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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2011
Notes to Financial Statements [Abstract]  

Note 10 Loans

The risks of the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction acquired loans are significantly different from those loans not covered under the FDIC loss sharing agreements because of the loss protection provided by the FDIC. Accordingly, the Corporation presents loans subject to the loss sharing agreements as “covered loans” in the information below and loans that are not subject to the FDIC loss sharing agreements as “non-covered loans”.


For a summary of the accounting policy related to loans, interest recognition and allowance for loan losses refer to the summary of significant accounting policies included in Note 2 to these consolidated financial statements.


The following tables present the composition of loans held-in-portfolio (“HIP”), net of unearned income, at December 31, 2011 and 2010.

  Non-covered loans atCovered loans atTotal loans HIP at
(In thousands)December 31, 2011December 31, 2011December 31, 2011
Commercial real estate$ 6,689,686$ 2,271,295$ 8,960,981
Commercial and industrial  3,845,200  241,447  4,086,647
Construction  311,628  546,826  858,454
Mortgage  5,518,460  1,172,954  6,691,414
Leasing  563,867  -  563,867
 Credit cards  1,230,029  -  1,230,029
 Home equity lines of credit  557,894  -  557,894
 Personal  1,130,593  -  1,130,593
 Auto  518,476  -  518,476
 Other  236,763  116,181  352,944
Total loans held-in-portfolio[1]$ 20,602,596$ 4,348,703$ 24,951,299

[1]Loans held-in-portfolio at December 31, 2011 are net of $101 million in unearned income and exclude $363 million in loans held-for-sale.

  Non-covered loans atCovered loans atTotal loans HIP at
(In thousands)December 31, 2010December 31, 2010December 31, 2010
Commercial real estate$ 7,006,676$ 2,463,549$ 9,470,225
Commercial and industrial  4,386,809  303,632  4,690,441
Construction  500,851  640,492  1,141,343
Mortgage  4,524,722  1,259,459  5,784,181
Leasing  602,993  -  602,993
 Credit cards  1,132,308  -  1,132,308
 Home equity lines of credit  568,353  -  568,353
 Personal  1,236,067  -  1,236,067
 Auto  503,757  -  503,757
 Other  265,499  169,750  435,249
Total loans held-in-portfolio[1]$ 20,728,035$ 4,836,882$ 25,564,917

[1]Loans held-in-portfolio at December 31, 2010 are net of $106 million in unearned income and exclude $894 million in loans held-for-sale.

The following table provides a breakdown of loans held-for-sale (“LHFS”) at December 31, 2011 and 2010 by main categories.

(In thousands)December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010
Commercial $ 26,198 $ 60,528
Construction  236,045   412,744
Mortgage  100,850   420,666
Total$ 363,093 $ 893,938

During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Corporation recorded purchases of mortgage loans amounting to $1.3 billion. In addition, during the year ended December 31, 2011, the Corporation recorded purchases of credit cards relationships with balances of approximately $131 million. There were no significant purchases of commercial and construction loans during 2011.

The Corporation sold approximately $350 million of residential mortgage loans during the year ended December 31, 2011. Also, the Corporation securitized approximately $907 million of mortgage loans to Government National Mortgage Association (“GNMA”) mortgage-backed securities during the year ended December 31, 2011. Furthermore, the Corporation securitized approximately $206 million of mortgage loans in Federal Mortgage Association (“FNMA”) mortgage-backed securities during the year ended December 31, 2011.

During the third quarter of 2011, the Corporation transferred $27 million of commercial and construction loans held-in-portfolio to loans to held-for-sale at a value of $14 million. This resulted in a write-down at the time of transfer of $12.7 million. Also, during the quarter ended September 30, 2011, these loans as well as other construction and commercial loans held-for sale with a combined book value of $128 million were sold to a newly created joint venture in which the Corporation holds a minority interest. Refer to Note 28 to the consolidated financial statements for details of this transaction. Besides this sale, the Corporation sold commercial and construction loans with a book value of approximately $30 million during the year ended December 31, 2011.

Non-covered loans

The following tables present non-covered loans held-in-portfolio that are in non-performing status and accruing loans past due 90 days or more by loan class at December 31, 2011 and 2010. Accruing loans past due 90 days or more consist primarily of credit cards, FHA / VA and other insured mortgage loans, and delinquent mortgage loans included in the Corporation's financial statements pursuant to GNMA's buy-back option program. Servicers of loans underlying GNMA mortgage-backed securities must report as their own assets the defaulted loans that they have the option (but not the obligation) to repurchase, even when they elect not to exercise that option. Also, accruing loans past due 90 days or more include residential conventional loans purchased from other financial institutions that, although delinquent, the Corporation has received timely payment from the sellers / servicers, and, in some instances, have partial guarantees under recourse agreements. However, residential conventional loans purchased from other financial institutions, which are in the process of foreclosure, are classified as non-performing mortgage loans.

At December 31, 2011
   Puerto Rico U.S. mainland Popular, Inc.
    Accruing   Accruing   Accruing
  Non-accrual loans past-dueNon-accrual loans past-due Non-accrualloans past-due
(In thousands)loans90 days or moreloans90 days or more loans90 days or more
Commercial real estate$ 453,879$ -$ 182,158$ -$ 636,037$ -
Commercial and industrial  177,292  675  59,544  -  236,836  675
Construction  53,859  -  75,140  -  128,999  -
Mortgage  649,279  280,912  37,223  -  686,502  280,912
Leasing  5,642  -  166  -  5,808  -
 Credit cards  -  25,748  735  -  735  25,748
 Home equity lines of credit  -  157  10,065  -  10,065  157
 Personal  19,317  -  1,516  -  20,833  -
 Auto  6,830  -  34  -  6,864  -
 Other  5,144  468  27  -  5,171  468
Total[1]$ 1,371,242$ 307,960$ 366,608$ -$ 1,737,850$ 307,960

[1] For purposes of this table non-performing loans exclude $ 262 million in non-performing loans held-for-sale.

At December 31, 2010
   Puerto Rico U.S. mainland Popular, Inc.
    Accruing   Accruing   Accruing
  Non-accrual loans past-dueNon-accrual loans past-due Non-accrualloans past-due
(In thousands)loans90 days or moreloans90 days or more loans90 days or more
Commercial real estate$ 370,677$ -$ 182,456$ -$ 553,133$ -
Commercial and industrial  114,792  -  57,102  -  171,894  -
Construction  64,678  -  173,876  -  238,554  -
Mortgage  518,446  292,387  23,587  -  542,033  292,387
Leasing  5,674  -  263  -  5,937  -
 Credit cards  -  33,514  -  -  -  33,514
 Home equity lines of credit  -  -  17,562  -  17,562  -
 Personal  22,816  -  5,369  -  28,185  -
 Auto  7,528  -  135  -  7,663  -
 Other  6,892  1,442  -  -  6,892  1,442
Total[1]$ 1,111,503$ 327,343$ 460,350$ -$ 1,571,853$ 327,343

[1] For purposes of this table non-performing loans exclude $ 672 million in non-performing loans held-for-sale.

At December 31, 2011 non-covered loans held-in-portfolio on which the accrual of interest income had been discontinued amounted to $1.7 billion (December 31, 2010 - $1.6 billion). Non-accruing loans at December 31, 2011 include $44 million in consumer loans (December 31, 2010 - $60 million).

The following tables present loans by past due status at December 31, 2011 and 2010 for non-covered loans held-in-portfolio (net of unearned income).

December 31, 2011
Puerto Rico
   Past due      
                 Loans held-
  30-59 60-89 90 days Total   in-portfolio
(In thousands)days days or more past due Current Puerto Rico
Commercial real estate$ 56,597 $ 21,586 $ 453,879 $ 532,062 $ 3,075,090 $ 3,607,152
Commercial and industrial  46,013   17,233   177,967   241,213   2,622,217   2,863,430
Construction  608   21,055   53,859   75,522   85,419   160,941
Mortgage  202,072   98,565   930,191   1,230,828   3,458,655   4,689,483
Leasing  7,927   2,301   5,642   15,870   532,836   548,706
 Credit cards  14,507   11,479   25,748   51,734   1,164,086   1,215,820
 Home equity lines of credit  155   395   157   707   19,344   20,051
 Personal  17,583   10,434   19,317   47,334   935,854   983,188
 Auto  22,677   5,883   6,830   35,390   480,874   516,264
 Other  1,740   1,442   5,612   8,794   226,310   235,104
Total$ 369,879 $ 190,373 $ 1,679,202 $ 2,239,454 $ 12,600,685 $ 14,840,139

December 31, 2011
U.S. mainland
   Past due      
                 Loans held-
  30-59 60-89 90 days Total    in-portfolio
(In thousands)days days or more past due Current U.S. mainland
Commercial real estate$ 69,079 $ 6,882 $ 182,158 $ 258,119 $ 2,824,415 $ 3,082,534
Commercial and industrial  24,436   7,858   59,544   91,838   889,932   981,770
Construction  3,921   -   75,140   79,061   71,626   150,687
Mortgage  30,594   13,190   37,223   81,007   747,970   828,977
Leasing  201   204   166   571   14,590   15,161
 Credit cards  314   229   735   1,278   12,931   14,209
 Home equity lines of credit  7,090   3,587   10,065   20,742   517,101   537,843
 Personal  3,574   2,107   1,516   7,197   140,208   147,405
 Auto  106   37   34   177   2,035   2,212
 Other  29   10   27   66   1,593   1,659
Total$ 139,344 $ 34,104 $ 366,608 $ 540,056 $ 5,222,401 $ 5,762,457

December 31, 2011
Popular, Inc.
   Past due      
                  Loans held-
  30-59 60-89 90 days Total   in-portfolio
(In thousands)days days or more past due Current Popular, Inc.
Commercial real estate$ 125,676 $ 28,468 $ 636,037 $ 790,181 $ 5,899,505 $ 6,689,686
Commercial and industrial  70,449   25,091   237,511   333,051   3,512,149   3,845,200
Construction  4,529   21,055   128,999   154,583   157,045   311,628
Mortgage  232,666   111,755   967,414   1,311,835   4,206,625   5,518,460
Leasing  8,128   2,505   5,808   16,441   547,426   563,867
 Credit cards  14,821   11,708   26,483   53,012   1,177,017   1,230,029
 Home equity lines of credit  7,245   3,982   10,222   21,449   536,445   557,894
 Personal  21,157   12,541   20,833   54,531   1,076,062   1,130,593
 Auto  22,783   5,920   6,864   35,567   482,909   518,476
 Other  1,769   1,452   5,639   8,860   227,903   236,763
Total$ 509,223 $ 224,477 $ 2,045,810 $ 2,779,510 $ 17,823,086 $ 20,602,596

December 31, 2010
Puerto Rico
   Past due      
                 Loans held-
   30-59  60-89  90 days  Total    in-portfolio
(In thousands)  days   days  or more past due Current Puerto Rico
Commercial real estate$ 47,064 $ 25,547 $ 370,677 $ 443,288 $ 3,412,310 $ 3,855,598
Commercial and industrial  34,703   23,695   114,792   173,190   2,688,228   2,861,418
Construction  6,356   3,000   64,678   74,034   94,322   168,356
Mortgage  188,468   83,789   810,833   1,083,090   2,566,610   3,649,700
Leasing  10,737   2,274   5,674   18,685   554,102   572,787
 Credit cards  16,073   12,758   33,514   62,345   1,054,081   1,116,426
 Personal  21,004   11,830   22,816   55,650   965,610   1,021,260
 Auto  22,076   5,301   7,528   34,905   459,745   494,650
 Other  3,799   1,318   8,334   13,451   252,048   265,499
Total$ 350,280 $ 169,512 $ 1,438,846 $ 1,958,638 $ 12,047,056 $ 14,005,694

December 31, 2010
U.S. mainland
   Past due      
                  Loans held-
   30-59  60-89  90 days   Total     in-portfolio
(In thousands)  days   days  or more  past due  Current  U.S. mainland
Commercial real estate$ 68,903 $ 10,322 $ 182,456 $ 261,681 $ 2,889,397 $ 3,151,078
Commercial and industrial  30,372   15,079   57,102   102,553   1,422,838   1,525,391
Construction  30,105   292   173,876   204,273   128,222   332,495
Mortgage  38,550   12,751   23,587   74,888   800,134   875,022
Leasing  1,008   224   263   1,495   28,711   30,206
 Credit cards  343   357   -   700   15,182   15,882
 Home equity lines of credit  6,116   6,873   17,562   30,551   537,802   568,353
 Personal   5,559   2,689   5,369   13,617   201,190   214,807
 Auto  375   98   135   608   8,499   9,107
Total$ 181,331 $ 48,685 $ 460,350 $ 690,366 $ 6,031,975 $ 6,722,341

December 31, 2010
Popular, Inc.
   Past due      
                 Loans held-
   30-59  60-89  90 days   Total    in-portfolio
(In thousands)  days   days  or more  past due Current Popular, Inc.
Commercial real estate$ 115,967 $ 35,869 $ 553,133 $ 704,969 $ 6,301,707 $ 7,006,676
Commercial and industrial  65,075   38,774   171,894   275,743   4,111,066   4,386,809
Construction  36,461   3,292   238,554   278,307   222,544   500,851
Mortgage  227,018   96,540   834,420   1,157,978   3,366,744   4,524,722
Leasing  11,745   2,498   5,937   20,180   582,813   602,993
 Credit cards  16,416   13,115   33,514   63,045   1,069,263   1,132,308
 Home equity lines of credit  6,116   6,873   17,562   30,551   537,802   568,353
 Personal  26,563   14,519   28,185   69,267   1,166,800   1,236,067
 Auto  22,451   5,399   7,663   35,513   468,244   503,757
 Other  3,799   1,318   8,334   13,451   252,048   265,499
Total$ 531,611 $ 218,197 $ 1,899,196 $ 2,649,004 $ 18,079,031 $ 20,728,035

The following table provides a breakdown of loans held-for-sale (“LHFS”) in non-performing status at December 31, 2011 and 2010 by main categories.

(In thousands)December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010
Commercial $ 26,198 $ 60,528
Construction  236,045   412,204
Mortgage  59   199,025
Total$ 262,302 $ 671,757

The components of the net financing leases receivable at December 31, 2011 and 2010 were as follows:

(In thousands) 2011 2010
Total minimum lease payments$ 520,226$ 551,000
Estimated residual value of leased property  134,194  147,667
Deferred origination costs, net of fees  6,691  7,109
 Less - Unearned financing income  97,244  102,783
Net minimum lease payments  563,867  602,993
 Less - Allowance for loan losses  4,891  13,153
  $ 558,976$ 589,840

At December 31, 2011, future minimum lease payments are expected to be received as follows:


(In thousands)  
2012$ 154,005
2013  127,280
2014  100,748
2015  80,011
2016 and thereafter  58,182
 $ 520,226

Covered loans

Covered loans acquired in the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction, except for lines of credit with revolving privileges, are accounted for by the Corporation in accordance with ASC Subtopic 310-30. Under ASC Subtopic 310-30, the acquired loans were aggregated into pools based on similar characteristics. Each loan pool is accounted for as a single asset with a single composite interest rate and an aggregate expectation of cash flows. The covered loans which are accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-30 by the Corporation are not considered non-performing and will continue to have an accretable yield as long as there is a reasonable expectation about the timing and amount of cash flows expected to be collected. The Corporation measures additional losses for this portfolio when it is probable the Corporation will be unable to collect all cash flows expected at acquisition plus additional cash flows expected to be collected arising from changes in estimates after acquisition. Lines of credit with revolving privileges that were acquired as part of the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction are accounted for under the guidance of ASC Subtopic 310-20, which requires that any differences between the contractually required loan payment receivable in excess of the Corporation's initial investment in the loans be accreted into interest income. Loans accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-20 are placed in non-accrual status when past due in accordance with the Corporation's non-accruing policy and any accretion of discount is discontinued.

The following table presents covered loans in non-performing status and accruing loans past-due 90 days or more by loan class at December 31, 2011 and 2010.

   December 31, 2011December 31, 2010
   Non-accrualAccruing loans pastNon-accrualAccruing loans past
(In thousands)loansdue 90 days or moreloansdue 90 days or more
Commercial real estate$ 14,241$ 125$ 14,172$ -
Commercial and industrial  63,858  1,392  10,635  60
Construction  4,598  5,677  1,168  -
Mortgage  423  113  -  8,648
Consumer  516  377  -  2,308
Total[1]$ 83,636$ 7,684$ 25,975$ 11,016

[1] Covered loans accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-30 are excluded from the above table as they are considered to be performing due to the application of the accretion method, in which these loans will accrete interest income over the remaining life of the loans using estimated cash flow analyses.

The following tables present loans by past due status at December 31, 2011 and 2010 for covered loans held-in-portfolio. The information considers covered loans accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-20 and ASC Subtopic 310-30.

December 31, 2011
Covered loans
   Past due      
                 Covered loans
  30-59 60-89 90 days Total   held-in-
(In thousands)days days or more past due Currentportfolio
Commercial real estate$ 35,286 $ 25,273 $ 519,222 $ 579,781 $ 1,691,514 $ 2,271,295
Commercial and industrial  4,438   1,390   99,555   105,383   136,064   241,447
Construction  997   625   434,661   436,283   110,543   546,826
Mortgage  32,371   28,238   196,541   257,150   915,804   1,172,954
Consumer  2,913   3,289   15,551   21,753   94,428   116,181
Total covered loans$ 76,005 $ 58,815 $ 1,265,530 $ 1,400,350 $ 2,948,353 $ 4,348,703

December 31, 2010
Covered loans
   Past due      
                 Covered loans
   30-5960-89 90 days Total    held-in-
(In thousands) daysdays or more past due Currentportfolio
Commercial real estate$ 108,244 $ 89,403 $ 434,956 $ 632,603 $ 1,830,946 $ 2,463,549
Commercial and industrial  12,091   5,491   32,585   50,167   253,465   303,632
Construction  23,445   11,906   351,386   386,737   253,755   640,492
Mortgage  80,978   34,897   119,745   235,620   1,023,839   1,259,459
Consumer  8,917   4,483   14,612   28,012   141,738   169,750
Total covered loans$ 233,675 $ 146,180 $ 953,284 $ 1,333,139 $ 3,503,743 $ 4,836,882

The following table presents loans acquired as part of the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction accounted for pursuant to ASC Subtopic 310-30 at the April 30, 2010 acquisition date. The information presented includes loans determined to be impaired at the time of acquisition (“credit impaired loans”), and loans that were considered to be performing at the acquisition date and are accounted for by analogy to ASC Subtopic 310-30 (“non-credit impaired loans”). Refer to Note 2 in these consolidated financial statements for a description of the Corporation's significant accounting policies related to acquired loans and criteria considered by management to apply ASC 310-30 by analogy to non-credit impaired loans.

  April 30, 2010
(In thousands) Non-credit impaired loans Credit impaired loans Total
Contractually-required principal and interest$ 7,855,033$ 1,995,580$ 9,850,613
Non-accretable difference   2,154,542  1,248,365  3,402,907
Cash flows expected to be collected  5,700,491  747,215  6,447,706
Accretable yield  1,487,634  50,425  1,538,059
Fair value of loans accounted for under       
 ASC Subtopic 310-30$ 4,212,857$ 696,790$ 4,909,647

The cash flows expected to be collected consider the estimated remaining life of the underlying loans and include the effects of estimated prepayments. The unpaid principal balance of the acquired loans from the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction that are accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-30 amounted to $8.1 billion at the April 30, 2010 transaction date.

The carrying amount of the loans acquired as part of the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction at December 31, 2011 and 2010 consisted of loans determined to be impaired at the time of acquisition, which are accounted for in accordance with ASC Subtopic 310-30 (“credit impaired loans”), and loans that were considered to be performing at the acquisition date, accounted for by analogy to ASC Subtopic 310-30 (“non-credit impaired loans”), as detailed in the following tables.


 December 31, 2011December 31, 2010
 Carrying amountCarrying amount
(In thousands) Non-credit impaired loans Credit impaired loans Total Non-credit impaired loans Credit impaired loans Total
Commercial real estate$ 1,920,141$ 215,560$ 2,135,701$ 2,133,600$ 247,654$ 2,381,254
Commercial and industrial  85,859  4,621  90,480  117,869  8,257  126,126
Construction  279,561  260,208  539,769  341,866  292,341  634,207
Mortgage  1,065,842  102,027  1,167,869  1,156,879  87,062  1,243,941
Consumer  95,048  7,604  102,652  144,165  10,235  154,400
Carrying amount  3,446,451  590,020  4,036,471  3,894,379  645,549  4,539,928
Allowance for loan losses  (62,951)  (20,526)  (83,477)  -  -  -
Carrying amount, net of allowance$ 3,383,500$ 569,494$ 3,952,994$ 3,894,379$ 645,549$ 4,539,928

The outstanding principal balance of covered loans accounted pursuant to ASC Subtopic 310-30, including amounts charged off by the Corporation, amounted to $6.0 billion at December 31, 2011 (December 31, 2010 - $7.7 billion). At December 31, 2011, none of the acquired loans from the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-30 were considered non-performing loans. Therefore, interest income, through accretion of the difference between the carrying amount of the loans and the expected cash flows, was recognized on all acquired loans.

Changes in the carrying amount and the accretable yield for the acquired loans in the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction, which are accounted pursuant to the ASC Subtopic 310-30, for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010, were as follows:

  Accretable yield
  For the year ended
  December 31, 2011December 31, 2010
   Non-credit Credit   Non-credit Credit  
   impaired impaired   impaired impaired  
(In thousands) loans loans Total loans loans Total
Beginning balance$ 1,307,927$ 23,181$ 1,331,108$ -$ -$ -
Additions  -  -  -  1,487,634  50,425  1,538,059
Accretion  (271,760)  (80,641)  (352,401)  (179,707)  (27,244)  (206,951)
Change in expected cash flows  392,597  98,955  491,552  -  -  -
Ending balance$ 1,428,764$ 41,495$ 1,470,259$ 1,307,927$ 23,181$ 1,331,108

  Carrying amount of loans accounted for pursuant to ASC 310-30
  For the year ended
  December 31, 2011December 31, 2010
   Non-credit Credit   Non-credit Credit  
   impaired impaired   impaired impaired  
(In thousands) loans loans Total loans loans Total
Beginning balance$ 3,894,379$ 645,549$ 4,539,928$ -$ -$ -
Additions  -  -  -  4,212,857  696,790  4,909,647
Accretion  271,760  80,641  352,401  179,707  27,244  206,951
Collections  (719,688)  (136,170)  (855,858)  (498,185)  (78,485)  (576,670)
Ending balance$ 3,446,451$ 590,020$ 4,036,471$ 3,894,379$ 645,549$ 4,539,928
Allowance for loan losses            
 ASC 310-30 covered loans  (62,951)  (20,526)  (83,477)  -  -  -
  $ 3,383,500$ 569,494$ 3,952,994$ 3,894,379$ 645,549$ 4,539,928

During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Corporation recorded an allowance for loan losses related to the acquired covered loans that are accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-30 as certain pools reflected lower expected cash flows. The following table provides the activity in the allowance for loan losses related to these acquired loans for the year ended December 31, 2011.


    ASC 310-30 loans
(In thousands)  December 31, 2011
Balance at beginning of period   $ -
Provision for loan losses     89,802
Net charge-offs     (6,325)
Balance at end of period   $ 83,477

There was no need to record an allowance for loan losses related to the covered loans at December 31, 2010.

The Corporation accounts for lines of credit with revolving privileges under the accounting guidance of ASC Subtopic 310-20, which requires that any differences between the contractually required loan payment receivable in excess of the initial investment in the loans be accreted into interest income over the life of the loan, if the loan is accruing interest. The following table presents acquired loans accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-20 at the April 30, 2010 acquisition date:

(In thousands)  
Fair value of loans accounted under ASC Subtopic 310-20$ 290,810
Gross contractual amounts receivable (principal and interest)$ 457,201
Estimate of contractual cash flows not expected to be collected$ 164,427

The cash flows expected to be collected consider the estimated remaining life of the underlying loans and include the effects of estimated prepayments.

Covered loans accounted for under ASC Subtopic 310-20 amounted to $0.3 billion at December 31, 2011 and 2010.