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As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 20, 2022

Registration No. 333-249150/811-4420








   Pre-Effective Amendment No. ____    [ ]   
   Post-Effective Amendment No.3    [X]   




   Amendment No. 201    [X]   




(Exact Name of Registrant)


(Name of Depositor)

6400 C Street SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52499

(Address of Depositor’s Principal Executive Offices)

Depositor’s Telephone Number: (319) 355-8511

Arthur D. Woods, Esq.

Transamerica Life Insurance Company

c/o 6400 C Street SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52499

(Name and Address of Agent for Service)

It is proposed that this filing will become effective (check appropriate box):

     Immediately upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b)

_    on (date)         pursuant to paragraph (b)

     60 days after filing pursuant to paragraph (a) (1)

 _X  On April 4, 2022, pursuant to paragraph (a) (1)

If appropriate, check the following box:

       This post-effective amendment designates a new effective date for a previously filed post-effective amendment

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The information in this Prospectus is not complete and may be changed. This Prospectus is contained in a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and we may not sell these securities until that registration statement is effective. This Prospectus is not an offer to sell these securities and is not soliciting an offer to buy these securities in any state where the offer or sale is not permitted.

P R O S P E C T U S    

May 1, 2022    


issued through

WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Life Insurance Company

Administrative Office:

6400 C Street SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52499

Please direct transactions, claim forms, payments and other correspondence and notices as follows:


Transaction    Direct or Send to

Telephonic Transaction


1-727- 299-1800 or 1-800-851-9777 (toll free)

Facsimile Transaction


1-727-299-1648 (subaccount transfers only)

1-727-299-1620 (all other facsimile transactions)

Electronic Transaction


Payments made by check


PO Box 429, Cedar Rapids IA 52406-0429 or

6400 C St. SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52499-7463

Claims, general correspondence, and notices


Mailing Address: 6400 C St. SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0001

An Individual Flexible Premium Variable Life Insurance Policy

Sales of this policy were discontinued for new purchasers effective March 29, 2018

This prospectus describes the Transamerica® Freedom Elite Builder II, a flexible premium variable life insurance policy (the “Policy”), including the Policy’s features, benefits, and risks. The Policy is issued by Transamerica Life Insurance Company.

The Policy is designed to give you the potential for long-term life insurance coverage with the opportunity for tax-deferred accumulation of cash value. You can allocate your Policy’s cash value to one or more of the underlying fund portfolio options that are available under the Policy. You can also allocate your Policy’s cash value to the fixed account (which credits a specified guaranteed interest rate) if it is available under your Policy.

The Policy is or may be available through third party financial intermediaries who charge advisory fees for their services. This fee is in addition to contract fees and expenses if the Owner elects to pay the advisory fee from his/her Policy. If the policyowner elects to pay advisory fees from their Policy, then this deduction: (i) will reduce the death benefits and other guaranteed benefits; (ii) may be subject to federal and state income taxes; and (iii) may be subject to a 10% federal penalty tax.

If you allocate cash value under your Policy to one or more of the portfolio options, the value of your Policy may fluctuate up or down due to market performance.

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The Policy is not a bank deposit. The Policy is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency.

Note regarding mutual fund company reports:

Beginning January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the shareholder reports for the portfolio companies available under your Policy (the “Portfolios”) are no longer sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from Transamerica Life Insurance Company Instead, the reports will be made available on tlic.transamerica.com. We’ll let you know by mail each time a report is posted. The notification will have a URL for accessing the report. If you’ve already elected to receive documents from us electronically, you’re not affected by this change. you’re already receiving an email with a link to the reports so there’s nothing you need to do.

Additional information about certain investment products, including variable life insurance, has been prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s staff and is available at Investor.gov.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

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CANCELING A POLICY (Note: This Policy Is Not Available For New Sales)




























































































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  The options to which you can allocate your money. The accounts include the fixed account and the subaccounts in the separate account.

administrative office

    Our administrative office address is 6400 C St. SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52499-0001. Our phone number is 1-800-851-9777; our facsimile numbers are 1-727-299-1648 (for subaccount transfers only) and 1-727-299-1620 (for all other fax requests). Our administrative office serves as the recipient of all website (tlic.transamerica.com), telephonic and facsimile transactions, including, but not limited to transfer requests and premium payments made by wire transfer and through electronic credit and debit transactions (e.g., payments through direct deposit, debit transfers, and forms of e-commerce payments). Our hours are Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Please do not send any checks, claims, correspondence, or notices to this office; send them to the mailing address.

attained age

    The issue age of the person insured, plus the number of completed years since the Policy date (for the initial specified amount) or the date of each increase in specified amount.

base policy

    The Transamerica® Freedom Elite Builder II variable life insurance policy without any supplemental riders.


    The person or persons you select to receive the death benefit proceeds from the Policy. You name the primary beneficiary and contingent beneficiary(ies).

cash value

    At the end of any valuation period, the sum of your Policy’s value in the subaccounts and the fixed account. If there is a Policy loan outstanding, then the cash value includes any amounts held in our fixed account to secure the Policy loan.

death benefit proceeds

    The amount we will pay to the beneficiary(ies) on the insured’s death. We will reduce the death benefit proceeds by the amount of any outstanding loan amount, including any accrued loan interest and, if the insured dies during the grace period, any charges that are due and unpaid.

face amount

    The dollar amount of coverage stated in any rider that you may add to your Policy.

fixed account

    An allocation option other than the separate account to which you may allocate net premiums and cash value. We guarantee that any amounts you allocate to the fixed account will earn interest at a declared rate. The fixed account is part of our general account.

free look period

    The period during which you may return the Policy and receive a refund as described in this prospectus. The length of the free look period varies by state. The free look period is listed in the Policy.

good order

    An instruction that is received by the Company, that is sufficiently complete and clear, along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation (including any required spousal or joint owner’s consents) so that the Company does not need to exercise any discretion to follow such instruction. All orders to process a withdrawal request, a loan request, a request to surrender your Policy, a fund transfer request, or a death benefit claim must be in good order.

in force

    While coverage under the Policy or a supplemental rider, if any, is active and the insured’s life remains insured.

initial premium

    The amount you must pay before insurance coverage begins under the Policy. The initial premium is shown on the schedule pages of your Policy.


      Outstanding loan payments plus accrued interest at the time your Policy lapsed.


      The person whose life is insured by the Policy.



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issue age

         The insured’s age on his or her birthday on or prior to the Policy date. When you increase the Policy’s specified amount of insurance coverage, the issue age for the new layer of specified amount coverage is the insured’s age on his or her birthday on or before the date that the increase in specified amount takes effect. This age may be different from the attained age on other layers of specified amount coverage.


      When life insurance coverage ends and the Policy terminates because you do not have enough net surrender value in the Policy to pay the monthly deductions, the surrender charge and any outstanding loan amount, including accrued loan interest, and you have not made a sufficient payment by the end of a grace period.

loan reserve account

      A part of the fixed account to which amounts are transferred as collateral for Policy loans.

mailing address

      Our mailing address is 6400 C St. SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52499-0001. All claims, correspondence and notices must be sent to this address. Premium payments and loan repayments made by check may also be sent to PO Box 429, Cedar Rapids IA 52406-0429.

minimum monthly

guarantee premium

      The amount shown on the Policy schedule page that we use during the no lapse period to determine whether a grace period will begin. We will adjust the minimum monthly guarantee premium if you change death benefit options, increase or decrease the specified amount, or add, increase or decrease a rider, and you may need to pay additional premiums in order to keep the no lapse guarantee in place. A Policy with the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium initially has higher minimum monthly guarantee premiums than a Base Policy, but the minimum monthly guarantee premium does not increase annually. A grace period will begin whenever your net surrender value is not enough to meet monthly deductions and the no lapse guarantee is no longer in effect.

mutual fund


      A management investment company registered with the SEC. The Policy allows you to invest in the portfolio companies (also known as underlying fund portfolios) of the mutual fund companies through our subaccounts.


      This is the day of each month when we determine policy charges and deduct them from cash value. It is the same date each month as the Policy date. If there is no valuation date in the calendar month that coincides with the Policy date, the Monthiversary is the next valuation date.

monthly deductions

      The monthly policy charge, plus the monthly cost of insurance, plus the monthly per unit charge, plus the monthly charge for any riders added to your Policy, all of which are deducted from the Policy’s cash value on each Monthiversary.

mortality and expense

risk charge

      This charge is a daily deduction from each subaccount that is taken before determining the unit value of that subaccount.

net premium

      The part of your premium that we allocate to the fixed account or the subaccounts. The net premium is equal to the premium you paid minus the premium expense charge.

net surrender value

      The amount we will pay you if you surrender the Policy while it is in force. The net surrender value on the date you surrender is equal to: the cash value, minus any surrender charge as of such date, minus any outstanding loan amount and minus any accrued loan interest.

no lapse date

      For a Policy with issue ages 0-60, the no lapse date is the 20th Policy anniversary or the insured’s attained age 65, whichever is earlier. For a Policy with issue ages 61-85, the no lapse date is the 5th Policy anniversary. The no lapse date is specified in your Policy.



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no lapse period

         The period of time between the Policy date and the no lapse date during which the Policy will not lapse as long as certain conditions are met.


      The New York Stock Exchange.

planned periodic


      A premium payment you make in a level amount at a fixed interval over a specified period of time.


      The Transamerica® Freedom Elite Builder II flexible premium variable life insurance policy, a contract between us and you that describes the terms of your life insurance policy.

Policy date

      The date generally when our underwriting process is complete, full life insurance coverage goes into effect, the initial premium payment has been received, and we begin to take the monthly deductions. The Policy date is shown on the schedule pages of your Policy. If you request, we may backdate a Policy by assigning a Policy date earlier than the date the Policy is issued. We measure Policy months, years, and anniversaries from the Policy date.

portfolio company(ies)

      Investment options made available by mutual fund companies under the Policy. Also referred to as underlying fund portfolio(s).

premium expense charge

      The charge that is deducted from each premium payment before determining the net premium that will be credited to the cash value.


      All payments you make under the Policy other than loan repayments.

reallocation account

      That portion of the fixed account where we hold the net premium(s) from the record date until the reallocation date.

reallocation date

      The date we reallocate all cash value held in the reallocation account to the fixed account and /or subaccounts you selected on your application. We place your net premium in the reallocation account only if your state requires us to return the full premium in the event you exercise your free look right. In those states we set the reallocation date to coincide with the free look period that is applicable to your Policy plus a margin of five days for Policy delivery. In all other states, the reallocation date is the later of the Policy date or the record date.

record date

      The date we record your Policy on our books and your Policy is issued. The record date is generally the Policy date, unless the Policy is backdated.

separate account

      The WRL Series Life Account. It is a separate investment account that is divided into subaccounts. We established the separate account to receive and invest net premiums under the Policy and other variable life insurance policies we issue.

specified amount

(may be referred to as

“face amount”  in riders)

      The initial specified amount of life insurance that you have selected is shown on the Base Policy’s schedule pages that you receive when the Policy is issued. The in force specified amount is the initial specified amount, adjusted for any increases or decreases in the Base Policy’s specified amount (including any increase in specified amount generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium). Other events such as a request to increase or decrease the specified amount, change in death benefit option or a cash withdrawal (if you choose Option A or if you choose Option C death benefit and the insured is attained age 71 or greater) may also affect the specified amount in force.


      A subdivision of the separate account that invests exclusively in shares of one Portfolio Company.

surrender charge

      If, during the first 10 policy years (or during the 10-year period subsequent to an increase in specified amount), you fully surrender the Policy, then we will deduct a surrender charge from your cash value.



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  When the insured’s life is no longer insured under the Policy or any rider, and neither the Policy (nor any rider) is in force.

valuation date

      Each day the New York Stock Exchange is open for normal trading. Transamerica is open for business whenever the New York Stock Exchange is open. Please Note: Any day that Transamerica is open for business, but the New York Stock Exchange is not open for normal trading, is not considered a valuation date.

valuation period

      The period of time over which we determine the change in the value of the subaccounts. Each valuation period begins at the close of normal trading on the New York Stock Exchange (usually 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on each valuation date) and ends at the close of normal trading of the New York Stock Exchange on the next valuation date.

we, us, our, the


(Transamerica )

      Transamerica Life Insurance Company.

written notice

      The written notice you must sign and send us to request or exercise your rights as owner under the Policy. To be complete and in good order, it must: (1) be in a form we accept; (2) contain the information and documentation that we determine we need to take the action you request; and (3) be received at our mailing address.

you, your (owner or


      The person entitled to exercise all rights as owner under the Policy.



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Location in


Charges for Early Withdrawals   

If you withdraw (or surrender) money from your Policy during the first 10 Policy years, you will be assessed a surrender charge. You will also be assessed a surrender charge if you withdraw money from your Policy during the 10-year period following any increase in the Policy’s specified amount. The maximum surrender charge depends on when your Policy was issued, but will not be greater than $60.00 per $1,000 of the Policy’s initial specified amount (or increase in specified amount).


For example, if you purchased a Policy with an initial specified amount of $300,000 and were to withdraw $100,000 during the surrender charge period (and assuming that the Policy’s specified amount had not been increased), the maximum surrender charge would be $18,000.


Fee Tables


Charges and Deductions

Transaction Charges   

In addition to surrender charges for early withdrawals, you may also be charged for other transactions. There may be front-end loads on premium payments, charges for transfers between investment options, and administrative charges for withdrawals.


We reserve the right to deduct a charge for special services, including overnight delivery and wire service fees.


Fee Tables


Charges and Deductions


Cash Withdrawals

Ongoing Fees and Expenses (annual charges)   

In addition to surrender charges and transaction charges, an investment in the Policy is subject to certain ongoing fees and expenses, including fees and expenses covering the cost of insurance under the Policy and the cost of optional benefits available under the Policy, and that such fees and expenses are set based on characteristics of the insured (e.g., age, sex, and rating classification). You should view the schedule page of your Policy for rates applicable to your Policy.


These fees and expenses do not reflect any advisory fees paid to financial intermediaries from the Policy Value or other assets of the owner ; if such charges were reflected, your fees and expenses would be higher.


You will also bear expenses associated with the portfolios under the Policy to which you have allocated cash value, as shown in the following table:



Fee Tables


Charges and Deductions


Appendix: Portfolios Available Under the Policy.

       Annual Fee    Minimum    Maximum        

Portfolio Company 1

(fund fees and expenses)

   [    ]%    [    ]%        
       1 As a percentage of Portfolio Company assets.     

Location in


Risk of Loss

   You can lose money by investing in this Policy, including loss of principal.    Principal Risks of Investing in the Policy
Not a Short-Term Investment   

This Policy is not a short-term investment and is not appropriate for an investor who needs ready access to cash.


The Policy is designed to help meet long-term financial objectives by paying a death benefit to family members or other beneficiaries. The benefits of tax deferral also mean the Policy is more beneficial to investors with a long-term investment horizon. You may pay substantial charges if you take withdrawals or fully surrender the Policy during the surrender charge period.





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Risks Associated with Investment Options   

•  An investment in the Policy is subject to the risk of poor investment performance. The investment performance of your Policy can vary depending on the performance of the investment options that you choose.


•  Each investment option (including the fixed account option) has its own unique risks.


•  You should review the investment options carefully before making an investment decision.


Insurance Company Risks   

An investment in the Policy is subject to the risks related to Transamerica. Any obligations (including under the fixed account option), guarantees, and benefits under the Policy are subject to our claims-paying ability. More information about Transamerica, including our financial strength ratings, is available by visiting tlic.transamerica.com or calling toll-free (800) 851-9777.


   Principal Risks of Investing in the Policy
Contract Lapse   

Insufficient premium payments, poor investment performance, withdrawals, and unpaid loans or loan interest may cause the Policy to lapse. There are costs associated with reinstating a lapsed Policy. Death benefits will not be paid if the Policy has lapsed.



Location in



•  There may be a $25 charge for each transfer in excess of 12 transfers per Policy year.


•  Transfers from the fixed account option may be subject to significant restrictions related to the number of transfers per Policy Year and amounts transferred.


•  The fixed account option may not be available for investment depending on when you applied for your Policy and where it was issued.


•  We reserve the right to remove or substitute portfolios as investment options under the Policy.



Fee Tables


The Fixed Account


State Variations


Addition, Deletion, or Substitution of Portfolios

Optional Benefits   

•  Supplemental insurance benefits are available only to insureds within certain age ranges, are subject to minimum and/or maximum specified amounts, and are subject to termination conditions.


•  Certain benefits cannot be elected after Policy purchase.


•  Certain benefits cannot be elected in combination with other benefits.


•  We may stop offering an optional benefit at any time.


   OtherBenefits Under the Policy

Location in


Tax Implications   

•  You should consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of an investment in and payments received under the Policy.


•  If you purchased the Policy through a tax-qualified plan or individual retirement account (IRA), you do not get any additional tax deferral.


•  Earnings on your Policy are taxed at ordinary income tax rates when you withdraw them, and you may have to pay a penalty if you take a withdrawal before age 5912.



   Federal Income Tax Considerations



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Investment Professional Compensation   

Your investment professional may receive compensation for selling this Policy to You, in the form of commissions, additional cash benefits (e.g., bonuses), and non-cash compensation. Our affiliate, Transamerica Capital, Inc. (“TCI”) is the principal underwriter, may share the revenue we earn on this Policy with Your investment professional’s firm. In addition, we may pay all or a portion of the cost of affiliates’ operating and other expenses. Our affiliate, Transamerica Capital, Inc. (“TCI”) is the principal underwriter, may share the revenue we earn on this Policy with Your investment professional’s firm. In addition, we may pay all or a portion of the cost of affiliates’ operating and other expenses. This conflict of interest may influence Your investment professional to recommend this Policy over another investment for which the investment professional is not compensated or compensated less.



Revenues We Receive


Compensation to Broker-Dealers Selling the Policies

Exchanges    Some investment professionals may have a financial incentive to offer you a new policy in place of the one you already own. You should only exchange your Policy if you determine, after comparing the features, fees, and risks of both policies, that it is preferable for you to purchase the new policy rather than continue to own your existing Policy.   

Compensation to Broker-Dealers Selling the Policies


Tax-Free Section 1035 Exchanges



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The Policy gives you the potential for long-term life insurance coverage with the opportunity for tax-deferred accumulation of assets. You can accumulate assets by allocating your cash value among the investment options that are available under the Policy. The Policy is designed to be long-term in nature in order to provide significant life insurance benefits for you. The Policy may be appropriate for you if you have the financial ability to keep it in force for a substantial period of time. It is not intended for people who may need to make early or frequent withdrawals. You should consider the Policy in conjunction with other insurance that you own.

The Policy is or may be available through third party financial intermediaries who charge advisory fees for their services. This fee is in addition to contract fees and expenses if the policyowner elects to pay the advisory fee from his/her Policy. If the policyowner elects to pay advisory fees from their Policy, then this deduction: (i) will reduce the death benefits and other guaranteed benefits; (ii) may be subject to federal and state income taxes; and (iii) may be subject to a 10% federal penalty tax.


After you make your required initial premium payment, you generally have flexibility to determine the frequency and amount of the premiums you pay under the Policy. The Policy allows you to make planned periodic premium payments if you wish. We may require premium payments to be at least $50 (or at least $1,000 if by wire transfer, or at least $75 if by monthly direct deposit). Your ability to make premium payments may be restricted under your Policy based on the federal tax laws.

Payment of insufficient premiums may result in a lapse of your Policy. Even if you make planned periodic premium payments, you may be required to pay extra premiums to prevent a lapse.

To help you accumulate assets, you can invest your premium payments in the Policy’s portfolio options and/or fixed account option (if available).



Portfolio Options. Each portfolio option invests in a portfolio of an underlying mutual fund company. Each such portfolio has its own investment objective, strategies, and risks; investment adviser(s); expenses; and performance history.

Additional information about each portfolio is provided in an appendix to this prospectus. See “Appendix: Portfolios Available Under the Policy.”



Fixed Account Option. The fixed account option guarantees principal and a minimum interest rate (at least 2% annually).




Flexibility. The Policy is designed to be flexible to meet your specific circumstances and life insurance needs. Within certain limits, you can choose the timing, amount and frequency of premium payments, change your death benefit option, increase or decrease the amount of life insurance coverage, change the beneficiary, transfer cash value among investment options, take a loan against the Policy, and take cash withdrawals or surrender the Policy.



Life Insurance Coverage. You select the amount of life insurance coverage under your Policy. The minimum coverage is generally $50,000.



Coverage-Based Charge Structures. There are three “bands” of life insurance coverage under the Policy. The amount of life insurance coverage under your Policy will fall within one of those bands. Certain Policy charges are based on the applicable band of coverage. Generally, the higher the band, the lower the charges.



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Conditional No Lapse Guarantee. The Policy has a conditional no lapse guarantee. During the no lapse guarantee period, your Policy will not lapse even if your Policy’s cash value is too low to pay the monthly deductions, provided that you have paid and/or continue to pay a certain amount of minimum premiums.



Death Benefit. If the insured dies while the Policy is in force, we will pay a death benefit to the named beneficiary or beneficiaries, subject to the terms of the Policy. The amount of the death benefit generally depends on your Policy’s life insurance coverage, the death benefit option that you select, your Policy’s cash value, and any supplemental life insurance benefits that you have purchased.

We offer three death benefit options under the Policy, each calculating the death benefit differently. When selecting a death benefit option, you must also choose between two federal income tax compliance tests used to calculate the minimum death benefit (the “Guideline Premium Test” and “Cash Value Accumulation Test”). The test you choose will generally depend on the amount of premiums you wish to pay relative to your desired death benefit. While you may generally change death benefit options, you may not change your chosen federal income tax compliance test.



Tax Treatment. You can transfer cash value between investment options without tax implications, and earnings (if any) on your investments are generally tax-deferred. You are taxed only if you make a surrender or withdrawal. The Policy is designed so that the death benefit generally should not be taxable income to the beneficiary or beneficiaries.



Accessing Your Money. You have access to your money under the Policy. You can surrender your Policy for its surrender value at any time, although doing so will terminate the Policy. After the first Policy year, you may withdraw a portion of your Policy’s surrender value, subject to certain restrictions. If you surrender your Policy or take partial withdrawals, you may have to pay significant surrender charges and/or income taxes, including a tax penalty if you are younger than age 5912.



Loans. After the first Policy year, you may borrow money from the Policy against the Policy’s cash value. You can repay a loan (including accrued interest) at any time while the Policy is in force. An outstanding loan reduces the death benefit and your Policy’s cash value.



Optional Supplemental Benefit Riders. For an additional charge, you can purchase or exercise certain supplemental benefits under the Policy, including:



An accelerated death benefit if the insured is terminally ill (Living Benefit Rider);



Additional term life insurance coverage on your life (Primary Insured Rider Plus);



Life insurance coverage on your spouse or dependent child (Other Insured Rider);



Life insurance coverage on your children (Children’s Insurance Rider);



Additional life insurance coverage on your life in the event of an accident (Accidental Death Benefit Rider);



A waiver of monthly deductions (Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider) or premium payments (Disability Waiver of Premium Rider) if you become disabled; and



Automatic scheduled increases in coverage (Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium).



Dollar Cost Averaging and Asset Rebalancing. At no additional charge, you may select dollar cost averaging, which automatically transfers a specific amount of cash value from a money market portfolio option to other portfolio options you have selected at set intervals over a specific period of time. Also at no additional charge, you may select asset rebalancing, which automatically rebalances the portfolio options you select at set intervals to maintain your chosen mix of portfolio options.



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The following tables describe the fees and expenses that you will pay when buying, owning, and surrendering or making withdrawals from the Policy. These fees and expenses do not reflect any advisory fees paid to financial intermediaries from the Policy Value or other assets of the owner; if such charges were reflected, the fees and expenses would be higher. Please refer to your Policy schedule page for information about the specific fees you will pay each year based on the options you have elected.

Please Note: We have presented two sets of fee tables below. The set that is relevant to you will depend on when you applied for your Policy and when your Policy was issued.



The first set is for Policies that were applied for on or after September 22, 2008, regardless of when such Policies were issued. These Policies are based on the Commissioners 2001 Standard Ordinary Tobacco and Non-Tobacco Mortality Tables (“2001 C.S.O. Tables”).



The second set is for Policies that were applied for before September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009. These Policies are based on the Commissioners 1980 Standard Ordinary Tobacco and Non-Tobacco Mortality Tables (“1980 C.S.O. Tables”).


The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Policy, pay premiums, surrender or make withdrawals from the Policy, or transfer cash value between investment options. Please see State Variations for Policies issued to residents of Puerto Rico with respect to the sales charge imposed on premiums.



Transaction Fees






When Charge is




Amount Deducted

   Guaranteed Charge    Current Charge1

Sales Charge Imposed On Premiums (Load)

(“premium expense charge”)

   Upon payment of each premium   

As a percentage of premium payment


For All Except Policies Issued to Residents of Puerto Rico:


First 10 Policy years: 6% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $249,999; 3.0% on Policy with a specified amount from $250,000 - $499,999.


Policy year 11+: 2.5% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $499,999.


Never a charge on Policy with a specified amount of $500,000 or more.


As a percentage of premium payment


For All Policies Except Those Issued to Residents of Puerto Rico: First 10 Policy years: 6% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $249,999; 3.0% on Policy with a specified amount from $250,000 - $499,999.


Policy year 11+: 2.5% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $499,999.


Never a charge on Policy with a specified amount of $500,000 or more.


Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load)2

(“surrender charge”)

   Upon full surrender of the Policy during the first 10 Policy years or during the first 10 years from the date of any increase in the specified amount (whether requested or an increase generated by the Inflation          



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Transaction Fees





When Charge is




Amount Deducted

   Guaranteed Charge    Current Charge1
     Fighter Rider Level Premium)        
Maximum Charge3        

$57.00 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year



$57.00 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year


Minimum Charge4        

$11.58 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year



$11.58 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year


Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30, in the preferred-elite non-tobacco use class)        

$16.95 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year



$16.95 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year


Other Surrender Charge

(“cash withdrawal charge”)5

   Upon withdrawal   

2.0% of the amount withdrawn, not to exceed $25



2.0% of the amount withdrawn, not to exceed $25


Transfer Charge6    Upon transfer   

$25 for each transfer in excess of 12 per Policy year


   $25 for each transfer in excess of 12 per Policy year
Living Benefit Rider Exercise Charge7    When rider is exercised   

Discount Factor



Discount Factor


1 The Company reserves the right at any time to change the current charge, but never to a level that exceeds the guaranteed charge.

2 The surrender charge will vary based on the issue age, sex and underwriting class of the insured on the Policy date and at the time of any increase in the specified amount. Each increase in specified amount will have its own 10 year surrender charge period starting on the date of the increase. (Note: Only the increase in specified amount is subject to the additional 10 year surrender charge period.) The surrender charge for each increase in specified amount (“layer”) is calculated as the surrender charge per $1,000 of specified amount multiplied by the number of thousands of dollars of specified amount in the layer, multiplied by the surrender charge factor. The surrender charge factor for the Policy and each layer will be 1.00 at issue and will decrease until it reaches zero at the end of the 10th Policy year after the Policy date (or date of any specified amount increase). The surrender charge shown in the table is rounded up. The charges shown in the table may not be typical of the charges you will pay. Please see the example in the “Surrender Charge” section of this prospectus. More detailed information about the surrender charges applicable to you is available from your registered representative.

3 This maximum surrender charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 85, in the standard tobacco use underwriting class. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

4 This minimum surrender charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 0, in the juvenile underwriting class. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

5 When we incur the expense of expedited delivery of your cash withdrawal or complete surrender payment, we currently assess the following additional charges: $20 for overnight delivery ($30 for Saturday delivery); and $50 for wire service. You can obtain further information about these administrative charges by contacting our administrative office.

6 The first 12 transfers per Policy year are free.

7 We do not assess an administration charge for this rider, however, if the rider is exercised, we do reduce the single sum benefit by a discount factor to compensate us for income lost due to the early payment of the death benefit. The discount factor is based on the current yield on 90-day U.S. Treasury bills or the 2.75% interest rate charged on Policy loans, whichever is greater. For further information about the Living Benefit Rider, including a numerical example showing the calculation of a discounted single sum benefit and the impact of acceleration of a portion of the death benefit available under a Policy on any remaining death benefit and cash value, please see the “Other Benefits Under the Policy – Description of Supplemental Benefits (Riders)” section of this prospectus.



Table of Contents

The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay periodically during the time that you own the Policy, not including portfolio fees and expenses.



Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Portfolio Expenses



When Charge is




Amount Deducted



Guaranteed Charge

   Current Charge1

Base Contract Charges

Cost of Insurance8

(without Extra Ratings)9


Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 111


Maximum Charge10         $49.94 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11    $47.44 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11
Minimum Charge12         $0.02 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11    $0.01 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30, in the preferred elite non tobacco use class, Band 2)         $0.09 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11    $0.07 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11
Monthly Per Unit Charge13    Monthly, for up to 10 years on and after the Policy date, and on any increase in specified amount          
Maximum Charge14        

$0.16 per $1,000 of specified amount per month


   $0.16 per $1,000 of specified amount per month
Minimum Charge15        

$0.08 per $1,000 of specified amount per month


   $0.08 per $1,000 of specified amount per month
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (insured, issue age 30)         $0.10 per $1,000 of specified amount per month   

$0.10 per $1,000 of specified amount per month


Monthly Policy Charge    Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 111    $10.00 per month during the first Policy year, and $12.00 thereafter through attained age 110; $0 starting with attained age 111    $10.00 per month through attained age 110; $0 starting with attained age 111
Mortality and Expense Risk Charge    Daily    Annual rate of 0.90% of average daily net assets of each portfolio option in which you are invested    Annual rate of 0.75% for Policy years 1-10; 0.60% for Policy years 11-15; 0.30% for Policy years 16-20; and 0.00% for Policy years 21+, of average daily net assets of each portfolio option in which you are invested
Loan Interest Spread16    On Policy anniversary or earlier, as applicable17    1.0% (effective annual rate)    0.75% (effective annual rate)

Optional Benefit Charges18




Table of Contents

Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Portfolio Expenses



When Charge is




Amount Deducted



Guaranteed Charge

   Current Charge1

Accidental Death

Benefit Rider

   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 70          
Maximum Charge19        

$0.18 per $1,000 of rider

face amount per month


   $0.18 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Minimum Charge20        

$0.10 per $1,000 of rider

face amount per month

   $0.10 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30)         $0.10 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month    $0.10 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider21    Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 60          
Maximum Charge22        

$0.39 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11


   $0.39 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11
Minimum Charge23        

$0.03 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11


   $0.03 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male
insured, issue age 30)

$0.04 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11


   $0.04 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11

Disability Waiver of

Premium Rider24


Monthly, on the Policy

date and on each

Monthiversary until the

insured reaches attained age 60

Maximum Charge25        

$ 1.61 per $10 of monthly

rider benefit

   $ 1.61 per $10 of monthly rider benefit
Minimum Charge26        

$0.27 per $10 of monthly

rider benefit


   $0.27 per $10 of monthly rider benefit
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30)        

$0.38 per $10 of monthly

rider benefit

   $ 0.38 per $10 of monthly rider benefit



Table of Contents

Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Portfolio Expenses



When Charge is




Amount Deducted



Guaranteed Charge

   Current Charge1

Children’s Insurance


   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the Monthiversary after the last insured child reaches his/her 25th birthday (or until the death of the last child)   

$0.60 per $1,000 of rider

face amount per month

   $0.60 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month

Other Insured Rider28

(without Extra Ratings)9


Monthly, on the Policy

date and on each

Monthiversary until the other insured reaches attained age 100

Maximum Charge29   

$30.40 per $1,000 of rider

face amount per month

   $30.40 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Minimum Charge30        

$0.02 per $1,000 of rider

face amount per month

   $0.02 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (female insured, issue age 35, in the preferred elite non-tobacco use class)        

$0.08 per $1,000 of rider

face amount per month

   $0.02 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Primary Insured Rider Plus28
(without Extra Ratings)9

Monthly, on the Policy

date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 100

Maximum Charge29        

$30.40 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month


   $30.40 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Minimum Charge31        

$0.02 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month


   $0.01 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30, in the preferred elite non-tobacco use class)         $0.09 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month    $0.02 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month



Inflation Fighter Rider

Level Premium32


After rider generates

annual increases to

Policy specified amount


See listings in tables above

for: Cost of Insurance

Monthly Per Unit Charge

Surrender Charge


See listings in tables above for: Cost of Insurance Monthly Per Unit Charge

Surrender Charge

8 Cost of insurance charges are based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to: the insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, and the Policy’s specified amount, policy duration, and the amount at risk. Cost of insurance rates generally will increase each year with the age of the insured. Cost of insurance rates are generally lower for each higher band of specified amount. For example, Band 2 (specified amounts $250,000 - $499,999) generally has lower cost of insurance rates than those of Band 1 (specified amounts less than $250,000). The cost of insurance rates shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. Your Policy’s schedule



Table of Contents

page will indicate the guaranteed cost of insurance charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more detailed information concerning your cost of insurance charges by contacting your registered representative.

9 We may place an insured in a substandard underwriting class with extra ratings that reflect higher mortality risks and that result in higher cost of insurance rates. If the insured possesses additional mortality risks, then we may add a surcharge to the cost of insurance rates up to a total charge of $83.33 monthly per $1,000 of net amount at risk.

10 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 35, standard tobacco class, with an initial specified amount of less than $250,000 (Band 1) and in the 76th Policy year. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

11 The net amount at risk equals the death benefit on a Monthiversary, minus the cash value on such Monthiversary.

12 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 5, juvenile class, with an initial specified amount of $500,000 or higher (Band 3) and in the 1st Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

13 We deduct the monthly per unit charge on each Monthiversary as part of the monthly deductions for a maximum of 10 years from the Policy date based on the issue age of the insured. We also assess a new monthly per unit charge for a maximum of 10 years following any increase in specified amount (including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium) that are based on the insured’s attained age on the date of the increase.

14 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: issue age 85. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

15 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: issue age 5. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

16 The Loan Interest Spread is the difference between the amount of interest we charge you for a loan (currently, an effective annual rate of 2.75%, guaranteed not to exceed 3.0%) and the amount of interest we credit to your loan reserve account (an effective annual rate of 2.0% guaranteed). After the 10th Policy year, we will charge preferred loan interest rates on a portion of the loan but only if there is a gain on the Policy. Beginning at attained age 111 all loans, new and existing, will be considered preferred loans. We will apply preferred loan rates on an amount equal to the cash value minus total premiums paid (less any cash withdrawals) and minus any outstanding loan amount, including accrued loan interest. The maximum loan interest spread on preferred loans is 0.25%, and the current spread is 0.0%.

17 While a Policy loan is outstanding, loan interest is payable in arrears on each Policy anniversary, or, if earlier, on the date of loan repayment, Policy lapse, surrender, Policy termination, or the insured’s death.

18 Optional benefit cost of insurance charges are based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to: each insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, and the Policy year and rider face amount. The cost of insurance rates shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. Your Policy’s schedule page will indicate the guaranteed cost of insurance charges applicable to your Policy. The rider will indicate the maximum guaranteed rider charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more detailed information concerning your cost of insurance charges by contacting your registered representative.

19 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 50 and in the 20th Policy year. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

20 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 45 and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

21 Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions charges are based on the insured’s issue age and sex, and the net amount at risk. The charges shown are for Base Policy only (i.e., without riders and other benefits). The addition of riders and other benefits would increase these charges. This charge does not vary once it is added to the Policy. The additional cost of insurance rates for the rider shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. Your Policy’s schedule page will indicate the Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more detailed information concerning your Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider charges by contacting your registered representative.

22 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 55. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

23 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 25. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

24 The charge for this rider is a level rate based on the primary insured’s issue age, sex and the amount of monthly income benefit that would be paid in the event of a total disability as defined in the rider.

25 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 55. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

26 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 15. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

27 The charge for this rider is based on the rider face amount and the cost per $1,000 does not vary.

28 Rider cost of insurance charges are based on some combination of the insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, the Policy year, and the rider face amount. Cost of insurance rates generally will increase each year with the age of the insured. The rider’s cost of insurance rates shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. The rider will indicate the maximum guaranteed rider charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more information about these riders by contacting your registered representative.

29 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 25, standard tobacco underwriting class and in the 75th Policy year. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

30 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 5, juvenile class and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.



Table of Contents

31 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 10, juvenile class and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

32 Scheduled annual increases in specified amount generated by this rider will create a new layer of cost of insurance charges, monthly per unit charges and surrender charges under the Policy. Each new layer of surrender charges and monthly per unit charges resulting from the scheduled annual increase in specified amount will be based on the amount of increase, the insured’s issue age at time of increase, and the Policy duration from date of increase. Each new layer of cost of insurance charge is based on, among other factors, the insured’s issue age and the duration of the Policy at the time of the increase.


The first table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay at the time that you buy the Policy, pay premiums, surrender or make withdrawals from the Policy, or transfer cash value between investment options.


Transaction Fees
Charge    When Charge is
   Amount Deducted
   Guaranteed Charge    Current Charge1

Sales Charge Imposed On Premiums (Load)

(“premium expense charge”)

   Upon payment of each premium   

As a percentage of premium payment


First 10 Policy years: 6% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $249,999; 3.0% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount from $250,000 -$499,999


Policy year 11+: 2.5% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $499,999


Never a charge on Policy with a specified amount of $500,000 or more


As a percentage of premium payment


First 10 Policy years: 6% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $249,999; 3.0% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount from $250,000 –$499,999


Policy year 11+: 2.5% of premiums paid on Policy with a specified amount up to $499,999


Never a charge on Policy with a specified amount of $500,000 or more

Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load)2

(“surrender charge”)

   Upon full surrender of the Policy during the first 10 Policy years or during the first 10 years from the date of any increase in the specified amount (whether requested or an increase generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium)          
Maximum Charge3         $60.00 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year    $60.00 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year
Minimum Charge4         $10.75 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year    $10.75 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year



Table of Contents
Transaction Fees

When Charge is


  Amount Deducted
  Guaranteed Charge    Current Charge1
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30, in the preferred-elite non-tobacco use class)       $17.06 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year    $17.06 per $1,000 of specified amount during the first Policy year

Other Surrender Charge

(“Cash Withdrawal Charge”)5

  Upon withdrawal  

2.0% of the amount withdrawn, not to exceed $25

   2.0% of the amount withdrawn, not to exceed $25
Transfer Charge6   Upon transfer  

$25 for each transfer in excess of 12 per Policy year

   $25 for each transfer in excess of 12 per Policy year

Living Benefit Rider

Exercise Charge7

  When rider is exercised   Discount Factor    Discount Factor

1 The Company reserves the right at any time to change the current charge, but never to a level that exceeds the guaranteed charge.

2 The surrender charge will vary based on the issue age, sex and underwriting class of the insured on the Policy date and at the time of any increase in the specified amount. Each increase in specified amount will have its own 10 year surrender charge period starting on the date of the increase. (Note: Only the increase in specified amount is subject to the additional 10 year surrender charge period.) The surrender charge for each increase in specified amount (“layer”) is calculated as the surrender charge per $1,000 of specified amount multiplied by the number of thousands of dollars of specified amount in the layer, multiplied by the surrender charge factor. The surrender charge factor for the Policy and each layer will be 1.00 at issue and will decrease until it reaches zero at the end of the 10th Policy year after the Policy date (or date of any specified amount increase). The surrender charge shown in the table is rounded up. The charges shown in the table may not be typical of the charges you will pay. Please see the example in the “Surrender Charge” section of this prospectus. More detailed information about the surrender charges applicable to you is available from your registered representative.

3 This maximum surrender charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 85, in the standard tobacco use underwriting class. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

4 This minimum surrender charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 4, in the juvenile underwriting class. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

5 When we incur the expense of expedited delivery of your cash withdrawal or complete surrender payment, we currently assess the following additional charges: $20 for overnight delivery ($30 for Saturday delivery); and $50 for wire service. You can obtain further information about these administrative charges by contacting our administrative office.

6 The first 12 transfers per Policy year are free.

7 We do not assess an administrative charge for this rider, however, if the rider is exercised, we do reduce the single sum benefit by a discount factor to compensate us for income lost due to the early payment of the death benefit. The discount factor is based on the current yield on 90-day Treasury bills or the Policy loan interest rate, whichever is greater. For further information about the Living Benefit Rider, including a numerical example showing the calculation of a discounted single sum benefit and the impact of acceleration of a portion of the death benefit available under a Policy on any remaining death benefit and cash value, please see the “Other Benefits Under the Policy – Description of Supplemental Benefits (Riders)” section of this prospectus.

The next table describes the fees and expenses that you will pay periodically during the time that you own the Policy, not including portfolio fees and expenses.


Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Portfolio Expenses

When Charge is


   Amount Deducted
Charge    Guaranteed Charge    Current Charge1

Cost of Insurance8

(without Extra Ratings)9

   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 100          
Maximum Charge10         $83.33 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11    $42.42 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11



Table of Contents
Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Portfolio Expenses

When Charge is


  Amount Deducted
  Guaranteed Charge   Current Charge1
Minimum Charge12      

$0.06 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11



$0.02 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11


Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30, in the preferred elite non tobacco use class, Band 2)       $0.12 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11   $0.08 per $1,000 of net amount at risk per month11
Monthly Per Unit Charge13   Monthly, for up to 10 years on and after the Policy date, and on any increase in specified amount        
Maximum Charge14      

$0.08 per $1,000 of specified amount per month



$0.08 per $1,000 of specified amount per month


Minimum Charge15      

$0.05 per $1,000 of specified amount per month



$0.05 per $1,000 of specified amount per month


Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (insured, issue age 30)       $0.08 per $1,000 of specified amount per month   $0.08 per $1,000 of specified amount per month
Monthly Policy Charge   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 100   $8.00 per month during the first Policy year; $12.00 per month thereafter through attained age 99; $0 starting with attained age 100   $8.00 per month for policy years 1-10, $4.00 per month for policy year 11 through attained age 99; $0 starting with attained age 100
Mortality and Expense
Risk Charge
  Daily   Annual rate of 0.90% of average daily net assets of each subaccount in which you are invested   Annual rate of 0.75% for Policy years 1-10; 0.60% for Policy years 11-15; 0.30% for Policy years 16-20; and 0.00% for Policy years 21+, of average daily net assets of each subaccount in which you are invested
Loan Interest Spread16   On Policy Anniversary or earlier, as applicable17   1.0% (effective annual rate)   0.75% (effective annual rate)
Optional Benefit Charges18
Accidental Death Benefit Rider   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 70        



Table of Contents
Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Portfolio Expenses

When Charge is


  Amount Deducted
  Guaranteed Charge   Current Charge1
Maximum Charge19      

$0.18 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month



$0.18 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month


Minimum Charge20      

$0.10 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month



$0.10 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month


Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30)       $0.10 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month   $0.10 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider21   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 60        
Maximum Charge22      

$0.39 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11



$0.39 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11


Minimum Charge23      

$0.03 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11



$0.03 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11


Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male
insured, issue age 30)
      $0.04 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11   $0.04 per $1,000 of base Policy net amount at risk per month11
Disability Waiver of Premium Rider24   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 60        
Maximum Charge25       $1.61 per $10 of monthly rider benefit   $1.61 per $10 of monthly rider benefit
Minimum Charge26       $0.27 per $10 of monthly rider benefit   $0.27 per $10 of monthly rider benefit
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30)       $0.38 per $10 of monthly rider benefit   $0.38 per $10 of monthly rider benefit
Children’s Insurance Rider27   Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the Monthiversary after the last insured child reaches his/her 25th birthday (or until the death of the last child)   $0.60 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month   $0.60 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month



Table of Contents
Periodic Charges Other Than Annual Portfolio Expenses

When Charge is


  Amount Deducted
  Guaranteed Charge   Current Charge1

Other Insured Rider28

(without Extra Ratings)9

  Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the other insured reaches attained age 100        
Maximum Charge29      

$83.33 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month



$60.53 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month


Minimum Charge       $0.06 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month30   $0.02 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month31
Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (female insured, issue age 35, in the preferred elite non-tobacco use class)       $0.13 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month   $0.02 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month

Primary Insured Rider

(without Extra Ratings)9

  Monthly, on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary until the insured reaches attained age 100        


Maximum Charge29



$83.33 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month




$42.42 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month


Minimum Charge32      

$0.06 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month



$0.01 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month


Initial Charge for a Representative Investor (male insured, issue age 30, in the preferred elite non-tobacco use class)       $0.12 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month   $0.02 per $1,000 of rider face amount per month
Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium33   After rider generates annual increases to Policy specified amount   See listings in tables above for: Cost of Insurance Monthly Per Unit Charge Surrender Charge   See listings in tables above for: Cost of Insurance Monthly Per Unit Charge Surrender Charge

8 Cost of insurance charges are based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to: the insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, and the Policy’s specified amount, policy duration, and the amount at risk. Cost of insurance rates generally will increase each year with the age of the insured. Cost of insurance rates are generally lower for each higher band of specified amount. For example, Band 2 (specified amounts $250,000 - $499,999) generally has lower cost of insurance rates than those of Band 1 (specified amounts less than $250,000). The cost of insurance rates shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. Your Policy’s schedule page will indicate the guaranteed cost of insurance charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more detailed information concerning your cost of insurance charges by contacting your registered representative.

9 We may place an insured in a substandard underwriting class with extra ratings that reflect higher mortality risks and that result in higher cost of insurance rates. If the insured possesses additional mortality risks, then we may add a surcharge to the cost of insurance rates up to a total charge of $83.33 monthly per $1,000 of net amount at risk.



Table of Contents

10 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 35, standard tobacco class, with an initial specified amount of less than $250,000 (Band 1) and in the 65th Policy year. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

11 The net amount at risk equals the death benefit on a Monthiversary, minus the cash value on such Monthiversary.

12 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 10, juvenile class and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

13 We deduct the monthly per unit charge on each Monthiversary as part of the monthly deductions for a maximum of 10 years from the Policy date based on the insured’s issue age. We also assess a new monthly per unit charge for a maximum of 10 years following any increase in specified amount (including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium) that are based on the insured’s attained age on the date of the increase.

14 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: issue age 85. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

15 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: issue age 5. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

16 The Loan Interest Spread is the difference between the amount of interest we charge you for a loan (currently, an effective annual rate of 2.75%, guaranteed not to exceed 3.0%) and the amount of interest we credit to your loan reserve account (an effective annual rate of 2.0% guaranteed). After the 10th Policy year, we will charge preferred loan interest rates that are lower on a portion of the loan but only if there is a gain on the Policy. Beginning at attained age 100, all loans, new and existing, will be considered preferred loans. We will apply preferred loan rates on an amount equal to the cash value minus total premiums paid (less any cash withdrawals) and minus any outstanding loan amount (including accrued loan interest). The maximum loan interest spread on preferred loans is 0.25%, and the current spread is 0.0%.

17 While a Policy loan is outstanding, loan interest is payable in arrears on each Policy anniversary, or, if earlier, on the date of loan repayment, Policy lapse, surrender, Policy termination, or the insured’s death.

18 Optional benefit cost of insurance charges are based on a number of factors, including but not limited to: each insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, and the Policy year and rider face amount. The cost of insurance rates shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. Your Policy’s schedule page will indicate the guaranteed cost of insurance charges applicable to your Policy. The rider will indicate the maximum guaranteed rider charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more detailed information concerning your cost of insurance charges by contacting your registered representative.

19 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 50 and in the 20th Policy year. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

20 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 45 and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

21 Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions charges are based on the primary insured’s issue age and sex, and the net amount at risk. The charges shown are for Base Policy only (i.e., without riders and other benefits). The addition of riders and other benefits would increase these charges. This charge does not vary once it is added to the Policy. The additional cost of insurance rates for the rider shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. Your Policy’s schedule page will indicate the Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more detailed information concerning your Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider charges by contacting your registered representative.

22 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 55. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

23 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 25. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

24 The charge for this rider is a level rate based on the primary insured’s issue age, sex and the amount of monthly income benefit that would be paid in the event of total disability as defined in the rider.

25 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 55. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

26 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 15. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

27 The charge for this rider is based on the rider face amount and the cost per $1,000 does not vary.

28 Rider cost of insurance charges are based on some combination of the insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, the Policy year, and the rider face amount. Cost of insurance rates generally will increase each year with the age of the insured. The rider’s cost of insurance rates shown in the table may not be representative of the charges you will pay. The rider will indicate the maximum guaranteed rider charges applicable to your Policy. You can obtain more information about these riders by contacting your registered representative.

29 This maximum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: male, issue age 25, standard tobacco underwriting class and in the 75th Policy year. This maximum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

30 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 10, juvenile class and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

31 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 27, preferred elite non-tobacco class and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

32 This minimum charge is based on an insured with the following characteristics: female, issue age 10, juvenile class and in the first Policy year. This minimum charge may also apply to insureds with other characteristics.

33 Scheduled annual increases in specified amount generated by this rider will create a new layer of cost of insurance charges, monthly per unit charges and surrender charges under the Policy. Each new layer of surrender charges and monthly per unit charges resulting from the



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scheduled annual increase in specified amount will be based on the amount of increase, the insured’s issue age at time of increase, and the Policy duration from date of increase. Each new layer of cost of insurance charge is based on, among other factors, the issue age of the insured and the duration of the Policy at the time of the increase.


The next table shows the minimum and maximum total operating expenses charged by the portfolios that you may pay periodically during the time that you own the Policy. A complete list of the portfolios available under the Policy, including their annual expenses, may be found under “Appendix: Portfolios Available Under the Policy.”


Annual Portfolio Expenses1    Minimum    Maximum
Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (expenses that are deducted from portfolio assets, including management fees, distribution (12b-1) fees, and other expenses)    [    ]%    [    ]%
Net Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (expenses that are deducted from portfolio assets, including management fees, 12b-1 fees, and other expenses, after any expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangements)2    [    ]%    [    ]%

1 The portfolio operating expenses used to prepare this table were provided to Transamerica by the mutual fund companies. The operating expenses shown are those incurred for the year ended December 31, 20[ ]. Current or future expenses may be greater or less than those shown.

2 The range of Net Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses takes into account contractual arrangements for the portfolios that require a portfolio’s investment adviser to reimburse or waive portfolio operating expenses through at least April 30, 20[ ].



The Policy is designed to help meet long-term financial objectives by paying a death benefit to family members and/or other named beneficiaries. The Policy is not suitable as a short-term savings vehicle. The Policy may not be the right kind of policy if you plan to withdraw money or surrender the Policy for short-term needs. A charge may be assessed on withdrawals. You may pay substantial charges if you take withdrawals or surrender your Policy. See the “Fee Tables” section of this prospectus and refer to your Policy for charges assessed when taking cash withdrawals or surrendering your Policy.

Please discuss your insurance needs and financial objectives with your registered representative.


Certain fees and expenses are currently assessed at less than their guaranteed maximum levels. In the future, these charges may be increased up to the guaranteed (maximum) levels. If fees and expenses are increased, you may need to increase the amount and/or frequency of premiums to keep the Policy in force.


The Policy is or may be available through third party financial intermediaries who charge advisory fees for their services. This fee is in addition to contract fees and expenses if the policyowner elects to pay the advisory fee from his/her Policy. If the policyowner elects to pay advisory fees from their Policy, then this deduction: (i) will reduce the death benefits and other guaranteed benefits; (ii) may be subject to federal and state income taxes; and (iii) may be subject to a 10% federal penalty tax.


If you invest your Policy’s cash value in one or more subaccounts (i.e., the Policy’s investment options that invest in underlying fund portfolios then you will be subject to the risk that investment performance of the subaccounts will be unfavorable and that your cash value will decrease. Also, we deduct Policy fees and charges from your cash value, which can significantly reduce your cash value. During times of poor investment performance, this deduction will have an even greater impact on your cash value. You could lose everything you invest and your Policy could lapse without value, unless you pay



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additional premiums. If you allocate premiums to the fixed account, we credit your fixed account value with interest at a rate declared by us. You assume the risk that the interest rate on the fixed account may decrease, although it will never be lower than the guaranteed minimum annual effective rate of 2%.


The general account assets of Transamerica are used to support the payment of the death benefit under the Policies. To the extent that Transamerica is required to pay amounts in addition to the Policy’s subaccount value under the death benefit, such amounts will come from general account assets. You should be aware that the general account assets are exposed to the risks normally associated with a portfolio of fixed-income securities, including interest rate, option, liquidity and credit risk, and are also subject to the claims of Transamerica’s general creditors. Transamerica’s financial statements contained in the Statement of Additional Information include a further discussion of risks inherent in the general account investments.


If you choose the Guideline Premium Test, the federal tax laws limit the premium payments you can make in relation to your Policy’s Death Benefit. We may refuse all or part of a premium payment that you make, or remove all or part of a premium from your Policy and return it to you with earnings under certain circumstances to maintain qualification of the Policy as a life insurance contract for federal income tax purposes. Please refer to the section in this prospectus entitled “Premiums” for more details.


Your Policy will stay in force as long as the net surrender value is sufficient to cover your monthly deductions and Policy charges, or as long as the no lapse guarantee is in effect. Insufficient premium payments, poor investment performance, withdrawals, and unpaid loans or loan interest may cause your Policy to lapse – which means you will no longer have insurance coverage. A Policy lapse may have adverse tax consequences. There are costs associated with reinstating a lapsed Policy. For a detailed discussion of your Policy’s Lapse and Reinstatement provisions, please refer to the section of this prospectus entitled “Policy Lapse and Reinstatement.”


Making a withdrawal or taking a loan may:



Reduce your Policy’s specified amount.


Reduce the death benefit proceeds paid to your beneficiary.


Make your Policy more susceptible to lapsing.


Trigger federal income taxes and possibly a penalty tax.

Cash withdrawals will reduce your cash value. Withdrawals, especially those taken during periods of poor investment performance by the subaccounts, could considerably reduce or eliminate some benefits or guarantees of the Policy. Federal income taxes and a penalty tax may apply to loans, cash withdrawals and surrenders. Please see the section of this prospectus entitled “Federal Income Tax Considerations.”

Be sure to plan carefully before using these Policy benefits. For a detailed description of withdrawals and loans, and any associated risks, please see the sections of this prospectus entitled “Surrenders and Cash Withdrawals – Cash Withdrawals” and/or “Loans.”


If you surrender your Policy during the first 10 Policy years (or during the 10 year period following an increase in specified amount) you will pay a surrender charge. The surrender charge may be significant. Federal income tax and/or a penalty tax may also apply. Please see the section of this prospectus entitled “Federal Income Tax Considerations.”


You may be subject to income tax if you take any withdrawals or surrender the Policy, or if your Policy lapses and you have not paid any outstanding Policy indebtedness. If your Policy is a Modified Endowment Contract (“MEC”), cash withdrawals, surrenders, assignments, pledges, and loans that you receive or make during the life of the Policy may be




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taxable and subject to a federal tax penalty equal to 10% of the taxable amount if taken prior to reaching age 5912 or older. Note: If you have not repaid a loan prior to surrender, the loan will be treated as a distribution upon surrender and taxed accordingly. Other tax issues to consider when you own a life insurance policy are described in more detail in the section of this prospectus entitled “Federal Income Tax Considerations.”

Note: You should consult with your own qualified tax professional to apply the law to your particular circumstances.


You bear the risk of any decline in the Policy Value caused by the performance of the underlying fund portfolio held by the Subaccounts. A comprehensive discussion of the risks of each underlying fund portfolio may be found in each Portfolio Company’s prospectuses. There is no assurance that any portfolio will meet its investment objective. Please refer to these prospectuses for more information.


It is possible that we could experience financial difficulty in the future and even become insolvent, and therefore unable to provide all of the guarantees and benefits that exceed the assets in the Separate Account that we promise.


Our operations support complex transactions and are highly dependent on the proper functioning of information technology and communication systems. Any failure of or gap in the systems and processes necessary to support complex transactions and avoid systems failure, fraud, information security failures, processing errors, cyber intrusion, loss of data, and breaches of regulation may lead to a materially adverse effect on our administration of the Policy. We cannot assure you that interruptions, failures, or breaches in security of these processes and systems will not occur, or if they do occur, that they can be timely detected and remediated. Also, our business operations may be adversely affected by volatile natural and man-made disasters, including (but not limited to) hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, civil unrest, military action, fires and explosions, pandemic diseases, and other catastrophes. Such events may impact the availability and capacity of our key personnel and may have a materially adverse effect on our administration of the Policy. See “Non-Principal Risks of Investing in the Policy” in the SAI for additional information.


Our business operations may be adversely affected by volatile natural and man-made disasters, including (but not limited to) hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, civil unrest, military action, fires and explosions, pandemic diseases, and other catastrophes (“Catastrophic Events”). Over the past several years, changing weather patterns and climatic conditions have added to the unpredictability and frequency of natural disasters in certain parts of the world. To date, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant uncertainty and disruption to governments, business operations, and consumer behavior on a global scale. Such uncertainty as to future trends and exposure may lead to financial losses to our businesses. Furthermore, Catastrophic Events may disrupt our operations and result in the loss of, or restricted access to, property and information about Transamerica and its clients. Such events may also impact the availability and capacity of our key personnel. If our business continuity plans do not include effective contingencies for Catastrophic Events, we may experience business disruption, damage to corporate reputation, and damage to financial condition for a prolonged period of time.



Transamerica Life Insurance Company was incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa on April 19, 1961 as NN Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. It is engaged in the sale of life and health insurance policies and annuity contracts. The Company is licensed in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and all states except New York.

The Company is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Transamerica Corporation which conducts most of its operations through subsidiary companies engaged in the insurance business or in providing non-insurance financial services. All of the stock of Transamerica Corporation is indirectly owned by Aegon N.V. of The Netherlands, the securities of which are publicly traded. Aegon N.V., a holding company, conducts its business through subsidiary companies engaged primarily in the insurance business.


The benefits under the Policy are paid by Transamerica from its general account assets and/or your cash value held in the Company’s separate account. It is important that you understand that payment of the benefits is not assured and depends upon certain factors discussed below.



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Assets in the Separate Account. You assume all of the investment risk for your cash value that is allocated to the subaccounts of the separate account. Your cash value in those subaccounts constitutes a portion of the assets of the separate account. These assets are segregated and insulated from our general account, and may not be charged with liabilities arising from any other business that we may conduct. See “The Separate Account.”

Assets in the General Account. You also may be permitted to make allocations to the fixed account, which is supported by the assets in our general account. See “The Fixed Account.” Any guarantees under the Policy that exceed your cash value, such as those associated with the Policy’s death benefit, are paid from our general account (and not the separate account). Therefore, any amounts that we may be obligated to pay under the Policy in excess of subaccount value are subject to our financial strength and claims-paying ability and our long-term ability to make such payments. The assets of the separate account, however, are also available to cover the liabilities of our general account, but only to the extent that the separate account assets exceed the separate account liabilities arising under the Policies supported by it.

We issue other types of insurance policies and financial products as well, and we also pay our obligations under these products from our assets in the general account.

Our Financial Condition. As an insurance company, we are required by state insurance regulation to hold a specified amount of reserves in order to meet all the contractual obligations of our general account to our policyowners. We monitor our reserves so that we hold sufficient amounts to cover actual or expected policy and claims payments. In addition, we hedge our investments in our general account, and may require purchasers of certain of the variable insurance products that we offer to allocate premium payments and cash value in accordance with specified investment requirements. However, it is important to note that there is no guarantee that we will always be able to meet our claims-paying obligations, and that there are risks to purchasing any insurance product.

State insurance regulators also require insurance companies to maintain a minimum amount of capital, which acts as a cushion in the event that the insurer suffers a financial impairment, based on the inherent risks in the insurer’s operations. These risks include those associated with losses that we may incur as the result of defaults on the payment of interest or principal on our general account assets, which include bonds, mortgages, general real estate investments, and stocks, as well as the loss in market value of these investments. We may also experience liquidity risk if our general account assets cannot be readily converted into cash to meet obligations to our policyowners or to provide the collateral necessary to finance our business operations.

How to Obtain More Information. We encourage policyowners to read and understand our financial statements. We prepare our financial statements on a statutory basis. Our financial statements, which are presented in conformity with accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Iowa Department of Insurance, as well as the financial statements of the separate account, are located in the Statement of Additional Information (SAI). The SAI is available at no charge by writing to our mailing address - Transamerica Life Insurance Company, 6400 C St. SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52499-0001 or by calling us at (800) 851-9777, or by visiting our website tlic.transamerica.com. In addition, the SAI is available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Our financial strength ratings, which reflect the opinions of leading independent rating agencies of Transamerica’s ability to meet its obligations to its policyowners, are available on our website and the websites of these nationally recognized statistical ratings organizations—A.M. Best Company (www.ambest.com), Moody’s Investors Service (www.moodys.com), and S&P Global (www.standardandpoors.com).


General. WRL Series Life Account was a separate account of Western Reserve Life Assurance Company, established under Ohio law. Effective on October 1, 2014, WRL Series Life Account was re-domesticated under the laws of the State of Iowa and re-established under Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company. Effective on October 1, 2020, WRL Series Life Account was re-established under Transamerica Life Insurance Company. We own the assets in the separate account and we may use assets in the separate account to support other variable life insurance policies we issue. The separate account is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”).

The separate account is divided into subaccounts, each of which invests in shares of a specific portfolio of a mutual fund company. These subaccounts buy and sell portfolio shares at net asset value without any sales charge. Any dividends and distributions from a portfolio are reinvested at net asset value in shares of that portfolio.



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Income, gains, and losses credited to, or charged against, a subaccount of the separate account reflect the subaccount’s own investment experience and not the investment experience of our other assets. The separate account’s assets may not be used to pay any of our liabilities other than those arising from the Policies and other variable life insurance policies we issue. If the separate account’s assets exceed the required reserves and other liabilities, we may transfer the excess to our general account.

Changes to the Separate Account. As permitted by applicable law, we reserve the right to make certain changes to the structure and operation of the separate account, which may include:



Remove, combine, or add subaccounts and make the combined or new subaccounts available for allocation of net premiums.


Combine the separate account or any subaccounts with one or more different separate accounts or subaccounts.


Close certain subaccounts to allocations of new net premiums by current or new policyowners at any time in our discretion.


Transfer assets of the separate account or any subaccount, which we determine to be associated with the class of policies to which the Policy belongs, to another separate account or subaccount.


Operate the separate account as a management company under the 1940 Act, or as any other form of investment company permitted by law.


Establish additional separate accounts or subaccounts to invest in new portfolios of the mutual fund companies.


Manage the separate account at the direction of a committee.


Endorse the Policy, as permitted by law, to reflect changes to the separate account and subaccounts as may be required by applicable law.


Change the investment objective of a subaccount.


Substitute, add, or delete underlying fund portfolios in which subaccounts currently invest net premiums, to include portfolios of newly designated mutual fund companies. (Underlying fund portfolios will not be added, deleted or substituted without prior approval of the SEC to the extent required by the 1940 Act or other applicable laws.)


May be used to fund additional classes of variable life insurance policies through the separate account.


Restrict or eliminate any voting privileges of owners or other persons who have voting privileges in connection with the operation of the separate account.

Some, but not all, of these future changes may be the result of changes in applicable laws or interpretation of the laws. We will not make any such changes without receiving any necessary approval of the SEC and applicable state insurance departments. We will notify you of any changes. We reserve the right to make other structural and operational changes affecting the separate account.

In addition, the portfolios that sell their shares to the subaccounts may discontinue offering their shares to the subaccounts.


The fixed account is part of Transamerica’s general account. We use general account assets to support our insurance and annuity obligations other than those funded by the separate accounts. Subject to applicable law, Transamerica has sole discretion over the investment of the fixed account’s assets. Transamerica bears the full investment risk for all amounts contributed to the fixed account. Please see the section above entitled “Risks of Managing General Account Assets.” Transamerica guarantees that the amounts allocated to the fixed account will be credited interest daily at an annual net effective interest rate of at least 2.0%. We will determine any interest rate credited in excess of the guaranteed rate at our sole discretion. We have no formula for determining fixed account interest rates in excess of the guaranteed rate or any duration for such rates.

Money you place in the fixed account will begin earning interest credited daily and compounded annually at the current interest rate in effect at the time it is allocated. Unless otherwise required by state law, we may restrict your allocations and transfers to the fixed account if the fixed account value, excluding the loan reserve, following the allocation or transfer would exceed $250,000. (This restriction does not apply to any transfers to the fixed account necessary in the exercise of conversion rights.) We may declare current interest rates from time to time. We may declare more than one interest rate for different money based upon the date of allocation or transfer to the fixed account. When we declare a current



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interest rate higher than the guaranteed rate on amounts allocated to the fixed account, we guarantee the higher rate on those amounts for at least one year (the “guarantee period”) unless those amounts are transferred to the loan reserve. At the end of the guarantee period we may declare a new current interest rate on those amounts and any accrued interest thereon. We will guarantee this new current interest rate for another guarantee period. We credit interest greater than 2.0% during any guarantee period at our sole discretion. You assume the risk that the interest rate on the fixed account may decrease, although it will never be lower than a guaranteed minimum annual effective rate of 2%.

We allocate amounts from the fixed account for cash withdrawals, transfers to the subaccounts, or monthly deductions charges on a first in, first out basis (“FIFO”) for the purpose of crediting interest.

If you elect to have 3rd party advisory fees deducted from your Fixed Account, such deduction may reduce your Fixed Account value.


Information regarding each portfolio company, including (i) its name; (ii) its type (e.g., U.S. equity fund, international equity fund, bond fund, etc.); (iii) its investment adviser and any sub-investment adviser; (iv) current expenses; and (v) performance is available in an appendix to this prospectus. See “Appendix: Portfolio Companies Available Under the Policy.” Each fund has issued prospectuses that contain more detailed information about its portfolios, including a description of investment risks. You may obtain a free copy of the underlying fund portfolio prospectuses by contacting us at our administrative office at 1-800-851-9777 or visiting our website at tlic.transamerica.com. You should read the underlying fund portfolio prospectuses carefully.

Each portfolio company is an investment division of an open-end management investment company registered with the SEC. Such registration does not involve supervision of the management or investment practices or policies of the portfolios by the SEC. Each portfolio company’s assets are held separate from the assets of the other portfolio companies, and each portfolio company has investment objectives and policies that are different from those of the other portfolio companies. Thus, each portfolio company operates independently, and the income or loss of one portfolio company has no effect on the investment performance of any other portfolio company.

Pending any required approval by a state insurance regulatory authority, certain subaccounts and corresponding portfolio companies may not be available to residents of some states.

Certain portfolio companies may have investment objectives and policies similar to other portfolio companies that are managed by the same investment adviser or sub-adviser. The investment results of the portfolio companies, however, may be higher or lower than those of such other portfolio companies. We do not guarantee or make any representation that the investment results of the portfolio companies will be comparable to any other portfolio company, even those with the same investment adviser or manager.

Portfolio Companies with Managed Volatility Strategies. As described in more detail in the underlying fund portfolio company prospectuses, certain portfolio companies employ managed volatility strategies that are intended to reduce the portfolio company’s overall volatility and downside risk, and to help us manage the risks associated with providing certain guarantees under the Policies. During rising markets, the hedging strategies employed to manage volatility could result in your Policy value rising less than would have been the case if you had been invested in a portfolio company with substantially similar investment objectives, securities, policies and strategies that does not utilize a volatility management strategy. In addition, the cost of these hedging strategies may have a negative impact on performance. On the other hand, investing in a portfolio company with a managed volatility strategy may be helpful in a declining market with higher market volatility because the hedging strategy will reduce your equity exposure in such circumstances. In such cases, your Policy value may decline less than would have been the case if you had not invested in portfolio companies with a managed volatility strategy. There is no guarantee that a managed volatility strategy can achieve or maintain the portfolio company’s optimal risk targets, and the portfolio company may not perform as expected.

Money Market Portfolio Companies. There can be no assurance that a money market portfolio will be able to maintain a stable net asset value per share. During extended periods of low interest rates, and partly as a result of insurance charges, the yield on a money market portfolio may become extremely low and possibly negative. You could lose money by investing in a money market portfolio.



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Even though we are the legal owner of the portfolio shares held in the subaccounts, and have the right to vote on all matters submitted to shareholders of the portfolio companies, we will vote our shares only as policyowners instruct, as long as such action is required by law.

Before a vote of a portfolio’s shareholders occurs, you will receive voting materials from us. We will ask you to instruct us on how to vote and to return your voting instructions to us in a timely manner. You will have the right to instruct us on the number of portfolio shares that corresponds to the amount of cash value you have in that portfolio (as of a date set by the portfolio).

If we do not receive voting instructions on time from some policyowners, we will vote those shares in the same proportion as the timely voting instructions we receive. Therefore, because of proportional voting, a small number of policyowners may control the outcome of a vote. Should federal securities laws, regulations and interpretations change, we may elect to vote portfolio shares in our own right. If required by state insurance officials, or if permitted under federal regulation, we may disregard certain owner voting instructions. If we ever disregard voting instructions, we will send you a summary in the next annual report to policyowners advising you of the action and the reasons we took such action.


We do not guarantee that each portfolio will always be available for investment through the Policy. We reserve the right, subject to compliance with applicable law, to add new portfolio companies or portfolio company classes, close existing portfolio companies or portfolio company classes, or substitute portfolio company shares that are held by any subaccount for shares of a different portfolio company. New or substitute portfolio companies may have different fees and expenses and their availability may be limited to certain classes of purchasers. We will not add, delete or substitute any shares attributable to your interest in a subaccount without notice to you and prior approval of the SEC, to the extent required by the 1940 Act or other applicable law. We may also decide to purchase securities from other portfolio companies for the separate account. We reserve the right to transfer separate account assets to another separate account that we determine to be associated with the class of contracts to which the Policy belongs.


The portfolio companies offered through this product are selected by Transamerica. Transamerica may consider various factors, including, but not limited to, asset class coverage, the alignment of the investment objectives of an underlying portfolio company with our hedging strategy, the strength of the adviser’s or sub-adviser’s reputation and tenure, brand recognition, performance, and the capability and qualification of each investment firm. Another factor that we may consider is whether the underlying portfolio company or its service providers (e.g., the investment adviser or sub-advisers) or its affiliates will make payments to us or our affiliates in connection with certain administrative, marketing, and support services, or whether affiliates of the portfolio company can provide marketing and distribution support for sales of the Policies. (For additional information on these arrangements, please refer to the section of this prospectus entitled “Revenues We Receive.”) We review the portfolio companies periodically and may remove a portfolio company or limit its availability to new premiums and/or transfers of cash value if we determine that a portfolio company no longer satisfies one or more of the selection criteria, and/or if the portfolio company has not attracted significant allocations from policyowners. We have included the Transamerica Series Trust portfolio companies at least in part because they are managed by TAM, our directly owned subsidiary.

You are responsible for choosing the portfolio companies, and the amounts allocated to each, that are appropriate for your own individual circumstances and your investment goals, financial situation, and risk tolerance. Because investment risk is borne by you, decisions regarding investment allocations should be carefully considered. We do not recommend or endorse any particular underlying fund portfolio and we do not provide investment advice.

In making your investment selections, we encourage you to thoroughly investigate all of the information that is available to you regarding the portfolio companies including each portfolio company’s prospectus, statement of additional information and annual and semi-annual reports. Other sources, such as the portfolio company’s website, provide more current information including information about any regulatory actions or investigations relating to a mutual fund company or underlying fund portfolio. After you select underlying fund portfolios for your initial premium, you should monitor and periodically re-evaluate your allocations to determine if they are still appropriate.



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Depending on the state of issue, your Policy may be an individual Policy or a certificate issued under a group policy. The Policy is subject to the insurance laws and regulations of each state or jurisdiction in which it is available for distribution. There may be differences between the Policy issued and the general Policy description contained in this prospectus because of requirements of the state where your Policy is issued.


The Policy belongs to the owner named in the application. The owner may exercise all of the rights and options described in the Policy. If the owner dies before the insured and no contingent owner is named, then ownership of the Policy will pass to the owner’s estate.

The principal rights an owner may exercise are:



To designate or change beneficiaries before the death of the insured.


To receive amounts payable before the death of the insured.


To assign the Policy. (If you assign the Policy, your rights and the rights of anyone who is to receive payment under the Policy are subject to the terms of that assignment.).


To change the owner of the Policy.


To change the specified amount or death benefit option type of the Policy.

Prior to issue, the owner must select either the Guideline Premium Tax Test or the Cash Value Accumulation Tax Test on the Policy application. Once selected, this tax test cannot be changed.

No designation or change in designation of an owner will take effect unless we receive a transfer of ownership form. The request will take effect as of the date we receive it, in good order, at our mailing address, or by fax at our administrative office (1-727-299-1620), subject to payment or other action taken by us before it was received.


Any modifications or waiver of any rights or requirements under the Policy must be in writing, in good order, and signed by our president or secretary. Note: No registered representative may bind us by making any promise not contained in the Policy.

Upon notice to you, we may amend the Policy:



To make the Policy or the separate account comply with any law or regulation issued by a governmental agency to which we are subject; or


To assure qualification of the Policy as a life insurance policy under the Internal Revenue Code or to meet applicable requirements of federal or state laws relating to variable life policies; or


To reflect a change in the operation of the separate account; or


To provide additional subaccounts and/or fixed account options.


To purchase a Policy, you must submit a completed application, in good order, and an initial premium to us through any licensed life insurance agent who is also a registered representative of a broker-dealer having a selling agreement with TCI (the principal underwriter for the Policy) and us. We may reject the application at any time before issuing a Policy.

There may be delays in our receipt and processing of applications and premium payments that are outside of our control – for example, because of the failure of a selling broker-dealer or registered representative to promptly forward the application to us at our mailing address, or because of delays in determining whether the Policy is suitable for you. Any such delays will affect when your Policy can be issued.

You select the specified amount of insurance coverage for your Policy within the following limits. Our current minimum specified amount for a Policy is generally $50,000. We currently charge lower cost of insurance rates for Policies with specified amounts in higher bands of coverage. We offer the following specified amount bands of coverage:



Band 1: $50,000 - $249,999


Band 2: $250,000 - $499,999


Band 3: $500,000 and over



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We will generally only issue a Policy to you if you provide sufficient evidence that the insured meets our insurability standards. Your application is subject to our underwriting rules, and we may reject any application for any reason permitted by law. We will not issue a Policy to you if the insured is over age 85. The insured must be insurable and acceptable to us under our underwriting rules on the later of:



The date of your application; or


The date the insured completes all of the medical tests and examinations that we require.


You can generally exchange one life insurance policy for another policy covering the same insured in a “tax-free exchange” under Section 1035 of the Internal Revenue Code. Before making an exchange, you should compare both life insurance policies carefully. Remember that if you exchange another life insurance policy for the one described in this prospectus, you might have to pay a surrender charge on your old policy, other charges may be higher (or lower), and the benefits may be different. If the exchange does not qualify for Section 1035 treatment, or if your current policy is subject to a policy loan, you may also have to pay federal income tax on the exchange. Additionally, if you are under age 5912 then you also may be subject to a federal tax penalty equal to 10% of the taxable amount. You should not exchange another life insurance policy for this one unless you determine, after knowing all the facts, that the exchange is in your best interest and not just better for the person selling you the Policy. (That person will generally earn a commission if you buy this Policy through an exchange or otherwise.)


Except as provided in the conditional receipt (“Conditional Receipt”), if issued, or in connection with certain Section 1035 Exchanges, insurance coverage under the Policy will not take effect until after all of the following conditions have been met: (1) the first full premium must be received by the Company at our mailing address; (2) during the lifetime of every proposed insured, the proposed owner must have personally received and accepted the Policy which was applied for and all answers on the application must be true and correct on the date such Policy is received and accepted; and (3) on the date of the later of either (1) or (2) above, all of the statements and answers given in the application must be true and complete, and there must have been no change in the insurability of any proposed insured.

Conditional Insurance Coverage. If you pay the full initial premium and have met all of the requirements listed in the Conditional Receipt attached to the application, and we deliver the Conditional Receipt to you, the insured may have conditional insurance coverage under the terms of the Conditional Receipt. The conditional insurance coverage may vary by state and/or underwriting standards. Because we do not accept initial premiums in advance for Policies with a specified amount in excess of $1,000,000, we do not offer conditional insurance coverage for those Policies. Conditional insurance coverage is void if the check or draft you gave us to pay the initial premium is not honored when we first present it for payment.


The aggregate amount of conditional insurance coverage, if any, is the lesser of:      

The amounts applied for under all Conditional Receipts issued by us;


      $500,000 of life insurance.
Subject to the conditions and limitations of the Conditional Receipt, conditional insurance under the terms of the Policy applied for may become effective as of the later of:       The date of application; or
      The date of the last medical examination, test, and other screenings required by us, if any (the “Effective Date”). Such conditional insurance will take effect as of the Effective Date, as long as all of the following requirements are met:
        1.    The person proposed to be insured is found to have been insurable as of the Effective Date, exactly as applied for in accordance with our underwriting rules and standards, without any modifications as to plan, amount, or premium rate.
        2.    As of the Effective Date, all statements and answers given in the application must be true.
        3.    The payment made with the application must not be less than the full initial premium for the mode of payment chosen in the



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         application and must be received at our mailing address within the lifetime of the proposed insured.
        4.    All medical examinations, tests, and other screenings required of the proposed insured by us are completed and the results received at our mailing address within 60 days of the date the application was signed.
        5.    All parts of the application, any supplemental application, questionnaires, addendum and/or amendment to the application are signed and received, in good order, at our mailing address.
Any conditional life insurance coverage terminates on the earliest of:       60 days from the date the application was signed;
      The date we either mail notice to the applicant of the rejection of the application and/or mail a refund of any amounts paid with the application;
      When the insurance applied for goes into effect under the terms of the Policy that you applied for; or
      The date we offer to provide insurance on terms that differ from the insurance for which you have applied.
Special limitations of the Conditional Receipt:       The Conditional Receipt is not valid unless:
        1.    All blanks in the Conditional Receipt are completed; and
        2.    The receipt is signed by an authorized Company representative.
Other limitations:       There is no Conditional Receipt coverage for riders or any additional benefits, if any, for which you may have applied.
      If one or more of the receipt’s conditions have not been met exactly, or if a proposed insured dies by suicide, we will not be liable except to return any payment made with the application.
      If we do not approve and accept the application within 60 days of the date you signed the application, the application will be deemed to be rejected by us and there will be no conditional insurance coverage. In that case, Transamerica’s liability will be limited to returning any payment(s) you have made upon return of this receipt to us.

For 1035 Exchanges. Coverage may begin earlier in Section 1035 exchange situations as provided in the “Absolute Assignment to Effect Internal Revenue Code Section 1035 Exchange and Rollover” form. As provided in that form, the insurance coverage shall take effect as of the date the replaced policy is surrendered, and before delivery of the Policy, if the following conditions have been met:

The Policy has been approved for issue – even if approved other than as applied for - and accepted in writing by the proposed owner and either:


The replaced policy has been surrendered and the surrender proceeds thereafter received by the Company are themselves sufficient to place the Policy in force; or


If, in addition to the surrender of the replaced policy from the existing issuer, premium is paid during the proposed insured’s lifetime (either with the application for the Policy or thereafter if permitted by the Company in writing) and if such premium together with any surrender proceeds thereafter received, are sufficient to place the Policy in force.

Charges will be applied beginning on the date that the coverage takes effect.

Full Insurance Coverage and Allocation of Initial Premium. Once we determine that the insured meets our underwriting requirements and you have paid the initial premium, full insurance coverage will commence and we will begin to take the monthly deductions from your net premium. This date is the Policy date (or the record date if the Policy is backdated). Any premium payments we receive before the Policy date (or record date, if applicable) will be held in a non-interest bearing suspense account. On the Policy date (or the record date if your Policy is backdated), the entire amount in the non-interest bearing suspense account will be allocated as follows: (i) to the subaccounts and/or the fixed account as you



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specified in your application, if your state does not require a full refund of initial premium; or (ii) to the reallocation account, if your state requires us to return your initial premium in the event you exercise your free look right. While held in the reallocation account, premium(s) will be credited with interest at the current fixed account rate until the reallocation date when they will be allocated to the subaccounts and/or fixed account as you specified in your application. Please Note: If a Policy is backdated, your premiums are credited on the record date and not the backdated Policy date.

On any day we credit net premiums or transfer cash value to a subaccount, we will convert the dollar amount of the net premium (or transfer) into subaccount units at the unit value for that subaccount, determined at the end of the day on which we receive the premium or transaction request. We will credit amounts to the subaccounts only on a valuation date, that is, on a date the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open for trading, but no later than 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. (If a premium or transaction is received after 4 p.m. Eastern Time, we will process the requested transaction the next available day that the NYSE is open.) This is true whether a requested transaction comes in via fax, wire or other electronic means, or by telephone.


Transaction Type:    Priced when received at our:
Payment by Check    Mailing Address, unless a different address appears on your Billing Coupon
Transfer Request    Administrative Office
Payment by Wire Transfer    Administrative Office
Electronic Credit and Debit Transactions (e.g., payments through direct deposit, debit transfers, and forms of e-commerce payments)    Administrative Office


If you request, we may backdate a Policy by assigning a Policy date earlier than the date full insurance coverage begins. However, in no event will we backdate a Policy earlier than the earliest date allowed by state law or by our underwriting rules. Your request must be in writing and, if we approve the request, we will amend your application. Your premiums, however, will be credited on the date the Policy is issued, not the backdated Policy date. Please Note: State specific rules may apply to a request to backdate a policy. Please contact your registered representative for further information.

Cost of insurance charges are based in part on the age of the insured on the Policy date or on the date of a requested increase in specified amount. Generally, cost of insurance charges are lower at a younger age. We will deduct the monthly deductions, including cost of insurance charges, for the period that the Policy is backdated. This means that while the monthly deductions may be lower than what would have been charged had we not backdated the Policy, you will be paying for insurance during a period when the Policy was not in force.


After Attained Age 111 (For Policies Applied for On Or After September 22, 2008) Or After Attained Age 100 (For Policies Applied for Before September 22, 2008 and Issued Before January 1, 2009)

If the Policy is still in force on the Policy anniversary on or following the insured’s 111th or 100th birthday, as applicable, the Policy will continue, with the following changes, unless state law otherwise requires:



We will not accept any further premium payments.


We will no longer deduct the monthly deductions.


We will continue to deduct the mortality and expense risk charge, if any.


Interest will continue to accrue on any Policy loans, as before, but all loans, new and existing, will be considered preferred loans.


We will continue to accept Policy loan repayments and loan interest payments.


We will continue to permit Policy loans and withdrawals to be made.

Please Note: Continuing a Policy beyond the insured’s 99th birthday may have tax consequences. You should consult a tax professional if you intend to keep the Policy in force beyond the insured’s 99th birthday. Please see the “Federal Income Tax Considerations” section of this prospectus.



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You must instruct us on how to allocate your net premium among the subaccounts and the fixed account. If you do not provide instructions on how to allocate your net premium, we will allocate the net premium in accordance with your standing allocation instructions. If you do not have valid standing allocation instructions on file, we will not consider the premium payment as being in good order until we receive allocation instructions.

Your net premiums must be allocated according to the following guidelines:



Allocation percentages must be in whole numbers.


If you select dollar cost averaging, we may require you to have a minimum of $5,000 in each subaccount from which we will make transfers and you may be required to transfer at least a total of $100 monthly.


If you select asset rebalancing, the cash value of your Policy (if an existing Policy) or your minimum initial premium (if a new Policy) must be at least $5,000.


Unless otherwise required by state law, we may restrict allocations and transfers to the fixed account if the fixed account value (excluding amounts in the loan reserve account) following the allocation or transfer would exceed $250,000. (This restriction does not apply to any transfer to the fixed account necessary in the exercise of conversion rights.)

Currently, you may change the allocation instructions for additional premium payments without charge at any time by writing us at our mailing address or calling us at our administrative office at 1-800-851-9777, Monday - Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. You may also change your allocations through our web site at tlic.transamerica.com.

Please Note: Certain subaccounts have similar names. When providing your allocation instructions, please state or write the full name of the subaccount that you select for your allocation to ensure that those allocation instructions are in good order. The change will be effective as of the valuation date on which we receive the change request, in good order, at our mailing address or our administrative office. Upon instructions from you, your authorized representative for your Policy may also change your allocation instructions for you. The minimum amount you can allocate to a particular subaccount is 1.0% of a net premium payment.

Whenever you direct money into a subaccount, we will credit your Policy with the number of units for that subaccount that can be bought for the dollar payment. Premium payments received at our mailing address, or at the address on your billing coupon (for payments made by check), or at our administrative office (for payments made by wire transfer and through electronic credit and debit transactions) before the NYSE closes, are priced using the unit value determined at the closing of the regular business session of the NYSE (usually at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time). If we receive a premium payment after the NYSE closes or on a day that the NYSE is closed for trading, we will process the order using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of the next regular session of the NYSE. We will credit amounts to the subaccounts only on a valuation date, that is, on a date the NYSE is open for trading. Your cash value will vary with the investment experience of the subaccounts you have chosen. You bear the investment risk for amounts you allocate to the subaccounts.

You should periodically review how your cash value is allocated among the subaccounts and the fixed account because market conditions and your overall financial objectives may change.

Reallocation Account. If your state requires us to return your initial premium in the event you exercise your free look right, we will allocate the initial net premium on the Policy date (or the record date if your Policy is backdated) to the reallocation account as shown on your Policy schedule page. While held in the reallocation account, net premium(s) will be credited with interest at the current fixed account rate and reduced by any monthly deductions due. The net premiums will remain in the reallocation account until the reallocation date. In those states that require us to return all premiums paid for the Policy in the event you exercise your free look right, we set the reallocation date to coincide with the free look period that is applicable to your Policy plus a margin of five days for Policy delivery. Please contact your registered representative for details concerning the free look period for your state.



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On the first valuation date on or after the reallocation date, we will reallocate all cash value from the reallocation account to the fixed account and the subaccounts you selected on the application. If, however, you requested dollar cost averaging, we will reallocate the cash balance on the reallocation date to the fixed account, the Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP subaccount or the Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP subaccount (depending on which subaccounts you selected on your application).

Please Note: For states that do not require a full refund of the initial premium, the reallocation date is the same as the Policy date. On the Policy date, we will allocate your initial net premium, minus monthly deductions, to the fixed account and the subaccounts in accordance with the instructions you gave us on your application.

Premium Flexibility. You generally have flexibility to determine the frequency and the amount of the premiums you pay. Before we issue the Policy to you, we may require you to pay a premium at least equal to a minimum monthly guarantee premium set forth in your Policy. Thereafter (subject to the limitations described below), you may make premium payments at any time and in an amount of at least $50. Under some circumstances, you may be required to pay extra premiums to prevent a lapse. Your minimum monthly guarantee premium may change if you request a change in your Policy. If this happens, we will notify you of the new minimum monthly guarantee premium. See “Minimum Monthly Guarantee Premium” below.

Planned Periodic Payments .You can determine a planned periodic payment schedule, which allows you to pay level premiums at fixed intervals over a specified period of time. The amount and frequency you choose will be shown in your Policy. You are not required to pay premiums according to this schedule. You may change the amount, frequency, and the time period over which you make your planned periodic payments. Please be sure to notify us or your selling firm of any address changes so that we may be able to keep your current address on record.

Even if you make your planned periodic payments on schedule, your Policy still may lapse. How long your Policy remains in force depends on the Policy’s net surrender value. If the net surrender value is not high enough to pay the monthly deductions when due (and your no lapse period has expired) then your Policy will lapse (unless you make the payment we specify during the 61-day grace period).

Minimum Monthly Guarantee Premium. The full initial premium is the only premium you are required to pay under the Policy. However, you greatly increase your risk of lapse if you fail to regularly pay premiums at least as large as the current minimum monthly guarantee premium.

The initial minimum monthly guarantee premium is shown on your Policy’s schedule page, and depends on a number of factors, including the issue age, sex, rate class of the insured, the specified amount requested and your Policy’s applicable C.S.O. Table. We will adjust the minimum monthly guarantee premium if you change death benefit options, increase or decrease the specified amount, if any riders are added or terminated, or if in force riders are increased or decreased. We will notify you of the new minimum monthly guarantee premium. A Policy with the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium initially has higher minimum monthly guarantee premiums than a Base Policy, but the minimum monthly guarantee premium does not increase annually. We also reserve the right to require, before we issue a Policy, that the initial premium plus the planned premium payable during the no lapse period is at least equal to the cumulative minimum monthly guarantee premiums during the no lapse period.


Until the no lapse date shown on your Policy schedule page, your Policy will remain in force and no grace period will begin, even if your net surrender value is too low to pay the monthly deductions, as long as on any Monthiversary the total amount of the premiums you have paid (minus any cash withdrawals, minus any outstanding loan amount including any accrued loan interest) equals or exceeds the sum of the minimum monthly guarantee premiums in effect for each month from the Policy date up to, and including, the current month. (Your initial minimum monthly guarantee premium is shown on your Policy schedule page. You may obtain information about your minimum monthly guarantee premium and assistance to determine the amount of premiums you must pay to keep your Policy in force by contacting our administrative office.) If you take a cash withdrawal or a loan, or if you increase or decrease your specified amount, or if you add, increase, or decrease a rider, you may need to pay additional premiums in order to keep the no lapse guarantee in effect. Please see the section of this prospectus entitled “Policy Lapse and Reinstatement.”



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After the no lapse period guarantee ends, paying the current minimum monthly guarantee premium each month will not necessarily keep your Policy in force. You may need to pay additional premiums to keep the Policy in force.

For a Policy issued to any insured with an issue age of 0-60, the no lapse date is the 20th Policy anniversary or the insured’s attained age 65, whichever is earlier. For a Policy issued to an insured with an issue age of 61-85, the no lapse date is the 5th Policy anniversary. The no lapse date is specified in your Policy.


We will not allow you to make any premium payments that would cause the total amount of the premiums you pay to exceed the current maximum premium limitations, if applicable, by which the Policy qualifies as life insurance under federal tax laws. (See “Standard Death Benefits” for more information regarding the Guideline Premium Test.)

This maximum is set forth in your Policy. If you make a payment that would cause your total premiums to be greater than the maximum premium limitations, we generally will return the excess portion of the premium payment, with interest, within 60 days after the end of the Policy year. If you choose the Guideline Premium Test there are additional premium limitations. We will not accept a payment that will cause the Policy to become a modified endowment contract without your consent. (Please see the section of this prospectus entitled “Federal Income Tax Considerations” for more information concerning your Policy or consult a qualified tax professional.)

We may require premium payments to be at least $50 (1,000 by wire). If the payment is made by monthly direct deposit, we may require minimum payments of $75. We may return premiums less than the minimum.

Note: We reserve the right to reject any form of payment. We do not accept cash or money orders. Any unacceptable forms of payment will be returned.

Wire Transfers. We will accept premium payments by wire transfer. If you wish to make payments by wire transfer, you should contact our administrative office at 1-800-851-9777 for instructions on wiring payments to us. Certain charges are deducted from the premium payments you make.

Tax-Free Exchanges (“1035 Exchanges”). We will accept a part or all of your initial premiums from one or more contracts insuring the same insured that qualify for tax-free exchanges under Section 1035 of the Internal Revenue Code. If you contemplate such an exchange, you should consult a competent tax professional to learn the potential tax effects of such a transaction.


This section describes the charges and deductions that we make under the Policy in consideration for: (1) the services and benefits we provide; (2) the costs and expenses we incur; and (3) the risks we assume. The fees and charges deducted under the Policy may result in a profit to us.


Services and benefits we provide under the Policy:   

●   The death benefit, cash and loan benefits.


●   Investment options, including premium allocations.


●   Administration of elective options.


●   The distribution of reports to owners.

Costs and expenses we incur:   

●   Costs associated with processing and underwriting applications.


●   Expenses of issuing and administering the Policy (including any Policy riders).


●   Overhead and other expenses for providing services and benefits and sales and marketing expenses, including compensation paid in connection with the sale of the Policies.


●   Other costs of doing business, such as collecting premiums, maintaining records, processing claims, effecting transactions, and paying federal, state and local premium and other taxes and fees.



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Risks we assume:   

●   That the charges we may deduct may be insufficient to meet our actual claims because insureds die sooner than we estimate.


●   That the costs of providing the services and benefits under the Policies may exceed the charges we are allowed to deduct.

Some or all of the charges we deduct are used to pay aggregate Policy costs and expenses we incur in providing the services and benefits under the Policy and assuming the risks associated with the Policy.


Before we allocate the net premium payments you make, we will deduct the following premium expense charge.

For Policies applied for on or after September 22, 2008:


The premium expense charge is equal to:   

●   6% of premiums during the first ten Policy years on Policies with a specified amount in force of less than $250,000 (Band 1), and 2.5% of premiums thereafter.


●   3.0% of all premiums during the first ten Policy years on Policies with a specified amount in force from $250,000 - $499,999 (Band 2), and 2.5% of premiums thereafter.


●   There is no premium expense charge for Policies with a specified amount of $500,000 or higher (Band 3), except for residents of Puerto Rico.

Note: Certain events (such as increases or decreases in the specified amount, a change in death benefit option, or a cash withdrawal (if you choose Option A or Option C death benefit) may affect the specified amount in force. Premium expense charges will be based on the specified amount in force on the Base Policy at the time we receive the premium.

Some or all of the premium expense charges we deduct are used to pay the aggregate policy costs and expenses we incur, including distribution costs and/or state premium taxes. Although state premium tax rates imposed on us vary from state to state, the premium expense charge we deduct will not vary with the state of residence of the policyowner, except for Puerto Rico, as noted in State Variations.


If your Policy was applied for on or after September 22, 2008, we take monthly deductions from the cash value on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary before the insured’s attained age 111. For Policies applied for before September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009, we take monthly deductions from the cash value on the Policy date and on each Monthiversary prior to attained age 100. Monthly deductions will be taken on a pro-rata basis from each subaccount unless you elect self-directed monthly deductions. You may elect self-directed monthly deductions by sending us a request in a form satisfactory to us. If self-directed monthly deductions are elected, the portion of each monthly deduction taken from each subaccount will equal the monthly deduction multiplied by the selected percentage for that subaccount. If any of the selected subaccounts would be reduced to zero by the current monthly deduction, the monthly deductions will be taken on a pro-rata basis from each subaccount according to the portion of the cash value in each. The change to or from self-directed monthly deductions will be effective on the date we record the change.

Because portions of the monthly deductions (such as cost of insurance) can vary monthly, the monthly deductions will also vary.


Each monthly deduction consists of:


●   The monthly Policy charge for the Policy (including any surcharge associated with flat or table substandard ratings); plus


●   The monthly cost of insurance charge for the Policy; plus


●   The monthly per unit charge for the Policy; plus


●   The portion of the monthly deductions for any benefits provided by riders attached to the Policy.


Monthly Policy Charge (for Policies applied for on or after

September 22, 2008):



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●   This charge currently equals $10 each Policy month through attained age 110. Starting at attained age 111, this charge equals $0 each Policy month.


●   We guarantee this charge will never be more than $10 per month during the first Policy year and not more than $12 per month through attained age 110 and will be $0 starting at attained age 111.


Monthly Policy Charge (for Policies applied for before

September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009):


●   This charge currently equals $8.00 each Policy month for Policy years 1-10 and $4.00 each Policy month for Policy years 11 through attained age 99.


●   We guarantee this charge will never be more than $8.00 per month during the first Policy year and thereafter $12.00 per month through attained age 99 and will be $0 starting at attained age 100.


Cost of Insurance Charge:


We deduct this charge each month. It varies each month and is

determined as follows:


1.  Reduce the death benefit on the Monthiversary by the cash value on the Monthiversary after it has been allocated among the layers of specified amount in force in the following order: first, initial specified amount, then, each increase in specified amount starting with the oldest increase, then the next oldest, successively, until all cash value has been allocated (the resulting amounts are the net amount at risk for each layer of specified amount).

2   Multiply each layer of net amount at risk provided under 1. (above) by the appropriate monthly cost of insurance rate for that layer; and add the results together.


●   Your monthly current cost of insurance rate depends, in part, on your specified amount band. The specified amount bands available are:


➣ Band 1: $50,000 - $249,999


➣ Band 2: $250,000 - $499,999


➣ Band 3: $500,000 or more


●   The current Policy cost of insurance rates for the first three (3) Policy years are fixed at issue and we guarantee not to change them.


●   Cost of insurance rates are generally lower for each higher band of specified amount.


●   We determine your specified amount band each Monthiversary by referring to the specified amount in force for the Base Policy (that is, the initial specified amount on the Policy date, plus any increases, and minus any decreases).

   Monthly Per Unit Charge:
   This charge equals:

●   The monthly per unit charge for the specified amount on the Policy date; plus



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●   The monthly per unit charge for each increase in specified amount caused by either a rider or a requested increase; minus


●   The monthly per unit charge for any specified amount that has been decreased.


●   We guarantee the duration of this charge to be no more than 10 years following the Policy date and following the date of any increase in specified amount.


●   The monthly per unit charge that is set on the Policy date is based on the issue age of the insured. A separate monthly per unit charge is assessed for up to 10 years following each increase in specified amount and the rate of that charge is based on the insured’s issue age at the time of any increase in specified amount. The rate of the monthly per unit charge applied under your Policy depends on whether the Policy was applied for on or after September 22, 2008.


Optional Insurance Riders:


●   The monthly deductions will include charges for any optional insurance benefits you add to your Policy by rider. Please refer to the section below entitled “Rider Charges” for a description of the rider charges.

To determine the appropriate monthly cost of insurance rates we refer to a schedule of current cost of insurance rates and consider a number of factors, including, but not limited to: the insured’s issue age on the Policy date; issue age at the time of any increase in specified amount; specified amount band; sex; underwriting class; and the length of time from the Policy date or from the date of any increase in specified amount. Cost of insurance rates generally will increase each year with the age of the insured. Cost of insurance rates are generally lower for each higher band of specified amount. The factors that affect the net amount at risk for each layer of specified amount include the investment performance of the portfolios in which you invest, payment of premiums, the fees and charges deducted under the Policy, the death benefit option you choose, as well as any Policy transactions (such as loans, cash withdrawals, transfers, and changes in specified amount). Monthly cost of insurance rates may change from time to time and different monthly cost of insurance rates may apply to increases in the specified amount following the Policy date and any additional death benefit. The actual monthly cost of insurance rates are primarily based on our expectations as to future mortality experience and expenses. The actual rates we charge will never be greater than the Table of Guaranteed Maximum Life Insurance Rates stated in your Policy. For Policies applied for on or after September 22, 2008, these guaranteed rates are based on the 2001 C.S.O. Mortality Tables and the insured’s attained age, sex, and underwriting class. For Policies applied for before September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009, these guaranteed rates are based on the 1980 C.S.O. Mortality Tables and the insured’s attained age, sex, and underwriting class.

If you increase the specified amount, different monthly cost of insurance rates may apply to that layer of specified amount, based on factors such as the insured’s issue age and underwriting class at the time of the increase, sex, and the length of time since the increase. Increases in specified amount may move the Policy into a higher specified amount band, resulting in a decrease in the rates for the cost of insurance charge for as long as the Policy remains in the higher specified band and possibly a decrease in the premium expense charges because premium expense charges are based on the specified amount in force on the Base Policy at the time the premium is received.

Decreases in specified amount may cause the Policy to drop into a lower band of specified amount and may result in an increase in the rates for the cost of insurance and premium expense charges. Decreases in specified amount will be applied on a last-in, first-out basis to the specified amount in force, and will first reduce the specified amount provided by the most recent increase in specified amount in force, then reduce the next most recent increases, successively, and thereafter reduce the initial specified amount.

If you have selected the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium and you request a decrease in specified amount of your Policy, you will cause the rider to terminate and annual scheduled specified amount increases to stop.

The underwriting class of the insured will affect the cost of insurance rates. In determining underwriting classifications, we apply certain criteria that are based on an assessment of the insured’s life expectancy. We currently place



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insureds into preferred and standard classes. We also place insureds into substandard classes with extra ratings, which reflect higher mortality risks and will result in higher cost of insurance rates. Examples of reasons an insured may be placed into an extra risk factor underwriting class include, but are not limited to, medical history, avocation, occupation, driving record, or planned future travel (where permitted by state law).

We may issue certain policies on a simplified issue, guaranteed issue or expedited basis. Cost of insurance rates charged for any policies issued on a simplified, guaranteed or expedited basis may cause healthy individuals to pay higher cost of insurance rates than they would pay under a substantially similar policy that we offer using different underwriting criteria.

The guaranteed cost of insurance rates under the riders are based on the same C.S.O. tables as the guaranteed cost of insurance rates on the Base Policy, except that current rates are not guaranteed for any amount of time under the riders.


We deduct a daily charge from each subaccount that, together with other fees and charges, compensates us for services rendered, the expenses expected to be incurred, and the risks assumed. This charge is equal to:



The value of each subaccount; multiplied by


The daily pro rata portion of the annual mortality and expense risk charge rate.

For the first ten Policy years, the current annual rate for the mortality and expense risk charge is equal to 0.75% of the average daily net assets of each subaccount. We may reduce this charge to 0.60% for Policy years 11 – 15; 0.30% for Policy years 16 – 20; and 0.00% for Policy years 21+, but we do not guarantee that we will do so. We guarantee this charge to be no more than 0.90% annually for all Policy years.

If this charge, combined with other Policy fees and charges, does not cover our total actual costs for services rendered and expenses incurred, we absorb the loss. Conversely, if these fees and charges more than cover actual costs, the excess is added to our surplus. We expect to profit from these charges.


You may surrender your Policy for its cash surrender value at any time upon written request (in good order). If you exercise this option, the Policy and all attached riders will terminate.

If you surrender your Policy completely during the first 10 years (or during the 10-year period following an increase in specified amount), we deduct a surrender charge from your cash value and pay the remaining cash value (less any outstanding loan amount including accrued loan interest) to you. The surrender charge helps us recover distribution expenses that we incur in connection with the Policy, including sales commissions paid to selling firms and printing and advertising costs, as well as aggregate Policy expenses.

The surrender charge is a charge for each $1,000 of the initial specified amount of your Base Policy and of each increase in specified amount. The surrender charge that will apply on a full surrender of the Policy is the total of the surrender charge calculated for the initial specified amount and the surrender charges calculated for each increase in specified amount (including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium). The initial specified amount has a 10-year surrender charge period starting on the Policy date and surrender charges that are based upon the insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class on the Policy date. Each increase in specified amount has its own 10-year surrender charge period and surrender charges that are based upon the insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class at the time of the increase.

A surrender charge is not assessed when a specified amount decrease occurs but the full surrender charge remains in effect until surrender of the Policy.

The formula we use to compute the surrender charge reduces that charge at older ages in compliance with state laws. There is no surrender charge if you wait until the end of the 10th Policy year to surrender your Policy and you have not selected the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium, and you have not increased your specified amount within the past 10 Policy years.



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The surrender charge may be significant. You should evaluate this charge carefully before you consider a surrender. Under some circumstances, the level of surrender charges might result in no net surrender value available if you surrender your Policy in the early Policy years. This will depend on a number of factors, but is more likely if:



You pay premiums equal to or not much higher than the minimum monthly guarantee premium shown in your Policy; and/or


Investment performance is low.

In addition, surrender charges that apply for 10 years after any increase in specified amount will likely significantly reduce your net surrender value.


The surrender charge for each layer of specified amount is calculated as:      1.    The surrender charge per $1,000 of specified amount in the layer (varies by issue age, sex and underwriting class on the Policy date or date of specified amount increase); multiplied by
     2.    The number of thousands of specified amount in the layer; multiplied by
     3.    The surrender charge factor.

The surrender charge per thousand is calculated separately for the initial specified amount and for each increase in specified amount, using the rates found in Appendix A-1 (for Policies applied for on or after September 22, 2008) or Appendix A-2 (for Policies applied for before September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009).

The surrender charge factor is also determined separately for the initial specified amount and for each increase in specified amount in force (including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium). The surrender charge factor varies by the insured’s issue age (on the Policy date or date of specified amount increase) and number of years since the Policy date or date of specified amount increase, but if the Policy has lapsed and been reinstated the surrender charge is based on the amount of time that the Policy or increase in specified amount has been in force with no credit for periods of lapse. In no event are the surrender charge factors any greater than those shown in Appendixes A-1(A) and A-2(A).

Please see “Surrender Charge Factors” in Appendixes A-1(A) and A-2(A)


We currently allow you to make 12 transfers each Policy year free of charge. Except as listed below, the charge is $25 for each additional transfer. We deduct the transfer charge from the amount being transferred. We will not increase this charge.



For purposes of assessing the transfer charge, all transfers made in one day, regardless of the number of subaccounts affected by the transfer, will be considered a single transfer.



Transfers resulting from loans, the exercise of conversion rights, or the reallocation of cash value immediately after the reallocation date currently are not treated as transfers for the purpose of assessing this charge.



Transfers via the Internet are not treated as transfers for the purpose of assessing this charge.



Transfers among the subaccounts are not treated as transfers for the purpose of assessing this charge.



Transfers under dollar cost averaging and asset rebalancing currently are not treated as transfers for the purpose of assessing this charge.


We currently charge you an effective annual interest rate on a Policy loan of 2.75% (3.0% maximum guaranteed) on each Policy anniversary. We will also credit the amount in the loan reserve with an effective annual interest rate of 2.0%. After offsetting the 2.0% interest we credit, the net cost of loans currently is 0.75% annually (1.0% maximum guaranteed). After the 10th Policy year, we will apply preferred loan rates charged on an amount equal to the cash value; minus total premiums paid (less any cash withdrawals); and minus any outstanding loan amount including accrued loan interest. The current preferred loan effective annual interest rate charged is 2.00% and is guaranteed not to exceed 2.25%. After the insured’s attained age 111 (if your Policy was applied for on or after September 22, 2008) or attained age 100 (if your Policy was applied for before September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009), all loans, new and existing, are considered preferred loans.



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After the first Policy year, you may take one cash withdrawal per Policy year if your surrender value is sufficient to cover the amount of the withdrawal and the associated cash withdrawal charge. When you take a cash withdrawal, we charge a processing fee of $25 or 2% of the amount you withdraw, whichever is less. We deduct this amount from the withdrawal, and we pay you the balance. We will not increase this charge.


We currently do not make any deductions for taxes from the separate account. We may do so in the future to the extent that such taxes are imposed by federal or state agencies.


The following charges apply if you elect any of the riders available under your Policy as noted below (see “Other Benefits Under the Policy – Description of Supplemental Benefits (Riders).



Living Benefit Rider. We do not assess an administrative charge for this rider, however, if the rider is exercised, we reduce the single sum benefit by a discount factor to compensate us for income lost due to the early payment of the death benefit. The discount factor is based on the current yield on 90-day Treasury bills or the Policy loan interest rate, whichever is greater. For a complete description of the Living Benefit Rider, please refer to the section entitled “Living Benefit Rider (an Accelerated Death Benefit)” in this prospectus.


Primary Insured Rider Plus (“PIR Plus”). We assess a cost of insurance charge based on the insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, and Policy year, and the rider face amount. Charges generally will increase each year with the age of the insured. These charges will vary depending on whether the 1980 C.S.O. Mortality Tables or the 2001 C.S.O. Tables are applicable to your Policy, which depends upon the application and/or issue date of your Policy.


Other Insured Rider. We assess a cost of insurance charge based on each other insured’s issue age, sex and underwriting class, and Policy year, and the rider face amount. Charges generally will increase each year with the age of the insured. These charges will vary depending on whether the 1980 C.S.O. Tables or the 2001 C.S.O. Tables are applicable to your Policy, which depends upon the application and/or issue date of your Policy.


Children’s Insurance Rider. We assess a cost of insurance charge based on the rider face amount regardless of the number of children insured.


Accidental Death Benefit Rider. We assess a cost of insurance charge based on the primary insured’s attained age and rider specified amount. Charges generally will increase each year with the age of the insured.


Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider. We assess a rider charge based on the primary insured’s issue age, sex and net amount at risk for the Policy, as well as a charge based on those riders that would be eligible to have monthly deductions waived.


Disability Waiver of Premium Rider. The charge for this rider is based on the primary insured’s issue age, sex and the amount of monthly waiver of premium benefit that would be paid in the event of total disability, as defined in the rider.


Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium. Annual increases in specified amount generated by this rider will increase the cost of insurance charges and increase the amount and duration of the monthly per unit charges and surrender charges under the Policy. Each new layer of surrender charges and monthly per unit charges resulting from the scheduled annual increase in specified amount will be based on the amount of the increase, the insured’s issue age at the time of increase and Policy duration from the date of increase. Each new layer of cost of insurance is based on, among other factors, the insured’s issue age, and the duration of the Policy at the time of the increase.



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The value of each subaccount will reflect the fees and expenses paid and received by the corresponding portfolio company – including, but not limited to – operating expenses and any 12b-1 fees. Under certain circumstances, the board of directors of a government money market portfolio company would have the discretion to impose a liquidity fee on redemptions from the money market portfolio company and to implement a redemption gate that would temporarily suspend redemptions from the underlying fund. Accordingly, we reserve the right to implement, administer and charge you for any such fee or restriction that may be imposed by the government money market portfolio companies. This could possibly cause you to lose money on your underlying fund redemption.

Please see the portfolio company prospectuses for more detailed information about the portfolio companies.


We (and our affiliates) may directly or indirectly receive payments from the portfolio companies, their advisers, sub-advisers, distributors or affiliates in connection with certain administrative, marketing and other support services we (and our affiliates) provide and expenses we incur in selling our variable insurance products.

These arrangements are sometimes referred to as “revenue sharing” arrangements and are described further below. While only certain of the types of payments described below may be made in connection with your particular Policy, all such payments may nonetheless influence or impact actions we (and/or our affiliates) take, and recommendations we (and our affiliates) make, regarding each of the variable insurance products that we (and our affiliates) offer, including your Policy.

We (and/or our affiliates) may receive some or all of the following types of payments:

Rule 12b-1 Fees. We, and/or our affiliate, Transamerica Capital, Inc. (“TCI”), which is the principal underwriter for the Policies, indirectly receive 12b-1 fees from certain underlying fund portfolios available as investment choices under our variable insurance products. Any 12b-1 fees received by TCI that are attributable to our variable insurance products are then credited to us. These fees range from 0.00% to 0.25% of the average daily assets of the certain underlying fund portfolios attributable to the Policies and to certain other variable insurance products that we and our affiliates issue.

Administrative, Marketing and Support Service Fees (Support Fees). The investment adviser, sub-adviser, administrators, and/or distributors (or affiliates thereof) of the portfolio companies may make payments to us and/or our affiliates, including TCI. These payments may be derived, in whole or in part, from the profits the investment adviser or sub-adviser realizes on the advisory fee deducted from portfolio assets. policyowners, through their indirect investment in the portfolio companies, bear the costs of these advisory fees. (See the prospectuses for the underlying fund portfolios for more information.) The amount of the payments we (or our affiliates) receive is generally based on a percentage of the assets of the particular underlying fund portfolio companies attributable to the Policy and to certain other variable insurance products that our affiliates and we issue. These percentages differ and the amount of payments may be significant. Advisers or sub-advisers (or other affiliates) payments to us vary.

The chart below provides the maximum combined percentages of 12b-1 fees and Support Fees that we anticipate will be paid to us on an annual basis:


Incoming Payments to Transamerica and TCI
Mutual Fund Company   

Maximum Fee

% of assets*

   Mutual Fund company   

Maximum Fee

% of assets*

Transamerica Series Trust **    --    Fidelity Variable Insurance Products Funds    [0. 39%***]
ProFunds    [0.50%]    Franklin Templeton    [0.35%]
Alliance Bernstein    [0.25%]          

*Payments are based on a percentage of the average assets of each underlying fund portfolio owned by the subaccounts that are available under the Policy and under certain other variable insurance products offered by our affiliates and us. We, and/or TCI, may continue to receive 12b-1 fees and administrative fees on subaccounts that are closed to new investments, depending on the terms of the agreements supporting those payments and on the services provided.



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**Because the Transamerica Series Trust is managed by an affiliate, there are additional benefits to us and our affiliates for amounts you allocate to the Transamerica Series Trust portfolio companies, in terms of our and our affiliates’ overall profitability. During 20[    ] we received $[    ] in benefits from TAM.

***We receive this percentage once $100 million in fund shares are held by the subaccounts of Transamerica and its affiliates.

Other payments. We and our affiliates, including TCI and Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. (“TFA”) also directly or indirectly receive additional amounts or different percentages of assets under management from certain advisers and sub-advisers to the portfolio companies (or their affiliates) with regard to variable insurance products or mutual fund companies that are issued or managed by us and our affiliates. These payments may be derived in whole or in part, from the profits the investment adviser or sub-adviser receives from the advisory fee deducted from portfolio assets. policyowners, through their indirect investment in the portfolio companies, bear the costs of those advisory fees (see the prospectuses for the underlying fund portfolios for more information).

Certain advisers and sub-advisers of the underlying fund portfolios (or their affiliates) (1) may directly or indirectly pay TCI conference sponsorship(s) or marketing allowance payments that provide such advisers and sub-advisers with access to TCI’s wholesalers at TCI’s national and regional sales conferences as well as internal and external meetings and events that are attended by TCI’s wholesalers and/or other TCI employees; (2) may pay to TFA, directly or indirectly, varying amounts to obtain access to TFA’s wholesaling and selling representatives; (3) may provide us and/or certain affiliates and/or selling firms with occasional gifts, meals, tickets or other compensation as an incentive to market the Underlying fund portfolios and to assist with their promotional efforts; and (4) may reimburse our affiliated selling firms for exhibit booths and other items at national conferences of selling representatives. The amounts may be significant and these arrangements provide the adviser or sub-adviser (or other affiliates) with increased access to us and to our affiliates involved in the distribution of the Policy.

During 2021, in general, payments calculated as a percentage of sales ranged from 7 basis points (0.07 %) to 75 basis points (0.75%), payments calculated as a percentage of assets under management ranged from 2.5 basis points (0.025%) to 16 basis points (0.16%), and flat annual fees ranged from $5,000.00 to $500,000.00, which included at times payments for a series of meetings and/or events of other broker-dealers and banks.

As of December 31, 20[    ], , TCI had revenue sharing agreements with more than [    ] brokers and other financial intermediaries including, without limitation: [ Advisor Group, Inc.; Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.; AXA Advisors LLC; BBVA Securities, Inc.; Bruderman Brothers; Cadaret, Grant & Co.; Cambridge Investment Research; Centaurus Financial, Inc.; Cetera Financial Group, Inc.; CFD Investments, Inc.; Charles Schwab; Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.; Citizens Securities Inc.; CUSO Financial; D.A. Davidson & Co., Inc.; Edward Jones; Equitable Network, LLC; Equity Services, Inc.; Financial Data Services, Inc.; FSC Securities Corporation; Geneos Wealth Management; GWFS Equities Inc.; GW Sherwold Associates, Inc.; Hantz Financial Services, Inc.; HD Investment Services; Huntington Investment Company; Investacorp, Inc.; Infinex Investments, Inc.; James T. Borello & Co.; Janney Montgomery Scott; Kestra Investment Services; KMS Financial Services Inc.; J.P. Morgan Securities LLC; LPL Financial Corp.; Logan Group Securities; Merrill Lynch; Morgan Stanley Smith Barney; M&T Securities Inc.; MML Investors Services; Mutual of Omaha Investor Services Inc.; National Financial Services, Inc.; Next Financial; Oppenheimer & Co.; Park Avenue Securities; Parkland Securities, LLC; Pershing LLC; Pursche Kaplan Sterling Financial; Raymond James and Associates, Inc.; Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.; RBC Wealth Management; Royal Alliance Associates, Inc.; Sagepoint Financial Inc.; Securian Financial Services; Securities America, Inc.; Securities Service Network, Inc.; Sigma Financial Corporation; Stifel Nicolaus & Company Inc.; Suntrust Investment Services, Inc.; TD Ameritrade; Triad Advisors, Inc.; Trinity Wealth; UBS Financial Services, Inc.; United Planners Financial Services of America; US Bancorp Investments, Inc.; Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.; Waddell Reed; Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC; Wentworth Financial Partners; and Woodbury Financial Services. ],For the calendar year ended December 31, 20[    ], TCI paid approximately $34.4 million to these brokers and other financial intermediaries in connection with revenue sharing arrangements. TCI expects to have revenue sharing arrangements with a number of brokers and other financial intermediaries in 20[    ], , including some or all of the foregoing brokers and financial intermediaries, among others, on terms similar to those discussed above.

For the calendar year ended December 31, 20[ ], TCI and its affiliates received revenue sharing payments that totaled approximately $[    ]. The firms that paid revenue to participate in TCI sponsored events included but were not limited to the following: [Aegon Asset Management; Alliance Bernstein; Allianz Global Investors; American Century Investments; Amundi Pioneer Asset Management; Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC; BlackRock Investment Management, LLC; BNY Mellon; Capital Group; Charles Schwab Investment Management; Columbia Threadneedle Investments; Dimensional Fund Advisers; Fidelity Investments; Franklin Templeton Investments; Goldman Sachs Asset Management; Hartford Funds; Ivy Investments; J.P. Morgan Asset Management; Janus Henderson Investors; John Hancock



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Investments; Legg Mason Global Asset Management; Milliman Financial Risk Management LLC; MFS Investment Management; Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.; Neuberger Berman; New York Life/MainStay Investments; PGIM Investments; Pacific Investment Management Company; PineBridge Investments; Principal Global Investors; Putnam Investments; QMA; Rockefeller Capital Management; Systematic Financial Management; T. Rowe Price; Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley LLC; The Vanguard Group; Virtus Investment Partners; Wellington Management Company LLP; and Allspring Global Investments Holdings, LLC.

Please Note: Some of the aforementioned advisers and/or sub-advisers may not be associated with underlying fund portfolio currently available in this product.

Proceeds from certain of these payments by the mutual fund companies, the advisers, the sub-advisers and/or their affiliates may be profit to us, and may be used for any corporate purpose, including payment of expenses (i) that we and our affiliates incur in promoting, issuing, marketing and administering the Policies; and (ii) that we incur, in our role as intermediary, in promoting and marketing the fund portfolio companies.


The Policies are offered to the public through broker-dealers (“selling firms”) that are licensed under the federal securities laws; the selling firm and/or its affiliates is/are also licensed under state insurance laws. The selling firms have entered into written selling agreements with us and with TCI as principal underwriter for the Policies. We pay commissions through TCI to the selling firms for their sales of the Policies.

A limited number of affiliated and unaffiliated broker-dealers, including Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. (“TFA”), may also be paid commissions and overrides to “wholesale” the Policies, that is, to provide sales support and training to sales representatives at selling firms. We may also provide compensation to a limited number of broker-dealers for providing ongoing service in relation to Policies that have already been purchased.

The selling firms are paid commissions for the promotion and sale of the Policies according to one or more schedules. The amount and timing of commissions may vary depending on the selling agreement. The sales commission paid to broker-dealers during 2021 was, on average, 3% of all premiums made during Policy years 2 – 10. We will pay an additional trail commission of up to 0.30% of the Policy’s subaccount value (excluding the fixed account) on the Policy anniversary if the cash value (minus amounts attributable to loans) equals at least $5,000. Additional sales commissions may also be payable on premiums paid as a result of an increase in specified amount. Some selling firms may be required to return first year commissions (less surrender charge) if the Policy is not continued through the first two Policy years.

To the extent permitted by rules of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”), Transamerica , TFA, and other affiliated parties may pay (or allow other broker-dealers to provide) promotional incentives or payments in the form of cash or non-cash compensation or reimbursement to some, but not all, selling firms and their sales representatives. These arrangements are described further below.

The sales representative who sells you the Policy typically receives a portion of the compensation we (and our affiliates) pay to his or her selling firm, depending on the agreement between the selling firm and its sales representative and the firm’s internal compensation program. These programs may include other types of cash and non-cash compensation and other benefits. Ask your sales representative for further information about the compensation your sales representative and the selling firm that employs your sales representative, may receive in connection with your purchase of a Policy. Also inquire about any compensation arrangements that we and our affiliates may have with the selling firm, including the conflicts of interests that such arrangements may create.

You should be aware that a selling firm or its sales representatives may receive different compensation or incentives for selling one product over another. In some cases, these differences may create an incentive for the selling firm or its sales representatives to recommend or sell this Policy to you. You may wish to take such incentives into account when considering and evaluating any recommendation relating to the Policies.

Special Compensation for Affiliated Wholesaling and Selling Firms. Our parent company provides paid-in capital to TCI and pays the cost of TCI’s operating and other expenses, including costs for facilities, legal and accounting services, and other internal administrative functions.

Transamerica’s main distribution channel is TFA, an affiliate, which sells Transamerica products. Transamerica covers the cost of TFA’s various facilities, third-party services and internal administrative functions, including employee salaries, sales representative training and employee benefits that are provided directly to TFA. These facilities and services



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are necessary for TFA’s administration and operation, and Transamerica is compensated by TFA for these expenses based on TFA’s usage. In addition, Transamerica and other affiliates pay for certain sales expenses of TFA, including the costs of preparing and producing prospectuses and sales promotional materials for the Policy.

Sales representatives and their supervisors at certain affiliated firms may receive, directly or indirectly, additional cash benefits and non-cash compensation or reimbursements from us or our affiliates. Additional compensation or reimbursement arrangements may include payments in connection with the firm’s conferences or seminars, sales or training programs for invited selling representatives and other employees, seminars for the public, trips (such as travel, lodging and meals in connection therewith), entertainment, merchandise and other similar items, and payments, loans or loan guaranties to assist a firm or representative in connection with systems, operating, marketing, and other business expenses. The amounts may be significant and may provide us with increased access to the sales representatives.

In addition, supervisors and/or sales representatives of those affiliated firms who meet certain productivity standards may be eligible for additional compensation. Sales of the Policies by affiliated selling firms may help sales representatives and/or their managers qualify for certain cash or non-cash benefits, and may provide such persons with special incentive to sell our Policies. For example, certain sales representatives, general agents, marketing directors and supervisors may be eligible to participate in a voluntary stock purchase plan that permits participants to purchase stock of Aegon N.V. (Transamerica’s ultimate parent) by allocating a portion of the commissions they earn to purchase such shares. A portion of the contributions of commissions by the representatives may be matched by the firm. Certain sales representatives may also be eligible to participate in a stock option and award plan. Registered representatives who meet certain production goals will be issued options on the stock of Aegon N.V.

Additional Compensation that We Pay to Selected Selling Firms. We may pay certain selling firms additional cash amounts in order to receive enhanced marketing services and increased access to their sales representatives. In exchange for providing us with access to their distribution network, such selling firms may receive additional compensation or reimbursement for, among other things, the hiring and training of sales personnel, marketing, sponsoring of conferences and seminars, and/or other services they provide to us and our affiliates. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we and other parties may allow other non-cash incentives and compensation to be paid to these selling firms.

These special compensation arrangements are not offered to all selling firms and the terms of such arrangements are not the same for all selling firms and may be based on past sales of the Policies or other criteria. Overrides were offered for certain products as incentives to our affiliate, TFA, in 2021.

No specific charge is assessed directly to policyowners or the separate account to cover commissions and other incentives or payments described above. We do intend to recoup commissions and other sales expenses and incentives we pay, however, through fees and charges deducted under the Policy and other corporate revenue.



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You or your authorized representative of record may make transfers among the subaccounts or among the subaccounts and the fixed account. You will be bound by any transfers made by your authorized representative. We determine the amount you have available for transfers at the end of the valuation period when we receive your transfer request. We may, at any time, discontinue transfer privileges, modify our procedures, or limit the number of transfers we permit.

The following features apply to transfers under the Policy:



Your Policy may be limited to a cumulative transfer from the fixed account each Policy year of the greater of 25% of the amount in the fixed account, or the amount transferred out of the fixed account the previous Policy year. However, the transfer may not be greater than the unloaned portion of the fixed account on that date. See “Fixed Account Transfers.”


Currently we do not, but reserve the right to, limit the amount of and the number of transfers out of the fixed account to one per Policy year. If we modify or stop our current practices, we will notify you at the time of your transfer.


Unless otherwise required by state law, we may restrict transfers to the fixed account, if the fixed account value, excluding amounts in the loan reserve account, following the transfer would exceed $250,000. This restriction does not apply to any transfer to the fixed account necessary in the exercise of conversion rights.


You may request transfers in writing (in a form we accept) to our mailing address, by fax or by telephone to our administrative office, or electronically through our website (tlic.transamerica.com). Please Note: Certain subaccounts have similar names. It is important that you state or write the full name of the subaccount when making a transfer request to ensure that any transfer request that you submit is in good order.


There is no minimum amount that must be transferred.


There is no minimum amount that must remain in a subaccount after a transfer.


Except as listed below, we may deduct a $25 charge from the amount transferred for each transfer in excess of 12 transfers in a Policy year:


We consider all transfers made in any one day to be a single transfer.


Transfers resulting from loans or the exercise of conversion rights, or due to reallocation of cash value immediately after the reallocation date are currently not treated as transfers for the purpose of assessing the transfer charge.


Transfers via the Internet are not treated as transfers for the purpose of assessing the transfer charge.


Transfers among the ProFunds Trust subaccounts are not treated as transfers for the purpose of assessing the transfer charge.


Transfers under asset rebalancing and dollar cost averaging currently are not treated as transfers for purpose of assessing the transfer charge.



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We will process any transfer order that is received, in good order, in writing at our mailing address, or by fax or by telephone at our administrative office, before the NYSE closes (usually 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) using the subaccount unit value determined at the end of that session of the NYSE. If we receive the transfer order after the NYSE closes, or on a day that the NYSE is closed for trading, we will process the order using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of the next regular business session of the NYSE. (If you send your request by fax, be sure to use the correct fax number. Please see “Telephone, Fax and Online Privileges.”)


The market timing policy and the related procedures (discussed below) do not apply to the ProFunds subaccounts because the corresponding portfolio companies are specifically designed to accommodate frequent transfer activity. Frequent transfers may increase portfolio turnover. A high level of portfolio turnover may negatively impact performance by increasing transaction costs. In addition, large movements of assets into and out of a ProFunds or Access Trust portfolio may negatively affect a portfolio’s ability to achieve its investment objective or maintain a consistent level of operating expenses. If you invest in the ProFunds subaccounts, you should be aware that you may bear the costs and increased risks of frequent transfers discussed below and they may have a greater risk than other portfolio companies of suffering the harmful effects of market timing and disruptive trading.

Statement of Policy. This variable insurance Policy was not designed to accommodate market timing or facilitate frequent or large trading through transfers among the subaccounts or between the subaccounts and the fixed account by market timers or frequent or disruptive traders. (Both frequent and large transfers may be considered disruptive.)

Market timing and disruptive trading can adversely affect you, other policyowners, beneficiaries and underlying fund portfolio. The adverse effects include:



Dilution of the interests of long-term investors in a subaccount if purchases or transfers into or out of an underlying fund portfolio are made at prices that do not reflect an accurate value for the underlying fund portfolio’s investments (some market timers attempt to do this through methods known as “time-zone arbitrage” and “liquidity arbitrage”);


An adverse effect on portfolio management, such as (a) impeding a portfolio manager’s ability to sustain an investment objective; (b) causing the underlying fund portfolio to maintain a higher level of cash than would otherwise be the case; or (c) causing an underlying fund portfolio to liquidate investments prematurely (or otherwise at an inopportune time) in order to pay withdrawals or transfers out of the underlying fund portfolio; and


Increased brokerage and administrative expenses.

These risks and costs are borne by all policyowners invested in those subaccounts, not just those making the transfers.

We have developed policies and procedures with respect to market timing and disruptive trading (which vary for certain subaccounts at the request of the corresponding underlying fund portfolio) and we do not make special arrangements or grant exceptions to accommodate market timing or potentially disruptive trading. As discussed herein, we cannot detect or deter all market timing or potentially disruptive trading. Do not invest with us if you intend to conduct market timing or potentially disruptive trading or have concerns about our inability to detect or prevent any such trading.

Detection. We employ various means in an attempt to detect and deter market timing and disruptive trading. However, despite our monitoring we may not be able to detect nor halt all harmful trading. In addition, because other insurance companies (and retirement plans) with different policies and procedures may invest in the underlying fund portfolio, we cannot guarantee that all harmful trading will be detected or that an underlying fund portfolio will not suffer harm from market timing and disruptive trading among subaccounts of variable products issued by these other insurance companies or retirement plans.

Deterrence. If we determine that you or anyone acting on your behalf is engaged in market timing or disruptive trading, we may take one or more actions in an attempt to halt such trading. Your ability to make transfers is subject to modification or restriction if we determine, in our sole opinion, that your exercise of the transfer privilege may disadvantage



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or potentially harm the rights or interests of other policyowners (or others having an interest in the variable insurance products). As described below, restrictions may take various forms, but under our current policies and procedures will include loss of expedited transfer privileges. We consider transfers by telephone, fax, overnight mail, or the Internet to be “expedited” transfers. This means that we would accept only written transfer requests with an original signature sent to us only by U.S. mail. We may also restrict the transfer privileges of others acting on your behalf, including your registered representative or an asset allocation or investment advisory service.

We reserve the right to reject any premium payment or transfer request from any person without prior notice, if, in our judgment, (1) the premium payment or transfer, or series of premium payments or transfers, would have a negative impact on an underlying fund portfolio’s operations, or (2) if an underlying fund portfolio would reject or has rejected our purchase order or has instructed us not to allow that purchase or transfer, or (3) because of a history of market timing or disruptive trading.

We may impose other restrictions on transfers, or even prohibit transfers for any policyowner who, in our view, has abused, or appears likely to abuse, the transfer privilege on a case-by-case basis. We may, at any time and without prior notice, discontinue transfer privileges, modify our procedures, impose holding period requirements or limit the number, size, frequency, manner, or timing of transfers we permit. We also reserve the right to reverse a potentially harmful transfer if an underlying fund portfolio refuses or reverses our order; in such instances some policyowners may be treated differently than others in that some transfers may be reversed and others allowed. For all of these purposes, we may aggregate two or more trades or variable insurance products that we believe are connected by policyowners or persons engaged in trading on behalf of policyowners.

In addition, transfers for multiple policies invested in the Transamerica Series Trust portfolios which are submitted together may be disruptive at certain levels. At the present time, such aggregated transactions likely will not cause disruption if less than one million dollars total is being transferred with respect to any one underlying fund portfolio (a smaller amount may apply to smaller portfolio companies). Please note that transfers of less than one million dollars may be disruptive in some circumstances; we may change the maximum dollar amount of permitted transfers quickly and without notice.

Please Note: If you engage a third party investment adviser for asset allocation services, then you may be subject to these transfer restrictions because of the actions of your investment adviser in providing these services.

In addition to our internal policies and procedures, we will administer your variable life policy to comply with any applicable state, federal, and other regulatory requirements concerning transfers. We reserve the right to implement, administer, and charge you for any fee or restriction, including redemption fees, imposed by any underlying fund portfolio. To the extent permitted by law, we also reserve the right to defer the transfer privilege at any time that we are unable to purchase or redeem shares of any of the underlying fund portfolio.

Under our current policies and procedures, we do not:


impose redemption fees on transfers; or


expressly limit the number or size of transfers in a given period except for certain subaccounts where an underlying fund portfolio has advised us to prohibit certain transfers that exceed a certain size; or


provide a certain number of allowable transfers in a given period.

Redemption fees, transfer limits, and other procedures or restrictions imposed by the underlying fund portfolios or our competitors may be more or less successful than ours in deterring market timing or other disruptive trading and in preventing or limiting harm from such trading.

We do not impose any prophylactic transfer restrictions. In the absence of any such restrictions (e.g., expressly limiting the number of trades within a given period or limiting trades by their size), it is possible that some level of market timing and disruptive trading will occur before it is detected and we take steps to deter it.

Please note that the limits and restrictions described herein are subject to our ability to monitor transfer activity. Our ability to detect market timing or disruptive trading may be limited by operational and technological systems, as well as by our ability to predict strategies employed by policyowners (or those acting on their behalf ) to avoid detection. As a result, despite our efforts to prevent harmful trading activity among the variable investment options available under this variable



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insurance product, there is no assurance that we will be able to detect or deter market timing or disruptive trading by such policyowners or intermediaries acting on their behalf. Moreover, our ability to discourage and restrict market timing or disruptive trading may be limited by decisions of state regulatory bodies and court orders that we cannot predict.

Furthermore, we may revise our policies and procedures in our sole discretion at any time and without prior notice, as we deem necessary or appropriate (1) to better detect and deter harmful trading that may adversely affect other policyowners, other persons with material rights under the variable insurance products, or underlying fund shareholders generally, (2) to comply with state or federal regulatory requirements, or (3) to impose additional or alternative restrictions on policyowners engaging in market timing or disruptive trading among the investment options under the variable insurance product. In addition, we may not honor transfer requests if any variable investment option that would be affected by the transfer is unable to purchase or redeem shares of its corresponding underlying fund portfolio.

Underlying Fund Portfolio Frequent Trading Policies. The underlying fund portfolios may have adopted their own policies and procedures with respect to frequent purchases and redemptions of their respective shares. Underlying fund portfolios may, for example, assess a redemption fee (which we reserve the right to collect) on shares held for less than a certain period of time. The prospectuses for the underlying fund portfolio describe any such policies and procedures. The frequent trading policies and procedures of an underlying fund portfolio may be different, and more or less restrictive, than the frequent trading policies and procedures of other underlying fund portfolio and the policies and procedures we have adopted for our variable insurance products to discourage market timing and disruptive trading. policyowners should be aware that we do not monitor transfer requests from policyowners or persons acting on behalf of policyowners for compliance with, nor do we apply, the frequent trading policies and procedures of the respective underlying fund portfolios that would be affected by the transfers.

Policyowners should be aware that we are required to provide to an underlying fund portfolio or its payee, promptly upon request, certain information about the trading activity of individual policyowners, and to restrict or prohibit further purchases or transfers by specific policyowners or persons acting on their behalf, if identified by an underlying fund portfolio as violating the frequent trading policies established for the underlying fund portfolio. Please read the underlying fund’s prospectus for information about restrictions on transfers.

Omnibus Orders. Policyowners and other persons with material rights under the variable insurance products also should be aware that the purchase and redemption orders received by the underlying fund portfolios generally are “omnibus” orders from intermediaries such as retirement plans and separate accounts funding variable insurance products. The omnibus orders reflect the aggregation and netting of multiple orders from individual retirement plan participants and individual policyowners of variable insurance products. The omnibus nature of these orders may limit the underlying fund portfolio companies’ ability to apply their respective frequent trading policies and procedures.

We cannot guarantee that the underlying fund portfolios will not be harmed by transfer activity relating to the retirement plans or other insurance companies that may invest in the underlying fund portfolio. These other insurance companies are responsible for their own policies and procedures regarding frequent transfer activity. If their policies and procedures fail to successfully discourage harmful transfer activity, it may affect other policyowners of underlying fund portfolio shares, as well as the policyowners of all of the variable annuity contracts or life insurance policies, including ours, whose variable investment options correspond to the affected underlying fund portfolios. In addition, if an underlying fund portfolio believes that an omnibus order we submit may reflect one or more transfer requests from policyowners engaged in market timing or disruptive trading, the underlying fund portfolio may reject the entire omnibus order and thereby delay or prevent us from implementing your request.


Telephone transfer privileges will automatically apply to your Policy unless you provide other instructions. The telephone transfer privileges will allow you to give authority to the registered representative or agent of record for your Policy to make telephone transfers and to change the allocation of future payments among the subaccounts and the fixed account on your behalf according to your instructions. To make a telephone transfer, you may call us at our administrative office at 1-800-851-9777, Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or fax your instructions to our subaccount transfer fax number – 1-727-299-1648 (for all other fax requests, please use 1- 727-299-1620). You also may request transfers electronically through our website, tlic.transamerica.com. Please Note: Certain subaccounts



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have similar names. When providing your allocation instructions, please state or write the full name of the subaccount that you select for your allocation to ensure that those instructions are in good order.

Please note the following regarding telephone, Internet or fax transfers:



We will employ reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions are genuine.


If we follow these procedures, we are not liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense from complying with instructions we reasonably believe to be authentic. You bear the risk of any such loss.


If we do not employ reasonable confirmation procedures, we may be liable for losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions.


Such procedures may include requiring forms of personal identification prior to acting upon telephone instructions, providing written confirmation of transactions to owners, and/or tape recording telephone instructions received from owners.


We may also require that you send us the telephone, Internet or fax transfer order in writing.


If you do not want the ability to make telephone or Internet transfers, you should notify us in writing at our mailing address or through our fax number (1-727-299-1620).


We will not be responsible for same day processing of transfers if the transfer order is faxed to a number other than 1-727-299-1648 or 1-727-299-1620.


We will not be responsible for any transmittal problems when you fax us your order unless you report it to us within five business days and send us proof of your fax transmittal. We may discontinue this option at any time.

We cannot guarantee that telephone and electronic transactions will always be available. For example, our offices may be closed during severe weather emergencies or there may be interruptions in telephone or fax service beyond our control. If the volume of calls is unusually high, we might not have someone immediately available to receive your order at our administrative office. Although we have taken precautions to help our systems handle heavy use, we cannot promise complete reliability under all circumstances.

Similarly, online transactions processed via the Internet may not always be possible. Telephone and computer systems, whether yours, your Internet service provider’s, your registered representative’s or Transamerica’s , can experience outages or slowdowns for a variety of reasons. These outages or slowdowns may prevent or delay our receipt of your request. If you are experiencing problems, you should make your request or inquiry in writing.

You should protect your user ID and password because self-service options will be available to your authorized representative and to anyone who provides your identifying information. We will not be able to verify that the person providing instructions online is you or someone authorized by you.

Note: Your requests that are received before the NYSE closes are priced using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of that regular business session of the NYSE (usually 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time). If we receive a request after the NYSE closes, or on a day the NYSE is closed for trading, we will process the withdrawal request using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of the next regular business session of the NYSE. Please Note: All requests must be submitted in good order to avoid a delay in processing your request.


Currently, we do not, but reserve the right to, limit the number of transfers out of the fixed account to one per Policy year. If we change this, we will notify you at the time of your transfer.

We also reserve the right to limit the maximum amount you may transfer from the fixed account each Policy year to the greater of 25% of the amount in the fixed account or the amount you transferred from the fixed account in the immediately preceding Policy year.

These restrictions do not apply to dollar cost averaging transactions. However, the transfer may not be greater than the unloaned portion of the fixed account on the valuation date on which we receive the transfer request.

We will make the transfer at the end of the valuation date on which we receive the request, in good order, at our administrative office (for telephonic and facsimile transactions), at our mailing address (for written correspondence), or



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electronically through our website. We reserve the right to require that you make the transfer request in writing and that we receive the written transfer request no later than 30 days after a Policy anniversary. Unless otherwise required by state law, we may restrict transfers to the fixed account, if, following the transfer, the fixed account value, excluding amounts in the loan reserve, following the transfer would exceed $250,000. Note: These restrictions may prolong the period of time it takes to transfer your total cash value in the fixed account to the subaccounts and, therefore, you should carefully consider whether investment in the fixed account meets your needs and investment criteria. This restriction does not apply to any transfer to the fixed account necessary in the exercise of conversion rights.

Except when used to pay premiums, we may also defer payment of any amounts from the fixed account for no longer than six months after we receive such written notice.


If, within 24 months of your Policy date, you transfer all of your subaccount values to the fixed account, then we will not charge you a transfer fee, even if applicable. You must make your request in writing, in good order, to our mailing address.

In the event of a material change in the investment policy of any portfolio, you may transfer all subaccount value in that portfolio to the fixed account without a transfer charge. We must receive your request to transfer the subaccount value to the fixed account in good order within 60 days after the effective date of the change of investment policy or the date you receive notification of such change, whichever is later.


Dollar cost averaging is a strategy designed to reduce the average purchase price per unit. The strategy spreads the allocation of your premium to the subaccounts over a period of time. This potentially allows you to reduce the risk of allocating most of your premium to the subaccounts at a time when prices are high. The success of this strategy is not assured and depends on market trends. You should carefully consider your financial ability to continue the program over a long enough period of time to purchase units when their value is low as well as when it is high. We make no guarantee that dollar cost averaging will result in a profit or protect you against loss.

Under dollar cost averaging, we automatically transfer a set dollar amount from the Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP subaccount, the Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP subaccount, or the fixed account to a subaccount that you choose. We will make the transfers monthly as of the end of the valuation date after the first Monthiversary after the reallocation date. We will make the first transfer in the month after we receive your request, in good order, at our mailing address or by facsimile at our administrative office provided that we receive the form by the 25th day of the month. (Note: As stated on the dollar cost averaging form, the date that you select cannot be the 29th, 30th or 31st of any month.)


To start dollar cost averaging:

      You must submit to us, in good order, in writing to our mailing address (or by facsimile to our administrative office) a completed form signed by the owner requesting dollar cost averaging.
      You may be required to have at least $5,000 in each subaccount or the fixed account from which we will make transfers.
      Your total transfers each month under dollar cost averaging may be limited to a minimum of $100.
      Each month, you may not transfer more than one-tenth of the amount that was in your fixed account at the beginning of dollar cost averaging.

You may request dollar cost averaging at any time. There is no charge for dollar cost averaging.


Dollar cost averaging will terminate if any of the following occur:       We receive, in good order, at our mailing address (or by facsimile or telephone at our administrative office) a request to discontinue participation from you or your authorized representative.
      The value in the accounts from which we make the transfers is depleted.
      You elect to participate in the asset rebalancing program.



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     You elect to participate in any asset allocation services provided by a third party.

If you terminate your participation in the dollar cost averaging program and later decide that you would like to participate again, you must submit (in good order) a new dollar cost averaging form. We may modify, suspend, or discontinue dollar cost averaging at any time.


We also offer an asset rebalancing program under which you may transfer amounts periodically to maintain a particular allocation percentage among the subaccounts you have selected. Cash value allocated to each subaccount will grow or decline in value at different rates. The asset rebalancing program automatically reallocates the cash value in the subaccounts at the end of each period to match your Policy’s currently effective premium allocation schedule. Cash value in the fixed account is not available for this program and this program is not available in conjunction with the dollar cost averaging program. We make no guarantee that participating in this program will result in a profit or protect you against loss.

You may elect asset rebalancing to occur on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. Once we receive the asset rebalancing request form, in good order, at our mailing address (or by facsimile at our administrative office), we will change your premium allocations to match your asset rebalancing instructions, and we will implement the asset rebalancing program on the date you indicated. If you do not indicate a specific date, then we will use the date that we receive your request form. We will credit the amounts transferred at the unit value next determined on the dates the transfers are made. If a day on which rebalancing would ordinarily occur falls on a day on which the NYSE is closed, rebalancing will occur on the next day that the NYSE is open.


To start asset rebalancing:


   You must submit to us, in good order, in writing to our mailing address (or by facsimile to our administrative office), a completed asset rebalancing request form signed by the owner.
      You may be required to have a minimum cash value of $5,000 or make a $5,000 initial premium payment.

There is no charge for the asset rebalancing program. (We reserve the right to count such allocations as part of your free transfers in the future.)


Asset rebalancing will cease if:

      You elect to participate in the dollar cost averaging program.
      We receive, in good order, at our mailing address (or by facsimile or telephone at our administrative office), a request to discontinue participation from you or your authorized representative.
      You make any transfer to or from any subaccount other than under a scheduled rebalancing.
      You elect to participate in any asset allocation services provided by a third party.

You may start and stop participation in the asset rebalancing program at any time, but we restrict your right to re-enter the program to once each Policy year. If you wish to resume the asset rebalancing program, you must complete a new request form. We may modify, suspend, or discontinue the asset rebalancing program at any time.


We do not offer any asset allocation programs, or any allocation models for use with your life insurance policy. You may authorize and engage your own investment advisor to manage your account. These investment advisors may be firms or persons who also are appointed by us, or whose affiliated broker-dealers are appointed by us, as authorized sellers of the Policies. Even if this is the case, however, please note that the investment advisor you engage to provide advice and/or make transfers for you is not acting on our behalf, but rather is acting on your behalf. We do not offer advice about how to allocate your cash value under any circumstance. We are not responsible for any recommendations such investment advisors make, any investment models or asset allocation programs they choose to follow, or any specific transfers they make on your behalf.



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Any fee that is charged by your investment advisor is in addition to the fees and expenses that apply under your Policy. We are not a party to the agreement you have with your investment advisor. You will, however, receive confirmations of transactions that affect your Policy.




If you make withdrawals of cash value to pay advisory fees, then taxes may apply to any such withdrawals.



Your advisory fees are calculated as a percentage of your subaccount value. We will deduct the fees pro-rata from the subaccounts, unless directed to deduct the fees from the Fixed Account.



Transamerica’s authorization will remain in effect until revoked by you with a written notice received at the Administrative Office of Transamerica Life Insurance Company.



The policyowner and the Advisor agree that the Policy shall be solely responsible for the payment of the fee and that neither the policyowner nor Transamerica Life Insurance Company shall have any liability whatsoever for payment of the fee. The fee will be deducted from the assets of the Policy and forwarded by Transamerica Life Insurance Company to the Advisor as instructed.



Given the significant effect such deductions could have on Policy benefits, policyowners are encouraged to discuss with their financial professionals the impact of deducting Advisory Fees from their Policy Value prior to making any election.

If your investment advisor has also acted as your insurance agent with respect to the sale of your Policy, he or she may be receiving compensation for services provided both as an insurance agent and investment advisor. Alternatively, the investment advisor may compensate the registered representative from whom you purchased your Policy for the referral that led you to enter into your investment advisory relationship with the investment advisor. If you are interested in the details about the compensation that your investment advisor and/or your registered representative receive in connection with your Policy, you should ask them for more details.

We, or an affiliate of ours, will process the financial transactions placed by your authorized registered representative or investment advisor. We reserve the right to discontinue doing so at any time and for any reason. We may require insurance agents or investment advisors, who are authorized by multiple policyowners to make financial transactions, to enter into an administrative agreement with Transamerica as a condition of our accepting transactions on your behalf. The administrative agreement may impose limitations on the registered representative/ agent’s or investment advisor’s ability to request financial transactions on your behalf. These limitations, which are discussed in the section above entitled “Transfers – Disruptive Trading and Market Timing,” are intended (i) to minimize the detrimental impact of an investment professional who is in a position to transfer large amounts of money for multiple clients in a particular portfolio or type of portfolio; or (ii) to comply with specific restrictions or limitations imposed by a portfolio of Transamerica .




Limitations that we may impose on your authorized registered representative or investment advisor under the terms of the administrative agreement do not apply to financial transactions requested by owners on their own behalf, except as otherwise described in this prospectus. Any third party asset allocation service may be terminated at any time by the owner or by the third party service by sending written instructions to our mailing address.



The practices and procedures described above do not apply to any asset allocation portfolio companies that are available as investment options under the Policy.





Is determined on the Policy date and on each valuation date.



Equals the sum of all amounts invested in each subaccount and the fixed account, including any amounts held in the loan reserve account (part of the fixed account) to secure any outstanding Policy loan.



Serves as the starting point for calculating values under a Policy.



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Varies from day to day, depending on the investment experience of the subaccounts you choose, the interest credited to the fixed account, the charges deducted and any other Policy transactions (such as additional premium payments, transfers, withdrawals and Policy loans).


Has no guaranteed minimum amount and may be more or less than premiums paid.


The net surrender value is the amount we pay when you surrender your Policy while it is in force. We determine the net surrender value at the end of the valuation period when we receive your written surrender request, in good order, at our mailing address. You may also fax your requests to 1-727-299-1620.


Net surrender value on any valuation date equals:

      The cash value as of such date; minus
      Any surrender charge as of such date; minus
      Any outstanding Policy loan amount including any accrued Policy loan interest.


The cash value in a subaccount is referred to as “subaccount value.” At the end of any valuation period, subaccount value is equal to the number of units that the Policy has in the subaccount, multiplied by the unit value of that subaccount. (Note: Subaccount transactions are converted to units for accounting purposes.)


The number of units in any subaccount on any valuation date equals:       The initial units purchased at unit value on the Policy date, or reallocation date, if different; plus
      Units purchased with additional net premium(s); plus
      Units purchased due to a loan repayment; plus
      Units purchased through transfers from another subaccount or the fixed account; minus
      Units redeemed to pay for monthly deductions; minus
      Units redeemed to pay for cash withdrawals; minus
      Units redeemed as part of a transfer to another subaccount, or the fixed account (including the loan reserve account); minus
      Units redeemed to pay cash withdrawal and transfer charges; minus
      Units redeemed due to any refund of premiums allocated to that subaccount.

Every time you allocate, transfer or withdraw money to or from a subaccount, we convert that dollar amount into units. We determine the number of units we credit to, or subtract from, your Policy by dividing the dollar amount of the allocation, transfer or cash withdrawal by the unit value for that subaccount next determined at the end of the valuation period on which the premium allocation, transfer request, or cash withdrawal request is received: (i) at our mailing address (for written requests or payments by check); (ii) at our administrative office (for requests by fax or by telephone, or for payments made through electronic credit and debit transactions); or (iii) electronically through our website.

Subaccount Unit Value

The value (or price) of each subaccount unit will reflect the investment performance of the portfolio in which the subaccount invests. Unit values will vary among subaccounts. The unit value at the inception of each class of units of each subaccount was originally established at $10 per unit. The unit value may increase or decrease from one valuation period to the next.


The unit value of any subaccount at the end of a valuation period is calculated as:       The total value of the portfolio shares held in the subaccount, including the value of any dividends or capital gains distribution declared and reinvested by the portfolio during the valuation period. This value is determined by multiplying the number of portfolio shares owned by the subaccount by the portfolio’s net



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      asset value per share determined at the end of the valuation period; minus
      Any surrender charge as of such date; minus
      A charge equal to the daily net assets of the subaccount multiplied by the daily equivalent of the mortality and expense risk charge; minus
      The accrued amount of reserve for any taxes or other economic burden resulting from applying tax laws that we determine to be properly attributable to the subaccount; and the result divided by
      The number of outstanding units in the subaccount before the purchase or redemption of any units on that date.

The portfolio in which any subaccount invests will determine its net asset value per share once daily, as of the close of the regular business session of the NYSE (usually 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) except on customary national holidays on which the NYSE is closed, which coincides with the end of each valuation period.


On the Policy date, or the reallocation date if different, the fixed account value is equal to the cash value allocated to the fixed account, less the portion of the first monthly deduction that is subtracted from the fixed account.


The fixed account value at the end of any valuation period is equal to:      

The sum of net premiums allocated to the fixed account;


      Any amounts transferred from a subaccount to the fixed account (including amounts transferred to the loan reserve account); plus
      Total interest credited to the fixed account; minus
      Amounts charged to pay for monthly deductions; minus
      Amounts withdrawn or surrendered from the fixed account to pay for cash withdrawals, transfer charges, or any other fees and charges; minus
      Amounts transferred from the fixed account (including amounts transferred from the loan reserve account) to a subaccount; minus
      Any refund of premiums allocated to the fixed account.



We will determine the amount of the death benefit proceeds on any Policy in force on the date of death upon receipt, in good order, at our administrative office of satisfactory proof of the insured’s death, plus written direction (from each eligible recipient of death benefit proceeds) regarding distribution of the death benefit payment, and any other documents, forms and information we need. We will pay interest on the Death Benefit from the date of death to the date of payment. We may require that the Policy be returned. We will pay the death benefit proceeds to the primary beneficiary(ies), if living, or to a contingent beneficiary. If each beneficiary dies before the insured and there is no contingent beneficiary, we will pay the death benefit proceeds to the owner or the owner’s estate. We will pay the death benefit proceeds in a lump sum or under a payment option.


The death benefit is equal to:

      The amount determined based on the death benefit option that you select (described below); minus
      Any monthly deductions due during the grace period (if applicable); minus



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Total interest credited to the fixed account; minus


Any outstanding loan amount including any accrued loan interest; plus


Any additional insurance in force provided by rider.

We may further adjust the amount of the death benefit proceeds if we contest the Policy or if you misstate the insured’s age or sex.


The Policy offers three death benefit options – Option A, Option B and Option C. Each death benefit option is standard under the Policy, meaning that it is offered for no additional charge. See “When Insurance Coverage Takes Effect” for information about when the insurance coverage under the Policy takes effect.

The amount of the death benefit is determined at the end of the valuation period in which the insured dies. You must select one of the three death benefit options we offer. This is an important decision. If you do not choose a death benefit option in your application, the Option A death benefit option will automatically be in effect. No matter which death benefit option you choose, we guarantee that, as long as the Policy does not lapse, the death benefit will never be less than the specified amount on the date of the insured’s death adjusted as shown above.

The Policy is intended to qualify under Internal Revenue Code Section 7702 as a life insurance policy for federal tax purposes. The death benefit is intended to qualify for the federal income tax exclusion. The provisions of the Policy and any attached endorsement or rider will be interpreted to ensure such qualification, regardless of any language to the contrary.

To the extent the death benefit is increased to maintain qualification as a life insurance policy, we will make appropriate adjustments (retroactively and prospectively) to any monthly deductions or supplemental benefits that are consistent with such an increase. We may deduct retroactive adjustments from the cash value or from any death benefits payable. Prospective adjustments will be reflected in the monthly deductions.

Under Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code, a Policy will generally be treated as life insurance for federal tax purposes if, at all times, it meets either a Guideline Premium Test (“GPT”) or a Cash Value Accumulation Test (“CVAT”). You must choose either the GPT or the CVAT before the Policy is issued. Once the Policy is issued, you may not change to a different test. The death benefit will vary depending on which test is used.

The GPT has two components, a premium limit component and a corridor component. The premium limit restricts the amount of premium that can be paid into the Policy. The corridor requires that the death benefit be at least a certain percentage (varying each year by attained age of the insured) of the cash value. The CVAT does not have a premium limit, but does have a corridor that requires that the death benefit be at least a certain percentage (varying based on the attained age, sex and underwriting class of the insured) of the cash value, adjusted for certain riders.

The corridor under the CVAT is different from the corridor under the GPT. Specifically, the CVAT corridor requires more death benefit in relation to cash value than is required by the GPT corridor. Therefore, for a Policy in the corridor with no riders, as your cash value increases your death benefit will increase more rapidly under CVAT than it would under GPT.

Your Policy will be issued using the GPT unless you choose otherwise. In deciding whether or not to choose the CVAT, you should consider that the CVAT generally permits more premiums to be contributed to a Policy, but may require the Policy to have a higher death benefit, which may increase certain charges

Option A

Under the Guideline Premium Test


The death benefit equals the greatest of:

     1.      The specified amount; or
     2.      A specified percentage called the “limitation
percentage,” as shown on your Policy’s
schedule page, multiplied by the cash value
on the primary insured’s date of death; or
     3.      The amount required for the Policy to qualify
as a life insurance policy under Section 7702
of the Internal Revenue Code.



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Under Option A, your death benefit remains level unless the limitation percentage multiplied by the cash value is greater than the specified amount; then the death benefit will vary as the cash value varies.

The limitation percentage is the minimum percentage of cash value we must pay as the death benefit under federal tax requirements. It is based on the attained age of the insured at the beginning of each Policy year. The following table indicates the limitation percentages for the GPT for different ages:


Attained Age    Limitation Percentage
40 and under    250%
41 to 45    250% minus 7% for each age over age 40
46 to 50    215% minus 6% for each age over age 45
51 to 55    185% minus 7% for each age over age 50
56 to 60    150% minus 4% for each age over age 55
61 to 65    130% minus 2% for each age over age 60
66 to 70    120% minus 1% for each age over age 65
71 to 75    115% minus 2% for each age over age 70
76 to 90    105%
91 to 95    105% minus 1% for each age over age 90
96 to 99    100%
100 and older    101%

If the federal tax code requires us to determine the death benefit by reference to these limitation percentages, the Policy is described as “in the corridor.” An increase in the cash value will increase our risk, and we will increase the cost of insurance we deduct from the cash value.

Example 1. Option A Guideline Premium Test Example. Assume that the insured’s attained age is under 40 and that there are no outstanding loans. Under Option A, a Policy with a $100,000 specified amount will generally pay $100,000 in death benefits. However, because the death benefit must be equal to or be greater than 2.5 times the cash value, any time the cash value of the Policy exceeds $40,000, the death benefit will exceed the $100,000 specified amount. (The figure $40,000 is derived by solving for cash value in the following calculation: $100,000 = 2.5 times the cash value.) Each additional dollar added to the cash value above $40,000 will increase the death benefit by $2.50.

Similarly, as long as the cash value exceeds $40,000, each dollar taken out of the cash value will reduce the death benefit by $2.50. If at any time the cash value multiplied by the limitation percentage is less than the specified amount, then the death benefit will equal the specified amount of the Policy.

Under the Cash Value Accumulation Test


The death benefit equals the greatest of:    1.    The specified amount; or
   2.    A specified percentage called the “limitation percentage,” as shown on your Policy’s schedule page, multiplied by the difference between the cash value on the date of the primary insured’s death and any applicable net single premium for riders that are qualified additional benefits as shown on your Policy’s schedule page (Note: Qualified Additional Benefits are specific benefits defined in Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code.); or
   3.    The amount required for the Policy to qualify as a life insurance policy under Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Under Option A, your death benefit remains level unless the limitation percentage calculation above is greater than the specified amount; then the death benefit will vary as the cash value varies.

The limitation percentage and the net single premium for riders under the CVAT are calculated as specified under Section 7702. They are based on the insured’s sex, underwriting class, specified amount band, and attained age at the



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beginning of each Policy year, and will differ depending on whether your Policy was issued under the 2001 or 1980 C.S.O. Tables.

If the federal tax code requires us to determine the death benefit by reference to these limitation percentages and net single premiums, the Policy is described as “in the corridor.” An increase in the cash value will increase our risk, and we will increase the cost of insurance we deduct from the cash value.

Example 2. Option A Cash Value Accumulation Test Example. Assume that a Policy has no outstanding loans. Also assume that the Policy has a specified amount of $100,000, an Other Insured Rider with a face amount of $50,000 has been added to the Policy, the limitation percentage is 2.97, and the net single premium for the rider is $14,850. Under Option A, a Policy with a $100,000 specified amount will generally pay $100,000 in death benefits. However, because the death benefit for the Policy, not including the Other Insured Rider, must be equal to or be greater than 2.97 times the difference of the cash value and the net single premium for riders, any time the cash value of the Policy exceeds $48,520, the death benefit of the Base Policy will exceed the $100,000 specified amount. The figure of $48,520 is derived by solving for cash value in the calculation $100,000 = 2.97 multiplied by (cash value minus $14,850): 2.97 multiplied by ($48,520 – $14,850) = $100,000. Each additional dollar added to the cash value above $48,520 will increase the death benefit of the Policy by $2.97.

Similarly, as long as the cash value exceeds $48,520, each dollar taken out of the cash value will reduce the death benefit of the Policy, not including the Other Insured Rider, by $2.97. If at any time the difference between the cash value and the net single premium for riders multiplied by the limitation percentage is less than the specified amount, the death benefit of the Policy, not including the Other Insured Rider, will equal the specified amount of the Policy.

Option B

Under the Guideline Premium Test


The death benefit equals the greatest of:    1.    The specified amount; plus
the cash value on the insured’s date of death; or
   2.    The limitation percentage, as shown on your Policy’s
schedule page, multiplied by the cash value on the primary insured’s date of death; or
   3.    The amount required for the Policy to qualify as a life
insurance policy under Section 7702 of the Internal
Revenue Code.

Under Option B, the death benefit always varies as the cash value varies.

Example 3. Option B Guideline Premium Test Example. Assume that the insured’s attained age is under 40 and that there are no outstanding loans. Under Option B, a Policy with a specified amount of $100,000 will generally pay a death benefit of $100,000 plus cash value. Thus, a Policy with a cash value of $10,000 will have a death benefit of $110,000 ($100,000 + $10,000). The death benefit, however, must be at least 2.5 times the cash value. As a result, if the cash value exceeds $66,667, then the death benefit will be greater than the specified amount plus cash value. The figure of $66,667 is derived by solving for cash value in the calculation 2.5 multiplied by cash value = $100,000 plus cash value: 2.5 multiplied by $66,667 = $100,000 plus $66,667. Each additional dollar of cash value above $66,667 will increase the death benefit by $2.50.

Similarly, any time the cash value exceeds $66,667, each dollar taken out of the cash value will reduce the death benefit by $2.50. If at any time, cash value multiplied by the limitation percentage is less than the specified amount plus the cash value, then the death benefit will be the specified amount plus the cash value of the Policy.

Under the Cash Value Accumulation Test


The death benefit equals the greatest of:    1.    The specified amount; plus the cash value on the primary insured’s date of death; or



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   2.    A specified percentage called the “limitation percentage,” as shown on your Policy’s schedule page, multiplied by the difference between the cash value on the date of the primary insured’s death and any applicable net single premium for riders that are Qualified Additional Benefits as shown on your Policy’s schedule page; or
   3.    The amount required for the Policy to qualify as a life insurance policy under Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Under Option B, the death benefit always varies as the cash value varies.

Example 4. Option B Cash Value Accumulation Test Example. Assume that the insured’s attained age is 40 and that there are no outstanding loans. Also assume that the Policy has a specified amount of $100,000, an Other Insured Rider with a face amount of $50,000 has been added to the Policy, the limitation percentage is 2.97, and the net single premium for the rider is $14,850. Under Option B, a Policy with a specified amount of $100,000 will generally pay a death benefit of $100,000 plus cash value. Thus, a Policy with a cash value of $10,000 will have a death benefit of $110,000 ($100,000 + $10,000). The death benefit for the Base Policy, however, must be at least 2.97 times the difference between the cash value and the net single premium for riders. As a result, if the cash value exceeds $73,149, then the death benefit for the Base Policy will be greater than the specified amount plus cash value. The figure of $73,149 is derived by solving for cash value in the calculation 2.97 multiplied by (cash value minus the net single premium for the rider) = specified amount plus cash value: 2.97 multiplied by ($73,149 - $14,850) = $100,000 plus $73,149. Each additional dollar of cash value above $73,149 will increase the death benefit of the Base Policy by $2.97.

Similarly, any time the cash value exceeds $73,149, each dollar taken out of the cash value will reduce the death benefit of the Base Policy by $2.97. If at any time, the difference between the cash value and the net single premium for riders multiplied by the limitation percentage is less than the specified amount plus the cash value, then the death benefit for the Base Policy will be the specified amount plus the cash value of the Policy.

Option C


The death benefit equals the greatest of:    1.    The death benefit under Option A; or
   2.    The specified amount multiplied by an age-based “factor” equal to the lesser of:

●   1.0; or


●   0.04 multiplied by (95 minus insured’s attained age at death)

      (the “factor” will never be less than zero);
      plus the cash value on the date of the insured’s death; or
   3.    The amount required for the Policy to qualify as a life insurance policy under Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Under Option C, the death benefit varies with the cash value and the insured’s attained age. Because the death benefit under Option C is at least as large as that under Option A, the Code Section 7702 life insurance qualification compliance test used in calculating the Option A death benefit will be taken into account in the Option C death benefit.

Option C–Three Examples.



Assume that the insured is attained age 75 and that there are no outstanding loans. Under Option C, a Policy with a specified amount of $100,000 and with a cash value of $22,000 will have a death benefit of $102,000 {$100,000 x the minimum of (1.0 and (0.04 x (95-75))) + $22,000}.


Assume that the insured is attained age 75 and that there are no outstanding loans. Under Option C, a Policy with a specified amount of $100,000 and with a cash value of $9,000 will have a death benefit equal to the specified amount of $100,000, since the calculation of $100,000 times the minimum of {1.0 and (0.04 x (95-75))} plus $9,000 is less than the specified amount.



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Assume that the insured is under attained age 71 and that there are no outstanding loans. Under Option C, a Policy with a specified amount of $100,000 and with a cash value of $10,000 will have a death benefit of $110,000, because through attained age 70 the minimum of {1.0 and (0.04 x (95-age))} is always 1.0. Until the insured attains age 71, the Option C death benefit is the same as the Option B death benefit.

Death Benefit After Attained Age 111 (For Policies Applied for On or After September 22, 2008) or After Attained Age 100 (For Policies Applied for Before September 22, 2008 and Issued Before January 1, 2009)

If the Policy is still in force on the Policy anniversary on or following the insured’s 111th birthday or 100th birthday, as applicable, the Policy will continue and the death benefit payable will continue to be calculated in accordance with the death benefit option and the life insurance compliance test then in effect. Please Note: Continuing a Policy beyond the insured’s attained age 99 may have tax consequences. You should consult a tax professional if you intend to keep the Policy in force beyond the insured’s attained age 99. Please see the “Federal Income Tax Considerations” section of this prospectus.

Effect of Cash Withdrawals on the Death Benefit

If Option A is in effect, or if Option C is in effect and the insured’s attained age is 71 or greater, a cash withdrawal will reduce the specified amount of the Policy by an amount equal to the amount of the cash withdrawal. Regardless of the death benefit option in effect, a cash withdrawal will reduce the death benefit by at least the amount of the withdrawal. For a description of the effect of cash withdrawals on the death benefit option that you select, please refer to the section entitled “Surrenders and Cash Withdrawals – Cash Withdrawal Conditions” in this prospectus.

Effect of Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium on the Death Benefit

If you choose Option A, then you may add the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium. Your Policy’s specified amount will automatically increase each year on the Policy anniversary until the 20th Policy anniversary. If you change from Option A to either Option B or Option C, future scheduled increases in specified amount will automatically cease because the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium will terminate.

Choosing Death Benefit Options

You must choose one death benefit option on your application. This is an important decision. The death benefit option you choose will have an impact on the dollar value of the death benefit, on your cash value, and on the amount of cost of insurance charges you pay. If you do not select a death benefit option on your application, then Option A will become the death benefit option for your Policy by default.

You may find Option A more suitable for you if your goal is to increase your cash value through positive investment experience. You may find Option B more suitable if your goal is to increase your total death benefit. You may find Option C more suitable if your goal is to increase your total death benefit before you reach attained age 70, and to increase your cash value through positive investment experience thereafter.

Changing the Death Benefit Option

After the third Policy year and before the insured’s attained age 95, you may change your death benefit option once each Policy year. Changing the death benefit option may affect the specified amount. We will notify you of the new specified amount.

Changes to the Death Benefit Option are subject to the following conditions:



You must send your written request, in good order, to our mailing address or fax it to us at 1-727-299-1620. (If you send your request by fax, be sure to use the correct fax number. Please see “Telephone, Fax, and Online Privileges.”)



The effective date of the change will be the Monthiversary on or following the date when we receive your request for a change.



You may not make a change that would decrease the specified amount below the minimum specified amount shown on your Policy schedule page.



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There may be adverse federal tax consequences. You should consult a tax professional before changing your Policy’s death benefit option.


You may apply to increase the specified amount at any time or decrease it at any time after the third Policy year. No more than one change in the specified amount can occur each Policy year. If approved, the increase or decrease will take effect on the next Policy Monthiversary. An increase or decrease in the specified amount may affect your cost of insurance charge, monthly per unit charge, your GPT premium limitation, your minimum monthly guarantee premium, and may affect your ability to maintain the no lapse period guarantee. A change in specified amount may affect the Policy’s qualification tests as life insurance under IRC 7702 and could cause the Policy to become a Modified Endowment Contract under IRC 7702A and may have adverse federal tax consequences. Any charges associated with an increase or decrease in your specified amount will be based on the same C.S.O. Table that was in effect when your Policy was issued.

In addition, an increase or decrease in specified amount may move the Policy into a different specified amount band so that your overall cost of insurance rate and monthly per unit charge will change. An increase in specified amount will be treated as an additional layer of coverage with its own monthly per unit charge, surrender charges and surrender charge period. If you increase your specified amount, you will receive notification of your new minimum monthly guarantee premium and surrender charge schedule. This also applies to increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium.

Any decrease will reduce your specified amount in the additional layer of coverage created:

(a)     first, by the most recent increase;

(b)     followed by the next most recent increases successively; and

(c)     followed by the amount specified in the original application.

You should consult a tax professional before increasing or decreasing your Policy’s specified amount.


Conditions for and impact of decreasing the specified amount:   

●   You must send your written request, in good order, to our mailing address or fax it to us at 1-727-299-1620.


●   Decreases are only allowed after the third Policy year.


●   You may not increase and decrease your specified amount in the same Policy year.


●   You may not decrease your specified amount lower than the minimum specified amount under Band 1 shown on your Policy schedule page.


●   You may not decrease your specified amount if it would disqualify your Policy as life insurance under the Internal Revenue Code.


●   Until the later of the end of the surrender charge period or the Policy anniversary on or following the insured’s 65th birthday, we may limit the amount of decrease to no more than 20% of the then specified amount.


●   A decrease in specified amount will take effect on the first Monthiversary on or next following the day we receive your written request, in good order, at our mailing address.


●   If a decrease to your Policy’s specified amount causes your specified amount band to change, then we will apply the cost of insurance rates to the amounts in the new band as of the effective date of the decrease in specified amount.


●   A decrease in specified amount will cause a new minimum monthly guarantee premium to be calculated. The new minimum monthly guarantee premium is effective on the date of decrease if the Policy is still within the no lapse period.

Conditions for and impact of increasing the specified amount:   

●   We will accept requests for increases in specified amount at any time before the insured’s 86th birthday.



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●   Your request, in good order, must be applied for through a supplemental application and include evidence of insurability satisfactory to us.


●   A requested increase in specified amount requires our approval and will take effect on the Policy Monthiversary on or after the day we approve your request.


●   We may require your requested increase in specified amount to be at least $10,000.


●   You may not decrease and increase your specified amount in the same Policy year.


●   If an increase (including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium) to your Policy’s specified amount causes your specified amount band to change, then we will apply the cost of insurance rates to the amounts in the new band as of the effective date of the increase in specified amount.


●   An increase in specified amount (except specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium) will cause a new minimum monthly guarantee premium to be calculated. The new minimum monthly guarantee premium is effective on the date of increase if the Policy is still in the no lapse period.


●   Each increase in specified amount (including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium) will have its own surrender charge that applies for 10 years after the date of each increase. This charge may significantly reduce your net surrender value.


●   Each increase in specified amount (including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium) will trigger a new contestability and a new suicide period.


●   Requested increases in specified amount will not be subject to future automatic increases under the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium.


There are several ways of receiving proceeds under the death benefit and surrender provisions of the Policy, other than in a lump sum. These are described under “Settlement Options” in your Policy and in this prospectus.



You must make a written request to surrender your Policy for its net surrender value as calculated at the end of the valuation date on which we receive your request, in good order, at our mailing address. You may also fax your request to our administrative office at 1-727-299-1620. We may require an original signature in your written request. Written requests to surrender a Policy that are received at our mailing address (or faxed to our administrative office) before the NYSE closes are priced using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of that regular business session of the NYSE (usually 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time). If we receive the written request at our mailing address or a fax request at our administrative office after the NYSE closes, or on a day that the NYSE is closed for trading, we will process the surrender request using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of the next regular business session of the NYSE. Please Note: All surrender requests must be submitted in good order to avoid a delay in processing your request.

The insured must be alive and the Policy must be in force when you make your written request. A surrender is effective as of the date when we receive your written request, in good order, at our mailing address. You will incur a



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surrender charge if you surrender the Policy during the first 10 Policy years (or during the 10-year period following an increase in specified amount, including specified amount increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium).

Once you surrender your Policy, all coverage and other benefits under it cease and cannot be reinstated. We will normally pay you the net surrender value in a lump sum (by check) within seven days or under a settlement option. A surrender may have tax consequences. For more information regarding tax consequences, please refer to the section entitled “Federal Income Tax Considerations” in this prospectus.


After the first Policy year, you may request a cash withdrawal of a portion of your surrender value subject to certain conditions. (Note: All requests for a withdrawal must be submitted in good order to avoid a delay in processing your request.)


Cash withdrawal conditions:   

●   You must send your written cash withdrawal request with an original signature, in good order, to our mailing address. If your withdrawal request is less than $500,000, then you may fax it to us at 1-727-299-1620.


●   We may limit the number of withdrawals to one cash withdrawal per Policy year.


●   We may limit the amount you can withdraw to a minimum of $500 and the remaining net surrender value following a withdrawal may not be less than $500. During the first 10 Policy years, the amount of the withdrawal may be limited to no less than $500 and to no more than 10% of the net surrender value. After the 10th Policy year, the amount of a withdrawal may be limited to a minimum of $500 and may not exceed the net surrender value, less $500.


●   You may not take a cash withdrawal if it will reduce the specified amount below the minimum specified amount set forth in the Policy.


●   You may specify the subaccount(s) and the fixed account from which to make the withdrawal. If you do not specify an account, we will take the withdrawal from each account in accordance with your current premium allocation instructions. If this is not possible, the withdrawal amount will be withdrawn pro-rata from all accounts.


●   We generally will pay a cash withdrawal request within seven days following the valuation date we receive the request, in good order, at our mailing address.


●   We will deduct a processing fee equal to $25 or 2% of the amount you withdraw, whichever is less. We deduct this amount from the withdrawal, and we pay you the balance.


●   A withdrawal from the Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP portfolio or the ProFund VP Government Money Market fund may be subject to a redemption fee. This could possibly cause you to lose money on your fund redemption.


●   You may not take a cash withdrawal that would disqualify your Policy as life insurance under the Internal Revenue Code.


●   You will forfeit any future increases in specified amount generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium if you take a cash withdrawal.


●   A cash withdrawal may have tax consequences.

A cash withdrawal will reduce the cash value by the amount of the cash withdrawal, and in most cases, will reduce the death benefit by at least the amount of the cash withdrawal. When death benefit Option A is in effect or when death benefit Option C is in effect and the insured’s attained age is 71 or greater, a cash withdrawal will reduce the specified



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amount of the Policy by an amount equal to the amount of the cash withdrawal. This decrease in specified amount may cause your Policy to be in a lower specified amount band, so that your cost of insurance rates would be higher. You also may have to pay higher minimum monthly guarantee premiums.

When we incur extraordinary expenses, such as overnight mail expenses or wire service fees, for expediting delivery of your cash withdrawal or surrender payment, we will deduct that charge from the payment. We currently charge $20 for an overnight delivery ($30 for Saturday delivery) and $50 for wire service. You can obtain further information about these charges by contacting us at our mailing address or our administrative office.


You may cancel the Policy for a refund during the free look period by returning it, with a written request to cancel the Policy, to our mailing address. You may also fax your request to our administrative office at 1-727-299-1620 along with page 3 of the Policy. (If you send your request by fax, be sure to use the correct fax number.) The free look period generally expires 10 days after you receive the Policy, but in some states you may have more than 10 days. If you decide to cancel the Policy during the free look period, we will treat the Policy as if it had never been issued. We will pay the refund within seven days after we receive, in good order, the written request (with the owner’s signature) and returned Policy at our mailing address (or a fax request and page 3 of the Policy are received in good order at our administrative office). Note: Canceling a Policy after a 1035 Exchange could have tax consequences as any gain from the old policy will generally be recognized.

If your state requires us to allocate premium according to a policyowner’ s instructions during the free look period, then the amount of the refund will be the sum of:



The difference between the premiums paid and the amounts allocated to any accounts under the Policy on the date the written request and Policy are received, in good order, at our mailing address (or a fax request and page 3 of the Policy are received at our administrative Office); plus


The total amounts of monthly deductions made and any other charges imposed on amounts allocated to the accounts; plus


The value of the amounts allocated to the accounts on the date we or our agent received the returned Policy.

If state law prohibits the calculation above, or requires us to refund all of the initial premiums, the refund will be the total of all premiums paid for this Policy. (See “Policy Features – Premiums – Allocating Premiums – Reallocation Account.”) Please note: If you have submitted a recent check or draft, we have the right to defer payment of the refund until such check or draft has been honored.


Signature guarantees are relied upon as a means of preventing the perpetration of fraud in financial transactions, including the disbursement of assets from a victim’s account with a financial institution or a provider of financial services. They provide protection to investors by, for example, making it more difficult for a person to take another person’s money by forging a signature on a written request for the disbursement of funds.

As a protection against fraud, we may require that the following transaction requests include a Medallion signature guarantee:



All requests for disbursements (i.e., cash withdrawals and surrenders) of $500,000 or more.


Any disbursement request made on or within 10 days of our receipt of a request to change the address of record for an owner’s Policy.


Any disbursement request when Transamerica has been directed to send proceeds to a different address from the address of record for that owner’s account. Please Note: This requirement will not apply to disbursement requests made in connection with exchanges of one policy for another with the same owner in a “tax-free exchange” under Section 1035 of the Internal Revenue Code.


Any financial transaction where the owner’s signature on a request submitted does not match the signature in our files.



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An investor can obtain a signature guarantee from financial institutions across the United States and Canada that participate in a Medallion signature guarantee program. This includes many:


National and state banks



Savings banks and savings and loan associations



Securities brokers and dealers



Credit unions

The best source of a signature guarantee is a bank, savings and loan association, brokerage firm, or credit union with which you do business. Guarantor firms may, but frequently do not, charge a fee for their services.

A notary public cannot provide a signature guarantee. Notarization will not substitute for a signature guarantee.



After the first Policy year (as long as the Policy is in force) you may borrow money from the Policy using the Policy’s net surrender value as the only security for the loan. We may permit a loan prior to the first Policy anniversary for Policies issued pursuant to 1035 Exchanges. A loan that is taken from and secured by a Policy may have tax consequences. See “Federal Income Tax Considerations.”


Policy loans are subject to certain conditions:


●   We may require you to borrow at least $500.


●   The maximum amount you may borrow is 90% of the net surrender value, minus loan interest that will accrue before the next Policy anniversary.

When you take a loan, we will withdraw an amount equal to the requested loan from each of the subaccounts and the fixed account based on your current premium allocation instructions (unless you specify otherwise). If this is not possible, the withdrawal amount will be withdrawn from all accounts. We will transfer that amount to the loan reserve account. The loan reserve account is part of the fixed account.

We normally pay the amount of the loan within seven days after we receive a loan request, in good order, at our mailing address or, in limited circumstances described below, by telephone or fax at our administrative office. We may postpone payment of loans under certain conditions.

You may request a loan of up to $50,000 by telephone by calling us at our administrative office at 1-800-851-9777, Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. If you do not want the ability to request a loan by telephone, you should notify us in writing at our mailing address. You will be required to provide certain information for identification purposes when you request a loan by telephone. We may ask you to provide us with written confirmation of your request. We will not be liable for processing a loan request if we believe the request is genuine. (Note: All loan requests must be submitted in good order to avoid a delay in processing your request.)

If your loan request is less than $500,000, then you may fax it to us at 1-727-299-1620. (If you send your request by fax, be sure to use the correct fax number.) If the loan request exceeds $500,000 or if the address of record has been changed in the past 10 days, we may reject your request or require a signature guarantee. We will not be responsible for any transmittal problems when you fax your request unless you report it to us within five business days and send us proof of your fax transmittal.

Your requests for a loan that are received at our mailing address (or faxed to our administrative office per the above instructions) before the NYSE closes are priced using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of that regular business session of the NYSE (usually 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time). If we receive a written request at our mailing address (or a fax request at our administrative office) after the NYSE closes, or on a day the NYSE is closed for trading, we will process the request using the subaccount unit value determined at the close of the next regular business session of the NYSE. Please Note: All loan requests must be submitted in good order to avoid a delay in processing your request.



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You can repay a loan at any time while the Policy is in force. Loan repayments must be sent to our mailing address and will be credited as of the date received.

At each Policy anniversary, we will compare the outstanding loan amount, including accrued loan interest, to the amount in the loan reserve account. At each such time, if the outstanding loan amount, including accrued loan interest, exceeds the amount in the loan reserve account, we will withdraw the difference from the subaccounts and the fixed account and transfer it to the loan reserve account, in the same manner as when a loan is made. If the amount in the loan reserve account exceeds the amount of the outstanding loan, including accrued loan interest, we will withdraw the difference from the loan reserve account and transfer it to the subaccounts and the fixed account in the same manner as current premiums are allocated. No charge will be imposed for these transfers, and these transfers are not treated as transfers in calculating the transfer charge. We reserve the right to require a transfer to the fixed account if the loans were originally transferred from the fixed account.


The Loan Interest Spread is the difference between the amount of interest we charge you for a loan (currently, an effective annual rate of 2.75%, guaranteed not to exceed 3.0 %) and the amount of interest we credit to your loan reserve account (an effective annual rate of 2.0% guaranteed). We may apply different loan interest rates to different portions of the outstanding loan amount. After the 10th Policy year, we will charge preferred loan interest rate on a portion of the outstanding loan amount, but only if there is a gain on the Policy. Beginning at the insured’s attained age 100, we will apply preferred loan rates on an amount equal to the cash value minus total premiums paid (less any cash withdrawals) and minus any outstanding loan amount, including accrued loan interest. The maximum loan interest spread on preferred loans is 0.25%, and the current spread is 0.0%.

Loan Reserve Interest Rate Credited

We will credit the amount in the loan reserve account with interest at an effective annual rate of 2.0%.


A Policy loan reduces the death benefit proceeds and net surrender value by the amount of any outstanding loan amount, including accrued loan interest. Repaying the loan causes the death benefit proceeds and net surrender value to increase by the amount of the repayment. As long as a loan is outstanding, we hold an amount in the loan reserve equal to the amount of the outstanding loan as of the last Policy anniversary plus any accrued interest. This amount is not affected by the separate account’s investment performance and may not be credited with the interest rates accruing on the unloaned portion of cash value in the fixed account. Amounts transferred from the separate account to the loan reserve account will reduce the value in the separate account and we will credit such amounts with an interest rate of 2.0% rather than a rate of return reflecting the investment results of the separate account.

We also currently charge interest on Policy loans at an effective annual rate of 2.75%. Because interest is added to the amount of the Policy loan to be repaid, the size of the loan will constantly increase unless the interest and/or the Policy loan is repaid.

There are risks involved in taking a Policy loan, including the potential for a Policy to lapse if projected earnings, taking into account outstanding loans, are not achieved. A Policy loan may also have possible adverse tax consequences. You should consult a tax professional before taking out a Policy loan.

We will notify you (and any assignee of record) if a loan causes your net surrender value to reach zero. If you do not submit a sufficient payment within 61 days from the date of the notice, your Policy may lapse.



Your Policy may not necessarily lapse (terminate without value) if you fail to make a planned periodic payment. However, even if you make all your planned periodic payments, there is a possibility that your Policy will lose value and lapse. This Policy provides a no lapse guarantee as described below. Once your no lapse period ends, or if the no lapse guarantee is not in effect, your Policy may lapse if the net surrender value on any Monthiversary is less than the monthly deductions due on that day. Lapse might occur if unfavorable investment experience, loans, accrued loan interest, and cash



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withdrawals cause a decrease in the net surrender value, or if you have not paid sufficient premiums (as discussed below) to offset the cost of monthly deductions.

If the net surrender value is not enough to pay the monthly deductions, then we will mail a notice to your last known address according to our records and any assignee of record. The notice will specify the minimum payment you must pay and the final date by which we must receive the payment to prevent a lapse. We generally require that you make the payment within 61 days after the date of the notice. This 61-day period is called the grace period. We pay the death benefit proceeds if an insured dies during the grace period. If we do not receive the specified minimum payment by the end of the grace period, then all coverage under the Policy will terminate without value.

Your Policy is a flexible premium policy that is subject to certain monthly deductions that are dependent upon, among other factors, the characteristics of the insureds, riders associated with your Policy, and your Policy’s specified amount. If your Policy does lapse and you choose to reinstate it, you will be required to make additional payments. The payments needed to reinstate the Policy will depend on whether the no lapse date has passed. Please refer to the section below entitled “Reinstatement” for a description of the payments that may be required to reinstate your Policy.


As noted above, the Policy provides a no lapse guarantee during the no lapse period. As long as you keep the no lapse guarantee in effect, your Policy will not lapse and no grace period will begin. Even if your net surrender value is not enough to pay your monthly deductions, the Policy will not lapse as long as the no lapse guarantee is in effect. The no lapse guarantee will not extend beyond the no lapse date stated in your Policy. Each month we determine whether the no lapse guarantee is still in effect. If the no lapse guarantee is not in effect and the Policy is still in force, it can be restored by paying, at any time before the no lapse date, minimum monthly guarantee premiums sufficient to cover the period from the Policy date up to and including the current month.


No lapse date:   

●   For issue ages 0-60, the no lapse date is determined by either the number of years to attained age 65 or the 20th Policy anniversary, whichever is earlier.


●   For issue ages 61-85, the no lapse date is the 5th Policy anniversary.


●   The no lapse date is specified in your Policy.

Keeping the no lapse guarantee in effect:   

●   The no lapse guarantee will not remain in effect if you do not pay sufficient minimum monthly guarantee premiums.


●   You must pay total premiums (minus cash withdrawals and any outstanding loan amount including accrued loan interest) that equal at least:


>   the sum of the minimum monthly guarantee premiums in effect for each month from the Policy date up to and including the current month.

Effect of changes on minimum monthly guarantee premium:   

●   We will recalculate the amount of the minimum monthly guarantee premium if, while the no lapse guarantee is in effect, you change death benefit options, increase or decrease the specified amount, or if supplemental benefits (riders) (except the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium) are added, terminated, reduced or increased.


●   Depending upon the change made to the Policy or rider and the resulting impact on the level of the minimum monthly guarantee premium, you may need to pay additional premiums to keep the Policy in force and/or to keep the no lapse guarantee in effect. We normally will not extend the length of the no lapse guarantee.

You will lessen the risk of Policy lapse if you keep the no lapse guarantee in effect for each month from the Policy Date up to and including the current month. Before you take a cash withdrawal or a loan, or decrease the specified amount, or add, increase or decrease a rider, you should consider carefully the effect it will have on the no lapse guarantee.



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See “Minimum Monthly Guarantee Premium” for a discussion of how the minimum monthly guarantee premium is calculated and can change.


We may reinstate a lapsed Policy within five years after the lapse. You may not reinstate the Policy if it has been surrendered for cash surrender value. Any reinstatement must be made during the lifetime of the insured. Before we reinstate the Policy, we will require all of the following:



Submit a written application for reinstatement to our mailing address or fax your request to our administrative office at 1-727-299-1620. (If you send your request by fax, be sure to use the correct fax number.)


Submit the insured’s written consent to reinstate.


Submit evidence of insurability that is satisfactory to us that the insured continues to qualify for the same underwriting class and any substandard rating upon which we based issuance of the Policy.


If the no lapse period has expired, pay an amount sufficient to provide a net premium equal to any uncollected monthly deductions due up to the time of termination, plus two monthly deductions due in advance at the time of reinstatement, plus an amount sufficient to increase the cash value above the surrender charges that would apply at the time of reinstatement.


If the no lapse period has not expired, pay the lesser of the premium described directly above, or the total minimum monthly guarantee premium from the Policy date through the month of lapse, plus two months of minimum monthly guarantee premiums, minus premiums previously paid net of any withdrawals, outstanding loans and accrued loan interest.

The cash value of the loan reserve on the reinstatement date will be zero. Your net surrender value on the reinstatement date will equal the cash value at the time your Policy lapsed, plus any net premiums you pay at reinstatement, minus one monthly deduction and any surrender charge (that we would assess if you were to surrender the Policy). The reinstatement date for your Policy will be the Monthiversary on or following the day we approve your application for reinstatement. We may decline a request for reinstatement. We will not reinstate indebtedness (i.e., outstanding loans plus any accrued loan interest at the time your Policy lapsed).


The following summarizes some of the basic federal income tax considerations associated with a Policy and does not purport to be complete or to cover all situations. This discussion is not intended as tax advice. Please consult counsel or other qualified tax professionals for more complete information. We base this discussion on our understanding of the present federal income tax laws as they are currently interpreted by the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”). Federal income tax laws and the current interpretations by the IRS may change.


A Policy must satisfy certain requirements set forth in the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) in order to qualify as a life insurance policy for federal income tax purposes and to receive the tax treatment normally accorded life insurance policies under federal tax law. Guidance as to how these requirements are to be applied is limited. Nevertheless, we believe that the Policy should generally satisfy the applicable Code requirements.

In certain circumstances, owners of variable life insurance policies have been considered for federal income tax purposes to be the owners of the assets of the separate account supporting their policies due to their ability to exercise investment control over those assets. Where this is the case, the policyowners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the separate account assets. There is little guidance in this area. We believe that the Policy does not give you investment control over separate account assets.

In addition, the Code requires that the investments of the separate account be “adequately diversified” in order to treat the Policy as a life insurance policy for federal income tax purposes. We intend that the separate account, through the portfolio companies, will satisfy these diversification requirements.

The following discussion assumes that the Policy will qualify as a life insurance policy for federal income tax purposes.



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In General. We believe that the Policy described in this prospectus is a life insurance policy under Code Section 7702. Section 7702 defines a life insurance policy for federal income tax purposes and places limits on the relationship of the cash value to the death benefit. As life insurance policies, the death benefits of the policies are generally excludable from the gross income of the beneficiaries. In the absence of any guidance from the IRS on the issue, we believe that providing an amount at risk after attained age 99 in the manner provided should be sufficient to maintain the excludability of the death benefit after attained age 99. Lack of specific IRS guidance, however, makes the tax treatment of the death benefit after attained age 99 uncertain. Also, any increase in cash value should generally not be taxable until received by you or your designee. However, if your Policy is a modified endowment contract as defined in Code Section 7702A you may be taxed to the extent of gain in the Policy when you take a Policy loan, pledge or assign the Policy. Federal, state and local transfer, estate and other tax consequences of ownership or receipt of Policy proceeds depend on your circumstances and the beneficiary’s circumstances. A tax professional should be consulted on these consequences.

Generally, you will not be deemed to be in constructive receipt of the cash value until there is a distribution. When distributions from a Policy occur, or when loans are taken out from or secured by a Policy (e.g., by assignment), the tax consequences depend on whether the Policy is classified as a MEC. Moreover, if a loan from a Policy that is not a MEC is outstanding when the Policy is surrendered or lapses, the amount of outstanding indebtedness will be considered an amount distributed and will be taxed accordingly.

Modified Endowment Contracts. Under the Code, certain life insurance policies are classified as MECs and receive less favorable tax treatment than other life insurance policies. The rules are too complex to summarize here, but generally depend on the amount of premiums paid during the first seven Policy years or in the seven Policy years following certain changes in the Policy. Changes that would cause a contract to enter a new seven-year test period include, for example, an increase in the death benefit that is not the result of a premium necessary to keep the Policy in-force. Additionally, a reduction in benefits during a seven-year test period could cause a Policy to become a MEC. Due to the Policy’s flexibility, each Policy’s circumstances will determine whether the Policy is classified as a MEC. If you do not want your Policy to be classified as a MEC, you should consult a tax professional to determine the circumstances, if any, under which your Policy would or would not be classified as a MEC.

Upon issue of your Policy, we will notify you as to whether or not your Policy is classified as a MEC based on the initial premium we receive. If a payment would cause your Policy to become a MEC, you and your registered representative will be notified and we will not apply the premium. At that time, you will need to notify us if you want to continue your Policy as a MEC. Unless you notify us that you do want to continue your Policy as a MEC, we will refund the dollar amount of the excess premium that would cause the Policy to become a MEC.

Distributions (other than Death Benefits) from MECs. Policies classified as MECs are subject to the following tax rules:


All distributions other than death benefits from a MEC, including distributions upon surrender and cash withdrawals, will be treated first as distributions of gain taxable as ordinary income. They will be treated as tax-free recovery of the owner’s investment in the Policy only after all gain has been distributed. Your investment in the Policy is generally your total premium payments. When a distribution is taken from the Policy, your investment in the Policy is reduced by the amount of the distribution that is tax-free.


Loans taken from or secured by (e.g., by assignment) or pledges of such a Policy and increases in cash value secured by such loan or pledge are treated as distributions and taxed accordingly. If the Policy is part of a collateral assignment split dollar arrangement, the initial assignment as well as increases in cash value during the assignment may be treated as distributions and considered taxable.


A 10% additional federal income tax is imposed on the amount included in income except where the distribution or loan is made when you have reached age 5912 or are disabled, or where the distribution is part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments for your life (or life expectancy) or the joint lives (or joint life expectancies) of you and the beneficiary.


If a Policy becomes a MEC, distributions that occur during the Policy year will be taxed as distributions from a MEC. In addition, the IRS has the authority, but has not yet done so, to issue regulations providing that distributions from a Policy that are made within two years before the Policy becomes a MEC will also be taxed in this manner.



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Distributions (other than Death Benefits) from Policies that are not MECs. Distributions from a Policy that is not a MEC are generally treated first as a recovery of your investment in the Policy, and as taxable income after the recovery of all investment in the Policy. However, certain distributions which must be made in order to enable the Policy to continue to qualify as a life insurance policy for federal income tax purposes if Policy benefits are reduced during the first 15 Policy years may be treated in whole or in part as ordinary income subject to tax. Distributions from or loans from or secured by a Policy that is not a MEC are not subject to the 10% additional tax applicable to MECs.

Policy Loans. Loans from or secured by a Policy that is not a MEC are generally not treated as distributions. Instead, such loans are treated as indebtedness. If a loan from a Policy that is not a MEC is outstanding when the Policy is surrendered or lapses, the amount of the outstanding indebtedness will be taxed as if it were a distribution at that time. The tax consequences associated with Policy loans outstanding after the first 10 Policy years with preferred loan rates are less clear and a tax professional should be consulted about such loans.

Deductibility of Policy Loan Interest. In general, interest you pay on a loan from a Policy will not be deductible. Before taking out a Policy loan, you should consult a tax professional as to the tax consequences.

Investment in the Policy. Your investment in the Policy is generally the sum of the premium payments you made reduced by a withdrawal or distributions from the Policy that are tax-free.

Withholding. To the extent that Policy distributions are taxable, they are generally subject to withholding for the recipient’s federal income tax liability. The federal income tax withholding rate is generally 10% of the taxable amount of the distribution. Withholding applies only if the taxable amount of all distributions is at least $200 during a taxable year. Some states also require withholding for state income taxes. With the exception of amounts that represent eligible rollover distributions from Pension Plans and 403(b) arrangements, which are subject to mandatory withholding of 20% for federal tax, recipients can generally elect, however, not to have tax withheld from distributions. If the taxable distributions are delivered to foreign countries, U.S. persons may not elect out of withholding. Taxable distributions to non-resident aliens are generally subject to withholding at a 30% rate unless withholding is eliminated under an international treaty with the United States. The payment of death benefits is generally not subject to withholding.

Business Uses of the Policy. The Policy may be used in various arrangements, including nonqualified deferred compensation or salary continuance plans, split dollar insurance plans, executive bonus plans, retiree medical benefit plans and others. The tax consequences of such plans and business uses of the Policy may vary depending on the particular facts and circumstances of each individual arrangement and business use of the Policy. Therefore, if you are contemplating using the Policy in any such arrangement, you should be sure to consult a tax professional as to tax attributes of the arrangement and in its use of life insurance. In recent years, moreover, Congress and the IRS have adopted new rules relating to nonqualified deferred compensation and to life insurance owned by businesses and life insurance used in split-dollar arrangements. The IRS has recently issued new guidance regarding concerns in the use of life insurance in employee welfare benefit plans, including, but not limited to, the deduction of employer contributions and the status of such plans as listed transactions. Any business contemplating the purchase of a new Policy or a change in an existing Policy should consult a tax professional. In addition, Section 101(j) of the Internal Revenue Code imposes notice, consent and other provisions on policies owned by employers and certain of their affiliates, owners and employees in order to receive death benefits tax-free and it requires additional tax reporting requirements.

Alternative Minimum Tax. There also may be an indirect tax upon the income in the Policy or the proceeds of a Policy under the federal corporate alternative minimum tax, if the policyowner is subject to that tax.

Living Benefit Rider (an Accelerated Death Benefit). We believe that the single-sum payment we make under this rider should be fully excludible from the gross income of the beneficiary, except in certain business contexts. You should consult a tax professional about the consequences of adding this rider to your Policy, or requesting a single-sum payment.

Continuation of Policy Beyond Attained Age 99. The tax consequences of continuing the Policy beyond the insured’s attained age 99 are unclear and may include taxation of the gain in the Policy or the taxation of the death benefit in whole or in part. You should consult a tax professional if you intend to keep the Policy in force beyond the insured’s attained age 99.

Other Tax Considerations. The transfer of the Policy or designation of a beneficiary may have federal, state, and/or local transfer and inheritance tax consequences, including the imposition of gift, estate, and generation-skipping transfer taxes. The individual situation of each owner or beneficiary will determine the extent, if any, to which federal, state, and local transfer and inheritance taxes may be imposed and how ownership or receipt of Policy proceeds will be treated for purposes of federal, state and local estate, inheritance, generation-skipping and other taxes. Special Rules for Pension Plans and Section 403(b) Arrangements. If the Policy is purchased in connection with a section 401(a) qualified



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pension or profit sharing plan, including a section 401(k) plan, or in connection with a section 403(b) plan or program, federal and state income and estate tax consequences could differ from those stated in this prospectus. The purchase may also affect the qualified status of the plan. You should consult a qualified tax professional in connection with such purchase. Policies owned under these types of plans may be subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or ERISA, which may impose additional requirements on the purchase of policies by such plans. You should consult a qualified tax professional regarding ERISA.

Please Note:



Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”). The discussion above provides general information regarding U.S. federal income tax consequences to life and annuity purchasers that are U.S. citizens or residents. Purchasers that are not U.S. citizens or residents will generally be subject to U.S. federal withholding tax on taxable distributions from life policies and annuity contracts at a 30% rate, unless a lower treaty rate applies. In addition, such purchasers may be subject to state and/or municipal taxes and taxes that may be imposed by the purchaser’s country of citizenship or residence. FATCA imposed additional reporting and documentation requirements where non-U.S. entities (including foreign corporations, partnerships, and trusts) purchase policies to identify U.S. persons who are beneficial owners of the policies. Additional withholding of U.S. tax may be imposed if such documentation is not provided. In furtherance of FATCA implementation, the U.S. has entered into Inter-Government Agreements (“IGA’s”) with various foreign governments that require an exchange of information between U.S. financial institutions, including Transamerica and the foreign governments regarding purchases of life insurance and annuities by their respective citizens. Prospective purchasers are advised to consult with a qualified tax professional regarding U.S., state, and foreign taxation with respect to a life insurance policy or an annuity contract purchase.



In 2001, Congress enacted the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (“EGTRRA”), which modified the estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer taxes through 2009 and eliminated the estate tax (but not the gift tax) and replaced it with a carryover basis income tax regime for estates of decedents dying in 2010, and also eliminated the generation-skipping transfer tax for transfers made in 2010. The 2010 Taxpayer Relief Act generally extended the EGTRRA provisions existing in 2009 and reunified the estate and gift transfer taxes for 2011 and 2012. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 made permanent certain of the changes to the estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer taxes. These provisions were modified again in December, 2017 by H.R. 1 (formerly known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act). The estate and gift tax unified credit basic exclusion amount increases to $10,000,000, subject to inflation adjustments (using the C-CPI-U), for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026. This recent history of changes in these important tax provisions underscores the importance of seeking guidance from a qualified tax professional to help ensure that your estate plan adequately addresses possible transfer taxation of the Policy and its benefits in light of your needs and that of your beneficiaries under all possible scenarios.



If you surrender the Policy, you may elect to receive the net surrender value in either a lump sum by check or as a series of regular income payments under one of the three settlement options described below. In either event, life insurance coverage ends. Also, when the insured dies, the beneficiary may apply the lump sum death benefit proceeds to one of the same settlement options. If the regular payment under a settlement option would be less than $100, we will instead pay the proceeds in one lump sum. We may make other settlement options available in the future.

Once we begin making payments under a settlement option, you or the beneficiary will no longer have any value in the subaccounts or the fixed account. Instead, the only entitlement will be the amount of the payment specified under the terms of the settlement option chosen. Depending upon the circumstances, the effective date of a settlement option is the surrender date or the insured’s date of death.

Under any settlement option, the dollar amount of each payment will depend on:



The amount of the surrender on the surrender date or death benefit proceeds on the insured’s date of death.



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The interest rate we credit on those amounts (we guarantee a minimum annual interest rate of 2.0%).


The mortality tables we use.


The specific payment option(s) you choose.


Option 1–Equal Monthly Installments for a Fixed Period   

●   We will pay the proceeds, plus interest, in equal monthly installments for a fixed period of your choice, but not longer than 240 months.


●   We will stop making payments once we have made all the payments for the period selected.

Option 2–Equal Monthly Installments for Life (Life Income)    At your or the beneficiary’s direction, we will make equal monthly installments:

●   Only for the life of the payee, at the end of which payments will end; or


●   For the longer of the payee’s life, or for 10 years if the payee dies before the end of the first 10 years of payments; or


●   For the longer of the payee’s life, or until the total amount of all payments we have made equals the proceeds that were applied to the settlement option.

Option 3–Equal Monthly Installments for the Life of the Payee and then to a Designated Survivor (Joint and Survivor)   

●   We will make equal monthly payments during the joint lifetime of two persons, first to a chosen payee, and then to a co-payee, if living, upon the death of the payee.


●   Payments to the co-payee, if living, upon the payee’s death will equal either:


●   The full amount paid to the payee before the payee’s death; or


●   Two-thirds of the amount paid to the payee before the payee’s death.


●   All payments will cease upon the death of the co-payee.


We usually pay the amounts of any surrender, cash withdrawal, death benefit proceeds, or settlement options within seven calendar days after we receive all applicable written notices and/or due proofs of death (in good order) at our administrative office. However, we can postpone such payments if any of the following occurs:


●   The NYSE is closed, other than customary weekend and holiday closings, or trading on the NYSE is restricted.

●   The SEC permits, by an order, the postponement for the protection of policyowners.

●   An emergency exists that would make the disposal of securities held in the separate account or the determination of their value not reasonably practicable.

In addition, pursuant to SEC rules, if the Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP portfolio or the ProFund VP Government Money Market portfolio suspends payment of redemption proceeds in connection with a liquidation of such portfolio or as a result of portfolio liquidity levels, we will delay payment of any transfer, partial withdrawal, surrender, loan, or death benefit from the Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market subaccount or the ProFund VP Government Money Market subaccount until the portfolio pays redemption proceeds

If you have submitted a recent check or draft, we have the right to defer payment of surrenders, cash withdrawals, death benefit proceeds, or payments under a settlement option until such check or draft has been honored. We also reserve the right to defer payment of transfers, cash withdrawals, death benefit proceeds, or surrenders from the fixed account for up to six months.

If mandated under applicable law, we may be required to reject a premium payment and/or block a policyowner’ s account and thereby refuse to pay any request for transfers, withdrawals, surrenders, loans or death benefits until instructions are received from the appropriate regulators. We may also be required to provide additional information about you or your account to governmental regulators.



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You may enter into a split dollar arrangement with another owner or another person(s) whereby the payment of premiums and the right to receive the benefits under the Policy (i.e., net surrender value of insurance proceeds) are split between the parties. There are different ways of allocating these rights.

For example, an employer and employee might agree that under a Policy on the life of the employee, the employer will pay the premiums and will have the right to receive the net surrender value. The employee may designate the beneficiary to receive any insurance proceeds in excess of the net surrender value. If the employee dies while such an arrangement is in effect, the employer would receive from the insurance proceeds the amount that he would have been entitled to receive upon surrender of the Policy and the employee’s beneficiary would receive the balance of the proceeds.

No transfer of Policy rights pursuant to a split dollar arrangement will be binding on us unless in writing and received by us in good order at our mailing address. Split dollar arrangements may have tax consequences. You should consult a tax professional before entering into a split dollar arrangement.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (the “Act”) was enacted in 2002. The Act prohibits, with limited exceptions, publicly-traded companies, including non-U.S. companies that have securities listed on exchanges in the United States, from extending, directly or through a subsidiary, many types of personal loans to their directors or executive officers. It is possible that this prohibition may be interpreted as applying to split-dollar life insurance policies for directors and executive officers of such companies, since such insurance arguably can be viewed as involving a loan from the employer for at least some purposes.

Although the prohibition on loans of publicly-traded companies was generally effective as of July 30, 2002, there is an exception for loans outstanding as of the date of enactment, as long as there is no material modification to the loan terms and the loan is not renewed after July 30, 2002. Any affected business contemplating the payment of a premium on an existing Policy, or the purchase of a new Policy, in connection with a split-dollar life insurance arrangement should consult legal counsel.

In addition, the IRS issued guidance that affects the tax treatment of split-dollar arrangements and the Treasury Department issued final regulations that would significantly affect the tax treatment of such arrangements. The IRS guidance and the final regulations affect all split dollar arrangements, not just those involving publicly traded companies. Consult your qualified tax professional with respect to the effect of this guidance on your split dollar policy.


Your Policy will terminate and all benefits under it will cease on the earliest of the following:


●   The date the Policy lapses;

●   The date we receive (in good order) your written request to surrender or terminate; or

●   The date of the insured’s death.


You may assign your Policy by filing a written request with us. We will not be bound by any assignment until we record it in our records. Unless otherwise specified by you, the assignment will then take effect on the date the assignment form is received in good order by the Company and accepted in our administrative office. We assume no responsibility for the validity or effect of any assignment of the Policy or of any interest in it. Any death benefit which becomes payable to an assignee will be payable in a single sum and will be subject to proof of the assignee’s interest and the extent of the assignment. To terminate the assignment, we will need a release of assignment form dated and completed by the assignee. If a corporation, we require a corporate resolution noting the authorized person(s).


In addition to the standard death benefits associated with your Policy, other standard and/or optional benefits may also be available to you. The following table summarizes information about those benefits. Information about the fees associated with each optional benefit included in the table may be found in the Fee Tables.



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Name of

  Purpose   Is Benefit Standard or Optional    Brief Description of Restrictions / Limitations
Benefit Rider
  Pays all or a portion of the death
benefit if the primary insured is
terminally ill.

●  Benefit is paid in single sum only

●  Benefit amount reduced by discount factor

●  Benefit may not exceed $500,000

Primary Insured
Rider Plus
  Provides term coverage on primary
insured on a different basis than under
the base Policy.

●  Available for insureds ages 0-85

●  Minimum specified amount: $25,000

●  No coverage beyond age 100

  Provides coverage on primary
insured’s spouse or dependent child.

●  Available for insureds ages 0-85

●  Non-spouse coverage dependent on state law

●  Minimum specified amount: $10,000

●  Maximum specified amount: Lesser of $1,000,000 or
Policy specified amount

●  One insured per rider

●  Maximum of 5 riders per Policy

●  No coverage beyond age 100

  Provides coverage on primary
insured’s children.

●  Available for insureds ages 0-18

●  Minimum specified amount: $5,000

●  Maximum specified amount: $20,000

●  No coverage beyond age 25

Accidental Death
Benefit Rider
  Provides additional coverage on
primary insured in the event of death
due to accidental bodily injury.

●  Available for insureds ages 15-59

●  Minimum specified amount: $10,000

●  Maximum specified amount: Lesser of $150,000 or
150% of Policy specified amount

●  No coverage beyond age 70

Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider   Provides waiver of monthly deductions
to help keep the Policy in force while
primary insured is totally disabled.

●  Available for insureds ages 15-55

●  Waiver subject to time limitations

●  Lapse possible while waiver in effect

●  No coverage beyond age 60 unless totally disabled

●  Not available in combination with Disability Waiver of
Premium Rider

Disability Waiver of Premium
  Results in payment of premiums to
help keep the Policy in force while
primary insured is totally disabled.

●  Available for insureds ages 15-55

●  Waiver subject to time limitations

●  Lapse possible while waiver in effect

●  No coverage beyond age 60 unless totally disabled

●  Not available in combination with Disability Waiver of
Monthly Deductions Rider

Inflation Fighter
Rider Level Premium
  Provides scheduled annual increases in Policy’s specified amount without additional application or evidence of insurability.   Optional   

●  Available only at purchase of Policy

●  Available for insureds ages 0-65

●  Death Benefit Option A must be selected

●  Maximum initial specified amount: $1,000,000

●  Increases continue until Policy’s 20th anniversary

●  Each scheduled increase subject to new surrender
charge period and will increase Policy charges

●  Terminates if decrease in specified amount requested,
if scheduled increase is declined, or cash withdrawal is

Dollar Cost Averaging   Automatically transfers amounts from
a money market portfolio option or the
fixed account to the other portfolio
options selected at monthly intervals
over a specific period of time.

●  Minimum to start dollar cost averaging: $5,000

●  Subject to minimum and maximum transfer amounts

●  Not available in combination with asset rebalancing

Asset Rebalancing   Rebalances the portfolio options
selected at set intervals to maintain
chosen mix of portfolio options.

●  Subject to minimum investment amount

●  Not available in combination with dollar cost averaging



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More information about each of these benefits, except dollar cost averaging and asset rebalancing, is provided under “Description of Supplemental Benefits (Riders)” below. More information about dollar cost averaging and asset rebalancing is provided under “Transfers” earlier in the prospectus.


The following supplemental benefits (riders) are available and may be added to your Policy (i.e., the riders are optional). Monthly charges for these riders are deducted from the cash value as part of the monthly deductions. The riders available with the Policies do not build cash value and provide benefits that do not vary with the investment experience of the separate account. These riders may not be available in all states; certain benefits and features may vary by state and may be available under a different name in some states. Adding these supplemental benefits to an existing Policy, or canceling them, may have tax consequences; you should consult a tax professional before doing so..

We may discontinue offering riders at any time without notice, unless the rider specifically states otherwise. Some riders may only be elected at the time of application. Once a rider is elected it cannot be terminated without your consent (or by operation of law) if all terms and conditions are fully satisfied.


This rider allows us to pay all or a portion of the death benefit once we receive proof, in good order, at our mailing address that the insured is ill and has a life expectancy of one year or less. A doctor must certify the insured’s life expectancy.

We will pay a single-sum benefit equal to:



The death benefit on the date we pay the single-sum benefit; multiplied by


The percentage of the death benefit you elect to receive (“election percentage”); divided by


1 + i (“i” equals the current yield on 90-day Treasury bills or the Policy loan interest rate (currently 2.75%),

whichever is greater) (“discount factor”); minus


Any indebtedness at the time we pay the single-sum benefit, multiplied by the election percentage.

The maximum terminal illness death benefit used to determine the single-sum benefit as defined above is equal to:



The death benefit available under the Policy once we receive satisfactory proof that the insured is ill; plus


The benefit available under any PIR Plus in force.

A single-sum benefit may not exceed $500,000.

You elect the election percentage. It may not be greater than 100%.

The rider terminates at the earliest of:



The date the Policy terminates.


The date a settlement option takes effect.


The date we pay a single-sum benefit.


The date you terminate the rider.

We will not pay a benefit under the rider if the insured’s terminal condition results from self-inflicted injuries that occur during the period specified in your Policy’s suicide provision.

We do not assess an administrative charge for this rider; if the rider is exercised, however, we do reduce the single sum benefit by a discount factor to compensate us for expected income lost due to the early payment of the death benefit. The terms of the rider vary depending on a state’s insurance law requirements.

For example, suppose before the owner elects the single sum benefit, a Policy has a $400,000 death benefit and a $10,000 loan balance. Suppose that the current yield on 90-day Treasury bills is 6.00% and the Policy loan interest rate is 2.75%. Because the greater of these is 6%, that is the interest rate that will be used to discount the single sum benefit. The owner elects to accelerate 50% of the death benefit, so the single sum benefit equals $183,679.25, which is ($400,000 x 0.50/ 1.06) - ($10,000 x 0.50). After the acceleration, the remaining death benefit is $200,000, which is 50% of $400,000, and all Policy values, including the loan balance, will be reduced by 50%.



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Note: Before adding this rider to a Policy or requesting payment under the rider, you should consult a tax professional to discuss the tax consequences of doing so.


Under the PIR Plus, we provide term insurance coverage on the primary insured on a different basis from the coverage in your Policy.


Features of PIR Plus:


●   The rider increases the Policy’s death benefit by the rider’s face amount.


●   The rider may be purchased for issue ages 0-85.


●   The minimum purchase amount for the rider is $25,000. There is no maximum purchase amount.


●   We do not assess any additional surrender charge for the rider.


●   Generally the rider coverage costs less than the insurance under the Policy, but it has no cash value and terminates at attained age 100, and it does not provide a guarantee that current cost of insurance rates in the first three Policy years will remain fixed.


●   You may cancel or reduce your rider coverage without decreasing your Policy’s specified amount.


●   You may generally decrease your Policy’s specified amount without reducing your rider coverage.

Subject to the following conditions, on any Monthiversary while this rider is in force, you may convert this rider to a new Policy on the primary insured’s life without evidence of insurability.


Conditions to convert the rider:


●   Your request must be in writing and sent to our mailing address, in good order.


●   The primary insured has not reached his/her 86th birthday.


●   The new policy is any permanent insurance policy that we currently offer for conversions.


●   We may allow an increase to the Policy’s specified amount if the Base Policy and all of the riders in force allow such an increase.


●   The amount of the insurance under the new policy or the amount of the increase will equal the specified amount in force under the rider as long as it meets the minimum specified amount requirements of a Base Policy.


●   We will base your premium on the primary insured’s rate class under the rider.


Termination of the rider:


The rider will terminate on the earliest of:


●   The Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 100th birthday; or


●   The date the Policy terminates; or


●   The date you fully convert this rider; or


●   The Monthiversary when the rider terminates upon the owner’s written request.

It may cost you more to keep a higher specified amount under the Base Policy, because the specified amount may have a cost of insurance that is higher than the cost of the same amount of coverage under your PIR Plus. Any changes to the coverage of this rider may affect your minimum monthly guarantee premium. Please refer to the applicable fee tables for your Policy to determine the charges for this rider. You should consult your registered representative to determine if you would benefit from PIR Plus. We may discontinue offering PIR Plus at any time. We may also modify the terms of this rider for new policies.



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This rider may insure the spouse (or a non-spouse Other Insured where required by state law) and/or dependent children of the primary insured. Please note that if a non-spouse is the Other Insured there may be adverse tax consequences. Subject to the terms of the rider, we will pay the specified amount of the rider to the primary insured for Policies applied for before September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009, or to the selected beneficiary for 2001 C.S.O. policies (those Policies issued on or after January 1, 2009). Subject to the terms of the rider, we will pay the specified amount of the rider when we receive proof (in good order at our mailing address) that the Other Insured’s death occurred while this rider was in force. For issue ages 0-85, our minimum specified amount for this rider is $10,000. The maximum specified amount is the lesser of $1,000,000 or the total amount of coverage on the primary insured. The maximum number of Other Insured Riders that is allowed on any one Policy is five (5). Please refer to the applicable fee tables for your Policy to determine the respective charges for this rider. Subject to the following conditions, on any Monthiversary while the rider is in force, you may convert it to a new policy on the Other Insured’s life (without evidence of insurability).


Conditions to convert the rider:


●   Your request must be in writing, in good order, and sent to our mailing address.


●   The Other Insured has not reached his/her 86th birthday.


●   The new policy is any permanent insurance policy that we currently offer for conversion.


●   Subject to the minimum specified amount required for the new policy, the amount of the insurance under the new policy will equal the face amount in force under the rider as long as it meets the minimum specified amount requirements of the original Policy.


●   We will base the premium for the new policy on the Other Insured’s underwriting class under the rider.

Termination of the rider:


The rider will terminate on the earliest of:


●   The Policy anniversary on or following the Other Insured’s 100th birthday; or


●   The date the Policy terminates for any reason except for the death of the primary insured; or


●   31 days after the death of the primary insured; or


●   The date of conversion of this rider; or


●   The Monthiversary when the rider terminates upon the owner’s written request.


This rider provides insurance on the primary insured’s children who are between the ages of 15 days and 18 years old on the effective date of the rider or when later added to the rider due to birth or legal adoption. The coverage for any insured child will terminate on the Monthiversary following that child’s 25th birthday (or that child’s death, if sooner).

Our minimum face amount for this rider is $5,000 and the maximum face amount is $20,000. We will pay a death benefit once we receive proof, in good order, at our mailing address that the insured child died while the rider was in force for that child. At each insured child’s age 25, this rider may be converted to a new policy for five times the face amount of the rider. If the primary insured dies while the rider is in force, we will terminate the rider 31 days after the death, and we will offer a separate life insurance policy to each insured child for an amount equal to the face amount of the rider.


Available to primary insureds issue ages 15-59, the minimum specified amount for this rider is $10,000. The maximum specified amount available for the rider is the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) 150% of the Policy’s specified amount.

Subject to certain limitations, we will pay the specified amount if the death of the primary insured results solely from accidental bodily injury where:



The death is caused by external, violent, and accidental means.



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The death occurs within 90 days of the accident.


The death occurs while the rider is in force.

The rider will terminate on the earliest of:



The Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 70th birthday; or


The date the Policy terminates; or


The Monthiversary when the rider terminates upon the owner’s written request.


Subject to certain conditions, we will waive the Policy’s monthly deductions while the primary insured is disabled. You may purchase this rider if the primary insured’s issue age is between 15 and 55 at the time the rider is purchased. This rider is not available together with the Disability Waiver of Premium Rider.

Before we waive any monthly deductions, we must receive proof, in good order, at our mailing address that:



The primary insured is totally disabled;


The primary insured’s total disability began before the Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 60th birthday; and


The primary insured’s total disability has existed continuously for at least six months.

We will not waive any deduction that becomes due more than one year before we receive written notice of your claim, after the primary insured’s recovery from disability, or after termination of this rider. While the primary insured is totally disabled and receiving benefits under this rider, no grace period will begin for the Policy provided that the cash value minus loans and accrued loan interest remains positive. It is possible that additional premium payments will be required to keep the Policy in force while the waiver of monthly deductions benefit is being paid.


Termination of the rider:

   The rider will terminate on the earliest of:
      The Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 60th birthday, unless the primary insured is totally disabled; or
      The date of recovery from disability (with respect to benefits accruing during the continuance of an existing total disability after the Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 60th birthday); or
      The date the Policy terminates; or
      The Monthiversary when this rider is terminated upon the owner’s written request.

If we are paying benefits under the rider on the Policy anniversary after the insured’s 60th birthday, then the rider will not terminate and benefits will continue until the date the primary insured is no longer totally disabled.


Subject to certain conditions, we will apply the waiver of premium benefit, as shown on the Policy schedule page, as if it is a premium payment into the Policy, while the primary insured is totally disabled, as defined in the rider. The waiver of premium benefit is generally equal to the annual planned premium for the Policy, but the maximum payment is the lesser of $12,000 or the maximum annual premium payable under the Guideline Premium Test. We will allocate the resulting net premium into the Policy’s cash value. You may purchase this rider if the primary insured’s issue age is between 15 and 55. This rider is not available in combination with the Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider.

Before paying a benefit, we must receive proof, in good order at our mailing address that:



The primary insured is totally disabled.


The primary insured became totally disabled before the Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 60th birthday.


The primary insured’s total disability has existed continuously for at least six months.

Upon meeting the requirements above, we will also make a retroactive payment equal to six months of benefits under the rider. We will apply the benefit each month on the Monthiversary. We may not pay any benefit that becomes due



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more than one year before we receive written notice of your claim, after the primary insured’s recovery from disability, or after termination of this rider. It is possible that additional premium payments will be required to keep the Policy in force while the waiver of premium benefit is being paid.


Termination of the rider:  

The rider will terminate on the earliest of:


●   The Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 60th birthday, unless the primary insured is totally disabled; or


●   The later of the date of recovery from the disability or the Policy anniversary on or following the insured’s 100th birthday (with respect to benefits accruing during the continuance of an existing total disability after the Policy anniversary on or following the primary insured’s 60th birthday); or


●   The date the Policy terminates; or


●   The Monthiversary when this rider terminates upon the owner’s written request.


This rider provides scheduled annual increases to the Policy’s specified amount, starting on the first Policy anniversary and continuing each Policy anniversary until the Policy’s 20th anniversary, without an additional application or evidence of insurability. The rider is available only at issue of the Policy for issue ages 0-65, and only if Death Benefit Option A is chosen on the application. If you select the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium, we will not recalculate your minimum monthly guarantee premium with each increase in specified amount generated by the rider. You must elect this rider on the application. The rider is not available to insureds in a substandard rating class.


Features of the rider:


●   The Policy’s initial specified amount must be less than $1,000,000.


●   Any change to the Policy’s death benefit option will cause the rider to terminate and annual specified amount increases to stop.


●   Any withdrawal or requested decrease in specified amount of the Policy will cause the rider to terminate and annual scheduled specified amount increases to stop.


●   If you decline any scheduled specified amount increase under the rider, the rider will terminate and further scheduled specified amount increases will stop.


●   Future scheduled percentage increases under the rider apply only to the Policy’s specified amount on the Policy date plus any previous scheduled specified amount increases under the rider. Increases under the rider do not apply to increases in specified amount requested by you after the Policy date.


●   The Policy’s surrender charge period and surrender charges apply separately to each scheduled increase in specified amount. Upon a surrender of the Policy, total surrender charges will be the sum of any surrender charges applicable to the Policy and to each annual increase amount effected under the rider.


●   The no lapse period for the Policy will continue to be measured from the Policy date, and will not change each time a scheduled increase in specified amount is effected under the rider.


●   Each time a scheduled increase in specified amount is made under the rider, the tests we apply to qualify the Policy as life insurance under Code Section 7702, and for MEC purposes will be recalculated.


●   Scheduled annual increases in specified amount generated by this rider will increase the cost of insurance charges and increase the amount and duration of the monthly per unit charges and surrender



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charges under the Policy. Each new layer of surrender charges and monthly per unit charges resulting from the scheduled annual increase in specified amount will be based on the amount of increase, the insured’s issue age at time of increase and the Policy duration from date of increase. Each new layer of cost of insurance charge is based on, among other factors, the insured’s issue age and the duration of the Policy at the time of the increase.


●   Banding of specified amounts for purposes of applying cost of insurance rates and monthly per unit charges is determined by adding the Policy’s specified amount and the sum of the specified amounts created by operation of the rider. The resulting cost of insurance rates and the monthly per unit charges, according to the appropriate specified amount band, will then apply to both the Policy’s specified amount and to each of the specified amount increases generated by the rider.


●   Any requested decreases in specified amount are applied on a “last-in-first-out” basis, such that the last increase in specified amount created by operation of the rider will be eliminated first, and so on.


Termination of the rider:


The rider will terminate on the earliest of the following:


●   The processing date of a requested decrease in the specified amount of the Policy.


●   The date an automatic increase, under the terms of the rider, is declined by the owner.


●   The day following the 20th anniversary of the Policy.


●   A cash withdrawal from the Policy.


●   Any change in death benefit option.


●   The date the insured dies.


●   The date the Policy terminates for any reason other than the death of the insured.


●   The date we receive your written request at our mailing address to terminate the Policy or the rider.

Under the rider, the Policy’s specified amount will increase on a compounded basis by 3.53%. As a courtesy, you will receive a notice of the date and amount of each scheduled increase from us on or prior to each Policy anniversary. You may, at that time, decline in writing to us an increase within 45 days of the date of the notice. If you decline a scheduled increase in specified amount, the rider will terminate and further scheduled increases under the rider will be canceled.


State Variations

The following section describes modifications to this prospectus required by one or more state insurance departments as of the date of this prospectus. Unless otherwise noted, variations apply to all forms of policies we issue. These variations are subject to change without notice and additional variations may be imposed as specific states approve new riders.

California. If the policyowner is age 60 or older, as of the Policy effective date, the Policy’s free look period is 30 days from the date of delivery. During the 30-day free look period, we will hold the net premiums in the fixed account unless you direct us to allocate the net premiums as per your most recent allocation instructions on your application or in writing any time before the end of the 30-day free look period. On the day following the end of the 30-day free look period, we will automatically transfer the accumulated value to subaccounts that you selected. This automatic transfer is excluded from the transfer limitations described in this prospectus.



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New Jersey. The fixed account is not available to you if your Policy was applied for before September 22, 2008 and issued before January 1, 2009. You may not direct or transfer any premiums or cash value to the fixed account. The fixed account is available to you only in connection with Policy loans.

Puerto Rico. Before we allocate the net premium payments you make, we will deduct the following premium expense charge (for Policies applied for on or after September 22, 2008):



Currently, 10% during the first ten Policy years on Policies with a specified amount of less than $250,000 (Band 1) and 6.5% thereafter; we guarantee this charge will never exceed 12.0% during the first ten Policy years and 8.5% thereafter.



Currently, 7.0% with a specified amount in force from $250,000 to $499,999 (Band 2) for the first 10 Policy years, and 6.5% thereafter. We guarantee this charge will not exceed 9.0% during the first ten Policy years and 8.5% thereafter.



For Policies with a specified amount of $500,000 or higher (Band 3), currently, 4.0%. We guarantee this charge will not exceed 6%.

The Company reserves the right at any time to change the current charge, but never to a level that exceeds the guaranteed charge.


Every state has unclaimed property laws that generally provide for escheatment to the state of unclaimed property (including proceeds of annuity, life and other insurance policies) under various circumstances. In addition to the state unclaimed property laws, we may be required to escheat property pursuant to regulatory demand, finding, agreement or settlement. To help prevent such escheatment, it is important that you keep your contact and other information on file with us up to date, including the names, contact information and identifying information for owners, insureds, annuitants, beneficiaries and other payees. Such updates should be communicated in a form and manner satisfactory to us.


We cannot carry out your instructions to process a transaction relating to the Policy until we have received your instructions in good order at our mailing address (or our administrative office or website, as appropriate). “Good order” means the actual receipt by us of the instructions relating to a transaction in writing or, when appropriate, by telephone or facsimile, or electronically, along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation (including any required spousal or joint owner’s consents) we require in order to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes, to the extent applicable to the transaction: your completed application; the policy number; the transaction amount (in dollars or percentage terms); the names and allocations to and/or from the subaccounts affected by the requested transaction; the dated signatures of all owners (exactly as registered on the Policy) if necessary; Social Security Number or Taxpayer I.D.; and any other information or supporting documentation that we may require. To be in “good order,” instructions must be sufficiently clear so that  we do not need to exercise any discretion to follow such instructions.


We have entered into a principal underwriting agreement with our affiliate, TCI, for the distribution and sale of the Policies. We reimburse TCI for certain expenses it incurs in order to pay for the distribution of the Policies.

We have discontinued new sales of the Policies. You may, however, continue to make premium payments to fund your Policy pursuant to its terms, and exercise other rights and options under your Policy—such as reallocating your Policy value among investment options, making partial withdrawals, surrendering your Policy, and making changes in ownership of your Policy.


We, like other life insurance companies, are subject to regulatory and legal proceedings in the ordinary course of our



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business. Such legal and regulatory matters include proceedings specific to us and other proceedings generally applicable to business practices in the industry in which we operate. In some lawsuits and regulatory proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made. Although the outcome of any litigation or regulatory proceeding cannot be predicted with certainty, at the present time, we believe that there are no pending or threatened proceedings or lawsuits that are likely to have a material adverse impact on the separate account, on TCI’s ability to perform under its principal underwriting agreement, or on our ability to meet our obligations under the Policy.


The financial statements of Transamerica and the separate account are included in the SAI.



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The following is a list of portfolio companies available under the Policy, which are subject to change as discussed in this prospectus.

More information about the Portfolio Companies is available in the prospectuses for the Portfolio Companies, which may be amended from time to time and can be found online at: dfinview.com/Transamerica/TAHD/VAVUL . You can also request this information at no cost by calling our administrative Office at 1-800-851-9777.

The current expenses and performance information below reflects fees and expenses of the Portfolio Companies, but do not reflect the other fees and expenses that your Policy may charge. Expenses would be higher and performance would be lower if these other charges were included. Each portfolio’s past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance.




   Underlying Fund Portfolios and Adviser/Sub-adviser (1)       

Average Annual Total Returns

(as of 12/31/20[ ])

  1 Year   5 Year   10 Year



AB Balanced Hedged Allocation Portfolio10

(Adviser: AllianceBernstein L.P.)

  %   %   %   %

U.S. Equity


Fidelity VIP Index 500 Portfolio

(Sub-Advisers: FMR Co., Inc.; Geode Capital Management, LLC)

  %   %   %   %



Franklin Allocation VIP Fund


  %   %   %   %

U.S. Equity


ProFund VP Mid-Cap


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP NASDAQ-100


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Small-Cap


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Small-Cap Value


  %   %   %   %




ProFund VP Asia 30


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Emerging Markets


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Europe 30


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP International


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Japan


  %   %   %   %




ProFund VP Basic Materials


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Consumer Services


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Financials


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Oil & Gas


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Pharmaceuticals


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Telecommunications


  %   %   %   %

ProFund VP Utilities


  %   %   %   %



Table of Contents
   Underlying Fund Portfolios and Adviser/Sub-adviser (1)        Average Annual Total Returns
(as of 12/31/20[ ])
  1 Year   5 Year   10 Year



ProFund Access VP High Yield5













ProFund VP Bull5











ProFund VP Falling U.S. Dollar5











ProFund VP Precious Metals5











ProFund VP Short Emerging Markets5











ProFund VP Short International5











ProFund VP Short Nasdaq-1005











ProFund VP Short Small-Cap5











ProFund VP UltraNasdaq1005











ProFund VP UltraSmall-Cap105











ProFund VP U.S. Government Plus5










Money Market   

ProFund VP Government Money Market










U.S. Equity   

Transamerica Aegon Sustainable Equity Income VP











Transamerica Janus Mid-Cap Growth VP











Transamerica JPMorgan Enhanced Index VP











Transamerica Morgan Stanley Capital Growth VP











Transamerica Small/Mid Cap Value VP

(Sub-Advisers: Systematic Financial Management L.P.;
Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley, LLC)










Transamerica T. Rowe Price Small Cap VP











Transamerica WMC US Growth VP










International Equity   

Transamerica International Focus VP6

(Sub-Adviser: Epoch Investment Partners, Inc.)










Transamerica JPMorgan International Moderate Growth VP3










Sector Equity   

Transamerica BlackRock Global Real Estate Securities VP











Transamerica Aegon High Yield Bond VP5











Transamerica Aegon U.S. Government Securities VP











Transamerica JPMorgan Core Bond VP











Transamerica PIMCO Total Return VP












Table of Contents
      Underlying Fund Portfolios and Adviser/Sub-adviser (1)       

Average Annual Total Returns

(as of 12/31/20[ ])



  1 Year   5 Year   10 Year

Transamerica BlackRock iShares Edge 40 VP


  %   %   %   %
     Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation – Conservative VP3,7   %   %   %   %
     Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth VP3,8   %   %   %   %
     Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation – Moderate VP3,9   %   %   %   %

Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP3


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica Janus Balanced VP


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Conservative VP3


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Growth VP3


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Moderate Growth VP3


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica JPMorgan Asset Allocation – Moderate VP3


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica JPMorgan Tactical Allocation VP


  %   %   %   %
     Transamerica Managed Risk – Balanced ETF VP
(Sub-Adviser: Milliman Financial Risk Management LLC)
  %   %   %   %
     Transamerica Managed Risk – Growth ETF VP
(Sub-Adviser: Milliman Financial Risk Management LLC)
  %   %   %   %

Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP


  %   %   %   %
     Transamerica Multi-Managed Balanced VP
(Sub-Advisers: Aegon USA Investment Management, LLC;
J. P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.)
  %   %   %   %

Transamerica PIMCO Tactical-Balanced VP3


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica PIMCO Tactical-Conservative VP3


  %   %   %   %

Transamerica PIMCO Tactical-Growth VP3


  %   %   %   %
Money Market   

Transamerica BlackRock Government Money Market VP


  %   %   %   %

1The name of the adviser or sub-adviser is not listed if the name is incorporated into the name of the portfolio.

2This portfolio is subject to an expense reimbursement or fee waiver arrangement. As a result, this portfolio’s annual expenses reflect temporary expense reductions. See the portfolio prospectus for additional information.

3This portfolio employs managed volatility strategies. See the portfolio prospectus for information about the risks associated with managed volatility strategies. See also “The Portfolio companies – Portfolio companies with Managed Volatility Strategies” in the Policy’s prospectus for information about how such strategies may impact your Policy.

4The Policy’s market timing policy and procedures do not apply to this fund’s portfolio companies because they are designed to permit frequent transfers. See the portfolio prospectus for information about the risks and increased costs associated with portfolio companies that permit frequent trading. See also “Market Timing and Disruptive Trading” in the Policy’s prospectus for information about how frequent trading may impact your Policy.

5This portfolio may use investment techniques that are not associated with most mutual fund companies. You should be aware of the additional, potentially significant investment risks to which the portfolio may be subject. See the portfolio prospectus for more information.

6 Effective on about November 1, 2021 Transamerica International Growth VP sub-advised by TDAM USA Inc. was renamed Transamerica International Focus VP. Effective January 1, 2022, the subadvisor changed to Epoch Investment Partners, Inc.



Table of Contents

7 Effective on or about November 1, 2021 Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation - Conservative VP was renamed Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation - Conservative VP.

8 Effective on or about November 1, 2021 Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation - Moderate VP was renamed Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation - Moderate VP

9 Effective on or about November 1, 2021 Transamerica QS Investors Active Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth VP was renamed Transamerica BlackRock iShares Active Asset Allocation - Moderate Growth VP

10 Effective on or about May 1, 2022, AB Balanced Wealth Strategy Portfolio will be renamed AB Balanced Hedged Allocation Portfolio

There are no Portfolio companies that have been closed to new investments or new investors.


All underlying fund portfolios in the Transamerica Series Trust are advised by Transamerica Asset Management. The entities listed are the sub-advisers unless otherwise indicated.

You should work with your investment professional to decide which Subaccount(s) may be appropriate for you based on a thorough analysis of your particular insurance needs, financial objective, investment goals, time horizons, and risk tolerance.



Table of Contents

For Policies Applied For On Or After September 22, 2008


(Based On The Sex And Rate Class Of The Insured)


Issue Age                 


Non- Tobacco                

0   12.08        11.58    
1   12.17        11.66    
2   12.28        11.77    
3   12.41        11.88    
4   12.56        11.99    
5   12.72        12.11    
6   12.88        12.24    
7   13.05        12.39    
8   13.23        12.52    
9   13.42        12.68    
10   13.62        12.84    
11   13.84        13.01    
12   14.05        13.19    
13   14.29        13.37    
14   14.53        13.57    
15   14.77        13.78    
16   15.03        13.98    
17   15.29        14.21    
18     15.56   13.98      14.44   13.12
19     15.82   14.16      14.69   13.30
20     16.10   14.37      14.94   13.47
21     16.39   14.57      15.20   13.67
22     16.70   14.79      15.49   13.87
23     17.01   15.03      15.78   14.08
24     17.34   15.27      16.09   14.31
25     17.69   15.54      16.42   14.54
26     18.05   15.82      16.76   14.78
27     18.38   16.05      17.06   14.99
28     18.78   16.35      17.43   15.25
29     19.21   16.68      17.83   15.55
30     19.59   16.95      18.19   15.79
31     20.08   17.32      18.64   16.11
32     20.60   17.71      19.11   16.45
33     21.15   18.13      19.61   16.80
34     21.67   18.52      20.06   17.11
35     22.29   18.99      20.60   17.51
36     22.89   19.42      21.12   17.86
37     23.58   19.93      21.72   18.30
38     24.27   20.44      22.29   18.70
39     25.05   21.03      22.98   19.19
40     26.12   21.79      23.88   19.80
41     27.02   22.47      24.66   20.35
42     27.90   23.12      25.43   20.88
43     28.90   23.87      26.30   21.51
44     29.88   24.61      27.17   22.11
45     30.98   25.46      28.16   22.81
46     32.14   26.35      29.19   23.55



Table of Contents
47     33.36   27.30      30.30   24.33
48     34.65   28.29      31.46   25.15
49     36.04   29.38      32.68   26.03


Issue Age                 

Non- Tobacco                
50     37.53   30.52     33.95   26.95
51     39.12   31.75     35.29   27.91
52     40.81   33.06     36.69   28.93
53     42.58   34.45     38.17   30.02
54     44.46   35.93     39.72   31.15
55     46.45   37.49     41.34   32.35
57     50.71   40.92     44.82   34.94
58     53.02   42.80     46.69   36.35
59     55.51   44.82     48.68   37.84
60     57.00   46.98     50.77   39.42
61     57.00   49.28     52.98   41.09
62     57.00   51.73     55.32   42.88
63     57.00   54.34     57.00   44.77
64     57.00   57.00     57.00   46.80
65     57.00   57.00     57.00   48.97
66     57.00   57.00     57.00   51.29
67     57.00   57.00     57.00   53.76
68     57.00   57.00     57.00   56.42
69 and over     57.00   57.00     57.00   57.00



Table of Contents

For Policies Applied For On Or After September 22, 2008


Surrender Charge Factors


End of

    Policy Year*    

   Factor for Issue Ages
       0 - 39        40 - 44        45 - 49        50 - 54        55 - 59        60 - 64        65 - 69        70 - 74        75 - 85  
At Issue    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    0.99
1    1.00    0.98    0.97    0.96    0.94    0.92    0.91    0.91    0.89
2    0.95    0.89    0.89    0.88    0.88    0.88    0.88    0.87    0.84
3    0.88    0.87    0.86    0.86    0.85    0.85    0.85    0.84    0.80
4    0.79    0.78    0.77    0.77    0.76    0.76    0.75    0.74    0.74
5    0.68    0.67    0.65    0.64    0.64    0.64    0.63    0.62    0.62
6    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55
7    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40
8    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25
9    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10
    10+    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0



* The factor on any date other than a Policy anniversary or anniversary of an increase in specified amount will be determined proportionately using the factor at the end of the year prior to surrender and the factor at the end of the year of surrender.

Surrender Charge Examples For Policies Applied For On or After September 22, 2008: Assume a male non-tobacco user purchases the Policy at issue age 30 with a specified amount of $100,000. The Policy is surrendered at the end of Policy year 5. The surrender charge per $1,000 of specified amount is $16.95. This is multiplied by the surrender charge factor of 0.68.


The surrender charge


the surrender charge per $1,000 ($16.95)

    x    the number of thousands of initial specified amount (100)
    x    the surrender charge factor (0.68)
  =    $1,152.60.



Table of Contents

For Policies Applied For On Or After September 22, 2008




These charts show the surrender charge and annualized monthly per unit charge associated with the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium. These are based on a male, issue age 30, preferred elite rate class with an initial specified amount of $300,000.

The chart below shows the Base Policy surrender charge and the surrender charge that applies to each scheduled annual increase. The Base Policy and each of the scheduled annual increases have a surrender charge that applies for 10 Policy years from the issue date or the date of the scheduled increase. The surrender charge declines rapidly over the first 10 Policy years, increases over the next 11 years, and grades down to zero over the next nine years.


      Year    Age    Specified

Charge (in




   30    300,000    5,085


   31    310,590    5,014


   32    321,554    4,843


   33    332,905    4,569


   34    344,657    4,187


   35    356,823    3,694


   36    369,419    3,085


   37    382,459    2,459


   38    395,960    1,814


   39    409,937    1,404


   40    424,408    1,488


   41    439,390    1,566


   42    454,900    1,666


   43    470,958    1,773


   44    487,583    1,889


   45    504,795    2,014


   46    522,614    2,153


   47    541,062    2,299


   48    560,161    2,458


   49    579,935    2,626


   50    600,407    2,811


   51    600,407    2,367


   52    600,407    1,951


   53    600,407    1,519


   54    600,407    1,108


   55    600,407    761


   56    600,407    449


   57    600,407    214


   58    600,407    62


   59    600,407    -



Table of Contents

The chart below shows the current Base Policy annualized monthly per unit charge and the annualized monthly per unit charge that applies to each scheduled annual increase. The Base Policy and each of the scheduled increases have a monthly per unit charge that applies for 10 Policy years from the issue date or the date of the scheduled increase. The monthly per unit charge increases over the first 10 Policy years, has a significant drop at the start of year 11 then increases until the end of year 21. After year 21 the monthly per unit charges decrease each year until they become zero in years 31 and beyond.


LOGO     Year    Age    Specified
   Total Per
Charge (in


   30    300000    360


   31    310590    373


   32    321554    386


   33    332905    399


   34    344657    415


   35    356823    431


   36    369419    449


   37    382459    468


   38    395960    489


   39    409937    511


   40    424408    175


   41    439390    188


   42    454900    202


   43    470958    218


   44    487583    234


   45    504795    251


   46    522614    267


   47    541062    284


   48    560161    299


   49    579935    316


   50    600407    331


   51    600407    305


   52    600407    277


   53    600407    249


   54    600407    217


   55    600407    184


   56    600407    149


   57    600407    114


   58    600407    77


   59    600407    39


   60    600407    0



Table of Contents

For Policies Applied For Before September 22, 2008 And Issued Before January 1, 2009


(Based On The Sex And Rate Class Of The Insured)










0         N/A             N/A             14.11             N/A            N/A
1         N/A             N/A             11.42             N/A            N/A
2         N/A             N/A             11.42             N/A            N/A
3         N/A             N/A             11.09             N/A            N/A
4         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
5         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
6         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
7         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
8         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
9         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
10         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
11         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
12         N/A             N/A             10.75             N/A            N/A
13         N/A             N/A             11.09             N/A            N/A
14         N/A             N/A             11.42             N/A            N/A
15         N/A             N/A             11.76             N/A            N/A
16         N/A             N/A             11.93             N/A            N/A
17         N/A             N/A             12.43             N/A            N/A
18         12.88             12.21                           12.88            12.21
19         13.05             12.38                           13.05            12.38
20         13.22             12.54                           13.22            12.54
21         13.83             12.82                           13.50            12.82
22         14.06             13.05                           13.72            13.05
23         14.34             13.33                           14.00            13.33
24         14.56             13.55                           14.56            13.55
25         15.18             13.83                           14.84            13.83
26         15.71             14.70                           15.37            14.37
27         16.23             15.24                           15.90            14.90
28         16.70             15.70                           16.70            15.37
29         17.54             16.55                           17.21            16.22
30         18.04             17.06                           17.71            16.73
31         18.97             17.67                           18.32            17.34
32         19.51             18.54                           19.19            18.22
33         20.42             19.14                           19.78            18.81
34         21.27             19.67                           20.63            19.35
35         21.84             20.56                           21.20            20.25
36         22.45             20.90                           21.83            20.59
37         23.09             21.59                           22.49            20.98
38         23.86             22.11                           22.69            21.52
39         24.60             22.61                           23.18            21.76



Table of Contents
40         24.60             22.61                         23.18            21.76
41         25.92             23.80                         24.33            22.75
42         27.76             25.39                         26.18            24.33
43         29.79             26.88                         27.94            25.47









       32.08            28.64            29.66            26.25


       34.14            30.18            30.61            27.05


       36.08            31.59            31.64            27.92


       38.02            32.82            32.70            28.84


       39.95            34.10            33.83            29.82


       42.15            35.46            35.02            30.84


       45.43            37.59            36.95            32.54


       47.67            39.18            38.30            33.72


       50.67            40.87            39.74            34.99


       53.40            42.67            41.26            36.34


       56.94            44.61            42.87            37.77


       59.67            46.68            44.56            39.30


       60.00            48.87            46.36            40.92


       60.00            51.23            48.23            42.65


       60.00            53.74            50.27            44.51


       60.00            56.43            52.47            46.52


       60.00            59.33            54.85            48.69


       60.00            60.00            57.41            51.04


       60.00            60.00            60.00            53.56


       60.00            60.00            60.00            56.29


       60.00            60.00            60.00            59.23


       60.00            60.00            60.00            60.00

66 and over

  60.00            60.00            60.00            60.00



Table of Contents

For Policies Applied For Before September 22, 2008 And Issued

Before January 1, 2009


Surrender Charge Factors

End of Policy Year*

   Factor for Issue Ages
      0 - 39      40 - 44      45 - 49      50 - 54      55 - 59      60 - 64      65 - 69      70 - 74      75 - 85 

At Issue

   1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00


   1.00    0.98    0.97    0.96    0.96    0.92    0.91    0.91    0.89


   0.95    0.89    0.89    0.88    0.88    0.88    0.88    0.87    0.84


   0.88    0.87    0.86    0.86    0.85    0.85    0.85    0.84    0.80


   0.79    0.78    0.77    0.77    0.76    0.76    0.75    0.74    0.74


   0.68    0.67    0.65    0.64    0.64    0.64    0.63    0.62    0.62


   0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55    0.55


   0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40    0.40


   0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25    0.25


   0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10    0.10


   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0



* The factor on any date other than a Policy anniversary or anniversary of an increase in specified amount will be determined proportionately using the factor at the end of the year prior to surrender and the factor at the end of the year of surrender.

Surrender Charge Example: Assume a male non-tobacco user purchases the Policy at issue age 30 with a specified amount of $100,000. The Policy is surrendered at the end of Policy year 5. The surrender charge per $1,000 of specified amount is $17.06. This is multiplied by the surrender charge factor of .68.


The surrender charge


The surrender charge per $1,000 ($17.06)


The number of thousands of initial specified amount (100)


The surrender charge factor (.68)





Table of Contents



To help you understand how your Policy values could vary over time under different sets of assumptions, we will provide you, without charge and upon request, with certain personalized hypothetical illustrations showing the death benefit, net surrender value and cash value. These hypothetical illustrations will be based on the age and insurance risk characteristics of the insured persons under your Policy and such factors as the specified amount band, death benefit option, premium payment amounts, and hypothetical rates of return (within limits) that you request. The illustrations are not a representation or guarantee of investment returns or cash value.


To learn more about the Policy, you should read the SAI dated the same date as this prospectus. The SAI has been filed with the SEC and is incorporated into this prospectus by reference. The SAI includes additional information about Transamerica and the Separate Account.

For a free copy of the SAI, for other information about the Policy, and to obtain personalized illustrations, please contact your registered representative or send your request to our mailing address at:



Transamerica Life Insurance Company

6400 C St. SW


Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52499


   Facsimile: 1-727-299-1620 (1-727-299-1648 for subaccount transfers only)

(Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time)


You may also obtain copies of reports and other information about Transamerica and the Separate Account on the SEC’s website at sec.gov, and copies of this information may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following email address: publicinfo@sec.gov. The SEC file numbers and the Policy’s contract identifier are listed below.

TCI serves as the principal underwriter for the Policies. More information about TCI is available at finra.org or by calling 1-800-289-9999. You also can obtain an investor brochure from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) describing its Public Disclosure Program.


SEC File No. 333-249150/811-4420

EDGAR Contract Identifier C000223616




Table of Contents

The information in this Statement of Additional Information is not complete and may be changed. This Statement of Additional Information is contained in a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and we may not sell these securities until that registration statement is effective. This Statement of Additional Information is not an offer to sell these securities and is not soliciting an offer to buy these securities in any state where the offer or sale is not permitted.

May 1, 2022



issued through

WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Life Insurance Company

Administrative Office:

6400 C Street SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52499

Please direct transactions, claim forms, payments and other correspondence and notices as follows:


Transaction Type    Direct or Send to
Telephonic Transaction    1-727- 299-1800 or 1-800-851-9777 (toll free)
Facsimile Transaction   

1-727-299-1648 (subaccount transfers only)

1-727-299-1620 (all other facsimile transactions)

Electronic Transaction    tlic.transamerica.com
Payments made by check   

PO Box 429, Cedar Rapids IA 52406-0429 or

6400 C St. SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52499-0001

Claims, general correspondence, and notices    Mailing Address: 6400 C St. SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52499-0001

This Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) expands upon subjects discussed in the current prospectus for the Freedom Elite Builder® II flexible premium variable life insurance policy offered by Transamerica Life Insurance Company (“TLIC” or “Transamerica”). You may obtain a copy of the prospectus dated May 1, 2021 by calling our administrative office at 1-800-851-9777 (Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern time), or by writing us at our mailing address at Transamerica, 6400 C St. SW., Cedar Rapids, IA 52499-0001. The prospectus sets forth information that a prospective investor should know before investing in a Policy. Terms used in this SAI have the same meanings as in the prospectus for the Policy. NOTE: This product is no longer available for new sales.

This SAI is not a prospectus and should be read only in conjunction with the prospectuses for the Policy.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents





Additional Information About Cyber Security Risk


Additional Information about Business Continuity Risk




Ownership Rights


Our Right to Contest the Policy


Modifying the Policy


Mixed and Shared Funding


Addition, Deletion, or Substitution of Portfolios


Death Benefit




Legal Matters


Personalized Illustrations of Policy Benefits


Distribution of the Policies


Reports to Owners






Underwriting Standards


Transamerica’s Published Ratings






Table of Contents

In order to supplement the description in the prospectus, the following provides additional information about Transamerica and the Policy, which may be of interest to a prospective purchaser.


Transamerica was originally founded in 1858 in the state of Maryland as “Maryland Mutual life and Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore” and was the state’s first insurance company; it then changed its name to Monumental Life Insurance Company in 1935. Monumental Life Insurance Company changed its name to Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company on July 31, 2014. Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company was re-established as Transamerica Life Insurance Company effective October 1. 2020. Transamerica is incorporated under Iowa law and is principally engaged in offering life insurance policies and annuity contracts. Transamerica is licensed to sell insurance in all states (except New York), Puerto Rico, Guam, and in the District of Columbia. Transamerica submits annual statements on its operations and finances to insurance officials in all states and jurisdictions in which it does business. The Policy described in the prospectus has been filed with, and where required, approved by, insurance officials in those jurisdictions in which it is sold.

Transamerica established the separate account as a separate investment account under Ohio law in 1985 and the separate account was re-domesticated to Iowa in 2014. We own the assets in the separate account and are obligated to pay all benefits under the Policies. The separate account is used to support other life insurance policies of Transamerica, as well as for other purposes permitted by law. The separate account is registered with the SEC as a unit investment trust under the 1940 Act and qualifies as a “separate account” within the meaning of the federal securities laws.

Transamerica holds the assets of the separate account physically segregated and apart from the general account. Transamerica maintains records of all purchases and sales of portfolio shares by each of the subaccounts. A blanket bond was issued to AEGON USA, Inc. (“AEGON USA”) in the aggregate amount of $12 million, covering all of the employees of AEGON USA and its affiliates, including Transamerica. A $5 million fidelity bond with additional capacity of $20 million covers the activities of the registered representatives of TCI.



Our operations support complex transactions and are highly dependent on the proper functioning of information technology and communication systems. Any failure of our information technology or communications systems may result in a material adverse effect on our results of operations and corporate reputation.

Any failure of or gap in the systems and processes necessary to support complex transactions and avoid systems failure, fraud, information security failures, processing errors, cyber intrusion, loss of data and breaches of regulation may lead to a materially adverse effect on our results of operations and corporate reputation. In addition, we must commit significant resources to maintain and enhance its existing systems in order to keep pace with applicable regulatory requirements, industry standards and customer preferences. If we fail to maintain secure and well-functioning information systems, we may not be able to rely on information for product pricing, compliance obligations, risk management and underwriting decisions. In addition, we cannot assure investors or consumers that interruptions, failures or breaches in security of these processes and systems will not occur, or if they do occur, that they can be timely detected and remediated. The occurrence of any of these events may have a materially adverse effect on our businesses, results of operations and financial condition.

A computer system failure or security breach may disrupt our business, damage our reputation and adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

We rely heavily on computer and information systems and internet and network connectivity to conduct a large portion of our business operations. This includes the need to securely store, process, transmit and dispose of confidential information, including personal information, through a number of complex systems. In many cases this also includes transmission and processing to or through commercial customers, business partners and third-party service providers. The introduction of new technologies, computer system failures, cyber-crime attacks or security or data privacy breaches may materially disrupt our business operations, damage our reputation, result in regulatory and litigation exposure, investigation and remediation costs, and materially and adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

The information security risk that we face includes the risk of malicious outside forces using public networks and other methods, including social engineering and the exploitation of targeted offline processes, to attack our systems and information. It also includes inside threats, both malicious and accidental. For example, human error, unauthorized user activity and lack of sufficiently



Table of Contents

automated processing can result in improper information exposure or use. We also face risk in this area due to its reliance in many cases on third-party systems, all of which may face cyber and information security risks of their own. Third-party administrators or distribution partners used by us or our affiliates may not adequately secure their own information systems and networks, or may not adequately keep pace with the dynamic changes in this area. Potential bad actors that target us and our applicable third parties may include, but are not limited to, criminal organizations, foreign government bodies, political factions, and others.

In recent years information security risk has increased sharply due to a number of developments in how information systems are used by companies such as us, but also by society in general. Threats have increased as criminals and other bad actors become more organized and employ more sophisticated techniques. At the same time companies increasingly make information systems and data available through the internet, mobile devices or other network connections to customers, employees and business partners, thereby expanding the attack surface that bad actors can exploit.

Large, global financial institutions such as us have been, and will continue to be subject to information security attacks for the foreseeable future. The nature of these attacks will also continue to be unpredictable, and in many cases may arise from circumstances that are beyond our control. If we fail to adequately invest in defensive infrastructure, timely response capabilities, technology and processes or to effectively execute against its information security strategy, it may suffer material adverse consequences.

To date the highest impact information security incidents that we have experienced are believed to have been the result of e-mail phishing attacks targeted at our business partners and commercial customers. This in turn led to unauthorized use of valid our website credentials to engage in fraudulent transactions and improper data exfiltration. Additionally, we have also faced other types of attacks, including but not limited to other types of phishing attacks and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, as well as certain limited cases of unauthorized internal user activity, including activity between other units of Aegon. Although to our knowledge these events have thus far not been material in nature, our management recognizes the need to establish and maintain adequate information security systems that are capable of addressing the possibility of these types of attacks, as well as for the possibility of more significant and sophisticated information security attacks, in the future. There is no guarantee that the measures that we take will be sufficient to stop all types of attacks or mitigate all types of information security or data privacy risks.

We maintain cyber liability insurance to help decrease the impact of cyber-attacks and information security events, subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy, however such insurance may not be sufficient to cover all applicable losses that we may suffer.

A breach of data privacy or security obligations may disrupt our business, damage our reputation and adversely affect financial conditions and results of operations.

Pursuant to applicable laws, various government agencies and independent administrative bodies have established numerous rules protecting the privacy and security of personal information and other confidential information held by us. For example, our businesses are subject to laws and regulations enacted by U.S. federal and state governments, including various regulatory organizations relating to the privacy and/or security of the information of customers, employees or others. These laws, among other things, increased compliance obligations, impacted our businesses’ collection, processing and retention of personal data, reporting of data breaches, and provide for penalties for non-compliance. As an example, the New York Department of Finance Services (NYDFS), pursuant to its cybersecurity regulation, requires financial institutions regulated by the NYDFS, including certain of our entities, to, among other things, satisfy an extensive set of minimum cyber security requirements, including but not limited to governance, management, reporting, policy, technology and control requirements. Numerous other U.S. laws also impose various information security and privacy related obligations with respect to various Company affiliates operating in the U.S., including but not limited to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and related state laws (GLBA), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), among many others. Other legislators and regulators with jurisdiction over our businesses are considering, or have already enacted, enhanced information security risk management and privacy rules and regulations. A number of our entities and affiliates are also subject to contractual restrictions with respect to the information of our clients and business partners. The Company, and numerous of its employees and business partners have access to, and routinely process, the personal information of consumers and employees. We rely on various processes and controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal information and other confidential information that is accessible to, or in the possession of, us, our systems, employees and business partners. It is possible that an employee, business partner or system could, intentionally or unintentionally, inappropriately disclose or misuse personal or confidential information. Our data or data in our possession could also be the subject of an unauthorized information security attack. If we fail to maintain adequate processes and controls or if we or our business partners fail to comply with relevant laws and regulations, policies and procedures, misappropriation or intentional or unintentional inappropriate disclosure or misuse of personal information or other confidential information could occur. Such control inadequacies or non-compliance could cause disrupted operations and misstated or unreliable financial data, materially damage our reputation or lead to increased regulatory scrutiny or civil or criminal penalties or litigation, which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, we analyze personal information and customer data to better manage our business, subject to applicable laws and regulations and other restrictions. It is possible that additional regulatory or other restrictions regarding the use of such techniques may be imposed. Additional privacy and information security obligations have been imposed by various governments with jurisdiction over the Company or its affiliates in recent years, and more such obligations are likely to be imposed in the near future across our operations. Such restrictions and



Table of Contents

obligations could have material impacts on our business, financial conditions and/or results of operations.

For a complete description regarding Transamerica’s policies for its websites, including the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for such websites, please visit: transamerica.com/individual/privacy-policy and transamerica.com/individual/terms-of-use.


Our business operations may be adversely affected by volatile natural and man-made disasters, including (but not limited to) hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, civil unrest, military action, fires and explosions, pandemic diseases, and other catastrophes (“Catastrophic Events”). Over the past several years, changing weather patterns and climatic conditions have added to the unpredictability and frequency of natural disasters in certain parts of the world. Such uncertainty as to future trends and exposure may lead to financial losses to our businesses. Furthermore, Catastrophic Events may disrupt our operations and result in the loss of, or restricted access to, property and information about Transamerica and its clients. Such events may also impact the availability and capacity of our key personnel. If our business continuity plans have not included effective contingencies for Catastrophic Events, we may experience business disruption, damage to corporate reputation, and damage to financial condition for a prolonged period of time.



The Policy belongs to the owner named in the application. The owner may exercise all of the rights and options described in the Policy. The owner is the insured unless the application specifies a different person as the insured. If the owner dies before the insured and no contingent owner is named, then ownership of the Policy will pass to the owner’s estate. The owner may exercise certain rights described below.


Changing the Owner       Change the owner by providing written notice, in good order, to us at our mailing address at any time while the insured is alive and the Policy is in force.
      Change is effective as of the date that the written notice is accepted by us, in good order, at our mailing address.
      Changing the owner does not automatically change the beneficiary.
      Changing the owner may have tax consequences. You should consult a tax professional before changing the owner.
      We are not liable for payments we made before we received the written notice at our mailing address.


Choosing the Beneficiary       The owner designates the beneficiary (the person to receive the death benefit when the insured dies) in the application.
      If the owner designates more than one beneficiary, then each beneficiary shares equally in any death benefit proceeds unless the beneficiary designation states otherwise.
      If the beneficiary dies before the insured, then any contingent beneficiary becomes the beneficiary.
      If both the beneficiary and contingent beneficiary die before the insured, then the death benefit will be paid to the owner or the owner’s estate upon the insured’s death.


Changing the Beneficiary       The owner changes the beneficiary by providing written notice to us, in good order, at our mailing address.
      Change is effective as of the date the owner signs the written notice.
      We are not liable for any payments we made before we received the written notice at our mailing address.


Assigning the Policy       The owner may assign Policy rights while the insured is alive.
      The owner retains any ownership rights that are not assigned.
      Assignee may not change the owner or the beneficiary, and may not elect or change an optional method of payment. Any amount payable to the assignee will be paid in a lump sum.
      Claims under any assignment are subject to proof of interest and the extent of the assignment.



Table of Contents
     We are not:
     >    bound by any assignment unless we receive a written notice of the assignment at our mailing address;
     >    responsible for the validity of any assignment;
     >    liable for any payment we made before we received written notice of the assignment at our mailing address; or
     >    bound by any assignment which results in adverse tax consequences to the owner, insured(s) or beneficiary (ies).
     Assigning the Policy may have tax consequences. You should consult a tax professional before assigning the Policy.


Selecting the tax test      The owner may elect either the guideline premium test or the cash value accumulation test. Your election may affect the amount of the death benefit payable under your Policy, the amount of premiums you may pay, and the amount of your monthly deduction.


In issuing the Policy, we rely on all statements made by or for the insured in the application or in a supplemental application. Therefore, if you make any material misrepresentation of a fact in the application (or any supplemental application), then we may contest the Policy’s validity or may resist a claim under the Policy for two years from the Policy date. For any portion of the specified amount that is issued as a result of a conversion, the contestability period is measured from the later of the Policy date of the Policy that was converted or the latest effective date of reinstatement of the converted Policy.

A new two year contestability period shall apply to each increase in specified amount that requires evidence of insurability (excluding automatic increases generated by the Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium), beginning on the effective date of each increase and will apply only to statements made in the application for the increase.

In the absence of fraud, we cannot bring any legal action to contest the validity of the Policy after the Policy or requested increase that requires evidence of insurability, has been in force during the insured’s lifetime for two years from the Policy date, or if reinstated, for two years from the date of reinstatement.

Suicide Exclusion

If the insured commits suicide, while sane or insane, within two years of the Policy date (or two years from the reinstatement date, if the Policy lapses and is reinstated), the Policy will terminate and our liability is limited to an amount equal to the premiums paid, less any outstanding loan amount, and less any cash withdrawals. We will pay this amount to the beneficiary in one sum. For any portion of the specified amount that is issued as a result of a conversion, the suicide period is measured from the later of the Policy date of the Policy that was converted or the latest effective date of reinstatement of the converted Policy.

If the insured commits suicide, while sane or insane, within two years from the effective date of any increase in specified amount that requires evidence of insurability, our liability with respect to such increase will be limited to its cost of insurance charges and any per unit charges.

Misstatement of Age or Gender

If the age or gender of the insured was stated incorrectly in the application or any supplemental application, then the death benefit will be adjusted based on what the cost of insurance charge and per unit charge for the most recent monthly deduction would have purchased based on the insured’s correct age and gender.


Only our President or Secretary may modify the Policy or waive any of our rights or requirements under the Policy. Any modification or waiver must be in writing. No agent may bind us by making any promise not contained in the Policy.

If we modify the Policy, we will provide you notice and we will make appropriate endorsements to the Policy.


The underlying fund portfolios may serve as investment vehicles for variable life insurance policies, variable annuity contracts and retirement plans (“mixed funding”) and shares of the underlying fund portfolios also may be sold to separate accounts of other insurance companies (“shared funding”). While the Company currently does not foresee any disadvantages to owners and



Table of Contents

participants arising from either mixed or shared funding, it is possible that the interests of owners of various contracts and/or participants in various plans for which the underlying fund portfolios serve as investments might at some time be in conflict. The Company and each underlying fund portfolio’s Board of Directors intend to monitor events in order to identify any material conflicts and to determine what action, if any, to take. Such action could include the sale of underlying fund portfolio shares by one or more of the separate accounts, which could have adverse consequences. Such action could also include a decision that separate underlying fund portfolios should be established for variable life and variable annuity separate accounts. In such an event, the Company would bear the attendant expenses, but owners and plan participants would no longer have the economies of scale resulting from a larger combined fund. Please read the prospectuses for the underlying fund portfolios, which discuss the underlying fund portfolios’ risks regarding mixed and shared funding, as applicable.


We do not guarantee that each portfolio will always be available for investment through the Policy. We reserve the right, subject to compliance with applicable law, to add new portfolios, close existing portfolios, or substitute portfolio shares that are held by any subaccount for shares of a different portfolio. New or substitute portfolios may have different fees and expenses and their availability may be limited to certain classes of purchasers. We will only add, delete or substitute shares of another underlying fund portfolio (or of another open-end, registered investment company) if the shares of a portfolio are no longer available for investment, or if in our judgment further investment in any portfolio would become inappropriate in view of the purposes of the separate account. We will not add, delete or substitute any shares attributable to your interest in a subaccount without notice to you and prior approval of the SEC, to the extent required by the 1940 Act or other applicable law. We may also decide to purchase securities from other portfolios for the separate account. We reserve the right to transfer separate account assets to another separate account that we determine to be associated with the class of contracts to which the Policy belongs.

We also reserve the right to establish additional subaccounts of the separate account, each of which would invest in a new underlying fund portfolio, or in shares of another investment company, with specified investment objectives. We may establish new subaccounts when, in our sole discretion, marketing, tax or investment conditions warrant. We will make any new subaccounts available to existing owners on a basis we determine. We may also eliminate one or more subaccounts for the same reasons as stated above.

In the event of any such substitution or change, we may make such changes in this and other policies as may be necessary or appropriate to reflect such substitution or change. If we deem it to be in the best interests of persons having voting rights under the Policies, and when permitted by law, the separate account may be (1) operated as a management company under the 1940 Act, (2) deregistered under the 1940 Act in the event such registration is no longer required, (3) managed under the direction of a committee, or (4) combined with one or more other separate accounts, or subaccounts.


To qualify as “life insurance” under the federal tax laws, the Policy must provide a minimum death benefit. The minimum death benefit will be determined as of the date of death of the insured. Under current federal tax law, either the “guideline premium” test or the “cash value accumulation” test may be used to determine whether the Policy qualifies as “life insurance” under the Internal Revenue Code.

The “guideline premium” test limits the dollar amount of payments you may make under a Policy. There are no legal limits on the amount of premium payments under the “cash value accumulation” test, although we may apply our own limits. The factors used to determine the minimum death benefit applicable to a given cash value are different under the two tests.

You must elect one of the tax tests at the time of application for the Policy. You may not change tests. You should consult a qualified tax professional in choosing between the “guideline premium” and the “cash value accumulation” tests and in choosing a death benefit option.

The minimum death benefit is computed by multiplying the cash value as of the date of the insured’s death by a limitation percentage for the insured’s age. Under the cash value accumulation test, the cash value in this calculation is reduced by any applicable net single premium for riders that are qualified additional benefits before multiplying by the limitation percentage. The minimum death benefit factors will be adjusted to conform to any changes in federal tax laws.



Arthur D. Woods, Esquire, of Transamerica , has provided legal advice on certain matters in connection with the issuance and operation of the Policy.



Table of Contents

Variations in Policy Provisions

Certain provisions of the Policy may vary from the descriptions in the prospectus, depending on when and where the Policy was issued, in order to comply with different state laws. These variations may include differences in charges, or Policy features may be unavailable, or known by a different name. Please refer to your Policy; any variations will be included in your Policy or in riders or endorsements attached to your Policy.


In order to help you understand how your Policy values would vary over time under different sets of assumptions, we will provide you with certain personalized illustrations upon request. These will be based on the age and insurance risk characteristics of the insured persons under your Policy and such factors as the specified amount, death benefit option, premium payment amounts, and rates of return (within limits) that you request.

The illustrations are not a representation or guarantee of investment returns or cash value. You may request illustrations that reflect the expenses of the portfolios in which you intend to invest.


We no longer offer the Policies to the public.

Transamerica Capital, Inc. (“TCI”), serves as principal underwriter for the Policies. TCI’s home office is located at 1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, Colorado 80202. TCI is an affiliate of Transamerica and, like Transamerica , is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of AEGON USA. TCI is registered as a broker-dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and is a member of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). TCI is not a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation.

The Policies were offered to the public through sales representatives of broker-dealers (“selling firms”) that have entered into selling agreements with us and with TCI. Sales representatives are appointed as our insurance agents.

During fiscal years 2020, 2019, and 2018, the amounts paid to TCI in connection with all Policies sold through the separate account were $9,381,264.50, $8,779,366.38, and $9,300,842.93, respectively. TCI passes through to selling firms commissions it receives to selling firms for their sales, and does not retain any portion of any commissions. Our parent company provides paid-in capital to TCI and pays for TCI’s operating and other expenses, including overhead, legal and accounting fees.

We and/or TCI or Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. (“TFA”) may pay certain selling firms additional cash amounts for: (1) “preferred product” treatment of the Policies in their marketing programs, which may include marketing services and increased access to their sales representatives; (2) sales promotions relating to the Policies; (3) costs associated with sales conferences and educational seminars for their sales representatives; and (4) other expenses incurred by them. These additional payments are not offered to all selling firms, and the terms of any particular agreement governing the payments may vary among selling firms. Differences in compensation paid to a selling firm or its sales representatives for selling one product over another may create conflicts of interests for such firms or its sales representatives.


At least once each year, or more often as required by law, we will mail to policyowners at their last known address a report showing the following information as of the end of the report period:



  the current cash value    >    any activity since the last report


  the current net surrender value    >    projected values


  the current death benefit    >    investment experience of each subaccount


  outstanding loans    >    any other information required by law

You may request additional copies of reports, but we may charge a fee for such additional copies. In addition, we will send written confirmations of any premium payments and other financial transactions you request including: changes in specified amount, changes in death benefit option, transfers, partial withdrawals, increases in loan amount, loan interest payments, loan repayments, lapses and reinstatements. We also will send copies of the annual and semi-annual report to shareholders for each portfolio in which you are indirectly invested.


We will maintain all records relating to the separate account and the fixed account.



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The Policy uses mortality tables that distinguish between men and women. As a result, the Policy pays different benefits to men and women of the same age. Montana prohibits our use of actuarial tables that distinguish between males and females to determine premiums and policy benefits for policies issued on the lives of its residents. Therefore, we will base the premiums and benefits in Policies that we issue in Montana, to insure residents of that state, on actuarial tables that do not differentiate on the basis of gender.

Your cost of insurance charge is based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the insured’s gender, issue age on the Policy date, issue age at the time of any increase in specified amount, specified amount band, length of time from the Policy date or from the date of any requested increase in specified amount, and underwriting class. We currently place insureds into the following underwriting classes:



preferred elite;


preferred plus;






preferred tobacco;


tobacco; and


juvenile – under 18.

The preferred rate classes are not available for Policies issued with a specified amount at a level for which our underwriting requirements do not require a blood test. We also place insureds in various sub-standard underwriting classes, which involve a higher mortality risk and higher charges. We generally charge higher rates for insureds that use tobacco.


We may publish the ratings and other information that an independent ratings organization assigns to us, in advertisements, sales literature, or reports. These organizations include: A.M. Best Company, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., and S&P Global. These ratings are opinions regarding an operating insurance company’s financial capacity to meet the obligations of its insurance policies in accordance with their terms. These ratings do not apply to the separate account, the subaccounts, the investment companies or their underlying portfolios, or to their performance. Ratings are subject to change.


This section to be completed by amendment.


This section to be completed by amendment.



Table of Contents







        Board of Directors Resolution


   (1)    Resolution of the Board of Directors of Western Reserve establishing the separate account (1)


   (2)    Resolution of the Board of Directors of Transamerica Life Insurance Company Approving Plan of Merger with Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company. (25)


   (3)    Resolution of the Board of Directors of Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company Approving Plan of Merger with Transamerica Life Insurance Company. (25)


        Custodial Agreements – Not Applicable


        Underwriting Contracts
     (1)    Amended and Restated Principal Underwriting Agreement between Transamerica Capital, Inc. and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, on its own and on behalf of the Separate Account. (24)




   (1)    Specimen Flexible Premium Variable Life Insurance Policy (8)


   (2)    Inflation Fighter Rider Level Premium (4)


   (3)    Primary Insured Rider Plus (4)


   (4)    Disability Waiver of Premium Rider (4)


   (5)    Disability Waiver of Monthly Deductions Rider (4)


   (6)    Other Insured Rider (4)


   (7)    Accidental Death Benefit Rider (4)


   (8)    Living Benefit Rider (an Accelerated Death Benefit) (2)


   (9)    Children’s Insurance Rider (3)


     (1)    Application for Flexible Premium Variable Life Insurance Policy (8)


        Depositor’s Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws


   (1)    Articles of Incorporation of Transamerica Life Insurance Company. (24)


   (2)    Bylaws of Transamerica Life Insurance Company. (24)


        Reinsurance Contracts – Not Applicable


        Participation Agreements


   (1)    Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio dated May 1, 2013 (13)


   (2)    Amendment No. 1 dated May 1, 2013 to Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio dated May 1, 2013 (13)


   (3)    Revision to Schedule A dated September 3, 2013 of the Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio dated May 1, 2013 (13)


   (4)    Revision to Schedule A dated September 18, 2013 of the Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio dated May 1, 2013 (13)


   (5)    Revision to Schedule A dated October 31, 2013 of the Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio dated May 1, 2013 (13)


   (6)    Revision to Schedule A dated May 1, 2014 of the Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company,

Table of Contents
          Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio dated May 1, 2013 (18)


   (7)    Revision to Schedule A dated July 1, 2014 of the Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, Monumental Life Insurance Company, and Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio dated May 1, 2013 (18)


   (8)    Amendment No. 2 dated November 10, 2014 to Participation Agreement among Transamerica Series Trust and Transamerica Life Insurance Company, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company, and Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company dated May 1, 2013 (18)


   (9)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 12-18-2015 (TST) (19)


   (10)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 3-21-2016 (TST) (19)


   (11)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 5-01-2016 (TST) (19)


   (12)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 12-16-2016 (TST) (20)


   (13)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 5-1-2017 (TST) (20)


   (14)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 9-29-2017 (TST) (21)


   (15)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 2-1-2018 (TST) (21)


   (16)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 5-1-2018 (TST) (21)


   (17)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 11-1-2018 (TST) (22)


   (18)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 5-1-2020 (1) (TST) (26)


   (19)    Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement dated 5-1-2020 (2) (TST) (26)


   (20)    Participation Agreement Among Variable Insurance Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company dated 12-1-2000 (18)


   (21)    Amendment No. 1 to Participation Agreement Among Variable Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company dated 3-8-2004 (18)


   (22)    Amendment No. 2 to Participation Agreement Among Variable Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company dated 5-1-2005 (18)


   (23)    Amendment No. 3 to Participation Agreement Among Variable Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company dated 6-27-2007 (18)


   (24)    Amendment No. 4 to Participation Agreement Among Variable Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company dated 10-1-2007 (18)


   (25)    Amendment No. 5 (Privacy) to Participation Agreement Among Variable Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Monumental Life Insurance Company (formerly, Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company) dated 3-1-2012 (18)


   (26)    Amendment No. 6 to Participation Agreement Among Variable Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Monumental Life Insurance Company (formerly, Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company) dated 5-1-2013 (18)


   (27)    Amendment No. 7 to Participation Agreement Among Variable Products’ Funds, Fidelity Distributors Corporation and Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company (formerly, Monumental Life Insurance Company) dated 10-1-2014 (18)


   (28)    Summary Prospectus Agreement between WRL and Fidelity Distributors Corporation dated May 1, 2011 (11)


   (29)    Participation Agreement Among Western Reserve, ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFund Advisors LLC dated June 6, 2006 (6)


   (30)    Amendment No. 1 to Participation Agreement among Western Reserve, ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFund Advisors LLC dated June 1, 2007 (5)


   (31)    Amendment No. 2 to Participation Agreement among Western Reserve, ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFund Advisors LLC dated August 30, 2007 (5)


   (32)    Amendment No. 3 to Participation Agreement among Western Reserve, ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFund Advisors LLC dated February 28, 2008 (7)


   (33)    Amendment No. 5 to ProFunds Participation Agreement among Western Reserve, ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFunds Advisors LLC dated May 1, 2012 (11)


   (34)    Amendment No. 6 to Participation Agreement among Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio and ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFund Advisors LLC dated May 1, 2013 (13)


   (35)    Amendment No.  7 to Participation Agreement among Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company and ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFund Advisors LLC dated June 2, 2016 (20)

Table of Contents



Confidentiality Amendment to ProFunds Participation Agreement among Western Reserve, ProFunds, Access One Trust and ProFunds Advisors LLC dated February 22, 2012 (11)



Participation Agreement between AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. and Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company (formerly, Monumental Life) dated August 2, 2000 (14)



Amendment to Participation Agreement Among AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. and TPLIC dated May 9, 2008 (14)



Amendment No.  2 to Participation Agreement between AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. and TPLIC dated March 1, 2012 (15)



Amendment No.  3 to Participation Agreement between AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. and TPLIC (formerly, Monumental Life) dated May 1, 2013 (16)



Amendment No.  4 to Participation Agreement between AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. and TPLIC dated October 1, 2014 (17)



Amendment No.5 to Participation Agreement between AllianceBernstein Variable Products Series Fund, Inc. and TPLIC dated April 18, 2019 (23)



Amended Schedule A to Participation Agreement Amendment No. 3 to Participation Agreement for AllianceBernstein Investments Inc. dated 5-1-2015 (19)



Participation Agreement Among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated November 10, 2008 (9)



Amendment No.  1 to Participation Agreement Among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated May 1, 2009 (9)



Amendment No.  2 to Participation Agreement Among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated October 1, 2010 (12)



Amendment No.  3 to Participation Agreement Among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated October 31, 2011 (11)


   (48)   Amendment to Participation Agreement among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated January 15, 2013 (13)


   (49)   Addendum to Participation Agreement among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Western Reserve and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated May 1, 2011 (10)


   (50)   Amendment No.6 to Participation Agreement Among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated May 1, 2014 (18)


   (51)   Amendment No.7 to Participation Agreement Among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company (formerly, Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio) and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated September 30, 2014 (18)


   (52)   Amendment No.8 to Participation Agreement Among Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin/Templeton Distributors, Inc., Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company (formerly, Western Reserve Life Assurance Co. of Ohio) and Transamerica Capital, Inc. dated October 24, 2014 (18)
(i)        Administrative Contracts – Not Applicable
(j)        Other Material Contracts – Not Applicable
(k)        Legal Opinion
(k)     (i)  

Opinion and Consent of Counsel. To be filed by amendment.


Actuarial Opinion – Not Applicable


Calculation – Not Applicable


Other Opinions:

(n)     (i)  

Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. To be filed by amendment.


Omitted Financial Statements – Not Applicable


Initial Capital Agreements – Not Applicable


Redeemability Exemption

Table of Contents


  (i)    Memorandum describing Transamerica Life Insurance Company’s Issuance, Transfer and Redemption Procedures. (25)


       Form of Initial Summary Prospectuses.-Not Applicable


       Powers of Attorney -Filed Herewith




  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No. 16 to Form S-6 Registration Statement dated April 21, 1998 (File No. 33-31140).


  This exhibit was previously filed on the Initial Registration Statement to Form S-6 dated April 5, 2001 (File No. 333-58322) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form S-6 Registration Statement dated April 21, 1999 (File No. 333-62397) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on the Initial Registration Statement to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated August 6, 2003 (File No. 333-107705) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated October 16, 2007 (File No. 333-144117) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Initial Registration Statement to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated June 14, 2006 (File No. 333-135005) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 14, 2008 (File No. 333-110315) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No. 7 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated June 27, 2008 (File No. 333-110315) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No. 6 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 27, 2009 (File No. 333-135005) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No. 13 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 18, 2011 (File No. 333-110315) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit previously filed on Post-Effective amendment No. 16 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 18, 2012 (File No. 333-107705) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective amendment No. 15 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 22, 2013 (File No. 333-110315) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective amendment No. 16 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 29, 2014 (File No. 333-110315) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective amendment No. 5 to Form N-4 Registration Statement dated April 29, 2009 (File No. 333-146323) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective amendment No. 9 to Form N-4 Registration Statement dated April 25, 2013 (File No. 333-146323) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective amendment No. 10 to Form N-4 Registration Statement dated April 30, 2014 (File No. 333-146323) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on the Initial Registration Statement to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated October 1, 2014 (File No. 333-199047) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form N-6 dated April 28, 2015 (File No. 333-199047) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 26, 2016 (File No. 333-199047) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No.3 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 26, 2017 (File No. 333-199047) and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No.4 to Form N-6 Registration Statement dated April 27, 2018 (File No. 333-199047) and is incorporated herein by reference


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No.5 to Form N-6 dated Registration Statement April 26, 2019 (File No. 333-199047) and is incorporated herein by reference


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No.6 to Form N-6 dated Registration Statement April 24, 2020 (File No. 333-199047) and is incorporated herein by reference


  This exhibit was previously filed on Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form N-4 Registration Statement (File No. 333-185573) filed on April 10, 2013and is incorporated herein by reference.


  This exhibit was previously filed on Initial Filing of Form N-6 Registration Statement (File No. 333-249150) filed on September 30, 2020 and is incorporated herein by reference

Table of Contents


  This exhibit was previously filed on Post-Effective Amendment No.2 of Form N-6 Registration Statement (File No. 333-249150) filed on April 27, 2021 and is incorporated herein by reference

Table of Contents

Item31. Directors and Officers of the Depositor (Transamerica Life Insurance Company)



Name and Business Address



Principal Positions and Offices with Depositor



Blake S. Bostwick

1801 California St. Suite 5200

Denver, CO 80202

   Director, Chief Executive Officer and President

Fred Gingerich

6400 C Street SW

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404

   Director, Chairman of the Board, Controller, Assistant Treasurer and Vice President

Karyn Polak

100 Light Street

Baltimore, MD 21202

   Director, General Counsel, Secretary and Senior Vice President

Matthew McCorry

6400 C Street SW

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404

   Director, Chief Operating Officer, Individual Solutions Division

Christopher Ashe

100 Light Street

Baltimore, MD 21202

   Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Treasurer

Zachary Harris

6400 C Street SW

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404


Table of Contents
Item 32.

Persons Controlled by or Under Common Control with the Depositor or Registrant.






Percent of Voting

Securities Owned


25 East 38th Street, LLC




Sole Member: Yarra Rapids, LLC


Real estate investments

239 West 20th Street, LLC




Sole Member: Yarra Rapids, LLC


Real estate investments

313 East 95th Street, LLC




Sole Member: Yarra Rapids, LLC


Real estate investments

319 East 95th Street, LLC




Sole Member: Yarra Rapids, LLC


Real estate investments

AEGON Affordable Housing Debt Fund I, LLC    Delaware    Members: AHDF Manager I, LLC (0.01%), Mangaging Member; Transamerica Life Insurance Company (5%); non-AEGON affiliates: Dominium Taxable Fund I, LLC (94.99%)    Affordable housing loans
AEGON AM Funds, LLC    Delaware    AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC is the Manager; equity will be owned by clients/Investors of AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC    To serve as a fund for a client and offer flexilbility to accommodate other similarly situated clients.
AEGON Asset Management Services, Inc.    Delaware    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Registered investment advisor
Aegon Community Investments 50, LLC    Delaware    Members: Aegon Community Investments 50, LLC (0.10%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (25.49750%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (25.49750%); non-AEGON affiliate, Citibank, N.A. (48.9950%)    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 51, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 52, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 53, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 54, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 55, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 56, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 57, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 58, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments

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Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Aegon Community Investments 59, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 60, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 61, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 62, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 63, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Aegon Community Investments 64, LLC    Delaware   

Sole Member: Transamerica Life

Insurance Company

AEGON Direct Marketing Services, Inc.    Maryland    Transamerica Life Insurance Company owns 73.548%; Commonwealth General Corporation owns 26.452%    Marketing company
AEGON Direct Marketing Services International, LLC    Maryland    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Marketing arm for sale of mass marketed insurance coverage

AEGON Direct Marketing Services Mexico,

S.A. de C.V.

   Mexico    100% AEGON DMS Holding B.V.    Provide management advisory and technical consultancy services.
AEGON Direct Marketing Services Mexico Servicios, S.A. de C.V.    Mexico    100% AEGON DMS Holding B.V.    Provide marketing, trading, telemarketing and advertising services in favor of any third party, particularly in favor of insurance and reinsurance companies.
AEGON Energy Management, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investments
AEGON Financial Services Group, Inc.    Minnesota    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Marketing
AEGON Funding Company, LLC.    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Corporation    Issue debt securities-net proceeds used to make loans to affiliates
Aegon Global Services, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: Commonwealth General Corporation    Holding company
AEGON Institutional Markets, Inc.    Delaware    100% Commonwealth General Corporation    Provider of investment, marketing and administrative services to insurance companies
AEGON Life Insurance Agency Inc.    Taiwan    100% AEGON Direct Marketing Services, Inc. (Taiwan Domiciled)    Life insurance

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Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Aegon LIHTC Fund 50, LLC    Delaware    Members: Aegon Community Investments 50, LLC (0.01%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (25.49750%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (25.49750%); non-affiliate of AEGON, Citibank, N.A. (48.9950%)    Investments
Aegon LIHTC Fund 51, LLC    Delaware    Members: Aegon Community Investments 51, LLC (.01%) as Managing Member; non-affiliate of AEGON, Citibank, N.A. (99.99%)    Investments
Aegon LIHTC Fund 52, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (10.18%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (1%); Managing Member - Aegon Community Investments 52, LLC (0.01%); non-affiliates of AEGON, Citibank, N.A. (49%); California Bank & Trust (5.21%); Pacific West Bank (7.58%); Ally Bank (11.35%); US Bank

(7.58%); Bank of the West (7.46%)

Aegon LIHTC Fund 54, LLC    Delaware    Non-Member Manager Aegon Community Investments 54, LLC (0%); Members: non-affiliate of Aegon, FNBC Leasing Corporation (100%)    Investments
Aegon LIHTC Fund 55, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Managing Member - Aegon Community Investments 55, LLC (.01%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (2.82%); non-affiliates of AEGON, Bank of Hope (14.26%); CMFG Life Insurance Company (9.72%); Citibank, N.A. (21.69%); ZB

National Association (1.81%); Ally Bank (8.21%); U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation (22.10%); Lake City Bank (1.47%); The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (10.45%); Minnesota Life Insurance Company (7.46%)

Aegon LIHTC Fund 57, LLC    Delaware    Members: Managing Member - Aegon Community Investments 57, LLC (.01%); non-affiliate of AEGON, Bank of America, N.A. as Investor Member (99.99%)    Investments

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Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Aegon LIHTC Fund 58, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Managing Member - Aegon Community Investments 58, LLC (0.01%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (12%); non-affiliates of AEGON, Allstate Insurance Company (12%); Allstate Life Insurance Company (12%); Ally Bank (17%); CMFG Life

Insurance Company (8.05%); Santander Bank, N.A. (22.25%); U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation (19.47%); Zions

Bancorporation, N.A. (6.35%)

Aegon LIHTC Fund 60, LLC    Delaware    Non-Member Manager Aegon Community Investments 60, LLC (0%); Member: non-affiliate of Aegon, FNBC Leasing Corporation (100%)    Investments
Aegon LIHTC Fund 61, LLC    Delaware    Non-Member Manager Aegon Community Investments 61, LLC (0%); Members: non-affiliate of Aegon, HSBC Bank, N.A. (100%)\    Investments
Aegon LIHTC Fund 62, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Aegon Community Investments 62, LLC    Investments
Aegon LIHTC Fund 63, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Aegon Community Investments 63, LLC    Investments
Aegon LIHTC Fund 64, LLC    Delaware   

Sole Member: Aegon Community

Investments 64, LLC

Aegon Loan Opportunitities Partners, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC    Investments
Aegon Loan Opportunitities Fund I, LP    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC    Investments
AEGON Managed Enhanced Cash, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Tramsamerica Life Insurance Company    Investment vehicle for securities lending cash collateral
AEGON Management Company    Indiana    100% Transamerica Corporation    Holding company
Aegon Multi-Family Equity Fund, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (20%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (5%); non-affiliate of AEGON: Landmark Real Estate Partners VIII, L.P. (72.1591%).    Investments
Aegon Opportunity Zone Fund Joint Venture 1, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Aegon OZF Investments 1, LLC    Investments
Aegon OZF Investments 1, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investments
Aegon Private Opportunities Partners I, LLC    Delaware    Sole member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments (private equity)

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Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Aegon Upstream Energy Fund, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON Energy Management, LLC    Investments
AEGON USA Asset Management Holding, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: AUSA Holding, LLC    Holding company
AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: AEGON USA Asset Management Holding, LLC    Investment advisor
AEGON USA Real Estate Services, Inc.    Delaware    100% AEGON USA Realty Advisors, Inc.    Real estate and mortgage holding company
AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: AEGON USA Asset Management Holding, LLC    Administrative and investment services
AEGON USA Realty Advisors of California, Inc.    Iowa    100% AEGON USA Realty Advisors, Inc.    Investments
Aegon Workforce Housing Boynton Place REIT, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Aegon Worforce Housing Separate Account 1, LLC    Multifamily private equity structure with third- party Investor
Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 2 Holding Company, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 2, LP    Holding company
Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 2, LP    Delaware    General Partner is AWHF2 General Partner, LLC. Fund Partners: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (80%) and Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (20%)    Investments
Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 3 Holding Company, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 3, LP    Holding company
Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 3,LP    Delaware    General Partner is AWHF3 General Partner, LLC. Fund Partners: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (90%) and Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (10%)    Investments
Aegon Workforce Housing JV 4A, LLC    Delaware    Members: Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 2 Holding Company, LLC (44.5%); non-affiliates of AEGON: Strategic Partners Real Estate VII Investments, L.P. (27.75%), Landmark Real Estate Partners VIII, L.P. (26.6988578%), NCL Investments II, L.P. (1.05111422%)    Investments
Aegon Workforce Housing JV 4B, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 2 Holding Company, LLC (25%); non-affiliates of AEGON: Strategic Partners Real Estate VII Investments,

L.P. (37.5%), Landmark Real Estate Partners VIII, L.P. (36.0795375%), NCL Investments II, L.P. (1.4204625%)


Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Aegon Workforce Housing JV 4C, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Aegon Workforce Housing Fund 2 Holding Company, LLC (10%); non-affiliates of AEGON: Strategic Partners Real Estate VII Investments,

L.P. (45%), Landmark Real Estate Partners VIII, L.P. (43.295445%), NCL Investments II, L.P. (1.704555%)

Aegon Workforce Housing Park at Via Rosa REIT, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Aegon Worforce Housing Separate Account 1, LLC    Multifamily private equity structure with third- party Investor
Aegon Workforce Housing Separate Account 1, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (20.08%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (4.170%); non-affiliates of AEGON: Lake Tahoe IV, L.P. (23.860%); Townsend RE Global Special Solutions, L.P. (10.230%); Townsend Real Estate Alpha Fund III,

L.P. (40.910%). Member Manager: AWHSA Manager 1, LLC.

   Multifamily private equity structure with third- party Investor
AHDF Manager I, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investments
ALH Properties Eight LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Eleven LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Four LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Nine LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Seven LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Seventeen LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Sixteen LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Ten LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Twelve LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
ALH Properties Two LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
AMFETF Manager, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investments
AMTAX HOLDINGS 308, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund II, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 347, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund II, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing

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Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

AMTAX HOLDINGS 388, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund II, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 483, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund I, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 559, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund I, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 561, LLC    Ohio   

TAHP Fund VII, LLC - 100% Member;

TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager

   Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 588, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund I, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 613, LLC    Ohio    Garnet LIHTC Fund VII, LLC - 99% Member; Cupples State LIHTC Investors, LLC - 1% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds, LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 639, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund I, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 649, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund I, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 672, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund I, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
AMTAX HOLDINGS 713, LLC    Ohio    TAHP Fund II, LLC - 100% Member; TAH Pentagon Funds LLC - non-owner Manager    Affordable housing
Apollo Housing Capital Arrowhead Gardens, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXV, LLC    Affordable housing
AUIM Credit Opportunities Fund, LLC    Delaware    Members: AEGON USA Invesmtent Management, LLC (98.36%); non- affiliate of AEGON (1.64%)    Investment vehicle
AUSA Holding, LLC    Maryland    Sole Member: 100% Transamerica Corporation    Holding company
AUSA Properties, Inc.    Iowa    100% AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Own, operate and manage real estate
AWHF2 General Partner, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investments

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Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

AWHF3 General Partner, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investments
AWHJV4 Manager, LLC    Delaware    Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investments
AWHSA Manager 1, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Multifamily private equity structure with third- party Investor
Barfield Ranch Associates, LLC    Florida    Members: Mitigation Manager, LLC (50%); non-affiliate of AEGON, OBPFL- Barfield, LLC (50%)    Investments
Bay State Community Investments I, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments in low income housing tax credit properties
Bay State Community Investments II, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments in low income housing tax credit properties
Carle Place Leasehold SPE, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company    Lease holder
Commonwealth General Corporation    Delaware    100% Transamerica Corporation    Holding company
Creditor Resources, Inc.    Michigan    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Credit insurance
CRI Solutions Inc.    Maryland    100% Creditor Resources, Inc.    Sales of reinsurance and credit insurance
Cupples State LIHTC Investors, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Garnet LIHTC Fund VIII, LLC    Investments
Equitable AgriFinance, LLC    Delaware    Members: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC (50%); AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, a non-affiliate of AEGON (50%)    Agriculturally-based real estate advisory services
FD TLIC, Limited Liability Company    New York    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Broadway production
FGH Realty Credit LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA, LLC    Real estate
FGH USA LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: RCC North America LLC    Real estate
Fifth FGP LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
Financial Planning Services, Inc.    District of Columbia    100% Commonwealth General Corporation    Management services
First FGP LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
Fourth FGP LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
Garnet Assurance Corporation    Kentucky    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Assurance Corporation II    Iowa    100% Commonwealth General Corporation    Business investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet Assurance Corporation III    Iowa    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Business investments
Garnet Community Investments, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments III, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Business investments
Garnet Community Investments IV, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments V, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments VI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments VII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments VIII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments IX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments X, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XVIII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXIV, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXV, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investment XXVI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXVII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investment XXVIII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXIX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet Community Investments XXX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXIII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXIV, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXV, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXVI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXVII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXVIII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XXXIX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XL, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLIII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLIV, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLVI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLVII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLVIII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Garnet Community Investments XLIX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet ITC Fund XLIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XLIII, LLC (0%) asset Manager: non-affiliate of AEGON, Solar TC Corp. (100%) Investor Member    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund III, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%); non- affiliate of AEGON, Aegon Community Investments III, (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund IV, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments IV, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund V, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments V, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund VI, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments VI, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (0.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund VII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments VII, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund VIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments VIII, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (0.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund IX, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments IX, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (0.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund X, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments X, LLC (0.01%); Goldenrod Asset Management, a non- AEGON affiliate (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XI, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XI, LLC (99.99%) and Transamerica Life Insurance Company (0.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Managing Member, Garnet Community Investments XII (.01%), Garnet LIHTC Fund XII-A, LLC (79.9%); Garnet LIHTC Fund XII-B (13.30%), Garnet LIHTC Fund XII-C (13.30%)    Investments

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Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet LIHTC Fund XII-A, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XII, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (0.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XII-B, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XII, LLC (99.99%) and Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%).    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XII-C, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XII, LLC (99.99%) and Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Managing Member, Garnet Community Investments .01%; Garnet LIHTC Fund XIII-A (68.10%); Garnet LIHTC Fund XIII-B (31.89%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XIII-A, LLC    Delaware    Members: Managing Member, Garnet Community Investments XIII, LLC (99.99%) and Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XIII-B, LLC    Delaware    Members: Managing Member, Garnet Community Investments XIII, LLC (99.99%) and Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XIV, LLC    Delaware    Members: 0.01% Garnet Community Investments, LLC (0.01%); Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (49.995%); and Goldenrod Asset Management, Inc.(49.995%), both non-AEGON affiliates    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XV, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments, LLC (0.01%); Bank of America, N.A., a non-AEGON affiliate (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XVI, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments, LLC (0.01%); FNBC Leasing Corporation, a non-AEGON entity (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XVII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments, LLC (0.01%); Special Situations Investing Group II, LLC, a non-affiliate of AEGON (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XVIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XVIII, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet LIHTC Fund XIX, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments, LLC (0.01%); Bank of America, N.A., a non-AEGON affiliate (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Garnet Community Investments XX, LLC    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXI, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Garnet Community Investments, LLC    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments, LLC (0.01%); NorLease, Inc., a non-AEGON affiliate (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life insurance Company (.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXIV, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXIV, LLC (0.01% as Managing Member); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (21.26%); non- affiliates of AEGON: New York Life Insurance Company (25.51%), New York Life Insurance and Annuity    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXV, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Garnet Community Investment XXV, LLC (0.01%); Garnet LIHTC Fund XXVIII LLC (1%); non-

affiliates of AEGON: Mt. Hamilton Fund, LLC (97.99%); Google Affordable housing I LLC (1%)

Garnet LIHTC Fund XXVI, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXVI, LLC (0.01%); American Income Life Insurance Company, a non-affiliate of AEGON (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXVII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXVII, LLC (0.01%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (16.7045%); non-affiliates of AEGON: Aetna Life Insurance Company (30.2856%); New York Life Insurance Company (22.7142%); ProAssurance Casualty Company (3.6343%); ProAssurance Indemnity Company (8.4800%); State Street Bank and Trust Company (18.1714%)    Investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet LIHTC Fund XXVIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXVIII LLC (0.01%); non- affiliates of AEGON: USAA Casualty Insurance Company (17.998%); USAA General Indemnity Company (19.998%); USAA Life Insurance Company (3.999%); United Services Automobile Association (57.994%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXIX, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXIX, LLC (.01%); non- affiliate of AEGON: Bank of America, N.A. (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXX, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXX, LLC (0.01%); non- affiliate of AEGON, New York Life Insurance Company (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXI, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXXI, LLC (0.1%); non- affiliates of AEGON: Thunderbolt Peak Fund, LLC (98.99%); Google Affordable Housing I, LLC (1%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXII, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Garnet Community Investments XXXVII, LLC.    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investment XXXIII, LLC (0.01%); non- affiliate of AEGON, NorLease, Inc. (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXIV, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXXIV, LLC (99.99%) and Transamerica Life Insurance Company (0.01%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXV, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investment XXXV, LLC (0.01%); non- affiliate of AEGON, Microsoft Corporation (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXVI, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXXVI, LLC (1%) as Managing Member; JPM Capital Corporation, a non-AEGON affiliate (99%) as Investor Member    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXVII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXXVII, LLC (.01%); LIH Realty Corporation, a non-AEGON affiliate (99.99%)    Investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXVIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXXVIII, LLC, non- Member Manager; non-affiliate of AEGON, Norlease, Inc. (100%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XXXIX, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XXXIX, LLC a Managing Member (1%); non-AEGON affiliate, FNBC Leasing Corporation as Investor Member (99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XL, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XL, LLC (.01%); non- AEGON affiliate, Partner Reinsurance Company of the U.S. (99.99%)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XLI, LLC    Delaware   

Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (9.990%) and Garnet Community Investments XLI, LLC (.01% Managing Member); non- AEGON affiliates : BBCN Bank (1.2499%), East West Bank (12.4988%), Opus Bank (12.4988%),

Standard Insurance Company (24.9975%), Mutual of Omaha (12.4988%), Pacific Western Bank (7.4993%) and Principal Life Insurance Company (18.7481%).

Ganet LIHTC Fund XLII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XLII, LLC (.01%) Managing Member; non-affiliates of AEGON: Community Trust Bank (83.33%) Investor Member; Metropolitan Bank (16.66%) Investor Member.    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XLIV-A, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: ING Capital, LLC; Asset Manager: Garnet Community Investments XLIV, LLC (0% interest)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XLIV-B, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Lion Capital Delaware, Inc.; Asset Manager: Garnet Community Investments XLIV, LLC (0% interest)    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XLVI, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XLVI, LLC (0.01%) Managing Member; non-affiliate of AEGON, Standard Life Insurance Company (99.99%) Investor Member    Investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Garnet LIHTC Fund XLVII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Garnet Community Investments XLVII, LLC (1%) Managing Member; Transamerica Life Insurance Company (14%) Investor Member; non- affiliate of AEGON: Citibank, N.A. (49%) Investor Member; New York Life Insurance Company (20.5%) Investor Member and New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation (15.5%) Investor Member    Investments
Garnet LIHTC Fund XLVIII, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (75.18%) and Garnet Community Investments XXXLVIII, LLC (.01%); non-affiliates of AEGON: U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation (21.04%), American Republic Insurance Company (2.84%), Bank of Hope (.93%)    Investments
Horizons Acquisition 5, LLC    Florida    Sole Member - PSL Acquisitions Operating, LLC    Development company
Horizons St. Lucie Development, LLC    Florida    Sole Member - PSL Acquisitions Operating, LLC    Development company
Imani Fe, LP    California    Partners: Garnet Community Investments, LLC (99.99%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (.01%)    Affordable housing
InterSecurities Insurance Agency, Inc.    California    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Insurance agency
Investors Warranty of America, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: RCC North America LLC    Leases business equipment
Ironwood Re Corp.    Hawaii    100% Commonwealth General Corporation    Captive insurance company
LCS Associates, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: RCC North America LLC    Investments
Life Investors Alliance LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Purchase, own, and hold the equity interest of other entities
LIHTC Fund 53, LLC    Delaware    Non-Member Manager, AEGON Community Investments 53, LLC (0%); non-affiliates of AEGON: Bank of America, National Association (98%); MUFG Union Bank, N.A. (2%)    Investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

LIHTC Fund 56, LLC    Delaware    Members: Managing Member - Aegon Community Investments 56, LLC (0%); non-affiliates of AEGON, Bank of America, National Association (90%) and MUFG Union Bank, N.A. (10%)    Investments
LIHTC Fund 59, LLC    Delaware    Members: Non-Member Manager Aegon Community Investments 59, LLC (0%); non-affiliates of AEGON, Bank of America, National Association (99.99%); Dominium Taxable Fund II, LLC (0.01%)    Investments
LIHTC Fund XLV, LLC    Delaware    Non-Member Manager: Garnet Community Investments XLV, LLC (0%)    Investments
LIHTC Fund XLIX, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Garnet Community Investments XLIX, LLC    Investments
LIICA Re II, Inc.    Vermont    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Captive insurance company
Massachusetts Fidelity Trust Company    Iowa    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Trust company
Mitigation Manager, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: RCC North America LLC    Investments
Money Services, Inc.    Delaware    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Provides certain financial services for affiliates including, but not limited to, certain intellectual property, computer and computer- related software and hardware services, including procurement and contract services to some or all of the Members of the AEGON Group in the United States and Canada.
Monumental Financial Services, Inc.    Maryland    100% Transamerica Corporation    DBA in the State of West Virginia for United Financial Services, Inc.
Monumental General Administrators, Inc.    Maryland    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Provides management services to unaffiliated third party administrator
Natural Resources Alternatives Portfolio I, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (96%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (4%); Managing Member: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC    Investment vehicle - to invest in Natural Resources
Natural Resources Alternatives Portfolio II, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (95%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (5%)    Investment vehicle

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Natural Resources Alternatives Portfolio 3, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (90%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (10%)    Investment vehicle
Nomagon Title Grandparent, LLC    Delaware    Sole member is AEGON USA Asset Management Holding, LLC; AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC is the non- member manager of this entity    Investment vehicle
Nomagon Title Holding 1, LLC    Delaware    Sole member is Nomagon Title Parent, LLC; AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC is the non-member manager of this entity    Investment vehicle
Nomagon Title Parent, LLC    Delaware    Sole member is Nomagon Title Grandparent, LLC; AEGON USA Realty Advisors, LLC is the non-member manager of this entity    Investment vehicle
Osceola Mitigation Partners, LLC    Florida    Members: Mitigation Manager, LLC (50%); non-affiliate of AEGON, OBPFL- MITBK, LLC (50%)    Investmetns
Pearl Holdings, Inc. I    Delaware   

100% AEGON USA Asset

Management Holding, LLC

   Holding company
Pearl Holdings, Inc. II    Delaware   

100% AEGON USA Asset

Management Holding, LLC

   Holding company
Peoples Benefit Services, LLC    Pennsylvania    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Marketing non-insurance products
Placer 400 Investors, LLC    California    Members: RCC North Amerivca LLC (50%); non-affiliate of AEGON, AKT Placer 400 Investors, LLC (50%)    Investments
Primus Guaranty, Ltd.    Bermuda    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (20% 13.1%) and non-affiliates of AEGON and the public holders own the remainder.    Provides protection from default risk of investment grade corporate and sovereign issues of financial obligations.
PSL Acquisitions Operating, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: RCC North America LLC    Owner of Core subsidiary entities
RCC North America LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Corporation    Real estate
Real Estate Alternatives Portfolio 2 LLC    Delaware    Members are: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (92.%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (7.5%). Manager: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, Inc.    Real estate alternatives investment

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Real Estate Alternatives Portfolio 3 LLC    Delaware    Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company. Manager: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, Inc.    Real estate alternatives investment
Real Estate Alternatives Portfolio 3A, Inc.    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (9.4%); Transamerica Life Insurance Company (90.6%).    Real estate alternatives investment
Real Estate Alternatives Portfolio 4 HR, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (96%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (4%). Manager: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, Inc.    Investment vehicle for alternative real estate investments that are established annually for our affiliated companies common investment
Real Estate Alternatives Portfolio 4 MR, LLC    Delaware    Members: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (96%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (4%). Manager: AEGON USA Realty Advisors, Inc.    Investment vehicle for alternative real estate investments that are established annually for our affiliated companies common investment
River Ridge Insurance Company    Vermont    100% AEGON Management Company    Captive insurance company
SB Frazer Owner, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments
Second FGP LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
Seventh FGP LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: FGH USA LLC    Real estate
Short Hills Management Company    New Jersey    100% Transamerica Corporation    Dormant
St. Lucie West Development Company, LLC    Florida    Sole Member - PSL Acquisitions Operating, LLC    Development company
Stonebridge Benefit Services, Inc.    Delaware    100% Commonwealth General Corporation    Health discount plan
TA Private Equity Assets, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Investments (private equity)
TABR Realty Services, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AUSA Holding, LLC    Real estate investments
TAH-MCD IV, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member - Transamerica Affordable Housing, Inc.    Serve as the general partner for McDonald Corporate Tax Credit Fund IV Limited Partnership.
TAH Pentagon Funds, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member - Transamerica Affordable Housing, Inc.    Serve as a general partner in a lower-tier tax credit entity
TAHP Fund 1, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Garnet LIHTC Fund IX, LLC    Real estate investments

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

TAHP Fund 2, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member - Garnet LIHTC Fund VIII, LLC    Low incoming housing tax credit
TAHP Fund VII, LLC    Delaware    Investor Member: Garnet LIHTC Fund XIX, LLC    Real estate investments
THH Acquisitions, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member - Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Acquirer of Core South Carolina mortgage loans from Investors Warranty of America, LLC and holder of foreclosed real estate.
TLIC Oakbrook Reinsurance, Inc.    Iowa    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Limited purpose subsidiary life insurance company
TLIC Watertree Reinsurance Inc.    Iowa    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Limited purpose subsidiary life insurance company
Tradition Development Company, LLC    Florida    Sole Member - PSL Acquisitions Operating, LLC    Development company
Tradition Irrigation Company, LLC    Florida    Sole Member - PSL Acquisitions Operating, LLC    Irrigation company
Tradition Land Company, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: RCC North America LLC    Acquirer of Core Florida mortgage loans from Investors Warranty and holder of foreclosed real estate.
Transamerica Affinity Services, Inc.    Maryland    100% AEGON Direct Marketing Services, Inc.    Marketing company
Transamerica Affordable Housing, Inc.    California    100% Transamerica Realty Services, LLC    General partner LHTC Partnership
Transamerica Agency Network, Inc.    Iowa    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Special purpose subsidiary
Transamerica Asset Management, Inc.    Florida    Transamerica Life Insurance Company owns 77%; AUSA Holding, LLC owns 23%.    Fund advisor
Transamerica (Bermuda) Services Center, Ltd.    Bermuda    100% AEGON International B.V.    Special purpose corporation
Transamerica Capital, Inc.    California    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Broker/Dealer
Transamerica Casualty Insurance Company    Iowa    100% Transamerica Corporation    Insurance company
Transamerica Corporation    Delaware    100% AEGON International B.V.    Major interest in insurance and finance
Transamerica Corporation    Oregon    100% Transamerica Corporation    Holding company
Transamerica Finance Corporation    Delaware    100% Transamerica Corporation    Commercial & Consumer Lending & equipment leasing
Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc.    Delaware    1,000 shares owned by AUSA Holding, LLC; 209 shares owned by Commonwealth General Corporation; 729 shares owned by AEGON Asset Management Services, Inc.    Broker/Dealer

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company    New York    88% Transamerica Corporation; 12% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Insurance
Transamerica Fund Services, Inc.    Florida    Transamerica Life Insurance Company owns 44%; AUSA Holding, LLC owns 56%    Mutual fund
Transamerica Home Loan    California    100% Transamerica Consumer Finance Holding Company    Consumer mortgages
Transamerica Insurance Marketing Asia Pacific Pty Ltd.    Australia    100% Transamerica Direct Marketing Asia Pacific Pty Ltd.    Insurance intermediary
Transamerica International Direct Marketing Consultants, LLC    Maryland    Members: 51% Beth Lewellyn; 49% AEGON Direct Marketing Services, Inc.    Provide consulting services ancillary to the marketing of insurance products overseas.
Transamerica International RE (Bermuda) Ltd.    Bermuda    100% Transamerica Corporation    Reinsurance
Transamerica Investors Securities Corporation    Delaware    100% Transamerica Retirement Solutions, LLC    Broker/Dealer
Transamerica Leasing Holdings Inc.    Delaware    100% Transamerica Finance Corporation    Holding company
Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Iowa    100% - Commonwealth General Corporation    Insurance
Transamerica Life (Bermuda) Ltd.    Bermuda    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Long-term life insurer in Bermuda - - will primarily write fixed universal life and term insurance
Transamerica Pyramid Properties LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Realty limited liability company
Transamerica Realty Investment Properties LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Realty limited liability company
Transamerica Resources, Inc.    Maryland    100% Monumental General Administrators, Inc.    Provides education and information regarding retirement and economic issues.
Transamerica Retirement Advisors, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: Transamerica Retirement Solutions, LLC    Investment advisor

Transamerica Retirement Insurance Agency,



Sole Member: Transamerica

Retirement Solutions, LLC

   Conduct business as an insurance agency.
Transamerica Retirement Solutions, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AUSA Holding, LLC    Retirement plan services.
Transamerica Stable Value Solutions Inc.    Delaware    100% Commonwealth General Corporation    Principle Business: Provides management services to the stable value division of AEGON insurers who issue synthetic GIC contracts.
Transamerica Travel and Conference Services, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: Money Services, Inc.    Travel and conference services

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Transamerica Ventures Fund II, LLC    Delaware    Sole Member: AUSA Holding, LLC    Investments
United Financial Services, Inc.    Maryland    100% Transamerica Corporation    General agency
Universal Benefits, LLC    Iowa    Sole Member: AUSA Holding, LLC    Third party administrator
US PENG, INC.    Delaware    Sole Member: AEGON Levensverzekering N.V.    Energy investment strategy
WFG Insurance Agency of Puerto Rico, Inc.    Puerto Rico    100% World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc.    Insurance agency
WFG Properties Holdings, LLC    Georgia    Sole Member: World Financial Group, Inc.    Marketing
WFG Securities Inc.    Canada    100% World Financial Group Holding Company of Canada, Inc.    Mutual fund dealer
World Financial Group Canada Inc.    Canada    100% World Financial Group Holding Company of Canada Inc.    Marketing
World Financial Group Holding Company of Canada Inc.    Canada    100% Commonwealth General Corporation    Holding company
World Financial Group, Inc.    Delaware    100% AEGON Asset Management Services, Inc.    Marketing
World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Canada Inc.    Ontario    50% World Financial Group Holding Co. of Canada Inc.; 50% World Financial Group Subholding Co. of Canada Inc.    Insurance agency
World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Hawaii, Inc.    Hawaii    100% World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc.    Insurance agency
World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, Inc.    Massachusetts    100% World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc.    Insurance agency
World Financial Group Insurance Agency of Wyoming, Inc.    Wyoming    100% World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc.    Insurance agency
World Financial Group Insurance Agency, Inc.    Iowa    100% Transamerica Life Insurance Company    Insurance agency
World Financial Group Subholding Company of Canada Inc.    Canada    100% World Financial Group Holding Company of Canada, Inc.    Holding company
Yarra Rapids, LLC    Delaware    Members are: Real Estate Alternatives Portfolio 4MR, LLC (49%) and non- AEGON affiliate (51%)    Real estate investments
Zahorik Company, Inc.    California    100% AUSA Holding, LLC    Inactive

Table of Contents





Percent of Voting

Securities Owned

Zero Beta Fund, LLC    Delaware   

Members are: Transamerica Life Insurance Company (69.15%); Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (16.58%); Transamerica Pacific Insurance Company, Ltd. (14.27%). Manager: AEGON USA

Investment Management LLC

   Aggregating vehicle formed to hold various fund investments.

Table of Contents

Item 33.  Indemnification

The Iowa Code (Sections 490.850 et. seq.) provides for permissive indemnification in certain situations, mandatory indemnification in other situations, and prohibits indemnification in certain situations. The Code also specifies producers for determining when indemnification payments can be made.

Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling persons of the Depositor pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the Depositor has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the Depositor of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being registered), the Depositor will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.

Item 34.   Principal Underwriter



Transamerica Capital, Inc. serves as the principal underwriter for:

Transamerica Capital, Inc. serves as the principal underwriter for the Retirement Builder Variable Annuity Account, Separate Account VA B, Separate Account VA Q, Separate Account VA FF, Separate Account VA HH, Separate Account VA-1, Separate Account VA-2L, Separate Account VA-5, Separate Account VA-6, Separate Account VA-7, Separate Account VA-8, Separate Account Fund B, Separate Account Fund C, Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen, Transamerica Separate Account R3, Separate Account VL, Separate Account VUL-1; Separate Account VUL-2, Separate Account VUL-3, Separate Account VUL-4, Separate Account VUL-5, Separate Account VUL-6, Separate Account VUL-A, and Variable Life Account A, Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account, Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account A, Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account B, Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account C, Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account D, Merrill Lynch Variable Life Separate Account, and Merrill Lynch Life Variable Life Separate Account II, Separate Account VA BB, Separate Account VA CC, Separate Account VA U, Separate Account VA V, Separate Account VA AA, WRL Series Annuity Account, WRL Series Annuity Account B, WRL Series Life Account, WRL Series Life Account G, WRL Series Life Corporate Account and Separate Account VL E. These accounts are separate accounts of Transamerica Life Insurance Company.

Transamerica Capital, Inc. serves as principal underwriter for Separate Account VA BNY, Separate Account VA QNY, TFLIC Separate Account VNY, Separate Account VA-2LNY, TFLIC Separate Account C, Separate Account VA-5NLNY, Separate Account VA-6NY, TFLIC Series Annuity Account, TFLIC Series Life Account, TFLIC Pooled Account No. 44, Transamerica Variable Funds, ML of New York Variable Annuity Separate Account A, ML of New York Variable Annuity Separate Account B, ML of New York Variable Annuity Separate Account C, ML of New York Variable Annuity Separate Account D and ML of New York Variable Life Separate Account II. These accounts are separate accounts of Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company.

Transamerica Capital, Inc. also serves as principal underwriter for Transamerica Series Trust, Transamerica Funds and Transamerica Asset Allocation Variable Funds.



Directors and Officers of Transamerica Capital, Inc.:






Principal Business Address



Position and Offices with Underwriter


Brian Beitzel    (2)    Director, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
Mark Halloran    (3)    Director, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President
Doug Hellerman    (3)    Director, Chief Compliance Officer and Vice President
Timothy Ackerman    (3)    Director and Vice President
Jennifer Pearce    (3)    Director and Vice President
Gregory E. Miller-Breetz    (1)    Secretary



100 Light Street, Floor B1, Baltimore, MD 21202


6400 C Street S.W., Cedar Rapids, IA 52499-0001


1801 California Street, Suite 5200, Denver, CO 80202



Compensation to Principal Underwriter:


Name of Principal Underwriter





Discounts and    



on Redemption    









Transamerica Capital, Inc.

   0    0    0    0

Fiscal Year 2020


Item 35.

Location of Accounts and Records

This information is provided in the most recent report Form N-CEN.

Table of Contents
Item 36.

Management Services

Not Applicable


Item 37.

Fee Representation

The Depositor hereby represents that the fees and charges deducted under the Policy, in the aggregate, are reasonable in relation to the services rendered, the expenses expected to be incurred, and the risks assumed by the Depositor.

Table of Contents


As required by the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this Registration Statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, duly authorized, in the City St. Petersburg, on January 20, 2022.











Blake S. Bostwick *


Director, Chief Executive Officer and President



As required by the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration Statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities indicated on January 20, 2022.


Signatures      Title


Blake S. Bostwick

     Director, Chief Executive Officer and President (principal executive officer)



Fred Gingerich


Director, Chairman of the Board, Controller, Vice President and Assistant Treasurer (principal accounting officer)





Matthew McCorry

     Director, Chief Operating Officer, Individual Solutions Division


Karyn Polak

     Director, General Counsel, Secretary and Senior Vice President



Christopher Ashe

     Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Treasurer (principal financial officer)


Zachary Harris


/s/ Arthur D. Woods, Esq                      

Arthur D. Woods, Esq

     Assistant General Counsel

*By: Arthur D. Woods – Attorney-in-Fact pursuant to Powers of Attorney filed herewith

EX-99.S 2 d253042dex99s.htm POWERS OF ATTORNEY Powers of Attorney




KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Blake S. Bostwick, a Director, Chief Executive Officer and President of Transamerica Life Insurance Company, an Iowa corporation, do hereby appoint Brian Stallworth and Arthur D. Woods, and each of them severally, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for me and in my name, place and stead to execute and file any instrument or document to be filed as part of or in connection with or in any way related to the Registration Statements and any and all amendments thereto, filed by said Company under the Securities Act of 1933 and/or the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, in connection with the registration of the variable contracts listed below, and to have full power and authority to do or cause to be done in my name, place and stead each and every act and thing necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the same, as fully to all intents and purposes I might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact or any of them, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Each said attorney-in-fact shall have power to act hereunder without the others.


Product Name


Separate Account Name

   1940 Act File

Transamerica B-Share Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica I-Share II Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium IV Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity Series


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom II


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium III


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity I-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Inspire Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity O-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Advisory Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Landmark Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Freedom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Extra Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Liberty Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account A


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account B



Vanguard Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA DD


WRL Freedom Premier III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA U


WRL Freedom Premier


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Conqueror


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Wealth Creator


WRL Series Annuity Account


Secure Path for Life


Separate Account VA FF


Advantage IV


WRL Series Life Corporate Account


Advantage X


Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen


Transamerica Freedom Elite Builder II


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Financial Freedom Builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Elite builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Equity Protector


WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Structured Index Advantage Annuity


Not Applicable

   Not Applicable

Form S-1, S-3, N-4 or N-6 Registration Statements to be filed.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of July 2021.


                    /s/ Blake S. Bostwick

Blake S. Bostwick
Director, Chief Executive Officer and President


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Fredrick J. Gingerich, Director, Chairman of the Board, Controller, Assistant Treasurer and Vice President of Transamerica Life Insurance Company, an Iowa corporation, do hereby appoint Brian Stallworth and Arthur D. Woods, and each of them severally, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for me and in my name, place and stead to execute and file any instrument or document to be filed as part of or in connection with or in any way related to the Registration Statements and any and all amendments thereto, and proxies, exemptive orders or other documents filed by said Company under the Securities Act of 1933 and/or the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, in connection with the registration of the variable contracts listed below, and to have full power and authority to do or cause to be done in my name, place and stead each and every act and thing necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the same, as fully to all intents and purposes I might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact or any of them, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Each said attorney-in-fact shall have power to act hereunder without the others.


Product Name


Separate Account Name

   1940 Act File

Transamerica B-Share Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica I-Share II Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium IV Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity Series


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom II


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium III


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity I-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Inspire Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity O-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Advisory Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Landmark Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Freedom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Extra Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Liberty Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account A


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account B


Vanguard Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA DD


WRL Freedom Premier III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA U


WRL Freedom Premier


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Conqueror


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Wealth Creator


WRL Series Annuity Account


Secure Path for Life


Separate Account VA FF


Advantage IV


Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen


Advantage IV


WRL Series Life Corporate Account


Advantage X


Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen


Transamerica Freedom Elite Builder II


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Financial Freedom Builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Elite builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Equity Protector


WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Structured Index Advantage Annuity


Not Applicable

   Not Applicable

Form S-1, S-3, N-4 or N-6 Registration Statements to be filed.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of July 2021.


                    /s/ Fredrick J. Gingerich

Fredrick J. Gingerich
Director, Chairman of the Board, Controller, Assistant Treasurer and Vice President


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Karyn Polak, a Director, General Counsel, Secretary and Senior Vice President of Transamerica Life Insurance Company, an Iowa corporation, do hereby appoint Brian Stallworth and Arthur D. Woods, and each of them severally, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for me and in my name, place and stead to execute and file any instrument or document to be filed as part of or in connection with or in any way related to the Registration Statements and any and all amendments thereto, filed by said Company under the Securities Act of 1933 and/or the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, in connection with the registration of the variable contracts listed below, and to have full power and authority to do or cause to be done in my name, place and stead each and every act and thing necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the same, as fully to all intents and purposes I might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact or any of them, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Each said attorney-in-fact shall have power to act hereunder without the others.


Product Name


Separate Account Name

   1940 Act File

Transamerica B-Share Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica I-Share II Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium IV Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity Series


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom II


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium III


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity I-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Inspire Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity O-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Advisory Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Landmark Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Freedom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Extra Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Liberty Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account A


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account B


Vanguard Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA DD


WRL Freedom Premier III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA U


WRL Freedom Premier


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Conqueror


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Wealth Creator


WRL Series Annuity Account


Secure Path for Life


Separate Account VA FF


Advantage IV


WRL Series Life Corporate Account


Advantage X


Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen


Transamerica Freedom Elite Builder II


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Financial Freedom Builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Elite builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Equity Protector


WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Structured Index Advantage Annuity


Not Applicable

   Not Applicable

Form S-1, S-3, N-4 or N-6 Registration Statements to be filed.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of July 2021.


                    /s/ Karyn Polak

Karyn Polak
Director, General Counsel, Secretary and Senior Vice President


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Matthew McCorry, a Director and Chief Operating Officer, Individual Solutions Division of Transamerica Life Insurance Company, an Iowa corporation, do hereby appoint Brian Stallworth and Arthur D. Woods, and each of them severally, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for me and in my name, place and stead to execute and file any instrument or document to be filed as part of or in connection with or in any way related to the Registration Statements and any and all amendments thereto, filed by said Company under the Securities Act of 1933 and/or the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, in connection with the registration of the variable contracts listed below, and to have full power and authority to do or cause to be done in my name, place and stead each and every act and thing necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the same, as fully to all intents and purposes I might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact or any of them, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Each said attorney-in-fact shall have power to act hereunder without the others.


Product Name


Separate Account Name

  1940 Act File

Transamerica B-Share Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica I-Share II Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium IV Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity Series


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom II


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium III


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity I-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Inspire Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity O-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Advisory Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Landmark Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Freedom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Extra Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Liberty Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account A


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account B


Vanguard Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA DD


WRL Freedom Premier III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA U


WRL Freedom Premier


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Conqueror


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Wealth Creator


WRL Series Annuity Account


Secure Path for Life


Separate Account VA FF


Advantage IV


WRL Series Life Corporate Account


Advantage X


Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen


Transamerica Freedom Elite Builder II


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Financial Freedom Builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Elite builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Equity Protector


WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Structured Index Advantage Annuity


Not Applicable

  Not Applicable

Form S-1, S-3, N-4 or N-6 Registration Statements to be filed.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of July 2021.


                    /s/ Matthew McCorry

Matthew McCorry
Director and Chief Operating Officer, Individual Solutions Division


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Christopher Ashe, a Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Transamerica Life Insurance Company, an Iowa corporation, do hereby appoint Brian Stallworth and Arthur D. Woods, and each of them severally, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for me and in my name, place and stead to execute and file any instrument or document to be filed as part of or in connection with or in any way related to the Registration Statements and any and all amendments thereto, filed by said Company under the Securities Act of 1933 and/or the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, in connection with the registration of the variable contracts listed below, and to have full power and authority to do or cause to be done in my name, place and stead each and every act and thing necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the same, as fully to all intents and purposes I might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact or any of them, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Each said attorney-in-fact shall have power to act hereunder without the others.


Product Name


Separate Account Name

  1940 Act File

Transamerica B-Share Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica I-Share II Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium IV Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity Series


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom II


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium III


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity I-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Inspire Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity O-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Advisory Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Landmark Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Freedom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Extra Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Liberty Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account A


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account B


Vanguard Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA DD


WRL Freedom Premier III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA U


WRL Freedom Premier


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Conqueror


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Wealth Creator


WRL Series Annuity Account


Secure Path for Life


Separate Account VA FF


Advantage IV


WRL Series Life Corporate Account


Advantage X


Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen


Transamerica Freedom Elite Builder II


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Financial Freedom Builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Elite builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Equity Protector


WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Structured Index Advantage Annuity


Not Applicable

  Not Applicable

Form S-1, S-3, N-4 or N-6 Registration Statements to be filed.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of July 2021.


                    /s/ Christopher Ashe

Christopher Ashe
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Treasurer


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Zachary Harris, a Director of Transamerica Life Insurance Company, an Iowa corporation, do hereby appoint Brian Stallworth and Arthur D. Woods, and each of them severally, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, for me and in my name, place and stead to execute and file any instrument or document to be filed as part of or in connection with or in any way related to the Registration Statements and any and all amendments thereto, filed by said Company under the Securities Act of 1933 and/or the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, in connection with the registration of the variable contracts listed below, and to have full power and authority to do or cause to be done in my name, place and stead each and every act and thing necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the same, as fully to all intents and purposes I might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact or any of them, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Each said attorney-in-fact shall have power to act hereunder without the others.


Product Name


Separate Account Name

   1940 Act File

Transamerica B-Share Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica I-Share II Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium IV Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity Series


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom II


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Principium III


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity I-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Inspire Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Variable Annuity O-Share


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Advisory Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Landmark Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Freedom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Extra Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Liberty Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Transamerica Axiom Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA B


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account A


Merrill Lynch Retirement Plus Variable Annuity


Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account B


Vanguard Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA DD


WRL Freedom Premier III Variable Annuity


Separate Account VA U


WRL Freedom Premier


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Conqueror


WRL Series Annuity Account


WRL Freedom Wealth Creator


WRL Series Annuity Account


Secure Path for Life


Separate Account VA FF


Advantage IV


WRL Series Life Corporate Account


Advantage X


Transamerica Corporate Separate Account Sixteen


Transamerica Freedom Elite Builder II


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Financial Freedom Builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Elite builder


WRL Series Life Account


WRL Freedom Equity Protector


WRL Series Life Account


Transamerica Structured Index Advantage Annuity


Not Applicable

   Not Applicable

Form S-1, S-3, N-4 or N-6 Registration Statements to be filed.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of July 2021.


                    /s/ Zachary Harris

Zachary Harris
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