EX-99.3 4 exh_993.htm EXHIBIT 99.3

Exhibit 99.3


  } 3:16-bk-02230-PMG    
  DEBTOR.   } CHAPTER 11  
  FROM January 1, 2017 TO January 31, 2017  
Comes now the above-named debtor and files its Monthly Operating Reports in accordance with the
Guidelines established by the United States Trustee and FRBP 2015.  
  Attorney for Debtor's Signature  
Debtor's Address   Attorney's Address  
and Phone Number:   and Phone Number:  
RMS TITANIC, INC       NELSON MULLINS (Attn: Daniel Blanks)
3045 Kingston Court, Suite I     50 N. Laura Street, 41st Floor  
Peachtree Corners GA 30071     Jacksonville, FL 32202  
+1 (404) 842-2600       +1 (904) 665-3600    
Note: The original Monthly Operating Report is to be filed with the court and a copy simultaneously
provided to the United States Trustee Office. Monthly Operating Reports must be filed by the 20th day
of the following month.   
For assistance in preparing the Monthly Operating Report, refer to the following resources on the 
United States Trustee Program Website, http://www.usdoj.gov/ust/r21/reg_info.htm   
1)  Instructions for Preparations of Debtor’s Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report   
2)  Initial Filing Requirements   
3)  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) http://www.usdoj.gov/ust/   




Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC   Case Number 3:16-bk-02230-PMG    
Date of Petition: 14-Jun-16          
    Current month   Cumulative     
      Petition to date    
1. Funds at beginning of period per bank (Trust Account)  $  534,118.35  ( a )   $         483,632.34 ( b )  
2. Receipts:            
  A. Cash sales          
  Minus: Cash refunds          
  Net cash sales          
  B. Accounts receivable  $                    -           
  C. Other receipts (see MOR-3)  $             90.73    $           50,640.78    
  Note: invoice & receipts at the same time          
3. Total receipts (lines 2A+2B+2C)  $             90.73    $           50,640.78    
4. Total funds available Trust Account (line 1+line 3)  $  534,209.08    $         534,273.12    
5. Disbursements          
  A. Advertising          
  B. Bank charges  $                    -       $                           -       
  C. Contract labour          
  D. Fixed asset payments (not incl in "N")          
  E. Insurance          
  F. Inventory payments          
  G. Leases          
  H. Manufacturing supplies          
  I. Office supplies          
  J. Payroll - net (see attachment 4B)          
  K. Professional fees (Accounting & legal)          
  L. Rent           
  M. Repairs & maintenance          
  N. Secured creditor payments (see attach 2)          
  O. Taxes paid - payroll (see attachment 4C)          
  P. Taxes paid - sales & use (see attach 4C)          
  Q. Taxes paid - Other (see attachment 4C)          
  R. Telephone          
  S. Travel & entertainment          
  T. U.S. Trustee Quarterly Fees          
  U. Utilities          
  V. Vehicle expenses (car rental)          
  W. Other - Federal withholding      $                    64.04    
6. Total Disbursements (sum of 5A thru W)  $                    -       $                    64.04    
7. Ending balance (line 4 minus line 6)  $  534,209.08  ( c )   $         534,209.08 ( c )  
I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement and the accompanying documents and reports are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief.          
This      20th      day of  February  , 2017. Signature /s/Jerome Henshall    
(a)This number is carried forward from last month’s report.  For the first report only, this number will be the       
    balance as of the petition date.          
(b)This figure will not change from month to month.  It is always the amount of funds on hand as of the date of     
     the petition.            
(c)These two amounts will always be the same if form is completed correctly.        


 Detail of Other Receipts and Other Disbursements    
 Describe Each Item of Other Receipt and List Amount of Receipt.  Write totals on Page MOR-2, Line 2C.    
Description      Current Month        Petition to Date    
Interest income      $                   90.73    $                640.78    
Quarterly transfer from PEM operating account      $          50,000.00    
TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS    $                   90.73    $          50,640.78    
 “Other Receipts” includes Loans from Insiders and other sources (i.e. Officer/Owner, related parties directors, related corporations, etc.).  Please describe below:    
Loan amount Source of funds Purpose  Repayment schedule       
 $                                  -                 
Describe Each Item of Other Disbursement and List Amount of Disbursement.  Write totals on Page MOR-2, Line 5W.
Description      Current Month        Petition to Date    
Federal witholding      $                          -       $                  64.04    
 TOTAL OTHER DISBURSEMENTS    $                          -       $                  64.04    
NOTE: Attach a current Balance Sheet and Income (Profit & Loss) Statement.      
Please refer to Appendix            


Attachment 1      
Monthly Accounts Receviable Reconciliation and Aging      
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG        
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17        
Accounts receivable reconciliation      
(Include all accounts receivable, pre-petition and post-petition, including charge card sales which have not been received):
Beginning of Month Balance    $Nil  ( a )        
Plus: current month new billings            
Minus: collection during the month   ( b )        
Plus/ minus: adjustments or writeoffs   *        
End of month balance    $Nil  ( c )        
*For any adjustments or Write-offs provide explanation and supporting documentation, if applicable:      
(Show the total for each aging category for all accounts receivable)      
0-30 days 31-60 days 61-90 days over 90 days Total        
 $                     -     $                  -     $                            -     $                        -     $Nil  ( c )      
For any receivables in the “Over 90 Days” category, please provide the following:        
Customer   Receivable Date   Status (Collection efforts taken, estimate of collectibility
        write-off, disputed account, etc.)    
(a)This number is carried forward from last month’s report.  For the first report only, this number will be zero.  
(b)This must equal the number reported in the “Current Month” column of Schedule of Receipts and      
     Disbursements (Page MOR-2, Line 2B).            
(c)These two amounts must equal.            


Attachment 2      
Monthly Accounts Payable and secured payments report      
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG        
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17 Period ending 31-Jan-17        
In the space below list all invoices or bills incurred and not paid since the filing of the petition.  Do not include amounts owed prior to filing the petition.  In the alternative, a computer generated list of payables may be attached provided all information requested below is included.      
Date incurred Days outstanding Vendor Description Amount        
Total amount        $Nil  ( b )      
☐ Check here if pre-petition debts have been paid.  Attach an explanation and copies of supporting         
Accounts payable reconciliation (post petition unsecured debt only)      
Opening Balance    $Nil  ( a )        
PLUS: New indebtedness incurred this month            
MINUS: Amount paid on post petition            
Accounts payable this month  $                                                 -             
PLUS/MINUS: adjustments   $                                                 -    *        
End of month balance    $Nil  ( c )        
*For any adjustments or Write-offs provide explanation and supporting documentation, if applicable:        
Secured payments report      
List the status of Payments to Secured Creditors and Lessors (Post Petition Only).   If you have entered into a       
modification agreement with a secured creditor/lessor, consult with your attorney and the United States Trustee     
Program prior to completing this section).            
Secured Creditor / Date Payment Due This Month Amount Paid This Month Number of Post Petitition Total Amount of Post Petitiion
Lessor       Payments Delinquent Payments Delinquent  
None      $                                                 -             
TOTAL      $Nil  (d)        
(a)This number is carried forward from last month’s report.  For the first report only, this number will be       
    the balance as of the petition date.            
(b, c) The total of line (b) must equal line (c).            
(d) This number is reported in the “Current Month” column of Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements (Page MOR-2, Line 5N).    




Attachment 3        
Inventory and Fixed Assets Report        
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC   Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG        
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17        
INVENTORY REPORT                  
  Inventory Balance at Beginning of Month  $Nil  (a)        
     PLUS: Inventory Purchased During Month            
     MINUS: Inventory Used or Sold            
     PLUS/MINUS: Adjustments or Write-downs   *        
  Inventory on Hand at End of Month  $Nil           
METHOD OF COSTING INVENTORY:                                                                                      No inventory          
*For any adjustments or write-downs provide explanation and supporting documentation, if applicable.    
  Less than 6 6 months to Greater than Considered Total Inventory        
  months old 2 years old 2 years old Obsolete          
           = 100%        
* Aging Percentages must equal 100%.              
☐    Check here if inventory contains perishable items.          
Description of Obsolete Inventory:                                                                                                            
FIXED ASSET REPORT                
FIXED ASSETS FAIR MARKET VALUE AT PETITION DATE:  $   218,023,300.00 (b)        
(Includes Property, Plant and Equipment)            
BRIEF DESCRIPTION (First Report Only):                                                                                                      
Fixed Asset Book Value at Beginning of Month  $        2,845,874.35 (a)(b)        
MINUS:  Depreciation Expense              
PLUS:  New Purchases                
PLUS/MINUS: Adjustments or Write-downs  $              (2,245.60) *        
Ending Monthly Balance    $        2,843,628.75          
*For any adjustments or write-downs, provide explanation and supporting documentation, if applicable.    
Note to reader - this adjustment relates to physical "lumps of coal" sold as souvenirs through our merchandise retail operations
No purchases or disposals during the reporting period.          
(a)This number is carried forward from last month’s report.  For the first report only, this number will be the       
    balance as of the petition date.              
(b)Fair Market Value is the amount at which fixed assets could be sold under current economic conditions.       
    Book Value is the cost of the fixed assets minus accumulated depreciation and other adjustments.      




Attachment 4A
Monthly summary of bank activity - operating account
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG  
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17  
Attach a copy of current month bank statement and bank reconciliation to this Summary of Bank Activity.  A standard bank reconciliation form can be found at http://www.usdoj.gov/ust/r21/reg_info.htm.  If bank accounts other than the three required by the United States Trustee Program are necessary, permission must be obtained from the United States Trustee prior to opening the accounts.  Additionally, use of less than the three required bank accounts must be approved by the United States Trustee.
Name of bank Bank of America Merrill Lynch Branch NOT APPLICABLE  
Account name RMS Titanic Inc. Account number 3340 3707 4069  
Purpose of account: OPERATING - TRUST ACCOUNT      
Ending balance per bank statement    $          534,118.35  
Plus total amount of outstanding deposits    $                    90.73  
Minus: total amount of outstanding checks and other debits   *
Minus: service charges      $                           -     
End of month balance      $          534,209.08 ** ( a )
* Debit cards are used by None      
** If Closing Balance is negative, provide explanation: None    
The following disbursements were paid in Cash (do not includes items reported as Petty Cash on Attachment
 4D: ( ☐ Check here if cash disbursements were authorized by United States Trustee)  
Date Amount Payee Purpose Reason for Cash Disbursement
“Total Amount of Outstanding Checks and other debits”, listed above, includes:  
  None Transferred to Payroll Account    
  None Transferred to Tax Account    
(a) The total of this line on Attachment 4A, 4B and 4C plus the total of 4D must equal the amount reported as 
“Ending Balance” on Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements (Page MOR-2, Line 7).  


Attachment 5A
Check register - operating account
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG  
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17  
Name of bank Bank of America Merrill Lynch Branch NOT APPLICABLE  
Account name RMS Titanic Inc. Account number 3340 3707 4069  
Purpose of account: OPERATING - TRUST ACCOUNT      
Account for all disbursements, including voids, lost checks, stop payments, etc.  In the alternative, a computer generated check register can be attached to this report, provided all the information requested below is included.
Date Check number Payee Purpose Amount  
None        $                             -     
Total        $Nil   


Attachment 4B    
Monthly summary of bank activity - payroll account    
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC   Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG    
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17      
Attach a copy of current month bank statement and bank reconciliation to this Summary of Bank    
Activity.  A standard bank reconciliation form can be found at       
Name of bank None   Branch None      
Account name None   Account number None      
Purpose of account: PAYROLL          
Ending balance per bank statement      $Nil     
Plus total amount of outstanding deposits    $                                      -       
Minus: total amount of outstanding checks and other debits   *  
Minus: service charges        $                                      -       
End of month balance        $Nil  ** ( a )  
* Debit cards are used by None          
** If Closing Balance is negative, provide explanation: None      
The following disbursements were paid in Cash:  ( ☐ Check here if cash disbursements were authorized 
by United States Trustee)            
Date Amount Payee Purpose Reason for Cash Disbursement    
The following non-payroll disbursements were made from this account:      
Date Amount Payee Purpose Reason for Cash Disbursement    
(a) The total of this line on Attachment 4A, 4B and 4C plus the total of 4D must equal the amount reported as   
“Ending Balance” on Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements (Page MOR-2, Line 7).     


Attachment 5B
Check register - payroll account
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC   Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17  
Name of bank None   Branch None  
Account name None   Account number None  
Purpose of account: PAYROLL      
Account for all disbursements, including voids, lost checks, stop payments, etc.  In the 
alternative, a computer generated check register can beattached to this report, provided all the
information requested below is included.    
Date Check Number Payee Purpose Amount
None          $                                      -   
TOTAL          $Nil 


Attachment 4C    
Monthly Summary of Bank Activity - Tax Account    
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC   Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG    
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17      
Attach a copy of current month bank statement and bank reconciliation to this Summary of Bank    
Activity.  A standard bank reconciliation form can be found at       
Name of bank None   Branch None      
Account name None   Account number None      
Purpose of account: TAX          
Ending balance per bank statement      $Nil     
Plus total amount of outstanding deposits    $                                      -       
Minus: total amount of outstanding checks and other debits   *  
Minus: service charges        $                                      -       
Ending balance per Check Register      $Nil  ** ( a )  
* Debit cards are used by None          
** If Closing Balance is negative, provide explanation: None      
The following disbursements were paid in Cash:  ( ☐ Check here if cash disbursements were authorized 
by United States Trustee)            
Date Amount Payee Purpose Reason for Cash Disbursement    
The following non-payroll disbursements were made from this account:      
Date Amount Payee Purpose Reason for Cash Disbursement    
(a) The total of this line on Attachment 4A, 4B and 4C plus the total of 4D must equal the amount reported as   
“Ending Balance” on Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements (Page MOR-2, Line 7).     


Attachment 5B  
Check register - tax account  
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC   Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG  
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17    
Name of bank None   Branch None    
Account name None   Account number None    
Purpose of account: TAX          
Account for all disbursements, including voids, lost checks, stop payments, etc.  In the   
alternative, a computer generated check register can beattached to this report, provided all the  
information requested below is included.        
Date Check Number Payee Purpose Amount  
TOTAL          $Nil  (d)
  Payroll Taxes Paid      $Nil  (a)
  Sales & Use Taxes Paid      $Nil  (b)
  Other Taxes Paid      $Nil  (c)
  TOTAL        $Nil  (d)
(a) This number is reported in the “Current Month” column of Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements 
(Page MOR-2 Line 5O)          
(b) This number is reported in the “Current Month” column of Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements 
(Page MOR-2 Line 5P)          
(c) This number is reported in the “Current Month” column of Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements 
(Page MOR-2 Line 5Q)          
(d) These two lines must be equal.        


Attachment 4D  
Investment accounts and petty cash report  
Investment accounts         
Each savings and investment account, i.e. certificates of deposits, money market accounts, stocks and bonds, etc., should be listed separately.  Attach copies of account statements.  
Type of Negotiable          
Instrument        Face Value Purchase Price Date of Purchase Current Market Value  
TOTAL        $Nil  (a)
Petty Cash Report  
The following Petty Cash Drawers/Accounts are maintained:    
  (Column 2) (Column 3) (Column 4)    
Location of  Box/Account Maximum amount of cash in Drawer/Acct Amount of petty cash on hand at end of month Difference between (Column 2) and(Column 3)    
None      $                                     -       
Total    $Nil   ( b )     
For any Petty Cash Disbursements over $100 per transaction, attach copies of receipts.  If 
there are no receipts, provide an explanation.      
(c) The total of this line on Attachment 4A, 4B and 4C plus the total of 4D must equal the   
    amount reported as “Ending Balance” on Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements (Page   
    MOR-2, Line 7).          


Attachment 6
Monthly tax report
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC   Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17  
Report all unpaid post-petition taxes including Federal and State withholding FICA, State sales tax, property tax, unemployment tax, State workmen's compensation, etc. 
Name of taxing authority Date payment due Description Amount Date last tax return filed Tax return period
Total     $Nil    


Attachment 7
Summary of Officer or Owner Compensation
Summary of personnel and insurance coverages
Name of Debtor: RMS TITANIC, INC Case Number: 3:16-bk-02230-PMG  
Reporting period beginning 1-Jan-17   Period ending 31-Jan-17  
 Report all forms of compensation received by or paid on behalf of the Officer or Owner during the month.  Include car allowances, payments to retirement plans, loan repayments, payments of Officer/Owner’s personal expenses, insurance premium payments, etc.  Do not include reimbursement for business expenses Officer or Owner incurred and for which detailed receipts are maintained in the accounting records.
Name of officer or owner Title Payment description Amount paid    
Total     $Nil    
      Full time Part time  
Number of employees at beginning of period  None    
Number hired during the period   None    
Number terminated or resigned during period None    
Number of employees on payroll at end of period None    
List all policies of insurance in effect, including but not limited to workers' compensation, liability, fire, theft, comprehensive, vehicle, health and life.  For the first report, attach a copy of the declaration sheet for each type of insurance.  For subsequent reports, attach a certificate of insurance for any policy in which a change occurs during the month (new carrier, increased policy limits, renewal, etc.).
No changes          
The following lapse in insurance coverage occurred this month:    
Policy Type Date Lapsed Date Reinstated Reason for Lapse
¨ Check here if U. S. Trustee has been listed as Certificate Holder for all insurance policies.


Attachment 8  
Significant Developments During Reporting Period  
 Information to be provided on this page, includes, but is not limited to: (1) financial transactions that are not reported on this report, such as the sale of real estate (attach closing statement); (2) non-financial transactions, such as the substitution of assets or collateral; (3) modifications to loan agreements; (4) change in senior management, etc.   Attach any relevant documents.
We anticipate filing a Plan of Reorganization and Disclosure Statement on or before 10-Apr-17    


RMS Titanic, Inc.  
Per MOR-3  
(Unaudited) Balance Sheet  
(Unaudited) Profit and Loss Statement  
RMS Titanic, Inc.  
Per MOR-7  
Bank reconciliation form – Bank of America *4069
Account statement – Bank of America *4069




      Month January   Year 2016        
  Account No. * 4069              Account Name Bank of America - RMS Titanic Inc.  
Bank Balance shown on Bank Statement      $      534,209.08   Your transaction register balance  $             534,118.35
Add (+)               Add (+)      
Deposits not shown on Bank Statement         Other credits shown on the bank  
                statement but not in transaction register  
Total            $      534,209.08          
                Add (+)      
Subtract (-)             Interest paid on bank statement  $                       90.73
Checks and other items outstanding but not                 
paid on Bank Statement             Total       $             534,209.08
Number Amount Number Amount         Subtract (-)      
  $   $         Other debits shown on bank statement  
                but not in transaction register  
                Number Amount    
                Bank charges 0    
      Total Subtractions    $                       -        Total Subtractions  $                              -   
      Balance      $      534,209.08     Balance    $             534,209.08