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Occidental Petroleum Corporation

Third Quarter 2012 Earnings Conference Call

October 25, 2012
 Income from continuing operations — $1.4 Billion in
 3Q12 vs. $1.8 Billion in 3Q11 or $1.3 Billion in 2Q12.
  EPS $1.70 (diluted) vs. $2.18 (diluted) in 3Q11 or $1.64 (diluted)
 in 2Q12.
 3Q12 income from continuing operations improved
 $0.06 per diluted share from 2Q12:
  Higher margins in marketing and trading businesses;
  partially offset by lower earnings in the chemical segment.
  In the oil and gas segment, the effect of higher liquids
 production and domestic gas prices was partially offset by the
 impact of a 3% decline in realized worldwide crude oil prices.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Highlights
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Highlights
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas
Segment Variance Analysis - 3Q12 vs. 2Q12
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas
Segment Variance Analysis - 3Q12 vs. 2Q12
 Core Results for 3Q12 of $2.0 B vs. $2.0 B in 2Q12
($ in millions)
        3Q12  3Q11
Oil and Gas Production Volumes (mboe/d)  766  739
 3Q12 production of 766 mboe/d increased 4% from 3Q11;
 Domestic production was 469 mboe/d, an increase of
 7 mboe/d from 2Q12 and the eighth consecutive quarterly
 domestic volume record for the company;
 Domestic production was 8% higher than 3Q11.
  Almost all of the sequential quarterly increase came from the
 Permian and Williston basins;
  CA production was higher in liquids but flat on a BOE basis with
 2Q12, mainly due to lower gas volumes associated with initial
 start-up issues of the new gas plant. These issues were resolved
 mid-quarter although the positive effect of the plant on 3Q12 was
  CA’s current production run rate is ~150 mboe/d.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Production
Details regarding other country-specific production levels available in the IR Supplemental Schedules
 Latin America volumes were 32 mboe/d;
 In the Middle East region, volumes were 265 mboe/d:
  Dolphin’s production was 13 mboe/d lower than 2Q12 resulting
 from the full cost recovery of pre-startup capital, as we noted last
  Qatar’s production was also impacted by a facility outage in
 August, which reduced production by 5 mboe/d. The outage
 was subsequently resolved;
  The rest of the Middle East partially offset these decreases in
 part due to higher spending levels.
 Factors affecting production sharing and similar contracts,
 including oil prices, did not significantly impact this quarter’s
 production volumes compared to 3Q11 or 2Q12.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Production
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Production
Details regarding country specific production levels available in the IR Supplemental Schedules
 3Q12 realized prices were mixed for our products compared
 to 2Q12.
  Our worldwide crude oil realized price was $96.62 per bbl,
 a decrease of about 3%;
  worldwide NGLs were $40.65 per barrel, also a decrease of
 about 3%;
  domestic natural gas prices were $2.48 per mcf, an improvement
 of 19%.
 The change in worldwide crude oil realized price was
 primarily due to the mix of sales volumes in 3Q12
 3Q12 realized prices were lower than 3Q11 prices for all
 our products.
  On a year-over-year basis, price decreases were 1% for worldwide
 crude oil;
  27% for worldwide NGLs, and;
  41% percent for domestic natural gas.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Segment
Realized Prices
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Segment
Realized Prices
 Realized oil prices for the quarter represented 105%
 of the average WTI and 88% of the average Brent price.
 Realized NGL prices were 44% of the average WTI and
 realized domestic gas prices were 90% of the average
 NYMEX price.
 Price changes at current global prices affect our quarterly
 earnings before income taxes by $36 mm for a $1 per bbl
 change in oil prices and $8 mm for a $1 per bbl change in
 NGL prices.
 A swing of 50 cents per mm BTUs in domestic gas prices
 affects quarterly pre-tax earnings by about $35 mm.
 These price change sensitivities include the impact of
 production-sharing and similar contract volume changes
 on income.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Segment
Realized Prices
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Segment
Realized Prices
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas Segment
      3Q12  3Q11
 Reported Segment Earnings ($mm) $2,026  $2,612
 WTI Oil Price ($/bbl)   $92.22  $89.76
 Brent Oil Price ($/bbl)   $109.48 $112.22
 NYMEX Gas Price ($/mcf)   $2.76  $4.28
 Oxy’s Realized Prices
  Worldwide Oil ($/bbl)  $96.62  $97.24
 - 1% year-over-year
  Worldwide NGLs ($/bbl)  $40.65  $56.06
 - 27% year-over-year
  US Natural Gas ($/mcf)   $2.48  $4.23
 - 41% year-over-year
 Oil and gas cash production costs were $15.00 per boe
 for the first nine months of 2012, compared with $12.84
 per boe for the full year 2011.
  The cost increase reflects higher well maintenance activity, in part
 reflecting our higher well count, higher workover activity and higher
 support and injection costs.
 Taxes other than on income, which are generally related
 to product prices, were $2.43 per boe for the first nine
 months of 2012, compared with $2.21 per boe for the
 full year of 2011.
 3Q12 exploration expense was $69 million.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas
Segment - Production Costs and Taxes
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oil & Gas
Segment - Production Costs and Taxes
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Chemical
Segment Variance Analysis - 3Q12 vs. 2Q12
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Chemical
Segment Variance Analysis - 3Q12 vs. 2Q12
 Core Results for 3Q12 were $162 mm vs. $194 mm in 2Q12
  The sequential quarterly and year-over-year decline were due to lower Asian market demand
 that drove export prices lower, partially offset by lower ethylene costs.
($ in millions)
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Midstream
Segment Variance Analysis - 3Q12 vs. 2Q12
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Midstream
Segment Variance Analysis - 3Q12 vs. 2Q12
 Core Results for 3Q12 were $156 mm vs. $77 mm in 2Q12
($ in millions)
 The worldwide effective tax rate was 38% for 3Q12. The
 lower rate compared to our guidance was attributable to
 a shift in the mix of income toward domestic.
 Our 3Q12 US and foreign tax rates are included in
 the Investor Relations Supplemental Schedules.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Taxes
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
2012 YTD Cash Flow
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
2012 YTD Cash Flow
 Working capital reduced our nine-month cash flow from operations of $9.2 billion by ~$660 mm to $8.5 billion.
 ~$510 mm of working capital use occurred in 3Q12. Capex was $7.7 billion for the first nine months, of which
 $2.6 billion was spent in 3Q12; YTD capex was 82% in oil and gas, 14% in midstream and remainder in chemicals.
 Financial activities, which included dividends paid, stock buybacks and a $1.74 billion borrowing earlier this year,
 provided a net $300 mm of cash flow.
($ in millions)
Cash Flow
Cash Flow
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
Shares Outstanding & Debt/Capital
 Shares Outstanding (mm) YTD12 9/30/12
 Weighted Average Basic  810.1
 Weighted Average Diluted  810.8
 Basic Shares Outstanding    809.3  
 Diluted Shares Outstanding   810.1
      9/30/12  12/31/11 
 Debt/Capital   16%  13%
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Key Performance Metrics
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Key Performance Metrics
 Occidental’s domestic oil and gas segment produced record
 volumes for the eighth consecutive quarter and continued to
 execute on our liquids production growth strategy.
 3Q12 domestic production of 469 mboe/d, consisting of 334 mboe/d
 of liquids and 812 mmcf/d of gas, was an increase of 7 mboe/d
 compared to 2Q12.
 The increase in the domestic production over 2Q12 was almost
 entirely in oil, which grew from 249 mb/d to 260 mb/d.
  Gas production declined 28 mmcf/d on a sequential quarterly basis, mainly
 in CA, some of which was due to the initial start-up issues of the new gas plant.
 Compared to 3Q11, domestic production grew by 8%, or 33 mboe/d,
 of which 30 mb/d was oil production growth.
 Our annualized return on equity for the first nine months of 2012
 was 15% and return on capital employed was 13%.
Note: See attached GAAP reconciliation
 Compared to 3Q11, our domestic production grew by 8%, or 33
 mboe/d, of which 30 mb/d was oil production growth.
+30 mb/d oil
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Key Performance Metrics
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Key Performance Metrics
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oxy’s Strategy
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oxy’s Strategy
 Three main objectives:
  Generate rates of return on invested capital
 significantly in excess of our cost of capital;
  Achieve moderate growth of the business;
  Deliver continued dividend growth.
 With regard to returns, we don't believe that a depleting or
 shrinking business can maintain high rates of return. One can
 reduce spending to achieve short term higher returns,
 but these returns would not be sustainable as the Company
 would deplete.
 Our business model is to balance the need for growth of
 the business while maintaining attractive returns.
 We are currently in an investing phase in many of our
 businesses where higher than normal portion of our
 capital is spent on longer-term projects.
2012 YTD Total Capital - $7.7 Billion
 These expenditures include
 capital for:
  the Al Hosn Shah gas project
 which is expected to start
 production in late 2014;
  gas and CO2 processing
 plants and pipelines to
 maintain or expand the
 capacity of these facilities to
 handle future production
  the chemical segment, and
 other items.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oxy’s Strategy
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Oxy’s Strategy
 This year, we expect to spend
 ~25% of our total capital
 expenditures on future growth
 projects that will contribute to
 our operations over the next
 several years.
 Domestically and internationally, we have a mix of both
 higher return assets and higher growth assets.
 Importantly, many of our higher growth assets are
 relatively early in their development, although we have
 already experienced meaningful success.
 Our Permian CO2 operation continues to be our most
 profitable business generating the highest free cash
 flow after capital among all of our assets.
 The Permian non-CO2 business is one of the fastest
 growing assets in our entire portfolio.
  Since we began significant delineation and development efforts
 in 2010, we have grown production by over 25%.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Permian
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Permian
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Permian
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Permian
Oxy Acreage in Select Permian Basin Plays
(Thousands of Acres)
 As a result of the significant
 activity by us and our partners,
 our Permian acreage where we
 believe resource development is
 likely, has grown from our
 estimate of about 3 mm gross
 acres earlier in the year to about
 4.8 mm acres in October.
 Oxy's net share of this acreage
 grew from about 1 mm acres to
 about 1.7 mm acres during the
 same period.
 In CA, we have a very large acreage position with diverse
 geologic characteristics and numerous reservoir targets.
 Development opportunities range from conventional to
 steam floods, water floods and shales.
 The drilling costs and expected ultimate recoveries
 (EURs) also vary for each.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
 In mid-2010, we shifted our development program to conventional
 and unconventional opportunities outside of the traditional and
 more mature Elk Hills areas.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
California Liquids Production Volumes
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
California Liquids Production Volumes
Liquids Production Volumes
 Recently, we further modified our programs to emphasize oil production
 in light of depressed gas and associated liquids prices. As a result, gas
 production in all of CA declined in 3Q12.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
California Gas Production Volumes
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
California Gas Production Volumes
Gas Production Volumes
 Total CA production growth on a BOE basis is slower
 than we thought it would be, in part due to the Elk Hills
 decline, permitting issues and more recently low gas prices.
 On a positive note, overall performance of the new
 resources has been consistent with expectations,
 including our unconventional opportunities for which
 well performance is similar to the type curves we showed
 you a couple of years ago.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
 Over the last several years we
 have spent $370 mm on the
 new Elk Hills gas plant.
 The plant went into operation in
 early July and, notwithstanding
 initial startup issues, is
 positively affecting our
 operational efficiency and
 production including higher
 liquids yields.
 The plant operated optimally
 for about one month last
 quarter and has been operating
 as expected since.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
Elk Hills Cryogenic Gas Processing Plant
 We will continue our focus on higher return, low cost
 opportunities in CA, and this is a very diverse opportunity set.
 For example, Lost Hills - a major steam flood project
  We expect to achieve significant production growth to
 about 15 mb/d in several years from the current 4 mb/d;
  Total oil in place in Lost Hills is estimated to be about
 500 million barrels;
  Using reasonable assumptions, we expect to recover
 over 50 million barrels net to Oxy;
  Our drilling costs in this area average in the low
 $200,000's per well and we expect to bring this average
 cost down over time.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - California
 In the Williston basin in North Dakota, we currently have over
 310,000 net acres with significant resource potential, which we
 estimate to be about 250 million net barrels.
 Our production in the basin has tripled since we entered the
 area over a year and a half ago.
 We have recently slowed our drilling activity in the basin and
 significantly reduced our rig count.
 While well costs have declined modestly, we will only increase
 our rig count when costs come down enough to make returns
 competitive with the rest of our portfolio.
 We believe over the long-term, the total resource base in the
 Williston basin represents a significant opportunity for the Company.
 In the Mid-Continent, including our assets in South Texas, we have
 significantly reduced our gas directed drilling.
 However, we could ramp up our gas production rapidly and
 meaningfully if prices for gas and associated liquids improved from
 their current levels on a sustained basis.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
Williston / Mid-Continent
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
Williston / Mid-Continent
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - International
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - International
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - International
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - International
Al Hosn Gas Project
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - International
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - International
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Operating Costs &
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Operating Costs &
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
Operating Costs & Capital
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings -
Operating Costs & Capital
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - 4Q12 Outlook
Capital Program
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - 4Q12 Outlook
Capital Program
 Over the past year, we have achieved our goal of
 increasing domestic production by 6 to 8 mboe/d
  We expect our 4Q12 oil production to grow by about this much.
  However, the expected decline in gas production resulting from
 the change in our capital program focus may offset some of the
 increased oil production on an equivalent basis.
 Internationally, at current prices we expect production
 to be approximately flat with 3Q12, while sales volumes
 increase slightly.
 We expect 4Q12 exploration expense to be about
 $100 mm for seismic and drilling in our exploration
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - 4Q12 Outlook
Oil and Gas Production
 The fourth quarter is typically the chemical segment’s
 weakest quarter.
 We estimate 4Q12 earnings will be about $140 mm,
 or slightly lower than 3Q12.
  Along with seasonal factors, weak global demand from the
 European and Asian economies and rising natural gas costs
 will keep pressure on margins.
 We expect our combined worldwide tax rate in 4Q12
 to increase to about 40% to 41%.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - 4Q12 Outlook
Chemicals & Taxes
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Summary
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Summary
 We believe we have a deep portfolio of development opportunities
 that will allow us to continue to deliver returns that are 5 to 6
 percentage points above our cost of capital.
 Total return to our shareholders is the combination of
 appreciation in stock price and dividends.
 As I have mentioned before, if we are unable to generate
 value to our stockholders as measured by relative stock
 performance over a reasonable period of time, the Company's
 policy would then be to retain a smaller portion of its earnings
 and return a larger portion to its stockholders.
 We have increased our dividends at a compounded annual rate of
 15.8% over the last 10 years through 11 dividend increases.
 We expect to increase our dividends again next year and in the
 future at a rate that would maximize returns to our stockholders.
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Q&A
Third Quarter 2012 Earnings - Q&A
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
Reconciliation to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
GAAP measure - net income
Interest expense
Tax effect of interest expense
Earnings before tax-effected interest expense
GAAP stockholders' equity
Total capital employed
ROCE - Annualized for the nine months of September 30, 2012