Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number 811-05309

Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

Nuveen Investments

333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Kevin J. McCarthy

Nuveen Investments

333 West Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (312) 917-7700

Date of fiscal year end: April 30

Date of reporting period: April 30, 2013

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A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. ss.3507.






Mutual Funds


Nuveen Municipal Bond Funds

Dependable, tax-free income because it’s not what you earn, its what you keep.®

Annual Report

April 30, 2013


        Share Class / Ticker Symbol
Fund Name      Class A      Class B      Class C      Class I

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund

     FLAAX      FAAMX      FAACX      FAARX

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

     NHMAX      NHMBX      NHMCX      NHMRX

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund

     NITAX           NIPCX      NIPIX

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund

     NMBAX      NUMBX      NNSCX      NUVBX

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund

     FLTDX           FLTCX      FLTRX

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

     NVHAX           NVHCX      NVXIX

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

     FSHAX           NSVCX      FSHYX



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Table of Contents


Chairman’s Letter to Shareholders


Portfolio Managers’ Comments


Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios




Holding Summaries


Expense Examples


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Portfolios of Investments


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statement of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Trustees and Officers


Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process


Glossary of Terms Used in this Report


Additional Fund Information



Letter to Shareholders




Dear Shareholders,

After nine years of serving as lead director and independent chairman of the Nuveen Fund Board, my term of office is coming to an end. It has been a privilege to use this space to communicate with you on some of the broad economic trends in the U.S. and abroad and how they are impacting the investment environment in which your funds operate. In addition, I have enjoyed offering some perspective on how your Board views the various Nuveen investment teams as they apply their investment disciplines in that investment environment.

My term has coincided with a particularly challenging period for both mutual fund sponsors and investors. Since 2000 there have been three periods of unusually strong stock market growth and two major market declines. Recent years have been characterized by a search for yield in fixed income securities to compensate for an extended period of very low interest rates. Funds are investing more in foreign and emerging markets that require extensive research capabilities to overcome the more limited transparency and higher volatility in those markets. New fund concepts often incorporate derivative financial instruments that offer efficient ways to hedge investment risk or gain exposure to selected markets. Fund trading teams operate in many new domestic and international venues with quite different characteristics. Electronic trading and global communication networks mean that fund managers must be able to thrive in financial markets that react instantaneously to newsworthy events and are more interconnected than ever.

Nuveen has committed additional resources to respond to these changes in the fund industry environment. It has added IT and research resources to assemble and evaluate the increased flow of detailed information on economies, markets and individual companies. Based on its experience during the financial crisis of 2008-09, Nuveen has expanded its resources dedicated to valuing and trading portfolio securities with a particular focus on stressed financial market conditions. It has added systems and experienced risk management professionals to work with investment teams to better help evaluate whether their funds’ risk exposures are appropriate in view of the return targets. The investment teams have also reflected on recent experience to reaffirm or modify their investment disciplines. Finally, experienced professionals and IT resources have been added to address new regulatory requirements designed to better inform and protect investors. The Board has enthusiastically encouraged these initiatives.

The Nuveen Fund Board has always viewed itself as your representatives to assure that Nuveen brings together experienced people, proven technologies and effective processes designed to produce results that meet investor expectations. It is important to note that our activities are highlighted by the annual contract renewal process. Despite its somewhat formal language, I strongly encourage you to read the summary because it offers an insight into our oversight process. The report is included in the back of this or a subsequent shareholder report. The renewal process is very comprehensive and includes a number of evaluations and discussions between the Board and Nuveen during the year. The summary also describes what has been achieved across the Nuveen fund complex and at individual funds such as yours.

As I leave the chairmanship and resume my role as a member of the Board, please be assured that I and my fellow Board members will continue to hold your interests uppermost in our minds as we oversee the management of your funds and that we greatly appreciate your confidence in your Nuveen fund.

Very sincerely,



Robert P. Bremner

Chairman of the Board

June 21, 2013



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Portfolio Managers’ Comments


Certain statements in this report are forward-looking statements. Discussions of specific investments are for illustration only and are not intended as recommendations of individual investments. The forward-looking statements and other views expressed herein are those of the portfolio managers as of the date of this report. Actual future results or occurrences may differ significantly from those anticipated in any forward-looking statements and the views expressed herein are subject to change at any time, due to numerous market and other factors. The Funds disclaim any obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or views expressed herein.

Ratings shown are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.


These Funds feature portfolio management by Nuveen Asset Management, LLC, an affiliate of Nuveen Investments. John Miller, CFA, and Doug White, CFA, manage the Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund. John began managing the Fund in 2010 and Doug joined him as co-manager of the Fund in 2011. John has managed the Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund since 2000. John and his co-managers Timothy Ryan, CFA, and Steven Hlavin have managed the Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund since its inception in February 2013. Dan Close, CFA, and Doug Baker, CFA, have managed the Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund since its inception in 2011. Paul Brennan, CFA, has managed the Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund since 2007 and the Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund since 2006. Chris Drahn, CFA, has managed the Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund since 2002.

Recently, the portfolio managers discussed the economic and municipal market conditions at the national level, key investment strategies and the Funds’ performance for the twelve-month period ended April 30, 2013.

What factors affected the U.S. economy and the national municipal bond market during the twelve-month reporting period ended April 30, 2013?

During this reporting period, the U.S. economy’s progress toward recovery from recession continued at a moderate pace. The Federal Reserve (Fed) maintained its efforts to improve the overall economic environment by holding the benchmark fed funds rate at the record low level of zero to 0.25% that it established in December 2008. At its May 2013 meeting, the central bank stated that it expected its “highly accommodative stance of monetary policy” would keep the fed funds rate in “this exceptionally low range” at least as long as the unemployment rate remained above 6.5% and the outlook for inflation one to two years ahead was no higher than 2.5%. The Fed also decided to continue its monthly purchases of $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities and $45 billion of longer-term Treasury securities in an open-ended effort to bolster growth. Taken together, the goals of these actions are to put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, make broader financial conditions more accommodative, and support a stronger economic recovery as well as continued progress toward the Fed’s mandates of maximum employment and price stability.

In the first quarter of 2013, the U.S. economy, as measured by the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), grew at an annualized rate of 2.5%, compared with 0.4% for the fourth quarter of 2012, continuing the pattern of positive economic growth for the 15th consecutive quarter. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 1.1% year-over-year as of April 2013, while the core CPI (which excludes food and energy) increased 0.1% during the period, staying within the Fed’s unofficial objective of 2.0% or lower for this inflation


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measure. Labor market conditions continued to slowly show signs of improvement. As of April 2013, the national unemployment rate was 7.5%, the lowest level since December 2008, down from 8.1% in April 2012. The housing market, long a major weak spot in the economic recovery, also delivered some good news, as the average home price in the S&P/Case-Shiller Index of 20 major metropolitan areas rose 10.9% for the twelve months ended March 2013 (most recent data available at the time this report was prepared). This marked the largest twelve-month percentage gain for the index since May 2006.

During this reporting period, the outlook for the U.S. economy was clouded by uncertainty about global financial markets and the outcome of the “fiscal cliff.” The tax consequences of the fiscal cliff situation, which had been scheduled to become effective in January 2013 were averted through a last-minute deal that raised payroll taxes but left in place a number of tax breaks. However, lawmakers postponed and then failed to reach a resolution on $1.2 trillion in spending cuts intended to address the federal budget deficit. As a result, automatic spending cuts (or sequestration) affecting both defense and non-defense programs (excluding Social Security and Medicaid) took effect March 1, 2013, with potential implications for economic growth over the next decade. In late March 2013, Congress passed legislation that established federal funding levels for the remainder of fiscal 2013, which ends on September 30, 2013, preventing a federal government shutdown. The proposed federal budget for fiscal 2014 remains under debate.

Municipal bond prices generally rallied nationally during this reporting period, as strong demand and tight supply combined to create favorable market conditions for municipal bonds. However, the market also encountered some additional volatility generated by the political environment, particularly the fiscal cliff at the end of 2012 and the approach of federal tax season. Although the total volume of tax-exempt supply improved over that of the same period a year earlier, the issuance pattern remained light compared with long-term historical trends and new money issuance was relatively flat. This supply/demand dynamic served as a key driver of performance. At the state level, state governments in aggregate appeared to have made good progress in dealing with budget issues. On the revenue side, state tax collections have grown for eleven straight quarters, exceeding pre-recession levels beginning in September 2011, while on the expense side, the states made headway in cutting and controlling costs. The current low level of municipal issuance reflects the current political distaste for additional borrowing by state and local governments facing fiscal constraints and the prevalent atmosphere of municipal budget austerity. During this period, we continued to see municipal yields remain relatively low. Borrowers seeking to take advantage of the low rate environment sparked an increase in refunding activity, with approximately two-thirds of municipal paper issued by borrowers that were calling existing debt and refinancing at lower rates.

Over the twelve months ended April 30, 2013, municipal bond issuance nationwide totaled $378 billion, an increase of 9.5% over the issuance for the twelve-month period ended April 30, 2012. During this period, demand for municipal bonds remained very strong, especially from individual investors, but also from mutual funds, banks and insurance companies.


  6       Nuveen Investments

How did the Funds perform during the twelve-month reporting period ended April 30, 2013?

The tables in the Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios section of this report provide each Fund’s total return performance information for the Fund’s Class A Shares at net asset value (NAV) for the applicable one-year, five-year, ten-year and since-inception periods ending April 30, 2013. The tables also compare these returns to each Fund’s benchmark index and appropriate Lipper classification average.

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund

During the twelve-month period ended April 30, 2013, the Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund’s Class A Shares at NAV significantly outperformed the S&P Municipal Bond Index and the Lipper General Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average.

For much of the reporting period, most bonds, especially those with longer maturity dates, experienced a decline in rates, while their prices simultaneously rose (bond yields and prices move in opposite directions). This environment provided a favorable backdrop for the Fund, which benefited primarily from the portfolio’s heightened sensitivity to interest rate changes, known as duration positioning. Because the Fund had a somewhat longer duration than the benchmark, the portfolio was well situated to take advantage of prevailing market conditions during the majority of the twelve-month time frame.

The Fund’s sector positioning also contributed to results on a relative basis, with health care securities providing a particularly notable impact. Because Nuveen brings substantial credit-research experience and resources to this part of the market, the health care sector is often an area in which we believe we can add significant value for investors, and, accordingly, we were active participants in this group. Also adding to the Fund’s relative performance were overweightings in corporate-backed industrial development revenue (IDR) and transportation bonds (especially toll roads), both of which were strong performing categories. At the same time, the Fund was helped by having less exposure to sectors whose performance was more subdued. General obligation (GO) bonds fit into this category, as did pre-refunded bonds, whose very short maturities and high credit quality were out of favor characteristics in a market where longer-dated, lower quality bonds tended to do the best.

A third positive factor was our credit quality allocation. With interest rates remaining extremely low by historical standards, investors were eager to buy lower rated bonds, which offered a higher degree of income to compensate investors for their added risk. The Fund’s significant overweighting in BBB-rated and non-rated issues added to results, given those securities’ solid performance. Meanwhile, the Fund maintained lesser exposure to the highest quality bonds, those rated AAA and AA, and this strategy proved additionally advantageous in light of those securities’ more modest gains.

Given the Fund’s favorable results, there were few particularly negative performance factors. The Fund was, however, modestly hampered by its holdings within the dedicated-tax bond sector. While the category as a whole fared well, the individual bonds we owned in this sector failed to keep pace, which limited the Fund’s upside. Another minor


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disappointment was the Fund’s slight overweighting in water/sewer bonds, which lagged the broad municipal bond index.

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

During the twelve months ending April 30, 2013, the Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund’s Class A shares at NAV significantly outperformed the S&P Municipal Yield Index and the Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average. Please note that during the last fiscal reporting period, the Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund’s primary index was changed. Previously, the Fund used the S&P Municipal Bond High Yield Index as its benchmark. The Fund is now compared to the S&P Municipal Yield Index because it more closely reflects the Fund’s investment universe.

The environment for high yield municipal bonds was favorable during the period, as credit spreads narrowed (indicating lower-rated bond yields were falling more sharply than higher-rated bond yields). Demand for high yield securities was further bolstered by improved fiscal conditions, as states and municipalities generally enjoyed growth in tax revenue in response to the improving economy, which was being lifted in part by better conditions in the housing market. The Fund was well positioned to benefit from these trends, maintaining elevated exposure to corporate-backed industrial development revenue (IDR) municipal bonds and land-backed community district debt.

Regarding IDR bonds, the Fund was especially helped by its exposure to municipal bonds issued by the airline industry, which witnessed a number of positive developments during the period, including market consolidation that has strengthened the financial position of issuers. One particularly notable contributor to the Fund’s results was an unsecured bond issue for American Airlines that we initially purchased in the secondary municipal bond market early in the reporting period and added to that position at various points throughout the past twelve months. As the company made progress on its bankruptcy resolution, it improved its financial position much more than many investors expected a year ago. We began buying these securities in May 2012 at a very large discount to their face value; by the end of the reporting period, they traded at a healthy premium.

Another area of opportunity was land-backed community district debt, whose income stream is supplied by property tax revenues. The improving real estate market provided a tailwind for these types of securities, so the Fund’s overweighting was helpful for relative performance. In particular, the Fund benefited from non-rated bonds for the Tolomato Community Development District, which enjoyed solid performance, as the prospects for this development project near Jacksonville, Florida, regained momentum in response to better housing market conditions. While not a land-backed security, our position in Pennsylvania Economic Development Authority bonds for USG Corporation, a leading manufacturer of wallboard used in building and home construction, reflected healthier real estate market conditions, improved construction data and higher pricing for wallboard.

The health care sector remained an important area of investment. As hospitals prepare to implement the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, we saw an increase in merger activity, which was a generally positive trend for hospital bonds.


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Another positive performance factor during the period was our use of leverage through inverse floating rate securities. These positions supported the Fund’s results, given that the yield curve remained steep and interest rates on high quality bonds maintained stable performance, enabling the Fund’s leveraged position to generate significant cash flow. (For more information on the Fund’s use of leverage, see “Impact of Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund’s Leveraging Strategy on Performance” later in this report.)

Even as the Fund enjoyed positive results, a few holdings did not meet our expectations. The largest individual detractor in the portfolio was an IDR bond issue for EnerTech Biosolids, a firm that provides electricity generation through the burning of solid waste. Unfortunately, the company was unable to fulfill the terms of its contract with Los Angeles and other Southern California communities. At period end, we were in the process of liquidating our position. Another challenging performer was a parking bond issue for Yankee Stadium, which we wrote about in our shareholder report six months ago. These bonds remained depressed in value because of the issuer’s high level of debt relative to revenues. However, we maintained our position in the bonds, believing that the issuer’s difficulties were already reflected in the bonds’ values and there could be opportunities for future price improvement. While both of these positions hindered performance, the portfolio’s broad diversification helped ensure that the losses had a minimal impact on the Fund’s overall results.

The Fund also continued to maintain several interest rate swaps that we used to reduce the duration of its portfolio. While these investments functioned exactly as planned, the overall impact on performance was mildly negative, given interest rates declined during the period in which the Fund had the highest exposure to these interest rate swap contracts. The Fund also used credit default swaps to manage credit risk. Using a credit default swap, the Fund purchased credit protection on a small set of issuers, which had a mildly negative impact on performance. Because the credit default swap contract was paired with specifics bonds, however, the same improvement in credit quality that led to negative performance on the credit default swap contract caused positive performance in the bonds it was hedging.

Impact of Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund’s Leveraging Strategy on Performance

One important factor impacting the returns of the Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund relative to its comparative benchmarks was the Fund’s use of substantial leverage through its investments in inverse floating rate securities, which represent leveraged investments in underlying bonds. The Fund uses leverage because the manager believes that our research as shown that, over time, leveraging provides opportunities for additional income and total return, particularly in the recent market environment where short-term market rates are at or near historical lows, meaning that the short-term rates the Fund has been paying on its leveraging instruments have been much lower than the interest the Fund has been earning on its portfolio of long-term bonds that it has bought with the proceeds of that leverage. However, use of leverage also can expose the Fund to additional volatility. For example, the value of an inverse floating rate security will increase or decrease in value by a multiple of the increase or decrease of the market value of the underlying bond due to changes in market interest rates or the bond’s creditworthiness.


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Thus, when investing in an inverse floating rate security rather than directly in the underlying bond, the Fund will experience a greater increase in its net asset value if the underlying municipal bond increases in value, but it will also experience a correspondingly larger decline in its net asset value if the underlying bond declines in value, which will make the Fund’s net asset value more volatile, and its total return performance more variable over time. In addition, income on inverse floating rate securities will decrease when short term interest rates increase and increase when short term interest rates decrease. As a consequence, although investments in inverse floating rate securities offer the opportunity for higher income than the underlying bond at times of low short term market interest rates, those investments would serve to reduce the Fund’s income if short term interest rates rise such that they exceed the net income on the underlying bond.

The Fund’s use of leverage through inverse floating rate securities made a positive contribution to the performance of the Fund over this reporting period, largely because of the income differential between the higher rates earned on the Fund’s long term bond investments and the lower rates paid on its leveraging instruments.

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund

During the twelve-month period ending April 30, 2013, the Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund’s Class A shares at NAV beat the results of the Barclays 1-10 Year Municipal Bond Index by a generous margin. The Fund also outpaced the Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average.

The Fund’s performance is generally shaped by its two portfolio components, intermediate duration municipal bonds and inflation linked swaps, the latter of which are designed to hedge the Fund against changes in inflation expectations, which can influence municipal bond prices.

In this period of strong relative performance for the Fund, several factors lifted results. In particular, the portfolio was supported by its yield curve positioning. Specifically, the Fund’s underweighting of bonds at the shorter end of its investment universe proved helpful, as did our modest overweighting of longer dated securities. Both stances worked out well, given that longer dated bonds generally benefited from declining interest rates to a greater extent than their shorter maturity counterparts.

Also adding to results was the Fund’s credit quality mix. The portfolio maintained an overweighting in BBB-rated and A-rated securities, two categories that make up the lower half of the investment grade bond universe and represent our primary focus in the managing the portfolio. In an environment of low bond yields, investors generally preferred these lower rated securities for the additional income they provide, despite the extra credit risk. Also, the Fund was underweight in the highest rated credit quality segments, bonds rated AAA and AA, which made an additional positive impact, as these securities did not perform quite as well.

Another source of outperformance came from the Fund’s sector allocations. Specifically, our overweighting in health care, which as a whole fared better than the broad municipal bond market, contributed notably. The Fund was also underweighted in pre-refunded bonds, which are high quality, short duration securities. In a market environment where


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the opposite characteristics were sought by investors, our lesser exposure to this group added to our results in relative terms. On the other hand, the Fund’s positioning within the corporate-backed industrial development revenue category was a modest detractor.

The Fund’s inflation-protection component achieved its goal of hedging the portfolio against fluctuating prices. During the period, however, this portion of the portfolio detracted from relative performance, as inflation expectations decreased, causing the Fund’s inflation-linked swaps to decline in value accordingly.

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund

During the twelve-month period ending April 30, 2013, the Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund’s Class A Shares at NAV modestly outpaced the S&P Municipal Bond Intermediate Index, as well as the Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average.

The most helpful factor behind the Fund’s outperformance of the S&P Index was good credit quality positioning. Specifically, the portfolio had more exposure to bonds with lower investment grade credit ratings, which made up more than half of the Fund’s net assets at period end and these lower rated issues outperformed their higher rated counterparts. Two key factors drove the results of these securities. First, the financial position of municipal bond issuers generally improved along with the recovering economy. Second, investors remained hungry for yield in the continued low interest rate environment, and one of the primary ways to obtain a higher level of income was by taking on more credit risk.

The Fund’s sector positioning also proved advantageous, given that we were well invested in certain areas that featured a significant amount of lower rated issuance. For example, our hospital and tobacco holdings continued to add value, as did a number of our corporate-backed industrial development revenue bond positions, which benefited from improving economic conditions. Another source of outperformance was our allocation to state-supported general obligation debt, led by our holdings in California and Illinois securities. California bonds were helped by the state’s progress in resolving its budget challenges, while, in Illinois, investors’ expectations that the economic situation could begin to improve in that financially troubled state lifted those bonds’ prices.

On the other hand, our yield curve positioning was, in retrospect, sub-optimal. To maintain our desired duration for the portfolio, we owned a combination of longer maturity bonds from within the Fund’s intermediate investment universe, balanced by some very short maturity issues. Because these latter securities were highly liquid, we thought they would be good sale candidates in the event of a sudden change in demand for municipal bonds. In addition, some of these shorter-maturity bonds were purchased years ago at higher yields than those available today, which has helped sustain the Fund’s income stream for its shareholders. During this reporting period, however, these bonds did not perform as well as longer dated bonds did, but we maintained this allocation because of these other factors.


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Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund

For the twelve-month period ending April 30, 2013, the Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund’s Class A Shares at NAV outpaced the S&P Municipal Bond Short-Intermediate Index, to a modest degree. The Fund also surpassed the results of the Lipper Short-Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average.

The Fund benefited from favorable credit quality positioning. As with the other Funds profiled in this report, we maintained higher relative exposure to bonds on the lower end of the credit quality spectrum, taking advantage of Nuveen’s credit research capabilities to find securities offering additional yield at what we believed was an acceptable level of credit risk. At period end, close to 40% of the portfolio’s net assets was invested in investment grade bonds rated A and BBB, which added to the Fund’s results on a relative basis. As mentioned earlier in this report, lower rated bonds generally outperformed higher rated issues.

On a related note, the Fund saw good results from its holdings in sectors that tend to offer more exposure to lower rated bonds. These included health care, tobacco and corporate-backed industrial development revenue bonds, all of which were supported by improving economic conditions and investors’ willingness to take on credit risk. Another boost came from our state general obligation debt and bonds issued by the State of Illinois, whose prospects for resolving its serious financial challenges appeared to improve a bit. At the same time, however, the Fund was hampered somewhat by its allocation to pre-refunded bonds, whose very short durations and high credit quality were out-of-favor characteristics.

In all, the Fund’s duration positioning had a slight positive impact on results during the twelve-month reporting period. While the Fund’s interest rate sensitivity was roughly equivalent to that of its benchmark, we got a lift from helpful yield curve positioning. We achieved our desired interest rate stance by balancing the Fund’s shorter dated issues with corresponding exposure on the long end of the yield curve. In particular, the Fund’s allocation to very short dated paper was modest, allowing the Fund to realize a benefit from its longer dated holdings.

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

While this is an annual report, the Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund’s performance discussion encompasses an abbreviated reporting period from inception on February 1, 2013 through April 30, 2013. During this period, the Fund’s Class A shares at NAV outpaced the S&P Municipal Bond Short Intermediate Index, as well as the Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average.

The Fund’s investment approach is to limit duration risk and take advantage of the relatively wider credit spreads generally available on shorter duration bonds. During the three months between the Fund’s inception date and period end, the Fund was well positioned to benefit from favorable market conditions, as yields declined on shorter dated municipal bonds, while their prices rose accordingly.


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Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

For the twelve-month period ending April 30, 2013, the Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund’s Class A Shares at NAV outpaced the S&P Municipal Bond Short Index. The Fund also surpassed the results of the Lipper Short Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average. Prior to November 2011, the Fund’s benchmark was the Barclays 3-Year Municipal Bond Index. The Fund is now compared to the S&P Municipal Bond Short Index because it more closely reflects the Fund’s investment universe.

The Fund’s outperformance relative to the S&P Index was shaped predominantly by the portfolio’s credit rating positioning. Specifically, the Fund’s overweighting in lower quality, investment grade bonds rated A and BBB was advantageous. With yields on high quality short term municipal bonds at or near record lows during the period, investors seeking income were compelled to turn to higher yielding segments of the municipal market. Given that, the Fund’s overweighting in the lower half of the investment grade bond universe and its corresponding underweighting in bonds rated AAA and AA proved beneficial.

The Fund’s sector weighting breakdown also boosted performance relative to its benchmark. The Fund was overweighted in the health care and higher education groups, both of which outpaced the index, as income-seeking investors sought opportunities among higher yielding bonds. Similarly, the Fund’s underweighting among higher-quality sectors, namely pre-refunded bonds and state general obligation debt, was helpful as neither kept pace with the index, somewhat due to their relatively lower income return component.

The maturity profile of the Fund further contributed to our positive results. Here, the Fund’s modest holdings in bonds with maturities exceeding four years, which, to achieve the Fund’s desired duration, are balanced with very short duration securities, enabled the Fund to capture some additional yield and benefit from the small amount of price appreciation these bonds enjoyed. The Fund’s holdings in short dated bonds with maturities of less than six months also modestly tempered the Fund’s results because they lagged the index, given their lower yields and minimal price performance.

What strategies were used to manage the Funds during the twelve-month reporting period ended April 30, 2013?

All of the Funds continued to employ the same fundamental investment strategies and tactics long relied upon by Nuveen Asset Management. Our municipal bond portfolios are managed with a value oriented approach and close input from Nuveen Asset Management’s experienced research team. Below, we highlight the specific factors influencing each Fund’s investment strategy, as well as how we managed each portfolio in light of recent market conditions.

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund

For much of the reporting period, investors were enthusiastic about the municipal bond market, which resulted in substantial new shareholder inflows for the Fund. In order to invest these assets, we were actively looking to purchase new municipal debt for the portfolio throughout the period. We generally emphasized lower-rated securities and


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revenue bonds, which, despite their prior strong results, continued to offer relatively attractive yields. During the first half of the period, our purchases tended to focus on bonds with longer maturities, which we believed could continue to thrive in a low interest rate environment. By the second half of the period, however, our emphasis began to shift toward the intermediate portion of the yield curve. Because interest rates had declined more sharply on longer dated bonds, we believed that intermediate bonds had begun to offer better relative value. We made purchases across various revenue sectors, including health care, corporate-backed and “other revenue” bonds, a category that consists of securities backed by dedicated sales or use taxes and, therefore, we felt had the potential to do well in tandem with the improving economy.

Essential service bonds, such as water/sewer and public power revenue bonds, also provided attractive values. We found it appealing that these bonds offered a legally protected revenue stream dedicated to pay back bondholders. In selected instances, we also bought high-yield bonds. Before purchasing these below investment grade rated securities, we conducted thorough research to get comfortable with the financial quality of these issues and became confident that their reward potential fully compensated investors for their risk. Of course, the vast majority of this Fund’s assets were invested in investment grade rated securities, as mandated in the prospectus and the higher yielding, lower rated positions represented a modest portion of the portfolio.

Most of our new purchases were funded through the proceeds of bond calls or bond maturities, and to a lesser extent shareholder inflows. Selling activity, which was very limited, tended to focus on pre-refunded bonds, whose very short maturities and limited performance potential made them, in our view, good sale candidates. At period end, the Fund had a small number of Puerto Rico bond issues we believed were creditworthy and offered a good risk/reward trade-off for our shareholders. Puerto Rico bonds, like those issued by other U.S. territories, are generally fully tax-exempt for residents of all 50 states.

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

The Fund experienced substantial new shareholder inflows during the period, as investors actively searched for higher yield in an environment of continued low interest rates. Therefore, our primary emphasis during the period was to find suitable places to invest these new assets in order to keep the Fund fully invested.

With a significant amount of new cash available for investment, we bought bond issues across multiple economic sectors. One such area of activity was land-backed community development district deals, in which we have long been active participants because of our belief that they offered good value. With fewer mortgage defaults providing a more favorable environment for property development, the prospects for many community development district bond issuers was enhanced. Our purchases in this sector took place in multiple markets across the country, most notably buying special assessment bonds for the Grand Bay at Doral Community Development District, a facility outside Miami; adding to our position in special assessment bonds issued for the Tolomato Community Development District near Jacksonville, Florida; and purchasing special-tax bonds for Murrieta (California) Public Facilities Authority.


  14       Nuveen Investments

Another area of emphasis was corporate-backed IDR municipal bonds, many of which continued to benefit from the stabilizing economic backdrop but still offered what we believed was good value potential. New IDR purchases included tax-exempt bonds issued for chemical manufacturer Celanese and truck engine manufacturer Navistar International. Several times during the period, we also added to the Fund’s position in American Airlines bonds, which, as we mentioned, were extremely strong performers for the Fund. We found additional opportunities to add value among charter school bonds. In contrast, while health care is typically an active sector for Nuveen and we did periodically add to the Fund’s allocation, we were less involved here than usual. Because many health care bonds have performed relatively well in recent years, we identified better values in other parts of the market, such as those we mentioned earlier.

We also sought value potential by purchasing bonds backed by municipal bond insurer National Public Finance Guarantee (NPFG). In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, most municipal bond insurers saw their credit ratings downgraded, and NPFG was no exception. In recent years, however, NPFG has settled its outstanding litigation, which, in our view, has increased its future viability as a legitimately highly rated entity. Although the company’s credibility has not yet been rebuilt with investors, a process we believe may take time, it has become possible to purchase municipal debt offering NPFG’s insurance wrapper without paying much in the way of a premium for this additional coverage. Accordingly, we looked for attractively valued NPFG-backed bonds that we believed were solid investments, paid only a modest amount for NPFG’s insurance policy and then anticipated the potential for capital appreciation if NPFG is successful in restoring its credibility with investors.

Selling activity was also very limited and tended to be concentrated around investment outflows in December 2012, as investors developed short-lived concerns about the perceived risk in the municipal bond market related to unrealized proposals out of Washington, D.C. to limit the tax-exemption of municipal bonds. When we sold securities in response to shareholder outflows, we generally unloaded higher coupon investment grade bonds priced to relatively short call dates. We believed these securities were not a key component of our long term investment strategy, offered less compelling long term value and could be most easily replaced in the portfolio.

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund

The Fund’s net assets more than doubled during the period due to a sizeable inflow of shareholder investments. As a result, our primary emphasis in managing the portfolio was to stay fully invested. To accomplish this goal, we were extremely active in making new purchases, via both the primary and secondary municipal bond markets and across a variety of sectors, buying suitable securities that we believed offered good value for our shareholders. In our opinion, the portfolio was well structured going into the period, so modest changes to the Fund’s credit quality and sector weightings reflected the composition of the new bonds we added, as opposed to the sale of specific securities from the portfolio. In fact, sales were almost non-existent during a period in which our main priority was to invest the portfolio’s growing assets.


Nuveen Investments     15   

While the average credit quality of the portfolio remained fairly consistent, we took advantage of selected opportunities among below investment grade rated bonds that, after conducting thorough credit research, we believed offered our shareholders a particularly favorable risk/reward trade-off. However, we found fewer of these opportunities as the period progressed. Notable sector activity included adding to the Fund’s allocation to general obligation, higher education and dedicated-tax bonds, reflecting where we believed we were finding good value. In contrast, the Fund’s health care, toll road and public power bond exposure remained significant but decreased modestly as a percentage of the portfolio’s assets, as we tended to favor securities from other sectors.

As the Fund grew, we added additional inflation-linked swap positions several times during the reporting period and monitored the portfolio regularly to help ensure appropriate inflation protection.

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund

With new shareholder inflows coming into the Fund, our primary consideration was to keep the portfolio fully invested, a goal that influenced our management decisions throughout the period. On a duration basis, for example, we continued to identify desirable bonds across a wide spectrum of maturities. As the period progressed, we were finding the best values among bonds in our investment universe with maturities ranging from roughly six to fifteen years. In addition to providing our shareholders with what we believed was the best available risk/reward balance, this focus on the “belly” of the yield curve provided the Fund with sufficient interest rate sensitivity to keep duration in line with that of our target.

The Fund’s credit quality positioning also remained consistent. Even as credit spreads narrowed, indicating that investors were willing to take on more credit risk in exchange for a declining amount of yield, lower investment grade rated bonds continued to offer what we believed was good value, even if that value at period end was not quite as significant as it had been twelve months earlier. We worked closely with Nuveen’s credit research team to find those bonds that we believed offered the best risk/reward trade-off, especially as robust demand for municipal securities made it more important than ever to be selective about choosing appropriate bonds offering good value. We believe Nuveen’s credit research expertise makes us well positioned to capitalize on this situation, given the depth of our credit research experience and resources. While we continued to purchase lower-investment grade debt we found attractive, we were not looking to dramatically increase our exposure as a percentage of the portfolio’s net assets, believing that the Fund was already sufficiently represented in bonds with credit ratings below AA-rated.

During the first half of the period, we took advantage of several unique opportunities to buy unemployment compensation-backed bonds, a category that does not come to market very often. In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, various states depleted their unemployment compensation funds, leading them to issue new state tax-exempt bonds to finance funds borrowed from the federal government. During the first half of the period, we purchased these generally high quality securities issued by Michigan, Illinois


  16       Nuveen Investments

and Pennsylvania. In our view, these bonds provided our shareholders with two important advantages, an adequate level of compensation and, because of their general scarcity, beneficial diversification to the portfolio.

To finance purchases for the Fund, we relied primarily on the proceeds from new shareholder investments and from bond calls and maturities. Selling activity was infrequent and tended to consist of bonds we saw as having limited performance prospects, and we typically initiated sales only during periods when we needed to generate cash for attractive purchase opportunities.

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund

The majority of our purchase activity was focused on keeping the portfolio’s healthy level of shareholder inflows invested, and therefore we had little need to sell securities to take advantage of attractive buying opportunities. Additional funds for our purchases came from the proceeds of bond calls and maturities. Because of this Fund’s emphasis on holdings with relatively short maturity dates, securities roll off the portfolio with a high degree of regularity. During the period, we were able to maintain the Fund’s duration positioning, which we believed was favorable, as the bulk of our new purchases focused on bonds with maturities ranging from roughly three to eight years. When it was possible to find lower-rated bonds providing a good risk/reward trade-off, we looked to this maturity range for new investments. That said, as these bonds continued to gain in price, it became more challenging to find limited-term issues providing what we saw as good value, and we found ourselves becoming more selective as the premium available for investing in lower rated bonds continued to narrow. One notable area in which we were able to find some good prospects was among public power bonds, which, as “essential service” projects, typify the kind of holding we regularly seek as a source of long term potential.

During the first half of the period, we took advantage of several unique opportunities to buy unemployment compensation-backed bonds, a category that does not come to market very often. In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, various states depleted their unemployment compensation funds, leading them to issue new state tax-exempt bonds to finance funds borrowed from the federal government. During the first half of the period, we purchased these generally high quality securities issued by Michigan, Illinois and Pennsylvania. In our view, these bonds provided our shareholders with two important advantages, an adequate level of compensation and, because of their general scarcity, beneficial diversification to the portfolio.

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

In seeking high current income exempt from regular federal income taxes, the Fund invests in predominantly lower rated municipal bonds while maintaining a weighted average effective portfolio duration of less than 4.5 years. When appropriate, the Fund may also use leverage in an opportunistic manner, through the use of inverse floating rate securities.


Nuveen Investments     17   

By design, the duration of the Fund is controlled to limit the impact of interest rate movements on performance, making this a potential option for investors who wish to add exposure to high yield municipal bonds to their portfolios, while limiting their interest rate risk.

In its initial three months of operation, the Fund experienced extremely large inflows, and thus our main priority was to invest those assets quickly. We were successful in promptly putting those funds to work in the lower-rated bonds that are our primary emphasis in this portfolio.

Our new purchases consisted of securities across a variety of sectors, including special-assessment, tobacco, corporate-backed industrial development revenue and health care bonds, all of which we believed offered good value to our investors. The Fund also had a small amount of exposure to bonds issued by Puerto Rico, as U.S. territorial bonds are generally fully income tax exempt for all U.S. residents. Our Puerto Rico allocation consisted of individually selected bonds with shorter maturities and, when possible, bonds backed by municipal insurers we believe to be creditworthy.

The majority of our purchases took place in the secondary municipal bond market, which can be a more challenging process than buying bonds in the primary market. However, it can also be a very good source of value, especially for investors such as Nuveen with substantial research and trading resources, as bonds in the secondary market are often less liquid and sometimes even trade by appointment.

We also sought value potential by purchasing bonds backed by municipal bond insurer National Public Finance Guarantee (NPFG). In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, most municipal bond insurers saw their credit ratings downgraded, and NPFG was no exception. In recent years, however, NPFG has settled its outstanding litigation, which, in our view, has increased its future viability as a legitimately highly rated entity. Although the company’s credibility has not yet been rebuilt with investors, a process we believe may take time, it has become possible to purchase municipal debt offering NPFG’s insurance wrapper without paying much in the way of a premium for this additional coverage. Accordingly, we looked for attractively valued NPFG-backed bonds that we believed were solid investments, paid only a modest amount for NPFG’s insurance policy and then anticipated the potential for capital appreciation if NPFG is successful in restoring its credibility with investors. During the period, we bought NPFG-insured bonds that we thought were good investments in their own right, and further had the potential to see additional capital appreciation if NPFG regains its favor with investors, which we see as a distinct possibility over time.

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

At the end of 2012, the Fund experienced inflows during a period when the supply of new municipal bonds was comparatively light. At that time, our view was that tight supply had temporarily inflated municipal bond valuations, and that once issuers resumed bringing new bonds to the market in 2013, we would have more attractive points of entry. As expected, the supply of municipal bonds increased in early 2013, providing increased opportunities for us to invest at prices we believed were more attractive. As a result, we sold some very short dated holdings to make way for purchases of bonds in the three- to


  18       Nuveen Investments

four-year maturity range. Given our expectation that short-term interest rates were unlikely to rise much in the near term, we thought that bonds in the three- to four-year range provided attractive yield and total return potential.

Throughout much of the past twelve months, yields on bonds with maturities between one and four years were relatively stable. Because this lack of volatility limited opportunities to buy and sell mispriced bonds, we focused on finding securities that we felt offered the best combination of yield and credit risk. We generally saw the best prospects among bonds with A and BBB credit ratings reflecting the lower end of our investment grade bond universe and took advantage to add these types of securities to the portfolio when we found suitable opportunities to do so. As a result of this increasing emphasis on lower investment grade bonds, the Fund’s allocation to AAA-rated and AA-rated issues declined.

Low and stable yields also supported our ongoing focus on higher yielding investment grade sectors, leading us to emphasize hospital and higher education bonds. At the same time, we maintained more limited exposure to lower yielding sectors, including pre-refunded and state general obligation bonds. Adding diversification to the portfolio, we made new purchases during the period across a combination of sectors, including special-assessment bonds, student housing projects and higher education debt.

Risk Considerations

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

Mutual fund investing involves risk; principal loss is possible. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Funds, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, call risk, tax risk, political and economic risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Credit risk refers to an issuers ability to make interest and principal payments when due. Below investment grade or high yield debt securities are subject to liquidity risk and heightened credit risk. The Funds’ use of inverse floaters creates effective leverage. Leverage involves the risk that the Funds could lose more than their original investment and also increases the Funds’ exposure to volatility, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

Mutual fund investing involves risk; principal loss is possible. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Fund, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, call risk, tax risk, political and economic risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Credit risk refers to an issuers ability to make interest and principal payments when due.

The Fund concentrates in non-investment-grade and unrated bonds with long maturities and durations which carry heightened credit risk, liquidity risk, and potential for default. In addition, the Fund oftentimes engages in a significant amount of portfolio leverage and in doing so, assumes a high level of risk in pursuit of its objectives. Leverage involves the risk that the Fund could lose more than its original investment and also increases the Fund’s exposure to volatility, interest rate risk and credit risk.


Nuveen Investments     19   

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund

Mutual fund investing involves risk; principal loss is possible. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Fund, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, non-diversification risk, call risk, tax risk, political and economic risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Credit risk refers to an issuer’s ability to make interest and principal payments when due. Below investment grade or high yield debt securities are subject to liquidity risk and heightened credit risk. The Fund’s use of derivative instruments may involve a small amount of cash investment relative to the total notional principal amount of the transaction, the magnitude of losses from derivatives may be greater than the amount originally invested. There can be no assurance that the Fund’s inflation hedging strategy will be successful or perform as expected.

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

Mutual fund investing involves risk; principal loss is possible. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Fund, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, call risk, tax risk, political and economic risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Credit risk refers to an issuers ability to make interest and principal payments when due.

The Fund concentrates in non-investment-grade and unrated bonds with shorter maturities and durations which carry heightened credit risk, liquidity risk, and potential for default. In addition, the Fund may engage in a moderate amount of portfolio leverage and in doing so, assumes a higher level of risk in pursuit of its objectives. Leverage involves the risk that the Fund could lose more than its original investment and also increases the Fund’s exposure to volatility, interest rate risk and credit risk.

Dividend Information

Each Fund seeks to pay dividends at a rate that reflects the past and projected performance of the Fund. To permit a Fund to maintain a more stable monthly dividend, the Fund may pay dividends at a rate that may be more or less than the amount of net investment income actually earned by the Fund during the period. If the Fund has cumulatively earned more than it has paid in dividends, it will hold the excess in reserve as undistributed net investment income (UNII) as part of the Fund’s net asset value. Conversely, if the Fund has cumulatively paid in dividends more than it has earned, the excess will constitute a negative UNII that will likewise be reflected in the Fund’s net asset value. Each Fund will, over time, pay all its net investment income as dividends to shareholders. As of April 30, 2013, all the Funds in this report had positive UNII balance for tax purposes. As of April 30, 2013, the Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund and Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund had negative UNII balances and the Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund and Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund had positive UNII balances for financial reporting purposes.


  20       Nuveen Investments

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios


The Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios for each Fund are shown on the following 14 pages.


Returns quoted represent past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that when shares are redeemed, they may be worth more or less than their original cost. Returns without sales charges would be lower if the sales charge were included. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Income is generally exempt from regular federal income taxes. Some income may be subject to state and local income taxes and to the federal alternative minimum tax. Capital gains, if any, are subject to tax.

Returns may reflect a contractual agreement between certain Funds and the investment adviser to waive certain fees and expenses; see Notes to Financial Statements, Footnote 7 — Management Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates for more information. In addition, returns may reflect a voluntary expense limitation by the Funds’ investment adviser that may be modified or discontinued at any time without notice. For the most recent month-end performance visit www.nuveen.com or call (800) 257-8787.

Returns reflect differences in sales charges and expenses, which are primarily differences in distribution and service fees. Fund returns assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gains.

Comparative index and Lipper return information is provided for the Funds’ Class A Shares at net asset value (NAV) only.

The expense ratios shown reflect the Funds’ total operating expenses (before fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any) as shown in the Funds’ most recent prospectus. The expense ratios include management fees and other fees and expenses.

Leverage is created whenever the Fund has investment exposure (both reward and/or risk) equivalent to more than 100% of the investment capital. The effective leverage ratio shown is the amount of investment exposure created either through borrowings or indirectly through inverse floaters, divided by the assets invested, including those assets that were purchased with the proceeds of the leverage, or referenced by the levered instrument.


Nuveen Investments     21   

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios (continued)


Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund


Refer to the first page of this Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios section for further explanation of the information included within this page.

Fund Performance

Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2013

     Average Annual  
      1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

     7.83%           7.46%           5.60%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

     3.29%           6.54%           5.15%   

S&P Municipal Bond Index*

     5.74%           6.08%           5.16%   

Lipper General Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average*

     6.17%           5.67%           4.39%   

Class B Shares w/o CDSC

     7.05%           6.64%           4.98%   

Class B Shares w/CDSC

     3.05%           6.49%           4.98%   

Class C Shares

     7.17%           6.87%           5.03%   

Class I Shares

     8.03%           7.64%           5.79%   

Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2013 (Most Recent Calendar Quarter)

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       8.04%           7.49%           5.57%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       3.52%           6.56%           5.12%   

Class B Shares w/o CDSC

       7.16%           6.67%           4.95%   

Class B Shares w/CDSC

       3.16%           6.52%           4.95%   

Class C Shares

       7.47%           6.90%           5.00%   

Class I Shares

       8.13%           7.67%           5.76%   

Class A Shares have a maximum 4.20% sales charge (Offering Price). Class A Share purchases of $1 million or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), also known as a back-end sales charge, if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. Class B Shares have a CDSC that begins at 5% for redemptions during the first year and declines periodically until after six years when the charge becomes 0%. Class B Shares automatically convert to Class A Shares eight years after purchase. Class C Shares have a 1% CDSC for redemptions within less than twelve months, which is not reflected in the one-year total return. Class I Shares have no sales charge and may be purchased under limited circumstances or by specified classes of investors.

Expense Ratios as of Most Recent Prospectus


Class A Shares


Class B Shares


Class C Shares


Class I Shares


Effective Leverage Ratio as of April 30, 2013


Effective Leverage Ratio



* Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for definitions. Indexes and Lipper averages are not available for direct investment.


  22       Nuveen Investments

Growth of an Assumed $10,000 Investment as of April 30, 2013 – Class A Shares



The graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder may pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


Nuveen Investments     23   

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios (continued)


Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund


Refer to the first page of this Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios section for further explanation of the information included within this page.

Fund Performance

Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2013

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       14.24%           5.17%           5.11%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       9.43%           4.27%           4.66%   

S&P Municipal Yield Index*

       11.18%           7.12%           N/A   

S&P Municipal Bond High Yield Index*

       13.04%           7.66%           7.33%   

Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average*

       9.60%           5.75%           4.95%   

Class B Shares w/o CDSC

       13.34%           4.38%           4.48%   

Class B Shares w/CDSC

       9.34%           4.22%           4.48%   

Class C Shares

       13.57%           4.58%           4.53%   

Class I Shares

       14.44%           5.36%           5.31%   

Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2013 (Most Recent Calendar Quarter)

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       14.82%           5.03%           5.04%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       9.99%           4.13%           4.59%   

Class B Shares w/o CDSC

       13.99%           4.25%           4.42%   

Class B Shares w/CDSC

       9.99%           4.09%           4.42%   

Class C Shares

       14.22%           4.45%           4.47%   

Class I Shares

       15.10%           5.22%           5.24%   

Class A Shares have a maximum 4.20% sales charge (Offering Price). Class A Share purchases of $1 million or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), also known as a back-end sales charge, if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. Class B Shares have a CDSC that begins at 5% for redemptions during the first year and declines periodically until after six years when the charge becomes 0%. Class B Shares automatically convert to Class A Shares eight years after purchase. Class C Shares have a 1% CDSC for redemptions within less than twelve months, which is not reflected in the one-year total return. Class I Shares have no sales charge and may be purchased under limited circumstances or by specified classes of investors.

Expense Ratios as of Most Recent Prospectus


Class A Shares


Class B Shares


Class C Shares


Class I Shares


Effective Leverage Ratio as of April 30, 2013


Effective Leverage Ratio



* Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in the Report for definitions. Indexes and Lipper averages are not available for direct investment.


  24       Nuveen Investments

Growth of an Assumed $10,000 Investment as of April 30, 2013 – Class A Shares


The graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder may pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


Nuveen Investments     25   

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios (continued)


Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund


Refer to the first page of this Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios section for further explanation of the information included within this page.

Fund Performance

Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2013

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        Since

Class A Shares at NAV

       5.39%           8.89%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       2.23%           7.35%   

Barclays 1-10 Year Municipal Bond Index**

       3.28%           5.37%   

Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average**

       3.98%           6.54%   

Class C Shares

       4.81%           8.28%   

Class I Shares

       5.65%           9.10%   

Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2013 (Most Recent Calendar Quarter)

     Average Annual  
      1-Year        Since

Class A Shares at NAV

     6.35%           9.16%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

     3.16%           7.57%   

Class C Shares

     5.77%           8.56%   

Class I Shares

     6.51%           9.38%   

Class A Shares have a maximum 3.00% sales charge (Offering Price). Class A Share purchases of $1 million or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), also known as a back-end sales charge, if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. Class C Shares have a 1% CDSC for redemptions within less than twelve months, which is not reflected in the one-year total return. Class I Shares have no sales charge and may be purchased under limited circumstances or by specified classes of investors.

Expense Ratios as of Most Recent Prospectus


Class A Shares

     1.45%           0.78%   

Class C Shares

     2.02%           1.33%   

Class I Shares

     1.21%           0.58%   

The Fund’s investment adviser has agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses through August 31, 2013 so that total annual Fund operating expenses (excluding 12b-1 distribution and service fees, interest expenses, taxes, fees incurred in acquiring and disposing of portfolio securities and extraordinary expenses) do not exceed 0.60% (1.05% after August 31, 2013) of the average daily net assets of any class of Fund shares. The expense limitation expiring August 31, 2013 may be terminated or modified prior to that date only with the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Fund. The expense limitation in effect thereafter may be terminated or modified only with the approval of shareholders of the Fund.

Effective Leverage Ratio as of April 30, 2013


Effective Leverage Ratio




* Since inception returns are from 3/08/11.


** Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in the Report for definitions. Indexes and Lipper averages are not available for direct investment.


  26       Nuveen Investments

Growth of an Assumed $10,000 Investment as of April 30, 2013 – Class A Shares



The graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder may pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


Nuveen Investments     27   

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios (continued)


Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund


Refer to the first page of this Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios section for further explanation of the information included within this page.

Fund Performance

Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2013

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       4.83%           5.18%           4.26%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       1.64%           4.55%           3.94%   

S&P Municipal Bond Intermediate Index*

       4.71%           6.25%           5.12%   

Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average*

       3.98%           4.97%           3.91%   

Class B Shares w/o CDSC

       4.19%           4.40%           3.64%   

Class B Shares w/CDSC

       0.19%           4.23%           3.64%   

Class C Shares

       4.39%           4.63%           3.69%   

Class I Shares

       5.13%           5.41%           4.47%   

Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2013 (Most Recent Calendar Quarter)

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       4.99%           5.11%           4.22%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       1.88%           4.47%           3.90%   

Class B Shares w/o CDSC

       4.24%           4.32%           3.59%   

Class B Shares w/CDSC

       0.24%           4.15%           3.59%   

Class C Shares

       4.33%           4.53%           3.65%   

Class I Shares

       5.18%           5.31%           4.42%   

Class A Shares have a maximum 3.00% sales charge (Offering Price). Class A Share purchases of $1 million or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), also known as a back-end sales charge, if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. Class B Shares have a CDSC that begins at 5% for redemptions during the first year and declines periodically until after six years when the charge becomes 0%. Class B Shares automatically convert to Class A Shares eight years after purchase. Class C Shares have a 1% CDSC for redemptions within less than twelve months, which is not reflected in the one-year total return. Class I Shares have no sales charge and may be purchased under limited circumstances or by specified classes of investors.

Expense Ratios as of Most Recent Prospectus


Class A Shares


Class B Shares


Class C Shares


Class I Shares


Effective Leverage Ratio as of April 30, 2013


Effective Leverage Ratio



* Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in the Report for definitions. Indexes and Lipper averages are not available for direct investment.


  28       Nuveen Investments

Growth of an Assumed $10,000 Investment as of April 30, 2013 – Class A Shares



The graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder may pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


Nuveen Investments     29   

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios (continued)


Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund


Refer to the first page of this Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios section for further explanation of the information included within this page.

Fund Performance

Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2013

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       2.79%           4.08%           3.53%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       0.20%           3.56%           3.27%   

S&P Municipal Bond Short-Intermediate Index*

       2.64%           4.43%           3.94%   

Lipper Short-Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average*

       2.22%           3.53%           3.28%   

Class C Shares

       2.51%           3.72%           3.17%   

Class I Shares

       3.07%           4.28%           3.73%   

Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2013 (Most Recent Calendar Quarter)

       Average Annual  
        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       2.94%           4.00%           3.52%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       0.33%           3.48%           3.25%   

Class C Shares

       2.57%           3.64%           3.16%   

Class I Shares

       3.21%           4.22%           3.73%   

Class A Shares have a maximum 2.50% sales charge (Offering Price). Class A Share purchases of $250,000 or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), also known as a back-end sales charge, if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. Class C Shares have a 1% CDSC for redemptions within less than twelve months, which is not reflected in the one-year total return. Class I Shares have no sales charge and may be purchased under limited circumstances or by specified classes of investors.

Expense Ratios as of Most Recent Prospectus


Class A Shares


Class C Shares


Class I Shares


Effective Leverage Ratio as of April 30, 2013


Effective Leverage Ratio



* Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in the Report for definitions. Indexes and Lipper averages are not available for direct investment.


  30       Nuveen Investments

Growth of an Assumed $10,000 Investment as of April 30, 2013 – Class A Shares



The graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder may pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


Nuveen Investments     31   

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios (continued)


Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund


Refer to the first page of this Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios section for further explanation of the information included within this page.

Fund Performance

Cumulative Total Returns as of April 30, 2013


Class A Shares at NAV


Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price


S&P Municipal Bond Short-Intermediate Index**


Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average**


Class C Shares


Class I Shares


Cumulative Total Returns as of March 31, 2013 (Most Recent Calendar Quarter)


Class A Shares at NAV


Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price


Class C Shares


Class I Shares


Class A Shares have a maximum 2.50% sales charge (Offering Price). Class A Share purchases of $250,000 or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), also known as a back-end sales charge, if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. Class C Shares have a 1% CDSC for redemptions within less than twelve months, which is not reflected in the one-year total return. Class I Shares have no sales charge and may be purchased under limited circumstances or by specified classes of investors.

Expense Ratios as of Most Recent Prospectus


Class A Shares

     1.05%           0.85%   

Class C Shares

     1.60%           1.40%   

Class I Shares

     0.85%           0.65%   

The Fund’s investment adviser has agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses through April 30, 2016 so that total annual Fund operating expenses (excluding 12b-1 distribution and/or service fees, interest expenses, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, fees incurred in acquiring and disposing of portfolio securities and extraordinary expenses) do not exceed 0.65% of the average daily net assets of any class of Fund shares. The expense limitation expiring April 30, 2016 may be terminated or modified prior to that date only with the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Fund.

Effective Leverage Ratio as of April 30, 2013


Effective Leverage Ratio



* Since inception returns are from 2/01/13.


** Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in the Report for definitions. Indexes and Lipper averages are not available for direct investment.


  32       Nuveen Investments

Growth of an Assumed $10,000 Investment as of April 30, 2013 – Class A Shares



The graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder may pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


Nuveen Investments     33   

Fund Performance, Expense and Effective Leverage Ratios (continued)


Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund


Refer to the first page of this Fund Performance and Expense Ratios section for further explanation of the information included within this page.

Fund Performance

Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2013



Average Annual


        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       1.88%           2.78%           2.53%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       -0.66%           2.27%           2.27%   

S&P Municipal Bond Short Index**

       1.27%           2.81%           2.88%   

Barclays 3-Year Municipal Bond Index**

       1.54%           5.39%           3.12%   

Lipper Short Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average**

       1.14%           2.03%           2.10%   

Class I Shares

       2.06%           2.95%           2.69%   
        1-Year                  Since

Class C Shares

       1.42%                      1.82%   

Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2013 (Most Recent Calendar Quarter)



Average Annual


        1-Year        5-Year        10-Year  

Class A Shares at NAV

       2.13%           2.77%           2.55%   

Class A Shares at maximum Offering Price

       -0.42%           2.26%           2.29%   

Class I Shares

       2.31%           2.94%           2.71%   
        1-Year                  Since

Class C Shares

       1.67%                      1.86%   

Class A Shares have a maximum 2.50% sales charge (Offering Price). Class A Share purchases of $250,000 or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), also known as a back-end sales charge, if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. Class C Shares have a 1% CDSC for redemptions within less than twelve months, which is not reflected in the one-year total return. Class I Shares have no sales charge and may be purchased under limited circumstances or by specified classes of investors.

Expense Ratios as of Most Recent Prospectus


Class A Shares


Class C Shares


Class I Shares


Effective Leverage Ratio as of April 30, 2013


Effective Leverage Ratio



* Since inception returns for C Shares are from 8/31/11.


** Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for definitions. Indexes and Lipper averages are not available for direct investment.


  34       Nuveen Investments

Growth of an Assumed $10,000 Investment as of April 30, 2013 – Class A Shares



The graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder may pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


Nuveen Investments     35   

Yields as of April 30, 2013


Dividend Yield is the most recent dividend per share (annualized) divided by the offering price per share.

The SEC 30-Day Yield is a standardized measure of a Fund’s yield that accounts for the future amortization of premiums or discounts of bonds held in the Fund’s portfolio. The SEC 30-Day Yield is computed under an SEC standardized formula and is based on the maximum offer price per share. Dividend Yield may differ from the SEC 30-Day Yield because the Fund may be paying out more or less than it is earning and it may not include the effect of amortization of bond premium.

The Taxable-Equivalent Yield represents the yield that must be earned on a fully taxable investment in order to equal the yield of the Fund on an after-tax basis at a specified tax rate. With respect to investments that generate qualified dividend income that is taxable at a maximum rate of 15%, the Taxable-Equivalent Yield is lower.

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund


       SEC 30-Day

Class A Shares2

     3.76%           2.40%           3.33%   

Class B Shares

     3.21%           1.76%           2.44%   

Class C Shares

     3.37%           1.96%           2.72%   

Class I Shares

     4.12%           2.70%           3.75%   

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund


       SEC 30-Day

Class A Shares2

     5.48%           4.49%           6.24%   

Class B Shares

     4.97%           3.94%           5.47%   

Class C Shares

     5.18%           4.14%           5.75%   

Class I Shares

     5.89%           4.89%           6.79%   

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund


       SEC 30-Day

Class A Shares2

     2.01%           1.69%           2.35%   

Class C Shares

     1.49%           1.19%           1.65%   

Class I Shares

     2.23%           1.93%           2.68%   

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund


       SEC 30-Day

Class A Shares2

     3.10%           1.30%           1.81%   

Class B Shares

     2.49%           0.59%           0.82%   

Class C Shares

     2.68%           0.79%           1.10%   

Class I Shares

     3.38%           1.53%           2.13%   


1 TheTaxable-Equivalent Yield is based on the Fund’s SEC 30-Day Yield on the indicated date and a federal income tax rate of 28.0%.


2 The SEC Yield for Class A shares quoted in the table reflects the maximum sales load. Investors paying a reduced load because of volume discounts, investors paying no load because they qualify for one of the several exclusions from the load, and existing shareholders who previously paid a load but would like to know the SEC Yield applicable to their shares on a going-forward basis, should understand that the SEC Yield effectively applicable to them would be higher than the figure quoted in the table.


  36       Nuveen Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund


       SEC 30-Day

Class A Shares2

     1.87%           0.61%           0.85%   

Class C Shares

     1.55%           0.28%           0.39%   

Class I Shares

     2.09%           0.83%           1.15%   

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund


       SEC 30-Day

Class A Shares2

       3.01%           2.43%           3.38%   

Class C Shares

       2.55%           1.98%           2.75%   

Class I Shares

       3.26%           2.77%           3.85%   

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund


       SEC 30-Day

Class A Shares2

     1.43%           0.25%           0.35%   

Class C Shares

     1.12%           -0.10%           -0.14%   

Class I Shares

     1.65%           0.45%           0.61%   


1 TheTaxable-Equivalent Yield is based on the Fund’s SEC 30-Day Yield on the indicated date and a federal income tax rate of 28.0%.


2 The SEC Yield for Class A shares quoted in the table reflects the maximum sales load. Investors paying a reduced load because of volume discounts, investors paying no load because they qualify for one of the several exclusions from the load, and existing shareholders who previously paid a load but would like to know the SEC Yield applicable to their shares on a going-forward basis, should understand that the SEC Yield effectively applicable to them would be higher than the figure quoted in the table.


Nuveen Investments     37   

Holding Summaries as of April 30, 2013


This data relates to the securities held in each Fund’s portfolio of investments. It should not be construed as a measure of performance for the Fund itself.

Ratings shown are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund


Bond Credit Quality1,2,3,4       
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed      11.2%   
AA      26.5%   
A      28.0%   
BBB      22.6%   
BB or Lower      3.6%   
N/R      6.3%   

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund


Bond Credit Quality1,2,3,4       
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed      1.3%   
AA      18.1%   
A      13.3%   
BBB      15.3%   
BB or Lower      18.9%   
N/R      30.8%   
Portfolio Composition1,5       
Tax Obligation/Limited      21.4%   
Health Care      17.2%   
Transportation      12.4%   
Tax Obligation/General      10.9%   
Education and Civic Organizations      9.6%   
Utilities      9.0%   
Water and Sewer      5.0%   
Other      14.5%   


Portfolio Composition1,6       
Tax Obligation/Limited      25.5%   
Health Care      15.1%   
Transportation      11.8%   
Education and Civic Organizations      10.3%   
Consumer Staples      5.8%   
Utilities      5.5%   
Long-Term Care      5.2%   
Consumer Discretionary      5.0%   
Industrials      4.7%   
Other      11.1%   
States/U.S. Territories1,5       
California      11.8%   
Texas      9.5%   
Florida      8.7%   
Illinois      7.6%   
New York      4.5%   
Pennsylvania      4.1%   
Colorado      3.6%   
Arizona      3.3%   
Ohio      3.1%   
Wisconsin      3.1%   
Georgia      2.9%   
Indiana      2.9%   
Puerto Rico      2.6%   
Washington      2.6%   
Michigan      2.3%   
New Jersey      2.3%   
Kansas      2.1%   
Louisiana      1.9%   
Missouri      1.7%   
Other      19.4%   


States/U.S. Territories1,7       
California      17.9%   
Florida      11.0%   
Illinois      7.8%   
Texas      7.5%   
Colorado      6.3%   
Arizona      4.1%   
Michigan      3.6%   
Ohio      3.3%   
New York      3.0%   
Pennsylvania      2.7%   
New Jersey      2.6%   
Indiana      2.4%   
Alabama      2.0%   
Washington      1.9%   
Georgia      1.7%   
Virginia      1.6%   
Iowa      1.5%   
Other      19.1%   
1 Holdings are subject to change.


2 Ratings shown are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.


3 Percentages may not add to 100% due to the exclusion of Other Assets Less Liabilities from the table.


4 As a percentage of total investment exposure.


5 As a percentage of total investments.


6 As a percentage of total investments (excluding investments in derivatives).


7 As a percentage of total municipal bonds and Las Vegas Monorail Company Corporate Bonds.


  38       Nuveen Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund


Bond Credit Quality1,2,3,4       
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed      2.6%   
AA      31.0%   
A      28.9%   
BBB      24.1%   
BB or Lower      4.5%   
N/R      5.2%   
Portfolio Composition1,5       
Tax Obligation/Limited      23.6%   
Transportation      15.1%   
Tax Obligation/General      14.3%   
Education and Civic Organizations      12.8%   
Utilities      12.2%   
Health Care      10.2%   
Water and Sewer      5.5%   
Other      6.3%   
States/U.S. Territories1,5       
Florida      8.1%   
Illinois      7.0%   
California      6.5%   
Pennsylvania      6.2%   
Colorado      6.1%   
Texas      5.8%   
Ohio      5.6%   
North Carolina      5.1%   
Michigan      4.7%   
Kansas      4.4%   
New York      4.1%   
Louisiana      3.9%   
Indiana      3.8%   
Arizona      3.0%   
New Jersey      2.8%   
Georgia      2.1%   
Washington      2.1%   
Other      18.7%   

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund


Bond Credit Quality1,2,3,4       
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed      15.3%   
AA      33.4%   
A      32.5%   
BBB      11.6%   
BB or Lower      3.5%   
N/R      2.0%   
Portfolio Composition1,6       
Tax Obligation/Limited      27.7%   
Tax Obligation/General      19.6%   
Health Care      14.9%   
Utilities      9.7%   
Transportation      7.5%   
U.S. Guaranteed      6.4%   
Other      14.2%   
States/U.S. Territories1,6       
Illinois      8.6%   
Texas      8.3%   
California      7.9%   
Florida      6.1%   
New Jersey      6.0%   
New York      6.0%   
Michigan      4.9%   
Arizona      4.3%   
Pennsylvania      4.0%   
Colorado      3.4%   
Louisiana      3.0%   
Ohio      3.0%   
Massachusetts      2.9%   
Missouri      2.6%   
Wisconsin      2.3%   
Washington      2.1%   
Tennessee      2.1%   
Nevada      2.0%   
North Carolina      1.4%   
Other      19.1%   
1 Holdings are subject to change.


2 Ratings shown are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.


3 Percentages may not add to 100% due to the exclusion of Other Assets Less Liabilities from the table.


4 As a percentage of total investment exposure.


5 As a percentage of total investments (excluding investments in derivatives).


6 As a percentage of total investments.


Nuveen Investments     39   

Holding Summaries as of April 30, 2013 (continued)


Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund


Bond Credit Quality1,2,3,4       
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed      22.6%   
AA      38.2%   
A      26.4%   
BBB      8.5%   
BB or Lower      1.6%   
N/R      1.2%   


Portfolio Composition1,5       
Tax Obligation/Limited      26.8%   
Tax Obligation/General      23.1%   
Utilities      11.2%   
Health Care      10.0%   
Education and Civic Organizations      6.3%   
Transportation      6.1%   
U.S. Guaranteed      5.9%   
Other      10.6%   



States/U.S. Territories1,5

New York      9.6%   
Illinois      8.2%   
New Jersey      6.5%   
Pennsylvania      6.4%   
Florida      5.9%   
Texas      5.9%   
California      5.1%   
Michigan      4.7%   
Arizona      4.1%   
Ohio      3.9%   
Washington      3.4%   
Georgia      3.1%   
Indiana      2.6%   
Massachusetts      2.3%   
Colorado      2.2%   
Louisiana      1.9%   
Missouri      1.8%   
Maryland      1.8%   
Tennessee      1.6%   
Other      19.0%   

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

Bond Credit Quality1,2,3,4       
AA      4.1%   
A      17.8%   
BBB      26.1%   
BB or Lower      18.6%   
N/R      13.7%   
Portfolio Composition1,5       
Tax Obligation/Limited      19.5%   
Education and Civic Organizations      11.2%   
Transportation      10.9%   
Tax Obligation/General      10.7%   
Health Care      10.6%   
Consumer Staples      9.0%   
Utilities      8.2%   
Long-Term Care      7.0%   
Industrials      5.0%   
Other      7.9%   
States/U.S. Territories1,5       
California      13.6%   
Florida      9.3%   
Texas      7.8%   
Ohio      6.5%   
New York      5.7%   
Michigan      5.0%   
Puerto Rico      4.9%   
Arizona      3.7%   
New Jersey      3.6%   
Pennsylvania      3.4%   
Illinois      3.3%   
Guam      3.1%   
Colorado      3.0%   
Missouri      2.8%   
Indiana      2.8%   
Massachusetts      2.6%   
Other      18.9%   


1 Holdings are subject to change.


2 Ratings shown are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.


3 Percentages may not add to 100% due to the exclusion of Other Assets Less Liabilities from the table.


4 As a percentage of total investment exposure.


5 As a percentage of total investments.


  40       Nuveen Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund


Bond Credit Quality1,2,3       
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed      4.4%   
AA      23.8%   
A      40.7%   
BBB      26.2%   
BB or Lower      0.4%   
N/R      4.5%   


Portfolio Composition1,4       
Education and Civic Organizations      19.1%   
Health Care      18.7%   
Tax Obligation/Limited      18.1%   
Tax Obligation/General      13.7%   
Transportation      9.0%   
Utilities      7.2%   
Other      14.2%   


States/U.S. Territories1,4       
Florida      8.3%   
Pennsylvania      7.0%   
California      6.6%   
Arizona      5.9%   
Illinois      5.6%   
New York      5.2%   
Colorado      5.1%   
Missouri      5.0%   
Minnesota      4.7%   
Texas      4.6%   
New Jersey      4.6%   
Virginia      3.7%   
Michigan      3.3%   
Iowa      2.7%   
Ohio      2.3%   
Georgia      1.9%   
Virgin Islands      1.8%   
Oregon      1.8%   
Other      19.9%   
1 Holdings are subject to change.


2 Ratings shown are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.


3 As a percentage of total investment exposure (excluding money market funds).


4 Percentages may not add to 100% due to the exclusion of Other Assets Less Liabilities from the table.


5 As a percentage of total investments (excluding money market funds).


Nuveen Investments     41   

Expense Examples


As a shareholder of one or more of the Funds, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including up-front and back-end sales charges (loads) or redemption fees, where applicable; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees, where applicable; and other Fund expenses. The Examples below are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. Since the expense examples for Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund reflect only the first 89 days of the Fund’s operations they may not provide a meaningful understanding of the Funds ongoing expense.

The Examples below are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held through the end of the period.

The information under “Actual Performance,” together with the amount you invested, allows you to estimate actual expenses incurred over the reporting period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.60) and multiply the result by the cost shown for your share class, in the row entitled “Expenses Incurred During Period” to estimate the expenses incurred on your account during this period.

The information under “Hypothetical Performance,” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the respective Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expense you incurred for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. Therefore, the hypothetical information is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds or share classes. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund


                                Hypothetical Performance  
    Actual Performance         (5% annualized return before expenses)  
     A Shares     B Shares     C Shares     I Shares          A Shares     B Shares     C Shares     I Shares  
Beginning Account Value (11/01/12)   $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00          $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00   
Ending Account Value (4/30/13)   $ 1,024.30      $ 1,020.70      $ 1,020.70      $ 1,025.30          $ 1,021.27      $ 1,017.55      $ 1,018.55      $ 1,022.27   
Expenses Incurred During Period   $ 3.56      $ 7.31      $ 6.31      $ 2.56          $ 3.56      $ 7.30      $ 6.31      $ 2.56   

For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized net expense ratio of .71%, 1.46%, 1.26% and .51% for Classes A, B, C and I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund


                                Hypothetical Performance  
    Actual Performance         (5% annualized return before expenses)  
     A Shares     B Shares     C Shares     I Shares          A Shares     B Shares     C Shares     I Shares  
Beginning Account Value (11/01/12)   $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00          $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00   
Ending Account Value (4/30/13)   $ 1,052.90      $ 1,049.00      $ 1,050.10      $ 1,053.80          $ 1,020.68      $ 1,016.96      $ 1,017.95      $ 1,021.67   
Expenses Incurred During Period   $ 4.22      $ 8.03      $ 7.01      $ 3.21          $ 4.16      $ 7.90      $ 6.90      $ 3.16   

For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized net expense ratio of .83%, 1.58%, 1.38% and .63% for Classes A, B, C and I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund


                          Hypothetical Performance  
    Actual Performance         (5% annualized return before expenses)  
     A Shares     C Shares     I Shares          A Shares     C Shares     I Shares  
Beginning Account Value (11/01/12)   $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00          $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00   
Ending Account Value (4/30/13)   $ 1,008.40      $ 1,005.50      $ 1,009.20          $ 1,020.98      $ 1,018.25      $ 1,021.97   
Expenses Incurred During Period   $ 3.83      $ 6.56      $ 2.84          $ 3.86      $ 6.61      $ 2.86   

For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized net expense ratio of .77%, 1.32% and .57% for Classes A, C and I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).



  42       Nuveen Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund


                                Hypothetical Performance  
    Actual Performance         (5% annualized return before expenses)  
     A Shares     B Shares     C Shares     I Shares          A Shares     B Shares     C Shares     I Shares  
Beginning Account Value (11/01/12)   $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00          $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00   
Ending Account Value (4/30/13)   $ 1,017.40      $ 1,014.90      $ 1,015.90      $ 1,019.40          $ 1,021.32      $ 1,017.60      $ 1,018.65      $ 1,022.32   
Expenses Incurred During Period   $ 3.50      $ 7.24      $ 6.20      $ 2.50          $ 3.51      $ 7.25      $ 6.21      $ 2.51   

For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized net expense ratio of .70%, 1.45%, 1.24% and .50% for Classes A, B, C and I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund


                          Hypothetical Performance  
    Actual Performance         (5% annualized return before expenses)  
     A Shares     C Shares     I Shares          A Shares     C Shares     I Shares  
Beginning Account Value (11/01/12)   $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00          $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00   
Ending Account Value (4/30/13)   $ 1,010.90      $ 1,010.00      $ 1,011.80          $ 1,021.57      $ 1,019.84      $ 1,022.56   
Expenses Incurred During Period   $ 3.24      $ 4.98      $ 2.24          $ 3.26      $ 5.01      $ 2.26   

For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized net expense ratio of .65%, 1.00% and .45% for Classes A, C and I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund


                          Hypothetical Performance  
    Actual Performance         (5% annualized return before expenses)  
     A Shares     C Shares     I Shares          A Shares     C Shares     I Shares  
Beginning Account Value (2/01/13)   $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00          $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00   
Ending Account Value (4/30/13)   $ 1,017.20      $ 1,016.30      $ 1,017.50          $ 1,010.19      $ 1,008.85      $ 1,010.68   
Expenses Incurred During Period   $ 2.02      $ 3.37      $ 1.53          $ 2.01      $ 3.36      $ 1.52   

For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized net expense ratio of .82%, 1.37% and .62% for Classes A, C and I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 89/365 (to reflect the 89 days in the period since the Fund’s commencement of operations).

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund


                          Hypothetical Performance  
    Actual Performance         (5% annualized return before expenses)  
     A Shares     C Shares     I Shares          A Shares     C Shares     I Shares  
Beginning Account Value (11/01/12)   $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00          $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00      $ 1,000.00   
Ending Account Value (4/30/13)   $ 1,008.00      $ 1,005.20      $ 1,008.90          $ 1,021.12      $ 1,019.39      $ 1,022.12   
Expenses Incurred During Period   $ 3.68      $ 5.42      $ 2.69          $ 3.71      $ 5.46      $ 2.71   

For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized net expense ratio of .74%, 1.09% and .54% for Classes A, C and I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).


Nuveen Investments     43   

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees/Directors and Shareholders of

Nuveen Municipal Trust and Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.:

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, and the related statements of operations, of changes in net assets, and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund, Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund, (each a series of the Nuveen Municipal Trust, collectively “Nuveen Municipal Trust”) and the Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund, (a series of the Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.), (Nuveen Municipal Trust and Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund collectively, the “Funds”) at April 30, 2013, the results of each of their operations, the changes in each of their net assets and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented for each series of Nuveen Municipal Trust, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets and financial highlights for each of the two years in the period then ended for the Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as “financial statements”) are the responsibility of the Funds’ management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at April 30, 2013 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. The financial statements of the Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund for the periods ended April 30, 2011 and prior were audited by other independent auditors whose report dated June 24, 2011 expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements.


Chicago, IL

June 27, 2013


  44       Nuveen Investments

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)         Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  



Alabama – 1.1%

$ 6,165     

Birmingham Special Care Facilities Financing Authority, Alabama, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health System Inc., Series 2005A, 5.000%, 11/15/30

       11/15 at 100.00           Baa2         $ 6,411,538   

Camden Industrial Development Board, Alabama, Exempt Facilities Revenue Bonds, Weyerhaeuser Company Project, Series 2003B, 6.375%, 12/01/24 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       12/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           362,649   

Courtland Industrial Development Board, Alabama, Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company Project, Series 2005A, 5.200%, 6/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       6/15 at 100.00           BBB           2,892,478   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Education Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A:


5.250%, 1/01/14

       No Opt. Call           B           1,001,000   

5.250%, 1/01/15

       1/14 at 100.00           B           5,169,132   

5.500%, 1/01/21 – AGM Insured

       1/14 at 100.00           AA–           1,005,370   

5.500%, 1/01/22

       1/14 at 100.00           B           1,001,640   

Pell City, Alabama, Special Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Noland Health Services, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 12/01/34
(Pre-refunded 12/01/17)

       12/17 at 100.00           Aaa           2,404,380   

Sheffield, Alabama, Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.500%, 7/01/29 (Pre-refunded 7/01/13) – AMBAC Insured

       7/13 at 100.00           Aa3 (4)           1,579,007   

Sheffield, Alabama, Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.500%, 7/01/29 – AMBAC Insured

       1/14 at 100.00           Aa3           436,657   

Walker County, Alabama, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002, 0.000%, 2/01/32 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 66.83           A           9,960,374   

Total Alabama


Alaska – 0.2%


Alaska State, International Airport System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 10/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       10/20 at 100.00           Aa3           5,597,100   

Northern Tobacco Securitization Corporation, Alaska, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 6/01/32

         6/14 at 100.00           B+           1,871,420   

Total Alaska


Arizona – 3.2%


Apache County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, Series 20102A, 4.500%, 3/01/30

       3/22 at 100.00           BBB           4,745,286   

Arizona Board of Regents, Certificates of Participation, Northern Arizona University Research Projects, Series 2005, 5.000%, 9/01/23 (Pre-refunded 9/01/15) – AMBAC Insured

       9/15 at 100.00           A (4)           154,778   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 2/01/30

       2/22 at 100.00           BBB+           7,124,000   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, American Baptist Estates – Terraces Project, Series 2003A, 7.500%, 11/15/23 (Pre-refunded 11/15/13)

       11/13 at 101.00           AAA           2,864,375   

Arizona School Facilities Board, Certificates of Participation, Series 2008, 5.250%, 9/01/23

       9/18 at 100.00           A+           577,865   

Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority, Senior Revenue Refunding Bonds, Multipurpose Stadium Facility Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/36

       7/22 at 100.00           A1           5,922,359   

Arizona State University Nanotechnology LLC Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, Arizona State University Project, Series 2006, 5.000%, 3/01/34 – AGC Insured

       3/19 at 100.00           AA–           220,304   

Cottonwood, Arizona, Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 7/01/17 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

       7/16 at 100.00           A           275,348   

Gila County Unified School District 10 Payson, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Project of 2006, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 7/01/22 – AMBAC Insured

       7/17 at 100.00           Aa3           7,627,086   


Nuveen Investments     45   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)

$ 500     

Gilbert, Arizona, Public Facilities Municipal Property Corporation, Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 5.500%, 7/01/27

         7/19 at 100.00           AA         $ 577,055   

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, John C. Lincoln Health Network, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/42

         12/17 at 100.00           BBB+           3,570,116   

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Midwestern University, Refunding Series 2007, 5.000%, 5/15/31

         5/22 at 100.00           A–           660,004   

Greater Arizona Development Authority, Infrastructure Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.250%, 8/01/26

         8/14 at 100.00           A1           787,335   

Greater Arizona Development Authority, Infrastructure Revenue Bonds, Series 2006-1, 4.500%, 8/01/25 – NPFG Insured

         8/16 at 100.00           AA–           810,983   

Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Catholic Healthcare West, Series 2004A, 5.375%, 7/01/23

         7/14 at 100.00           A           524,610   

Maricopa County, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Sun Health Corporation, Series 2005, 5.000%, 4/01/25 (Pre-refunded 4/01/24)

         4/24 at 100.00           N/R (4)           276,476   

Northern Arizona University, System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/36

         6/21 at 100.00           A+           836,160   

Peoria Municipal Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           339,531   

Peoria, Arizona, Improvement District 601, Improvement Bonds, Series 2007, 4.250%, 1/01/22

         1/18 at 101.00           AA           518,628   

Phoenix Civic Improvement Corporation, Arizona, Junior Lien Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/31

         7/20 at 100.00           A+           4,516,600   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, Choice Academies Charter Schools Project, Series 2012, 4.875%, 9/01/22

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,018,720   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Great Hearts Academies – Veritas Project, Series 2012, 6.400%, 7/01/47

         7/21 at 100.00           BB           1,075,380   

Phoenix, Arizona, Civic Improvement Revenue Bonds, Civic Plaza, Series 2005B:


0.000%, 7/01/31 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,067,054   

0.000%, 7/01/39 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           7,539,240   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Edkey Charter Schools Project, Series 2013:


6.000%, 7/01/33

         7/20 at 102.00           BB+           2,222,336   

6.000%, 7/01/43

         7/20 at 102.00           BB+           2,031,260   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Paradise Education Center Project, Series 2010, 6.000%, 6/01/40

         6/19 at 100.00           BBB–           861,201   

Pima County Unified School District 1, Tucson, Arizona, School Improvement Bonds, Series 2007C, 5.000%, 7/01/27 – FGIC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Aa2           821,695   

Pima County Unified School District 1, Tucson, Arizona, School Improvement Bonds, Series 2007C, 5.000%, 7/01/27 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) – FGIC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           318,603   

Pinal County Electrical District 3, Arizona, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.250%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           A           4,173,275   

Pinal County Unified School District 1 Florence, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 7/01/27 – FGIC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           A           1,125,610   

Queen Creek, Arizona, Improvement District 1 Improvement Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/20

         1/14 at 100.00           A3           302,376   


  46       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)


Salt Verde Financial Corporation, Arizona, Senior Gas Revenue Bonds, Citigroup Energy Inc Prepay Contract Obligations, Series 2007:

$ 1,500     

5.250%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A–         $ 1,750,590   

5.250%, 12/01/28

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,178,360   

5.000%, 12/01/37

         No Opt. Call           A–           11,515,363   

Scottsdale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Scottsdale Healthcare, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 9/01/22

         9/18 at 100.00           A2           1,098,670   

Scottsdale Municipal Property Corporation, Arizona, Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C, 0.000%, 7/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           AAA           552,305   

Scottsdale Municipal Property Corporation, Arizona, Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         7/18 at 100.00           AAA           5,110,937   

Tempe Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Tempe Project, Refunding Series 2012A:


6.000%, 12/01/27

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,646,471   

6.000%, 12/01/32

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           467,831   

6.250%, 12/01/42

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           1,202,608   

Tempe Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Senior Living Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Tempe Project, Refunding Series 2004A, 5.375%, 12/01/13 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           422,839   

Tucson, Arizona, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1998, 5.500%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           305,765   

University Medical Center Corporation, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2004, 5.000%, 7/01/24

         7/14 at 100.00           BBB+           462,794   

University Medical Center Corporation, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 7/01/16

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB+           164,229   

University Medical Center Corporation, Tucson, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 6.000%, 7/01/39

         7/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,157,390   

Watson Road Community Facilities District, Arizona, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 6.000%, 7/01/30

         7/16 at 100.00           N/R           978,007   

Yavapai County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Yavapai Regional Medical Center, Series 2003A:


5.250%, 8/01/21 – RAAI Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB+           379,470   

6.000%, 8/01/33

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB+           101,258   

Yavapai County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Series 2003A-1, 4.900%, 3/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         3/16 at 101.00           BBB           430,984   

Yuma, Arizona, Improvement District 68 Improvement Bonds, Series 2006, 4.700%, 1/01/21

           1/17 at 101.00           A+           393,368   

Total Arizona


Arkansas – 0.1%


Benton County Public Facilities Board, Arkansas, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, BCCSO Project, Series 2010A:


5.750%, 6/01/30

         6/20 at 100.00           BBB           562,865   

6.000%, 6/01/40

         6/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,145,870   

Conway Health Facilities Board, Arkansas, Hospital Revenue Bond, Conway Regional Medical Center, Improvement Series 2012, 4.100%, 8/01/27

         8/22 at 100.00           BBB+           520,595   

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Revenue Bonds, Medical Sciences Campus, Series 2004B, 5.000%, 11/01/26 – NPFG Insured

           11/14 at 100.00           Aa2           2,123,620   

Total Arkansas


California – 11.6%


Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2004A, 0.000%, 10/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,893,216   

Bay Area Toll Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge, Tender Option Bond Trust 2985, 17.305%, 4/01/34 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           1,523,290   


Nuveen Investments     47   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


California Department of Water Resources, Water System Revenue Bonds, Central Valley Project, Series 2005AC:

$ 10     

5.000%, 12/01/27 (Pre-refunded 12/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           AAA         $ 10,736   

5.000%, 12/01/27 (Pre-refunded 12/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           59,047   

5.000%, 12/01/27 (Pre-refunded 12/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           AAA           1,003,807   

California Department of Water Resources, Water System Revenue Bonds, Central Valley Project, Series 2008AE, 5.000%, 12/01/21

         6/18 at 100.00           AAA           2,391,820   

California Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of the Pacific, Series 2006, 5.000%, 11/01/30

         11/15 at 100.00           A2           1,079,960   

California Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Woodbury University, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/36

         1/15 at 100.00           Baa3           1,074,084   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Series 2005, 5.000%, 11/15/27

         11/15 at 100.00           A+           1,081,360   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kaiser Permanente System, Series 2006, 5.000%, 4/01/37

         4/16 at 100.00           A+           4,665,851   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 8/15/51

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           2,248,780   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Providence Health & Services, Series 2009B, 5.500%, 10/01/39

         10/19 at 100.00           AA           6,007,086   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, Caritas Projects Series 2010A, 6.400%, 8/15/45

         8/20 at 100.00           BBB           3,870,681   

California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Series 2005C, 5.125%, 11/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/15 at 101.00           BBB           15,635,060   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Department of General Services, Series 2002B, 5.000%, 3/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A2           5,014,750   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Judicial Council of California, Various Projects Series 2011D, 5.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,231,120   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Various Capital Projects, Series 2010A-1, 5.750%, 3/01/30

         3/20 at 100.00           A2           1,183,360   

California State University, Systemwide Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 11/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           Aa2           2,450,970   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 6/01/31 – AMBAC Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           A1           4,763,790   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3162, 19.050%, 3/01/18 – AGM Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,185,352   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2008, 5.000%, 4/01/38

         4/18 at 100.00           A1           9,271,057   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2010, 5.250%, 3/01/30

         3/20 at 100.00           A1           1,646,750   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2013, 5.000%, 4/01/43

         4/23 at 100.00           A1           11,296,900   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, American Baptist Homes of the West, Series 2010, 5.750%, 10/01/25

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB+           1,956,978   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Catholic Healthcare West, Series 2008E, 5.500%, 7/01/31

         7/17 at 100.00           A           956,760   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/15/47

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB+           2,092,900   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Daughters of Charity Health System, Series 2005A:


5.250%, 7/01/30

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB–           868,742   

5.250%, 7/01/35

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB–           5,553,552   

5.000%, 7/01/39

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB–           2,075,000   


  48       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,000     

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, St. Joseph Health System, Series 2007A, 5.750%, 7/01/47 – FGIC Insured

         7/18 at 100.00           AA–         $ 1,156,930   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, St. Joseph Health System, Series 2007B, 5.450%, 7/01/26 – FGIC Insured

         7/18 at 100.00           AA–           1,232,805   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, St. Joseph Health System, Series 2007C, 5.450%, 7/01/26 – FGIC Insured

         7/18 at 100.00           AA–           1,232,805   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 3048, 18.516%, 11/15/46 (IF)

         11/16 at 100.00           AA–           973,701   

Chino Hill, California, Community Facilities District 10 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2010, 5.000%, 9/01/30 – AGM Insured

         9/20 at 100.00           AA–           552,045   

Chino Public Financing Authority, California, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012:


4.000%, 9/01/20

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,829,599   

4.000%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,693,511   

5.000%, 9/01/23

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,160,232   

5.000%, 9/01/24

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,203,817   

5.000%, 9/01/25

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           847,525   

5.000%, 9/01/34

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           812,432   

Contra Costa Home Mortgage Finance Authority, California, Home Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1984, 0.000%, 9/01/17 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           3,355,304   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Joseph Health System, Trust 2554, 18.068%, 7/01/47 – AGM Insured (IF)

         7/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,457,630   

Davis Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Davis Redevelopment Project, Subordinate Series 2011A, 7.000%, 12/01/36

         12/21 at 100.00           A+           502,528   

Elk Grove Community Facilities District 2005-1, California, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.250%, 9/01/37

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,797,065   

Etiwanda School District, California, Coyote Canyon Community Facilities District 2004-1 Improvement Area 2 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2009, 6.500%, 9/01/32

         9/19 at 100.00           N/R           561,520   

Fullerton Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 9/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           A           1,456,009   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:


5.000%, 6/01/35 – FGIC Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           6,299,820   

5.000%, 6/01/35 – AGC Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           AA           1,367,938   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1:


4.500%, 6/01/27

         6/17 at 100.00           B           6,545,605   

5.000%, 6/01/33

         6/17 at 100.00           B           3,210,230   

5.750%, 6/01/47

         6/17 at 100.00           B           8,350,808   

Hayward Redevelopment Agency, California, Downtown Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 3/01/36 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         3/16 at 100.00           A–           1,545,603   

Jurupa Public Financing Authority, California, Superior Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 9/01/33

         9/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,088,500   

Kern Community College District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 0.000%, 11/01/23 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,399,642   

Loma Linda, California, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Series 2008A, 8.250%, 12/01/38

         12/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,742,460   

Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Bunker Hill Project, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 12/01/24 – AGM Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           AA–           6,359,220   


Nuveen Investments     49   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 5,025     

Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Financing Authority, California, Capital Projects Revenue Bonds, District 14, Series 2005, 5.000%, 10/01/26 – FGIC Insured

         10/15 at 100.00           AA–         $ 5,493,481   

Los Angeles Department of Harbors, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, 5.250%, 8/01/39

         8/19 at 100.00           AA           1,173,080   

Lynwood Redevelopment Agency, California, Project A Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2011A, 7.000%, 9/01/31

         9/21 at 100.00           A–           603,045   

Madera County, California, Certificates of Participation, Children’s Hospital Central California, Series 2010, 5.375%, 3/15/36

         3/20 at 100.00           A+           3,309,150   

Manteca Financing Authority, California, Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 5.750%, 12/01/36

         12/19 at 100.00           AAA           1,191,850   

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2006C, 5.000%, 7/01/29

         7/16 at 100.00           AAA           557,750   

Modesto Irrigation District, California, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 7/01/26

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           1,171,970   

M-S-R Energy Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A:


7.000%, 11/01/34

         No Opt. Call           A           3,816,207   

6.500%, 11/01/39

         No Opt. Call           A           3,418,000   

Ontario Redevelopment Financing Authority, San Bernardino County, California, Revenue Bonds, Redevelopment Project 1, Series 1993, 5.800%, 8/01/23 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         7/13 at 100.00           A (4)           16,393,988   

Orange County Sanitation District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2003, 5.250%, 2/01/27 (Pre-refunded 8/01/13) – FGIC Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           AAA           10,124,500   

Oxnard, California, Financing Authority, Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Redwood Trunk Sewer and Headworks Projects, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 6/01/34 – FGIC Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           BBB           4,796,115   

Palm Drive Health Care District, Sonoma County, California, Certificates of Participation, Parcel Tax Secured Financing Program, Series 2010, 7.000%, 4/01/25

         7/13 at 102.00           BB           1,342,331   

Palmdale, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2003-1, Anaverde Project, Series 2005A, 5.350%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,780,246   

Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2009, 6.625%, 11/01/29

         11/19 at 100.00           Baa3           3,416,640   

Perris Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Housing Loan Series 2010A, 6.125%, 10/01/40

         10/20 at 100.00           A           1,970,262   

Poway Unified School District, San Diego County, California, School Facilities Improvement District 2007-1 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/23

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,696,822   

Poway Unified School District, San Diego County, California, School Facilities Improvement District 2007-1 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 0.000%, 8/01/41

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,283,700   

Redding, California, Electric System Revenue Certificates of Participation, Series 2005, 5.000%, 6/01/30 – FGIC Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           A           2,100,181   

Rialto Unified School District, San Bernardino County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 0.000%, 8/01/41 – AGM Insured

         8/36 at 100.00           AA–           9,837,000   

Ridgecrest Redevelopment Agency, California, Ridgecrest Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 6.125%, 6/30/37

         6/20 at 100.00           A–           4,544,840   

Riverside Unified School District Finance Authority, Riverside County, California, Revenue Bonds Series 2012A, 5.000%, 9/01/37

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           1,354,125   

Sacramento County Sanitation District Financing Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B, 4.750%, 12/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           AA           2,779,625   

Sacramento Municipal Utility District Financing Authority, California, Consumnes Power Plant Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.125%, 7/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           A3           2,198,740   


  50       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)         Optional Call
Provisions (2)
     Ratings (3)      Value  

California (continued)

$ 925     

Sacramento, California, Community Facilities District 05-1, College Square Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.900%, 9/01/37

       9/17 at 100.00         N/R       $ 939,023   

San Bernardino County Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Cedar Glen Disaster Recovery Project Area Series 2010, 5.750%, 9/01/30

       9/18 at 100.00         BBB         1,039,890   

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, California, Airport Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2013B:


5.000%, 7/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call         A+         1,478,857   

5.000%, 7/01/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call         A+         1,455,996   

5.000%, 7/01/22 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call         A+         1,402,195   

5.000%, 7/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call         A+         853,825   

San Diego County Water Authority, California, Water Revenue Certificates of Participation, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 5/01/30 (Pre-refunded 5/01/15)

       5/15 at 100.00         Aa2 (4)         9,793,456   

San Diego County Water Authority, California, Water Revenue Certificates of Participation, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 5/01/30

       5/15 at 100.00         AA+         1,105,556   

San Diego Redevelopment Agency, California, City Heights Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.625%, 9/01/40

       9/20 at 100.00         A–         1,779,221   

San Diego Unified Port District, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.000%, 9/01/29 – NPFG Insured

       9/14 at 100.00         A+         1,579,590   

San Francisco Airports Commission, California, Revenue Bonds, San Francisco International Airport, Governmental Purpose, Refunding Second Series 2012A, 5.000%, 5/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       5/22 at 100.00         A+         7,816,093   

San Francisco Airports Commission, California, Revenue Bonds, San Francisco International Airport, Second Series A of 2009, 4.900%, 5/01/29

       11/19 at 100.00         A+         2,271,400   

San Francisco Redevelopment Finance Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Mission Bay North Redevelopment Project, Series 2009C, 6.500%, 8/01/39

       8/19 at 100.00         A–         792,067   

San Francisco, California, Community Facilities District 6, Mission Bay South Public Improvements, Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2013A:


5.000%, 8/01/27

       8/22 at 100.00         N/R         1,470,956   

5.000%, 8/01/28

       8/22 at 100.00         N/R         636,683   

5.000%, 8/01/30

       8/22 at 100.00         N/R         1,089,560   

5.000%, 8/01/33

       8/22 at 100.00         N/R         253,010   

San Francisco, California, Community Facilities District 6, Mission Bay South Public Improvements, Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 8/01/29

       8/22 at 100.00         N/R         1,242,201   

San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Toll Road Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997A:


0.000%, 1/15/24 – NPFG Insured

       No Opt. Call         Baa2         5,091,052   

0.000%, 1/15/31 – NPFG Insured

       No Opt. Call         Baa2         21,565,827   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2006C, 4.250%, 8/01/30 – NPFG Insured

       8/17 at 100.00         BBB         8,218,476   

San Jose Unified School District, Santa Clara County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 8/01/26 (Pre-refunded 8/01/15) – FGIC Insured

       8/15 at 100.00         AA (4)         3,810,318   

Santee Community Development Commission, California, Santee Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2011A, 7.000%, 8/01/31

       2/21 at 100.00         A         552,420   

Semitrophic Improvement District of Semitrophic Water Storage District, Kern County, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 12/01/38

       12/19 at 100.00         AA–         2,292,679   

Southern California Public Power Authority, Transmission Project Revenue Bonds, Southern Transmission Subordinate Lien Refunding Series 2008A, 5.000%, 7/01/20

       7/18 at 100.00         AA–         4,726,600   


Nuveen Investments     51   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 500     

Temecula Redevelopment Agency, California, Redevelopment Project 1 Tax Allocation Housing Bonds Series 2011A, 6.750%, 8/01/31

         8/21 at 100.00           A         $ 625,960   

Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, California, MCAS Project Area Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2010:


5.000%, 9/01/29

         9/18 at 102.00           A           460,551   

5.000%, 9/01/35

         9/18 at 102.00           A           532,635   

Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Housing Bonds Series 2010, 5.000%, 9/01/30 – AGM Insured

         9/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,020,814   

Upland, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2003-2 Improvement Area 1 The Colonies at San Antonio, Series 2012, 4.000%, 9/01/26

         9/22 at 100.00           BBB           2,163,015   

Val Verde Unified School District, Riverside County, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2009A, 5.125%, 3/01/36 – AGC Insured

         3/19 at 100.00           AA–           222,156   

Ventura County Area Housing Authority, California, Multifamily Revenue Bonds, Mira Vista Senior Apartments Project, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/22 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,001,580   

Victor Valley Union High School District, San Bernardino County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/31 – AGC Insured

         8/26 at 100.00           AA–           4,214,850   

Walnut Energy Center Authority, California, Electric Revenue Bonds, Turlock Irrigation District, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 1/01/34 – AMBAC Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           A+           2,050,840   

West Contra Costa Unified School District, Contra Costa County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election 2010 Series 2011A, 5.000%, 8/01/41

         8/21 at 100.00           Aa3           5,704,450   

West Sacramento Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 1999F, 6.100%, 9/01/29

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           487,284   

Western Placer Unified School District, Placer County, California, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2009, 5.250%, 8/01/35 – AGM Insured

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,644,870   

Westminster School District, Orange County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009-A1:


0.000%, 8/01/26 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,470,027   

0.000%, 8/01/28 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           739,213   

0.000%, 8/01/29 – AGC Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,440,524   

Total California


Colorado – 3.5%


Arista Metropolitan District, Colorado, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 9.250%, 12/01/37

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           734,900   

Baptist Road Rural Transportation Authority, Colorado, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


4.800%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           566,416   

5.000%, 12/01/26

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           722,787   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Bromley School, Series 2005:


5.125%, 9/15/25 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           A           1,298,386   

5.250%, 9/15/32 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           A           2,204,585   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Community Leadership Academy Project, Series 2008, 6.500%, 7/01/38

         7/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,100,022   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Crown Pointe Academy of Westminster Project, Chartered Through Adams County School District 50, Series 2009, 5.000%, 7/15/39

         7/19 at 100.00           BBB           1,083,394   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lincoln Academy Charter School Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 3/01/43

         3/23 at 100.00           A           1,059,730   


  52       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 2,500     

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Pinnacle Charter School, Inc. High School Project, Series 2010, 5.125%, 12/01/39

         12/19 at 100.00           BBB         $ 2,657,625   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning Charter School, Series 2008, 6.625%, 6/01/38

         6/18 at 102.00           N/R           1,013,549   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Hospital Improvement Revenue Bonds, NCMC Inc., Series 2003A, 5.500%, 5/15/30 – AGM Insured

         5/19 at 100.00           AA–           3,359,670   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Boulder Community Hospital Project, Series 2012, 4.000%, 10/01/27

         10/22 at 100.00           A           742,326   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, American Baptist Homes Project, Series 2009A, 7.750%, 8/01/29

         8/19 at 100.00           N/R           1,696,155   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Christian Living Communities Project, Series 2012, 5.125%, 1/01/30

         1/22 at 100.00           N/R           645,816   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Colorado Senior Residences Project, Series 2012:


5.625%, 6/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,382,451   

7.000%, 6/01/42

         6/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,487,779   

7.125%, 6/01/47

         6/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,501,418   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Covenant Retirement Communities Inc., Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 12/01/33

         12/22 at 100.00           BBB+           13,378,750   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Series 2012, 5.000%, 1/01/25

         1/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,554,077   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Poudre Valley Health System, Series 2005B, 5.250%, 3/01/36 – AGM Insured

         9/18 at 102.00           AA–           112,757   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Refunding Composite Deal Series 2010B, 5.250%, 1/01/25

         1/20 at 100.00           AA           3,476,850   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Total Long-term Care National Obligated Group Project, Series 2010A, 6.250%, 11/15/40

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,238,017   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, Series 2005, 5.000%, 6/01/29

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           2,089,660   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, Series 2006, 5.250%, 6/01/36

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           2,786,175   

Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. Project, Series 2004, 5.700%, 7/01/18 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,832,157   

Commerce City Northern Infrastructure General Improvement District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013, 4.000%, 12/01/38 – AGM Insured

         12/22 at 100.00           AA–           1,245,012   

Compark Business Campus Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.750%, 12/01/27 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           546,685   

5.600%, 12/01/34 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           387,226   

Compark Business Campus Metropolitan District, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 6.750%, 12/01/39 – RAAI Insured

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,037,770   

Concord Metropolitan District, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.375%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           BBB           2,219,098   

Confluence Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.250%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           692,118   

Denver City and County, Colorado, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 11/15/21

         11/20 at 100.00           A+           2,106,863   


Nuveen Investments     53   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 1,000     

Denver City and County, Colorado, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A+         $ 1,239,140   

Denver West Metropolitan District, Jefferson County, Colorado, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 12/01/32 – AGM Insured

         12/22 at 100.00           AA–           1,161,753   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 1997B, 0.000%, 9/01/24 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           7,346,669   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B:


0.000%, 9/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           9,386   

0.000%, 9/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           174,306   

0.000%, 9/01/31 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           6,224,400   

0.000%, 9/01/32 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           7,792   

0.000%, 9/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           9,149   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 0.000%, 9/01/27 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           5,243,876   

Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Eagle County, Colorado, Enterprise Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/01/27

         No Opt. Call           A+           595,925   

Fitzsimons Village Metropolitan District 1, Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, Tax Increment Public Improvement Fee Supported Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 7.500%, 3/01/40

         3/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,329,256   

Fossil Ridge Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax-Supported Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 7.250%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           829,886   

Park Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, Senior Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 6.375%, 12/01/37 – AGC Insured

         12/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,367,974   

Pinery West Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/27 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           712,299   

Plaza Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 4.500%, 12/01/30

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           4,380,367   

Public Authority for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Revenue Bonds, Colorado Springs Utilities, Series 2008:


6.250%, 11/15/28

         No Opt. Call           A           1,970,154   

6.500%, 11/15/38

         No Opt. Call           A           3,977,298   

Regional Transportation District, Colorado, Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project Private Activity Bonds, Series 2010:


5.250%, 7/15/24

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa3           1,176,075   

6.000%, 1/15/41

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa3           4,978,662   

Three Springs Metropolitan District 3, Durango, La Plata County, Colorado, Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 7.750%, 12/01/39

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           867,315   

University of Colorado, Enterprise System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 6/01/26 – FGIC Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           Aa2           21,678   

Willow Trace Metropolitan District, Arapahoe County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A, 4.450%, 12/01/35 – CIFG Insured

           12/15 at 100.00           AA–           1,198,688   

Total Colorado


Connecticut – 0.3%


Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sacred Heart University, Series 2011G, 5.625%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           BBB           1,132,710   

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Yale University, Series 2007Z-2, Trust 1080, 17.958%, 7/01/15 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,524,200   

Connecticut, Special Tax Obligation Transportation Infrastructure Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 7/01/24 (Pre-refunded 7/01/15) – AMBAC Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           AA (4)           2,340,560   

Harbor Point Infrastructure Improvement District, Connecticut, Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Harbor Point Project, Series 2010A, 7.000%, 4/01/22

         4/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,066,158   


  54       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)         Optional Call
Provisions (2)
     Ratings (3)      Value  

Connecticut (continued)

$ 1,800     

Stamford, Connecticut, Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Mill River Corridor Project, Series 2011aA, 7.000%, 4/01/41

         4/21 at 100.00         N/R       $ 1,939,050   

Total Connecticut


Delaware – 0.3%


Delaware Economic Development Authority, Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds, Indian River Power LLC Project, Series 2010, 5.375%, 10/01/45

       10/20 at 100.00         Baa3         1,075,460   

Delaware Transportation Authority, Transportation System Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2008, 5.000%, 7/01/19

       No Opt. Call         AA+         6,165,150   

Wilmington, Delaware, Replacement Housing Factor Fund Securitization Revenue Bonds, Wilmington Housing Authority-Lincoln Towers Project, Series 2011, 5.750%, 7/15/16

         7/13 at 100.00         N/R         1,605,803   

Total Delaware


District of Columbia – 0.3%


District of Columbia, Certificates of Participation, Series 2003, 5.500%, 1/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

       1/14 at 100.00         A+         4,505,073   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Public Charter School Inc., Series 2006, 5.000%, 6/01/26 – ACA Insured

       6/16 at 100.00         BBB         1,030,190   

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, Virginia, Dulles Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2009B-2, 0.000%, 10/01/31 – AGC Insured

       No Opt. Call         AA–         1,598,741   

Metropolitan Washington D.C. Airports Authority, District of Columbia, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Bonds, Series 2011C, 5.000%, 10/01/26 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/21 at 100.00         AA–         2,339,400   

Total District of Columbia


Florida – 8.6%


Atlantic Beach, Florida, Healthcare Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Fleet Landing Project, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 11/15/28

       11/23 at 100.00         BBB         1,325,748   

Bay County, Florida, Educational Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Bay Haven Charter Academy, Inc. Project, Series 2010A, 6.000%, 9/01/40

       9/20 at 100.00         BBB–         1,364,338   

Boynton Beach, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Charter Schools of Boynton Beach, Series 2012A, 6.800%, 6/01/42 – NPFG Insured

       6/22 at 100.00         BBB–         1,038,040   

Boynton Village Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007-A1, 5.750%, 5/01/37

       5/17 at 100.00         N/R         463,694   

Brevard County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Health First Inc. Project, Series 2005:


5.000%, 4/01/34

       4/16 at 100.00         A–         519,855   

5.000%, 4/01/36

       4/16 at 100.00         A–         778,725   

Brevard County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Health First Inc. Project, Series 2009B, 7.000%, 4/01/39

       4/19 at 100.00         A–         1,050,393   

Cape Coral, Florida, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 10/01/41 – AGM Insured

       10/21 at 100.00         AA–         9,026,880   

Century Gardens Community Development District, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.050%, 5/01/37

       5/17 at 100.00         N/R         1,038,343   

Cityplace Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment and Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 5/01/26

       No Opt. Call         A         1,186,263   

Clearwater, Florida, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.250%, 12/01/39 – AGC Insured

       12/19 at 100.00         AA–         1,139,620   

Collier County, Florida, Gas Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/20

       No Opt. Call         AA–         3,695,292   

Colonial Country Club Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 6.400%, 5/01/33

       5/14 at 100.00         A         106,068   


Nuveen Investments     55   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 1,325     

Country Greens Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2003, 6.625%, 5/01/34

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,338,833   

East Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 7.500%, 5/01/15 (6)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           9,812   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Personal and Commercial Lines Account Bonds, Senior Secured Series 2012A-1, 5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,654,308   

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Forever Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/23

         7/22 at 100.00           AA–           6,098,700   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Bay Area Charter Foundation, LLC Projects, Series 2011A, 7.750%, 6/15/42

         12/21 at 101.00           N/R           3,304,248   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School, Inc. Projects, Series 2010A, 6.000%, 9/15/30

         9/20 at 100.00           BB+           1,082,760   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School, Inc. Projects, Series 2012A:


5.500%, 6/15/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,009,930   

6.000%, 6/15/32

         No Opt. Call           N/R           503,800   

6.125%, 6/15/43

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,103,333   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Revenue Bonds, Learning Gate Community Charter School Project, Series 2007A, 6.000%, 2/15/37

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB–           3,275,050   

Florida Higher Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Nova Southeastern University Project, Refunding Series 2012A:


5.000%, 4/01/27

         4/22 at 100.00           BBB+           7,575,540   

5.000%, 4/01/32

         4/22 at 100.00           BBB+           6,221,061   

Florida Higher Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rollins College Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 12/01/30

         12/22 at 100.00           A1           1,400,999   

5.000%, 12/01/31

         12/22 at 100.00           A1           1,151,570   

5.000%, 12/01/32

         12/22 at 100.00           A1           1,599,752   

5.000%, 12/01/37

         12/22 at 100.00           A1           3,393,720   

Florida Housing Finance Agency, Housing Revenue Bonds, Brittany of Rosemont Apartments Phase II, Series 1995C-1, 6.875%, 8/01/26 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/13 at 100.00           N/R           736,139   

Florida Housing Finance Agency, Housing Revenue Bonds, Stoddert Arms Apartments, Series 1996O, 6.300%, 9/01/36 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,001,030   

Florida State Board of Education, Full Faith and Credit Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds, Series 1985, 9.125%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AAA           403,024   

Florida State Board of Education, Full Faith and Credit Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds, Series 1985, 9.125%, 6/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           362,969   

Florida State Board of Education, Lottery Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/21 at 100.00           AAA           12,301,600   

Florida, Full Faith and Credit General Obligation Bonds, Broward County Expressway Authority, Series 1984, 10.000%, 7/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           425,140   

Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006:


5.250%, 6/01/26

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           2,397,983   

5.000%, 6/01/38

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           393,045   

Hernando County, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Criminal Justice Complex Financing Program, Series 1986, 7.650%, 7/01/16 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,241,981   

Hillsborough County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Tampa General Hospital, Series 2003B, 5.250%, 10/01/28 (Pre-refunded 10/01/13)

         10/13 at 100.00           A3 (4)           2,041,680   

Jacksonville, Florida, Better Jacksonville Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/29

         10/22 at 100.00           A1           8,888,987   


  56       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)         Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 6,000     

Jacksonville Port Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/01/38 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       11/22 at 100.00           A2         $ 6,537,300   

JEA, Florida, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series Three 2006A, 5.000%, 10/01/41 – AGM Insured

       4/15 at 100.00           Aa2           1,069,240   

Keys Cove Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.875%, 5/01/35

       5/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,015,724   

Lake County School District, Florida, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 10/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

       10/14 at 100.00           A+           1,035,752   

Lakes by the Bay South Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2004A, 6.100%, 5/01/23

       5/14 at 101.00           N/R           989,924   

Lee County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lee County Community Charter Schools, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 6/15/27

       6/17 at 100.00           BB           1,019,220   

Lee County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lee County Community Charter Schools, Series 2012A:


5.500%, 6/15/32

       6/22 at 100.00           BB           907,988   

5.750%, 6/15/42

       6/22 at 100.00           BB           1,432,338   

Leesburg, Florida, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Leesburg Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2003, 5.000%, 7/01/17

       7/13 at 100.00           BBB+           1,641,900   

Leesburg, Florida, Utilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 10/01/22 – FGIC Insured

       10/14 at 100.00           Aa3           2,450,676   

Lexington Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 6.125%, 5/01/34

       5/14 at 101.00           A–           713,219   

Martin County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Indiantown Cogeneration LP, Series 2013:


3.950%, 12/15/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       6/20 at 100.00           BB           897,886   

4.200%, 12/15/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       6/20 at 100.00           BB           8,115,360   

Miami Beach Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida Project, Refunding 2012, 5.000%, 11/15/29

       11/22 at 100.00           Baa2           2,201,480   

Miami-Dade County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, BAC Funding Corporation, Series 2000A, 5.375%, 10/01/30 –AMBAC Insured

       10/13 at 100.00           Aa3           3,773,574   

Miami-Dade County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 5/01/31 (WI/DD, Settling 5/01/13)

       5/23 at 100.00           A1           14,303,625   

Miami-Dade County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2013B:


5.000%, 2/01/29 (WI/DD, Settling 5/01/13)

       2/23 at 100.00           A1           5,176,521   

5.000%, 2/01/30 (WI/DD, Settling 5/01/13)

       2/23 at 100.00           A1           4,207,912   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Refunding Series 2012A:


5.000%, 10/01/18 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call           A           4,763,920   

5.000%, 10/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call           A           4,793,440   

5.000%, 10/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call           A           2,197,939   

5.000%, 10/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       No Opt. Call           A           5,987,500   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 10/01/30 – FGIC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       10/14 at 100.00           A           7,367,279   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Series 2010A-1, 5.375%, 10/01/35

       10/20 at 100.00           A           1,811,037   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.500%, 10/01/27 – AGC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

       10/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,324,040   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 7/01/33 – AGM Insured

       7/15 at 100.00           Aa2           10,732,000   


Nuveen Investments     57   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 1,040     

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Public Facilities Revenue Bonds, Jackson Health System, Series 2009, 5.625%, 6/01/34 – AGC Insured (UB) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA–         $ 1,155,648   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Transit System Sales Surtax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 7/01/37

         7/22 at 100.00           AA           8,410,026   

Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Water Control and Improvement Development Unit 46B, Series 2007A, 5.350%, 8/01/41

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,006,710   

Old Palm Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Palm Beach Gardens, Series 2004A, 5.900%, 5/01/35

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           3,487,613   

Orange County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Mayflower Retirement Center, Refunding Series 2012:


4.500%, 6/01/27

         6/21 at 100.00           A–           565,631   

5.000%, 6/01/32

         6/21 at 100.00           A–           480,654   

5.000%, 6/01/36

         6/21 at 100.00           A–           796,298   

5.125%, 6/01/42

         6/21 at 100.00           A–           798,975   

Orange County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Nemours Foundation, Series 2005:


5.000%, 1/01/21 (Pre-refunded 1/01/15)

         1/15 at 100.00           N/R (4)           317,942   

5.000%, 1/01/22 (Pre-refunded 1/01/15)

         1/15 at 100.00           N/R (4)           296,387   

Orange County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Orlando Health, Inc., Tender Option Bond Trust 1071, 16.778%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           3,544,170   

Orange County, Florida, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1989, 6.125%, 1/01/19 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R (4)           180,867   

Orlando Utilities Commission, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A-1, 5.250%, 10/01/39

         4/19 at 100.00           AA           579,010   

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, BRCH Corporation Obligated Group, Series 2001:


5.500%, 12/01/21

         6/13 at 100.00           BBB–           20,050   

5.625%, 12/01/31

         6/13 at 100.00           BBB–           1,001,680   

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Retirement Community Revenue Bonds, Adult Communities Total Services Retirement Life, Series 2006A, 4.500%, 11/15/36

         11/16 at 100.00           A–           2,019,200   

Palm Beach County Housing Finance Authority, Florida, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Affordable Housing Guarantee Program, Windsor Park Apartments, Series 1998A, 5.900%, 6/01/38 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/13 at 100.00           A–           625,669   

Palm Beach County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/01/18 – FGIC Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           AA–           2,804,346   

Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Series 2002B, 0.000%, 10/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,470,150   

Palm Coast, Florida, Water Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 10/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           A1           1,016,200   

Panther Trails Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005, 5.600%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 100.00           A1           1,902,673   

Port Saint Lucie, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Southwest Annexation District 1B, Series 2007, 5.000%, 7/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa2           2,118,140   

Reedy Creek Improvement District, Florida, Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 2005-1, 5.000%, 10/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         10/15 at 100.00           A1           711,744   

Seminole Tribe of Florida, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A, 144A, 5.250%, 10/01/27

         10/17 at 100.00           BBB–           3,097,448   

St. John’s County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Presbyterian Retirement Communities, Series 2004A:


5.850%, 8/01/24

         8/14 at 101.00           A–           1,180,556   

5.625%, 8/01/34

         8/14 at 101.00           A–           1,616,645   


  58       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 965     

Stoneybrook Venice Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 6.750%, 5/01/38

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,016,270   

Sunrise, Florida, Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1998, 5.000%, 10/01/28 – AMBAC Insured

         10/18 at 100.00           AA–           588,842   

Tallahassee, Florida, Consolidated Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 10/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         10/15 at 100.00           AA+           1,108,460   

Tallahassee, Florida, Energy System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 10/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         10/15 at 100.00           AA           3,070,162   

Tallahassee, Florida, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare Inc., Series 2000, 6.375%, 12/01/30

         6/13 at 100.00           Baa1           2,127,808   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-2, 0.000%, 5/01/39

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           126,184   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-3, 0.000%, 5/01/40

         5/19 at 100.00           N/R           181,540   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-4, 0.000%, 5/01/40

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           97,860   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Hope Note, Series 2007-3, 6.650%, 5/01/40 (6)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           2   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Hope Note, Series 2007A-2, 5.250%, 5/01/39 (6)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           5   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Non Performing Parcel Series 2007-1. RMKT, 6.650%, 5/01/40 (6)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           13,549   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Non Performing Parcel Series 2007A-1. RMKT, 5.250%, 5/01/39 (6)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           117,349   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A-1:


5.250%, 5/01/39

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           93,517   

6.650%, 5/01/40

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           313,445   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.400%, 5/01/37

         5/14 at 101.00           BB           2,991,405   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Southern/Forbearance Parcel Series 2007-2, 6.650%, 5/01/40 (6)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           283,142   

University Square Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A-1, 5.875%, 5/01/38

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           621,565   

Venetian Community Development District, Sarasota County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-A1, 6.125%, 5/01/42

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           256,340   

Venetian Community Development District, Sarasota County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-A2:


5.000%, 5/01/23

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           490,082   

5.500%, 5/01/34

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,552,740   

Village Center Community Development District, Florida, Recreational Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 11/01/32 – NPFG Insured

         11/13 at 101.00           Baa2           2,021,620   

Waters Edge Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.300%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           486,198   

Westchester Community Development District 1, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2003:


6.000%, 5/01/23

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           530,901   

6.125%, 5/01/35

           5/14 at 100.00           N/R           3,790,950   

Total Florida



Nuveen Investments     59   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Georgia – 2.9%

$ 2,000     

Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation Authority, Georgia, Guaranteed Revenue Bonds, Park Improvement, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 12/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           Aa2         $ 2,164,220   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Beltline Project Series 2008A. Remarketed, 7.500%, 1/01/31

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           919,051   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Beltline Project Series 2008B. Remarketed, 6.750%, 1/01/20

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           2,209,557   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Eastside Project, Series 2005A, 5.625%, 1/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/15 at 100.00           A–           286,287   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Eastside Project, Series 2005B, 5.400%, 1/01/20

         7/15 at 100.00           A–           540,335   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Princeton Lakes Project, Series 2006, 5.500%, 1/01/31

         1/16 at 100.00           BBB–           504,167   

Atlanta, Georgia, Water and Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, 5.375%, 11/01/39 – AGM Insured

         11/19 at 100.00           AA–           7,986,650   

Augusta, Georgia, Airport Revenue Bonds, General Series 2005C, 5.450%, 1/01/31 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/15 at 100.00           Baa2           1,020,860   

Cobb County Development Authority, Georgia, University Facilities Revenue Bonds, Kennesaw State University Foundations, Student Housing Subordinate Lien Series 2004C, 5.250%, 7/15/24 – NPFG Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           A3           5,199,975   

DeKalb County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Anticipation Certificates Revenue Bonds, DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. Project, Series 2010, 6.000%, 9/01/30

         9/20 at 100.00           BBB           4,728,400   

Dekalb County Housing Authority, Georgia, Subordinate Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Greens of Stonecrest Project, 2001B
Pass-Through Certificate Series 2001-8, 5.900%, 11/01/34 (Mandatory put 11/01/18) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,320,898   

Fulton County Development Authority, Georgia, Local District Cooling Authority Revenue Bonds, Maxon Atlantic Station LLC, Series 2005A, 5.125%, 3/01/26 (Mandatory put 3/01/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         9/15 at 100.00           BBB           3,366,198   

Fulton County Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Georgia Tech Athletic Association, Series 2011, 5.750%, 10/01/41

         4/21 at 100.00           A+           11,592,900   

Fulton County Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Georgia Tech Molecular Science Building, Series 2004:


5.250%, 5/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         5/14 at 100.00           Aa3           1,308,013   

5.250%, 5/01/23 – NPFG Insured

         5/14 at 100.00           Aa3           2,602,971   

5.000%, 5/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         5/14 at 100.00           Aa3           2,530,792   

Fulton County Residential Care Facilities Elderly Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Canterbury Court, Refunding Series 2004A:


6.125%, 2/15/26

         2/14 at 101.00           N/R           1,532,460   

6.125%, 2/15/34

         2/14 at 101.00           N/R           4,158,458   

Georgia Local Governments, Certificates of Participation, Georgia Municipal Association, Series 1998A, 4.750%, 6/01/28 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           5,242,633   

Georgia Municipal Electric Authority, Senior Lien General Power Revenue Bonds, Series 1993BB, 5.250%, 1/01/25 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,291,257   

Georgia State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AAA           12,818,900   

Lavonia Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center , Series 2010, 6.000%, 12/01/40 – AGM Insured

         12/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,168,530   

Main Street Natural Gas Inc., Georgia, Gas Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 3/15/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,039,950   

5.500%, 9/15/28

         No Opt. Call           A           1,224,420   


  60       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Georgia (continued)

$ 5,500     

Medical Center Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Inc. Project, Series 2010, 5.000%, 8/01/41

         8/20 at 100.00           AA–         $ 5,974,595   

Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University, Series 2012A, 5.250%, 10/01/27

         10/21 at 100.00           Baa2           1,826,338   

Richmond County Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Augusta State University, Jaguar Student Center Project, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 7/01/29 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           A2           1,034,100   

Savannah Economic Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Windward Commons LLC Project, Series 2009, 5.000%, 6/15/39 – AGC Insured

           6/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,090,360   

Total Georgia


Guam – 0.1%


Government of Guam, Business Privilege Tax Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 1/01/31

         1/22 at 100.00           A           1,146,082   

Guam Government Department of Education, Certificates of Participation, John F. Kennedy High School Project, Series 2010A, 6.625%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 100.00           B           2,212,620   

Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water and Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.625%, 7/01/40

           7/20 at 100.00           Ba2           942,260   

Total Guam


Hawaii – 0.6%


Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, Kahala Nui Project, Series 2003A, 8.000%, 11/15/33
(Pre-refunded 11/15/13)

         11/13 at 102.00           AA+ (4)           2,122,980   

Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Senior Living Revenue Bonds, 15 Craigside Project, Series 2009A:


8.750%, 11/15/29

         11/19 at 100.00           N/R           1,207,240   

9.000%, 11/15/44

         11/19 at 100.00           N/R           1,509,738   

Hawaii State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012EF, 5.000%, 11/01/21

           No Opt. Call           AA           12,682,000   

Total Hawaii


Idaho – 0.2%


Idaho Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Group, Refunding Series 2008B:


6.000%, 12/01/23

         12/18 at 100.00           AA           1,219,560   

6.250%, 12/01/33

         12/18 at 100.00           AA           910,039   

Idaho Housing and Finance Association, Grant and Revenue Anticipation Bonds, Federal Highway Trust Funds, Series 2006:


5.000%, 7/15/23 – NPFG Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Aa3           1,117,830   

5.000%, 7/15/24 – NPFG Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Aa3           1,190,489   

Idaho Water Resource Board, Water Resource Loan Program Revenue, Ground Water Rights Mitigation Series 2012A:


4.600%, 9/01/28

         9/22 at 100.00           Baa1           951,678   

5.000%, 9/01/32

           9/22 at 100.00           Baa1           652,852   

Total Idaho


Illinois – 7.5%


Bensenville, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 12/15/30 – AGM Insured

         12/21 at 100.00           AA–           2,235,020   

Bryant, Illinois, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Central Illinois Light Company, Series 1993, 5.900%, 8/01/23

         7/13 at 100.00           A–           1,002,220   

Cary, Illinois, Special Service Area 1 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 3/01/30 – RAAI Insured

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           990,402   

CenterPoint Intermodal Center Program, Illinois, Trust Series 2004 Class A Certificates, 3.730%, 6/15/23

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,320,465   


Nuveen Investments     61   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Champaign, Illinois, General Obligation Sales Tax Bonds, Public Safety Series 1999:

$ 1,140     

8.250%, 1/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 1,639,696   

8.250%, 1/01/22 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,845,027   

Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Revenues, Series 2008C, 5.000%, 12/01/20

         12/18 at 100.00           A+           2,293,840   

Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1130, 13.426%, 6/01/14 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           4,618,608   

Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, Sales Tax Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 5.250%, 12/01/40

         12/21 at 100.00           AA           2,291,900   

Chicago, Illinois, FNMA/GNMA Collateralized Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2007-2G, 5.950%, 6/01/39 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/17 at 104.00           Aaa           3,548,698   

Chicago, Illinois, Motor Fuel Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 1/01/33 – AMBAC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           AA+           2,006,560   

Chicago, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, Midway Airport, Series 1996A, 5.500%, 1/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A           1,003,810   

Chicago, Illinois, Third Lien General Airport Revenue Bonds, O’Hare International Airport, Series 2005A, 5.250%, 1/01/24 – NPFG Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           A2           3,153,243   

Chicago, Illinois, Water Revenue Bonds, Refunding Second Lien Series 2012-2, 4.000%, 11/01/37

         11/22 at 100.00           AA           20,794,200   

Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 1994A, 6.400%, 12/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           Baa2           311,246   

Community College District 523, Counties of DeKalb, Kane, LaSalle, Lee, Ogle, Winnebago, and Boone, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Kishwaukee Community College, Capital Appreciation, Series 2011B:


0.000%, 2/01/35

         2/21 at 38.17           AA           287,990   

0.000%, 2/01/36

         2/21 at 35.47           AA           200,775   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.250%, 11/15/33

         11/20 at 100.00           AA           5,063,110   

Cook County, Illinois, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Navistar International Corporation Project, Series 2010, 6.500%, 10/15/40

         10/20 at 100.00           B3           2,192,620   

Harvey, Cook County, Illinois, Tax Increment Allocation Revenue Bonds, Amended Center Street Redevelopment Project Area, Series 2010, 7.500%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,691,525   

Illinois Development Finance Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds – CIPS Debt, Series 1993C-2, 5.950%, 8/15/26

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           5,013,300   

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Christian Homes, Inc. Obligated Group, Series 2007A, 5.750%, 5/15/31

         5/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,460,003   

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Christian Homes, Inc., Refunding Series 2010:


6.125%, 5/15/27

         5/15 at 100.00           BBB–           934,209   

6.125%, 5/15/27

         5/20 at 100.00           BBB–           2,237,420   

Illinois Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Chicago Charter School Foundation, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB+           1,549,095   

Illinois Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Uno Charter School Network, Refunding and Improvement Series 2011A, 7.125%, 10/01/41

         10/21 at 100.00           BBB–           1,180,120   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Admiral at Lake Project, Series 2010A, 7.750%, 5/15/30

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           602,315   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Admiral at Lake Project, Temps 65 Series 2010D-2, 6.375%, 5/15/17

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,001,970   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Central DuPage Health, Series 2009, 5.250%, 11/01/39

         11/19 at 100.00           AA           1,371,358   


  62       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)

$ 1,000     

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Edward Health Services Corporation, Series 2008A, 5.500%, 2/01/40 – AMBAC Insured

         2/18 at 100.00           A+         $ 1,080,220   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Illinois Institute of Technology, Series 2009, 7.125%, 2/01/34

         2/19 at 100.00           Baa3           4,485,902   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ingalls Health System, Series 2013:


4.000%, 5/15/33

         5/22 at 100.00           Baa1           3,937,560   

4.250%, 5/15/43

         5/22 at 100.00           Baa1           4,521,627   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Little Company of Mary Hospital and Health Care Centers, Series 2010, 5.375%, 8/15/40

         8/15 at 105.00           A+           1,353,138   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Series 2009A, 5.375%, 8/15/24

         8/19 at 100.00           AA+           2,392,400   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, OSF Healthcare System, Refunding Series 2010A, 6.000%, 5/15/39

         5/20 at 100.00           A           2,957,086   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, OSF Healthcare System, Series 2007A, 5.750%, 11/15/37

         11/17 at 100.00           A           551,155   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Palos Community Hospital, Series 2010C, 5.125%, 5/15/35

         5/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,684,260   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Provena Health, Series 2009A, 7.750%, 8/15/34

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB+           3,727,486   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009A, 7.250%, 11/01/30

         11/18 at 100.00           A           4,662,560   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009C:


6.625%, 11/01/39

         5/19 at 100.00           A           1,545,109   

6.625%, 11/01/39 (UB) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A           2,033,681   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sherman Health Systems, Series 2007A, 5.500%, 8/01/37

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           6,844,596   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Series 2009, 6.875%, 8/15/38

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB+           10,662,300   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Southern Illinois Healthcare Enterprises, Inc., Series 2005 Remarketed, 5.250%, 3/01/30 – AGM Insured

         3/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,033,641   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Carle Foundation, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 8/15/41

         8/21 at 100.00           AA–           4,808,200   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The University of Chicago Medical Center, Series 2009B, 5.000%, 8/15/26

         8/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,593,396   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The University of Chicago Medical Center, Series 2011C, 5.500%, 8/15/41

         2/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,707,900   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Three Crowns Park Plaza, Series 2006A, 5.875%, 2/15/26

         2/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,445,739   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Series 2008A, 5.500%, 8/15/30

         8/18 at 100.00           BBB+           3,761,186   

Illinois Finance Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund Inc., Refunding Series 2007A, 5.250%, 5/01/34

         5/17 at 100.00           BBB+           4,137,372   

Illinois Finance Authority, Water Facilities Revenue Bonds, American Water Capital Corp., Project, Series 2009, 5.250%, 10/01/39

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB+           1,062,850   

Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare, Series 2002:


5.500%, 1/01/22

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           4,054,382   

5.625%, 1/01/28

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           1,003,370   

Illinois Housing Development Authority, Housing Finance Bonds, Series 2006K, 4.600%, 7/01/23

         7/16 at 100.00           AA           263,025   


Nuveen Investments     63   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)

$ 4,000     

Illinois Housing Development Authority, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, GNMA Collateralized- Lifelink Developments, Series 2006, 4.850%, 4/20/41 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (UB) (5)

         4/16 at 100.00           AA+         $ 4,131,160   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 3/01/25

         3/22 at 100.00           A2           6,228,695   

4.000%, 1/01/26

         1/22 at 100.00           A2           5,187,250   

5.000%, 3/01/26

         3/22 at 100.00           A2           4,488,040   

5.000%, 3/01/27

         3/22 at 100.00           A2           555,760   

Illinois State, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Build Illinois Series 2011, 5.000%, 6/15/28

         6/21 at 100.00           AAA           5,851,700   

Lombard Public Facilities Corporation, Illinois, First Tier Conference Center and Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A-1, 7.125%, 1/01/36

         1/16 at 100.00           N/R           644,736   

Lombard Public Facilities Corporation, Illinois, First Tier Conference Center and Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A-2, 5.500%, 1/01/30 – ACA Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC           1,969,170   

Lombard Public Facilities Corporation, Illinois, Second Tier Conference Center and Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.250%, 1/01/36

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC           759,580   

Markham, Illinois, Alternative Source Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.250%, 4/01/23 – RAAI Insured

         4/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,279,921   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/15/42 – NPFG Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/22 at 100.00           AAA           2,795,850   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Capital Appreciation Refunding Series 2010B-1, 0.000%, 6/15/45 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,715,050   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Series 2002A, 0.000%, 12/15/35 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           3,633,600   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Refunding Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Series 1996A, 0.000%, 12/15/21 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           6,422,327   

Quad Cities Regional Economic Development Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, Augustana College, Series 2012, 4.750%, 10/01/29

         10/22 at 100.00           Baa1           916,749   

Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, Illinois, Tobacco Settlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2010:


5.250%, 6/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A           4,765,561   

6.250%, 6/01/24

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           3,376,230   

Regional Transportation Authority, Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001A, 6.000%, 7/01/27 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,911,514   

Schaumburg, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.000%, 12/01/41 – AGM Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           Aaa           6,107,553   

Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, Special Service Area, Legacy Pointe Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Series 2010, 7.500%, 3/01/32

         3/17 at 102.00           N/R           1,068,070   

Warren Township School District 121, Lake County, Gurnee, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004C, 5.500%, 3/01/22 (Pre-refunded 3/01/14) – AMBAC Insured

           3/14 at 101.00           AA+ (4)           1,733,666   

Total Illinois


Indiana – 2.8%


Anderson, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Anderson University, Series 2007, 5.000%, 10/01/32

         4/14 at 100.00           BB+           393,601   

Delaware County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Cardinal Health System, Series 2006:


5.125%, 8/01/29

         8/16 at 100.00           Baa2           1,068,390   

5.250%, 8/01/36

         8/16 at 100.00           Baa2           533,235   


  64       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Indiana (continued)

$ 1,235     

Hendricks County Building Facilities Corporation, Indiana, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.500%, 7/15/24 (Pre-refunded 7/15/14)

         7/14 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)         $ 1,312,916   

Indiana Bond Bank, Special Program Gas Revenue Bonds, JPMorgan Ventures Energy Corporation Guaranteed, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 10/15/18

         No Opt. Call           A2           3,741,770   

5.250%, 10/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           6,193,334   

Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Butler University Project, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 2/01/30

         2/22 at 100.00           BBB+           1,541,935   

5.000%, 2/01/33

         2/22 at 100.00           BBB+           2,417,612   

Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Drexel Foundation For Educational Excellence, Inc., Series 2009A, 6.625%, 10/01/29

         10/19 at 100.00           BB+           1,544,732   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Floyd Memorial Hospital and Health Services Project, Refunding Series 2010, 5.125%, 3/01/30

         3/20 at 100.00           A–           1,081,880   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, King’s Daughters’ Hospital and Health Services, Series 2010, 5.000%, 8/15/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,710,201   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Marion General Hospital Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/36

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           3,245,160   

Indiana Finance Authority, Midwestern Disaster Relief Revenue Bonds, Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/32 – AGM Insured

         6/22 at 100.00           BBB–           9,676,170   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/48 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/23 at 100.00           BBB           5,381,287   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 1/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/17 at 100.00           BBB           6,356,739   

Indiana Finance Authority, Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, CWA Authority Project, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 10/01/41

         10/21 at 100.00           AA–           8,000,928   

Indiana Health Facility Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana, Series 2007, 5.500%, 3/01/37

         3/17 at 100.00           A–           3,083,908   

Indiana Municipal Power Agency, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 1/01/42 – NPFG Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           A+           4,390,484   

Indiana Transportation Finance Authority, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 1992A, 6.800%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA+           718,543   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project Series 2009A, 5.500%, 1/01/38 – AGC Insured

         1/19 at 100.00           AA–           3,961,685   

Jasper County, Indiana Pollution Control (Northern Indiana Public Service) Commercial Paper, 5.600%, 11/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           3,377,310   

Knox County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Good Samaritan Hospital Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 4/01/26

         4/22 at 100.00           A3           1,716,339   

5.000%, 4/01/27

         4/22 at 100.00           A3           1,579,102   

5.000%, 4/01/29

         4/22 at 100.00           A3           1,734,751   

Portage, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Ameriplex Project, Series 2006:


5.000%, 7/15/23

         7/16 at 100.00           A           1,056,610   

5.000%, 1/15/27

         7/16 at 100.00           A           808,992   

Vigo County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Union Hospital, Inc., Series 2011, 8.000%, 9/01/41

           9/21 at 100.00           N/R           6,146,100   

Total Indiana



Nuveen Investments     65   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Iowa – 1.3%

$ 2,275     

Ames, Iowa, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Series 2011, 5.250%, 6/15/36

         6/20 at 100.00           A2         $ 2,494,742   

Iowa Finance Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Iowa Health System, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 8/15/29 – AGC Insured

         8/19 at 100.00           Aa3           565,725   

Iowa Finance Authority, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Care Initiatives Project, Series 2006A, 5.500%, 7/01/25

         7/16 at 100.00           BB+           1,574,915   

Iowa Finance Authority, Iowa, Midwestern Disaster Area Revenue Bonds, Alcoa Inc. Project, Series 2012, 4.750%, 8/01/42

         8/22 at 100.00           BBB–           5,864,589   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Central College, Refunding Series 2012B, 5.000%, 10/01/38

         10/21 at 100.00           Baa3           8,059,125   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Upper Iowa University Project, Series 2012:


4.000%, 9/01/28

         9/23 at 100.00           BBB           2,311,724   

5.000%, 9/01/33

         9/23 at 100.00           BBB           2,300,183   

5.000%, 9/01/43

         9/23 at 100.00           BBB           9,003,623   

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2011A-2, 5.750%, 12/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/19 at 102.00           A           5,732,850   

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009-2, 5.500%, 12/01/25

           12/19 at 100.00           A1           1,065,200   

Total Iowa


Kansas – 2.1%


Kansas Department of Transportation, Highway Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012B:


5.000%, 9/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AAA           15,551,875   

5.000%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AAA           12,815,300   

Kansas Department of Transportation, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.000%, 9/01/22

         9/18 at 100.00           AAA           601,630   

Kansas Development Finance Authority Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Series 2009C, 5.500%, 11/15/29

         11/19 at 100.00           AA           5,281,830   

Kansas Development Finance Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Stormont-Vail Health Care Inc., Series 2011F, 5.250%, 11/15/30

         11/19 at 100.00           A2           2,765,325   

Kansas Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 1/01/40 (UB) (5)

         1/20 at 100.00           AA           6,555,180   

Kansas Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, State Projects, Series 2005H, 5.000%, 5/01/32 – NPFG Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           AA           3,332,693   

Kansas State Power Pool, Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, Dogwood Energy Facility, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 12/01/25

         12/22 at 100.00           Baa1           1,848,363   

5.000%, 12/01/27

         12/22 at 100.00           Baa1           3,865,347   

5.000%, 12/01/31

         12/20 at 100.00           Baa1           1,078,070   

Olathe, Kansas, Senior Living Facility Revenue Bonds, Catholic Care Campus Santa Marta, Series 2006A, 6.000%, 11/15/38

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,062,160   

Overland Park Development Corporation, Kansas, Second Tier Revenue Bonds, Overland Park Convention Center, Series 2007B, 5.125%, 1/01/22 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           2,779,109   

Overland Park Transportation Development District, Kansas, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Oak Park Mall Project, Series 2010, 5.900%, 4/01/32

         4/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,346,988   

Wyandotte County-Kansas City Unified Government, Kansas, Sales Tax Special Obligation Capital Appreciation Revenue Bonds Redevelopment Project Area B – Major Multi-Sport Athletic Complex Project, Subordinate Lien Series 2010B, 0.000%, 6/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,915,652   


  66       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Kansas (continued)

$ 1,270     

Wyandotte County-Kansas City Unified Government, Kansas, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 9/01/28

           9/22 at 100.00           A+         $ 1,479,372   

Total Kansas


Kentucky – 0.8%


Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Owensboro Medical Health System, Series 2010A:


5.750%, 6/01/25

         6/20 at 100.00           BBB+           2,935,300   

6.000%, 6/01/30

         6/20 at 100.00           BBB+           2,383,920   

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group, Series 2009A, 5.375%, 8/15/24

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,759,050   

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 1068, 17.116%, 8/15/42 (IF) (5)

         8/21 at 100.00           AA–           3,871,573   

Louisville and Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Health System Revenue Bonds, Norton Healthcare Inc, Series 2006, 5.250%, 10/01/36

         10/16 at 100.00           A–           3,736,058   

Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Jewish Hospital & Saint Mary’s HealthCare Inc. Project, Series 2008, 6.125%, 2/01/37 (Pre-refunded 2/01/18)

         2/18 at 100.00           Aaa           1,758,723   

Paducah, Kentucky, Electric Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.250%, 10/01/35 – AGC Insured

         4/19 at 100.00           A3           1,112,290   

Pikeville, Kentucky, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Pikeville Medical Center, Inc. Project, Improvement and Refunding Series 2011, 6.500%, 3/01/41

           3/21 at 100.00           A3           5,965,150   

Total Kentucky


Louisiana – 1.9%


Lafayette City and Parish, Louisiana, Utilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.250%, 11/01/22 (Pre-refunded 11/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         11/14 at 100.00           A+ (4)           3,243,571   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Belle Chasse Educational Foundation Project, Series 2011, 6.750%, 5/01/41

         5/21 at 100.00           BBB           1,184,490   

Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B, 5.000%, 6/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           3,950,720   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westlake Chemical Corporation Project, Series 2007, 6.750%, 11/01/32

         11/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,144,610   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Southgate Suites Hotel LLC Project, Series 2007A, 6.750%, 12/15/37 (6)

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,244,800   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Christus Health, Refunding Series 2009A, 6.000%, 7/01/29

         7/19 at 100.00           A+           2,325,140   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Christus Health, Series 2008B, 5.750%, 7/01/18 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,460,414   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, Series 2005A, 5.250%, 8/15/31

         8/15 at 100.00           A+           2,787,164   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Baton Rouge General Hospital, Series 2004, 5.250%, 7/01/24 (Pre-refunded 7/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           Baa2 (4)           2,536,722   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 5/15/38

         5/17 at 100.00           Baa1           1,579,320   

Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A           785,701   

Louisiana State, Gasoline and Fuels Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 4.750%, 5/01/39 – AGM Insured (UB)

         5/16 at 100.00           Aa1           10,901,000   

Louisiana State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012C, 5.000%, 7/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           12,675,700   


Nuveen Investments     67   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Louisiana (continued)

$ 1,920     

Saint Charles Parish, Louisiana, Gulf Opportunity Zone Revenue Bonds, Valero Project, Series 2010, 4.000%, 12/01/40 (Mandatory put 6/01/22)

         No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 2,126,419   

St John Baptist Parish, Louisiana, Revenue Bonds, Marathon Oil Corporation, Series 2007A, 5.125%, 6/01/37

         6/17 at 100.00           BBB           3,186,360   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Louisiana, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2001B, 5.875%, 5/15/39

           5/13 at 100.00           A–           4,157,784   

Total Louisiana


Maine – 0.7%


Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Maine General Medical Center, Series 2011:


6.750%, 7/01/36

         7/21 at 100.00           Baa3           2,446,320   

6.750%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           Baa3           12,601,927   

Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/40

         7/20 at 100.00           AA           1,835,946   

Portland, Maine, General Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


5.000%, 7/01/25

         7/23 at 100.00           BBB+           816,893   

5.000%, 7/01/26

         7/23 at 100.00           BBB+           530,081   

5.000%, 7/01/27

         7/23 at 100.00           BBB+           1,140,710   

5.000%, 7/01/30

           7/23 at 100.00           BBB+           1,124,180   

Total Maine


Maryland – 1.2%


Baltimore, Maryland, Senior Lien Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 9/01/27 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           BB+           1,082,445   

5.250%, 9/01/28 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           BB+           1,798,580   

Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Patterson Park Public Charter School Issue, Series 2010, 5.750%, 7/01/30

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,063,300   

Washington Suburban Sanitary District, Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, Maryland, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Public Improvement, Series 2012:


5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AAA           15,502,250   

5.000%, 6/01/20

           No Opt. Call           AAA           15,793,375   

Total Maryland


Massachusetts – 1.4%


Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, Academy of the Pacific Rim Project, Series 2006A, 5.125%, 6/01/31 – ACA Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R           277,288   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, Adventcare Project, Series 2007A, 6.750%, 10/15/37

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,015,557   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Resource Recovery Revenue Refunding Bonds, Covanta Energy Project, Series 2012C, 5.250%, 11/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/17 at 100.00           BB+           6,990,435   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Senior Living Facility Revenue Bonds, The Groves in Lincoln Issue, Series 2009A, 7.875%, 6/01/44 (6)

         6/19 at 100.00           N/R           470,000   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Senior Living Facility Revenue Bonds, The Groves in Lincoln Issue, Series 2009B-2, 6.250%, 6/01/14 (6)

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           130,000   

Massachusetts Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, 100 Cambridge Street Redevelopment, M/SRBC Project, Series 2002A, 5.125%, 2/01/34 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A           2,000,220   

Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Issue I Series 2010B, 5.500%, 1/01/23

         1/20 at 100.00           AA           895,098   


  68       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Massachusetts (continued)

$ 6,665     

Massachusetts Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Partners HealthCare System, Tender Option Bond Trust 3627, 13.576%, 7/01/29 (IF)

         7/19 at 100.00           AA         $ 9,133,583   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Quincy Medical Center Issue, Series 2008A, 6.250%, 1/15/28 (6)

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R           24,064   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Emerson Hospital, Series 2005E, 5.000%, 8/15/25 – RAAI Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           N/R           508,185   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, UMass Memorial Health Care, Series 2005D, 5.000%, 7/01/33

         7/15 at 100.00           A–           1,042,200   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Suffolk University Issue, Series 2009A, 5.750%, 7/01/39

         7/19 at 100.00           BBB           5,147,097   

Massachusetts Port Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Delta Air Lines Inc., Series 2001A:


5.500%, 1/01/22 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,260,580   

5.000%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           699,993   

Massachusetts State, Special Obligation Dedicated Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.250%, 1/01/23 (Pre-refunded 1/01/14) – FGIC Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           A1 (4)           8,264,320   

Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, Pooled Loan Program Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2989, 13.340%, 8/01/38 (IF)

           8/19 at 100.00           AAA           3,454,189   

Total Massachusetts


Michigan – 2.3%


Bay City, Bay County, Michigan, Unlimited Tax General Street Improvement Bonds, Series 1991, 0.000%, 6/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           8,715,648   

Charlotte Public School District, Easton County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 5/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           Aa2           9,184,768   

Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2012A, 5.250%, 7/01/39

         7/22 at 100.00           A+           4,055,401   

Detroit, Michigan, Distributable State Aid General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Series 2010, 5.000%, 11/01/30

         11/20 at 100.00           AA           1,386,263   

Detroit, Michigan, Second Lien Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 7/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           A           5,658,224   

HealthSource Saginaw, Inc., Saginaw County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 4.000%, 5/01/29

         5/22 at 100.00           Aa2           1,453,057   

Jackson County Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Bonds, W.A. Foote Memorial Hospital, Refunding Series 2006B-2, 5.000%, 6/01/27 – AGM Insured

         6/20 at 100.00           AA–           898,992   

Kalamazoo Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Refunding Series 2003A, 5.000%, 5/15/26 – AGM Insured

         5/18 at 100.00           AA–           8,447,980   

Kalkaska County Hospital Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.375%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           3,361,176   

Kent Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Spectrum Health System, Series 2008A, 5.500%, 1/15/47 (Mandatory put 1/15/15)

         No Opt. Call           AA           543,210   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Detroit Service Learning Academy Project, Series 2011:


6.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BB+           830,303   

7.000%, 10/01/31

         10/21 at 100.00           BB+           502,577   

7.000%, 10/01/36

         10/21 at 100.00           BB+           1,144,890   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Creative Montessori Academy Project, Series 2011, 6.125%, 5/01/21

         5/18 at 100.00           BBB–           974,210   

Michigan Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Oakwood Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/01/32

         11/22 at 100.00           A           2,231,320   


Nuveen Investments     69   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)

$ 1,550     

Michigan Housing Development Authority, Rental Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 10/01/35

         10/20 at 100.00           AA         $ 1,681,750   

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Chandler Park Academy Project, Series 2008, 6.500%, 11/01/35

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB           1,282,375   

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, David Ellis Academy-West Charter School Project, Series 2007, 5.875%, 6/01/37

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,385,508   

Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Facilities Program, Series 2011-I-A:


5.375%, 10/15/41

         10/21 at 100.00           Aa3           864,930   

5.500%, 10/15/45

         10/21 at 100.00           Aa3           2,320,000   

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Henry Ford Health System, Refunding Series 2009:


5.625%, 11/15/29

         11/19 at 100.00           A           578,230   

5.750%, 11/15/39

         11/19 at 100.00           A           1,688,488   

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Care Group, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/31

         12/16 at 100.00           AA           1,803,846   

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Care Group, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/31 (Pre-refunded 12/01/16)

         12/16 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           426,980   

Royal Oak Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Bonds, William Beaumont Hospital, Refunding Series 2009V, 8.000%, 9/01/29

           9/18 at 100.00           A1           7,628,974   

Total Michigan


Minnesota – 1.2%


Duluth Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, Duluth Public Schools Academy, Series 2010A, 5.875%, 11/01/40

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,069,360   

Faribault, Minnesota, Housing Revenue Bonds, Faribault Senior Living LLC Project, Series 2010, 7.000%, 5/01/45

         5/18 at 102.00           N/R           1,074,160   

Lakeville Independent School District 194, Dakota County, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012D, 5.000%, 2/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           6,185,400   

Minneapolis Health Care System, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, Series 2008A:


6.375%, 11/15/23

         11/18 at 100.00           A           3,660,450   

6.625%, 11/15/28

         11/18 at 100.00           A           3,682,170   

Minneapolis, Minnesota, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Mosaic Parking, LLC Project, Series 2010A, 8.500%, 1/01/41

         1/21 at 100.00           N/R           3,249,240   

Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board, Healthcare System Revenue Bonds, Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, Series 2000A, 6.375%, 11/15/29

         7/13 at 100.00           A           95,392   

Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District, Minnesota, Gross Revenue Health Care Facilities Bonds, Series 2003C, 6.200%, 12/01/22

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           3,000,990   

Shakopee, Minnesota, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Saint Francis Regional Medical Center, Series 2004, 5.250%, 9/01/34

         9/14 at 100.00           A–           1,015,850   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, Healtheast Inc., Series 2005:


6.000%, 11/15/25

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB–           4,870,125   

6.000%, 11/15/30

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB–           4,305,240   

6.000%, 11/15/35

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB–           2,146,000   

Wayzata, Minnesota, Senior Housing Revenue Bonds, Folkestone Senior Living Community, Series 2012A, 6.000%, 5/01/47

           5/19 at 102.00           N/R           2,474,282   

Total Minnesota


Mississippi – 0.2%


Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, Gulf Opportunity Zone Revenue Bonds, Roberts Hotel of Jackson, LLC Project, Series 2010, 8.500%, 2/01/30 (6)

         2/21 at 102.00           N/R           194,981   


  70       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Mississippi (continued)

$ 1,000     

Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, System Energy Resources Inc. Project, Series 1998, 5.875%, 4/01/22

         10/13 at 100.00           BBB         $ 1,003,130   

Mississippi Development Bank, Special Obligation Bonds, Gulfport Water and Sewer System Project, Series 2005, 5.250%, 7/01/24 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           5,892,700   

Total Mississippi


Missouri – 1.7%


Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District, Mass Transit Sales Tax Appropriation Bonds, Metrolink Cross County Extension Project, Series 2002B, 5.000%, 10/01/23 – AGM Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           AA–           7,750,632   

Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District, Metro East Transit District of St. Clair County, Illinois, Metrolink Extension Project Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.250%, 7/01/27 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,051,639   

Cole County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Senior Services – Heisinger Project, Series 2004, 5.500%, 2/01/35

         2/14 at 100.00           BBB+           2,566,772   

Hanley Road Corridor Transportation Development District, Brentwood and Maplewood, Missouri, Transportation Sales Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.875%, 10/01/36

         10/19 at 100.00           A–           2,754,989   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Senior Services Projects, Series 2011, 6.000%, 2/01/41

         2/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,421,838   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Washington University, Tender Option Bond Trust 3604, 13.781%, 5/15/17 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           6,934,430   

Saint Louis Municipal Finance Corporation, Missouri, Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Convention Center, Series 2010A:


0.000%, 7/15/31 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,285,900   

0.000%, 7/15/32 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,036,950   

0.000%, 7/15/33 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,575,750   

0.000%, 7/15/34 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,698,710   

0.000%, 7/15/35 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,192,400   

0.000%, 7/15/36 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           693,680   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Refunding Series 2012A:


4.250%, 7/01/27 – FGIC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/22 at 100.00           A–           1,038,850   

5.000%, 7/01/28 – FGIC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/22 at 100.00           A–           1,774,703   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax Increment Financing Revenue Bonds, Fashion Square Redevelopment Project, Series 2008A, 6.300%, 8/22/26

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,664,093   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax Increment Financing Revenue Notes, Marquette Building Redevelopment Project, Series 2008-A, 6.500%, 1/23/28

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,072,764   

Saint Louis County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Chesterfield, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/42

           No Opt. Call           BBB–           5,271,053   

Total Missouri


Montana – 0.2%


Forsyth, Rosebud County, Montana, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Northwestern Corporation Colstrip Project, Series 2006, 4.650%, 8/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         8/16 at 100.00           A2           2,736,525   

Montana Board of Housing, Single Family Homeownership Bonds, Series 2012A-1, 3.400%, 12/01/27

         6/22 at 100.00           Aa3           1,020,240   

Montana Facilities Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint John’s Lutheran Ministries Project, Series 2006A, 6.125%, 5/15/36

           5/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,587,475   

Total Montana



Nuveen Investments     71   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Nebraska – 0.5%

$ 6,000     

Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska, Gas Project 3 Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/42

         9/22 at 100.00           A         $ 6,496,620   

Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, Power Supply System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 4/01/32

         4/22 at 100.00           A           1,523,557   

Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, Power Supply System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A, 4.000%, 4/01/36

         4/23 at 100.00           A           3,098,010   

Nebraska Public Power District, General Revenue Bonds, Series 2008B, 5.000%, 1/01/20

         1/18 at 100.00           A1           3,188,488   

Omaha, Nebraska, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 4.125%, 11/15/31

           11/21 at 100.00           AAA           1,109,250   

Total Nebraska


Nevada – 0.6%


Clark County, Nevada, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Southwest Gas Corporation, Senior Lien Series 2006A, 4.750%, 9/01/36 – FGIC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         9/16 at 100.00           A–           83,362   

Clark County, Nevada, Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/30

         1/20 at 100.00           A+           2,257,480   

Clark County, Nevada, Subordinate Lien Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A-2, 5.125%, 7/01/25 – FGIC Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           A+           2,096,980   

Henderson Redevelopment Agency, Nevada, Senior Lien Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2002A, 5.250%, 10/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           BBB+           2,107,938   

Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency, Nevada, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A:


7.500%, 6/15/23

         6/19 at 100.00           BBB–           2,296,040   

8.000%, 6/15/30

         6/19 at 100.00           BBB–           1,719,465   

Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Water & Refunding Series 2011C, 5.000%, 6/01/38

         6/21 at 100.00           AA+           2,811,675   

Sparks Local Improvement District 3, Legends at Sparks Marina, Nevada, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008:


6.500%, 9/01/20

         9/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,178,505   

6.750%, 9/01/27

         9/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,982,517   

Washoe County, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 7/01/32

           7/21 at 100.00           AA           460,943   

Total Nevada


New Hampshire – 0.4%


New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. Project, Series 2002, 5.200%, 5/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         5/16 at 101.00           BBB           3,825,535   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Speare Memorial Hospital, Series 2004, 5.875%, 7/01/34 (Pre-refunded 7/01/15)

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB– (4)           892,752   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Covenant Health Systems Obligated Group Issue, Series 2004, 5.375%, 7/01/24

         7/14 at 100.00           A           1,282,938   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Dartmouth College, Tender Option Bond Trust 09-7W, 14.388%, 6/01/39 (IF) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA+           5,008,728   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Elliot Hospital, Refunding Series 2003B, 5.600%, 10/01/22

           10/13 at 100.00           Baa1           1,027,360   

Total New Hampshire


New Jersey – 2.3%


Manalapan-Englishtown Regional Board of Education, New Jersey, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.750%, 12/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,782,412   


  72       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Jersey (continued)


New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Motor Vehicle Surcharge, Series 2004A:

$ 1,775     

5.000%, 7/01/22 – NPFG Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           A         $ 1,863,200   

5.000%, 7/01/23 – NPFG Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           A           1,863,200   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 1999, 5.125%, 9/15/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         9/13 at 100.00           B           1,053,850   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 1999, 5.250%, 9/15/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/24 at 100.00           B           1,738,572   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Provident Group-Montclair Properties LLC, Montclair State University Student Housing Project, Series 2010A, 5.750%, 6/01/31

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa3           956,200   

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Series 2009B:


6.250%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,435,256   

7.500%, 12/01/32

         6/19 at 100.00           A–           747,456   

New Jersey Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust PA-4643, 19.910%, 6/01/30 (IF) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA           2,019,054   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A:


5.250%, 12/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,669,741   

5.500%, 12/15/23

         No Opt. Call           A+           9,000,390   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2013A:


5.000%, 12/15/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           8,525,440   

5.000%, 6/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           13,382,820   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:


5.000%, 1/01/21 – AGM Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           AA–           3,220,230   

5.000%, 1/01/25 – AGM Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           AA–           3,539,956   

5.250%, 1/01/26 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,001,067   

Newark Housing Authority, New Jersey, City-Secured Police Facility Revenue Bonds, South Ward Police Facility, Series 2009A, 5.750%, 12/01/30 – AGC Insured

         12/19 at 100.00           A3           1,175,290   

North Hudson Sewerage Authority, New Jersey, Gross Revenue Senior Lien Lease Certificates, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/23

         6/22 at 100.00           A           4,218,375   

Passaic Valley Water Commission, New Jersey, Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 12/15/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,441,480   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007-1A:


4.625%, 6/01/26

         6/17 at 100.00           B1           783,845   

4.750%, 6/01/34

           6/17 at 100.00           B2           1,761,780   

Total New Jersey


New Mexico – 0.5%


Clayton, New Mexico, Appropriation Debt, Jail Project, Series 2006, 4.650%, 11/01/29 – CIFG Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           BBB+           4,864,341   

New Mexico Hospital Equipment Loan Council, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Haverland Carter Lifestyle Group, Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/32

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,456,870   

New Mexico Hospital Equipment Loan Council, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, La Vida Llena Project, Series 2010A, 5.875%, 7/01/30

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB–           3,249,210   

The Trails Public Improvement District, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Special Levy Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 7.500%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,042,468   

University of New Mexico, FHA-Insured Hospital Mortgage Revenue Bonds, University of Mexico Hospital Project, Series 2004, 5.000%, 7/01/23 – AGM Insured

           7/14 at 100.00           AA–           4,402,415   

Total New Mexico



Nuveen Investments     73   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York – 4.4%


Brooklyn Arena Local Development Corporation, New York, Payment in Lieu of Taxes Revenue Bonds, Barclays Center Project, Series 2009:

$ 1,100     

6.000%, 7/15/30

         1/20 at 100.00           BBB–         $ 1,314,236   

6.375%, 7/15/43

         1/20 at 100.00           BBB–           9,267,125   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, FHA-Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Montefiore Hospital, Series 2004, 5.000%, 8/01/23 – FGIC Insured

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,006,844   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, New School University, Series 2010, 5.500%, 7/01/43 – AGM Insured

         7/20 at 100.00           AA–           5,654,151   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, General Purpose Series 2011C, 5.000%, 3/15/24

         3/21 at 100.00           AAA           12,151,900   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005F, 5.000%, 3/15/24 – AMBAC Insured

         3/15 at 100.00           AAA           1,804,277   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3518:


13.366%, 2/15/33 (IF)

         2/19 at 100.00           AAA           2,906,900   

13.355%, 2/15/33 (IF)

         2/19 at 100.00           AAA           3,392,825   

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Senior Fiscal 2012 Series 2011A, 5.750%, 2/15/47

         2/21 at 100.00           A           475,664   

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 4.500%, 2/15/47 – NPFG Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           A           4,196,479   

Liberty Development Corporation, New York, Goldman Sachs Headquarter Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.250%, 10/01/35

         No Opt. Call           A           4,758,640   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.000%, 5/01/33

         5/19 at 100.00           A           3,636,840   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A:


5.000%, 5/01/36 – AGM Insured

         5/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,118,340   

5.000%, 5/01/38

         5/21 at 100.00           A           2,180,653   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Series 2005F, 5.000%, 11/15/30

         11/15 at 100.00           A           4,962,894   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Series 2012D, 4.000%, 11/15/32

         11/22 at 100.00           A           9,544,734   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Civic Facility Revenue Bonds, Bronx Parking Development Company, LLC Project, Series 2007:


5.750%, 10/01/37 (7)

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,273,350   

5.875%, 10/01/46 (8)

         10/17 at 102.00           N/R           424,370   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Liberty Revenue Bonds, IAC/InterActiveCorp, Series 2005, 5.000%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 100.00           BBB           1,041,080   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Revenue Bonds, Yankee Stadium Project PILOT, Series 2009A, 7.000%, 3/01/49 – AGC Insured

         3/19 at 100.00           AA–           882,775   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, British Airways PLC, Series 1998, 5.250%, 12/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/13 at 100.00           BB           1,500,030   

New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3484, 17.982%, 6/15/33 (IF)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA+           1,524,240   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2005M, 5.000%, 4/01/26 – FGIC Insured

         4/15 at 100.00           AA           5,421,750   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1991B, 7.000%, 2/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           AA           5,029   


  74       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)


New York Liberty Development Corporation, Liberty Revenue Bonds, 4 World Trade Center Project, Series 2011:

$ 1,665     

5.000%, 11/15/31

         11/21 at 100.00           A+         $ 1,908,173   

5.000%, 11/15/44

         11/21 at 100.00           A+           12,727,444   

New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, State Clean Water and Drinking Water Revolving Funds Revenue Bonds, New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority Projects, Second Resolution Series 2012D, 5.000%, 6/15/22

         No Opt. Call           AAA           12,847,000   

New York State Thruway Authority, Highway and Bridge Trust Fund Bonds, Second General, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 4/01/24 – AMBAC Insured

         10/15 at 100.00           AA           1,137,506   

New York State Urban Development Corporation, Special Project Revenue Bonds, University Facilities Grants, Series 1995, 5.500%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,541,585   

New York State Urban Development Corporation, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A-1:


5.000%, 3/15/24 (Pre-refunded 3/15/14) – FGIC Insured

         3/14 at 100.00           AAA           2,762,501   

5.000%, 3/15/25 (Pre-refunded 3/15/14) – FGIC Insured

         3/14 at 100.00           AAA           1,576,342   

5.000%, 3/15/26 (Pre-refunded 3/15/14) – FGIC Insured

         3/14 at 100.00           AAA           1,040,490   

New York State Urban Development Corporation, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 3/15/20

         No Opt. Call           AAA           6,214,550   

Niagara Area Development Corporation, New York, Solid Waste Disposal Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Covanta Energy Project, Series 2012A, 5.250%, 11/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BB+           3,642,800   

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Special Project Bonds, JFK International Air Terminal LLC Project, Eighth Series 2010, 6.000%, 12/01/42

         12/20 at 100.00           BBB–           933,155   

Suffolk County Economic Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Peconic Landing At Southold, Inc. Project, Series 2010, 5.875%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,319,210   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New York, Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, State Contingency Contract Secured, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           668,310   

Troy Capital Resource Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 9/01/20

           No Opt. Call           A–           1,701,336   

Total New York


North Carolina – 0.8%


Buncombe County, North Carolina, Project Development Financing Revenue Bonds, Woodfin Downtown Corridor Development, Series 2008, 6.750%, 8/01/24

         8/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,993,500   

Charlotte, North Carolina, Water and Sewer System Refunding Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 43W, 13.763%, 7/01/38 (IF) (5)

         7/20 at 100.00           AAA           2,584,631   

Columbus County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority, North Carolina, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company Project, Series 2007A, 4.625%, 3/01/27

         3/17 at 100.00           BBB           4,085,834   

North Carolina Capital Facilities Financing Agency, Revenue Bonds, Duke University, Series 2008, Tender Option Bonds Trust 3248:


27.037%, 10/01/21 (IF)

         10/16 at 100.00           AA+           4,163,098   

27.253%, 10/01/34 (IF)

         10/15 at 100.00           AA+           1,174,850   

North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, Power System Revenue Bonds, Series 2008C, 6.750%, 1/01/24

         1/19 at 100.00           A–           1,247,130   

North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, Power System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1993B, 6.000%, 1/01/22 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           1,302,540   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Services for the Aging, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 3/01/37

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,022,520   

5.000%, 3/01/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,019,610   


Nuveen Investments     75   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

North Carolina (continued)

$ 1,580     

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Presbyterian Homes, Series 2006B, 5.200%, 10/01/21

         10/16 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,668,685   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Cape Fear Valley Health System, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/24

         10/22 at 100.00           A–           1,360,286   

North Carolina Turnpike Authority, Triangle Expressway System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.750%, 1/01/39 – AGC Insured

           1/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,314,600   

Total North Carolina


North Dakota – 0.7%


Burleigh County, North Dakota, Health Care Revenue Refunding Bonds, St. Alexius Medical Center Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/38

         7/22 at 100.00           A–           2,815,841   

Grand Forks, North Dakota, Health Care System Revenue Bonds, Altru Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012, 4.000%, 12/01/27

         12/21 at 100.00           A–           2,186,205   

Williston Parks and Recreation District, North Dakota, Sales Tax & Gross Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 3/01/32

           3/21 at 100.00           A           15,608,700   

Total North Dakota


Ohio – 3.0%


American Municipal Power Ohio Inc., Genoa Village, Electric System Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.250%, 2/15/24 – AGC Insured

         2/14 at 100.00           AA–           2,487,986   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-2:


5.125%, 6/01/24

         6/17 at 100.00           B–           1,048,979   

5.875%, 6/01/30

         6/17 at 100.00           B           1,273,839   

5.750%, 6/01/34

         6/17 at 100.00           B           3,499,829   

5.875%, 6/01/47

         6/17 at 100.00           B           3,703,433   

Butler County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, UC Health, Series 2010:


5.250%, 11/01/29

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB+           3,299,130   

5.750%, 11/01/40

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB+           2,274,180   

Cleveland Municipal School District, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.250%, 12/01/23 (Pre-refunded 6/01/14) – AGM Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           AA (4)           1,054,100   

Cleveland, Ohio, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/01/31

         1/22 at 100.00           A–           1,119,620   

Columbus, Ohio, Tax Increment Financing Bonds, Easton Project, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 12/01/23 (Pre-refunded 6/01/14) – AMBAC Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           N/R (4)           2,624,825   

Franklin County, Ohio, Healthcare Facilities Revenue Bonds, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services, Improvement Series 2010A, 5.625%, 7/01/26

         7/21 at 100.00           BBB           3,412,552   

Franklin County, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 4152, 17.838%, 5/01/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           6,530,771   

Hamilton County, Ohio, Sales Tax Bonds, Subordinate Lien, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 12/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           4,544,760   

4.250%, 12/01/32 – AMBAC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A+           8,753,006   

Lake County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Lake Hospital System, Inc., Refunding Series 2008C, 5.625%, 8/15/29

         8/18 at 100.00           A3           3,626,480   

Lorain County Port Authority, Ohio, Recovery Zone Facility Economic Development Revenue Bonds, United State Steel Corporation Project, Series 2010, 6.750%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           BB           781,893   

Lucas County, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Bonds, ProMedica Healthcare Obligated Group, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 11/15/41

         11/21 at 100.00           AA           7,013,526   


  76       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Ohio (continued)

$ 2,240     

Marysville Exempt Village School District, Union County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 12/01/24 – AGM Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           AA–         $ 2,460,394   

Miami County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Upper Valley Medical Center Inc., Series 2006, 5.250%, 5/15/26

         5/16 at 100.00           A2           1,067,640   

Middleburg Heights, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southwest General Health Center Project, Refunding Series 2011, 5.250%, 8/01/41

         8/21 at 100.00           A2           1,663,410   

Montgomery County, Ohio, Health Care and Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Saint Leonard, Refunding & improvement Series 2010, 6.375%, 4/01/30

         4/20 at 100.00           BBB–           3,911,670   

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Ohio, Revenue Bonds, Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Project, Series 2009E, 5.625%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           2,695,670   

Ohio State, Higher Educational Facility Revenue Bonds, Baldwin-Wallace College Project, Series 2004, 5.250%, 12/01/19 (Pre-refunded 6/01/14)

         6/14 at 100.00           A– (4)           1,622,790   

Ross Local School District, Butler County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 12/01/28 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13) – AGM Insured

         12/13 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           2,714,474   

Southeastern Ohio Port Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health System Obligated Group Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2012:


5.000%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,557,917   

5.000%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,370,588   

5.750%, 12/01/32

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,311,370   

6.000%, 12/01/42

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           2,229,760   

Trumbull County, Ohio, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Royal Mall Apartments, Series 2007, 5.000%, 5/20/49 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/17 at 102.00           Aaa           3,194,220   

Wood County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Wood County Hospital Project, Series 2012:


5.000%, 12/01/27

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,180,620   

5.000%, 12/01/32

           No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,677,800   

Total Ohio


Oregon – 0.5%


Oregon Department of Administrative Services, Certificates of Participation, Series 2009A, 5.250%, 5/01/39

         5/19 at 100.00           AA           1,555,218   

Oregon Housing and Community Services Department, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.150%, 7/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/20 at 100.00           Aaa           1,067,290   

Oregon State Department of Transportation, Highway User Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 11/15/21 (Pre-refunded 11/15/14)

         11/14 at 100.00           AAA           2,680,175   

Oregon State Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Concordia University Project, Series 2010A, 6.125%, 9/01/30

         9/20 at 100.00           BB+           1,245,644   

Port of Portland, Oregon, International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010-20C, 5.000%, 7/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/20 at 100.00           AA–           8,133,446   

Portland, Oregon, River District Urban Renewal and Redevelopment Bonds, Series 2012C, 5.000%, 6/15/30

           6/22 at 100.00           A1           963,456   

Total Oregon


Pennsylvania – 4.0%


Allegheny County Higher Education Building Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Carlow University, Series 2011, 6.750%, 11/01/31

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB–           1,271,239   

Bucks County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Charter School Revenue Bonds, School Lane Charter School, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 3/15/37

         3/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,020,400   

Cumberland County Municipal Authority Revenue Bonds, Pennsylvania, Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Project, Series 2009, 6.125%, 1/01/29

         1/19 at 100.00           BBB+           1,133,320   

Delaware County Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Neumann College, Series 2008, 6.125%, 10/01/34

         10/18 at 100.00           BBB           2,197,760   


Nuveen Investments     77   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)

$ 1,350     

Erie County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company Project, Refunding Series 2004A, 5.000%, 11/01/18 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/14 at 100.00           BBB         $ 1,375,421   

Harrisburg Authority, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 7/15/19 – AGM Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           AA–           2,570,652   

Montgomery Count Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Refunding Bonds, ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, Inc. , Series 2012:


5.000%, 11/15/27

         5/22 at 100.00           A–           2,692,248   

5.000%, 11/15/28

         5/22 at 100.00           A–           1,610,776   

5.000%, 11/15/29

         5/22 at 100.00           A–           1,253,362   

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, FHA Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, New Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2010, 5.375%, 8/01/38

         8/20 at 100.00           AA           819,390   

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, FHA Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, New Regional Medical Center Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 62B, 17.841%, 8/01/38 (IF) (5)

         8/20 at 100.00           AA           1,548,039   

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Whitemarsh Continuing Care, Series 2005, 6.250%, 2/01/35

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           508,430   

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Water Facilities Revenue Bonds, Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. Project, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 7/01/42

         7/18 at 100.00           AA–           4,330,148   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Exempt Facilities Revenue Bonds, Allegheny Energy Supply Company LLC., Senior Lien Series 2009, 7.000%, 7/15/39

         7/19 at 100.00           BBB–           5,988,650   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Health System Revenue Bonds , Albert Einstein Healthcare, Series 2009A, 6.250%, 10/15/23

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB+           3,677,538   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Edinboro University Foundation Student Housing Project, Series 2010, 5.800%, 7/01/30

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa3           1,350,120   

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2010-110A, 4.750%, 10/01/25

         10/19 at 100.00           AA+           559,162   

Pennsylvania State, General Obligation Bonds, First Refunding Series 2012-1, 5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA+           12,528,900   

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/26 – AMBAC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A+           1,148,049   

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Subordinate Revenue Bonds, Series 2009C, 0.000%, 6/01/33 – AGM Insured

         6/26 at 100.00           AA           16,139,850   

Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Global Leadership Academy Project, Series 2010, 5.750%, 11/15/30

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           505,147   

Philadelphia Gas Works, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, General Ordinance, Fifth Series 2004A-1, 5.000%, 9/01/23 – AGM Insured

         9/14 at 100.00           AA–           5,234,229   

Philadelphia Gas Works, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Ninth Series, 2010, 5.000%, 8/01/30

         8/20 at 100.00           BBB+           2,173,900   

Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, Pennsylvania, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Pavilion Apartments, Series 2003A, 4.250%, 10/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/13 at 100.00           A           241,786   

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 6/15/40 – AGM Insured

         6/20 at 100.00           AA–           7,395,798   

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 6.500%, 8/01/41

         8/20 at 100.00           A2           2,895,817   


  78       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)


Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Sports and Exhibition Authority, Pennsylvania, Hotel Room Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010:

$ 2,400     

5.000%, 2/01/30 – AGM Insured

         8/20 at 100.00           AA–         $ 2,671,776   

5.000%, 2/01/35 – AGC Insured

         8/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,630,425   

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 9/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           A1           2,644,107   

Radnor Township School District, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 11/15/28 – AGM Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           Aa2           5,624,372   

Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Capital Grant Receipts Bonds, Federal Transit Administration Section 5309 Fixed Guideway Modernization Formula Funds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 6/01/28

         6/21 at 100.00           A+           3,466,320   

State Public School Building Authority, Pennsylvania, College Revenue Bonds, Delaware County Community College, Series 2008, 5.000%, 10/01/24 – AGM Insured

         4/18 at 100.00           A1           1,796,656   

Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority, Pennsylvania, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 4.000%, 1/01/33

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           18,760,565   

Westmoreland County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Retirement Community Revenue Bonds, Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare Obligated Group, Series 2005A:


5.750%, 1/01/26

         1/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,238,616   

5.875%, 1/01/32

           1/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,437,352   

Total Pennsylvania


Puerto Rico – 2.6%


Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Power Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A:


5.000%, 7/01/29

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,988,760   

5.050%, 7/01/42

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB+           11,882,937   

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2007VV, 5.250%, 7/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           10,829,211   

Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 2003G, 5.250%, 7/01/18 (Pre-refunded 7/01/13) – FGIC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB (4)           1,260,650   

Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority, Capital Fund Program Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 12/01/20

         12/13 at 100.00           AA–           1,054,545   

Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ports Authority Project Bonds, Series 2011B, 5.250%, 12/15/26

         12/21 at 100.00           BBB–           10,120,700   

Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C:


5.500%, 7/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           907,732   

5.500%, 7/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           438,089   

5.500%, 7/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           4,158,160   

5.500%, 7/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,029,230   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, First Subordinate Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/32

         8/26 at 100.00           A+           3,968,663   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, First Subordinate Series 2011A-1:


5.250%, 8/01/40

         8/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,627,845   

5.250%, 8/01/43

         8/21 at 100.00           A+           1,673,424   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2011C, 0.000%, 8/01/41

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,142,100   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 0.000%, 8/01/46 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           769,700   


Nuveen Investments     79   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Puerto Rico (continued)


Puerto Rico, General Obligation and Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2001A:

$ 2,550     

5.500%, 7/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 2,776,746   

5.500%, 7/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,312,840   

5.500%, 7/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,848,018   

5.500%, 7/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,542,298   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation and Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2002A:


5.500%, 7/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           53,283   

5.500%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           150,899   

5.500%, 7/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,463,170   

5.500%, 7/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           107,172   

5.500%, 7/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           52,773   

5.500%, 7/01/29

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           129,543   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation and Public Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 1999, 5.250%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           138,610   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation Bonds, Public Improvement Series 2002A, 5.500%, 7/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,468,569   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation Bonds, Public Improvement, Refunding Series 2012A:


5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           3,698,988   

5.000%, 7/01/41

           7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           2,858,340   

Total Puerto Rico


Rhode Island – 0.1%


Providence Housing Development Corporation, Rhode Island, FHA-Insured Section 8 Assisted Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Barbara Jordan Apartments, Series 1994A, 6.650%, 7/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           286,143   

Rhode Island Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2002A:


6.125%, 6/01/32

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB+           1,873,365   

6.250%, 6/01/42

           7/13 at 100.00           BBB–           1,392,314   

Total Rhode Island


South Carolina – 0.3%


Georgetown County, South Carolina, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company, Senior Lien Series 2005A, 5.550%, 12/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB           746,235   

Greenville, South Carolina, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1990, 6.000%, 5/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA–           555,910   

Medical University Hospital Authority, South Carolina, FHA-Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 8/15/23 (Pre-refunded 8/15/14) – NPFG Insured

         8/14 at 100.00           Baa2 (4)           2,234,752   

South Carolina Housing Finance and Development Authority, Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2006C-2, 5.500%, 7/01/37 – AGM Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/16 at 101.00           Aa1           1,426,564   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health Alliance, Series 2003A, 6.125%, 8/01/23

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB+           1,268,438   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health Alliance, Series 2003C, 6.375%, 8/01/34 (Pre-refunded 8/01/13)

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB+ (4)           137,099   

South Carolina Public Service Authority, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Santee Cooper, Series 2008A, 5.375%, 1/01/28

           1/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,374,780   

Total South Carolina



  80       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

South Dakota – 0.8%

$ 2,500     

Rapid City, South Dakota, Airport Customer Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Recovery Zone Facility Bond Series 2010B, 7.000%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 102.00           N/R         $ 2,908,850   

Rapid City, South Dakota, Airport Revenue Refunding Bonds, Passenger Facility Charge Supported, Series 2011A, 7.000%, 12/01/35

         12/19 at 100.00           Baa2           1,149,370   

Rapid City, South Dakota, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, 4.000%, 6/01/28

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,420,111   

South Dakota Economic Development Finance Authority, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Davis Family Sodak, LLC Wastewater Project, Pooled Loan Program, Series 2004A, 6.000%, 4/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/14 at 100.00           A+           1,459,108   

South Dakota Economic Development Finance Authority, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Spearfish Products Project, Pooled Loan Program, Series 2008A, 5.875%, 4/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/16 at 100.00           A+           2,228,480   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Avera Health, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/42

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           2,016,093   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Vocational Education Program, Series 2008, 5.500%, 8/01/38 – AGC Insured

         8/18 at 100.00           AA           7,746,705   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westhills Village Retirement Community Project, Series 2006, 5.000%, 9/01/31

         9/14 at 100.00           A           758,798   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westhills Village Retirement Community, Series 2012:


4.000%, 9/01/24

         9/20 at 100.00           A           347,827   

5.000%, 9/01/32

           9/20 at 100.00           A           1,594,965   

Total South Dakota


Tennessee – 0.9%


Blount County Public Building Authority, Tennessee, Local Government Public Improvement Loan Bonds, Washington County, Series 2007B-12-A, 4.375%, 6/01/35 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         6/19 at 100.00           Aa2           3,848,378   

Chattanooga Health, Educational and Housing Facility Board, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2008D:


6.000%, 10/01/23

         10/18 at 100.00           AA–           607,715   

6.125%, 10/01/28

         10/18 at 100.00           AA–           1,792,215   

Claiborne County, Tennessee, Industrial Development Board, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Lincoln Memorial University Project, Series 2009, 6.625%, 10/01/39

         10/19 at 100.00           N/R           3,446,430   

Clarksville Natural Gas Acquisition Corporation, Tennessee, Natural Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 12/15/17 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           1,150,350   

Johnson City Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Mountain States Health Alliance, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           799,474   

5.000%, 7/01/17

         7/16 at 100.00           BBB+           834,011   

5.500%, 7/01/36

         7/16 at 100.00           BBB+           4,951,768   

Memphis Health, Educational and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Goodwill Village Apartments, Series 2010A, 5.500%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 100.00           A–           143,055   

Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Belmont University Project, Series 2012:


5.000%, 11/01/26

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,631,621   

5.000%, 11/01/27

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,123,430   

5.000%, 11/01/28

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           279,615   

5.000%, 11/01/29

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           283,019   

5.000%, 11/01/30

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           270,215   

5.000%, 11/01/31

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           773,223   


Nuveen Investments     81   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Tennessee (continued)

$ 1,000     

Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Vanderbilt University, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 10/01/39

         10/19 at 100.00           AA+         $ 1,139,450   

Shelby County, Tennessee, General Obligation Public Improvement and School Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 4/01/20

         4/19 at 100.00           AA+           975,504   

Shelby County, Tennessee, General Obligation Public Improvement and School Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 4/01/20 (Pre-refunded 4/01/19)

         4/19 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           246,910   

South Blount County Utility District, Tennessee, Waterworks Revenue Bonds, Improvement and Refunding Series 2009, 5.250%, 12/01/39 – AGM Insured

         12/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,309,060   

Sumner County Health, Educational, and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Sumner Regional Health System Inc., Series 2007, 5.500%, 11/01/37 (6)

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,490   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 9/01/21

           No Opt. Call           A           1,170,870   

Total Tennessee


Texas – 9.4%


Bexar County, Texas, Venue Project Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.500%, 8/15/49 – AGM Insured

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           5,930,338   

Board of Regents of the Texas Tech University System, Revenue Financing System Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Fourteenth Series 2012A, 5.000%, 8/15/37

         8/21 at 100.00           AA+           1,595,174   

Brazos County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Franciscan Services Corporation Obligated Group-St Joseph Regional, Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 1/01/23

         7/18 at 100.00           A–           3,988,795   

Brownsville, Texas, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2008, 5.000%, 9/01/27 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,631,113   

Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 7/01/19

         7/17 at 100.00           A+           4,011,630   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010, 5.750%, 1/01/25

         1/20 at 100.00           Baa2           2,074,805   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2011, 6.250%, 1/01/46

         1/21 at 100.00           Baa2           4,026,484   

Clifton Higher Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Education Revenue Bonds, Idea Public Schools, Series 2012:


5.000%, 8/15/32

         8/22 at 100.00           BBB           3,025,319   

5.000%, 8/15/42

         8/22 at 100.00           BBB           2,979,268   

Clifton Higher Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Education Revenue Bonds, Tejano Center for Community Concerns, Inc.-Raul Yzaguirre School for Success, Refunding Series 2009A, 8.750%, 2/15/28

         2/18 at 100.00           BBB–           2,425,332   

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, Joint Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011C:


5.000%, 11/01/24

         11/20 at 100.00           A+           4,109,140   

5.000%, 11/01/25

         11/20 at 100.00           A+           1,748,580   

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, Joint Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012B:


5.000%, 11/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,128,048   

5.000%, 11/01/35

         11/20 at 100.00           A+           4,829,739   

Danbury Higher Education Authority Inc., Texas, Golden Rule Charter School Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.500%, 8/15/38

         2/18 at 100.00           BB+           1,514,400   

Fort Bend County Industrial Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, NRG Energy Inc. Project, Series 2012A. RMKT, 4.750%, 5/01/38

         11/22 at 100.00           Baa3           2,737,125   

Fort Bend County Industrial Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, NRG Energy Inc. Project, Series 2012B, 4.750%, 11/01/42

         11/22 at 100.00           Baa3           4,468,852   


  82       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 500     

Fort Bend Independent School District, Fort Bend County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 1994, 5.000%, 2/15/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AAA         $ 518,955   

Gregg County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Good Shepherd Health System, Series 2012C, 5.000%, 7/01/32

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB+           6,925,100   

Gulf Coast Industrial Development Authority, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Citgo Petroleum Corporation Project, Series 1995, 4.875%, 5/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/22 at 100.00           BB+           1,116,345   

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Baylor College of Medicine, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 11/15/32

         11/22 at 100.00           A–           1,060,066   

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Young Men’s Christian Association of the Greater Houston Area, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 6/01/33

         6/23 at 100.00           Baa3           3,312,716   

Harris County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Series 2008B, 7.250%, 12/01/35 (Pre-refunded 12/01/18)

         12/18 at 100.00           A+ (4)           2,678,180   

Harris County Hospital District, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 2/15/42 – NPFG Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           A           5,356,300   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2001G:


5.250%, 11/15/21 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A           5,049,850   

5.250%, 11/15/22 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A           6,556,680   

5.250%, 11/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A           7,848,594   

5.375%, 11/15/41 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A           2,505,350   

Harrison County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Good Shepherd Health System, Refunding Series 2010, 5.250%, 7/01/28

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB+           3,333,210   

Houston Community College System, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 2/15/22

         2/21 at 100.00           AA+           9,392,015   

Houston, Texas, Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Revenue Bonds, Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.250%, 9/01/28

         9/21 at 100.00           A2           2,180,216   

Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Airport System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 7/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           1,445,088   

Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Airport System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 7/01/32

         7/22 at 100.00           A+           1,722,675   

Humble Independent School District, Harris County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 2/15/22 – AGC Insured

         2/18 at 100.00           Aa2           3,103,898   

Love Field Airport Modernization Corporation, Texas, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southwest Airlines Company – Love Field Modernization Program Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/22 at 100.00           BBB–           11,755,981   

Lubbock Educational Facilities Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Lubbock Christian University, Refunding & Improvement Series 2007:


5.125%, 11/01/27

         11/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,074,840   

5.250%, 11/01/37

         11/17 at 100.00           BBB           2,662,025   

Mansfield, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 2/15/25 (Pre-refunded 2/15/14) – AMBAC Insured

         2/14 at 100.00           AA (4)           1,237,362   

Mission Economic Development Corporation, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. Project, Series 2008, 6.000%, 8/01/20 (Mandatory put 8/01/13)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,012,350   

North Fort Bend Water Authority, Texas, Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 12/15/36 – AGM Insured

         12/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,984,949   

North Texas Municipal Water District, Water System Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/26

         3/22 at 100.00           AAA           12,113,400   


Nuveen Investments     83   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 4,500     

North Texas Tollway Authority, First Tier System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Series 2008-E3, 5.750%, 1/01/38 (Mandatory put 1/01/16)

         No Opt. Call           A2         $ 5,090,310   

North Texas Tollway Authority, Second Tier System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008, 5.750%, 1/01/33 (UB) (5)

         1/18 at 100.00           A3           2,252,280   

North Texas Tollway Authority, Special Projects System Revenue Bonds, Current Interest Series 2011D:


5.250%, 9/01/27

         9/21 at 100.00           AA           12,075,500   

5.000%, 9/01/32

         9/21 at 100.00           AA           4,632,360   

North Texas Tollway Authority, Special Projects System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A:


5.500%, 9/01/41

         9/21 at 100.00           AA           2,381,720   

0.000%, 9/01/45

         9/31 at 100.00           AA           9,192,077   

North Texas Tollway Authority, System First Tier Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012C, 1.950%, 1/01/38 (Mandatory put 1/01/19)

         No Opt. Call           A2           8,241,120   

North Texas Tollway Authority, System Revenue Bonds, First Tier Series 2009A, 6.000%, 1/01/28

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           3,540,390   

Port of Houston Authority, Harris County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010D-1, 5.000%, 10/01/30

         10/20 at 100.00           AAA           2,394,240   

Richardson Hospital Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Richardson Regional Medical Center, Series 2004, 6.000%, 12/01/34

         12/13 at 100.00           A+           1,017,530   

SA Energy Acquisition Public Facilities Corporation, Texas, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.500%, 8/01/27

         No Opt. Call           A           631,019   

San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.250%, 2/01/25

         2/19 at 100.00           Aa1           12,055,400   

San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 2/01/25

         2/18 at 100.00           Aa1           4,669,160   

San Marcos, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008:


5.000%, 8/15/25 – AGM Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,141,980   

5.000%, 8/15/27 – AGM Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,129,590   

San Marcos, Texas, Waterworks and Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 8/15/26 – AGM Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,129,100   

Southwest Higher Education Authority Inc, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Southern Methodist University, Series 2009, 5.000%, 10/01/36

         10/19 at 100.00           AA–           10,335,106   

Tarrant County Cultural and Educational Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, Northwest Senior Housing-Edgemere Project, Series 2006A, 6.000%, 11/15/26

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,724,384   

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Scott & White Healthcare Project, Series 2010, 5.500%, 8/15/45

         8/20 at 100.00           AA–           1,080,558   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation I, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2008D, 5.625%, 12/15/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           885,077   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation III, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/15/32

         No Opt. Call           A3           5,361,350   

Texas Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corporation, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, LBJ Infrastructure Group LLC IH-635 Managed Lanes Project, Series 2010, 7.000%, 6/30/40

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa3           9,566,622   

Texas Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corporation, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, NTE Mobility Partners LLC North Tarrant Express Managed Lanes Project, Series 2009, 6.875%, 12/31/39

         12/19 at 100.00           Baa2           1,018,233   

Texas Public Finance Authority, Charter School Finance Corporation Revenue Bonds, Idea Public School Project, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 8/15/37 – ACA Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,043,430   

Texas State, General Obligation Bonds, Water Financial Assistance, Tender Option Bond Trust 3479, 17.540%, 2/01/17 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,926,770   


  84       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 20,000     

Texas Turnpike Authority, Central Texas Turnpike System Revenue Bonds, First Tier Series 2002A, 0.000%, 8/15/17 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–         $ 18,560,400   

Travis County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, Querencia Barton Creek, Series 2005:


5.500%, 11/15/25

         11/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,353,677   

5.650%, 11/15/35

         11/15 at 100.00           N/R           4,233,414   

Travis County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Westminster Manor, Series 2010, 7.000%, 11/01/30

         11/20 at 100.00           BB+           901,058   

Tyler Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mother Frances Hospital Regional Healthcare Center, Series 2007, 5.000%, 7/01/33

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa1           2,134,160   

Uptown Development Authority, Houston, Texas, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Infrastructure Improvement Facilities, Series 2009, 5.250%, 9/01/24

           9/19 at 100.00           BBB           560,475   

Total Texas


Utah – 0.6%


Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Charter School Revenue Bonds, Vista at Entrada School of Performing Arts and Technology) Series 2012:


5.600%, 7/15/22

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,005,955   

6.300%, 7/15/32

         7/22 at 100.00           BB+           903,329   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Navigator Pointe Academy Project, Series 2010A, 5.625%, 7/15/40

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,073,620   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Noah Webster Academy, Series 2008A:


6.250%, 6/15/28

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           494,108   

6.500%, 6/15/38

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           968,430   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, North Davis Preparatory Academy, Series 2010, 6.250%, 7/15/30

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,366,400   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Paradigm High School, Series 2010A, 6.375%, 7/15/40

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,225,879   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, George Washington Academy Project, Series 2011A:


7.750%, 7/15/31

         7/21 at 100.00           BB+           2,446,368   

8.000%, 7/15/41

         7/21 at 100.00           BB+           4,084,502   

Utah Transit Authority, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 0.000%, 6/15/29 – NPFG Insured

           6/17 at 55.29           A1           3,304,559   

Total Utah


Vermont – 0.1%


Vermont Economic Development Authority, Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Wake Robin Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2006A, 5.250%, 5/01/26

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,027,340   

Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Financing Agency, Revenue Bonds, Vermont Law School Project, Series 2011A:


6.125%, 1/01/28

         1/21 at 100.00           Baa2           2,105,146   

6.250%, 1/01/33

           1/21 at 100.00           Baa2           1,147,280   

Total Vermont


Virgin Islands – 0.1%


Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Loan Notes Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2009A, 6.000%, 10/01/39

         10/19 at 100.00           Baa3           554,760   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Revenue Loan Note – Diageo Project, Series 2009A, 6.750%, 10/01/37

           10/19 at 100.00           BBB           2,917,125   

Total Virgin Islands



Nuveen Investments     85   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Virginia – 1.2%

$ 845     

Arlington County Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Multifamily Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Berkeley Apartments, Series 2000, 5.850%, 12/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/13 at 100.00           AA+         $ 847,366   

Chesapeake, Virginia, Transportation System Senior Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A:


4.000%, 7/15/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,107,280   

5.000%, 7/15/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,063,071   

5.000%, 7/15/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,105,891   

4.000%, 7/15/24

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB           1,869,176   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation of Virginia, Tobacco Settlement Asset Backed Bonds, Series 2007B1, 5.000%, 6/01/47

         6/17 at 100.00           B2           3,386,520   

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds Hampton Roads Proton Beam Therapy Institute at Hampton University, LLC Project, Series 2009, 9.000%, 7/01/39

         7/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,076,350   

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, 95 Express Lanes LLC Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 7/01/34 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/22 at 100.00           BBB–           7,325,290   

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Elizabeth River Crossing, Opco LLC Project, Series 2012:


5.250%, 1/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           3,877,678   

5.500%, 1/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           12,543,173   

Total Virginia


Washington – 2.5%


Clark County Public Utility District 1, Washington, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.250%, 1/01/31

         1/21 at 100.00           A+           7,064,987   

Franklin County Public Utility District 1, Washington, Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2002, 5.625%, 9/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Aa3           175,753   

FYI Properties, Washington, Lease Revenue Bonds, Washington State Department of Information Services Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 2009-14A&B, 19.940%, 6/01/34 (IF) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA           1,461,811   

King County Public Hospital District 4, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Snoqualmie Valley Hospital, Refunding Improvement Series 2011, 7.000%, 12/01/40

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,695,147   

King County, Washington, General Obligation Sewer Bonds, Series 2005:


5.000%, 1/01/35 (Pre-refunded 1/01/15) – FGIC Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           5,514,584   

5.000%, 1/01/35 (Pre-refunded 1/01/15) – FGIC Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           AAA           2,030,277   

King County, Washington, Sewer Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3090, 13.406%, 7/01/32 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         7/17 at 100.00           AA+           3,238,995   

Ocean Shores, Washington, Local Improvement District 2007-01 Bonds, 2011, 7.250%, 2/01/31

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,991,174   

Seattle, Washington, Municipal Light and Power Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/22

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           6,357,250   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Series 2011A, 5.625%, 1/01/35

         1/21 at 100.00           A           2,245,700   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Series 2010, 5.250%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 100.00           Baa3           3,810,765   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Series 2012:


5.000%, 12/01/27

         12/21 at 100.00           Baa3           2,982,542   

5.000%, 12/01/32

         12/21 at 100.00           Baa3           1,838,916   

5.000%, 12/01/42

         12/21 at 100.00           Baa3           2,537,562   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Tender Option Bond Trust 3295, 17.675%, 4/01/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,385,433   


  86       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Washington (continued)

$ 1,000     

Washington Higher Education Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Whitworth University Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 10/01/27

         4/22 at 100.00           Baa1         $ 1,113,230   

Washington Public Power Supply System, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Nuclear Project 3, Series 1989B, 7.125%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           724,938   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Central Washington Health Services Association, Series 2009:


6.250%, 7/01/24

         7/19 at 100.00           Baa3           2,295,540   

7.000%, 7/01/39

         7/19 at 100.00           Baa3           2,319,680   

Washington State Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Whitworth University, Series 2009, 5.375%, 10/01/29

         10/19 at 100.00           Baa1           3,330,810   

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Non-Profit Revenue Bonds, Emerald Heights Project, Refunding 2013:


5.000%, 7/01/28

         7/23 at 100.00           A–           1,245,651   

5.000%, 7/01/33

         7/23 at 100.00           A–           1,286,551   

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Revenue Bonds, Riverview Retirement Community Refunding, Series 2012, 5.000%, 1/01/48

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           2,357,690   

Washington State Tobacco Settlement Authority, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2002:


6.500%, 6/01/26

         6/13 at 100.00           A3           3,024,241   

6.625%, 6/01/32

         6/13 at 100.00           Baa1           673,187   

Washington State, Federal Highway Grant Anticipation Revenue Bonds, Garvee – SR 520 Corridor Program, Series 2012F, 5.000%, 9/01/24

         9/22 at 100.00           AA           6,166,850   

Washington State, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 1121, 13.445%, 7/01/14 – AGM Insured (IF)

           No Opt. Call           AA+           4,763,481   

Total Washington


West Virginia – 0.1%


Ohio County Commission, West Virginia, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Fort Henry Centre Financing District, Series 2007A, 5.850%, 6/01/34

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           528,735   

West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority , Hospital Revenue Bonds, Charleston Area Medical Center, Series 2009A, 5.625%, 9/01/32

         9/19 at 100.00           A3           1,123,700   

West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Thomas Health System, Inc., Series 2008, 6.500%, 10/01/28

           10/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,069,410   

Total West Virginia


Wisconsin – 3.0%


Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Power System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 10/01/23 – FGIC Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           A1           2,925,490   

Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/31 – NPFG Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/16 at 100.00           A1           4,034,139   

Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, Retail Sales Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 144A, 6.500%, 2/01/31

         2/19 at 102.00           AA–           5,742,450   

Public Finance Authority of Wisconsin, Educational Facility Revenue Bonds, Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Series 2012A:


6.000%, 12/01/32

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,616,875   

6.250%, 12/01/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R           5,042,650   

Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Voyager Foundation Inc. of North Carolina, Series 2012A:


5.500%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           407,877   

6.000%, 10/01/32

         10/22 at 100.00           N/R           387,506   

Superior, Wisconsin, Limited Obligation Revenue Refunding Bonds, Midwest Energy Resources Company, Series 1991E, 6.900%, 8/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,673,740   


Nuveen Investments     87   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Wisconsin (continued)

$ 1,930     

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Aurora Health Care, Inc., Series 2010A, 5.250%, 4/15/24

         4/20 at 100.00           A         $ 2,215,293   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Beaver Dam Community Hospitals Inc., Series 2004A, 6.750%, 8/15/34

         8/14 at 100.00           N/R           2,048,100   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Beloit College, Series 2010A, 6.125%, 6/01/39

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa2           1,401,731   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Fort Healthcare Inc., Series 2004, 5.750%, 5/01/29

         5/14 at 100.00           BBB+           3,122,490   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Gundersen Lutheran, Series 2011A, 5.250%, 10/15/39

         10/21 at 100.00           A+           15,577,253   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Howard Young Health Care, Inc., Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 8/15/27

         8/22 at 100.00           BBB+           1,640,132   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Marshfield Clinic, Series 2012B:


4.250%, 2/15/32

         2/22 at 100.00           A–           1,031,430   

5.000%, 2/15/40

         2/22 at 100.00           A–           1,610,690   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Mercy Alliance, Inc., Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/32

         6/22 at 100.00           A2           22,308,800   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ministry Health Care, Inc., Refunding 2012C, 5.000%, 8/15/32

         8/22 at 100.00           A+           7,823,480   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group, Series 2009, 6.625%, 2/15/39

         2/19 at 100.00           A+           697,286   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group, Series 2009, 6.625%, 2/15/32 (Pre-refunded 2/18/14)

         2/14 at 100.00           A+ (4)           1,890,504   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 2113, 14.172%, 8/15/33 (IF)

         8/13 at 100.00           A–           2,598,600   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Services Inc., Series 2006B, 5.125%, 8/15/30

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           2,684,159   

Wisconsin Public Power Incorporated System, Power Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 7/01/30 – AMBAC Insured

           7/15 at 100.00           A1           1,910,771   

Total Wisconsin


Wyoming – 0.8%


Campbell County, Wyoming Solid Waste Facilities Revenue Bonds, Basin Electric Power Cooperative – Dry Fork Station Facilities, Series 2009A, 5.750%, 7/15/39

         7/19 at 100.00           A1           2,290,440   

Laramie County, Wyoming, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Cheyenne Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 5/01/37

         5/21 at 100.00           A+           2,202,680   

Natrona County, Wyoming, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Wyoming Medical Center Project, Series 2011, 6.350%, 9/15/31

         3/21 at 100.00           A3           5,323,185   

Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Idaho Power Company Project, Series 2006, 5.250%, 7/15/26

         8/19 at 100.00           A2           1,134,240   

Teton County Hospital District, Wyoming, Hospital Revenue Bonds, St. John’s Medical Center Project, Series 2011B:


5.500%, 12/01/27

         12/21 at 100.00           BBB           926,528   

6.000%, 12/01/36

         12/21 at 100.00           BBB           2,963,025   

West Park Hospital District, Wyoming, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 7.000%, 6/01/40

         6/21 at 100.00           BBB           4,404,200   

Wyoming Community Development Authority, Housing Revenue Bonds, 2013 Series 1:


1.875%, 12/01/17 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           705,810   

2.050%, 12/01/18 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,340,746   

2.400%, 12/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,199,386   


  88       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)             Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Wyoming (continued)

$ 865     

2.700%, 12/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+         $ 874,429   

2.900%, 12/01/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,486,918   

3.150%, 12/01/22 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

               No Opt. Call           AA+           511,474   

Total Wyoming

$ 2,825,242     

Total Municipal Bonds (cost $2,703,067,406)

Amount (000)
    Description (1)   Coupon        Maturity        Ratings (3)        Value  



Transportation – 0.0%

$ 126     

Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (9), (10)

    5.500%           7/15/19           N/R         $ 31,493   

Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (9), (10)

    3.000%           7/15/55           N/R           7,373   
$ 163     

Total Corporate Bonds (cost $3,097)


Total Investments (cost $2,703,070,503) – 98.5%



Floating Rate Obligations – (0.6)%


Other Assets Less Liabilities – 2.1%


Net Assets – 100%

                                   $ 3,013,214,823   


  (1)   All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets.


  (2)   Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns.


  (3)   Ratings (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Using the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. Ratings below BBB by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national rating agencies.


  (4)   Backed by an escrow or trust containing sufficient U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency securities, which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities.


  (5)   Investment, or portion of investment, has been pledged to collateralize the net payment obligations for investments in inverse floating rate transactions.


  (6)   At or subsequent to the end of the reporting period, this security is non-income producing. Non-income producing security, in the case of a fixed-income security, generally denotes that the issuer has (1) defaulted on the payment of principal or interest, (2) is under the protection of the Federal Bankruptcy Court or (3) the Fund’s Adviser has concluded that the issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (7)   On April 1, 2013, the Fund’s Adviser determined it was unlikely that this borrower would fulfill its entire obligation on this security, and therefore reduced the security’s interest rate of accrual from 5.750% to 2.300%.


  (8)   On April 1, 2013, the Fund’s Adviser determined it was unlikely that this borrower would fulfill its entire obligation on this security, and therefore reduced the security’s interest rate of accrual from 5.875% to 2.350%.


  (9)   Investment valued at fair value using methods determined in good faith by, or at the discretion of, the Board of Directors/Trustees. For fair value measurement disclosure purposes, investment classified as Level 3. See Notes to Financial Statements, Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Investment Valuation for more information.


  (10)   During January 2010, Las Vegas Monorail Company (“Las Vegas Monorail”) filed for federal bankruptcy protection. During March 2012, Las Vegas Monorail emerged from federal bankruptcy with the acceptance of a reorganization plan assigned by the Federal Bankruptcy Court. Under the reorganization plan, the Fund surrendered its Las Vegas Monorail Project Revenue Bonds, First Tier, Series 2000 and in turn received two senior interest corporate bonds: the first with an interest rate of 5.500% maturing on July 15, 2019 and the second with an interest rate of 3.000% (5.500% after December 31, 2015) maturing on July 15, 2055. The custodian is not accruing income on the Fund’s records for either senior interest corporate bond.


  N/R   Not rated.


  WI/DD   Investment, or portion of investment, purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis.


  (ETM)   Escrowed to maturity.


  (IF)   Inverse floating rate investment.


  (UB)   Underlying bond of an inverse floating rate trust reflected as a financing transaction. See Notes to Financial Statements, Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Inverse Floating Rate Securities for more information.


  144A   Investment is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These investments may only be resold in transactions exempt from registration, which are normally those transactions with qualified institutional buyers.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     89   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  



National – 0.5%

$ 19,725     

MuniMae Tax-Exempt Bond Subsidiary Redeemable Preferred Shares, Multifamily Housing Pool, Series 2013A-5, 5.000%, 1/31/28 (Mandatory put 1/31/18) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/18 at 100.00           Ba1         $ 19,739,991   

MuniMae Tax-Exempt Bond Subsidiary Redeemable Preferred Shares, Multifamily Housing Pool, Series 2000B, 5.750%, 6/30/50 (Mandatory put 9/30/19) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/13 at 100.00           Ba2           17,004,080   

MuniMae Tax-Exempt Bond Subsidiary Redeemable Preferred Shares, Multifamily Housing Pool, Series 2005A-4, 5.125%, 6/30/50 (Mandatory put 9/30/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Ba1           4,949,950   

MuniMae Tax-Exempt Bond Subsidiary Redeemable Preferred Shares, Multifamily Housing Pool, Series 2004A-2, 4.900%, 7/31/49 (Mandatory put 9/30/14) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           9/14 at 100.00           Ba1           2,969,970   

Total National


Alabama – 2.0%


Adamsville Solid Waste Disposal Authority, Alabama, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Green Mountain Management LLC Project, Series 2010, 8.750%, 8/01/30

         8/20 at 100.00           N/R           16,304,640   

Alabama Industrial Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Pine City Fiber Co. Project, Series 1993, 6.450%, 12/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B2           7,045,611   

Alabama Industrial Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Pine City Fiber Co. Project, Series 1994, 6.450%, 12/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B2           3,020,265   

Bessemer, Alabama, General Obligation Warrants, Series 2007,
6.500%, 2/01/37

         2/17 at 102.00           N/R           13,937,317   

Fairfield Industrial Development Board, Alabama, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, US Steel Corporation Project, Series 2011, 5.375%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BB           4,126,280   

Jefferson County Public Building Authority, Alabama, Lease Revenue Warrants, Series 2006:


5.125%, 4/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           Ca           3,232,652   

5.125%, 4/01/19 – AMBAC Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           Ca           1,718,094   

5.125%, 4/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           Ca           124,488   

5.125%, 4/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           Ca           2,232,889   

5.000%, 4/01/26 – AMBAC Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           Ca           1,908,156   

Jefferson County, Alabama, General Obligation Refunding Warrants,
Series 2003A:


5.000%, 4/01/22 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           4,044,486   

5.000%, 4/01/23 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           10,760,480   

Jefferson County, Alabama, General Obligation Warrants, Series 2004A:


5.000%, 4/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           Baa2           642,601   

5.000%, 4/01/22 – NPFG Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           Baa2           1,472,340   

5.000%, 4/01/23 – NPFG Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           Baa2           981,950   

5.000%, 4/01/24 – NPFG Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           A           7,849,296   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Education Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A:


5.250%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           B           5,955,950   

5.250%, 1/01/15

         1/14 at 100.00           B           3,277,620   

5.250%, 1/01/16

         1/14 at 100.00           B           5,303,551   

5.250%, 1/01/17

         1/14 at 100.00           B           14,730,007   

5.250%, 1/01/19

         1/14 at 100.00           B           4,300,645   

5.500%, 1/01/22

         1/14 at 100.00           B           5,363,782   

5.250%, 1/01/23

         1/14 at 100.00           B           3,785,076   

5.000%, 1/01/24

         1/14 at 100.00           B           5,336,096   

4.750%, 1/01/25

         1/14 at 100.00           B           665,796   


  90       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Alabama (continued)

$ 655     

4.750%, 1/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           B         $ 627,477   

4.750%, 1/01/25 – AGM Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           AA–           769,108   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Series 2005A-1, 0.563%, 1/01/27

         7/13 at 100.00           B           1,549,625   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Series 2005A-2, 0.555%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           B           2,113,125   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Series 2005A-3, 0.560%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           B           1,750,875   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Series 2005A-4, 0.556%, 1/01/27

         6/13 at 100.00           B           563,500   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Sewer Revenue Refunding Warrants, Series 1997A:


5.625%, 2/01/22 – FGIC Insured (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           Ca           1,603,493   

5.375%, 2/01/27 – FGIC Insured (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           Ca           4,349,409   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Sewer Revenue Refunding Warrants, Series 2003B, 5.250%, 2/01/16 – AGM Insured

         5/13 at 100.00           AA–           301,041   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Sewer Revenue Warrants, Refunding Series 2003C-10, 0.000%, 2/01/42 – AGM Insured (4)

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           10,518,750   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Sewer Revenue Warrants, Refunding Series 2003C-9, 0.000%, 2/01/42 – AGM Insured (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           AA–           15,206,250   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Sewer Revenue Warrants, Series 2003C-2, 0.548%, 2/01/42 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Ca           2,538,000   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Sewer Revenue Warrants, Series 2003C-5, 0.180%, 2/01/42 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Ca           3,600,000   

Rainbow City Special Healthcare Facilities Financing Authority, Alabama, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Regency Pointe, Series 2001A:


7.650%, 1/01/06 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           4,451   

8.125%, 1/01/21 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,052,567   

8.250%, 1/01/31 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           631,985   

Rainbow City Special Healthcare Facilities Financing Authority, Alabama, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Regency Pointe, Series 2001B, 7.250%, 1/01/06 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,170,508   

Sylacauga Health Care Authority, Alabama, Revenue Bonds, Coosa Valley Medical Center, Series 2005A:


6.000%, 8/01/25

         8/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,050,500   

6.000%, 8/01/35

           8/15 at 100.00           N/R           7,152,225   

Total Alabama


Arizona – 4.1%


Apache County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, Series 20102A, 4.500%, 3/01/30

         3/22 at 100.00           BBB           3,989,169   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Banner Health Systems, Tender Option Bond Trust 3256:


13.858%, 1/01/20 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,123,000   

19.392%, 7/01/27 (IF) (5)

         1/18 at 100.00           AA–           6,235,770   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Banner Health Systems, Tender Option Bond Trust 4695, 18.529%, 1/01/31 (IF) (5)

         1/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,497,110   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Series 2013D, 5.000%, 2/01/43

         2/23 at 100.00           BBB+           7,081,221   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 2/01/42

         2/22 at 100.00           BBB+           19,306,829   

Downtown Phoenix Hotel Corporation, Arizona, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:


5.250%, 7/01/23 – FGIC Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           BB+           805,225   


Nuveen Investments     91   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)

$ 4,050     

5.250%, 7/01/26 – FGIC Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           BB+         $ 4,187,133   

5.000%, 7/01/36 – FGIC Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           BB+           39,790,403   

5.000%, 7/01/40 – FGIC Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           BB+           13,684,481   

Estrella Mountain Ranch Community Facilities District, Goodyear, Arizona, Special Assessment Lien Bonds, Series 2001A, 7.875%, 7/01/25

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           562,172   

Florence Town Inc., Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Legacy Traditional School Project – Queen Creek and Casa Grande Campuses, Series 2013, 6.000%, 7/01/43

         7/23 at 100.00           BB           3,329,203   

Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Privado Park Apartments Project, Series 2006A, 5.750%, 11/01/46 (Mandatory put 11/01/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           15,997,000   

Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Senior Living Facility Revenue Bonds, Christian Care Mesa II Inc., Series 2004A, 6.625%, 1/01/34 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/14 at 100.00           CC           5,332,790   

Parkway Community Facilities District 1, Prescott Valley, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.300%, 7/15/25

         7/16 at 100.00           N/R           411,835   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Airport Facilities Refunding Bonds, America West Airlines, Inc. Project, Series 1998, 6.300%, 4/01/23 (WI/DD, Settling 5/01/13) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/13 at 100.00           Caa2           501,905   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, fbo Brighter Choice Foundation Charter Middle Schools Project, Albany, New York, Series 2012, 7.500%, 7/01/42

         7/22 at 100.00           BB–           13,922,251   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Arizona School for the Arts, Series 2011A, 7.750%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           N/R           5,954,560   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Painted Rock Academy Charter School Project, Series 2012A:


7.250%, 7/01/32

         7/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,549,394   

7.500%, 7/01/42

         7/20 at 100.00           N/R           3,954,982   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Educational Revenue Bonds, Keystone Montessori School, Series 2004A:


6.375%, 11/01/13

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           55,309   

7.250%, 11/01/23

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           818,243   

7.500%, 11/01/33

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,771,098   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Lease Revenue Bonds, Rowan University Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/42 (UB) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A+           5,419,200   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Lease Revenue Bonds, Rowan University Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 1086:


17.928%, 6/01/34 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A+           3,026,941   

16.953%, 6/01/42 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A+           1,034,478   

16.979%, 6/01/42 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A+           500,760   

16.979%, 6/01/42 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A+           3,358,430   

16.999%, 6/01/42 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A+           2,003,040   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Senior Living Revenue Bonds, Christian Care Manor I and Christian Care Manor II, Inc. Project, Series 2005A, 5.500%, 7/01/35

         7/15 at 100.00           Baa2           5,242,794   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Cambridge Academy-East, Inc. Project, Series 2010, 6.625%, 4/01/40

         4/20 at 100.00           BB–           3,972,290   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Noah Webster Basic Schools Inc., Series 2004, 6.125%, 12/15/34

         12/14 at 100.00           BBB–           558,817   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Choice Education and Development Charter School Revenue Bonds, Series 2006:


6.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           213,049   

6.250%, 6/01/26

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,493,216   

6.375%, 6/01/36

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,294,248   


  92       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)

$ 8,170     

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds Legacy Traditional School Project, Series 2009, 8.500%, 7/01/39

         7/19 at 100.00           N/R         $ 9,418,213   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Carden Traditional Schools Project, Series 2012:


7.375%, 1/01/32

         1/22 at 100.00           B           4,493,410   

7.500%, 1/01/42

         1/22 at 100.00           B           7,068,983   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Paradise Education Center Project, Series 2010:


6.000%, 6/01/40

         6/19 at 100.00           BBB–           1,247,437   

6.100%, 6/01/45

         6/19 at 100.00           BBB–           2,351,993   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Educational Revenue Bonds, Paradise Education Center Charter School, Series 2006:


5.875%, 6/01/22

         6/16 at 100.00           BBB–           259,790   

6.000%, 6/01/36

         6/16 at 100.00           BBB–           1,508,586   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Educational Revenue Bonds, Valley Academy Charter School Project, Series 2008, 6.500%, 7/01/38

         7/18 at 100.00           Baa3           3,011,628   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Lease Revenue Bonds, Clark County Detention Facility Project, Trust 2835, 15.798%, 3/01/16 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           4,359,756   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company Project, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 9/01/29

         3/23 at 100.00           BBB           8,316,495   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, Series 2010A, 5.250%, 10/01/40

         10/20 at 100.00           BBB           10,153,633   

Pronghorn Ranch Community Facilities District, Prescott Valley, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 6.400%, 7/15/29

         7/14 at 100.00           N/R           2,533,275   

Quechan Indian Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation, Arizona, Government Project Bonds, Series 2008:


6.625%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           CCC           1,988,640   

7.000%, 12/01/27

         12/17 at 102.00           CCC           12,512,556   

Quechan Indian Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation, Arizona, Tribal Economic Development Bonds, Series 2012A, 9.750%, 5/01/25

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           20,768,575   

Salt Verde Financial Corporation, Arizona, Senior Gas Revenue Bonds, Citigroup Energy Inc Prepay Contract Obligations, Series 2007:


5.250%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A–           70,274   

5.250%, 12/01/28

         No Opt. Call           A–           94,269   

5.000%, 12/01/32

         No Opt. Call           A–           13,262,372   

5.500%, 12/01/37

         No Opt. Call           B–           25,418,466   

5.000%, 12/01/37

         No Opt. Call           A–           22,783,566   

Surprise Municipal Property Corporation, Arizona, Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


4.700%, 4/01/22

         4/14 at 100.00           A–           3,035,430   

4.900%, 4/01/32

         4/17 at 100.00           A–           4,542,971   

Tempe Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Tempe Project, Refunding Series 2012A:


6.250%, 12/01/42

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           1,202,608   

6.250%, 12/01/46

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           1,743,392   

Tucson Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center Charter School, Series 2004A:


5.850%, 9/01/24

         9/14 at 100.00           BB+           1,644,997   

6.125%, 9/01/34

         9/14 at 100.00           BB+           1,048,051   

Watson Road Community Facilities District, Arizona, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2005:


5.200%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           100,436   

5.400%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,513,036   


Nuveen Investments     93   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)

$ 700     

5.500%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 734,965   

5.750%, 7/01/22

         7/16 at 100.00           N/R           8,842,869   

6.000%, 7/01/30

         7/16 at 100.00           N/R           11,919,778   

Yavapai County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center Charter Schools, Series 2012, 5.125%, 3/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BB+           2,306,889   

Yavapai County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Arizona Agribusiness and Equine Center Charter School, Series 2011:


7.625%, 3/01/31

         3/21 at 100.00           BB+           4,113,756   

7.875%, 3/01/42

         3/21 at 100.00           BB+           2,156,106   

Yuma County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Exempt Revenue Bonds, Far West Water & Sewer Inc. Refunding, Series 2007A, 6.375%, 12/01/37 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,166,671   

Total Arizona


California – 17.9%


Anaheim Public Finance Authority, California, Subordinate Lease Revenue Bonds, Public Improvement Project, Series 1997C:


0.000%, 9/01/29 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           400,610   

0.000%, 9/01/35 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,404,026   

Atwater Public Financing Authority, California, Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.250%, 5/01/45 – AGM Insured

         5/19 at 100.00           AA–           9,900,579   

Azusa Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Merged West End Development, Series 2007B, 5.300%, 8/01/36

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           238,932   

Azusa, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-1 Rosedale Improvement Area 1, Series 2007:


5.000%, 9/01/27

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,641,327   

5.000%, 9/01/37

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           8,805,056   

Bakersfield City School District, Kern County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012C:


0.000%, 5/01/42

         5/40 at 100.00           Aa2           661,011   

0.000%, 5/01/47

         5/40 at 100.00           Aa2           3,762,576   

Bay Area Toll Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge, Tender Option Bond Trust 2985:


17.254%, 4/01/31 (IF)

         4/17 at 100.00           AA           1,818,818   

17.184%, 4/01/34 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           493,821   

17.305%, 4/01/34 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           3,724,444   

17.311%, 4/01/34 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           1,904,350   

17.311%, 4/01/39 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           3,293,407   

17.311%, 4/01/39 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           753,640   

19.300%, 4/01/43 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           1,992,650   

17.253%, 4/01/47 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           1,618,423   

17.499%, 4/01/47 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           1,933,350   

17.808%, 4/01/47 (IF)

         4/18 at 100.00           AA           1,546,680   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Improvement Area 17A, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 9/01/34

         9/23 at 100.00           N/R           1,090,466   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Improvement Area 19C, Series 2008A, 6.875%, 9/01/36

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,116,675   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Improvement Area 20 Series 2012B, 5.950%, 9/01/35

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,052,570   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Improvement Area 8C, Series 2007E, 6.250%, 9/01/38

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,010,840   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2004D:


5.500%, 9/01/24

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,505,794   

5.800%, 9/01/35

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,933,781   


  94       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:

$ 830     

5.600%, 9/01/25

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R         $ 870,994   

5.650%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           2,418,133   

5.700%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           2,599,850   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B:


5.350%, 9/01/28

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           965,145   

5.400%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,426,682   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C:


5.500%, 9/01/29

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           882,223   

5.500%, 9/01/35

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           2,111,483   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B:


5.000%, 9/01/27

         9/13 at 100.50           N/R           687,939   

5.050%, 9/01/37

         9/13 at 100.50           N/R           994,380   

Blythe Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Redevelopment Project 1, Series 2011, 9.750%, 5/01/38

         5/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,708,797   

Borrego Water District, California, Community Facilities District 2007-1 Montesoro, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.750%, 8/01/32 (4)

         8/17 at 102.00           N/R           881,308   

Brea Redevelopment Agency, Orange County, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Project Area AB, Series 2003, 0.000%, 8/01/29 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,912,013   

Brentwood Infrastructure Financing Authority, Contra Costa County, California, CIFP 2006-1 Infrastructure Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.200%, 9/02/36

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           5,835,061   

California Enterprise Development Authority, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, SunPower Corporation – Headquarters Project, Series 2010, 8.500%, 4/01/31

         4/21 at 100.00           N/R           11,567,100   

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Merced County Tobacco Funding Corporation, Series 2005A, 5.125%, 6/01/38

         6/15 at 100.00           BB–           921,200   

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Sonoma County Tobacco Securitization Corporation, Series 2005, 5.250%, 6/01/45

         6/15 at 100.00           B–           6,361,740   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System West, Tender Option Bonds Trust 4699, 19.191%, 9/01/28 – NPFG Insured (IF) (5)

         9/18 at 100.00           N/R           10,379,608   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Refunding Revenue Bonds, Stanford Hospital and Clinics, Tender Option Bond Trust 3267:


19.925%, 5/15/19 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,565,400   

18.919%, 5/15/31 (IF) (5)

         11/21 at 100.00           AA–           6,402,080   

19.925%, 11/15/40 (IF) (5)

         11/21 at 100.00           AA–           2,739,240   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital, Tender Option Trust 4726:


17.913%, 8/15/51 (IF) (5)

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           18,030,622   

17.913%, 8/15/51 (IF) (5)

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           748,780   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Stanford Hospitals and Clinics, Tender Option Bond Trust 3294:


17.828%, 2/15/20 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,869,835   

17.883%, 2/15/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,974,700   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 11952:


21.908%, 8/15/18 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,889,300   

21.908%, 8/15/18 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,911,440   


Nuveen Investments     95   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 3248:

$ 2,500     

21.908%, 8/15/18 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 4,889,300   

21.908%, 8/15/18 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,889,300   

California Housing Finance Agency, Home Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3206, 8.130%, 2/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF)

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB           4,365,230   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Certificates of Participation, Community Hospitals of Central California Obligated Group, Series 2009, 5.500%, 2/01/39

         2/19 at 100.00           BBB           20,806,748   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Rocket ship 7 – Alma Academy Elementary School, Series 2012A, 6.250%, 6/01/43

         12/21 at 101.00           N/R           4,088,680   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Rocket ship 7 – Alma Academy Elementary School, Taxable Series 2012B, 8.500%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           354,766   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Partnerships to Uplift Communities Project, Series 2012A:


5.250%, 8/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,593,338   

5.300%, 8/01/47

         8/22 at 100.00           BB+           693,826   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Education Revenue Bonds, American Heritage Education Foundation Project, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 6/01/36

         6/16 at 100.00           BB–           2,466,646   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, OCEAA Project, Series 2008A:


6.750%, 10/01/28

         10/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,004,640   

7.000%, 10/01/39

         10/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,008,410   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, Caritas Projects Series 2010B, 7.250%, 8/15/45

         8/20 at 100.00           N/R           9,304,871   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, Caritas Projects Series 2012A, 5.500%, 8/15/47

         8/22 at 100.00           BBB           1,072,040   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, Caritas Projects Series 2012B, 7.250%, 8/15/47

         8/22 at 100.00           A1           5,309,750   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Goodwill Industries of Sacramento Valley & Northern Nevada Project, Series 2012A:


6.625%, 1/01/32

         1/22 at 100.00           N/R           605,819   

6.875%, 1/01/42

         1/22 at 100.00           N/R           564,805   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Harbor Regional Center Project, Series 2009:


8.000%, 11/01/29

         11/19 at 100.00           Baa1           620,970   

8.500%, 11/01/39

         11/19 at 100.00           AA           1,304,295   

California Municipal Financing Authority, Certificates of Participation, Community Hospitals of Central California, Series 2007:


5.000%, 2/01/21

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,086,610   

5.250%, 2/01/27

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB           2,655,475   

California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Water Furnishing Revenue Bonds, Poseidon Resources Channelside Desalination Project, Series 2012:


5.000%, 7/01/37 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           11,355,793   

5.000%, 11/21/45 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           19,034,835   

California School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Coastal Academy Project, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 10/01/42

         10/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,009,690   

California School Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Tri-Valley Learning Corporation, Series 2012A, 7.000%, 6/01/47

         6/20 at 102.00           N/R           12,359,545   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3162, 19.050%, 3/01/18 – AGM Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           7,620,120   


  96       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,500     

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds – Albert Einstein Academy for Letters, Arts, & Sciences Charter School Series 2012, 6.250%, 11/01/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 1,518,195   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Community Facilities District 2012-01, Fancher Creek, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.700%, 9/01/43

         9/23 at 100.00           N/R           1,955,421   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Multifamily Housing Revenue Subordinate Bonds Stanford Arms Seniors Apartments Series 2001-P2, Pass-Through Certificates of Beneficial Ownership, 5.750%, 11/01/34 (Mandatory put 11/01/16) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           805,403   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Recovery Zone Facility Bonds, SunEdison Huntington Beach Solar Projects, Series 2010, 7.500%, 1/01/31

         1/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,611,163   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Recovery Zone Facility Bonds, SunEdison Irvine Unified School District Solar Projects, Series 2010, 7.500%, 7/01/30

         1/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,520,531   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, American Baptist Homes of the West, Series 2010, 6.250%, 10/01/39

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB+           5,289,143   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, EnerTech Regional Biosolids Project, Series 2007A, 5.500%, 12/01/33 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         No Opt. Call           D           1,116,500   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lancer Plaza Project, Series 2013, 5.875%, 11/01/43

         11/23 at 100.00           N/R           878,063   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Terraces San Joaquin Gardens, Series 2012A, 5.625%, 10/01/32

         10/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,073,250   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Statewide Community Infrastructure Program Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 8.000%, 9/02/41

         9/21 at 100.00           N/R           5,350,150   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Rocketship 4 – Mosaic Elementary Charter School, Series 2011A, 8.500%, 12/01/41

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,576,665   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Rocketship 4 – Mosaic Elementary Charter School, Taxable Series 2011B, 8.750%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           N/R           504,108   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, School Facility Revenue Bonds, Alliance College-Ready Public Schools, Series 2011A, 7.000%, 7/01/46

         7/21 at 100.00           BBB–           1,243,605   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Rocklin Academy Charter, Series 2011A, 8.250%, 6/01/41

         6/21 at 100.00           BB+           5,905,350   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Lancer Educational Student Housing Revenue Bonds, California Baptist University, Series 2007:


9.125%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           125,101   

5.625%, 6/01/33

         6/17 at 102.00           N/R           1,063,610   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Lancer Educational Student Housing Revenue Bonds, California Baptist University, Series 2010A, 7.500%, 6/01/42

         6/19 at 100.00           N/R           2,348,780   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Magnolia City Lights, Series 1999X, 6.650%, 7/01/39

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           565,316   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Brentwood Infrastructure Program, Series 2005A, 5.200%, 9/02/25

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           500,253   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, California Baptist University, Series 2007A:


5.400%, 11/01/27

         11/17 at 102.00           N/R           1,072,180   

5.500%, 11/01/38

         11/17 at 102.00           N/R           1,611,825   


Nuveen Investments     97   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, California Baptist University, Series 2011A:

$ 1,250     

7.250%, 11/01/31

         11/21 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,548,525   

7.500%, 11/01/41

         11/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,827,688   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/15/47

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB+           16,251,369   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Drew School, Series 2007, 5.300%, 10/01/37

         10/15 at 102.00           N/R           766,238   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Epidaurus Project, Series 2004A, 7.750%, 3/01/34

         3/14 at 102.00           N/R           2,974,784   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, International School of the Peninsula, Palo Alto, California, Series 2006:


5.000%, 11/01/25

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,332,266   

5.000%, 11/01/29

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           813,608   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kaiser Permanente System, Tender Option Bond Trust 1065:


17.058%, 4/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A+           2,335,579   

17.081%, 4/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A+           3,628,300   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Montessori in Redlands School, Series 2007A, 5.125%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,322,604   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 3048, 18.513%, 11/15/32 (IF)

         5/18 at 100.00           AA–           10,457,001   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 3102, 18.606%, 11/15/48 (IF) (5)

         5/18 at 100.00           AA–           9,913,258   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Subordinate Lien Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Corona Park Apartments, Series 2004I-S, 7.750%, 1/01/34 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,015,080   

Carlsbad, California, Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds, Reassessment District 12-1, Series 2013, 5.000%, 9/02/35

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,916,732   

Carson Redevelopment Agency, California, Redevelopment Project Area 1 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2009A, 7.000%, 10/01/36

         10/19 at 100.00           A–           1,198,680   

Chino Public Financing Authority, California, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/30

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,058,040   

Chino, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 03-3 Improvement Area 2, Series 2006:


5.000%, 9/01/26

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,012,850   

5.000%, 9/01/31

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,336,851   

5.000%, 9/01/36

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,001,440   

Compton Community Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Redevelopment Projects, Housing Second Lien Series 2010A, 5.500%, 8/01/30

         8/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,030,630   

Corona, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2002-1 Dos Lagos, Series 2005A, 5.050%, 9/01/34

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,887,063   

Corona-Norco Unified School District Public Financing Authority, Riverside County, California, Special Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Junior Lien Series 2013B:


5.000%, 9/01/32

         9/23 at 100.00           N/R           1,069,394   

5.000%, 9/01/35

         9/23 at 100.00           N/R           521,295   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Joseph Health System, Trust 2554, 18.068%, 7/01/47 – AGM Insured (IF)

         7/18 at 100.00           AA–           4,369,120   

Desert Hot Springs Redevelopment Agency, California, Merged Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2008A-2:


5.000%, 9/01/23

         9/18 at 100.00           CCC+           795,190   

5.250%, 9/01/28

         9/18 at 100.00           CCC+           1,596,260   

5.750%, 9/01/38

         9/18 at 100.00           CCC+           1,603,460   


  98       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 5,000     

East Side Union High School District, Santa Clara County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2010-3171, 17.673%, 8/01/33 – AGC Insured (IF)

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–         $ 6,899,800   

Eastern Municipal Water District, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facility District 2005-38 Improvement Area A, Series 2006, 5.200%, 9/01/36

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           347,276   

El Dorado County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Blackstone Community Facilities District 2005-1, Series 2005, 5.250%, 9/01/35

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           5,017,491   

Elk Grove Community Facilities District 2005-1, California, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007:


5.200%, 9/01/27

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           6,834,488   

5.250%, 9/01/37

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           14,183,979   

Fairfield, California, Community Facilities District 2007-1 Special Tax Bonds, Fairfield Commons Project, Series 2008, 6.875%, 9/01/38

         9/18 at 100.00           N/R           4,232,040   

Fillmore Redevelopment Agency, Ventura County, California, Central City Redevelopment Project, Subordinate Lien Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.375%, 5/01/31

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,212,090   

Fontana Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, North Fontana Redevelopment Project, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1013, 18.128%, 9/01/32 – AMBAC Insured (IF) (5)

         7/13 at 100.00           A+           2,684,200   

Fontana, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 31 Citrus Heights North, Series 2006:


5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           3,658,410   

5.000%, 9/01/36

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           997,200   

Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 1995A, 5.000%, 1/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           21,000,840   

Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1999:


0.000%, 1/15/25 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 50.50           Baa2           8,992,260   

5.875%, 1/15/29 – NPFG Insured

         1/14 at 101.00           Baa2           1,912,524   

0.000%, 1/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 37.39           Baa2           369,520   

0.000%, 1/15/31 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 35.14           Baa2           4,222,490   

0.000%, 1/15/32 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 33.04           Baa2           6,666,312   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 6/01/45 – AMBAC Insured (UB)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           33,325,131   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 1011:


17.086%, 6/01/38 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           1,858,522   

17.099%, 6/01/38 – FGIC Insured (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           893,640   

17.099%, 6/01/38 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           2,978,800   

17.099%, 6/01/38 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           2,978,800   

17.099%, 6/01/38 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           2,978,800   

16.933%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           433,770   

17.056%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           1,120,845   

17.078%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           1,150,422   

17.078%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           2,206,913   

17.099%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           2,054,710   

17.099%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           2,641,770   

17.099%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           8,805,900   

17.099%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           1,796,404   

17.099%, 6/01/45 (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           A2           1,467,650   

Goden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bonds Trust 3107, 17.403%, 6/01/45 – BHAC Insured (IF)

         6/15 at 100.00           AA+           9,031,445   


Nuveen Investments     99   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bonds Trust 4686:

$ 5,500     

8.825%, 6/01/45 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         6/15 at 100.00           AA–         $ 6,006,220   

8.825%, 6/01/45 – AGC Insured (IF)

         6/15 at 100.00           AA–           600,622   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/33

         6/17 at 100.00           B           37,609,510   

5.750%, 6/01/47

         6/17 at 100.00           B           44,758,992   

5.125%, 6/01/47

         6/17 at 100.00           B           40,133,837   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-2, 5.300%, 6/01/37

         6/22 at 100.00           B           47,588,391   

Gonzales Redevelopment Agency, Monterey County, California, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Gonzalez Redevelopment Project, Series 2011, 8.000%, 12/01/44

         12/21 at 100.00           BB+           1,696,252   

Grossmont Healthcare District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3253, 22.441%, 1/15/19 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           3,647,100   

Hawthorne, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2006-1, Three Sixty Degrees @ South Bay, Series 2006:


4.600%, 9/01/21

         9/16 at 102.00           N/R           1,020,620   

5.000%, 9/01/30

         9/16 at 102.00           N/R           2,017,560   

5.000%, 9/01/36

         9/16 at 102.00           N/R           1,980,840   

Hemet Unified School District, California, Community Facilities District 2005-1 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.125%, 9/01/36

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           586,135   

Hercules Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Project Area, Series 2005:


5.000%, 8/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           CC           4,282,979   

4.750%, 8/01/35 – AMBAC Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           CC           2,435,138   

Hesperia Public Financing Authority, California, Redevelopment and Housing Projects Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.500%, 9/01/22 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/17 at 100.00           Ba1           3,386,923   

5.500%, 9/01/27 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         No Opt. Call           Ba1           1,027,430   

5.000%, 9/01/37 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/17 at 100.00           Ba1           4,049,390   

Hesperia Unified School District, San Bernardino County, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 2/01/43 – BAM Insured

         2/23 at 100.00           AA           2,699,050   

Imperial, California, Community Facilities District 2006-2 Savanna Ranch Special Tax Bonds, Improvement Area 1, Series 2006, 5.000%, 9/01/37

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           2,945,537   

Independent Cities Finance Authority, California, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, Rancho Vallecitos Mobile Home Park, Series 2013, 5.000%, 4/15/48

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           1,022,020   

Independent Cities Finance Authority, California, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, Augusta Communities Mobile Home Park, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 5/15/47

         5/22 at 100.00           A–           1,563,825   

Independent Cities Lease Finance Authority, California, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, San Juan Mobile Estates Project, Series 2006A, 5.125%, 5/15/41

         5/16 at 100.00           A           1,026,710   

Independent Cities Lease Finance Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, El Granada Mobile Home Park, Series 2004A, 6.450%, 5/15/44

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           2,538,925   

Independent Cities Lease Finance Authority, California, Second Senior Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds, Caritas Affordable Housing Project Mobile Home Park, Series 2005C, 7.000%, 9/01/40

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,474,786   

Indio Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Subordinate Lien Refunding Series 2008A, 5.250%, 8/15/28

         8/18 at 100.00           BBB–           1,051,521   


  100       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


Indio, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-3 Terra Lago, Improvement Area 1, Series 2005:

$ 2,050     

5.100%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R         $ 2,068,881   

5.150%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           3,832,076   

Indio, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2006-1 Sonora Wells, Series 2006:


5.050%, 9/01/26

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           634,568   

5.125%, 9/01/36

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,794,480   

Jurupa Community Services District, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 34 Eastvale Area , Series 2010A, 6.500%, 9/01/40

         9/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,552,050   

King Community Development Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, King City Redevelopment Project, Series 2011, 7.250%, 8/01/34

         8/21 at 100.00           N/R           5,965,446   

Lake Elsinore Public Finance Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Refunding Bonds, Assessment District 93-1, Series 2012B, 5.125%, 9/01/30

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,767,700   

Lake Elsinore Public Finance Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2003H, 6.375%, 10/01/33

         10/13 at 102.00           N/R           2,564,425   

Lake Elsinore Public Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Canyon Hills Improvement Area C, Series 2012C, 5.000%, 9/01/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,015,600   

Lake Elsinore Public Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Villages at Wasson Canyon, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.250%, 9/01/38

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,240,764   

Lake Elsinore, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2003-2 Improvement Area A, Canyon Hills, Series 2004A, 5.950%, 9/01/34

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           1,227,396   

Lake Elsinore, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2003-2, Canyon Hills Improvement Area B, Series 2006A:


5.100%, 9/01/26

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           3,029,100   

5.150%, 9/01/36

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           6,779,768   

Lake Elsinore, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-3, Rosetta Canyon Improvement Area 1,Series 2005:


5.250%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,242,274   

5.250%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,261,726   

Lake Elsinore, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-3, Rosetta Canyon Improvement Area 2, Series 2006:


5.200%, 9/01/26

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           919,955   

5.250%, 9/01/37

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           8,751,536   

Lake Elsinore, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-1, Series 2006A:


5.200%, 9/01/26

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,001,295   

5.350%, 9/01/36

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,537,433   

Lake Elsinore, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-2 Improvement Area A, Series 2005A, 5.450%, 9/01/36

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           11,863,734   

Lake Tahoe Unified School District, El Dorado County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010, 0.000%, 8/01/45 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,331,050   

Lammersville Joint Unified School District, Special Tax Bonds, California, Community Facilities District 2002, Mountain House, Series 2013, 5.000%, 9/01/37

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           4,130,840   

Lammersville School District, California, Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Community Facilities District 2002 Mountain House, Series 2012, 0.000%, 9/01/29

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           905,060   

Lancaster Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Combined Redevelopment Project Areas Housing Programs, Series 2009:


6.875%, 8/01/34

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB           2,319,060   

6.875%, 8/01/39

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB           2,820,674   


Nuveen Investments     101   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,155     

Lancaster Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Combined Redevelopment Project Areas Housing Programs, Subordinate Refunding Series 2003, 4.750%, 8/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         8/15 at 102.00           BBB         $ 1,159,077   

Lathrop Financing Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Water Supply Project Series 2003, 6.000%, 6/01/35

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,181,192   

Lee Lake Water District, Riverside County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 3, Series 2004, 5.950%, 9/01/34

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           4,150,319   

Lemoore Redevelopment Agency, Kings County, California, Lemorre Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2011, 7.250%, 8/01/31

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           1,496,508   

Lincoln, California, Community Facility District 2006-1 Area 2 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           639,425   

Long Beach Bond Finance Authority, California, Natural Gas Purchase Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.500%, 11/15/30

         No Opt. Call           A           591,538   

5.000%, 11/15/35

         No Opt. Call           A           838,880   

5.500%, 11/15/37

         No Opt. Call           A           13,740,545   

Los Alamitos Unified School District, Orange County, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2012, 0.000%, 8/01/42

         8/29 at 100.00           A+           1,087,011   

Los Angeles County, California, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, HDR Preservation Apartment Project, Series 2007C, 6.250%, 7/01/42

         7/22 at 100.00           N/R           6,652,372   

Los Angeles Department of Airports, California, Revenue Bonds, Los Angeles International Airport, Tender Option Bond Trust 10-27B:


18.310%, 5/15/40 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           AA           2,915,100   

18.310%, 5/15/40 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           AA           6,937,294   

Los Angeles Department of Airports, California, Revenue Bonds, Los Angeles International Airport, Tender Option Bond Trust 2011-27B:


18.297%, 5/15/40 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           AA           5,434,165   

18.310%, 5/15/40 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           AA           7,623,400   

Los Angeles Regional Airports Improvement Corporation, California, Sublease Revenue Bonds, Los Angeles International Airport, American Airlines Inc. Terminal 4 Project, Series 2002B, 7.500%, 12/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/13 at 101.00           C           596,337   

Los Angeles Regional Airports Improvement Corporation, California, Sublease Revenue Bonds, Los Angeles International Airport, American Airlines Inc. Terminal 4 Project, Series 2002C, 7.500%, 12/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/13 at 101.00           N/R           4,699,774   

Los Angeles, California, Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2009-2W, 20.944%, 6/01/34 (IF) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA+           4,635,400   

Lynwood Redevelopment Agency, California, Project A Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2011A, 7.000%, 9/01/31

         9/21 at 100.00           A–           1,206,090   

March Joint Powers Redevelopment Agency, California, March Air Force Base Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A:


7.000%, 8/01/26

         8/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,430,840   

7.250%, 8/01/31

         8/21 at 100.00           BBB+           3,179,894   

7.500%, 8/01/41

         8/21 at 100.00           BBB+           11,945,834   

March Joint Powers Redevelopment Agency, California, March Air Force Base Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2011B, 7.500%, 8/01/41

         8/21 at 100.00           BBB+           4,713,891   

Menifee Union School District, Riverside County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-5, Series 2006, 5.200%, 9/01/26

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           639,663   

Merced, California, Redevelopment Agency, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, 6.250%, 9/01/29

         9/19 at 100.00           N/R           1,567,425   


  102       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 5     

Merced Irrigation District, California, Revenue Certificates of Participation, Electric System Project, Series 2003, 5.700%, 9/01/36

         9/13 at 102.00           Baa2         $ 5,100   

Merced, California, Community Facilities District 2005-1, Special Tax Bonds, Bellevue Ranch West, Series 2006:


5.250%, 9/01/26

         9/14 at 103.00           N/R           923,735   

5.300%, 9/01/36

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           802,739   

Monrovia Redevelopment Agency, California, Central Project Area 1 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2011:


6.500%, 5/01/26

         5/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,890,827   

6.900%, 5/01/36

         5/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,292,827   

Moreno Valley Unified School District, Riverside County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-5, Series 2006, 5.200%, 9/01/36

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           624,668   

Moreno Valley Unified School District, Riverside County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-6, Series 2005, 5.200%, 9/01/36

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           2,375,909   

Moreno Valley Unified School District, Riverside County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-2, Series 2006, 5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/15 at 101.00           N/R           224,941   

Moreno Valley, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 5, Series 2007:


5.000%, 9/01/27

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,029,230   

5.000%, 9/01/37

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,327,981   

M-S-R Energy Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Citigroup Prepay Contracts, Series 2009B, 6.500%, 11/01/39

         No Opt. Call           A           3,691,440   

M-S-R Energy Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A:


7.000%, 11/01/34

         No Opt. Call           A           5,229,617   

6.500%, 11/01/39

         No Opt. Call           A           27,412,360   

M-S-R Energy Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2009C:


7.000%, 11/01/34

         No Opt. Call           A           4,664,253   

6.500%, 11/01/39

         No Opt. Call           A           5,468,800   

Murrieta Public Finance Authority, California, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/31

         9/22 at 100.00           BBB–           5,440,950   

Murrieta, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2003-3, Creekside Village Improvement Area 1, Series 2005, 5.200%, 9/01/35

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,267,859   

National City Community Development Commission, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, National City Redevelopment Project, Series 2011, 7.000%, 8/01/32

         8/21 at 100.00           A–           2,984,727   

Oxnard Financing Authority, California, Local Obligation Revenue Bonds, Special District Bond Refinancing, Subordinate Lien Series 2012B, 5.000%, 9/02/33

         9/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,005,870   

Oxnard Financing Authority, California, Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Redwood Trunk Sewer and Headworks Projects, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 6/01/34 – FGIC Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           BBB           8,985,062   

Pacifica, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2008, 5.375%, 1/01/37 – AMBAC Insured

         1/16 at 102.00           A–           1,172,127   

Palm Desert Finance Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Project Area 3, Series 2006A, 4.750%, 4/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           BBB+           2,497,735   

Palm Desert Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Project Area 1, Series 2003, 5.000%, 4/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,000,606   

Palm Desert, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-1 University Park, Series 2006:


5.250%, 9/01/26

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           2,293,133   

5.450%, 9/01/32

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           5,067,054   

5.500%, 9/01/36

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           6,030,690   


Nuveen Investments     103   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


Palm Desert, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-1 University Park, Series 2007:

$ 3,000     

5.150%, 9/01/27

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R         $ 2,913,930   

5.200%, 9/01/37

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           8,223,300   

Palm Drive Health Care District, Sonoma County, California, Certificates of Participation, Parcel Tax Secured Financing Program, Series 2010:


7.000%, 4/01/25

         7/13 at 102.00           BB           1,147,642   

7.500%, 4/01/35

         7/13 at 102.00           BB           1,645,253   

Palm Springs Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Downtown Revitalization Project, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 6/01/35

         No Opt. Call           A           1,104,790   

Palmdale Community Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Redevelopment Project Areas, Series 2002:


0.000%, 12/01/31 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           487,228   

0.000%, 12/01/32 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           462,548   

Palmdale, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2003-1, Anaverde Project, Series 2005A:


5.350%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,023,130   

5.400%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 101.00           N/R           2,904,563   

Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2009, 6.750%, 11/01/39

         11/19 at 100.00           Baa3           5,966,087   

Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2010, 6.000%, 11/01/41

         11/20 at 100.00           Baa3           19,031,594   

Palomar Pomerado Health, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/38 – AGC Insured

         8/29 at 100.00           AA–           2,698,140   

Palomar Pomerado Health, California, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 11872, 17.869%, 2/01/16 – NPFG Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,918,640   

Palomar Pomerado Health, California, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 4683:


17.398%, 8/01/37 – NPFG Insured (IF) (5)

         8/17 at 100.00           A+           5,472,450   

17.398%, 8/01/37 – NPFG Insured (IF) (5)

         8/17 at 100.00           A+           10,215,240   

Peralta Community College District, Alameda County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009, Trust 3019, 17.600%, 8/01/37 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         8/17 at 100.00           AA–           6,605,800   

Perris, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2001-1, Improvement Area 5-A, Series 2006, 5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/13 at 100.50           N/R           559,240   

Perris, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2001-1, May Farms Improvement Area 4, Series 2005A:


5.100%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,320,612   

5.150%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           2,515,169   

Perris, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2001-2, Villages of Avalon, Series 2005:


5.100%, 9/01/28

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,512,615   

5.150%, 9/01/32

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,056,657   

Perris, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-3, Monument Ranch Improvement Area 2, Series 2005A, 5.300%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,395,303   

Pico Rivera Water Authority, California, Water System Project, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1999A, 5.500%, 5/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           4,233,489   

Pittsburg Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Los Medanos Community Development Project, Refunding Series 2008A, 6.500%, 9/01/28

         9/18 at 100.00           BBB–           18,663,280   

Pittsburg Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Los Medanos Community Development Project, Series 1999,
0.000%, 8/01/28 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           1,184,100   

Pittsburg Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Los Medanos Community Development Project, Series 2006C, 4.250%, 9/01/34 – AMBAC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           BBB–           3,965,725   


  104       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,455     

Pomona Public Financing Authority, California, Merged Projects Revenue Bonds, Series 2007AX, 5.000%, 2/01/41

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB–         $ 1,450,548   

Pomona Public Financing Authority, California, Merged Projects Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.125%, 2/01/33

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB–           1,285,810   

Rancho Cardova, California, Special Tax Bonds, Sunridge Park Area Community Facilities District 2004-1, Series, 6.125%, 9/01/37

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           4,102,370   

Rancho Cordova, California, Special Tax Bonds, Sunridge Anatolia Area Community Facilities District 2003-1, Series 2005, 5.500%, 9/01/37

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           1,010,380   

Rancho Cordova, California, Sunridge Anatolia Community Facilities District 2003-1, Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/37

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,020,880   

Rancho Cucamonga, California, Community Facilities District 2004-01 Special Tax Bonds, Rancho Etiwanda Estates, Series 2006, 5.375%, 9/01/36

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           3,982,406   

Rancho Mirage Joint Powers Financing Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Eisenhower Medical Center, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 7/01/38

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa2           2,565,525   

Redwood City, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2010-1 One Marina, Series 2011:


7.500%, 9/01/31

         9/16 at 103.00           N/R           848,710   

7.750%, 9/01/41

         9/16 at 103.00           N/R           1,572,494   

Richmond, California, Joint Powers Financing Agency Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Westridge Hilltop Apartments, Series 2007:


5.000%, 12/15/26

         12/13 at 100.00           Baa2           994,090   

5.000%, 12/15/33

         12/13 at 100.00           Baa2           1,695,173   

River Rock Entertainment Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Senior Notes Series 2011B, 8.000%, 11/01/18

         11/15 at 104.00           N/R           36,403,252   

Riverside County Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Multiple Projects, Series 2004, 5.000%, 10/01/35 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           BBB           6,605,379   

Riverside County Redevelopment Agency, California, Interstate 215 Corridor Redevelopment Project Area, 2nd Lien Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2001E:


0.000%, 12/01/41

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,076,218   

0.000%, 12/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,003,943   

0.000%, 12/01/43

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           936,452   

0.000%, 12/01/44

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           696,360   

Riverside County Redevelopment Agency, California, Desert Communities Redevelopment Project Area Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2010D, 6.000%, 10/01/30

         10/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,588,155   

Riverside County Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Jurupa Valley Project Area, Series 2011B, 0.000%, 10/01/39

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,232,950   

Riverside County Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Housing Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 10/01/37 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           A–           1,458,201   

Riverside County Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Housing Bonds, Series 2011A, 7.125%, 10/01/42

         10/21 at 100.00           A–           1,216,290   

Riverside Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, University Corridor, Series 2007C, 4.500%, 8/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           5,949,792   

Riverside Unified School District, Riverside County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009, Trust 3017, 17.136%, 9/01/25 – AGC Insured (IF)

         8/15 at 100.00           Aa2           3,527,177   

Riverside, California, Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Special Assessment Bonds, Hunter Park Assessment District, Series 2006:


5.100%, 9/02/26

         9/16 at 101.00           N/R           2,067,140   

5.200%, 9/02/36

         9/16 at 101.00           N/R           1,531,410   


Nuveen Investments     105   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


Rocklin Unified School District, Placer County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2, Series 2007:

$ 550     

0.000%, 9/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 158,395   

0.000%, 9/01/37 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           178,886   

Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 1 – Westpark, Series 2005:


5.250%, 9/01/25

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,794,317   

5.200%, 9/01/36

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           4,818,480   

Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 1 Diamond Creek, Series 2007, 5.000%, 9/01/37

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           854,620   

Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 1 Westpark, Series 2006, 5.200%, 9/01/26

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,428,089   

Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 1, Fiddyment Ranch, Series 2005, 5.050%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           6,102,477   

Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 1, Fiddyment Ranch, Series 2006, 5.250%, 9/01/36

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           7,133,957   

Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 5 Stone Point, Series 2006, 5.250%, 9/01/36

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           2,604,150   

Sacramento City Financing Authority California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Master Lease Program Facilities Projects, Tender Option Bond Trust 4698:


18.679%, 12/01/33 – AMBAC Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           A           12,210,674   

18.195%, 12/01/30 – AMBAC Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           A           4,570,100   

18.195%, 12/01/30 – AMBAC Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           A           5,484,120   

Sacramento City Financing Authority, California, Master Lease Program Facilities Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 1114, 18.202%, 12/01/30 – AMBAC Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           A           6,468,146   

Sacramento, California, Community Facilities District 05-1, College Square Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.900%, 9/01/37

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           9,029,848   

San Bernardino County Financing Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Courthouse Facilities Project, Series 2007, 5.500%, 6/01/37 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           5,062,201   

San Buenaventura, California, Revenue Bonds, Community Memorial Health System, Series 2011:


8.000%, 12/01/31

         12/21 at 100.00           BB           5,110,960   

7.500%, 12/01/41

         12/21 at 100.00           BB           20,599,816   

San Diego Public Facilities Financing Authority, California, Water Utility Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3504, 19.640%, 2/01/33 (IF)

         8/19 at 100.00           Aa2           4,942,393   

San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 6, Mission Bay South, Series 2005B:


0.000%, 8/01/30

         8/15 at 100.00           N/R           502,563   

0.000%, 8/01/34

         8/15 at 100.00           N/R           849,133   

San Francisco Redevelopment Finance Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Mission Bay North Redevelopment Project, Series 2009C, 6.500%, 8/01/39

         8/19 at 100.00           A–           591,095   

San Jacinto Unified School District, Riverside County, California, Community Facilities District 2006-1 Special Tax Bonds, Infrastructure Projects, Series 2006, 5.200%, 9/01/36

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           909,261   

San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Toll Road Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997A:


0.000%, 1/15/24 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           166,870   

0.000%, 1/15/25 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           22,655,957   

0.000%, 1/15/26 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           36,338,040   

0.000%, 1/15/27 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,115,417   

0.000%, 1/15/28 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           7,566,623   

0.000%, 1/15/29 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           477,972   


  106       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,000     

5.250%, 1/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2         $ 1,000,020   

0.000%, 1/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           3,177,676   

0.000%, 1/15/31 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           21,375,573   

0.000%, 1/15/32 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           832,207   

0.000%, 1/15/34 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           8,843,337   

0.000%, 1/15/36 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           7,774,456   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2003,
4.900%, 8/01/33 – FGIC Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB           3,301,452   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2006C:


3.750%, 8/01/28 – NPFG Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           4,158,360   

4.250%, 8/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,066,445   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2006D:


5.000%, 8/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           6,939,423   

5.000%, 8/01/22 – AMBAC Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           8,074,493   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2007B,
4.250%, 8/01/36 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           5,068,078   

San Jose, California, Airport Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3923:


17.163%, 9/01/30 – AMBAC Insured (IF) (5)

         3/17 at 100.00           AA–           580,478   

17.250%, 3/01/31 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         3/17 at 100.00           AA–           1,854,480   

San Luis Obispo County Financing Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Nacimiento Water Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 3030, 17.207%, 9/01/38 – BHAC Insured (IF)

         9/17 at 100.00           AA+           5,207,294   

San Marcos Public Facilities Authority, California, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 9/01/32 – AGM Insured

         9/22 at 100.00           BBB           1,759,679   

5.000%, 9/01/35 – AGM Insured

         9/22 at 100.00           BBB           2,261,075   

San Marcos Public Facilities Authority, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Project Areas 1 and 3, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 8/01/34 – AMBAC Insured

         8/15 at 102.00           A           5,237,107   

Santa Ana Unified School District (1999 Financing Project) Certificates of Participation (Orange County, California), 0.000%, 4/01/32 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,134,971   

Santa Ana Unified School District, Orange County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-1, Central Park Project, Series 2005:


4.950%, 9/01/25

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,164,070   

5.050%, 9/01/30

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,013,471   

5.100%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,173,005   

Santa Clara County Housing Authority, California, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Blossom River Project, Series 1998A, 6.500%, 9/01/39

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           8,341,835   

Santa Cruz County Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Live Oak-Sequel Community Development Project, Series 2005A,
5.000%, 9/01/32 – NPFG Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           A           13,436,425   

Santa Rosa, California, Certificates of Participation, Building Acquisition Project, Series 2007, 4.750%, 7/01/37 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,580,182   

Santee Community Development Commission, California, Santee Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2011A, 7.000%, 8/01/41

         2/21 at 100.00           A           4,048,590   

Saugus Union School District, Los Angeles County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-1, Series 2006, 5.300%, 9/01/36

         3/15 at 103.00           N/R           2,509,825   

Sierra Kings Health Care District, Fresno County, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.750%, 12/01/36 (Pre-refunded 12/01/16)

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R (6)           1,052,460   


Nuveen Investments     107   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 22,000     

Silicon Valley Tobacco Securitization Authority, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Santa Clara County Tobacco Securitization Corporation, Series 2007A, 0.000%, 6/01/36

         6/17 at 34.85           BB+         $ 3,657,500   

Solana Beach School District Public Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/42

         9/22 at 100.00           BBB           1,571,130   

South Gate, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2002A, 5.000%, 9/01/24 – AMBAC Insured

         9/13 at 101.00           BBB           2,177,606   

Southern California Public Power Authority, Natural Gas Project 1 Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 11/01/33

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           1,354,200   

Stockton Public Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A:


4.500%, 8/01/28 – NPFG Insured

         8/14 at 100.00           Baa2           1,418,325   

4.500%, 8/01/31 – NPFG Insured

         8/14 at 100.00           Baa2           810,970   

Stockton Redevelopment Agency, California, Revenue Bonds, Stockton Events Center Arena Project, Series 2004, 5.000%, 9/01/36 – FGIC Insured

         9/14 at 100.00           BB           285,828   

Stockton, California, Community Facilities District 2006-3, Northbrook Woodside Improvement Area 1 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007:


6.125%, 9/01/31

         9/14 at 103.00           N/R           2,012,110   

6.250%, 9/01/37

         9/14 at 103.00           N/R           3,050,247   

Stockton, California, Special Tax Bonds, Arch Road Community Facilities District 99-02, Refunding Series 2007, 5.875%, 9/01/37

         9/17 at 102.00           N/R           7,734,825   

Tejon Ranch Public Facilities Financing Authority, California, Community Facilities District 2008-1 Tejon Industrial Complex East 2012A, 5.250%, 9/01/40

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,996,960   

Tejon Ranch Public Facilities Financing Authority, California, Community Facilities District 2008-1 Tejon Industrial Complex East 2012B, 5.250%, 9/01/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,993,760   

Temecula Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Redevelopment Project 1, Series 2002, 5.250%, 8/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A–           1,501,260   

Tobacco Securitization Authority of Northern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2005A-1:


5.375%, 6/01/38

         6/15 at 100.00           B–           10,156,092   

5.500%, 6/01/45

         6/15 at 100.00           B–           5,444,000   

Tobacco Securitization Authority of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corporation, Senior Series 2001A:


5.000%, 6/01/37

         6/14 at 100.00           BB+           3,463,651   

5.125%, 6/01/46

         6/14 at 100.00           B+           23,987,814   

Tulare Local Health Care District, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           B+           535,631   

5.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           B+           561,319   

5.100%, 11/01/27

         11/17 at 100.00           B+           799,663   

5.200%, 11/01/32

         11/17 at 100.00           B+           2,598,127   

Turlock Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 7.500%, 9/01/39

         3/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,392,444   

Twenty-nine Palms Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Four Corners Project Area, Series 2011A:


7.400%, 9/01/32

         9/21 at 100.00           BBB+           911,726   

7.650%, 9/01/42

         9/21 at 100.00           BBB+           4,138,506   

University of California, General Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3318, 13.824%, 5/15/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           3,208,625   

Val Verde Unified School District Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Revenue, Junior Lien Refunding Series 2003, 6.250%, 10/01/28

         10/13 at 102.00           N/R           2,476,607   


  108       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 3,879     

Ventura County Area Housing Authority, California, Mira Vista Senior Apartments Project, Junior Subordinate Series 2006C, 6.500%, 12/01/39 (Mandatory put 7/01/16) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 3,818,565   

West Hollywood Community Development Commission, California, East Side Redevelopment Project Series 2011 Tax Allocation Bonds Series 2011A, 7.500%, 9/01/42

         9/21 at 100.00           BBB           741,810   

West Patterson Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 01-1, Refunding Series 2009A, 8.625%, 9/01/39

         9/14 at 105.00           N/R           1,078,480   

West Patterson Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 01-1, Refunding Series 2009B, 10.000%, 9/01/32

         9/14 at 105.00           N/R           2,789,848   

West Patterson Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 01-1, Series 2003B:


6.750%, 9/01/30

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           1,126,268   

7.000%, 9/01/38

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           3,476,432   

West Patterson Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 01-1, Series 2004B, 6.000%, 9/01/39

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           7,502,475   

West Patterson Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2001-1, Series 2004A, 6.125%, 9/01/39

         9/13 at 103.00           N/R           3,911,778   

West Sacramento Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 1999F, 6.100%, 9/01/29

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           2,335,951   

Western Hills Water District, Stanislaus County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Diablo Grande Community Facilities District 1, Series 2005:


5.625%, 9/01/24

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           858,390   

5.800%, 9/01/31

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           3,059,837   

Westminster Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Commercial Redevelopment Project 1, Subordinate Lien Series 2011A:


5.750%, 11/01/36

         11/21 at 100.00           A           1,974,705   

5.875%, 11/01/41

         11/21 at 100.00           A           4,358,076   

5.875%, 11/01/45

         11/21 at 100.00           A           1,339,296   

Westside Union School District, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-3, Series 2006, 5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/14 at 102.00           N/R           711,557   

William S. Hart Union High School District, Los Angeles County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2005-1, Series 2006, 5.300%, 9/01/36

         9/15 at 100.00           N/R           4,618,078   

Yuba County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-1, Edgewater, Series 2005:


5.000%, 9/01/23

         3/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,554,323   

5.125%, 9/01/35

           3/15 at 100.00           N/R           6,719,152   

Total California


Colorado – 6.3%


Adonea Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2005A:


6.125%, 12/01/25 (4)

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,960,530   

6.250%, 12/01/35 (4)

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,510,880   

Alpine Mountain Ranch Metropolitan District, Special Improvement District 1, Routt County, Colorado, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 9.000%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           7,250,440   

Antelope Heights Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/37 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,650,723   

Arista Metropolitan District, Colorado, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 6.750%, 12/01/35

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           14,748,179   

Arista Metropolitan District, Colorado, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 9.250%, 12/01/37

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,572,150   


Nuveen Investments     109   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)


Arkansas River Power Authority, Colorado, Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2006:

$ 3,800     

5.250%, 10/01/32 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         10/16 at 100.00           BBB–         $ 3,893,480   

5.250%, 10/01/40 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         10/16 at 100.00           BBB–           13,549,421   

BNC Metropolitan District 1, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 8.050%, 12/01/34

         12/14 at 101.00           N/R           1,717,595   

Bradburn Metropolitan District 3, Westminster, Adams County, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2010, 7.500%, 12/01/39

         12/13 at 102.00           N/R           1,043,166   

Bromley Park Metropolitan District 2, Brighton, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007A:


5.000%, 12/01/27 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           116,994   

5.125%, 12/01/37 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           5,191,314   

Bromley Park Metropolitan District 3, Brighton, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2007:


4.250%, 12/01/19 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           157,416   

4.625%, 12/01/29 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,505,909   

4.750%, 12/01/37 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           4,041,429   

Buckhorn Valley Metropolitan District 2, Gypsum, Eagle County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003, 7.000%, 12/01/23

         12/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,218,739   

Buckhorn Valley Metropolitan District 2, Gypsum, Eagle County, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2010, 8.500%, 12/01/39

         12/19 at 100.00           N/R           4,475,288   

Buckley Ranch Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 6.000%, 12/01/35

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,051,679   

Buffalo Ridge Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Obligation Assessment Bonds, Series 2003, 7.500%, 12/01/33 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13)

         12/13 at 101.00           N/R (6)           5,227   

Castle Oaks Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2005:


6.000%, 12/01/25 (Pre-refunded 12/01/15)

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R (6)           685,544   

6.125%, 12/01/35 (Pre-refunded 12/01/15)

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R (6)           1,619,995   

Castle Oaks Metropolitan District, In the Town of Castle Rock, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Refunding and Improvement Series 2012, 5.500%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           4,038,872   

Central Marksheffel Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2004, 7.250%, 12/01/29

         12/14 at 100.00           N/R           6,983,372   

Cimarron Metropolitan District, Arvada, Colorado, Limited Tax Revenue Bonds, Convertible to Unlimited Tax, Series 2012, 6.000%, 12/01/22

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           6,049,320   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Academy of Charter Schools Project, Series 2010B, 7.250%, 11/01/34

         11/20 at 100.00           B–           4,825,872   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Carbon Valley Academy, Series 2006, 5.625%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           884,381   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Cesar Chavez Academy, Series 2003, 8.000%, 5/01/34 (4)

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           2,351,563   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Community Leadership Academy Project, Series 2008, 6.500%, 7/01/38

         7/18 at 100.00           N/R           508,480   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Elbert County Charter School, Series 2004:


6.750%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           100,140   

7.250%, 3/01/24

         3/14 at 100.00           N/R           713,882   

7.375%, 3/01/35

         3/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,500,308   


  110       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 4,360     

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Flagstaff Academy Project, Series 2008A, 7.000%, 8/01/38

         8/18 at 100.00           N/R         $ 4,903,518   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Jefferson County School District R-1 – Compass Montessori Secondary School, Series 2006:


5.500%, 2/15/26

         2/16 at 101.00           N/R           2,253,956   

5.625%, 2/15/36

         2/16 at 101.00           N/R           2,218,296   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Knowledge Quest Academy Charter School, Series 2005, 6.500%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,785,946   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Littleton Preparatory Charter School, Series 2013, 5.000%, 12/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,103,058   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Mountain Phoenix Community School, Series 2012, 7.000%, 10/01/42

         10/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,850,573   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, New Vision Charter School Series 2008A, 6.750%, 4/01/40

         4/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,396,037   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Twin Peaks Charter Academy, Series 2011B, 7.500%, 3/15/35

         3/21 at 100.00           BBB–           1,121,484   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Windsor Academy, Series 2007A, 5.700%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,728,086   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Montessori Peaks Academy, Series 2006A, 5.500%, 5/01/36

         5/16 at 102.00           N/R           3,719,408   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Montessori School of Evergreen, Series 2005A, 6.500%, 12/01/35

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,903,294   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning Charter School, Series 2008, 6.625%, 6/01/38

         6/18 at 102.00           N/R           3,040,646   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, American Baptist Homes Project, Series 2007A, 5.900%, 8/01/37

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           28,486,920   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, American Baptist Homes Project, Series 2009A, 7.750%, 8/01/39

         8/19 at 100.00           N/R           5,489,813   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Colorado Senior Residences Project, Series 2012:


6.750%, 6/01/32

         6/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,941,750   

7.000%, 6/01/42

         6/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,942,071   

7.125%, 6/01/47

         6/22 at 100.00           N/R           4,504,253   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Tender Option Bond Trust 3702:


17.853%, 1/01/18 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,167,120   

18.859%, 1/01/18 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,562,240   

18.859%, 1/01/18 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,952,800   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Craig Hospital Project, Series 2012, 4.000%, 12/01/42 (UB) (5)

         12/22 at 100.00           AA–           8,771,622   

Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, Multifamily Housing Revenue Senior Bonds, Castle Highlands Apartments Project, Series 2000A-1, 5.900%, 12/01/20 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,315,736   

Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Confluence Energy LLC Project, Series 2007:


6.200%, 4/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,310,092   

5.000%, 9/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (7)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           200,517   


Nuveen Investments     111   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 3,000     

Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Confluence Energy LLC Project, Series 2013, 6.875%, 10/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 3,010,650   

Compark Business Campus Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.300%, 12/01/22 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,106,027   

5.750%, 12/01/27 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,624,320   

5.600%, 12/01/34 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           8,577,800   

Compark Business Campus Metropolitan District, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A,
6.750%, 12/01/39 – RAAI Insured

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           6,138,410   

Compark Business Campus Metropolitan District, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Taxable Series 2012B, 9.500%, 12/01/27 – RAAI Insured

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           5,024,568   

Confluence Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007:


5.400%, 12/01/27

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           6,141,677   

5.450%, 12/01/34

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           8,025,184   

Conservatory Metropolitan District, Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Series 2007:


5.000%, 12/01/22 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           98,872   

4.750%, 12/01/27 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           386,548   

5.125%, 12/01/37 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,124,094   

4.875%, 12/01/37 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           299,394   

Copperleaf Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2006:


5.850%, 12/01/26

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,154,950   

5.950%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           3,051,665   

Cornerstone Metropolitan District 2, Montrose and Ouray Counties, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A, 8.000%, 12/01/40

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           5,746,260   

Crystal Crossing Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 6.000%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,820,616   

Denver City and County, Colorado, Special Facilities Airport Revenue Bonds, United Air Lines Corporation, Series 2007A:


5.750%, 10/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/17 at 100.00           B           3,671,990   

5.250%, 10/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/17 at 100.00           B           12,816,125   

Denver West Promenade Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013, 5.375%, 12/01/42

         6/23 at 100.00           N/R           2,141,080   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2010A:


0.000%, 9/01/35

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           7,140,540   

0.000%, 9/01/39

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,994,175   

0.000%, 9/01/41

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           596,604   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 1997B, 0.000%, 9/01/26 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           633,600   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B:


0.000%, 9/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           22,172,079   

0.000%, 9/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,332,165   

0.000%, 9/01/31 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           207,480   

0.000%, 9/01/32 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           4,266,011   

0.000%, 9/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           182,970   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2006B:


0.000%, 9/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         9/26 at 63.78           Baa2           6,828,804   

0.000%, 9/01/37 – NPFG Insured

         9/26 at 57.65           Baa2           5,468,254   

0.000%, 9/01/39 – NPFG Insured

         9/26 at 52.09           Baa2           7,725,000   


  112       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)


E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A:

$ 40,250     

0.000%, 9/01/27 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2         $ 21,341,355   

0.000%, 9/01/28 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           11,997,493   

0.000%, 9/01/34 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           8,823,808   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B:


0.000%, 9/01/27 – NPFG Insured

         9/20 at 67.94           Baa2           1,470,930   

0.000%, 9/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         9/20 at 60.30           Baa2           3,858,300   

0.000%, 9/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         9/20 at 48.04           Baa2           441,223   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 0.000%, 9/01/38 – NPFG Insured

         9/26 at 54.77           Baa2           5,440,400   

Eagle Ranch Metropolitan District, Eagle County, Colorado, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011, 5.500%, 12/01/28

         12/21 at 100.00           BBB+           751,556   

Ebert Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 12/01/22 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           305,394   

5.200%, 12/01/27 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,222,620   

5.350%, 12/01/37 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           17,395,438   

Elbert and Highway 86 Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.750%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,546,467   

Elkhorn Ranch Metropolitan District 1, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2005, 6.375%, 12/01/35

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,134,365   

Fallbrook Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.625%, 12/01/26

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           3,783,431   

Fallbrook Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 6.750%, 12/15/26

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,602,888   

Fitzsimons Village Metropolitan District 1, Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, Tax Increment Public Improvement Fee Supported Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 7.500%, 3/01/40

         3/20 at 100.00           N/R           6,048,463   

Fossil Ridge Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax-Supported Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 7.250%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           829,886   

Granby Ranch Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 6.750%, 12/01/36

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           6,460,390   

Great Western Metropolitan District 5, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A-1, 9.000%, 8/01/39

         12/19 at 100.00           N/R           2,257,582   

Great Western Metropolitan District 5, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A-2, 9.000%, 8/01/39

         12/19 at 100.00           N/R           2,930,009   

Great Western Metropolitan District 5, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 9.000%, 11/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           4,189,760   

Harvest Junction Metropolitan District, Longmont, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding and Improvement Series 2012, 5.375%, 12/01/37

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           784,260   

Heritage Todd Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds Limited Tax, Series 2007A, 5.500%, 12/01/37

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           5,608,378   

High Point Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 6.000%, 12/01/35

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           759,998   

Horse Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.750%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           608,958   

Huntington Trails Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008:


6.250%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,034,220   

8.250%, 12/01/37

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,723,544   

Kit Carson County Health Service District, Colorado, Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 6.750%, 1/01/34

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R           3,814,784   


Nuveen Investments     113   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 2,282     

Laredo Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003, 7.500%, 12/01/33

         12/13 at 101.00           N/R         $ 1,858,780   

Liberty Ranch Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 6.250%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,433,678   

Maher Ranch Metropolitan District 4, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.250%, 12/01/36 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           319,579   

Mead Western Meadows Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.750%, 12/01/36

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,759,460   

Mountain Shadows Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007:


5.500%, 12/01/27

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,068,313   

5.625%, 12/01/37

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,896,488   

Park Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 2003CR-1, 7.875%, 12/01/32

         12/13 at 100.00           N/R           2,549,965   

Park Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 2003CR-2, 7.875%, 12/01/32 (Mandatory put 12/01/13)

         12/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,523,943   

Piney Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.500%, 12/01/35

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,772,531   

Plaza Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 12/01/40

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           4,704,840   

Poudre Tech Metro District, Colorado, Unlimited Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2010A, 5.000%, 12/01/30 – AGM Insured

         12/20 at 100.00           AA–           990,150   

Prairie Center Metropolitan District 3, Colorado, Limited Property Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 12/15/21

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,783,809   

5.400%, 12/15/31

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           10,989,896   

Public Authority for Colorado Energy, Natural Gas Purchase Revenue Bonds, Colorado Springs Utilities, Series 2008:


6.250%, 11/15/28

         No Opt. Call           A           798,197   

6.500%, 11/15/38

         No Opt. Call           A           28,786,119   

Regional Transportation District, Colorado, Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project Private Activity Bonds, Series 2010:


6.500%, 1/15/30

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa3           4,833,480   

6.000%, 1/15/34

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa3           2,904,500   

Rendezvous Residential Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 5.375%, 12/01/21

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,854,200   

River Oaks Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 6.000%, 12/01/35

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,800,966   

River Park Metropolitan District, New Castle, Garfield County, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2009, 6.990%, 6/15/39

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,231,724   

Silver Peaks Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, Limited Tax Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.750%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,575,380   

Southlands Metropolitan District 1, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007:


4.625%, 12/01/22 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,623,305   

5.250%, 12/01/34 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,607,931   

Southlands Metropolitan District 2, Aurora, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010, 7.375%, 12/01/35

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,517,087   

Stetson Ridge Metropolitan District 3, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012, 7.125%, 12/01/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R           5,007,914   

Stone Ridge Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited, Series 2007, 7.250%, 12/01/31

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,938,450   


  114       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 1,303     

Stoneridge Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.625%, 12/01/36

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,180,844   

Tabernash Meadows Water and Sanitation District, Grand County, Colorado, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2010, 7.125%, 12/01/34

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,792,862   

Tallyn’s Reach Metropolitan District 3, Aurora, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.100%, 12/01/26

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,067,685   

Three Springs Metropolitan District 3, Durango, La Plata County, Colorado, Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 7.750%, 12/01/39

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           6,869,346   

Traditions Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.750%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,182,763   

Valagua Metropolitan District, Eagle County, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2008, 7.750%, 12/01/37

         12/18 at 100.00           N/R           6,308,190   

Waterfront Metropolitan District, Loveland, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2007, 4.800%, 12/01/35 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           464,037   

Wheatlands Metropolitan District 2, City of Aurora, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Subordinate Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited Tax, Series 2008:


6.000%, 12/01/25

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,103,962   

6.125%, 12/01/35

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           4,442,646   

8.250%, 12/15/35

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           7,133,630   

Wildgrass Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 6.200%, 12/01/34

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,114,634   

Winter Farm Metropolitan District 1, Colorado, Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 144A, 7.500%, 12/01/39 (Pre-refunded 12/01/18)

         12/18 at 100.00           N/R (6)           1,753,388   

Wyndham Hill Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2005:


6.250%, 12/01/25

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           495,165   

6.375%, 12/01/35

           12/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,365,962   

Total Colorado


Connecticut – 1.4%


Connecticut Development Authority, Airport Facilities Revenue Bonds, Learjet Inc., Series 2004, 7.950%, 4/01/26 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/14 at 101.00           Ba2           13,103,090   

Hamden, Connecticut, Facility Revenue Bonds, Whitney Center Project, Series 2009A:


7.625%, 1/01/30

         1/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,382,913   

7.750%, 1/01/43

         1/20 at 100.00           N/R           3,898,583   

Harbor Point Infrastructure Improvement District, Connecticut, Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Harbor Point Project, Series 2010A:


7.000%, 4/01/22

         4/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,065,015   

7.875%, 4/01/39

         4/20 at 100.00           N/R           43,095,100   

Mashantucket Western Pequot Tribe, Connecticut, Special Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 1997B:


5.700%, 9/01/12 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,999,000   

5.750%, 9/01/18 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           13,743,100   

5.750%, 9/01/27 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           10,607,850   

Mashantucket Western Pequot Tribe, Connecticut, Special Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 1999A, 5.500%, 9/01/28 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,061,190   

Mashantucket Western Pequot Tribe, Connecticut, Subordinate Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.500%, 9/01/36 (4)

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           12,318,199   

Mashantucket Western Pequot Tribe, Connecticut, Subordinate Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


6.500%, 9/01/31 (4)

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           6,471,300   

5.750%, 9/01/34 (4)

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           5,735,478   


Nuveen Investments     115   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Connecticut (continued)

$ 1,885     

Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, Gaming Authority Priority Distribution Payment Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2001, 6.250%, 1/01/31

         7/13 at 100.00           B         $ 1,886,602   

Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, Gaming Authority Priority Distribution Payment Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2003:


5.125%, 1/01/23

         1/14 at 100.00           B           500,550   

5.250%, 1/01/33

         1/14 at 100.00           B           10,602,650   

Stamford, Connecticut, Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Mill River Corridor Project, Series 2011aA, 7.000%, 4/01/41

           4/21 at 100.00           N/R           5,386,250   

Total Connecticut


Delaware – 0.2%


Delaware Economic Development Authority, Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds, Indian River Power LLC Project, Series 2010, 5.375%, 10/01/45

         10/20 at 100.00           Baa3           14,696,161   

Kent County, Delaware, Revenue Bonds, Charter School, Inc. Project, Refunding Series 2011, 7.375%, 5/01/37

         5/21 at 100.00           BBB–           2,513,516   

Wilmington, Delaware, Multifamily Rental Housing Revenue Bonds, Lincoln Towers Associates, LLC Project, Series 2011A and Series 2011B, 8.250%, 7/15/48 (Mandatory put 7/15/28)

           7/21 at 100.00           N/R           1,588,401   

Total Delaware


District of Columbia – 0.5%


District of Columbia Tobacco Settlement Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2001, 6.750%, 5/15/40

         5/13 at 100.00           Baa1           3,596,180   

District of Columbia, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 11839:


18.779%, 7/15/17 – AGM Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,704,303   

18.880%, 7/15/17 – AGM Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,391,096   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Inc., Series 2011, 6.625%, 3/01/41

         3/21 at 100.00           BBB–           2,246,226   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools for Public Policy, Series 2011:


7.125%, 11/15/26

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           2,944,830   

7.500%, 11/15/31

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           3,169,632   

7.875%, 11/15/40

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,181,000   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Public Charter School Inc., Series 2006, 5.000%, 6/01/26 – ACA Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           BBB           180,283   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Howard University, Series 2011A, 6.500%, 10/01/41 (UB) (5)

         4/21 at 100.00           A–           3,029,200   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Howard University, Tender Option Bond Trust 1006:


22.973%, 10/01/37 (IF) (5)

         4/21 at 100.00           A–           4,655,500   

22.973%, 10/01/41 (IF) (5)

         4/21 at 100.00           A–           2,308,400   

22.973%, 10/01/41 (IF) (5)

         4/21 at 100.00           A–           3,231,760   

23.571%, 10/01/41 (IF) (5)

         4/21 at 100.00           A–           1,154,200   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, National Public Radio, Tender Option Bond Trust 3163:


17.620%, 4/01/33 (IF)

         4/15 at 100.00           AA–           3,767,040   

17.620%, 4/01/33 (IF)

         4/15 at 100.00           AA–           2,982,240   

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, District of Columbia, Dulles Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2009B–2:


0.000%, 10/01/27 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,323,809   

0.000%, 10/01/29 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           672,588   

0.000%, 10/01/32 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,927,608   

Metropolitan Washington D.C. Airports Authority, District of Columbia, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 11798, 17.375%, 4/01/31 – AGM Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF)

           10/16 at 100.00           AA–           6,153,400   

Total District of Columbia



  116       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida – 10.9%


Alachua County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Continuing Care Retirement Community Revenue Bonds, Oak Hammock Project, Series 2012A:

$ 2,500     

8.000%, 10/01/42

         10/22 at 102.00           N/R         $ 3,057,325   

8.000%, 10/01/46

         10/22 at 102.00           N/R           3,046,775   

Alachua County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Terraces at Bonita Springs Project, Mandatory Paydown TEMP -80 Series 2011B-1, 7.375%, 11/15/19

         11/14 at 100.00           N/R           5,081,600   

Alachua County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Terraces at Bonita Springs Project, Series 2011A:


8.000%, 11/15/31

         11/21 at 100.00           N/R           12,292,826   

8.125%, 11/15/41

         11/21 at 100.00           N/R           12,641,622   

Amelia National Community Development District, Nassau County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2004A, 6.300%, 5/01/35

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           3,692,553   

Amelia National Community Development District, Nassau County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.375%, 5/01/37

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,470,188   

Anthem Park Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.800%, 5/01/36 (8)

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,725,864   

Atlantic Beach, Florida, Healthcare Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Fleet Landing Project, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 11/15/37

         11/23 at 100.00           BBB           1,394,120   

Ave Maria Stewardship Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.125%, 5/01/38

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           19,279,790   

Ave Maria Stewardship Community District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 6.700%, 5/01/42

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           25,927,238   

Bartram Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005, 5.300%, 5/01/35 (4)

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           15,455,837   

Bartram Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2012-1, 0.000%, 5/01/37

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,559,513   

Bartram Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2012-2, 5.400%, 5/01/37

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,587,486   

Bartram Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2012-3, 0.000%, 5/01/37

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,761,664   

Bartram Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2012-5, 0.000%, 5/01/37

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           2,429,778   

Bay County, Florida, Educational Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Bay Haven Charter Academy, Inc. Project, Series 2010A, 6.000%, 9/01/40

         9/20 at 100.00           BBB–           2,892,396   

Bay County, Florida, Educational Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Bay Haven Charter Academy, Inc. Project, Series 2013A:


5.000%, 9/01/43

         9/23 at 100.00           BBB–           2,510,843   

5.000%, 9/01/45

         9/23 at 100.00           BBB–           1,037,412   

5.000%, 9/01/48

         9/23 at 100.00           BBB–           2,541,432   

Bay Laurel Center Community Development District, Marion County, Florida, Candler Hills Project, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.450%, 5/01/37

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,942,239   

Beacon Lakes Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2003A, 6.900%, 5/01/35

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           13,023,153   

Beacon Lakes Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007A, 6.000%, 5/01/38

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           9,865,534   

Beacon Lakes Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2007B, 6.200%, 5/01/38

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           7,782,959   

Beeline Community Development District, Palm Beach County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2008A, 7.000%, 5/01/37

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           3,360,773   

Bella Vida Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.375%, 5/01/37

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           3,122,856   


Nuveen Investments     117   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 1,000     

Belmont Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Phase 1 Project, Series 2013A, 6.500%, 11/01/43

         11/24 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,015,910   

Bloomingdale Community Development District, Hillsborough County, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.875%, 5/01/36 (9)

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,495,896   

Boynton Beach, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Charter Schools of Boynton Beach, Series 2012A, 6.800%, 6/01/42 – NPFG Insured

         6/22 at 100.00           BBB–           5,896,067   

Boynton Village Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007-A1, 5.750%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,456,689   

Boynton Village Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007A2, 6.000%, 5/01/38

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           5,226,509   

Capital Projects Finance Authority, Florida, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Capital Projects Loan Program, Series 2001F-1:


5.125%, 10/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           Baa2           659,749   

5.000%, 10/01/31 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 101.00           Baa2           11,753,194   

Capital Trust Agency, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Miami Community Charter School Project, Series 2010A, 7.000%, 10/15/40

         10/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,684,150   

Caribe Palm Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.850%, 5/01/35

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,455,969   

Cascades at Groveland Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.300%, 5/01/36

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,418,318   

Century Gardens at Tamiami Community Development District, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 6.250%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,926,890   

Coconut Cay Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.375%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,777,197   

Copper Oaks Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.450%, 5/01/35

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,884,075   

Cordoba Ranch Community Development District, Hillsborough County, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.550%, 5/01/37

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           3,230,034   

Country Greens Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2003, 6.625%, 5/01/34

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           2,814,075   

Dade County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Miami Cerebral Palsy Residential Services Inc., Series 1995, 8.000%, 6/01/22

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,535,399   

East Homestead Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.450%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           6,227,906   

East Homestead Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.375%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,464,208   

East Homestead Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2011B, 7.250%, 5/01/21

         No Opt. Call           N/R           6,577,765   

East Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2002, 6.850%, 5/01/33 (4)

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           4,558,149   

East Park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 7.500%, 5/01/15 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           17,613   

Enclave at Black Point Marina Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.400%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,440,813   

Enclave at Black Point Marina Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007B, 5.200%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,539,366   

Flora Ridge Educational Facilities Benefit District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.300%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,786,733   


  118       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 4,615     

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Bay Area Charter Foundation, LLC Projects, Series 2011A, 7.750%, 6/15/42

         12/21 at 101.00           N/R         $ 5,285,652   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School, Inc. Projects, Series 2010A:


6.000%, 9/15/30

         9/20 at 100.00           BB+           1,624,140   

6.000%, 9/15/40

         9/20 at 100.00           BB+           4,282,120   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School, Inc. Projects, Series 2011A:


7.000%, 6/15/26

         6/21 at 100.00           BB–           11,329,517   

7.500%, 6/15/33

         6/21 at 100.00           BB–           6,321,718   

7.625%, 6/15/41

         6/21 at 100.00           BB–           8,982,225   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School, Inc. Projects, Series 2012A:


6.000%, 6/15/32

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,511,400   

6.125%, 6/15/43

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,309,999   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Revenue Bonds, Learning Gate Community Charter School Project, Series 2007A, 6.000%, 2/15/37

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,673,571   

Florida Housing Finance Agency, Housing Revenue Bonds, Brittany of Rosemont Apartments Phase II, Series 1995C-1:


6.875%, 8/01/26 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,322,046   

7.000%, 2/01/35 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           3,300,239   

Florida Housing Finance Corporation, Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Crossroads Apartments, Series 2010A-2, 7.250%, 8/15/27

         8/20 at 100.00           N/R           4,696,045   

Fontainebleau Lakes Community Development District, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B, 6.000%, 5/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           877,294   

Fort Pierce Redevelopment Agency, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 5/01/31 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         5/16 at 100.00           A–           7,305,970   

Grand Bay at Doral Community Development District, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Doral Breeze Project Series 2012:


5.125%, 11/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           761,843   

5.500%, 11/01/32

         11/22 at 100.00           N/R           981,094   

6.000%, 11/01/42

         11/22 at 100.00           N/R           2,288,900   

Grand Hampton Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 6.150%, 5/01/34

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           2,607,967   

Habitat Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.850%, 5/01/35

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           1,023,964   

Harmony Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2001, 7.250%, 5/01/32

         5/14 at 103.25           N/R           7,132,720   

Heritage park Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bond, Series 2004A, 6.300%, 5/01/35

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           5,203,234   

Heron Isles Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.750%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           3,866,427   

Highlands County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 11797, 18.225%, 5/15/15 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA           7,468,513   

Highlands County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 3187, 18.305%, 5/15/15 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA           4,455,649   

Highlands County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 3251, 18.829%, 5/15/31 – BHAC Insured (IF)

         11/16 at 100.00           AA+           2,718,300   

Hillsborough County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Terrace Community Middle School, Series 2007A, 5.125%, 5/15/37

         5/17 at 100.00           BBB–           3,677,193   


Nuveen Investments     119   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 6,525     

Islands at Doral III Community Development District, Doral, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.900%, 5/01/35

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 6,539,355   

Islands at Doral Northeast Community Development District, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2004, 6.250%, 5/01/34

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           2,379,403   

Jacksonville Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Brooks Health System, Tender Option Bond Trust 1004:


18.193%, 11/01/32 (IF) (5)

         11/17 at 100.00           A           7,117,773   

18.197%, 11/01/38 (IF) (5)

         11/17 at 100.00           A           3,404,050   

Jacksonville, Florida, Economic Development Commission Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Florida Proton Therapy Institute Project, Series 2007A, 6.250%, 9/01/27

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           13,603,005   

Jacksonville, Florida, Special Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3918, 17.625%, 4/01/35 (IF) (5)

         10/21 at 100.00           Aa2           4,122,152   

Keys Cove Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.875%, 5/01/35

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           3,649,082   

Keys Cove II Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.500%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           10,429,066   

Lake County, Florida, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Crane’s View Lodge Project, Series 2012A:


6.250%, 11/01/27

         11/17 at 102.00           N/R           867,967   

7.125%, 11/01/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,530,695   

Lake Frances Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007, 5.300%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,554,098   

Lake Powell Residential Golf Community Development District, Bay County, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.750%, 11/01/32

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,475,482   

Lakeland, Florida, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Florida Southern College Project, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 9/01/37

         9/22 at 100.00           BBB+           272,048   

Lakes by the Bay South Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2004A:


6.100%, 5/01/23

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           2,229,880   

6.250%, 5/01/34

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           4,128,087   

Lakes by the Bay South Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2012:


5.250%, 11/01/33

         11/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,625,265   

5.750%, 11/01/42

         11/22 at 100.00           N/R           5,174,200   

Lakeside Landings Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.500%, 5/01/38 (4)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           277,567   

Lakeside Landings Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007B, 5.250%, 5/01/13 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           982,075   

Lee County Housing Finance Authority, Florida, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Janies Garden Phase 2, Series 2010B, 7.250%, 9/15/47 (Mandatory put 9/15/27)

         9/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,009,395   

Lee County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lee County Community Charter Schools, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 6/15/27

         6/17 at 100.00           BB           10,635,561   

5.375%, 6/15/37

         6/17 at 100.00           BB           26,595,319   

Lee County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lee County Community Charter Schools, Series 2012A:


5.500%, 6/15/32

         6/22 at 100.00           BB           2,723,963   

5.750%, 6/15/42

         6/22 at 100.00           BB           4,297,013   

Lee County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Healthcare Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Cypress Cove at HealthPark Florida, Inc. Project, Series 2012, 5.750%, 10/01/42

         No Opt. Call                6,030,823   


  120       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)


Lee County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Healthcare Facilities Revenue Bonds, Park Royal Psychiatric Hospital, Series 2010:

$ 7,460     

9.000%, 12/01/30

         12/18 at 104.00           N/R         $ 8,147,439   

9.500%, 12/01/40

         12/18 at 104.00           N/R           16,924,769   

Lee Memorial Health System, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 4/01/32 (UB) (5)

         4/17 at 100.00           A           7,220,308   

5.000%, 4/01/37 (UB) (5)

         4/17 at 100.00           A           25,299,227   

Lee Memorial Health System, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 4/01/37 – AMBAC Insured (UB) (5)

         4/17 at 100.00           A           13,613,040   

Lexington Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.400%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           254,118   

Madison County, Florida, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Twin Oaks Project, Series 2005A, 6.000%, 7/01/25

         7/15 at 100.00           N/R           10,070,899   

Magnolia Creek Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B, 5.600%, 5/01/14 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,488,053   

Mediterra South Community Development District, Collier County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.100%, 5/01/31

         5/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,059,913   

Mediterra South Community Development District, Collier County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 6.375%, 5/01/34

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,293,500   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Tender Option Bond Trust Series 1009,
18.598%, 10/01/41 (IF) (5)

         10/20 at 100.00           A           4,496,918   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, Trust 1145, 17.650%, 4/01/32 – AGC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF) (5)

         10/18 at 100.00           AA–           5,212,480   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Public Facilities Revenue Bonds, Jackson Health System, Tender Option Bond Trust 3271, 20.699%, 6/01/17 – AGM Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,675,493   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Subordinate Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A:


0.000%, 10/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         10/15 at 39.62           A+           319,473   

0.000%, 10/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         10/15 at 35.68           A+           223,328   

0.000%, 10/01/37 – NPFG Insured

         10/15 at 32.05           A+           1,081,337   

0.000%, 10/01/38 – NPFG Insured

         10/15 at 30.36           A+           2,618,152   

0.000%, 10/01/39 – NPFG Insured

         10/15 at 28.76           A+           2,737,070   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Subordinate Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2009:


0.000%, 10/01/39

         No Opt. Call           A+           6,820,902   

0.000%, 10/01/41

         No Opt. Call           A+           247,660   

0.000%, 10/01/42

         No Opt. Call           A+           990,948   

0.000%, 10/01/44

         No Opt. Call           A+           60,197   

0.000%, 10/01/45

         No Opt. Call           A+           981,673   

0.000%, 10/01/47

         No Opt. Call           A+           4,057,708   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 11834:


17.375%, 10/01/33 – AGM Insured (IF)

         10/20 at 100.00           Aa2           5,673,450   

17.355%, 10/01/33 – AGM Insured (IF)

         10/20 at 100.00           Aa2           3,122,879   

Mid-Bay Bridge Authority, Florida, Springing Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2011:


7.250%, 10/01/34

         10/21 at 100.00           BBB           1,921,590   

7.250%, 10/01/40

         10/21 at 100.00           BBB           15,779,348   

Midtown Miami Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Parking Garage Project, Series 2004A:


6.000%, 5/01/24

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           309,108   

6.250%, 5/01/37

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           14,476,433   


Nuveen Investments     121   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 7,560     

Midtown Miami Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B, 6.500%, 5/01/37

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R         $ 7,698,424   

Mira Lago West Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.375%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,306,271   

Miromar Lakes Community Development District, Lee County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


4.875%, 5/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,731,807   

5.375%, 5/01/32

         5/23 at 100.00           N/R           3,766,277   

Myrtle Creek Improvement District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.200%, 5/01/37

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           3,133,435   

Naturewalk Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.500%, 5/01/38 (4)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           634,967   

Naturewalk Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B, 5.300%, 5/01/16 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,163,874   

Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Water Control and Improvement Development Unit 46B, Series 2007A, 5.350%, 8/01/41

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,968,118   

Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Water Control and Improvement Refunding Bonds, Development Unit 16, Series 2012:


5.125%, 8/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,019,871   

5.750%, 8/01/32

         8/22 at 100.00           N/R           2,937,877   

Old Palm Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Palm Beach Gardens, Series 2004A, 5.900%, 5/01/35

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           1,034,900   

Orange County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Orlando Health, Inc., Tender Option Bond Trust 1071:


16.767%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           818,815   

16.779%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           1,249,664   

16.781%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           2,704,172   

16.781%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           1,334,425   

16.784%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           3,262,159   

16.802%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           706,320   

16.802%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           988,848   

16.802%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           882,900   

16.802%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           882,900   

16.822%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           2,472,120   

16.822%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         4/22 at 100.00           A           2,825,280   

Orchid Grove Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005, 5.450%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           5,506,649   

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, BRCH Corporation Obligated Group, Series 2001, 5.500%, 12/01/21

         6/13 at 100.00           BBB–           596,488   

Palm Glades Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.300%, 5/01/36

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           5,532,701   

Panther Trails Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2011, 7.150%, 11/01/41

         11/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,320,710   

Pelican Marsh Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


4.875%, 5/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           751,757   

5.375%, 5/01/31

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,640,169   

Pine Island Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Bella Collina, Series 2004, 5.750%, 5/01/35

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           13,941,051   

Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.400%, 5/01/37

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,800,997   

Poinciana West Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007, 6.000%, 5/01/37

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           581,095   


  122       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)


Port Saint Lucie, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Southwest Annexation District 1B, Series 2007:

$ 4,700     

5.000%, 7/01/27 – NPFG Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa2         $ 5,024,723   

5.000%, 7/01/33 – NPFG Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa2           5,835,476   

5.000%, 7/01/40 – NPFG Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa2           331,607   

Punta Gorda Housing Authority, Florida, Gulf Breeze Apartments Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 6.125%, 1/01/45 (Mandatory put 11/01/24) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/22 at 100.00           N/R           2,692,443   

Randal Park Community Development District, Orlando, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2012:


5.750%, 11/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           511,010   

6.125%, 11/01/32

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,306,038   

6.875%, 11/01/42

         11/32 at 100.00           N/R           1,050,200   

Renaissance Commons Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.600%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,831,812   

Renaissance Community Development District, Lee County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


4.900%, 5/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,708,024   

5.550%, 5/01/33

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,318,543   

Reunion East Community Development District, Osceola County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2002A:


7.375%, 5/01/33 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           3,571,680   

7.375%, 5/01/33 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           852,578   

Reunion East Community Development District, Osceola County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2005, 5.800%, 5/01/36 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,080,848   

Reunion West Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2004A-1, 6.250%, 5/01/36

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           2,849,553   

Sail Harbor Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 05A, 5.500%, 5/01/36 – RAAI Insured

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           2,002,669   

Saint Lucie West Services District, Florida, Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 2004:


5.250%, 10/01/34 – NPFG Insured

         10/14 at 101.00           Baa2           2,219,736   

5.000%, 10/01/38 – NPFG Insured

         10/14 at 101.00           Baa2           470,133   

Seminole Tribe of Florida, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A, 144A:


5.750%, 10/01/22

         10/17 at 100.00           BBB–           3,579,557   

5.500%, 10/01/24

         10/17 at 100.00           BBB–           3,288,660   

5.250%, 10/01/27

         10/17 at 100.00           BBB–           22,826,138   

Somerset Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.300%, 5/01/37

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           7,218,193   

South Kendall Community Development District, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.750%, 11/01/38

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,336,317   

South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health Systems of South Florida, Tender Option Bond Trust 1117, 8.481%, 2/15/28 (IF)

         8/17 at 100.00           AA           9,805,977   

South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health Systems of South Florida, Tender Option Bond Trust 2749:


17.046%, 8/15/23 (IF)

         8/17 at 100.00           AA           1,126,050   

15.538%, 8/15/42 (IF)

         8/17 at 100.00           AA           7,795,750   

South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health Systems of South Florida, Trust 1030:


15.651%, 8/15/15 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,197,002   

15.669%, 8/15/15 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,710,277   

South Village Community Development District, Clay County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.700%, 5/01/35

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,139,507   

South-Dade Venture Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.125%, 5/01/33

         5/22 at 100.00           BBB–           4,373,627   


Nuveen Investments     123   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 8,500     

St. Johns County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Health Care Revenue Bonds, Glenmoor at Saint Johns, Series 2006A, 5.375%, 1/01/40 (4)

         10/16 at 100.00           N/R         $ 6,061,350   

Stoenbrier Community Development District, Hillsborough County Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.500%, 5/01/37

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           947,325   

Terra Bella Community Development District, Pasco County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2011A:


6.750%, 11/01/27

         11/18 at 100.00           N/R           544,400   

7.850%, 11/01/41

         11/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,713,391   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-2, 0.000%, 5/01/39

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           7,207,769   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-3, 0.000%, 5/01/40

         5/19 at 100.00           N/R           13,962,930   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-4, 0.000%, 5/01/40

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           5,417,250   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Hope Note, Series 2007-3:


6.375%, 5/01/17 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3   

6.450%, 5/01/23 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           16   

6.550%, 5/01/27 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           21   

6.650%, 5/01/40 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           101   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Hope Note, Series 2007A-2, 5.250%, 5/01/39 (4)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           121   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Non Performing Parcel Series 2007-1. RMKT:


6.375%, 5/01/17 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           34,502   

6.450%, 5/01/23 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           112,879   

6.550%, 5/01/27 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           142,090   

6.650%, 5/01/40 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           693,696   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Non Performing Parcel Series 2007A-1. RMKT,
5.250%, 5/01/39 (4)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,980,123   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A-1:


6.375%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           568,893   

6.450%, 5/01/23

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,623,698   

6.550%, 5/01/27

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,433,739   

5.250%, 5/01/39

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,313,317   

6.650%, 5/01/40

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           17,270,330   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.400%, 5/01/37

         5/14 at 101.00           BB           39,918,753   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Southern/Forbearance Parcel Series 2007-2:


6.375%, 5/01/17 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           794,383   

6.450%, 5/01/23 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,484,298   

6.550%, 5/01/27 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           3,232,803   

6.650%, 5/01/40 (4)

         5/18 at 100.00           N/R           15,693,302   

Trails Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007, 5.375%, 5/01/38 (4)

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           7,122,150   

Triple Creek Community Development District, Hillsborough County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2012:


6.750%, 11/01/32 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           781,568   

6.125%, 11/01/32 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           683,053   


  124       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)


Venetian Community Development District, Sarasota County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-A1:

$ 590     

5.000%, 5/01/23

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R         $ 615,234   

5.500%, 5/01/34

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           517,580   

6.125%, 5/01/42

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           512,680   

Venetian Community Development District, Sarasota County, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-A2:


5.000%, 5/01/23

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,717,922   

5.500%, 5/01/34

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,035,160   

Verandah West Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 5/01/33

         5/23 at 100.00           N/R           5,031,300   

Villa Vizcaya Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


5.350%, 5/01/13 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           767,463   

5.350%, 5/01/17 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           505,110   

5.550%, 5/01/39 (4)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           758,055   

Village Center Community Development District, Florida, Recreational Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 11/01/32 – NPFG Insured

         11/13 at 101.00           Baa2           3,714,727   

Village Center Community Development District, Florida, Recreational Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.125%, 11/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         11/14 at 101.00           Baa2           1,927,013   

Village Center Community Development District, Lake County, Florida, Recreational Revenue Bonds, Series 2001A, 5.200%, 11/01/25 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           1,709,350   

Vizcaya in Kendall Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Phase One Assessment Area, Refunding Series 2012A-1, 5.600%, 5/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           807,447   

Waters Edge Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.300%, 5/01/36

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           3,042,496   

Westchester Community Development District 1, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2003:


6.000%, 5/01/23

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           9,217,453   

6.125%, 5/01/35

         5/14 at 100.00           N/R           28,149,067   

Total Florida


Georgia – 1.7%


Albany-Dougherty County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, Tender Option Bond Trust 4732:


13.781%, 12/01/42 (IF) (5)

         12/22 at 100.00           AA–           621,598   

13.828%, 12/01/37 (IF) (5)

         12/22 at 100.00           AA–           1,645,681   

13.835%, 12/01/42 (IF) (5)

         12/22 at 100.00           AA–           4,471,465   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Beltline Project Series 2008A. Remarketed, 7.500%, 1/01/31

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           7,596,241   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Beltline Project Series 2008C. Remarketed, 7.500%, 1/01/31

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           3,751,230   

Augusta, Georgia, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.150%, 1/01/35

         1/15 at 100.00           Baa2           513,355   

Baldwin County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Oconee Regional Medical Center, Series 1998:


5.250%, 12/01/22

         7/13 at 100.00           B+           853,083   

5.375%, 12/01/28

         6/13 at 100.00           B+           88,400   

Clayton County Development Authority, Georgia, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Delta Air Lines, Inc. Project, Series 2009A, 8.750%, 6/01/29

         6/20 at 100.00           B–           13,334,895   

Clayton County Development Authority, Georgia, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Delta Air Lines, Inc. Project, Series 2009B, 9.000%, 6/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/15 at 100.00           B–           14,221,157   


Nuveen Investments     125   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Georgia (continued)


Coffee County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Coffee County Regional Medical Center, Series 2004:

$ 3,490     

5.250%, 12/01/22

         12/14 at 100.00           BB–         $ 3,550,098   

5.000%, 12/01/26

         12/14 at 100.00           BB–           3,343,762   

Franklin County Industrial Building Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2010:


7.625%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           5,979,142   

8.000%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           5,839,444   

8.125%, 12/01/45

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           3,925,040   

Fulton County Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Amana Academy Project, Series 2013A, 6.500%, 4/01/43

         4/23 at 100.00                5,484,150   

Fulton County Residential Care Facilities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Elderly Care, Lenbrook Square Project, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 7/01/27

         7/17 at 100.00           N/R           4,570,695   

5.125%, 7/01/37

         7/17 at 100.00           N/R           8,056,880   

5.125%, 7/01/42

         7/17 at 100.00           N/R           32,606,064   

Fulton County Residential Care Facilities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Elderly Care, Lenbrook Square Project, Series 2006B, 7.300%, 7/01/42

         7/17 at 101.00           N/R           4,000,520   

Fulton County Residential Care Facilities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, St. Anne’s Terrace, Series 2003, 7.625%, 12/01/33

         12/13 at 102.00           N/R           1,379,696   

Fulton County Residential Care Facilities Elderly Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Canterbury Court, Refunding Series 2004A, 6.125%, 2/15/34

         2/14 at 101.00           N/R           203,846   

Georgia Local Governments, Certificates of Participation, Georgia Municipal Association, Series 1998A, 4.750%, 6/01/28 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           27,500,608   

Main Street Natural Gas Inc., Georgia, Gas Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B, 5.000%, 3/15/17

         No Opt. Call           A           842,160   

Main Street Natural Gas Inc., Georgia, Gas Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.500%, 9/15/28

         No Opt. Call           A           7,585,282   

Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/32

         10/21 at 100.00           Baa2           1,758,352   

Total Georgia


Guam – 0.5%


Guam Government Department of Education, Certificates of Participation, John F. Kennedy High School Project, Series 2010A:


6.625%, 12/01/30

         12/20 at 100.00           B           1,106,310   

6.875%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           B           6,697,680   

Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water and Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.875%, 7/01/35

         7/15 at 100.00           Ba2           518,105   

Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water and Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.250%, 7/01/25

         7/20 at 100.00           Ba2           2,159,560   

Guam Government, General Obligation Bonds, 2009 Series A:


6.750%, 11/15/29

         11/19 at 100.00           B+           6,779,280   

7.000%, 11/15/39

           11/19 at 100.00           B+           34,056,150   

Total Guam


Hawaii – 0.3%


Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Private School Revenue Bonds, Montessori of Maui, Series 2007, 5.500%, 1/01/37

         2/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,933,103   

Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Wilikina Apartments Project, Series 2012A, 6.750%, 5/01/47

         5/22 at 100.00           BBB–           5,824,811   

Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Special Facility Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 1997, 5.625%, 11/15/27

         7/13 at 100.00           B           9,065,000   


  126       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Hawaii (continued)

$ 875     

Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Special Facility Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 2000, 7.000%, 6/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B         $ 875,289   

Kauai County, Hawaii, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2008-1 Kukuiula Development Project, Series 2012:


5.625%, 5/15/33

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,149,082   

5.750%, 5/15/42

           5/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,133,140   

Total Hawaii


Idaho – 0.1%


Harris Ranch Community Infrastructure District 1, Boise, Idaho, Special Assessment Bonds, Assessment Area One, Series 2011, 9.000%, 9/01/40

         9/21 at 100.00           N/R           4,375,883   

Idaho Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Luke’s Health System Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 1102, 16.774%, 3/01/47 (IF) (5)

         3/22 at 100.00           AAA           4,132,110   

Idaho Housing and Finance Association Nonprofit Facilities Revenue Bonds, Liberty Charter School, Inc, Series 2008A, 6.000%, 6/01/38

           6/18 at 100.00           BBB           1,084,480   

Total Idaho


Illinois – 7.8%


Bellwood, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008, 7.000%, 12/01/29

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,089,026   

Bolingbrook, Illinois, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 6.250%, 1/01/24

         1/15 at 102.00           N/R           6,089,952   

Bolingbrook, Illinois, Special Tax Bonds, Special Service Area 1, Forest City Project, Series 2005, 5.900%, 3/01/27

         3/15 at 102.00           N/R           3,758,440   

Bolingbrook, Will and DuPage Counties, Illinois, Wastewater Facilities Revenue Bonds, Crossroads Treatment LLC, Series 2005, 6.600%, 1/01/35

         1/15 at 102.00           N/R           3,575,590   

Bradley, Illinois, Tax Increment Bonds, Bradley Commons, Series 2007, 6.100%, 1/01/27

         1/17 at 102.00           N/R           2,841,810   

Cary, Illinois, Special Service Area 1 Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 3/01/30 – RAAI Insured

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           941,594   

Chicago, Illinois, Certificates of Participation Tax Increment Bonds, 35th and State Redevelopment Project, Series 2012, 6.100%, 1/15/29

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,188,579   

Chicago, Illinois, Certificates of Participation, Tax Increment Allocation Revenue Bonds, Diversey-Narragansett Project, Series 2006, 7.460%, 2/15/26

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           5,662,930   

Chicago, Illinois, Chicago O’Hare International Airport Special Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds, American Air Lines, Inc. Project, Series 2007, 5.500%, 12/01/30 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           10,501,313   

Chicago, Illinois, Tax Increment Allocation Bonds, Irving/Cicero Redevelopment Project, Series 1998, 7.000%, 1/01/14

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           335,911   

Cook County, Illinois, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Navistar International Corporation Project, Series 2010, 6.500%, 10/15/40

         10/20 at 100.00           B3           43,978,476   

Crystal Lake Special Service Area 46, Illinois, Limited Tax Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.750%, 3/01/36

         3/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,348,695   

Deerfield, Illinois, Educational Facility Revenue Bonds, Chicagoland Jewish High School Project, Capital Appreciation Series 2011B, 0.000%, 10/01/31

         No Opt. Call           N/R           80,507   

Deerfield, Illinois, Educational Facility Revenue Bonds, Chicagoland Jewish High School Project, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 10/01/42

         5/14 at 102.00           N/R           552,520   

East Dundee, Illinois, Kane and Cook Counties, Illinois, Limited Obligation Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Route 25 South Redevelopment Project, Series 2012, 5.250%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,816,506   

Evanston, Illinois, Educational Facility Revenue Bonds, Roycemore School Project, Series 2011:


7.750%, 7/01/30

         7/21 at 100.00           N/R           8,772,464   

8.000%, 7/01/35

         7/21 at 100.00           N/R           1,748,507   

8.250%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,276,000   


Nuveen Investments     127   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)

$ 5,000     

Gilberts, Illinois. Special Service Area 19 Special Tax Bonds, The Conservancy Project, Series 2006-1, 5.375%, 3/01/16 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 1,752,350   

Harvey, Cook County, Illinois, Tax Increment Allocation Revenue Bonds, Amended Center Street Redevelopment Project Area, Series 2010, 7.500%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,691,525   

Hillside, Cook County, Illinois, Senior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Mannheim Redevelopment Project, Series 2008, 7.000%, 1/01/28

         1/18 at 102.00           N/R           4,007,952   

Illinois Development Finance Authority, Environmental Services Revenue Bonds, Citgo Petroleum Corporation Project, Series 2002, 8.000%, 6/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           BB+           791,288   

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Christian Homes, Inc., Refunding Series 2010, 5.500%, 5/15/23

         5/15 at 100.00           BBB–           2,056,400   

Illinois Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Chicago Charter School Foundation, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/36

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB+           3,356,373   

Illinois Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Uno Charter School Network, Refunding and Improvement Series 2011A, 7.125%, 10/01/41

         10/21 at 100.00           BBB–           2,360,240   

Illinois Finance Authority, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Navistar International Corporation Project, Series 2010, 6.500%, 10/15/40

         10/20 at 100.00           B3           49,991,736   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Roosevelt University Project, Series 2009, 6.500%, 4/01/44

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB           228,296   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Centegra Health System, Tender Option Bond Trust 1122:


16.680%, 9/01/38 (IF) (5)

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           2,012,441   

16.688%, 9/01/38 (IF) (5)

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           1,463,762   

16.706%, 9/01/38 (IF) (5)

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           4,032,959   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Admiral at Lake Project, Series 2010A:


7.750%, 5/15/30

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           4,107,788   

8.000%, 5/15/40

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           12,071,900   

8.000%, 5/15/46

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           12,826,394   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Advocate Health Care Network, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1123:


17.781%, 6/01/42 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           AA           1,324,232   

13.736%, 6/01/47 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           AA           726,525   

13.778%, 6/01/47 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           AA           2,313,200   

13.778%, 6/01/47 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           AA           1,387,920   

13.786%, 6/01/47 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           AA           3,483,491   

13.796%, 6/01/47 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           AA           1,674,558   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Central Baptist Village, Series 2007, 5.375%, 11/15/39

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           5,109,314   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Tender Option Bond Trust 1098:


18.012%, 8/15/15 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,148,000   

17.163%, 9/01/30 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         3/17 at 100.00           AA–           3,235,117   

17.869%, 8/15/33 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         8/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,475,734   

17.543%, 8/15/39 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         8/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,107,040   

17.935%, 8/15/47 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         8/18 at 100.00           AA–           712,410   

18.012%, 8/15/47 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         8/18 at 100.00           AA–           810,400   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, De Kalb Supportive Living Project, Series 2007, 6.100%, 12/01/41 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/17 at 102.00           N/R           942,489   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare, Series 2008A, 5.625%, 1/01/37

         1/18 at 100.00           Baa2           1,119,780   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Series 2005A, 5.625%, 2/15/37

         2/15 at 100.00           BB–           5,562,920   


  128       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Illinois Institute of Technology, Refunding Series 2006A:

$ 11,170     

5.000%, 4/01/31

         4/16 at 100.00           Baa3         $ 11,199,601   

5.000%, 4/01/36

         4/16 at 100.00           Baa3           14,249,430   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Illinois Institute of Technology, Series 2009, 7.125%, 2/01/34

         2/19 at 100.00           Baa3           6,645,780   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lake Forest College, Series 2012A, 6.000%, 10/01/48

         10/22 at 100.00           BBB–           3,257,435   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Midwest Regional Medical Center Galena-Stauss Hospital, Series 2006, 6.750%, 10/01/46

         10/16 at 100.00           N/R           9,443,516   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Montgomery Place Project, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 5/15/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           225,402   

5.500%, 5/15/26

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,040,940   

5.750%, 5/15/38

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           12,234,100   

5.400%, 5/15/38

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           350,193   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northshore University HealthSystem, Tender Option Bond Trust 3764, 17.853%, 5/01/26 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           AA           4,630,625   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Tender Option Bond Trust 4285, 17.853%, 8/15/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           884,666   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northwestern University, Series 2006, 5.000%, 12/01/42 (UB)

         12/15 at 100.00           AAA           37,699,875   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northwestern University, Tender Option Bond Trust 11783:


19.678%, 2/15/19 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           767,399   

19.678%, 2/15/31 (IF)

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,053,475   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, OSF Healthcare System, Series 2007A, 5.750%, 11/15/37 (UB) (5)

         11/17 at 100.00           A           2,094,389   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, OSF Healthcare System, Tender Option Bond Trust 4702:


19.775%, 11/15/33 (IF) (5)

         11/17 at 100.00           A           1,598,861   

20.797%, 5/15/39 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           A           7,810,003   

20.803%, 5/15/39 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           A           2,806,055   

20.823%, 5/15/39 (IF) (5)

         5/20 at 100.00           A           7,019,117   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, OSF Healthcare System, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1115:


14.083%, 5/15/41 (IF) (5)

         5/22 at 100.00           A           6,834,689   

17.107%, 5/15/41 (IF) (5)

         5/22 at 100.00           A           4,848,849   

17.107%, 5/15/41 (IF) (5)

         5/22 at 100.00           A           3,438,900   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Proctor Hospital, Series 2006, 5.125%, 1/01/25

         1/16 at 100.00           BB+           14,380,496   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Provena Health Series 2010A, 6.000%, 5/01/28

         5/20 at 100.00           BBB+           1,277,677   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Provena Health, Series 2009A, 7.750%, 8/15/34

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB+           10,436,961   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rogers Park Montessori School, Series 2004, 7.125%, 11/01/34

         11/14 at 102.00           N/R           10,912,699   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009A, 7.250%, 11/01/38 (UB) (5)

         11/18 at 100.00           A2           11,309,492   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009B, 7.250%, 11/01/38 (UB) (5)

         11/18 at 100.00           A2           3,065,073   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009C, 6.625%, 11/01/39 (UB) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A2           6,778,937   


Nuveen Investments     129   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1017:

$ 300     

22.334%, 11/01/39 (IF) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A         $ 557,328   

23.161%, 11/01/39 (IF) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A           591,787   

23.271%, 11/01/39 (IF) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A           1,534,645   

23.287%, 11/01/39 (IF) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A           2,006,077   

23.328%, 11/01/39 (IF) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A           5,781,970   

23.340%, 11/01/39 (IF) (5)

         5/19 at 100.00           A           471,430   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Series 2009:


6.875%, 8/15/38

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB+           770,055   

7.000%, 8/15/44

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB+           27,373,220   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Swedish American Hospital, Tender Option Bond Trust 1116:


13.998%, 11/15/39 (IF) (5)

         11/22 at 100.00           A           2,621,200   

16.974%, 11/15/43 (IF) (5)

         11/22 at 100.00           A           1,866,683   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Carle Foundation, Tender Option Bond Trust 3908:


21.461%, 2/15/19 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,146,573   

21.578%, 2/15/19 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,780,128   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The University of Chicago Medical Center, Tender Option Bond Trust 11783-1,
19.678%, 2/15/31 (IF)

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           3,851,505   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The University of Chicago Medical Center, Tender Option Bond Trust 3907:


19.865%, 2/15/19 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,702,060   

19.865%, 2/15/35 (IF) (5)

         2/21 at 100.00           AA–           6,606,200   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Three Crowns Park Plaza, Series 2013, 5.250%, 2/15/40

         2/23 at 100.00                3,049,750   

Illinois Finance Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund Inc., University Center Project, Series 2006B, 5.000%, 5/01/25

         11/16 at 100.00           BBB+           3,696,765   

Illinois Finance Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, MJH Education Assistance Illinois IV LLC, Fullerton Village Project, Series 2004A:


5.000%, 6/01/09 (4)

         No Opt. Call           Ca           42,994   

5.000%, 6/01/11 (4)

         No Opt. Call           Ca           958,755   

5.000%, 6/01/12 (4)

         No Opt. Call           Ca           997,449   

5.000%, 6/01/13 (4)

         No Opt. Call           Ca           911,462   

5.000%, 6/01/13 (4)

         No Opt. Call           Ca           1,053,341   

5.000%, 6/01/14 (4)

         No Opt. Call           Ca           1,109,232   

5.500%, 6/01/19 (4)

         6/14 at 100.00           Ca           6,483,420   

5.000%, 6/01/24 (4)

         6/14 at 100.00           Ca           5,937,402   

5.125%, 6/01/35 (4)

         6/14 at 100.00           Ca           12,588,497   

Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Smith Crossing, Series 2003A, 7.000%, 11/15/32

         11/13 at 100.00           N/R           2,623,062   

Illinois Housing Development Authority, Homeowner Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3721, 18.290%, 2/01/33 (IF) (5)

         8/18 at 100.00           AA           2,307,156   

Illinois Housing Development Authority, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, GNMA Collateralized – Lifelink Developments, Series 2006, 4.850%, 4/20/41 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (UB) (5)

         4/16 at 100.00           AA+           22,731,708   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 3/01/36

         3/22 at 100.00           A2           1,822,128   

5.000%, 3/01/37

         3/22 at 100.00           A2           1,710,032   

Lombard Public Facilities Corporation, Illinois, First Tier Conference Center and Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A-1, 7.125%, 1/01/36

         1/16 at 100.00           N/R           17,417,946   

Lombard Public Facilities Corporation, Illinois, First Tier Conference Center and Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A-2:


5.500%, 1/01/25 – ACA Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC           3,505,737   


  130       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)

$ 3,000     

5.500%, 1/01/30 – ACA Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC         $ 1,969,170   

5.500%, 1/01/36 – ACA Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC           7,888,208   

Lombard Public Facilities Corporation, Illinois, Second Tier Conference Center and Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B:


5.250%, 1/01/25

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC           762,091   

5.250%, 1/01/30

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC           1,730,888   

5.250%, 1/01/36

         1/16 at 100.00           CCC           2,525,720   

Lombard Public Facilities Corporation, Illinois, Third Tier Conference Center and Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C-3, 12.000%, 1/01/36 (4)

         7/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,727,484   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Refunding Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3297:


17.805%, 6/15/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           4,902,415   

17.811%, 6/15/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,004,200   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Refunding Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3861, 17.721%, 6/15/42 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           AAA           920,850   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Series 2002A, 0.000%, 12/15/33 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           8,093,000   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 3220, 18.611%, 6/15/42 (IF) (5)

         6/20 at 100.00           AAA           12,777,456   

Minooka, Illinois, Special Assessment Bonds, Lakewood Trails Project, Series 2003, 6.625%, 3/01/33

         3/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,247,197   

Pingree Grove Village, Illinois, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Cambridge Lakes Learning Center, Series 2007, 6.000%, 6/01/36

         6/16 at 102.00           N/R           4,343,464   

Pingree Grove Village, Illinois, Special Service Area 7, Cambridge Lakes Project, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2006-1, 6.000%, 3/01/36

         3/16 at 102.00           N/R           11,785,146   

Pingree Grove Village, Illinois, Tax Assessment Bonds, Special Service Area 2 – Cambridge Lakes Project, Series 2005-2, 6.000%, 3/01/35

         3/15 at 102.00           N/R           7,347,342   

Plano Special Service Area 1, Illinois, Special Tax Bonds, Lakewood Springs Project, Series 2004A, 6.200%, 3/01/34

         3/14 at 102.00           N/R           2,164,757   

Plano Special Service Area 3, Illinois, Special Tax Bonds, Lakewood Springs Project, Series 2005A, 6.100%, 3/01/35

         3/15 at 102.00           N/R           4,436,937   

Quad Cities Regional Economic Development Authority, Illinois, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Heritage Woods of Moline SLF Project, Series 2006, 6.000%, 12/01/41

         12/16 at 102.00           N/R           3,502,813   

Robbins, Illinois, Resource Recovery Revenue Bonds, Restructuring Project Guaranteed by Foster Wheeler Ltd., Series 1999C, 7.250%, 10/15/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           194   

Rosemont, Illinois, Tax Increment Bonds, River Road Hotel Partners Project, Series 2007, 5.100%, 12/30/23

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,987,458   

Saint Charles, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois, Senior Lien Limited Incremental Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 Zylstra Project:


6.950%, 1/01/21

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,761,293   

6.950%, 1/01/25

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,002,100   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority Local Government Program Revenue Bonds, Granite City Project, Series 2009C, 7.750%, 3/01/22

         3/14 at 100.00           N/R           3,443,494   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, US Steel Corporation Project, Series 2012, 5.750%, 8/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/22 at 100.00           BB           5,122,000   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, Local Government Program Revenue Bonds, Granite City Project, Series 2009B, 7.750%, 3/01/22

         3/14 at 100.00           N/R           3,098,129   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Anderson Hospital, Series 2006, 5.125%, 8/15/36

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,021,320   


Nuveen Investments     131   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)

$ 3,140     

Springfield, Illinois, Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 3/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         3/16 at 100.00           A         $ 3,264,689   

Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, Special Service Area, Legacy Pointe Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Series 2010, 7.500%, 3/01/32

         3/17 at 102.00           N/R           3,204,210   

Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, Special Service Area, Legacy Pointe, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2009, 7.875%, 3/01/32

         3/17 at 102.00           N/R           1,891,330   

Volo Village, Illinois, Special Service Area 3 Special Tax Bonds, Symphony Meadows Project 1, Series 2006, 6.000%, 3/01/36

         3/16 at 102.00           N/R           6,868,559   

Waukegan, Illinois, Special Assessment Improvement Bonds, Fountain Square, Series 2005, 6.125%, 3/01/30

         3/15 at 102.00           N/R           2,018,820   

Wayne Village, Illinois, Special Service Area 5 Assessment Bonds, Series 2007, 5.800%, 1/15/23

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R           684,083   

Wheeling, Illinois, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, North Milwaukee/Lake-Cook TIF Project, Series 2005, 6.000%, 1/01/25

         7/13 at 102.00           N/R           3,020,490   

Wonder Lake Village, McHenry County, Illinois, Special Tax Bonds, Special Service Area 1 – Woods Creek, Series 2004, 6.750%, 3/01/34

         3/14 at 102.00           N/R           3,545,525   

Yorkville United City Business District, Illinois, Storm Water and Water Improvement Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 6.000%, 1/01/26

         1/17 at 102.00           N/R           1,610,002   

Yorkville United City, Illinois, Special Service Area 2006-113 Cannoball & Beecher Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 5.750%, 3/01/28

         3/17 at 102.00           N/R           7,303,466   

Yorkville, Illinois, Special Service Area 2005-108 Assessment Bonds, Autumn Creek Project, Series 2006, 6.000%, 3/01/36

         3/16 at 102.00           N/R           4,070,099   

Total Illinois


Indiana – 2.4%


Anderson, Indiana, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Cross Lakes and Giant Oaks Apartments, Series 2011A, 7.250%, 12/01/45

         12/20 at 100.00           A–           1,223,413   

Carmel Redevelopment District, Indiana, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 6.650%, 7/15/14

         7/13 at 101.50           N/R           672,830   

Carmel, Indiana, Revenue Bonds, Barrington of Carmel Project, Series 2012A:


7.125%, 11/15/42

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,117,000   

7.125%, 11/15/47

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,109,170   

Delaware County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Cardinal Health System, Series 2006:


5.125%, 8/01/29

         8/16 at 100.00           Baa2           6,314,185   

5.250%, 8/01/36

         8/16 at 100.00           Baa2           133,309   

East Chicago, Indiana, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, USG Corporation, Series 1998, 5.500%, 9/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           B–           6,272,105   

East Chicago, Indiana, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, USG Corporation, Series 1999, 6.375%, 8/01/29

         7/13 at 100.00           B–           835,409   

Indiana Bond Bank, Special Program Bonds, Hendricks Regional Health Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 10-77W, 19.050%, 4/01/30 – AMBAC Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,363,329   

Indiana Bond Bank, Special Program Gas Revenue Bonds, JPMorgan Ventures Energy Corporation Guaranteed, Tender Option Bond Trust 2882, 17.790%, 4/15/17 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           A2           6,570,450   

Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, 21st Century Charter School Project, Series 2013A, 6.250%, 3/01/43

         3/23 at 100.00           BB–           5,884,275   

Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Drexel Foundation For Educational Excellence, Inc., Series 2009A, 7.000%, 10/01/39

         10/19 at 100.00           BB+           2,674,608   

Indiana Finance Authority, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2010, 6.000%, 12/01/26

         6/20 at 100.00           BB           6,993,354   


  132       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Indiana (continued)

$ 1,330     

Indiana Finance Authority, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2011, 6.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BB         $ 1,467,655   

Indiana Finance Authority, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Series 2012, 5.750%, 8/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BB           20,488,000   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, King’s Daughters’ Hospital and Health Services, Series 2010:


5.500%, 8/15/40

         8/20 at 100.00           BBB+           6,437,277   

5.500%, 8/15/45

         8/20 at 100.00           BBB+           4,222,459   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 7/01/40 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/23 at 100.00           BBB           6,414,120   

Indiana Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Care Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 3611:


18.691%, 6/01/17 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,956,800   

18.718%, 6/01/17 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           4,828,673   

18.783%, 6/01/17 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,284,827   

15.543%, 12/01/32 (IF) (5)

         12/19 at 100.00           AA           7,827,200   

18.691%, 12/01/32 (IF) (5)

         12/19 at 100.00           AA           516,595   

Indiana Health and Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 3301:


17.816%, 5/15/31 (IF) (5)

         11/16 at 100.00           AA+           2,125,740   

17.962%, 5/15/31 (IF) (5)

         11/16 at 100.00           AA+           3,897,190   

Indiana Health Facility Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Community Foundation of Northwest Indiana, Series 2007, 5.500%, 3/01/37

         3/17 at 100.00           A–           1,580,094   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project Series 2009A, 5.500%, 1/01/38 – AGC Insured (UB)

         1/19 at 100.00           AA–           11,319,100   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 11779:


19.018%, 1/01/17 – AGC Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           473,568   

19.018%, 1/01/17 – AGC Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,819,100   

19.018%, 1/01/32 – AGC Insured (IF)

         1/19 at 100.00           AA–           9,547,750   

20.010%, 1/01/32 – AGC Insured (IF)

         1/19 at 100.00           AA–           7,820,222   

Monroe County, Indiana, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Canterbury House Apartments Project, Series 2001B, Pass through Certificates Series 2002-1, 5.900%, 11/01/34 (Mandatory put 11/01/22)

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa1           970,737   

Portage, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Ameriplex Project, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/15/27

         7/16 at 100.00           A           1,617,983   

Portage, Indiana, Special Improvement District Revenue Bonds, Marina Shores Project, Series 2005, 6.375%, 3/01/35 (4)

         3/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,276,361   

Rockport, Indiana, Revenue Bonds, AK Steel Corporation, Series 2012, 7.000%, 6/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         2/22 at 100.00           B–           9,507,600   

St. Joseph County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Revenue Bonds, Madison Center Inc., Series 2005:


5.250%, 2/15/23 (4)

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           342,912   

5.375%, 2/15/34 (4)

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           279,700   

St. Joseph County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Chicago Trail Village Apartments, Series 2005A, 7.500%, 7/01/35

         7/15 at 103.00           N/R           2,297,639   

St. Joseph County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Holy Cross Village at Notre Dame, Series 2006A, 5.550%, 5/15/19

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           230,278   

Vigo County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Union Hospital, Inc., Series 2011:


7.750%, 9/01/31

         9/21 at 100.00           N/R           6,187,450   

8.000%, 9/01/41

         9/21 at 100.00           N/R           6,146,100   


Nuveen Investments     133   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Indiana (continued)


Vigo County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Revenue Bonds, Union Hospital, Series 2007:

$ 3,000     

5.700%, 9/01/37

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 3,139,950   

5.750%, 9/01/42

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           15,682,050   

5.800%, 9/01/47

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           34,043,750   

Total Indiana


Iowa – 1.5%


Iowa Finance Authority, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Care Initiatives Project, Series 2006A, 5.500%, 7/01/25

         7/16 at 100.00           BB+           7,398,930   

Iowa Finance Authority, Iowa, Midwestern Disaster Area Revenue Bonds, Alcoa Inc. Project, Series 2012, 4.750%, 8/01/42

         8/22 at 100.00           BBB–           91,408,601   

Iowa Finance Authority, Multifamily Housing Bonds, Series 2006A, 4.600%, 7/01/41 (UB)

         7/16 at 100.00           AA           5,518,328   

Iowa Finance Authority, Senior Housing Revenue Bonds, Bethany Life Communities, Series 2006A, 5.550%, 11/01/41

         11/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,005,070   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Upper Iowa University Project, Refunding Series 2010, 5.750%, 9/01/30

         9/20 at 100.00           BBB           2,277,720   

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Asset Backed Settlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C:


5.375%, 6/01/38

         6/15 at 100.00           B+           1,958,138   

5.500%, 6/01/42

         6/15 at 100.00           B+           11,096,874   

5.625%, 6/01/46

         6/15 at 100.00           B+           2,035,181   

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Tobacco Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.600%, 6/01/34

         6/17 at 100.00           B+           9,856,600   

Pottawattamie County, Iowa, Revenue Bonds, Christian Homes, Inc. Obligated Group, Series 2007E, 5.750%, 5/15/31

         5/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,582,112   

Scott County, Iowa, Revenue Bonds, Ridgecrest Village, Series 2006, 5.250%, 11/15/27

           11/16 at 100.00           BBB–           2,303,888   

Total Iowa


Kansas – 0.6%


Fredonia, Kansas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 6.125%, 8/15/37

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           5,545,530   

Lenexa, Kansas, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Lakeview Village Inc, Refunding & Improvement Series 2007:


5.250%, 5/15/22

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,728,425   

5.500%, 5/15/39

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           502,181   

Manhattan Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, Kansas, Meadowlarks Hills Retirement, Series 2007B, 5.125%, 5/15/42

         5/14 at 103.00           N/R           1,002,960   

Olathe, Kansas, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Gateway Area 1 Special Obligation Series 2006:


5.000%, 3/01/16 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           520,310   

5.000%, 3/01/26 (4)

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,485,982   

Olathe, Kansas, Transportation Development District Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Gateway Project Area lA, Series 2006, 5.000%, 12/01/28 (4)

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,118,093   

Overland Park Development Corporation, Kansas, First Tier Revenue Bonds, Overland Park Convention Center, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 1/01/32 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           19,010,600   

5.125%, 1/01/32 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           2,005,884   

Overland Park Development Corporation, Kansas, Second Tier Revenue Bonds, Overland Park Convention Center, Series 2007B, 5.125%, 1/01/32 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           5,083,150   

Overland Park, Kansas, Sales Tax Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Prairiefire at Lionsgate Project, Series 2012, 6.000%, 12/15/32

         No Opt. Call           N/R           8,935,126   


  134       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Kansas (continued)

$ 4,053     

Wichita, Kansas, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Buttonwood Tree Apartments Project, Series 2002-I, 7.350%, 12/01/33 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           6/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 4,336,096   

Total Kansas


Kentucky – 0.2%


Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Owensboro Medical Health System, Series 2010A, 6.375%, 6/01/40

         6/20 at 100.00           BBB+           9,590,320   

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Baptist Healthcare System Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 1068, 18.123%, 8/15/46 (IF) (5)

         8/21 at 100.00           AA–           4,448,461   

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Louisville Arena Project Revenue Bonds, Louisville Arena Authority, Inc., Series 2008-A1, 6.000%, 12/01/33 – AGC Insured

         6/18 at 100.00           AA–           1,097,690   

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, General Revenue Bonds, Bellarmine University, Series 2008A, 6.000%, 5/01/38

         5/18 at 100.00           Baa3           1,102,490   

Rockcastle County, Kentucky, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Rockcastle Hospital and Respiratory Care Center Inc. Project, Series 2005, 5.550%, 6/01/30

           6/15 at 100.00           BBB–           2,238,399   

Total Kentucky


Louisiana – 1.1%


Hodge, Louisiana, Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds, Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation, Series 2003, 7.450%, 3/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (7)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,500   

Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District 2, Louisiana, Hospital Revenue Bonds, East Jefferson General Hospital, Refunding Series 2011:


6.250%, 7/01/31

         7/21 at 100.00           BBB–           5,407,730   

6.375%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           BBB–           29,787,134   

Juban Parc Community Development District, Livingston Parish, Louisiana, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.150%, 10/01/14 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           383,194   

Lakeshore Villages Master Community Development District, Louisiana, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.250%, 7/01/17 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,777,906   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Belle Chasse Educational Foundation Project, Series 2011, 6.750%, 5/01/41

         5/21 at 100.00           BBB           1,184,490   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lake Charles Charter Academy Foundation Project, Series 2011A:


7.750%, 12/15/31

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           567,761   

8.000%, 12/15/41

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           8,396,784   

Louisiana Local Government Environment Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westlake Chemical Corporation Projects, Series 2009A, 6.500%, 8/01/29

         8/20 at 100.00           BBB–           8,881,800   

Louisiana Local Government Environment Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westlake Chemical Corporation Projects, Series 2010A-2, 6.500%, 11/01/35

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           901,725   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westlake Chemical Corporation Project, Series 2007, 6.750%, 11/01/32

         11/17 at 100.00           BBB–           13,094,338   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Capital Projects and Equipment Acquisition Program, Series 2000A, 6.300%, 7/01/30 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           666,665   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, CDF Healthcare of Louisiana LLC, Series 2006A, 7.000%, 6/01/36

         6/16 at 101.00           N/R           9,776,617   


Nuveen Investments     135   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Louisiana (continued)

$ 6,100     

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Southgate Suites Hotel LLC Project, Series 2007A, 6.750%, 12/15/37 (4)

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 2,738,656   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Woman’s Hospital Foundation Project, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1012:


20.273%, 10/01/40 (IF) (5)

         10/20 at 100.00           A3           5,567,808   

20.285%, 10/01/40 (IF) (5)

         10/20 at 100.00           A3           2,310,000   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project, Series 2011:


6.500%, 5/15/37

         5/21 at 100.00           Baa1           2,397,960   

6.750%, 5/15/41

         5/21 at 100.00           Baa1           725,580   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Facility Revenue Bonds, Louisiana Pellets Inc Project, Series 2013A, 9.750%, 8/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/14 at 100.00           N/R           5,261,052   

Orange Grove Community Development District, Louisiana, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.300%, 11/01/21 (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           602,060   

Whispering Springs Community Development District, Livingston Parish, Louisiana, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2006, 5.200%, 10/01/21 (4)

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           504,579   

Total Louisiana


Maine – 0.2%


Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, MaineGeneral Medical Center, Series 2011:


6.950%, 7/01/36

         7/21 at 100.00           Baa3           2,845,606   

7.000%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           Baa3           7,997,405   

Rumford, Maine, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Boise Cascade Corporation Project, Series 2001, 6.875%, 10/01/26 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           B2           3,970,066   

Total Maine


Maryland – 1.3%


Baltimore, Maryland, Senior Lien Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 9/01/39 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           BB+           8,006,843   

Baltimore, Maryland, Special Obligation Bonds, North Locust Point Project, Series 2005, 5.500%, 9/01/34

         9/15 at 101.00           N/R           512,030   

Baltimore, Maryland, Subordinate Lien Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B, 5.875%, 9/01/39

         9/16 at 100.00           Ba2           19,827,836   

Howard County, Maryland, Retirement Community Revenue Bonds, Vantage House, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 4/01/27

         4/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,285,621   

5.250%, 4/01/33

         4/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,004,700   

Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing and Community Development, Housing Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2849, 10.811%, 1/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           5,147,247   

Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing and Community Development, Housing Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2849, 10.811%, 1/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           726,860   

Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing and Community Development, Residential Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 4.800%, 9/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (UB)

         9/16 at 100.00           Aa2           7,593,852   

Maryland Community Development Administration, Residential Revenue Bonds, Series 2007D, Trust 1023:


17.027%, 3/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF) (5)

         3/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,935,754   

16.822%, 3/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF) (5)

         3/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,066,148   


  136       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Maryland (continued)


Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Revenue Bonds, Chesapeake Bay Hyatt Conference Center, Series 2006A:

$ 1,650     

5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 1,515,080   

5.000%, 12/01/31

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           37,595,880   

Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Senior Lien Student Housing Revenue Bonds, University of Maryland – Baltimore, Series 2003A:


5.625%, 10/01/23

         10/13 at 100.00           B3           820,066   

5.750%, 10/01/33

         10/13 at 100.00           B3           10,601,483   

Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Frostburg State University Project, Series 2002A , 6.250%, 10/01/33

         10/13 at 100.00           Ba3           2,088,736   

Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Private School Revenue Bonds, Washington Christian Academy, Series 2006:


5.250%, 7/01/18 (4)

         1/17 at 100.00           N/R           262,515   

5.500%, 7/01/38 (4)

         1/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,191,125   

Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, King Farm Presbyterian Community, Series 2007A, 5.300%, 1/01/37

         1/17 at 100.00           N/R           4,223,688   

Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Patterson Park Public Charter School Issue, Series 2010, 6.125%, 7/01/45

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,618,200   

Prince George’s County, Maryland, Revenue Bonds, Dimensions Health Corporation, Series 1994:


5.375%, 7/01/14

         7/13 at 100.00           B3           260,086   

5.300%, 7/01/24

           7/13 at 100.00           B3           15,289,145   

Total Maryland


Massachusetts – 1.2%


Boston Industrial Development Financing Authority, Massachusetts, Senior Revenue Bonds, Crosstown Center Project, Series 2002, 6.500%, 9/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         9/13 at 101.00           Caa3           9,720,695   

Boston Industrial Development Financing Authority, Massachusetts, Subordinate Revenue Bonds, Crosstown Center Project, Series 2002, 8.000%, 9/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         9/13 at 101.00           N/R           1,396,094   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, Academy of the Pacific Rim Project, Series 2006A, 5.125%, 6/01/31 – ACA Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,016,640   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Pioneer Valley Resource Recovery Revenue Bonds, Eco/Springfield LLC, Series 2000A, 8.375%, 7/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           307,179   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Pioneer Valley Resource Recovery Revenue Bonds, Eco/Springfield LLC, Series 2006, 5.875%, 7/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,310,555   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Resource Recovery Revenue Refunding Bonds, Covanta Energy Project, Series 2012B, 4.875%, 11/01/42

         11/17 at 100.00           BB+           35,103,195   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Resource Recovery Revenue Refunding Bonds, Covanta Energy Project, Series 2012C, 5.250%, 11/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/17 at 100.00           BB+           1,553,430   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Boston Architectural College, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/37 – ACA Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           N/R           4,858,518   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, The Sabis International Charter School, Series 2009A, 8.000%, 4/15/39

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB           4,325,720   

Massachusetts Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, 100 Cambridge Street Redevelopment, M/SRBC Project, Series 2002A, 5.125%, 2/01/34 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           10,001,100   


Nuveen Investments     137   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Massachusetts (continued)


Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Quincy Medical Center Issue, Series 2008A:

$ 5,950     

6.250%, 1/15/28 (4)

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R         $ 30,464   

6.500%, 1/15/38 (4)

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R           27,136   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Emerson Hospital, Series 2005E:


5.000%, 8/15/25 – RAAI Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,557,295   

5.000%, 8/15/35 – RAAI Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           N/R           401,256   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Jordan Hospital, Series 1998D, 5.250%, 10/01/23

         7/13 at 100.00           BB–           2,753,465   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Milford Regional Medical Center, Series 2007E, 5.000%, 7/15/37

         7/17 at 100.00           BBB–           2,026,720   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Milton Hospital Project, Series 2005D, 5.500%, 7/01/40

         7/15 at 100.00           BB–           4,111,520   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northern Berkshire Community Services Inc., Series 2012A, 6.000%, 2/15/43

         7/13 at 103.00           D           4,560,273   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northern Berkshire Community Services Inc., Series 2012B, 6.375%, 2/15/43

         7/13 at 103.00           D           415,945   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northern Berkshire Community Services Inc., Series 2012C, 6.625%, 2/15/43

         7/13 at 103.00           D           62   

Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, Housing Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2010-64W., 20.149%, 6/01/41 (IF) (5)

         6/20 at 100.00           AA–           3,349,800   

Massachusetts Port Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Delta Air Lines Inc., Series 2001A:


5.200%, 1/01/20 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,605,674   

5.000%, 1/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,505,166   

5.500%, 1/01/22 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           4,001,840   

5.000%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           15,444,846   

Total Massachusetts


Michigan – 3.6%


Advanced Technology Academy, Michigan, Public School Academy Revenue Bonds, Series 2008:


6.000%, 11/01/28

         11/18 at 100.00           BBB–           4,224,433   

6.000%, 11/01/37

         11/18 at 100.00           BBB–           5,335,491   

Chandler Park Academy, Michigan, Public School Academy Charter School Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.125%, 11/01/30

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB           1,042,209   

Concord Academy, Boyne City, Michigan, Certificates of Participation, Series 2007, 5.600%, 11/01/36

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,685,738   

Conner Creek Academy East, Michigan, Public School Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 11/01/26

         11/16 at 100.00           BB–           5,163,258   

5.250%, 11/01/31

         11/16 at 100.00           BB–           3,353,475   

5.250%, 11/01/36

         11/16 at 100.00           BB–           2,691,452   

Detroit City School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3317, 18.652%, 11/01/26 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           4,436,200   

Detroit City School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 4697, 17.870%, 5/01/29 – AGM Insured (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           8,273,162   

Detroit City School District, Wayne County, Michigan, Unlimited Tax School Building and Site Improvement Bonds, Tender Option Bonds Trust 11784, 18.312%, 5/01/27 – AGM Insured (IF)

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           9,443,720   


  138       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)


Detroit Community High School, Michigan, Public School Academy Revenue Bonds, Series 2005:

$ 2,000     

5.650%, 11/01/25

         11/15 at 100.00           B+         $ 1,747,240   

5.750%, 11/01/30

         11/15 at 100.00           B+           421,490   

5.750%, 11/01/35

         11/15 at 100.00           B+           1,978,339   

Detroit Local Development Finance Authority, Michigan, Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1998A, 5.500%, 5/01/21

         11/13 at 100.00           B–           6,094,055   

Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2012A:


5.000%, 7/01/32

         7/22 at 100.00           A+           13,923,059   

5.250%, 7/01/39

         7/22 at 100.00           A+           13,117,200   

5.000%, 7/01/39 – AGM Insured

         7/22 at 100.00           AA–           5,833,257   

Detroit Water Supply System, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 4068, 17.553%, 7/01/15 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,959,600   

Detroit Water Supply System, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Refunding Second Lien Bonds, Series 2006C, 5.000%, 7/01/33 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           6,682,429   

Detroit, Michigan, Distributable State Aid General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3789:


18.169%, 5/01/18 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,552,200   

18.169%, 5/01/18 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,486,540   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Capital Improvement Series 2008-A1:


5.000%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           B           11,367,775   

5.000%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           B           5,958,225   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001A-1:


5.375%, 4/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           495,980   

5.375%, 4/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           1,926,260   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002,
5.125%, 4/01/22 – NPFG Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           Baa2           926,040   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003A:


5.250%, 4/01/22 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           B           2,768,100   

5.250%, 4/01/23 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           B           935,835   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 4/01/21 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,066,150   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Unlimited Tax Series 2008A, 5.000%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,139,282   

Detroit, Michigan, Second Lien Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Second Lien Series 2005B, 5.500%, 7/01/22 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           8,060,604   

Detroit, Michigan, Second Lien Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:


5.000%, 7/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           A           5,734,071   

4.500%, 7/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           A           1,582,029   

Detroit, Michigan, Senior Lien Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2001B, 5.500%, 7/01/29 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           10,961,601   

Detroit, Michigan, Senior Lien Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 7/01/34 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A+           1,435,086   

Detroit, Michigan, Sewer Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Second Lien, Series 2006B, 4.625%, 7/01/34 – FGIC Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           A           1,341,284   

Detroit, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2005A, 4.500%, 7/01/35 – FGIC Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           A+           1,093,070   

Detroit, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2011A, 5.250%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           10,609,829   

Doctor Charles Drew Academy, Michigan Certificates of Participation, Series 2006, 5.700%, 11/01/36

         11/16 at 102.00           N/R           804,486   


Nuveen Investments     139   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)

$ 3,500     

Flint International Academy, Michigan, Public School Academy Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.750%, 10/01/37

         10/17 at 100.00           BBB–         $ 3,616,760   

Garden City Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Garden City Hospital Obligated Group, Series 2007A:


4.875%, 8/15/27

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           11,734,066   

5.000%, 8/15/38

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           13,594,477   

Gaylord Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Otsego Memorial Hospital, Series 2004, 6.200%, 1/01/25

         1/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,028,070   

Kentwood Economic Development Corporation, Michigan, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Holland Home Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2012, 5.625%, 11/15/41

         5/22 at 100.00           BB+           2,858,733   

Merritt Academy, Michigan, Certificates of Participation, Series 2004, 7.250%, 12/01/24

         12/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,034,030   

Merritt Academy, Michigan, Certificates of Participation, Series 2006, 6.250%, 12/01/36

         12/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,904,085   

Michigan Finance Authority, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Michigan Technical Academy, Series 2011:


5.700%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,109,937   

7.100%, 10/01/31

         10/21 at 100.00           N/R           2,277,110   

7.450%, 10/01/41

         10/21 at 100.00           N/R           7,484,890   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Detroit Service Learning Academy Project, Series 2011, 7.000%, 10/01/36

         10/21 at 100.00           BB+           1,144,890   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Creative Montessori Academy Project, Series 2011, 7.000%, 5/01/31

         5/18 at 100.00           BBB–           1,616,304   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Holly Academy Project, Refunding Series 2011, 8.000%, 10/01/40

         10/21 at 100.00           BBB–           1,416,800   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Hope Academy Project, Series 2011, 8.125%, 4/01/41

         4/21 at 100.00           BB           7,297,722   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Old Redford Academy Project, Series 2010A, 6.500%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           BB           430,936   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Voyageur Academy Project, Series 2011:


7.750%, 7/15/26

         7/21 at 100.00           BB           1,618,590   

8.000%, 7/15/41

         7/21 at 100.00           BB           9,704,610   

Michigan Housing Development Authority, Rental Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2006D, 5.200%, 10/01/42 – AGM Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax) (UB) (5)

         7/15 at 100.00           AA           4,887,996   

Michigan Municipal Bond Authority, Public School Academy Revenue Bonds, Detroit Academy of Arts and Sciences Charter School, Series 2001A:


7.900%, 10/01/21

         10/13 at 100.00           Caa2           2,580,623   

8.000%, 10/01/31

         10/13 at 100.00           Caa2           9,388,129   

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, American Montessori Academy, Series 2007, 6.500%, 12/01/37

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,012,540   

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Chandler Park Academy Project, Series 2008, 6.500%, 11/01/35

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB           1,543,980   

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Richfield Public School Academy, Series 2007, 5.000%, 9/01/36

         9/17 at 100.00           BBB–           983,700   


  140       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)

$ 3,585     

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, David Ellis Academy-West Charter School Project, Series 2007, 5.875%, 6/01/37

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 3,625,582   

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Dr. Joseph F. Pollack Academic Center of Excellence Project, Series 2010:


7.250%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BB           319,302   

8.000%, 4/01/30

         4/20 at 100.00           BB           1,292,999   

8.000%, 4/01/40

         4/20 at 100.00           BB           564,355   

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Hills and Dales General Hospital, Series 2005A, 6.750%, 11/15/38

         11/15 at 102.00           N/R           10,837,248   

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Obligated Group, Series 2005:


5.250%, 11/15/25

         5/15 at 100.00           BB+           2,282,085   

5.500%, 11/15/35

         5/15 at 100.00           BB+           11,309,312   

Michigan Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Ford Motor Company, Series 1992A, 6.550%, 10/01/22

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa3           571,237   

Michigan Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.875%, 6/01/42

         6/18 at 100.00           BB–           10,296,099   

Renaissance Public School Academy, Michigan, Public School Academy Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A:


5.500%, 5/01/27

         5/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,013,998   

6.000%, 5/01/37

         5/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,350,860   

Saline Economic Development Corporation, Michigan, Limited Obligation Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Evangelical Homes of Michigan, Series 2012, 5.250%, 6/01/32

         6/22 at 100.00           BB+           1,522,665   

Summit Academy North, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Public School Academy Series 2005:


5.000%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BB           825,740   

5.250%, 11/01/20

         11/15 at 100.00           BB           1,719,697   

6.750%, 5/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BB           749,801   

5.350%, 11/01/25

         11/15 at 100.00           BB           4,795,000   

5.500%, 11/01/30

         11/15 at 100.00           BB           3,644,207   

7.750%, 5/01/31

         5/21 at 100.00           BB           1,798,512   

5.500%, 11/01/35

         11/15 at 100.00           BB           6,709,215   

8.000%, 5/01/41

         5/21 at 100.00           BB           3,887,725   

Summit Academy, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Public School Academy Series 2005, 6.375%, 11/01/35

         11/15 at 100.00           BB           2,335,736   

Total Michigan


Minnesota – 0.9%


Baytown Township, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, Saint Croix Preparatory Academy Project, Series 2008A, 7.000%, 8/01/38

         8/16 at 102.00           BB           1,068,800   

Bloomington Port Authority, Minnesota, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Radisson Blu MOA, LLC Project, Series 2010, 9.000%, 12/01/35

         12/20 at 100.00           N/R           15,451,939   

Chaska, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, World Learner School Project, Series, 8.000%, 12/01/43

         12/21 at 100.00           BB+           2,304,817   

Falcon Heights, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, Kaleidoscope Charter School Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


6.000%, 11/01/27

         11/15 at 100.00           N/R           440,644   

6.000%, 11/01/37

         11/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,598,903   

Faribault, Minnesota, Housing Revenue Bonds, Faribault Senior Living LLC Project, Series 2010, 7.000%, 5/01/45

         5/18 at 102.00           N/R           1,074,160   

International Falls, Minnesota, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Boise Cascade Corporation Project, Refunding Series 1999, 6.850%, 12/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B2           2,271,481   


Nuveen Investments     141   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Minnesota (continued)


Minneapolis, Minnesota, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Mosaic Parking, LLC Project, Series 2010A:

$ 1,000     

7.750%, 1/01/33

         1/21 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,051,280   

8.500%, 1/01/41

         1/21 at 100.00           N/R           1,083,080   

Minneapolis, Minnesota, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Grant Park Project, Series 2006, 5.200%, 2/01/22

         2/14 at 100.00           N/R           601,698   

Oak Park Heights, Minnesota, Senior Housing Revenue Bonds, Oakgreen Commons Project, Series 2010, 7.000%, 8/01/45

         8/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,645,110   

Ramsey, Anoka County, Minnesota, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, PACT Charter School, Series 2004A, 6.750%, 12/01/33

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,576,515   

Saint Paul Housing & Redevelopment Authority , Minnesota, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Hmong Education Reform Company, Series 2012A, 5.500%, 9/01/43

         9/20 at 101.00           BB+           1,742,206   

Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, Higher Ground Academy Project, Series 2009, 8.500%, 12/01/38

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           2,521,800   

Saint Paul Port Authority, Minnesota, Great Northern Project Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 2, 6.000%, 3/01/30

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           468,459   

Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, Health Care and Housing Facilities Revenue Bonds, Good Shepherd Lutheran Home, Refunding Series 2013, 5.125%, 1/01/39

         1/23 at 100.00           N/R           1,019,410   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Achieve Charter School, Series 2003A, 7.000%, 12/01/32

         12/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,615,488   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Higher Ground Academy Charter School, Series 2004A:


6.625%, 12/01/23

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           403,915   

6.875%, 12/01/33

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           2,187,374   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Hmong Academy, Series 2006A:


5.750%, 9/01/26

         9/14 at 102.00           BB+           410,936   

6.000%, 9/01/36

         9/14 at 102.00           BB+           514,530   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Charter School Revenue Bonds, HOPE Community Academy Charter School, Series 2004A, 6.750%, 12/01/33

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,339,598   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Charter School Revenue Bonds, HOPE Community Academy Charter School, Series 2005A, 6.250%, 12/01/33

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           2,217,819   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Collateralized Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Marian Center Project, Series 2007A:


5.300%, 11/01/30

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           848,304   

5.375%, 5/01/43

         5/14 at 101.00           N/R           1,227,242   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, Healtheast Inc., Series 2005, 6.000%, 11/15/25

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB–           2,375,539   

St. Paul Port Authority, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, HealthEast Midway Campus, Series 2005A:


5.750%, 5/01/25

         5/15 at 100.00           BB+           2,854,548   

5.875%, 5/01/30

         5/15 at 100.00           BB+           2,955,064   

St. Paul Port Authority, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, HealthEast Midway Campus, Series 2005B, 6.000%, 5/01/30

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           8,781,317   

Stillwater, Minnesota, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Orleans Homes LP, Series 2007:


5.250%, 2/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         2/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,486,830   

5.500%, 2/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         2/15 at 102.00           N/R           785,192   


  142       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Minnesota (continued)


Wayzata, Minnesota, Senior Housing Revenue Bonds, Folkestone Senior Living Community, Series 2012A:

$ 1,485     

5.500%, 11/01/32

         5/19 at 102.00           N/R         $ 1,617,091   

5.750%, 11/01/39

         5/19 at 102.00           N/R           3,291,210   

6.000%, 5/01/47

         5/19 at 102.00           N/R           6,737,999   

Winsted, Minnesota, Health Care Revenue Bonds, Saint Mary’s Care Center Project, Series 2010A:


6.250%, 9/01/30

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,054,280   

6.875%, 9/01/42

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,469,635   

Total Minnesota


Mississippi – 0.0%


Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, Gulf Opportunity Zone Revenue Bonds, Roberts Hotel of Jackson, LLC Project, Series 2010, 8.500%, 2/01/30 (4)

         2/21 at 102.00           N/R           972,903   

Mississippi Home Corporation, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Tupelo Personal Care Apartments, Series 2004-2, 6.125%, 9/01/34 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/19 at 101.00           N/R           1,396,758   

Total Mississippi


Missouri – 0.9%


Belton, Missouri, Town Center Project Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006:


5.500%, 3/01/20

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           252,853   

5.625%, 3/01/25

         3/16 at 100.00           N/R           597,642   

Cottleville, Missouri, Certificates of Participation, Series 2006:


5.125%, 8/01/26 (Pre-refunded 8/01/14)

         8/14 at 100.00           N/R (6)           212,060   

5.250%, 8/01/31 (Pre-refunded 8/01/14)

         8/14 at 100.00           N/R (6)           637,122   

Franklin County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Sales Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds, Phoenix Center II Community Improvement District Project, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 11/01/37

         11/20 at 100.00           N/R           604,290   

Fulton, Missouri, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Fulton Commons Redevelopment Project, Series 2006:


5.000%, 6/01/20

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R           570,501   

5.000%, 6/01/28

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,610,420   

Hanley Road Corridor Transportation Development District, Brentwood and Maplewood, Missouri, Transportation Sales Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.875%, 10/01/36

         10/19 at 100.00           A–           1,645,186   

Hanley/Eager Road Transportation Development District, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 6.000%, 3/01/42

         3/16 at 101.00           N/R           1,334,736   

Hawk Ridge Transportation Development District, Missouri, Transportation Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 2/01/30

         2/17 at 100.00           N/R           4,829,561   

Kansas City Tax Increment Financing Commission, Missouri, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Briarcliff West Project, Series 2006A:


5.150%, 6/01/16

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,648,856   

5.400%, 6/01/24

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           3,114,630   

Lakeside 370 Levee District, Saint Charles, Missouri, Levee District Improvement Bonds, Series 2008, 7.000%, 4/01/28

         4/16 at 100.00           N/R           11,100,185   

Lees Summit Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, John Knox Village Obligated Group, Series 2007A, 5.125%, 8/15/26

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,536,705   

Lees Summit Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Special Assessment and Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Summit Fair Community Improvement District Project, Series 2012:


5.000%, 5/01/35

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           1,472,877   

6.000%, 5/01/42

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,389,194   

Missouri Development Finance Board. Infrastructure Facilities Revenue Bonds, City of Independence, Missouri – Events Center Project, Series 2009F, 6.250%, 4/01/38 (Pre-refunded 4/01/14)

         4/14 at 100.00           A– (6)           527,175   


Nuveen Investments     143   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Missouri (continued)

$ 2,810     

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Mercy Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 4731, 13.540%, 11/15/42 (IF) (5)

         11/22 at 100.00           AA–         $ 3,011,027   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Senior Services, Series 2005, 5.375%, 2/01/35

         2/15 at 100.00           BBB+           560,819   

Poplar Bluff Regional Transportation Development District, Missouri, Transportation Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 4.750%, 12/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,648,886   

Saint Louis Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Confluence Academy Project, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 6/15/25

         6/15 at 103.00           N/R           1,264,296   

5.350%, 6/15/32

         6/15 at 103.00           N/R           3,228,096   

Saint Louis Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Councils Towers Apartments, Series 2010B, 7.250%, 12/15/13

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           5,376,642   

Saint Louis Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority, Missouri, Tax-Exempt Recovery Zone Facilities Improvement, Special Revenue Bonds, Kiel Opera House Project, Series 2010B, 7.000%, 9/01/35

         9/20 at 100.00           N/R           9,410,670   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax Increment Bonds, 410 North Jefferson Lofts Project, Series 2007, 5.500%, 9/01/27

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,470,460   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax Increment Financing District Revenue Bonds, Gaslight Square East Project, Series 2006, 5.500%, 1/22/28

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,217,260   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax Increment Financing District Revenue Bonds, Printers Lofts Project, Series 2006, 6.000%, 8/21/26 (11)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,345,866   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax Increment Financing Revenue Bonds, City Hospital Tax Increment District, Series 2007, 6.000%, 8/23/26

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,862,400   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax Increment Financing Revenue Notes, Marquette Building Redevelopment Project, Series 2008-A, 6.500%, 1/23/28

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,931,273   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Tax-Exempt Revenue Notes, City Block 1859, Grand Avenue/Cozens/Evans Redevelopment Project, Series 2008-A, 6.500%, 12/11/29

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,110,578   

St. Joseph Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Tax Increment Bonds, Shoppes at North Village Project, Series 2005A:


5.100%, 11/01/19

         11/14 at 100.00           N/R           503,765   

5.375%, 11/01/24

         11/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,006,220   

St. Joseph Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Tax Increment Bonds, Shoppes at North Village Project, Series 2005B, 5.375%, 11/01/23

         11/14 at 100.00           N/R           2,014,760   

St. Louis County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Chesterfield, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,506,015   

Strother Interchange Transportation Development District, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Lees Summit, Series 2006, 5.000%, 5/01/24

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,338,741   

Sugar Creek, Missouri, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Lafarge North America Inc., Series 2003A, 5.650%, 6/01/37 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/13 at 101.00           BB+           1,521,765   

University Place Transportation Development District, St. Louis County, Missouri, Transportation Sales Tax and Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006:


5.000%, 3/01/26

         3/15 at 100.00           N/R           949,900   

5.000%, 3/01/32

           3/15 at 100.00           N/R           2,259,150   

Total Missouri



  144       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Montana – 0.1%


Billings, Montana, Tax Increment Urban Renewal Revenue Bonds, Expanded North 27th Street, Series 2013A:

$ 910     

5.000%, 7/01/33

         1/23 at 100.00           N/R         $ 951,478   

5.000%, 7/01/38

         1/23 at 100.00           N/R           2,150,820   

Montana Board of Investments, Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds, Stillwater Mining Company, Series 2000, 8.000%, 7/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           B           10,176,403   

Total Montana


Nebraska – 0.5%


Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska, Gas Project 3 Revenue Bonds, Series 2012:


5.000%, 9/01/32

         9/22 at 100.00           A           9,723,502   

5.250%, 9/01/37

         No Opt. Call           A           559,595   

5.000%, 9/01/42

           9/22 at 100.00           A           37,924,019   

Total Nebraska


Nevada – 1.0%


Clark County, Nevada, Airport Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust Series 11823, 20.174%, 1/01/36 (IF)

         1/20 at 100.00           A+           7,252,710   

Clark County, Nevada, Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Tender Option Bond Trust 11823, 18.100%, 1/01/18 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,548,267   

Henderson Local Improvement Districts T-17, Nevada, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Madeira Canyon Project, Series 2005, 5.000%, 9/01/25

         3/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,576,210   

Henderson Local Improvement Districts T-18, Nevada, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Inspirada Series 2006, 5.300%, 9/01/35

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           3,904,400   

Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency, Nevada, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 8.000%, 6/15/30

         6/19 at 100.00           BBB–           5,731,550   

Las Vegas, Nevada, Local Improvement and Refunding Bonds, Special Improvement District 808 and 810 Summerlin Village 23B, Series 2007:


5.875%, 6/01/21

         12/13 at 103.00           N/R           4,719,580   

6.125%, 6/01/31

         12/13 at 103.00           N/R           11,987,863   

Las Vegas, Nevada, Local Improvement Bonds, District 607, Series 2004, 6.250%, 6/01/24

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           3,153,544   

Mesquite Special Improvement District 07-01, Nevada, Anthem at Mesquite Local Improvement Bonds, Series 2007:


6.000%, 8/01/27

         4/15 at 102.00           N/R           503,855   

6.150%, 8/01/37

         4/15 at 102.00           N/R           2,472,994   

North Las Vegas, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Wastewater Reclamation System Series 2006:


4.625%, 10/01/31 – NPFG Insured

         10/16 at 100.00           A           2,881,479   

4.500%, 10/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         10/16 at 100.00           A           4,953,214   

Reno, Nevada, Redevelopment Agency Downtown Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2007C, 5.400%, 6/01/27

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,306,559   

Sparks Local Improvement District 3, Legends at Sparks Marina, Nevada, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008:


6.500%, 9/01/20

         9/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,111,710   

6.750%, 9/01/27

         9/18 at 100.00           N/R           2,086,860   

Sparks Tourism Improvement District 1, Legends at Sparks Marina, Nevada, Senior Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Series 2008A:


6.500%, 6/15/20

         6/18 at 100.00           B2           6,881,825   

6.750%, 6/15/28

           6/18 at 100.00           B2           26,492,048   

Total Nevada



Nuveen Investments     145   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Hampshire – 0.0%

$ 200     

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Memorial Hospital, Series 2006, 5.250%, 6/01/26

           6/16 at 100.00           BBB         $ 205,304   

New Jersey – 2.6%


Bayonne Medical Center Inc., New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2006, 8.050%, 12/31/49 (12)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           674,674   

Bayonne Redevelopment Agency, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Royal Caribbean Cruises Project, Series 2006A, 5.375%, 11/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/16 at 100.00           BB           8,318,811   

Burlington County Bridge Commission, New Jersey, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, The Evergreens Project, Series 2007, 5.625%, 1/01/38

         1/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,040,430   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lady Liberty Academy Charter School Project, Series 2013A:


5.500%, 8/01/33

         8/23 at 100.00           BB+           2,402,810   

5.650%, 8/01/43

         8/23 at 100.00           BB+           4,151,477   

5.750%, 8/01/47

         8/23 at 100.00           BB+           2,411,358   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.750%, 6/15/34 (Pre-refunded 6/15/14)

         6/14 at 100.00           Aaa           1,251,992   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Glimcher Properties LP, Series 1998, 6.000%, 11/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           999,900   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1991, 7.100%, 11/01/31 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         11/13 at 100.00           N/R           10,014,900   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Refunding Series 2012, 5.750%, 9/15/27 (Mandatory put 9/15/22) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B           20,686,600   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 1998, 5.500%, 4/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B           797,989   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 1999, 5.125%, 9/15/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         9/13 at 100.00           B           8,536,185   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 1999, 5.250%, 9/15/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         9/22 at 101.00           B           25,024,900   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 2000:


7.200%, 11/15/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B           1,505,700   

7.000%, 11/15/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         5/13 at 100.00           B           5,229,694   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 2003, 9.000%, 6/01/33(Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B           7,735,150   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Provident Group-Montclair Properties LLC, Montclair State University Student Housing Project, Series 2010A, 5.875%, 6/01/42

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa3           1,708,695   

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Series 2009B, 7.500%, 12/01/32

         6/19 at 100.00           A–           2,989,824   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Virtual Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 3018:


18.599%, 7/01/38 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         1/14 at 100.00           AA–           1,678,824   

19.077%, 7/01/38 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         7/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,632,059   

19.102%, 7/01/38 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         7/19 at 100.00           AA–           7,254,000   

19.102%, 7/01/38 – AGC Insured (IF) (5)

         7/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,813,500   


  146       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Jersey (continued)


New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Saint Peters University Hospital, Refunding Series 2011:

$ 4,450     

6.000%, 7/01/26

         7/21 at 100.00           BB+         $ 5,194,752   

6.250%, 7/01/35

         7/21 at 100.00           BB+           1,605,759   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Saint Peters University Hospital, Series 2007, 5.750%, 7/01/37

         7/18 at 100.00           BB+           25,732,361   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Palisades Medical Center of New York Presbyterian Healthcare System, Series 2002:


6.500%, 7/01/21

         7/13 at 100.00           BB+           1,323,828   

6.625%, 7/01/31

         7/13 at 100.00           BB+           1,502,730   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Joseph’s Healthcare System Obligated Group Issue, Series 2008, 6.625%, 7/01/38

         7/18 at 100.00           BBB–           6,600,711   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Somerset Medical Center, Series 2003, 5.500%, 7/01/23

         7/13 at 100.00           Ba2           592,307   

New Jersey Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-1B, 5.750%, 12/01/39 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/22 at 100.00           A           2,659,075   

New Jersey Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Trust 11853, 21.551%, 6/01/16 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,208,589   

New Jersey Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.125%, 6/01/30 – AGC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax) (UB)

         6/18 at 100.00           AA–           47,180,596   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007-1A, 4.750%, 6/01/34

           6/17 at 100.00           B2           30,831,150   

Total New Jersey


New Mexico – 0.3%


Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Valencia Retirement Apartments Project, Series 2001A, 5.450%, 6/01/34 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         5/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,000,260   

Cabezon Public Improvement District, Rio Rancho, New Mexico, Special Levy Revenue Bonds, Series 2005:


6.000%, 9/01/24

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,575,043   

6.300%, 9/01/34

         9/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,551,582   

Farmington, New Mexico, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Public Service Company of New Mexico – San Juan Project, Series 2003B, 4.875%, 4/01/33

         4/16 at 101.00           BBB           4,141,080   

Jicarilla Apache Nation, New Mexico, Revenue Bonds, Series 2002A, 5.500%, 9/01/23

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,999,760   

Mariposa East Public Improvement District, New Mexico, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006:


5.500%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,043,226   

5.750%, 9/01/21

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,415,422   

6.000%, 9/01/32

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           7,719,741   

New Mexico Hospital Equipment Loan Council, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Haverland Carter Lifestyle Group, Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/42

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           5,298,447   

The Trails Public Improvement District, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Special Levy Revenue Bonds, Series 2008:


7.625%, 10/01/23

         10/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,252,868   

7.750%, 10/01/38

           10/18 at 100.00           N/R           3,487,720   

Total New Mexico



Nuveen Investments     147   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York – 3.0%

$ 750     

Albany Industrial Development Agency, New York, Revenue Bonds, Saint Peter’s Hospital, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 11/15/32

         11/17 at 100.00           A3         $ 816,983   

Brooklyn Arena Local Developme(nt Corporation, New York, Payment in Lieu of Taxes Revenue Bonds, Barclays Center Project, Series 2009:


0.000%, 7/15/32

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           5,372,495   

0.000%, 7/15/35

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,977,186   

6.375%, 7/15/43

         1/20 at 100.00           BBB–           12,862,698   

Buffalo and Erie County Industrial Land Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Medaille College, Series 2012, 5.250%, 4/01/35

         1/23 at 100.00           BB+           1,169,899   

Cattaraugus County Industrial Development Agency, New York, Revenue Bonds, St. Bonaventure University, Series 2006, 5.100%, 5/01/31

         5/16 at 100.00           BBB–           513,425   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Insured Revenue Bonds, Pace University, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 5/01/38

         5/23 at 100.00           BBB–           1,089,950   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, American Airlines-JFK International Airport Special Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2005:


7.500%, 8/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           14,805,154   

7.625%, 8/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/16 at 101.00           N/R           11,308,042   

8.000%, 8/01/28

         8/16 at 101.00           N/R           14,386,554   

7.750%, 8/01/31 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/16 at 101.00           N/R           16,905,526   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Civic Facility Revenue Bonds, Bronx Parking Development Company, LLC Project, Series 2007:


5.625%, 10/01/17 (13)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,032,032   

5.750%, 10/01/27 (14)

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           5,336,468   

5.750%, 10/01/37 (14)

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           12,122,292   

5.875%, 10/01/46 (15)

         10/17 at 102.00           N/R           26,098,755   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Liberty Revenue Bonds, IAC/InterActiveCorp, Series 2005, 5.000%, 9/01/35

         9/15 at 100.00           BBB           5,783,199   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, PILOT Revenue Bonds, Queens Baseball Stadium Project, Series 2006:


5.000%, 1/01/31 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba1           9,485,614   

5.000%, 1/01/36 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba1           10,392,397   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Revenue Bonds, Yankee Stadium Project PILOT, Series 2009A, 7.000%, 3/01/49 – AGC Insured

         3/19 at 100.00           AA–           5,278,129   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1990:


5.400%, 7/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         8/13 at 100.00           N/R           224,998   

5.400%, 7/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         8/13 at 100.00           N/R           483,746   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1994, 6.900%, 8/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           2,581,577   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, British Airways PLC, Series 1998, 5.250%, 12/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/13 at 100.00           BB           27,805,556   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, British Airways PLC, Series 2002, 7.625%, 12/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/13 at 100.00           BB           6,742,068   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, JFK Airport – American Airlines Inc., Series 2002B, 8.500%, 8/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/13 at 100.50           N/R           9,392,245   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Special Facility Revenue Bonds, JetBlue Airways Corporation Project, Series 2006:


5.000%, 5/15/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B–           2,085,000   

5.125%, 5/15/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B–           5,369,624   


  148       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)


New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3484:

$ 1,290     

17.949%, 6/15/15 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA+         $ 1,894,301   

17.982%, 6/15/15 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,673,400   

17.983%, 6/15/15 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           570,330   

17.982%, 6/15/32 (IF)

         6/17 at 100.00           AA+           1,830,650   

17.982%, 6/15/33 (IF)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA+           11,431,800   

17.982%, 6/15/33 (IF)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA+           952,650   

New York Liberty Development Corporation, Liberty Revenue Bonds, 4 World Trade Center Project, Series 2011, 5.000%, 11/15/31

         11/21 at 100.00           A+           956,952   

New York Liberty Development Corporation, Second Priority Liberty Revenue Refunding Bonds, Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park Project, Series 2010, 6.375%, 7/15/49

         1/20 at 100.00           A–           11,814,942   

New York Liberty Development Corporation, Second Priority Liberty Revenue Refunding Bonds, Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park Project, Tender Option Bond Trust PT4704:


18.206%, 1/15/44 (IF) (5)

         1/20 at 100.00           AA+           1,488,320   

18.206%, 1/15/44 (IF) (5)

         1/20 at 100.00           AA+           2,790,600   

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Consolidated Revenue Bonds, One Hundred Fifty Second Series 2009, 13.799%, 11/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (IF)

         5/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,177,887   

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Consolidated Revenue Bonds, One Hundred Fifty Second Series 2008, 5.250%, 11/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (UB)

         5/18 at 100.00           AA–           17,641,280   

Seneca Nation of Indians Capital Improvements Authority, New York, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BB           5,026,749   

5.000%, 12/01/23

         6/17 at 100.00           BB           1,056,620   

Suffolk County Industrial Development Agency, New York, Revenue Bonds, Nissequogue Cogeneration Partners Facility, Series 1998, 5.500%, 1/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           100,005   

TSASC Inc., New York, Tobacco Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006:


5.000%, 6/01/26

         6/16 at 100.00           BB–           989,550   

5.000%, 6/01/34

         6/16 at 100.00           B+           2,932,356   

Yonkers Industrial Development Agency, New York, Revenue Bonds, St. John’s Riverside Hospital, Series 2001A, 7.125%, 7/01/31

           7/13 at 100.00           B+           1,001,730   

Total New York


North Carolina – 0.4%


Albemarle Hospital Authority, North Carolina, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.250%, 10/01/38

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,531,620   

Buncombe County, North Carolina, Project Development Financing Revenue Bonds, Woodfin Downtown Corridor Development, Series 2008:


6.750%, 8/01/24

         8/18 at 100.00           N/R           747,563   

7.250%, 8/01/34

         8/18 at 100.00           N/R           3,441,615   

Charlotte, North Carolina, Special Facility Refunding Revenue Bonds, Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, US Airways, Inc. Project, Series 1998, 5.600%, 7/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,001,230   

Charlotte-Mecklenberg Hospital Authority, North Carolina, Health Care Revenue Bonds, DBA Carolinas HealthCare System, Tender Option Bond Trust 11963, 18.853%, 1/15/19 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,467,880   

Durham Housing Authority, North Carolina, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, JFK Towers Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 12/01/35

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,991,333   

5.000%, 12/01/47

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,613,125   


Nuveen Investments     149   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

North Carolina (continued)

$ 5,250     

North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Solid Waste Facilities Revenue Bonds, Liberty Tire Services of North Carolina LLC, Series 2004A, 6.750%, 7/01/29

         7/16 at 100.00           N/R         $ 5,363,663   

North Carolina Capital Facilities Financing Agency, Educational Facilities Revenue Bond, Meredith College, Series 2008A, 6.125%, 6/01/35

         6/18 at 100.00           BBB           1,135,000   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Wake Forest Baptist Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 4278, 13.688%, 12/01/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,007,400   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Healthcare Facilities Revenue Bonds, Presbyterian Homes, Series 2006:


5.400%, 10/01/27

         10/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,919,924   

5.600%, 10/01/36

         10/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,720,803   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Healthcare Revenue Bonds, Novant Health Inc., Tender Option Bond Trust 1066, 17.224%, 11/01/34 (IF) (5)

           11/16 at 100.00           AA–           3,395,207   

Total North Carolina


Ohio – 3.2%


Blue Ash, Ohio, Tax Increment Financing Revenue Bonds, Duke Realty Ohio, Series 2006, 5.000%, 12/01/35

         12/16 at 102.00           N/R           1,164,727   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-2:


5.125%, 6/01/24

         6/17 at 100.00           B–           12,067,900   

5.875%, 6/01/30

         6/17 at 100.00           B           66,800,318   

5.750%, 6/01/34

         6/17 at 100.00           B           49,251,973   

6.000%, 6/01/42

         6/17 at 100.00           BB+           14,022,012   

6.500%, 6/01/47

         6/17 at 100.00           B           26,519,110   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-3, 6.250%, 6/01/37

         6/22 at 100.00           B           13,983,178   

County of Greene, Ohio, Greene Town Center Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 8.000%, 12/01/34

         12/19 at 100.00           N/R           2,931,616   

Jeffrey Place New Community Authority, Ohio, Jeffrey Place Redevelopment Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 12/01/22

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           817,328   

5.000%, 12/01/32

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           977,970   

Lorain County Port Authority, Ohio, Recovery Zone Facility Economic Development Revenue Bonds, United State Steel Corporation Project, Series 2010, 6.750%, 12/01/40

         12/20 at 100.00           BB           3,987,654   

Middleburg Heights, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southwest General Health Center Project, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1126, 12.977%, 8/01/47 (IF) (5)

         8/19 at 100.00           A2           2,630,888   

Montgomery County, Ohio, Health Care and Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Saint Leonard, Refunding & improvement Series 2010, 6.625%, 4/01/40

         4/20 at 100.00           BBB–           2,813,550   

Montgomery County, Ohio, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Tender Option Bond Trust 3260, 19.835%, 5/01/29 (IF)

         5/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,951,493   

Muskingum County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Genesis HealthCare System Obligated Group Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 2/15/44 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         2/23 at 100.00           BB+           14,530,025   

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, AK Steel Holding Corporation, Series 2012A, 6.750%, 6/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         2/22 at 100.00           B–           18,588,220   

Ohio State, Hospital Revenue Bonds, University Hospitals Health System, Inc., Tender Option Bond Trust 1092:


17.158%, 1/15/41 (IF) (5)

         1/22 at 100.00           A           5,104,849   

17.158%, 1/15/41 (IF) (5)

         1/22 at 100.00           A           3,075,210   


  150       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Ohio (continued)

$ 1,970     

Ohio State, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, USG Corporation Project, Series 1998, 5.650%, 3/01/33 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B–         $ 1,969,803   

Ohio State, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, USG Corporation Project, Series 1999, 6.050%, 8/01/34 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B–           552,121   

Ohio, Environmental Facilities Revenue Bonds, Ford Motor Company, Series 1999, 5.950%, 9/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa3           891,673   

Ohio, Environmental Facilities Revenue Bonds, Ford Motor Company, Series 2000, 6.150%, 6/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa3           1,788,570   

Ohio, Environmental Facilities Revenue Bonds, Ford Motor Company, Series 2005, 5.750%, 4/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/15 at 100.00           Baa3           12,202,963   

Port Authority of Columbiana County, Ohio, Solid Waste Facility Revenue Bonds, APEX Environmental LLC, Series 2004A:


7.125%, 8/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/13 at 104.00           N/R           2,491,009   

7.250%, 8/01/34 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/16 at 100.00           N/R           8,436,340   

Port Authority of Columbiana County, Ohio, Solid Waste Facility Revenue Bonds, Liberty Waste Transportation LLC, Series 2004A, 7.000%, 8/01/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,920,857   

Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority, Ohio, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Series 2006, 5.000%, 10/01/25

         10/16 at 100.00           A+           529,750   

Southeastern Ohio Port Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health System Obligated Group Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2012:


5.750%, 12/01/32

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           2,472,490   

6.000%, 12/01/42

         12/22 at 100.00           N/R           8,361,600   

State of Ohio, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds (USG Corporation Project) Series 1997 Remarketed, 5.600%, 8/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/13 at 100.00           B–           11,252,766   

Summit County Port Authority, Ohio, Development Revenue Bonds, Garfield Heights Inc. Project, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 5/15/23

         5/14 at 102.00           BBB+           1,835,089   

Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority, Ohio, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Crocker Park Project, Series 2003, 5.375%, 12/01/35

         12/13 at 102.00           BB           519,130   

Western Reserve Port Authority, Ohio, Solid Waste Facility Revenue Bonds, Central Waste Inc., Series 2007A:


6.100%, 7/01/17 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,649,818   

6.350%, 7/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         7/17 at 102.00           N/R           2,583,544   

Western Reserve Port Authority, Ohio, Solid Waste Facility Revenue Bonds, Central Waste Inc., Series 2007B, 7.250%, 7/01/27 (4)

           7/17 at 102.00           N/R           50   

Total Ohio


Oklahoma – 1.2%


Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma Economic Development Authority, Gaming Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Fort Sill Apache Casino, Series 2011A, 8.500%, 8/25/26

         8/21 at 100.00           N/R           9,056,900   

Okeene Municipal Hospital and Schallmo Authority, Oklahoma, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 7.000%, 1/01/35

         1/16 at 101.00           N/R           3,567,295   

Sayre Memorial Hospital Authority, Oklahoma, Hospital and Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


6.000%, 7/01/27

         7/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,906,237   

6.000%, 7/01/37

         7/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,006,487   

Tulsa County Industrial Authority, Oklahoma, Senior Living Community Revenue Bonds, Montereau, Inc Project, Series 2010A:


7.250%, 11/01/40

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           8,500,419   

7.250%, 11/01/45

         5/20 at 100.00           N/R           12,179,029   

Tulsa Municipal Airport Trust, Oklahoma, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1995, 6.250%, 6/01/20

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           57,116,594   


Nuveen Investments     151   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Oklahoma (continued)

$ 14,555     

Tulsa Municipal Airport Trust, Oklahoma, Revenue Refunding Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 2004A, 7.750%, 6/01/35 (Mandatory put 12/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 15,804,547   

Weatherford Hospital Authority, Oklahoma, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2006:


6.000%, 5/01/25

         5/16 at 103.00           N/R           2,205,430   

6.000%, 5/01/31

           5/16 at 103.00           N/R           3,790,405   

Total Oklahoma


Oregon – 0.2%


Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Oregon, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006C, 5.625%, 10/01/26

         10/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,831,970   

Deschutes County Hospital Facility Authority, Oregon, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Cascade Healthcare Community, Inc., Series 2008:


8.000%, 1/01/28

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           1,147,239   

8.250%, 1/01/38

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           3,415,678   

Oregon Health, Housing, Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Oregon Coast Aquarium Project, Series 2005A:


4.850%, 10/01/20

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           439,500   

5.000%, 10/01/21

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           112,427   

5.350%, 10/01/31

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           562,547   

Oregon State Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Concordia University Project, Series 2010A, 6.375%, 9/01/40

         9/20 at 100.00           BB+           1,769,776   

Oregon State Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Economic Development Revenue Bonds, USG Corporation Project, Series 192 of 1999, 6.400%, 12/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B–           8,274,218   

Port of Saint Helens, Oregon, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Boise Cascade Project, Series 1997, 5.650%, 12/01/27

         No Opt. Call           N/R           999,970   

Salem Hospital Facility Authority, Oregon, Revenue Bonds, Capital Manor, Inc., Refunding Series 2012, 6.000%, 5/15/42

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,739,456   

Western Generation Agency, Oregon, Cogeneration Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2006C, 5.000%, 1/01/21

           No Opt. Call           N/R           861,892   

Total Oregon


Pennsylvania – 2.7%


Allegheny Country Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2009:


6.750%, 11/01/24

         11/19 at 100.00           BB           8,728,979   

6.875%, 5/01/30

         11/19 at 100.00           BB           4,244,717   

Allegheny Country Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2011, 6.550%, 12/01/27

         12/21 at 100.00           BB           8,366,850   

Allegheny Country Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Series 2012, 5.750%, 8/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BB           5,122,000   

Allegheny County Higher Education Building Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Carlow University, Series 2011:


6.750%, 11/01/31

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB–           564,995   

7.000%, 11/01/40

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB–           2,850,325   

Allegheny County Higher Education Building Authority, Pennsylvania, University Revenue Bonds, Robert Morris University, Series 2008A, 6.000%, 10/15/38

         10/18 at 100.00           Baa3           2,088,556   

Allentown Area Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Sacred Heart Hospital, Series 2005, 6.000%, 11/15/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           5,159,618   


  152       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)

$ 8,000     

Allentown Neighborhood Improvement Zone Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 5/01/42

         5/22 at 100.00           Baa2         $ 8,562,320   

Berks County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, One Douglassville Properties Project, Series 2007A, 6.125%, 11/01/34 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/17 at 101.00           N/R           5,003,224   

Berks County Municipal Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Reading Hospital and Medical Center Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 4727:


17.811%, 11/01/40 (IF) (5)

         5/22 at 100.00           AA           548,085   

15.900%, 11/01/41 (IF) (5)

         5/22 at 100.00           AA           3,167,000   

17.811%, 11/01/44 (IF) (5)

         5/22 at 100.00           AA           3,273,088   

Bucks County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Charter School Revenue Bonds, School Lane Charter School, Series 2007A:


4.875%, 3/15/27

         3/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,327,297   

5.000%, 3/15/37

         3/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,020,400   

Chester County Health and Education Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Immaculata University, Series 2005:


5.125%, 10/15/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,388,089   

5.500%, 10/15/25

         10/15 at 102.00           N/R           5,129,929   

5.750%, 10/15/37

         10/15 at 102.00           N/R           12,579,991   

Chester County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Collegium Charter School Project, Series 2012A, 5.375%, 10/15/42

         10/22 at 100.00           BBB–           5,057,150   

Chester County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, University Student Housing, LLC Project at West Chester University Series 2013A:


5.000%, 8/01/35

         8/23 at 100.00           Baa3           1,186,812   

5.000%, 8/01/45

         8/23 at 100.00           Baa3           1,138,533   

Dauphin County General Authority, Pennsylvania, Health System Revenue Bonds, Pinnacle Health System Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/42 (UB) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A           5,399,350   

Dauphin County General Authority, Pennsylvania, Health System Revenue Bonds, Pinnacle Health System Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 1111:


16.899%, 6/01/42 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A           4,948,050   

16.859%, 6/01/42 (IF) (5)

         6/22 at 100.00           A           2,011,002   

Fulton County, Pennsylvania, Industrial Development Authority Hospital Revenue Bonds, Fulton County Medical Center Project, Series 2006:


5.875%, 7/01/31

         7/16 at 100.00           N/R           7,687,066   

5.900%, 7/01/40

         7/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,563,747   

Harrisburg Authority, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 7/15/19 – AGM Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           AA–           2,545,200   

Lancaster County Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Health Center Revenue Bonds, Saint Anne’s Retirement Community, Inc. , Series 2012:


5.000%, 4/01/27

         4/22 at 100.00           BB+           1,041,590   

5.000%, 4/01/33

         4/22 at 100.00           BB+           1,146,848   

Latrobe Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, College Revenue Bonds, Saint Vincent College Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 5/01/43

         5/23 at 100.00           Baa1           4,323,536   

Lebanon County Health Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Health Center Revenue Bonds, Pleasant View Retirement Community, Series 2005A, 5.300%, 12/15/26

         12/14 at 100.00           N/R           507,160   

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, FHA Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, New Regional Medical Center Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 62B, 19.356%, 8/01/38 (IF) (5)

         8/20 at 100.00           AA           2,343,606   

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Whitemarsh Continuing Care, Series 2005:


6.000%, 2/01/21

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           766,478   

6.250%, 2/01/35

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           10,677,030   


Nuveen Investments     153   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)

$ 1,190     

Northampton County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Recovery Revenue Bonds, Northampton Generating Project, Senior Lien Series 2013A0 & AE2, 5.000%, 12/01/23

         5/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,087,131   

Northampton County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Morningstar Senior Living, Inc., Series 2012, 5.000%, 7/01/36

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,034,890   

Northumberland County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Facility Revenue Bonds, NHS Youth Services Inc., Series 2002, 7.500%, 2/15/29

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           720,083   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Finance Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds (USG Corporation Project) Series 1999, 6.000%, 6/01/31 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/13 at 100.00           B–           47,943,865   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Sewage Sludge Disposal Revenue Bonds, Philadelphia Biosolids Facility Project, Series 2009, 6.250%, 1/01/32

         1/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,152,300   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, US Airways Group Inc. Project, Series 2010B, 8.000%, 5/01/29

         5/20 at 100.00           CCC+           2,508,072   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Tender Option Bond Trust 3252:


21.281%, 2/15/19 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,132,404   

20.775%, 2/15/19 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,300,065   

Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, Pennsylvania, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, PresbyHomes Germantown-Morrisville Project, Series 2005A, 5.625%, 7/01/35

         5/15 at 102.00           Baa3           1,018,290   

Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Leadership Learning Partners, Series 2005A, 5.375%, 7/01/36

         1/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,805,002   

Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School, Series 2006:


5.800%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           459,919   

6.050%, 5/01/23

         5/16 at 100.00           BBB–           1,437,877   

6.250%, 5/01/33

         5/16 at 100.00           BBB–           1,023,100   

Philadelphia Hospitals and Higher Education Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Temple University Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012A, 5.625%, 7/01/42

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           34,102,012   

Pottsville Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Pottsville Hospital and Warne Clinic, Series 1998, 5.625%, 7/01/24

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           500,305   

Scranton Parking Authority, Pennsylvania , Guaranteed Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 6/01/22 – RAAI Insured

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           85,698   

Scranton Parking Authority, Pennsylvania, Guaranteed Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 9/15/33 – FGIC Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R           525,927   

Scranton, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 8.500%, 9/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           6,020,177   

Scranton, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012C, 7.250%, 9/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           7,562,295   

Scranton, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A, 7.250%, 9/01/23

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,217,575   

Scranton, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Notes, Series 2012B, 8.500%, 9/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,512,762   

Union County Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Community Hospital Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2011, 6.875%, 8/01/31

           8/21 at 100.00           BBB+           579,827   

Total Pennsylvania



  154       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Puerto Rico – 0.5%

$ 1,115     

Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 1998A, 4.750%, 7/01/38 – NPFG Insured

         7/18 at 100.00           Baa2         $ 1,086,947   

Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Auxilio Mutuo Hospital, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 7/01/33

         7/21 at 100.00           A–           1,111,270   

Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:


0.000%, 7/01/34 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           4,215,707   

0.000%, 7/01/44 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           410,121   

Puerto Rico Ports Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1993A, 6.300%, 6/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           16,559,563   

Puerto Rico Ports Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1996A, 6.250%, 6/01/26 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           5,317,750   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, First Subordinate Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/32

         8/26 at 100.00           A+           7,408,170   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 0.000%, 8/01/54 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,339,010   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 1081:


18.949%, 8/01/57 (IF) (5)

         8/17 at 100.00           AA–           1,450,600   

20.962%, 8/01/57 (IF) (5)

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,345,560   

20.962%, 8/01/57 (IF) (5)

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,680,640   

20.962%, 8/01/57 (IF) (5)

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,675,400   

20.962%, 8/01/57 (IF) (5)

         8/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,680,640   

Puerto Rico, The Children’s Trust Fund, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Refunding Bonds, Series 2002, 5.500%, 5/15/39

           7/13 at 100.00           BBB           30,337   

Total Puerto Rico


Rhode Island – 0.3%


Rhode Island Health & Educational Building Corporation, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Tockwotton Home, Series 2011, 8.375%, 1/01/46

         1/21 at 100.00           N/R           8,153,076   

Rhode Island Health & Educational Building Corporation, Public Schools Financing Program Revenue Bonds, Pooled Series 2009E, 6.000%, 5/15/29

         5/19 at 100.00           A3           9,003,412   

Rhode Island Housing & Mortgage Finance Corporation, Homeownership Opportunity Bond Program, Tender Option Bond Trust 3185, 18.848%, 10/01/42 (IF)

         4/17 at 100.00           AA+           2,663,545   

Rhode Island Housing & Mortgage Finance Corporation, Homeownership Opportunity Bond Program, Tender Option Bond Trust 3189, 17.868%, 10/01/26 (IF)

         10/16 at 100.00           AA+           2,837,100   

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Student Loan Program Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.750%, 12/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/17 at 100.00           A           1,747,672   

Rhode Island Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2002A, 6.125%, 6/01/32

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB+           1,292,672   

Tiverton, Rhode Island, Special Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Village at Mount Hope Bay, Series 2002A, 6.875%, 5/01/22

           11/13 at 101.00           N/R           1,869,092   

Total Rhode Island


South Carolina – 0.5%


Connector 2000 Association Inc., South Carolina, Senior Lien Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 0.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           611,784   

Lancaster County, South Carolina, Assessment Bonds, Edgewater II Improvement District, Series 2007A, 7.750%, 11/01/39 (4)

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,624,121   

Lancaster County, South Carolina, Special Assessment Bonds, Edgewater II Improvement District, Series 2007B, 7.700%, 11/01/17 (4)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           7,052,758   


Nuveen Investments     155   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

South Carolina (continued)

$ 3,895     

Lancaster County, South Carolina, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Sun City Carolina Lakes Improvement District, Series 2006, 5.450%, 12/01/37

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R         $ 3,907,815   

Lancaster County, South Carolina, Special Source Revenue Bonds, Bailes Ridge Project, Series 2006, 5.750%, 5/01/20

         5/16 at 101.00           N/R           2,517,982   

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Tax Increment Bonds, Air Force Base Redevelopment Project, Series 2006:


5.250%, 10/01/26

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,501,096   

5.300%, 10/01/35

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           4,061,811   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Homes, Series 2007:


5.500%, 5/01/28

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,142,328   

5.625%, 5/01/42

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,031,000   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health Alliance, Series 2003A, 6.125%, 8/01/23

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB+           71,033   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Solid Waste Recycling Facilities Revenue Bonds, Viva Recycling of South Carolina, LLC Project, Series 2012, 8.125%, 1/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/22 at 100.00           N/R           15,888,557   

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health, Refunding & Improvement Series 2009, 5.750%, 8/01/39

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB+           3,360,750   

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health, Refunding Series 2011A, 6.500%, 8/01/39 – AGM Insured

         8/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,528,238   

York County, South Carolina, Celanese, Series 1994, 5.700%, 1/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           BB–           3,000,330   

Total South Carolina


South Dakota – 0.1%


South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sanford Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 1018:


19.006%, 11/01/40 (IF) (5)

         11/19 at 100.00           A+           4,306,459   

19.014%, 11/01/40 (IF) (5)

         11/19 at 100.00           A+           1,853,300   

19.014%, 11/01/40 (IF) (5)

           11/19 at 100.00           A+           370,660   

Total South Dakota


Tennessee – 1.3%


Chattanooga Health, Educational, and Housing Facility Board, Tennessee, Revenue Refunding Bonds, CDFI Phase I, LLC Project, Series 2005A:


6.000%, 10/01/35

         10/15 at 100.00           BB+           5,315,312   

5.125%, 10/01/35

         10/15 at 100.00           BBB–           2,077,540   

Johnson City Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mountain States Health Alliance, Refunding Series 2010A:


6.500%, 7/01/38

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB+           12,031,200   

6.000%, 7/01/38

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB+           5,394,389   

Sullivan County Health Educational and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Wellmont Health System, Series 2006C, 5.250%, 9/01/36

         9/16 at 100.00           BBB+           4,555,404   

Sumner County Health, Educational, and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Sumner Regional Health System Inc., Series 2007:


5.500%, 11/01/37 (4)

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,735   

5.500%, 11/01/46 (4)

         11/17 at 100.00           N/R           48,555   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B, 5.625%, 9/01/26

         No Opt. Call           BBB           82,093,528   


  156       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Tennessee (continued)

$ 12,240     

Wilson County Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Senior Living Revenue Bonds, Rutland Place, Series 2007A, 6.300%, 7/01/37

           7/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 7,601,162   

Total Tennessee


Texas – 7.5%


Arlington Higher Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Education Revenue Bonds, Arlington Classics Academy, Series 2010A, 7.000%, 8/15/28

         8/20 at 100.00           BB           245,306   

Austin Convention Enterprises Inc., Texas, Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, First Tier Series 2006A:


5.250%, 1/01/19 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           1,633,260   

5.250%, 1/01/24 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           2,134,360   

5.000%, 1/01/34 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           3,107,492   

Austin Convention Enterprises Inc., Texas, Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, Second Tier Series 2006B, 5.750%, 1/01/34

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba2           28,077,851   

Austin Convention Enterprises Inc., Texas, Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, Third Tier Series 2001C, 9.750%, 1/01/26

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           7,747,994   

Beasley Higher Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Education Revenue Bonds, FOCUS Learning Academy Charter School, Series 2011:


7.500%, 8/15/31

         8/21 at 100.00           BB+           1,802,504   

7.750%, 8/15/41

         8/21 at 100.00           BB+           4,096,720   

Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation, Texas, Insured Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Waters at Northern Hills Apartments Project, Series 2001A:


6.000%, 8/01/31 – NPFG Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           Baa2           365,004   

6.050%, 8/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           Baa2           2,134,573   

Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation, Texas, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Doral Club & Sutton House Apartments Project, Series 2001A, 5.550%, 10/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           Baa2           9,629,951   

Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation, Texas, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Dymaxion & Marbach Park Apartments, Series 2000A, 6.100%, 8/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           1,343,167   

Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation, Texas, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Honey Creek Apartments Project, Series 2000A:


6.125%, 4/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           250,060   

6.200%, 4/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           1,871,240   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Collateralized Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Texas Utilities Electric Company, Series 2003B, 6.300%, 7/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 101.00           CC           456,061   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Collateralized Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Texas Utilities Electric Company, Series 2003D, 5.400%, 10/01/29 (Mandatory put 10/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           CC           476,000   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, TXU Electric Company Project, Series 1999A, 7.700%, 4/01/33 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/14 at 100.00           CC           2,657,100   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, TXU Energy Company LLC Project, Series 2003C, 6.750%, 10/01/38 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/13 at 101.00           CC           954,502   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, TXU Electric Company, Series 1999C, 7.700%, 3/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/14 at 100.00           C           668,084   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, TXU Electric Company, Series 2001D, 8.250%, 5/01/33 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/18 at 100.00           CCC           4,908,872   

Brazos, Texas, River Authority, Electrical Utilities, Series 1975, 8.250%, 10/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/18 at 100.00           CCC           399,420   


Nuveen Investments     157   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 6,410     

Cameron Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Faith Family Academy Charter School, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 8/15/36 – ACA Insured

         8/16 at 100.00           BBB–         $ 6,442,114   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010:


0.000%, 1/01/28

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,127,964   

0.000%, 1/01/29

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,917,040   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2011, 6.750%, 1/01/41

         1/21 at 100.00           Baa3           29,410,250   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 1/01/42 (WI/DD, Settling 5/16/13)

         1/23 at 100.00           Baa3           3,480,339   

Clifton Higher Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Education Revenue Bonds, Tejano Center for Community Concerns, Inc.-Raul Yzaguirre School for Success, Refunding Series 2009A:


7.750%, 2/15/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           98,003   

9.000%, 2/15/38

         2/18 at 100.00           BBB–           8,718,225   

Dallas-Fort. Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 2000-A2, 9.000%, 5/01/29 (Mandatory put 5/01/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           9,727,287   

Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1995, 6.000%, 11/01/14

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           17,970,938   

Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1999, 6.375%, 5/01/35 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         11/13 at 100.00           N/R           54,518,625   

Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 2000A-3, 9.125%, 5/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         5/15 at 101.00           N/R           47,236,750   

Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 2007, 5.500%, 11/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (4)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           14,169,125   

Danbury Higher Education Authority Inc., Texas, Golden Rule Charter School Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.500%, 8/15/38

         2/18 at 100.00           BB+           2,520,542   

Decatur Hospital Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Wise Regional Health System, Series 2004A, 7.125%, 9/01/34

         9/14 at 100.00           N/R           9,171,545   

Decatur Hospital Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Wise Regional Health System, Series 2013A:


6.625%, 9/01/31

         9/23 at 100.00           N/R           1,116,140   

6.375%, 9/01/42

         9/23 at 100.00           N/R           6,722,813   

Fort Bend County Industrial Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, NRG Energy Inc. Project, Series 2012A. RMKT, 4.750%, 5/01/38

         11/22 at 100.00           Baa3           6,893,500   

Fort Bend County Industrial Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, NRG Energy Inc. Project, Series 2012B, 4.750%, 11/01/42

         11/22 at 100.00           Baa3           13,204,573   

Gulf Coast Industrial Development Authority, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Citgo Petroleum Corporation Project, Series 1995, 4.875%, 5/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/22 at 100.00           BB+           3,889,033   

Gulf Coast Industrial Development Authority, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Citgo Petroleum Corporation Project, Series 1998, 8.000%, 4/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           BB+           2,534,554   

Hackberry, Texas, Combination Special Assessment and Contract Revenue Road and Utility Bonds, Hidden Cove Improvements Series 2009-2A:


8.625%, 9/01/29

         9/19 at 100.00           N/R           965,107   

9.000%, 9/01/38

         9/19 at 100.00           N/R           9,363,832   

Harris County, Texas, Lease Purchase Agreement Bonds, Murworth Project II Series 2000, 6.750%, 5/01/20

         No Opt. Call           N/R           4,080,645   


  158       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 42,765     

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Junior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2001B, 5.250%, 11/15/40 – NPFG Insured

         5/13 at 100.00           Baa2         $ 42,856,517   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Junior Lien Special Revenue Bonds, Series 1998B, 0.000%, 11/15/22 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           74,504   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Junior Lien Series 2001H:


0.000%, 11/15/23 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           891,317   

0.000%, 11/15/24 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           6,195,844   

0.000%, 11/15/25 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           8,430,498   

0.000%, 11/15/26

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,458,278   

0.000%, 11/15/27 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,366,750   

0.000%, 11/15/28 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           5,380,016   

0.000%, 11/15/29 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           4,408,923   

0.000%, 11/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,071,961   

0.000%, 11/15/31 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,858,300   

0.000%, 11/15/32 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 94.05           Baa2           418,171   

0.000%, 11/15/33

         11/31 at 88.44           Baa2           58,525   

0.000%, 11/15/34 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 83.17           Baa2           632,170   

0.000%, 11/15/35

         11/31 at 78.18           Baa2           10,005   

0.000%, 11/15/36 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 73.51           Baa2           1,116,253   

0.000%, 11/15/37 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 69.08           Baa2           382,470   

0.000%, 11/15/38 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 64.91           Baa2           454,805   

0.000%, 11/15/39 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 60.98           Baa2           221,673   

0.000%, 11/15/40 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 57.27           Baa2           1,926,588   

0.000%, 11/15/41 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 53.78           Baa2           805,396   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2001G:


5.250%, 11/15/22 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           95,828   

5.250%, 11/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           4,492,817   

5.375%, 11/15/41 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           1,608,435   

0.000%, 11/15/41 – NPFG Insured

         11/31 at 53.78           BBB           63,075   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Third Lien Series 2004A-3:


0.000%, 11/15/31 – NPFG Insured

         11/24 at 66.52           Baa2           35,922   

0.000%, 11/15/32 – NPFG Insured

         11/24 at 62.70           Baa2           203,952   

0.000%, 11/15/33 – NPFG Insured

         11/24 at 59.10           Baa2           386,752   

0.000%, 11/15/34 – NPFG Insured

         11/24 at 55.69           Baa2           64,083   

0.000%, 11/15/35 – NPFG Insured

         11/24 at 52.47           Baa2           51,893   

0.000%, 11/15/39

         11/24 at 41.26           Baa2           3,872,416   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2001A:


5.250%, 11/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           30,064   

0.000%, 11/15/34 – NPFG Insured

         11/30 at 78.27           BBB           59,650   

0.000%, 11/15/38 – NPFG Insured

         11/30 at 61.17           BBB           9,332,903   

0.000%, 11/15/40 – NPFG Insured

         11/30 at 54.04           BBB           167,543   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Senior Lien Special Revenue Bonds, Series 1998A:


5.000%, 11/15/25 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           1,304,674   

5.000%, 11/15/28 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           3,299,497   

Health Facilities Development District of Central Texas, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Social Services of the South Inc., Series 2004A, 6.875%, 2/15/32

         2/14 at 100.00           N/R           3,728,446   

Heart of Texas Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Gateway Charter Academy, Series 2006A, 6.000%, 2/15/36

         8/16 at 100.00           N/R           8,706,824   

Hidalgo Willacy Housing Finance Corporation, Texas, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Heritage Square Apartments Project, Series 2003A, 7.000%, 1/01/39

         1/14 at 102.00           N/R           6,660,298   

Houston, Texas, Airport System Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Air Lines Inc., Series 2001E, 7.000%, 7/01/29

         7/13 at 100.00           B           4,370,141   


Nuveen Investments     159   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 2,540     

Houston, Texas, Airport System Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc. – Airport Improvement Project, Series 1997C, 6.125%, 7/15/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B         $ 2,549,982   

Houston, Texas, Airport System Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc. – Terminal Improvement Project, Refunding Series 2011, 6.625%, 7/15/38 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/21 at 100.00           B           7,928,690   

Houston, Texas, Airport System Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc. – Terminal Improvement Project, Series 1997B, 6.125%, 7/15/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B           2,981,672   

Jefferson County Industrial Development Corporation, Texas, Hurricane Ike Disaster Area Revenue Bonds, Port of Beaumont Petroleum Transload Terminal, LLC Project, Series 2012, 8.250%, 7/01/32

         7/22 at 100.00           N/R           11,700,098   

La Vernia Education Financing Corporation, Texas, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Riverwalk Education Foundation, Series 2007A, 5.450%, 8/15/36

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           4,364,334   

La Vernia Higher Education Finance Corporation, Texas, Education Revenue Bonds, Cosmos Foundation Inc., Series 2008A, 7.125%, 2/15/38

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB           5,189,985   

Matagorda County Navigation District 1, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, AEP Texas Central Company Project, Remarketing, Series 2005A, 4.400%, 5/01/30 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,891,486   

Newark Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Lease Revenue Bonds, A.W. Brown-Fellowship Leadership Academy, Series 2012A, 6.000%, 8/15/42

         2/15 at 103.00           BBB–           1,573,965   

North Texas Tollway Authority, Second Tier System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 1015, 20.366%, 1/01/38 (IF) (5)

         1/18 at 100.00           A3           18,391,656   

North Texas Tollway Authority, System Revenue Bonds, First Tier Series 2009A, 6.250%, 1/01/39

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           1,864,640   

Port Corpus Christi Authority, Nueces County, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Celanese Project, Refunding Series 2002B, 6.700%, 11/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         5/14 at 100.00           BB–           18,427,142   

Red River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Hoechst Celanese Corporation Project, Series 2002B, 6.700%, 11/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         5/14 at 100.00           BB–           8,991,314   

Red River Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Eden Home Inc., Series 2012, 7.250%, 12/15/47

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           9,954,750   

Red River Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, MRC Crestview Project, Series 2011A, 8.000%, 11/15/46

         11/21 at 100.00           N/R           5,241,780   

Sabine River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, TXU Electric Company, Series 2001C, 5.200%, 5/01/28

         11/15 at 100.00           CCC           431,072   

Sabine River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, TXU Electric Company, Series 2003A, 5.800%, 7/01/22

         7/13 at 101.00           CC           73,760   

San Antonio Convention Center Hotel Finance Corporation, Texas, Contract Revenue Empowerment Zone Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 7/15/39 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB           2,925,404   

Tarrant County Cultural and Educational Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, C.C. Young Memorial Home Project, Series 2009A, 8.000%, 2/15/38

         2/20 at 100.00           N/R           2,386,997   

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Trinity Basin Preparatory Project, Series 2009A, 7.750%, 6/01/39

         12/19 at 100.00           BBB–           1,569,159   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation I, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2008D, 6.250%, 12/15/26

         No Opt. Call           A–           14,724,736   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation I, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 12/15/22

         No Opt. Call           A–           117,310   


  160       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)


Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation III, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2012:

$ 3,500     

5.000%, 12/15/28

         No Opt. Call           A3         $ 3,811,080   

5.000%, 12/15/30

         No Opt. Call           A3           6,861,366   

5.000%, 12/15/31

         No Opt. Call           A3           27,447,945   

5.000%, 12/15/32

         No Opt. Call           A3           25,895,321   

Texas Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corporation, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, LBJ Infrastructure Group LLC IH-635 Managed Lanes Project, Series 2010:


7.500%, 6/30/32

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa3           10,912,536   

7.500%, 6/30/33

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa3           3,455,218   

7.000%, 6/30/40

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa3           12,755,496   

Texas Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corporation, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, NTE Mobility Partners LLC North Tarrant Express Managed Lanes Project, Series 2009, 6.875%, 12/31/39

         12/19 at 100.00           Baa2           2,289,519   

Texas Public Finance Authority Charter School Finance Corporation, Charter School Revenue Bonds, School of Excellence Education Project, Series 2004A, 7.000%, 12/01/34

         12/14 at 100.00           BB+           3,594,334   

Texas Public Finance Authority Charter School Finance Corporation, Education Revenue Bonds, Uplift Education, Series 2007A, 5.875%, 12/01/36

         12/17 at 100.00           BBB–           916,513   

Texas Public Finance Authority, Charter School Finance Corporation Revenue Bonds, Idea Public School Project, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 8/15/37 – ACA Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,043,430   

Travis County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Westminster Manor, Series 2010, 7.125%, 11/01/40

         11/20 at 100.00           BB+           6,553,470   

Trinity River Authority of Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, TXU Electric Company, Series 2003, 6.250%, 5/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/13 at 101.00           CC           73,510   

Tyler Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 11/01/27

         11/17 at 100.00           Baa2           1,532,167   

5.250%, 11/01/32

         11/17 at 100.00           Baa2           3,893,710   

5.375%, 11/01/37

           11/17 at 100.00           Baa2           5,812,614   

Total Texas


Utah – 0.6%


Bountiful, Davis County, Utah, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, South Davis Community Hospital Project, Series 1998, 5.750%, 12/15/18

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           610,964   

Carbon County, Utah, Solid Waste Disposal Facility Revenue Bonds, Sunnyside Cogeneration Associates, Series 1999A, 7.100%, 8/15/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,873,550   

Provo, Utah, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Freedom Academy Foundation, Series 2007, 5.500%, 6/15/37

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           897,552   

Spanish Fork City, Utah, Charter School Revenue Bonds, American Leadership Academy, Series 2006:


5.550%, 11/15/21

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,699,614   

5.550%, 11/15/26

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,167,041   

5.700%, 11/15/36

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           8,328,415   

Utah County, Utah, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lakeview Academy, Series 2007A, 5.625%, 7/15/37

         7/15 at 102.00           BBB–           4,676,040   

Utah County, Utah, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lincoln Academy, Series 2007A, 5.875%, 6/15/37

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           6,134,706   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority Charter School Revenue Bonds, Vista at Entrada School of Performing Arts and Technology) Series 2012, 6.550%, 7/15/42

         7/22 at 100.00           BB+           2,127,780   


Nuveen Investments     161   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Utah (continued)


Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Noah Webster Academy, Series 2008A:

$ 2,005     

6.250%, 6/15/28

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 2,042,654   

6.500%, 6/15/38

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           3,032,715   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, North Davis Preparatory Academy, Series 2010, 6.375%, 7/15/40

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB–           2,939,363   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Oquirrh Mountain Charter School, Series 2010:


8.000%, 7/15/30

         7/18 at 102.00           N/R           2,372,526   

8.000%, 7/15/41

         7/18 at 102.00           N/R           4,379,474   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Summit Academy High School, Series 2011A, 8.500%, 5/15/41

         5/21 at 100.00           N/R           5,913,406   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Channing Hall Project, Series 2007A:


5.750%, 7/15/22

         7/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,517,103   

5.875%, 7/15/27

         7/15 at 102.00           N/R           1,546,004   

6.000%, 7/15/37

         7/15 at 102.00           N/R           3,502,835   

Utah State Charter School Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Summit Academy Project, Series 2007A, 5.800%, 6/15/38

           12/17 at 100.00           BBB–           3,417,216   

Total Utah


Virgin Islands – 0.2%


Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/32

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,919,580   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note, Series 2012C, 5.000%, 10/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           9,866,426   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Revenue Loan Note – Diageo Project, Series 2009A, 6.750%, 10/01/37

           10/19 at 100.00           BBB           1,458,562   

Total Virgin Islands


Virginia – 1.6%


Bell Creek Community Development Authority, Virginia, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2003A, 6.750%, 3/01/22

         3/14 at 100.00           N/R           165,806   

Celebrate Virginia North Community Development Authority, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2003B:


6.250%, 3/01/18

         3/14 at 102.00           N/R           1,585,399   

6.600%, 3/01/25

         3/14 at 102.00           N/R           3,870,219   

6.750%, 3/01/34

         3/14 at 102.00           N/R           2,299,771   

Chesterfield County Health Center Commission, Virginia, Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Lucy Corr Village, Series 2005:


5.375%, 12/01/28

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           3,379,313   

5.625%, 12/01/39

         12/15 at 100.00           N/R           9,761,085   

Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, Virginia, Residential Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Vinson Hall LLC, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 12/01/42

         12/23 at 100.00           N/R           2,869,300   

Giles County Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds, Hoechst Celanese Corporation Project, Series 1995, 5.950%, 12/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/13 at 100.00           BB–           259,984   

Giles County Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds, Hoechst Celanese Project, Series 1996, 6.450%, 5/01/26

         7/13 at 100.00           BB–           2,622,122   

Lexington Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Residential Care Facilities Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Kendall at Lexington Retirement Community, Inc., Series 2007A, 5.500%, 1/01/37

         1/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,276,925   

Norfolk Economic Development Authority, Virginia, Empowerment Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, BBL Old Dominion University LLC Project, Series 2006A, 6.000%, 11/01/36 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/16 at 102.00           N/R           3,428,844   


  162       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Virginia (continued)


Peninsula Town Center Community Development Authority, Virginia, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007:

$ 6,217     

6.250%, 9/01/24

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 6,763,226   

6.350%, 9/01/28

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,341,789   

6.450%, 9/01/37

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           9,022,363   

Suffolk Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Retirement Facilities First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Lake Prince Center, Series 2006, 5.150%, 9/01/24

         9/16 at 100.00           N/R           753,862   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation of Virginia, Tobacco Settlement Asset Backed Bonds, Series 2007B1, 5.000%, 6/01/47

         6/17 at 100.00           B2           63,133,199   

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds Hampton Roads Proton Beam Therapy Institute at Hampton University, LLC Project, Series 2009, 9.000%, 7/01/39

         7/14 at 102.00           N/R           18,297,950   

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Elizabeth River Crossing, Opco LLC Project, Series 2012:


6.000%, 1/01/37 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           5,773,000   

5.500%, 1/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           9,824,940   

Total Virginia


Washington – 1.9%


FYI Properties, Washington, Lease Revenue Bonds, Washington State Department of Information Services Project, Series 2009, 5.500%, 6/01/34 (UB) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA           1,803,435   

FYI Properties, Washington, Lease Revenue Bonds, Washington State Department of Information Services Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 2009-14A&B:


19.700%, 6/01/39 (IF) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA           3,777,200   

19.700%, 6/01/39 (IF) (5)

         6/19 at 100.00           AA           1,133,160   

King County Public Hospital District 4, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Snoqualmie Valley Hospital, Refunding Improvement Series 2011, 7.000%, 12/01/40

         12/21 at 100.00           N/R           1,155,063   

Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority, Washington, Pooled Tax Credit Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


5.500%, 6/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,547,735   

5.600%, 6/01/37 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,241,578   

Ocean Shores, Washington, Local Improvement District 2007-01 Bonds, 2011, 7.250%, 2/01/31

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,993,226   

Port of Seattle Industrial Development Corporation, Washington, Special Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Delta Air Lines, Inc. Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 4/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/23 at 100.00           B+           6,992,576   

Snohomish County Housing Authority, Washington, Revenue Bonds, Westwood Crossing Apartments, Series 2007, 5.250%, 5/01/37 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,949,422   

Tacoma Consolidated Local Improvement District 65, Washington, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2013, 5.750%, 4/01/43

         4/14 at 100.00           N/R           7,673,605   

Vancouver Downtown Redevelopment Authority, Washington, Revenue Bonds, Conference Center Project, Series 2003A:


6.000%, 1/01/28 – ACA Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,665,741   

5.250%, 1/01/28 – ACA Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           N/R           260,421   

6.000%, 1/01/34 – ACA Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           N/R           6,624,136   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/01/32

         12/21 at 100.00           Baa3           790,365   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Providence Health & Services, Tender Option Bond Trust 4728:


17.710%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         10/22 at 100.00           AA           2,673,266   

17.710%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         10/22 at 100.00           AA           3,775,800   

17.710%, 10/01/42 (IF) (5)

         10/22 at 100.00           AA           3,775,800   


Nuveen Investments     163   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Washington (continued)

$ 4,440     

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Providence Health & Services, Tender Option Bond Trust 4730, 14.701%, 10/01/40 (IF) (5)

         10/22 at 100.00           AA         $ 5,131,574   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Tender Option Bond Trust 1180:


17.555%, 10/01/40 (IF) (5)

         10/20 at 100.00           AA           3,441,700   

17.651%, 10/01/40 (IF) (5)

         10/20 at 100.00           AA           6,621,350   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Tender Option Bond Trust 3295:


17.675%, 4/01/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,378,121   

17.610%, 10/01/42 (IF)

         10/22 at 100.00           AA           11,327,400   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Tender Option Bond Trust 1180:


19.545%, 4/01/16 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,665,052   

17.655%, 10/01/40 (IF) (5)

         10/20 at 100.00           AA           3,441,700   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, Series 2006:


5.000%, 12/01/23 – RAAI Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB–           1,660,896   

5.000%, 12/01/25 – RAAI Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB–           1,858,635   

4.500%, 12/01/26 – RAAI Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB–           3,563,668   

4.750%, 12/01/31 – RAAI Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB–           27,343,624   

5.000%, 12/01/36 – RAAI Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB–           3,588,320   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, MultiCare Health System, Tender Option Bond Trust 1095:


17.319%, 8/15/42 (IF) (5)

         8/22 at 100.00           AA–           1,423,720   

17.214%, 8/15/44 (IF) (5)

         8/22 at 100.00           AA–           562,610   

17.309%, 8/15/44 (IF) (5)

         8/22 at 100.00           AA–           9,295,537   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, MultiCare Health System, Tender Option Bond Trust 1146, 17.913%, 8/15/44 (IF) (5)

         8/22 at 100.00           AA–           4,944,694   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Providence Health & Services Project, Tender Option Bond Trust 4679:


18.736%, 10/01/39 (IF) (5)

         4/20 at 100.00           AA           2,736,150   

18.935%, 10/01/39 (IF) (5)

         4/20 at 100.00           AA           2,217,528   

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Multifamily Revenue Bonds, Greentree Village Homes Project, Series 2008, 5.264%, 2/01/26

         No Opt. Call           N/R           13,526,001   

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Non-Profit Housing Revenue Bonds, Mirabella Project, Series 2012A:


6.500%, 10/01/32

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,165,827   

6.750%, 10/01/47

         No Opt. Call           N/R           14,531,833   

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Revenue Bonds, Riverview Retirement Community Refunding, Series 2012, 5.000%, 1/01/48

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           2,680,110   

Total Washington


West Virginia – 0.5%


Berkeley, Hardy and Jefferson Counties, West Virginia, as Joint Issuers, Commercial Development Revenue Bonds, Scattered Site Housing Projects, Series 2010, 5.750%, 12/01/44 (WI/DD, Settling 6/17/13)

         3/23 at 100.00           N/R           7,987,920   

Ohio County Commission, West Virginia, Special District Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Fort Henry Economic Development, Series 2006B, 5.625%, 3/01/36

         3/16 at 100.00           BBB           381,980   

Ohio County Commission, West Virginia, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Fort Henry Centre Tax Increment Financing District 1, The Highlands Project, Series 2008A, 6.500%, 6/01/34

         6/18 at 100.00           N/R           1,841,663   


  164       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

West Virginia (continued)


West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Thomas Health System, Inc., Series 2008:

$ 15,165     

6.500%, 10/01/38

         10/18 at 100.00           N/R         $ 15,982,545   

6.750%, 10/01/43

         10/18 at 100.00           N/R           23,734,904   

Total West Virginia


Wisconsin – 1.4%


Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin, Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 7.750%, 6/01/16 (Pre-refunded 12/01/14)

         12/14 at 101.00           N/R (6)           506,543   

Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 7.000%, 12/01/26

         12/18 at 102.00           N/R           8,796,985   

Milwaukee Redevelopment Authority, Wisconsin, Academy of Learning and Leadership Charter School, Series 2007A, 5.500%, 8/01/22 (4)

         8/15 at 102.00           N/R           89,946   

Public Finance Authority of Wisconsin, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy of Mooresboro, North Carolina, Series 2011:


7.000%, 7/01/31

         7/19 at 100.00           BBB–           730,745   

7.125%, 7/01/42

         7/19 at 100.00           BBB–           551,650   

Public Finance Authority of Wisconsin, Revenue Bonds, Roseman University of Health Sciences, Series 2012:


5.500%, 4/01/32

         No Opt. Call           BB+           2,575,708   

5.750%, 4/01/42

         No Opt. Call           BB+           4,439,593   

Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Explore Knowledge Foundation Las Vegas Project, Series 2012A, 6.000%, 7/15/42

         7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,030,550   

Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Voyageur Foundation Inc. Detroit Project, Series 2012A:


6.000%, 10/01/32

         10/22 at 100.00           N/R           1,136,685   

6.200%, 10/01/42

         10/22 at 100.00           N/R           3,397,714   

University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 4287, 17.648%, 10/01/20 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,611,868   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Beloit College, Series 2010A, 6.125%, 6/01/39

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa2           1,401,731   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Inc., Tender Option Bond Trust 2009-15W, 19.551%, 8/15/37 (IF) (5)

         2/20 at 100.00           AA–           4,046,460   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Froedtert Community Health, Inc. Obligated Group, Tender Option Bond Trust 3592, 18.645%, 4/01/17 (IF) (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,379,593   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Meriter Hospital, Inc., Series 2011A:


5.750%, 5/01/35

         5/21 at 100.00           A+           1,177,620   

6.000%, 5/01/41

         5/21 at 100.00           A+           4,654,422   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, ThedaCare, Inc., Series 2009A, 5.500%, 12/15/38

         12/19 at 100.00           AA–           555,685   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Health, Tender Option Bond Trust 2113:


14.172%, 8/15/26 (IF)

         8/16 at 100.00           A–          1,883,792   

14.172%, 8/15/30 (IF)

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           12,044,760   

14.665%, 8/15/31 (IF)

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           4,453,004   

14.675%, 8/15/34 (IF)

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           4,681,050   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Services Inc., Series 2006B, 5.125%, 8/15/26 (UB)

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           8,662,258   

Wisconsin Public Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, SearStone Retirement Community of Cary North Carolina, Series 2012A, 8.625%, 6/01/47

         6/22 at 100.00           N/R           38,786,222   


Nuveen Investments     165   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)             Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Wisconsin (continued)

$ 25,000     

Wisconsin Public Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, SearStone Retirement Community of Cary North Carolina, Series 2012B, 8.375%, 6/01/20

               12/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 25,223,500   

Total Wisconsin

$ 10,098,793     

Total Municipal Bonds (cost $8,599,231,864)

Shares     Description (1)                                 Value  

Common Stocks – 0.0%


Containers & Packaging – 0.0%


Rock-Tenn Company (16)

                                   $ 1,086,118   

Total Common Stocks (cost $–)

Amount (000)
    Description (1)   Coupon        Maturity        Ratings (3)        Value  



Machinery – 0.1%

$ 7,000     

Navistar International Corporation

    8.250%           11/01/21           B3         $ 7,288,750   

Transportation – 0.0%


Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (7), (17)

    5.500%           7/15/19           N/R           15,399   

Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (7), (17)

    3.000%           7/15/55           N/R           3,605   

Total Transportation

$ 7,080     

Total Corporate Bonds (cost $6,673,418)


Total Investments (cost $8,605,905,282) – 99.8%


Borrowings – (0.4)% (18)


Floating Rate Obligations – (2.0)%


Other Assets Less Liabilities – 2.6% (19)


Net Assets – 100%

                                   $ 9,391,401,366   

Investments in Derivatives as of April 30, 2013

Credit Default Swaps outstanding:


Counterparty   Reference Entity   Buy/Sell
Protection (20)
Spread (21)
    Fixed Rate
  Value     Unrealized
(Depreciation) (19)

Goldman Sachs

  Texas Competitive Electric
Holdings Company LLC
  Buy   160.45%   $ 2,000,000      5.000%   9/20/14   $ 1,541,183      $416,183

Forward Swaps outstanding:


Counterparty   Notional
Floating Rate
    Floating Rate Index     Fixed Rate
  Fixed Rate
Date (22)
(Depreciation) (19)

Barclays PLC

  $ 100,000,000        Receive        3-Month USD-LIBOR      2.670%     Semi-Annually      6/26/14   6/26/42   $5,645,284



  166       Nuveen Investments



  (1)   All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets.


  (2)   Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns.


  (3)   Ratings (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Using the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. Ratings below BBB by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national rating agencies.


  (4)   At or subsequent to the end of the reporting period, this security is non-income producing. Non-income producing security, in the case of a fixed-income security, generally denotes that the issuer has (1) defaulted on the payment of principal or interest, (2) is under the protection of the Federal Bankruptcy Court or (3) the Fund’s Adviser has concluded that the issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (5)   Investment, or portion of investment, has been pledged to collateralize the net payment obligations for investments in derivatives and/or inverse floating rate transactions.


  (6)   Backed by an escrow or trust containing sufficient U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency securities, which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities.


  (7)   Investment valued at fair value using methods determined in good faith by, or at the discretion of, the Board of Directors/Trustees. For fair value measurement disclosure purposes, investment classified as Level 3. See Notes to Financial Statements, Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Investment Valuation for more information.


  (8)   On May 1, 2012, the Fund’s Adviser determined it was unlikely that this borrower would fulfill its entire obligation on this security, and therefore reduced the security’s interest rate of accrual from 5.80% to 4.35%.


  (9)   On May 1, 2012, the Fund’s Adviser determined it was unlikely that this borrower would fulfill its entire obligation on this security, and therefore reduced the security’s interest rate of accrual from 5.875% to 4.700%.


  (10)   Principal Amount (000) rounds to less than $1,000.


  (11)   On February 8, 2011, the Fund’s Adviser directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income and “write-off” any remaining recorded balances on the Fund’s records. Effective March 1, 2011, the Fund’s custodian resumed accruing income at an annual interest rate of 4.50%.


  (12)   On March 5, 2007, Bayonne Medical Center (“Bayonne”) received an “event of default notice” resulting from their failure to pay a $5,000,000 bank line of credit. As senior creditors of Bayonne, the Adviser, on behalf of the Fund, issued an event of default notice to Bayonne on March 15, 2007, under default provisions of the debt agreements. Under such notice, Bayonne became obligated to increase the interest rate it paid on the debt from 8.050% annually to 10.750% annually and the Adviser had instructed the custodian to reflect such change in the Fund’s records. On April 30, 2007, the Adviser concluded that Bayonne was not likely able to meet its interest obligations and directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income and to “write-off” any remaining recorded balances on the Fund’s records.


  (13)   On April 1, 2013, the Fund’s Adviser determined it was unlikely that this borrower would fulfill its entire obligation on this security, and therefore reduced the security’s interest rate of accrual from 5.625% to 2.250%.


Nuveen Investments     167   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013





  (14)   On April 1, 2013, the Fund’s Adviser determined it was unlikely that this borrower would fulfill its entire obligation on this security, and therefore reduced the security’s interest rate of accrual from 5.750% to 2.300%.


  (15)   On April 1, 2013, the Fund’s Adviser determined it was unlikely that this borrower would fulfill its entire obligation on this security, and therefore reduced the security’s interest rate of accrual from 5.875% to 2.350%.


  (16)   Common stock received as part of the bankruptcy settlement for Hodge, Louisiana, Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds,Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation, Series 2003, coupon 7.450%, Maturity 3/01/24.


  (17)   During January 2010, Las Vegas Monorail Company (“Las Vegas Monorail”) filed for federal bankruptcy protection. During March 2012, Las Vegas Monorail emerged from federal bankruptcy with the acceptance of a reorganization plan assigned by the Federal Bankruptcy Court. Under the reorganization plan, the Fund surrendered its Las Vegas Monorail Project Revenue Bonds, First Tier, Series 2000 and in turn received two senior interest corporate bonds: the first with an interest rate of 5.500% maturing on July 15, 2019 and the second with an interest rate of 3.000% (5.500% after December 31, 2015) maturing on July 15, 2055. The custodian is not accruing income on the Fund’s records for either senior interest corporate bond.


  (18)   Borrowings as a percentage of Total Investments is 0.4%.


  (19)   Other Assets Less Liabilities includes the Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of derivative instruments as listed within Investments in Derivatives as of the end of the reporting period.


  (20)   The Fund entered into the credit default swaps to gain investment exposure to the referenced entity. Selling protection has a similar credit risk position to owning the referenced entity. Buying protection has a similar credit risk position to selling the referenced entity short.


  (21)   The credit spread generally serves as an indication of the current status of the payment/performance risk and therefore the likelihood of default of the credit derivative. The credit spread also reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into a credit default swap contract. Higher credit spreads are indicative of higher likelihood of performance by the seller of protection.


  (22)   Effective date represents the date on which both the Fund and Counterparty commence interest payment accruals on each forward swap contract.


  N/R   Not rated.


  WI/DD   Investment, or portion of investment purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis.


  (IF)   Inverse floating rate investment.


  (UB)   Underlying bond of an inverse floating rate trust reflected as a financing transaction. See Notes to Financial Statements, Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Inverse Floating Rate Securities for more information.


  144A   Investment is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These investments may only be resold in transactions exempt from registration, which are normally those transactions with qualified institutional buyers.


  USD-LIBOR   United States Dollar-London Inter-Bank Offered Rate.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


  168       Nuveen Investments

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Alabama – 0.3%

$ 275     

Birmingham Airport Authority, Alabama, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 6.000%, 7/01/23 – AGM Insured

           7/20 at 100.00           AA–         $ 337,304   

Arizona – 2.9%


Apache County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, Series 20102A, 4.500%, 3/01/30

         3/22 at 100.00           BBB           260,730   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 2/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           584,020   

Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority, Senior Revenue Refunding Bonds, Multipurpose Stadium Facility Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/25

         7/22 at 100.00           A1           405,537   

Arizona State, State Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           142,474   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, San Juan Project, Series 2009A, 4.950%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,264,079   

Pima County, Arizona, Sewer System Revenue Obligations, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA–           491,216   

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, Arizona, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 12/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         12/13 at 100.00           Aa2           10,268   

Salt Verde Financial Corporation, Arizona, Senior Gas Revenue Bonds, Citigroup Energy Inc Prepay Contract Obligations, Series 2007, 5.250%, 12/01/19

           No Opt. Call           A–           87,530   

Total Arizona


Arkansas – 0.1%


North Little Rock, Arkansas, Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1992A, 6.500%, 7/01/15 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

           No Opt. Call           A (4)           74,605   

California – 6.2%


Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2004A, 5.300%, 10/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           309,969   

California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2010L, 5.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           482,545   

California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2011N, 5.000%, 5/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           236,898   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Healthcare West, Series 2008H, 5.125%, 7/01/22

         7/15 at 100.00           A           158,575   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Series 2009A, 5.750%, 11/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           147,659   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of San Diego, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/31

         No Opt. Call           A2           983,663   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Department of Corrections, Series 1993E, 5.500%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           46,850   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Insured Revenue Refunding Bonds, Rady Children’s Hospital of San Diego, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 8/15/23 – NPFG Insured

         8/16 at 100.00           A+           232,094   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, State of California Proposition 1A Receivables Program, Series 2009, 5.000%, 6/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A1           176,059   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Daughters of Charity Health System, Series 2005G, 5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB–           128,544   

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, California, General Obligation Bonds, 2016 Crossover Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 8/01/25

         8/23 at 100.00           Aa3           1,228,060   


Nuveen Investments     169   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 500     

El Camino Community College District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2002 Series 2012C, 0.000%, 8/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa1         $ 414,515   

Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1999, 5.750%, 1/15/40 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           200,124   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 6/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A2           642,422   

Los Angeles Department of Airports, California, Revenue Bonds, Los Angeles International Airport, Senior Lien Series 2010A, 5.000%, 5/15/31

         5/20 at 100.00           AA           57,374   

Los Angeles Regional Airports Improvement Corporation, California, Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, LAXFUEL Corporation at Los Angeles International Airport, Series 2012, 5.000%, 1/01/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           208,926   

Madera County, California, Certificates of Participation, Valley Children’s Hospital Project, Series 1995, 5.750%, 3/15/28 – NPFG Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           A3           80,154   

Port of Oakland, California, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011-O, 5.000%, 5/01/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A+           121,170   

San Francisco, California, Community Facilities District 6, Mission Bay South Public Improvements, Special Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 8/01/25

         8/22 at 100.00           N/R           882,792   

San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Toll Road Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997A, 0.000%, 1/15/26 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           24,812   

Ventura County Public Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds Series 2013A, 5.000%, 11/01/24

           11/22 at 100.00           AA           205,323   

Total California


Colorado – 5.9%


Colorado State Board of Governors, Colorado State University Auxiliary Enterprise System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A, 5.000%, 3/01/22

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           377,691   

Denver City and County, Colorado, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 11/15/22 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A+           607,960   

Denver Convention Center Hotel Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Convention Center Hotel, Senior Lien Series 2006, 5.250%, 12/01/22 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           BBB–           162,093   

Denver Urban Renewal Authority, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Stapleton Senior Refunding Series 2013A-1, 5.000%, 12/01/23

         12/22 at 100.00           A–           1,195,110   

Denver West Metropolitan District, Jefferson County, Colorado, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 12/01/20 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,139,280   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 1997B:


0.000%, 9/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           360,173   

0.000%, 9/01/26 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           5,632   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B, 0.000%, 9/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           789,840   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A-1, 5.250%, 9/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           110,286   

Plaza Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,423,025   

Regional Transportation District, Colorado, Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project Private Activity Bonds, Series 2010, 5.250%, 7/15/24

           7/20 at 100.00           Baa3           453,219   

Total Colorado



  170       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Connecticut – 0.2%

$ 190     

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health, Series 1999B, 1.550%, 11/15/29 (Mandatory put 2/01/17)

           No Opt. Call           AA+         $ 195,423   

District of Columbia – 1.8%


District of Columbia Student Dormitory Revenue Bonds, Provident Group – Howard Properties LLC Issue, Series 2013, 4.000%, 10/01/23

         10/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,279,563   

District of Columbia Tobacco Settlement Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2001, 6.500%, 5/15/33

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           113,743   

District of Columbia, Income Tax Secured Revenue Bonds, Series 2009D, 5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           115,799   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, The Association of American Medical Colleges Issue, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 10/01/24

         10/23 at 100.00           A+           300,590   

Washington Convention Center Authority, District of Columbia, Dedicated Tax Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Refunding Series 2007A, 5.000%, 10/01/16 – AMBAC Insured

           No Opt. Call           A1           157,945   

Total District of Columbia


Florida – 7.8%


City of Tampa, Florida, Refunding and Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           121,371   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Personal and Commercial Lines Account Bonds, Senior Secured Series 2012A-1, 5.000%, 6/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           633,818   

Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, Financial Corporation Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           263,770   

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, Florida, Special Purpose Airport Facilities Revenue Bonds, JetBlue Airways Corporation, Series 2013, 5.000%, 11/15/26 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         5/23 at 100.00           N/R           2,121,521   

Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.250%, 6/01/26

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           101,248   

Jacksonville, Florida, Capital Improvement Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 4.000%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,158,580   

Jacksonville, Florida, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 20120C, 5.000%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           623,205   

Lake County School District, Florida, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 10/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           A+           15,935   

Martin County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Indiantown Cogeneration LP, Series 2013:


3.950%, 12/15/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/20 at 100.00           BB           1,014,560   

4.200%, 12/15/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/20 at 100.00           BB           847,041   

Miami, Florida, Limited Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Homeland Defense / Neighborhood Capital Improvement Project, Series 2009, 5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A3           495,473   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Transit System Sales Surtax Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 7/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA           703,209   

Saint Lucie County School Board, Florida, Refunding Certificates of Participation, Florida Master Lease Program, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/24

           7/23 at 100.00           Aa3           602,150   

Total Florida


Georgia – 2.0%


Atlanta, Georgia, Airport General Revenue Bonds, Series 2012C, 5.000%, 1/01/22 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A+           181,860   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds Atlanta Station Project, Series 2007, 5.250%, 12/01/21 – AGC Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           AA–           166,164   


Nuveen Investments     171   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Georgia (continued)

$ 150     

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Beltline Project Series 2008C. Remarketed, 7.500%, 1/01/31

         1/19 at 100.00           A2         $ 187,562   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Eastside Project, Series 2005A, 5.625%, 1/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/15 at 100.00           A–           37,812   

Burke County Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Georgia Power Company – Vogtle Plant, First Series 2012, 1.750%, 12/01/49 (Mandatory put 6/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A           515,925   

Cobb-Marietta Coliseum and Exhibit Hall Authority, Georgia, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1993:


5.500%, 10/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           129,342   

5.625%, 10/01/26 – NPFG Insured

         10/19 at 100.00           Baa2           69,897   

Coffee County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Coffee County Regional Medical Center, Series 2004, 5.000%, 12/01/19

         12/14 at 100.00           BB–           56,000   

DeKalb County, Georgia, Water and Sewerage Revenue Bonds, Second Resolution Series 2011A, 5.250%, 10/01/41

         10/21 at 100.00           Aa3           232,692   

Georgia Municipal Electric Authority, Senior Lien General Power Revenue Bonds, Series 1993Z, 5.500%, 1/01/20 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           87,538   

Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, Georgia, Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1992P, 6.250%, 7/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           485,390   

Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University, Series 2012A, 5.250%, 10/01/27

           10/21 at 100.00           Baa2           114,864   

Total Georgia


Guam – 0.7%


Guam Power Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/19 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           769,216   

Idaho – 0.1%


Idaho Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Group, Refunding Series 2008B, 6.000%, 12/01/23

           12/18 at 100.00           AA           115,858   

Illinois – 6.7%


Chicago Public Building Commission, Illinois, General Obligation Lease Certificates, Chicago Board of Education, Series 1999B, 5.250%, 12/01/18 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           338,261   

Chicago, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, Midway Airport, Series 2001A, 5.125%, 1/01/26 – AGM Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           AA–           65,216   

Chicago, Illinois, Second Lien Wastewater Transmission Revenue Bonds, Series 2001A, 5.500%, 1/01/30 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           344,285   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 11/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           199,305   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Centegra Health System, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A–           594,690   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Art Institute of Chicago, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 3/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           397,378   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lake Forest College, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           808,517   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Credit Group, Series 2011-IL, 4.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           115,010   

Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sherman Health Systems, Series 1997, 5.250%, 8/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB           175,184   

Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare, Series 2002, 6.250%, 1/01/17

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           110,470   

Illinois State Department of Employment Security, Unemployment Insurance Fund Building Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 12/15/17

         12/16 at 100.00           AA+           577,770   


  172       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:

$ 620     

5.000%, 8/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A2         $ 729,901   

5.000%, 8/01/25

         8/22 at 100.00           A2           56,821   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/17

         1/16 at 100.00           A2           142,128   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Series 1993A, 0.010%, 6/15/17 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A3           132,119   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Series 1993A, 0.000%, 6/15/17 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)           96,763   

Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency, Power Project Revenue Bonds, Prairie State Project, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 1/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         1/18 at 100.00           A2           206,509   

Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, Illinois, Tobacco Settlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           576,141   

Regional Transportation Authority, Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 6/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           253,720   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, Local Government Revenue Bonds, Edwardsville Community Unit School District 7 Project, Series 2007, 0.000%, 12/01/22 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           734,490   

Will County Community High School District 210 Lincoln-Way, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013B, 0.000%, 1/01/28

           No Opt. Call           Aa2           848,115   

Total Illinois


Indiana – 3.0%


Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Butler University Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 2/01/26

         2/22 at 100.00           BBB+           1,088,192   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Community Health Network Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 5/01/24

         5/23 at 100.00           A           589,100   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Indiana University Health Obligation Group, Series 2011N, 5.000%, 3/01/25

         3/21 at 100.00           AA–           328,315   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Parkview Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 5/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           603,580   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 1/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/17 at 100.00           BBB           512,550   

Indiana Finance Authority, Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, CWA Authority Project, Series 2011A, 5.250%, 10/01/23

         10/21 at 100.00           AA           124,497   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project, Refunding Series 2006, 5.500%, 1/01/20 – NPFG Insured

           No Opt. Call           A+           122,624   

Total Indiana


Iowa – 1.6%


Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Central College, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/31

         10/21 at 100.00           Baa3           547,775   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Wartburg College, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 10/01/23

         10/13 at 100.00           BB           1,008,280   

Iowa State, Special Obligation Bonds, I-Jobs Program, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 6/01/18

           No Opt. Call           AA           228,086   

Total Iowa


Kansas – 3.2%


Kansas Development Finance Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Stormont-Vail Health Care Inc., Series 2011F, 5.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A2           89,453   

Kansas State Power Pool, Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, Dogwood Energy Facility, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           686,016   


Nuveen Investments     173   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Kansas (continued)

$ 500     

Kansas Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 9/01/22 – AGM Insured

         9/20 at 100.00           AA–         $ 607,755   

Wyandotte County/Kansas City Unified Government Board of Utilities, Kansas, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 9/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,242,700   

Wyandotte County-Kansas City Unified Government, Kansas, Sales Tax Special Obligation Capital Appreciation Revenue Bonds Redevelopment Project Area B – Major Multi-Sport Athletic Complex Project, Subordinate Lien Series 2010B, 0.000%, 6/01/21

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           962,876   

Total Kansas


Kentucky – 1.6%


Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Owensboro Medical Health System, Series 2010A, 5.500%, 6/01/21

         6/20 at 100.00           BBB+           149,781   

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Louisville Arena Project Revenue Bonds, Louisville Arena Authority, Inc., Series 2008-A1:


5.750%, 12/01/28 – AGC Insured

         6/18 at 100.00           AA–           417,187   

6.000%, 12/01/33 – AGC Insured

         6/18 at 100.00           AA–           576,287   

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Louisville Arena Project Revenue Bonds, Louisville Arena Authority, Inc., Series 2008-A2, 0.000%, 12/01/22 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           69,152   

Kentucky Housing Corporation, Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 2.750%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           52,731   

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, Wastewater and Drinking Water Revolving Fund Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 2/01/27

         2/22 at 100.00           AAA           241,600   

Kentucky State Property and Buildings Commission, Revenue Bonds, Project 85, Series 2005, 5.000%, 8/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           142,917   

Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue, Louisville Gas & Electric Company Project, Series 2007B, 1.600%, 6/01/33 (Mandatory put 6/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A–           153,635   

Owensboro, Kentucky, Electric Light and Power System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991B, 0.000%, 1/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

           No Opt. Call           A3           46,793   

Total Kentucky


Louisiana – 3.7%


DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company Project, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 11/01/18 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         11/14 at 100.00           BBB           26,284   

Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District 2, Louisiana, Hospital Revenue Bonds, East Jefferson General Hospital, Refunding Series 2011, 5.625%, 7/01/26

         7/21 at 100.00           BBB–           114,408   

Louisiana Local Government Environment Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westlake Chemical Corporation Projects, Series 2009A, 6.500%, 8/01/29

         8/20 at 100.00           BBB–           157,845   

Louisiana Offshore Terminal Authority, Deepwater Port Revenue Refunding Bonds, LOOP Inc. Project, Series 2007B-1A, 1.375%, 10/01/37 (Mandatory put 10/01/16)

         No Opt. Call           A–           201,336   

Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A           1,208,770   

New Orleans, Louisiana, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/01/27 – AGM Insured

         12/22 at 100.00           AA–           577,200   

Port New Orleans Board of Commissioners, Louisiana, Revenue Bonds, Port Facilities, Refunding Series 2013B, 5.000%, 4/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/23 at 100.00           BBB+           558,165   

Regional Transit Authority, Louisiana, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.000%, 12/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,213,620   


  174       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Louisiana (continued)

$ 130     

Saint Charles Parish, Louisiana, Gulf Opportunity Zone Revenue Bonds, Valero Project, Series 2010, 4.000%, 12/01/40 (Mandatory put 6/01/22)

           No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 143,976   

Total Louisiana


Maine – 0.6%


Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Eastern Maine Medical Center Obligated Group Issue, Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/25

         7/23 at 100.00           Baa1           285,873   

Maine Turnpike Authority, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/37

         7/22 at 100.00           AA–           191,780   

Portland, Maine, General Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/23

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           209,291   

Total Maine


Massachusetts – 0.8%


Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Highway System Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010B, 5.000%, 1/01/32

         1/20 at 100.00           A+           157,661   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, UMass Memorial Health, Series 2011H, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A–           117,843   

Massachusetts Port Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Delta Air Lines Inc., Series 2001A:


5.000%, 1/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           530,058   

5.000%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           109,999   

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, General Revenue Bonds, Series 1993C, 5.250%, 12/01/15 – NPFG Insured

           No Opt. Call           Aa1           16,072   

Total Massachusetts


Michigan – 4.6%


Detroit City School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002A, 6.000%, 5/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           109,801   

Detroit City School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.250%, 5/01/26 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,175,270   

Detroit Water Supply System, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Senior Lien Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 7/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Baa2           383,121   

Detroit, Michigan, Second Lien Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 7/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           A           510,707   

Detroit, Michigan, Senior Lien Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2001B, 5.500%, 7/01/29 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           601,955   

Detroit, Michigan, Senior Lien Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 1997A, 6.000%, 7/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           458,392   

Detroit, Michigan, Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 1999A, 0.000%, 7/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           85,342   

Detroit-Wayne County Stadium Authority, Michigan, Wayne County Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Building Authority Stadium Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           220,354   

5.000%, 10/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           573,220   

5.000%, 10/01/20 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           219,441   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Detroit Service Learning Academy Project, Series 2011, 6.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BB+           105,172   

Michigan Finance Authority, Unemployment Obligation Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/16 at 100.00           AAA           124,583   

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Henry Ford Health System, Refunding Series 2009, 5.000%, 11/15/20

         11/19 at 100.00           A           119,171   


Nuveen Investments     175   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)

$ 125     

Michigan State, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2002, 5.500%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa2         $ 141,355   

Rockford Public Schools, Kent County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           60,807   

Wayne Charter County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Improvements Series 2008A, 4.500%, 2/01/27 – AGM Insured

           2/18 at 100.00           AA–           212,862   

Total Michigan


Minnesota – 0.6%


Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, Revenue Bonds, Brookings – Southeast Twin Cities Transmission Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 1/01/32

         1/22 at 100.00           A–           63,047   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, St. John’s University Revenue Bonds, Series 2005-6G, 5.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A2           40,788   

Minnesota State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose, Refunding Series 2010D, 5.000%, 8/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA+           164,290   

Northern Municipal Power Agency, Minnesota, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 1/01/15 – AGC Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           360,701   

Total Minnesota


Mississippi – 0.1%


Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, System Energy Resources Inc. Project, Series 1998, 5.875%, 4/01/22

           10/13 at 100.00           BBB           60,188   

Montana – 0.2%


Billings, Montana, Tax Increment Urban Renewal Revenue Bonds, Expanded North 27th Street, Series 2013A, 4.375%, 7/01/29

           1/23 at 100.00           N/R           255,470   

Nebraska – 0.4%


Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska, Gas Project 1 Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           195,168   

Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, Power Supply System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 4/01/24

         4/22 at 100.00           A           243,184   

Nebraska Public Power District, General Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/01/25

           1/22 at 100.00           A1           60,664   

Total Nebraska


Nevada – 0.6%


Clark County, Nevada, Airport Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2009C, 5.000%, 7/01/23 – AGM Insured

         7/19 at 100.00           AA–           430,101   

Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Water Series 2012B, 5.000%, 6/01/25

           6/22 at 100.00           AA+           279,358   

Total Nevada


New Jersey – 2.6%


New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 6/15/13 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           50,299   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/15/24

         6/22 at 100.00           BBB+           64,412   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Airlines Inc., Series 1999, 6.250%, 9/15/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           B           519,530   

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Drew University, Series 2003C, 5.250%, 7/01/20 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           1,172,300   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Joseph’s Healthcare System Obligated Group Issue, Series 2008, 6.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           101,339   


  176       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Jersey (continued)

$ 155     

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A, 5.500%, 12/15/23

         No Opt. Call           A+         $ 199,294   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.250%, 12/15/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           314,642   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 1991C, 6.500%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A3           195,833   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 1991C, 6.500%, 1/01/16 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A3 (4)           52,275   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007-1A, 4.500%, 6/01/23

           6/17 at 100.00           B1           300,210   

Total New Jersey


New York – 3.9%


Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Insured Revenue Bonds, Pace University, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 5/01/23

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           299,750   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Culinary Institute of America, Series 2012, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           354,015   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Rochester Institute of Technology Revenue Bond, Series 2012, 4.000%, 7/01/26

         No Opt. Call           A1           274,638   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/23 – FGIC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A           77,627   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2006F, 5.000%, 5/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A           503,197   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012F, 5.000%, 11/15/19

         No Opt. Call           A           243,794   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C, 5.250%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A           258,463   

Monroe County Industrial Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, St. John Fisher College, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/25

         6/22 at 100.00           Aa3           421,467   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2004E, 5.000%, 11/01/21 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,345   

New York State Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed and State Contingency Contract-Backed Bonds, Series 2003B-1C:


5.500%, 6/01/19

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           45,204   

5.500%, 6/01/21

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           50,229   

New York State Urban Development Corporation, Service Contract Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2008D, 5.500%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,326,791   

New York State Urban Development Corporation, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A-1, 5.000%, 12/15/16 (5)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           325,419   

Onongada County Trust For Cultural Resources, New York, Revenue Bonds, Syracuse University Project, Series 2011, 5.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           123,617   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New York, Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, State Contingency Contract Secured, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 6/01/18

           No Opt. Call           AA–           71,605   

Total New York


North Carolina – 4.9%


Buncombe County, North Carolina, Project Development Financing Revenue Bonds, Woodfin Downtown Corridor Development, Series 2008, 6.750%, 8/01/24

         8/18 at 100.00           N/R           74,756   

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority, North Carolina, Health Care Revenue Bonds, DBA Carolinas HealthCare System, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/15/31

         1/22 at 100.00           AA–           287,540   


Nuveen Investments     177   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

North Carolina (continued)

$ 335     

North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, General Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, 4.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A1         $ 381,317   

North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, The Methodist University, Series 2012, 5.000%, 3/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB           231,338   

North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, Power System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1993B:


6.000%, 1/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A–           872,702   

6.000%, 1/01/22 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           65,127   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue and Refunding Revenue Bonds, Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB           604,794   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, WakeMed, Series 2009A, 5.625%, 10/01/38 (Pre-refunded 10/01/14) – AGC Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           AA– (4)           107,574   

North Carolina State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 4/01/16 (5)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,167,052   

North Carolina Turnpike Authority, Monroe Connector System State Appropriation Bonds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           819,468   

North Carolina Turnpike Authority, Triangle Expressway System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A:


5.250%, 1/01/23 – AGC Insured

         1/19 at 100.00           AA–           104,527   

5.250%, 1/01/25 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           23,067   

5.500%, 1/01/29 – AGC Insured

           1/19 at 100.00           AA–           708,252   

Total North Carolina


North Dakota – 0.4%


Grand Forks, North Dakota, Health Care System Revenue Bonds, Altru Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012, 4.000%, 12/01/21

           No Opt. Call           A–           438,104   

Ohio – 5.4%


Akron, Ohio, Waterworks System Mortgage Revenue Improvement and Refunding Bonds, Series 2009, 5.000%, 3/01/17 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A3           115,529   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A1           194,126   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           187,382   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-2, 5.125%, 6/01/24

         6/17 at 100.00           B–           464,150   

Cleveland, Ohio, Waterworks First Mortgage Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 1993G, 5.500%, 1/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           311,643   

Cuyhoga County, Ohio, Recovery Zone Facility Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Medical Mart- Convention Center Project, Series 2010F, 5.250%, 12/01/25

         12/20 at 100.00           AA           310,279   

Kings Local School District, Warren County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, School Improvement Series 2013A, 0.000%, 12/01/26

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,283,740   

New Albany Community Authority, Ohio, Community Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012C:


5.000%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,218,480   

5.000%, 10/01/24

         10/22 at 100.00           A1           166,716   

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Ohio, Revenue Bonds, Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Project, Series 2009E, 5.625%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           694,699   

Ohio Municipal Electric Generation Agency, Beneficial Interest Certificates, Belleville Hydroelectric Project – Joint Venture 5, Series 2004, 5.000%, 2/15/22 – AMBAC Insured

         2/14 at 100.00           A1           41,469   


  178       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Ohio (continued)

$ 395     

Ohio Turnpike Commission, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1998A, 5.500%, 2/15/18 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA         $ 480,387   

Springboro, Ohio, Sewer System Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/21

           No Opt. Call           Aa3           611,340   

Total Ohio


Oregon – 0.5%


Oregon Health and Science University, Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/22

           No Opt. Call           A+           564,964   

Pennsylvania – 6.0%


Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/23

         7/22 at 100.00           A2           904,937   

Delaware River Port Authority, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Port District Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 1/01/24

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           978,919   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Health System Revenue Bonds , Albert Einstein Healthcare, Series 2009A, 6.250%, 10/15/23

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB+           696,548   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Unemployment Compensation Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 1/01/21

         1/19 at 100.00           Aaa           211,073   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Philadelphia University Refunding Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB           860,857   

5.000%, 6/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,042,475   

5.000%, 6/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,097,447   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Slippery Rock University Foundation Inc., Series 2007A, 5.000%, 7/01/26 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           BBB+           105,887   

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/24 – AMBAC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A+           148,503   

Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding 3rd Series 2004, 5.375%, 7/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           265,330   

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 9/01/24 – AGM Insured

         9/22 at 100.00           A1           239,094   

Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Capital Grant Receipts Bonds, Federal Transit Administration Section 5309 Fixed Guideway Modernization Formula Funds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 6/01/21

           No Opt. Call           A+           122,268   

Total Pennsylvania


Puerto Rico – 0.2%


Puerto Rico, Highway Revenue Bonds, Highway and Transportation Authority, Series 2003AA, 5.500%, 7/01/16 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

           No Opt. Call           BBB+ (4)           249,166   

Rhode Island – 1.0%


Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation, Higher Education Facility Revenue Bonds, Providence College, Refunding Series 2012B, 5.000%, 11/01/22

           No Opt. Call           A           1,102,201   

South Carolina – 0.9%


Connector 2000 Association Inc., South Carolina, Senior Lien Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 0.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           374,995   

Piedmont Municipal Power Agency, South Carolina, Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/01/25

           1/22 at 100.00           A–           689,598   

Total South Carolina


South Dakota – 0.1%


South Dakota Educational Enhancement Funding Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Revenue Bonds Series 2013B, 5.000%, 6/01/24

           6/23 at 100.00           A–           145,850   


Nuveen Investments     179   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Tennessee – 1.6%

$ 230     

Chattanooga-Hamilton County Hospital Authority, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Erlanger Health System, Refunding Series 2004, 5.000%, 10/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 272,274   

Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Belmont University Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/01/30

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           66,175   

Shelby County Health, Educational and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Memorial Healthcare, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           165,341   

Tennessee Housing Development Agency, Homeownership Program Bonds, Series 2012-1C, 3.650%, 7/01/29

         1/22 at 100.00           AA+           514,013   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           101,619   

5.250%, 9/01/26

         No Opt. Call           A           236,596   

West Tennessee Public Utility District, Weakley, Carroll and Benton Counties, Tennessee, Gas System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 4.000%, 3/01/22

           No Opt. Call           A–           444,308   

Total Tennessee


Texas – 5.6%


Austin Convention Enterprises Inc., Texas, Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, First Tier Series 2006A, 5.250%, 1/01/18 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           BB+           547,170   

Brazoria County, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2012, 5.000%, 3/01/21 (5)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,436,120   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010, 5.750%, 1/01/25

         1/20 at 100.00           Baa2           89,175   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 1/01/23 (WI/DD, Settling 5/16/13)

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           563,240   

Gulf Coast Industrial Development Authority, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Citgo Petroleum Corporation Project, Series 1995, 4.875%, 5/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/22 at 100.00           BB+           223,269   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Junior Lien Special Revenue Bonds, Series 1998B, 0.000%, 11/15/14 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 93.04           Baa2           115,211   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Junior Lien Series 2001H, 0.000%, 11/15/23 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           458,809   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Third Lien Series 2004A-3, 0.000%, 11/15/31 – NPFG Insured

         11/24 at 66.52           Baa2           82,621   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2001A, 0.000%, 11/15/20 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB           34,861   

Houston, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Public Improvement Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 3/01/20

         3/19 at 100.00           AA           242,694   

Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Airport System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 7/01/25

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           142,381   

Matagorda County Navigation District 1, Texas, Collateralized Revenue Refunding Bonds, Houston Light and Power Company, Series 1995, 4.000%, 10/15/15 – NPFG Insured

         10/13 at 101.00           A           25,568   

Midtown Redevelopment Authority, Texas, Tax Increment Contract Revenue, Refunding Series 2011, 5.250%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           117,296   

Newark Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Lease Revenue Bonds, A.W. Brown-Fellowship Leadership Academy, Series 2012A, 6.000%, 8/15/32

         2/15 at 103.00           BBB–           231,697   

North Texas Tollway Authority, System First Tier Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 1/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A–           241,906   


  180       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 500     

Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agency, Texas, Power Supply System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+         $ 585,710   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation I, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2008D, 6.250%, 12/15/26

         No Opt. Call           A–           441,049   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation I, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 12/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A–           174,984   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation III, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/15/22

         No Opt. Call           A3           415,286   

Tyler Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mother Frances Hospital Regional Healthcare Center, Series 2011, 5.250%, 7/01/23

           7/21 at 100.00           Baa1           58,135   

Total Texas


Utah – 1.9%


Central Utah Water Conservancy District, Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2012C, 5.000%, 10/01/22

         10/19 at 100.00           AA+           606,610   

Utah County, Utah, Hospital Revenue Bonds, IHC Health Services Inc., Series 2012, 5.000%, 5/15/23

         5/21 at 100.00           AA+           357,747   

Utah Transit Authority, Sales Tax Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/15/22

           No Opt. Call           A1           1,134,587   

Total Utah


Virgin Islands – 0.1%


Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Loan Notes Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010A, 5.000%, 10/01/29

           10/20 at 100.00           BBB+           66,725   

Virginia – 1.5%


Charles City County Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Solid Waste Disposal Facility Revenue Bonds, Waste Management, Inc., Series 2002, 1.875%, 4/01/27 (Mandatory put 4/01/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           509,205   

Chesapeake, Virginia, Transportation System Senior Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/15/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB           416,196   

Route 460 Funding Corporation, Virginia, Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


0.000%, 7/01/25

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           123,808   

0.000%, 7/01/26

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           400,683   

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Elizabeth River Crossing, Opco LLC Project, Series 2012, 5.250%, 1/01/32 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           275,795   

Total Virginia


Washington – 2.0%


Clark County Public Utility District 1, Washington, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 1/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           A           113,157   

Port of Seattle, Washington, Revenue Bonds, Intermediate Lien Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 8/01/26

         8/22 at 100.00           Aa3           300,495   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Series 2012, 4.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           545,035   

Washington State, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2013R-13C, 5.000%, 7/01/22

           No Opt. Call           AA+           1,272,770   

Total Washington


Wisconsin – 1.6%


University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A, 5.000%, 4/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           158,379   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Agnesian HealthCare, Inc., Series 2013B, 5.000%, 7/01/24

         7/23 at 100.00           A–           1,175,100   


Nuveen Investments     181   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Wisconsin (continued)

$ 125     

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare System, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 8/15/18

         8/16 at 100.00           A–         $ 141,076   

Wisconsin State, General Fund Annual Appropriation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.250%, 5/01/20

         5/19 at 100.00           AA–           213,570   

Wisconsin State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005I, 5.000%, 5/01/16 – NPFG Insured

           5/15 at 100.00           AA           103,826   

Total Wisconsin


Wyoming – 0.2%


Teton County Hospital District, Wyoming, Hospital Revenue Bonds, St. John’s Medical Center Project, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 12/01/21

           No Opt. Call           BBB           210,530   
$ 98,110     

Total Investments (cost $105,065,988) – 96.1%


Other Assets Less Liabilities – 3.9% (6)


Net Assets – 100%

                               $ 112,036,357   

Investments in Derivatives as of April 30, 2013

Consumer Price Index Swaps outstanding:


Counterparty    Notional
Floating Rate
     Floating Rate Index      Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
Date (7)
(Depreciation) (6)

Barclays PLC

   $ 4,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.560     12/31/18  (8)      12/28/12         12/28/18       $ (68,954

Barclays PLC

     4,500,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.645        12/30/19  (8)      12/28/12         12/28/19         (83,628

Barclays PLC

     5,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.693        2/03/20  (8)      2/01/13         2/01/20         (83,447

Barclays PLC

     5,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.600        2/06/18  (8)      2/05/13         2/05/18         (90,288

Barclays PLC

     3,500,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.509        2/11/19  (8)      2/08/13         2/08/19         (27,330

Barclays PLC

     8,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.777        2/21/22  (8)      2/19/13         2/19/22         (162,677

Barclays PLC

     8,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.773        4/04/23  (8)      4/03/13         4/03/23         (122,172

Barclays PLC

     3,800,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.480        5/25/18  (8)      5/24/13         5/24/18         (38,531

Barclays PLC

     7,500,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.560        8/10/20  (8)      8/07/13         8/07/20         1,322   

Barclays PLC

     5,500,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.645        10/01/21  (8)      9/30/13         9/30/21         (13,251


     5,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.350        3/16/16  (8)      3/15/13         3/15/16         (46,520


     5,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.655        3/18/19  (8)      3/15/13         3/15/19         (73,785


     4,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.600        4/25/23  (8)      4/24/13         4/24/23         755   

Morgan Stanley

     5,500,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.130        1/11/16  (8)      1/08/13         1/08/16         (46,108

Morgan Stanley

     6,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.714        3/01/21  (8)      2/27/13         2/27/21         (93,568

Morgan Stanley

     4,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.700        4/11/22  (8)      4/08/13         4/08/22         (43,884

Morgan Stanley

     3,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.650        8/08/24  (8)      8/07/13         8/07/24         18,177   

Morgan Stanley

     3,750,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.440        9/28/17  (8)      9/27/13         9/27/17         (20,847

Morgan Stanley

     3,800,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.595        11/06/18  (8)      11/05/13         11/05/18         (25,228

Morgan Stanley

     3,000,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.468        11/15/16  (8)      11/14/13         11/14/16         (22,842

Morgan Stanley

     9,750,000         Receive         CPURNSA         2.275        5/26/16  (8)      11/25/13         5/25/16         (35,052
                                                                  $ (1,077,858


  182       Nuveen Investments





(1)   All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets.


(2)   Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns.


(3)   Ratings (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Using the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. Ratings below BBB by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national rating agencies.


(4)   Backed by an escrow or trust containing sufficient U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency securities, which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities.


(5)   Investment, or portion of investment, has been pledged to collateralize the net payment obligations for investments in derivatives transactions.


(6)   Other Assets Less Liabilities includes the Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of derivative instruments as listed within Investments in Derivatives as of the end of the reporting period.


(7)   Effective date represents the date on which both the Fund and Counterparty commence interest payment accruals on each consumer price index swap contract.


(8)   Fixed Rate Payment is due one business day after contract Termination Date.


N/R   Not rated.


WI/DD   Investment, or portion of investment, purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis.


(ETM)   Escrowed to maturity.


CPURNSA   US CPI Urban Consumers Non-Seasonally Adjusted.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     183   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  



Alabama – 0.8%


Birmingham Special Care Facilities Financing Authority, Alabama, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health System Inc., Series 2005A:

$ 3,000     

5.250%, 11/15/16

         11/15 at 100.00           Baa2         $ 3,303,060   

5.250%, 11/15/20

         11/15 at 100.00           Baa2           2,474,574   

Health Care Authority for Baptist Health, Alabama, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health, Series 2006D:


5.000%, 11/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,687,156   

5.000%, 11/15/16

         11/15 at 100.00           A3           3,133,083   

Huntsville, Alabama, Electric System Revenue Warrants, Refunding Series 2007, 4.000%, 12/01/18 – AGM Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           AA+           1,277,058   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Education Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           B           10,010,000   

Mobile, Alabama, General Obligation Warrants, Improvement and Refunding Series 2008B, 5.000%, 2/15/20

         2/18 at 100.00           Aa2           2,329,900   

Pell City, Alabama, Special Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Noland Health Services, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 12/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,765,562   

University of Alabama, Birmingham, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Birmingham Hospital, Series 2008A:


5.000%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,784,760   

5.750%, 9/01/22

           9/18 at 100.00           A+           4,721,040   

Total Alabama


Alaska – 0.2%


Alaska State, Sport Fishing Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 4/01/21

         4/20 at 100.00           A1           3,540,660   

Aleutians East Borough Project, Alaska, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 4.375%, 6/01/15 – ACA Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           403,920   

Northern Tobacco Securitization Corporation, Alaska, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 6/01/32

           6/14 at 100.00           B+           5,614,260   

Total Alaska


Arizona – 4.2%


Arizona Board of Regents, Certificates of Participation, University of Arizona Projects, Refunding Series 2007B, 4.500%, 6/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         6/17 at 100.00           AA–           4,633,970   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Refunding Series 2012A:


5.000%, 2/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,437,965   

5.000%, 2/01/27

         2/22 at 100.00           BBB+           6,973,387   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, American Baptist Estates – Terraces Project, Series 2003A, 7.500%, 11/15/23 (Pre-refunded 11/15/13)

         11/13 at 101.00           AAA           2,952,413   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Blood Systems Inc., Series 2004, 5.000%, 4/01/17

         4/14 at 100.00           A           1,042,980   

Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority, Senior Revenue Refunding Bonds, Multipurpose Stadium Facility Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 7/01/25

         7/22 at 100.00           A1           12,072,077   

5.000%, 7/01/26

         7/22 at 100.00           A1           18,919,620   

5.000%, 7/01/27

         7/22 at 100.00           A1           19,291,263   

Arizona State Game and Fish Department and Commission, Beneficial Interest Certificates in Lease Purchase Agreement, AGF Administration Building Project, Series 2006, 4.500%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           161,238   

Arizona State, Certificates of Participation, Series 2008A,
4.000%, 9/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,225,063   

Arizona State, State Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A:


5.000%, 7/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           34,835   

5.000%, 7/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           17,828   


  184       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)

$ 5,120     

5.000%, 7/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA         $ 6,192,384   

5.000%, 7/01/20 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           6,135,150   

5.000%, 7/01/21 – AGM Insured

         1/20 at 100.00           AA           7,321,488   

5.000%, 7/01/22 – AGM Insured

         1/20 at 100.00           AA           8,867,475   

Arizona Tourism and Sports Authority, Tax Revenue Bonds, Multipurpose Stadium Facility Project, Series 2003A, 5.375%, 7/01/19 (Pre-refunded 7/01/13) – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R (4)           6,052,380   

Gila County Unified School District 10 Payson, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Project of 2006, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 7/01/16 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,120,810   

5.000%, 7/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,203,951   

Gilbert, Arizona, Public Facilities Municipal Property Corporation, Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 5.500%, 7/01/27

         7/19 at 100.00           AA           6,924,660   

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, John C. Lincoln Health Network, Series 2005B, 5.250%, 12/01/20

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB+           3,021,565   

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Midwestern University, Refunding Series 2007, 5.000%, 5/15/26

         5/22 at 100.00           A–           2,269,580   

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Midwestern University, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 5/15/21

         5/20 at 100.00           A+           1,549,280   

Maricopa County Unified School District 48, Scottsdale, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006B, 4.750%, 7/01/18 – AGM Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Aa1           635,297   

Maricopa County Unified School District 48, Scottsdale, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006B:


4.750%, 7/01/18 (Pre-refunded 7/01/16) – AGM Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           335,123   

4.750%, 7/01/18 (Pre-refunded 7/01/16) – AGM Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           328,460   

Maricopa County, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Sun Health Corporation, Series 2005, 5.000%, 4/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           2,857,491   

Mesa, Arizona, Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/27

         7/17 at 100.00                3,674,970   

Phoenix Civic Improvement Corporation, Arizona, Junior Lien Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A:


5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/20 at 100.00           A+           2,400,380   

5.000%, 7/01/40

         7/20 at 100.00           A+           11,393,104   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company Project, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 9/01/29

         3/23 at 100.00           BBB           2,671,359   

Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, Refunding Series 2008, 5.750%, 9/01/29

         1/15 at 100.00           BBB–           1,265,088   

Pima County Unified School District 1, Tucson, Arizona, School Improvement Bonds, Series 2007C:


4.375%, 7/01/18 – FGIC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,126,140   

4.500%, 7/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,121,670   

Pima County, Arizona, Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.000%, 7/01/24 – AGM Insured

         7/20 at 100.00           AA–           3,195,563   

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, Arizona, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 12/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         12/13 at 100.00           Aa2           11,302,940   

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, Arizona, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 1/01/25

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           3,523,110   

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, Arizona, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 3284,
13.473%, 6/01/19 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           6,780,869   

Scottsdale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Scottsdale Healthcare, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 9/01/20

         9/18 at 100.00           A2           1,126,690   

Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified School District 9, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, School Improvement Project 2007, Series 2009B., 5.375%, 7/01/28

         7/19 at 100.00           Aa2           1,547,708   


Nuveen Investments     185   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)

$ 359     

Tempe Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Senior Living Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Tempe Project, Refunding Series 2004A, 5.375%, 12/01/13 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)         $ 365,782   

Tucson Airport Authority Inc., Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 6/01/13 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,857,511   

Total Arizona


Arkansas – 0.9%


Conway, Arkansas, Restaurant Gross Receipts Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/22 – AGM Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           AA–           1,646,271   

Fayetteville, Arkansas, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 11/01/17 – AGM Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           AA–           7,690,573   

4.500%, 11/01/19 – AGM Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           AA–           7,478,974   

Fort Smith, Arkansas, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 4.000%, 9/01/13 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,732,389   

Fort Smith, Arkansas, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 10/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         10/17 at 100.00           A           1,431,340   

5.000%, 10/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         10/17 at 100.00           A           1,162,680   

Independence County, Arkansas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Arkansas Power and Light Company Project, Series 2013, 2.375%, 1/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A–           5,470,260   

Magnolia, Arkansas, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 8/01/21 – CIFG Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           641,079   

5.000%, 8/01/22 – CIFG Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,251,204   

5.000%, 8/01/23 – CIFG Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,307,304   

5.000%, 8/01/24 – CIFG Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,363,599   

North Little Rock Health Facilities Board, Arkansas, Healthcare Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health, Series 1996B, 5.750%, 12/01/21

         12/18 at 100.00           A+           1,174,890   

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Various Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B, 4.500%, 11/01/16 – FGIC Insured

         11/15 at 100.00           Aa2           1,096,550   

Washington County, Arkansas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Washington Regional Medical Center, Series 2005B:


5.000%, 2/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           1,309,434   

5.000%, 2/01/17

         2/15 at 100.00           Baa1           1,059,420   

5.000%, 2/01/18

           2/15 at 100.00           Baa1           1,231,813   

Total Arkansas


California – 7.7%


ABAG Finance Authority for Non-Profit Corporations, California, Cal-Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Elder Care Alliance of Union City, Series 2004, 5.000%, 8/15/17

         8/14 at 100.00           A           1,272,433   

ABAG Finance Authority for Non-Profit Corporations, California, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital & Research Center at Oakland, Refunding Series 2007A, 4.500%, 12/01/18

         12/17 at 100.00           A–           1,717,974   

ABC Unified School District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2003A, 4.900%, 2/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,835,416   

Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013A:


5.000%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A           2,708,657   

5.000%, 10/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A           2,321,931   

5.000%, 10/01/24

         10/23 at 100.00           A           6,185,550   

Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 0.000%, 10/01/14 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,964,240   

Apple Valley Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Project Area 2 Series 2007, 4.500%, 6/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         6/17 at 100.00           BBB+           972,311   


  186       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,060     

California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2008H, 5.000%, 5/01/22 – AGM Insured

         5/18 at 100.00           AA         $ 1,264,834   

California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2010L, 5.000%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           8,794,125   

California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2010M, 4.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,926,005   

California Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran University, Series 2004C, 5.000%, 10/01/24

         10/14 at 100.00           Baa1           1,036,730   

California Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Southern California, Series 2007A, 4.500%, 10/01/33

         10/17 at 100.00           Aa1           13,547,275   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/West, Series 2009C, 5.125%, 3/01/20

         3/19 at 100.00           A           587,115   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Healthcare West, Series 2008H, 5.125%, 7/01/22

         7/15 at 100.00           A           6,878,870   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Series 2009A, 5.750%, 11/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           3,888,348   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital, Series 2008B, 1.450%, 8/15/33 (Mandatory put 3/15/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,233,075   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital, Series 2008C, 1.450%, 8/15/23 (Mandatory put 3/15/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,467,461   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, California State University Monterey Bay Campus Library Project, Series 2009D, 6.000%, 4/01/25

         4/19 at 100.00           Aa3           2,771,116   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, California State University, Various University Projects, Series 2010B-1, 5.375%, 3/01/25

         3/20 at 100.00           Aa3           1,674,946   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Department of Corrections, Series 2003C, 5.500%, 6/01/14

         12/13 at 100.00           A2           8,320,884   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Department of Corrections, Series 2003C, 5.500%, 6/01/17 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13)

         12/13 at 100.00           AAA           4,059,106   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Various Capital Projects, Series 2009G-1, 5.250%, 10/01/24

         10/19 at 100.00           A2           5,938,700   

California State, Economic Recovery Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A:


5.000%, 7/01/20

         7/19 at 100.00           Aa3           2,438,000   

5.250%, 7/01/21

         7/19 at 100.00           Aa3           7,350,840   

California State, Economic Recovery Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A:


5.250%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           10,262,098   

5.250%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           6,290,761   

California State, Economic Recovery Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 7/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,931,817   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003:


5.000%, 2/01/16 (Pre-refunded 8/01/13)

         8/13 at 100.00           Aaa           1,006,880   

5.000%, 2/01/16 (Pre-refunded 8/01/13)

         8/13 at 100.00           Aaa           30,358   

5.000%, 2/01/17 (Pre-refunded 8/01/13)

         8/13 at 100.00           Aaa           1,963,164   

5.000%, 2/01/17 (Pre-refunded 8/01/13)

         8/13 at 100.00           Aaa           60,716   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004:


5.000%, 2/01/21

         2/14 at 100.00           A1           1,552,365   

5.125%, 4/01/24

         4/14 at 100.00           A1           521,065   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 8/01/19

         2/17 at 100.00           A1           576,410   

5.000%, 12/01/23

         12/17 at 100.00           A1           1,171,740   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2001, 5.000%, 11/01/18

         7/13 at 100.00           A1           15,059   


Nuveen Investments     187   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 500     

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Southern California Edison Company, Series 2006C, 4.250%, 11/01/33 (Mandatory put 11/01/16) – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1         $ 549,890   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System West, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 3/01/30

         3/15 at 100.00           A           743,701   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kaiser Permanente, Series 2012E-1, 5.000%, 4/01/44 (Mandatory put 5/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,041,217   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Insured Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, Series 2007B, 5.200%, 10/01/37 – AMBAC Insured

         10/18 at 100.00           A           1,107,200   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Daughters of Charity Health System, Series 2005G:


5.250%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           756,428   

5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB–           1,285,440   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Series 2007C, 5.000%, 8/15/38 – AMBAC Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           AA–           11,017,400   

Chula Vista, California, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Refunding Series 2006A, 1.650%, 7/01/18

         9/15 at 100.00           Aa3           5,740,088   

Contra Costa County Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.500%, 8/01/23 – RAAI Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           BBB+           1,123,427   

Culver City Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Redevelopment Project, Capital Appreciation Series 2011A:


0.000%, 11/01/26

         11/21 at 66.91           A           3,376,906   

0.000%, 11/01/28

         11/21 at 56.33           A           1,535,338   

Delano, California, Certificates of Participation, Delano Regional Medical Center, Series 2012:


5.000%, 1/01/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,895,996   

5.000%, 1/01/23

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,730,904   

5.000%, 1/01/24

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,835,353   

5.000%, 1/01/25

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,471,280   

Desert Sands Unified School District, Riverside County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election 2001, Series 2008:


5.250%, 8/01/23

         8/18 at 100.00           Aa2           593,465   

5.000%, 8/01/24

         8/18 at 100.00           Aa2           2,331,524   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 4.550%, 6/01/22 – AGM Insured

         6/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,322,873   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2003A-1, 6.250%, 6/01/33
(Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 100.00           Aaa           623,199   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           8,824,001   

4.500%, 6/01/27

         6/17 at 100.00           B           13,335,085   

Grant Joint Union High School District, Sacramento County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation Election 2006 Series 2008, 0.000%, 8/01/26 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           748,345   

Lake Elsinore Redevelopment Agency, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 90-2, Series 2007A, 4.500%, 10/01/24 – AGM Insured

         10/17 at 100.00           AA–           6,763,148   

Las Virgenes Unified School District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, 2006 Election, Series 2009B, 0.000%, 8/01/27

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,127,574   

Long Beach Financing Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 1992, 6.000%, 11/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           3,984,286   


  188       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 5,025     

Los Angeles Unified School District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.250%, 7/01/19 (Pre-refunded 7/01/13) – AGM Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)         $ 5,068,064   

Los Angeles, California, Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 6/01/34 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           6,471,120   

Moulton Niguel Water District, California, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2003:


5.000%, 9/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           AAA           2,471,615   

5.000%, 9/01/22 – AMBAC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           AAA           2,388,114   

5.000%, 9/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           AAA           2,226,680   

M-S-R Energy Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 6.125%, 11/01/29

         No Opt. Call           A           12,704,400   

M-S-R Energy Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2009C, 6.125%, 11/01/29

         No Opt. Call           A           12,704,400   

Northern Inyo County Local Hospital District, Inyo County, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 6.000%, 12/01/21

         12/20 at 100.00           BBB–           1,156,190   

Oakland State Building Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Elihu M. Harris State Office Building, Series 1998A, 5.000%, 4/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           A2           6,008,220   

Palomar Pomerado Health, California, General Obligation Bonds, Convertible Capital Appreciation, Election 2004 Series 2010A, 0.000%, 8/01/40

         8/30 at 100.00           A+           6,578,080   

Palomar Pomerado Health, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A:


0.000%, 8/01/21 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,455,231   

0.000%, 8/01/22 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,572,465   

0.000%, 8/01/23 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,888,994   

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District, Orange County, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2011, 0.000%, 10/01/25 – AGM Insured

         10/21 at 100.00           AA–           6,798,960   

Port of Oakland, California, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Inter Lien, Series 2007B:


5.000%, 11/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         11/17 at 100.00           A           2,937,102   

5.000%, 11/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         11/17 at 100.00           A           1,287,854   

Poway Unified School District, San Diego County, California, School Facilities Improvement District 2007-1 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 0.000%, 8/01/34

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,058,466   

Riverside County Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Jurupa Valley Project Area, Series 2011B:


0.000%, 10/01/34

         No Opt. Call           A–           695,539   

0.000%, 10/01/36

         No Opt. Call           A–           587,480   

Sacramento County, California, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 20010, 5.000%, 7/01/40

         7/20 at 100.00           A           5,526,750   

San Bernardino Community College District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.500%, 8/01/27 (Pre-refunded 8/01/18)

         8/18 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           1,290,190   

San Bernardino County Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, San Sevaine Project, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 9/01/16 – RAAI Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           BBB           605,475   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2006D, 5.000%, 8/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           2,871,687   

San Mateo Union High School District, San Mateo County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2000, Series 2002B, 0.000%, 9/01/17 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           951,560   

Santa Ana Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Police Administration and Housing Facility, Series 1994A, 6.250%, 7/01/24 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           5,282,653   


Nuveen Investments     189   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,000     

Santa Ana Unified School District, Orange County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 8/01/28

         8/18 at 100.00           AA–         $ 1,155,100   

Santa Monica Community College District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005C, 0.000%, 8/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         8/15 at 95.72           Aa1           1,887,220   

Santa Paula Utility Authority, California, Water Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Series 2010:


5.000%, 2/01/28

         2/20 at 100.00           A+           2,856,606   

5.000%, 2/01/29

         2/20 at 100.00           A+           2,981,052   

5.000%, 2/01/30

         2/20 at 100.00           A+           3,123,178   

South Bayside Waste Management Authority, California, Solid Waste Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Shoreway Environmental Center, Series 2009A:


5.250%, 9/01/24

         9/19 at 100.00           A–           2,790,925   

6.250%, 9/01/29

         9/19 at 100.00           A–           1,398,240   

Tulare Local Health Care District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009B-1:


6.000%, 8/01/22

         8/19 at 100.00           Baa1           1,426,762   

6.125%, 8/01/23

         8/19 at 100.00           Baa1           1,700,263   

6.250%, 8/01/24

         8/19 at 100.00           Baa1           1,908,261   

6.375%, 8/01/25

         8/19 at 100.00           Baa1           1,525,375   

6.500%, 8/01/26

         8/19 at 100.00           Baa1           605,470   

Upland Community Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, A Merged Project, Series 2006, 4.250%, 9/01/26 – AMBAC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           A           1,111,022   

Victor Elementary School District, San Bernardino County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002A, 0.000%, 8/01/23 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,421,264   

Victor Valley Union High School District, San Bernardino County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/31 – AGC Insured

         8/26 at 100.00           AA–           2,528,910   

West Contra Costa Unified School District, Contra Costa County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008B, 6.000%, 8/01/25

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           3,288,750   

Whittier Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Whittier Redevelopment Agency, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 11/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         11/17 at 100.00           A–           1,099,336   

Woodland Finance Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2002, 4.700%, 3/01/19 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

           7/13 at 102.00           A2           833,338   

Total California


Colorado – 3.3%


Adams and Arapahoe Counties Joint School District 28J, Aurora, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008, 5.500%, 12/01/21 (Pre-refunded 12/01/18)

         12/18 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           1,408,793   

Adams County, Colorado, Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds, Public Service Company of Colorado Projects, Senior Lien Series 2005A, 4.375%, 9/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           A           5,374,350   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy, Series 2007A, 4.750%, 6/15/22

         6/17 at 100.00           BBB–           182,100   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Hospital Improvement Revenue Bonds, NCMC Inc., Series 2003B, 6.000%, 5/15/26 – AGM Insured

         5/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,185,730   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/16 at 100.00           AA–           18,633,166   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2006C-7, 4.350%, 9/01/20 – AGM Insured

         5/18 at 100.00           AA–           815,335   


  190       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 1,500     

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2008D, 5.125%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 1,776,840   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Christian Living Communities Project, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           609,576   

5.250%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           643,343   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Total Long-term Care National Obligated Group Project, Series 2010A, 5.250%, 11/15/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,559,768   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Valley View Hospital Association Project, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 5/15/13 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           405,587   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Yampa Valley Medical Center, Series 2007, 5.000%, 9/15/22

         9/17 at 100.00           BBB+           7,142,623   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Retirement Facilities Revenue Bonds, Liberty Heights, Series 1990B, 0.000%, 7/15/20 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           8,892,600   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Covenant Retirement Communities Inc., Series 2005, 5.000%, 12/01/16

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB+           540,640   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, Series 2006:


5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,115,530   

5.250%, 6/01/18

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           1,112,190   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Longmont United Hospital, Series 2007B, 4.250%, 12/01/15 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,313,363   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Parkview Medical Center, Series 2004, 5.000%, 9/01/16

         9/13 at 100.00           A3           648,506   

Colorado State Higher Education Capital Construction Lease Purchase Financing Program Certificates of Participation, Series 2008, 5.250%, 11/01/23

         11/18 at 100.00           Aa2           1,790,175   

Colorado State, Certificates of Participation, Colorado Penitentiary II Program, Refunding Series 2010:


0.000%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–           149,673   

4.000%, 3/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,482,115   

Delta County Memorial Hospital District, Colorado, Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.500%, 9/01/25

         3/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,593,525   

Denver City and County, Colorado, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A, 5.000%, 11/15/19 – FGIC Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A+           6,869,352   

Denver City and County, Colorado, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A, 5.000%, 11/15/19 (Pre-refunded 11/15/16) – FGIC Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A1 (4)           4,646,983   

Denver City and County, Colorado, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 11/15/32

         11/22 at 100.00           A+           12,680,360   

Denver Convention Center Hotel Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Convention Center Hotel, Senior Lien Series 2003A, 5.000%, 12/01/15 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13) – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         12/13 at 100.00           N/R (4)           5,932,715   

Denver School District 1, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012B:


4.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA+           7,834,860   

4.000%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA+           7,653,824   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B-1, 5.500%, 9/01/24 – NPFG Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           Baa2           5,444,250   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B, 0.000%, 3/01/36 – NPFG Insured

         9/20 at 41.72           Baa2           2,870,000   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2004C, 5.000%, 9/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,667,490   


Nuveen Investments     191   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)


El Paso County School District 20, Academy, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010:

$ 1,500     

5.000%, 12/15/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa2         $ 1,887,000   

5.000%, 12/15/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,813,537   

5.000%, 12/15/22

         12/21 at 100.00           Aa2           1,916,738   

High Plains Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005B, 4.375%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           279,734   

Montrose, Colorado, Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Montrose Memorial Hospital, Series 2003, 5.700%, 12/01/17

         12/13 at 102.00           BBB–           2,269,777   

North Range Metropolitan District 1, Adams County, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 4.300%, 12/15/19 – ACA Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,027,670   

Northwest Parkway Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2001C, 5.250%, 6/15/15 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           2,475,990   

Platte River Power Authority, Colorado, Power Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2007GG, 4.500%, 6/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           834,678   

Plaza Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,519,791   

5.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           N/R           564,130   

Pueblo County School District 60, Pueblo, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2009, 5.000%, 12/15/22

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,279,610   

Rangeview Library District, Adams County, Colorado, Certificates of Participation, Rangeview Library Projects, Series 2008,
4.500%, 12/15/20 – AGC Insured

         12/18 at 100.00           AA–           1,499,052   

Regional Transportation District, Colorado, Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project Private Activity Bonds, Series 2010, 6.000%, 1/15/41

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa3           1,138,147   

Sand Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A:


4.250%, 12/01/23

         12/20 at 100.00           A           2,436,090   

4.000%, 12/01/24

         12/20 at 100.00           A           2,196,968   

Walker Field Public Airport Authority, Colorado, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/22

           12/17 at 100.00           Baa2           1,129,180   

Total Colorado


Connecticut – 0.6%


Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Griffin Hospital, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 7/01/14 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,039,100   

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Yale University, Series 2010A-3, 0.875%, 7/01/49 (Mandatory put 2/08/18)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           19,369,846   

Eastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority, Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, Wheelabrator Lisbon Project, Series 1993A, 5.500%, 1/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           BBB           3,483,741   

Total Connecticut


District of Columbia – 1.3%


District of Columbia Student Dormitory Revenue Bonds, Provident Group – Howard Properties LLC Issue, Series 2013, 5.000%, 10/01/30

         10/22 at 100.00           BBB–           4,169,293   

District of Columbia Tobacco Settlement Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2001:


5.800%, 5/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A1           3,556,887   

5.875%, 5/15/14

         7/13 at 100.00           A1           3,764,400   

6.250%, 5/15/24

         5/13 at 100.00           A1           6,822,347   

6.500%, 5/15/33

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           3,567,924   

District of Columbia Water and Sewerage Authority, Public Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 1998, 5.500%, 10/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           12,584,168   


  192       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

District of Columbia (continued)

$ 11,530     

District of Columbia, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003B, 5.000%, 6/01/15 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13) – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)         $ 11,577,619   

District of Columbia, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Series 2009:


6.500%, 10/01/20

         10/19 at 100.00           A           526,130   

6.500%, 10/01/23

         10/19 at 100.00           A           2,083,451   

6.500%, 10/01/24

         10/19 at 100.00           A           994,983   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, The Catholic University of America, Series 2010, 5.000%, 10/01/23

           10/18 at 100.00           A           4,070,375   

Total District of Columbia


Florida – 6.0%


Broward County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2003, 5.000%, 7/01/23 (Pre-refunded 7/01/13) – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Aa3 (4)           5,040,500   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High Risk Assessment Revenue, Senior Secured Bonds, Series 2009A-1, 5.500%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,897,350   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Revenue Bonds, Coastal Account Senior Secured Series 2011A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           163,659   

5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,723,965   

5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           240,098   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Senior Secured Bonds Series 2010A-1, 5.250%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           139,784   

Citrus County Hospital Board, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Citrus Memorial Hospital, Refunding Series 2002, 6.250%, 8/15/23

         8/13 at 100.00           BB–           1,022,907   

City of Tampa, Florida, Refunding and Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 9/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           670,406   

5.000%, 9/01/23

         9/22 at 100.00           A+           720,408   

3.125%, 9/01/24

         9/22 at 100.00           A+           1,196,961   

5.000%, 9/01/25

         9/22 at 100.00           A+           1,479,950   

5.000%, 9/01/27

         9/22 at 100.00           A+           926,704   

Clay County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2005B, 5.000%, 7/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           A1           2,350,530   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, High Risk Account Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 3/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           13,682,168   

5.000%, 3/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           37,940,219   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Personal and Commercial Lines Account Bonds, Senior Secured Series 2012A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           39,452   

5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           100,170   

5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           576,235   

5.000%, 6/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,486,360   

Florida Governmental Utility Authority, Utility Revenue Bonds, Lake Aqua Utility System, Series 2013A, 4.250%, 10/01/33

         10/22 at 100.00                3,317,313   

Florida Governmental Utility Authority, Utility Revenue Bonds, Pasco Aqua Utility System, Series 2013A, 4.250%, 10/01/33

         10/22 at 100.00                2,736,234   

Florida State Turnpike Authority, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Department of Transportation, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 7/01/16 – AGM Insured

         7/13 at 101.00           AA–           7,834,203   

Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.250%, 6/01/26

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           2,483,244   

Highlands County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Series 2008A, 6.500%, 11/15/38 (Mandatory put 11/17/15)

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,283,540   


Nuveen Investments     193   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 7,215     

Hillsborough County, Florida, Capital Improvement Program Revenue Bonds, Junior Lien Refunding Series 2003, 5.000%, 8/01/13 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)         $ 7,301,147   

Jacksonville, Florida, Capital Improvement Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012:


5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,758,000   

5.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,796,233   

5.000%, 10/01/27

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,489,068   

Jacksonville, Florida, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 20120C:


5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,542,000   

5.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,289,735   

5.000%, 10/01/23

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,509,340   

5.000%, 10/01/24

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,452,560   

Martin County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Indiantown Cogeneration LP, Series 2013, 4.200%, 12/15/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/20 at 100.00           BB           4,098,257   

Miami-Dade County Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Florida University of Miami, Series 2008A, 5.150%, 4/01/23

         4/16 at 100.00           A–           2,778,199   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Refunding Series 2012A:


5.000%, 10/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           1,114,024   

5.000%, 10/01/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           3,628,860   

5.000%, 10/01/22 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           6,074,800   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 10/01/41

         10/20 at 100.00           A           6,610,773   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Public Facilities Revenue Bonds, Jackson Health System, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 6/01/25 – NPFG Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           Aa3           5,346,500   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Obligation Bonds, Capital Asset Acquisition, Series 2010E:


4.000%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,713,821   

5.000%, 4/01/21

         4/20 at 100.00           Aa3           2,338,242   

5.250%, 4/01/30

         4/20 at 100.00           Aa3           5,696,789   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Subordinate Special Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2012B, 5.000%, 10/01/35

         10/22 at 100.00           A+           5,569,650   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.000%, 10/01/29 – AGM Insured

         10/20 at 100.00           Aa2           5,737,650   

North Brevard County Hospital District, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Parrish Medical Center Project, Refunding Series 2008, 5.500%, 10/01/28

         10/18 at 100.00           A–           2,325,855   

Orange County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 8/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA           3,719,634   

Orlando Utilities Commission, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/25

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,604,380   

Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority, Florida, Expressway Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           3,685,302   

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Retirement Community Revenue Bonds, Abbey Delray South, Refunding Series 2003, 5.250%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           1,426,824   

Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority, Florida, Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 10/01/25

         10/21 at 100.00           AA+           11,992,300   

Palm Beach County, Florida, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2002, 5.750%, 10/01/13 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           7,709,273   

Port St. Lucie, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 9/01/26 – NPFG Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           A1           11,474,509   

South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue, Baptist Health System Obligation Group, Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/15/27

         8/17 at 100.00           AA           25,804,276   


  194       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 6,020     

Tampa Sports Authority, Hillsborough County, Florida, Local Option Sales Tax Payments Revenue Bonds, Stadium Project, Series 2005, 5.000%, 1/01/20 – AGM Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           AA+         $ 6,482,878   

Vero Beach, Florida, Electric Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 4.000%, 12/01/19 – AGM Insured

           12/18 at 100.00           A1           393,267   

Total Florida


Georgia – 1.0%


Atlanta, Georgia, Airport General Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 1/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,438,860   

5.000%, 1/01/28

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,748,010   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds Atlanta Station Project, Series 2007, 4.375%, 12/01/18 – AGC Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           AA–           2,181,120   

Atlanta, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds, Beltline Project Series 2008A. Remarketed, 7.500%, 1/01/31

         1/19 at 100.00           A2           2,775,910   

Chatham County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Seven Mill Tax Pledge Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health University Medical Center Inc., Series 2012A:


5.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,360,540   

5.000%, 1/01/23

         1/22 at 100.00           AA           4,037,049   

5.000%, 1/01/24

         1/22 at 100.00           AA           6,649,148   

5.000%, 1/01/25

         1/22 at 100.00           AA           10,605,054   

Coffee County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Coffee County Regional Medical Center, Series 2004, 5.000%, 12/01/15

         12/14 at 100.00           BB–           1,031,750   

DeKalb County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Anticipation Certificates Revenue Bonds, DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. Project, Series 2010, 6.000%, 9/01/30

         9/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,477,625   

Fayette County School District, Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Deferred Interest Series 2005:


4.150%, 3/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           696,809   

4.250%, 3/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           283,486   

Fulton County Residential Care Facilities Elderly Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Canterbury Court, Refunding Series 2004A, 5.800%, 2/15/18

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           4,507,245   

Glynn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital Authority, Georgia, Anticipation Certificates Revenue Bonds, Southeast Georgia Health Systems, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 8/01/23

           8/18 at 100.00           A2           2,251,420   

Total Georgia


Hawaii – 0.2%


Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, Hawaii Pacific Health Obligated Group, Series 2010A, 5.250%, 7/01/30

         7/20 at 100.00           A–           5,439,550   

Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, Hawaii Pacific Health Obligated Group, Series 2010B, 5.625%, 7/01/30

         7/20 at 100.00           A–           1,151,290   

Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Senior Living Revenue Bonds, 15 Craigside Project, Series 2009C-1, 7.500%, 11/15/15

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           2,678,624   

Total Hawaii


Idaho – 0.2%


Idaho Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Group, Refunding Series 2008B, 6.000%, 12/01/23

         12/18 at 100.00           AA           3,658,680   

Madison County, Idaho, Hospital Revenue Certificates of Participation, Madison Memorial Hospital, Series 2006:


5.250%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BB+           486,581   

5.250%, 9/01/20

         9/16 at 100.00           BB+           1,377,363   


Nuveen Investments     195   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Idaho (continued)

$ 1,000     

University of Idaho, General Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B, 4.500%, 4/01/41 (Mandatory put 4/01/18) – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 1,135,150   

Total Idaho


Illinois – 8.4%


Bolingbrook Park District, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A, 4.500%, 1/01/17 – CIFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,062,603   

Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bonds Trust 1130, 13.426%, 6/01/14 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           6,114,289   

Chicago Park District, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2005B, 5.000%, 1/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           AAA           5,971,355   

Chicago Park District, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010A, 4.500%, 1/01/23

         7/20 at 100.00           AAA           2,649,853   

Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, Sales Tax Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2011:


5.250%, 12/01/25

         12/21 at 100.00           AA           4,087,873   

5.250%, 12/01/26

         12/21 at 100.00           AA           3,878,862   

Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, City Colleges, Series 1999, 0.000%, 1/01/15 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           6,906,760   

Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001A, 5.300%, 1/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,229,040   

Chicago, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, Midway Airport, Series 1998C,
5.500%, 1/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           1,392,674   

Cook County High School District 209, Proviso Township, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,114,500   

Cook County School District 102 La Grange, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001, 0.000%, 12/01/13 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,434,120   

Cook County School District 123 Oak Lawn, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002, 0.000%, 12/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,177,100   

Cook County School District 205 Thornton Township, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008, 5.250%, 12/01/21 – AGC Insured

         12/18 at 100.00           AA–           4,046,843   

Cook County School District 88, Bellwood, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2004B, 5.000%, 12/01/17 – AGM Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           A2           1,261,116   

Cook County School District 88, Bellwood, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2004B, 5.000%, 12/01/17 (Pre-refunded 12/01/14) – AGM Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           A2 (4)           537,475   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012C:


5.000%, 11/15/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,059,125   

5.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,353,914   

5.000%, 11/15/22

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,469,440   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A,
5.000%, 11/15/17 – AMBAC Insured

         5/14 at 101.00           AA           14,441,700   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 11/15/17 (Pre-refunded 5/15/14) – AMBAC Insured

         5/14 at 101.00           Aa3 (4)           6,806,067   

Elk Grove Village, Cook and DuPage Counties, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Improvement Series 2007, 4.125%, 1/01/19 (Pre-refunded 1/01/16) – NPFG Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           Aaa           1,096,980   

Grundy and Will Counties Community Unit School District 1 Coal City, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008:


5.875%, 2/01/19

         8/18 at 100.00           Aa3           1,896,720   

5.875%, 2/01/22

         8/18 at 100.00           Aa3           2,565,675   

5.875%, 2/01/24

         8/18 at 100.00           Aa3           3,099,276   

Illinois Development Finance Authority, Local Government Program Revenue Bonds, Kane, Cook and DuPage Counties School District U46 – Elgin, Series 2002, 0.000%, 1/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,482,343   


  196       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Illinois Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Art Institute of Chicago, Series 1998A:

$ 1,000     

4.750%, 3/01/30 (Mandatory put 3/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A+         $ 1,119,970   

4.125%, 3/01/30 (Mandatory put 3/01/16)

         No Opt. Call           A+           539,275   

Illinois Finance Authority, Gas Supply Revenue Refunding Bonds, Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Company, Senior Lien Series 2005A, 4.300%, 6/01/35 (Mandatory put 6/01/16) – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,679,757   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Roosevelt University Project, Series 2009, 5.750%, 4/01/24

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB           4,580,080   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Centegra Health System, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/27

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           15,251,385   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Edward Health Services Corporation, Series 2008A:


6.000%, 2/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         2/18 at 100.00           A+           1,356,780   

6.000%, 2/01/26 – AMBAC Insured

         2/18 at 100.00           A+           1,445,914   

6.000%, 2/01/28 – AMBAC Insured

         2/18 at 100.00           A+           560,660   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Franciscan Communities Inc., Refunding Series 2007A, 5.500%, 5/15/27

         5/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,057,930   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 2/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BB–           936,172   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Illinois Institute of Technology, Series 2009, 6.500%, 2/01/23

         2/19 at 100.00           Baa3           1,097,640   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Landing at Plymouth Place Project, Series 2005A, 5.250%, 5/15/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           681,040   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, OSF Healthcare System, Series 2009A, 7.000%, 11/15/29

         5/19 at 100.00           A           5,238,996   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Palos Community Hospital, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 5/15/21 – NPFG Insured

         5/17 at 100.00           AA–           2,239,120   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Roosevelt University, Series 2007:


5.250%, 4/01/22

         4/17 at 100.00           BBB           530,080   

5.400%, 4/01/27

         4/17 at 100.00           BBB           3,801,096   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009A, 6.750%, 11/01/24

         11/18 at 100.00           A           2,498,980   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009C, 6.375%, 11/01/29

         5/19 at 100.00           A           1,821,660   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Series 2009, 6.875%, 8/15/38

         8/19 at 100.00           BBB+           5,923,500   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Carle Foundation, Series 2009A, 5.500%, 2/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,308,260   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Clare at Water Tower Project, Capitol Appreciation Series 2010B, 0.000%, 5/15/50 (6), (7)

         7/13 at 16.20           N/R           6   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Clare at Water Tower Project, Refunding Series 2010A:


5.400%, 5/15/17 (6)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           7   

5.500%, 5/15/18 (7)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           7   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Three Crowns Park Plaza, Series 2006A, 5.500%, 2/15/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           669,554   

Illinois Finance Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund Inc., University Center Project, Series 2006B, 5.000%, 5/01/25

         11/16 at 100.00           BBB+           3,739,379   

Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1983 (Mercy Hospital and Medical Center), Chicago, Illinois, 10.000%, 1/01/15 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           237,261   

Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, University of Chicago Hospitals, Series 2003, 5.000%, 8/15/14 – NPFG Insured

         8/13 at 100.00           AA–           7,508,108   


Nuveen Investments     197   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Illinois Sports Facility Authority, State Tax Supported Bonds, Series 2001:

$ 1,405     

4.750%, 6/15/13 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A         $ 1,411,899   

5.100%, 6/15/16 – AMBAC Insured

         6/15 at 101.00           A           1,770,109   

Illinois State Department of Employment Security, Unemployment Insurance Fund Building Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 12/15/17

         12/16 at 100.00           AA+           2,888,850   

5.000%, 6/15/18

         12/16 at 100.00           AA+           2,891,675   

5.000%, 6/15/19

         6/15 at 100.00           AA+           2,810,573   

5.000%, 12/15/19

         6/15 at 100.00           AA+           1,871,885   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2004B, 5.000%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,035,810   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007B, 5.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           610,772   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010:


5.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           561,250   

5.000%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           586,222   

5.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,820,312   

5.000%, 1/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           6,997,702   

5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A2           19,675,112   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 8/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           9,069,829   

5.000%, 8/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A2           7,440,283   

5.000%, 8/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,888,599   

5.000%, 8/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A2           3,197,758   

5.000%, 8/01/24

         8/22 at 100.00           A2           1,209,262   

5.000%, 8/01/25

         8/22 at 100.00           A2           306,831   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A:


5.000%, 3/01/18

         3/14 at 100.00           A2           2,680,495   

5.000%, 3/01/22

         3/14 at 100.00           A2           831,750   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 3/01/22 (Pre-refunded 3/01/14)

         3/14 at 100.00           A2 (4)           202,617   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           946,356   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,224,156   

5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A2           11,524,200   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/27

         1/16 at 100.00           A2           1,060,010   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 9/01/34

         9/18 at 100.00           A2           1,076,470   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           22,338,478   

Kane County Community Unit School District 304 Geneva, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A:


9.000%, 1/01/22 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           13,037,541   

9.000%, 1/01/23 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,560,250   

9.000%, 1/01/25 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           8,382,346   

Madison and Jersey Counties Community Unit School District 11, Alton, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002, 0.000%, 12/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,786,092   

McCook, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008:


5.000%, 12/01/26

         12/18 at 100.00           A–           586,260   

5.100%, 12/01/28

         12/18 at 100.00           A–           1,141,810   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Dedicated State Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2002B, 5.200%, 6/15/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,172,550   

Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Refunding Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 12/15/22

         No Opt. Call                1,737,930   

Peoria Public Building Commission, Illinois, School District Facility Revenue Bonds, Peoria County School District 150 Project, Series 2011., 0.000%, 12/01/24

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,503,217   


  198       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Quad Cities Regional Economic Development Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, Augustana College, Series 2012:

$ 295     

5.000%, 10/01/23

         10/22 at 100.00           Baa1         $ 345,472   

5.000%, 10/01/24

         10/22 at 100.00           Baa1           317,573   

Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, Illinois, Tobacco Settlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2010:


5.250%, 6/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A           9,273,856   

5.500%, 6/01/23

         6/21 at 100.00           A–           4,725,682   

Rockford School District 205, Winnebago and Boone Counties, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001, 5.000%, 2/01/14 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           516,465   

Saint Clair County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Alternative Revenue Source Refunding Series 2009:


4.500%, 10/01/20

         10/19 at 100.00           AA           1,170,080   

5.000%, 10/01/22

         10/19 at 100.00           AA           1,293,336   

School District 122, Winnebago County, Illinois, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998, 0.000%, 1/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,592,388   

School District 122, Winnebago County, Illinois, Capital Appreciation Bonds, Series 1998, 0.000%, 1/01/17 – AGM Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A2 (4)           1,284,466   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, Local Government Revenue Bonds, Edwardsville Community Unit School District 7 Project, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,171,250   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Anderson Hospital, Series 2006, 5.125%, 8/15/26

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB–           2,058,020   

Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, School Revenue Bonds, Triad School District 2, Madison County, Illinois, Series 2006, 5.000%, 10/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         10/16 at 100.00           A+           1,104,420   

Sterling, Whiteside County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Alternate Revenue Source, Series 2012:


4.000%, 11/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,562,902   

4.000%, 11/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,135,640   

Will County Community High School District 210 Lincoln-Way, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013B, 0.000%, 1/01/30

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,860,881   

Will County School District 86, Joliet, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002, 0.000%, 11/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,573,132   

Will, Grundy, Kendall, LaSalle, Kankakee, Livingston, and Cook Counties Community College District 525 Joliet Junior College, Illinois, General Obligation Bond, Series 2008:


6.250%, 6/01/24

         6/18 at 100.00           AA           647,147   

5.750%, 6/01/25

         6/18 at 100.00           AA           973,640   

5.750%, 6/01/26

         6/18 at 100.00           AA           264,348   

Will, Grundy, Kendall, LaSalle, Kankakee, Livingston, and Cook Counties Community College District 525 Joliet Junior College, Illinois, General Obligation Bond, Series 2008:


5.750%, 6/01/25 (Pre-refunded 6/01/18)

         6/18 at 100.00           N/R (4)           402,113   

5.750%, 6/01/26 (Pre-refunded 6/01/18)

         6/18 at 100.00           N/R (4)           105,168   

Williamson & Johnson Counties Community Unit School District 2, Marion, Illinois, Limited Tax General Obligation Lease Certificates, Series 2011, 7.000%, 10/15/22

         10/19 at 103.00           BBB           11,563,978   

Winnebago-Boone Counties School District 205, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013:


0.000%, 2/01/25

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,597,596   

0.000%, 2/01/26

           No Opt. Call           AA–           2,004,033   

Total Illinois


Indiana – 1.0%


Anderson, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Anderson University, Series 2007, 5.000%, 10/01/17

         4/14 at 100.00           BB+           722,603   


Nuveen Investments     199   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Indiana (continued)

$ 1,000     

Avon Community School Building Corporation, Hendricks County, Indiana, First Mortgage Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 4.500%, 7/15/20 – AMBAC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           A         $ 1,107,380   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 1/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/17 at 100.00           BBB           6,184,032   

Indiana Health Facility Financing Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Methodist Hospitals Inc., Series 2001, 5.375%, 9/15/22

         9/13 at 100.00           BBB           3,004,950   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project, Refunding Series 2006, 5.500%, 7/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,494,568   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project, Series 2007B, 5.250%, 7/01/23 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           6,256,000   

Jasper County, Indiana, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Northern Indiana Public Service Company Project, Series 1994A Remarketed, 5.850%, 4/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           3,531,942   

Knox County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Good Samaritan Hospital Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 4/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,976,818   

5.000%, 4/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,100,599   

5.000%, 4/01/24

         4/22 at 100.00           A3           2,304,979   

Lake County Building Corporation, Indiana, First Mortgage Bonds, Series 2012:


4.000%, 2/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           520,410   

4.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           521,860   

4.250%, 2/01/18

         No Opt. Call           N/R           525,545   

4.250%, 8/01/18

         No Opt. Call           N/R           526,540   

4.500%, 2/01/19

         No Opt. Call           N/R           529,990   

4.500%, 8/01/19

         No Opt. Call           N/R           530,750   

4.750%, 2/01/20

         No Opt. Call           N/R           538,330   

4.750%, 8/01/20

         No Opt. Call           N/R           538,680   

4.750%, 2/01/21

         No Opt. Call           N/R           266,898   

4.750%, 8/01/21

         No Opt. Call           N/R           533,115   

5.000%, 2/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           540,025   

5.000%, 8/01/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R           536,595   

5.000%, 8/01/23

         2/22 at 100.00           N/R           531,055   

5.000%, 2/01/24

         2/22 at 100.00           N/R           526,665   

Portage Township Multi-School Building Corporation, Porter County, Indiana, First Mortgage Bonds, Series 2007, 4.000%, 7/15/18 – NPFG Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           AA+           1,405,250   

Southwind Housing Inc., Evansville, Indiana, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1978A, 7.125%, 11/15/21 (ETM)

         11/13 at 100.00           N/R (4)           1,869,437   

St. Joseph County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Revenue Bonds, Madison Center Inc., Series 2005, 5.000%, 2/15/17 (5)

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           582,895   

St. Joseph County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Holy Cross Village at Notre Dame, Series 2006A:


5.750%, 5/15/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           479,970   

5.550%, 5/15/19

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           230,278   

Total Indiana


Iowa – 0.9%


Ames, Iowa, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Series 2011:


5.250%, 6/15/25

         6/20 at 100.00           A2           1,132,770   

5.250%, 6/15/26

         6/20 at 100.00           A2           2,252,080   

5.250%, 6/15/27

         6/20 at 100.00           A2           3,517,251   

5.375%, 6/15/28

         6/20 at 100.00           A2           2,251,360   

5.500%, 6/15/29

         6/20 at 100.00           A2           2,302,623   


  200       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Iowa (continued)


Fort Dodge Community School District, Webster County, Iowa, School Infrastructure Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011:

$ 1,830     

5.000%, 1/01/23 – AGM Insured

         1/21 at 100.00           AA–         $ 2,141,173   

5.000%, 1/01/24 – AGM Insured

         1/21 at 100.00           AA–           2,194,214   

5.000%, 1/01/25 – AGM Insured

         1/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,752,134   

5.000%, 1/01/26 – AGM Insured

         1/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,144,550   

Iowa Finance Authority, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Care Initiatives Project, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,297,095   

5.250%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BB+           2,314,253   

5.250%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BB+           4,730,900   

5.250%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BB+           2,162,700   

5.000%, 7/01/19

         7/16 at 100.00           BB+           867,035   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Upper Iowa University Project, Refunding Series 2010, 5.500%, 9/01/25

         9/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,433,963   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Wartburg College, Series 2005A:


4.700%, 10/01/16

         10/13 at 100.00           BB           935,277   

4.750%, 10/01/17

         10/13 at 100.00           BB           1,112,177   

4.800%, 10/01/18

         10/13 at 100.00           BB           1,167,728   

Iowa State, Special Obligation Bonds, Prison Infrastructure Fund, Refunding Series 2010, 4.500%, 6/15/22

           6/20 at 100.00           AA           2,356,700   

Total Iowa


Kansas – 1.4%


Burlington, Kansas, Environmental Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds, Kansas City Power and Light Company Project, Series 1993, 2.950%, 12/01/23

         4/23 at 101.00           A–           20,437,000   

Johnson County Unified School District 512, Shawnee Mission, Kansas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Refunding Series 1996, 4.875%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,319,280   

Kansas Development Finance Authority Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Series 2009C, 5.500%, 11/15/23

         11/19 at 100.00           AA           2,676,058   

Kansas Development Finance Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Hays Medical Center Inc., Series 2005L, 4.500%, 11/15/17

         11/15 at 100.00           A2           1,524,228   

Kansas Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kansas State Projects, Series 2007K, 4.500%, 11/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         11/17 at 100.00           AA           2,112,719   

Olathe, Kansas, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Olathe Medical Center, Series 2008, 5.125%, 9/01/21

         9/17 at 100.00           A+           1,113,220   

Olathe, Kansas, Senior Living Facility Revenue Bonds, Catholic Care Campus Santa Marta, Series 2006A:


5.750%, 11/15/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           711,487   

5.750%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           797,099   

5.750%, 11/15/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           870,537   

Sedgwick and Shawnee Counties, Kansas, GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Program Single Family Revenue Bonds, Series 1997A-2, 6.700%, 6/01/29

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           96,615   

Wichita, Kansas, Hospital Facilities Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Via Christi Health System Inc., Series 2011A-IV, 5.000%, 11/15/29

         11/21 at 100.00           AA–           11,444,400   

Wyandotte County-Kansas City Unified Government, Kansas, Sales Tax Special Obligation Capital Appreciation Revenue Bonds Redevelopment Project Area B – Major Multi-Sport Athletic Complex Project, Subordinate Lien Series 2010B, 0.000%, 6/01/21

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           15,523,854   

Total Kansas



Nuveen Investments     201   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Kentucky – 1.3%

$ 8,175     

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Louisville Arena Project Revenue Bonds, Louisville Arena Authority, Inc., Series 2008-A1, 5.750%, 12/01/28 – AGC Insured

         6/18 at 100.00           AA–         $ 8,975,006   

Kentucky State Property and Buildings Commission, Revenue Bonds, Project 83, Series 2004, 5.000%, 10/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           24,869,524   

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Public Facilities Corporation, Kentucky State Lease Revenue Bonds, Eastern State Hospital Project, Series 2011A, 5.250%, 6/01/28

         6/21 at 100.00           Aa3           8,241,450   

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, General Revenue Bonds, Bellarmine University, Series 2008A, 6.000%, 5/01/28

         5/18 at 100.00           Baa3           1,267,216   

Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue, Louisville Gas & Electric Company Project, Series 2007B, 1.600%, 6/01/33 (Mandatory put 6/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A–           4,527,097   

Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project, Series 2003A, 1.650%, 10/01/33 (Mandatory put 4/03/17)

           No Opt. Call           A+           8,407,788   

Total Kentucky


Louisiana – 2.9%


Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B:


5.250%, 6/01/13 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           9,035,460   

5.000%, 6/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           13,139,419   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Oakleigh Apartments, Series 2003A, 6.375%, 6/01/38 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 102.00           Aaa           10,514,964   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Southgate Suites Hotel LLC Project, Series 2007A, 6.750%, 12/15/37 (5)

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           897,920   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 5/15/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           2,219,986   

5.000%, 5/15/20

         5/17 at 100.00           Baa1           5,663,695   

Louisiana State, Gasoline and Fuels Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:


5.250%, 5/01/18 (Pre-refunded 5/01/15) – FGIC Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           3,036,634   

5.000%, 5/01/24 (Pre-refunded 5/01/15) – FGIC Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           6,012,875   

5.000%, 5/01/26 (Pre-refunded 5/01/15) – FGIC Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           7,942,461   

Louisiana State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 8/01/26

         8/22 at 100.00           Aa2           27,134,220   

New Orleans, Louisiana, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012:


5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A3           4,929,001   

5.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A3           4,715,668   

5.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A3           6,477,570   

Port New Orleans Board of Commissioners, Louisiana, Revenue Bonds, Port Facilities, Refunding Series 2013B, 5.000%, 4/01/30 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         4/23 at 100.00           BBB+           554,200   

Saint Charles Parish, Louisiana, Gulf Opportunity Zone Revenue Bonds, Valero Project, Series 2010, 4.000%, 12/01/40 (Mandatory put 6/01/22)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           6,362,645   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Louisiana, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2001B, 5.875%, 5/15/39

           5/13 at 100.00           A–           13,740,294   

Total Louisiana


Maine – 0.2%


Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Eastern Maine Medical Center Obligated Group Issue, Series 2013, 3.000%, 7/01/23

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           392,251   


  202       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Maine (continued)


Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, MaineGeneral Medical Center, Series 2011:

$ 1,000     

6.750%, 7/01/36

         7/21 at 100.00           Baa3         $ 1,223,160   

6.750%, 7/01/41

         7/21 at 100.00           Baa3           4,669,627   

Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B, 4.125%, 7/01/18 – FGIC Insured

         1/18 at 100.00           AA           820,926   

Portland, Maine, General Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


4.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           557,205   

4.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           252,997   

5.000%, 7/01/22

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           347,635   

Total Maine


Maryland – 0.1%


Maryland Community Development Administration, Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A, 5.875%, 7/01/16

         7/13 at 100.00           Aa2           346,056   

Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Transportation Facilities Project, Series 2010A, 5.750%, 6/01/35

         6/20 at 100.00           Baa3           285,783   

Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Maryland Medical System, Series 2010, 5.250%, 7/01/24

         7/19 at 100.00           A2           2,292,880   

Westminster, Maryland, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, McDaniel College, Series 2006:


5.000%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           355,950   

4.000%, 11/01/15

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           736,547   

Total Maryland


Massachusetts – 2.8%


Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, General Obligation Transportation System Bonds, Series 1991A, 7.000%, 3/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,645,744   

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Senior Lien Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.250%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AAA           12,754,500   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, Adventcare Project, Series 2007A, 6.650%, 10/15/28

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           2,665,125   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Orchard Cove, Series 2007:


5.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,740,547   

5.000%, 10/01/18

         10/17 at 100.00           N/R           537,990   

Massachusetts Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Suffolk University, Series 2010:


4.500%, 7/01/21

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa2           1,008,999   

4.500%, 7/01/22

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa2           1,961,674   

4.625%, 7/01/23

         7/20 at 100.00           Baa2           1,894,698   

Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Issue I Series 2010B, 4.800%, 1/01/17 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,335,091   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Berkshire Health System, Series 2005F, 5.000%, 10/01/15 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,174,160   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Springfield College, Series 2010:


5.125%, 10/15/22

         10/19 at 100.00           Baa1           569,835   

5.500%, 10/15/26

         10/19 at 100.00           Baa1           2,919,972   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Suffolk University Issue, Series 2009A, 6.000%, 7/01/24

         7/19 at 100.00           BBB           3,583,500   

Massachusetts Port Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 1982, 13.000%, 7/01/13 (ETM)

         6/13 at 100.00           Aaa           754,534   


Nuveen Investments     203   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Massachusetts (continued)


Massachusetts Port Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Delta Air Lines Inc., Series 2001A:

$ 330     

5.500%, 1/01/15 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 330,337   

5.500%, 1/01/17 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           140,119   

5.200%, 1/01/20 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           50,021   

5.000%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,464,985   

Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Loan, Series 2001D, 5.500%, 11/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           10,794,600   

Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Loan, Series 2003C, 5.000%, 8/01/21 (Pre-refunded 8/01/13)

         8/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           7,124,058   

Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Loan, Series 2004D, 5.000%, 12/01/22 (Pre-refunded 12/01/14) – AGM Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           10,732,900   

Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004C,
5.500%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           34,577,777   

Massachusetts, Special Obligation Refunding Notes, Federal Highway Grant Anticipation Note Program, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 12/15/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           12,363,840   

Massachusetts, Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 1997A, 5.500%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,004,620   

Springfield, Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 4.500%, 8/01/20 – AGM Insured

           2/17 at 100.00           AA           1,563,366   

Total Massachusetts


Michigan – 4.8%


Algonac Community Schools, Saint Clair County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, School Building & Site Series 2008-I,
4.000%, 5/01/19 – AGM Insured

         5/18 at 100.00           Aa2           894,991   

Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/32

         7/22 at 100.00           A+           7,768,465   

Detroit Water Supply System, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Senior Lien Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 7/01/19 – AGM Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           AA–           9,975,115   

Detroit, Michigan, Downtown Development Authority, Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Development Area 1 Projects, Series 1996B:


0.000%, 7/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,981,433   

0.000%, 7/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,622,198   

0.000%, 7/01/24

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,665,302   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004B-1, 5.250%, 4/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           B           7,512,757   

Detroit, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Series 2001D-2, 0.250%, 7/01/32 (8)

         1/14 at 100.00           A           7,843,322   

Dickinson County Economic Development Corporation, Michigan, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company, Series 2004A, 4.800%, 11/01/18

         11/14 at 100.00           BBB           7,359,002   

Kalamazoo Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Refunding Series 2003A, 5.000%, 5/15/20 – AGM Insured

         5/18 at 100.00           AA–           3,094,467   

Kent Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Metropolitan Hospital, Series 2005A, 5.500%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,134,205   

Livonia Public Schools, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A, 4.500%, 5/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         5/14 at 100.00           Aa3           6,144,640   

Michigan Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Detroit City School District, Series 2012:


5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,728,287   

4.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           870,344   

5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,542,832   

5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,225,071   


  204       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)


Michigan Finance Authority, Unemployment Obligation Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:

$ 15,250     

5.000%, 7/01/21

         7/18 at 100.00           AAA         $ 18,201,943   

5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/16 at 100.00           AAA           19,904,918   

5.000%, 1/01/23

         1/16 at 100.00           AAA           12,337,958   

5.000%, 7/01/23

         7/14 at 100.00           AAA           7,218,462   

Michigan Hospital Finance Authority, Refunding and Project Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health Senior Credit Group, Series 2010F-5, 1.500%, 11/15/47 (Mandatory put 3/15/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           10,344,754   

Michigan Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health Group, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 11/15/23

         11/19 at 100.00           AA+           4,183,537   

Michigan Hospital Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Oakwood Obligated Group, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 7/15/18

         7/17 at 100.00           A           2,278,320   

5.000%, 7/15/19

         7/17 at 100.00           A           4,017,528   

Michigan Municipal Bond Authority, AMBAC Insured Bonds, Series 2007B-A, 5.000%, 12/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         6/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,982,405   

Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Facilities Program, Series 2003I, 5.250%, 10/15/15 – AGM Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           AA–           3,611,155   

Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Facilities Program, Series 2011-I-A, 5.000%, 10/15/28

         10/21 at 100.00           Aa3           5,813,050   

Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Facilities Program, Series 2011-II-A, 5.000%, 10/15/28

         10/21 at 100.00           Aa3           6,307,159   

Michigan State Trunk Line Fund Refunding Bonds, Series 2009, 5.000%, 11/01/23

         11/19 at 100.00           AA+           1,891,488   

Monroe County Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Mercy Memorial Hospital Corporation Revenue Bonds, Series 2006:


5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,127,401   

5.500%, 6/01/17

         6/16 at 100.00           BBB           1,420,965   

5.500%, 6/01/18

         6/16 at 100.00           BBB           1,499,509   

Romulus Community Schools, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 5/01/22

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           5,671,928   

Romulus Economic Development Corporation, Michigan, Limited Obligation Revenue Refunding Bonds, Romulus HIR LP Project, Series 1992, 7.000%, 11/01/15 (ETM)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R (4)           1,503,944   

Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011:


5.000%, 5/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           5,890,870   

5.000%, 5/01/21

         11/20 at 100.00           Aa2           5,830,085   

5.000%, 5/01/22

         11/20 at 100.00           Aa2           4,578,664   

Wayne Charter County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Building Improvements, Series 2009A, 6.750%, 11/01/39

         12/19 at 100.00           BBB+           1,662,278   

Wayne County Airport Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Refunding Series 2010C, 5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           9,126,400   

Western Michigan University, General Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 11/15/23 – AGM Insured

           5/18 at 100.00           AA–           1,515,930   

Total Michigan


Minnesota – 0.6%


Aitkin, Minnesota Health Care Revenue Bonds, Riverwood Healthcare Center, Series 2006, 5.375%, 2/01/17

         2/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,686,926   

Cass Lake Independent School District 115, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 2/01/27

         2/20 at 100.00           AA+           1,986,062   

City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds (St. Mary’s Hospital and St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Center Projects), Series 1983, 10.000%, 6/01/13 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           161,192   


Nuveen Investments     205   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Minnesota (continued)

$ 2,005     

Minneapolis Health Care System, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, Fairview Hospital and Healthcare Services, Series 2008A, 6.375%, 11/15/23

         11/18 at 100.00           A         $ 2,446,401   

Minneapolis, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, National Marrow Donor Program Project, Series 2010:


5.000%, 8/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,988,750   

4.250%, 8/01/20

         8/18 at 100.00           BBB           1,321,381   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Bethel University, Refunding Series 2007-6-R:


5.500%, 5/01/20

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,344,607   

5.500%, 5/01/21

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           870,681   

Northern Municipal Power Agency, Minnesota, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 1/01/15 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,318,982   

Rochester, Minnesota, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Olmsted Medical Center Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/33

         7/23 at 100.00           A–           743,262   

Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, HealthPartners Obligated Group, Series 2006, 5.250%, 5/15/21

         11/16 at 100.00           A–           1,086,560   

Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Health Care Revenue Bonds, Allina Health System, Series 2009A-1, 5.000%, 11/15/24

         11/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,161,980   

Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Health Care Revenue Bonds, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, Series 2005:


5.000%, 2/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           410,424   

5.000%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           317,589   

Saint Paul Port Authority, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, Regions Hospital Parking Ramp Project, Series 2007-1, 5.000%, 8/01/21

         8/16 at 100.00           N/R           501,144   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, Healtheast Inc., Series 2005, 5.750%, 11/15/21

         11/15 at 100.00           BBB–           2,917,429   

St. Paul Port Authority, Minnesota, Lease Revenue Bonds, Office Building at Cedar Street, Series 2003, 5.000%, 12/01/13

           No Opt. Call           AA           2,641,575   

Total Minnesota


Mississippi – 0.5%


Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, System Energy Resources Inc. Project, Series 1998, 5.875%, 4/01/22

         10/13 at 100.00           BBB           8,687,106   

Mississippi Hospital Equipment and Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Mississippi Baptist Health System Inc., Series 2007A:


5.000%, 8/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,618,200   

5.000%, 8/15/20

           8/17 at 100.00          A–           11,372,720   

Total Mississippi


Missouri – 2.5%


Cape Girardeau County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southeast Missouri Hospital Association, Series 2007:


5.000%, 6/01/18

         6/17 at 100.00           BBB+           1,367,969   

5.000%, 6/01/20

         6/17 at 100.00           BBB+           3,267,794   

Grundy County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Wright Memorial Hospital, Series 2009, 5.600%, 9/01/21

         9/19 at 100.00           BBB–           1,107,240   

Hannibal Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Hannibal Regional Hospital, Series 2006:


4.350%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,438,959   

4.400%, 3/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,539,144   

4.450%, 3/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,630,655   

Joplin Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Freeman Health System, Series 2004, 5.500%, 2/15/19

         2/15 at 102.00           BBB+           6,471,982   


  206       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Missouri (continued)

$ 1,800     

Kansas City Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Retirement Center Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Kingswood Project, Series 1998A, 5.800%, 11/15/17

         5/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,801,422   

Kansas City, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, General Improvement Projects, Series 2003B, 5.375%, 9/01/15 – FGIC Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           A+           13,405,114   

Kansas City, Missouri, Special Obligation Bonds, East Village Project, Series 2008B, 5.000%, 4/15/22 – AGC Insured

         4/18 at 100.00           AA–           590,123   

Lees Summit Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, John Knox Village Obligated Group, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,714,246   

Missouri Development Finance Board, Infrastructure Facilities Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Independence Electric System Projects, Series 2009D, 5.625%, 6/01/29 (Pre-refunded 6/01/14)

         6/14 at 100.00           A (4)           1,358,579   

Missouri Development Finance Board, Infrastructure Facilities Revenue Bonds, City of Independence, Crackerneck Creek Project, Series 2008B, 5.125%, 3/01/22

         3/18 at 100.00           A–           2,197,020   

Missouri Development Finance Board, Research Facility Revenue Bonds, Midwest Research Institute Project, Series 2007, 5.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,253,554   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Senior Services Projects, Series 2011, 4.400%, 2/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           476,118   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Senior Services, Series 2005B:


4.350%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           889,117   

4.375%, 2/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           994,961   

Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission, Plum Point Project, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 4.200%, 1/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           A–           1,055,680   

Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission, Prairie State Power Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 1/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           A           4,965,081   

Missouri State Board of Public Building, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 10/15/16

         10/13 at 100.00           AA+           1,527,935   

Missouri State Board of Public Building, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 10/15/16 (Pre-refunded 10/15/13)

         10/13 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           13,169,630   

Osage Beach, Missouri, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Prewitts Point Transportation Development District, Series 2006, 4.800%, 5/01/16

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,050,025   

Sikeston, Missouri, Electric System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           6,695,872   

St. Joseph Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Tax Increment Bonds, Shoppes at North Village Project, Series 2005A, 5.100%, 11/01/19

         11/14 at 100.00           N/R           503,765   

St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Series 2005:


5.500%, 7/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           13,354,950   

5.500%, 7/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           20,977,121   

St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 7/01/25 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,343,616   

Total Missouri


Montana – 0.2%


Montana Facilities Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint John’s Lutheran Ministries Project, Series 2006A:


5.750%, 5/15/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,483,446   

6.000%, 5/15/25

         5/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,750,961   

Montana Facilities Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Composite Deal Series 2010B, 5.000%, 1/01/24

           1/20 at 100.00           AA           2,885,825   

Total Montana



Nuveen Investments     207   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Nebraska – 1.1%

$ 1,130     

Douglas County Hospital Authority 2, Nebraska, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Immanuel Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2010, 5.125%, 1/01/23

         1/20 at 100.00           A–         $ 1,270,855   

Douglas County Hospital Authority 3, Nebraska, Health Facilities Refunding and Revenue Bonds, Nebraska Methodist Health System, Series 2008, 5.750%, 11/01/28

         11/18 at 100.00           BBB+           666,882   

Douglas County School District 10 Elkhorn, Nebraska, General Obligation Bonds, Public Schools Series 2012:


4.000%, 6/15/23

         6/22 at 100.00           AA–           763,387   

4.000%, 6/15/24

         6/22 at 100.00           AA–           2,080,234   

4.000%, 6/15/25

         6/22 at 100.00           AA–           1,419,684   

Lancaster County Hospital Authority 1, Nebraska, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Immanuel Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2010:


4.750%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A–           842,597   

5.125%, 1/01/23

         1/20 at 100.00           A–           1,132,390   

Lancaster County Hospital Authority 1, Nebraska, Hospital Revenue Bonds, BryanLGH Medical Center Project, Refunding Series 2006, 4.000%, 6/01/18

         6/16 at 100.00           A1           2,156,200   

Lincoln County Hospital Authority 1, Nebraska, Hospital Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Great Plains Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/01/32

         No Opt. Call           A–           6,531,909   

Lincoln, Nebraska, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 9/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA           7,054,233   

5.000%, 9/01/24

         9/22 at 100.00           AA           10,932,377   

5.000%, 9/01/25

         9/22 at 100.00           AA           4,187,043   

5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/22 at 100.00           AA           3,931,913   

Nebraska Public Power District, General Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 1/01/23

         1/22 at 100.00           A1           1,790,347   

5.000%, 1/01/24

         1/22 at 100.00           A1           1,829,145   

5.000%, 1/01/25

           1/22 at 100.00           A1           1,152,616   

Total Nebraska


Nevada – 2.0%


Clark County School District, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 6/15/24

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,455,310   

Clark County, Nevada, Airport Revenue Bonds, Jet Aviation Fuel Tax, Refunding Series 2013A:


5.000%, 7/01/22 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           2,396,600   

5.000%, 7/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/23 at 100.00           A           1,183,830   

5.000%, 7/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/23 at 100.00           A           2,233,155   

Clark County, Nevada, Airport Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2010B, 5.750%, 7/01/42

         1/20 at 100.00           A+           18,826,080   

Henderson Local Improvement District T-4C, Nevada, Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds, Green Valley Properties, Series 1999A, 5.900%, 11/01/18

         11/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,900,872   

Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Water Series 2012B:


5.000%, 6/01/24

         6/22 at 100.00           AA+           2,450,420   

5.000%, 6/01/25

         6/22 at 100.00           AA+           1,821,900   

5.000%, 6/01/26

         6/22 at 100.00           AA+           2,405,320   

Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Water & Refunding Series 2011C:


5.000%, 6/01/23

         6/21 at 100.00           AA+           1,880,321   

5.000%, 6/01/24

         6/21 at 100.00           AA+           1,202,600   

5.000%, 6/01/25

         6/21 at 100.00           AA+           14,734,077   

Nevada State, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Improvement & Cultural Affairs, Refunding Series 2012B, 5.000%, 8/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA+           5,875,514   


  208       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Nevada (continued)

$ 11,105     

Nevada State, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Improvement & Cultural Affairs, Refunding Series 2013D-1, 5.000%, 3/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA+         $ 13,937,886   

Washoe County, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority, Refunding Series 2011:


5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/21 at 100.00           AA           2,736,845   

5.000%, 7/01/23

           7/21 at 100.00           AA           5,623,128   

Total Nevada


New Hampshire – 0.3%


New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Catholic Medical Center, Series 2006:


5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           425,853   

5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           466,378   

5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           497,648   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Speare Memorial Hospital, Series 2004, 5.500%, 7/01/25 (Pre-refunded 7/01/15)

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB– (4)           1,107,860   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Covenant Health Systems Obligated Group Issue, Series 2004, 5.375%, 7/01/24

         7/14 at 100.00           A           1,282,938   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Dartmouth College, Series 2009, 5.250%, 6/01/39

         6/19 at 100.00           AA+           6,632,954   

New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Memorial Hospital, Series 2006:


5.250%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB           416,179   

5.250%, 6/01/21

         6/16 at 100.00           BBB           1,049,650   

New Hampshire Municipal Bond Bank, Non-State Guaranteed Bonds, Refunding Series 2007A, 4.500%, 2/15/20 – NPFG Insured

           8/17 at 100.00           AA           1,475,123   

Total New Hampshire


New Jersey – 5.9%


New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004:


5.375%, 6/15/15 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           8,720,717   

5.500%, 6/15/16 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,409,906   

5.500%, 6/15/16 – RAAI Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           4,848,707   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012:


5.000%, 6/15/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,143,900   

5.000%, 6/15/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           6,066,662   

5.000%, 6/15/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           5,981,503   

5.000%, 6/15/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           15,739,994   

5.000%, 6/15/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,297,156   

5.000%, 6/15/22

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,201,070   

5.000%, 6/15/23

         6/22 at 100.00           BBB+           4,327,367   

5.000%, 6/15/24

         6/22 at 100.00           BBB+           2,617,476   

4.250%, 6/15/27

         6/22 at 100.00           BBB+           897,905   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Financing Program Bonds, Refunding Series 2013NN, 5.000%, 3/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           30,581,000   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Specialized Hospital, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 7/01/18

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB           419,896   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.250%, 12/15/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           35,273,571   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.250%, 12/15/17 (Pre-refunded 12/15/15) – FGIC Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           A+ (4)           9,103,109   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2006C, 0.000%, 12/15/31 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           599,556   


Nuveen Investments     209   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Jersey (continued)

$ 10,050     

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2010D, 5.000%, 12/15/23

         No Opt. Call           A+         $ 12,453,960   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2011B, 5.500%, 6/15/31

         6/21 at 100.00           A+           4,360,547   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2012AA:


5.000%, 6/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           24,641,172   

5.000%, 6/15/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           17,211,040   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           8,287,475   

South Jersey Port Corporation, New Jersey, Marine Terminal Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012Q:


3.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A1           5,275,064   

3.000%, 1/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A1           3,097,559   

3.000%, 1/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,591,900   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007-1A:


4.500%, 6/01/23

         6/17 at 100.00           B1           20,269,179   

4.625%, 6/01/26

         6/17 at 100.00           B1           501,466   

5.000%, 6/01/29

           6/17 at 100.00           B2           19,104,800   

Total New Jersey


New Mexico – 0.9%


New Mexico Finance Authority, State Transportation Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Refunding Series 2012, 4.000%, 6/15/22

           No Opt. Call           AAA           35,754,600   

New York – 5.9%


Brooklyn Arena Local Development Corporation, New York, Payment in Lieu of Taxes Revenue Bonds, Barclays Center Project, Series 2009, 6.000%, 7/15/30

         1/20 at 100.00           BBB–           4,844,752   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Mortgage Insurance Fund Project Pool Bonds, State of New York Mortgage Agency – AIDS Long Term Health Care Facility, Series 2005:


5.000%, 11/01/13

         7/13 at 100.00           Aa1           1,455,757   

5.000%, 11/01/14

         7/13 at 100.00           Aa1           722,851   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, New York City, Lease Revenue Bonds, Court Facilities, Series 2003A, 5.500%, 5/15/18 (Pre-refunded 5/15/13)

         5/13 at 100.00           AA– (4)           15,506,557   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Marymount Manhattan College, Series 2009, 5.000%, 7/01/24

         7/19 at 100.00           Baa2           5,625,559   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State and Local Appropriation Lease Bonds, Upstate Community Colleges, Series 2005A, 5.500%, 7/01/20 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           8,845,635   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Third General Resolution Revenue Bonds, State University Educational Facilities Issue, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 5/15/24

         5/22 at 100.00           AA–           12,271,900   

5.000%, 5/15/25

         5/22 at 100.00           AA–           11,228,849   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A:


0.000%, 6/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           81,388   

0.000%, 6/01/22 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           65,079   

0.000%, 6/01/23 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           116,724   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2003B, 5.250%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           11,834,190   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           AA–           798,565   

4.000%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           196,987   


  210       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)

$ 970     

5.000%, 12/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A         $ 1,078,174   

5.250%, 12/01/20 – FGIC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A           379,603   

5.000%, 12/01/23 – FGIC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A           382,588   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B, 5.000%, 12/01/35

         6/16 at 100.00           A           191,041   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006C, 5.000%, 9/01/35 – AGC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00                27,512   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006E:


5.000%, 12/01/17 – FGIC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           1,157,465   

5.000%, 12/01/17

         12/16 at 100.00           A           171,854   

5.000%, 12/01/18 – FGIC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           51,453   

5.000%, 12/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           14,858,483   

5.000%, 12/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           50,604   

5.000%, 12/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           1,356,192   

5.000%, 12/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           11,302   

5.000%, 12/01/22 – FGIC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           553,331   

5.000%, 12/01/22

         12/16 at 100.00           A           140,568   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A:


5.250%, 4/01/20

         4/19 at 100.00           A           150,064   

5.500%, 4/01/22

         4/19 at 100.00           A           2,070,966   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2006F:


5.000%, 5/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           676,440   

5.000%, 5/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           397,581   

5.000%, 5/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A           11,432,186   

5.000%, 5/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A           783,592   

4.000%, 5/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A           27,154   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 11/15/16 (Pre-refunded 11/15/15) – AMBAC Insured

         11/15 at 100.00           A (4)           17,063,301   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, American Airlines-JFK International Airport Special Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 7.750%, 8/01/31 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/16 at 101.00           N/R           2,269,240   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Civic Facility Revenue Bonds, Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program, Series 2008A-1, 5.700%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           410,947   

New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, Fiscal Series 2005C, 5.000%, 6/15/30

         6/15 at 100.00           AAA           3,248,640   

New York City Sales Tax Asset Receivable Corporation, New York, Dedicated Revenue Bonds, Local Government Assistance Corporation, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 10/15/21 – NPFG Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           AAA           7,456,260   

New York City Transitional Finance Authority, New York, Future Tax Secured Bonds, Fiscal Series 2007C-1, 5.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           11,659,523   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 1998J, 5.375%, 8/01/13

         7/13 at 100.00           AA           10,045   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2002A, 5.750%, 8/01/15

         7/13 at 100.00           AA           100,471   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2004I, 5.000%, 8/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         8/14 at 100.00           AA           6,114,974   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2005H, 5.000%, 8/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         8/14 at 100.00           Aa2           2,774,239   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2005H, 5.000%, 8/01/17 (Pre-refunded 8/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         8/14 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           2,520,468   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2007C-1, 5.000%, 10/01/18

         10/17 at 100.00           AA           25,034,154   


Nuveen Investments     211   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)


New York State Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed and State Contingency Contract-Backed Bonds, Series 2003A-1:

$ 1,675     

5.250%, 6/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–         $ 1,682,169   

5.250%, 6/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           5,543,515   

New York State Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed and State Contingency Contract-Backed Bonds, Series 2003B-1C:


5.500%, 6/01/18

         5/13 at 100.00           AA–           1,119,917   

5.500%, 6/01/19

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           5,228,579   

5.500%, 6/01/20

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           1,205,412   

5.500%, 6/01/21

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           5,751,221   

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Special Project Bonds, JFK International Air Terminal LLC Project, Eighth Series 2010, 6.000%, 12/01/42

         12/20 at 100.00           BBB–           933,155   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New York, Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, State Contingency Contract Secured, Series 2011B:


5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           9,077,120   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           9,370,459   

5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           10,758,591   

Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York, General Purpose Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013B, 5.000%, 11/15/21

           No Opt. Call           AA–           9,621,600   

Total New York


North Carolina – 1.4%


North Carolina Capital Facilities Financing Agency, Educational Facilities Revenue Bond, Meredith College, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 6/01/20

         6/18 at 100.00           BBB           1,015,857   

North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, The Methodist University, Series 2012:


3.750%, 3/01/23

         3/22 at 100.00           BBB           632,788   

3.750%, 3/01/24

         3/22 at 100.00           BBB           633,241   

North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, Power System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.500%, 1/01/26

         1/19 at 100.00           A–           2,321,560   

North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, Power System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           6,080,050   

5.000%, 1/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A–           26,476,717   

North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, Power System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 1/01/22 – AGC Insured

         1/18 at 100.00           AA–           1,962,735   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Presbyterian Homes, Series 2006B:


4.875%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,054,251   

5.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,188,752   

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Healthcare Facilities Revenue Bonds, Novant Health Obligated Group, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 11/01/17

         11/13 at 100.00           AA–           2,047,080   

North Carolina Municipal Power Agency 1, Catawba Electric Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 1/01/26

         1/19 at 100.00           A           6,782,805   

North Carolina Municipal Power Agency 1, Catawba Electric Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A:


5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           6,338,588   

5.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           519,516   

4.000%, 1/01/20

           No Opt. Call           A           602,742   

Total North Carolina


North Dakota – 0.2%


Fargo, North Dakota, Health System Revenue Bonds, Sanford Health, Refunding Series 2011, 6.250%, 11/01/31

         11/21 at 100.00           A+           3,443,358   


  212       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

North Dakota (continued)


Ward County Health Care, North Dakota, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Obligated Group, Series 2006:

$ 1,180     

5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB–         $ 1,227,047   

5.125%, 7/01/20

           7/16 at 100.00           BBB–           2,572,314   

Total North Dakota


Ohio – 2.9%


Akron, Ohio, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2005, 5.000%, 12/01/15 – AGC Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           AA–           1,079,950   

Barberton City School District, Summit County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, School Improvement Series 2008, 4.750%, 12/01/21

         6/18 at 100.00           AA           1,460,088   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1           403,943   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,079,919   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           39,748   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-2, 5.125%, 6/01/24

         6/17 at 100.00           B–           35,191,853   

Cleveland, Ohio, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009C, 5.000%, 1/01/21 – AGM Insured

         1/19 at 100.00           AA–           3,744,338   

Cleveland, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011:


5.000%, 12/01/22

         12/19 at 100.00           AA           1,980,772   

5.000%, 12/01/23

         12/19 at 100.00           AA           2,051,361   

Columbus, Ohio, Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2456, 17.366%, 12/01/15 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           7,746,203   

Lake County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Lake Hospital System, Inc., Refunding Series 2008C, 5.500%, 8/15/24

         8/18 at 100.00           A3           3,293,340   

Mason City School District, Warren and Butler Counties, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 4.375%, 12/01/19 – AGM Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           Aaa           1,217,410   

Miami County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Upper Valley Medical Center Inc., Series 2006:


5.250%, 5/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,146,985   

5.250%, 5/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           846,653   

Muskingum County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Genesis HealthCare System Obligated Group Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 2/15/27 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         2/23 at 100.00           BB+           5,774,275   

New Albany Community Authority, Ohio, Community Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012C:


4.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A1           867,861   

4.000%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A1           982,856   

4.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,305,929   

5.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,460,942   

5.000%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,175,833   

Ohio Higher Education Facilities Commission, Revenue Bonds, John Carroll University, Series 1997:


4.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,161,536   

4.500%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,056,250   

Ohio State, General Obligation Bonds, Common Schools Series 2007A, 5.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           12,088,412   

Ohio State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Common Schools Series 2011B, 4.000%, 9/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AA+           8,226,094   

Ohio State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Higher Education Series 2012C, 5.000%, 8/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA+           10,342,474   

Ohio State, General Obligation Highway Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2012Q, 5.000%, 5/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AAA           10,103,280   


Nuveen Investments     213   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Ohio (continued)

$ 500     

Richland County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Correctional Facilities Improvement Refunding Series 2008, 5.875%, 12/01/24 – AGC Insured

         12/18 at 100.00           A2         $ 589,740   

Richland County, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Bonds, MidCentral Health System Group, Series 2006:


5.000%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           777,770   

5.000%, 11/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           902,936   

Southeastern Ohio Port Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health System Obligated Group Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/01/22

           No Opt. Call           N/R           1,370,588   

Total Ohio


Oklahoma – 0.8%


Canadian County Educational Facilities Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Mustang Public Schools Project, Series 2012:


4.500%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,653,469   

4.000%, 9/01/23

         9/21 at 100.00           A+           1,542,789   

McClain County Economic Development Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Newcastle Public Schools Project, Series 2006, 4.125%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A–           252,925   

Norman Regional Hospital Authority, Oklahoma, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.500%, 9/01/23

         9/16 at 100.00           BB+           2,657,998   

Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority, State Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2005F, 5.000%, 7/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           AA           10,857,400   

Oklahoma State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 7/15/17 (Pre-refunded 7/15/13) – FGIC Insured

         7/13 at 101.00           AA+ (4)           8,542,584   

Stillwater Medical Center Authority, Oklahoma, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2005:


5.250%, 5/15/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           701,358   

5.250%, 5/15/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           824,460   

5.250%, 5/15/15

         5/14 at 100.00           BBB+           1,093,082   

Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust, Oklahoma, General Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.375%, 6/01/24

           6/15 at 100.00           A3           3,190,410   

Total Oklahoma


Oregon – 0.6%


Beaverton School District 48J, Washington and Multnomah Counties, Oregon, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012B:


4.000%, 6/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AA+           4,795,038   

4.000%, 6/15/22

         No Opt. Call           AA+           6,998,934   

4.000%, 6/15/23

         No Opt. Call           AA+           5,309,802   

Clackamas Community College District, Oregon, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 6/15/20 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,159,723   

Oregon State Department of Transportation, Highway User Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 11/15/22

           5/19 at 100.00           AAA           4,765,000   

Total Oregon


Pennsylvania – 4.0%


Allegheny County Hospital Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center System, Series 2008B, 5.000%, 6/15/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,410,242   

Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series C69-C70 of 2012, 5.000%, 12/01/25

         12/22 at 100.00           A+           1,180,900   

Beaver County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation Project, Series 2006B, 2.500%, 12/01/41 (Mandatory put 6/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           26,642,359   


  214       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)

$ 1,315     

Bethel Park School District, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009, 4.125%, 8/01/20

         8/19 at 100.00           Aa2         $ 1,533,579   

Delaware County Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Refunding Series 2005:


5.000%, 12/15/15 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,362,682   

5.000%, 12/15/17 – RAAI Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB–           1,486,687   

Delaware County Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Neumann College, Series 2008:


5.250%, 10/01/20

         10/18 at 100.00           BBB           602,838   

5.375%, 10/01/21

         10/18 at 100.00           BBB           634,122   

Delaware County Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Neumann University, Series 2010:


5.000%, 10/01/21

         10/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,128,050   

5.000%, 10/01/25

         10/20 at 100.00           BBB           1,149,771   

Delaware County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Resource Recovery Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997A, 6.100%, 7/01/13

         6/13 at 100.00           Ba1           2,274,241   

Luzerne County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Guaranteed Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 7.750%, 12/15/27

         12/19 at 100.00           N/R           3,310,785   

Monroe County Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Pocono Medical Center, Series 2007, 5.000%, 1/01/27

         1/17 at 100.00           A           1,369,524   

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Whitemarsh Continuing Care, Series 2005, 6.125%, 2/01/28

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,018,980   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Health System Revenue Bonds , Albert Einstein Healthcare, Series 2009A, 6.250%, 10/15/23

         10/19 at 100.00           BBB+           1,440,320   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Unemployment Compensation Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 7/01/20

         7/19 at 100.00           Aaa           30,071,199   

5.000%, 1/01/21

         1/19 at 100.00           Aaa           2,605,241   

5.000%, 7/01/21

         1/18 at 100.00           Aaa           11,315,544   

5.000%, 1/01/22

         7/17 at 100.00           Aaa           7,915,880   

5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/16 at 100.00           Aaa           7,557,577   

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2009E, 0.000%, 12/01/38

         12/27 at 100.00           A–           15,414,726   

Philadelphia Gas Works, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Ninth Series, 2010, 5.000%, 8/01/30

         8/20 at 100.00           BBB+           3,260,850   

Philadelphia School District, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 8/01/19 – AMBAC Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA           10,902,400   

Philadelphia School District, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           4,813,144   

Sayre Healthcare Facility Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Guthrie Healthcare System, Series 2007, 0.972%, 12/01/24

         12/17 at 100.00           AA–           10,338,049   

Southcentral Pennsylvania General Authority, Revenue Bonds, Hanover Hospital Inc., Series 2013:


5.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           831,207   

5.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,255,335   

5.000%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,841,808   

5.000%, 12/01/23

         6/23 at 100.00           BBB–           1,923,411   

5.000%, 12/01/24

         6/23 at 100.00           BBB–           2,009,000   

Southcentral Pennsylvania General Authority, Revenue Bonds, Hanover Hospital Inc., Series 2013, 5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,592,304   

Trinity Area School District, Washington County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012, 4.000%, 11/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,359,812   


Nuveen Investments     215   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)


Westmoreland County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Retirement Community Revenue Bonds, Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare Obligated Group, Series 2005A:

$ 1,100     

5.375%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 1,118,634   

5.500%, 1/01/16

           No Opt. Call           N/R           1,267,812   

Total Pennsylvania


Puerto Rico – 1.0%


Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewerage Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2012A, 4.250%, 7/01/25

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           219,514   

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2007TT, 5.000%, 7/01/24 – NPFG Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           BBB+           3,039,210   

Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority, Guaranteed Government Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2003H, 5.250%, 7/01/14 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           11,713,023   

Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority, Guaranteed Government Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2007M, 5.500%, 7/01/35
(Mandatory put 7/01/17) – AMBAC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           BBB–           1,077,697   

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, First Subordinate Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/32

         8/26 at 100.00           A+           11,641,410   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation and Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2002A, 5.500%, 7/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           10,656,500   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation Bonds, Public Improvement Refunding Series 2008A, 5.000%, 7/01/20

           7/18 at 100.00           BBB–           4,123,680   

Total Puerto Rico


Rhode Island – 0.1%


Rhode Island Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2002A:


6.000%, 6/01/23

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa1           3,095,998   

6.125%, 6/01/32

           7/13 at 100.00           BBB+           318,119   

Total Rhode Island


South Carolina – 1.2%


Charleston Educational Excellence Financing Corporation, South Carolina, Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds, Charleston County School District, South Carolina Project, Series 2004, 5.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,111,862   

Columbia, South Carolina, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 2/01/24

         2/22 at 100.00           Aa1           2,485,100   

5.000%, 2/01/25

         2/22 at 100.00           Aa1           1,500,987   

Greenville County School District, South Carolina, Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 12/01/24

         12/16 at 100.00           AA           5,929,872   

Lexington County Health Service District, South Carolina, Hospital Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2003, 5.500%, 11/01/23 (Pre-refunded 11/01/13)

         11/13 at 100.00           AA– (4)           2,053,460   

Newberry Investing in Children’s Education, South Carolina, Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds, Newberry County School District Project, Series 2005:


5.250%, 12/01/23

         12/15 at 100.00           A2           1,636,200   

5.250%, 12/01/24

         12/15 at 100.00           A2           2,181,600   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Bon Secours Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012:


5.000%, 11/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,258,147   

5.000%, 11/01/27

         No Opt. Call           A–           8,637,375   

5.000%, 11/01/28

         No Opt. Call           A–           7,946,296   

5.000%, 11/01/29

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,387,815   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health Alliance, Series 2003A, 6.000%, 8/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           238,370   


  216       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

South Carolina (continued)

$ 2,000     

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health Alliance, Series 2003C, 6.000%, 8/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+         $ 2,028,680   

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health, Refunding & Improvement Series 2009, 5.000%, 8/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,167,050   

South Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.250%, 10/01/16 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           7,821,293   

Spartanburg Regional Health Services District, Inc., South Carolina, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 4/15/32

           4/22 at 100.00           A1           1,693,386   

Total South Carolina


South Dakota – 0.3%


Deadwood, South Dakota, Certificates of Participation, Crossover Refunding Series 2005, 5.000%, 11/01/18 – ACA Insured

         11/15 at 100.00           A           2,582,025   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Huron Regional Medical Center, Series 2005:


5.000%, 4/01/17

         7/13 at 100.00           A–           762,637   

5.000%, 4/01/18

         7/13 at 100.00           A–           802,704   

5.000%, 4/01/19

         7/13 at 100.00           A–           842,696   

5.000%, 4/01/20

         7/13 at 100.00           A–           822,485   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sanford Health, Series 2007, 5.000%, 11/01/19

         5/17 at 100.00           A+           1,125,100   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sanford Health, Series 2009, 5.000%, 11/01/24

         11/19 at 100.00           A+           1,130,170   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Vocational Education Program, Series 2008, 5.125%, 8/01/28 – AGC Insured

         8/18 at 100.00           AA           1,696,815   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westhills Village Retirement Community Project, Series 2006:


4.550%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           311,667   

5.000%, 9/01/25

           9/14 at 100.00           A           1,797,824   

Total South Dakota


Tennessee – 2.0%


Chattanooga Health, Educational and Housing Facility Board, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2008D, 6.125%, 10/01/28

         10/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,706,245   

Claiborne County, Tennessee, Industrial Development Board, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Lincoln Memorial University Project, Series 2009, 6.125%, 10/01/29

         10/19 at 100.00           N/R           3,871,463   

Jackson, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Jackson-Madison County General Hospital Project, Series 2008, 5.250%, 4/01/23

         4/18 at 100.00           A+           4,145,816   

Johnson City Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Mountain States Health Alliance, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           771,635   

5.000%, 7/01/18

         7/16 at 100.00           BBB+           824,948   

Knox County Health Educational and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, University Health System, Inc., Series 2007, 5.250%, 4/01/27

         4/17 at 100.00           BBB+           5,315,850   

Knox County Health, Educational and Housing Facility Board, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Covenant Health, Series 2012A:


4.000%, 1/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A           1,546,062   

5.000%, 1/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A           3,776,345   

4.000%, 1/01/23

         No Opt. Call           A           1,428,414   

5.000%, 1/01/24

         No Opt. Call           A           2,065,158   


Nuveen Investments     217   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Tennessee (continued)


Memphis and Shelby County Port Commission, Tennessee, Port Development Revenue Bonds, Series 2011:

$ 1,480     

5.250%, 4/01/23

         4/21 at 100.00           AA–         $ 1,799,828   

5.250%, 4/01/24

         4/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,881,703   

5.250%, 4/01/25

         4/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,484,106   

Memphis, Tennessee, General Improvement Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 10/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,151,820   

Memphis, Tennessee, Subordinate Lien Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 12/01/15 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13) – NPFG Insured

         12/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           10,276,100   

Memphis, Tennessee, Subordinate Lien Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 12/01/13 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           12,502,755   

Memphis-Shelby County Sports Authority, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Memphis Arena, Refunding Series 2007C, 5.000%, 11/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,640,900   

Memphis-Shelby County Sports Authority, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Memphis Arena, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.125%, 11/01/24

         11/19 at 100.00           AA–           5,095,209   

Memphis-Shelby County Sports Authority, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Memphis Arena, Refunding Series 2009B:


5.500%, 11/01/20

         11/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,231,480   

5.250%, 11/01/25

         11/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,129,384   

Sullivan County Health Educational and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Wellmont Health System, Series 2006C, 5.000%, 9/01/19

         9/16 at 100.00           BBB+           1,553,762   

Sullivan County Health, Educational and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Wellmont Health System, Series 2003, 5.000%, 9/01/16 – RAAI Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           BBB+           2,028,140   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 9/01/20

           No Opt. Call           A           13,924,228   

Total Tennessee


Texas – 8.2%


Alvin Independent School District, Brazoria County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 4.125%, 2/15/19

         2/16 at 100.00           AAA           1,200,620   

Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation, Texas, FNMA Guaranteed Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Villas Sonterra Apartments Project, Series 2007A, 4.700%, 10/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           6,292,200   

Brownsville, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2005, 5.000%, 2/15/17 – NPFG Insured

         2/15 at 100.00           AA–           2,279,828   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Refunding Series 2013A, 5.000%, 1/01/33 (WI/DD, Settling 5/16/13)

         1/23 at 100.00           BBB–           3,317,040   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2011, 6.250%, 1/01/46

         1/21 at 100.00           Baa2           4,002,799   

Conroe Independent School District, Montgomery County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, School Building and Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 2/15/26

         2/21 at 100.00           AAA           9,852,400   

Corinth, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007, 4.500%, 2/15/19 – NPFG Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           Aa2           1,316,750   

Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2005A, 5.150%, 2/15/22 – AMBAC Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           A3           6,390,056   

Dallas, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding & Improvements Series 2007, 4.500%, 2/15/27 – NPFG Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           AA+           5,528,400   

Dallas, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 5.000%, 10/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           11,134,223   

El Paso County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 5.000%, 2/15/18 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,901,502   


  218       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 650     

El Paso, Texas, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A, 4.000%, 3/01/18 – AGM Insured

         3/15 at 100.00           AA+         $ 688,103   

Elgin Independent School District, Bastrop County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Series 2007, 4.375%, 8/01/19

         8/17 at 100.00           AAA           1,272,062   

Fort Bend Independent School District, Fort Bend County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Series 2009, 4.550%, 2/15/25

         8/19 at 100.00           AA+           2,271,920   

Frisco, Collins and Denton Counties, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007, 4.500%, 2/15/16 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           2,268,928   

Giddings Independent School District, Fayette, Lee, and Washington Counties, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Series 2007A, 4.250%, 2/15/19

         2/17 at 100.00           Aaa           979,676   

Grand Prairie Independent School District, Dallas County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A, 4.500%, 2/15/18

         2/17 at 100.00           AAA           722,986   

Gregg County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Good Shepherd Medical Center, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,250,184   

Hale Center Education Facilities Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Wayland Baptist University Project, Improvement and Refunding Series 2010:


4.000%, 3/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A–           950,469   

4.000%, 3/01/22

         3/21 at 100.00           A–           537,040   

4.000%, 3/01/23

         3/21 at 100.00           A–           850,024   

4.250%, 3/01/25

         3/21 at 100.00           A–           472,996   

Harris County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,028,810   

Harris County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Series 2008B, 7.125%, 12/01/31 (Pre-refunded 12/01/18)

         12/18 at 100.00           A+ (4)           2,591,765   

Harris County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Series 1991A, 6.750%, 2/15/21 (ETM)

         7/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           8,327,573   

Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority, Texas, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A:


5.000%, 11/01/22

         11/19 at 100.00           AA           6,274,611   

5.000%, 11/01/23

         11/19 at 100.00           AA           6,569,377   

5.000%, 11/01/24

         11/19 at 100.00           AA           6,889,182   

Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority, Texas, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 1014, 13.633%, 11/01/41 (IF)

         11/21 at 100.00           AA           3,283,519   

Harrison County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Good Shepherd Health System, Refunding Series 2010:


5.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,636,900   

5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,779,316   

Houston Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Buckingham Senior Living Community Inc., Series 2004A, 7.000%, 2/15/23 (Pre-refunded 2/15/14)

         2/14 at 101.00           AA+ (4)           2,125,900   

Houston, Texas, First Lien Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012D, 5.000%, 11/15/24

         11/22 at 100.00           AA           2,689,015   

Houston, Texas, Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Revenue Bonds, Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department, Refunding Series 2011B:


5.250%, 9/01/24

         9/16 at 100.00           A2           7,155,539   

5.250%, 9/01/25

         9/16 at 100.00           A2           7,724,450   

5.250%, 9/01/26

         9/16 at 100.00           A2           4,763,284   


Nuveen Investments     219   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)


Houston, Texas, Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Revenue Bonds, Convention and Entertainment Project, Series 2001B:

$ 8,000     

0.000%, 9/01/22 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2         $ 5,688,960   

0.000%, 9/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,562,339   

Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Airport System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011B:


5.000%, 7/01/25

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           2,254,369   

5.000%, 7/01/26

         7/21 at 100.00           A+           2,381,380   

Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Airport System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 7/01/31

         7/22 at 100.00           A+           20,993,195   

5.000%, 7/01/32

         7/22 at 100.00           A+           5,742,250   

Howard County Junior College District, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 4.250%, 2/15/18 – AMBAC Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           AA–           797,425   

Kerrville Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital Project, Series 2005, 5.000%, 8/15/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,655,770   

Laredo, Texas, International Toll Bridge Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 10/01/18 – AGM Insured

         10/15 at 100.00           AA–           6,721,502   

League City, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2008:


4.000%, 2/15/18 – AGM Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           AA           1,390,404   

4.375%, 2/15/23 – AGM Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           AA           1,463,740   

Love Field Airport Modernization Corporation, Texas, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southwest Airlines Company, Series 2010, 5.250%, 11/01/40

         11/20 at 100.00           BBB–           2,184,220   

Lubbock Educational Facilities Authority, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Lubbock Christian University, Refunding & Improvement Series 2007, 5.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,116,260   

Mansfield Independent School District, Tarrant County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 2/15/22

         2/16 at 100.00           AAA           863,062   

North Central Texas Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Medical Center Dallas Project, Series 2012:


5.000%, 8/15/24

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           5,266,113   

5.000%, 8/15/25

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           5,644,605   

5.000%, 8/15/26

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           4,644,024   

5.000%, 8/15/27

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           8,254,656   

North Harris County Regional Water Authority, Texas, Senior Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.250%, 12/15/17 (Pre-refunded 12/15/13) – FGIC Insured

         12/13 at 100.00           A+ (4)           3,572,380   

North Texas Tollway Authority, First Tier System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.000%, 1/01/24

         1/18 at 100.00           A2           2,940,550   

North Texas Tollway Authority, First Tier System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Series 2008-E3, 5.750%, 1/01/38 (Mandatory put 1/01/16)

         No Opt. Call           A2           3,450,099   

North Texas Tollway Authority, Special Projects System Revenue Bonds, Current Interest Series 2011D:


5.250%, 9/01/25

         9/21 at 100.00           AA           10,513,966   

5.250%, 9/01/26

         9/21 at 100.00           AA           6,084,000   

North Texas Tollway Authority, Special Projects System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A:


0.000%, 9/01/43

         9/31 at 100.00           AA           1,835,518   

0.000%, 9/01/45

         9/31 at 100.00           AA           7,713,572   

Northwest Independent School District, Denton County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2006, 4.500%, 2/15/26

         2/16 at 100.00           Aaa           1,086,980   

Plano Independent School District, Collin County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 2/15/25

         2/18 at 100.00           Aaa           1,176,560   


  220       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 875     

San Angelo, Texas, Certificates of Obligation Bonds, Tom Green County Series 2007A, 4.400%, 2/15/19 – NPFG Insured

         2/17 at 100.00           AA+         $ 981,689   

San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas System Revenue Refunding Bonds, New Series 1992, 5.000%, 2/01/17 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           3,704,980   

San Antonio, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006:


4.125%, 2/01/19

         2/16 at 100.00           AAA           1,089,410   

4.250%, 2/01/20

         2/16 at 100.00           AAA           1,239,932   

San Leanna Education Facilities Corporation, Texas, Higher Education Revenue Bonds, Saint Edward’s University Project, Series 2007, 5.000%, 6/01/19

         6/17 at 100.00           BBB+           635,801   

Sunnyvale School District, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Series 2007, 4.400%, 2/15/20

         2/17 at 100.00           AAA           972,721   

Tarrant County Cultural and Educational Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, Northwest Senior Housing-Edgemere Project, Series 2006A, 5.750%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,298,578   

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Baylor Health Care System, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 11/15/30

         11/21 at 100.00           AA–           5,529,691   

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Texas Health Resources, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 2/15/19

         2/17 at 100.00           AA–           5,715,558   

Teague Independent School District, Freestone County, Texas, Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, School Building Series 2008, 5.000%, 2/15/19

         2/18 at 100.00           AAA           2,619,734   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation III, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A3           5,709,200   

Texas State Transportation Commission, Highway Fund Revenue Bonds, First Tier Series 2007, 5.000%, 4/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,337,440   

Texas State Transportation Commission, Highway Fund Revenue Bonds, First Tier Tender Option Bond Trust 3216, 17.784%, 10/01/14 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,476,600   

Texas State, General Obligation Bonds, Transportation Commission Mobility Fund, Series 2008, Trust 2568, 17.571%, 10/01/15 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           7,639,306   

Texas State, General Obligation Bonds, Water Financial Assistance, Refunding Series 2007A, 5.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,775,670   

Travis County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds, Querencia Barton Creek, Series 2005:


5.250%, 11/15/17

         11/15 at 100.00           N/R           1,057,040   

5.500%, 11/15/25

         11/15 at 100.00           N/R           937,161   

Tyler Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mother Frances Hospital Regional Healthcare Center, Series 2007:


5.250%, 7/01/26

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa1           5,406,050   

5.250%, 7/01/28

         7/17 at 100.00           Baa1           12,185,468   

Val Verde County, Texas, Pass-Through Toll Revenue and Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2011:


3.500%, 8/15/18

         No Opt. Call           A           2,874,154   

4.000%, 8/15/19

         No Opt. Call           A           3,214,157   

4.000%, 8/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A           3,344,208   

4.000%, 8/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A           3,479,066   

Victoria Independent School District, Victoria County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 2/15/18

         2/17 at 100.00           AAA           581,175   

Victoria, Texas, Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2007, 4.400%, 12/01/19 – AMBAC Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           AA–           1,129,350   

Williamson County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 2/15/26

           2/22 at 100.00           AAA           10,822,048   

Total Texas



Nuveen Investments     221   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Utah – 0.6%

$ 6,330     

Riverton, Utah, Hospital Revenue Bonds, IHC Health Services, Inc., Series 2009, 5.000%, 8/15/41

         8/19 at 100.00           AA+         $ 7,127,580   

Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, Revenue Bonds, Horse Butte Wind Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 9/01/23

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           4,059,737   

5.000%, 9/01/25

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           2,397,080   

5.000%, 9/01/26

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           2,670,705   

Utah, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009, Trust 2987:


17.510%, 7/01/21 (IF)

         7/18 at 100.00           AAA           2,362,500   

17.510%, 7/01/22 (IF)

           7/18 at 100.00           AAA           4,725,000   

Total Utah


Virgin Islands – 0.2%


Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Loan Notes Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010A, 5.000%, 10/01/29

         10/20 at 100.00           BBB+           1,757,102   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Loan Notes Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, 5.000%, 10/01/25

           10/19 at 100.00           BBB+           6,731,160   

Total Virgin Islands


Virginia – 0.1%


Chesapeake Hospital Authority, Virginia, Revenue Bonds, Chesapeake General Hospital, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,389,955   

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Elizabeth River Crossing, Opco LLC Project, Series 2012, 5.500%, 1/01/42 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/22 at 100.00           BBB–           1,375,492   

Total Virginia


Washington – 2.1%


Central Valley School District 356 Spokane County, Washington, Unlimited Tax Deferred Interest General Obligation Bonds, Series 1998B, 0.000%, 12/01/14 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           5,646,756   

Clark County Public Utility District 1, Washington, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 1/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           A           5,578,640   

Clark County School District 37, Vancouver, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1998, 5.250%, 12/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,632,397   

Douglas County Public Utility District 1, Washington, Revenue Bonds, Wells Hydroelectric, Series 1963, 4.000%, 9/01/18 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA (4)           2,983,694   

Grant County Public Utility District 2, Washington, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011-I, 5.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,958,923   

King County School District 401, Highline, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.250%, 12/01/25 (Pre-refunded 12/01/16) – AGM Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           613,142   

King County School District 412 Shoreline, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008, 5.750%, 12/01/21

         12/18 at 100.00           AA+           328,740   

King County, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Harborview Medical Center, Series 2004, 5.000%, 12/01/14 – AMBAC Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           AAA           5,316,091   

Skagit County Public Hospital District 1, Washington, Revenue Bonds, Skagit Valley Hospital, Series 2005, 5.375%, 12/01/22

         12/15 at 100.00           Baa2           1,266,721   

Spokane County School District 81, Spokane, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 6/01/16
(Pre-refunded 6/01/15) – NPFG Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           1,097,110   

Tacoma, Washington, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 1/01/16 – FGIC Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           AA           9,411,216   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Series 2011A, 5.375%, 1/01/31

         1/21 at 100.00           A           6,659,100   


  222       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Washington (continued)


Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Central Washington Health Services Association, Series 2009:

$ 3,125     

6.250%, 7/01/24

         7/19 at 100.00           Baa3         $ 3,586,781   

6.750%, 7/01/29

         7/19 at 100.00           Baa3           2,316,280   

Washington State Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Whitworth University, Series 2009, 5.125%, 10/01/24

         10/19 at 100.00           Baa1           3,633,858   

Washington State Tobacco Settlement Authority, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2002, 6.500%, 6/01/26

         6/13 at 100.00           A3           4,885,704   

Washington State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1992B, 6.400%, 6/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           13,711,440   

Washington State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 1/01/25 – AMBAC Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           AA+           3,213,066   

Washington State, General Obligation Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Bonds, Series 2008, Trust 2599, 17.780%, 1/01/16 (IF)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           5,152,914   

Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2000S-5, 0.000%, 1/01/16 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,957,927   

Washington, Various Purpose General Obligation Bonds, Series 1998C, 5.500%, 7/01/14

           No Opt. Call           AA+           2,415,345   

Total Washington


Wisconsin – 2.3%


Franklin, Wisconsin, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management of Wisconsin, Inc. Project, Series 2006A, 4.950%, 11/01/16 (Mandatory put 5/01/16) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,216,800   

University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A:


5.000%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           405,417   

5.000%, 4/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           968,549   

5.000%, 4/01/22

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           562,129   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Aurora Health Care, Inc., Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/15/25

         7/21 at 100.00           A           1,167,747   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Beloit College, Series 2010A, 6.000%, 6/01/30

         6/15 at 100.00           Baa2           2,389,064   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Inc., Series 2008B:


4.350%, 8/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,645,154   

5.500%, 8/15/29

         2/20 at 100.00           AA–           10,001,105   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Divine Savior Healthcare, Series 2006, 5.000%, 5/01/23

         5/16 at 100.00           BBB           2,095,580   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, EastCastle Place Inc., Series, 5.750%, 12/01/19

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,448,320   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Fort Healthcare Inc., Series 2004, 5.375%, 5/01/18

         5/14 at 100.00           BBB+           1,301,713   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity HealthCare Ministry, Series 2007:


5.000%, 9/01/20

         9/17 at 100.00           BBB+           2,484,573   

5.000%, 9/01/22

         9/17 at 100.00           BBB+           2,676,142   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Mercy Alliance, Inc., Series 2010A, 5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A2           4,477,796   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Meriter Hospital Inc., Series 1992A, 6.000%, 12/01/22 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           6,627,456   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Southwest Health Center Inc., Series 2004A, 6.125%, 4/01/24 (Pre-refunded 4/01/14)

         4/14 at 100.00           N/R (4)           1,576,365   


Nuveen Investments     223   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)             Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Wisconsin (continued)

$ 340     

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Vernon Memorial Healthcare Inc., Series 2005, 4.650%, 3/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 361,865   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare System, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 8/15/19

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           2,764,796   

5.250%, 8/15/20

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           13,430,725   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Services Inc., Series 2006B, 5.125%, 8/15/21

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           11,222,735   

Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, Insured Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1977A, 5.800%, 6/01/17 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           1,206,381   

Wisconsin State, General Fund Annual Appropriation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 6.000%, 5/01/27

         5/19 at 100.00           AA–           11,115,720   

Wisconsin State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005I, 5.000%, 5/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           AA           11,114,754   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., Series 2004A, 5.000%, 12/01/15 – NPFG Insured

               12/14 at 100.00           A+           1,540,451   

Total Wisconsin


Wyoming – 0.1%


Lincoln County, Wyoming, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, PacifiCorp Project, Series 1995, 0.000%, 11/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

               No Opt. Call           A2           2,257,380   
$ 3,729,366     

Total Municipal Bonds (cost $3,836,699,425)

Amount (000)
    Description (1)   Coupon        Maturity        Ratings (3)        Value  



Transportation – 0.0%

$ 194     

Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (8), (9)

    5.500%           7/15/19           N/R         $ 48,514   

Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (8), (9)

    3.000%           7/15/55           N/R           11,357   
$ 251     

Total Corporate Bonds (cost $4,771)


Total Investments (cost $3,836,704,196) – 98.2%



Other Assets Less Liabilities – 1.8%


Net Assets – 100%

                                   $ 4,192,778,725   


  224       Nuveen Investments


  (1)   All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets.


  (2)   Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns.


  (3)   Ratings (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Using the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. Ratings below BBB by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national rating agencies.


  (4)   Backed by an escrow or trust containing sufficient U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency securities, which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities.


  (5)   At or subsequent to the end of the reporting period, this security is non-income producing. Non-income producing security, in the case of a fixed-income security, generally denotes that the issuer has (1) defaulted on the payment of principal or interest, (2) is under the protection of the Federal Bankruptcy Court or (3) the Fund’s Adviser has concluded that the issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (6)   During July 2010, the original issue for this security (1,000,000 par, 5.400% coupon and May, 15, 2014 maturity) was restructured into two new securities. The first security, which is 30% of the original issue, has 300,000 par, 0.000% coupon and May 15, 2050 maturity. The second security, which is the remaining 70% of the issue, has a 700,000 par, 5.400% coupon and May 15, 2017 maturity. During September 2011, the Adviser concluded this issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (7)   During July 2010, the original issue for this security (1,000,000 par, 5.500% coupon and May, 15, 2015 maturity) was restructured into two new securities. The first security, which is 30% of the original issue, has 300,000 par, 0.000% coupon and May 15, 2050 maturity. The second security, which is the remaining 70% of the issue, has a 700,000 par, 5.500% coupon and May 15, 2018 maturity. During September 2011, the Adviser concluded this issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (8)   Investment valued at fair value using methods determined in good faith by, or at the discretion of, the Board of Trustees. For fair value measurement disclosure purposes, investment classified as Level 3. See Notes to Financial Statements, Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Investment Valuation for more information.


  (9)   During January 2010, Las Vegas Monorail Company (“Las Vegas Monorail”) filed for federal bankruptcy protection. During March 2012, Las Vegas Monorail emerged from federal bankruptcy with the acceptance of a reorganization plan assigned by the Federal Bankruptcy Court. Under the reorganization plan, the Fund surrendered its Las Vegas Monorail Project Revenue Bonds, First Tier, Series 2000 and in turn received two senior interest corporate bonds: the first with an interest rate of 5.500% maturing on July 15, 2019 and the second with an interest rate of 3.000% (5.500% after December 31, 2015) maturing on July 15, 2055. The custodian is not accruing income on the Fund’s records for either senior interest corporate bond.


  N/R   Not rated.


  WI/DD   Investment, or portion of investment, purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis.


  (ETM)   Escrowed to maturity.


  (IF)   Inverse floating rate investment.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     225   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  



National – 0.1%

$ 5,074     

BB&T Various States Municipal Trust Pool, Class B Certificates, Series 2011, 0.340%, 9/01/14

           No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 5,073,705   

Alabama – 0.4%


Health Care Authority for Baptist Health, Alabama, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health, Series 2006D:


5.000%, 11/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,017,210   

5.000%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,044,920   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Education Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 1/01/15

         1/14 at 100.00           B           1,075,860   

Mobile Industrial Development Board, Alabama, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Alabama Power Company Barry Plan, Series 2007A, 1.650%, 6/01/34 (Mandatory put 3/20/17)

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,148,950   

Pell City, Alabama, Special Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Noland Health Services, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 12/01/13 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           585,738   

The Special Care Facilities Financing Authority of the City of Birmingham, Alabama, Medical Center East Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 1986 Refunding, 7.250%, 7/01/15 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

           No Opt. Call           A (4)           5,279,146   

Total Alabama


Alaska – 0.5%


Alaska State, Sport Fishing Revenue Bonds, Series 2011:


5.000%, 4/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A1           3,115,982   

5.000%, 4/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,607,751   

Anchorage, Alaska, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003B, 5.000%, 9/01/19 (Pre-refunded 9/01/13) – FGIC Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           7,869,230   

Northern Tobacco Securitization Corporation, Alaska, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006A, 4.625%, 6/01/23

           6/14 at 100.00           Ba1           7,558,991   

Total Alaska


Arizona – 4.0%


Arizona Board of Regents, Arizona State University System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Bonds, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,108,580   

Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona, System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1992A, 6.200%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           427,476   

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Refunding Series 2012A:


2.000%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           558,822   

3.000%, 2/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,046,820   

4.000%, 2/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,036,726   

5.000%, 2/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,305,480   

Arizona School Facilities Board, Certificates of Participation, Series 2008, 5.500%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,426,618   

Arizona State University, System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 7/01/27 – AMBAC Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           Aa3           969,724   

Arizona State, Certificates of Participation, Department of Administration Series 2010B:


5.000%, 10/01/16 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           13,570,062   

5.000%, 10/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           881,448   

Arizona State, Certificates of Participation, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 9/01/21 – AGM Insured

         3/18 at 100.00           AA–           8,809,230   

Arizona State, Certificates of Participation, Series 2010A:


5.000%, 10/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,337,179   

5.000%, 10/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           13,842,213   

5.000%, 10/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,563,100   


  226       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Arizona (continued)


Arizona State, State Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A:

$ 4,105     

5.000%, 7/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA         $ 4,498,875   

5.000%, 7/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,137,930   

5.000%, 7/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,711,332   

5.000%, 7/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           6,061,554   

City of Mesa, Arizona, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012:


2.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,038,840   

3.000%, 7/01/17 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,010,505   

4.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,662,605   

4.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,601,804   

4.000%, 7/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,400,589   

Greater Arizona Development Authority, Infrastructure Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 8/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         8/16 at 100.00           A1           2,488,387   

Maricopa County, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Sun Health Corporation, Series 2005, 5.000%, 4/01/15 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           3,258,780   

Mesa, Arizona, Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/27

         7/17 at 100.00           AA+           4,014,198   

Mesa, Arizona, Street and Highway User Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012:


5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,289,387   

5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,509,526   

5.000%, 7/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA           4,962,701   

Mesa, Arizona, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           6,610,202   

5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           7,582,355   

Phoenix Civic Improvement Corporation, Arizona, Junior Lien Water System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 4.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           3,306,728   

Pima County, Arizona, Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2011B, 4.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,635,530   

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, Arizona, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, 4.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           22,492,176   

Salt Verde Financial Corporation, Arizona, Senior Gas Revenue Bonds, Citigroup Energy Inc Prepay Contract Obligations, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           840,096   

Surprise Municipal Property Corporation, Arizona, Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 4.500%, 4/01/17

         10/13 at 100.00           A–           302,592   

Vistancia Community Facilities District, Peoria, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 7/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,267,973   

Yuma County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Exempt Revenue Bonds, Far West Water & Sewer Inc. Refunding, Series 2007A, 6.500%, 12/01/17 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           N/R           1,766,265   

Total Arizona


Arkansas – 0.1%


Jefferson County, Arkansas, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Project, Series 2013, 1.550%, 10/01/17

           No Opt. Call           A–           3,041,490   

California – 5.0%


Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013A:


5.000%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           1,262,851   

5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           2,144,399   

5.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A           2,832,174   

California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2010L:


5.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           4,087,440   

5.000%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,998,396   


Nuveen Investments     227   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 3,805     

California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2010M, 4.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA         $ 4,209,243   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Healthcare West, Series 2009F, 5.000%, 7/01/27 (Mandatory put 7/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A           3,172,443   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Series 2005, 5.000%, 11/15/13

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,025,890   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital, Series 2008A, 1.450%, 8/15/33 (Mandatory put 3/15/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,910,756   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital, Series 2012C, 1.450%, 8/15/23 (Mandatory put 3/15/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,445,768   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Various Capital Projects, Series 2009-I:


5.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           5,086,153   

5.000%, 11/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           4,328,011   

California State, Economic Recovery Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A:


5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,887,835   

5.250%, 7/01/21

         7/19 at 100.00           Aa3           116,388   

California State, Economic Recovery Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009B, 5.000%, 7/01/23 (Mandatory put 7/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           4,411,660   

California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2009, 5.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A1           5,736,600   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kaiser Permanente, Series 2009A:


5.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,216,550   

5.000%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,658,876   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kaiser Permanente, Series 2009E-1, 5.000%, 4/01/44 (Mandatory put 5/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,269,305   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, State of California Proposition 1A Receivables Program, Series 2009, 5.000%, 6/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A1           10,588,676   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Daughters of Charity Health System, Series 2005G, 5.250%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,008,570   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kaiser Permanente System, Series 2002C, 5.000%, 11/01/29 (Mandatory put 5/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A+            1,291,307   

Chula Vista, California, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Refunding Series 2006A, 1.650%, 7/01/18

         9/15 at 100.00           Aa3           9,566,813   

Del Mar Race Track Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,009,070   

Delano, California, Certificates of Participation, Delano Regional Medical Center, Series 2012:


4.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,469,227   

5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,610,826   

5.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,709,715   

5.000%, 1/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,825,557   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2003A-1:


6.250%, 6/01/33 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 100.00           Aaa           16,572,073   

6.750%, 6/01/39 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 100.00           Aaa           7,471,534   

6.625%, 6/01/40 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 100.00           Aaa           1,121,110   


  228       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)


Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1:

$ 3,170     

5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1         $ 3,414,661   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,956,258   

4.500%, 6/01/27

         6/17 at 100.00           B           10,496,380   

5.000%, 6/01/33

         6/17 at 100.00           B           599,612   

Inland Valley Development Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2011C, 4.500%, 3/01/41 (Mandatory put 3/01/16)

         No Opt. Call           A           12,818,400   

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, California, Measure R Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010B, 5.000%, 6/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,251,135   

Los Angeles Harbors Department, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 1988, 7.600%, 10/01/18 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           1,150,483   

Moulton Niguel Water District, California, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2003:


5.000%, 9/01/19 – AMBAC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           AAA           2,058,070   

5.000%, 9/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           AAA           2,493,083   

Mount San Antonio Community College District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Bond Anticipation Notes Series 2010, 0.000%, 5/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           6,082,322   

Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2010, 5.250%, 11/01/21

         11/20 at 100.00           Baa3           6,997,500   

Sacramento, California, Special Tax Bonds, North Natomas Community Facilities District 4, Series 2003C, 5.750%, 9/01/22

         9/13 at 101.00           N/R           1,744,292   

San Bernardino, California, GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Program Single Family Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1990A, 7.500%, 5/01/23 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           223,383   

San Diego County, California, Certificates of Participation, Burnham Institute, Series 2006:


5.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,482,437   

5.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,605,705   

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, California, Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,394,128   

San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Senior Lien Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 1993, 0.000%, 1/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           749,025   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2004A, 4.250%, 8/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         8/14 at 100.00           BBB           5,037,100   

Santa Ana Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Police Administration and Housing Facility, Series 1994A, 6.250%, 7/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,181,652   

Sierra View Local Health Care District, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010:


3.500%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           520,175   

3.800%, 7/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A           529,240   

William S. Hart Union High School District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, 2008 Election, Series 2013C, 2.000%, 8/01/14

           No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,447,036   

Total California


Colorado – 2.2%


Broomfield, Colorado, Sewer Activity Enterprise, Sewer and Wastewater Reclamation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 4.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           3,128,345   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, Series 2006:


5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,045,970   

5.250%, 6/01/17

         6/16 at 100.00           A–           2,593,621   


Nuveen Investments     229   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 1,120     

Colorado State Board of Community Colleges and Occupational Education, Systemwide Revenue Bonds, Series 2010C, 4.000%, 11/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa3         $ 1,175,070   

Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority, Clean Water Revolving Fund Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A:


5.000%, 9/01/23 (Pre-refunded 9/01/14)

         9/14 at 100.00           Aaa           85,041   

5.000%, 9/01/23 (Pre-refunded 9/01/14)

         9/14 at 100.00           AAA           4,081,958   

Denver School District 1, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012B:


4.000%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA+           8,132,530   

4.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA+           5,285,655   

4.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA+           8,429,938   

Denver Urban Renewal Authority, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Stapleton Senior Refunding Series 2013A-1:


5.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           3,093,485   

5.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,052,242   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2007C-2, 5.000%, 9/01/39 (Mandatory put 9/02/13) – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           16,161,617   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2004C, 5.000%, 9/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           5,002,470   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 9/01/13 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)           2,590,469   

Eagle, Garfield and Routt Counties School District RE50J, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 12/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,975,179   

Kit Carson County Health Service District, Colorado, Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 6.100%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,002,597   

Northwest Parkway Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2001C, 5.800%, 6/15/25 (Pre-refunded 6/15/16) – AGM Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           AA– (4)           11,617,300   

Plaza Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


4.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,267,656   

5.000%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,115,020   

5.000%, 12/01/18

           No Opt. Call           N/R           1,130,120   

Total Colorado


Connecticut – 0.4%


Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health, Series 1999B, 1.550%, 11/15/29 (Mandatory put 2/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,949,594   

Connecticut State Development Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Alzheimer’s Resource Center of Connecticut, Inc., Series 2007, 5.200%, 8/15/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           682,277   

Eastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority, Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, Wheelabrator Lisbon Project, Series 1993A, 5.500%, 1/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           1,706,732   

New Britain, Connecticut, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012:


3.000%, 3/15/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,828,972   

3.000%, 3/15/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,862,854   

New Haven, Connecticut, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A-1, 5.000%, 2/01/14

           No Opt. Call           A1           1,981,853   

Total Connecticut


Delaware – 0.4%


Delaware Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Beebe Medical Center, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           778,254   

Delaware State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           10,496,985   


  230       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Delaware (continued)

$ 5,000     

University of Delaware, Revenue Bonds, Series 2013C, 0.700%, 11/01/37 (Mandatory put 5/01/16)

           No Opt. Call           AA+         $ 5,009,600   

Total Delaware


District of Columbia – 0.1%


District of Columbia, Income Tax Secured Revenue Bonds, Series 2009D:


5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,273,789   

5.000%, 12/01/17

           No Opt. Call           AAA           1,316,033   

Total District of Columbia


Florida – 5.8%


Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High Risk Assessment Revenue, Senior Secured Bonds, Series 2009A-1:


5.500%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           36,975   

6.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           8,393,672   

5.375%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           313,115   

5.500%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,173,436   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Revenue Bonds, Coastal Account Senior Secured Series 2011A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           4,713,880   

5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           204,083   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Senior Secured Bonds Series 2010A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,412,702   

5.250%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           669,800   

City of Tampa, Florida, Refunding and Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project, Series 2012A:


3.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           257,740   

3.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           419,672   

4.000%, 9/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           444,816   

5.000%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           961,113   

5.000%, 9/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           789,479   

5.000%, 9/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           842,681   

5.000%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           697,883   

Escambia County, Florida, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Gulf Power Company Project, Series 2003, 1.550%, 6/01/23 (Mandatory put 6/15/16) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           6,112,500   

Florida Board of Education, Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2008B, 4.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,082,020   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, High Risk Account Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.000%, 3/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,200,599   

5.000%, 3/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           7,781,328   

5.000%, 3/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           603,796   

5.000%, 3/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,736,239   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Personal and Commercial Lines Account Bonds, Senior Secured Series 2012A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           11,237,918   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           8,806,189   

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Forever Revenue Bonds, Series 2007B:


5.000%, 7/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,234,029   

5.000%, 7/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         7/17 at 101.00           AA–           7,609,839   

Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, Financial Corporation Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           10,990,400   

Florida Municipal Power Agency, Revenue Bonds, St. Lucie Project, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           3,150,438   


Nuveen Investments     231   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 500     

Florida Municipal Power Agency, Revenue Bonds, St. Lucie Project, Refunding Series 2012A, 4.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1         $ 539,860   

Florida State Board of Education, Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A:


5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           6,763,853   

5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           3,225,153   

5.000%, 7/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,395,620   

Florida State Division of Bond Finance, Preservation 2000 Revenue Bonds, Department of Environmental Protection, Series 1998A, 6.000%, 7/01/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           8,114,225   

Hernando County, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Criminal Justice Complex Financing Program, Series 1986, 7.650%, 7/01/16 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           5,439,754   

Highlands County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Series 2003D, 5.875%, 11/15/29 (Pre-refunded 11/15/13)

         11/13 at 100.00           N/R (4)           514,990   

Hillsborough County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Tampa General Hospital, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,682,159   

Jacksonville, Florida, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 20120C:


5.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,948,750   

5.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           3,609,510   

5.000%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,440,880   

5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,542,000   

JEA, Florida, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Series 2013B, 5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           997,848   

Manatee County, Florida, Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013:


5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,108,720   

5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,109,175   

Marion County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2007B, 5.000%, 6/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         6/17 at 100.00           A1           1,737,074   

Martin County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Indiantown Cogeneration LP, Series 2013, 3.950%, 12/15/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/20 at 100.00           BB           360,169   

Miami-Dade County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. of Florida Projects 1&2, Series 2004:


3.750%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB            4,066,843   

3.750%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB           4,367,080   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Obligation Bonds, Capital Asset Acquisition, Series 2010E:


4.000%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,610,915   

4.000%, 4/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,806,870   

5.000%, 4/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,989,206   

5.000%, 4/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,121,615   

5.000%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,250,811   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2008B, 5.250%, 10/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           3,344,296   

North Brevard County Hospital District, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Parrish Medical Center Project, Refunding Series 2008:


5.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,284,599   

5.125%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,282,824   

North Sumter County Utility Dependent District, Florida, Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           13,913,062   

Orlando Utilities Commission, Florida, Water and Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A, 3.750%, 10/01/23 (Pre-refunded 10/01/13)

         10/13 at 100.00           AA (4)           5,149,958   


  232       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)


Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority, Florida, Expressway Revenue Bonds, Series 2012:

$ 2,500     

5.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A         $ 2,982,425   

5.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           2,424,160   

Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority, Florida, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 1988, 7.625%, 7/01/18 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)           2,879,169   

Osceola County, Florida, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Osceola Parkway, Series 2004:


5.000%, 4/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           Aa3           2,193,684   

5.000%, 4/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           Aa3           2,104,335   

Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority, Florida, Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 10/01/25

         10/21 at 100.00           AA+           5,996,150   

Port Everglades Authority, Florida, Port Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1986, 7.125%, 11/01/16 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           8,369,015   

Putnam County Development Authority, Florida, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Seminole Electric Cooperative, Series 2007A, 5.350%, 3/15/42 (Mandatory put 5/01/18) – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,658,173   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-2, 0.000%, 5/01/39

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           84,123   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-3, 0.000%, 5/01/40

         5/19 at 100.00           N/R           212,840   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Convertible, Capital Appreciation, Series 2012A-4, 0.000%, 5/01/40

         5/22 at 100.00           N/R           53,590   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Hope Note, Series 2007-3, 6.375%, 5/01/17 (5)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Non Performing Parcel Series 2007-1. RMKT, 6.375%, 5/01/17 (5)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           11,501   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A-1, 6.375%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           220,691   

Tolomato Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Southern/Forbearance Parcel Series 2007-2, 6.375%, 5/01/17 (5)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           298,398   

Volusia County School Board, Florida, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.250%, 10/01/16 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           3,471,351   

Total Florida


Georgia – 2.6%


Burke County Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Georgia Power Company – Vogtle Plant, First Series 2012, 1.750%, 12/01/49 (Mandatory put 6/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A           6,087,915   

Burke County Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Georgia Power Company – Vogtle Plant, Second Series 2012, 1.750%, 12/01/49 (Mandatory put 6/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A           9,242,820   

Burke County Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Georgia Power Company – Vogtle Plant, Series 2008, 1.400%, 11/01/48 (Mandatory put 4/01/15)

         No Opt. Call           A+           13,191,880   

Burke County Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Georgia Power Company, Fourth Series 1994, 1.200%, 10/01/32 (Mandatory put 4/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,030,900   

Burke County Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Georgia Power Company, Ninth Series 1994, 1.200%, 10/01/32 (Mandatory put 4/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,727,639   


Nuveen Investments     233   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Georgia (continued)

$ 3,345     

Cobb County Development Authority, Georgia, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Georgia Waste Management Project, Series 2004A, 2.000%, 4/01/33 (Mandatory put 10/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 3,415,145   

Columbia County, Georgia, General Obligation Sales Tax Bonds, Series 2009:


5.000%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,427,219   

5.000%, 4/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,694,644   

DeKalb County, Georgia, Water and Sewerage Revenue Bonds, Second Resolution Series 2011A:


4.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           735,889   

2.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           204,596   

4.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           541,840   

Fulton County Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Robert W. Woodruff Arts Center, Inc. Project, Refunding Series 2009B, 5.000%, 3/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,116,600   

Georgia Municipal Electric Authority, General Power Revenue Bonds, Series 1991V, 6.600%, 1/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           317,335   

Georgia State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009B, 4.000%, 1/01/21

         1/19 at 100.00           AAA           2,428,960   

Georgia State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009D, 5.000%, 5/01/20

         5/19 at 100.00           AAA           14,063,650   

Gwinnett County School District, Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Sales Tax Series 2012A, 4.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           11,186,900   

Henry County School District, Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 2.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,388,968   

Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, Georgia, Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1992N, 6.250%, 7/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           193,127   

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Combined Cycle Project Revenue Bonds, Series2012A, 4.000%, 11/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,054,320   

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Project One Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2011A, 4.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,058,890   

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Project One Subordinate Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           9,074,339   

Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University Project, Refunding Series 2012C:


5.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           560,660   

5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           671,982   

Richmond County Board of Education, Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Sales Tax Series 2012:


5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,665,541   

3.000%, 10/01/15

           No Opt. Call           AA+           2,125,320   

Total Georgia


Hawaii – 1.5%


Hawaii State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011EA:


5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,079,216   

5.000%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           8,939,850   

Hawaii State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008D-K, 5.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           17,006,850   

Hawaii State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011DZ, 5.000%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           7,787,210   

Hawaii State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012EE, 5.000%, 11/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,657,760   

Hawaii State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012EF, 5.000%, 11/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           10,422,851   

Hawaii State, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A:


4.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           429,409   

4.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,341,117   

Honolulu City and County, Hawaii, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.000%, 7/01/13 – NPFG Insured

           No Opt. Call           Aa1           1,008,190   

Total Hawaii



  234       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois – 8.1%

$ 1,240     

Bourbonnais, Illinois, Industrial Project Revenue Bonds, Olivet Nazarene University Project, Series 2010, 5.000%, 11/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 1,444,265   

Bourbonnais, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, Olivet Nazarene University, Refunding Series 2007, 5.000%, 11/01/15 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,086,160   

Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1999A, 0.000%, 12/01/17 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,300,482   

Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Modern Schools Across Chicago Program, Series 2007J, 5.000%, 12/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           Aa3           4,462,522   

Community Unit School District 308, Oswego, in the Counties of Kendall, Kane, and Will, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.375%, 10/01/18 (Pre-refunded 10/01/14) – AGM Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           2,144,400   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 11/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           8,435,274   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.250%, 11/15/22

         11/20 at 100.00           AA           4,223,940   

Cook County, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 11/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,985,492   

Glendale Heights, Illinois, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Glendale Heights Hospital, Series 1985B, 7.100%, 12/01/15 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,131,569   

Huntley, Illinois, Special Service Area 10, Special Tax Bonds, Series 2007, 4.600%, 3/01/17 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           978,530   

Illinois Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Provena Health, Series 1998A, 5.750%, 5/15/14 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa1           1,100,081   

Illinois Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, St Vincent de Paul Center Project, Series 2013A, 1.875%, 11/15/39 (Mandatory put 3/01/19)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,261,450   

Illinois Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Art Institute of Chicago, Series 1998A, 5.000%, 3/01/30 (Mandatory put 3/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,315,671   

Illinois Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Chicago, Series 1998B, 3.375%, 7/01/25 (Mandatory put 2/03/14)

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           2,810,304   

Illinois Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Chicago, Series 2004B2, 1.100%, 7/01/36 (Mandatory put 2/15/18)

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           8,142,000   

Illinois Finance Authority, Midwestern Disaster Area Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Cargill, Incorporated Project, Series 2012, 1.550%, 11/01/38 (Mandatory put 11/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A           11,397,519   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Centegra Health System, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/27

         9/22 at 100.00           A–           9,656,796   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Advocate Health Care Network, Refunding Series 2008C-3B, 4.375%, 11/01/38 (Mandatory put 7/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,730,513   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health Alliance Senior Credit Group, Series 2012E-1, 5.000%, 11/15/42 (Mandatory put 5/01/15)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,267,750   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Series 2008B, 5.500%, 8/15/21

         8/18 at 100.00           AA–           2,310,920   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, OSF Healthcare System, Series 2007A, 4.750%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A           1,444,796   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Palos Community Hospital, Series 2010C, 5.000%, 5/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,385,688   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Series 2005:


5.000%, 8/15/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,152,525   

5.000%, 8/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,268,941   

5.000%, 8/15/16 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,112,760   

5.000%, 8/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,011,421   

5.250%, 8/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           421,616   


Nuveen Investments     235   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)

$ 2,000     

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Carle Foundation, Series 2009A, 5.500%, 2/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 2,241,100   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The University of Chicago, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           6,262,200   

Illinois Finance Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund Inc., University Center Project, Series 2006B:


5.000%, 5/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,000,100   

5.000%, 5/01/25

         11/16 at 100.00           BBB+           2,674,029   

Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Series 1999, 5.500%, 8/15/19

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB–           410,886   

Illinois Municipal Electric Agency, Power Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 2/01/16 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,369,330   

Illinois State Department of Employment Security, Unemployment Insurance Fund Building Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/15/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,192,112   

Illinois State Department of Employment Security, Unemployment Insurance Fund Building Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 6/15/18

         12/16 at 100.00           AA+           2,920,592   

5.000%, 12/15/18

         6/16 at 100.00           AA+           3,407,580   

5.000%, 6/15/19

         6/15 at 100.00           AA+           1,871,885   

5.000%, 12/15/19

         12/14 at 100.00           AA+           3,501,680   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2004B, 5.000%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,941,700   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2006:


5.000%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           946,524   

5.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           202,861   

5.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           3,807,695   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007B:


5.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,678,247   

5.250%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,314,618   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2008, 4.250%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           255,412   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010:


5.000%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,942,454   

5.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,339,951   

5.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,656,237   

5.000%, 1/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,674,582   

5.000%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           479,124   

5.000%, 1/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,690,459   

5.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A2           25,003,524   

5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A2           618,278   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 1/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           913,063   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 8/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           7,623,350   

5.000%, 8/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           8,946,160   

5.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           5,715,550   

5.000%, 8/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A2           5,793,127   

5.000%, 8/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A2           5,875,593   

5.000%, 8/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A2           4,619,926   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 10/01/19

         10/13 at 100.00           A2           7,099,504   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 6/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           A2           562,055   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 3/01/22

         3/14 at 100.00           A2           10,332   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A:


5.000%, 3/01/16 (Pre-refunded 3/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         3/14 at 100.00           A2 (4)           1,912,662   

5.000%, 3/01/22 (Pre-refunded 3/01/14)

         3/14 at 100.00           A2 (4)           5,195   


  236       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004:

$ 860     

5.000%, 11/01/13 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A– (4)         $ 880,391   

5.000%, 9/01/14 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)           999,229   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005:


5.000%, 4/01/14 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           893,772   

5.000%, 9/01/16 – AGM Insured

         9/15 at 100.00           AA–           2,172,500   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,150,138   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006:


5.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A2           4,467,989   

5.000%, 1/01/17

         1/16 at 100.00           A2           1,098,756   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 6/01/22 – AGM Insured

         6/17 at 100.00           AA–           1,117,310   

Illinois State, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Build Illinois Series 2010:


5.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           3,373,623   

5.000%, 6/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,312,556   

Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Illinois FIRST Program, Series 2001:


5.500%, 5/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           452,653   

5.375%, 4/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,247,730   

Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Illinois FIRST Program, Series 2002:


5.500%, 8/01/13 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,179,749   

5.500%, 8/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           661,938   

5.500%, 8/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           682,099   

Kane County School District 129, Aurora West, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 2/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         2/15 at 100.00           A+           2,458,152   

Lake County Forest Preserve District, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A:


0.538%, 12/15/13

         No Opt. Call           AAA           875,018   

0.638%, 12/15/16

         12/14 at 100.00           AAA           1,990,560   

Peoria Public Building Commission, Illinois, School District Facility Revenue Bonds, Peoria County School District 150 Project, Series 2009A, 0.000%, 12/01/22 – AGC Insured

         12/18 at 79.62           AA–           1,284,096   

Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, Illinois, Tobacco Settlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2010:


5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           275,604   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           5,705,936   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A           8,368,063   

5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           6,012,052   

5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           11,386,213   

5.250%, 6/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           6,301,693   

5.250%, 6/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A           24,502   

Regional Transportation Authority, Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1990A, 7.200%, 11/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           7,486,372   

Regional Transportation Authority, Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1994D, 7.750%, 6/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           8,198,785   

Winnebago-Boone Counties School District 205, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013, 4.000%, 2/01/15

           No Opt. Call           AA–           211,565   

Total Illinois


Indiana – 2.6%


East Chicago Elementary School Building Corporation, Lake County, Indiana, First Mortgage Bonds, Series 1996 Refunding, 6.250%, 1/05/16

         No Opt. Call           A           5,520,363   

Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Drexel Foundation For Educational Excellence, Inc., Series 2009A, 6.000%, 10/01/21

         10/19 at 100.00           BB+           759,413   


Nuveen Investments     237   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Indiana (continued)


Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Floyd Memorial Hospital and Health Services Project, Refunding Series 2010:

$ 1,445     

5.000%, 3/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A–         $ 1,661,186   

5.000%, 3/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,447,964   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Parkview Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,011,492   

5.000%, 5/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           901,875   

5.000%, 5/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,415,720   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 1/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/17 at 100.00           BBB           6,379,024   

Indiana Finance Authority, Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, CWA Authority Project, Series 2011C, 3.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           12,831,350   

Indiana Health and Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health, Series 2006B-7, 4.100%, 11/15/46 (Mandatory put 11/03/16)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           12,356,305   

Indiana Health Facility Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health, Series 2005-A3, 1.700%, 11/01/27 (Mandatory put 9/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,540,850   

Indiana Health Facility Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health, Series 2005A-5, 5.000%, 11/01/27 (Mandatory put 8/01/13)

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,033,660   

Indiana Health Facility Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health, Series 2012A-2, 1.600%, 11/15/36 (Mandatory put 2/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           5,290,396   

Indiana Transportation Finance Authority, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 1993A, 0.000%, 12/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,442,985   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project Series 2009A, 5.500%, 1/01/16 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,768,219   

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project, Refunding Series 2006:


5.500%, 1/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,290,668   

5.500%, 7/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,990,263   

5.500%, 1/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           4,524,826   

Jasper County, Indiana, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Northern Indiana Public Service Company Project, Series 1988A Remarketed, 5.600%, 11/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           4,593,142   

Jasper County, Indiana, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Northern Indiana Public Service Company Project, Series 2003 Remarketed, 5.700%, 7/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           7,171,858   

Knox County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Good Samaritan Hospital Project, Series 2012A:


3.000%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A3           372,963   

4.000%, 4/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A3           690,297   

4.000%, 4/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A3           442,944   

3.000%, 4/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A3           584,518   

Lake County Building Corporation, Indiana, First Mortgage Bonds, Series 2012:


3.000%, 8/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           827,409   

3.000%, 2/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           846,997   

3.000%, 8/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           865,046   

3.000%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           878,126   

4.000%, 8/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           908,996   

4.000%, 2/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           931,977   

4.000%, 8/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           952,012   

State of Indiana, Indiana Toll Road Commission, East-West Toll Road Revenue Bonds, 1980 Series, 9.000%, 1/01/15 (ETM)

           No Opt. Call           Aaa           3,075,227   

Total Indiana



  238       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Iowa – 0.4%


Fort Dodge Community School District, Webster County, Iowa, School Infrastructure Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011:

$ 1,150     

4.000%, 1/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 1,282,745   

5.000%, 1/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,565,836   

5.000%, 1/01/20 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,636,777   

5.000%, 1/01/22 – AGM Insured

         1/21 at 100.00           AA–           1,470,955   

Iowa City, Iowa, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Loan Notes, Refunding Series 2008B, 3.250%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,465,880   

Iowa State, Special Obligation Bonds, I-Jobs Program, Series 2009A:


5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,259,895   

5.000%, 6/01/18

           No Opt. Call           AA           3,745,404   

Total Iowa


Kansas – 0.7%


Kansas Department of Transportation, Highway Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A:


5.000%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           5,356,276   

5.000%, 9/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,180,503   

Kansas Development Finance Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Hays Medical Center Inc., Series 2005L, 5.250%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           693,349   

Kansas Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Series 2010A:


5.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,513,061   

5.000%, 1/01/23

         1/20 at 100.00           AA           1,728,346   

Wyandotte County-Kansas City Unified Government, Kansas, Sales Tax Special Obligation Capital Appreciation Revenue Bonds Redevelopment Project Area B – Major Multi-Sport Athletic Complex Project, Subordinate Lien Series 2010B, 0.000%, 6/01/21

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           8,107,014   

Total Kansas


Kentucky – 1.0%


Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Public Facilities Corporation, Kentucky State Lease Revenue Bonds, Eastern State Hospital Project, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           4,480,538   

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District, Kentucky, Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, 5.000%, 5/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           18,000,592   

Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue, Louisville Gas & Electric Company Project, Series 2007B, 1.600%, 6/01/33 (Mandatory put 6/01/17)

         No Opt. Call           A–           3,666,743   

Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project, Series 2003A, 1.650%, 10/01/33 (Mandatory put 4/03/17)

           No Opt. Call           A+           11,770,903   

Total Kentucky


Louisiana – 1.9%


De Soto Parrish, Louisiana, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Southwestern Electric Power Company Project, Series 2010, 3.250%, 1/01/19 (Mandatory put 1/02/15)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           5,143,450   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Oakleigh Apartments, Series 2003A, 8.500%, 6/01/38 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 102.00           Aaa           390,100   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Livingston Parish North Park Project, Series 2008, 6.100%, 10/01/19

         10/18 at 100.00           A+           1,268,340   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Southgate Suites Hotel LLC Project, Series 2007A, 6.500%, 12/15/15 (5)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,427,895   


Nuveen Investments     239   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Louisiana (continued)

$ 585     

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Baton Rouge General Hospital, Series 2004, 5.000%, 1/01/14 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)         $ 603,153   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Baton Rouge General Hospital, Series 2004, 5.250%, 7/01/24 (Pre-refunded 7/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         7/14 at 100.00           Baa2 (4)           258,419   

Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2013A:


5.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           562,728   

5.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           1,815,485   

Louisiana State, Gasoline and Fuels Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A-1:


5.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           2,757,240   

5.000%, 5/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           3,113,825   

5.000%, 5/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           4,531,161   

Louisiana State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 8/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           20,925,707   

New Orleans, Louisiana, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1998, 5.500%, 12/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A3           8,400,461   

New Orleans, Louisiana, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012:


5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A3           3,405,059   

5.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A3           2,992,175   

5.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A3           4,318,380   

Saint Bernard Parish, Louisiana, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 3/01/17 – AGM Insured

         3/14 at 101.00           AA–           41,953   

Saint Bernard Parish, Louisiana, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 3/01/17 (Pre-refunded 3/01/14) – AGM Insured

         3/14 at 101.00           AA– (4)           2,315,030   

Saint Charles Parish, Louisiana, Gulf Opportunity Zone Revenue Bonds, Valero Project, Series 2010, 4.000%, 12/01/40 (Mandatory put 6/01/22)

           No Opt. Call           BBB           6,362,645   

Total Louisiana


Maine – 0.1%


Maine Finance Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Series 2004, 3.800%, 11/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

No Opt. Call
       BBB           3,567,498   

Maryland – 1.7%


Anne Arundel County, Maryland, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated General Improvement, Series 2012, 5.000%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,193,200   

Baltimore County, Maryland, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Public Improvement Series 2009, 5.000%, 8/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,587,746   

Baltimore, Maryland, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Public Improvements, Refunding Series 2013B, 5.000%, 10/15/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,113,250   

Harford County, Maryland, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Public Improvement Series 2009, 3.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,585,125   

Maryland Transportation Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Transportation Facilities Projects, First Series 1978, 6.800%, 7/01/16 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           414,394   

Maryland, General Obligation Bonds, State and Local Facilities Loan, Second Series 2008:


5.000%, 7/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           5,727,350   

5.000%, 7/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           6,580,371   

5.000%, 7/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AAA           6,235,720   

Maryland, General Obligation Bonds, State and Local Facilities Loan, Third Series 2009C, 5.000%, 11/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           16,166,610   

Montgomery County, Maryland, Consolidated General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AAA           6,212,400   


  240       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Maryland (continued)

$ 10,000     

Montgomery County, Maryland, Consolidated General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 5/01/16

           No Opt. Call           AAA         $ 11,366,800   

Total Maryland


Massachusetts – 2.0%


Boston, Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2009C, 3.000%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           3,667,580   

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, General Obligation Transportation System Refunding Bonds, Series 1992B, 6.200%, 3/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,966,961   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Pioneer Valley Resource Recovery Revenue Bonds, Eco/Springfield LLC, Series 2006, 5.875%, 7/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           777,364   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Partners HealthCare System, Series 2012L, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           483,824   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Harvard University, Series 2009A:


5.000%, 11/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,237,280   

5.000%, 11/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,407,145   

5.000%, 11/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,807,244   

5.000%, 11/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,227,380   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Series 2009O, 5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           11,763,848   

Massachusetts School Building Authority, Dedicated Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 8/15/16 – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+           110,568   

Massachusetts School Building Authority, Dedicated Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 8/15/21 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           248,915   

Massachusetts School Building Authority, Dedicated Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A:


5.000%, 8/15/17 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           60,846   

5.000%, 8/15/18 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           4,380,908   

5.000%, 8/15/19 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – NPFG Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           38,720   

5.000%, 8/15/20 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           232,321   

5.000%, 8/15/22 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           33,189   

5.000%, 8/15/24 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           215,727   

5.000%, 8/15/25 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           271,041   

5.000%, 8/15/26 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           177,006   

5.000%, 8/15/30 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15) – AGM Insured

         8/15 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           138,286   

5.000%, 8/15/30 (Pre-refunded 8/15/15)

         8/15 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           979,067   

Massachusetts State, Special Obligation Dedicated Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 1/01/34 (Pre-refunded 1/01/14) – FGIC Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           A1 (4)           8,926,507   

Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Loan, Series 2002C, 5.500%, 11/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           15,693,108   

Massachusetts, Special Obligation Refunding Notes, Federal Highway Grant Anticipation Note Program, Series 2003A, 5.000%, 12/15/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           5,151,600   

Norwood, Massachusetts, General Obligation Bonds, Municipal Purpose Loan Series 2009A:


4.000%, 8/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,620,570   

4.000%, 8/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,696,195   

4.000%, 8/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,755,993   

4.000%, 8/15/18

           No Opt. Call           AA           2,803,812   

Total Massachusetts



Nuveen Investments     241   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan – 4.6%


Detroit-Wayne County Stadium Authority, Michigan, Wayne County Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Building Authority Stadium Refunding Series 2012:

$ 875     

5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+         $ 939,208   

5.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,748,832   

5.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           991,593   

5.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,223,211   

5.000%, 10/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,719,660   

Jackson Public Schools, Jackson County, Michigan, General Obligation School Building and Site Bonds, Series 2004:


5.000%, 5/01/21 (Pre-refunded 5/01/14)

         5/14 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           2,373,108   

5.000%, 5/01/21 (Pre-refunded 5/01/14)

         5/14 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           193,793   

Lake Orion Community School District, Oakland County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012 Refunding:


3.000%, 5/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           500,040   

5.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,255,044   

4.000%, 5/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           800,408   

5.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,126,860   

4.000%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,124,780   

4.000%, 5/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,036,089   

Michigan Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Detroit City School District, Series 2012:


5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,044,950   

5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,827,500   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,766,544   

Michigan Finance Authority, State Revolving Fund Revenue Bonds, Clean Water Subordinate Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,890,927   

Michigan Finance Authority, Unemployment Obligation Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A:


2.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AAA           10,032,400   

5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AAA           10,565,800   

5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           16,696,695   

Michigan Finance Authority, Unemployment Obligation Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 7/01/21

         7/18 at 100.00           AAA           10,461,641   

5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/16 at 100.00           AAA           15,261,381   

Michigan Hospital Finance Authority, Refunding and Project Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health Senior Credit Group, Series 2010F-5, 1.500%, 11/15/47 (Mandatory put 3/15/17)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           10,232,200   

Michigan Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health Group, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 11/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,734,384   

Michigan Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health Senior Credit Group, Refunding Series 2010F-1, 2.000%, 11/15/47 (Mandatory put 5/30/18)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           19,378,118   

Michigan Housing Development Authority, Rental Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, 4.375%, 10/01/19

         10/18 at 100.00           AA           5,024,128   

Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue Bonds, State Police Communications System Project, Series 2004, 5.375%, 10/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           AA–           1,082,316   

Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Facilities Program, Series 2003I, 5.250%, 10/15/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           6,400,616   

Michigan State Trunk Line Fund Refunding Bonds, Series 2009, 5.000%, 11/01/20

         11/19 at 100.00           AA+           7,328,087   

Michigan State, General Obligation Bonds, Environmental Program, Series 2009A, 5.500%, 11/01/21

         5/19 at 100.00           Aa2           1,965,820   

Michigan State, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2002, 5.500%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,261,680   


  242       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)

$ 7,000     

Michigan Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Detroit Edison Project, Refunding Series 2008, 5.250%, 8/01/29 (Mandatory put 8/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A1         $ 7,417,550   

Pinckney Community Schools, Livingston and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 5/01/19 – AGM Insured

         5/14 at 100.00           Aa2           1,046,290   

Plymouth-Canton Community School District, Wayne and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A:


4.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,268,146   

5.000%, 5/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,234,620   

South Lyon Community Schools, Oakland, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 5/01/19 (Pre-refunded 5/01/15) – AGM Insured

         5/15 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           1,497,177   

South Redford School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 5/01/22 – FGIC Insured

         11/14 at 100.00           Aa2           1,094,106   

Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           5,934,926   

Wayne County Airport Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Refunding Series 2010C, 5.000%, 12/01/16

           No Opt. Call           A           9,297,520   

Total Michigan


Minnesota – 1.1%


Cass Lake Independent School District 115, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Refunding Series 2010A:


4.000%, 2/01/23

         2/20 at 100.00           AA+           841,083   

5.000%, 2/01/25

         2/20 at 100.00           AA+           1,902,987   

5.000%, 2/01/26

         2/20 at 100.00           AA+           1,974,207   

Minneapolis, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Refunding Series 2009B, 4.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AAA           5,497,400   

Minneapolis-Saint Paul Housing Finance Board, Minnesota, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, City Living Series 2006A-3, 5.700%, 4/01/27

         2/16 at 100.00           AA+           1,483,103   

Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, Minnesota, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 1/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         1/15 at 100.00           A           1,600,230   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, St. John’s University Revenue Bonds, Series 2005-6G, 5.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,274,638   

Minnesota State, General Obligation Bonds, State Trunk Highway Series 2009E:


4.500%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA+           4,656,800   

4.500%, 8/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA+           4,765,120   

Minnesota State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose, Refunding Series 2010D, 5.000%, 8/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA+           6,883,620   

Northern Municipal Power Agency, Minnesota, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A:


5.000%, 1/01/14 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,031,650   

5.000%, 1/01/15 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,647,382   

5.000%, 1/01/16 – AGC Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           6,140,640   

Total Minnesota


Mississippi – 0.4%


Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, Revenue Bonds, Mississippi Power Company Project, First Series 2010, 1.625%, 12/01/40 (Mandatory put 1/12/18)

         No Opt. Call           A           11,659,620   

Mississippi Hospital Equipment and Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Memorial Healthcare, Series 2004B-1, 5.000%, 9/01/16

           9/14 at 100.00           AA–           1,534,996   

Total Mississippi



Nuveen Investments     243   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Missouri – 1.5%


Kansas City Tax Increment Financing Commission, Missouri, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Shoal Creek Parkway Project, Series 2011:

$ 120     

5.000%, 6/01/21

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R         $ 125,219   

5.625%, 6/01/23

         6/16 at 100.00           N/R           2,079,260   

6.500%, 6/01/25

         No Opt. Call           N/R           103,888   

Metropolitan St. Louis Sewerage District, Missouri, Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011B:


4.000%, 5/01/23

         5/21 at 100.00           AAA           2,910,877   

4.000%, 5/01/24

         5/21 at 100.00           AAA           3,093,591   

Missouri Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority, Water Pollution Control and Drinking Water Revenue Bonds, State Revolving Fund Program, Series 2010A:


5.000%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           4,177,462   

5.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           3,589,290   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lutheran Senior Services, Series 2007A, 4.875%, 2/01/19

         2/17 at 100.00           BBB+           1,089,680   

Sikeston, Missouri, Electric System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           9,968,632   

St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Series 2005:


5.500%, 7/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           9,470,402   

5.500%, 7/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           14,254,618   

St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 7/01/14 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           5,267,637   

Total Missouri


Nebraska – 0.6%


Douglas County School District 10 Elkhorn, Nebraska, General Obligation Bonds, Public Schools Series 2012:


4.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           401,794   

4.000%, 6/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           550,055   

4.000%, 6/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           842,978   

4.000%, 6/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           685,230   

5.000%, 6/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           970,168   

Lancaster County School District 1, Lincoln, Nebraska, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009:


3.000%, 1/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,043,765   

3.000%, 1/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           3,776,491   

3.000%, 1/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AAA           3,535,657   

3.000%, 1/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AAA           2,791,379   

Lincoln County Hospital Authority 1, Nebraska, Hospital Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Great Plains Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2012, 3.500%, 11/01/27

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,311,718   

Washington County, Nebraska, Wastewater and Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Cargill Inc. Project, 1.375%, 9/01/30 (Mandatory put 9/01/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           A           3,062,204   

Total Nebraska


Nevada – 0.7%


Clark County, Nevada, Airport Revenue Bonds, Jet Aviation Fuel Tax, Refunding Series 2013A:


5.000%, 7/01/20 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           1,188,780   

5.000%, 7/01/21 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           2,388,580   

Clark County, Nevada, General Obligation Airport Bonds, Series 2003B, 4.750%, 7/01/23 (Pre-refunded 7/01/13) – AMBAC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           3,022,440   

Clark County, Nevada, Limited Tax General Obligation Bank Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 11/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           AA+           1,841,438   


  244       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Nevada (continued)

$ 4,635     

Clark County, Nevada, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Highway Improvement Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 4,884,919   

Clark County, Nevada, Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Refunding Series 2010F-1, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,864,321   

Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Water & Refunding Series 2011C, 5.000%, 6/01/24

         6/21 at 100.00           AA+           6,013,000   

Nevada, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Highway Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 12/01/15 – FGIC Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA+           3,156,909   

Total Nevada


New Hampshire – 0.1%


New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, United Illuminating Company, Series 2010A, 4.500%, 7/01/27 (Mandatory put 7/01/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           BBB           5,295,200   

New Jersey – 6.4%


Bayonne Redevelopment Agency, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Royal Caribbean Cruises Project, Series 2006A, 4.750%, 11/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BB           974,688   

Camden County Improvement Authority, New Jersey, Healthcare Revenue Bonds, Cooper Health System, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 2/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,608,055   

Camden County Improvement Authority, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Cooper Health System, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 2/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,606,605   

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, New Jersey, Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.250%, 6/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           A–           4,133,203   

Mercer County, New Jersey, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012, 2.000%, 2/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,335,187   

Millville, New Jersey, General Obligation Bonds, Improvement Series 2011:


5.000%, 11/01/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           143,228   

5.000%, 11/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,139,880   

5.000%, 11/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,728,191   

5.000%, 11/01/20 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,106,410   

Monmouth County Improvement Authority, New Jersey, Governmental Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 12/01/14 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           263,680   

Monmouth County Improvement Authority, New Jersey, Governmental Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/16 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           381,963   

Monmouth County Improvement Authority, New Jersey, Governmental Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/16 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           5,784   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004:


5.000%, 6/15/13 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           8,721,847   

5.375%, 6/15/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           4,663,090   

5.375%, 6/15/15 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           719,349   

5.375%, 6/15/15 – RAAI Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,101,157   

5.500%, 6/15/16 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,543,033   

5.500%, 6/15/16 – RAAI Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,583,280   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004:


5.750%, 6/15/29 (Pre-refunded 6/15/14)

         6/14 at 100.00           Aaa           3,718,840   

5.750%, 6/15/29 (Pre-refunded 6/15/14) – AGC Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           Aaa           79,576   

5.750%, 6/15/29 (Pre-refunded 6/15/14) – RAAI Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           Aaa           31,848   

5.500%, 6/15/31 (Pre-refunded 6/15/14)

         6/14 at 100.00           Aaa           1,592,606   

5.750%, 6/15/34 (Pre-refunded 6/15/14)

         6/14 at 100.00           Aaa           2,376,662   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Cigarette Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012:


5.000%, 6/15/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,319,668   


Nuveen Investments     245   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Jersey (continued)

$ 3,900     

5.000%, 6/15/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+         $ 4,093,557   

5.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,819,078   

5.000%, 6/15/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           4,110,914   

5.000%, 6/15/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           6,440,157   

5.000%, 6/15/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           9,907,682   

5.000%, 6/15/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,765,920   

4.000%, 6/15/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           179,747   

5.000%, 6/15/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,189,345   

5.000%, 6/15/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           7,660,847   

5.000%, 6/15/22

         No Opt. Call           AA–           570,508   

4.250%, 6/15/27

         6/22 at 100.00           BBB+           727,888   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Bonds, Series 2005P, 5.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,470,313   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Bonds, Series 2005P, 5.000%, 9/01/13 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A+ (4)           2,031,740   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Financing Program Bonds, Refunding Series 2011GG, 5.000%, 9/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,965,018   

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Higher Education Capital Improvement Fund, Series 2004A, 5.250%, 9/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,948,553   

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Montclair State University Issue, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 7/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,475,583   

New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust, Environmental Infrastructure Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 9/01/22 (Pre-refunded 9/01/13)

         9/13 at 100.00           AAA           1,524,225   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Saint Peters University Hospital, Refunding Series 2011:


5.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BB+           4,634,937   

5.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BB+           4,908,713   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, South Jersey Hospital System, Refunding Series 2006, 5.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,300,114   

New Jersey Highway Authority, Senior Revenue Bonds, Garden State Parkway, Series 1989, 6.000%, 1/01/19 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           502,676   

New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency, Single Family Home Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 1.250%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           1,148,767   

New Jersey Transit Corporation, Certificates of Participation Refunding, Series 2003, 5.500%, 10/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,494,486   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2005C, 5.250%, 6/15/15 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           5,522,450   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2010D:


5.000%, 12/15/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           6,348,827   

5.000%, 12/15/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           11,719,305   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2011B:


5.000%, 6/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,105,680   

5.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,644,525   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2012AA:


5.000%, 6/15/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           13,867,045   

5.000%, 6/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           16,637,279   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue and Improvement Bonds, First Series 1973, 5.700%, 5/01/13 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A3 (4)           29,004   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 1984, 7.000%, 1/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           67,926   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 1991C:


6.500%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A3           2,563,111   


  246       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Jersey (continued)

$ 5     

6.500%, 1/01/16 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A3         $ 5,760   

6.500%, 1/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           927,328   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 1991C:


6.500%, 1/01/16 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A3 (4)           1,655,366   

6.500%, 1/01/16 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A3 (4)           5,785   

6.500%, 1/01/16 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)           533,959   

6.500%, 1/01/16 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           127,783   

6.500%, 1/01/16 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A+ (4)           272,990   

6.500%, 1/01/16 – AGM Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA– (4)           2,073,745   

6.500%, 1/01/16 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           1,777,496   

6.500%, 1/01/16 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A3 (4)           91,568   

6.500%, 1/01/16 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A+ (4)           1,001,861   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A, 6.000%, 1/01/14 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A+ (4)           244,057   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           7,155,997   

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, First Series 1977, 6.000%, 1/01/14 (ETM)

         7/13 at 100.00           AAA           212,757   

Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, New Jersey, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 4.000%, 7/15/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,307,644   

Passaic Valley Sewage Commissioners, New Jersey, Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2010G, 5.750%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,155,855   

South Jersey Port Corporation, New Jersey, Marine Terminal Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012Q:


3.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A1           4,641,587   

3.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A1           5,179,849   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2003, 6.375%, 6/01/32 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 100.00           Aaa           2,855,080   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007-1A:


5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A1           4,337,882   

5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1           6,096,839   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           56,783   

4.500%, 6/01/23

           6/17 at 100.00           B1           7,780,443   

Total New Jersey


New Mexico – 0.1%


Clayton, New Mexico, Appropriation Debt, Jail Project, Series 2006, 5.000%, 11/01/13 – CIFG Insured

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,766,022   

New York – 9.4%


Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, FHA-Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Montefiore Hospital, Series 2004, 5.000%, 2/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         2/15 at 100.00           N/R           535,730   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Mental Health Services Facilities Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 8/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,928,739   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Mental Health Services Facilities Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A,
5.000%, 8/15/19 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           6,199   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Series 2012-1, 5.000%, 7/01/23

         1/22 at 100.00           AA           1,544,313   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Rochester Institute of Technology, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 7/01/13 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,798,727   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Winthrop-South Nassau University Hospital Association, Series 2003A, 5.500%, 7/01/13 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Baa1 (4)           1,049,142   


Nuveen Investments     247   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)

$ 12,195     

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, General Purpose Series 2012A, 5.000%, 12/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AAA         $ 15,489,845   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, General Purpose Series 2012A, 5.000%, 12/15/21 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           6,383   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A:


0.000%, 6/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           585,666   

0.000%, 6/01/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           127,574   

0.000%, 6/01/21 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           296,909   

0.000%, 6/01/22 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           333,531   

0.000%, 6/01/23 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           828,740   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2003B, 5.250%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           2,369,206   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           AA–           6,034,230   

4.250%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           743,830   

4.000%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           864,552   

5.000%, 12/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A           544,645   

5.250%, 12/01/20 – FGIC Insured

         6/16 at 100.00           A           301,450   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006D, 5.000%, 9/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         9/16 at 100.00           A           674,920   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2006E:


5.000%, 12/01/17 – FGIC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           1,003,517   

5.000%, 12/01/17

         12/16 at 100.00           A           292,151   

5.000%, 12/01/18 – FGIC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           171,510   

5.000%, 12/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           13,846,574   

5.000%, 12/01/21 – FGIC Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           226,032   

5.000%, 12/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           508,572   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2006F:


5.000%, 5/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           2,517,910   

5.000%, 5/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           727,173   

5.000%, 5/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           720,256   

5.000%, 5/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A           853,739   

5.000%, 5/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         11/16 at 100.00           A           321,329   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           1,240,140   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Dedicated Tax Fund Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 11/15/20

         No Opt. Call           AA           6,839,580   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012-B2:


5.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A           4,920,319   

5.000%, 11/15/22

         No Opt. Call           A           2,483,760   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012H:


5.000%, 11/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A           6,287,499   

4.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A           3,573,709   

4.000%, 11/15/22

         No Opt. Call           A           6,683,339   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C, 5.250%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A           1,615,395   

Monroe County, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,557,825   

5.000%, 3/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,078,820   


  248       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)

$ 730     

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Civic Facility Revenue Bonds, Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program, Series 2008A-1, 5.700%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 731,686   

New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, Fiscal Series 2005B, 5.000%, 6/15/20 (Pre-refunded 12/15/14) – AMBAC Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           Aa1 (4)           5,422,939   

New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, Fiscal Series 2005B, 5.000%, 6/15/20 – AMBAC Insured

         12/14 at 100.00           AAA           6,898,651   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal 2010 Series C, 5.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           11,864,095   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series I, 5.000%, 8/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA           10,594,400   

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, Series 1997C, 5.000%, 8/01/32 (Mandatory put 8/01/16) – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           7,947,360   

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, Series 2004A, 4.750%, 5/15/32 (Mandatory put 7/01/16) – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           2,187,740   

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, Remarketed Series 1994C, 3.000%, 6/01/29 (Mandatory put 6/03/13) (Pre-refunded 6/03/13)

         6/13 at 100.00           BBB+ (4)           7,346,712   

New York State Thruway Authority, Highway and Bridge Trust Fund Bonds, Second General, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 4/01/19 – AMBAC Insured

         10/15 at 100.00           AA           2,725,557   

New York State Thruway Authority, Local Highway and Bridge Service Contract Bonds, Series 2009:


4.000%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,505,000   

4.000%, 4/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,633,750   

5.000%, 4/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           8,188,057   

New York State Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed and State Contingency Contract-Backed Bonds, Series 2003A-1C:


5.500%, 6/01/18

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           477,095   

5.250%, 6/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           1,220,200   

5.250%, 6/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           823,518   

5.250%, 6/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA+           110,469   

New York State Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed and State Contingency Contract-Backed Bonds, Series 2003A-1:


5.500%, 6/01/19

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           9,266,789   

5.250%, 6/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           1,883,025   

5.250%, 6/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           11,292,904   

5.250%, 6/01/22 – AMBAC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           9,449,710   

New York State Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed and State Contingency Contract-Backed Bonds, Series 2003B-1C:


5.500%, 6/01/18

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           672,955   

5.500%, 6/01/19

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           4,148,709   

5.500%, 6/01/20

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           10,115,416   

5.500%, 6/01/20 – FGIC Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           AA           642,918   

5.500%, 6/01/21

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           14,084,212   

5.500%, 6/01/22

         6/13 at 100.00           AA–           5,228,214   

New York State Urban Development Corporation, Service Contract Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           11,494,100   


Nuveen Investments     249   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)


New York State Urban Development Corporation, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A-1:

$ 3,105     

5.000%, 12/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA         $ 3,608,662   

5.000%, 12/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,196,280   

New York State Urban Development Corporation, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009C, 5.000%, 12/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AAA           9,879,142   

North Babylon Union Free School District, Suffolk County, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


3.000%, 1/15/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           3,141,261   

3.000%, 1/15/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           3,218,323   

Suffolk County Industrial Development Agency, New York, Civic Facility Revenue Bonds, Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program, Series 2008-B1, 5.700%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           120,277   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New York, Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, State Contingency Contract Secured, Series 2011B:


5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           8,548,956   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           6,240,520   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,195,728   

5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,341,548   

Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York, General Purpose Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012B:


4.000%, 11/15/20

         No Opt. Call           AA–           19,114,612   

4.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AA–           22,172,182   

Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York, General Purpose Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013B, 4.000%, 11/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           6,072,417   

Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York, General Purpose Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2013A, 2.000%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,898,119   

TSASC Inc., New York, Tobacco Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006, 4.750%, 6/01/22

         6/16 at 100.00           BBB           1,822,169   

Yonkers Industrial Development Agency, New York, Civic Facilities Revenue Bonds, Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program Bonds, Series 2008-C1, 5.700%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           105,243   

Yonkers, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012C:


3.000%, 8/15/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,493,778   

3.000%, 8/15/23

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,524,935   

Total New York


North Carolina – 1.4%


Fayetteville Public Works Commission, North Carolina, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A:


5.000%, 3/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,372,900   

5.000%, 3/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,333,711   

5.000%, 3/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,472,612   

Mecklenburg County Public Facilities Corporation, North Carolina, Limited Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2009:


5.000%, 3/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA+           6,195,255   

5.000%, 3/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,584,280   

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A, 4.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           4,016,893   

New Hanover County, North Carolina, General Obligation Bonds, School Series 2009:


3.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,545,570   

3.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,584,480   

3.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,618,530   

3.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           840,146   


  250       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

North Carolina (continued)


North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Hospital Revenue Bonds, CaroMont Health, Series 2008:

$ 2,665     

3.000%, 2/15/15 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 2,768,349   

3.500%, 2/15/16 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,423,104   

4.000%, 2/15/17 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,055,486   

North Carolina Municipal Power Agency 1, Catawba Electric Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           2,475,068   

North Carolina State, Capital Improvement Limited Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A:


5.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,224,140   

5.000%, 5/01/20

         5/19 at 100.00           AA+           6,369,434   

5.000%, 5/01/21

         5/19 at 100.00           AA+           3,693,752   

University of North Carolina System, Pooled Revenue Bonds, East Carolina University, Series 2011A, 3.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           513,245   

Wilmington, North Carolina, Limited Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


2.000%, 6/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           356,300   

3.000%, 6/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           441,701   

4.000%, 6/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           966,800   

4.000%, 6/01/18 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA           918,584   

Total North Carolina


North Dakota – 0.2%


Fargo Public School District 1, County, North Dakota, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax School Building Series 2008, 4.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           828,784   

Grand Forks, North Dakota, Healthcare System Revenue Bonds, Altru Health System, Series 2007, 5.500%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           6,155,221   

Ward County Health Care, North Dakota, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Obligated Group, Series 2006, 5.125%, 7/01/18

         7/16 at 100.00           BBB–           1,083,140   

West Fargo, North Dakota, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2012C, 3.000%, 5/01/17

           No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,216,400   

Total North Dakota


Ohio – 3.6%


Akron, Bath and Copley Joint Township Hospital District, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Improvement & Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,375,240   

5.000%, 11/15/22

         5/22 at 100.00           A1           3,119,280   

Akron, Ohio, Waterworks System Mortgage Revenue Improvement and Refunding Bonds, Series 2009:


5.000%, 3/01/15 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A3           2,398,444   

5.000%, 3/01/17 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A3           3,061,519   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-1:


5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A1           6,074,077   

5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1           10,249,368   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A1           7,354,593   

5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           3,878,245   

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-2, 5.125%, 6/01/24

         6/17 at 100.00           B–           7,528,513   

Cleveland, Ohio, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009C, 5.000%, 1/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,345,079   

Cleveland, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011:


5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,772,702   

5.000%, 12/01/20

         12/19 at 100.00           AA           1,838,313   

5.000%, 12/01/21

         12/19 at 100.00           AA           1,910,515   


Nuveen Investments     251   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Ohio (continued)

$ 2,175     

Marysville, Union County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Series 2011, 5.000%, 12/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa3         $ 2,617,025   

Muskingum County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Genesis HealthCare System Obligated Group Project, Series 2013:


5.000%, 2/15/16 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,072,850   

5.000%, 2/15/18 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,787,393   

5.000%, 2/15/19 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,102,210   

5.000%, 2/15/20 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           BB+           297,861   

5.000%, 2/15/21 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           BB+           2,195,780   

Muskingum County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Genesis HealthCare System Obligated Group Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 2/15/17 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           BB+           2,175,940   

New Albany Community Authority, Ohio, Community Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012C:


3.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1           766,741   

3.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A1           813,776   

4.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,216,908   

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Air Quality Revenue Refunding Bonds, Columbus Southern Power Company Project, Series 2009A, 3.875%, 12/01/38 (Mandatory put 6/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           5,807,070   

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Ohio, Revenue Bonds, Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Project, Series 2009E, 5.625%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           4,750,080   

Ohio State, General Obligation Bonds, Infrastructure Improvement Series 2012A, 4.000%, 2/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           3,354,344   

Ohio State, General Obligation Bonds, Infrastructure Improvement Series 2013B, 5.000%, 8/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA+           8,472,970   

Ohio State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Common Schools Series 2011C, 5.000%, 9/15/20

         No Opt. Call           AA+           15,871,393   

Ohio State, General Obligation Highway Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2012Q, 5.000%, 5/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AAA           3,176,765   

Ohio State, Hospital Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Cleveland Clinic Health System Obligated Group, Series 2009B:


5.000%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           794,176   

5.000%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           590,890   

Ohio Water Development Authority, Loan Revenue Bonds, Pure Water Development, Series 1990I, 6.000%, 12/01/16 – AMBAC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           119,618   

Ohio Water Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generating Corporation Project, Series 2010B, 2.200%, 6/01/33 (Mandatory put 6/01/16)

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           10,836,615   

Ohio, State Appropriation Lease Bonds, Mental Health Capital Facilities, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,262,359   

Southeastern Ohio Port Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health System Obligated Group Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2012:


5.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,267,930   

5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,425,045   

University of Toledo, Ohio, General Receipts Bonds, Series 2009, 4.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,528,753   

Western Reserve Port Authority, Ohio, Solid Waste Facility Revenue Bonds, Central Waste Inc., Series 2007A, 6.100%, 7/01/17 (Alternative Minimum Tax) (5)

           No Opt. Call           N/R           140,410   

Total Ohio



  252       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Oklahoma – 1.3%


Canadian County Educational Facilities Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Mustang Public Schools Project, Series 2012:

$ 1,395     

4.000%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+         $ 1,565,176   

4.000%, 9/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,610,859   

4.500%, 9/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,102,115   

Cleveland County Public Facilities Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Norman Public Schools Project, Series 2010, 4.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,028,626   

Oklahoma County Finance Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Midwest City-Del City Public Schools Project, Series 2012:


2.000%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           759,945   

3.000%, 3/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,321,650   

4.000%, 3/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,161,530   

Tulsa, Oklahoma, Industrial Authority, Revenue and Refunding Bonds (The University of Tulsa), Series 1996A, 6.000%, 10/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A3           4,986,233   

Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust, Oklahoma, General Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A:


4.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,059,930   

4.500%, 6/01/16

         6/15 at 100.00           A3           1,279,260   

Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust, Oklahoma, General Airport Revenue Bonds, Tulsa International Airport, Series 1997B, 7.050%, 6/01/17 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)           9,498,639   

Tulsa County Industrial Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Broken Arrow Public Schools Project, Series 2011, 5.000%, 9/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA–           8,947,645   

Tulsa County Industrial Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Broken Arrow Public Schools Project, Series 2012, 4.000%, 9/01/22

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,398,775   

Total Oklahoma


Oregon – 0.7%


Oregon State Department of Transportation, Highway User Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 11/15/22

         5/19 at 100.00           AAA           1,191,250   

Portland Community College District, Multnomah County, Oregon, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013:


5.000%, 6/15/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           3,999,968   

5.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           6,211,113   

Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District, Oregon, Capital Grant Receipt Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           2,400,500   

Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District, Oregon, Revenue Bonds, Payroll Tax and Grant Receipt Series 2013, 3.000%, 11/01/16

           5/15 at 100.00           Aa3           10,496,500   

Total Oregon


Pennsylvania – 6.3%


Allegheny County Higher Education Building Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Duquesne University, Series 2013A, 3.000%, 3/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           402,802   

Allegheny County Higher Education Building Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Robert Morris University, Series 2006A, 4.375%, 2/15/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           1,494,578   

Allegheny County Hospital Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Jefferson Regional Medical Center, Series 2006B:


5.000%, 5/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,800,144   

5.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,913,210   

5.000%, 5/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           2,078,851   

5.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,723,567   

5.000%, 5/01/18

         5/16 at 100.00           Baa2           1,351,846   


Nuveen Investments     253   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)

$ 5,000     

Allegheny County Hospital Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center System, Series 2008B, 5.000%, 6/15/18

         No Opt. Call           Aa3         $ 5,980,750   

Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, Pennsylvania, Sewerage Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011:


5.000%, 12/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           7,691,207   

5.000%, 12/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,276,524   

Berks County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 11/15/21

         11/18 at 100.00           Aa1           2,279,107   

Central Dauphin School District, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.250%, 2/01/14 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA (4)           1,048,249   

Centre County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 3.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,219,691   

Coatesville Area School District, Chester County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009, 4.000%, 10/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,406,950   

Cumberland County Municipal Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Presbyterian Homes Inc., Refunding Series 2005A:


5.000%, 12/01/15 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           472,388   

4.250%, 12/01/17 – RAAI Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB+           20,942   

5.000%, 12/01/19 – RAAI Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB+           221,775   

5.000%, 12/01/21 – RAAI Insured

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB+           78,197   

Cumberland County Municipal Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Presbyterian Homes Inc., Series 2003A:


4.750%, 12/01/19 – RAAI Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           BBB+           500,815   

5.000%, 12/01/26 – RAAI Insured

         6/13 at 100.00           BBB+           50,036   

Delaware County Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Villanova University, Series 2010:


4.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,110,800   

5.000%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           599,310   

Delaware County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Resource Recovery Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997A, 6.100%, 7/01/13

         6/13 at 100.00           Ba1           1,310,324   

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 11/01/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           4,004,234   

Lebanon County Health Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Health Center Revenue Bonds, Pleasant View Retirement Community, Series 2005A, 5.125%, 12/15/20

         12/14 at 100.00           N/R           1,019,700   

Lebanon County Health Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Good Samaritan Hospital Project, Refunding Series 2004, 5.000%, 11/15/18

         11/13 at 100.00           Ba2           3,410,204   

Luzerne County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Guaranteed Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 7.500%, 12/15/19

         No Opt. Call           N/R           2,815,209   

Lycoming County Authority, Pennsylvania, Health System Revenue Bonds, Susquehanna Health System Project, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 7/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,427,225   

Lycoming County Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Series 2012, 4.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           1,188,464   

Northampton County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Recovery Revenue Bonds, Northampton Generating Project, Senior Lien Series 2013A0 & AE2, 5.000%, 12/01/23

         5/13 at 100.00           N/R           511,591   

Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 1989A, 6.700%, 9/01/16 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           1,351,582   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Health System Revenue Bonds , Albert Einstein Healthcare, Series 2009A:


5.000%, 10/15/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,391,384   

5.250%, 10/15/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,209,149   

5.250%, 10/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,555,668   


  254       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)

$ 2,700     

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Project, Series 2009, 1.750%, 12/01/33 (Mandatory put 12/01/15)

         No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 2,758,887   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Project, Series 2011, 2.625%, 7/01/41 (Mandatory put 7/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           10,136,200   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Unemployment Compensation Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,755,325   

4.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           3,225,322   

5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           4,461,093   

5.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           5,826,420   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Unemployment Compensation Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B:


5.000%, 7/01/21

         1/18 at 100.00           Aaa           6,677,057   

5.000%, 1/01/22

         7/17 at 100.00           Aaa           23,223,795   

5.000%, 7/01/22

         7/16 at 100.00           Aaa           9,485,241   

5.000%, 1/01/23

         1/16 at 100.00           Aaa           17,522,348   

5.000%, 7/01/23

         7/15 at 100.00           Aaa           14,540,204   

Pennsylvania State Public School Building Authority, Lease Revenue Bonds, Philadelphia School District Project, Series 2006A, 4.500%, 6/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,900,990   

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Subordinate Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B:


4.000%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,733,911   

5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           4,199,720   

5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           4,359,520   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           4,494,000   

Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding 3rd Series 2004, 5.375%, 7/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           18,492,368   

Philadelphia Gas Works, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Twelfth Series 1990B, 7.000%, 5/15/20 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           A (4)           3,494,062   

Philadelphia School District, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010C, 5.000%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           11,360,200   

Philadelphia School District, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011D:


5.000%, 9/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,069,312   

5.000%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,790,137   

Pittsburgh Water and Sewerage Authority, Pennsylvania, Water and Sewerage System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1986:


7.250%, 9/01/14 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,199,116   

6.000%, 9/01/16 – FGIC Insured (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           706,936   

Southcentral Pennsylvania General Authority, Revenue Bonds, Hanover Hospital Inc., Series 2013:


4.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           271,157   

4.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,292,736   

Union County Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Community Hospital Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2011, 4.625%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,364,725   

University of Pittsburgh of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education, Pennsylvania, University Capital Project Bonds, Series 2009B, 5.500%, 9/15/21

         3/19 at 100.00           Aa1           3,123,925   

York County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013:


3.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,023,233   

3.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,413,364   

4.000%, 6/01/17

           No Opt. Call           AA           1,520,141   

Total Pennsylvania



Nuveen Investments     255   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Puerto Rico – 0.2%

$ 1,525     

Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewerage Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB–         $ 1,527,440   

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2010ZZ, 5.250%, 7/01/24

         7/20 at 100.00           BBB+           7,253,120   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation Bonds, Public Improvement, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           15,618   

Puerto Rico, Highway Revenue Bonds, Highway and Transportation Authority, Series 2003AA, 5.500%, 7/01/20 – NPFG Insured

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           151,385   

Total Puerto Rico


Rhode Island – 0.1%


Rhode Island Industrial Facilities Corporation, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Series 2004A, 4.625%, 4/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,181,760   

Rhode Island Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2002A, 6.000%, 6/01/23

           7/13 at 100.00           Baa1           2,842,643   

Total Rhode Island


South Carolina – 1.0%


Cherokee County School District 1, South Carolina, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 3/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           3,273,573   

Columbia, South Carolina, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


3.500%, 2/01/20

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           1,714,890   

4.500%, 2/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           1,222,300   

Dorchester County School District 2, South Carolina, Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds, GROWTH, Series 2004, 5.250%, 12/01/19

         12/14 at 100.00           AA–           6,464,536   

Georgetown County, South Carolina, Environmental Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds, International Paper Company, Series 2002A, 5.700%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB           7,398,814   

Greenville County School District, South Carolina, Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds, Building Equity Sooner Series 2012:


5.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           4,183,705   

5.000%, 12/01/22

         No Opt. Call           AA           6,138,384   

Lexington County Health Service District, South Carolina, Hospital Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2003, 5.500%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA–           522,337   

McCormick County, South Carolina, Hospital Facilities Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, McCormick Health Care Center Project, Series 2006, 8.000%, 3/01/21 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           N/R (4)           1,780,444   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health Alliance, Series 2003A, 6.000%, 8/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           562,959   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Waste Management of South Carolina, Inc. Project, Series 2008, 2.875%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,609,713   

South Carolina JOBS-Economic Development Authority, Residential Care Facilities First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, South Carolina Episcopal Home at Still Hopes, Series 2004A, 6.000%, 5/15/17

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           822,460   

Total South Carolina


South Dakota – 0.1%


Deadwood, South Dakota, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2012:


3.000%, 11/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A           1,670,550   

3.000%, 11/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           816,608   


  256       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

South Dakota (continued)

$ 1,920     

Heartland Consumers Power District, South Dakota, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 1977, 6.375%, 1/01/16 (ETM)

           No Opt. Call           Aaa         $ 2,106,509   

Total South Dakota


Tennessee – 1.4%


First Utility District of Knox County, Tennessee, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A:


2.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA+           429,373   

2.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           436,093   

2.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           233,631   

2.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA+           235,537   

2.000%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA+           498,109   

4.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA+           831,765   

4.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA+           871,269   

Johnson City Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Mountain States Health Alliance, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           528,917   

5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           726,192   

Knox County Health, Educational and Housing Facility Board, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Covenant Health, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A           1,222,435   

5.000%, 1/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           2,958,325   

4.000%, 1/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A           1,683,360   

Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Belmont University Project, Series 2012:


3.000%, 11/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,406,249   

3.000%, 11/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           263,408   

4.000%, 11/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,187,796   

4.000%, 11/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           902,300   

4.000%, 11/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           556,780   

5.000%, 11/01/22

         11/21 at 100.00           BBB+           1,214,463   

Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County, Tennessee, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 3.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           1,058,670   

Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County, Tennessee, Water and Sewerage Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,194,470   

5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,180,118   

5.000%, 7/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,650,264   

Shelby County Health, Educational and Housing Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Memorial Healthcare, Series 2004A:


5.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,204,540   

5.000%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           5,680,700   

5.000%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,988,375   

Tennessee State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           8,853,322   

Tennessee State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 5/01/19 (Pre-refunded 5/01/17)

         5/17 at 100.00           Aaa           1,175,880   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           4,242,593   

5.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           264,068   

5.250%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           231,304   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006C, 5.000%, 2/01/17

           No Opt. Call           A–           1,556,499   

Total Tennessee



Nuveen Investments     257   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas – 5.8%

$ 3,000     

Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation, Texas, FNMA Guaranteed Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Villas Sonterra Apartments Project, Series 2007A, 4.700%, 10/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 3,146,100   

Board of Regents of the Texas Tech University System, Revenue Financing System Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Fourteenth Series 2012A, 2.000%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           AA+           7,132,958   

Board of Regents, University of Texas System, Financing System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A:


4.000%, 8/15/14

         No Opt. Call           AAA           5,240,150   

5.000%, 8/15/23

         No Opt. Call           AAA           26,520,934   

Canadian River Municipal Water Authority, Texas, Contract Revenue Bonds, Conjunctive Use Groundwater Supply Project, Subordinate Lien Series 2011:


5.000%, 2/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,082,600   

5.000%, 2/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,124,040   

City of Houston, Texas, Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1984:


9.375%, 10/01/13 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         4/13 at 100.00           Aaa           772,774   

9.375%, 10/01/13 – NPFG Insured (ETM)

         4/13 at 100.00           Aaa           31,118   

Dallas, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2007:


5.000%, 10/01/13 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           5,203,989   

5.000%, 10/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,591,516   

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, Joint Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012B:


5.000%, 11/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,171,869   

5.000%, 11/01/21

         11/20 at 100.00           A+           6,035,600   

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Methodist Hospital System, Series 2009B, 5.000%, 12/01/41 (Mandatory put 6/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           AA           5,020,250   

Harris County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Road Series 2009A, 5.250%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,402,500   

Houston Independent School District, Harris County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Schoolhouse Series 2013A, 4.000%, 2/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,648,770   

Houston, Texas, First Lien Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012D, 5.000%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,248,834   

Houston, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Public Improvement Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 3/01/20

         3/19 at 100.00           AA           13,979,174   

Houston, Texas, Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Revenue Bonds, Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,124,820   

Houston, Texas, Senior Lien Airport System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A:


5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,492,981   

5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,257,097   

Houston, Texas, Subordinate Lien Airport System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           2,735,618   

Lubbock Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, St. Joseph Health System, Refunding Series 2008B:


5.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,570,431   

5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,608,280   

Mission Economic Development Corporation, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. Project, Series 2006, 3.750%, 12/01/18 (Mandatory put 6/01/15)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           5,978,715   

Mission Economic Development Corporation, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. Project, Series 2008, 6.000%, 8/01/20 (Mandatory put 8/01/13)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,024,700   


  258       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)


North Central Texas Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Medical Center Dallas Project, Series 2012:

$ 1,670     

5.000%, 8/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AA         $ 2,035,379   

5.000%, 8/15/21

         No Opt. Call           AA           3,422,793   

5.000%, 8/15/22

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,471,580   

5.000%, 8/15/23

         8/22 at 100.00           AA           6,691,738   

North Texas Tollway Authority, Special Projects System Revenue Bonds, Current Interest Series 2011D, 5.000%, 9/01/24

         9/21 at 100.00           AA           9,295,714   

San Antonio Independent School District, Bexar County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 8/15/21

         8/15 at 100.00           AAA           11,044,700   

San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas System Revenue Refunding Bonds, New Series 1992, 5.000%, 2/01/17 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           AA+ (4)           3,732,223   

San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 2/01/21

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           18,869,850   

Texas A&M University, Financing System Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 5/15/15

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           9,224,531   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation III, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A3           6,282,815   

Texas State Transportation Commission, Highway Fund Revenue Bonds, First Tier Series 2007, 5.000%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,375,359   

Texas State, Public Financing Authority, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,677,320   

Val Verde County, Texas, Pass-Through Toll Revenue and Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2011:


2.000%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A           1,003,460   

3.000%, 8/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A           2,052,380   

3.000%, 8/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A           2,661,085   

3.000%, 8/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A           2,764,661   

3.000%, 8/15/17

           No Opt. Call           A           2,854,830   

Total Texas


Utah – 0.9%


Intermountain Power Agency, Utah, Subordinated Power Supply Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013A:


2.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–           20,460,038   

3.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           4,226,680   

Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, Revenue Bonds, Horse Butte Wind Project, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           529,055   

5.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           603,554   

5.000%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           989,284   

5.000%, 9/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           578,850   

5.000%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A–           591,615   

5.000%, 9/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A–           751,075   

5.000%, 9/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,204,728   

5.000%, 9/01/21

           No Opt. Call           A–           2,449,000   

Total Utah


Virgin Islands – 0.5%


Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Loan Notes Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B:


5.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,623,400   

5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           4,803,336   

5.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           4,813,463   

5.000%, 10/01/17

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           4,479,880   

Total Virgin Islands



Nuveen Investments     259   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Virginia – 0.4%


Amherst Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Revenue Bonds, Sweet Briar College, Series 2006:

$ 400     

4.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 404,496   

4.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB           416,828   

4.125%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           427,248   

Caroline County Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Public Facility Lease Revenue Bond, Anticipation Notes, Series 2011, 4.000%, 8/01/16

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,827,792   

Hanover County, Virginia, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding & Public Improvement Series 2009, 5.000%, 7/15/19

         No Opt. Call           AAA           1,239,460   

Louisa Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Virginia Electric and Power Company, Series 2008c:


5.375%, 11/01/35 (Mandatory put 12/02/13)

         No Opt. Call           A–           3,863,100   

1.500%, 11/01/35 (Mandatory put 12/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,521,150   

Peninsula Ports Authority, Virginia, Residential Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Virginia Baptist Homes, Series 2003A, 7.375%, 12/01/32 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13)

         12/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           3,384,518   

Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Marymount University, Series 1998, 5.100%, 7/01/18 – RAAI Insured

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           1,754,323   

Total Virginia


Washington – 2.8%


Central Washington University, Washington, System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 4.000%, 5/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,818,031   

Seattle, Washington, Municipal Light and Power Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2010B, 5.000%, 2/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           4,749,308   

Seattle, Washington, Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 9/01/17 (Pre-refunded 9/01/13) – NPFG Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           Aa2 (4)           5,080,750   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Series 2011A, 5.375%, 1/01/31

         1/21 at 100.00           A           3,329,550   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Providence Health & Services, Series 2012B, 4.000%, 10/01/42 (Mandatory put 10/01/21)

         No Opt. Call           AA           11,351,700   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Refunding Series 2012B, 5.000%, 10/01/42 (Mandatory put 10/01/21)

         No Opt. Call           AA           12,818,093   

Washington State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2013D, 4.000%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           5,926,591   

Washington State, General Obligation Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Bonds, 2010 Series 2009B, 5.000%, 8/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           11,454,226   

Washington State, General Obligation Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Bonds, Series 2008B, 5.000%, 7/01/19

         7/18 at 100.00           AA+           10,469,940   

Washington State, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2013R-13C:


4.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA+           10,087,029   

5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA+           25,337,773   

Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Series 1990A, 6.750%, 2/01/15

           No Opt. Call           AA+           1,280,297   

Total Washington


West Virginia – 0.5%


West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Appalachian Power Company – Amos Project, Series 2008, 4.850%, 5/01/19 (Mandatory put 9/04/13)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,028,240   

West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Appalachian Power Company – Amos Project, Series 2011A, 2.250%, 1/01/41 (Mandatory put 9/01/16) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           5,102,850   


  260       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

West Virginia (continued)

$ 7,000     

West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Ohio Power Company – Amos Project, Series 2010A, 3.125%, 3/01/43 (Mandatory put 4/01/15)

         No Opt. Call           Baa1         $ 7,235,270   

West Virginia State Building Commission, Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, Regional Jail and Corrections Facility, Series 1998A, 5.375%, 7/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           594,570   

West Virginia University, Revenue Bonds, West Virginia University Projects, Series 2000A, 0.000%, 4/01/17 – AMBAC Insured

           No Opt. Call           Aa3           2,348,758   

Total West Virginia


Wisconsin – 1.5%


Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Aurora Health Care, Inc., Series 2009B, 4.750%, 8/15/25 (Mandatory put 8/15/14)

         No Opt. Call           A           4,249,202   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Aurora Health Care, Inc., Series 2010B:


5.000%, 7/15/17

         No Opt. Call           A           5,726,000   

5.000%, 7/15/18

         No Opt. Call           A           5,830,050   

5.000%, 7/15/19

         No Opt. Call           A           6,707,171   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Hospital Sisters Services, Inc., Refunding Series 2012B:


4.000%, 8/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           607,586   

5.000%, 8/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,319,271   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Marshfield Clinic, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 2/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           465,876   

5.000%, 2/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           537,020   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., Series 2010:


5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,626,468   

5.000%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,747,525   

5.000%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,865,976   

5.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,973,118   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Mercy Alliance, Inc., Series 2010A, 5.000%, 6/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A2           8,950,317   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ministry Health Care, Inc., Refunding 2012C:


2.500%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           427,758   

5.000%, 8/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           561,875   

5.000%, 8/15/18

         No Opt. Call           A+           881,805   

5.000%, 8/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A+           244,883   

5.000%, 8/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,771,752   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare System, Series 2006A:


5.000%, 8/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           4,208,520   

5.250%, 8/15/18

         8/16 at 100.00           A–           2,257,220   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Services Inc., Series 2003A, 5.000%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A–           486,365   

Wisconsin State, General Fund Annual Appropriation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.250%, 5/01/20

           5/19 at 100.00           AA–           2,636,064   

Total Wisconsin

$ 3,174,151     

Total Municipal Bonds (cost $3,378,671,146)



Nuveen Investments     261   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)   Coupon        Maturity        Ratings (3)        Value  



Transportation – 0.0%

$ 120     

Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (6), (7)

    5.500%           7/15/19           N/R         $ 29,920   

Las Vegas Monorail Company, Senior Interest Bonds (6), (7)

    3.000%           7/15/55           N/R           7,003   
$ 155     

Total Corporate Bonds (cost $2,942)


Total Long-Term Investments (cost $3,378,674,088) – 95.2%

Amount (000)
    Description (1)             Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  



Connecticut – 0.3%

$ 4,250     

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Choate Rosemary Hall, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Series 2008D, 0.230%, 7/01/37 (8)

         8/13 at 100.00           VMIG-1         $ 4,250,000   

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Yale University, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Trust 2862, 0.180%, 7/01/15 (8)

               No Opt. Call           A-1           7,730,000   

Total Connecticut


Georgia – 0.4%


Forsyth County Water and Sewerage Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 2253, 0.260%, 4/01/15 – AGM Insured (8)

         No Opt. Call           VMIG-1           5,000,000   

Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 1881, 0.220%, 4/01/27 (8)

               4/17 at 100.00           VMIG-1           12,020,000   

Total Georgia


Iowa – 0.3%


Iowa State, Special Obligation Bonds, I-Jobs Program, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 13B-A REG D, 0.250%, 6/01/25 (8)

         No Opt. Call           A-1           9,700,000   

Iowa State, Special Obligation Bonds, I-Jobs Program,Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 13B-B REG D, 0.250%, 6/01/26 (8)

               6/19 at 100.00           A-1           1,500,000   

Total Iowa


Maine – 0.2%


Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Bowdoin College, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 2009-5B, 0.250%, 7/01/39 (8)

               7/19 at 100.00           VMIG-1           6,665,000   

Massachusetts – 0.3%


Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Harvard University, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 3529, 0.340%, 6/01/15 (8)

               No Opt. Call           A-1           10,000,000   

Michigan – 0.0%


Detroit City School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bonds Trust DCL-045, 0.450%, 5/01/30 (8)

               No Opt. Call           A-2           40,000   

Missouri – 0.3%


St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust DCL-017, 0.600%, 7/01/22 (8)

               No Opt. Call           A-2           10,500,000   

Ohio – 0.3%


Hamilton County, Ohio, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 3766Z, 0.240%, 11/15/16 – AGM Insured (8)

               No Opt. Call           A-1           10,000,000   


  262       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Oregon – 0.2%

$ 5,880     

Eugene, Oregon, Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Series 2003A, 0.230%, 8/01/22 – AGM Insured (8)

           8/13 at 100.00           A-1         $ 5,880,000   

Tennessee – 0.2%


Chattanooga, Tennessee, Electric System Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 08-29, 0.220%, 3/01/16 (8)

           No Opt. Call           A-1           8,665,000   

Virginia – 0.3%


The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, General Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 2876, 0.240%, 6/01/13 (8)

         No Opt. Call           F-1           6,005,000   

Virginia Resources Authority, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Series 2008, Trust 2917,
0.220%, 10/01/28 (8)

           10/18 at 100.00           A-1           5,000,000   

Total Virginia


Washington – 0.5%


Bellingham, Washington, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 11981X,
0.370%, 8/01/19 (8)

         No Opt. Call           VMIG-2           4,480,000   

Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority, Washington, Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Tender Option Bond Trust 2007-1C, 0.210%, 11/01/32 – AGM Insured (8)

           11/17 at 100.00           VMIG-1           15,000,000   

Total Washington

$ 122,435     

Total Short-Term Investments (cost $122,435,000)


Total Investments (cost $3,501,109,088) – 98.5%


Other Assets Less Liabilities – 1.5%


Net Assets – 100%

                               $ 3,709,189,000   


  (1)   All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets.


  (2)   Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns.


  (3)   Ratings (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Using the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. Ratings below BBB by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national rating agencies.


  (4)   Backed by an escrow or trust containing sufficient U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency securities, which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities.


  (5)   At or subsequent to the end of the reporting period, this security is non-income producing. Non-income producing security, in the case of a fixed-income security, generally denotes that the issuer has (1) defaulted on the payment of principal or interest, (2) is under the protection of the Federal Bankruptcy Court or (3) the Fund’s Adviser has concluded that the issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (6)   Investment valued at fair value using methods determined in good faith by, or at the discretion of, the Board of Directors/Trustees. For fair value measurement disclosure purposes, investment classified as Level 3. See Notes to Financial Statements, Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Investment Valuation for more information.


  (7)   During January 2010, Las Vegas Monorail Company (“Las Vegas Monorail”) filed for federal bankruptcy protection. During March 2012, Las Vegas Monorail emerged from federal bankruptcy with the acceptance of a reorganization plan assigned by the Federal Bankruptcy Court. Under the reorganization plan, the Fund surrendered its Las Vegas Monorail Project Revenue Bonds, First Tier, Series 2000 and in turn received two senior interest corporate bonds: the first with an interest rate of 5.500% maturing on July 15, 2019 and the second with an interest rate of 3.000% (5.500% after December 31, 2015) maturing on July 15, 2055. The custodian is not accruing income on the Fund’s records for either senior interest corporate bond.


  (8)   Investment has a maturity of more than one year, but has variable rate and demand features which qualify it as a short-term investment. The rate disclosed is that in effect at the end of the reporting period. This rate changes periodically based on market conditions or a specified market index.


  N/R   Not rated.


  WI/DD   Investment, or portion of investment, purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis.


  (ETM)   Escrowed to maturity.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     263   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Alabama – 1.7%

$ 220     

Bessemer Governmental Utility Services Corporation, Alabama, Water Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 3.750%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2         $ 233,873   

Birmingham Special Care Facilities Financing Authority, Alabama, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health System Inc., Series 2005A, 5.000%, 11/15/30

         11/15 at 100.00           Baa2           499,195   

Jefferson County Public Building Authority, Alabama, Lease Revenue Warrants, Series 2006:


5.125%, 4/01/18 – AMBAC Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           Ca           41,584   

5.125%, 4/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         4/16 at 100.00           Ca           87,909   

Jefferson County, Alabama, General Obligation Refunding Warrants, Series 2003A:


5.000%, 4/01/22 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           394,584   

5.000%, 4/01/23 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           98,720   

Jefferson County, Alabama, General Obligation Warrants, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 4/01/18 – NPFG Insured

         4/14 at 100.00           A           489,790   

Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation School Warrants, Education Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A:


5.250%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           B           40,040   

5.250%, 1/01/15

         1/14 at 100.00           B           140,112   

5.250%, 1/01/18 – AGM Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           AA–           276,477   

5.250%, 1/01/19 – AGM Insured

           1/14 at 100.00           AA           150,806   

Total Alabama


Alaska – 0.5%


Alaska Railroad Corporation, Capital Grant Receipts Bonds, Section 5307 and 5309 Formula Funds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 8/01/18 – FGIC Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           A+           422,688   

5.000%, 8/01/21 – FGIC Insured

           8/17 at 100.00           A+           227,738   

Total Alaska


Arizona – 3.0%


Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, The Beatitudes Campus Project, Series 2006, 5.100%, 10/01/22

         10/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,218,123   

Downtown Phoenix Hotel Corporation, Arizona, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.250%, 7/01/23 – FGIC Insured

         1/16 at 100.00           BB+           77,925   

Florence Town Inc., Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Legacy Traditional School Project – Queen Creek and Casa Grande Campuses, Series 2013, 4.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BB           350,473   

Glendale Municipal Property Corporation, Arizona, Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2012A, 3.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA+           158,886   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Airport Facilities Refunding Bonds, America West Airlines, Inc. Project, Series 1998, 6.300%, 4/01/23 (WI/DD, Settling 5/01/13) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         10/13 at 100.00           Caa2           1,003,810   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Great Hearts Academies – Veritas Project, Series 2012, 5.200%, 7/01/22

         7/21 at 100.00           BB           375,793   

Watson Road Community Facilities District, Arizona, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.750%, 7/01/22

           7/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,034,980   

Total Arizona


California – 10.9%


ABAG Finance Authority For Nonprofit Corporations, California, Revenue Bonds, Sharp HealthCare, Series 2009B, 6.375%, 8/01/34

         8/14 at 100.00           A+           480,294   

Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2004A, 5.300%, 10/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           169,074   

Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Merged Redevelopment Project Areas, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 2/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           218,434   


  264       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 315     

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Improvement Area 17A, Series 2013B, 2.375%, 9/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 317,536   

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Los Angeles County Securitization Corporation, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 6/01/21

         12/18 at 100.00           B2           1,414,460   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Certificates of Participation, Community Hospitals of Central California Obligated Group, Series 2009, 4.250%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           157,757   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Biola University, Refunding Series 2008A, 5.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           59,054   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Biola University, Series 2013, 5.000%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           196,753   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Eisenhower Medical Center, Series 2010A, 4.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           524,440   

California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, International School of the Peninsula, Palo Alto, California, Series 2006, 5.000%, 11/01/21

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           311,502   

Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 1995A, 5.000%, 1/01/35 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           500,020   

Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1999:


5.375%, 1/15/14 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           100,189   

5.000%, 1/15/16 – NPFG Insured

         5/13 at 100.00           Baa2           75,113   

0.000%, 1/15/31 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 35.18           Baa2           132,061   

0.000%, 1/15/33

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           77,198   

Fresno Unified School District, Fresno County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002A, 5.300%, 2/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           103,621   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1, 4.500%, 6/01/27

         6/17 at 100.00           B           731,625   

Hesperia Public Financing Authority, California, Redevelopment and Housing Projects Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.500%, 9/01/17 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         No Opt. Call           Ba1           165,327   

5.000%, 9/01/22 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           602,868   

Independent Cities Finance Authority, California, Mobile Home Park Revenue Bonds, Rancho Vallecitos Mobile Home Park, Series 2013, 4.500%, 4/15/23

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,108,030   

Indian Wells Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Consolidated Whitewater Project Area, Refunding Series 2003A, 4.000%, 9/01/16 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           104,939   

Indio Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Subordinate Lien Refunding Series 2008A, 5.000%, 8/15/19

         8/18 at 100.00           BBB–           85,987   

Industry Public Facilities Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds Series 2007, 4.000%, 5/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A           95,518   

Inland Empire Tobacco Securitization Authority, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007:


5.000%, 6/01/21

         6/17 at 100.00           B           186,282   

4.625%, 6/01/21

         6/17 at 100.00           B           197,538   

Long Beach Bond Finance Authority, California, Natural Gas Purchase Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 11/15/19

         No Opt. Call           A           349,359   

5.250%, 11/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A           584,060   

Murrieta Valley Unified School District Public Finance Authority, Riverside County, California, Refunding Bonds Series 2013, 2.500%, 9/01/18

         No Opt. Call           N/R           198,238   


Nuveen Investments     265   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 750     

Oak Valley Hospital District, Stanislaus County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 4.500%, 7/01/25 – FGIC Insured

         7/14 at 101.00           A2         $ 777,615   

Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2009, 5.500%, 11/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           752,343   

Riverside County, California, Community Facilities District 05-8, Scott Road, Special Tax Bonds Series 2013, 4.000%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           N/R           153,956   

Romoland School District, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2004-1 Heritage Lake Improvement Area 3, Series 2013:


4.000%, 9/01/21 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           131,981   

4.000%, 9/01/22 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           130,749   

4.000%, 9/01/23 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           155,792   

4.000%, 9/01/24 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         9/23 at 100.00           N/R           179,317   

Roseville Natural Gas Financing Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 2/15/18

         No Opt. Call           A           56,674   

San Diego County, California, Certificates of Participation, Burnham Institute, Series 2006, 5.000%, 9/01/16

         9/15 at 102.00           Baa2           108,471   

San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Toll Road Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997A, 5.250%, 1/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           105,002   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 1993, 6.000%, 8/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           70,682   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 8/01/14 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB           546,099   

San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2006D, 5.000%, 8/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           BBB           104,746   

San Jose, California, Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A-1, 5.000%, 3/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A2           129,565   

Santa Fe Springs Community Development Commission, Los Angeles County, California, Consolidated Project Area Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2007A, 4.500%, 9/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         9/17 at 100.00           A           317,802   

Southern California Public Power Authority, Natural Gas Project 1 Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           511,400   

Stockton Unified School District, San Joaquin County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election 2008 Series 2008A, 4.000%, 8/01/19

         8/16 at 102.00           AA–           216,580   

Stockton Unified School District, San Joaquin County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 7/01/21 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           88,686   

Stockton Unified School District, San Joaquin County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/01/20 – AGM Insured

         8/17 at 100.00           AA–           562,495   

Stockton, California, Revenue Certificates of Participation, Wastewater System Project, Series 1998A, 5.200%, 9/01/29 – NPFG Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           BBB+           170,043   

Stockton-East Water District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2002A Refunding, 5.000%, 4/01/20 – FGIC Insured

         5/13 at 100.00           N/R           100,136   

Tobacco Securitization Authority of Northern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2005A-1, 4.750%, 6/01/23

         6/15 at 100.00           B+           250,250   

Vernon, California, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.125%, 8/01/21

           8/19 at 100.00           A–           692,265   

Total California



  266       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado – 2.4%


Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy, Series 2007A:

$ 25     

5.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB–         $ 26,490   

5.000%, 6/15/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           81,032   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Flagstaff Academy Project, Series 2008A, 6.750%, 8/01/28

         8/18 at 100.00           N/R           563,185   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Covenant Retirement Communities Inc., Refunding Series 2012C, 5.000%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           214,082   

Compark Business Campus Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 12/01/18 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           51,546   

Conservatory Metropolitan District, Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Series 2007, 4.000%, 12/01/13 – RAAI Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           75,249   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A-1, 5.250%, 9/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           110,286   

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2007C-1, 5.500%, 9/01/24 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           217,770   

Ebert Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/22 – RAAI Insured

         12/17 at 100.00           N/R           101,798   

Plaza Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           N/R           565,060   

Poudre Tech Metro District, Colorado, Unlimited Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2010B, 3.000%, 12/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           100,642   

Public Authority for Colorado Energy, Colorado, Natural Gas Purchase Revenue Bonds, Colorado Springs Utilities, Series 2008, 6.125%, 11/15/23

         No Opt. Call           A           720,021   

Rendezvous Residential Metropolitan District, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 5.200%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           487,455   

Wyndham Hill Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2005, 6.250%, 12/01/25

           12/15 at 100.00           N/R           84,178   

Total Colorado


Connecticut – 0.1%


Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Eastern Connecticut Health Network, Series 2005, 4.375%, 7/01/18 – RAAI Insured

           7/15 at 100.00           N/R           77,371   

Florida – 7.5%


Brevard County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Health Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Health First, Inc. Project, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 4/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A–           254,162   

Capital Projects Finance Authority, Florida, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Capital Projects Loan Program, Series 2001F-1:


5.500%, 10/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           120,138   

5.125%, 10/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         10/13 at 100.00           Baa2           144,945   

5.000%, 10/01/31 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           761,320   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High Risk Assessment Revenue, Senior Secured Bonds, Series 2009A-1:


6.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           75,202   

5.500%, 6/01/16 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           68,743   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Revenue Bonds, Coastal Account Senior Secured Series 2011A-1, 4.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           27,420   


Nuveen Investments     267   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)


Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Senior Secured Bonds Series 2010A-1:

$ 50     

5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+         $ 54,444   

5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           67,632   

4.250%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           56,252   

4.000%, 6/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           11,190   

Citrus County Hospital Board, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Citrus Memorial Hospital, Refunding Series 2002, 6.375%, 8/15/32

         8/13 at 100.00           BB–           50,087   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Personal and Commercial Lines Account Bonds, Senior Secured Series 2012A-1, 5.000%, 6/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A+           60,944   

Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School, Inc. Projects, Series 2011A, 6.500%, 6/15/21

         No Opt. Call           BB–           584,065   

Florida Higher Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Nova Southeastern University, Refunding Series 2011, 4.250%, 4/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           54,695   

Florida Municipal Loan Council, Infrastructure Improvement Revenue Bonds, 9B Design-Build-Finance Project, Series 2012, 1.750%, 8/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A           401,000   

Jacksonville, Florida, Economic Development Commission Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Florida Proton Therapy Institute Project, Series 2007A, 6.250%, 9/01/27

         9/17 at 100.00           N/R           1,124,680   

Lee County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Lee County Community Charter Schools, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 6/15/27

         6/17 at 100.00           BB           1,528,830   

Manatee County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2011A, 4.500%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A2           780,255   

Orlando Community Redevelopment Agency, Florida, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Conroy Road District, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,601,363   

Orlando Community Redevelopment Agency, Florida, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Conroy Road District, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 4/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,504,809   

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Jupiter Medical Center, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 11/01/21 (WI/DD, Settling 5/07/13)

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           867,413   

Seminole Tribe of Florida, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007A, 144A, 5.750%, 10/01/22

         10/17 at 100.00           BBB–           11,099   

Village Center Community Development District, Lake County, Florida, Recreational Revenue Bonds, Series 2001A, 5.200%, 11/01/25 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           301,650   

Westchase East Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007-2, 4.000%, 5/01/18 – NPFG Insured

           5/17 at 100.00           A           127,988   

Total Florida


Georgia – 1.8%


Coffee County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Coffee County Regional Medical Center, Series 2004, 5.000%, 12/01/26

         12/14 at 100.00           BB–           454,590   

Fulton County Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Amana Academy Project, Series 2013A, 5.250%, 4/01/23

         No Opt. Call           N/R           564,284   

Fulton County Residential Care Facilities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Elderly Care, Lenbrook Square Project, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 7/01/27

         7/17 at 100.00           N/R           507,855   

Main Street Natural Gas Inc., Georgia, Gas Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B:


5.000%, 3/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A           98,506   

5.000%, 3/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A           314,606   

5.000%, 3/15/21

         No Opt. Call           A           114,937   

5.000%, 3/15/22

         No Opt. Call           A           307,919   


  268       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Georgia (continued)

$ 125     

Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Baa2         $ 143,705   

Savannah Economic Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company Projects, Refunding Series 2003A, 5.100%, 8/01/14

           No Opt. Call           BBB           69,480   

Total Georgia


Guam – 2.5%


Government of Guam, Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A:


4.125%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           792,203   

5.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           550,255   

5.000%, 11/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           556,180   

Guam Government Department of Education, Certificates of Participation, John F. Kennedy High School Project, Series 2010A, 6.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           B           1,089,420   

Guam Government, General Obligation Bonds, 2009 Series A, 6.750%, 11/15/29

         11/19 at 100.00           B+           564,940   

Guam International Airport Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2003B, 5.250%, 10/01/14 – NPFG Insured

           10/13 at 100.00           A           30,503   

Total Guam


Hawaii – 0.2%


Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Wilikina Apartments Project, Series 2012A, 4.250%, 5/01/22

           No Opt. Call           BBB–           273,235   

Illinois – 2.6%


Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Tax Revenues, Series 1999A, 5.250%, 12/01/17 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           296,463   

Governors State University Board of Trustees, Illinois, Certificates of Participation, Capital Improvement Projects, Series 2008, 4.125%, 1/01/21

         No Opt. Call           AA–           314,793   

Illinois Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Provena Health, Series 1998A, 5.125%, 5/15/23 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa1           25,098   

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Christian Homes, Inc., Refunding Series 2010, 6.125%, 5/15/27

         5/20 at 100.00           BBB–           16,781   

Illinois Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Chicago Charter School Foundation, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/21

         12/16 at 100.00           BBB+           325,932   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Admiral at Lake Project, Series 2010A, 7.250%, 5/15/20

         5/15 at 100.00           N/R           157,926   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Schaumburg, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 2/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BB–           257,190   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Montgomery Place Project, Series 2006A, 5.500%, 5/15/26

         5/17 at 100.00           N/R           524,300   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Resurrection Health Care Corporation, Series 2009, 6.125%, 5/15/25

         5/19 at 100.00           BBB+           23,010   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Swedish Covenant Hospital, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 8/15/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           570,690   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 1/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A2           115,566   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 8/01/20

         No Opt. Call           AA–           599,867   

Pingree Grove Village, Illinois, Tax Assessment Bonds, Special Service Area 2 – Cambridge Lakes Project, Series 2005-2, 6.000%, 3/01/35

           3/15 at 102.00           N/R           516,110   

Total Illinois



Nuveen Investments     269   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Indiana – 2.2%

$ 500     

Carmel, Indiana, Revenue Bonds, Barrington of Carmel Project, Series 2012A, 6.000%, 11/15/22

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 547,895   

Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Drexel Foundation For Educational Excellence, Inc., Series 2009A, 6.000%, 10/01/21

         10/19 at 100.00           BB+           437,072   

Indiana Finance Authority, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2011, 6.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BB           364,155   

Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Marion General Hospital Project, Series 2012A, 3.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           467,329   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 1/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/17 at 100.00           BBB           835,680   

Indiana Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Marquette Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 3/01/19

           No Opt. Call           BBB           552,645   

Total Indiana


Iowa – 0.4%


Iowa Finance Authority, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Care Initiatives Project, Series 2006A, 5.500%, 7/01/25

         7/16 at 100.00           BB+           422,796   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Upper Iowa University Project, Series 2012:


3.000%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB           130,025   

4.000%, 9/01/17

           No Opt. Call           BBB           64,622   

Total Iowa


Kansas – 0.4%


Kansas Power Pool, Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, Clay Center Projects, Series 2013A:


3.000%, 12/01/18 (WI/DD, Settling 5/15/13)

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           105,762   

4.000%, 12/01/20 (WI/DD, Settling 5/15/13)

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           341,787   

Overland Park Transportation Development District, Kansas, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Oak Park Mall Project, Series 2010, 5.200%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB           34,488   

Wichita, Kansas, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Via Christi Health System, Inc., Refunding Series 2009X, 4.750%, 11/15/24

           11/19 at 100.00           AA–           111,884   

Total Kansas


Louisiana – 1.1%


Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westlake Chemical Corporation Project, Series 2007, 6.750%, 11/01/32

         11/17 at 100.00           BBB–           858,458   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Christus Health, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 7/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           160,377   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Oaks of Alexandria, L.L.C. – Louisiana State University at Alexandria Student housing Project, Series 2006, 4.000%, 10/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         10/16 at 100.00           A           210,080   

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Facility Revenue Bonds, Louisiana Pellets Inc Project, Series 2013A, 9.750%, 8/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           400,080   

Total Louisiana


Maryland – 0.7%


Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Senior Lien Student Housing Revenue Bonds, University of Maryland – Baltimore, Series 2003A, 5.625%, 10/01/23

           10/13 at 100.00           B3           1,000,080   


  270       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Massachusetts – 2.1%

$ 750     

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Boston Architectural College, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/27 – ACA Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           N/R         $ 750,945   

Massachusetts Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Eastern Nazarene College, Series 1999, 5.625%, 4/01/29

         7/13 at 100.00           BB+           250,788   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Milton Hospital Project, Series 2005D, 5.250%, 7/01/30

         7/15 at 100.00           BB–           1,187,019   

Massachusetts Port Authority, Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Delta Air Lines Inc., Series 2001A:


5.000%, 1/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           25,003   

5.000%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           784,992   

Total Massachusetts


Michigan – 4.1%


Detroit Water Supply System, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2006D, 5.000%, 7/01/23 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           664,190   

Detroit Water Supply System, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Senior Lien Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 7/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Baa2           76,624   

5.250%, 7/01/22 – NPFG Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Baa2           395,452   

5.250%, 7/01/23 – NPFG Insured

         7/16 at 100.00           Baa2           70,216   

Detroit, Michigan, Downtown Development Authority, Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Development Area 1 Projects, Series 1998A, 4.750%, 7/01/25 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A–           645,116   

Detroit, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Capital Improvement Series 2008-A1, 5.000%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           B           234,098   

Detroit, Michigan, Senior Lien Sewerage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Remarketed Series 1998A, 5.250%, 7/01/23 – AGC Insured

         7/17 at 100.00           AA–           115,292   

Detroit, Michigan, Senior Lien Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2001C, 5.750%, 7/01/21 – BHAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           297,378   

Detroit, Michigan, Senior Lien Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2003A:


5.000%, 7/01/26 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A+           55,212   

5.000%, 7/01/34 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           A+           750,045   

Detroit, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B, 5.000%, 7/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           215,567   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Detroit Service Learning Academy Project, Series 2011, 6.000%, 10/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BB+           260,161   

Michigan Finance Authority, Public School Academy Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Old Redford Academy Project, Series 2010A, 5.250%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BB           525,304   

Summit Academy North, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Public School Academy Series 2005, 5.000%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BB           251,750   

Taylor, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2005, 5.000%, 9/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB           183,271   

Troy Downtown Development Authority, Michigan, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Development & Refunding Series 2001, 5.500%, 11/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         11/13 at 100.00           Baa2           252,675   

Wayne Charter County, Michigan, Limited Tax General Obligation Airport Hotel Revenue Bonds, Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, Series 2001A, 5.000%, 12/01/30 – NPFG Insured

           7/13 at 100.00           BBB+           792,157   

Total Michigan



Nuveen Investments     271   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Minnesota – 0.1%

$ 150     

Minneapolis, Minnesota, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Village at St. Anthony Falls Project, Refunding Series 2004, 5.750%, 2/01/27

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 150,105   

Missouri – 2.3%


Kansas City Tax Increment Financing Commission, Missouri, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Briarcliff West Project, Series 2006A, 5.400%, 6/01/24

         6/14 at 102.00           N/R           519,105   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/15/22 – NPFG Insured

         12/16 at 100.00           A           1,087,870   

St. Joseph Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Tax Increment Bonds, Shoppes at North Village Project, Series 2005B, 5.375%, 11/01/23

         11/14 at 100.00           N/R           503,690   

St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Refunding Series 2007B, 5.000%, 7/01/24 – AGM Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/17 at 100.00           AA–           1,108,920   

Total Missouri


Nebraska – 0.1%


Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska, Gas Project 1 Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A:


5.250%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           119,820   

5.250%, 12/01/19

           No Opt. Call           A           57,477   

Total Nebraska


Nevada – 1.4%


Henderson Local Improvement Districts T-18, Nevada, Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Inspirada Series 2006, 5.150%, 9/01/21

         9/13 at 102.00           N/R           91,661   

Henderson, Nevada, Local Improvement District T-13 Cornerstone, Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013, 4.000%, 3/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           102,456   

North Las Vegas, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 5/01/27 – NPFG Insured

           5/16 at 100.00           A           1,844,977   

Total Nevada


New Hampshire – 0.2%


Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority, New Hampshire, Meals and Rooms Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A, 6.750%, 1/01/14 – ACA Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Caa1           199,936   

Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority, New Hampshire, Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B, 0.000%, 1/01/17 – ACA Insured

           No Opt. Call           Caa1           100,888   

Total New Hampshire


New Jersey – 2.9%


Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, New Jersey, Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.250%, 6/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         6/15 at 100.00           A–           212,504   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Financing Program Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 1151, 2.769%, 9/01/25 (IF) (4)

         3/25 at 100.00           A+           250,000   

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Transportation Sublease Revenue Bonds, Light Rail Transit System, Refunding Series 2008A, 5.000%, 5/01/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           120,565   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Palisades Medical Center of New York Presbyterian Healthcare System Obligated Group, Series 1999, 5.200%, 7/01/19 – ACA Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BB+           70,053   

New Jersey State Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2011-1, 5.000%, 12/01/22

         12/21 at 100.00           A           572,535   

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007-1A:


4.500%, 6/01/23

         6/17 at 100.00           B1           2,447,712   

4.625%, 6/01/26

           6/17 at 100.00           B1           486,860   

Total New Jersey



  272       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New Mexico – 1.1%

$ 1,500     

Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Valencia Retirement Apartments Project, Series 2001A, 5.450%, 6/01/34 – AMBAC Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           5/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 1,500,390   

New York – 4.6%


Buffalo and Erie County Industrial Land Development Corporation, New York, Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds, Enterprise Charter School Project, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 12/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           109,777   

Build NYC Resource Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Bronx Charter School for Excellence, Series 2013A:


4.000%, 4/01/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           526,181   

4.000%, 4/01/21

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           567,908   

4.000%, 4/01/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           585,597   

Essex County Industrial Development Agency, New York, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, International Paper Company, Refunding Series 2005A, 5.200%, 12/01/23 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB           1,084,730   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, American Airlines-JFK International Airport Special Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2005:


7.500%, 8/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,067,680   

7.625%, 8/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         8/16 at 101.00           N/R           171,441   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Civic Facility Revenue Bonds, Vaughn College of Aeronautics, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BB+           160,230   

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, PILOT Revenue Bonds, Queens Baseball Stadium Project, Series 2006:


5.000%, 1/01/19 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba1           109,409   

5.000%, 1/01/20 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba1           81,313   

5.000%, 1/01/21 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba1           97,182   

5.000%, 1/01/22 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba1           112,430   

5.000%, 1/01/23 – AMBAC Insured

         1/17 at 100.00           Ba1           79,850   

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Special Project Bonds, JFK International Air Terminal LLC Project, Eighth Series 2010:


5.000%, 12/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           224,853   

6.500%, 12/01/28

         12/15 at 100.00           BBB–           220,914   

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Special Project Bonds, JFK International Air Terminal LLC, Sixth Series 1997, 5.750%, 12/01/22 – NPFG Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         6/13 at 100.00           BBB–           75,290   

Rockland County, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2010B, 2.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           189,440   

Suffolk Tobacco Asset Securitization Corporation, New York, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           104,764   

TSASC Inc., New York, Tobacco Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 6/01/26

           6/16 at 100.00           BB–           989,550   

Total New York


North Carolina – 0.3%


Charlotte, North Carolina, Special Facility Refunding Revenue Bonds, Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, US Airways, Inc. Project, Series 1998, 5.600%, 7/01/27 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           N/R           450,554   

Ohio – 5.2%


Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-2:


5.375%, 6/01/24

         6/17 at 100.00           B–           1,315,359   

5.125%, 6/01/24

         6/17 at 100.00           B–           2,172,222   

Montgomery County, Ohio, Health Care and Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Saint Leonard, Refunding & improvement Series 2010, 6.000%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           190,177   


Nuveen Investments     273   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Ohio (continued)

$ 1,195     

Muskingum County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Genesis HealthCare System Obligated Group Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 2/15/20 (WI/DD, Settling 5/09/13)

         No Opt. Call           BB+         $ 1,318,312   

Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority, Ohio, Revenue Refunding Bonds, CSX Transportation Inc., Series 1992, 6.450%, 12/15/21

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,399,876   

Youngstown, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 4.125%, 12/01/20 – NPFG Insured

           12/15 at 100.00           A           1,049,320   

Total Ohio


Oklahoma – 0.3%


Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Great Plains Regional Medical Center, Series 2007, 4.500%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BB+           113,655   

Tulsa Municipal Airport Trust, Oklahoma, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1995, 6.250%, 6/01/20

           6/13 at 100.00           N/R           310,760   

Total Oklahoma


Oregon – 0.4%


Medford Hospital Facilities Authority, Oregon, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Asante Health System, Refunding Series 2010:


5.000%, 8/15/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           312,842   

5.000%, 8/15/21 – AGM Insured

         8/20 at 100.00           AA–           240,394   

Port of Saint Helens, Oregon, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Boise Cascade Project, Series 1997, 5.650%, 12/01/27

           No Opt. Call           N/R           54,998   

Total Oregon


Pennsylvania – 2.7%


Allegheny Country Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2009, 6.500%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BB           234,408   

Allegheny County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Duquesne Light Company, Series 1999A, 4.350%, 12/01/13 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           122,263   

Allegheny County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation, Series 2005, 5.500%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BB           712,239   

Beaver County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Duquesne Light Company Project, Series 1999B, 4.750%, 8/01/20 (Mandatory put 5/01/18)

         No Opt. Call           A2           283,453   

Bucks County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Charter School Revenue Bonds, School Lane Charter School, Series 2007A, 4.875%, 3/15/27

         3/17 at 100.00           BBB           194,739   

Doylestown Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB           588,367   

Lebanon County Health Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Good Samaritan Hospital Project, Series 2002, 6.000%, 11/15/35

         7/13 at 100.00           Ba2           400,344   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northwestern Human Services Inc., Series 1998A, 5.250%, 6/01/28

         6/13 at 100.00           N/R           200,192   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, AICUP Financing Program-Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture Project, Series 2012 LL1, 5.000%, 11/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           198,858   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Allegheny Delaware Valley Obligated Group, Series 1996C, 5.875%, 11/15/16 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           Baa2           40,048   

Philadelphia School District, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008F, 5.000%, 9/01/17 – BHAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           114,902   

Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.250%, 11/15/19 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           211,720   


  274       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)

$ 150     

Scranton Parking Authority, Pennsylvania, Guaranteed Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, 4.250%, 9/15/18 – FGIC Insured

         9/13 at 100.00           N/R         $ 145,745   

Southcentral Pennsylvania General Authority, Revenue Bonds, Hanover Hospital Inc., Series 2013, 5.000%, 12/01/20

           No Opt. Call           BBB–           421,297   

Total Pennsylvania


Puerto Rico – 3.9%


Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2002KK, 5.500%, 7/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           64,510   

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2005SS, 5.000%, 7/01/21 – NPFG Insured

         7/15 at 100.00           BBB+           203,172   

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Power Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2002, 5.000%, 7/01/19 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           664,969   

Puerto Rico Government Development Bank, Adjustable Refunding Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Series 1985, 4.750%, 12/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         12/13 at 100.00           BBB–           507,055   

Puerto Rico Government Development Bank, Senior Note Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2006B:


5.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           460,935   

5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           110,759   

Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Auxilio Mutuo Hospital, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 7/01/21

         No Opt. Call                619,196   

Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A, 4.000%, 7/01/16 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           304,587   

Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C, 5.500%, 7/01/19 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           290,104   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation and Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2002A:


5.500%, 7/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           315,954   

5.500%, 7/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           186,489   

5.500%, 7/01/18 – NPFG Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,137,132   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation Bonds, Public Improvement Refunding Series 2007A, 5.250%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           523,985   

University of Puerto Rico, University System Revenue Bonds, Series 2006P, 5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call                107,965   

University of Puerto Rico, University System Revenue Bonds, Series 2006Q, 5.000%, 6/01/21

           6/16 at 100.00           BBB–           130,667   

Total Puerto Rico


Rhode Island – 0.1%


East Providence, Rhode Island, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003, 4.000%, 5/15/21 – NPFG Insured

         5/13 at 100.00           A           100,058   

Rhode Island Health & Educational Building Corporation, Public Schools Financing Program Revenue Bonds, Pooled Series 2009E, 5.000%, 5/15/17

           No Opt. Call           A3           82,860   

Total Rhode Island


South Carolina – 0.1%


South Carolina Jobs-Economic Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Coastal Housing Foundation, LLC Project, Series 2009A, 5.500%, 4/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           157,554   

York County, South Carolina, Celanese, Series 1994, 5.700%, 1/01/24 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           7/13 at 100.00           BB–           20,002   

Total South Carolina



Nuveen Investments     275   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

South Dakota – 0.2%

$ 100     

Heartland Consumers Power District, South Dakota, Electric System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1992, 6.000%, 1/01/17 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 111,863   

Rapid City, South Dakota, Airport Revenue Refunding Bonds, Passenger Facility Charge Supported, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 12/01/20

           12/19 at 100.00           Baa2           182,469   

Total South Dakota


Tennessee – 1.8%


Clarksville Natural Gas Acquisition Corporation, Tennessee, Natural Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 12/15/21 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         No Opt. Call           A           626,092   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 9/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A           339,758   

5.250%, 9/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A           485,911   

5.250%, 9/01/22

         No Opt. Call           A           236,648   

5.250%, 9/01/24

         No Opt. Call           A           29,540   

The Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue Bonds, Series 2006C:


5.000%, 2/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           22,315   

5.000%, 2/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           114,413   

5.000%, 2/01/22

           No Opt. Call           A–           743,496   

Total Tennessee


Texas – 6.3%


Bexar County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, Army Retirement Residence Foundation Project, Series 2010, 4.250%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           368,732   

Bexar County, Texas, Health Facilities Development Corporation Revenue Bonds, Army Retirement Residence, Series 2007, 5.000%, 7/01/27

         7/17 at 100.00           BBB           263,775   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Collateralized Revenue Bonds, CenterPoint Energy Inc., Refunding Series 2004B, 4.250%, 12/01/17 – FGIC Insured

         6/14 at 100.00           A           77,969   

Brazos River Authority, Texas, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Houston Industries Inc., Series 1998D, 4.900%, 10/01/15 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB           86,150   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Refunding Series 2013A, 5.000%, 1/01/21 (WI/DD, Settling 5/16/13)

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,184,180   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2010, 5.750%, 1/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           76,640   

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Refunding Series 2013, 5.000%, 1/01/20 (WI/DD, Settling 5/16/13)

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           851,183   

Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport Facility Improvement Corporation, Texas, Revenue Bonds, American Airlines Inc., Series 1995, 6.000%, 11/01/14

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           179,438   

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Young Men’s Christian Association of the Greater Houston Area, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 6/01/18

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           119,642   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Junior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2001B, 5.250%, 11/15/40 – NPFG Insured

         5/13 at 100.00           Baa2           1,327,836   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Junior Lien Special Revenue Bonds, Series 1998B, 0.000%, 11/15/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           31,343   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2001A, 5.250%, 11/15/30 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           100,214   

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Texas, Senior Lien Special Revenue Bonds, Series 1998A:


5.000%, 11/15/25 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           100,747   

5.000%, 11/15/28 – NPFG Insured

         7/13 at 100.00           BBB           95,711   

Health Facilities Development District of Central Texas, Revenue Bonds, Legacy at Willow Bend Project, Series 2006A, 5.625%, 11/01/26

         11/16 at 100.00           N/R           1,052,870   


  276       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Texas (continued)

$ 400     

Houston, Texas, Airport System Special Facilities Revenue Bonds, Continental Air Lines Inc., Series 2001E, 6.750%, 7/01/29 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         7/13 at 100.00           B         $ 401,768   

Lufkin Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Health System Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health System of East Texas, Refunding Series 2009:


5.500%, 2/15/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           376,999   

5.750%, 2/15/19

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           298,294   

Red River Authority, Texas, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, AEP Texas North Company, Public Service Company of Oklahoma and AEP Texas Central Company Oklaunion Project, Refunding Series 2007, 4.450%, 6/01/20 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,151,458   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation I, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2008D, 5.625%, 12/15/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           476,149   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation I, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A:


5.250%, 12/15/18

         No Opt. Call           A–           92,742   

5.250%, 12/15/20

         No Opt. Call           A–           29,117   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation III, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/15/19

           No Opt. Call           A3           227,814   

Total Texas


Vermont – 0.4%


Vermont Economic Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Casella Waste Systems, Inc. Project, Series 2013, 4.750%, 4/01/36 (Mandatory put 4/02/18) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           B+           503,470   

Virgin Islands – 0.9%


Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note, Refunding Series 2012A, 4.000%, 10/01/22

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,078,270   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note, Series 2003, 5.000%, 10/01/33 – RAAI Insured

         10/14 at 100.00           BBB+           207,224   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Loan Notes Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2010B, 5.250%, 10/01/29

           10/20 at 100.00           Baa2           33,043   

Total Virgin Islands


Virginia – 0.3%


Peninsula Town Center Community Development Authority, Virginia, Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 5.800%, 9/01/17

           No Opt. Call           N/R           436,356   

Washington – 0.3%


Tacoma Consolidated Local Improvement District 65, Washington, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2013, 5.750%, 4/01/43

         4/14 at 100.00           N/R           275,129   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Central Washington Health Services Association, Series 2009, 6.250%, 7/01/24

         7/19 at 100.00           Baa3           40,172   

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Non-Profit Revenue Bonds, Emerald Heights Project, Refunding 2013, 4.000%, 7/01/18

           No Opt. Call           A–           94,435   

Total Washington


Wisconsin – 0.1%


Green Bay Redevelopment Authority, Wisconsin, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Fort James Project, Series 1999, 5.600%, 5/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           N/R           46,400   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare System, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 8/15/21

           8/16 at 100.00           A–           28,017   

Total Wisconsin

$ 107,983     

Total Investments (cost $113,867,643) – 80.2%


Other Assets Less Liabilities – 19.8%


Net Assets – 100%

                               $ 142,784,708   


Nuveen Investments     277   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013






  (1)   All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets.


  (2)   Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns.


  (3)   Ratings (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Using the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. Ratings below BBB by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national rating agencies.


  (4)   Investment, or portion of investment, has been pledged to collateralize the net payment obligations for investments in inverse floating rate transactions.


  N/R   Not rated.


  WI/DD   Investment, or portion of investment, purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis.


  (IF)   Inverse floating rate investment.


  144A   Investment is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These investments may only be resold in transactions exempt from registration, which are normally those transactions with qualified institutional buyers.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


  278       Nuveen Investments

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  



National – 0.3%

$ 1,522     

BB&T Various States Municipal Trust Pool, Class B Certificates, Series 2011, 0.149%, 9/01/14

           No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 1,522,112   

Alabama – 0.1%


Camden Industrial Development Board, Alabama, Exempt Facilities Revenue Bonds, Weyerhaeuser Company Project, Series 2003B, 6.375%, 12/01/24 (Pre-refunded 12/01/13) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           12/13 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           673,491   

Arizona – 4.8%


Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority, Subordinate Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Professional Baseball Training Facilities Project, Series 2013:


5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,084,610   

5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,113,020   

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Midwestern University, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 5/15/19

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,784,769   

Maricopa County School District 31 Balsz, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, School Improvement Project 2011 Series 2012,
2.000%, 7/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,061,647   

Navajo County Pollution Control Corporation, Arizona, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, Arizona Public Service Company, Cholla Project, Series 2009A, 1.250%, 6/01/34 (Mandatory put 5/29/14)

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           5,031,300   

Phoenix Civic Improvement Corporation, Arizona, Junior Lien Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A:


3.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           778,550   

5.000%, 7/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A+           6,564,974   

Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1983, 0.000%, 12/01/14 (ETM)

         No Opt. Call           Aaa           1,263,040   

Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport Authority, Arizona, Special Facility Revenue Bonds, Mesa Project, Series 2012:


3.000%, 7/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           204,922   

3.000%, 7/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           134,160   

3.000%, 7/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA+           312,312   

Pima County Unified School District 10 Amphitheater, Arizona, General Obligation Bonds, School Improvement Series 2011C, 3.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           501,930   

Pinal County Electrical District 3, Arizona, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 2.500%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           814,593   

Sun Devil Energy LLC, Arizona, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Arizona State University Project, Series 2008, 5.000%, 7/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA–           976,423   

Yavapai County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Series 2003A-2, 0.850%, 3/01/28 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           BBB           2,002,020   

Total Arizona


Arkansas – 0.7%


North Little Rock Health Facilities Board, Arkansas, Healthcare Revenue Bonds, Baptist Health, Series 1996B, 5.375%, 12/01/19

           12/18 at 100.00           A+           3,319,493   

California – 6.6%


ABAG Finance Authority for Nonprofit Corporations, California, Revenue Bonds, Episcopal Senior Communities, Refunding Series 2011, 4.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB           874,942   

Beaumont Financing Authority, California, Local Agency Revenue Bonds, Improvement Area 19C, Series 2013A:


2.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           477,736   

2.250%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           497,465   


Nuveen Investments     279   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 800     

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Cal-Mortgage Insured Revenue Bonds, Northern California Retired Officers Community Corporation – Paradise Valley Estates, Refunding Series 2013, 3.000%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A         $ 850,496   

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Insured Refunding Revenue Bonds, Marshall Medical Center, Series 2012A:


3.000%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           304,059   

4.000%, 11/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           520,557   

California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Centro De Salud De La Communidad De Ysidero, Inc., Series 2013, 3.000%, 3/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           290,804   

California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, USA Waste Services Inc., Refunding Series 1998A, 2.625%, 6/01/18 (Mandatory put 6/02/14) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,020,130   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, Series 2011C, 4.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,524,089   

California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Various Capital Projects, Series 2011A, 4.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           3,249,900   

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System West, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 3/01/16

         3/15 at 100.00           A           2,699,025   

Carlsbad, California, Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds, Reassessment District 12-1, Series 2013:


2.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           405,508   

2.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           253,833   

Corona-Norco Unified School District Public Financing Authority, Riverside County, California, Special Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2013A, 2.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           556,914   

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,556,146   

Inland Valley Development Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2011B, 4.250%, 3/01/41 (Mandatory put 3/01/15)

         No Opt. Call           A           2,608,875   

Northern California Power Agency, Hydroelectric Project Number One Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           568,120   

Orange City, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 91-2, Serrano Heights Public Improvements, Refunding Series 2013:


3.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           473,535   

3.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           341,293   

3.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A           384,998   

4.000%, 10/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           335,823   

Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


3.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           454,734   

3.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           693,441   

Pittsburg Infrastructure Financing Authority, California, Reassessment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A:


2.000%, 9/02/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           201,038   

3.000%, 9/02/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           411,880   

Sacramento City Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Westlake and Regency Park, Refunding Series 2013A:


2.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,691,959   

3.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,044,054   

3.000%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           574,266   

San Benito Health Care District, San Benito County, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


3.000%, 3/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           317,586   

4.000%, 3/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           393,197   


  280       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

California (continued)

$ 1,000     

San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 6, Mission Bay South, Series 2002, 3.000%, 8/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 1,032,550   

San Marcos Public Facilities Authority, California, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012D, 2.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           431,707   

Union City Community Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Redevelopment Project, Subordinate Lien Series 2011, 5.000%, 12/01/18

         No Opt. Call           A           1,108,056   

West Kern Water District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2011:


3.000%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA–           350,770   

3.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–           644,755   

3.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           896,025   

3.000%, 6/01/16

           No Opt. Call           AA–           630,366   

Total California


Colorado – 4.7%


Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Refunding Revenue Bonds, Pinnacle Charter School, Inc. K-8 Facility Project, Series 2013:


3.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           181,097   

3.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           261,260   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Douglas County School District RE-1 – DCS Montessori School, Refunding & Improvement Series 2012:


2.000%, 7/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A           212,512   

2.250%, 7/15/17

         No Opt. Call           A           177,525   

Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Stargate Charter School, Series 2002, 6.125%, 5/01/33 (Pre-refunded 5/01/13)

         5/13 at 100.00           N/R (4)           500,080   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,675,118   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Christian Living Communities Project, Series 2012, 4.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           508,720   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan, Series 2009B, 5.000%, 6/01/39 (Mandatory put 12/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,616,600   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Series 2012:


4.000%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           355,436   

4.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           523,478   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Parkview Medical Center, Series 2012, 3.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           879,253   

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Yampa Valley Medical Center, Series 2007, 5.000%, 9/15/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,012,770   

Colorado Springs, Colorado, Utilities System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012C-1, 3.000%, 11/15/13

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,634,697   

Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority, Water Resources Revenue Bonds, Parker Water and Sanitation District, Series 2004D, 4.000%, 9/01/14 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           374,580   

Commerce City Northern Infrastructure General Improvement District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013:


3.000%, 12/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           385,936   

4.000%, 12/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           663,618   

Denver Urban Renewal Authority, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Stapleton Senior Refunding Series 2013A-1, 5.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,110,998   


Nuveen Investments     281   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Colorado (continued)

$ 220     

E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 1997B, 0.000%, 9/01/17 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           Baa2         $ 196,981   

Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation, Colorado, Airport Terminal Project Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A:


3.000%, 5/01/13 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           125,006   

3.000%, 5/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           238,715   

3.500%, 5/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           357,430   

Meridian Metropolitan District, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A, 3.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           1,302,360   

Parker Water and Sanitation District, Douglas County, Colorado, Water and Sewer Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 2.000%, 11/01/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           363,136   

Plaza Metropolitan District 1, Lakewood, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


4.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           771,157   

4.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,085,258   

Sand Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013B:


3.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           503,616   

3.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           520,199   

3.000%, 12/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A           545,669   

Tallyn’s Reach Metropolitan District 3, Aurora, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 3.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           243,476   

Westminster Economic Development Authority, Colorado, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Mandalay Gardens Urban Renewal Project, Series 2012:


1.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           616,101   

3.000%, 12/01/14

           No Opt. Call           A           464,810   

Total Colorado


Connecticut – 0.9%


Connecticut Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Connecticut Light and Power Company, Refunding Series 2011B, 1.250%, 9/01/28 (Mandatory put 9/03/13)

         No Opt. Call           A           1,239,224   

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sacred Heart University, Series 2011G:


2.250%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB           509,252   

4.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           800,641   

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sacred Heart University, Series 2012H:


3.000%, 7/01/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           502,200   

4.000%, 7/01/14 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,194,609   

Total Connecticut


Delaware – 0.6%


Wilmington, Delaware, Multifamily Rental Housing Revenue Bonds, Lincoln Towers Associates, LLC Project, Series 2011A and Series 2011B, 4.000%, 7/15/13

           No Opt. Call           N/R           3,002,220   

District of Columbia – 0.6%


District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Gallaudet University, Series 2011, 3.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           254,785   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, Georgetown University, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,814,785   

District of Columbia, Revenue Bonds, The Association of American Medical Colleges Issue, Series 2011A, 3.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           346,938   

Washington Convention Center Authority, District of Columbia, Dedicated Tax Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Refunding Series 2007A, 5.000%, 10/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

           No Opt. Call           A1           651,823   

Total District of Columbia



  282       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida – 8.3%


Atlantic Beach, Florida, Healthcare Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Fleet Landing Project, Series 2013A:

$ 300     

3.000%, 11/15/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB         $ 313,008   

4.000%, 11/15/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB           651,612   

Broward County, Florida, Port Facilities Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011B, 5.000%, 9/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,512,452   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High Risk Assessment Revenue, Senior Secured Bonds, Series 2009A-1, 5.000%, 6/01/16 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           536,973   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Revenue Bonds, Coastal Account Senior Secured Series 2011A-1, 5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,728,065   

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Florida, High-Risk Account Senior Secured Bonds Series 2010A-1:


3.000%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           170,413   

5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           315,303   

5.000%, 6/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           650,484   

City of Tampa, Florida, Refunding and Capital Improvement Cigarette Tax Allocation Bonds, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center Project, Series 2012A, 3.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           314,443   

Cityplace Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment and Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           676,117   

Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Personal and Commercial Lines Account Bonds, Senior Secured Series 2012A-1, 5.000%, 6/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           4,424,260   

Florida Higher Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue and Revenue Refunding Bonds, University of Tampa Project, Series 2012A:


4.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           308,454   

4.000%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           891,463   

Florida Higher Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Nova Southeastern University Project, Refunding Series 2012A:


4.000%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           230,516   

4.000%, 4/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           464,467   

Highlands County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2009E, 5.000%, 11/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,112,170   

Highlands County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group, Variable Rate Demand Series 2005I, 5.000%, 11/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,298,620   

Hillsborough County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Tampa Electric Company Project, Series 2007B, 5.150%, 9/01/25 (Mandatory put 9/01/13)

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,015,810   

Lee County, Florida, Airport Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A, 4.000%, 10/01/13 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A2           182,709   

Miami, Florida, Special Obligation Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 2/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,108,280   

Miami-Dade County Expressway Authority, Florida, Toll System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,091,708   

Miami-Dade County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. of Florida Project, Series 2008, 2.625%, 8/01/23 (Mandatory put 8/01/14) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           510,620   

Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Refunding Series 2012B, 2.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           3,223,264   

Okeechobee County, Florida, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Series 2004A, 0.650%, 7/01/39 (Mandatory put 7/01/13)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,000,300   

Osceola County, Florida, Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2012, 2.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,345,867   


Nuveen Investments     283   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Florida (continued)

$ 730     

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Jupiter Medical Center, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 11/01/15 (WI/DD, Settling 5/07/13)

         No Opt. Call           BBB+         $ 777,852   

Pinellas County Educational Facilities Authority, Florida, General Revenue Bonds, Barry University, Refunding Series 2011:


4.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB           918,077   

5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,282,031   

4.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB           1,148,542   

Pinellas County Educational Facilities Authority, Florida, General Revenue Bonds, Barry University, Refunding Series 2012, 4.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           325,151   

Volusia County Educational Facilities Authority, Florida, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Inc. Project, Refunding Series 2011:


2.000%, 10/15/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,407,989   

4.000%, 10/15/15 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,352,268   

Total Florida


Georgia – 1.9%


Atlanta, Georgia, Airport General Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,341,223   

Burke County Development Authority, Georgia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Georgia Power Company, Ninth Series 1994, 1.200%, 10/01/32 (Mandatory put 4/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,309,711   

Carroll County School District, Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011, 4.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,551,690   

DeKalb County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Anticipation Certificates Revenue Bonds, DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. Project, Series 2010, 4.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           3,341,440   

Gwinnett County Development Authority, Georgia, Certificates of Participation, County Public Schools Project, Series 2004, 5.250%, 1/01/21 (Pre-refunded 1/01/14) – NPFG Insured

         1/14 at 100.00           AA+ (4)           1,033,390   

Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University Project, Refunding Series 2012C, 4.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           341,930   

Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 10/01/14

           No Opt. Call           Baa2           606,148   

Total Georgia


Hawaii – 0.4%


Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Senior Living Revenue Bonds, 15 Craigside Project, Series 2009C-1, 7.500%, 11/15/15

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           802,584   

Hawaii State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009D-Q, 4.000%, 6/01/14

           No Opt. Call           AA           1,119,312   

Total Hawaii


Illinois – 5.7%


Chicago, Illinois, General Airport Revenue Bonds, O’Hare International Airport, Senior Lien Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A2           2,147,860   

Chicago, Illinois, General Airport Revenue Bonds, O’Hare International Airport, Senior Lien Refunding Series 2012B, 4.000%, 1/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,184,210   

Decatur, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 3.000%, 3/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,130,658   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Art Institute of Chicago, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 3/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           5,003,761   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Illinois Institute of Technology, Series 2009, 6.250%, 2/01/19

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           545,460   


  284       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Illinois (continued)


Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2009A:

$ 1,655     

5.000%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A         $ 1,690,583   

5.000%, 11/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           1,187,978   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Clare at Water Tower Project, Capitol Appreciation Series 2010B, 0.000%, 5/15/50 (5)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           3   

Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Clare at Water Tower Project, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.100%, 5/15/14 (5)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           7   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           896,860   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 1/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,137,633   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


4.000%, 8/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,508,624   

5.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,531,767   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           590,279   

Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           843,475   

Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Illinois FIRST Program, Series 2002, 5.500%, 8/01/15 – SYNCORA GTY Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,562,227   

Macon County School District 61 Decatur, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 2.000%, 1/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A1           326,381   

Quad Cities Regional Economic Development Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, Augustana College, Series 2012:


2.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           251,038   

3.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           208,770   

St. Clair County, Illinois, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A:


5.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           274,985   

5.000%, 1/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           349,717   

University of Illinois, Auxiliary Facilities System Revenue Bonds, Series 2001A, 5.500%, 4/01/14 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           669,952   

Waukegan, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012A:


3.000%, 12/30/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,217,952   

4.000%, 12/30/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,154,505   

4.000%, 12/30/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           946,826   

Western Illinois University, Auxiliary Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 3.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           806,369   

Williamson & Johnson Counties Community Unit School District 2, Marion, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011:


5.750%, 12/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           422,401   

5.750%, 12/01/15 – AGM Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           497,300   

Total Illinois


Indiana – 0.8%


Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Marion General Hospital Project, Series 2012A, 2.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           300,882   

Indiana Finance Authority, Private Activity Bonds, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 1/01/19 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         1/17 at 100.00           BBB           1,788,355   

Indiana Health and Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Baptist Homes of Indiana, Series 2005, 5.000%, 11/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,020,450   

Knox County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Good Samaritan Hospital Project, Series 2012A, 3.000%, 4/01/15

           No Opt. Call           A3           632,899   

Total Indiana



Nuveen Investments     285   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Iowa – 2.7%


Ames, Iowa, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Series 2011:

$ 100     

3.000%, 6/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A2         $ 100,339   

4.000%, 6/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           239,241   

4.000%, 6/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           531,995   

Iowa Finance Authority, Healthcare Revenue Bonds, Genesis Health System, Refunding Series 2010:


5.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A1           312,424   

5.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,295,636   

5.000%, 7/01/20

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,902,975   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, Central College, Refunding Series 2012A, 3.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           1,352,162   

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority, Private College Facility Revenue Bonds, University of Dubuque Project, Refunding Series 2011, 4.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           224,077   

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2011A-1:


2.600%, 12/01/13 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           378,964   

3.100%, 12/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           2,063,940   

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009-1, 5.000%, 12/01/13

           No Opt. Call           A1           3,985,605   

Total Iowa


Kansas – 1.1%


Dodge City, Kansas, General Obligation Bonds, Waterworks & Wastewater Utility Series 2012A, 2.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           748,881   

Kansas State Power Pool, Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, Dogwood Energy Facility, Series 2012A, 3.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           1,030,270   

Manhattan, Kansas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Mercy Regional Health Center, Inc., Refunding Series 2013, 4.000%, 11/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A           543,480   

Wichita, Kansas, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Via Christi Health System, Inc., Refunding Series 2009X, 5.000%, 11/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,106,460   

Wichita, Kansas, Hospital Facilities Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Via Christi Health System Inc., Series 2009A-III:


5.000%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,068,060   

5.000%, 11/15/16

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,140,630   

Total Kansas


Kentucky – 0.7%


Pikeville, Kentucky, Educational Facilities Revenue Bond, Pikeville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2011, 4.000%, 5/01/13

              N/R           3,000,270   

Russell, Kentucky, Revenue Bonds, Bon Secours Health System, Series 2013, 4.000%, 11/01/15

           No Opt. Call           A–           535,075   

Total Kentucky


Louisiana – 1.3%


Calcasieu Parish Public Trust Authority, Louisiana, Student Lease Revenue Bonds, McNeese State University Student Housing-Cowboy Facilities, Inc. Project, Refunding Series 2011:


2.000%, 5/01/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           N/R           535,027   

2.000%, 5/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           309,435   

3.000%, 5/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           327,389   

3.000%, 5/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           A2           330,167   

Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Assessment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012:


2.000%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A–           260,299   

2.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           303,702   


  286       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Louisiana (continued)

$ 1,185     

Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B, 5.000%, 6/01/15 – AMBAC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–         $ 1,278,342   

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Parking Faculties Corporation – Phase I Project, Series 2012:


3.000%, 10/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           514,990   

3.000%, 10/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,049,210   

New Orleans, Louisiana, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 4.000%, 12/01/15

           No Opt. Call           A3           1,455,138   

Total Louisiana


Maine – 0.1%


Portland, Maine, General Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:


3.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           185,525   

3.000%, 7/01/17

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           372,680   

Total Maine


Maryland – 0.2%


Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Salisbury University Project, Series 2012, 3.000%, 6/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           414,149   

Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Frederick Memorial Hospital Issue, Series 2012A:


3.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           154,197   

3.000%, 7/01/15

           No Opt. Call           Baa1           229,539   

Total Maryland


Massachusetts – 1.2%


Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Lasell College, Series 2011, 2.250%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB           601,590   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Series 2013F, 3.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           316,098   

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Senior Living Facility Revenue Bonds, The Groves in Lincoln Issue, Series 2009B-2, 6.250%, 6/01/14 (6)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           262,500   

Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Issue I Series 2010B, 4.500%, 1/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,073,182   

Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Springfield College, Series 2010, 4.000%, 10/15/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           329,573   

Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, Construction Loan Notes, Series 2012F, 0.650%, 12/01/14

           No Opt. Call           A+           2,503,350   

Total Massachusetts


Michigan – 3.4%


Bridgeport Spaulding Community School District, Saginaw County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011:


2.500%, 5/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           687,569   

3.000%, 5/01/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,305,688   

Caledonia Community Schools, Kent, Allegan and Barry Counties, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013, 3.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA–           513,295   

Dearborn School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 4.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           829,520   

Detroit-Wayne County Stadium Authority, Michigan, Wayne County Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Building Authority Stadium Refunding Series 2012:


5.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           524,370   

5.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           509,856   

Grand Blanc Community Schools, Genesee County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 4.000%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA–           894,344   


Nuveen Investments     287   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Michigan (continued)


Kalamazoo Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Bronson Healthcare Group, Series 2011A:

$ 175     

3.000%, 5/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A2         $ 175,175   

4.000%, 5/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A2           452,760   

Lake Superior State University Board of Trustees, Michigan, General Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 2.000%, 11/15/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           507,755   

Michigan Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Detroit City School District, Series 2012:


5.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           261,238   

4.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A+           569,030   

Michigan Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ascension Health Group, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 11/15/16

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,333,099   

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Oakwood Obligated Group, Series 2003, 5.500%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           256,455   

Romeo Community School District, Macomb and Oakland Counties, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, School Building & Site Series 2013, 1.000%, 5/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           704,116   

Warren Consolidated Schools, Macomb and Oakland Counties, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 4.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,091,900   

Wayne County Airport Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 12/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           256,480   

Wayne County Airport Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Refunding Series 2010C, 5.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           426,454   

Wayne County Airport Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, Series 2005, 5.250%, 12/01/13 – NPFG Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A           1,444,747   

Western Michigan University, General Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008, 3.625%, 11/15/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           522,445   

Western Townships Utilities Authority, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 3.000%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA           605,151   

Williamston Community Schools School District, Ingham County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011


2.000%, 5/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           610,024   

3.000%, 5/01/14

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,146,443   

Total Michigan


Minnesota – 4.7%


Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, Housing and Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Mankato Lutheran Home, Guaranteed by Ecumen Home Care Inc., Series 2004, 2.390%, 8/01/34 (Mandatory put 8/01/13)

         7/13 at 100.00           N/R           324,688   

Farmington Independent School District 192, Dakota County, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Refunding Series 2012B, 3.000%, 2/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           2,199,501   

Independent School District 194, Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Refunding Series 2012C, 3.000%, 2/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,021,190   

Minneapolis, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, National Marrow Donor Program Project, Series 2010, 5.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB           2,794,050   

Minneapolis, Minnesota, Revenue Bonds, Walker Minneapolis Campus Project, Refunding Series 2012:


2.000%, 11/15/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           100,201   

2.250%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           402,268   

2.600%, 11/15/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           713,502   

Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, Minnesota, Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2009B, 5.000%, 1/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,690,925   


  288       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Minnesota (continued)

$ 1,335     

Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Essentia Health Obligated Group, Series 2008C-1, 5.000%, 2/15/15 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 1,431,868   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Augsburg College, Refunding Series 2010-7-G, 3.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           508,930   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Bethel University, Refunding Series 2007-6-R:


5.500%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           959,586   

5.500%, 5/01/17

         No Opt. Call           N/R           1,138,166   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, College of St. Scholastica, Inc., Series 2012-7R:


2.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           272,074   

3.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           206,486   

3.000%, 12/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           219,568   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Hamline University, Series 2011-7K1, 3.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           503,020   

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Catherine University, Series 2012-7Q:


3.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           327,948   

3.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           514,380   

4.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           479,345   

4.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           706,225   

Robbinsdale Independent School District 281, Hennepin County, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, School Building Refunding Series 2012B, 2.000%, 2/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,239,371   

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, Health Care Revenue Bonds, CentraCare Health System Project, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 5/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A1           1,086,320   

Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Upper Landing Project Tax Increment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           N/R           184,390   

Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, Health Care and Housing Facilities Revenue Bonds, Good Shepherd Lutheran Home, Refunding Series 2013:


4.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           N/R           242,320   

4.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           312,807   

Shakopee Independent School District 720, Scott County, Minnesota, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013A, 3.000%, 2/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           1,389,082   

St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Performing Arts Facility Revenue Bonds, Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, Series 2012, 0.950%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           75,039   

Wayzata, Minnesota, Senior Housing Entrance Deposit Revenue Bonds, Folkestone Senior Living Community, Series 2012B, 4.875%, 5/01/19

           5/14 at 100.00           N/R           355,576   

Total Minnesota


Mississippi – 1.0%


D’Iberville, Mississippi, Tax Increment Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds, Gulf Coast Promenade Project, Series 2013, 2.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           126,141   

Mississippi Business Finance Corporation, Gulf Opportunity Zone Revenue Bonds, Coast Electric Power Association, Series 2007C, 0.430%, 5/01/37 (Mandatory put 5/01/13)

         11/13 at 100.00           A           1,500,135   

Mississippi Development Bank, Special Obligation Bonds, Jackson County Limited Tax Note, Series 2009B-1, 4.000%, 7/01/15 – AGC Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA–           3,460,447   

Total Mississippi


Missouri – 5.0%


Boone County, Missouri, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Boone Hospital Center, Refunding Series 2012:


3.000%, 8/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           256,795   

3.000%, 8/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           1,042,870   

4.000%, 8/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A           1,105,910   


Nuveen Investments     289   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Missouri (continued)

$ 1,000     

Cape Girardeau County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Saint Francis Medical Center, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 6/01/17 (WI/DD, Settling 5/01/13)

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 1,118,710   

Joplin Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Freeman Health System, Series 2011, 2.750%, 2/15/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           362,736   

Joplin Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Christian Homes Inc., Series 2007F, 5.500%, 5/15/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           354,797   

Missouri Development Finance Board, Independence, Infrastructure Facilities Revenue Bonds, Water System Improvement Projects, Series 2009E, 4.000%, 11/01/16

         11/14 at 100.00           A–           2,107,022   

Missouri Development Finance Board, Infrastructure Facilities Leasehold Revenue Bonds, City of Independence, Missouri, Annual Appropriation Electric System Revenue Bonds – Dogwood Project, Series 2012A, 2.000%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A           150,170   

Missouri Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kansas City Power & Light Company Project, Series 1992, 1.250%, 7/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A–           3,010,680   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southwest Baptist University Project, Series 2012:


3.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           242,050   

3.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           482,037   

3.000%, 10/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           496,752   

3.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           512,023   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Capital Region Medical Center, Series 2011, 3.000%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A3           272,282   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, St. Luke’s Episcopal and Presbyterian Hospitals, Series 2011, 5.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           719,173   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lake Regional Health System, Series 2012, Reg S, 5.000%, 2/15/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           797,242   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lake Regional Health System, Series 2012, 3.000%, 2/15/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           687,933   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rockhurst University, Series 2011A, 3.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           479,494   

Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Webster University, Series 2011, 4.000%, 4/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,588,402   

Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission, Plum Point Project, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 1/01/16 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           A–           369,291   

Missouri State Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Freeman Health System, Series 2012, 5.000%, 2/15/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,335,101   

Northwest Missouri State University, Housing System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 0.700%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A3           300,786   

Park Hill School District, Platte County, Missouri, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 2.000%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA+           2,233,462   

Saint Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Refunding Series 2011B, 5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,555,119   

St. Louis County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Sunset Hills, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/17

         No Opt. Call           A           600,941   

St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 7/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           251,839   

St. Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 1970, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,031,339   

Truman State University, Missouri, Housing System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 3.000%, 6/01/16

           No Opt. Call           A1           554,460   

Total Missouri



  290       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Montana – 0.4%

$ 1,740     

Montana Facilities Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Composite Deal Series 2010B, 5.000%, 1/01/19

           No Opt. Call           AA         $ 2,084,955   

Nebraska – 0.4%


Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska, Gas Project 1 Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 12/01/21

         No Opt. Call           A           289,533   

Lincoln County Hospital Authority 1, Nebraska, Hospital Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Great Plains Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2012, 4.000%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           547,344   

Washington County, Nebraska, Wastewater and Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Cargill Inc. Project, Variable Rate Demand Series 2012, 1.375%, 9/01/30 (Mandatory put 9/01/15) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           A           1,131,356   

Total Nebraska


Nevada – 0.6%


Carson City, Nevada, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Carson-Tahoe Regional Healthcare Project, Series 2012:


2.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           236,072   

3.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           256,350   

Clark County School District, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Series 2007C, 5.000%, 6/15/13

         No Opt. Call           AA–           653,952   

Clark County, Nevada, Local Improvement Refunding Bonds, Special Improvement District 142 Mountain’s Edge, Series 2012, 2.000%, 8/01/13

           No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,833,440   

Total Nevada


New Jersey – 4.7%


New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rider University, Series 2012A:


5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,053,010   

4.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           2,787,015   

2.000%, 7/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           3,533,939   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Saint Peters University Hospital, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BB+           1,007,020   

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Barnabas Health Care System, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           4,337,520   

New Jersey Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2011-1, 5.000%, 12/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           4,267,920   

New Jersey Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-1A:


3.000%, 12/01/13 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA           989,401   

4.000%, 12/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,350,856   

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2010D, 5.000%, 12/15/18

           No Opt. Call           A+           3,726,138   

Total New Jersey


New Mexico – 0.6%


Aztec Municipal School District 2, San Juan County, New Mexico, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2010B, 4.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           760,628   

New Mexico Educational Assistance Foundation, Education Loan Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2009A, 3.900%, 9/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           Aaa           2,129,192   

Total New Mexico


New York – 4.5%


Buffalo and Erie County Industrial Land Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Medaille College, Series 2012, 2.125%, 4/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BB+           390,363   


Nuveen Investments     291   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

New York (continued)

$ 380     

Build NYC Resource Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Bronx Charter School for Excellence, Series 2013A, 3.000%, 4/01/18

         No Opt. Call           BBB–         $ 393,737   

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Insured Revenue Bonds, Pace University, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 5/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,406,041   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A, 0.000%, 6/01/16 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           653,994   

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010A, 4.000%, 5/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A           160,166   

Niagara Area Development Corporation, New York, Niagara University Project, Series 2012A, 3.000%, 5/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           300,021   

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A, 2.000%, 11/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A           1,586,638   

Monroe County Industrial Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, St. John Fisher College, Series 2012A:


3.000%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           325,705   

3.000%, 6/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           833,778   

Nassau County Local Economic Assistance Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Winthrop-University Hospital Association, Series 2012, 3.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           502,020   

Nassau Health Care Corporation, New York, Revenue Anticipation Notes, Series 2013A, 2.250%, 12/15/13

         No Opt. Call           AA–           2,529,550   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal 2012 Series I, 5.000%, 8/01/14

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,096,520   

New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2003J, 5.500%, 6/01/20 (Pre-refunded 6/01/13)

         6/13 at 100.00           AA (4)           175,798   

New York City, New York, Industrial Development Agency, Senior Airport Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Trips Obligated Group, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/13 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           1,005,920   

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, Series 2011A, 2.125%, 3/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,037,360   

New York State Thruway Authority, General Revenue Bonds, Series2012I, 4.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           793,133   

Schenectady County Capital Resource Corporation, New York, FHA insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Ellis Hospital Project, Refunding Series 2012, 1.750%, 2/15/18 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA+           1,902,201   

St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency Civic Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Clarkson University Project, Series 2012B, 2.500%, 9/01/42 (Mandatory put 3/01/16)

         No Opt. Call           A3           1,489,092   

Westchester County Local Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Kendal on Hudson Project, Series 2013, 2.000%, 1/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R           453,681   

Yonkers, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005A, 5.000%, 8/01/13 – NPFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,278,536   

Yonkers, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,588,410   

Yonkers, New York, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 7/01/15

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,329,025   

Total New York


North Carolina – 0.2%


North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue and Refunding Revenue Bonds, Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Series 2013A, 4.000%, 10/01/15

           No Opt. Call           BBB           1,066,184   


  292       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

North Dakota – 0.9%


Burleigh County, North Dakota, Health Care Revenue Refunding Bonds, St. Alexius Medical Center Project, Series 2012A:

$ 225     

2.500%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A–         $ 225,617   

2.500%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           303,201   

Fargo, North Dakota, Health System Revenue Bonds, Sanford Health, Refunding Series 2011, 3.500%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A+           3,291,621   

Williston Parks and Recreation District, North Dakota, Sales Tax & Gross Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A:


1.150%, 3/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A           200,598   

2.000%, 3/01/15

           No Opt. Call           A           609,078   

Total North Dakota


Ohio – 2.3%


Cleveland State University, Ohio, General Receipts Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.750%, 6/01/14 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           A+           830,663   

Cleveland, Ohio, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 3.000%, 1/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,017,600   

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Ohio, Air Quality Revenue Refunding Bonds, Ohio Power Company Project, Series 2010A, 3.250%, 6/01/41 (Mandatory put 6/02/14)

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           1,021,130   

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Ohio, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, FirstEnergy Generation Corp. Project, Series 2009D, 2.250%, 8/01/29 (Mandatory put 9/15/16)

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           4,061,070   

Ohio State, Capital Facilities Lease-Appropriation Bonds, Administrative Building Fund Projects, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           AA           1,178,910   

Ohio State, Capital Facilities Lease-Appropriation Bonds, Cultural & Sports Facilities Building Fund Projects, Series 2013B, 5.000%, 4/01/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           2,024,751   

Ohio State, Capital Facilities Lease-Appropriation Bonds, Parks & Recreation Improvement Fund Projects, Series 2013A, 3.000%, 8/01/17

           No Opt. Call           AA           1,089,830   

Total Ohio


Oklahoma – 0.2%


Tulsa County Industrial Authority, Oklahoma, Educational Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds, Jenks Public Schools Project, Series 2009, 5.000%, 9/01/14

           No Opt. Call           AA–           1,194,480   

Oregon – 1.8%


Gilliam County, Oregon, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Series 2000A, 4.150%, 8/01/25 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         12/13 at 100.00           N/R           2,000,140   

Klamath Falls Intercommunity Hospital Authority, Oregon, Revenue Bonds, Sky Lakes Medical Center Project, Series 2012, 4.000%, 9/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           700,524   

Local Oregon Capital Assets Program, Certificates of Participation, City of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Series 2013A:


3.000%, 9/15/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           882,635   

4.000%, 9/15/15

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           933,020   

Medford Hospital Facilities Authority, Oregon, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Asante Health System, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 8/15/15 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           3,123,486   

Multnomah County Hospital Facilities Authority, Oregon, Revenue Refunding Bond, Terwilliger Plaza, Inc., Series 2012, 2.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB           364,554   

Portland, Oregon, Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2007A, 5.000%, 6/01/14 – NPFG Insured

           No Opt. Call           AA           809,747   

Total Oregon


Pennsylvania – 7.0%


Allegheny County Airport Authority, Pennsylvania, Airport Revenue Bonds, Pittsburgh International Airport, Refunding Series 2010A, 5.000%, 1/01/16 – AGM Insured (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,381,633   


Nuveen Investments     293   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)


Economy Municipal Authority, Pennsylvania, Sewer Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013:

$ 350     

3.000%, 12/15/17

         No Opt. Call           AA         $ 377,122   

3.000%, 12/15/18

         No Opt. Call           AA           323,544   

Lancaster County Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Health Center Revenue Bonds, Saint Anne’s Retirement Community, Inc. , Series 2012, 3.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BB+           656,880   

Marion Center Area School District, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 2.000%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           1,522,340   

Penn Hills School District, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 4.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A1           2,456,719   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Project, Series 2009, 1.750%, 12/01/33 (Mandatory put 12/01/15)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           224,798   

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc., Project, Series 2011, 2.625%, 7/01/41 (Mandatory put 7/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           BBB           3,040,860   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Saint Francis University, Series 2012-LL2:


2.000%, 5/01/13

         No Opt. Call           N/R           130,004   

2.000%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           165,911   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, AICUP Financing Program-Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture Project, Series 2012 LL1, 4.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           892,164   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, AICUP Financing Program-Mount Aloysius College Project, Series 2011R-1, 0.650%, 11/01/41 (Mandatory put 11/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           A–           725,015   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania Financing Program-Messiah College Project, Series 2001-14:


0.450%, 11/01/31 (Mandatory put 5/01/14)

         11/13 at 100.00           A           3,000,000   

0.625%, 11/01/31 (Mandatory put 11/01/13)

         No Opt. Call           A           2,000,900   

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Foundation for Student Housing at Indiana University, Project Series 2012A:


3.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           100,346   

3.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           102,184   

3.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           330,589   

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Motor License Fund-Enhanced Turnpike Subordinate Special Revenue, Series 2011B, 3.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,550,838   

Philadelphia Gas Works, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Tenth Series 2011B, 4.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,790,110   

Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Philadelphia Neighborhood Transformation Initiative, Series 2012, 5.000%, 4/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,042,450   

Philadelphia School District, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011B, 3.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA           923,693   

Philadelphia School District, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011C, 3.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA           928,740   

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 4.000%, 6/15/13 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A+           502,330   

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 8/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           5,257,100   

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012A, 3.000%, 9/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A1           520,357   


  294       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Pennsylvania (continued)


Scranton, Pennsylvania, Sewer Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A:

$ 250     

2.250%, 12/01/13 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–         $ 252,173   

3.500%, 12/01/14 – AGM Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           561,373   

Union County Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Community Hospital Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2011:


4.000%, 8/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,444,181   

4.250%, 8/01/16

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,534,464   

Total Pennsylvania


Puerto Rico – 0.8%


Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Revenue Bonds, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico Project, Refunding Series 2012, 4.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A–           515,500   

Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ports Authority Project, Series 2011C, 3.000%, 12/15/26 (Mandatory put 12/16/13) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           BBB–           2,514,175   

Puerto Rico Municipal Finance Agency, Series 2005B, 5.000%, 7/01/14 – CIFG Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           518,540   

Puerto Rico, General Obligation and Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2002A, 5.500%, 7/01/14 – NPFG Insured

           No Opt. Call           Baa2           383,009   

Total Puerto Rico


Rhode Island – 0.1%


Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Student Loan Program Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2013A, 4.000%, 12/01/15 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           A+           267,405   

South Carolina – 0.3%


South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Bon Secours Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012, 4.000%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           535,335   

South Carolina JOBS Economic Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Waste Management of South Carolina, Inc. Project, Series 2008, 2.875%, 2/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB           603,004   

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health, Refunding & Improvement Series 2009, 5.000%, 8/01/15

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           543,400   

Total South Carolina


South Dakota – 0.9%


Rapid City, South Dakota, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2013:


2.000%, 6/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           320,474   

2.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           439,272   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sanford Health, Series 2009, 4.500%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,420,727   

South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Westhills Village Retirement Community, Series 2012, 3.500%, 9/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A           775,961   

South Dakota Housing Development Authority, Multiple Purpose Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A, 1.600%, 5/01/18

           No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,705,474   

Total South Dakota


Tennessee – 1.7%


Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority, Tennessee, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 7/01/16 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,133,700   

Memphis-Shelby County Sports Authority, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Memphis Arena, Refunding Series 2009B, 5.500%, 11/01/20

         11/19 at 100.00           AA–           1,588,609   


Nuveen Investments     295   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Tennessee (continued)


Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County Health and Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Belmont University Project, Series 2012:

$ 500     

2.000%, 11/01/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+         $ 503,680   

2.000%, 11/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,016,100   

2.000%, 11/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,071,210   

3.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,051,110   

Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, Tennessee, Airport Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/16

           No Opt. Call           A           2,022,858   

Total Tennessee


Texas – 3.7%


Brazosport Independent School District, Brazoria County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 2/15/20 (Pre-refunded 2/15/14)

         2/14 at 100.00           Aaa           1,037,420   

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, Joint Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.000%, 11/01/21

         11/16 at 100.00           A+           1,135,210   

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Young Men’s Christian Association of the Greater Houston Area, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 6/01/17

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           899,072   

Harrison County Health Facilities Development Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Good Shepherd Health System, Refunding Series 2010, 4.000%, 7/01/15

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,050,190   

Houston, Texas, First Lien Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 3.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           A2           464,541   

Houston, Texas, Hotel Occupancy Tax and Special Revenue Bonds, Convention and Entertainment Project, Refunding Series 2011A, 5.000%, 9/01/13

         No Opt. Call           A2           1,168,653   

Midtown Redevelopment Authority, Texas, Tax Increment Contract Revenue, Refunding Series 2011, 4.000%, 1/01/15

         No Opt. Call           A–           2,093,240   

Sabine Pass Independent School District, Jefferson County, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003, 0.000%, 8/15/34 (Pre-refunded 8/15/13)

         8/13 at 32.33           AAA           161,575   

Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agency, Texas, Power Supply System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,076,083   

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Hendrick Medical Center, Series 2009A:


4.000%, 9/01/15 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,523,040   

4.000%, 9/01/16 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,279,138   

4.375%, 9/01/18 – AGC Insured

         No Opt. Call           AA–           1,615,132   

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation, Texas, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Scott & White Healthcare Project, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 8/15/15

         No Opt. Call           AA–           328,281   

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation III, Gas Supply Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 12/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A3           3,294,660   

Val Verde County, Texas, Pass-Through Toll Revenue and Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2011, 2.000%, 8/15/13

           No Opt. Call           A           1,003,460   

Total Texas


Virgin Islands – 1.8%


Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note, Series 2006, 5.000%, 10/01/15 – FGIC Insured

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           388,148   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Gross Receipts Taxes Loan Note, Series 2012C, 3.000%, 10/01/17

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           7,236,949   

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Matching Fund Loan Notes Revenue Bonds, Series 2009B, 5.000%, 10/01/19

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           1,190,043   

Total Virgin Islands



  296       Nuveen Investments

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Virginia – 3.7%

$ 1,100     

Dulles Town Center Community Development Authority, Loudon County, Virginia Special Assessment Refunding Bonds, Dulles Town Center Project, Series 2012, 3.000%, 3/01/16

         No Opt. Call           N/R         $ 1,109,471   

Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority, Virginia, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, MediCorp Health System, Series 2007, 5.000%, 6/15/17

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           1,140,010   

Henrico County Economic Development Authority, Virginia, Revenue Bonds, Bon Secours Health System Obligated Group, Series 2013, 4.000%, 11/01/16

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,395,462   

Louisa Industrial Development Authority, Virginia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Virginia Electric and Power Company, Series 2008c, 5.375%, 11/01/35 (Mandatory put 12/02/13)

         No Opt. Call           A–           1,030,160   

Norfolk, Virginia, General Obligation Bonds, Bond Anticipation Notes Series 2011A, 2.000%, 1/01/14

         7/13 at 100.00           AA           325,517   

Virginia Beach, Virginia, General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2003A, 5.500%, 5/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AAA           310,047   

Virginia Housing Development Authority, Commonwealth Mortgage Bonds, Series 2006D-1, 4.300%, 1/01/14 (Alternative Minimum Tax)

         No Opt. Call           AAA           7,131,600   

Virginia Public Building Authority, Public Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 8/01/14

           8/13 at 100.00           AA+           6,071,580   

Total Virginia


Washington – 1.1%


King and Pierce Counties School District 408 Auburn, Washington, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013, 3.000%, 12/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa1           416,784   

Port of Seattle, Washington, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Inter-Lien Series 2010C, 5.000%, 2/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Aa3           1,116,700   

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Series 2012, 4.000%, 12/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           221,703   

Washington Higher Education Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Whitworth University Project, Series 2012:


3.000%, 10/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           100,867   

3.000%, 10/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           153,938   

4.000%, 10/01/16

         No Opt. Call           Baa1           296,159   

Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Central Washington Health Services Association, Series 2009:


5.000%, 7/01/13

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           1,232,338   

5.000%, 7/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Baa3           1,190,400   

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Non-Profit Revenue Bonds, Emerald Heights Project, Refunding 2013, 3.000%, 7/01/15

           No Opt. Call           A–           520,580   

Total Washington


West Virginia – 0.5%


Mason County, West Virginia, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Appalachian Power Company, Series 2003L, 2.000%, 10/01/22 (Mandatory put 10/01/14)

         No Opt. Call           Baa2           1,016,120   

West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Appalachian Power Company – Amos Project, Series 2011A, 2.250%, 1/01/41 (Mandatory put 9/01/16) (Alternative Minimum Tax)

           No Opt. Call           BBB           1,530,855   

Total West Virginia


Wisconsin – 1.0%


Appleton, Wisconsin, Storm Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 2.000%, 4/01/14

         No Opt. Call           Aa2           131,672   

La Crosse, Wisconsin, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012B, 2.000%, 12/01/13

         No Opt. Call           AA           606,210   


Nuveen Investments     297   

Portfolio of Investments

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (continued)

April 30, 2013


Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  

Wisconsin (continued)

$ 1,000     

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Aurora Health Care, Inc., Series 2010A, 5.000%, 4/15/16

         No Opt. Call           A         $ 1,112,780   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Gundersen Lutheran, Series 2011A, 2.500%, 10/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           772,528   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Howard Young Health Care, Inc., Refunding Series 2012, 3.000%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           BBB+           352,237   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ministry Health Care, Inc., Refunding 2012C, 2.500%, 8/15/13

         No Opt. Call           A+           1,031,652   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ministry Health Care, Inc., Series 2010A, 5.000%, 8/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A+           315,453   

Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Watertown Regional Medical Center, Inc., Series 2012, 2.000%, 9/01/16

           No Opt. Call           BBB+           512,120   

Total Wisconsin


Wyoming – 0.2%


Natrona County, Wyoming, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Wyoming Medical Center Project, Series 2011:


4.000%, 9/15/14

         No Opt. Call           A3           207,142   

4.000%, 9/15/15

         No Opt. Call           A3           561,519   

4.000%, 9/15/16

           No Opt. Call           A3           323,433   

Total Wyoming

$ 458,222     

Total Municipal Bonds (cost $471,349,604)

Amount (000)
    Description (1)           Optional Call
Provisions (2)
       Ratings (3)        Value  



Money Market Funds – 0.1%


Federated Minnesota Municipal Cash Trust, 0.010% (7)

           N/A           N/A         $ 378,719   



Arizona – 1.1%

$ 5,500     

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Senior Living Facility Revenue Bonds, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Friendship Retirement Corporation, Senior Lien, Series 1997, 0.310%, 1/01/27 (8)

           8/13 at 100.00           A-1+           5,500,000   

Colorado – 0.4%


Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Denver Seminary Project, Variable Rate Demand Obligation Series 2004, 0.310%, 7/01/34 (8)

           8/13 at 100.00           A-1+           2,075,000   

New York – 0.7%


New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Waste Management Inc. Project, Variable Rate Demand Obligations, Refunding Series 2012, 0.550%, 5/01/30 (Mandatory put 8/01/13) (8)

           No Opt. Call           A-2           3,500,000   

Texas – 1.0%


Mission Economic Development Corporation, Texas, Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Republic Services Inc. Project, Variable Rate Demand Obligation Series 2012, 0.600%, 1/01/26 (Mandatory put 8/01/13) (Alternative Minimum Tax) (8)

           No Opt. Call           A-2           5,000,000   
$ 16,075     

Total Municipal Bonds


Total Short-Term Investments (cost $16,453,719)


Total Investments (cost $487,803,323) – 100.5%


Other Assets Less Liabilities – (0.5)%


Net Assets – 100%

                               $ 495,793,392   


  298       Nuveen Investments


  (1)   All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets.


  (2)   Optional Call Provisions (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns.


  (3)   Ratings (not covered by the report of independent registered public accounting firm): Using the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investor Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. Ratings below BBB by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national rating agencies.


  (4)   Backed by an escrow or trust containing sufficient U.S. Government or U.S. Government agency securities, which ensure the timely payment of principal and interest. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities.


  (5)   During July 2010, the original issue for this security (1,000,000 par, 5.500% coupon and May, 15, 2015 maturity) was restructured into two new securities. The first security, which is 30% of the original issue, has 300,000 par, 0.000% coupon and May 15, 2050 maturity. The second security, which is the remaining 70% of the issue, has a 700,000 par, 5.500% coupon and May 15, 2018 maturity. During September 2011, the Adviser concluded this issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (6)   At or subsequent to the end of the reporting period, this security is non-income producing. Non-income producing security, in the case of a fixed-income security, generally denotes that the issuer has (1) defaulted on the payment of principal or interest, (2) is under the protection of the Federal Bankruptcy Court or (3) the Fund’s Adviser has concluded that the issue is not likely to meet its future interest payment obligations and has directed the Fund’s custodian to cease accruing additional income on the Fund’s records.


  (7)   The rate shown is the annualized seven-day effective yield as of the end of the reporting period.


  (8)   Investment has a maturity of more than one year, but has variable rate and demand features which qualify it as a short-term investment. The rate disclosed is that in effect as of the end of the reporting period. This rate changes periodically based on market conditions or a specified market index.


  N/A   Not applicable


  N/R   Not rated.


  WI/DD   Investment, or a portion of investment purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis.


  (ETM)   Escrowed to maturity.


  Reg S   Regulation S allows U.S. companies to sell securities to persons or entities located outside of the United States without registering those securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Specifically, Regulation S provides a safe harbor from the registration requirements of the Securities Act for the offers and sales of securities by both foreign and domestic issuers that are made outside the United States.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     299   

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

April 30, 2013


      All-American        High Yield        Inflation Protected  



Investments, at value (cost $2,703,070,503, $8,605,905,282, and $105,065,988, respectively)

   $ 2,968,610,370         $ 9,368,301,319         $ 107,704,799   


     11,188,739           82,369,033           2,766,924   

Unrealized appreciation on:


Credit default swaps


Forward swaps


Credit default swaps premiums paid





     42,931,779           194,740,476           1,121,367   

Investments sold

     36,902,567           29,870,830             

Shares sold

     6,736,048           37,688,049           2,561,638   

Other assets

     229,663           658,333           22   

Total assets

     3,066,599,166           9,720,814,507           114,154,750   





Cash overdraft


Floating rate obligations

     18,520,000           191,211,000             

Unrealized depreciation on consumer price index swaps, net





     3,251,616           14,629,974           14,084   

Investments purchased

     22,966,868           45,092,738           560,385   

Shares redeemed

     6,365,128           30,779,147           395,097   

Accrued expenses:


Management fees

     1,034,566           3,815,006           27,453   

Directors/Trustees fees

     100,321           418,998           698   

12b-1 distribution and service fees

     507,540           1,620,396           18,874   


     638,304           1,845,882           23,944   

Total liabilities

     53,384,343           329,413,141           2,118,393   

Net assets

   $ 3,013,214,823         $ 9,391,401,366         $ 112,036,357   

Class A Shares


Net assets

   $ 1,230,355,976         $ 3,162,447,949         $ 61,926,092   

Shares outstanding

     104,663,108           181,675,254           5,474,010   

Net asset value per share

   $ 11.76         $ 17.41         $ 11.31   

Offering price per share (net asset value per share plus maximum sales charge of 4.20%, 4.20% and 3.00%, respectively, of offering price)

   $ 12.28         $ 18.17         $ 11.66   

Class B Shares


Net assets

   $ 4,451,813         $ 22,248,560           N/A   

Shares outstanding

     378,066           1,279,603           N/A   

Net asset value and offering price per share

   $ 11.78         $ 17.39           N/A   

Class C Shares


Net assets

   $ 494,746,730         $ 1,780,580,820         $ 15,064,220   

Shares outstanding

     42,071,893           102,401,021           1,332,612   

Net asset value and offering price per share

   $ 11.76         $ 17.39         $ 11.30   

Class I Shares


Net assets

   $ 1,283,660,304         $ 4,426,124,037         $ 35,046,045   

Shares outstanding

     108,803,286           254,285,325           3,094,911   

Net asset value and offering price per share

   $ 11.80         $ 17.41         $ 11.32   

Net assets consist of:


Capital paid-in

   $ 2,791,220,218         $ 9,928,647,405         $ 110,681,553   

Undistributed (Over-distribution of) net investment income

     2,031,115           7,131,601           (96,831

Accumulated net realized gain (loss)

     (45,576,377        (1,312,835,144        (109,318

Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     265,539,867           768,457,504           1,560,953   

Net assets

   $ 3,013,214,823         $ 9,391,401,366         $ 112,036,357   

Authorized shares – per class

     Unlimited           Unlimited           Unlimited   

Par value per share

   $ 0.01         $ 0.01         $ 0.01   


N/A – Inflation Protected is not authorized to issue Class B Shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


  300       Nuveen Investments

       Limited Term        Short Duration
High Yield
       Short Term  



Investments, at value (cost $3,836,704,196, $3,501,109,088, $113,867,643 and $487,803,323, respectively)

   $ 4,117,049,163         $ 3,654,274,764         $ 114,501,589         $ 498,044,516   


     7,860,434           8,785,563           5,245,984             

Unrealized appreciation on:


Credit default swaps


Forward swaps


Credit default swaps premiums paid





     57,046,686           46,866,829           1,618,823           4,871,055   

Investments sold

     31,709,583           4,971,903                       

Shares sold

     8,142,987           16,757,162           36,340,092           1,745,936   

Other assets

     383,345           168,392                     6,423   

Total assets

     4,222,192,198           3,731,824,613           157,706,488           504,667,930   





Cash overdraft


Floating rate obligations


Unrealized depreciation on consumer price index swaps, net





     4,547,602           1,961,467           78,497           452,573   

Investments purchased

     16,711,382           9,860,891           14,461,983           6,479,570   

Shares redeemed

     5,361,583           8,304,114           316,681           671,983   

Accrued expenses:


Management fees

     1,465,789           1,094,449           22,671           260,787   

Directors/Trustees fees

     396,311           183,273           294           8,475   

12b-1 distribution and service fees

     189,855           562,249           8,266           21,331   


     740,951           669,170           33,388           104,985   

Total liabilities

     29,413,473           22,635,613           14,921,780           8,874,538   

Net assets

   $ 4,192,778,725         $ 3,709,189,000         $ 142,784,708         $ 495,793,392   

Class A Shares


Net assets

   $ 512,138,970         $ 1,438,077,392         $ 66,923,912         $ 101,836,133   

Shares outstanding

     54,586,825           127,636,524           6,614,387           9,987,842   

Net asset value per share

   $ 9.38         $ 11.27         $ 10.12         $ 10.20   

Offering price per share (net asset value per share plus maximum sales charge of 3.00%, 2.50%, 2.50% and 2.50%, respectively, of offering price)

   $ 9.67         $ 11.56         $ 10.38         $ 10.46   

Class B Shares


Net assets

   $ 1,939,783           N/A           N/A           N/A   

Shares outstanding

     206,185           N/A           N/A           N/A   

Net asset value and offering price per share

   $ 9.41           N/A           N/A           N/A   

Class C Shares


Net assets

   $ 158,004,017         $ 721,302,455         $ 4,844,206         $ 10,617,797   

Shares outstanding

     16,797,228           64,258,094           478,747           1,042,572   

Net asset value and offering price per share

   $ 9.41         $ 11.23         $ 10.12         $ 10.18   

Class I Shares


Net assets

   $ 3,520,695,955         $ 1,549,809,153         $ 71,016,590         $ 383,339,462   

Shares outstanding

     374,295,867           138,261,413           7,016,787           37,598,330   

Net asset value and offering price per share

   $ 9.41         $ 11.21         $ 10.12         $ 10.20   

Net assets consist of:


Capital paid-in

   $ 3,919,684,303         $ 3,577,746,560         $ 142,173,721         $ 485,927,180   

Undistributed (Over-distribution of) net investment income

     5,832,132           (632,441        (20,276        5,952   

Accumulated net realized gain (loss)

     (13,082,677        (21,090,795        (2,683        (380,933

Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     280,344,967           153,165,676           633,946           10,241,193   

Net assets

   $ 4,192,778,725         $ 3,709,189,000         $ 142,784,708         $ 495,793,392   

Authorized shares – per class

     Unlimited           Unlimited           Unlimited           2 billion   

Par value per share

   $ 0.01         $ 0.01         $ 0.01         $ 0.0001   


N/A – Limited Term, Short Duration High Yield and Short Term are not authorized to issue Class B Shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     301   

Statement of Operations

Year Ended April 30, 2013


      All-American        High Yield        Inflation Protected  

Investment Income

   $ 133,022,578         $ 561,479,741         $ 1,593,586   



Management fees

     11,921,414           41,193,534           257,475   

12b-1 service fees – Class A

     2,263,550           5,758,645           54,011   

12b-1 distribution and service fees – Class B

     58,789           274,962           N/A   

12b-1 distribution and service fees – Class C

     3,315,326           12,140,123           63,414   

Shareholder servicing agent fees and expenses

     1,216,902           3,592,338           26,191   

Interest expense

     128,829           2,855,523             

Custodian fees and expenses

     398,383           1,110,738           38,668   

Directors/Trustees fees and expenses

     71,461           220,486           1,633   

Professional fees

     113,389           2,352,128           28,316   

Shareholder reporting expenses

     305,405           714,500           15,171   

Federal and state registration fees

     450,563           735,864           75,232   

Other expenses

     112,790           158,757           5,528   

Total expenses before fee waiver/expense reimbursement

     20,356,801           71,107,598           565,639   

Fee waiver/expense reimbursement


Net expenses

     20,356,801           71,107,598           430,753   

Net investment income (loss)

     112,665,777           490,372,143           1,162,833   

Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)


Net realized gain (loss) from:



     4,466,708           (9,485,775        40,975   


               (85,585,217        (152,000

Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of:



     87,628,674           573,041,707           1,826,189   


               76,199,090           (1,001,260

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     92,095,382           554,169,805           713,904   

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from operations

   $ 204,761,159         $ 1,044,541,948         $ 1,876,737   


N/A – Inflation Protected is not authorized to issue Class B Shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


  302       Nuveen Investments




Limited Term


Short Duration
High Yield


Short Term


Investment Income

   $ 154,381,040         $ 92,585,465         $ 253,752         $ 9,442,668   



Management fees

     16,345,401           12,252,048           47,584           1,773,984   

12b-1 service fees – Class A

     953,255           2,576,883           7,210           134,214   

12b-1 distribution and service fees – Class B

     22,874           N/A           N/A           N/A   

12b-1 distribution and service fees – Class C

     1,099,821           3,797,828           3,183           30,519   

Shareholder servicing agent fees and expenses

     1,756,436           1,692,031           373           81,980   

Interest expense


Custodian fees and expenses

     543,069           452,381           1,226           152,008   

Directors/Trustees fees and expenses

     103,254           87,004           294           10,890   

Professional fees

     185,184           145,980           51,513           40,581   

Shareholder reporting expenses

     357,657           313,853           1,709           72,102   

Federal and state registration fees

     225,444           334,485           6,984           75,561   

Other expenses

     184,971           87,113           647           11,162   

Total expenses before fee waiver/expense reimbursement

     21,777,366           21,739,606           120,723           2,383,001   

Fee waiver/expense reimbursement


Net expenses

     21,777,366           21,739,606           62,209           2,383,001   

Net investment income (loss)

     132,603,674           70,845,859           191,543           7,059,667   

Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)


Net realized gain (loss) from:



     4,892,455           (1,800,625        (2,683        75,724   



Change in net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) of:



     53,292,933           22,813,097           633,946           828,436   



Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     58,185,388           21,012,472           631,263           904,160   

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from operations

   $ 190,789,062         $ 91,858,331         $ 822,806         $ 7,963,827   


N/A – Limited Term, Short Duration High Yield and Short Term are not authorized to issue Class B Shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     303   

Statement of Changes in Net Assets


     All-American        High Yield  
      Year Ended
       Year Ended
       Year Ended
       Year Ended



Net investment income (loss)

   $ 112,665,777         $ 38,821,606         $ 490,372,143         $ 380,137,142   

Net realized gain (loss) from:



     4,466,708           3,757,562           (9,485,775        (37,198,264


                         (85,585,217        (25,104,832

Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of:



     87,628,674           77,163,841           573,041,707           796,774,447   


                         76,199,090           (56,488,314

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from operations

     204,761,159           119,743,009           1,044,541,948           1,058,120,179   

Distributions to Shareholders


From net investment income:


Class A

     (46,205,698        (22,289,347        (171,001,738        (137,207,041

Class B

     (209,917        (199,319        (1,513,973        (2,584,434

Class C

     (15,687,070        (9,249,471        (87,403,077        (76,509,172

Class I

     (52,562,816        (8,042,102        (224,015,932        (154,226,585

From accumulated net realized gains:


Class A


Class B


Class C


Class I


Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

     (114,665,501        (39,780,239        (483,934,720        (370,527,232

Fund Share Transactions


Fund reorganization


Proceeds from sale of shares

     936,248,087           483,473,350           4,715,783,350           2,582,827,293   

Proceeds from shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions

     76,014,158           25,569,376           323,290,149           244,603,528   
     1,012,262,245           1,932,079,165           5,039,073,499           2,827,430,821   

Cost of shares redeemed

     (549,407,373        (168,996,481        (2,668,557,714        (1,573,830,218

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from Fund share transactions

     462,854,872           1,763,082,684           2,370,515,785           1,253,600,603   

Net increase (decrease) in net assets

     552,950,530           1,843,045,454           2,931,123,013           1,941,193,550   

Net assets at the beginning of period

     2,460,264,293           617,218,839           6,460,278,353           4,519,084,803   

Net assets at the end of period

   $ 3,013,214,823         $ 2,460,264,293         $ 9,391,401,366         $ 6,460,278,353   

Undistributed (Over-distribution of) net investment income at the end of period

   $ 2,031,115         $ 4,007,698         $ 7,131,601         $ 1,463,181   


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


  304       Nuveen Investments

    Inflation Protected     Intermediate Duration  
     Year Ended
    Year Ended
    Year Ended
    Year Ended



Net investment income (loss)

  $ 1,162,833      $ 283,150      $ 132,603,674      $ 109,271,453   

Net realized gain (loss) from:



    40,975        37,913        4,892,455        (7,763,209


    (152,000     7,500                 

Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of:



    1,826,189        689,981        53,292,933        126,995,860   


    (1,001,260     (126,616              

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from operations

    1,876,737        891,928        190,789,062        228,504,104   

Distributions to Shareholders


From net investment income:


Class A

    (620,468     (131,224     (15,847,282     (15,014,228

Class B

    N/A        N/A        (63,171     (122,549

Class C

    (150,431     (62,818     (4,109,286     (3,937,448

Class I

    (491,789     (95,759     (115,311,143     (92,588,588

From accumulated net realized gains:


Class A


Class B

    N/A        N/A                 

Class C


Class I


Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

    (1,308,810     (289,801     (135,330,882     (111,662,813

Fund Share Transactions


Fund reorganization


Proceeds from sale of shares

    107,454,355        13,656,522        1,038,513,585        573,100,813   

Proceeds from shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions

    1,023,234        77,945        85,812,345        80,429,039   
    108,477,589        13,734,467        1,124,325,930        1,434,736,681   

Cost of shares redeemed

    (15,260,445     (1,340,279     (614,364,991     (426,491,995

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from Fund share transactions

    93,217,144        12,394,188        509,960,939        1,008,244,686   

Net increase (decrease) in net assets

    93,785,071        12,996,315        565,419,119        1,125,085,977   

Net assets at the beginning of period

    18,251,286        5,254,971        3,627,359,606        2,502,273,629   

Net assets at the end of period

  $ 112,036,357      $ 18,251,286      $ 4,192,778,725      $ 3,627,359,606   

Undistributed (Over-distribution of) net investment income at the end of period

  $ (96,831   $ 5,615      $ 5,832,132      $ 8,562,179   


N/A – Inflation Protected is not authorized to issue Class B Shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     305   

Statement of Changes in Net Assets (continued)


     Limited Term     Short Duration
High Yield

Year Ended


Year Ended


For the period 2/01/13
(commencement of
operations) through




Net investment income (loss)

   $ 70,845,859      $ 68,110,688      $ 191,543   

Net realized gain (loss) from:



     (1,800,625     (6,476,130     (2,683



Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of:



     22,813,097        81,520,207        633,946   



Net increase (decrease) in net assets from operations

     91,858,331        143,154,765        822,806   

Distributions to Shareholders


From net investment income:


Class A

     (27,306,390     (26,080,802     (100,495

Class B

     N/A        N/A        N/A   

Class C

     (12,158,830     (13,122,169     (10,048

Class I

     (31,433,207     (26,502,771     (111,669

From accumulated net realized gains:


Class A


Class B

     N/A        N/A        N/A   

Class C


Class I


Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

     (70,898,427     (65,705,742     (222,212

Fund Share Transactions


Fund reorganization


Proceeds from sale of shares

     1,649,178,808        1,295,654,768        142,743,232   

Proceeds from shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions

     46,901,460        39,275,909        113,268   
     1,696,080,268        1,334,930,677        142,856,500   

Cost of shares redeemed

     (959,574,505     (793,001,408     (672,386

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from Fund share transactions

     736,505,763        541,929,269        142,184,114   

Net increase (decrease) in net assets

     757,465,667        619,378,292        142,784,708   

Net assets at the beginning of period

     2,951,723,333        2,332,345,041          

Net assets at the end of period

   $ 3,709,189,000      $ 2,951,723,333      $ 142,784,708   

Undistributed (Over-distribution of) net investment income at the end of period

   $ (632,441   $ (341,438   $ (20,276


N/A – Limited Term and Short Duration High Yield are not authorized to issue Class B Shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


  306       Nuveen Investments

     Short Term  
      Year Ended
       Year Ended



Net investment income (loss)

   $ 7,059,667         $ 7,001,170   

Net realized gain (loss) from:



     75,724           347,473   


     —             —     

Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of:



     828,436           5,666,989   


     —             —     

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from operations

     7,963,827           13,015,632   

Distributions to Shareholders


From net investment income:


Class A

     (1,139,066        (363,371

Class B

     N/A           N/A   

Class C

     (72,558        (2,244

Class I

     (6,629,259        (6,362,952

From accumulated net realized gains:


Class A

     —             —     

Class B

     N/A           N/A   

Class C

     —             —     

Class I

     —             —     

Decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

     (7,840,883        (6,728,567

Fund Share Transactions


Fund reorganization

     —             —     

Proceeds from sale of shares

     433,812,513           208,239,858   

Proceeds from shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions

     1,969,999           743,063   
     435,782,512           208,982,921   

Cost of shares redeemed

     (280,040,164        (160,478,455

Net increase (decrease) in net assets from Fund share transactions

     155,742,348           48,504,466   

Net increase (decrease) in net assets

     155,865,292           54,791,531   

Net assets at the beginning of period

     339,928,100           285,136,569   

Net assets at the end of period

   $ 495,793,392         $ 339,928,100   

Undistributed (Over-distribution of) net investment income at the end of period

   $ 5,952         $ 787,168   


N/A – Short Term is not authorized to issue Class B Shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     307   

Financial Highlights


Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period:              
Class (Commencement Date)  
          Investment Operations     Less Distributions        
Year Ended
April 30,



    Total     From
Net Realized
    Total     Ending

Class A (10/88)




  $ 11.36      $ .47      $ .41      $ .88      $ (.48   $      $ (.48   $ 11.76   


    10.24        .54        1.13        1.67        (.55            (.55     11.36   


    10.63        .56        (.40     .16        (.55       —        (.55     10.24   


    9.54        .56        1.06        1.62        (.53            (.53     10.63   


    10.50        .53        (1.00     (.47     (.49            (.49     9.54   

Class B (2/97)




    11.38        .38        .41        .79        (.39            (.39     11.78   


    10.27        .46        1.12        1.58        (.47            (.47     11.38   


    10.66        .48        (.39     .09        (.48            (.48     10.27   


    9.57        .49        1.06        1.55        (.46            (.46     10.66   


    10.53        .46        (1.01     (.55     (.41            (.41     9.57   

Class C (6/93)




    11.37        .40        .41        .81        (.42            (.42     11.76   


    10.24        .48        1.14        1.62        (.49            (.49     11.37   


    10.63        .50        (.39     .11        (.50            (.50     10.24   


    9.55        .50        1.06        1.56        (.48            (.48     10.63   


    10.50        .48        (1.00     (.52     (.43            (.43     9.55   

Class I (2/97)




    11.40        .49        .41        .90        (.50            (.50     11.80   


    10.28        .55        1.14        1.69        (.57            (.57     11.40   


    10.67        .58        (.39     .19        (.58            (.58     10.28   


    9.58        .58        1.07        1.65        (.56            (.56     10.67   


    10.54        .55        (1.00     (.45     (.51            (.51     9.58   


  308       Nuveen Investments

      Ratios/Supplemental Data  
            Ratios to Average
Net Assets
  7.83   $ 1,230,356        .72     .72     4.01     17
  16.68        969,745        .78        .77        4.98        18   
  1.53        350,778        .78        .78        5.34        26   
  17.36        352,666        .80        .80        5.46        33   
  (4.41     303,949        .83        .80        5.48        31   
  7.05        4,452        1.47        1.47        3.30        17   
  15.70        8,408        1.54        1.53        4.29        18   
  .79        5,273        1.53        1.53        4.56        26   
  16.49        9,706        1.55        1.55        4.73        33   
  (5.14     12,342        1.57        1.54        4.70        31   
  7.17        494,747        1.27        1.27        3.45        17   
  16.14        361,364        1.33        1.32        4.43        18   
  .99        167,535        1.33        1.33        4.78        26   
  16.62        151,025        1.34        1.34        4.91        33   
  (4.88     108,149        1.38        1.35        4.95        31   
  8.03        1,283,660        .52        .52        4.22        17   
  16.71        1,120,747        .56        .55        5.13        18   
  1.84        93,633        .58        .58        5.53        26   
  17.52        39,683        .59        .59        5.64        33   
  (4.22     12,027        .63        .60        5.67        31   


(a) Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.
(b) Total return is the combination of changes in net asset value without any sales charge, reinvested dividend income at net asset value and reinvested capital gains distributions at net asset value, if any. Total returns are not annualized.
(c) The expense ratios reflect, among other things, the interest expense deemed to have been paid by the Fund on the floating rate certificates issued by the special purpose trusts for the self-deposited inverse floaters held by the Fund, where applicable, as described in Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Inverse Floating Rate Securities.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     309   

Financial Highlights (continued)


Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period:  
Class (Commencement Date)                                      
          Investment Operations     Less Distributions        
HIGH YIELD                                            
Year Ended
April 30,
    Total     From
Net Realized
    Total     Ending

Class A (6/99)




  $ 16.17      $ 1.02      $ 1.23      $ 2.25      $ (1.01   $      $ (1.01   $ 17.41   


    14.22        1.09        1.92        3.01        (1.06            (1.06     16.17   


    15.53        1.08        (1.33     (.25     (1.06       —        (1.06     14.22   


    12.73        1.06        2.83        3.89        (1.09            (1.09     15.53   


    19.26        1.13        (6.52     (5.39     (1.14            (1.14     12.73   

Class B (6/99)




    16.16        .90        1.21        2.11        (.88            (.88     17.39   


    14.21        .98        1.92        2.90        (.95            (.95     16.16   


    15.51        .97        (1.33     (.36     (.94            (.94     14.21   


    12.72        .95        2.83        3.78        (.99            (.99     15.51   


    19.24        1.01        (6.51     (5.50     (1.02            (1.02     12.72   

Class C (6/99)




    16.16        .93        1.22        2.15        (.92            (.92 )       17.39   


    14.21        1.01        1.93        2.94        (.99            (.99     16.16   


    15.51        .99        (1.32     (.33     (.97            (.97     14.21   


    12.73        .98        2.82        3.80        (1.02            (1.02     15.51   


    19.25        1.04        (6.50     (5.46     (1.06            (1.06     12.73   

Class I (6/99)




    16.17        1.06        1.22        2.28        (1.04            (1.04 )       17.41   


    14.22        1.12        1.92        3.04        (1.09            (1.09     16.17   


    15.52        1.10        (1.31     (.21     (1.09            (1.09     14.22   


    12.73        1.09        2.82        3.91        (1.12            (1.12     15.52   


    19.26        1.16        (6.51     (5.35     (1.18            (1.18     12.73   


  310       Nuveen Investments

Ratios/Supplemental Data
            Ratios to Average
Net Assets
  14.24   $ 3,162,448        .85     .82     6.01     13
  21.93        2,382,456        .85        .83        7.18        16   
  (1.78     1,700,469        .88        .85        7.12        31   
  31.50        2,158,475        .89        .86        7.27        11   
  (28.45     1,352,846        .97        .88        7.20        50   
  13.34        22,249        1.60        1.57        5.30        13   
  21.07        35,000        1.61        1.59        6.49        16   
  (2.46     47,700        1.63        1.60        6.38        31   
  30.40        73,920        1.64        1.61        6.58        11   
  (28.99     73,287        1.72        1.63        6.41        50   
  13.57        1,780,581        1.40        1.37        5.46        13   
  21.31        1,376,916        1.40        1.38        6.64        16   
  (2.33     1,059,268        1.43        1.40        6.59        31   
  30.73        1,166,535        1.44        1.41        6.71        11   
  (28.87     656,599        1.52        1.43        6.63        50   
  14.44        4,426,124        .65        .62        6.20        13   
  22.17        2,665,906        .65        .63        7.38        16   
  (1.52     1,711,647        .68        .65        7.32        31   
  31.66        1,498,640        .69        .66        7.43        11   
  (28.33     655,390        .77        .68        7.38        50   


(a) Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.
(b) Total return is the combination of changes in net asset value without any sales charge, reinvested dividend income at net asset value and reinvested capital gains distributions at net asset value, if any. Total returns are not annualized.
(c) The expense ratios reflect, among other things, the interest expense deemed to have been paid by the Fund on the floating rate certificates issued by the special purpose trusts for the self-deposited inverse floaters held by the Fund, where applicable, as described in Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Inverse Floating Rate Securities and the interest expense and fees paid on borrowings, as described in Footnote 8 – Borrowing Arrangements.
(d) Each Ratio of Expenses Including Interest to Average Net Assets includes the effect of the interest expense and fees paid on Fund borrowings for each share class as follows:


Ratios of
Borrowings Expense
to Average Net Assets

Year Ended April 30:













See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     311   

Financial Highlights (continued)


Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period:                    
Class (Commencement Date)                                      
          Investment Operations     Less Distributions        
INFLATION PROTECTED                                
Year Ended
April 30,



    Total     From

Net Realized


    Total     Ending

Class A (3/11)




  $ 11.01      $ .24      $ .35      $ .59      $ (.28   $ (.01   $ (.29   $ 11.31   


    10.36        .33        .66        .99        (.34            (.34     11.01   


    10.00        .04        .34        .38        (.02       —        (.02     10.36   

Class C (3/11)




    11.00        .18        .35        .53        (.22     (.01     (.23     11.30   


    10.36        .27        .66        .93        (.29            (.29     11.00   


    10.00        .03        .35        .38        (.02            (.02     10.36   

Class I (3/11)




    11.01        .26        .36        .62        (.30     (.01     (.31     11.32   


    10.37        .35        .65        1.00        (.36            (.36     11.01   


    10.00        .05        .34        .39        (.02            (.02     10.37   


  312       Nuveen Investments

Ratios/Supplemental Data
            Ratios to Average
Net Assets Before
    Ratios to Average
Net Assets After



  5.39   $ 61,926        1.01     1.01     1.87     .77     .77     2.11     9
  9.74        7,339        1.46        1.46        2.44        .78        .78        3.13        14   
  3.82        1,801        4.87     4.87     (1.27 )*      .78     .78     2.83     6   
  4.81        15,064        1.57        1.57        1.33        1.32        1.32        1.58        9   
  9.07        4,209        2.03        2.03        1.87        1.33        1.33        2.57        14   
  3.78        1,727        5.44     5.44     (1.82 )*      1.33     1.33     2.28     6   
  5.65        35,046        .82        .82        2.10        .57        .57        2.35        9   
  9.82        6,704        1.22        1.22        2.64        .58        .58        3.28        14   
  3.93        1,728        4.69     4.69     (1.07 )*      .58     .58     3.03     6   


(a) Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.
(b) Total return is the combination of changes in net asset value without any sales charge, reinvested dividend income at net asset value and reinvested capital gains distributions at net asset value, if any. Total returns are not annualized.
(c) After fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement from the Adviser, where applicable.
(d) The expense ratios reflect, among other things, the interest expense deemed to have been paid by the Fund on the floating rate certificates issued by the special purpose trusts for the self-deposited inverse floaters held by the Fund, where applicable, as described in Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Inverse Floating Rate Securities.
(e) For the period March 8, 2011 (commencement of operations) through April 30, 2011.
* Annualized.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     313   

Financial Highlights (continued)


Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period:        
Class (Commencement Date)                                      
          Investment Operations     Less Distributions        
INTERMEDIATE DURATION                                      
Year Ended
April 30,
    Total     From
Net Realized
    Total     Ending

Class A (6/95)




  $ 9.25      $ .30      $ .14      $ .44      $ (.31   $   —      $ (.31   $ 9.38   


    8.84        .34        .42        .76        (.35            (.35     9.25   


    8.98        .34        (.14     .20        (.34            (.34     8.84   


    8.54        .35        .43        .78        (.34            (.34     8.98   


    8.78        .34        (.24     .10        (.34            (.34     8.54   

Class B (2/97)




    9.27        .24        .15        .39        (.25            (.25     9.41   


    8.87        .27        .41        .68        (.28            (.28     9.27   


    9.01        .27        (.14     .13        (.27            (.27     8.87   


    8.57        .28        .43        .71        (.27            (.27     9.01   


    8.81        .28        (.25     .03        (.27            (.27     8.57   

Class C (6/95)




    9.27        .25        .15        .40        (.26            (.26     9.41   


    8.87        .29        .41        .70        (.30            (.30     9.27   


    9.01        .29        (.14     .15        (.29            (.29     8.87   


    8.57        .30        .43        .73        (.29            (.29     9.01   


    8.80        .30        (.24     .06        (.29            (.29     8.57   

Class I (11/76)




    9.27        .32        .15        .47        (.33            (.33     9.41   


    8.86        .36        .41        .77        (.36            (.36     9.27   


    9.00        .36        (.15     .21        (.35            (.35     8.86   


    8.56        .36        .43        .79        (.35            (.35     9.00   


    8.79        .36        (.24     .12        (.35            (.35     8.56   


  314       Nuveen Investments

      Ratios/Supplemental Data  
            Ratios to Average
Net Assets(c)
  4.83   $ 512,139        .70     .70     3.24     15
  8.68        450,036        .72        .72        3.70        10   
  2.21        373,176        .74        .74        3.82        6   
  9.24        374,528        .75        .75        3.91        5   
  1.22        324,071        .76        .76        4.03        6   
  4.19        1,940        1.46        1.46        2.52        15   
  7.75        3,102        1.47        1.47        2.95        10   
  1.46        5,283        1.49        1.49        3.05        6   
  8.40        11,040        1.50        1.50        3.16        5   
  .43        14,204        1.51        1.51        3.26        6   
  4.39        158,004        1.25        1.25        2.69        15   
  7.96        134,478        1.27        1.27        3.14        10   
  1.66        110,310        1.29        1.29        3.27        6   
  8.62        100,047        1.30        1.30        3.35        5   
  .76        71,165        1.31        1.31        3.48        6   
  5.13        3,520,696        .50        .50        3.44        15   
  8.87        3,039,743        .52        .52        3.91        10   
  2.41        2,013,504        .54        .54        4.02        6   
  9.41        2,044,122        .55        .55        4.11        5   
  1.51        1,916,368        .56        .56        4.21        6   


(a) Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.
(b) Total return is the combination of changes in net asset value without any sales charge, reinvested dividend income at net asset value and reinvested capital gains distributions at net asset value, if any. Total returns are not annualized.
(c) The Fund has a contractural fee waiver/expense reimbursement agreement with the Adviser, but did not receive a fee waiver/expense reimbursement during the periods presented herein.
(d) The expense ratios reflect, among other things, the interest expense deemed to have been paid by the Fund on the floating rate certificates issued by the special purpose trusts for the self-deposited inverse floaters held by the Fund, where applicable, as described in Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Inverse Floating Rate Securities.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     315   

Financial Highlights (continued)


Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period:  
Class (Commencement Date)                                      
          Investment Operations     Less Distributions        
LIMITED TERM                                      
Year Ended
April 30,
    Total     From
Net Realized
    Total     Ending

Class A (10/87)




  $ 11.20      $ .24      $ .07      $ .31      $ (.24   $      $ (.24   $ 11.27   


    10.85        .29        .34        .63        (.28            (.28     11.20   


    10.85        .30        (.01     .29        (.29       —        (.29     10.85   


    10.60        .32        .28        .60        (.35            (.35     10.85   


    10.63        .38        (.03     .35        (.38            (.38     10.60   

Class C (12/95)




    11.15        .20        .08        .28        (.20            (.20 )       11.23   


    10.81        .25        .34        .59        (.25            (.25     11.15   


    10.82        .26        (.02     .24        (.25            (.25     10.81   


    10.57        .28        .28        .56        (.31            (.31     10.82   


    10.60        .34        (.03     .31        (.34            (.34     10.57   

Class I (2/97)




    11.13        .26        .08        .34        (.26            (.26 )       11.21   


    10.79        .31        .33        .64        (.30            (.30     11.13   


    10.79        .32        (.01     .31        (.31            (.31     10.79   


    10.54        .34        .28        .62        (.37            (.37     10.79   


    10.57        .40        (.03     .37        (.40            (.40     10.54   


  316       Nuveen Investments

      Ratios/Supplemental Data  
            Ratios to Average
Net Assets
  2.79   $ 1,438,077        .66     .66     2.10     12
  5.88        1,113,802        .66        .66        2.63        12   
  2.68        953,517        .68        .68        2.72        13   
  5.73        1,001,241        .71        .71        2.98        10   
  3.38        615,646        .72        .72        3.59        11   
  2.51        721,302        1.01        1.01        1.76        12   
  5.45        641,602        1.01        1.01        2.29        12   
  2.26        566,098        1.03        1.03        2.37        13   
  5.39        509,512        1.06        1.06        2.63        10   
  3.04        282,951        1.07        1.07        3.24        11   
  3.07        1,549,809        .46        .46        2.31        12   
  6.00        1,196,319        .46        .46        2.83        12   
  2.87        812,730        .48        .48        2.92        13   
  5.94        694,430        .51        .51        3.16        10   
  3.59        332,373        .52        .52        3.78        11   


(a) Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.
(b) Total return is the combination of changes in net asset value without any sales charge, reinvested dividend income at net asset value and reinvested capital gains distributions at net asset value, if any. Total returns are not annualized.
(c) The expense ratios reflect, among other things, the interest expense deemed to have been paid by the Fund on the floating rate certificates issued by the special purpose trusts for the self-deposited inverse floaters held by the Fund, where applicable, as described in Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies, Inverse Floating Rate Securities.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     317   

Financial Highlights (continued)


Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period:  
Class (Commencement Date)                                            
          Investment Operations     Less Distributions        
SHORT DURATION HIGH YIELD                                      

Year Ended

April 30,















Net Realized
    Total     Ending

Class A (2/13)




  $ 10.00      $ .05      $ .12      $ .17      $ (.05   $   —      $ (.05   $ 10.12   

Class C (2/13)




    10.00        .04        .12        .16        (.04            (.04     10.12   

Class I (2/13)




    10.00        .05        .13        .18        (.06            (.06     10.12   


  318       Nuveen Investments

      Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Ratios to Average
Net Assets Before
    Ratios to Average
Net Assets After
    Expenses     Net
    Expenses     Net
  1.72   $ 66,924        1.35 %**      1.76 %**      .82 %**      2.30 %**      0 %* 
  1.63        4,844        2.20 **      1.07 **      1.37 **      1.90 **      0
  1.75        71,017        1.43 **      1.49 **      .62 **      2.30 **      0


(a) Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.
(b) Total return is the combination of changes in net asset value without any sales charge, reinvested dividend income at net asset value and reinvested capital gains distributions at net asset value, if any. Total returns are not annualized.
(c) After fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement from the Adviser, where applicable.
(d) For the period February 1, 2013 (commencement of operations) through April 30, 2013.
* Rounds to less than 1%.
** Annualized.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     319   

Financial Highlights (continued)


Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period:        
Class (Commencement Date)              
          Investment Operations     Less Distributions        
SHORT TERM                                            
    Total     From
Net Realized
    Total     Ending

CLASS A (10/02)



Year Ended 4/30




  $ 10.19      $ .15      $ .04      $ .19      $ (.18   $      $ (.18   $ 10.20   


    9.98        .20        .21        .41        (.20       —        (.20     10.19   


    9.98        .16        (.02     .14        (.14            (.14     9.98   

Year Ended 6/30




    9.74        .20        .22        .42        (.18            (.18     9.98   


    9.79        .28        (.07     .21        (.26            (.26     9.74   


    9.70        .30        .10        .40        (.31            (.31     9.79   

CLASS C (8/11)



Year Ended 4/30




    10.18        .11        .03        .14        (.14            (.14     10.18   


    10.13        .10        .06        .16        (.11            (.11     10.18   

CLASS I (10/02)



Year Ended 4/30




    10.19        .18        .03        .21        (.20            (.20     10.20   


    9.98        .23        .20        .43        (.22            (.22     10.19   


    9.98        .17        (.02     .15        (.15            (.15     9.98   

Year Ended 6/30




    9.74        .20        .24        .44        (.20            (.20     9.98   


    9.79        .27        (.05     .22        (.27            (.27     9.74   


    9.70        .31        .10        .41        (.32            (.32     9.79   


  320       Nuveen Investments

      Ratios/Supplemental Data  
            Ratios to Average
Net Assets Before
    Ratios to Average
Net Assets After
    Expenses     Net
    Expenses     Net
  1.88   $ 101,836        .73     1.49     .73     1.49     30
  4.15        34,793        .73        2.01        .73        2.01        39   
  1.41        7,790        .89     1.73     .71     1.91     21   
  4.38        7,168        1.06        1.49        .74        1.81        45   
  2.17        3,376        1.11        2.35        .75        2.71        70   
  4.17        2,308        1.11        2.69        .75        3.05        58   
  1.42        10,618        1.08        1.10        1.08        1.10        30   
  1.61        1,026        1.07     1.49     1.07     1.49     39   
  2.06        383,339        .53        1.74        .53        1.74        30   
  4.33        304,109        .53        2.27        .53        2.27        39   
  1.54        277,347        .67     1.94     .55     2.06     21   
  4.53        310,783        .81        1.74        .59        1.96        45   
  2.32        178,950        .86        2.58        .60        2.84        70   
  4.33        143,985        .86        2.94        .60        3.20        58   


(a) Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.
(b) Total return is the combination of changes in net asset value without any sales charge, reinvested dividend income at net asset value and reinvested capital gains distributions at net asset value, if any. Total returns are not annualized.
(c) After fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement from the Adviser, where applicable.
(d) For the ten months ended April 30, 2011.
(e) For the period August 31, 2011 (commencement of operations) through April 30, 2012.
* Annualized.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Nuveen Investments     321   

Notes to Financial Statements


1. General Information and Significant Accounting Policies

General Information

The Nuveen Municipal Trust and the Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc. (each a “Trust” and collectively, the “Trusts”), are open-end investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The Nuveen Municipal Trust is comprised of the Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (“All-American”), Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (”High Yield”), Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (“Inflation Protected”), Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (“Intermediate Duration”), Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (“Limited Term”) and Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (“Short Duration High Yield”) and Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc is comprised of the Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (“Short Term”) (each a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”), as diversified funds (non-diversified for Inflation Protected), among others. The Nuveen Municipal Trust was organized as a Massachusetts business trust on July 1, 1996. The Funds, with the exception of High Yield, Inflation Protected and Short Duration High Yield, were each organized as a series of predecessor trusts or corporations prior to that date. Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc. was incorporated in the State of Maryland on August 20, 1987.

On December 31, 2012, the Funds’ investment adviser converted from a Delaware corporation to a Delaware limited liability company. As a result, Nuveen Fund Advisors, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (“Nuveen”), changed its name to Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC (the “Adviser”). There were no changes to the identities or roles of any personnel as a result of the change.

All-American’s, Intermediate Duration’s and Limited Term’s investment objective is to provide as high a level of current interest income exempt from regular federal income taxes as is consistent with preservation of capital. Under normal market conditions, each Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in municipal bonds that pay interest that is exempt from regular federal personal income tax. Each Fund may invest without limit in securities that generate income subject to the alternative minimum tax. All American will generally maintain, under normal market conditions, an investment portfolio with an overall weighted average maturity of greater than 10 years. Intermediate Duration generally intends to maintain a weighted average portfolio duration within a defined range, currently between 4.5 and seven years. Limited Term generally invests in bonds with short- to intermediate-term maturities. Limited Term will attempt to maintain the weighted average maturity of its portfolio securities at three to seven years under normal market conditions. Each Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in investment grade municipal bonds rated BBB/Baa or higher at the time of purchase by at least one independent rating agency, or, if unrated, judged by Nuveen Asset Management, LLC (the “Sub-Adviser”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Adviser, to be of comparable quality. Each Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below investment grade municipal bonds, commonly referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds. Each Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in municipal securities whose interest payments vary inversely with changes in short-term tax-exempt interest rates (i.e., inverse floating rate securities).

High Yield’s and Short Duration High Yield’s investment objective is to provide high current income exempt from regular federal income taxes. Capital appreciation is a secondary objective when consistent with each Fund’s primary objective. Under normal market conditions, each Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in municipal bonds that pay interest that is exempt from regular federal personal income tax. Each Fund may invest without limit in securities that generate income subject to the alternative minimum tax. Under normal market conditions, each Fund invests at least 65% of its net assets in low- to medium-quality bonds rated BBB/Baa or lower by at least one independent rating agency, or if unrated, judged by the Sub-Adviser to be of comparable quality. Below investment grade municipal bonds are commonly referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds. Each Fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets in defaulted municipal bonds (i.e., bonds on which the issuer has not paid principal or interest on time). Each Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in municipal securities whose interest payments vary inversely with changes in short-term tax-exempt interest rates (i.e., inverse floating rate securities). Inverse floaters are derivative securities that provide leveraged exposure to underlying municipal bonds. Each Fund’s investments in inverse floaters are designed to increase each Fund’s income and returns through this leveraged exposure. These investments are speculative, however, and also create the possibility that income and returns will be diminished. High Yield is a long-term bond fund and, as such, will generally maintain, under normal market conditions, an investment portfolio with an overall weighted average maturity of greater than 10 years. The Fund invests significantly in lower-quality long-term municipal bonds and may employ effective leverage through investments in inverse floaters. The Fund may invest in inverse floating rate securities that create effective leverage of up to 30% of the Fund’s total investment exposure. Short Duration High Yield will maintain an investment portfolio with a weighted average effective duration of less than 4.5 years. The Fund invests significantly in lower-quality municipal bonds and may employ effective leverage through investments in inverse floaters.

Inflation Protected’s investment objective is to provide after-tax total return, protected from inflation, through a combination of federally tax-exempt income and inflation-linked investments. Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in municipal bonds that pay interest that is exempt from regular federal personal income tax. The Fund may invest without limit in securities that generate income subject to the alternative minimum tax. The Fund generally invests in intermediate and long-term bonds with a duration of between two and ten years, and generally intends to maintain the weighted average duration of its municipal bond portfolio within a defined intermediate-term range (currently, between four and seven years) over time. The Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in investment grade quality municipal bonds rated BBB/Baa or higher at the time of purchase by at least one independent rating agency or, if unrated, judged by the Sub-Adviser to be of comparable quality. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment grade municipal bonds, commonly referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds.


  322       Nuveen Investments

Short Term’s investment objective is to provide current income that is exempt from federal income tax to the extent consistent with preservation of capital. Under normal market conditions, as a fundamental policy, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in municipal securities that pay interest that is exempt from federal income tax, including the federal alternative minimum tax. The Fund normally may invest up to 20% of its net assets in taxable obligations, including obligations the interest on which is subject to the federal alternative minimum tax. The Fund will attempt to maintain the weighted average maturity of its portfolio securities at three years or less under normal market conditions. The Fund invests mainly in securities that, at the time of purchase, are either rated investment grade or are unrated and determined to be of comparable quality by the Sub-Adviser. However, the Fund may invest up to 20% of its total assets in securities that, at the time of purchase, are rated lower than investment grade or are unrated and of comparable quality, commonly referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds. The Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in municipal securities whose interest payments vary inversely with changes in short-term tax-exempt interest rates (i.e., inverse floating rate securities).

Short Term may utilize futures contracts and options on futures contracts (“derivatives”) in an attempt to manage market risk, credit risk and yield curve risk, and to manage the effective maturity or duration of securities in the Fund’s portfolio. The Fund may not use such instruments to gain exposure to a security or type of security that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly.

The Funds’ most recent prospectus provides further descriptions of each Fund’s investment objective, principal investment strategies, and principal risks.

Significant Accounting Policies

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“U.S. GAAP”).

Investment Valuation

Common stocks and other equity-type securities are valued at the last sales price on the securities exchange on which such securities are primarily traded and are generally classified as Level 1 for fair value measurement purposes. Securities primarily traded on the NASDAQ National Market (“NASDAQ”) are valued, except as indicated below, at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price and are generally classified as Level 1. However, securities traded on a securities exchange or NASDAQ for which there were no transactions on a given day or securities not listed on a securities exchange or NASDAQ are valued at the quoted bid price and are generally classified as Level 2.

Prices of municipal bonds, other fixed income securities and swap contracts are provided by a pricing service approved by the Funds’ Board of Directors/Trustees. These securities are generally classified as Level 2. The pricing service establishes a security’s fair value using methods that may include consideration of the following: yields or prices of investments of comparable quality, type of issue, coupon, maturity and rating, market quotes or indications of value from security dealers, evaluations of anticipated cash flows or collateral, general market conditions and other information and analysis, including the obligor’s credit characteristics considered relevant. In pricing certain securities, particularly less liquid and lower quality securities, the pricing service may consider information about a security, its issuer, or market activity, provided by the Adviser. These securities are generally classified as Level 2 or Level 3 depending on the priority of the significant inputs.

Investments in investment companies are valued at their respective net asset values on the valuation date. These investment vehicles are generally classified as Level 1.

Certain securities may not be able to be priced by the pre-established pricing methods as described above. Such securities may be valued by the Funds’ Board of Directors/Trustees or its designee at fair value. These securities generally include, but are not limited to, restricted securities (securities which may not be publicly sold without registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended) for which a pricing service is unable to provide a market price; securities whose trading has been formally suspended; debt securities that have gone into default and for which there is no current market quotation; a security whose market price is not available from a pre-established pricing source; a security with respect to which an event has occurred that is likely to materially affect the value of the security after the market has closed but before the calculation of a Fund’s net asset value (as may be the case in non-U.S. markets on which the security is primarily traded) or make it difficult or impossible to obtain a reliable market quotation; and a security whose price, as provided by the pricing service, is not deemed to reflect the security’s fair value. As a general principle, the fair value of a security would appear to be the amount that the owner might reasonably expect to receive for it in a current sale. A variety of factors may be considered in determining the fair value of such securities, which may include consideration of the following: yields or prices of investments of comparable quality, type of issue, coupon, maturity and rating, market quotes or indications of value from security dealers, evaluations of anticipated cash flows or collateral, general market conditions and other information and analysis, including the obligor’s credit characteristics considered relevant. These securities are generally classified as Level 2 or Level 3 depending on the priority of the significant inputs. Regardless of the method employed to value a particular security, all valuations are subject to review by the Funds’ Board of Directors/Trustees or its designee.

Refer to Footnote 2 – Fair Value Measurements for further details on the leveling of securities held by the Funds as of the end of the reporting period.


Nuveen Investments     323   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Investment Transactions

Investment transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains and losses from investment transactions are determined on the specific identification method, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Investments purchased on a when-issued/delayed delivery basis may have extended settlement periods. Any investments so purchased are subject to market fluctuation during this period. The Funds have instructed the custodian to earmark securities in the Funds’ portfolios with a current value at least equal to the amount of the when-issued/delayed delivery purchase commitments. As of April 30, 2013, All-American, High Yield, Inflation Protected, Intermediate Duration, Limited Term, Short Duration High Yield and Short-Term had outstanding when-issued/delayed delivery purchase commitments of $22,942,751, $26,034,275, $560,385, $8,938,201, $8,607,180, $6,254,038 and $1,893,518, respectively.

Investment Income

Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income, which reflects the amortization of premiums and includes accretion of discounts for financial reporting purposes, is recorded on an accrual basis. Interest income also reflects paydown gains and losses, if any.

Professional Fees

Professional fees presented on the Statement of Operations consist of legal fees incurred in the normal course of operations, audit fees, tax consulting fees and, in some cases, workout expenditures. Workout expenditures are incurred in an attempt to protect or enhance an investment, or to pursue other claims or legal actions on behalf of Fund shareholders. Legal fee refund presented on the Statement of Operations reflects a refund of workout expenditures paid in a prior reporting period, when applicable.

Income Taxes

Each Fund is a separate taxpayer for federal income tax purposes. Each Fund intends to distribute substantially all of its net investment income and net capital gains to shareholders and to otherwise comply with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. Furthermore, each Fund intends to satisfy conditions that will enable interest from municipal securities, which is exempt from regular federal income tax, to retain such tax-exempt status when distributed to shareholders of the Funds. Net realized capital gains and ordinary income distributions paid by the Funds are subject to federal taxation.

For all open tax years and all major taxing jurisdictions, management of the Funds has concluded that there are no significant uncertain tax positions that would require recognition in the financial statements. Open tax years are those that are open for examination by taxing authorities (i.e., generally the last four tax year ends and the interim tax period since then). Furthermore, management of the Funds is also not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders

The Funds declare dividends from their net investment income daily and pay shareholders monthly. Fund shares begin to accrue dividends on the business day after the day when the monies used to purchase Fund shares are collected by the Funds’ transfer agent.

Net realized capital gains and/or market discount from investment transactions, if any, are declared and distributed to shareholders at least annually. Furthermore, capital gains are distributed only to the extent they exceed available capital loss carryforwards.

Distributions to shareholders of net investment income, net realized capital gains and/or market discount, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount and timing of distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP.

Share Classes and Sales Charges

Class A Shares are generally sold with an up-front sales charge and incur a .20% annual 12b-1 service fee. Class A Share purchases of $1 million ($250,000 for Limited Term, Short Duration High Yield and Short Term) or more are sold at net asset value without an up-front sales charge but may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) if redeemed within eighteen months of purchase. All-American, High Yield and Intermediate Duration will issue Class B Shares upon the exchange of Class B Shares from another Nuveen mutual fund or for purposes of dividend reinvestment, but Class B Shares are not available for new accounts or for additional investment into existing accounts. Class B Shares were sold without an up-front sales charge but incur a .75% annual 12b-1 distribution fee and a .20% annual 12b-1 service fee. Class B Shares are subject to a CDSC of up to 5% depending upon the length of time the shares are held by the investor (CDSC is reduced to 0% at the end of six years). Class B Shares automatically convert to Class A Shares eight years after purchase. Class C Shares are sold without an up-front sales charge but incur a .55% (.35% for Limited Term and Short Term) annual 12b-1 distribution fee and a .20% annual 12b-1 service fee. Class C Shares are subject to a CDSC of 1% if redeemed within twelve months of purchase. Class I Shares are not subject to any sales charge or 12b-1 distribution or service fees.

Inverse Floating Rate Securities

Each Fund (except Inflation Protected) is authorized to invest in inverse floating rate securities. An inverse floating rate security is created by depositing a municipal bond, typically with a fixed interest rate, into a special purpose trust created by a broker-dealer. In turn, this trust (a) issues floating rate certificates, in face amounts equal to some fraction of the deposited bond’s par amount or market value, that typically pay short-term tax-exempt interest rates to third parties, and (b) issues to a long-term investor (such as one


  324       Nuveen Investments

of the Funds) an inverse floating rate certificate (sometimes referred to as an “inverse floater”) that represents all remaining or residual interest in the trust. The income received by the inverse floater holder varies inversely with the short-term rate paid to the floating rate certificates’ holders, and in most circumstances the inverse floater holder bears substantially all of the underlying bond’s downside investment risk and also benefits disproportionately from any potential appreciation of the underlying bond’s value. The price of an inverse floating rate security will be more volatile than that of the underlying bond because the interest rate is dependent on not only the fixed coupon rate of the underlying bond but also on the short-term interest paid on the floating rate certificates, and because the inverse floating rate security essentially bears the risk of loss of the greater face value of the underlying bond.

A Fund may purchase an inverse floating rate security in a secondary market transaction without first owning the underlying bond (referred to as an “externally-deposited inverse floater”), or instead by first selling a fixed-rate bond to a broker-dealer for deposit into the special purpose trust and receiving in turn the residual interest in the trust (referred to as a “self-deposited inverse floater”). The inverse floater held by a Fund gives the Fund the right (a) to cause the holders of the floating rate certificates to tender their notes at par, and (b) to have the broker transfer the fixed-rate bond held by the trust to the Fund, thereby collapsing the trust. An investment in an externally-deposited inverse floater is identified in the Portfolio of Investments as “(IF) – Inverse floating rate investment.” An investment in a self-deposited inverse floater is accounted for as a financing transaction. In such instances, a fixed-rate bond deposited into a special purpose trust is identified in the Portfolio of Investments as “(UB) – Underlying bond of an inverse floating rate trust reflected as a financing transaction,” with the Fund accounting for the short-term floating rate certificates issued by the trust, at their liquidation value, as “Floating rate obligations” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. In addition, the Fund reflects in “Investment Income” the entire earnings of the underlying bond and related interest paid to the holders of the short-term floating rate certificates as a component of “Interest expense” on the Statement of Operations.

During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, each Fund, except for Inflation Protected, Limited Term and Short Term, invested in externally-deposited inverse floaters and/or self-deposited inverse floaters.

Each Fund may also enter into shortfall and forbearance agreements (sometimes referred to as a “recourse trust” or “credit recovery swap”) (such agreements referred to herein as “Recourse Trusts”) with a broker-dealer by which a Fund agrees to reimburse the broker-dealer, in certain circumstances, for the difference between the liquidation value of the fixed-rate bond held by the trust and the liquidation value of the floating rate certificates issued by the trust plus any shortfalls in interest cash flows. Under these agreements, a Fund’s potential exposure to losses related to or on inverse floaters may increase beyond the value of a Fund’s inverse floater investments as a Fund may potentially be liable to fulfill all amounts owed to holders of the floating rate certificates. At period end, any such shortfall is recognized as “Unrealized depreciation on Recourse Trusts” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

As of April 30, 2013, each Fund’s maximum exposure to the floating rate obligations issued by externally-deposited Recourse Trusts was as follows:


      All-American      High Yield      Intermediate
     Short Duration
High Yield

Maximum exposure to Recourse Trusts

   $ 83,005,000       $ 1,844,463,000       $ 11,250,000       $ 750,000   

The average floating rate obligations outstanding and average annual interest rate and fees related to self-deposited inverse floaters for the following Funds during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, were as follows:


      All-American     High Yield  

Average floating rate obligations outstanding

   $ 19,376,849      $ 178,354,466   

Average annual interest rate and fees

     0.66     0.70

Swap Contracts

Each Fund (except Short Term) is authorized to enter into swap contracts consistent with their investment objectives and policies to reduce, increase or otherwise alter its risk profile or to alter its portfolio characteristics (i.e. duration, yield curve positioning and credit quality).

Forward Swaps

Each Fund’s use of forward interest rate swap transactions is intended to help the Fund manage its overall interest rate sensitivity, either shorter or longer, generally to more closely align the Fund’s interest rate sensitivity with that of the broader market. Forward interest rate swap transactions involve each Fund’s agreement with a counterparty to pay, in the future, a fixed or variable rate payment in exchange for the counterparty paying the Fund a variable or fixed rate payment, the accruals for which would begin at a specified date in the future (the “effective date”). The amount of the payment obligation is based on the notional amount of the swap contract and the termination date of the swap (which is akin to a bond’s maturity). The value of the Fund’s swap commitment would increase or decrease based primarily on the extent to which long-term interest rates for bonds having a maturity of the swap’s termination date increase or decrease. Forward interest rate swap contracts are valued daily. The net amount recorded on these transactions for each counterparty is recognized on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a component of “Unrealized appreciation or depreciation on forward swaps (,net)” with the change during the fiscal period recognized on the Statement of Operations as a component of “Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of swaps.”



Nuveen Investments     325   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Each Fund may terminate a swap contract prior to the effective date, at which point a realized gain or loss is recognized. When a forward swap is terminated, it ordinarily does not involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets or principal, but rather is settled in cash on a net basis. Net realized gains and losses during the fiscal period are recognized on the Statement of Operations as a component of “Net realized gain (loss) from swaps.” Each Fund intends, but is not obligated, to terminate its forward swaps before the effective date. Accordingly, the risk of loss with respect to the swap counterparty on such transactions is limited to the credit risk associated with a counterparty failing to honor its commitment to pay any realized gain to the Fund upon termination.

During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, High Yield entered into forward interest rate swap contracts to reduce the duration of its portfolio. The average notional amount of forward interest rate swap contracts outstanding during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, was as follows:


      High Yield  

Average notional amount of forward interest rate swap contracts outstanding*

   $ 124,600,000   
* The average notional amount is calculated based on the outstanding notional amount at the beginning of the fiscal year and at the end of each fiscal quarter within the current fiscal year.

Credit Default Swaps

A Fund may enter into a credit default swap contract to seek to maintain a total return on a particular investment or portion of its portfolio, or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular issuer’s default. Credit default swap contracts involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return if/when there is a credit event by a third party. Generally, a credit event means bankruptcy, failure to pay, or restructuring. The specific credit events applicable for each credit default swap are stated in the terms of the particular swap agreement. As a purchaser of a credit default swap contract, the Fund pays to the counterparty a periodic interest fee based on the notional amount of the credit default swap. This interest fee is accrued daily and recognized with the daily change in the market value of the contract as a component of “Unrealized appreciation or depreciation on credit default swaps (,net)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and is recorded as a realized loss upon payment. Upon occurrence of a specific credit event with respect to the underlying referenced entity, the Fund is obligated to deliver that security, or an equivalent amount of cash, to the counterparty in exchange for receipt of the notional amount from the counterparty. The difference between the value of the security delivered and the notional amount received is recorded as a realized gain. Payments received or made at the beginning of the measurement period are recognized as a component of “Credit default swap premiums paid and/or received” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, when applicable. As a seller of a credit default swap contract, the Fund generally receives from the counterparty a periodic interest fee based on the notional amount of the credit default swap. This interest fee is accrued daily as a component of unrealized appreciation or depreciation and is recorded as a realized gain upon payment. Upon occurrence of a specific credit event with respect to the underlying referenced entity, the Fund will either receive that security, or an equivalent amount of cash, from the counterparty in exchange for payment of the notional amount to the counterparty, or pay a net settlement amount of the credit default swap contract less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index. The difference between the value of the security received and the notional amount paid is recorded as a realized loss. Changes in the value of a credit default swap during the fiscal period are recognized as a component of “Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of swaps,” and realized gains and losses are recognized as a component of “Net realized gain (loss) from swaps” on the Statement of Operations. The maximum potential amount of future payments the Fund could incur as a seller of protection in a credit default swap contract is limited to the notional amount of the contract. The maximum potential amount would be offset by the recovery value, if any, of the respective referenced entity.

During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, High Yield invested in credit default swap contacts to manage credit risk. The average notional amount of credit default swap contracts outstanding during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, was as follows:


      High Yield  

Average notional amount of credit default swap contracts outstanding*

   $ 2,091,000   
* The average notional amount is calculated based on the outstanding notional amount at the beginning of the fiscal year and at the end of each fiscal quarter within the current fiscal year.

Consumer Price Index Swaps

Inflation Protected seeks to hedge inflation risk by investing inflation-linked instruments, such as Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) swaps, in amounts sufficient to approximate the duration characteristics of the Fund’s underlying municipal bond portfolio. A CPI swap is a fixed maturity, over-the-counter derivative in which the Fund pays to the counterparty a predetermined fixed annualized rate over the life of the CPI swap and receives in return the “realized” rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers Non-Seasonally Adjusted over the life of the swap. The Fund will benefit from a CPI swap if actual inflation during the swap’s period is greater than the level of inflation expected for that period at the time the swap was entered into, and conversely the Fund will lose money on a CPI swap if actual inflation turns out to be less than expected.

Income accruals begin at a specified date in the future (the “effective date”). The amount of the payment obligation is based on the notional amount of the CPI swap contract and the termination date of the swap (which is akin to a bond’s maturity). CPI swap contracts are valued daily. The net amount recorded on these transactions, for each counterparty, is recognized on the Statement of Assets and


  326       Nuveen Investments

Liabilities as a component of “Unrealized appreciation or depreciation on consumer price index swaps (,net)” with the change during the fiscal period recognized on the Statement of Operations as a component of “Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of swaps.”

The Fund may terminate a swap contract prior to the effective date, at which point a realized gain or loss is recognized. When a CPI swap is terminated, it ordinarily does not involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets or principal, but rather is settled in cash on a net basis. Net realized gains and losses during the fiscal period are recognized on the Statement of Operations as a component of “Net realized gain (loss) from swaps.” The Fund intends, but is not obligated, to terminate its CPI swaps before the effective date. Accordingly, the risk of loss with respect to the swap counterparty on such transactions is limited to the credit risk associated with a counterparty failing to honor its commitment to pay any realized gain to the Fund upon termination.

During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, Inflation Protected continued to invest in CPI swap contracts to hedge against unexpected increases in inflation. The average notional amount of CPI swap contracts outstanding during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, was as follows:



Average notional amount of forward interest rate swap contracts outstanding*

   $ 52,530,000   


* The average notional amount is calculated based on the outstanding notional amount at the beginning of the fiscal year and at the end of each fiscal quarter within the current fiscal year.

Refer to Footnote 3 – Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities for further details on swap contract activity.

Market and Counterparty Credit Risk

In the normal course of business each Fund may invest in financial instruments and enter into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to changes in the market (market risk) or failure of the other party to the transaction to perform (counterparty credit risk). The potential loss could exceed the value of the financial assets recorded on the financial statements. Financial assets, which potentially expose each Fund to counterparty credit risk, consist principally of cash due from counterparties on forward, option and swap transactions, when applicable. The extent of each Fund’s exposure to counterparty credit risk in respect to these financial assets approximates their carrying value as recorded on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Futures contracts, when applicable, expose a Fund to minimal counterparty credit risk as they are exchange traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, which is counterparty to all exchange traded futures, guarantees the futures contracts against default.

Each Fund helps manage counterparty credit risk by entering into agreements only with counterparties the Adviser believes have the financial resources to honor their obligations and by having the Adviser monitor the financial stability of the counterparties. Additionally, counterparties may be required to pledge collateral daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) on behalf of each Fund with a value approximately equal to the amount of any unrealized gain above a pre-determined threshold. Reciprocally, when each Fund has an unrealized loss, the Funds have instructed the custodian to pledge assets of the Funds as collateral with a value approximately equal to the amount of the unrealized loss above a pre-determined threshold. Collateral pledges are monitored and subsequently adjusted if and when the valuations fluctuate, either up or down, by at least the pre-determined threshold amount.

Zero Coupon Securities

Each Fund is authorized to invest in zero coupon securities. A zero coupon security does not pay a regular interest coupon to its holders during the life of the security. Income to the holder of the security comes from accretion of the difference between the original purchase price of the security at issuance and the par value of the security at maturity and is effectively paid at maturity. The market prices of zero coupon securities generally are more volatile than the market prices of securities that pay interest periodically.

Multiclass Operations and Allocations

Income and expenses of the Funds that are not directly attributable to a specific class of shares are prorated among the classes based on the relative settled shares of each class. Expenses directly attributable to a class of shares, which presently only include 12b-1 distribution and service fees, are recorded to the specific class.

Realized and unrealized capital gains and losses of the Funds are prorated among the classes based on the relative net assets of each class.


Under each Trust’s organizational documents, its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to each Trust. In addition, in the normal course of business, each Trust enters into contracts that provide general indemnifications to other parties. Each Trust’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against each Trust that have not yet occurred. However, each Trust has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates.


Nuveen Investments     327   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


2. Fair Value Measurements

Fair value is defined as the price that the Funds would receive upon selling an investment or transferring a liability in an orderly transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market for the investment. A three-tier hierarchy is used to maximize the use of observable market data and minimize the use of unobservable inputs and to establish classification of fair value measurements for disclosure purposes. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Observable inputs are based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Unobservable inputs are based on the best information available in the circumstances. The following is a summary of the three-tiered hierarchy of valuation input levels.


Level 1 –  

Inputs are unadjusted and prices are determined using quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.

Level 2 –   Prices are determined using other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.).
Level 3 –   Prices are determined using significant unobservable inputs (including management’s assumptions in determining the fair value of investments).

The inputs or methodologies used for valuing securities are not an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities. The following is a summary of each Fund’s fair value measurements as of the end of the reporting period:


All-American    Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  

Long-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

   $   —       $ 2,968,571,504       $       $ 2,968,571,504   

Corporate Bonds

                     38,866         38,866   


   $       $ 2,968,571,504       $ 38,866       $ 2,968,610,370   


High Yield    Level 1      Level 2     Level 3      Total  

Long-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

   $   —       $ 9,359,705,430      $ 202,017       $ 9,359,907,447   

Common Stocks

     1,086,118                        1,086,118   

Corporate Bonds

             7,288,750        19,004         7,307,754   



Credit Default Swaps**

             416,183                416,183   

Forward Swaps**

             5,645,284                5,645,284   


   $ 1,086,118       $ 9,373,055,647      $ 221,021       $ 9,374,362,786   
Inflation Protected    Level 1      Level 2     Level 3      Total  

Long-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

   $   —       $ 107,704,799      $   —       $ 107,704,799   



Consumer Price Index Swaps**

             (1,077,858             (1,077,858


   $   —       $ 106,626,941      $   —       $ 106,626,941   
Intermediate Duration    Level 1      Level 2     Level 3      Total  

Long-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

   $       $ 4,109,145,970      $ 7,843,322       $ 4,116,989,292   

Corporate Bonds

                    59,871         59,871   


   $       $ 4,109,145,970      $ 7,903,193       $ 4,117,049,163   
Limited Term    Level 1      Level 2     Level 3      Total  

Long-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

   $   —       $ 3,531,802,841      $   —       $ 3,531,802,841   

Corporate Bonds

                    36,923         36,923   

Short-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

             122,435,000                122,435,000   


   $   —       $ 3,654,237,841      $ 36,923       $ 3,654,274,764   
Short Duration High Yield    Level 1      Level 2     Level 3      Total  

Long-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

   $   —       $ 114,501,589      $   —       $ 114,501,589   


  328       Nuveen Investments

Short Term    Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  

Long-Term Investments*:


Municipal Bonds

   $   —       $ 481,590,797       $   —       $ 481,590,797   

Short-Term Investments*:


Money Market Funds

     378,719                         378,719   

Municipal Bonds

             16,075,000                 16,075,000   


   $ 378,719       $ 497,665,797       $   —       $ 498,044,516   
* Refer to the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments for state classifications and breakdown of Municipal Bonds and Corporate Bonds classified as Level 3, where applicable.
** Represents net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) as reported in the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments.

The Nuveen funds’ Board of Directors/Trustees is responsible for the valuation process and has delegated the oversight of the daily valuation process to the Adviser’s Valuation Committee. The Valuation Committee, pursuant to the valuation policies and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors/Trustees, is responsible for making fair value determinations, evaluating the effectiveness of the funds’ pricing policies, and reporting to the Board of Directors/Trustees. The Valuation Committee is aided in its efforts by the Adviser’s dedicated Securities Valuation Team, which is responsible for administering the daily valuation process and applying fair value methodologies as approved by the Valuation Committee. When determining the reliability of independent pricing services for investments owned by the funds, the Valuation Committee, among other things, conducts due diligence reviews of the pricing services and monitors the quality of security prices received through various testing reports conducted by the Securities Valuation Team.

The Valuation Committee will consider pricing methodologies it deems relevant and appropriate when making a fair value determination, based on the facts and circumstances specific to the portfolio instrument. Fair value determinations generally will be derived as follows, using public or private market information:


  (i.) If available, fair value determinations shall be derived by extrapolating from recent transactions or quoted prices for identical or comparable securities.


  (ii.) If such information is not available, an analytical valuation methodology may be used based on other available information including, but not limited to: analyst appraisals, research reports, corporate action information, issuer financial statements and shelf registration statements. Such analytical valuation methodologies may include, but are not limited to: multiple of earnings, discount from market value of a similar freely-traded security, discounted cash flow analysis, book value or a multiple thereof, risk premium/yield analysis, yield to maturity and/or fundamental investment analysis.

The purchase price of a portfolio instrument will be used to fair value the instrument only if no other valuation methodology is available or deemed appropriate, and it is determined that the purchase price fairly reflects the instrument’s current value.

For each portfolio security that has been fair valued pursuant to the policies adopted by the Board of Directors/Trustees, the fair value price is compared against the last available and next available market quotations. The Valuation Committee reviews the results of such testing and fair valuation occurrences are reported to the Board of Directors/Trustees.

3. Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities

Each Fund is authorized to invest in certain derivative instruments, including futures, options and swap contracts. The Funds record derivative instruments at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized on the Statement of Operations, when applicable. Even though the Funds’ investments in derivatives may represent economic hedges, they are not considered to be hedge transactions for financial reporting purposes. For additional information on the derivative instruments in which each Fund was invested during and at the end of the reporting period, refer to the Portfolios of Investments, Financial Statements and Footnote 1 – General Information and Significant Accounting Policies.

The following tables present the fair value of all derivative instruments held by the Funds as of April 30, 2013, the location of these instruments on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, and the primary underlying risk exposure.


High Yield         
            Location on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities  
Risk Exposure
     Asset Derivatives        Liability Derivatives  
        Location      Value        Location      Value  


   Swaps      Unrealized appreciation on
credit default swaps*
     $ 416,183              $   —   

Interest Rate

   Swaps      Unrealized appreciation on
forward swaps


                 $ 6,061,467                $   
* Some swap contracts require a counterparty to pay or receive a premium, which is disclosed on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities but is not reflected in the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) presented above.


Nuveen Investments     329   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



Inflation Protected         
            Location on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities  
Risk Exposure
     Asset Derivatives        Liability Derivatives  
        Location      Value        Location      Value  


   Swaps           $   —         Unrealized depreciation on
consumer price index
swaps, net
     $ (1,077,858

The following tables present the amount of net realized gain (loss) and change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) recognized for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, on derivative instruments, as well as the primary risk exposure associated with each.


Net Realized Gain (Loss) from Swaps      High Yield        Inflation

Risk Exposure



     $ 79,536         $   

Interest Rate





     $ (85,585,217      $ (152,000
Change in Net Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Swaps      High Yield        Inflation

Risk Exposure



     $ (52,011      $   

Interest Rate





     $ 76,199,090         $ (1,001,260

4. Fund Shares

Transactions in Fund shares were as follows:


     Year Ended
       Year Ended
      Shares        Amount        Shares        Amount  

Shares issued from reorganization:


Class A

             $           35,980,330         $ 408,027,129   

Class B

                         395,872           4,499,648   

Class C

                         8,184,311           92,803,541   

Class I

                         80,552,353           917,706,121   

Shares sold:


Class A

     36,137,441           422,123,272           22,091,824           242,252,943   

Class A – automatic conversion of Class B Shares

     88,230           1,027,090           79,973           864,408   

Class B

     19,747           230,819           30,828           332,007   

Class C

     14,765,759           172,192,912           9,413,510           103,505,104   

Class I

     29,093,499           340,673,994           12,377,121           136,518,888   

Shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions:


Class A

     3,031,020           35,411,944           1,341,013           14,683,749   

Class B

     12,257           143,124           11,975           130,615   

Class C

     856,156           10,008,408           450,253           4,930,726   

Class I

     2,599,068           30,450,682           527,567           5,824,286   
       86,603,177           1,012,262,245           171,436,930           1,932,079,165   

Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (19,964,928        (233,633,614        (8,375,436        (91,659,689

Class B

     (304,556        (3,554,758        (133,765        (1,442,175

Class B – automatic conversion to Class A Shares

     (88,046        (1,027,090        (79,763        (864,408

Class C

     (5,344,245        (62,513,581        (2,611,773        (28,351,126

Class I

     (21,208,856        (248,678,330        (4,241,588        (46,679,083
       (46,910,631        (549,407,373        (15,442,325        (168,996,481

Net increase (decrease)

     39,692,546         $ 462,854,872           155,994,605         $ 1,763,082,684   


  330       Nuveen Investments

     High Yield  
     Year Ended
       Year Ended
      Shares        Amount        Shares        Amount  

Shares sold:


Class A

     83,227,749         $ 1,414,103,925           58,867,393         $ 898,928,010   

Class A – automatic conversion of Class B Shares

     134,897           2,280,367           283,474           4,292,207   

Class B

     16,943           285,492           25,770           391,159   

Class C

     29,734,439           504,278,019           21,076,138           322,695,197   

Class I

     164,318,215           2,794,835,547           89,276,195           1,356,520,720   

Shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions:


Class A

     7,391,621           126,114,340           5,934,259           90,492,225   

Class B

     70,136           1,190,389           116,361           1,764,811   

Class C

     3,500,895           59,654,894           3,112,335           47,397,757   

Class I

     7,990,918           136,330,526           6,890,054           104,948,735   
       296,385,813           5,039,073,499           185,581,979           2,827,430,821   

Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (56,382,324        (962,818,893        (37,330,244        (566,415,629

Class B

     (838,778        (14,222,250        (1,048,422        (15,809,002

Class B – automatic conversion to Class A Shares

     (135,059        (2,280,367        (283,790        (4,292,207

Class C

     (16,050,199        (273,672,024        (13,491,557        (204,163,093

Class I

     (82,899,202        (1,415,564,180        (51,658,794        (783,150,287
       (156,305,562        (2,668,557,714        (103,812,807        (1,573,830,218

Net increase (decrease)

     140,080,251         $ 2,370,515,785           81,769,172         $ 1,253,600,603   


     Inflation Protected  
     Year Ended
       Year Ended
      Shares        Amount        Shares        Amount  

Shares sold:


Class A

     5,232,725         $ 59,200,370           599,121         $ 6,421,532   

Class C

     1,154,528           13,014,423           215,020           2,323,724   

Class I

     3,120,247           35,239,562           454,115           4,911,266   

Shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions:


Class A

     47,599           538,687           3,385           36,472   

Class C

     11,011           124,435           1,199           13,005   

Class I

     31,839           360,112           2,606           28,468   
       9,597,949           108,477,589           1,275,446           13,734,467   

Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (473,041        (5,305,991        (109,515        (1,182,821

Class C

     (215,629        (2,387,098        (184        (1,990

Class I

     (665,894        (7,567,356        (14,668        (155,468
       (1,354,564        (15,260,445        (124,367        (1,340,279

Net increase (decrease)

     8,243,385         $ 93,217,144           1,151,079         $ 12,394,188   


Nuveen Investments     331   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



     Intermediate Duration  
     Year Ended
       Year Ended
      Shares        Amount        Shares        Amount  

Shares issued from reorganization:


Class A

             $           7,230,971         $ 66,888,188   

Class B


Class C


Class I

                         77,039,079           714,318,641   

Shares sold:


Class A

     14,955,830           139,930,217           10,156,879           92,675,134   

Class A – automatic conversion of Class B Shares

     18,235           169,460           69,918           631,465   

Class B

     7,073           66,166           41,119           373,841   

Class C

     4,620,559           43,326,884           3,604,671           32,896,367   

Class I

     91,216,978           855,020,858           48,744,931           446,524,006   

Shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions:


Class A

     1,393,342           13,028,844           1,217,606           11,083,192   

Class B

     4,210           39,464           8,200           74,692   

Class C

     266,451           2,498,523           235,120           2,145,889   

Class I

     7,496,009           70,245,514           7,360,832           67,125,266   
       119,978,687           1,124,325,930           155,709,326           1,434,736,681   

Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (10,455,595        (97,725,473        (12,210,661        (111,517,880

Class B

     (121,372        (1,137,338        (240,717        (2,185,157

Class B – automatic conversion to Class A Shares

     (18,178        (169,460        (69,762        (631,495

Class C

     (2,592,728        (24,303,565        (1,776,614        (16,190,024

Class I

     (52,392,176        (491,029,155        (32,395,696        (295,967,439
       (65,580,049        (614,364,991        (46,693,450        (426,491,995

Net increase (decrease)

     54,398,638         $ 509,960,939           109,015,876         $ 1,008,244,686   


     Limited Term  
     Year Ended
       Year Ended
      Shares        Amount        Shares        Amount  

Shares sold:


Class A

     55,858,576         $ 627,985,659           41,699,811         $ 463,108,752   

Class C

     16,583,824           185,750,383           14,320,576           158,503,222   

Class I

     74,687,116           835,442,766           61,012,287           674,042,794   

Shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions:


Class A

     2,027,026           22,803,105           1,848,325           20,523,739   

Class C

     735,318           8,238,714           717,338           7,933,697   

Class I

     1,417,080           15,859,641           979,257           10,818,473   
       151,308,940           1,696,080,268           120,577,594           1,334,930,677   

Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (29,738,275        (334,355,453        (31,920,367        (354,520,690

Class C

     (10,594,753        (118,670,653        (9,858,868        (108,823,111

Class I

     (45,284,522        (506,548,399        (29,862,023        (329,657,607
       (85,617,550        (959,574,505        (71,641,258        (793,001,408

Net increase (decrease)

     65,691,390         $ 736,505,763           48,936,336         $ 541,929,269   


  332       Nuveen Investments

     Short Duration
High Yield
     For the period 2/01/13
(commencement of
operations) through
      Shares        Amount  

Shares sold:


Class A

     6,630,023         $ 66,801,133   

Class C

     487,924           4,905,230   

Class I

     7,047,337           71,036,869   

Shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions:


Class A

     8,484           85,736   

Class C

     878           8,872   

Class I

     1,845           18,660   
       14,176,491           142,856,500   

Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (24,120        (243,114

Class C

     (10,055        (101,457

Class I

     (32,395        (327,815
       (66,570        (672,386

Net increase (decrease)

     14,109,921         $ 142,184,114   


     Short Term  
     Year Ended
       Year Ended
      Shares        Amount        Shares        Amount  

Shares sold:


Class A

     10,803,399         $ 110,119,096           3,089,516         $ 31,346,987   

Class C

     1,170,185           11,914,696           100,659           1,023,985   

Class I

     30,582,797           311,778,721           17,366,166           175,868,886   

Shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions:


Class A

     96,677           985,725           30,675           311,311   

Class C

     7,034           71,621           193           1,968   

Class I

     89,508           912,653           42,427           429,784   
       42,749,600           435,782,512           20,629,636           208,982,921   

Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (4,325,269        (44,088,273        (487,624        (4,954,870

Class C

     (235,416        (2,396,736        (83        (846

Class I

     (22,910,953        (233,555,155        (15,363,848        (155,522,739
       (27,471,638        (280,040,164        (15,851,555        (160,478,455

Net increase (decrease)

     15,277,962         $ 155,742,348           4,778,081         $ 48,504,466   

5. Investment Transactions

Purchases and sales (including maturities but excluding short-term investments and derivative transactions, where applicable) during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, were as follows:









Short Duration
High Yield





   $ 938,716,726       $ 3,332,859,656       $ 93,829,223       $ 1,090,153,340       $ 1,210,055,559       $ 113,993,595       $ 281,226,170   

Sales and maturities

     464,440,563         1,106,025,919         4,951,814         583,711,881         384,411,819         50,376         122,745,773   

6. Income Tax Information

The following information is presented on an income tax basis. Differences between amounts for financial statement and federal income tax purposes are primarily due to timing differences in recognizing taxable market discount, timing differences in recognizing certain gains and losses on investment transactions and the treatment of investments in inverse floating rate securities reflected as financing transactions, if any. To the extent that differences arise that are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts as detailed below. Temporary differences do not require reclassification. Temporary and permanent differences do not impact the net asset values of the Funds.


Nuveen Investments     333   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


As of April 30, 2013, the cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments (excluding investments in derivatives, where applicable), as determined on a federal income tax basis, were as follows:


    Short Duration
High Yield

Cost of investments

  $ 2,685,207,896      $ 8,378,885,740      $ 105,055,195      $ 3,833,995,835      $ 3,499,324,472      $ 113,864,613      $ 487,803,323   

Gross unrealized:



  $ 279,444,766      $ 1,103,192,219      $ 2,827,247      $ 296,373,851      $ 158,332,512      $ 679,038      $ 11,264,345   


    (14,562,439     (304,986,784     (177,643     (13,320,523     (3,382,220     (42,062     (1,023,152

Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments

  $ 264,882,327      $ 798,205,435      $ 2,649,604      $ 283,053,328      $ 154,950,292      $ 636,976      $ 10,241,193   

Permanent differences, primarily due to federal taxes paid, taxable market discount, expiration of capital loss carryforwards, paydowns, treatment of notional principal contracts, nondeductible reorganizational expenses, nondeductible stock issuance costs and distribution reclasses, resulted in reclassifications among the Funds’ components of net assets as of April 30, 2013, the Funds’ tax year end, as follows:






    Short Duration
High Yield

Capital paid-in

  $ (55,192   $      $ (361   $ (136,960   $ (149,326   $ (10,393   $ (1,218

Undistributed (Over-distribution of) net investment income

    23,141        (769,004     (2,591     (2,839     (238,435     10,393          

Accumulated net realized gain (loss)

    32,051        769,004        2,952        139,799        387,761               1,218   

The tax components of undistributed net tax-exempt income, net ordinary income and net long-term capital gains as of April 30, 2013, the Funds’ tax year end, were as follows:






     Short Duration
High Yield

Undistributed net tax-exempt income1

   $ 8,029,994       $ 9,509,652       $ 72,648       $ 13,865,480       $ 2,806,495       $ 149,735       $ 646,690   

Undistributed net ordinary income2

     20,361         2,747,455                 453,495         501,826                   

Undistributed net long-term capital gains


Undistributed net tax-exempt income (on a tax basis) has not been reduced for the dividends declared during the period April 1, 2013 through April 30, 2013, and paid on May 1, 2013.


Net ordinary income consists of taxable market discount income and net short-term capital gains, if any.

The tax character of distributions paid during the Funds’ tax years ended April 30, 2013 and April 30, 2012, was designated for purposes of the dividends paid deduction as follows:


2013   All-
    Short Duration
High  Yield5

Distributions from net tax-exempt income3

  $ 109,809,752      $ 472,225,182      $ 1,123,233      $ 134,244,774      $ 71,106,768      $ 49,171      $ 7,787,833   

Distributions from net ordinary income2

    497,880        1,997,075        37,661        845,011                        

Distributions from net long-term capital gains4



2012   All-

Distributions from net tax-exempt income

  $ 36,821,171       $ 356,818,555       $ 259,818       $ 105,851,283       $ 64,515,122       $ 6,583,563   

Distributions from net ordinary income2

    209,633         7,017,849                 2,640,634         118,046         2   

Distributions from net long-term capital gains


Net ordinary income consists of taxable market discount income and net short-term capital gains, if any.


The Funds hereby designate these amounts paid during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, as Exempt Interest Dividends.


The Funds designate as long term capital gain dividend, pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code 852(b)(3), the amount necessary to reduce earnings and profits to the Funds related to net capital gain to zero for tax year ended April 30, 2013.


For the period February 1, 2013 (commencement of operations) through April 30, 2013.


  334       Nuveen Investments

As of April 30, 2013, the Funds’ tax year end, the following Funds had unused capital loss carryforwards available for federal income tax purposes to be applied against future capital gains, if any. If not applied, the carryforwards will expire as shown in the following table. The losses not subject to expiration retain the character reflected and will be utilized first by a Fund, while the losses subject to expiration are considered short-term:


     Inflation Protected



April 30, 2014

   $       $       $       $       $ 1,064,312       $   

April 30, 2015

     21,571         273,441                         7,283,015         11,893   

April 30, 2016

     2,298,768         25,595,622                         546,020           

April 30, 2017

     22,698,037         277,191,907                         1,071,726         312,109   

April 30, 2018

     14,897,930         755,760,482                 9,207,679         543,730           

April 30, 2019

     881,168         36,220,059                 1,043,786         1,598,268           

Not subject to expiration:


Short-term losses

                     32,143                 906,756           

Long-term losses

     590,494         209,232,507         38,611         2,415,208         7,562,532           


   $ 41,387,968       $ 1,304,274,018       $ 70,754       $ 12,666,673       $ 20,576,359       $ 324,002   

A portion of All-American’s and Intermediate Duration’s capital loss carryforward is subject to an annual limitation under Internal Revenue Code and related regulations.

During the Funds’ tax year ended April 30, 2013, the following Funds utilized their capital loss carryforwards as follows:



Utilized capital loss carryforwards

   $ 5,896,378       $ 2,563,115       $ 59,992   

As of April 30, 2013, the Funds’ tax year end, $169,527 of Limited Term’s capital loss carryforward expired.

The Funds have elected to defer late-year losses in accordance with federal income tax rules. These losses are treated as having arisen on the first day of the following fiscal year. The Funds have elected to defer losses as follows:


     Inflation Protected

Short Duration

High Yield


Post-October capital losses7

   $ 1,283,158       $ 6,052,333       $ 37,587       $ 312,547       $ 363,136       $ 2,683       $ 56,932   

Late-year ordinary losses8


Capital losses incurred from November 1, 2012 through April 30, 2013, the Fund’s tax year end.


Ordinary losses incurred from January 1, 2013 through April 30, 2013 and specified losses incurred from November 1, 2012 through April 30, 2013.

7. Management Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates

Each Fund’s management fee consists of two components – a fund-level fee, based only on the amount of assets within each individual Fund, and a complex-level fee, based on the aggregate amount of all eligible fund assets managed by the Adviser. This pricing structure enables each Fund’s shareholders to benefit from growth in the assets within their respective Fund as well as from growth in the amount of complex-wide assets managed by the Adviser.


Average Daily Net Assets    All-
Fee Rate
    High Yield
Fee Rate
Fee Rate
Fee Rate
Fee Rate
    Short Duration
High Yield
Fee Rate
Fee Rate

For the first $125 million

     0.3000     0.4000     0.3000     0.3000     0.2500     0.4000     0.2500

For the next $125 million

     0.2875        0.3875        0.2875        0.2875        0.2375        0.3875        0.2375   

For the next $250 million

     0.2750        0.3750        0.2750        0.2750        0.2250        0.3750        0.2250   

For the next $500 million

     0.2625        0.3625        0.2625        0.2625        0.2125        0.3625        0.2125   

For the next $1 billion

     0.2500        0.3500        0.2500        0.2500        0.2000        0.3500        0.2000   

For net assets over $2 billion

            0.3250        0.2250                      0.3250        0.1750   

For the next $3 billion

     0.2250                      0.2250        0.1750                 

For net assets over $5 billion

     0.2125                      0.2125        0.1625                 


Nuveen Investments     335   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


The annual complex-level fee for the Funds, payable monthly, is determined by taking the complex-level fee rate, which is based on the aggregate amount of “eligible assets” of all Nuveen Funds as set forth in the schedule below, and for Short Term, making, as appropriate, an upward adjustment to that rate based upon the percentage of the Fund’s assets that are not “eligible assets.” The complex level fee schedule for the Funds is as follows:


Complex-Level Asset Breakpoint Level*    Effective Rate at Breakpoint Level  

$55 billion


$56 billion


$57 billion


$60 billion


$63 billion


$66 billion


$71 billion


$76 billion


$80 billion


$91 billion


$125 billion


$200 billion


$250 billion


$300 billion



* The complex-level fee is calculated based upon the aggregate daily “eligible assets” of all Nuveen Funds. Eligible assets do not include assets attributable to investments in other Nuveen Funds or assets in excess of $2 billion added to the Nuveen Fund complex in connection with the Adviser’s assumption of the management of the former First American Funds effective January 1, 2011. Eligible assets include closed-end fund assets managed by the Adviser that are attributable to financial leverage. For these purposes, financial leverage includes the closed-end funds’ use of preferred stock and borrowings and certain investments in the residual interest certificates (also called inverse floating rate securities) in tender option bond (TOB) trusts, including the portion of assets held by a TOB trust that has been effectively financed by the trust’s issuance of floating rate securities, subject to an agreement by the Adviser as to certain funds to limit the amount of such assets for determining eligible assets in certain circumstances. As of April 30, 2013, the complex-level fee rate for each of these Funds was as follows:


Fund    Complex-Level Fee Rate  



High Yield


Inflation Protected


Intermediate Duration


Limited Term


Short Duration High Yield


Short Term


The management fee compensates the Adviser for overall investment advisory and administrative services and general office facilities. The Adviser is responsible for each Fund’s overall investment strategy and asset allocation decisions. The Adviser has entered into sub-advisory agreements with the Sub-Adviser under which the Sub-Adviser manages the investment portfolios of the Funds. The Sub-Adviser is compensated for its services to the Funds from the management fees paid to the Adviser.

The Adviser has agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses so that total annual Fund operating expenses (excluding 12b-1 distribution and service fees, interest expenses, taxes, fees incurred in acquiring and disposing of portfolio securities, acquired fund fees and expenses and extraordinary expenses) for Inflation Protected and Short term do not exceed .600% through August 31, 2013 (1.05% thereafter) and March 31, 2013, respectively, of the average daily net assets of any class of Fund shares.

The Adviser has contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses so that total annual Fund operating expenses (excluding 12b-1 distribution and service fees, interest expenses, taxes, fees incurred in acquiring and disposing of portfolio securities, acquired fund fees and expenses and extraordinary expenses) for Intermediate Duration do not exceed .750% of the average daily net assets of any class of Fund shares.

The Adviser has agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses (“Expense Cap”) of the Funds so that total annual Fund operating expenses (excluding 12b-1 distribution and/or service fees, interest expenses, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, fees incurred in acquiring and disposing of portfolio securities and extraordinary expenses) do not exceed the average daily net assets of any class of Fund shares in the amounts and for the time periods stated in the following table.


Fund    Temporary
Expense Cap
Expense Cap
Expiration Date
Expense Cap

Inflation Protected

     0.60        August 31, 2013           1.05

Intermediate Duration

     N/A           N/A           0.75   

Short Duration High Yield

     0.65           April 30, 2016           N/A   

Short Term

     0.60           March 31, 2013           N/A   

N/A – Not applicable.


  336       Nuveen Investments

The Adviser may also voluntarily reimburse additional expenses from time to time in any of the Funds. Voluntary reimbursements may be terminated at any time at the Adviser’s discretion.

Neither Trust pays compensation directly to those of its trustees who are affiliated with the Adviser or to its officers, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to each Trust from the Adviser or its affiliates. The Board of Directors/Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan for independent trustees that enables trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from certain Nuveen-advised funds. Under the plan, deferred amounts are treated as though equal dollar amounts had been invested in shares of select Nuveen-advised funds.

During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, Nuveen Securities, LLC, (the “Distributor”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nuveen, collected sales charges on purchases of Class A Shares, the majority of which were paid out as concessions to financial intermediaries as follows:




     Short Duration
High Yield

Sales charges collected (Unaudited)

   $ 5,630,919       $ 14,586,756       $ 261,927       $ 727,066       $ 2,410,503       $ 214,418       $ 331,325   

Paid to financial intermediaries (Unaudited)

     4,964,443         12,998,842         222,479         628,697         2,295,924         210,845         323,487   

The Distributor also received 12b-1 service fees on Class A Shares, substantially all of which were paid to compensate financial intermediaries for providing services to shareholders relating to their investments.

During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, the Distributor compensated financial intermediaries directly with commission advances at the time of purchase as follows:




     Short Duration
High Yield

Commission advances (Unaudited)

   $ 2,812,495       $ 8,730,909       $ 192,795       $ 602,050       $ 3,569,391       $ 231,729       $ 366,401   

To compensate for commissions advanced to financial intermediaries, all 12b-1 service fees collected on Class B Shares during the first year following a purchase, all 12b-1 distribution fees collected on Class B Shares, and all 12b-1 service and distribution fees collected on Class C Shares during the first year following a purchase are retained by the Distributor. During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, the Distributor retained such 12b-1 fees as follows:




     Short Duration
High Yield

12b-1 fees retained (Unaudited)

   $ 1,174,994       $ 3,508,477       $ 55,977       $ 263,202       $ 925,470       $ 2,578       $ 21,099   

The remaining 12b-1 fees charged to the Funds were paid to compensate financial intermediaries for providing services to shareholders relating to their investments.

The Distributor also collected and retained CDSC on share redemptions during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, as follows:




     Short Duration
High Yield

CDSC retained (Unaudited)

   $ 171,824       $ 582,859       $   —       $ 41,140       $ 222,716       $   —       $ 18,265   

As of April 30, 2013, Nuveen owned 5,000, 5,000 and 990,000 shares of Short Duration High Yield’s Class A, Class C and Class I, respectively.

8. Borrowing Arrangements

High Yield has entered into a committed 364-day unsecured line of credit (“Borrowings”) with its custodian bank to provide the Fund with a source of liquidity to meet temporary demands of the Fund. As of April 30, 2013, the maximum commitment amount on the Borrowings was $850 million.

Interest on the Borrowings is calculated at a rate per annum equal to the higher of (i) 1.25% plus the Federal Funds Rate as in effect on that day, or (ii) 1.25% plus the Overnight London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as in effect on that day. The Fund also accrues a .12% per annum commitment fee on the unused portion of the Borrowings and incurred one-time closing fees of .02% on the maximum commitment amount, which will be expensed over the 364-day period.

On July 25, 2012, the Fund renewed the Borrowings with its custodian bank through July 24, 2013. The Fund also incurred one-time closing fees of .10% on the maximum commitment amount, which will be expensed over the 364-day period.

On November 27, 2012, the Fund increased its maximum commitment amount on the Borrowings from $650 million to $850 million and incurred a one-time closing fee of .07% on the increase to the maximum commitment amount, which will be expensed through July 24, 2013. All other terms of the Borrowings remained unchanged.


Nuveen Investments     337   

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Borrowings outstanding are recognized as “Borrowings” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Interest expense and other fees incurred on the Borrowings are recognized as a component of “Interest expense” on the Statement of Operations.

As of April 30, 2013, the outstanding balance on these Borrowings was $40 million. During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2013, the Fund’s average daily loan balance outstanding on the Borrowings and corresponding weighted average annualized interest rate were $53,559,322 and 1.43%, respectively.

On May 22, 2013 (subsequent to the close of this reporting period), the Fund increased its Borrowings maximum commitment amount from $850 million to $1 billion. The Fund incurred one-time closing fees of .01% on the increase to the maximum commitment amount, which will be expensed through July 24, 2013. All other terms of the Borrowings remained unchanged.

9. New Accounting Pronouncements

Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Balance Sheet (Topic 210): Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities In January 2013, Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2013-01, Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities, replaced ASU 2011-11, Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities. ASU 2013-01 is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2013. ASU 2011-11 was intended to enhance disclosure requirements on the offsetting of financial assets and liabilities. ASU 2013-01 limits the scope of the new balance sheet offsetting disclosures to derivatives, repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions to the extent that they are (1) offset in the financial statements or (2) subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement. Management is currently evaluating the application of ASU 2013-01 and its impact to the financial statements and footnote disclosures, if any.


  338       Nuveen Investments

Trustees and Officers (Unaudited)


The management of the Funds, including general supervision of the duties performed for the Funds by the Adviser, is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees of the Funds. The number of trustees of the Funds is currently set at ten. None of the trustees who are not “interested” persons of the Funds (referred to herein as “independent trustees”) has ever been a director or employee of, or consultant to, Nuveen or its affiliates. The names and business addresses of the trustees and officers of the Funds, their principal occupations and other affiliations during the past five years, the number of portfolios each oversees and other directorships they hold are set forth below.

The Funds’ Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) includes more information about the trustees. To request a free copy, call Nuveen Investments at (800) 257-8787 or visit the Funds’ website at www.nuveen.com.




and Address



Held with

the Funds


Year First

Elected or

Appointed (1)


Principal Occupation(s)

Including other Directorships

During Past 5 Years


Number of

Portfolios in

Fund Complex

Overseen by


Independent Trustees:    

Robert P. Bremner


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Chairman of the Board and Trustee   1996   Private Investor and Management Consultant; Treasurer and Director, Humanities Council of Washington, D.C.; Board Member, Independent Directors Council affiliated with the Investment Company Institute.   210

Jack B. Evans


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   1999   President, The Hall-Perrine Foundation, a private philanthropic corporation (since 1996); Chairman, United Fire Group, a publicly held company; formerly, President of the Board of Regents for the State of Iowa University System; Director, Source Media Group; Life Trustee of Coe College; formerly, Director, Alliant Energy; formerly, Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; formerly, President and Chief Operating Officer, SCI Financial Group, Inc., a regional financial services firm; Bachelor of Arts degree from Coe College and an MBA from the University of Iowa.   210

William C. Hunter


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   2004   Dean Emeritus (since June 30, 2012), formerly, Dean, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa (2006-2012); Director (since 2004) of Xerox Corporation; Director (since 2005), and President (since July 2012) Beta Gamma Sigma, Inc., The International Honor Society; Director of Wellmark, Inc. (since 2009); formerly, Dean and Distinguished Professor of Finance, School of Business at the University of Connecticut (2003-2006); previously, Senior Vice President and Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1995-2003); formerly, Director (1997-2007), Credit Research Center at Georgetown University.   210

David J. Kundert


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   2005   Formerly, Director, Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company; (2007-2013) retired (since 2004) as Chairman, JPMorgan Fleming Asset Management, President and CEO, Banc One Investment Advisors Corporation, and President, One Group Mutual Funds; prior thereto, Executive Vice President, Banc One Corporation and Chairman and CEO, Banc One Investment Management Group; Regent Emeritus, Member of Investment Committee, Luther College; member of the Wisconsin Bar Association; member of Board of Directors, Friends of Boerner Botanical Gardens; member of Board of Directors and Chair of Investment Committee, Greater Milwaukee Foundation; member of the Board of Directors (Milwaukee), College Possible.   210

William J. Schneider


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   1996   Chairman of Miller-Valentine Partners Ltd., a real estate investment company; formerly, Senior Partner and Chief Operating Officer (retired 2004) of Miller-Valentine Group; Member of two Miller Valentine real estate LLC companies; member, University of Dayton Business School Advisory Council; member, Mid-America Health System Board; Board Member of Tech Town, Inc., a not-for-profit community development company; Board Member of WDPR Public Radio; formerly, member and chair, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra Association; formerly, member, Business Advisory Council, Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank.   210

Judith M. Stockdale


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   1997   Formerly, Executive Director (1994-2012), Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation (since 1994); prior thereto, Executive Director, Great Lakes Protection Fund (1990-1994).   210


Nuveen Investments     339   

Trustees and Officers (continued)




and Address



Held with

the Funds


Year First

Elected or

Appointed (1)


Principal Occupation(s)

Including other Directorships

During Past 5 Years


Number of

Portfolios in

Fund Complex

Overseen by


Carole E. Stone


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   2007   Director, Chicago Board Options Exchange (since 2006); Director, C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated (since 2009); formerly, Commissioner, New York State Commission on Public Authority Reform (2005-2010); formerly, Chair, New York Racing Association Oversight Board (2005-2007).   210

Virginia L. Stringer


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   2011   Board Member, Mutual Fund Directors Forum; former governance consultant and non-profit board member; former Owner and President, Strategic Management Resources, Inc. a management consulting firm; former Member, Governing Board, Investment Company Institute’s Independent Directors Council; previously, held several executive positions in general management, marketing and human resources at IBM and The Pillsbury Company; Independent Director, First American Fund Complex (1987-2010) and Chair (1997-2010).   210

Terence J. Toth


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   2008   Managing Partner, Promus Capital (since 2008); Director, Fulcrum IT Service LLC (since 2010), Quality Control Corporation (since 2012) and LogicMark LLC (since 2012); formerly, Director, Legal & General Investment Management America, Inc. (2008-2013); formerly, CEO and President, Northern Trust Global Investments (2004-2007); Executive Vice President, Quantitative Management & Securities Lending (2000-2004); prior thereto, various positions with Northern Trust Company (since 1994); member: Chicago Fellowship Board (since 2005), Catalyst Schools of Chicago Board (since 2008) and Mather Foundation Board (since 2012), and a member of its investment committee; formerly, Member, Northern Trust Mutual Funds Board (2005-2007), Northern Trust Global Investments Board (2004-2007), Northern Trust Japan Board (2004-2007), Northern Trust Securities Inc. Board (2003-2007) and Northern Trust Hong Kong Board (1997-2004).   210
Interested Trustee:    

John P. Amboian (2)


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Trustee   2008   Chief Executive Officer and Chairman (since 2007) and Director (since 1999) of Nuveen Investments, Inc., formerly, President (1999-2007); Chief Executive Officer (since 2007) of Nuveen Investments Advisers Inc.; Director (since 1998) formerly, Chief Executive Officer (2007-2010) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC.   210



and Address



Held with

the Funds


Year First

Elected or

Appointed (3)


Principal Occupation(s)

During Past 5 Years


Number of

Portfolios in

Fund Complex

Overseen by


Officers of the Funds:    

Gifford R. Zimmerman


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Chief Administrative Officer   1988   Managing Director (since 2002), and Assistant Secretary of Nuveen Securities, LLC; Managing Director (since 2004) and Assistant Secretary (since 1994) of Nuveen Investments, Inc.; Managing Director (since 2002), Assistant Secretary (since 1997) and Co-General Counsel (since 2011) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC; Managing Director, Assistant Secretary and Associate General Counsel of Nuveen Asset Management, LLC (since 2011); Managing Director, Associate General Counsel and Assistant Secretary of Symphony Asset Management LLC (since 2003); Vice President and Assistant Secretary of NWQ Investment Management Company, LLC (since 2002), Nuveen Investments Advisers Inc. (since 2002), Santa Barbara Asset Management, LLC (since 2006) and of Winslow Capital Management, LLC, (since 2010); Vice President and Assistant Secretary (since 2013), formerly, Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Compliance Officer (2006-2013) of Nuveen Commodities Asset Management, LLC; Chartered Financial Analyst.   210


  340       Nuveen Investments




and Address



Held with

the Funds


Year First

Elected or

Appointed (3)


Principal Occupation(s)

During Past 5 Years


Number of

Portfolios in

Fund Complex

Overseen by


Margo L. Cook


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Vice President   2009   Executive Vice President (since 2008) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. and of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC (since 2011); Managing Director – Investment Services of Nuveen Commodities Asset Management, LLC (since August 2011), previously, Head of Institutional Asset Management (2007-2008) of Bear Stearns Asset Management; Head of Institutional Asset Management (1986-2007) of Bank of NY Mellon; Chartered Financial Analyst.   210

Lorna C. Ferguson


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Vice President   1998  

Managing Director (since 2005) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC and Nuveen Securities, LLC (since 2004).


Stephen D. Foy


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Vice President and Controller   1998   Senior Vice President (since 2010), formerly, Vice President (2005-2010) and Funds Controller of Nuveen Securities, LLC; Vice President of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC; Chief Financial Officer of Nuveen Commodities Asset Management, LLC (since 2010); Certified Public Accountant.   210

Scott S. Grace


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Vice President and Treasurer   2009   Managing Director, Corporate Finance & Development, Treasurer (since 2009) of Nuveen Securities, LLC; Managing Director and Treasurer (since 2009) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC, Nuveen Investments Advisers, Inc., Nuveen Investments Holdings Inc. and (since 2011) Nuveen Asset Management, LLC; Vice President and Treasurer of NWQ Investment Management Company, LLC, Tradewinds Global Investors, LLC, Symphony Asset Management LLC and Winslow Capital Management, LLC.; Vice President of Santa Barbara Asset Management, LLC; formerly, Treasurer (2006-2009), Senior Vice President (2008-2009), previously, Vice President (2006-2008) of Janus Capital Group, Inc.; formerly, Senior Associate in Morgan Stanley’s Global Financial Services Group (2000-2003); Chartered Accountant Designation.   210

Walter M. Kelly


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Chief Compliance Officer and Vice President   2003   Senior Vice President (since 2008) and Assistant Secretary (since 2003) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC; Senior Vice President (since 2008) of Nuveen Investments Holdings, Inc; formerly, Senior Vice President (2008-2011) of Nuveen Securities, LLC.   210

Tina M. Lazar


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Vice President   2002   Senior Vice President (since 2010), formerly, Vice President (2005-2010) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC.   210



and Address



Held with

the Funds


Year First

Elected or

Appointed (3)


Principal Occupation(s)

Including other Directorships

During Past 5 Years


Number of

Portfolios in

Fund Complex

Overseen by


Kevin J. McCarthy


333 W. Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Vice President and Secretary   2007   Managing Director and Assistant Secretary (since 2008), Nuveen Securities, LLC; Managing Director (since 2008), Assistant Secretary (since 2007) and Co-General Counsel (since 2011) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC; Managing Director, Assistant Secretary and Associate General Counsel (since 2011) of Nuveen Asset Management, LLC; Managing Director (since 2008), and Assistant Secretary, Nuveen Investment Holdings, Inc.; Vice President (since 2007) and Assistant Secretary of Nuveen Investments Advisers Inc., NWQ Investment Management Company, LLC, Tradewinds Global Investors LLC, Symphony Asset Management LLC, Santa Barbara Asset Management, LLC, and of Winslow Capital Management, LLC. (since 2010); Vice President and Secretary (since 2010) of Nuveen Commodities Asset Management, LLC; prior thereto, Partner, Bell, Boyd & Lloyd LLP (1997-2007).   210


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Trustees and Officers (continued)




and Address



Held with

the Funds


Year First

Elected or

Appointed (3)


Principal Occupation(s)

Including other Directorships

During Past 5 Years


Number of

Portfolios in

Fund Complex

Overseen by


Kathleen L. Prudhomme


901 Marquette Avenue

Minneapolis, MN 55402

  Vice President and Assistant Secretary   2011   Managing Director, Assistant Secretary and Co-General Counsel (since 2011) of Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC; Managing Director, Assistant Secretary and Associate General Counsel (since 2011) of Nuveen Asset Management, LLC; Managing Director and Assistant Secretary (since 2011) of Nuveen Securities, LLC; formerly, Deputy General Counsel, FAF Advisors, Inc. (2004-2010).   210

Jeffery M. Wilson


333 West Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

  Vice President   2011   Senior Vice President of Nuveen Securities, LLC (since 2011); formerly, Senior Vice President of FAF Advisors, Inc. (2000-2010).   107


(1) Trustees serve an indefinite term until his/her successor is elected or appointed. The year first elected or appointed represents the year in which the trustee was first elected or appointed to any fund in the Nuveen Fund Complex.
(2) Mr. Amboian is an interested trustee because of his position with Nuveen Investments, Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries, which are affiliates of the Nuveen Funds.
(3) Officers serve one year terms through August of each year. The year first elected or appointed represents the year in which the officer was first elected or appointed to any fund in the Nuveen Fund Complex.


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Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process



The Board of Trustees or Directors (as the case may be) (each, a “Board” and each Trustee or Director, a “Board Member”) of the Funds, including the Board Members who are not parties to the Funds’ advisory or sub-advisory agreements or “interested persons” of any such parties (the “Independent Board Members”), is responsible for approving the advisory agreements (each, an “Investment Management Agreement”) between each Fund and Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC (formerly known as Nuveen Fund Advisors, Inc.) (the “Advisor”) and the sub-advisory agreements (each, a “Sub-Advisory Agreement”) between the Advisor and Nuveen Asset Management, LLC (the “Sub-Advisor”) (the Investment Management Agreements and the Sub-Advisory Agreements are referred to collectively as the “Advisory Agreements”) and their periodic continuation. Pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), after an initial term of up to two years, the Board is required to consider the continuation of the Advisory Agreements on an annual basis. Accordingly, at an in-person meeting held on May 21-23, 2012 (the “May Meeting”), the Board, including a majority of the Independent Board Members, considered and approved the continuation of the Advisory Agreements for the Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund (the “All-American Fund”), the Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (the “High Yield Fund”), the Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund (the “Inflation Protected Fund”), the Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund (the “Intermediate Duration Fund”), the Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund (the “Limited Term Fund”) and the Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund (the “Short Term Fund”) for an additional one-year period.

The Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund (the “Short Duration High Yield Fund”) is new. The initial advisory agreement between the Advisor and the Short Duration High Yield Fund and the initial sub-advisory agreement between the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor, on behalf of such Fund, were approved separately at a meeting of the Board of such Fund held on January 16, 2013.

The discussion of the approvals for the All-American Fund, the High Yield Fund, the Inflation Protected Fund, the Intermediate Duration Fund, the Limited Term Fund and the Short Term Fund is set forth in Section I, followed by the discussion in Section II of the approvals for the Short Duration High Yield Fund.


Nuveen All-American Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen Inflation Protected Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen Limited Term Municipal Bond Fund

Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

With respect to the funds listed immediately above (for purposes of this Section I, the “Funds”), in preparation for its considerations at the May Meeting, the Board requested and received extensive materials prepared in connection with the review of the Funds’ Advisory Agreements. The materials provided a broad range of information regarding the Funds, the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor (for purposes of this Section I, the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor are collectively, the “Fund Advisers” and each, a “Fund Adviser”). As described in more detail below, the information provided included, among other things, a review of Fund performance, including Fund investment performance assessments against peer groups and appropriate benchmarks, a comparison of Fund fees and expenses relative to peers, a description and assessment of shareholder service levels for the Funds, a summary of the performance of certain service providers, a review of product initiatives and shareholder communications and an analysis of the Advisor’s profitability with comparisons to comparable peers in the managed fund business. As part of its annual review, the Board also held a separate meeting on April 18-19, 2012, to review the Funds’ investment performance and consider an analysis provided by the Advisor of the Sub-Advisor which generally evaluated the Sub-Advisor’s investment team, investment mandate, organizational structure and history, investment philosophy and process, performance of the applicable Fund, and significant changes to the foregoing. As a result of its review of the materials and discussions, the Board presented the Advisor with questions and the Advisor responded.

The materials and information prepared in connection with the annual review of the Advisory Agreements supplement the information and analysis provided to the Board during the year. In this regard, throughout the year, the Board, acting directly or through its committees, regularly reviews the performance and various services provided by the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor. The Board meets at least quarterly as well as at other times as the need arises. At its quarterly meetings, the Board reviews reports by the Advisor which include, among other things, Fund performance, a review of the investment teams and reports on compliance, regulatory matters and risk management. The Board also meets with key investment personnel managing the Fund portfolios during the year. In October 2011, the Board also created two new standing committees (the Open-end Fund Committee and the Closed-end Fund Committee) to assist the full Board in monitoring and gaining a deeper insight into the distinctive issues and business practices of open-end and closed-end funds.

In addition, the Board continues its program of seeking to have the Board Members or a subset thereof visit each sub-advisor to the Nuveen funds at least once over a multiple year rotation, meeting with key investment and business personnel. In this regard, the Board visited with the Sub-Advisor’s municipal team in Minneapolis in September 2011, and with the Sub-Advisor’s municipal team in


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Chicago in November 2011. Further, an ad hoc committee of the Board visited the then-current transfer agents of the Nuveen funds in 2011 and the audit committee of the Board visited the various pricing agents for the Nuveen funds in January 2012.

The Board considers factors and information that are relevant to its annual consideration of the renewal of the Advisory Agreements at the meetings held throughout the year. Accordingly, the Board considers the information provided and knowledge gained at these meetings when performing its annual review of the Advisory Agreements. The Independent Board Members are assisted throughout the process by independent legal counsel who provided materials describing applicable law and the duties of directors or trustees in reviewing advisory contracts and met with the Independent Board Members in executive sessions without management present. In addition, it is important to recognize that the management arrangements for the Nuveen funds are the result of many years of review and discussion between the Independent Board Members and fund management and that the Board Members’ conclusions may be based, in part, on their consideration of fee arrangements and other factors developed in previous years.

The Board considered all factors it believed relevant with respect to each Fund, including among other factors: (a) the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by the Fund Advisers, (b) the investment performance of the Fund and Fund Advisers, (c) the advisory fees and costs of the services to be provided to the Fund and the profitability of the Fund Advisers, (d) the extent of any economies of scale, (e) any benefits derived by the Fund Advisers from the relationship with the Fund and (f) other factors. Each Board Member may have accorded different weight to the various factors in reaching his or her conclusions with respect to a Fund’s Advisory Agreements. The Independent Board Members did not identify any single factor as all important or controlling. The Independent Board Members’ considerations were instead based on a comprehensive consideration of all the information presented. The principal factors considered by the Board and its conclusions are described below.

A. Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

In considering renewal of the Advisory Agreements, the Independent Board Members considered the nature, extent and quality of the Fund Adviser’s services, including advisory services and the resulting Fund performance and administrative services. The Independent Board Members further considered the overall reputation and capabilities of the Advisor and its affiliates, the commitment of the Advisor to provide high quality service to the Funds, their overall confidence in the Advisor’s integrity and the Advisor’s responsiveness to questions and concerns raised by them. The Independent Board Members reviewed materials outlining, among other things, the Fund Adviser’s organization and business; the types of services that the Fund Adviser or its affiliates provide to the Funds; the performance record of the applicable Fund (as described in further detail below); and any initiatives Nuveen had taken for the applicable fund product line.

In considering advisory services, the Board recognized that the Advisor provides various oversight, administrative, compliance and other services for the Funds and the Sub-Advisor generally provides the portfolio investment management services to the Funds. In reviewing the portfolio management services provided to each Fund, the Board reviewed the materials provided by the Nuveen Investment Services Oversight Team analyzing, among other things, the Sub-Advisor’s investment team and changes thereto, organization and history, assets under management, Fund objectives and mandate, the investment team’s philosophy and strategies in managing the Fund, developments affecting the Sub-Advisor or Fund and Fund performance. The Independent Board Members also reviewed portfolio manager compensation arrangements to evaluate each Fund Adviser’s ability to attract and retain high quality investment personnel, preserve stability, and reward performance but not provide an inappropriate incentive to take undue risks. In addition, the Board considered the Advisor’s execution of its oversight responsibilities over the Sub-Advisor. Given the importance of compliance, the Independent Board Members also considered Nuveen’s compliance program, including the report of the chief compliance officer regarding the Funds’ compliance policies and procedures; the resources dedicated to compliance; and the record of compliance with the policies and procedures.

In addition to advisory services, the Board considered the quality and extent of administrative and other non-investment advisory services the Advisor and its affiliates provide to the Funds, including product management, investment services (such as oversight of investment policies and procedures, risk management, and pricing), fund administration, oversight of service providers, shareholder services and communications, administration of Board relations, regulatory and portfolio compliance and legal support. The Board further recognized Nuveen’s additional investments in personnel, including in compliance and risk management. In reviewing the services provided, the Board also reviewed materials describing various notable initiatives and projects the Advisor performed in connection with the open-end fund product line. These initiatives included efforts to eliminate product overlap through mergers or liquidations; commencement of various new funds; elimination of insurance mandates for various funds; updates in investment policies or guidelines for several funds; and reductions in management fees and expense caps for certain funds.

Based on their review, the Independent Board Members found that, overall, the nature, extent and quality of services provided to the respective Funds under each applicable Advisory Agreement were satisfactory.

B. The Investment Performance of the Funds and Fund Advisers

The Board, including the Independent Board Members, reviewed and considered the performance history of each Fund over various time periods. The Board reviewed, among other things, each Fund’s historic investment performance as well as information comparing the Fund’s performance information with that of other funds (the “Performance Peer Group”) based on data compiled by Nuveen that was provided by an independent provider of mutual fund data and with recognized and/or customized benchmarks (i.e., benchmarks derived from multiple recognized benchmarks).


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The Board reviewed reports, including a comprehensive analysis of the Funds’ performance and the applicable investment team. In this regard, the Board reviewed each Fund’s total return information compared to its Performance Peer Group for the quarter, one-, three- and five-year periods ending December 31, 2011, as well as performance information reflecting the first quarter of 2012 (or for the periods available for the Inflation Protected Fund, which did not exist for part of the foregoing time frame). In addition, the Board reviewed each Fund’s total return information compared to recognized and/or customized benchmarks for the quarter, one- and three-year periods ending December 31, 2011, as well as performance information reflecting the first quarter of 2012 (or for the periods available for the Inflation Protected Fund, which did not exist for part of the foregoing time frame).

In reviewing performance comparison information, the Independent Board Members recognized that the usefulness of the comparisons of the performance of certain funds with the performance of their respective Performance Peer Group may be limited because the Performance Peer Group may not adequately represent the objectives and strategies of the applicable funds or may be limited in size or number. The Independent Board Members also noted that the investment experience of a particular shareholder in the Nuveen funds will vary depending on when such shareholder invests in the applicable fund, the class held (if multiple classes are offered in a fund) and the performance of the fund (or respective class) during that shareholder’s investment period. In addition, although the performance below reflects the performance results for the time periods ending as of the most recent calendar year end (unless otherwise indicated), the Board also recognized that selecting a different ending time period may derive different results. Furthermore, while the Board is cognizant of the relevant performance of a fund’s peer set and/or benchmark(s), the Board evaluated fund performance in light of the respective fund’s investment objectives, investment parameters and guidelines and recognized that the objectives, investment parameters and guidelines of peers and/or benchmarks may differ to some extent, thereby resulting in differences in performance results. Nevertheless, with respect to any Nuveen funds that the Board considers to have underperformed their peers and/or benchmarks from time to time, the Board monitors such funds closely and considers any steps necessary or appropriate to address such issues.

In considering the results of the comparisons, the Independent Board Members observed, among other things, that the All-American Fund, the Limited Term Fund and the Short Term Fund had demonstrated generally favorable performance in comparison to peers, performing in the first or second quartile over various periods. Although the Intermediate Duration Fund lagged its peers somewhat in the five-year period, it performed in the third and second quartiles for the one- and three-year periods, respectively. In addition, the Independent Board Members considered that the High Yield Fund lagged its peers somewhat in the longer five-year period, but that its performance had improved in the recent one- and three-year periods. In this regard, they recognized that the High Yield Fund also outperformed its benchmark in the one- and three-year periods and the first quarter of 2012. Finally, the Independent Board Members considered that the Inflation Protected Fund was new with limited performance history.

Based on their review, the Independent Board Members determined that each Fund’s investment performance had been satisfactory.

C. Fees, Expenses and Profitability

1. Fees and Expenses

The Board evaluated the management fees and expenses of each Fund reviewing, among other things, such Fund’s gross management fees, net management fees and net expense ratios in absolute terms as well as compared to the fee and expenses of a comparable universe of funds provided by an independent fund data provider (the “Peer Universe”) and to a more focused subset of funds in the Peer Universe (the “Peer Group”) and any expense limitations.

The Independent Board Members further reviewed the methodology regarding the construction of the applicable Peer Universe and Peer Group. In reviewing the comparisons of fee and expense information, the Independent Board Members took into account that in certain instances various factors such as: the limited size and particular composition of the Peer Universe or Peer Group (including the inclusion of other Nuveen funds in the peer set); expense anomalies; changes in the funds comprising the Peer Universe or Peer Group from year to year; levels of reimbursement or fee waivers; and the timing of information used may impact the comparative data, thereby limiting somewhat the ability to make a meaningful comparison with peers.

In reviewing the fee schedule for a Fund, the Independent Board Members also considered the fund-level and complex-wide breakpoint schedules (described in further detail below) and any fee waivers and reimbursements provided by Nuveen. In reviewing fees and expenses, the Board considered the expenses and fees to be higher if they were over 10 basis points higher, slightly higher if they were approximately 6 to 10 basis points higher, in line if they were within approximately 5 basis points higher than the peer average and below if they were below the peer average of the Peer Group. In reviewing the reports, the Board noted that the overwhelming majority of the Nuveen funds were at, close to or below their Peer Group or Peer Universe (if no separate Peer Group) average based on the net total expense ratio.

The Independent Board Members noted that the High Yield Fund and the Short Term Fund each had a net expense ratio slightly higher than the respective peer average, but net management fees in line with the respective peer average, while the All-American Fund, the Inflation Protected Fund, the Intermediate Duration Fund and the Limited Term Fund had net management fees and net expense ratios (including fee waivers and expense reimbursements) below or in line with their respective peer averages.

Based on their review of the fee and expense information provided, the Independent Board Members determined that each Fund’s management fees were reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of services provided to the Fund.


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2. Comparisons with the Fees of Other Clients

The Independent Board Members further reviewed information regarding the nature of services and range of fees offered by the Advisor to other clients, including municipal separately managed accounts and passively managed exchange traded funds (ETFs) sub-advised by the Advisor. In evaluating the comparisons of fees, the Independent Board Members noted that the fee rates charged to the Funds and other clients vary, among other things, because of the different services involved and the additional regulatory and compliance requirements associated with registered investment companies, such as the Funds. Accordingly, the Independent Board Members considered the differences in the product types, including, but not limited to, the services provided, the structure and operations, product distribution and costs thereof, portfolio investment policies, investor profiles, account sizes and regulatory requirements. The Independent Board Members noted, in particular, that the range of services provided to the Funds (as discussed above) is much more extensive than that provided to separately managed accounts. Given the inherent differences in the various products, particularly the extensive services provided to the Funds, the Independent Board Members believe such facts justify the different levels of fees.

In considering the fees of the Sub-Advisor, the Independent Board Members also considered the pricing schedule or fees that the Sub-Advisor charges for similar investment management services for other Nuveen funds, funds of other sponsors (if any), and other clients (such as retail and/or institutional managed accounts).

3. Profitability of Fund Advisers

In conjunction with their review of fees, the Independent Board Members also considered the profitability of Nuveen for its advisory activities and its financial condition. The Independent Board Members reviewed the revenues and expenses of Nuveen’s advisory activities for the last two calendar years, the allocation methodology used in preparing the profitability data and an analysis of the key drivers behind the changes in revenues and expenses that impacted profitability in 2011. The Independent Board Members noted this information supplemented the profitability information requested and received during the year to help keep them apprised of developments affecting profitability (such as changes in fee waivers and expense reimbursement commitments). In this regard, the Independent Board Members noted that they have an Independent Board Member serve as a point person to review and keep them apprised of changes to the profitability analysis and/or methodologies during the year. The Independent Board Members also considered Nuveen’s revenues for advisory activities, expenses, and profit margin compared to that of various unaffiliated management firms with comparable assets under management (based on asset size and asset composition).

In reviewing profitability, the Independent Board Members recognized the Advisor’s continued investment in its business to enhance its services, including capital improvements to investment technology, updated compliance systems, and additional personnel in compliance, risk management, and product development as well as its ability to allocate resources to various areas of the Advisor as the need arises. In addition, in evaluating profitability, the Independent Board Members also recognized the subjective nature of determining profitability which may be affected by numerous factors including the allocation of expenses. Further, the Independent Board Members recognized the difficulties in making comparisons as the profitability of other advisers generally is not publicly available and the profitability information that is available for certain advisers or management firms may not be representative of the industry and may be affected by, among other things, the adviser’s particular business mix, capital costs, types of funds managed and expense allocations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Independent Board Members reviewed Nuveen’s methodology and assumptions for allocating expenses across product lines to determine profitability. In reviewing profitability, the Independent Board Members recognized Nuveen’s investment in its fund business. Based on their review, the Independent Board Members concluded that the Advisor’s level of profitability for its advisory activities was reasonable in light of the services provided.

With respect to sub-advisers affiliated with Nuveen, including the Sub-Advisor, the Independent Board Members reviewed the sub-adviser’s revenues, expenses and profitability margins (pre- and post-tax) for its advisory activities and the methodology used for allocating expenses among the internal sub-advisers. Based on their review, the Independent Board Members were satisfied that the Sub-Advisor’s level of profitability was reasonable in light of the services provided.

In evaluating the reasonableness of the compensation, the Independent Board Members also considered other amounts paid to a Fund Adviser by the Funds as well as any indirect benefits (such as soft dollar arrangements, if any) the Fund Adviser and its affiliates receive, or are expected to receive, that are directly attributable to the management of the Funds, if any. See Section E below for additional information on indirect benefits a Fund Adviser may receive as a result of its relationship with the Funds. Based on their review of the overall fee arrangements of each Fund, the Independent Board Members determined that the advisory fees and expenses of the respective Fund were reasonable.

D. Economies of Scale and Whether Fee Levels Reflect These Economies of Scale

With respect to economies of scale, the Independent Board Members have recognized the potential benefits resulting from the costs of a fund being spread over a larger asset base, although economies of scale are difficult to measure and predict with precision, particularly on a fund-by-fund basis. One method to help ensure the shareholders share in these benefits is to include breakpoints in the advisory fee schedule. Generally, management fees for funds in the Nuveen complex are comprised of a fund-level component


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and a complex-level component, subject to certain exceptions. Accordingly, the Independent Board Members reviewed and considered the applicable fund-level breakpoints in the advisory fee schedules that reduce advisory fees as asset levels increase.

In addition to fund-level advisory fee breakpoints, the Board also considered the Funds’ complex-wide fee arrangement. Pursuant to the complex-wide fee arrangement, the fees of the funds in the Nuveen complex are generally reduced as the assets in the fund complex reach certain levels. The complex-wide fee arrangement seeks to provide the benefits of economies of scale to fund shareholders when total fund complex assets increase, even if assets of a particular fund are unchanged or have decreased. The approach reflects the notion that some of Nuveen’s costs are attributable to services provided to all its funds in the complex and therefore all funds benefit if these costs are spread over a larger asset base. In addition, with the acquisition of the funds previously advised by FAF Advisors, Inc., the Board noted that a portion of such funds’ assets at the time of acquisition were deemed eligible to be included in the complex-wide fee calculation in order to deliver fee savings to shareholders in the combined complex and such funds were subject to differing complex-level fee rates.

Based on their review, the Independent Board Members concluded that the breakpoint schedules and complex-wide fee arrangement were acceptable and reflect economies of scale to be shared with shareholders when assets under management increase.

E. Indirect Benefits

In evaluating fees, the Independent Board Members received and considered information regarding potential “fall out” or ancillary benefits the respective Fund Adviser or its affiliates may receive as a result of its relationship with each Fund. In this regard, the Independent Board Members considered, among other things, any sales charges, distribution fees and shareholder services fees received and retained by the Funds’ principal underwriter, an affiliate of the Advisor, which includes fees received pursuant to any 12b-1 plan. The Independent Board Members, therefore, considered the 12b-1 fees retained by Nuveen during the last calendar year.

In addition to the above, the Independent Board Members considered whether the Fund Advisers received any benefits from soft dollar arrangements whereby a portion of the commissions paid by a Fund for brokerage may be used to acquire research that may be useful to the Fund Adviser in managing the assets of the Funds and other clients. The Independent Board Members recognized that each Fund Adviser has the authority to pay a higher commission in return for brokerage and research services if it determines in good faith that the commission paid is reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research services provided and may benefit from such soft dollar arrangements. Similarly, the Board recognized that the research received pursuant to soft dollar arrangements by a Fund Adviser may also benefit a Fund and shareholders to the extent the research enhances the ability of the Fund Adviser to manage the Fund. The Independent Board Members noted that the Fund Advisers’ profitability may be somewhat lower if they did not receive the research services pursuant to the soft dollar arrangements and had to acquire such services directly.

Based on their review, the Independent Board Members concluded that any indirect benefits received by a Fund Adviser as a result of its relationship with the Funds were reasonable and within acceptable parameters.

F. Other Considerations

The Independent Board Members did not identify any single factor discussed previously as all-important or controlling. The Board Members, including the Independent Board Members, unanimously concluded that the terms of each Advisory Agreement are fair and reasonable, that the respective Fund Adviser’s fees are reasonable in light of the services provided to each Fund and that the Advisory Agreements be renewed.


Nuveen Short Duration High Yield Municipal Bond Fund

The Board is responsible for approving advisory arrangements for the fund listed immediately above (for purposes of this Section II, the “Fund”) and, at a meeting held on January 16, 2013 (for purposes of this Section II, the “Meeting”), was asked to approve the advisory arrangements for the Fund. At the Meeting, the Board Members, including the Independent Board Members, considered and approved the investment management agreement (for purposes of this Section II, the “Investment Management Agreement”) between the Fund and the Advisor, and the investment sub-advisory agreement (for purposes of this Section II, the “Sub-Advisory Agreement”) between the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor, on behalf of the Fund. For purposes of this Section II, the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor are each hereafter a “Fund Adviser” and the Investment Management Agreement and the Sub-Advisory Agreement are each hereafter an “Advisory Agreement.”

To assist the Board in its evaluation of an Advisory Agreement with a Fund Adviser at the Meeting, the Independent Board Members had received, in adequate time in advance of the Meeting or at prior meetings, materials which outlined, among other things:



the nature, extent and quality of services expected to be provided by the Fund Adviser;



the organization of the Fund Adviser, including the responsibilities of various departments and key personnel;



the expertise and background of the Fund Adviser with respect to the Fund’s investment strategy;



certain performance-related information (as described below);


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the profitability of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (“Nuveen”);



the proposed management fees of the Fund Adviser, including comparisons of such fees with the management fees of comparable funds;



the expected expenses of the Fund, including comparisons of the Fund’s expected expense ratio with the expense ratios of comparable funds; and



the soft dollar practices of the Fund Adviser, if any.

At the Meeting, the Advisor made a presentation to and responded to questions from the Board of the Fund. During the Meeting, the Independent Board Members also met privately with their legal counsel to review the Board’s duties under the 1940 Act, the general principles of state law in reviewing and approving advisory contracts, the standards used by courts in determining whether investment company boards of directors have fulfilled their duties, factors to be considered in voting on advisory contracts and an adviser’s fiduciary duty with respect to advisory agreements and compensation. It is with this background that the Independent Board Members considered the Advisory Agreements. As outlined in more detail below, the Independent Board Members considered all factors they believed relevant with respect to the Fund, including the following: (a) the nature, extent and quality of the services to be provided by the Fund Advisers; (b) investment performance, as described below; (c) the advisory fees and costs of the services to be provided to the Fund and the profitability of the Fund Advisers; (d) the extent of any anticipated economies of scale; (e) any benefits expected to be derived by the Fund Advisers from their relationships with the Fund; and (f) other factors. Each Board Member may have accorded different weight to the various factors in reaching his or her conclusions with respect to the Fund’s Advisory Agreements.

A. Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Independent Board Members considered the nature, extent and quality of the respective Fund Adviser’s services, including advisory services and administrative services. As the Advisor and the Sub-Advisor already serve as adviser and sub-adviser, respectively, to other Nuveen funds overseen by the Board Members, the Board has a good understanding of each such Fund Adviser’s organization, operations and personnel. As the Independent Board Members meet regularly throughout the year to oversee the Nuveen funds, including funds currently advised by the Fund Advisers, the Independent Board Members have relied upon their knowledge from their meetings and any other interactions throughout the year of the respective Fund Adviser and its services in evaluating the Advisory Agreements.

At the Meeting and at prior meetings, the Independent Board Members reviewed materials outlining, among other things, the respective Fund Adviser’s organization and business; the types of services that such Fund Adviser or its affiliates provide to the Nuveen funds and are expected to provide to the Fund; and the experience of the respective Fund Adviser with applicable investment strategies. Further, the Independent Board Members have evaluated the background and experience of each Fund Adviser’s investment personnel.

In addition to advisory services, the Independent Board Members have considered the quality and extent of administrative and other non-investment advisory services to be provided. In this regard, the Advisor is expected to provide the Fund with such administrative and other services (exclusive of, and in addition to, any such services provided by others for the Fund) and officers and other personnel as are necessary for the operations of the Fund. In addition to investment management services, the Advisor and its affiliates will provide the Fund with a wide range of services, including, among other things, product management, investment services (such as oversight of investment policies and procedures, risk management, and pricing), fund administration, oversight of service providers, shareholder services and communications, administration of Board relations, regulatory and portfolio compliance and legal support. The Independent Board Members also recognized that the Advisor would oversee the Sub-Advisor.

In evaluating the services of the Sub-Advisor, the Independent Board Members noted that the Sub-Advisor was generally expected to supply portfolio investment management services to the Fund. In addition, the Board Members recognized the Sub-Advisor’s experience and investment process.

Based on their review, the Independent Board Members found that, overall, the nature, extent and quality of services expected to be provided to the Fund under each Advisory Agreement were satisfactory.

B. Investment Performance

The Fund was new and therefore did not have its own performance history. However, the Independent Board Members are familiar with the performance records of other Nuveen funds advised by the Advisor and sub-advised by the Sub-Advisor. The Independent Board Members recognized that the portfolio managers who were expected to manage the Fund served as portfolio managers to other high yield municipal bond funds in the Nuveen fund family, and that one of them had managed the High Yield Fund since December 2000. In that regard, the Independent Board Members reviewed certain performance information relating to the High Yield Fund, including trailing returns for the year-to-date, one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods and calendar year returns for 2002 through 2011.


  348       Nuveen Investments

C. Fees, Expenses and Profitability

1. Fees and Expenses

In evaluating the management fees and expenses that the Fund was expected to bear, the Independent Board Members considered, among other things, the Fund’s proposed management fee structure, the rationale for its proposed fee levels, and its expected expense ratio in absolute terms as well as compared with the fees and expense ratios of comparable funds. In this regard, the Independent Board Members reviewed, among other things, comparative fee and expense structure data for the Lipper high yield municipal debt funds category. In addition, the Independent Board Members noted that the proposed management fees for the Fund were consistent with those of the High Yield Fund and considered the Sub-Advisor’s municipal expertise and reputation.

In addition, the Independent Board Members considered the fund-level breakpoint schedule and the complex-wide breakpoint schedule (described in further detail below) and any applicable fee waivers and expense reimbursements expected to be provided. Based on their review of the fee and expense information provided, the Independent Board Members determined that the Fund’s management fees were reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of services to be provided to the Fund.

2. Comparisons with the Fees of Other Clients

Due to their experience with other Nuveen funds, the Board Members were familiar with the nature of services and range of fees offered by the Advisor to other clients. Such other clients include municipal separately managed accounts and passively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) sub-advised by the Advisor. In evaluating the comparisons of fees, the Independent Board Members have noted, at the Meeting or at prior meetings, that the fee rates charged to a fund (such as the Fund) and charged to other clients vary, among other things, because of the different services involved and the additional regulatory and compliance requirements associated with registered investment companies, such as the Fund. Accordingly, the Independent Board Members have considered the differences in the product types, including, but not limited to, the services to be provided, the structure and operations, product distribution and costs thereof, portfolio investment policies, investor profiles, account sizes and regulatory requirements. The Independent Board Members have noted, in particular, that the range of services as described above to be provided to a fund (such as the Fund) is much more extensive than that provided to separately managed accounts. Given the inherent differences in the various products, particularly the extensive services to be provided to the Fund, the Independent Board Members believe such facts justify the different levels of fees.

In considering the fees of the Sub-Advisor, the Independent Board Members are familiar with the pricing schedule or fees that the Sub-Advisor charges for similar investment management services for other Nuveen funds, funds of other sponsors (if any), and other clients (such as retail and/or institutional managed accounts).

3. Profitability of Fund Advisers

In conjunction with their review of fees at prior meetings, the Independent Board Members have considered the profitability of Nuveen for its advisory activities and its financial condition. At the Meeting or prior meetings, the Independent Board Members reviewed the revenues and expenses of Nuveen’s advisory activities, the allocation methodology used in preparing the profitability data and an analysis of the key drivers behind the changes in revenues and expenses that impacted profitability. They also reviewed certain Nuveen business and financial information dated January 15, 2013, certain Nuveen financial information included in a report dated November 7, 2012, and Nuveen’s September 30, 2012 consolidated financial statements. The Independent Board Members have also considered, at the Meeting or at prior meetings, Nuveen’s revenues for advisory activities, expenses, and profit margin compared to that of various unaffiliated management firms with comparable assets under management (based on asset size and asset composition).

In reviewing profitability, the Independent Board Members have recognized the Advisor’s continued investment in its business to enhance its services, including capital improvements to investment technology, updated compliance systems, and additional personnel in compliance, risk management, and product development. In addition, in evaluating profitability, the Independent Board Members have also recognized the subjective nature of determining profitability which may be affected by numerous factors, including the allocation of expenses. Further, the Independent Board Members have recognized the difficulties in making comparisons as the profitability of other advisers generally is not publicly available and the profitability information that is available for certain advisers or management firms may not be representative of the industry and may be affected by, among other things, the adviser’s particular business mix, capital costs, types of funds managed and expense allocations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Independent Board Members have reviewed Nuveen’s methodology and assumptions for allocating expenses across product lines to determine profitability. In reviewing profitability, the Independent Board Members have recognized Nuveen’s investment in its fund business. Based on their review, the Independent Board Members concluded that the Advisor’s level of profitability for its advisory activities was reasonable in light of the services to be provided.

With respect to the Sub-Advisor, which is affiliated with Nuveen, the Independent Board Members have previously reviewed its revenues, expenses and profitability margins (pre- and post-tax) for its advisory activities and the methodology used for allocating expenses among the internal sub-advisers. Based on their review, the Independent Board Members were satisfied that the Sub-Advisor’s level of profitability was reasonable in light of the services to be provided to the Fund.


Nuveen Investments     349   

Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process

(Unaudited) (continued)


In evaluating the reasonableness of the compensation, the Independent Board Members also considered any other amounts expected to be paid to a Fund Adviser by the Fund as well as any indirect benefits (such as soft dollar arrangements, if any) the respective Fund Adviser and its affiliates are expected to receive that are directly attributable to the management of the Fund, if any. See Section E below for additional information on indirect benefits a Fund Adviser may receive as a result of its relationship with the Fund. Based on their review of the overall fee arrangements of the Fund, the Independent Board Members determined that the advisory fees and expected expenses of the Fund were reasonable.

D. Economies of Scale and Whether Fee Levels Reflect These Economies of Scale

With respect to economies of scale, the Independent Board Members have recognized the potential benefits resulting from the costs of a fund being spread over a larger asset base, although economies of scale are difficult to measure and predict with precision, particularly on a fund-by-fund basis. The Independent Board Members therefore considered whether the Fund could be expected to benefit from any economies of scale. One method to help ensure that the shareholders share in these benefits is to include breakpoints in the advisory fee schedule. Generally, management fees for funds in the Nuveen complex are comprised of a fund-level component and a complex-level component. Accordingly, the Independent Board Members received and reviewed the schedule of proposed advisory fees for the Fund, including fund-level breakpoints thereto.

In addition to fund-level advisory fee breakpoints, the Board also considered the Fund’s complex-wide fee arrangement. Pursuant to the complex-wide fee arrangement, the fees of the funds in the Nuveen complex, including the Fund, are generally reduced as the assets in the fund complex reach certain levels. In evaluating the complex-wide fee arrangement, the Independent Board Members have considered that the complex-wide fee arrangement seeks to provide the benefits of economies of scale to fund shareholders when total fund complex assets increase, even if assets of a particular fund are unchanged or have decreased. The approach reflects the notion that some of Nuveen’s costs are attributable to services provided to all its funds in the complex and therefore all funds benefit if these costs are spread over a larger asset base.

Based on their review, the Independent Board Members concluded that the breakpoint schedules and complex-wide fee arrangement were acceptable and reflect economies of scale to be shared with the Fund’s shareholders when assets under management increase.

E. Indirect Benefits

In evaluating fees, the Independent Board Members also considered information previously received regarding potential “fall out” or ancillary benefits that a Fund Adviser or its affiliates may receive as a result of its relationship with the Fund. In this regard, the Independent Board Members considered, among other things, any sales charges, distribution fees and shareholder services fees expected to be received and retained by the Fund’s principal underwriter, an affiliate of the Advisor, including fees to be received pursuant to any 12b-1 plan.

In addition to the above, the Independent Board Members considered whether the Fund Advisers will receive any benefits from soft dollar arrangements whereby a portion of the commissions paid by the Fund for brokerage may be used to acquire research that may be useful to a Fund Adviser in managing the assets of the Fund and other clients. The Independent Board Members recognized that each Fund Adviser has the authority to pay a higher commission in return for brokerage and research services if it determines in good faith that the commission paid is reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research services provided and may benefit from such soft dollar arrangements. Similarly, the Board recognized that the research received pursuant to soft dollar arrangements by a Fund Adviser may also benefit the Fund and shareholders to the extent the research enhances the ability of the Fund Adviser to manage the Fund. The Independent Board Members noted that the Fund Advisers’ profitability may be somewhat lower if they did not receive the research services pursuant to the soft dollar arrangements and had to acquire such services directly.

Based on their review, the Independent Board Members concluded that any indirect benefits expected to be received by a Fund Adviser as a result of its relationship with the Fund were reasonable and within acceptable parameters.

F. Approval

The Independent Board Members did not identify any single factor discussed previously as all-important or controlling. The Board Members, including a majority of the Independent Board Members, concluded that the terms of the Investment Management Agreement and Sub-Advisory Agreement were fair and reasonable, that the respective Fund Adviser’s fees are reasonable in light of the services to be provided to the Fund and that the Investment Management Agreement and Sub-Advisory Agreement should be and were approved on behalf of the Fund.


  350       Nuveen Investments



Nuveen Investments     351   



  352       Nuveen Investments

Glossary of Terms Used in this Report

Average Annual Total Return: This is a commonly used method to express an investment’s performance over a particular, usually multi-year time period. It expresses the return that would have been necessary each year to equal the investment’s actual cumulative performance (including change in NAV or offer price and reinvested dividends and capital gains distributions, if any) over the time period being considered.

Barclays 1-10 Year Municipal Bond Index: An unmanaged index comprised of investment-grade municipal bonds with maturity dates of more than 1 year and less than 10 years. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.

Barclays 3-Year Municipal Bond Index: An unmanaged index comprised of fixed-rate, investment-grade tax-exempt bonds with remaining maturities between 2 and 4 years. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.

Duration: Duration is a measure of the expected period over which a bond’s principal and interest will be paid, and consequently is a measure of the sensitivity of a bond’s (or bond fund’s) value to changes when market interest rates change. Generally, the longer a bond or Fund’s duration, the more the price of the bond or Fund will change as interest rates change.

Effective Leverage (Effective Leverage Ratio): Effective leverage is investment exposure created either through borrowings or indirectly through inverse floaters, divided by the assets invested, including those assets that were purchased with the proceeds of the leverage, or referenced by the levered instrument.

Inflation Linked Swap: A contractual agreement between two counterparties under which one party agrees to make periodic interest payments to the other for an agreed period of time based on a fixed rate (alternatively, a floating rate based on an interest rate index), while the other party agrees to make periodic payments based on a floating rate of interest based on the Consumer Price Index.

Inverse Floating Rate Securities: Inverse floating rate securities, also known as inverse floaters or tender option bonds (TOBs), are created by depositing a municipal bond, typically with a fixed interest rate, into a special purpose trust created by a broker-dealer. This trust, in turn, (a) issues floating rate certificates typically paying short-term tax-exempt interest rates to third parties in amounts equal to some fraction of the deposited bond’s par amount or market value, and (b) issues an inverse floating rate certificate (sometimes referred to as an “inverse floater”) to an investor (such as a Fund) interested in gaining investment exposure to a long-term municipal bond. The income received by the holder of the inverse floater varies inversely with the short-term rate paid to the floating rate certificates’ holders, and in most circumstances the holder of the inverse floater bears substantially all of the underlying bond’s downside investment risk. The holder of the inverse floater typically also benefits disproportionately from any potential appreciation of the underlying bond’s value. Hence, an inverse floater essentially represents an investment in the underlying bond on a leveraged basis.

Leverage: Leverage is created whenever a fund has investment exposure (both reward and/or risk) equivalent to more than 100% of the investment capital.

Lipper General Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average: Represents the average annualized total return for all reporting funds in the Lipper General Municipal Debt Funds Classification. Lipper returns account for the effects of management fees and assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charge.

Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average: Represents the average annualized total return for all reporting funds in the Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Classification. Lipper returns account for the effects of management fees and assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charge.

Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average: Represents the average annualized total return for all reporting funds in the Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification. Lipper returns account for the effects of management fees and assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charge.

Lipper Short-Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average: Represents the average annualized total return for all reporting funds in the Lipper Short-Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Classification. Lipper returns account for the effects of management fees and assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charge.

Lipper Short Municipal Debt Funds Classification Average: Represents the average annualized total return for all reporting funds in the Lipper Short Municipal Debt Funds Classification. Lipper returns account for the effects of management fees and assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges.

Net Asset Value (NAV): The net market value of all securities held in a portfolio.

Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share: The market value of one share of a mutual fund or closed-end fund. For a Fund, the NAV is calculated daily by taking the Fund’s total assets (securities, cash, and accrued earnings), subtracting the Funds’s liabilities, and dividing by the number of shares outstanding.

Pre-Refundings: Pre-Refundings, also known as advance refundings or refinancings, occur when an issuer sells new bonds and uses the proceeds to fund principal and interest payments of older existing bonds. This process often results in lower borrowing costs for bond issuers.

S&P Municipal Bond High Yield Index: An unleveraged, market value-weighted index designed to measure the performance of the tax-exempt, investment-grade U.S. high yield municipal bond market. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.

S&P Municipal Bond Intermediate Index: Contains all bonds in the S&P Municipal Bond Index that mature between 3 and 14.999 years. Index returns assume reinvestment of dividends but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.

S&P Municipal Bond Index: An unleveraged, market value-weighted index designed to measure the performance of the tax-exempt, investment-grade U.S. municipal bond market. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.

S&P Municipal Bond Short Index: An unleveraged, market value-weighted index containing all of the bonds in the S&P Municipal Bond Index with maturities between 6 months and 3.999 years. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.


Nuveen Investments     353   

S&P Municipal Bond Short-Intermediate Index: Contains all bonds in the S&P Municipal Bond Index that mature between 1 and 7.999 years. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.

S&P Municipal Yield Index: Contains all bonds in the S&P Municipal Bond Index that are non-rated or whose ratings are BB+ by S&P and BA-1 by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or lower. This index does not contain bonds that are pre-refunded or escrowed to maturity. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.

Total Investment Exposure: Total investment exposure is a Fund’s assets managed by the Adviser that are attributable to financial leverage. For these purposes, financial leverage includes a Fund’s use of preferred stock and borrowings and investments in the residual interest certificates (also called inverse floating rate securities) in tender option bond (TOB) trusts, including the portion of assets held by a TOB trust that has been effectively financed by the trust’s issuance of floating rate securities.

Zero Coupon Bond: A zero coupon bond does not pay a regular interest coupon to its holders during the life of the bond. Tax-exempt income to the holder of the bond comes from accretion of the difference between the original purchase price of the bond at issuance and the par value of the bond at maturity and is effectively paid at maturity. The market prices of zero coupon bonds generally are more volatile than the market prices of bonds that pay interest periodically.


  354       Nuveen Investments

Additional Fund Information


Fund Manager

Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC

333 West Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606


Nuveen Asset Management, LLC

333 West Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

Legal Counsel

Chapman and Cutler LLP

Chicago, IL

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Chicago, IL


State Street Bank & Trust Company

Boston, MA

U.S Bank National Association

Milwaukee, WI

Transfer Agent and Shareholder Services

Boston Financial

Data Services, Inc.

Nuveen Investor Services

P.O. Box 8530

Boston, MA 02266-8530

(800) 257-8787


Quarterly Form N-Q Portfolio of Investments Information

Each Fund is required to file its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. You may obtain this information directly from the SEC. Visit the SEC on-line at http://www.sec.gov or in person at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Call the SEC toll-free at (800) SEC -0330 for room hours and operation.

Nuveen Funds’ Proxy Voting Information

You may obtain (i) information regarding how each Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities held during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, without charge, upon request, by calling Nuveen Investments toll-free at (800) 257-8787 or on Nuveen’s website at www.nuveen.com and (ii) a description of the policies and procedures that each Fund used to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities without charge, upon request, by calling Nuveen Investments toll-free at (800) 257-8787. You may also obtain this information directly from the SEC. Visit the SEC on-line at http://www.sec.gov.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) provides a Public Disclosure Program which supplies certain information regarding the disciplinary history of FINRA members and their associated persons in response to either telephone inquiries at (800) 289-9999 or written inquiries at www.finra.org. FINRA also provides an investor brochure that includes information describing the Public Disclosure Program.


Nuveen Investments     355   

Nuveen Investments:

Serving Investors for Generations


Since 1898, financial advisors and their clients have relied on Nuveen Investments to provide dependable investment solutions through continued adherence to proven, long-term investing principles. Today, we offer a range of high quality equity and fixed-income solutions designed to be integral components of a well-diversified core portfolio.

Focused on meeting investor needs.

Nuveen Investments provides high-quality investment services designed to help secure the longterm goals of institutional and individual investors as well as the consultants and financial advisors who serve them. Nuveen Investments markets a wide range of specialized investment solutions which provide investors access to capabilities of its high-quality boutique investment affiliates–Nuveen Asset Management, Symphony Asset Management, NWQ Investment Management Company, Santa Barbara Asset Management, Tradewinds Global Investors, Winslow Capital Management, and Gresham Investment Management. In total, Nuveen Investments managed $224 billion as of March 31, 2013.

Find out how we can help you.

To learn more about how the products and services of Nuveen Investments may be able to help you meet your financial goals, talk to your financial advisor, or call us at (800) 257-8787. Please read the information provided carefully before you invest. Investors should consider the investment objective and policies, risk considerations, charges and expenses of any investment carefully. Where applicable, be sure to obtain a prospectus, which contains this and other relevant information. To obtain a prospectus, please contact your securities representative or Nuveen Investments, 333 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60606. Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest or send money.

Learn more about Nuveen Funds at: www.nuveen.com/mf

Distributed by

Nuveen Securities, LLC

333 West Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606






As of the end of the period covered by this report, the registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions. There were no amendments to or waivers from the code during the period covered by this report. The registrant has posted the code of ethics on its website at www.nuveen.com/MutualFunds/ShareholderResources/FundGovernance.aspx. (To view the code, click on Code of Conduct.)


The registrant’s Board of Trustees determined that the registrant has at least one “audit committee financial expert” (as defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR) serving on its Audit Committee. The registrant’s audit committee financial expert is Carole E. Stone, who is “independent” for purposes of Item 3 of Form N-CSR.

Ms. Stone served for five years as Director of the New York State Division of the Budget. As part of her role as Director, Ms. Stone was actively involved in overseeing the development of the State’s operating, local assistance and capital budgets, its financial plan and related documents; overseeing the development of the State’s bond-related disclosure documents and certifying that they fairly presented the State’s financial position; reviewing audits of various State and local agencies and programs; and coordinating the State’s system of internal audit and control. Prior to serving as Director, Ms. Stone worked as a budget analyst/examiner with increasing levels of responsibility over a 30 year period, including approximately five years as Deputy Budget Director. Ms. Stone has also served as Chair of the New York State Racing Association Oversight Board, as Chair of the Public Authorities Control Board, as a Commissioner on the New York State Commission on Public Authority Reform and as a member of the Boards of Directors of several New York State public authorities. These positions have involved overseeing operations and finances of certain entities and assessing the adequacy of project/entity financing and financial reporting. Currently, Ms. Stone is on the Board of Directors of CBOE Holdings, Inc., of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and of C2 Options Exchange. Ms. Stone’s position on the boards of these entities and as a member of both CBOE Holdings’ Audit Committee and its Finance Committee has involved, among other things, the oversight of audits, audit plans and preparation of financial statements.


The following tables show the amount of fees that PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the Trust’s auditor, billed to the Trust during the Trust’s last two full fiscal years. The Audit Committee approved in advance all audit services and non-audit services that PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provided to the Trust, except for those non-audit services that were subject to the pre-approval exception under Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X (the “pre-approval exception”). The preapproval exception for services provided directly to the Trust waives the pre-approval requirement for services other than audit, review or attest services if: (A) the aggregate amount of all such services provided constitutes no more than 5% of the total amount of revenues paid by the Trust during the fiscal year in which the services are provided; (B) the Trust did not recognize the services as non-audit services at the time of the engagement; and (C) the services are promptly brought to the Audit Committee’s attention, and the Committee (or its delegate) approves the services before the audit is completed.

The Audit Committee has delegated certain pre-approval responsibilities to its Chairman (or, in his absence, any other member of the Audit Committee).



Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2013

   Audit Fees Billed
to Funds 1
     Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Funds 2
     Tax Fees
Billed to Funds 3
     All Other Fees
Billed to Funds 4

Fund Name


Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

     17,561         0         600         0   














   $ 17,561       $ 0       $ 600       $ 0   



“Audit Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for professional services for the audit of the Fund’s annual financial statements and services provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.


“Audit-Related Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for assurance and related services reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of financial statements that are not reported under “Audit Fees”. These fees include offerings related to the Fund’s common shares and leverage.


“Tax Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for professional services for tax advice, tax compliance, and tax planning. These fees include: all global withholding tax services; excise and state tax reviews; capital gain, tax equalization and taxable basis calculations performed by the principal accountant.


“All Other Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for products and services other than “Audit Fees”, “Audit-Related Fees” and “Tax Fees”. These fees represent all “Agreed-Upon Procedures” engagements pertaining to the Fund’s use of leverage.


     Percentage Approved Pursuant to Pre-approval Exception  
     Audit Fees Billed
to Funds
    Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Funds
    Tax Fees
Billed to Funds
    All Other Fees
Billed to Funds

Fund Name


Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

     0     0     0     0

Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2012

   Audit Fees Billed
to Funds 1
    Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Funds 2
    Tax Fees
Billed to Funds 3
    All Other Fees
Billed to Funds 4

Fund Name


Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

     16,115        0        —          0   














   $ 16,115      $ 0      $ —        $ 0   



“Audit Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for professional services for the audit of the Fund’s annual financial statements and services provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.


“Audit-Related Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for assurance and related services reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of financial statements that are not reported under “Audit Fees”. These fees include offerings related to the Fund’s common shares and leverage.


“Tax Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for professional services for tax advice, tax compliance, and tax planning. These fees include: all global withholding tax services; excise and state tax reviews; capital gain, tax equalization and taxable basis calculations performed by the principal accountant.


“All Other Fees” are the aggregate fees billed for products and services other than “Audit Fees”, “Audit-Related Fees” and “Tax Fees”. These fees represent all “Agreed-Upon Procedures” engagements pertaining to the Fund’s use of leverage.


     Percentage Approved Pursuant to Pre-approval Exception  
     Audit Fees Billed
to Funds
    Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Funds
    Tax Fees
Billed to Funds
    All Other Fees
Billed to Funds

Fund Name


Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

     0     0     0     0


Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2013

   Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    Tax Fees Billed to
Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    All Other Fees
Billed to Adviser
and Affiliated Fund
Service Providers

Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.

   $ 0      $ 0      $ 0   
     Percentage Approved Pursuant to Pre-approval Exception  
     Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    Tax Fees Billed to
Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    All Other Fees
Billed to Adviser
and Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
     0     0     0

Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2012

   Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    Tax Fees Billed to
Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    All Other Fees
Billed to Adviser
and Affiliated Fund
Service Providers

Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.

   $ 0      $ 0      $ 0   
     Percentage Approved Pursuant to Pre-approval Exception  
     Audit-Related Fees
Billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    Tax Fees Billed to
Adviser and
Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
    All Other Fees
Billed to Adviser
and Affiliated Fund
Service Providers
     0     0     0


Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2013

   Total Non-Audit Fees
Billed to Trust
     Total Non-Audit Fees
billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund Service
Providers (engagements
related directly to the
operations and financial
reporting of the Trust)
     Total Non-Audit Fees
billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund Service
Providers (all other

Fund Name


Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

     600         0         0         600   














   $ 600       $ 0       $ 0       $ 600   

“Non-Audit Fees billed to Fund” for both fiscal year ends represent “Tax Fees” and “All Other Fees” billed to Fund in their respective amounts from the previous table.

Less than 50 percent of the hours expended on the principal accountant’s engagement to audit the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant’s full-time, permanent employees.


Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2012

   Total Non-Audit Fees
Billed to Trust
     Total Non-Audit Fees
billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund Service
Providers (engagements
related directly to the
operations and financial
reporting of the Trust)
     Total Non-Audit Fees
billed to Adviser and
Affiliated Fund Service
Providers (all other

Fund Name


Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         0         0   














   $ 0       $ 0       $ 0       $ 0   

“Non-Audit Fees billed to Fund” for both fiscal year ends represent “Tax Fees” and “All Other Fees” billed to Fund in their respective amounts from the previous table.

Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures. Generally, the Audit Committee must approve (i) all non-audit services to be performed for the Trust by the Trust’s independent accountants and (ii) all audit and non-audit services to be performed by the Trust’s independent accountants for the Affiliated Fund Service Providers with respect to the operations and financial reporting of the Trust. Regarding tax and research projects conducted by the independent accountants for the Trust and Affiliated Fund Service Providers (with respect to operations and financial reports of the Trust), such engagements will be (i) pre-approved by the Audit Committee if they are expected to be for amounts greater than $10,000; (ii) reported to the Audit Committee Chairman for his verbal approval prior to engagement if they are expected to be for amounts under $10,000 but greater than $5,000; and (iii) reported to the Audit Committee at the next Audit Committee meeting if they are expected to be for an amount under $5,000.


Not applicable to this registrant.



a)   See Portfolio of Investments in Item 1.


b)   Not applicable.



Not applicable to this registrant.


Not applicable to this registrant.


Not applicable to this registrant.


There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s Board of Trustees implemented after the registrant last provided disclosure in response to this Item.




The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30a-3(c))) are effective, as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of the controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(b)) and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”) (17 CFR 240.13a-15(b) or 240.15d-15(b)).



There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d)) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


File the exhibits listed below as part of this Form.


(a)(1)   Any code of ethics, or amendment thereto, that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2, to the extent that the registrant intends to satisfy the Item 2 requirements through filing of an exhibit: Not applicable because the code is posted on registrant’s website at www.nuveen.com/MutualFunds/ShareholderResources/FundGovernance.aspx and there were no amendments during the period covered by this report. (To view the code, click on Code of Conduct.)
(a)(2)   A separate certification for each principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2(a)) in the exact form set forth below: See EX-99.CERT attached hereto.
(a)(3)   Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.23c-1) sent or given during the period covered by the report by or on behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons: Not applicable to this registrant.
(b)   If the report is filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, provide the certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2(b)), Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13a-14(b) or 240.15d-14(b)), and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. 1350) as an Exhibit. A certification furnished pursuant to this paragraph will not be deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78r), or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certification will not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the registration specifically incorporates it by reference: See EX-99.906 CERT attached hereto.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant) Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.


By (Signature and Title)


   /s/ Kevin J. McCarthy
   Kevin J. McCarthy
   Vice President and Secretary

Date: July 8, 2013

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By (Signature and Title)


   /s/ Gifford R. Zimmerman
   Gifford R. Zimmerman
   Chief Administrative Officer
   (principal executive officer)

Date: July 8, 2013


By (Signature and Title)    /s/ Stephen D. Foy
   Stephen D. Foy
   Vice President and Controller
   (principal financial officer)

Date: July 8, 2013

EX-99.CERT 2 d530386dex99cert.htm CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 302 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act



I, Gifford R. Zimmerman, certify that:


1.   I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:



designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;



designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;



evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and



disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and



any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: July 8, 2013


Gifford R. Zimmerman
Chief Administrative Officer
(principal executive officer)

I, Stephen D. Foy, certify that:


1.   I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:



designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;



designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;



evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and



disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and



any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: July 8, 2013


Stephen D. Foy
Vice President and Controller
(principal financial officer)
EX-99.906CERT 3 d530386dex99906cert.htm CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT Certification Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act


Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002; provided by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, based on each such officer’s knowledge and belief.

The undersigned officers of Nuveen Investment Funds, Inc. (the “Trust”) certify that, to the best of each such officer’s knowledge and belief:



The Form N-CSR of the Trust for the period ended April 30, 2013 (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Trust.

Date: July 8, 2013


/s/ Gifford R. Zimmerman
Gifford R. Zimmerman
Chief Administrative Officer
(principal executive officer)
/s/ Stephen D. Foy
Stephen D. Foy
Vice President and Controller
(principal financial officer)
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