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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Notes)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2021
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Nature of Business. EOG Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation organized in 1985, together with its subsidiaries (collectively, EOG), explores for, develops, produces and markets crude oil, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and natural gas primarily in major producing basins in the United States of America (United States or U.S.), The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad). EOG is making preparations to drill offshore Australia, as well as evaluating additional exploration, development and exploitation opportunities in these and other select international areas. In addition, EOG is in the process of exiting Block 36 and Block 49 in the Sultanate of Oman (Oman) and is executing an abandonment and reclamation program in Canada. EOG sold its operations in the China Sichuan Basin (China) in the second quarter of 2021.

Principles of Consolidation.  The consolidated financial statements of EOG include the accounts of all domestic and foreign subsidiaries.  Investments in unconsolidated affiliates, in which EOG is able to exercise significant influence, are accounted for using the equity method.  All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Financial Instruments.  EOG's financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, commodity derivative contracts, accounts receivable, accounts payable and current and long-term debt.  The carrying values of cash and cash equivalents, commodity derivative contracts, accounts receivable and accounts payable approximate fair value (see Notes 2 and 12).

Effective January 1, 2020, EOG adopted the provisions of Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-13, "Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments" (ASU 2016-13). ASU 2016-13 changes the impairment model for financial assets and certain other instruments by requiring entities to adopt a forward-looking expected loss model that will result in earlier recognition of credit losses. EOG elected to adopt ASU 2016-13 using the modified retrospective approach with a cumulative effect adjustment to retained earnings as of the effective date. Financial results reported in periods prior to January 1, 2020, are unchanged. EOG assessed its applicable financial assets, which are primarily its accounts receivable from hydrocarbon sales and joint interest billings to partners in oil and gas operations, including foreign state-owned entities in the oil and gas industry. Based on its assessment and various potential remedies ensuring collection, EOG did not record an impact to retained earnings upon adoption and expects current and future credit losses to be immaterial. EOG continues to monitor the credit risk from third-party companies to determine if expected credit losses may become material.

Cash and Cash Equivalents.  EOG records as cash equivalents all highly liquid short-term investments with original maturities of three months or less.

Oil and Gas Operations.  EOG accounts for its crude oil and natural gas exploration and production activities under the successful efforts method of accounting.

Oil and gas lease acquisition costs are capitalized when incurred. Unproved properties with acquisition costs that are not individually significant are aggregated, and the portion of such costs estimated to be nonproductive is amortized over the remaining lease term.  Unproved properties with individually significant acquisition costs are reviewed individually for impairment. If the unproved properties are determined to be productive, the appropriate related costs are transferred to proved oil and gas properties.  Lease rentals are expensed as incurred.
Oil and gas exploration costs, other than the costs of drilling exploratory wells, are expensed as incurred.  The costs of drilling exploratory wells are capitalized pending determination of whether EOG has discovered commercial quantities of proved reserves.  If commercial quantities of proved reserves are not discovered, such drilling costs are expensed.  In some circumstances, it may be uncertain whether commercial quantities of proved reserves have been discovered when drilling has been completed.  Such exploratory well drilling costs may continue to be capitalized if the estimated reserve quantity is sufficient to justify its completion as a producing well and sufficient progress in assessing the reserves and the economic and operating viability of the project is being made (see Note 16).  Costs to develop proved reserves, including the costs of all development wells and related equipment used in the production of crude oil and natural gas, are capitalized.

Depreciation, depletion and amortization of the cost of proved oil and gas properties is calculated using the unit-of-production method.  The reserve base used to calculate depreciation, depletion and amortization for leasehold acquisition costs and the cost to acquire proved properties is the sum of proved developed reserves and proved undeveloped reserves.  With respect to lease and well equipment costs, which include development costs and successful exploration drilling costs, the reserve base includes only proved developed reserves.  Estimated future dismantlement, restoration and abandonment costs, net of salvage values, are taken into account.

Oil and gas properties are grouped in accordance with the provisions of the Extractive Industries - Oil and Gas Topic of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC).  The basis for grouping is a reasonable aggregation of properties with a common geological structural feature or stratigraphic condition, such as a reservoir or field.

Amortization rates are updated quarterly to reflect: 1) the addition of capital costs, 2) reserve revisions (upwards or downwards) and additions, 3) property acquisitions and/or property dispositions and 4) impairments.

When circumstances indicate that proved oil and gas properties may be impaired, EOG compares expected undiscounted future cash flows at a depreciation, depletion and amortization group level to the unamortized capitalized cost of the group.  If the expected undiscounted future cash flows, based on EOG's estimate of (and assumptions regarding) future crude oil, NGLs and natural gas prices, operating costs, development expenditures, anticipated production from proved reserves and other relevant data, are lower than the unamortized capitalized cost, the capitalized cost is reduced to fair value.  Fair value is generally calculated using the Income Approach described in the Fair Value Measurement Topic of the ASC.  In certain instances, EOG utilizes accepted offers from third-party purchasers as the basis for determining fair value.

Other Property, Plant and Equipment.  Other property, plant and equipment consists of gathering and processing assets, compressors, buildings and leasehold improvements, computer hardware and software, vehicles, and furniture and fixtures.  Other property, plant and equipment is generally depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the property, plant and equipment, which range from 3 years to 45 years.

Inventories. Inventories consist primarily of tubular goods, materials for completion operations, well equipment and gathering lines held for use in the exploration for, and development and production of, crude oil, NGLs and natural gas reserves. EOG accounts for inventories at the lower of cost and net realizable value with adjustments made, as appropriate, to recognize any reductions in value.

Revenue Recognition. EOG presents disaggregated revenues by type of commodity within its Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) and Comprehensive Income (Loss) and by geographic areas defined as operating segments. See Note 11.

Revenues are recognized for the sale of crude oil and condensate, NGLs and natural gas at the point control of the product is transferred to the customer, typically when production is delivered and title or risk of loss transfers to the customer. Arrangements for such sales are evidenced by signed contracts with prices typically based on stated market indices, with certain adjustments for product quality and geographic location. As EOG typically invoices customers shortly after performance obligations have been fulfilled, contract assets and contract liabilities are not recognized. The balances of accounts receivable from contracts with customers as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, were $2,130 million and $1,337 million, respectively, and were included in Accounts Receivable, Net on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Losses incurred on receivables from contracts with customers are infrequent and have been immaterial. Certain arrangements provide for the sale of fixed quantities of commodities in future years with pricing mechanisms based on future market prices at time of delivery. EOG does not disclose the value of these obligations given the uncertainty of the future realized transaction price.
Crude Oil and Condensate. EOG sells its crude oil and condensate production at the wellhead or further downstream at a contractually-specified delivery point. Revenue is recognized when control transfers to the customer based on contract terms which reflect prevailing market prices. Any costs incurred prior to the transfer of control, such as gathering and transportation, are recognized as Operating Expenses.

Natural Gas Liquids. EOG delivers certain of its natural gas production to either EOG-owned processing facilities or third-party processing facilities, where extraction of NGLs occurs. For EOG-owned facilities, revenue is recognized after processing upon transfer of NGLs to a customer. For third-party facilities, extracted NGLs are sold to the owner of the processing facility at the tailgate, or EOG takes possession and sells the extracted NGLs at the tailgate or exercises its option to sell further downstream to various customers. Under typical arrangements for third-party facilities, revenue is recognized after processing upon the transfer of control of the NGLs, either at the tailgate of the processing plant or further downstream. EOG recognizes revenues based on contract terms which reflect prevailing market prices, with any costs prior to the transfer of control, such as processing, transportation and fractionation fees, recognized as Transportation Costs and Gathering and Processing Costs, as appropriate.

Natural Gas. EOG sells its natural gas production either at the wellhead or further downstream at a contractually-specified delivery point. In connection with the extraction of NGLs, EOG sells residue gas under separate agreements. Typically, EOG takes possession of the natural gas at the tailgate of the processing facility and sells it at the tailgate or further downstream. In each case, EOG recognizes revenues when control transfers to the customer, based on contract terms which reflect prevailing market prices.

Gathering, Processing and Marketing. Gathering, processing and marketing revenues represent sales of third-party crude oil and condensate, NGLs and natural gas, as well as fees associated with gathering and processing third-party natural gas and revenues from sales of EOG-owned sand. EOG evaluates whether it is the principal or agent under these transactions. As control of the underlying commodity is transferred to EOG prior to the gathering, processing and marketing activities, EOG considers itself the principal of these arrangements. Accordingly, EOG recognizes these transactions on a gross basis. Purchases of third-party commodities are recorded as Marketing Costs, with sales of third-party commodities and fees received for gathering and processing recorded as Gathering, Processing and Marketing revenues.

Capitalized Interest Costs.  Interest costs have been capitalized as a part of the historical cost of unproved oil and gas properties.  The amount capitalized is an allocation of the interest cost incurred during the reporting period.  Capitalized interest is computed only during the exploration and development phases and ceases once production begins.  The interest rate used for capitalization purposes is based on the interest rates on EOG's outstanding borrowings.

Accounting for Risk Management Activities.  Derivative instruments are recorded on the balance sheet as either an asset or liability measured at fair value, and changes in the derivative's fair value are recognized currently in earnings unless specific hedge accounting criteria are met.  During the three-year period ended December 31, 2021, EOG elected not to designate any of its financial commodity derivative instruments as accounting hedges and, accordingly, changes in the fair value of these outstanding derivative instruments are recognized as gains or losses in the period of change.  The gains or losses are recorded as Gains (Losses) on Mark-to-Market Commodity Derivative Contracts on the Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) and Comprehensive Income (Loss).  The related cash flow impact of settled contracts is reflected as cash flows from operating activities.  EOG employs net presentation of derivative assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes when such assets and liabilities are with the same counterparty and subject to a master netting arrangement.  See Note 12.

Income Taxes.  Income taxes are accounted for using the asset and liability approach.  Under this approach, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized based on anticipated future tax consequences attributable to differences between financial statement carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their respective tax basis.  EOG assesses the realizability of deferred tax assets and recognizes valuation allowances as appropriate. See Note 6.

Effective January 1, 2021, EOG adopted the provisions of Accounting Standards Update (ASU), "Income Taxes (Topic 740) Simplifying the Accounting for Income Taxes" (ASU 2019-12). ASU 2019-12 amends certain aspects of accounting for income taxes, including the removal of specific exceptions within existing U.S. GAAP related to the incremental approach for intraperiod tax allocation and updates to the general methodology for calculating income taxes in interim periods, among other changes. ASU 2019-12 also requires an entity to reflect the effect of an enacted change in tax laws or rates in the annual effective tax rate computation in the interim period that includes the enactment date, among other requirements. The effects of ASU 2019-12 applicable to EOG were all required on a prospective basis. There was no impact upon adoption of ASU 2019-12 to EOG's consolidated financial statements or related disclosures.
Foreign Currency Translation.  The United States dollar is the functional currency for all of EOG's consolidated subsidiaries except for its Canadian subsidiaries, for which the functional currency is the Canadian dollar.  For subsidiaries whose functional currency is deemed to be other than the United States dollar, asset and liability accounts are translated at year-end exchange rates and revenues and expenses are translated at average exchange rates prevailing during the year.  Translation adjustments are included in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.  Any gains or losses on transactions or monetary assets or liabilities in currencies other than the functional currency are included in net income in the current period. See Note 4.

Net Income (Loss) Per Share.  Basic net income (loss) per share is computed on the basis of the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period.  Diluted net income (loss) per share is computed based upon the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period plus the assumed issuance of common shares for all potentially dilutive securities. See Note 9.

Stock-Based Compensation. EOG measures the cost of employee services received in exchange for an award of equity instruments based on the grant-date fair value of the award. See Note 7.

Leases. Effective January 1, 2019, EOG adopted the provisions of ASU 2016-02, "Leases (Topic 842)" (ASU 2016-02). ASU 2016-02 and other related ASUs require that lessees recognize a right-of-use (ROU) asset and related lease liability, representing the obligation to make lease payments for certain lease transactions, on the Consolidated Balance Sheets and disclose additional leasing information.

EOG elected to adopt ASU 2016-02 and other related ASUs using the modified retrospective approach with a cumulative-effect adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings as of the effective date. Financial results reported in periods prior to January 1, 2019, are unchanged. Additionally, EOG elected the package of practical expedients within ASU 2016-02 that allows an entity to not reassess prior to the effective date (i) whether any expired or existing contracts are or contain leases, (ii) the lease classification for any expired or existing leases, or (iii) initial direct costs for any existing leases, but did not elect the practical expedient of hindsight when determining the lease term of existing contracts at the effective date. EOG also elected the practical expedient under ASU 2018-01, "Leases (Topic 842) - Land Easement Practical Expedient for Transition to Topic 842," and did not evaluate existing or expired land easements not previously accounted for as leases prior to the January 1, 2019 effective date. There was no impact to retained earnings upon adoption of ASU 2016-02 and other related ASUs.

In the ordinary course of business, EOG enters into contracts for drilling, fracturing, compression, real estate and other services which contain equipment and other assets and that meet the definition of a lease under ASU 2016-02. The lease term for these contracts, which includes any renewals at EOG's option that are reasonably certain to be exercised, ranges from one month to 30 years.

ROU assets and related liabilities are recognized on the commencement date on the Consolidated Balance Sheets based on future lease payments, discounted based on the rate implicit in the contract, if readily determinable, or EOG's incremental borrowing rate commensurate with the lease term of the contract. EOG estimates its incremental borrowing rate based on the approximate rate required to borrow on a collateralized basis. Contracts with lease terms of less than 12 months are not recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheets, but instead are disclosed as short-term lease cost. EOG has elected not to separate non-lease components from all leases, excluding those for fracturing services, real estate and salt water disposal, as lease payments under these contracts contain significant non-lease components, such as labor and operating costs. See Note 18.

Recently Issued Accounting Standards. In March 2020, the FASB issued ASU 2020-04, "Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848)" (ASU 2020-04), which provides optional expedients and exceptions for accounting treatment of contracts which are affected by the anticipated discontinuation of the London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other rates resulting from rate reform. Contract terms that are modified due to the replacement of a reference rate are not required to be remeasured or reassessed under relevant accounting standards. Early adoption is permitted. ASU 2020-04 covers certain contracts which reference these rates and that are entered into on or before December 31, 2022. EOG has evaluated the provisions of ASU 2020-04 and does not expect the application of ASU 2020-04 to have a material impact on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures related to its $2.0 billion senior unsecured Revolving Credit Agreement.