Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number:    811-04930
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter:    Prudential Investment Portfolios 4
Address of principal executive offices:    655 Broad Street, 17th Floor
   Newark, New Jersey 07102
Name and address of agent for service:    Andrew R. French
   655 Broad Street, 17th Floor
   Newark, New Jersey 07102
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:    800-225-1852
Date of fiscal year end:    4/30/2019
Date of reporting period:    10/31/2018

Item 1 – Reports to Stockholders




(Formerly known as Prudential Muni High Income Fund)




OCTOBER 31, 2018




Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s annual and semi-annual shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports. Instead, the reports will be made available on the Fund’s website (www.pgiminvestments.com), and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically anytime by contacting your financial intermediary (such as a broker-dealer or bank) or, if you are a direct investor, by calling 1-800-225-1852 or by sending an e-mail request to PGIM Investments at shareholderreports@pgim.com.


Beginning on January 1, 2019, you may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you invest through a financial intermediary, you can contact your financial intermediary or follow instructions included with this notice to elect to continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-225-1852 or send an email request to shareholderreports@pgim.com to let the Fund know you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with the Fund.




To enroll in e-delivery, go to pgiminvestments.com/edelivery

Objective: Maximum amount of income that is eligible for exclusion from
federal income taxes






This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus.


The information about the Fund’s portfolio holdings is for the period covered by this report and is subject to change thereafter.


The accompanying financial statements as of October 31, 2018 were not audited and, accordingly, no auditor’s opinion is expressed on them.


Mutual funds are distributed by Prudential Investment Management Services LLC (PIMS), member SIPC. PGIM Fixed Income is a unit of PGIM, Inc. (PGIM), a registered investment adviser. PIMS and PGIM are Prudential Financial companies. © 2018 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities. PGIM and the PGIM logo are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.


2   Visit our website at pgiminvestments.com



The Board of Directors/Trustees for the Fund has approved the implementation of an automatic conversion feature for Class C shares, effective as of April 1, 2019. To reflect these changes, effective April 1, 2019, the section of the Fund’s Prospectus entitled “How to Buy, Sell and Exchange Fund Shares—How to Exchange Your Shares—Frequent Purchases and Redemptions of Fund Shares” is restated to read as follows:


This supplement should be read in conjunction with your Summary Prospectus, Statutory Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, be retained for future reference and is in addition to any existing Fund supplements.



In each Fund’s Statutory Prospectus, the following is added at the end of the section entitled “Fund Distributions And Tax Issues—If You Sell or Exchange Your Shares”:


Automatic Conversion of Class C Shares

The conversion of Class C shares into Class A shares—which happens automatically approximately 10 years after purchase—is not a taxable event for federal income tax purposes. For more information about the automatic conversion of Class C shares, see Class C Shares Automatically Convert to Class A Shares in How to Buy, Sell and Exchange Fund Shares.



In each Fund’s Statutory Prospectus, the following sentence is added at the end of the section entitled “How to Buy, Sell and Exchange Shares—Closure of Certain Share Classes to New Group Retirement Plans”:


Shareholders owning Class C shares may continue to hold their Class C shares until the shares automatically convert to Class A shares under the conversion schedule, or until the shareholder redeems their Class C shares.



In each Fund’s Statutory Prospectus, the following disclosure is added immediately following the section entitled “How to Buy, Sell and Exchange Shares—How to Buy Shares—Class B Shares Automatically Convert to Class A Shares”:


Class C Shares Automatically Convert to Class A Shares

Starting on or about April 1, 2019 (the “Effective Date”), Class C shares will be eligible for automatic conversion into Class A shares on a monthly basis approximately ten years after the original date of purchase (the “Conversion Date”). Conversion will take place based on the relative NAV of the two classes, without the imposition of any sales load, fee or other charge. All such automatic conversions of Class C shares will constitute tax-free exchanges for federal income tax purposes.


For shareholders investing in Class C shares through retirement plans or omnibus accounts, and in certain other instances, the Fund and its agents may not have


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     3  

transparency into how long a shareholder has held Class C shares for purposes of determining whether such Class C shares are eligible for automatic conversion into Class A shares, and the relevant financial intermediary may not have the ability to track purchases in order to credit individual shareholders’ holding periods. In these circumstances, the Fund will not be able to automatically convert Class C shares into Class A shares as described above. In order to determine eligibility for conversion in these circumstances, it is the responsibility of the financial intermediary to notify the Fund that the shareholder is eligible for the conversion of Class C shares to Class A shares, and the financial intermediary may be required to maintain and provide the Fund with records that substantiate the holding period of Class C shares. It is the financial intermediary’s (and not the Fund’s) responsibility to keep records of transactions made in accounts it holds and to ensure that the shareholder is credited with the proper holding period based on such records or those provided to the financial intermediary by the shareholder. Please consult with your financial intermediary for the applicability of this conversion feature to your shares.


A financial intermediary may sponsor and/or control accounts, programs or platforms that impose a different conversion schedule or different eligibility requirements for the exchange of Class C shares for Class A shares (see Appendix A: Waivers and Discounts Available From Certain Financial Intermediaries of the Prospectus). Please consult with your financial intermediary if you have any questions regarding your shares’ conversion from Class C shares to Class A shares.



In Part II of each Fund’s Statement of Additional Information, the following disclosure is added immediately following the section entitled “Purchase, Redemption and Pricing of Fund Shares—Share Classes—Automatic Conversion of Class B Shares”:


AUTOMATIC CONVERSION OF CLASS C SHARES. Starting on or about April 1, 2019 (the “Effective Date”), Class C shares will be eligible for automatic conversion into Class A shares on a monthly basis approximately ten years after the original date of purchase (the “Conversion Date”). Conversion will take place based on the relative NAV of the two classes, without the imposition of any sales load, fee or other charge. Class C shares of a Fund acquired through automatic reinvestment of dividends or distributions will convert to Class A shares of the Fund on the Conversion Date pro rata with the converting Class C shares of the Fund that were not acquired through reinvestment of dividends or distributions. All such automatic conversions of Class C shares will constitute tax-free exchanges for federal income tax purposes.


For shareholders investing in Class C shares through retirement plans or omnibus accounts, and in certain other instances, the Fund and its agents may not have transparency into how long a shareholder has held Class C shares for purposes of determining whether such Class C shares are eligible for automatic conversion into Class A shares, and the relevant financial intermediary may not have the ability to track purchases in order to credit individual shareholders’ holding periods. In these circumstances, the


4   Visit our website at pgiminvestments.com

Fund will not be able to automatically convert Class C shares into Class A shares as described above. In order to determine eligibility for conversion in these circumstances, it is the responsibility of the financial intermediary to notify the Fund that the shareholder is eligible for the conversion of Class C shares to Class A shares, and the financial intermediary may be required to maintain and provide the Fund with records that substantiate the holding period of Class C shares. It is the financial intermediary’s (and not the Fund’s) responsibility to keep records of transactions made in accounts it holds and to ensure that the shareholder is credited with the proper holding period based on such records or those provided to the financial intermediary by the shareholder. Please consult with your financial intermediary for the applicability of this conversion feature to your shares.


Class C shares were generally closed to investments by new group retirement plans effective June 1, 2018. Group retirement plans (and their successor, related and affiliated plans) that have Class C shares of the Fund available to participants on or before the Effective Date may continue to open accounts for new participants in such share class and purchase additional shares in existing participant accounts.


The Fund has no responsibility for monitoring or implementing a financial intermediary’s process for determining whether a shareholder meets the required holding period for conversion. A financial intermediary may sponsor and/or control accounts, programs or platforms that impose a different conversion schedule or different eligibility requirements for the exchange of Class C shares for Class A shares, as set forth on Appendix A: Waivers and Discounts Available From Certain Financial Intermediaries of the Prospectus. In these cases, Class C shareholders may have their shares exchanged for Class A shares under the policies of the financial intermediary. Financial intermediaries will be responsible for making such exchanges in those circumstances. Please consult with your financial intermediary if you have any questions regarding your shares’ conversion from Class C shares to Class A shares.




- Not part of the Semiannual Report -


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     5  

Table of Contents


Letter from the President


Your Fund’s Performance


Fees and Expenses


Holdings and Financial Statements



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Letter from the President




Dear Shareholder:


We hope you find the semiannual report for PGIM Muni High Income Fund informative and useful. The report covers performance for the six-month period ended October 31, 2018.


We have important information to share with you. Effective June 11, 2018, Prudential Mutual Funds were renamed PGIM Funds. This renaming is part of our ongoing effort to further build our reputation and establish our global brand, which began when our firm adopted PGIM Investments as its name in April 2017. Please note that only the Fund’s name has changed. Your Fund’s management and operation, along with its symbols, remained the same.*


Regarding your investments with PGIM, we believe it is important to maintain a diversified portfolio of funds consistent with your tolerance for risk, time horizon, and financial goals.


Your financial advisor can help you create a diversified investment plan that may include funds covering all the basic asset classes and that reflects your personal investor profile and risk tolerance. However, diversification and asset allocation strategies do not assure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets.


At PGIM Investments, we consider it a great privilege and responsibility to help investors participate in opportunities across global markets while meeting their toughest investment challenges. PGIM is a top-10 global investment manager with more than $1 trillion in assets under management. This investment expertise allows us to deliver actively managed funds and strategies to meet the needs of investors around the globe.


Thank you for choosing our family of funds.






Stuart S. Parker, President

PGIM Muni High Income Fund

December 14, 2018


*The Prudential Day One Funds did not change their names.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     7  

Your Fund’s Performance (unaudited)


Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate, so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the past performance data quoted. An investor may obtain performance data as of the most recent month-end by visiting our website at www.pgiminvestments.com or by calling (800) 225-1852.


    Total Returns as of 10/31/18
(without sales charges)
  Average Annual Total Returns as of 10/31/18
(with sales charges)
    Six Months* (%)   One Year (%)   Five Years (%)   Ten Years (%)   Since Inception (%)
Class A     0.22   –3.08   4.31   5.92  
Class B     0.14   –4.14   4.72   6.10  
Class C   –0.17   –0.78   4.37   5.62  
Class Z     0.43     1.29   5.44   6.64  
Class R6**     0.35     1.43   N/A   N/A   2.11 (6/27/17)
Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index
    0.46   –0.51   3.25   4.80  
Bloomberg Barclays Municipal High Yield Bond Index
    2.08     4.74   5.96   7.45  
Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index (50%) / Bloomberg Barclays Municipal High Yield Bond Index (50%)
    1.27     2.09   4.61   6.16  
Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Average
      0.74     1.74   5.35   6.48  


Source: PGIM Investments LLC and Lipper Inc.

*Not annualized

**Formerly known as Class Q shares.

Inception returns are provided for any share class that has less than 10 fiscal years of returns. Since Inception returns for the Indexes and the Lipper Average are measured from the closest month-end to the class’ inception date.


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The returns in the tables do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or following the redemption of Fund shares. The average annual total returns take into account applicable sales charges, which are described for each share class in the table below.


     Class A   Class B*   Class C   Class Z       Class R6**
Maximum initial sales charge   4.00% of the public offering price   None   None   None   None
Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) (as a percentage of the lower of original purchase price or net asset value at redemption)   1.00% on sales of $1 million or more made within 12 months of purchase   5.00% (Yr. 1) 4.00% (Yr. 2) 3.00% (Yr. 3) 2.00% (Yr. 4) 1.00% (Yr. 5/6) 0.00% (Yr. 7)   1.00% on sales made within 12 months of purchase   None   None
Annual distribution and service (12b-1) fees (shown as a percentage of average daily net assets)   0.25%   0.50%   1.00%   None   None


*Class B shares are closed to all purchase activity and no additional Class B shares may be purchased or acquired except by exchange from Class B shares of another Fund or through dividend or capital gains reinvestment.

**Formerly known as Class Q shares.


Benchmark Definitions


Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index—The Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged index of long-term investment-grade municipal bonds. It gives a broad look at how long-term investment-grade municipal bonds have performed. The average annual total return for the Index measured from the month-end closest to the inception date of the Fund’s Class R6 shares is 0.59%.


Bloomberg Barclays Municipal High Yield Bond Index—The Bloomberg Barclays Municipal High Yield Bond Index is an unmanaged index of non-rated or Ba1 or below-rated municipal bonds. It gives a broad look at how non-investment-grade municipal bonds have performed. The average annual total return for the Index measured from the month-end closest to the inception date of the Fund’s Class R6 shares is 4.91%.


Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index (50%) / Bloomberg Barclays Municipal High Yield Bond Index (50%)—This is a custom blend of the Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index (50%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Municipal High Yield Bond Index (50%). The average annual total return for the Index measured from the month-end closest to the inception date of the Fund’s Class R6 shares is 2.73%.


Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Average—The Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds Average (Lipper Average) is based on the average return of all funds in the Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds universe for the periods noted. Funds in the Lipper Average invest at least 50% of their assets in lower-rated municipal debt issues. The average annual total return for the Lipper Average measured from the month-end closest to the inception date of the Fund’s Class R6 shares is 2.55%.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     9  

Your Fund’s Performance (continued)



Investors cannot invest directly in an index or average. The returns for the indexes would be lower if they included the effects of sales charges, operating expenses of a mutual fund, or taxes. Returns for the Lipper Average reflect the deduction of operating expenses of a mutual fund, but not sales charges or taxes.


Distributions and Yields as of 10/31/18        
Paid for
Six Months ($)
  SEC 30-Day
Yield* (%)
  Taxable Equivalent
30-Day Subsidized
Yield*** at Federal Tax Rates of
  SEC 30-Day
Yield** (%)
  Taxable Equivalent
30-Day Unsubsidized
Yield*** at Federal
Tax Rates  of
  37.0 (%)   40.8 (%)   37.0 (%)   40.8 (%)
Class A   0.19   3.03   4.81   5.12   3.03   4.81   5.12
Class B   0.18   2.80   4.44   4.73   2.80   4.44   4.73
Class C   0.16   2.40   3.81   4.05   2.40   3.81   4.05
Class Z   0.21   3.39   5.38   5.73   3.39   5.38   5.73
Class R6****   0.21   3.42   5.43   5.78   3.15   5.00   5.32


*SEC 30-Day Subsidized Yield (%)—A standardized yield calculation created by the Securities and Exchange Commission, it reflects the income earned during a 30-day period, after the deduction of the Fund’s net expenses (net of any expense waivers or reimbursements).

**SEC 30-Day Unsubsidized Yield (%)—A standardized yield calculation created by the Securities and Exchange Commission, it reflects the income earned during a 30-day period, after the deduction of the Fund’s gross expenses. The investor experience is represented by the SEC 30-Day Subsidized Yield.

***Some investors may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT) and/or state and local taxes. Taxable equivalent yields reflect federal taxes only. The taxable equivalent yield is the yield an investor would have to earn on a taxable investment in order to equal the yield provided by a tax-exempt municipal bond. The taxable equivalent yields presented in the table use the highest marginal federal individual income tax rate (37.0%) and the highest marginal federal individual income tax rate plus the 3.8% net investment income tax (40.8%). Some investors may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT) and/or state and local taxes.

****Formerly known as Class Q shares.


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Credit Quality expressed as a percentage of total investments as of 10/31/18 (%)  
AAA     6.6  
AA     9.1  
A     22.3  
BBB     31.8  
BB     9.7  
B     6.3  
CCC     0.2  
CC     0.3  
Not Rated     13.9  
Cash/Cash Equivalents     –0.3  
Total Investments     100.0  


Source: PGIM Fixed Income

Credit ratings reflect the highest rating assigned by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO) such as Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s), S&P Global Ratings (S&P), or Fitch, Inc. (Fitch). Credit ratings reflect the common nomenclature used by both S&P and Fitch. Where applicable, ratings are converted to the comparable S&P/Fitch rating tier nomenclature. These rating agencies are independent and are widely used. The Not Rated category consists of securities that have not been rated by a NRSRO. Credit ratings are subject to change. Values may not sum to 100.0% due to rounding.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     11  

Fees and Expenses (unaudited)


As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and redemptions, as applicable, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other Fund expenses, as applicable. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in each Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.


The example is based on an investment of $1,000 held through the six-month period ended October 31, 2018. The example is for illustrative purposes only; you should consult the Prospectus for information on initial and subsequent minimum investment requirements.


Actual Expenses

The first line for each share class in the table on the following page provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information on this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value ÷ $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number on the first line under the heading “Expenses Paid During the Six-Month Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second line for each share class in the table on the following page provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.


The Fund’s transfer agent may charge additional fees to holders of certain accounts that are not included in the expenses shown in the table on the following page. These fees apply to individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Section 403(b) accounts. As of the close of the six-month period covered by the table, IRA fees included an annual maintenance fee of $15 per account (subject to a maximum annual maintenance fee of $25 for all accounts held by the same shareholder). Section 403(b) accounts are charged an annual $25 fiduciary maintenance fee. Some of the fees may vary in amount, or may be waived, based on your total account balance or the number of PGIM funds, including the Fund, that you own. You should consider the additional fees that were charged to your Fund account over the six-month period when you estimate the total ongoing expenses paid over the period


12   Visit our website at pgiminvestments.com

and the impact of these fees on your ending account value, as these additional expenses are not reflected in the information provided in the expense table. Additional fees have the effect of reducing investment returns.


Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line for each share class in the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


PGIM Muni High
Income Fund
  Beginning Account
May 1, 2018
    Ending Account
October 31, 2018
Expense Ratio
Based on the
Six-Month Period
    Expenses Paid
During  the
Six-Month Period*
Class A   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,002.20       0.85   $ 4.29  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.92       0.85   $ 4.33  
Class B   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,001.40       1.20   $ 6.05  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,019.16       1.20   $ 6.11  
Class C   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 998.30       1.61   $ 8.11  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,017.09       1.61   $ 8.19  
Class Z   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,004.30       0.62   $ 3.13  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,022.08       0.62   $ 3.16  
Class R6**   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,003.50       0.60   $ 3.03  
    Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,022.18       0.60   $ 3.06  


*Fund expenses (net of fee waivers or subsidies, if any) for each share class are equal to the annualized expense ratio for each share class (provided in the table), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the 184 days in the six-month period ended October 31, 2018, and divided by the 365 days in the Fund's fiscal year ending April 30, 2019 (to reflect the six-month period). Expenses presented in the table include the expenses of any underlying portfolios in which the Fund may invest.

**Formerly known as Class Q shares.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     13  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited)

as of October 31, 2018



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Alabama    1.1%


Jefferson Cnty. Sewer Rev.,


Sr. Lien, Warrants, Ser. A, AGM, Rfdg.

    5.000     10/01/44       500     $ 534,495  

Sr. Lien, Warrants, Ser. A, AGM, Rfdg.

    5.250       10/01/48       500       539,340  

Lower Alabama Gas Dist. Rev.,
Ser. A

    5.000       09/01/46       4,500       5,039,550  

Selma Indl. Dev. Brd. Rev.,


Gulf Opp. Zone, Intl. Paper Co., Ser. A

    5.800       05/01/34       1,000       1,050,620  

Gulf Opp. Zone, Intl. Paper Co., Ser. A

    6.250       11/01/33       1,750       1,819,353  







Arizona    4.0%


Arizona Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


Basis Schs. Proj., Ser. A, Rfgd., 144A

    5.375       07/01/50       1,000       1,015,290  

Basis Schs. Proj., Ser. D, Rfgd., 144A

    5.000       07/01/51       1,015       992,548  

Maricopa Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


Horizon Cmnty. Learning Ctr., Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/35       2,000       2,027,820  

Paradise Schs. Projs. Parago, Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       07/01/47       1,000       1,008,800  

Reid Traditional Schs. Projs.

    5.000       07/01/47       1,000       1,015,170  

Maricopa Cnty. Poll. Ctrl. Corp. Rev.,
El Paso Elec. Co. Proj., Ser. B, Rfdg.

    7.250       04/01/40       1,500       1,531,935  

Phoenix City Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


Basis Schs. Projs., Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       07/01/45       1,000       997,010  

Basis Schs. Projs., Ser. A, Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       07/01/46       1,000       995,480  

Great Hearts Academies Proj.

    5.000       07/01/44       2,250       2,315,768  

Pima Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Tucson Elec. Pwr. Co. Proj., Rfdg.

    4.000       09/01/29       3,000       3,093,780  

Salt Verde Fin. Corp. Gas Rev.,


Sr. Bonds

    5.000       12/01/32       4,890       5,542,326  

Sr. Bonds

    5.000       12/01/37       9,705       11,005,276  

Tempe Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Friendship Vlg., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    6.250       12/01/42       1,000       1,055,360  







California    9.7%


ABAG Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corp. Rev.,
Episcopal Sr. Cmnty., Rfdg.

    6.125       07/01/41       775       831,172  

California Cnty. Tob. Secur. Agcy. Rev.,


Conv., CABS

    5.250 (cc)      06/01/21       2,220       2,226,616  

Conv., CABS

    5.450 (cc)      06/01/28       4,500       4,513,275  

Conv., CABS, Ser. B

    5.100 (cc)      06/01/28       1,750       1,750,455  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     15  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

California (cont’d.)


California Hlth. Facs. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


St. Joseph Hlth. Sys., Ser. A

    5.750     07/01/39       1,770     $  1,814,569  

Stanford Hosp., Ser. A-3, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 11/15/21)(ee)

    5.500       11/15/40       750       827,415  

California Mun. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


American Heritage Ed., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       06/01/46       750       784,125  

River Chrt. Schs., Ser. A, 144A

    5.500       06/01/48       750       770,055  

California Poll. Ctrl. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Green Bond, Calplant I Proj., AMT, 144A

    8.000       07/01/39       2,750       2,909,527  

Wtr. Facs., Amer. Wtr. Cap. Corp. Proj., 144A

    5.250       08/01/40       500       523,255  

California St.,


GO, Var. Purp.

    5.500       11/01/39       1,000       1,034,290  

GO, Var. Purp.

    6.000       11/01/39       1,500       1,557,735  

GO, Var. Purp., Unrefunded

    6.000       04/01/38       2,265       2,301,897  

California St. Pub. Wks. Brd. Lease Rev.,
Judicial Council Proj., Ser. D

    5.000       12/01/31       1,000       1,078,600  

California St. Sch. Fin. Auth. Chrt. Sch. Rev.,


Alliance Clg.-Ready Pub. Schs., Ser. A, 144A

    5.000       07/01/45       750       778,778  

Alliance Clg.-Ready Pub. Schs., Ser. A, Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       07/01/51       1,000       1,031,940  

Kipp LA Proj., Ser. A, 144A

    5.000       07/01/45       650       686,491  

Kipp LA Proj., Ser. A, 144A

    5.000       07/01/47       820       876,400  

California Statewide Cmntys. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


899 Charleston Proj., Ser. A, Rfdg., 144A

    5.250       11/01/44       750       778,882  

Cottage Hlth. Oblig. Grp., Rfdg.

    5.000       11/01/40       2,000       2,076,200  

Loma Linda Univ. Med. Ctr., Ser. A

    5.250       12/01/44       1,000       1,045,420  

Loma Linda Univ. Med. Ctr., Ser. A, 144A

    5.000       12/01/46       5,000       5,084,950  

Loma Linda Univ. Med. Ctr., Ser. A, 144A

    5.250       12/01/56       3,500       3,612,420  

Loma Linda Univ. Med. Ctr., Ser. A, 144A

    5.500       12/01/58       1,000       1,049,300  

Sr. Living Southn. Calif. Presbyterian Homes, 144A

    7.250       11/15/41       500       523,240  

Fontana Spl. Tax Cmnty. Facs.,
Dist. 22, Sierra Hills, Rfdg.

    5.000       09/01/34       500       532,975  

Golden St. Tob. Secur. Corp., Tob. Settlement Rev.,


Asset Bkd., 1st Sub., Ser. B, CABS

    6.430 (t)      06/01/47       10,000       1,638,500  

Asset Bkd., Sr., Ser. A-2, CABS

    5.300 (cc)      06/01/37       5,000       5,111,300  

Ser. A-1, Rfdg.

    5.000       06/01/47       3,525       3,432,292  

Ser. A-1, Rfdg.

    5.250       06/01/47       500       502,730  

Ser. A-2, Rfdg.

    5.000       06/01/47       2,000       1,947,400  

Inland Valley Dev. Agcy. Tax Alloc.,


Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       09/01/44       1,000       1,066,810  

Lincoln Pub. Fing., Auth. Spl. Assmt.,


Twelve Bridges, Sub., Ser. B

    6.000       09/02/27       1,000       1,069,050  

Long Beach Bond Fin. Auth. Nat. Gas Pur. Rev.,


Ser. A

    5.000       11/15/35       3,510       4,058,648  

Ser. A

    5.500       11/15/37       685       837,556  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

California (cont’d.)


M-S-R Energy Auth. Calif. Rev.,


Ser. A

    6.500     11/01/39       2,060     $ 2,751,583  

Ser. A

    7.000       11/01/34       1,650       2,252,118  

Palomar Pomerado Healthcare Dist. Calif.,
COP (Pre-refunded 11/01/20)(ee)

    6.000       11/01/41       1,800       1,943,226  

Port of Oakland Rev.,
Ser. O, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.125       05/01/31       1,000       1,057,930  

Riverside Cnty. Pub. Fing. Auth. Rev.,
Capital Facs. Proj.

    5.250       11/01/45       1,000       1,130,280  

Riverside Cnty. Redev. Agcy. Tax. Alloc. Intst. 215 Corridor,
Ser. E (Pre-refunded 10/01/20)(ee)

    6.500       10/01/40       2,000       2,172,860  

San Buenaventura Rev.,


Cmnty. Mem. Hlth. Sys.

    7.500       12/01/41       1,000       1,092,870  

Cmnty. Mem. Hlth. Sys.

    8.000       12/01/26       500       569,225  

San Francisco City & Cnty. Arpt. Comm. Rev.,
Ser. C, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       05/01/25       1,000       1,059,160  

Santa Margarita Wtr. Dist. Spl. Tax Cmty. Facs.,
Ser. 2013-1, Vlg. of Sendero

    5.625       09/01/36       675       722,250  

South Bayside Wste. Mgmt. Auth., Sol. Wste. Enterprise Rev.,
Shoreway Environmental, Ser. A

    6.000       09/01/36       500       515,490  

Tob. Secur. Auth. Northern Calif. Rev.,
Asset Bkd. Bonds, Ser. A-1

    4.750       06/01/23       3,265       3,282,109  







Colorado    2.9%


City & Cnty. of Denver Arpt. Sys. Rev.,
Sub. Sys., Ser. A, AMT, Rfdg.

    4.000       12/01/48       2,000       1,899,220  

City & Cnty. of Denver Rev.,
United Airlines Inc. Proj., AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       10/01/32       500       524,820  

Colorado Bridge Enterprise Rev.,
Central 70 Proj., AMT

    4.000       06/30/51       1,500       1,377,030  

Colorado Edl. & Cultural Facs. Auth. Rev.,


Impt., Chrt. Sch. Univ. LA, Rfdg.

    5.000       12/15/45       1,000       1,022,170  

Lighthouse Bldg. Corp., Rfdg.

    5.000       11/01/44       885       846,564  

Rfdg. & Impt., Chrt. Sch. Skyview Academy Proj., 144A

    5.375       07/01/44       1,350       1,358,735  

Windsor Chrt. Sch., Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       09/01/46       1,390       1,304,598  

Colorado High Performance Transn. Enterprise Rev.,
C-470 Express Lanes

    5.000       12/31/56       1,000       1,051,870  

Colorado Hlth. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Adventist Hlth. Sys./Sunbelt, Ser. A

    4.000       11/15/48       1,500       1,469,130  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     17  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Colorado (cont’d.)


Colorado Hlth. Facs. Auth. Rev., (cont’d.)


Christian Living Cmntys. Proj., Rfdg.

    5.250     01/01/37       550     $ 561,352  

Covenant Retirement Cmntys., Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/35       1,250       1,315,000  

Vail Valley Med. Ctr. Proj.

    4.000       01/15/45       2,500       2,390,250  

E-470 Pub. Hwy. Auth. Rev.,
Ser. C, Rfdg.

    5.375       09/01/26       1,000       1,054,780  

Park Creek Met. Dist. Ltd. Ppty. Tax Alloc.,
Sr. Lmt. Prop. TA., Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/45       1,500       1,581,240  

Plaza Co. Met. Dist. 1 Tax Alloc.,
Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       12/01/40       1,000       1,018,040  

Pub. Auth. Energy Nat. Gas Pur. Rev.,

    6.500       11/15/38       4,045       5,309,912  







Connecticut    0.7%


Connecticut St. Hlth. & Edl. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Western Conn. Hlth., Ser. M

    5.375       07/01/41       1,250       1,318,838  

Harbor Point Infrastructure Impt. Dist. Tax Alloc.,


Harbor Point Proj. Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       04/01/39       2,000       2,062,260  

Harbor Point Proj., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 04/01/20)(ee)

    7.875       04/01/39       2,000       2,157,680  







Delaware    0.4%


Delaware St. Econ. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


Aspira Chrt. Sch., Ser. A

    5.000       06/01/46       1,000       951,170  

Newark Chrt. Sch., Inc., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       09/01/46       500       520,670  

Delaware St. Hlth. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Nanticoke Mem. Hosp., Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/32       1,375       1,440,656  







District of Columbia    1.2%


Dist. of Columbia, Rev.,


Friendship Pub. Chrt. Sch.

    5.000       06/01/42       3,500       3,599,925  

Gallaudet Univ.

    5.500       04/01/34       400       425,800  

Kipp Chrt. Sch., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 07/01/23)(ee)

    6.000       07/01/43       850       985,039  

Kipp Chrt. Sch., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 07/01/23)(ee)

    6.000       07/01/48       725       840,181  

Kipp DC Iss., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/48       1,250       1,324,375  

Metropolitan Washington D.C. Arpt. Auth. Sys. Rev.,
Dulles Toll Rd., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       10/01/53       2,500       2,607,325  








See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Florida    8.6%


Boggy Creek Impt. Dist. Spl. Assmt.,
Ser. 2013, Rfdg.

    5.125     05/01/43       2,695     $  2,662,202  

Broward Cnty. Sys. Arpt. Rev.,
Ser. A, AMT

    5.250       10/01/43       1,500       1,627,380  

Capital Tr. Agcy. Rev.,
Air Cargo, Aero Miami FX LLC, Sr. Lien, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.350       07/01/29       1,915       1,961,688  

Celebration Pointe CDD 1 Spl. Assmt.,
Alachua Cnty., 144A

    5.000       05/01/48       1,000       1,000,680  

Citizens Ppty. Ins. Corp. Rev.,
Sr. Sec’d., Ser. A-1

    5.000       06/01/22       1,000       1,088,680  

Cityplace CDD Spl. Assmt.,

    5.000       05/01/26       1,000       1,087,720  

Davie Edl. Facs. Rev.,


Nova Southeastern Univ. Proj., Ser. A

    5.625       04/01/43       500       543,945  

Nova Southeastern Univ. Proj., Ser. A

    6.000       04/01/42       1,000       1,108,290  

Florida Dev. Fin. Corp. Edl. Facs. Rev.,


Bay Area Chrt. Fndtn., Ser. A

    7.750       06/15/42       2,000       2,103,020  

Renaissance Chrt. Sch., Ser. A

    6.000       09/15/40       1,750       1,803,725  

Florida Dev. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Brightline Psngr. Rail, AMT, 144A, (Mandatory put date 01/01/28)

    5.625       01/01/47       2,000       2,066,980  

Florida Higher Edl. Facs. Fin. Auth. Rev.,
Ringling Clg. Proj.

    5.000       03/01/47       2,500       2,614,175  

Greater Orlando Aviation Auth. Orlando Arpt. Facs. Rev.,


Priority, Sub-Ser. A, AMT

    4.000       10/01/52       3,350       3,076,305  

Spl. Purp. - JetBlue Airways Corp. Proj., AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       11/15/26       500       528,620  

Spl. Purp. - JetBlue Airways Corp. Proj., AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       11/15/36       4,700       4,865,534  

Indigo Cmnty. Dev. Dist. Spl. Assmt.,
(original cost $820,000; purchased 02/16/05)^(d)(f)

    5.750       05/01/36       820       483,800  

Jacksonville Econ. Dev. Rev.,
Gerdau Ameristeel U.S., Inc., AMT

    5.300       05/01/37       3,000       3,000,240  

Lakewood Ranch Stewardship Dist., Spl. Assmt.,


Lakewood Centre North Proj.

    4.875       05/01/45       1,000       961,880  

Lakewood Nat’l. & Polo Run Projs.

    4.625       05/01/27       500       507,500  

Lakewood Nat’l. & Polo Run Projs.

    5.375       05/01/47       1,000       1,018,080  

Vlg. Lakewood Ranch S. Proj.

    4.250       05/01/26       250       248,890  

Vlg. Lakewood Ranch S. Proj.

    5.125       05/01/46       1,500       1,475,010  

Martin Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


Indiantown Cogeneration Proj., AMT, Rfdg., 144A

    3.950       12/15/21       1,750       1,783,547  

Indiantown Cogeneration Proj., AMT, Rfdg., 144A

    4.200       12/15/25       1,000       1,013,730  

Midtown Miami Cmnty. Dev. Dist. Spl. Assmt.,
Pkg. Garage Proj., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       05/01/37       1,980       2,041,024  

North Sumter Cnty. Util. Dependent Dist.,
Solid Wste. Rev.

    5.000       10/01/42       2,000       2,082,760  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     19  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Florida (cont’d.)


North Sumter Cnty. Util. Dependent Dist., (cont’d.)
Util. Rev.

    5.750     10/01/43       1,500     $ 1,591,965  

Palm Beach Hlth. Facs. Auth. Rev.,


BRRH Corp. Oblig. Grp., Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/31       500       532,565  

Sinai Residences Boca Raton Proj., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    7.500       06/01/49       1,000       1,128,690  

Sarasota Cnty. Pub. Hosp. Dist. Rev.,
Sarasota Mem. Hosp.

    4.000       07/01/48       3,000       2,878,980  

South Lake Cnty. Hosp. Dist. Rev.,


South Lake Hosp., Rfdg.

    5.250       10/01/34       1,250       1,296,012  

South Lake Hosp., Ser. A

    6.250       04/01/39       1,910       1,935,021  

South Miami Hlth. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Baptist Hlth. South Florida, Rfdg.

    5.000       08/15/47       1,000       1,088,870  

St. Johns Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Presbyterian Retirement, Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 08/01/20)(ee)

    6.000       08/01/45       1,000       1,063,860  

St. Petersburg Hlth. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
All Children’s Hosp., Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 11/15/19)(ee)

    6.500       11/15/39       1,500       1,567,755  

Tallahassee Hlth. Facs. Mem. Rev.,
Ser. A

    5.000       12/01/55       1,000       1,037,980  

Village CDD No. 7,
Fla. Spl. Assmt., Rfdg.

    4.000       05/01/36       1,930       1,875,516  

Village CDD No. 8,
Fla. Spl. Assmt., Phase II, Rfdg.

    6.125       05/01/39       2,115       2,222,823  

Village CDD No. 9,


Fla. Spl. Assmt.

    7.000       05/01/41       760       846,602  

Fla. Spl. Assmt., Rfdg.

    5.500       05/01/42       2,095       2,204,296  

Village CDD No.10,


Fla. Spl. Assmt.

    5.125       05/01/43       1,070       1,153,439  

Fla. Spl. Assmt.

    6.000       05/01/44       900       1,014,012  

Village CDD No.11,
Fla. Spl. Assmt.

    4.500       05/01/45       1,425       1,438,865  

Village CDD No.12,
Fla. Spl. Assmt., 144A

    4.250       05/01/43       2,900       2,837,302  







Georgia    1.0%


Atlanta Arpt. Rev.,
Gen., Ser. B, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       01/01/30       500       523,780  

Burke Cnty. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Oglethorpe Pwr. Corp.-Vogtle Proj., Ser. D, Rfdg.

    4.125       11/01/45       2,000       1,848,160  

Clayton Cnty. Dev. Auth. Spl. Facs. Rev.,
Delta Air Lines, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    8.750       06/01/29       2,000       2,177,440  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Georgia (cont’d.)


Henry Cnty. Wtr. & Swr. Auth. Rev.,

    6.150     02/01/20       750     $ 772,725  

Priv. Colleges & Univs. Auth. Rev.,
Savannah Clg. Art & Design Proj.

    5.000       04/01/44       1,500       1,579,785  

Rockdale Cnty. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Pratt Paper LLC Proj., AMT, Rfdg., 144A

    4.000       01/01/38       1,000       949,770  







Hawaii    0.8%


Hawaii Pac. Hlth. Rev.,


Spl. Purp., Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 07/01/20)(ee)

    5.500       07/01/40       1,000       1,054,600  

Spl. Purp., Ser. B (Pre-refunded 07/01/20)(ee)

    5.750       07/01/40       500       529,335  

Hawaii St. Dept. Budget & Fin.,


Spl. Purp. Rev., 15 Craigside Proj., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 11/15/19)(ee)

    9.000       11/15/44       1,000       1,070,550  

Spl. Purp. Rev., Hawaii Pacific Hlth. Oblig., Ser. A

    5.500       07/01/43       2,500       2,727,925  

Spl. Purp. Rev., Hawaiian Elec. Co.

    6.500       07/01/39       1,000       1,026,470  







Idaho    0.1%


Idaho Hlth. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
St. Luke’s Hlth. Sys. Proj., Ser. A

    6.750       11/01/37       1,000       1,000,000  




Illinois    12.1%


Chicago Brd. of Edu.,


GO, Ser. A

    5.500       12/01/39       535       543,287  

GO, Ser. A, 144A

    7.000       12/01/46       1,500       1,747,725  

GO, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/35       500       504,710  

GO, Ser. A., Rfdg.

    7.000       12/01/44       3,190       3,608,943  

GO, Ser. H

    5.000       12/01/46       1,000       999,940  

Spl. Tax

    6.000       04/01/46       1,500       1,710,765  

Chicago O’Hare Int’l. Arpt. Rev.,


Gen., Sr. Lien, Ser. D, AMT

    5.000       01/01/52       1,000       1,052,630  

Gen., Third Lien, Ser. C (Pre-refunded 01/01/21)(ee)

    6.500       01/01/41       1,000       1,090,790  

Gen., Third Lien, Ser. C, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.375       01/01/39       1,500       1,613,445  

Ser. C, AMT, Rfdg.

    4.375       01/01/40       2,000       2,002,580  

Sr. Lien, Ser. G, AMT

    5.000       01/01/52       1,000       1,052,630  

Trips Oblig. Grp., AMT

    5.000       07/01/48       1,000       1,056,440  

Chicago Transit Auth. Rev.,
Second Lien

    5.000       12/01/46       5,000       5,222,700  

Chicago Wstwtr. Transmn. Rev.,
Second Lien, Ser. C, Rmkt., Rfdg.

    5.000       01/01/39       3,355       3,542,142  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     21  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Illinois (cont’d.)


Chicago, IL,


GO, Ser. 2003 B, Rmkt., Rfdg.

    5.000     01/01/23       750     $ 792,608  

GO, Ser. 2005 D, Rmkt., Rfdg.

    5.500       01/01/37       5,790       6,091,891  

GO, Ser. 2007 E, Rmkt., Rfdg.

    5.500       01/01/35       3,000       3,168,000  

GO, Ser. A

    5.500       01/01/39       1,865       1,957,131  

GO, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       01/01/34       3,600       3,698,604  

GO, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    6.000       01/01/38       2,500       2,773,500  

GO, Ser. C, Rfdg.

    5.000       01/01/26       1,000       1,069,410  

GO, Ser. C, Rfdg.

    5.000       01/01/38       2,500       2,560,300  

Illinois Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Field Museum of Natural History, Rmkt.

    4.450       11/01/36       1,000       1,011,090  

Impt., Chicago Intl., Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/47       1,000       1,010,140  

Presence Health Netw., Ser. C, Rfdg.

    4.000       02/15/41       6,000       5,768,280  

Provena Hlth., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 08/15/19)(ee)

    7.750       08/15/34       10       10,441  

Swedish Covenant, Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 02/15/20)(ee)

    6.000       08/15/38       1,500       1,569,870  

Illinois St.,



    4.000       06/01/36       3,000       2,645,280  


    5.000       04/01/31       2,000       2,035,960  


    5.000       01/01/32       1,335       1,353,356  


    5.000       05/01/33       950       965,048  


    5.000       03/01/36       1,800       1,822,446  


    5.000       05/01/36       2,000       2,018,160  


    5.000       02/01/39       2,215       2,228,024  


    5.000       05/01/39       1,000       1,004,290  


    5.250       07/01/31       1,000       1,040,130  

GO, Rfdg.

    5.000       08/01/25       1,000       1,032,310  

GO, Ser. A

    5.000       01/01/33       2,000       2,029,060  

GO, Ser. A

    5.000       01/01/34       1,600       1,622,784  

GO, Ser. A

    5.000       12/01/35       2,000       2,029,080  

GO, Ser. A

    5.000       12/01/42       2,500       2,508,950  

GO, Ser. D

    5.000       11/01/26       2,500       2,596,800  

GO, Ser. D

    5.000       11/01/27       2,500       2,593,525  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Auth. Rev.,
McCormick Place Expnsn. Proj.

    5.000       06/15/57       1,000       1,027,220  

Railsplitter Tob. Settlement Auth. Rev.,
(Pre-refunded 06/01/21)(ee)

    6.000       06/01/28       2,250       2,457,382  

Regl. Transn. Auth. Rev.,


Ser. A

    4.000       06/01/38       4,015       4,038,407  

Ser. A

    4.000       06/01/39       3,015       3,026,668  

Springfield Elec. Rev.,
Sr. Lien, Rfdg., AGM

    4.000       03/01/40       1,500       1,466,205  








See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Indiana    0.7%


Indiana St. Fin. Auth. Rev.,
Drexel Fndtn. Edl. Facs. Proj., Ser. A

    7.000     10/01/39       1,000     $  1,004,900  

Indianapolis Loc. Pub. Impt. Bank Rev.,
Wtrwks Proj., Ser. A

    5.750       01/01/38       815       820,012  

Valparaiso Rev.,


Pratt Paper LLC Proj., AMT

    5.875       01/01/24       800       874,416  

Pratt Paper LLC Proj., AMT

    7.000       01/01/44       1,500       1,721,520  

Vigo Cnty. Hosp. Auth. Rev.,
Union Hosp., Inc. (Pre-refunded 09/01/21)(ee)

    7.750       09/01/31       1,500       1,721,820  







Iowa    0.7%


Iowa St. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Midwstrn. Disaster Area, Iowa Fertilizer Co. Proj., Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/19       420       428,812  

Midwstrn. Disaster Area, Iowa Fertilizer Co. Proj., Rfdg.

    5.500       12/01/22       5,600       5,610,640  







Kansas    0.2%


Kansas St. Dev. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Adventist Hlth. Sys./Sunbelt, Ser. C, Rfdg.


(Pre-refunded 11/15/19)(ee)

    5.750       11/15/38       20       20,721  

Adventist Hlth. Sys./Sunbelt, Ser. C, Rfdg.


(Pre-refunded 11/15/19)(ee)

    5.750       11/15/38       980       1,017,387  

Wyandotte Cnty.-Kansas City Unified Govt. Rev.,
Legends Apts. Garage & West Lawn Proj.

    4.500       06/01/40       1,000       981,010  







Kentucky    0.4%


Kentucky Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth. Hosp. Facs. Rev.,
Baptist Healthcare Sys., Ser. B

    5.000       08/15/46       2,000       2,077,660  

Owen Cnty. Wtrwks. Sys. Rev.,


Amern. Wtr. Co. Proj., Ser. A

    6.250       06/01/39       500       512,020  

Amern. Wtr. Co. Proj., Ser. B

    5.625       09/01/39       500       513,415  







Louisiana    0.8%


Louisiana Loc. Govt. Envir. Facs. & Cmnty. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Westlake Chem. Corp., Ser. A-2

    6.500       11/01/35       1,000       1,072,190  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     23  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Louisiana (cont’d.)


Louisiana Loc. Govt. Envir. Facs. & Cmnty. Dev. Auth. Rev., (cont’d.)
Woman’s Hosp. Fndtn., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 10/01/20)(ee)

    6.000     10/01/44       2,000     $ 2,141,240  

Louisiana Pub. Facs. Auth. Rev.,


Ochsner Clinic Fndtn. Proj., Rfdg.

    5.000       05/15/47       1,000       1,051,130  

Provident Group-Flagship Pptys., Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/57       1,000       1,042,050  

New Orleans Sewerage Serv. Rev.,








Maine    0.3%


Maine St. Hlth. & Higher Edl. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Maine General Med. Ctr.

    7.500       07/01/32       2,000       2,182,460  




Maryland    1.5%


Frederick Cnty. Spl. Oblig. Rev.,
Jefferson Tech. Park, Ser. B, 144A

    7.125       07/01/43       1,990       2,107,828  

Frederick Cnty. Spl. Oblig. Tax,
Sub. Urbana Cmnty. Dev. Auth., Ser. B

    5.500       07/01/40       4,395       4,542,145  

Howard Cnty. Tax Alloc.,
Annapolis Junction Twn. Ctr. Proj.

    6.100       02/15/44       1,420       1,435,151  

Maryland Econ. Dev. Corp., Poll. Ctrl. Rev.,


Potomac Elect. Pwr. Co., Rfdg.

    6.200       09/01/22       1,000       1,013,250  

Transn. Facs. Proj., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       06/01/35       1,000       1,085,540  

Maryland St. Hlth. & Higher Edl. Facs. Auth. Rev.,


Charlestown Cmnty., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 01/01/21)(ee)

    6.250       01/01/41       1,500       1,623,660  

Lifebridge Hlth. (Pre-refunded 07/01/21)(ee)

    6.000       07/01/41       600       656,208  







Massachusetts    1.1%


Massachusetts St. Dev. Fin. Agcy. Rev.,


SABIS Intl. Chrt. Sch., Rfdg.

    5.000       04/15/40       1,250       1,295,975  

Tufts Med. Ctr., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 01/01/21)(ee)

    7.250       01/01/32       1,200       1,325,436  

Tufts Med. Ctr., Ser. I, Unrefunded, Rfdg.

    7.250       01/01/32       800       878,808  

UMass Mem. Healthcare, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/38       2,130       2,272,412  

Massachusetts St. Port Auth. Spl. Facs. Rev.,
Bosfuel Proj., AMT, NATL

    5.000       07/01/32       3,000       3,005,820  








See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Michigan    1.5%


Michigan Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Henry Ford Hlth., Rfdg.

    4.000     11/15/46       4,375     $ 4,141,812  

Sr. Lien, Detroit Wtr. & Swr., Ser. C-1

    5.000       07/01/44       1,000       1,057,110  

Michigan St. Bldg. Auth. Rev.,
Facs. Prog., Ser. I-A, Rfdg.

    5.375       10/15/41       750       805,898  

Michigan St. Strategic Fund Rev.,
Var. Detroit Ed., Rmkt., Rfdg.

    5.625       07/01/20       1,000       1,050,250  

Oakland Cnty. Econ. Dev. Corp. Oblg. Rev.,
Roman Catholic Archdiocese Detroit, Rfdg.

    6.500       12/01/20       1,500       1,521,585  

Summit Academy Rev.,

    6.250       11/01/25       1,750       1,751,837  

Wayne Cnty. Arpt. Auth. Rev.,
Detroit Met. Arpt., Ser. D, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/28       1,500       1,617,375  







Minnesota    1.0%


Hugo Rev.,
Chrt. Sch. Lease, Noble Academy Proj., Ser. A

    5.000       07/01/44       1,250       1,259,725  

Minneapolis Rev.,
Fairview Hlth. Svcs., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    4.000       11/15/48       750       715,898  

Rochester Rev.,
Mayo Clinic

    4.000       11/15/48       3,000       2,958,630  

St. Cloud Rev.,
Centracare Hlth., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    4.000       05/01/37       1,250       1,269,437  

St. Paul Hsg. & Redev. Auth. Hosp. Rev.,
Hlth. East Care Sys. Proj., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 11/15/25)(ee)

    5.000       11/15/44       1,000       1,147,860  

St. Paul Port Auth. Sol. Wste. Disp. Rev.,
Gerdau St. Paul Steel Mill Proj., Ser. 7, AMT, 144A

    4.500       10/01/37       1,000       904,030  







Mississippi    0.1%


Mississippi St. Bus. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Chevron USA, Inc., Ser. F, FRDD (Mandatory put date 11/01/18)

    1.710 (cc)      11/01/35       900       900,000  




Missouri    2.1%


Joplin Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Freeman Hlth. Sys., Rfdg.

    5.000       02/15/35       1,000       1,055,450  

Lees Summit, Tax Alloc.,
Rfdg. & Impt., Summit Fair Proj., 144A

    4.875       11/01/37       2,000       1,869,820  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     25  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Missouri (cont’d.)


Manchester Tax Increment & Transn. Rev.,
Hwy. 141, Manchester Rd. Proj., Rfdg.

    6.875     11/01/39       1,500     $ 1,504,185  

Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Facs. Auth. Rev.,


BJC Hlth. Sys., Ser. A

    4.000       01/01/45       2,010       1,993,779  

Lutheran Sr. Svcs.

    6.000       02/01/41       1,000       1,053,510  

Lutheran Sr. Svcs., Rfdg.

    5.000       02/01/44       4,000       4,143,320  

St. Louis Clg. Pharmacy, Ser. B

    5.000       05/01/45       1,500       1,550,175  

Poplar Bluff Regl. Transn. Dev. Dist. Rev.,
Transn. Sales Tax

    4.750       12/01/42       2,100       2,116,968  

St. Louis Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


Friendship Vlg. Sunset Hills, Ser. A

    5.875       09/01/43       1,000       1,072,030  

St. Andrews Res. Srs. Oblig., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.125       12/01/45       1,000       1,026,520  







Nebraska    0.1%


Central Plains Energy Proj. Rev.,
Proj. #3, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       09/01/42       1,000       1,106,840  




Nevada    0.3%


Clark Cnty. Impt. Dist. Spl. Assmt.,
Dist. No. 142, Mountains Edge Loc. Impvt., Rfdg.

    4.000       08/01/23       1,280       1,307,213  

Nevada St. Dept. of Bus. & Ind. Rev.,


Somerset Acad., Ser. A, 144A

    5.000       12/15/48       500       493,075  

Somerset Acad., Ser. A, 144A

    5.125       12/15/45       1,000       1,003,790  







New Jersey    8.0%


New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth. Rev.,


Continental Airlines, Inc. Proj., AMT, Rfdg.

    5.750       09/15/27       1,530       1,664,472  

Continental Airlines, Inc., Proj., Spec. Facs. AMT

    5.250       09/15/29       5,000       5,357,900  

Continental Airlines, Inc., United Airlines, Inc. Proj., AMT

    4.875       09/15/19       790       803,620  

Continental Airlines, Inc., United Airlines, Inc. Proj., AMT

    5.125       09/15/23       5,000       5,330,200  

Continental Airlines, Inc., United Airlines, Inc. Proj., Ser. A, AMT

    5.625       11/15/30       2,275       2,525,113  

Goethals Bridge, AMT

    5.375       01/01/43       1,390       1,486,994  

N. Star Academy Chrt. Sch. Newark

    5.000       07/15/47       1,000       1,042,190  

Port Newark Container, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       10/01/47       2,500       2,590,850  

Ser. AAA

    5.000       06/15/41       2,000       2,065,920  

Ser. BBB, Rfdg.

    5.500       06/15/30       1,500       1,653,510  

Ser. DDD

    5.000       06/15/42       1,000       1,032,460  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

New Jersey (cont’d.)


New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth. Rev., (cont’d.)


Ser. WW

    5.250     06/15/40       1,250     $ 1,316,250  

St. Gov’t. Bldgs. Proj., Ser. C

    5.000       06/15/47       2,000       2,057,440  

State House Proj., Ser. B, Rmkt.

    5.000       06/15/43       1,000       1,036,120  

Team Academy Chrt. Sch. Proj.

    6.000       10/01/43       1,700       1,826,718  

Umm Energy Partners, Ser. A, AMT

    5.000       06/15/37       1,500       1,542,375  

Umm Energy Partners, Ser. A, AMT

    5.125       06/15/43       1,100       1,132,296  

United Airlines, Inc. Proj., Rmkt., AMT

    5.500       06/01/33       2,000       2,172,340  

New Jersey Healthcare Facs. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


AHS Hosp. Corp. (Pre-refunded 07/01/21)(ee)

    6.000       07/01/41       500       549,015  

AHS Hosp. Corp., Rfdg.

    4.000       07/01/41       1,500       1,499,940  

Barnabas Hlth., Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 07/01/21)(ee)

    5.625       07/01/37       1,000       1,087,030  

Hackensack Meridian Hlth., Rfgd.

    4.000       07/01/52       1,000       965,840  

RWJ Barnabas Healthcare Sys. Oblig., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/43       1,500       1,642,635  

University Hosp., Ser. A, AGM, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/46       1,500       1,604,100  

Virtua Hlth.

    5.750       07/01/33       2,000       2,049,420  

New Jersey St. Transn. Tr. Fd. Sys. Auth. Rev.,


Fed. Hwy. Reimbursement Nts., Ser. A1

    5.000       06/15/28       1,250       1,372,650  

Trans. Sys., Ser. A

    5.875       12/15/38       2,000       2,009,100  

Trans. Sys., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       12/15/36       1,250       1,309,625  

Trans. Sys., Ser. AA

    5.000       06/15/45       1,200       1,236,036  

Trans. Sys., Ser. AA

    5.250       06/15/41       1,000       1,046,550  

New Jersey Tpk. Auth. Rev.,
Ser. G, Rfdg.

    4.000       01/01/43       1,500       1,488,450  

South Jersey Transn. Auth. LLC, Rev.,
Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       11/01/39       750       797,032  

Tob. Settlement Fing. Corp. Rev.,
Sub., Ser. B, Rfdg.

    5.000       06/01/46       10,000       10,128,800  







New York    4.5%


Build NYC Resource Corp. Rev.,
Pratt Paper, Inc. Proj., AMT, Rdfg., 144A

    5.000       01/01/35       1,000       1,051,870  

Erie Cnty. Tob. Asset Secur. Corp. Cap. Apprec. Rev.,


Asset Bkd., 1st Sub., Ser. B, CABS

    7.270 (t)      06/01/47       5,000       649,550  

Asset Bkd., 2nd Sub., Ser. C, CABS

    7.800 (t)      06/01/50       4,000       356,960  

Glen Cove Loc. Econ. Asst. Corp. Rev.,


Garvies Pt. Impt. Proj., Ser. A

    5.000       01/01/56       2,105       2,137,291  

Garvies Pt. Impt. Proj., Ser. C, CABS (Convert to Fixed on 01/01/24)

    0.000 (cc)      01/01/55       1,000       815,750  

New York Liberty Dev. Corp. Rev.,
4 World Trade Center Proj., Rfdg.

    5.750       11/15/51       1,750       1,907,780  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     27  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

New York (cont’d.)


New York Liberty Dev. Corp. Rev., (cont’d.)
Class 1-3 World Trade Ctr., Rfdg., 144A

    5.000     11/15/44       5,000     $ 5,120,150  

New York St. Dorm. Auth. Rev.,


Orange Regl. Med. Ctr., Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       12/01/37       200       213,350  

Orange Regl. Med. Ctr., Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       12/01/45       1,000       1,053,770  

New York Trans. Dev. Corp. Rev.,


Delta Air Lines, Inc.-Laguardia Arpt. Terms. C&D Redev., AMT

    4.000       01/01/36       4,000       3,883,600  

Delta Air Lines, Inc.-Laguardia Arpt. Terms. C&D Redev., AMT

    5.000       01/01/34       1,000       1,077,630  

Delta Air Lines, Inc.-Laguardia Arpt. Terms. C&D Redev., AMT

    5.000       01/01/36       500       534,850  

Laguardia Arpt., Term. B Redev., AMT

    4.000       07/01/46       2,140       2,006,977  

Laguardia Arpt., Term. B Redev., AMT

    5.250       01/01/50       9,250       9,734,515  

Onondaga Civic Dev. Corp. Rev.,
St. Joseph Hosp. Hlth. Ctr., Ser. 2012 (Pre-refunded 07/01/22)(ee)

    5.000       07/01/42       1,000       1,097,280  

Port Auth. of NY & NJ Spl. Oblig. Rev.,


JFK Int’l. Air Term.

    5.000       12/01/20       500       515,085  

JFK Int’l. Air Term.

    6.000       12/01/42       2,500       2,676,775  

TSASC, Inc., Rev.,
Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       06/01/41       2,000       2,047,560  







North Carolina    0.4%


North Carolina Med. Care Commn. Ret. Facs. Rev.,
First Mtg. Galloway Ridge Proj., Ser. A

    6.000       01/01/39       750       771,158  

North Carolina Med. Care Commn. Rev.,
Pennybyrn at Maryfield, Rfdg.

    5.000       10/01/35       1,000       1,032,480  

North Carolina Tpk. Auth. Rev.,
Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/51       1,250       1,324,962  







North Dakota    0.1%


Burleigh Cnty. Rev,
St. Alexius Med. Ctr. Proj., Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 07/01/21)(ee)

    5.000       07/01/35       750       802,013  




Ohio    5.4%


Buckeye Tob. Settlement Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Asset Bkd. Sr. Turbo, Ser. A-2

    5.125       06/01/24       4,895       4,729,647  

Asset Bkd. Sr. Turbo, Ser. A-2

    5.375       06/01/24       2,865       2,795,524  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Ohio (cont’d.)


Buckeye Tob. Settlement Fin. Auth. Rev., (cont’d.)


Asset Bkd. Sr. Turbo, Ser. A-2

    5.875     06/01/30       7,100     $ 6,979,797  

Asset Bkd. Sr. Turbo, Ser. A-2

    5.875       06/01/47       8,655       8,403,918  

Asset Bkd. Sr. Turbo, Ser. A-2

    6.500       06/01/47       5,675       5,736,006  

Cuyahoga Cnty. Hosp. Rev.,


Metro Hlth. Sys., Rfdg.

    5.000       02/15/57       1,000       1,003,960  

Metro Hlth. Sys., Rfdg.

    5.500       02/15/52       1,935       2,037,362  

Metro Hlth. Sys., Rfdg.

    5.500       02/15/57       1,000       1,048,710  

Franklin Cnty. Hosp. Facs. Rev.,


Hlth. Corp., Ser. A

    4.000       05/15/47       2,500       2,429,425  

Nationwide Children’s Hosp. Proj., Ser. A

    4.000       11/01/45       2,000       1,964,320  

Hamilton Cnty. Healthcare Facs. Rev.,
Christ Hosp. Proj.

    5.000       06/01/42       1,250       1,321,613  

Hancock Cnty. Hosp. Facs. Rev.,
Blanchard Valley Hlth. Ctr., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 06/01/21)(ee)

    6.250       12/01/34       600       659,832  

Lucas Cnty. Hosp. Rev.,


Promedica Healthcare, Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 11/15/21)(ee)

    6.000       11/15/41       750       831,390  

Promedica Healthcare, Ser. A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 11/15/21)(ee)

    6.500       11/15/37       875       982,441  

Middleburg Heights Hosp. Rev.,
Facs. Southwest Gen., Ser. 2011, Rfdg.

    5.250       08/01/41       1,200       1,283,736  

Ohio Air Qlty. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Pratt Paper OH LLC Proj., AMT, 144A

    4.500       01/15/48       1,000       999,940  

Ohio St. Pvt. Act. Rev.,
Portsmouth Bypass Proj., AMT

    5.000       06/30/53       1,000       1,044,830  







Oklahoma    1.9%


Oklahoma St. Dev., Fin. Auth. Rev.,


OU Medicine Proj., Ser. B

    5.500       08/15/52       4,850       5,210,258  

OU Medicine Proj., Ser. B

    5.500       08/15/57       4,350       4,655,370  

St. Johns Hlth. Sys., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 02/15/22)(ee)

    5.000       02/15/42       1,500       1,627,920  

Tulsa Cnty. Indl. Auth. Sr. Living Cmnty. Rev.,


Montereau, Inc. Proj., Rfdg.

    5.250       11/15/45       1,000       1,074,370  

Montereau, Inc. Proj., Ser A, Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 05/01/20)(ee)

    7.125       11/01/30       1,000       1,070,150  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     29  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Oklahoma (cont’d.)


Tulsa Mun. Arpt. Tr. Trustees Gen. Rev.,


American Airlines, AMT, Rfdg. (Mandatory put date 06/01/25)

    5.000     06/01/35       1,250     $ 1,318,700  

American Airlines, Ser. A, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.500       06/01/35       1,000       1,052,770  







Oregon    0.3%


Multnomah Cnty. Hosp. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Mirabella at South Waterfront, Ser. A., Rfdg.

    5.400       10/01/44       1,000       1,045,180  

Salem Hosp. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Capital Manor, Inc., Rfdg.

    6.000       05/15/42       1,000       1,080,040  







Pennsylvania    5.6%


Allegheny Cnty. Hosp. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Allegheny Hlth. Netw. Oblig., Rfdg.

    4.000       04/01/44       3,000       2,799,990  

Central Bradford Progress Auth. Rev.,
Guthrie Healthcare Sys., Rfdg.

    5.375       12/01/41       2,700       2,905,416  

Chester Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Renaissance Academy Chrt. Sch., Rfdg.

    5.000       10/01/44       1,000       1,035,120  

Comnwlth. Fing. Auth. Rev.,
Tobacco Master Stlmnt. Pymt.

    5.000       06/01/35       1,000       1,090,550  

Cumberland Cnty. Mun. Auth., Rev.,


Asbury PA Oblig. Grp., Rfdg.

    5.250       01/01/41       1,000       1,015,340  

Asbury PA Oblig. Grp., Rfdg.

    6.125       01/01/45       2,000       2,050,720  

East Hempfield Township Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Student Svcs. Inc., Student Hsg. Proj.

    5.000       07/01/46       1,000       1,036,330  

Geisinger Auth. Hlth. Sys. Rev.,
Ser. A-1

    5.125       06/01/41       1,450       1,535,927  

Moon Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Baptist Homes Society Oblig., Rfdg.

    6.000       07/01/45       2,000       2,091,260  

Pennsylvania Comnwlth.,
Ser. A, COP, Rfdg.

    4.000       07/01/46       1,500       1,432,215  

Pennsylvania Econ. Dev. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Swr. Sludge Disp., Philadelphia Biosolids Fac.

    6.250       01/01/32       750       774,758  

US Airways Grp., Ser. B, Gty. Agmt.

    8.000       05/01/29       490       523,447  

Pennsylvania Tpk. Commn. Rev.,


Ser. A-1

    5.000       12/01/46       3,950       4,251,464  

Sub., Ser. A

    5.500       12/01/42       1,500       1,679,265  

Sub., Ser. A

    5.500       12/01/46       1,740       1,942,814  

Sub., Ser. A-1

    5.000       12/01/46       2,000       2,100,800  

Sub., Ser. B-1

    5.250       06/01/47       2,000       2,148,420  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Pennsylvania (cont’d.)


Philadelphia Auth. for Indl. Dev. Rev.,


First Philadelphia Preparatory Chrt., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    7.250     06/15/43       2,000     $ 2,217,940  

Gtr. Philadelphia Hlth Action, Rfdg.

    6.625       06/01/50       3,000       3,069,450  

Mariana Bracetti Academy

    7.625       12/15/41       2,000       2,191,440  

New Fndtn. Chrt. Sch. Proj.

    6.625       12/15/41       1,000       1,080,280  

Philadelphia Hosp. & Higher Ed. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Temple Univ. Hlth. Sys., Ser. A

    5.625       07/01/42       6,750       7,091,820  







Puerto Rico    0.3%


Puerto Rico Comnwlth. Aqueduct & Swr. Auth.,


Aqueduct & Swr. Auth. Rev., Sr. Lien, Ser. A

    5.750       07/01/37       1,350       1,265,625  

Aqueduct & Swr. Auth. Rev., Sr. Lien, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    6.000       07/01/47       1,125       1,051,875  







Rhode Island    0.1%


Tob. Settlement Fing. Corp. Rev.,
Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       06/01/40       760       790,628  




South Carolina    0.7%


South Carolina Prt. Auth. Rev.,



    4.000       07/01/45       1,500       1,447,410  


    4.000       07/01/55       2,000       1,868,740  

South Carolina St. Pub. Svc. Auth. Rev.,
Ser. E, Rfdg.

    5.250       12/01/55       2,500       2,645,125  







South Dakota    0.2%


South Dakota St. Hlth. & Edl. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Avera Hlth., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/42       1,655       1,733,877  




Tennessee    1.3%


Bristol Indl. Dev. Brd. Sales Tax Rev.,
Ser. A, 144A

    5.125       12/01/42       4,000       3,671,160  

Chattanooga Hlth. Edl. & Hsg. Facs. Brd. Rev.,
Catholic Hlth., Ser. A

    5.250       01/01/45       2,000       2,102,740  

Johnson City Hlth. & Edl. Facs. Brd. Hosp. Rev.,
Mountain States Hlth. Alliance, First Mtge., Ser. A,
Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 07/01/20)(ee)

    6.000       07/01/38       1,000       1,061,880  

Memphis-Shelby Cnty. Indl. Dev. Brd. Tax Alloc.,
Sr. Tax Incr.-Graceland, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.625       01/01/46       500       520,650  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     31  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Tennessee (cont’d.)


Metropolitan Govt. Nashville & Davidson Cnty. Hlth. &
Edl. Facs. Brd. Rev.,
Impt. Blakeford at Green Hills, Rfdg.

    5.000     07/01/37       850     $ 879,538  

Shelby Cnty. Hlth. Edl. & Hsg. Facs. Brd. Facs. Rev.,
Germantown Village, Rfdg.

    5.250       12/01/42       1,100       1,119,327  

Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp. Gas Rev.,
Ser. C

    5.000       02/01/22       1,000       1,066,190  







Texas    9.5%


Arlington Higher Ed. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Wayside Schs., Ser. A

    4.625       08/15/46       1,050       998,708  

Austin Convention Enterprises, Inc.,


Sub., Second Tier, Ser. B, Rfdg.

    5.000       01/01/32       1,000       1,076,230  

Sub., Second Tier, Ser. B, Rfdg.

    5.000       01/01/34       1,050       1,119,447  

Bexar Cnty. Hlth. Facs. Dev. Corp. Rev.,
Army Retmnt. Residence Fndt., Rfdg.

    5.000       07/15/41       1,250       1,300,962  

Board of Managers Jt., Guadalupe Cnty., City of Seguin
Hosp. Rev.,

    5.000       12/01/45       500       482,720  

Brazos River Auth. Poll. Ctrl. Rev.,


TXU Energy Co. LLC Proj., AMT, Rmkt., Rfdg.^(d)

    5.400       05/01/29       2,000        

TXU Energy Co. LLC Proj., Ser. A, AMT, Elec. Rmkt., Rfdg.^(d)

    8.250       10/01/30       3,000        

TXU Energy Co. LLC Proj., Ser. D, Rfdg.^(d)

    5.400       10/01/29       1,000        

Capital Area Cultural Ed. Facs. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Roman Catholic Diocese, Ser. B, Rmkt., Rfdg.

    6.125       04/01/45       2,050       2,136,817  

Central Tex. Regl. Mobility Auth. Rev.,


Sr. Lien (Pre-refunded 01/01/21)(ee)

    6.000       01/01/41       2,000       2,154,380  

Sr. Lien, Ser. A

    5.000       01/01/45       1,000       1,070,010  

Sub., Rfdg.

    4.000       01/01/41       1,000       965,680  

Clifton Higher Ed. Fin. Corp. Rev.,


Idea Pub. Sch.

    5.000       08/15/42       1,000       1,035,460  

Idea Pub. Sch.

    6.000       08/15/43       1,000       1,089,440  

Idea Pub. Sch. (Pre-refunded 08/15/21)(ee)

    5.750       08/15/41       1,000       1,089,440  

Tejano Cmnty. Ctr., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    9.000       02/15/38       2,000       2,003,640  

Uplift Ed., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 12/01/20)(ee)

    6.125       12/01/40       3,000       3,233,670  

Decatur Hosp. Auth. Rev.,
Wise Regl. Hlth. Sys., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.250       09/01/44       1,370       1,433,527  

Grand Parkway Transn. Corp.,
First Tier Toll Rev., Ser. A

    5.125       10/01/43       2,000       2,146,420  

Harris Cnty. Cultural Edu. Facs. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Houston Methodist Hosp. Oblig.

    4.000       12/01/45       2,775       2,663,944  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Texas (cont’d.)


Houston Arpt. Sys. Rev.,


Ser. B-1, AMT

    5.000     07/15/35       2,000     $ 2,104,440  

Spl. Facs. Cont. Airlines, Inc., AMT, Rfdg.

    6.625       07/15/38       1,500       1,612,965  

Spl. Facs. Cont. Airlines, Inc., Sub. Lien, Ser. A, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/32       1,000       1,065,640  

Sub. Lien, Ser. A, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/25       250       265,403  

Houston Higher Ed. Fin. Corp., Higher Ed. Rev.,


Cosmos Fndtn., Inc., Ser. A

    5.000       02/15/42       1,250       1,281,088  

Cosmos Fndtn., Inc., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 05/15/21)(ee)

    6.500       05/15/31       535       588,650  

Cosmos Fndtn., Inc., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 05/15/21)(ee)

    6.500       05/15/31       465       511,630  

Kerryville Hlth. Facs. Dev. Corp. Rev.,
Peterson Regl. Med. Ctr. Proj., Rfdg.

    5.000       08/15/35       3,000       3,156,540  

Matagorda Cnty. Nav. Dist. No. 1, Poll. Ctrl. Rev.,


AEP Tex. Central Co. Proj., Ser. B-1, Rfdg.

    4.000       06/01/30       1,000       1,024,400  

AEP Tex. Central Co. Proj., Ser. B-2, Rfdg.

    4.000       06/01/30       1,800       1,843,920  

Bonds, Cent. Pwr. & Lt. Co. Proj., Ser. A, Rmkt., Rfdg.

    6.300       11/01/29       1,000       1,045,660  

Mission Econ. Dev. Corp. Rev.,
Natgosoline Proj., Sr. Lien, AMT, Rfdg., 144A

    4.625       10/01/31       2,000       1,993,180  

New Hope Cultural Ed. Facs. Corp. Rev.,


CHF Collegiate Housing, Tarleton St. Proj., Ser. A

    5.000       04/01/47       1,000       1,031,480  

Jubilee Academic Ctr., Ser. A, 144A

    5.125       08/15/47       1,000       975,670  

Jubilee Academic Ctr., Ser. A, Rfdg., 144A

    5.000       08/15/46       2,000       1,918,700  

MRC Crestview, Rfdg.

    5.000       11/15/46       1,150       1,176,715  

Westminster Manor Proj., Rfdg.

    4.000       11/01/36       1,475       1,412,799  

Newark Higher Ed. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Austin Achieve Pub. Schs. Inc.

    5.000       06/15/48       500       499,855  

North Tex. Twy. Auth. Rev.,


First Tier, Sys., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 01/01/21)(ee)

    6.000       01/01/38       2,000       2,158,800  

First Tier, Sys., Ser. A, Unrefunded, Rfdg.

    6.250       01/01/39       195       196,242  


    5.000       01/01/48       1,250       1,346,775  

Second Tier, Ser. A, Rfdg.

    4.000       01/01/38       2,000       2,004,260  

Pharr Higher Ed. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Idea Pub. Schs., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 08/15/19)(ee)

    6.500       08/15/39       825       853,850  

Idea Pub. Schs., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 08/15/19)(ee)

    6.500       08/15/39       175       181,050  

Pottsboro Higher Ed. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Ser. A

    5.000       08/15/46       1,000       945,440  

Sabine River Auth. Poll. Ctrl. Rev.,
TXU Energy Co. LLC Proj., Ser. B^(d)

    6.150       08/01/22       1,000        

San Juan Higher Ed. Fin. Auth. Rev.,
Idea Pub. Schs., Ser. A (Pre-refunded 08/15/20)(ee)

    6.700       08/15/40       1,000       1,077,250  

Tarrant Cnty. Cultural Ed. Facs. Fin. Corp. Rev.,
Barton Creek Sr. Living Ctr., Rfdg.

    5.000       11/15/40       1,100       1,121,538  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     33  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Texas (cont’d.)


Tarrant Cnty. Cultural Ed. Facs. Fin. Corp. Rev., (cont’d.)
Trinity Terrace Proj., Ser. A-1, Rfdg.

    5.000     10/01/44       1,000     $ 1,042,010  

Texas Mun. Gas Acq. & Sply. Corp., Gas Sply. Rev.,


Corp. I, Sr. Lien, Ser. A

    5.250       12/15/26       4,100       4,677,772  

Corp. I, Sr. Lien, Ser. B, 3 Month LIBOR + 0.700%, 3 Month LIBOR x 0.67 + 0.700%

    2.264 (c)      12/15/26       1,500       1,485,240  

Texas Priv. Activity Surface Transn. Corp. Rev.,


Sr. Lien, Blueridge Transn., AMT

    5.000       12/31/50       1,930       2,013,646  

Sr. Lien, LBJ Infrastructure

    7.000       06/30/40       4,670       4,971,822  

Sr. Lien, NTE Mobility Partners

    6.875       12/31/39       2,000       2,090,700  

Sr. Lien, NTE Mobility Partners, AMT, Ser. 3A & 3B

    6.750       06/30/43       500       570,420  

Sr. Lien, NTE Mobility Partners, AMT, Ser. 3A & 3B

    7.000       12/31/38       1,500       1,734,255  







Utah    0.3%


Salt Lake City Corp. Arpt. Rev.,
Ser. A, AMT

    5.000       07/01/47       1,100       1,178,980  

Utah Chrt. Sch. Fin. Auth. Rev.,
Spectrum Academy Proj., 144A

    6.000       04/15/45       1,000       1,018,160  







Vermont    0.1%


Vermont Econ. Dev. Auth. Mtge. Rev.,
Wake Robin Corp. Proj., Rfdg.

    5.400       05/01/33       1,100       1,147,245  




Virginia    2.4%


City of Chesapeake Expressway Toll Road Rev.,
Transn. Sys., Sr. Ser. B, CABS, Rfdg.

    0.000 (cc)      07/15/40       1,000       841,920  

Fairfax Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Inova Hlth. Sys., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    4.000       05/15/48       3,000       2,928,750  

Mosaic District Cmnty. Dev. Auth. Spl. Assmt.,
Ser. A

    6.875       03/01/36       1,250       1,335,162  

Norfolk Econ. Dev. Auth. Rev.,
Sentara Healthcare, Ser. B, Rfdg.

    4.000       11/01/48       2,000       1,969,060  

Virginia Small Business Fin. Auth. Rev., Transform 66 P3 Proj., AMT

    5.000       12/31/56       2,000       2,084,060  

Virginia Small Business Fin. Auth. Rev., Sr. Lien,


Elizabeth River Crossings OpCo LLC Proj., AMT

    5.250       01/01/32       2,055       2,180,458  

Elizabeth River Crossings OpCo LLC Proj., AMT

    5.500       01/01/42       3,000       3,198,960  

Express Lanes LLC Proj., AMT

    5.000       01/01/40       4,780       4,979,661  








See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Washington    2.0%


Port of Seattle Indl. Dev. Corp. Rev.,
Spl. Facs., Delta Airlines, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000     04/01/30       1,000     $ 1,068,000  

Skagit Cnty. Pub. Hosp. Dist. No. 1 Rev.,


Skagit Valley Hosp.

    5.750       12/01/35       625       650,025  

Skagit Valley Hosp., Ser. A, Rfdg.

    5.000       12/01/37       3,000       3,125,400  

Tob. Settlement Auth. Wash. Rev.,

    5.250       06/01/32       1,160       1,224,020  

Washington St. Convention Ctr. Pub. Facs. Dist. Rev.,

    4.000       07/01/58       2,000       1,886,180  

Washington St. Healthcare Facs. Auth. Rev.,


Kadlec Regl. Med. Ctr., Rdfg. (Pre-refunded 12/01/21)(ee)

    5.000       12/01/42       1,000       1,080,460  

Overlake Hosp. Med. Ctr.

    4.000       07/01/42       2,500       2,414,425  

Overlake Hosp. Med. Ctr., Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/38       1,100       1,174,151  

Overlake Hosp. Med. Ctr., Rfdg. (Pre-refunded 07/01/20)(ee)

    5.500       07/01/30       1,115       1,175,879  

Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Comm. Rev.,
Rockwood Retmnt. Cmnty. Proj., Ser. A, Rfdg., 144A

    7.375       01/01/44       2,000       2,261,180  







West Virginia    0.4%


Monongalia Cnty. Com. Special District, Rev.,
Univ. Town Ctr., Ser. A, Rfdg., 144A

    5.750       06/01/43       500       511,175  

West Virginia Hosp. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Cabell Huntington Hosp. Oblig. Grp., Rfdg.

    4.125       01/01/47       1,500       1,383,615  

Impt. West Virginia Univ. Hlth. Sys. Oblg. Grp., Ser. A

    4.000       06/01/51       2,000       1,817,160  







Wisconsin    1.7%


Pub. Fin. Auth. Rev.,


Bancroft Neurohealth Proj., Ser. A, 144A

    5.125       06/01/48       1,000       1,002,760  

Celanese Proj., Ser. C, AMT, Rfdg., 144A

    4.300       11/01/30       3,000       3,040,320  

Cornerstone Chrt. Academy Proj., Ser. A, 144A

    5.125       02/01/46       1,000       916,980  

Corvian Cmnty. Sch., Ser. A, 144A

    5.125       06/15/47       2,000       1,923,000  

Mountain Island Chrt. Sch., Ser. L, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/47       1,000       1,014,210  

Senior-MD Proton Treatment Ctr., Ser. A-1, 144A

    6.375       01/01/48       2,000       2,015,640  

Sr. Oblig. Grp., Ser. B, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.000       07/01/42       1,500       1,557,300  

Sr. Oblig. Grp., Ser. B, AMT, Rfdg.

    5.250       07/01/28       1,000       1,062,110  

Wisconsin Hlth. & Edl. Facs. Auth. Rev.,
Ascension Hlth. Alliance Sr. Credit Grp., Ser. B-1,
Rmkt., Rfdg.

    4.000       11/15/43       1,500       1,462,860  








See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     35  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#

Wyoming    0.1%


Campbell Cnty. Solid Wste. Facs. Rev.,
Basin Elec. Pwr. Coop., Ser. A

    5.750     07/15/39       500     $ 511,795  




(cost $789,865,331)


Other assets in excess of liabilities(z)    1.3%






        $ 819,222,195  





The following abbreviations are used in the semiannual report:

144A—Security was purchased pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933 and may not be resold subject to that rule except to qualified institutional buyers. Unless otherwise noted, 144A securities are deemed to be liquid.

AGM—Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp.

AMBAC—American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp.

AMT—Alternative Minimum Tax

CABS—Capital Appreciation Bonds

CDD—Community Development District

COP—Certificates of Participation

FRDD—Financial Rate Daily Demand Note

GO—General Obligation

IDB—Industrial Development Bond

LIBOR—London Interbank Offered Rate

NATL—National Public Finance Guaranty Corp.


PCR—Pollution Control Revenue


Principal amount is shown in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated.


Indicates a Level 3 security. The aggregate value of Level 3 securities is $483,800 and 0.1% of net assets.


Variable rate instrument. The interest rate shown reflects the rate in effect at October 31, 2018.


Variable rate instrument. The rate shown is based on the latest available information as of October 31, 2018. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread but are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description.


Represents issuer in default on interest payments and/or principal repayment. Non-income producing security. Such securities may be post-maturity.


All or partial escrowed to maturity and pre-refunded issues are secured by escrowed cash, a guaranteed investment contract and /or U.S. guaranteed obligations.


Indicates a restricted security; the aggregate original cost of such securities is $820,000. The aggregate value of $483,800 is 0.1% of net assets.


Represents zero coupon. Rate quoted represents effective yield at October 31, 2018.


Includes net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and/or market value of the below holdings which are excluded from the Schedule of Investments:


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Futures contracts outstanding at October 31, 2018:

Number of
    Type   Expiration
    Value /
  Short Position:      
  48     20 Year U.S. Treasury Bonds     Dec. 2018     $ 6,630,000     $ 310,061  





Summary of Collateral for Centrally Cleared/Exchange-traded Derivatives:


Cash and securities segregated as collateral to cover requirements for open centrally cleared/exchange-traded derivatives are listed by broker as follows:




Cash and/or Foreign Currency


Securities Market Value

Citigroup Global Markets

   $200,000    $—





Fair Value Measurements:    


Various inputs are used in determining the value of the Fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in the three broad levels listed below.


Level 1—unadjusted quoted prices generally in active markets for identical securities.


Level 2—quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates and yield curves, prepayment speeds, foreign currency exchange rates and other observable inputs.


Level 3—unobservable inputs for securities valued in accordance with Board approved fair valuation procedures.


The following is a summary of the inputs used as of October 31, 2018 in valuing such portfolio securities:


       Level 1           Level 2           Level 3     

Investments in Securities


Municipal Bonds



  $     $ 8,983,358     $  











District of Columbia



          69,986,158       483,800  


















See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     37  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


       Level 1           Level 2           Level 3     

Investments in Securities (continued)


Municipal Bonds (continued)



  $     $ 6,912,955     $  



















New Jersey


New York


North Carolina


North Dakota










Puerto Rico


Rhode Island


South Carolina


South Dakota














West Virginia






Other Financial Instruments*


Futures Contracts.












  $ 310,061     $ 808,202,246     $ 483,800  












Other financial instruments are derivative instruments not reflected in the Schedule of Investments, such as futures, forwards and centrally cleared swap contracts, which are recorded at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument, and OTC swap contracts which are recorded at fair value.


Industry Classification:


The industry classification of investments and other assets in excess of liabilities shown as a percentage of net assets as of October 31, 2018 were as follows:




Corporate Backed IDB & PCR







See Notes to Financial Statements.



Industry Classification (continued):


Special Tax/Assessment District


Tobacco Appropriated


General Obligation






Lease Backed Certificate of Participation


Water & Sewer


Solid Waste/Resource Recovery





Other assets in excess of liabilities









Effects of Derivative Instruments on the Financial Statements and Primary Underlying Risk Exposure:


The Fund invested in derivative instruments during the reporting period. The primary type of risk associated with these derivative instruments is interest rate contracts risk. The effect of such derivative instruments on the Fund’s financial position and financial performance as reflected in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Statement of Operations is presented in the summary below.


Fair values of derivative instruments as of October 31, 2018 as presented in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities:



Asset Derivatives


Liability Derivatives


Derivatives not accounted

for as hedging instruments,

carried at fair value


Statement of
Assets and
Liabilities Location


Statement of
Assets and
Liabilities Location

Interest rate contracts    Due from/to broker-variation margin futures    $ 310,061      $









Includes cumulative appreciation (depreciation) as reported in the schedule of open futures and centrally cleared swap contracts. Only unsettled variation margin receivable (payable) is reported within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


The effects of derivative instruments on the Statement of Operations for the six months ended October 31, 2018 are as follows:


Amount of Realized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Recognized in Income


Derivatives not accounted for as hedging
instruments, carried at fair value


Interest rate contracts

  $ 20,851  





Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Derivatives Recognized in Income


Derivatives not accounted for as hedging
instruments, carried at fair value


Interest rate contracts

  $ 310,061  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     39  

Schedule of Investments (unaudited) (continued)

as of October 31, 2018


For the six months ended October 31, 2018, the Fund’s average volume of derivative activities is as follows:











    $ 2,210,000        



Notional Amount in USD.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statement of Assets & Liabilities (unaudited)

as of October 31, 2018




Unaffiliated investments (cost $789,865,331)

   $ 808,686,046  



Interest receivable


Receivable for investments sold


Receivable for Fund shares sold


Deposit with broker for centrally cleared/exchange-traded derivatives


Due from broker—variation margin futures


Prepaid expenses





Total Assets







Payable for investments purchased


Payable for Fund shares reacquired


Management fee payable


Dividends payable


Distribution fee payable


Accrued expenses and other liabilities


Affiliated transfer agent fee payable





Total Liabilities





Net Assets

   $ 819,222,195  




Net assets were comprised of:


Shares of beneficial interest, at par

   $ 823,619  

Paid-in capital in excess of par


Total distributable earnings (loss)





Net assets, October 31, 2018

   $ 819,222,195  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     41  

Statement of Assets & Liabilities (unaudited)

as of October 31, 2018


Class A


Net asset value and redemption price per share,
($315,069,340 ÷ 31,651,712 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding)

   $ 9.95  

Maximum sales charge (4.00% of offering price)





Maximum offering price to public

   $ 10.36  




Class B


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share,
($23,857,701 ÷ 2,396,007 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding)

   $ 9.96  




Class C


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share,
($103,729,849 ÷ 10,420,406 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding)

   $ 9.95  




Class Z


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share,
($371,226,622 ÷ 37,356,906 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding)

   $ 9.94  




Class R6


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share,
($5,338,683 ÷ 536,830 shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding)

   $ 9.94  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statement of Operations (unaudited)

Six Months Ended October 31, 2018


Net Investment Income (Loss)


Interest income

   $ 20,124,999  






Management fee


Distribution fee(a)


Transfer agent’s fees and expenses (including affiliated expense of $37,046)(a)


Custodian and accounting fees


Registration fees(a)


Shareholders’ reports


Audit fee


Trustees’ fees


Legal fees and expenses







Total expenses


Less: Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement(a)


Custodian fee credit





Net expenses





Net investment income (loss)





Realized And Unrealized Gain (Loss) On Investments


Net realized gain (loss) on:


Investment transactions


Futures transactions








Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:












Net gain (loss) on investment transactions





Net Increase (Decrease) In Net Assets Resulting From Operations

   $ 2,321,108  






Class specific expenses and waivers were as follows:


    Class A     Class B     Class C     Class Z      Class R6  

Distribution fee

    408,217       68,347       546,736               

Transfer agent’s fees and expenses

    96,337       12,275       30,174       156,336        26  

Registration fees

    14,722       10,394       12,118       17,775        7,256  

Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement



See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     43  

Statements of Changes in Net Assets (unaudited)


     Six Months
October 31, 2018
April 30, 2018

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets




Net investment income (loss)

   $ 16,449,860      $ 33,085,189  

Net realized gain (loss) on investment transactions

     (7,793,867      6,382,371  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     (6,334,885      (6,511,384







Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     2,321,108        32,956,176  







Dividends and Distributions


Distributions from distributable earnings*


Class A


Class B


Class C


Class Z


Class R6














Dividends from net investment income


Class A


Class B


Class C


Class Z


Class R6







     *        (33,604,922







Fund share transactions (Net of share conversions)


Net proceeds from shares sold

     105,376,896        188,807,446  

Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

     13,849,184        28,272,949  

Cost of shares reacquired

     (124,814,921      (220,374,624







Net increase (decrease) in net assets from Fund share transactions

     (5,588,841      (3,294,229







Total increase (decrease)

     (19,596,076      (3,942,975

Net Assets:


Beginning of period

     838,818,271        842,761,246  







End of period(a)

   $ 819,222,195      $ 838,818,271  







(a) Includes undistributed/(distributions in excess of) net investment income of:

   $      $ 7,036,516  









For the period ended October 31, 2018, the Fund has adopted amendments to Regulation S-X (refer to Note 10).


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited)


Prudential Investment Portfolios 4 (the “Trust”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”), as a diversified, open-end management investment company. The Trust was organized as an unincorporated business trust in Massachusetts on November 3, 1986 and currently consists of one fund: the PGIM Muni High Income Fund (the “Fund”).


The investment objective of the Fund is to provide the maximum amount of income that is eligible for exclusion from federal income taxes.



1. Accounting Policies


The Fund follows the investment company accounting and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946 Financial Services — Investment Companies. The following accounting policies conform to U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The Fund consistently follows such policies in the preparation of its financial statements.


Securities Valuation: The Fund holds securities and other assets and liabilities that are fair valued at the close of each day (generally, 4:00 PM Eastern time) the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open for trading. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. The Trust’s Board of Trustees (the “Board”) has adopted valuation procedures for security valuation under which fair valuation responsibilities have been delegated to PGIM Investments LLC (“PGIM Investments” or the “Manager”). Pursuant to the Board’s delegation, a Valuation Committee has been established as two persons, being one or more officers of the Trust, including: the Trust’s Treasurer (or the Treasurer’s direct reports); and the Trust’s Chief or Deputy Chief Compliance Officer (or Vice-President-level direct reports of the Chief or Deputy Chief Compliance Officer). Under the current valuation procedures, the Valuation Committee of the Board is responsible for supervising the valuation of portfolio securities and other assets and liabilities. The valuation procedures permit the Fund to utilize independent pricing vendor services, quotations from market makers, and alternative valuation methods when market quotations are either not readily available or not deemed representative of fair value. A record of the Valuation Committee’s actions is subject to the Board’s review, approval, and ratification at its next regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.


For the fiscal reporting period-end, securities and other assets and liabilities were fair valued at the close of the last U.S. business day. Trading in certain foreign securities may occur when the NYSE is closed (including weekends and holidays). Because such foreign securities trade in markets that are open on weekends and U.S. holidays, the values of some


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     45  

Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued)


of the Fund’s foreign investments may change on days when investors cannot purchase or redeem Fund shares.


Various inputs determine how the Fund’s investments are valued, all of which are categorized according to the three broad levels (Level 1, 2, or 3) detailed in the Schedule of Investments and referred to herein as the “fair value hierarchy” in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 820—Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures.


Derivative instruments, such as futures or options, that are traded on a national securities exchange are valued at the last sale price as of the close of trading on the applicable exchange where the security principally trades. Securities traded via NASDAQ are valued at the NASDAQ official closing price. To the extent these securities are valued at the last sale price or NASDAQ official closing price, they are classified as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy.


Fixed income securities traded in the OTC market are generally classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy. Such fixed income securities are typically valued using the market approach which generally involves obtaining data from an approved independent third-party vendor source. The Fund utilizes the market approach as the primary method to value securities when market prices of identical or comparable instruments are available. The third-party vendors’ valuation techniques used to derive the evaluated bid price are based on evaluating observable inputs, including but not limited to, yield curves, yield spreads, credit ratings, deal terms, tranche level attributes, default rates, cash flows, prepayment speeds, broker/dealer quotations and reported trades. Certain Level 3 securities are also valued using the market approach when obtaining a single broker quote or when utilizing transaction prices for identical securities that have been used in excess of five business days. During the reporting period, there were no changes to report with respect to the valuation approach and/or valuation techniques discussed above.


Securities and other assets that cannot be priced according to the methods described above are valued based on pricing methodologies approved by the Board. In the event that unobservable inputs are used when determining such valuations, the securities will be classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


When determining the fair value of securities, some of the factors influencing the valuation include: the nature of any restrictions on disposition of the securities; assessment of the general liquidity of the securities; the issuer’s financial condition and the markets in which it does business; the cost of the investment; the size of the holding and the capitalization of the issuer; the prices of any recent transactions or bids/offers for such securities or any comparable securities; any available analyst media or other reports or information deemed reliable by the Manager regarding the issuer or the markets or industry in which it operates.



Using fair value to price securities may result in a value that is different from a security’s most recent closing price and from the price used by other unaffiliated mutual funds to calculate their net asset values.


Restricted and Illiquid Securities: Subject to guidelines adopted by the Board, the Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities, including those which are restricted as to disposition under securities law (“restricted securities”). Restricted securities are valued pursuant to the valuation procedures noted above. Illiquid securities are those that, because of the absence of a readily available market or due to legal or contractual restrictions on resale, cannot be sold within seven days in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount at which the Fund has valued the investment. Therefore, the Fund may find it difficult to sell illiquid securities at the time considered most advantageous by its subadviser and may incur transaction costs that would not be incurred in the sale of securities that were freely marketable. Certain securities that would otherwise be considered illiquid because of legal restrictions on resale to the general public may be traded among qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These Rule 144A securities, as well as commercial paper that is sold in private placements under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act, may be deemed liquid by the Fund’s subadviser under the guidelines adopted by the Trustees of the Trust. However, the liquidity of the Fund’s investments in Rule 144A securities could be impaired if trading does not develop or declines.


Financial Futures Contracts: A financial futures contract is an agreement to purchase (long) or sell (short) an agreed amount of securities at a set price for delivery on a future date. Upon entering into a financial futures contract, the Fund is required to pledge to the broker an amount of cash and/or other assets equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount. This amount is known as the “initial margin.” Subsequent payments, known as “variation margin,” are made or received by the Fund each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the value of the underlying security. Such variation margin is recorded for financial statement purposes on a daily basis as unrealized gain (loss). When the contract expires or is closed, the gain (loss) is realized and is presented in the Statement of Operations as net realized gain (loss) on futures transactions.


The Fund invested in financial futures contracts in order to hedge its existing portfolio securities, or securities the Fund intends to purchase, against fluctuations in value caused by changes in prevailing interest rates. Should interest rates move unexpectedly, the Fund may not achieve the anticipated benefits of the financial futures contracts and may realize a loss. The use of futures transactions involves the risk of imperfect correlation in movements in the price of futures contracts, interest rates and the underlying hedged assets. Since futures contracts are exchange-traded, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since the exchanges’ clearinghouse acts as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures and guarantees the futures contracts against default.


Securities Transactions and Net Investment Income: Securities transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains (losses) from investment and currency transactions are


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     47  

Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued)


calculated on the specific identification method. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-date. Interest income, including amortization of premium and accretion of discount on debt securities, as required, is recorded on the accrual basis. Expenses are recorded on an accrual basis, which may require the use of certain estimates by management that may differ from actual. Net investment income or loss (other than class specific expenses and waivers, which are allocated as noted below) and unrealized and realized gains (losses) are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of adjusted net assets of each class at the beginning of the day. Class specific expenses and waivers, where applicable, are charged to the respective share classes. Class specific expenses include distribution fees and distribution fee waivers, shareholder servicing fees, transfer agent’s fees and expenses, registration fees and fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, as applicable.


Taxes: It is the Fund’s policy to continue to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute all of its taxable net investment income and capital gains, if any, to its shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends, interest and capital gains, if any, are recorded, net of reclaimable amounts, at the time the related income is earned.


Custody Fee Credits: The Fund has an arrangement with its custodian bank, whereby uninvested monies earn credits which reduce the fees charged by the custodian. Such custody fee credits, if any, are presented as a reduction of gross expenses in the accompanying Statement of Operations.


Dividends and Distributions: The Fund expects to declare dividends of its net investment income daily and pay such dividends monthly. Distributions of net realized capital gains, if any, are declared and paid at least annually. Dividends and distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations and which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles, are recorded on the ex-date. Permanent book/tax differences relating to income and gain (loss) are reclassified amongst total distributable earnings (loss) and paid-in capital in excess of par, as appropriate.


Estimates: The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.



2. Agreements


The Fund has a management agreement with PGIM Investments. Pursuant to this agreement, PGIM Investments has responsibility for all investment advisory services and



supervises the subadviser’s performance of such services. In addition, under the management agreement, PGIM Investments provides all of the administrative functions necessary for the organization, operation and management of the Fund. PGIM Investments administers the corporate affairs of the Fund and, in connection therewith, furnishes the Fund with office facilities, together with those ordinary clerical and bookkeeping services which are not being furnished by the Fund’s custodian and the Fund’s transfer agent. PGIM Investments is also responsible for the staffing and management of dedicated groups of legal, marketing, compliance and related personnel necessary for the operation of the Fund. The legal, marketing, compliance and related personnel are also responsible for the management and oversight of the various service providers to the Fund, including, but not limited to, the custodian, transfer agent, and accounting agent.


PGIM Investments has entered into a subadvisory agreement with PGIM, Inc., which provides subadvisory services to the Fund through its PGIM Fixed Income unit. The subadvisory agreement provides that PGIM, Inc. will furnish investment advisory services in connection with the management of the Fund. In connection therewith, PGIM, Inc. is obligated to keep certain books and records of the Fund. PGIM Investments pays for the services of PGIM, Inc., the cost of compensation of officers of the Fund, occupancy and certain clerical and bookkeeping costs of the Fund. The Fund bears all other costs and expenses.


The management fee paid to PGIM Investments is accrued daily and payable monthly at an annual rate of 0.500% of the Fund’s average daily net assets up to $1 billion and 0.450% of the average daily net assets in excess of $1 billion. The effective management fee rate before any waivers and/or expense reimbursements was 0.500% for the six months ended October 31, 2018.


PGIM Investments has contractually agreed, through August 31, 2020, to limit transfer agency, shareholder servicing, sub-transfer agency, and blue sky fees, as applicable, to the extent that such fees cause the total annual operating expenses to exceed 0.60% of average daily net assets for Class R6 shares. This contractual waiver excludes interest, brokerage, taxes (such as income and foreign withholding taxes, stamp duty and deferred tax expenses), acquired fund fees and expenses, extraordinary expenses, and certain other Fund expenses such as dividend and interest expense and broker charges on short sales. Expenses waived/reimbursed by the Manager in accordance with this agreement may be recouped by the Manager within the same fiscal year during which such waiver/reimbursement is made if such recoupment can be realized without exceeding the expense limit in effect at the time of the recoupment for that fiscal year.


The Fund has a distribution agreement with Prudential Investment Management Services LLC (“PIMS”), which acts as the distributor of the Class A, Class B, Class C, Class Z and Class R6 shares of the Fund. The Fund compensates PIMS for distributing and servicing the Fund’s Class A, Class B and Class C shares, pursuant to the plans of distribution (the “Distribution Plans”), regardless of expenses actually incurred by PIMS.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     49  

Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued)


The distribution fees are accrued daily and payable monthly. No distribution or service fees are paid to PIMS as distributor of the Class Z or Class R6 shares of the Fund.


Pursuant to the Distribution Plans, the Fund compensates PIMS for distribution related activities at an annual rate of up to 0.25%, 0.50% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively.


PIMS has advised the Fund that it received $144,975 in front-end sales charges resulting from sales of Class A shares during the six months ended October 31, 2018. From these fees, PIMS paid such sales charges to broker-dealers, who in turn paid commissions to salespersons and incurred other distribution costs.


PIMS has advised the Fund that for the six months ended October 31, 2018, it received $4,558, $6,650 and $3,203 in contingent deferred sales charges imposed upon redemptions by certain Class A, Class B and Class C shareholders, respectively.


PGIM Investments, PGIM, Inc. and PIMS are indirect, wholly-owned subsidiaries of Prudential Financial, Inc. (“Prudential”).



3. Other Transactions with Affiliates


Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC (“PMFS”), an affiliate of PGIM Investments and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Prudential, serves as the Fund’s transfer agent. Transfer agent’s fees and expenses in the Statement of Operations include certain out-of-pocket expenses paid to non-affiliates, where applicable.


The Fund may enter into certain securities purchase or sale transactions under Board approved Rule 17a-7 procedures. Rule 17a-7 is an exemptive rule under the 1940 Act, that permits purchase and sale transactions among affiliated investment companies, or between an investment company and a person that is affiliated solely by reason of having a common (or affiliated) investment adviser, common directors, and/or common officers. Such transactions are subject to ratification by the Board. For the six months ended October 31, 2018, the Fund’s purchase and sale transactions under Rule 17a-7, were $11,856,336 and $13,143,883, respectively. There were no realized gains (losses) associated with these 17a-7 transactions during the reporting period.



4. Portfolio Securities


The aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of portfolio securities (excluding short-term investments and U.S. Government securities) for the six months ended October 31, 2018, were $211,714,697 and $219,536,236, respectively.



5. Tax Information


The United States federal income tax basis of the Fund’s investments and the net unrealized appreciation as of October 31, 2018 were as follows:


Tax Basis

   $ 789,953,663  




Gross Unrealized Appreciation


Gross Unrealized Depreciation





Net Unrealized Appreciation

   $ 19,042,444  





The book basis may differ from tax basis due to certain tax-related adjustments.


Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), the Fund is permitted to carryforward capital losses realized on or after May 1, 2011 (“post-enactment losses”) for an unlimited period. Post-enactment losses are required to be utilized before the utilization of losses incurred prior to the effective date of the Act. As a result of this ordering rule, capital loss carryforwards related to taxable years ending before April 30, 2012 (“pre-enactment losses”) may have an increased likelihood to expire unused. Additionally, post-enactment capital losses that are carried forward will retain their character as either short-term or long-term capital losses rather than being considered all short-term as under previous law. Additionally, the Fund utilized approximately $5,537,000 of its capital loss carryforward during the year ended April 30, 2018. No capital gains distributions are expected to be paid to shareholders until net gains have been realized in excess of such losses. As of April 30, 2018, the pre and post-enactment losses were approximately:


Post-Enactment Losses:

   $ 17,364,000  




Pre-Enactment Losses:


Expiring 2019

   $ 19,389,000  





Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken on federal, state and local income tax returns for all open tax years and has concluded that no provision for income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements for the current reporting period. The Fund’s federal, state and local income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue.



6. Capital and Ownership


The Fund offers Class A, Class B, Class C, Class Z and Class R6 shares. Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.00%. Investors who purchase $1 million or more of Class A shares and sell these shares within 12 months of purchase are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1%, although they are not subject to an initial sales charge. The Class A CDSC is waived for certain retirement and/or benefit plans. A special exchange privilege is also available for shareholders who qualified to purchase Class A shares at net asset value. Class B shares are sold with a CDSC which declines from 5% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class B shares will


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     51  

Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued)


automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately seven years after purchase. Class B shares are closed to new purchases. Class C shares are sold with a CDSC of 1% on sales made within 12 months of purchase. Class Z and Class R6 shares are not subject to any sales or redemption charge and are available exclusively for sale to a limited group of investors.


Under certain circumstances, an exchange may be made from specified share classes of the Fund to one or more other share classes of the Fund as presented in the table of transactions in shares of beneficial interest.


The Fund has authorized an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest of each class at $0.01 par value divided into five classes, designated Class A, Class B, Class C, Class Z and Class R6.


As of October 31, 2018, Prudential, through its affiliated entities, including affiliated funds (if applicable), owned 1,035 Class R6 shares of the Fund. At reporting period end, six shareholders of record held 58% of the Fund’s outstanding shares on behalf of multiple beneficial owners.


Transactions in shares of beneficial interest were as follows:


Class A

     Shares      Amount  

Six months ended October 31, 2018:


Shares sold

       3,420,536      $ 34,835,601  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       550,502        5,584,925  

Shares reacquired

       (4,073,565      (41,344,981







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (102,527      (924,455

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       477,500        4,854,625  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (604,976      (6,144,124







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (230,003    $ (2,213,954







Year ended April 30, 2018:


Shares sold

       3,583,222      $ 36,692,916  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       1,161,138        11,871,580  

Shares reacquired

       (7,011,641      (71,734,373







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (2,267,281      (23,169,877

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       919,364        9,434,737  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (748,666      (7,665,878







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (2,096,583    $  (21,401,018









Class B

     Shares      Amount  

Six months ended October 31, 2018:


Shares sold

       10,474      $ 105,858  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       38,133        387,119  

Shares reacquired

       (276,323      (2,807,593







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (227,716      (2,314,616

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (366,980      (3,730,819







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (594,696    $ (6,045,435







Year ended April 30, 2018:


Shares sold

       23,675      $ 242,323  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       97,556        997,910  

Shares reacquired

       (511,038      (5,228,448







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (389,807      (3,988,215

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (777,464      (7,989,578







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (1,167,271    $  (11,977,793







Class C


Six months ended October 31, 2018:


Shares sold

       703,628      $ 7,146,776  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       136,401        1,383,832  

Shares reacquired

       (932,112      (9,449,878







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (92,083      (919,270

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (365,740      (3,715,657







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (457,823    $ (4,634,927







Year ended April 30, 2018:


Shares sold

       1,449,015      $ 14,824,570  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       293,916        3,005,022  

Shares reacquired

       (1,885,741      (19,272,628







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (142,810      (1,443,036

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (826,812      (8,452,510







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (969,622    $ (9,895,546







Class Z


Six months ended October 31, 2018:


Shares sold

       6,186,846      $ 62,742,389  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       634,220        6,422,837  

Shares reacquired

       (7,046,791      (71,092,707







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (225,725      (1,927,481

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       920,172        9,328,886  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (506,815      (5,154,405







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       187,632      $ 2,247,000  







Year ended April 30, 2018:


Shares sold

       13,371,276      $ 136,714,994  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       1,214,921        12,396,545  

Shares reacquired

       (12,169,899      (124,131,489







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       2,416,298        24,980,050  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       1,539,755        15,729,060  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (110,461      (1,127,029







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       3,845,592      $ 39,582,081  








PGIM Muni High Income Fund     53  

Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued)


Class R6

     Shares      Amount  

Six months ended October 31, 2018:


Shares sold

       54,120      $ 546,272  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       6,974        70,471  

Shares reacquired

       (11,796      (119,762







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       49,298        496,981  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       448,199        4,561,494  







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       497,497      $  5,058,475  







Year ended April 30, 2018:


Shares sold

       32,863      $ 332,643  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       187        1,892  

Shares reacquired

       (761      (7,686







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       32,289        326,849  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       7,044        71,198  







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       39,333      $ 398,047  









7. Borrowings


The Fund along with other affiliated registered investment companies (the “Funds”), is a party to a Syndicated Credit Agreement (“SCA”) with a group of banks. The purpose of the SCA is to provide an alternative source of temporary funding for capital share redemptions. The SCA provides for a commitment of $900 million for the period October 4, 2018 through October 3, 2019. The Funds pay an annualized commitment fee of 0.15% of the unused portion of the SCA. The Fund’s portion of the commitment fee for the unused amount, allocated based upon a method approved by the Board, is accrued daily and paid quarterly. Prior to October 4, 2018, the Funds had another SCA that provided a commitment of $900 million and the Funds paid an annualized commitment fee of 0.15% of the unused portion of the SCA. The interest on borrowings under both SCAs is paid monthly and at a per annum interest rate based upon a contractual spread plus the higher of (1) the effective federal funds rate, (2) the 1-month LIBOR rate or (3) zero percent.


Other affiliated registered investment companies that are parties to the SCA include portfolios that are subject to a predetermined mathematical formula used to manage certain benefit guarantees offered under variable annuity contracts. The formula may result in large scale asset flows into and out of these portfolios. Consequently, these portfolios may be more likely to utilize the SCA for purposes of funding redemptions. It may be possible for those portfolios to fully exhaust the committed amount of the SCA, thereby requiring the Manager to allocate available funding per a Board-approved methodology designed to treat the Funds in the SCA equitably.


The Fund utilized the SCA during the reporting period ended October 31, 2018. The average daily balance for the 3 days that the Fund had loans outstanding during the period



was $254,333, borrowed at a weighted average interest rate of 3.35%. The maximum loan balance outstanding during the period was $389,000. At October 31, 2018, the Fund did not have an outstanding loan balance.



8. Dividends to Shareholders


In addition to the monthly dividends paid by the Fund, the Fund declared ordinary income dividends on November 28, 2018 to shareholders of record on November 29, 2018. The ex-date was November 30, 2018. The per share amounts declared were as follows:


     Ordinary Income  

Class A

   $ 0.01147  

Class B

   $ 0.01147  

Class C

   $ 0.01147  

Class Z

   $ 0.01147  

Class R6

   $ 0.01147  



9. Risks of Investing in the Fund


The Fund’s risks include, but are not limited to, some or all of the risks discussed below:


Bond Obligations Risk: The Fund’s holdings, share price, yield and total return may fluctuate in response to bond market movements. The value of bonds may decline for issuer-related reasons, including management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer’s goods and services. Certain types of fixed-income obligations also may be subject to “call and redemption risk,” which is the risk that the issuer may call a bond held by the Fund for redemption before it matures and the Fund may not be able to reinvest at the same level and therefore would earn less income.


Derivatives Risk: Derivatives involve special risks and costs and may result in losses to the Fund. The successful use of derivatives requires sophisticated management, and, to the extent that derivatives are used, the Fund will depend on the subadviser’s ability to analyze and manage derivative transactions. The prices of derivatives may move in unexpected ways, especially in abnormal market conditions. Some derivatives are “leveraged” and therefore may magnify or otherwise increase investment losses to the Fund. The Fund’s use of derivatives may also increase the amount of taxes payable by shareholders. Other risks arise from the potential inability to terminate or sell derivatives positions. A liquid secondary market may not always exist for the Fund’s derivatives positions. In fact, many OTC derivative instruments will not have liquidity beyond the counterparty to the instrument. OTC derivative instruments also involve the risk that the other party will not meet its obligations to the Fund.


Interest Rate Risk: The value of an investment may go down when interest rates rise. A rise in rates tends to have a greater impact on the prices of longer term or duration securities. When interest rates fall, the issuers of debt obligations may prepay principal more quickly than expected, and the Fund may be required to reinvest the proceeds at a lower interest


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     55  

Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) (continued)


rate. This is referred to as “prepayment risk.” When interest rates rise, debt obligations may be repaid more slowly than expected, and the value of the Fund’s holdings may fall sharply. This is referred to as “extension risk. The Fund may face a heightened level of interest rate risk as a result of the US Federal Reserve Board’s policies. The Fund’s investments may lose value if short-term or long-term interest rates rise sharply or in a manner not anticipated by the subadviser.


Liquidity Risk: The Fund may invest in instruments that trade in lower volumes and are less liquid than other investments. Liquidity risk includes the risk that the Fund may make investments that may become less liquid in response to market developments or adverse investor perceptions. Investments that are illiquid or that trade in lower volumes may be more difficult to value. When there is no willing buyer and investments cannot be readily sold at the desired time or price, the Fund may have to accept a lower price or may not be able to sell the instrument at all. An inability to sell a portfolio position can adversely affect the Fund’s value or prevent the Fund from being able to take advantage of other investment opportunities.



10. Recent Accounting Pronouncements and Reporting Updates


In August 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) adopted amendments to Regulation S-X to update and simplify the disclosure requirements for registered investment companies by eliminating requirements that are redundant or duplicative of US GAAP requirements or other SEC disclosure requirements. The new amendments require the presentation of the total, rather than the components, of distributable earnings on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and the total, rather than the components, of dividends from net investment income and distributions from net realized gains on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets. The amendments also removed the requirement for the parenthetical disclosure of undistributed net investment income on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets and certain tax adjustments that were reflected in the Notes to Financial Statements. All of these have been reflected in the Fund’s financial statements.


In August 2018, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) No. 2018-13, which changes certain fair value measurement disclosure requirements. The new ASU, in addition to other modifications and additions, removes the requirement to disclose the amount and reasons for transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, the Fund’s policy for the timing of transfers between levels. The amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Management has evaluated the implications of certain provisions of the ASU and has determined to early adopt aspects related to the removal and modification of certain fair value measurement disclosures under the ASU effective



immediately. At this time, management is evaluating the implications of certain other provisions of the ASU related to new disclosure requirements and any impact on the financial statement disclosures has not yet been determined.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     57  

Financial Highlights (unaudited)


Class A Shares  
     Six Months
October 31,

Year Ended April 30,

     2018            2018     2017     2016     2015     2014  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period     $10.12               $10.12       $10.45       $10.26       $9.91       $10.47  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                                        
Net investment income (loss)     0.20               0.39       0.41       0.44       0.44       0.47  
Net realized and unrealized gain                                                        
(loss) on investment transactions     (0.18             0.01       (0.33     0.18       0.36       (0.57
Total from investment operations     0.02               0.40       0.08       0.62       0.80       (0.10
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.19             (0.40     (0.41     (0.43     (0.45     (0.46
Net asset value, end of period     $9.95               $10.12       $10.12       $10.45       $10.26       $9.91  
Total Return(b):     0.22%               3.99%       0.73%       6.19%       8.19%       (0.71)%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of period (000)     $315,069               $322,606       $343,939       $402,933       $375,176       $373,610  
Average net assets (000)     $323,912               $337,410       $387,190       $379,356       $376,328       $367,792  
Ratios to average net assets(c):                                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     0.85% (d)              0.86%       0.87%       0.87%       0.87%       0.87%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     0.85% (d)              0.86% (e)      0.87%       0.87%       0.91%       0.92%  
Net investment income (loss)     3.82% (d)              3.86%       3.99%       4.30%       4.36%       4.90%  
Portfolio turnover rate(f)     25%               36%       39%       9%       17%       24%  



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each period reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.


Effective March 9, 2015, the contractual distribution and service (12b-1) fees were reduced from 0.30% to 0.25% of the average daily net assets and the 0.05% contractual 12b-1 fee waiver was terminated.




Effective January 1, 2018, class specific expenses include transfer agent fees and expenses and registration fees, which are charged to their respective share class.


The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate may be higher.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Class B Shares  
     Six Months
October 31,

Year Ended April 30,

     2018            2018     2017     2016     2015     2014  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period     $10.12               $10.13       $10.46       $10.27       $9.92       $10.48  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                                        
Net investment income (loss)     0.18               0.37       0.39       0.42       0.42       0.45  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions     (0.16             (0.01     (0.34     0.17       0.36       (0.57
Total from investment operations     0.02               0.36       0.05       0.59       0.78       (0.12
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.18             (0.37     (0.38     (0.40     (0.43     (0.44
Net asset value, end of period     $9.96               $10.12       $10.13       $10.46       $10.27       $9.92  
Total Return(b):     0.14%               3.60%       0.50%       5.93%       7.92%       (0.95)%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of period (000)     $23,858               $30,272       $42,104       $57,613       $62,944       $67,445  
Average net assets (000)     $27,116               $36,097       $50,808       $59,446       $66,035       $68,456  
Ratios to average net assets:                                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.20% (c)              1.14%       1.12%       1.12%       1.12%       1.12%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.20% (c)              1.14% (d)      1.12%       1.12%       1.12%       1.12%  
Net investment income (loss)     3.46% (c)              3.58%       3.73%       4.06%       4.11%       4.66%  
Portfolio turnover rate(e)     25%               36%       39%       9%       17%       24%  



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each period reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.




Effective January 1, 2018, class specific expenses include transfer agent fees and expenses and registration fees, which are charged to their respective share class.


The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate may be higher.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     59  

Financial Highlights (unaudited) (continued)



Class C Shares  
     Six Months
October 31,

Year Ended April 30,

     2018            2018     2017     2016     2015     2014  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period     $10.12               $10.12       $10.45       $10.27       $9.92       $10.47  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                                        
Net investment income (loss)     0.16               0.32       0.33       0.36       0.37       0.40  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions     (0.17             - (b)      (0.33     0.17       0.35       (0.56
Total from investment operations     (0.01             0.32       0.00       0.53       0.72       (0.16
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.16             (0.32     (0.33     (0.35     (0.37     (0.39
Net asset value, end of period     $9.95               $10.12       $10.12       $10.45       $10.27       $9.92  
Total Return(c):     (0.17 )%              3.21%       0.01%       5.31%       7.39%       (1.36)%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of period (000)     $103,730               $110,077       $119,937       $125,439       $105,708       $89,990  
Average net assets (000)     $108,456               $114,788       $127,425       $111,295       $97,740       $96,402  
Ratios to average net assets:                                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.61% (d)              1.62%       1.62%       1.62%       1.62%       1.62%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.61% (d)              1.62% (e)      1.62%       1.62%       1.62%       1.62%  
Net investment income (loss)     3.06% (d)              3.11%       3.24%       3.55%       3.61%       4.15%  
Portfolio turnover rate(f)     25%               36%       39%       9%       17%       24%  



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.


Less than $0.005 per share.


Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each period reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.




Effective January 1, 2018, class specific expenses include transfer agent fees and expenses and registration fees, which are charged to their respective share class.


The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate may be higher.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Class Z Shares  
     Six Months
October 31,

Year Ended April 30,

     2018            2018     2017     2016     2015     2014  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period     $10.10               $10.11       $10.44       $10.25       $9.90       $10.46  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                                        
Net investment income (loss)     0.21               0.42       0.44       0.46       0.47       0.50  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions     (0.16             - (b)      (0.33     0.18       0.36       (0.57
Total from investment operations     0.05               0.42       0.11       0.64       0.83       (0.07
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.21             (0.43     (0.44     (0.45     (0.48     (0.49
Net asset value, end of period     $9.94               $10.10       $10.11       $10.44       $10.25       $9.90  
Total Return(c):     0.43%               4.15%       1.02%       6.48%       8.48%       (0.47)%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of period (000)     $371,227               $375,466       $336,781       $274,404       $180,050       $118,489  
Average net assets (000)     $391,528               $370,141       $307,480       $208,377       $152,856       $116,356  
Ratios to average net assets:                                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     0.62% (d)              0.62%       0.62%       0.62%       0.62%       0.62%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     0.62% (d)              0.62% (e)      0.62%       0.62%       0.62%       0.62%  
Net investment income (loss)     4.05% (d)              4.11%       4.24%       4.54%       4.61%       5.15%  
Portfolio turnover rate(f)     25%               36%       39%       9%       17%       24%  



Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.


Less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each period reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.




Effective January 1, 2018, class specific expenses include transfer agent fees and expenses and registration fees, which are charged to their respective share class.


The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate may be higher.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund     61  

Financial Highlights (unaudited) (continued)


Class R6 Shares                     
     Six Months
October 31,
          June 27,
April 30,
     2018            2018  
Per Share Operating Performance(b):                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period     $10.11               $10.23  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                        
Net investment income (loss)     0.21               0.36  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions     (0.17             (0.11
Total from investment operations     0.04               0.25  
Less Dividends and Distributions:                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.21             (0.37
Net asset value, end of period     $9.94               $10.11  
Total Return(c):     0.35%               2.50%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of period (000)     $5,339               $398  
Average net assets (000)     $3,428               $53  
Ratios to average net assets:                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     0.60% (d)              0.59% (d) 
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     0.96% (d)              25.88% (d)(e) 
Net investment income (loss)     4.11% (d)              4.31% (d) 
Portfolio turnover rate(f)     25%               36%  



Commencement of offering.


Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.


Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each period reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Total returns for periods less than one full year are not annualized.




Effective January 1, 2018, class specific expenses include transfer agent fees and expenses and registration fees, which are charged to their respective share class.


The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, without regard to transactions involving short term investments and certain derivatives. If such transactions were included, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate may be higher.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Approval of Advisory Agreements (unaudited)


The Fund’s Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of PGIM Muni High Income Fund (the “Fund”)1 consists of twelve individuals, nine of whom are not “interested persons” of the Fund, as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (the “Independent Trustees”). The Board is responsible for the oversight of the Fund and its operations, and performs the various duties imposed on the directors of investment companies by the 1940 Act. The Independent Trustees have retained independent legal counsel to assist them in connection with their duties. The Chair of the Board is an Independent Trustee. The Board has established four standing committees: the Audit Committee, the Nominating and Governance Committee, and two Investment Committees. Each committee is chaired by, and composed of, Independent Trustees.


Annual Approval of the Fund’s Advisory Agreements


As required under the 1940 Act, the Board determines annually whether to renew the Fund’s management agreement with PGIM Investments LLC (“PGIM Investments”) and the Fund’s subadvisory agreement with PGIM, Inc. (“PGIM”) on behalf of its PGIM Fixed Income unit. In considering the renewal of the agreements, the Board, including all of the Independent Trustees, met on June 7, 2018 and on June 19-21, 2018 and approved the renewal of the agreements through July 31, 2019, after concluding that the renewal of the agreements was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.


In advance of the meetings, the Board requested and received materials relating to the agreements, and had the opportunity to ask questions and request further information in connection with its consideration. Among other things, the Board considered comparative fee information from PGIM Investments and PGIM. Also, the Board considered comparisons with other mutual funds in relevant Peer Universes and Peer Groups, as is further discussed below.


In approving the agreements, the Board, including the Independent Trustees advised by independent legal counsel, considered the factors it deemed relevant, including the nature, quality and extent of services provided by PGIM Investments and the subadviser, the performance of the Fund, the profitability of PGIM Investments and its affiliates, expenses and fees, and the potential for economies of scale that may be shared with the Fund and its shareholders as the Fund’s assets grow. In their deliberations, the Trustees did not identify any single factor which alone was responsible for the Board’s decision to approve the agreements with respect to the Fund. In connection with its deliberations, the Board considered information provided by PGIM Investments throughout the year at regular Board meetings, presentations from portfolio managers and other information, as well as



PGIM Muni High Income Fund is the sole series of Prudential Investment Portfolios 4.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund

Approval of Advisory Agreements (continued)


information furnished at or in advance of the meetings on June 7, 2018 and on June 19-21, 2018.


The Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between the Fund and PGIM Investments, which serves as the Fund’s investment manager pursuant to a management agreement, and between PGIM Investments and PGIM, which, through its PGIM Fixed Income unit, serves as the Fund’s subadviser pursuant to the terms of a subadvisory agreement with PGIM Investments, are in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders in light of the services performed, fees charged and such other matters as the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment.


The material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ reaching their determinations to approve the continuance of the agreements are separately discussed below.


Nature, Quality and Extent of Services


The Board received and considered information regarding the nature, quality and extent of services provided to the Fund by PGIM Investments and PGIM Fixed Income. The Board considered the services provided by PGIM Investments, including but not limited to the oversight of the subadviser for the Fund, as well as the provision of fund recordkeeping, compliance, and other services to the Fund. With respect to PGIM Investments’ oversight of the subadviser, the Board noted that PGIM Investments’ Strategic Investment Research Group (“SIRG”), which is a business unit of PGIM Investments, is responsible for monitoring and reporting to PGIM Investments’ senior management on the performance and operations of the subadviser. The Board also considered that PGIM Investments pays the salaries of all of the officers and interested Trustees of the Fund who are part of Fund management. The Board also considered the investment subadvisory services provided by PGIM Fixed Income, including investment research and security selection, as well as adherence to the Fund’s investment restrictions and compliance with applicable Fund policies and procedures. The Board considered PGIM Investments’ evaluation of the subadviser, as well as PGIM Investments’ recommendation, based on its review of the subadviser, to renew the subadvisory agreement.


The Board considered the qualifications, backgrounds and responsibilities of PGIM Investments’ senior management responsible for the oversight of the Fund and PGIM Fixed Income, and also considered the qualifications, backgrounds and responsibilities of PGIM Fixed Income’s portfolio managers who are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio. The Board was provided with information pertaining to PGIM Investments’ and PGIM Fixed Income’s organizational structure, senior management, investment operations, and other relevant information pertaining to both PGIM Investments and PGIM Fixed Income. The Board also noted that it received favorable compliance reports


Visit our website at pgiminvestments.com  

from the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) as to both PGIM Investments and PGIM Fixed Income. The Board noted that PGIM Fixed Income is affiliated with PGIM Investments.


The Board concluded that it was satisfied with the nature, extent and quality of the investment management services provided by PGIM Investments and the subadvisory services provided to the Fund by PGIM Fixed Income, and that there was a reasonable basis on which to conclude that the Fund benefits from the services provided by PGIM Investments and PGIM Fixed Income under the management and subadvisory agreements.


Costs of Services and Profits Realized by PGIM Investments


The Board was provided with information on the profitability of PGIM Investments and its affiliates in serving as the Fund’s investment manager. The Board discussed with PGIM Investments the methodology utilized in assembling the information regarding profitability and considered its reasonableness. The Board recognized that it is difficult to make comparisons of profitability from fund management contracts because comparative information is not generally publicly available and is affected by numerous factors, including the structure of the particular adviser, the types of funds it manages, its business mix, numerous assumptions regarding allocations and the adviser’s capital structure and cost of capital. Taking these factors into account, the Board concluded that the profitability of PGIM Investments and its affiliates in relation to the services rendered was not unreasonable.


Economies of Scale


The Board received and discussed information concerning economies of scale that PGIM Investments may realize as the Fund’s assets grow beyond current levels. The Board noted that the management fee schedule for the Fund includes breakpoints, which have the effect of decreasing the fee rate as assets increase. During the course of time, the Board has considered information regarding the launch date of the Fund, the management fees of the Fund compared to those of similarly managed funds and PGIM Investments’ investment in the Fund over time. The Board noted that economies of scale can be shared with the Fund in other ways, including low management fees from inception, additional technological and personnel investments to enhance shareholder services, and maintaining existing expense structures in the face of a rising cost environment. The Board also considered PGIM Investments’ assertion that it continually evaluates the management fee schedule of the Fund and the potential to share economies of scale through breakpoints or fee waivers as asset levels increase.


The Board recognized the inherent limitations of any analysis of economies of scale, stemming largely from the Board’s understanding that most of PGIM Investments’ costs are not specific to individual funds, but rather are incurred across a variety of products and services.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund

Approval of Advisory Agreements (continued)



Other Benefits to PGIM Investments and PGIM Fixed Income


The Board considered potential ancillary benefits that might be received by PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income and their affiliates as a result of their relationship with the Fund. The Board concluded that potential benefits to be derived by PGIM Investments included transfer agency fees received by the Fund’s transfer agent (which is affiliated with PGIM Investments), and benefits to its reputation as well as other intangible benefits resulting from PGIM Investments’ association with the Fund. The Board concluded that the potential benefits to be derived by PGIM Fixed Income included its ability to use soft dollar credits, as well as the potential benefits consistent with those generally resulting from an increase in assets under management, specifically, potential access to additional research resources and benefits to its reputation. The Board concluded that the benefits derived by PGIM Investments and PGIM Fixed Income were consistent with the types of benefits generally derived by investment managers and subadvisers to mutual funds.


Performance of the Fund / Fees and Expenses


The Board considered certain additional specific factors and made related conclusions relating to the historical performance of the Fund for the one-, three-, five- and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2017.


The Board also considered the Fund’s actual management fee, as well as the Fund’s net total expense ratio, for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2017. The Board considered the management fee for the Fund as compared to the management fee charged by PGIM Investments to other funds and the fee charged by other advisers to comparable mutual funds in a Peer Group. The actual management fee represents the fee rate actually paid by Fund shareholders and includes any fee waivers or reimbursements. The net total expense ratio for the Fund represents the actual expense ratio incurred by Fund shareholders.


The mutual funds included in the Peer Universe, which was used to consider performance, and the Peer Group, which was used to consider fees and expenses, were objectively determined by Broadridge, an independent provider of mutual fund data. In certain circumstances, PGIM Investments also may have provided supplemental Peer Universe or Peer Group information for reasons addressed with the Board. The comparisons placed the Fund in various quartiles, with the first quartile being the best 25% of the mutual funds (for performance, the best performing mutual funds and, for expenses, the lowest cost mutual funds).


The section below summarizes key factors considered by the Board and the Board’s conclusions regarding the Fund’s performance, fees and overall expenses. The table sets forth gross performance comparisons (which do not reflect the impact on performance of


Visit our website at pgiminvestments.com  

fund expenses, or any subsidies, expense caps or waivers that may be applicable) with the Peer Universe, actual management fees with the Peer Group (which reflect the impact of any subsidies or fee waivers), and net total expenses with the Peer Group, each of which were key factors considered by the Board.


   1 Year    3 Years    5 Years    10 Years

3rd Quartile

   3rd Quartile    3rd Quartile    1st  Quartile
Actual Management Fees: 4th Quartile
Net Total Expenses: 2nd Quartile



The Board noted that the Fund outperformed its benchmark index over all periods.


The Board considered PGIM Investments’ assertion that the Fund’s performance relative to its benchmark index was more relevant than peer relative performance in evaluating the Fund because the Fund invested in both investment grade and high yield securities, unlike the other funds included in the Peer Universe.


The Board also noted PGIM Investments’ assertion that the Fund’s barbell approach to investing, which focuses on investing in both investment grade and high-yield securities, has resulted in a lower standard deviation to the Fund’s benchmark index as compared to its peers.


The Board and PGIM Investments agreed to retain the existing contractual expense cap, which (exclusive of certain fees and expenses) limits transfer agency, shareholder servicing, sub-transfer agency and blue sky fees to the extent that such fees cause total annual fund operating expenses for Class R6 shares to exceed 0.60% through August 31, 2020.


The Board concluded that, in light of the above, it would be in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders to renew the agreements.


The Board concluded that the management fees (including subadvisory fees) and total expenses were reasonable in light of the services provided.


*    *    *


After full consideration of these factors, the Board concluded that approval of the agreements was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.


PGIM Muni High Income Fund


655 Broad Street

Newark, NJ 07102


(800) 225-1852




The Board of Trustees of the Fund has delegated to the Fund’s subadviser the responsibility for voting any proxies and maintaining proxy recordkeeping with respect to the Fund. A description of these proxy voting policies and procedures is available without charge, upon request, by calling (800) 225-1852. Information regarding how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available on the Fund’s website and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website.


Ellen S. Alberding Kevin J. Bannon Scott E. Benjamin Linda W. Bynoe Barry H. Evans Keith F. Hartstein Laurie Simon Hodrick Michael S. Hyland Stuart S. Parker Richard A. Redeker Brian K. Reid Grace C. Torres


Stuart S. Parker, President Scott E. Benjamin, Vice President Brian D. Nee, Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer Raymond A. O’Hara, Chief Legal Officer Andrew R. French, Secretary  Chad A. Earnst, Chief Compliance Officer Dino Capasso, Vice President and Deputy Chief Compliance Officer Charles H. Smith, Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer  Jonathan D. Shain, Assistant Secretary Claudia DiGiacomo, Assistant Secretary Peter Parrella, Assistant Treasurer Lana Lomuti, Assistant Treasurer Linda McMullin, Assistant Treasurer Kelly A. Coyne, Assistant Treasurer


MANAGER   PGIM Investments LLC   655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102


SUBADVISER   PGIM Fixed Income   655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102


DISTRIBUTOR   Prudential Investment
Management Services LLC
  655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102


CUSTODIAN   The Bank of New York Mellon   225 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10286


TRANSFER AGENT   Prudential Mutual Fund
Services LLC
  PO Box 9658
Providence, RI 02940


  KPMG LLP   345 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10154


FUND COUNSEL   Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP   787 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019


An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. The prospectus and summary prospectus contain this and other information about the Fund. An investor may obtain a prospectus and summary prospectus by visiting our website at www.pgiminvestments.com or by calling (800) 225-1852. The prospectus and summary prospectus should be read carefully before investing.


To receive your mutual fund documents online, go to www.pgiminvestments.com/edelivery and enroll. Instead of receiving printed documents by mail, you will receive notification via email when new materials are available. You can cancel your enrollment or change your email address at any time by visiting the website address above.


Shareholders can communicate directly with the Board of Trustees by writing to the Chair of the Board, PGIM Muni High Income Fund, PGIM Investments, Attn: Board of Trustees, 655 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102. Shareholders can communicate directly with an individual Trustee by writing to the same address. Communications are not screened before being delivered to the addressee.


The Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Forms N-Q are available on the Commission’s website at www.sec.gov. The Fund’s schedule of portfolio holdings is also available on the Fund’s website as of the end of each month no sooner than 15 days after the end of the month.


Mutual Funds:







SHARE CLASS   A   B   C   Z   R6*
CUSIP   74440M104   74440M203   74440M302   74440M401   74440M609


*Formerly known as Class Q shares.



Item 2 – 

Code of Ethics – Not required, as this is not an annual filing.


Item 3 – 

Audit Committee Financial Expert – Not required, as this is not an annual filing.


Item 4 – 

Principal Accountant Fees and Services – Not required, as this is not an annual filing.


Item 5 – 

Audit Committee of Listed Registrants – Not applicable.


Item 6 – 

Schedule of Investments – The schedule is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.


Item 7 – 

Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not applicable.


Item 8 – 

Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not applicable.


Item 9 – 

Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers – Not applicable.


Item 10 – 

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders – Not applicable.


Item 11 – 

Controls and Procedures



It is the conclusion of the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer that the effectiveness of the registrant’s current disclosure controls and procedures (such disclosure controls and procedures having been evaluated within 90 days of the date of this filing) provide reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed by the registrant has been recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time period specified in the Commission’s rules and forms and that the information required to be disclosed by the registrant has been accumulated and communicated to the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer in order to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.



There has been no significant change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12 – Exhibits


  (a)   (1)   

Code of Ethics – Not required, as this is not an annual filing.



Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – Attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.CERT.



Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1. – Not applicable.



Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – Attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.906CERT.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



  Prudential Investment Portfolios 4



/s/ Andrew R. French


Andrew R. French





December 18, 2018

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.




/s/ Stuart S. Parker


Stuart S. Parker

  President and Principal Executive Officer



December 18, 2018



/s/ Brian D. Nee


Brian D. Nee

  Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer



December 18, 2018

EX-99.CERT 2 d628112dex99cert.htm CERTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 302 Certifications pursuant to Section 302

Item 12

Prudential Investment Portfolios 4

Semi-Annual period ending 10/31/18

File No. 811-04930


I, Stuart S. Parker, certify that:



I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of the above named Fund;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report.



The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:



Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;



Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;



Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and;



Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and




The registrant’s other certifying officers and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and



Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

December 18, 2018


/s/ Stuart S. Parker
Stuart S. Parker
President and Principal Executive Officer



Item 12

Prudential Investment Portfolios 4

Semi-Annual period ending 10/31/18

File No. 811-04930


I, Brian D. Nee, certify that:



I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of the above named Fund;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report.



The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:



Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;



Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;



Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and;



Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and




The registrant’s other certifying officers and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and



Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

December 18, 2018


/s/ Brian D. Nee
Brian D. Nee
Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer



EX-99.906CERT 3 d628112dex99906cert.htm CERTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 906 Certifications pursuant to Section 906

Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350

As Adopted Pursuant to

Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Name of Issuer:         Prudential Investment Portfolios 4

In connection with the Report on Form N-CSR of the above-named issuer that is accompanied by this certification, the undersigned hereby certifies, to his or her knowledge, that:



The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and



The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Issuer.


December 18, 2018       /s/ Stuart S. Parker
      Stuart S. Parker
      President and Principal Executive Officer
December 18, 2018       /s/ Brian D. Nee
      Brian D. Nee
      Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer
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