EX-11.1 5 dp13215_ex1101.htm EXHIBIT 11.1
Exhibit 11.1




Our Business Principles inspire and define the way we carry out our activities.

All employees should apply our Business Principles in all their activities.

our business principles

By complying with these principles, we build our reputation;secure the trustof
our stakeholders; and maximise long-term value for our shareholders and society
at large.

We expect our business partners and suppliers to apply standards similar to our


Dear colleagues,

The Telefonica Group (Telefonica) has been through major changes in the last
few years. We have seen unprecedented growth in our company and added many new
customers, employees, suppliers and other partners to our team. So this is a
good time to clarify and reinforce our commitment to the highest ethical
standards - our Business Principles - in all our activities, and to promote
trust as our Company's core value.

Being part of Telefonica involves a commitment to protect the quality and
reputation of our brand.The decisions and actions taken by each of us are the
foundations on which our reputation is built.They affect the trust that
stakeholders place in us. Complying with our Business Principles helps us to
act and take decisions with integrity and professionalism,including in the way
we design and implement our procedures and working methods, and in how we
interact with our customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and society as
a whole. Therefore, it is essential that all Telefonica employees apply
the Business Principles both to the spirit and the letter, in their every day


We can face difficult situations in our work, and our Business Principles will
guide us to make ethical decisions and behave appropriately.It is impossible to
describe all the ethical dilemmas that we may face, so our Business Principles
training course is intended to strengthen understanding as well as reinforce
the commitment to our ethical standards and core values.

Our Business Principles apply at all times to all our employees and the company
as a whole. Also, because the activities of our suppliers and contractors can
affect our reputation, we expect and encourage them to meet similar ethical

Guidance is available from the Telefonica Business Principles Office, which can
clarify doubts as well as examine and resolve claims that we are not living up
to our Business Principles.

I want to thank you in advance for your commitment to our Business
Principles.They are a key part of achieving our vision of enhancing
people's lives and the performance of businesses, as well as the progress
of the communities in which we operate.We aim to achieve that vision by
delivering innovative services through information and communication

Best regards,

/s/ Cesar Alierta
Cesar Alierta
Executive Chairman,Telefonica S.A.


We want to enhance people's lives, the performance of vision, businesses and
the progress of the communities where we operate, by delivering innovative
solutions based on information and communication technologies.

We continually strive to:

o    Offer to our employees the best place to work, attract and retain the best
     talent and provide the best career-development opportunities.

o    Put customers' needs at the heart of everything we do, so that they get
     maximum satisfaction from our services and solutions.

o    Provide our shareholders with the best combination of growth and returns
     in the industry.

o    Drive technological,economic and social development in the communities
     where we operate, combining our ambition to be a global and efficient
     company with the aim of satisfying the requirements of each local market.

o    Be innovative, competitive, open, committed and trusted in everything we

Spirit of Progress

vision, values

o    Innovative
     We translate technology into something that is easy to use and understand.
     Innovation is a constant source of inspiration to everything we do, as
     much in our services as in our management systems; enabling us to
     anticipate market trends and customers' expectations.

o    Competitive
     Innovation helps us to be more competitive. We set high standards and
     constantly strive to perform beyond expectations and exceed our limits.
     Our ambition is to be a world leader in telecommunications. We aim to
     stretch boundaries and to persevere in achieving excellence.

o    Open
     We perform in a way that is clear, open and accessible. Our key strength
     is listening and engaging in dialogue with all our stakeholders. We are
     proactive in our local communities and aim to respect and learn from the
     local cultural and social context in the communities in which we operate.

o    Committed
     We deliver on our promises, do what we say we will do, and we acknowledge
     that the process of achieving this is as important as the result itself.

o    Trusted
     We can be trusted only if, through our actions, we deserve that trust. By
     acting responsibly, we can differentiate ourselves, ensure our
     competitiveness and leadership, and cement our relations with all our
     stakeholders, thereby earning their trust. Our aim is to earn everybody's


general principles

honesty and trust

o    We will be honest and trustworthy in all our dealings, and keep the
     commitments we make.

o    We will protect the confidentiality of company,employee,shareholder,
     supplier and customer information.

respect for the law

o    We will comply with all applicable national or international laws, rules
     and regulatory obligations, as well as our internal policies and

o    We will provide full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure
     in reports and other documents we file with therelevant Securities Markets
     Regulators and in our other public communications.

o    We will compete fairly in our markets. We believe that consumers and
     society in general benefit from open and free markets.

bribery and anti-corruption

o    We will never seek, offer or accept gifts, hospitality, bribes or other
     inducements to reward or encourage a decision.

o    We will avoid or declare conflicts of interest that may lead to divided
     personal loyalties.

o    We will behave with integrity and not seek gain for ourselves or for a
     third party by misusing our position or contacts within Telefonica.

o    As a corporate entity, we will act with absolute political neutrality. We
     will abstain from any direct or indirect participation that could be
     interpreted as taking a position in favour of or against legitimate
     political parties. In particular, we willnot make donations of any type,
     whether in cash or in kind, in support of political parties,
     organisations,factions,movements, or public or private entities whose
     activities are clearly linked with political activity.

human rights

o    We will respect the principles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human
     Rights and the International Labour Organisation's declarations.

o    We will foster equal opportunity and will treat everyone fairly,
     impartially and without prejudice, regardless of race, colour,
     nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion or religious
     affiliation, gender, gender status, sexual orientation, marital status,
     age, disability or caring responsibilities.

Our principles
             define our ethical conduct in everything we do


our employees can trust us

professional development

o    We will communicate our goals and strategies to our employees, to foster
     their commitment to and entHhusiasmforachievingourvision.

o    We will encourage the professional and personal growth of our employees,
     supporting the development of their skills and competences.

o    We will ensure that policies on selecting, hiring, training and internally
     promoting employees are based on clear criteria relating to skills,
     competencies and merit.

o    We will inform employees how their work will be appraised and expect them
     to participate positively in appraisals in order to improve their work,
     initiative and dedication.


o    We will offer our employees fair and just compensation in the context of
     the labour markets where we operate.

human rights

o    We will not use any form of forced or child labour, nor will we tolerate
     any type of direct or indirect threat, coercion, abuse, violence or
     harassment in our working environment.

o    We will respect our employees' right to join the labour union of their
     choice and will not tolerate any type of retaliatory or hostile action
     towards employees who take part in union activities.

health and safety

o    We will provide our employees and partners with a safe working
     environment. We will establish suitable mechanisms to avoid workplace
     accidents, injuries or diseases associated with our work activity through
     strict compliance with all relevant regulations and the preventive
     management of workplace hazards.


our customers can trust us

products and services

o    We will provide our customers with high-quality, innovative, reliable
     products and services at a fair price.

o    We will verify and ensure that our products, and those that we distribute,
     comply with manufacturing standards on safety and quality. We will
     disclose and resolve any instances in which health risks are detected.

communications and advertising

o    We will always provide truthful, helpful and accurate information when
     marketing our products and services. We will make sure our products meet
     all advertised and required specifications.

o    If our customers are dissatisfied with our products or services, we will
     provide them with the information and contact details necessary to make a
     complaint, should they wish to do so.

our shareholders can trust us

corporate governance

o    We will manage the Company in accordance with the highest standards of
     corporate governance and best practice.

value creation and transparency

o    We will manage the company with the aim of creating value for our

o    We undertake to provide all relevant information for their investment
     decisions. We will do this promptly in a non-discriminatory way.

internal controls and risks

o    We will ensure that appropriate controls are in place to assess and manage
     the risks to our business, our people and our reputation.

o    We will ensure that business, financial and accounting records are
     prepared accurately and reliably.

o    We will cooperate with our internal and external auditors or any official
     inspection authority.

company assets

o    We will preserve, safeguard and use our physical, financial and
     intellectual assets efficiently and for the business purposes for which
     they are made available.

o    We will not tolerate any use of our computers that could damage Company
     assets or reduce workers' productivity; nor illicit, illegal, or
     fraudulent activities that could threaten our reputation.


our communities can trust us

development of society

o    We will contribute to the social, technological and economic development
     of the countries where we operate. We will do this by investing in
     telecommunications infrastructure, generating employment opportunities,
     and developing products and services that contribute to the development of

o    Through our skills, products and services, we will seek to work in
     partnership with civic, community and charitable groups and in public
     initiatives that aim to bridge social divides in the regions where we


o    We will be committed to sustainable development and environmental
     protection by minimising the impact of our operations on the environment.

our suppliers can trust us

conflicts of interest

o    We will establish controls in our procurement processes to manage
     situations in which a person with a material financial interest (whether
     through employment, investment, contract or otherwise) in a supplier or
     potential supplier is likely to be directly or indirectly involved in a
     procurement process or decision relating to that supplier.

fairness and transparency

o    We will guarantee transparent and equal opportunities for our suppliers,
     fostering competition whenever it is possible.

o    We will adhere to strict procurement procedures to ensure we receive
     services and products under the best possible conditions and will award
     business solely on merit.

responsibility in the supply chain

o    We will require our suppliers to meet similar ethical standards in their
     businesses and to comply with existing legislation and regulations in each
     country where they operate.

o    We will fulfil our payment commitments to our suppliers.


Compliance responsibilities

Every Manager is responsible for:

o    Communicating our Business Principles to their teams.

o    Leading by example in ensuring compliance with these principles.

o    Guiding their teams on the ethical dilemmas that they may face.

o    Rectifying any failure in the observance of our Business Principles.

o    Providing proper and timely procedures to ensure compliance for their area
     of responsibility.

o    Informing the Business Principles Office of processes or actions that may
     lead in to non-compliance with our Business Principles.

business principles in practice

Every employee is responsible for:

o    Understanding our Business Principles, and for acting and taking decisions
     in accordance with them and related policies. They must also notify in an
     appropriate way the Telefonica Business Principles Office about processes
     or actions that their teams on the ethical may lead to non-compliance with
     our Business Principles.

o    Failure to conduct business in line with our Business Principles and
     associated policies could lead to the disciplinary actions set out in our
     internal policies.

The Telefonica Business Principles website provides further details that
support managers and employees in carrying out their responsibilities


Seeking advice

If you're unsure whether an action or decision would comply with our Business
Principles, you should consider:

o    Whether the proposed action or decision is legal.
o    Whether you are authorised to take the action or decision.
o    How it would look in tomorrow morning's newspaper.
o    Whether it may breach Telefonica's commitment to integrity and other
     relevant company policies.

In case of doubt about how to act, employees should agree the action or
decision with their line manager, where necessary referring to the Business
Principles website, which includes:

o    Contact details for advise lines.
o    Frequently ask questions.
o    Access to training courses.

And which enables you to:

o    More copies of this leaflet.
o    A contributions and suggestions channel for future updates to this

As a last resort, employees can seek guidance from the Telefonica Business
Principles Office.

Confidential help

Every employee has a responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance, and
express concerns, if they have any, regarding compliance with our Business
Principles and related policies. This is especially so if they suspect that our
Business Principles or policies are not being followed or if there seem to be
gaps in those policies.

The confidential help facility is available on the intranet to employees, and
on the internet for suppliers and other stakeholders.

You may report concerns in person or anonymously. However, telling us who you
are, and giving as much information as you can, may enable us to investigate
the issue more thoroughly.

If you wish to seek advice or report an incident, you will be treated with
dignity and respect according to the following principles:

o    Confidentiality: We will handle communications confidentially.

o    Thoroughness: We will investigate complaints or allegations about possible
     breaches of our Business Principles thoroughly to find the truth.

o    Respect: We will respect the rights of those allegedly involved in
     possible breaches. Likewise, and before coming to any conclusions, we will
     offer the employees involved the opportunity to explain the matter as they
     think appropriate.

o    Reasoning: Any decisions we take will be reasoned,proportionate and

We expect our people to act with professionalism and the highest standards of
integrity. Use of the confidential help facility should be consistent with
these standards.



About this leaflet

Our Business Principles have been drafted with input from our stakeholders,
including employees, representative groups, customers, suppliers, local
communities and shareholders.

If you would like to contribute to the review of the leaflet, use the contact
details on the Business Principles website.

Business Principles Office

Complying with our Business Principles helps us to act and take decisions with
integrity and professionalism.The Company will devote the necessary resources
to ensure compliance with them.

The Telefonica Business Principles Office has been established to:

o    Communicate our Business Principles throughout Telefonica, including
     preparing documents, training materials and presentations.

o    Review processes and controls to ensure they are proportionate and
     appropriate for ensuring compliance with our Business Principles and
     best-practice standards.

o    Examine and respond to queries, complaints or allegations raised by
     employees, suppliers or partners.

o    Identify and develop appropriate corporate policies to apply and fulfil
     our Business Principles.

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