Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number:    811-04661
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter:   

Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc.

Address of principal executive offices:    655 Broad Street, 17th Floor
   Newark, New Jersey 07102
Name and address of agent for service:    Deborah A. Docs
   655 Broad Street, 17th Floor
   Newark, New Jersey 07102
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:    800-225-1852
Date of fiscal year end:    10/31/2017
Date of reporting period:    10/31/2017

Item 1 – Reports to Stockholders







OCTOBER 31, 2017




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Objective: Total return, made up of current income and capital appreciation





The Fund outperformed the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index primarily because of strong sector and issuer selection across hard currency emerging markets sovereign debt, bonds in non-core European countries, high yield corporate bonds, and high-quality structured securities.



Yield curve and duration positioning also helped Fund performance.



An underweight relative to the Index in investment-grade corporate bonds was a drag on performance, as spreads tightened in response to additional asset purchases by global central banks and continued strong corporate earnings.





This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus.


The views expressed in this report and information about the Fund’s portfolio holdings are for the period covered by this report and are subject to change thereafter.


Mutual funds are distributed by Prudential Investment Management Services LLC (PIMS), member SIPC. PGIM Fixed Income is a unit of PGIM, Inc. (PGIM), a registered investment adviser. PIMS and PGIM are Prudential Financial companies. © 2017 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities. PGIM and the PGIM logo are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.


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The Board of Directors/Trustees for the Fund has approved renaming the Fund’s Class Q shares as Class R6 shares, effective on or about June 15, 2018. The renaming of Class Q shares as Class R6 shares will not result in any changes to pricing, eligibility, or shareholder rights and obligations. The renamed Class R6 shares will not be exchangeable with Class R6 shares of the Prudential Day One Funds or the Prudential 60/40 Allocation Fund.




Prudential Global Total Return Fund     3  



Effective on or about June 1, 2018 (the “Effective Date”), the Fund’s Class A, Class C, Class R, and Class Z shares, as applicable, will be closed to investments by new group retirement plans, except as discussed below. Existing group retirement plans as of the Effective Date may keep their investments in their current share class and may continue to make additional purchases or exchanges of that class of shares. As of the Effective Date, all new group retirement plans wishing to add the Fund as a new addition to the plan generally will be into one of the available Class Q shares, Class R2 shares, or Class R4 shares of the Fund.


In addition, on or about the Effective Date, the Class R shares of the Fund will be closed to all new investors, except as discussed below. Due to the closing of the Class R shares to new investors, effective on or about the Effective Date new IRA investors may only purchase Class A, Class C, Class Z, or Class Q shares of the Fund, subject to share class eligibility. Following the Effective Date, no new accounts may be established in the Fund’s Class R shares and no Class R shares may be purchased or acquired by any new Class R shareholder, except as discussed below.


     Class A   Class C   Class Z   Class R

Existing Investors

(Group Retirement Plans, IRAs, and all other investors)

  No Change   No Change   No Change   No Change
New Group Retirement Plans   Closed to group retirement plans wishing to add the share classes as new additions to plan menus on or about June 1, 2018, subject to certain exceptions below

New IRAs

  No Change   No Change   No Change   Closed to all new
investors on or
about June 1, 2018,
subject to certain
exceptions below
All Other New Investors   No Change   No Change   No Change  


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However, the following new investors may continue to purchase Class A, Class C, Class R, and Class Z shares of the Fund, as applicable:



Eligible group retirement plans who are exercising their one-time 90-day repurchase privilege in the Fund will be permitted to purchase such share classes.


Plan participants in a group retirement plan that offers Class A, Class C, Class R, or Class Z shares of the Fund as of the Effective Date will be permitted to purchase such share classes of the Fund, even if the plan participant did not own shares of that class of the Fund as of the Effective Date.


Certain new group retirement plans will be permitted to offer such share classes of the Fund after the Effective Date, provided that the plan has or is actively negotiating a contractual agreement with the Fund’s distributor or service provider to offer such share classes of the Fund prior to or on the Effective Date.


New group retirement plans that combine with, replace, or are otherwise affiliated with a current plan that invests in such share classes prior to or on the Effective Date will be permitted to purchase such share classes.


The Fund also reserves the right to refuse any purchase order that might disrupt management of the Fund or to otherwise modify the closure policy at any time on a case-by-case basis.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     5  

This Page Intentionally Left Blank


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Letter from the President




Dear Shareholder:


We hope you find the annual report for the Prudential Global Total Return Fund informative and useful. The report covers performance for the 12-month period ended October 31, 2017.


Significant events during the reporting period included a new US president, followed by uncertainty in Congress over implementing the Trump

administration’s policy initiatives. Elsewhere, Britain began its formal legal process to leave the European Union. France elected a more centrist president, which was viewed as a pro-euro referendum. North Korea’s missile launches escalated geopolitical tensions. Also, late in the period, a series of hurricanes caused damage in the US and the Caribbean.


Despite some turbulence in the macro-environment, solid economic fundamentals in the US economy included moderate gross domestic product expansion, robust employment, and accelerating corporate profit growth. Inflation remained tame. The Federal Reserve raised its federal funds rate twice in 2017, and is in the process of winding down its stimulus program.


Global economic growth remained mostly positive. Equities in the US reached new highs amid low volatility, while international equities posted strong gains. European stocks continued to gain. Asian markets were solid, and emerging markets outperformed most regions. Fixed income markets were mixed. High yield and emerging markets bonds were the top performers.


Given the uncertainty in today’s investment environment, we believe that active professional portfolio management offers a potential advantage. Active managers often have the knowledge and flexibility to find the best investment opportunities in the most challenging markets.


Even so, it’s best if investment decisions are based on your long-term goals rather than on short-term market and economic developments. We also encourage you to work with an experienced financial advisor who can help you set goals, determine your tolerance for risk, and build a diversified plan that’s right for you and make adjustments when necessary.


At PGIM Investments, we consider it a great privilege and responsibility to help investors participate in opportunities across global markets while meeting their toughest investment challenges. We’re part of PGIM, a top-10 global investment manager with more than $1 trillion in assets under management. This investment expertise allows us to deliver actively managed funds and strategies to meet the needs of investors around the globe.


Thank you for choosing our family of funds.






Stuart S. Parker, President

Prudential Global Total Return Fund

December 15, 2017


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     7  

Your Fund’s Performance (unaudited)


Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate, so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the past performance data quoted. An investor may obtain performance data as of the most recent month-end by visiting our website at www.pgiminvestments.com or by calling (800) 225-1852.


    Average Annual Total Returns as of 10/31/17
(with sales charges)
    One Year (%)     Five Years (%)     Ten Years (%)     Since Inception (%)  
Class A       0.39       1.54       4.84        
Class B     –0.80       1.52       4.53        
Class C       3.19       1.70       4.65        
Class Q       5.21       2.93       N/A         3.72 (2/3/12)  
Class Z       5.35       2.72       5.58        
Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index       1.18       0.43       3.11        
Lipper Global Income Funds Average*       2.80       1.25       3.48        
Lipper Custom Global Income Funds Average*       3.12       0.92       3.65        

Average Annual Total Returns as of 10/31/17

(without sales charges)

    One Year (%)     Five Years (%)     Ten Years (%)     Since Inception (%)  
Class A       5.12       2.48       5.32        
Class B       4.20       1.70       4.53        
Class C       4.19       1.70       4.65        
Class Q       5.21       2.93       N/A         3.72 (2/3/12)  
Class Z       5.35       2.72       5.58        
Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index       1.18       0.43       3.11        
Lipper Global Income Funds Average*       2.80       1.25       3.48        
Lipper Custom Global Income Funds Average*       3.12       0.92       3.65        


*The Lipper Custom Global Income Funds Average consists only of unhedged funds within Lipper’s Global Income Funds Universe and not the entire Global Income Funds Universe, although Lipper classifies the Fund in the Global Income Funds Performance Universe. The Lipper Custom Global Income Funds Average is utilized because the Fund’s manager believes that the funds included in this universe provide a more appropriate basis for Fund performance comparisons.


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Growth of a $10,000 Investment




The graph compares a $10,000 investment in Prudential Global Total Return Fund (Class Z shares) with a similar investment in the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index by portraying the initial account values at the beginning of the 10-year period for Class Z shares (October 31, 2007) and the account values at the end of the current fiscal year (October 31, 2017) as measured on a quarterly basis. For purposes of the graph, and unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that (a) all recurring fees (including management fees) were deducted; and (b) all dividends and distributions were reinvested. The line graph provides information for Class Z shares only. As indicated in the tables provided earlier, performance for Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class Q shares will vary due to the differing charges and expenses applicable to each share class (as indicated in the following paragraphs). Without waiver of fees and/or expense reimbursements, if any, the Fund’s returns would have been lower.


Past performance does not predict future performance. Total returns and the ending account values in the graph include changes in share price and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions in a hypothetical investment for the periods shown. The Fund’s total returns do not reflect the deduction of income taxes on an individual’s investment. Taxes may reduce your actual investment returns on income or gains paid by the Fund or any gains you may realize if you sell your shares.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     9  

Your Fund’s Performance (continued)



Source: PGIM Investments LLC and Lipper Inc.

Since Inception returns are provided for any share class with less than 10 fiscal years of returns. Since Inception returns for the Index and the Lipper Average are measured from the inception date for the indicated share class.


The returns in the tables do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or following the redemption of Fund shares. The average annual total returns take into account applicable sales charges, which are described for each share class in the table below.


     Class A*   Class B**   Class C*   Class Q   Class Z*
Maximum initial sales charge   4.50% of the public offering price   None   None   None   None
Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) (as a percentage of the lower of original purchase price or net asset value at redemption)   1.00% on sales of $1 million or more made within 12 months of purchase   5% (Yr. 1) 4% (Yr. 2) 3% (Yr. 3) 2% (Yr. 4) 1% (Yr. 5/6) 0% (Yr. 7)   1.00% on sales made within 12 months of purchase   None   None
Annual distribution and service (12b-1) fees (shown as a percentage of average daily net assets)   0.25%   1.00%   1.00%   None   None


*Certain share classes will be generally closed to investments by new group retirement plans effective on or about June 1, 2018. Please see the “PRUDENTIAL FUNDS—UPDATE” on page 4 of this report for more information.

**Class B shares are closed to all purchase activity and no additional Class B shares may be purchased or acquired except by exchange from Class B shares of another Fund or through dividend or capital gains reinvestment.


Benchmark Definitions


Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index—The Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of global investment-grade fixed income markets. The three major components of this index are the US Aggregate, the Pan-European Aggregate, and the Asian-Pacific Aggregate Indices. The index also includes euro dollar and euroyen corporate bonds, Canadian government, and agency and corporate securities. The average annual total return for the Index measured from the month-end closest to the inception date of the Fund’s Class Q shares through 10/31/17 is 0.88%.


Lipper Global Income Funds Average—The Lipper Global Income Funds Average (Lipper Average) is based on the average return of all funds in the Lipper Global Income Funds universe for the periods noted. Funds in the Lipper Average invest primarily in US dollar and non-US dollar debt securities of issuers located in at least three countries, one of which may be the United States. The average annual total return for the Lipper Average measured from the month-end closest to the inception date of the Fund’s Class Q shares through 10/31/17 is 1.81%.


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Lipper Custom Global Income Funds Average—The Lipper Custom Global Income Funds Average (Lipper Custom Average) consists only of unhedged funds within Lipper’s Global Income Funds universe and not the entire Global Income Funds universe, although Lipper classifies the Fund in the Global Income Funds Performance universe. The average annual total return for the Lipper Custom Average measured from the month-end closest to the inception date of the Fund’s Class Q shares through 10/31/17 is 1.63%.


Investors cannot invest directly in an index or average. The returns for the Index would be lower if they included the effects of sales charges, operating expenses of a mutual fund, or taxes. Returns for the Lipper Averages reflect the deduction of operating expenses, but not sales charges or taxes.


Distributions and Yields as of 10/31/17
  Total Distributions
Paid for
12 Months ($)
   SEC 30-Day
Yield* (%)
   SEC 30-Day
Yield** (%)
Class A   0.22    1.53    1.37
Class B   0.17    0.86    0.69
Class C   0.17    0.86    0.69
Class Q   0.24    1.87    1.90
Class Z   0.24    1.84    1.67


*SEC 30-Day Subsidized Yield (%)—A standardized yield calculation created by the Securities and Exchange Commission, it reflects the income earned during a 30-day period, after the deduction of the Fund’s net expenses (net of any expense waivers or reimbursements).

**SEC 30-Day Unsubsidized Yield (%)—A standardized yield calculation created by the Securities and Exchange Commission, it reflects the income earned during a 30-day period, after the deduction of the Fund’s gross expenses.


Credit Quality expressed as a percentage of total investments as of 10/31/17 (%)  
AAA     29.3  
AA     8.1  
A     20.4  
BBB     21.4  
BB     8.4  
B     5.8  
CCC     0.4  
Not Rated     4.2  
Cash/Cash Equivalents     2.1  
Total     100.0  


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     11  

Your Fund’s Performance (continued)



Source: PGIM Fixed Income

Credit ratings reflect the highest rating assigned by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO) such as Moody’s Investor Service, Inc. (Moody’s), S&P Global Ratings (S&P), or Fitch, Inc. (Fitch). Credit ratings reflect the common nomenclature used by both S&P and Fitch. Where applicable, ratings are converted to the comparable S&P/Fitch rating tier nomenclature. These rating agencies are independent and are widely used. The Not Rated category consists of securities that have not been rated by a NRSRO. Credit ratings are subject to change. Values may not sum to 100.0% due to rounding.


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Strategy and Performance Overview


How did the Fund perform?

The Prudential Global Total Return Fund’s Class Z shares returned 5.35% during the 12-month period ended October 31, 2017, outperforming the 1.18% return of the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index and the 2.80% return of the Lipper Global Income Funds Average.


What were market conditions?


November and December 2016 were largely about the surprise result of the US presidential election, in which populist Donald Trump managed an electoral college win against former US Senator Hillary Clinton. Given that Trump campaigned on tax cuts and deregulation, bond investors responded by sending US intermediate- and longer-term interest rates higher and driving credit spreads tighter. Credit spreads are differences in yield between government bonds and debt securities of comparable maturity but lower credit quality.



In the first quarter of 2017, US 10-year yields fell back somewhat, as market participants began to see that recent inflation increases were the result of a recovery in commodity prices, rather than the tightening of slack in the global labor markets and an overheating world economy. Emerging markets currencies rallied, interest rates broadly declined, and spreads continued to compress.



During the second quarter, bond yields stayed flat, as the market focused on the potential downside of the Trump administration’s protectionist agenda, instead of the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) plans to shrink its balance sheet. Considering how difficult it was to find yield globally, investors spent the quarter looking for opportunities further out among spread sectors, with emerging markets debt drawing an especially large inflow of assets. Spread sectors are corporate bonds, emerging markets debt, and other types of debt securities that provide extra yield (spread) over similar-maturity government bond sectors to compensate for the greater credit risk associated with investing in them.



In the third quarter and through October 2017, overall economic growth rates remained somewhat below those recorded before the 2008-2009 financial crisis, but the global expansion became increasingly balanced across regions, with the US, the eurozone, Japan, and China all growing in tandem at above-potential rates. In this environment, US intermediate-term interest rates remained rather flat, but the front, or short-term, end of the US Treasury yield curve rose in anticipation of ongoing tighter monetary policy by the Fed. Spreads continued to compress because of the scarcity of yield globally and strong corporate earnings.


What worked?


During the reporting period, the Fund’s sector allocation emphasized global spread sectors rather than government bond sectors. The Fund outperformed the Index primarily


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     13  

Strategy and Performance Overview (continued)


  because of strong sector and issuer selection across hard currency emerging markets sovereign debt, bonds in non-core European countries, high yield corporate bonds, and high-quality structured securities.



Yield curve and duration positioning also helped Fund performance. This positive contribution was driven by the flattening of the US Treasury yield curve, as the Fed continued to tighten monetary policy without a change in inflation expectations priced into the longer end of the curve. Duration is a measure of the interest rate sensitivity of a bond portfolio or individual debt securities that is expressed as a number of years. The longer the duration, the greater the potential risk or reward when interest rates move. A steepening yield curve means the difference between shorter- and longer-term yields widens.



Currency positions also added to relative returns, with tactical positioning in Mexico generating gains as the US dollar rallied in the wake of the US election. The Fund’s overweight positions compared to the Index in the Indian rupee and Russian ruble also bore fruit.


What didn’t work?


An underweight relative to the Index in investment-grade corporate bonds was a drag on performance, as spreads tightened in response to additional asset purchases by global central banks and continued strong corporate earnings.



The Fund’s positioning overall in emerging markets interest rates hurt relative returns in the immediate aftermath of the US presidential election and the subsequent rise in US interest rates and the US dollar. Late in the period, some of these losses were offset by the Fund’s positioning in Mexican, Czech Republic, and Colombian interest rates.


Did the Fund hold derivatives and how did they affect performance?


During the reporting period, the Fund utilized derivative instruments. Interest rate derivatives were additive to performance, currency derivatives were a contributor, and credit derivatives also had a positive impact. For additional information regarding the Fund’s derivative exposures please refer to the Fund’s Financial Statements.


Current outlook


PGIM Fixed Income maintains a positive view of credit sectors, and at the end of the reporting period, the Fund continues to have exposure to an array of spread sectors, including high yield corporate bonds, developed and emerging markets sovereign debt, and structured products, including commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) and asset-backed securities.



The Fund is also overweight the debt of bonds in non-core European countries, as well as a select group of emerging markets issues, mostly sovereign debt.


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In terms of currency positioning, relative to the Index, the Fund holds underweight positions in the US dollar, Japanese yen, and Swiss franc while maintaining an overweight to the euro.



Additionally, the Fund maintains a select set of small allocations, both underweight and overweight, within emerging markets and “commodity” currencies. These include overweights in the Indian rupee, Russian ruble, Indonesian rupiah, and Mexican peso and underweights in the Taiwanese dollar, Singaporean dollar, and Israeli new shekel.



US government-related sectors, including Treasuries, agency bonds, and agency mortgage-backed securities, remain a significant underweight as PGIM Fixed Income finds more compelling value in the aforementioned sectors.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     15  

Fees and Expenses (unaudited)


As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and redemptions, as applicable, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees, and other Fund expenses, as applicable. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.


The example is based on an investment of $1,000 held through the six-month period ended October 31, 2017. The example is for illustrative purposes only; you should consult the Prospectus for information on initial and subsequent minimum investment requirements.


Actual Expenses

The first line for each share class in the table on the following page provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information on this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value ÷ $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number on the first line under the heading “Expenses Paid During the Six-Month Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second line for each share class in the table on the following page provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.


The Fund’s transfer agent may charge additional fees to holders of certain accounts that are not included in the expenses shown in the table on the following page. These fees apply to individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Section 403(b) accounts. As of the close of the six-month period covered by the table, IRA fees included an annual maintenance fee of $15 per account (subject to a maximum annual maintenance fee of $25 for all accounts held by the same shareholder). Section 403(b) accounts are charged an annual $25 fiduciary maintenance fee. Some of the fees may vary in amount, or may be waived, based on your total account balance or the number of Prudential funds, including the Fund, that you own. You should consider the additional fees that were charged to your Fund account over the six-month period when you estimate the total ongoing expenses


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paid over the period and the impact of these fees on your ending account value, as these additional expenses are not reflected in the information provided in the expense table. Additional fees have the effect of reducing investment returns.


Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line for each share class in the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


Prudential Global Total Return

Beginning Account

May 1, 2017

    Ending  Account
October 31, 2017
Expense Ratio
Based on the
Six-Month Period
    Expenses  Paid
During the
Six-Month Period*
Class A   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,051.20       0.88   $ 4.55  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,020.77       0.88   $ 4.48  
Class B   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,047.40       1.63   $ 8.41  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,016.99       1.63   $ 8.29  
Class C   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,047.40       1.63   $ 8.41  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,016.99       1.63   $ 8.29  
Class Q   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,052.20       0.58   $ 3.00  
  Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,022.28       0.58   $ 2.96  
Class Z   Actual   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,052.30       0.63   $ 3.26  
    Hypothetical   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,022.03       0.63   $ 3.21  


*Fund expenses (net of fee waivers or subsidies, if any) for each share class are equal to the annualized expense ratio for each share class (provided in the table), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the 184 days in the six-month period ended October 31, 2017, and divided by the 365 days in the Fund’s fiscal year ended October 31, 2017 (to reflect the six-month period). Expenses presented in the table include the expenses of any underlying funds in which the Fund may invest.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     17  

Schedule of Investments

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#





Argentina    1.3%


Argentine Bonos del Tesoro, Unsec’d. Notes

    22.750     03/05/18     ARS  35,378     $ 1,982,667  

Argentine Republic Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.375       10/12/20     CHF 3,860       4,018,335  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.875       01/15/22     EUR 3,715       4,472,817  

Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    5.000       01/15/27     EUR 3,000       3,525,126  




Australia    0.2%


Australia Government Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000       03/21/47     AUD 2,400       1,685,295  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.250       04/21/26     AUD 600       517,040  

New South Wales Treasury Corp., Local Gov’t. Gtd. Notes

    5.000       08/20/24     AUD 200       175,704  




Austria    0.3%


Austria Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, EMTN

    5.000       12/20/24     CAD 2,500       2,239,071  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    5.375       12/01/34     CAD 1,000       1,000,516  




Belgium    0.9%


Belgium Government Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    0.800       06/22/27     EUR 680       806,504  

Belgium Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    9.375       02/21/20     GBP 2,302       3,637,486  

Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    8.875       12/01/24       500       695,839  

Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.000       04/24/18     GBP 2,850       3,866,519  

Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.700       05/28/32     GBP 150       281,766  




Brazil    1.4%


Brazil Minas SPE via State of Minas Gerais, Sec’d. Notes

    5.333       02/15/28       3,800       3,866,500  

Brazilian Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.875       04/01/21     EUR 4,528       5,630,463  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.625       01/13/28       540       536,220  

Brazilian Loan Trust I, First Lien

    5.477       07/24/23       1,534       1,599,756  



Gtd. Notes, 144A

    5.750       06/15/25       545       528,650  

Gtd. Notes, 144A

    7.250       06/01/21       190       193,701  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     19  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Brazil (cont’d.)


Petrobras Global Finance BV,


Gtd. Notes

    3.750     01/14/21     EUR  1,050     $ 1,314,588  

Gtd. Notes(a)

    4.250       10/02/23     EUR 1,400       1,791,213  




Bulgaria    1.0%


Bulgaria Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.950       09/03/24     EUR 6,765       9,042,537  

Unsec’d. Notes, GMTN(a)

    2.625       03/26/27     EUR 1,000       1,297,908  




Canada    1.1%


Agrium, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.125       01/15/41       25       31,402  

Barrick Gold Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.250       04/01/42       35       40,736  

Barrick North America Finance LLC, Gtd. Notes

    5.700       05/30/41       45       55,068  

Barrick PD Australia Finance Pty. Ltd., Gtd. Notes

    5.950       10/15/39       50       62,680  

Canadian Government Bond,


Unsec’d. Notes

    1.750       09/01/19     CAD 600       468,238  

Unsec’d. Notes

    4.000       06/01/41     CAD 650       656,908  

Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.500       05/15/18       77       78,875  

City of Toronto, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.500       06/02/36     CAD 2,000       1,605,767  

City of Vancouver, Unsec’d. Notes

    4.500       06/01/20     CAD 200       165,333  

Hydro-Quebec, Local Gov’t.


Gtd. Notes

    8.400       01/15/22       12       14,565  

Gtd. Notes

    8.625       06/15/29       600       883,782  

Gtd. Notes

    9.400       02/01/21       180       216,429  

Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, Unsec’d. Notes

    4.450       06/01/20     CAD 2,100       1,737,330  

Ontario Teachers’ Finance Trust, Gtd. Notes, 144A

    2.125       09/19/22       1,750       1,732,016  

Province of British Columbia,


Unsec’d. Notes

    3.200       06/18/44     CAD 200       160,340  

Unsec’d. Notes

    7.875       11/30/23     CAD 1,552       1,553,149  

Province of Manitoba, Unsec’d. Notes

    2.550       06/02/26     CAD 250       193,018  

Province of Nova Scotia, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    8.250       11/15/19       10       11,107  

Province of Quebec,


Unsec’d. Notes

    7.125       02/09/24       1,246       1,551,543  

Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    6.350       01/30/26       100       122,669  

Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    7.140       02/27/26       430       546,045  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Cayman Islands    0.2%


Cayman Islands Government Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.950     11/24/19       2,150     $ 2,316,625  

Chile    0.1%


Chile Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.625       01/30/25     EUR 100       122,873  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.750       01/20/26     EUR 240       295,182  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.875       05/27/30     EUR 400       480,500  




China    0.1%


China Development Bank, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       06/01/21     EUR 1,000       1,169,730  

Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2015 Ltd., Gtd. Notes, 144A

    2.500       04/28/20       500       500,624  




Colombia    1.1%


Colombia Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.000       02/26/24       1,000       1,041,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    8.375       02/15/27       2,395       2,933,875  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    10.375       01/28/33       800       1,244,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    11.750       02/25/20       715       866,938  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.875       03/22/26     EUR 4,430       5,972,491  




Croatia    0.1%


Croatia Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.875       05/30/22     EUR  1,000       1,305,458  

Cyprus    1.8%


Cyprus Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.750       07/26/23     EUR  10,600       14,206,776  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    4.250       11/04/25     EUR 825       1,149,549  

Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN(a)

    3.875       05/06/22     EUR 2,500       3,325,599  




Denmark    0.1%


Denmark Government Bond,


Unsec’d. Notes

    1.750       11/15/25     DKK 3,520       620,302  

Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000       11/15/21     DKK 3,000       533,714  

Unsec’d. Notes

    4.500       11/15/39     DKK 1,800       478,119  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     21  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Dominican Republic    0.4%


Dominican Republic International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.500     05/06/21       4,000     $ 4,425,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    9.040       01/23/18       66       66,656  




Finland    0.1%


Finland Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.950       02/15/26       600       762,890  

France    3.9%


Agence Francaise de Developpement, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.625       01/21/20       2,000       1,981,426  

Caisse d’Amortissement de la Dette Sociale, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    4.450       10/26/18     CAD 700       556,920  

Credit Agricole Assurances SA, Sub. Notes

    4.250       12/31/49     EUR 2,000       2,620,911  

Dexia Credit Local SA,


Gov’t. Liquid Gtd. Notes

    2.250       02/18/20       250       250,571  

Gov’t. Liquid Gtd. Notes, 144A

    1.875       09/15/21       1,500       1,474,924  

Gov’t. Liquid Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    1.125       02/24/19     GBP 400       533,062  

Gov’t. Liquid Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    2.000       01/22/21     EUR 1,000       1,246,487  

France Government Bond OAT,


Unsec’d. Notes

    0.500       05/25/26     EUR 350       410,184  

Unsec’d. Notes

    1.750       11/25/24     EUR 300       388,524  

Unsec’d. Notes

    2.750       10/25/27     EUR  18,000       25,259,379  

Unsec’d. Notes

    3.500       04/25/26     EUR 4,000       5,876,899  

Horizon Parent Holdings Sarl, Sr. Sec’d. Notes, Cash coupon 8.250% or PIK 9.000%, 144A

    8.250       02/15/22     EUR 300       373,480  




Germany    1.1%


Bundesrepublik Deutschland,


Unsec’d. Notes

    0.250       02/15/27     EUR 1,970       2,286,951  

Unsec’d. Notes

    0.392 (s)      08/15/26     EUR 1,170       1,338,784  

Unsec’d. Notes

    1.750       07/04/22     EUR 1,465       1,881,360  

Unsec’d. Notes

    1.750       02/15/24     EUR 310       404,733  

Unsec’d. Notes

    2.000       01/04/22     EUR 855       1,100,698  

Douglas GmbH, Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    6.250       07/15/22     EUR 750       934,879  

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH,


Sr. Sec’d. Notes, Cash coupon 3.250% or PIK 4.000%, 144A

    3.250       09/15/23     EUR 480       586,413  

Sr. Sec’d. Notes, Cash coupon 3.750% or PIK 4.500%, 144A

    3.750       09/15/26     EUR 465       579,571  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Germany (cont’d.)


Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, Gov’t. Gtd. Notes

    4.700     06/02/37     CAD 179     $ 167,817  

Nidda Healthcare Holding AG, Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.500       09/30/24     EUR 1,000       1,192,340  

Unitymedia Hessen GmbH & Co. KG/Unitymedia NRW GmbH, Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    4.000       01/15/25     EUR 350       434,251  

Volkswagen International Finance NV, Gtd. Notes

    3.750       12/31/49     EUR 1,000       1,251,572  




Greece    2.4%


Hellenic Republic Government Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    (p)      10/15/42     EUR  153,880       627,365  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/23     EUR 1,045       1,153,312  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/24     EUR 3,685       3,988,950  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/25     EUR 2,075       2,211,946  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/26     EUR 1,145       1,200,377  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/27     EUR 4,724       4,863,880  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/28     EUR 1,220       1,218,947  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/29     EUR 1,300       1,268,851  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/31     EUR 3,425       3,222,779  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/32     EUR 1,055       980,061  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000 (cc)      02/24/35     EUR 1,810       1,615,607  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    4.375       08/01/22     EUR 2,640       3,069,790  

Hellenic Republic Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.200       07/17/34     EUR 500       520,974  




Hong Kong    0.2%


Hong Kong SAR Government Bond, Unsec’d. Notes

    5.125       07/23/19     HKD 5,000       680,798  

Hong Kong Sukuk Ltd., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.132       02/28/27       1,500       1,520,352  




Hungary    1.5%


Hungary Government Bond,


Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000       10/27/27     HUF 300,000       1,174,807  

Unsec’d. Notes

    5.500       12/20/18     HUF 100,000       397,151  

Hungary Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.000       03/25/19       332       341,587  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.375       02/21/23       2,850       3,192,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.750       06/11/18     EUR 500       602,810  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.750       11/22/23       2,850       3,275,807  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.250       01/29/20       3,200       3,467,910  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.375       03/29/21       2,530       2,830,438  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     23  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Hungary (cont’d.)


MFB Magyar Fejlesztesi Bank Zrt, Gov’t. Gtd. Notes

    6.250     10/21/20       400     $ 440,656  




Iceland    0.6%


Iceland Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.500       07/15/20     EUR 5,006       6,204,436  

India    0.1%


Export-Import Bank of India,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.090       04/18/18     MXN 2,390       123,035  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.760       04/05/18     AUD 1,000       772,502  




Indonesia    1.4%


Indonesia Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.375       07/30/25     EUR 5,005       6,492,834  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.150       07/18/24     EUR  1,395       1,681,026  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    2.875       07/08/21     EUR 546       688,478  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    3.750       06/14/28     EUR 3,220       4,249,299  

Majapahit Holding BV, Gtd. Notes

    7.750       01/20/20       800       883,040  

Pertamina Persero PT, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    4.300       05/20/23       500       528,124  




Ireland    0.3%


CRH America, Inc., Gtd. Notes

    8.125       07/15/18       110       114,860  

Ireland Government Bond,


Unsec’d. Notes

    2.400       05/15/30     EUR 1,200       1,619,491  

Unsec’d. Notes

    5.400       03/13/25     EUR 900       1,432,337  




Israel    0.3%


Israel Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    1.500       01/18/27     EUR 2,000       2,385,029  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    4.625       03/18/20     EUR 330       425,916  




Italy    4.7%


Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.125       07/14/22       4,125       4,135,928  

Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.650       10/15/23     EUR 2,000       2,289,258  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.350       04/15/22     EUR 535       645,852  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Italy (cont’d.)


Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, (cont’d.)


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.000     12/01/25     EUR  2,200     $ 2,659,794  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.750       09/01/24     EUR 7,855       10,665,115  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.500       03/01/26     EUR 8,545       12,264,476  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.500       11/01/27     EUR 2,695       4,490,398  

Unsec’d. Notes

    2.050       08/01/27     EUR 2,100       2,497,065  

Italy Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.875       09/27/23       2,700       3,220,020  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.200       07/31/34     EUR 250       383,078  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.250       12/07/34     GBP 572       905,797  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    6.000       08/04/28     GBP 661       1,085,981  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    5.375       06/15/33       590       681,522  

Moby SpA, Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    7.750       02/15/23     EUR 450       524,245  

Telecom Italia SpA, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.875       05/19/23     GBP 500       776,383  

Wind Tre SpA,


Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    2.625       01/20/23     EUR 640       748,859  

Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.125       01/20/25     EUR 1,320       1,542,214  




Japan    3.7%


Japan Bank for International Cooperation,


Gov’t. Gtd. Notes

    1.500       07/21/21       2,000       1,943,242  

Gov’t. Gtd. Notes

    1.750       05/29/19       1,400       1,394,417  

Gov’t. Gtd. Notes

    2.250       02/24/20       600       602,030  

Japan Finance Organization for Municipalities,


Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    5.750       08/09/19     GBP 400       574,893  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.000       09/08/20       2,200       2,183,684  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.125       04/13/21       1,000       989,660  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.875       09/22/21     EUR 2,535       3,017,665  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    1.375       02/05/18       1,000       998,189  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.125       02/12/21       600       593,931  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.125       04/13/21       1,200       1,187,592  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.500       09/12/18       2,000       2,005,364  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.625       04/20/22       1,000       1,003,055  

Japan Government Twenty Year Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.200       06/20/36     JPY 450,000       3,726,723  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.400       03/20/36     JPY 100,000       861,624  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.600       12/20/36     JPY 665,000       5,895,372  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.700       03/20/37     JPY 150,000       1,349,611  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(k)

    1.400       09/20/34     JPY 145,000       1,474,816  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.500       06/20/34     JPY 50,000       515,562  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.800       12/20/31     JPY 148,000       1,574,849  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     25  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Japan (cont’d.)


Japan International Cooperation Agency, Gov’t. Gtd. Notes

    1.875     11/13/19       2,000     $ 1,987,714  

Japanese Government CPI Linked Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.100       03/10/27     JPY  217,645       2,015,567  

Tokyo Metropolitan Government,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.625       06/06/18       1,000       998,990  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.000       05/17/21       1,000       983,848  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.125       05/20/19       400       400,268  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.125       05/19/20       1,000       995,414  




Kuwait    0.2%


Kuwait International Government Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    2.750       03/20/22       2,050       2,067,938  

Latvia    0.1%


Latvia Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.750       01/12/20       1,000       1,011,500  

Lithuania    0.5%


Lithuania Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.125       03/09/21       2,100       2,352,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.625       02/01/22       1,200       1,402,791  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.375       02/11/20       1,090       1,218,162  




Luxembourg    0.1%


B&M European Value Retail SA, Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    4.125       02/01/22     GBP 400       550,741  

Macedonia    0.1%


Macedonia Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.975       07/24/21     EUR 500       620,457  

Malaysia    0.3%


Malaysia Government Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.048       09/30/21     MYR 13,815       3,305,471  

Mexico    2.1%


Mexican Bonos, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    8.000       06/11/20     MXN  39,000       2,081,193  

Mexico Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.375       01/15/25     EUR 620       721,183  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Mexico (cont’d.)


Mexico Government International Bond, (cont’d.)


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.875     02/23/22     EUR 1,400     $ 1,707,926  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    2.750       04/22/23     EUR 3,275       4,171,963  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.000       03/15/2115     EUR 450       491,001  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.375       04/09/21     EUR 100       124,524  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.500       02/17/20     EUR 100       131,265  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.625       03/19/2114     GBP 200       285,551  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    6.750       02/06/24     GBP 840       1,380,606  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, GMTN

    1.625       03/06/24     EUR 1,400       1,676,386  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, GMTN

    3.000       03/06/45     EUR 500       548,935  

Petroleos Mexicanos,


Gtd. Notes

    3.125       11/27/20     EUR 500       624,652  

Gtd. Notes

    5.500       02/24/25     EUR 2,100       2,840,792  

Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    3.750       02/21/24     EUR 2,400       2,987,705  

Gtd. Notes, EMTN(a)

    3.750       04/16/26     EUR 700       835,840  

Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    8.250       06/02/22     GBP 928       1,536,963  




Netherlands    0.7%


ABN AMRO Bank NV, Sub. Notes, 144A

    4.750       07/28/25       1,000       1,059,800  

Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten NV,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.150       03/07/25     CAD 1,000       898,101  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       03/03/21     NZD 2,000       1,247,935  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       05/12/21     ZAR  10,000       526,875  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       06/22/21     ZAR 6,000       315,830  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       06/07/22     ZAR 10,000       479,604  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.184 (s)      04/05/28     CAD 700       386,923  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    7.000       12/09/21     AUD 2,000       1,771,446  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    5.500       05/23/22     AUD 338       289,917  

Ziggo Bond Finance BV, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.625       01/15/25     EUR 750       932,608  




New Zealand    0.6%


Auckland Council,


Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    2.900       09/16/27     AUD 1,000       729,711  

Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    3.500       03/09/26     AUD 2,000       1,541,524  

New Zealand Government Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.500       04/15/27     NZD 1,500       1,158,173  

New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.750       04/15/25     NZD 1,800       1,165,771  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.500       04/15/27     NZD 1,800       1,296,437  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.000       05/15/21     NZD 500       379,547  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     27  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Norway    0.5%


City of Oslo,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.600     12/06/22     NOK  1,000     $ 132,485  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.650       11/08/23     NOK 9,000       1,198,786  

Unsec’d. Notes

    4.900       11/04/19     NOK 5,000       658,343  

Kommunalbanken AS, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    5.125       05/14/21     NZD 2,850       2,097,856  

Silk Bidco AS, Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    7.500       02/01/22     EUR 750       913,388  




Panama    0.3%


Panama Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.000       09/22/24       400       426,400  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    8.125       04/28/34       138       187,680  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    9.375       01/16/23       622       785,275  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    9.375       04/01/29       800       1,202,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    10.750       05/15/20       275       330,688  




Peru    0.8%


Peru Enhanced Pass-Through Finance Ltd.,


Pass-Through Certificates

    2.933 (s)      06/02/25       1,000       860,000  

Pass-Through Certificates, 144A

    1.426 (s)      05/31/18       650       640,172  

Peruvian Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.750       01/30/26     EUR 3,920       5,079,909  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.750       03/01/30     EUR 1,400       1,973,418  




Poland    1.1%


Poland Government Bond,


Unsec’d. Notes

    1.750       07/25/21     PLN 2,000       537,205  

Unsec’d. Notes

    2.500       07/25/27     PLN 8,000       2,028,819  

Unsec’d. Notes

    3.250       07/25/19     PLN 1,000       282,861  

Unsec’d. Notes

    3.250       07/25/25     PLN 5,050       1,386,688  

Poland Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.000       03/23/22       7,155       7,866,923  




Portugal    2.5%


Portugal Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.125       10/15/24       4,000       4,234,560  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Portugal (cont’d.)


Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.875     02/15/30     EUR 7,565     $ 9,994,581  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.650       02/15/24     EUR 8,375       12,330,804  




Romania    0.9%


Romanian Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.500       06/18/18     EUR  1,000       1,212,047  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.375       04/19/27     EUR  2,800       3,313,112  

Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.875       05/26/28     EUR 1,100       1,340,724  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.625       04/24/24     EUR 730       977,134  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.875       10/29/35     EUR 900       1,131,888  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    6.750       02/07/22       300       346,045  

Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    2.875       05/26/28     EUR 700       853,188  




Russia    0.3%


Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.250       04/06/24     GBP 500       690,667  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.850       10/25/19     CHF 2,000       2,069,143  

Russia Foreign Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.500       04/04/22       400       426,468  




Saudi Arabia    0.6%


KSA Sukuk Ltd., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.894       04/20/22       1,500       1,501,650  

Saudi Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.375       10/26/21       1,200       1,179,648  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, MTN

    2.875       03/04/23       3,335       3,321,660  




Singapore    0.1%


Singapore Government Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.000       09/01/24     SGD 500       390,727  

Temasek Financial I Ltd., Gtd. Notes, GMTN

    3.265       02/19/20     SGD 500       381,142  




Slovak Republic    0.2%


Slovakia Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.125       10/16/23     CHF 2,000       2,259,309  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     29  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Slovenia    1.0%


Slovenia Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.750     05/10/18       1,500     $ 1,521,750  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.250       02/18/24       213       242,150  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.250       02/18/24       7,709       8,764,023  




South Africa    0.4%


Sappi Papier Holding GmbH, Gtd. Notes

    3.375       04/01/22     EUR 600       716,732  

South Africa Government Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.750       03/31/21     ZAR  10,000       679,268  

Unsec’d. Notes

    7.000       02/28/31     ZAR 1,800       101,618  

Unsec’d. Notes

    10.500       12/21/26     ZAR 5,000       383,101  

South Africa Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    3.750       07/24/26     EUR 1,000       1,206,532  

ZAR Sovereign Capital Fund Propriety Ltd., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.903       06/24/20       1,000       1,013,300  




South Korea    0.4%


Export-Import Bank of Korea,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.125       10/15/19     NZD 200       141,365  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.711       12/05/19     CAD 200       155,301  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.500       09/26/19     AUD 100       76,903  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    4.430       09/14/18     AUD 2,318       1,787,301  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.375       09/12/19     AUD 1,000       797,768  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    3.500       07/28/21     NZD 1,500       1,025,197  

Korea International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.125       06/10/24     EUR 100       125,074  




Spain    5.0%


Adif-Alta Velocidad,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    1.875       01/28/25     EUR 800       975,659  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.500       05/27/24     EUR 400       539,078  

Banco Santander SA, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.800       02/23/28       400       399,768  

Instituto de Credito Oficial,


Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, 144A

    1.625       09/14/18       1,000       996,349  

Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    3.250       06/28/24     CHF 300       354,533  

Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    5.000       03/31/20     CAD 1,800       1,469,719  

Spain Government Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(k)

    1.400       01/31/20     EUR 1,800       2,173,107  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(k)

    2.750       04/30/19     EUR 1,150       1,401,867  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Spain (cont’d.)


Spain Government Bond, (cont’d.)


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    1.450     10/31/27     EUR 1,785     $ 2,077,543  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A(k)

    3.800       04/30/24     EUR 1,520       2,116,530  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A(k)

    4.650       07/30/25     EUR 15,050       22,331,495  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.150       10/31/28     EUR 1,800       2,848,465  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A(k)

    5.850       01/31/22     EUR 3,705       5,360,705  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.900       07/30/26     EUR 500       809,716  

Unsec’d. Notes, 144A(k)

    1.600       04/30/25     EUR 300       366,502  

Spain Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.250       04/06/29     GBP 5,445       8,548,866  




Supranational Bank    2.7%


African Development Bank,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       09/29/20     AUD 445       317,920  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       09/21/21     NZD 1,500       934,816  

Corp. Andina de Fomento,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.200       07/18/20       400       399,568  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.750       01/06/23       1,350       1,346,935  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.375       06/15/22       3,300       3,555,288  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    1.875       05/29/21     EUR 400       493,759  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    4.000       03/31/21     AUD 1,636       1,278,772  



Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    5.150       12/13/19     CAD 540       446,663  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    6.250       12/28/18     AUD 1,300       1,042,542  

European Bank for Reconstruction & Development,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       09/01/23     AUD 400       263,789  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       11/21/23     AUD 1,200       760,857  

European Investment Bank,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A, EMTN

    4.600       01/30/37     CAD 1,500       1,384,986  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       06/21/23     AUD 2,500       1,656,910  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       07/21/23     AUD 800       530,602  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       08/10/23     AUD 1,210       799,990  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       10/26/23     AUD 6,930       4,542,775  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    1.250       05/12/25     SEK  16,500       2,019,076  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.250       05/24/23     NOK 10,000       1,336,423  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    4.600       01/30/37     CAD 150       139,446  

Inter-American Development Bank,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       05/23/23     CAD 744       523,412  

Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       10/30/20     ZAR 2,250       124,788  

Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       11/30/20     ZAR 1,840       102,170  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     31  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Supranational Bank (cont’d.)


International Bank for Reconstruction & Development,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500     07/29/22     AUD 350     $ 238,685  

Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       03/07/22     AUD 1,145       790,498  

Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       03/28/22     AUD 200       138,456  

International Finance Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    0.500       09/13/19     AUD 2,000       1,463,763  

Nordic Investment Bank, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    3.875       09/02/25     NZD 2,000       1,400,998  

North American Development Bank, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.400       10/26/22       750       745,036  




Sweden    0.7%


Intrum Justitia AB, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.125       07/15/24     EUR 560       669,328  

Kommuninvest I Sverige AB,


Local Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    0.625       11/13/23     SEK  15,000       1,777,784  

Local Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    1.500       05/12/25     SEK 7,000       862,319  

Local Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    1.625       01/22/20     CAD 4,000       3,087,063  

Local Gov’t. Gtd. Notes, MTN

    4.750       08/17/22     AUD 200       165,459  

Swedish Export Credit Corp.,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.760       05/28/19     AUD 787       614,669  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    4.910       04/23/19     NZD 985       689,935  




Switzerland    0.5%


Credit Suisse Group AG, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A(a)

    2.997       12/14/23       1,590       1,585,973  

Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd.,


Gtd. Notes

    3.800       06/09/23       970       1,006,719  

Gtd. Notes

    4.550       04/17/26       500       536,818  

Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    1.000       04/14/23     CHF 1,000       1,036,073  

UBS Group Funding Switzerland AG, Gtd. Notes, 144A

    3.491       05/23/23       1,100       1,127,413  




Turkey    0.7%


Turkey Government Bond, Unsec’d. Notes

    9.000       07/24/24     TRY 3,000       699,081  

Turkey Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.125       04/11/23     EUR 2,965       3,713,296  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.875       04/02/19     EUR 247       308,367  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.000       06/05/20       1,800       1,949,436  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    3.250       06/14/25     EUR 750       874,074  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Ukraine    0.2%


Ukraine Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    7.375     09/25/32       1,875     $ 1,848,510  

United Arab Emirates    0.2%


Abu Dhabi Government International Bond, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    2.500       10/11/22       2,365       2,349,628  

United Kingdom    3.7%


Arrow Global Finance PLC, Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.125       09/15/24     GBP 230       316,959  

Barclays PLC,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.650       03/16/25       800       803,009  

Sub. Notes

    5.200       05/12/26       1,440       1,544,496  

CPUK Finance Ltd.,


Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    4.250       02/28/47     GBP 185       251,481  

Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    4.875       02/28/47     GBP 110       149,127  

HSBC Holdings PLC,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.041       03/13/28       1,255       1,314,401  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.100       04/05/21       85       92,395  

Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC,


Gtd. Notes

    3.875       03/01/23     GBP 700       973,862  

Gtd. Notes, 144A

    2.200       01/15/24     EUR 190       225,195  

Leeds Building Society, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    1.375       05/05/22     EUR 790       950,688  

Lloyds Banking Group PLC, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.907       11/07/23       1,850       1,850,000  

Pentair Finance Sarl, Gtd. Notes

    2.450       09/17/19     EUR 250       303,850  

Reynolds American, Inc., Gtd. Notes

    8.125       06/23/19       30       32,889  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.875       09/12/23       1,000       1,025,642  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.000       03/08/23     EUR  1,200       1,467,850  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, EMTN

    2.500       03/22/23     EUR 1,500       1,884,937  

Santander UK Group Holdings PLC, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.571       01/10/23       1,065       1,087,425  

Tesco Corporate Treasury Services PLC, Gtd. Notes, EMTN

    2.500       07/01/24     EUR 750       942,197  

United Kingdom Gilt,


Unsec’d. Notes

    2.000       09/07/25     GBP 100       141,493  

Unsec’d. Notes(k)

    3.250       01/22/44     GBP 320       538,690  

Unsec’d. Notes

    3.500       01/22/45     GBP 3,080       5,436,022  

Unsec’d. Notes(k)

    4.250       03/07/36     GBP 7,190       13,159,935  

Unsec’d. Notes

    4.250       09/07/39     GBP 2,130       4,012,908  

Virgin Media Sec’d. Finance PLC, Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    5.500       01/15/25     GBP 495       692,315  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     33  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Uruguay    0.1%


Uruguay Government International Bond,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.375     10/27/27       1,000     $ 1,081,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.000       06/28/19     EUR 119       150,292  







(cost $596,902,083)







Automobiles    0.3%


OneMain Direct Auto Receivables Trust,


Series 2016-1A, Class C, 144A

    4.580       09/15/21       800       807,875  

Series 2017-1A, Class C, 144A

    3.910       08/16/21       1,900       1,896,417  

Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-3, Class C

    2.760       12/15/22       400       403,236  




Collateralized Loan Obligations    6.0%


Armada Euro CLO (Ireland), Series 2017-1A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month EURIBOR + 0.930%

    0.930 (c)      10/24/30     EUR  4,250       4,960,575  

ArrowMark Colorado Holdings (Cayman Islands), Series 2017-6A, Class A1, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.280%

    2.639 (c)      07/15/29       500       503,650  

Atlas Sr. Loan Fund Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2017-8A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.300%

    2.607 (c)      01/16/30       500       502,560  

Ballyrock CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2016-1A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.590%

    2.949 (c)      10/15/28       3,000       3,048,361  

Battalion CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands),


Series 2014-6A, Class A1R, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.180%

    2.533 (c)      10/17/26       1,350       1,352,854  

Series 2015-8A, Class A1R, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.340%

    2.694 (c)      07/18/30       2,000       2,013,596  

Benefit Street Partners CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands),


Series 2013-IIA, Class A1R, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.250%

    2.609 (c)      07/15/29       1,250       1,250,898  

Series 2017-12A, Class A1, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.250%

    2.597 (c)      10/15/30       750       753,359  

Brookside Mill CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2013-1A, Class B1, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.750%

    3.103 (c)      04/17/25       3,000       3,000,133  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Collateralized Loan Obligations (cont’d.)


Canyon Capital CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2015-1A, Class AS, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.250%

    2.609 %(c)      04/15/29       3,750     $ 3,750,343  

Catamaran CLO (Cayman Islands), Series 2014-1A, Class A1AR, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.260%

    2.623 (c)      04/22/30       2,500       2,500,000  

Flagship CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2014-8A, Class AR, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.250%

    2.609 (c)      01/16/26       3,000       3,013,877  

ICG US CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2017-2A, Class A1, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.280%

    2.597 (c)      10/23/29       3,500       3,523,464  

KVK CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2014-1A, Class A1R, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.300%

    2.615 (c)      05/15/26       3,500       3,500,734  

OCP CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2017-13A, Class A1A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.260%

    2.561 (c)      07/15/30       750       755,809  

OZLM Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2015-11A, Class A1R, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.250%

    2.628 (c)      10/30/30       1,000       1,007,292  

Palmer Square CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands),


Series 2015-1A, Class A1R, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.300%

    2.616 (c)      05/21/29       3,750       3,767,911  

Series 2015-2A, Class A1AR, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.270%

    2.633 (c)      07/20/30       1,750       1,761,989  

Regatta Funding Ltd. (Cayman Islands),


Series 2016-1A, Class A1, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.520%

    2.845 (c)      12/20/28       2,000       2,017,908  

Series 2017-1A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.250%

    2.619 (c)      10/17/30       2,000       2,007,620  

Silver Creek CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2014-1A, Class AR, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.240%

    2.603 (c)      07/20/30       500       503,346  

Sound Point CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands),


Series 2016-2A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.660%

    3.023 (c)      10/20/28       1,000       1,010,410  

Series 2017-3A, Class A1B, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.220%

    2.580 (c)      10/20/30       500       500,000  

St. Paul’s CLO DAC (Netherlands), Series 2017-7A, Class B2, 144A

    2.400       04/30/30     EUR  1,000       1,162,857  

Telos CLO (Cayman Islands), Series 2013-3A, Class AR, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.300%

    2.653 (c)      07/17/26       1,000       1,000,630  

TIAA CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2016-1A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.700%

    3.063 (c)      07/20/28       2,000       2,014,663  

Trinitas CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands),


Series 2016-5A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.700%

    3.067 (c)      10/25/28       3,000       3,012,203  

Series 2017-6A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.320%

    2.655 (c)      07/25/29       2,500       2,507,633  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     35  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Collateralized Loan Obligations (cont’d.)


Wellfleet CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2017-2A, Class A1, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.250%

    2.626 %(c)      10/20/29       1,500     $ 1,511,792  

West CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2012-1A, Class B, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 3.400%

    4.778 (c)      10/30/23       1,000       1,000,246  

Zais CLO Ltd. (Cayman Islands),


Series 2017-1A, Class A1, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.370%

    2.729 (c)      07/15/29       4,250       4,291,615  

Series 2017-2A, Class A, 144A, 3 Month LIBOR + 1.290%

    2.647 (c)      04/15/30       750       753,435  




Consumer Loans    1.4%


Lendmark Funding Trust,


Series 2016-2A, Class A, 144A

    3.260       04/21/25       400       401,050  

Series 2017-1A, Class B, 144A

    3.770       12/22/25       700       707,045  

OneMain Financial Issuance Trust,


Series 2015-2A, Class A, 144A

    2.570       07/18/25       1,015       1,016,424  

Series 2015-2A, Class C, 144A

    4.320       07/18/25       2,100       2,102,832  

Series 2016-1A, Class A, 144A

    3.660       02/20/29       1,000       1,021,149  

Series 2016-2A, Class A, 144A

    4.100       03/20/28       1,000       1,015,256  

Series 2017-1A, Class C, 144A

    3.350       09/14/32       400       396,818  

Oportun Funding IV LLC, Series 2016-C, Class A, 144A

    3.280       11/08/21       1,100       1,102,679  

Oportun Funding VI LLC, Series 2017-A, Class A, 144A

    3.230       06/08/23       750       751,105  

Oportun Funding VII LLC, Series 2017-B, Class A, 144A

    3.220       10/10/23       2,150       2,146,749  

PNMAC GMSR Issuer Trust, Series 2017-GT2, Class A, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 4.000%

    5.238 (c)      08/25/23       1,110       1,110,390  

SpringCastle America Funding LLC, Series 2016-AA, Class A, 144A

    3.050       04/25/29       1,499       1,506,884  

Springleaf Funding Trust,


Series 2015-AA, Class A, 144A

    3.160       11/15/24       1,000       1,005,669  

Series 2017-AA, Class C, 144A

    3.860       07/15/30       800       807,875  




Home Equity Loans    1.5%


ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-HE2, Class M4, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.960%

    2.198 (c)      04/25/35       878       881,319  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Home Equity Loans (cont’d.)


Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates,


Series 2002-2, Class M3, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.655%

    3.893 %(c)      08/25/32       715     $ 708,098  

Series 2002-3, Class M3, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.850%

    4.088 (c)      08/25/32       377       375,326  

Argent Securities, Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates,


Series 2004-W6, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.825%

    2.063 (c)      05/25/34       75       75,144  

Series 2005-W2, Class A2C, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.360%

    1.598 (c)      10/25/35       745       746,985  

Asset-Backed Funding Certificates, Series 2004-OPT5, Class A1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.700%

    1.938 (c)      06/25/34       946       922,474  

Bear Stearns Asset-Backed Securities Trust, Series 2004-HE2, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.900%

    2.138 (c)      03/25/34       201       200,407  

Chase Funding Loan Acquisition Trust, Series 2004-AQ1, Class A2, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.800%

    2.038 (c)      05/25/34       291       293,044  

CHEC Loan Trust, Series 2004-1, Class A3, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.000%

    2.238 (c)      07/25/34       984       960,184  

EquiFirst Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2004-1, Class 1A1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.480%

    1.718 (c)      01/25/34       932       901,378  

Home Equity Asset Trust, Series 2005-9, Class 2A4, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.340%

    1.578 (c)      04/25/36       331       331,627  

MASTR Asset-Backed Securities Trust,


Series 2003-OPT1, Class M2, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.775%

    4.013 (c)      12/25/32       392       394,299  

Series 2004-OPT2, Class A1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.700%

    1.938 (c)      09/25/34       2,362       2,347,539  

Series 2004-WMC2, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.900%

    2.138 (c)      04/25/34       2,287       2,255,984  

Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust, Series 2004-HE2, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.200%

    2.438 (c)      08/25/35       101       101,253  

Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I, Inc. Trust,


Series 2003-NC8, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.050%

    2.288 (c)      09/25/33       182       180,847  

Series 2004-OP1, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.870%

    2.108 (c)      11/25/34       2,378       2,369,917  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     37  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Home Equity Loans (cont’d.)


Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital I, Inc. Trust, Series 2002-AM3, Class A3, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.980%

    2.218 %(c)      02/25/33       256     $ 250,012  

New Century Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2003-4, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.125%

    2.363 (c)      10/25/33       233       227,845  

Option One Mortgage Acceptance Corp., Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2003-6, Class A2, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.660%

    1.898 (c)      11/25/33       878       857,347  

Structured Asset Securities Corp. Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2005-NC2, Class M3, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.430%

    1.668 (c)      05/25/35       317       317,305  




Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities    1.5%


Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2004-R8, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.960%

    2.198 (c)      09/25/34       178       178,687  

Chase Funding Trust, Series 2003-4, Class 2A2, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.600%

    1.838 (c)      05/25/33       1,173       1,094,693  

CIT Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2007-1, Class 1A, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.350%

    2.588 (c)      10/25/37       1,699       1,707,087  

Countrywide Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2002-5, Class MV1, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.500%

    2.738 (c)      03/25/33       134       133,390  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Trust,


Series 2016-RPL1, Class A1, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 3.150%

    4.385 (c)      12/26/46       1,914       1,920,173  

Series 2017-6R, Class A1, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.550%

    2.786 (c)      03/06/47       1,685       1,689,826  

Finance America Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2004-2, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.825%

    2.063 (c)      08/25/34       705       695,109  

Fremont Home Loan Trust,


Series 2004-1, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.675%

    1.913 (c)      02/25/34       388       389,875  

Series 2004-B, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.870%

    2.108 (c)      05/25/34       768       766,642  

GSAMP Trust, Series 2005-HE5, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.420%

    1.658 (c)      11/25/35       149       149,458  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (cont’d.)


Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust,


Series 2003-4, Class AV1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.620%

    1.858 %(c)      08/25/33       853     $ 833,760  

Series 2004-3, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.855%

    2.093 (c)      07/25/34       191       190,267  

New Century Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-C, Class A2C, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.250%

    1.488 (c)      12/25/35       208       208,106  

Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Trust, Series 2004-4, Class M1

    4.470       09/25/34       110       110,781  

Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust, Series 2003-BC3, Class M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.425%

    2.663 (c)      04/25/33       692       689,063  

Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust (Cayman Islands), Series 2003-BC9, Class 2A, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.950%

    2.188 (c)      08/25/33       2,067       2,014,357  

Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust,


Series 2004-2, Class A4, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.705%

    1.943 (c)      03/25/34       759       750,693  

Series 2004-8, Class A8, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.000%

    2.238 (c)      09/25/34       376       368,440  

VOLT LX LLC, Series 2017-NPL7, Class A1, 144A

    3.250       04/25/59       343       345,001  

VOLT LXIII LLC, Series 2017-NP10, Class A1, 144A^

    3.000       10/25/47        1,600       1,600,000  







(cost $111,668,019)






BANK LOANS(c)    0.1%


Consumer Cyclical - Services    0.0%


OBOL France 3 SAS (France), Facility B, 3 Month EURIBOR + 3.750%

    3.750       04/11/23     EUR 232       272,622  

Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines    0.1%


Richmond Bidco Ltd. (United Kingdom), Facility B, 3 Month GBP LIBOR + 4.250%

    4.650       03/03/24     GBP 400       529,000  




(cost $801,956)







See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     39  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#





Series 2017-BNK5, Class A3

    3.020     06/15/60       3,600     $ 3,628,629  

Series 2017-BNK6, Class A3

    3.125       07/15/60       4,400       4,473,922  

Series 2017-BNK7, Class A4

    3.175       09/15/60       5,000       5,066,871  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust,


Series 2014-GC21, Class XB, IO

    0.329 (cc)      05/10/47       27,500       731,209  

Series 2016-GC37, Class XB, IO

    0.690 (cc)      04/10/49       33,868       1,680,022  

Series 2016-P4, Class XB, IO

    1.349 (cc)      07/10/49       9,100       867,278  

Series 2017-P8, Class A2

    3.109       09/15/50       2,000       2,021,947  

COMM Mortgage Trust,


Series 2012-CR1, Class XA, IO

    1.879 (cc)      05/15/45       3,664       254,334  

Series 2014-CR19, Class A3

    3.530       08/10/47       1,000       1,029,393  

Series 2014-UBS4, Class XB, IO, 144A

    0.204 (cc)      08/10/47       50,000       660,500  

DBJPM Mortgage Trust,


Series 2016-C3, Class A3

    2.362       09/10/49       1,500       1,442,153  

Series 2017-C6, Class A3

    3.269       06/10/50       4,400       4,504,243  

DBWF Mortgage Trust, Series 2016-85T, Class E, 144A

    3.808 (cc)      12/10/36       3,000       2,837,596  

Eleven Madison Trust Mortgage Trust, Series 2015-11MD, Class C, 144A

    3.555 (cc)      09/10/35       500       503,289  

FHLMC Multifamily Structured Pass-Through Certificates,


Series K006, Class AX1, IO

    0.963 (cc)      01/25/20       19,003       340,826  

Series K007, Class X1, IO

    1.219 (cc)      04/25/20       25,527       540,823  

Series K008, Class X1, IO

    1.537 (cc)      06/25/20       11,640       385,158  

Series K019, Class X1, IO

    1.679 (cc)      03/25/22       9,963       598,129  

Series K020, Class X1, IO

    1.429 (cc)      05/25/22       11,102       591,398  

Series K025, Class X1, IO

    0.999 (cc)      10/25/22       19,677       698,060  

Series K037, Class X1, IO

    1.011 (cc)      01/25/24       10,989       552,421  

Series K043, Class X1, IO

    0.546 (cc)      12/25/24       12,399       409,870  

Series K049, Class X1, IO

    0.611 (cc)      07/25/25       41,791       1,630,164  

Series K052, Class X1, IO

    0.673 (cc)      11/25/25       12,597       544,613  

Series K053, Class X1, IO

    0.892 (cc)      12/25/25       46,161       2,763,554  

Series K054, Class X1, IO

    1.179 (cc)      01/25/26       31,358       2,538,375  

Series K057, Class X1, IO

    1.193 (cc)      07/25/26       26,353       2,196,889  

Series K058, Class X1, IO

    0.930 (cc)      08/25/26       41,875       2,820,587  

Series K717, Class X1, IO

    0.503 (cc)      09/25/21       11,511       189,663  

Series Q001, Class XA, IO

    2.309 (cc)      02/25/32       6,757       1,039,306  

GS Mortgage Securities Trust,


Series 2013-GC14, Class XA, IO

    0.731 (cc)      08/10/46       37,150       1,111,797  

Series 2014-GC20, Class XB, IO

    0.330 (cc)      04/10/47       30,000       794,880  

Series 2014-GC22, Class XB, IO

    0.255 (cc)      06/10/47       35,000       741,926  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Series 2014-GC24, Class XB, IO

    0.021 %(cc)      09/10/47       83,262     $ 98,516  

Series 2014-GC26, Class XB, IO

    0.295 (cc)      11/10/47       56,483       1,263,790  

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust, Series 2016-C1, Class A3

    3.515       03/15/49       1,500       1,532,148  

JPMCC Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust,


Series 2017-JP5, Class A3

    3.342       03/15/50       1,600       1,647,513  

Series 2017-JP6, Class A3

    3.109       07/15/50       4,600       4,613,057  

Series 2017-JP7, Class A3

    3.379       09/15/50       5,100       5,246,448  

Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust,


Series 2015-C24, Class XA, IO

    0.813 (cc)      05/15/48       26,781       1,245,805  

Series 2016-C31, Class A3

    2.731       11/15/49       2,211       2,169,296  

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust,


Series 2016-UBS9, Class A2

    2.982       03/15/49       1,200       1,211,259  

Series 2017-H1, Class A3

    3.153       06/15/50       4,500       4,518,738  

UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2017-C4, Class A3

    3.301       10/15/50       6,500       6,616,841  

UBS-Barclays Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2012-C2, Class XA, IO, 144A

    1.373 (cc)      05/10/63       4,806       239,760  

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust,


Series 2016-C35, Class XB, IO

    0.939 (cc)      07/15/48       24,000       1,644,322  

Series 2016-LC24, Class XB, IO

    1.012 (cc)      10/15/49       20,910       1,598,193  

Series 2017-C40, Class A3

    3.317       10/15/50       2,600       2,662,943  




(cost $86,584,863)








Airlines    0.0%


Continental Airlines, Inc., Pass-Through Trust, Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2010-1, Class A

    4.750       07/12/22       61       64,244  

Delta Air Lines, Inc., Pass-Through Trust, Pass-Through Certificates,


Series 2007-1, Class A

    6.821       02/10/24       145       167,265  

Series 2010-2, Class A

    4.950       11/23/20       10       10,507  

Series 2011-1, Class A

    5.300       10/15/20       118       122,820  

UAL, Pass-Through Trust, Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-1A, Class A

    6.636       01/02/24       77       83,511  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     41  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Auto Manufacturers    0.1%


Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.134      08/04/25       250     $ 257,668  

General Motors Financial Co., Inc.,


Gtd. Notes

    3.200        07/06/21       370       377,540  

Gtd. Notes

    3.950        04/13/24       250       257,677  




Auto Parts & Equipment    0.2%


Adient Global Holdings Ltd., Gtd. Notes, 144A

    3.500        08/15/24     EUR  1,234       1,517,561  

LKQ Italia Bondco SpA, Gtd. Notes, 144A

    3.875        04/01/24     EUR  450       579,473  




Banks    2.4%


Bank of America Corp.,


Series M, Jr. Sub. Notes

    8.125        12/31/49       935       964,546  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    3.248        10/21/27       3,000       2,952,748  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    3.875        08/01/25       1,500       1,572,930  

Citigroup, Inc.,


Series P, Jr. Sub. Notes

    5.950        12/31/49       700       765,877  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    2.900        12/08/21       600       606,423  

Sub. Notes

    4.400        06/10/25       3,000       3,170,029  

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The),


Series L, Jr. Sub. Notes

    5.700        12/31/49       2,120       2,188,900  

Series M, Jr. Sub. Notes

    5.375        12/31/49       700       726,250  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(h)

    3.500        01/23/25       1,500       1,523,361  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.,


Series 1, Jr. Sub. Notes

    7.900        12/31/49       450       461,475  

Series V, Jr. Sub. Notes

    5.000        12/31/49       1,000       1,030,970  

Series X, Jr. Sub. Notes

    6.100        12/31/49       1,980       2,207,700  

Series Z, Jr. Sub. Notes

    5.300        12/31/49       1,410       1,482,474  

Morgan Stanley,


Series H, Jr. Sub. Notes

    5.450        12/31/49        1,415       1,467,355  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, GMTN

    1.000        12/02/22     EUR  1,800       2,150,280  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, GMTN

    1.375        10/27/26     EUR 2,200       2,564,063  




Biotechnology    0.2%


Amgen, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.600        08/19/26       600       574,958  

Celgene Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.450        11/15/27       1,845       1,842,195  




Building Materials    0.0%


Owens Corning, Gtd. Notes

    4.200        12/15/22       270       285,965  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Chemicals    0.3%


CF Industries, Inc., Gtd. Notes(a)

    3.450      06/01/23       600     $ 592,500  

Dow Chemical Co. (The), Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    9.400        05/15/39       152       255,660  

LYB International Finance II BV, Gtd. Notes(a)

    3.500        03/02/27       1,900       1,898,760  

Sherwin-Williams Co. (The), Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.450        08/01/25       600       610,452  




Commercial Services    0.1%


ERAC USA Finance LLC, Gtd. Notes, 144A

    7.000        10/15/37       190       252,015  

United Rentals North America, Inc.,


Gtd. Notes

    4.875        01/15/28       715       718,575  

Gtd. Notes(a)

    5.500        05/15/27       500       535,000  




Computers    0.2%


DXC Technology Co., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.875        03/27/20       1,000       1,012,913  

Seagate HDD Cayman, Gtd. Notes

    3.750        11/15/18       305       310,429  

Western Digital Corp., Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    7.375        04/01/23       675       739,125  




Diversified Financial Services    0.0%


International Lease Finance Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.250        05/15/19       125       132,552  

Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN(d)

    6.875        05/02/18       100       5,950  

Navient Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, MTN

    8.450        06/15/18       225       233,438  




Electric    0.6%


AES Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.375        07/01/21       700       796,250  

ContourGlobal Power Holdings SA, Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.125        06/15/21     EUR 505       618,291  

DPL, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.750        10/01/19       700       736,750  

Dynegy, Inc.,


Gtd. Notes

    7.375        11/01/22       350       375,812  

Gtd. Notes(a)

    7.625        11/01/24       900       983,250  

FirstEnergy Corp., Series B, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.900        07/15/27       865       882,891  

NRG Energy, Inc., Gtd. Notes(a)

    6.625        01/15/27       1,425       1,517,625  

Public Service Co. of New Mexico, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.950        05/15/18       50       51,630  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     43  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Electronics    0.1%


Jabil, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.700      09/15/22       655     $ 697,116  

Entertainment    0.3%


Cinemark USA, Inc., Gtd. Notes

    4.875        06/01/23       1,000       1,018,750  

NAI Entertainment Holdings/NAI Entertainment Holdings Finance Corp., Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.000        08/01/18       1,000       1,001,000  

Scientific Games International, Inc., Gtd. Notes

    10.000        12/01/22       750       829,635  

WMG Acquisition Corp., Sr. Sec’d. Notes, 144A

    4.125        11/01/24     EUR 200       247,041  




Food    0.2%


Darling Global Finance BV, Gtd. Notes

    4.750        05/30/22     EUR 800       973,814  

Ingles Markets, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.750        06/15/23       675       663,188  




Forest & Paper Products    0.0%


International Paper Co., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.300        11/15/39       75       104,532  

Healthcare-Products    0.4%


Becton Dickinson & Co., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.368        06/06/19     EUR 2,300       2,698,915  

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.875        07/24/37     EUR 950       1,141,606  




Healthcare-Services    0.3%


CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc.,


Gtd. Notes(a)

    6.875        02/01/22        1,000       723,750  

Gtd. Notes(a)

    7.125        07/15/20       600       520,500  

Sr. Sec’d. Notes(a)

    5.125        08/01/21       500       486,250  

HCA, Inc., Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    6.500        02/15/20       750       808,125  

Tenet Healthcare Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    8.125        04/01/22       1,000       1,005,000  




Home Builders    0.2%


KB Home, Gtd. Notes(a)

    7.500        09/15/22       1,000       1,157,500  

William Lyon Homes, Inc., Gtd. Notes

    7.000        08/15/22       800       830,000  




Household Products/Wares    0.1%


Spectrum Brands, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 144A

    4.000        10/01/26     EUR 675       833,330  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Insurance    0.4%


Allied World Assurance Co. Holdings Ltd., Gtd. Notes

    5.500      11/15/20       30     $ 32,245  

American International Group, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.875        06/21/27     EUR  2,100       2,500,727  

Chubb Corp. (The), Gtd. Notes, 3 Month LIBOR + 2.250%

    3.609 (c)       03/29/67       140       139,300  

Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.,


Gtd. Notes, 144A

    6.500        03/15/35       90       114,293  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.750        05/04/26     EUR 1,000       1,271,519  




Internet    0.2%


Netflix, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.625        05/15/27     EUR 1,300       1,554,055  

Leisure Time    0.2%


Carnival Corp., Gtd. Notes

    1.625        02/22/21     EUR 1,500       1,838,395  

Lodging    0.1%


MGM Resorts International, Gtd. Notes

    6.625        12/15/21       500       558,750  

Machinery-Diversified    0.0%


Xylem, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    4.875        10/01/21       225       244,455  

Media    0.9%


21st Century Fox America, Inc.,


Gtd. Notes

    6.150        03/01/37       415       519,899  

Gtd. Notes

    6.900        08/15/39       60       81,290  

CCO Holdings LLC/CCO Holdings Capital Corp.,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.500        05/01/26       1,000       1,025,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A(a)

    5.875        04/01/24       380       404,700  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.875        05/01/27       675       706,860  

Cequel Communications Holdings I LLC/Cequel Capital Corp.,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.125        12/15/21       700       712,250  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    5.125        12/15/21       800       814,000  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    6.375        09/15/20       1,000       1,020,120  

Discovery Communications LLC,


Gtd. Notes

    2.500        09/20/24     GBP  1,200       1,562,821  

Gtd. Notes(a)

    3.950        03/20/28       1,415       1,403,417  

Liberty Interactive LLC, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    8.250        02/01/30       500       550,000  

Time Warner Cable LLC, Sr. Sec’d. Notes

    8.750        02/14/19       300       324,572  

Time Warner, Inc., Gtd. Notes

    3.800        02/15/27       85       84,963  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     45  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Miscellaneous Manufacturing    0.3%


Actuant Corp., Gtd. Notes

    5.625      06/15/22       400     $ 411,000  

General Electric Co.,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.500        05/17/29     EUR 850       1,000,833  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.125        05/17/37     EUR  1,700       1,984,603  

Textron, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.250        10/01/19       200       218,585  




Office/Business Equipment    0.0%


Xerox Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.625        03/15/23       460       453,860  

Oil & Gas    0.0%


Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.450        09/15/36       35       42,498  

Nabors Industries, Inc., Gtd. Notes

    4.625        09/15/21       170       164,186  




Packaging & Containers    0.1%


Ball Corp., Gtd. Notes

    4.375        12/15/23     EUR 300       400,912  

Greif, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.750        08/01/19       140       151,200  

WestRock MWV LLC, Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    7.375        09/01/19       450       489,461  

WestRock RKT Co., Gtd. Notes

    4.450        03/01/19       175       180,097  




Pharmaceuticals    0.3%


Allergan Funding SCS, Gtd. Notes

    0.500        06/01/21     EUR 900       1,055,600  

Catalent Pharma Solutions, Inc.,


Gtd. Notes

    4.750        12/15/24     EUR 400       502,798  

Gtd. Notes, 144A

    4.750        12/15/24     EUR 350       439,948  

Horizon Pharma, Inc./Horizon Pharma USA, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 144A

    8.750        11/01/24       830       869,425  




Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)    0.2%


MPT Operating Partnership LP/MPT Finance Corp., Gtd. Notes

    3.325        03/24/25     EUR  1,700       2,085,910  

Retail    0.2%


Ferrellgas Partners LP/Ferrellgas Partners Finance Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes(a)

    8.625        06/15/20       750       669,375  

PVH Corp., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    3.625        07/15/24     EUR 840       1,081,595  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Semiconductors    0.0%


Micron Technology, Inc., Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.500     02/01/25       315     $ 334,687  

Software    0.8%


Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    0.400       01/15/21     EUR  2,800       3,274,344  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    1.100       07/15/24     EUR 2,300       2,689,359  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    2.250       08/15/21       90       89,329  

First Data Corp., Gtd. Notes, 144A

    7.000       12/01/23       1,130       1,209,122  

Quintiles IMS, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 144A

    3.500       10/15/24     EUR 920       1,126,758  




Telecommunications    0.4%


AT&T, Inc.,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    3.550       09/14/37     GBP 1,000       1,279,916  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.250       03/01/37       70       73,222  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.300       08/14/58       1,000       990,216  

Sprint Capital Corp., Gtd. Notes

    8.750       03/15/32       1,100       1,333,750  

Sprint Corp., Gtd. Notes

    7.625       02/15/25       300       328,875  




Transportation    0.2%


FedEx Corp.,


Gtd. Notes

    1.000       01/11/23     EUR 500       596,196  

Gtd. Notes

    1.625       01/11/27     EUR 490       583,380  

Norfolk Southern Corp.,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    6.000       03/15/2105       175       212,785  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes, 144A

    4.050       08/15/52       165       167,958  

XPO Logistics, Inc., Gtd. Notes, 144A

    6.500       06/15/22       706       740,665  







(cost $101,297,878)







Puerto Rico


Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, GO

    3.220 (cc)      07/01/20       300       297,207  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Revenue Bonds, CABs

    4.660 (t)      08/01/41       1,265       423,649  




(cost $618,421)






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     47  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Description   Interest
Amount (000)#




Alba PLC (United Kingdom), Series 2007-1, Class B, 3 Month GBP LIBOR + 0.240%

    0.573 %(c)      03/17/39     GBP  1,762     $ 2,156,075  

APS Resecuritization Trust, Series 2016-1, Class 1A, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 0.150%

    1.385 (c)      07/27/57       2,548       2,434,667  

Banc of America Funding Trust, Series 2014-R5, Class 1A1, 144A, 6 Month LIBOR + 1.500%

    2.991 (c)      09/26/45       506       508,698  

Bellemeade Re Ltd. (Bermuda), Series 2017-1, Class M1, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.700%^

    2.738 (c)      10/25/27       720       721,350  

CIM Trust,


Series 2017-2, Class A1, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.000%

    3.235 (c)      12/25/57       2,698       2,724,833  

Series 2017-3, Class A1, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.000%

    3.235 (c)      01/25/57       2,658       2,689,573  

Series 2017-8, 144A^

    3.000 (cc)      12/25/65       3,240       3,241,801  

Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities, Series 2016-C04, Class 1M1, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.450%

    2.688 (c)      01/25/29       442       446,904  

Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


Series 2015-DNA1, Class M3, 1 Month LIBOR + 3.300%

    4.538 (c)      10/25/27       1,000       1,112,885  

Series 2016-HQA2, Class M2, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.250%

    3.488 (c)      11/25/28       660       678,924  

IndyMac INDX Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2004-AR15, Class 3A1

    3.299 (cc)      02/25/35       1,841       1,833,931  

LSTAR Securities Investment Ltd. (Cayman Islands), Series 2017-4, Class A, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.000%

    3.235 (c)      05/01/22       4,788       4,778,635  

LSTAR Securities Investment Ltd.,


Series 2017-5, Class A, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 2.000%

    3.235 (c)      05/01/22       4,748       4,747,834  

Series 2017-6, Class A, 144A, 1 Month LIBOR + 1.750%^

    2.985 (c)      09/01/22       1,454       1,453,591  

Newgate Funding (United Kingdom),


Series 2006-2, Class M, 3 Month GBP LIBOR + 0.220%

    0.556 (c)      12/01/50     GBP  1,888       2,352,065  

Series 2007-2X, Class A3, 3 Month GBP LIBOR + 0.160%

    0.487 (c)      12/15/50     GBP 2,700       3,292,216  

Paragon Mortgages PLC (United Kingdom),


Series 11X, Class BB, 3 Month EURIBOR + 0.480%

    0.151 (c)      10/15/41     EUR 3,766       4,124,080  

Series 12X, Class B1B, 3 Month EURIBOR + 0.480%

    0.151 (c)      11/15/38     EUR 1,359       1,481,145  

Series 13X, Class B1B, 3 Month EURIBOR + 0.380%

    0.051 (c)      01/15/39     EUR 2,000       2,143,926  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Description   Interest
Amount (000)#



Ripon Mortgages PLC (United Kingdom), Series 2017-1A, Class B1, 144A

    1.482 %(cc)      08/20/56     GBP 3,900     $ 5,173,844  

RMAC Securities No.1 PLC (United Kingdom), Series 2006-NS3X, Class M1C

    0.000 (cc)      06/12/44     EUR 1,869       2,024,315  

Towd Point Mortgage Funding Vantage PLC (United Kingdom),


Series 2016-V1A, Class A1, 144A, 3 Month GBP LIBOR + 1.200%

    1.482 (c)      02/20/54     GBP 1,064       1,422,998  

Series 2017-A11A, Class A2, 144A, 3 Month GBP LIBOR + 0.950%

    1.232 (c)      05/20/45     GBP 2,000       2,649,981  




(cost $51,910,701)









Federal National Mortgage Assoc.

    5.375       12/07/28     GBP 275       481,667  

Tennessee Valley Authority,


Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.350       06/07/21     GBP 815       1,234,031  

Sr. Unsec’d. Notes

    5.625       06/07/32     GBP 391       717,263  




(cost $2,618,743)







U.S. Treasury Bonds(h)

    2.500       05/15/46       3,580       3,316,395  

U.S. Treasury Bonds

    2.875       05/15/43       1,455       1,462,787  

U.S. Treasury Bonds(h)

    2.875       08/15/45       170       170,259  

U.S. Treasury Bonds

    3.000       05/15/45       260       266,886  

U.S. Treasury Bonds(h)

    3.000       05/15/47       3,080       3,157,361  

U.S. Treasury Notes

    1.750       01/31/23       16,000       15,752,500  

U.S. Treasury Notes

    1.750       05/15/23       2,000       1,964,062  

U.S. Treasury Notes

    1.875       04/30/22       5,325       5,302,951  

U.S. Treasury Notes(h)(k)

    2.000       02/15/25       5,000       4,913,086  

U.S. Treasury Notes

    2.250       10/31/24       545       545,724  

U.S. Treasury Strips Coupon

    1.881 (s)      05/15/31       400       279,695  

U.S. Treasury Strips Coupon

    1.898 (s)      08/15/29       400       296,424  

U.S. Treasury Strips Coupon

    2.100 (s)      11/15/35       800       483,463  

U.S. Treasury Strips Coupon

    2.264 (s)      08/15/40       800       411,873  




(cost $39,466,214)






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     49  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017





Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels


Frontera Energy Corp. (Colombia)*
(cost $44,527)

           1,116     $ 33,366  








Citigroup Capital XIII, 7.750% (Capital Security, fixed to floating preferred)
(cost $100,000)

           4,000       108,880  




(cost $992,013,405)









Prudential Investment Portfolios 2 - Prudential Core Ultra Short Bond Fund(w)

           29,860,170       29,860,170  

Prudential Investment Portfolios 2 - Prudential Institutional Money Market Fund (cost $23,168,998; includes $23,144,737 of cash collateral for securities on loan)(b)(w)

           23,166,879       23,169,196  




(cost $53,029,168)





(cost $13,666,950)





(cost $66,696,118)





(cost $1,058,709,523)






(premiums received $16,794,709)





(cost $1,041,914,814)



Liabilities in excess of other assets(z)    (0.8)%





NET ASSETS    100.0%

           $ 1,060,346,980  





The following abbreviations are used in the annual report:

A—Annual payment frequency for swaps

M—Monthly payment frequency for swaps

Q—Quarterly payment frequency for swaps

S—Semiannual payment frequency for swaps

T—Swap payment upon termination


See Notes to Financial Statements.



144A—Security was purchased pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933 and may not be resold subject to that rule except to qualified institutional buyers. Unless otherwise noted, 144A securities are deemed to be liquid.

ABS—Asset-Backed Security

BBR—New Zealand Bank Bill Rate

BBSW—Australian Bank Bill Swap Reference Rate

BIBOR—Bangkok Interbank Offered Rate

Bobl—Bundesobligationen (German Government Bonds)

bps—Basis Points

BROIS—Brazil Overnight Interbank Deposit

BUBOR—Budapest Interbank Offered Rate

CABs—Capital Appreciation Bonds

CDO—Collateralized Debt Obligation

CDX—Credit Derivative Index

CIBOR—Copenhagen Interbank Offered Rate

CLO—Collateralized Loan Obligation

CLOIS—Sinacofi Chile Interbank Rate Average

CMBX—Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Index

COOIS—Colombia Overnight Interbank Reference Rate

CPI—Consumer Price Index

EMTN—Euro Medium Term Note

EONIA—Euro Overnight Index Average

EURIBOR—Euro Interbank Offered Rate

FHLMC—Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

GMTN—Global Medium Term Note

GO—General Obligation

HIBOR—Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate

HICP—Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices

iBoxx—Bond Market Indices

IO—Interest Only (Principal amount represents notional)

iTraxx—International Credit Derivative Index

JIBAR—Johannesburg Interbank Agreed Rate

KLIBOR—Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rate

L2—Level 2

L3—Level 3

LIBOR—London Interbank Offered Rate

MTN—Medium Term Note

NIBOR—Norwegian Interbank Offered Rate

NSA—Non-Seasonally Adjusted

OAT—Obligations Assimiilables du Tresor (French Treasury Bond)



PRIBOR—Prague Interbank Offered Rate

SIBOR—Singapore Interbank Offered Rate

SONIA—Sterling Overnight Index Average

STIBOR—Stockholm Interbank Offered Rate

STRIPS—Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     51  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


TAIBOR—Taiwan Interbank Offered Rate

TELBOR—Tel Aviv Interbank Offered Rate

USOIS—United States Overnight Index Swap

WIBOR—Warsaw Interbank Offered Rate

ARS—Argentine Peso

AUD—Australian Dollar

BRL—Brazilian Real

CAD—Canadian Dollar

CHF—Swiss Franc

CLP—Chilean Peso

CNH—Chinese Renminbi (offshore)

COP—Colombian Peso

CZK—Czech Koruna

DKK—Danish Krone


GBP—British Pound

HKD—Hong Kong Dollar

HUF—Hungarian Forint

IDR—Indonesian Rupiah

ILS—Israeli Shekel

INR—Indian Rupee

JPY—Japanese Yen

KRW—South Korean Won

MXN—Mexican Peso

MYR—Malaysian Ringgit

NOK—Norwegian Krone

NZD—New Zealand Dollar

PEN—Peruvian Nuevo Sol

PHP—Philippine Peso

PLN—Polish Zloty

RUB—Russian Ruble

SEK—Swedish Krona

SGD—Singapore Dollar

THB—Thai Baht

TRY—Turkish Lira

TWD—New Taiwanese Dollar

ZAR—South African Rand

* Non-income producing security.
# Principal or notional amount is shown in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated.
^ Indicates a Level 3 security. The aggregate value of Level 3 securities is $7,030,923 and 0.7% of net assets.
(a) All or a portion of security is on loan. The aggregate market value of such securities, including those sold and pending settlement, is $22,274,157; cash collateral of $23,144,737 (included in liabilities) was received with which the Fund purchased highly liquid short-term investments.
(b) Represents security purchased with cash collateral received for securities on loan and includes dividend reinvestment.
(c) Variable rate instrument. The interest rate shown reflects the rate in effect at October 31, 2017.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



(cc) Variable rate instrument. The rate shown is based on the latest available information as of October 31, 2017. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread but are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description above.
(d) Represents issuer in default on interest payments and/or principal repayment. Non-income producing security. Such securities may be post-maturity.
(h) Represents security, or a portion thereof, segregated as collateral for OTC derivatives.
(k) Represents security, or a portion thereof, segregated as collateral for centrally cleared/exchange-traded derivatives.
(p) Interest rate not available as of October 31, 2017.
(s) Represents a zero coupon or step bond. Rate quoted represents yield to maturity at purchase date.
(t) Represents a zero coupon or step bond. Rate quoted represents effective yield at October 31, 2017.
(w) PGIM Investments LLC, the manager of the Fund, also serves as manager of the Prudential Investment Portfolios 2 - Prudential Core Ultra Short Bond Fund and Prudential Institutional Money Market Fund.
(z) Includes net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the following derivative contracts held at reporting period end, with the exception of options which are included in total investments, net of written options, at market value:


Exchange-Traded Options Purchased:


Description     Call/Put   Expiration
    Strike Price     Contracts     Notional
  10 Year U.S. Treasury Notes Futures     Call     11/24/17     $ 125.50       1,222       1,222     $ 305,500  
  10 Year U.S. Treasury Notes Futures     Call     11/24/17     $ 127.50       1,222       1,222       19,094  



            $ 324,594  





Exchange-Traded Options Written:


Description   Call/Put   Expiration
    Strike Price     Contracts     Notional
10 Year U.S. Treasury Notes Futures   Call     11/24/17     $ 126.50       2,444       2,444     $ (152,750





OTC Options Purchased:







    Contracts     Notional
Currency Option EUR vs BRL   Call   Citigroup Global Markets   04/04/18     3.40           EUR 3,500     $ 546,139  
Currency Option EUR vs TRY   Call   BNP Paribas   02/26/18     6.00           EUR  12,000       15,665  
Currency Option EUR vs TRY   Call   BNP Paribas   06/27/18     6.00           EUR 6,500       47,964  
Currency Option EUR vs USD   Call   BNP Paribas   02/26/20     1.30           EUR 21,000       665,834  
Currency Option EUR vs USD   Call   Morgan Stanley   02/26/18     1.30           EUR 21,000       9,159  
Currency Option EUR vs ZAR   Call   BNP Paribas   11/28/17     22.00           EUR 8,000       185  
Currency Option EUR vs ZAR   Call   Goldman Sachs & Co.   04/04/18     15.00           EUR 1,200       177,043  
Currency Option USD vs BRL   Call   BNP Paribas   02/26/18     5.50             25,000       2,710  
Currency Option USD vs BRL   Call   Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   06/27/18     5.00             9,000       12,740  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     53  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017



OTC Options Purchased (cont’d):







    Contracts     Notional
Currency Option USD vs BRL     Call     JPMorgan Chase   03/27/18     4.75             17,000     $ 9,793  
Currency Option USD vs BRL     Call     JPMorgan Chase   09/26/18     4.75             16,500       84,548  
Currency Option USD vs CAD     Call     Citigroup Global Markets   01/30/19     1.50             20,000       84,800  
Currency Option USD vs CAD     Call     Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   07/30/19     1.30             20,000       726,207  
Currency Option USD vs CNH     Call     Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   11/30/17     8.75             25,000        
Currency Option USD vs CNH     Call     JPMorgan Chase   11/28/18     8.75             25,000       15,024  
Currency Option USD vs CNH     Call     Morgan Stanley   11/28/18     7.75             12,500       29,439  
Currency Option USD vs IDR     Call     BNP Paribas   11/28/17     18,000.00             9,000       12  
Currency Option USD vs IDR     Call     Morgan Stanley   02/26/18     16,000.00             9,000       10,758  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Call     Deutsche Bank AG   02/20/18     1,450.00             11,000       10,168  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Call     JPMorgan Chase   04/26/19     1,250.00             11,000       254,943  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Call     Morgan Stanley   02/20/18     1,600.00             15,000       7,463  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Call     Morgan Stanley   02/26/18     1,500.00             12,000       9,888  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Call     Morgan Stanley   07/27/18     1,500.00             7,000       19,902  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Call     Morgan Stanley   07/29/19     1,150.00             15,000       629,786  
Currency Option USD vs MXN     Call     Citigroup Global Markets   03/23/18     19.25             7,700       305,105  
Currency Option USD vs MXN     Call     Deutsche Bank AG   01/29/19     30.00             10,000       77,345  
Currency Option USD vs MXN     Call     JPMorgan Chase   01/12/18     24.00             24,000       11,716  
Currency Option USD vs RUB     Call     Morgan Stanley   03/27/18     90.00             13,000       5,521  
Currency Option USD vs TRY     Call     BNP Paribas   11/08/17     5.00             5,000        
Currency Option USD vs TRY     Call     BNP Paribas   04/27/18     5.40             15,000       31,450  
Currency Option USD vs TRY     Call     BNP Paribas   11/29/18     6.00             8,000       63,519  
Currency Option USD vs TRY     Call     Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   11/29/18     5.00             8,000       169,780  
Currency Option USD vs ZAR     Call     Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   11/08/17     25.00             9,000        
Currency Option USD vs ZAR     Call     Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   11/28/18     24.00             9,000       56,178  
Currency Option AUD vs JPY     Put     BNP Paribas   12/27/17     67.00           AUD  116,000       2,801  
Currency Option AUD vs JPY     Put     BNP Paribas   03/26/18     61.00           AUD 77,000       21,961  
Currency Option AUD vs JPY     Put     BNP Paribas   06/26/19     80.00           AUD 77,000       2,308,370  
Currency Option AUD vs JPY     Put     Morgan Stanley   12/27/17     76.00           AUD 58,000       13,721  
Currency Option EUR vs USD     Put     JPMorgan Chase   02/26/18     1.00           EUR  21,000       1,448  
Currency Option USD vs BRL     Put     Morgan Stanley   11/16/17     3.70             4,000       514,231  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Put     Deutsche Bank AG   07/29/19     1,050.00             15,000       352,691  
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Put     Morgan Stanley   02/20/18     1,000.00             15,000       3,163  



              $ 7,309,170  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



OTC Options Written:









    Contracts     Notional
Currency Option EUR vs BRL   Call   Citigroup Global Markets   04/04/18     3.80           EUR 3,500     $ (195,408
Currency Option EUR vs TRY   Call   BNP Paribas   04/26/19     6.00           EUR  12,000       (555,199
Currency Option EUR vs TRY   Call   Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   06/27/18     6.00           EUR 6,500       (47,726
Currency Option EUR vs USD   Call   BNP Paribas   02/26/18     1.30           EUR 21,000       (9,159
Currency Option EUR vs USD   Call   Morgan Stanley   02/26/20     1.30           EUR 21,000       (665,834
Currency Option EUR vs ZAR   Call   BNP Paribas   09/26/18     22.00           EUR 8,000       (138,530
Currency Option EUR vs ZAR   Call   Goldman Sachs & Co.   04/04/18     17.00           EUR 1,200       (64,521
Currency Option USD vs BRL   Call   Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   06/27/18     5.00             9,000       (12,740
Currency Option USD vs BRL   Call   Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   02/26/18     5.50             12,500       (1,355
Currency Option USD vs BRL   Call   Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   04/26/19     5.00             12,500       (160,946
Currency Option USD vs BRL   Call   JPMorgan Chase   09/26/19     4.75             17,000       (369,775
Currency Option USD vs BRL   Call   Morgan Stanley   09/26/18     4.75             16,500       (84,548
Currency Option USD vs CAD   Call   Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   07/30/19     1.40             40,000       (628,600
Currency Option USD vs CNH   Call   Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   11/28/18     7.75             12,500       (29,439
Currency Option USD vs CNH   Call   Morgan Stanley   11/28/18     8.75             25,000       (15,024
Currency Option USD vs IDR   Call   BNP Paribas   02/26/18     16,000.00             9,000       (10,758
Currency Option USD vs IDR   Call   Morgan Stanley   11/28/17     18,000.00             9,000       (12
Currency Option USD vs KRW   Call   Citigroup Global Markets   07/27/18     1,500.00             7,000       (19,902
Currency Option USD vs KRW   Call   JPMorgan Chase   04/26/19     1,400.00             22,000       (294,839
Currency Option USD vs KRW   Call   Morgan Stanley   05/29/19     1,500.00             12,000       (134,359
Currency Option USD vs KRW   Call   Morgan Stanley   07/29/19     1,450.00             30,000       (395,017
Currency Option USD vs MXN   Call   Citigroup Global Markets   03/23/18     21.25             7,700       (81,104
Currency Option USD vs MXN   Call   JPMorgan Chase   03/27/19     24.00             24,000       (708,239
Currency Option USD vs MXN   Call   Morgan Stanley   01/29/19     30.00             10,000       (77,345
Currency Option USD vs RUB   Call   Morgan Stanley   06/27/19     90.00             13,000       (182,828
Currency Option USD vs TRY   Call   BNP Paribas   11/29/18     5.00             8,000       (169,780
Currency Option USD vs TRY   Call   BNP Paribas   08/28/19     5.40             15,000       (570,316
Currency Option USD vs TRY   Call   Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   11/08/17     5.00             5,000        
Currency Option USD vs TRY   Call   Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   11/29/18     6.00             8,000       (63,519
Currency Option USD vs ZAR   Call   Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   11/28/18     24.00             9,000       (56,178
Currency Option USD vs ZAR   Call   Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   06/26/19     20.00             13,000       (419,293
Currency Option AUD vs JPY   Put   BNP Paribas   12/27/17     76.00           AUD 58,000       (13,721
Currency Option AUD vs JPY   Put   BNP Paribas   06/26/19     70.00           AUD  154,000       (1,970,516
Currency Option AUD vs JPY   Put   Morgan Stanley   12/27/17     67.00           AUD  116,000       (2,801
Currency Option EUR vs BRL   Put   Citigroup Global Markets   04/04/18     3.20           EUR 3,500       (751
Currency Option EUR vs USD   Put   BNP Paribas   02/26/18     1.00           EUR 21,000       (1,448
Currency Option EUR vs ZAR   Put   Goldman Sachs & Co.   04/04/18     14.00           EUR 1,200       (2,002


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     55  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017



OTC Options Written (cont’d):









    Contracts     Notional
Currency Option USD vs BRL     Put     Citigroup Global Markets   11/16/17     3.70             4,000     $ (514,232
Currency Option USD vs KRW     Put     Morgan Stanley   07/29/19     1,050.00             15,000       (352,691
Currency Option USD vs MXN     Put     Citigroup Global Markets   03/23/18     17.75             7,700       (18,006



              $ (9,038,461





OTC Swaptions Purchased:





    Receive     Pay     Notional

5-Year x 10-Year Interest Rate Swap, 4/17/2033

    Call     JPMorgan Chase     04/12/18       1.80%       1.80%(S)       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       38,570     $ 20,689  

5-Year x 10-Year Interest Rate Swap, 10/16/2033

    Call     JPMorgan Chase     10/12/18       2.60%       2.60%(S)       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       38,570       620,333  

CDX.NA.IG.29.V1, 12/20/2022

    Call     Goldman Sachs & Co.     11/15/17       $52.50       1.00%(Q)       CDX.NA.IG.29.V1(Q)       320,000       188,530  

30- Year Interest Rate Swap, 04/24/48

    Put     Citigroup Global Markets     04/20/18       2.75%       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       2.75%(S)       510       11,458  

30- Year Interest Rate Swap, 04/24/48

    Put     Barclays Capital Group     04/20/18       2.75%       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       2.75%(S)       5,430       121,997  

CDX.NA.IG.29.V1, 12/20/2022

    Put     Goldman Sachs & Co.     12/20/17       $67.50       CDX.NA.IG.29.V1(Q)       1.00%(Q)       320,000       113,500  

iTraxx.XO.28.V1, 12/20/2022

    Put     BNP Paribas     12/20/17       $400.00       iTraxx.XO.28.V1(Q)       5.00%(Q)     EUR  87,000       24,405  



                $ 1,100,912  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



OTC Swaptions Written:



    Counterparty     Expiration
    Receive     Pay     Notional

5-Year x 10-Year Interest Rate Swap, 10/16/2033

    10/12/18       2.30%       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       2.30%(S)       38,570     $ (335,231

5-Year x 10-Year Interest Rate Swap, 10/16/2033

    10/12/18       2.10%       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       2.10%(S)       38,570       (214,544

CDX.NA.IG.29.V1, 12/20/2022

Sachs & Co.
    11/15/17       $57.50       CDX.NA.IG.29.V1(Q)       1.00%(Q)       320,000       (788,628

30- Year Interest Rate Swap, 04/24/48


    04/20/18       3.05%       3.05%(S)       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       5,430       (41,333

30- Year Interest Rate Swap, 04/24/48


    04/20/18       3.05%       3.05%(S)       3 Month LIBOR(Q)       510       (3,882

CDX.NA.IG.29.V1, 12/20/2022

Sachs & Co.
    12/20/17       $90.00       1.00%(Q)       CDX.NA.IG.29.V1(Q)       320,000       (50,069

iTraxx.XO.28.V1, 12/20/2022

    Put       BNP Paribas       03/21/18       $400.00       5.00%(Q)       iTraxx.XO.28.V1(Q)     EUR  87,000       (165,760



                $ (1,599,447





Futures contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017:


Number of
    Type   Expiration
    Value at
Trade Date
    Value /
  Long Positions:        
  1,199     5 Year U.S. Treasury Notes     Dec. 2017     $ 141,676,403     $ 140,507,813     $ (1,168,590
  10     10 Year Australian Treasury Bonds     Dec. 2017       991,445       986,178       (5,267
  23     10 Year Euro-Bund     Dec. 2017       4,352,727       4,360,323       7,596  
  225     10 Year U.K. Gilt     Dec. 2017       37,494,858       37,153,852       (341,006
  1,619     10 Year U.S. Treasury Notes     Dec. 2017       202,635,461       202,273,813       (361,648
  322     10 Year U.S. Ultra Treasury Notes     Dec. 2017       43,632,519       43,122,844       (509,675
  650     30 Year U.S. Ultra Treasury Bonds     Dec. 2017       108,732,814       107,107,813       (1,625,001








See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     57  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Futures contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Number of
    Type   Expiration
    Value at
Trade Date
    Value /
  Short Positions:        
  1,724     2 Year U.S. Treasury Notes     Dec. 2017     $ 372,618,666     $ 371,279,563     $ 1,339,103  
  266     5 Year Euro-Bobl     Dec. 2017       40,766,818       40,832,029       (65,211
  60     10 Year Canadian Government Bonds     Dec. 2017       6,293,001       6,391,598       (98,597
  4     10 Year Japanese Bonds     Dec. 2017       5,312,243       5,293,347       18,896  
  237     20 Year U.S. Treasury Bonds     Dec. 2017       36,689,253       36,135,094       554,159  
  92     30 Day Federal Funds     Nov. 2017       37,893,464       37,892,656       808  
  127     30 Year Euro Buxl     Dec. 2017       24,616,574       24,575,109       41,465  
  68     Euro Schatz. DUA Index     Dec. 2017       8,887,360       8,892,484       (5,124






  $ (2,218,092





Securities with a combined market value of $6,964,656 have been segregated with J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to cover requirements for open futures contracts at October 31, 2017.


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017:


Purchase Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts:



Argentine Peso,


Expiring 11/21/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   ARS  34,162     $ 1,926,268     $ 1,909,138     $ (17,130

Australian Dollar,


Expiring 12/29/17

  Morgan Stanley   AUD 4,008       3,193,897       3,065,650       (128,247

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   AUD 5,041       3,971,800       3,855,659       (116,141

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   AUD 1,863       1,455,200       1,424,764       (30,436

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   AUD 1,796       1,413,400       1,373,552       (39,848

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD 1,862       1,455,200       1,423,841       (31,359

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   AUD 1,998       1,569,966       1,528,442       (41,524

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   AUD 2,262       1,781,100       1,730,215       (50,885

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   AUD 1,993       1,569,966       1,524,569       (45,397

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   AUD 1,793       1,413,400       1,371,678       (41,722

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   AUD 419       321,000       320,399       (601

Expiring 01/31/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD 417       320,000       319,005       (995

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   AUD 486       374,000       371,720       (2,280

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   AUD 463       354,000       354,050       50  

Expiring 06/28/19

  Morgan Stanley   AUD 1,390       1,075,980       1,060,972       (15,008


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Purchase Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Brazilian Real,


Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL  10,539     $ 3,290,468     $ 3,220,252     $ (70,216

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 5,382       1,685,494       1,644,583       (40,911

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 1,951       621,303       596,028       (25,275

Expiring 11/03/17

  UBS AG   BRL 6,567       2,116,442       2,006,576       (109,866

Expiring 11/03/17

  UBS AG   BRL 4,571       1,422,546       1,396,754       (25,792

Expiring 11/20/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 5,658       1,368,320       1,724,884       356,564  

Expiring 01/31/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 1,193       362,000       360,446       (1,554

Expiring 02/02/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 8,124       2,448,796       2,453,554       4,758  

Expiring 06/29/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   BRL 1,600       464,000       474,705       10,705  

Expiring 07/31/18

  UBS AG   BRL 10,312       3,089,818       3,047,975       (41,843

Expiring 09/28/18

  JPMorgan Chase   BRL 2,213       668,000       649,360       (18,640

Expiring 04/30/19

  JPMorgan Chase   BRL 1,888       543,150       535,614       (7,536

British Pound,



Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   GBP 2,854       3,775,800       3,800,854       25,054  

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   GBP 880       1,172,000       1,172,266       266  

Canadian Dollar,



Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   CAD 1,963       1,571,582       1,522,535       (49,047

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   CAD 1,960       1,571,582       1,520,097       (51,485

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CAD 2,545       2,038,238       1,973,879       (64,359

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   CAD 2,611       2,095,400       2,025,602       (69,798

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   CAD 663       524,500       513,945       (10,555

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   CAD 19,073       15,263,311       14,795,368       (467,943

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   CAD 1,599       1,273,512       1,240,732       (32,780

Expiring 01/31/19

  Citigroup Global Markets   CAD 4,291       3,334,000       3,339,686       5,686  

Chinese Renminbi,



Expiring 11/30/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CNH 11,274       1,630,057       1,659,541       29,484  

Expiring 11/30/18

  JPMorgan Chase   CNH 2,601       375,000       382,810       7,810  

Expiring 11/30/18

  Morgan Stanley   CNH 703       94,000       103,409       9,409  

Colombian Peso,



Expiring 12/18/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   COP 7,645,811       2,607,890       2,501,801       (106,089

Expiring 12/18/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   COP  5,014,820       1,697,062       1,640,909       (56,153

Czech Koruna,



Expiring 01/08/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   CZK 12,635       580,727       576,260       (4,467

Expiring 01/08/18

  UBS AG   CZK 78,858       3,612,098       3,596,610       (15,488

Expiring 01/08/18

  UBS AG   CZK 78,858       3,611,023       3,596,610       (14,413

Expiring 01/24/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CZK 22,744       1,049,000       1,038,107       (10,893

Danish Krone,



Expiring 01/22/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   DKK 7,312       1,162,858       1,150,667       (12,191


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     59  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Purchase Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):






Expiring 01/26/18

  BNP Paribas   EUR 401     $ 476,179     $ 469,560     $ (6,619

Expiring 01/26/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   EUR  1,327       1,574,900       1,553,647       (21,253

Expiring 01/26/18

  JPMorgan Chase   EUR 1,345       1,573,300       1,575,572       2,272  

Expiring 01/31/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   EUR 435       514,078       509,214       (4,864

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   EUR 337       397,000       395,147       (1,853

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   EUR 268       317,000       313,922       (3,078

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   EUR 253       301,000       296,848       (4,152

Expiring 02/28/18

  BNP Paribas   EUR 2,270       2,740,060       2,663,503       (76,557

Expiring 02/28/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   EUR 1,359       1,606,132       1,594,133       (11,999

Expiring 02/28/18

  JPMorgan Chase   EUR 2,370       2,628,448       2,780,838       152,390  

Expiring 02/28/20

  BNP Paribas   EUR 5,554       6,285,740       6,853,435       567,695  

Expiring 02/28/20

  Morgan Stanley   EUR 4,574       5,300,808       5,644,150       343,342  

Hungarian Forint,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Goldman Sachs & Co.   HUF 1,969,201       7,560,472       7,399,988       (160,484

Indian Rupee,



Expiring 11/03/17

  Bank of America   INR 89,517       1,393,695       1,381,486       (12,209

Expiring 11/03/17

  Barclays Capital Group   INR 110,160       1,689,000       1,700,061       11,061  

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   INR 704,624       10,967,512       10,874,225       (93,287

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   INR 49,909       760,000       770,232       10,232  

Expiring 11/03/17

  UBS AG   INR 469,750       7,260,426       7,249,484       (10,942

Expiring 01/30/18

  Bank of America   INR 393,456       6,001,921       6,005,640       3,719  

Expiring 01/30/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   INR 277,846       4,228,947       4,240,991       12,044  

Expiring 01/30/18

  Morgan Stanley   INR 393,456       5,980,028       6,005,640       25,612  

Indonesian Rupiah,



Expiring 11/16/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   IDR 50,931,774       3,772,444       3,750,259       (22,185

Expiring 11/16/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   IDR 20,874,712       1,582,137       1,537,068       (45,069

Expiring 11/30/17

  Barclays Capital Group   IDR 14,487,145       1,062,808       1,065,466       2,658  

Expiring 11/30/17

  Morgan Stanley   IDR 63,799,176       4,821,400       4,692,151       (129,249

Expiring 02/12/18

  Morgan Stanley   IDR 70,142,090       5,126,184       5,119,811       (6,373

Expiring 02/28/18

  Barclays Capital Group   IDR 9,951,025       722,712       724,962       2,250  

Japanese Yen,



Expiring 01/26/18

  Barclays Capital Group   JPY 519,398       4,612,400       4,589,148       (23,252

Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   JPY 16,653,832       146,923,968       147,145,214       221,246  

Expiring 01/26/18

  Goldman Sachs & Co.   JPY 101,259       892,691       894,676       1,985  

Expiring 01/26/18

  JPMorgan Chase   JPY 32,673       288,484       288,682       198  

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   JPY 417,393       3,679,688       3,687,879       8,191  

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   JPY 108,304       957,404       956,920       (484

Mexican Peso,



Expiring 11/10/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   MXN 207,169       11,424,041       10,786,253       (637,788

Expiring 11/10/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   MXN 5,025       279,000       261,603       (17,397


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Purchase Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Mexican Peso, (cont’d.)



Expiring 11/10/17

  Goldman Sachs & Co.   MXN 17,855     $ 983,300     $ 929,632     $ (53,668

Expiring 11/10/17

  JPMorgan Chase   MXN 18,539       1,038,100       965,249       (72,851

Expiring 03/27/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   MXN 62,863       3,160,000       3,197,777       37,777  

Expiring 01/31/19

  Deutsche Bank AG   MXN 5,731       300,000       278,245       (21,755

New Taiwanese Dollar,



Expiring 11/08/17

  Barclays Capital Group   TWD  131,446       4,336,000       4,359,957       23,957  

Expiring 11/08/17

  Barclays Capital Group   TWD 66,207       2,180,000       2,196,022       16,022  

Expiring 11/08/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   TWD 29,777       986,000       987,687       1,687  

Expiring 11/08/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   TWD 24,682       830,500       818,698       (11,802

Expiring 11/08/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   TWD 23,306       773,000       773,040       40  

Expiring 11/08/17

  UBS AG   TWD 74,688       2,455,000       2,477,359       22,359  

New Zealand Dollar,



Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   NZD 1,436       1,028,950       981,508       (47,442

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   NZD 4,526       3,147,049       3,093,386       (53,663

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   NZD 3,387       2,312,900       2,314,970       2,070  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   NZD 1,432       1,028,950       978,844       (50,106

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   NZD 1,054       721,000       720,149       (851

Norwegian Krone,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   NOK 5,362       675,026       657,984       (17,042

Philippine Peso,



Expiring 12/15/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   PHP 86,027       1,676,293       1,661,579       (14,714

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   PHP 160,609       3,099,000       3,102,085       3,085  

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   PHP 79,703       1,566,187       1,539,432       (26,755

Expiring 01/25/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   PHP 200,444       3,926,233       3,861,811       (64,422

Polish Zloty,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Barclays Capital Group   PLN 11,586       3,224,380       3,184,759       (39,621

Expiring 01/24/18

  Morgan Stanley   PLN 3,767       1,049,000       1,035,592       (13,408

Russian Ruble,



Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   RUB 75,491       1,248,614       1,287,180       38,566  

Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   RUB 75,425       1,248,614       1,286,052       37,438  

Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   RUB 67,255       1,113,405       1,146,751       33,346  

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   RUB 716,002       12,155,709       12,087,657       (68,052

Expiring 03/28/18

  Morgan Stanley   RUB 28,497       452,000       476,057       24,057  

Expiring 06/28/19

  Barclays Capital Group   RUB 27,407       437,176       431,854       (5,322

Singapore Dollar,



Expiring 11/13/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   SGD 4,088       3,034,000       2,999,385       (34,615

Expiring 11/13/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   SGD 2,562       1,898,000       1,879,379       (18,621

Expiring 11/13/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   SGD 1,511       1,128,000       1,108,951       (19,049

Expiring 11/13/17

  UBS AG   SGD 6,090       4,509,150       4,468,309       (40,841


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     61  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Purchase Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Singapore Dollar, (cont’d.)



Expiring 11/13/17

  UBS AG   SGD 3,416     $ 2,542,950     $ 2,506,195     $ (36,755

Expiring 11/13/17

  UBS AG   SGD 3,415       2,542,950       2,505,878       (37,072

South African Rand,



Expiring 11/10/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   ZAR 29,041       2,110,448       2,050,191       (60,257

Expiring 12/15/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   ZAR 83,824       6,078,700       5,881,632       (197,068

Expiring 01/31/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   ZAR 5,583       392,000       388,680       (3,320

Expiring 11/30/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   ZAR 4,425       316,000       293,486       (22,514

South Korean Won,



Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   KRW  13,125,622       11,529,379       11,716,534       187,155  

Expiring 11/17/17

  JPMorgan Chase   KRW 3,975,565       3,526,000       3,548,772       22,772  

Expiring 11/17/17

  UBS AG   KRW 2,555,849       2,275,000       2,281,468       6,468  

Expiring 01/31/18

  BNP Paribas   KRW 297,011       264,000       265,275       1,275  

Expiring 07/31/18

  Morgan Stanley   KRW 356,400       324,000       318,925       (5,075

Expiring 07/31/19

  BNP Paribas   KRW 771,696       689,199       694,384       5,185  

Expiring 07/31/19

  Morgan Stanley   KRW 7,414,697       6,612,000       6,671,855       59,855  

Swedish Krona,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   SEK 30,652       3,672,754       3,681,750       8,996  

Expiring 01/24/18

  JPMorgan Chase   SEK 18,750       2,312,720       2,252,167       (60,553

Thai Baht,



Expiring 11/10/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   THB 91,721       2,764,000       2,761,060       (2,940

Expiring 11/10/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   THB 78,602       2,360,000       2,366,157       6,157  

Turkish Lira,



Expiring 11/09/17

  Goldman Sachs & Co.   TRY 2,531       724,100       665,418       (58,682

Expiring 12/15/17

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   TRY 34,395       9,689,796       8,945,792       (744,004

Expiring 01/31/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   TRY 1,638       422,000       420,171       (1,829

Expiring 11/30/18

  BNP Paribas   TRY 982       254,000       230,408       (23,592

Expiring 11/30/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   TRY 3,526       878,163       827,363       (50,800

Expiring 11/30/18

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   TRY 4,298       1,000,000       1,008,613       8,613  









      $ 476,018,856     $ 473,243,395       (2,775,461










Sale Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts:



Australian Dollar,



Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   AUD 2,622     $ 2,049,400     $ 2,005,124     $ 44,276  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   AUD 2,620       2,049,400       2,003,586       45,814  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD  14,130       10,994,817       10,807,464       187,353  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Sale Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Australian Dollar, (cont’d.)



Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD  2,320     $ 1,784,900     $ 1,774,167     $ 10,733  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD 2,137       1,672,000       1,634,619       37,381  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD 2,045       1,574,900       1,564,403       10,497  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD 1,971       1,528,214       1,507,620       20,594  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD 1,970       1,528,214       1,507,058       21,156  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   AUD 1,581       1,228,050       1,209,239       18,811  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   AUD 3,925       3,059,603       3,001,862       57,741  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   AUD 2,045       1,574,900       1,564,293       10,607  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   AUD 909       695,000       695,130       (130

Brazilian Real,



Expiring 11/03/17

  Barclays Capital Group   BRL 8,609       2,649,240       2,630,512       18,728  

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 8,496       2,643,690       2,596,065       47,625  

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 8,124       2,476,943       2,482,517       (5,574

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL 3,780       1,188,000       1,155,099       32,901  

Expiring 11/20/17

  Morgan Stanley   BRL 5,658       1,200,000       1,724,884       (524,884

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   BRL 2,036       615,000       615,091       (91

Expiring 06/29/18

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   BRL 3,334       857,143       989,474       (132,331

Expiring 06/29/18

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   BRL 2,927       813,000       868,550       (55,550

Expiring 09/28/18

  Morgan Stanley   BRL 6,902       1,980,000       2,024,953       (44,953

Expiring 04/30/19

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   BRL 5,296       1,458,000       1,502,504       (44,504

Expiring 09/30/19

  JPMorgan Chase   BRL 8,232       2,357,000       2,276,842       80,158  

British Pound,



Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   GBP 5,836       7,754,663       7,772,722       (18,059

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   GBP 6,964       9,197,352       9,275,260       (77,908

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   GBP 5,836       7,756,152       7,772,723       (16,571

Canadian Dollar,



Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   CAD 4,962       3,971,800       3,848,954       122,846  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CAD 2,471       1,971,750       1,916,883       54,867  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CAD 2,442       1,943,000       1,894,056       48,944  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   CAD 2,470       1,971,750       1,916,088       55,662  

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   CAD 1,909       1,515,250       1,480,557       34,693  

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   CAD 1,902       1,515,250       1,475,465       39,785  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   CAD 4,717       3,679,689       3,658,800       20,889  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   CAD 2,981       2,312,900       2,312,245       655  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   CAD 2,640       2,050,001       2,048,194       1,807  

Expiring 01/12/18

  UBS AG   CAD 452       358,000       350,956       7,044  

Expiring 01/31/19

  Morgan Stanley   CAD 2,621       2,106,173       2,039,585       66,588  

Expiring 07/31/19

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   CAD 541       434,001       421,608       12,393  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     63  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Sale Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Chilean Peso,



Expiring 01/17/18

  Barclays Capital Group   CLP 616,336     $ 978,000     $ 967,347     $ 10,653  

Expiring 01/17/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CLP  1,003,745       1,592,690       1,575,392       17,298  

Chinese Renminbi,



Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CNH 19,225       2,876,592       2,881,269       (4,677

Expiring 11/30/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   CNH 15,240       2,156,000       2,243,268       (87,268

Colombian Peso,



Expiring 12/18/17

  Barclays Capital Group   COP 5,309,237       1,797,000       1,737,246       59,754  

Expiring 12/18/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   COP 7,846,473       2,643,690       2,567,460       76,230  

Czech Koruna,



Expiring 01/08/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CZK 44,730       2,039,000       2,040,080       (1,080




Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   EUR 31,611       37,518,041       37,016,212       501,829  

Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   EUR 3,153       3,672,753       3,692,375       (19,622

Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   EUR 2,282       2,656,368       2,671,895       (15,527

Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   EUR 2,282       2,662,539       2,671,894       (9,355

Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   EUR 425       496,977       497,673       (696

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   EUR 31,611       37,527,398       37,016,212       511,186  

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   EUR 1,790       2,096,189       2,096,579       (390

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   EUR 629       732,000       736,287       (4,287

Expiring 01/31/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   EUR 287       335,000       335,680       (680

Expiring 02/28/18

  BNP Paribas   EUR 5,554       5,973,327       6,516,783       (543,456

Expiring 02/28/20

  BNP Paribas   EUR 9,958       12,566,001       12,287,812       278,189  

Hong Kong Dollar,



Expiring 11/10/17

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   HKD 5,151       659,871       660,353       (482

Indian Rupee,



Expiring 11/03/17

  Bank of America   INR 393,456       6,061,561       6,074,546       (12,985

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   INR 277,846       4,270,611       4,287,902       (17,291

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   INR 199,692       3,096,000       3,081,778       14,222  

Expiring 11/03/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   INR 159,510       2,477,000       2,461,665       15,335  

Expiring 11/03/17

  Morgan Stanley   INR 393,456       6,040,159       6,072,071       (31,912

Indonesian Rupiah,



Expiring 11/30/17

  JPMorgan Chase   IDR 35,244,945       2,661,000       2,592,112       68,888  

Expiring 11/30/17

  Morgan Stanley   IDR 43,041,375       2,925,000       3,165,505       (240,505

Expiring 02/28/18

  BNP Paribas   IDR 9,951,025       707,000       724,962       (17,962

Israeli Shekel,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   ILS 9,339       2,668,545       2,660,165       8,380  

Expiring 01/24/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   ILS 9,256       2,649,240       2,636,525       12,715  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Sale Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Japanese Yen,



Expiring 12/29/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   JPY 359,548     $ 3,247,795     $ 3,172,275     $ 75,520  

Expiring 01/26/18

  Barclays Capital Group   JPY 418,502       3,697,043       3,697,678       (635

Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   JPY 237,576       2,099,866       2,099,106       760  

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   JPY 118,307       1,043,000       1,045,306       (2,306

Expiring 01/31/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   JPY 41,248       366,000       364,543       1,457  

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   JPY 46,337       409,000       409,517       (517

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   JPY 43,434       384,000       383,858       142  

Expiring 06/28/19

  Bank of America   JPY 117,369       1,070,710       1,073,822       (3,112

Malaysian Ringgit,



Expiring 12/13/17

  Barclays Capital Group   MYR 2,933       697,254       691,533       5,721  

Mexican Peso,



Expiring 11/10/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   MXN 22,525       1,253,032       1,172,756       80,276  

Expiring 11/10/17

  JPMorgan Chase   MXN 33,515       1,758,000       1,744,946       13,054  

Expiring 11/10/17

  UBS AG   MXN 17,081       885,000       889,303       (4,303

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   MXN 5,462       279,000       280,258       (1,258

Expiring 01/31/19

  Morgan Stanley   MXN 42,503       1,834,000       2,063,698       (229,698

Expiring 03/29/19

  Barclays Capital Group   MXN 4,369       210,240       210,549       (309

Expiring 03/29/19

  JPMorgan Chase   MXN 40,651       1,959,387       1,959,001       386  

Expiring 03/29/19

  JPMorgan Chase   MXN 26,510       1,262,000       1,277,545       (15,545

New Taiwanese Dollar,



Expiring 11/08/17

  Bank of America   TWD 29,101       966,954       965,241       1,713  

Expiring 11/08/17

  Barclays Capital Group   TWD 42,744       1,417,000       1,417,779       (779

Expiring 11/08/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   TWD 337,348       11,177,853       11,189,561       (11,708

Expiring 11/08/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   TWD 45,165       1,492,080       1,498,097       (6,017

Expiring 11/08/17

  UBS AG   TWD  100,203       3,343,000       3,323,659       19,341  

New Zealand Dollar,



Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   NZD 11,839       8,377,621       8,091,072       286,549  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   NZD 2,888       2,038,238       1,973,612       64,626  

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   NZD 4,316       2,966,363       2,949,794       16,569  

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   NZD 2,990       2,093,288       2,043,229       50,059  

Expiring 01/12/18

  JPMorgan Chase   NZD 2,984       2,093,289       2,039,266       54,023  

Norwegian Krone,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Bank of America   NOK 4,940       621,000       606,229       14,771  

Expiring 01/24/18

  Barclays Capital Group   NOK 6,234       784,983       765,017       19,966  

Expiring 01/24/18

  UBS AG   NOK 6,220       784,983       763,257       21,726  

Expiring 01/24/18

  UBS AG   NOK 4,946       621,000       606,859       14,141  

Expiring 01/24/18

  UBS AG   NOK 3,715       455,000       455,835       (835

Peruvian Nuevo Sol,



Expiring 01/12/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   PEN 16,822       5,122,557       5,156,887       (34,330


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     65  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Sale Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Philippine Peso,



Expiring 12/15/17

  Barclays Capital Group   PHP  148,830     $ 2,904,000     $ 2,874,583     $ 29,417  

Expiring 12/15/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   PHP 21,839       427,000       421,809       5,191  

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   PHP 160,947       3,123,000       3,108,616       14,384  

Polish Zloty,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   PLN 9,690       2,649,546       2,663,681       (14,135

Russian Ruble,



Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   RUB 72,766       1,254,000       1,240,722       13,278  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   RUB 252,555       4,308,711       4,263,676       45,035  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   RUB 128,503       2,171,025       2,169,408       1,617  

Expiring 01/12/18

  Barclays Capital Group   RUB 127,936       2,171,025       2,159,842       11,183  

Expiring 06/28/19

  Morgan Stanley   RUB 145,904       2,166,000       2,298,999       (132,999

Singapore Dollar,



Expiring 11/13/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   SGD 6,112       4,509,150       4,484,023       25,127  

Expiring 11/13/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   SGD 4,975       3,656,000       3,649,852       6,148  

Expiring 11/13/17

  Morgan Stanley   SGD 12,673       9,308,940       9,297,842       11,098  

Expiring 11/13/17

  UBS AG   SGD 4,191       3,087,976       3,074,953       13,023  

Expiring 11/13/17

  UBS AG   SGD 3,498       2,577,593       2,566,095       11,498  

Expiring 11/13/17

  UBS AG   SGD 498       367,000       365,524       1,476  

South African Rand,



Expiring 11/10/17

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   ZAR 14,269       740,000       1,007,329       (267,329

Expiring 11/10/17

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   ZAR 7,157       450,000       505,282       (55,282

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   ZAR 49,234       3,667,275       3,454,570       212,705  

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   ZAR 49,234       3,667,275       3,454,570       212,705  

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   ZAR 8,236       572,000       573,411       (1,411

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   ZAR 6,372       449,000       443,604       5,396  

Expiring 11/30/18

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   ZAR 12,230       781,000       811,247       (30,247

Expiring 06/28/19

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   ZAR 28,706       1,986,000       1,840,436       145,564  

South Korean Won,



Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   KRW 2,422,805       2,132,000       2,162,707       (30,707

Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   KRW 2,030,638       1,784,000       1,812,641       (28,641

Expiring 11/17/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   KRW 405,188       354,000       361,690       (7,690

Expiring 07/31/18

  Bank of America   KRW 666,678       585,576       596,578       (11,002

Expiring 04/30/19

  JPMorgan Chase   KRW 637,750       568,000       573,022       (5,022

Expiring 05/31/19

  Morgan Stanley   KRW  1,326,000       1,200,000       1,192,002       7,998  

Expiring 07/31/19

  Deutsche Bank AG   KRW 5,155,997       4,618,000       4,639,443       (21,443

Swedish Krona,



Expiring 01/24/18

  Barclays Capital Group   SEK 6,368       784,983       764,877       20,106  

Expiring 01/24/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   SEK 10,543       1,265,000       1,266,360       (1,360

Expiring 01/24/18

  Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank   SEK 6,725       827,250       807,730       19,520  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Forward foreign currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


Sale Contracts

  Counterparty   Notional
    Value at

OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts (cont’d):



Swedish Krona, (cont’d.)



Expiring 01/24/18

  UBS AG   SEK 6,709     $ 827,250     $ 805,819     $ 21,431  

Expiring 01/24/18

  UBS AG   SEK 6,351       784,983       762,909       22,074  

Swiss Franc,



Expiring 01/26/18

  Bank of America   CHF 7,900       8,022,974       7,968,061       54,913  

Expiring 01/26/18

  Bank of America   CHF 7,900       8,022,973       7,968,060       54,913  

Expiring 01/26/18

  Citigroup Global Markets   CHF 3,742       3,775,800       3,774,057       1,743  

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   CHF  15,799       16,022,921       15,936,121       86,800  

Expiring 01/26/18

  UBS AG   CHF 585       590,000       589,675       325  

Thai Baht,



Expiring 11/10/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   THB 7,859       236,458       236,570       (112

Turkish Lira,



Expiring 11/09/17

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   TRY 1,532       420,000       402,822       17,178  

Expiring 11/09/17

  Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.   TRY 1,475       425,000       387,728       37,272  

Expiring 12/15/17

  Citigroup Global Markets   TRY 1,867       522,000       485,687       36,313  

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   TRY 9,971       2,643,690       2,593,396       50,294  

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   TRY 3,696       965,000       961,402       3,598  

Expiring 12/15/17

  UBS AG   TRY 2,400       659,000       624,139       34,861  

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   TRY 2,279       582,000       584,509       (2,509

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   TRY 1,943       497,000       498,348       (1,348

Expiring 01/31/18

  UBS AG   TRY 1,719       447,000       440,926       6,074  

Expiring 11/30/18

  BNP Paribas   TRY 10,110       2,247,366       2,372,516       (125,150

Expiring 11/30/18

  BNP Paribas   TRY 2,664       727,000       625,268       101,732  

Expiring 04/30/19

  BNP Paribas   TRY 4,751       1,093,706       1,070,044       23,662  

Expiring 04/30/19

  BNP Paribas   TRY 914       210,237       205,750       4,487  

Expiring 08/29/19

  BNP Paribas   TRY 9,857       2,392,000       2,145,483       246,517  









      $ 441,087,916     $ 439,021,702       2,066,214  









          $ (709,247





Cross currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017:



  Type   Notional

    In Exchange
For (000)

OTC cross currency exchange contracts:




  Buy     AUD       955       JPY       75,302     $ 66,130        Morgan Stanley  


  Buy     JPY       393,481       AUD       4,777       (182,431      BNP Paribas  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     67  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Cross currency exchange contracts outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



  Type   Notional

    In Exchange
For (000)


OTC cross currency exchange contracts (cont’d):




  Buy     EUR       1,127       CAD       1,698     $ 1,672     Barclays Capital Group


  Buy     EUR       3,362       NZD       5,748       4,473     Citigroup Global Markets


  Buy     EUR       2,269       AUD       3,465       4,923     Citigroup Global Markets


  Buy     EUR       1,127       CAD       1,699       1,016     Barclays Capital Group


  Buy     CHF       5,243       EUR       4,534       (21,116   UBS AG


  Buy     EUR       1,808       CHF       2,096       2,861     Barclays Capital Group


  Buy     JPY       418,645       EUR       3,149       11,083     Barclays Capital Group


  Buy     JPY       484,496       EUR       3,673       (19,999   Citigroup Global Markets


  Buy     BRL       5,262       EUR       1,449       (126,343   Citigroup Global Markets


  Buy     ZAR       8,260       EUR       519       (41,166   Goldman Sachs & Co.


  Buy     JPY       409,288       AUD       4,684       54,264     BNP Paribas


  Buy     AUD       3,867       JPY       315,857       150,939     BNP Paribas


  Buy     EUR       886       TRY       3,420       208,783     Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.


  Buy     TRY       4,928       EUR       1,094       (83,952   Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.


  Buy     TRY       2,583       EUR       582       (54,233   BNP Paribas


  Buy     EUR       991       ZAR       15,544       137,628     BNP Paribas


  Buy     EUR       2,559       TRY       12,437       290,317     BNP Paribas


  Buy     AUD       1,120       JPY       94,696       (11,404   BNP Paribas



            $ 393,445    





Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017:





OTC credit default swaps on asset-backed securities—Sell Protection(2)^:

Ameriquest Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       170     $ 219     $     $ 219    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       28       37             37    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Bank of America Prime Mortgage

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       574       741             741    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Battalion CLO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       78       86             86    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       327       422             422    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

CBASS Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       282       47             47    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):





OTC credit default swaps on asset-backed securities—Sell Protection(2)^ (cont’d):

Chase Mortgage

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       125     $ 162     $     $ 162    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Chase Mortgage

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       80       13             13    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Chase Mortgage

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       282       47             47    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Chase Mortgage

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       417       538             538    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Chase Mortgage

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       350       451             451    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

COMM Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       196       261             261    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

COMM Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       35       47             47    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

COMM Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       37       49             49    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

COMM Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       179       238             238    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

COMM Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       33       44             44    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

COMM Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       29       39             39    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

COMM Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       47       63             63    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Commercial Mortgage Pass Through Certificate

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       47       63             63    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Connecticut Avenue Securities

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       237       306             306    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Connecticut Avenue Securities

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       148       191             191    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Countrywide Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       619       103             103    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Ellington CLO 1 Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       75       83             83    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Equity One Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       80       104             104    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       60       80             80    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       136       181             181    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       119       159             159    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       59       79             79    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Flatiron CLO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       188       207             207    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Flatiron CLO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       147       161             161    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       203       270             270    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       81       108             108    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       39       52             52    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     69  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):





OTC credit default swaps on asset-backed securities—Sell Protection(2)^ (cont’d):

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       36     $ 48     $     $ 48    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       46       61             61    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       169       225             225    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

GS Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       166       221             221    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

GSAMP Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       125       162             162    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       95       90             90    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Guggenheim Investment Partners

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       300       283             283    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Harbourview CLO

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       110       104             104    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

IndyMac Subprime Mortgage

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       103       133             133    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       101       135             135    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       29       39             39    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Lehman Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       282       364             364    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Lehman Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       327       422             422    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


    11/10/17       1.500%(M)       779       1,038             1,038    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Longfellow Place CLO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       159       150             150    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Morgan Stanley BAML Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       244       325             325    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Morgan Stanley BAML Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       36       48             48    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Morgan Stanley BAML Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       43       57             57    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Morgan Stanley BAML Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       48       64             64    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Morgan Stanley BAML Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       37       49             49    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Morgan Stanley Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       103       133             133    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Morgan Stanley Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       80       104             104    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):





OTC credit default swaps on asset-backed securities—Sell Protection(2)^ (cont’d):

New Century Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       215     $ 277     $     $ 277    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

New Century Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       148       191             191    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

New Century Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       170       219             219    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

North End CLO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       146       138             138    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       158       119             119    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Option One Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       170       219             219    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Option One Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       125       21             21    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Option One Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       148       191             191    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Option One Home Equity

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       507       654             654    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

PineBridge Investments

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       79       74             74    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       266       251             251    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Shenkman Capital

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       102       96             96    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Soundview Home Equity Loan Trust

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       394       509             509    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Stamford Street CLO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       85       80             80    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Structured Agency Credit Risk

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       305       393             393    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Structured Agency Credit Risk

    11/30/17       1.500%(M)       215       277             277    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Venture CDO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       136       128             128    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Venture CDO Ltd.

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       123       130             130    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

WF-RBS Commercial Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       23       31             31    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

WF-RBS Commercial Mortgage Trust

    11/29/17       1.500%(M)       35       47             47    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Wood Street CLO BV

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       113       106             106    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Z Capital Credit Partners CLO

    11/06/17       1.000%(M)       131       124             124    

Goldman Sachs & Co.










        $ 14,181     $   —     $ 14,181    











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     71  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Buy Protection(1):

Assured Guaranty Corp.

    09/20/20       5.000%(Q)       300       1.277   $ (32,791   $ (16,608   $ (16,183  

Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.

Bank of China Ltd.

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,900       0.446     (39,332     42,740       (82,072  

Deutsche Bank AG

China Development Bank Corp.

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,900       0.404     (42,174     26,990       (69,164  

Deutsche Bank AG

Kingdom of Spain

    06/20/19       1.000%(Q)       700       0.191     (10,034     (2,988     (7,046  

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Argentina

    06/20/18       5.000%(Q)       3,000       0.568     (102,359     (128,658     26,299    

BNP Paribas

Republic of Ireland

    06/20/19       1.000%(Q)       700       0.077     (11,344     (10,231     (1,113  

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Italy

    06/20/19       1.000%(Q)       900       0.300     (11,290     5,740       (17,030  

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Korea

    06/20/18       1.000%(Q)       10,000       0.484     (44,602     (84,386     39,784    

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Portugal

    06/20/19       1.000%(Q)       400       0.305     (4,983     12,674       (17,657  

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Venezuela

    06/20/22       1.000%(Q)       330       63.486     227,434       209,550       17,884    

Citigroup Global Markets










          $ (71,475   $ 54,823     $ (126,298  












Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Sell Protection(2):

Federation of Malaysia

    12/20/19       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.246   $ 34,228     $ 16,516     $ 17,712    

Barclays Capital Group

Federation of Malaysia

    12/20/19       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.246     34,228       16,034       18,194    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Sell Protection(2) (cont’d):

Generalitat de Cataluna

    12/20/22       1.000%(Q)       2,960       4.093   $ (383,040   $ (441,383   $ 58,343    

Citigroup Global Markets

Hellenic Republic

    06/20/22       1.000%(Q)       410       4.638     (57,874     (70,771     12,897    

Citigroup Global Markets

Hellenic Republic

    06/20/22       1.000%(Q)       200       4.638     (28,231     (35,500     7,269    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Hellenic Republic

    06/20/24       1.000%(Q)       1,000       4.716     (188,612     (216,250     27,638    

Barclays Capital Group

Kingdom of Belgium

    12/20/24       1.000%(Q)       3,500       0.271     173,737       20,902       152,835    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Kingdom of Belgium

    06/20/26       1.000%(Q)       4,000       0.342     211,610       102,240       109,370    

Barclays Capital Group

Kingdom of Belgium

    03/20/20       1.000%(Q)       3,000       0.054     70,464       (14,500     84,964    

JPMorgan Chase

Kingdom of Denmark

    06/20/26       0.250%(Q)       1,000       0.290     (2,821     (16,628     13,807    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,900       0.622     30,797       (38,725     69,522    

Barclays Capital Group

Kingdom of Spain

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       700       0.328     17,433       (7,646     25,079    

Deutsche Bank AG

Kingdom of Spain

    09/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,500       0.345     38,692       18,280       20,412    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Kingdom of Spain

    09/20/20       1.000%(Q)       2,500       0.436     42,777       916       41,861    

Barclays Capital Group

Kingdom of Spain

    06/20/24       1.000%(Q)       700       0.560     19,777       (25,398     45,175    

Deutsche Bank AG

Kingdom of Sweden

    06/20/26       0.250%(Q)       1,000       0.294     (3,190     (15,719     12,529    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     73  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Sell Protection(2) (cont’d):

Kingdom of Thailand

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       2,100       0.370   $ 55,243     $ 3,012     $ 52,231    

Barclays Capital Group

Oriental Republic of Uruguay

    06/20/20       1.000%(Q)       4,250       1.064     (2,008     (27,517     25,509    

Citigroup Global Markets

Oriental Republic of Uruguay

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       400       1.264     (3,199     (5,623     2,424    

Citigroup Global Markets

People’s Republic of China

    12/20/19       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.206     35,900       20,407       15,493    

Citigroup Global Markets

People’s Republic of China

    12/20/19       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.206     17,950       10,204       7,746    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

People’s Republic of China

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       4,000       0.354     95,895       (45,657     141,552    

Deutsche Bank AG

People’s Republic of China

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,600       0.401     40,097       (5,233     45,330    

Citigroup Global Markets

People’s Republic of China

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,500       0.401     37,591       (4,230     41,821    

Barclays Capital Group

People’s Republic of China

    03/20/22       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.436     24,928       (17,211     42,139    

Deutsche Bank AG

People’s Republic of China

    03/20/22       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.436     49,856       (21,992     71,848    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

People’s Republic of China

    06/20/19       1.000%(Q)       650       0.176     9,475       603       8,872    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Petroleo Brasileiro SA

    06/20/18       1.000%(Q)       2,300       0.420     11,198       (102,865     114,063    

Barclays Capital Group

Petroleos Mexicanos

    09/20/21       1.000%(Q)       2,500       1.256     (20,781     (70,059     49,278    

Goldman Sachs & Co.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Sell Protection(2) (cont’d):

Republic of Brazil

    09/20/18       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.474   $ 5,841     $ (44,239   $ 50,080    

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Brazil

    03/20/18       1.000%(Q)       1,500       0.428     5,066       (17,514     22,580    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Chile

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       2,500       0.372     65,734       2,887       62,847    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Colombia

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.824     16,269       (41,036     57,305    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of Colombia

    12/20/26       1.000%(Q)       1,000       1.929     (70,863     (91,189     20,326    

Citigroup Global Markets

Republic of France

    12/20/19       0.250%(Q)       7,000       0.069     28,818       (107,630     136,448    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of France

    12/20/19       0.250%(Q)       2,500       0.069     10,292       (15,171     25,463    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Republic of France

    03/20/19       0.250%(Q)       1,200       0.039     3,843       (14,962     18,805    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of France

    03/20/20       0.250%(Q)       3,000       0.057     14,521       (188,678     203,199    

JPMorgan Chase

Republic of Hungary

    06/20/22       1.000%(Q)       3,550       0.835     29,987       (22,288     52,275    

Citigroup Global Markets

Republic of Indonesia

    09/20/18       1.000%(Q)       2,200       0.198     18,260       (122,244     140,504    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Indonesia

    12/20/18       1.000%(Q)       1,200       0.198     12,336       (70,888     83,224    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Republic of Ireland

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       700       0.153     21,837       3,082       18,755    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Ireland

    06/20/23       1.000%(Q)       4,080       0.357     144,794       48,193       96,601    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Republic of Ireland

    06/20/24       1.000%(Q)       4,000       0.421     148,010       86,119       61,891    

JPMorgan Chase


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     75  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Sell Protection(2) (cont’d):

Republic of Ireland

    12/20/26       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.564   $ 73,556     $ 5,096     $ 68,460    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Republic of Ireland

    12/20/26       1.000%(Q)       3,100       0.564     114,012       (2,638     116,650    

JPMorgan Chase

Republic of Ireland

    06/20/27       1.000%(Q)       2,800       0.586     102,345       70,830       31,515    

Morgan Stanley

Republic of Ireland

    06/20/24       1.000%(Q)       700       0.309     30,869       (8,907     39,776    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Ireland

    06/20/18       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.044     14,564       (81,677     96,241    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of Italy

    06/20/20       1.000%(Q)       6,000       0.792     39,143       (14,463     53,606    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of Italy

    09/20/20       1.000%(Q)       1,500       0.852     7,973       (13,249     21,222    

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Italy

    03/20/22       1.000%(Q)       3,000       1.131     (12,755     (108,435     95,680    

JPMorgan Chase

Republic of Italy

    06/20/26       1.000%(Q)       5,000       1.720     (256,363     (371,094     114,731    

BNP Paribas

Republic of Italy

    12/20/26       1.000%(Q)       400       1.759     (22,586     (36,893     14,307    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of Italy

    06/20/24       1.000%(Q)       900       1.051     (1,709     (50,860     49,151    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Italy

    03/20/22       1.000%(Q)       3,000       1.131     (12,755     (108,518     95,763    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Republic of Korea

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.631     31,496       37,686       (6,190  

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Korea

    06/20/22       1.000%(Q)       5,000       0.683     75,287       100,091       (24,804  

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Latvia

    06/20/19       1.000%(Q)       700       0.107     11,003       2,637       8,366    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Latvia

    09/20/19       1.000%(Q)       3,000       0.118     53,056       5,686       47,370    

Barclays Capital Group


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Sell Protection(2) (cont’d):

Republic of Lithuania

    06/20/19       1.000%(Q)       700       0.127   $ 10,765     $ 2,637     $ 8,128    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Lithuania

    09/20/19       1.000%(Q)       3,000       0.140     51,865       5,603       46,262    

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Panama

    12/20/20       1.000%(Q)       5,500       0.352     115,735       (206,535     322,270    

JPMorgan Chase

Republic of Panama

    06/20/22       1.000%(Q)       5,000       0.634     87,025       43,319       43,706    

Citigroup Global Markets

Republic of Peru

    03/20/22       1.000%(Q)       3,000       0.545     61,074       (105,928     167,002    

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Philippines

    09/20/20       1.000%(Q)       1,700       0.337     33,897       (8,268     42,165    

JPMorgan Chase

Republic of Philippines

    12/20/20       1.000%(Q)       750       0.354     15,714       (42     15,756    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Philippines

    09/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.457     21,565       (15,838     37,403    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of Philippines

    03/20/22       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.526     21,066       (17,211     38,277    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Poland

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.305     25,790       17,974       7,816    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of Poland

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.355     53,933       33,939       19,994    

Barclays Capital Group

Republic of Portugal

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       700       0.652     9,368       (44,566     53,934    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Portugal

    09/20/20       1.000%(Q)       1,500       0.745     12,513       (53,625     66,138    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Republic of Portugal

    06/20/24       1.000%(Q)       400       1.204     (4,438     (39,789     35,351    

Deutsche Bank AG

Republic of Slovakia

    06/20/21       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.235     28,287       21,924       6,363    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     77  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



Spread at
October 31,


OTC credit default swaps on corporate and/or sovereign Issues—Sell Protection(2) (cont’d):

Republic of Slovenia

    06/20/24       1.000%(Q)       900       0.890   $ 7,139     $ (69,737   $ 76,876    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Republic of South Africa

    12/20/18       1.000%(Q)       1,200       0.512     8,043       (64,857     72,900    

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Republic of Turkey

    03/20/20       1.000%(Q)       2,000       0.941     5,109       (76,304     81,413    

JPMorgan Chase

Russian Federation

    12/20/17       1.000%(Q)       1,000       0.187     2,291       (27,490     29,781    

Bank of America

Russian Federation

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       3,000       0.999     3,653       (178,672     182,325    

Barclays Capital Group

Russian Federation

    12/20/21       1.000%(Q)       8,525       0.999     10,380       (491,510     501,890    

Barclays Capital Group

Russian Federation

    12/20/26       1.000%(Q)       1,200       1.990     (90,263     (131,616     41,353    

Barclays Capital Group










          $ 1,554,512     $ (3,550,651   $ 5,105,163    












    Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared credit default swap on credit indices—Sell Protection(2):



    12/20/22        1.000 %(Q)      80,000     $ 1,636,085     $ 1,943,653     $ 307,568  














OTC credit default swaps on credit indices—Sell Protection(2):


    06/20/22       1.000%(Q)       11,000     $ (280,976   $ (474,100   $ 193,124    

Citigroup Global Markets


    11/17/59       0.500%(M)       15,000     $ (95,095   $ (454,538   $ 359,443    

Morgan Stanley










        $ (376,071   $ (928,638     $552,567    











See Notes to Financial Statements.



Credit default swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):


The Fund entered into credit default swaps (“CDS”) to provide a measure of protection against defaults or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular issuer’s default or the reference entity’s credit soundness. CDS contracts generally trade based on a spread which represents the cost a protection buyer has to pay the protection seller. The protection buyer is said to be short the credit as the value of the contract rises the more the credit deteriorates. The value of the CDS contract increases for the protection buyer if the spread increases.


(1) If the Fund is a buyer of protection, it pays the fixed rate. When a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) receive from the seller of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and make delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) receive a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.
(2) If the Fund is a seller of protection, it receives the fixed rate. When a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.
(3) Notional amount represents the maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.
(4) The fair value of credit default swap agreements on credit indices and asset-backed securities serves as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represents the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative should the notional amount of the swap agreement be closed/sold as of the reporting date. Increasing fair value in absolute terms, when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represents a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood of risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.
(5) Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the fair value of credit default swap agreements on corporate issues or sovereign issues of an emerging country as of the reporting date serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include up-front payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood of risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Currency swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017:







  Counterparty     Termination

OTC currency swap agreements:

  2,612     3 Month LIBOR(Q)   CAD 3,460     3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance minus 16.25 bps(Q)    
Goldman Sachs &
    10/17/18     $ (72,566   $   —     $ (72,566
  5,000     3 Month LIBOR(Q)   JPY 510,300     3 Month LIBOR minus 53.375 bps(Q)    
Goldman Sachs &
    06/17/24       490,798             490,798  
  4,248     3 Month LIBOR(Q)   JPY 500,000     3 Month LIBOR minus 73.00 bps(Q)     JPMorgan Chase       11/21/24       (113,472           (113,472









            $ 304,760     $     $ 304,760  











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     79  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017



Inflation Swap Agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017:




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements:

EUR  8,515       05/15/22       1.195%(T)    

Eurostat Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco(2)(T)

  $     $ (15,641   $ (15,641
EUR 3,590       08/15/22       1.240%(T)    

Eurostat Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco(2)(T)

          (11,661     (11,661
EUR 5,210       09/15/22       1.260%(T)    

Eurostat Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco(2)(T)

          (12,118     (12,118
EUR 8,085       05/15/27       1.420%(T)    

Eurostat Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco(1)(T)

          3,157       3,157  
EUR 1,800       08/15/27       1.415%(T)    

Eurostat Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco(1)(T)

          12,155       12,155  
EUR 2,535       09/15/27       1.438%(T)    

Eurostat Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco(1)(T)

          12,167       12,167  
EUR 2,770       05/15/32       1.630%(T)    

Eurostat Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco(2)(T)

          8,426       8,426  
GBP 2,135       08/15/24       3.346%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

          (15,327     (15,327
GBP 3,590       04/15/27       3.460%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

          (30,824     (30,824
GBP 2,590       05/15/27       3.420%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

          (2,745     (2,745
GBP 2,810       08/15/27       3.344%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

          39,753       39,753  
GBP 1,125       08/15/29       3.380%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

          (16,426     (16,426
GBP 1,565       05/15/32       3.513%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

          4,761       4,761  
GBP 205       07/15/32       3.513%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

          (485     (485
GBP 1,490       04/15/37       3.570%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

          21,326       21,326  
GBP 2,775       07/15/37       3.515%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

          (39,094     (39,094
GBP 1,460       08/15/42       3.520%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

    (4,365     (31,274     (26,909
GBP 1,280       07/15/47       3.458%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

    (63,650     42,439       106,089  
GBP 615       08/15/47       3.469%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

          14,481       14,481  
GBP 210       10/15/47       3.535%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(2)(T)

          8,150       8,150  
GBP 230       07/15/57       3.325%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

          14,052       14,052  
GBP 300       08/15/57       3.363%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

          4,913       4,913  
GBP 130       10/15/57       3.418%(T)    

U.K. Retail Price Index(1)(T)

          (8,604     (8,604
  6,000       10/25/27       2.160%(T)    

U.S. CPI Urban Consumers NSA Index(2)(T)

    186       (5,429     (5,615









  $ (67,829   $ (3,848   $ 63,981  











(1) The Fund pays the fixed rate and receives the floating rate.
(2) The Fund pays the floating rate and receives the fixed rate.


Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017:




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements:

AUD  2,240       10/27/21       2.173%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

  $ (230   $ (9,654   $ (9,424
AUD 4,000       09/21/22       3.830%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

    (72,198     205,103       277,301  
AUD  39,605       09/25/22       2.958%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

          100,173       100,173  
AUD 1,000       05/02/26       2.650%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

    120       (3,155     (3,275


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

AUD 2,700       06/06/27       2.661%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

  $     $ (21,835   $ (21,835
AUD 5,835       07/19/32       3.130%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

          48,380       48,380  
AUD 1,600       07/28/32       3.137%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

          13,959       13,959  
AUD 2,000       12/19/32       4.423%(S)    

6 Month BBSW(2)(S)

    (5,183     267,505       272,688  
BRL  268,389       01/02/19       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(1)(T)

          (12,522     (12,522
BRL 203,371       01/04/21       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(2)(T)

          (666,706     (666,706
BRL 44,455       01/04/21       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(2)(T)

          1,043,457       1,043,457  
BRL 38,848       01/04/21       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(2)(T)

          415,760       415,760  
BRL 44,920       01/04/21       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(1)(T)

          (218,898     (218,898
BRL 61,984       01/02/23       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(1)(T)

          398,386       398,386  
BRL 5,783       01/02/23       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(2)(T)

          84,877       84,877  
BRL 5,231       01/02/23       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(2)(T)

          70,140       70,140  
BRL 18,750       01/02/25       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(2)(T)

          90,192       90,192  
BRL 7,002       01/02/25       0.000%(T)    

1 Day BROIS(2)(T)

          23,878       23,878  
CAD 22,000       10/19/18       0.955%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    152       (107,693     (107,845
CAD 41,460       10/26/18       0.910%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    171       (217,794     (217,965
CAD 31,070       12/22/18       1.180%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    33,376       (61,080     (94,456
CAD 15,000       02/08/19       1.070%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    140       (91,529     (91,669
CAD 33,000       05/08/19       1.032%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    (97     (239,126     (239,029
CAD  134,535       07/26/19       1.605%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    (214,184     (127,984     86,200  
CAD 4,500       01/09/20       1.716%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(1)(S)

    119       (10,239     (10,358
CAD 3,550       03/07/21       0.983%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    124       (84,603     (84,727
CAD 20,550       12/22/21       1.560%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(1)(S)

    (63,051     192,458       255,509  
CAD 7,930       04/05/22       1.445%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(1)(S)

          140,021       140,021  
CAD 9,300       05/08/22       1.367%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(1)(S)

    90       177,372       177,282  
CAD 4,200       08/17/22       2.370%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    (22,600     63,009       85,609  
CAD 3,000       08/20/23       3.134%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(1)(S)

    135       (145,401     (145,536


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     81  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

CAD 1,500       04/22/26       1.670%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

  $ 127     $ (49,029   $ (49,156
CAD 3,070       06/25/30       2.651%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    83,226       71,932       (11,294
CAD 1,500       05/30/37       2.240%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    (41     (59,549     (59,508
CAD 2,020       10/26/46       1.797%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(2)(S)

    (183,058     (260,900     (77,842
CAD 2,090       05/30/47       2.240%(S)    

3 Month Canadian Banker’s Acceptance(1)(S)

    57       103,373       103,316  
CHF 2,400       10/21/21       (0.522%)(A)    

6 Month CHF LIBOR(2)(S)

    162       (17,890     (18,052
CHF 14,475       06/03/27       0.750%(A)    

6 Month CHF LIBOR(1)(S)

          22,509       22,509  
CHF 8,360       07/14/27       0.763%(A)    

6 Month CHF LIBOR(2)(S)

          43,423       43,423  
CHF 800       10/17/31       0.033%(A)    

6 Month CHF LIBOR(2)(S)

    163       (53,088     (53,251
CHF 8,510       07/14/32       1.108%(A)    

6 Month CHF LIBOR(1)(S)

          (18,555     (18,555
CHF 6,230       10/05/37       —(8)    


          (363     (363
CZK  171,000       01/06/22       0.555%(A)    

6 Month PRIBOR(2)(S)

    33       (266,386     (266,419
CZK 34,000       01/23/22       0.513%(A)    

6 Month PRIBOR(2)(S)

    13       (57,119     (57,132
CZK 213,000       04/27/22       0.925%(A)    

6 Month PRIBOR(2)(S)

          (194,042     (194,042
CZK 193,410       06/29/22       0.895%(A)    

6 Month PRIBOR(2)(S)

          (227,774     (227,774
CZK 108,675       04/27/27       1.300%(A)    

6 Month PRIBOR(1)(S)

          147,186       147,186  
CZK 98,760       06/29/27       1.175%(A)    

6 Month PRIBOR(1)(S)

          229,926       229,926  
DKK 15,000       01/27/20       0.385%(A)    

6 Month CIBOR(2)(S)

    30       29,514       29,484  
DKK 20,900       10/17/21       0.185%(A)    

6 Month CIBOR(2)(S)

    (59,047     (2,701     56,346  
DKK 13,600       05/04/25       0.825%(A)    

6 Month CIBOR(2)(S)

    38       26,644       26,606  
DKK 5,000       08/29/26       0.580%(A)    

6 Month CIBOR(2)(S)

    28       (21,413     (21,441
DKK 1,300       10/21/26       0.673%(A)    

6 Month CIBOR(2)(S)

    23       (4,473     (4,496
DKK  13,000       03/15/27       1.123%(A)    

6 Month CIBOR(2)(S)

          45,758       45,758  
DKK 1,865       06/22/27       0.987%(A)    

6 Month CIBOR(2)(S)

          846       846  
EUR 2,300       09/01/18       0.174%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    174       12,064       11,890  
EUR 4,000       10/26/18       (0.189%)(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    173       3,641       3,468  
EUR 18,660       05/26/19       (0.118%)(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          52,881       52,881  
EUR 830       07/02/19       0.656%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    171       17,325       17,154  
EUR 26,226       09/08/19       (0.195%)(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          14,021       14,021  
EUR 1,000       05/29/20       0.373%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    171       18,466       18,295  
EUR 610       07/02/21       0.994%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    170       28,874       28,704  
EUR 700       08/14/21       0.841%(A)    

3 Month EURIBOR(2)(Q)

    172       30,093       29,921  
EUR 650       03/02/22       0.072%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    (63,289     (225     63,064  
EUR 15,140       05/26/22       0.234%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(1)(S)

          (119,490     (119,490
EUR 8,200       06/29/22       0.219%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(1)(S)

          (49,061     (49,061


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

EUR  21,000       09/08/22       0.140%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(1)(S)

  $     $ 24,215     $ 24,215  
EUR 1,410       05/12/25       0.895%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    184       53,232       53,048  
EUR 17,940       08/15/25       0.395%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(1)(S)

    308       253,554       253,246  
EUR 12,215       08/15/26       0.504%(A)    

1 Day EONIA(1)(A)

          (36,878     (36,878
EUR 29,340       08/15/26       0.634%(A)    

1 Day EONIA(1)(A)

    8,684       (490,093     (498,777
EUR 28,080       08/15/26       0.655%(A)    

1 Day EONIA(1)(A)

    (12,202     (529,641     (517,439
EUR 3,830       05/26/27       0.805%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          23,519       23,519  
EUR 13,850       06/03/27       1.655%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          883       883  
EUR 5,339       09/08/27       0.770%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          (19,865     (19,865
EUR 2,000       03/04/29       2.302%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    245,068       380,472       135,404  
EUR 1,000       06/04/29       2.002%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    177       143,658       143,481  
EUR 1,360       11/11/29       1.453%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    174       102,356       102,182  
EUR 1,800       01/14/30       1.022%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    180       12,717       12,537  
EUR 2,000       03/02/31       0.825%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    (76,215     (79,040     (2,825
EUR 700       04/07/31       0.819%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    178       (30,166     (30,344
EUR 450       05/03/31       1.048%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    179       (3,384     (3,563
EUR 2,220       05/09/31       1.587%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    205       (41,546     (41,751
EUR 1,500       07/04/31       0.672%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    182       (106,315     (106,497
EUR 570       08/02/31       0.584%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    173       (49,520     (49,693
EUR 1,500       08/26/31       0.562%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    184       (138,068     (138,252
EUR 700       09/09/31       0.558%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    176       (65,524     (65,700
EUR 600       10/04/31       0.593%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    175       (54,044     (54,219
EUR 1,700       12/14/31       1.217%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    176       31,012       30,836  
EUR 1,850       12/19/31       1.160%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    565       15,315       14,750  
EUR 800       12/19/31       1.161%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    164       6,759       6,595  
EUR 2,600       12/27/31       1.082%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    13,245       (14,158     (27,403
EUR 6,400       02/23/32       1.180%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    220       43,503       43,283  
EUR 4,680       03/29/32       1.170%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    1,893       12,011       10,118  
EUR 1,400       04/04/32       1.145%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          (2,993     (2,993
EUR 2,000       04/10/32       1.105%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          (18,456     (18,456
EUR 4,150       05/11/32       1.100%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    (101,776     (44,727     57,049  
EUR 7,000       06/28/32       0.785%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    (68,585     (466,912     (398,327
EUR 6,200       10/04/32       2.000%(A)    

1 Day EONIA(2)(A)

          (17,062     (17,062
EUR 6,200       10/04/32       2.080%(A)    

3 Month EURIBOR(1)(Q)

          (4,229     (4,229
EUR 3,050       10/30/32       1.302%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

          32,209       32,209  
EUR 410       05/11/35       1.050%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(1)(S)

    26,514       20,708       (5,806
EUR 1,135       12/28/35       1.559%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    154       59,512       59,358  
EUR 700       06/02/36       1.072%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    180       (40,026     (40,206
EUR 600       09/26/36       0.749%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    177       (78,530     (78,707
EUR 600       09/28/36       0.729%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    178       (81,067     (81,245


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     83  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

EUR 1,000       11/02/36       0.958%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

  $ 180     $ (77,950   $ (78,130
EUR 1,500       02/02/37       1.355%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    188       2,057       1,869  
EUR  23,700       08/24/37       1.960%(A)    

1 Day EONIA(2)(A)

          (223,080     (223,080
EUR 23,700       08/24/37       2.033%(A)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    (6,141     69,388       75,529  
EUR 6,720       10/25/37       2.085%(A)    

3 Month EURIBOR(2)(Q)

          (24,732     (24,732
EUR 6,720       10/25/37       2.114%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(1)(S)

          5,629       5,629  
EUR 3,190       05/11/42       1.350%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    (188,099     (90,028     98,071  
EUR 1,235       07/04/42       1.001%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(2)(S)

    (143,527     (149,232     (5,705
EUR 5,500       07/04/42       1.416%(A)    

1 Day EONIA(2)(A)

    (10,961     116,480       127,441  
EUR 12,030       07/04/42       1.438%(A)    

1 Day EONIA(2)(A)

          323,907       323,907  
EUR 1,390       05/09/46       1.357%(A)    

6 Month EURIBOR(1)(S)

    200       112,042       111,842  
GBP 260,425       12/14/17       0.419%(T)    

1 Day SONIA(2)(T)

          (5,060     (5,060
GBP 194,820       02/08/18       0.442%(T)    

1 Day SONIA(1)(T)

          6,514       6,514  
GBP 690       06/30/19       2.166%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    203       26,054       25,851  
GBP 850       08/04/19       0.109%(A)    

1 Day SONIA(1)(A)

    199       11,487       11,288  
GBP 1,500       03/02/20       0.338%(A)    

1 Day SONIA(1)(A)

          16,451       16,451  
GBP 510       06/30/21       2.469%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    203       40,512       40,309  
GBP 2,260       05/15/24       0.963%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    (13,128     37,657       50,785  
GBP 4,100       09/07/25       1.075%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    198       71,810       71,612  
GBP 2,580       12/13/26       1.383%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    214       (27,825     (28,039
GBP 19,240       12/07/27       1.444%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    (25,042     (117,075     (92,033
GBP 10,740       06/23/31       1.618%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    369       267,836       267,467  
GBP 4,430       12/21/31       1.534%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    235       38,415       38,180  
GBP 800       12/22/31       1.533%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    193       6,630       6,437  
GBP 7,525       02/26/32       —(3)    


          9,878       9,878  
GBP 2,780       02/27/32       1.374%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    16,473       (63,444     (79,917
GBP 7,960       05/08/32       1.323%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    (298,360     (242,264     56,096  
GBP 3,500       05/15/32       1.398%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    20,278       (59,333     (79,611
GBP 1,000       04/21/36       1.787%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    87,073       44,617       (42,456
GBP 3,620       12/13/36       1.644%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(2)(S)

    43,693       66,088       22,395  
GBP 3,810       06/23/46       1.626%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    244       (58,357     (58,601
GBP 1,010       12/13/46       1.615%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    213       (12,931     (13,144
GBP 9,670       12/21/46       1.551%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    (33,189     78,698       111,887  
GBP 2,320       05/08/47       1.400%(S)    

6 Month GBP LIBOR(1)(S)

    177,430       130,703       (46,727
HUF  3,735,010       05/04/21       1.080%(A)    

6 Month BUBOR(1)(S)

          (352,991     (352,991
HUF 623,000       12/23/21       1.153%(A)    

6 Month BUBOR(1)(S)

    9       (70,902     (70,911
HUF 3,017,210       05/04/22       1.360%(A)    

6 Month BUBOR(2)(S)

          384,474       384,474  
HUF 375,000       09/09/23       1.365%(A)    

6 Month BUBOR(2)(S)

    (32,218     24,863       57,081  
HUF 370,000       03/18/26       2.140%(A)    

6 Month BUBOR(2)(S)

    16,300       64,292       47,992  
HUF 1,667,000       12/23/26       3.755%(A)    

6 Month BUBOR(2)(S)

    41       203,093       203,052  


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

JPY 32,800       07/04/21       (0.157%)(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

  $ (15,013   $ (2,576   $ 12,437  
JPY  500,000       10/25/21       (0.047%)(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    21       (21,902     (21,923
JPY 320,000       01/29/22       0.316%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    16       29,947       29,931  
JPY 102,400       10/25/23       (0.015%)(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    (87,717     (7,951     79,766  
JPY 715,385       12/20/24       0.126%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    (406     (17,696     (17,290
JPY 140,000       09/21/26       0.098%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    (169,999     (13,299     156,700  
JPY 135,000       04/25/27       0.221%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (2,112     (2,112
JPY 716,800       04/16/28       1.235%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    (61,410     633,017       694,427  
JPY 135,000       02/20/29       1.260%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    49,802       129,640       79,838  
JPY 50,000       04/02/29       1.288%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    5       48,983       48,978  
JPY 100,000       08/18/29       1.070%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    10       77,997       77,987  
JPY 100,000       08/28/29       1.043%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    10       74,899       74,889  
JPY 200,000       09/09/29       1.061%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    (1,275     153,244       154,519  
JPY 655,000       09/29/29       1.064%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    411,209       500,707       89,498  
JPY 200,000       04/01/31       0.319%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    26       (19,483     (19,509
JPY 215,000       05/06/31       0.354%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    28       (10,933     (10,961
JPY 150,000       07/07/31       0.071%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    15       (61,545     (61,560
JPY 256,500       08/15/31       0.223%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    24       (60,071     (60,095
JPY 130,000       08/30/31       0.217%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    13       (31,719     (31,732
JPY 120,000       09/08/31       0.316%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    12       (15,119     (15,131
JPY 190,000       09/21/31       0.328%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    27       (22,059     (22,086
JPY  350,000       10/14/31       0.270%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    47       (67,149     (67,196
JPY 200,000       04/06/32       0.484%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          9,196       9,196  
JPY 159,520       04/07/32       0.491%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          8,754       8,754  
JPY 140,000       06/07/32       0.451%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          989       989  
JPY 71,000       09/21/32       0.463%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (361     (361
JPY 160,000       11/14/32       2.390%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    (26,599     237,787       264,386  
JPY 180,000       11/05/34       1.293%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    85,259       202,522       117,263  
JPY 70,000       12/03/34       1.265%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    9       75,210       75,201  
JPY 260,000       01/07/35       1.108%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    31       214,720       214,689  
JPY 50,000       01/22/35       0.950%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    7       29,178       29,171  
JPY 120,000       02/12/35       1.161%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    15       107,562       107,547  
JPY 320,000       02/24/35       1.200%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    40       304,424       304,384  
JPY 160,000       03/03/35       1.153%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    20       140,259       140,239  
JPY 90,000       02/04/36       0.816%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    11       31,473       31,462  
JPY 65,000       05/16/36       0.446%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    9       (17,206     (17,215
JPY 110,000       05/27/36       0.460%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    18       (27,019     (27,037
JPY 60,000       07/22/36       0.240%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    11       (37,247     (37,258
JPY 300,000       10/04/36       0.363%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    42       (132,805     (132,847
JPY 150,000       11/02/36       0.423%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    21       (50,313     (50,334


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     85  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

JPY 400,000       12/14/36       0.723%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

  $ 49     $ 61,128     $ 61,079  
JPY 150,000       12/22/36       0.641%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    19       2,157       2,138  
JPY 250,000       01/06/37       0.675%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    30       16,764       16,734  
JPY 275,500       02/15/37       0.729%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    34       39,949       39,915  
JPY 130,000       02/23/37       0.748%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    17       22,788       22,771  
JPY 100,000       03/02/37       0.686%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          6,952       6,952  
JPY 273,000       03/09/37       0.701%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    15,040       25,230       10,190  
JPY 200,000       03/29/37       0.684%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          11,449       11,449  
JPY 94,310       05/08/37       0.623%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (2,933     (2,933
JPY 200,000       05/15/37       0.688%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          15,769       15,769  
JPY 150,000       06/02/37       0.640%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (1,300     (1,300
JPY 80,000       06/19/37       0.625%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (3,142     (3,142
JPY 82,000       06/21/37       0.628%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (2,935     (2,935
JPY 125,000       06/30/37       0.629%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (4,561     (4,561
JPY 105,000       07/04/37       0.659%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          1,461       1,461  
JPY 285,000       07/26/37       0.676%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          15,093       15,093  
JPY 117,300       08/02/37       0.683%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          5,489       5,489  
JPY 160,000       08/09/37       0.679%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          5,969       5,969  
JPY 500,000       09/04/37       0.663%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          9,451       9,451  
JPY 175,000       09/27/37       0.670%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          4,253       4,253  
JPY 300,000       11/02/37       0.734%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

JPY 60,000       06/17/41       0.318%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    11       (51,949     (51,960
JPY 100,000       07/07/41       0.187%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

    17       (115,769     (115,786
JPY 61,000       10/04/42       0.853%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          7,592       7,592  
JPY 110,291       04/15/46       0.560%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          (76,387     (76,387
JPY 26,000       10/04/47       0.942%(S)    

6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)

          5,137       5,137  
MXN  417,100       05/24/18       7.540%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(2)(M)

          7,003       7,003  
MXN 298,600       05/21/20       7.425%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(1)(M)

          (52,260     (52,260
MXN 96,500       05/19/22       7.440%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(2)(M)

          43,048       43,048  
MXN 27,400       12/27/24       5.795%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(2)(M)

    21       (126,393     (126,414
MXN 92,000       10/15/26       6.445%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(2)(M)

    47       (314,567     (314,614
MXN 130,040       12/09/26       7.780%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(2)(M)

    (91,727     168,073       259,800  
MXN  172,000       06/11/27       7.210%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(2)(M)

          (147,699     (147,699


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

MXN  95,500       10/12/27       7.350%(M)    

28 Day Mexican Interbank Rate(2)(M)

  $     $ (37,765   $ (37,765
NOK 29,500       02/23/23       1.350%(A)    

6 Month NIBOR(2)(S)

    (3,643     (2,926     717  
NOK 26,300       03/15/27       2.103%(A)    

6 Month NIBOR(2)(S)

    18,690       100,598       81,908  
NOK 6,725       06/23/27       1.825%(A)    

6 Month NIBOR(2)(S)

          (3,977     (3,977
NZD 35,000       09/22/18       2.048%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

    167       9,469       9,302  
NZD 2,600       03/13/19       4.550%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

          65,417       65,417  
NZD 8,700       05/01/20       3.628%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

    214,368       281,817       67,449  
NZD 1,235       10/03/22       2.740%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

          5,588       5,588  
NZD 2,830       04/26/23       2.733%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

    (67,254     4,809       72,063  
NZD 1,750       03/13/24       5.080%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

    28,107       164,402       136,295  
NZD 2,500       03/15/24       3.355%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

    2,492       58,171       55,679  
NZD 1,550       07/04/24       3.100%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

          25,975       25,975  
NZD 5,600       05/01/25       3.825%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

    94,181       287,337       193,156  
NZD 3,500       01/10/27       3.420%(S)    

3 Month BBR(2)(Q)

    73,670       86,345       12,675  
PLN 15,000       10/17/21       2.070%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(2)(S)

    59       (48,435     (48,494
PLN 9,000       02/13/22       1.990%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(2)(S)

    51       (19,238     (19,289
PLN 6,000       03/15/22       2.530%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(2)(S)

          28,093       28,093  
PLN 56,300       05/26/22       2.350%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(2)(S)

    29,009       (50,531     (79,540
PLN 5,450       06/13/22       2.220%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(2)(S)

    403       (15,130     (15,533
PLN 4,000       03/14/23       3.810%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(2)(S)

    65,345       91,331       25,986  
PLN 11,000       09/09/23       1.900%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(2)(S)

    (435,493     (120,696     314,797  
PLN 20,765       05/26/27       2.820%(A)    

6 Month WIBOR(1)(S)

          55,166       55,166  
SEK 20,000       01/20/20       0.485%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    28       46,337       46,309  
SEK 95,040       05/04/21       0.106%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

          35,066       35,066  
SEK 13,000       09/15/21       (0.003%)(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    26       (7,885     (7,911
SEK 27,200       12/15/21       0.203%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    (607     9,222       9,829  
SEK 76,020       05/04/22       0.305%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(1)(Q)

          (39,950     (39,950
SEK 12,700       04/25/23       0.750%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    30       30,740       30,710  
SEK 15,550       03/15/24       0.840%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

          36,818       36,818  
SEK 12,700       08/29/24       1.657%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    22,804       104,866       82,062  
SEK 3,000       11/16/25       1.485%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    20       22,173       22,153  
SEK 6,000       12/09/25       1.505%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    23       44,459       44,436  
SEK 15,000       06/27/26       1.001%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

    33       8,387       8,354  
SEK 15,390       06/22/27       1.031%(A)    

3 Month STIBOR(2)(Q)

          (7,498     (7,498
  29,780       11/01/17       0.639%(T)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(T)

    217       73,054       72,837  
  59,860       11/14/17       0.675%(T)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(T)

    (4,865     141,138       146,003  
  29,205       11/22/17       0.716%(T)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(T)

    216       61,556       61,340  
  38,730       01/07/18       1.093%(T)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(T)

          7,037       7,037  
  30,395       02/21/18       0.941%(T)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(T)

    218       51,186       50,968  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     87  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

  43,000       09/30/18       0.655%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

  $ 248     $ 331,391     $ 331,143  
  25,300       09/30/18       0.747%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    207       171,611       171,404  
  12,810       10/07/18       1.253%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

          24,053       24,053  
  29,280       11/17/18       1.080%(T)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(T)

    216       122,226       122,010  
  44,020       11/18/18       0.911%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    (2,127     260,075       262,202  
  12,032       03/31/19       1.431%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

          7,921       7,921  
  12,038       03/31/19       1.432%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

          7,769       7,769  
  33,710       06/30/19       1.479%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

          55,683       55,683  
  7,950       06/30/19       1.487%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

          9,512       9,512  
  31,615       06/30/19       1.502%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    (16,170     29,154       45,324  
  19,860       09/08/19       1.290%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

          109,490       109,490  
  2,500       02/04/20       1.523%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    160       17,354       17,194  
  4,080       03/11/20       1.824%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    167       440       273  
  1,200       03/23/20       1.616%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    155       6,522       6,367  
  9,815       04/04/20       —(4)(S)    


          88       88  
  14,550       08/31/21       2.015%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(2)(Q)

    119,498       29,064       (90,434
  22,275       11/30/21       1.762%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(2)(Q)

          (215,754     (215,754
  5,095       04/04/22       —(5)(S)    


          (1,280     (1,280
  36,820       06/16/22       —(6)(Q)    


          3,453       3,453  
  36,695       07/17/22       —(7)(Q)    


    1,647       26,208       24,561  
  30,970       09/28/22       2.177%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          80,151       80,151  
  29,335       11/01/22       1.815%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(2)(Q)

          (374,364     (374,364
  10,000       04/05/23       1.427%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    223       351,560       351,337  
  26,970       05/31/23       1.578%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    (51,652     655,349       707,001  
  20,020       08/15/23       1.365%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    259       842,183       841,924  
  2,625       08/15/23       1.406%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    164       104,300       104,136  
  12,500       08/15/23       1.422%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    218       485,422       485,204  
  9,545       08/15/23       1.459%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    453,056       350,764       (102,292
  27,780       11/15/23       2.209%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    302       (298,719     (299,021
  39,730       02/15/24       2.167%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          (74,215     (74,215
  41,965       02/15/24       2.183%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    (61,081     (120,958     (59,877
  9,950       08/15/24       2.168%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          26,369       26,369  
  71,655       08/15/24       2.170%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    215,831       182,476       (33,355
  5,910       08/15/24       2.176%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          13,006       13,006  
  7,345       09/01/24       1.972%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(2)(Q)

          (95,873     (95,873
  1,150       04/28/26       1.809%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    158       42,281       42,123  
  13,586       02/15/27       1.824%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    138,472       213,222       74,750  
  4,710       02/15/27       1.899%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    22,823       43,333       20,510  
  3,045       02/15/27       1.965%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

          10,656       10,656  
  11,425       02/15/27       2.068%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    (6,540     (61,797     (55,257


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate

  Value at
    Value at
October 31,

Centrally cleared swap agreements (cont’d):

  3,560       05/15/27       1.823%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

  $     $ 65,341     $ 65,341  
  6,645       05/15/27       2.295%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

    (19,143     27,095       46,238  
  7,225       05/03/32       2.434%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(2)(Q)

          24,013       24,013  
  15,520       02/15/36       2.338%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(2)(Q)

    (95,758     (454,460     (358,702
  5,715       05/03/37       2.508%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          (12,347     (12,347
  1,680       02/15/42       1.369%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    180       265,496       265,316  
  2,820       10/04/42       2.527%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(2)(Q)

          (27,428     (27,428
  845       09/27/46       1.380%(A)    

1 Day USOIS(1)(A)

    165       152,037       151,872  
  2,490       10/04/47       2.536%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          26,614       26,614  
  790       04/09/48       2.545%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          11,267       11,267  
  735       05/08/48       2.627%(S)    

3 Month LIBOR(1)(Q)

          (2,044     (2,044
ZAR 3,320       08/26/20       7.855%(Q)    

3 Month JIBAR(2)(Q)

    3       2,735       2,732  
ZAR  148,100       09/23/22       7.430%(Q)    

3 Month JIBAR(2)(Q)

          (172,468     (172,468
ZAR 17,000       11/15/23       8.085%(Q)    

3 Month JIBAR(2)(Q)

    (311     10,360       10,671  
ZAR 16,800       05/12/26       8.680%(Q)    

3 Month JIBAR(2)(Q)

    18       37,300       37,282  
ZAR 27,500       06/30/27       8.015%(Q)    

3 Month JIBAR(2)(Q)

    (155     (39,157     (39,002









  $ (61,809   $ 7,034,440     $ 7,096,249  













Floating Rate




OTC swap agreements:

CLP  2,890,000       02/09/27       4.120%(S)     1 Day CLOIS(2)(S)   $ 20,676     $   —     $ 20,676    

Morgan Stanley

CNH 26,000       10/18/22       3.910%(Q)     7 Day China Fixing Repo Rates(2)(Q)     (10,678           (10,678  

Morgan Stanley

COP  33,350,000       07/22/18       6.810%(Q)     1 Day COOIS(1)(Q)     (183,813           (183,813  

Morgan Stanley

COP  33,000,000       12/06/18       6.100%(Q)     1 Day COOIS(1)(Q)     (201,800           (201,800  

Morgan Stanley

COP  4,351,000       11/01/26       6.590%(Q)     1 Day COOIS(2)(Q)     62,830             62,830    

Morgan Stanley

COP  10,220,000       11/04/26       6.770%(Q)     1 Day COOIS(2)(Q)     191,667             191,667    

Morgan Stanley

COP  13,700,000       06/02/27       5.910%(Q)     1 Day COOIS(2)(Q)     (63,164           (63,164  

Morgan Stanley

CZK 25,000       06/27/18       1.635%(A)     6 Month PRIBOR(2)(S)     12,090             12,090    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

HKD 30,800       04/28/20       1.400%(Q)     3 Month HIBOR(1)(Q)     20,683             20,683    

Citigroup Global Markets

ILS 6,500       11/20/18       2.200%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     78,619             78,619    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     89  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate




OTC swap agreements (cont’d):

ILS 54,800       07/13/20       0.405%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(1)(Q)   $ (60,280   $     $ (60,280  

Citigroup Global Markets

ILS 35,335       05/26/22       0.870%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(1)(Q)     (137,243     416       (137,659  

JPMorgan Chase

ILS 7,500       12/09/22       1.530%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     111,850             111,850    

Citigroup Global Markets

ILS 3,200       03/06/23       3.525%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     150,684             150,684    

Deutsche Bank AG

ILS 4,200       06/27/23       3.730%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     204,123             204,123    

Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.

ILS 3,000       04/26/26       1.685%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     21,956             21,956    

JPMorgan Chase

ILS 5,000       06/24/26       1.660%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     26,408             26,408    

Citigroup Global Markets

ILS 4,000       09/19/26       1.600%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     6,697             6,697    

Barclays Capital Group

ILS 7,000       01/12/27       1.975%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     95,125             95,125    

Citigroup Global Markets

ILS 3,000       03/15/27       2.130%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     48,592             48,592    

Citigroup Global Markets

ILS 18,180       05/26/27       1.920%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     158,678       (506     159,184    

JPMorgan Chase

ILS 2,745       06/22/27       1.845%(A)     3 Month TELBOR(2)(Q)     16,656             16,656    

Citigroup Global Markets

JPY 35,000       12/14/32       1.575%(S)     6 Month JPY LIBOR(2)(S)     52,449             52,449    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

KRW  1,500,000       08/14/21       2.773%(Q)     3 Month KRW LIBOR(2)(Q)     35,753             35,753    

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

KRW 655,000       10/07/22       1.765%(Q)     3 Month KRW LIBOR(2)(Q)     (10,769           (10,769  

JPMorgan Chase

KRW 900,000       11/05/24       2.425%(Q)     3 Month KRW LIBOR(2)(Q)     12,788             12,788    

Citigroup Global Markets

KRW 1,485,000       10/28/26       1.520%(Q)     3 Month KRW LIBOR(2)(Q)     (79,639     (14     (79,625  

JPMorgan Chase

KRW 2,040,000       04/26/27       1.880%(Q)     3 Month KRW LIBOR(2)(Q)     (59,956           (59,956  

Morgan Stanley

KRW 1,280,000       10/17/28       1.450%(Q)     3 Month KRW LIBOR(2)(Q)     (92,858           (92,858  

Citigroup Global Markets

KRW 520,000       01/27/31       1.870%(Q)     3 Month KRW LIBOR(2)(Q)     (22,858           (22,858  

JPMorgan Chase

MYR 16,000       08/19/23       3.445%(Q)     3 Month KLIBOR(2)(Q)     (97,373           (97,373  

Morgan Stanley

MYR  1,700       04/28/25       4.040%(Q)     3 Month KLIBOR(2)(Q)     (332       —       (332  

Citigroup Global Markets


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Interest rate swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):




Floating Rate




OTC swap agreements (cont’d):

SGD 5,450       04/30/20       1.850%(S)     6 Month SIBOR(2)(S)   $ 30,810     $     $ 30,810    

Citigroup Global Markets

THB  120,000       08/23/23       1.920%(S)     6 Month BIBOR(2)(S)     (19,375           (19,375  

Morgan Stanley

THB 28,900       04/30/25       2.560%(S)     6 Month BIBOR(2)(S)     23,331             23,331    

Citigroup Global Markets

TWD  115,500       03/17/21       0.780%(Q)     3 Month TAIBOR(2)(Q)     (8,286           (8,286  

Barclays Capital Group

ZAR 40,930       03/22/42       7.800%(Q)     3 Month JIBAR(2)(Q)     (250,796           (250,796  

Deutsche Bank AG

ZAR 89,400       09/22/42       8.020%(Q)     3 Month JIBAR(2)(Q)     (400,054           (400,054  

Deutsche Bank AG

ZAR 38,700       03/22/47       7.650%(Q)     3 Month JIBAR(1)(Q)     261,791             261,791    

Deutsche Bank AG

ZAR 83,965       09/22/47       7.890%(Q)     3 Month JIBAR(1)(Q)     405,063             405,063    

Deutsche Bank AG










  $ 350,045     $ (104   $ 350,149    











Securities with a combined market value of $14,594,152 have been segregated with Citigroup Global Markets to cover requirements for open centrally cleared swap contracts at October 31, 2017.


(1) The Fund pays the fixed rate and receives the floating rate.
(2) The Fund pays the floating rate and receives the fixed rate.
(3) The Fund pays quarterly the floating rate of 3 Month GBP LIBOR plus 3.10 bps and receives semiannually the floating rate of 6 Month GBP LIBOR.
(4) The Fund pays the floating rate of 3 Month LIBOR plus 12 bps and receives the floating rate of 6 Month LIBOR.
(5) The Fund pays the floating rate of 6 Month LIBOR and receives the floating rate of 3 Month LIBOR plus 11.75 bps.
(6) The Fund pays the floating rate of 3 Month LIBOR and receives the floating rate of 1 Day USOIS plus 22.38 bps.
(7) The Fund pays the floating rate of 3 Month LIBOR and receives the floating rate of 1 Day USOIS plus 28 bps.
(8) The Fund pays quarterly the floating rate of 3 Month CHF LIBOR plus 1.75 bps and receives semiannually the floating rate of 6 Month CHF LIBOR.


Total return swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017:



    Long (Short)



OTC total return swap agreements:


Citigroup Global Markets     06/20/18       5,000     Pay quarterly variable payments based on 3 Month LIBOR and receive fixed payments based on iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Index upon termination.   $ 54,829     $ (12,912   $ 67,741  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     91  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


Total return swap agreements outstanding at October 31, 2017 (continued):



    Long (Short)



OTC total return swap agreements (cont’d):


Citigroup Global Markets     03/20/18       10,000     Pay quarterly variable payments based on 3 Month LIBOR and receive fixed payments based on iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Index upon termination.   $ 255,259     $ (21,226   $ 276,485  









    $ 310,088     $ (34,138   $ 344,226  











(1) Upfront/recurring fees or commissions, as applicable, are included in the net unrealized appreciation (depreciation).


Fair Value Measurements:


Various inputs are used in determining the value of the Fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized in the three broad levels listed below.


Level 1—unadjusted quoted prices generally in active markets for identical securities.


Level 2—quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates and yield curves, prepayment speeds, foreign currency exchange rates and other observable inputs.


Level 3—unobservable inputs for securities valued in accordance with Board approved fair valuation procedures.


The following is a summary of the inputs used as of October 31, 2017 in valuing such portfolio securities:


      Level 1       Level 2       Level 3    

Investments in Securities


Foreign Bonds



  $     $ 13,998,945     $  













Cayman Islands









See Notes to Financial Statements.



      Level 1       Level 2       Level 3    

Investments in Securities (continued)


Foreign Bonds (continued)



  $     $ 1,305,458     $   —  





Dominican Republic










Hong Kong


































New Zealand
















Saudi Arabia




Slovak Republic




South Africa


South Korea




Supranational Bank







See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     93  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017


      Level 1       Level 2       Level 3    

Investments in Securities (continued)


Foreign Bonds (continued)



  $     $ 7,544,254     $  



United Arab Emirates


United Kingdom




Asset-Backed Securities




Collateralized Loan Obligations


Consumer Loans


Home Equity Loans


Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

          14,235,408       1,600,000  

Bank Loans


Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities


Corporate Bonds


Municipal Bonds


Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

          48,777,529       5,416,742  

U.S. Government Agency Obligations


U.S. Treasury Obligations


Common Stock


Preferred Stock


Affiliated Mutual Funds


Options Purchased

    324,594       8,410,082        

Options Written

    (152,750     (10,637,908      

Other Financial Instruments*


Futures Contracts


OTC Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts


OTC Cross Currency Exchange Contracts


Centrally Cleared Credit Default Swap Agreements


OTC Credit Default Swap Agreements

          1,106,966       14,181  

OTC Currency Swap Agreements


Centrally Cleared Inflation Swap Agreements


Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swap Agreements


OTC Interest Rate Swap Agreements


OTC Total Return Swap Agreements












  $ 51,125,364     $ 1,017,435,875     $ 7,030,923  











See Notes to Financial Statements.



The following is a reconciliation of assets in which unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:







Balance as of 10/31/16

  $ 6,988,775     $ 400,048     $     $ 300,046     $ 6,090     $ (4,351

Realized gain (loss)

                      3,963       **      ** 

Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)***

    221,986                   3,261       8,091       4,351  


                1,600,000       5,430,567              


    (7,210,761                 (321,572            

Accrued discount/premium


Transfers into Level 3


Transfers out of Level 3




















Balance as of 10/31/17

  $     $     $ 1,600,000     $ 5,416,742     $ 14,181     $  




















* Other financial instruments are derivative instruments not reflected in the Schedule of Investments, such as futures, forwards and centrally cleared swap contracts, which are recorded at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument, and OTC swap contracts which are recorded at fair value.
** The realized gain incurred during the period for other financial instruments was $ 39,558.
*** Of which, $16,525 was relating to securities held at the reporting period end.


Level 3 securities as presented in the table above are being fair valued using pricing methodologies approved by Board, which contain unobservable inputs as follows:


Level 3 Securities

  Fair Value as of
October 31, 2017
    Unobservable Inputs  

Asset-Backed Securities—Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

  $ 1,600,000       Market Approach       Single Broker Indicative Quote  

Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

    5,416,742       Market Approach       Single Broker Indicative Quote  

Credit Default Swaps

    14,181       Market Approach       Single Broker Indicative Quote  



  $ 7,030,923      





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     95  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017



It is the Fund’s policy to recognize transfers in and transfers out at the fair value as of the beginning of period. At the reporting period end, securities transferred levels as follows:


Investments in Securities

  Amount Transferred     Level Transfer     Logic  

Asset-Backed Securities—Consumer Loans

  $ 400,048       L3 to L2       Single Broker Indicative Quote to Evaluated Bid  


Industry Classification:


The industry classification of investments and liabilities in excess of other assets shown as a percentage of net assets as of October 31, 2017 were as follows (unaudited):


Sovereign Bonds


Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities


Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities


Collateralized Loan Obligations




Affiliated Mutual Funds (including 2.2% of collateral for securities on loan)


U.S. Treasury Obligations




Oil & Gas


Home Equity Loans


Consumer Loans




Options Purchased










Diversified Financial Services






Auto Parts & Equipment




Miscellaneous Manufacturing












Auto Manufacturers




Commercial Services


U.S. Government Agency Obligations




Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)




Home Builders


Leisure Time




Packaging & Containers


Savings & Loans


Household Products/Wares


Municipal Bonds


Forest Products & Paper






Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines


Office/Business Equipment




Building Materials


Investment Companies




Consumer Cyclical - Services




Automobile Manufacturers




Forest & Paper Products


Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels







Options Written


Liabilities in excess of other assets









* Less than +/- 0.05%


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Effects of Derivative Instruments on the Financial Statements and Primary Underlying Risk Exposure:


The Fund invested in derivative instruments during the reporting period. The primary types of risk associated with these derivative instruments are credit contracts risk, foreign exchange contracts risk and interest rate contracts risk. The effect of such derivative instruments on the Fund’s financial position and financial performance as reflected in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Statement of Operations is presented in the summary below.


Fair values of derivative instruments as of October 31, 2017 as presented in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities:


    Asset Derivatives     Liability Derivatives  

Derivatives not accounted
for as hedging instruments,

carried at fair value

  Balance Sheet
    Balance Sheet
Credit contracts    
Due from/to broker—variation
margin swaps
  $ 307,568         $  
Credit contracts    
Premiums paid for OTC swap
Premiums received for OTC
swap agreements
Credit contracts     Unaffiliated investments       326,435      
Options written
outstanding, at value
Credit contracts    
Unrealized appreciation on
OTC swap agreements
Unrealized depreciation on
OTC swap agreements
Foreign exchange contracts     Unaffiliated investments       7,309,170      
Options written
outstanding, at value
Foreign exchange contracts    

Unrealized appreciation on
OTC cross currency exchange

Unrealized depreciation on
OTC cross currency
exchange contracts
Foreign exchange contracts    

Unrealized appreciation on
OTC forward foreign currency
exchange contracts

Unrealized depreciation on
OTC forward foreign
currency exchange
Interest rate contracts    
Due from/to broker-variation
margin futures
Due from/to broker-
variation margin futures

Interest rate contracts    
Due from/to broker-variation
margin swaps
Due from/to broker-
variation margin swaps

Interest rate contracts    
Premiums paid for OTC swap
Premiums received for OTC
swap agreements
Interest rate contracts     Unaffiliated investments       1,099,071      
Options written
outstanding, at value
Interest rate contracts    
Unrealized appreciation on
OTC swap agreements
Unrealized depreciation on
OTC swap agreements








    $ 46,716,734       $ 41,752,772  








* Includes cumulative appreciation (depreciation) as reported in the schedule of open futures and centrally cleared swap contracts, and centrally cleared forward rate agreements. Only unsettled variation margin receivable (payable) is reported within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     97  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017



The effects of derivative instruments on the Statement of Operations for the year ended October 31, 2017 are as follows:


Amount of Realized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Recognized in Income


Derivatives not
accounted for as
hedging instruments,
carried at fair value

    Futures     Forward
& Cross
    Swaps     Total  

Credit contracts

  $ (2,684,983   $ 1,783,192     $     $     $     $ 4,920,223     $ 4,018,432  

Equity contracts


Foreign exchange contracts

    (4,732,991     3,850,798             (13,169,580                 (14,051,773

Interest rate contracts

    (1,942,533     1,440,633       (1,769,443           (354,294     7,150,084       4,524,447  























  $ (9,360,507   $ 7,074,623     $ (1,769,443   $ (13,169,580   $ (354,294   $ 12,070,307     $ (5,508,894























(1) Included in net realized gain (loss) on investment transactions in the Statement of Operations.


Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Derivatives Recognized in Income


Derivatives not
accounted for as
hedging instruments,
carried at fair value

    Futures     Forward
& Cross
    Swaps     Total  

Credit contracts

  $ (212,325   $ (53,612   $     $     $     $ 2,557,478     $ 2,291,541  

Foreign exchange contracts

    (3,275,521     4,242,565             1,575,319                   2,542,363  

Interest rate contracts

    (371,126     297,286       1,860,467             4,351       (4,660,196     (2,869,218























  $ (3,858,972   $ 4,486,239     $ 1,860,467     $ 1,575,319     $ 4,351     $ (2,102,718   $ 1,964,686  























(2) Included in net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments in the Statement of Operations.


For the year ended October 31, 2017, the Fund’s average volume of derivative activities is as follows:






$ 9,700,601     $ 1,113,307,271     $ 459,285,694     $ 199,540,075     $ 367,943,621     $ 308,190,571     $ 31,309,687  


See Notes to Financial Statements.








$ 18,172,000     $ 235,889,940     $ 76,712,400     $ 490,532,027     $ 2,303,759,848     $ 8,938,000     $ 28,763,704  


(1) Cost.
(2) Value at Trade Date.
(3) Value at Settlement Date.
(4) Notional Amount in USD.


Financial Instruments/Transactions—Summary of Offsetting and Netting Arrangements:


The Fund invested in OTC derivatives and entered into financial instruments/transactions during the reporting period that are either offset in accordance with current requirements or are subject to enforceable master netting arrangements or similar agreements that permit offsetting. The information about offsetting and related netting arrangements for OTC derivatives and financial instruments/transactions, where the legal right to set-off exists, is presented in the summary below.


Offsetting of financial instrument/transaction assets and liabilities:



Value of

Securities on Loan

  $ 22,274,157     $ (22,274,157   $     —  











Offsetting of OTC derivative assets and liabilities:



Amounts of
Amounts of
Amounts of

Bank of America

  $ 159,810     $ (66,798   $ 93,012     $     $ 93,012  

Barclays Capital Group

    2,820,128       (1,896,600     923,528       (538,000     385,528  

BNP Paribas

    5,187,796       (5,146,343     41,453             41,453  

Citigroup Global Markets

    4,911,494       (4,293,929     617,565       (617,565      

Credit Suisse First Boston Corp.

    645,749       (837,645     (191,896           (191,896


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     99  

Schedule of Investments (continued)

as of October 31, 2017



Amounts of
Amounts of
Amounts of

Deutsche Bank AG

  $ 2,123,304     $ (1,313,356   $ 809,948     $ (770,000   $ 39,948  

Goldman Sachs & Co.

    1,702,606       (1,764,743     (62,137           (62,137

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

    2,018,225       (2,536,263     (518,038     518,038        

JPMorgan Chase

    2,837,458       (3,262,965     (425,507     425,507        

Morgan Stanley

    2,604,081       (4,503,467     (1,899,386     1,899,386        


    1,404,412       (1,250,542     153,870       (153,870      















  $ 26,415,063     $ (26,872,651   $ (457,588   $ 763,496     $ 305,908  

















(1) Includes unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on swaps and forwards, premiums paid/(received) on swap agreements and market value of purchased and written options, as represented on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
(2) Collateral amount disclosed by the Fund is limited to the market value of financial instruments/transactions and the Fund’s OTC derivative exposure by counterparty.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Statement of Assets & Liabilities

as of October 31, 2017




Investments at value, including securities on loan of $22,274,157:


Unaffiliated investments (cost $1,005,680,355)

   $ 1,026,333,510  

Affiliated investments (cost $53,029,168)




Receivable for investments sold


Dividends and interest receivable


Unrealized appreciation on OTC swap agreements


Unrealized appreciation on OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts


Receivable for Fund shares sold


Due from broker—variation margin swaps


Premiums paid for OTC swap agreements


Unrealized appreciation on OTC cross currency exchange contracts


Tax reclaim receivable


Prepaid expenses





Total Assets







Payable to broker for collateral for securities on loan


Payable for investments purchased


Options written outstanding, at value (premiums received $16,794,709)


Unrealized depreciation on OTC forward foreign currency exchange contracts


Premium received for OTC swap agreements


Payable to custodian


Payable for Fund shares reacquired


Unrealized depreciation on OTC swap agreements


Unrealized depreciation on OTC cross currency exchange contracts


Management fee payable


Dividends payable


Accrued expenses and other liabilities


Due to broker—variation margin futures


Distribution fee payable


Affiliated transfer agent fee payable





Total Liabilities





Net Assets

   $ 1,060,346,980  




Net assets were comprised of:


Common stock, at par

   $ 1,561,501  

Paid-in capital in excess of par





Distributions in excess of net investment income


Accumulated net realized loss on investment and foreign currency transactions


Net unrealized appreciation on investments and foreign currencies





Net assets, October 31, 2017

   $ 1,060,346,980  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



Class A


Net asset value and redemption price per share
($174,732,294 ÷ 25,900,417 shares of common stock issued and outstanding)

   $ 6.75  

Maximum sales charge (4.50% of offering price)





Maximum offering price to public

   $ 7.07  




Class B


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share
($3,211,892 ÷ 476,395 shares of common stock issued and outstanding)

   $ 6.74  




Class C


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share
($31,508,943 ÷ 4,680,037 shares of common stock issued and outstanding)

   $ 6.73  




Class Q


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share
($460,700,242 ÷ 67,534,683 shares of common stock issued and outstanding)

   $ 6.82  




Class Z


Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per share
($390,193,609 ÷ 57,558,553 shares of common stock issued and outstanding)

   $ 6.78  





See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     103  

Statement of Operations

Year Ended October 31, 2017


Net Investment Income (Loss)




Interest income

   $ 23,724,446  

Affiliated dividend income


Income from securities lending, net (including affiliated income of $11,124)


Unaffiliated dividend income





Total income







Management fee


Distribution fee—Class A


Distribution fee—Class B


Distribution fee—Class C


Transfer agent’s fees and expenses (including affiliated expense of $126,800)


Custodian and accounting fees


Registration fees


Shareholders’ reports


Audit fee


Legal fees and expenses


Directors’ fees







Total expenses


Less: Management fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement





Net expenses





Net investment income (loss)





Realized And Unrealized Gain (Loss) On Investments And Foreign Currency Transactions


Net realized gain (loss) on:


Investment transactions (including affiliated of $(3,220))


Futures transactions


Options written transactions


Forward rate agreement transactions


Swap agreement transactions


Forward and cross currency contract transactions


Foreign currency transactions








Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:


Investments (including affiliated of $(197))




Options written


Forward rate agreements


Swap agreements


Forward and cross currency contracts


Foreign currencies








Net gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions





Net Increase (Decrease) In Net Assets Resulting From Operations

   $ 52,754,470  





See Notes to Financial Statements.



Statement of Changes in Net Assets

     Year Ended October 31,  
     2017      2016  

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets




Net investment income (loss)

   $ 18,524,017      $ 10,395,785  

Net realized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions

     (2,589,415      8,970,789  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and foreign currencies

     36,819,868        574,089  







Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     52,754,470        19,940,663  







Dividends and Distributions


Dividends from net investment income*


Class A

     (3,622,440      (3,190,387

Class B

     (57,774      (57,858

Class C

     (504,353      (394,757

Class Q

     (5,978,521      (857,487

Class Z

     (7,522,604      (3,141,235






     (17,685,692      (7,641,724







Tax return of capital distributions


Class A

     (1,212,278      (705,307

Class B

     (19,335      (12,791

Class C

     (168,785      (87,270

Class Q

     (2,000,759      (189,567

Class Z

     (2,517,498      (694,441






     (5,918,655      (1,689,376







Distributions from net realized gains


Class A

     (1,042,947      (2,008,617

Class B

     (16,634      (52,992

Class C

     (145,210      (367,214

Class Q

     (1,721,293      (469,625

Class Z

     (2,165,855      (1,808,942






     (5,091,939      (4,707,390







Fund share transactions (Net of share conversions)


Net proceeds from shares sold

     692,691,589        396,606,738  

Net asset value of shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

     24,476,768        12,075,747  

Cost of shares reacquired

     (289,373,478      (139,842,069







Net increase (decrease) in net assets from Fund share transactions

     427,794,879        268,840,416  







Total increase (decrease)

     451,853,063        274,742,589  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     608,493,917        333,751,328  







End of year(a)

   $ 1,060,346,980      $ 608,493,917  







(a) Includes undistributed net investment income of:

   $      $ 101,675  








* Dividends from net investment income may include other items that are ordinary income for tax purposes.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     105  

Notes to Financial Statements


Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc. (the “Company”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company and currently consists of two series: Prudential Global Total Return (USD Hedged) Fund and Prudential Global Total Return Fund which are non-diversified funds. These financial statements relate to the Prudential Global Total Return Fund (the “Fund”).


The investment objective of the Fund is to seek total return, made up of current income and capital appreciation.


1. Accounting Policies


The Fund follows investment company accounting and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standard Codification Topic 946 Financial Services—Investment Companies. The following accounting policies conform to U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The Fund consistently follows such policies in the preparation of its financial statements.


Securities Valuation: The Fund holds securities and other assets and liabilities that are fair valued at the close of each day (generally, 4:00 PM Eastern time) the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open for trading. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. The Board of Directors (the “Board”) has adopted valuation procedures for security valuation under which fair valuation responsibilities have been delegated to PGIM Investments LLC (“PGIM Investments” or “the Manager”) (formerly known as Prudential Investments LLC). Under the current valuation procedures, the Valuation Committee is responsible for supervising the valuation of portfolio securities and other assets and liabilities. The valuation procedures permit the Fund to utilize independent pricing vendor services, quotations from market makers, and alternative valuation methods when market quotations are either not readily available or not deemed representative of fair value. A record of the Valuation Committee’s actions is subject to the Board’s review, approval, and ratification at its next regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.


Various inputs determine how the Fund’s investments are valued, all of which are categorized according to the three broad levels (Level 1, 2, or 3) detailed in the Schedule of Investments.


Derivative instruments, such as futures or options, that are traded on a national securities exchange are valued at the last sale price as of the close of trading on the applicable exchange where the security principally trades. Securities traded via NASDAQ are valued at the NASDAQ official closing price. To the extent these securities are valued at the last sale price or NASDAQ official closing price, they are classified as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy.



Investments in open-end, non-exchange-traded mutual funds are valued at their net asset values as of the close of the NYSE on the date of valuation. These securities are classified as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy since they may be purchased or sold at their net asset values on the date of valuation.


Fixed income securities traded in the OTC market are generally classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy. Such fixed income securities are typically valued using the market approach which generally involves obtaining data from an approved independent third-party vendor source. The Fund utilizes the market approach as the primary method to value securities when market prices of identical or comparable instruments are available. The third-party vendors’ valuation techniques used to derive the evaluated bid price are based on evaluating observable inputs, including but not limited to, yield curves, yield spreads, credit ratings, deal terms, tranche level attributes, default rates, cash flows, prepayment speeds, broker/dealer quotations and reported trades. Certain Level 3 securities are also valued using the market approach when obtaining a single broker quote or when utilizing recent transaction prices for identical or comparable securities. During the reporting period, there were no changes to report with respect to the valuation approach and/or valuation techniques discussed above.


Bank loans are generally valued at prices provided by approved independent pricing vendors. The pricing vendors utilize broker/dealer quotations and provide prices based on the average of such quotations. Bank loans valued using such vendor prices are generally classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy. Bank loans valued based on a single broker quote or at the original transaction price are classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


OTC derivative instruments are generally classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy. Such derivative instruments are typically valued using the market approach and/or income approach which generally involves obtaining data from an approved independent third-party vendor source. The Fund utilizes the market approach when quoted prices in broker-dealer markets are available but also includes consideration of alternative valuation approaches, including the income approach. In the absence of reliable market quotations, the income approach is typically utilized for purposes of valuing OTC derivatives such as interest rate swaps based on a discounted cash flow analysis whereby the value of the instrument is equal to the present value of its future cash inflows or outflows. Such analysis includes projecting future cash flows and determining the discount rate (including the present value factors that affect the discount rate) used to discount the future cash flows. In addition, the third-party vendors’ valuation techniques used to derive the evaluated OTC derivative price is based on evaluating observable inputs, including but not limited to, underlying asset prices, indices, spreads, interest rates and exchange rates. Certain OTC derivatives may be classified as Level 3 when valued using the market approach by obtaining a single broker quote or when utilizing unobservable inputs in the income approach. During the reporting period, there were no changes to report with respect to the valuation approach and/or valuation techniques discussed above.


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Centrally cleared swaps listed or traded on a multilateral or trade facility platform, such as a registered exchange, are generally valued at the daily settlement price determined by the respective exchange. These securities are classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy, as the daily settlement price is not public.


Securities and other assets that cannot be priced according to the methods described above are valued based on pricing methodologies approved by the Board. In the event that unobservable inputs are used when determining such valuations, the securities will be classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


When determining the fair value of securities, some of the factors influencing the valuation include: the nature of any restrictions on disposition of the securities; assessment of the general liquidity of the securities; the issuer’s financial condition and the markets in which it does business; the cost of the investment; the size of the holding and the capitalization of the issuer; the prices of any recent transactions or bids/offers for such securities or any comparable securities; any available analyst media or other reports or information deemed reliable by the investment manager regarding the issuer or the markets or industry in which it operates. Using fair value to price securities may result in a value that is different from a security’s most recent closing price and from the price used by other unaffiliated mutual funds to calculate their net asset values.


Restricted and Illiquid Securities: Subject to guidelines adopted by the Board, the Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities, including those which are restricted as to disposition under securities law (“restricted securities”). Restricted securities are valued pursuant to the valuation procedures noted above. Illiquid securities are those that, because of the absence of a readily available market or due to legal or contractual restrictions on resale, cannot be sold within seven days in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount at which the Fund has valued the investment. Therefore, the Fund may find it difficult to sell illiquid securities at the time considered most advantageous by its Subadviser and may incur expenses that would not be incurred in the sale of securities that were freely marketable. Certain securities that would otherwise be considered illiquid because of legal restrictions on resale to the general public may be traded among qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These Rule 144A securities, as well as commercial paper that is sold in private placements under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act, may be deemed liquid by the Fund’s Subadviser under the guidelines adopted by the Directors of the Fund. However, the liquidity of the Fund’s investments in Rule 144A securities could be impaired if trading does not develop or declines.


Connecticut Avenue Securities (CAS) and Structured Agency Credit Risk (STACR): The Fund purchased government controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities that



transfer most of the cost of defaults to private investors including the Fund. These are insurance-like products that are called CAS by Fannie Mae and STACR securities by Freddie Mac. Payments on the securities are based primarily on the performance of a reference pool of underlying mortgages. With such securities, the Fund could lose some or all of its principal if the underlying mortgages experience credit defaults.


Foreign Currency Translation: The books and records of the Fund are maintained in U.S. dollars. Foreign currency amounts are translated into U.S. dollars on the following basis:


(i) market value of investment securities, other assets and liabilities—at the current rates of exchange;


(ii) purchases and sales of investment securities, income and expenses—at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.


Although the net assets of the Fund are presented at the foreign exchange rates and market values at the close of the period, the Fund does not generally isolate that portion of the results of operations arising as a result of changes in the foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of long-term portfolio securities held at the end of the period. Similarly, the Fund does not isolate the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of long-term portfolio securities sold during the period. Accordingly, holding period realized foreign currency gains (losses) are included in the reported net realized gains (losses) on investment transactions.


Net realized gains (losses) on foreign currency transactions represent net foreign exchange gains (losses) from the disposition of holdings of foreign currencies, currency gains (losses) realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of interest, dividends and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Fund’s books and the U.S. dollar equivalent amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized currency gains (losses) from valuing foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities (other than investments) at period end exchange rates are reflected as a component of net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on foreign currencies.


Forward and Cross Currency Contracts: A forward currency contract is a commitment to purchase or sell a foreign currency at a future date at a negotiated forward rate. The Fund enters into forward currency contracts in order to hedge its exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on its foreign portfolio holdings or specific receivables and payables denominated in a foreign currency and to gain exposure to certain currencies. The contracts are valued daily at current forward exchange rates and any unrealized gain (loss) is included in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and foreign currencies. Gain (loss) is realized on the settlement date of the contract equal to the difference between the settlement value of the original and negotiated forward contracts. This gain (loss), if any, is included in net realized gain (loss) on forward and cross currency contract transactions. Risks may arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts. Forward currency


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contracts involve risks from currency exchange rate and credit risk in excess of the amounts reflected on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the net value of the cash flows to be received from the counterparty at the end of the contract’s life. A cross currency contract is a forward contract where a specified amount of one foreign currency will be exchanged for a specified amount of another foreign currency.


Options: The Fund purchased or wrote options in order to hedge against adverse market movements or fluctuations in value caused by changes in prevailing interest rates, value of equities or foreign currency exchange rates with respect to securities or financial instruments which the Fund currently owns or intends to purchase. The Fund may also use options to gain additional market exposure. The Fund’s principal reason for writing options is to realize, through receipt of premiums, a greater current return than would be realized on the underlying security alone. When the Fund purchases an option, it pays a premium and an amount equal to that premium is recorded as an asset. When the Fund writes an option, it receives a premium and an amount equal to that premium is recorded as a liability. The asset or liability is adjusted daily to reflect the current market value of the option. If an option expires unexercised, the Fund realizes a gain (loss) to the extent of the premium received or paid. If an option is exercised, the premium received or paid is recorded as an adjustment to the proceeds from the sale or the cost of the purchase in determining whether the Fund has realized a gain (loss). The difference between the premium and the amount received or paid at the closing of a purchase or sale transaction is also treated as a realized gain (loss). Gain (loss) on purchased options is included in net realized gain (loss) on investment transactions. Gain (loss) on written options is presented separately as net realized gain (loss) on options written transactions.


The Fund, as writer of an option, may have no control over whether the underlying securities or financial instruments may be sold (called) or purchased (put). As a result, the Fund bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security or financial instrument underlying the written option. The Fund, as purchaser or an OTC option, bears the risk of the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts. With exchange-traded options contracts, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since the exchanges’ clearinghouse acts as counterparty to all exchange-traded options and guarantees the options contracts against default.


When the Fund writes an option on a swap, an amount equal to any premium received by the Fund is recorded as a liability and is subsequently adjusted to the current market value of the written option on the swap. If a call option on a swap is exercised, the Fund becomes obligated to pay a fixed interest rate (noted as the strike price) and receive a variable interest rate on a notional amount. If a put option on a swap is exercised, the Fund becomes



obligated to pay a variable interest rate and receive a fixed interest rate (noted as the strike price) on a notional amount. Premiums received from writing options on swaps that expire or are exercised are treated as realized gains upon the expiration or exercise of such options on swaps. The risk associated with writing put and call options on swaps is that the Fund will be obligated to be party to a swap agreement if an option on a swap is exercised.


Financial Futures Contracts: A financial futures contract is an agreement to purchase (long) or sell (short) an agreed amount of securities at a set price for delivery on a future date. Upon entering into a financial futures contract, the Fund is required to pledge to the broker an amount of cash and/or other assets equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount. This amount is known as the “initial margin.” Subsequent payments, known as “variation margin,” are made or received by the Fund each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the value of the underlying security. Such variation margin is recorded for financial statement purposes on a daily basis as unrealized gain (loss). When the contract expires or is closed, the gain (loss) is realized and is presented in the Statement of Operations as net realized gain (loss) on futures transactions.


The Fund invested in financial futures contracts in order to hedge its existing portfolio securities, or securities the Fund intends to purchase, against fluctuations in value caused by changes in prevailing interest rates or foreign currency exchange rates. Should interest rates move unexpectedly, the Fund may not achieve the anticipated benefits of the financial futures contracts and may realize a loss. The use of futures transactions involves the risk of imperfect correlation in movements in the price of futures contracts, interest rates and the underlying hedged assets. Since futures contracts are exchange-traded, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since the exchanges’ clearinghouse acts as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures and guarantees the futures contracts against default.


Bank Loans: The Fund may invest in bank loans. Bank loans include fixed and floating rate loans that are privately negotiated between a corporate borrower and one or more financial institutions, including, but not limited to, term loans, revolvers, and other instruments issued in the bank loan market. The Fund may acquire interests in loans directly (by way of assignment from the selling institution) or indirectly (by way of the purchase of a participation interest from the selling institution). Under a bank loan assignment, the Fund generally will succeed to all the rights and obligations of an assigning lending institution and becomes a lender under the loan agreement with the relevant borrower in connection with that loan. Under a bank loan participation, the Fund generally will have a contractual relationship only with the lender, not with the relevant borrower. As a result, the Fund generally will have the right to receive payments of principal, interest, and any fees to which it is entitled only from the lender selling the participation and only upon receipt by the lender of the payments from the relevant borrower. The Fund may not directly benefit from the collateral supporting the debt obligation in which it has purchased the participation. As a result, the Fund will assume the credit risk of both the borrower and the institution selling the participation to the Fund.


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Forward Rate Agreements: Forward rate agreements represent an agreement between counterparties to exchange cash flows based on the difference between two interest rates, applied to a notional principal amount on a fixed future date. The Fund entered into forward rate agreements to gain yield exposure based on anticipated market conditions at the specified termination date of the agreement.


Swap Agreements: The Fund may enter into credit default, interest rate and other types of swap agreements. A swap agreement is an agreement to exchange the return generated by one instrument for the return generated by another instrument. Swap agreements are negotiated in the OTC market and may be executed either directly with counterparty (“OTC-traded”) or through a central clearing facility, such as a registered exchange. Swap agreements are valued daily at current market value and any change in value is included in the net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on swap agreements. Centrally cleared swaps pay or receive an amount known as “variation margin”, based on daily changes in the valuation of the swap contract. Any upfront premiums paid and received are shown as swap premiums paid and swap premiums received in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Risk of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Swap agreements outstanding at period end, if any, are listed on the Schedule of Investments.


Interest Rate Swaps: Interest rate swaps represent an agreement between counterparties to exchange cash flows based on the difference between two interest rates, applied to a notional principal amount for a specified period. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk exposure in the normal course of pursuing its investment objectives. The Fund used interest rate swaps to maintain its ability to generate steady cash flow by receiving a stream of fixed-rate payments and to increase exposure to prevailing market rates by receiving floating rate payments. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the discounted net present value of the cash flows to be received from the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life.


Inflation Swaps: The Fund entered into inflation swap agreements to protect against fluctuations in inflation rates. Inflation swaps are characterized by one party paying a fixed rate in exchange for a floating rate that is derived from an inflation index, such as the Consumer Price Index or UK Retail Price Index. Inflation swaps subject the Fund to interest rate risk.


Credit Default Swaps (“CDS”): CDS involve one party (the protection buyer) making a stream of payments to another party (the protection seller) in exchange for the right to receive a specified payment in the event of a default or as a result of a default (collectively a “credit event”) for the referenced entity (typically corporate issues or sovereign issues of an emerging country) on its obligation; or in the event of a write-down, principal shortfall, interest shortfall or default of all or part of the referenced entities comprising a credit index.



The Fund is subject to credit risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objectives, and as such, has entered into CDS contracts to provide a measure of protection against defaults or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular issuer’s default or the reference entity’s credit soundness. CDS contracts generally trade based on a spread which represents the cost a protection buyer has to pay the protection seller. The protection buyer is said to be short the credit as the value of the contract rises the more the credit deteriorates. The value of the CDS contract increases for the protection buyer if the spread increases. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk for purchased CDS is the inability of the counterparty to honor the contract up to the notional value due to a credit event.


As a seller of protection on credit default swap agreements, the Fund generally receives an agreed upon payment from the buyer of protection throughout the term of the swap, provided no credit event occurs. As the seller, the Fund effectively increases its investment risk because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund may be subject to investment exposure on the notional amount of the swap.


The maximum amount of the payment that the Fund, as a seller of protection, could be required to make under a credit default swap agreement would be equal to the notional amount of the underlying security or index contract as a result of a credit event. This potential amount will be partially offset by any recovery values of the respective referenced obligations, or net amounts received from the settlement of buy protection credit default swap agreements which the Fund entered into for the same referenced entity or index. As a buyer of protection, the Fund generally receives an amount up to the notional value of the swap if a credit event occurs.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on corporate or sovereign issues of an emerging country as of period end are disclosed in the footnotes to the Schedule of Investments, if applicable. These spreads serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood of default risk for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to enter into the agreement. For credit default swap agreements on asset-backed securities and credit indices, the quoted market prices and resulting values serve as indicators of the current status of the payment/performance risk. Wider credit spreads and increased market value in absolute terms, when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood of risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


Currency Swaps: The Fund entered into currency swap agreements primarily to gain yield exposure on foreign bonds. Currency swap agreements involve two parties exchanging two different currencies with an agreement to reverse the exchange at a later date at specified exchange rates.


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Total Return Swaps: In a total return swap, one party would receive payments based on the market value of the security or the commodity involved, or total return of a specific referenced asset, such as an equity, index or bond, and in return pay a fixed amount. The Fund is subject to risk exposures associated with the referenced asset in the normal course of pursuing its investment objectives. The Fund entered into total return swaps to manage its exposure to a security or an index. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the change in the value of the security, in the Fund’s favor, from the point of entering into the contract.


Master Netting Arrangements: The Fund is subject to various Master Agreements, or netting arrangements, with select counterparties. These are agreements which a subadviser may have negotiated and entered into on behalf of the Fund. A master netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty permits the Fund to offset amounts payable by the Fund to the same counterparty against amounts to be received; and by the receipt of collateral from the counterparty by the Fund to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty. However, there is no assurance that such mitigating factors are easily enforceable. In addition to master netting arrangements, the right to set-off exists when all the conditions are met such that each of the parties owes the other determinable amounts, the reporting party has the right to set-off the amount owed with the amount owed by the other party, the reporting party intends to set-off and the right of set-off is enforceable by law. During the reporting period, there was no intention to settle on a net basis and all amounts are presented on a gross basis on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


The Fund is a party to ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.) Master Agreements with certain counterparties that govern OTC derivative and foreign exchange contracts entered into from time to time. The Master Agreements may contain provisions regarding, among other things, the parties’ general obligations, representations, agreements, collateral requirements, events of default and early termination. With respect to certain counterparties, in accordance with the terms of the Master Agreements, collateral posted to the Fund is held in a segregated account by the Fund’s custodian and with respect to those amounts which can be sold or re-pledged, is presented in the Schedule of Investments. Collateral pledged by the Fund is segregated by the Fund’s custodian and identified in the Schedule of Investments. Collateral can be in the form of cash or debt securities issued by the U.S. Government or related agencies or other securities as agreed to by the Fund and the applicable counterparty. Collateral requirements are determined based on the Fund’s net position with each counterparty. Termination events applicable to the Fund may occur upon a decline in the Fund’s net assets below a specified threshold over a certain period of time. Termination events applicable to counterparties may occur upon a decline in the counterparty’s long-term and short-term credit ratings below a specified level. In each case, upon occurrence, the other party may elect to terminate early



and cause settlement of all derivative and foreign exchange contracts outstanding, including the payment of any losses and costs resulting from such early termination, as reasonably determined by the terminating party. Any decision by one or more of the Fund’s counterparties to elect early termination could impact the Fund’s future derivative activity.


In addition to each instrument’s primary underlying risk exposure (e.g. interest rate, credit, equity or foreign exchange, etc.), swap agreements involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit, market and documentation risk. Such risks involve the possibility that no liquid market for these agreements will exist, the counterparty to the agreement may default on its obligation to perform or disagree on the contractual terms of the agreement, and changes in net interest rates will be unfavorable. In connection with these agreements, securities in the portfolio may be identified or received as collateral from the counterparty in accordance with the terms of the respective swap agreements to provide or receive assets of value and to serve as recourse in the event of default or bankruptcy/insolvency of either party. Such OTC derivative agreements include conditions which, when materialized, give the counterparty the right to cause an early termination of the transactions under those agreements. Any election by the counterparty for early termination of the contract(s) may impact the amounts reported on financial statements.


As of October 31, 2017, the Fund has not met conditions under such agreements which give the counterparty the right to call for an early termination.


Forward currency contracts, forward rate agreements, written options, short sales, swaps and financial futures contracts involve elements of both market and credit risk in excess of the amounts reflected on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks may be mitigated by engaging in master netting arrangements.


Payment-In-Kind: The Fund may invest in the open market or receive pursuant to debt restructuring, securities that pay-in-kind (PIK) the interest due on such debt instruments. The PIK interest, computed at the contractual rate specified, is added to the existing principal balance of the debt when issued bonds have same terms as the bond or recorded as a separate bond when terms are different from the existing debt, and is recorded as interest income.


Securities Lending: The Fund may lend its portfolio securities to banks and broker-dealers. The loans are secured by collateral at least equal to the market value of the securities loaned. Collateral pledged by each borrower is invested in an affiliated money market fund and is marked to market daily, based on the previous day’s market value, such that the value of the collateral exceeds the value of the loaned securities. Loans are subject to termination at the option of the borrower or the Fund. Upon termination of the loan, the borrower will return to the Fund securities identical to the loaned securities. Should the borrower of the securities fail financially, the Fund has the right to repurchase the securities in the open market using the collateral. The Fund recognizes income, net of any rebate and securities lending agent fees, for lending its securities in the form of fees or interest on the investment of any cash received as collateral. The borrower receives all interest and dividends from the securities loaned and such payments are passed back to the lender in


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amounts equivalent thereto. The Fund also continues to recognize any unrealized gain (loss) in the market price of the securities loaned and on the change in the value of the collateral invested that may occur during the term of the loan. In addition, realized gain (loss) is recognized on changes in the value of the collateral invested upon liquidation of the collateral. Net earnings from securities lending are disclosed on the Statement of Operations as “Income from securities lending, net”.


Concentration of Risk: The ability of debt securities issuers (other than those issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government) held by the Fund to meet their obligations may be affected by the economic or political developments in a specific industry, region or country. Foreign security and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with those of domestic origin as a result of, among other factors, the possibility of political or economic instability or the level of governmental supervision and regulation of foreign securities markets.


Securities Transactions and Net Investment Income: Securities transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains (losses) from investment and currency transactions are calculated on the specific identification method. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-date. Interest income, including amortization of premium and accretion of discount on debt securities, as required, is recorded on the accrual basis. Expenses are recorded on an accrual basis, which may require the use of certain estimates by management that may differ from actual.


Net investment income or loss (other than distribution fees which are charged directly to the respective class and transfer agency fees specific to Class Q shares which are charged to that share class) and unrealized and realized gains (losses) are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of adjusted net assets of each class at the beginning of the day.


Taxes: It is the Fund’s policy to continue to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute all of its taxable net investment income and capital gains, if any, to its shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends, interest and capital gains, if any, are recorded, net of reclaimable amounts, at the time the related income is earned.


Dividends and Distributions: The Fund expects to pay dividends from net investment income monthly and distributions from net realized capital gains, if any, annually. Dividends and distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations and which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles, are recorded on the ex-date. Permanent book/tax differences relating to income



and gain (loss) are reclassified amongst undistributed net investment income, accumulated net realized gain (loss) and paid-in capital in excess of par, as appropriate.


Estimates: The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


2. Agreements


The Fund has a management agreement with PGIM Investments. Pursuant to this agreement, PGIM Investments has responsibility for all investment advisory services and supervises the subadviser’s performance of such services. PGIM Investments has entered into a subadvisory agreement with PGIM, Inc., which provides subadvisory services to the Fund through its PGIM Fixed Income unit. The subadvisory agreement provides that PGIM, Inc. will furnish investment advisory services in connection with the management of the Fund. In connection therewith, PGIM, Inc. is obligated to keep certain books and records of the Fund. PGIM Investments pays for the services of PGIM, Inc., the cost of compensation of officers of the Fund, occupancy and certain clerical and bookkeeping costs of the Fund. The Fund bears all other costs and expenses.


The management fee paid to PGIM Investments is accrued daily and payable monthly at an annual rate of .50% of the Fund’s average daily net assets up to $2 billion and .485% of such assets in excess of $2 billion. The effective management fee rate before any waivers and/or expense reimbursements was .50% for the year ended October 31, 2017. The effective management fee rate, net of waivers and/or expense reimbursement was .42%.


PGIM Investments has contractually agreed through February 29, 2020 to limit the net annual operating expenses (exclusive of distribution and service (12b-1) fees, taxes (such as income and foreign withholdings taxes, stamp duty and deferred tax expenses), interest, underlying funds, brokerage, extraordinary and certain other expenses such as dividend, broker charges and interest expense on short sales) of each class of shares of the Fund to .63% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. In addition, PGIM Investments has contractually agreed through February 29, 2020 to limit net annual operating expenses (exclusive of distribution and service (12b-1) fees, transfer agency expenses (including sub-transfer agency and networking fees), taxes (such as income and foreign withholdings taxes, stamp duty and deferred tax expenses), interest, underlying funds, brokerage, extraordinary and certain other expenses such as dividend, broker charges and interest expense on short sales) of each class of shares of the Fund to .58% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Expenses waived/reimbursed by the Manager in accordance with this agreement may be recouped by the Manager within the same fiscal year during which such waiver/reimbursement is made if such recoupment can be realized without exceeding the expense limit in effect at the time of the recoupment for that fiscal year.


The Fund has a distribution agreement with Prudential Investment Management Services LLC (“PIMS”) which acts as the distributor of the Class A, Class B, Class C, Class Q and


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Class Z shares of the Fund. The Fund compensates PIMS for distributing and servicing the Fund’s Class A, Class B and Class C shares, pursuant to the plans of distribution (the “Distribution Plans”), regardless of expenses actually incurred by PIMS. The distribution fees are accrued daily and payable monthly. No distribution or service fees are paid to PIMS as distributor of the Class Q or Class Z shares of the Fund.


Pursuant to the Distribution Plans, the Fund compensates PIMS for distribution related activities at an annual rate of up to .25%, 1% and 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively.


PIMS has advised the Fund that it has received $430,833 in front-end sales charges resulting from sales of Class A shares, during the year ended October 31, 2017. From these fees, PIMS paid such sales charges to affiliated broker-dealers, which in turn paid commissions to sales persons and incurred other distribution costs.


PIMS has advised the Fund that for the year ended October 31, 2017 it received $366, $6,227 and $15,935 in contingent deferred sales charges imposed upon redemptions by certain Class A, Class B and Class C shareholders, respectively.


PGIM Investments, PGIM, Inc. and PIMS are indirect, wholly-owned subsidiaries of Prudential Financial, Inc. (“Prudential”).


3. Other Transactions with Affiliates


Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC (“PMFS”), an affiliate of PGIM Investments and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Prudential, serves as the Fund’s transfer agent. Transfer agent’s fees and expenses in the Statement of Operations include certain out-of-pocket expenses paid to non-affiliates, where applicable.


The Fund may enter into certain securities purchase or sale transactions under Board approved Rule 17a-7 procedures. Rule 17a-7 is an exemptive rule under the 1940 Act, that permits purchase and sale transactions among affiliated investment companies, or between an investment company and a person that is affiliated solely by reason of having a common (or affiliated) investment adviser, common directors, and/or common officers. Such transactions are subject to ratification by the Board. For the reporting period ended October 31, 2017 no such transactions were entered into by the Fund.


The Fund may invest its overnight sweep cash in the Prudential Core Ultra Short Bond Fund (the “Core Fund”), and its securities lending cash collateral in the Prudential Institutional Money Market Fund (the “Money Market Fund”), each a series of Prudential Investment Portfolios 2, registered under the 1940 Act and managed by PGIM Investments.



For the reporting period ended October 31, 2017, PGIM, Inc. was compensated $14,209 by PGIM Investments for managing the Fund’s securities lending cash collateral as subadviser to the Money Market Fund. Earnings from the Core Fund and Money Market Fund are disclosed on the Statement of Operations as “Affiliated dividend income” and “Income from securities lending, net”, respectively.


4. Portfolio Securities


The aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of portfolio securities (excluding short-term investments and U.S. Government securities) for the year ended October 31, 2017, were $722,580,683 and $315,012,570, respectively.


5. Distributions and Tax Information


Distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations and which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles, are recorded on the ex-date. In order to present distributions in excess of net investment income, accumulated net realized loss on investment and foreign currency transactions and paid-in capital in excess of par on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities that more closely represent their tax character, certain adjustments have been made to distributions in excess of net investment income and accumulated net realized loss on investment and foreign currency transactions. For the year ended October 31, 2017, the adjustments were to increase distributions in excess of net investment income and decrease accumulated net realized loss on investment and foreign currency transactions by $3,229,345 due to reclassification of net foreign currency loss, paydown gains/losses, swap gains/losses and differences in the treatment of accreting market discount and amortization of premiums. Net investment income, net realized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions and net assets were not affected by this change.


For the year ended October 31, 2017, the tax character of dividends paid as reflected in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets were $21,066,132 of ordinary income, $5,918,655 of tax return of capital and $1,711,499 of long-term capital gain. For the year ended October 31, 2016, the tax character of dividends paid were $7,641,724 of ordinary income, $1,689,376 of tax return of capital and $4,707,390 of long-term capital gain.


As of October 31, 2017, the Fund had no undistributed earnings on a tax basis.


The United States federal income tax basis of the Fund’s investments and the net unrealized appreciation as of October 31, 2017 were as follows:


Tax Basis













$1,044,015,218   $47,228,688   $(15,651,744)   $31,576,944


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     119  

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)



The differences between book basis and tax basis is primarily attributable to deferred losses on wash sales, amortization of premiums and other cost basis differences between financial and tax accounting.


Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken on federal, state and local income tax returns for all open tax years and has concluded that no provision for income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements for the current reporting period. The Fund’s federal, state and local income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue.


6. Capital


The Fund offers Class A, Class B, Class C, Class Q and Class Z shares. Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.50%. Investors who purchase $1 million or more of Class A shares and sell these shares within 12 months of purchase are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1%, although they are not subject to an initial sales charge. The Class A CDSC is waived for certain retirement and/or benefit plans. Class B shares are sold with a CDSC which declines from 5% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class B shares automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately seven years after purchase. Class B shares are closed to new purchases. Class C shares are sold with a CDSC of 1% on sales made within 12 months of purchase. A special exchange privilege is also available for shareholders who qualified to purchase Class A shares at net asset value. Class Q and Class Z shares are not subject to any sales or redemption charge and are offered exclusively for sale to a limited group of investors.


Under certain circumstances, an exchange may be made from specified share classes of the Fund to one or more other share classes of the Fund as presented in the table of transactions in shares of common stock.


There are 2 billion shares of common stock, at $.01 par value per share, authorized and divided into eight classes, designated Class A, Class B, Class C, Class Q, Class Z, Class T, Class R2 and Class R4, each of which consists of 200 million, 50 million, 320 million, 475 million, 650 million, 125 million, 90 million and 90 million authorized shares, respectively. The Fund currently does not have any Class T, Class R2 or Class R4 shares outstanding.


At reporting period end, four shareholders of record held 59% of the Fund’s outstanding shares.



Transactions in shares of common stock were as follows:


Class A

     Shares      Amount  

Year ended October 31, 2017:


Shares sold

       11,155,719      $ 72,006,965  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       789,634        5,161,349  

Shares reacquired

       (7,620,733      (49,337,578







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       4,324,620        27,830,736  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       165,758        1,072,429  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (9,124,231      (57,980,151







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (4,633,853    $ (29,076,986







Year ended October 31, 2016:


Shares sold

       13,124,936      $ 87,952,360  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       749,867        4,962,309  

Shares reacquired

       (6,872,582      (45,215,154







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       7,002,221        47,699,515  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       165,668        1,112,188  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (1,044,918      (7,076,434







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       6,122,971      $ 41,735,269  







Class B


Year ended October 31, 2017:


Shares sold

       23,153      $ 152,865  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       11,231        73,317  

Shares reacquired

       (130,970      (852,802







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (96,586      (626,620

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (60,036      (386,018







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (156,622    $ (1,012,638







Year ended October 31, 2016:


Shares sold

       64,153      $ 420,207  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       13,010        85,840  

Shares reacquired

       (142,077      (930,181







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (64,914      (424,134

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (25,204      (168,062







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (90,118    $ (592,196







Class C


Year ended October 31, 2017:


Shares sold

       1,120,199      $ 7,342,949  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       101,400        661,926  

Shares reacquired

       (1,543,694      (9,912,641







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       (322,095      (1,907,766

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (406,239      (2,637,763







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       (728,334    $ (4,545,529







Year ended October 31, 2016:


Shares sold

       1,908,829      $ 12,778,322  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       98,781        651,664  

Shares reacquired

       (1,003,981      (6,563,921







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       1,003,629        6,866,065  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (167,753      (1,122,397







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       835,876      $ 5,743,668  








Prudential Global Total Return Fund     121  

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Class Q

     Shares      Amount  

Year ended October 31, 2017:


Shares sold

       47,261,389      $ 313,958,980  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       1,444,921        9,699,415  

Shares reacquired

       (7,318,705      (48,729,428







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       41,387,605        274,928,967  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       17,086,484        110,223,269  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (117,532      (758,283







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       58,356,557      $ 384,393,953  







Year ended October 31, 2016:


Shares sold

       7,485,008      $ 50,762,281  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       225,246        1,517,541  

Shares reacquired†

       (2,721,050      (18,547,296







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       4,989,204        33,732,526  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       31,186        214,468  







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       5,020,390      $ 33,946,994  







Class Z


Year ended October 31, 2017:


Shares sold

       45,817,966      $ 299,229,830  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       1,346,439        8,880,761  

Shares reacquired

       (27,444,584      (180,541,029







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       19,719,821        127,569,562  

Shares issued upon conversion from other share class(es)

       9,536,135        60,893,400  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (17,252,364      (110,426,883







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       12,003,592      $ 78,036,079  







Year ended October 31, 2016:


Shares sold

       36,319,097      $ 244,693,568  

Shares issued in reinvestment of dividends and distributions

       728,562        4,858,393  

Shares reacquired

       (10,314,888      (68,585,517







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding before conversion

       26,732,771        180,966,444  

Shares issued upon conversion from other shares class(es)

       1,176,285        7,977,583  

Shares reacquired upon conversion into other share class(es)

       (138,847      (937,346







Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding

       27,770,209      $ 188,006,681  








Includes affiliated redemption of 1,680 shares with a value of $10,785 for Class Q shares.


7. Borrowings


The Fund, along with other affiliated registered investment companies (the “Funds”), is a party to a Syndicated Credit Agreement (“SCA”) with a group of banks. The purpose of the SCA is to provide an alternative source of temporary funding for capital share redemptions. The SCA provides for a commitment of $900 million for the period October 5, 2017 through



October 4, 2018. The Funds pay an annualized commitment fee of .15% of the unused portion of the SCA. The Fund’s portion of the commitment fee for the unused amount, allocated based upon a method approved by the Board, is accrued daily and paid quarterly. Prior to October 5, 2017, the Funds had another SCA that provided a commitment of $900 million and the Funds paid an annualized commitment fee of .15% of the unused portion of the SCA. The interest on borrowings under the SCAs is paid monthly and at a per annum interest rate based upon a contractual spread plus the higher of (1) the effective federal funds rate, (2) the 1-month LIBOR rate or (3) zero percent.


Other affiliated registered investment companies that are parties to the SCA include portfolios that are subject to a predetermined mathematical formula used to manage certain benefit guarantees offered under variable annuity contracts. The formula may result in large scale asset flows into and out of these portfolios. Consequently, these portfolios may be more likely to utilize the SCA for purposes of funding redemptions. It may be possible for those portfolios to fully exhaust the committed amount of the SCA, thereby requiring the Manager to allocate available funding per a Board-approved methodology designed to treat the Funds in the SCA equitably.


The Fund did not utilize the SCA during the reporting period ended October 31, 2017.


8. Other


At the Fund’s Board meeting in March 2017, the Board approved a change in the methodology of allocating certain expenses, such as Transfer Agent fees (including sub-transfer agent and networking fees) and Blue Sky fees. PGIM Investments implemented the changes effective November 1, 2017.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     123  

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares  
     Year Ended October 31,  
     2017     2016     2015     2014     2013  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Year     $6.64       $6.45       $6.88       $6.92       $7.21  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income (loss)     .14       .17       .17       .19       .21  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions     .19       .25       (.37     .06       (.21
Total from investment operations     .33       .42       (.20     .25       - (e) 
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income*     (.13     (.12     (.04     (.15     (.18
Tax return of capital distributions     (.05     (.03     (.19     (.14     (.11
Distributions from net realized gains     (.04     (.08     -       -       -  
Total dividends and distributions     (.22     (.23     (.23     (.29     (.29
Net asset value, end of year     $6.75       $6.64       $6.45       $6.88       $6.92  
Total Return(b):     5.12%       6.60%       (2.90)%       3.67%       .07%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of year (000)     $174,732       $202,770       $157,404       $190,394       $161,099  
Average net assets (000)     $175,014       $169,299       $175,942       $163,155       $180,342  
Ratios to average net assets(c)(d):                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     .88%       .97%       1.05%       1.25%       1.23%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     .99%       1.14%       1.24%       1.30%       1.28%  
Net investment income (loss)     2.12%       2.57%       2.50%       2.79%       2.99%  
Portfolio turnover rate     75%       86%       95%       65%       79%  


(a) Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year.
(b) Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each year reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
(c) Does not include expenses of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests.
(d) The distributor of the Fund had contractually agreed to limit its distribution and service (12b-1) fees to .25% of the average daily net assets through March 8, 2015. Effective March 9, 2015, the contractual distribution and service (12b-1) fees were reduced from .30% to .25% of the average daily net assets.
(e) Less than $.005 per share.
* Dividends from net investment income may include other items that are ordinary income for tax purposes.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Class B Shares  
     Year Ended October 31,  
     2017     2016     2015     2014     2013  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Year     $6.64       $6.44       $6.88       $6.92       $7.21  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income (loss)     .09       .12       .12       .14       .16  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions     .18       .26       (.38     .06       (.21
Total from investment operations     .27       .38       (.26     .20       (.05
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income*     (.10     (.08     (.03     (.10     (.13
Tax return of capital distributions     (.03     (.02     (.15     (.14     (.11
Distributions from net realized gains     (.04     (.08     -       -       -  
Total dividends and distributions     (.17     (.18     (.18     (.24     (.24
Net asset value, end of year     $6.74       $6.64       $6.44       $6.88       $6.92  
Total Return(b):     4.20%       5.99%       (3.75)%       2.90%       (.68)%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of year (000)     $3,212       $4,202       $4,660       $6,548       $7,084  
Average net assets (000)     $3,559       $4,457       $5,469       $6,790       $7,299  
Ratios to average net assets(c):                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.63%       1.72%       1.80%       2.00%       1.98%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.74%       1.89%       1.97%       2.00%       1.98%  
Net investment income (loss)     1.39%       1.85%       1.77%       2.05%       2.25%  
Portfolio turnover rate     75%       86%       95%       65%       79%  


(a) Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year.
(b) Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each year reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
(c) Does not include expenses of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests.
* Dividends from net investment income may include other items that are ordinary income for tax purposes.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     125  

Financial Highlights (continued)


Class C Shares  
     Year Ended October 31,  
     2017     2016     2015     2014     2013  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Year     $6.63       $6.44       $6.86       $6.90       $7.19  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income (loss)     .09       .12       .12       .14       .16  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions     .18       .25       (.36     .06       (.21
Total from investment operations     .27       .37       (.24     .20       (.05
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income*     (.10     (.08     (.03     (.10     (.13
Tax return of capital distributions     (.03     (.02     (.15     (.14     (.11
Distributions from net realized gains     (.04     (.08     -       -       -  
Total dividends and distributions     (.17     (.18     (.18     (.24     (.24
Net asset value, end of year     $6.73       $6.63       $6.44       $6.86       $6.90  
Total Return(b):     4.19%       5.82%       (3.48)%       2.90%       (.68)%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:  
Net assets, end of year (000)     $31,509       $35,848       $29,427       $34,691       $31,424  
Average net assets (000)     $31,191       $30,873       $33,144       $30,378       $36,071  
Ratios to average net assets(c):                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.63%       1.72%       1.80%       2.00%       1.98%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     1.74%       1.89%       1.97%       2.00%       1.98%  
Net investment income (loss)     1.39%       1.83%       1.76%       2.05%       2.24%  
Portfolio turnover rate     75%       86%       95%       65%       79%  


(a) Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year.
(b) Total return does not consider the effects of sales loads. Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each year reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
(c) Does not include expenses of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests.
* Dividends from net investment income may include other items that are ordinary income for tax purposes.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Class Q Shares  
     Year Ended October 31,  
     2017     2016     2015     2014     2013  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Year     $6.72       $6.53       $6.97       $6.94       $7.23  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income (loss)     .16       .19       .17       .23       .24  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions     .18       .26       (.36     .12       (.21
Total from investment operations     .34       .45       (.19     .35       .03  
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income*     (.15     (.15     (.05     (.18     (.21
Tax return of capital distributions     (.05     (.03     (.20     (.14     (.11
Distributions from net realized gains     (.04     (.08     -       -       -  
Total dividends and distributions     (.24     (.26     (.25     (.32     (.32
Net asset value, end of year     $6.82       $6.72       $6.53       $6.97       $6.94  
Total Return(b):     5.21%       6.90%       (2.71)%       5.09%       .46%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Net assets, end of year (000)     $460,700       $61,713       $27,141       $869       $62  
Average net assets (000)     $271,620       $40,135       $19,157       $295       $13  
Ratios to average net assets(c):                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     .58%       .59%       .72%       .87%       .85%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     .59%       .76%       .82%       .87%       .85%  
Net investment income (loss)     2.33%       2.86%       2.64%       3.24%       3.48%  
Portfolio turnover rate     75%       86%       95%       65%       79%  


(a) Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year.
(b) Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each year reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
(c) Does not include expenses of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests.
* Dividends from net investment income may include other items that are ordinary income for tax purposes.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     127  

Financial Highlights (continued)


Class Z Shares  
     Year Ended October 31,  
     2017     2016     2015     2014     2013  
Per Share Operating Performance(a):                                        
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Year     $6.67       $6.47       $6.90       $6.94       $7.23  
Income (loss) from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income (loss)     .15       .18       .18       .21       .22  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment and foreign currency transactions     .20       .27       (.36     .06       (.20
Total from investment operations     .35       .45       (.18     .27       .02  
Less Dividends and Distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income*     (.15     (.14     (.05     (.17     (.20
Tax return of capital distributions     (.05     (.03     (.20     (.14     (.11
Distributions from net realized gains     (.04     (.08     -       -       -  
Total dividends and distributions     (.24     (.25     (.25     (.31     (.31
Net asset value, end of year     $6.78       $6.67       $6.47       $6.90       $6.94  
Total Return(b):     5.35%       7.00%       (2.66)%       3.92%       .31%  
Ratios/Supplemental Data:                              
Net assets, end of year (000)     $390,194       $303,960       $115,119       $119,628       $56,817  
Average net assets (000)     $340,627       $153,146       $129,045       $71,247       $81,390  
Ratios to average net assets(c):                                        
Expenses after waivers and/or expense reimbursement     .63%       .72%       .80%       1.00%       .98%  
Expenses before waivers and/or expense reimbursement     .74%       .89%       .96%       1.00%       .98%  
Net investment income (loss)     2.35%       2.77%       2.73%       3.00%       3.18%  
Portfolio turnover rate     75%       86%       95%       65%       79%  


(a) Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year.
(b) Total return is calculated assuming a purchase of a share on the first day and a sale on the last day of each year reported and includes reinvestment of dividends and distributions, if any. Total returns may reflect adjustments to conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
(c) Does not include expenses of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests.
* Dividends from net investment income may include other items that are ordinary income for tax purposes.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Report of Independent Registered Public

Accounting Firm


The Board of Directors and Shareholders

Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc.:


We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), including the schedule of investments, as of October 31, 2017, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the years in the two-year period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the years in the five-year period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of October 31, 2017, by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures when replies from brokers were not received. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of October 31, 2017, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the years in the two-year period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the years in the five-year period then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.




New York, New York

December 18, 2017


Prudential Global Total Return Fund     129  

Federal Income Tax Information (unaudited)


We are advising you that during the fiscal year ended October 31, 2017, the Fund reports the maximum amount allowed per share, but not less than $0.01 for Class A, B, C, Q and Z as a capital gain distribution in accordance with Section 852(b)(3)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code.


For the year ended October 31, 2017, the Fund reports the maximum amount allowable but not less than 55.63% as interest related dividends in accordance with Sections 871(k)(1) and 881(e)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.


In January 2018, you will be advised on IRS Form 1099-DIV or substitute 1099-DIV as to the federal tax status of distributions received by you in calendar year 2017.





Information about Board Members and Officers of the Fund is set forth below. Board Members who are not deemed to be “interested persons” of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act, are referred to as “Independent Board Members.” Board Members who are deemed to be “interested persons” of the Fund are referred to as “Interested Board Members.” The Board Members are responsible for the overall supervision of the operations of the Fund and perform the various duties imposed on the directors of investment companies by the 1940 Act. The Board in turn elects the Officers, who are responsible for administering the day-to-day operations of the Fund.


Independent Board Members(1)

Name, Address, Age


Portfolios Overseen

   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years    Other Directorships Held During Past Five Years

Ellen S. Alberding (59)

Board Member

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   President and Board Member, The Joyce Foundation (charitable foundation) (since 2002); Vice Chair, City Colleges of Chicago (community college system) (since 2011); Trustee, Skills for America’s Future (national initiative to connect employers to community colleges) (since 2011); Trustee, National Park Foundation (charitable foundation for national park system) (since 2009); Trustee, Economic Club of Chicago (since 2009).    None.

Kevin J. Bannon (65)

Board Member

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   Retired; Managing Director (April 2008-May 2015) and Chief Investment Officer (October 2008-November 2013) of Highmount Capital LLC (registered investment adviser); formerly Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer (April 1993-August 2007) of Bank of New York Company; President (May 2003-May 2007) of BNY Hamilton Family of Mutual Funds.    Director of Urstadt Biddle Properties (equity real estate investment trust) (since September 2008).

Linda W. Bynoe (65)

Board Member

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   President and Chief Executive Officer (since March 1995) and formerly Chief Operating Officer (December 1989-February 1995) of Telemat Ltd. (management consulting); formerly Vice President (January 1985-June 1989) at Morgan Stanley & Co. (broker-dealer).    Director of Simon Property Group, Inc. (retail real estate) (May 2003-May 2012); Director of Anixter International, Inc. (communication products distributor) (since January 2006); Director of Northern Trust Corporation (financial services) (since April 2006); Trustee of Equity Residential (residential real estate) (since December 2009).


Prudential Global Total Return Fund

Independent Board Members(1)

Name, Address, Age


Portfolios Overseen

   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years    Other Directorships Held During Past Five Years

Barry H. Evans (57)±

Board Member

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   Retired; Formerly President (2005-2016), Global Chief Operating Officer (2014-2016), Chief Investment Officer-Global Head of Fixed Income (1998-2014), and various portfolio manager roles (1986-2006), Manulife Asset Management U.S.    Director, Manulife Trust Company (2011-present); Director, Manulife Asset Management Limited (2015-present); Formerly Chairman of the Board of Directors of Manulife Asset Management U.S. (2005-2016); Formerly Chairman of the Board, Declaration Investment Management and Research (2008-2016).

Keith F. Hartstein (61)

Board Member &

Independent Chair

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   Retired; Member (since November 2014) of the Governing Council of the Independent Directors Council (organization of independent mutual fund directors); formerly President and Chief Executive Officer (2005-2012), Senior Vice President (2004-2005), Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing (1997-2004), and various executive management positions (1990-1997), John Hancock Funds, LLC (asset management); Chairman, Investment Company Institute’s Sales Force Marketing Committee (2003-2008).    None.

Laurie Simon Hodrick (55)±

Board Member

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Economics in the Faculty of Business, Columbia Business School (since 1996); Visiting Professor of Law and Rock Center for Corporate Governance Fellow, Stanford Law School (since 2015); Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University (since 2015); Sole Member, ReidCourt LLC (since 2008) (a consulting firm); Formerly Managing Director, Global Head of Alternative Investment Strategies, Deutsche Bank (2006-2008); Formerly Director/Trustee, Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Funds (1999-2006).    Independent Director, Corporate Capital Trust (since April 2017) (a business development company).

Michael S. Hyland, CFA (72)

Board Member

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   Retired (since February 2005); formerly Senior Managing Director (July 2001-February 2005) of Bear Stearns & Co, Inc.; Global Partner, INVESCO (1999-2001); Managing Director and President of Salomon Brothers Asset Management (1989-1999).    None.


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Independent Board Members(1)

Name, Address, Age


Portfolios Overseen

   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years    Other Directorships Held During Past Five Years

Richard A. Redeker (74)

Board Member &

Independent Vice Chair9

Portfolios Overseen: 87

   Retired Mutual Fund Senior Executive (47 years); Management Consultant; Director, Mutual Fund Directors Forum (since 2014); Independent Directors Council (organization of independent mutual fund directors)-Executive Committee, Chair of Policy Steering Committee, Governing Council.    None.

Stephen G. Stoneburn (74)

Board Member

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   Chairman (since July 2011), President and Chief Executive Officer (since June 1996) of Frontline Medical Communications (publishing company); formerly President (June 1995-June 1996) of Argus Integrated Media, Inc.; Senior Vice President and Managing Director (January 1993-1995) of Cowles Business Media; Senior Vice President of Fairchild Publications, Inc. (1975-1989).    None.

±Mr. Evans and Ms. Hodrick joined the Board effective as of September 1, 2017.


Interested Board Members(1)

Name, Address, Age


Portfolios Overseen

   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years    Other Directorships Held During Past Five Years

Stuart S. Parker (55)

Board Member & President

Portfolios Overseen: 89

   President of PGIM Investments LLC (formerly known as Prudential Investments LLC) (since January 2012); Executive Vice President of Prudential Investment Management Services LLC (since December 2012); Executive Vice President of Jennison Associates LLC and Head of Retail Distribution of PGIM Investments LLC (June 2005-December 2011).    None.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund

Interested Board Members(1)
Name, Address, Age
Portfolios Overseen
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years    Other Directorships Held During Past Five Years
Scott E. Benjamin (44)
Board Member & Vice President
Portfolios Overseen: 89
   Executive Vice President (since June 2009) of PGIM Investments LLC; Executive Vice President (June 2009-June 2012) and Vice President (since June 2012) of Prudential Investment Management Services LLC; Executive Vice President (since September 2009) of AST Investment Services, Inc.; Senior Vice President of Product Development and Marketing, PGIM Investments (since February 2006); Vice President of Product Development and Product Management, Prudential Investments (2003-2006).    None.
Grace C. Torres* (58)
Board Member
Portfolios Overseen: 88
   Retired; formerly Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer of the Prudential Funds, Target Funds, Advanced Series Trust, Prudential Variable Contract Accounts and The Prudential Series Fund (1998-June 2014); Assistant Treasurer (March 1999-June 2014) and Senior Vice President (September 1999-June 2014) of PGIM Investments LLC; Assistant Treasurer (May 2003-June 2014) and Vice President (June 2005-June 2014) of AST Investment Services, Inc.; Senior Vice President and Assistant Treasurer (May 2003-June 2014) of Prudential Annuities Advisory Services, Inc.    Director (since July 2015) of Sun Bancorp, Inc. N.A. and Sun National Bank

* Note: Prior to her retirement in 2014, Ms. Torres was employed by PGIM Investments LLC. Due to her prior employment, she is considered to be an “interested person” under the 1940 Act. Ms. Torres is a Non-Management Interested Board Member.

(1) The year that each Board Member joined the Board is as follows:

Ellen S. Alberding, 2013; Kevin J. Bannon, 2008; Linda W. Bynoe, 2005; Barry H. Evans, 2017; Keith F. Hartstein, 2013; Laurie Simon Hodrick, 2017; Michael S. Hyland, 2008; 2003; Richard A. Redeker, 1993; Stephen G. Stoneburn, 2003; Stuart S. Parker, Board Member since 2012 and President since 2012; Scott E. Benjamin, Board Member since 2010 and Vice President since 2009; Grace C. Torres, 2014.


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Fund Officers(a)
Name, Address and Age
Position with Fund
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years   

Length of

Service as Fund


Raymond A. O’Hara (62)
Chief Legal Officer
   Vice President and Corporate Counsel (since July 2010) of Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential); Vice President (March 2011-Present) of Pruco Life Insurance Company and Pruco Life Insurance Company of New Jersey; Vice President and Corporate Counsel (March 2011-Present) of Prudential Annuities Life Assurance Corporation; Chief Legal Officer of PGIM Investments LLC (since June 2012); Chief Legal Officer of Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC (since June 2012) and Corporate Counsel of AST Investment Services, Inc. (since June 2012); formerly Assistant Vice President and Corporate Counsel (September 2008-July 2010) of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.; formerly Associate (September 1980-December 1987) and Partner (January 1988-August 2008) of Blazzard & Hasenauer, P.C. (formerly, Blazzard, Grodd & Hasenauer, P.C.).    Since 2012
Chad A. Earnst (42)
Chief Compliance Officer
   Chief Compliance Officer (September 2014-Present) of PGIM Investments LLC; Chief Compliance Officer (September 2014-Present) of the Prudential Funds, Target Funds, Advanced Series Trust, The Prudential Series Fund, Prudential’s Gibraltar Fund, Inc., Prudential Global Short Duration High Yield Income Fund, Inc., Prudential Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc. and Prudential Jennison MLP Income Fund, Inc.; formerly Assistant Director (March 2010-August 2014) of the Asset Management Unit, Division of Enforcement, US Securities & Exchange Commission; Assistant Regional Director (January 2010-August 2014), Branch Chief (June 2006-December 2009) and Senior Counsel (April 2003-May 2006) of the Miami Regional Office, Division of Enforcement, US Securities & Exchange Commission.    Since 2014
Deborah A. Docs (59)
   Vice President and Corporate Counsel (since January 2001) of Prudential; Vice President (since December 1996) and Assistant Secretary (since March 1999) of PGIM Investments LLC; formerly Vice President and Assistant Secretary (May 2003-June 2005) of AST Investment Services, Inc.    Since 2004
Jonathan D. Shain (59)
Assistant Secretary
   Vice President and Corporate Counsel (since August 1998) of Prudential; Vice President and Assistant Secretary (since May 2001) of PGIM Investments LLC; Vice President and Assistant Secretary (since February 2001) of Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC; formerly Vice President and Assistant Secretary (May 2003-June 2005) of AST Investment Services, Inc.    Since 2005
Claudia DiGiacomo (43)
Assistant Secretary
   Vice President and Corporate Counsel (since January 2005) of Prudential; Vice President and Assistant Secretary of PGIM Investments LLC (since December 2005); Associate at Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP (1999-2004).    Since 2005


Prudential Global Total Return Fund

Fund Officers(a)
Name, Address and Age
Position with Fund
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years   

Length of

Service as Fund


Andrew R. French (54)
Assistant Secretary
   Vice President and Corporate Counsel (since February 2010) of Prudential; formerly Director and Corporate Counsel (2006-2010) of Prudential; Vice President and Assistant Secretary (since January 2007) of PGIM Investments LLC; Vice President and Assistant Secretary (since January 2007) of Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC.    Since 2006
Charles H. Smith (44)
Anti-Money Laundering
Compliance Officer
   Vice President, Corporate Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering Unit (since January 2015) of Prudential; committee member of the American Council of Life Insurers Anti-Money Laundering and Critical Infrastructure Committee (since January 2016); formerly Global Head of Economic Sanctions Compliance at AIG Property Casualty (February 2007-December 2014); Assistant Attorney General at the New York State Attorney General’s Office, Division of Public Advocacy. (August 1998-January 2007).    Since 2016
M. Sadiq Peshimam (53)
Treasurer and Principal
Financial and Accounting
   Vice President (since 2005) of PGIM Investments LLC; formerly Assistant Treasurer of funds in the Prudential Mutual Fund Complex (2006-2014).    Since 2006
Peter Parrella (59)
Assistant Treasurer
   Vice President (since 2007) and Director (2004-2007) within Prudential Mutual Fund Administration; formerly Tax Manager at SSB Citi Fund Management LLC (1997-2004).    Since 2007
Lana Lomuti (50)
Assistant Treasurer
   Vice President (since 2007) and Director (2005-2007), within Prudential Mutual Fund Administration; formerly Assistant Treasurer (December 2007-February 2014) of The Greater China Fund, Inc.    Since 2014
Linda McMullin (56)
Assistant Treasurer
   Vice President (since 2011) and Director (2008-2011) within Prudential Mutual Fund Administration.    Since 2014
Kelly A. Coyne (49)
Assistant Treasurer
   Director, Investment Operations of Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC (since 2010).    Since 2015

(a) Excludes Mr. Parker and Mr. Benjamin, interested Board Members who also serve as President and Vice President, respectively.

Explanatory Notes to Tables:


Board Members are deemed to be “Interested,” as defined in the 1940 Act, by reason of their affiliation with PGIM Investments LLC and/or an affiliate of PGIM Investments LLC.


Unless otherwise noted, the address of all Board Members and Officers is c/o PGIM Investments LLC, 655 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102-4410.


There is no set term of office for Board Members or Officers. The Board Members have adopted a retirement policy, which calls for the retirement of Board Members on December 31 of the year in which they reach the age of 75.


“Other Directorships Held” includes only directorships of companies required to register or file reports with the SEC under the 1934 Act (that is, “public companies”) or other investment companies registered under the 1940 Act.


“Portfolios Overseen” includes all investment companies managed by PGIM Investments LLC. The investment companies for which PGIM Investments LLC serves as manager include the Prudential Mutual Funds, The Prudential Variable Contract Accounts, Target Mutual Funds, Prudential Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc., Prudential Global Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc., The Prudential Series Fund, Prudential’s Gibraltar Fund, Inc. and the Advanced Series Trust.


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Approval of Advisory Agreements


The Fund’s Board of Directors


The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Prudential Global Total Return Fund (the “Fund”) consists of twelve individuals, nine of whom are not “interested persons” of the Fund, as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (the “Independent Directors”). The Board is responsible for the oversight of the Fund and its operations, and performs the various duties imposed on the directors of investment companies by the 1940 Act. The Independent Directors have retained independent legal counsel to assist them in connection with their duties. The Chair of the Board is an Independent Director. The Board has established four standing committees: the Audit Committee, the Nominating and Governance Committee, and two Investment Committees. Each committee is chaired by, and composed of, Independent Directors.


Annual Approval of the Fund’s Advisory Agreements


As required under the 1940 Act, the Board determines annually whether to renew the Fund’s management agreement with PGIM Investments LLC (“PGIM Investments”), the Fund’s subadvisory agreement with PGIM, Inc. (“PGIM”), on behalf of its PGIM Fixed Income unit, and the Fund’s sub-subadvisory agreement with PGIM Limited (“PGIML”). In considering the renewal of the agreements, the Board, including all of the Independent Directors,1 met on June 6-8, 2017 and approved the renewal of the agreements through July 31, 2018, after concluding that the renewal of the agreements was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.


In advance of the meetings, the Board requested and received materials relating to the agreements, and had the opportunity to ask questions and request further information in connection with its consideration. Among other things, the Board considered comparative fee information from PGIM Investments and PGIM. Also, the Board considered comparisons with other mutual funds in relevant Peer Universes and Peer Groups, as is further discussed below.


In approving the agreements, the Board, including the Independent Directors advised by independent legal counsel, considered the factors it deemed relevant, including the nature, quality and extent of services provided by PGIM Investments and the subadviser, the performance of the Fund, the profitability of PGIM Investments and its affiliates, expenses and fees, and the potential for economies of scale that may be shared with the Fund and its shareholders as the Fund’s assets grow. In their deliberations, the Directors did not identify any single factor which alone was responsible for the Board’s decision to approve the


1  Barry H. Evans and Laurie Simon Hodrick joined the Board effective as of September 1, 2017. Neither Mr. Evans nor Ms. Hodrick participated in the consideration of the renewal of the advisory agreements.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund

Approval of Advisory Agreements (continued)


agreements with respect to the Fund. In connection with its deliberations, the Board considered information provided by PGIM Investments throughout the year at regular Board meetings, presentations from portfolio managers and other information, as well as information furnished at or in advance of the meetings on June 6-8, 2017.


The Directors determined that the overall arrangements between the Fund and PGIM Investments, which serves as the Fund’s investment manager pursuant to a management agreement, between PGIM Investments and PGIM, which, through its PGIM Fixed Income unit, serves as the Fund’s subadviser pursuant to the terms of a subadvisory agreement with PGIM Investments, and between PGIM and PGIML, which serves as the Fund’s sub-subadviser pursuant to the terms of a sub-subadvisory agreement with PGIM, are in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders in light of the services performed, fees charged and such other matters as the Directors considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment.


The material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Directors’ reaching their determinations to approve the continuance of the agreements are separately discussed below.


Nature, Quality and Extent of Services


The Board received and considered information regarding the nature, quality and extent of services provided to the Fund by PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML. The Board considered the services provided by PGIM Investments, including but not limited to the oversight of the subadviser and sub-subadviser for the Fund, as well as the provision of fund recordkeeping, compliance, and other services to the Fund. With respect to PGIM Investments’ oversight of the subadviser and sub-subadviser, the Board noted that PGIM Investments’ Strategic Investment Research Group (“SIRG”), which is a business unit of PGIM Investments, is responsible for monitoring and reporting to PGIM Investments’ senior management on the performance and operations of the subadviser and sub-subadviser. The Board also considered that PGIM Investments pays the salaries of all of the officers and interested Directors of the Fund who are part of Fund management. The Board also considered the investment subadvisory services provided by PGIM Fixed Income and PGIML, including investment research and security selection, as well as adherence to the Fund’s investment restrictions and compliance with applicable Fund policies and procedures. The Board considered PGIM Investments’ evaluation of the subadviser and sub-subadviser, as well as PGIM Investments’ recommendation, based on its review of the subadviser and sub-subadviser, to renew the subadvisory and sub-subadvisory agreements.


The Board considered the qualifications, backgrounds and responsibilities of PGIM Investments’ senior management responsible for the oversight of the Fund, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML, and also considered the qualifications, backgrounds and


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responsibilities of PGIM Fixed Income’s portfolio managers who are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio. The Board was provided with information pertaining to PGIM Investments’, PGIM Fixed Income’s, and PGIML’s organizational structure, senior management, investment operations, and other relevant information pertaining to PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML. The Board also noted that it received favorable compliance reports from the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) as to PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML. The Board noted that PGIM Fixed Income and PGIML are affiliated with PGIM Investments.


The Board concluded that it was satisfied with the nature, extent and quality of the investment management services provided by PGIM Investments, the subadvisory services provided to the Fund by PGIM Fixed Income, and the sub-subadvisory services provided by PGIML, and that there was a reasonable basis on which to conclude that the Fund benefits from the services provided by PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML under the management and subadvisory agreements.


Costs of Services and Profits Realized by PGIM Investments


The Board was provided with information on the profitability of PGIM Investments and its affiliates in serving as the Fund’s investment manager. The Board discussed with PGIM Investments the methodology utilized in assembling the information regarding profitability and considered its reasonableness. The Board recognized that it is difficult to make comparisons of profitability from fund management contracts because comparative information is not generally publicly available and is affected by numerous factors, including the structure of the particular adviser, the types of funds it manages, its business mix, numerous assumptions regarding allocations and the adviser’s capital structure and cost of capital. The Board noted that the cost of services provided by the Manager to the Fund during the year ended December 31, 2016 exceeded the management fees paid by the Fund, resulting in an operating loss to Prudential. The Board further noted that the subadviser is affiliated with PGIM Investments and that its profitability is reflected in PGIM Investments’ profitability report. Taking these factors into account, the Board concluded that the profitability of PGIM Investments and its affiliates in relation to the services rendered was not unreasonable.


Economies of Scale


The Board received and discussed information concerning economies of scale that PGIM Investments may realize as the Fund’s assets grow beyond current levels. The Board noted that the management fee schedule for the Fund includes breakpoints, which have the effect of decreasing the fee rate as assets increase, but that at its current level of assets the Fund does not realize the effect of those rate reductions. The Board took note that the Fund’s fee structure currently results in benefits to Fund shareholders whether or not PGIM


Prudential Global Total Return Fund

Approval of Advisory Agreements (continued)


Investments realizes any economies of scale. The Board noted that economies of scale can be shared with the Fund in other ways, including low management fees from inception, additional technological and personnel investments to enhance shareholder services, and maintaining existing expense structures in the face of a rising cost environment. The Board also considered PGIM Investments assertion that it continually evaluates the management fee schedule of the Fund and the potential to share economies of scale through breakpoints or fee waivers as asset levels increase.


The Board recognized the inherent limitations of any analysis of economies of scale, stemming largely from the Board’s understanding that most of PGIM Investments’ costs are not specific to individual funds, but rather are incurred across a variety of products and services.


Other Benefits to PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML


The Board considered potential ancillary benefits that might be received by PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML and their affiliates as a result of their relationship with the Fund. The Board concluded that potential benefits to be derived by PGIM Investments included transfer agency fees received by the Fund’s transfer agent (which is affiliated with PGIM Investments), as well as benefits to its reputation or other intangible benefits resulting from PGIM Investments’ association with the Fund. The Board concluded that the potential benefits to be derived by PGIM Fixed Income and PGIML included the ability to use soft dollar credits, as well as the potential benefits consistent with those generally resulting from an increase in assets under management, specifically, potential access to additional research resources and benefits to their reputations. The Board concluded that the benefits derived by PGIM Investments, PGIM Fixed Income, and PGIML were consistent with the types of benefits generally derived by investment managers and subadvisers to mutual funds.


Performance of the Fund / Fees and Expenses


The Board considered certain additional specific factors and made related conclusions relating to the historical performance of the Fund for the one-, three-, five- and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2016.


The Board also considered the Fund’s actual management fee, as well as the Fund’s net total expense ratio, for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2016. The Board considered the management fee for the Fund as compared to the management fee charged by PGIM Investments to other funds and the fee charged by other advisers to comparable mutual funds in a Peer Group. The actual management fee represents the fee rate actually paid by Fund shareholders and includes any fee waivers or reimbursements. The net total expense ratio for the Fund represents the actual expense ratio incurred by Fund shareholders.


Visit our website at pgiminvestments.com  

The Peer Universe is a custom peer universe of un-hedged mutual funds included in the Lipper Global Income Funds Performance Universe.3 The mutual funds included in the Peer Universe, which was used to consider performance, and the mutual funds included in the Peer Group, which was used to consider expenses and fees, were selected by PGIM Investments. To the extent that PGIM Investments deemed appropriate, and for reasons addressed in detail with the Board, PGIM Investments may have provided supplemental data compiled by Broadridge for the Board’s consideration. The comparisons placed the Fund in various quartiles, with the first quartile being the best 25% of the mutual funds (for performance, the best performing mutual funds and, for expenses, the lowest cost mutual funds).


The section below summarizes key factors considered by the Board and the Board’s conclusions regarding the Fund’s performance, fees and overall expenses. The table sets forth gross performance comparisons (which do not reflect the impact on performance of fund expenses, or any subsidies, expense caps or waivers that may be applicable) with the Peer Universe, actual management fees with the Peer Group (which reflect the impact of any subsidies or fee waivers), and net total expenses with the Peer Group, each of which were key factors considered by the Board.


Performance    1 Year    3 Years    5 Years    10 Years

2nd Quartile

   1st Quartile    1st Quartile    1st  Quartile
Actual Management Fees: 1st Quartile
Net Total Expenses: 1st Quartile



The Board noted that the Fund outperformed its benchmark index over all periods.


The Board and PGIM Investments agreed to continue the Fund’s existing expense caps, which cap the Fund’s annual operating expenses at 0.63% (exclusive of 12b-1 and certain other fees) and at 0.58% (exclusive of 12b-1, transfer agent, and certain other fees), through February 28, 2018.


The Board concluded that, in light of the above, it would be in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders to renew the agreements.


The Board concluded that the management fees (including subadvisory fees) and total expenses were reasonable in light of the services provided.


*    *    *


After full consideration of these factors, the Board concluded that the approval of the agreements was in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.



The Fund was compared to a custom peer universe of un-hedged mutual funds included in the Lipper Global Income Funds Performance Universe, although the Fund is classified in the Lipper Global Income Funds Performance Universe. The Fund was compared to the custom peer universe of un-hedged mutual funds included in the Global Income Funds Performance Universe because PGIM Investments believes that these funds provide a more appropriate basis for Fund performance comparisons.


Prudential Global Total Return Fund


655 Broad Street

Newark, NJ 07102


(800) 225-1852




The Board of Directors of the Fund has delegated to the Fund’s investment subadviser the responsibility for voting any proxies and maintaining proxy recordkeeping with respect to the Fund. A description of these proxy voting policies and procedures is available without charge, upon request, by calling (800) 225-1852. Information regarding how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available on the Fund’s website and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website.


Ellen S. Alberding  Kevin J. Bannon Scott E. Benjamin Linda W. Bynoe Barry H. Evans  Keith F. Hartstein  Laurie Simon Hodrick Michael S. Hyland Stuart S. Parker Richard A. Redeker Stephen G. Stoneburn Grace C. Torres


Stuart S. Parker, President Scott E. Benjamin, Vice President M. Sadiq Peshimam, Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer Raymond A. O’Hara, Chief Legal Officer Deborah A. Docs, Secretary Chad A. Earnst, Chief Compliance Officer Charles H. Smith, Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer Jonathan D. Shain, Assistant Secretary Claudia DiGiacomo, Assistant Secretary Andrew R. French, Assistant Secretary Peter Parrella, Assistant Treasurer Lana Lomuti, Assistant Treasurer Linda McMullin, Assistant Treasurer Kelly A. Coyne, Assistant Treasurer


MANAGER   PGIM Investments LLC   655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102


INVESTMENT SUBADVISER   PGIM Fixed Income   655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102


DISTRIBUTOR   Prudential Investment Management Services LLC   655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102


CUSTODIAN   The Bank of New York Mellon   225 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10286


TRANSFER AGENT   Prudential Mutual Fund Services LLC   PO Box 9658
Providence, RI 02940


  KPMG LLP   345 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10154


FUND COUNSEL   Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP   787 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019


An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. The prospectus and summary prospectus contain this and other information about the Fund. An investor may obtain a prospectus and summary prospectus by visiting our website at www.pgiminvestments.com or by calling (800) 225-1852. The prospectus and summary prospectus should be read carefully before investing.


To receive your mutual fund documents online, go to www.pgiminvestments.com/edelivery and enroll. Instead of receiving printed documents by mail, you will receive notification via email when new materials are available. You can cancel your enrollment or change your email address at any time by visiting the website address above.


Shareholders can communicate directly with the Board of Directors by writing to the Chair of the Board, Prudential Global Total Return Fund, PGIM Investments, Attn: Board of Directors, 655 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102. Shareholders can communicate directly with an individual Director by writing to the same address. Communications are not screened before being delivered to the addressee.


The Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Forms N-Q are available on the Commission’s website at www.sec.gov. The Fund’s Forms N-Q may also be reviewed and copied at the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Information on the operation and location of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. The Fund’s schedule of portfolio holdings is also available on the Fund’s website as of the end of each month no sooner than 15 days after the end of the month.


The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information contains additional information about the Fund’s Directors and is available without charge, upon request, by calling (800) 225-1852.


Mutual Funds:








SHARE CLASS   A   B   C   Q   Z
CUSIP   74439A103   74439A202   74439A301   74439A509   74439A400



Item 2 – Code of Ethics – See Exhibit (a)

As of the end of the period covered by this report, the registrant has adopted a code of ethics (the “Section 406 Standards for Investment Companies – Ethical Standards for Principal Executive and Financial Officers”) that applies to the registrant’s Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer; the registrant’s Principal Financial Officer also serves as the Principal Accounting Officer.

The registrant hereby undertakes to provide any person, without charge, upon request, a copy of the code of ethics. To request a copy of the code of ethics, contact the registrant 800-225-1852, and ask for a copy of the Section 406 Standards for Investment Companies - Ethical Standards for Principal Executive and Financial Officers.

Item 3 – Audit Committee Financial Expert –

The registrant’s Board has determined that Mr. Kevin J. Bannon, member of the Board’s Audit Committee is an “audit committee financial expert,” and that he is “independent,” for purposes of this Item.

Item 4 – Principal Accountant Fees and Services –

(a) Audit Fees

For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2017 and October 31, 2016, KPMG LLP (“KPMG”), the Registrant’s principal accountant, billed the Registrant $66,651 and $66,339 respectively, for professional services rendered for the audit of the Registrant’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings.

(b) Audit-Related Fees

For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2017 and October 31, 2016: none.

(c) Tax Fees

For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2017 and October 31, 2016: none.

(d) All Other Fees

For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2017 and October 31, 2016: none.

(e) (1) Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures




Pre-Approval of Services Provided by the Independent Accountants

The Audit Committee of each Prudential Mutual Fund is charged with the responsibility to monitor the independence of the Fund’s independent accountants. As part of this responsibility, the Audit Committee must pre-approve the independent accounting firm’s engagement to render audit and/or permissible non-audit services, as required by law. In evaluating a proposed engagement of the independent accountants, the Audit Committee will assess the effect that the engagement might reasonably be expected to have on the accountant’s independence. The Committee’s evaluation will be based on:


    a review of the nature of the professional services expected to be provided,


    a review of the safeguards put into place by the accounting firm to safeguard independence, and


    periodic meetings with the accounting firm.

Policy for Audit and Non-Audit Services Provided to the Funds

On an annual basis, the scope of audits for each Fund, audit fees and expenses, and audit-related and non-audit services (and fees proposed in respect thereof) proposed to be performed by the Fund’s independent accountants will be presented by the Treasurer and the independent accountants to the Audit Committee for review and, as appropriate, approval prior to the initiation of such services. Such presentation shall be accompanied by confirmation by both the Treasurer and the independent accountants that the proposed non-audit services will not adversely affect the independence of the independent accountants. Such proposed non-audit services shall be described in sufficient detail to enable the Audit Committee to assess the appropriateness of such services and fees, and the compatibility of the provision of such services with the auditor’s independence. The Committee shall receive periodic reports on the progress of the audit and other services which are approved by the Committee or by the Committee Chair pursuant to authority delegated in this Policy.

The categories of services enumerated under “Audit Services”, “Audit-related Services”, and “Tax Services” are intended to provide guidance to the Treasurer and the independent accountants as to those categories of services which the Committee believes are generally consistent with the independence of the independent accountants and which the Committee (or the Committee Chair) would expect upon the presentation of specific proposals to pre-approve. The enumerated categories are not intended as an exclusive list of audit, audit-related or tax services, which the Committee (or the Committee Chair) would consider for pre-approval.

Audit Services

The following categories of audit services are considered to be consistent with the role of the Fund’s independent accountants:


  Ø Annual Fund financial statement audits
  Ø Seed audits (related to new product filings, as required)
  Ø SEC and regulatory filings and consents

Audit-related Services

The following categories of audit-related services are considered to be consistent with the role of the Fund’s independent accountants:


  Ø Accounting consultations
  Ø Fund merger support services
  Ø Agreed Upon Procedure Reports
  Ø Attestation Reports
  Ø Other Internal Control Reports

Individual audit-related services that fall within one of these categories (except for fund merger support services) and are not presented to the Audit Committee as part of the annual pre-approval process are subject to an authorized pre-approval by the Audit Committee so long as the estimated fee for those services does not exceed $30,000. Any services provided under such pre-approval will be reported to the Audit Committee at its next regular meeting. Should the amount of such services exceed $30,000 any additional fees will be subject to pre-approval by the Committee Chair (or any other Committee member on whom this responsibility has been delegated). Fees related to fund merger support services are subject to a separate authorized pre-approval by the Audit Committee with fees determined on a per occurrence and merger complexity basis.

Tax Services

The following categories of tax services are considered to be consistent with the role of the Fund’s independent accountants:


  Ø Tax compliance services related to the filing or amendment of the following:
       ◾    Federal, state and local income tax compliance; and,
       ◾    Sales and use tax compliance
  Ø Timely RIC qualification reviews
  Ø Tax distribution analysis and planning
  Ø Tax authority examination services
  Ø Tax appeals support services
  Ø Accounting methods studies
  Ø Fund merger support services
  Ø Tax consulting services and related projects

Individual tax services that fall within one of these categories and are not presented to the Audit Committee as part of the annual pre-approval process are subject to an authorized pre-approval by the Audit Committee so long as the estimated fee for those services does not exceed $30,000. Any services provided under such pre-approval will be reported to the Audit Committee at its next regular meeting. Should the amount of such services exceed $30,000 any additional fees will be subject to pre-approval by the Committee Chair (or any other Committee member on whom this responsibility has been delegated).

Other Non-Audit Services

Certain non-audit services that the independent accountants are legally permitted to render will be subject to pre-approval by the Committee or by one or more Committee members to whom the Committee has delegated this authority and who will report to the full Committee any pre-approval decisions made pursuant to this Policy. Non-audit services presented for pre-approval pursuant to this paragraph will be accompanied by a confirmation from both the Treasurer and the independent accountants that the proposed services will not adversely affect the independence of the independent accountants.

Proscribed Services

The Fund’s independent accountants will not render services in the following categories of non-audit services:


  Ø Bookkeeping or other services related to the accounting records or financial statements of the Fund
  Ø Financial information systems design and implementation
  Ø Appraisal or valuation services, fairness opinions, or contribution-in-kind reports
  Ø Actuarial services
  Ø Internal audit outsourcing services
  Ø Management functions or human resources
  Ø Broker or dealer, investment adviser, or investment banking services
  Ø Legal services and expert services unrelated to the audit
  Ø Any other service that the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board determines, by regulation, is impermissible.

Pre-approval of Non-Audit Services Provided to Other Entities Within the Prudential Fund Complex

Certain non-audit services provided to PGIM Investments LLC or any of its affiliates that also provide ongoing services to the Prudential Mutual Funds will be subject to pre-approval by the Audit Committee. The only non-audit services provided to these entities that will require pre-approval are those related directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Funds. Individual projects that are not presented to the Audit Committee as part of the annual pre-approval process will be subject to pre-approval by the Committee Chair (or any other Committee member on whom this responsibility has been delegated) so long as the estimated fee for those services does not exceed $30,000. Services presented for pre-approval pursuant to this paragraph will be accompanied by a confirmation from both the Treasurer and the independent accountants that the proposed services will not adversely affect the independence of the independent accountants.

Although the Audit Committee will not pre-approve all services provided to PGIM Investments LLC and its affiliates, the Committee will receive an annual report from the Fund’s independent accounting firm showing the aggregate fees for all services provided to PGIM Investments LLC and its affiliates.

(e) (2) Percentage of services referred to in 4(b) – 4(d) that were approved by the audit committee

For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2017 and October 31, 2016: none.

(f) Percentage of hours expended attributable to work performed by other than full time employees of principal accountant if greater than 50%.

The percentage of hours expended on the principal accountant’s engagement to audit the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant’s full-time, permanent employees was 0%.

(g) Non-Audit Fees

The aggregate non-audit fees billed by KPMG for services rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2017 and October 31, 2016 was $0 and $0, respectively.

(h) Principal Accountant’s Independence

Not applicable as KPMG has not provided non-audit services to the registrant’s investment adviser and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to Rule 2-01(c)(7)(ii) of Regulation S-X.


Item 5 –   Audit Committee of Listed Registrants – Not applicable.
Item 6 –   Schedule of Investments – The schedule is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.
Item 7 –   Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not applicable.
Item 8 –   Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not applicable.
Item 9 –   Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers – Not applicable.
Item 10 –   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders – Not applicable.
Item 11 –   Controls and Procedures


  (a) It is the conclusion of the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer that the effectiveness of the registrant’s current disclosure controls and procedures (such disclosure controls and procedures having been evaluated within 90 days of the date of this filing) provide reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed by the registrant has been recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time period specified in the Commission’s rules and forms and that the information required to be disclosed by the registrant has been accumulated and communicated to the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer in order to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.


  (b) There has been no significant change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12 – Exhibits


  (a) (1) Code of Ethics – Attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.CODE-ETH


  (2) Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – Attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.CERT.


  (3) Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1. – Not applicable.


  (b) Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act – Attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.906CERT.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Registrant:    Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc.
By:    /s/ Deborah A. Docs
   Deborah A. Docs
Date:    December 20, 2017

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By:    /s/ Stuart S. Parker
   Stuart S. Parker
   President and Principal Executive Officer
Date:    December 20, 2017
By:    /s/ M. Sadiq Peshimam
   M. Sadiq Peshimam
   Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer
Date:    December 20, 2017
EX-99.CODE-ETH 2 d497418dex99codeeth.htm CODE OF ETHICS Code of Ethics




I. Covered Officers/Purpose of the Code

This code of ethics (the “Code”) is established for the funds listed on Attachment A hereto (each a Fund” and together the “Funds”) pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the rules adopted thereunder by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The Code applies to each Fund’s Principal Executive Officer, Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer or Controller, or senior officers performing similar functions (the “Covered Officers” each of whom are set forth in Exhibit B) for the purpose of promoting:


    honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;


    full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that a registrant files with, or submits to, the SEC and in other public communications made by a Fund;


    compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations;


    the prompt internal reporting of violations of the Code to an appropriate person or persons identified in the Code; and


    accountability for adherence to the Code.

Each Covered Officer should adhere to a high standard of business ethics and should be sensitive to situations that may give rise to actual as well as apparent conflicts of interest.


II. Conflicts of Interest

A “conflict of interest” occurs when a Covered Officer’s private interest interferes with the interests of, or his service to, a Fund. For example, a conflict of interest would arise if a Covered Officer, or a member of his family, receives improper personal benefits as a result of his position with a Fund.

Certain conflicts of interest arise out of the relationships between Covered Officers and a Fund and already are subject to conflict of interest provisions in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”). For example, Covered Officers may not individually engage in certain transactions (such as the purchase or sale of securities or other property) with a Fund because of their status as “affiliated persons” of the Fund. A Fund’s and its investment adviser’s compliance programs and procedures are designed to prevent, or identify and correct, violations of these provisions. This Code does not, and is not intended to, repeat or replace these programs and procedures, and such conflicts fall outside of the parameters of this Code.

Although typically not presenting an opportunity for improper personal benefit, conflicts arise from, or as a result of, the contractual relationships between a Fund and the Fund’s investment adviser, principal underwriter, administrator, or other service providers to the Fund (together “Service Providers”), of which the Covered Officers may also be principals or employees. As a result, this Code recognizes that the Covered Officers will, in the normal course of their duties (whether formally for a Fund or for a Service Provider, or for both), be involved in establishing policies and implementing decisions that will have different effects on such Service Providers and a Fund. The participation of the Covered Officers in such activities is inherent in the contractual relationships between a Fund and its Service Providers and is consistent with the performance by the Covered Officers of their duties as officers of the Fund. Thus, if performed in conformity with the provisions of the 1940 Act and the Advisers Act, such activities will be deemed to have been handled ethically. In addition, it is recognized by the Funds’ Board of Directors/Trustees (“Boards”) that the Covered Officers may also be officers or employees of one or more other investment companies covered by this or other codes.

Other conflicts of interest are covered by the Code, even if such conflicts of interest are not subject to provisions in the 1940 Act and the Advisers Act. The following list provides examples of conflicts of interest under the Code, but Covered Officers should keep in mind that these examples are not exhaustive. The overarching principle is that the personal interest of a Covered Officer should not be placed improperly before the interest of a Fund.

Each Covered Officer must:



not use his personal influence or personal relationships improperly to influence investment decisions or


financial reporting by a Fund whereby the Covered Officer would benefit personally to the detriment of the Fund;


    not cause a Fund to take action, or fail to take action, for the individual personal benefit of the Covered Officer rather than the benefit the Fund; and


    not retaliate against any other Covered Officer or any employee of a Fund or its affiliated persons for reports of potential violations that are made in good faith.

There are some actual or potential conflict of interest situations that should always be brought to the attention of, and discussed with, the Funds’ Chief Legal Officer or other senior legal officer, if material. Examples of these include:


    service as a director on the board of any public or private company;


    the receipt of any non-nominal gifts;


    the receipt of any entertainment from any company with which a Fund has current or prospective business dealings unless such entertainment is business-related, reasonable in cost, appropriate as to time and place, and not so frequent as to raise any question of impropriety;


    any ownership interest in (other than insubstantial interests in publicly traded entities), or any consulting or employment relationship with, any of a Fund’s Service Providers, other than its investment adviser, principal underwriter, administrator or any affiliated person thereof; and


    a direct or indirect financial interest in commissions, transaction charges or spreads paid by a Fund for effecting portfolio transactions or for selling or redeeming shares other than an interest arising from the Covered Officer’s employment, such as compensation or equity ownership.


III. Disclosure and Compliance

Each Covered Officer:


    should familiarize himself with the disclosure requirements generally applicable to the Funds;


    should not knowingly misrepresent, or cause others to misrepresent, facts about a Fund to others, whether within or outside the Fund, including to the Fund’s Board of Directors/Trustees and its auditors, and to governmental regulators and self-regulatory organizations;


    should, to the extent appropriate within his area of responsibility, consult with other officers and employees of a Fund and its Service Providers with the goal of promoting full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in the reports and documents the Fund files with, or submits to, the SEC and in other public communications made by the Fund; and


    is responsible to promote compliance with the standards and restrictions imposed by applicable laws, rules and regulations.


IV. Reporting and Accountability

Each Covered Officer must:


    upon adoption of the Code (or thereafter as applicable, upon becoming a Covered Officer), affirm in writing to the Board of Directors/Trustees that he has received, read, and understands the Code;


    annually thereafter affirm to the Board of Directors/Trustees that he has complied with the requirements of the Code; and


    notify the Funds’ Chief Legal Officer promptly if he knows of any violation of this Code. Failure to do so is itself a violation of this Code.

The Funds’ Chief Legal Officer is responsible for applying this Code to specific situations in which questions are presented under it and has the authority to interpret this Code in any particular situation. In such situations, the Chief Legal Officer is authorized to consult, as appropriate, with counsel to the Funds, counsel to the Independent Directors/Trustees, a Board Committee comprised of Independent Directors/Trustees, or the full Board.

The Funds will follow the following procedures in investigating and enforcing this Code:


    the Funds Chief Legal Officer will take all appropriate action to investigate any potential violations reported to her;


    if, after such investigation, the Chief Legal Officer believes that no violation has occurred, the Chief Legal Officer is not required to take any further action;


    any matter that the Chief Legal Officer believes is a violation or that the Chief Legal Officer believes should be reviewed by a Fund’s Board or Board Committee comprised of Independent Directors/Trustees will be reported to the Fund’s Board or Board Committee comprised of Independent Directors/Trustees;


    based upon its review of any matter referred to it, a Fund’s Board or Board Committee comprised of Independent Directors/Trustees shall determine whether or not a violation has occurred, whether a grant of waiver is appropriate or whether some other action should be taken. Based upon its determination, the Fund’s Board or Board Committee comprised of Independent Directors/Trustees may take such action as it deems appropriate, which may include without limitation: modifications of applicable policies and procedures; notification to appropriate personnel of the Fund’s investment adviser, principal underwriter or administrator, or their boards; notification to other Funds for which the Covered Officer serves as a Covered Officer; or recommendation to dismiss the Covered Officer; and


    any changes to or waivers of this Code will, to the extent required, be disclosed as provided by SEC rules.


V. Other Policies and Procedures

This Code shall be the sole code of ethics adopted by the Funds for purposes of Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the rules and forms applicable to registered investment companies thereunder. Insofar as other policies or procedures of a Fund or its Service Providers govern or purport to govern the behavior or activities of the Covered Officers who are subject to this Code, they are superseded by this Code to the extent that they overlap or conflict with the provisions of this Code. The Funds’ and their investment adviser’s and principal underwriter’s code of ethics under Rule 17j-1 under the 1940 Act are separate requirements applying to the Covered Officers and others, and are not part of this Code.


VI. Amendments

Any amendments to this Code, other than amendments to Exhibit A, must be approved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board, including a majority of Independent Directors/Trustees.


VII. Confidentiality

All reports and records prepared or maintained pursuant to this Code will be considered confidential and shall be maintained and protected accordingly. Except as otherwise required by law or this Code, such matters shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the Fund Board of Directors/Trustees, counsel to the Fund, and counsel to the Fund Independent Directors/Trustees.


VIII.  Internal Use

The Code is intended solely for the internal use by the Funds and does not constitute an admission, by or on behalf of a Fund, as to any fact, circumstance, or legal conclusion.


IX. Recordkeeping

A Fund shall keep the information disclosed about waivers and amendments under the Code for the period of time as specified in the rules adopted pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and furnish such information to the SEC or its staff upon request.

Adopted and approved as of September 3, 2003.


Funds Covered by this Code of Ethics

Prudential Mutual Funds

Target Mutual Funds

The Prudential Variable Contract Account – 2

The Prudential Variable Contract Account – 10

Advanced Series Trust

Prudential’s Gibraltar Fund, Inc.

The Prudential Series Fund

Prudential Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc.

Prudential Global Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc.


Persons Covered by this Code of Ethics

Stuart S. Parker – President and Chief Executive Officer of the Prudential Mutual Funds, the Target Mutual Funds, Prudential Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc., Prudential Global Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc. and The Prudential Variable Contract Accounts – 2 and -10.

Timothy S. Cronin – President and Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Series Trust, Prudential’s Gibraltar Fund, Inc. and The Prudential Series Fund.

M. Sadiq Peshimam– Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer for the Prudential Mutual Funds, the Target Mutual Funds, Prudential Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc., Prudential Global Short Duration High Yield Fund, Inc. ,The Prudential Variable Contract Accounts – 2 and -10, Advanced Series Trust, Prudential’s Gibraltar Fund, Inc. and The Prudential Series Fund.

EX-99.CERT 3 d497418dex99cert.htm CERTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 302 Certifications pursuant to Section 302

Item 12

Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc.

Annual period ending 10/31/17

File No. 811-04661


I, Stuart S. Parker, certify that:


  1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of the above named Fund;


  2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


  3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report.


  4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:


  a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


  b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and;


  d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


  5. The registrant’s other certifying officers and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



  a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and


  b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

December 20, 2017


/s/ Stuart S. Parker
Stuart S. Parker
President and Principal Executive Officer



Item 12

Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc.

Annual period ending 10/31/17

File No. 811-04661


I, M. Sadiq Peshimam, certify that:


  1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of the above named Fund;


  2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


  3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report.


  4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:


  a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


  b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and;


  d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


  5. The registrant’s other certifying officers and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



  a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and


  b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

December 20, 2017


/s/ M. Sadiq Peshimam
M. Sadiq Peshimam

Treasurer and Principal Financial and

Accounting Officer



EX-99.906CERT 4 d497418dex99906cert.htm CERTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 906 Certifications pursuant to Section 906

Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350

As Adopted Pursuant to

Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Name of Issuer:             Prudential Global Total Return Fund, Inc.

In connection with the Report on Form N-CSR of the above-named issuer that is accompanied by this certification, the undersigned hereby certifies, to his or her knowledge, that:


1. The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and


2. The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Issuer.

December 20, 2017

/s/ Stuart S. Parker
Stuart S. Parker
President and Principal Executive Officer

December 20, 2017

/s/ M. Sadiq Peshimam
M. Sadiq Peshimam
Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer
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