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An Individual Flexible Premium Variable Life Insurance Policy
Issued through
WRL Series Life Account
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

The following information hereby supplements or amends, and to the extent is inconsistent replaces, certain information contained in your prospectus:

Please note the change regarding your fund reports:

We want to let you know that beginning January 1, 2021, we will no longer mail copies of shareholder reports for funds in your portfolio. This change is permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Instead, the reports will be made available on our website. We’ll let you know by mail each time a report is posted. The notification will have a URL for accessing the report.

If you’ve already elected to receive documents from us electronically, you’re not affected by this change. You’re already receiving an email with a link to the reports so there’s nothing you need to do.

You do have the option of continuing to receive paper copies of all future shareholder reports free of charge. If you’d like this option, give us a call at the number on your account statement.

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Range of Expenses for the Portfolios1, 2

The table below shows the lowest and highest total operating expenses charged by the portfolios during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.  Expenses of the portfolios may be higher or lower in the future.  More detail concerning each portfolio’s fees and expenses is contained in the prospectus for each portfolio.

Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (total of all expenses that are deducted from portfolio assets, including management fees, 12b-1 fees, and other expenses)
Net Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (total of all expenses that are deducted from portfolio assets, including management fees, 12b-1 fees, and other expenses, after contractual waiver of fees and expenses)3
1 The portfolio expenses used to prepare this table were provided to Transamerica Premier by the funds. The expenses shown are those incurred for the year ended December 31, 2019. Current or future expenses may be greater or less than those shown.
2 The table showing the range of expenses for the portfolios takes into account the expenses of several Transamerica Series Trust asset allocation portfolios that are each a “fund of funds.” A “fund of funds” portfolio typically allocates its assets, within predetermined percentage ranges, among certain other Fund portfolios and affiliated Fund portfolios (each such portfolio an “Acquired Fund”). Each “fund of funds” has its own set of operating expenses, as does each of the portfolios in which it invests. In determining the range of portfolio expenses, Transamerica Premier took into account the information received from those funds on the combined actual expenses for each “fund of funds” and for the portfolios in which it invests. The combined expense information includes the Acquired Fund (i.e., the underlying fund’s) fees and expenses for the Transamerica Series Trust asset allocation portfolios. See the prospectuses for the Transamerica Series Trust for a presentation of all applicable Acquired Fund fees and expenses.
3 The range of Net Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses takes into account contractual arrangements for 28 portfolios that require a portfolio’s investment adviser to reimburse or waive portfolio expenses until April 30, 2021.

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Please note the following portfolio changes:

The subadvisor for Transamerica Greystone International Growth VP changed from Greystone Managed Investments Inc. to TDAM USA Inc. Effective May 1, 2020, the name will be changed to Transamerica International Growth VP.

The subadvisor for Transamerica BlackRock Tactical Allocation VP changed from BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. to BlackRock Investment Management, LLC.

Effective May 1, 2020, Transamerica BlackRock Global Allocation VP will be renamed Transamerica Morgan Stanley Global Allocation VP.  The new investment objective will be to seek high total return.  The new sub-adviser will be Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Inc.

The investment strategy for ProFund VP Emerging Markets has changed to:
Seeks investment results, before fees and expenses, that correspond to the performance of the S&P/BNY Mellon Emerging Markets 50 ADR® Index. (USD).

The investment strategy for ProFund VP Falling U.S. Dollar has changed to:
Seeks investment results, before fees and expenses, that correspond to the performance of the basket of currencies included in the non-U.S. currencies included in the ICE® U.S. Dollar Index®.

The investment strategy for ProFund VP Pharmaceuticals has changed to:
Seeks investment results, before fees and expenses, that correspond to the performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Select Pharmaceuticals SM Index.

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The table below provides contact information for your Transamerica life insurance policy:

Direct or Send to
Telephonic Transaction
1-727- 299-1800 or 1-800-851-9777 (toll free)
Facsimile Transaction
1-727-299-1648 (subaccount transfers only)
1-727-299-1620 (all other facsimile transactions)
Electronic Transaction
Payments made by check
PO Box 653011, Dallas, TX  75265-3011 or
4333 Edgewood Road, N.E., Cedar Rapids,
Iowa 52499-0001
Claims, general correspondence, and notices
Mailing Address:  4333 Edgewood Road, N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52499-0001
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The paragraph below replaces the section under “Additional Information” entitled: “Sending Forms and Transaction Requests in Good Order”:

We cannot carry out your instructions to process a transaction relating to the Policy until we have received your instructions in good order at our mailing address (or our administrative office or website as appropriate).  "Good order" means the actual receipt by us of the instructions relating to a transaction in writing or, when appropriate, by telephone or facsimile, or electronically along with all forms, information and supporting legal documentation (including any required spousal or joint owner's consents) we require in order to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes, to the extent applicable to the transaction: your completed application; the policy number; the transaction amount (in dollars or percentage terms); the names and allocations to and/or from the subaccounts affected by the requested transaction; the dated signatures of all owners (exactly as registered on the Policy) if necessary; Social Security Number or Taxpayer I.D.; and any other information or supporting documentation that we may require. To be in "good order," instructions must be sufficiently clear so that we do not need to exercise any discretion to follow such instructions.

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Please note that the term “tax advisor” has been replaced by “tax professional” throughout the prospectus.

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The following section in “Premium Limitations & Payments” in the prospectus has been revised to read:

Note: We reserve the right to reject any form of payment. We do not accept cash or money orders. Any unacceptable forms of payment will be returned.

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 The following replaces the Cyber Security Risks section in the prospectus:

Our operations support complex transactions and are highly dependent on the proper functioning of information technology and communication systems. Any failure of our information technology or communications systems may result in a material adverse effect on our results of operations and corporate reputation.

Any failure of or gap in the systems and processes necessary to support complex transactions and avoid systems failure, fraud, information security failures, processing errors, cyber intrusion, loss of data and breaches of regulation may lead to a materially adverse effect on our results of operations and corporate reputation. In addition, we must commit significant resources to maintain and enhance its existing systems in order to keep pace with applicable regulatory requirements, industry standards and customer preferences. If we fail to maintain secure and well-functioning information systems, we may not be able to rely on information for product pricing, compliance obligations, risk management and underwriting decisions. In addition, we cannot assure investors or consumers that interruptions, failures or breaches in security of these processes and systems will not occur, or if they do occur, that they can be timely detected and remediated. The occurrence of any of these events may have a materially adverse effect on our businesses, results of operations and financial condition.

A computer system failure or security breach may disrupt our business, damage our reputation and adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

We rely heavily on computer and information systems and internet and network connectivity to conduct a large portion of our business operations. This includes the need to securely store, process, transmit and dispose of confidential information, including personal information, through a number of complex systems. In many cases this also includes transmission and processing to or through commercial customers, business partners and third-party service providers. The introduction of new technologies, computer system failures, cyber-crime attacks or security or data privacy breaches may materially disrupt our business operations, damage our reputation, result in regulatory and litigation exposure, investigation and remediation costs, and materially and adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

The information security risk that we face includes the risk of malicious outside forces using public networks and other methods, including social engineering and the exploitation of targeted offline processes, to attack our systems and information. It also includes inside threats, both malicious and accidental. For example, human error, unauthorized user activity and lack of sufficiently automated processing can result in improper information exposure or use. We also face risk in this area due to its reliance in many cases on third-party systems, all of which may face cyber and information security risks of their own. Third-party administrators or distribution partners used by us or our affiliates may not adequately secure their own information systems and networks, or may not adequately keep pace with the dynamic changes in this area. Potential bad actors that target us and our applicable third parties may include, but are not limited to, criminal organizations, foreign government bodies, political factions, and others.

In recent years information security risk has increased sharply due to a number of developments in how information systems are used by companies such as us, but also by society in general. Threats have increased as criminals and other bad actors become more organized and employ more sophisticated techniques. At the same time companies increasingly make information systems and data available through the internet, mobile devices or other network connections to customers, employees and business partners, thereby expanding the attack surface that bad actors can exploit.

Large, global financial institutions such as us have been, and will continue to be subject to information security attacks for the foreseeable future. The nature of these attacks will also continue to be unpredictable, and in many cases may arise from circumstances that are beyond our control. If we fail to adequately invest in defensive infrastructure, timely response capabilities, technology and processes or to effectively execute against its information security strategy, it may suffer material adverse consequences.

To date the highest impact information security incidents that we have experienced are believed to have been the result of e-mail phishing attacks targeted at our business partners and commercial customers. This in turn led to unauthorized use of valid our website credentials to engage in fraudulent transactions and improper data exfiltration. Additionally, we have also faced other types of attacks, including but not limited to other types of phishing attacks and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, as well as certain limited cases of unauthorized internal user activity, including activity between other units of Aegon. Although to our knowledge these events have thus far not been material in nature, our management recognizes the need to establish and maintain adequate information security systems that are capable of addressing the possibility of these types of attacks, as well as for the possibility of more significant and sophisticated information security attacks, in the future. There is no guarantee that the measures that we take will be sufficient to stop all types of attacks or mitigate all types of information security or data privacy risks.

We maintain cyber liability insurance to help decrease the impact of cyber-attacks and information security events, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, however such insurance may not be sufficient to cover all applicable losses that we may suffer.

A breach of data privacy or security obligations may disrupt our business, damage our reputation and adversely affect financial conditions and results of operations.

Pursuant to applicable laws, various government agencies and independent administrative bodies have established numerous rules protecting the privacy and security of personal information and other confidential information held by us. For example, our businesses are subject to laws and regulations enacted by U.S. federal and state governments, including various regulatory organizations relating to the privacy and/or security of the information of customers, employees or others. These laws, among other things, increased compliance obligations, impacted our businesses’ collection, processing and retention of personal data, reporting of data breaches, and provide for penalties for non-compliance. As an example, the New York Department of Finance Services (NYDFS), pursuant to its cybersecurity regulation, requires financial institutions regulated by the NYDFS, including certain of our entities, to, among other things, satisfy an extensive set of minimum cyber security requirements, including but not limited to governance, management, reporting, policy, technology and control requirements. Numerous other U.S. laws also impose various information security and privacy related obligations with respect to various Company affiliates operating in the U.S., including but not limited to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and related state laws (GLBA), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), among many others. Other legislators and regulators with jurisdiction over our businesses are considering, or have already enacted, enhanced information security risk management and privacy rules and regulations. A number of our entities and affiliates are also subject to contractual restrictions with respect to the information of our clients and business partners.  The Company, and numerous of its employees and business partners have access to, and routinely process, the personal information of consumers and employees. We rely on various processes and controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal information and other confidential information that is accessible to, or in the possession of, us, our systems, employees and business partners. It is possible that an employee, business partner or system could, intentionally or unintentionally, inappropriately disclose or misuse personal or confidential information. Our data or data in our possession could also be the subject of an unauthorized information security attack. If we fail to maintain adequate processes and controls or if we or our business partners fail to comply with relevant laws and regulations, policies and procedures, misappropriation or intentional or unintentional inappropriate disclosure or misuse of personal information or other confidential information could occur. Such control inadequacies or non-compliance could cause disrupted operations and misstated or unreliable financial data, materially damage our reputation or lead to increased regulatory scrutiny or civil or criminal penalties or litigation, which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, we analyze personal information and customer data to better manage our business, subject to applicable laws and regulations and other restrictions. It is possible that additional regulatory or other restrictions regarding the use of such techniques may be imposed. Additional privacy and information security obligations have been imposed by various governments with jurisdiction over the Company or its affiliates in recent years, and more such obligations are likely to be imposed in the near future across our operations. Such restrictions and obligations could have material impacts on our business, financial conditions and/or results of operations.

For a complete description regarding Transamerica’s policies for its websites, including the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for such websites, please visit: www.transamerica.com/individual/privacy-policy and www.transamerica.com/individual/terms-of-use.

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The following section has been added to “Additional Information”:
Business Continuity

Our business operations may be adversely affected by volatile natural and man-made disasters, including (but not limited to) hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, civil unrest, military action, fires and explosions, pandemic diseases, and other catastrophes (“Catastrophic Events”). Over the past several years, changing weather patterns and climatic conditions have added to the unpredictability and frequency of natural disasters in certain parts of the world. Such uncertainty as to future trends and exposure may lead to financial losses to our businesses. Furthermore, Catastrophic Events may disrupt our operations and result in the loss of, or restricted access to, property and information about Transamerica and its clients. Such events may also impact the availability and capacity of our key personnel. If our business continuity plans have not included effective contingencies for Catastrophic Events, we may experience business disruption, damage to corporate reputation, and damage to financial condition for a prolonged period of time.

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The following replaces the “Legal Proceeding” section of the prospectus:

We, like other life insurance companies, are subject to regulatory and legal proceedings in the ordinary course of our business.  Such legal and regulatory matters include proceedings specific to us and other proceedings generally applicable to business practices in the industry in which we operate.  In some lawsuits and regulatory proceedings involving insurers, substantial damages have been sought and/or material settlement payments have been made. Although the outcome of any litigation or regulatory proceeding cannot be predicted with certainty, at the present time, we believe that there are no pending or threatened proceedings or lawsuits that are likely to have a material adverse impact on the separate account, on TCI’s ability to perform under its principal underwriting agreement, or on our ability to meet our obligations under the Policy.

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The following replaces the mailing address under the “glossary” in the prospectus:
Our mailing address is 4333 Edgewood Road, N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52499-0001. All claims, correspondence and notices must be sent to this address. Premium payments and loan repayments made by check may also be to PO Box 653011, Dallas, TX  75265-3011.

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The information contained in both the explanation and "Hypothetical Illustrations" is out-of-date and should not be relied upon.

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For additional information, you may contact us at our administrative office at 1-800-851-9777, from 8:30a.m. – 7:00p.m., Eastern Time or visit our website at: www.premier.transamerica.com.  TCI serves as the principal underwriter for the Policies.  More information about TCI is available at www.finra.org or by calling 1-800-289-9999.  You also can obtain an investor brochure from the Financial Regulatory Authority ("FINRA") describing its Public Disclosure Program.