% 6/15/32 5,000 5,614
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/32 (4) 34,280 17,662
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/33 3,000 1,360
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/33 5,000 2,267
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/34 8,210 3,508
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 6.000% 6/15/35 385 441
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/35 11,405 4,584
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.250% 6/15/36 3,000 3,236
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority        
Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/36 11,675 4,461
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/37 1,165 423




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 0.000% 12/15/38 15,000 5,173
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.500% 12/15/38 (12) 6,900 7,495
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 6.000% 12/15/38 3,360 3,708
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.500% 6/15/41 8,000 8,764
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund        
Authority Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 6/15/42 16,535 17,554
1 New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority        
Transportation System Revenue TOB VRDO 0.550% 6/7/16 LOC 3,820 3,820
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.150% 1/1/17 (Prere.) 8,500 8,725
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.250% 1/1/26 (4) 2,000 2,568
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/31 5,000 5,893
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/32 3,000 3,597
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/33 3,000 3,586
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/33 8,500 9,970
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/34 3,000 3,574
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/35 6,400 7,126
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/35 5,000 5,774
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/36 3,500 3,823
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/38 17,355 20,150
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.250% 1/1/40 10,000 10,936
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/43 8,595 9,942
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 4.000% 1/1/45 3,000 3,259
New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue 5.000% 1/1/45 10,000 11,660
Newark NJ Housing Authority Port Authority-        
Port Newark Marine Terminal Revenue        
(City of Newark Redevelopment Projects) 4.375% 1/1/37 (14) 100 101
Ocean County NJ Utility Authority Wastewater        
Revenue 6.600% 1/1/18 (ETM) 885 939
Passaic Valley NJ Sewage Commissioners        
Sewer System Revenue 5.750% 12/1/19 1,680 1,911
Passaic Valley NJ Water Commission Revenue 5.000% 12/15/32 (4) 1,385 1,656
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.375% 3/1/28 1,280 1,612
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 4.500% 7/15/28 4,000 4,279
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 10/15/28 4,000 5,028
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 3/1/29 4,500 4,954
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 10/15/30 3,000 3,743
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/15/31 5,140 5,975
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/15/31 3,395 3,904
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/15/32 3,500 4,028
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 10/15/32 6,625 7,538




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 4.750% 7/15/33 3,500 3,778
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 10/15/33 1,250 1,420
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/34 3,000 3,425
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 12/1/34 7,000 8,488
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/35 3,000 3,416
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/15/35 6,500 7,438
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 9/15/36 3,400 3,831
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 7/15/39 13,250 15,082
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 9/1/39 4,090 4,855
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 1/15/41 16,065 18,564
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 4.000% 10/15/45 2,500 2,757
Port Authority of New York        
& New Jersey Revenue 5.250% 10/15/55 5,250 6,390
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey        
Special Obligation Revenue (John F. Kennedy        
International Air Terminal LLC) 5.500% 12/1/31 5,000 5,747
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey        
Special Obligation Revenue (John F. Kennedy        
International Air Terminal LLC) 6.000% 12/1/36 3,000 3,524
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey        
Special Obligation Revenue (John F. Kennedy        
International Air Terminal LLC) 6.000% 12/1/42 5,000 5,861
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/28 4,000 4,785
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/30 7,655 9,453
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/30 5,000 5,963
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/31 2,345 2,887
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/33 7,000 8,295
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/36 3,000 3,524
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/38 14,290 16,704
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 5/1/43 13,650 15,928
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue        
VRDO 0.250% 6/1/16 8,525 8,525
Rutgers State University New Jersey Revenue        
VRDO 0.360% 6/1/16 17,410 17,410
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/20 2,145 2,398
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/21 3,000 3,410
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/22 2,780 3,208
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/25 4,000 4,555




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund        
      Face Market
    Maturity Amount Value
  Coupon Date ($000) ($000)
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/26 5,000 5,657
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/27 2,960 3,334
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/28 4,185 4,691
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/29 2,000 2,238
South Jersey Transportation Authority        
New Jersey Transportation System Revenue 5.000% 11/1/39 5,000 5,566
Sparta Township NJ Board of Education GO 5.000% 2/15/34 1,000 1,192
Sparta Township NJ Board of Education GO 5.000% 2/15/35 1,400 1,663
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp.        
New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 6/1/19 2,000 2,082
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp.        
New Jersey Revenue 4.500% 6/1/23 15,795 16,056
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp.        
New Jersey Revenue 0.000% 6/1/41 25,000 6,622
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp.        
New Jersey Revenue 5.000% 6/1/41 6,900 6,673
Union County NJ Improvement Authority        
Lease Revenue (Family Court Building Project) 5.000% 5/1/42 5,000 5,864
Union County NJ Utilities Authority Revenue 5.000% 6/15/41 4,000 4,511
Virgin Islands (0.5%)        
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Revenue 5.000% 10/1/24 3,000 3,416
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Revenue 5.000% 10/1/25 5,500 6,073
Guam (0.4%)        
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax        
Revenue 5.000% 11/15/39 2,200 2,542
Guam Government Waterworks Authority        
Water & Waste Water System Revenue 5.500% 7/1/43 3,000 3,513
Guam Power Authority Revenue 5.000% 10/1/27 1,135 1,326
Guam Power Authority Revenue 5.000% 10/1/29 1,355 1,570
Puerto Rico (0.1%)        
Puerto Rico Public Finance Corp. Revenue 6.000% 8/1/26 (ETM) 720 966
Total Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds (Cost $1,969,803)     2,097,061




New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Other Assets and Liabilities (0.4%)  
Other Assets  
Investment in Vanguard 173
Receivables for Investment Securities Sold 100
Receivables for Accrued Income 31,195
Receivables for Capital Shares Issued 2,692
Other Assets 4 563
Total Other Assets 34,723
Payables for Investment Securities Purchased (20,140)
Payables for Capital Shares Redeemed (1,239)
Payables for Distributions (1,667)
Payables to Vanguard (2,348)
Other Payables (54)
Total Liabilities (25,448)
Net Assets (100%) 2,106,336


At May 31, 2016, net assets consisted of:  
Paid-in Capital 1,974,413
Overdistributed Net Investment Income (2)
Accumulated Net Realized Gains 4,667
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 127,258
Net Assets 2,106,336
Investor Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 21,044,319 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 259,614
Net Asset Value Per Share—Investor Shares $12.34
Admiral Shares—Net Assets  
Applicable to 149,695,129 outstanding $.001 par value shares of  
beneficial interest (unlimited authorization) 1,846,722
Net Asset Value Per Share—Admiral Shares $12.34

• See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
1 Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be sold in transactions exempt
from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At May 31, 2016, the aggregate value of these securities was $16,860,000,
representing 0.8% of net assets.
2 Security purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis for which the fund has not taken delivery as of May 31, 2016.
3 Adjustable-rate security.
4 Cash of $310,000 has been segregated as initial margin for recently closed futures contracts.
A key to abbreviations and other references follows the Statement of Net Assets.
See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Key to Abbreviations

ARS—Auction Rate Security.
BAN—Bond Anticipation Note.
COP—Certificate of Participation.
CP—Commercial Paper.
FR—Floating Rate.
GAN—Grant Anticipation Note.
GO—General Obligation Bond.
PILOT—Payments in Lieu of Taxes.
PUT—Put Option Obligation.
RAN—Revenue Anticipation Note.
TAN—Tax Anticipation Note.
TOB—Tender Option Bond.
TRAN—Tax Revenue Anticipation Note.
VRDO—Variable Rate Demand Obligation.
VRDP—Variable Rate Demand Preferred.
(ETM)—Escrowed to Maturity.

Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by:
(1) MBIA (Municipal Bond Investors Assurance).
(2) AMBAC (Ambac Assurance Corporation).
(3) FGIC (Financial Guaranty Insurance Company).
(4) AGM (Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation).
(5) BIGI (Bond Investors Guaranty Insurance).
(6) Connie Lee Inc.
(7) FHA (Federal Housing Authority).
(8) CapMAC (Capital Markets Assurance Corporation).
(9) American Capital Access Financial Guaranty Corporation.
(10) XL Capital Assurance Inc.
(11) CIFG (CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty).
(12) AGC (Assured Guaranty Corporation).
(13) BHAC (Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corporation).
(14) NPFG (National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation).
(15) BAM (Build America Mutual Assurance Company).
(16) MAC (Municipal Assurance Corporation).
(17) RAA (Radian Asset Assurance Inc.).
The insurance does not guarantee the market value of the municipal bonds.

LOC—Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by bank letter of credit.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Statement of Operations

  Six Months Ended
  May 31, 2016
Investment Income  
Interest 38,002
Total Income 38,002
The Vanguard Group—Note B  
Investment Advisory Services 111
Management and Administrative—Investor Shares 207
Management and Administrative—Admiral Shares 903
Marketing and Distribution—Investor Shares 27
Marketing and Distribution—Admiral Shares 63
Custodian Fees 12
Shareholders’ Reports—Investor Shares 2
Shareholders’ Reports—Admiral Shares 2
Total Expenses 1,327
Net Investment Income 36,675
Realized Net Gain (Loss)  
Investment Securities Sold 5,376
Futures Contracts (99)
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 5,277
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)  
Investment Securities 53,853
Futures Contracts (2)
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 53,851
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 95,803


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Statement of Changes in Net Assets

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  May 31, November 30,
  2016 2015
  ($000) ($000)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    
Net Investment Income 36,675 72,215
Realized Net Gain (Loss) 5,277 4,671
Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 53,851 (32,770)
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations 95,803 44,116
Net Investment Income    
Investor Shares (4,417) (8,722)
Admiral Shares (32,258) (63,493)
Realized Capital Gain1    
Investor Shares (419) (1,060)
Admiral Shares (3,009) (7,567)
Total Distributions (40,103) (80,842)
Capital Share Transactions    
Investor Shares 11,368 (393)
Admiral Shares 60,214 14,532
Net Increase (Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions 71,582 14,139
Total Increase (Decrease) 127,282 (22,587)
Net Assets    
Beginning of Period 1,979,054 2,001,641
End of Period2 2,106,336 1,979,054
1 Includes fiscal 2016 and 2015 short-term gain distributions totaling $0 and $2,329,000, respectively. Short-term gain distributions are
treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.
2 Net Assets—End of Period includes undistributed (overdistributed) net investment income of ($2,000) and $0.


See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Financial Highlights

Investor Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding May 31, Year Ended November 30,
Throughout Each Period 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $12.00 $12.22 $11.66 $12.57 $11.73 $11.58
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income . 215 .427 .431 .433 .439 .471
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments . 361 (.167) . 582 (. 910) . 840 .150
Total from Investment Operations .576 .260 1.013 (.477) 1.279 .621
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 215) (. 427) (. 431) (. 433) (. 439) (. 471)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.021) (.053) (.022)
Total Distributions (. 236) (. 480) (. 453) (. 433) (. 439) (. 471)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $12.34 $12.00 $12.22 $11.66 $12.57 $11.73
Total Return1 4.83% 2.17% 8.82% -3.83% 11.07% 5.54%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $260 $241 $246 $246 $303 $294
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 3.52% 3.54% 3.58% 3.60% 3.62% 4.11%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 9% 25% 20% 35% 17% 12%

The expense ratio, net investment income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about
any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Financial Highlights

Admiral Shares            
Six Months          
For a Share Outstanding May 31, Year Ended November 30,
Throughout Each Period 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $12.00 $12.22 $11.66 $12.57 $11.73 $11.58
Investment Operations            
Net Investment Income . 220 .436 .441 .442 .449 .480
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
on Investments . 361 (.167) . 582 (. 910) . 840 .150
Total from Investment Operations .581 .269 1.023 (.468) 1.289 .630
Dividends from Net Investment Income (. 220) (. 436) (. 441) (. 442) (. 449) (. 480)
Distributions from Realized Capital Gains (.021) (.053) (.022)
Total Distributions (. 241) (. 489) (. 463) (. 442) (. 449) (. 480)
Net Asset Value, End of Period $12.34 $12.00 $12.22 $11.66 $12.57 $11.73
Total Return1 4.88% 2.25% 8.91% -3.75% 11.15% 5.62%
Ratios/Supplemental Data            
Net Assets, End of Period (Millions) $1,847 $1,738 $1,755 $1,648 $1,874 $1,649
Ratio of Total Expenses to            
Average Net Assets 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12%
Ratio of Net Investment Income to            
Average Net Assets 3.60% 3.62% 3.66% 3.68% 3.70% 4.19%
Portfolio Turnover Rate 9% 25% 20% 35% 17% 12%

The expense ratio, net investment income ratio, and turnover rate for the current period have been annualized.
1 Total returns do not include account service fees that may have applied in the periods shown. Fund prospectuses provide information about
any applicable account service fees.

See accompanying Notes, which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund invests in debt instruments of municipal issuers whose ability to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments in the state. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the fund’s minimum purchase requirements. Admiral Shares are designed for investors who meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria.

A. The following significant accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles for U.S. investment companies. The fund consistently follows such policies in preparing its financial statements.

1. Security Valuation: Securities are valued as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (generally 4 p.m., Eastern time) on the valuation date. Bonds and temporary cash investments acquired over 60 days to maturity are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings), both as furnished by independent pricing services. Other temporary cash investments are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available, or whose values have been affected by events occurring before the fund’s pricing time but after the close of the securities’ primary markets, are valued by methods deemed by the board of trustees to represent fair value.

2. Futures Contracts: The fund uses futures contracts to invest in fixed income asset classes with greater efficiency and lower cost than is possible through direct investment, to add value when these instruments are attractively priced, or to adjust sensitivity to changes in interest rates. The primary risks associated with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in market values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts, and the possibility of an illiquid market. Counterparty risk involving futures is mitigated because a regulated clearinghouse is the counterparty instead of the clearing broker. To further mitigate counterparty risk, the fund trades futures contracts on an exchange, monitors the financial strength of its clearing brokers and clearinghouse, and has entered into clearing agreements with its clearing brokers. The clearinghouse imposes initial margin requirements to secure the fund’s performance and requires daily settlement of variation margin representing changes in the market value of each contract.

Futures contracts are valued at their quoted daily settlement prices. The aggregate settlement values of the contracts are not recorded in the Statement of Net Assets. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) until the contracts are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

During the six months ended May 31, 2016, the fund’s average investments in long and short futures contracts represented less than 1% and 0% of net assets, respectively, based on the average of aggregate settlement values at each quarter-end during the period. The fund had no open futures contracts at May 31, 2016.

3. Federal Income Taxes: The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its income. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years (November 30, 2012–2015), and for the period ended May 31, 2016, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the fund’s financial statements.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

4. Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared daily and paid on the first business day of the following month. Annual distributions from realized capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

5. Credit Facility: The fund and certain other funds managed by The Vanguard Group (“Vanguard”) participate in a $3.1 billion committed credit facility provided by a syndicate of lenders pursuant to a credit agreement that may be renewed annually; each fund is individually liable for its borrowings, if any, under the credit facility. Borrowings may be utilized for temporary and emergency purposes, and are subject to the fund’s regulatory and contractual borrowing restrictions. The participating funds are charged administrative fees and an annual commitment fee of 0.10% of the undrawn amount of the facility; these fees are allocated to the funds based on a method approved by the fund’s board of trustees and included in Management and Administrative expenses on the fund’s Statement of Operations. Any borrowings under this facility bear interest at a rate based upon the higher of the one-month London Interbank Offered Rate, federal funds effective rate, or overnight bank funding rate plus an agreed-upon spread.

The fund had no borrowings outstanding at May 31, 2016, or at any time during the period then ended.

6. Other: Interest income is accrued daily. Premiums and discounts on debt securities purchased are amortized and accreted, respectively, to interest income over the lives of the respective securities. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.

Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and earnings, except that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative expenses) and shareholder reporting. Marketing and distribution expenses are allocated to each class of shares based on a method approved by the board of trustees. Income, other non-class-specific expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to each class of shares based on its relative net assets.

B. In accordance with the terms of a Funds’ Service Agreement (the “FSA”) between Vanguard and the fund, Vanguard furnishes to the fund investment advisory, corporate management, administrative, marketing, and distribution services at Vanguard’s cost of operations (as defined by the FSA). These costs of operations are allocated to the fund based on methods and guidelines approved by the board of trustees. Vanguard does not require reimbursement in the current period for certain costs of operations (such as deferred compensation/benefits and risk/insurance costs); the fund’s liability for these costs of operations is included in Payables to Vanguard on the Statement of Net Assets.

Upon the request of Vanguard, the fund may invest up to 0.40% of its net assets as capital in Vanguard. At May 31, 2016, the fund had contributed to Vanguard capital in the amount of $173,000, representing 0.01% of the fund’s net assets and 0.07% of Vanguard’s capitalization. The fund’s trustees and officers are also directors and employees, respectively, of Vanguard.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

C. Various inputs may be used to determine the value of the fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2—Other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments).

The following table summarizes the market value of the fund’s investments as of May 31, 2016, based on the inputs used to value them:

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Investments ($000) ($000) ($000)
Tax-Exempt Municipal Bonds 2,097,061
Futures Contracts—Assets1 11
Futures Contracts—Liabilities1 (54)
Total (43) 2,097,061
1 Represents variation margin on the last day of the reporting period for recently closed futures contracts.


D. Capital gain distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Permanent differences are reclassified among capital accounts in the financial statements to reflect their tax character. Temporary differences arise when gains or losses are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes. These differences will reverse at some time in the future. The fund’s tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined only at the end of each fiscal year.

At May 31, 2016, the cost of investment securities for tax purposes was $1,970,415,000. Net unrealized appreciation of investment securities for tax purposes was $126,646,000, consisting of unrealized gains of $132,548,000 on securities that had risen in value since their purchase and $5,902,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

E. During the six months ended May 31, 2016, the fund purchased $193,424,000 of investment securities and sold $86,760,000 of investment securities, other than temporary cash investments.



New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund

F. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:

  Six Months Ended Year Ended
  May 31, 2016 November 30, 2015
  Amount Shares Amount Shares
  ($000) (000) ($000) (000)
Investor Shares        
Issued 32,206 2,637 43,213 3,577
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 3,972 325 8,020 665
Redeemed (24,810) (2,031) (51,626) (4,301)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Investor Shares 11,368 931 (393) (59)
Admiral Shares        
Issued 119,313 9,769 177,646 14,716
Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 25,465 2,085 52,339 4,340
Redeemed (84,564) (6,931) (215,453) (17,954)
Net Increase (Decrease)—Admiral Shares 60,214 4,923 14,532 1,102


G. Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to May 31, 2016, that would require recognition or disclosure in these financial statements.



About Your Fund’s Expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur ongoing costs, which include costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports (like this one), among others. Operating expenses, which are deducted from a fund’s gross income, directly reduce the investment return of the fund.

A fund’s expenses are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets. This figure is known as the expense ratio. The following examples are intended to help you understand the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period.

The accompanying table illustrates your fund’s costs in two ways:

• Based on actual fund return. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. The ”Ending Account Value“ shown is derived from the fund‘s actual return, and the third column shows the dollar amount that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the fund. You may use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number given for your fund under the heading ”Expenses Paid During Period.“

• Based on hypothetical 5% yearly return. This section is intended to help you compare your fund‘s costs with those of other mutual funds. It assumes that the fund had a yearly return of 5% before expenses, but that the expense ratio is unchanged. In this case—because the return used is not the fund’s actual return—the results do not apply to your investment. The example is useful in making comparisons because the Securities and Exchange Commission requires all mutual funds to calculate expenses based on a 5% return. You can assess your fund’s costs by comparing this hypothetical example with the hypothetical examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.

Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund for buying and selling securities. Further, the expenses do not include any purchase, redemption, or account service fees described in the fund prospectus. If such fees were applied to your account, your costs would be higher. Your fund does not carry a “sales load.”

The calculations assume no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

You can find more information about the fund’s expenses, including annual expense ratios, in the Financial Statements section of this report. For additional information on operating expenses and other shareholder costs, please refer to your fund’s current prospectus.



Six Months Ended May 31, 2016      
  Beginning Ending Expenses
  Account Value Account Value Paid During
  11/30/2015 5/31/2016 Period
Based on Actual Fund Return      
New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund $1,000.00 $1,000.46 $0.60
New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,048.34 $1.02
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,048.76 0.61
Based on Hypothetical 5% Yearly Return      
New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund $1,000.00 $1,024.40 $0.61
New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund      
Investor Shares $1,000.00 $1,024.00 $1.01
Admiral Shares 1,000.00 1,024.40 0.61

The calculations are based on expenses incurred in the most recent six-month period. The funds’ annualized six-month expense ratios for that
period are: for the New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund, 0.12%; and for the New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund, 0.20% for
Investor Shares and 0.12% for Admiral Shares. (The six-month expense ratio for the New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund reflects a
temporary reduction in operating expenses, described in Note B of the Notes to Financial Statements. Before the reduction, the fund’s
annualized six-month expense ratio was 0.16%.) The dollar amounts shown as “Expenses Paid” are equal to the annualized expense ratio
multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent six-month period, then divided
by the number of days in the most recent 12-month period (183/366).



Trustees Approve Advisory Arrangements

The board of trustees of Vanguard New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund and Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund has renewed each fund’s investment advisory arrangement with The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard)—through its Fixed Income Group. The board determined that continuing the funds’ internalized management structure was in the best interests of each fund and its shareholders.

The board based its decision upon an evaluation of the advisor’s investment staff, portfolio management process, and performance. The trustees considered the factors discussed below, among others. However, no single factor determined whether the board approved the arrangements. Rather, it was the totality of the circumstances that drove the board’s decision.

Nature, extent, and quality of services

The board reviewed the quality of each fund’s investment management services over both the short and long term, and took into account the organizational depth and stability of the advisor. The board considered that Vanguard has been managing investments for more than three decades. The Fixed Income Group adheres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; the team has considerable experience, stability, and depth.

The board concluded that Vanguard’s experience, stability, depth, and performance, among other factors, warranted continuation of each advisory arrangement.

Investment performance

The board considered the short- and long-term performance of each fund, including any periods of outperformance or underperformance relative to a benchmark index (as applicable) and peer group. The board concluded that the performance was such that each advisory arrangement should continue. Information about the funds’ most recent performance can be found in the Performance Summary sections of this report.


The board concluded that each fund’s expense ratio was well below the average expense ratio charged by funds in its peer group and that each fund’s advisory fee rate was also well below its peer-group average. Information about the funds’ expenses appears in the About Your Fund’s Expenses section of this report as well as in the Financial Statements sections.

The board does not conduct a profitability analysis of Vanguard, because of Vanguard’s unique “at-cost” structure. Unlike most other mutual fund management companies, Vanguard is owned by the funds it oversees, and produces “profits” only in the form of reduced expenses for fund shareholders.

The benefit of economies of scale

The board concluded that each fund’s at-cost arrangement with Vanguard ensures that the funds will realize economies of scale as they grow, with the cost to shareholders declining as fund assets increase.

The board will consider whether to renew the advisory arrangements again after a one-year period.




7-Day SEC Yield and 30-Day SEC Yield. A money market fund’s 7-day SEC yield is calculated by annualizing its income distributions for the previous seven days, as required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. For other funds, 30-day SEC yield is derived using a formula specified by the commission. Under the formula, data related to the fund’s security holdings in the previous 30 days are used to calculate the fund’s hypothetical net income for that period, which is then annualized and divided by the fund’s estimated average net assets over the calculation period. For the purposes of this calculation, a security’s income is based on its current market yield to maturity (for bonds), its actual income (for asset-backed securities), or its projected dividend yield (for stocks). Because the SEC yield represents hypothetical annualized income, it will differ—at times significantly—from the fund’s actual experience. As a result, the fund’s income distributions may be higher or lower than implied by the SEC yield.

Average Coupon. The average interest rate paid on the fixed income securities held by a fund. It is expressed as a percentage of face value.

Average Duration. An estimate of how much the value of the bonds held by a fund will fluctuate in response to a change in interest rates. To see how the value could change, multiply the average duration by the change in rates. If interest rates rise by 1 percentage point, the value of the bonds in a fund with an average duration of five years would decline by about 5%. If rates decrease by a percentage point, the value would rise by 5%.

Average Stated Maturity. The average length of time until fixed income securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid using the maturity date of the security. The figure reflects the proportion of fund assets represented by each security; it also reflects any futures contracts held. In general, the longer the average stated maturity, the more a fund’s share price will fluctuate in response to changes in market interest rates.

Average Weighted Maturity. The average length of time until fixed income securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid. The figure reflects the proportion of fund assets represented by each security.

Beta. A measure of the magnitude of a fund’s past share-price fluctuations in relation to the ups and downs of a given market index. The index is assigned a beta of 1.00. Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically would have seen its share price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell by 10%. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. Note that a fund’s beta should be reviewed in conjunction with its R-squared (see definition). The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility.



Credit Quality. For Vanguard money market funds, the Distribution by Credit Quality table includes tier ratings for consistency with SEC Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, which governs money market funds. A First Tier security is one that is eligible for money market funds and has been rated in the highest short-term rating category for debt obligations by the requisite nationally recognized statistical rating organizations. Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P. For securities rated by all three agencies, where two of them are in agreement and assign the highest rating category, the highest rating applies. If a security is only rated by two agencies, and their ratings are in different categories, the lower of the ratings applies. An unrated security is First Tier if it represents quality comparable to that of a rated security, as determined in accordance with SEC Rule 2a-7. A Second Tier security is one that is eligible for money market funds and is not a First Tier security. For Vanguard tax-exempt bond funds, credit-quality ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). Credit-quality ratings are obtained from Moody’s and S&P, and the higher rating for each issue is used. ”Not Rated” is used to classify securities for which a rating is not available. Not rated securities include a fund’s investment in Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund or Vanguard Municipal Cash Management Fund, each of which invests in high-quality money market instruments and may serve as a cash management vehicle for the Vanguard funds, trusts, and accounts.

Expense Ratio. A fund’s total annual operating expenses expressed as a percentage of the fund’s average net assets. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities.

Inception Date. The date on which the assets of a fund (or one of its share classes) are first invested in accordance with the fund’s investment objective. For funds with a subscription period, the inception date is the day after that period ends. Investment performance is measured from the inception date.

R-Squared. A measure of how much of a fund’s past returns can be explained by the returns from the market in general, as measured by a given index. If a fund’s total returns were precisely synchronized with an index’s returns, its R-squared would be 1.00. If the fund’s returns bore no relationship to the index’s returns, its R-squared would be 0. For this report, R-squared is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index.

Short-Term Reserves. The percentage of a fund invested in highly liquid, short-term securities that can be readily converted to cash.

Yield to Maturity. The rate of return an investor would receive if the fixed income securities held by a fund were held to their maturity dates.

Benchmark Information

Spliced New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds Average: New Jersey Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds Average through August 31, 2013; Other States Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds Average thereafter.



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The People Who Govern Your Fund

The trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder, you are a part owner of the fund. Your fund’s trustees also serve on the board of directors of The Vanguard Group, Inc., which is owned by the Vanguard funds and provides services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard’s board members are independent, meaning that they have no affiliation with Vanguard or the funds they oversee, apart from the sizable personal investments they have made as private individuals. The independent board members have distinguished backgrounds in business, academia, and public service. Each of the trustees and executive officers oversees 198 Vanguard funds.

The following table provides information for each trustee and executive officer of the fund. More information about the trustees is in the Statement of Additional Information, which can be obtained, without charge, by contacting Vanguard at 800-662-7447, or online at vanguard.com.

InterestedTrustee1 Rajiv L. Gupta
  Born 1945. Trustee Since December 2001.2 Principal
F. William McNabb III Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Born 1957. Trustee Since July 2009. Chairman of Experience: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
the Board. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past (retired 2009) and President (2006–2008) of
Five Years and Other Experience: Chairman of the Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of Tyco
Board of The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of International plc (diversified manufacturing and
the investment companies served by The Vanguard services), HP Inc. (printer and personal computer
Group, since January 2010; Director of The Vanguard manufacturing), and Delphi Automotive plc
Group since 2008; Chief Executive Officer and (automotive components); Senior Advisor at
President of The Vanguard Group, and of each of New Mountain Capital.
the investment companies served by The Vanguard  
Group, since 2008; Director of Vanguard Marketing Amy Gutmann
Corporation; Managing Director of The Vanguard Born 1949. Trustee Since June 2006. Principal
Group (1995–2008). Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and
  Other Experience: President of the University of
IndependentTrustees Pennsylvania; Christopher H. Browne Distinguished
  Professor of Political Science, School of Arts and
Emerson U. Fullwood Sciences, and Professor of Communication, Annenberg
Born 1948. Trustee Since January 2008. Principal School for Communication, with secondary faculty
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other appointments in the Department of Philosophy, School
Experience: Executive Chief Staff and Marketing of Arts and Sciences, and at the Graduate School of
Officer for North America and Corporate Vice President Education, University of Pennsylvania; Trustee of the
(retired 2008) of Xerox Corporation (document manage- National Constitution Center; Chair of the Presidential
ment products and services); Executive in Residence Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.
and 2009–2010 Distinguished Minett Professor at  
the Rochester Institute of Technology; Lead Director JoAnn Heffernan Heisen
of SPX FLOW, Inc. (multi-industry manufacturing); Born 1950. Trustee Since July 1998. Principal
Director of the United Way of Rochester, the University Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and
of Rochester Medical Center, Monroe Community Other Experience: Corporate Vice President and
College Foundation, North Carolina A&T University, Chief Global Diversity Officer (retired 2008) and
and Roberts Wesleyan College. Member of the Executive Committee (1997–2008)
  of Johnson & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/medical
  devices/consumer products); Director of Skytop
  Lodge Corporation (hotels) and the Robert Wood
  Johnson Foundation; Member of the Advisory
  Board of the Institute for Women’s Leadership
  at Rutgers University.



F. Joseph Loughrey Executive Officers  
Born 1949. Trustee Since October 2009. Principal    
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Glenn Booraem  
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer Born 1967. Treasurer Since May 2015. Principal
(retired 2009) of Cummins Inc. (industrial machinery); Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and
Chairman of the Board of Hillenbrand, Inc. (specialized Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard Group,
consumer services), and of Oxfam America; Director Inc.; Treasurer of each of the investment companies
of SKF AB (industrial machinery), Hyster-Yale Materials served by The Vanguard Group; Controller of each of
Handling, Inc. (forklift trucks), the Lumina Foundation the investment companies served by The Vanguard
for Education, and the V Foundation for Cancer Group (2010–2015); Assistant Controller of each of
Research; Member of the Advisory Council for the the investment companies served by The Vanguard
College of Arts and Letters and of the Advisory Board Group (2001–2010).  
to the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, both  
at the University of Notre Dame. Thomas J. Higgins
Born 1957. Chief Financial Officer Since September
Mark Loughridge 2008. Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five
Born 1953. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Years and Other Experience: Principal of The Vanguard
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Group, Inc.; Chief Financial Officer of each of the
Experience: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
Officer (retired 2013) at IBM (information technology Treasurer of each of the investment companies served
services); Fiduciary Member of IBM’s Retirement Plan by The Vanguard Group (1998–2008).
Committee (2004–2013); Director of the Dow Chemical  
Company; Member of the Council on Chicago Booth. Peter Mahoney
Born 1974. Controller Since May 2015. Principal
Scott C. Malpass Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and
Born 1962. Trustee Since March 2012. Principal Other Experience: Head of Global Fund Accounting
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other at The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Controller of each of the
Experience: Chief Investment Officer and Vice investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
President at the University of Notre Dame; Assistant Head of International Fund Services at The Vanguard
Professor of Finance at the Mendoza College of Group (2008–2014).  
Business at Notre Dame; Member of the Notre Dame  
403(b) Investment Committee, the Board of Advisors Heidi Stam
for Spruceview Capital Partners, and the Investment Born 1956. Secretary Since July 2005. Principal
Advisory Committee of Major League Baseball; Board Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other
Member of TIFF Advisory Services, Inc., and Catholic Experience: Managing Director of The Vanguard
Investment Services, Inc. (investment advisors). Group, Inc.; General Counsel of The Vanguard Group;
Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the
André F. Perold investment companies served by The Vanguard Group;
Born 1952. Trustee Since December 2004. Principal Director and Senior Vice President of Vanguard
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Marketing Corporation.  
Experience: George Gund Professor of Finance and    
Banking, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School Vanguard Senior ManagementTeam
(retired 2011); Chief Investment Officer and Managing Mortimer J. Buckley James M. Norris
Partner of HighVista Strategies LLC (private investment Kathleen C. Gubanich Thomas M. Rampulla
firm); Director of Rand Merchant Bank; Overseer of Martha G. King Glenn W. Reed
the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. John T. Marcante Karin A. Risi
Chris D. McIsaac  
Peter F. Volanakis
Born 1955. Trustee Since July 2009. Principal    
Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years and Other Chairman Emeritus and Senior Advisor
Experience: President and Chief Operating Officer    
(retired 2010) of Corning Incorporated (communications  John J. Brennan  
equipment); Trustee of Colby-Sawyer College and  Chairman, 1996–2009  
Chairman of its Finance and Enrollment Committee; Chief Executive Officer and President, 1996–2008
Member of the Advisory Board of the Norris Cotton    
Cancer Center. Founder  
  John C. Bogle  
  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974–1996


1 Mr. McNabb is considered an “interested person,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, because he is an officer of the Vanguard funds.
2 December 2002 for Vanguard Equity Income Fund, the Vanguard Municipal Bond Funds, and the Vanguard State Tax-Exempt Funds.



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Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing> 800-749-7273  
This material may be used in conjunction  
with the offering of shares of any Vanguard  
fund only if preceded or accompanied by  
the fund’s current prospectus.  
All comparative mutual fund data are from Lipper, a  
Thomson Reuters Company, or Morningstar, Inc., unless  
otherwise noted.    
You can obtain a free copy of Vanguard’s proxy voting  
guidelines by visiting vanguard.com/proxyreporting or by  
calling Vanguard at 800-662-2739. The guidelines are  
also available from the SEC’s website, sec.gov. In  
addition, you may obtain a free report on how your fund  
voted the proxies for securities it owned during the 12  
months ended June 30. To get the report, visit either  
vanguard.com/proxyreporting or sec.gov.  
You can review and copy information about your fund at  
the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. To  
find out more about this public service, call the SEC at  
202-551-8090. Information about your fund is also  
available on the SEC’s website, and you can receive  
copies of this information, for a fee, by sending a  
request in either of two ways: via email addressed to  
publicinfo@sec.gov or via regular mail addressed to the  
Public Reference Section, Securities and Exchange  
Commission, Washington, DC 20549-1520.  
    © 2016 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.
    Q142 072016


Item 2: Code of Ethics.

Not Applicable.

Item 3: Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Not Applicable.

Item 4: Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

(a) Audit Fees.

Not Applicable.

Item 5: Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not Applicable.

Item 6: Investments.

Not Applicable.

Item 7: Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management
Investment Companies.

Not Applicable.

Item 8: Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not Applicable.

Item 9: Purchase of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and
Affiliated Purchasers.

Not Applicable.

Item 10: Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

Not Applicable.

Item 11: Controls and Procedures.

     (a) Disclosure Controls and Procedures. The Principal Executive and Financial Officers concluded that the Registrant’s Disclosure Controls and Procedures are effective based on their evaluation of the Disclosure Controls and Procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.


     (b) Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. There were no significant changes in Registrant’s Internal Control Over Financial Reporting or in other factors that could significantly affect this control subsequent to the date of the evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Item 12: Exhibits.

(a) Certifications.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: July 15, 2016
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons
on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


Date: July 15, 2016



Date: July 15, 2016


* By: /s/ Heidi Stam
Heidi Stam, pursuant to a Power of Attorney filed on April 22, 2014 see file Number 2-17620, Incorporated by Reference.