EX-99.1 2 exh_991p.htm EXHIBIT 99.1

Exhibit 99.1


Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc



To the Shareholders of Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc:


Management has prepared the information and representations in this interim report. The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and, where appropriate, these statements include some amounts that are based on best estimates and judgment. Management has determined such amounts on a reasonable basis in order to ensure that the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects.


The accompanying Management Discussion and Analysis (“MD&) also includes information regarding the impact of current transactions, sources of liquidity, capital resources, operating trends, risks and uncertainties. Actual results in the future may differ materially from our present assessment of this information because future events and circumstances may not occur as expected.


The Group maintains adequate systems of internal accounting and administrative controls, within reasonable cost. Such systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that relevant and reliable financial information are produced.


Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal controls over financial reporting (“ICFR”). Any system of ICFR, no matter how well designed, has inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation.


At June 30, 2020 management evaluated the effectiveness of the Group’s ICFR and concluded that such ICFR was effective.


The Board of Directors, through its Audit Committee, is responsible for ensuring that management fulfils its responsibilities for financial reporting and internal control. The Audit Committee is composed of three independent directors. This Committee meets periodically with management and the external auditor to review accounting, auditing, internal control and financial reporting matters.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have not been audited by the Group’s auditor.


The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2020 were approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf on August 13, 2020.


(Signed) S. R. Curtis  (Signed) J.M. Learmonth
Chief Executive Officer  Chief Financial Officer







Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Condensed consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


      For the 3 months
ended June 30
  For the 6 months
ended June 30
Unaudited   Note    2020    2019    2020    2019 
Revenue        22,913    16,520    46,515    32,440 
Less: Royalties        (1,146)   (864)   (2,328)   (1,683)
Production costs   6    (11,451)   (7,571)   (22,138)   (17,340)
Depreciation        (1,141)   (1,052)   (2,314)   (2,100)
Gross profit        9,175    7,033    19,735    11,317 
Other income   7    2,791    749    4,709    2,038 
Other expenses   8    (1,314)   (220)   (1,522)   (309)
Administrative expenses   9    (1,275)   (1,309)   (2,822)   (2,705)
Cash-settled share-based expense   10    (762)   (9)   (946)   (370)
Net foreign exchange gain   11    1,486    21,645    3,709    24,925 
Profit on sale of subsidiary        -    -    -    5,409 
Fair value losses on derivative assets   15    (113)   (194)   (148)   (324)
Operating profit        9,988    27,695    22,715    39,981 
Finance income        18    44    32    50 
Finance cost        (147)   (16)   (299)   (70)
Profit before tax        9,859    27,723    22,448    39,961 
Tax expense        (3,507)   223    (6,417)   (1,296)
Profit for the period        6,352    27,946    16,031    38,665 
Other comprehensive income                         
Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss                         
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations        293    144    (1,058)   - 
Reclassification of accumulated exchange differences on the sale of subsidiary        -    -    -    (2,109)
Total comprehensive income for the period        6,645    28,090    14,973    36,556 
Profit attributable to:                         
Owners of the Company        5,134    23,303    13,374    32,621 
Non-controlling interests        1,218    4,643    2,657    6,044 
Profit for the period        6,352    27,946    16,031    38,665 
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                         
Owners of the Company        5,427    23,447    12,316    30,512 
Non-controlling interests        1,218    4,643    2,657    6,044 
Total comprehensive income for the period        6,645    28,090    14,973    36,556 
Earnings per share                         
Basic earnings per share ($)        0.43    2.11    1.14    2.99 
Diluted earnings per share ($)        0.43    2.11    1.14    2.99 


The accompanying notes on page 6 to 21 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


On behalf of the Board: “S.R. Curtis”- Chief Executive Officer and “J.M. Learmonth”- Chief Financial Officer.






Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Condensed consolidated statements of financial position

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


Unaudited        June 30,    December 31, 
As at   Note    2020    2019 
Property, plant and equipment   12    119,410    113,651 
Deferred tax asset        96    63 
Total non-current assets        119,506    113,714 
Inventories   13    12,010    11,092 
Prepayments        2,915    2,350 
Trade and other receivables   14    7,170    6,912 
Derivative financial assets   15    1,112    102 
Cash and cash equivalents        11,639    9,383 
Total current assets        34,846    29,839 
Total assets        154,352    143,553 
Equity and liabilities               
Share capital        62,158    56,065 
Reserves        137,425    140,730 
Retained loss        (76,687)   (88,380)
Equity attributable to shareholders        122,896    108,415 
Non-controlling interests        15,059    16,302 
Total equity        137,955    124,717 
Provisions        3,384    3,346 
Deferred tax liability        1,457    3,129 
Term loan facility – long term portion        263    1,942 
Cash-settled share-based payments – long term portion        1,384    540 
Total non-current liabilities        6,488    8,957 
Term loan facility – short term portion        458    529 
Cash-settled share-based payments – short term portion        73    - 
Income tax payable        1,267    163 
Trade and other payables        8,111    8,697 
Overdraft        -    490 
Total current liabilities        9,909    9,879 
Total liabilities        16,397    18,836 
Total equity and liabilities        154,352    143,553 


The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 21 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.






Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Condensed consolidated statements of changes in equity

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)








    Share Capital    

Foreign Currency

Translation Reserve

    Contributed Surplus    


Equity-settled share-based Payment Reserve

    Retained loss    Total    Non-controlling interests (NCI)    Total Equity 
Balance at December 31, 2018        55,102    (6,561)   132,591    16,760    (127,429)   70,463    8,345    78,808 
Transactions with owners:                                             
Dividends paid        -    -    -    -    (1,478)   (1,478)   (142)   (1,620)
Shares issued – share based payment   10(a)    963    -    -    -    -    963    -    963 
Total comprehensive income:                                             
Profit for the period        -    -    -    -    32,621    32,621    6,044    38,665 
Other comprehensive income for the period        -    (2,109)   -    -    -    (2,109)   -    (2,109)
Balance at June 30, 2019        56,065    (8,670)   132,591    16,760    (96,286)   100,460    14,247    114,707 
Balance at December 31, 2019        56,065    (8,621)   132,591    16,760    (88,380)   108,415    16,302    124,717 
Transactions with owners:                                             
Dividend paid        -    -    -    -    (1,681)   (1,681)   (300)   (1,981)
Shares issued – share-based payment   10(a)    216    -    -    -    -    216    -    216 
Shares issued – option exercises        30    -    -    -    -    30    -    30 
Blanket shares repurchased by shares issued   5    5,847    -    -    (2,247)   -    3,600    (3,600)   - 
Total comprehensive income:                                             
Profit for the period        -    -    -    -    13,374    13,374    2,657    16,031 
Other comprehensive income for the period        -    (1,058)   -    -    -    (1,058)   -    (1,058)
Balance at June 30, 2020        62,158    (9,679)   132,591    14,513    (76,687)   122,896    15,059    137,955 



The accompanying notes on page 6 to 21 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.









Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Condensed consolidated statements of cash flows

(In thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)




      For the 3 months
ended June 30
  For the 6 months
ended June 30
    Note    2020    2019    2020    2019 
Cash generated by operations   16    5,413    2,484    16,371    9,117 
Net interest paid        (123)   16    (263)   (96)
Tax paid        (1,315)   (362)   (2,034)   (608)
Net cash from operating activities        3,975    2,138    14,074    8,413 
Cash flows from investing activities                         
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment        (3,228)   (4,186)   (7,921)   (9,326)
Purchase of derivate financial asset        (1,058)   -    (1,058)   - 
Proceeds on disposal of subsidiary        -    -    900    1,000 
Net cash used in investing activities        (4,286)   (4,186)   (8,079)   (8,326)
Cash flows from financing activities                         
Dividends paid        (1,012)   (882)   (1,981)   (1,620)
Payment of lease liabilities        (32)   -    (57)   - 
Proceeds from share option exercises        30    -    30    - 
Net cash used in financing activities        (1,014)   (882)   (2,008)   (1,620)
Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents        (1,325)   (2,930)   3,987    (1,533)
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held        (861)   1,063    (1,241)   (1,779)
Net cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period        13,825    9,742    8,893    11,187 
Net cash and cash equivalents at end of period        11,639    7,875    11,639    7,875 


The accompanying notes on page 6 to 21 are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


1       Reporting entity


Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc (the “Company”) is a company domiciled in Jersey, Channel Islands. The address of the Company’s registered office is B006 Millais House, Castle Quay, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the 6 months ended June 30, 2020 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”). The Group is primarily involved in the operation of a gold mine and the exploration and development of mineral properties for precious metals.


Caledonia’s shares are listed on the NYSE American stock exchange (symbol - “CMCL”). Depository interests in Caledonia’s shares are admitted to trading on AIM of the London Stock Exchange plc (symbol - “CMCL”).


2       Basis for preparation


i)                    Statement of compliance


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and do not include all the information required for full annual financial statements. Accordingly, certain information and disclosures normally included in the annual financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB have been omitted or condensed. Selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the financial position and performance of the Group since the last annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2019


ii)                  Basis of measurement


The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for:


·cash-settled share-based payment arrangements measured at fair value on grant and re-measurement dates; and


·derivative financial assets measured at fair value.


iii)                Functional currency


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are presented in United States dollars (“$” or “US Dollar” or “USD”), which is also the functional currency of the Company. All financial information presented in United States dollars have been rounded to the nearest thousand, unless indicated otherwise. Refer to note 11 for changes to the RTGS$ currency and the effect thereof on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.


3       Use of accounting assumptions, estimates and judgements


In preparing these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements, management has made accounting assumptions, estimates and judgements that affect the application of the Group’s accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Changes in estimates are recognised prospectively.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


4       Significant accounting policies


The same accounting policies and methods of computation have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as compared to the Group’s annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019. In addition, the accounting policies have been applied consistently by the Group entities.


5       Blanket Zimbabwe Indigenisation Transaction


On February 20, 2012 the Group announced it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with the Minister of Youth, Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment of the Government of Zimbabwe pursuant to which the Group agreed that indigenous Zimbabweans would acquire an effective 51% ownership interest in the Zimbabwean company owning the Blanket Mine (also referred to herein as “Blanket” or “Blanket Mine” as the context requires) for a paid transactional value of $30.09 million. Pursuant to the above, members of the Group entered into agreements with each indigenous shareholder to transfer 51% of the Group’s ownership interest in Blanket Mine whereby it:


·sold a 16% interest to the National Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Fund (“NIEEF”) for $11.74 million;
·sold a 15% interest to Fremiro Investments (Private) Limited (“Fremiro”), which is owned by indigenous Zimbabweans, for $11.01 million;
·sold a 10% interest to Blanket Employee Trust Services (Private) Limited (“BETS”) for the benefit of present and future managers and employees for $7.34 million. The shares in BETS are held by the Blanket Mine Employee Trust (“Employee Trust”) with Blanket Mine’s employees holding participation units in the Employee Trust; and
·donated a 10% ownership interest to the Gwanda Community Share Ownership Trust (“Community Trust”). In addition, Blanket Mine paid a non-refundable donation of $1 million to the Community Trust.


The Group facilitated the vendor funding of these transactions which is repaid by way of dividends from Blanket Mine. 80% of dividends declared by Blanket Mine are used to repay such loans and the remaining 20% unconditionally accrues to the respective indigenous shareholders. Following a modification to the interest rate on June 23, 2017, outstanding balances on these facilitation loans attract interest at a rate of the lower of a fixed 7.25% per annum payable quarterly or 80% of the Blanket Mine dividend in the quarter. The timing of the repayment of the loans depends on the future financial performance of Blanket Mine and the extent of future dividends declared by Blanket Mine. The facilitation loans relating to the Group were transferred as dividends in specie intra Group and now the loans and most of the interest thereon is payable to the Company.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


5       Blanket Zimbabwe Indigenisation Transaction (continued)


Accounting treatment


The directors of Caledonia Holdings Zimbabwe (Private) Limited (“CHZ”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, performed a re-assessment, using the requirements of IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10), and concluded that CHZ should continue to consolidate Blanket Mine after the indigenisation and accordingly the subscription agreements with the indigenous shareholders have been accounted for as a transaction with non-controlling interests and as a share based payment transaction.


The subscription agreements, concluded on February 20, 2012, were accounted for as follows:


·Non-controlling interests (“NCI”) were recognised on the portion of shareholding upon which dividends declared by Blanket Mine will accrue unconditionally to equity holders as follows:


(a)20% of the 16% shareholding of NIEEF;
(b)20% of the 15% shareholding of Fremiro; and

(c)100% of the 10% shareholding of the Community Trust.


·This effectively means that NCI was recognised at 16.2% of the net assets of Blanket Mine, until the completion of the transaction with Fremiro whereby the NCI reduced to 13.2% (see below).
·The remaining 80% of the shareholding of NIEEF and Fremiro is recognised as non-controlling interests to the extent that their attributable share of the net asset value of Blanket Mine exceeds the balance on the facilitation loans including interest. At June 30, 2020 the attributable net asset value did not exceed the balance on the respective loan accounts and thus no additional NCI was recognised.
·The transaction with BETS is accounted for in accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits (profit sharing arrangement) as the ownership of the shares does not ultimately pass to the employees. The employees are entitled to participate in 20% of the dividends accruing to the 10% shareholding in Blanket Mine if they are employed at the date of such distribution. To the extent that 80% of the attributable dividends exceeds the balance on the BETS facilitation loan they will accrue to the employees at the date of such declaration.
·The Employee Trust and BETS are entities effectively controlled and consolidated by Blanket Mine. Accordingly, the shares held by BETS are effectively treated as treasury shares in Blanket Mine and no NCI is recognised.


Fremiro purchase agreement


On November 5, 2018 the Company and Fremiro entered into a sale agreement for Caledonia to purchase Fremiro’s 15% shareholding in Blanket Mine. On January 21, 2020 all substantive conditions to the transaction were satisfied and the Company issued 727,266 shares to Fremiro for the cancellation of their facilitation loan and purchase of Fremiro’s 15% shareholding in Blanket Mine. The transaction was accounted for as a repurchase of a previously vested equity instrument. As a result, the Fremiro share of the NCI of $3,600 was derecognised, shares were issued at fair value, the share based payment reserve was reduced by $2,247 and the Company’s shareholding in Blanket Mine increased to 64% on the effective date.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


5       Blanket Zimbabwe Indigenisation Transaction (continued)


Blanket Mine’s indigenisation shareholding percentages and facilitation loan balances


                   Balance of facilitation loan # 
USD   Shareholding    NCI Recognised    NCI subject to facilitation loan    

June 30,



Dec 31,


NIEEF   16%   3.2%   12.8%   11,849    11,877 
Fremiro   -&    -&    -&    -&    11,458 
Community Trust   10%   10.0%   -    -    - 
BETS ~   10%   -*   -*   7,573    7,639 
    36%   13.2%   12.8%   19,422    30,974 


The balance on the facilitation loans is reconciled as follows:


    2020    2019 
Balance at January 1,   30,974    30,986 
Cancellation of Fremiro loan   (11,458)   - 
Dividends used to repay loans   (793)   (540)
Interest accrued   699    536 
Balance at June 30,   19,422    30,982 


* The shares held by BETS are effectively treated as treasury shares (see above).

~ Accounted for under IAS19 Employee Benefits.

& After Fremiro purchase agreement.

# Facilitation loans are accounted for as equity instruments and are accordingly not recognised as loans receivable.


Advance dividend loans and balances


In anticipation of completion of the underlying subscription agreements, Blanket Mine agreed to advance dividend arrangements with NIEEF and the Community Trust. Advances made to the Community Trust against their right to receive dividends declared by Blanket Mine on their shareholding are as follows:


·a $2 million payment on or before September 30, 2012;


·a $1 million payment on or before February 28, 2013; and


·a $1 million payment on or before April 30, 2013.


These advance payments were debited to a loan account bearing interest at a rate at the lower of a fixed 7.25% per annum, payable quarterly or the Blanket Mine dividend in the quarter to the advanced dividend loan holder. The loan is repayable by way of set-off of future dividends on the Blanket Mine shares owned by the Community Trust. Advances made to NIEEF as an advanced dividend loan before 2013 have been settled through Blanket Mine dividend repayments in 2014. The advance dividend payments were recognised as distributions to shareholders and they are classified as equity instruments. The loans arising are not recognised as loans receivable, because repayment is by way of uncertain future dividends.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


5       Blanket Zimbabwe Indigenisation Transaction (continued)


Amendments to advanced dividend loan agreements


Advance dividend loan modification - Community Trust


On February 27, 2020, the Group, Blanket Mine and the indigenous shareholders of Blanket Mine reached agreement to change the repayment terms of the advance dividend loan to the Community Trust. The amendment allowed that 20% of the Community Trust share of the Blanket dividend accrue on declaration of the dividend and that the remaining 80% be applied to the advance dividend loan from February 27, 2020. The modification was not considered beneficial to the indigenous shareholders.


The movement in the advance dividend loan to the Community Trust is reconciled as follows:


    2020    2019 
Balance at January 1,   1,632    2,053 
Dividends used to repay advance dividends   (336)   (175)
Interest accrued   53    37 
Balance at June 30,   1,349    1,915 


6        Production costs


    2020    2019 
Salaries and wages   8,849    7,727 
Consumable materials   7,589    5,466 
Electricity costs   3,959    2,715 
Site restoration   -    10 
Safety   368    399 
Cash-settled share-based expense (note 10(a))   191    70 
On mine administration   1,010    797 
Pre-feasibility exploration costs   172    156 
    22,138    17,340 


7         Other income


    2020    2019 
Government grant – Gold sale export incentive   4,695    866 
Government grant – Gold Support price   -    1,064 
Other   14    108 
    4,709    2,038 



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


7         Other income (continued)


Government grant – Gold sale export incentive

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (“RBZ”) first announced an export credit incentive (“ECI”) on the gold proceeds received for all large-scale gold mine producers during 2016. The ECI is calculated as a percentage of the gold proceeds less the charges of Fidelity Printers and Refiners Limited (“Fidelity”). The below table indicates when the ECI was applicable and the percentages applied, as announced by government:


ECI applicable periods Percentage
May 1, 2016 – January 1, 2018 3.5%
January 1, 2018 – February 1, 2018 2.5%
February 1, 2018 – February 20, 2019 10%
March 10, 2020 – June 26, 2020 25%


All incentives granted by the Zimbabwean government were included in other income when determined receivable and receipts were received in Blanket Mine’s RTGS$ account. ECI fell away after June 26, 2020.


Government grant – Gold support price


From March 6, 2019 it became apparent that Blanket Mine’s sales proceeds received from Fidelity were calculated at a gross price of $44,000 per kilogram ($1,368.58 per ounce), which exceeded the prevailing London Bullion Market Association (“LBMA”) price. On May 12, 2019, the Company received confirmation from Fidelity of this windfall receipt, called the “gold support price”, which has been implemented to incentivise gold producers to increase gold production. No gold support price was received as the LBMA gold price for the last 6 months was over and above $1,368.58 per ounce.


8         Other expenses


    2020    2019 
Intermediated Money Transaction Tax   213    165 
Solar expenses   202    - 
COVID-19 Donations   1,048    - 
Impairment of property, plant and equipment   59    144 
    1,522    309 


Blanket Mine donated funds towards the Zimbabwean Ministry of Mines and Development in helping to combat the spread of COVID-19 and the impacts thereof.


9         Administrative expenses


    2020    2019 
Investor relations   174    255 
Audit fee   124    118 
Advisory services fee   272    195 
Listing fees   190    170 
Directors fees company   140    112 
Directors fees Blanket   20    8 
Employee costs   1,588    1,383 
Other office administration costs   229    309 
Travel costs   85    138 
Eersteling Gold Mine administration costs   -    17 
    2,822    2,705 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


10       Cash-settled share-based payments


The Group has expensed the following cash-settled share-based payment arrangements for the 6 months ended June 30:


    Note    2020    2019 
Restricted Share Units and Performance Units   10(a)    927    344 
Caledonia Mining South Africa employee incentive scheme   10(b)    19    26 
         946    370 


(a)         Restricted Share Units and Performance Units


Certain key management members were granted Restricted Share Units (“RSUs”) and Performance Units (”PUs”) pursuant to provisions of the 2015 Omnibus Equity Incentive Compensation Plan. All RSUs and PUs were granted and approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.


RSUs vest three years after grant date given that the service condition of the relevant employees have been fulfilled. The value of the vested RSUs is the number of RSUs vested multiplied by the fair market value of the Company’s shares, as specified by the plan, on date of settlement.


PUs have a performance condition based on gold production and a performance period of three years. The number of PUs that vest will be the PUs granted multiplied by the performance multiplier, which will reflect the actual performance in terms of the performance conditions compared to expectations on the date of the award.


RSU holders are entitled to receive dividends over the vesting period. Such dividends will be reinvested in additional RSUs at the then applicable share price calculated at the average Bank of Canada rate immediately preceding the dividend payment. PUs have rights to dividends only after they have vested.


RSUs and PUs allow for settlement of the vesting date value in cash or shares issuable at fair market value or a combination of both at the discretion of the unit holder.


The fair value of the RSUs, at the reporting date, was based on the Black Scholes option valuation model. The fair value of the PUs, at the reporting date, was based on the Black Scholes option valuation model less the fair value of the expected dividends during the vesting period multiplied by the performance multiplier expectation. At the reporting date it was assumed that there is a 93%-100% probability that the performance conditions will be met and therefore a 93%-100% (2019: 93%-100%) average performance multiplier was used in calculating the estimated liability. The liability as at June 30, 2020 amounted to $1,426 (December 31, 2019: $524). Included in the liability as at June 30, 2020 is an amount of $191 (June 30, 2019: $70) that was expensed and classified as production costs; refer note 6. During the year PUs and RSUs to the value of $216 vested and were issued as share capital.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


10         Cash-settled share-based payments (continued)


(a)         Restricted Share units and Performance Units (continued)


The following assumptions were used in estimating the fair value of the cash-settled share-based payment liability on:


   June 30,
  December 31,
    RSUs    PUs    RSUs    PUs 
Fair value (USD)  $17.32   $17.32   $5.85    $5.49-5.79 
Share price (USD)  $17.32   $16.98   $5.85   $5.85 
Performance multiplier percentage   -    93-100%    -    93-100% 


Share units granted:


    RSUs     PUs     RSUs    PUs 
Grant – January 11, 2016   -    -    60,645    242,579 
Grant- March 23, 2016   -    -    10,965    43,871 
Grant – June 8, 2016   -    -    5,117    20,470 
Grant - January 19, 2017   4,443    17,774    4,443    17,774 
Grant - January 19, 2019   -    124,027    -    124,027 
Grant - June 8, 2019   -    14,672    -    14,672 
Grant - January 11, 2020   17,585    107,640    -    - 
Grant - January 19, 2020   -    13,692    -    - 
Grant - March 31, 2020   -    1,971           
Grant – June 1, 2020   -    1,740           
RSU dividends reinvested   869    -    11,316    - 
Settlements   (5,052)   (17,774)   (87,434)   (306,920)
Total awards   17,845    263,742    5,052    156,473 


(b)         Caledonia Mining South Africa employee incentive scheme


From 2017 Caledonia Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited granted 52,282 awards to certain of its employees that entitle them to a cash pay-out at the Company’s share price on November 30, each year over a 3 year period from the grant date. The cash-settled share-based payment liability was calculated based on the number of awards expected to vest multiplied by the Company’s Black Scholes option valuation fair value of £7.44 at the reporting date and apportioned for the quantity vested over the total vesting period. The liability relating to these cash-settled share-based payment awards amounted to $31 (December 31, 2019: $16) and the expense amounted to $19 (June 30, 2019: $26) for the 6 months ended June 30, 2020. The following assumptions were used in estimating the fair value of the cash-settled share-based payment liability for the 6 months ended June 30, 2020.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


10         Cash-settled share-based payments (continued)


(b)         Caledonia Mining South Africa employee incentive scheme (continued)



June 30,



December 31,


Grant – July 2017 (3 year term)   -    37,330 
Grant – August 2018 (3 year term)   5,918    5,918 
Grant – August 2019 (3 year term)   9,034    9,034 
Awards paid out   (7,655)   (44,985)
Total awards outstanding   7,297    7,297 
Estimated awards expected to vest   100%   100%


11         Net foreign exchange gain


On October 1, 2018 the RBZ issued a directive to Zimbabwean banks to separate foreign currency from RTGS$ in the accounts held by their clients and pegged the RTGS$ at 1:1 to the US Dollar. On February 20, 2019 the RBZ issued a further monetary policy statement, which allowed inter-bank trading between RTGS$ and foreign currency. The interbank rate was introduced at 2.5 RTGS$ to 1 US Dollar and traded at 57.3582 RTGS$ to 1 US Dollar as at June 30, 2020 (December 2019: 16.77 RTG$). On June 24, 2019 the Government issued S.I. 142 which stated, “Zimbabwe dollar (RTGS$) to be the sole currency for legal tender purposes for any transactions in Zimbabwe”. Throughout these announcements and to the date of issue of these financial statements the US dollar has remained the primary currency in which the Group’s Zimbabwean entities operate and the functional currency of these entities.


Previously there was uncertainty as to what currency would be used to settle amounts owed to the Zimbabwe Government. The announcement of S.I. 142 clarified the Zimbabwean Government’s intentions that these liabilities were always denominated in RTGS$ and that RTGS$ would be the currency in which they would be settled. The devaluation of the deferred tax and electricity liabilities contributed the largest portion of the foreign exchange gain set out below.


The table below illustrates the effect the weakening of the RTGS$ and other non-RTGS$ currencies had, against the US Dollar, on the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.


    2020    2019 
Unrealised foreign exchange gain   5,201    25,447 
Realised foreign exchange loss   (1,492)   (522)
Net foreign exchange gain   3,709    24,925 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


12       Property, plant and equipment


    Land and buildings    Mine development, infrastructure and other    Exploration and Evaluation assets    Plant and equipment    Fixtures and fittings    Motor vehicles    Total 
Balance at January 1, 2019   10,339    74,509    6,967    32,675    923    2,402    127,815 
Initial recognition of right of use assets   409    -    -    -    -    -    409 
Additions*   267    19,020    172    897    88    151    20,595 
Impairments   -    -    -    (144)   -    -    (144)
Disposals   (212)   -    -    -    -    (16)   (228)
Reallocations between asset classes   25    (2,989)   -    2,964    -    -    - 
Foreign exchange movement   5    2    -    3    7    1    18 
Balance at December 31, 2019   10,833    90,542    7,139    36,395    1,018    2,538    148,465 
Additions*   -    6,633    62    1,314    46    133    8,188 
Impairments   -    -    -    (59)   -    -    (59)
Reallocations between asset classes   556    (687)   -    131    -    -    - 
Foreign exchange movement   (37)   -    -    (28)   (59)   (7)   (131)
Balance at June 30, 2020   11,352    96,488    7,201    37,753    1,005    2,664    156,463 


* Included in additions is an amount of $6,476 (December 31, 2019: $20,093) relating to capital work in progress (“CWIP”) and contains $26 (December 31, 2019: $165) of borrowing costs capitalised from the term loan. As at period end $83,323 of CWIP was included in the cost closing balance (December 31, 2019: $76,847).




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


12       Property, plant and equipment (continued)


    Land and buildings    Mine development, infrastructure and other    Exploration and Evaluation assets    Plant and equipment    Fixtures and fittings    Motor vehicles    Total 
Accumulated depreciation and Impairment losses                                   
Balance at January 1, 2019   4,411    5,821    -    17,357    649    2,150    30,388 
Initial recognition of right of use of assets   146    -    -    -    -    -    146 
Depreciation for the year   1,005    504    -    2,693    99    133    4,434 
Impairments   -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Disposals   (149)   -    -    -    -    (16)   (165)
Foreign exchange movement   -    -    -    -    5    6    11 
Balance at December 31, 2019   5,413    6,325    -    20,050    753    2,273    34,814 
Depreciation   507    294    -    1,396    46    71    2,314 
Foreign exchange movement   (21)   -    -    -    (52)   (2)   (75)
Balance at June 30, 2020   5,899    6,619    -    21,446    747    2,342    37,053 
Carrying amounts                                   
At December 31, 2019   5,420    84,217    7,139    16,345    265    265    113,651 
At June 30, 2020   5,453    89,869    7,201    16,307    258    322    119,410 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


13         Inventories


    December 31, 
    2020    2019 
Consumable stores   12,010    10,716 
Gold in progress   -    376 
    12,010    11,092 


14       Trade and other receivables


    December 31, 
    2020    2019 
Bullion sales receivable   4,027    2,987 
VAT receivables   1,169    1,765 
Deferred consideration on the disposal of subsidiary   1,099    1,991 
Deposits for stores and equipment and other receivables   875    169 
    7,170    6,912 


The net carrying value of trade receivables is considered a reasonable approximation of fair value and are short-term in nature. No provision for expected credit losses were recognised as all scheduled payments were received up to the date of approval of these financial statements and non-payment of Trade and other receivables were not foreseen. The Bullion sales receivable was received after the quarter end.


15       Derivative financial assets


         December 31, 
    2020    2019 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instrument:          
Gold exchange traded fund (Gold ETF)   1,112    - 
Gold Hedge   -    102 
    1,112    102 


Gold ETF


In April 2020 the South African subsidiary, Caledonia Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited, purchased a Gold ETF through Standard Bank Limited at a cost of $1,058. The Gold ETF is denominated in South African Rand and the instrument is utilised to invest excess short term Rands on hand at the South Africa subsidiary. The Gold ETF’s value tracks the US spot gold price and was entered into to offset fluctuations in the South African Rand against the US Dollar. The total expense, representing the change in the Rand tracked US spot gold price, amounted to $46 (2019: $Nil) for the 6 months ended June 30, 2020. Foreign currency translation gains, due to the fluctuations in the Rand against the US Dollar on translation of the foreign subsidiary, amounted to $100 (2019:Nil).





Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


15       Derivative financial asset (continued)


Gold Hedge


The Company entered into a hedge in November 2019 at a cost of $379. The hedge was in the form of put options in respect of 4,600 ounces of gold for the period January to June 2020 exercisable at a strike price of $1,400 per ounce. At December 31, 2019 the mark-to-market valuation, that represents the fair value of the hedge amounted to $102 (2018: Nil).   The hedges were entered into by the Company for economic hedging purposes to ensure sufficient cash availability for Blanket Mine’s capital investment plan, rather than as a speculative investment. The total expense of the derivative contract amounted to $102 (2019: $324) for the 6 months ended June 30, 2020.


Fair value losses on derivative assets   2020    2019 
Gold ETF   46    - 
Gold hedge   102    324 
    148    324 


16        Cash flow information


Non-cash items and information presented separately on the cash flow statement:


    2020    2019 
Operating profit   22,715    39,981 
Adjustments for:          
Unrealised foreign exchange gains (Note11)   (5,201)   (25,447)
Cash-settled share-based expense (Note 10)   946    370 
Cash-settled share-based expense included in production costs (Note 6)   191    70 
Settlement of cash-settled share-based payments   -    (1,280)
Gold hedge - unrealised cash portion (Note 15)   102    324 
Depreciation   2,314    2,100 
Impairment of property, plant and equipment   59    144 
Gold ETF - non-cash fair value losses loss (Note15)   46    - 
Profit on sale of subsidiary   -    (5,409)
Site restoration   -    10 
Cash generated by operations before working capital changes   21,172    10,863 
Inventories   (1,292)   (302)
Prepayments   744    (529)
Trade and other receivables   (2,595)   23 
Trade and other payables   (1,657)   (938)
Cash generated by operations   16,371    9,117 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


17       Operating Segments


The Group's operating segments have been identified based on geographic areas. The strategic business units are managed separately because they require different technology and marketing strategies. For each of the strategic business units, the Group’s CEO reviews internal management reports on at least a quarterly basis. Zimbabwe and South Africa describe the operations of the Group's reportable segments. The Zimbabwe operating segment comprises Caledonia Holdings Zimbabwe (Private) Limited and subsidiaries. The South Africa geographical segment comprises a gold mine, that is on care and maintenance (and now sold), as well as sales made by Caledonia Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited to the Blanket Mine. The holding company (Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc) and Greenstone Management Services Holdings Limited (a UK company) responsible for administrative functions within the group are taken into consideration in the strategic decision-making process of the CEO and are therefore included in the disclosure below. Reconciling amounts do not represent a separate segment. Information regarding the results of each reportable segment is included below. Performance is measured based on segment profit before income tax, as included in the internal management report that are reviewed by the Group's CEO. Segment profit is used to measure performance as management believes that such information is the most relevant in evaluating the results of certain segments relative to other entities that operate within these industries.


Information about reportable segments


For the 6 months ended June 30, 2020   Zimbabwe    South Africa    Inter-group eliminations adjustments    Corporate and other reconciling amounts    Total 
Revenue   46,515    7,638    (7,638)   -    46,515 
Royalties   (2,328)   -    -    -    (2,328)
Production costs   (22,241)   (6,502)   6,605    -    (22,138)
Depreciation   (2,499)   (43)   248    (20)   (2,314)
Other income   4,705    4    -    -    4,709 
Other expenses   (1,410)   (112)   -    -    (1,522)
Administration expenses   (68)   (873)   -    (1,881)   (2,822)
Management fee   (1,279)   1,279    -    -    - 
Cash-settled share-based payment expense   -    (19)   191    (1,118)   (946)
Net foreign exchange gain   3,746    (579)   -    542    3,709 
Gold hedge fair value losses   -    -    -    (102)   (102)
Gold ETF fair value losses   -    (46)        -    (46)
Net finance costs   (298)   28    -    3    (267)
Dividends (paid)/ received   (2,198)   (1,202))   -    3,400    - 
Profit before tax   22,645    (427)   (594)   824    22,448 
Tax expense   (5,905)   (224)   (59)   (229)   (6,417)
Profit for the period   16,740    (651)   (653)   595    16,031 





Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


17       Operating Segments (continued)


As at June 30, 2020   Zimbabwe    South Africa    Inter-group eliminations adjustments    Corporate and other reconciling amounts      
Geographic segment assets:                         
Current (excluding intercompany)   22,665    6,165    (77)   6,093    34,846 
Non-Current (excluding intercompany)   121,495    533    (2,746)   224    119,506 
Expenditure on property, plant and equipment (Note 12)   8,655    12    (479)   -    8,188 
Intercompany balances   14,962    5,214    (72,332)   52,156    - 
Geographic segment liabilities:                         
Current (excluding intercompany)   (6,910)   (2,422)   -    (577)   (9,909)
Non-current (excluding intercompany)   (5,257)   -    152    (1,383)   (6,488)
Intercompany balances   -    (32,809)   72,332    (39,523)   - 


For the 6 months ended June 30, 2019   Zimbabwe    South Africa    Inter-group eliminations adjustments    Corporate and other reconciling amounts    Total 
Revenue   32,440    6,092    (5,878)   (214)   32,440 
Royalties   (1,683)   -    -    -    (1,683)
Production costs   (17,320)   (5,365)   5,345    -    (17,340)
Depreciation   (2,217)   (55)   172    -    (2,100)
Other income   2,036    2    -    -    2,038 
Other expenses   (309)   -    -    -    (309)
Administration expenses   (54)   (955)   -    (1,696)   (2,705)
Management fee   (1,123)   1,123    -    -    - 
Cash-settled share-based payment expense   (149)   (84)   -    (137)   (370)
Net foreign exchange gain   24,896    11    -    18    24,925 
Profit on sale of subsidiary   -    -    -    5,409    5,409 
Gold hedge fair value losses   -    -    -    (324)   (324)
Net finance costs   (62)   36    -    6    (20)
Profit before tax   36,455    805    (361)   3,062    39,961 
Tax expense   (1,026)   (253)   23    (40)   (1,296)
Profit for the period   35,429    552    (338)   3,022    38,665 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


17       Operating Segments (continued)


As at December 31, 2019   Zimbabwe    South Africa    Inter-group elimination adjustments    Corporate and other reconciling amounts    Total 
Geographic segment assets:                         
Current (excluding intercompany)   21,608    3,383    (139)   4,987    29,839 
Non-current (excluding intercompany)   115,611    315    (2,456)   244    113,714 
Expenditure on property, plant and equipment (Note 12)   21,465    47    (1,165)   248    20,595 
Intercompany balances   -    8,869    (52,783)   43,914    - 


Geographic segment liabilities
Current (excluding intercompany)   (9,478)   -    140    (736)   (10,074)
Non-current (excluding intercompany)   (6,784)   (1,563)   -    (415)   (8,762)
Intercompany balances   (2,441)   (32,558)   52,783    (17,784)   - 


Major customer


Revenues from Fidelity amounted to $46,515 (2019: $32,440) for the 6 months ended June 30, 2020.





Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)





L.A. Wilson (2) (3) (4) (5) (7)

Chairman of the Board

S. R. Curtis (5) (6) (7)

Chief Executive Officer

Non-executive Director Johannesburg, South Africa
Florida, United States of America  
S. R. Curtis (5) (6) (7) D. Roets (5) (6) (7)

Chief Executive Officer

Johannesburg, South Africa

Chief Operating Officer

Johannesburg, South Africa

J. L. Kelly (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) M. Learmonth (5) (7)

Non-executive Director

Connecticut, United States of America

Chief Financial Officer

Jersey, Channel Islands

J. Holtzhausen (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) M. Mason (5) (7)

Chairman Audit Committee

Non-executive Director,

Cape Town, South Africa

VP Corporate Development and Investor Relations

London, England

M. Learmonth (5) (7) A. Chester (5)
Chief Financial Officer General Counsel, Company Secretary and Head of
Jersey, Channel Islands Risk and Compliance
  Jersey, Channel Islands
John McGloin (1) (3) (4) (6) (7) Board Committees
Non-executive Director (1)  Audit Committee
Bishops Stortford, United Kingdom (2)  Compensation Committee
  (3)  Corporate Governance Committee
N. Clark (4) (6) (7) (4)  Nomination Committee
Non-executive Director (5)  Disclosure Committee
East Molesey, United Kingdom

(6) Technical Committee

  (7) Strategic Planning Committee





Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

(in thousands of United States dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


CORPORATE DIRECTORY as at August 13, 2020


Jersey – Head and Registered Office Mourant Ozannes (Jersey)
Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc 22 Grenville Street

B006 Millais House

St Helier
Castle Quay


St Helier Channel Islands
Jersey JE2 3NF
South Africa Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (Canada)
Caledonia Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited Suite 4100, Scotia Plaza
P.O. Box 4628 40 King Street West
Weltevreden park Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4 Canada
South Africa  
  Memery Crystal LLP (United Kingdom)
Zimbabwe 165 Fleet Street
Caledonia Holdings Zimbabwe (Private) Limited London EC4A 2DY
P.O. Box CY1277 United Kingdom
Causeway, Harare
Dorsey & Whitney LLP (US)
Capitalisation (August 13, 2020) TD Canada Trust Tower
Authorised: Unlimited Brookfield Place
Shares, Warrants and Options Issued: 161 Bay Street
Shares: 11,820,931 Suite 4310
Options: 33,000 Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2S1 Canada
NYSE American - Symbol “CMCL” AUDITORS
AIM - Symbol “CMCL” BDO South Africa Incorporated
Wanderers Office Park
BANKERS 52 Corlett Drive
Barclays Illovo 2196
13 Library Place South Africa
St Helier, Jersey Tel: +27(0)105907200
  100 University Ave, 8th Floor,
  Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2Y1
  Tel: +1416263 9483