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Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number 811- 4630

John Hancock Investment Trust III
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

601 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Alfred P. Ouellette
Senior Attorney and Assistant Secretary

601 Congress Street

Boston, Massachusetts 02210
(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 617-663-4324

Date of fiscal year end:  October 31 
Date of reporting period:  April 30, 2006 



Table of contents 

Your fund at a glance 
page 1 

Managers’ report 
page 2 

A look at performance 
page 6 

Growth of $10,000 
page 7 

Your expenses 
page 8 

Fund’s investments 
page 10 

Financial statements 
page 14 

For more information 
page 29 

To Our Shareholders,

After producing modest returns in 2005, the stock market has advanced smartly in the first four months of 2006. The major indexes all advanced and produced four-month returns that were ahead of the market’s returns for all of 2005. For example, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index returned 5.61% year-to-date through April 2006, versus 4.91% last year in total. Investors were encouraged by solid corporate earnings, a healthy economy and stable inflation, which suggested the Federal Reserve could be coming close to the end of its 18-month campaign of raising interest rates.

Despite the good results to date, it is anyone’s guess where the market will end 2006, especially given the wild cards of interest rate moves and record-high energy prices and their impact on corporate profits and the economy.

One thing we do know, however, is that the stock market’s pattern is one of extremes. Consider the last 10 years. From 1995 through 1999, we saw double-digit returns in excess of 20% per year, only to have 2000 through 2002 produce ever-increasing negative results, followed by another 20%-plus up year in 2004 and a less than 5% advance in 2005. Since 1926, the market, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, has produced average annual results of 10.4% . However, that “normal” return is rarely produced in any given year. In fact, calendar-year returns of 8% to 12% have occurred only five times in the 80 years since 1926.

Although the past in no way predicts the future, we have learned at least one lesson from history: Expect highs and lows in the short term, but always invest for the long term. Equally important: Work with your financial professional to maintain a diversified portfolio, spread out among not only different asset classes — stocks, bonds and cash — but also among various investment styles. It’s the best way we know of to benefit from, and weather, the market’s extremes.


Keith F. Hartstein,
President and Chief Executive Officer

This commentary reflects the CEO’s views as of April 30, 2006. They are subject to change at any time.


The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by normally investing at least 80% of its assets in equity securities of companies located in China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan.

Over the last six months

* The Fund posted a strong double-digit gain during the period, beating its peer group but trailing its benchmark index.

* The Chinese economy continued its red-hot growth, expanding at an annualized rate of 10.2% in the first quarter of 2006.

* Given the prospects for further appreciation of the yuan versus the U.S. dollar and the Chinese government’s commitment to developing domestic markets, we continued to favor domestic stocks over exporters.

Total returns for the Fund are at net asset value with all distributions reinvested. These returns do not reflect the deduction of the maximum sales charge, which would reduce the performance shown above.

Top 10 holdings 
8.8%  PetroChina Co., Ltd. 
8.0%  China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd. 
6.0%  China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 
4.1%  China Construction Bank 
3.6%  CNOOC Ltd. 
3.3%  China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. 
3.1%  HSBC Holdings Plc 
3.0%  iShares MSCI Taiwan Index Fund 
2.3%  Bank of East Asia Ltd. 
2.3%  Denway Motors Ltd. 
As a percentage of net assets on April 30, 2006. 





Greater China Opportunities Fund

Stocks in the Greater China region posted exceptionally strong gains for the six-month reporting period. In part, the gains were driven by continued robust economic growth in China, where GDP (gross domestic product) for 2005 expanded at a 9.8% pace. For the first quarter of 2006, GDP growth accelerated slightly to a 10.2% rate on an annualized basis. The rally began in December, when the Chinese government unveiled its 11th five-year economic plan — subsequently adopted in March 2006 — which included initiatives aimed at increasing domestic consumption, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and narrowing the income gap between rural and urban areas.

“Stocks in the Greater China
region posted exceptionally
strong gains for the six-month
reporting period.”

Another significant development was Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the United States in April. Hu used the opportunity to announce a series of reforms, including the gradual appreciation of China’s currency, the yuan, against the U.S. dollar. Further, he said that China will allow domestic financial institutions to invest overseas. All of these factors helped to fuel a strong flow of investment capital into the region’s stocks during the period.

On the interest rate front, the People’s Bank of China boosted its one-year benchmark lending rate by 0.27% to 5.85% near the end of April. Chinese stocks responded by selling off briefly but then resumed their upward march.

Looking at performance

For the six months ending April 30, 2006, John Hancock Greater China Opportunities Fund’s Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I shares returned 37.85%, 37.47%, 37.37% and 38.27%, respectively, at net asset value. By comparison, the average Pacific/Asia ex-Japan fund monitored by Morningstar, Inc. returned 36.14%, 1 while the


Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) China Free Index finished with a 41.17% return. Keep in mind that your returns will differ from those listed above if you were not invested in the Fund for the entire period and did not reinvest all distributions. Historical performance information can be found on pages six and seven.

The Fund maintained a defensive posture early in the period, as we were cautious in advance of learning the details of the five-year plan. Following that announcement, we shifted to a more aggressive position. However, strong flows of capital into the Fund made it difficult to stay fully invested, exerting a drag on performance given the exceptionally strong market.

Consumer discretionary and industrials picks shine

The Fund was aided by favorable stock picking in the consumer discretionary and industrials sectors. In the former, we tried to position the Fund in stocks that might benefit from China’s growing middle class, which has money to spend on automobiles, consumer electronics, apparel and other discretionary items. China Resources Enterprise Ltd. was one holding in the sector that performed well. The company owns a supermarket chain, a meat processing division and a beer company. Another meat processor, China Yurun Food Group Ltd., also posted strong gains, and we sold the stock to lock in profits.

“The Fund was aided by
favorable stock picking in the
consumer discretionary and
industrials sectors.”

In the industrials sector, we focused on companies with a technological edge and progressive management teams. One example was Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd., an industrial conglomerate that might be compared with General Electric in the United States. The company’s power-generating business experienced strong earnings growth, responding to the robust demand in that industry resulting from China’s growing infrastructure. Automaker Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. also outperformed. One of the leading small-car manufacturers in China, Geely continued to improve its designs and production process while keeping costs low.

Materials was the sector with the highest absolute return, as the market value of the Fund’s holdings there more than doubled



Financials  29% 

Energy  17% 

service  12% 

Industrials  10% 

discretionary  6% 

Materials  5% 

technology  5% 

Utilities  1% 

staples  1% 

during the period. However, compared with the MSCI China Free Index, the benefit of favorable stock picking was more than offset by our decision to underweight the sector. Nevertheless, one stock in the group worthy of mention was Sino-Forest Corp., a forest management company that saw its profits and share price climb sharply because of healthy demand for wood from the furniture and paper-goods industries.

Telecommunication services, consumer staples lag

Conversely, the Fund’s results suffered from our stock selection in telecommunication services. In particular, China Telecom Corp. Ltd. — a fixed-line operator — failed to keep pace with the overall market. In the consumer staples sector, Lianhua Supermarkets Holdings Ltd. disappointed us. Profit margins suffered temporarily due to the company’s aggressive expansion initiatives, but we thought that problem would correct itself over time. Meanwhile, industrials holding Sinotrans Ltd. held back our performance. The freight carrier, which can be compared with United States carrier FedEx, was hurt by competition from smaller rivals.


While we continue to be positive about the longer-term prospects for the region’s stock markets, we are cautious about the short-term outlook. The markets have recently had strong runs, and some consolidation of share prices might be needed before they can advance further. Additionally, valuations have risen to levels at which investors could be more sensitive to earnings disappointments. Consequently, we believe stock selection will play an even more important role over the near term for investors seeking competitive


“The markets have recently had
strong runs, and some consolidation
of share prices might be needed
before they can advance further.”

performance. Another risk factor is the U.S. stock market because we feel that investors there have underestimated the potential for further interest rate hikes after the Federal Reserve Board’s May 10 meeting. Given the Chinese government’s commitment to increasing domestic consumption, along with the likelihood of further adjustments to the yuan/U.S. dollar relationship, we are inclined to continue favoring companies driven by domestic demand rather than exporters. The export market has been the primary engine of growth for China in the past, but its export/import imbalance has created a huge stockpile of U.S. dollar reserves, putting pressure on China to revalue its currency and alleviate the growing U.S. current account deficit. We therefore believe that China’s attempt to develop its domestic markets and create a more balanced approach to economic growth is an important, long term trend. As always, we will employ a combination of top-down analysis and careful bottom-up research in our attempts to find the region’s most competitive companies.

This commentary reflects the views of the portfolio managers through the end of the Fund’s period discussed in this report. The managers’ statements reflect their own opinions. As such, they are in no way guarantees of future events and are not intended to be used as investment advice or a recommendation regarding any spe-cific security. They are also subject to change at any time as market and other conditions warrant.

International investing involves special risks such as political, economic and currency risks and differences in accounting standards and financial reporting. Sector investing is subject to greater risks than the market as a whole.

1 Figures from Morningstar, Inc. include reinvested dividends and do not take into account sales charges. Actual load-adjusted performance is lower.

2 As a percentage of net assets on April 30, 2006.


For the period ended
April 30, 2006

  Class A  Class B  Class C  Class I1 
Inception date  6-8-05  6-8-05  6-8-05  6-8-05 

Cumulative total returns with maximum sales charge (POP)   
Six months  30.96  32.47  36.37  38.27 

Since inception  34.10  35.36  39.26  41.86 

Performance figures assume all distributions are reinvested. Returns with maximum sales charge reflect a sales charge on Class A shares of 5%, and the applicable contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Class B and Class C shares. The Class B shares’ CDSC declines annually between years 1–6 according to the following schedule: 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1%. No sales charge will be assessed after the sixth year. Class C shares held for less than one year are subject to a 1% CDSC. Sales charge is not applicable for Class I shares.

The returns reflect past results and should not be considered indicative of future performance. The return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Due to market volatility, the Fund’s current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, please call 1-800-225-5291 or visit the Fund’s Web site at www.jhfunds.com.

The performance table above and the chart on the next page do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.

The Fund’s performance results reflect any applicable expense reductions, without which the expenses would increase and results would have been less favorable.

1For certain types of investors as described in the Fund’s Class I share prospectus.



This chart shows what happened to a hypothetical $10,000 investment in Class A shares for the period indicated. For comparison, we’ve shown the same investment in the MSCI China Free Index.

  Class B  Class C  Class I1 
Period beginning  6-8-05  6-8-05  6-8-05 

Without sales charge  $14,036  $14,026  $14,186 

With maximum sales charge  13,536  13,926  14,186 

Index  14,875  14,875  14,875 

Assuming all distributions were reinvested for the period indicated, the table above shows the value of a $10,000 investment in the Fund’s Class B, Class C and Class I shares, respectively, as of April 30, 2006. Performance of the classes will vary based on the difference in sales charges paid by shareholders investing in the different classes and the fee structure of those classes.

MSCI China Free Index is an unmanaged market capitalization-weighted index of Chinese companies available to non-domestic investors.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do not reflect sales charges and would be lower if they did.

1 For certain types of investors as described in the Fund’s Class I share prospectus.



These examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing operating expenses.

Understanding fund expenses

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs:

* Transaction costs which include sales charges (loads) on purchases or redemptions (varies by share class), minimum account fee charge, etc.

* Ongoing operating expenses including management fees, distribution and service fees (if applicable) and other fund expenses.

We are going to present only your ongoing operating expenses here.

Actual expenses/actual returns

This example is intended to provide information about your fund’s actual ongoing operating expenses, and is based on your fund’s actual return. It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on October 31, 2005, with the same investment held until April 30, 2006.

Account value    Expenses paid 
$1,000.00  Ending value  during period 
on 10-31-05  on 4-30-06  ended 4-30-061 

Class A  $1,378.50  $11.65 
Class B  1,374.70  15.79 
Class C  1,373.70  15.79 
Class I  1,382.70  8.55 

Together with the value of your account, you may use this information to estimate the operating expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value at April 30, 2006 by $1,000.00, then multiply it by the “expenses paid” for your share class from the table above. For example, for an account value of $8,600.00, the operating expenses should be calculated as follows:


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

This table allows you to compare your fund’s ongoing operating expenses with those of any other fund. It provides an example of the Fund’s hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each class’s actual expense ratio and an assumed 5% annual return before expenses (which is not your fund’s actual return). It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on October 31, 2005, with the same investment held until April 30, 2006. Look in any other fund shareholder report to find its hypothetical example and you will be able to compare these expenses.

Account value    Expenses paid 
$1,000.00  Ending value  during period 
on 10-31-05  on 4-30-06  ended 4-30-061 

Class A  $1,015.00  $9.87 
Class B  1,011.50  13.38 
Class C  1,011.50  13.38 
Class I  1,017.61  7.24 

Remember, these examples do not include any transaction costs, such as sales charges; therefore, these examples will not help you to determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. If transaction costs were included, your expenses would have been higher. See the prospectus for details regarding transaction costs.

1 Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.98%, 2.68%, 2.68% and 1.45% for Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by number of days in most recent fiscal half-year/365 or 366 (to reflect the one-half year period).



Securities owned
by the Fund on
April 30, 2006

This schedule consists of one main category: common stocks.

Common stocks are further broken down by industry group.

Issuer  Shares  Value 

Common stocks 86.36%    $47,467,613 
(Cost $41,201,989)     
Air Freight & Logistics 0.56%    310,499 

Sinotrans Ltd. (China)  900,000  310,499 
Airlines 1.78%    981,215 

China National Aviation Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)  1,900,000  470,488 

China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. (China)  2,000,000  510,727 
Airport Services 0.14%    74,288 

Beijing Capital International Airport Co., Ltd. (China)  128,000  74,288 
Aluminum 0.77%    421,066 

Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd. (China)  424,000  421,066 
Apparel, Accessories & Luxury Goods 1.26%    694,099 

Bauhaus International Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  470,000  56,980 

China Ting Group Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong) (I)  1,000,000  280,513 

Glorious Sun Enterprises Ltd. (Hong Kong)  700,000  356,606 
Asset Management & Custody Banks 2.95%    1,619,280 

iShares MSCI Taiwan Index Fund (Taiwan)  117,000  1,619,280 
Automobile Manufacturers 2.52%    1,387,249 

Denway Motors Ltd. (Hong Kong)  3,070,000  1,237,320 

Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  1,250,000  149,929 
Coal & Consumable Fuels 1.32%    724,820 

China Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd. (China) (I)  400,000  724,820 
Commodity Chemicals 0.49%    266,971 

Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (China)  450,000  266,971 
Computer Storage & Peripherals 0.98%    537,347 

TPV Technology Ltd. (Hong Kong)  496,000  537,347 
Construction Materials 0.94%    518,466 

Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd. (China)  300,000  518,466 

See notes to financial statements.



Issuer  Shares  Value 
Consumer Electronics 0.80%    $440,804 

Fujikon Industrial Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  1,818,000  440,804 
Distributors 0.78%    428,185 

China Resources Enterprise Ltd. (Hong Kong)  200,000  428,185 
Diversified Banks 12.21%    6,711,072 

Bank of Communications Ltd. (China) (I)(S)  1,810,000  1,102,997 

Bank of East Asia Ltd. (The) (Hong Kong)  300,000  1,253,603 

China Construction Bank (China) (I)(S)  5,108,000  2,206,935 

CITIC International Financial Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  750,000  442,534 

HSBC Holdings Plc (United Kingdom)  100,000  1,705,003 
Diversified Metals & Mining 1.26%    691,042 

China Rare Earth Holdings Ltd. (China)  994,000  224,346 

Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd. (China)  444,000  466,696 
Diversified REIT’s 1.92%    1,054,774 

GZI Real Estate Investment Trust (Hong Kong) (I)  1,082,000  443,062 

Guangzhou Investment Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)  3,060,000  611,712 
Electrical Components & Equipment 0.49%    267,229 

China Solar Energy Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  2,800,000  267,229 
Electronic Equipment Manufacturers 2.90%    1,595,252 

Au Optronics Corp., American Depositary Receipt (Taiwan)  50,000  821,500 

GST Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  1,100,000  425,606 

Kingboard Chemical Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  132,000  348,146 
Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals 0.53%    289,412 

Sinochem Hong Kong Holding Ltd. (Hong Kong)  680,000  289,412 
Footwear 0.52%    285,607 

Prime Success International Group Ltd. (Hong Kong)  430,000  285,607 
Forest Products 0.88%    484,292 

Sino-Forest Corp. (Canada) (I)  90,900  484,292 
Gas Utilities 0.45%    248,980 

Xinao Gas Holdings Ltd. (China)  270,000  248,980 
Heavy Electrical Equipment 2.16%    1,186,861 

Harbin Power Equipment Co., Ltd. (China)  1,050,000  954,712 

Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. (China) (I)  600,000  232,149 
Highways & Railtracks 0.65%    357,058 

Anhui Expressway Co., Ltd. (China)  490,000  357,058 

See notes to financial statements.



Issuer  Shares  Value 
Home Furnishings 0.41%    $224,410 

Kasen International Holdings Ltd. (China) (I)  725,000  224,410 
Hypermarkets & Super Centers 0.75%    410,852 

Lianhua Supermarket Holdings Ltd. (China)  352,000  410,852 
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders 1.12%    616,999 

China Resources Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)  730,000  546,065 

Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. (China)  100,000  70,934 
Industrial Conglomerates 1.66%    910,797 

Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  120,000  263,102 

Citic Pacific Ltd. (Hong Kong)  180,000  647,695 
Industrial Machinery 0.39%    215,589 

Enric Energy Equipment Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong) (I)  336,000  215,589 
Integrated Oil & Gas 11.93%    6,557,911 

China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (China)  2,790,000  1,772,165 

PetroChina Co., Ltd. (China)  4,340,000  4,785,746 
Integrated Telecommunication Services 4.20%    2,308,274 

China Netcom Group Corp. (Hong Kong) Ltd. (Hong Kong)  597,000  1,089,493 

China Telecom Corp. Ltd. (China)  3,500,000  1,218,781 
IT Consulting & Other Services 0.66%    363,700 

SinoCom Software Group Ltd. (China)  300,000  363,700 
Life & Health Insurance 5.92%    3,254,822 

China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (China) (I)  2,415,000  3,254,822 
Marine 0.99%    544,325 

China COSCO Holdings Co., Ltd. (China) (I)  400,000  207,644 

China Shipping Development Co., Ltd. (China)  230,000  176,498 

Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd. (Hong Kong)  360,000  160,183 
Marine Ports & Services 0.81%    443,469 

China Merchants Holdings International Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)  130,000  443,469 
Oil & Gas Drilling 0.49%    270,163 

China Oilfield Services Ltd. (China)  490,000  270,163 
Oil & Gas Exploration & Production 3.61%    1,985,355 

CNOOC Ltd. (Hong Kong)  2,463,000  1,985,355 
Railroads 0.55%    303,115 

Guangshen Railway Co., Ltd. (China)  790,000  303,115 

See notes to financial statements.



Issuer  Shares  Value 
Real Estate Management & Development 5.18%    $2,844,582 

Beijing North Star Co., Ltd. (China)  900,000  249,560 

Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong)  106,000  1,194,160 

China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. (Hong Kong)  1,000,000  638,409 

China Resources Land Ltd. (Hong Kong)  720,000  487,512 

Coastal Greenland Ltd. (Hong Kong) (I)  3,230,000  274,941 
Semiconductors 0.13%    74,177 

Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. (China) (I)  298,000  74,177 
Wireless Telecommunication Services 8.30%    4,563,205 

China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd. (Hong Kong)  745,000  4,333,378 

China Unicom Ltd. (Hong Kong)  270,000  229,827 

Total investments 86.36%    $47,467,613 

Other assets and liabilities, net 13.64%    $7,497,677 

Total net assets 100.00%    $54,965,290 

(I) Non-income-producing security.

(S) These securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers, in transactions exempt from registration. Rule 144A securities amounted to $3,309,932 or 6.02% of the Fund’s net assets as of April 30, 2006.

Parenthetical disclosure of a foreign country in the security description represents country of a foreign issuer.

The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value of that category as a percentage of the net assets of the Fund.

See notes to financial statements.



April 30, 2006

This Statement of Assets and Liabilities is the Fund’s balance sheet. It shows the value of what the Fund owns, is due and owes. You’ll also find the net asset value and the maximum offering price per share.

Investments at value (cost $41,201,989)  $47,467,613 
Cash  4,405,026 
Foreign cash, at value (cost $1,193,532)  1,194,095 
Receivable for investments sold  676,663 
Receivable for shares sold  1,696,477 
Dividends receivable  199,563 
Total assets  55,639,437 

Payable for investments purchased  516,569 
Payable for shares repurchased  77,926 
Payable to affiliates   
Management fees  40,282 
Distribution and service fees  3,487 
Other  18,055 
Other payables and accrued expenses  17,828 
Total liabilities  674,147 

Net assets   
Capital paid-in  47,129,648 
Accumulated net realized gain on investments   
and foreign currency transactions  1,569,219 
Net unrealized appreciation of investments   
and translation of assets and liabilities   
in foreign currencies  6,266,273 
Accumulated net investment income  150 
Net assets  $54,965,290 

Net asset value per share   
Based on net asset values and shares outstanding —   
the Fund has an unlimited number of shares   
authorized with no par value   
Class A ($40,784,784 ÷ 2,897,992 shares)  $14.07 
Class B ($8,362,940 ÷ 597,965 shares)  $13.99 
Class C ($5,518,129 ÷ 394,659 shares)  $13.98 
Class I ($299,437 ÷ 21,178 shares)  $14.14 

Maximum offering price per share   
Class A1 ($14.07 ÷ 95%)  $14.81 

1 On single retail sales of less than $50,000. On sales of $50,000 or more and on group sales the offering price is reduced.

See notes to financial statements.




For the period ended
April 30, 2006

This Statement of Operations summarizes the Fund’s investment income earned and expenses incurred in operating the Fund. It also shows net gains (losses) for the period stated.

Investment income   
Dividends  $256,649 
Interest  3,691 
Total investment income  260,340 

Investment management fees  139,950 
Class A distribution and service fees  32,992 
Class B distribution and service fees  16,660 
Class C distribution and service fees  12,497 
Class A, B and C transfer agent fees  38,947 
Class I transfer agent fees  41 
Registration and filing fees  34,805 
Custodian fees  17,928 
Miscellaneous  13,161 
Professional fees  11,567 
Printing  8,602 
Accounting and legal services fees  3,064 
Trustees’ fees  590 
Compliance fees  381 
Total expenses  331,185 
Less expense reductions  (34,118) 
Net expenses  297,067 
Net investment loss  (36,727) 

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   
Net realized gain (loss) on   
Investments  1,592,132 
Foreign currency transactions  (4,002) 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of   
Investments  6,633,688 
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies  1,419 
Net realized and unrealized gain  8,223,237 
Increase in net assets from operations  $8,186,510 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06.

See notes to financial statements.




These Statements of Changes in Net Assets show how the value of the Fund’s net assets has changed during the last two periods. The difference reflects earnings less expenses, any investment gains and losses, distributions, if any, paid to shareholders and the net of Fund share transactions.

  Period  Period 
  ended  ended 
  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Increase (decrease) in net assets     
From operations     
Net investment income (loss)  $26,526  ($36,727) 
Net realized gain  38,512  1,588,130 
Change in net unrealized     
appreciation (depreciation)  (368,834)  6,635,107 
Increase (decrease) in net assets     
resulting from operations  (303,796)  8,186,510 
Distributions to shareholders     
From net realized gain     
Class A    (44,190) 
Class B    (5,067) 
Class C    (4,308) 
Class I    (351) 
From Fund share transactions  15,402,390  31,734,102 

Net assets     
Beginning of period    15,098,594 
End of period2  $15,098,594  $54,965,290 
1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.   
2 Includes accumulated net investment income of $36,877 and $150, respectively. 

See notes to financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L  H I G H L I G H T S



The Financial Highlights show how the Fund’s net asset value for a

share has changed since the end of the previous period.

Period ended  10-31-051  4-30-062 

Per share operating performance     
Net asset value,     
beginning of period  $10.00  $10.24 
Net investment income (loss)3  0.03  (0.01) 
Net realized and unrealized     
gain on investments  0.21  3.88 
Total from     
investment operations  0.24  3.87 
Less distributions     
From net realized gain    (0.04) 
Net asset value,     
end of period  $10.24  $14.07 
Total return4,5 (%)  2.406  37.856 

Ratios and supplemental data     
Net assets, end of period     
(in millions)  $12  $41 
Ratio of expenses     
to average net assets (%)  1.937  1.987 
Ratio of gross expenses     
to average net assets8 (%)  4.447  2.227 
Ratio of net investment income     
(loss) to average net assets  0.687  (0.17)7 
Portfolio turnover (%)  28  53 

See notes to financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L  H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-051  4-30-062 

Per share operating performance     
Net asset value,     
beginning of period  $10.00  $10.21 
Net investment income (loss)3  0.02  (0.03) 
Net realized and unrealized     
gain on investments  0.19  3.85 
Total from     
investment operations  0.21  3.82 
Less distributions     
From net realized gain    (0.04) 
Net asset value,     
end of period  $10.21  $13.99 
Total return4,5 (%)  2.106  37.476 

Ratios and supplemental data     
Net assets, end of period     
(in millions)  $1  $8 
Ratio of expenses     
to average net assets (%)  2.637  2.687 
Ratio of gross expenses     
to average net assets8 (%)  5.147  2.927 
Ratio of net investment income     
(loss) to average net assets  0.437  (0.55)7 
Portfolio turnover (%)  28  53 

See notes to financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L  H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-051  4-30-062 

Per share operating performance     
Net asset value,     
beginning of period  $10.00  $10.21 
Net investment income (loss)3  0.03  (0.04) 
Net realized and unrealized     
gain on investments  0.18  3.85 
Total from     
investment operations  0.21  3.81 
Less distributions     
From net realized gain    (0.04) 
Net asset value,     
end of period  $10.21  $13.98 
Total return4,5 (%)  2.106  37.376 

Ratios and supplemental data     
Net assets, end of period     
(in millions)  $1  $6 
Ratio of expenses     
to average net assets (%)  2.627  2.687 
Ratio of gross expenses     
to average net assets8 (%)  5.137  2.927 
Ratio of net investment income (loss)     
to average net assets  0.617  (0.70)7 
Portfolio turnover (%)  28  53 

See notes to financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L  H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-051  4-30-062 

Per share operating performance     
Net asset value,     
beginning of period  $10.00  $10.26 
Net investment income3  0.03  0.02 
Net realized and unrealized     
gain on investments  0.23  3.90 
Total from     
investment operations  0.26  3.92 
Less distributions     
From net realized gain    (0.04) 
Net asset value, end of period  $10.26  $14.14 
Total return4,5 (%)  2.606  38.276 

Ratios and supplemental data     
Net assets, end of period     
(in millions)  9  9 
Ratio of expenses     
to average net assets (%)  1.457  1.457 
Ratio of gross expenses     
to average net assets8 (%)  3.967  1.697 
Ratio of net investment income     
to average net assets  0.767  0.357 
Portfolio turnover (%)  28  53 

1 Period from beginning of operations on 6-9-05 through 10-31-05.

2 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.

3 Based on the average of the shares outstanding.

4 Assumes dividend reinvestment and does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

5 Total return would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.

6 Not annualized.

7 Annualized.

8 Does not take into consideration expense reductions during the periods shown.

9 Less than $500,000.

See notes to financial statements.



Note A

Accounting policies

John Hancock Greater China Opportunities (the “Fund”) is a non-diversified series of John Hancock Investment Trust III (the “Trust”), an open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation.

The Trustees have authorized the issuance of multiple classes of shares of the Fund, designated as Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I shares. The shares of each class represent an interest in the same portfolio of investments of the Fund and have equal rights as to voting, redemptions, dividends and liquidation, except that certain expenses, subject to the approval of the Trustees, may be applied differently to each class of shares in accordance with current regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal Revenue Service. Shareholders of a class that bears distribution and service expenses under the terms of a distribution plan have exclusive voting rights to that distribution plan.

Significant accounting policies of the Fund are as follows:

Valuation of investments

Securities in the Fund’s portfolio are valued on the basis of market quotations, valuations provided by independent pricing services or, if quotations are not readily available, or the value has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of a foreign market, at fair value as determined in good faith in accordance with procedures approved by the Trustees. Short-term debt investments which have a remaining maturity of 60 days or less may be valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. All portfolio transactions initially expressed in terms of foreign currencies have been translated into U.S. dollars as described in “Foreign currency translation” below.

Joint repurchase agreement

Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Fund, along with other registered investment companies having a management contract with John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the “Adviser”), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation (“MFC”), may participate in a joint repurchase agreement transaction. Aggregate cash balances are invested in one or more large repurchase agreements, whose underlying securities are obligations of the U.S. government and/or its agencies. The Fund’s custodian bank receives delivery of the underlying securities for the joint account on the Fund’s behalf. The Adviser is responsible for ensuring that the agreement is fully collateralized at all times.


Foreign currency translation

All assets or liabilities initially expressed in terms of foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars based on London currency exchange quotations as of 4:00 P.M., London time, on the date of any determination of the net asset value of the Fund. Transactions affecting statement of operations accounts and net realized gain (loss) on investments are translated at the rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions.

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held. Such fluctua-tions are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss from investments.

Reported net realized foreign currency exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currency, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Fund’s books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign currency exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, other than investments in securities, resulting from changes in the exchange rates.

Investment transactions

Investment transactions are recorded as of the date of purchase, sale or maturity. Net realized gains and losses on sales of investments are determined on the identified cost basis. Capital gains realized on some foreign securities are subject to foreign taxes, which are accrued as applicable.

Class allocations

Income, common expenses and realized and unrealized gains (losses) are determined at the fund level and allocated daily to each class of shares based on the appropriate net asset value of the respective classes. Distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent fees for Class I shares, are calculated daily at the class level based on the appropriate net asset value of each class and the specific expense rate(s) applicable to each class.


The majority of expenses are directly identifiable to an individual fund. Expenses that are not readily identifi-able to a specific fund are allocated in such a manner as deemed equitable, taking into consideration, among other things, the nature and type of expense and the relative size of the funds.

Bank borrowings

The Fund is permitted to have bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes, including the meeting of redemption requests that otherwise might require the untimely disposition of securities. The Fund has entered into a syndicated line of credit agreement with various banks. This agreement enables the Fund to participate, with other funds managed by the Adviser, in an unsecured line of credit with banks, which permits borrowings of up to $150 million, collectively. Interest is charged to each fund based on its borrowing. In addition, a commitment fee is charged to each fund based on the average daily unused portion of the line of credit and is allocated among the participating funds. The Fund had no borrowing activity under the line of credit during the period ended April 30, 2006.

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts

The Fund may enter into forward foreign currency exchange contracts as a hedge against the effect of fluctuations in currency exchange rates. A forward foreign currency exchange contract involves an obligation to purchase or sell a specific currency at a future date at a set price. The aggregate principal amounts of the contracts are marked to market daily at the applicable


foreign currency exchange rates. Any resulting unrealized gains and losses are included in the determination of the Fund’s daily net asset value. The Fund records realized gains and losses at the time the forward foreign currency exchange contracts are closed out. Risks may arise upon entering these contracts from the potential inability of coun-terparties to meet the terms of the contracts and from unanticipated movements in the value of a foreign currency relative to the U.S. dollar. These contracts involve market or credit risk in excess of the unrealized gain or loss reflected in the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The Fund may also purchase and sell forward contracts to facilitate the settlement of foreign currency denominated portfolio transactions, under which it intends to take delivery of the foreign currency. Such contracts normally involve no market risk if they are offset by the currency amount of the underlying transactions.

The Fund had no open forward foreign currency exchange contracts on April 30, 2006.

Federal income taxes

The Fund qualifies as a “regulated investment company” by complying with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be subject to federal income tax on taxable income that is distributed to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required.

Dividends, interest and distributions

Dividend income on investment securities is recorded on the ex-dividend date or, in the case of some foreign securities, on the date thereafter when the Fund identifies the dividend. Interest income on investment securities is recorded on the accrual basis. Foreign income may be subject to foreign withholding taxes, which are accrued as applicable.

The Fund records distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gains, if any, on the ex-dividend date. Distributions paid by the Fund with respect to each class of shares are calculated in the same manner, at the same time and are in the same amount, except for the effect of expenses that may be applied differently to each class.

Such distributions, on a tax basis, are determined in conformity with income tax regulations, which may differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Distributions in excess of tax basis earnings and profits, if any, are reported in the Fund’s financial statements as a return of capital.

Use of estimates

The preparation of these financial statements, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, incorporates estimates made by management in determining the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Fund. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Note B

Management fee and transactions with affiliates and others

The Fund has an investment management contract with the Adviser. Under the investment management contract, the Fund pays a daily management fee to the Adviser equivalent, at an annual rate of 1.00% of the Fund’s average daily net asset value. The Fund has a sub-advisory agreement with MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.A.) Limited, an affiliate of John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. The Fund is not responsible for payment of the subadvisory fees.

The Adviser has agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, excluding distribution and service fees and transfer agent fees to 1.40% on an annual basis of the Fund’s average daily net asset value, at least until February 28, 2007. Accordingly, the expense reductions related to this total expense limitation amounted to $34,118 for the period


ended April 30, 2006. The Adviser reserves the right to terminate these limitations in the future.

The Trust has a Distribution Agreement with John Hancock Funds, LLC (“JH Funds”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Adviser. The Fund has adopted Distribution Plans with respect to Class A, Class B and Class C, pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, to reimburse JH Funds for the services it provides as distributor of shares of the Fund. Accordingly, the Fund makes monthly payments to JH Funds at an annual rate not to exceed 0.30%, 1.00%, and 1.00% of the average daily net asset value of Class A, Class B and Class C, respectively. A maximum of 0.25% of such payments may be service fees, as defined by the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers. Under the Conduct Rules, curtailment of a portion of the Fund’s 12b-1 payments could occur under certain circumstances.

Class A shares are assessed up-front sales charges. During the period ended April 30, 2006, JH Funds received net up-front sales charges of $364,711 with regard to sales of Class A shares. Of this amount, $58,215 was retained and used for printing prospectuses, advertising, sales literature and other purposes, $304,716 was paid as sales commissions to unrelated broker-dealers and $1,780 was paid as sales commissions to sales personnel of Signator Investors, Inc. (“Signator Investors”), a related broker-dealer. The Adviser’s indirect parent John Hancock Life Insurance Company (“JHLICo”), a subsidiary of MFC, is the indirect sole shareholder of Signator Investors.

Class B shares that are redeemed within six years of purchase are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) at declining rates, beginning at 5.00% of the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Class C shares that are redeemed within one year of purchase are subject to a CDSC at a rate of 1.00% of the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Proceeds from the CDSCs are paid to JH Funds and are used, in whole or in part, to defray its expenses for providing distribution-related services to the Fund in connection with the sale of Class B and Class C shares. During the period ended April 30, 2006, CDSCs received by JH Funds amounted to $2,006 for Class B shares and $627 for Class C shares.

The Fund has a transfer agent agreement with John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (“Signature Services”), an indirect subsidiary of JHLICo. For Class A, Class B and Class C shares, the Fund pays a monthly transfer agent fee at an annual rate of 0.05% of each class’s average daily net asset value, plus a fee based on the number of shareholder accounts and reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses, aggregated and allocated to each class on the basis of its relative net asset value. For Class I shares the Fund pays a monthly transfer agent fee at a total annual rate of 0.05% of Class I average daily net asset value. Signature Services has agreed to limit transfer agent fees on Class A, Class B and Class C shares to 0.40% of each class’s average daily net asset value, at least until February 28, 2007. Signature Services agreed to voluntarily reduce the Fund’s asset-based portion of the transfer agent fee for Class A, Class B and Class C shares if the total transfer agent fee exceeds the Lipper, Inc. median transfer agency fee for comparable mutual funds by greater than 0.05% . There were no transfer agent fee reductions during the period ended April 30, 2006. Signature Services reserves the right to terminate this limitation at any time.

The Fund has an agreement with the Adviser and affiliates


to perform necessary tax, accounting and legal services for the Fund. The compensa tion for the period amounted to $3,064. The Fund also paid the Adviser the amount of $578 for certain publishing services, included in the printing fees. The Fund reimbursed JHLICo for certain compliance costs, included in the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

The Adviser and other subsidiaries of JHLICo owned 470,000 Class A, 10,000 Class B, 10,000 Class C and 10, 000 Class I shares of beneficial interest of the Fund on April 30, 2006.

Mr. James R. Boyle is Chairman of the Adviser, as well as affiliated Trustee of the Fund, and is compensated by the Adviser and/or its affiliates. The compensation of unaffiliated Trustees is borne by the Fund. The unaffiliated Trustees may elect to defer, for tax purposes, their receipt of this compensation under the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan. The Fund makes investments into other John Hancock funds,  as applicable, to cover its liability for the deferred compensation. Investments to cover the Fund’s deferred compensation liability are recorded on the Fund’s books as another asset. The deferred compensation liability and the related other asset are always equal and are marked to market on a periodic basis to reflect any income earned by the investments, as well as any unrealized gains or losses. The Deferred Compensation Plan investments had no impact on the operations of the Fund.

Note C

Fund share transactions

This listing illustrates the number of Fund shares sold and repurchased during the last two periods, along with the corresponding dollar value.

  Period ended 10-31-051  Period ended 4-30-062 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 

Class A shares         
Sold  1,235,094  $12,852,805  1,811,931  $23,509,433 
Distributions reinvested      2,330  24,951 
Repurchased  (19,657)  (208,796)  (131,706)  (1,670,766) 
Net increase  1,215,437  $12,644,009  1,682,555  $21,863,618 

Class B shares         
Sold  140,806  $1,500,503  483,566  $6,319,075 
Distributions reinvested      424  4,525 
Repurchased  (7,545)  (79,732)  (19,286)  (235,050) 
Net increase  133,261  $1,420,771  464,704  $6,088,550 

Class C shares         
Sold  116,695  $1,239,980  290,622  $3,778,406 
Distributions reinvested      285  3,039 
Repurchased  (212)  (2,370)  (12,731)  (148,116) 
Net increase  116,483  $1,237,610  278,176  $3,633,329 

Class I shares         
Sold  10,000  $100,000  11,178  $148,605 
Net increase  10,000  $100,000  11,178  $148,605 

Net increase  1,475,181  $15,402,390  2,436,613  $31,734,102 
1 Beginning of operations from 6-9-05 through 10-31-05.     
2 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.     


Note D Investment transactions

Purchases and proceeds from sales or maturities of securities, other than short-term securities and obligations of the U.S. government, during the period ended April 30, 2006, aggregated $40,198,480 and $13,773,952, respectively.

The cost of investments owned on April 30, 2006, including short-term investments, for federal income tax purposes, was $41,224,948. Gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments aggregated $6,745,269 and $502,604 respectively, resulting in net unrealized appreciation of $6,242,665. The difference between book basis and tax basis net unrealized appreciation of investments is attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on certain sales of securities.



Equity  Balanced Fund 
  Classic Value Fund 
  Core Equity Fund 
  Focused Equity Fund 
  Growth Trends Fund 
  Large Cap Equity Fund 
  Large Cap Select Fund 
  Mid Cap Equity Fund 
  Mid Cap Growth Fund 
  Multi Cap Growth Fund 
  Small Cap Fund 
  Small Cap Equity Fund 
  Small Cap Intrinsic Value Fund 
  Sovereign Investors Fund 
  U.S. Global Leaders Growth Fund 

Asset Allocation and  Allocation Growth + Value Portfolio 
Lifestyle Portfolios  Allocation Core Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Aggressive Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Growth Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Balanced Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Moderate Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Conservative Portfolio 

Sector  Financial Industries Fund 
  Health Sciences Fund 
  Real Estate Fund 
  Regional Bank Fund 
  Technology Fund 
  Technology Leaders Fund 

International  Greater China Opportunities Fund 
  International Fund 
  International Classic Value Fund 

Income  Bond Fund 
  Government Income Fund 
  High Yield Fund 
  Investment Grade Bond Fund 
  Strategic Income Fund 

Tax-Free Income  California Tax-Free Income Fund 
  High Yield Municipal Bond Fund 
  Massachusetts Tax-Free Income Fund 
  New York Tax-Free Income Fund 
  Tax-Free Bond Fund 

Money Market  Money Market Fund 
  U.S. Government Cash Reserve 

For more complete information on any John Hancock Fund and a prospectus, which includes charges and expenses, call your financial professional, or John Hancock Funds at 1-800-225-5291. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.


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For more information

The Fund’s proxy voting policies, procedures and records are available without charge, upon request:

By phone  On the Fund’s Web site  On the SEC’s Web site 
1-800-225-5291  www.jhfunds.com/proxy  www.sec.gov 

Trustees  Francis V. Knox, Jr.  Principal distributor 
Ronald R. Dion, Chairman  Vice President and  John Hancock Funds, LLC 
James R. Boyle†  Chief Compliance Officer  601 Congress Street 
James F. Carlin  John G. Vrysen  Boston, MA 02210-2805 
Richard P. Chapman, Jr.*  Executive Vice President and 
William H. Cunningham   Chief Financial Officer  Custodian 
Charles L. Ladner*  The Bank of New York 
Dr. John A. Moore*  Investment adviser  One Wall Street 
Patti McGill Peterson*  John Hancock Advisers, LLC     New York, NY 10286 
Steven R. Pruchansky  601 Congress Street 
*Members of the Audit Committee  Boston, MA 02210-2805  Transfer agent  
Non-Independent Trustee  John Hancock Signature 
Subadviser  Services, Inc. 
  MFC Global Investment  1 John Hancock Way,   
Officers  Management (U.S.A.) Limited    Suite 1000 
Keith F. Hartstein  200 Bloor Street East  Boston, MA 02217-1000   
President and  Toronto, Ontario, Canada   
Chief Executive Officer  M4W 1E5  Legal counsel 
William H. King    Wilmer Cutler Pickering 
Vice President and Treasurer      Hale and Dorr LLP 
  60 State Street 
Boston, MA 02109-1803 

The Fund’s investment objective, risks, charges and expenses are included in the prospectus and should be considered carefully before investing. For a prospectus, call your financial professional, call John Hancock Funds at 1-800-225-5291, or visit the Fund’s Web site at www.jhfunds.com. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.

How to contact us   

Internet  www.jhfunds.com   

Mail  Regular mail:  Express mail: 
  John Hancock  John Hancock 
  Signature Services, Inc.  Signature Services, Inc. 
  1 John Hancock Way, Suite 1000  Mutual Fund Image Operations 
  Boston, MA 02217-1000  380 Stuart Street 
    Boston, MA 02116 

Phone  Customer service representatives  1-800-225-5291 
  24-hour automated information  1-800-338-8080 
  TDD line  1-800-554-6713 

A listing of month-end portfolio holdings is available on our Web site, www.jhfunds.com. A more detailed portfolio holdings summary is available on a quarterly basis 60 days after the fiscal quarter on our Web site or upon request by calling 1-800-225-5291, or on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Web site, www.sec.gov.


1-800-554-6713 (TDD)
1-800-338-8080 EASI-Line

Now available: electronic delivery

This report is for the information of
the shareholders of John Hancock
Greater China Opportunities Fund.

080SA 4/06

Table of contents 

Your fund at a glance 
page 1 

Manager’s report 
page 2 

A look at performance 
page 6 

Growth of $10,000 
page 7 

Your expenses 
page 8 

Fund’s investments 
page 10 

Financial statements 
page 13 

For more information 
page 25 

To Our Shareholders,

After producing modest returns in 2005, the stock market has advanced smartly in the first four months of 2006. The major indexes all advanced and produced four-month returns that were ahead of the market’s returns for all of 2005. For example, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index returned 5.61% year-to-date through April 2006, versus 4.91% last year in total. Investors were encouraged by solid corporate earnings, a healthy economy and stable inflation, which suggested the Federal Reserve could be coming close to the end of its 18-month campaign of raising interest rates.

Despite the good results to date, it is anyone’s guess where the market will end 2006, especially given the wild cards of interest rate moves and record-high energy prices and their impact on corporate profits and the economy.

One thing we do know, however, is that the stock market’s pattern is one of extremes. Consider the last 10 years. From 1995 through 1999, we saw double-digit returns in excess of 20% per year, only to have 2000 through 2002 produce ever-increasing negative results, followed by another 20%-plus up year in 2004 and a less than 5% advance in 2005. Since 1926, the market, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, has produced average annual results of 10.4% . However, that “normal” return is rarely produced in any given year. In fact, calendar-year returns of 8% to 12% have occurred only five times in the 80 years since 1926.

Although the past in no way predicts the future, we have learned at least one lesson from history: Expect highs and lows in the short term, but always invest for the long term. Equally important: Work with your financial professional to maintain a diversified portfolio, spread out among not only different asset classes — stocks, bonds and cash — but also among various investment styles. It’s the best way we know of to benefit from, and weather, the market’s extremes.


Keith F. Hartstein,
President and Chief Executive Officer

This commentary reflects the CEO’s views as of April 30, 2006. They are subject to change at any time.


The Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing at least 80% of its assets in stocks of medium-capitalization companies (in the capitalization range of the Russell Midcap Growth Index) with above-average earnings growth.

  Over the last six months 
Stocks moved higher, buoyed by economic strength and positive 
  corporate earnings growth. 
Mid-cap stocks posted strong returns, beating their large-cap peers 
  but modestly trailing small-cap stocks. 
Strong stock picking, especially in the technology, consumer 
  discretionary and industrial sectors, drove Fund performance. 

Total returns for the Fund are at net asset value with all distributions reinvested. These returns do not reflect the deduction of the maximum sales charge, which would reduce the performance shown above.

Top 10 holdings 
5.9%  Sotheby’s Holdings, Inc. (Class A) 
5.0%  Rockwell Automation, Inc. 
5.0%  Jarden Corp. 
4.4%  Comverse Technology, Inc. 
4.3%  MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. 
3.9%  Owens-Illinois, Inc. 
3.8%  Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc. 
3.8%  Gen-Probe, Inc. 
3.4%  Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (Class A) 
3.4%  Advance Auto Parts, Inc. 
As a percentage of net assets on April 30, 2006. 





Mid Cap Growth Fund

Stocks gained ground during the six months ended April 30, 2006, amid favorable market conditions. Economic growth was strong and much better than expected, which bolstered earnings growth at many companies. In addition, corporate balance sheets were solid, while stock valuations stayed at reasonable or attractive levels. Although interest rates continued to climb, they remained at relatively low levels by historical standards. In addition, a warmer-than-expected winter kept energy prices from rising as much as originally feared. During this six-month period, the Russell Midcap Growth Index returned 15.18%, beating the 9.64% return of the larger-cap Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, but modestly trailing small-cap stock returns. Growth stocks lagged value stocks by a small margin.

“Stocks gained ground during
  the six months ended April 30,
  2006, amid favorable market

Performance and strategy review

John Hancock Mid Cap Growth Fund’s Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I shares returned 19.29%, 18.90%, 18.90% and 19.68%, respectively, at net asset value for the six-month period. These gains were ahead of the 16.08% average return for the Morningstar group of mid-cap growth funds over the same time.1 Keep in mind that your net asset valuereturn will be different from the Fund’s if you were not invested in the Fund for the entire period and did not reinvest all distributions. Long-term performance information can be found on pages six and seven.

The Fund remained diversified across industries with a concentration in stocks that we believed had the best earnings and revenue growth prospects. We focused on companies with market capitalizations between $3 billion and $10 billion that had above-average earnings growth potential, sustainable competitive advantages and improving returns on invested capital. Our bottom-up stock


selection process remained unchanged. We started with a quantitative screen, followed by our own research. Once we added a name to the portfolio, we monitored it closing by putting both a ceiling and floor on its stock price. When a name hit one of these targets, we re-evaluated and decided whether to shift our price range. Our findings also helped determine whether we would stay put, add, trim or exit a particular position.

“Positive stock selection, particu-
  larly in the technology, consumer
  discretionary and industrials
  sectors, drove performance.”

Winners in technology and consumer

Positive stock selection, particularly in the technology, consumer discretionary and industrials sectors, drove performance. As we found good businesses in the technology and consumer discretionary sectors whose stocks were selling at attractive valuations, we boosted our overweighted stakes in both. Tech holdings Redback Networks, Inc. and MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. were especially strong contributors to performance. Redback, which makes routers that improve the efficiency of wireline and wireless networks, benefited as the company gained a competitive edge from improving its products and entering a lucrative contract with BellSouth. MEMC Electronics sells polysilica, the raw material used to make the wafers on which semiconductors are imprinted. It also manufactures and sells wafers. The stock benefited as industry supply constraints led to improved pricing for wafers. In addition, the company announced its intention to bolster revenues by selling finished wafers rather than raw polysilica to solar panel companies. In consumer discretionary, our focus remained on companies that were less vulnerable to a slowdown in consumer spending. Art auctioneer Sotheby’s Holdings, Inc. was a standout, benefiting from a restructuring of its cost structure as well as continued strong demand for its services.

Additional gains from industrials and health care

Industrial stocks were a smaller weight in the portfolio than in the Russell index, but returns were quite strong. Rockwell Automation, Inc., a company that makes automation equipment for factories, was the biggest standout. It rallied nicely amid strong



discretionary  32% 

technology  24% 

Energy  14% 

Health care  10% 

Materials  9% 

Industrials  7% 

Financials  2% 

demand for its products and services. Monster Worldwide, the online search firm, also had a sizable run-up. We took profits and sold our position. Certain health care stocks, including Cephalon, Inc. and Gen-Probe, Inc., were also top contributors to performance. Cephalon is a biotechnology company that specializes in drugs for sleep and neurological disorders, as well as cancer and pain. The stock climbed as the company moved closer to gaining regulatory approval for some of its new products. Gen-Probe rallied as the Red Cross began adopting the company’s new blood testing equipment. In addition, the stock moved up after the company indicated its decision to develop on-site testing equipment for industrial applications, such as food plants.

Modestly disappointing stock selection

No one sector was a significant disappointment, although returns from the energy, materials and health care sectors were slightly behind those in the index. We maintained overweights in energy and materials — sectors that continued to rally as commodity prices rose. However, we did not own some of the biggest gainers in either sector, which cost the Fund some ground. In the health care sector, where the Fund had an underweight, Rigel Pharmaceutical and Taro Pharmaceutical were sizable disappointments. Rigel had negative results from clinical tests for a new allergy drug, and Taro Pharmaceutical suffered when large distributors decided to cut their inventories. We sold both names. In addition, a few technology stocks fell short of expectations, including Comverse Technology, Inc., which makes voice mail software. Although Comverse’s business remained strong, worries about an internal investigation of the company’s options-granting practices pressured the stock.


“We believe the market could generate
  average or above-average returns in
  the coming year amid slower but
  relatively stable economic growth.”

Cautiously optimistic outlook

We believe the market could generate average or above-average returns in the coming year amid slower but relatively stable economic growth. Many companies have strong earnings growth prospects that could help drive up valuations. In addition, the Federal Reserve appears closer to the end of its interest rate hikes, which bodes well for stocks. We think mid-cap stocks could benefit from being in the sweet spot of growth. In a rising market, they often have stronger upside than large-cap stocks; in a declining market,they tend to have more limited downside than small-cap stocks. We plan to focus on mid-cap stocks with accelerating returns or those on the cusp of an acceleration. We expect to tilt the portfolio toward companies that serve other businesses rather than those that serve the consumer. We may also seek out companies with greater exposure to non-U.S. markets.

This commentary reflects the views of the portfolio manager through the end of the Fund’s period discussed in this report. The manager’s statements reflect his own opinions. As such, they are in no way guarantees of future events and are not intended to be used as investment advice or a recommendation regarding any specific security. They are also subject to change at any time as market and other conditions warrant.

1 Figures from Morningstar, Inc. include reinvested dividends and do not take into account sales charges. Actual load-adjusted performance is lower.

2 As a percentage of net assets on April 30, 2006.



For the period ended
April 30, 2006

  Class A  Class B  Class C  Class I1 
Inception date  11-1-93  11-1-93  6-1-98  3-1-02 

Average annual returns with maximum sales charge (POP)   
One year  32.64%  33.58%  37.58%  40.52% 

Five years  0.91  0.88  1.26   

Ten years  3.27  3.20     

Since inception      2.03  9.39 

Cumulative total returns with maximum sales charge (POP)   
Six months  13.30  13.90  17.90  19.68 

One year  32.64  33.58  37.58  40.52 

Five years  4.64  4.46  6.46   

Ten years  37.91  37.05     

Since inception      17.23  45.34 

Performance figures assume all distributions are reinvested. Returns with maximum sales charge reflect a sales charge on Class A shares of 5% and the applicable contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Class B and Class C shares. The returns for Class C shares have been adjusted to reflect the elimination of the front-end sales charge effective July 15, 2004. The Class B shares’ CDSC declines annually between years 1–6 according to the following schedule: 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1%. No sales charge will be assessed after the sixth year. Class C shares held for less than one year are subject to a 1% CDSC. Sales charge is not applicable for Class I shares.

The returns reflect past results and should not be considered indicative of future performance. The return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Due to market volatility, the Fund’s current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. For performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-225-5291 or visit the Fund’s Web site at www.jhfunds.com.

The performance table above and the chart on the next page do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.

The Fund’s performance results reflect any applicable expense reductions, without which the expenses would increase and results would have been less favorable.

1For certain types of investors as described in the Fund’s Class I share prospectus.



This chart shows what happened to a hypothetical $10,000 investment in Class A shares for the period indicated. For comparison, we’ve shown the same investment in two separate indexes.

  Class B1  Class C1  Class I2 
Period beginning  4-30-96  6-1-98  3-1-02 

Mid Cap Growth Fund  $13,705  $11,723  $14,534 

Index 1  23,544  13,568  12,461 

Index 2  23,494  16,920  15,421 

Assuming all distributions were reinvested for the period indicated, the table above shows the value of a $10,000 investment in the Fund’s Class B, Class C and Class I shares, respectively, as of April 30, 2006. The Class C shares investment with maximum sales charge has been adjusted to reflect the elimination of the front-end sales charge effective July 15, 2004. Performance of the classes will vary based on the difference in sales charges paid by shareholders investing in the different classes and the fee structure of those classes.

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Index 1 — is an unmanaged index that includes 500 widely traded common stocks.

Russell Midcap Growth Index Index 2 — is an unmanaged index that contains those stocks from the Russell Midcap Index with a greater-than-average growth orientation.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do not reflect sales charges and would be lower if they did.

1 No contingent deferred sales charge applicable.

2 For certain types of investors as described in the Fund’s Class I share prospectus.



These examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing
operating expenses.

Understanding fund expenses

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs:

*   Transaction costs which include sales charges (loads) on 
purchases or redemptions (varies by share class), minimum 
account fee charge, etc. 

Ongoing operating expenses including management 
fees, distribution and service fees (if applicable) and other 
fund expenses. 

We are going to present only your ongoing operating expenses here.

Actual expenses/actual returns

This example is intended to provide information about your fund’s actual ongoing operating expenses, and is based on your fund’s actual return. It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on October 31, 2005, with the same investment held until April 30, 2006.

Account value    Expenses paid 
$1,000.00  Ending value  during period 
on 10-31-05                                                           on 4-30-06  ended 4-30-061 

Class A  $1,192.90  $9.10 
Class B  1,189.00  12.92 
Class C  1,189.00  12.92 
Class I  1,196.80  5.49 

Together with the value of your account, you may use this information to estimate the operating expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value at April 30, 2006 by $1,000.00, then multiply it by the “expenses paid” for your share class from the table above. For example, for an account value of $8,600.00, the operating expenses should be calculated as follows:


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

This table allows you to compare your fund’s ongoing operating expenses with those of any other fund. It provides an example of the Fund’s hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each class’s actual expense ratio and an assumed 5% annual return before expenses (which is not your fund’s actual return). It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on October 31, 2005, with the same investment held until April 30, 2006. Look in any other fund shareholder report to find its hypothetical example, and you will be able to compare these expenses.

Account value    Expenses paid 
$1,000.00  Ending value  during period 
on 10-31-05  on 4-30-06  ended 4-30-061 

Class A  $1,016.50  $8.37 
Class B  1,013.00  11.88 
Class C  1,013.00  11.88 
Class I  1,019.80  5.05 

Remember, these examples do not include any transaction costs, such as sales charges; therefore, these examples will not help you to determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. If transaction costs were included, your expenses would have been higher. See the prospectus for details regarding transaction costs.

1 Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.68%, 2.38%, 2.38% and 1.02% for Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in most recent fiscal half-year/365 or 366 (to reflect the one-half year period).


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S


Securities owned
by the Fund on
April 30, 2006

This schedule is divided into two main categories: common stocks and short-term investments. Common stocks are further broken down by industry group. Short-term investments, which represent the Fund’s cash position, are listed last.

Issuer    Shares  Value 

Common stocks 97.55%      $150,560,578 
(Cost $115,591,986)       

Apparel, Accessories & Luxury Goods

Coach, Inc. (I)    126,000  4,160,520 

Apparel Retail 6.43%

Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (Class A)    87,000  5,283,510 

Urban Outfitters, Inc. (I)(L)    200,000  4,640,000 

Asset Management & Custody Banks

Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (I)(L)    31,650  3,206,145 

Auto Parts & Equipment

Advance Auto Parts, Inc. (I)    131,000  5,268,820 

Biotechnology 1.13%

Cephalon, Inc. (I)(L)    26,500  1,739,990 

Broadcasting & Cable TV

XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. (Class A) (I)(L)  241,000  4,873,020 

Communications Equipment 4.40%

Comverse Technology, Inc. (I)    300,000  6,795,000 

Computer Storage & Peripherals

QLogic Corp. (I)    240,000  4,994,400 

Diversified Commercial Services

Sotheby’s Holdings, Inc. (Class A) (I)(L)    301,750  9,049,483 

Diversified Metals & Mining 2.70%

Phelps Dodge Corp.    48,400  4,171,596 

Electrical Components & Equipment

Rockwell Automation, Inc. (L)    106,600  7,724,236 

Electronic Equipment Manufacturers

MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. (I)    164,000  6,658,400 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S

Issuer    Shares  Value 
Electronic Manufacturing Services 2.24%    $3,462,312 

Jabil Circuit, Inc. (I)    88,800  3,462,312 
Health Care Services 2.84%    4,377,438 

PDL BioPharma, Inc. (I)    152,100  4,377,438 
Health Care Supplies 3.78%    5,828,230 

Gen-Probe, Inc. (I)(L)    109,000  5,828,230 
Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines 2.68%    4,131,360 

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (L)  72,000  4,131,360 
Internet Retail 3.25%    5,017,600 

Redback Networks, Inc. (I)  224,000  5,017,600 

Leisure Products 4.99%

Jarden Corp. (I)(L)    226,500  7,701,000 

Metal & Glass Containers 6.14%

Crown Holdings, Inc. (I)    220,500  3,534,615 

Owens-Illinois, Inc. (I)(L)    325,000  5,941,000 

Oil & Gas Drilling 2.46%

ENSCO International, Inc.  71,000  3,797,790 

Oil & Gas Equipment & Services 4.87%

BJ Services Co.    71,000  2,701,550 

Grant Prideco, Inc. (I)    94,000  4,812,800 

Oil & Gas Exploration & Production 8.46%

Chesapeake Energy Corp.  115,000  3,643,200 

Pinnacle Gas Resources, Inc. (B)(S)  300,000  3,300,000 

Rosetta Resources, Inc. (I)  104,150  2,096,540 

Toreador Resources Corp. (I)  130,000  4,011,800 

Pharmaceuticals 1.91%

Medicines Co. (The) (I)(L)  153,500  2,950,270 

Semiconductor Equipment 9.52%

Broadcom Corp. (Class A) (I)(L)  98,850  4,063,723 

Teradyne, Inc. (I)(L)    280,500  4,729,230 

Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc. (I)(L)  180,000  5,895,000 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S

    Interest  Par value   
Issuer, description, maturity date    rate  (000)  Value 

Short-term investments 35.41%      $54,649,730 
(Cost $54,649,730)         
Joint Repurchase Agreement 2.68%      4,139,000 

Investment in a joint repurchase agreement transaction       
with Barclays — Dated 4-28-06, due 5-1-06 (Secured       
by U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed Bond 3.875%,       
due 4-15-29 and U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed       
Note 2.375%, due 4-15-11)    4.710%  $4,139  4,139,000 
Cash Equivalents 32.73%        50,510,730 

AIM Cash Investment Trust (T)      50,510,730  50,510,730 

Total investments 132.96%        $205,210,308 

Other assets and liabilities, net (32.96%)      ($50,868,927) 

Total net assets 100.00%        $154,341,381 

(B) This security is fair valued in good faith under procedures established by the Board of Trustees.

(I) Non-income-producing security.

(L) All or a portion of this security is on loan as of April 30, 2006.

(S) These securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers, in transactions exempt from registration. Rule 144A securities amounted to $3,300,000 or 2.14% of the Fund’s net assets as of April 30, 2006.

(T) Represents investment of securities lending collateral.

The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value of that category as a percentage of the net assets of the Fund.

See notes to
financial statements.




April 30, 2006

This Statement of Assets and Liabilities is the Fund’s balance sheet. It shows the value of what the Fund owns, is due and owes.
You’ll also find the net asset value and the maximum offering price per share.


Investments at value (cost $170,241,716)   
including $49,858,366 of securities loaned  $205,210,308 
Cash  661 
Receivable for shares sold  262,868 
Interest receivable  1,625 
Other assets  19,695 
Total assets  205,495,157 


Payable for shares repurchased  352,188 
Payable upon receipt of securities loaned  50,510,730 
Payable to affiliates   
Management fees  101,236 
Distribution and service fees  9,221 
Other  110,096 
Other payables and accrued expenses  70,305 
Total liabilities  51,153,776 

Net assets   

Capital paid-in  190,081,468 
Accumulated net realized loss on investments  (69,904,734) 
Net unrealized appreciation of investments  34,968,592 
Accumulated net investment loss  (803,945) 
Net assets  $154,341,381 

Net asset value per share   

Based on net asset values and shares outstanding —   
the Fund has an unlimited number of shares   
authorized with no par value   
Class A ($119,116,931 ÷ 10,355,976 shares)  $11.50 
Class B ($27,829,549 ÷ 2,681,855 shares)  $10.38 
Class C ($4,121,502 ÷ 397,077 shares)  $10.38 
Class I ($3,273,399 ÷ 275,887 shares)  $11.86 

Maximum offering price per share   

Class A1 ($11.50 ÷ 95%)  $12.11 

1 On single retail sales of less than $50,000. On sales of $50,000 or more and on group sales the offering price is reduced.

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S


For the period ended
April 30, 2006

This Statement of Operations summarizes the Fund’s investment income earned and expenses incurred in operating the Fund. It also shows net gains (losses) for the period stated.

Investment income   

Dividends  $437,350 
Interest  70,248 
Securities lending  29,341 
Total investment income  536,939 

Investment management fees  580,576 
Class A distribution and service fees  166,567 
Class B distribution and service fees  137,343 
Class C distribution and service fees  18,141 
Class A, B and C transfer agent fees  336,777 
Class I transfer agent fees  751 
Printing  26,607 
Registration and filing fees  26,009 
Custodian fees  18,988 
Professional fees  16,749 
Accounting and legal services fees  15,368 
Miscellaneous  7,394 
Trustees’ fees  4,034 
Compliance fees  2,819 
Securities lending fees  1,151 
Interest  789 

Total expenses
Less expense reductions  (40,777) 

Net expenses

Net investment loss

Realized and unrealized gain   

Net realized gain on investments  8,849,421 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)   
of investments  17,164,726 

Net realized and unrealized gain
Increase in net assets from operations  $25,231,800 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06.

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S


These Statements of Changes in Net Assets show how the value of the Fund’s net assets has changed during the last two periods. The difference reflects earnings less expenses, any investment gains and losses, distributions, if any, paid to shareholders and the net of Fund share transactions.

  Year  Period 
  ended  ended 
  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Increase (decrease) in net assets     
From operations     
Net investment loss  ($2,034,837)  ($782,347) 
Net realized gain  14,025,629  8,849,421 
Change in net unrealized     
appreciation (depreciation)  7,653,313  17,164,726 
Increase in net assets resulting     
from operations  19,644,105  25,231,800 
From Fund share transactions  (23,917,624)  (3,945,243) 
Net assets     

Beginning of period  137,328,343  133,054,824 
End of period2  $133,054,824  $154,341,381 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.

2 Includes accumulated net investment loss of $21,598 and $803,945, respectively.

See notes to financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    H I G H L I G H T S



The Financial Highlights show how the Fund’s net asset value for a
share has changed since the end of the previous period.

Period ended  10-31-01  10-31-02  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance             
Net asset value,             
beginning of period  $16.03  $7.66  $6.47  $8.43  $8.33  $9.64 
Net investment loss2  (0.12)  (0.11)  (0.11)  (0.12)  (0.12)  (0.05) 
Net realized and unrealized             
gain (loss) on investments  (7.48)  (1.08)  2.07  0.02  1.43  1.91 
Total from             
investment operations  (7.60)  (1.19)  1.96  (0.10)  1.31  1.86 
Less distributions             
From net realized gain  (0.77)           
Net asset value,             
end of period  $7.66  $6.47  $8.43  $8.33  $9.64  $11.50 
Total return3 (%)  (49.87)  (15.54)  30.29  (1.19)4  15.734  19.294,5 

Ratios and supplemental data             

Net assets, end of period             
(in millions)  $85  $85  $107  $98  $101  $119 
Ratio of expenses             
to average net assets (%)  1.63  1.89  1.98  1.75  1.74  1.686 
Ratio of gross expenses             
to average net assets7 (%)        1.79  1.79  1.746 
Ratio of net investment loss             
to average net assets (%)  (1.13)  (1.52)  (1.62)  (1.44)  (1.35)  (0.94)6 
Portfolio turnover (%)  211  2678  183  75  71  38 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-01  10-31-02  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance             
Net asset value,             
beginning of period  $15.08  $7.13  $5.98  $7.74  $7.59  $8.73 
Net investment loss2  (0.18)  (0.16)  (0.15)  (0.17)  (0.17)  (0.08) 
Net realized and unrealized             
gain (loss) on investments  (7.00)  (0.99)  1.91  0.02  1.31  1.73 
Total from             
investment operations  (7.18)  (1.15)  1.76  (0.15)  1.14  1.65 
Less distributions             
From net realized gain  (0.77)           
Net asset value,             
end of period  $7.13  $5.98  $7.74  $7.59  $8.73  $10.38 
Total return3 (%)  (50.24)  (16.13)  29.43  (1.94)4  15.024  18.904,5 

Ratios and supplemental data             

Net assets, end of period             
(in millions)  $101  $46  $48  $34  $26  $28 
Ratio of expenses             
to average net assets (%)  2.33  2.56  2.67  2.45  2.44  2.386 
Ratio of gross expenses             
to average net assets7 (%)        2.49  2.49  2.446 
Ratio of net investment loss             
to average net assets (%)  (1.83)  (2.20)  (2.31)  (2.14)  (2.03)  (1.63)6 
Portfolio turnover (%)  211  2678  183  75  71  38 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-01  10-31-02  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance             
Net asset value,             
beginning of period  $15.07  $7.13  $5.99  $7.74  $7.59  $8.73 
Net investment loss2  (0.18)  (0.16)  (0.15)  (0.17)  (0.17)  (0.08) 
Net realized and unrealized             
gain (loss) on investments  (6.99)  (0.98)  1.90  0.02  1.31  1.73 
Total from             
investment operations  (7.17)  (1.14)  1.75  (0.15)  1.14  1.65 
Less distributions             
From net realized gain  (0.77)           
Net asset value,             
end of period  $7.13  $5.99  $7.74  $7.59  $8.73  $10.38 
Total return3 (%)  (50.21)  (15.99)  29.22  (1.94)4  15.024  18.904,5 

Ratios and supplemental data             

Net assets, end of period             
(in millions)  $3  $2  $3  $3  $3  $4 
Ratio of expenses             
to average net assets (%)  2.33  2.58  2.68  2.45  2.44  2.386 
Ratio of gross expenses             
to average net assets7 (%)        2.49  2.49  2.446 
Ratio of net investment loss             
to average net assets (%)  (1.83)  (2.21)  (2.32)  (2.14)  (2.05)  (1.65)6 
Portfolio turnover (%)  211  2678  183  75  71  38 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L   H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-029  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance           
Net asset value,           
beginning of period  $8.16  $6.51  $8.54  $8.50  $9.91 
Net investment loss2  (0.06)  (0.06)  (0.06)  (0.06)  (0.02) 
Net realized and unrealized           
gain (loss) on investments  (1.59)  2.09  0.02  1.47  1.97 
Total from           
investment operations  (1.65)  2.03  (0.04)  1.41  1.95 
Net asset value,           
end of period  $6.51  $8.54  $8.50  $9.91  $11.86 
Total return3 (%)  (20.22)5  31.18  (0.47)  16.59  19.685 

Ratios and supplemental data           

Net assets, end of period           
(in millions)  $3  $3  $3  $3  $3 
Ratio of expenses           
to average net assets (%)  1.466  1.22  1.02  1.04  1.026 
Ratio of net investment loss           
to average net assets (%)  (1.00)6  (0.85)  (0.71)  (0.65)  (0.28)6 
Portfolio turnover (%)  2678  183  75  71  38 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.
2 Based on the average of the shares outstanding.
3 Assumes dividend reinvestment and does not reflect the effect of sales charges.
4 Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
5 Not annualized.
6 Annualized.
7 Does not take into consideration expense reductions during the periods shown.
8 Excludes merger activity.
9 Class I shares began operations on 3-1-02.

See notes to
financial statements.




Note A
Accounting policies

John Hancock Mid Cap Growth Fund (the “Fund”) is a diversified series of John Hancock Investment Trust III (the “Trust”), an open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation.

The Trustees have authorized the issuance of multiple classes of shares of the Fund, designated as Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I shares. The shares of each class represent an interest in the same portfolio of investments of the Fund and have equal rights as to voting, redemptions, dividends and liquidation, except that certain expenses, subject to the approval of the Trustees, may be applied differently to each class of shares in accordance with current regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal Revenue Service. Shareholders of a class that bears distribution and service expenses under the terms of a distribution plan have exclusive voting rights to that distribution plan.

Significant accounting policies
of the Fund are as follows:

Valuation of investments

Securities in the Fund’s portfolio are valued on the basis of market quotations, valuations provided by independent pricing services or, if quotations are not readily available, or the value has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of a foreign market, at fair value as determined in good faith in accordance with procedures approved by the Trustees. Short-term debt investments which have a remaining maturity of 60 days or less may be valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Investments in AIM Cash Investment Trust are valued at their net asset value each business day.

Joint repurchase agreement

Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Fund, along with other registered investment companies having a management contract with John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the “Adviser”), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation (“MFC”), may participate in a joint repurchase agreement transaction. Aggregate cash balances are invested in one or more large repurchase agreements, whose underlying securities are obligations of the U.S. government and/or its agencies. The Fund’s custodian bank receives delivery of the underlying securities for the joint account on the Fund’s behalf. The Adviser is responsible for ensuring that the agreement is fully collateralized at all times.


Investment transactions

Investment transactions are recorded as of the date of purchase, sale or maturity. Net realized gains and losses on sales of investments are determined on the identified cost basis.

Class allocations

Income, common expenses and realized and unrealized gains (losses) are determined at the fund level and allocated daily to each class of shares based on the appropriate net asset value of the respective classes. Distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent fees for Class I shares, are calculated daily at the class level based on the appropriate net asset value of each class and the specific expense rate(s) applicable to each class.


The majority of expenses are directly identifiable to an individual fund. Expenses that are not readily identifi-able to a specific fund are allocated in such a manner as deemed equitable, taking into consideration, among other things, the nature and type of expense and the relative size of the funds.

Bank borrowings

The Fund is permitted to have bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes, including the meeting of redemption requests that otherwise might require the untimely disposition of securities.

The Fund has entered into a syndicated line of credit agreement with various banks. This agreement enables the Fund to participate, with other funds managed by the Adviser, in an unsecured line of credit with banks, which permits borrowings of up to $150 million, collectively. Interest is charged to each fund based on its borrowing. In addition, a commitment fee is charged to each fund based on the average daily unused portion of the line of credit and is allocated among the participating funds. The Fund had no borrowing activity under the line of credit during the period ended April 30, 2006.

Securities lending

The Fund may lend securities to certain qualified brokers who pay the Fund negotiated lender fees. The loans are collateralized at all times with cash or securities with a market value at least equal to the market value of the securities on loan. As with other extensions of credit, the Fund may bear the risk of delay of the loaned securities in recovery or even loss of rights in the collateral, should the borrower of the securities fail financially. At April 30, 2006, the Fund loaned securities having a market value of $49,858,366 collateralized by cash in the amount of $50,510,730. The cash collateral was invested in a short-term instrument.

Securities lending expenses are paid by the Fund to the Adviser.

Federal income taxes

The Fund qualifies as a “regulated investment company” by complying with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be subject to federal income tax on taxable income that is distributed to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. For federal income tax purposes, the Fund has $78,754,155 of a capital loss carryforward available, to the extent provided by regulations, to offset future net realized capital gains. To the extent that such carryforward is used by the Fund, no capital gain distributions will be made. The loss carry-forward expires as follows: October 31, 2008 —$616,263, October 31, 2009 — $53,131,446 and October 31, 2010 —$25,006,446. Availability of a certain amount of the loss carryforward, which was acquired on June 7, 2002 in a merger, may be limited in a given year.

Dividends, interest
and distributions

Dividend income on investment securities is recorded on the ex-dividend date or, in the case of some foreign securities, on the date thereafter when the Fund identifies the dividend. Interest income


on investment securities is recorded on the accrual basis. Foreign income may be subject to foreign withholding taxes, which are accrued as applicable.

The Fund records distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gains, if any, on the ex-dividend date. Distributions paid by the Fund with respect to each class of shares are calculated in the same manner, at the same time and are in the same amount, except for the effect of expenses that may be applied differently to each class.

Such distributions, on a tax basis, are determined in conformity with income tax regulations, which may differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Distributions in excess of tax basis earnings and profits, if any, are reported in the Fund’s financial statements as a return of capital.

Use of estimates

The preparation of these financial statements, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, incorporates estimates made by management in determining the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Fund. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Note B
Management fee and
transactions with
affiliates and others

The Fund has an investment management contract with the Adviser. Under the investment management contract, the Fund pays a monthly management fee to the Adviser equivalent, on an annual basis, to the sum of: (a) 0.80% of the first $500,000,000 of the Fund’s average daily net asset value, (b) 0.75% of the next $500,000,000 and (c) 0.70% of the Fund’s average daily net asset value in excess of $1,000,000,000.

Effective December 31, 2005, the investment management teams of the Adviser were reorganized into Sovereign Asset Management LLC (“Sovereign”), a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of John Hancock Life Insurance Company (“JHLICo”), a subsidiary of MFC. The Adviser remains the principal advisor on the Fund and Sovereign acts as subadviser under the supervision of the Adviser. The restructuring did not have an impact on the Fund, which continues to be managed using the same investment philosophy and process. The Fund is not responsible for payment of the subadvisory fees.

The Trust has a Distribution Agreement with John Hancock Funds, LLC (“JH Funds”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Adviser. The Fund has adopted Distribution Plans with respect to Class A, Class B and Class C, pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, to reimburse JH Funds for the services it provides as distributor of shares of the Fund. Accordingly, the Fund makes monthly payments to JH Funds at an annual rate not to exceed 0.30%, 1.00% and 1.00% of average daily net asset value of Class A, Class B and Class C, respectively. A maximum of 0.25% of such payments may be service fees, as defined by the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers. Under the Conduct Rules, curtailment of a portion of the Fund’s 12b-1 payments could occur under certain circumstances.

Class A shares are assessed up-front sales charges. During the period ended April 30, 2006, JH Funds received net up-front sales charges of $53,646 with regard to sales of Class A shares. Of this amount, $7,364 was retained and used for printing prospectuses, advertising, sales literature and other purposes, $43,885 was paid as sales commissions to unrelated broker-dealers and $2,397 was paid as sales commissions to sales personnel of Signator Investors, Inc. (“Signator Investors”), a related broker-dealer. The


Adviser’s indirect parent JHLICo, is the indirect sole shareholder of Signator Investors.

Class B shares that are redeemed within six years of purchase are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) at declining rates, beginning at 5.00% of the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Class C shares that are redeemed within one year of purchase are subject to a CDSC at a rate of 1.00% of the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Proceeds from the CDSCs are paid to JH Funds and are used, in whole or in part, to defray its expenses for providing distribution-related services to the Fund in connection with the sale of Class B and Class C shares. During the period ended April 30, 2006, CDSCs received by JH Funds amounted to $22,649 for Class B shares and $187 for Class C shares.

The Fund has a transfer agent agreement with John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (“Signature Services”), an indirect subsidiary of JHLICo. For Class A, Class B and Class C shares, the Fund pays a monthly transfer agent fee at an annual rate of 0.05% of each class’s average daily net asset value, plus a fee based on the number of shareholder accounts and reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses, aggregated and allocated to each class on the basis of its relative net asset value. For Class I shares the Fund pays a monthly transfer agent fee at a total annual rate of 0.05% of Class I average daily net asset value. Signature Services agreed to voluntarily reduce the Fund’s asset-based portion of the transfer agent fee for Class A, Class B and Class C shares if the total transfer agent fee exceeds the Lipper, Inc. median transfer agency fee for comparable mutual funds by greater than 0.05% . Accordingly, the transfer agent expense for Class A, Class B and Class C shares was reduced by $40,777 for the period ended April 30, 2006. Signature Services reserves the right to terminate this limitation at any time.

The Fund has an agreement with the Adviser and affiliates to perform necessary tax, accounting and legal services for the Fund. The compensation for the period amounted to $15,368. The Fund also paid the Adviser the amount of $381 for certain publishing services, included in the printing fees. The Fund reimbursed JHLICo for certain compliance costs, included in the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

Mr. James R. Boyle is Chairman of the Adviser, as well as affiliated Trustee of the Fund, and is compensated by the Adviser and/or its affiliates. The compensation of unaffiliated Trustees is borne by the Fund. The unaffiliated Trustees may elect to defer, for tax purposes, their receipt of this compensation under the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan. The Fund makes investments into other John Hancock funds, as applicable, to cover its liability for the deferred compensation. Investments to cover the Fund’s deferred compensation liability are recorded on the Fund’s books as an other asset. The deferred compensation liability and the related other asset are always equal and are marked to market on a periodic basis to reflect any income earned by the investments, as well as any unrealized gains or losses. The Deferred Compensation Plan investments had no impact on the operations of the Fund.


Note C
Fund share transactions

This listing illustrates the number of Fund shares sold and repurchased during the last two periods, along with the corresponding dollar value.

  Year ended 10-31-05  Period ended 4-30-061 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 

Class A shares         
Sold  1,409,247  $12,651,836  922,786  $10,113,217 
Repurchased  (2,642,146)  (23,854,729)  (1,084,676)  (11,732,993) 
Net decrease  (1,232,899)  ($11,202,893)  (161,890)  ($1,619,776) 

Class B shares         
Sold  360,358  $2,949,863  292,532  $2,885,467 
Repurchased  (1,864,803)  (15,142,628)  (579,085)  (5,692,519) 
Net decrease  (1,504,445)  ($12,192,765)  (286,553)  ($2,807,052) 

Class C shares         
Sold  71,585  $588,127  72,012  $720,878 
Repurchased  (97,294)  (795,276)  (42,085)  (410,602) 
Net increase (decrease)  (25,709)  ($207,149)  29,927  $310,276 

Class I shares         
Sold  34,207  $316,376  52,841  $591,464 
Repurchased  (69,584)  (631,193)  (36,720)  (420,155) 
Net increase (decrease)  (35,377)  ($314,817)  16,121  $171,309 

Net decrease  (2,798,430)  ($23,917,624)  (402,395)  ($3,945,243) 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.

Note D

Purchases and proceeds from sales or maturities of securities, other than short-term securities and obligations of the U.S. government, during the period ended April 30, 2006, aggregated $53,376,615 and $59,682,040, respectively.

The cost of investments owned on April 30, 2006, including short-term investments, for federal income tax purposes, was $170,241,716. Gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments aggregated $37,816,688 and $2,848,096, respectively, resulting in net unrealized appreciation of $34,968,592.


For more information

The Fund’s proxy voting policies, procedures and records are available without charge, upon request:

By phone  On the Fund’s Web site  On the SEC’s Web site 
1-800-225-5291  www.jhfunds.com/proxy  www.sec.gov 

Trustees  Francis V. Knox, Jr.  Custodian 
Ronald R. Dion, Chairman  Vice President and  The Bank of New York 
James R. Boyle†  Chief Compliance Officer  One Wall Street 
James F. Carlin  John G. Vrysen  New York, NY 10286 
Richard P. Chapman, Jr.*  Executive Vice President and 
William H. Cunningham  Chief Financial Officer  Transfer agent 
Charles L. Ladner*  John Hancock Signature 
Dr. John A. Moore*  Investment adviser  Services, Inc. 
Patti McGill Peterson*  John Hancock Advisers, LLC  1 John Hancock Way, 
Steven R. Pruchansky  601 Congress Street  Suite 1000 
*Members of the Audit Committee  Boston, MA 02210-2805  Boston, MA 02217-1000 
Non-Independent Trustee   
Subadviser  Legal counsel 
Officers  Sovereign Asset  Wilmer Cutler Pickering 
Keith F. Hartstein  Management LLC  Hale and Dorr LLP 
President and  101 Huntington Avenue  60 State Street 
Chief Executive Officer  Boston, MA 02199  Boston, MA 02109-1803 
William H. King 
Vice President and Treasurer  Principal distributor   
John Hancock Funds, LLC   
601 Congress Street   
Boston, MA 02210-2805   

The Fund’s investment objective, risks, charges and expenses are included in the prospectus and should be considered carefully before investing. For a prospectus, call your financial professional, call John Hancock Funds at 1-800-225-5291, or visit the Fund’s Web site at www.jhfunds.com. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.

A listing of month-end portfolio holdings is available on our Web site, www.jhfunds.com. A more detailed portfolio holdings summary is available on a quarterly basis 60 days after the fiscal quarter on our Web site or upon request by calling 1-800-225-5291, or on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Web site, www.sec.gov.


1-800-554-6713 (TDD)
1-800-338-8080 EASI-Line


Now available: electronic delivery

This report is for the information of
the shareholders of John Hancock
Mid Cap Growth Fund.

390SA 4/06

Table of contents 

Your fund at a glance 
page 1 

Managers’ report 
page 2 

A look at performance 
page 6 

Growth of $10,000 
page 7 

Your expenses 
page 8 

Fund’s investments 
page 10 

Financial statements 
page 14 

For more information 
page 29 

To Our Shareholders,

After producing modest returns in 2005, the stock market has advanced smartly in the first four months of 2006. The major indexes all advanced and produced four-month returns that were ahead of the market’s returns for all of 2005. For example, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index returned 5.61% year-to-date through April 2006, versus 4.91% last year in total. Investors were encouraged by solid corporate earnings, a healthy economy and stable inflation, which suggested the Federal Reserve could be coming close to the end of its 18-month campaign of raising interest rates.

Despite the good results to date, it is anyone’s guess where the market will end 2006, especially given the wild cards of interest rate moves and record-high energy prices and their impact on corporate profits and the economy.

One thing we do know, however, is that the stock market’s pattern is one of extremes. Consider the last 10 years. From 1995 through 1999, we saw double-digit returns in excess of 20% per year, only to have 2000 through 2002 produce ever-increasing negative results, followed by another 20%-plus up year in 2004 and a less than 5% advance in 2005. Since 1926, the market, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, has produced average annual results of 10.4% . However, that “normal” return is rarely produced in any given year. In fact, calendar-year returns of 8% to 12% have occurred only five times in the 80 years since 1926.

Although the past in no way predicts the future, we have learned at least one lesson from history: Expect highs and lows in the short term, but always invest for the long term. Equally important: Work with your financial professional to maintain a diversified portfolio, spread out among not only different asset classes — stocks, bonds and cash — but also among various investment styles. It’s the best way we know of to benefit from, and weather, the market’s extremes.


Keith F. Hartstein,
President and Chief Executive Officer

This commentary reflects the CEO’s views as of April 30, 2006. They are subject to change at any time.


The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital by normally investing at least 80% of its assets in stocks of foreign companies.

  Over the last six months 
Healthy economic and earnings growth worldwide boosted 
  international markets. 
Stock selection helped the Fund outperform its benchmark index 
  and peers. 
The Fund’s growth-oriented strategy detracted from performance as 
  growth stocks trailed international value stocks. 

Total returns for the Fund are at net asset value with all distributions reinvested. These returns do not reflect the deduction of the maximum sales charge, which would reduce the performance shown above.

Top 10 holdings 
3.5%  Sanofi-Aventis SA 
2.9%  Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. 
2.6%  San Paolo IMI SpA 
2.5%  Siemens AG 
2.2%  CRH Plc 
2.1%  ABB Ltd. 
2.1%  Stolt Offshore SA 
2.0%  Rogers Communications, Inc. 
2.0%  Cameco Corp. 
2.0%  Commerzbank AG 
As a percentage of net assets on April 30, 2006. 




International Fund

International equity markets posted impressive increases during the six months ended April 30, 2006, driven by healthy economic and earnings growth worldwide. The U.S. dollar weakened against a basket of foreign currencies, further boosting international equity returns when translated into dollar terms.

In Japan, the largest non-U.S. stock market, equity performance was strong and broadly in line with the return of the MSCI All Country World Ex-U.S. Index. Japan’s economic recovery, which began in 2002, continued to gain momentum, evidenced by robust gains in exports, wages, industrial production and consumer con-fidence. Underscoring the country’s economic resurgence, the Bank of Japan announced that it was abandoning “quantitative easing,” the ultra-loose monetary policy adopted in March 2001 to combat deflation.

“International equity markets
  posted impressive increases
  during the six months ended
  April 30, 2006...”

Although modestly trailing Japanese equities, stock markets in developed European countries also produced exceptional gains. Sluggish economies throughout Continental Europe showed signs of stirring, and the European Central Bank began raising short-term interest rates from historically low levels. In the United Kingdom, equities advanced but turned in the worst performance among developed  European countries. Surging oil prices and a downturn in the housing market have taken a toll on the country’s economy, which, in 2005, grew at its slowest pace in thirteen years.Stocks in emerging markets delivered the best returns, fueled by rising commodity prices and a relatively stable monetary, fiscal and political environment. Several of the best-performing markets were those with abundant natural resources, such as Venezuela, Russia and South Africa. Equities in China and India also outperformed, as structural reforms have paved the way for rapid economic growth in these two countries.


Fund performance explained

For the six months ended April 30, 2006, John Hancock International Fund’s Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I shares gained 27.17%, 26.72%, 26.70% and 27.60%, respectively, at net asset value. During the same period, the average foreign large-cap growth fund rose 25.08%, according to Morningstar, Inc.1, and the benchmark MSCI All Country World Ex-U.S. Index advanced 23.58% . Keep in mind that your net asset value return will be different from the Fund’s performance if you were not invested in the Fund for the entire period and did not reinvest all distributions. See pages six and seven for historical performance information.

The Fund’s holdings in the vast majority of countries and all sectors posted increases, resulting in a strong total return for the six-month period. The Fund also performed well compared to its Morningstar peer group and the MSCI All Country World Ex-U.S. Index. Major sources of strength relative to the index included stock selection in China, Switzerland and Hong Kong and an underweight in the United Kingdom. From a sector perspective, stock selection among telecommunication services, information technology and industrial companies was particularly strong.

“The Fund’s holdings in the vast
  majority of countries and all
  sectors posted increases, resulting
  in a strong total return for the
  six-month period.”

Growth trails value

The Fund employs a growth-oriented investment approach, while the style-neutral MSCI All Country Ex-U.S. Index includes a mix of growth and value equities. The Fund’s emphasis on growth stocks negatively impacted relative performance because international growth stocks trailed their value counterparts this period. Other areas of relative weakness included stock selection in France and the health care and financials sectors, as well as an overweight in telecommunication services. Telecommunication services was the worst-performing sector in the index amid intense competition among providers.

Top-performing positions included ABB Ltd., a Swiss supplier of power and automation technologies that experienced robust demand; Foxconn International Holdings, a Chinese handset manufacturer that benefited from a positive outlook for the global



Financials  18% 

Industrials  16% 

discretionary  15% 

Materials  10% 

technology  9% 

services  8% 

Energy  8% 

Health care  7% 

staples  6% 

Utilities  1% 

handset market; and Tokyo Electron Ltd., a Japanese provider of semiconductor production equipment that reported stronger-than-expected orders. Decliners included Hokuhoku Financial Group, Inc., a Japanese regional bank that was weak on concerns that a potential change in its capital structure would dilute earnings per share; Alcatel SA, a French communications equipment supplier whose plans to merge with Lucent Technologies made investors anxious; and Générale de Santé, a French health care services provider that fell on expectations that the government would lower hospital rates.

Fund moves

During the period, there were changes in the Fund’s country and sector weightings as a result of our stock-by-stock investment decisions. Assets were shifted from emerging nations in the Asia Pacific region, most notably China, in favor of opportunities identified in developed European countries, such as Italy and Sweden. Changes in sector weightings included a decrease in the Fund’s exposure to telecommunication services and financials and an increase in exposure to industrials and consumer discretionary stocks.

The Fund’s holdings remained well diversified at the end of the period, with broad representation across countries and sectors. Compared to the MSCI All Country World Ex-U.S. Index, the Fund was overweight stocks in developed Asia Pacific countries, including Japan, and underweight companies in developed European markets, particularly the United Kingdom. The Fund was overweight industrials, consumer discretionary and telecommunication services stocks and underweight financials, utilities and energy.


“We are cautiously optimistic in
  our outlook for international
  stock markets.”


We are cautiously optimistic in our outlook for international stock markets. Global economic growth is expected to slow in response to soaring energy prices and rising interest rates. Geopolitical tensions are high, and there is the potential for an oil shock, resurgent inflation or a downturn in export activity due to a falling U.S. dollar. That said, a number of factors bode well for future equity price gains. Economic expansion in the United States remains robust, and Japan’s recovery is still on track. The pace of growth in Europe is improving, and brisk merger and acquisition activity is lending support to stock prices throughout the region. In emerging markets, economies are healthy, and corporate profit growth continues to be strong.

Regardless of how big-picture events unfold, we remain focused on being early to identify positive fundamental changes taking place within individual companies. By consistently applying our bottom-up stock-selection process in all market environments, we are confident that we will continue to uncover exciting investment opportunities for the Fund.

This commentary reflects the views of the portfolio management team through the end of the Fund’s period discussed in this report. The managers’ statements reflect their own opinions. As such, they are in no way guarantees of future events and are not intended to be used as investment advice or a recommendation regarding any specific security. They are also subject to change at any time as market and other conditions warrant.

International investing involves special risks such as political, economic and currency risks and differences in accounting standards and financial reporting.

1 Figures from Morningstar, Inc. include reinvested dividends and do not take into account sales charges. Actual load-adjusted performance is lower.

2 As a percentage of net assets on April 30, 2006.



For the period ended
April 30, 2006

  Class A  Class B  Class C  Class I1 
Inception date  1-3-94  1-3-94  6-1-98  3-1-02 

Average annual returns with maximum sales charge (POP)   
One year  33.21%  34.09%  38.26%  41.22% 

Five years  4.53  4.51  4.84   

Ten years  1.45  1.40     

Since inception      0.65  13.90 

Cumulative total returns with maximum sales charge (POP)   
Six months  20.78  21.72  25.70  27.60 

One year  33.21  34.09  38.26  41.22 

Five years  24.81  24.66  26.64   

Ten years  15.44  14.95     

Since inception      5.25  71.95 

Performance figures assume all distributions are reinvested. Returns with maximum sales charge reflect a sales charge on Class A shares of 5%, and the applicable contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Class B and Class C shares. The returns for Class C shares have been adjusted to reflect the elimination of the front-end sales charge effective July 15, 2004. The Class B shares’ CDSC declines annually between years 1–6 according to the following schedule: 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1%. No sales charge will be assessed after the sixth year. Class C shares held for less than one year are subject to a 1% CDSC. Sales charge is not applicable for Class I shares.

The returns reflect past results and should not be considered indicative of future performance. The return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Due to market volatility, the Fund’s current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, please call 1-800-225-5291 or visit the Fund’s Web site at www.jhfunds.com.

The performance table above and the chart on the next page do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.

The Fund’s performance results reflect any applicable expense reductions, without which the expenses would increase and results would have been less favorable.

1For certain types of investors as described in the Fund’s Class I share prospectus.



This chart shows what happened to a hypothetical $10,000 investment in Class A shares for the period indicated. For comparison, we’ve shown the same investment in the MSCI All Country World Ex-U.S. Index.

  Class B1  Class C1  Class I2 
Period beginning  4-30-96  6-1-98  3-1-02 

International Fund  $11,495  $10,525  $17,195 

Index  16,775  15,326  18,159 

Assuming all distributions were reinvested for the period indicated, the table above shows the value of a $10,000 investment in the Fund’s Class B, Class C and Class I shares, respectively, as of April 30, 2006. The Class C shares investment with maximum sales charge has been adjusted to reflect the elimination of the front-end sales charge effective July 15, 2004. Performance of the classes will vary based on the difference in sales charges paid by shareholders investing in the different classes and the fee structure of those classes.

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) All Country World Ex-U.S. Index is an unmanaged index of freely traded stocks of foreign companies.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do not reflect sales charges and would be lower if they did.

1 No contingent deferred sales charge applicable.

2 For certain types of investors as described in the Fund’s Class I share prospectus.



These examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing

operating expenses.

Understanding fund expenses

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs:

*   Transaction costs, which include sales charges (loads) on 
purchases or redemptions (varies by share class), minimum 
account fee charge, etc. 

Ongoing operating expenses, including management 
fees, distribution and service fees (if applicable) and other 
fund expenses. 

We are going to present only your ongoing operating expenses here.

Actual expenses/actual returns

This example is intended to provide information about your fund’s actual ongoing operating expenses, and is based on your fund’s actual return. It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on October 31, 2005, with the same investment held until April 30, 2006.

Account value                                                                              Expenses paid 
$1,000.00  Ending value  during period 
on 10-31-05                                                                    on 4-30-06  ended 4-30-061 

Class A  $1,271.70  $10.45 
Class B  1,267.20  14.40 
Class C  1,267.00  14.40 
Class I  1,276.00  6.56 

Together with the value of your account, you may use this information to estimate the operating expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value at April 30, 2006 by $1,000.00, then multiply it by the “expenses paid” for your share class from the table above. For example, for an account value of $8,600.00, the operating expenses should be calculated as follows:


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

This table allows you to compare your fund’s ongoing operating expenses with those of any other fund. It provides an example of the Fund’s hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each class’s actual expense ratio and an assumed 5% annual return before expenses (which is not your fund’s actual return). It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on October 31, 2005, with the same investment held until April 30, 2006. Look in any other fund shareholder report to find its hypothetical example and you will be able to compare these expenses.

Account value    Expenses paid 
$1,000.00  Ending value  during period 
on 10-31-05  on 4-30-06  ended 4-30-061 

Class A  $1,015.60  $9.27 
Class B  1,012.10  12.78 
Class C  1,012.10  12.78 
Class I  1,019.03  5.82 

Remember, these examples do not include any transaction costs, such as sales charges; therefore, these examples will not help you to determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. If transaction costs were included, your expenses would have been higher. See the prospectus for details regarding transaction costs.

1 Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio of 1.86%, 2.56%, 2.56% and 1.16% for Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year/365 or 366 (to reflect the one-half year period).


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S


Securities owned by the Fund on April 30, 2006 (unaudited)

This schedule is divided into three main categories: common stocks, warrants and short-term investments. The common stocks and warrants are further broken down by country. Short-term investments, which represent the Fund’s cash position, are listed last.

Issuer  Shares  Value 

Common stocks 96.99%    $127,379,531 
(Cost $100,295,235)     

Australia 1.12%

Goodman Fielder Ltd. (Packaged Foods & Meats) (I)  871,119  1,467,335 

Brazil 1.01%

Vivo Participacoes SA, American Depositary Receipt (ADR)     
(Wireless Telecommunication Services)  319,600  1,319,948 

Canada 6.91%

Cameco Corp. (Coal & Consumable Fuels)  64,500  2,618,451 

EnCana Corp. (Oil & Gas Exploration & Production)  25,700  1,281,617 

Petrobank Energy & Resources Ltd.     
(Oil & Gas Exploration & Production) (I)  43,000  533,399 

Rogers Communications, Inc. (Class B)     
(Wireless Telecommunication Services)  62,800  2,655,921 

Teck Cominco Ltd. (Class B) (Diversified Metals & Mining)  28,800  1,981,084 

China 0.75%

Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd., ADR     
(Electrical Components & Equipment) (I)  28,900  990,981 

Finland 2.06%

M-real Oyj (B Shares) (Paper Products)  142,400  925,571 

Nokia Corp., ADR (Communications Equipment)  78,700  1,783,342 

France 9.11%

Alcatel SA (Communications Equipment)  79,925  1,150,745 

Lafarge SA (Construction Materials)  19,724  2,422,421 

Publicis Groupe SA (Advertising)  32,187  1,335,937 

Sanofi-Aventis SA (Pharmaceuticals)  49,006  4,614,350 

Total SA (Integrated Oil & Gas)  6,191  1,709,430 

Veolia Environnment SA (Multi-Utilities)  12,279  732,529 

See notes to
financial statements.



Issuer  Shares  Value 

Germany 6.63%

Bayer AG (Diversified Chemicals)  26,706  1,227,868 

Commerzbank AG (Diversified Banks)  63,304  2,611,515 

Henkel KGaA (Household Products)  12,704  1,527,128 

Siemens AG (Industrial Conglomerates)  35,217  3,333,738 

Greece 1.52%

National Bank of Greece SA (Diversified Banks)  40,305  1,998,316 

Hong Kong 2.63%

Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd.     
(Wireless Telecommunication Services) (I)  1,199,000  2,110,793 

Melco International Development Ltd. (Industrial Conglomerates)  595,000  1,339,079 

Hungary 1.07%

MOL Magyar Olaj-es Gazipari Rt. (Integrated Oil & Gas)  11,855  1,408,600 

Ireland 3.11%

Bank of Ireland (Diversified Banks)  67,095  1,257,144 

CRH Plc (Construction Materials)  76,968  2,826,174 

Italy 5.16%

Autogrill SpA (Restaurants)  84,929  1,381,123 

Mediaset SpA (Broadcasting & Cable TV)  156,222  1,973,755 

San Paolo IMI SpA (Diversified Banks)  182,388  3,420,905 

Japan 24.80%

Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd. (Apparel Retail)  17,200  575,342 

Calsonic Kansei Corp. (Auto Parts & Equipment)  136,081  1,134,406 

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals)  65,400  1,411,655 

Fuji Electric Holdings Co., Ltd. (Electrical Components & Equipment)  246,000  1,421,716 

Haseko Corp. (Homebuilding) (I)  412,500  1,560,420 

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. (Pharmaceuticals)  25,000  768,389 

Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.     
(Construction & Farm Machinery & Heavy Trucks)  88,200  2,401,944 

Hokuhoku Financial Group, Inc. (Regional Banks)  538,000  2,185,919 

Japan Tobacco, Inc. (Tobacco)  565  2,265,937 

Kajima Corp. (Construction & Engineering)  180,000  1,015,061 

Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (Real Estate Management & Development)  84,000  1,831,524 

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Trading Companies & Distributors)  115,000  1,733,056 

Nitori Co., Ltd. (Homefurnishing Retail)  18,360  990,347 

Okasan Holdings, Inc. (Investment Banking & Brokerage)  43,000  483,844 

Rakuten, Inc. (Internet Retail)  818  658,984 

Seven & I Holdings Co., Ltd. (Food Retail)  33,500  1,293,651 

Sumitomo Mitsubishi Silicon Corp. (Semiconductors)  25,200  1,502,732 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S

Issuer  Shares  Value 

Japan (continued)

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. (Diversified Banks)  343  $3,754,378 

Teijin Ltd. (Commodity Chemicals)  249,000  1,702,881 

Tokyo Electron Ltd. (Semiconductor Equipment)  19,200  1,378,634 

Toyota Motor Corp. (Automobile Manufacturers)  42,900  2,501,874 

Luxembourg 3.47%

Millicom International Cellular SA     
(Wireless Telecommunication Services) (I)  37,800  1,859,004 

Stolt Offshore SA (Oil & Gas Equipment & Services) (I)  165,800  2,697,353 

Netherlands 2.00%

ASML Holding NV (Semiconductor Equipment) (I)  62,960  1,332,368 

Royal Numico NV (Packaged Foods & Meats)  28,572  1,292,787 

Norway 0.97%

Telenor ASA (Integrated Telecommunication Services)  110,200  1,275,484 

South Africa 1.42%

Harmony Gold Mining Co., Ltd., ADR (Gold) (I)  111,100  1,866,480 

South Korea 3.30%

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.     
(Construction & Farm Machinery & Heavy Trucks)  43,770  1,278,481 

Kookmin Bank, ADR (Diversified Banks)  15,200  1,353,560 

LG Electronics, Inc. (Consumer Electronics)  20,610  1,706,574 

Sweden 3.67%

ASSA ABLOY AB (Building Products)  105,800  2,041,282 

Modern Times Group MTG AB (B Shares) (Broadcasting & Cable TV) (I)  26,900  1,471,418 

Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (B Shares)     
(Communications Equipment)  370,000  1,312,519 

Switzerland 9.27%

ABB Ltd. (Heavy Electrical Equipment)  191,143  2,720,186 

Adecco SA (Human Resource & Employment Services)  27,414  1,694,984 

Compagnie Financiere Richemont AG     
(Apparel, Accessories & Luxury Goods)  26,846  1,386,818 

Panalpina Welttransport Holding AG (Air Freight & Logistics)  7,804  778,047 

Roche Holding AG (Pharmaceuticals)  12,001  1,840,073 

Straumann AG (Health Care Equipment)  5,016  1,230,054 

UBS AG (Diversified Capital Markets)  21,364  2,525,032 

Taiwan 1.21%

United Microelectronics Corp., ADR (Semiconductors)  422,800  1,593,956 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S

Issuer      Shares  Value 
Thailand 0.56%        $730,317 

Kasikornbank Public Co. Ltd. (Diversified Banks)    403,500  730,317 

United Kingdom 4.67%

Aegis Group Plc (Advertising)      551,492  1,368,302 

ARM Holdings Plc (Semiconductors)      739,734  1,828,625 

HSBC Holdings Plc (Diversified Banks)      88,566  1,525,304 

Travis Perkins Plc (Home Improvement Retail)    49,170  1,405,850 

United States 0.57%

Southern Copper Corp. (Diversified Metals & Mining)    7,600  752,780 
Issuer      Shares  Value 

Warrants 1.12%        $1,465,870 
(Cost $1,408,617)         

India 1.12%

Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd.         
(Integrated Telecommunication Services) (B)(I)(R)    162,100  1,465,870 
    Interest  Par value   
Issuer, description, maturity date    rate  (000)  Value 

Short-term investments 1.61%        $2,114,000 
(Cost $2,114,000)         
Joint Repurchase Agreement 1.61%      2,114,000 

Investment in a joint repurchase agreement transaction       
with Barclays Capital, Inc. — Dated 4-28-06 due 5-1-06       
(secured by U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed Bond 3.875%       
due 4-15-29 and U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed       
Note 2.375% due 4-15-11)    4.710%  $2,114  2,114,000 

Total investments 99.72%        $130,959,401 

Other assets and liabilities, net 0.28%      $367,483 

Total net assets 100.00%        $131,326,884 

(B) This security is fair valued in good faith under procedures established by the Board of Trustees.

(I) Non-income-producing security.

(R) Equity-linked warrant.

The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value of that category as a percentage of the net assets of the Fund.

See notes to
financial statements.




April 30, 2006

This Statement of Assets and Liabilities is the Fund’s balance sheet. It shows the value of what the Fund owns, is due and owes. You’ll also find the net asset value and the maximum offering price per share.


Investments at value (cost $103,817,852)  $130,959,401 
Cash  350 
Foreign cash, at value (cost $7,397)  7,822 
Receivable for investments sold  1,984,347 
Receivable for shares sold  204,422 
Dividends and interest receivable  314,066 
Other assets  11,358 
Total assets  133,481,766 


Payable for investments purchased  1,514,371 
Payable for shares repurchased  410,576 
Payable to affiliates   
Management fees  92,613 
Distribution and service fees  8,511 
Other  70,151 
Other payables and accrued expenses  58,660 
Total liabilities  2,154,882 

Net assets   

Capital paid-in  159,678,820 
Accumulated net realized loss on investments   
and foreign currency transactions  (55,046,143) 
Net unrealized appreciation of investments   
and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies  27,145,060 
Accumulated net investment loss  (450,853) 
Net assets  $131,326,884 

Net asset value per share   

Based on net asset values and shares outstanding —   
the Fund has an unlimited number of shares   
authorized with no par value   
Class A ($95,213,862 ÷ 10,419,444 shares)  $9.14 
Class B ($28,226,784 ÷ 3,395,058 shares)  $8.31 
Class C ($5,552,331 ÷ 667,454 shares)  $8.32 
Class I ($2,333,907 ÷ 245,903 shares)  $9.49 

Maximum offering price per share   

Class A1 ($9.14 ÷ 95%)  $9.62 

1 On single retail sales of less than $50,000. On sales of $50,000 or more and on group sales the offering price is reduced.

See notes to financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    S TAT E M E N T S


For the period ended
April 30, 2006

This Statement of Operations summarizes the Fund’s investment income earned and expenses incurred in operating the Fund. It also shows net gains (losses) for the period stated.

Investment income   

Dividends (net of foreign withholding taxes of $64,633)  $693,011 
Interest  60,027 
Total investment income  753,038 


Investment management fees  518,439 
Class A distribution and service fees  126,510 
Class B distribution and service fees  130,691 
Class C distribution and service fees  24,378 
Class A, B and C transfer agent fees  252,550 
Class I transfer agent fees  465 
Custodian fees  44,379 
Registration and filing fees  27,655 
Professional fees  18,669 
Printing  15,424 
Miscellaneous  14,209 
Accounting and legal services fees  13,513 
Trustees’ fees  2,260 
Compliance fees  1,585 
Interest  329 
Total expenses  1,191,056 
Net investment loss  (438,018) 

Realized and unrealized gain (loss)   


Net realized gain (loss) on
Investments  12,931,819 
Foreign currency transactions  (233,904) 

Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of
Investments  15,317,088 
Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies  3,843 

Net realized and unrealized gain

Increase in net assets from operations

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06.

See notes to
financial statements.




These Statements of Changes in Net Assets show how the value of the Fund’s net assets has changed during the last two periods. The difference reflects earnings less expenses, any investment gains and losses, distributions, if any, paid to shareholders and the net of Fund share transactions.

  Year  Period 
  ended  ended 
  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Increase (decrease) in net assets     
From operations     
Net investment loss  ($442,075)  ($438,018) 
Net realized gain  14,558,323  12,697,915 
Change in net unrealized     
appreciation (depreciation)  2,830,230  15,320,931 

Increase in net assets
resulting from operations  16,946,478  27,580,828 

Distributions to shareholders
From net realized gain     
Class A  (1,112,572)  (7,182,339) 
Class B  (483,477)  (2,506,385) 
Class C  (70,732)  (445,786) 
Class I  (22,383)  (134,042) 
  (1,689,164)  (10,268,552) 
From Fund share transactions  (7,706,210)  12,012,402 

Net assets     

Beginning of period  94,451,102  102,002,206 
End of period2  $102,002,206  $131,326,884 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.

2 Includes accumulated net investment loss of $12,835 and $450,853, respectively.

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    H I G H L I G H T S



The Financial Highlights show how the Fund’s net asset value for a
share has changed since the end of the previous period.

Period ended  10-31-01  10-31-02  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance             
Net asset value,             
beginning of period  $9.45  $6.18  $5.10  $6.21  $6.78  $7.94 
Net investment loss2  (0.05)  (0.04)  (0.04)  (0.02)  (0.02)  (0.02) 
Net realized and unrealized             
gain (loss) on investments  (3.22)  (1.04)  1.15  0.59  1.30  2.00 
Total from             
investment operations  (3.27)  (1.08)  1.11  0.57  1.28  1.98 
Less distributions             
From net realized gain          (0.12)  (0.78) 
Net asset value, end of period  $6.18  $5.10  $6.21  $6.78  $7.94  $9.14 
Total return3 (%)  (34.60)4  (17.48)4  21.764  9.184  19.144  27.175 

Ratios and supplemental data             

Net assets, end of period             
(in millions)  $8  $6  $62  $64  $73  $95 
Ratio of expenses             
to average net assets (%)  2.23  2.38  2.45  2.04  2.08  1.866 
Ratio of gross expenses             
to average net assets7 (%)  3.83  4.43  3.00  2.07  2.12   
Ratio of net investment loss             
to average net assets (%)  (0.65)  (0.68)  (0.63)  (0.27)  (0.24)  (0.57)6 
Portfolio turnover (%)  278  2288  2168  201  176  66 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-01  10-31-02  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance             
Net asset value,             
beginning of period  $9.04  $5.86  $4.81  $5.81  $6.30  $7.31 
Net investment loss2  (0.10)  (0.08)  (0.07)  (0.06)  (0.07)  (0.05) 
Net realized and unrealized             
gain (loss) on investments  (3.08)  (0.97)  1.07  0.55  1.20  1.83 
Total from             
investment operations  (3.18)  (1.05)  1.00  0.49  1.13  1.78 
Less distributions             
From net realized gain          (0.12)  (0.78) 
Net asset value, end of period  $5.86  $4.81  $5.81  $6.30  $7.31  $8.31 
Total return3 (%)  (35.18)4  (17.92)4  20.794  8.434  18.204  26.725 

Ratios and supplemental data             

Net assets, end of period             
(in millions)  $6  $5  $30  $26  $24  $28 
Ratio of expenses             
to average net assets (%)  2.93  3.08  3.15  2.74  2.78  2.566 
Ratio of gross expenses             
to average net assets7 (%)  4.53  5.13  3.70  2.77  2.82   
Ratio of net investment loss             
to average net assets (%)  (1.34)  (1.38)  (1.28)  (0.98)  (0.97)  (1.29)6 
Portfolio turnover (%)  278  2288  2168  201  176  66 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-01  10-31-02  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance             
Net asset value,             
beginning of period  $9.05  $5.87  $4.81  $5.81  $6.30  $7.32 
Net investment loss2  (0.10)  (0.08)  (0.06)  (0.06)  (0.07)  (0.05) 
Net realized and unrealized             
gain (loss) on investments  (3.08)  (0.98)  1.06  0.55  1.21  1.83 
Total from             
investment operations  (3.18)  (1.06)  1.00  0.49  1.14  1.78 
Less distributions             
From net realized gain          (0.12)  (0.78) 
Net asset value, end of period  $5.87  $4.81  $5.81  $6.30  $7.32  $8.32 
Total return3 (%)  (35.14)4  (18.06)4  20.794  8.434  18.364  26.705 

Ratios and supplemental data             

Net assets, end of period             
(in millions)  $1  $1  $3  $4  $4  $6 
Ratio of expenses             
to average net assets (%)  2.93  3.08  3.15  2.73  2.78  2.566 
Ratio of gross expenses             
to average net assets7 (%)  4.53  5.13  3.70  2.76  2.82   
Ratio of net investment loss             
to average net assets (%)  (1.35)  (1.38)  (1.11)  (0.96)  (1.00)  (1.27)6 
Portfolio turnover (%)  278  2288  2168  201  176  66 

See notes to
financial statements.


F I N A N C I A L    H I G H L I G H T S


Period ended  10-31-029  10-31-03  10-31-04  10-31-05  4-30-061 

Per share operating performance           
Net asset value,           
beginning of period  $6.18  $5.12  $6.30  $6.94  $8.19 
Net investment income (loss)2  (0.01)  0.03  0.04  0.04  0.01 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)           
on investments  (1.05)  1.15  0.60  1.33  2.07 
Total from           
investment operations  (1.06)  1.18  0.64  1.37  2.08 
Less distributions           
From net realized gain        (0.12)  (0.78) 
Net asset value, end of period  $5.12  $6.30  $6.94  $8.19  $9.49 
Total return3 (%)  (17.15)4,5  23.054  10.16  20.004  27.605 

Ratios and supplemental data           

Net assets, end of period           
(in millions)  $1  $1  $1  $1  $2 
Ratio of expenses           
to average net assets (%)  2.046  1.60  1.17  1.32  1.166 
Ratio of gross expenses           
to average net assets7 (%)  4.096  2.15    1.33   
Ratio of net investment income (loss)           
to average net assets (%)  (0.34)6  0.58  0.60  0.51  0.196 
Portfolio turnover (%)  2288  2168  201  176  66 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.
2 Based on the average of the shares outstanding.
3 Assumes dividend reinvestment and does not reflect the effect of sales charges.
4 Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the periods shown.
5 Not annualized.
6 Annualized.
7 Does not take into consideration expense reductions during the periods shown.
8 Excludes merger activity.
9 Class I shares began operations on 3-1-02.

See notes to
financial statements.




Note A
Accounting policies

John Hancock International Fund (the “Fund”) is a diversified series of John Hancock Investment Trust III (the “Trust”), an open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term growth of capital.

The Trustees have authorized the issuance of multiple classes of shares of the Fund, designated as Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I shares. The shares of each class represent an interest in the same portfolio of investments of the Fund and have equal rights as to voting, redemptions, dividends and liquidation, except that certain expenses, subject to the approval of the Trustees, may be applied differently to each class of shares in accordance with current regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal Revenue Service. Shareholders of a class that bears distribution and service expenses under the terms of a distribution plan have exclusive voting rights to that distribution plan.

Significant accounting policies
of the Fund are as follows:

Valuation of investments

Securities in the Fund’s portfolio are valued on the basis of market quotations, valuations provided by independent pricing services or, if quotations are not readily available, or the value has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of a foreign market, at fair value as determined in good faith in accordance with procedures approved by the Trustees. Short-term debt investments which have a remaining maturity of 60 days or less may be valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. All portfolio transactions initially expressed in terms of foreign currencies have been translated into U.S. dollars as described in “Foreign currency translation” below.

Joint repurchase agreement

Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Fund, along with other registered investment companies having a management contract with John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the “Adviser”), a wholly owned subsidiary of John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation (“MFC”), may participate in a joint repurchase agreement transaction. Aggregate cash balances are invested in one or more large repurchase agreements, whose underlying securities are obligations of the U.S. government and/or its agencies. The Fund’s custodian bank receives delivery of the underlying securities for the joint account on the Fund’s behalf. The Adviser is responsible for ensuring that the agreement is fully collateralized at all times.

Foreign currency translation

All assets or liabilities initially expressed in terms of foreign


currencies are translated into U.S. dollars based on London currency exchange quotations as of 4:00 P.M., London time, on the date of any determination of the net asset value of the Fund. Transactions affecting statement of operations accounts and net realized gain (loss) on investments are translated at the rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions.

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held. Such fluctua-tions are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss from investments.

Reported net realized foreign currency exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currency, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the Fund’s books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign currency exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, other than investments in securities, resulting from changes in the exchange rates.

Investment transactions

Investment transactions are recorded as of the date of purchase, sale or maturity. Net realized gains and losses on sales of investments are determined on the identified cost basis. Capital gains realized on some foreign securities are subject to foreign taxes, which are accrued as applicable.

Class allocations

Income, common expenses and realized and unrealized gains (losses) are determined at the fund level and allocated daily to each class of shares based on the appropriate net asset value of the respective classes. Distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent fees for Class I shares, are calculated daily at the class level based on the appropriate net asset value of each class and the specific expense rate(s) applicable to each class.


The majority of expenses are directly identifiable to an individual fund. Expenses that are not readily identifiable to a specific fund are allocated in such a manner as deemed equitable, taking into consideration, among other things, the nature and type of expense and the relative sizes of the funds.

Bank borrowings

The Fund is permitted to have bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes, including the meeting of redemption requests that otherwise might require the untimely disposition of securities. The Fund has entered into a syndicated line of credit agreement with various banks. This agreement enables the Fund to participate, with other funds managed by the Adviser, in an unsecured line of credit with banks, which permits borrowings of up to $150 million, collectively. Interest is charged to each fund based on its borrowing. In addition, a commitment fee is charged to each fund based on the average daily unused portion of the line of credit, and is allocated among the participating funds. The Fund had no borrowing activity under the line of credit during the period ended April 30, 2006.

Equity-linked warrants

The Fund may buy and sell equity-linked warrants. The Fund purchases the equity-linked warrants from a broker, who in turn purchases the shares in the local market and issues a call warrant hedged on the underlying holding. If the Fund exercises its call and closes its position, the shares are sold and the warrant redeemed with the proceeds. Each warrant represents one share of the underlying stock, therefore the price, performance and liquidity of the warrant are all directly linked to the underlying stock. The warrants can be redeemed for 100% of the


value of the underlying stock, less transaction costs. Equity-linked warrants are subject to risks related to the counterparty’s ability to perform under the contract, and to the market risk of the underlying holding. The Fund may also suffer losses if it is unable to sell outstanding equity-linked warrants or reduce its exposure through offsetting transactions.

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts

The Fund may enter into forward foreign currency exchange contracts as a hedge against the effect of fluctuations in currency exchange rates. A forward foreign currency exchange contract involves an obligation to purchase or sell a specific currency at a future date at a set price. The aggregate principal amounts of the contracts are marked to market daily at the applicable foreign currency exchange rates. Any resulting unrealized gains and losses are included in the determination of the Fund’s daily net asset value. The Fund records realized gains and losses at the time the forward foreign currency exchange contracts are closed out. Risks may arise upon entering these contracts from the potential inability of coun-terparties to meet the terms of the contracts and from unanticipated movements in the value of a foreign currency relative to the U.S. dollar. These contracts involve market or credit risk in excess of the unrealized gain or loss reflected in the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The Fund may also purchase and sell forward contracts to facilitate the settlement of foreign currency denominated portfolio transactions, under which it intends to take delivery of the foreign currency. Such contracts normally involve no market risk if they are offset by the currency amount of the underlying transactions.

The Fund had no open forward foreign currency exchange contracts on April 30, 2006.

Federal income taxes

The Fund qualifies as a “regulated investment company” by complying with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be subject to federal income tax on taxable income that is distributed to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. For federal income tax purposes, the Fund has $67,715,810 of a capital loss carryforward available, to the extent provided by regulations, to offset future net realized capital gains. To the extent that such carryforward is used by the Fund, no capital gain distributions will be made. The loss carry-forward expires as follows: October 31, 2006 — $846,665, October 31, 2007 — $362,323, October 31, 2008 — $48,654,862, October 31, 2009 —$13,925,126 and October 31, 2010 — $3,926,834. Availability of a certain amount of the carryforwards, which were acquired in a merger on June 7, 2002, May 9, 2003 and on September 26, 2003, may be limited in a given year.

Dividends, interest and distributions

Dividend income on investment securities is recorded on the ex-dividend date or, in the case of some foreign securities, on the date thereafter when the Fund identifies the dividend. Interest income on investment securities is recorded on the accrual basis. Foreign income may be subject to foreign withholding taxes, which are accrued as applicable.

The Fund records distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gains, if any, on the ex-dividend date. During the year ended October 31, 2005, the tax character of distributions paid was as follows: long-term capital gain: $1,689,164. Distributions paid by the Fund with respect to each class of shares are calculated in the same manner, at the same time and are in the same amount, except for the effect of expenses that may be


applied differently to each class.

Such distributions, on a tax basis, are determined in conformity with income tax regulations, which may differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Distributions in excess of tax basis earnings and profits, if any, are reported in the Fund’s financial statements as a return of capital.

Use of estimates

The preparation of these financial statements, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, incorporates estimates made by management in determining the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Fund. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Note B
Management fee and
transactions with affiliates
and others

The Fund has an investment management contract with the Adviser. Under the investment management contract, the Fund pays a monthly management fee to the Adviser equivalent, on an annual basis, to the sum of: (a) 0.90% of the first $100,000,000 of the Fund’s average daily net asset value, (b) 0.80% of the next $200,000,000, (c) 0.75% of the next $200,000,000 and (d) 0.625% of the Fund’s average daily net asset value in excess of $500,000,000. The Adviser has a sub-advisory agreement with Nicholas-Applegate Capital Management LP. The Fund is not responsible for payment of the subadvisory fees.

The Adviser has agreed to limit the Fund’s total expenses, excluding the distribution and service fees and transfer agent fees, to 1.27% of the Fund’s average daily net asset value, on an annual basis, and net operating expenses for Class A, Class B and Class C shares to 2.35%, 3.05% and 3.05%, respectively, at least until February 28, 2007. There were no expense reductions related to the Fund’s total expense limitation for the period ended April 30, 2006. The Adviser reserves the right to terminate these limitations in the future.

The Trust has a Distribution Agreement with John Hancock Funds, LLC (“JH Funds”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Adviser. The Fund has adopted Distribution Plans with respect to Class A, Class B and Class C, pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, to reimburse JH Funds for the services it provides as distributor of shares of the Fund. Accordingly, the Fund makes monthly payments to JH Funds at an annual rate not to exceed 0.30%, 1.00% and 1.00% of the average daily net asset value of Class A, Class B and Class C, respectively. A maximum of 0.25% of such payments may be service fees, as defined by the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers. Under the Conduct Rules, curtailment of a portion of the Fund’s 12b-1 payments could occur under certain circumstances.

Class A shares are assessed up-front sales charges. During the period ended April 30, 2006, JH Funds received net up-front sales charges of $82,921 with regard to sales of Class A shares. Of this amount, $13,067 was retained and used for printing prospectuses, advertising, sales literature and other purposes, $67,818 was paid as sales commissions to unrelated broker-dealers and $2,036 was paid as sales commissions to sales personnel of Signator Investors, Inc. (“Signator Investors”), a related broker-dealer. The Adviser’s indirect parent, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (“JHLICo”), a subsidiary of MFC, is the indirect sole shareholder of Signator Investors.

Class B shares that are redeemed within six years of purchase are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) at declining rates, beginning at 5.00% of the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares


being redeemed. Class C shares that are redeemed within one year of purchase are subject to a CDSC at a rate of 1.00% of the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Proceeds from the CDSCs are paid to JH Funds and are used, in whole or in part, to defray its expenses for providing distribution-related services to the Fund in connection with the sale of Class B and Class C shares. During the period ended April 30, 2006, CDSCs received by JH Funds amounted to $31,756 for Class B shares and $389 for Class C shares.

The Fund has a transfer agent agreement with John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (“Signature Services”), an indirect subsidiary of JHLICo. For Class A, Class B and Class C shares, the Fund pays a monthly transfer agent fee at an annual rate of 0.05% of each class’s average daily net asset value, plus a fee based on the number of shareholder accounts and reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses, aggregated and allocated to each class on the basis of its relative net asset value. For Class I shares, the Fund pays a monthly transfer agent fee at a total annual rate of 0.05% of Class I average daily net asset value. Signature Services agreed to limit Class A, Class B and Class C shares transfer agent fee to 0.78% of each class’s average daily net asset value, at least until February 28, 2007. There were no transfer agent fee reductions under this limitation during the period ended April 30, 2006. Signature Services also agreed to voluntarily reduce the Fund’s asset-based portion of the transfer agent fee for Class A, Class B and Class C shares, if the total transfer agent fee exceeds the Lipper, Inc. median transfer agency for comparable mutual funds by greater than 0.05% . There were no transfer agent fee reductions during the period ended April 30, 2006. Signature Services reserves the right to terminate this limitation at any time.

The Fund has an agreement with the Adviser and affili-ates to perform necessary tax, accounting and legal services for the Fund. The compensation for the period amounted to $13,513. The Fund also paid the adviser the amount of $381 for certain publishing services, included in the printing fees. The Fund reimbursed JHLICo for certain compliance costs, included in the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

Mr. James R. Boyle is Chairman of the Adviser, as well as affiliated Trustee of the Fund, and is compensated by the Adviser and/or its affiliates. The compensation of unaffiliated Trustees is borne by the Fund. The unaffiliated Trustees may elect to defer, for tax purposes, their receipt of this compensation under the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan. The Fund makes investments into other John Hancock funds, as applicable, to cover its liability for the deferred compensation. Investments to cover the Fund’s deferred compensation liability are recorded on the Fund’s books as an other asset. The deferred compensation liability and the related other asset are always equal and are marked to market on a periodic basis to reflect any income earned by the investments, as well as any unrealized gains or losses. The Deferred Compensation Plan investments had no impact on the operations of the Fund.


Note C
Fund share transactions

This listing illustrates the number of Fund shares sold, reinvested and repurchased during the last two periods, along with the corresponding dollar value.

  Year ended 10-31-05  Period ended 4-30-061 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 

Class A shares         
Sold  1,907,087  $14,310,047  1,415,969  $11,952,391 
Distributions reinvested  153,373  1,067,479  928,761  6,909,982 
Repurchased  (2,248,267)  (16,706,148)  (1,133,884)  (9,465,152) 
Net increase (decrease)  (187,807)  ($1,328,622)  1,210,846  $9,397,221 

Class B shares         
Sold  735,091  $5,111,257  567,454  $4,375,664 
Distributions reinvested  71,179  459,815  353,037  2,397,118 
Repurchased  (1,661,206)  (11,394,043)  (745,279)  (5,719,950) 
Net increase (decrease)  (854,936)  ($5,822,971)  175,212  $1,052,832 

Class C shares         
Sold  216,694  $1,484,170  147,112  $1,131,154 
Distributions reinvested  10,744  69,404  64,902  440,684 
Repurchased  (291,680)  (1,993,970)  (84,905)  (658,009) 
Net increase (decrease)  (64,243)  ($440,396)  127,109  $913,829 

Class I shares         
Sold  51,705  $398,210  91,478  $807,529 
Distributions reinvested  3,135  22,383  17,408  134,042 
Repurchased  (71,242)  (534,814)  (32,324)  (293,051) 
Net increase (decrease)  (16,402)  ($114,221)  76,562  $648,520 

Net increase (decrease)  (1,123,388)  ($7,706,210)  1,589,729  $12,012,402 

1 Semiannual period from 11-1-05 through 4-30-06. Unaudited.

Note D

Purchases and proceeds from sales or maturities of securities, other than short-term securities and obligations of the U.S. government, during the period ended April 30, 2006, aggregated $76,859,508 and $77,053,652, respectively.

The cost of investments owned on April 30, 2006, including short-term investments, for federal income tax purposes, was $103,833,966. Gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments aggregated $27,912,106 and $786,671, respectively, resulting in net unrealized appreciation of $27,125,435. The difference between book basis and tax basis net unrealized appreciation of investments is attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on certain sales of securities.



Equity  Balanced Fund 
  Classic Value Fund 
  Core Equity Fund 
  Focused Equity Fund 
  Growth Trends Fund 
  Large Cap Equity Fund 
  Large Cap Select Fund 
  Mid Cap Equity Fund 
  Mid Cap Growth Fund 
  Multi Cap Growth Fund 
  Small Cap Fund 
  Small Cap Equity Fund 
  Small Cap Intrinsic Value Fund 
  Sovereign Investors Fund 
  U.S. Global Leaders Growth Fund 

Asset Allocation and  Allocation Growth + Value Portfolio 
Lifestyle Portfolios  Allocation Core Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Aggressive Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Growth Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Balanced Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Moderate Portfolio 
  Lifestyle Conservative Portfolio 

Sector  Financial Industries Fund 
  Health Sciences Fund 
  Real Estate Fund 
  Regional Bank Fund 
  Technology Fund 
  Technology Leaders Fund 

International  Greater China Opportunities Fund 
  International Fund 
  International Classic Value Fund 

Income  Bond Fund 
  Government Income Fund 
  High Yield Fund 
  Investment Grade Bond Fund 
  Strategic Income Fund 

Tax-Free Income  California Tax-Free Income Fund 
  High Yield Municipal Bond Fund 
  Massachusetts Tax-Free Income Fund 
  New York Tax-Free Income Fund 
  Tax-Free Bond Fund 

Money Market  Money Market Fund 
  U.S. Government Cash Reserve 

For more complete information on any John Hancock Fund and a prospectus, which includes charges and expenses, call your financial professional, or John Hancock Funds at 1-800-225-5291. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.



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For more information

The Fund’s proxy voting policies, procedures and records are available without charge, upon request:

By phone  On the Fund’s Web site  On the SEC’s Web site 
1-800-225-5291  www.jhfunds.com/proxy  www.sec.gov 

Trustees  Francis V. Knox, Jr.  Custodian 
Ronald R. Dion, Chairman  Vice President and  The Bank of New York 
James R. Boyle†  Chief Compliance Officer  One Wall Street 
James F. Carlin  John G. Vrysen  New York, NY 10286 
Richard P. Chapman, Jr.*  Executive Vice President and 
William H. Cunningham  Chief Financial Officer  Transfer agent 
Charles L. Ladner*  John Hancock Signature 
Dr. John A. Moore*  Investment adviser  Services, Inc. 
Patti McGill Peterson*  John Hancock Advisers, LLC  1 John Hancock Way, 
Steven R. Pruchansky  601 Congress Street  Suite 1000 
*Members of the Audit Committee  Boston, MA 02210-2805  Boston, MA 02217-1000 
Non-Independent Trustee   
Subadviser  Legal counsel 
Officers  Nicholas-Applegate Capital  Wilmer Cutler Pickering 
Keith F. Hartstein  Management, LLC  Hale and Dorr LLP 
President and  600 West Broadway  60 State Street 
Chief Executive Officer  San Diego, CA 92101  Boston, MA 02109-1803 
William H. King 
Vice President and Treasurer  Principal distributor   
John Hancock Funds, LLC   
601 Congress Street   
Boston, MA 02210-2805   

The Fund’s investment objective, risks, charges and expenses are included in the prospectus and should be considered carefully before investing. For a prospectus, call your financial professional, call John Hancock Funds at 1-800-225-5291, or visit the Fund’s Web site at www.jhfunds.com. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.

How to contact us   

Internet  www.jhfunds.com   

Mail  Regular mail:  Express mail: 
  John Hancock  John Hancock 
  Signature Services, Inc.  Signature Services, Inc. 
  1 John Hancock Way, Suite 1000  Mutual Fund Image Operations 
  Boston, MA 02217-1000  380 Stuart Street 
    Boston, MA 02116 

Phone  Customer service representatives  1-800-225-5291 
  24-hour automated information  1-800-338-8080 
  TDD line  1-800-554-6713 

A listing of month-end portfolio holdings is available on our Web site, www.jhfunds.com. A more detailed portfolio holdings summary is available on a quarterly basis 60 days after the fiscal quarter on our Web site or upon request by calling 1-800-225-5291, or on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Web site, www.sec.gov.


1-800-554-6713 (TDD)
1-800-338-8080 EASI-Line


Now available: electronic delivery

This report is for the information of
the shareholders of John Hancock
International Fund.

400SA 4/06


As of the end of the period, April 30, 2006, the registrant has adopted a code of ethics, as defined in Item 2 of Form N-CSR, that applies to its Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (respectively, the principal executive officer, the principal financial officer and the principal accounting officer, the “Senior Financial Officers”). A copy of the code of ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.

The code of ethics was amended effective February 1, 2005 to address new Rule 204A-1 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and to make other related changes.

The most significant amendments were:

(a) Broadening of the General Principles of the code to cover compliance with all federal securities laws.

(b) Eliminating the interim requirements (since the first quarter of 2004) for access persons to preclear their personal trades of John Hancock mutual funds. This was replaced by post-trade reporting and a 30 day hold requirement for all employees.

(c) A new requirement for “heightened preclearance” with investment supervisors by any access person trading in a personal position worth $100,000 or more.


Not applicable at this time.


Not applicable at this time.


Not applicable at this time.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


There were no material changes to previously disclosed John Hancock Funds - Administration Committee Charter and John Hancock Funds – Governance Committee Charter.


(a) Based upon their evaluation of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as conducted within 90 days of the filing date of this Form N-CSR, the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that those disclosure controls and procedures provide reasonable assurance that the material information required to be disclosed by the registrant on this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and forms.

(b) There were no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


(a)(1) Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers is attached.

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, are attached.

(b) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, are attached. The certifications furnished pursuant to this paragraph are not deemed to be "filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certifications are not deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent that the Registrant specifically incorporates them by reference.

(c) Contact person at the registrant.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

John Hancock Investment Trust lll

By: /s/ Keith F. Hartstein
Keith F. Hartstein
President and Chief Executive Officer

Date: June 27, 2006

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Keith F. Hartstein
Keith F. Hartstein
President and Chief Executive Officer

Date: June 27, 2006

By: /s/ John G. Vrysen
John G. Vrysen
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Date: June 27, 2006