EX-1.01 2 d438512dex101.htm EX-1.01 EX-1.01

Exhibit 1.01


Conflict Minerals


For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022


This Conflict Minerals Report (the “Report”) of Coherent Corp. (“Coherent” or the “Company”) has been prepared pursuant to Rule 13p-1 and Form SD (the “Rule”) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, for the reporting period January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 (the “2022 Reporting Period”).

The Rule requires disclosure of certain information when a company manufactures or contracts to manufacture products for which the minerals specified in the Rule are necessary to the functionality or production of those products. The specified minerals are gold, columbite- tantalite (coltan), cassiterite and wolframite, including their derivatives, which are limited to tantalum, tin and tungsten (the “Conflict Minerals” or “3TGs”). The “Covered Countries” for purposes of Rule 13p-1 are the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC”), the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola.

As further described in this Report, the Company has determined that certain of its divisions manufacture, or contract to manufacture, products containing 3TGs that are necessary to the functionality or production of such products.

Description of the Company’s Products Covered by this Report

Coherent, a global leader in materials, networking and lasers, is a vertically integrated manufacturing company that develops, manufactures and markets engineered materials, optoelectronic components and devices, and lasers for use in industrial materials processing, optical communications, aerospace and defense, consumer electronics, semiconductor capital equipment, medical diagnostics and life sciences, automotive applications, machine tools, consumer goods and medical device manufacturing. Headquartered in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, the Company has research and development, manufacturing, sales, service, and distribution facilities worldwide. The Company produces a wide variety of lasers, along with application-specific photonic and electronic materials and components, and deploys them in various forms, including integrated with advanced software to enable its customers.

This Report relates to products (i) for which 3TGs are necessary to the functionality or production of that product, (ii) that were manufactured, or contracted to be manufactured, by the Company, and (iii) for which the manufacture was completed during calendar year 2022.

These products, which are referred to in the remainder of this Report as the “Covered Products,” are as follows: (i) certain laser optics whose coatings contain gold, tantalum or tungsten, (ii) certain machined parts that may contain gold plating or tin solder, and (iii) various parts and components containing gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten that are incorporated into products offered by the Company (collectively referred to herein as the “Covered Products”).

Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry

For the 2022 Reporting Period, the Company conducted an internal survey of its divisions and required each division to disclose whether any products manufactured or contracted to be manufactured by the division contained 3TGs and, if so, to identify the suppliers of such 3TGs (“Suppliers”). As a result of this internal survey, the Company determined that certain of its divisions manufacture, or contract to manufacture, products containing 3TGs which are necessary to the functionality or production of such products, as follows: (i) certain laser optics whose coatings contain gold, tantalum or tungsten, (ii) certain machined parts that may contain gold plating or tin solder, and (iii) various parts and components containing gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten that are incorporated into products offered by the Company.

Based upon the determination that the Rule applies to the above-referenced Covered Products, the Company undertook, with the assistance of Assent and SiliconExpert, third-party service providers, a good-faith reasonable country of origin inquiry (“RCOI”) designed to determine whether any of the 3TGs included in such Covered Products originated in the Covered Countries, and whether any of the 3TGs may be from recycled or scrap sources.

To collect data on the materials’ sources of origin procured by the supply chain, the Company utilized the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (“CMRT”) version 6.2 or higher to conduct a survey of all in-scope Suppliers. The CMRT was developed to facilitate disclosure and communication of information regarding smelters and refiners that provide Conflict Minerals into a company’s supply chain. It includes questions regarding the origin of 3TGs included in a company’s products, including the identity of smelters and refiners, a company’s conflict-free policy, and a company’s engagement and due diligence with respect to its suppliers.

During the Supplier survey, the Company contacted a portion of its Suppliers via Assent’s Assent Sustainability Manager (“ASM”), a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform provided by Assent that enables users to complete and track Supplier communications and allows Suppliers to upload completed CMRTs directly to the platform for validation, assessment and management. Other Suppliers were contacted by SiliconExpert and their completed CMRTS were uploaded to the ASM platform for validation, assessment and management. The ASM automatically evaluated the quality of each Supplier response and assigned a health score based on the Supplier’s declaration of process engagement. Additionally, the step-by-step process for Supplier engagement and upstream due diligence investigations performed, were managed through this platform.



The Company requested all of its Suppliers of 3TGs to identify the smelters or refiners (“SORs”) that they use, and whether they have been validated as conformant in accordance with the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s (“RMI”) Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (“RMAP”) audit program. The Company also asked its Suppliers whether they (i) had a policy in place that includes DRC conflict-free sourcing and requires their direct suppliers to be DRC conflict-free; (ii) had implemented due diligence procedures for conflict-free sourcing; and (iii) request names of SORs from their suppliers.

Following the introduction to the 2022 program and information request, several reminder emails were sent to each non- responsive Supplier requesting survey completion.

Suppliers who remained non-responsive were contacted by phone and offered assistance in some cases. This assistance included further information about the Company’s Conflict Minerals compliance program, an explanation of why the information was being collected, a review of how the information would be used, and clarification regarding how the information could be provided.

As indicated above, the Company’s program included automated data validation on all submitted CMRTs. The goal of data validation is to increase the accuracy of submissions and identify any contradictory answers in the CMRT. This data validation is based on questions within the declaration tab of the CMRT which helps to identify areas that require further classification or risk assessment, as well as understand the due diligence efforts of the Suppliers. Supplier responses were evaluated for plausibility, consistency, and gaps both in terms of which products were stated to contain or not contain necessary 3TGs, as well as the origin of those materials. Additional Supplier contacts were conducted to address issues including: (i) implausible statements regarding no presence of 3TGs, (ii) incomplete data on CMRT, (iii) responses that did not identify smelters or refiners, (iv) responses that indicated sourcing location without complete supporting information from the supply chain, and (v) organizations identified as smelter or refiners, but not verified as such through further analysis and research. The results of this data validation contribute to the program’s health assessment and are shared with the Suppliers to ensure they understand areas that require clarification or improvement.

All submitted CMRTs were accepted and classified as valid or invalid so that data is retained. Suppliers were contacted regarding invalid forms and were encouraged to submit a valid form. Suppliers were also provided with guidance on how to correct validation errors in the form of feedback to their CMRT submission, training courses and direct engagement help through Assent’s multilingual Supplier Experience Team. Since some Suppliers may remain unresponsive to feedback, the Company tracks program gaps to account for future improvement opportunities. As of May 15, 2023, there were 62 invalid Supplier submissions that could not be corrected. The Company’s total response rate for this reporting year was 81%.


Year    Suppliers
in Scope

RY 2022

     1452        81     4

Based on the findings through the RCOI process, the Company determined that it had reason to believe that some of the 3TGs necessary for the functionality or production of the Covered Products may have originated in a Covered Country. Therefore, the Company continued to perform further due diligence on the source and chain of custody of the minerals in question.

The Company’s Conflict Mineral Due Diligence Framework

The Company conformed its due diligence efforts to the guidance for downstream companies provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: Third Edition, including the related supplements on gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten (the “OECD Guidance”). Furthermore, the Company has adopted a policy relating to Conflict Minerals (the “Responsible Minerals Statement”). This policy reflects the Company’s commitment to sourcing materials from companies that share its values on human rights, ethics and environmental responsibility. The Responsible Minerals Statement is publicly available on the Company’s website at www.coherent.com/company/investor-relations/esg/social. The reference to the Company’s website is provided for convenience only, and its contents are not incorporated by reference into this Conflict Minerals Report nor deemed filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Company’s Due Diligence Process

The due diligence measures that the Company performed included, but were not limited to, the following:



The Company maintained an internal Conflict Minerals project team to implement the Company’s Conflict Minerals due diligence.



The team reported its Conflict Minerals due diligence findings to supply chain leaders and management.



The Company shared its Responsible Minerals Statement with Suppliers.



The Company contracted with third-party service providers to provide enhanced assistance with the Company’s RCOI and due diligence processes.




The Company utilized Assent’s extensive resources to enhance engagement with its Suppliers. This included online learning resources and 24-hour access to compliance experts at Assent.



The Company continued to strengthen collaboration between Assent and Coherent supplier management teams to increase supply chain transparency and response rate.



The Company reviewed Supplier risk ratings based on the responses provided within their completed CMRTs. In the situation where the Company becomes aware of a potential risk in the supply chain, where an item being purchased is believed to have been sourced from a smelter or refiner which is supporting armed conflict in the Covered Countries, the Company will explore sourcing alternatives for the item in question and take appropriate action.



This Report, which constitutes the Company’s annual report of due diligence efforts, has been filed with the SEC and is available on the Company’s website.

As discussed further below, the Company undertook due diligence efforts in an attempt to clarify the following with respect to the 3TGs: (i) country of origin, (ii) whether the 3TGs financed or benefited armed groups in those countries, and (iii) whether the 3TGs came from recycled or scrap sources.

The Suppliers that identified specific smelters of concern on their CMRT were contacted in accordance with the OECD Guidance to inform them of the potential for risk, and to evaluate whether these smelters could be connected to the Company’s products. The Suppliers were asked to complete a user-defined or product-level CMRT specific to the materials, products or piece parts purchased by the Company, rather than a company-level CMRT, to better identify the connection to products that they supply to the Company. Other Suppliers were evaluated internally to determine if they were in fact still active Suppliers. If not, they were removed from the scope of data collection.

In total, our Suppliers identified 1052 legitimate smelters (by RMI identification number, or CID). A list of the identified smelters is included in Annex A to this Report. Despite the Company’s attempt to secure product-level CMRTs, much of the information provided to the Company by Suppliers was for their entire supply chain and was not necessarily limited to SORs that have been confirmed to contribute necessary 3TGs to a Covered Product. Accordingly, the Company has been unable to definitely link the identified SORs to only those products in the Company’s supply chain; therefore, Annex A likely contains more processing facilities than are actually in the Company’s supply chain. As the Company’s engagement with its supply chain evolves, the list of facilities may change to reflect improvements in the quality of information provided.

For those SORs that were identified by the Company’s Suppliers and that are known or thought to be sourcing from the Covered Countries, additional investigation was undertaken to determine the source and chain of custody of the 3TGs that they supply. Assent conducted research and direct outreach in order to determine sourcing practices of facilities that may source from the Covered Countries. Assent compared the list of SORs provided in the Suppliers’ responses to the lists of smelters maintained by the RMI.


Status    Number of Identified Smelters and Refiners

RMAP Conformant


RMAP Active


Not Enrolled




In addition, it was also determined whether such SORs had been certified under the following internationally accepted audit standards: the RMAP, the London Bullion Market Association Good Delivery Program, and the Responsible Jewellery Council Chain-of-Custody Certification. If a SOR was not certified by these internationally-recognized schemes, attempts were made to contact the SOR to gain more information about its sourcing practices, including countries of origin and transfer, and whether it has in place any internal due diligence procedures or other processes to track the chain of custody on the source of its mineral ores. Information reviewed included: whether the SOR has a documented, effective and communicated conflict-free policy, an accounting system to support a mass balance of materials processed, and traceability documentation. Internet research also was performed to determine whether there were any outside sources of information regarding the SOR’s sourcing practices.

Based on the results of the above-described efforts, after conducting the RCOI and subsequently exercising the required due diligence, the Company was unable to definitively determine for each of the Covered Products the country of origin and conflict status of all 3TGs contained in the Covered Products. At the same time, to the extent that Suppliers supplied information, the Company received no information from its Suppliers indicating that the 3TGs in the Company’s Covered Products directly or indirectly financed or benefitted armed groups in the Covered Countries. Based on the information that was obtained, the Company has reasonably determined that the countries of origin of the Conflict Minerals necessary to the functionality or production of the Covered Products may include the countries and regions listed within Annex A.

The Company does not purchase 3TGs directly from mines, smelters, or refiners, and instead relies on a complex global supply chain. There are many third parties in the supply chain between the original sources of 3TGs and the Company’s manufacturing of the Covered Products. Accordingly, the efforts the Company has undertaken to identify the source and chain of custody of the 3TGs in its Covered Products reflect the Company’s circumstances and position in the supply chain. As a result, the Company’s inquiry can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance regarding the source and chain of custody of the 3TGs necessary to the functionality of the Covered Products. The Company’s process relies on data obtained directly from its Suppliers who seek similar information within their supply chain to identify the original sources of the necessary 3TGs. Such sources of information may yield inaccurate or incomplete information.



Steps to Further Mitigate Risk and Improve Due Diligence in 2023

The Company expects to take the following steps, among others, to improve its due diligence measures and to further mitigate the risk that the necessary 3TGs contained in the Company’s products finance or benefit armed groups in the Covered Countries:



Continue to review and improve the Company’s conflict minerals program;



Continue to work closely with Assent to obtain CMRTs on a product-specific basis to enable the Company to determine which smelters and refiners actually process 3TGs contained in the Company’s products;



Continue to engage with Suppliers and direct them to 3TG training resources; and



Continue to monitor Conflict Minerals laws, regulations, and rules and update our related policies and processes as appropriate.

Forward Looking Statements

This Conflict Minerals Report contains forward-looking statements which are based on the Company’s current expectations and involve numerous risks and uncertainties that may cause these forward-looking statements to be inaccurate. Forward-looking statements in this report include, among other things, statements regarding actions the Company plans to execute to improve its Conflict Minerals due diligence process.

By their nature, all forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty. Risks that may cause the forward-looking statements contained in this report to be inaccurate include, but are not limited to: failure to carry out these plans in a timely manner or at all as a result of changing financial conditions; changing organizational structure; or other factors; lack of cooperation by Suppliers as well as by their respective suppliers; whether smelters, refiners, or others that participate in the Conflict Minerals market responsibly source; political, legal, and regulatory developments, whether in the Democratic Republic of the Congo region, the United States or elsewhere. Additional cautionary statements regarding other risk factors that could impact the Company’s future performance are identified in the Company’s Form 10-K filing for the fiscal year ended 2022 and other Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.





Set forth below are known smelters and refiners reported by the Company’s Suppliers which may have been used to process the Conflict Minerals utilized in the Covered Products manufactured in calendar year 2022.


Gold    8853 S.p.A.
Gold    ABC Refinery Pty Ltd.
Gold    Abington Reldan Metals, LLC
Gold    Acade Noble Metal (Zhao Yuan) Corporation
Gold    Academy Precious Metal Materials (Zhaoyuan) Co., Ltd.
Gold    AcademyPreciousMetals(China)Co.,Ltd
Gold    Advanced Chemical Company
Gold    African Gold Refinery
Gold    Agosi AG
Gold    Aida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.
Gold    Aktyubinsk Copper Company TOO
Gold    Al Etihad Gold Refinery DMCC
Gold    Al Ghaith Gold
Gold    Albino Mountinho Lda.
Gold    Alexy Metals
Gold    Alldyne Powder Technologies
Gold    Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (AMMC)
Gold    AngloGold Ashanti Corrego do Sitio Mineracao
Gold    Anhui Tongling non-ferrous Pioneer Metals Corporation
Gold    ANZ Banking
Gold    Argor-Heraeus S.A.
Gold    ARY Aurum Plus
Gold    Asahi Pretec Corp.
Gold    Asahi Refining Canada Ltd.
Gold    Asahi Refining USA Inc.
Gold    Asaka Riken Co., Ltd.
Gold    Atasay Kuyumculuk Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.
Gold    AU Traders and Refiners
Gold    Audiua, Escardida
Gold    Augmont Enterprises Private Limited
Gold    AURA-II
Gold    Aurubis AG
Gold    Austin Powder
Gold    Baiyin Nonferrous Group Co.,Ltd
Gold    Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Corporation (BNMC)
Gold    Bangalore Refinery
Gold    Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines)
Gold    bao yu hua
Gold    Bauer Walser AG
Gold    Boliden AB
Gold    bolin Co. Ltd. of xi’an Univ.of Arch.&Tech
Gold    C. Hafner GmbH + Co. KG
Gold    C.I Metales Procesados Industriales SAS
Gold    Caridad
Gold    CCR Refinery - Glencore Canada Corporation
Gold    Cendres + Metaux S.A.
Gold    Central Bank of the DPR of Korea
Gold    CGR Metalloys Pvt Ltd.
Gold    Changsanjiao Elc.
Gold    Changsanjiao elc. Ltd
Gold    Changzhou Chemical Research Institute Co. Ltd.



Gold    Cheong Hing
Gold    Chimet S.p.A.
Gold    China Gold Deal Investment Co., Ltd.
Gold    China Gold International Resources Corp. Ltd.
Gold    China GoldDeal Investment Co., Ltd.
Gold    China National Gold Group Corporation
Gold    China Sino-Platinum Metals Co.,Ltd
Gold    China’s nonferrous mining group co., LTD
Gold    Chinese Government
Gold    Chroma New Material Corp.
Gold    Chugai Mining
Gold    Cloud Hunan
Gold    Codela
Gold    Codelco
Gold    Colt Refining
Gold    Cooperativa Metalurgica de Rondonia Ltda.
Gold    CORE PMG
Gold    CRM
Gold    Daejin Indus Co., Ltd.
Gold    DaeryongENC
Gold    Dai-ichi Seiko
Gold    Daye Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Ltd.
Gold    Degussa Sonne / Mond Goldhandel GmbH
Gold    DHF Technical Products
Gold    Dijllah Gold Refinery FZC
Gold    DODUCO Contacts and Refining GmbH
Gold    Dongguan CameroonChemical Materials Co., Ltd
Gold    Dongguan Dong wu Violent-toxic Chemical Products Co., Ltd.
Gold    Dongguan Standard Electronic Material Co., Ltd
Gold    Dongguanshi Sutande Dianzi Cailiao Youxiangongsi
Gold    Dong-Wo Co., Ltd.
Gold    Dongwu Gold Group
Gold    Dosung metal
Gold    Dowa
Gold    DRW
Gold    DSC (Do Sung Corporation)
Gold    Dujinshui zhihuan fanying
Gold    DUOXIN
Gold    Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. East Plant
Gold    Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. North Plant
Gold    Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. West Plant
Gold    Elemetal Refining, LLC
Gold    EM Vinto
Gold    Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 1)
Gold    Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 2)
Gold    Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 3)
Gold    Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 4)
Gold    Emirates Gold DMCC
Gold    Engelhard London
Gold    ESG Edelmetallservice GmbH & Co. KG
Gold    Faggi Enrico S.p.A.
Gold    Feinhutte Halsbrucke GmbH
Gold    Fidelity Printers and Refiners Ltd.
Gold    Fujairah Gold FZC
Gold    Gansu-based Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Corporation (BNMC)



Gold    GCC Gujrat Gold Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Gold    Geib Refining Corporation
Gold    GGC Gujrat Gold Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Gold    Gold by Gold Colombia
Gold    Gold Coast Refinery
Gold    Gold Mining in Shandong (Laizhou) Limited Company
Gold    Gold Refinery of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.
Gold    gong an ju
Gold    Government (Police Dept.)
Gold    Great Wall Precious Metals Co., Ltd. of CBPM
Gold    Guandong Jinding Material co., Ltd.
Gold    guang dong jin xian gao xin cai liao gong si
Gold    Guangdong Hongjin Gold and Silver Smelter
Gold    Guangdong Hua Jian Trade Co., Ltd.
Gold    Guangdong Jinding Gold Limited
Gold    Guangdong MingFa Precious Metal Co.,Ltd
Gold    Guangzhou King’s high-tech materials
Gold    GuangZhouHanyuan Electronic TECH.CO.LTD
Gold    Guoda Safina High-Tech Environmental Refinery Co., Ltd.
Gold    Gwo Chern industrial Co., Ltd.
Gold    Hang Seng Technology
Gold    Hangzhou Fuchunjiang Smelting Co., Ltd.
Gold    Hanhua jinshu
Gold    Harima Smelter
Gold    Harmony Gold Refinery
Gold    Heesung Catalysts Corp.
Gold    Heimerle + Meule GmbH
Gold    HeNan LingBao Jin Kuan
Gold    Henan Middle Plain Gold Smelt
Gold    Henan Province Sanmenxia City Gold Smelter
Gold    Henan San Men Xia
Gold    Henan Sanmenxia Lingbao Jinyuan Mining Co., Ltd.
Gold    Henan Yuguang Gold & Lead Co., Ltd.
Gold    Henan zhongyuan gold melter
Gold    Heraeus Germany GmbH Co. KG
Gold    Heraeus Metals Hong Kong Ltd.
Gold    Heraeus Precious Metals
Gold    Hetai Gold Mineral Guangdong Co., Ltd.
Gold    Hon Hai
Gold    Hon Shen Co. Ltd
Gold    HonHai Precision Co., Ltd.
Gold    Hop Hing electroplating factory Zhejiang
Gold    Huichang Jinshunda Tin Co., Ltd.
Gold    Hunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd.
Gold    Hunan Guiyang yinxing Nonferrous Smelting Co., Ltd.
Gold    Hung Cheong Metal Manufacturing Limited
Gold    HwaSeong CJ CO., LTD.
Gold    Industrial Refining Company
Gold    Inner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Co., Ltd.
Gold    International Precious Metal Refiners
Gold    Ishifuku Metal Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    Istanbul Gold Refinery
Gold    Italpreziosi
Gold    JALAN & Company
Gold    Japan Mint



Gold    Japan Pure Chemical
Gold    Jhonson Mattehey
Gold    Jia Lung Corp
Gold    Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd.
Gold    Jie sheng
Gold    Jin Dong Heng
Gold    Jin Jinyin Refining Co., Ltd.
Gold    JinBao Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Gold    Jinfeng Gold Mine Smelter
Gold    Jinli Enterprice Co., Ltd.
Gold    Jinlong Copper Co., Ltd.
Gold    JiuJiang JinXin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.
Gold    Johnson Matthey HongKong Ltd.
Gold    JSC Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant
Gold    JSC Novosibirsk Refinery
Gold    JSC Uralelectromed
Gold    JX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd.
Gold    K.A. Rasmussen
Gold    Kaloti Precious Metals
Gold    Kanfort Industrial (Yantai) Co. Ltd.
Gold    Kazakhmys Smelting LLC
Gold    Kazzinc
Gold    Kee Shing
Gold    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC
Gold    KGHM Polska Miedz Spolka Akcyjna
Gold    Kojima Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Gold    Korea Metal Co., Ltd.
Gold    Korea Zinc Co., Ltd.
Gold    Kosak Seiren
Gold    Kundan Care Products Ltd.
Gold    Kunshan Jinli chemical industry reagents co.,Ltd.
Gold    Kyrgyzaltyn JSC
Gold    Kyshtym Copper-Electrolytic Plant ZAO
Gold    La Caridad
Gold    L’azurde Company For Jewelry
Gold    LBMA
Gold    LiBaoJia
Gold    Lingbao Gold Co., Ltd.
Gold    Lingbao Jinyuan Tonghui Refinery Co., Ltd.
Gold    L’Orfebre S.A.
Gold    LS-NIKKO Copper Inc.
Gold    LT Metal Ltd.
Gold    Luoyang Zijin Yinhui Gold Refinery Co., Ltd.
Gold    Marsam Metals
Gold    Materion
Gold    Matsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Gold    MD Overseas
Gold    Metahub Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Gold    Metal Concentrators SA (Pty) Ltd.
Gold    Metallix Refining Inc.
Gold    Metalor Technologies (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Gold    Metalor Technologies (Singapore) Pte., Ltd.
Gold    Metalor Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd.
Gold    Metalor Technologies S.A.



Gold    Metalor USA Refining Corporation
Gold    Metalurgica Met-Mex Penoles S.A. De C.V.
Gold    Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Gold    Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.
Gold    Mitui kinzoku Co Ltd takehara seirenjyo
Gold    MK electron
Gold    MMTC-PAMP India Pvt., Ltd.
Gold    Modeltech Sdn Bhd
Gold    Morigin Company
Gold    Morris and Watson
Gold    Morris and Watson Gold Coast
Gold    Moscow Special Alloys Processing Plant
Gold    N.E. Chemcat
Gold    N.E.Chemcat Corporation
Gold    Nadir Metal Rafineri San. Ve Tic. A.S.
Gold    Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat
Gold    NH Recytech Company
Gold    Nihon Material Co., Ltd.
Gold    Nihon Material Corporation
Gold    Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.
Gold    Niihama Nickel Refinery
Gold    Ningbo Kangqiang Electronics Co., Ltd.
Gold    Ningbo Yinzhou Ningbo of precious metal recycling plant
Gold    Nippon Mining & Mtetals
Gold    Nyrstar Clarksville
Gold    Nyrstar Metals
Gold    Ogussa Osterreichische Gold- und Silber-Scheideanstalt GmbH
Gold    Ohio Precious Metals, LLC
Gold    Ohura Precious Metal Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    OJSC “The Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant” (OJSC Krastsvetmet)
Gold    OJSC Kolyma Refinery
Gold    Pease & Curren
Gold    Penglai Penggang Gold Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA
Gold    Precious Metals Sales Corp.
Gold    Prioksky Plant of Non-Ferrous Metals
Gold    PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk
Gold    PT Babel Surya Alam Lestari
Gold    PT DS Jaya Abadi
Gold    PX Precinox S.A.
Gold    QG Refining, LLC
Gold    Rand Refinery (Pty) Ltd.
Gold    Realized the Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Gold    Refinery of Seemine Gold Co., Ltd.
Gold    Republic Metals Corporation
Gold    Rio Tinto Group
Gold    Rohm & Haas Elec. Mat’ls
Gold    Rongda
Gold    Royal Canadian Mint
Gold    SAAMP
Gold    Sabin Metal Corp.
Gold    Safimet S.p.A
Gold    SAFINA A.S.
Gold    Sai Refinery
Gold    Samduck Precious Metals
Gold    Samhwa non-ferrorus Metal ind.co.ltd



Gold    Samwon Metals Corp.
Gold    Sancus ZFS (L’Orfebre, SA)
Gold    Sanmenxia Hengsheng science and technology, research and development Co., LTD
Gold    Sanmenxia Lingbao Jinyuan Mining Co., Ltd.
Gold    SAXONIA Edelmetalle GmbH
Gold    Schloetter Co Ltd
Gold    Schone Edelmetaal B.V.
Gold    Scotia Mocatta
Gold    ScotiaMocatta, The Bank of Nova Scotia
Gold    Sellem Industries Ltd.
Gold    SEMPSA Joyeria Plateria S.A.
Gold    Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    Sewon Korea
Gold    Shan Dong Huangjin
Gold    Shan Tou Shi Yong Yuan Jin Shu Zai Sheng Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shandon Jin Jinyin Refining Limited
Gold    Shandong Gold Smelting Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shandong Hengbang Smelter Co., Ltd.
Gold    shandong huangjin
Gold    Shandong Humon Smelting Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shandong penglai gold smelter
Gold    Shandong Tiancheng Biological Gold Industrial Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shandong Yanggu Xiangguang Co. Ltd.
Gold    Shandong Zhaojin Gold & Silver Refinery Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shandong Zhongkuang Group Co.,Ltd.
Gold    Shangdong zhaoyuanzhaojin Company
Gold    Shanghai Gold Exchange
Gold    Shen Zhen Thousand Island Ltd.
Gold    Shengnan Metal Products Factory
Gold    Shenzhen CuiLu Gold Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shenzhen FuJun Material Technology CO.LTD
Gold    Shenzhen Heng Zhong Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shenzhen Kuril Company
Gold    ShenZhen urban pubic bureau of China
Gold    Shenzhen Zhonghenglong Real Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    Shi Fu Metal Industrial
Gold    Shindong-a
Gold    Shirpur Gold Refinery Ltd.
Gold    Sichuan Tianze Precious Metals Co., Ltd.
Gold    Singway Technology Co., Ltd.
Gold    Sino-Platinum Metals Co., Ltd.
Gold    SKE (China): Shanghai Kyocera Electronics CO. LTD.
Gold    So Accurate Group, Inc.
Gold    So Accurate Refing Group
Gold    SOE Shyolkovsky Factory of Secondary Precious Metals
Gold    Sojitz
Gold    Solar Applied Materials Technology Corp.
Gold    Soochow University
Gold    Sovereign Metals
Gold    Standard Bank
Gold    Standard Bank Group
Gold    State Research Institute Center for Physical
Gold    Sudan Gold Refinery
Gold    Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.
Gold    SungEel HiMetal Co., Ltd.
Gold    Suntain Co., Ltd.
Gold    Super Dragon Technology Co., Ltd.
Gold    SuZhou ShenChuang recycling Ltd.



Gold    Suzhou Xingrui Noble
Gold    T.C.A S.p.A
Gold    Tai Perng
Gold    Taicang City Nancang Metal Material Co., Ltd.
Gold    Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
Gold    Technic
Gold    The Hutti Gold Company
Gold    Tokuriki Honten Co., Ltd.
Gold    Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd.
Gold    TOO Tau-Ken-Altyn
Gold    Torecom
Gold    Tsai Brother industries
Gold    TSK Pretech
Gold    UBS AG
Gold    Umicore Brasil Ltda.
Gold    Umicore Galvanotechnik GmbH
Gold    Umicore Precious Metals Thailand
Gold    Umicore S.A. Business Unit Precious Metals Refining
Gold    Uniforce Metal Industrial Corp.
Gold    United Precious Metal Refining, Inc.
Gold    Universal Precious Metals Refining Zambia
Gold    Valcambi S.A.
Gold    Value Trading
Gold    Viagra Di precious metals (Zhaoyuan) Co., Ltd.
Gold    Wam Technologies Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Gold    Western Australian Mint (T/a The Perth Mint)
Gold    WIELAND Edelmetalle GmbH
Gold    Williams Gold Refining Company
Gold    Wuxi Middle Treasure Materials
Gold    Wuzhong Group
Gold    Xiamen JInbo Metal Co., Ltd.
Gold    Xstrata Canada Corporation
Gold    Yamakin Co., Ltd.
Gold    Yamato Denki Ind. Co., Ltd.
Gold    Yantai Zhaojin Kanfort Precious Metals Co., Ltd.
Gold    Yantai Zhaojin Lai Fuk Precious Metals Ltd
Gold    Yantai Zhaojinlufu
Gold    Yokohama Metal Co., Ltd.
Gold    Yoo Chang Metal
Gold    Yunnan Copper Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    Yunnan Gold Mining Group Co., Ltd. (YGMG)
Gold    Yunnan Metallurgical Group Co., Ltd
Gold    Zhaojun Maifu
Gold    Zhaoyuan Li Fu Industrial
Gold    Zhe Jiang Guang Yuan Noble Metal Smelting Factory
Gold    Zhongkuang Gold Industry Co., Ltd.
Gold    Zhongshan Hyper-Toxic Substance Monopolized Co., Ltd.
Gold    Zhongshan Poison Material Proprietary Co., Ltd.
Gold    Zhongshan Public Security Bureau
Gold    Zhongyuan Gold Smelter of Zhongjin Gold Corporation
Gold    Zhuhai toxic materials Monopoly Ltd.
Gold    Zhuzhou Smelting Group Co., Ltd



Tantalum    5D Production OU
Tantalum    AMG Brasil
Tantalum    Asaka Riken Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Avon Specialty Metals Ltd.
Tantalum    Changsha South Tantalum Niobium Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    China Shenzhen Morgan Sputtering Targets & Technology Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Conghua Tantalum and Niobium Smeltry
Tantalum    CP Metals Inc.
Tantalum    D Block Metals, LLC
Tantalum    Duoluoshan
Tantalum    E.S.R. Electronics
Tantalum    Ethiopian Minerals Development Share Company
Tantalum    Exotech Inc.
Tantalum    F&X Electro-Materials Ltd.
Tantalum    FIR Metals & Resource Ltd.
Tantalum    Fujian Nanping
Tantalum    Furuuchi Chemical Corporation
Tantalum    Gannon & Scott
Tantalum    Global Advanced Metals
Tantalum    Global Advanced Metals Aizu
Tantalum    Global Advanced Metals Boyertown
Tantalum    Guangdong Rising Rare Metals-EO Materials Ltd.
Tantalum    Guizhou Zhenhua Xinyun Technology Ltd., Kaili branch
Tantalum    H.C. Starck GmbH
Tantalum    H.C. Starck GmbH Goslar
Tantalum    H.C. Starck GmbH Laufenburg
Tantalum    H.C. Starck Surface Technology and Ceramic Powders GmbH
Tantalum    Hengyang King Xing Lifeng New Materials Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Hi-Temp
Tantalum    Hi-Temp Specialty Metals, Inc.
Tantalum    Jiangxi Dinghai Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Jiangxi Tuohong New Raw Material
Tantalum    Jiangxi Yichun
Tantalum    Jiujiang Janny New Material Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    JiuJiang JinXin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Jiujiang Tanbre Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Jiujiang Zhongao Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    KEMET Blue Powder
Tantalum    KEMET Corp.
Tantalum    KEMET de Mexico
Tantalum    King-Tan Tantalum Industry Ltd.
Tantalum    Materion Newton Inc.
Tantalum    Meta Materials
Tantalum    Meta Metals
Tantalum    Metal Do
Tantalum    Metallurgical Products India Pvt., Ltd.
Tantalum    Mineracao Taboca S.A.
Tantalum    Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Nantong Tongjie Electrical Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Newton, MA
Tantalum    Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    NPM Silmet AS
Tantalum    NTET, Thailand
Tantalum    Plansee SE
Tantalum    Plansee SE Liezen
Tantalum    Plansee SE Reutte
Tantalum    PM Kalco Inc
Tantalum    PRG Dooel



Tantalum    PT Babel Inti Perkasa
Tantalum    QSIL Metals Hermsdorf GmbH
Tantalum    QuantumClean
Tantalum    Resind Industria e Comercio Ltda.
Tantalum    RFH Yancheng Jinye New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Shanghai Jiangxi Metals Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Solikamsk Magnesium Works OAO
Tantalum    Taki Chemical Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    TANIOBIS Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    TANIOBIS GmbH
Tantalum    TANIOBIS Japan Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    TANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KG
Tantalum    Tantalite Resources
Tantalum    Telex Metals
Tantalum    Tranzact, Inc.
Tantalum    Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC
Tantalum    XinXing HaoRong Electronic Material Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Yanling Jincheng Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Yichun Jin Yang Rare Metal Co., Ltd.
Tantalum    Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Group Co., Ltd.
Tin    5N PLUS
Tin    A.M.P.E.R.E. Deutschland GmbH
Tin    AcademyPreciousMetals(China)Co.,Ltd
Tin    Ai-chia Industrial Co., Ltd.
Tin    Alpha
Tin    Alpha Metals Korea Ltd.
Tin    American Elector Plating
Tin    American Iron and Metal
Tin    An Thai Minerals Co., Ltd.
Tin    An Vinh Joint Stock Mineral Processing Company
Tin    An Xin Xuan Xin Yue You Se Jin Shu Co. Ltd.
Tin    Angelcast Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Tin    Aoki Loboratories Ltd
Tin    Arco Alloys
Tin    Asahi Solder Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
Tin    Asahiseiren Co., Ltd.
Tin    ATI Metalworking Products
Tin    Atlantic Metals
Tin    AURA-II
Tin    Aurubis Beerse
Tin    Aurubis Berango
Tin    Ausmelt Limited
Tin    Balver Zinn - Josef Jost GmbH & Co.KG
Tin    Beijing Oriental Guide Welding Materials Co., Ltd.
Tin    Best Metals
Tin    Brinkmann Chemie AG
Tin    Britannia Refined Metals Ltd.
Tin    Butterworth Smelter
Tin    C3604 Brass - Minchali Copper Ind. Co,.Ltd.
Tin    C3771 Brass - Sherng HWA Indusrty Co., LTD.
Tin    CFC Cooperativa dos Fundidores de Cassiterita da
Tin    Chenzhou Yun Xiang mining limited liability company
Tin    Chenzhou Yunxiang Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.
Tin    Chifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co., Ltd.
Tin    China Hongqiao
Tin    China Rare Metal Materials Company
Tin    China Tin Group Co., Ltd.
Tin    Chofu Works
Tin    CNMC (Guangxi) PGMA Co., Ltd.



Tin    Cooper Santa
Tin    Cooperativa Metalurgica de Rondônia Ltda.
Tin    Corporation Berhad (MSC)
Tin    CRM Fundicao De Metais E Comercio De Equipamentos Eletronicos Do Brasil Ltda
Tin    CRM Synergies
Tin    CSC Pure Technologies
Tin    CV Ayi Jaya
Tin    CV Dua Sekawan
Tin    CV Duta Putra Bangka
Tin    CV Gita Pesona
Tin    CV Justindo
Tin    CV Makmur Jaya
Tin    CV Prima Timah Utama
Tin    CV Serumpun Sebalai
Tin    CV United Smelting
Tin    CV Venus Inti Perkasa
Tin    Da Nang Processing Import and Export Joint Stock
Tin    Dae Kil Metal Co., Ltd
Tin    Dai-ichi Seiko
Tin    DingNan JiaWang HuanBao Co. LTD
Tin    Dongguan CiEXPO Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.
Tin    Dongguan City Xida Soldering Tin Products Co.
Tin    Dongguan Qiandao Metal Tin Product Co., Ltd.
Tin    Dowa
Tin    Dr.-Ing. Max Schloetter GmbH & Co. KG
Tin    Dragon silver holding limited
Tin    Dragon Silver Holdings Limited
Tin    DS Myanmar
Tin    Electroloy Coroperation Sdn Bhd
Tin    Electroloy Metal Pte
Tin    Electro-Mechanical Facility of the Cao Bang Minerals & Metallurgy Joint Stock Company
Tin    Elemetal Refining, LLC
Tin    EM Vinto
Tin    Estanho de Rondonia S.A.
Tin    Fabrica Auricchio Industria e Comercio Ltda.
Tin    Feinhutte Halsbrucke GmbH
Tin    Fenix Metals
Tin    Festival’noe Mine
Tin    Fuji Metal Mining
Tin    Fuji Metal Mining Corp.
Tin    Funsur
Tin    Furukawa Electric
Tin    Ganzhou Liansheng metallurgical products Co. Ltd.
Tin    Geiju Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Co. Ltd.
Tin    Gejiu City Fuxiang Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.
Tin    Gejiu Fengming Metallurgy Chemical Plant
Tin    Gejiu Jin Ye Mineral Co., Ltd.
Tin    Gejiu Jinye Mineral Company
Tin    Gejiu Kai Meng Industry and Trade LLC
Tin    Gejiu Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Co., Ltd.
Tin    Gejiu Yunxi Group Corp.
Tin    Gejiu Yunxin Nonferrous Electrolysis Co., Ltd.
Tin    Gejiu Zili Mining And Metallurgy Co., Ltd.



Tin    Gibbs Wire & Steel Co
Tin    Gold Bell Group
Tin    Grant Manufacturing and Alloying
Tin    Guangdong Hanhe Non-Ferrous Metal Co., Ltd.
Tin    GuangDong Jiatian Stannum Products Co., Ltd
Tin    Guangxi Huaxi Group Co.,Ltd
Tin    Guangxi Nonferrous Metals Group
Tin    Guangxi Zhongshan Jin Yi Smelting Co., Ltd
Tin    Guangzhou Special Copper & Electronics material Co.,LTD
Tin    Guanyang Guida Nonferrous Metal Smelting Plant
Tin    H.J.Enthoven & Sons
Tin    Hana-High Metal
Tin    Hanbaek nonferrous metals
Tin    Heraeus Materials Singapore Pte, Ltd.
Tin    Heraeus Materials Technology GmbH & Co. KG
Tin    Heraeus Oriental Hitec Co., Ltd.
Tin    Heraeus Technology Center
Tin    Heraeus Zhaoyuan Changshu Electronic Material Co.,Ltd
Tin    Hezhou Jinwei Tin Co., Ltd.
Tin    High Quality Technology Co., Ltd
Tin    High-Power Surface Technology
Tin    HighTech Components Co., Ltd.
Tin    Hitachi Cable
Tin    Hongqiao Metals (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Tin    Huaxi Guangxi Group
Tin    HuiChang Hill Tin Industry Co., Ltd.
Tin    Huichang Jinshunda Tin Co., Ltd.
Tin    Huichang Shun Tin Kam Industries, Ltd.
Tin    Hulterworth Smelter
Tin    Hunan Xianghualing tin
Tin    Hunan Xianghualing Tin Co. ltd
Tin    Hyundai-Steel
Tin    IBF IND Brasileira de Ferroligas Ltda
Tin    Ignorance
Tin    IMLI
Tin    IMPAG Group
Tin    Indonesia(Bangka)
Tin    Indonesian state tin corporation
Tin    Jan Janq
Tin    Japan Pure Chemical
Tin    Jau Janq Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Tin    Jean Goldschmidt International
Tin    Jiang Jia Wang Technology Co.
Tin    Jiang Xi Jia Wang Technology Tin Products Environmental Ltd.
Tin    Jiangxi Ketai Advanced Material Co., Ltd.
Tin    Jiangxi Nanshan
Tin    Jiangxi New Nanshan Technology Ltd.
Tin    Jiangxi Yaosheng Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tin    JiangxiShunda Huichang Kam Tin Co., Ltd.
Tin    Jin Tian
Tin    Jin Zhi Dao Tin Co. Ltd
Tin    Jin Zhou
Tin    Johnson Matthey Inc



Tin    Ju Tai Industrial Co., Ltd.
Tin    JX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd.
Tin    Ketabang
Tin    Kewei Tin Co.,ltd
Tin    Kihong T&G
Tin    KOBA
Tin    Kovohute Pribram nastupnicka, a. s.
Tin    Kundur Smelter
Tin    Kupol
Tin    Lai’bin China Tin Smelting Ltd.
Tin    Laibin Huaxi Smelterring Co.,Ltd
Tin    Levitra can, Shenzhen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Tin    Lingbao Jinyuan tonghu
Tin    Linqu Xianggui Smelter Co., Ltd.
Tin    Linwu Xianggui Ore Smelting Co., Ltd.
Tin    Linwu Xianggui Smelter Co
Tin    Luna Smelter, Ltd.
Tin    M/s ECO Tropical Resources
Tin    Ma An Shan Shu Guang Smelter Corp.
Tin    Ma’anshan Weitai Tin Co., Ltd.
Tin    Magnu’s Minerais Metais e Ligas Ltda.
Tin    Malaysia Smelting Corporation (MSC)
Tin    Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad
Tin    Materials Eco-Refining Co., Ltd.
Tin    MCP Heck
Tin    MCP Metalspecialties, Inc
Tin    MCP Mining & Chemical Products Ltd. UK
Tin    Medeko cast, s.r.o.
Tin    Melt Metais e Ligas S.A.
Tin    Meng neng
Tin    Mentok Smelter
Tin    Metahub Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Tin    Metallic Materials Branch of Guangxi China Tin Group Co.,Ltd.
Tin    Metallic Resources, Inc.
Tin    Metallo Chimique
Tin    Metallum Group Holding NV
Tin    Millard Wire
Tin    Minchali Metal Industry Co., Ltd.
Tin    Mineracao Taboca S.A.
Tin    Ming Li Jia smelt Metal Factory
Tin    Minmetals Ganzhou Tin Co. Ltd.
Tin    Minsur
Tin    Mitsubishi Electric Metecs Co Ltd
Tin    Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Tin    Modeltech Sdn Bhd
Tin    Morigin Company
Tin    MSC
Tin    Multiple Xin precision metal electroplating factory
Tin    Nancang Metal Material Co.,Ltd
Tin    Nankang Nanshan Tin Manufactory Co., Ltd.
Tin    Nathan Trotter
Tin    Nathan Trotter & Co INC.
Tin    Ney Metals and Alloys



Tin    Nghe Tinh Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock Company
Tin    Nihon Kagaku Sangyo Co., Ltd
Tin    Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.
Tin    Ningbo Jintian copper (Group ) Company Limited
Tin    Nippon Filler Metals Ltd
Tin    Novosibirsk Tin Combine
Tin    O.M. Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Tin    O.M. Manufacturing Philippines, Inc.
Tin    Old City Metals Processing Co., Ltd.
Tin    OM Manufacturing Philippines,Inc
Tin    Operaciones Metalurgicas S.A.
Tin    Pan Light Corporation
Tin    PGMA
Tin    Phoenix Metal Ltd.
Tin    PL Timah Tbk
Tin    Pongpipat Company Limited
Tin    Poongsan Corporation
Tin    Posco
Tin    Precious Minerals and Smelting Limited
Tin    Primeyoung Metal Ind. (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.
Tin    PT Alam Lestari Kencana
Tin    PT Aries Kencana Sejahtera
Tin    PT Artha Cipta Langgeng
Tin    PT ATD Makmur Mandiri Jaya
Tin    PT Babel Inti Perkasa
Tin    PT Babel Surya Alam Lestari
Tin    PT Bangka Kudai Tin
Tin    PT Bangka Prima Tin
Tin    PT Bangka Putra Karya
Tin    PT Bangka Serumpun
Tin    PT Bangka Timah Utama Sejahtera
Tin    PT Bangka Tin Industry
Tin    PT Banka Kudai Tin
Tin    PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera
Tin    PT BilliTin Makmur Lestari
Tin    PT Bukit Timah
Tin    PT Cipta Persada Mulia
Tin    PT DS Jaya Abadi
Tin    PT Eunindo Usaha Mandiri
Tin    PT Fang Di MulTindo
Tin    PT HP Metals Indonesia
Tin    PT Inti Stania Prima
Tin    PT Justindo
Tin    PT Karimun Mining
Tin    PT Kijang Jaya Mandiri
Tin    PT Koba Tin
Tin    PT Lautan Harmonis Sejahtera
Tin    PT Masbro Alam Stania
Tin    PT Menara Cipta Mulia
Tin    PT Mitra Stania Prima
Tin    PT Mitra Sukses Globalindo
Tin    PT O.M. Indonesia
Tin    PT Panca Mega Persada
Tin    PT Premium Tin Indonesia
Tin    PT Prima Timah Utama



Tin    PT Putera Sarana Shakti (PT PSS)
Tin    PT Rajawali Rimba Perkasa
Tin    PT Rajehan Ariq
Tin    PT Refined Bangka Tin
Tin    PT Sariwiguna Binasentosa
Tin    PT Seirama Tin Investment
Tin    PT Singkep Times Utama
Tin    PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa
Tin    PT Sukses Inti Makmur
Tin    PT Sumber Jaya Indah
Tin    PT Supra Sukses Trinusa
Tin    PT Timah
Tin    PT Timah Nusantara
Tin    PT Timah Tbk Kundur
Tin    PT Timah Tbk Mentok
Tin    PT Tinindo Inter Nusa
Tin    PT Tirus Putra Mandiri
Tin    PT Tommy Utama
Tin    PT Wahana Perkit Jaya
Tin    PT Yinchendo Mining Industry
Tin    PT. Supra Sukses Trinusa
Tin    PT.Indra Eramulti Logam Industri
Tin    Pure Technology
Tin    QianDao Co. ,ltd
Tin    Qualitek delta philippines
Tin    Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sdn Bhd
Tin    RBT
Tin    Recial - Reciclagme de Aluminios,SA
Tin    Resind Industria e Comercio Ltda.
Tin    ROHM & HAAS
Tin    RST
Tin    Rui Da Hung
Tin    S Company
Tin    S. Izaguirre
Tin    SA Minsur
Tin    Samhwa non-ferrorus Metal ind.co.ltd
Tin    Samtec
Tin    Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd.
Tin    SGS
Tin    Shan Tou Shi Yong Yuan Jin Shu Zai Sheng Co., Ltd.
Tin    ShangHai YueQiang Metal Products Co., LTD
Tin    Shangrao Xuri Smelting Factory
Tin    Shao Xing Tian Long Tin Materials Co. LTD.
Tin    Shapiro Metals
Tin    Shen Mao Solder (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Tin    shen zhen qi xiang da hua gong gong si
Tin    Shenzhen Chemicals Light Industry Co., Ltd.
Tin    Shenzhen Hong Chang Metal Manufacturing Factory
Tin    Shenzhen keaixin Technology
Tin    Shenzhen new jin spring solder products Co., LTD
Tin    Shenzhen Yi Cheng Industrial
Tin    Sichuan Guanghan Jiangnan casting smelters
Tin    Sigma Tin Alloy Co., Ltd.
Tin    Sinitron, Shenmao Solder (M) Sdn. Bhd.



Tin    Soft Metais Ltda.
Tin    Solder Court Ltd.
Tin    Spectro Alloys Corp.
Tin    Stretti
Tin    Super Ligas
Tin    Suzhou Nuonengda Chemical Co., Ltd.
Tin    Taicang City Nancang Metal Material Co., Ltd.
Tin    Taiwan high-tech Co., Ltd.
Tin    Taiwan Huanliang
Tin    Taiwan qinggao qiye you xian gong si
Tin    Taiwan’s lofty Enterprises Ltd.
Tin    Tamura
Tin    Tanaka Kikinzoku kogyo K.K.
Tin    TCC steel
Tin    TDK
Tin    Tennessee Aluminum Processors
Tin    Thai Nguyen Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.
Tin    Thai Solder Industry Corp.,Ltd.
Tin    Thailand Mine Factory
Tin    Thailand Smelting & Refining Co Ltd
Tin    Thaisarco
Tin    Three green surface technology limited company
Tin    Tianshui Ling Bo Technology Co., Ltd.
Tin    Tim Plating Gejiu
Tin    TIMA
Tin    TIMAH
Tin    Tin Products Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Tin    Tin Smelting Branch of Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd.
Tin    Tin Technology & Refining
Tin    Tong Ding Metal Company. Ltd.
Tin    Tongding Group
Tin    Tongding Metal Material Co.,Ltd.
Tin    Top-Team Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd.
Tin    Traxys
Tin    Tuyen Quang Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock Company
Tin    Ultracore Co., Ltd.
Tin    Umicore Haboken
Tin    Uniforce Metal Industrial Corp.
Tin    Unit Metalurgi PT Timah (Persero) Tbk
Tin    Univertical International (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Tin    Vishay Intertechnology
Tin    VQB Mineral and Trading Group JSC
Tin    VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation
Tin    Wang Yu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Tin    WC Heraeus Hanau
Tin    Welley Solder Corporation
Tin    Well-Lin Enterprise Co Ltd
Tin    Westfalenzinn
Tin    Westmetall GmbH & Co. KG
Tin    White Solder Metalurgia e Mineracao Ltda.
Tin    Wind Yunnan Nonferrous Metals Co.,Ltd.



Tin    WONIL METAL Co., Ltd.
Tin    Wu Xi Shi Yi Zheng Ji Xie She Bei Company
Tin    Wuxi Lantronic Electronic Co Ltd
Tin    wuxi yunxi
Tin    Xiamen Honglu Tungsten Molybdenum Co., Ltd.
Tin    Xiamen Honglu Tungsten Molybdenum Industry Co.Ltd
Tin    XiaMen YiQuan Precision Metal Co., Ltd
Tin    Xianghualing Tin Industry Co., Ltd.
Tin    Xianghualing Tin Minerals
Tin    XiHai
Tin    Xin Furukawa Metal ( Wuxi ) Co., Ltd.
Tin    XURI
Tin    Yao Zhang
Tin    YH (Yunnan)
Tin    Yifeng Tin
Tin    Yifeng Tin Industry (Chenzhou) Co Ltd
Tin    Yiquan Manufacturing
Tin    YTMM
Tin    Yuecheng Tin Co., Ltd.
Tin    Yun Xi
Tin    Yun’an Dian’xi Tin Mine
Tin    Yunnan Chengfeng Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.
Tin    Yunnan Chengo Electric Smelting Plant
Tin    Yunnan Copper Zinc Industry Co., Ltd.
Tin    Yunnan Geiju Smelting Corp.
Tin    Yunnan Industrial Co., Ltd.
Tin    Yunnan Malipo Baiyi Kuangye Co.
Tin    Yunnan Yunfan Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.
Tin    Yunnan YunXi group
Tin    Yunnan, China Rare Metal Materials Company
Tin    Yuntinic Chemical GmbH
Tin    YunXi
Tin    Yun’xin Non-ferrous Electroanalysis Ltd.
Tin    Yutinic Reousrces
Tin    Zhangzhou Macro Real Non-Ferrous Metals
Tin    Zhangzhou Xiangcheng Hongyu Building Co., Ltd.
Tin    Zhongshan Jinye Smelting Co.,Ltd
Tin    ZhongShi
Tin    Zhuhai Horyison Solder Co.,Ltd
Tin    Zi Jin Copper
Tin    Zuhai Horyison Solder Co.,Ltd.
Tungsten    A.L.M.T. Corp.
Tungsten    ACL Metais Eireli
Tungsten    Aida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Albasteel Industria e Comercio de Ligas Para Fundicao Ltd.
Tungsten    Alldyne Powder Technologies
Tungsten    Allied material Corp
Tungsten    Alluter Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
Tungsten    Alta Group
Tungsten    Altlantic Metals
Tungsten    Argor-Heraeus S.A.
Tungsten    Artek LLC
Tungsten    Asia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd.
Tungsten    Axis Material Limited
Tungsten    Beijing Zenith Materials
Tungsten    Bruweiler Precise Sales Co.
Tungsten    Buffalo Tungsten



Tungsten    Central Glass / Japan
Tungsten    Changchun up-optotech
Tungsten    China Minmetals Corp., China Minmetals Nonferrous Metals Co Ltd
Tungsten    China Minmetals Non-ferrous Metals Holding Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    China Molybdenum Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    China National Nonferrous Metals Imp. & Exp. Jiangxi Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    CNMC (Guangxi) PGMA Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    CP Metals Inc.
Tungsten    Cronimet Brasil Ltda
Tungsten    CWB Materials
Tungsten    DAIDO STEEL
Tungsten    Dayu Jincheng Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Dayu Weiliang Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Degutea
Tungsten    Duoluoshan
Tungsten    Fujian Ganmin RareMetal Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Fujian Jinxin Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Fujian Xinlu Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganxian Shirui New Material Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Beseem Ferrotungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Grand Sea W & Mo Group Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Haichuang Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Haichuang Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Hongfei Tungsten & Molybdenum Materials Co., Ltd
Tungsten    Ganzhou Huaxing Tungsten Products Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Jiangwu Ferrotungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Non-ferrous Metals Smelting Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Seadragon W & Mo Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ganzhou Yatai Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Global Tungsten & Powders Corp.
Tungsten    Global Tungsten & Powders LLC
Tungsten    Golden Egret
Tungsten    Guangdong Rising Rare Metals-EO Materials Ltd.
Tungsten    Guangdong Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    H.C. Starck GmbH
Tungsten    H.C. Starck Group
Tungsten    H.C. Starck Tungsten GmbH
Tungsten    HANNAE FOR T Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    HC Starck
Tungsten    Hitachi
Tungsten    Hitachi Ltd
Tungsten    Hubei Green Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Hunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Hunan Chuangda Vanadium Tungsten Co., Ltd. Wuji
Tungsten    Hunan Chuangda Vanadium Tungsten Co., Ltd. Yanglin
Tungsten    Hunan Jintai New Material Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Hunan Litian Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Hunan Shizhuyuan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. Chenzhou Tungsten Products Branch
Tungsten    Hydrometallurg, JSC
Tungsten    IES Technical Sales
Tungsten    Izawa Metal Co., Ltd
Tungsten    Jada Electronic limited (JX Nippon Mining&Matel Co., Ltd)
Tungsten    Japan New Metals Co., Ltd.



Tungsten    Jiangwu H.C. Starck Tungsten Products Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Dayu Longxintai Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Gan Bei Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Minmetals Gao’an Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Rare Earth & Rare Metals Tungsten Group Corp
Tungsten    Jiangxi Richsea New Materials Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Tonggu Non-ferrous Metallurgical & Chemical Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Xinsheng Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Xiushui Xianggan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Jiangxi Yaosheng Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    JSC “Kirovgrad Hard Alloys Plant”
Tungsten    Kanto Denka Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Kennametal Fallon
Tungsten    Kennametal Huntsville
Tungsten    Kennametal Inc.
Tungsten    KGETS Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Lianyou Metals Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    LLC Vostok
Tungsten    Luoyang Mudu Tungsten & Molybdenum Technology Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Malipo Haiyu Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Masan High-Tech Materials
Tungsten    Mehra Ferro-Alloys Pvt. Ltd.
Tungsten    Meterion Advanced Materials Thin Film Products
Tungsten    Micro 100
Tungsten    Midwest Tungsten Wire Co.
Tungsten    Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd
Tungsten    Moliren Ltd.
Tungsten    MSC
Tungsten    Nanchang Cemented Carbide
Tungsten    Nanchang Cemented Carbide Limited Liability Company
Tungsten    Niagara Refining LLC
Tungsten    Ninghua Xingluokeng Tungsten Mining Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Nippon Micrometal Corporation
Tungsten    Nippon Steel
Tungsten    North American Tungsten
Tungsten    NPP Tyazhmetprom LLC
Tungsten    OOO “Technolom” 1
Tungsten    OOO “Technolom” 2
Tungsten    Philippine Chuangxin Industrial Co., Inc.
Tungsten    Plansee SE
Tungsten    Pobedit, JSC
Tungsten    Praxair
Tungsten    Recial - Reciclagme de Aluminios,SA
Tungsten    Saganoseki Smelter & Refinery
Tungsten    Sandvik
Tungsten    Sandvik Material Technology
Tungsten    Sanher Tungsten Vietnam Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Sendi (Japan): Kyocera Corporation
Tungsten    Shaoguan Xinhai Rendan Tungsten Industry Co. Ltd
Tungsten    Sincemat Co, Ltd.
Tungsten    South-East Nonferrous Metal Company Limited of Hengyang City
Tungsten    Sumitomo
Tungsten    Sumitomo Electric, USA (A.L.M.T.)
Tungsten    Sunaga Tungsten



Tungsten    Sylham
Tungsten    TaeguTec Ltd.
Tungsten    Taiyo Nippon Sanso Trading (Shanghai) Co., LTD
Tungsten    Tamano Smelter, Hibi Kyodo Smelting Co., Ltd
Tungsten    TANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KG
Tungsten    Tejing (Vietnam) Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Toshiba Material Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Tosoh
Tungsten    Triumph Northwest
Tungsten    Tungsten Diversified Industries LLC
Tungsten    ULVAC, Inc.
Tungsten    Unecha Refractory metals plant
Tungsten    Vietnam Youngsun Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Voss Metals Company, Inc.
Tungsten    Wolfram Bergbau und Hutten AG
Tungsten    WOLFRAM Company CJSC
Tungsten    Woltech Korea Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Wort Wayne Wire Die
Tungsten    Xiamen Golden Egret Special Alloy Co. Ltd.
Tungsten    Xiamen Honglu Tungsten Molybdenum Industry Co.Ltd
Tungsten    Xiamen Tungsten (H.C.) Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Xinfeng Huarui Tungsten & Molybdenum New
Tungsten    Xinhai Rendan Shaoguan Tungsten Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Youngsun Tungsten Industry co.Ltd.
Tungsten    Zhangzhou Chuen Bao Apt Smeltery Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Group Co., Ltd.
Tungsten    Zigong Cemented Carbide

Based on the information that was obtained from the Company’s RCOI and due diligence, the Company has reasonably determined that the countries of origin of the Conflict Minerals necessary to the functionality or production of the Covered Products may include the countries and regions listed below:

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State Of), Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Republic Of, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherland, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Province Of China, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United States Of America, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe, Zambia, North Macedonia, Hong Kong