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Significant Transactions
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2021
Significant Transactions [Abstract]  
Significant Transactions Significant Transactions
On February 26, 2019, MediaAlpha completed the sale of a significant minority stake to Insignia Capital Group in connection with a recapitalization and cash distribution to existing equityholders. MediaAlpha also repurchased a portion of the holdings of existing equityholders. White Mountains received net cash proceeds of $89.3 million from the 2019 MediaAlpha Transaction. White Mountains recognized a realized gain of $67.5 million and reduced its ownership interest to 48.3% of the basic units outstanding of MediaAlpha (42.0% on a fully diluted, fully converted basis) as a result of the 2019 MediaAlpha Transaction. White Mountains’s remaining ownership interest in MediaAlpha no longer met the criteria for a controlling ownership interest and, accordingly, White Mountains deconsolidated MediaAlpha on February 26, 2019. White Mountains’s consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive income (loss) and its segment disclosures include MediaAlpha’s results of operations for the period from January 1, 2019 through February 26, 2019. Upon deconsolidation, White Mountains’s investment in MediaAlpha met the criteria to be accounted for under the equity method or under the fair value option. White Mountains elected the fair value option and the investment in MediaAlpha was initially measured at its estimated fair value of $114.7 million as of the transaction date, with the change in fair value of $114.7 million recognized as an unrealized investment gain. White Mountains recognized a total of $182.2 million of realized gain and unrealized investment gain on the 2019 MediaAlpha Transaction.
On October 30, 2020, MediaAlpha completed the MediaAlpha IPO. In the offering, White Mountains sold 3.6 million shares and received total proceeds of $63.8 million. White Mountains also received $55.0 million of net proceeds related to a dividend recapitalization at MediaAlpha prior to the MediaAlpha IPO. Following the MediaAlpha IPO, White Mountains owned 20.5 million MediaAlpha shares, representing a 35.0% ownership interest (32.3% on a fully-diluted, fully converted basis). At the December 31, 2020 closing price of $39.07 per share, the value of White Mountains’s remaining investment in MediaAlpha was $802.2 million.
On March 23, 2021, MediaAlpha completed a secondary offering of 8.05 million shares. In the secondary offering, White Mountains sold 3.6 million shares at $46.00 per share ($44.62 per share net of underwriting fees) for net proceeds of $160.3 million. As of December 31, 2021, White Mountains owned 16.9 million shares, representing a 28.0% basic ownership interest (25.7% fully-diluted/fully-converted basis). At the December 31, 2021 closing price of $15.44 per share, the fair value of White Mountains’s investment in MediaAlpha was $261.6 million. See Note 17 — “Equity-Method Eligible Investments”.

On October 1, 2020, White Mountains entered into a subscription and purchase agreement (the “Ark SPA”) with Ark and certain selling shareholders (collectively with Ark, the “Ark Sellers”). Under the terms of the Ark SPA, White Mountains agreed to contribute $605.4 million of equity capital to Ark, at a pre-money valuation of $300.0 million, and to purchase $40.9 million of shares from the Ark Sellers. White Mountains also agreed to contribute up to an additional $200.0 million of equity capital to Ark in 2021. In accordance with the Ark SPA, in the fourth quarter of 2020 White Mountains pre-funded/placed in escrow a total of $646.3 million in preparation for closing the transaction, including $280.0 million funded directly to Lloyd’s on behalf of Ark under the terms of a credit facility agreement and $366.3 million placed in escrow, which is reflected on the balance sheet within the Other Operations segment as of December 31, 2020.
On January 1, 2021, White Mountains completed the Ark Transaction in accordance with the terms of the Ark SPA. As of December 31, 2021, White Mountains owned 72.0% of Ark on a basic shares outstanding basis (63.0% after taking account of management’s equity incentives). The remaining shares are owned by employees. In the future, management rollover shareholders could earn additional shares in Ark if and to the extent that White Mountains achieves certain multiple of invested capital return threshold. If fully earned, these additional shares would represent 12.5% of the shares outstanding at closing.
White Mountains recognized total assets acquired related to the Ark Transaction of $2.5 billion, including goodwill and other intangible assets of $292.5 million, and total liabilities of $1.7 billion, including contingent consideration of $22.5 million and non-controlling interest of $220.2 million. Ark incurred transaction costs of $25.3 million in the first quarter of 2021.
In the third quarter of 2021, Ark issued $163.3 million of floating rate unsecured subordinated notes (the “Ark 2021 Subordinated Notes”) in three separate transactions. See Note 7 — “Debt”. In connection with the issuance of the Ark 2021 Subordinated Notes, White Mountains and Ark terminated White Mountains’s commitment to provide up to $200.0 million of additional equity capital to Ark in 2021.
The following presents additional details of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the January 1, 2021 acquisition date:
MillionsAs of January 1, 2021
Reinsurance recoverables433.4
Insurance premiums receivable236.7
Ceded unearned premiums170.2
Value of in-force business acquired71.7
Other assets88.9
Loss and loss adjustment expense reserves(696.0)
Unearned insurance premiums(326.1)
Ceded reinsurance payable(528.3)
Other liabilities(25.9)
   Net tangible assets acquired24.5
Goodwill 116.8
Other intangible assets - syndicate underwriting capacity175.7
Deferred tax liability on other intangible assets(33.4)
  Net assets acquired$283.6
(1) Cash excludes the White Mountains cash contribution of $605.4 as part of the Ark Transaction.

The values of net tangible assets acquired and the resulting goodwill, other intangible assets and contingent consideration were recorded at fair value using Level 3 inputs. The majority of the tangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed were recorded at their carrying values, as their carrying values approximated their fair values due to their short-term nature. The fair values of goodwill, other intangible assets and the contingent consideration liability were internally estimated primarily based on the income approach. The income approach estimates fair value based on the present value of the cash flows that the assets are expected to generate in the future. White Mountains developed internal estimates for the expected future cash flows and discount rates used in the present value calculations.
The value of in-force business acquired represents the estimated profits relating to the unexpired contracts, net of related prepaid reinsurance, at the acquisition date through the expiration date of the contracts. During 2021, Ark recognized $64.2 million of amortization expense on the value of in-force business acquired. The value of the syndicate underwriting capacity intangible asset was estimated using net cash flows attributable to Ark’s rights to write business in the Lloyd’s market. The value of the in-force business acquired and the syndicate underwriting capacity were estimated using a discounted cash flow method. Significant inputs to the valuation models include estimates of growth in premium revenues, investment returns, claim costs, expenses and discount rates based on a weighted average cost of capital.
In evaluating the fair value of Ark’s loss and loss adjustment expense reserves, White Mountains determined that the risk-free rate of interest was approximately equal to the risk factor reflecting the uncertainty within the reserves and that no adjustment was necessary. For the year ended December 31, 2021, Ark recognized pre-tax expense of $5.5 million for the change in the fair value of its contingent consideration liabilities. Any future adjustments to contingent consideration liabilities will be recognized through pre-tax income (loss). As of December 31, 2021, Ark recognized total contingent consideration liabilities of $28.0 million.
Ark’s segment income and expenses for 2021 are presented in Note 16 — “Segment Information.”
On May 18, 2018, NSM acquired 100% of Fresh Insurance, which is an insurance broker that offers non-standard personal lines products in the United Kingdom. NSM paid $49.6 million of upfront cash consideration for Fresh Insurance. NSM borrowed $51.0 million to fund the transaction. During the nine months ended September 30, 2019, NSM paid a purchase price adjustment of an additional $0.7 million of consideration. The purchase price was subject to additional adjustments based upon growth in EBITDA during two earnout periods ending in February 2020 and 2022. NSM did not make any payments related to the first Fresh Insurance earnout period.
On April 12, 2021, NSM sold Fresh Insurance’s motor business for net proceeds of £1.1 million ($1.5 million based upon the foreign exchange spot rate as of the transaction date). As of March 31, 2021, the Fresh Insurance motor business was classified as held for sale and NSM recognized a loss of $28.7 million in 2021. See Note 21 — “Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”.
On December 3, 2018, NSM acquired all the net assets of KBK Insurance Group, Inc. (“KBK”), a specialized MGU focused on the towing and transportation space. NSM paid $60.0 million of upfront cash consideration for KBK. White Mountains contributed $29.0 million and NSM borrowed $30.1 million to fund the transaction. White Mountains recognized $59.4 million of goodwill and other intangible assets, reflecting acquisition date fair values, for which the relative fair values of goodwill and other intangible assets had not yet been finalized as of December 31, 2018. During 2019, NSM determined that the relative values of goodwill and other intangible assets recorded in connection with the KBK transaction were $32.6 million and $32.7 million, reflecting acquisition date fair values. The purchase price was subject to additional adjustments based upon growth in EBITDA during three earn out periods ending in December 2019, December 2020 and December 2021. During 2019, NSM recorded a purchase price adjustment of $5.9 million relating to the fair value of the contingent consideration liability in connection with the acquisition. During 2021 and 2020, NSM paid $6.7 million and $6.4 million related to the first and second KBK earnout periods.
On April 1, 2019, NSM acquired 100% of Embrace Pet Insurance (“Embrace”), a nationwide provider of pet health insurance for dogs and cats. NSM paid $71.5 million of cash consideration, net of cash acquired, for Embrace. White Mountains contributed $58.2 million to NSM and NSM borrowed $20.4 million to fund the transaction. White Mountains recognized $52.2 million of goodwill and $15.4 million of other intangible assets, reflecting acquisition date fair values.
On June 28, 2019, NSM acquired the renewal rights on its U.S. collector car business (the “Renewal Rights”) from American International Group, Inc. (“AIG”) for $82.5 million. The acquisition satisfied NSM’s obligation to acquire the Renewal Rights from AIG. See Note 20 — “Commitments and Contingencies”. White Mountains contributed $59.1 million to NSM and NSM borrowed $22.5 million to fund the transaction. White Mountains recognized $82.5 million of other intangible assets, reflecting the acquisition date fair value. See Note 4 — “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets”.
On April 7, 2020, NSM acquired 100% of Kingsbridge Group Limited (“Kingsbridge”), a leading provider of commercial lines insurance and consulting services for the professional contractor and freelancer markets in the United Kingdom. NSM paid £107.2 million ($132.2 million based upon the foreign exchange spot rate at the date of acquisition) of upfront cash consideration for Kingsbridge. White Mountains contributed $80.3 million to NSM and NSM borrowed £42.5 million ($52.4 million based upon the foreign exchange spot rate at the date of acquisition) to fund the transaction. During 2020, NSM determined that the relative values of goodwill and other intangible assets recorded in connection with the Kingsbridge transaction were $111.5 million and $20.2 million, reflecting acquisition date fair values. The purchase price was subject to adjustment based upon growth in EBITDA during an earnout period ending in January 2022. During 2020, NSM initially recorded a liability relating to the fair value of the Kingsbridge contingent consideration of $4.1 million. During 2021 and 2020, NSM recognized pre-tax income (loss) of $(0.3) million and $4.1 million for the change in fair value of the Kingsbridge contingent consideration liability. As of December 31, 2021, there was no Kingsbridge contingent consideration liability. As of December 31, 2020, the Kingsbridge contingent consideration liability was $0.3 million.
On August 6, 2021, NSM acquired 100% of J.C. Taylor Insurance (“J.C. Taylor”), an MGA offering classic and antique collector car insurance. NSM paid $49.6 million of upfront cash consideration for J.C. Taylor. NSM borrowed $35.0 million under its credit facility to fund the acquisition. The remaining balance was funded with cash on hand at NSM. NSM recognized total assets acquired related to the J.C. Taylor transaction of $60.3 million, including goodwill and other intangible assets of $55.7 million, and total liabilities of $10.7 million. During 2021, NSM determined that the relative values of goodwill and other intangible assets recorded in connection with the J.C. Taylor transaction were $28.5 million and $27.2 million, reflecting acquisition date fair values.
The contingent consideration liabilities related to NSM’s acquisitions are subject to adjustments based upon EBITDA, EBITDA projections, and present value factors for acquired entities. For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, NSM recognized pre-tax expense (income) of $1.0 million and $(3.3) million for the change in the fair value of its contingent consideration liabilities. Any future adjustments to contingent consideration liabilities under the agreements will be recognized through pre-tax income (loss). As of December 31, 2021 and 2020, NSM recognized total contingent consideration liabilities of $6.8 million and $14.6 million. During 2021 and 2020, NSM paid $8.8 million and $7.0 million of contingent consideration liabilities related to KBK and the U.K. vertical.

On February 5, 2018, White Mountains entered into an agreement to fund up to $125.0 million in Kudu in exchange for a 49.5% basic unit ownership interest in Kudu (42.7% on a fully diluted, fully converted basis). On April 4, 2019, White Mountains acquired the ownership interests in Kudu held by certain funds managed by Oaktree for cash consideration of $81.4 million. In addition, White Mountains assumed all of Oaktree’s unfunded capital commitments to Kudu, increasing White Mountains’s total capital commitment to $250.0 million. White Mountains recognized total assets acquired of $155.5 million, including $7.6 million of goodwill and $2.2 million of other intangible assets, total liabilities assumed of $0.8 million and non-controlling interest of $1.5 million.
As a result of the Kudu Transaction, White Mountains’s basic unit ownership of Kudu increased from 49.5% to 99.1% (42.7% to 85.4% on a fully diluted, fully converted basis), and White Mountains began consolidating Kudu as a reportable segment in its financial statements during the second quarter of 2019. White Mountains’s consolidated financial statements and its segment disclosures include Kudu’s results for the period from April 4, 2019 to December 31, 2019. For periods prior to the Kudu Transaction, White Mountains determined that Kudu was a VIE, but White Mountains was not the primary beneficiary. In those periods, White Mountains elected to use the fair value option.
During the fourth quarter of 2019, White Mountains increased its total capital commitment to Kudu by $100.0 million to $350.0 million. During the fourth quarter of 2021, White Mountains increased its total capital commitment to Kudu by an additional $19.0 million to $369.0 million. As of December 31, 2021, Kudu has fully drawn on the total capital commitment.

On January 24, 2018, White Mountains acquired a 50.0% ownership interest in DavidShield, its joint venture partner in PassportCard. DavidShield is a managing general agency that is the leading provider of expatriate medical insurance in Israel and uses the same card-based delivery system as PassportCard. As part of the transaction, White Mountains reorganized its equity stake in PassportCard so that White Mountains and its partner in DavidShield would each own 50.0% of both businesses. To facilitate the transaction, White Mountains provided financing to its partner in the form of a non-interest bearing loan that is secured by the partner’s equity in PassportCard and DavidShield. The gross purchase price for the 50.0% interest in DavidShield was $41.8 million, or $28.3 million net of the financing provided for the restructuring.
On May 7, 2020, White Mountains made an additional $15.0 million investment in PassportCard/DavidShield to support operations through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The transaction increased White Mountains’s ownership interest from 50.0% to 53.8%, but had no impact on the governance structure of the companies, including White Mountains’s board representation or other investor rights. The governance structures for both PassportCard and DavidShield were designed to give White Mountains and its co-investor equal power to make the decisions that most significantly impact the operations of PassportCard and DavidShield.