EX-99.77C VOTES 3 smr2002.txt SHAREHOLDER MEETING RESULTS Shareholder Meeting Results (unaudited) The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Tax-Free Trust of Oregon the "Trust") was held on May 7, 2002. The holders of shares representing 80% of the total net asset value of the shares entitled to vote were present in person or by proxy. At the meeting, the following matters were voted upon and approved by the shareholders (the resulting votes for each matter are presented below). 1. To elect Trustees. Number of Votes: Trustee For Withheld Lacy B. Herrmann 26,250,263 292,922 David B. Frohnmayer 26,176,224 366,961 James A. Gardner 26,228,222 314,963 Diana P. Herrmann 26,277,584 265,601 Raymond H. Lung 26,250,925 292,260 John W. Mitchell 26,277,302 265,883 Patricia L. Moss 26,273,133 241,838 Nancy Wilgenbusch 26,292,027 251,158 2. To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as the Trust's independent auditors. Number of Votes: For Against Abstain 26,029,211 144,819 399,156