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Washington, D.C. 20549

(Rule 14a-101)



Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.          )

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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o

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Preliminary Proxy Statement



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Definitive Proxy Statement



Definitive Additional Materials



Soliciting Material under §240.14a-12



(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

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    (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
    (3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
    (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
    (5)   Total fee paid:



Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.



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    (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
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Watts Water Technologies, Inc.
April 1, 2016

Dear Stockholder:

        It is my pleasure to invite you to attend our 2016 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, which will be held on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at our principal executive offices located at 815 Chestnut Street, North Andover, Massachusetts 01845. On the pages following this letter you will find the notice of our 2016 Annual Meeting, which lists the business matters to be considered at the meeting, and the proxy statement, which describes the business matters listed in the notice. Following completion of the scheduled business at the 2016 Annual Meeting, we will report on our operations and answer questions from stockholders.

        Whether or not you plan to attend the 2016 Annual Meeting, your vote is important and we encourage you to vote promptly. You may vote your shares by mailing a completed proxy card or, if your proxy card or other instruction form so indicates, by telephone or over the Internet.

        We hope that you will be able to join us at the 2016 Annual Meeting.




President and Chief Executive Officer

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815 Chestnut Street
North Andover, MA 01845


To Be Held on May 18, 2016

To the Stockholders of
Watts Water Technologies, Inc.

        Notice is hereby given that the 2016 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Watts Water Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation, will be held at our principal executive offices located at 815 Chestnut Street, North Andover, Massachusetts 01845, on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., local time, for the following purposes:

    To elect the nine directors named in the proxy statement to our Board of Directors, each to hold office until our 2017 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until such director's successor is duly elected and qualified; and

    To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016.

        The stockholders will also consider and act upon any other matters that may properly come before the Annual Meeting.

        Only stockholders of record at the close of business on March 28, 2016 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any continuation, adjournment or postponement thereof.

    By Order of the Board of Directors




General Counsel,
Executive Vice President
and Secretary

North Andover, Massachusetts
April 1, 2016

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Information About this Proxy Statement


Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be Held on May 18, 2016


Information About Voting


Quorum; Required Votes; Abstentions and Broker Non-Votes


Solicitation of Proxies


Other Business to be Considered




Information as to Nominees for Director


Director Compensation




Our Commitment to Good Corporate Governance


Role of Our Board of Directors


Performance of Our Board and Committees


Business Ethics and Compliance


Director Independence


Horne Family Board Participation


Corporate Governance Guidelines


Executive Sessions


Communications with the Board


Annual Meeting Attendance


Committees of the Board


Director Candidates


Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation


Restrictions on Hedging and Pledging Transactions


Certain Relationships and Related Transactions






Overview of Compensation Programs


Executive Summary


Compensation Philosophy




Elements of Compensation


Compensation Recovery Policy


Employment Agreements


Post-Termination Compensation and Change in Control Arrangements


Stock Ownership Guidelines


Impact of Regulatory Requirements




Compensation Summary


Grants of Plan-Based Awards


Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End


Option Exercises and Stock Vested


Pension Benefits


Nonqualified Deferred Compensation


Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control





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May 18, 2016



        Our 2016 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., local time, at our principal executive offices located at 815 Chestnut Street, North Andover, Massachusetts 01845. For directions to our principal executive offices, please visit the Annual Meeting page on our website at http://www.wattswater.com/annualmeeting. If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting, please contact Kenneth Lepage, our corporate Secretary, by telephone at (978) 688-1811 or by sending a written request for information addressed to Kenneth Lepage at our principal executive offices.

Information About this Proxy Statement

        You have received this proxy statement because the Board of Directors of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. (which we also refer to as Watts or the Company) is soliciting your proxy to vote your shares at the 2016 Annual Meeting and at any continuation, adjournment or postponement of the 2016 Annual Meeting. This proxy statement includes information that we are required to provide to you under the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and is designed to assist you in voting your shares. Only stockholders of record at the close of business on March 28, 2016 are entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.

        We are mailing this proxy statement and the accompanying proxy on or about April 1, 2016 to our stockholders of record as of March 28, 2016. We are also mailing our Annual Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 to such stockholders concurrently with this proxy statement. Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 is available on our website at http://www.wattswater.com. If you are a stockholder and would like a copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K or any of its exhibits sent to you, we will send it to you without charge. Please address all such requests to Kenneth Lepage at our principal executive offices.

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be Held on May 18, 2016

        The proxy statement and annual report to security holders are available at http://www.wattswater.com/annualmeeting.

Information About Voting

        Each share of our class A common stock, par value $0.10 per share, outstanding on the record date is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted, and each share of our class B common stock, par value $0.10 per share, outstanding on the record date is entitled to ten votes on each matter submitted. As of the close of business on March 28, 2016, there were outstanding and entitled to vote 27,809,269 shares of class A common stock and 6,379,290 shares of class B common stock.

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Stockholders of Record

        Stockholders of record may vote in person at the Annual Meeting or by proxy. There are three ways to vote by proxy:

    By telephone—Stockholders of record located in the United States and Canada can vote by calling the toll-free telephone number listed on the proxy card and following the instructions on the proxy card;

    By Internet—Stockholders of record can vote over the Internet by visiting the website listed on the proxy card and following the instructions on the proxy card; or

    By mail—Stockholders of record may vote by mail by signing, dating and mailing the enclosed proxy card and returning it in the enclosed prepaid envelope.

If a choice is specified in a proxy, shares represented by that proxy will be voted in accordance with such choice. If no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted "FOR" the election of each of the nine nominees for director named in this proxy statement and "FOR" the ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP.

        You may revoke or change your proxy at any time before it is exercised by (i) delivering to us a signed proxy card with a date later than that of your previously delivered proxy, (ii) voting in person at the Annual Meeting, (iii) granting a subsequent proxy through the Internet or by telephone, or (iv) sending a written revocation to our corporate Secretary at our principal executive offices. Attending the Annual Meeting will not revoke your proxy unless you specifically request that your proxy be revoked by sending a written revocation to our corporate Secretary before the proxy is exercised or you vote in person at the Annual Meeting.

Beneficial Owners

        If you are a beneficial owner and your shares are held in "street name" by a bank, broker or other holder of record, you will receive instructions from the holder of record as to how to vote your shares. You will need to follow the instructions of the holder of record in order to vote your shares. Many banks and brokers offer the option of voting over the Internet or by telephone, instructions for which would be provided by your bank or broker on a voting instruction form. If your shares are not registered in your own name and you plan to vote your shares in person at the Annual Meeting, you must contact your broker or agent to obtain a legal proxy or broker's proxy card and bring it to the Annual Meeting in order to vote.

Quorum; Required Votes; Abstentions and Broker Non-Votes

        The presence, in person or by proxy, of a majority of the voting power of the outstanding shares of class A common stock and class B common stock entitled to be cast at the Annual Meeting is necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting. A "broker non-vote" occurs when a bank, broker or other nominee holder has not received voting instructions with respect to a particular matter and the nominee holder does not have discretionary authority to vote on that matter. A nominee holder has discretionary authority under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE, to vote street name shares on the ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm, even if the nominee holder does not receive voting instructions from the beneficial owners, but will not have discretionary authority to vote on the election of directors.


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Election of Directors

        Under our by-laws, directors are elected by plurality vote. This means that the nine director nominees receiving the highest number of affirmative votes will be elected as directors (Proposal 1). You may vote for all of the director nominees, withhold your vote from all of the director nominees or withhold your vote from any one or more of the director nominees. Votes that are withheld and broker non-votes will not be included in the vote tally for the election of directors and will have no effect on the results of the vote.

Ratification of the Appointment of Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

        Under our by-laws, the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the votes present or represented at the Annual Meeting and entitled to be cast will be required for the ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm (Proposal 2). If you submit a proxy or attend the meeting but choose to abstain from voting on this proposal, you will be considered present at the meeting and entitled to vote on such proposal. As a result, an abstention will have the same effect as if you had voted against such proposal. Because brokers have discretionary authority under NYSE rules to vote street name shares on Proposal 2, we do not expect any broker non-votes in connection with this proposal.

Solicitation of Proxies

        We will bear the expenses of preparing, printing and assembling the materials used in the solicitation of proxies. In addition to the solicitation of proxies by use of the mail or the Internet, we may also use the services of some of our officers and employees (who will receive no compensation for such services in addition to their regular salaries) to solicit proxies personally and by telephone and email. Brokerage houses, nominees, fiduciaries and other custodians will be requested to forward solicitation materials to the beneficial owners of shares held of record by them, and we will reimburse them for their reasonable expenses.

Other Business to be Considered

        Our management does not know of any business other than the matters set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and described above that will be presented for consideration at the Annual Meeting. If any other business should properly come before the Annual Meeting, the proxies will be voted in accordance with the direction of the proxy holders. Each of the persons appointed by the enclosed form of proxy present and acting at the meeting, in person or by substitute, may exercise all of the powers and authority of the proxies in accordance with their judgment.


        Our Board has nominated each of the nine individuals named below for election as a director. If elected, each nominee will serve until our 2017 Annual Meeting and until such director's successor has been duly elected and qualified. Proxies will be voted for each of the nominees named below unless otherwise specified in the proxy. All of the nominees are currently members of our Board and were elected by our stockholders at the 2015 Annual Meeting, except for Christopher L. Conway, who was elected to our Board on June 2, 2015, and Joseph W. Reitmeier, who was elected to our Board on February 10, 2016. Management does not contemplate that any of the nominees will be unable to serve or for good cause will not serve, but in that event, proxies solicited hereby may be voted for a substitute nominee designated by our Board or our Board may choose to reduce the number of directors serving on the Board. In accordance with the Board's retirement age policy, current Board member John K. McGillicuddy is not standing for reelection at the 2016 Annual Meeting and the


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number of directors will be reduced by resolution of the Board to nine at the time of the 2016 Annual Meeting.

        Our Board of Directors recommends that stockholders vote FOR the election of each nominee as a director of Watts Water Technologies, Inc.

Information as to Nominees for Director

        Set forth below are the names of the nominees for our Board of Directors, their ages, principal occupations for at least the past five years, the years they originally became members of our Board of Directors and certain other information. The information provided below is current as of February 1, 2016 except for the ages of the nominees, which are current as of May 18, 2016, the date of our 2016 Annual Meeting.

  Age   Present Principal Employment and Prior Business Experience   Director Since  

Robert L. Ayers

    70   Mr. Ayers was Senior Vice President of ITT Industries and President of ITT Industries Fluid Technology from October 1999 until September 2005. Mr. Ayers continued to be employed by ITT Industries from September 2005 until his retirement in September 2006, during which time he focused on special projects for the company. ITT Industries Fluid Technology manufactured a broad range of pumps, mixers, controls and treatment systems. Mr. Ayers joined ITT Industries in 1998 as President of ITT Industries Industrial Pump Group. Mr. Ayers served as a member of the Board of Directors of T-3 Energy Services, Inc., a provider of oil field products and services, from August 2007 to January 2011.     2006  


Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Ayers' skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his extensive international, channel management, operations and sales and marketing experience with manufacturing companies in the fluid control industry.


Bernard Baert




Mr. Baert served as Senior Vice President and President, Europe and International of PolyOne Corporation from January 2010 until his retirement in April 2012. Mr. Baert served as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Color and Engineered Materials—Europe and Asia for PolyOne Corporation from 2006 to December 2009 and as Vice President and General Manager, Color and Engineered Materials—Europe and Asia from 2000 to 2006. From 1995 to September 2000, Mr. Baert was General Manager, Color—Europe for M.A. Hanna Company, the predecessor to PolyOne Corporation. PolyOne Corporation is a worldwide provider of specialty polymer materials, services and solutions. Prior to joining M.A. Hanna, Mr. Baert was General Manager, Europe for Hexcel Corporation and spent 17 years with Owens Corning where he served as a plant manager and held various positions in the areas of cost control and production.





Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Baert's skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his extensive general management and manufacturing experience, international experience, particularly in Europe, and his experience executing and integrating acquisitions in Europe, Asia and South America.



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  Age   Present Principal Employment and Prior Business Experience   Director Since  

Richard J. Cathcart




Mr. Cathcart was Vice Chairman and a member of the Board of Directors of Pentair, Inc. from February 2005 until his retirement in September 2007. Mr. Cathcart served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Pentair's Water Technologies Group from January 2001 until February 2005. Mr. Cathcart also served as Executive Vice President and President of Pentair's Water Technologies Group from February 1996 to January 2001 and as Executive Vice President, Corporate Development from March 1995 to February 1996. Pentair is a diversified manufacturing company. Pentair's Water Technologies Group provided products and systems used in the movement, storage, treatment and enjoyment of water. Mr. Cathcart is also a member of the Board of Directors of Fluidra S.A., an international manufacturer of accessories and products for swimming pools, irrigation, and water treatment and purification systems.





Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Cathcart's skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his familiarity with our industry stemming from his service as an operating executive with an international manufacturing company in the fluid control industry, his strategic planning expertise and his extensive international experience as a business executive and as a board member of a public company based in Europe.


Christopher L. Conway




Mr. Conway is currently President and Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of CLARCOR Inc. Mr. Conway has been employed by CLARCOR or its affiliates since 2006, when he was named Vice President of Manufacturing of Baldwin Filters, Inc., an affiliate of CLARCOR. In September 2007, Mr. Conway was promoted to the position of President of Facet USA,  Inc., another affiliate of CLARCOR. He was then named President of CLARCOR's PECOFacet division in December 2007 and continued in that role until being named as President and Chief Operating Officer of CLARCOR in May 2010. In December 2011, Mr. Conway assumed the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of CLARCOR. CLARCOR is a diversified marketer and manufacturer of mobile, industrial and environmental filtration products sold in domestic and international markets. Prior to joining CLARCOR or its affiliates, Mr. Conway served for two years as the Chief Operating Officer of Cortron Corporation, Inc., a small manufacturing start-up based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr. Conway also served for seven years in various management positions at Pentair, Inc., an international provider of products, services, and solutions for its customers' diverse needs in water and other fluids, thermal management, and equipment protection.





Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Conway's skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his extensive operational and management experience as a chief executive officer of an international manufacturing company.



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  Age   Present Principal Employment and Prior Business Experience   Director Since  

W. Craig Kissel




Mr. Kissel is the Chairperson of our Board of Directors. Mr. Kissel previously was employed by American Standard Companies Inc. from 1980 until his retirement in September 2008. American Standard was a leading global supplier of air conditioning and heating systems, vehicle control systems and bathroom china and faucet-ware. During his time at American Standard, Mr. Kissel served as President of Trane Commercial Systems from 2004 to 2008, President of WABCO Vehicle Control Systems from 1998 to 2003, President of the Trane North American Unitary Products Group from 1994 to 1997, Vice President of Marketing of the Trane North American Unitary Products Group from 1992 to 1994 and held various other management positions at Trane from 1980 to 1991. From 2001 to 2008, Mr. Kissel served as Chairman of American Standard's Corporate Ethics and Integrity Council, which was responsible for developing the company's ethical business standards. Mr. Kissel also served in the U.S. Navy from 1973 to 1978. Mr. Kissel has served as a director of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company since May 2009. Chicago Bridge & Iron Company engineers and constructs some of the world's largest energy infrastructure projects.





Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Kissel's skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his experience managing manufacturing businesses, his familiarity with commercial and residential construction markets, international experience, product management and distribution experience, and his experience developing ethical business standards at American Standard.


Joseph T. Noonan




Mr. Noonan has served as Chief Executive Officer of Homespun Design, Inc. since November 2013. Homespun Design is a start-up phase online retailer of American-made furniture and design founded by Mr. Noonan. Mr. Noonan previously worked as an independent digital strategy consultant from November 2012 to November 2013. Mr. Noonan was employed by Wayfair LLC from April 2008 to November 2012. During his time at Wayfair, Mr. Noonan served as Senior Director of Wayfair International from June 2011 to November 2012, Director of Category Management and Merchandising from February 2009 to June 2011 and Manager of Wayfair's Business-to-Business Division from April 2008 to February 2009. Wayfair is an online retailer of home furnishings, décor and home improvement products. Prior to joining Wayfair, Mr. Noonan worked as a venture capitalist at Polaris Partners and as an investment banker at Cowen & Company.





Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Noonan's skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his extensive background in e-commerce, acquisition and business integration experience, and his unique perspective as a member of the Horne family.



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  Age   Present Principal Employment and Prior Business Experience   Director Since  

Robert J. Pagano, Jr.




Mr. Pagano has served as Chief Executive Officer and President of our Company since May 2014. He also served as interim Chief Financial Officer from October 2014 to April 2015. Mr. Pagano previously served as Senior Vice President of ITT Corporation and President, ITT Industrial Process from April 2009 to May 2014. Mr. Pagano originally joined ITT in 1997 and served in several additional management roles during his career at ITT, including as Vice President Finance, Corporate Controller, and President of Industrial Products. ITT Corporation is a diversified manufacturer of highly engineered critical components and customized technology solutions for the energy, transportation and industrial markets. Prior to joining ITT, Mr. Pagano worked at KPMG LLP. Mr. Pagano is a Certified Public Accountant.





Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Pagano's skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his extensive experience as an operating executive with an international manufacturing company and his depth of knowledge about our Company and our industry.


Merilee Raines




Ms. Raines served as Chief Financial Officer of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. from October 2003 until her retirement in May 2013. Ms. Raines also served as Executive Vice President of IDEXX from July 2012 until her retirement in May 2013. Prior to becoming Chief Financial Officer, Ms. Raines held several management positions with IDEXX, including Corporate Vice President of Finance, Vice President and Treasurer of Finance, Director of Finance, and Controller. IDEXX Laboratories develops, manufactures and distributes diagnostic and information technology based products and services for companion animal, livestock, poultry, water quality and food safety, and human point-of-care diagnostics. Ms. Raines is a member of the Board of Directors of Aratana Therapeutics, Inc., a pet therapeutics company focused on licensing, developing and commercializing biopharmaceutical products for companion animals. Ms. Raines is also a member of the Board of Directors of Affymetrix, Inc., a provider of life science and molecular diagnostic products that enable analysis of biological systems at the gene, protein and cell level.





Skills and Qualifications.    Ms. Raines' skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include her extensive financial and accounting experience with a similarly sized international manufacturing company.



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  Age   Present Principal Employment and Prior Business Experience   Director Since  

Joseph W. Reitmeier




Mr. Reitmeier has served as Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Lennox International Inc. since July 2012. Mr. Reitmeier had served as Vice President of Finance for the LII Commercial business segment of Lennox International from 2007 to July 2012 and as Director of Internal Audit from 2005 to 2007. Lennox International is a leading global provider of climate control solutions, and it designs, manufactures and markets a broad range of products for the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration markets. Before joining Lennox International, Mr. Reitmeier held financial leadership roles at Cummins Inc. and PolyOne Corporation.





Skills and Qualifications.    Mr. Reitmeier's skills and qualifications to serve on our Board include his extensive financial and accounting experience with a large international manufacturing company.


Director Compensation

        Our non-employee directors are compensated for their service as directors. During 2015, our Chief Executive Officer, Robert J. Pagano, Jr., was the only member of our Board of Directors who was an employee of Watts, and he did not receive any additional compensation for his service as a director. Our current compensation arrangements for non-employee directors were set in July 2014, informed by a comprehensive competitive analysis of non-employee director compensation performed for the Compensation Committee by Pearl Meyer & Partners. Set forth below is a summary of the current annual compensation arrangements for our non-employee directors.

Annual cash retainer:

  $ 70,000  

Additional annual retainer for the Chairman of the Board of Directors:

  $ 60,000  

Additional annual retainer for the Chairman of the Audit Committee:

  $ 20,000  

Additional annual retainer for the Chairman of the Compensation Committee:

  $ 15,000  

Additional annual retainer for the Chairman of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee:

  $ 12,500  

Value of annual grant of class A common stock:

  $ 100,000  

        We also reimburse non-employee directors for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with attending Board and committee meetings and for fees and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses for their attendance at director education seminars and programs they attend at the request of the Board. Non-employee directors do not receive any additional compensation for attendance at Board or committee meetings.

        Our Board typically approves grants of stock awards to non-employee directors at its first quarterly meeting following the election of directors at our Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Such awards are not subject to vesting or any other conditions or restrictions. We have adopted the practice that the number of shares awarded to our non-employee directors is determined using a twelve-month trailing average stock price. The twelve-month trailing average stock price used to determine the number of shares granted to our non-employee Board members on July 28, 2015 was $57.87, which resulted in a grant of 1,728 shares of class A common stock to each of Messrs. Ayers, Baert, Burnes, Cathcart, Conway, Kissel, McGillicuddy and Noonan and Ms. Raines.

        We have instituted a program under which our non-employee directors may defer receipt of their annual grant of shares of class A common stock. If any dividends are paid on our class A common


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stock during the period in which the stock is deferred, the non-employee director is credited with cash in the amount he or she would have received if the shares had been issued and held by the director at the time the dividend was paid. The accrued dividends will be distributed, without interest, in cash at the time that the stock is issued to the director at the end of the deferral period chosen by such director. Messrs. Ayers, Baert, Cathcart and McGillicuddy and Ms. Raines elected to defer receipt of their 2015 stock awards.

        Our non-employee directors are subject to stock ownership guidelines. These guidelines stipulate that each non-employee director should own shares of our class A common stock with a market value of at least $180,000. It is expected that this ownership level will generally be achieved within a three-year period beginning when a director is first elected to the Board. For purposes of determining a director's compliance with these ownership guidelines, any deferred shares are considered held by the director. The Compensation Committee reviews each non-employee director's compliance with these guidelines on an annual basis. Compliance is typically measured based on stock ownership as of the last day of the second quarter. At the end of the second quarter of 2015, all of our non-employee directors who had been members of our Board for three or more years were in compliance with our stock ownership guidelines.

        The following table contains information on compensation for the non-employee members of our Board of Directors during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015.


  Fees Earned or
Paid in




Robert L. Ayers

    82,500     85,519     168,019  


Bernard Baert

    70,000     85,519     155,519  


Kennett F. Burnes (2)

    35,000     0     35,000  


Richard J. Cathcart

    85,000     85,519     170,519  


Christopher L. Conway (3)

    35,000     85,519     120,519  


W. Craig Kissel

    130,000     85,519     215,519  


John K. McGillicuddy

    70,000     85,519     155,519  


Joseph T. Noonan

    70,000     85,519     155,519  


Merilee Raines

    90,000     85,519     175,519  

The amounts in this column reflect the grant date fair value of the stock awards granted during 2015 determined in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718. A discussion of the assumptions used in calculating the amounts in this column may be found in Note 13 to our audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 29, 2016. The amounts reflected in this column for Messrs. Ayers, Baert, Cathcart and McGillicuddy and Ms. Raines were deferred under our non-employee director stock deferral program described above. The number of shares granted to each non-employee director on July 28, 2015 was determined using a twelve-month trailing average stock price of $57.87. The grant date fair value of the each share awarded on July 28, 2015 was $49.49, which resulted in a total grant date fair value of less than $100,000.


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Mr. Burnes retired from our Board at our 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and thus served as a member of our Board for only two quarters during 2015.

Mr. Conway was elected as a member of our Board on June 2, 2015 and thus served as a member of our Board for only two full quarters during 2015.


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Our Commitment to Good Corporate Governance

        We believe that good corporate governance and an environment of the highest ethical standards are important for us to achieve business success and to create value for our stockholders. Our Board is committed to high governance standards and continually works to improve them. We periodically review our corporate governance policies and practices and compare them to those suggested by various authorities on corporate governance and employed by other public companies. We also review guidance and interpretations provided from time to time by the SEC and the NYSE and consider changes to our corporate governance policies and practices in light of such guidance and interpretations.

Role of Our Board of Directors

        Our Board monitors overall corporate performance and the integrity of our financial controls and legal compliance procedures. It appoints executive officers and oversees succession planning and our executive officers' performance and compensation. Our Board oversees the development of fundamental operating, financial and other corporate plans, strategies and objectives, and conducts a year-long process which culminates in Board review and approval each year of a business plan, a capital expenditures budget and other key financial and business objectives.

        Members of our Board keep informed about our business through discussions with our Chief Executive Officer and other members of our senior management team, by reviewing materials provided to them on a regular basis and in preparation for Board and committee meetings and by participating in meetings of the Board and its committees. We regularly review key portions of our business with the Board, and we introduce our executives to the Board so that the Board can become familiar with our key employees. In addition, we hold periodic strategy sessions between members of senior management and the Board, during which members of the senior management team provide in-depth reviews of various aspects of our business operations and discuss our strategy with respect to such operations.

        In 2015, our Board met seven times and each incumbent director who was a member of our Board during 2015 attended at least 75% of the total number of meetings of the Board and all committees of the Board on which the director served.

The Role of our Board in Risk Oversight

        The Board's role in our risk oversight process includes receiving regular reports from members of senior management on areas of material risk to Watts, including operational, financial, legal and regulatory, strategic and reputational risks. The full Board (or the appropriate committee in the case of risks that are under the purview of a particular committee) receives these reports from senior management to enable it to understand our risk identification, risk management and risk mitigation processes and strategies. When a committee receives a report on a particular risk, the chairman of the relevant committee reports on the committee's discussion of such risk to the full Board during the next full Board meeting. This enables the Board and its committees to coordinate the risk oversight role. As part of its charter, the Audit Committee discusses the guidelines and policies that govern the process by which our exposure to risk is assessed and managed by management. The Board does not believe that its role in the oversight of our risks affects the Board's leadership structure.

Board Leadership Structure

        We separate the roles of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board in recognition of the differences between the two roles. Our Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the operational management of Watts, providing day-to-day leadership and managing our performance. The Chairman


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of the Board provides guidance to our Chief Executive Officer, works with our Chief Executive Officer to set the agenda for Board meetings and presides over meetings of the full Board, including executive sessions of the non-management and independent directors.

Performance of Our Board and Committees

        Our Board considers it important to continually evaluate and improve its effectiveness and that of its committees. Our Board and each of its standing committees conduct annual self-evaluations. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee oversees our Board's self-evaluation process. The results of each committee's annual self-evaluation are reported to the full Board.

Business Ethics and Compliance

        We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct applicable to all officers, employees and Board members worldwide. The Code of Business Conduct is posted in the "Investor Relations" section of our website at http://www.wattswater.com. Any amendments to, or waivers of, the Code of Business Conduct which apply to our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Controller or any person performing similar functions will be disclosed on our website within four business days of the date of such amendment or waiver.

Director Independence

        As of February 1, 2016, members of the Horne family beneficially owned 6,329,290 shares of our class B common stock that are subject to The George B. Horne Voting Trust Agreement—1997. These shares represent 69.2% of our total outstanding voting power. As trustee of The George B. Horne Voting Trust Agreement—1997, Timothy P. Horne has sole power to vote all of the shares subject to the trust and effectively exercises control over voting power for the election of our directors. As a result, we are a "controlled company" under NYSE rules. As a controlled company, under NYSE rules, we are not required to have a majority of independent directors or compensation or governance committees consisting solely of independent directors. However, we strive to achieve the highest standards of corporate governance, including with respect to director independence, despite our status as a controlled company. Accordingly, we have chosen not to take advantage of the controlled company exemption under NYSE rules and are committed to having a Board with at least a majority of independent directors.

        Under our Corporate Governance Guidelines, we require that at least a majority of the members of our Board meet the independence requirements of the NYSE. Under NYSE rules, a director qualifies as "independent" if the Board affirmatively determines that the director has no material relationship with the company of which he or she serves as a director. The Board is required to consider broadly all relevant facts and circumstances in making an independence determination. Material relationships can include commercial, industrial, banking, consulting, legal, accounting, charitable and familial relationships. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee annually evaluates the independence of each non-employee director nominee and makes recommendations to the Board. In making its recommendations, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee applies NYSE rules to determine a director's independence and evaluates any other business, legal, accounting or family relationships between all non-employee director nominees and Watts.

        In February 2016, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and our Board reviewed all relationships between Watts and each non-employee director nominee to determine compliance with the NYSE independence rules and our Corporate Governance Guidelines, and to evaluate whether there are any other facts or circumstances that might impair the director's independence. Based on the results of this review and the recommendations of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, the Board determined that eight of our ten current directors (Messrs. Ayers, Baert,


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Cathcart, Conway, Kissel, McGillicuddy and Reitmeier and Ms. Raines) are independent under NYSE rules and that the composition of our Board therefore complies with our Corporate Governance Guidelines. With respect to Mr. Noonan, the Board determined that he is a non-management director under NYSE rules, but not independent under NYSE rules because he is the son-in-law of Timothy P. Horne, our controlling stockholder.

Horne Family Board Participation

        Timothy P. Horne served as a member of our Board of Directors until our 2010 Annual Meeting, when he retired from the Board in compliance with the age limitation for Board members contained in our Corporate Governance Guidelines. Since his retirement from the Board, Mr. Horne has served as a director emeritus and has selectively participated in certain Board discussions at the invitation of our Board. In May 2013, Mr. Horne's son-in-law, Joseph T. Noonan, was elected as a member of our Board. We believe that it is strategically important for a Horne family member to be actively engaged in the oversight of Watts, including by serving on our Board of Directors. Through Mr. Noonan's participation on the Board, the Horne family's long-term perspective is considered in all Board decisions. Having a Horne family member on the Board serves as an effective link between the Board and the controlling Horne family stockholders. Board service also provides the controlling Horne family stockholders with an active means by which to oversee their investment.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

        Our Board has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines that govern the structure and functioning of the Board and set out the Board's policies on governance issues. The Corporate Governance Guidelines are posted in the "Investor Relations" section of our website at http://www.wattswater.com.

Executive Sessions

        In accordance with our Corporate Governance Guidelines, our non-management directors meet in executive session at least quarterly. The Chairman of the Board or, in his absence, a director chosen by the non-management directors in attendance, presides at such meetings.

Communications with the Board

        Our Board welcomes the submission of any comments or concerns from stockholders and any interested parties. Communications should be in writing and addressed to our corporate Secretary at our principal executive offices and marked to the attention of the Board or any of its committees, individual directors or non-management or independent directors as a group. All correspondence will be forwarded to the intended recipient(s).

Annual Meeting Attendance

        Directors are encouraged to attend our annual meetings of stockholders. Eight of our directors attended the 2015 Annual Meeting either in person or by telephone conference call.

Committees of the Board

        Our Board currently has three standing committees: the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Each committee is composed solely of directors determined by the Board to be independent under the applicable NYSE and SEC rules. The Board has adopted a written charter for each standing committee. You may find copies of the charters of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Corporate


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Governance Committee in the "Investor Relations" section of our website at http://www.wattswater.com. The Board also appoints from time to time ad hoc committees to address specific matters.

Audit Committee

        The Audit Committee currently consists of five members: Ms. Raines (Chairperson) and Messrs. Baert, Conway, McGillicuddy and Reitmeier. The Board has made a determination that each of the members of the Audit Committee satisfies the independence requirements of the NYSE as well as Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). In addition, the Board has determined that each of Mr. McGillicuddy, Ms. Raines and Mr. Reitmeier is an "audit committee financial expert," as defined by SEC rules. During 2015, the Audit Committee held eight meetings. Our Audit Committee assists the Board in, among other things:

    its oversight of the integrity of our financial statements;

    our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;

    the qualifications, independence and performance of our independent registered public accounting firm; and

    the performance of our internal audit function.

The Audit Committee's responsibilities also include:

    the appointment and evaluation of our independent registered public accounting firm;

    the oversight of our systems of internal accounting and financial controls;

    the review of management's assessment and management of risk;

    the review of the annual independent audit of our financial statements;

    the review of our Code of Business Conduct;

    the establishment of "whistle-blowing" procedures; and

    the oversight of other compliance matters.

Compensation Committee

        The Compensation Committee currently consists of three members: Messrs. Cathcart (Chairperson), Ayers and Kissel. During 2015, the Compensation Committee held six meetings. Our Compensation Committee is responsible for shaping the principles, strategies and compensation philosophy that guide the design and implementation of our employee compensation programs and arrangements. Its primary responsibilities are to:

    evaluate the performance of our Chief Executive Officer and, either as a committee or together with the independent members of our Board of Directors, determine the compensation of our Chief Executive Officer;

    review and approve the compensation of our other executive officers;

    approve annual performance bonus targets and objectives and the annual bonus amounts paid to our executive officers under our Executive Incentive Bonus Plan;

    approve all stock awards granted under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan and the participants in our Management Stock Purchase Plan;

    review and submit recommendations to our Board of Directors on compensation for non-employee directors;


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    review and discuss with management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis to be included in the proxy statement; and

    monitor our policies and practices for the development and succession of senior management.

        The Compensation Committee holds one regularly scheduled meeting each quarter and schedules additional meetings as often as necessary in order to perform its duties and responsibilities. The Chairman of the Compensation Committee works with management to establish the agenda for each meeting. Compensation Committee members receive and review materials in advance of each meeting. These materials include information that management believes will be helpful to the Compensation Committee as well as materials that members of the Compensation Committee request. The Compensation Committee may establish and delegate authority to one or more subcommittees consisting of one or more of its members when the Compensation Committee deems it appropriate to do so in order to carry out its responsibilities.

        The Compensation Committee is authorized under its charter to retain consultants to assist it in the evaluation of executive compensation and to approve the fees and other retention terms for its consultants. The Compensation Committee has retained Pearl Meyer & Partners as a compensation consultant to review our compensation programs and provide advice to the Compensation Committee with respect to executive compensation. Pearl Meyer does not provide any other services to Watts. The Compensation Committee requested and received responses to an independence questionnaire and an independence letter from Pearl Meyer for 2015, and based on those responses the Compensation Committee does not believe that Pearl Meyer has any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest in providing compensation advice to the Compensation Committee. As appropriate, the Compensation Committee also looks to our human resources department to support the Compensation Committee in its work and to provide necessary information.

        In February 2016, the Compensation Committee conducted a review and assessment of risk as it relates to our compensation policies and practices and determined that our compensation policies and practices do not encourage excessive or inappropriate risk taking and are not reasonably likely to cause a material adverse effect on Watts.

Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

        Our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee currently consists of eight members: Messrs. Ayers (Chairperson), Baert, Cathcart, Conway, Kissel, McGillicuddy and Reitmeier and Ms. Raines. During 2015, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee held four meetings. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for identifying individuals qualified to become Board members, consistent with criteria approved by the Board, and recommending that the Board select the director nominees for election at each annual meeting of stockholders. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is also responsible for periodically reviewing our Corporate Governance Guidelines and recommending any changes thereto, overseeing the evaluation of the Board, and approving related person transactions.

Director Candidates

        The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider for nomination to the Board candidates recommended by stockholders. Recommendations should be sent to our corporate Secretary, Kenneth Lepage, at our principal executive offices and marked to the attention of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Recommendations must be in writing and must contain the information set forth in Section IV.C of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee charter, which is available in the "Investor Relations" section of our website at http://www.wattswater.com, or on written request to our corporate Secretary at our principal executive offices.


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        In addition to considering candidates suggested by stockholders, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee may consider potential candidates suggested by current directors, Company officers, employees, third-party search firms and others. In 2015, the Board engaged a third-party search firm to identify director candidates. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee screens all potential candidates in the same manner regardless of the source of the recommendation. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee's review is typically based on any written materials provided with respect to the potential candidate. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee determines whether the candidate meets our minimum qualifications and possesses specific qualities and skills for directors and whether requesting additional information or an initial screening interview is appropriate.

        Stockholders also have the right under our bylaws to directly nominate director candidates, without any action or recommendation on the part of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee or the Board, by following the procedures described later in this proxy statement under "Stockholder Proposals".

        Mr. Conway and Mr. Reitmeier, who are standing for election as members of our Board of Directors for the first time at the 2016 Annual Meeting, were recommended to the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee by a third-party search firm.

Criteria and Diversity

        We believe that our Board should be composed of directors who, as a group, have the experience and skills that are collectively required to make informed Board decisions and provide effective Board oversight. The composite skills of the Board members and the ability and willingness of individual Board members to complement each other and to rely on each other's knowledge and expertise should produce informed Board members who are not afraid to disagree and who can intelligently assess management's performance and evaluate the Company's strategic direction. In considering whether to recommend any candidate for nomination to the Board, including candidates recommended by stockholders, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee must be satisfied that the recommended nominee has, at a minimum:

    the highest personal and professional integrity;

    sound business and strategic judgment;

    the ability to devote sufficient time and energy to the Board; and

    the ability and will to challenge management while refraining from assuming management's role.

The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee also considers experience in our industry or markets, international business experience, experience serving on the boards of public companies, experience acquiring companies and diversity of background and experience to be favorable characteristics in evaluating recommended nominees. In addition, the nominee must not serve on more than two public company boards in addition to our Board.

        Our Corporate Governance Guidelines and our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee charter specify that the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and the Board understand the importance of diversity among members of the Board to our long-term success. Diversity encompasses a wide range of individual characteristics and experiences, including such things as gender, age, race, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, political affiliation, marital status, disability, and geographic background. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee does not assign specific weights to particular criteria, and no particular criterion is necessarily applicable to all prospective nominees. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee believes that the backgrounds and qualifications of the members of the Board, considered as a group, should provide an


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appropriate mix of experience, knowledge and abilities that will allow the Board to fulfill its responsibilities.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

        During 2015, Messrs. Ayers, Cathcart and Kissel served as members of the Compensation Committee of our Board of Directors. None of the directors who served as members of the Compensation Committee during 2015 is or has been an executive officer or employee of Watts.

        None of our executive officers serves as a member of the board of directors or compensation committee of any entity that has one or more of its executive officers serving as a member of our Board of Directors or Compensation Committee.

Restrictions on Hedging and Pledging Transactions

        We prohibit all hedging transactions or short sales involving Company securities by all designated insiders under our Insider Trading Procedures, including all directors and executive officers. We also prohibit such designated insiders from holding any Company securities in margin accounts. No designated insider may pledge any Company securities as collateral for a loan unless the pledge has been approved in advance by the Compensation Committee.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

Transactions with Related Persons

        As more fully described in the "Principal Stockholders" section of this proxy statement, Timothy P. Horne controls approximately 69.2% of the voting power of our stock. Mr. Horne has served as a director emeritus of the Company since his retirement from our Board of Directors in May 2010. Pursuant to the Company's by-laws, Mr. Horne was reappointed as a director emeritus by our Board of Directors in February 2016 to serve a one-year term beginning on the date of our 2016 Annual Meeting and ending on the date of our 2017 Annual Meeting. As a director emeritus, Mr. Horne may be invited by our Board to attend meetings of the Board of Directors or any committee of the Board of Directors but he does not have the right to vote and he is not considered to be a member of the Board of Directors for any purpose (including quorum).

        In September 1996, we entered into a Supplemental Compensation Agreement with Mr. Horne, who was at that time our Chief Executive Officer and President, which provided that Mr. Horne would provide consulting services to us and receive certain compensation following his retirement as an employee of the Company. Mr. Horne retired as an employee on December 31, 2002. Under the agreement, as amended, Mr. Horne agreed to provide consulting services to us for 300 to 500 hours per year so long as he was physically able. We agreed to pay Mr. Horne the greater of (i) one-half of the average of Mr. Horne's annual base salary as an employee of Watts during the three years immediately prior to his retirement or (ii) $400,000 for each calendar year following Mr. Horne's retirement until the date of his death, subject to certain cost-of-living increases each year. We paid Mr. Horne $398,128 for his consulting services in 2015. Under the Supplemental Compensation Agreement, Mr. Horne was also entitled to receive life time benefits, including use of secretarial services, use of an office, retiree health insurance, reimbursement of tax and financial planning expenses, and certain other benefits.

        On August 18, 2015, we entered into an amendment to the Supplemental Compensation Agreement with Mr. Horne. The amendment provided for a $6 million lump-sum buyout of all of our ongoing lifetime payment obligations to Mr. Horne and all benefits under the Compensation Agreement, except for the use of an office and administrative support. The amendment also provides that Mr. Horne will continue to make himself reasonably available to provide services to the Company


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at the request of management of the Company as long as he is physically able to do so. Mr. Horne's obligation to provide services to the Company will cease upon a change in control of the Company.

Policies and Procedures for Related Person Transactions

        Our Board has adopted a Related Person Transaction Policy, which requires the review of any transaction, arrangement or relationship in which Watts is a participant, the amount involved exceeds $120,000, and one of our executive officers, directors, director nominees or 5% stockholders (or their immediate family members), each of whom we refer to as a "related person," has a direct or indirect material interest.

        If a related person proposes to enter into such a transaction, arrangement or relationship, which we refer to as a "related person transaction," the related person must report the proposed related person transaction to our General Counsel. The policy calls for the proposed related person transaction to be reviewed and, if deemed appropriate, approved by the Board's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Whenever practicable, the reporting, review and approval will occur prior to entry into the transaction. If advance review and approval is not practicable, the committee will review, and, in its discretion, may ratify the related person transaction. The policy also permits the chairperson of the committee to review and, if deemed appropriate, approve proposed related person transactions that arise between committee meetings, subject to ratification by the committee at its next meeting. Any related person transactions that are ongoing in nature will be reviewed annually.

        A related person transaction reviewed under the policy will be considered approved or ratified if it is authorized by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee after full disclosure of the related person's interest in the transaction. As appropriate for the circumstances, the committee will review and consider:

    the related person's interest in the related person transaction, regardless of the amount of any profit or loss;

    the approximate dollar value involved in the related person transaction;

    whether the transaction was undertaken in the ordinary course of our business;

    whether the terms of the transaction are no less favorable to us than terms that could have been reached with an unrelated third party;

    the purpose of, and the potential benefits to us of, the transaction; and

    any other material information regarding the related person transaction or the related person.

        The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee may approve or ratify the transaction only if it determines that, under all of the circumstances, the transaction is in, or is not inconsistent with, the best interests of Watts. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee may impose any conditions on the related person transaction that it deems appropriate.

        In addition to the transactions that are excluded by the instructions to the SEC's related person transaction disclosure rule, the Board has determined that the following transactions do not create a material direct or indirect interest on behalf of related persons and, therefore, are not related person transactions for purposes of this policy:

    interests arising solely from the related person's position as an executive officer of another entity (whether or not the person is also a director of such entity), that is a participant in the transaction, where (a) the related person and all other related persons own in the aggregate less than a 10% equity interest in such entity, (b) the related person and his or her immediate family members are not involved in the negotiation of the terms of the transaction and do not receive any special benefits as a result of the transaction, (c) the amount involved in the transaction


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      equals less than the greater of $1 million dollars or 2% of the annual consolidated gross revenues of the other entity that is a party to the transaction, and (d) the amount involved in the transaction equals less than 2% of the annual consolidated gross revenues of Watts; and

    a transaction that is specifically contemplated by provisions of our charter or by-laws.

        The policy provides that transactions involving compensation of executive officers shall be reviewed and approved by the Compensation Committee in the manner specified in its charter.


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        The following table sets forth information regarding the beneficial ownership of our class A and class B common stock as of February 1, 2016, by:

    each person or entity known by us to own beneficially more than 5% of either class of our common stock;

    each of our directors and director nominees;

    each of the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table; and

    all of our current directors and executive officers as a group.

        In accordance with SEC rules, we have included in the number of shares beneficially owned by each stockholder all shares over which such stockholder has sole or shared voting or investment power, and we have included all shares that the stockholder has the right to acquire within 60 days after February 1, 2016 through the exercise of stock options, the settlement of restricted stock units or any other right. Unless otherwise indicated, each stockholder has sole voting and investment power with respect to shares beneficially owned by that stockholder. For purposes of determining the equity and voting percentages for each stockholder, any shares that such stockholder has the right to acquire within 60 days after February 1, 2016 are deemed to be outstanding, but are not deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of determining the percentages for any other stockholder.

  Shares Beneficially Owned(2)    
Name of Beneficial Owner(1)
  Number   Percent of
Class A
Common Stock
  Percent of
Class B
Common Stock
  Percent of

5% Stockholders


Timothy P. Horne

    6,379,290 (3)(4)   18.7     99.2   69.2

Walter J. Flowers

    1,894,710 (5)   6.4     29.7   0

Daniel W. Horne

    1,666,970 (6)   5.7     26.1   0

Deborah Horne

    1,666,970 (6)   5.7     26.1   0

Peter W. Horne

    1,580,770 (7)   5.4     24.2   *

BlackRock, Inc. 

    2,683,119 (8)   9.7     0   2.9

Gabelli Funds, LLC, et al. 

    2,497,990 (9)   9.0     0   2.7

Wellington Management Group LLP

    2,128,148 (10)   7.7     0   2.3

The Vanguard Group

    2,043,644 (11)   7.4     0   2.2

Select Equity Group, L.P. 

    1,966,255 (12)   7.1     0   2.2

Directors and Executive Officers



Robert L. Ayers

    21,693 (13)   *     0   *

Bernard Baert

    9,592 (14)   *     0   *

Richard J. Cathcart

    16,295 (15)   *     0   *

Christopher L. Conway

    1,728     *     0   *

W. Craig Kissel

    8,787     *     0   *

Kenneth R. Lepage

    107,838 (16)   *     0   *

John K. McGillicuddy

    17,552 (17)   *     0   *

Elie Melhem

    31,437 (18)   *     0   *

Munish Nanda

    22,419 (19)   *     0   *

Joseph T. Noonan

    5,122 (20)   *     0   *

Robert J. Pagano, Jr. 

    67,495 (21)   *     0   *

Merilee Raines

    9,992 (22)   *     0   *

Joseph W. Reitmeier

    466 (23)   *     0   *

Todd A. Trapp

    20,417 (24)   *     0   *

All current executive officers and directors (16 persons)

    382,246 (25)   1.4     0   *

Represents less than 1%


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The address of each stockholder in the table is c/o Watts Water Technologies, Inc., 815 Chestnut Street, North Andover, Massachusetts 01845, except that the address of (i) BlackRock, Inc. is 55 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10055, (ii) Gabelli Funds, LLC et al. is One Corporate Center, Rye, New York 10580, (iii) Wellington Management Group LLP is c/o Wellington Management Company LLP, 280 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, (iv) The Vanguard Group is 100 Vanguard Blvd., Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355, and (v) Select Equity Group, L.P. is 380 Lafayette Street, 6th Floor, New York, New York 10003.

The number of shares and percentages were determined as of February 1, 2016 in accordance with Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act. At that date, a total of 34,169,344 shares were outstanding, of which 27,790,054 were shares of class A common stock and 6,379,290 were shares of class B common stock. Each share of class A common stock is entitled to one vote and each share of class B common stock is entitled to ten votes. Each share of class B common stock is convertible into one share of class A common stock at any time. A holder of shares of class B common stock is deemed to beneficially own the shares of class A common stock into which the class B shares are convertible. Shares of class A common stock are not convertible. The table's voting percentage reflects the applicable beneficial owner's one vote per share of class A common stock plus ten votes per share of class B common stock, if any, divided by the total number of possible votes.

Consists of (i) 1,250,000 shares of class B common stock and 50,000 shares of class A common stock held by Timothy P. Horne (for purposes of this footnote 3, "Mr. Horne"), (ii) 1,666,970 shares of class B common stock held by a revocable trust for the benefit of Daniel W. Horne, Mr. Horne's brother, for which Walter J. Flowers serves as sole trustee, (iii) 1,666,970 shares of class B common stock held by a revocable trust for the benefit of Deborah Horne, Mr. Horne's sister, for which Mr. Horne serves as sole trustee, (iv) 1,495,010 shares of class B common stock held by a revocable trust for the benefit of Peter W. Horne, Mr. Horne's brother, for which Peter W. Horne serves as sole trustee, (v) 22,600 shares of class B common stock held for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan, Mr. Horne's daughter, under an irrevocable trust for which Mr. Horne serves as trustee, (vi) 132,740 shares of class B common stock held by a revocable trust for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan, for which Walter J. Flowers serves as sole trustee, (vii) 55,000 shares of class B common stock held for the benefit of Tara V. Horne, Mr. Horne's daughter, under an irrevocable trust for which Walter J. Flowers and Mr. Horne serve as co-trustees, and (viii) 40,000 shares of class B common stock held by a trust for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan, for which Walter J. Flowers and Mr. Horne serve as co-trustees. All of the shares of class B common stock noted in clauses (i) through (viii) (6,329,290 shares of class B common stock in the aggregate) are subject to The Amended and Restated George B. Horne Voting Trust Agreement—1997 ("1997 Voting Trust") for which Mr. Horne serves as trustee (see footnote 4 for a description of the 1997 Voting Trust). Mr. Horne has sole power to vote or direct the vote of all of such shares, sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 1,322,600 of the shares, and shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 5,056,690 of the shares.

6,329,290 shares of class B common stock in the aggregate (see footnote 3) are subject to the terms of the 1997 Voting Trust. Under the terms of the 1997 Voting Trust, the trustee (currently Timothy P. Horne) has sole power to vote all shares subject to the 1997 Voting Trust. Timothy P. Horne, for so long as he is serving as trustee of the 1997 Voting Trust, has the power to determine in his sole discretion whether or not proposed actions to be taken by the trustee of the 1997 Voting Trust shall be taken, including the trustee's right to authorize the withdrawal of shares from the 1997 Voting Trust (for purposes of this footnote, the "Determination Power"). In the event that Timothy P. Horne ceases to serve as trustee of the 1997 Voting Trust, no trustee thereunder shall have the Determination Power except in accordance with a duly adopted amendment to the 1997 Voting Trust. Under the terms of the 1997 Voting Trust, in the event that Timothy P. Horne ceases to serve as trustee of the 1997 Voting Trust, then Daniel J. Murphy III and Walter J. Flowers (each, a "Successor Trustee" and together, the "Successor Trustees"), shall thereupon become co-trustees of the 1997 Voting Trust. If a Successor Trustee shall cease to serve as such for any reason, then a third person shall become a co-trustee with the remaining Successor Trustee, in accordance with the following line of succession: first, any individual designated as the Primary Designee, next, any individual designated as the Secondary Designee, and then, an individual appointed by the holders of a majority in interest of the voting trust certificates then outstanding. In the event that the Successor Trustees do not unanimously concur on any matter not specifically contemplated by the terms of the 1997 Voting Trust, the vote of a majority of the Successor Trustees shall be determinative. The 1997 Voting Trust expires on August 26, 2021, subject to extension on or after August 26, 2019 by stockholders (including the trustee of any trust stockholder, whether or


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    not such trust is then in existence) who deposited shares of class B common stock in the 1997 Voting Trust and are then living or, in the case of shares in the 1997 Voting Trust the original depositor of which (or the trustee of the original depositor of which) is not then living, the holders of voting trust certificates representing such shares. The 1997 Voting Trust may be amended by vote of the holders of a majority of the voting trust certificates then outstanding and by the number of trustees authorized to take action at the relevant time or, if the trustees (if more than one) do not concur with respect to any proposed amendment at any time when any trustee holds the Determination Power, then by the trustee having the Determination Power. Amendments to the extension, termination and amendment provisions of the 1997 Voting Trust require the approval of each individual depositor. Shares may not be removed from the 1997 Voting Trust during its term without the consent of the requisite number of trustees required to take action under the 1997 Voting Trust. Voting trust certificates are subject to restrictions on transfer applicable to the stock that they represent. Timothy P. Horne holds 19.8% of the total beneficial interest in the 1997 Voting Trust (the "Beneficial Interest") individually, 26.3% of the Beneficial Interest as trustee of the 1997 Voting Trust to which shares held in a revocable trust for the benefit of Daniel W. Horne are subject, 26.3% of the Beneficial Interest as trustee of a revocable trust for the benefit of Deborah Horne, 23.6% of the Beneficial Interest as trustee of the 1997 Voting Trust to which shares held in a revocable trust for the benefit of Peter W. Horne are subject, 0.4% of the Beneficial Interest as trustee of an irrevocable trust for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan, 2.1% of the Beneficial Interest as trustee of the 1997 Voting Trust to which shares held in a revocable trust for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan are subject, 0.9% of the Beneficial Interest as co-trustee of a trust for the benefit of Tara V. Horne, and 0.6% of the Beneficial Interest as co-trustee of a trust for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan (representing an aggregate of 100% of the Beneficial Interest).

Consists of (i) 1,666,970 shares of class B common stock held in a revocable trust for the benefit of Daniel W. Horne for which Mr. Flowers serves as the sole trustee, (ii) 132,740 shares of Class B Common Stock held in a revocable trust for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan for which Mr. Flowers serves as the sole trustee, (iii) 55,000 shares of class B common stock held in a trust for the benefit of Tara V. Horne for which Mr. Flowers and Timothy P. Horne serve as co-trustees, and (iv) 40,000 shares of class B common stock held in a trust for the benefit of Tiffany Horne Noonan for which Mr. Flowers and Timothy P. Horne serve as co-trustees. All of the shares of class B common stock noted in clauses (i) through (iv) (1,894,710 in the aggregate) are subject to the 1997 Voting Trust for which Timothy P. Horne serves as sole trustee (see footnote 4 for a description of the 1997 Voting Trust). Mr. Flowers has no power to vote or direct the vote of the shares and has shared power to dispose or direct the disposition of all of the shares. Mr. Flowers disclaims beneficial ownership of all such shares.

All of the shares are class B common stock and are held in revocable trusts. All of the shares are subject to the 1997 Voting Trust (see footnote 4 for a description of the 1997 Voting Trust). The holders have no power to vote or direct the vote of the shares and have shared power to dispose or direct the disposition of the shares.

Consists of 35,760 shares of class A common stock and 1,545,010 shares of class B common stock, which are held in a revocable trust. 1,495,010 of the shares of class B common stock are subject to the 1997 Voting Trust (see footnote 4 for a description of the 1997 Voting Trust). Peter W. Horne has sole power to vote or direct the vote of and sole power to dispose or direct the disposition of the 85,760 shares that are not subject to the 1997 Voting Trust. Peter W. Horne has no power to vote or direct the vote, and shared power to dispose or direct the disposition of, the 1,495,010 shares that are subject to the 1997 Voting Trust.

The amount shown and the following information are based solely on a Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on January 27, 2016, reporting ownership of shares of class A common stock. BlackRock, Inc. has sole voting power with respect to 2,621,062 of the shares and sole dispositive power with respect to all of the shares.

The amount shown and the following information are based solely on a Schedule 13D/A filed with the SEC on March 24, 2014 by Gabelli Funds, LLC, GAMCO Asset Management Inc. and Gabelli Securities, Inc. (collectively, for purposes of this footnote 8, the "Funds") reporting their aggregate holdings of shares of class A common stock. Mario J. Gabelli directly and indirectly controls the entities filing the Schedule 13D/A, which entities are primarily investment advisors to various institutional and individual clients, including registered investment companies and pension plans, and as general partner of various private investment partnerships. Certain of these entities may also make investments for their


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    own accounts. Gabelli Funds, LLC has sole power to vote or direct the vote and sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 684,200 of the shares. GAMCO Asset Management Inc. has sole power to vote or direct the vote of 1,716,840 of the shares and sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 1,812,540 of the shares. Gabelli Securities, Inc. has sole power to vote or direct the vote and sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 1,250 of the shares. Mario Gabelli is deemed to have beneficial ownership of the shares owned beneficially by each of the entities filing the Schedule 13D/A.

The amount shown and the following information are based solely on a Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on February 11, 2016, reporting ownership of shares of class A common stock. The shares are owned of record by clients of one or more investment advisers directly or indirectly owned by Wellington Management Group LLP. Those clients have the right to receive, or the power to direct the receipt of, dividends from, or the proceeds from the sale of, such shares. No such client is known to Wellington Management Group LLP to have such right or power with respect to more than five percent of the shares. Wellington Management Group LLP has shared power to vote or to direct the vote of 1,255,046 of the shares and shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of all of the shares.

The amount shown and the following information are based solely on a Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on February 11, 2016, reporting ownership of shares of class A common stock. The Vanguard Group has sole voting power with respect to 35,660 of the shares, shared voting power with respect to 2,100 of the shares, sole dispositive power with respect to 2,007,584 of the shares and shared dispositive power with respect to 36,060 of the shares.

The amount shown and the following information are based solely on a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 16, 2016, reporting ownership of shares of class A common stock. The Schedule 13G was filed jointly by Select Equity Group, L.P. ("Select") and George S. Loening ("Loening"), who is the majority owner of Select and managing member of its general partner. Select and Loening have shared voting power and shared dispositive power with respect to all of the shares.

Consists of 12,101 shares of class A common stock held by Mr. Ayers and 9,592 shares of class A common stock the receipt of which Mr. Ayers has deferred under our non-employee director stock deferral program.

Consists of 3,816 shares of class A common stock held by Mr. Baert and 5,776 shares of class A common stock the receipt of which Mr. Baert has deferred under our non-employee director stock deferral program.

Consists of 6,703 shares of class A common stock held by Mr. Cathcart and 9,592 shares of class A common stock the receipt of which Mr. Cathcart has deferred under our non-employee director stock deferral program.

Consists of 32,416 shares of class A common stock held by Mr. Lepage, 65,555 shares of class A common stock issuable upon the exercise of stock options within 60 days after February 1, 2016, 1,203 shares of class A common stock issuable upon settlement of restricted stock units within 60 days after February 1, 2016, and 8,664 shares of class A common stock issued as restricted stock awards under the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan, which are subject to certain restrictions with respect to the transfer and disposition of such shares.

Consists of 7,960 shares of class A common stock held by Mr. McGillicuddy and 9,592 shares of class A common stock the receipt of which Mr. McGillicuddy has deferred under our non-employee director stock deferral program.

Consists of 1,924 shares of class A common stock held by Mr. Melhem, 12,270 shares of class A common stock issuable upon the exercise of stock options within 60 days after February 1, 2016, 2,070 shares of class A common stock issuable upon settlement of restricted stock units within 60 days after February 1, 2016, and 15,173 shares of class A common stock issued as restricted stock awards under the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan, which are subject to certain restrictions with respect to the transfer and disposition of such shares.

Consists of shares of class A common stock issued to Mr. Nanda as restricted stock awards under the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan, which are subject to certain restrictions with respect to the transfer and disposition of such shares.


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Consists of shares of class A common stock held by Mr. Noonan. Mr. Noonan's wife, Tiffany Horne Noonan, is the beneficiary of trusts holding an aggregate of 195,340 shares of class B common stock, but neither she nor Mr. Noonan have sole or shared voting or investment control over any of the shares.

Consists of 16,248 shares of class A common stock held by Mr. Pagano and 51,247 shares of class A common stock issued as restricted stock awards under the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan, which are subject to certain restrictions with respect to the transfer and disposition of such shares.

Consists of 8,264 shares of class A common stock held by Ms. Raines and 1,728 shares of class A common stock the receipt of which Ms. Raines has deferred under our non-employee director stock deferral program.

Mr. Reitmeier became a member of our Board of Directors on February 10, 2016 and received an award of 466 shares of class A common stock in connection with his election to the Board.

Consists of shares of class A common stock issued to Mr. Trapp as restricted stock awards under the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan, which are subject to certain restrictions with respect to the transfer and disposition of such shares.

Consists of 112,406 shares of class A common stock held by our current executive officers and directors, 96,872 shares of class A common stock issuable upon the exercise of stock options within 60 days after February 1, 2016, 4,521 shares of class A common stock issuable upon settlement of restricted stock units within 60 days after February 1, 2016, 36,280 shares of class A common stock the receipt of which have been deferred under our non-employee director stock deferral program, and 132,167 shares of class A common stock issued as restricted stock awards under the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan, which are subject to certain restrictions with respect to the transfer and disposition of such shares.


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Overview of Compensation Programs

        The following Compensation Discussion and Analysis describes the material elements of our fiscal year 2015 compensation program and compensation paid thereunder. Most of the discussion relates to our "named executive officers" for fiscal year 2015, who were:

Robert J. Pagano, Jr.    Chief Executive Officer & President
Todd A. Trapp   Chief Financial Officer
Munish Nanda   President, Americas & Europe
Elie Melhem   President, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East & Africa
Kenneth R. Lepage   General Counsel, Executive Vice President & Secretary

The Compensation Committee makes decisions for the total direct compensation of the named executive officers based on the factors described below. The Compensation Committee consists solely of independent, non-employee directors. In addition, for named executive officers other than the Chief Executive Officer, the Compensation Committee also considers the Chief Executive Officer's recommendations.

Executive Summary

Company Performance

        Last year was a year of change and transition for the Company. In 2015, we successfully launched a number of key strategic initiatives. The most significant initiatives were phase one and two of the Americas and Asia-Pacific transformation program. Phase one of the transformation program primarily involved the exit of low-margin, non-core product lines and global sourcing actions. During 2015, we successfully eliminated approximately $165 million of our combined Americas and Asia-Pacific net sales of such non-core products, primarily through the sale of our fittings, brass and tubular and vinyl tubing business. Phase two of the transformation program involves decreasing the square footage of our Americas facilities, which together with phase one, is expected to reduce the Americas net operating footprint by approximately 30%. Phase two is designed to improve the utilization of our remaining facilities, better leverage our cost structure, reduce working capital, and improve execution of customer delivery requirements. Phase two was initiated during 2015 and is continuing throughout 2016.

        During 2015, we also re-energized our commitment to commercial excellence and continued our focus on operational excellence. We completed the integration of AERCO International, Inc. during the first half of the year and acquired an 80% ownership interest in Apex Valves Limited late in the year. We also settled certain long-term obligations, including our pension plan and supplemental employee retirement plan obligations.

        Our financial performance in 2015 was mixed. Overall, sales for 2015 grew organically by 0.5%, or $7.4 million, as compared to 2014. In the Americas, we saw modest volume growth in our core business compared to 2014 against a backdrop of strong growth in the U.S. residential construction marketplace and moderate growth in the repair and replacement end market and commercial market. Compared to 2014, organic sales for 2015 in the Americas grew by 2.1% and the Americas ended 2015 on a positive note with approximately 6% organic growth in the fourth quarter over the fourth quarter of 2014. In EMEA, important markets like France, Germany and Russia continued to decline amid weakening commercial demand and organic sales for 2015 declined by 3.2% compared to 2014. We continued to see robust growth in our Asia-Pacific business in 2015 as organic sales in Asia-Pacific grew by 12.6% compared to 2014. Organic sales growth excludes the impacts of acquisitions, divestitures and foreign exchange from year-over-year comparisons. Please refer to "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year


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ended December 31, 2015 for a comparison of organic sales to sales reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Additions to Our Senior Leadership Team During the Year

        This past year we welcomed Todd A. Trapp as our new Chief Financial Officer. As an inducement to join our Company, Mr. Trapp received a special performance stock unit award in connection with his hiring that is entirely performance-based in that the number of shares ultimately issued to Mr. Trapp, if any, will be determined based on the Company's performance relative to a set of challenging goals with respect to revenue growth and return on invested capital. Mr. Trapp also received a time-vesting restricted stock award that was intended to replace the value of equity grants from his prior employer that he forfeited in order to join us. These initial grants were specific to the hiring of Mr. Trapp and are not intended to be continuing.

        We also welcomed Munish Nanda as our new President, Americas. Mr. Nanda received a time-vesting restricted stock award in connection with his hiring that was intended to replace the value of equity grants from his prior employer that he forfeited in order to join us. Mr. Nanda also received a one-time cash bonus payment in connection with his hiring as an inducement to join our Company. The initial stock grant and bonus payment were specific to the hiring of Mr. Nanda and are not intended to be continuing.

Alignment of Pay with Performance

        A substantial portion of each executive's compensation opportunity is performance-based or aligned with stockholder value creation over time in the form of equity grants. Set forth below for our Chief Executive Officer, and separately for the other named executive officers, are charts illustrating the percentage of total target compensation corresponding to base salaries, annual incentives and long-term incentives.

Total Direct Compensation Opportunity—Chief Executive Officer (1)

Fixed 21%   Variable 79%
(Base Salary)   (Target Annual Incentive + Long-Term Incentive Value)(2)

Short-Term 41%   Long-Term 59%
(Base Salary + Target Annual Incentive)   (Long-Term Incentive Value)

Cash 41%   Equity-Based 59%
(Base Salary + Target Annual Incentive)   (Long-Term Incentive Value)

Total direct compensation opportunity does not include perquisites or other executive benefits, including retirement and severance benefits, or the value of the discount attributable to the purchase price for restricted stock units under our Management Stock Purchase Plan.

Long-Term Incentive Value consists of Mr. Pagano's annual grants of performance stock unit awards and restricted stock awards.


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Total Direct Compensation Opportunity—Other Named Executive Officers (1)
(Average allocation for the Named Executive Officers other than the Chief Executive Officer)

Fixed 33%   Variable 67%
(Base Salary)   (Target Annual Incentive + Long-Term Incentive Value(2))

Short-Term 53%   Long-Term 47%
(Base Salary + Target Annual Incentive)   (Long-Term Incentive Value)

Cash 53%   Equity-Based 47%
(Base Salary + Target Annual Incentive)   (Long-Term Incentive Value)

Other Named Executive Officers include Messrs. Trapp, Nanda, Melhem and Lepage. Total direct compensation opportunity does not include perquisites or other executive benefits, including retirement and severance benefits, or the value of the discount attributable to the purchase price for restricted stock units under our Management Stock Purchase Plan.

Long-Term Incentive value consists of annual grants of performance stock unit awards and restricted stock awards and does not include the initial equity grants made to Messrs. Trapp and Nanda in connection with their hiring.

        Other compensation decisions in 2015 reflected our compensation philosophy, as set forth in more detail below. Each of our named executive officers other than Mr. Trapp and Mr. Nanda received base salary increases in 2015, reflecting a consideration of individual and Company performance as well as competitive position relative to market, among other factors.

Other Practices and Policies to Promote Effective Compensation Governance

        Examples of practices and policies that the Committee has implemented to ensure effective governance of compensation plans include:

    Our executives are subject to robust stock ownership guidelines.

    Our executives are subject to a compensation recovery policy, or "claw back" policy, under which they may be required to repay unearned compensation in the event of a financial restatement due to fraud or misconduct.

    The Compensation Committee has the authority to hire independent counsel and other advisors.

    The Compensation Committee has conducted a review and assessment of risk as it relates to our compensation policies and practices.

    Our Insider Trading Procedures prohibit hedging and short sale transactions, and no designated insiders may pledge Company securities as collateral unless approved in advance by the Compensation Committee.

    None of our executive officers has an employment agreement with us.

    We do not provide excise tax gross-ups under any of our change in control severance arrangements.

Say on Pay

        At our 2011 Annual Meeting, we held an advisory vote on how often we should submit our executive compensation program to an advisory vote of our stockholders and 81% of the total votes cast on this proposal were cast in favor of holding the advisory vote every three years. In accordance


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with the stockholder voting results, our Board of Directors determined that stockholder advisory votes on executive compensation would occur every three years.

        We last submitted our executive compensation program to an advisory vote of our stockholders at our 2014 Annual Meeting and it received the support of 97% of the total votes cast on the proposal. Our Board of Directors viewed the results of the 2014 advisory vote as broad stockholder support for our executive compensation program and did not make any changes to our executive compensation program or policies as a result of the advisory vote. The Compensation Committee will, in consultation with its independent compensation consultant, consider changes to our compensation programs as appropriate in response to evolving factors such as the business environment and competition for talent. In considering changes to our compensation programs and policies, the Compensation Committee may seek additional input from stockholders with respect to our executive compensation policies and decisions.

        The next stockholder advisory vote on our executive compensation program will be held at our 2017 Annual Meeting. The next required stockholder advisory vote on the frequency of the advisory vote on executive compensation will also be held at our 2017 Annual Meeting.

Compensation Philosophy

        Our executive compensation philosophy, as set by the Compensation Committee of our Board of Directors, is to provide compensation programs that attract, retain and motivate our key executives who are critical to our long-term success. We implement this philosophy through the following principles:

    Positioning total direct compensation and each component of compensation at approximately the median of our peer companies, which are industry and size relevant and which are identified by a rules-based selection process. Some variation in competitive positioning by executive is expected to account for factors such as tenure, individual performance and criticality of role. When assessing the competitive position of equity-based long-term incentives, we utilize the Black-Scholes-Merton Model or similar methodologies to measure the grant date fair value of our awards.

    Rewarding achievement relative to short-term goals that we believe will drive long-term stockholder value creation.

    Aligning long-term pay outcomes with stockholder value creation over time. This necessitates tying a significant portion of each executive's compensation to Company and individual performance, placing that compensation at risk.

        The following key elements are used to compensate our executives:

    Base salaries, representing the only fixed element of total direct compensation.

    Annual incentives, currently consisting of a performance-based bonus under the Executive Incentive Bonus Plan, which reward achievement relative to Company goals, both financial and strategic in nature.

    Long-term incentives, currently consisting of performance stock units and restricted stock awards, which link pay outcomes to long-term stockholder value creation. Executive officers may also purchase restricted stock units under our Management Stock Purchase Plan, providing additional alignment with stockholder value creation.

In addition, we provide our executive officers with other employee benefits and limited perquisites, which are primarily intended to maintain our competitive position for attracting and retaining executive talent. However, in general, the Compensation Committee strives to mitigate the use of these


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non-performance based forms of compensation without jeopardizing our ability to offer a compensation program that will attract and retain executives in a competitive market.


        Benchmarking is one factor, among many, that we rely on in establishing our compensation levels and program design. We use information regarding pay practices at other comparable companies in two respects. First, we use benchmarking information to evaluate whether our compensation practices are competitive in the marketplace in which we compete for executive talent. Second, we use marketplace information as one factor in assessing the reasonableness of our executive compensation.

        During most of 2015, the Compensation Committee used an executive compensation peer group consisting of the following companies:

Actuant Corporation   CLARCOR Inc.   IDEX Corporation
Acuity Brands, Inc.   Crane Co.   Itron, Inc.
Altra Holdings Inc.   Franklin Electric Co., Inc.   Mueller Industries, Inc.
A.O. Smith Corporation   Graco Inc.   Mueller Water Products, Inc.
CIRCOR International, Inc.        

This executive compensation peer group was approved in 2013 and had median annual revenue of approximately $1.51 billion for the year ended December 31, 2014, virtually identical to our own revenue of approximately $1.51 billion for the same period. This peer group also had median market capitalization of $1.94 billion as of December 31, 2014, as compared to our market capitalization of approximately $2.23 billion as of the same date.

        Our executive compensation peer group was reviewed and updated in October 2015. The Compensation Committee requested Pearl Meyer to perform a comprehensive review of our executive compensation peer group. Pearl Meyer used a rules-based process to evaluate the Company's existing executive compensation peer group and to identify proposed changes to the peer group based on the similarity to Watts of the amount of their annual revenues, market capitalization and number of employees as well as the similarity of their industry, business models, scope of international operations, industrial classification codes, customers and analyst coverage, while attempting to minimize year-over-year changes in order to foster consistency in the benchmarking approach. Based on its review, Pearl Meyer recommended the removal of Acuity Brands, Inc. from the peer group because it had significantly higher revenues than Watts, a substantially different business profile and limited sales outside the United States. Pearl Meyer also recommended the addition of Barnes Group Inc., EnPro Industries, Inc., ITT Corporation and Woodward, Inc. to the peer group. Pearl Meyer recommended the addition of these four companies because they each closely approximate Watts with respect to industry, size demographics and percentage of sales outside the United States. The Compensation Committee accepted Pearl Meyer's recommended changes to the peer group.

        The revised executive compensation peer group had trailing twelve months annual revenue of approximately $1.4 billion at the time of review, compared to our own revenue of approximately $1.5 billion for the same period. The revised peer group also had median market capitalization of approximately $2.0 billion as of August 2015, as compared to our market capitalization of


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approximately $1.9 billion. Our current executive compensation peer group comprises the following companies:

Actuant Corporation   CLARCOR Inc.   IDEX Corporation
Altra Holdings Inc.   Crane Co.   Itron, Inc.
A.O. Smith Corporation   EnPro Industries, Inc.   ITT Corporation
Barnes Group Inc.   Franklin Electric Co., Inc.   Mueller Industries, Inc.
CIRCOR International, Inc.   Graco Inc.   Mueller Water Products, Inc.
        Woodward, Inc.

        The Compensation Committee, Pearl Meyer and management also consider compensation survey data. The survey data are based on information reported in various Towers Watson survey reports and databases. For executive positions where data from multiple surveys are available, the data are averaged and, if appropriate, weighted to provide a market composite perspective.

Elements of Compensation

        The following describes each of the elements of our compensation program for 2015.

Base Salary

        We provide each of our executive officers with a fixed salary that provides a secure base of compensation in an amount that recognizes each officer's role and responsibilities as well as experience, performance and contributions. The Compensation Committee considers base salary increases for our executive officers annually. The amount of any increase is based primarily on the executive officer's performance, level of responsibilities, leadership, experience, employee retention and internal pay equity considerations and the external competitiveness of the officer's base salary and overall total compensation. The Compensation Committee typically meets with the Chief Executive Officer annually to review proposed adjustments in the base salary amounts for our executive officers other than our Chief Executive Officer and in such review discusses each officer's performance evaluation. The Compensation Committee also typically reviews the proposed adjustment in base salary and the performance of our Chief Executive Officer with the other independent members of the Board of Directors and conducts a separate discussion with our Chief Executive Officer regarding his performance. As part of its review, the Compensation Committee receives and discusses tally sheets setting forth the total compensation of our executive officers, including base salary, bonus potential, equity awards, retirement benefits, perquisites and other compensation, and information regarding the competitiveness of our compensation programs relative to companies in our benchmarking peer group and other industry survey data. Based on this review, in February 2015 the Compensation Committee approved a 4.0% increase in Mr. Melhem's base salary and a 3.8% increase in Mr. Lepage's base salary. The Compensation Committee determined that the increase in Mr. Melhem's base salary was warranted given his excellent performance in driving organic growth in Asia-Pacific. The increase in Mr. Lepage's base salary was based on his strong performance in leading the global legal and human resources functions.

        In February 2015, the Compensation Committee conducted a separate review of our Chief Executive Officer's performance and base salary in conjunction with the other independent members of the Board. The independent members of the Board reviewed Mr. Pagano's performance in his first partial year as Chief Executive Officer with respect to his performance goals for 2014 and input from Pearl Meyer with respect to the competitiveness of Mr. Pagano's base salary relative to the Company's executive compensation peer group. Based on this review and the Board's assessment that Mr. Pagano had done an exceptional job in assessing the Company's business and initiating a business transformation effort in the Americas and Asia-Pacific in addition to achieving substantially all of his


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other goals, the Compensation Committee approved a 4.3% increase in Mr. Pagano's base salary from $700,000 to $730,000.

        Mr. Trapp and Mr. Nanda both joined the Company in April 2015. In approving the base salaries for each of Mr. Trapp and Mr. Nanda, the Compensation Committee reviewed compensation survey data, their compensation arrangements with their previous employers and considered the most recent competitive compensation assessment data provided by Pearl Meyer with respect to the Company's compensation peer group.

Annual Incentives

        Under the Executive Incentive Bonus Plan, each of our executive officers is eligible for an annual cash bonus. We offer our executives an opportunity to earn a bonus in order to focus our executives on execution against specific financial and strategic goals and reward performance based on achievement of such goals. For each of our executive officers, the Compensation Committee sets a target bonus amount expressed as a percentage of base salary. The Compensation Committee determines the target bonus amount for each executive officer based on a variety of factors, including competitive conditions for the executive officer's position within our executive compensation peer group and in the broader employment market, length of employment, level of responsibility and experience, input from Pearl Meyer, and, in the case of executive officers other than the Chief Executive Officer, the recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer. The 2015 target bonus amounts for our named executive officers were set as follows:

  Target as a
Percent of Salary
  Target in Dollars  

Robert J. Pagano, Jr. 

    100 % $ 730,000  

Todd A. Trapp

    60 % $ 240,000  

Munish Nanda

    55 % $ 233,750  

Elie Melhem

    55 % $ 200,200  

Kenneth R. Lepage

    60 % $ 211,800  

        The actual bonus payout for each named executive officer depends on the level of performance achieved for various performance objectives. The relationship between the level of performance achieved and overall bonus payout for each performance objective is as follows, with bonus payout levels interpolated for performance between Threshold and Target and between Target and Maximum:

Performance Level
  Bonus Payout
as a % of Target


    200 %


    100 %


    50 %

Below Threshold

    0 %

        Corporate performance objectives under our Executive Incentive Bonus Plan are established by the end of the first quarter of each fiscal year by our Compensation Committee after consultation with our Chief Executive Officer. For 2015, the objectives for our named executive officers under the Executive Incentive Bonus Plan consisted of sales objectives, net income and operating earnings objectives, free cash flow objectives and an individual performance objective. Free cash represents the amount of cash generated by operations during the year less net capitalized expenditures. For the individual performance objectives, each executive officer established several personal or team goals related to Company initiatives or segment initiatives that were aligned with the strategy of the business and the goals of our Chief Executive Officer. For 2015, the primary focus areas that were established at the start of the performance period were execution of the business transformation in the Americas and Asia-Pacific, launching global product innovation initiatives, driving productivity savings and other key strategic initiatives.


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        In setting our 2015 financial performance targets, the Compensation Committee determined that the targets and results should exclude the effect of unbudgeted restructuring, acquisitions, dispositions, foreign exchange, impairments, discontinued operations, legal settlements, employee separation costs, product liability charges, pension plan and supplemental employee retirement plan terminations, retroactive tax law changes, environmental remediation, adjustments for undifferentiated products, restructuring and one-time costs relating to the consolidation of manufacturing facilities and distribution centers. However, the Compensation Committee reviews all excluded items each year and may exercise its discretion to reduce bonus payouts to reflect the impact of any excluded item.

        Our bonus objectives are intended to align the interests of our management team with the interests of our stockholders. We believe that the capital markets evaluate companies in our industry based primarily on their ability to grow their businesses profitably while maintaining adequate returns on their invested capital. Our bonus objectives provide an incentive to management to maintain a balanced approach to growth, with appropriate emphasis on revenues, profitability, cash flow and execution of strategic initiatives. If we are successful in meeting or exceeding our goals under these objectives, we believe that this will lead to the creation of additional value for our stockholders.

        The Compensation Committee, in consultation with our Chief Executive Officer, determined the relative weight to be assigned to each objective for 2015. For 2015, the financial objectives for Messrs. Pagano, Trapp and Lepage were based entirely on the performance of our Company as a whole. Since the responsibilities of Mr. Nanda and Mr. Melhem were substantially tied to our Americas and Asia-Pacific business segments, respectively, most of their bonus achievement was based on their respective segment performance. The following table shows the weighting assigned to each named executive officer for each performance objective:

Named Executive Officer

Net Income

Free Cash

Trade Sales


Free Cash




Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

    20.0 %   40.0 %   30.0 %               10.0 %


Todd A. Trapp

    20.0 %   40.0 %   30.0 %               10.0 %


Munish Nanda

    6.0 %   12.0 %   9.0 %   14.0 %   28.0 %   21.0 %   10.0 %


Elie Melhem

    6.0 %   12.0 %   9.0 %   24.5 %   21.0 %   17.5 %   10.0 %


Kenneth R. Lepage

    20.0 %   40.0 %   30.0 %               10.0 %


The Compensation Committee placed greater emphasis on the net income and operating earnings measures because it believed that given the uncertain global economic environment, our focus should be on encouraging productivity, cost containment and profitability with less emphasis on top line growth, except for the Asia-Pacific segment where the Compensation Committee weighted the trade sales objective more heavily in order to continue to focus on growing our Asia-Pacific business.


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        Our results for 2015 with respect to each financial performance measure for our Company as a whole and the Americas and Asia-Pacific segments are set forth in the following table:

  Financial Performance Targets (in millions)


Financial Performance Measures
  2015 Results
(in millions)

  % of Bonus



Consolidated Sales

  $ 1,377   $ 1,530   $ 1,683   $ 1,467     86.3 %


Consolidated Net Income

  $ 83   $ 92   $ 102   $ 86     78.4 %


Consolidated Free Cash Flow

  $ 57   $ 68   $ 81   $ 91     200.0 %


Americas Trade Sales

  $ 808   $ 898   $ 987   $ 863     83.1 %


Americas Operating Earnings

  $ 118   $ 131   $ 144   $ 123     75.6 %


Americas Free Cash Flow

  $ 64   $ 75   $ 91   $ 103     200.0 %


Asia-Pacific Trade Sales

  ¥ 229   ¥ 254   ¥ 280   ¥ 266     146.1 %


Asia-Pacific Operating Earnings

  ¥ 6   ¥ 7   ¥ 8   ¥ 34     200.0 %


Asia-Pacific Free Cash Flow

  10   9   7   ¥ 37     200.0 %


        Based on these results, the weighted achievement of the financial performance metrics for 2015 by each of our named executive officers was as follows:

Named Executive Officer
  Financial Performance Measure




Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

  Consolidated Sales     20.0 %   86.3 %   17.3 %

Todd A. Trapp

  Consolidated Net Income     40.0 %   78.4 %   31.4 %

Kenneth R. Lepage

  Consolidated Free Cash Flow     30.0 %   200.0 %   60.0 %

        90 %         108.6 %


Munish Nanda

  Consolidated Sales     6.0 %   86.3 %   5.2 %

  Consolidated Net Income     12.0 %   78.4 %   9.4 %

  Consolidated Free Cash Flow     9.0 %   200.0 %   18.0 %

  Americas Trade Sales     14.0 %   83.1 %   11.6 %

  Americas Operating Earnings     28.0 %   75.6 %   21.2 %

  Americas Free Cash Flow     21.0 %   200.0 %   42.0 %

        90.0 %         107.4 %


Elie Melhem

  Consolidated Sales     6.0 %   86.3 %   5.2 %

  Consolidated Net Income     12.0 %   78.4 %   9.4 %

  Consolidated Free Cash Flow     9.0 %   200.0 %   18.0 %

  Asia-Pacific Trade Sales     24.5 %   146.1 %   35.8 %

  Asia-Pacific Operating Earnings     21.0 %   200.0 %   42.0 %

  Asia-Pacific Free Cash Flow     17.5 %   200.0 %   35.0 %

        90.0 %         145.4 %


        The Compensation Committee reviewed with our Chief Executive Officer the performance of each of the other named executive officers with respect to their individual performance objectives. Based on this review and the recommendations of our Chief Executive Officer, the Compensation Committee was satisfied that each of Messrs. Trapp, Melhem and Lepage had achieved their individual performance objectives and that Mr. Nanda had achieved higher than the target level of performance


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with respect to his individual performance objectives due to his strong performance in executing on the Americas business transformation program. The Compensation Committee separately reviewed the performance of Mr. Pagano with respect to his individual performance objectives and determined that Mr. Pagano had achieved his objectives.

        In line with our pay-for-performance philosophy, our executives received competitive bonus awards for 2015 commensurate with these results. The 2015 Executive Incentive Bonus Plan awards for our named executive officers that were paid in March 2016 were as follows:

Named Executive Officer
  2015 Target
Bonus Awards
as a Percentage
of Base Salary

  2015 Target



  2015 Bonus
Awards as a
of Target

  2015 Actual



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

    100 % $ 730,000     108.6 %   10.0 %   118.6 % $ 865,780  


Todd A. Trapp

    60 % $ 240,000     108.6 %   10.0 %   118.6 % $ 284,688  


Munish Nanda

    55 % $ 233,750     107.4 %   11.2 %   118.6 % $ 277,199  


Elie Melhem

    55 % $ 200,200     145.4 %   10.0 %   155.4 % $ 311,072  


Kenneth R. Lepage

    60 % $ 211,800     108.6 %   10.0 %   118.6 % $ 251,237  


Long-Term Incentives

        We provided long-term incentive compensation for our executive officers during 2015 in the form of the purchase of restricted stock units under our Management Stock Purchase Plan and the grant of performance stock units and restricted stock awards under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan. The Compensation Committee believes in granting equity-based incentive compensation as an important component of our executive compensation program to encourage sustainable growth and long-term value creation, align the interests of our executives with those of our stockholders by exposing executives to stock price changes during the vesting or deferral periods, and to attract and retain executive talent.

    Management Stock Purchase Plan RSUs

        Our Management Stock Purchase Plan is intended to provide an incentive for our executives to purchase and hold more of our class A common stock, thereby more closely aligning their interests with the interests of our stockholders. The Compensation Committee approves the participants in the Management Stock Purchase Plan based on recommendations made by executive management. For 2015, participants were entitled to purchase restricted stock units under the Management Stock Purchase Plan at a discount of 33% from the closing sale price of our class A common stock on February 19, 2016 using all or a portion of their pre-tax annual performance bonus. Beginning with bonuses paid for fiscal year 2016, the purchase price discount under the Management Stock Purchase Plan will be reduced to 20% and participant contributions will be limited to 50% of their annual performance bonus. For 2015, Mr. Pagano elected to contribute 100% of his annual performance bonus, each of Messrs. Trapp and Melhem elected to contribute 50% of his annual performance bonus, Mr. Nanda elected to contribute 30% of his annual performance bonus and Mr. Lepage elected to contribute 75% of his annual performance bonus, to the purchase of restricted stock units under the Management Stock Purchase Plan.

    Long-Term Equity Incentive Awards

        In 2015, we granted performance stock units and restricted stock awards to our executive officers, with each type of award accounting for 50% of the targeted value of long-term equity incentive awards


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for executive officers. The Compensation Committee believes that the use of performance stock unit awards and restricted stock awards in combination provide strong shareholder alignment, retention value, and the opportunity to leverage the value of awards up and down consistent with the Company's stock price performance as well as Company performance over the long term.

        The targeted value of the long-term equity incentive award grants made to our named executive officers was determined taking into account base pay and annual incentive values, a competitive analysis of executive compensation prepared by Pearl Meyer, and an appropriate mix of fixed versus variable and short-term versus long-term incentives. The Compensation Committee also considered each named executive officer's role, potential long-term contribution, performance, experience and skills. Based on its analysis, the Compensation Committee determined that the performance stock units and restricted stock awarded to the Company's Chief Executive Officer should have a targeted total grant date fair value approximating three times his annual base salary and the annual equity grant to each of our other named executive officers should have a targeted total grant date fair value approximating one-and-a-half times his annual base salary. The following table shows the values used to determine the number of shares underlying the annual restricted stock awards granted to our named executive officers in August 2015 and the annual target performance stock unit awards granted to our named executive officers in October 2015. In determining the number of shares underlying the awards granted to each named executive officer, we used a trailing twelve-month average stock price in order to prevent short-term fluctuations in our stock price from having a significant positive or negative impact on the number of shares awarded. For this reason, the targeted values indicated below differ from the grant date fair values of the grants reflected in the Summary Compensation Table.

Named Executive Officer
  Performance Stock
Unit Awards
(Target Award)

  Restricted Stock



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

  $ 1,095,000   $ 1,095,000   $ 2,190,000  


Todd A. Trapp

  $ 300,000   $ 300,000   $ 600,000  


Munish Nanda

  $ 318,750   $ 318,750   $ 637,500  


Elie Melhem

  $ 273,000   $ 273,000   $ 546,000  


Kenneth R. Lepage

  $ 264,750   $ 264,750   $ 529,500  


        In addition to the above annual equity incentive awards, in connection with their hiring, Mr. Trapp received a one-time grant of performance stock units with a targeted value of $100,000 and restricted stock awards with a targeted value of $900,000 and Mr. Nanda received a one-time grant of restricted stock awards with a targeted value of $1,000,000. These one-time grants were made pursuant to the terms of their employment offer letters in order to provide a recruitment incentive and to replace the value of unvested equity awards granted to them by their prior employers. Mr. Melhem also received a special one-time grant of restricted stock awards in April 2015 with a targeted value of $364,000 in recognition of his strong performance in growing our Asia-Pacific business and as an additional retention incentive. As with the annual awards, the number of shares awarded in each of these cases was determined using a twelve-month trailing average stock price, which results in the grant date fair values of these awards reflected in the Summary Compensation Table being different from the amounts indicated above.

        Performance Stock Unit Awards.    The performance stock units granted in 2015 will be settled in shares at the end of a performance vesting period ending on December 31, 2017, with performance tied equally to the Company's cumulative annual growth rate in revenue ("Revenue CAGR") and return on invested capital ("ROIC"). Revenue CAGR measures the rate of our growth over time, while ROIC measures how efficiently and effectively we use capital to generate profits. For purposes of our


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performance stock unit awards, ROIC means the Company's return on invested capital calculated as a percentage by dividing net operating profit after tax by invested capital. For the purposes of calculating ROIC, "net operating profit" will be adjusted to exclude the impact of all restructuring, foreign exchange, impairments, legal settlements, employee separation costs, product liability charges, pension plan and supplemental employee retirement plan terminations and retroactive tax law changes to the extent such items were not contemplated and included in the target upon which the ROIC goals were based. The Compensation Committee selected these two measures primarily because they are generally accepted as two fundamental drivers of sustained shareholder value, they provide shorter line-of-sight measurements than many alternative measures and both measures are contained in the Company's strategic plan. For the 2015 performance stock unit award performance period, the threshold, target and maximum Revenue CAGR metrics are 1.5%, 2.7% and 5.0%, respectively, and the ROIC threshold, target and maximum metrics are 9.0%, 10.4% and 13.0%, respectively. In addition, the Company must achieve an ROIC of at least 8% for any shares to be earned and delivered. The Revenue CAGR and ROIC goals are subject to adjustment to reflect the impact of any acquisitions or dispositions that occur during the performance period. The number of shares delivered can range from zero to 200% of the target number of performance stock units initially awarded, depending on performance, and delivery generally requires employment throughout the three-year performance period. At the threshold level of performance, 60% of the target number of shares would be awarded. The level of performance required to attain the threshold performance metrics was set at a level of performance where the Compensation Committee believes that a significantly reduced payout is appropriate and below which no payout is appropriate. The level of performance required to attain the target payout is designed to be reasonably challenging. The level of performance required to attain a maximum payout was set at a level of performance that the Compensation Committee deems exceptional. Performance stock units do not grant dividend or voting rights to the holder during the performance period, but dividend equivalents are accrued and paid on shares actually delivered after the vesting date.

        Restricted Stock Awards.    Restricted stock awards are shares of the Company's stock issued in the recipient's name but which are subject to forfeiture in the event the recipient's employment with the Company terminates prior to the time the shares vest. Upon vesting, the recipient owns the shares without restriction or risk of forfeiture. Recipients have voting and dividend rights with respect to restricted stock awards throughout the vesting period. The 2015 restricted stock awards vest one-third each year over three years.

Benefits and Perquisites

        We provide our executive officers with certain employee benefits and perquisites as a means of providing additional compensation that is designed to be competitive with other compensation provided by companies in our peer group.

        Retirement benefits are provided through a qualified defined contribution 401(k) plan for all of our full-time eligible employees who are United States residents. Prior to 2012, eligible United States employees also earned benefits under a qualified defined benefit pension plan, and some of our named executive officers also were eligible to accrue benefits under a supplemental non-qualified defined benefit plan. Effective December 31, 2011, we froze benefits under both the tax-qualified and non-qualified pension plans and our 401(k) Plan was enhanced to include Company-provided core and matching contributions for all eligible United States employees. Effective July 31, 2014 and May 15, 2014, we terminated the qualified and supplemental pension plans, respectively. On June 4, 2015 we received a favorable determination letter from the IRS, after which, in September 2015, we distributed assets in full satisfaction of all qualified and supplemental plan benefit liabilities. A more detailed description of these historic pension benefits can be found under "Pension Benefits" below.


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        We also provide our named executive officers with a limited number of perquisites as part of their compensation arrangements, which we consider to be reasonable and consistent with competitive practice. These perquisites include the choice of receiving a cash automobile allowance or the use of an automobile leased by the Company, supplemental disability insurance and a comprehensive executive physical examination. The amount of the automobile allowance or the maximum amount of the lease payments for the automobile used by each executive officer is determined by our Chief Executive Officer and reviewed by the Compensation Committee, and the Compensation Committee determines the maximum amount of our Chief Executive Officer's automobile allowance or lease payments to be paid by the Company. We also pay maintenance expenses for the leased automobiles and provide automobile insurance coverage under our corporate umbrella policy. We typically also reimburse recently hired executives for certain relocation-related expenses and provide tax gross up payments related to the reimbursed relocation expenses, which provide the executive with the same after-tax income as he or she would have received had the executive not relocated at the request of the Company.

        In addition, in connection with his assignment outside of the United States, we provided Mr. Melhem with customary expatriate benefits to address the unique circumstances arising from living and working abroad.

Compensation Recovery Policy

        We have a Compensation Recovery Policy, commonly referred to as a "claw back" policy, for our executive officers and chief accounting officer. Under this policy, in the event of a financial restatement due to fraudulent activity or intentional misconduct as determined solely by the Compensation Committee, our executive officers and chief accounting officer may be required to reimburse the Company for the difference between any incentive compensation (such as payments under the Executive Incentive Bonus Plan), equity awards or other compensation that was based on having met or exceeded Company performance targets that would not have been met based upon accurate financial data and the compensation that would have been, granted, received, vested or accrued had such compensation been calculated based on the accurate data or restated results.

Employment Agreements

        None of our executive officers has an employment agreement with us.

        We have entered into indemnification agreements with each of our directors and executive officers. The indemnification agreements provide indemnity, including the advancement of expenses, to our directors and executive officers against liabilities incurred in the performance of their duties to the fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

Post-Termination Compensation and Change in Control Arrangements

Severance Benefits

        We maintain an Executive Severance Plan, which provides severance benefits for our senior executives, including all of our named executive officers. The Compensation Committee believes that the Executive Severance Plan is an important recruitment incentive for executives, provides a valuable retention incentive and is competitive with the practices of most of the companies in our executive compensation peer group. Under the Executive Severance Plan, a named executive officer involuntarily terminated for reasons not meeting the definition of cause under the Executive Severance Plan will receive (i) an amount equal to twelve months of premiums the named executive officer would have to pay for COBRA medical coverage, and (ii) one year of base salary, except for Mr. Pagano who as Chief Executive Officer would receive two years of base salary. In connection with the receipt of any severance payments under the Executive Severance Plan, a named executive officer would be required


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to sign a written agreement that would contain a release of claims against the Company and such other restrictions, such as non-competition, non-solicitation and non-disparagement covenants, as the Compensation Committee determines are appropriate.

Change in Control Benefits

        We believe that the consideration of a change in control transaction would create uncertainty regarding the continued employment of our executive officers. This uncertainty results from the fact that many change in control transactions result in significant organizational changes, particularly at the senior executive level. In order to encourage our executive officers to focus on seeking the best return for our stockholders and to remain employed with the Company during an important time when their prospects for continued employment following a change in control transaction are often uncertain, we provide certain key executives (including our named executive officers) with cash severance benefits in connection with a change of control of the Company under the Executive Severance Plan. Further, we believe that providing these executive officers with cash severance benefits upon certain terminations following a change in control is consistent with the practices of the companies in our executive compensation peer group and provides an important recruitment incentive for future executives. Under our Executive Severance Plan, if a named executive officer is involuntarily terminated without cause or resigns for good reason (as defined in the Executive Severance Plan) within 24 months following a change in control of the Company, or is involuntarily terminated without cause in the six months prior to such change in control, such named executive officer will receive an amount equal to (i) 24 months of premiums the named executive officer would have to pay for COBRA medical coverage, and (ii) two times the sum of the named executive officer's annual base salary and target annual bonus immediately prior to the change in control. In connection with the receipt of any severance payments under the Executive Severance Plan, a named executive officer would be required to sign a written agreement that would contain a release of claims against the Company and such other restrictions, such as non-competition, non-solicitation and non-disparagement covenants, as the Compensation Committee determines are appropriate. In addition, our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan and Management Stock Purchase Plan provide that in connection with a change in control all unvested performance stock units, shares of restricted stock, stock options and restricted stock units will become fully vested.

Stock Ownership Guidelines

        The Compensation Committee monitors compliance with the stock ownership guidelines approved by the Compensation Committee for all of our executive officers. For 2015, our Chief Executive Officer was required to hold shares of our stock with a value of at least five times the amount of his base salary, our Chief Financial Officer was required to hold shares of our stock with a value of at least three times the amount of his base salary and our other executive officers were required to hold shares of our stock with a value of at least twice their base salary. In determining the number of shares owned by an executive, the Compensation Committee takes into account shares held directly, the shares underlying restricted stock units purchased by the executive under our Management Stock Purchase Plan and shares of restricted stock, but not stock options. Our officers are expected to comply with these requirements within five years of their appointment as an executive officer. The Compensation Committee evaluates compliance with these guidelines in connection with making its compensation decisions and recommendations at its regularly scheduled third quarter meeting. Compliance is typically measured based on stock ownership as of the last day of the second quarter. At the end of the second quarter of 2015, all of our executive officers who had been executive officers of Watts for five or more years were in compliance with our stock ownership guidelines.


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Impact of Regulatory Requirements

        The financial reporting and income tax consequences of individual compensation elements are important considerations for the Compensation Committee when it is analyzing the overall level of compensation and the mix of compensation paid to our executive officers. However, other factors may be of greater importance than preserving deductibility for a particular form of compensation. Overall, the Compensation Committee seeks to balance its objective of ensuring an effective compensation package for our executive officers with the desire to maximize the immediate deductibility of compensation, while ensuring an appropriate and transparent impact on reported earnings and other financial measures.

        The Compensation Committee considers the tax and accounting consequences of utilizing various forms of compensation and retains the discretion to pay compensation that is not tax deductible or could have adverse accounting consequences for the Company. For 2015, our annual performance bonus payments to our executives should be deductible. Our base salary payments, performance stock unit awards and restricted stock grants, as structured during 2015, will not be tax deductible by us to the extent their combined value exceeds the $1 million limit for any one executive.


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Compensation Summary

        The following table contains information with respect to the compensation of our named executive officers for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013.


Name and Principal Position





  Change in
Value and

  All Other




Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

    2015     730,001         2,505,947         865,780         46,882 (7)   4,148,610  

Chief Executive Officer and President (6)

    2014     419,103         5,559,307         380,158         97,823     6,456,391  


Todd A. Trapp

    2015     291,282         1,570,600         284,688         124,292 (9)   2,270,862  

Chief Financial Officer (8)



Munish Nanda

    2015     314,391     100,000 (11)   1,586,515         277,199         29,547 (12)   2,307,652  

President, Americas & Europe (10)



Elie Melhem

    2015     364,000         931,341         311,072     7,133     133,290 (13)   1,746,836  

President, Asia-Pacific,

    2014     350,000         582,737     127,915     212,501     8,157     214,094     1,495,404  

the Middle East & Africa

    2013     333,000         364,459     335,640     137,546         253,949     1,424,594  


Kenneth R. Lepage

    2015     353,000         595,090         251,237         36,383 (14)   1,235,710  

General Counsel, Executive

    2014     340,000     30,000     586,245     124,268     189,924     74,349     38,899     1,383,685  

Vice President & Secretary

    2013     312,000         318,429     314,163     31,824         34,149     1,010,565  

The amounts shown in this column reflect the grant date fair value of performance stock units and restricted stock awards under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan and the grant date fair value of the discount on the restricted stock units purchased under our Management Stock Purchase Plan determined in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718. A discussion of the assumptions used in calculating the amounts in this column may be found in Note 13 to our audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 29, 2016, except that the fair value of the discount attributable to each restricted stock unit purchased under the Management Stock Purchase Plan on February 19, 2016 was estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes-Merton Model based on the following weighted average assumptions:

Expected life:     3 years    
Expected stock price volatility:     24.8%    
Expected dividend yield:     1.3%    
Risk-free interest rate:     0.9%    

    The risk-free interest rate is based on the U.S. treasury yield curve at the time of grant for the expected life of the restricted stock unit. The expected life, which is defined as the estimated period of time outstanding, of the restricted stock unit and the volatility were calculated using historical data. The expected dividend yield is our best estimate of the expected future dividend yield. Based on these assumptions, the weighted average grant date fair value of the discount on a restricted stock unit purchased on February 19, 2016 was $18.15. The grant date fair values of the performance stock units and restricted stock awards granted to each of our named executive officers during 2015 and the grant date fair value of the discount on the restricted stock units purchased by each of our named executive officers on February 19, 2016 were as follows:

Named Executive Officer
  Grant Date
Fair Value of
Stock Units

  Grant Date
Fair Value of

  Grant Date
Fair Value of
Discount on
Stock Units



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

  $ 1,147,538   $ 914,641   $ 443,768   $ 2,505,947  


Todd A. Trapp

  $ 419,147   $ 1,078,508   $ 72,945   $ 1,570,600  


Munish Nanda

  $ 334,008   $ 1,209,891   $ 42,616   $ 1,586,515  


Elie Melhem

  $ 286,074   $ 565,552   $ 79,715   $ 931,341  


Kenneth R. Lepage

  $ 277,407   $ 221,107   $ 96,576   $ 595,090  



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The grant date fair value of the performance stock units included in this column is the fair value of the target number of performance stock units granted to each named executive officer, which we consider to be the probable outcome of the performance conditions as of the grant date. The following table shows for each named executive officer the grant date fair value of the target number of performance stock units granted to each such officer that is included in the Summary Compensation Table and the potential maximum grant date fair value of each such performance stock unit award.

Named Executive Officer
Number of
Stock Units

  Grant Date
Fair Value of
Number of
Stock Units

Number of
Stock Units

  Grant Date
Fair Value of
Number of
Stock Units



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

    19,463   $ 1,147,538     38,926   $ 2,295,077  


Todd A. Trapp

    7,109   $ 419,147     14,218   $ 838,293  


Munish Nanda

    5,665   $ 334,008     11,330   $ 668,017  


Elie Melhem

    4,852   $ 286,074     9,704   $ 572,148  


Kenneth R. Lepage

    4,705   $ 277,407     9,410   $ 554,814  

The amounts shown in this column reflect the grant date fair value of stock options granted under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan determined in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718. A discussion of the assumptions used in calculating the amounts in this column may be found in Note 12 to our audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 26, 2015.

The amounts shown in this column reflect amounts earned under our Executive Incentive Bonus Plan by each named executive officer. Each of our named executive officers elected to use a portion of his 2015 annual performance bonus under the Executive Incentive Bonus Plan to purchase restricted stock units under our Management Stock Purchase Plan. The number of restricted stock units purchased by each named executive officer are as follows:

  Percentage of
Annual Bonus
Used to
Stock Units

  Amount of
Bonus for

  Amount of
Bonus Used to
Stock Units

  Number of
Stock Units



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

    2015     100 % $ 865,780   $ 865,780     24,450  

    2014     75 % $ 380,158   $ 285,084     7,678  


Todd A. Trapp

    2015     50 % $ 284,688   $ 142,344     4,019  


Munish Nanda

    2015     30 % $ 277,199   $ 83,160     2,348  


Elie Melhem

    2015     50 % $ 311,072   $ 155,536     4,392  

    2014     50 % $ 212,501   $ 106,229     2,861  

    2013     50 % $ 137,546   $ 68,741     1,707  


Kenneth R. Lepage

    2015     75 % $ 251,237   $ 188,428     5,321  

    2014     75 % $ 189,924   $ 142,431     3,836  

    2013     75 % $ 31,824   $ 23,840     592  


    Under our Management Stock Purchase Plan, the purchase price for restricted stock units is 67% of the closing price of our class A common stock on the date of grant. The grant date fair value of the 33% discount on the restricted stock units purchased by each named executive officer has been included under the Stock Awards column as additional compensation to the named executive officer. The restricted stock units vest in three equal annual installments beginning one year after the date of grant. At the end of the deferral period specified by the named executive officer under the Management Stock Purchase Plan, we will issue one share of class A common stock for each vested restricted stock unit. Cash dividends equivalent to those paid on our class A common stock will be credited to the named executive officer's account for non-vested restricted stock units and will be paid in cash to the named executive officer when such restricted stock units become vested. Dividends will also be paid in cash to individuals for vested restricted stock units held during any deferral period. The number of restricted stock units purchased was determined by dividing the dollar amount of bonus used in the above table by $35.41 for 2015, $37.13 for 2014 and $40.27 for 2013, which is 67% of the closing price of our class A common stock on February 19, 2016, February 20, 2015 and February 21, 2014, respectively, which was the third business day after the release of our 2015, 2014 and 2013 annual earnings.

The amounts shown in this column reflect the aggregate change in actuarial present value of the named executive officer's accumulated benefit under our Pension Plan and our Supplemental Plan from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Changes in assumptions underlying the present value calculations, including the effect of settling all benefits in September 2015, caused the pension values to change since the prior year as described below. See footnote (1) following the 2015 Pension Benefits table for more details on the assumptions used to determine the present values. The pension value for Mr. Lepage decreased by $70,981 during 2015. The decrease is primarily due to the effect of the settlement, including Mr. Lepage's election to receive a qualified plan lump-sum payment which is less than the annuity purchase cost had he chosen instead to defer benefits. The pension value for Mr. Melhem increased by $7,133 during 2015. The increase is


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    primarily due to the effect of the settlement, including Mr. Melhem's election to defer benefits and instead receive a deferred annuity from an annuity provider.

Mr. Pagano commenced employment with us on May 27, 2014. Mr. Pagano also served as interim Chief Financial Officer from October 2014 to April 2015.

The amount indicated for Mr. Pagano in the All Other Compensation column for 2015 consists of automobile lease and maintenance expenses, automobile insurance premiums, $15,900 in 401(k) Plan contributions, term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance premiums, $10,147 in supplemental disability insurance premiums, and the cost to the Company of an executive physical examination.

Mr. Trapp commenced employment with us on April 9, 2015.

The amount indicated for Mr. Trapp in the All Other Compensation column for 2015 consists of $76,793 in relocation expenses, a tax gross-up payment of $15,266 with respect to the relocation expenses, automobile lease and maintenance expenses, automobile insurance premiums, 401(k) Plan contributions, term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance premiums, supplemental disability insurance premiums, and the cost to the Company of an executive physical examination.

Mr. Nanda commenced employment with us on April 6, 2015 as President, Americas. Mr. Nanda was appointed President, Americas & Europe on February 16, 2016.

Mr. Nanda received a signing bonus of $100,000 in connection with the commencement of his employment with us.

The amount indicated for Mr. Nanda in the All Other Compensation column for 2015 consists of an automobile allowance, $10,625 in 401(k) Plan contributions, term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance premiums, supplemental disability insurance premiums, and the cost to the Company of an executive physical examination.

The amount indicated for Mr. Melhem in the All Other Compensation column for 2015 includes $13,611 in 401(k) Plan contributions, the cost to the Company of an executive physical examination, supplemental disability insurance premiums, and term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance premiums. In addition, in connection with his assignment in China, we provided Mr. Melhem with customary expatriate benefits to address the unique circumstances arising from living and working abroad. The amount indicated for Mr. Melhem in the All Other Compensation column for 2015 also includes the cost of these expatriate benefits, including $113,518 for housing expenses, a $16,952 Medicare tax gross-up payment, and school tuition for Mr. Melhem's child. The dollar amounts shown for Mr. Melhem under the All Other Compensation column include amounts converted from Chinese yuan into U.S. dollars using the following average interbank conversion rates on the indicated dates:

        2015: 0.1514 U.S. dollars for one Chinese yuan as of February 1, 2016

        2014: 0.1618 U.S. dollars for one Chinese yuan as of February 1, 2015

        2013: 0.1635 U.S. dollars for one Chinese yuan as of February 21, 2014

The amount indicated for Mr. Lepage in the All Other Compensation column for 2015 consists of automobile lease and maintenance expenses, the cost to the Company of an executive physical examination, $15,285 in 401(k) Plan contributions, term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance premiums, automobile insurance premiums, and supplemental disability insurance premiums.


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Grants of Plan-Based Awards

        The following table shows information concerning grants of plan-based awards made to the named executive officers during 2015.


  Estimated Possible Payouts
Under Non-Equity
Incentive Plan Awards(2)

  Estimated Possible Payouts
Under Equity
Incentive Plan Awards(3)

  All Other
Number of
Shares of

  Date of
Committee or
Board of

Date Fair
Value of











Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

  EIBP             365,000     730,000     1,460,000                      

  RSA     7/27/15     7/27/15                             18,921     914,641  

  PSU     10/26/15     10/26/15                 11,677     19,463     38,926         1,147,538  


Todd A. Trapp

  EIBP             120,000     240,000     480,000                      

  RSA     4/9/15     2/11/15                             15,233     827,914  

  PSU     10/26/15     2/11/15                 1,066     1,777     3,554         104,772  

  RSA     7/27/15     7/27/15                             5,184     250,595  

  PSU     10/26/15     10/26/15                 3,199     5,332     10,664         314,375  


Munish Nanda

  EIBP             116,875     233,750     467,500                      

  RSA     4/6/15     3/18/15                             16,911     943,634  

  RSA     7/27/15     7/27/15                             5,508     266,257  

  PSU     10/26/15     10/26/15                 3,399     5,665     11,330         334,008  


Elie Melhem

  EIBP             100,100     200,200     400,400                      

  RSA     4/27/15     4/27/15                             6,174     337,533  

  RSA     7/27/15     7/27/15                             4,717     228,020  

  PSU     10/26/15     10/26/15                 2,911     4,852     9,704         286,074  


Kenneth R. Lepage

  EIBP             105,900     211,800     423,600                      

  RSA     7/27/15     7/27/15                             4,574     221,107  

  PSU     10/26/15     10/26/15                 2,823     4,705     9,410         277,407  

Type of award:

EIBP:    Annual cash bonus award under our Executive Incentive Bonus Plan

PSU:    Performance Stock Unit award under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan

RSA:    Restricted Stock Award under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan

The amounts in these columns indicate the threshold, target and maximum performance bonus amounts payable under our Executive Incentive Bonus Plan prior to deducting any amounts the named executive officer elected to use to purchase restricted stock units under the Management Stock Purchase Plan. Each of our named executive officers elected to use a portion of his performance bonus to purchase restricted stock units under our Management Stock Purchase Plan. See footnote (4) to the "Summary Compensation Table" for a description of the actual amount of performance bonus earned by each of the named executive officers for 2015, the amount of each named executive officer's bonus that was used to purchase restricted stock units under the Management Stock Purchase Plan and the number of restricted stock units purchased. The potential performance bonus amounts payable under the Executive Incentive Bonus Plan are based on the achievement of specific financial performance metrics and the achievement of individual strategic goals. The named executive officers would receive a bonus payout equal to 50% of their target bonus at the threshold level of performance and 200% of their target bonus at the maximum level of performance. If none of the threshold performance metrics are met, no performance bonus would be payable to the named executive officers.

The amounts in these columns indicate the threshold, target and maximum number of shares that the named executive officer could receive if an award payout is achieved under the Company's performance stock unit awards. These potential share amounts are based on achievement of specific performance metrics. The named executive officer would receive 60% of the target number of shares at the threshold level of performance and 200% of the target number of shares at the maximum level of performance. If none of the threshold performance targets are met, then our named executive officers will not receive any shares.

The amounts shown in these columns represent the grant date fair value of each equity award as determined in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718. For the performance stock unit awards, the amounts shown assume that the target level of performance would be achieved with respect to the performance metrics. These are the amounts reflected in the "Summary Compensation Table."


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Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End

        The following table shows information regarding unexercised stock options and unvested performance stock units, restricted stock and restricted stock units held by the named executive officers as of December 31, 2015.


  Option Awards(1)

  Stock Awards(2)


  Number of
Options (#)

  Number of
Options (#)



  Number of
Shares or
Units of
Stock That
Have Not

Value of
Shares or
Units of
Stock That
Have Not

Number of
Units or
That Have
Not Vested

Market or
Value of
Units or
That Have
Not Vested



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

    5/27/14                     20,069 (5)   996,827          

    8/1/14                     12,257 (5)   608,805          

    7/27/15                     18,921 (5)   939,806          

    2/20/15                     7,678 (6)   381,366          

    5/27/14                             12,041     598,076  

    8/1/14                             11,031     547,910  

    10/26/15                             11,677     579,997  


Todd A. Trapp

    4/9/15                     15,233 (5)   756,623          

    7/27/15                     5,184 (5)   257,489          

    10/26/15                             4,265     211,843  


Munish Nanda

    4/6/15                     16,911 (5)   839,969          

    7/27/15                     5,508 (5)   273,582          

    10/26/15                             3,399     168,828  


Elie Melhem

    8/5/11     1,875     0     29.05     8/5/21                  

    8/3/12     0     3,750     37.41     8/3/22                  

    8/2/13     8,268     8,266     54.76     8/2/23                  

    8/1/14     2,127     4,256     57.47     8/1/24                  

    8/2/13                     1,984 (5)   98,545          

    8/1/14                     2,298 (5)   114,142          

    4/27/15                     6,174 (5)   306,663          

    7/27/15                     4,717 (5)   234,293          

    2/22/13                     690 (6)   34,272          

    2/21/14                     1,138 (6)   56,524          

    2/20/15                     2,861 (6)   142,106          

    8/1/14                             2,757     136,940  

    10/26/15                             2,911     144,589  


Kenneth R. Lepage

    7/31/09     10,000     0     26.34     7/31/19                  

    8/6/10     15,000     0     33.65     8/6/20                  

    8/5/11     15,000     0     29.05     8/5/21                  

    8/3/12     15,750     5,250     37.41     8/3/22                  

    8/2/13     7,738     7,738     54.76     8/2/23                  

    8/1/14     2,067     4,134     57.47     8/1/24                  

    8/2/13                     1,857 (5)   92,237          

    8/1/14                     2,233 (5)   110,913          

    7/27/15                     4,574 (5)   227,191          

    2/22/13                     401 (6)   19,918          

    2/21/14                     395 (6)   19,620          

    2/20/15                     3,836 (6)   190,534          

    8/1/14                             2,679     133,066  

    10/26/15                             2,823     140,218  

The stock options listed in this column were granted under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan and vest annually at a rate of 25% per year, except for the stock options granted to our named executive officers on August 1, 2014, which vest annually at a rate of 331/3% per year.

The restricted stock units and restricted stock awards listed in this column vest annually at a rate of 331/3% per year, except for the restricted stock awards granted to our named executive officers other than Mr. Pagano on August 1, 2014, which vest annually at a rate of 50% per year. Performance stock units vest upon the completion of a three-year performance period beginning January 1st of the grant year.

In accordance with SEC rules, the market value of unvested shares of restricted stock, restricted stock units and performance stock units is determined by multiplying the number of such shares and units by $49.67, the closing market price of our class A common stock on December 31, 2015.


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The amounts in this column represent performance stock units awarded under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan. In accordance with SEC guidance, the number of performance stock units shown for each named executive officer is the number of shares that would be earned by the named executive officer at the threshold level of performance, which is 60% of the target number of shares awarded.

Consists of shares of restricted stock awarded under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan.

Consists of restricted stock units purchased under our Management Stock Purchase Plan.

Option Exercises and Stock Vested

        The following table shows amounts received by the named executive officers upon exercise of stock options and vesting of restricted stock and restricted stock units during 2015.


  Option Awards

  Stock Awards(1)

  Number of
on Exercise

  Value Realized
on Exercise

  Number of
on Vesting

  Value Realized
on Vesting



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

            26,197     1,427,602  


Todd A. Trapp



Munish Nanda



Elie Melhem

    3,750     65,032     7,208     350,923 (3)


Kenneth R. Lepage

            9,086     441,426 (4)

Reflects shares of class A common stock underlying restricted stock units purchased under the Management Stock Purchase Plan and shares of restricted stock awarded under the 2004 Stock Incentive Plan.

The value realized on vesting of restricted stock awards is determined by multiplying the number of shares that vested by the fair market value of our class A common stock on the vesting date. The value realized on vesting of restricted stock units represents the difference between the purchase price paid by the named executive officer for the vesting shares and the fair market value of our class A common stock on the vesting date.

Pursuant to the Management Stock Purchase Plan, Mr. Melhem elected to defer receipt of shares issuable upon settlement of restricted stock units representing $8,728 of the value recognized on vesting until February 21, 2017.

Pursuant to the Management Stock Purchase Plan, Mr. Lepage elected to defer receipt of shares issuable upon settlement of restricted stock units representing $3,022 of the value recognized on vesting until February 21, 2017.

Pension Benefits

        We previously maintained two defined benefit plans, both of which were frozen effective December 31, 2011. This means that benefit amounts under both plans do not reflect any pay or service earned after December 31, 2011. The Watts Water Technologies, Inc. Pension Plan, which we refer to as the Pension Plan, provided funded, tax-qualified benefits up to the limits on compensation and benefits under the Internal Revenue Code. The Watts Water Technologies, Inc. Supplemental Employees Retirement Plan, which we refer to as the Supplemental Plan, provided unfunded additional monthly benefits to a select group of key executives. Details of both plans are described below.


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        The Pension Plan was terminated effective July 31, 2014. The Supplemental Plan was terminated effective May 15, 2014. On June 4, 2015, we received the Internal Revenue Service favorable determination letter for terminating the Pension Plan. In September 2015, we settled the Pension Plan and Supplemental Plan benefit obligations which included the following actions:

    The Company settled all liabilities under the Supplemental Plan in accordance with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code by paying lump sums to all plan participants.

    The Company transferred the Pension Plan assets and benefit obligations to an annuity provider and distributed lump-sum payments to participants based on their elections.

    The Company made cash contributions of $43.2 million to fully fund the above settlement actions.

        The 2015 Pension Benefits table below shows the named executive officers' years of benefit service, present value of accumulated benefit and payments during the last fiscal year under each of the plans. In view of the settlement that occurred in September, 2015, the "present value of accumulated benefit" is $0 as of December 31, 2015 for all participants. Prior to settlement, the accrued pension benefit earned reflected current years of benefit service, current Final Average Compensation (generally the highest five consecutive years of the last ten), and current statutory and plan-specific benefit and pay limits. The assumptions used to determine the September 2015 settlement values are described immediately following the 2015 Pension Benefits table.

Pension Plan

        Messrs. Melhem and Lepage were eligible for the Pension Plan during 2015 prior to settlement. The remaining named executive officers were not eligible as they were hired after benefits under the Pension Plan were frozen. In connection with the plan termination, Mr. Lepage elected to receive his benefit as an immediate lump sum equal to the present value of his future benefits. The present value was determined based on the plan's definition of actuarial equivalence and as required under Internal Revenue Code Section 417(e)(3). Mr. Melhem elected to defer his benefit and upon settlement his benefit was transferred to an annuity provider through an annuity purchase contract.

Supplemental Plan

        The Supplemental Plan provided additional monthly benefits to certain executives who are affected by IRS and other plan-specific limits on Pension Plan Compensation. Mr. Lepage earned a benefit under the Supplemental Plan with respect to his compensation in excess of the statutory qualified Pension Plan limit and amounts attributable to deferred compensation that would otherwise have been treated as pensionable wages under the qualified Pension Plan. In connection with the plan termination, Mr. Lepage received his benefit as an immediate lump sum equal to the present value of his future benefits. The present value was determined based on the plan's definition of actuarial equivalence, consistent with the Pension Plan.


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  Plan Name
  Number of Years of
Credited Service (#)

  Present Value of
Benefit ($)(1)

  Payments During
Last Fiscal Year



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

  Pension Plan              

  Excess benefits under Supplemental Plan              



Todd A. Trapp

  Pension Plan              

  Excess benefits under Supplemental Plan              



Munish Nanda

  Pension Plan              

  Excess benefits under Supplemental Plan              



Elie Melhem

  Pension Plan             36,212  

  Excess benefits under Supplemental Plan              

  Total:               36,212  


Kenneth R. Lepage

  Pension Plan             117,381  

  Excess benefits under Supplemental Plan             63,800  

  Total:               181,181  

Payments during the fiscal year are based on the following:
    For Mr. Lepage, payments equal actual lump sum payments under the Pension and Supplemental Plans.

    For Mr. Melhem, payments equal the estimated value of his deferred annuity transferred to an annuity provider. The value was estimated by allocating a portion of the total deferred annuity premium based on the percentage of the total estimated annuity purchase liability represented by his deferred benefit, using approximate annuity purchase assumptions.

Nonqualified Deferred Compensation

        Prior to 2012, we provided a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to all of our employees whose annual compensation was greater than $90,000. Of the named executive officers, only Mr. Lepage has deferred compensation under the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan. Under the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan, participants were allowed to defer up to 100% of base salary and bonus. Participant deferrals earn returns based on the participant's selection from a list of investments that are generally the same as those provided in our 401(k) plan. The allocation of investments may be changed once each year. We did not make any matching contributions under the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan.


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        Generally, account balances under the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan may be paid at the earliest of termination of employment, normal retirement, early retirement, or becoming disabled as a lump sum or systematic installments over ten years. Account balances may be distributed prior to retirement only in the event of a financial hardship due to an unforeseeable emergency, but not in excess of the amount needed to meet the hardship. Distributions from the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to our named executive officers cannot be made until at least six months after termination of employment. Mr. Lepage did not receive any distributions, or make any withdrawals, from the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan during 2015.

        Under our Management Stock Purchase Plan, executives may elect to purchase restricted stock units, which vest in three annual installments beginning one year after the date of grant. However, shares are not delivered in settlement of the restricted stock units until the end of the deferral period elected by the named executive officer. Once vested, the restricted stock units constitute deferred compensation and are reported in the table below as contributions by the named executive officer. Restricted stock units that vested prior to 2015 and were issued at the end of their deferral period during 2015 are listed in the table as distributions of deferred compensation.



Contributions in
Last Fiscal
Year ($)(2)

Contributions in
Last Fiscal Year

Earnings in Last
Fiscal Year


Balance at Last
Fiscal Year End



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.



Todd A. Trapp



Munish Nanda



Elie Melhem

  MSPP     70,013                 96,807  


Kenneth R. Lepage

  NDCP             852         243,123  

  MSPP     33,255             155,374     49,620  

"MSPP" refers to our Management Stock Purchase Plan, and "NDCP" refers to our Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan.

Based on the fair market value of our class A common stock on the vesting date of restricted stock units, the settlement of which have been deferred beyond 2015.

Based on the fair market value of our class A common stock on the date of delivery of shares upon settlement of restricted stock units.

For MSPP amounts, reflects the value of restricted stock units that were vested as of December 31, 2015 but not yet settled based on the closing price of our class A common stock on December 31, 2015 of $49.67.

Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control

Executive Severance Plan

        Our Executive Severance Plan covers all of our named executive officers. Under the Executive Severance Plan, a named executive officer involuntarily terminated for reasons not meeting the definition of cause under the Executive Severance Plan will receive an amount equal to (i) twelve months of premiums the named executive officer would have to pay for COBRA medical coverage, and (ii) one year of base salary, except for Mr. Pagano who as Chief Executive Officer would receive two years of base salary. In connection with the receipt of any severance payments under the Executive Severance Plan, a named executive officer would be required to sign a written agreement that would contain a release of claims against the Company and such other restrictions, such as non-competition,


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non-solicitation and non-disparagement covenants, as the Compensation Committee determines are appropriate.

        If a named executive officer is involuntarily terminated without cause or resigns for good reason (as defined in the Executive Severance Plan) within 24 months following a change in control of the Company, or is involuntarily terminated without cause in the six months prior to such change in control, such named executive officer will receive an amount equal to (i) 24 months of premiums the named executive officer would have to pay for COBRA medical coverage, and (ii) two times the sum of the named executive officer's annual base salary and target annual bonus immediately prior to the change in control.

        The following table sets forth the amounts of compensation that would have been due to each of our named executive officers under the Executive Severance Plan in the event the named executive officer's employment with the Company terminated as of December 31, 2015.

  Resignation or

Without Cause

With Cause

Without Cause
or Resignation
for Good Reason
Within 24 Months
Following a
Change in Control

Without Cause
Within Six
Preceding a
Change in



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

      $ 1,475,894       $ 2,951,788   $ 2,951,788  


Todd A. Trapp

      $ 424,558       $ 1,329,117   $ 1,329,117  


Munish Nanda

      $ 449,558       $ 1,366,617   $ 1,366,617  


Elie Melhem

      $ 395,933       $ 1,192,267   $ 1,192,267  


Kenneth R. Lepage

      $ 359,538       $ 1,142,676   $ 1,142,676  


Equity Plans

        Under our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan, upon the termination of employment of a participant for any reason other than death or disability, all unvested stock options and performance stock units immediately terminate and unvested shares of restricted stock are automatically forfeited. If the participant's employment is terminated for cause, all stock options immediately terminate regardless of whether they are vested or unvested. If a participant's employment is terminated by reason of death or disability, all unvested stock options and shares of restricted stock immediately vest in full and the options may be exercised for a period of twelve months from the date of such termination of employment. For performance stock units, if a participant's employment is terminated due to death or disability during the last twelve months of the performance period, the participant will receive the number of shares actually earned and vested at the end of the performance period as if the participant had not terminated employment. If the participant's employment is terminated due to death or disability within the first twenty-four months of the performance period, the participant will receive the target number of shares pro-rated based on the portion of the performance period during which the participant was employed.

        Under our Management Stock Purchase Plan, upon the termination of employment of a participant for any reason including death or disability, all vested restricted stock units will be exchanged for shares of class A common stock and the participant will receive a cash payment equal to the lesser of (i) the original purchase price paid for the unvested restricted stock units plus interest, or (ii) an amount equal to the number of unvested restricted stock units multiplied by the fair market value of our class A common stock on the termination date.


Table of Contents

        Our 2004 Stock Incentive Plan and Management Stock Purchase Plan provide that in connection with a change in control all unvested stock options, shares of restricted stock, performance stock units and restricted stock units will become fully vested. As of December 31, 2015, the named executive officers held the following unvested stock options, shares of restricted stock, performance stock units and restricted stock units that would have become fully vested upon a change in control.

  Number of
Options (#)

  Value of
Options ($)(1)

  Number of
Shares of
Stock (#)

  Value of
Stock ($)(2)

  Number of
Units (#)(3)

  Value of
Units ($)(2)

  Number of
Units (#)

  Value of
Units ($)(4)



Robert J. Pagano, Jr.

            51,247     2,545,439     57,917     2,876,737     7,678     96,282  


Todd A. Trapp

            20,417     1,014,112     7,109     353,104          


Munish Nanda

            22,419     1,113,552     5,665     281,381          


Elie Melhem

    16,272     45,975     15,173     753,643     9,448     469,282     4,689     59,022  


Kenneth R. Lepage

    17,122     64,365     8,664     430,341     9,170     455,474     4,632     59,050  

The value of unvested options was calculated by multiplying the number of shares underlying unvested options by $49.67, the closing market price of our class A common stock on December 31, 2015, and then deducting the aggregate exercise price for these options.

The value of unvested shares of restricted stock and performance stock units was calculated by multiplying the number of shares of unvested restricted stock or performance stock units by $49.67, the closing market price of our class A common stock on December 31, 2015.

In the event of a change of control during the performance period, the participant would receive a number of shares equal to the greater of (i) the target number of performance stock units granted to the participant, or (ii) the number of performance stock units that would be earned based on the Company's performance determined as if the Company's last quarter end prior to the change of control was the last day of the performance period. The value of unvested performance stock units in this column was calculated using the target number of performance stock units granted to the participant.

The value of unvested restricted stock units was calculated by multiplying the number of shares underlying unvested restricted stock units by $49.67, the closing market price of our class A common stock on December 31, 2015, and then deducting the aggregate purchase price paid for these restricted stock units.


        The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis included in this proxy statement with management. Based on such review and discussion with management, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy statement and in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015.

    The Compensation Committee
    Richard J. Cathcart, Chairperson
Robert L. Ayers
W. Craig Kissel


        Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires certain officers, directors and persons who own more than 10% of our class A common stock to file with the SEC initial reports of ownership and changes in ownership of our stock and provide copies of such forms to us. Based on a review of the copies of such forms provided to us and written representations furnished to us, we believe that during the year ended December 31, 2015, all reports required by Section 16(a) to be filed by these persons were filed on a timely basis.


Table of Contents


        The responsibilities of the Audit Committee are set forth in the charter of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee, among other matters, is responsible for assisting the Board in its oversight of the integrity of the Company's financial statements, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the qualifications, independence and performance of the Company's independent registered public accounting firm, and the performance of the Company's internal audit function. The Audit Committee's oversight role includes the appointment and evaluation of the Company's independent registered public accounting firm, oversight of the Company's systems of internal accounting and financial controls, a review of management's assessment and management of risk, a review of the annual independent audit of the Company's consolidated financial statements and internal control over financial reporting, review of the Company's Code of Business Conduct, the establishment of "whistle-blowing" procedures, and oversight of other compliance matters.

        The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the Company's audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 with management. The Audit Committee also reviewed and discussed the audited consolidated financial statements, the audit of internal control over financial reporting and the matters required to be discussed with KPMG LLP, the Company's independent registered public accounting firm, under Public Company Accounting Oversight Board standards. The Audit Committee received from KPMG the written disclosures and letter required by applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the independent accountant's communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence, and discussed with KPMG the matters disclosed in this letter and their independence. The Audit Committee also considered whether KPMG's provision of other, non-audit related services to the Company is compatible with maintaining their independence.

        Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the Company's audited consolidated financial statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015.

    The Audit Committee
    Merilee Raines, Chairperson
Bernard Baert
Christopher L. Conway
John K. McGillicuddy
Joseph W. Reitmeier


        Although Delaware law does not require that the appointment by the Audit Committee of our independent registered public accounting firm be approved each year by the stockholders, the members of the Audit Committee and the other members of the Board believe it is appropriate to submit the appointment of the independent registered public accounting firm to the stockholders for their ratification. The Audit Committee appointed KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2016, and the Audit Committee and Board recommend that the stockholders ratify such appointment. If the stockholders do not ratify the appointment of KPMG, the Audit Committee will reconsider its appointment.

        We expect that representatives of KPMG will be present at the Annual Meeting. They will be given the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and will also be available to respond to questions from stockholders.


Table of Contents

        During 2015, KPMG provided various audit, audit-related and tax services to us. The Audit Committee has adopted policies and procedures that require the Audit Committee to pre-approve all audit and non-audit services performed by KPMG in order to ensure that the provision of such services does not impair KPMG's independence. The term of any pre-approval is twelve months from the date of pre-approval, unless the Audit Committee specifically provides for a different period, and the Audit Committee sets specific limits on the amount of each such service we obtain from KPMG.

        The aggregate fees billed for professional services by KPMG in 2015 and 2014 for audit, audit-related, tax and non-audit services were:

Type of Fees
  2015   2014  

Audit Fees:

  $ 3,491,295   $ 3,412,624  

Audit-Related Fees:

  $ 2,620   $ 2,438  

Tax Fees:

  $ 134,700   $ 149,050  

All Other Fees:



  $ 3,628,615   $ 3,564,111  

        Audit fees primarily include fees we paid KPMG for professional services for the audit of our annual financial statements included in our annual report on Form 10-K, review of financial statements included in our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and for services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements, such as consents. Audit fees for 2015 and 2014 also include the audit of our internal control over financial reporting, as required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Audit-related fees were for work performed by KPMG to review management's allocation of costs among entities within our European reporting segment. Tax fees include fees for tax compliance and tax advice.

        The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors recommend that stockholders vote FOR the ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2016.


        Some banks, brokers and other nominee record holders may be participating in the practice of "householding" proxy statements, annual reports and notices of Internet availability of proxy materials (if applicable). This means that only one copy of this proxy statement may have been sent to multiple stockholders in your household. We will promptly deliver a separate copy of any such document to you if you write or call us at the following address or telephone number: Watts Water Technologies, Inc., 815 Chestnut Street, North Andover, MA 01845, Attention: Kenneth Lepage, Secretary, (978) 688-1811, or you can request a copy of any such document by visiting the Annual Meeting page of our Internet website at http://www.wattswater.com/annualmeeting. If you want to receive separate copies of the annual report, proxy statement and Notice of Internet availability of proxy materials (if applicable) in the future, or if you are receiving multiple copies and would like to receive only one copy for your household, you should contact your bank, broker or other nominee record holder, or you may contact us at the above address and telephone number.


        In order for any stockholder proposal to be included in the proxy statement for our 2017 Annual Meeting pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 14a-8, such proposal must be received at our principal executive offices, 815 Chestnut Street, North Andover, MA 01845, Attention: Kenneth Lepage, Secretary, not later than December 2, 2016 and must satisfy certain rules of the SEC.


Table of Contents

        Nominations and proposals of stockholders may also be submitted to us for consideration at the 2017 Annual Meeting if certain conditions set forth in our bylaws are satisfied, but will not be included in the proxy materials unless the conditions set forth in Exchange Act Rule 14a-8 are satisfied. Such nominations (or other stockholder proposals) must be delivered to or mailed and received by us not more than 120 days nor less than 75 days prior to the anniversary date of the 2016 Annual Meeting, which dates will be January 18, 2017 and March 4, 2017, respectively. Stockholder proposals received by us outside of these dates will be considered untimely received for consideration at such Annual Meeting. If the date of the 2017 Annual Meeting is subsequently moved to a date more than seven days (in the case of director nominations) or ten days (in the case of other stockholder proposals) prior to the anniversary date of the 2016 Annual Meeting, we will publicly disclose such change, and nominations or other proposals to be considered at the 2017 Annual Meeting must be received by us not later than the 20th day after such disclosure (or, if disclosed more than 75 days prior to such anniversary date, the later of 20 days following such disclosure or 75 days before the date of the 2017 Annual Meeting, as rescheduled). To submit a nomination or other proposal, a stockholder should send the nominee's name or proposal and appropriate supporting information required by our bylaws to the attention of our Secretary at the address provided above. To be considered, all nominations or proposals must comply with the requirements of our by-laws, a copy of which may be obtained without charge by sending a request to Kenneth Lepage at our principal executive offices.



Shareowner Services P.O. Box 64945 St. Paul, MN 55164-0945 Vote by Internet, Telephone or Mail 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week Your phone or Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card. Q INTERNET/MOBILE – www.proxypush.com/wts Use the Internet to vote your proxy until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on May 17, 2016. Please have your proxy card and the last four digits of your Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number available. Follow the simple instructions to obtain your records and create an electronic ballot. if PHONE – 1-866-883-3382 Use a touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on May 17, 2016. Please have your proxy card and the last four digits of your Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number available. Follow the simple instructions the voice provides you. MAIL – Mark, sign and date your proxy card and [8) return it in the postage-paid envelope provided. If you vote your proxy by Internet or by Telephone, you do NOT need to mail back your Proxy Card. TO VOTE BY MAIL AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOMMENDS ON ALL ITEMS BELOW, SIMPLY SIGN, DATE, AND RETURN THIS PROXY CARD. The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote FOR Items 1 and 2. Vote WITHHELD from all nominees 1. Election of 01 Robert L. Ayers directors: 02 Bernard Baert 03 Richard J. Cathcart 04 Christopher L. Conway 05 W. Craig Kissel 06 Joseph T. Noonan 07 Robert J. Pagano, Jr. 08 Merilee Raines 09 Joseph W. Reitmeier Vote FOR all nominees (except as marked) (Instructions: To withhold authority to vote for any indicated nominee, write the number(s) of the nominee(s) in the box provided to the right.) 2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the current fiscal year. Against Abstain For THIS PROXY WHEN PROPERLY EXECUTED WILL BE VOTED AS DIRECTED OR, IF NO DIRECTION IS GIVEN, WILL BE VOTED FOR PROPOSALS 1 and 2. THE PROXIES, IN THEIR DISCRETION, ARE AUTHORIZED TO VOTE UPON SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE MEETING. Address Change? Mark box, sign, and indicate changes below: Date Signature(s) in Box Please sign exactly as your name(s) appears on Proxy. If held in joint tenancy, all persons should sign. Trustees, adminis-trators, etc., should include title and authority. Corporations should provide full name of corporation and title of authorized officer signing the Proxy.



WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:00 a.m. Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 815 Chestnut Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 815 Chestnut Street North Andover, MA 01845-6098 proxy This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors for use at the Annual Meeting on May 18, 2016. The shares of stock you hold in your account will be voted as you specify on the reverse side. If no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted “FOR” Items 1 and 2. By signing the proxy, you revoke all prior proxies and appoint Robert J. Pagano, Jr., Todd A. Trapp and Kenneth R. Lepage, and each of them with full power of substitution, to vote your shares on the matters shown on the reverse side and any other matters which may come before the Annual Meeting and all adjournments. See reverse for voting instructions.




WATTS WATER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:00 a.m. Watts Water Technologies, Inc. 815 Chestnut Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 CLASS B COMMON STOCK PROXY This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors for use at the Annual Meeting on May 18, 2016. The shares of Class B Common Stock you hold in your account will be voted as you specify on the reverse side. If no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted “FOR” Items 1 and 2. By signing the proxy, you revoke all prior proxies and appoint Robert J. Pagano, Jr., Todd A. Trapp and Kenneth R. Lepage, and each of them with full power of substitution, to vote your shares on the matters shown on the reverse side and any other matters which may come before the Annual Meeting and all adjournments. The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote FOR Items 1 and 2. Robert J. Pagano, Jr.  Merilee Raines Joseph W. Reitmeier Vote WITHHELD 1. Election of 01 Robert L. Ayers directors:02 Bernard Baert 03 Richard J. Cathcart 04 Christopher L. Conway 07 Vote FOR all nominees 05 W. Craig Kissel 06 Joseph T. Noonan 08 09 from all nominees (except as marked) (Instructions: To withhold authority to vote for any indicated nominee, write the number(s) of the nominee(s) in the space provided to the right.) 2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the current fiscal year. For Against Abstain THIS PROXY WHEN PROPERLY EXECUTED WILL BE VOTED AS DIRECTED OR, IF NO DIRECTION IS GIVEN, WILL BE VOTED FOR PROPOSALS 1 AND 2. THE PROXIES, IN THEIR DISCRETION, ARE AUTHORIZED TO VOTE UPON SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE MEETING. Address Change? Mark box, sign, and indicate changes below: Date Signature(s) Please sign exactly as your name(s) appears on Proxy. If held in joint tenancy, all persons should sign. Trustees, administrators, etc., should include title and authority. Corporations should provide full name of corporation and title of authorized officer signing the Proxy.



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