N-PX 1 brd0310000791271.txt BRD0310000791271.TXT UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-4630 NAME OF REGISTRANT: John Hancock Investment Trust III ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 601 Congress Street Boston, MA 02210 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: Charles Rizzo 601 Congress Street Boston, MA 02210 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 617-663-3000 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 10/31 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2010 - 06/30/2011 2X42 John Hancock Funds Greater China Opportunities Fund -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA Agenda Number: 702754525 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y00289119 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 02-Mar-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000Q43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110114/LTN20110114214.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTIONS "1 to 6". THANK YOU. 1 To consider and approve the amended rules of Mgmt For For procedures of shareholders' general meeting as set out in Appendix I of the circular of the Bank dated 14 January 2011 2 To consider and approve the amended rules of Mgmt For For procedures of the board of directors as set out in Appendix II of the circular of the Bank dated 14 January 2011 3 To consider and approve the amended rules of Mgmt For For procedures of the board of supervisors as set out in Appendix III of the circular of the Bank dated 14 January 2011 4(i) To consider and approve the appointment of Mr. Mgmt For For Frederick Ma Si-Hang as an independent non-executive director of the Bank 4(ii) To consider and approve the appointment of Mr. Mgmt For For Wen Tiejun as an independent non-executive director of the Bank 5 To consider and approve the proposed purchase Mgmt For For of liability insurance for directors, supervisors and senior management, and to authorize the board of directors of the Bank to deal with matters in connection with the purchase and renewal of such liability insurance as set out in the circular of the Bank dated 14 January 2011 6 To consider and approve the issue of subordinated Mgmt For For bonds of not exceeding RMB50 billion. The subordinated bonds shall be issued to institutional investors in the national inter-bank bond market with a term of no less than 5 years and by reference to market interest rate. The board of directors of the Bank shall be authorized to delegate the senior management to handle matters and to execute all necessary legal documents in relation to the issue of subordinated bonds, including without limitation obtaining approvals from relevant government authorities, and determining the aggregate principal amounts, time, tranches, terms of issuance, maturity, interest rates and listing of bonds, which shall remain valid for 24 months from the date of the passing of this resolution CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN SPLIT VOTING CONDITIONS FROM "N" TO "Y" AND CHANGE IN RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIA GROUP LTD Agenda Number: 702874466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y002A1105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0000069689 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110325/LTN20110325262.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements of the Company, the Report of the Directors and the Independent Auditors' Report for the year ended 30 November 2010 2 To re-elect Mr. Edmund Sze Wing Tse as Non-executive Mgmt For For Director of the Company 3 To re-elect Mr. Mark Edward Tucker as Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Company 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors Mgmt For For of the Company for the term from the passing of this resolution until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting and to authorise the board of directors of the Company (the "Board") to fix their remuneration 5.A To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue, grant and deal with additional shares of the Company, not exceeding twenty per cent (20%) of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of this Resolution 5.B To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares of the Company, not exceeding ten per cent (10%) of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of this Resolution 5.C Conditional on the passing of Resolutions 5(A) Mgmt Against Against and 5(B), to authorise the Directors to exercise the powers to allot, issue, grant and deal with additional shares of the Company under Resolution 5(A) in respect of the aggregate nominal amount of the shares repurchased by the Company 5.D To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to allot, issue and deal with additional shares of the Company under the restricted share unit scheme approved and adopted by the Company on 28 September 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIR CHINA LTD Agenda Number: 702643479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y002A6104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000001S0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 741144 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL THE RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100910/LTN20100910634.pdf and http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101013/LTN20101013561.pdf 1 To consider and approve the continuing connected Mgmt For For transactions between the Company and Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 2.1 Mr. Kong Dong is appointed as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.2 Ms. Wang Yinxiang is appointed as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.3 Mr. Cao Jianxiong is appointed as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.4 Mr. Sun Yude is appointed as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.5 Mr. Christopher Dale Pratt is appointed as a Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 2.6 Mr. Ian Sai Cheung Shiu is appointed as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.7 Mr. Cai Jianjiang is appointed as an Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.8 Mr. Fan Cheng is appointed as an Executive Director Mgmt For For 2.9 Mr. Jia Kang is appointed as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 2.10 Mr. Fu Yang is appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.11 Mr. Han Fangming is appointed as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 2.12 Mr. Li Shuang is appointed as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 2.13 To consider and approve the proposal on the Mgmt For For emolument of the Directors of the third session of the Board of the Company 3.1 Mr. Li Qingling is appointed as a supervisor Mgmt For For representing the shareholders of the Company 3.2 Mr. Zhang Xueren is appointed as a supervisor Mgmt For For representing the shareholders of the Company 3.3 Mr. He Chaofan is appointed as a supervisor Mgmt For For representing the shareholders of the Company 3.4 To consider and approve the proposal on the Mgmt For For emolument of the supervisors of the third session of the supervisory committee of the Company 4 To consider and approve the Company's purchase Mgmt For For of 20 Boeing 737-800 aircraft from Boeing Company; to consider and approve Shenzhen Airlines Limited (a subsidiary of the Company)'s purchase of 10 Airbus 320-series aircraft from Airbus Company; to consider and approve the Company's purchase of 15 Boeing 787-9 aircraft from Boeing Company; and to consider and approve the Company's purchase of 4 Boeing 777-300ER aircraft from Boeing Company CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN TEXT OF RESOLUTION 2.1 TO 2.13 AND 3.1 TO 3.4. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANHUI CONCH CEM CO LTD Agenda Number: 702953604 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y01373102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 31-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000001W2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK:http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110413/LTN20110413578.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To approve the report of the board of directors Mgmt For For (the "Board") of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To approve the report of the supervisory committee Mgmt For For of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To approve the audited financial reports prepared Mgmt For For in accordance with the accounting standards generally accepted in the PRC and International Financial Reporting Standards respectively for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To approve the appointment of Ms Zhang Mingjing Mgmt For For as an executive director of the Company 5 To approve the reappointment of KPMG Huazhen Mgmt For For Certified Public Accountants and KPMG Certified Public Accountants as the PRC auditors and international auditors of the Company respectively, and to authorise the Board to determine the remuneration of the auditors 6 To approve the Company's profit distribution Mgmt For For proposal for year 2010 7 To approve the extension of the validity period Mgmt For For of the resolution regarding the issue of corporate bonds by one year 8 To approve the grant of a mandate to the Board Mgmt Against Against to exercise the power to allot and issue new shares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK CHINA LTD Agenda Number: 702544760 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0698A107 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 20-Aug-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000001Z5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100702/LTN201007021317.pdf S.1.1 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the rights issue as specified in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 the ''Circular'' ; subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the rights issue as specified in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares the ''rights shares'' of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms; type and nominal value of the rights shares S.1.2 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the rights issue as specified in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 the ''Circular'' ; subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the rights issue as specified in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares the ''rights shares'' of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms; proportion and number of the rights shares to be issued S.1.3 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the rights issue as specified in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 the ''Circular'' ; subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the rights issue as specified in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares the ''rights shares'' of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms; subscription price for the rights shares S.1.4 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the rights issue as specified in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 the ''Circular'' ; subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the rights issue as specified in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares the ''rights shares'' of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms; target subscribers for the rights issue S.1.5 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the rights issue as specified in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 the ''Circular'' ; subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the rights issue as specified in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares the ''rights shares'' of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms; use of proceeds S.1.6 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the rights issue as specified in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 the ''Circular'' ; subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the rights issue as specified in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares the ''rights shares'' of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms; effective period of the resolution S.1.7 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the rights issue as specified in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 the ''Circular'' ; subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the rights issue as specified in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares the ''rights shares'' of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms; authorization for the rights issue 2 Approve all shareholders after the completion Mgmt For For of the rights issue will be entitled to share the accumulated undistributed profits of the Bank prior to the rights issue in proportion to their shareholding, further details of which are set out in the Circular as specified 3 Approve the proposal in relation to the feasibility Mgmt For For analysis report the ''Feasibility Analysis Report'' on the use of proceeds raised from the rights issue was approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank the ''Board'' , further details of which are set out in the Circular as specified; the Feasibility Analysis Report 4 Approve, pursuant to the applicable laws and Mgmt For For regulations of the PRC, a report has been prepared by the Board on the use of proceeds raised from the previous issuance of securities by the Bank ''Report on the use of proceeds raised from previous issuance'' , further details of which are specified in the Circular; the report on the use of proceeds raised from previous issuance 5.1 Approve the re-election of Ms. Hong Zhihua as Mgmt For For a Non-Executive Director 5.2 Approve the re-election of Ms. Huang Haibo as Mgmt For For a Non-Executive Director 5.3 Approve the re-election of Mr. Cai Haoyi as Mgmt For For a Non-Executive Director 5.4 Approve the election of Ms. Sun Zhijun as a Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 5.5 Approve the election of Ms. Liu Lina as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 5.6 Approve the election of Ms. Jiang Yansong as Mgmt For For a Non-Executive Director 5.7 Approve the election of Mr. Chow Man Yiu, Paul Mgmt For For as an Independent Non-Executive Director 6 Approve the proposal in relation to the remuneration Mgmt For For plan for the Chairman, Executive Directors, Chairman of Board of Supervisors and Supervisors of 2009 by the Board ''remuneration plan for the Chairman, Executive Directors, Chairman of Board of Supervisors and Supervisors of 2009'' , further details of which are specified in the Circular; the remuneration plan for the Chairman, Executive Directors, Chairman of Board of Supervisors and Supervisors of 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK CHINA LTD Agenda Number: 702542247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0698A107 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 20-Aug-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000001Z5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100702/LTN201007021323.pdf S.1.1 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the Rights Issue (as defined in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 (the "Circular")) and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the Rights Issue as set out in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares (the "Rights Shares") of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms: Type and nominal value of the Rights Shares S.1.2 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the Rights Issue (as defined in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 (the "Circular")) and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the Rights Issue as set out in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares (the "Rights Shares") of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms: Proportion and number of the Rights Shares to be issued S.1.3 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the Rights Issue (as defined in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 (the "Circular")) and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the Rights Issue as set out in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares (the "Rights Shares") of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms: Subscription Price for the Rights Shares S.1.4 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the Rights Issue (as defined in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 (the "Circular")) and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the Rights Issue as set out in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares (the "Rights Shares") of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms: Target subscribers for the Rights Issue S.1.5 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the Rights Issue (as defined in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 (the "Circular")) and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the Rights Issue as set out in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares (the "Rights Shares") of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms: Use of Proceeds S.1.6 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the Rights Issue (as defined in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 (the "Circular")) and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the Rights Issue as set out in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares (the "Rights Shares") of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms: Effective period of the resolution S.1.7 Approve the Bank has complied with the relevant Mgmt For For qualification requirements under the PRC laws and regulations in order to issue new shares pursuant to the Rights Issue (as defined in the circular issued by the Bank to the shareholders dated 02 JUL 2010 (the "Circular")) and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions in respect of the Rights Issue as set out in the Circular, the issue by way of rights of the ordinary shares(the "Rights Shares") of RMB 1.00 each in the capital of the Bank, on the following structure and terms: Authorization for the Rights Issue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK OF CHINA LTD, BEIJING Agenda Number: 702731212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0698A107 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Jan-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000001Z5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101213/LTN20101213446.pdf 1 Noted that the proposal in relation to the election Mgmt For For of independent non-executive director was approved by the board of directors of the Bank. Resolved that the election of Mr. Jackson P. Tai as independent non-executive director of the Bank be and is hereby approved 2 Noted that the proposal in relation to the issue Mgmt For For of RMB-denominated bonds by the Bank in Hong Kong for an aggregate amount not more than RMB20 billion by the end of 2012 was approved by the board of directors of the Bank. Resolved that the issue of RMB-denominated bonds by the Bank in Hong Kong for an aggregate amount not more than RMB20 billion by the end of 2012 be and is hereby approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK OF CHINA LTD, BEIJING Agenda Number: 702932725 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0698A107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000001Z5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110411/LTN20110411801.pdf 1 To consider and approve the 2010 Working Report Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors of the Bank 2 To consider and approve the 2010 Working Report Mgmt For For of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 3 To consider and approve the 2010 Annual Financial Mgmt For For Statements of the Bank 4 To consider and approve the 2010 Profit Distribution Mgmt For For Plan of the Bank 5 To consider and approve the 2011 Annual Budget Mgmt For For of the Bank 6 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs Limited Company and PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong as the Bank's external auditors for 2011 7.1 To consider and approve the election of Mr. Mgmt For For Zhang Xiangdong as a Non-Executive Director of the Bank 7.2 To consider and approve the election of Mr. Mgmt For For Zhang Qi as a Non-Executive Director of the Bank 8.1 To consider and approve the election of Mr. Mgmt For For Mei Xingbao as an External Supervisor of the Bank 8.2 To consider and approve the election of Ms. Mgmt For For Bao Guoming as an External Supervisor of the Bank 9 To consider and approve the proposal in relation Mgmt For For to the delegation of authority for issue of ordinary financial bonds by shareholders' meeting to the Board of Directors CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS CO LTD Agenda Number: 702540938 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y06988102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-Aug-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100705/LTN20100705744.pdf 1 Approve the work report of the Bank's Board Mgmt For For of Directors for the YE 31 DEC2009 2 Approve the report of the Bank's Board of Supervisors Mgmt For For for the YE 31 DEC 2009 3 Approve the audited consolidated financial statements Mgmt For For of the Bank for the YE 31 DEC 2009 4 Approve the fixed assets investment budget of Mgmt For For the Bank for the year ending 31 DEC 2010 5 Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as International Mgmt For For Auditors, with a remuneration of RMB 22 million, and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. as a Domestic Auditors of the Bank, with a remuneration of RMB 15.28 million, for a term ending at the next AGM 6 Approve the Bank's Capital Management Plan for Mgmt For For the Years 2010 - 2014 7 Approve the remuneration plan for the Directors Mgmt For For and Supervisors of the Bank for the YE 31 DEC 2009 8 Approve the Bank's Measures for the Delegation Mgmt For For of Authority to the Board of Directors by the Shareholders' General Meeting 9.a Appointment of Mr. Hu Huaibang as an Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of Bank 9.b Appointment of Mr. Niu Ximing as an Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.c Appointment of Mr. Qian Wenhui as an Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.d Appointment of Mr. Wang Bin as an Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.e Appointment of Mr. Zhang Jixiang as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.f Appointment of Mr. Hu Huating as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.g Appointment of Mr. Qian Hongyi as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.h Appointment of Mr. Peter Wong Tung Shun as a Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.i Appointment of Ms. Fung, Yuen Mei Anita as a Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.j Appointment of Mr. Ji Guoqiang as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.k Appointment of Mr. Lei Jun as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.l Appointment of Ms. Ma Xiaoyan as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.m Appointment of Mr. Chen Qingtai as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.n Appointment of Mr. Eric Li Ka-cheung as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.o Appointment of Mr. Gu Mingchao as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.p Appointment of Mr. Wang Weiqiang as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.q Appointment of Mr. Peter Hugh Nolan as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 9.r Appointment of Mr. Chen Zhiwu as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Bank 10.a Appointment of Mr. Hua Qingshan as a Supervisor Mgmt For For of the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.b Appointment of Ms. Zheng Li as an External Supervisor Mgmt For For of the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.c Appointment of Mr. Jiang Zuqi as an External Mgmt For For Supervisor of the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.d Appointment of Mr. Guo Yu as a Supervisor of Mgmt For For the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.e Appointment of Mr. Yang Fajia as a Supervisor Mgmt For For of the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.f Appointment of Mr. Zhu Hongjun as a Supervisor Mgmt For For of the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.g Appointment of Mr. Li Jin as a Supervisor of Mgmt For For the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.h Appointment of Mr. Gu Huizhong as a Supervisor Mgmt For For of the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 10.i Appointment of Mr. Yan Hong as a Supervisor Mgmt For For of the Sixth Session of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS CO LTD Agenda Number: 702745499 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y06988102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 23-Feb-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110104/LTN20110104017.pdf 1 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve: Mgmt For For a) the issue of RMB denominated bonds in Hong Kong (the "Bond Issue") by the Bank in the principal amount of no more than RMB20,000,000,000 before 31 December 2012; b) the board of directors of the Bank (the "Board"), be authorized to: (i) determine and finalize the terms and conditions of the proposed Bond Issue, including but not limited to, the final amount of issue, the offering method and the interest rate; and (ii) do all such acts and things, to sign and execute all such other documents, deeds, instruments and agreements (the "Ancillary Documents"), to make applications to the relevant regulatory authorities for the approval of Bond Issue and to take such steps as they may consider necessary, appropriate, expedient and in the interests of the CONTD CONT CONTD Bank to give effect to or in connection Non-Voting No vote with the Bond Issue or any transactions contemplated thereunder and all other matters incidental thereto, and to agree to any amendments to any of the terms of the Ancillary Documents which in the opinion of the Board are in the interests of the Bank -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOC HONG KONG HLDGS LTD Agenda Number: 702937559 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0920U103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 25-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK2388011192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110412/LTN20110412043.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To receive and consider the audited Statement Mgmt For For of Accounts and the Reports of the Directors and of the Auditor of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of HKD0.572 per Mgmt For For share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3a To re-elect Mr. He Guangbei as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company 3b To re-elect Mr. Li Zaohang as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company 3c To re-elect Dr. Fung Victor Kwok King as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company 3d To re-elect Mr. Shan Weijian as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditor Mgmt For For of the Company and authorise the Board of Directors or a duly authorised Committee of the Board to determine their remuneration 5 To grant a general mandate to the Board of Directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue and deal with additional shares in the Company, not exceeding 20% or, in the case of issue of shares solely for cash and unrelated to any asset acquisition, not exceeding 5% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this Resolution 6 To grant a general mandate to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares in the Company, not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing this Resolution 7 Conditional on the passing of Resolutions 5 Mgmt Against Against and 6, to extend the general mandate granted by Resolution 5 by adding thereto the shares repurchased pursuant to the general mandate granted by Resolution 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOC HONG KONG HLDGS LTD Agenda Number: 702940380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0920U103 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 25-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK2388011192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110412/LTN20110412053.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 That the Continuing Connected Transactions and Mgmt For For the New Caps, as defined and described in the circular dated 20 January 2011 to the shareholders of the Company, be and are hereby confirmed, approved and ratified CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATCHER TECHNOLOGY CO LTD Agenda Number: 703156845 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1148A101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002474004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 793049 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The indirect investment in people's republic Non-Voting No vote of China A.4 The status of the local unsecured convertible Non-Voting No vote corporate bonds B.1 The 2010 financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution. proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 4 per share B.3 The proposal of cash injection via new shares Mgmt For For issuance, local or euro convertible bonds B.4.1 The election of the supervisor: name: Lin Chen Mgmt For For Mei Id no: E220069904 B.4.2 The election of the supervisor: name: Chen Jiunn Mgmt For For Rong Id no.: D120885450 B.5 Other issues and extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEUNG KONG HLDGS LTD Agenda Number: 702932775 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y13213106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0001000014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110411/LTN20110411864.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To receive the audited Financial Statements, Mgmt For For the Report of the Directors and the Independent Auditor's Report for the year ended 31st December, 2010 2 To declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.1 To elect Mr. Li Ka-shing as Director Mgmt For For 3.2 To elect Mr. Chung Sun Keung, Davy as Director Mgmt For For 3.3 To elect Ms. Pau Yee Wan, Ezra as Director Mgmt For For 3.4 To elect Mr. Leung Siu Hon as Director Mgmt For For 3.5 To elect Mr. George Colin Magnus as Director Mgmt For For 3.6 To elect Mr. Simon Murray as Director Mgmt For For 3.7 To elect Mr. Cheong Ying Chew, Henry as Director Mgmt For For 4 To appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Mgmt For For as Auditor and authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration 5.1 Ordinary Resolution No. 5(1) of the Notice of Mgmt Against Against Annual General Meeting (To give a general mandate to the Directors to issue additional shares of the Company) 5.2 Ordinary Resolution No. 5(2) of the Notice of Mgmt For For Annual General Meeting (To give a general mandate to the Directors to repurchase shares of the Company) 5.3 Ordinary Resolution No. 5(3) of the Notice of Mgmt Against Against Annual General Meeting (To extend the general mandate granted to the Directors pursuant to Ordinary Resolution No. 5(1) to issue additional shares of the Company) 6 Special Resolution of the Notice of Annual General Mgmt For For Meeting (To approve the amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA COAL ENERGY CO LTD Agenda Number: 702701334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1434L100 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 23-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000528 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101107/LTN20101107019.pdf 1 To consider and approve the provision of financing Mgmt For For guarantee for Wangjialing Coal Mine of Huajin Coking Coal Company Limited 2.1 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Wang An to continue serving as Executive Director of the Company 2.2 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Yang Lieke to continue serving as Executive Director of the Company 2.3 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Peng Yi to serve as the Non-Executive Director of the Company 2.4 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Li Yanmeng to serve as the Non-Executive Director of the Company 2.5 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Zhang Ke to continue serving as the Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company 2.6 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Wu Rongkang to continue serving as the Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company 2.7 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Zhang Jiaren to serve as the Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company 2.8 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Zhao Pei to serve as the Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company 2.9 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of Directors of the second session of the Board: to appoint Mr. Ngai Wai Fung to serve as the Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company 3.1 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of the Non-Employee Representative Supervisors of the second session of the Supervisor Committee: to appoint Mr. Wang Xi to serve as the Non-Employee Representative Supervisor of the Company 3.2 To consider and approve the proposed appointment Mgmt For For of the Non-Employee Representative Supervisors of the second session of the Supervisor Committee: to appoint Mr. Zhou Litao to continue serving as the Non-Employee Representative Supervisor of the Company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA CONSTR BK CORP Agenda Number: 702563570 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1397N101 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 15-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002H1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100730/LTN20100730598.pdf 1 Election of Mr. Zhang Furong as the shareholder Mgmt For For representative Supervisor of the Bank PLEASE NOTE THE RESOLUTION 1 IS A SHAREHOLDER Non-Voting No vote RESOLUTION BUT THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF THE COMPANY RECOMMENDS FOR THEIR SHAREHOLDER'S TO VOTE "FOR" THIS RESOLUTION. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF AN ADDITIONAL COMMENT AND THE NAME OF SHAREHOLDER REPRESENTATIVE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA COSCO HLDGS CO LTD Agenda Number: 702694589 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1455B106 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 16-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002J7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 That: (a) the form and substance of the financial Mgmt Against Against services agreement dated 28 October 2010 (a copy of which is tabled at the meeting and marked "A" and initialed by the chairman of the meeting for identification purpose) (the "Financial Services Agreement") and the transactions contemplated under it be and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed; (b) the proposed annual caps as set out in the circular of the Company dated 01 November 2010, being the maximum daily outstanding balance of deposits (including accrued interest and handling fee) expected to be placed by the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding COSCO Pacific Limited and its subsidiaries) with COSCO Finance Ltd, under the Financial Services Agreement for the three financial years ending 31 December 2013, be and are hereby approved; (c) the proposed annual caps as set out in the circular of the Company date 1 November 2010, being the maximum daily outstanding balance of loans (including accrued interest and handling fee) expected to be granted by COSCO Finance Ltd, to the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding COSCO Pacific Limited and its subsidiaries) under the Financial Services Agreement for the three financial years ending 31 December 2013, be and are hereby approved; and (d) the execution of the Financial Services Agreement by any Director of the Company be and is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed and the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorized to take any step as they consider necessary, desirable or expedient in connection with the Financial Services Agreement and the transactions contemplated under it 2 That: (a) the form and substance of the master Mgmt For For vessel services agreement dated 28 October 2010 (a copy of which is tabled at the meeting and marked "B" and initialed by the chairman of the meeting for identification purpose) (the "Master Vessel Services Agreement") and the transactions contemplated under it be and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed; (b) the proposed annual caps as set out in the circular of the Company dated 01 November 2010, being the expected amount payable for the purchase of vessel services from China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company and its subsidiaries and associates under the Master Vessel Services Agreement for the three financial years ending on 31 December 2013, be and are hereby approved; (c) the proposed annual caps as set out in the circular of the Company dated 01 November 2010, being the expected amount receivable for the provision of vessel services to China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company and its subsidiaries and associates under the Master Vessel Services Agreement for the three financial years ending on 31 December 2013, be and are hereby approved; and (d) the execution of the Master Vessel Services Agreement by any Director of the Company be and is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed and the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorized to take any step as they consider necessary, desirable or expedient in connection with the Master Vessel Services Agreement and the transactions contemplated under it 3 That: (a) the form and substance of the master Mgmt For For general services agreement dated 28 October 2010, the master overseas agency agreement dated 28 October 2010, the master seamen leasing agreement dated 28 October 2010, the master premises leasing agreement dated 28 October 2010, the master container services agreement dated 28 October 2010, the master solicitation activities agreement dated 28 October 2010, the master port services agreement dated 28 October 2010, the time charter master agreement dated 28 October 2010, the freight forwarding master agreement dated 28 October 2010, the master vessel management agreement dated 28 October 2010, the shipping agency master agreement dated 28 October 2010 and the trademark licence agreement dated 28 October 2010 (copies of which are tabled at the meeting and marked "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M" and "N", respectively, and initialed by the chairman of the meeting for identification purpose), the seven sub-time charter agreement as extended by the extension letters dated 28 October 2010 (copies of which are tabled at the meeting and marked "O" and initialed by the chairman of the meeting for identification purpose), and the six sub-time charter agreements (copies of which are tabled at the meeting and marked "P" and initialed by the chairman of the meeting for identification purpose), and the transactions contemplated under them be and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed; (b) the respective proposed annual caps as set out in the circular of the Company dated 01 November 2010 under each of the agreements referred to in resolution 3(a) above for the three financial years ending 31 December 2013 be and are hereby approved; (c) the form and substance of the voyage charger (including TCT) master agreement dated 28 October 2010 (a copy of which is tabled at the meeting and marked "Q" and initialed by the chairman of the meeting for identification purpose) and the transactions contemplated under it be and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed; and (d) the execution of each of the agreements referred to in resolutions 3(a) and 3(c) above by any director of the Company be and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed, and the directors of the Company be and are hereby authorized to take steps as they consider necessary, desirable or expedient in connection with each of the agreements referred to in resolutions 3(a) and 3(c) above and the transactions contemplated under them PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO ADDITION Non-Voting No vote OF TEXT IN RESOLUTION 1. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA EASTN AIRLS LTD Agenda Number: 702695430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1406M102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 15-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002K5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101028/LTN20101028710.pdf 1 To consider and approve the setting up of Eastern Mgmt For For Airlines Yunnan Limited Corporation jointly by the Company and State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People's Government of Yunnan Province 2 To consider, approve, confirm and ratify a conditional Mgmt Against Against financial services agreement dated 15 October 2010 (the "Financial Services Renewal Agreement"), a copy of which will be produced to the EGM and initialed by the chairman of the EGM for the purpose of identification, entered into between the Company and (Eastern Air Group Finance Company Limited) and all transactions thereunder and the relevant associated maximum aggregate annual values in relation to the provision of deposit services to the Group as determined pursuant to and for the purpose of the connected transaction regulatory requirements under the Listing Rules, details of all of which are set out in the announcement of the Company dated 15 October 2010 (the "Announcement") under the paragraphs headed "Financial Services Renewal Agreement" and the circular of the Company dated 29 October 2010; CONTD CONT CONTD and to authorize any Director of the Company Non-Voting No vote to sign all such documents and/or do all such things and acts as he may consider necessary or expedient and in the interest of the Company for the purpose of effecting or otherwise in connection with all transactions relating to the provision of deposit services under the Financial Services Renewal Agreement or any matter incidental thereto 3 To consider, approve, confirm and ratify a conditional Mgmt For For catering services agreement dated 15 October 2010 (the "Catering Services Renewal Agreement") regarding the provision of catering services to the Group, a copy of which will be produced to the EGM and initialed by the chairman of the EGM for the purpose of identification, entered into between the Company and (Eastern Air Catering Investment Co. Ltd.) and all transactions thereunder in relation to the provision of catering services to the Group; and to authorize any director of the Company to sign all such documents and/or do all such things and acts as he may consider necessary or expedient and in the interest of the Company for the purpose of effecting or otherwise in connection with all transactions relating to the Catering Services Renewal Agreement or any matter incidental thereto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA EVERBRIGHT INTERNATIONAL LTD Agenda Number: 702840681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y14226107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0257001336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110314/LTN20110314555.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the report of the directors and independent auditor's report for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of HK1.5 cents per Mgmt For For share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3ai To re-elect Mr. Tang Shuangning as director Mgmt For For 3aii To re-elect Mr. Zang Qiutao as director Mgmt For For 3aiii To re-elect Mr. Li Xueming as director Mgmt For For 3aiv To re-elect Mr. Chen Xiaoping as director Mgmt For For 3av To re-elect Mr. Cai Shuguang as director Mgmt Against Against 3avi To re-elect Mr. Zhai Haitao as director Mgmt For For 3b To authorise the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of the directors 4 To re-appoint KPMG as auditors and to authorise Mgmt For For the board of directors to fix their remuneration 5i To grant a general mandate to the directors Mgmt Against Against to issue additional shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital (Ordinary resolution in item 5(1) of the notice of annual general meeting) 5ii To grant a general mandate to the directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital (Ordinary resolution in item 5(2) of the notice of annual general meeting) 5iii To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against directors to issue additional shares (Ordinary resolution in item 5(3) of the notice of annual general meeting) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA FOODS LTD Agenda Number: 703019922 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2154F109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BMG2154F1095 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110426/LTN20110426374.PDF CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To consider and adopt the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the reports of directors and auditors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of HK3.21 cents Mgmt For For per share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To re-elect Mr. Ning Gaoning as a director Mgmt Against Against 4 To re-elect Mr. Chi Jingtao as a director Mgmt Against Against 5 To re-elect Ms. Liu Ding as a director Mgmt For For 6 To re-elect Mr. Stephen Edward Clark as a director Mgmt For For 7 To re-elect Mr. Li Hung Kwan, Alfred as a director Mgmt For For 8 To authorise the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For directors' remuneration for the ensuing year 9 To re-appoint Ernst & Young as auditors for Mgmt For For the ensuing year and to authorize the board of directors to fix their remuneration 10 To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt Against Against allot, issue and deal with additional shares of the Company 11 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares in the capital of the Company 12 Subject to the passing of Resolutions 10 and Mgmt Against Against 11, to authorise the directors to issue additional shares representing the nominal value of the shares repurchased by the Company CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA LONGYUAN POWER GROUP CORPORATION LTD Agenda Number: 702853335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1501T101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 06-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000HD4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110321/LTN20110321290.pdf 1 To consider and approve the work report of the Mgmt For For board of directors (the "Board") of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and approve the supervisory board's Mgmt For For report of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To consider and approve the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the auditor's report of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To consider and approve the final accounts of Mgmt For For the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 5 To consider and approve the budget report of Mgmt For For the Company for the year ending 31 December 2011 6 To consider and approve the profit distribution Mgmt For For plan of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010, i.e., the proposal for distribution of a final dividend of RMB0.054 per share (tax inclusive) in cash in an aggregate amount of approximately RMB 403,072,000 for the year ended 31 December 2010, and to authorise the Board to implement the aforesaid distribution 7 To consider and approve the remuneration plan Mgmt For For for directors and supervisors of the Company for the year 2011 8 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For RSM China Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. and KPMG as the Company's PRC auditor and overseas auditor respectively for the year 2011 for a term until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company, and to authorise the audit committee under the Board to determine their remunerations 9 To consider and approve the private issue of Mgmt For For debt financing instruments with an aggregate principal amount of up to RMB5.0 billion (including RMB5.0 billion) in inter-bank market of the PRC and to authorise the Board to deal with all relevant matters relating to the private issue of debt financing instruments, and to approve the delegation of the authority by the Board to the President of the Company to deal with all such matters relating to such private issue of debt financing instruments within the scope of authorisation aforementioned 10 To grant to the Board a general mandate to issue, Mgmt Against Against allot and deal with additional domestic shares and H shares not exceeding 20% of each of the aggregate nominal values of the domestic shares and H shares of the Company respectively in issue, and to authorise the Board to make corresponding amendments to the articles of association of the Company as it thinks fit so as to reflect the new share capital structure upon the allotment or issue of additional shares pursuant to the mandate 11 To consider and approve the proposals (if any) Mgmt Against Against put forward at the AGM by shareholder(s) holding 3% or more of the shares of the Company carrying the right to vote thereat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA MERCHANTS HLDGS INTL CO LTD Agenda Number: 702536383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1489Q103 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 12-Aug-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0144000764 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100630/LTN20100630029.pdf 1 Approve the Entrustment Agreement and the transactions Mgmt For For contemplated there under PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EUROCLEAR DOES NOT OFFER Non-Voting No vote ANY VOTING SERVICES ON THIS ISSUE. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO INCLUSION Non-Voting No vote OF COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA MERCHANTS HLDGS INTL CO LTD Agenda Number: 702553199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1489Q103 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 12-Aug-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0144000764 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1. Re-elect Mr. Bong Shu Ying Francis as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA METAL RECYCLING HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702923752 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G21131100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG211311009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110407/LTN20110407382.pdf 1 To receive and adopt the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries and the reports of the directors and of the independent auditor for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 3.A To re-elect Mr. Fung Ka Lun as director Mgmt For For 3.B To re-elect Mr. Yan Qi Ping as director Mgmt For For 3.C To re-elect Mr. Jiang Yan Zhang as director Mgmt For For 3.D To re-elect Mr. Leung Chong Shun as director Mgmt For For 4 To authorize the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For directors' remuneration 5 To re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Mgmt For For as auditors and to authorize the board of directors to fix their remuneration 6 To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares of the Company 7 To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt Against Against issue, allot and deal with the unissued shares of the Company 8 To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against directors to issue shares by adding to it the number of shares repurchased by the Company CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA MOBILE LTD Agenda Number: 702932484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y14965100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0941009539 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110408/LTN20110408043.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 3.i To re-elect Xue Taohai as a Director Mgmt For For 3.ii To re-elect Huang Wenlin as a Director Mgmt For For 3.iii To re-elect Xu Long as a Director; and Mgmt Against Against 3.iv To re-elect Lo Ka Shui as a Director Mgmt For For 4 To re-appoint Messrs. KPMG as auditors and to Mgmt For For authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration 5 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares in the Company not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the existing issued share capital 6 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt Against Against issue, allot and deal with additional shares in the Company not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the existing issued share capital 7 To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against Directors to issue, allot and deal with shares by the number of shares repurchased -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA NATL BLDG MATL CO LTD Agenda Number: 702968198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15045100 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002N9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110415/LTN20110415710.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR THIS RESOLUTION. THANK YOU. 1 To consider and approve the proposed bonus issue Mgmt For For of shares on the basis of ten bonus shares for every ten shares held by shareholders of the Company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA NATL BLDG MATL CO LTD Agenda Number: 702972882 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15045100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002N9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110415/LTN20110415702.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS "1 TO 9". THANK YOU. 1 To consider and approve the report of the board Mgmt For For of directors of the Company (the "Board") for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and approve the report of the supervisory Mgmt For For committee of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To consider and approve the report of the auditors Mgmt For For and audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To consider and approve the proposed profit Mgmt For For distribution plan and the final dividend distribution plan of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 and to authorise the Board to distribute such final dividend to the shareholders of the Company 5 To consider and approve the authorisation of Mgmt For For the Board to deal with all matters in relation to the Company's distribution of interim dividend for the year 2011 in its absolute discretion (including, but not limited to, determining whether to distribute interim dividend for the year 2011) 6 To consider and approve the continuation of Mgmt For For appointment of Vocation International Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. as the PRC auditors of the Company and Baker Tilly Hong Kong Limited as the international auditors of the Company, to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company and to authorise the Board to determine their remuneration 7 To consider and approve the proposed bonus issue Mgmt For For of shares on the basis of ten bonus shares for every ten shares held by shareholders of the Company 8 For the purpose of increasing the flexibility Mgmt Against Against and efficiency in operation, to give a general mandate to the Board to allot, issue and deal with additional Domestic Shares not exceeding 20% of the Domestic Shares in issue and additional H Shares not exceeding 20% of the H Shares in issue and authorise the Board to make corresponding amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company as it thinks fit so as to reflect the new share capital structure upon the allotment or issuance of shares 9 To consider and approve the Company's issuance Mgmt Against Against of debt financing instruments in an aggregate amount of not exceeding 40% of the latest total audited net assets of the Company, and to authorize the Board to deal with all other matters in relation to the issuance of such debt financing instruments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA OILFIELD SVCS LTD Agenda Number: 702726627 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15002101 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 22-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002P4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 763450 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101115/LTN20101115463.pdf AND http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101206/LTN20101206891.pdf 1.A That, the master agreement dated 5 November Mgmt For For 2010 [the "Master Agreement"] entered into between the Company and China National Offshore Oil Corporation ["CNOOC"], a copy of which is tabled at the meeting and marked 'A' and initialed by the Chairman of the meeting for identification purpose, pursuant to which, the Company and its subsidiaries [the Group] and CNOOC and its subsidiaries [excluding the Group, the "CNOOC Group"] will enter into various transactions contemplated under the Agreement [the "Continuing Connected Transactions"], be and is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed 1.B The entering into of the Oilfield Services [as Mgmt For For defined in the circular of the Company dated 15 November 2010 [the Circular]] between the Group and the CNOOC Group and the cap amounts in relation to the Oilfield Services for the three financial years ending 31 December 2013 as specified, be and are hereby approved 1.C The entering into of the Material and Utilities Mgmt For For Services [as specified] between the Group and the CNOOC Group and the cap amounts in relation to the Material and Utilities Services for the three financial years ending 31 December 2013 as specified, be and are hereby approved 1.D The entering into of the Property Services [as Mgmt For For specified] between the Group and the CNOOC Group and the cap amounts in relation to the Property Services for the three financial years ending 31 December 2013 as specified, be and are hereby approved 1.E Any one Director of the Company, or any two Mgmt For For Directors of the Company if the affixation of the common seal is necessary, be and is/are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the Company to execute all such other documents, instruments and agreements and to do all such acts or things deemed by him/her to be incidental to, ancillary to or in connection with the matters contemplated in the Agreement 2. That the proposed amendments to the Articles Mgmt For For of Association of the Company [the "Articles of Association"] be and are hereby considered and approved, and any one Director or secretary to the Board be and is hereby authorised to deal with on behalf of the Company the relevant filing, amendments and registration [where necessary] procedures and other related issues arising from the amendments to the Articles of Association PLEASE NOTE THAT MANAGEMENT MAKES NO RECOMMENDATION Non-Voting No vote ON RESOLUTION 3. THANK YOU. 3. That the appointment of Mr. Li Feilong as an Mgmt For For Executive Director of the Company be and is hereby considered and approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA OILFIELD SVCS LTD Agenda Number: 702760162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15002101 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 08-Mar-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002P4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110121/LTN20110121569.pdf 1 That the use of proceeds in connection with Mgmt For For the A Share Issue be and is hereby approved by the Shareholders to be amended as follows: It is intended that the proceeds in connection with the A Share Issue will be used for the following projects: (1) building of oilfield service vessel(s) (approximately RMB3.54 billion (approximately HKD4.04 billion); (2) building of 200 feet jack-up rig(s) (approximately RMB1.24 billion (approximately HKD1.41 billion); (3) building of deep-water AHTS vessel(s) (approximately RMB 1.03 billion (approximately HKD1.17 billion)); (4) building of twelve-streamer seismic vessel(s) (approximately RMB 760 million (approximately HKD866 million)); and (5) building of deep-water survey vessel(s) (approximately RMB 430 million (approximately HKD490 million). The Company may invest in the above projects CONTD CONT CONTD through utilizing its internal resources Non-Voting No vote before the proceeds from the A Share Issue is made available to the Company. When the proceeds is available, the Company is authorised to apply the proceeds to any injected capital in relation to the above projects which is incurred before the completion of the A Share Issue. In the event that the proceeds in connection with the A Share Issue is not sufficient for the purpose of the above projects, the Company will utilise other funding sources to cover the shortfall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA OILFIELD SVCS LTD Agenda Number: 702760186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15002101 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 08-Mar-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002P4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110121/LTN20110121571.pdf 1 That the A Share Issue be and is hereby approved Mgmt For For by the Shareholders to be amended as follows: It is intended that the proceeds in connection with the A Share Issue will be used for the following projects: (1) building of oilfield service vessel(s) (approximately RMB3.54 billion (approximately HKD4.04 billion); (2) building of 200 feet jack-up rig(s) (approximately RMB1.24 billion (approximately HKD1.41 billion); (3) building of deep-water AHTS vessel(s) (approximately RMB 1.03 billion (approximately HKD1.17 billion)); (4) building of twelve-streamer seismic vessel(s) (approximately RMB 760 million (approximately HKD866 million)); and (5) building of deep-water survey vessel(s) (approximately RMB 430 million (approximately HKD490 million). The Company CONTD CONT CONTD may invest in the above projects through Non-Voting No vote utilizing its internal resources before the proceeds from the A Share Issue is made available to the Company. When the proceeds is available, the Company is authorised to apply the proceeds to any injected capital in relation to the above projects which is incurred before the completion of the A Share Issue. In the event that the proceeds in connection with the A Share Issue is not sufficient for the purpose of the above projects, the Company will utilise other funding sources to cover the shortfall CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote OF TEXT IN RESOLUTION 1. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA OILFIELD SVCS LTD Agenda Number: 702927736 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15002101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002P4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110406/LTN201104061242.pdf 1 To consider and approve the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the report of the auditor for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and approve the proposed profit Mgmt For For distribution and annual dividend for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To consider and approve the report of the directors Mgmt For For of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To consider and approve the report of the supervisory Mgmt For For committee of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 5 To consider and approve re-appointment of Ernst Mgmt For For & Young Hua Ming and Ernst & Young as the domestic and international auditors of the Company for the year 2011 and to authorise the board of directors to fix the remuneration thereof 6 To approve the performance evaluation of stock Mgmt For For appreciation rights scheme for the senior management of the Group adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company on 22 November 2006 7 To consider and if, thought fit, pass the following Mgmt Against Against resolution as a special resolution of the Company subject to the following conditions: (a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (c) below and subject to all applicable laws, rules and regulations and/or requirements of the governmental or regulatory body of securities in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC"), The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") or of any other governmental or regulatory body, the directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to exercise, whether by a single exercise or otherwise, all the powers of the Company to allot, issue and deal with the overseas listed foreign shares ("H Shares") during the Relevant Period (as defined in paragraph (d) below); (b) the total amount of the H Shares which are authorised to be CONTD CONT CONTD allotted by the directors of the Company Non-Voting No vote pursuant to the approval under paragraph (a) above shall not exceed 20% of the total amount of the H Shares of the Company in issued as at the date of passing this resolution, and the said approval shall be limited accordingly; and (c) the authority granted under paragraph (a) above shall be conditional upon the approvals of any regulatory authorities as required by the laws, rules and regulations of the PRC being obtained by the Company; (d) for the purposes of this resolution: "Relevant Period" means the period from the passing of this resolution until whichever is the earliest of: (i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by law or the CONTD CONT CONTD Company's articles of association to be Non-Voting No vote held; or (iii) the date upon which the authority set out in this resolution is revoked or varied by way of special resolution of the Company in general meeting. (e) subject to the approval of all relevant governmental authorities in the PRC for the issue and allotment of and dealing in such H Shares being granted, the directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to (i) make such corresponding amendments to the Articles of Association (the "Articles") of the Company as it thinks fit so as to change the registered capital of the Company and to reflect the new capital structure of the Company upon the exercise of the authority to allot, issue and deal in H Shares as conferred under paragraph (a) above; and (ii) file the amended Articles with the relevant governmental CONTD CONT CONTD authorities of the PRC of the Company Non-Voting No vote 8 That the Articles of the Company be and are Mgmt For For hereby amended in the following manner: (a) Article 11 of Chapter 2 By deleting Article 11 of Chapter 2 in its entirety and substituting therefor the following new Article 11 of Chapter 2: "The scope of business of the Company is subject to the items authorized by the company registration authority. The scope of business of the Company includes: authorized operating items: dispatching workers overseas, to match with the capacity, scale and operation required by the foreign projects; transportation with cargo ships, oil tankers, chemical tankers for coastal areas of the Mainland China, middle and lower section of Yangtze River and Pearl River Delta, crude oil shipping transportation for the harbors in Bohai Bay (effective until 30 June 2015); high speed passenger sea CONTD CONT CONTD transportation for Tianjin water areas Non-Voting No vote (effective until 30 June 2013). General operating items: provision of prospecting, exploration, development and mining services for oil, natural gas and other minerals; geotechnical engineering and soft ground handling, underwater remote mechanical operation, pipeline inspection and maintenance, orientation, data processing and interpretation, well drilling, well completion, gamma logging, well testing, cementing, mud-logging, drilling mud preparation, wall perforation, core sampling, directional drilling project, downhole operation, well repair, oil well stimulation, downhole sand control, running and pulling oil tubing, filtration and handling of underground incidents; provision of equipment, tools and instruments, inspection, maintenance, leasing and sales of pipes in CONTD CONT CONTD relation to the above services; drilling Non-Voting No vote fluids, cement additive, oilfield chemical additives, special tools, mechanical and electrical products, instrumentation, oil and gas well perforating equipment; contracting of overseas engineering projects; sales of mechanical and electrical products, communication products and chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals); import and export business; provision of marine support and transportation services, anchoring, equipment, facilities, maintenance, loading and unloading as well as other labor services for the exploration, development and production of oilfields; sales of accessories for vessels, machinery and electronic equipment. According to the domestic and international market trends, business needs in the PRC and its own growth capability and its business CONTD CONT CONTD performance, the Company may adjust its Non-Voting No vote investment policies and business scope and mode on a timely basis; as well as set up branches and offices in the PRC and areas including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (whether wholly-owned or not), subject to approvals by resolution of the general meeting and relevant governmental authorities 9 That the authorization given to the board of Mgmt For For directors of the Company for handling all relevant matters regarding the A Share Issue as set out in the circular of the Company dated 11 May 2010 be extended for 12 months upon its expiration on 27 June 2011 be and is hereby approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA OILFIELD SVCS LTD Agenda Number: 702933412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15002101 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 23-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002P4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110406/LTN201104061254.pdf 1 That the authorization given to the board of Mgmt For For directors of the Company for handling all relevant matters regarding the A Share Issue as set out in the circular of the Company dated 11 May 2010 be extended for 12 months upon its expiration on 27 June 2011 be and is hereby approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA OVERSEAS LD & INVT LTD Agenda Number: 702937446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15004107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0688002218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110412/LTN20110412225.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements Mgmt For For and the Reports of the Directors and the Independent Auditor's Report for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To approve the declaration of a final dividend Mgmt For For for the year ended 31 December 2010 of HK17 cents per share 3.a To re-elect Mr. Hao Jian Min as Director Mgmt For For 3.b To re-elect Mr. Wu Jianbin as Director Mgmt For For 3.c To re-elect Mr. Chen Bin as Director Mgmt Against Against 3.d To re-elect Dr. the Hon. David Li Kwok-po as Mgmt Against Against Director 3.e To re-elect Dr. Fan Hsu Lai Tai, Rita as Director Mgmt For For 4 To authorise the Board to fix the remuneration Mgmt For For of the Directors 5 To approve the re-appointment of Deloitte Touche Mgmt For For Tohmatsu as the Auditors and to authorise the Board to fix their remuneration 6 To approve the granting to the Directors the Mgmt For For general and unconditional mandate to repurchase shares in the capital of the Company up to 10% of the issued share capital of the Company 7 To approve the granting to the Directors the Mgmt Against Against general and unconditional mandate to allot, issue and deal with new shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company 8 To approve the extension of the authority granted Mgmt Against Against to the Directors by Resolution 7 above by adding the number of shares repurchased pursuant to the authority granted to the Directors by Resolution 6 above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA PACIFIC INSURANCE (GROUP) CO LTD Agenda Number: 702891501 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1505R101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000009Q7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110401/LTN20110401013.pdf 1 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For Report of the Board of Directors of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. for the year 2010 2 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For Report of the Board of Supervisors of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. for the year 2010 3 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For full text and the summary of 2010 Annual Report of A Shares of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd 4 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For 2010 Annual Report of H Shares of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd 5 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For Report of the Final Accounts of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. for the year 2010 6 To consider and approve the resolution on Profit Mgmt For For Distribution Plan of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. for the year 2010 7 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For appointment of the auditors of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. for 2011 8 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For Remuneration Management System of Directors and Supervisors of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd 9 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For 2010 Due Diligence Report of the Directors of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd 10 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For Report on Performance of Independent Directors of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. for the year 2010 11 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For proposed amendments to the Articles of Association of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd 12 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For proposed amendments to the Procedural Rules of the Shareholders General Meeting of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd 13 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For proposal put forward at the Shareholders general meeting on the grant of general mandate to issue new shares of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd 14 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For proposed amendments to the Interim Management Measures on Connected Transaction of H Shares of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA PETROLEUM & CHEMICAL CORP SINOPEC, BEIJING Agenda Number: 703016584 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15010104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 13-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002Q2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 806075 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110327/LTN20110327187.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To consider and approve the Report of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors of Sinopec Corp. for the Year 2010 2 To consider and approve Report of the Board Mgmt For For of Supervisors of Sinopec Corp. for the Year 2010 3 To consider and approve the audited accounts Mgmt For For and audited consolidated accounts of Sinopec Corp. for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To consider and approve the plan for allocating Mgmt For For any surplus common reserve funds at an amount of RMB 20 billion from the after-tax profits 5 To consider and approve the profit distribution Mgmt For For plan for the year ended 31 December 2010 6 To authorise the board of directors of Sinopec Mgmt For For Corp. (the "Board of Directors") to determine the interim profit distribution plan of Sinopec Corp. for 2011 7 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For KPMG Huazhen and KPMG as the domestic and overseas auditors of Sinopec Corp. for the year 2011, respectively, and to authorize the Board of Directors to determine their remunerations 8 To authorise the Board of Directors to determine Mgmt Against Against the proposed plan for issuance of debt financing instrument(s) 9 To grant to the Board of Directors a general Mgmt Against Against mandate to issue new shares 10 To consider and approve the appointment of Mr. Mgmt For For Fu Chengyu as a non-executive director of the fourth session of the board of directors of sinopec corp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RES LD LTD Agenda Number: 702640245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2108Y105 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 01-Nov-2010 Ticker: ISIN: KYG2108Y1052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101012/LTN20101012199.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To consider and approve the conditional sale Mgmt For For and purchase agreement (the "Sale and Purchase Agreement") dated September 20, 2010 entered into between Central New Investments Limited and the Company in relation to, among other matters, the Acquisition (as defined in the circular (the "Circular") of the Company to its shareholders dated October 13, 2010) and all the transactions contemplated pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement including but not limited to the allotment and issue to Central New Investments Limited (or as it may direct) of 348,239,279 ordinary shares of HKD 0.10 each in the share capital of the Company at the issue price of HKD 15.8827 each credited as fully paid up and ranking pari passu with the existing issued shares of the Company ("Consideration Shares") pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement; CONTD. CONT CONTD. and to authorise any one director of Non-Voting No vote the Company or any other person authorised by the board of directors of the Company from time to time to sign, execute, perfect and deliver and where required, affix the common seal of the Company to, all such documents, instruments and deeds, and do all such actions which are in his opinion necessary, appropriate, desirable or expedient for the implementation and completion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares to Central New Investments Limited (or as it may direct) and all other transactions contemplated under or incidental to the Sale and Purchase Agreement and all other matters incidental thereto or in connection therewith and to agree to the variation and waiver of any of the matters relating thereto that are, in his opinion, CONTD. CONT CONTD. appropriate, desirable or expedient in Non-Voting No vote the context of the Acquisition and are in the best interests of the Company 2 To consider and approve the provision of construction Mgmt For For services, decoration services and furniture services framework agreement (the "Provision of Construction Services, Decoration Services and Furniture Services Framework Agreement") dated September 20, 2010 entered into between the Company and China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited in relation to, among other matters, the Continuing Connected Transactions (as defined in the Circular) and all the transactions contemplated pursuant to the Provision of Construction Services, Decoration Services and Furniture Services Framework Agreement, including the Construction Caps, Decoration Caps and the Furniture Caps (as respectively defined in the Circular); and to authorise any one director of the Company or any other person authorised by the board of directors of the Company from CONT CONTD. to authorise any one director of the Non-Voting No vote Company or any other person authorised by the board of directors of the Company from time to time to sign, execute, perfect and deliver and where required, affix the common seal of the Company to, all such documents, instruments and deeds, and do all such actions which are in his opinion necessary, appropriate, desirable or expedient for the implementation and completion of the Provision of Construction Services, Decoration Services and Furniture Services Framework Agreement and all other transactions contemplated under or incidental to the Provision of Construction Services, Decoration Services and Furniture Services Framework Agreement and all other matters incidental thereto or in connection therewith and to agree to the variation and CONTD. CONT CONTD. waiver of any of the matters relating Non-Voting No vote thereto that are, in his opinion, appropriate, desirable or expedient in the context of the Continuing Connected Transactions and are in the best interests of the Company PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RES LD LTD Agenda Number: 702728164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2108Y105 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 23-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: KYG2108Y1052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101205/LTN20101205031.pdf 1 To approve the Master Lending Agreements and Mgmt Against Against the annual caps for the maximum aggregate amount which can be lent at any time from the Company together with its subsidiaries thereunder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RESOURCES CEMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED NEW Agenda Number: 702728140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV12973 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: KYG2113L1068 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101205/LTN20101205005.pdf 1 To approve the Master Lending Agreements and Mgmt Against Against the annual caps for the maximum aggregate amount which can be lent at any time from the Company together with its subsidiaries thereunder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RESOURCES CEMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED NEW Agenda Number: 702843702 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV12973 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 06-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG2113L1068 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK:https://materials.proxyvote.com/Approved/99999Z/19840101/NPS_81587.PDF 1 To receive and consider the audited financial Mgmt For For statements, the report of the directors and the independent auditor's report for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of HKD 0.045 per Mgmt For For share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3.1 To re-elect Madam Zhou Junqing as director Mgmt For For 3.2 To re-elect Mr. Du Wenmin as director Mgmt For For 3.3 To re-elect Mr. Wei Bin as director Mgmt For For 3.4 To re-elect Mr. Ip Shu Kwan Stephen as director Mgmt For For 3.5 To re-elect Mr. Shek Lai Him Abraham as director Mgmt For For 3.6 To re-elect Mr. Xu Yongmo as director Mgmt For For 3.7 To authorise the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of the directors 4 To re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Mgmt For For as auditors and to authorise the board of directors to fix their remuneration 5 Ordinary Resolution in item No.5 of the Notice Mgmt For For of Annual General Meeting. (To give a general mandate to the Directors to repurchase shares of the Company) 6 Ordinary Resolution in item No.6 of the Notice Mgmt Against Against of Annual General Meeting. (To give a general mandate to the Directors to issue additional shares of the Company) 7 Ordinary Resolution in item No.7 of the Notice Mgmt Against Against of Annual General Meeting. (To extend the general mandate to be given to the Directors to issue new shares) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RESOURCES ENTERPRISE LTD, HONG KONG Agenda Number: 702727744 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15037107 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 22-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0291001490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101205/LTN20101205053.pdf 1 To approve the Master Lending Agreements and Mgmt Against Against the annual caps for the maximum aggregate amount which can be lent at any time from the Company together with its subsidiaries thereunder PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF CONSERVATIVE RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RESOURCES ENTERPRISE LTD, HONG KONG Agenda Number: 702980459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15037107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0291001490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110420/LTN20110420645.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited Financial Mgmt For For Statements and the Directors' Report and the Independent Auditor's Report for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of HKD0.38 per share Mgmt For For for the year ended 31 December 2010 3a To re-elect Mr. Qiao Shibo as Director Mgmt For For 3b To re-elect Mr. Chen Lang as Director Mgmt For For 3c To re-elect Mr. Yan Biao as Director Mgmt For For 3d To re-elect Mr. Du Wenmin as Director Mgmt For For 3e To re-elect Mr. Shi Shanbo as Director Mgmt For For 3f To re-elect Mr. Wei Bin as Director Mgmt For For 3g To re-elect Dr. Zhang Haipeng as Director Mgmt For For 3h To fix the fees for all Directors Mgmt For For 4 To re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Mgmt For For as Auditors and authorise the Directors to fix their Remuneration 5 Ordinary Resolution in Item No.5 of the Notice Mgmt For For of Annual General Meeting. (To give a general mandate to the Directors to repurchase shares of the Company) 6 Ordinary Resolution in Item No.6 of the Notice Mgmt Against Against of Annual General Meeting. (To give a general mandate to the Directors to issue new shares of the Company) 7 Ordinary Resolution in Item No.7 of the Notice Mgmt Against Against of Annual General Meeting. (To extend the general mandate to be given to the Directors to issue shares) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RONGSHENG HEAVY INDUSTRIES GROUP HOLDINGS LTD, GRAND CAYMAN Agenda Number: 702860772 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G21187102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG211871028 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110324/LTN20110324586.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To receive and adopt the audited financial statements Mgmt For For and the reports of the directors and the auditor for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.a To re-elect Mr. Zhang Zhi Rong as a director Mgmt For For of the Company 3.b To re-elect Mr. Chen Qiang as a director of Mgmt For For the Company 3.c To re-elect Mr. Wu Zhen Guo as a director of Mgmt Against Against the Company 3.d To re-elect Mr. Deng Hui as a director of the Mgmt For For Company 4 To authorise the board of directors of the Company Mgmt For For to fix the remuneration of all directors 5 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditor Mgmt For For and to authorise the board of directors of the Company to fix its remuneration 6A To grant a general mandate to the board of directors Mgmt Against Against of the Company to allot, issue and deal with additional shares of the Company not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution 6B To grant a general mandate to the board of directors Mgmt For For of the Company to repurchase shares of the Company not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution 6C To extend, conditional upon the above resolution Mgmt Against Against nos. 6A and 6B being duly passed, the general mandate to allot shares of the Company by adding the aggregate nominal amount of the repurchased shares to the general mandate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY CO LTD Agenda Number: 702949605 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1504C113 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002R0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110410/LTN20110410027.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the report of the board of directors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the report of the board of supervisors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the Company's profit distribution plan for the year ended 31 December 2010: i.e. final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2010 in the amount of RMB 0.75 per share (inclusive of tax) be declared and distributed, the aggregate amount of which is approximately RMB 14,917 million, and to authorise a committee comprising of Mr. Zhang Xiwu, Mr. Zhang Yuzhuo and Mr. Ling Wen to implement the above mentioned profit distribution plan and to deal with matters in relation to tax with-holding as required by relevant laws, regulations and regulatory authorities 5 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the remuneration of the directors and supervisors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010: i.e. aggregate remuneration of the executive directors is in the amount of RMB 1,685,067.81; aggregate remuneration of the non-executive directors is in the amount of RMB 1,575,000, of which the aggregate remuneration of the independent non-executive directors is in the amount of RMB 1,575,000, the non-executive directors (other than the independent non-executive directors) are remunerated by Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and are not remunerated by the Company in cash; remuneration of the supervisors is in the amount of RMB 1,309,928.19 6 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the re-appointment of external auditors of the Company for 2011: i.e. re-appointment of KPMG Huazhen and KPMG as the PRC and international auditors respectively of the Company for 2011, the term of such re-appointment shall continue until the next annual general meeting, and to authorise a committee comprising of Mr. Zhang Xiwu, Mr. Zhang Yuzhuo, Mr. Ling Wen and Mr. Gong Huazhang all being directors of the Company, to determine their remuneration 7 To consider and, if thought fit, to:- (1) approve Mgmt Against Against a general mandate to the board of directors to, by reference to market conditions and in accordance with needs of the Company, to allot, issue and deal with, either separately or concurrently, additional domestic shares (A shares) and overseaslisted foreign invested shares (H shares) not exceeding 20% of each of the number of domestic shares (A shares) and the number of overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) in issue at the time of passing this resolution at annual general meeting. Pursuant to PRC laws and regulations, the Company will seek further approval from its shareholders in general meeting for each issuance of domestic shares (A shares) even where this general mandate is approved. (2) the board of CONTD CONT CONTD directors be authorised to (including Non-Voting No vote but not limited to the following):- (i) formulate and implement detailed issuance plan, including but not limited to the class of shares to be issued, pricing mechanism and/or issuance price (including price range), number of shares to be issued, allottees and use of proceeds, time of issuance, period of issuance and whether to issue shares to existing shareholders; (ii) approve and execute, on behalf of the Company, agreements related to share issuance, including but not limited to underwriting agreement and engagement agreements of professional advisers; (iii) approve and execute, on behalf of the Company, documents related to share issuance for submission to regulatory authorities, and to carry out approval procedures required by regulatory authorities and venues in which the CONTD CONT CONTD Company is listed; (iv) amend, as required Non-Voting No vote by regulatory authorities within or outside China, agreements and statutory documents referred to in (ii) and (iii) above; (v) engage the services of professional advisers for share issuance related matters, and to approve and execute all acts, deeds, documents or other matters necessary, appropriate or required for share issuance; (vi) increase the registered capital of the Company after share issuance, and to make corresponding amendments to the articles of association of the Company relating to share capital and shareholdings etc, and to carry out statutory registrations and filings within and outside China. The above general mandate will expire on the earlier of ("Relevant Period"):- (a) the conclusion of the annual general meeting of the Company for 2011; (b) the CONTD CONT CONTD expiration of a period of twelve months Non-Voting No vote following the passing of this special resolution at the annual general meeting for 2010; or (c) the date on which the authority conferred by this special resolution is revoked or varied by a special resolution of shareholders at a general meeting, except where the board of directors has resolved to issue domestic shares (A shares) or overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) during the Relevant Period and the share issuance is to be continued or implemented after the Relevant Period 8 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the following general mandate to repurchase domestic shares (A shares) and overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares):- (1) approve a general mandate to the board of directors to, by reference to market conditions and in accordance with needs of the Company, to repurchase domestic shares (A shares) not exceeding 10% of the number of domestic shares (A shares) in issue at the time when this resolution is passed at annual general meeting and the relevant resolutions are passed at class meetings of shareholders. Pursuant to PRC laws and regulations, and for repurchases of domestic shares (A shares), the Company will seek further approval from its shareholders in general meeting for each repurchase of CONTD CONT CONTD domestic shares (A shares) even where Non-Voting No vote the general mandate is granted, but will not be required to seek shareholders' approval at class meetings of domestic share (A share) shareholders or overseas-listed foreign invested share (H share) shareholders. (2) approve a general mandate to the board of directors to, by reference to market conditions and in accordance with needs of the Company, to repurchase overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) not exceeding 10% of the number of overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) in issue at the time when this resolution is passed at annual general meeting and the relevant resolutions are passed at class meetings of shareholders. (3) the board of directors be authorised to (including but not limited to the following):- (i) formulate and implement detailed CONTD CONT CONTD repurchase plan, including but not limited Non-Voting No vote to repurchase price, number of shares to repurchase, time of repurchase and period of repurchase etc; (ii) notify creditors in accordance with the PRC Company Law and articles of association of the Company; (iii) open overseas share accounts and to carry out related change of foreign exchange registration procedures; (iv) carry out relevant approval procedures required by regulatory authorities and venues in which the Company is listed, and to carry out filings with the China Securities Regulatory Commission; (v) carry out cancelation procedures for repurchased shares, decrease registered capital, and to make corresponding amendments to the articles of association of the Company relating to share capital and shareholdings etc, and to carry out statutory registrations and CONTD CONT CONTD filings within and outside China; (vi) Non-Voting No vote approve and execute, on behalf of the Company, documents and matters related to share repurchase. The above general mandate will expire on the earlier of ("Relevant Period"):- (a) the conclusion of the annual general meeting of the Company for 2011; (b) the expiration of a period of twelve months following the passing of this special resolution at the annual general meeting for 2010, the first A shareholders' class meeting in 2011 and the first H shareholders' class meeting in 2011; or (c) the date on which the authority conferred by this special resolution is revoked or varied by a special resolution of shareholders at a general meeting, or a special resolution of shareholders at a class meeting of domestic share (A share) shareholders or a class meeting of overseas-listed CONTD CONT CONTD foreign invested share (H share) shareholders, Non-Voting No vote except where the board of directors has resolved to repurchase domestic shares (A shares) or overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) during the Relevant Period and the share repurchase is to be continued or implemented after the Relevant Period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY CO LTD Agenda Number: 702953313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1504C113 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002R0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTION "1". THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110410/LTN20110410031.pdf 1 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the following general mandate to repurchase domestic shares (A shares) and overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares):- (1) approve a general mandate to the board of directors to, by reference to market conditions and in accordance with needs of the Company, to repurchase domestic shares (A shares) not exceeding 10% of the number of domestic shares (A shares) in issue at the time when this resolution is passed at annual general meeting and the relevant resolutions are passed at class meetings of shareholders. Pursuant to PRC laws and regulations, and for repurchases of domestic shares (A shares), the Company will seek further approval from its shareholders in general meeting for each repurchase of domestic shares (A shares) even where the general CONTD CONT CONTD mandate is granted, but will not be required Non-Voting No vote to seek shareholders' approval at class meetings of domestic share (A share) shareholders or overseas-listed foreign invested share (H share) shareholders. (2) approve a general mandate to the board of directors to, by reference to market conditions and in accordance with needs of the Company, to repurchase overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) not exceeding 10% of the number of overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) in issue at the time when this resolution is passed at annual general meeting and the relevant resolutions are passed at class meetings of shareholders. (3) the board of directors be authorised to (including but not limited to the following):- (i) formulate and implement detailed repurchase plan, including but not limited to CONTD CONT CONTD repurchase price, number of shares to Non-Voting No vote repurchase, time of repurchase and period of repurchase etc; (ii) notify creditors in accordance with the PRC Company Law and articles of association of the Company; (iii) open overseas share accounts and to carry out related change of foreign exchange registration procedures; (iv) carry out relevant approval procedures required by regulatory authorities and venues in which the Company is listed, and to carry out filings with the China Securities Regulatory Commission; (v) carry out cancelation procedures for repurchased shares, decrease registered capital, and to make corresponding amendments to the articles of association of the Company relating to share capital and shareholdings etc, and to carry CONTD CONT CONTD out statutory registrations and filings Non-Voting No vote within and outside China; (vi) approve and execute, on behalf of the Company, documents and matters related to share repurchase. The above general mandate will expire on the earlier of ("Relevant Period"):- (a) the conclusion of the annual general meeting of the Company for 2011; (b) the expiration of a period of twelve months following the passing of this special resolution at the annual general meeting for 2010, the first A shareholders' class meeting in 2011 and the first H shareholders' class meeting in 2011; or (c) the date on which the authority conferred by this special resolution is revoked or varied by a special resolution of shareholders at a general CONTD CONT CONTD meeting, or a special resolution of shareholders Non-Voting No vote at a class meeting of domestic share (A share) shareholders or a class meeting of overseas-listed foreign invested share (H share) shareholders, except where the board of directors has resolved to repurchase domestic shares (A shares) or overseas-listed foreign invested shares (H shares) during the Relevant Period and the share repurchase is to be continued or implemented after the Relevant Period CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY COMPANY LTD Agenda Number: 702741960 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1504C113 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 25-Feb-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002R0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101229/LTN20101229149.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU 1 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt Against Against the following agreements and the transactions contemplated thereunder: (1) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company and Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase 56.61% equity interest of Shenhua Baorixile Energy Co Ltd from Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (2) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company and Beijing Guohua Power Co Ltd, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase 80.00% equity interest of Inner Mongolia Guohua Hulunbeier Power Generation Co Ltd from Beijing Guohua Power Co Ltd, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; CONTD CONT CONTD (3) the equity transfer agreement dated Non-Voting No vote 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company, Shenhua International Trading Co Ltd and Shenhua Baorixile Energy Co Ltd, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase 39.10% and 21.00% equity interest of Hulunbeier Shenhua Clean Coal Co Ltd from Shenhua International Trading Co Ltd and Shenhua Baorixile Energy Co Ltd respectively, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (4) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company, Guohua Energy Investment Co Ltd and Beijing Jihua Industry Coal Co Ltd, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase 80.00% and 15.00% equity interest of Shaanxi Jihua Chaijiagou Mining Co Ltd CONTD CONT CONTD from Guohua Energy Investment Co Ltd and Non-Voting No vote Beijing Jihua Industry Coal Co Ltd respectively, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (5) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company, Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, Guohua Energy Investment Co Ltd and China Shenhua Coal-to-liquid Chemical Co Ltd, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase 39.29%, 12.86% and 7.14% equity interest of Shenhua Finance Co Ltd from Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, Guohua Energy Investment Co Ltd and China Shenhua Coal-to-liquid Chemical Co Ltd respectively, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (6) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company, Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and Shenhua International Trading Co Ltd CONTD CONT CONTD pursuant to which the Company agreed to Non-Voting No vote purchase 98.71% and 1.29% equity interest of Shenhua Material Trading Co Ltd from Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and Shenhua International Trading Co Ltd respectively, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (7) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company and Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase 100.00% equity interest of Shenhua Tianhong Trading Co Ltd from Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (8) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company and Shenhua Group Corporation Limited CONTD CONT CONTD pursuant to which the Company agreed to Non-Voting No vote purchase 80.00% equity interest of Shenhua Hollysys Information Technology Co Ltd from Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (9) the equity transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company and Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase 100.00% equity interest of Shenhua (Beijing) Remote Sensing Exploration Co Ltd from Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (10) the assets transfer agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company and Shenhua Group Baotou Mining Co Ltd pursuant with the Company agreed to purchase certain assets and their related liabilities CONTD CONT CONTD (details of which are disclosed in the Non-Voting No vote announcement of the Company dated 20 December 2010) from Shenhua Group Baotou Mining Co Ltd, and the transactions contemplated thereunder; (11) the financial services agreement dated 20 December 2010 entered into between the Company and Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, pursuant to which the Company agreed to provide financial services to Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries and associates (other than the Company and its subsidiaries) through Shenhua Finance Co Ltd, and the transactions contemplated thereunder and the following proposed caps CONTD CONT CONTD (a) the following annual caps on amount Non-Voting No vote of guarantee provided by Shenhua Finance Co Ltd to or for the benefit of Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries and associates (other than the Company and its subsidiaries): (i) RMB2,500,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2011; (ii) RMB2,500,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2012; (iii) RMB2,500,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2013; (b) the following annual caps on amount of bill acceptance and discount services provided by Shenhua Finance Co Ltd to Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries and associates (other than the Company and its subsidiaries): (i) RMB9,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2011; (ii) RMB12,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2012; (iii) RMB15,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2013 CONTD CONT CONTD (c) the following caps on maximum daily Non-Voting No vote balance (including interests accrued thereon) of deposits placed by Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries and associates (other than the Company and its subsidiaries) with Shenhua Finance Co Ltd: (i) RMB35,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2011; (ii) RMB40,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2012; (iii) RMB45,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2013; (d) the following caps on maximum balance of loans, consumer credit facilities, buyer's credit and financial leasing (including interests accrued thereon) at any one point of time provided by Shenhua Finance Co Ltd to Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries and associates (other than the Company and its subsidiaries) CONTD CONT CONTD (i) RMB24,000,000,000 for the year ending Non-Voting No vote 31 December 2011; (ii) RMB28,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2012; (iii)RMB28,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2013; (e) the following caps on maximum balance of entrustment loan (including interests accrued thereon) at any one point of time between members of Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries and associates (other than the Company and its subsidiaries) handled by Shenhua Finance Co Ltd: (i) RMB80,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2011; (ii) RMB100,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2012; (iii) RMB100,000,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2013 CONTD CONT CONTD (f) the following caps on amount of interest Non-Voting No vote payable by the Company and its subsidiaries to Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries in respect of entrustment loans advanced by Shenhua Group Corporation Limited and its subsidiaries to the Company and its subsidiaries through Shenhua Finance Co Ltd: (i) RMB70,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2011; (ii) RMB70,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2012; (iii) RMB70,000,000 for the year ending 31 December 2013; (12) A committee comprising of Mr. Zhang Xiwu, Mr. Zhang Yuzhuo, Mr. Ling Wen and Mr. Gong Huazhang, all being directors of the Company CONTD CONT CONTD is hereby approved and authorized to take Non-Voting No vote required actions in connection with the above transactions, including but not limited to execute, supplement, amend and implement documents in relation to the above transactions, carry out procedures for the obtaining of government approvals, authorise and make disclosure pursuant to the listing rule requirements of venues in which the Company is listed, and proceed with all registration matters on change of ownership of relevant assets ownership at their absolute discretion 2 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the amendments to the articles of association of the Company as set out in the announcement of the Company dated 20 December 2010 and a committee comprising of Mr. Zhang Xiwu, Mr. Zhang Yuzhuo and Mr. Ling Wen, all being directors of the Company, is hereby authorized to make amendments to the proposed amendments of the articles of association of the Company deemed as necessary and appropriate in accordance with the amendment requirements made by the relevant regulatory authorities from time to time when reporting to the relevant regulatory authorities for approving the articles of association of the Company upon the passing of this resolution 3 To consider and, if thought fit, to approve Mgmt For For the amendments to the rules of procedure of general meeting of the Company as set out in the announcement of the Company dated 20 December 2010 and a committee comprising of Mr. Zhang Xiwu, Mr. Zhang Yuzhuo and Mr. Ling Wen, all being directors of the Company, is hereby authorized to make amendments to the proposed amendments of the rules of procedure of general meeting of the Company deemed as necessary and appropriate in accordance with the amendment requirements made by the relevant regulatory authorities from time to time when reporting to the relevant regulatory authorities for approving the rules of procedure of general meeting of the Company upon the passing of this resolution PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN SPLIT VOTING FROM "N" TO "Y". IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA TELECOM CORP LTD Agenda Number: 702601382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1505D102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 25-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000002V2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 740163 DUE TO RECEIPT OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR RESOLUTION NUMBER "1". THANK YOU. 1. Approve that the continuing connected transactions Mgmt For For contemplated under the Telecom CDMA Lease and its supplemental agreement, a copy of which has been initialled by the Chairman of this meeting (the "Chairman") and for the purpose of identification marked "A", together with the proposed Annual Caps and authorize any Director of the Company to do all such further acts and things and execute such further documents and take all such steps which in their opinion as may be necessary, desirable or expedient to implement and/or give effect to the terms of such continuing connected transactions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINATRUST FINANCIAL HOLDINGS COMPANY LTD Agenda Number: 703079093 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15093100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 10-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002891009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU 1.1 The 2010 business reports Non-Voting No vote 1.2 The 2010 audit committees report Non-Voting No vote 1.3 The status report of the private placement Non-Voting No vote 1.4 The status report of ethical corporate management Non-Voting No vote best practice principles 2.1 To accept the 2010 financial statements Mgmt For For 2.2 To accept the 2010 earnings distribution: 2010 Mgmt For For profits distribution proposals cash dividend: TWD 0.73 per share stock dividend: 72/1000 shs 3.1 Discussion on the amendment of articles of incorporation Mgmt For For 3.2 Discussion on increasing capital and issuing Mgmt For For of new stocks 4.1 Election of the four-term board of director: Mgmt For For Jeffrey L. S. Koo-Representative of Yi Kao Investment Co., Ltd. Shareholder / ID No. 630032 4.2 Election of the four-term board of director: Mgmt For For Wen-Long Yen. Shareholder / ID No. 686 4.3 Election of the four-term board of director: Mgmt For For H. Steve Hsieh-Representative of Yi Kao Investment Co., Ltd. Shareholder / ID No. 630032 4.4 Election of the four-term board of director: Mgmt For For Song-Chi Chien-Representative of Yi Kao Investment Co., Ltd. Shareholder / ID No. 630032 4.5 To release the duty of the four-term board of Mgmt For For director: Yann-Ching Tsai-Representative of Chung Cheng Investment Co., Ltd. Shareholder / ID No. 355101 4.6 Election of the four-term board of director: Mgmt For For Paul T. C. Liang-Representative of Chang Chi Investment Ltd. Shareholder / ID No. 800826 4.7 Election of the four-term independent director: Mgmt For For Chung-Yu Wang. Shareholder / ID No. A101021362 4.8 Election of the four-term independent director: Mgmt For For Wen-Chih Lee. Shareholder / ID No. E121520459 4.9 Election of the four-term independent director: Mgmt For For Jie-Haun Lee. Shareholder / ID No. G120002463 5 To release the duty of the four-term board of Mgmt For For directors and independent directors 6 Questions and motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITIC PACIFIC LTD, HONG KONG Agenda Number: 702882778 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1639J116 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0267001375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110328/LTN20110328365.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO DELETION Non-Voting No vote OF COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To adopt the audited accounts and the Reports Mgmt For For of the Directors and the Auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 3.a To re-elect Mr. Carl Yung Ming Jie as Director Mgmt For For 3.b To re-elect Mr. Kwok Man Leung as Director Mgmt Against Against 3.c To re-elect Mr. Andre Desmarais as Director Mgmt For For 3.d To resolve not to fill up the vacated offices Mgmt For For resulted from the retirement of Mr. Li Shilin and Mr. Wang Ande as Directors 4 To re-appoint Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers Mgmt For For as Auditors and authorise the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5 To adopt the CITIC Pacific Share Incentive Plan Mgmt Against Against 2011 6 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to issue and dispose of additional shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this resolution 7 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to purchase or otherwise acquire shares in the capital of the Company not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this resolution 8 To add the aggregate nominal amount of the shares Mgmt Against Against which are purchased or otherwise acquired under the general mandate in Resolution (7) to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares which may be issued under the general mandate in Resolution (6) 9 To remove the director's fee of the Executive Mgmt For For Directors and fix the director's fee of each of the Non-executive Directors at HKD 350,000 per annum CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote OF TEXT IN RESOLUTION 3.C. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLP HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702860734 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1660Q104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0002007356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110325/LTN20110325202.pdf 1 To adopt the audited Financial Statements for Mgmt For For the year ended 31 December 2010 and the Reports of the Directors and Independent Auditor thereon 2 To endorse the practice to pay four interim Mgmt For For dividends each year as decided by the Board of Directors, instead of three interim dividends and a final dividend 3.a To re-elect Mr. John Andrew Harry Leigh as Director Mgmt For For 3.b To re-elect Professor Tsui Lam Sin Lai Judy Mgmt For For as Director 3.c To re-elect Sir Roderick Ian Eddington as Director Mgmt For For 3.d To re-elect Mr. Ronald James McAulay as Director Mgmt For For 3.e To re-elect Mr. Ian Duncan Boyce as Director Mgmt For For 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Independent Mgmt For For Auditors of the Company and authorise the Directors to fix Auditors' remuneration for the year ended 31December 2011 5 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt Against Against issue and dispose of additional shares in the Company; not exceeding five per cent of the issued share capital at the date of this Resolution 6 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt For For exercise all the powers of the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire shares of HKD 5.00 each in the capital of the Company; not exceeding ten per cent of the issued share capital at the date of this Resolution 7 To add the aggregate nominal amount of the shares Mgmt Against Against which are purchased or otherwise acquired under the general mandate in Resolution (6) to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares which may be issued under the general mandate in Resolution (5) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNOOC LTD Agenda Number: 702697282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1662W117 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 24-Nov-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0883013259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101103/LTN20101103035.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT EUROCLEAR DOES NOT OFFER ANY Non-Voting No vote VOTING SERVICES ON THIS ISSUE. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. BY DEFAULT EOC WILL TAKE NO ACTION. 1 To approve the Non-exempt Continuing Connected Mgmt For For Transactions 2 To approve the Proposed Caps for each category Mgmt For For of the Non-exempt Continuing Connected Transactions PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNOOC LTD Agenda Number: 702926998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1662W117 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0883013259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110407/LTN20110407065.pdf A1 To receive and consider the audited Statement Mgmt For For of Accounts together with the Report of the Directors and Independent Auditors' Report thereon for the year ended 31 December 2010 A2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 A3I To re-elect Mr. Wang Yilin as Non-executive Mgmt For For Director A3II To re-elect Mr. Li Fanrong as Executive Director Mgmt For For A3III To re-elect Mr. Lawrence J. Lau as Independent Mgmt For For Non-executive Director A3IV To re-elect Mr. Wang Tao as Independent Non-executive Mgmt For For Director A3V To authorise the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of each of the Directors A4 To re-appoint the Company's independent auditors Mgmt For For and to authorise the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration B1 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares in the capital of the Company not exceeding 10% of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing of this resolution B2 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue and deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company not exceeding 20% of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing of this resolution B3 To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against Directors to allot, issue and deal with shares in the capital of the Company by the aggregate number of shares repurchased, which shall not exceed 10% of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing of this resolution CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE AND CHANGE IN DIRECTOR NAME FOR RESOLUTION NO. A3.1. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBA TELECOM SYSTEMS HOLDINGSLIMITED Agenda Number: 702969669 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV13516 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG229721140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110418/LTN20110418041.pdf 1 To receive and approve the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements and the reports of the directors (the "Directors") and auditors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To approve the recommended final dividend of Mgmt For For HKD8 cents per share of the Company (the "Share(s)") 3 To approve the recommended special dividend Mgmt For For of HKD4 cents per Share 4.a To re-elect Mr. Zhang Yue Jun as executive Director Mgmt For For 4.b To re-elect Mr. Wu Jiang Cheng as executive Mgmt For For Director 4.c To re-elect Mr. Yan Ji Ci as executive Director Mgmt For For 4.d To re-elect Mr. Yeung Pui Sang, Simon as executive Mgmt Against Against Director 4.e To authorize the board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors' remuneration 5 To re-appoint Ernst & Young as the Company's Mgmt For For auditors and authorize the board of Directors to fix their remuneration 6 To grant the general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to issue, allot and otherwise deal with the Shares 7 To grant the general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase the Shares 8 To add the nominal amount of the Shares repurchased Mgmt Against Against by the Company to the mandate granted to the Directors under resolution no. 6 9 To approve the refreshment of the 10% scheme Mgmt Against Against mandate limit on the grant of options under the share option scheme 10 To approve the capitalization of such amount Mgmt For For standing to the share premium account of the Company for paying up the Bonus Shares in full at par, and to approve the Bonus Issue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBA TELECOM SYSTEMS HOLDINGSLIMITED Agenda Number: 703044571 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV13516 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 23-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG229721140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110505/LTN20110505029.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTION "1". THANK YOU. 1 To approve, confirm and ratify the grant of Mgmt For For the award of an aggregate of 3,332,000 new shares of HKD 0.10 each, credited as fully paid, to 12 selected persons who are the directors of members of the Group and connected persons of the Company under the share award scheme adopted by the Company on 25 March 2011 and to authorize the Directors to do such acts and execute such other documents necessary in relation thereto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COSCO PACIFIC LTD Agenda Number: 702929160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2442N104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BMG2442N1048 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110408/LTN20110408424.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To receive and consider the financial statements Mgmt For For and the directors' and independent auditor's reports for the year ended 31st December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31st December 2010 3.i.a To re-elect Mr. Xu Minjie as director Mgmt For For 3.i.b To re-elect Mr. He Jiale as director Mgmt For For 3.i.c To re-elect Mr. Wang Zenghua as director Mgmt Against Against 3.i.d To re-elect Mr. Feng Jinhua as director Mgmt For For 3.i.e To re-elect Mr. Wang Haimin as director Mgmt Against Against 3.i.f To re-elect Mr. Gao Ping as director Mgmt For For 3.i.g To re-elect Dr. Wong Tin Yau, Kelvin as director Mgmt For For 3.i.h To re-elect Mr. Chow Kwong Fai, Edward as director Mgmt Against Against 3.i.i To re-elect Dr. Fan Hsu Lai Tai, Rita as director Mgmt For For 3.ii To authorise the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of directors 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditor Mgmt For For of the Company and authorise the board of directors to fix the remuneration of auditor of the Company 5 To approve the increase in authorised share Mgmt Against Against capital of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 5 of the notice of Annual General Meeting 6A To grant a general mandate to the directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue and deal with the additional shares of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 6(A) of the notice of Annual General Meeting 6.B To grant a general mandate to the directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 6(B) of the notice of Annual General Meeting 6.C To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against directors to allot, issue and deal with the additional shares of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 6(C) of the notice of Annual General Meeting 7 To approve the amendments to the Bye-laws of Mgmt For For the Company as set out in the Special Resolution in item 7 of the notice of Annual General Meeting CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAPHNE INTL HLDGS LTD Agenda Number: 702932802 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2830J103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG2830J1031 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110411/LTN20110411246.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited Accounts Mgmt For For and the Reports of the Directors and the Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To approve and declare a final divided for the Mgmt For For year ended 31 December 2010 3a To re-elect Mr Chang Chih-Kai as Director Mgmt For For 3b To re-elect Mr Chen Hsien Min as Director Mgmt For For 3c To re-elect Mr Hsiao Hsi-Ming as Director Mgmt For For 3d To authorise the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors' remuneration 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditor Mgmt For For and to authorise the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5a To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares of the Company 5b To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt Against Against allot and issue shares of the Company 5c To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against Directors to issue new shares under resolution 5B by adding the number of shares repurchased by the Company under resolution 5A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL CHINA HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702580704 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2759B107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: BMG2759B1072 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTIONS "1 TO 5.3". THANK YOU. 1 Receive and adopt the audited consolidated financial Mgmt For For statements of the Company and its subsidiaries and the reports of the Directors and auditors for the YE 31 MAR 2010 2 Declare a final dividend for the YE 31 MAR 2010 Mgmt For For 3.1 Re-elect Mr. LIN Yang as a Director Mgmt For For 3.2 Authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors' remuneration 4 Re-appoint Ernst & Young as the Auditors of Mgmt For For the Company and authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5.1 Approve to grant a general and unconditional Mgmt Against Against mandate to the Board of Directors to issue shares of the Company 5.2 Approve to grant a general and unconditional Mgmt For For mandate to the Board of Directors to repurchase shares of the Company 5.3 Approve the extension of the general mandate Mgmt Against Against granted to the Board of Directors pursuant to resolution 5(1) to cover the shares repurchased by the Company pursuant to resolution 5(2) PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONGFENG MTR GROUP CO LTD Agenda Number: 702582760 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y21042109 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 11-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100827/LTN20100827878.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR AKK RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 Approve the amendments to the Share Appreciation Mgmt For For Right Scheme of the Company 2.a.i Election of Xu Ping as an Executive Director Mgmt For For 2a.ii Election of Li Shaozhu as an Executive Director Mgmt Against Against 2aiii Election of Fan Zhong as an Executive Director Mgmt For For 2a.iv Election of Zhou Wenjie as an Executive Director Mgmt For For 2.a.v Election of Zhu Fushou as an Executive Director Mgmt For For 2.b.i Election of Tong Dongcheng as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2b.ii Election of Ouyang Jie as a Non-Executive Director Mgmt For For 2biii Election of Liu Weidong as a Non-Executive Director Mgmt For For 2b.iv Election of Zhou Qiang as a Non-Executive Director Mgmt Against Against 2.c.i Election of Sun Shuyi as an Independent Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2c.ii Election of Ng Lin-fung as an Independent Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2ciii Election of Yang Xianzu as an Independent Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 2.d.i Election of Wen Shiyang as a Supervisor Mgmt For For 2d.ii Election of Deng Mingran as a Supervisor Mgmt For For 2diii Election of Ma Liangjie as a Supervisor Mgmt For For 2d.iv Election of Ren Yong as a Supervisor Mgmt For For 2d.v Election of Li Chunrong as a Supervisor Mgmt For For 2d.vi Election of Chen Binbo as a Supervisor Mgmt For For 2dvii Election of Huang Gang as a Supervisor Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISTAR CORP Agenda Number: 703065361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2298F106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 10-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002448008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT AS PER TRUST ASSOCIATION'S PROXY VOTING GUIDELINES, Non-Voting No vote EVERY SHAREHOLDER IS ELIGIBLE TO BE NOMINATED AS A CANDIDATE AND BE ELECTED AS A DIRECTOR OR A SUPERVISOR, REGARDLESS OF BEING RECOMMENDED BY THE COMPANY AND/OR BY OTHER PARTIES. IF YOU INTEND TO VOTE FOR A LISTED CANDIDATE, YOU WILL NEED TO CONTACT THE CANDIDATE AND/OR THE ISSUING COMPANY TO OBTAIN THE CANDIDATE'S NAME AND ID NUMBER. WITHOUT SUCH SPECIFIC INFORMATION, AN ELECTION WOULD BE DEEMED AS A 'NO VOTE'. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of oversea unsecured convertible Non-Voting No vote bonds A.4 The status of new shares issuance via private Non-Voting No vote placement A.5 The revision to the employee stock options plan Non-Voting No vote A.6 The status of endorsement and guarantee Non-Voting No vote B.1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution. Proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 4.5 per share B.3 The election of the director:Min Hsun Hsieh Mgmt For For Shareholder no.:59 B.4 The proposal to release the prohibition on directors Mgmt For For from participation in competitive business B.5 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF DIRECTOR NAME. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERGRANDE REAL ESTATE GROUP LTD Agenda Number: 703017928 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G3225A103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG3225A1031 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110426/LTN20110426031.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To receive and adopt the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements and the reports of the directors of the Company ("Directors") and the auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of RMB0.1268 per Mgmt For For share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3a To re-elect Mr. Hui Kai Yan as an executive Mgmt For For Director 3b To re-elect Mr. Xia Haijun as an executive Director Mgmt For For 3c To re-elect Mr. Lai Lixin as an executive Director Mgmt For For 3d To re-elect Ms. He Miaoling as an executive Mgmt Against Against Director 4 To authorise the Board to fix the remuneration Mgmt For For of the Directors 5 To approve the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Mgmt For For as the auditors of the Company and to authorise the Board to fix their remuneration 6 To approve the granting to the Directors the Mgmt Against Against general and unconditional mandate to allot, issue and deal with new shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company 7 To approve the granting to the Directors the Mgmt For For general and unconditional mandate to repurchase shares in the capital of the Company of up to 10% of the issued share capital of the Company 8 To approve the extension of the authority granted Mgmt Against Against to the Directors by Resolution 6 above by adding the number of shares repurchased pursuant to the authority granted to the Directors by Resolution 7 above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST FINL HLDG CO LTD Agenda Number: 703045321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2518F100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002892007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Chairman of the Meeting announces that the shareholding Non-Voting No vote of shareholders present has met the regulatory requirement so that the Meeting begins 2 Chairman presents Non-Voting No vote 3 Participants stand up Non-Voting No vote 4 Salute the National Flag and the photo of Dr. Non-Voting No vote Sun-Yat Sun with three bows 5 Opening speech of the chairman Non-Voting No vote 6.i President reports the business operation of Non-Voting No vote the Company in 2010 6.ii Supervisors report the audit process of 2010 Non-Voting No vote financial statements 6.iii Report of the issuance of unsecured senior and Non-Voting No vote subordinate corporate bonds in 2010 6.iv Report of the propagation of the laws and regulations Non-Voting No vote governing holding or acquiring over a certain percentage of the outstanding voting shares of a financial holding company by any single individual or related party 7.i Please recognize the 2010 business report and Mgmt For For financial statements of the Company 7.ii Please recognize the distribution of 2010 profits Mgmt For For 8.i Please approve the amendment to the Articles Mgmt For For of Incorporation of the Company 8.ii Please approve the capital increase from retained Mgmt For For earnings as of 2010 9 Extemporary motions Mgmt Abstain For 10 Closing of meeting Non-Voting No vote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST STEAMSHIP CO LTD Agenda Number: 703150932 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y25709109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002601002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of overseas convertible corporate Non-Voting No vote bonds A.4 The status of buyback treasury stock Non-Voting No vote A.5 The status of endorsement and guarantee Non-Voting No vote A.6 The status of joint-venture in people's republic Non-Voting No vote of china B.1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution. Proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 1 per share B31.1 The election of director: Herng Hwa Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd Shareholder No.: 193672 Representative: Hsu Cheng Ting B31.2 The election of director: Herng Hwa Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd Shareholder No.: 193672 Representative: Chan Chun Keung B31.3 The election of director: Herng Hwa Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd Shareholder No.: 193672 Representative: Chuang Chien Wan B31.4 The election of director: Shiun Tung Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd Shareholder No.: 98617 Representative: Sun Ya Ming B31.5 The election of director: Shiun Tung Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd Shareholder No.: 98617 Representative: Nagahara Akihiro B32.1 The election of supervisor: Lai Jie Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd Shareholder No.: 223076 Representative: Hung Shao Chen B32.2 The election of supervisor: Wang Cheng Investment Mgmt For For Co. Ltd Shareholder No.: 223075 Representative: Chang Sin Tuan B.4 The proposal to release the prohibition on directors Mgmt For For from participation in competitive business B.5 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMOSA PLASTICS CORP, TAIPEI Agenda Number: 703160301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y26095102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0001301000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 801819 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of unsecured corporate bonds Non-Voting No vote B.1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution. Proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 6.8 per share B.3 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.4 The revision to the procedures of monetary loans Mgmt For For B.5 The revision to the procedures of endorsement Mgmt For For and guarantee B.6 The revision to the rules of shareholder meeting Mgmt For For B.7 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLORIA MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY CORP Agenda Number: 703113605 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2726B107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0005009005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 801957 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of the local secured convertible Non-Voting No vote corporate bonds III A.4 The status of the local secured convertible Non-Voting No vote corporate bonds IV A.5 The status of the local unsecured convertible Non-Voting No vote corporate bonds V A.6 The status of buyback treasury stock Non-Voting No vote A.7 The status of investment in people's republic Non-Voting No vote of China B.1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution Mgmt For For B.3 The issuance of new shares from retained earnings. Mgmt For For Proposed stock dividend: 50 for 1,000 SHS held B.4 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.511 The election of the director: Chen, Hsing-Shih Mgmt For For shareholder no.: 8 B.512 The election of the director: Chen, Cheng-Hsiang Mgmt For For shareholder no.: 12 B.513 The election of the director: Chang, Shih-Feng Mgmt For For shareholder no.: 46265 B.514 The election of the director: Chen, Te-Chih Mgmt For For / shareholder no.: 1487 B.515 The election of the director: Ho-Yang Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd. / shareholder no.: 60979 representative: Li, Yu-Chen B.521 The election of the independent director: Huang, Mgmt For For Te-Wang / Id no.: R100527976 B.522 The election of the independent director: Cheng, Mgmt For For Yi-Lin / Id no.: E100285651 B.523 The election of the independent director: Hsu, Mgmt For For Hsiao-Po Id no.: A102927041 B.6 The proposal to release the prohibition on directors Mgmt For For from participation in competitive business B.7 Other issues and extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLDEN EAGLE RETAIL GROUP LTD, WAN CHAI Agenda Number: 702727097 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G3958R109 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 21-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: KYG3958R1092 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101206/LTN20101206183.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To approve the Equity Transfer Agreement and Mgmt For For the transactions contemplated thereunder 2 To approve the Lease Agreement (Additional Xianlin Mgmt For For Retail Area) and the transactions contemplated thereunder 3 To approve the proposed annual caps for the Mgmt For For rental in respect of the Xianlin Golden Eagle Lease Agreements for each of the three years ending 31 December 2012 4 To approve the proposed Revised Annual Caps Mgmt For For for each of the two years ending 31 December 2010 and 2011 5 To approve the 2011 Xinjiekou Tenancy Agreement Mgmt For For and the transactions contemplated thereunder 6 To approve the proposed annual caps for the Mgmt For For 2011 Xinjiekou Tenancy Agreement for each of the three years ending 31 December 2013 7 To approve the 2011 Lease Agreement (Additional Mgmt For For Shanghai Premises) and the transactions contemplated thereunder 8 To approve the proposed annual caps for the Mgmt For For 2011 Lease Agreement (Additional Shanghai Premises) for each of the three years ending 31 December 2013 9 To approve the 2011 Project Management Services Mgmt For For Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder 10 To approve the proposed annual caps for the Mgmt For For 2011 Project Management Services Agreement for each of the three years ending 31 December 2013 11 To approve the 2011 Decoration Services Agreement Mgmt For For and the transactions contemplated thereunder 12 To approve the proposed annual caps for the Mgmt For For 2011 Decoration Services Agreement for each of the three years ending 31 December 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY CO LTD Agenda Number: 703052491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y36861105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002317005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A3 The indirect investment in people's republic Non-Voting No vote of china A4 The status of the local and Euro corporate bonds Non-Voting No vote B1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B2 The 2010 profit distribution. Proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 1 per share B3 The issuance of new shares from retained earnings. Mgmt For For Proposed stock dividend: 50 for 1,000 SHS held B4 The proposal of capital injection by issuing Mgmt For For new shares for global depositary receipt B5 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B6 Other issues and extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HONG KONG EXCHANGES & CLEARING LTD Agenda Number: 702919638 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y3506N139 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0388045442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK:http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110316/LTN20110316321.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To receive the Audited Accounts for the year Mgmt For For ended 31 December 2010 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditor thereon 2 To declare a final dividend of HKD 2.31 per Mgmt For For share 3.a To elect Dr Kwok Chi Piu, Bill as Director Mgmt For For 3.b To elect Mr Lee Kwan Ho, Vincent Marshall as Mgmt Against Against Director 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditor Mgmt For For and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration 5 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares of Hkex, not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of Hkex as at the date of this Resolution 6 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to allot, issue and deal with additional shares of Hkex, not exceeding 10% (5% where the shares are to be allotted for cash) of the issued share capital of Hkex as at the date of this Resolution, and the discount for any shares to be issued shall not exceed 5% 7.a To approve the remuneration of HKD 550,000 and Mgmt For For HKD 385,000 per annum be payable to the Chairman and each of the other non-executive Directors respectively 7.b To approve, in addition to the attendance fee Mgmt For For of HKD 2,500 per meeting, the remuneration of HKD 100,000 and HKD 70,000 per annum be payable to the chairman and each of the other members (excluding executive Director) of certain Board committees respectively 8 To approve the amendments to the Articles of Mgmt For For Association relating to Hkex's corporate communications 9 To approve the amendments to the Articles of Mgmt For For Association relating to the notice period for shareholders' nomination of Directors 10 To approve the amendments to the Articles of Mgmt For For Association relating to minor housekeeping amendments PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote IN THE TEXT OF THE RESOLUTION 2.IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOPEWELL HLDGS LTD Agenda Number: 702612652 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y37129163 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0000051067 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100916/LTN20100916272.pdf 1 Receive and approve the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements and the report of the Directors and an Independent Auditor's report for the YE 30 JUN 2010 2 Approve the recommended final dividend of HK54 Mgmt For For cents per share 3.A.1 Re-elect Sir Gordon Ying Sheung Wu as a Director Mgmt For For 3.A.2 Re-elect Mr. Thomas Jefferson Wu as a Director Mgmt For For 3.A.3 Re-elect Mr. Henry Hin Moh Lee as a Director Mgmt For For 3.A.4 Re-elect Mr. Carmelo Ka Sze Lee as a Director Mgmt For For 3.A.5 Re-elect Mr. Lee Yick Nam as a Director Mgmt For For 3.A.6 Re-elect Mr. William Wing Lam Wong as a Director Mgmt Against Against 3.B Approve not to fill up the vacated office resulting Mgmt For For from the retirement of Mr. Robert Van Jin Nien as a Director 3.C Approve to fix the Directors' fees Mgmt For For 4 Re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Mgmt For For as the Auditor and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration 5.A Authorize the Directors to repurchase shares Mgmt For For Ordinary Resolution No. A on Item 5 of the Notice of AGM 5.B Authorize the Directors to issue shares Ordinary Mgmt Against Against Resolution No. B on Item 5 of the notice of AGM 5.C Approve to extend the general mandate to issue Mgmt Against Against shares to cover the shares repurchased by the Company Ordinary Resolution No. C on Item 5 of the notice of AGM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTC CORP Agenda Number: 703110647 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y3732M103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 15-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002498003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 834998 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of buyback treasury stock Non-Voting No vote A.4 The revision of conditions for buyback stock Non-Voting No vote of transferring to employees B.1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution proposed cash dividend: Mgmt For For TWD37 per share B.3 The issuance of new shares from retained earnings Mgmt For For and staff bonus. Proposed stock dividend: 50 for 1,000 shs held B.4 The revision to the Articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.5 The revision to the procedures of asset acquisition Mgmt For For or disposal B.6.1 The election of director: David Bruce Yoffie, Mgmt For For ID: 19540707DA B.6.2 The election of supervisor: Jerry H C Chu, ID: Mgmt For For A121108388 B.7 The proposal to release the prohibition on directors Mgmt For For from participation in competitive business B.8 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUTCHISON TELECOMMUNICATIONS HONG KONG HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702901566 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G4672G106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG4672G1064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110401/LTN201104011462.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the reports of the directors and auditor for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.a To re-elect Mr Fok Kin-ning, Canning as a director Mgmt For For 3.b To re-elect Mr Lai Kai Ming, Dominic as a director Mgmt For For 3.c To re-elect Mr Cheong Ying Chew, Henry as a Mgmt For For director 3.d To authorise the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For directors' remuneration 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Mgmt For For auditor and to authorise the board of directors to fix the auditor's remuneration 5.1 Ordinary resolution on item 5(1) of the Notice Mgmt Against Against of the Meeting (To grant a general mandate to the directors of the Company to issue additional shares) 5.2 Ordinary resolution on item 5(2) of the Notice Mgmt For For of the Meeting (To grant a general mandate to the directors of the Company to repurchase shares of the Company) 5.3 Ordinary resolution on item 5(3) of the Notice Mgmt Against Against of the Meeting (To extend the general mandate to the directors of the Company to issue additional shares) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LTD Agenda Number: 702932814 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y38024108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0013000119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK:http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110411/LTN20110411605.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To receive and adopt the Statement of Audited Mgmt For For Accounts and Reports of the Directors and Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.1 To re-elect Fok Kin-ning, Canning as a Director Mgmt For For 3.2 To re-elect Kam Hing Lam as a Director Mgmt Against Against 3.3 To re-elect Holger Kluge as a Director Mgmt For For 3.4 To re-elect William Shurniak as a Director Mgmt For For 3.5 To re-elect Wong Chung Hin as a Director Mgmt For For 4 To appoint auditor and authorise the Directors Mgmt For For to fix the Auditor's remuneration 5.1 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt Against Against issue additional shares 5.2 To approve the purchase by the Company of its Mgmt For For own shares 5.3 To extend the general mandate in Ordinary Resolution Mgmt Against Against No 5 (1) 6 To approve the amendments to the Articles of Mgmt For For Association CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED Agenda Number: 702563316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV10686 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 21-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000003G1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100729/LTN201007291043.pdf S.1.1 Approve the types and nominal value of securities Mgmt For For to be issued S.1.2 Approve the proportion and number of Shares Mgmt For For to be issued S.1.3 Approve the subscription Price and the basis Mgmt For For for price determination S.1.4 Approve the target subscribers for the Rights Mgmt For For Issue S.1.5 Approve the amount and use of proceeds Mgmt For For S.1.6 Approve the effective period of the resolutions Mgmt For For S.1.7 Authorize the Rights Issue Mgmt For For PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN MEETING DATE FROM 15 SEP TO 21 SEP 2010. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED Agenda Number: 702600380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV10686 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 21-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000003G1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 737137 DUE TO DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION ALONG WITH CHANGE IN MEETING DATE. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100907/LTN20100907631.pdf http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100907/LTN20100907617.pdf s.1.1 Approve the types and nominal value of securities Mgmt For For to be issued on the proposed rights issue of A Shares and H Shares by the Bank s.1.2 Approve the proportion and number of Shares Mgmt For For to be issued on the proposed rights issue of A Shares and H Shares by the Bank s.1.3 Approve the subscription Price and the basis Mgmt For For for price determination on the proposed rights issue of A Shares and H Shares by the Bank s.1.4 Approve the target subscribers for the Rights Mgmt For For Issue on the proposed rights issue of A Shares and H Shares by the Bank s.1.5 Approve the amount and use of proceeds on the Mgmt For For proposed rights issue of A Shares and H Shares by the Bank s.1.6 Approve the effective period of the resolutions Mgmt For For on the proposed rights issue of A Shares and H Shares by the Bank s.1.7 Approve the authorization for the rights issue Mgmt For For on the proposed rights issue of A Shares and H Shares by the Bank 2 Approve the arrangements for the accumulated Mgmt For For undistributed profits of the Bank prior to the completion of the rights issue of A Shares and H Shares 3 Approve the feasibility analysis report on use Mgmt For For of proceeds from the rights issue of A Shares and H Shares as specified in Appendix 1 to the circular of the Bank dated 29 JUL 2010 4 Approve the report on utilization of proceeds Mgmt For For from previous issuances as set out in Appendix 2 to the circular of the Bank dated 29 JUL 2010 5 Approve the payment of remuneration to Directors Mgmt For For and Supervisors for 2009 6 Election of Mr. Xu Shanda as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 7 Appointment of Mr. Li Xiaopeng as an Executive Mgmt For For Director of the Bank 8 Approve and consider the Report of Industrial Mgmt For For and Commercial Bank of China Limited on Utilization of Proceeds from Previous Issuance [A Share Convertible Corporate Bonds] as set out in Appendix 1 to the supplemental circular of the Bank dated 7 SEP 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED Agenda Number: 703090910 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV10686 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 31-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000003G1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 832685 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110412/LTN20110412644.pdf AND http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110427/LTN20110427957.pdf AND http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110519/LTN20110519353.pdf 1 To consider and approve the 2010 Work Report Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors of the Bank 2 To consider and approve the 2010 Work Report Mgmt For For of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank 3 To consider and approve the Bank's 2010 audited Mgmt For For accounts 4 To consider and approve the Bank's 2010 profit Mgmt For For distribution plan 5 To consider and approve the proposal on the Mgmt For For purchase of office premises by the Shanghai Branch 6 To consider and approve the Bank's 2011 fixed Mgmt For For assets investment budget 7 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Ernst & Young and Ernst & Young Hua Ming as external auditors of the Bank for 2011 for the term from the passing of this resolution until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting and to fix the aggregate audit fees for 2011 at RMB 159.60 million 8 To consider and appoint Mr. Zhao Lin as a shareholder Mgmt For For supervisor of the Bank 9 To consider and approve the payment of remuneration Mgmt For For to directors and supervisors of the bank for 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL MINING MACHINERY HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702887817 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G48858107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 14-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG488581078 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110330/LTN201103301043.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To receive and adopt the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements of the Company and the reports of the directors and auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 3a.i To re-elect the following person as director Mgmt For For of the Company: Mr Kwong Ming Pierre Tsui 3a.ii To re-elect the following person as director Mgmt For For of the Company: Mr Yinghui Wang 3aiii To re-elect the following person as director Mgmt For For of the Company: Dr Xuezheng Wang 3aiv To re-elect the following person as director Mgmt For For of the Company: Dr Fung Man, Norman Wai 3b To authorise the board (the "Board") of directors Mgmt For For of the Company to fix the remuneration of the directors 4 To re-appoint Ernst & Young as auditors of the Mgmt For For Company and authorise the Board to fix their remuneration 5A To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt Against Against allot, issue and deal with additional shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company 5B To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company 5C To extend the authority given to the directors Mgmt Against Against pursuant to ordinary resolution no. 5(A) to issue shares by adding to the issued share capital of the Company the number of shares repurchased under ordinary resolution No. 5(B) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KERRY PPTYS LTD HONG KONG Agenda Number: 702901528 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G52440107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 05-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BMG524401079 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110325/LTN20110325233.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS "1 TO 7". THANK YOU. 1 To adopt the audited financial statements and Mgmt For For the reports of the Directors and the auditor for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 3.a To re-elect Mr. Kuok Khoon Chen, a retiring Mgmt For For Director, as a Director 3.b To re-elect Mr. Wong Siu Kong, a retiring Director, Mgmt For For as a Director 3.c To re-elect Mr. Ho Shut Kan, a retiring Director, Mgmt Against Against as a Director 3.d To re-elect Ms. Wong Yu Pok, Marina, a retiring Mgmt For For Director, as a Director 4 To fix Directors' fees (including fees payable Mgmt For For to the chairman and members of the Audit Committee and members of the Remuneration Committee) 5 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditor Mgmt For For and to authorize the Directors to fix its remuneration 6.A To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue and deal with additional Shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution 6.B To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase Shares in the capital of the Company not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution 6.C To extend, conditional upon the above resolution Mgmt Against Against 6B being duly passed, the general mandate to allot Shares by adding the aggregate nominal amount of the repurchased Shares to the 20% general mandate 6.D To approve and adopt the 2011 Share Option Scheme Mgmt Against Against and to terminate the 2002 Share Option Scheme 7 To approve the amendments to the Bye-laws of Mgmt For For the Company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KUNLUN ENERGY CO LTD Agenda Number: 702903940 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G5320C108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BMG5320C1082 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110404/LTN201104041299.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To adopt the audited Financial Statement and Mgmt For For the Reports of the Directors and Auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare dividend Mgmt For For 3.A.i To re-elect Mr. Cheng Cheng as director Mgmt For For 3.Aii To re-elect Dr. Lau Wah Sum as director Mgmt For For 3Aiii To re-elect Mr. Li Kwok Sing Aubrey as director Mgmt For For 3.B To authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration Mgmt For For of the directors 4 To appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors Mgmt For For for the ensuing year and to authorise the directors to fix their remuneration 5 To approve the share issue mandate (ordinary Mgmt Against Against resolution no. 5 of the notice convening the Meeting) 6 To approve the share repurchase mandate (ordinary Mgmt For For resolution no. 6 of the notice convening the Meeting) 7 To approve extension of the share issue mandate Mgmt Against Against under ordinary resolution no. 5 by the number of shares repurchased under ordinary resolution no. 6 (ordinary resolution no. 7 of the notice convening the Meeting) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LENOVO GROUP LTD Agenda Number: 702534416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y5257Y107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0992009065 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100628/LTN20100628270.pdf 1 Receive the audited accounts for the YE 31 MAR Mgmt For For 2010 together with the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon 2 Declare a final dividend for the issued ordinary Mgmt For For shares for the YE 31 MAR 2010 3.a Re-elect Mr. Nicholas C. Allen as a Director Mgmt For For 3.b Re-elect Mr. Yang Yuanqing as a Director Mgmt For For 3.c Re-elect Mr. Zhu Linan as a Director Mgmt For For 3.d Re-elect Mr. James G. Coulter as a Director Mgmt For For 3.e Re-elect Mr. Ting Lee Sen as a Director Mgmt For For 3.f Authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors' fees 4 Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Auditors Mgmt For For and authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Auditors' remuneration 5 Authorize the Directors to allot, issue and Mgmt Against Against deal with additional ordinary shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company 6 Authorize the Directors to repurchase ordinary Mgmt For For shares not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company 7 Approve to extend the general mandate to the Mgmt Against Against Directors to issue new ordinary shares of the Company by adding the number of the shares repurchased -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LI & FUNG LTD Agenda Number: 702580691 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G5485F144 Meeting Type: SGM Meeting Date: 13-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: BMG5485F1445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTION "1". THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100826/LTN20100826449.pdf 1 Approve the Scheme and the Option Offer both Mgmt For For as defined in the notice convening the SGM PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTR CORP LTD Agenda Number: 702882780 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y6146T101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 06-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0066009694 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110330/LTN20110330610.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited Statement Mgmt For For of Accounts and the Reports of the Directors and the Auditors of the Company for the year ended 31st December, 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31st December, 2010 3.a To elect Alasdair George Morrison as a member Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors of the Company 3.b To re-elect Edward Ho Sing-tin as a member of Mgmt For For the Board of Directors of the Company 3.c To re-elect Ng Leung-sing as a member of the Mgmt For For Board of Directors of the Company 3.d To re-elect Abraham Shek Lai-him as a member Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors of the Company 4 To re-appoint KPMG as Auditors of the Company Mgmt For For and authorise the Board of Directors to determine their remuneration 5 Special business: To grant a general mandate Mgmt Against Against to the Board of Directors to allot, issue, grant, distribute and otherwise deal with additional shares in the Company, not exceeding ten per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of this Resolution (as adjusted) 6 Special business: To grant a general mandate Mgmt For For to the Board of Directors to purchase shares in the Company, not exceeding ten per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of this Resolution 7 Special business: Conditional on the passing Mgmt Against Against of the Resolutions 5 and 6, to authorise the Board of Directors to exercise the powers to allot, issue, grant distribute and otherwise deal with additional shares in the Company under Resolution 5 in respect of the aggregate nominal amount of share capital in the Company purchased by the Company CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF CONSERVATIVE RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAN YA PLASTICS CORP Agenda Number: 703104860 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y62061109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0001303006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT DELETION OF COMMENT. THANK YOU. Non-Voting No vote CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of directors Non-Voting No vote A.4 The status of unsecured corporate bonds Non-Voting No vote B.1 The 2010 financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution. Proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 4.7 per share B.3 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.4 The revision to the rules of shareholder meeting Mgmt For For B.5 The proposal to release the prohibition on directors Mgmt For For from participation in competitive business B.6 The proposal to the election of the director Mgmt For For B.7 The election of a director: Name: Yun-Peng Chu, Mgmt For For ID No.: H100450731 B.8 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF DIRECTOR NAME IN RESOLUTION B.7. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW WORLD DEV LTD Agenda Number: 702536422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y63084126 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 20-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0017000149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100630/LTN20100630346.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 Approve the Disposal as specified the Circular Mgmt For For , pursuant to the terms and conditions of the SP Agreements as specified in the Circular and all the transactions contemplated thereunder PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NVC LIGHTING HOLDING LIMITED Agenda Number: 703105052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: ADPV14720 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG6700A1004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110512/LTN20110512191.pdf 1 To receive the audited consolidated financial Mgmt For For statements and the reports of the directors and auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 3.a To re-elect Mr. Wu Changjiang as executive director Mgmt For For 3.b To re-elect Mr. Wu Jiannong as executive director Mgmt For For 3.c To re-elect Mr. Mu Yu as executive director Mgmt Against Against 3.d To re-elect Mr. Xia Lei as non-executive director Mgmt For For 3.e To re-elect Mr. Yan Andrew Y as non-executive Mgmt For For director 3.f To re-elect Mr. Lin Ho-Ping as non-executive Mgmt For For director 3.g To re-elect Ms. Hui Ming Yunn, Stephanie as Mgmt Against Against non-executive director 3.h To re-elect Mr. Alan Russell Powrie as independent Mgmt For For non-executive director 3.i To re-elect Mr. Karel Robert Den Daas as independent Mgmt For For non-executive director 3.j To re-elect Mr. Wang Jinsui as independent non-executive Mgmt For For director 3.k To authorize the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For respective directors' remuneration 4 To appoint Messrs. Ernst & Young as auditors Mgmt For For and to authorize the board of directors to fix their remuneration 5 To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares of the Company not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this resolution 6 To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt Against Against issue additional shares of the Company not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this resolution 7 To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against directors to issue additional shares of the Company by the aggregate nominal amount of the shares repurchased by the Company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIENTAL UNION CHEMICAL CORP Agenda Number: 703052186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y6563B104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0001710002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 financial statements Non-Voting No vote A.3 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.4 The revision to the rules of the board meeting Non-Voting No vote B.1 The 2010 financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution. proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend:TWD2.4 per share B.3 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.4 The revision to the procedures of monetary loans, Mgmt For For endorsement and guarantee B.5 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PING AN INSURANCE (GROUP) COMPANY OF CHINA LTD Agenda Number: 702606661 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y69790106 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 01-Nov-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000003X6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100914/LTN20100914492.pdf 1 Approve the adjustment of remuneration of domestic Mgmt For For persons of the Company acting as the Independent Non-executive Directors 2.1 Approve the means of the major asset restructuring, Mgmt For For object of the transaction and parties to the transaction 2.2 Approve the transaction price and basis of pricing Mgmt For For involved in the major asset restructuring 2.3 Approve the vesting of profit or loss arising Mgmt For For from the relevant assets from the base date of asset pricing to the completion date 2.4 Approve the contract obligations and default Mgmt For For liabilities under the transfer of ownership of the relevant assets 2.5 Approve the validity period of the resolution Mgmt For For of the major asset restructuring 3 Approve the supplemental agreement to the Share Mgmt For For Subscription Agreement entered into between the Company and SDB 4 Approve the profits forecast compensation agreement Mgmt For For entered into between the Company and SDB 5 Authorize the Board to process matters relating Mgmt For For to the major asset restructuring of the Company at the general meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PING AN INSURANCE (GROUP) COMPANY OF CHINA LTD Agenda Number: 702923776 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y69790106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000003X6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110406/LTN201104061332.pdf 1 To consider and approve the report of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2010 2 To consider and approve the report of the Supervisory Mgmt For For Committee of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2010 3 To consider and approve the annual report of Mgmt For For the Company and its summary for the year ended December 31, 2010 4 To consider and approve the report of the auditors Mgmt For For and audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2010 5 To consider and approve the profit distribution Mgmt For For plan and the recommendation for the final dividend for the year ended December 31, 2010 6 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Ernst & Young Hua Ming as the PRC auditors and Ernst & Young as the international auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting and to authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 7 To consider and approve the re-designation of Mgmt For For Mr. Cheung Chi Yan, Louis as a Non-executive Director of the Company 8 To consider and approve the appointment of Mr. Mgmt For For Woo Ka Biu, Jackson as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company 9 To consider and approve the proposed amendments Mgmt For For to the Articles of Association of the Company, and to authorize the Board of Directors to make further amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company that it considers necessary, appropriate or expedient in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and the requirements of China Insurance Regulatory Commission and other relevant regulatory authorities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUENTEX INDUSTRIES LIMITED Agenda Number: 702711119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7367H107 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 31-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002915006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU 1 The revision to the procedures of asset acquisition Mgmt For For or disposal 2 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For 3 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINO LD LTD Agenda Number: 702618717 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y80267126 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0083000502 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 Receive the audited financial statements and Mgmt For For the Directors' and the Independent Auditor's reports for the YE 30 JUN 2010 2 Declare a final dividend of HKD 0.3 per ordinary Mgmt For For share with an option for scrip dividend 3.i Re-elect the Honourable Ronald Joseph Arculli, Mgmt For For GBM, CVO, GBS, OBE, JP as a Director 3.ii Re-elect Mr. Thomas Tang Wing Yung as a Director Mgmt For For 3.iii Re-elect Mr. Daryl Ng Win Kong as a Director Mgmt Against Against 3.iv Authorize the Board to fix the Directors' remuneration Mgmt For For for the FYE 30 JUN 2011 4 Re-appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as the Auditor Mgmt For For for the ensuing year and authorize the Board to fix their remuneration 5.i Approve the share repurchase mandate Mgmt For For 5.ii Approve the share issue mandate Mgmt Against Against 5.iii Approve the extension of share issue mandate Mgmt Against Against PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINOPEC SHANGHAI PETROCHEMICAL CO LTD Agenda Number: 702706118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y80373106 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000004C8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101111/LTN20101111669.PDF CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL THE RESOLUTIONS". THANK YOU. 1 Resolution on the appointment of Mr. Wang Zhiqing Mgmt Against Against as director to fill up the vacancy in the sixth session of the Board of Directors 2 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt For For "Mutual Product Supply and Sale Services Framework Agreement" and the caps on the continuing connected transactions contemplated thereunder for years 2011-2013 3 To consider and approve the resolution on the Mgmt Against Against "Comprehensive Services Framework Agreement" and the caps on the relevant continuing connected transactions contemplated thereunder for years 2011-2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINOPHARM GROUP CO LTD Agenda Number: 702716347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8008N107 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 07-Jan-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000FN7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101123/LTN20101123633.pdf 1 Resolved that the appointment of Mr. Chen Wenhao Mgmt For For as a non-executive director of the Company for a term of three years starting from the conclusion of the EGM be and is hereby approved and the Board be authorised to enter into a service contract with him 2 Resolved that the appointment of Mr. Zhou Bin Mgmt Against Against as a non-executive director of the Company for a term of three years starting from the conclusion of the EGM be and is hereby approved and the Board be authorised to enter into a service contract with him 3 Resolved that the appointment of Mr. Yao Fang Mgmt For For as a supervisor of the Company for a term of three years starting from the conclusion of the EGM be and is hereby approved and the Board be authorised to enter into a service contract with him 4 Resolved that the appointment of Mr. Lian Wanyong Mgmt For For as a supervisor of the Company for a term of three years starting from the conclusion of the EGM be and is hereby approved and the Board be authorised to enter into a service contract with him 5 Resolved that: (a) the issue by the Company Mgmt For For of the Medium-Term Bonds in the PRC within 30 months from the passing of this resolution on the following terms, be and is hereby approved: (i) Issuer: The Company; (ii) Place of issue: The PRC; (iii) Size of issue: The aggregate principal amount shall not be more than RMB 5 billion; (iv) Maturity of the Medium-Term Bonds: Not more than 5 years; (v) Interest rate: To be determined according to the relevant regulatory requirements and market conditions; (vi) Issue method: To be issued in a single tranche or multiple tranches, subject to market conditions, capital needs of the Company and regulatory requirements, and to be underwritten by qualified financial institutions appointed by the Company; (vii) Use of proceeds: The proceeds will be used within the scope approved by the relevant CONTD. CONT CONTD. regulatory authorities, which will be Non-Voting No vote mainly for the funding of the operational activities, adding liquidity and repaying bank loans of the Company; (viii) Targets: To be issued to qualified institutional investors of inter-bank bond market in the PRC (save for those prohibited under PRC laws or regulations from subscription ; and (b) the Board or any one of the directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised: (i) to confirm specific matters in relation to the issue of the Medium-Term Bonds, which include but not limited to the size of registration of the Medium-Term Bonds, the size of issue, the maturity, the issue price, the interest rate or the calculation mechanism thereof, the timing of the issue, whether to issue in multiple tranches and the number of tranches, the grading arrangement, the duration CONTD. CONT CONTD. for repayment of the principal and interest, Non-Voting No vote the specific arrangement relating to the use of the proceeds within the scope approved at the EGM; (ii) to deal with all the other relevant matters in relation to the issue of the Medium-Term Bonds, which include but not limited to the appointment of intermediaries; to deal with the relevant matters in relation to the approval for the issue of the Medium-Term Bonds, the issue of the Medium-Term Bonds, the registration of debentures and debts and liquidity of bonds transactions; to amend and execute all the necessary legal documents (including but not limited to application for the issue of the Medium- Term Bonds, registration report, offering document, underwriting agreement, all kinds of announcements and other documents that are required to be disclosed); and CONTD. CONT COTND. to disclose the relevant information Non-Voting No vote pursuant to the applicable regulatory rules; (iii) to make appropriate adjustments to the specific plan of the issue of the Medium-Term Bonds and the relevant matters in accordance with the comments of the regulatory authorities, if there are any changes in the policy of the regulatory authorities or the market conditions; and (iv) to do all such acts and things on behalf of the Company as it or him thinks necessary or fit so as to implement the issue of the Medium-Term Bonds CONTD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINOPHARM GROUP CO LTD Agenda Number: 703040321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8008N107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 31-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000FN7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110415/LTN20110415581.pdf 1 To consider and approve the report of the Board Mgmt For For of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and approve the report of the supervisory Mgmt For For committee of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To consider and approve the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the auditors' report of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To consider and approve the proposed profit Mgmt For For distribution plan and the payment of final dividend of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 5 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian Certified Public Accountant Co., Ltd. as the PRC auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting, and to ratify and confirm its remuneration determined by the audit committee of the Board 6 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers Certified Public Accountants, Hong Kong as the international auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting, and to ratify and confirm its remuneration determined by the audit committee of the Board 7 To consider, approve, ratify and confirm the Mgmt For For remuneration of the Directors for the year ended 31 December 2010 and to consider and authorise the Board to determine the remuneration of the Directors for the year ending 31 December 2011 8 To consider and approve to grant a general mandate Mgmt Against Against to the Board to exercise the power of the Company to allot, issue and/or deal with Domestic Shares and/ or H Shares, details of which are more particularly described in the notice of AGM dated 15 April 2011 (the "Notice") 9 To consider and approve proposals (if any) put Mgmt Against Against forward at such meeting pursuant to the Articles of Association and the Listing Rules by any shareholder(s) of the Company individually or collectively holding 3% or more of the Company's shares carrying the right to vote at such meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LTD, HONG KONG Agenda Number: 702666097 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y82594121 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 02-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0016000132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101028/LTN20101028150.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the reports of the Directors and auditors for the year ended 30 June 2010 2 To declare the final dividend Mgmt For For 3.i.a To re-elect Dr. Fung Kwok Lun, William as Director Mgmt For For 3.i.b To re-elect Dr. Lee Shau Kee as Director Mgmt For For 3.i.c To re-elect Mr. Wong Yick -Kam, Michael as Director Mgmt For For 3.i.d To re-elect Mr. Kwok Ping -Luen, Raymond as Mgmt For For Director 3.i.e To re-elect Mr. Chan Kai -Ming as Director Mgmt For For 3.i.f To re-elect Mr. Chan Kui- Yuen, Thomas as Director Mgmt For For 3.i.g To re-elect Mr. Kwong Chun as Director Mgmt Against Against 3.ii To fix Directors' fees, The proposed fees to Mgmt For For be paid to each Director, each Vice Chairman and the Chairman for the financial year ending 30 June 2011 are HKD 100,000, HKD 110,000 and HKD 120,000 respectively 4 To re-appoint auditors and to authorise the Mgmt For For Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares Ordinary Resolution No. 5 as set out in the notice of the AGM 6 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to issue new shares Ordinary Resolution No. 6 as set out in the notice of the AGM 7 To extend the general mandate to issue new shares Mgmt Against Against by adding the number of shares repurchased Ordinary Resolution No. 7 as set out in the notice of the AGM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAIWAN MOBILE CO LTD Agenda Number: 703090996 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y84153215 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 15-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0003045001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 785013 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The code of conduct Non-Voting No vote A.4 Ethical corporate management best practice principles Non-Voting No vote for TWSE/GTSM-listed companies A.5 Other presentations Non-Voting No vote B.1 The 2010 business reports Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit Distribution: proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 4.16 per share B.3 The proposal of capital reduction by cash return Mgmt For For B.4 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.5.1 The election of the Director: Fu-Chi Venture Mgmt For For Corp. (company ID: 86927654) Representative: Richard Tsai B.5.2 The election of the Director: Fu-Chi Venture Mgmt For For Corp. (company ID: 86927654) Representative: Daniel Tsai B.5.3 The election of the Director: Fu-Chi Venture Mgmt For For Corp. (company ID: 86927654) Representative: Victor Kung B.5.4 The election of the Director: TCC Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd. (company ID: 24454017) Representative: Cliff Lai B.5.5 The election of the Director: TCC Investment Mgmt For For Co., Ltd.(company ID: 24454017) Representative: Vivien Hsu B.5.6 The election of the Independent Director: Jack Mgmt For For J.T. Huang (ROC ID# A100320106) B.5.7 The election of the Independent Director: Tsung-Ming Mgmt For For Chung (ROC ID# J102535596) B.5.8 The election of the Independent Director: Wen-Li Mgmt For For Yeh (ROC ID# A103942588) B.5.9 The election of the Independent Director: J. Mgmt For For Carl Hsu (ROC ID# A130599888) B.6 The proposal to release the prohibition on directors Mgmt For For from participation in competitive business B.7 Other issues and extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MFG CO LTD Agenda Number: 703051944 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y84629107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002330008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote B.1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution. Proposed cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 3 per share B.3 The revision to the procedures of monetary loans, Mgmt For For endorsement and guarantee B.4 Resolution of the spin off tsmc's solar business Mgmt For For and solid state lighting business(become 100pct owned subsidiaries by tsmc) , according to the local regulations,if shareholder does not agree the resolution of the spin off, he/she can submit a dissension in written before shareholders'meeting. with company confirmation,their proposed resolution of spin off tsmc's solar business and solid state lighting business applies to above mentioned regulations B.5.1 The election of independent director: Gregory Mgmt For For C.Chow / Shareholder No.: 214553970 B.5.2 The election of independent director: Kok-Choo Mgmt For For Chen / Shareholder No.: 9546 B.6 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For CMMT PLEASE NOTE IF YOU WISH TO DISSENT PLEASE CONTACT Non-Voting No vote YOUR GLOBAL CUSTODIAN. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE TWO PARTS TO THIS MEETING Non-Voting No vote ANNUAL SHAREHOLDER MEETING AS WELL AS MERGER OR SPIN OFF. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR GLOBAL CUSTODIAN CLIENT IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SPIN OFF EVENT. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ADDITIONAL COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES COMPANY LIMITED Agenda Number: 702959973 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8563B159 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0669013440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110413/LTN20110413244.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To receive and consider the audited Statement Mgmt For For of Accounts and the Reports of the Directors and the Auditors of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of HK6.25 cents Mgmt For For per share for the year ended December 31, 2010 3.a To re-elect Mr. Horst Julius Pudwill as Group Mgmt For For Executive Director 3.b To re-elect Mr. Joseph Galli, Jr. as Group Executive Mgmt For For Director 3.c To re-elect Mr. Christopher Patrick Langley Mgmt For For OBE as Independent Non-executive Director 3.d To re-elect Mr. Peter David Sullivan as Independent Mgmt For For Non-executive Director 3e To authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration Mgmt For For for the year ending December 31, 2011 4 To re-appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company and authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration 5 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue and deal with additional shares not exceeding (i) in the case of an allotment and issue of shares for cash, 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue at the date of the resolution and (ii) in the case of an allotment and issue of shares for a consideration other than cash, 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue at the date of the resolution (less any shares allotted and issued pursuant to (i) above) 6 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares not exceeding 10% of the share capital of the Company in issue at the date of the resolution 7 Conditional on the passing of Resolution Nos. Mgmt Against Against 5 and 6, to grant a general mandate to the Directors to add the shares repurchased pursuant to Resolution No. 6 to the amount of issued share capital of the Company which may be allotted pursuant to Resolution No. 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WHARF (HOLDINGS) LTD Agenda Number: 703020432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8800U127 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 07-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0004000045 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110426/LTN20110426489.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To adopt the Financial Statements and the Reports Mgmt For For of the Directors and Auditors for the financial year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the financial Mgmt For For year ended 31 December 2010 3a To re-elect Hon. Paul M. P. Chan, a retiring Mgmt For For Director, as a Director 3b To re-elect Hon. Vincent K. Fang, a retiring Mgmt For For Director, as a Director 4 To re-appoint KPMG as Auditors of the Company Mgmt For For and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration 5 To give a general mandate to the Directors for Mgmt For For share repurchases by the Company 6 To give a general mandate to the Directors for Mgmt Against Against issue of shares 7 To approve the addition of repurchased securities Mgmt Against Against to the share issue general mandate stated under Resolution No. 6 8 To approve the proposed increase in the authorised Mgmt Against Against share capital of the Company 9 To approve the proposed share option scheme Mgmt Against Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TPK HOLDING CO LTD Agenda Number: 703046157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G89843109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG898431096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 827223 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of the local unsecured convertible Non-Voting No vote corporate bonds B.1 The 2010 business reports and consolidated financial Mgmt For For statements of the company B.2 The 2010 profit distribution Mgmt For For B.3 The proposal to increase the registered capital Mgmt For For B.4 The issuance of new shares from retained earnings Mgmt For For proposed stock dividend: 50 for 1,000 SHS held B.5 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.6 The revision to the procedures of monetary loans Mgmt For For B.7 The revision to the procedures of endorsement Mgmt For For and guarantee B.8 The revision to the procedures of asset acquisition Mgmt For For or disposal B.9 The revision to the procedures of trading derivatives Mgmt For For B.10 The proposal to release non-competition restriction Mgmt For For on the directors B.11 The proposal of capital injection by issuing Mgmt For For new shares or global depositary receipt B.12 Other issues and extraordinary motions Mgmt Against Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST CHINA CEM LTD Agenda Number: 702969380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9550B111 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JE00B3MW7P88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110412/LTN20110412007.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To receive, consider and adopt the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements and the reports of the directors of the Company (the Directors) and auditors of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of RMB1.53 cents Mgmt For For per ordinary share for the year ended 31 December 2010 to the shareholders of the Company which shall be paid out of the share premium of the Company 3.A To re-elect Mr. Zhang Jimin as an executive Mgmt For For Director 3.b To re-elect Mr. Wang Jianli as an executive Mgmt For For Director 3.c To re-elect Ms. Low Po Ling as an executive Mgmt For For Director 4 To authorise the board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of the directors 5 To appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as auditors Mgmt For For of the Company and to authorise the board of Directors to fix their remuneration 6 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue and deal with shares of the Company not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing this resolution 7 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to purchase shares of the Company not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing this resolution 8 To extend the general mandate granted under Mgmt Against Against resolution no. 6 by adding the shares purchased pursuant to the general mandate granted by resolution no. 7 9 To approve the grant of 40,000,000 share options Mgmt Against Against to Mr. Zhang Jimin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTEK CORP Agenda Number: 702655486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9664Q103 Meeting Type: SGM Meeting Date: 01-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002384005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU. 1 The proposal of issuing new shares to participate Mgmt For For the Global Depositary Receipt (GDR) issuance 2 The revision to the procedures of asset acquisition Mgmt For For or disposal 3 The proposal to release the prohibition on Directors Mgmt For For from participation in competitive business 4 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CONSERVATIVE Non-Voting No vote RECORD DATE AND CHANGE IN MEETING TYPE FROM EGM TO SGM. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISTRON NEWEB CORP Agenda Number: 703080717 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y96739100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 17-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0006285000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU I.1 To report the business of 2010 Non-Voting No vote I.2 Supervisor's Review Report Non-Voting No vote I.3 Amendment of the "Rules and Procedures of Board Non-Voting No vote of Directors Meeting" I.4 To report the execution of treasury stock buyback Non-Voting No vote II.1 Ratification for the Business Report and Financial Mgmt For For Statements of 2010 II.2 Ratification for the proposal for distribution Mgmt For For of 2010 profits II.3 Discussion for the capitalization of profits Mgmt For For through issuance of new shares II.4 Discussion for amendments of the "Articles of Mgmt For For Incorporation" II.5 Discussion for amendments of certain part of Mgmt For For the Company's "Election Regulations of Directors and Supervisors" III.1 Election of a Director: Mr. Hsien-Ming Lin (Acct Mgmt For For No: 333) III.2 Election of a Director: Mr. Fu-Chien Lin (Acct Mgmt For For No: 333) III.3 Election of a Director: Mr. Hong-Po Hsieh (Acct Mgmt For For No: 13) III.4 Election of a Director: Mr. Jiahn-Rong Gau (Acct Mgmt For For No: 20) III.5 Election of a Director: Mr. Kun Yi Wu (Acct Mgmt For For No: 1279) III.6 Election of an Independent Director: Mr. Kuang-Yau Mgmt For For Chang III.7 Election of an Independent Director: Mr. Song-Tsuen Mgmt For For Peng III.8 Election of an Independent Director: Mr. Yung Mgmt For For Chen Hung III.9 Election of a Director: Mr. Chin-Bing Peng (Acct Mgmt For For No: 690) IV.6 Discussion for amendments of the "Procedures Mgmt For For Governing Endorsements and Guarantees" IV.7 Discussion for amendments of the "Procedures Mgmt For For Governing Loaning of Funds" IV.8 Discussion for amendments of the "Procedures Mgmt For For of Assets Acquisition and Disposal" IV.9 Discussion for amendments of the "Policies and Mgmt For For Procedures Governing Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Financial Transactions" IV.10 Discussion for enactment of the Company's "Regulations Mgmt For For for Long term and Short term Investment Management" IV.11 Discussion for removing the non-compete restrictions Mgmt For For on newly elected directors and their legal representatives V Extemporary Motion Mgmt Abstain For VI Adjournment Non-Voting No vote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XINGDA INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702975674 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9827V106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG9827V1068 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110420/LTN20110420869.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To consider and adopt the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements and the reports of the Directors and the auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and declare a final dividend of Mgmt For For 15.00 HK cents per share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3A.i To re-elect Mr. Liu Xiang as a Director Mgmt For For 3A.ii To re-elect Mr. Koo Fook Sun, Louis as a Director Mgmt For For 3B To authorise the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors' remuneration 4 To re-appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as the Mgmt For For auditors of the Company and to authorise the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5A To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt Against Against allot, issue and deal with additional shares not exceeding 20 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company 5B To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares of the Company not exceeding 10 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company 5C To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against Directors to allot, issue and deal with additional shares by an amount not exceeding the nominal amount of shares repurchased by the Company CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YANZHOU COAL MNG CO LTD Agenda Number: 702742859 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y97417102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 18-Feb-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000004Q8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101230/LTN20101230469.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE "IN FAVOR" OR "AGAINST" FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 THAT: the proposal regarding the appointment Mgmt For For of Grant Thornton Jingdu Tianhua as the international auditors of the Company and its subsidiaries with effect from 30 December 2010 until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company be and is hereby confirmed, approved and rectified 2 Proposal regarding the amendments to the articles Mgmt For For of association of Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited 3 Proposal regarding the amendments to the Rules Mgmt For For of Procedures for the Shareholders' Meeting of Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited 4 Proposal regarding the amendments to the Rules Mgmt For For of Procedures for the Board of Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YANZHOU COAL MNG CO LTD Agenda Number: 702877311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y97417102 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000004Q8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110327/LTN20110327227.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTION "1". THANK YOU. 1 To consider and approve the general mandate Mgmt For For on authorizing the board of directors of the Company to repurchase H Shares of the Company, details of which are more particularly described in the Notice of Class Meeting of the Holders of H Shares and the Company's circular dated 25 March 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YANZHOU COAL MNG CO LTD Agenda Number: 703024327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y97417102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000004Q8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 806070 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110327/LTN20110327205.pdf and http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110427/LTN20110427662.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To consider and approve the working report of Mgmt For For the board of directors of the Company (the "Board") for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and approve the working report of Mgmt For For the supervisory committee of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To consider and approve the audited financial Mgmt For For statements of the Company and its subsidiaries as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010 4 To consider and approve the proposed profit Mgmt For For distribution plan of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 and to authorize the Board to distribute an aggregate cash dividend of RMB2,901.9 million (tax inclusive), equivalent to RMB0.59 (tax inclusive) per share to the shareholders of the Company 5.i To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Li Weimin as a director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of directors of the sixth session of the Board 5.ii To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Wang Xin as a director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of directors of the sixth session of the Board 5.iii To consider and approve the new appointment Mgmt For For of Mr. Zhang Yingmin as a director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of directors of the sixth session of the Board 5.iv To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Shi Xuerang as a director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of directors of the sixth session of the Board 5.v To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Wu Yuxiang as a director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of directors of the sixth session of the Board 5.vi To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Zhang Baocai as a director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of directors of the sixth session of the Board 6.i To consider and approve the new appointment Mgmt For For of Mr. Wang Xianzheng as a independent director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of independent directors of the sixth session of the Board 6.ii To consider and approve the new appointment Mgmt For For of Mr. Cheng Faguang as a independent director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of independent directors of the sixth session of the Board 6.iii To consider and approve the new appointment Mgmt For For of Mr. Wang Xiaojun as a independent director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of independent directors of the sixth session of the Board 6.iv To consider and approve the new appointment Mgmt For For of Mr. Xue Youzhi as a independent director of the fifth session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of independent directors of the sixth session of the Board 7.i To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Song Guo as a non-worker representative supervisor of the fifth session of the supervisory committee of the Company for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of the non-worker representative supervisors of the sixth session of the supervisory committee of the Company 7.ii To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Zhou Shoucheng as a non-worker representative supervisor of the fifth session of the supervisory committee of the Company for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of the non-worker representative supervisors of the sixth session of the supervisory committee of the Company 7.iii To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Mr. Zhang Shengdong as a non-worker representative supervisor of the fifth session of the supervisory committee of the Company for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of the non-worker representative supervisors of the sixth session of the supervisory committee of the Company 7.iv To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For Ms. Zhen Ailan as a non-worker representative supervisor of the fifth session of the supervisory committee of the Company for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM and ending on the date of the conclusion of the general meeting for the election of the non-worker representative supervisors of the sixth session of the supervisory committee of the Company 8 To consider and approve the remuneration of Mgmt For For the directors and supervisors of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2011 9 To consider and approve the "Proposal regarding Mgmt Against Against purchase of liability insurance for the directors of the Company" 10 To consider and approve the "Proposal regarding Mgmt For For the approval of bidding by the Company for the mining rights of Zhuan Longwan coal mine field in Inner Mongolia" 11 To consider and approve the "Proposal regarding Mgmt For For the appointment of external auditors of the Company for the year ending 31 December 2011 and their remuneration", and the appointment of Grant Thornton Jingdu Tianhua and Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants as the Company's international and domestic auditors for the year 2011, respectively, until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting, and to determine their remuneration arrangements 12 To consider and approve the "Resolution on authorising Mgmt Against Against the Company to handle matters in relation to financing activities at fixed interest rate" 13 To consider and approve the "Proposals regarding Mgmt For For the amendments to the Articles of Association of Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited (the "Articles"), the Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings of Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited (the "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings") and the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited (the "Rules of Procedure for the Board"), and to authorize any of the directors to make further adjustments at his discretion with reference to the requirements of the relevant authorities and to seek approval and make the relevant filing with the relevant authorities at the appropriate time, particulars of which are set out in the circular of the Company dated 25 March 2011 14 To consider and approve to authorize the Board Mgmt Against Against of Directors to issue H shares of the Company, details of which are more particularly described in the Notice of the 2010 Annual General Meeting and the circular of the Company dated 25 March 2011 15 To consider and approve the general mandate Mgmt For For on authorizing the Board of Directors to repurchase H shares of the Company, details of which are more particularly described in the Notice of the 2010 Annual General Meeting and the circular of the Company dated 25 March 2011 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote IN THE COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YUANTA FINANCIAL HOLDING CO LTD Agenda Number: 703142656 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2169H108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002885001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IN CASES WHERE THE CLIENT INSTRUCTS Non-Voting No vote US TO VOTE AGAINST ANY PROPOSAL TO BE DISCUSSED AT A SHAREHOLDERS MEETING AND THE VOTING WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PROPOSAL IS DONE BY BALLOT, WE OR OUR DESIGNEE WILL FILL OUT THE BALLOT IN RESPECT OF SUCH PROPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. HOWEVER, IF THE VOTING AT THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IS DONE BY ACCLAMATION, WE/OUR DESIGNEE WILL NOT TAKE ANY ACTION IN RESPECT OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL. THANK YOU CMMT PLEASE NOTE IF YOU WISH TO DISSENT PLEASE CONTACT Non-Voting No vote YOUR GLOBAL CUSTODIAN. THANK YOU. A.1 The 2010 business operations Non-Voting No vote A.2 The 2010 audited reports Non-Voting No vote A.3 The status of local unsecured convertible corporate Non-Voting No vote bonds A.4 The status of treasury stocks transferring Non-Voting No vote B.1 The 2010 business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For B.2 The 2010 profit distribution Mgmt For For B.3 The issuance of new shares from retained earnings. Mgmt For For Proposed stock dividend: 92 for 1,000 shs held B.4 The proposal to merge Polaris Securities Co.Ltd Mgmt For For via shares swap by new shares issuance B.5 The revision to the articles of incorporation Mgmt For For B.6 The revision to the rules of shareholder meeting Mgmt For For B.7 The revision to the rules of the election of Mgmt For For the directors B.8 Extraordinary motions Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHONGSHENG GROUP HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 703101888 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9894K108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG9894K1085 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110525/LTN20110525291.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To consider and approve the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements of the Company and the reports of the directors and of the auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend of HKD 0.12 per Mgmt For For share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To re-elect Mr. Huang Yi as an executive director Mgmt For For of the Company 4 To re-elect Mr. Li Guoqiang as an executive Mgmt For For director of the Company 5 To re-elect Mr. Du Qingshan as an executive Mgmt For For director of the Company 6 To authorize the board of directors of the Company Mgmt For For to fix the respective directors' remuneration 7 To re-appoint Ernst & Young as auditors of the Mgmt For For Company and to authorize the board of directors of the Company to fix their remuneration 8 To give a general mandate to the directors of Mgmt For For the Company to purchase the Company's shares not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution 9 To give a general mandate to the directors of Mgmt Against Against the Company to issue, allot and deal with additional shares of the Company not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution 10 To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against directors of the Company to issue, allot and deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company by the aggregate nominal amount of shares repurchased by the Company cmmt PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHUZHOU CSR TIMES ELECTRIC CO LTD Agenda Number: 702962223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9892N104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 10-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000004X4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTION 1. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110415/LTN20110415461.pdf 1 To consider and approve the CSRG Second Supplemental Mgmt For For Mutual Supply Agreement, the New CSRG Caps and the transactions contemplated thereunder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZHUZHOU CSR TIMES ELECTRIC CO LTD Agenda Number: 702970131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9892N104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 10-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000004X4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110415/LTN20110415411.pdf 1 To consider and approve the report of the board Mgmt For For of directors (the "Directors") of the Company (the "Board") for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To consider and approve the report of the supervisory Mgmt For For committee of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To consider and approve the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2010 and the auditors' reports thereon 4 To consider and approve the profits distribution Mgmt For For plan of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 and to declare a final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2010 5 To consider and approve the re-appointment of Mgmt For For the retiring auditors as the auditors of the Company until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company and to authorize the Board to fix their remuneration 6 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Ding Rongjun as an executive Director and his emolument 7 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Deng Huijin as a non-executive Director and his emolument 8 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Li Donglin as an executive Director and his emolument 9 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Yan Wu as a non-executive Director and his emolument 10 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Ma Yunkun as a non-executive Director and his emolument 11 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Gao Yucai as an independent non-executive Director and his emolument 12 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Chan Kam Wing, Clement as an independent non-executive Director and his emolument 13 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For Pao Ping Wing as an independent non-executive Director and his emolument 14 To consider and approve the re-election of Ms. Mgmt For For Liu Chunru as an independent non-executive Director and her emolument 15 To consider and approve the re-election of Mr. Mgmt For For He Wencheng as a shareholders' representative supervisor of the Company and his emolument 16 To consider and approve the election of Mr. Mgmt For For Geng Jianxin as an independent supervisor of the Company and his emolument 17 To approve the grant to the Board a general Mgmt Against Against mandate to issue, allot and deal with additional domestic shares and/or H shares of the Company not exceeding 20% of the domestic shares and the H shares respectively in issue of the Company * Management position unknown
SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) John Hancock Investment Trust III By (Signature) /s/ Keith F. Hartstein Name Keith F. Hartstein Title President Date 08/25/2011