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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Employee Benefits [Abstract]  
Provisions Provisions
The amounts of provisions in 2023 and 2022 are as follows:
Millions of eurosCurrentNon-currentTotalCurrentNon-currentTotal
Employee benefits1,005 4,949 5,954 885 4,093 4,978 
Termination plans282 1,461 1,743 135 241 376 
Post-employment defined benefit plans12 428 440 329 338 
Other benefits711 3,060 3,771 741 3,523 4,264 
Dismantling of assets17 505 522 26 502 528 
Other provisions574 2,000 2,574 720 1,910 2,630 
Total1,596 7,454 9,050 1,631 6,505 8,136 
a) Employee benefits
In 2023 the Group recorded a provision of 1,538 million euros (179 million euros in 2022), of which 1,320 million euros corresponds to Telefónica Spain mainly relating to the agreement reached with the most representative Trade Unions for the execution of Collective Redundancies, explained in Termination plans in this note (57 million euros in 2022). The distribution by segment of the restructuring costs, in terms of their impact on operating income, is as follows:
Millions of euros20232022
Telefónica Spain 1,320 57 
Telefónica Germany11 16 
Telefónica Hispam 128 98 
Other companies79 
Total1,538 179 
Termination plans
The movement in provisions for termination plans in 2023 and 2022 is as follows:
Millions of eurosTotal
Provisions for termination plans at 12/31/2021628 
Retirements/amount applied(311)
Translation differences, hyperinflation adjustments and accretion(4)
Provisions for termination plans at 12/31/2022376 
Retirements/amount applied(133)
Translation differences, hyperinflation adjustments and accretion(20)
Provisions for termination plans at 12/31/20231,743 
Telefónica Spain
On December 28, 2023 certain subsidiaries of Telefónica Spain, taking into account the concurrence of productive, organizational and technical causes, has reached an agreement with the most representative Trade Unions for the execution of collective redundancies up to a total of 3,420 employees, to which employees turning 56 years or older during 2024 and with a seniority of more than 15 years have adhered (see Note 2). This agreement was endorsed on January 3, 2024.
As a consequence of these agreements, a provision of 1,299 million euros has been recorded, charged to the personnel expenses heading of the consolidated income statement in 2023. The amount for this provision classified as current totaled 107 million euros.
The discount rate used for this termination plan at December 31, 2023 was 3.00% with an average plan length of 4.05 years.
Additionally, the III Collective Bargaining Agreement has been signed, valid until December 31, 2026 and extendable for another year, with the aim of moving towards a more digital, flexible company prepared for future challenges in a highly competitive context and deep transformation.
Post-employment defined benefit plans
The Group has a number of defined benefit plans in the countries where it operates. The following tables present the main data of these plans:
Millions of eurosGermanyBrazilHispamOthersTotal
Obligation236 764 74 15 1,089 
Assets(103)(777)— (14)(894)
Net provision before asset ceiling133 (13)74 195 
Asset ceiling— 200 — — 200 
Total133 187 74 1 395 
Net provision143 201 86 10 440 
Net assets10 14 12 45 
Millions of eurosGermanyBrazilHispamOthersTotal
Obligation208 622 64 19 913 
Assets(101)(751)— (18)(870)
Net provision before asset ceiling107 (129)64 43 
Asset ceiling— 266 — — 266 
Total107 137 64 1 309 
Net provision117 138 75 338 
Net assets10 11 29 
The movement in the present value of obligations in 2023 and 2022 is as follows:
Millions of eurosGermanyBrazilHispamOtherTotal
Present value of obligation at 12/31/2021322 549 67 22 960 
Translation differences— 74 (7)68 
Current service cost11 19 
Interest cost54 — 63 
Actuarial losses and gains(123)(10)— (130)
Benefits paid(5)(48)(4)(1)(58)
Plan curtailments— — (3)— (3)
Other movements— — (2)(4)(6)
Present value of obligation at 12/31/2022208 622 64 19 913 
Translation differences— 27 — 31 
Current service cost11 19 
Interest cost61 78 
Actuarial losses and gains15 101 — 118 
Benefits paid(6)(49)(5)(1)(61)
Plan curtailments— — (3)— (3)
Other movements— — (1)(5)(6)
Present value of obligation at 12/31/2023236 764 74 15 1,089 
Movements in the fair value of plan assets in 2023 and 2022 are as follows:
Millions of eurosGermanyBrazilOtherTotal
Fair value of plan assets at 12/31/202199 660 15 774 
Translation differences— 89 90 
Interest income65 — 66 
Actuarial losses and gains(1)(2)— (3)
Company contributions— — 
Benefits paid(3)(42)— (45)
Other movements— (19)— (19)
Fair value of plan assets at 12/31/2022101 751 18 870 
Translation differences— 31 — 31 
Interest income74 — 77 
Actuarial losses and gains— (30)— (30)
Company contributions— — 
Benefits paid(3)(45)— (48)
Transfers— — (4)(4)
Other movements— (4)— (4)
Fair value of plan assets at 12/31/2023103 777 14 894 
Telefónica Brazil post-employment benefit plans
Telefónica Brazil sponsors the following post-employment benefit plans:
PlansManagement entitySponsor
Health plans  
Plano de Assistência Médica ao Aposentado y Programa de Coberturas Especiais (PAMA/PCE)Fundação Sistel de Seguridade SocialTelefônica Brasil, jointly and severally with other companies resulting from the privatization of Telebrás (Telecomunicações Brasileiras, S.A.)
Assistencia médica – Lei 9.656/98Telefônica BrasilTelefônica Brasil, Terra Networks, TGLog, TIS, IoTCo Brasil and CloudCo Brasil
Pension plans 
PBS Assistidos (PBS-A)
Fundação Sistel de Seguridade SocialTelefônica Brasil, jointly and severally with other companies resulting from the privatization of Telebrás (Telecomunicações Brasileiras, S.A.)
CTBTelefônica BrasilTelefônica Brasil
Telefônica BDVisão PrevTelefônica Brasil
Planes VISAOVisão PrevTelefônica Brasil, Terra Networks, TGLog, TIS, IoTCo Brasil and CloudCo Brasil
The main actuarial assumptions used in valuing these plans are as follows:
Discount rate
8.90% - 9.18%
9.75% - 9.83%
Nominal rate of salary increase
4.57% - 6.60%
4.57% - 6.35%
Long-term inflation rate3.50 %3.50 %
Growth rate for medical costs6.61 %6.61 %
Mortality tablesAT 2000 M/FAT 2000 M/F
The discount rate and growth rate for medical costs are considered to be the most significant actuarial assumptions with a reasonable possibility of fluctuations depending on demographic and economic changes and may significantly change the amount of the post-employment benefit obligation. The sensitivity to changes in these assumptions is shown below:
 Present value of the discounted obligation at the current discount rate
Present value of the obligation by increasing the discount rate by 0.5%
Present value of the obligation by reducing the discount rate by 0.5%
Pension plans405 391 420 
Health plans358 337 383 
Total obligation763 728 803 
 Present value of the obligation at the current growth rate for medical costs
Present value of the obligation by increasing the rate by 1%
Present value of the obligation by reducing the rate by 1%
Pension plans405 405 405 
Health plans358 409 317 
Total obligation763 814 722 
Other employee benefits
Telefónica de España, Telefónica Móviles España and Telefónica Soluciones Individual Suspension Plans
In 2015 Telefónica de España, S.A.U., Telefónica Móviles España, S.A.U. and Telefónica Soluciones de Informática y Comunicaciones de España, S.A.U. signed the first Collective Bargaining Agreement of Related Companies (CEV). This agreement considered elements that included a plan of measures for individual suspension of the employment relationship in 2016 and 2017, applying principles of voluntariness, universality, non-discrimination and social responsibility. In December 2016, the Collective Bargaining Agreement of Related Companies was extended until 2018 by virtue of the provisions thereof. In September 2019 Telefónica España signed the second Collective Agreement of Related Companies that includes, among other aspects, an "Individual Suspension Plan" that was completely voluntary for the year 2019, with the same conditions as the previous one. In 2021, Telefónica España signed a Social Pact for Employment supported by the largest trade unions, which contemplated an Individual Suspension Plan of employment, fully voluntary.
These plans are based on mutual agreement between the company and employees and entail the possibility of voluntarily suspending the employment relationship for an initial three-year period, renewable for consecutive three-year periods until the retirement age. Employees who meet the age and seniority requirements may enter the Individual Suspension Plans (PSI) in the periods opened for these purposes.
At the end of each period, the current value of the forecast payment flows to meet the commitments of these programs (applying certain hypotheses regarding estimated number of accessions and future reintegration ratio) is recognized. At 2023 and 2022 year-ends, this figure was calculated using the biometric table PERM2020 published in the resolution of December 17, 2020 combined with the invalidity table published in the ministerial order of 1977 and a high quality credit market based interest rate.
The provision at December 31, 2023 amounted to 3,648 million euros (4,150 million euros at December 31, 2022).
The discount rate used for these provisions at December 31, 2023 was 3.08% with an average plans length of 3.18 years.
Sensitivity of the valuation
The table below shows the sensitivity of the value of termination, post-employment and other obligations, including the Individual Suspension Plans of Telefónica Group companies in Spain to changes in the discount rate:
-100 b.p.+100 b.p.
Impact on valueImpact on income statementImpact on valueImpact on  income statement
(171)(171)161 161 
A 100 b.p. increase in the discount rate would reduce the value of the liabilities by 161 million euros and have a positive impact on the income statement of 161 million euros before tax. On the other hand, a 100 b.p. decrease in the discount rate would increase the value of the liabilities by 171 million euros and have a negative impact on the income statement of 171 million euros before tax.
The Telefónica Group actively manages this position and has arranged a derivatives portfolio to significantly reduce the impact of changes in the discount rate (see Note 19).
b) Provisions for dismantling of assets
The movement of provision for dismantling of assets in 2023 and 2022 is as follows:
 Millions of euros
Dismantling of assets at December 31, 2021577 
Retirements/amount applied(41)
Translation differences and other(5)
Dismantling of assets at December 31, 2022528 
Retirements/amount applied(67)
Translation differences and other(30)
Dismantling of assets at December 31, 2023522 
The detail by segments of provision for dismantling of assets in 2023 and 2022 is as follows:
Millions of euros12/31/202312/31/2022
Telefónica Spain16 18 
Telefónica Germany354 323 
Telefónica Brazil76 71 
Telefónica Hispam76 116 
Total522 528 
c) Other provisions
The movement in “Other provisions” in 2023 and 2022 is as follows:
 Millions of euros
Other provisions at December 31, 20212,128 
Additions and accretion856 
Retirements/amount applied(646)
Business combinations226 
Translation differences and other73 
Other provisions at December 31, 20222,630 
Additions and accretion809 
Retirements/amount applied(805)
Translation differences and other(44)
Other provisions at December 31, 20232,574 
"Business combinations" in 2022 mainly corresponded to provisions related to the acquisition of mobiles assets of Oi (see Note 5).
The Group is exposed to risks of claims and litigation, mainly related to tax and regulatory proceedings, and labor and civil claims.
Given the nature of the risks covered by these provisions, no reliable schedule of potential payments, if any, can be determined.
Telefónica Brazil
Telefônica Brasil, S.A. and its subsidiaries are party to administrative and judicial proceedings and labor, tax and civil claims filed in different courts. The Telefónica Group management based on the opinion of its legal counsel, recognized provisions for proceedings for which an unfavorable outcome is considered likely.
The balance of these provisions at December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 is shown in the following table:
Millions of euros12/31/202312/31/2022
Tax proceedings515 446 
Regulatory proceedings329 336 
Labor claims130 97 
Civil proceedings229 214 
Amounts to be refunded to customers18 108 
Provision for fines for canceling lease agreements99 
Total1,229 1,300 
Additionally, Telefónica Brazil recognized contingent liabilities according to IFRS 3 generated on acquisition of the controlling interest of Vivo Participaçoes in 2011, GVT in 2015 and the mobile assets of Oi in 2022 (see Note 5). These contingent liabilities amounted to 187 million euros at December 31, 2023 (176 million euros at December 31, 2022).
In 2022, Complementary Law No. 194 was enacted in Brasil, leading to a reduction in the tax rate ICMS on communications services and the respective refund of these amounts to customers. The provision in Telefónica Brasil at December 31, 2023 amounted to 18 million euros (108 million euros at December 31, 2022).
"Provision for fines for canceling lease agreements" relates to the acquisition of Garliava, resulting from the sale or shutdown of sites (see Note 5).
The detail of provisions for tax proceedings by nature of risk is as follows:
Millions of euros12/31/202312/31/2022
Federal taxes149 140 
State taxes248 200 
Municipal taxes
FUST109 98 
Total515 446 
The breakdown of changes in provisions for tax proceedings in 2023 and 2022 is as follows:
Millions of euros
Balance at 12/31/2021340 
Movements with a counterparty in operating income31 
Write-offs due to payment(6)
Monetary updating37 
Translation differences44 
Balance at 12/31/2022446 
Movements with a counterparty in operating income16 
Write-offs due to payment(3)
Monetary updating38 
Translation differences18 
Balance at 12/31/2023515 
Group management and legal counsel understand that losses are possible from tax contingencies in federal, state, municipal and other taxes for an aggregated amount of 36,963 million Brazilian reals (6,909 million euros) as of December 31, 2023 (33,473 million Brazilian reals, 6,009 million euros as of December 31, 2022). The possible contingencies from the main income tax proceedings (federal tax) are described in Note 25.
Noteworthy state tax-related contingencies include the "ICMS" tax (see Note 25). Moreover, Telefónica Brazil presently has different open proceedings regarding the Fundo de Universalização de Serviços de Telecomunicações (FUST, refer to Note 29).
With regard to regulatory proceedings, Telefónica Brazil is party to administrative proceedings against Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL) based on an alleged failure to meet sector regulations and judicial proceedings to contest sanctions applied by ANATEL at the administrative level. Consolidated provisions totaled 1,761 million Brazilian reals (329 million euros) at December 31, 2023 (1,869 million Brazilian reals, 336 million euros at December 31, 2022). In addition, Group management and legal counsel understand that losses are possible from regulatory contingencies amounting to 6,765 million Brazilian reals (1,264 million euros) at December 31, 2023 (5,845 million Brazilian reals, 1,049 million euros at December 31, 2022), including the sanction for breaches of the Fixed Telephony Regulation (see Note 29.a).
In addition, Group management and legal counsel understand that losses are possible from civil proceedings, amounting to 398 million euros at December 31, 2023 (391 million euros at December 31, 2022).
In some situations, in connection with a legal requirement or presentation of guarantees, judicial deposits are made to secure the continuance of the claims under discussion. The judicial deposits by nature of risk at December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 are as follows:
Millions of euros12/31/202312/31/2022
Tax proceedings304 280 
Labor claims17 21 
Civil proceedings161 248 
Regulatory proceedings58 54 
Total544 607 
Current (see Note 15)14 106 
Non-current (see Note 12)531 501