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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2012


Chemung Financial Corporation (the "Corporation"), through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Chemung Canal Trust Company (the "Bank") and CFS Group, Inc., provides a wide range of banking, financing, fiduciary and other financial services to its clients.  The Corporation is subject to the regulations of certain federal and state agencies and undergoes periodic examinations by those regulatory agencies.


The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and include the accounts of the Corporation and its subsidiaries.  All significant intercompany balances and transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions based on available information.  These estimates and assumptions affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and disclosures provided, and actual results could differ.  The allowance for loan losses, other-than-temporary impairment of investment securities and goodwill and other intangibles are particularly subject to change.


Management determines the appropriate classification of securities at the time of purchase.  If management has the intent and the Corporation has the ability at the time of purchase to hold securities until maturity, they are classified as held to maturity and carried at amortized cost.  Securities to be held for indefinite periods of time or not intended to be held to maturity are classified as available for sale and carried at fair value.  Unrealized holding gains and losses on securities classified as available for sale are excluded from earnings and are reported as accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) in shareholders' equity, net of the related tax effects, until realized. Realized gains and losses are determined using the specific identification method.

Management evaluates securities for other-than-temporary impairment ("OTTI") on at least a quarterly basis, and more frequently when economic or market conditions warrant such an evaluation.  For securities in an unrealized loss position, management considers the extent and duration of the unrealized loss, and the financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer.  Management also assesses whether it intends to sell, or it is more likely than not that it will be required to sell, a security in an unrealized loss position before recovery of its amortized cost basis. If either of the criteria regarding intent or requirement to sell is met, the entire difference between amortized cost and fair value is recognized as impairment through earnings.  For debt securities that do not meet the aforementioned criteria, the amount of impairment is split into two components as follows: 1) OTTI related to credit loss, which must be recognized in the income statement and 2) other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) related to other factors, which is recognized in other comprehensive income.  The credit loss is defined as the difference between the present value of the cash flows expected to be collected and the amortized cost basis. For equity securities, the entire amount of impairment is recognized through earnings.

In order to determine OTTI for purchased beneficial interests that, on the purchase date, were not highly rated, the Corporation compares the present value of the remaining cash flows as estimated at the preceding evaluation date to the current expected remaining cash flows.  OTTI is deemed to have occurred if there has been an adverse change in the remaining expected future cash flows.

Securities are placed on non-accrual status when management believes there are significant doubts regarding the ultimate collectability of interest and/or principal. Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted over the life of the related security as an adjustment of yield using the interest method. Dividend and interest income is recognized when collected.


The Bank is a member of both the FHLB and FRB system.  FHLB members are required to own a certain amount of stock based on the level of borrowings and other factors, while FRB members are required to own a certain amount of stock based on a percentage of the Bank's capital stock and surplus.  FHLB and FRB stock are carried at cost and classified as non-marketable equities and periodically evaluated for impairment based on ultimate recovery of par value.  Cash dividends are reported as income.


Bank Owned Life Insurance ("BOLI") is recorded at the amount that can be realized under the insurance contracts at the balance sheet date, which is the cash surrender value adjusted for other charges or other amounts due that are probable at settlement.  Changes in the cash surrender value are recorded in other income.


Certain mortgage loans are originated with the intent to sell.  Loans held for sale are recorded at the lower of cost or fair value.  Loans held for sale, as well as the commitments to sell the loans that are originated for sale, are regularly evaluated for changes in fair value.  If necessary, a valuation allowance is established with a charge to income for unrealized losses attributable to a change in market rates.


Loans are stated at the amount of unpaid principal balance less unearned discounts and net deferred origination fees and costs.  The Corporation has the ability and intent to hold its loans for the foreseeable future.  The Corporation's loan portfolio, including acquired loans, is comprised of the following segments: (i) commercial, financial and agricultural, (ii) commercial mortgages, (iii) residential mortgages and (iv) consumer loans.

Commercial, financial and agricultural loans primarily consist of loans to small to mid-sized businesses in the Corporation's market area in a diverse range of industries.  These loans are typically made on the basis of the borrower's ability to make repayment from the cash flow of the borrower's business.  Commercial mortgage loans are generally non-owner occupied commercial properties or owner occupied commercial real estate with larger balances.  Repayment of these loans is often dependent upon the successful operation and management of the properties and the businesses occupying the properties, as well as on the collateral securing the loan.  Residential mortgage loans are generally made on the basis of the borrower's ability to make repayment from their employment and other income, but are secured by real property.  Consumer loans include home equity lines of credit and home equity loans, which exhibit many of the same characteristics as residential mortgages.  Indirect and other consumer loans are typically secured by depreciable assets, such as automobiles or boats, and are dependent on the borrower's continuing financial stability.

Interest on loans is accrued and credited to operations using the interest method.  Past due status is based on the contractual terms of the loan.  The accrual of interest is generally discontinued and previously accrued interest is reversed when loans become 90 days delinquent.  Loans may also be placed on non-accrual status if management believes such classification is otherwise warranted.  All payments received on non accrual loans are applied to principal.  Loans are returned to accrual status when they become current as to principal and interest and remain current for a period of six consecutive months or when, in the opinion of management, the Corporation expects to receive all of its original principal and interest.  Loan origination fees and certain direct loan origination costs are deferred and amortized over the life of the loan as an adjustment to yield, using the interest method.


Loan concentrations are considered to exist when there are amounts loaned to a multiple number of borrowers engaged in similar activities which would cause them to be similarly impacted by economic or other conditions.  The Corporation's concentration policy limits the volume of commercial loans to any one specific industry.  Specific industries are identified using the North American Industry Classification System ("NAICS") codes.  The volume of commercial loans, with the exception of commercial mortgages, to any one specific industry is limited to Tier 1 capital plus the allowance for loan losses.  The volume of commercial mortgages is limited to three times the total of Tier 1 capital plus the allowance for loan losses.


Non-Impaired Acquired Loans:

Loans acquired are initially recorded at fair value with no carryover of the related allowance for loan losses.  After acquisition, losses beyond those estimated in determining the initial fair value are recognized through the allowance for loan losses.  Determining fair value of the loans involves estimating the amount and timing of expected principal and interest cash flows to be collected on the loans and discounting those cash flows at a market interest rate.

Purchased Credit Impaired Loans:

Loans acquired that show evidence of credit deterioration since origination are considered purchased credit impaired loans  These loans are recorded at the fair value of the amount paid, such that there is no carryover of the seller's allowance for loan losses.

Such purchased loans are accounted for individually.  The Corporation estimates the amount and timing of expected cash flows for each purchased loan and the expected cash flows in excess of amount paid is recorded as interest income over the remaining life of the loan (accretable yield).  The excess of the loan's contractual principal and interest over expected cash flows is not recorded (nonaccretable difference).

After acquisition, losses are recognized by an increase in the allowance for loan losses.  Over the life of the loan expected cash flows continue to be estimated.  If the present value of expected cash flows is less than the carrying amount, a reserve is established.  If the present value of expected cash flows is greater than the carrying amount, it is recognized as part of future interest income.  These loans are charged against the allowance for loan losses when management believes that the collectability of all or a portion of the principal is unlikely.


The allowance is an amount that management believes will be adequate to absorb probable incurred losses on existing loans.  The allowance for loan losses is increased through a provision for loan losses charged to operations.  Loans are charged against the allowance for loan losses when management believes that the collectability of all or a portion of the principal is unlikely.  Management's evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses is performed on a periodic basis and takes into consideration such factors as the credit risk grade assigned to the loan, historical loan loss experience (general component) and review of specific impaired loans (including evaluations of the underlying collateral and expected cash flows).  Historical loss experience is adjusted by management based on their judgment as to the current impact of qualitative factors including changes in the composition and volume of the loan portfolio, overall portfolio quality, and current economic conditions that may affect the borrowers' ability to pay.  Management believes that the allowance for loan losses is adequate to absorb probable incurred losses.  While management uses available information to recognize losses on loans, future additions to the allowance may be necessary based on changes in economic conditions.  In addition, various regulatory agencies, as an integral part of their examination process, periodically review the Corporation's allowance for loan losses. Such agencies may require the Corporation to recognize additions to the allowance based on their judgments about information available to them at the time of their examination.
Management, after considering current information and events regarding the borrower's ability to repay their obligations, classifies a loan as impaired when it is probable that the Corporation will be unable to collect all amounts due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in determining impairment include payment status, collateral value, and the probability of collecting scheduled principal and interest payments when due. Loans that experience insignificant payment delays and payment shortfalls generally are not classified as impaired. Management determines the significance of payment delays and payment shortfalls on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all of the circumstances surrounding the loan and the borrower, including the length of the delay, the reasons for the delay, the borrower's prior payment record, and the amount of the shortfall in relation to the principal and interest owed. If a loan is determined to be impaired and is placed on nonaccrual status, all future payments received are applied to principal.

If a loan is impaired, a portion of the allowance is allocated so that the loan is reported, net, at the present value of estimated future cash flows using the loan's existing rate or at the fair value of collateral if repayment is expected solely from the collateral. Large groups of smaller balance homogeneous loans, such as consumer and residential mortgage loans, are collectively evaluated for impairment, and accordingly, they are not separately identified for impairment disclosures.  Troubled debt restructurings are impaired loans.

The general component covers non-impaired loans and is based on historical loss experience adjusted for current factors.  Loans not impaired but classified as substandard and special mention use a historical loss factor on a rolling five year history of net losses.  For all other unclassified loans, the historical loss experience is determined by portfolio class and is based on the actual loss history experienced by the Corporation over the most recent two years.  This actual loss experience is supplemented with other economic factors based on the risks present for each portfolio class.  These economic factors include consideration of the following: (1) lending policies and procedures, including underwriting standards and collection, charge-off and recovery policies, (2) national and local economic and business conditions and developments, including the condition of various market segments, (3) loan profiles and volume of the portfolio, (4) the experience, ability, and depth of lending management and staff, (5) the volume and severity of past due, classified and watch-list loans, non-accrual loans and troubled debt restructurings, (6) the quality of the Bank's loan review system and the degree of oversight by the Bank's Board of Directors, (7) collateral related issues: secured vs. unsecured, type, declining valuation environment and trend of other related factors, (8) the existence and effect of any concentrations of credit, and changes in the level of such concentrations, (9) the effect of external factors, such as competition and legal and regulatory requirements, on the level of estimated credit losses in the Bank's current portfolio and (10) the recession threat from United States and European fiscal crises.


Land is carried at cost, while buildings, equipment, leasehold improvements and furniture are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation is charged to current operations under the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which range from 15 to 50 years for buildings and from 3 to 10 years for equipment and furniture.  Amortization of leasehold improvements and leased equipment is recognized on the straight-line method over the shorter of the lease term or the estimated life of the asset.


Real estate acquired through foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure is recorded at estimated fair value of the property less estimated costs to dispose at the time of acquisition.  Write downs from the carrying value of the loan to estimated fair value which are required at the time of foreclosure are charged to the allowance for loan losses.  Subsequent adjustments to the carrying values of such properties resulting from declines in fair value are charged to operations in the period in which the declines occur.


The Corporation files a consolidated tax return. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for future tax consequences attributable to temporary differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases, and for unused tax loss carry forwards.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled, or the tax loss carry forwards are expected to be utilized. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.  A valuation allowance, if needed, reduces deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.

A tax position is recognized as a benefit only if it is "more likely than not" that the tax position would be sustained in a tax examination, with a tax examination being presumed to occur.  The amount recognized is the largest amount of tax benefit that is greater than 50% likely of being realized on examination.  For tax positions not meeting the "more likely than not" test, no tax benefit is recorded.


Assets held in a fiduciary or agency capacity for customers are not included in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets, since such assets are not assets of the Corporation. Wealth Management Group income is recognized on the accrual method as earned based on contractual rates applied to the balances of individual trust accounts.  The unaudited market value of trust assets under administration totaled $1.735 billion at December 31, 2012 and $1.596 billion at December 31, 2011.


Pension Plan:

The Chemung Canal Trust Company Pension Plan is a non-contributory defined benefit pension plan.  The Pension Plan is a "qualified plan" under the IRS Code and therefore must be funded.  Contributions are deposited to the Plan and held in trust.  The Plan assets may only be used to pay retirement benefits and eligible plan expenses.  The plan was amended such that new employees hired on or after July 10, 2010 will not be eligible to participate in the plan, however, existing participants at that time will continue to accrue benefits.  The amendment will result in a decrease over time in the future benefit obligations of the plan and the corresponding net periodic benefit cost associated with the plan.

Under the Plan, pension benefits are based upon final average annual compensation where the annual compensation is total base earnings paid plus 401(k) salary deferrals.  Bonuses, overtime, commissions and dividends are excluded.  The normal retirement benefit equals 1.2% of final average compensation (highest consecutive five years of annual compensation in the prior ten years) times years of service (up to a maximum of 25 years), plus 1% of average monthly compensation for each additional year of service (up to a maximum of 35 years), plus .65% of average monthly compensation in excess of covered compensation for each year of credited service up to 35 years.  Covered compensation is the average of the social security taxable wage bases in effect for the 35 year period prior to normal social security retirement age.  Compensation for purposes of determining benefits under the Plan is reviewed annually.

Defined Contribution Profit Sharing, Savings and Investment Plan:

The Corporation also sponsors a defined contribution profit sharing, savings and investment plan which covers all eligible employees with a minimum of 1,000 hours of annual service.  The Corporation makes discretionary matching and profit sharing contributions to the plan based on the financial results of the Corporation.  The plan's assets consists of Chemung Financial Corporation common stock, as well as other common and preferred stocks, U.S. Government securities, corporate bonds and notes, and mutual funds.

Defined Benefit Health Care Plan:

The Corporation sponsors a defined benefit health care plan that provides postretirement medical benefits to employees who meet minimum age and service requirements.  This plan was amended effective July 1, 2006. Prior to this amendment, all retirees age 55 or older were eligible for coverage under the Corporation's self-insured health care plan, contributing 40% of the cost of the coverage. Under the amended plan, coverage for Medicare eligible retirees who reside in the Central New York geographic area is provided under a group sponsored plan with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield called Medicare Blue PPO, with the retiree paying 100% of the premium. Excellus BlueCross BlueShield assumes full liability for the payment of health care benefits incurred after July 1, 2006. Current Medicare eligible retirees who reside outside of the Central New York geographic area were eligible for coverage under the Corporation's self insurance plan thru December 31, 2009, contributing 50% of the cost of coverage. Effective January 1, 2010, these out of area retirees were eligible for coverage under a Medicare Supplement Plan C administered by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, contributing 50% of the premium. Current and future retirees between the ages of 55 and 65, will continue to be eligible for coverage under the Corporation's self insured plan, contributing 50% of the cost of the coverage. Employees who retire after July 1, 2006, and become Medicare eligible will only have access to the Medicare Blue PPO plan. Additionally, effective July 1, 2006, dental benefits were eliminated for all retirees.

Executive Supplemental Pension Plan:

As described above, U.S. laws place limitations on compensation amounts that may be included under the Pension Plan.  The Executive Supplemental Pension Plan is provided to executives in order to produce total retirement benefits, as a percentage of compensation that is comparable to employees whose compensation is not restricted by the annual compensation limit.  Pension amounts based upon the pension plan formula, which exceed the applicable limitations, will be paid under the Executive Supplemental Pension Plan.

The Executive Supplemental Pension Plan is a "non-qualified plan" under the Internal Revenue Service Code.  Contributions to the Plan are not held in trust; therefore, they may be subject to the claims of creditors in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency.  When payments come due under the Plan, cash is distributed from general assets.

Defined Contribution Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan:

The Defined Contribution Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan is provided to certain executives to motivate and retain key management employees by providing a nonqualified retirement benefit that is payable at retirement, disability, death and certain other events.  The Defined Contribution Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan will deliver a retirement benefit comparable to that received by other executive officers participating in the bank's Defined Benefit Plan.

The Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan is intended to be an unfunded plan maintained primarily for the purpose of providing deferred compensation benefits for a select group of management or highly compensated employees under Sections 201(2), 301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.


Restricted Stock Plan:

The Restricted Stock Plan, in effect as of June 16, 2010, is designed to align the interests of the Company's executives and senior managers with the interests of the Company and its shareholders, to insure the Company's compensation practices are competitive and comparable with those of its peers, and to promote the retention of select management-level employees.  Under the terms of the Plan, the Company may make discretionary grants of restricted shares of the Company's common stock to or for the benefit of employees selected to participate in the Plan.  Each officer of the Company, other than the Company's chief executive officer, is eligible to participate in the Plan.  Awards are based on the performance, responsibility and contributions of the employee and are targeted at an average of the peer group.  The maximum number of shares of the Company's common stock that may be awarded as restricted shares to Plan participants may not exceed fifteen thousand (15,000) per calendar year.  Twenty percent of the restricted stock awarded to a participant vests each year commencing with the first anniversary date of the award and is 100 percent vested on the fifth anniversary date.  Except in the case of the participant's death, disability, or in the event of a change in control, the participant's unvested shares of unrestricted stock will be forfeited if the participant leaves the employ of the Company or the Bank, with or without cause, or if the participant retires prior to attainment of age 65.

Deferred Directors Fee Plan:

A Deferred Directors Fee Plan for non-employee directors provides that directors may elect to defer receipt of all or any part of their fees.  Deferrals are either credited with interest compounded quarterly at the Applicable Federal Rate for short-term debt instruments or converted to units, which appreciate or depreciate, as would an actual share of the Company's common stock purchased on the deferral date.  Cash deferrals will be paid into an interest bearing account and paid in cash.  Units will be paid in shares of common stock.

Directors' Compensation Plan:

The purpose of the Directors' Compensation Plan is to enable the Company to attract and retain persons of exceptional ability to serve as directors and stockholders in enhancing the value of the common stock of the Company.  The Plan was originally established to provide for the cash payment of an annual retainer and fees to non-employee directors serving on the Board of Directors of the Company and the Bank.  The Plan was subsequently amended to provide: (i) payment of additional compensation to each non-employee director in shares of the Company's common stock in an amount equal to the total cash compensation earned by each non-employee director during the year for service on the Board of Directors of each of the Company and the Bank, and for each year of service thereafter, to be distributed from treasury shares in January of the following calendar year; and (ii) payment to the President and CEO of the Company and the Bank for his service on the Boards of Directors of the Company and the Bank in an amount equal in value to the average compensation awarded to non-employee directors who have served twelve (12) months of the previous year.   The maximum number of shares of Company common stock that may be granted under the Plan may not exceed twenty thousand (20,000) per year.  The Plan was amended, effective January 1, 2012, to provide that the value of a share of common stock granted under the Plan shall be determined as the average of the closing prices of a share of common stock as quoted on the applicable established securities market for each of the prior thirty (30) trading days ending on December 31st of the calendar year.

Incentive Compensation Plan:

The Incentive Compensation Plan replaces the President and CEO Bonus Plan that was in effect prior to January 1, 2012.  The purpose of the Incentive Compensation Plan is to attract and retain highly qualified officers and key employees, and to motivate such persons to serve the Company and the Bank and to expend maximum effort to improve the business results and earnings of the Company by providing to such persons an opportunity to acquire or increase a direct proprietary interest in the operations and future success of the Company.  To this end, the Incentive Compensation Plan provides for the discretionary grant of unrestricted stock, i.e., common stock of the Company that is free of any restrictions, such as restrictions on transferability, to select officers and key employees as designated by the Board in its sole discretion.  The maximum number of shares that can be awarded as unrestricted stock under the Incentive Compensation Plan to any individual is ten thousand (10,000) per calendar year; and the maximum amount that may be earned in cash as an Incentive Award in any calendar year by any individual is $300,000.  The right of any eligible employee to receive a grant of an incentive award, whether in the form of cash or unrestricted stock, is subject to performance standards that are specified by either the Compensation Committee or the Board.

Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Plan:

The Deferred Compensation Plan allows a select group of management and employees to defer all or a portion of their annual compensation to a future date.  Eligible employees are generally highly compensated employees and are designated by the Board from time to time.  Deferred amounts are an unfunded liability of the Company.  The Plan requires deferral elections be made before the beginning of the calendar year during which the participant will perform the services to which the compensation relates. Participants in the Plan are required to elect a form of distribution, either lump sum payment or annual installments not to exceed ten years, and a time of distribution, either a specified age or a specified date. The terms and conditions for the deferral of compensation are subject to the provisions of 409A of the IRS Code.

Goodwill resulting from business combinations prior to January 1, 2009 represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net assets of businesses acquired.  Goodwill resulting from business combinations after January 1, 2009, is generally determined as the excess of the fair value of the consideration transferred, plus the fair value of any noncontrolling interests in the acquiree, over the fair value of the net assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date.  Goodwill and intangible assets acquired in a purchase business combination and determined to have an indefinite useful life are not amortized, but tested for impairment at least annually.  The Corporation has selected December 31 as the date to perform the annual impairment test. Goodwill is the only intangible asset with an indefinite life on our balance sheet.  Intangible assets with definite useful lives are amortized over their estimated useful lives to their estimated residual values.  The balances are reviewed for impairment on an ongoing basis or whenever events or changes in business circumstances warrant a review of the carrying value.  If impairment is determined to exist, the related write-down of the intangible asset's carrying value is charged to operations.  Based on these impairment reviews, the Corporation determined that goodwill and other intangible assets were not impaired at December 31, 2012.

The Corporation's intangible assets with definite useful lives resulted from the purchase of the trust business of Partners Trust Bank in May of 2007, the acquisition of three former M&T Bank branch offices in March 2008, the acquisition of Canton Bancorp, Inc. in May 2009, and the acquisition of Fort Orange Financial Corp. in April 2011 with balances of $3,073,504, $198,819, $31,654 and $1,839,843, respectively, at December 31, 2012.  The trust business intangible is being amortized to expense over the expected useful life of 15 years.  The identifiable core deposit and customer relationship intangibles related to the M&T branch offices and Canton Bancorp, Inc. acquisitions are being amortized to expense using a 7.25 and 7 year accelerated method, respectively.  The identifiable core deposit intangible related to the FOFC acquisition is being amortized using a 10 year sum-of-the-years digits method.


Basic earnings per share is net income divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period.  Issuable shares including those related to directors' restricted stock units and directors' stock compensation are considered outstanding and are included in the computation of basic earnings per share as they are earned.  All outstanding unvested share based payment awards that contain rights to nonforfeitable dividends are considered participating securities for this calculation.  Restricted stock awards are grants of participating securities.  The impact of the participating securities on earnings per share is not material.  Earnings per share information is adjusted to present comparative results for stock splits and stock dividends that occur.


Comprehensive income consists of net income and other comprehensive income.  Other comprehensive income includes unrealized gains and losses on securities available for sale and changes in the funded status of the Corporation's defined benefit pension plan and other benefit plans, net of the related tax effect, which are also recognized as separate components of equity.


Cash and cash equivalents include cash and amounts due from banks and interest-bearing deposits with other financial institutions.


Securities that are held to fund a non-qualified deferred compensation plan are recorded at fair value with changes in fair value included in earnings.


The Corporation enters into sales of securities under agreements to repurchase.  The agreements are treated as financings, and the obligations to repurchase securities sold are reflected as liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets. The amount of the securities underlying the agreements continues to be carried in the Corporation's securities portfolio.  The Corporation has agreed to repurchase securities identical to those sold.  The securities underlying the agreements are under the Corporation's control.


The Corporation is a party to certain other financial instruments with off-balance sheet risk such as unused portions of lines of credit and commitments to fund new loans.  The Corporation's policy is to record such instruments when funded.


The Corporation has identified separate operating segments and internal financial information is primarily reported and aggregated in two lines of business, banking and wealth management advisory services.


Amounts in the prior years' consolidated financial statements are reclassified whenever necessary to conform with the current year's presentation.


We have evaluated events and transactions through the time the consolidated financial statement were issued.  Financial statements are considered issued when they are widely distributed to all shareholders and other financial statement users, or filed with the Securities Exchange Commission ("SEC").  In conjunction with applicable accounting standards, all material subsequent events have been either recognized in the consolidated financial statements or disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.


In May, 2011, the FASB issued an amendment to achieve common fair value measurement and disclosure requirements between U.S. and international accounting principles.  Overall, the guidance is consistent with existing U.S. accounting principles; however, there are some amendments that change a particular principle or requirement for measuring fair value or for disclosing information about fair value measurements.  The amendments in this guidance are effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2011.  The effect of adopting this standard did not have a material effect on the Corporation's operating results or financial condition, but the additional disclosures are included in Note 16.

In June 2011, the FASB amended existing guidance and eliminated the option to present the components of other comprehensive income as part of the statement of changes in shareholders' equity. The amendment requires that comprehensive income be presented in either a single continuous statement or in two separate consecutive statements.  The amendments in this guidance are effective as of the beginning of a fiscal reporting year, and interim periods within that year, that began after December 15, 2011.  In connection with the adoption of this amendment, the Corporation changed the presentation of the statement of comprehensive income for the Corporation to two consecutive statements instead of presenting it as part of the consolidated statements of shareholders' equity.