8-K 1 v380380_8k.htm FORM 8-K



Washington, DC 20549





to Section 13 or 15(d) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934



Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): May 30, 2014



(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)



(State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)


001-11252 87-0447375
(Commission File Number) (IRS Employer Identification No.)


777 Main Street, Suite 1000, Fort Worth, Texas 76102
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Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Hallmark Financial Services, Inc. (the “Company”) was held on May 30, 2014. Of the 19,263,457 shares of common stock of the Company entitled to vote at the meeting, 15,088,460 shares were represented at the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy.


At the Annual Meeting, the following individuals were elected to serve as directors of the Company and received the number of votes set forth opposite their respective names:






Votes For


Votes Against

Or Withheld


Abstentions and

Broker Non-Votes

Mark E. Schwarz   14,450,553    129,254    508,653 
Scott T. Berlin   13,005,466    1,574,341    508,653 
James H. Graves   12,984,191    1,595,616    508,653 
Jim W. Henderson   14,299,479    206,648    508,653 


The Board of Directors submitted to the shareholders for a non-binding, advisory vote the following resolution (the “Say-On-Pay Resolution”):


“RESOLVED, that the shareholders hereby approve the compensation paid to the Company’s executive officers as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K under the heading ‘EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION’ in the Company’s 2014 Proxy Statement, including the compensation tables and narrative discussion.”


At the Annual Meeting, 14,413,337 shares were voted in favor of the Say-On-Pay Resolution; 248,779 shares were voted against the Say-On-Pay Resolution; and 426,344 shares abstained from voting or were broker non-votes on the Say-On-Pay Resolution.


No other matter was voted upon at the Annual Meeting.


Item 8.01 Other Events


In accordance with the majority vote at the Company’s 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the board of directors has determined to provide the shareholders an opportunity to approve executive compensation every year. Accordingly, a non-binding, advisory vote on a resolution approving executive compensation will again be submitted to shareholders at the 2015 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned duly authorized.


Date: June 2, 2014 By:  /s/ Jeffrey R. Passmore
    Jeffrey R. Passmore, Chief Accounting Officer