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Prospectus supplement dated May 1, 2014
to the following prospectus(es):
Waddell & Reed Advisors Survivorship Life prospectus dated May 1, 2009
Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Life, Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Life II, America's marketFLEX VUL, Bank One/One Investors PCVUL, Fidelity PCVUL and Scudder Deutsche PCVUL prospectus dated May 1, 2008
BOA Multiple Pay and Multi-Flex FPVUL prospectus dated May 1, 2002
American Capital FPVUL, American Capital Multiple Pay, NLAIC SPVL, and NLAIC Multiple Pay prospectus dated May 1, 2000
SPVL and VLI (NLIC) prospectus dated May 1, 1987
This supplement updates certain information contained in your prospectus. Please read it and keep it with your prospectus for future reference.
1) The following disclosure is added to the prospectus:
Note: The policy owner selects the Premium amount and frequency shown in the policy illustration to show Nationwide how much Premium the policy owner intends to pay and when. Illustrated Premium and hypothetical rates of return are not guaranteed. Investment Experience varies over time, is rarely the same year-over-year, and may be negative. Because the policy is a variable universal life insurance policy with the potential for unfavorable Investment Experience, including extended periods of significant stock market decline, additional Premium may be required to meet a policy owner's goals and/or to prevent the policy from Lapsing. Generally, variable universal life insurance is considered a long-term investment. Policy owners should weigh the investment risk and costs associated with the policy against their objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance, and ability to pay additional Premium if necessary.
2) The Legal Proceedings section of the prospectus is deleted and replaced in its entirety with the following:
Legal Proceedings
Nationwide Life Insurance Company and Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. (NFS, or collectively with its subsidiaries, "the Company") was formed in November 1996. NFS is the holding company for Nationwide Life Insurance Company (NLIC), Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (NLAIC) and other companies that comprise the life insurance and retirement savings operations of the Nationwide group of companies (Nationwide). This group includes Nationwide Financial Network (NFN), an affiliated distribution network that markets directly to its customer base. NFS is incorporated in Delaware and maintains its principal executive offices in Columbus, Ohio.
The Company is subject to legal and regulatory proceedings in the ordinary course of its business. The Company's legal and regulatory matters include proceedings specific to the Company and other proceedings generally applicable to business practices in the industries in which the Company operates. These matters are subject to many uncertainties, and given their complexity and scope, their outcomes cannot be predicted. Regulatory proceedings could also affect the outcome of one or more of the Company's litigation matters. Furthermore, it is often not possible to determine the ultimate outcomes of the pending regulatory investigations and legal proceedings or to provide reasonable ranges of potential losses with any degree of certainty. Some matters, including certain of those referred to below, are in very preliminary stages, and the Company does not have sufficient information to make an assessment of the plaintiffs' claims for liability or damages. In some of the cases seeking to be certified as class actions, the court has not yet decided whether a class will be certified or (in the event of certification) the size of the class and class period. In many of the cases, the plaintiffs are seeking undefined amounts of damages or other relief, including punitive damages and equitable remedies, which are difficult to quantify and cannot be defined based on the information currently available. The Company believes, however, that based on currently known information, the ultimate outcome of all pending legal and regulatory matters is not likely to

have a material adverse effect on the Company's condensed consolidated financial position. Nonetheless, given the large or indeterminate amounts sought in certain of these matters and the inherent unpredictability of litigation, it is possible that such outcomes could materially affect the Company's condensed consolidated financial position or results of operations in a particular quarter or annual period.
The various businesses conducted by the Company are subject to oversight by numerous federal and state regulatory entities, including but not limited to the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the Department of Labor, the Internal Revenue Service, and state insurance authorities. Such regulatory entities may, in the normal course, be engaged in general or targeted inquiries, examinations and investigations of the Company and/or its affiliates. The financial services industry has been the subject of increasing scrutiny in connection with a broad spectrum of regulatory issues; with respect to all such scrutiny directed at the Company and/or its affiliates, the Company is cooperating with regulators. The Company will cooperate with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (NMIC) insofar as any inquiry, examination or investigation encompasses NMIC's operations.
On August 15, 2001, NFS and NLIC were named in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut entitled Lou Haddock, as trustee of the Flyte Tool & Die, Incorporated Deferred Compensation Plan, et al v. Nationwide Financial Services, Inc. and Nationwide Life Insurance Company. On November 18, 2009, the plaintiffs filed a sixth amended complaint amending the list of named plaintiffs and claiming to represent a class of qualified retirement plan trustees under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) that purchased variable annuities from NLIC. The plaintiffs allege that they invested ERISA plan assets in their variable annuity contracts and that NLIC and NFS breached ERISA fiduciary duties by allegedly accepting service payments from certain mutual funds. The complaint seeks disgorgement of some or all of the payments allegedly received by NFS and NLIC, other unspecified relief for restitution, declaratory and injunctive relief, and attorneys' fees. On November 6, 2009, the Court granted the plaintiffs' motion for class certification. On October 21, 2010, the District Court dismissed NFS from the lawsuit. On February 6, 2012, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the November 6, 2009 order granting class certification and remanded the case back to the District Court for further consideration. On September 6, 2013, the District Court granted the plaintiffs' motion for class certification. The case is set for trial beginning February 9, 2015. NLIC continues to defend this lawsuit vigorously.
On November 20, 2007, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. (NRS) and NLIC were named in a lawsuit filed in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Alabama entitled Ruth A. Gwin and Sandra H. Turner, and a class of similarly situated individuals v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc., Alabama State Employees Association, PEBCO, Inc. and Fictitious Defendants A to Z. On March 12, 2010, NRS and NLIC were named in a Second Amended Class Action Complaint filed in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Alabama entitled Steven E. Coker, Sandra H. Turner, David N. Lichtenstein and a class of similarly situated individuals v. Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc., Alabama State Employees Association, Inc., PEBCO, Inc. and Fictitious Defendants A to Z claiming to represent a class of all participants in the Alabama State Employees Association, Inc. (ASEA) Plan, excluding members of the Deferred Compensation Committee, ASEA's directors, officers and board members, and PEBCO's directors, officers and board members. On October 22, 2010, the parties to this action executed a court approved stipulation of settlement that agreed to certify a class for settlement purposes only, that provided for payments to the settlement class, and that provided for releases, certain bar orders, and dismissal of the case. The settlement fund has been paid out. On December 6, 2011, the Court entered an Order that NRS owed indemnification to ASEA and PEBCO for only the Coker (Gwin) class action, and dismissed NLIC. The Company resolved the indemnification claims of ASEA. On February 15, 2013, the Court issued its Order determining the amount of fees due to PEBCO on its indemnification claim. On March 28, 2014, the Alabama Supreme Court reversed the trial Court decision awarding PEBCO its attorney fees and remanded the case back to the trial court to enter a judgment in favor of NRS. NRS continues to defend this case vigorously.
Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. (Debtors) and Giddens, James v NLIC and NMIC, et al. In 2012 the Plaintiff, Debtor in Possession Lehman Brothers Special Financing, Inc., filed a class action in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York seeking the recovery of nearly $3.0 billion in assets from all the named defendants including NLIC and NMIC. This litigation arises from two collateralized debt obligation transactions, 801 Grand and Alta, which resulted in payments to NLIC and NMIC after the Plaintiff and its parent company, Lehman Brothers Holding, Inc. filed for bankruptcy in 2008. This triggered an early termination of the above transactions. The Plaintiff seeks to have sums returned to the bankruptcy estate in addition to prejudgment interest and costs. The case is currently stayed. In 2013, Plaintiff sent correspondence to all defendants inviting settlement discussions and has served NMIC and NLIC with a "SPV Derivatives ADR Notice," formally starting the Alternative Dispute Resolution process. NMIC and NLIC have responded, and are currently taking part in the ADR process. Mediation was scheduled for and proceeded on December 13, 2013, but the parties reached an impasse. The mediator is continuing to work with the parties and is expected to issue a final recommendation shortly. On January 10, 2014, Lehman filed another motion to extend the stay for a final four

month period. After a hearing, the court extended the stay to the later of (a) May 20, 2014 or (b) 30 days after the court enters a scheduling order governing the Distributed Action. The parties have been negotiating the proposed scheduling order for the conduct of the Distributed Action litigation, and Lehman filed a revised proposed scheduling order on March 24, 2014. On April 14, 2014, Nationwide and 77 other defendants filed a joint response to the proposed scheduling order, and a hearing on the proposed scheduling order has been scheduled for May 14, 2014.
Nationwide Investment Services Corporation
The general distributor, NISC, is not engaged in any litigation of any material nature.