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The Progressive Corporation
June 2007



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The artwork1 on the cover of The Progressive Corporation’s 2007 Report on Loss Reserving Practices represents the basis of analyzing loss and loss adjustment expenses (LAE) reserve levels. The solid wood stairs represent historical data while the glass steps represent the projections of ultimate losses, which are revised as more information is known. Adequate reserve levels are determined by subtracting out losses already paid from the projected ultimate losses.
The primary purpose of this report is to help interested stakeholders better understand our loss reserving process and how it affects our financial results. Reserves in this report refer to loss and loss adjustment expense reserves.
The 2007 Report on Loss Reserving Practices is very similar to the 2006 report. However, we updated financial information throughout the report, and we included our latest process enhancements in Section V.
As the Appendix is a separate document, you can electronically link to it anywhere that you see the blue underlined word: Appendix.
Consistent with Progressive’s culture of self-examination, our analysis of loss reserves demands continuous change and continuous improvement. Each section of this report focuses on a different aspect of our reserving process.
  Section I provides an overview of our financial objectives and results, and explains why accurate reserving is important
  Section II describes how reserve development affects our financial results, and how we have performed relative to our goal of having total reserves that are adequate and develop with minimal variation
  Section III defines the types of reserves, how they are related and how we analyze them
  Section IV describes how and why we estimate our required reserves by segment
  Section V presents the process enhancements we introduced in 2006
  Section VI defines many of the terms we use throughout the report
  Sections VII and VIII in the Appendix present two case studies of segment reserve reviews – one for loss reserves and one for loss adjustment expense (LAE) reserves, including discussion of the issues we consider and the calculations involved
The 2007 Report on Loss Reserving Practices was written by Gary Traicoff and Beth Brown. Despite the technical nature of our reserve analysis, we strive to make this report as accessible and understandable as possible to a wide audience. We welcome your comments so that we may continue to enhance it. Comments and questions should be directed to Al Neis, Corporate Actuary at The Progressive Corporation, 6300 Wilson Mills Road, Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 or e-mailed to al_neis@progressive.com.
1Carlos Vega, Keep Up, mixed media on paper, 2003
Copyright © Progressive Casualty Insurance Company. All Rights Reserved.



Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this report that are not historical fact are forward-looking statements that are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those discussed herein. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, uncertainties related to estimates, assumptions and projections generally; inflation and changes in economic conditions (including changes in interest rates and financial markets); the accuracy and adequacy of our pricing and loss reserving methodologies; the competitiveness of our pricing and the effectiveness of our initiatives to retain more customers; initiatives by competitors and the effectiveness of our response; our ability to obtain regulatory approval for requested rate changes and the timing thereof; the effectiveness of our brand strategy and advertising campaigns relative to those of competitors; legislative and regulatory developments; disputes relating to intellectual property rights; the outcome of litigation pending or that may be filed against us; weather conditions (including the severity and frequency of storms, hurricanes, snowfalls, hail and winter conditions); changes in driving patterns and loss trends; acts of war and terrorist activities; our ability to maintain the uninterrupted operation of our facilities, systems (including information technology systems) and business functions; court decisions and trends in litigation and health care and auto repair costs; and other matters described from time to time in our releases and publications, and in our periodic reports and other documents filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, investors should be aware that generally accepted accounting principles prescribe when a company may reserve for particular risks, including litigation exposures. Accordingly, results for a given reporting period could be significantly affected if and when a reserve is established for one or more contingencies. Reported results, therefore, may appear to be volatile in certain accounting periods.



Table of Contents
Section I – About Progressive
Our Business
2006 Business Highlights
Our Financial Objectives
Relationship Between Loss Reserving and Pricing Functions
Section II – About Reserves and Development
Definition and Stated Goals
Calendar Year versus Accident Year
Paid Development Patterns
Reserve Development
External Reporting of Reserve Changes and Reserve Development
Internal Reporting of Reserve Changes and Reserve Development
Section III – Types of Reserves
Loss Reserves
Case Reserves
Incurred But Not Recorded (IBNR) Reserves
Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) Reserves
Salvage and Subrogation
Involuntary Market Operating Loss Reserves
Section IV – Estimating Loss Reserves
Segmentation of Reserves for Analysis
Projections of Ultimate Losses
Section V – Process Enhancements Introduced in 2006
Calculation of carried LAE IBNR reserves
Additional segmentation
Section VI – Terms and Definitions
Section VII – Case Study: Loss Reserve Review
Section VIII – Case Study: Loss Adjustment Expense Reserve Review



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Section I – About Progressive
Our Business
The Progressive insurance organization (referred to as “Progressive” or the “Company”) began in 1937. Since that time, we have worked hard to continuously improve our products and services. Today, we offer competitive rates and 24-hour, in-person and online services to personal and commercial auto drivers throughout the United States.
We seek to become Consumers’ No. 1 Choice for Auto Insurance through creation of a consumer proposition based on fast, fair and better. The Company predominantly writes insurance for personal and commercial automobiles, as well as motorcycles, recreational vehicles and watercraft. Progressive Insurance is available directly through the Company over the telephone and on the Internet, as well as through more than 30,000 independent insurance agencies that represent the Company and brokerages in New York and California.
2006 Business Overview
The Company ranks third in both the U.S. personal auto insurance market and the U.S. commercial auto insurance market, based on premiums written. The Company had a 1% increase in net premiums written and a 13.3% underwriting margin in 2006. We saw frequency rates decline slightly in 2006, but not to the extent we experienced in 2004 and 2005. Prior periods’ bodily injury severities were overestimated as well, which led to favorable calendar period adjustments. However, we believe accident year results will begin to trend towards more historical norms, and we have chosen to be more deliberate when using rate reductions in search of profitable growth. Significant developments to our business in 2006 were continued introduction and rollout of new products and services such as our concierge claims service, total loss replacement, online claim reporting, and umbrella policies, along with our increased focus on measuring customer satisfaction and retention efforts with the introduction of “Net Promoter® Score” (NPS).
Our Financial Objectives
At Progressive, we measure ourselves against two specific goals designed to maximize the value of our Company. Our most important goal is for our insurance subsidiaries to produce an aggregate calendar year 4% underwriting profit. Second, we seek to grow our business as fast as possible so long as doing so is consistent with our profitability objective and our ability to provide high quality service to our customers. We communicate these two corporate goals to every Progressive employee and work together to achieve them. In 2006, our achievement of these two goals resulted in a Return on Shareholders Equity (ROE) of 25.3%1 and a Comprehensive ROE of 28.4%2.
Loss reserving is an activity that is central to the achievement of our goals. It involves estimating the magnitude and timing of future claim payments and adjusting expenses for accidents that have already occurred. These estimates take into account not only claims that are in the process
1   Based on net income.
2   Use of Comprehensive ROE is consistent with the Company’s policy to manage on a total return basis and reflects changes in unrealized gains and losses on securities held in our portfolio. For Progressive, Comprehensive ROE consists primarily of:
    [Net income + changes in unrealized security gains, net of tax] / [average shareholders’ equity].
    To review all components of Progressive’s Comprehensive ROE, refer to our Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and related Notes in our 2006 Annual Report to Shareholders, which is attached as an appendix to the Company’s 2007 Proxy Statement.
    ®Net Promoter® is a registered trademark of Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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of being settled, but also claims on accidents that have happened but have not yet been reported to the Company. At year-end 2006, Progressive’s estimated gross loss and LAE reserves amounted to $5.7 billion.
Our financial policies define our allocation of risk, which is the chance that actual events turn out to be significantly different than expected and result in a loss of capital. Our Risk Management area identifies, quantifies, and in some instances manages risks to which Progressive is subject. Our risks are classified into the following three categories:
  Operating – Monitor pricing and reserving discipline
  Financing – Maintain sufficient capital to support insurance operations
  Investing – Maintain a liquid, diversified, high-quality investment portfolio
Loss reserving is an operating risk because significant variations in loss reserve estimates affect our operating profit and our ability to price accurately.
Relationship Between Loss Reserving and Pricing Functions
Unlike most industries, insurers do not know their costs until well after a sale has been made. One of the most important functions in our Company, therefore, is setting rates or “pricing.” The goal of our pricing function is to properly evaluate future risks the Company will assume but has not yet written. Estimates of future claim payments are essential for accurately measuring Progressive’s underwriting profit and for determining whether pricing changes are needed to achieve the Company’s underwriting target. Reserve estimates that are too low can lead to the conclusion that pricing is adequate when it is not, so we may fail to achieve our underwriting target in future periods, and we may experience unprofitable growth. Reserve estimates that are too high may limit growth and competitive opportunities.
Our product-focused business units continue to seek ways to advance the science of rate making to achieve accurate cost-based pricing at the finest level our data will support. This allows us to more accurately match our rates with expected loss costs by risk classification.
The role of the pricing function is to determine rates that are adequate to achieve our profitability goals without being excessive or unfairly discriminatory to consumers. Although the pricing function is very different from the loss reserving function, the data used is consistent among the functions. Typical information that the loss reserving area shares with the pricing organization includes:
    Overall changes in the level of reserves by type of reserve (see Section III)
    History of claim development and selected ultimate losses by accident period
    Changes in selected ultimate loss amounts over time
    Selected severity by historical accident period and resulting trends
    Selected frequency by historical accident period and resulting trends
    Changes in actuarially determined case average reserves by age (see Section III)
    Changes in the level of average adjuster-set case reserve estimates (see Section III)
    Changes in claim closure rates
    Changes in the rate of claims closed without payment (CWP rate)
Judgments made by both the loss reserving and pricing areas consider additional issues. Growth and process changes may cause claims to settle faster or slower than previous experience. Changes made by state insurance departments, changes in the mix of business, and changes in the underwriting process may also contribute to unexpected changes in the data.
We use a cost-plus strategy in pricing, beginning with the projected ultimate losses and LAE. Pricers estimate the ultimate losses and LAE for each coverage for the state under review. Their

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projection methods are similar to those used by the loss reserving area, as described in Section IV.
Trend selections have a significant impact on how much the rates will change. Changes in the average cost of a claim (severity trend), changes in the proportion of insured cars that have a claim (frequency trend), and changes in average premium adjusted for current rate levels (premium trend) are analyzed and selected.
The loss reserving team meets regularly with the product management, pricing and claims teams to discuss these issues.

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Section II – About Reserves and Development
Definition and Stated Goals
Reserves are liabilities established on the Company’s balance sheet as of a specific accounting date and are estimates of the unpaid portion of what the Company ultimately expects to pay out on claims. They are estimates of future payments for insured events (claims) that occurred by the accounting date, whether or not those claims have been reported to the Company. These estimates are reported net of the amounts recoverable from salvage and subrogation. Loss reserves are the Company’s best estimate of future payments to claimants, and loss adjustment expense (LAE) reserves are the estimated future expense payments to adjust the claims. The types of reserves are explained further in Section III.
We estimate the needed reserves based on facts and circumstances known at the time of the reserve evaluation. There is inherent uncertainty in the process of establishing property and casualty loss and LAE reserves, caused in part by changes in the Company’s mix of business (by state, policy limit, etc.), changes in claims staffing and claims processes, inflation on automobile repair costs and medical costs, changes in state legal and regulatory environments, and judicial decisions regarding lawsuits, changes in theories of liability, and interpretation of insurance policy provisions.
The Company’s goal is to ensure that total reserves are adequate to cover all loss costs while sustaining minimal variation from the time reserves are initially established until losses are fully developed.
The Corporate Actuary is accountable for the reserve adequacy and accuracy. The loss reserving area reports to the Corporate Actuary and is part of the corporate finance department. Product management and pricing are in the four marketing areas — Agency, Direct, Commercial Auto and Special Lines (RV, motorcycle, boat, etc.). The loss reserving area works closely with the marketing and claims areas to fully understand the underlying data used in our reviews. The Corporate Actuary uses this information to make the reserving decisions independent of the marketing and claims areas.
In order to make the most accurate estimation, we analyze our reserves by segment, generally defined by state/product/coverage groupings with reasonably similar loss characteristics. Reserve estimation and segmentation are further explained in Section IV, and our analysis of reserves is described in greater detail in the Appendix, which presents reserve reviews for losses and loss adjustment expenses for sample segments, including discussion of the issues we consider during the analysis and the calculations involved.
Calendar Year versus Accident Year
Financial statements report data on a calendar year basis. However, payments and reserve changes may be made on accidents that occurred in prior years, thus not giving an accurate picture of the business that is currently insured. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between calendar year and accident year losses. (Note that calendar year and accident year concepts may apply to periods other than annual periods, but the term “year” is often used generically).
Calendar Period Losses consist of payments and reserve changes that are recorded on the Company’s financial records during the period in question, without regard to the period in which the accident occurred. Calendar period results do not change after the end of the period, even as new claim information develops.

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Accident Period Losses consist of payments and reserves that are assigned to the period in which the accident occurred. Accident period results will change over time as the estimates of losses change due to payments and reserve changes for all accidents that occurred during that period. Projection of ultimate losses by accident period is an important part of the reserve analysis.
Paid Development Patterns
Incurred losses consist of payments and reserve changes, so it is important to understand paid development patterns. The longer a claim is expected to stay open (not settled), the more difficult it is to establish an accurate reserve at the time the accident is reported. Since injury claims tend to take longer to settle than property claims, a company’s total reserve estimates for injury claims are more sensitive to the uncertainties mentioned above, such as changes in mix of business, inflation, and legal, regulatory and judicial issues. As more information is obtained about open claims, the reserves are revised accordingly. The ultimate amounts, however, are not known until the claims are settled and paid.
The following chart compares the time it takes to settle a typical portfolio of bodily injury liability claims versus a typical portfolio of property damage liability claims. Each annual development point represents the cumulative percent of losses paid for accidents that occur in the first year.
Exhibit 1
Paid Development Patterns
Bodily injury and property Damage Claims

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Reserve Development
Ultimate paid losses and loss adjustment expenses may deviate, perhaps substantially, from point-in-time estimates of reserves contained in the Company’s financial statements. The Company’s actual claim payments may exceed or may be less than its loss reserves causing losses incurred by the Company in subsequent calendar years to be higher or lower than anticipated. Changes in the estimated ultimate cost of claims are referred to as development.
There are several ways for reserve development to occur. They are:
    Claims settle for more or less than the established reserves for those claims
    Adjuster-set reserve estimates on open (reported) claims change
    Average reserves set by the loss reserving area for open (reported) claims change
    Unreported claims emerge (i.e., they are reported after the accounting date) at a rate greater or less than anticipated. This can be due to either or both of the following:
  O   The actual number (frequency) of “late reported” claims differs from the estimate
  O   The average amount (severity) of these claims differs from the estimate
    Loss reserving area’s estimates of future emergence patterns on unreported claims change
    Salvage and subrogation recoveries are greater or less than anticipated
    Changes in earned premium affect carried IBNR (incurred but not reported) reserves, which are calculated as a percentage of earned premium.
Exhibit 2 illustrates Progressive’s reserve development over the past ten years. It shows the booked reserves at each year-end, and the re-estimated reserves at each subsequent year-end (down the column for each original accounting date). The last “diagonal” on the chart represents our evaluation as of December 31, 2006, of reserves for each respective year-end. The difference between the current evaluation (last diagonal) and the original booked amount of reserves in each column represents cumulative reserve development for that accident year and all prior accident years combined. This measures our performance against the goal, stated above, that total reserves are intended to be adequate and to develop with minimal variation.
Exhibit 2
Analysis of Loss and Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) Development (in millions of dollars)
For years ended December 31,   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006
Loss and LAE reserves, net
    $1,532.9       $1,867.5       $1,945.8     $ 2,200.2       $2,785.3       $3,069.7       $3,632.1       $4,346.4       $4,948.5       $5,313.1     $ 5,363.6  
Re-estimated reserves as of:
One year later
    1,429.6       1,683.3       1,916.0       2,276.0       2,686.3       3,073.2       3,576.0       4,237.3       4,592.6       5,066.2          
Two years later
    1,364.5       1,668.5       1,910.6       2,285.4       2,708.3       3,024.2       3,520.7       4,103.3       4,485.2                  
Three years later
    1,432.3       1,673.1       1,917.3       2,277.7       2,671.2       2,988.7       3,459.2       4,048.0                          
Four years later
    1,451.0       1,669.2       1,908.2       2,272.3       2,666.9       2,982.7       3,457.8                                  
Five years later
    1,445.1       1,664.7       1,919.0       2,277.5       2,678.5       2,993.7                                          
Six years later
    1,442.0       1,674.5       1,917.6       2,284.9       2,683.7                                                  
Seven years later
    1,445.6       1,668.4       1,921.9       2,287.4                                                          
Eight years later
    1,442.5       1,673.9       1,923.4                                                                  
Nine years later
    1,443.2       1,675.5                                                                          
Ten years later
Cumulative Development:
  $ 89.3     $ 192.0     $ 22.4       ($87.2 )   $ 101.6     $ 76.0     $ 174.3     $ 298.4     $ 463.3     $ 246.9          
% of Original Reserves
    5.8 %     10.3 %     1.2 %     -4.0 %     3.6 %     2.5 %     4.8 %     6.9 %     9.4 %     4.6 %        

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In every year shown other than 1999, the original reserves were conservative, resulting in subsequent favorable development. In other words, claims cost us less than we originally estimated. Reserves that are conservative can lead to over-pricing, which may limit growth and competitive opportunities. Reserves that are deficient can lead to under-pricing, which may contribute to unprofitable growth. It is important to recognize both favorable and unfavorable development as quickly as possible, so that these inefficiencies are corrected.
The favorable reserve development from 1996 through 1998 was primarily due to decreasing bodily injury severity. This period of decreasing severity for the Company was not only longer than that generally experienced by the industry, but also longer than at any time in the Company’s history. The reserves established as of the end of each year assumed that the current accident year’s severity would increase over the prior accident year’s estimate. As the experience continued to be evaluated at later dates, the realization of the decreased severity resulted in favorable reserve development. Late in 1998, the Company started experiencing an increase in bodily injury and personal injury protection severity. As a result, the reserve development for 1998 through 2001 has been much closer to our original estimate. The recent development reflects more modest increases in severity than originally estimated.
Reserves developed favorably during 2006 (as shown at the bottom of the 2005 column), with $246.9 million or 4.6% favorable development from accident years prior to 2006, which represents 1.7% of our 2006 earned premium.
We make many projections in loss reserve analyses that may change as the claims mature. The least mature claims are those that occurred during the most recent accident year, so the Company believes that the estimated severity for the 2006 accident year is the projection with the highest likelihood of change. For further discussion of the 2006 results, and how they are affected by loss and LAE reserves, see “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in the Company’s 2006 Annual Report to Shareholders, which is attached as an appendix to the Company’s 2007 Proxy Statement.
Note the following points regarding unpredictability in establishing our reserve liability:
    Reserve development on claims that settle more slowly (e.g., bodily injury liability claims) can be highly variable and challenging to evaluate.
    Regardless of how close the initial accident year estimates are, they will never be exactly right, and there will always be development until all claims are settled.
    Years in which we experience significant reserve development in either direction are learning experiences, affording us the opportunity to get better at estimating future reserves.
In addition, loss reserves can only be established for events that have already occurred. Property and Casualty companies cannot establish reserves for catastrophic events that may occur later in the year. These events can cause substantial fluctuations in monthly results when they do occur. However, our Risk Management organization determines the amount of economic capital needed to pay for catastrophes and other unexpected events that may occur.

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Reserve development influences reported earnings. Current year reported earnings may be under-stated (relative to accidents that occur in the current year) when either or both of the following items occur:
    There is unfavorable development of prior accident years during the current year.
    Reserves for accidents that occur in the current year are over-estimated (i.e., subsequent evaluation shows favorable development of these reserves in future years).
On the other hand, current year reported earnings may be over-stated when the opposite of these items occurs.
Exhibit 3 shows how reported earnings per share (EPS) are affected by the reserve development in Exhibit 2. It shows the reported EPS and what the EPS would have been if the Company had no reserve development, i.e., if current year earnings were based on only current year accidents. Each year’s adjusted EPS excludes prior accident years’ development during the current year and includes future development of the current accident year, estimated as of December 31, 2006.
The following examples describe this relationship for three of the years shown on the exhibits.
  In 1998, the reported earnings were over-stated. This was mainly due to year-end 1997 reserves (for accident years 1997 and prior) developing favorably during 1998, reducing incurred losses and increasing earnings during calendar year 1998.
  In 1999, the reported earnings were also over-stated. In this case it was mainly due to the under-estimated (deficient) reserves for 1999 accidents.
  In 2000, the reported earnings were under-stated. This was due to a combination of the year-end 1999 reserves (for accident years 1999 and prior) developing unfavorably during 2000, and the reserves for 2000 accidents being over-estimated (conservative).
Exhibit 3
Earnings Per Share*
Impact of Reserve Development
*   Adjusted for the May 18, 2006 4-for-1 stock split.

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External Reporting of Reserve Changes and Reserve Development
Since reserve changes affect earnings, our monthly earnings releases show actuarial reserve changes by reporting segment (Personal Lines, Commercial Auto and Other) and further by channel (Agency and Direct) for Personal Lines. We also report reserve development monthly, in addition to the quarterly and annual statutory reporting requirements. This information for the current month and year-to-date is included in the “Supplemental Information” section of our monthly earnings releases. The following data is from our December 2006 earnings release and is unaudited:
December 2006 Year-to-Date   Total  
($ in millions)        
Net Premiums Earned
  $ 14,117.9  
Actuarial Adjustments
Reserve Decrease/(Increase)
Prior accident years
  $ 158.3  
Current accident year
Calendar year actuarial adjustment
  $ 216.1  
Prior Accident Years Development
Actuarial adjustment
  $ 158.3  
All other development
Total development
  $ 246.9  
Calendar year loss/LAE Ratio
Accident year loss/LAE Ratio
The table shows that we decreased our loss and LAE reserves during 2006 by $216.1 million as a result of regularly scheduled actuarial reviews. Each month, we generally complete between 70 and 140 segment reviews, representing about 25% of our total reserves. Some reviews result in increases to the carried reserves while others result in decreases. The total change is reported as “Actuarial Adjustments” in the table. A reserve decrease is shown as a positive value on the earnings report because it increases our earnings for the reporting period.
Through December 31, 2006, $158.3 million of the 2006 year-to-date actuarial reserve decrease was for claims in prior accident years, while the reserves for claims in the current accident year were decreased $57.8 million. However, the actuarial reserve decrease of $158.3 million that applies to claims in prior accident years is only part of the total development.
As stated earlier in this section, favorable or unfavorable development is due to a combination of claims settling for more or less than the established reserves, changes to adjuster-set reserve estimates and averages on open claims, actual and estimated emergence of claims that were unreported as of the prior year-end, and salvage and subrogation recoveries greater or less than expected. The items in bold print are those that are included in the actuarial adjustment of $158.3 million favorable. The other items are included in “all other development,” which was $88.6 million favorable in the table above.

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The total prior accident years’ development through December 31, 2006, including both actuarial adjustments and all other development, was favorable by $246.9 million. In other words, with updated information as of December 31, 2006, we estimated that our reserves as of December 31, 2005, should have been $246.9 million lower than they were.
The $246.9 million favorable prior accident years’ development as of December 31, 2006 is included in our current calendar year results. As a result, our current calendar year incurred loss and LAE ratio of 66.5 is lower than our current accident year incurred loss and LAE ratio of 68.2. The difference of 1.7 points reflects the $246.9 million favorable development through December 31, 2006, divided by the net earned premium of $14,117.9 million for the same period.
Reserve changes made as a result of actuarial reviews are intended to keep our current reserve liability adequate for the segments reviewed. We change the reserves for the reviewed segments based upon current information and our projections of expected future development. This is not the same as the aggregate development of prior year-end reserves.
Internal Reporting of Reserve Changes and Reserve Development
After we complete each segment review, our loss reserving analysts send summaries of our reviews to all affected areas of the Company. The loss reserving group meets with product management, pricing, and claims to exchange information regarding development, trend and other issues considered in arriving at the reserve change. Their participation is important so we can better understand changes in processes and business operations that may be affecting the underlying paid and incurred data. Incurred data includes paid data, as well as reserve activity.
To help product management understand the case reserve changes shown on their income statements, we provide monthly “Decomposition (Decomp) Reports” that summarize the changes in the following categories. (Note that these terms are explained in Sections III and VI.)
    Features that closed
    Features that opened (including reopened features)
    Changes in reserve averages on new features (due to loss reserving)
    Changes in reserve averages on open features (due to loss reserving)
    Inflationary impact on open features (inflation factor applied to average reserves)
    Aging of open features (features moving to the next age grouping)
    Changes from adjuster-set to average reserve (reserve amount changes from above threshold to below threshold)
    Changes from average reserve to adjuster-set (reserve amount changes from below threshold to above threshold)
    Changes in adjuster-set reserves (reserve amount changes, but stays above threshold)
    Changes due to resegmentation of data
The business units are also provided with updated information regarding the impact of prior accident years’ development on their current calendar year results. We track case reserve development (on claims reported as of the prior year-end) separately from IBNR reserve development (on claims unreported as of the prior year-end). This allows us to retrospectively test our prior assumptions and apply that knowledge in future judgments. It also helps the business managers better understand how their earnings are affected by reserve development.

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Section III – Types of Reserves
Reserves are considered an operating liability on our balance sheet. At the end of 2006, we reported a $5.7 billion reserve liability ($5.4 billion net of reinsurance) on our balance sheet. We separate reserves into two categories: loss and loss adjustment expense (LAE). While each of these two reserve categories is reported in aggregate on the balance sheet, when we analyze the reserves, we further break them into two distinct types: case and IBNR. In this section, we discuss these reserve types and how we evaluate them to achieve a total reserve balance as accurate as possible.
Exhibit 4 illustrates the types of reserves as a percent of our total reserve liability as of December 31, 2006. Eighty percent of our reserve liability (Loss case + Loss IBNR) was set aside to pay claimants while 20% of our reserve liability (LAE case + LAE IBNR combined) was established to accommodate costs associated with adjusting those claims. These costs are described in more detail later in this section.
Loss Reserves
We evaluate our total indicated loss reserve need by sorting and analyzing claims by accident date. This analysis, discussed in detail in Section VII of the Appendix, is completed concurrently with the evaluations of case and IBNR reserves for the same segmentation of business.
Case Reserves
Loss case reserves represented 64% of our total carried reserves at December 31, 2006. Case reserves are estimates of amounts required to pay claims that have already been reported and recorded into Progressive’s systems, but have not yet been fully paid. We evaluate our indicated case reserve need, as discussed in Section VII of the Appendix, by sorting and analyzing claims by record date, or the date the claim was recorded by the Company.
For each open claim, the case reserve that is carried on the Company’s books (the financial reserve) is either an average reserve (determined by the loss reserving area) or an adjuster-set reserve.

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Average Reserves: All open claims estimated to cost the Company less than a predetermined dollar threshold (explained below) are assigned an average reserve, regardless of the individual claim characteristics. When a claim is first recorded by the Company, there may not be enough known about the claim for an adjuster to determine its severity. The use of average reserves allows claims personnel to concentrate their efforts on adjusting claims rather than merely accounting for them. Also, average reserves are not as affected by changes in claims processes, and they provide more accurate financial reporting in aggregate.
The loss reserving department determines the average reserves, which vary by segment. In the months that a segment is not reviewed, an inflation factor is applied to the average reserves. The inflation factor is generally based upon our projected severity trend from the segment’s most recent actuarial analysis.
Once an average reserve is assigned to a claim, we monitor the age of a claim. The age of a claim is defined as the length of time from the accident date to the current accounting date. More severe bodily injury claims tend to remain open longer than less severe claims and tend to be more expensive due to litigation, medical treatments, etc. In order to recognize this cost differential, the average reserve increases as the claim ages. However, the averages for property damage, comprehensive, and collision claims are not increased for age since they tend to settle more quickly, and the length of time since the accident is not normally related to their severity.
Adjuster-Set Reserves: Our objective is to use the average reserve for claims with a more predictable level of severity. However, the ultimate cost for claims above a predetermined dollar threshold (which may differ by coverage) can vary significantly depending on individual claim characteristics. For claims above the threshold, our financial reserves include the adjuster-set reserve rather than the average reserve.
The adjuster-set reserves more accurately estimate the ultimate liability for claims in excess of the threshold because the adjusters have typically spent a great deal of time on these larger claims and understand their unique characteristics. While only about 2.5% of our total open claim count for personal auto bodily injury is above the current threshold, these claims represent about 25% of our total personal auto bodily injury case reserve liability.
Additional Needed Case Reserves (ANCR): We carry additional needed case reserves (ANCR) to cover expected future emergence and development for the loss layer above the threshold. These are actuarially determined reserves that are allocated across segments using ANCR factors which are mechanically applied to each claim. This process is not intended to improve the accuracy of individual claims, but to establish the total needed reserves for this loss layer.
ANCR factors vary by segment and by age, and are applied to bodily injury and uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury reserve estimates in excess of the applicable threshold. These factors decrease as the claims age because the need for this reserve diminishes as more claims emerge into this layer and the adjusters have more information regarding their value. We determine the ANCR during our segment review process by analyzing the development of claims over the threshold.
Example: Exhibits 5 and 6 illustrate the life of a hypothetical auto bodily injury claim. When the claim was originally recorded, we assigned the actuarially determined average reserve of $5,829. As the claim aged from the time it was recorded in February through the end of September, the average reserve changed due to inflation, results of actuarial reserve reviews and aging. Over this same period of time, the adjuster increased the reserve estimate (red line) multiple times as more information was obtained about the claim. When the adjuster’s estimate multiplied by the ANCR factor exceeded the sample threshold of $75,000, the financial reserve changed from an average reserve to an adjuster-set reserve.

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Exhibit 5
Example of Case Reserving Over the
Life of a Large Bodily Injury Claim
Private Passenger Automobile

Policy Limit = 300,000
Threshold = 75,000 State XYZ
Inflation Factor = 6% per year
(Excludes Loss Adjustment Expense)
                    Case Reserve        
    Transaction       Age of Claim   Adjuster Estimate   Carried on   Amount    
Month-End   Date   Claim Activity   (months)*   of Claim Amount   Company Books   Paid   Explanation of Reserve Change
  1/5/05   Accident Occurs   1   N/A       0    
          1   N/A   IBNR   0   Aggregate amount based on factor of EP for Segment
  2/12/05   Claim is Reported   2   N/A       0   Claim is in "Pipeline"; Still IBNR
  2/15/05   Claim is Recorded   2   N/A       0   No estimate yet made by adjuster
          2   N/A   5,829   0   Actuarially determined Average Reserve for 1-2 mo. Age group
          3   N/A   7,121   0   Aging to 3-4 mo. Age group & Inflation
          4   N/A   7,157   0   Inflation
  5/20/05   Adjuster sets up reserve   5   30,000       0   This is below the Effective Threshold**
          5   30,000   8,391   0   Actuarial review & Aging to 5-6 mo. Age group
          6   30,000   8,433   0   Inflation
          7   30,000   9,789   0   Aging to 7-12 mo. Age group & Inflation
  8/10/05   Adjuster revises estimate   8   50,000       0   This is below the Effective Threshold**
          8   50,000   10,250   0   Actuarial review revised Averages
          9   50,000   10,301   0   Inflation
  10/25/05   Adjuster revises estimate   10   70,000       0   ANCR Factor for 7-12 mo. Age group = 1.25
          10   70,000   87,500   0   (70,000) X (1.25) is greater than 75,000
          11   70,000   87,500   0    
          12   70,000   87,500   0    
          13   70,000   80,500   0   ANCR Factor for 13-24 mo. Age group = 1.15
          14   70,000   80,500   0   (70,000) X (1.15) is still greater than 75,000
  3/10/06   Adjuster revises estimate   15   80,000       0    
          15   80,000   92,000   0   (80,000) X (1.15)
          16   80,000   92,000   0    
          17   80,000   88,000   0   Actuarial review revised ANCR Factor to 1.10
          18   80,000   88,000   0   (80,000) X (1.10)
  7/15/06   Claim is Paid   19   90,000       90,000    
          19   N/A   0   90,000   Claim is Closed
 Age = [(# days since accident) / (30 days)] rounded up to the next whole number
 Effective threshold is (75,000) / (ANCR factor for age of claim)
Exhibit 6
Example of Case Reserving Over the
Life of a Large Auto Bodily Injury Claim

Accident Occurred in January, 2005
Recorded in February, 2005
Claim Settled in July, 2006 for $90,000

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Incurred But Not Recorded (IBNR) Reserves
We establish a reserve for claims that have occurred, but have not been reported by the claimants or recorded by the Company as of the accounting date. Incurred But Not Recorded (IBNR) Reserves are estimates of the amounts needed to pay these claims. At year-end 2006, the loss IBNR reserves were 16% of our total carried reserves.
The IBNR reserve need is evaluated by the same segmentation process used for case reserves. We perform this analysis by sorting historical claims according to the time lag between the accident dates and the dates that these claims were recorded by the Company. The case study in Section VII of the Appendix shows a detailed IBNR reserve analysis.
Late reported claims are evaluated to determine the estimated ultimate losses for each accident quarter within each lag period. For example, “lag 1” consists of claims for which the accidents occurred during one quarter but were not recorded until the next quarter. Similarly, “lag 2” consists of all claims for which the accidents occurred during one quarter but were recorded by the Company two quarters later. “Lag 0” claims were recorded in the same quarter they occurred.
Exhibit 7 below shows our approximate percent of recorded features by record quarter lag for personal auto bodily injury. This exhibit shows that about 84% of our features are reported by the claimant and recorded in our systems by the end of the quarter in which they occurred. However, about 16% of the features have not been recorded by the end of the accident quarter and we therefore need to estimate IBNR reserves for these claims.
Exhibit 7
Countrywide Personal Auto Bodily Injury
Lag Quarters*   Incremental %   Cumulative %
Lag 0
    83.5 %     83.5 %
Lag 1
    12.3 %     95.8 %
Lags 2-3
    2.2 %     98.0 %
Lags 4-6
    1.1 %     99.1 %
Lags 7-9
    0.6 %     99.7 %
Lags 10+
    0.3 %     100.0 %
*   Record Quarter = Accident Quarter Plus Lag

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The reserve analysis develops estimated IBNR factors based on the needed reserves by age divided by the earned premium for each age group. The carried IBNR reserves are calculated at the end of each month (by segment) by applying these IBNR factors to trailing periods of earned premium for the past three to four years. For most coverages the largest IBNR factors are applied to the premium in the most recent accident quarters because of their greater expected IBNR reserve need. The IBNR reserves increase with our premium volume, allowing these reserves to keep up with growth and inflation.
Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) Reserves
In addition to loss payments (which indemnify claimants), the Company incurs expenses in the process of settling claims. Therefore, we need to estimate a reserve liability for loss adjustment expenses (LAE). At year-end 2006, the LAE reserves were 20% of our total carried loss and LAE reserves. There are two categories of LAE: Defense and Cost Containment (DCC) and Adjusting & Other (A&O).
Similar to loss reserves, we carry case reserves for DCC and A&O expenses by applying selected averages to each open feature. Also, for DCC we carry the adjuster-set reserve if it exceeds a certain threshold. Similar to loss IBNR reserves, carried IBNR reserves for DCC and A&O expenses are calculated as a percentage of the trailing earned premium for each respective segment.
We review the LAE reserves by segment twice per year. Analysis of DCC and A&O expense reserves are performed independently of each other. In 2006, we independently reviewed every state’s personal auto bodily injury LAE reserves. Section VIII of the Appendix contains a case study of our LAE reserve analysis.
Defense and Cost Containment includes all defense, litigation and medical cost containment expenses, whether internal or external to the Company. We evaluate the total indicated DCC expense reserve need by sorting and analyzing these expenses by accident date, similar to how we review the needed loss reserves. Concurrently, the DCC expenses are split into “Attorney and Legal” and “Medical and Other” components and analyzed separately.
Adjusting & Other includes all other claims adjusting expenses, whether internal or external to the Company. A&O consists of fees, salaries and overhead expenses of those involved in a claim adjusting function, as well as other related expenses incurred in determination of coverage. We evaluate our total indicated A&O reserve need by comparing the ratios of adjusting and other expense payments with loss payments over the past several calendar quarters. Data is analyzed by calendar quarter as we feel the activity and cost in adjusting claims will be consistent with past calendar period activities regardless of the accident date of the loss. The selected ratios are applied to the loss reserves and then modified to derive indicated A&O expense reserves.

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Salvage and Subrogation
Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) require that loss reserves be stated net of anticipated salvage and subrogation recoveries. Statutory accounting principles (SAP) allow reserves to be reduced by the expected recovery amounts, but do not require it. We report our SAP loss reserves net of anticipated salvage and subrogation recoveries.
Salvage: Progressive generally assumes the title to a vehicle when it is declared a total loss. We then sell the vehicle to a salvage dealer, and these proceeds are referred to as salvage recovery. Salvage is most relevant in analyzing the needed reserves for collision claims.
Subrogation: When a Progressive policyholder is involved in an accident in which the other party is at fault or partially at fault, he/she may submit the claim to us. When we pay that claim, we obtain our policyholder’s right to recover damages from the at-fault party (usually the at-fault party’s insurance company). Subrogation is most relevant for collision (damage to vehicles) and personal injury protection claims in many no-fault states.
As we collect salvage or subrogation from third parties, it reduces our net paid and incurred loss amount for that claim. We analyze our claims data net of these recoveries; therefore our estimated ultimate loss amounts are net of anticipated salvage and subrogation. Since most of our recoveries are realized after claims have been closed, we carry negative IBNR reserves on the Company’s books for anticipated salvage and subrogation.
Involuntary Market Operating Loss Reserves
Progressive is required by the laws of most states to participate in involuntary market plans. Below we discuss the two major types of involuntary market plans in which we participate.
Private Passenger Assigned Risk Plan: State insurance regulations require us to participate in various assigned risk plans. Applicants who cannot obtain insurance in the voluntary market are assigned proportionately by the volume of written exposures or vehicles among the insurers licensed in that state. Generally, an operating loss is expected on these assignments. Participation requirements in assigned risk plans differ from state to state.
The reserves that we carry for the assigned risk plans comprised less than one-tenth of one percent of our total net carried reserves at year-end 2006. However, since this is a unique type of exposure, we evaluate it separately.
The process of determining the assigned risk reserve for a state is as follows:
  Determine Progressive’s estimated portion of the assigned risk pool by multiplying our projected market share by the estimated future size of the assigned risk pool in that state
  Reduce this by any credits a state may allow such as voluntarily writing policies that would have otherwise been considered assigned risk-type business
  Estimate the operating loss that we expect to incur from this business

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Commercial Auto Insurance Procedure/Plan (CAIP): Progressive is also required in most states to share in the operating results of the involuntary commercial auto insurance procedures/plans, generally known as CAIP. Due to the more complex nature of commercial business, these procedures/plans do not assign policies to specific insurance companies. Instead, similar to a Joint Underwriting Association (JUA), they use a small number of carriers to service the business that do not bear underwriting risk. The servicing carriers transfer the insurance risk, or cede 100% of the business, to the state CAIP pools. These pools then retrocede the experience of the plan to all companies in proportion to their share of the commercial automobile voluntary market for each respective state.

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Section IV – Estimating Loss Reserves
For loss reserve review purposes, we divide our book of business into smaller groups of data known as segments. A segment is generally defined by a state/product/coverage grouping with reasonably similar loss characteristics. During a reserve review we generally estimate the ultimate loss amounts for the past seven accident years using six different projections. We may use additional techniques if there are wide variations between the six projections or if underlying process changes make those projections less reliable. To estimate the required reserve balance (i.e., unpaid losses) for the segment, we subtract the payments we have already made on claims that occurred during that same period. We change the reserve level for that segment based upon this review.
In this section we discuss segmentation, and describe the projections we consider in the review. The Appendix contains case studies that show more details involved in the segment reviews, including the calculations and the issues involved. However, the application of judgment is a key component of our reserve analysis. This is especially true in a dynamic, growing environment such as we have experienced at Progressive, in which changes in mix of business (e.g., by policy limit and geographic area) can be significant.
Segmentation of Reserves for Analysis
Segments are identified to allow us to review reserve needs at the most detailed level our data supports, and provide us with the ability to identify and measure variances and trends in severity and frequency. They also allow us to identify process changes within states/regions, which helps us to understand changes within the underlying data and to reflect them in the reviews. Each segment is required to have enough data to deliver reliable (credible) results. Our objective is to achieve adequacy in the reserve levels with minimal variation for each segment. This enhances the accuracy of our financial reporting, supports the income statements of our business units, and allows us to make better business decisions.
The projection of frequency for the lines of business we write is usually stable, and actual frequency experienced will tend to vary depending on the change in the mix of classes of drivers we insure. The severity experienced by the Company is more difficult to estimate, and it is affected by changes in underlying costs, such as medical costs, jury verdicts, etc. In addition, severity will vary relative to the change in the Company’s mix of business by policy limit.
Internal and external considerations are better understood at the state level than at a more macro countrywide level. Internal considerations that are process related may result from changes in the claims organization’s activities including claim closure rates, the number of claims that are closed without payment, and the level of estimated needed case reserves by claim. External considerations include the litigation environment, regulative and legislative actions, state-by-state changes in medical costs, and the availability of services to resolve claims.
Many states are large enough that we can look at the data by state, while other states are so large that we can segment the data into regions within the state. For states in which the underlying data is not large enough to be credible, we may combine states with similar loss characteristics and review them together. However, due to our volume, we now review each state separately for personal auto bodily injury loss reserves. Even though a few of these states may be considered too small to have fully credible data, we feel there is value in studying and interpreting each individual state’s trends and development. Exhibit 8 is a map showing how we currently segment our loss reserve reviews for personal auto bodily injury. We continually look at ways to further segment our reviews to add value to our process.

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Exhibit 8
2007 Personal Auto BI Loss Reserve Segments
With respect to personal auto bodily injury coverage, we analyze loss data related to policies with higher limits (greater than or equal to $100,000 per person) separately from loss data related to policies with lower limits (less than $100,000 per person). It is valuable to analyze these two groups of segments, as they tend to have different severity, frequency and loss development patterns. We also split the data by policy limit for our commercial auto bodily injury analyses, but that split is at the $500,000 policy limit. In addition, we separately analyze specialty truck types from light local truck types. Each identified segment is reviewed annually, semiannually or quarterly depending on the size, the volatility, and other unique aspects of the individual segment.
Loss adjustment expense (LAE) reserves are analyzed at a level of segmentation using many of the same considerations as loss reserves. We now review each state separately for personal auto bodily injury LAE reserves. Since the volume of LAE reserves is much less than that of loss reserves, we combine some of the states for other coverages’ LAE reviews. This produces more credible results. All LAE segments are evaluated at least once per year. We have enhanced our segmentation of LAE reserve reviews each year, and Section V includes an explanation of the 2006 enhancements.
Projections of Ultimate Losses
Our standard procedures are to review the results of six different projections in order to determine if a reserve change is required. Three of the six projections use paid data and the other three projections use incurred data (payments plus reserves). There are strengths and weaknesses to each of the projections. In the event of a wide variation between results generated by the different projections, we further analyze the data using additional techniques.
The three paid projections — amount paid, average paid and Bornhuetter-Ferguson paid — all use paid loss data. The paid projections estimate growth and development of claims in an accident period by looking at the paid development of earlier accident periods. This assumes that past paid loss development is a predictor of future paid loss development. The primary strength of using paid data is that it removes the potential for distortions that may be created by including estimated data. The drawback is that it is more difficult to accurately project ultimate losses in the most recent periods under review. For example, with longer-tailed lines of insurance such as

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bodily injury, the early development periods are more volatile because a large proportion of the payments are made later, as was illustrated in Exhibit 1 of Section II. Accurate paid projections also depend heavily on consistent claims closure or settlement practices. If the closure rate changes, the paid projections could be misleading. In addition, shifts in mix of business (e.g., changes by policy limit) are not as readily identified in paid development as in incurred development.
The three incurred projections — amount incurred, average incurred and Bornhuetter-Ferguson incurred — use paid losses plus case loss reserves in each accident period. They assume that historical incurred loss development will be predictive of our future incurred loss development. The primary strength of using incurred data is that we can make use of reserve estimates for open claims. These estimates are based on the judgment of claims adjusters in addition to our prior actuarial reviews. This is especially critical when estimating ultimate losses for longer-tailed claims such as bodily injury. The drawback of using incurred data for projection is that it depends heavily on consistent adjuster reserve estimates. The incurred projections could be distorted if the average adjuster reserve adequacy fluctuates over time.
We identify changes in closure rates and average adjuster reserve levels through our segmentation and also through discussions with management. We adjust for these changes in our projections of losses. The case study in Section VII of the Appendix includes more thorough explanations of how changes in the closure rate affect paid loss development, and how changes in average adjuster reserves affect incurred loss development.
The six standard projections we use to estimate ultimate losses are:
1.   Amount Paid, in which we organize the total loss dollars paid by accident period and age of development into a triangular format and project them to estimated ultimate amounts. We base our selections of future loss development largely on the historical development of prior periods.
2.   Average Paid, in which we organize the paid severity (average amount paid per feature) by accident period and age of development into a triangular format and project the severities to estimated ultimate levels. Ultimate loss amounts are then calculated as the ultimate severities multiplied by the estimated ultimate number of features to be paid.
3.   Bornhuetter-Ferguson Paid, which uses the paid loss development pattern to determine the percent unpaid. We apply the percent unpaid to the expected ultimate loss amount to arrive at the expected unpaid amount, which is added to actual losses paid-to-date.
4.   Amount Incurred, in which we organize the total loss dollars incurred by accident period and age of development into a triangular format and project them to estimated ultimate amounts. We base our future loss development largely on the historical development of prior periods.
5.   Average Incurred, in which we organize the incurred severity (average amount incurred per feature) by accident period and age of development into a triangular format and project the severities to estimated ultimate levels. Ultimate loss amounts are then calculated as the ultimate severities multiplied by the estimated ultimate number of features to be paid.
6.   Bornhuetter-Ferguson Incurred, which uses the incurred loss development pattern to determine the percent not yet recorded. We apply the percent unrecorded to the expected ultimate losses to arrive at the expected unrecorded amount, which is added to actual losses incurred-to-date.

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Section V – Process Enhancements Introduced in 2006
We develop and maintain our loss and loss adjustment expense reserve analysis models internally, giving us the flexibility to incorporate enhancements into our analysis and communication process regularly. We make many minor enhancements to our process throughout the year. However, the major enhancements made in 2006 are summarized in the list below and described in more detail following this list:
  Calculation of carried LAE IBNR reserves
  Additional segmentation
Calculation of carried LAE IBNR reservesPreviously, carried IBNR reserves for DCC and A&O expenses were calculated as a percentage of the carried IBNR loss reserves for each respective segment. Thus, any changes made to held IBNR loss reserves would impact the held IBNR LAE reserves. During 2006, we converted the carried IBNR LAE reserves to instead be calculated as a percentage of the trailing earned premium for each respective segment, similar to the algorithm for calculating carried IBNR loss reserves.
Additional segmentation – Our segmentation process is described in Section IV, and we continually look at ways to enhance our segmentation so the reserves carried more accurately reflect the experience of each segment.
In 2006 we enhanced segmentation in the following ways:
    We expanded the segmentation of personal auto uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury loss reserves by separately reviewing two additional states.
    We review the lower and upper limits reserves separately for more of the personal auto bodily injury and uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury segments.
    For commercial auto bodily injury loss reserves, we now review 12 states individually, with three of those further segmented into regions.
    For personal auto bodily injury LAE reserves, we now review each individual state twice a year.
Our segment count increased from about 550 in 2005 to about 580 in 2006. Since we review many segments multiple times during the year, we completed about 1,255 segment reviews during 2006, compared with the 1,150 reviews completed during 2005.

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Section VI – Terms and Definitions
Accident period losses: Losses for each accident are assigned to the period in which the accident occurred. Accident periods used in our analysis are generally three months (accident quarter), six months (accident semester), or twelve months (accident year). Payments and reserve changes, regardless of when they are made, are assigned to that same period in which the accident occurred. Therefore, accident period results will change over time as the losses develop.
Additional Needed Case Reserves (ANCR): See Case reserves.
Adjuster-set reserves: See Case reserves.
Adjusting & Other (A&O) expense: A component of loss adjustment expense. A&O expenses include all claims adjusting expenses (whether internal or external to the Company) that are not included in Defense and Cost Containment (DCC). This category includes fees and salaries of those involved in a claim adjusting function, and other related expenses incurred in determination of coverage.
Assigned Risk: People unable to obtain auto insurance in the voluntary market apply for coverage in the state automobile plan. In most cases, the insurance coverage is not actually provided by the state but instead is “assigned” to an insurance company. Each insurance company must accept a proportionate share of these risks.
Average reserves: See Case reserves.
Bodily Injury (BI) liability coverage: Legal responsibility arising from injury or death to another person. In most states, this is a mandatory coverage. Each state mandates the minimum required limit. BI coverage pays when our insured is liable for an accident in which another party is injured.
Bornhuetter-Ferguson method: The “BF” method is an actuarial methodology that smoothes the projected ultimate losses between a pure incurred or paid development method and an expected loss ratio (or expected pure premium) method.
Calendar period losses: Payments and reserve changes which are recorded in the Company’s financial system during the period in question, without regard to the period in which the accident occurred or was recorded. Calendar period results do not change after the end of the period, even as new claim information develops.
Case reserves: Estimates of amounts required to settle claims that have already been reported but have not yet been fully paid. Case reserves represent the largest portion of the reserves for automobile insurance products.
    Additional Needed Case Reserves (ANCR): An actuarially determined reserve intended to cover expected future emergence and development of claims above the threshold.
    Adjuster-set reserves: The claims adjuster’s best estimate of how much a specific claim will cost. Only claims estimates above a specified threshold are included in financial reserves. All adjuster estimates are included in the actuarial reserve analyses.
    Average reserves: When the adjuster estimate for a feature is below a predetermined threshold, the financial case reserve is the average reserve. These

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      are determined by the loss reserving area and vary by segment. Within each segment, they may also vary by age (months since the accident occurred), policy limit, and geographic area.
    Financial reserves: The case reserves carried on the Company’s financial records. Below a predetermined dollar threshold, the average reserve developed by the loss reserving area is used. The adjuster-set reserve multiplied by an ANCR factor is used if it exceeds the threshold.
Catastrophe: A term applied to an incident, storm or series of related incidents resulting in a significant number of claims with a combined cost totaling more than $25 million in property damage for the insurance industry.
Cede: To transfer liability, or a portion of it, in connection with a risk from the original or primary insurer to another entity (e.g. a reinsurance company or JUA).
Claim: A demand for payment by an insured or an alleged third party under the terms and conditions of an insurance contract.
Claimant: Usually refers to one who makes a claim.
Closed Without Payment (CWP): A claim that was reported, did not require a loss payment, and is now closed. Note that there can be loss adjustment expenses for a CWP claim.
Closure rate: The number of claims from a specific accident period which are closed with payment at a specific evaluation date, divided by the estimated ultimate number of claims to be paid for that accident period.
Collision coverage: A coverage of the automobile insurance policy that indemnifies the insured when his/her automobile is damaged due to physical contact with another object (except a bird or animal), or due to upset (e.g., overturning).
Combined ratio: The sum of the loss and loss adjustment expense ratio and the expense ratio. This represents the percentage of each premium dollar an insurer spends on claims and expenses. A combined ratio less than 100% indicates an underwriting profit, while a combined ratio in excess of 100% indicates an underwriting loss.
Comprehensive coverage: A coverage of the automobile insurance policy that pays for damages to the insured’s vehicle due to any cause (except collision), including damage due to windstorm, hail, theft, falling objects, explosion, riot, glass breakage and other causes of loss.
Credibility: A statistical measure of the ability to infer generalizations from a data sample. Credibility increases as sample size increases or variability within the sample decreases.
Decomposition (Decomp) reports: Monthly internal management reports that decompose the financial case reserve changes into categories that explain the reasons for the changes.
Defense and Cost Containment (DCC) expense: A component of loss adjustment expense. DCC includes expenses related to defense, litigation and medical cost containment whether internal or external to the Company. DCC expenses include but are not limited to accident investigation, surveillance, litigation management, and fees of attorneys and others if working in defense of a claim.
Development: Change in the estimated or actual losses or reserves over subsequent evaluations. When compared to expectations or prior estimates, it is referred to as either

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favorable or unfavorable development, based on whether the estimate has decreased or increased.
Development factor: The quotient of the paid or incurred value for an accident or record period evaluated at time “t” divided by the value for that same accident or record period evaluated at time “t-1.”
Diagonal: The cumulative or incremental values or factors for all accident or record periods being evaluated as of a common date. If we are evaluating accident semester paid losses at 6-month intervals, then the last diagonal of the paid loss triangle is made up of the cumulative paid loss amounts for each accident semester as of the most recent evaluation date. The development of that last diagonal would be the paid losses during the last six calendar months for each accident semester. (Also see Triangle).
Earned car year: An exposure unit that is the basic rating unit underlying an auto insurance premium. One automobile insured for a period of twelve months is one earned car year.
Earned premium: That part of the premium proportional to the segment of time a policy has been in force. It is the premium for protection actually provided during the experience period.
Emergence: Generally used in the context of IBNR reserves, it refers to the recording of claims (or dollar amount of the claims) after the date of the accident, usually into at least the next quarterly or annual period. For example, if an accident occurred in October 2002 and it was recorded in February 2003, it was part of the estimate of IBNR at year-end 2002, and it emerged in the first quarter of 2003.
Expense ratio: The sum of all underwriting and operational expenses divided by premium. These expenses include such items as commission, acquisition expenses, general expenses, and taxes, but not loss adjustment expenses.
Exposure: A measure of the risk of loss and the basic rating unit underlying an insurance premium. The unit of exposure will vary based upon the characteristics of the insurance coverage involved. For automobile insurance, one automobile insured for a period of twelve months is one earned car year or one exposure.
Feature: The smallest divisible part of a claim. This is a loss on one coverage for one person. Often a claim will involve multiple features. It can involve multiple coverages, such as bodily injury (BI), property damage (PD), and Collision; and/or it can involve multiple claimants for the same coverage (e.g., two injured parties).
Financial reserves: See Case reserves.
Frequency: Number of features divided by exposure count. If one exposure is defined as one earned car year, then frequency is a measure of the proportion of insureds that have a claim in a year.
Incurred But Not Recorded (IBNR) reserves: These are estimates at a given evaluation date of amounts that will be needed to settle claims that have already occurred but have not yet been recorded by the Company.
Incurred losses: The sum of payments and reserve changes for claims.
Indication: An actuarial estimate, based upon analysis of the data.

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Lag: Generally used in the context of IBNR reserves, it refers to the period of time from the date of the accident or occurrence to the date the claim is recorded on the Company’s books. The data is grouped into quarterly lag periods for analysis of IBNR reserves.
Light Local commercial auto vehicles: Commercial vehicles that generally have a gross vehicle weight under 26,000 pounds. These vehicles are used in the insured’s business but are not the primary source of revenue for their business.
Loss Adjustment Expenses (LAE): Expenses related to claim settlement.
Total Loss Adjustment Expenses (LAE) =
[Defense and Cost Containment (DCC) expenses] + [Adjusting & Other (A&O) expenses]
Loss ratio (Incurred loss ratio): Incurred losses divided by earned premium.
Net loss reserves: Net indicates that we have deducted the expected reinsurance recoverable from the sum of case and IBNR reserves. It may also refer to reserves that have been reduced for expected salvage and subrogation recoveries.
Paid losses: Payments for claims.
Parameters: Variables that determine the characteristics or behavior of a statistical model and can be estimated by calculations from sample data. For example, the parameters of frequency and severity are estimated in the loss reserve analysis model.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage: Coverage in which an insurer pays, within specified limits, the medical and funeral expenses, work loss benefits and essential services of the insured, others in his vehicles and pedestrians struck by him. The basic coverage implemented under no-fault automobile statutes, which vary by state.
Physical damage: Damage to the insured vehicle, which includes the comprehensive and collision coverages.
Property Damage (PD) coverage: A coverage protecting the legal liability of the policyholder for damage to, or destruction of, property of others in an auto accident. The coverage pays for damage to the other vehicles, and structures such as buildings, telephone poles and fences.
Pure premium: Loss dollars divided by exposure count. Pure premium is also equal to frequency times severity. The pure premium is equivalent to the loss component of the full policy premium.
Record period losses: Losses are assigned to the period in which the accident is recorded on the Company’s financial records. Record periods used in our analysis are generally three months (record quarter), six months (record semester), or twelve months (record year). Payments and reserve changes, regardless of when they are made, are assigned to that same period in which the accident was recorded. As a result, record period results will change over time as the losses develop, i.e., as the estimates of losses change due to payments and reserve changes for all accidents that were recorded during that period.
Reopened claim: A claim that was closed (with or without payment) but reopened again at a later date due to the discovery of additional information. We reserve for future reopened claims as IBNR.
Reserves: Estimates of the unpaid portion of what the Company ultimately expects to pay out for losses and loss adjustment expenses on claims that occurred by the accounting date, whether or not those claims have been reported to the Company.

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Salvage: The residual value of property in which an insurance company secures an ownership interest as a result of paying a claim for total loss or damage based on the true value of the property in its undamaged state or before the loss occurred. Anticipated salvage on closed claims is included as negative IBNR reserves.
Segment: Generally, a state/product/coverage combination with reasonably similar loss characteristics that is grouped together when assessing reserve adequacy.
Severity: Loss dollars divided by number of features. This indicates the dollar amount of the average feature.
Specialty commercial auto vehicles: Commercial vehicles that generally have a gross vehicle weight of at least 26,000 pounds. These include tow trucks and local cartage (e.g. delivery vans, box trucks, dump trucks and flatbeds). These vehicles are used in the insured’s business and are the primary source of revenue for their business.
Subrogation: An insurance company, upon payment of a loss to the insured, is entitled to the insured’s legal and equitable rights against third parties. These rights are only those related to the loss, and the company is only entitled to the extent of the loss payment. Reserves for the future recoveries we expect to recover through subrogation are included as negative IBNR reserves.
Threshold: The point above which the adjuster’s estimate of a claim is carried in our financial case reserves, versus an average reserve being assigned by the system.
Trend (exponential fit): Exponential fitted trends tell us the estimated average annual change in severity, frequency, pure premium, or average earned premium by fitting an exponential curve to the selected values. These can use any number of data points. We generally use two-year or four-year fitted trends.
Triangle: The triangle is a tool used by actuaries to show how estimates of incurred and paid-to-date amounts have changed or developed over time. Usually, the evaluation periods are columns organized from left to right, and the data periods are rows organized from top to bottom. The oldest data periods have been evaluated the most times, while the more recent data periods have been evaluated the least amount of times. Thus, the historical data forms a triangular shape.
Ultimate: The final selected amount, count, or ratio that we estimate by analyzing the data. For example, the selected ultimate loss amount for an accident period represents our estimate of the total cost of all claims for that accident period after they have all been paid and closed.
Utilization (DCC utilization): Percentage of features for which we incur expenses for defense and cost containment.
Written premium: The total amount charged to an insured for a policy during its entire effective period.

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The Progressive Corporation
June 2007



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Table of Contents
Case Studies
Section VII – Loss Reserve Review
Exhibits A – E
Exhibit A – Accident Period Analysis
Exhibit B – Accident Period Average Incurred Loss Development
Exhibit C – Record Period Analysis
Exhibit D – Summary of Estimated IBNR
Exhibit E – IBNR Analysis
Section VIII – Loss Adjustment Expense Reserve Review
Exhibit DCC – Defense and Cost Containment Expense Reserve Analysis
Total DCC Expense Analysis
DCC Expense Analysis by Component
Other Parameters
Exhibit ADJ – Adjusting and Other Expense Reserve Analysis
Copyright © Progressive Casualty Insurance Company. All Rights Reserved.



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Section VII – Case Study: Loss Reserve Review
Based upon our monthly segment reviews, we may revise any or all of the following parameters in order to achieve the desired changes to our reserves:
  Case Reserves can be revised by changing:
  o   Average reserves, which are applied to open features below the threshold
  o   ANCR factors, which are applied to adjuster-set reserves on open features above the threshold
  o   The inflation factor, which is applied to average reserves in months following a review
  IBNR Reserves can be revised by changing:
  o   IBNR factors, which are applied to trailing periods of earned premium
In this section, we present an example of a loss reserve review for a sample segment, and it does not include loss adjustment expense (LAE). As discussed previously, most segments are defined as a state/product/coverage grouping with reasonably similar loss characteristics.
Note that the data in this example is not from any specific segment and any similarity to a specific segment is coincidental. Also, the investigations that are undertaken, the conclusions that are drawn, and the selections that are made in this case study are not necessarily the same as those that would be made in an actual review. The results of this case study are also not intended to represent the actual results of the Company. Our intent is to illustrate and discuss many of the issues that we consider during an analysis. The calculations involved in the process will also be explained.
This case study will illustrate how we estimate the adequacy of our loss reserves by reviewing loss data organized in three different ways:
Type of Loss Reserve   Claims Data Organized by
Total (Case + IBNR)
  Accident Period
Case   Record Period
IBNR   Record within Accident Period
By definition, the following identities are always true as of the designated evaluation date:
[Required Loss Reserves] = [Total Indicated Ultimate Losses] – [Total Paid Losses]
[Loss Reserve Adequacy] = [Held Loss Reserves] – [Required Loss Reserves]
Carried reserves and paid losses are known statistics and reconcile with our financial records. However, we use judgment in the estimation of the ultimate losses. As stated above, we make these estimations by accident period, record period, and record within accident period. Our job is to determine how losses will develop in the future using past development as a key indicator. In order to make reasonable selections, we look at several parameters and also consider the business issues that underlie the data.

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We produce several exhibits to summarize our reviews, and they are also used in our discussions with management. Some of the key exhibits are presented on the next several pages. Following that, we provide an overview of each exhibit.
Exhibit A Accident Period Analysis
Exhibit B
Accident Period Average Incurred Loss Development
Exhibit C
Record Period Analysis
Exhibit D
Summary of Estimated IBNR
Exhibit E
(3 pages) – IBNR Analysis
In our exhibits and explanations, we may use the terms “claim” and “feature” interchangeably. However, the Progressive definition of “feature” is the smallest divisible part of a claim, i.e., it is a loss on one coverage for one person, so one claim can have multiple features. Even though we may generically refer to “claims” in our discussion, our analysis is actually done at the “feature” level. In addition, the term “counts” generally means “number of features.”
Note that rounding in the exhibits as well as the order of calculation may make some of the figures in the case study appear slightly out of balance.

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Exhibit A
State XYZ Auto as of December 31, 2006
    (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)   (6)           (7)   (8)                   (9)
Accident   Paid   Avg. Paid   BF Paid   Incurred   Avg. Incurred   BF Incurred           Adj. Inc. @   Pd. Loss @                   Indicated
Semesters   Projection   Projection   Method   Projection   Projection   Method           12/31/2006   12/31/2006                   Ultimate
Ending   Ult ($ 000)   Ult ($ 000)   Ult ($ 000)   Ult ($ 000)   Ult ($ 000)   Ult ($ 000)           ($ 000)   ($ 000)                   Loss ($ 000)
PRIOR 3 yrs     35,427       35,385       35,427       35,395       35,347       35,395               35,373       34,937                       35,379  
Jun-2003     10,930       10,940       10,931       11,193       11,170       11,193               11,111       10,434                       11,186  
Dec-2003     13,257       13,163       13,254       13,249       13,273       13,250               13,087       12,197                       13,257  
Jun-2004     13,534       13,781       13,603       14,012       13,985       14,141               13,738       11,955                       14,046  
Dec-2004     9,962       9,868       9,954       10,324       10,304       10,324               10,117       8,248                       10,318  
Jun-2005     9,485       9,492       9,435       10,149       10,100       10,127               9,888       7,014                       10,125  
Dec-2005     7,187       6,928       8,001       8,181       8,129       8,216               7,891       4,238                       8,175  
Jun-2006     9,689       8,667       9,207       8,842       8,727       8,846               8,529       3,221                       8,805  
Dec-2006     11,020       12,069       10,285       9,665       9,673       9,748               8,107       1,357                       9,695  
Total     120,492       120,293       120,095       121,011       120,708       121,241               117,840       93,602                       120,987  
Paid Loss     93,602       93,602       93,602       93,602       93,602       93,602                                               93,602  
Required Reserves     26,890       26,691       26,494       27,409       27,106       27,639                     Required Reserves
Held Reserves     28,038       28,038       28,038       28,038       28,038       28,038                     Held Reserves
Reserve Adequacy     1,148       1,347       1,545       629       932       400                     Reserve Adequacy
    2.4 %     654  
Average Last 4
    3,132       (2,025 )             3,261       3,835                                                          
2nd to Last Diagonal
    2,865       (3,318 )             624       1,951                                                          
Last Diagonal
    (7,001 )     (6,264 )             3,470       3,154                                                          
    (10)   (11)       (12)   (13)   (14)   (15)   (16)   (17)   (18)   (19)   (20)
Accident                           Avg. Adjuster                           Paid   Clsd. w/Pay   Incurred   Recorded   Indicated
Semesters   Avg. Paid   Avg. Incurred           Case Reserves   Closure Rate   CWP Rate   Ultimate   Counts   Counts   Counts   Counts   Ultimate
Ending   Severity   Severity           @ 6 Months   @ 6 Months   @ 6 Months   CWP Rate   Projection   Projection   Projection   Projection   Counts
PRIOR 3 yrs     5,863       5,857                                               6,030       6,029       6,032       6,035       6,035  
Jun-2003     5,796       5,918               4,207       33.7 %     26.3 %     37.9 %     1,885       1,886       1,888       1,887       1,888  
Dec-2003     6,141       6,192               4,321       28.6 %     29.4 %     40.4 %     2,144       2,145       2,145       2,142       2,144  
Jun-2004     6,342       6,436               5,341       26.1 %     27.6 %     41.3 %     2,132       2,134       2,175       2,171       2,173  
Dec-2004     5,404       5,643               5,291       32.3 %     26.3 %     39.8 %     1,821       1,822       1,827       1,825       1,826  
Jun-2005     6,280       6,682               5,462       30.8 %     30.7 %     41.8 %     1,483       1,486       1,514       1,509       1,512  
Dec-2005     5,686       6,671               5,213       26.4 %     29.2 %     42.5 %     1,198       1,196       1,222       1,215       1,219  
Jun-2006     7,449       7,501               4,606       23.5 %     32.4 %     47.2 %     1,080       1,074       1,179       1,148       1,164  
Dec-2006     8,940       7,165               4,153       21.5 %     28.7 %     43.1 %     1,177       1,104       1,449       1,379       1,350  
                                                            18,950       18,876       19,431       19,311       19,309  
Accident   (21)   (22)   (23)   (24)       (25)   (26)       (27)   (28)   (29)   (30)
Semesters   Ultimate   Change In   Ultimate   Change In           Pure   Loss           Premium   Earned           Change In
Ending   Severity   Severity   Frequency   Frequency           Premium   Ratio           ($000)   Exposures   Avg EP   Avg EP
PRIOR 3 yrs     5,862               3.22 %                     189       49.1 %             72,054       187,526       384          
Jun-2003     5,926               3.59 %                     212       64.6 %             17,325       52,642       329          
Dec-2003     6,185       4.4 %     3.41 %     -4.8 %             211       70.7 %             18,744       62,827       298       -9.3 %
Jun-2004     6,464       4.5 %     3.46 %     1.5 %             224       79.5 %             17,670       62,734       282       -5.6 %
Dec-2004     5,650       -12.6 %     3.24 %     -6.3 %             183       65.9 %             15,652       56,287       278       -1.3 %
Jun-2005     6,699       18.6 %     2.97 %     -8.4 %             199       68.6 %             14,749       50,881       290       4.2 %
Dec-2005     6,709       0.2 %     2.56 %     -13.9 %             172       56.2 %             14,557       47,667       305       5.3 %
Jun-2006     7,568       12.8 %     2.60 %     1.6 %             197       61.9 %             14,233       44,804       318       4.0 %
Dec-2006     7,182       -5.1 %     2.59 %     -0.3 %             186       60.0 %             16,162       52,158       310       -2.5 %
                                            196       60.1 %             201,146       617,528                  
          Chg Dec 06           Chg Dec 06                                                                
4 Point Ann Exp Trend
    6.8 %   vs. Dec 05     -7.6 %   vs. Dec 05             -1.4 %                                     4.9 %        
8 Point Ann Exp Trend
    6.5 %     7.0 %     -10.5 %     1.3 %             -4.7 %                                     0.4 %        

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Exhibit B
State XYZ Auto as of December 31, 2006
Periods                                                                                                                                                 Ultimate   Ultimate
Ending     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11     12     13     14     Severity   Loss ($000)
      5,790         5,876         5,928         5,553         5,688         5,796         5,792         5,988         6,019         5,999         5,969         5,960         5,962         5,950         5,950       3,540  
      5,365         5,961         5,385         5,730         5,636         5,514         5,782         5,928         5,884         5,970         5,939         5,981         5,981         5,969         5,969       4,262  
      6,087         6,084         5,795         6,852         6,652         6,833         6,832         6,825         6,882         6,907         6,900         6,912         6,913         6,899         6,899       5,333  
      5,031         5,470         5,558         5,623         5,774         5,974         6,084         6,102         6,139         6,230         6,160         6,170         6,171         6,159         6,159       7,151  
      4,778         5,342         5,383         5,465         5,489         5,617         5,653         5,661         5,651         5,710         5,677         5,687         5,688         5,677         5,677       7,448  
      4,153         4,765         4,971         4,988         5,030         4,974         5,078         5,124         5,118         5,174         5,145         5,154         5,154         5,144         5,144       7,613  
      4,315         5,241         5,457         5,704         5,786         5,787         5,822         5,865         5,889         5,953         5,919         5,929         5,930         5,918         5,918       11,170  
      4,830         5,839         5,985         5,975         6,088         6,058         6,068         6,136         6,161         6,228         6,193         6,204         6,205         6,192         6,192       13,273  
      6,277         6,306         6,180         6,140         6,283         6,269         6,307         6,378         6,403         6,473         6,436         6,448         6,449         6,436         6,436       13,985  
      5,440         5,411         5,274         5,440         5,456         5,497         5,530         5,592         5,614         5,675         5,643         5,653         5,654         5,643         5,643       10,304  
      6,155         6,126         6,269         6,366         6,461         6,509         6,548         6,622         6,648         6,721         6,683         6,694         6,695         6,682         6,682       10,100  
      5,657         5,850         6,189         6,356         6,451         6,499         6,538         6,611         6,638         6,710         6,672         6,684         6,685         6,671         6,671       8,129  
      5,513         6,756         6,959         7,147         7,253         7,307         7,351         7,434         7,463         7,545         7,502         7,515         7,516         7,501         7,501       8,727  
      5,289         6,453         6,647         6,826         6,928         6,979         7,021         7,100         7,129         7,206         7,166         7,178         7,179         7,165         7,165       9,673  
      1-2         2-3         3-4         4-5         5-6         6-7         7-8         8-9         9-10         10-11         11-12         12-13         13-14                              
      1.015         1.009         0.937         1.024         1.019         0.999         1.034         1.005         0.997         0.995         0.998         1.000         0.998                              
      1.111         0.903         1.064         0.984         0.978         1.049         1.025         0.993         1.015         0.995         1.007         1.000                                        
      1.000         0.953         1.182         0.971         1.027         1.000         0.999         1.008         1.004         0.999         1.002                                                  
      1.087         1.016         1.012         1.027         1.035         1.018         1.003         1.006         1.015         0.989                                                            
      1.118         1.008         1.015         1.004         1.023         1.006         1.001         0.998         1.010                                                                      
      1.147         1.043         1.003         1.009         0.989         1.021         1.009         0.999                                                                                
      1.215         1.041         1.045         1.014         1.000         1.006         1.007                                                                                          
      1.209         1.025         0.998         1.019         0.995         1.002                                                                                                    
      1.005         0.980         0.993         1.023         0.998                                                                                                              
      0.995         0.975         1.031         1.003                                                                                                                        
      0.995         1.023         1.016                                                                                                                                  
      1.034         1.058                                                                                                                                            
Loss Development Factors   Adequacy
Average Last 4
2nd to Last Diagonal
Last Diagonal
Selected Avg Inc Indication
Selected Ultimate Indication
Avg Last 5 x HiLo
    1.011       1.009       1.015       1.014       0.998       1.010       1.004       1.001       1.010                                          
Avg Last 4
    1.062       1.009       1.010       1.015       0.996       1.009       1.005       1.003       1.011       0.994                                  
Prior Sel @ 6 Mth
    1.014       1.001       1.022       1.016       1.002       1.008       1.003       1.004       1.007       0.997       1.001       1.002       1.000          
Prior Sel @ 3 Mth
    1.130       1.030       1.007       1.021       1.007       1.011       1.009       1.006       0.997       1.006       0.998       1.000       1.000          
    1.220       1.030       1.027       1.015       1.007       1.006       1.011       1.004       1.011       0.994       1.002       1.000       0.998     Tail
    1.355       1.110       1.078       1.050       1.034       1.027       1.020       1.009       1.005       0.994       1.000       0.998       0.998       1.000  
    Dec-06   Jun-06   Dec-05   Jun-05   Dec-04   Jun-04   Dec-03   Jun-03   Dec-02   Jun-02   Dec-01   Jun-01   Dec-00   Jun-00
Ult. Severity
    7,165       7,501       6,671       6,682       5,643       6,436       6,192       5,918       5,144       5,677       6,159       6,899       5,969       5,950  
Ult. Counts
    1,350       1,164       1,219       1,512       1,826       2,173       2,144       1,888       1,480       1,312       1,161       773       714       595  
Ultimate Loss
    9,673       8,727       8,129       10,100       10,304       13,985       13,273       11,170       7,613       7,448       7,151       5,333       4,262       3,540  
Ultimate LR
    59.9 %     61.3 %     55.8 %     68.5 %     65.8 %     79.1 %     70.8 %     64.5 %     46.2 %     48.1 %     54.5 %     53.3 %     48.4 %     43.3 %
Ultimate PP
    185       195       171       198       183       223       211       212       168       185       215       213       191       167  

Page 4


Exhibit C
State XYZ Auto as of December 31, 2006
    (1)   (2)   (4)   (5)   (7)   (8)   (9)
Record   Paid   Avg. Paid   Incurred   Avg. Incurred   Adj. Inc. @   Pd. Loss @   Indicated
Semesters   Projection   Projection   Projection   Projection   12/31/2006   12/31/2006   Ultimate
Ending   Ult ($000)   Ult ($000)   Ult ($000)   Ult ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   Loss ($000)
PRIOR 3 yrs
    34,764       34,720       34,729       34,727       34,672       34,324       34,729  
    9,723       9,720       9,934       9,944       9,867       9,368       9,937  
    12,772       12,662       12,658       12,724       12,573       11,966       12,681  
    14,159       14,183       14,656       14,692       14,440       12,747       14,666  
    10,455       10,318       10,588       10,658       10,482       8,918       10,611  
    10,108       9,948       10,923       10,955       10,802       7,770       10,928  
    7,063       6,813       8,067       8,067       7,995       4,535       8,067  
    8,484       8,264       8,584       8,727       8,771       3,565       8,631  
    11,901       12,037       9,486       9,161       9,597       1,768       9,350  
    119,430       118,664       119,627       119,656       119,199       94,961       119,577  
Paid Loss
    94,961       94,961       94,961       94,961                       94,961  
Required Reserves
    24,468       23,703       24,666       24,694     Required Reserves             24,615  
Held Reserves
    23,587       23,587       23,587       23,587     Held Reserves             23,587  
Reserve Adequacy
    (882 )     (116 )     (1,079 )     (1,108 )   Reserve Adequacy     -4.2 %     (1,029 )
Average Last 4
    1,021       (2,991 )     559       1,378                          
2nd to Last Diagonal
    1,284       (3,280 )     (1,436 )     242                          
Last Diagonal
    (8,089 )     (7,008 )     1,646       1,614                          
    (10)   (11)   (12)   (13)   (14)   (15)
                                    Incurred   Indicated
Record Semesters   Avg. Paid   Avg. Incurred   Ultimate   Change In   Counts   Ultimate
Ending   Severity   Severity   Severity   Severity   Projection   Counts
PRIOR 3 yrs
    5,867       5,868       5,867               5,919       5,919  
    5,287       5,409       5,404               1,839       1,839  
    6,262       6,293       6,265       16.0 %     2,024       2,024  
    6,438       6,669       6,651       6.2 %     2,205       2,205  
    5,371       5,548       5,521       -17.0 %     1,922       1,922  
    6,173       6,798       6,770       22.8 %     1,614       1,614  
    5,605       6,637       6,618       -2.1 %     1,219       1,219  
    7,118       7,517       7,333       12.0 %     1,177       1,177  
    9,259       7,047       6,622       -3.5 %     1,412       1,412  
                          Chg Dec 06                
4 Point Ann Exp Trend
                    0.7 %   vs. Dec 05     19,331       19,331  
8 Point Ann Exp Trend
                    5.9 %     0.1 %                

Page 5


Exhibit D
State XYZ Auto as of December 31, 2006
  (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)   (6)   (7)   (8)   (9)     (10)   (11)  
      Calculated   Quarterly                                                     IBNR   6-mo emerg  
  Prior Review   PP using   Rec w/n Acc   Total                           Indicated   Current     Emerged   Indicated  
  Future   6 month   Periods   Future   Earned   Earned   Indicated   IBNR   IBNR     Since   IBNR
  Pure Premium   Emerged   Ending   Pure Prem   Exposures   Premium   IBNR   Factors   Factors     Jun-2004   Factors  
  1.17     0.89     Sep-2002     0.60       22,103       8,156,777       13,163       0.2 %               6,110       0.2 %  
  1.65     1.22     Dec-2002     0.78       23,265       8,307,946       18,249       0.2 %               6,110       0.3 %  
  2.12     0.87     Mar-2003     0.98       24,674       8,417,123       24,058       0.3 %     1.1 %       17,913       0.5 %  
  2.43     1.05     Jun-2003     1.16       27,968       8,907,753       32,482       0.4 %     1.1 %       17,913       0.6 %  
  2.74     1.70     Sep-2003     1.35       30,751       9,331,069       41,499       0.4 %     1.1 %       17,913       0.6 %  
  3.05     1.80     Dec-2003     1.54       32,076       9,413,188       49,381       0.5 %     1.1 %       17,913       0.7 %  
  3.36     1.93     Mar-2004     1.73       31,817       9,094,404       55,086       0.6 %     2.1 %       30,074       0.9 %  
  3.80     2.10     Jun-2004     2.15       30,918       8,575,229       66,559       0.8 %     2.1 %       30,074       1.1 %  
  4.24     2.68     Sep-2004     2.58       29,011       7,995,863       74,802       0.9 %     2.1 %       30,074       1.3 %  
  4.69     3.13     Dec-2004     3.01       27,276       7,655,772       82,052       1.1 %     2.1 %       30,074       1.5 %  
  5.14     3.62     Mar-2005     3.44       26,502       7,425,622       91,225       1.2 %     3.1 %       45,060       1.8 %  
  5.69     4.11     Jun-2005     4.00       24,379       7,323,851       97,579       1.3 %     3.0 %       39,863       1.9 %  
  6.81     5.14     Sep-2005     4.78       24,375       7,367,666       116,551       1.6 %     4.1 %       37,814       2.1 %  
  7.58     5.64     Dec-2005     5.47       23,292       7,189,243       127,483       1.8 %     4.5 %       82,033       2.9 %  
  8.95     6.33     Mar-2006     6.59       22,123       7,035,903       145,689       2.1 %     4.9 %       160,243       4.3 %  
  11.31     9.00     Jun-2006     8.92       22,681       7,197,385       202,219       2.8 %     5.7 %       570,118       10.7 %  
  15.82     13.83     Sep-2006     11.74       25,217       7,724,378       295,929       3.8 %     6.9 %                    
  35.65     34.05     Dec-2006     33.52       26,942       8,437,252       903,099       10.7 %     11.6 %                    
    2,560,917                       475,370       145,556,425       2,437,105     Total               1,139,299            
                                          Zero Runoff   IBNR Reserves ($000) 6 Mth Runoff        
                                            2,437     Indicated               2,377            
                                            4,452     Held               4,196            
                                            2,015     Adequacy               1,819            

Page 6


Exhibit E
Page 1
State XYZ Auto as of December 31, 2006
Rec w/n Acc                                        
Ending   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   Ultimate
    496,686       518,026       470,878       478,747       444,503       444,244       434,161       423,421       421,999       402,689  
    563,065       602,907       574,026       582,766       533,957       521,264       519,834       510,883       508,050       496,017  
    701,628       724,404       683,572       722,382       756,639       873,140       849,821       858,810       866,299       841,951  
    926,112       992,882       936,052       1,074,640       1,040,663       990,419       882,542       936,217       922,570       893,998  
    762,137       742,380       710,141       696,527       614,613       598,305       587,628       580,404       575,320       559,296  
    1,403,988       1,429,926       1,328,895       1,282,623       1,223,390       1,217,221       1,222,239       1,219,462       1,209,300       1,182,188  
    1,153,489       1,091,243       941,836       889,421       866,636       858,661       874,015       836,479       848,368       834,987  
    1,273,559       1,032,051       895,131       827,142       819,180       787,061       741,515       750,787       725,020       687,127  
    950,170       902,377       796,609       748,899       725,726       705,040       698,794       692,021       674,166       674,166  
    945,192       904,793       884,895       836,910       796,854       766,037       749,239       745,902               745,902  
    905,649       794,721       860,296       820,179       805,707       803,143       832,359                       833,632  
    473,607       400,046       393,187       374,912       353,414       326,284                               320,368  
    523,663       444,461       382,911       458,488       390,422                                       372,461  
    772,190       700,711       604,762       577,760                                               524,747  
    553,743       496,540       466,983                                                       414,268  
    559,263       621,759                                                               508,232  
    673,829                                                                       527,186  
    0-1       1-2       2-3       3-4       4-5       5-6       6-7       7-8       8-9          
    1.043       0.909       1.017       0.928       0.999       0.977       0.975       0.997       0.973          
    1.071       0.952       1.015       0.916       0.976       0.997       0.983       0.994       0.990          
    1.032       0.944       1.057       1.047       1.154       0.973       1.011       1.009       0.973          
    1.072       0.943       1.148       0.968       0.952       0.891       1.061       0.985       0.970          
    0.974       0.957       0.981       0.882       0.973       0.982       0.988       0.991       0.992          
    1.018       0.929       0.965       0.954       0.995       1.004       0.998       0.992       0.991          
    0.946       0.863       0.944       0.974       0.991       1.018       0.957       1.014       0.990          
    0.810       0.867       0.924       0.990       0.961       0.942       1.013       0.966       0.948          
    0.950       0.883       0.940       0.969       0.971       0.991       0.990       0.974                  
    0.957       0.978       0.946       0.952       0.961       0.978       0.996                          
    0.878       1.083       0.953       0.982       0.997       1.036                                  
    0.845       0.983       0.954       0.943       0.923                                          
    0.849       0.862       1.197       0.852                                                  
    0.907       0.863       0.955                                                          
    0.897       0.940                                                                  
Straight Avg
    0.963       0.919       0.973       0.954       0.970       0.999       0.997       1.008       1.009          
Avg x HiLo
    0.963       0.918       0.971       0.951       0.968       0.990       0.996       1.004       1.001          
Wtd Avg All
    0.957       0.921       0.975       0.959       0.980       0.988       1.000       1.000       0.998          
Avg Last 8
    0.924       0.932       0.977       0.952       0.972       0.980       1.002       0.991       0.978          
Wt Avg.8
    0.926       0.931       0.961       0.959       0.977       0.980       1.002       0.991       0.979          
Avg Last 4
    0.941       0.912       1.015       0.932       0.963       0.987       0.989       0.986       0.980          
Wt Avg.4
    0.940       0.905       0.996       0.942       0.970       0.987       0.987       0.988       0.981          
    0.957       0.921       0.977       0.952       0.972       0.980       1.002       1.000       1.000          
    0.782       0.817       0.887       0.908       0.954       0.982       1.002       1.000       1.000          
Ultimate Loss
    527,186       508,232       414,268       524,747       372,461       320,368       833,632       745,902       674,166          

Page 7


Exhibit E
Page 2
State XYZ Auto as of December 31, 2006
Rec w/n Acc                                
Ending   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
    2,618,475       402,689       137,687       20,484       35,110       5,112       24,319       22,365  
    3,340,158       496,017       226,614       96,699       34,548       22,026       19,872       9,514  
    3,930,469       841,951       89,797       359,298       79,781       80,585       26,712       17,874  
    4,092,147       893,998       255,026       144,934       117,008       50,989       28,301       19,937  
    5,225,296       559,296       185,020       191,422       36,711       59,504       107,033       21,442  
    4,830,247       1,182,188       250,533       281,475       42,245       32,341       16,295       10,619  
    6,405,308       834,987       128,883       112,328       34,996       119,103       89,602       6,863  
    4,924,350       687,127       134,681       169,119       91,889       (58,356 )     81,906       14,844  
    4,186,260       674,166       139,948       115,327       17,039       14,286       13,298       21,573  
    4,028,433       745,902       69,329       30,049       35,935       15,788       17,576       7,043  
    4,370,268       833,632       189,272       37,264       24,374       16,504       29,907       15,153  
    3,946,033       320,368       77,327       52,106       13,905       23,755       16,108          
    3,375,799       372,461       34,944       53,028       29,579       8,235                  
    3,252,471       524,747       40,514       48,554       33,479                          
    3,751,012       414,268       106,068       54,175                                  
    3,283,120       508,232       61,886                                          
    3,631,092       527,186                                                  
Avg 3 Emergence
    3,374,613       483,229       69,489       51,919       25,654       16,165       21,197       14,590  
Rec w/n Acc                                
Ending   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
    3,093,429       471,089       159,503       23,498       39,883       5,750       27,089       24,669  
    3,907,512       574,608       259,958       109,845       38,862       24,535       21,919       10,392  
    4,553,228       965,836       102,005       404,161       88,867       88,887       29,176       19,333  
    4,694,268       1,015,535       286,870       161,440       129,062       55,693       30,610       21,353  
    5,935,663       629,132       206,092       211,142       40,098       64,360       114,637       22,741  
    5,433,371       1,316,826       276,343       307,443       45,692       34,639       17,282       11,153  
    7,134,798       921,007       140,773       121,494       37,482       126,320       94,104       7,138  
    5,431,656       750,520       145,671       181,134       97,457       (61,288 )     85,182       15,287  
    4,572,474       729,178       149,891       122,315       17,895       14,857       13,695       22,000  
    4,357,153       798,896       73,530       31,559       37,372       16,259       17,924       7,112  
    4,680,760       884,147       198,782       38,755       25,102       16,831       30,202       15,153  
    4,185,147       336,466       80,420       53,661       14,180       23,989       16,108          
    3,545,425       387,359       35,987       54,078       29,870       8,235                  
    3,382,570       540,412       41,316       49,032       33,479                          
    3,862,989       422,472       107,113       54,175                                  
    3,348,139       513,240       61,886                                          
    3,666,871       527,186                                                  

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Exhibit E
Page 3
State XYZ Auto as of December 31, 2006
Ending   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
Sep-02     139.957       21.314       7.216       1.063       1.804       0.260       1.226       1.116  
Dec-02     167.954       24.698       11.174       4.721       1.670       1.055       0.942       0.447  
Mar-03     184.538       39.144       4.134       16.380       3.602       3.602       1.182       0.784  
Jun-03     167.842       36.310       10.257       5.772       4.615       1.991       1.094       0.763  
Sep-03     193.022       20.459       6.702       6.866       1.304       2.093       3.728       0.740  
Dec-03     169.390       41.053       8.615       9.585       1.424       1.080       0.539       0.348  
Mar-04     224.248       28.947       4.425       3.819       1.178       3.970       2.958       0.224  
Jun-04     175.682       24.275       4.712       5.859       3.152       (1.982 )     2.755       0.494  
Sep-04     157.611       25.134       5.167       4.216       0.617       0.512       0.472       0.758  
Dec-04     159.741       29.289       2.696       1.157       1.370       0.596       0.657       0.261  
Mar-05     176.618       33.361       7.501       1.462       0.947       0.635       1.140       0.572  
Jun-05     171.668       13.801       3.299       2.201       0.582       0.984       0.661          
Sep-05     145.453       15.892       1.476       2.219       1.225       0.338                  
Dec-05     145.225       23.202       1.774       2.105       1.437                          
Mar-06     174.614       19.096       4.842       2.449                                  
Jun-06     147.619       22.629       2.729                                          
Sep-06     145.414       20.906                                                  
Dec-06     119.133                                                          
Straight Avg     166.289       25.495       5.461       4.640       2.019       1.118       1.387       0.575  
Avg x HiLo     165.689       25.268       5.352       4.096       1.936       1.137       1.269       0.557  
Avg Last 8     153.218       22.272       3.685       2.708       1.314       0.767       1.614       0.520  
Avg Last 4     146.695       21.458       2.705       2.243       1.048       0.638       0.732       0.521  
Select     146.695       21.458       2.705       2.243       1.048       0.638       0.732       0.521  
Periods                                                                           Future
Ending   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 - 27   Pure Prem
Sep-02                                                                     0.596       0.60  
Dec-02                                                                     0.784       0.78  
Mar-03                                                                     0.975       0.98  
Jun-03                                                                     1.161       1.16  
Sep-03                                                                     1.350       1.35  
Dec-03                                                                     1.540       1.54  
Mar-04                                                                     1.731       1.73  
Jun-04                                                                     2.153       2.15  
Sep-04                                                                     2.578       2.58  
Dec-04                                                                     3.008       3.01  
Mar-05                                                                     3.442       3.44  
Jun-05                                                             0.526       3.476       4.00  
Sep-05                                                     0.740       0.532       3.510       4.78  
Dec-05                                             0.645       0.747       0.537       3.545       5.47  
Mar-06                                     1.058       0.651       0.754       0.542       3.580       6.59  
Jun-06                             2.266       1.069       0.657       0.762       0.548       3.615       8.92  
Sep-06                     2.732       2.288       1.079       0.664       0.769       0.553       3.651       11.74  
Dec-06             21.670       2.759       2.310       1.090       0.670       0.777       0.558       3.687       33.52  
    Inflation rate used in IBNR calculation:       4.0 %                                                

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Exhibit A – Accident Period Analysis
     This exhibit summarizes our accident period analysis for this segment, so the claims are sorted and analyzed by accident date. We use 6-month accident periods (i.e. accident semesters) for this analysis. Each accident semester represents claims that occurred during the 6-month period ending at the end of the designated month (in the left-hand column of the exhibit).
     An accident period analysis measures the adequacy of our total reserves (case + IBNR). In other words, the estimated ultimate losses for each accident period include losses for claims that have already been reported to the Company PLUS losses for claims that have not yet been reported.
     The information on Exhibit A is summarized as follows:
  COLUMNS (1) – (6): Estimated ultimate losses resulting from six different sets of projections, along with the resulting required reserves and reserve adequacy for each respective projection, as well as the adequacy that would have resulted using 3 different types of “default” selections of loss development factors for four of the projections
  COLUMNS (7) and (8): Cumulative adjuster-incurred losses (i.e., paid losses plus adjuster-set reserves) and paid losses as of the evaluation date of 12/31/2006
  COLUMN (9): Indicated ultimate losses which have been judgmentally selected by the loss reserving area considering all information obtained during the analysis, along with the resulting required reserves and reserve adequacy
  COLUMNS (10) and (11): Estimated ultimate average paid and average incurred severities, based upon the projections of average paid and average incurred losses
  COLUMN (12): Average adjuster case reserves, as of the first evaluation point (i.e. the evaluation date is the end-date of each respective accident semester, which is at 6 months development)
  COLUMN (13): Closure Rate @ 6 months = [(The number of claims closed with payment) at 6 months development] divided by [Selected ultimate incurred claim count]
  COLUMNS (14) and (15): CWP Rate (i.e. percentage of reported claims which are closed without payment), as of the first evaluation point (6 months), and projection to ultimate
  COLUMNS (16) – (19): Estimated ultimate incurred counts resulting from four different sets of projections
  COLUMN (20): Indicated ultimate incurred counts which have been judgmentally selected by the loss reserving area, considering all of the information obtained during the analysis
  COLUMNS (21) and (22): Indicated ultimate severities which result from the ultimate selections of losses and counts, along with the change from period to period, and the 4-point and 8-point fitted exponential trends. Fitted exponential trends tell us the estimated average annual change in severity (or another parameter) considering our selections over the past two years (4 points) and four years (8 points). The year over year change is also presented for the most recent semester
  COLUMNS (23) and (24): Indicated ultimate frequencies which result from the selected ultimate counts, along with the change from period to period, the 4-point and 8-point fitted exponential trends, and the year over year change

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  COLUMNS (25) and (26): The pure premiums and loss ratios which result from the selected ultimate losses, along with the 4-point and 8-point fitted exponential pure premium trends
  COLUMNS (27) – (30): Earned premium and earned exposures, which are used in some of the other calculations, along with average earned premium, changes in average earned premium, and the 4-point and 8-point fitted exponential trends for average earned premium

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The following chart contains columns (1) through (6) of Exhibit A, and will be explained in more detail below:
    (1)     (2)=(10)X(20)     (3)     (4)       (see Exhibit B)       (6)  
Accident   Paid     Avg. Paid     BF Paid     Incurred       Avg. Incurred       BF Incurred  
Semesters   Projection     Projection     Method     Projection       Projection       Method  
Ending   Ult ($000)     Ult ($000)     Ult ($000)     Ult ($000)       Ult ($000)       Ult ($000)  
PRIOR 3 yrs     35,427       35,385       35,427       35,395         35,347         35,395  
Jun-2003     10,930       10,940       10,931       11,193         11,170         11,193  
Dec-2003     13,257       13,163       13,254       13,249         13,273         13,250  
Jun-2004     13,534       13,781       13,603       14,012         13,985         14,141  
Dec-2004     9,962       9,868       9,954       10,324         10,304         10,324  
Jun-2005     9,485       9,492       9,435       10,149         10,100         10,127  
Dec-2005     7,187       6,928       8,001       8,181         8,129         8,216  
Jun-2006     9,689       8,667       9,207       8,842         8,727         8,846  
Dec-2006     11,020       12,069       10,285       9,665         9,673         9,748  
Tot Ult Loss     120,492       120,293       120,095       121,011         120,708         121,241  
Tot Paid Loss     93,602       93,602       93,602       93,602         93,602         93,602  
Required Reserves
    26,890       26,691       26,494       27,409         27,106         27,639  
Held Reserves
    28,038       28,038       28,038       28,038         28,038         28,038  
Reserve Adequacy
    1,148       1,347       1,545       629         932         400  
Avg Last 4
    3,132       (2,025 )             3,261         3,835            
2nd to Last Diag
    2,865       (3,318 )             624         1,951            
Last Diag
    (7,001 )     (6,264 )             3,470         3,154            
We use six sets of projections in most of our loss reserve segment analyses. There are other approaches built into our model that we use occasionally, when conditions warrant their use. However, we typically arrive at our indications using projections from: paid losses; average paid losses; incurred losses; average incurred losses; and Bornhuetter-Ferguson (BF) expected loss ratio method using both paid and incurred loss development. Exhibit B goes into more detail regarding our selection process using the average incurred loss projection. (Thus, there is a box around column (5)). However, this discussion will focus more on the merits of each type of projection, the thought-processes behind the projections and the relationships between various components.
Note that the paid, average paid, incurred and average incurred projections all use a similar actuarial technique to estimate ultimate losses. As illustrated in Exhibit B, we organize the data into a triangular format and project ultimate values by selecting development factors for each evaluation interval based upon historical patterns and judgment.
Estimated ultimate losses are projected for the past 7 accident years (by accident semester) for each of the six projections. These ultimate losses are shown on the exhibit for each of the past 8 accident semesters (4 years), and then the prior 3 accident years combined. Required reserves

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and reserve adequacy are then calculated (and shown in bold print below the total ultimate losses) for each projection by using the identities stated at the beginning of this section:
Total Ultimate Losses
    Total Paid Losses   =   Required Reserves
Held Reserves     Required Reserves   =   Reserve Adequacy
Below the reserve adequacy for each projection, we show the adequacy that would have resulted from the application of three different types of default factor selections for each projection. Exhibit B shows more details behind these calculations, and Exhibit A summarizes the results. “Average Last 4” is the adequacy that would result if we selected future loss development factors equal to the average of the last 4 development factors at each development point. “2nd to Last Diagonal” and “Last Diagonal” are the adequacies that would result if we selected future loss development factors equal to those on each of the last 2 diagonals of the development factor triangle. The last diagonal represents the development (payments and/or adjuster case reserve changes) during the most recent 6 calendar months for each accident semester. The second-last diagonal represents the development during the 6-month period that ended 6 months ago.
[Paid and Incurred] Loss Development vs. Average [Paid and Incurred] Loss Development: When we make our projections of ultimate losses, we need to consider trends in the frequency and severity of claims and consider the underlying influences on the historical changes in frequency and severity. The dollars of paid and incurred losses would be expected to increase in magnitude as our premium dollars and exposures increase. In the development of paid and incurred loss dollars, we observe these increases over time but do not necessarily know whether they are due to increases in severity of claims, increases in the volume of business, or a mixture of both. On the other hand, by looking at the development of average paid and average incurred losses, we are able to focus upon changes in severity over time. Therefore, we tend to rely more heavily on the development of average paid and average incurred losses (summarized in columns (2) and (5)) than that of the pure paid and incurred loss dollars (summarized in columns (1) and (4)).
Each data point in the           (Paid Counts = Claim features
Average Paid Loss   =   [Paid Loss Dollars]   (closed or open) with loss
development triangle       [Paid Counts]   payment)
Each data point in the           (Incurred counts = Claim features
Average Incurred Loss   =   [Incurred Loss Dollars]   closed with loss payment + open
development triangle       [Incurred Counts]   features.)
The ultimate losses for the Average Incurred Projection (column (5) of exhibit A) are calculated for each accident semester as:
Ultimate Losses for the       [Ultimate Average        
Average Incurred Projection   =   Incurred Severity]   X   [Indicated Ultimate Counts]
(column (5) of exhibit A)       (11)       (20)
The ultimate average incurred severities are derived from the projections of average incurred losses, as shown in Exhibit B. The indicated ultimate counts are selected from the 4 projections of counts, as described later in this section. Similar calculations are performed for the average paid projection. These calculations are illustrated in the following chart, an excerpt from the relevant columns of Exhibit A:

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    (10)     (20)     (2)=(10)X(20)       (11)     (20)     (5)=(11)X(20)  
          Indicated     Avg. Paid       [Per Exh B]     Indicated     Avg. Incr  
  Avg. Paid     Ultimate     Projection       Avg. Incr     Ultimate     Projection  
  Severity     Counts     Ult ($000)       Severity     Counts     Ult ($000)  
PRIOR 3 yrs
    5,863       6,035       35,385         5,857       6,035       35,347  
    5,796       1,888       10,940         5,918       1,888       11,170  
    6,141       2,144       13,163         6,192       2,144       13,273  
    6,342       2,173       13,781         6,436       2,173       13,985  
    5,404       1,826       9,868         5,643       1,826       10,304  
    6,280       1,512       9,492         6,682       1,512       10,100  
    5,686       1,219       6,928         6,671       1,219       8,129  
    7,449       1,164       8,667         7,501       1,164       8,727  
    8,940       1,350       12,069         7,165       1,350       9,673  
Paid (and Average Paid) Losses — The development of paid losses is influenced by the rate at which claims are recorded, the rate at which the claims are paid and settled, and the severity of the claims. Injury claims (BI, PIP, and UMBI) tend to have more variability in development and a longer payment period than property/physical damage claims (comprehensive, collision, and property damage).
The recording of claims can be influenced by the time it takes for the claimant to report the claim and the time it takes for the Company to record the claim. The time it takes for the claimant to report the claim can be influenced by external forces, such as laws and regulations in the state, the legal environment, and the economy. The time it takes for the Company to record the claim can be influenced by changes in claim processing.
Some or all of the same items as mentioned for claim reporting and recording can also influence the rate at which claims are paid and settled. In addition, the rate of payment of claims tends to be related to the severity of claims. Smaller claims tend to settle more quickly and larger claims tend to settle more slowly. As a result of this relationship, we consider the closure rate when making our judgments regarding paid (and average paid) loss development.
     As stated above:
      [# of Claims Closed w/ Payment]  
Closure Rate   =   [Selected Ultimate Incurred Claim Count]  
We look at this ratio to see if there is a change in the rate of claim closure, which may impact the paid loss development (historically and in the future). Column (13) of Exhibit A shows the closure rate at the first evaluation point for each accident period. We also look at further development points for the same reason, but it is the first development point (i.e., 6 months) that tends to be the most informative, since the closure rate tends to vary more when claims are less mature. Greater variability in the closure rate causes greater distortions in the development of paid (and average paid) losses.

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The following section from Exhibit A (as well as the underlying data) illustrates this point:
    (Data)   (20)   (13)
  Features   Indicated   =(Data)/(20)
  Closed w/ Pay   Ultimate   Closure Rate
  @ 6 Months   Counts   @ 6 Months
    636       1,888       33.7 %
    613       2,144       28.6 %
    568       2,173       26.1 %
    589       1,826       32.3 %
    466       1,512       30.8 %
    322       1,219       26.4 %
    273       1,164       23.5 %
    290       1,350       21.5 %
For this segment, the closure rate has been decreasing for the past 4 consecutive accident semesters. This will tend to distort the predictive value of our historical paid (and average paid) loss development. The current paid losses will therefore not be expected to develop similarly to the historical paid losses. If a standard paid development projection is applied blindly, the resulting indication will likely not be reasonable.
Assuming that the lower severity claims are settled first, the trend seen in the closure rate would imply that the claims that have been paid in the most recent accident periods have a lower average severity (at the 6-month evaluation point) than those in the past. (See the example below for an illustration of this point). In addition, the future development of these losses may be understated if historical development patterns are applied. Therefore, the ultimate losses may be understated, the required reserves may be understated, and the reserve adequacy may be overstated.
There is an actuarial approach known as the Berquist-Sherman method (as described in a paper co-authored by James Berquist and Richard Sherman), which can be used to adjust historical paid losses for these distortions. A standard application of this methodology assumes that the current closure rate would apply going forward. Historical paid losses would be adjusted to reflect the development that would have been expected to occur if the current closure rates had been relevant in the past. We may utilize an adaptation of this methodology for some segments, but we would also supplement it with judgment.
The closure rate pattern is discussed with our claims management organization to determine what may be causing it to change (e.g., process changes, staffing changes, or change in the volume of claims). We consider whether the trend is expected to continue or reverse, or whether we are now at the level that is expected to remain consistent. We consider this information in our selections for future development of paid (and average paid) losses.
With this specific segment, some of the hypotheses stated above are not necessarily true. In fact, application of the paid and average paid development factors from the most recent 6-month period (i.e., the result of the “last diagonal,” as shown at the bottom of columns (1) and (2) of Exhibit A) would result in lower reserve adequacy.
Upon further review, we conclude that the vast majority of the reserve inadequacy that results from the last diagonal of the paid projections is due to the most recent accident semester. For this period, even though the closure rate is lower than history, the average paid loss is higher

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than history. This is a time when it is especially helpful to discuss these issues with management, to get additional information that may help in the analysis. It is quite possible that there are process changes or specific claims that may help to explain this development and help us to make better judgments. This type of volatility in paid development also indicates that it may be preferable to give more credibility to the incurred projections in making our final selections of indicated ultimate losses.
Incurred (and Average Incurred) Losses – Incurred losses that we use in our analysis consist of paid losses plus adjuster-set case reserves. Recall from Section III (Types of Reserves) that the case reserve amount carried on the Company’s financial records for each open claim is the average reserve if it is below the threshold, or the adjuster-set reserve if it is greater than or equal to the threshold. However, when we analyze the development of incurred losses in order to make our projections, it is more meaningful to use the adjuster estimates (when available) for all claims, regardless of amount.
When a claim is reported, the case reserve is set according to the average as determined by the actuarial reviews. However, when the adjuster has enough information about the claim to make a reasonable estimate of its value, the adjuster may enter an estimate of its ultimate cost into the claims system. The adjuster then revises this amount when additional information is known about the claim. These adjustments can be done any time until the claim is settled.
It is appropriate for the financial records to carry the average amount (as long as it is below the threshold), since we have found that the average amounts are reasonably accurate at aggregate levels. However, in order for the actuarial analysis of the claim development to consider all of the information available about the development of claims, it is appropriate to use the adjuster estimates (whether above or below the threshold) for this analysis.
Since incurred losses include case reserves on each claim, each claim carries an incurred loss estimate as soon as it is reported. Also, case reserves are adjusted whenever additional information is known about the claim. For these reasons, the incurred (and average incurred) losses are usually more reliable than the paid (and average paid) losses for projection of ultimate losses. We feel this is especially true when we have volatile closure rates (and therefore volatile paid loss development), as we do with this segment.
Since paid losses are a component of incurred losses, the same processes and forces influence the development of incurred losses. However, the case reserve estimation that is added to the paid loss amounts helps to mitigate some of the distortions causing incurred loss development to normally be more stable than paid loss development. At the same time, the case reserve estimation adds another type of uncertainty to the process. As with paid losses, injury claims (BI, PIP, and UMBI) will tend to have more variability in development and a longer development period than property/physical damage claims (comprehensive, collision, and property damage). Since injury claims often involve lawsuits, those claims are more difficult for the adjusters to make accurate estimates of the ultimate amount needed to fully settle the claim.
If the claim adjusting process and external influences were the same in every state, and if there were no changes in processes, personnel, or external forces over time, then projection of incurred losses would be fairly straightforward. However, change does occur and we need to analyze our case reserving processes in order to make reasonable projections of incurred losses.
One of the parameters we consider in the analysis is “average adjuster case reserves.” This gives us the average values (and changes over time) of the case reserves that are used in our incurred (and average incurred) loss triangles. We expect an inflationary trend over time in the average adjuster case reserves. We also know that the changes we make to the averages in the case tables (per the actuarial reviews) will have an impact on the adjuster reserves used in our incurred triangles. This is because, until the time the adjuster makes an estimate, the adjuster reserve is the average reserve.

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We consider how much of the average adjuster case reserve amounts (and changes in those amounts) is due to adjuster estimates versus the averages from the tables. At the 6-month development point, approximately 27% of our open BI liability claims for tort states countrywide (those states without no-fault statutes) have adjuster estimates. This percentage varies considerably by state, and tends to be higher for states with no-fault statutes. Also, for a given state, the percentage may change over time (at the same development point). In addition, as claims age, the adjusters will enter estimated reserves on a greater proportion of the open claims. About 45% of our total inventory of open claims in tort states has adjuster estimates. Again, this percentage tends to be higher for states with no-fault statutes.
We look at this group of parameters to see if there is a change in the adjuster activity that may be affecting the incurred loss development and the incurred severities. Column (12) of Exhibit A shows the average adjuster case reserve at the first evaluation point (i.e., 6 months) for each accident period. We also look at further evaluation points for the same reason, but the first evaluation point tends to be the most informative.
Earlier, we mentioned that the closure rate influences the average paid severity. Also, note that the closure rate influences the average adjuster case reserve amount. The trend in both the average adjuster case reserve amount and the average paid severity are expected to be in the same direction as the trend in the closure rate. The following example illustrates this point:
Assume (1)    All open claims are reserved at their ultimate payment amount
  (2)   The lower severity claims close before the higher severity claims
  (3)   The distribution of claims is as follows:
                            Total Incurred
# of Claims:
    25       25       50       100  
    5,000       10,000       16,000       11,750  
Incurred Loss:
    125,000       250,000       800,000       1,175,000  
Scenario I: Closure Rate = 50%
    Closed   Open   Total Incurred
# of Claims:
    50       50       100  
    7,500       16,000       11,750  
Incurred Loss:
    375,000       800,000       1,175,000  
Scenario II: Closure Rate = 25%
    Closed   Open   Total Incurred
# of Claims:
    25       75       100  
    5,000       14,000       11,750  
Incurred Loss:
    125,000       1,050,000       1,175,000  
Thus, the decrease in closure rate results in decreased severity of the closed (paid) claims and decreased severity of the open claims (which would be reflected in the average adjuster case reserve amounts).

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The following excerpt from Exhibit A illustrates this point for this segment:
      (12)     (13)  
    Avg. Adjuster        
    Case Reserves     Closure Rate  
    @ 6 Months     @ 6 Months  
      4,207       33.7 %
      4,321       28.6 %
      5,341       26.1 %
      5,291       32.3 %
      5,462       30.8 %
      5,213       26.4 %
      4,606       23.5 %
      4,153       21.5 %
This data potentially confirms the hypothesis for the most recent periods, that a decreasing closure rate will lead to decreasing average adjuster case reserves. However, there could also be other reasons for the decrease in these average adjuster case reserve amounts. Several possibilities are as follows:
  There may have been a lower percentage of large claims
  There may have been a significant change in the mix of business by limit
  We may have made changes to the averages in the case tables that caused part of the decrease
  There may have been process changes, causing:
  o   Adjusters to leave claims at the case table average for a longer period of time before assigning their own estimates
  o   Adjusters to estimate the value of the claims differently
  o   Higher severity claims to settle more quickly
  There may have been external (legal, regulatory, or environmental) forces causing severity of open claims (or all claims) to decrease
We discuss the adjuster reserving patterns with management to determine what may be causing this trend, whether it is expected to continue or reverse, or whether we are now at an expected level. We consider this information in our selections for future development of incurred (and average incurred) losses.
If adjuster estimates are lower than history for similar claims, we select higher development factors to project ultimate losses. There is also a Berquist-Sherman approach for incurred losses, which can be used to adjust historical incurred losses for changes in the strength of case reserves. A standard application of this approach would adjust the case reserve portion of the incurred losses to a level consistent with a selected trend in the average case reserves. We may utilize this methodology for some segments, and supplement it with judgment.
The selected reserve adequacies shown in columns (4) and (5) of Exhibit A are lower than those that would result from applying the development factors from the recent diagonals (i.e., the “default” adequacies). This results from our selected factors for the incurred projections being somewhat higher, on average, than those from the recent diagonals because we determined that the development in the recent past (the last few diagonals of the incurred triangles) was more favorable than we expect for the future.

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Bornhuetter-Ferguson Method – The “BF” method (columns (3) and (6) on exhibit A for Paid and Incurred, respectively) is an actuarial methodology that smoothes the projected ultimate losses between a pure incurred or paid development method and an expected loss ratio method. We usually utilize an estimated expected loss ratio on the four latest accident semesters only. This is because we assume that incurred development is reasonably reliable for periods over 2 years old and the BF method does not add much value beyond that point for our lines of insurance. The expected loss ratio can be based upon an average of the other projections, a historical average, an expected loss ratio used in rate filings and/or judgment. Given changes in growth rate and mix of business, especially the possibility of significant changes in the limits profile (shift to higher policy limits), the expected loss ratios in the more recent periods may vary significantly from historical levels.
The following chart illustrates the calculation for the BF incurred ultimate loss amount for the accident semester ending December 2006. This result is included in column (6) of Exhibit A.
    Bornhuetter-Ferguson using Incurred Loss Development   Ending Dec-06
  Earned Premium (column (27))     16,161,630  
  Expected Loss Ratio (judgment)     63.0 %
  Expected Ultimate Losses     10,181,827  
  Cumulative Loss Development Factor (6 mo to Ultimate)        
  Per Incurred Loss Development     1.192  
  % Unreported     16.1 %
  Actual Incurred Loss @ 12/31/06 (column (7))     8,106,511  
  Estimated Ultimate Loss (column (6))     9,748,218  
Indicated Ultimate Losses (column (9)) – After consideration of the paid and incurred projections (in columns (1) through (6)) and all of the issues involved in those selections, we make our indicated ultimate loss selections for each accident semester. For this segment, we determined that the incurred projections are more reliable than the paid projections. Therefore, our selected ultimate losses are the average of the ultimate loss amounts from the three incurred projections.
Sometimes, we may judgmentally select ultimate loss amounts for some of the periods (usually the most recent periods) that are not based directly upon the six standard projections. It may be that the projected loss amount from the standard methods does not lead to a reasonable ultimate severity, pure premium and/or loss ratio. We would normally expect severity and pure premium to have trends that reasonably reflect internal and external trends in loss costs and inflation. These trends (as well as the frequency trend) are discussed with product management and pricing to verify the reasonableness of our assumptions. We do not necessarily expect to match their selected trends, but management should understand the reasons for the differences. We also expect the loss ratio to be somewhat level, other than changes due to business operations, rate levels or business mix.

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Consider the following chart, which contains information from Exhibit A:
      (9)     (20)     (21)   (22)     (25)   (26)
Accident     Indicated     Indicated     =(9)/(20)   Semi-Annual          
Semesters     Ultimate     Ultimate     Ultimate   Change In     Pure   Loss
Ending     Loss ($000)     Counts     Severity   Severity     Premium   Ratio
PRIOR 3 yrs
      35,379         6,035         5,862                 189       49.1 %
      11,186         1,888         5,926                 212       64.6 %
      13,257         2,144         6,185       4.4 %       211       70.7 %
      14,046         2,173         6,464       4.5 %       224       79.5 %
      10,318         1,826         5,650       -12.6 %       183       65.9 %
      10,125         1,512         6,699       18.6 %       199       68.6 %
      8,175         1,219         6,709       0.2 %       172       56.2 %
      8,805         1,164         7,568       12.8 %       197       61.9 %
      9,695         1,350         7,182       -5.1 %       186       60.0 %
      120,987         19,309         6.8 %   4 pt ann exp trend       -1.4 %        
                          6.5 %   8 pt ann exp trend       -4.7 %        
Tot Paid Loss
Required Reserves
Held Reserves
Reserve Adequacy
      654         2.4 %     ç Percent of required reserves        
Severity = [Ultimate Losses] / [Ultimate Incurred Counts]
Pure Premium = [Ultimate Losses] / [Earned Exposures]
Loss Ratio = [Ultimate Losses] / [Earned Premium]
If we do not believe that the severity is reasonable, we may select a different ultimate loss amount or ultimate count to make the resulting severity more reasonable. A revised selection would also be tested against the other parameters for reasonableness. For this segment, the ultimate severity (column (21)) for the last accident semester is 5% lower than the previous accident semester, but it is 7% higher than it was two semesters ago (7,182 / 6,709), and the fitted annual trend of about 6.5% appears reasonable. Changes in our mix of business may be causing the volatility in severity over the recent periods. The pure premiums (column (25)) and loss ratios (column (26)) that result from the selected losses also appear to be within a reasonable range, thus we conclude that the ultimate loss selections are reasonable.

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     The required reserves and reserve adequacy in column (9) are then calculated by using the Identities as follows:
[Required Reserves]
  =   [Total Ultimate Losses]     [Total Paid Losses]   =   27,385
[Reserve Adequacy]   =   [Held Reserves]     [Required Reserves]   =   654
Therefore, based upon this Accident Period analysis, our total held reserves are adequate by 654.
Claim Counts and Frequency – The following chart contains columns (14) through (19) of Exhibit A:
    (14)   (15)     (16)   (17)   (18)   (19)
                    Paid   Closed w/ Pay   Incurred   Recorded
  CWP Rate   Ultimate     Counts   Counts   Counts   Counts
  @ 6 Months   CWP Rate     Projection   Projection   Projection   Projection
PRIOR 3 yrs
                      6,030       6,029       6,032       6,035  
    26.3 %     37.9 %       1,885       1,886       1,888       1,887  
    29.4 %     40.4 %       2,144       2,145       2,145       2,142  
    27.6 %     41.3 %       2,132       2,134       2,175       2,171  
    26.3 %     39.8 %       1,821       1,822       1,827       1,825  
    30.7 %     41.8 %       1,483       1,486       1,514       1,509  
    29.2 %     42.5 %       1,198       1,196       1,222       1,215  
    32.4 %     47.2 %       1,080       1,074       1,179       1,148  
    28.7 %     43.1 %       1,177       1,104       1,449       1,379  
                      18,950       18,876       19,431       19,311  
The CWP Rate is the percentage of reported claims that are “Closed Without any loss Payment.” In column (14), this percentage is calculated at 6 months of development. Column (15) shows our projections of the ultimate CWP rates. Changes in CWP rates are usually due to process changes. In this example, the previous process may have been to open claims as soon as they were reported, without sufficiently verifying whether coverage existed. Under another process, claims may not open until there is additional information regarding the validity of the claim, causing the CWP rate to decrease. Note that this change in process should not affect the closure rate, since the calculation of closure rate excludes claims closed without payment.
Claim counts shown in columns (16) through (19) represent our projections of estimated ultimate counts of claims with loss payment for each accident semester. These estimates are made using different sets of data for each projection, sorted and analyzed by accident semester.
  The Paid Count Projection (column (16)) uses feature counts for claims that have had loss payments, whether the features are currently open or closed.
  The Closed With Pay Count Projection (column (17)) uses only feature counts for claims that have closed with loss payment.

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  The Incurred Count Projection (column (18)) uses feature counts for claims that have closed with loss payment, plus claims that are currently open (whether or not there have been payments on them).
  The Recorded Count Projection (column (19)) uses feature counts for all claims that have been recorded. The projected ultimate recorded counts are multiplied by [100% minus the ultimate CWP rates in column (15)] for the same respective accident periods to derive the ultimate counts in column (19). We do this to get the ultimate counts for claims with loss payment.
In this example, the projected counts using the paid count projections are lower than those using the incurred and recorded count projections for the most recent accident periods. This appears to be because of the closure rate issues discussed previously. Since the closure rate is lower than in the past, the projections of ultimate counts using paid counts will tend to be understated.
The following chart shows the selected ultimate incurred counts, which considered the projections, underlying information and judgments discussed above. In this case, we tend to give more weight to the incurred and recorded count projections in our selections, since the changing closure rate is causing distortions in the paid count development. Also shown are the resulting frequencies, the change in frequency from period to period, and the 4-point and 8-point annual fitted exponential trends. These fitted trends represent the average annual change in frequency, considering the historical selections over the past two years (4 points) and four years (8 points).
      (20)               (23)   (24)
    Indicated     (28)     = (20) / (28)   Semi-Annual
    Ultimate     Earned     Ultimate   Change In
    Counts     Exposures     Frequency   Frequency
PRIOR 3 yrs
      6,035         187,526         3.22 %        
      1,888         52,642         3.59 %        
      2,144         62,827         3.41 %     -4.8 %
      2,173         62,734         3.46 %     1.5 %
      1,826         56,287         3.24 %     -6.3 %
      1,512         50,881         2.97 %     -8.4 %
      1,219         47,667         2.56 %     -13.9 %
      1,164         44,804         2.60 %     1.6 %
      1,350         52,158         2.59 %     -0.3 %
      19,309         617,528         -7.6 %   4 pt annual exp trend
                          -10.5 %   8 pt annual exp trend
Generally, we would expect frequency to have trends that reasonably reflect the Company’s mix of business and/or the industry results. For this segment, this appears true, as we believe recent reductions in the frequency are due to a change in our mix of business as well as other external causes affecting the industry. We discuss this with management in order to check the reasonableness of our assumptions. If we do not believe that the frequency is reasonable, we may select a different ultimate count to make the resulting frequency more reasonable. However, changes in the counts may also change the resulting severities.

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Once we determine that the selected indicated loss amounts, frequencies, severities, pure premiums and loss ratios are what we consider to be reasonable, we are done with this phase of the analysis. However, we may re-visit some of these selections after we have done the record period and IBNR analyses if they result in significantly different conclusions.
As calculated above in column (9) of Exhibit A, our total held reserves are adequate by 654 based upon this accident period analysis. We may reduce the reserves by that amount, or we may change the reserves by an amount other than that. We base this judgment upon the credibility of the indications in the review. When the credibility of the review is higher, the overall reserve change will be closer to the indicated amount. The credibility is higher if our projections are relatively consistent with each other and the indications are consistent with prior reviews. On the other hand, if our projections are not reasonably consistent, or if there are recent changes in our indications of adequacy or trend, we attach less credibility to the current review.
The record period and IBNR analyses (shown on Exhibits C, D and E, and discussed later in this section) will determine how the adequacy is distributed by type of reserve, and how we should implement the changes by category.

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Exhibit B —Accident Period Average Incurred Loss Development
This is one of the standard projections we use in our analysis for most segment reviews. It tends to be the projection that is weighted most heavily in our selections of indicated ultimate losses.
The top portion of Exhibit B (un-shaded area) contains actual data in a triangular format. The section of Exhibit B shown below includes the actual data from the last 8 accident semesters, evaluated at 6-month intervals (semi-annual). The figures in the Blue Shaded cells are projected data points, which will be discussed later. The last column shows ultimate severities that result from the analysis that follows. Note that these ultimate severities are also carried over to column (11) of Exhibit A, as discussed previously.
Periods                                                                   Ultimate  
Ending   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     Severity  
    4,315       5,241       5,457       5,704       5,786       5,787       5,822       5,865       5,918  
    4,830       5,839       5,985       5,975       6,088       6,058       6,068       6,136       6,192  
    6,277       6,306       6,180       6,140       6,283       6,269       6,307       6,378       6,436  
    5,440       5,411       5,274       5,440       5,456       5,497       5,530       5,592       5,643  
    6,155       6,126       6,269       6,366       6,461       6,509       6,548       6,622       6,682  
    5,657       5,850       6,189       6,356       6,451       6,499       6,538       6,611       6,671  
    5,513       6,756       6,959       7,147       7,253       7,307       7,351       7,434       7,501  
    5,289       6,453       6,647       6,826       6,928       6,979       7,021       7,100       7,165  
Each data point in the
        (Incurred counts = claim
Average Incurred Loss   =   [Incurred Loss Dollars]   features closed with loss
development triangle       [Incurred Counts]   payment + open features.)
Also recall that incurred losses that we use in our analysis are made up of paid losses plus case reserves. The case reserves are the adjuster estimates when they exist, or the averages from the case tables (per the actuarial reviews) when the adjusters have not made estimates.
The ending month of each accident semester is in the left-hand column. The evaluation points (across the top) represent 6-month periods. The first evaluation point is the same date as the end of each respective accident period. Each successive evaluation point is 6 months later. The last (i.e. most recent, or current) evaluation point for each accident semester is the end of December 2004. This is sometimes referred to as the “last diagonal.” This last diagonal is shown in Red on the chart above.
For example, for the accident semester ending December 2005, the loss amount and count data that underlie the average incurred losses (in Bold Blue, with the current evaluation being on the same line in Red) in the above chart are as follows:

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Accident Semester
  Evaluated at Month-End  
Ending Dec-05
  Dec, 2005     Jun, 2006     Dec, 2006  
Paid Losses ($000)
    646       2,414       4,238  
Adjuster Case Reserves ($000)
    6,719       5,295       3,653  
Incurred Losses ($000)
    7,365       7,709       7,891  
Features closed w/ Payment
    322       677       969  
Open features
    980       641       307  
Incurred Count
    1,302       1,318       1,275  
Average Incurred Loss ($)
    5,657       5,850       6,189  
The middle portion of Exhibit B contains the age-to-age development factors, or “link ratios” in a triangular format. Each link ratio represents the development from one evaluation point to the next. For example, in the chart set forth below, the link ratios for the accident semester ending December 2005 are calculated as follows:
The development (of average incurred losses from the triangle at the top portion of Exhibit B) from evaluation point 1 to evaluation point 2 (or from December 2005 to June 2006) = 5,850 / 5,657 = 1.034. This means that, during that 6-month maturity period, the average incurred losses for that accident period increased by 3.4 percent. Similarly, from June 2006 to December 2006 (evaluation point 2 to evaluation point 3), the ratio was 6,189 / 5,850 = 1.058, or a 5.8 percent increase in the average incurred loss during that interval.
These calculations are done for every pair of data points on the triangle. (Notice that the last diagonal in the chart below is again colored Red. Also, the second-last diagonal is colored Blue).
The purpose of this is to see how the claims have developed historically. This historical information is then used, along with other information and judgment, to estimate how the claims will develop in the future. If the data was “well-behaved,” you would expect the development factors to be consistent down each column. This would indicate that claim reporting, reserving and settlement patterns have been consistent throughout history.
You can see in the following table that the development factors are not consistent for State XYZ. We need to consider other parts of our analysis, as well as other information management can provide to try and understand the reasons for this inconsistent pattern. We use that information to select the factors for estimated future development.
In order to assist in this process, we average the development factors down each column in several ways. We also look at selections we made at the same intervals from previous reviews. This information is near the bottom of Exhibit B. Significant portions of this are also included in the chart below, along with the selected factors and the resulting ultimate severities.

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Semiannual   Average Incurred Losses  
Accident   Age-to-Age Development Factors  
Ending   1-2     2-3     3-4     4-5     5-6 6-7     7-8  
    1.215       1.041       1.045       1.014       1.000       1.006       1.007  
    1.209       1.025       0.998       1.019       0.995       1.002          
    1.005       0.980       0.993       1.023       0.998                  
    0.995       0.975       1.031       1.003                          
    0.995       1.023       1.016                                  
    1.034       1.058                                          
    Average Factors and Selected Factors
    1-2   2-3   3-4   4-5   5-6   6-7   7-8
Avg. Last 4
    1.062       1.009       1.010       1.015       0.996       1.009       1.005  
Prior Select @ 6 Months
    1.014       1.001       1.022       1.016       1.002       1.008       1.003  
Prior Select @ 3 Months
    1.130       1.030       1.007       1.021       1.007       1.011       1.009  
Selected Factor (a)
    1.220       1.030       1.027       1.015       1.007       1.006       1.011  
Cumulative Factor
(b) = (next (b)) X (a)
    1.355       1.110       1.078       1.050       1.034       1.027       1.020  
    Accident Semester Ending
    Dec-06   Jun-06   Dec-05   Jun-05   Dec-04   Jun-04   Dec-03
Last Diagonal (c)
(from Average Incurred Loss Triangle)
    5,289       6,756       6,189       6,366       5,456       6,269       6,068  
Ultimate Severity
(d) = (b) X (c)
    7,165       7,501       6,671       6,682       5,643       6,436       6,192  
Avg. Last 4 means the arithmetic average of the last 4 factors from that respective development interval (i.e., from the column directly above). This tells us how the average incurred losses have developed over that interval over the past 4 semesters.
For example, for the 1-2 development interval,
  Avg. Last 4   =   (0.995+0.995+1.034+1.225)
  =     1.062      
Since we review most segments every 3 months, the "Prior Selectionsare shown for the most recent review (@ 3 months), and the review prior to that (@ 6 months). This gives us some perspective on how the actual development compares to our prior estimate of future development, and how our opinions have changed with updated information.

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The Selected Factors are colored green in the chart above. The most significant amount of judgment goes into the selection of the development factor for the first age interval, “1-2”. This is because these claims are the least mature. Therefore, there is less information known about them. The selected factor of 1.220 is higher than the average of the last 4 factors, as well as both of the prior selections for that interval. The actual development factor from the most recent 6 months (i.e., the last diagonal) was 1.225. This is the highest that it has been in recent history, and the selection shows that we expect this higher development in the future.
Recall the discussion of the average adjuster case reserves from Exhibit A. They decreased (at the 6-month evaluation point) for each of the past 3 semesters. Not surprisingly, the average incurred losses have also decreased for each of the past 3 semesters (at the 6-month evaluation point, i.e., the first column). Therefore, we expect the future development on the incurred losses to be higher than recent history.
The Blue Shaded portion in the chart at the beginning of this section (and at the top of Exhibit B) shows how we expect the average incurred losses to develop over time based upon our selected factors. For example, for accident semester ending December 2006, the current evaluation of the average incurred losses (last diagonal) is 5,289 per claim. When this is multiplied by the selected 1-2 development factor of 1.220, the resulting average in the first Blue Shaded cell of that accident period is 6,453. That is what we project the average incurred losses to be for accident semester December 2006, when they are evaluated 6 months later (at June 2007). Similar calculations are done for each development period and each accident period. This technique is sometimes referred to as “completing the rectangle.”
When the selected age-to-age development factors are multiplied by each other from the current development point (last diagonal) to the ultimate development (when all claims are expected to be closed), the resulting factor is called the “Cumulative” loss development factor (LDF). The ultimate severity for each accident period is then the amount at the last diagonal, multiplied by the cumulative factor. For example, for the Accident Semester ending December 2006:
Ultimate Severity = 5,289 X 1.355 = 7,165
As explained previously (in the discussion of Exhibit A), ultimate severities are multiplied by the indicated ultimate counts, to derive the ultimate losses from this projection. Both the ultimate severities and the ultimate losses are carried onto Exhibit A, to be considered in the final selections.
There is another reasonableness test done on Exhibit B. We compare the adequacies that would be derived from several different selections of future loss development factors. This chart is from the box in the middle of Exhibit B, about 2/3 of the way across the page, and it is also carried onto Exhibit A for reference. It uses the identities as discussed previously:
Required Reserves = Total Ultimate Losses — Total Paid Losses
Reserve Adequacy = Held Reserves — Required Reserves
     Reserve Adequacy based on defaulted and actual selections of loss development factors using Average Incurred Development
Loss Development Factors   ($000)
Average Last 4
2nd to Last Diagonal
Last Diagonal
Selected Avg Inc Indication
Selected Ultimate Indication

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According to the final selections of indicated ultimate losses, the loss reserve adequacy is 654. This calculation is summarized on Exhibit A. The chart shows that, according to our selections from the average incurred development projection, the adequacy would be 932. We relied upon this projection, as well as the incurred loss development and the incurred Borhuetter-Ferguson method, for our final selections.
Had we used default selections for the loss development factors from the average incurred development, our adequacy would have been higher. These default adequacies, as shown in the chart, are the result of the Average of the Last 4 factors, as well as the factors from the Second-Last Diagonal and the Last Diagonal. For example, the factors on the Last Diagonal are shown in Red above (on the triangle of Age-to-Age Development Factors). If the current losses would develop at the rate indicated by this set of factors, adequacy would be 3,154. Similarly, if the current losses would develop according to the factors along the Second-Last Diagonal, as shown in blue above, adequacy would be 1,951.
On average, our selected factors are higher than the default factors, because we expect the average incurred losses to develop at a higher rate in the future than they have in the recent past. Higher selected development factors lead to higher ultimate losses, which lead to higher required reserves, thus a lower reserve adequacy. Therefore, even though our selected adequacy is outside of the range of the default selections, we conclude that it is reasonable, based upon other information we have gained through the analysis.

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Exhibit C – Record Period Analysis
This exhibit summarizes our record period analysis for this segment, so the claims are sorted and analyzed by record date. We utilize 6-month record periods (i.e., record semesters), which represent all claims that have been recorded during the 6-month period ending at the end of the designated month (in the left-hand column of the exhibit).
The record period analysis measures the adequacy of our case reserves. In other words, the estimated ultimate losses for each record period include losses for claims that have already been recorded. They do NOT include losses for unrecorded claims, thus they exclude IBNR.
The information summarized on this exhibit is similar to the information summarized on Exhibit A. The issues involved in the analysis of record period losses are similar to the issues for accident period losses. The calculations of the components of the analyses are also very similar. Therefore, the focus of this discussion will be to compare and contrast the results of Exhibit C (Record Period, or RP) with Exhibit A (Accident Period, or AP).
Reserve Adequacy – In both the RP and AP analyses, the selected adequacies for the paid projections are higher than those of the incurred projections. The reasons (e.g., changes in closure rate) were discussed with Exhibit A, and the same reasoning is relevant for record period development. Almost every one of the defaulted AND selected adequacies is LOWER for the RP analysis than for the same respective projections in the AP analysis. This is summarized in the following chart, which pulls information from both Exhibits A and C:
                                    (5)   (6)    
    (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   Avg.   BF    
    Paid   Avg. Paid   BF Paid   Incurred   Incurred   Incurred   (9)
Reserve   Projection   Projection   Method   Projection   Projection   Method   Indicated
Adequacy   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)
    Accident Period Analysis (Exhibit A)
    1,148       1,347       1,545       629       932       400       654  
Avg Last 4
    3,132       (2,025 )             3,261       3,835                  
2nd Last Diag
    2,865       (3,318 )             624       1,951                  
Last Diag
    (7,001 )     (6,264 )             3,470       3,154                  
    Record Period Analysis (Exhibit C)
    (882 )     (116 )             (1,079 )     (1,108 )             (1,029 )
Avg Last 4
    1,021       (2,991 )             559       1,378                  
2nd Last Diag
    1,284       (3,280 )             (1,436 )     242                  
Last Diag
    (8,089 )     (7,008 )             1,646       1,614                  

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Since the record period development results in lower adequacy (or more inadequacy), the selected adequacy would be expected to be lower for case reserves than for total reserves. This implies that IBNR reserves are expected to be more adequate.
Severity – The timing difference between when accidents occur and when they are recorded will help explain how severities differ between the analyses. Accidents are reported and recorded AFTER they occur, and severity is normally expected to increase over time, due to inflation. Therefore, for a given period-ending date, the record period severity (for accidents from earlier periods) is expected to be LOWER than the accident period severity for the same respective semester. The following chart illustrates this reasonableness test for this segment:
    Ultimate Severity
    Exh A (21)   Exh C (12)
Semesters   Accident   Record
Ending   Periods   Periods
    5,926       5,404  
    6,185       6,265  
    6,464       6,651  
    5,650       5,521  
    6,699       6,770  
    6,709       6,618  
    7,568       7,333  
    7,182       6,622  
In this example, the relationship is reasonable for most of the periods. For the periods in which it is not, there may be some large claims for which the timing difference is not consistent. Also, the severity trend is not consistent in this segment, as there was a significant decrease in severity in the latter half of 2004. The underlying data would be investigated to determine whether this inconsistency is reasonable.
Counts – The indicated ultimate counts (shown in column (15) of Exhibit C and column (20) of Exhibit A) should also be similar, in aggregate, between the two analyses. If frequency is relatively flat and we are growing in volume, the aggregate claim counts should be higher for the accident period analysis than for the record year analysis due to the expected time lag between the occurrence and the recording of accidents. In this segment, we were actually declining in premium and exposure volume over most of the past two years, until a recent growth spurt. In addition, frequency had been decreasing over most of the period, but it flattened out over the past year. The aggregate accident period counts (19,309) are slightly lower than the aggregate record period counts (19,331), which is a reasonable result.

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Based on the analyses in Exhibits A and C, we have determined the following (in $000’s):
Adequacy of total reserves, per accident period analysis
  =     654      
Adequacy of case reserves, per record period analysis
  =     (1,029 )    
Since IBNR Reserves = [Total Reserves] – [Case Reserves], then:
Adequacy of
IBNR Reserves
  =   [Total Reserves Adequacy]     [Case Reserves Adequacy]    
  =     654         (1,029 )    
  =     1683                  
This calculation confirms that since the total reserves are adequate overall, and the case reserves are inadequate, the IBNR reserves are expected to be adequate.
We do a separate analysis of “late reported claims” by lag period, in order to independently determine IBNR reserve adequacy. We compare the results of that analysis to the results above to test for reasonableness.

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Exhibit D – Summary of Estimated IBNR
This exhibit summarizes our IBNR analysis for this segment. Section III of this report briefly explained what IBNR reserves are, and some of the theory behind the calculations. The focus of this section will be to relate the theory to the actual application of the results and to discuss some of the issues involved.
IBNR reserves represent estimates of losses for claims that have already occurred but have not yet been recorded by the Company. These are sometimes referred to as late reported claims.” The later the claim is recorded (after the accident occurrence), the greater the lag for that claim.
Exhibit E (discussed later) illustrates some of the details behind the calculations and selections of future pure premiums used in this exhibit (column (4)). In order to estimate the required IBNR reserves, we group the claims by lag period (i.e., the length of time from claim occurrence date to record date). Then, the claims for each lag period are sorted and analyzed by accident date.
Exhibit D summarizes 41/2 years of required IBNR, by accident quarter. The relevant accident periods are shown in column (3). The most recent period should have the largest proportion of required IBNR, since it is expected to have the largest proportion of unreported claims. Therefore, we will focus on the most recent accident quarter. The following chart shows columns (1) through (9) from the December 2006 row of Exhibit D:
Column   Description   Amount
  Prior Review Future Pure Premium   $ 35.65  
  Calculated Pure Premium using 6-mo. Emerged   $ 34.05  
  Quarterly Record w/in Accident Period Ending   Dec-2006
  Total Future Pure Premium   $ 33.52  
  Earned Exposures     26,942  
  Earned Premium   $ 8,437,252  
  Indicated IBNR = (4) X (5)   $ 903,099  
  Indicated IBNR Factor = (7) / (6)     10.7 %
  Current IBNR Factor     11.6 %
Pure Premium is defined as Losses per Exposure (or per Earned Car Year).
At the time of the prior review, we projected that the required IBNR reserves were $35.65 per exposure (column (1)) for the most recent accident quarter. However, we now have updated information on claims that have been reported (or “emerged”) since that evaluation date, on accidents that occurred prior to that date. Based upon the emergence over the past 6 months, we now (retrospectively) project that the required IBNR reserves should have been $34.05 per exposure (column (2)) for the most recent accident quarter. Therefore, the actual emergence has been slightly lower than expected for this period.

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Note that the “6 month emerged pure premium” of $34.05 is used in our judgment of future pure premium for accident quarter December 2006. However, it is based upon data from the June 2006 accident quarter, because June 2006 is the most recent quarter for which there has been 6 months of emergence. It is a retrospective result because it restates what we would have needed 6 months ago if we had the next 6 months of information at that time. The following chart shows the calculation of the retrospective indicated IBNR factor and the retrospective 6-month emerged pure premium for accident quarter June 2006, which are used in our judgments for accident quarter December 2006:
Column   Data for Acc Qtr Jun-2006   Amount
  IBNR Emerged since Jun-2006   $ 570,118  
  Estimated Future Indicated IBNR   $ 202,219  
  Retrospective Indicated IBNR @ Jun-06 = (10)+(7)   $ 772,337  
  Earned Premium   $ 7,197,385  
  Retro Indicated IBNR Factor @ Jun-06 = (sum)/(6)     10.7 %
  Earned Exposures     22,681  
Dec-06 (2)
  Retro 6 month emerged pure premium = (sum)/(5)   $ 34.05  
The following chart shows the first 4 columns of Exhibit D for the 8 most recent accident quarters:
    (2)   (3)   (4)
(1)   Calculated   Quarterly   Selected
Prior Review   Pure Premium   Record within   Total
Future   Using 6 month   Accident Periods   Future
Pure Premium   Emerged   Ending   Pure Prem
    3.62     Mar-2005     3.44  
    4.11     Jun-2005     4.00  
    5.14     Sep-2005     4.78  
    5.64     Dec-2005     5.47  
    6.33     Mar-2006     6.59  
    9.00     Jun-2006     8.92  
    13.83     Sep-2006     11.74  
    34.05     Dec-2006     33.52  
If you compare all of column (2) to column (1) on Exhibit D, you can see that we have generally experienced favorable IBNR emergence. As stated at the beginning of this section, the results of this case study are not intended to represent the actual results of the Company. Our intent is to illustrate and discuss issues that we consider during an analysis. The result in this case study may be due to:
  Fewer claims than expected were reported (i.e., lower frequency than expected)
  The severity of the “late reported claims” has been lower than expected
  There may have been a process change that impacts the timing of claim reporting and/or the severity of late reported claims
  There may be external forces that impact timing of claim reporting and/or the severity of the late reported claims

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Our selected pure premiums are based upon the actual emergence and development of “late reported claims” (by reporting lag period within each accident period), as well as judgment. They also include an expected level of inflation, since our current IBNR reserves need to be at the cost level that is relevant to each respective accident and record period. The selected Future Pure Premiumsare shown in column (4). We selected $33.52 per exposure for the most recent accident period. The details of the calculations that make up these future pure premiums are included in Exhibit E, and explained later in this section.
The following chart shows columns (3) through (9) of Exhibit D for the 8 most recent accident quarters:
Quarterly   (4)                           (8)=(7)/(6)   (9)
Rec w/n Acc   Total   (5)   (6)   (7)=(4)X(5)   Indicated   Current
Periods   Future   Earned   Earned   Indicated   IBNR   IBNR
Ending   Pure Prem   Exposures   Premium   IBNR   Factors   Factors
    3.44       26,502       7,425,622       91,225       1.2 %     3.1 %
    4.00       24,379       7,323,851       97,579       1.3 %     3.0 %
    4.78       24,375       7,367,666       116,551       1.6 %     4.1 %
    5.47       23,292       7,189,243       127,483       1.8 %     4.5 %
    6.59       22,123       7,035,903       145,689       2.1 %     4.9 %
    8.92       22,681       7,197,385       202,219       2.8 %     5.7 %
    11.74       25,217       7,724,378       295,929       3.8 %     6.9 %
    33.52       26,942       8,437,252       903,099       10.7 %     11.6 %
The indicated IBNR in column (7) represents the expected late emergence of features that have been incurred but not yet recorded for each respective accident period. Since pure premium (column (4)) is “Losses per Exposure”, you need to multiply it by the number of exposures during that period (column (5)) to get the expected amount of late recorded losses. For the accident quarter ending December 2006 shown above, this calculation is as follows:
Indicated IBNR
  =   [Future Pure Premium]   X   [Earned Exposures]    
  =     33.52     X     26,942      
  =     903,099                  
In order to carry the appropriate level of IBNR reserves in the Company’s financials, we assign “IBNR Factors” to each trailing 3-month period of earned premium. Therefore, our IBNR reserves will change as our premium volume changes. This should allow our IBNR reserves to keep up with inflation and changes in mix of business for months in which we do not complete a review.
The indicated IBNR factors in column (8) are then calculated as follows in the example above for the accident quarter ending December 2006:
Indicated IBNR Factor
[Indicated IBNR]
      [Earned Premium]
  =     903,099  
  =     10.7 %

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The indicated factors in column (8) are less than the current factors in column (9). This is not surprising, since we experienced favorable emergence. We test the reasonableness of our indicated factors in column (8) by comparing these to the factors in column (11), which result from the actual emergence from the past 6 months added to the expected future emergence for the each respective accident quarter. This information is shown in the following excerpt from Exhibit D:
(3)           6-mo
Quarterly   (8)   Emerged
Record within   Indicated   Indicated
Accident Periods   IBNR   IBNR
Ending   Factors   Factors
            1.3 %
            1.5 %
    1.2 %     1.8 %
    1.3 %     1.9 %
    1.6 %     2.1 %
    1.8 %     2.9 %
    2.1 %     4.3 %
    2.8 %     10.7 %
    3.8 %        
    10.7 %        
Each indicated factor from the current evaluation in column (8) would be compared to the “emerged” indicated factors in column (11) from 2 quarters prior (2 rows up). This shows that the selected indicated factors are reasonable, based upon the recent emergence patterns.
The bottom portion of Exhibit D summarizes the IBNR reserve adequacy, by comparing the indicated IBNR reserves to the carried (or held) IBNR reserves. This is summarized below:
($000)   IBNR Reserves
  Indicated (Sum column 7)
4,452   Held IBNR
2,015   Adequacy = Held – Indicated
The indicated IBNR of 2,437 at the bottom of column (7) is the sum of the indicated IBNR for all accident periods, based upon the calculations as illustrated above. The carried (or held) IBNR of 4,452 is equal to each of the current IBNR factors in column (9) multiplied by each of the 3-month-ending earned premiums in column (6). The calculation shows that our IBNR reserves are 2,015 conservative.

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As mentioned previously, IBNR Reserves = Total Reserves – Case Reserves.
Expected IBNR
      [Adequacy of Total Reserves]       [Adequacy of Case Reserves]
Reserve Adequacy
  =   (Exhibit A)     (Exhibit C)
(per the accident
  =     654         (1,029 )
period and record
period analyses)
  =     1,683              
Difference in
                  [Adequacy per Accident and Record
IBNR Adequacy
  =   [Adequacy per IBNR Analysis]     Period Analyses]
(Per separate
  =     2,015         1,683  
  =     332              
Since our total carried loss reserves for this segment are 28,038 (as shown on Exhibit A), this difference in IBNR adequacy of 332 is about one percent. We conclude that this is a reasonable difference.
We may revise our IBNR factors in the indicated direction, in order to move our carried IBNR reserves toward the indicated amount. By decreasing IBNR reserves and increasing case reserves, we would obtain a reserve level that is consistent with our indications. Therefore, the case, IBNR and total loss reserves for this segment will be a reasonable provision for the expected future payments on claims for which we are liable.

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Exhibit E – IBNR Analysis
In order to estimate the indicated level of IBNR reserves, we need to estimate the expected future pure premiums by accident quarter. These selected pure premiums are shown in column (4) of Exhibit D. They are determined by summing the estimated future pure premiums for each report lag period within each accident quarter, adjusted for inflation. We select these lag pure premiums by grouping the claim data by lag period. We then sort and analyze the data by accident quarter for each lag period. Exhibit E summarizes the steps involved in this process.
Step 1: Selection of ultimate losses by accident period for each report lag group. We do this for 8 quarterly lag groups (from lag 0 quarters to lag 7 quarters); and for 5 annual lag groups (from lag 2 years to lag 6 years).
The lag 0 quarter includes all claims that are recorded in the same quarter in which the accidents occurred. Therefore, these are the reported claims as of the end of the accident quarter. The lag 1 quarter includes all claims that are recorded in the quarter following the quarter in which the accidents occurred. The following chart is an excerpt from page 1 of Exhibit E, showing the development of incurred losses for lag 1 by accident quarter, as well as the selected development factors and ultimate loss amounts:
Period End   0   1   2   3   4   Ultimate
    473,607       400,046       393,187       374,912       353,414       320,368  
    523,663       444,461       382,911       458,488       390,422       372,461  
    772,190       700,711       604,762       577,760               524,747  
    553,743       496,540       466,983                       414,268  
    559,263       621,759                               508,232  
    673,829                                       527,186  
Loss Development                    
Factors (LDF)   0-1   1-2   2-3   3-4   4-5
    0.845       0.983       0.954       0.943       0.923  
    0.849       0.862       1.197       0.852          
    0.907       0.863       0.955                  
    0.897       0.940                          
Average Last 4
    0.941       0.912       1.015       0.932       0.963  
Weighted Avg. Last 4
    0.940       0.905       0.996       0.942       0.970  
    0.957       0.921       0.977       0.952       0.972  
    0.782       0.817       0.887       0.908       0.954  
Ultimate Loss = [Incurred Loss (last diag)] X [Cumulative LDF]
    527,186       508,232       414,268       524,747       372,461  

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The development column labeled “0” represents the incurred losses evaluated as of the end of the quarter that the claims were recorded. For example, the Red amount of 673,829 in the above chart represents the incurred loss amount for claims that occurred in the quarter ending September 2006 that were recorded in the quarter ending December 2006 (i.e. one lag quarter), evaluated as of the end of December 2006. Note that the accident quarter ending December 2006 has not yet experienced any lag 1 claims (since those would be recorded in the future, i.e., the first quarter of 2007). Thus, the most recent accident period in the lag 1 triangle is September 2006.
In order to select loss development factors for the IBNR analysis, we go through a process similar to what we do for the accident period and record period analyses. We use averages of the link ratios, as well as judgment in the selection process. We go through this selection process for each of the report lag groups.
Step 2: Summarize the ultimate losses for all lag groups into an exhibit like that shown on page 2 of Exhibit E. A section from this exhibit is shown below. Note that the selected ultimate losses from the lag 1 analysis (above) are transferred to this chart in the lag 1 column.
Rec w/n Acc    
Ending   1   2   3   4   5   6
    320,368       77,327       52,106       13,905       23,755       16,108  
    372,461       34,944       53,028       29,579       8,235          
    524,747       40,514       48,554       33,479                  
    414,268       106,068       54,175                          
    508,232       61,886                                  
Step 3: Ultimate losses are “inflated” to the cost level of the last diagonal using the selected pure premium trend. We have selected an annual pure premium trend of +4.0 percent. This is based upon judgment, considering the historical severity and frequency trends for this segment. This is done because our objective is to estimate the required IBNR Reserves as of the current date, so we adjust the losses to the current cost level. The following chart is from the bottom of page 2 of Exhibit E and illustrates this point:
Periods   (using a +4.0% Pure Premium Trend)
Ending   1   2   3   4   5   6
    336,466       80,420       53,661       14,180       23,989       16,108  
    387,359       35,987       54,078       29,870       8,235          
    540,412       41,316       49,032       33,479                  
    422,472       107,113       54,175                          
    513,240       61,886                                  

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Note that the June 2006 lag 1 inflated value of 513,240 is equal to the projected ultimate loss amount of 508,232 in the previous chart, adjusted for one quarter of the 4.0 percent annual trend to bring its monetary value forward one quarter to the current cost level:
508,232 X 1.04 1/4 = 513,240
Step 4: Divide the inflated ultimate loss amounts by the earned exposures (for each respective quarter), to convert them to pure premium amounts. The results are shown on the top of page 3 of Exhibit E, and summarized on the chart below. This allows us to normalize these values. For example, the June 2006 lag 1 inflated pure premium is calculated as follows:
513,240 / 22,681 = 22.629
Step 5: Select projected pure premiums for each lag period, based upon this summary, as well as judgment. Those results are also shown at the bottom of the following chart:
[From col (5)   Quarterly                  
of Exh D]   Rec w/n Acc   INFLATED PURE PREMIUMS - QTRLY LAG 1-6              
Earned   Periods   (Inflated Ultimate Losses / Earned Exposures)              
Exposures   Ending   1     2     3     4     5     6  
  Jun-05     13.801       3.299       2.201       0.582       0.984       0.661  
  Sep-05     15.892       1.476       2.219       1.225       0.338          
  Dec-05     23.202       1.774       2.105       1.437                  
  Mar-06     19.096       4.842       2.449                          
  Jun-06     22.629       2.729                                  
  Sep-06     20.906                                          
  Avg Last 8     22.272       3.685       2.708       1.314       0.767       1.614  
  Avg Last 4     21.458       2.705       2.243       1.048       0.638       0.732  
  Select     21.458       2.705       2.243       1.048       0.638       0.732  
IBNR for PIP and Physical Damage includes consideration of future salvage and subrogation recoveries, which can lead to distortions in the indicated pure premiums. To address this, the model has been enhanced to allow the analyst to develop salvage recoveries, subrogation recoveries, and gross losses separately.
Net Losses = Gross Losses — Salvage Recoveries — Subrogation Recoveries
This result is compared to the analysis using net losses as a reasonableness check to determine if the pure premium selections make sense. See section V of the report for a further explanation.

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Step 6: Inflate the selected pure premiums by the pure premium trend (of +4.0 percent annually for this segment) to the future periods for which the claims are expected to be reported.
For example, the selected pure premium for lag 2 is 2.705. The accident quarters that have future claims recorded 2 quarters after their occurrence are the accident quarters ending September 2006 and December 2006. All accident periods prior to that no longer need IBNR reserves from lag 2 for the current analysis. This is because those accidents have already been recorded as of the end of December 2006. However, the pure premium of 2.705 is at the cost level of December 2006 recorded values. Therefore, this pure premium needs to be inflated to the monetary level that is relevant for each future record period.
The chart at the bottom of page 3 of Exhibit E shows the results of these calculations. The chart below is a section from that exhibit to illustrate the calculations.
    21.458     2.705     2.243     1.048     0.638     0.732     0.521              
Rec w/n Acc   FUTURE PURE PREMIUMS BY QUARTERLY LAG, INFLATED                                     Total
Periods                                                                   Future
Ending   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8 - 27     Pure Prem
                                                    0.526       3.476     4.00
                                            0.740       0.532       3.510     4.78
                                    0.645       0.747       0.537       3.545     5.47
                            1.058       0.651       0.754       0.542       3.580     6.59
                    2.266       1.069       0.657       0.762       0.548       3.615     8.92
            2.732       2.288       1.079       0.664       0.769       0.553       3.651     11.74
    21.670       2.759       2.310       1.090       0.670       0.777       0.558       3.687     33.52
    Selected Pure Premiums from chart above:                                    
The lag 2 selected pure premium of 2.705 is inflated by one quarter of the 4.0 percent annual trend for accidents that occur in the quarter ending September 2006 (since they will be recorded in the quarter ending March 2007), and by two quarters (i.e. 1/2 of a year) of the annual trend for accidents that occur in the quarter ending December 2006 (since they will be recorded in the quarter ending June 2007, i.e., two quarters in the future):
2.705 X 1.041/2 = 2.759

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Step 7: For each accident quarter, calculate the total future pure premium by summing all lag periods’ future pure premiums. For example, the total future pure premium for accident quarter ending December 2006 is 33.52. This is the sum of the future pure premiums for accidents that occurred during this quarter, but are expected to be recorded in future quarters:
Lag 1
  =   Claims expected to be recorded in the first quarter of 2007
  =                   Future pure premium of 21.670
Lag 2
  =   Claims expected to be recorded in the second quarter of 2007
  =                   Future pure premium of 2.759
and so on, across the Dec-06 row of the chart above.
The total future pure premiums are then transferred to column (4) of Exhibit D (Summary of Estimated IBNR), in order to calculate the total indicated IBNR reserves.

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Section VIII — Case Study: Loss Adjustment Expense Reserve Review
When a claim occurs, the ultimate amount of the loss is not known until final settlement (payment) of that claim. Through the life of the claim, we need to make sure that our loss reserves are adequate for all future payments on that claim, as illustrated in Section VII. However, we also incur expenses to adjust claims. Costs incurred in this “loss adjustment” process are called “loss adjustment expenses” (LAE). Like loss reserves, we also need to make sure that our carried loss adjustment expense reserves are adequate to cover the future payment of these expenses as we settle our outstanding claims.
There are two major categories of loss adjustment expenses:
    “Defense and Cost Containment” (DCC) Expenses. This category is comparable to, but not exactly the same as, what was called Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses (ALAE) prior to the definition change by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in 1998. Since 1998, this category includes:
  o   Defense and litigation-related expenses, whether internal or external
  o   Medical cost containment
  o   Other related expenses incurred in the defense of claims
    “Adjusting & Other” (A&O) Expenses. This category is comparable to, but not exactly the same as, what was called Unallocated Loss Adjustment Expenses (ULAE) prior to the definition change by the NAIC in 1998. Since 1998, this category includes:
  o   Fees of external vendors involved in adjusting our claims
  o   Salaries and related overhead expenses relative to Company employees involved in a claim adjusting function
  o   Other related expenses incurred in determination of coverage
We hold both case and IBNR reserves for each expense category. We may revise any or all of the following parameters in order to achieve the desired changes to case and/or IBNR LAE reserves for a given segment:
    Revise Case LAE Reserves by changing:
  o   Average reserves for DCC and/or A&O, which are applied to open claims below the threshold. (Note that the threshold for DCC expense reserves is usually $15,000 per claim, although very few case reserve amounts exceed that threshold. There is no threshold for A&O expense reserves).
  o   The inflation factor, which can differ between DCC and A&O and which is applied to the averages in subsequent months
    Revise IBNR LAE Reserves by changing:
  o   IBNR factors for DCC and/or A&O, which are applied to earned premium
We evaluate the adequacy of our LAE reserve segments at least two times per year. DCC expense reserves are analyzed separately from A&O expense reserves. The segments for which we evaluate LAE reserves are similar to those for which we evaluate loss reserves. Although we have fewer LAE segments than loss segments, we enhanced our analysis of LAE reserves in 2006 by segmenting the data into smaller groups that are more homogeneous.
When we review the LAE expense reserves for a segment, we always complete the analyses of both DCC and A&O expenses for that segment. The segment reviewed in this case study is for a sample state and coverage for personal auto. Note that the data in this example is not from any specific segment and any similarity to specific segments is coincidental. Also, the investigations that are undertaken, the conclusions that are drawn, and the selections that

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are made are not necessarily the same as those that we would make in an actual review. The results of this case study are also not intended to represent the actual results of the Company. Our intent is to illustrate and discuss many of the issues that we consider during our analysis, in order to make reasonable selections. The calculations involved in the process will also be explained.
The identities for loss reserves are also relevant for LAE reserves, as follows:
[Required LAE Reserves] = [Total Indicated Ultimate LAE] — [Total Paid LAE]
[LAE Reserve Adequacy] = [Held LAE Reserves] — [Required LAE Reserves]
Ultimate LAE is derived differently for each of the two major LAE categories (DCC and A&O). In general, we attempt to determine how these expenses will develop in the future based upon how they developed in the past. In order to make reasonable selections, we look at several parameters and also consider the business issues that underlie the data.
We include several exhibits in our reviews to summarize our analysis that are also used in our discussions with the relevant business units. In this section, we present and describe the summary exhibits — Exhibit DCC, which summarizes the DCC expense analysis, and Exhibit ADJ, which summarizes the A&O expense analysis. Each exhibit is followed by an explanation of the calculations and a discussion of some of the issues that may be involved in the underlying data, as well as certain judgments we make in the selection process. We also discuss how different components of the analysis relate to each other.
Note that the LAE reserve review for a segment is usually not done in the same month as the loss reserve review for that segment. Therefore, when loss projections are used in the LAE review, they are comparable but not equal to the projections from the loss review. Also note that rounding in the exhibits, as well as the order of calculation, may make some of the figures in the case study appear slightly out of balance.

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Exhibit DCC
State LMN Auto BI DCC (ALAE) as of September 30, 2006
        (2)=   (3)=           (6)=   (7)=   (8)                            
    (1)   (12) X (21)   (27) X (16)   (4)   (5)   (15)X(17)X(24)   (14)x(17)x(23)   use (1),(2),(3)   (9)   (10)       (12)   (13)=   (14)   (15)
Semiannual   (Proj Pd Trgl)   Avg   Paid DCC   Paid   Paid   Indicated   Indicated   Selected   (Proj Ct Trgl)   (Proj Util Trgl)   (11)=   use (9),(11)   (12) / (17)   (Proj Util Trgl)   (Proj Util Trgl)
Accident   Paid DCC   Paid DCC   to Paid Loss   Total DCC   Att. & Legal   Ultimate   Ultimate   Ultimate   Ultimate   Ultimate   (17) X (10)   Selected   Selected   Indicated   Indicated
Periods   Projection   Projection   Projection   To Date   To Date   Med & Oth   Att. & Legal   DCC Total   DCC   Projected   Projected   DCC   Total   Attorney   Medical
Ending   Ult ($000)   Ult ($000)   Ult ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   ($000)   Counts   Utilization   Counts   Counts   Utilization   Utilization   Utilization
Prior 3 Years
  3,178   3,178   3,184   3,119   2,925   184   2,811   3,180   2,149       2,149   2,149   18.1%        
  646   646   656   569   535   33   576   650   448   26.4%   448   448   26.4%   14.7%   13.3%
  956   956   988   766   729   38   865   967   373   20.8%   373   373   20.8%   10.4%   11.0%
  943   943   998   634   595   44   845   961   491   25.1%   491   491   25.2%   14.7%   12.6%
  1,165   1,165   1,218   554   519   47   1,054   1,183   492   26.5%   492   492   26.5%   14.4%   14.5%
  921   921   897   284   261   43   827   913   342   17.2%   342   342   17.2%   10.0%   8.6%
  1,071   1,069   1,091   178   157   59   991   1,077   416   21.4%   416   416   21.4%   12.2%   12.6%
  1,125   1,214   1,123   68   57   73   1,151   1,154   483   20.5%   463   500   22.2%   12.0%   12.4%
  1,612   1,560   1,667   10   5   81   1,575   1,613   599   26.4%   631   615   25.8%   15.0%   12.5%
  11,617   11,653   11,823   6,182   5,784   602   10,694   11,698   5,793       5,804   5,826   21.0%        
Paid DCC
  6,182   6,182   6,182           398   5,784   6,182                            
                        Required Reserves                       TOTAL   ATTORNEY   MEDICAL
                      204   4,911                       DCC   & LEGAL   & OTHER
    5,436   5,471   5,641   Required Reserves   5,115   5,516                            
    5,089   5,089   5,089   Held Reserves   (Med. & Oth) + (Att & Legal)   5,089                          
    (346)   (382)   (552)   Reserve Adequacy           (427)                            
      (16)   (17)                                        
      (Proj Loss Trgl)   (Proj Ct Trgl)                                   (21)   (22)=   (23)   (24)
      Indicated   Indicated           (18)                       (Proj Sev Trgl)   (8) / (12)   (Proj Sev Trgl)   (Proj Sev Trgl)
      Ultimate   Ultimate           Earned   (19)                   Projected   Selected   Indicated   Indicated
      Loss   Loss           Premium   Earned                   Paid DCC   Total DCC   Att. & Legal   Med. & Oth.
      ($000)   Counts           ($000)   Exposures                   Severity   Severity   Severity   Severity
Prior 3 Years
      55,956   11,858           110,303   415,310                       1,480        
      7,375   1,695           16,893   65,209           (20)       1,442   1,450   2,308   148
Sep-2003       7,944   1,796           17,808   71,798       DCC Reserves / Loss Reserves       2,562   2,591   4,621   193
      9,849   1,951           19,990   81,197       Current:   16.4%       1,922   1,958   2,949   180
      11,640   1,855           22,326   86,394       Indicated:   19.0%       2,368   2,404   3,942   177
      9,877   1,985           23,173   88,720                   2,693   2,669   4,174   251
      10,969   1,939           23,898   95,008                   2,571   2,591   4,200   241
      11,142   2,256           24,471   103,970                   2,428   2,308   4,250   260
      13,091   2,387           27,766   119,015                   2,537   2,623   4,400   270
      137,843   27,722           241,210   955,611           4 pt Ann Exp Trend   -4.63%   -3.30%   3.46%   5.99%
                                      8 pt Ann Exp Trend   11.81%   11.35%   13.23%   17.95%
    (25)=   (26)=   (27)       CWAPO = Closed With DCC (ALAE) Payment Only                   (34)=   (35)=   (36)=
  (1) / (16)   (2) / (16)   (Proj Pd/Pd)       (28)   (29)   (30)   (31)       (32)   (33)       (8) / (16)   (7) / (16)   (6) / (16)
      Average   Paid       CWAPO   Ultimate   Ultimate   Ultimate       % Outside   % Inside       Selected   Indicated   Indicated
  Paid Ult   Paid Ult   to Paid Ult       Count Ratio   CWAPO   CWAPO Ct /   CWAPO $ /       Attorney Per   Attorney Per       Total   Att. & Legal   Med. & Oth.
  DCC/Loss   DCC/Loss   DCC/Loss       @ 6 Mths   Severity   DCC Count   DCC Amt       Tot. Att. Feat.   Tot. Att. Feat.       DCC/Loss $   / Loss $   / Loss $
Prior 3 Years
  8.76%   8.76%   8.90%       0.6%   196   9.6%   1.3%       49.8%   50.2%       8.81%   7.80%   0.45%
  12.04%   12.04%   12.44%       0.7%   558   7.1%   1.5%       28.0%   72.0%       12.17%   10.89%   0.48%
  9.57%   9.58%   10.13%       0.5%   334   7.1%   1.2%       27.0%   73.0%       9.76%   8.58%   0.45%
  10.01%   10.01%   10.47%       0.5%   808   7.1%   2.4%       27.1%   72.9%       10.16%   9.05%   0.41%
  9.32%   9.33%   9.08%       0.1%   981   5.1%   1.9%       34.5%   65.5%       9.24%   8.37%   0.43%
  9.76%   9.75%   9.95%       0.4%   691   6.6%   1.8%       22.8%   77.2%       9.82%   9.03%   0.53%
  10.10%   10.90%   10.08%       0.1%   262   3.0%   0.3%       33.1%   66.9%       10.36%   10.33%   0.65%
  12.31%   11.92%   12.73%       0.1%   1,807   2.4%   1.7%       34.6%   65.4%       12.32%   12.03%   0.62%

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Exhibit DCC — Defense and Cost Containment Expense Reserve Analysis
This exhibit summarizes our accident period analysis of the adequacy of the DCC expense reserves for this segment. The claims are sorted and analyzed by accident date using 6-month accident periods (i.e., accident semesters). Each accident semester represents all claims that have occurred during the 6-month period ending at the end of the designated month (in the left-hand column of the exhibit).
Since this is an accident period analysis, it measures the adequacy of our total DCC expense reserves (case + IBNR). In other words, the estimated ultimate amounts for each accident period include DCC expenses for claims that have already been reported PLUS DCC expenses for claims that have not yet been reported.
In the following illustration, we discuss the analysis of total DCC, followed by the analyses of the two major components: Attorney & Legal and Medical & Other.
Total DCC Expense Analysis
The table below is a section from Exhibit DCC. It summarizes our selection of the estimated ultimate total DCC expenses by accident semester.
    (1)   (2)=   (3)=       (8)    
    (Proj Pd Trgl)   (12) X (21)   (27) X (16)   (4)   use (1),(2),(3)    
Semiannual       Avg   Paid DCC   Paid   Selected    
Accident   Paid DCC   Paid DCC   to Paid Loss   Total DCC   Ultimate    
Periods   Projection   Projection   Projection   To Date   DCC Total    
Ending   Ult ($000)   Ult ($000)   Ult ($000)   ($000)   ($000)    
  646   646   656       569   650    
  956   956   988       766   967    
  943   943   998       634   961    
  1,165   1,165   1,218       554   1,183    
  921   921   897       284   913    
  1,071   1,069   1,091       178   1,077    
  1,125   1,214   1,123         68   1,154    
  1,612   1,560   1,667         10   1,613    
  11,617   11,653   11,823    6,182   11,698    
Paid DCC
  6,182   6,182   6,182       6,182    
  5,436   5,471   5,641   Required Reserves   5,516    
  5,089   5,089   5,089   Held Reserves   5,089    
  (346)   (382)   (552)   Reserve Adequacy   (427)    
Columns 1 through 3 contain three projections that we typically use to estimate the ultimate amount of DCC expenses by accident semester. We use the results of the 3 projections in columns (1), (2) and (3) to select the ultimate DCC amounts shown in column (8). Note the volatility inherent in the last couple accident periods. For example, for the Sep-2006 period we are selecting ultimate expenses of 1,613 when only 10 has been paid to date (as shown in column (4)). Also note that we compare these selections to those obtained by our analysis of the

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two major DCC components (Attorney & Legal and Medical & Other). This comparison is discussed later in this section.
The Paid and Average Paid projections (columns (1) and (2)), are similar to the loss projections.
For the Paid DCC projections (column (1)), we project the paid DCC expenses to ultimate amount by organizing the historical paid DCC amounts in a triangular format (by accident period and by evaluation period).
For the Average Paid DCC projections (column (2)):
Each data point in the
          (Paid DCC Counts are claim    
Average Paid DCC
  =   [Paid DCC expense dollars]   features (closed or open)with    
development triangle
[Paid DCC counts]
  DCC Payment)    
We project the average paid DCC to ultimate by accident period. This ultimate DCC severity (shown in column (21)) is then multiplied by the ultimate number of claims that are expected to incur DCC costs (from column (12)). The result (in column (2)) is the estimated ultimate DCC expense amount for each accident period. The following chart illustrates this calculation:
    (12)   (21)   (12) X (21)
Semiannual       (Proj Sev Trgl)   Avg
Accident   Selected   Projected   Paid DCC
Periods   DCC   Paid DCC   Projection
Ending   Counts   Severity   Ult ($000)
  448   1,442      646
  373   2,562      956
  491   1,922      943
  492   2,368   1,165
  342   2,693      921
  416   2,571   1,069
  500   2,428   1,214
  615   2,537   1,560

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Column (3) is the Paid DCC to Paid Loss or Paid-to-Paid projection. Similar to other projections, this one organizes the data in a triangular format, with each data point in the triangle being the ratio of paid DCC expense to paid loss. We project the ultimate Paid-to-Paid ratio by accident period, as shown in column (27). This ultimate ratio is then multiplied by the ultimate projected losses (as derived from analysis of the losses, and shown here in column (16)) for each respective accident period. The result (in column (3)) is the estimated ultimate DCC expense amount for each accident period. The following chart illustrates this calculation:
    (27)   (16)   (27) X (16)
Semiannual   (Proj Pd/Pd)   (Proj Loss Trgl)   Paid DCC
Accident   Paid   Indicated   to Paid Loss
Periods   to Paid Ult   Ultimate Loss   Projection
Ending   DCC/Loss   ($000)   Ult ($000)
    8.90%    7,375      656
  12.44%    7,944      988
  10.13%    9,849      998
  10.47%   11,640   1,218
    9.08%    9,877      897
    9.95%   10,969   1,091
  10.08%   11,142   1,123
  12.73%   13,091   1,667
We calculate the required reserves and the reserve adequacy for each of the 3 projections and for the selected amounts by using the identities:
[Required DCC Expense Reserves] =
[Total Indicated Ultimate DCC Expenses] — [Total Paid DCC Expenses]
[DCC Expense Reserve Adequacy] =
[Held DCC Expense Reserves] — [Required DCC Expense Reserves]
The results are shown at the bottom of columns (1) through (3) and (8). For this segment, we determined that our DCC expense reserves are inadequate by 427. As a result of this analysis, we may increase our reserves by changing the case averages and the IBNR factors for the DCC expense category.
When making selections for many of the DCC segments we tend to give greater weight to the Paid-to-Paid projection. The logic behind this is that the legal costs for claims tend to be related to their loss costs. Although the losses may develop at a different rate than the expenses, the ultimate relationship tends to be consistent over time.
However, there can be changes in the claim adjustment process that would potentially cause this relationship to change. This may be due to changes in the legal/regulatory environment or to changes in the Company’s loss adjustment process. We discuss these issues with management to better understand the underlying data. We use additional approaches in our projections for segments in which we observe process changes, because the historical development may be less relevant for the future.

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The following table shows the ratios of ultimate DCC expense dollars to ultimate loss dollars for this segment over the past 8 accident semesters:
(16)       (25)=   (26)=   (27)   (34)=
Indicated   Semiannual   (1) / (16)   (2) / (16)   (Proj Pd/Pd)   (8) / (16)
Ultimate   Accident       Average   Paid   Selected
Loss   Periods   Paid Ult   Paid Ult   to Paid Ult   Ultimate
($000)   Ending   DCC/Loss   DCC/Loss   DCC/Loss   DCC/Loss
  Mar-2003     8.76%     8.76%     8.90%     8.81%
  Sep-2003   12.04%   12.04%   12.44%   12.17%
  Mar-2004     9.57%     9.58%   10.13%     9.76%
  Sep-2004   10.01%   10.01%   10.47%   10.16%
  Mar-2005     9.32%     9.33%     9.08%     9.24%
  Sep-2005     9.76%     9.75%     9.95%     9.82%
  Mar-2006   10.10%   10.90%   10.08%   10.36%
  Sep-2006   12.31%   11.92%   12.73%   12.32%
Each of the
  =   [Ultimate DCC Dollars for the Period*]
  * from each of the 
DCC/Loss Ratios
      [Ultimate Loss Dollars for the Period]   projections
As discussed above for the Paid-to-Paid projection, the ultimate DCC/Loss ratios in column (27) are projections based on a triangle of the historical ratios of paid DCC to paid loss. The selected ultimate DCC/Loss ratios in column (34) use our selected ultimate DCC expense dollars from column (8). We also compare these selected ratios to those obtained by our analysis of the two major DCC components (Attorney & Legal and Medical & Other), as discussed later in this section.
For this segment, the DCC/Loss ratios have been fluctuating over the past 4 accident years, but the last 4 semesters are showing an increasing trend. In this example, we began spending more on defense and cost containment expenses in an attempt to keep our total loss severities lower. This may be due to higher amounts spent on each claim (severity) and/or a higher proportion of claims may be utilizing defense and cost containment expenses. Changes in utilization and severity can occur for different reasons. We analyze these two parameters, and they are discussed below.
Utilization Ratio — One of the parameters we use in our analysis of DCC expenses is the percentage of claims for which we incur DCC expenses. We refer to this as the Utilization Ratio.
  Utilization Ratio   =              [Ultimate DCC counts]
          [Ultimate loss counts]

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We project our ultimate DCC counts in two different ways. We then make selections of the DCC counts by accident period, which give us selected utilization ratios. This is illustrated in the following excerpt from Exhibit DCC:
(17)                   (9)   (10)   (11)=     (12)   (13)=
(Proj Ct Trgl)         Semiannual     (Proj Ct Trgl)   (Proj Util Trgl)   (17) X (10)     use (9),(11)   (12) / (17)
Indicated         Accident     Ultimate   Ultimate   Projected     Selected   Selected
Ultimate         Periods     DCC   Projected   DCC     DCC   Ultimate
Loss Counts         Ending     Counts   Utilization   Counts     Counts   Utilization
  Mar-2003       448       26.4 %     448         448       26.4 %
  Sep-2003       373       20.8 %     373         373       20.8 %
  Mar-2004       491       25.1 %     491         491       25.2 %
  Sep-2004       492       26.5 %     492         492       26.5 %
  Mar-2005       342       17.2 %     342         342       17.2 %
  Sep-2005       416       21.4 %     416         416       21.4 %
  Mar-2006       483       20.5 %     463         500       22.2 %
  Sep-2006       599       26.4 %     631         615       25.8 %
  Total       5,793               5,804         5,826       21.0 %
Column (17) contains the estimated ultimate loss counts. They are comparable to the ultimate counts from our most recent analysis of losses for this segment.
Column (9) contains the estimated number of loss features that include a DCC expense by accident semester from this analysis. We project the paid DCC counts to ultimate after organizing the historical paid DCC counts in a triangular format (by accident period and by evaluation period).
Column (10) contains the estimated ultimate utilization ratios from this analysis, based upon an analysis of the triangle of utilization ratios.
Each data point in the utilization ratio development triangle is equal to
[Paid DCC expense counts] divided by [Paid loss counts].
In Column (11), we calculate the projected DCC counts by multiplying the estimated utilization ratios in column (10) by the indicated ultimate loss counts in column (17).
The selected DCC counts in column (12) are then based upon two different projections in columns (9) and (11). For this segment, the two projections produce similar results for all periods except the last two. For the last two periods, we made judgmental selections that give us reasonable ultimate utilization ratios.
The selected ultimate utilization ratios in column (13) are the selected ultimate DCC counts (column (12)) divided by the indicated ultimate loss counts (column (17)). We compare these selections to those obtained by our analysis of the Attorney and Medical DCC components, as discussed later in this section.
We normally expect the utilization ratios to be relatively consistent over time. However, internal process changes or changes to the legal or regulatory environment in the state could cause the utilization ratios to change. If we observe changes, we investigate the reasons for those changes. For this segment, the ratios dipped down in the March 2005 period but have been

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trending back up since then. In other words, the proportion of claims for which we have DCC expenses has been increasing back to historical levels. Our investigation determined that this was reasonable as a result of changes in some claims processes in the state.
Severity – Another parameter we use in our analysis of DCC expenses is the amount of defense and cost containment we spend on each claim that has a DCC expense. This is the severity, and it is shown in the following chart:
            (21)   (22)=
Semiannual       (Proj Sev Trgl)   (8) / (12)
Accident       Projected   Selected
Periods       Paid DCC   Total DCC
Ending       Severity   Severity
    1,442       1,450  
    2,562       2,591  
    1,922       1,958  
    2,368       2,404  
    2,693       2,669  
    2,571       2,591  
    2,428       2,308  
    2,537       2,623  
Column (21) was mentioned above relative to the average paid projection. It contains the projected paid DCC severity by accident semester from this analysis. We project the paid DCC severity to ultimate after organizing the historical paid DCC severities in a triangular format (by accident period and by evaluation period).
Column (22) contains the selected ultimate severities, calculated as the selected ultimate DCC expense dollars (column (8)) divided by the selected ultimate DCC counts (column (12)). Note that we compare these selections to those obtained by our analysis of the two major DCC components (Attorney & Legal and Medical & Other), as discussed later in this section.
The selected ultimate severities (i.e., average amount of DCC expenses for each claim for which there is DCC expense incurred) are higher than they were two years ago, but they have been relatively level since then. Investigation showed this was due to a change in process about two years ago in which we started spending more to defend against certain types of claims, in an attempt to reduce the amount of fraud.
The fluctuations in the DCC/Loss ratios were discussed above. The increasing trend in this ratio over the past 4 semesters was driven by increased utilization of defense and cost containment expenses. (We have been using these expenses more often, while the average amount we spend on them each time has not changed significantly). The fluctuations in the previous 4 semesters were driven by changes in the severity. Even though the severity tended to be lower in those two older years (Mar-2003 through Sep-2004), utilization during that period tended to be higher.

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DCC Expense Analysis by Component – Attorney & Legal and Medical & Other
As mentioned above, we also make projections of the utilization ratios and severities for the “Attorney & Legal” versus “Medical & Other” components of DCC expenses. We then calculate the resulting expense dollars for these components, as well as the ratios of these expense dollars to the loss dollars. For each of these parameters, we then compare the combination of the components with the results from the total DCC expense analysis. This allows us to better analyze the causes of fluctuations, identify trends, and check for reasonableness.
The following chart compares the utilization ratios for the components and the total:
            (13)=   (14)   (15)
Semiannual       (12) / (17)   (Proj Util Trgl)   (Proj Util Trgl)
Accident       Selected   Indicated   Indicated
Periods       Total   Attorney   Medical
Ending       Utilization   Utilization   Utilization
    26.4 %     14.7 %     13.3 %
    20.8 %     10.4 %     11.0 %
    25.2 %     14.7 %     12.6 %
    26.5 %     14.4 %     14.5 %
    17.2 %     10.0 %     8.6 %
    21.4 %     12.2 %     12.6 %
    22.2 %     12.0 %     12.4 %
    25.8 %     15.0 %     12.5 %
The utilization ratios of the components are projected from triangles of the historical utilization ratios for each component. The sum of the components is consistently a couple points higher than the selected total utilization ratio for this segment. This can happen when there is attorney involvement and an independent medical report is also ordered for the claim. It is counted once for total DCC utilization and also once for each DCC component. The increase in total utilization in the last accident semester for this segment is due to additional attorney utilization.

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The following chart compares the severities for the components and the total:
            (22)=     (23)     (24)
Semiannual       (8) / (12)     (Proj Sev Trgl)     (Proj Sev Trgl)
Accident       Selected     Indicated     Indicated
Periods       Total DCC     Att. & Legal     Med. & Oth.
Ending       Severity     Severity     Severity
    1,450         2,308         148  
    2,591         4,621         193  
    1,958         2,949         180  
    2,404         3,942         177  
    2,669         4,174         251  
    2,591         4,200         241  
    2,308         4,250         260  
    2,623         4,400         270  
4 pt Ann Exp Trend  
    -3.30 %       3.46 %       5.99 %
8 pt Ann Exp Trend  
    11.35 %       13.23 %       17.95 %
The severities of the components are projected from triangles of the historical severities for each component. The Attorney & Legal expenses over the two most recent accident years have generally been higher than the previous two years, which is the main driver of the increasing severity for total DCC expenses.
The DCC expense dollars for each component are based upon the indicated utilizations and severities for that segment. This calculation is shown here for Attorney & Legal expenses:
            (14)   (17)   (23)   (7)=
Semiannual       (Proj Util Trgl)   (Proj Ct Trgl)   (Proj Sev Trgl)   (14)x(17)x(23)
Accident       Indicated   Indicated   Indicated   Indicated Ult.
Periods       Attorney   Ultimate   Att. & Legal   Att. & Legal
Ending       Utilization   Loss Counts   Severity   ($000)
    14.7 %     1,695       2,308       576  
    10.4 %     1,796       4,621       865  
    14.7 %     1,951       2,949       845  
    14.4 %     1,855       3,942       1,054  
    10.0 %     1,985       4,174       827  
    12.2 %     1,939       4,200       991  
    12.0 %     2,256       4,250       1,151  
    15.0 %     2,387       4,400       1,575  
The following identities are used in the calculations above:
Expense Count
  =   [Utilization Ratio] X [Loss Count]   =   (14) X (17)
Expense Severity
  =   [Expense Dollars]
[Expense Count]
  =     (23 )
Expense Dollars
  =   [Expense Count] X [Expense Severity]   =   (14) X (17) X (23)

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We compare the required reserves for the sum of the two DCC expense components versus the total DCC expenses for reasonableness. This is shown at the bottom of columns (6), (7) and (8).
    (6)   (7)           (8)
($000)   Medical & Other   Attorney & Legal   Sum   Total DCC
Ultimate DCC
    602       10,694       11,296       11,698  
– Paid DCC
    398       5,784       6,182       6,182  
= Reqd DCC Resv
    204       4,911       5,115       5,516  
The sum is reasonably close to the total.
Therefore, the total is used in the calculation of DCC reserve adequacy:
Held DCC Reserves
DCC Reserve Adequacy = [Held] – [Required]
    (427 )      
The other parameter for which we compare the sum of the DCC expense components to the total is the ratio of ultimate DCC expense dollars to loss dollars.
            (34)=     (35)=     (36)=
Semiannual       (8) / (16)     (7) / (16)     (6) / (16)
Accident       Selected     Indicated     Indicated
Periods       Total     Att. & Legal     Med. & Oth.
Ending       DCC/Loss $     / Loss $     / Loss $
    8.81 %       7.80 %       0.45 %
    12.17 %       10.89 %       0.48 %
    9.76 %       8.58 %       0.45 %
    10.16 %       9.05 %       0.41 %
    9.24 %       8.37 %       0.43 %
    9.82 %       9.03 %       0.53 %
    10.36 %       10.33 %       0.65 %
    12.32 %       12.03 %       0.62 %
The selected DCC/Loss ratios use the ultimate DCC expense dollars for each of the components and the total. Since the Medical & Other expenses make up only a small proportion of the total DCC expense dollars for this segment, the DCC/Loss ratios are driven by the Attorney & Legal component.
The discussion above regarding the contribution of the utilization and severity parameters to the total DCC expense dollars is also relevant in the analysis of each DCC expense component. In order to make the most appropriate reserve change for DCC expenses, we have to be comfortable with each of the parameters for each of the components in the analysis.

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Other Parameters
There are also several other parameters shown on the exhibit that we use in our analysis. One of these is the analysis of CWAPO, which stands for claims Closed With DCC (ALAE) Payments Only. In other words, they close with no loss payments, but they do have DCC expense payments. This is the CWAPO chart from the exhibit for this segment:
Semiannual       (28)   (29)   (30)   (31)
Accident       CWAPO   Ultimate   Ultimate   Ultimate
Periods       Count Ratio   CWAPO   CWAPO Ct /   CWAPO $ /
Ending       @ 6 Mths   Severity   DCC Count   DCC Amt
    0.6 %     196       9.6 %     1.3 %
    0.7 %     558       7.1 %     1.5 %
    0.5 %     334       7.1 %     1.2 %
    0.5 %     808       7.1 %     2.4 %
    0.1 %     981       5.1 %     1.9 %
    0.4 %     691       6.6 %     1.8 %
    0.1 %     262       3.0 %     0.3 %
    0.1 %     1,807       2.4 %     1.7 %
For this segment, about 5% of the claims with DCC expense payments close with no loss payment, as shown in column (30). They make up between 1% and 2% of the total DCC expense dollars, as shown in column (31). When there are significant changes in these ratios, we would investigate the reasons to determine if they are reasonable. The average amount of DCC expense (severity) for each of these claims has fluctuated widely, due to the low volume for this segment.
We also look at the ratio of outside and in-house attorney usage relative to the total number of features that utilize attorneys. Changes in these ratios may be related to changes in severity. For example, we may expect in-house attorneys to be less expensive on a per-claim basis than outside attorneys. The correlation between these parameters is important to understand when there are changes in severity. The following chart shows that there have been fluctuations in these utilizations, but there has not been a noticeable trend in either category.
Semiannual       (32)   (33)
Accident       % Outside   % Inside
Periods       Attorney Per   Attorney Per
Ending       Tot. Att. Feat.   Tot. Att. Feat.
    49.8 %     50.2 %
    28.0 %     72.0 %
    27.0 %     73.0 %
    27.1 %     72.9 %
    34.5 %     65.5 %
    22.8 %     77.2 %
    33.1 %     66.9 %
    34.6 %     65.4 %

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The final parameter to consider is the ratio of DCC expense reserves to loss reserves, as shown in column (20). The comparison of the current and indicated reserve/reserve ratios for this segment is as follows:
DCC Reserves / Loss Reserves
    16.4 %
    19.0 %
This is a final reasonableness check of our other selections. We expect this ratio to be fairly consistent over time for a given segment. If there is a significant change from one review to the next, we may look at the ratio by accident period, which could indicate a change in the claim adjustment process. These observations would be discussed with claims management to get a better understanding of any process changes. For this segment, the indicated ratio is higher than the current ratio because our DCC reserves are inadequate.

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Exhibit ADJ
State LMN Auto BI Adjusting & Other (ULAE) as of September 30, 2006
                                            (5)   (6)   (7)
                                            A&O   [Apply to Case]   [Apply to IBNR]
            (1)   (2)           (4)   Charged   Ratio of A&O   Ratio of A&O
Quarterly       Adjusted   Paid Loss   (3)   Total   Per A&O   to Capped   to Uncapped
Calendar       A&O   Capped   Paid Loss   A&O   Count   Paid Loss   Paid Loss
End dates       Counts*   @50,000   Uncapped   Charged   (4) / (1)   (4) / (2)   (4) / (3)
    1,228       3,714,400       4,054,400       760,093       619       20.5 %     18.7 %
    1,318       3,926,551       4,096,439       868,607       659       22.1 %     21.2 %
    1,269       3,198,123       3,246,026       898,269       708       28.1 %     27.7 %
    1,202       3,629,395       3,910,898       959,142       798       26.4 %     24.5 %
    1,339       4,446,527       4,672,314       1,074,649       803       24.2 %     23.0 %
    1,181       4,155,283       4,656,783       1,124,520       952       27.1 %     24.1 %
    1,383       4,847,742       5,038,990       1,047,989       758       21.6 %     20.8 %
    1,250       4,721,039       5,202,139       1,032,713       826       21.9 %     19.9 %
    1,400       5,586,462       5,841,462       1,162,756       831       20.8 %     19.9 %
    1,319       5,169,460       5,585,959       1,182,213       896       22.9 %     21.2 %
    1,442       5,776,331       6,051,731       1,267,469       879       21.9 %     20.9 %
    1,535       5,694,208       5,978,108       1,305,950       851       22.9 %     21.8 %
                    Wtd Avg for Oct-03 thru Sep-04     695       24.1 %     22.8 %
                    Wtd Avg for Oct-04 thru Sep-05     831       23.6 %     21.9 %
                    Wtd Avg for Oct-05 thru Sep-06     864       22.1 %     21.0 %
                    Selected @ Sep-06 (current rev)             22.1 %     21.0 %
                    Selected @ Mar-06 (prior rev)             21.5 %     20.4 %
                    Carried A&O Paid to Paid Ratio                     22.1 %
*   Adjusted A&O Counts are a weighted average of the Number Recorded (60%) and Number Paid (40%).
                                    (11)=           (13)=    
    (6) & (7)           (9)=           (9) X (10)   (12)   (12) - (11)   (14)
    Selected   (8)   (8) X {(6) or (7)}   (10)   Indicated   Carried   Reserve   # A&O
    Pd to Pd Ratios   Loss Reserves   Incurred A&O   % Unpaid   A&O Reserve   A&O Reserve   Adequacy   Reserves
Capped Case
    22.1 %     24,823,202       5,485,928       50 %     2,742,964       2,897,707       154,743       3,046  
IBNR Reserve
    21.0 %     4,493,977       943,735       90 %     849,362       853,906       4,544          
            29,317,179       6,429,663               3,592,325       3,751,613       159,287          

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Exhibit ADJ – Adjusting and Other Expense Reserve Analysis
This exhibit is a calendar period analysis of the adequacy of the “Adjusting & Other” (A&O) expense reserves for this segment. We calculate the ratio of paid A&O expenses to paid losses for each calendar quarter over the past three years. We then estimate the expected ratio going forward, which we use to determine the required A&O expense reserves.
The calculation of the Paid-to-Paid ratios is shown in the following excerpt from Exhibit ADJ:
                                    (6)   (7)
                                    [Apply to Case]   [Apply to IBNR]
            (2)           (4)   Ratio of A&O   Ratio of A&O
Quarterly       Paid Loss   (3)   Total   to Capped   to Uncapped
Calendar       Capped   Paid Loss   A&O   Paid Loss   Paid Loss
End Dates       @ 50,000   Uncapped   Charged   (4) / (2)   (4) / (3)
    4,446,527       4,672,314       1,074,649       24.2 %     23.0 %
    4,155,283       4,656,783       1,124,520       27.1 %     24.1 %
    4,847,742       5,038,990       1,047,989       21.6 %     20.8 %
    4,721,039       5,202,139       1,032,713       21.9 %     19.9 %
    5,586,462       5,841,462       1,162,756       20.8 %     19.9 %
    5,169,460       5,585,959       1,182,213       22.9 %     21.2 %
    5,776,331       6,051,731       1,267,469       21.9 %     20.9 %
    5,694,208       5,978,108       1,305,950       22.9 %     21.8 %
            Wtd Avg for Oct-03 thru Sep-04             24.1 %     22.8 %
            Wtd Avg for Oct-04 thru Sep-05             23.6 %     21.9 %
            Wtd Avg for Oct-05 thru Sep-06             22.1 %     21.0 %
            Select @ Sep-06 (current rev)             22.1 %     21.0 %
            Select @ Mar-06 (prior rev)             21.5 %     20.4 %
            Carried A&O Paid to Paid Ratio                     22.1 %
For this segment, the paid A&O expenses in column (4) are used to calculate the ratios to paid losses capped at $50,000 per feature, as well as the ratios to uncapped paid losses. We use $50,000 as the basis for the capping of losses, because our experience has shown it is reasonable to assume that staff involvement does not increase proportionally as the size of the claim increases for larger claims.
The capped paid-to-paid ratios in column (6) are used to determine the needed A&O expense reserve for settling claims that are currently open. The uncapped paid-to-paid ratios in column (7) are used to determine the needed A&O expense reserve for claims that are not yet reported (IBNR).
For segments in which we recover salvage and/or subrogation, in particular PIP and Physical Damage segments, the IBNR ratio is calculated based on gross paid losses.
Gross Paid Losses = [Net Paid Losses] + [Salvage & Subrogation Recoveries]

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The data we analyze for a typical review is net of salvage and subrogation. See section V for a further explanation.
Using the historical ratios as well as the 12-month-ending averages and the prior selected ratios, we select our estimated paid-to-paid ratios to be used in our reserve determination at the bottom of columns (6) and (7) (in Blue). Also note that the paid-to-paid ratio implied by our current carried A&O expense reserves is shown at the bottom of column (7).
For this segment, the ratios have been relatively level over the past six quarters, although they were higher during the year prior to that. As with other expense categories, we would look at reasons for changes in the ratios over time. The expenses allocated to this category are those related to the adjustment of claims, including fees of independent adjusters and salaries and related overhead expenses relative to Company employees involved in a claim adjusting function. Therefore, we would look at changes in claims staffing, claims inventory, claims processing and loss volume in order to determine reasons for changes in the ratios over time.
We also look at the average amount of A&O expense per claim (in column (5)) to see if there is a trend in the expense severity. The following excerpt illustrates this:
    (1)   (4)   Charged
      Quarterly   Adjusted   Total   Per A&O
       Calendar   A&O   A&O   Count
     End Dates   Counts   Charged   (4) / (1)
    1,339       1,074,649       803  
    1,181       1,124,520       952  
    1,383       1,047,989       758  
    1,250       1,032,713       826  
    1,400       1,162,756       831  
    1,319       1,182,213       896  
    1,442       1,267,469       879  
    1,535       1,305,950       851  
Wtd Avg for Oct-03 thru Sep-04
Wtd Avg for Oct-04 thru Sep-05
Wtd Avg for Oct-05 thru Sep-06
The “Adjusted A&O Counts” in column (1) are the weighted average of the number of features recorded and the number paid for each calendar quarter. The A&O expense severity for this segment has been fluctuating somewhat, but the overall trend has been an increase.

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Columns (8) through (13) illustrate the calculation of our A&O expense reserve adequacy.
    (6) & (7)                           (9) X (10)   (12)   (13)=
    Selected   (8)   (9)=   (10)   Indicated   Carried   (12) – (11)
    Pd to Pd   Loss   (8) X {(6) or (7)}   %   A&O   A&O   Reserve
    Ratios   Reserves   Incurred A&O   Unpaid   Reserve   Reserve   Adequacy
Capped Case
    22.1 %     24,823,202       5,485,928       50 %     2,742,964       2,897,707       154,743  
IBNR Reserve
    21.0 %     4,493,977       943,735       90 %     849,362       853,906       4,544  
            29,317,179       6,429,663               3,592,325       3,751,613       159,287  
The “Incurred A&O” in column (9) is the total ultimate incurred A&O expense for adjusting all claims that are currently reserved.
For currently open claims:
Incurred A&O   =   [Selected capped Paid-to-Paid ratio] 22.1%
(column (6))
  X         [Current Case Loss Reserves capped at $50,000]
(column (8))
For claims not yet reported:
Incurred A&O   =   [Selected uncapped Paid-to-Paid ratio] 21.0%
(column (7))
        X   [Current IBNR Loss Reserves]
(column (8))
For segments w/ significant slavage or subrogation recoveries,
(whether claims are currently open or not yet reported):
Incurred A&O   =   [Selected Gross Paid-to-Paid ratio]   X   [Current Gross IBNR Loss Reserves]
The “% Unpaid” in column (10) has been determined from our time tracking studies. The underlying concept is that much of the A&O expense is paid when the claim is opened (or before it is opened), and the remainder is paid during the life of the claim until it is settled.
The “Indicated A&O Reserve” in column (11) represents the unpaid portion of the incurred A&O. This is compared to the carried reserve in column (12) in order to determine the adequacy of the A&O expense reserves in column (13).
Based on this analysis, our carried A&O expense reserves for this segment are conservative by about 159. Almost all of the conservatism is in the case portion so we would likely decrease our A&O case average that applies to open features.

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