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Segment reporting (Tables)
9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2012
Schedule Of Segment Reporting Information By Segment Text Block
For the quarter ended September 30, 2012
  Banco Popular  Banco Popular  Intersegment
(In thousands) de Puerto Rico North America Eliminations
Net interest income$ 300,862$ 69,598$ -
Provision for loan losses  92,439  13,851  -
Non-interest income   113,532  11,481  -
Amortization of intangibles  1,801  680  -
Depreciation expense  9,368  2,000  -
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  43  -  -
Other operating expenses  220,430  54,942  -
Income tax expense  17,090  937  -
Net income $ 73,223$ 8,669$ -
Segment assets$ 27,682,822$ 8,572,541$ (10,735)

For the quarter ended September 30, 2012
(In thousands) Segments Corporate Eliminations Total Popular, Inc.
Net interest income (expense)$ 370,460$ (27,218)$ 184$ 343,426
Provision for loan losses  106,290  (82)  -  106,208
Non-interest income  125,013  7,514  (16,818)  115,709
Amortization of intangibles  2,481  -  -  2,481
Depreciation expense  11,368  303  -  11,671
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  43  -  -  43
Other operating expenses  275,372  18,197  (17,409)  276,160
Income tax expense (benefit)  18,027  (2,851)  208  15,384
Net income (loss)$ 81,892$ (35,271)$ 567$ 47,188
Segment assets$ 36,244,628$ 5,310,533$ (5,051,795)$ 36,503,366

For the nine months ended September 30, 2012
  Banco Popular  Banco Popular  Intersegment
(In thousands) de Puerto Rico North America Eliminations
Net interest income$ 889,424$ 213,228$ -
Provision for loan losses  281,986  43,877  -
Non-interest income   311,863  42,187  -
Amortization of intangibles  5,565  2,040  -
Depreciation expense  27,992  6,017  -
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  25,184  -  -
Other operating expenses  673,747  172,127  -
Income tax (benefit) expense  (39,281)  2,809  -
Net income $ 226,094$ 28,545$ -

For the nine months ended September 30, 2012
(In thousands)  Segments Corporate Eliminations Total Popular, Inc.
Net interest income (expense)$ 1,102,652$ (81,035)$ 591$ 1,022,208
Provision for loan losses  325,863  267  -  326,130
Non-interest income  354,050  30,353  (51,062)  333,341
Amortization of intangibles  7,605  -  -  7,605
Depreciation expense  34,009  944  -  34,953
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  25,184  -  -  25,184
Other operating expenses  845,874  52,376  (51,591)  846,659
Income tax benefit  (36,472)  (10,108)  263  (46,317)
Net income (loss)$ 254,639$ (94,161)$ 857$ 161,335

For the quarter ended September 30, 2011
  Banco Popular  Banco Popular  Intersegment
(In thousands) de Puerto Rico  North America Eliminations
Net interest income$ 321,586$ 73,487$ -
Provision for loan losses  156,630  19,646  -
Non-interest income   117,626  17,711  -
Amortization of intangibles  1,783  680  -
Depreciation expense  9,133  1,901  -
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  109  -  -
Other operating expenses  210,230  59,484  -
Income tax expense  7,149  937  -
Net income$ 54,178$ 8,550$ -

For the quarter ended September 30, 2011
(In thousands) Segments Corporate Eliminations Total Popular, Inc.
Net interest income (expense)$ 395,073$ (25,992)$ 230$ 369,311
Provision for loan losses  176,276  -  -  176,276
Non-interest income  135,337  3,465  (16,412)  122,390
Amortization of intangibles  2,463  -  -  2,463
Depreciation expense  11,034  380  -  11,414
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  109  -  -  109
Other operating expenses  269,714  15,801  (17,146)  268,369
Income tax expense (benefit)  8,086  (2,873)  324  5,537
Net income (loss)$ 62,728$ (35,835)$ 640$ 27,533

For the nine months ended September 30, 2011
  Banco Popular  Banco Popular  Intersegment
(In thousands) de Puerto Rico North America  Eliminations
Net interest income$ 942,198$ 222,902$ -
Provision for loan losses  343,210  52,702  -
Non-interest income   352,497  54,255  -
Amortization of intangibles  4,933  2,040  -
Depreciation expense  27,866  5,745  -
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  637  -  -
Other operating expenses  604,626  180,419  -
Income tax expense  115,817  2,809  -
Net income$ 197,606$ 33,442$ -

For the nine months ended September 30, 2011
(In thousands)  Segments Corporate Eliminations Total Popular, Inc.
Net interest income (expense)$ 1,165,100$ (78,640)$ 752$ 1,087,212
Provision for loan losses  395,912  -  -  395,912
Non-interest income  406,752  55,488  (51,322)  410,918
Amortization of intangibles  6,973  -  -  6,973
Depreciation expense  33,611  1,253  -  34,864
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  637  8,000  -  8,637
Other operating expenses  785,045  55,922  (52,237)  788,730
Income tax expense (benefit)  118,626  (4,587)  625  114,664
Net income (loss)$ 231,048$ (83,740)$ 1,042$ 148,350

For the quarter ended September 30, 2012
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
    Consumer Other   Total Banco
  Commercial   and Retail  Financial   Popular de
(In thousands) Banking  Banking  Services Eliminations  Puerto Rico
Net interest income $ 102,394$ 195,952$ 2,516$ -$ 300,862
Provision for loan losses  55,300  37,139  -  -  92,439
Non-interest income  13,650  74,111  25,809  (38)  113,532
Amortization of intangibles  2  1,708  91  -  1,801
Depreciation expense  4,238  4,886  244  -  9,368
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  43  -  -  -  43
Other operating expenses  69,040  135,179  16,249  (38)  220,430
Income tax (benefit) expense  (6,007)  20,119  2,978  -  17,090
Net (loss) income $ (6,572)$ 71,032$ 8,763$ -$ 73,223
Segment assets$ 12,916,405$ 19,835,054$ 603,436$ (5,672,073)$ 27,682,822

For the nine months ended September 30, 2012
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
    Consumer  Other    Total Banco
  Commercial and Retail  Financial    Popular de
(In thousands)  Banking Banking Services Eliminations Puerto Rico
Net interest income $ 311,671$ 568,154$ 9,595$ 4$ 889,424
Provision for loan losses  111,723  170,263  -  -  281,986
Non-interest income  32,660  196,228  83,079  (104)  311,863
Amortization of intangibles  12  5,126  427  -  5,565
Depreciation expense  12,610  14,662  720  -  27,992
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  7,905  17,279  -  -  25,184
Other operating expenses  204,289  418,323  51,239  (104)  673,747
Income tax (benefit) expense  (26,397)  (23,240)  10,354  2  (39,281)
Net income $ 34,189$ 161,969$ 29,934$ 2$ 226,094

For the quarter ended September 30, 2011
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
    Consumer  Other    Total Banco
  Commercial  and Retail  Financial    Popular de
(In thousands) Banking Banking Services Eliminations Puerto Rico
Net interest income $ 128,265$ 190,093$ 3,216$ 12$ 321,586
Provision for loan losses  109,364  47,266  -  -  156,630
Non-interest income  40,653  48,201  28,818  (46)  117,626
Amortization of intangibles  26  1,599  158  -  1,783
Depreciation expense  4,173  4,716  244  -  9,133
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  109  -  -  -  109
Other operating expenses  62,135  131,434  16,704  (43)  210,230
Income tax (benefit) expense  (5,652)  8,644  4,153  4  7,149
Net (loss) income $ (1,237)$ 44,635$ 10,775$ 5$ 54,178

For the nine months ended September 30, 2011
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
    Consumer Other    Total Banco
  Commercial   and Retail  Financial   Popular de
(In thousands) Banking Banking  Services Eliminations Puerto Rico
Net interest income $ 386,684$ 547,257$ 8,164$ 93$ 942,198
Provision for loan losses  241,550  101,660  -  -  343,210
Non-interest income  127,992  149,609  74,883  13  352,497
Amortization of intangibles  78  4,389  466  -  4,933
Depreciation expense  12,717  14,430  719  -  27,866
Loss on early extinguishment of debt  637  -  -  -  637
Other operating expenses  177,400  380,017  47,350  (141)  604,626
Income tax expense  52,338  54,007  9,375  97  115,817
Net income $ 29,956$ 142,363$ 25,137$ 150$ 197,606

For the quarter ended September 30, 2012
Banco Popular North America
(In thousands) Banco Popular North America E-LOAN Eliminations Total Banco Popular North America
Net interest income $ 68,639$ 959$ -$ 69,598
Provision for loan losses  8,294  5,557  -  13,851
Non-interest income   9,470  2,011  -  11,481
Amortization of intangibles  680  -  -  680
Depreciation expense  2,000  -  -  2,000
Other operating expenses  54,430  512  -  54,942
Income tax expense  937  -  -  937
Net income ( loss)$ 11,768$ (3,099)$ -$ 8,669
Segment assets$ 9,298,408$ 381,463$ (1,107,330)$ 8,572,541

For the nine months ended September 30, 2012
Banco Popular North America
  Banco Popular      Total Banco Popular North
(In thousands) North America E-LOAN Eliminations America
Net interest income $ 210,705$ 2,523$ -$ 213,228
Provision for loan losses  31,180  12,697  -  43,877
Non-interest income   39,207  2,980  -  42,187
Amortization of intangibles  2,040  -  -  2,040
Depreciation expense  6,017  -  -  6,017
Other operating expenses  169,976  2,151  -  172,127
Income tax expense  2,809  -  -  2,809
Net income (loss)$ 37,890$ (9,345)$ -$ 28,545

For the quarter ended September 30, 2011
Banco Popular North America
        Total Banco
  Banco Popular      Popular North
(In thousands) North America E-LOAN Eliminations America
Net interest income $ 72,806$ 681$ -$ 73,487
Provision for loan losses  15,668  3,978  -  19,646
Non-interest income   17,481  230  -  17,711
Amortization of intangibles  680  -  -  680
Depreciation expense  1,901  -  -  1,901
Other operating expenses  58,139  1,345  -  59,484
Income tax expense   937  -  -  937
Net income (loss)$ 12,962$ (4,412)$ -$ 8,550

For the nine months ended September 30, 2011
Banco Popular North America
        Total Banco
  Banco Popular      Popular North
(In thousands) North America E-LOAN Eliminations  America
Net interest income $ 221,307$ 1,595$ -$ 222,902
Provision for loan losses  34,579  18,123  -  52,702
Non-interest income  53,209  1,046  -  54,255
Amortization of intangibles  2,040  -  -  2,040
Depreciation expense  5,745  -  -  5,745
Other operating expenses  172,179  8,240  -  180,419
Income tax expense   2,809  -  -  2,809
Net income (loss)$ 57,164$ (23,722)$ -$ 33,442
Schedule Of Revenue From External Customers Attributed To Foreign Countries By Geographic Area Text Block
Geographic Information     
  Quarter ended Nine months ended
(In thousands) September 30, 2012 September 30, 2011 September 30, 2012 September 30, 2011
Puerto Rico $ 360,354$ 383,184$ 1,043,677$ 1,166,524
United States  74,248  85,269  238,490  261,482
Other  24,533  23,248  73,382  70,124
Total consolidated revenues $ 459,135$ 491,701$ 1,355,549$ 1,498,130
Schedule Of Selected Balance Sheet Information By Geographical Area Table [Text Block]
Selected Balance Sheet Information:
(In thousands) September 30, 2012 December 31, 2011
Puerto Rico    
Total assets$ 26,533,351$ 27,410,644
Loans  18,315,321  18,594,751
Deposits  19,334,183  20,696,606
United States    
Total assets$ 8,787,390$ 8,708,709
Loans  5,837,485  5,845,359
Deposits  6,022,331  6,151,959
Total assets$ 1,182,625$ 1,229,079
Loans  841,963  874,282
Deposits [1]  962,985  1,093,562
[1] Represents deposits from BPPR operations located in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands.