EX-99.1 2 dex991.htm PRESS RELEASE AND EARNINGS RELEASE ATTACHMENTS Press release and earnings release attachments




Contact:    Karie Anderson    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
   Investor Relations   
   Kathleen Cantillon   
   Corporate Communications   

Exelon Announces First Quarter Results;

Reaffirms Full Year 2009 Earnings Guidance

CHICAGO (April 23, 2009) – Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC) today announced that its first quarter 2009 consolidated earnings prepared in accordance with GAAP were $712 million, or $1.08 per diluted share, compared with earnings of $581 million, or $0.88 per share, in the first quarter of 2008.

Exelon’s adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the first quarter of 2009 were $797 million, or $1.20 per diluted share, compared with $620 million, or $0.93 per diluted share, for the same period in 2008.

“Our strong first quarter results are keeping 2009 earnings on track to meet our estimates in spite of the difficult economic environment,” said John W. Rowe, Exelon’s chairman and CEO. “We continue to drive these results through our operating performance. Our nuclear fleet operations continued industry-leading performance as the quarter’s single refueling outage at the LaSalle station was completed in 22 days. Our fossil fleet had its best quarter since we began tracking commercial availability. ComEd announced a plan to reduce its 2009 capital and O&M spending by $200 million, and PECO reached a successful settlement related to energy procurement in Pennsylvania.”

The increase in first quarter 2009 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings to $1.20 per share from $0.93 per share in first quarter 2008 was primarily due to:



Higher energy gross margins at Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Generation) largely due to increased nuclear output reflecting fewer refueling outage days in 2009 and favorable portfolio and market conditions, partially offset by higher nuclear fuel costs;



Decreased operating and maintenance expense at Generation related to nuclear refueling outage costs associated with the lower number of refueling outage days during the first quarter of 2009;



Increased distribution revenue at Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd) resulting from the September 2008 distribution rate case order;




Increased gas distribution revenue at PECO Energy Company (PECO), reflecting new rates effective January 1, 2009, resulting from the 2008 gas distribution rate case;



The benefit related to an Illinois tax ruling; and



The impact of unfavorable weather conditions in the PECO service territory in 2008.

Higher first quarter 2009 earnings were partially offset by:



Increased operating and maintenance expense largely due to the impact of inflation on labor, contracting and materials expense and increased pension and other postretirement benefits (OPEB) expense;



Reduced load at ComEd and PECO, primarily driven by current economic conditions and the impact of the leap year day in 2008; and



Increased depreciation and amortization expense primarily related to the higher scheduled competitive transition charge (CTC) amortization at PECO.

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the first quarter of 2009 do not include the following items (after-tax) that were included in reported GAAP earnings:



Mark-to-market gains of $112 million, or $0.17 per diluted share, primarily from Generation’s economic hedging activities;



A charge of $135 million, or $0.20 per diluted share, related to impairments of certain Texas plants at Generation;



Unrealized losses of $33 million, or $0.05 per diluted share, related to nuclear decommissioning trust (NDT) fund investments;



A charge of $21 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement agreement; and



External costs of $8 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, related to Exelon’s proposed acquisition of NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG).

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the first quarter of 2008 did not include the following items (after-tax) that were included in reported GAAP earnings:



Mark-to-market gains of $53 million, or $0.08 per diluted share, primarily from Generation’s economic hedging activities;



A charge of $50 million, or $0.07 per diluted share, for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement agreement; and



Unrealized losses of $42 million, or $0.06 per diluted share, related to NDT fund investments.

2009 Earnings Outlook

Exelon reaffirmed its guidance range for 2009 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings of $4.00 to $4.30 per share. Exelon expects adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the second quarter of 2009 to be in the range of $0.95 to $1.05 per share. Operating earnings guidance is based on the assumption of normal weather for the remainder of the year.



The outlook for 2009 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for Exelon and its subsidiaries excludes the following items:



Mark-to-market adjustments from economic hedging activities



Unrealized gains and losses from NDT fund investments primarily related to the Clinton, Oyster Creek and Three Mile Island nuclear plants (the former AmerGen Energy Company, LLC units)



Significant impairments of assets, including goodwill



Changes in decommissioning obligation estimates



Costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement agreement



Costs associated with ComEd’s 2007 settlement with the City of Chicago



External costs associated with the proposed acquisition of NRG



Other unusual items



Significant future changes to GAAP

First Quarter and Recent Highlights



Proposal to Acquire NRG: On October 19, 2008, Exelon announced its proposal to acquire all outstanding shares of NRG common stock at a fixed exchange ratio of 0.485 of a share of Exelon common stock for each share of NRG common stock. This represented a 37% premium for NRG shareholders based on closing prices on the NYSE on October 17, 2008, the last trading day prior to the public disclosure of the Exelon offer. After NRG twice rejected the Exelon offer, Exelon brought its exchange offer directly to NRG shareholders on November 12, 2008. On February 26, 2009, Exelon extended its exchange offer until 5 p.m. New York City time on June 26, 2009 and announced that NRG shareholders had tendered more than 51 percent of all outstanding shares of NRG common stock.

Exelon has filed notices and applications for approval in all federal and state jurisdictions where notices or approvals are required in connection with the transaction, and Exelon expects to complete the regulatory approval process during the second half of 2009.

On March 17, 2009, Exelon filed a preliminary proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the 2009 annual meeting of the shareholders of NRG. Exelon is seeking approval for the following proposals: (1) election of four independent candidates to replace the four Class III directors of NRG whose terms expire at the 2009 annual meeting of NRG shareholders; (2) expansion of the size of the NRG board of directors to provide for a board of 19 directors divided into three approximately equal classes; (3) election of five independent candidates to fill five of the six newly created directorships on the NRG board; and (4) repeal of any amendments to the NRG bylaws adopted by the NRG board without the approval of the NRG shareholders after February 26, 2008. NRG’s annual meeting has not yet been scheduled but is expected to take place by June 14, 2009.



Nuclear Operations: Generation’s nuclear fleet, including its owned output from the Salem Generating Station operated by PSEG Nuclear LLC, produced 35,382 gigawatt-hours (GWhs) in the first quarter of 2009, compared with 32,935 GWhs in the first quarter of 2008. The Exelon-operated nuclear plants achieved a 96.2 percent capacity factor for the first quarter of 2009




compared with 89.0 percent for the first quarter of 2008. The Exelon-operated nuclear plants completed one scheduled refueling outage and began two others in the first quarter of 2009, compared with completing four scheduled refueling outages and beginning a fifth in the first quarter of 2008. The number of refueling outage days totaled 34 and 104, respectively. Higher total nuclear output also was driven by a lower number of non-refueling outage days at the Exelon-operated plants, which totaled 13 days in the first quarter of 2009 versus 26 days in the first quarter of 2008.



Fossil and Hydro Operations: Generation’s fossil fleet commercial availability was 96.0 percent in the first quarter of 2009, compared with 74.0 percent in the first quarter of 2008, primarily reflecting an outage last year at the Eddystone coal plant. The equivalent availability factor for the hydroelectric facilities was 94.4 percent in the first quarter of 2009, compared with 99.1 percent in the first quarter of 2008, largely due to an earlier than planned outage in March 2009 at Muddy Run.



Oyster Creek Nuclear Plant License Extension: On April 8, 2009, the NRC approved a 20-year operating license extension for the Oyster Creek Generating Station. Oyster Creek began operating in 1969.



Public Service Company of Oklahoma Power Purchase and Sale Agreement: On April 21, 2009, Generation agreed to sell its rights to 520 megawatts (MW), or approximately two-thirds, of the capacity, energy and ancillary services supplied from its existing long-term contract with Green Country Energy, LLC (Green Country) through a power purchase agreement with Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO), a subsidiary of American Electric Power Company, Inc. Green Country is a 795-MW natural gas-fired station located in Jenks, Oklahoma. The transaction, subject to approval by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC), would commence on June 1, 2012 and continue through February 28, 2022. Once an application is filed, the OCC will have six months to issue a ruling. The transaction is not expected to have an impact on Generation’s earnings or cash flow until 2012.



New Solar Facility: On April 22, 2009, Generation announced plans to apply for a Department of Energy loan guarantee to build a new 10-MW solar photovoltaic generating facility on a “brownfield” site in Chicago. The facility, to be developed with SunPower Corp., is estimated to cost approximately $60 million and would be the largest of its kind in an urban area in the United States. Subject to receipt of the loan guarantee, commercial operation is planned by the end of 2009.



ComEd Energy Procurement: The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) has issued its calendar for the next energy procurement event for ComEd. The calendar and other related information can be found at the website: www.comed-energyrfp.com. The IPA will solicit requests for proposals (RFPs) for monthly peak and off-peak standard wholesale block energy products (50 MW each) to meet a portion of ComEd’s customer supply needs for the period June 1, 2009 through May 31, 2011. The RFPs are due by April 29, 2009, with the results, as approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission, expected to be issued by May 4, 2009.




PECO Default Service Provider Plan Filing: On April 16, 2009, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PAPUC) approved PECO’s default service procurement plan joint settlement filed on March 10, 2009 to provide default electric service following the expiration of electric generation rate caps on December 31, 2010. The initial residential energy procurement will be held in June 2009.

Under the settlement, PECO’s revised default service provider program will have a 29-month term, beginning January 1, 2011 and ending May 31, 2013. PECO’s default service customers will be divided into four procurement classes: a Residential class, a Small Commercial class (for non-residential customers with peak demand up to 100 kilowatts (kW)), a Medium Commercial class (for non-residential customers with peak demand of greater than 100 kW up to 500 kW), and a Large Commercial and Industrial class for non-residential customers with peak demand in excess of 500 kW.

For the Residential and Small and Medium Commercial classes, a portion of the load will be served through competitively procured contracts for load-following, full requirements default supply service for terms of two years or less. For the remaining portion of the Residential class load, PECO will competitively procure forward purchases of energy blocks and will balance the remaining load through sales and purchases of energy in PJM Interconnection, LLC’s (PJM) competitive markets. For the remaining portion of the Small and Medium Commercial class load, as well as the Large Commercial and Industrial class load, PECO will competitively procure contracts for load-following, full requirements default supply service with the price for energy in each contract set to be the hourly price of the PJM day-ahead wholesale “spot” energy market during the term of delivery. In addition, PECO will offer Large Commercial and Industrial customers a fixed-price optional service during the first year of PECO’s default service provider plan.

Also under the settlement, PECO will expand its low-income assistance initiatives. In addition, PECO’s settlement includes a market rate deferral program under which certain customers can elect to phase in, with interest, any increases in 2011 post-electric generation rate cap expiration if they exceed 25 percent.



PECO Early Phase-In Program Filing: On March 12, 2009, the PAPUC approved PECO’s September 2008 filing for a voluntary Early Phase-In Plan allowing customers to pre-pay, with interest, expected post-electric generation rate cap increases. Eligible residential and small business customers could choose to pay a surcharge on electricity use from July 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010, with the payments and interest credited to bills in 2011 to 2012.



PECO Alternative Energy Credit (AEC) Procurement: Pursuant to PECO’s November 2008 RFP for fixed-price, five-year agreements to purchase AECs, two bidders were accepted by the PAPUC on February 10, 2009. PECO anticipates entering into agreements in April 2009, with AEC purchases beginning no later than December 2009.



Financing Activities: On March 26, 2009, PECO issued $250 million of 5.00 percent First Mortgage Bonds due 2014. The net proceeds of the bonds were used to refinance short-term debt and for general corporate purposes.




Exelon Generation consists of owned and contracted electric generating facilities, wholesale energy marketing operations and competitive retail sales operations.

First quarter 2009 net income was $528 million compared with $438 million in the first quarter of 2008. First quarter 2009 net income included (all after tax) mark-to-market gains of $112 million from economic hedging activities before the elimination of intercompany transactions, a charge of $135 million associated with the impairment of certain Texas plants (Handley and Mountain Creek), unrealized losses of $33 million related to NDT fund investments and a charge of $21 million for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement. First quarter 2008 net income included (all after tax) mark-to-market gains of $38 million from economic hedging activities, a charge of $47 million for the costs associated with the Illinois electric rate settlement and unrealized losses of $42 million related to NDT fund investments. Excluding the impact of these items, Generation’s net income in the first quarter of 2009 increased $116 million compared with the same quarter last year, primarily due to:



Higher energy gross margins (revenue net of purchased power and fuel expense) largely due to increased nuclear output and favorable portfolio and market conditions, partially offset by higher nuclear fuel costs;



Lower operating and maintenance expense, primarily reflecting fewer nuclear refueling outages, partially offset by increased pension and OPEB expense and inflation related to labor, contracting and materials; and



The impact of realized NDT fund losses primarily related to a tax planning strategy in 2008, partially offset by realized NDT fund losses related to market conditions in 2009; and



The benefit related to an Illinois tax ruling.

Generation’s average realized margin on all electric sales, including sales to affiliates and excluding trading activity, was $39.25 per MWh in the first quarter of 2009 compared with $38.77 per MWh in the first quarter of 2008.

ComEd consists of the electricity transmission and distribution operations in northern Illinois.

ComEd recorded net income of $114 million in the first quarter of 2009, compared with net income of $41 million in the first quarter of 2008. First quarter 2008 net income included an after-tax charge of $3 million for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement. Excluding the impact of this item, ComEd’s net income in the first quarter of 2009 increased $70 million from the same quarter last year primarily due to:



Increased distribution revenue due to the September 2008 distribution rate case order; and



The benefit related to an Illinois tax ruling.

The increase in net income was partially offset by:



Higher operating and maintenance expense, which primarily reflected the impact of increased pension and OPEB expense; and




Reduced load, primarily driven by current economic conditions and the impact of the leap year day in 2008.

In the first quarter of 2009, heating degree-days in the ComEd service territory were down 2.8 percent relative to the same period in 2008, but were 3.5 percent above normal. ComEd’s total retail kilowatt-hour (kWh) deliveries decreased by 3.9 percent quarter over quarter, with declines in deliveries to all customer classes including the impact of the leap year day in 2008. In addition, the number of residential customers being served in the ComEd region decreased 0.2 percent from the first quarter of 2008.

Weather-normalized retail kWh deliveries decreased by 3.6 percent from the first quarter of 2008, and after adjusting for the leap year day, weather-normalized retail kWh deliveries decreased by 2.5 percent. For ComEd, weather had an unfavorable after-tax impact of $2 million on first quarter 2009 earnings relative to 2008 and a favorable after-tax impact of $2 million relative to normal weather that was incorporated in earnings guidance.

PECO consists of the electricity transmission and distribution operations and the retail natural gas distribution business in southeastern Pennsylvania.

PECO’s net income in the first quarter of 2009 was $113 million, up from $97 million in the first quarter of 2008. This increase was primarily due to:



Higher gas distribution revenue, reflecting new rates effective January 1, 2009, resulting from the 2008 gas distribution rate case; and



The impact of unfavorable weather conditions in 2008.

The increase in net income was partially offset by:



Reduced load, primarily reflecting decreased large commercial and industrial deliveries largely driven by current economic conditions and the impact of the leap year day in 2008;



Higher CTC amortization, which was in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the PAPUC. As expected, the increase in amortization expense exceeded the increase in CTC revenues; and



Higher operating and maintenance expense, which largely reflected increased expense for uncollectible accounts.

In the first quarter of 2009, heating degree-days in the PECO service territory were up 9.1 percent from 2008 and were 1.0 percent above normal. Total retail kWh deliveries were up 0.2 percent from last year as the impact of favorable weather was mostly offset by a decline in deliveries to large commercial and industrial customers and the leap year day in 2008. In addition, the number of residential electric customers being served in the PECO region remained about level between the first quarter of 2009 and the same period in 2008.

Weather-normalized retail kWh deliveries decreased by 2.2 percent from the first quarter of 2008, primarily reflecting decreased large commercial and industrial deliveries and the impact of the leap year day in 2008. After adjusting for the leap year day, weather-normalized retail kWh deliveries decreased by 1.1 percent. For PECO, weather had a favorable after-tax impact of $15 million on first quarter 2009 earnings relative to 2008 and a favorable after-tax impact of $1 million relative to normal weather that was incorporated in earnings guidance.



Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings, which generally exclude significant one-time charges or credits that are not normally associated with ongoing operations, mark-to-market adjustments from economic hedging activities and unrealized gains and losses from NDT fund investments, are provided as a supplement to results reported in accordance with GAAP. Management uses such adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings measures internally to evaluate the company’s performance and manage its operations. Reconciliation of GAAP to adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for historical periods is attached. Additional earnings release attachments, which include the reconciliation on page 6, are posted on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com and have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K on April 23, 2009.

Conference call information: Exelon has scheduled a conference call for 11 AM ET (10 AM CT) on April 23, 2009. The call-in number in the U.S. and Canada is 800-690-3108, and the international call-in number is 973-935-8753. If requested, the conference ID number is 92382658. Media representatives are invited to participate on a listen-only basis. The call will be web-cast and archived on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com. (Please select the Investor Relations page.)

Telephone replays will be available until May 7. The U.S. and Canada call-in number for replays is 800-642-1687, and the international call-in number is 706-645-9291. The conference ID number is 92382658.



Important Information

This release relates, in part, to the offer (the “Offer”) by Exelon Corporation (“Exelon”) through its direct wholly-owned subsidiary, Exelon Xchange Corporation (“Xchange”), to exchange each issued and outstanding share of common stock (the “NRG shares”) of NRG Energy, Inc. (“NRG”) for 0.485 of a share of Exelon common stock. This release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to exchange, or a solicitation of an offer to exchange, NRG shares, nor is it a substitute for the Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO or the Prospectus/Offer to Exchange included in the Registration Statement on Form S-4 (Reg. No. 333-155278) (including the Letter of Transmittal and related documents and as amended from time to time, the “Exchange Offer Documents”) previously filed by Exelon and Xchange with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). The Offer is made only through the Exchange Offer Documents. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents and other relevant materials as they become available, because they will contain important information.

Exelon filed a preliminary proxy statement on Schedule 14A with the SEC on March 17, 2009 in connection with the solicitation of proxies (the “Preliminary NRG Meeting Proxy Statement”) for the 2009 annual meeting of NRG stockholders (the “NRG Meeting”). Exelon expects to file a definitive proxy statement on Schedule 14A with the SEC in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the



NRG Meeting and may file other proxy solicitation material in connection therewith (the “Definitive NRG Meeting Proxy Statement”). Exelon has also filed a preliminary proxy statement on Schedule 14A with the SEC in connection with its solicitation of proxies (the “Preliminary Exelon Meeting Proxy Statement”) for a meeting of Exelon shareholders (the “Exelon Meeting”) to be called in order to approve the issuance of shares of Exelon common stock pursuant to the Offer. Exelon expects to file a definitive proxy statement on Schedule 14A with the SEC in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the Exelon Meeting (the “Definitive Exelon Meeting Proxy Statement”). Investors and security holders are urged to read the Preliminary NRG Meeting Proxy Statement, the Definitive NRG Meeting Proxy Statement, the Preliminary Exelon Meeting Proxy Statement, and the Definitive Exelon Meeting Proxy Statement and other relevant materials as they become available, because they will contain important information.

Investors and security holders can obtain copies of the materials described above (and all other related documents filed with the SEC) at no charge on the SEC’s website: www.sec.gov. Copies can also be obtained at no charge by directing a request for such materials to Innisfree M&A Incorporated, 501 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, New York 10022, toll free at 1-877-750-9501. Investors and security holders may also read and copy any reports, statements and other information filed by Exelon, Xchange or NRG with the SEC, at the SEC public reference room at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 or visit the SEC’s website for further information on its public reference room.

Exelon, Xchange and the individuals to be nominated by Exelon for election to NRG’s Board of Directors will be participants in the solicitation of proxies from NRG stockholders for the NRG Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. Exelon and Xchange will be participants in the solicitation of proxies from Exelon shareholders for the Exelon Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. In addition, certain directors and executive officers of Exelon and Xchange may solicit proxies for the Exelon Meeting and the NRG Meeting. Information about Exelon and Exelon’s directors and executive officers is available in Exelon’s proxy statement, dated March 19, 2009, filed with the SEC in connection with Exelon’s 2009 annual meeting of shareholders. Information about Xchange and Xchange’s directors and executive officers is available in Schedule II to the Prospectus/Offer to Exchange. Information about any other participants will be included in the Definitive NRG Meeting Proxy Statement or the Definitive Exelon Meeting Proxy Statement, as applicable.

Forward Looking Statements

This release includes forward-looking statements. There are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements made herein. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include Exelon’s ability to achieve the synergies contemplated by the proposed transaction, Exelon’s ability to promptly and effectively integrate the businesses of NRG and Exelon, and the timing to consummate the proposed transaction and obtain required regulatory approvals as well as those discussed in (1) the Exchange Offer Documents; (2) Exelon’s 2008 Annual Report on Form 10-K in (a) ITEM 1A. Risk Factors, (b) ITEM 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and (c) ITEM 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data: Note 18; (3) Exelon’s First Quarter 2009 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q (to be filed on April 23, 2009) in (a) Part II, Other Information, ITEM 1A. Risk Factors and (b) Part I, Financial Information, ITEM 1. Financial



Statements: Note 13; and (4) other factors discussed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission by Exelon Corporation, Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Commonwealth Edison Company, and PECO Energy Company (Companies). Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this release. The Companies do not undertake any obligation to publicly release any revision to their forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release, except as required by law.

Statements made in connection with the exchange offer are not subject to the safe harbor protections provided to forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

All information in this release concerning NRG, including its business, operations, and financial results, was obtained from public sources. While Exelon has no knowledge that any such information is inaccurate or incomplete, Exelon has not had the opportunity to verify any of that information.


Exelon Corporation is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities with approximately 5.4 million customers and $19 billion in annual revenues. The company has one of the industry’s largest portfolios of electricity generation capacity, with a nationwide reach and strong positions in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Exelon distributes electricity to approximately 5.4 million customers in Illinois and Pennsylvania and natural gas to approximately 485,000 customers in southeastern Pennsylvania. Exelon is headquartered in Chicago and trades on the NYSE under the ticker EXC.




Earnings Release Attachments

Table of Contents


Consolidating Statements of Operations - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations - Generation and ComEd - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations - PECO and Other - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Consolidated Balance Sheets - March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Exelon - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Generation - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - ComEd - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - PECO - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Other - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Exelon Generation Statistics - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009, December 31, 2008, September 30, 2008, June 30, 2008 and March 31, 2008


ComEd Statistics - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


PECO Statistics - Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008



Consolidating Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2009  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 2,601     $ 1,553     $ 1,514     $ (946 )   $ 4,722  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     175       882       570       (944 )     683  


     510       —         266       —         776  

Operating and maintenance

     928       253       177       4       1,362  

Operating and maintenance for regulatory required programs (a)

     —         11       —         —         11  

Depreciation and amortization

     76       123       225       12       436  

Taxes other than income

     50       78       66       6       200  

Total operating expenses

     1,739       1,347       1,304       (922 )     3,468  

Operating income (loss)

     862       206       210       (24 )     1,254  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (29 )     (83 )     (50 )     (25 )     (187 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     (1 )     —         (7 )     —         (8 )

Other, net

     (82 )     32       5       7       (38 )

Total other income and deductions

     (112 )     (51 )     (52 )     (18 )     (233 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     750       155       158       (42 )     1,021  

Income taxes

     222       41       45       2       310  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     528       114       113       (44 )     711  

Income from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         1       1  

Net income (loss)

   $ 528     $ 114     $ 113     $ (43 )   $ 712  
     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 2,482     $ 1,440     $ 1,476     $ (881 )   $ 4,517  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     564       841       572       (905 )     1,072  


     271       —         267       —         538  

Operating and maintenance

     785       249       168       (9 )     1,193  

Depreciation and amortization

     70       111       205       12       398  

Taxes other than income

     53       69       66       5       193  

Total operating expenses

     1,743       1,270       1,278       (897 )     3,394  

Operating income

     739       170       198       16       1,123  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (36 )     (105 )     (59 )     (21 )     (221 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         (2 )     (3 )     —         (5 )

Other, net

     (64 )     4       4       (2 )     (58 )

Total other income and deductions

     (100 )     (103 )     (58 )     (23 )     (284 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     639       67       140       (7 )     839  

Income taxes

     200       26       43       (11 )     258  

Income from continuing operations

     439       41       97       4       581  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     (1 )     —         —         1       —    

Net income

   $ 438     $ 41     $ 97     $ 5     $ 581  



(a) Includes amounts for various legislative and/or regulatory programs that are recoverable from customers on a full and current basis through a reconcilable automatic adjustment clause. An equal and offsetting amount has been reflected in operating revenues during the period.




Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2009     2008     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 2,601     $ 2,482     $ 119  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     175       564       (389 )


     510       271       239  

Operating and maintenance

     928       785       143  

Depreciation and amortization

     76       70       6  

Taxes other than income

     50       53       (3 )

Total operating expenses

     1,739       1,743       (4 )

Operating income

     862       739       123  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (29 )     (36 )     7  

Equity in losses of investments

     (1 )     —         (1 )

Other, net

     (82 )     (64 )     (18 )

Total other income and deductions

     (112 )     (100 )     (12 )

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     750       639       111  

Income taxes

     222       200       22  

Income from continuing operations

     528       439       89  

Loss from discontinued operations

     —         (1 )     1  

Net income

   $ 528     $ 438     $ 90  
     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2009     2008     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 1,553     $ 1,440     $ 113  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     882       841       41  

Operating and maintenance

     253       249       4  

Operating and maintenance for regulatory required programs (a)

     11       —         11  

Depreciation and amortization

     123       111       12  

Taxes other than income

     78       69       9  

Total operating expenses

     1,347       1,270       77  

Operating income

     206       170       36  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (83 )     (105 )     22  

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     —         (2 )     2  

Other, net

     32       4       28  

Total other income and deductions

     (51 )     (103 )     52  

Income before income taxes

     155       67       88  

Income taxes

     41       26       15  

Net income

   $ 114     $ 41     $ 73  



(a) Includes amounts for various legislative and/or regulatory programs that are recoverable from customers on a full and current basis through a reconcilable automatic adjustment clause. An equal and offsetting amount has been reflected in operating revenues during the period.




Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2009     2008     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 1,514     $ 1,476     $ 38  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     570       572       (2 )


     266       267       (1 )

Operating and maintenance

     177       168       9  

Depreciation and amortization

     225       205       20  

Taxes other than income

     66       66       —    

Total operating expenses

     1,304       1,278       26  

Operating income

     210       198       12  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (50 )     (59 )     9  

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (7 )     (3 )     (4 )

Other, net

     5       4       1  

Total other income and deductions

     (52 )     (58 )     6  

Income before income taxes

     158       140       18  

Income taxes

     45       43       2  

Net income

   $ 113     $ 97     $ 16  
     Other (a)  
     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2009     2008     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ (946 )   $ (881 )   $ (65 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     (944 )     (905 )     (39 )

Operating and maintenance

     4       (9 )     13  

Depreciation and amortization

     12       12       —    

Taxes other than income

     6       5       1  

Total operating expenses

     (922 )     (897 )     (25 )

Operating loss

     (24 )     16       (40 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (25 )     (21 )     (4 )

Other, net

     7       (2 )     9  

Total other income and deductions

     (18 )     (23 )     5  

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes

     (42 )     (7 )     (35 )

Income taxes

     2       (11 )     13  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     (44 )     4       (48 )

Income from discontinued operations

     1       1       —    

Net income (loss)

   $ (43 )   $ 5     $ (48 )



(a) Other primarily includes eliminating and consolidating adjustments, Exelon’s corporate operations, shared service entities and other financing and investment activities, including investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities.




Consolidated Balance Sheets


(in millions)


     March 31,
    December 31,

Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

   $ 2,149     $ 1,271  

Restricted cash and investments

     52       75  

Accounts receivable, net



     1,764       1,928  


     421       324  

Mark-to-market derivative assets

     618       410  

Inventories, net


Fossil fuel

     157       315  

Materials and supplies

     542       528  


     640       517  

Total current assets

     6,343       5,368  

Property, plant and equipment, net

     25,928       25,813  

Deferred debits and other assets


Regulatory assets

     5,676       5,940  

Nuclear decommissioning trust (NDT) funds

     5,300       5,500  


     713       715  


     2,625       2,625  

Mark-to-market derivative assets

     819       507  


     1,459       1,349  

Total deferred debits and other assets

     16,592       16,636  

Total assets

   $ 48,863     $ 47,817  

Liabilities and equity


Current liabilities


Short-term borrowings

   $ 207     $ 211  

Long-term debt due within one year

     13       29  

Long-term debt to PECO Energy Transition Trust due within one year

     551       319  

Accounts payable

     1,121       1,416  

Mark-to-market derivative liabilities

     433       214  

Accrued expenses

     1,177       1,151  

Deferred income taxes

     266       77  


     598       663  

Total current liabilities

     4,366       4,080  

Long-term debt

     11,599       11,397  

Long-term debt to PECO Energy Transition Trust

     404       805  

Long-term debt to other financing trusts

     390       390  

Deferred credits and other liabilities


Deferred income taxes and unamortized investment tax credits

     5,051       4,939  

Asset retirement obligations

     3,787       3,734  

Pension obligations

     4,157       4,111  

Non-pension postretirement benefits obligations

     2,152       2,255  

Spent nuclear fuel obligation

     1,016       1,015  

Regulatory liabilities

     2,364       2,520  

Mark-to-market derivative liabilities

     73       24  


     1,405       1,413  

Total deferred credits and other liabilities

     20,005       20,011  

Total liabilities

     36,764       36,683  



Shareholders’ equity


Common stock

     8,845       8,816  

Treasury stock, at cost

     (2,338 )     (2,338 )

Retained earnings

     7,185       6,820  

Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net

     (1,680 )     (2,251 )

Total shareholders’ equity

     12,012       11,047  

Preferred securities of subsidiary

     87       87  

Total Equity

     12,099       11,134  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

   $ 48,863     $ 47,817  




Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended
March 31,
     2009     2008  

Cash flows from operating activities


Net income

   $ 712     $ 581  

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flows provided by operating activities:


Depreciation, amortization and accretion, including nuclear fuel amortization

     622       552  

Impairment of long-lived assets

     223       —    

Deferred income taxes and amortization of investment tax credits

     (80 )     51  

Net fair value changes related to derivatives and NDT funds

     (96 )     (14 )

Other non-cash operating activities

     280       206  

Changes in assets and liabilities:


Accounts receivable

     108       181  


     132       70  

Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities

     (535 )     (391 )

Counterparty collateral asset

     416       (206 )

Counterparty collateral liability

     368       45  

Income taxes

     161       (5 )

Restricted cash

     —         11  

Pension and non-pension postretirement benefit contributions

     (37 )     (25 )

Other assets and liabilities

     (324 )     (338 )

Net cash flows provided by operating activities

     1,950       718  

Cash flows from investing activities


Capital expenditures

     (712 )     (897 )

Proceeds from NDT fund sales

     3,050       5,130  

Investment in NDT funds

     (3,109 )     (5,195 )

Change in restricted cash

     23       (142 )

Other investing activities

     (4 )     (1 )

Net cash flows used in investing activities

     (752 )     (1,105 )

Cash flows from financing activities


Issuance of long-term debt

     249       1,781  

Retirement of long-term debt

     (64 )     (417 )

Retirement of long-term debt to financing affiliates

     (169 )     (381 )

Change in short-term debt

     (4 )     15  

Dividends paid on common stock

     (346 )     (330 )

Proceeds from employee stock plans

     9       44  

Purchase of treasury stock

     —         (436 )

Purchase of forward contract in relation to certain treasury stock

     —         (64 )

Other financing activities

     5       26  

Net cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities

     (320 )     238  

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     878       (149 )

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     1,271       311  

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

   $ 2,149     $ 162  




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions, except per share data)


    Three Months Ended March 31, 2009     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

  $ 4,722     $ 33  (c)   $ 4,755     $ 4,517     $ 73  (c)   $ 4,590  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

    683       201  (d)     884       1,072       (75 )(d)     997  


    776       (16 )(d)     760       538       163  (d)     701  

Operating and maintenance

    1,362       (236 )(e),(f)     1,126       1,193       (48 )(c),(g)     1,145  

Operating and maintenance for regulatory required programs (b)

    11       —         11       —         —         —    

Depreciation and amortization

    436       —         436       398       —         398  

Taxes other than income

    200       —         200       193       —         193  

Total operating expenses

    3,468       (51 )     3,417       3,394       40       3,434  

Operating income

    1,254       84       1,338       1,123       33       1,156  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

    (187 )     —         (187 )     (221 )     —         (221 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

    (8 )     —         (8 )     (5 )     —         (5 )

Other, net

    (38 )     96 (g)     58       (58 )     70 (g)     12  

Total other income and deductions

    (233 )     96       (137 )     (284 )     70       (214 )

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

    1,021       180       1,201       839       103       942  

Income taxes

    310       95 (c),(d),(e),(f),(g)     405       258       64 (c),(d),(g)     322  

Income from continuing operations

    711       85       796       581       39       620  

Income from discontinued operations

    1       —         1       —         —         —    

Net income

  $ 712     $ 85     $ 797     $ 581     $ 39     $ 620  

Effective tax rate

    30.4 %       33.7 %     30.8 %       34.2 %

Earnings per average common share




Income from continuing operations

  $ 1.08     $ 0.13     $ 1.21     $ 0.88     $ 0.06     $ 0.94  

Income from discontinued operations

    —         —         —         —         —         —    

Net income

  $ 1.08     $ 0.13     $ 1.21     $ 0.88     $ 0.06     $ 0.94  



Income from continuing operations

  $ 1.08     $ 0.12     $ 1.20     $ 0.88     $ 0.05     $ 0.93  

Income from discontinued operations

    —         —         —         —         —         —    

Net income

  $ 1.08     $ 0.12     $ 1.20     $ 0.88     $ 0.05     $ 0.93  

Average common shares outstanding



    659         659       659         659  


    661         661       664         664  

Effect of adjustments on earnings per average diluted common share recorded in accordance with GAAP:


2007 Illinois electric rate settlement (c)

    $ 0.03         $ 0.07    

Mark-to-market impact of economic hedging activities (d)

      (0.17 )         (0.08 )  

NRG acquisition costs (e)

      0.01           —      

Impairment of certain generating assets (f)

      0.20           —      

Unrealized losses related to NDT fund investments (g)

      0.05           0.06    

Total adjustments

    $ 0.12         $ 0.05    



(a) Results reported in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP).
(b) Includes amounts for various legislative and/or regulatory programs that are recoverable from customers on a full and current basis through a reconcilable automatic adjustment clause. An equal and offsetting amount has been reflected in operating revenues during the period.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(d) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s economic hedging activities.
(e) Adjustment to exclude external costs associated with Exelon’s proposed acquisition of NRG Energy, Inc (NRG).
(f) Adjustment to exclude the impairment of certain of Generation’s Texas plants recorded during the first quarter of 2009.
(g) Adjustment to exclude the unrealized losses associated with Generation’s NDT fund investments and the associated contractual accounting relating to income taxes. For the first quarter of 2008, $44 million has been recast compared to prior year presentation to reflect an offsetting adjustment to operating and maintenance and income taxes related to the contractual elimination of unrealized losses associated with Generation’s NDT fund investments.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings

to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment (in millions)

Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


Earnings per
Diluted Share
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon  

2008 GAAP Earnings

   $ 0.88     $ 438     $ 41     $ 97     $ 5     $ 581  

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


2007 Illinois Electric Rate Settlement

     0.07       47       3       —         —         50  

Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     (0.08 )     (38 )     —         —         (15 )     (53 )

Unrealized Losses Related to NDT Fund Investments

     0.06       42       —         —         —         42  

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     0.93       489       44       97       (10 )     620  

Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:


Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (1)

     0.10       67       —         —         —         67  

ComEd and PECO Margins:


Weather (2)

     0.02       —         (2 )     15       —         13  

Other Energy Delivery (3)

     0.08       —         40       14       —         54  

Operating and Maintenance Expense:


Bad Debt (4)

     —         —         1       (5 )     —         (4 )

Labor, Contracting and Materials (5)

     (0.01 )     (11 )     2       —         —         (9 )

Other Operating and Maintenance Expense (6)

     —         3       (1 )     —         —         2  

Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Benefits Expense (7)

     (0.03 )     (12 )     (8 )     (1 )     —         (21 )

Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages (8)

     0.06       40       —         —         —         40  

Depreciation and Amortization (9)

     (0.04 )     (4 )     (7 )     (14 )     —         (25 )

NDT Activity (10)

     0.01       9       —         —         —         9  

Benefit From Illinois Tax Ruling (11)

     0.06       8       35       —         (1 )     42  

Income Taxes (12)

     (0.01 )     7       5       3       (23 )     (8 )

Other (13)

     0.03       9       5       4       (1 )     17  

2009 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     1.20       605       114       113       (35 )     797  

2009 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


2007 Illinois Electric Rate Settlement

     (0.03 )     (21 )     —         —         —         (21 )

Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     0.17       112       —         —         —         112  

Unrealized Losses Related to NDT Fund Investments

     (0.05 )     (33 )     —         —         —         (33 )

NRG Acquisition Costs (14)

     (0.01 )     —         —         —         (8 )     (8 )

Impairment of Certain Generating Assets (15)

     (0.20 )     (135 )     —         —         —         (135 )

2009 GAAP Earnings (Loss)

   $ 1.08     $ 528     $ 114     $ 113     $ (43 )   $ 712  



(1) Primarily reflects higher gross energy margins due largely to increased nuclear output as a result of fewer refueling outage days in 2009 and favorable portfolio and market conditions, partially offset by higher nuclear fuel costs.
(2) Primarily reflects the impact of 2008 unfavorable weather conditions in the PECO service territory.
(3) Primarily reflects in 2009 the impact of increased distribution revenue at ComEd (2008 distribution rate case) partially offset by the positive impact of a 2008 FERC transmission order. PECO’s results reflect the impact of increased gas distribution rates (2008 gas distribution rate case). Both utilities experienced reduced load during 2009.
(4) Primarily reflects the impacts of an increase in PECO’s customer account charge-offs in the first quarter of 2009 associated with the increased account termination activity initiated in the fall of 2008.
(5) Primarily reflects inflation related to labor, contracting and materials expenses (exclusive of planned nuclear refueling outages as disclosed in number 8 below), partially offset by Exelon’s ongoing cost savings initiative.
(6) Primarily reflects decreased nuclear refueling outage costs related to Generation’s ownership interest in Salem Generating Station.
(7) Reflects increased pension and non-pension postretirement benefits expense primarily due to asset returns in 2008.
(8) Reflects decreased operating and maintenance expense related to nuclear refueling outage costs associated with a lower number of planned refueling outage days during 2009 as compared to 2008, excluding Salem.
(9) Primarily reflects increased amortization at PECO due to increased scheduled competitive transition charge (CTC) amortization and increased depreciation due to ongoing capital expenditures across the operating companies.
(10) Primarily reflects the impact of realized NDT fund losses related to a tax planning strategy in 2008, partially offset by realized NDT fund losses related to market conditions in 2009.
(11) Reflects benefits associated with an Illinois Supreme Court decision granting Illinois Investment Tax Credits to Exelon.
(12) Primarily reflects income from 2008 state tax settlements, partially offset by 2009 tax planning opportunities.
(13) Primarily reflects decreased interest expense due to lower interest rates on Generation’s spent nuclear fuel obligation and a lower principal balance on debt due to PECO Energy Transition Trust.
(14) Reflects external costs in 2009 associated with Exelon’s proposed acquisition of NRG.
(15) Reflects the impairment of certain of Generation’s Texas plants recorded during the first quarter of 2009.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)








     Three Months Ended March 31, 2009     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 2,601     $ 33  (b)   $ 2,634     $ 2,482     $ 73  (b)   $ 2,555  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     175       201  (c)     376       564       (100 )(c)     464  


     510       (16 )(c)     494       271       163  (c)     434  

Operating and maintenance

     928       (223 )(d)     705       785       (44 )(e)     741  

Depreciation and amortization

     76       —         76       70       —         70  

Taxes other than income

     50       —         50       53       —         53  

Total operating expenses

     1,739       (38 )     1,701       1,743       19       1,762  

Operating income

     862       71       933       739       54       793  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (29 )     —         (29 )     (36 )     —         (36 )

Equity in losses of investments

     (1 )     —         (1 )     —         —         —    

Other, net

     (82 )     96 (e)     14       (64 )     70 (e)     6  

Total other income and deductions

     (112 )     96       (16 )     (100 )     70       (30 )

Income before income taxes

     750       167       917       639       124       763  

Income taxes

     222       90 (b),(c),(d),(e)     312       200       73 (b),(c),(e)     273  

Income from continuing operations

     528       77       605       439       51       490  

Loss from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         (1 )     —         (1 )

Net income

   $ 528     $ 77     $ 605     $ 438     $ 51     $ 489  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s economic hedging activities.
(d) Adjustment to exclude the impairment of certain of Generation’s Texas plants recorded during the first quarter of 2009.
(e) Adjustment to exclude the unrealized losses associated with Generation’s NDT fund investments and the associated contractual accounting relating to income taxes. For the first quarter of 2008, $44 million has been recast compared to prior year presentation to reflect an offsetting adjustment to operating and maintenance and income taxes related to the contractual elimination of unrealized losses associated with Generation’s NDT fund investments.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2009     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 1,553        $ 1,553     $ 1,440     $ —       $ 1,440  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     882       —        882       841       —         841  

Operating and maintenance

     253       —        253       249       (4 )(c)     245  

Operating and maintenance for regulatory required programs (b)

     11       —        11       —           —    

Depreciation and amortization

     123       —        123       111       —         111  

Taxes other than income

     78       —        78       69       —         69  

Total operating expenses

     1,347       —        1,347       1,270       (4 )     1,266  

Operating income

     206       —        206       170       4       174  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (83 )     —        (83 )     (105 )     —         (105 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     —         —        —         (2 )     —         (2 )

Other, net

     32       —        32       4       —         4  

Total other income and deductions

     (51 )     —        (51 )     (103 )     —         (103 )

Income before income taxes

     155       —        155       67       4       71  

Income taxes

     41       —        41       26       1 (c)     27  

Net income

   $ 114     $ —      $ 114     $ 41     $ 3     $ 44  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Includes amounts for various legislative and/or regulatory programs that are recoverable from customers on a full and current basis through a reconcilable automatic adjustment clause. An equal and offsetting amount has been reflected in operating revenues during the period.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2009     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 1,514     $ —      $ 1,514     $ 1,476     $ —      $ 1,476  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     570       —        570       572       —        572  


     266       —        266       267          267  

Operating and maintenance

     177       —        177       168       —        168  

Depreciation and amortization

     225       —        225       205       —        205  

Taxes other than income

     66       —        66       66       —        66  

Total operating expenses

     1,304       —        1,304       1,278       —        1,278  

Operating income

     210       —        210       198       —        198  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (50 )     —        (50 )     (59 )     —        (59 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (7 )     —        (7 )     (3 )     —        (3 )

Other, net

     5       —        5       4       —        4  

Total other income and deductions

     (52 )     —        (52 )     (58 )     —        (58 )

Income before income taxes

     158       —        158       140       —        140  

Income taxes

     45       —        45       43       —        43  

Net income

   $ 113     $ —      $ 113     $ 97     $ —      $ 97  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)








     Three Months Ended March 31, 2009     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ (946 )   $ —       $ (946 )   $ (881 )   $ —       $ (881 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     (944 )     —         (944 )     (905 )     25 (c)     (880 )

Operating and maintenance

     4       (13 )(b)     (9 )     (9 )     —         (9 )

Depreciation and amortization

     12       —         12       12       —         12  

Taxes other than income

     6       —         6       5       —         5  

Total operating expenses

     (922 )     (13 )     (935 )     (897 )     25       (872 )

Operating loss

     (24 )     13       (11 )     16       (25 )     (9 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (25 )     —         (25 )     (21 )     —         (21 )

Other, net

     7       —         7       (2 )     —         (2 )

Total other income and deductions

     (18 )     —         (18 )     (23 )     —         (23 )

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes

     (42 )     13       (29 )     (7 )     (25 )     (32 )

Income taxes

     2       5 (b)     7       (11 )     (10 )(c)     (21 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     (44 )     8       (36 )     4       (15 )     (11 )

Income from discontinued operations

     1       —         1       1       —         1  

Net income (loss)

   $ (43 )   $ 8     $ (35 )   $ 5     $ (15 )   $ (10 )



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude external costs associated with Exelon’s proposed acquisition of NRG.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s economic hedging activities.




Exelon Generation Statistics


     Three Months Ended
     Mar. 31, 2009    Dec. 31, 2008    Sept. 30, 2008    Jun. 30, 2008    Mar. 31, 2008

Supply (in GWhs)



     35,382      34,887      36,451      35,069      32,935

Purchased Power

     6,077      6,100      8,761      5,575      5,827

Fossil and Hydro

     2,765      2,162      2,685      2,910      2,812

Power Team Supply

     44,224      43,149      47,897      43,554      41,574
     Three Months Ended
     Mar. 31, 2009    Dec. 31, 2008    Sept. 30, 2008    Jun. 30, 2008    Mar. 31, 2008

Electric Sales (in GWhs)


ComEd (c)

     5,537      5,261      6,629      5,218      6,092


     10,223      9,760      11,333      9,761      10,112

Market and Retail (c)

     28,464      28,128      29,935      28,575      25,370

Total Electric Sales (a) (b)

     44,224      43,149      47,897      43,554      41,574

Average Margin ($/MWh)


Average Realized Revenue


ComEd (c)

   $ 63.21    $ 63.30    $ 64.41    $ 63.82    $ 63.20


     49.30      49.28      53.03      52.04      48.75

Market and Retail (c)

     57.12      54.18      65.98      61.91      57.19

Total Electric Sales

     56.08      54.18      62.70      59.93      56.02

Average Purchased Power and Fuel Cost (d)

   $ 16.82    $ 15.90    $ 26.16    $ 19.40    $ 17.25

Average Margin (d)

   $ 39.25    $ 38.28    $ 36.54    $ 40.53    $ 38.77

Around-the-clock Market Prices ($/MWh) (e)


PJM West Hub

   $ 49.18    $ 52.62    $ 77.37    $ 75.65    $ 68.53


     34.09      38.06      53.28      51.39      53.35



(a) Excludes retail gas activity, trading portfolio and other operating revenue.
(b) Total sales do not include trading volume of 2,331 GWhs, 2,153 GWhs, 3,092 GWhs, 1,784 GWhs, and 1,862 GWhs for the three months ended March 31, 2009, December 31, 2008, September 30, 2008, June 30, 2008 and March 31, 2008, respectively.
(c) $31 million, $20 million, $15 million, and $7 million of pre-tax revenue, resulting from the settlement of the ComEd swap starting in June 2008, have been excluded from ComEd and included in Market and Retail sales for the quarters ended March 31, 2009, December 31, 2008, September, 30, 2008 and June 30, 2008, respectively. Additionally, $58 million (898 GWhs), and $29 million (486 GWhs) of pre-tax revenue, resulting from sales to ComEd under the request for proposal, which started in September 2008, have been excluded from ComEd and included in Market and Retail sales for the quarters ended March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, respectively.
(d) Excludes the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s economic hedging activities.
(e) Represents the average for the quarter.




ComEd Statistics

Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


     Electric Deliveries (in GWhs)     Revenue (in millions)  
     2009     2008     %
    2009     2008     %

Full Service (a)



   7,063     7,288     (3.1 %)   $ 846     $ 761     11.2 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   3,678     3,801     (3.2 %)     376       362     3.9 %

Large Commercial & Industrial

   372     311     19.6 %     25       25     0.0 %

Public Authorities

   106     180     (41.1 %)     11       16     (31.3 %)

Total Full Service

   11,219     11,580     (3.1 %)     1,258       1,164     8.1 %

Delivery Only (b)



   —   (c)   —   (c)   n. m.     —   (c)     —   (c)   n. m.

Small Commercial & Industrial

   4,471     4,575     (2.3 %)     73       64     14.1 %

Large Commercial & Industrial

   6,403     6,924     (7.5 %)     75       66     13.6 %

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   240     167     43.7 %     4       1     n.m.  

Total Delivery Only

   11,114     11,666     (4.7 %)     152       131     16.0 %

Total Retail

   22,333     23,246     (3.9 %)     1,410       1,295     8.9 %

Other Revenue (d)

           143       145     (1.4 %)

Total Revenues

         $ 1,553     $ 1,440     7.8 %

Purchased Power

         $ 882     $ 841     4.9 %

Heating and Cooling Degree-Days (e)

   2009     2008     Normal                    

Heating Degree-Days

   3,320     3,417     3,208        

Cooling Degree-Days

   —       —       —          



(a) Reflects deliveries to customers purchasing electricity from ComEd.
(b) Reflects customers electing to purchase electricity from an alternative electric generation supplier.
(c) There are a minimal number of residential customers being served by alternative suppliers with total activity of less than 1 GWh and $1 million.
(d) Other revenue primarily includes transmission revenue from PJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM). Other items include late payment charges and mutual assistance program revenues.
(e) Reflects the impact of the leap year day in 2008.
n.m. Not meaningful.




PECO Statistics

Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


     Electric and Gas Deliveries     Revenue (in millions)  
     2009    2008    %
    2009    2008    %

Electric (in GWhs)


Full Service (a)



   3,529    3,407    3.6 %   $ 466    $ 452    3.1 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   2,098    2,040    2.8 %     245      240    2.1 %

Large Commercial & Industrial

   3,790    3,933    (3.6 %)     319      339    (5.9 %)

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   246    234    5.1 %     24      22    9.1 %

Total Full Service

   9,663    9,614    0.5 %     1,054      1,053    0.1 %

Delivery Only (b)



   6    8    (25.0 %)     —        1    (100.0 %)

Small Commercial & Industrial

   98    124    (21.0 %)     5      6    (16.7 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   2    2    0.0 %     —        —      0.0 %

Total Delivery Only

   106    134    (20.9 %)     5      7    (28.6 %)

Total Electric Retail

   9,769    9,748    0.2 %     1,059      1,060    (0.1 %)

Other Revenue (c)

             67      64    4.7 %

Total Electric Revenue

             1,126      1,124    0.2 %

Gas (in mmcfs)


Retail Sales

   28,614    26,347    8.6 %     380      343    10.8 %

Transportation and Other

   7,878    8,193    (3.8 %)     8      9    (11.1 %)

Total Gas

   36,492    34,540    5.7 %     388      352    10.2 %

Total Electric and Gas Revenues

           $ 1,514    $ 1,476    2.6 %

Purchased Power

           $ 570    $ 572    (0.3 %)


             266      267    (0.4 %)

Total Purchased Power and Fuel

           $ 836    $ 839    (0.4 %)

Heating and Cooling Degree-Days (d)

   2009    2008    Normal                  

Heating Degree-Days

   2,534    2,322    2,510          

Cooling Degree-Days

   —      —      —            



(a) Full service reflects deliveries to customers purchasing electricity directly from PECO. Revenue reflects the cost of energy, the cost of the transmission and the distribution of the energy and a CTC.
(b) Delivery only service reflects deliveries to customers electing to receive electric generation service from a competitive electric generation supplier. Revenue reflects a distribution charge and a CTC.
(c) Other revenue includes transmission revenue from PJM, wholesale revenue and other wholesale energy sales.
(d) Reflects the impact of the leap year day in 2008.