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Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number 811-04096


(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Susan S. Newton

Massachusetts Financial Services Company

111 Huntington Avenue,

Boston, Massachusetts 02199

(Name and address of agents for service)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (617) 954-5000

Date of fiscal year end: March 31

Date of reporting period: March 31, 2014

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March 31, 2014










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Letter from the Chairman and CEO     1   
Portfolio composition     2   
Management review     4   
Performance summary     6   
Expense table     9   
Portfolio of investments     11   
Statement of assets and liabilities     44   
Statement of operations     45   
Statements of changes in net assets     46   
Financial highlights     47   
Notes to financial statements     53   
Report of independent registered public accounting firm     64   
Trustees and officers     65   
Board review of investment advisory agreement     70   
Proxy voting policies and information     70   
Quarterly portfolio disclosure     70   
Further information     70   
Federal tax information     70   
MFS® privacy notice     71   
Contact information    back cover   


The report is prepared for the general information of shareholders. It is authorized for distribution to prospective investors only when preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus.



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Dear Shareholders:

The pace of U.S. economic growth slowed early in 2014, largely because of harsh winter weather. However, the U.S. labor market, consumer confidence and other

economic data have all pointed to recovery. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s steady, gradual removal of its bond-buying stimulus, after initially causing concern, is providing some consistency, which can inspire consumer and investor confidence.

Global economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions have added to market volatility. The eurozone, however, is making progress in its economic recovery. Japan’s progress in its battle to end deflation is expected to experience a temporary setback on the heels of the country’s sales tax increase, introduced in April.

The world’s largest economic concern remains the slowdown in China’s pace of growth as it shifts toward a more consumer-oriented economy. Any reduction in China’s economic growth rate is likely to have a ripple effect on its many trading partners.

In uncertain times such as these, it is particularly important to remember that managing risk should always be a top priority. At MFS®, active risk management is an integral part of our collaborative process. Our global team of investment professionals shares ideas and evaluates opportunities that span continents, investment disciplines and asset classes. Our goal is to build better insights, and ultimately better results, for our clients.

We understand and appreciate the economic challenges investors face, and we believe in the value of maintaining a long-term view and applying proven principles, such as asset allocation and diversification. We are confident that our unique approach can serve investors well as they work with their financial advisors to identify and pursue the most suitable opportunities.




Robert J. Manning

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

MFS Investment Management

May 13, 2014

The opinions expressed in this letter are subject to change, may not be relied upon for investment advice, and no forecasts can be guaranteed.



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Portfolio structure (i)




Top ten industries (i)  
Healthcare Revenue-Hospitals     12.9%   
General Obligations-General Purpose     11.2%   
Universities-Colleges     8.3%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     7.0%   
Utilities-Municipal Owned     6.5%   
State & Local Agencies     5.0%   
Tobacco     4.1%   
General Obligations-Schools     3.8%   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue     3.3%   
Healthcare Revenue-Long Term Care     3.2%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     7.4%   
AA     31.1%   
A     30.2%   
BBB     17.1%   
BB     3.5%   
B     4.2%   
CCC (o)     0.0%   
C     0.2%   
Not Rated     3.5%   
Cash & Other     2.8%   
Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     8.2   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     16.1 yrs.   


(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.



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Portfolio Composition – continued


(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.
(o) Less than 0.1%.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



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Summary of Results

For the twelve months ended March 31, 2014, Class A shares of the MFS Municipal Income Fund (“fund”) provided a total return of –1.52%, at net asset value. This compares with a return of 0.39% for the fund’s benchmark, the Barclays Municipal Bond Index.

Market Environment

Early in the period, jitters over a banking crisis in Cyprus was more than offset by ongoing accommodative global monetary policy and improving economic data, resulting in gains in both equity and fixed income markets. As the period progressed, concerns that the US Federal Reserve (“Fed”) would begin tapering its quantitative easing (“QE”) program caused sovereign bond yields to spike, credit spreads to widen, and equity valuations to fall. Equities subsequently outperformed fixed income in response to the improved economic fundamentals.

Toward the middle of the period, the Fed’s decision to postpone QE tapering surprised markets. Favorable market reactions were tempered, however, by tense negotiations over US fiscal policy which resulted in a 16-day partial shutdown of the federal government and a short-term extension in the debt ceiling. The volatility was short-lived, however, as an extension of budget and debt ceiling deadlines allowed the government to re-open, and subsequent economic data reflected moderate but resilient US growth. Also well-received was the decision by the European Central Bank to cut its policy rate as inflation pressures waned in the region. In addition, equity investors appeared to have concluded that there would be no major change in US monetary policy as a result of the nomination of Janet Yellen as the new Fed Chair for a term beginning in early 2014.

Later in the period, emerging market stresses resurfaced as political unrest, an escalation of tensions due to Russia’s annexation of a portion of the Ukraine, falling currencies and slowing growth appeared to have impacted investor sentiment. Markets were also forced to contend with some unexpected weakness in the US economy due largely to weather-related interruptions to hiring and spending plans as well as production schedules. Once again, the setback was short-lived as the major US equity indexes traded near their all-time highs by the end of the period.

Over the twelve months ended March 31, 2014, municipal bond yields generally increased as fixed income market activity was led by the Fed’s signal last June 2013 that it would begin to reduce monthly purchases of US Treasury and mortgage-backed securities; the reduction in the size of the purchase program actually began in December 2013, when 10-year US Treasury yields peaked at 3%. Municipal bond prices fell accordingly during this time frame after the Fed announced it might taper asset purchases. The rise in municipal bond yields was more pronounced in the long end of the yield curve (y) relative to intermediate-term bonds as municipal bond mutual fund redemptions, as well as reduced liquidity, lessened the demand for longer maturity bonds.

Further, more flames were fanned by credit concerns, first by Detroit’s Chapter 9 filing in July, and then by increased scrutiny of Puerto Rico’s weakened fiscal position in late



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Management Review – continued


August. Since January 2014, municipal market supply/demand dynamics have improved enough to enable municipal bonds to rally as retail investors and hedge funds emerged as the market’s primary source of demand. The supply/demand dynamics were further supported by a reduced level of issuance during Q1 2014 as well as a more stable trend in mutual fund flows.

With the risks of a restructuring of Puerto Rico debt deferred after the Commonwealth successfully issued a $3.5 billion General Obligation bond deal, concerns regarding negative headline risk in the municipal market have also waned for the time being.

Factors Affecting Performance

A key factor that detracted from performance relative to the Barclays Municipal Bond Index was the fund’s longer duration (d) stance. The fund’s greater exposure to “BBB” rated (r) bonds also hurt relative performance.

Among sectors, the fund’s greater exposure to sales/excise tax as well as a lesser exposure to credit enhanced hampered relative performance and offset the favorable impact from positive bond selection within “BBB” rated securities.



Geoffrey Schechter

Portfolio Manager



(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value.
(r) Bonds rated “BBB”, “Baa”, or higher are considered investment grade; bonds rated “BB”, “Ba”, or below are considered non-investment grade. The sources for bond quality ratings are Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, Inc. and are applied using the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). For securities which are not rated by any of the three agencies, the security is considered Not Rated.

The views expressed in this report are those of the portfolio manager only through the end of the period of the report as stated on the cover and do not necessarily reflect the views of MFS or any other person in the MFS organization. These views are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions, and MFS disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice or an indication of trading intent on behalf of any MFS portfolio. References to specific securities are not recommendations of such securities, and may not be representative of any MFS portfolio’s current or future investments.



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The following chart illustrates a representative class of the fund’s historical performance in comparison to its benchmark(s). Performance results include the deduction of the maximum applicable sales charge and reflect the percentage change in net asset value, including reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions. The performance of other share classes will be greater than or less than that of the class depicted below. Benchmarks are unmanaged and may not be invested in directly. Benchmark returns do not reflect sales charges, commissions or expenses. (See Notes to Performance Summary.)

Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. The performance shown does not reflect the deduction of taxes, if any, that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.

Growth of a Hypothetical $10,000 Investment





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Performance Summary – continued


Total Returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


     Share class    Class inception date    1-yr    5-yr    10-yr    Life (t)     
    A    9/07/93    (1.52)%    6.57%    4.44%    N/A    
    B    12/29/86    (2.26)%    5.74%    3.65%    N/A    
    C    1/03/94    (2.26)%    5.76%    3.66%    N/A    
    I    8/01/11    (1.29)%    N/A    N/A    5.37%    
    A1    6/25/07    (1.27)%    6.83%    N/A    5.10%    
    B1    6/25/07    (2.02)%    6.03%    N/A    4.29%    
Comparative benchmark                        
     Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)    0.39%    5.71%    4.45%    N/A     
Average annual with sales charge                        

With initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

   (6.20)%    5.54%    3.94%    N/A    

With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

   (6.05)%    5.42%    3.65%    N/A    

With CDSC (1% for 12 months) (v)

   (3.20)%    5.76%    3.66%    N/A    

With initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

   (5.96)%    5.80%    N/A    4.35%    

With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

   (5.81)%    5.71%    N/A    4.29%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.

Class I shares do not have a sales charge.

(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(t) For the period from the class inception date through the stated period end (for those share classes with less than 10 years of performance history). No comparative benchmark performance information is provided for “life” periods. (See Notes to Performance Summary.)
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.

Benchmark Definition

Barclays Municipal Bond Index – a market capitalization-weighted index that measures the performance of the tax-exempt bond market.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

Notes to Performance Summary

Average annual total return represents the average annual change in value for each share class for the periods presented. Life returns are presented where the share class has less than 10 years of performance history and represent the average annual total return from the class inception date to the stated period end date. As the fund’s share



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


classes may have different inception dates, the life returns may represent different time periods and may not be comparable. As a result, no comparative benchmark performance information is provided for life periods.

Performance results reflect any applicable expense subsidies and waivers in effect during the periods shown. Without such subsidies and waivers the fund’s performance results would be less favorable. Please see the prospectus and financial statements for complete details.

Performance results do not include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and may differ from amounts reported in the financial highlights.

A portion of income may be subject to state, federal, and/or alternative minimum tax. Capital gains, if any, are subject to a capital gains tax.

From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.



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Fund expenses borne by the shareholders during the period, October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on certain purchase or redemption payments, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014.

Actual Expenses

The first line for each share class in the following table provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second line for each share class in the following table provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line for each share class in the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.



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Expense Table – continued






Account Value


Account Value

Paid During
Period  (p)
A   Actual     0.75%        $1,000.00        $1,039.77        $3.81   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.75%        $1,000.00        $1,021.19        $3.78   
B   Actual     1.51%        $1,000.00        $1,034.61        $7.66   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.51%        $1,000.00        $1,017.40        $7.59   
C   Actual     1.50%        $1,000.00        $1,035.76        $7.61   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.50%        $1,000.00        $1,017.45        $7.54   
I   Actual     0.50%        $1,000.00        $1,041.03        $2.54   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.50%        $1,000.00        $1,022.44        $2.52   
A1   Actual     0.51%        $1,000.00        $1,041.02        $2.60   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.51%        $1,000.00        $1,022.39        $2.57   
B1   Actual     1.27%        $1,000.00        $1,035.86        $6.45   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.27%        $1,000.00        $1,018.60        $6.39   


(h) 5% class return per year before expenses.
(p) “Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to each class’s annualized expense ratio, as shown above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid do not include any applicable sales charges (loads). If these transaction costs had been included, your costs would have been higher.

Notes to Expense Table

Expense ratios include 0.02% of investment related expenses from inverse floaters that are outside of the expense limitation arrangement (See Note 3 of the Notes to Financial Statements).



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The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 95.9%                
Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Alabama - 0.7%                
Alabama Incentives Financing Authority Special Obligation, “A”, 5%, 9/01/37   $ 700,000      $ 734,730   
Butler, AL, Industrial Development Board, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Georgia-Pacific Corp.), 5.75%, 9/01/28     1,760,000        1,786,770   
Cullman County, AL, Health Care Authority (Cullman Regional Medical Center), “A”, 6.75%, 2/01/29     3,550,000        3,795,980   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation, Senior Lien, “B”, AGM, 0%, 10/01/25     95,000        51,032   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation, Senior Lien, “B”, AGM, 0%, 10/01/26     1,175,000        591,460   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation, Senior Lien, “B”, AGM, 0%, 10/01/29     1,655,000        678,335   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation, Senior Lien, “B”, AGM, 0%, 10/01/34     2,370,000        676,754   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Capital Appreciation, Senior Lien, “B”, AGM, 0%, 10/01/35     4,495,000        1,197,378   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Subordinate Lien, “D”, 5%, 10/01/15     85,000        88,359   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Subordinate Lien, “D”, 5%, 10/01/16     185,000        197,180   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Subordinate Lien, “D”, 5%, 10/01/17     250,000        271,138   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Subordinate Lien, “D”, 5%, 10/01/18     265,000        289,929   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Subordinate Lien, “D”, 5%, 10/01/21     295,000        317,700   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Subordinate Lien, “D”, 5%, 10/01/23     435,000        463,771   
Pell City, AL, Special Care Facilities, Financing Authority Rev. (Noland Health Services, Inc.), 5%, 12/01/39     1,750,000        1,763,405   
Phenix City, AL, Industrial Development Board Environmental Improvement Rev. (MeadWestvaco Coated Board Project), “A”, 4.125%, 5/15/35     1,950,000        1,611,051   



      $ 14,514,972   
Arizona - 1.3%                
Maricopa County, AZ, Pollution Control Rev. (El Paso Electric), “B”, 7.25%, 4/01/40   $ 1,710,000      $ 1,918,261   
Pima County, AZ, Industrial Development Authority Pollution Control Rev. (Tucson Electric Power Co.), “A”, 4.95%, 10/01/20     4,610,000        5,082,525   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Arizona - continued                
Pima County, AZ, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Tucson Electric Power Co.), 5.75%, 9/01/29   $ 3,715,000      $ 3,788,446   
Salt River, AZ, Project Agricultural Improvement & Power District Electric, “A”, 5%, 12/01/28     13,500,000        15,266,205   



      $ 26,055,437   
Arkansas - 0.2%                
Arkansas Federal Highway Grant Anticipation & Tax Rev., 5%, 4/01/20   $ 3,970,000      $ 4,698,733   
Baxter County, AR, Hospital Rev., 5.375%, 9/01/14     5,000        5,014   



      $ 4,703,747   
California - 13.4%                
Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California Rev., “A”, AGM, 5%, 10/01/28   $ 985,000      $ 1,093,389   
California Department of Water Resources Center (Central Valley Project Rev.), “AF”, 5%, 12/01/28 (u)     23,825,000        26,978,954   
California Department of Water Resources, Power Supply Rev., “N”, 5%, 5/01/20     13,080,000        15,512,488   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Chapman University), 5%, 4/01/31     1,550,000        1,641,822   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of San Francisco), 6.125%, 10/01/36     925,000        1,073,268   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Southern California), “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/38     4,610,000        5,057,308   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (St. Joseph Health System), “A”, 5.75%, 7/01/39     2,580,000        2,827,293   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Sutter Health), “D”, 5.25%, 8/15/31     5,000,000        5,451,750   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “G”, 4.95%, 8/01/23     6,180,000        6,255,952   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “G”, 5.5%, 8/01/42     1,145,000        1,164,866   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “L”, 5.45%, 8/01/33     6,600,000        6,672,072   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “L”, FNMA, 5.5%, 8/01/38     1,270,000        1,283,843   
California M-S-R Energy Authority Gas Rev., “A”, 7%, 11/01/34     595,000        780,789   
California M-S-R Energy Authority Gas Rev., “A”, 6.5%, 11/01/39     1,810,000        2,276,057   
California Municipal Finance Authority Rev. (Biola University), 5.8%, 10/01/28     1,785,000        1,940,277   
California Municipal Finance Authority Rev. (University of La Verne), “A”, 6.25%, 6/01/40     850,000        924,919   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
California - continued                
California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Republic Services, Inc.), “B”, 5.25%, 6/01/23 (b)   $ 950,000      $ 1,038,037   
California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Waste Management, Inc.), “C”, 5.125%, 11/01/23     1,665,000        1,739,975   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev. (Various Capital Projects), “G-1”, 5.75%, 10/01/30     2,950,000        3,326,273   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev. (Various Capital Projects), “I”, 5%, 11/01/17     585,000        665,707   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev. (Various Capital Projects), “I”, 5%, 11/01/18     615,000        711,949   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev. (Various Capital Projects), “I”, 5%, 11/01/38     9,180,000        9,665,071   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev., Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Various Correctional Facilities), “A”, 5%, 9/01/33     9,250,000        9,933,205   
California State University Rev., “A”, 5%, 11/01/24     11,175,000        13,227,624   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (American Baptist Homes of the West), 6.25%, 10/01/39     1,050,000        1,095,486   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (California Baptist University), “A”, 5.4%, 11/01/27     245,000        246,159   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Enloe Medical Center), CALHF, 5.75%, 8/15/38     2,640,000        2,849,616   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), 5.625%, 6/01/33     1,025,000        960,435   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), 7.5%, 6/01/42     925,000        996,308   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Lancer Plaza Project), 5.625%, 11/01/33     190,000        184,399   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Lancer Plaza Project), 5.125%, 11/01/23     165,000        164,685   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Student Housing, SUCI East Campus), 6%, 5/15/40     1,655,000        1,761,317   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority School Facility Rev. (Aspire Public Schools), 6.125%, 7/01/46     5,025,000        4,920,681   
California Statewide Communities, Development Authority Environmental Facilities (Microgy Holdings Project), 9%, 12/01/38 (a)(d)     126,224        1,262   
Chula Vista, CA, Industrial Development Rev. (San Diego Gas & Electric Co.), “E”, 5.875%, 1/01/34     1,840,000        2,018,204   
Escondido, CA, Union High School District (Election of 2008), Capital Appreciation, “A”, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/30     4,495,000        2,226,239   
Escondido, CA, Union High School District (Election of 2008), Capital Appreciation, “A”, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/31     4,015,000        1,860,109   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
California - continued                
Escondido, CA, Union High School District (Election of 2008), Capital Appreciation, “A”, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/33   $ 2,785,000      $ 1,149,787   
Glendale, CA, Redevelopment Agency, Tax Allocation Rev. (Central Glendale Redevelopment Project), 5.5%, 12/01/24     2,250,000        2,340,045   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A”, AGM, 4.55%, 6/01/22     3,415,000        3,599,956   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., Enhanced, “A”, FGIC, 5%, 6/01/35     1,000,000        1,012,200   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., Enhanced, “A-1”, AMBAC, 4.6%, 6/01/23     995,000        1,069,715   
Hartnell, CA, Community College District (Election of 2002), Capital Appreciation, “D”, 0%, 8/01/39     9,645,000        1,888,877   
Los Angeles, CA, Department of Airports Rev. (Los Angeles International), “A”, 5%, 5/15/29     2,990,000        3,318,302   
Los Angeles, CA, Department of Water & Power Rev. (Power System), “B”, 5%, 7/01/43     14,440,000        15,444,735   
Los Angeles, CA, Municipal Improvement Corp. Lease Rev. (Real Property), “E”, 6%, 9/01/39     2,580,000        2,913,001   
Los Angeles, CA, Regional Airports Improvement Corp. Lease Rev. (American Airlines, Inc.), “C”, 7.5%, 12/01/24     1,385,000        1,431,439   
Los Angeles, CA, Unified School District, “D”, 5%, 1/01/34     825,000        900,298   
Madera, CA, Irrigation Financing Authority Rev., 6.5%, 1/01/40     3,595,000        3,913,373   
Merced, CA, Union High School District, Capital Appreciation, “A”, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/30     580,000        266,075   
Mt. San Antonio, CA, Community College District, Convertible Capital Appreciation, 0%, 8/01/28     1,860,000        1,335,796   
Oceanside, CA, Unified School District, Capital Appreciation, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/24     2,900,000        1,897,412   
Oceanside, CA, Unified School District, Capital Appreciation, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/27     1,930,000        1,073,505   
Oceanside, CA, Unified School District, Capital Appreciation, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/29     3,915,000        1,935,224   
Oceanside, CA, Unified School District, Capital Appreciation, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/30     4,335,000        2,007,799   
Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, CA, COP, 6.75%, 11/01/39     2,210,000        2,281,118   
Port of Oakland, CA, Rev., “P”, 5%, 5/01/33     11,790,000        12,306,874   
Riverside County Transportation Commission Sales Tax Rev. (Limited Tax), “A”, 5.25%, 6/01/39     4,655,000        5,176,639   
Sacramento, CA, Municipal Utility District, “X”, 5%, 8/15/28     3,270,000        3,626,267   
San Bernardino, CA, Joint Powers Financing Authority Lease Rev. (California Department of Transportation), 5.5%, 12/01/14     2,225,000        2,233,121   
San Diego County, CA, Regional Airport Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/40     9,315,000        9,606,373   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
California - continued                
San Diego County, CA, Regional Airport Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 7/01/24   $ 500,000      $ 569,360   
San Diego County, CA, Regional Airport Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 7/01/25     1,500,000        1,694,025   
San Francisco, CA, City & County Airports Commission, International Airport Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/28     6,000,000        6,474,960   
San Francisco, CA, City & County Redevelopment Successor Agency Tax Allocation (Mission Bay South Public Improvements), “A”, 5%, 8/01/43     340,000        351,342   
San Jose, CA, Airport Rev., “A-2”, 5.25%, 3/01/34     7,570,000        8,112,542   
San Mateo County, CA, Community College District (Election of 2005), Capital Appreciation, “A”, NATL, 0%, 9/01/26     5,100,000        3,263,337   
State of California, 5%, 4/01/24     4,365,000        5,011,544   
State of California, 5.25%, 10/01/28     2,965,000        3,369,307   
State of California, 6.5%, 4/01/33     4,000,000        4,881,320   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39     3,000,000        3,514,470   
State of California, General Obligation, “A”, FRN, 0.74%, 5/01/33     9,670,000        9,695,722   
Upland, CA, COP (San Antonio Community Hospital), 6.375%, 1/01/32     2,075,000        2,296,444   
Upland, CA, COP (San Antonio Community Hospital), 6.5%, 1/01/41     915,000        1,015,311   
West Contra Costa, CA, Unified School District (Election of 2005), Capital Appreciation, “C”, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/29     3,440,000        1,749,550   
Whittier, CA, Union High School District, Capital Appreciation, 0%, 8/01/34     2,005,000        622,312   



      $ 275,877,265   
Colorado - 3.0%                
Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority Rev. (Academy of Charter Schools Project), 5.625%, 5/01/40   $ 1,815,000      $ 1,875,204   
Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority Rev. (Liberty Common Project), 5%, 1/15/29     195,000        202,948   
Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority Rev. (Liberty Common Project), 5%, 1/15/39     605,000        599,858   
Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority Rev. (Liberty Common Project), 5%, 1/15/44     605,000        592,107   
Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority Rev. (Montessori Charter School Project), 5%, 7/15/37     545,000        541,250   
Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority Rev. (Pinnacle Charter School Building Corp.), 5%, 6/01/29     700,000        748,223   
Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority Rev. (Twin Peaks Charter Academy), 7%, 11/15/38     4,330,000        4,679,085   
Colorado Health Facilities Authority Rev. (Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society), 5.625%, 6/01/43     1,195,000        1,255,539   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Colorado - continued                
Colorado Health Facilities Authority Rev. (SCL Health System), “A”, 5%, 1/01/44   $ 4,620,000      $ 4,829,979   
Colorado Housing & Finance Authority, Solid Waste Rev. (Waste Management, Inc.), 5.7%, 7/01/18     1,960,000        2,192,554   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6.5%, 1/15/30     6,150,000        6,780,806   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/34     5,000,000        5,285,650   
Colorado State University Board of Governors, System Enterprise Rev., “B”, 5%, 3/01/25     3,000,000        3,493,950   
Denver, CO, City & County Airport Rev. (United Airlines), 5.25%, 10/01/32     3,975,000        3,798,391   
Denver, CO, City & County Airport Rev. (United Airlines), 5.75%, 10/01/32     615,000        615,812   
Denver, CO, City & County Airport Systems Rev., “A”, 5%, 11/15/28     1,930,000        2,094,320   
Denver, CO, City & County School District No. 1, 5%, 12/01/24     10,000,000        11,470,000   
Denver, CO, Single Family Mortgage Rev., GNMA, 7.3%, 11/01/31     15,000        15,077   
Northwest Parkway, CO, Public Highway Authority Rev., “C”, ETM, AGM, 5.35%, 6/15/16 (c)     1,000,000        1,105,040   
Public Authority for Colorado Energy Natural Gas Purchase Rev., 6.5%, 11/15/38     3,725,000        4,703,111   
University of Colorado, Enterprise Rev., 5%, 6/01/29     4,220,000        4,657,065   



      $ 61,535,969   
Connecticut - 0.9%                
Connecticut Housing Finance Authority Rev., (Housing Mortgage Finance Program), “B-2”, 4%, 11/15/32   $ 3,000,000      $ 3,266,100   
State of Connecticut, Special Tax Obligation Rev., “A”, 5%, 12/01/28     4,595,000        5,139,599   
State of Connecticut, Special Tax Obligation Rev., “A”, 5%, 12/01/29     4,595,000        5,132,983   
State of Connecticut, Special Tax Obligation Rev., “A”, 5%, 12/01/30     4,615,000        5,125,557   



      $ 18,664,239   
Delaware - 0.2%                
Delaware Housing Authority Rev. (Single Family), “C”, 6.25%, 7/01/37   $ 295,000      $ 304,275   
University of Delaware Rev., “C”, FRN, 0.7%, 11/01/37 (b)     5,000,000        4,965,150   



      $ 5,269,425   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
District of Columbia - 1.1%                
District of Columbia Rev. (Georgetown University), Convertible Capital Appreciation, BHAC, 0% to 4/01/18, 5% to 4/01/40   $ 11,570,000      $ 9,774,567   
District of Columbia Rev. (Kipp, D.C. Charter School), “A”, 6%, 7/01/43     1,450,000        1,533,056   
District of Columbia Rev. (Kipp, D.C. Charter School), “A”, 6%, 7/01/33     560,000        607,908   
District of Columbia Student Dormitory Rev. (Provident Group - Howard Properties LLC), 5%, 10/01/30     3,235,000        3,129,151   
District of Columbia Student Dormitory Rev. (Provident Group - Howard Properties LLC), 5%, 10/01/35     4,080,000        3,742,829   
District of Columbia Student Dormitory Rev. (Provident Group - Howard Properties LLC), 5%, 10/01/45     4,705,000        4,072,272   
District of Columbia, Tobacco Settlement, 6.25%, 5/15/24     520,000        521,430   



      $ 23,381,213   
Florida - 4.2%                
Arborwood Community Development District, FL, Capital Improvement Rev. (Master Infrastructure Project), “B”, 5.1%, 5/01/14 (a)(d)   $ 40,000      $ 24,000   
Arborwood Community Development District, FL, Capital Improvement Rev. (Master Infrastructure Projects), “B-2”, 5.1%, 5/01/14     105,000        105,358   
Bay County, FL, Housing Finance Authority, Multi-Family Rev. (Andrews Place II Apartments), AGM, 5%, 10/01/35     1,045,000        1,047,069   
Capital Region Community Development District, FL, Capital Improvement Rev., “A”, 7%, 5/01/39     870,000        863,127   
Capital Trust Agency Rev. (Aero Miami FX LLC), “A”, 5.35%, 7/01/29     3,790,000        3,955,017   
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., “A-1”, 5.25%, 6/01/17     750,000        843,683   
Citrus County, FL, Hospital Board Rev. (Citrus Memorial Hospital), 6.25%, 8/15/23     330,000        308,850   
Collier County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Ave Maria University, Inc. Project), “A”, 6.125%, 6/01/43     4,300,000        4,379,464   
Concord Station Community Development District, FL, Special Assessment, 5%, 5/01/15     50,000        49,869   
Florida Board of Education, Capital Outlay, “E”, 5%, 6/01/23     250,000        291,265   
Florida Board of Education, Capital Outlay, ETM, 9.125%, 6/01/14 (c)     585,000        593,401   
Florida Board of Education, Lottery Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/20     7,855,000        9,307,625   
Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corp., “A-1”, 5%, 6/01/19     505,000        577,861   
Florida Development Finance Corp. Educational Facilities Rev. (Renaissance Charter School), “A”, 6%, 9/15/30     2,425,000        2,412,390   
Florida Development Finance Corp. Educational Facilities Rev. (Renaissance Charter School), “A”, 6%, 9/15/40     5,130,000        4,863,497   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Florida - continued                
Florida Housing Finance Corp. Rev. (Homeowner Mortgage), “1”, GNMA, 4.8%, 7/01/31   $ 380,000      $ 382,025   
Florida Municipal Power Agency Rev., All Requirements, “A”, 6.25%, 10/01/31     400,000        451,564   
Florida Power Agency Rev., “A”, 5%, 10/01/31     1,000,000        1,049,570   
Florida State University Board of Governors, System Improvement Rev., 6.25%, 7/01/30     2,685,000        3,093,335   
Heritage Harbour North Community Development District, FL, Capital Improvement Rev., 6.375%, 5/01/38     775,000        734,437   
Hillsborough County, FL, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (University Community Hospital), “A”, 5.625%, 8/15/18 (c)     300,000        357,858   
Hillsborough County, FL, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (University Community Hospital), ETM, NATL, 6.5%, 8/15/19 (c)     1,000,000        1,164,480   
Hillsborough County, FL, Industrial Development Authority, Pollution Control Rev. (Tampa Electric Co.), “A”, 5.65%, 5/15/18     500,000        581,160   
Homestead 50, FL, Community Development District, Special Assessment, “A”, 6%, 5/01/37     1,550,000        1,129,036   
Jacksonville, FL, Transportation Authority Rev., ETM, 9.2%, 1/01/15 (c)     405,000        432,001   
Killarney Community Development District, FL, Special Assessment, “B”, 5.125%, 5/01/09 (a)(d)     190,000        85,500   
Main Street Community Development District, FL, “A”, 6.8%, 5/01/38     510,000        510,107   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Aviation Rev., “B”, AGM, 5%, 10/01/35     5,885,000        6,139,997   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Miami), “A”, 5.75%, 4/01/28     1,875,000        1,994,344   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority, Hospital Rev. (Miami Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6.125%, 8/01/42     2,240,000        2,422,986   
Miami-Dade County, FL, School Board, COP, “B”, ASSD GTY, 5%, 5/01/33     500,000        518,815   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Special Obligation, Capital Appreciation, “A”, NATL, 0%, 10/01/32     2,000,000        774,260   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Water & Sewer Rev., AGM, 5%, 10/01/39     1,000,000        1,054,940   
Mid-Bay Bridge Authority, FL, Springing Lien Rev., “A”, 7.25%, 10/01/40     6,920,000        7,786,661   
Middle Village Community Development District, FL, Special Assessment, “A”, 5.8%, 5/01/22     60,000        50,628   
Old Palm Community Development District, FL, Special Assessment (Palm Beach Gardens), “B”, 5.375%, 5/01/14     50,000        49,971   
Orange County, FL, Health Facilities Authority, Hospital Rev. (Orlando Regional Healthcare), “C”, 5.25%, 10/01/35     1,000,000        1,058,540   
Palm Beach County, FL, Solid Waste Authority Rev. Improvement, BHAC, 5%, 10/01/27     295,000        339,011   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Florida - continued                
Parkway Center Community Development District, FL, Special Assessment, “B”, 7%, 5/01/23   $ 475,000      $ 462,622   
Pinellas County, FL, Sewer Rev., AGM, 5%, 10/01/32     330,000        330,891   
Polk County, FL, Utility Systems Rev., “A”, FGIC, 5%, 10/01/30     1,000,000        1,023,960   
Seminole County, FL, Water & Sewer Rev., Unrefunded Balance, NATL, 6%, 10/01/19     585,000        608,587   
Seminole Tribe, FL, Special Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.75%, 10/01/22 (n)     2,850,000        3,036,989   
Seminole Tribe, FL, Special Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/24 (n)     2,000,000        2,097,600   
South Broward, FL, Hospital District Rev., 5%, 5/01/36     500,000        511,445   
South Lake County, FL, Hospital District Rev. (South Lake Hospital), “A”, 6%, 4/01/29     1,025,000        1,117,947   
St. John’s County, FL, Industrial Development Authority (Bayview Project), “A”, 5.2%, 10/01/27     150,000        128,546   
St. John’s County, FL, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Presbyterian Retirement), “A”, 6%, 8/01/45     6,795,000        7,032,553   
Sterling Hill Community Development District, FL, Capital Improvement Rev., “B”, 5.5%, 11/01/10 (d)     55,000        35,239   
Sumter County, FL, Industrial Development Authority Hospital Rev. (Central Florida Health Alliance Projects), “A”, 5%, 7/01/26     245,000        255,150   
Sumter County, FL, Industrial Development Authority Hospital Rev. (Central Florida Health Alliance Projects), “A”, 5%, 7/01/29     225,000        231,453   
Sumter County, FL, Industrial Development Authority Hospital Rev. (Central Florida Health Alliance Projects), “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/34     485,000        491,834   
Sumter County, FL, Industrial Development Authority Hospital Rev. (Central Florida Health Alliance Projects), “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/44     1,455,000        1,473,711   
Tallahassee, FL, Health Facilities Rev. (Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, Inc.), 6.25%, 12/01/20     3,300,000        3,305,610   
Tampa Bay Water, FL, Regional Water Supply Authority, Utility System Rev., FGIC, 4.75%, 10/01/33     885,000        918,064   
Tuscany Reserve Community Development District, FL, Special Assessment, “B”, 5.25%, 5/01/16     315,000        317,737   
Volusia County, FL, Tourist Development Tax Rev., AGM, 5%, 12/01/34     815,000        828,790   
Watergrass Community Development District, FL, Special Assessment, “B”, 6.96%, 11/01/17     30,000        29,167   



      $ 86,021,597   
Georgia - 4.0%                
Americus and Sumter County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Magnolia Manor Obligated Group), “A”, 6.25%, 5/15/33   $ 965,000      $ 985,748   
Americus and Sumter County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Magnolia Manor Obligated Group), “A”, 6.375%, 5/15/43     965,000        978,558   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Georgia - continued                
Atlanta, GA, Airport Rev., “B”, 5%, 1/01/25   $ 1,415,000      $ 1,600,860   
Atlanta, GA, Airport Rev., “B”, 5%, 1/01/26     800,000        893,392   
Atlanta, GA, Water & Wastewater Rev., “A”, 6%, 11/01/22     2,770,000        3,327,684   
Brunswick, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Glynn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital), 5.625%, 8/01/34     1,320,000        1,394,184   
Clayton County, GA, Development Authority Special Facilities Rev. (Delta Airlines, Inc.), “A”, 8.75%, 6/01/29     1,295,000        1,554,207   
Clayton County, GA, Development Authority Special Facilities Rev. (Delta Airlines, Inc.), “B”, 9%, 6/01/35     970,000        1,028,394   
DeKalb County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (DeKalb Medical Center, Inc.), 6.125%, 9/01/40     4,850,000        4,914,990   
DeKalb County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/28     5,285,000        5,998,105   
DeKalb County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/29     1,415,000        1,596,884   
DeKalb County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/30     4,345,000        4,875,916   
DeKalb County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/31     235,000        262,232   
DeKalb County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/41     3,910,000        4,250,170   
Fulton County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., 5%, 1/01/26     3,680,000        4,157,370   
Fulton County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., 5%, 1/01/27     2,285,000        2,560,571   
Georgia Housing & Finance Authority Rev., 3%, 6/01/43     1,500,000        1,531,275   
Georgia Housing & Finance Authority Rev., Single Family Mortgage, “A-1”, 4%, 6/01/44     2,605,000        2,853,152   
Georgia Housing & Finance Authority Rev., Single Family Mortgage, “B-2”, 4.5%, 12/01/24     1,195,000        1,198,203   
Georgia Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev., “A”, 5%, 3/15/22     4,545,000        5,135,577   
Georgia Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 9/15/26     845,000        950,642   
Georgia Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 9/15/28     1,740,000        1,943,023   
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority Power Rev., NATL, 6.375%, 1/01/16     2,000,000        2,124,400   
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority Power Rev., AMBAC, 6.5%, 1/01/17     4,985,000        5,457,229   
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority Power Rev., NATL, 6.5%, 1/01/20     4,325,000        4,821,424   
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority Power Rev., “GG”, 5%, 1/01/26     3,065,000        3,462,806   
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority Power Rev., ETM, AMBAC, 6.5%, 1/01/17 (c)     210,000        225,219   
Marietta, GA, Development Facilities Authority Rev. (Life University), 7%, 6/15/30     540,000        557,701   
Marietta, GA, Development Facilities Authority Rev. (Life University), 7%, 6/15/39     645,000        651,895   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Georgia - continued                
Metropolitan Atlanta, GA, Rapid Transit Authority Rev., 6.25%, 7/01/18   $ 3,125,000      $ 3,515,688   
Private Colleges & Universities Authority Rev., GA, (Emory University), “A”, 5%, 10/01/43     4,510,000        4,904,219   
Rockdale County, GA, Development Authority Project Rev. (Visy Paper Project), “A”, 6.125%, 1/01/34     2,055,000        2,079,496   



      $ 81,791,214   
Guam - 0.1%                
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39   $ 910,000      $ 963,863   
Guam International Airport Authority Rev., “C”, 5%, 10/01/16     360,000        379,933   
Guam International Airport Authority Rev., “C”, 5%, 10/01/17     600,000        636,456   
Guam Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/20     130,000        144,892   
Guam Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/21     370,000        409,601   



      $ 2,534,745   
Hawaii - 1.5%                
Hawaii Housing & Community Development Corp., HI, Rental Housing System Rev., “A”, 4.65%, 1/01/29   $ 7,795,000      $ 7,805,991   
Hawaii Housing & Community Development Corp., HI, Rental Housing System Rev., “A”, 4.75%, 1/01/33     9,390,000        9,403,334   
Hawaii Department of Budget & Finance Special Purpose Rev. (Hawaiian Electric Co. & Subsidiary), 6.5%, 7/01/39     3,655,000        4,039,469   
Hawaii Department of Budget & Finance, Special Purpose Rev. (15 Craigside Project), “A”, 8.75%, 11/15/29     375,000        421,241   
Hawaii Department of Budget & Finance, Special Purpose Rev. (15 Craigside Project), “A”, 9%, 11/15/44     1,100,000        1,233,584   
State of Hawaii, “DZ”, 5%, 12/01/31     2,230,000        2,491,088   
State of Hawaii, Highway Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/01/30     3,695,000        4,099,676   
State of Hawaii, Highway Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/01/31     1,380,000        1,521,257   
State of Hawaii, Highway Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/01/32     920,000        1,010,896   



      $ 32,026,536   
Idaho - 0.0%                
Idaho Health Facilities Authority Rev. (The Terraces of Boise Project), “B3”, 5.25%, 10/01/20   $ 450,000      $ 450,572   
Illinois - 6.7%                
Chicago, IL, Board of Education, NATL, 6.25%, 1/01/15   $ 5,530,000      $ 5,749,375   
Chicago, IL, Greater Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, “C”, 5%, 12/01/29     9,145,000        10,014,415   
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Customer Facility Charge, AGM, 5.25%, 1/01/32     945,000        1,009,799   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Illinois - continued                
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Customer Facility Charge, AGM, 5.25%, 1/01/33   $ 470,000      $ 499,408   
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Customer Facility Charge, AGM, 5.5%, 1/01/43     1,890,000        1,942,637   
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Third Lien, “A”, 5.625%, 1/01/35     7,125,000        7,794,251   
Chicago, IL, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “C”, GNMA, 5.5%, 6/01/38     295,000        304,505   
Chicago, IL, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “C”, GNMA, 5.75%, 12/01/42     325,000        333,869   
Chicago, IL, Transit Authority Sales Tax Receipts Rev., 5.25%, 12/01/29     1,755,000        1,908,089   
Chicago, IL, Transit Authority Sales Tax Receipts Rev., 5.25%, 12/01/31     655,000        705,396   
Chicago, IL, Transit Authority Sales Tax Receipts Rev., 5.25%, 12/01/40     4,685,000        4,938,224   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Christian Homes, Inc.), 5.5%, 5/15/23     3,355,000        3,407,439   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Franciscan Communities, Inc.), “A”, 4.75%, 5/15/33     2,145,000        1,853,301   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Franciscan Communities, Inc.), “A”, 5.5%, 5/15/37     3,285,000        3,049,860   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Franciscan Communities, Inc.), “A”, 5.125%, 5/15/43     1,500,000        1,290,945   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Illinois Institute of Technology), “A”, 5%, 4/01/31     2,745,000        2,565,916   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (KishHealth Systems Obligated Group), 5.75%, 10/01/28     2,990,000        3,210,931   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (O.S.F. Healthcare Systems) “A”, 7%, 11/15/29     2,975,000        3,434,667   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (O.S.F. Healthcare Systems) “A”, 7.125%, 11/15/37     2,445,000        2,812,312   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Provena Health), “A”, 7.75%, 8/15/34     3,685,000        4,449,011   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago), “A”, 6%, 7/01/43     6,315,000        6,830,746   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Resurrection Health), 6.125%, 5/15/25     6,900,000        7,602,558   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 6.875%, 8/15/38     1,500,000        1,637,460   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44     2,455,000        2,688,250   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Illinois - continued                
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Smith Village), “A”, 6.125%, 11/15/25   $ 1,095,000      $ 1,090,412   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Smith Village), “A”, 6.25%, 11/15/35     1,945,000        1,869,184   
Illinois Finance Authority Student Housing Rev. (Illinois State University), 6.75%, 4/01/31     2,730,000        3,000,625   
Illinois Finance Authority Student Housing Rev. (Northern Illinois University Project), 6.625%, 10/01/31     4,210,000        4,674,868   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 5.5%, 6/01/23     3,970,000        4,596,823   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6.25%, 6/01/24     2,610,000        2,876,716   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28     8,750,000        9,864,663   
Illinois Sales Tax Rev., “P”, ETM, 6.5%, 6/15/22 (c)     5,000,000        5,872,900   
Illinois Toll Highway Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 12/01/22     5,000,000        5,903,850   
Illinois Toll Highway Authority Rev., “B”, 5.5%, 1/01/33     5,645,000        6,027,449   
State of Illinois, 5%, 8/01/25     1,060,000        1,148,446   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33     1,395,000        1,508,218   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38     6,850,000        7,346,831   
State of Illinois, “B”, 5.25%, 6/15/34     1,275,000        1,362,656   



      $ 137,177,005   
Indiana - 2.0%                
Indiana Economic Development Finance Authority Rev. (Republic Services, Inc. Project), “A”, FRN, 0.47%, 5/01/34 (b)   $ 2,685,000      $ 2,685,081   
Indiana Economic Development Finance Authority Rev. (Republic Services, Inc. Project), “B”, FRN, 0.32%, 5/01/28 (b)     1,680,000        1,680,050   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev. (BHI Senior Living), “A”, 6%, 11/15/41     2,840,000        3,034,881   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev. (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “B”, 5%, 1/01/19     1,515,000        1,633,625   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev. (State Revolving Fund Program), “A”, 5%, 2/01/29     4,000,000        4,506,720   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/35     2,190,000        2,215,711   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40     5,370,000        5,361,784   
Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Deaconess Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6.75%, 3/01/39     3,000,000        3,337,560   
Indiana Health & Educational Facilities Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Clarian Health), “B”, 5%, 2/15/33     2,490,000        2,536,937   
Indiana University Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/01/32     525,000        582,430   
Indianapolis, IN, Multi-Family Rev. (Cambridge Station Apartments II), FNMA, 5.25%, 1/01/39 (b)     1,375,000        1,377,613   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Indiana - continued                
Knox County, IN, Economic Development Rev. (Good Samaritan Hospital), “A”, 5%, 4/01/42   $ 1,170,000      $ 1,156,100   
Noblesville, IN, Redevelopment Authority Lease Rental, 5.25%, 8/01/25     2,000,000        2,185,840   
Richmond, IN, Hospital Authority Rev. (Reid Hospital & Health Center Services), “A”, 6.625%, 1/01/39     4,715,000        5,148,874   
St. Joseph County, IN, Educational Facilities Rev. (University of Notre Dame), 6.5%, 3/01/26     1,000,000        1,349,530   
University of Southern Indiana Rev. (Student Fee), “J”, ASSD GTY, 5.75%, 10/01/28     1,875,000        2,159,006   
Valparaiso, IN, Exempt Facilities Rev. (Pratt Paper LLC Project), 6.75%, 1/01/34     330,000        349,269   
Valparaiso, IN, Exempt Facilities Rev. (Pratt Paper LLC Project), 7%, 1/01/44     755,000        802,557   



      $ 42,103,568   
Iowa - 0.8%                
Iowa Finance Authority Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. (Iowa Fertilizer Co.), 5%, 12/01/19   $ 1,435,000      $ 1,431,413   
Iowa Finance Authority Midwestern Disaster Area Rev. (Iowa Fertilizer Co.), 5.5%, 12/01/22     1,065,000        1,062,881   
Iowa Finance Authority Rev. (Iowa Health System Obligated Group), “A”, 5.25%, 2/15/44     3,000,000        3,127,200   
Iowa Finance Authority, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Care Initiatives), “A”, 5.5%, 7/01/25     1,205,000        1,221,629   
Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp., “A-2”, 5.5%, 12/01/25     1,845,000        1,886,494   
Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp., “A-2”, 5.6%, 12/01/26     1,850,000        1,890,275   
Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp., “A-2”, 5.7%, 12/01/27     155,000        158,653   
Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp., “A-2”, 5.75%, 12/01/28     3,135,000        3,202,841   
Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Tobacco Settlement Rev., Asset Backed, “B”, 5.6%, 6/01/34     3,070,000        2,606,123   



      $ 16,587,509   
Kansas - 0.3%   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A”, GNMA, 6.25%, 12/01/35   $ 85,000      $ 88,729   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A”, GNMA, 5.8%, 12/01/36     1,060,000        1,102,951   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A-1”, GNMA, 5.75%, 12/01/37     95,000        100,037   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A-3”, GNMA, 5.5%, 12/01/37     435,000        459,960   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Kansas - continued   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A-4”, GNMA, 5.85%, 6/01/37   $ 110,000      $ 110,615   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A-5”, GNMA, 5.8%, 12/01/27     150,000        155,678   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A-5”, GNMA, 5.7%, 12/01/36     1,180,000        1,276,831   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Housing Rev., “A-5”, GNMA, 5.9%, 12/01/37     115,000        115,652   
Sedgwick & Shawnee Counties, KS, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “A”, GNMA, 5.45%, 6/01/38     945,000        977,007   
Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS, Unified Government Special Obligation Rev., Capital Appreciation, “B”, 0%, 6/01/21     2,600,000        1,785,914   



      $ 6,173,374   
Kentucky - 1.6%                
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Baptist Healthcare System), “A”, 5.375%, 8/15/24   $ 2,305,000      $ 2,530,383   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Baptist Healthcare System), “A”, 5.625%, 8/15/27     770,000        836,667   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6%, 6/01/30     640,000        679,443   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40     4,445,000        4,758,017   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Solid Waste Refunding Rev. (Republic Services, Inc.), “B”, FRN, 0.32%, 4/01/31 (b)     670,000        670,020   
Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority Rev. (Downtown Crossing Project), Subordinate Toll Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/17     5,535,000        6,142,411   
Kentucky Turnpike Authority, Economic Development Road Rev. (Revitalization Projects), “A”, 5%, 7/01/32     2,000,000        2,216,760   
Knox County, KY, SYNCORA, 5.5%, 12/01/14 (c)     640,000        662,310   
Knox County, KY, SYNCORA, 5.625%, 12/01/14 (c)     1,150,000        1,191,032   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metro Government College Rev. (Bellarmine University, Inc. Project), 6.125%, 5/01/39     3,000,000        3,159,390   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36     4,655,000        4,701,503   
Owen County, KY, Waterworks System Rev. (American Water Co. Project), “B”, 5.625%, 9/01/39     1,670,000        1,719,666   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/36     1,380,000        1,525,107   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/37     2,570,000        2,831,215   



      $ 33,623,924   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Louisiana - 2.2%                
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Rev., Hospital Service District No. 1 (West Jefferson Medical Center), “B”, AGM, 5.25%, 1/01/28   $ 1,980,000      $ 2,098,780   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31     3,355,000        3,660,137   
Louisiana Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority Rev. (Westlake Chemical), 6.75%, 11/01/32     1,600,000        1,768,288   
Louisiana Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority Rev. (Westlake Chemical), “A”, 6.5%, 8/01/29     1,400,000        1,561,560   
Louisiana Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority Rev. (Westlake Chemical), “A-2”, 6.5%, 11/01/35     6,000,000        6,583,440   
Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Lake Charles Memorial Hospital), 6.375%, 12/01/34     2,745,000        2,793,724   
Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Rev. (Entergy Gulf States Louisiana LLC), “A”, 5%, 9/01/28     10,000,000        10,240,600   
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/20     665,000        760,128   
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/21     830,000        949,528   
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/22     500,000        572,145   
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/23     1,325,000        1,516,781   
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/24     1,270,000        1,426,756   
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/25     1,000,000        1,114,200   
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/26     2,000,000        2,210,140   
New Orleans, LA, Aviation Board Gulf Opportunity Zone CFC Rev. (Consolidated Rental Car), “A”, 6.25%, 1/01/30     1,810,000        2,051,110   
Sabine River, LA, Water Facilities Authority Rev. (International Paper Co.), 6.2%, 2/01/25     1,250,000        1,255,163   
State of Louisiana, “C”, 5%, 7/15/26     4,380,000        5,042,344   



      $ 45,604,824   
Maryland - 0.8%                
Baltimore, MD, Special Obligation, (East Baltimore Research Park Project), “A”, 7%, 9/01/38   $ 1,285,000      $ 1,359,504   
Maryland Economic Development Corp. Rev. (Port America Chesapeake Terminal Project), “B”, 5.375%, 6/01/25     795,000        846,087   
Maryland Economic Development Corp., Pollution Control Rev. (Potomac Electric Power Co.), 6.2%, 9/01/22     1,455,000        1,698,654   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Anne Arundel Health System, Inc.), “A”, 6.75%, 7/01/39     1,510,000        1,765,235   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Charlestown Community), 6.25%, 1/01/41     2,225,000        2,361,459   
State of Maryland, “C”, 5%, 11/01/19     6,890,000        8,175,674   



      $ 16,206,613   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Massachusetts - 6.7%                
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Transportation Fund Rev. (Accelerated Bridge Program), “A”, 5%, 6/01/23   $ 2,645,000      $ 3,207,459   
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/17     10,000,000        11,259,300   
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, “A”, AMBAC, 5.5%, 8/01/30     5,000,000        6,242,650   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/34     2,000,000        2,205,680   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, “A”, 7%, 3/01/21     3,245,000        4,025,812   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, “A”, ETM, 7%, 3/01/21 (c)     3,780,000        4,225,171   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/24     9,445,000        11,424,578   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., Capital Appreciation, “A-2”, 0%, 7/01/28     6,930,000        3,690,294   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31     2,395,000        2,688,100   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “C”, 3%, 5/01/42     835,000        612,498   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency (Visual & Performing Arts), 6%, 8/01/21     1,000,000        1,148,690   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Milford Regional Medical Center), “F”, 5.75%, 7/15/43     460,000        480,470   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (North Hill Communities), “A”, 6.25%, 11/15/33     275,000        274,667   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (North Hill Communities), “A”, 6.5%, 11/15/43     435,000        434,391   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Partners Healthcare), “L”, 5%, 7/01/31     2,780,000        3,018,719   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Partners Healthcare), “L”, 5%, 7/01/36     1,670,000        1,774,024   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Simmons College), “H”, SYNCORA, 5.25%, 10/01/33     420,000        436,174   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Resource Recovery Rev. (Covanta Energy Project), “A”, 4.875%, 11/01/27     2,380,000        2,367,053   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Resource Recovery Rev. (Covanta Energy Project), “C”, 5.25%, 11/01/42     1,150,000        1,120,399   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Dominion Energy Brayton), 5.75%, 5/01/19 (c)     670,000        813,829   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “H”, ASSD GTY, 6.35%, 1/01/30     2,180,000        2,308,119   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “I-A”, 5.5%, 1/01/22     225,000        247,361   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “J”, 5%, 7/01/21     1,255,000        1,386,813   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “J”, 4.7%, 7/01/26     2,480,000        2,542,595   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Massachusetts - continued                
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “J”, 4.9%, 7/01/28   $ 2,580,000      $ 2,643,029   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “K”, 5.25%, 7/01/29     4,650,000        4,855,112   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Harvard University), 5.5%, 11/15/36 (u)     25,000,000        28,851,750   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Simmons College), 8%, 10/01/15 (c)     835,000        932,136   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Simmons College), 8%, 10/01/29     1,195,000        1,291,556   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Suffolk University), “A”, 6.25%, 7/01/30     4,055,000        4,416,463   
Massachusetts Port Authority Facilities Rev. (Conrac Project), “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/41     465,000        489,222   
Massachusetts Port Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/37     470,000        489,952   
Massachusetts School Building Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 8/15/26     12,500,000        14,427,250   
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, “B”, AGM, 5.25%, 8/01/29     4,215,000        5,067,357   
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, ETM, 6.5%, 7/15/19 (c)     5,180,000        5,912,659   



      $ 137,311,332   
Michigan - 2.2%                
Detroit, MI, 5.25%, 11/01/35   $ 5,000,000      $ 5,108,450   
Detroit, MI, Sewage Disposal System Rev., Senior Lien, “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/39     5,920,000        5,679,826   
Detroit, MI, Water & Sewerage Department, Senior Lien Sewage Disposal System Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/19     1,730,000        1,721,212   
Detroit, MI, Water & Sewerage Department, Senior Lien Sewage Disposal System Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/20     1,725,000        1,713,926   
Detroit, MI, Water & Sewerage Department, Senior Lien Sewage Disposal System Rev., “A”, AGM, 5%, 7/01/16     1,560,000        1,566,115   
Detroit, MI, Water Supply System Rev., Senior Lien, “A”, 5%, 7/01/23     780,000        784,376   
Grand Valley, MI, State University Rev., 5.5%, 12/01/27     985,000        1,086,839   
Grand Valley, MI, State University Rev., 5.625%, 12/01/29     480,000        520,824   
Michigan Finance Authority Rev. (Trinity Health Corp.), 5%, 12/01/35     3,195,000        3,345,868   
Michigan Hospital Finance Authority Rev. (Henry Ford Health System), 5.75%, 11/15/39     7,165,000        7,474,743   
Michigan Housing Development Authority, GNMA, 5.2%, 8/20/38     1,200,000        1,209,264   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.625%, 7/01/20     985,000        1,167,530   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Michigan - continued                
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)   $ 1,970,000      $ 2,161,464   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Dow Chemical Co.), 6.25%, 6/01/14     2,870,000        2,893,735   
Regents of the University of Michigan General Rev., “C”, 5%, 4/01/17     5,220,000        5,879,025   
Royal Oak, MI, Hospital Finance Authority Rev. (William Beaumont Hospital), 8.25%, 9/01/39     2,325,000        2,827,874   



      $ 45,141,071   
Minnesota - 0.4%                
St. Louis Park, MN, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Nicollet Health Services), 5.75%, 7/01/39   $ 6,445,000      $ 6,904,142   
University of Minnesota, “A”, 5%, 12/01/25     710,000        814,895   



      $ 7,719,037   
Mississippi - 0.7%                
Alcorn State University, MS, Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Student Housing Project), “A”, 5.125%, 9/01/34   $ 2,500,000      $ 2,675,700   
Alcorn State University, MS, Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Student Housing Project), “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/39     1,625,000        1,732,656   
Lowndes County, MS, Solid Waste Disposal & Pollution Control Rev. (Weyerhaeuser Co.), 6.8%, 4/01/22     110,000        127,310   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (City of Jackson Water and Sewer System Rev. Bond Project), AGM, 6.875%, 12/01/40     495,000        622,116   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Harrison County Coliseum), “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/34     2,455,000        2,903,676   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Marshall County Industrial Development Authority Mississippi Highway Construction Project), 5%, 1/01/28     1,450,000        1,611,936   
Mississippi State University, Educational Building Corp. Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/38     1,250,000        1,368,538   
University of Southern Mississippi Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Campus Facilities Project), 5.25%, 9/01/32     1,665,000        1,810,871   
University of Southern Mississippi Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Campus Facilities Project), 5.375%, 9/01/36     610,000        659,977   



      $ 13,512,780   
Missouri - 0.1%                
Grundy County, MO, Industrial Development Authority, Health Facilities Rev. (Wright Memorial Hospital), 6.75%, 9/01/34   $ 1,410,000      $ 1,507,050   
Missouri Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (A.T. Still University Health Services), 5%, 10/01/39     730,000        754,528   



      $ 2,261,578   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Nebraska - 0.9%                
Douglas County, NE, Educational Facilities Rev. (Creighton University), “A”, 5.875%, 7/01/40   $ 6,355,000      $ 6,901,212   
Nebraska Investment Finance Authority Rev., Single Family Housing, “E”, 3%, 3/01/43     1,720,000        1,783,107   
Nebraska Public Power District Rev., “C”, 5%, 1/01/18     8,335,000        8,956,791   



      $ 17,641,110   
New Hampshire - 0.3%                
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27   $ 4,610,000      $ 4,952,569   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Huggins Hospital), 6.875%, 10/01/39     485,000        512,262   



      $ 5,464,831   
New Jersey - 3.9%                
New Jersey Economic Development Authority Rev. (The Goethals Bridge Replacement Project), 5.5%, 1/01/27   $ 470,000      $ 515,266   
New Jersey Economic Development Authority Rev. (The Goethals Bridge Replacement Project), 5%, 1/01/28     470,000        490,605   
New Jersey Economic Development Authority Rev. (The Goethals Bridge Replacement Project), AGM, 5%, 1/01/31     1,415,000        1,452,243   
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Rev. (Continental Airlines, Inc.), 4.875%, 9/15/19     1,595,000        1,595,128   
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Rev. (Continental Airlines, Inc.), 5.25%, 9/15/29 (b)     3,405,000        3,394,206   
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Rev. (Continental Airlines, Inc.), “A”, 5.625%, 11/15/30     400,000        403,620   
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Special Facilities Rev. (Continental Airlines, Inc.), “B”, 5.625%, 11/15/30     370,000        370,729   
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Water Facilities Rev. (New Jersey American Water Co.), “A”, 5.7%, 10/01/39     5,000,000        5,374,750   
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Medicine & Dentistry), “B”, 7.5%, 6/01/19 (c)     4,195,000        5,462,268   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 6/01/23     28,440,000        27,342,500   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34     8,960,000        6,767,040   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41     15,040,000        11,316,698   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41     27,535,000        6,637,587   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41     365,000        86,615   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
New Jersey - continued                
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Rev., “D”, 5.25%, 12/15/23   $ 7,500,000      $ 8,834,700   



      $ 80,043,955   
New Mexico - 0.6%                
Farmington, NM, Pollution Control Rev. (Public Service New Mexico), “D”, 5.9%, 6/01/40   $ 9,975,000      $ 10,602,727   
New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Rev., GNMA, 5.95%, 7/01/37     385,000        392,253   
New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Rev., “I”, GNMA, 5.75%, 7/01/38     600,000        629,478   



      $ 11,624,458   
New York - 4.5%                
Brooklyn, NY, Arena Local Development Corp. (Barclays Center Project), 6%, 7/15/30   $ 2,015,000      $ 2,158,770   
Hempstead, NY, Local Development Corp. Rev. (Hofstra University Project), 5%, 7/01/25     1,450,000        1,602,685   
Hempstead, NY, Local Development Corp. Rev. (Hofstra University Project), 5%, 7/01/26     1,080,000        1,185,710   
Hempstead, NY, Local Development Corp. Rev. (Hofstra University Project), 5%, 7/01/28     275,000        298,067   
Hudson Yards, NY, Infrastructure Corp. Rev., “A”, 5.75%, 2/15/47     3,950,000        4,341,366   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center), LOC, 6.5%, 8/15/30     1,475,000        1,664,316   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center), LOC, 6.25%, 2/15/35     1,395,000        1,532,477   
New York Dormitory Authority, State Personal Income Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 12/15/25     5,000,000        5,739,900   
New York Environmental Facilities Corp., Municipal Water Finance Authority Project, 5%, 6/15/25     2,300,000        2,652,084   
New York Environmental Facilities, “C”, 5%, 5/15/41     2,745,000        2,945,056   
New York Environmental Facilities, ETM, 5%, 6/15/16 (c)     570,000        571,778   
New York Housing Finance Agency Affordable Housing Rev., “D”, 0.8%, 11/01/16     1,470,000        1,475,072   
New York Housing Finance Agency Affordable Housing Rev., “D”, 0.8%, 11/01/16     1,460,000        1,465,490   
New York Liberty Development Corp., Liberty Rev. (World Trade Center Project), 5%, 11/15/31     2,300,000        2,468,360   
New York Thruway Authority General Rev., Junior Indebtedness Obligation, “A”, 5%, 5/01/19     3,325,000        3,840,807   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21     5,740,000        6,198,741   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
New York - continued                
New York Utility Debt Securitization Authority Rev., “TE”, 5%, 12/15/18   $ 280,000      $ 310,551   
New York, NY, “B”, 5%, 8/01/20     10,730,000        12,536,825   
New York, NY, “J-4”, FRN, 0.61%, 8/01/25     1,715,000        1,715,189   
New York, NY, “J-9”, FRN, 0.46%, 8/01/27     5,645,000        5,644,436   
New York, NY, City Industrial Development Agency Special Facility Rev. (American Airlines, Inc. - JFK International Airport Project), 7.625%, 8/01/25     3,375,000        3,687,289   
New York, NY, City Industrial Development Agency Special Facility Rev. (American Airlines, Inc. - JFK International Airport Project), 7.75%, 8/01/31     1,190,000        1,301,551   
New York, NY, City Industrial Development Agency Special Facility Rev. (American Airlines, Inc. - JFK International Airport Project), “B”, 8.5%, 8/01/28     1,875,000        1,981,350   
New York, NY, Housing Development Corp., Multi-Family Housing Rev., “E-1-A”, 0.75%, 11/01/16     2,795,000        2,795,000   
New York, NY, Housing Development Corp., Multi-Family Housing Rev., “E-1-B”, 1.2%, 11/01/17     2,915,000        2,920,976   
New York, NY, Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Rev., “CC”, 5%, 6/15/18     3,945,000        4,386,643   
New York, NY, Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Rev., “CC”, 5%, 6/15/19     2,795,000        3,184,735   
Niagara County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Covanta Energy Project), “A”, 5.25%, 11/01/42     1,170,000        1,139,884   
Port Authority of NY & NJ, (170th Series), 5%, 12/01/16     1,815,000        2,015,303   
Port Authority of NY & NJ, (170th Series), 5%, 12/01/17     1,795,000        2,034,435   
Port Authority of NY & NJ, (170th Series), 5%, 12/01/18     1,025,000        1,178,422   
Port Authority of NY & NJ, (170th Series), 5%, 12/01/19     1,765,000        2,042,935   
Port Authority of NY & NJ, Special Obligation Rev. (JFK International Air Terminal LLC), 6%, 12/01/36     2,315,000        2,544,903   
Seneca Nation of Indians, NY, Capital Improvements Authority, Special Obligation, 5%, 12/01/23 (n)     670,000        683,487   



      $ 92,244,593   
North Carolina - 0.5%                
North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, “A”, NATL, 6.5%, 1/01/18   $ 9,250,000      $ 10,968,558   
Ohio - 2.2%                
American Municipal Power, Inc. Rev. (AMP Fremont Energy Center Project), “B”, 5%, 2/15/24   $ 1,500,000      $ 1,667,670   
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-3”, 6.25%, 6/01/37     8,900,000        7,514,092   
Cleveland-Cuyahoga County, OH, Port Authority Rev., 7%, 5/15/40     1,105,000        1,189,212   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Ohio - continued                
Montgomery County, OH, Health Care & Multifamily Housing Rev. (St. Leonard), 6.375%, 4/01/30   $ 1,915,000      $ 2,052,995   
Montgomery County, OH, Health Care & Multifamily Housing Rev. (St. Leonard), 6.625%, 4/01/40     2,770,000        2,972,542   
Muskingum County, OH, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Genesis Health System Obligated Group), 5%, 2/15/33     645,000        544,967   
Muskingum County, OH, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Genesis Health System Obligated Group), 5%, 2/15/44     2,395,000        1,895,092   
Muskingum County, OH, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Genesis Health System Obligated Group), 5%, 2/15/48     645,000        502,371   
Ohio Higher Educational Facility Commission (University Hospital Health System), “A”, 6.75%, 1/15/15 (c)     6,000,000        6,308,400   
Ohio Solid Waste Rev. (Republic Services, Inc. Project), FRN, 0.32%, 11/01/35     1,345,000        1,345,027   
Scioto County, OH, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Southern Ohio Medical Center), 5.625%, 2/15/31     1,095,000        1,161,729   
Scioto County, OH, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Southern Ohio Medical Center), 5.75%, 2/15/38     4,195,000        4,421,530   
Summit County, OH, Port Authority Building Rev. (Flats East Development Recovery Zone Facility Bonds), 6.875%, 5/15/40     415,000        446,544   
Summit County, OH, Port Authority Building Rev. (Seville Project), “A”, 5.1%, 5/15/25     150,000        146,793   
The Ohio State University, Special Purpose Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/01/38 (u)     3,355,000        3,628,768   
The Ohio State University, Special Purpose Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/01/43 (u)     8,150,000        8,750,166   



      $ 44,547,898   
Oklahoma - 0.7%                
Oklahoma County, OK, Home Finance Authority, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “A”, GNMA, 5.4%, 10/01/38   $ 600,000      $ 604,974   
Oklahoma Industries Authority Rev. (Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Project), 5.5%, 7/01/29     4,400,000        4,767,532   
Tulsa, OK, Industrial Authority Rev. (University of Tulsa), 6%, 10/01/27     4,670,000        5,192,246   
Tulsa, OK, Municipal Airport Trust Rev. (American Airlines, Inc.), “B”, 5.5%, 6/01/35     1,910,000        1,877,033   
Tulsa, OK, Municipal Airport Trust Rev. (American Airlines, Inc.), “B”, 5.5%, 12/01/35   $ 1,440,000      $ 1,406,059   



      $ 13,847,844   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Oregon - 0.1%                
Forest Grove, OR, Student Housing Rev. (Oak Tree Foundation, Inc.), 5.5%, 3/01/37   $ 2,470,000      $ 2,397,901   
Oregon Health & Community Services (Single Family Mortgage), “B”, 6.25%, 7/01/31     270,000        281,324   



      $ 2,679,225   
Pennsylvania - 4.1%                
Allegheny County, PA, Higher Education Building Authority Rev. (Robert Morris University), “A”, 5.9%, 10/15/28   $ 1,195,000      $ 1,239,585   
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State Public School Building Authority Lease Rev. (School District of Philadelphia Project), 5%, 4/01/28     1,870,000        1,983,733   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Asbury Atlantic, Inc.), 6%, 1/01/30     715,000        749,163   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Asbury Atlantic, Inc.), 6%, 1/01/40     505,000        526,064   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries), 6.125%, 1/01/29     830,000        892,848   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries), 6.375%, 1/01/39     5,045,000        5,400,168   
Delaware County, PA, Authority College Rev. (Neumann University), 6%, 10/01/25     490,000        517,362   
Delaware County, PA, Industrial Development Authority, Resource Recovery Facilities Rev. (American Ref-Fuel Co.), “A”, 6.2%, 7/01/19     1,880,000        1,881,072   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, 5.75%, 7/01/17     3,255,000        3,692,505   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, AMBAC, 5.5%, 8/01/18     7,840,000        9,042,342   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “B”, FRN, AMBAC, 0.041%, 8/01/18     600,000        600,000   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “C”, FRN, 0.908%, 6/01/37     7,000,000        4,768,050   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, RITES, FRN, AMBAC, 10.29%, 8/01/18 (p)     900,000        1,176,048   
Lebanon County, PA, Health Facilities Authority Rev. (Good Samaritan Hospital), 5.9%, 11/15/28     1,700,000        1,687,318   
Lehigh County, PA, Water and Sewer Authority Rev. (Allentown Concession), “A”, 5%, 12/01/43     9,610,000        9,982,580   
Lehigh County, PA, Water and Sewer Authority Rev. (Allentown Concession), Capital Appreciation, “B”, 0%, 12/01/36     12,095,000        3,607,818   
Lehigh County, PA, Water and Sewer Authority Rev. (Allentown Concession), Capital Appreciation, “B”, 0%, 12/01/37     9,795,000        2,731,923   
Luzerne County, PA, AGM, 6.75%, 11/01/23     1,200,000        1,341,852   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Pennsylvania - continued                
Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority Rev., ETM, FGIC, 6.7%, 9/01/16 (c)   $ 11,430,000      $ 12,381,776   
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority Unemployment Compensation Rev., “B”, 5%, 1/01/23     3,230,000        3,463,917   
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority Unemployment Compensation Rev., “B”, 5%, 7/01/23     1,940,000        2,050,405   
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Sewer Sludge Disposal Rev. (Philadelphia Biosolids Facility), 6.25%, 1/01/32     3,110,000        3,146,947   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Edinboro University Foundation), 5.8%, 7/01/30     510,000        517,676   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Edinboro University Foundation), 6%, 7/01/43     895,000        899,054   
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Oil Franchise Tax Rev., “A”, ETM, AMBAC, 5.25%, 12/01/18 (c)     1,150,000        1,233,858   
Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Philadelphia Performing Arts Charter School Project), 6.5%, 6/15/33     2,425,000        2,461,690   
Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Tacony Academy Charter School Project), “A-1”, 6.75%, 6/15/33     150,000        150,081   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (MaST Charter School), 6%, 8/01/35     415,000        434,264   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Philadelphia Performing Arts Charter School Project), 6.75%, 6/15/43     1,175,000        1,190,839   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Tacony Academy Charter School Project), “A-1”, 7%, 6/15/43     355,000        354,950   
Philadelphia, PA, Municipal Authority Rev., 6.5%, 4/01/34     1,020,000        1,135,433   
Philadelphia, PA, Redevelopment Authority Rev., BAM, 5%, 4/15/24     1,900,000        2,109,285   
Reading, PA, School District, “A”, 5%, 4/01/20     1,000,000        1,085,540   
Washington County, PA, Redevelopment Authority (Victory Centre Project), “A”, 5.45%, 7/01/35     270,000        270,292   



      $ 84,706,438   
Puerto Rico - 0.5%                
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37   $ 340,000      $ 230,574   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.75%, 7/01/37     3,620,000        2,628,844   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44     305,000        225,304   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, “A”, ETM, FGIC, 5.5%, 7/01/15 (c)     5,585,000        5,951,264   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42     545,000        431,368   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Puerto Rico - continued                
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 8/01/19 (c)   $ 45,000      $ 54,362   



      $ 9,521,716   
Rhode Island - 1.3%                
Providence, RI, “A”, 5%, 1/15/25   $ 1,345,000      $ 1,464,503   
Rhode Island Health & Educational Building Corp. Rev., Hospital Financing (Lifespan Obligated Group), “A”, ASSD GTY, 7%, 5/15/39     7,645,000        8,465,232   
Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Student Loan Rev., “A”, 3%, 12/01/21     4,890,000        4,628,825   
Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Student Loan Rev., “A”, 3.25%, 12/01/22     1,500,000        1,415,865   
Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Student Loan Rev., “A”, 3.375%, 12/01/23     2,500,000        2,326,450   
Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Student Loan Rev., “A”, 3.5%, 12/01/24     4,550,000        4,225,358   
Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Student Loan Rev., “A”, 3.625%, 12/01/25     4,115,000        3,796,746   



      $ 26,322,979   
South Carolina - 1.5%                
Chesterfield County, SC, School District, 5%, 3/01/25   $ 2,250,000      $ 2,578,410   
Florence County, SC, Hospital Rev. (McLeod Regional Medical Center), “A”, AGM, 5.25%, 11/01/34     5,000,000        5,065,850   
Lancaster County, SC, Assessment Rev. (Sun City Carolina Lakes), 5.45%, 12/01/37     40,000        36,762   
Piedmont, SC, Municipal Power Agency, FGIC, 6.25%, 1/01/21     4,150,000        5,046,940   
Richland County, SC, Environmental Improvement Rev. (International Paper), “A”, 3.875%, 4/01/23     5,750,000        5,756,440   
South Carolina Public Service Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 12/01/43     2,745,000        2,906,735   
South Carolina Public Service Authority Rev., “B”, 5.125%, 12/01/43     6,550,000        6,935,926   
South Carolina Public Service Authority Rev., “C”, 5%, 12/01/36     2,920,000        3,073,475   



      $ 31,400,538   
South Dakota - 0.2%                
South Dakota Educational Enhancement Funding Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/24   $ 1,000,000      $ 1,098,550   
South Dakota Educational Enhancement Funding Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/25     1,000,000        1,083,200   
South Dakota Educational Enhancement Funding Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/26     1,400,000        1,503,096   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
South Dakota - continued                
South Dakota Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Avera Health), “A”, 5%, 7/01/42   $ 1,205,000      $ 1,233,137   



      $ 4,917,983   
Tennessee - 2.2%                
Chattanooga, TN, Health Educational & Housing Facility Board Rev. (Catholic Health Initiatives), “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/45   $ 10,310,000      $ 10,847,976   
Claiborne County, TN, Industrial Development Board Rev. (Lincoln Memorial University Project), 6.125%, 10/01/40     3,000,000        3,094,620   
Hardeman County, TN, Correctional Facilities Corp. (Corrections Corp. of America), 7.375%, 8/01/17     355,000        355,099   
Lewisberg, TN, Industrial Development Board Solid Waste Disposal Rev., FRN, 0.5%, 7/02/35 (b)     2,630,000        2,630,079   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31     2,585,000        2,911,951   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Electric Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/15/29     4,765,000        5,313,261   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Electric Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/15/30     2,500,000        2,770,875   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Health & Educational Facilities Board Rev. (Meharry Medical College), AMBAC, 6%, 12/01/16     2,775,000        2,947,661   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/17     1,575,000        1,735,272   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19     1,500,000        1,685,700   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22     1,665,000        1,860,238   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/23     2,385,000        2,682,505   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/24     2,215,000        2,452,780   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/26     2,805,000        3,124,910   
Tennessee School Bond Authority, “B”, 5.125%, 5/01/33     1,500,000        1,635,285   



      $ 46,048,212   
Texas - 8.0%                
Austin, TX, Convention Center (Convention Enterprises, Inc.), “A”, SYNCORA, 5.25%, 1/01/17   $ 995,000      $ 1,056,750   
Austin, TX, Convention Center (Convention Enterprises, Inc.), “A”, SYNCORA, 5.25%, 1/01/19     1,375,000        1,454,736   
Austin, TX, Convention Center (Convention Enterprises, Inc.), “A”, SYNCORA, 5.25%, 1/01/20     1,120,000        1,178,901   
Austin, TX, Convention Center (Convention Enterprises, Inc.), “A”, SYNCORA, 5.25%, 1/01/24     2,230,000        2,321,653   
Austin, TX, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5%, 11/15/27     3,000,000        3,425,610   
Bell County, TX, Health Facility Development Corp. (Advanced Living Technologies, Inc.), 8%, 12/15/36 (a)(d)     1,595,000        15,950   
Brazos River, TX, Harbor Navigation District (Dow Chemical Co.), “A”, 5.95%, 5/15/33     7,310,000        7,891,584   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Texas- continued                
Brazos River, TX, Pollution Control Authority Rev. (TXU Energy Co. LLC Project), 5%, 3/01/41   $ 2,460,000      $ 61,500   
Clifton, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Uplift Education), “A”, 6.125%, 12/01/40     2,355,000        2,528,140   
Clifton, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Uplift Education), “A”, 6.25%, 12/01/45     1,425,000        1,535,609   
Conroe, TX, Independent School District, Unlimited Tax School Building and Refunding, PSF, 5%, 2/15/39     1,845,000        2,043,282   
Dallas, TX, Independent School District, 5%, 8/15/23     6,000,000        7,231,500   
Dallas, TX, Waterworks & Sewer System Rev., 5%, 10/01/39     10,000,000        10,822,400   
El Paso, TX, Water & Sewer Rev., 5%, 3/01/28     455,000        509,131   
Fort Worth, TX, Independent School District, Unlimited Tax School Building, PSF, 5%, 2/15/39     3,685,000        4,090,682   
Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority (Waste Management, Inc.), 5.2%, 5/01/28     300,000        312,855   
Gulf Coast, TX, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Microgy Holdings Project), 7%, 12/01/36 (a)(d)     116,013        1,160   
Harris County, Houston, TX, Sports Authority, Special Rev., “A”, NATL, 5%, 11/15/25     2,460,000        2,460,689   
Harris County, TX, Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Medical Facilities Rev. (Baylor College of Medicine), “D”, 5.625%, 11/15/32     8,235,000        8,971,044   
Harris County, TX, Cultural Education Facilities Financial Corp., Thermal Utilities Rev. (Teco Project), “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/35     1,560,000        1,654,739   
Harris County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Memorial Hermann Healthcare Systems), “B”, 7%, 12/01/18 (c)     1,795,000        2,263,675   
Harris County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Memorial Hermann Healthcare Systems), “B”, 7.25%, 12/01/18 (c)     2,050,000        2,608,400   
Harris County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Texas Children’s Hospital Project), “A”, ETM, 5.375%, 10/01/15 (c)     4,300,000        4,315,910   
Houston, TX, Airport System Rev., “B”, 5%, 7/01/26     1,855,000        2,049,089   
Houston, TX, Airport System Rev., Subordinate Lien, “A”, 5%, 7/01/31     2,310,000        2,398,334   
Houston, TX, Airport Systems Rev., Special Facilities (Continental Airlines, Inc. Terminal E Project), 6.75%, 7/01/29     570,000        571,288   
Houston, TX, Industrial Development Corp. (United Parcel Service, Inc.), 6%, 3/01/23     170,000        173,626   
La Vernia, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (KIPP, Inc.), “A”, 6.25%, 8/15/39     1,470,000        1,583,366   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Texas - continued                
La Vernia, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Lifeschool of Dallas), “A”, 7.5%, 8/15/41   $ 4,230,000      $ 4,764,587   
Lufkin, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Memorial Health System), 5.5%, 2/15/37     310,000        316,560   
Matagorda County, TX, Pollution Control Rev. (Central Power & Light Co.), “A”, 6.3%, 11/01/29     2,045,000        2,281,075   
Mission, TX, Economic Development Corp., Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Republic Services, Inc. Project), FRN, 0.55%, 1/01/26 (b)     4,210,000        4,210,379   
Nortex, TX, Housing Finance Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev., “A”, GNMA, 5.5%, 7/01/38     1,180,000        1,205,016   
North Texas Tollway Authority Rev. (Special Projects System), “D”, 5%, 9/01/29     15,000,000        16,643,100   
North Texas Tollway Authority Rev., “C”, 1.95%, 1/01/38 (b)     8,000,000        7,885,360   
Permian Basin Housing Finance Corp., TX, Single Family Mortgage Backed Securities (Mortgage Backed Project) “A”, GNMA, 5.65%, 1/01/38     1,060,000        1,093,729   
Red River Authority, TX, Pollution Control Rev. (Celanese Project) “B”, 6.7%, 11/01/30     1,200,000        1,202,484   
Red River, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Retirement Facilities Rev., (MRC the Crossings Project) “B-2”, 5%, 11/15/19     80,000        79,901   
San Juan, TX, Higher Education Finance Authority Education Rev. (Idea Public Schools), “A”, 6.7%, 8/15/40     2,795,000        3,143,453   
San Marcos, TX, Independent School District, PSF, 5.625%, 8/01/14 (c)     2,000,000        2,036,200   
San Marcos, TX, Independent School District, PSF, 5.625%, 8/01/14 (c)     2,000,000        2,036,200   
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City, TX, Independent School District, PSF, 5%, 2/01/36     10,000,000        10,515,200   
Tarrant County, TX, Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Retirement Facility (Air Force Village Foundation, Inc.), 6.125%, 11/15/29     395,000        412,767   
Tarrant County, TX, Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Retirement Facility (Air Force Village Foundation, Inc.), 6.375%, 11/15/44     3,100,000        3,194,643   
Tarrant County, TX, Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Retirement Facility (Stayton at Museum Way), 8.25%, 11/15/44     4,500,000        3,803,175   
Texas Affordable Housing Corp. (Single Family Mortgage), “B”, GNMA, 5.25%, 9/01/39     305,000        314,010   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 7%, 12/31/38     1,495,000        1,695,569   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43     1,195,000        1,323,893   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Texas - continued                
Texas Tech University Rev., Refunding & Improvement, “A”, 5%, 8/15/30   $ 2,175,000      $ 2,405,985   
Texas Tech University Rev., Refunding & Improvement, “A”, 5%, 8/15/31     960,000        1,056,029   
Texas Tech University Rev., Refunding & Improvement, “A”, 5%, 8/15/32     915,000        1,000,305   
Texas Transportation Commission State Highway Fund (First Tier), “A”, 4.75%, 4/01/17     10,130,000        11,337,192   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7%, 11/01/30     735,000        817,371   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7.125%, 11/01/40     2,575,000        2,832,989   
Tyler, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. (East Texas Medical Center), “A”, 5.25%, 11/01/32     1,715,000        1,692,894   



      $ 164,831,669   
U.S. Virgin Islands - 0.1%                
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo Project), “A”, 6.75%, 10/01/37   $ 2,200,000      $ 2,392,874   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/24     130,000        133,289   



      $ 2,526,163   
Utah - 0.4%                
Intermountain Power Agency, UT, “A”, ETM, 6.15%, 7/01/14 (c)   $ 7,210,000      $ 7,295,727   
Intermountain Power Agency, UT, Power Supply Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/22     1,250,000        1,402,375   



      $ 8,698,102   
Vermont - 0.2%                
Vermont Economic Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Casella Waste Systems, Inc.), 4.75%, 4/01/36 (b)   $ 1,805,000      $ 1,747,583   
Vermont Housing Finance Agency, Multi-Purpose Rev., “C”, 4%, 11/01/43     1,500,000        1,627,740   



      $ 3,375,323   
Virginia - 0.7%                
Commonwealth of Virginia, Transportation Board Rev., Capital Projects, 5%, 5/15/20   $ 4,870,000      $ 5,747,038   
Embrey Mill Community Development Authority, VA, Special Assessment Rev., 7.25%, 3/01/43     2,135,000        2,079,469   
Henrico County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Bon Secours Health Systems, Inc.), RIBS, FRN, AGM, 11.3%, 8/23/27 (p)     4,500,000        5,533,245   
Manassas Park, VA, Economic Development Authority Lease Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/15/35     845,000        863,506   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Virginia - continued                
Peninsula Ports Authority, VA, Coal Terminal Rev. (Dominion Terminal Associates), 6%, 4/01/33   $ 470,000      $ 470,381   
West Point, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Chesapeake Corp.), “A”, 6.375%, 3/01/19 (a)(d)     529,028        53   



      $ 14,693,692   
Washington - 7.1%                
FYI Properties Lease Rev. (Washington State Project), 5.5%, 6/01/34   $ 2,255,000      $ 2,435,197   
Seattle, WA, Port Rev., “B”, 5%, 8/01/24     3,000,000        3,354,690   
Skagit County, WA, Public Hospital District No. 001 Rev. (Skagit Valley Hospital), 5.625%, 12/01/25     1,000,000        1,036,830   
Snohomish County, WA, Public Hospital District No. 3, 5%, 12/01/31     5,655,000        5,829,966   
State of Washington, “A”, 5%, 7/01/33     5,000,000        5,474,900   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 6.75%, 7/01/29     1,450,000        1,622,304   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 7%, 7/01/39     3,690,000        4,060,292   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Highline Medical Center), FHA, 6.25%, 8/01/36     5,285,000        6,409,648   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Providence Health & Services), “A”, 5%, 10/01/27     14,095,000        15,779,775   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Virginia Mason Medical Center), “A”, 6.25%, 8/15/42     3,955,000        4,106,160   
Washington Higher Education Facilities Authority Rev. (Whitworth University), 5.875%, 10/01/34     2,165,000        2,278,359   
Washington Housing Finance Community Nonprofit Housing Rev. (Rockwood Retirement Communities), 5.125%, 1/01/20     3,905,000        3,898,986   
Washington Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax, “B”, NATL, 5%, 7/01/32 (u)     25,010,000        27,051,566   
Washington Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax, “E”, 5%, 2/01/37     16,315,000        17,907,344   
Washington Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax, “E”, 5%, 2/01/38     17,130,000        18,757,693   
Washington Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax, “E”, 5%, 2/01/39     17,985,000        19,647,713   
Washington Public Power Supply System Rev. (Nuclear Project #3), 7.125%, 7/01/16     5,145,000        5,898,485   



      $ 145,549,908   
West Virginia - 0.3%                
Monongalia County, WV, Board of Education, 5%, 5/01/29   $ 2,445,000      $ 2,697,446   
Monongalia County, WV, Board of Education, 5%, 5/01/31     675,000        736,263   
Monongalia County, WV, Board of Education, 5%, 5/01/33     965,000        1,042,779   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Thomas Health System), 6.5%, 10/01/38     2,110,000        2,089,596   



      $ 6,566,084   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Municipal Bonds - continued                
Wisconsin - 0.5%                
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Aurora Health Care, Inc.), “A”, 5%, 7/15/26   $ 2,215,000      $ 2,336,448   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Aurora Health Care, Inc.), “A”, 5%, 7/15/28     665,000        692,112   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39     1,220,000        1,354,017   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.25%, 9/15/29     430,000        471,779   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.625%, 9/15/39     1,390,000        1,528,792   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare), 5.25%, 8/15/18     1,500,000        1,604,535   
Wisconsin Public Finance Authority, Airport Facilities Rev. (Transportation Infrastructure Properties LLC), “B”, 5%, 7/01/22     1,480,000        1,636,599   



            $ 9,624,282   
Total Municipal Bonds (Identified Cost, $1,881,577,785)      $ 1,974,095,107   
Floating Rate Demand Notes - 0.2%                
Lincoln County, WY, Pollution Control Rev. (Exxon Mobil Corp.), “B”, 0.06%, due 4/01/14   $ 1,500,000      $ 1,500,000   
Lincoln County, WY, Pollution Control Rev. (Exxon Mobil Corp.), “C”, 0.06%, due 4/01/14     2,300,000        2,300,000   
Total Floating Rate Demand Notes, at Cost and Value      $ 3,800,000   
Money Market Funds - 6.4%                
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%,
at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)
    131,256,843      $ 131,256,843   
Total Investments (Identified Cost, $2,016,634,628)      $ 2,109,151,950   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - (2.5)%             (50,628,461
Net Assets - 100.0%           $ 2,058,523,489   


(a) Non-income producing security.
(b) Mandatory tender date is earlier than stated maturity date.
(c) Refunded bond.
(d) In default. Interest and/or scheduled principal payment(s) have been missed.
(n) Securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be sold in the ordinary course of business in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At period end, the aggregate value of these securities was $5,818,076 representing 0.3% of net assets.
(p) Primary inverse floater.
(u) Underlying security deposited into special purpose trust (“the trust”) by investment banker upon creation of self-deposited inverse floaters.



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


(v) Underlying affiliated fund that is available only to investment companies managed by MFS. The rate quoted for the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio is the annualized seven-day yield of the fund at period end.

The following abbreviations are used in this report and are defined:


COP   Certificate of Participation
ETM   Escrowed to Maturity
FRN   Floating Rate Note. Interest rate resets periodically and may not be the rate reported at period end.
LOC   Letter of Credit


Insurers    Inverse Floaters
AGM    Assured Guaranty Municipal    RIBS    Residual Interest Bonds
AMBAC    AMBAC Indemnity Corp.    RITES    Residual Interest Tax-Exempt Security
ASSD GTY    Assured Guaranty Insurance Co.      
BAM    Build America Mutual      
BHAC    Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp.      
CALHF    California Housing Finance Agency      
FGIC    Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.      
FHA    Federal Housing Administration      
FNMA    Federal National Mortgage Assn.      
GNMA    Government National Mortgage Assn.      
NATL    National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.      
PSF    Permanent School Fund      
SYNCORA    Syncora Guarantee Inc.      

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



At 3/31/14

This statement represents your fund’s balance sheet, which details the assets and liabilities comprising the total value of the fund.





Non-affiliated issuers, at value (identified cost, $1,885,377,785)


Underlying affiliated funds, at cost and value


Total investments, at value (identified cost, $2,016,634,628)


Receivables for


Investments sold


Fund shares sold




Other assets


Total assets


Payables for




Investments purchased


Interest expense and fees


Fund shares reacquired


Payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets


Payable to affiliates


Investment adviser


Shareholder servicing costs


Distribution and service fees


Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation


Accrued expenses and other liabilities


Total liabilities


Net assets

Net assets consist of         

Paid-in capital


Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments


Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments


Undistributed net investment income


Net assets


Shares of beneficial interest outstanding



     Net assets      Shares
     Net asset value
per share (a)

Class A

     $736,374,278         86,824,849         $8.48   

Class B

     28,219,902         3,322,555         8.49   

Class C

     162,442,842         19,086,946         8.51   

Class I

     546,219,929         64,476,071         8.47   

Class A1

     584,286,888         68,853,385         8.49   

Class B1

     979,650         115,333         8.49   


(a) Maximum offering price per share was equal to the net asset value per share for all share classes, except for Class A and Class A1, for which the maximum offering prices per share were $8.90 [100 / 95.25 x $8.48] and $8.91 [100 / 95.25 x $8.49], respectively . On sales of $50,000 or more, the maximum offering prices of Class A and Class A1 shares are reduced. A contingent deferred sales charge may be imposed on redemptions of Class A, Class B, Class C, Class A1, and Class B1 shares.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



Year ended 3/31/14

This statement describes how much your fund earned in investment income and accrued in expenses. It also describes any gains and/or losses generated by fund operations.


Net investment income         





Dividends from underlying affiliated funds


Total investment income




Management fee


Distribution and service fees


Shareholder servicing costs


Administrative services fee


Independent Trustees’ compensation


Custodian fee


Shareholder communications


Audit and tax fees


Legal fees


Interest expense and fees




Total expenses


Fees paid indirectly


Reduction of expenses by investment adviser and distributor


Net expenses


Net investment income

Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments         

Realized gain (loss) on investments (identified cost basis)


Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments


Change in net assets from operations


See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



These statements describe the increases and/or decreases in net assets resulting from operations, any distributions, and any shareholder transactions.


     Years ended 3/31  
     2014      2013  
Change in net assets              
From operations                  

Net investment income

     $81,155,042         $85,190,522   

Net realized gain (loss) on investments

     (37,959,177      9,142,369   

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (91,426,776      43,563,649   

Change in net assets from operations

     $(48,230,911      $137,896,540   
Distributions declared to shareholders                  

From net investment income

     $(77,388,318      $(80,639,245

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $(156,666,308      $329,312,201   

Total change in net assets

     $(282,285,537      $386,569,496   
Net assets                  

At beginning of period

     2,340,809,026         1,954,239,530   

At end of period (including undistributed net investment income of $1,877,184 and $1,948,859, respectively)

     $2,058,523,489         $2,340,809,026   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund’s financial performance for the past 5 years (or life of a particular share class, if shorter). Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


Class A    Years ended 3/31  
     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $8.94        $8.68        $7.91        $8.32        $7.66   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                   

Net investment income (d)

     $0.33        $0.35        $0.39        $0.41        $0.41   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
on investments

     (0.47     0.24        0.76        (0.42     0.65   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.14     $0.59        $1.15        $(0.01     $1.06   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                   

From net investment income

     $(0.32     $(0.33     $(0.38     $(0.40     $(0.40

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $8.48        $8.94        $8.68        $7.91        $8.32   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (1.52     6.88        14.83        (0.24     14.01   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets)
and Supplemental data:

Expenses before expense reductions (f)

     0.80        0.79        0.81        0.81        0.82   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.75        0.76        0.77        0.78        0.78   

Net investment income

     3.92        3.90        4.69        4.95        5.04   

Portfolio turnover

     32        23        25        23        15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $736,374        $1,027,992        $829,860        $764,621        $632,523   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
after expense reductions and excluding
interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     0.73        0.74        0.74        0.74        0.75   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued


Class B    Years ended 3/31  
     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $8.95        $8.70        $7.92        $8.34        $7.68   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                   

Net investment income (d)

     $0.27        $0.28        $0.33        $0.35        $0.35   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
on investments

     (0.48     0.23        0.77        (0.43     0.65   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.21     $0.51        $1.10        $(0.08     $1.00   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                   

From net investment income

     $(0.25     $(0.26     $(0.32     $(0.34     $(0.34

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $8.49        $8.95        $8.70        $7.92        $8.34   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.26     5.95        14.09        (1.10     13.15   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets)
and Supplemental data:

Expenses before expense reductions (f)

     1.55        1.54        1.56        1.56        1.57   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.51        1.51        1.52        1.53        1.53   

Net investment income

     3.16        3.15        3.91        4.21        4.30   

Portfolio turnover

     32        23        25        23        15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $28,220        $37,759        $31,883        $22,842        $23,060   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
after expense reductions and excluding
interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     1.49        1.48        1.49        1.49        1.50   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued


Class C    Years ended 3/31  
     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $8.97        $8.71        $7.94        $8.35        $7.69   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                   

Net investment income (d)

     $0.27        $0.28        $0.33        $0.35        $0.35   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
on investments

     (0.48     0.24        0.76        (0.42     0.65   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.21     $0.52        $1.09        $(0.07     $1.00   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                   

From net investment income

     $(0.25     $(0.26     $(0.32     $(0.34     $(0.34

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $8.51        $8.97        $8.71        $7.94        $8.35   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.26     6.06        13.92        (0.97     13.13   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets)
and Supplemental data:

Expenses before expense reductions (f)

     1.55        1.54        1.56        1.56        1.57   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.51        1.51        1.52        1.52        1.53   

Net investment income

     3.15        3.14        3.92        4.19        4.26   

Portfolio turnover

     32        23        25        23        15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $162,443        $234,735        $187,078        $149,727        $143,504   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
after expense reductions and excluding
interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     1.49        1.48        1.49        1.49        1.50   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued


Class I    Years ended 3/31  
     2014     2013     2012 (i)  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $8.93        $8.67        $8.22   
Income (loss) from investment operations                   

Net investment income (d)

     $0.35        $0.37        $0.27   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.47     0.24        0.44 (g) 

Total from investment operations

     $(0.12     $0.61        $0.71   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                   

From net investment income

     $(0.34     $(0.35     $(0.26

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $8.47        $8.93        $8.67   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(x)

     (1.29     7.15        8.75 (n) 
Ratios (%) (to average net assets)
and Supplemental data:

Expenses before expense reductions (f)

     0.55        0.55        0.55 (a) 

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.50        0.51        0.52 (a) 

Net investment income

     4.13        4.13        4.70 (a) 

Portfolio turnover

     32        23        25   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $546,220        $334,033        $186,734   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and
excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     0.48        0.49        0.49 (a) 

See Notes to Financial Statements



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Financial Highlights – continued


Class A1    Years ended 3/31  
     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $8.95        $8.69        $7.92        $8.33        $7.67   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                   

Net investment income (d)

     $0.35        $0.37        $0.41        $0.43        $0.43   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
on investments and foreign currency

     (0.47     0.24        0.76        (0.42     0.65   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.12     $0.61        $1.17        $0.01        $1.08   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                   

From net investment income

     $(0.34     $(0.35     $(0.40     $(0.42     $(0.42

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $8.49        $8.95        $8.69        $7.92        $8.33   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (1.27     7.14        15.11        0.01        14.28   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets)
and Supplemental data:

Expenses before expense reductions (f)

     0.55        0.55        0.56        0.56        0.57   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.51        0.51        0.52        0.53        0.53   

Net investment income

     4.17        4.18        4.96        5.22        5.32   

Portfolio turnover

     32        23        25        23        15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $584,287        $703,916        $714,380        $689,074        $787,041   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
after expense reductions and excluding
interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     0.49        0.49        0.49        0.49        0.50   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued


Class B1    Years ended 3/31  
     2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $8.95        $8.69        $7.92        $8.34        $7.67   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                   

Net investment income (d)

     $0.29        $0.31        $0.35        $0.37        $0.37   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
on investments

     (0.48     0.24        0.76        (0.43     0.66   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.19     $0.55        $1.11        $(0.06     $1.03   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                   

From net investment income

     $(0.27     $(0.29     $(0.34     $(0.36     $(0.36

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $8.49        $8.95        $8.69        $7.92        $8.34   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.02     6.34        14.24        (0.86     13.56   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets)
and Supplemental data:

Expenses before expense reductions (f)

     1.55        1.54        1.56        1.56        1.48   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.27        1.27        1.28        1.29        1.29   

Net investment income

     3.39        3.47        4.23        4.46        4.57   

Portfolio turnover

     32        23        25        23        15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $980        $2,374        $4,304        $6,230        $12,558   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
after expense reductions and excluding
interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     1.25        1.25        1.26        1.26        1.26   


(a) Annualized.
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(g) The per share amount varies from the net realized and unrealized gain/loss for the period because of the timing of sales of fund shares and the per share amount of realized and unrealized gains and losses at such time.
(i) For the period from the class inception, August 1, 2011, through the stated period end.
(l) Interest expense and fees relate to payments made to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets.
(n) Not annualized.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents


(1) Business and Organization

MFS Municipal Income Fund (the fund) is a diversified series of MFS Municipal Series Trust which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end management investment company.

The fund is an investment company and accordingly follows the investment company accounting and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standard Codification Topic 946 Financial Services – Investment Companies.

(2) Significant Accounting Policies

General – The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. In the preparation of these financial statements, management has evaluated subsequent events occurring after the date of the fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities through the date that the financial statements were issued. The fund invests primarily in municipal instruments. The value of municipal instruments can be affected by changes in their actual or perceived credit quality. The credit quality of municipal instruments can be affected by, among other things, the financial condition of the issuer or guarantor, the issuer’s future borrowing plans and sources of revenue, the economic feasibility of the revenue bond project or general borrowing purpose, political or economic developments in the region where the instrument is issued and the liquidity of the security. Municipal instruments generally trade in the over-the-counter market. Municipal instruments backed by current and anticipated revenues from a specific project or specific assets can be negatively affected by the discontinuance of the taxation supporting the projects or assets or the inability to collect revenues for the project or from the assets. If the Internal Revenue Service determines an issuer of a municipal instrument has not complied with the applicable tax requirements, interest from the security could become taxable, the security could decline in value, and distributions made by the fund could be taxable to shareholders.

In this reporting period, the fund adopted the disclosure provisions of FASB Accounting Standards Update 2011-11 (“ASU 2011-11”), Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities along with the related scope clarification provisions of FASB Accounting Standards Update 2013-01 (“ASU 2013-01”) entitled Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities. ASU 2011-11 is intended to enhance disclosures on the offsetting of financial assets and liabilities by requiring entities to disclose both gross and net information about financial instruments and transactions that are either offset in the statement of financial position or subject to an enforceable Master Netting Agreement or similar arrangement. ASU 2013-01 limits the scope of ASU 2011-11’s disclosure requirements on offsetting to financial assets and financial liabilities related to



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


derivatives, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities lending and securities borrowing transactions. The disclosures required by ASU 2011-11, to the extent applicable to the fund, have been included in the fund’s Significant Accounting Policies note under the captions for each of the fund’s in-scope financial instruments and transactions.

Investment Valuations – Debt instruments and floating rate loans (other than short-term instruments), including restricted debt instruments, are generally valued at an evaluated or composite bid as provided by a third-party pricing service. Short-term instruments with a maturity at issuance of 60 days or less generally are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Open-end investment companies are generally valued at net asset value per share. Securities and other assets generally valued on the basis of information from a third-party pricing service may also be valued at a broker/dealer bid quotation. Values obtained from third-party pricing services can utilize both transaction data and market information such as yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity, type of issue, trading characteristics, and other market data.

The Board of Trustees has delegated primary responsibility for determining or causing to be determined the value of the fund’s investments (including any fair valuation) to the adviser pursuant to valuation policies and procedures approved by the Board. If the adviser determines that reliable market quotations are not readily available, investments are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the adviser in accordance with such procedures under the oversight of the Board of Trustees. Under the fund’s valuation policies and procedures, market quotations are not considered to be readily available for most types of debt instruments and floating rate loans and many types of derivatives. These investments are generally valued at fair value based on information from third-party pricing services. In addition, investments may be valued at fair value if the adviser determines that an investment’s value has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of the exchange or market on which the investment is principally traded (such as foreign exchange or market) and prior to the determination of the fund’s net asset value, or after the halting of trading of a specific security where trading does not resume prior to the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded. The adviser generally relies on third-party pricing services or other information (such as the correlation with price movements of similar securities in the same or other markets; the type, cost and investment characteristics of the security; the business and financial condition of the issuer; and trading and other market data) to assist in determining whether to fair value and at what value to fair value an investment. The value of an investment for purposes of calculating the fund’s net asset value can differ depending on the source and method used to determine value. When fair valuation is used, the value of an investment used to determine the fund’s net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same investment. There can be no assurance that the fund could obtain the fair value assigned to an investment if it were to sell the investment at the same time at which the fund determines its net asset value per share.

Various inputs are used in determining the value of the fund’s assets or liabilities. These inputs are categorized into three broad levels. In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, an investment’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The fund’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment, and considers factors specific to the investment. Level 1 includes unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 includes other significant observable market-based inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speed, and credit risk). Level 3 includes unobservable inputs, which may include the adviser’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments. The following is a summary of the levels used as of March 31, 2014 in valuing the fund’s assets or liabilities:


Investments at Value    Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  
Municipal Bonds      $—         $1,974,095,107         $—         $1,974,095,107   
Short Term Securities              3,800,000                 3,800,000   
Mutual Funds      131,256,843                         131,256,843   
Total Investments      $131,256,843         $1,977,895,107         $—         $2,109,151,950   

For further information regarding security characteristics, see the Portfolio of Investments.

Inverse Floaters – The fund invests in municipal inverse floating rate securities which are structured by the issuer (known as primary market inverse floating rate securities) or by an investment banker utilizing municipal bonds which have already been issued (known as secondary market inverse floating rate securities) to have variable rates of interest which typically move in the opposite direction of short term interest rates. A secondary market inverse floating rate security is created when an investment banker transfers a fixed rate municipal bond to a special purpose trust, and causes the trust to (a) issue floating rate certificates to third parties, in an amount equal to a fraction of the par amount of the deposited bonds (these certificates usually pay tax-exempt interest at short-term interest rates that typically reset weekly; and the certificate holders typically, on seven days notice, have the option to tender their certificates to the investment banker or another party for redemption at par plus accrued interest), and (b) issue inverse floating rate certificates (sometimes referred to as “inverse floaters”). If the holders of the inverse floaters transfer the municipal bonds to an investment banker for the purpose of depositing the municipal bonds into the special purpose trust, the inverse floating rate certificates that are issued by the trust are referred to as “self-deposited inverse floaters.” If the bonds held by the trust are purchased by the investment banker for deposit into the trust from someone other than the purchasers of the inverse floaters, the inverse floating rate certificates that are issued by the trust are referred to as “externally deposited inverse floaters.” Such self-deposited inverse floaters held by the fund are accounted for as secured borrowings, with the municipal bonds reflected in the investments of the fund and amounts owed to the holders of the floating rate certificates under the provisions of the trust, which amounts are paid solely from the assets of the trust, reflected as liabilities of the fund in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities under the caption, “Payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets”. The carrying value of the fund’s payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets as reported in the fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities approximates its fair value. The value of the payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets as of the reporting date is considered level 2 under the fair value hierarchy



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


disclosure. At March 31, 2014, the fund’s payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets was $42,766,138 and the interest rate on the floating rate certificates issued by the trust was 0.08%. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the average payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets was $54,121,978 at a weighted average interest rate of 0.10%. Interest expense and fees relate to interest payments made to the holders of certain floating rate certificates and associated fees, both of which are made from trust assets. Interest expense and fees are recorded as incurred. For the year ended March 31, 2014, interest expense and fees in connection with self-deposited inverse floaters were $412,765. Primary and externally deposited inverse floaters held by the fund are not accounted for as secured borrowings.

Indemnifications – Under the fund’s organizational documents, its officers and Trustees may be indemnified against certain liabilities and expenses arising out of the performance of their duties to the fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the fund enters into agreements with service providers that may contain indemnification clauses. The fund’s maximum exposure under these agreements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against the fund that have not yet occurred.

Investment Transactions and Income – Investment transactions are recorded on the trade date. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. All premium and discount is amortized or accreted for financial statement purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Interest payments received in additional securities are recorded on the ex-interest date in an amount equal to the value of the security on such date. Debt obligations may be placed on non-accrual status or set to accrue at a rate of interest less than the contractual coupon when the collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Interest income for those debt obligations may be further reduced by the write-off of the related interest receivables when deemed uncollectible.

The fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements. Any proceeds received from litigation involving portfolio holdings are reflected in the Statement of Operations in realized gain/loss if the security has been disposed of by the fund or in unrealized gain/loss if the security is still held by the fund. Any other proceeds from litigation not related to portfolio holdings are reflected as other income in the Statement of Operations.

Legal fees and other related expenses incurred to preserve and protect the value of a security owned are added to the cost of the security; other legal fees are expensed. Capital infusions made directly to the security issuer, which are generally non-recurring, incurred to protect or enhance the value of high-yield debt securities, are reported as additions to the cost basis of the security. Costs that are incurred to negotiate the terms or conditions of capital infusions or that are expected to result in a plan of reorganization are reported as realized losses. Ongoing costs incurred to protect or enhance an investment, or costs incurred to pursue other claims or legal actions, are expensed.



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Fees Paid Indirectly – The fund’s custody fee may be reduced according to an arrangement that measures the value of cash deposited with the custodian by the fund. This amount, for the year ended March 31, 2014, is shown as a reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations.

Tax Matters and Distributions – The fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, and to distribute all of its taxable and tax-exempt income, including realized capital gains. As a result, no provision for federal income tax is required. The fund’s federal tax returns, when filed, will remain subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service for a three year period. Management has analyzed the fund’s tax positions taken on federal and state tax returns for all open tax years and does not believe that there are any uncertain tax positions that require recognition of a tax liability.

Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Certain capital accounts in the financial statements are periodically adjusted for permanent differences in order to reflect their tax character. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or net asset value per share. Temporary differences which arise from recognizing certain items of income, expense, gain or loss in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes will reverse at some time in the future. Distributions in excess of net investment income or net realized gains are temporary overdistributions for financial statement purposes resulting from differences in the recognition or classification of income or distributions for financial statement and tax purposes.

Book/tax differences primarily relate to amortization and accretion of debt securities.

The tax character of distributions declared to shareholders for the last two fiscal years is as follows:


     3/31/14      3/31/13  
Ordinary income (including any short-term capital gains)      $217,925         $425,667   
Tax-exempt income      77,170,393         80,213,578   
Total distributions      $77,388,318         $80,639,245   

The federal tax cost and the tax basis components of distributable earnings were as follows:


As of 3/31/14       
Cost of investments      $1,964,963,464   
Gross appreciation      116,883,630   
Gross depreciation      (15,461,282
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)      $101,422,348   
Undistributed tax-exempt income      8,150,720   
Capital loss carryforwards      (44,500,124
Post-October capital loss deferral      (1,607,067
Other temporary differences      (6,273,536



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), net capital losses recognized for fund fiscal years beginning after March 31, 2011 may be carried forward indefinitely, and their character is retained as short-term and/or long-term losses (“post-enactment losses”). Previously, net capital losses were carried forward for eight years and treated as short-term losses (“pre-enactment losses”). As a transition rule, the Act requires that all post-enactment net capital losses be used before pre-enactment net capital losses.

As of March 31, 2014, the fund had capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized gains as follows:


Pre-enactment losses which expire as
3/31/18      $(937,881
3/31/19      (7,352,883
Total      $(8,290,764
Post-enactment losses which are
characterized as follows:
Short-Term      $(25,965,052
Long-Term      (10,244,308
Total      $(36,209,360

Multiple Classes of Shares of Beneficial Interest – The fund offers multiple classes of shares, which differ in their respective distribution and service fees. The fund’s income and common expenses are allocated to shareholders based on the value of settled shares outstanding of each class. The fund’s realized and unrealized gain (loss) are allocated to shareholders based on the daily net assets of each class. Dividends are declared separately for each class. Differences in per share dividend rates are generally due to differences in separate class expenses. Class B and Class B1 shares will convert to Class A and Class A1 shares, respectively approximately eight years after purchase. The fund’s distributions declared to shareholders as reported in the Statements of Changes in Net Assets are presented by class as follows:


     From net investment
Class A      $31,460,760         $35,251,132   
Class B      940,625         1,071,488   
Class C      5,612,258         6,335,838   
Class I      14,420,196         9,308,718   
Class A1      24,906,692         28,570,074   
Class B1      47,787         101,995   
Total      $77,388,318         $80,639,245   



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


(3) Transactions with Affiliates

Investment Adviser – The fund has an investment advisory agreement with MFS to provide overall investment management and related administrative services and facilities to the fund. The management fee is computed daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of 0.40% of the fund’s average daily net assets.

The investment adviser has agreed in writing to reduce its management fee to 0.37% of the fund’s average daily net assets in excess of $1.3 billion up to $2.0 billion and 0.35% of average daily net assets in excess of $2.0 billion. This written agreement will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. For the year ended March 31, 2014, this management fee reduction amounted to $244,879, which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations. MFS has also agreed in writing to reduce its management fee by a specified amount if certain MFS mutual fund assets exceed thresholds agreed to by MFS and the fund’s Board of Trustees. For the year ended March 31, 2014, this management fee reduction amounted to $30,887, which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations. The management fee incurred for the year ended March 31, 2014 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of 0.39% of the fund’s average daily net assets.

The investment adviser has agreed in writing to pay a portion of the fund’s operating expenses, exclusive of management fees, distribution and service fees, interest, taxes, extraordinary expenses, brokerage and transaction costs and investment-related expenses (including interest expenses and fees associated with investments in inverse floating rate instruments), such that fund operating expenses do not exceed 0.10% annually of the fund’s average daily net assets. This written agreement will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. For the year ended March 31, 2014, this reduction amounted to $601,209 and is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations.

Distributor – MFS Fund Distributors, Inc. (MFD), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MFS, as distributor, received $353,601 and $14,419 for the year ended March 31, 2014, as its portion of the initial sales charge on sales of Class A and Class A1 shares of the fund, respectively.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a distribution plan for certain share classes pursuant to Rule 12b-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

The fund’s distribution plan provides that the fund will pay MFD for services provided by MFD and financial intermediaries in connection with the distribution and servicing of certain share classes. One component of the plan is a distribution fee paid to MFD and another component of the plan is a service fee paid to MFD. MFD may subsequently pay all, or a portion, of the distribution and/or service fees to financial intermediaries.



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Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Distribution Plan Fee Table:


Fee Rate (d)
Fee Rate (d)
Plan (d)
Rate (e)
and Service
Class A              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         $2,105,830   
Class B      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         315,684   
Class C      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         1,889,446   
Class B1      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         0.76%         14,914   
Total Distribution and Service Fees         $4,325,874   


(d) In accordance with the distribution plan for certain classes, the fund pays distribution and/or service fees equal to these annual percentage rates of each class’s average daily net assets. The distribution and service fee rates disclosed by class represent the current rates in effect at the end of the reporting period. Any rate changes, if applicable, are detailed below.
(e) The annual effective rates represent actual fees incurred under the distribution plan for the year ended March 31, 2014 based on each class’s average daily net assets. The service fee rate attributable to Class B1 shares within the first year of purchase is 0.25%. The service fee rate attributable to all other Class B1 shares has been reduced by MFD to 0.00% under a written agreement that will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. For the year ended March 31, 2014, this reduction amounted to $3,552 and is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations. MFD has voluntarily agreed to rebate a portion of each class’s 0.25% service fee attributable to accounts for which MFD retains the 0.25% service fee except for accounts attributable to MFS or its affiliates’ seed money. For the year ended March 31, 2014, this rebate amounted to $28,284, $52, and $61 for Class A, Class B, and Class C, respectively, and is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations.

Certain Class A and A1 shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) in the event of a shareholder redemption within 18 months of purchase for shares purchased on or after August 1, 2012, and within 24 months of purchase for shares purchased prior to August 1, 2012. Class C shares are subject to a CDSC in the event of a shareholder redemption within 12 months of purchase. Class B and Class B1 shares are subject to a CDSC in the event of a shareholder redemption within six years of purchase. All contingent deferred sales charges are paid to MFD and during the year ended March 31, 2014, were as follows:


Class A      $91,207   
Class B      79,375   
Class C      58,384   
Class A1        
Class B1      885   

Shareholder Servicing Agent – MFS Service Center, Inc. (MFSC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MFS, receives a fee from the fund for its services as shareholder servicing agent calculated as a percentage of the average daily net assets of the fund as determined periodically under the supervision of the fund’s Board of Trustees. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the fee was $270,211, which equated to 0.0132% annually of the fund’s average daily net assets. MFSC also receives payment from the fund for out-of-pocket expenses, sub-accounting and other shareholder servicing costs



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


which may be paid to affiliated and unaffiliated service providers. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these out-of-pocket expenses, sub-accounting and other shareholder servicing costs amounted to $1,447,511.

Administrator – MFS provides certain financial, legal, shareholder communications, compliance, and other administrative services to the fund. Under an administrative services agreement, the fund partially reimburses MFS the costs incurred to provide these services. The fund is charged an annual fixed amount of $17,500 plus a fee based on average daily net assets. The administrative services fee incurred for the year ended March 31, 2014 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of 0.0125% of the fund’s average daily net assets.

Trustees’ and Officers’ Compensation – The fund pays compensation to independent Trustees in the form of a retainer, attendance fees, and additional compensation to Board and Committee chairpersons. The fund does not pay compensation directly to Trustees or officers of the fund who are also officers of the investment adviser, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to the fund from MFS. Certain officers and Trustees of the fund are officers or directors of MFS, MFD, and MFSC.

Prior to December 31, 2001, the fund had an unfunded defined benefit plan (“DB plan”) for independent Trustees. As of December 31, 2001, the Board took action to terminate the DB plan with respect to then-current and any future independent Trustees, such that the DB plan covers only certain of those former independent Trustees who retired on or before December 31, 2001. The DB plan resulted in a pension expense of $2,844 and is included in independent Trustees’ compensation for the year ended March 31, 2014. The liability for deferred retirement benefits payable to certain independent Trustees under the DB plan amounted to $26,888 at March 31, 2014, and is included in “Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation” in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

Other – This fund and certain other funds managed by MFS (the funds) have entered into services agreements (the Agreements) which provide for payment of fees by the funds to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC in return for the provision of services of an Independent Chief Compliance Officer (ICCO) and Assistant ICCO, respectively, for the funds. The ICCO and Assistant ICCO are officers of the funds and the sole members of Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC, respectively. The funds can terminate the Agreements with Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC at any time under the terms of the Agreements. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the aggregate fees paid by the fund to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC were $12,135 and are included in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statement of Operations. MFS has agreed to reimburse the fund for a portion of the payments made by the fund in the amount of $4,607, which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statement of Operations. Additionally, MFS has agreed to bear all expenses associated with office space, other administrative support, and supplies provided to the ICCO and Assistant ICCO.

The fund invests in the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio which is managed by MFS and seeks current income consistent with preservation of capital and liquidity.



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Income earned on this investment is included in “Dividends from underlying affiliated funds” in the Statement of Operations. This money market fund does not pay a management fee to MFS.

(4) Portfolio Securities

Purchases and sales of investments, other than short-term obligations, aggregated $638,139,034 and $776,455,144, respectively.

(5) Shares of Beneficial Interest

The fund’s Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest. Transactions in fund shares were as follows:


     Year ended
    Year ended
     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold         

Class A

     16,698,114        $142,378,298        36,472,000        $326,896,860   

Class B

     285,299        2,417,714        1,100,675        9,831,689   

Class C

     2,570,610        22,049,319        7,875,002        70,807,617   

Class I

     48,561,475        408,726,226        19,850,296        178,299,684   

Class A1

     522,908        4,464,650        1,127,701        10,092,638   

Class B1

     2,760        23,426        3,599        32,172   
     68,641,166        $580,059,633        66,429,273        $595,960,660   
Shares issued to shareholders in
reinvestment of distributions

Class A

     3,305,143        $27,934,427        3,218,071        $28,857,419   

Class B

     95,723        809,735        97,754        877,642   

Class C

     532,886        4,517,825        520,167        4,679,367   

Class I

     1,290,841        10,873,874        823,122        7,370,556   

Class A1

     2,265,384        19,141,145        2,297,677        20,598,377   

Class B1

     4,248        36,066        8,469        75,799   
     7,494,225        $63,313,072        6,965,260        $62,459,160   
Shares reacquired         

Class A

     (48,149,446     $(405,605,754     (20,294,809     $(182,345,429

Class B

     (1,275,436     (10,763,014     (648,148     (5,813,743

Class C

     (10,178,906     (86,043,859     (3,704,313     (33,329,539

Class I

     (22,776,518     (189,795,718     (4,803,799     (43,009,247

Class A1

     (12,617,892     (106,482,583     (6,971,461     (62,445,595

Class B1

     (156,794     (1,348,085     (242,009     (2,164,066
     (95,154,992     $(800,039,013     (36,664,539     $(329,107,619



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


     Year ended
     Year ended
     Shares      Amount      Shares      Amount  
Net change            

Class A

     (28,146,189      $(235,293,029      19,395,262         $173,408,850   

Class B

     (894,414      (7,535,565      550,281         4,895,588   

Class C

     (7,075,410      (59,476,715      4,690,856         42,157,445   

Class I

     27,075,798         229,804,382         15,869,619         142,660,993   

Class A1

     (9,829,600      (82,876,788      (3,546,083      (31,754,580

Class B1

     (149,786      (1,288,593      (229,941      (2,056,095
     (19,019,601      $(156,666,308      36,729,994         $329,312,201   

(6) Line of Credit

The fund and certain other funds managed by MFS participate in a $1.1 billion unsecured committed line of credit, subject to a $1 billion sublimit, provided by a syndication of banks under a credit agreement. Borrowings may be made for temporary financing needs. Interest is charged to each fund, based on its borrowings, generally at a rate equal to the higher of the Federal Reserve funds rate or one month LIBOR plus an agreed upon spread. A commitment fee, based on the average daily, unused portion of the committed line of credit, is allocated among the participating funds at the end of each calendar quarter. In addition, the fund and other funds managed by MFS have established unsecured uncommitted borrowing arrangements with certain banks for temporary financing needs. Interest is charged to each fund, based on its borrowings, at a rate equal to the Federal Reserve funds rate plus an agreed upon spread. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the fund’s commitment fee and interest expense were $10,514 and $0, respectively, and are included in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statement of Operations.

(7) Transactions in Underlying Affiliated Funds-Affiliated Issuers

An affiliated issuer may be considered one in which the fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common control. For the purposes of this report, the fund assumes the following to be an affiliated issuer:


Underlying Affiliated Fund    Beginning
MFS Institutional Money
Market Portfolio
     178,303,578         701,556,550         (748,603,285     131,256,843   
Underlying Affiliated Fund    Realized
Gain (Loss)
     Capital Gain
MFS Institutional Money
Market Portfolio
     $—         $—         $109,968        $131,256,843   



Table of Contents


To the Board of Trustees of MFS Municipal Series Trust and the Shareholders of MFS Municipal Income Fund:

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the portfolio of investments, of MFS Municipal Income Fund (one of the series MFS Municipal Series Trust) (the “Fund”) as of March 31, 2014, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2014, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of MFS Municipal Income Fund as of March 31, 2014, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the 5 years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Boston, Massachusetts

May 13, 2014



Table of Contents


The Trustees and Officers of the Trust, as of May 1, 2014, are listed below, together with their principal occupations during the past five years. (Their titles may have varied during that period.) The address of each Trustee and Officer is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618. It is expected that the Board will appoint Mr. Timothy M. Fagan as Chief Compliance Officer of the MFS Funds on November 1, 2014.


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund

Since (h)

Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)

Robert J. Manning (k)
(age 50)
  Trustee   February 2004   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director; President (until 2009); Chief Investment Officer (until 2010)   N/A

Robin A. Stelmach (k)

(age 52)

  Trustee   January 2014   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer   N/A
David H. Gunning
(age 71)
  Trustee and Chair of Trustees   January 2004   Private investor   Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. (welding equipment manufacturer), Director; Development Alternatives, Inc. (consulting), Director/Non-Executive Chairman

Steven E. Buller

(age 62)

  Trustee   February 2014   Chairman, Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council; Standing Advisory Group, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Member; BlackRock, Inc. (investment management), Managing Director (until 2014), BlackRock Finco (investment management), UK, Director (until 2014)   N/A



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund

Since (h)

Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)

Robert E. Butler
(age 72)
  Trustee   January 2006   Consultant – investment company industry regulatory and compliance matters   N/A

Maureen R. Goldfarb

(age 59)

  Trustee   January 2009   Private investor   N/A

William R. Gutow

(age 72)

  Trustee   December 1993   Private investor and real estate consultant; Capitol Entertainment Management Company (video franchise), Vice Chairman   Texas Donuts (donut franchise), Vice Chairman (until 2010)

Michael Hegarty

(age 69)

  Trustee   December 2004   Private investor   Brookfield Office Properties, Inc. (real estate), Director; Rouse Properties Inc. (real estate), Director; Capmark Financial Group Inc. (real estate), Director

John P. Kavanaugh

(age 59)

  Trustee   January 2009   Private investor   N/A

Laurie J. Thomsen

(age 56)

  Trustee   March 2005   Private investor; New Profit, Inc. (venture philanthropy), Executive Partner (until 2010)   The Travelers Companies (insurance), Director
Robert W. Uek
(age 72)
  Trustee   January 2006   Consultant to investment company industry   N/A

John M. Corcoran (k)

(age 49)

  President   October 2008   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President   N/A

Christopher R. Bohane (k)

(age 40)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   July 2005   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel   N/A

Kino Clark (k)

(age 45)

  Assistant Treasurer   January 2012  

Massachusetts Financial

Services Company,

Vice President




Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund

Since (h)

Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)

Thomas H. Connors (k)

(age 54)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   September 2012  

Massachusetts Financial Services Company,

Vice President and Senior Counsel; Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc. (financial service provider), Director and Senior Counsel (until 2012)


Ethan D. Corey (k)

(age 50)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   July 2005  

Massachusetts Financial Services Company,

Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel


David L. DiLorenzo (k)

(age 45)

  Treasurer   July 2005   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President   N/A
Robyn L. Griffin
(age 38)
  Assistant Independent Chief Compliance Officer   August 2008   Griffin Compliance LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal   N/A

Brian E. Langenfeld (k)

(age 41)

  Assistant Secretary and
Assistant Clerk
  June 2006   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel   N/A

Susan S. Newton (k)

(age 64)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   May 2005   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel   N/A
Susan A. Pereira (k)
(age 43)
  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   July 2005   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel   N/A

Kasey L. Phillips (k)

(age 43)

  Assistant Treasurer   September 2012   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President; Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, Senior Vice President, Fund Treasurer (until 2012)   N/A



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund

Since (h)

Occupations During

the Past Five Years



Directorships (j)

Mark N. Polebaum (k)

(age 61)

  Secretary and Clerk   January 2006   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary   N/A

Frank L. Tarantino (l)

(age 70)

  Independent Chief Compliance Officer   June 2004   Tarantino LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal   N/A

Richard S. Weitzel (k)

(age 43)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk   October 2007   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel   N/A

James O. Yost (k)

(age 53)

  Deputy Treasurer   September 1990   Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President   N/A


(h) Date first appointed to serve as Trustee/officer of an MFS Fund. Each Trustee has served continuously since appointment unless indicated otherwise. For the period from December 15, 2004 until February 22, 2005, Mr. Manning served as Advisory Trustee. For the period October 2008, until January 2012, Mr. Corcoran served as Treasurer of the Funds. Prior to January 2012, Messrs. DiLorenzo and Yost served as Assistant Treasurers of the Funds.
(j) Directorships or trusteeships of companies required to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (i.e., “public companies”).
(k) “Interested person” of the Trust within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (referred to as the 1940 Act), which is the principal federal law governing investment companies like the fund, as a result of position with MFS. The address of MFS is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618.
(l) Mr. Tarantino will retire as Independent Chief Compliance Officer of the MFS Funds on October 31, 2014. It is expected that Mr. Tarantino will continue after that date as an Independent Senior Officer of the MFS Funds.

Each Trustee (except Ms. Stelmach and Mr. Buller) has been elected by shareholders and each Trustee and officer holds office until his or her successor is chosen and qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement or removal. The Trust does not hold annual meetings for the purpose of electing Trustees, and Trustees are not elected for fixed terms. Messrs. Butler, Kavanaugh, Uek and Ms. Thomsen are members of the Trust’s Audit Committee.

Each of the Fund’s Trustees and officers holds comparable positions with certain other funds of which MFS or a subsidiary is the investment adviser or distributor, and, in the case of the officers, with certain affiliates of MFS. As of January 1, 2014, the Trustees served as board members of 142 funds within the MFS Family of Funds.



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund includes further information about the Trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling 1-800-225-2606.



Investment Adviser   Custodian
Massachusetts Financial Services Company
111 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02199-7618

JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA

4 Metrotech Center

New York, NY 11245

Distributor   Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.
111 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02199-7618

Deloitte & Touche LLP

200 Berkeley Street

Boston, MA 02116

Portfolio Manager  

Geoffrey Schechter




Table of Contents


A discussion regarding the Board’s most recent review and renewal of the fund’s Investment Advisory Agreement with MFS is available by clicking on the fund’s name under “Mutual Funds” in the “Products” section of the MFS Web site (mfs.com).


MFS votes proxies on behalf of the fund pursuant to proxy voting policies and procedures that are available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-225-2606, by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.

Information regarding how the fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is available without charge by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.


The fund will file a complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. A shareholder can obtain the quarterly portfolio holdings report at mfs.com. The fund’s Form N-Q is also available on the EDGAR database on the Commission’s Internet Web site at http://www.sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the:

Public Reference Room

Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, NE, Room 1580

Washington, D.C. 20549

Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. Copies of the fund’s Form N-Q also may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following e-mail address: publicinfo@sec.gov or by writing the Public Reference Section at the above address.


From time to time, MFS may post important information about the fund or the MFS funds on the MFS web site (mfs.com). This information is available by visiting the “Commentary & Announcements” and “Market Outlooks” sections of mfs.com or by clicking on the fund’s name under “Mutual Funds” in the “Products” section of mfs.com.


The fund will notify shareholders of amounts for use in preparing 2014 income tax forms in January 2015. The following information is provided pursuant to provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Of the dividends paid from net investment income during the fiscal year, 99.72% is designated as exempt interest dividends for federal income tax purposes. If the fund has earned income on private activity bonds, a portion of the dividends paid may be considered a tax preference item for purposes of computing a shareholder’s alternative minimum tax.



Table of Contents

rev. 3/11







Why?   Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.



The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:


 Social Security number and account balances

 Account transactions and transaction history

 Checking account information and wire transfer instructions


When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.


How?   All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons MFS chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.


Reasons we can share your
personal information
  Does MFS
  Can you limit
this sharing?

For our everyday business purposes –

such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus

  Yes   No

For our marketing purposes –

to offer our products and services to you

  No   We don’t share
For joint marketing with other financial companies   No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your transactions and experiences

  No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your creditworthiness

  No   We don’t share
For nonaffiliates to market to you   No   We don’t share


Questions?   Call 800-225-2606 or go to mfs.com.



Table of Contents
Page 2  



Who we are
Who is providing this notice?   MFS Funds, MFS Investment Management, MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Fund Distributors, Inc., MFS Heritage Trust Company, and MFS Service Center, Inc.


What we do
How does MFS protect my personal information?   To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include procedural, electronic, and physical safeguards for the protection of the personal information we collect about you.
How does MFS collect my personal information?  

We collect your personal information, for example, when you


open an account or provide account information

direct us to buy securities or direct us to sell your securities

make a wire transfer


We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates and other companies.

Why can’t I limit all sharing?  

Federal law gives you the right to limit only


sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness

affiliates from using your information to market to you

sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you


State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


MFS does not share personal information with affiliates, except for everyday business purposes as described on page one of this notice.


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


MFS does not share with nonaffiliates so they can market to you.

Joint Marketing  

A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.


MFS doesnt jointly market.



Other important information
If you own an MFS product or receive an MFS service in the name of a third party such as a bank or broker-dealer, their privacy policy may apply to you instead of ours.



Table of Contents



Save paper with eDelivery.



MFS® will send you prospectuses,

reports, and proxies directly via e-mail so you will get information faster with less mailbox clutter.

To sign up:

1. Go to mfs.com.

2. Log in via MFS® Access.

3. Select eDelivery.

If you own your MFS fund shares through a financial institution or a retirement plan, MFS® TALK, MFS® Access, or eDelivery may not be available to you.







24 hours a day




Financial advisors


Retirement plan services



MFS Service Center, Inc.

P.O. Box 55824

Boston, MA 02205-5824


MFS Service Center, Inc.

c/o Boston Financial Data Services

30 Dan Road

Canton, MA 02021-2809


Table of Contents


March 31, 2014





For the states of:

Alabama, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, and Massachusetts





Table of Contents


For the states of: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, and Massachusetts




Letter from the Chairman and CEO     1   
Portfolio composition     2   
Management review     8   
Performance summary     10   
Expense tables     16   
Portfolios of investments     18   
Statements of assets and liabilities     45   
Statements of operations     49   
Statements of changes in net assets     51   
Financial highlights     53   
Notes to financial statements     65   
Report of independent registered public accounting firm     75   
Trustees and officers     76   
Board review of investment advisory agreement     79   
Proxy voting policies and information     79   
Quarterly portfolio disclosure     79   
Further information     79   
Federal tax information     79   
MFS® privacy notice     80   
Contact information    back cover   

The report is prepared for the general information of shareholders. It is authorized for distribution to prospective investors only when preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus.



Table of Contents





Dear Shareholders:

The pace of U.S. economic growth slowed early in 2014, largely because of harsh winter weather. However, the U.S. labor market, consumer confidence and other economic data have all pointed to recovery. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s steady, gradual removal of its bond-buying stimulus, after initially causing concern, is providing some consistency, which can inspire consumer and investor confidence.

Global economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions have added to market volatility. The eurozone, however, is making progress in its economic recovery. Japan’s progress in its battle to end deflation is expected to experience a temporary setback on the heels of the country’s sales tax increase, introduced in April.

The world’s largest economic concern remains the slowdown in China’s pace of growth as it shifts toward a more consumer-oriented economy. Any reduction in China’s economic growth rate is likely to have a ripple effect on its many trading partners.

In uncertain times such as these, it is particularly important to remember that managing risk should always be a top priority. At MFS®, active risk management is an integral part of our collaborative process. Our global team of investment professionals shares ideas and evaluates opportunities that span continents, investment disciplines and asset classes. Our goal is to build better insights, and ultimately better results, for our clients.

We understand and appreciate the economic challenges investors face, and we believe in the value of maintaining a long-term view and applying proven principles, such as asset allocation and diversification. We are confident that our unique approach can serve investors well as they work with their financial advisors to identify and pursue the most suitable opportunities.




Robert J. Manning

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

MFS Investment Management

May 13, 2014



The opinions expressed in this letter are subject to change, may not be relied upon for investment advice, and no forecasts can be guaranteed.



Table of Contents



MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     20.7%   
Universities – Colleges     14.6%   
General Obligations – Schools     12.1%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     11.4%   
State & Local Agencies     10.0%   


Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     6.1%   
AA     36.5%   
A     34.2%   
BBB     12.0%   
BB     3.6%   
B     0.1%   
Not Rated     4.1%   
Cash & Other     3.4%   




Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     8.0   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     16.7 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Alabama     79.4%   
New York     2.2%   
Wisconsin     1.7%   
California     1.6%   
Massachusetts     1.6%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Illinois     0.9%   
Guam     0.9%   
Florida     0.9%   
Puerto Rico     0.8%   
Tennessee     0.8%   
New Hampshire     0.8%   
Kentucky     0.7%   
Texas     0.7%   
Colorado     0.6%   
Virginia     0.6%   
New Jersey     0.5%   
Indiana     0.3%   
Michigan     0.1%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Universities – Colleges     24.5%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     15.7%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     10.1%   
General Obligations – Schools     9.4%   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue     8.7%   


Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     7.0%   
AA     50.9%   
A     28.7%   
BBB     9.0%   
BB     1.8%   
B     0.4%   
Not Rated     2.3%   
Cash & Other     (0.1)%   




Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     8.2   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     14.7 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Arkansas     81.5%   
Guam     2.9%   
New York     2.7%   
California     2.1%   
Puerto Rico     2.0%   
Kentucky     1.4%   
Massachusetts     1.3%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Wisconsin     1.0%   
New Jersey     0.7%   
Indiana     0.7%   
Texas     0.5%   
New Hampshire     0.5%   
Colorado     0.5%   
Ohio     0.4%   
Illinois     0.3%   
Tennessee     0.3%   
Florida     0.2%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

From time to time “Cash & Other” may be negative due to timing of cash receipts and/or equivalent exposure from any derivative holdings.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS California Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     12.8%   
Tax Assessment     11.3%   
Universities – Colleges     10.2%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     9.4%   
General Obligations – Schools     8.5%   


Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     1.7%   
AA     23.9%   
A     45.0%   
BBB     18.1%   
BB     4.8%   
B     1.1%   
Not Rated     5.1%   
Cash & Other     0.3%   




Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     8.8   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     17.2 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
California     95.8%   
Illinois     1.1%   
Guam     0.8%   
Pennsylvania     0.6%   
Puerto Rico     0.6%   
Ohio     0.5%   
New Jersey     0.3%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Universities – Colleges     18.6%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     18.0%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     16.3%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     6.3%   
General Obligations – Schools     6.0%   


Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     10.1%   
AA     36.3%   
A     37.8%   
BBB     11.0%   
BB     2.0%   
B     0.5%   
Not Rated     1.3%   
Cash & Other     1.0%   




Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     8.6   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     17.0 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Georgia     81.7%   
New York     1.7%   
Guam     1.6%   
California     1.5%   
Florida     1.5%   
Puerto Rico     1.4%   
New Jersey     1.4%   
Illinois     1.3%   
Tennessee     0.9%   
U.S. Virgin Islands     0.8%   
Wisconsin     0.7%   
North Carolina     0.7%   
Kentucky     0.6%   
New Hampshire     0.6%   
Virginia     0.5%   
Colorado     0.5%   
Louisiana     0.5%   
Texas     0.5%   
Indiana     0.3%   
Michigan     0.3%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     23.0%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     16.6%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     10.2%   
Universities – Colleges     7.3%   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue     4.1%   


Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     16.4%   
AA     24.7%   
A     26.9%   
BBB     21.1%   
BB     2.8%   
B     0.9%   
Not Rated     5.3%   
Cash & Other     1.9%   




Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     8.1   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     16.4 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Maryland     79.2%   
Puerto Rico     2.6%   
New Jersey     1.9%   
Kentucky     1.8%   
District of Columbia     1.5%   
Tennessee     1.4%   
California     1.2%   
Illinois     1.1%   
Guam     1.1%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Indiana     0.9%   
Florida     0.8%   
Texas     0.8%   
New York     0.7%   
New Hampshire     0.6%   
Colorado     0.5%   
Washington     0.4%   
Michigan     0.3%   
Massachusetts     0.1%   
Mississippi     0.1%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Universities – Colleges     21.1%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     11.9%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     9.3%   
Miscellaneous Revenue – Other     8.2%   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue     7.0%   


Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     12.9%   
AA     40.4%   
A     24.3%   
BBB     15.3%   
BB     3.4%   
B     1.4%   
Not Rated     2.1%   
Cash & Other     0.2%   




Portfolio facts (i)  
Average Duration (d)     9.1   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     16.8 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Massachusetts     85.8%   
Illinois     1.6%   
Puerto Rico     1.4%   
Kentucky     1.3%   
New Jersey     1.1%   
Guam     1.1%   
Tennessee     1.0%   
New York     1.0%   
Florida     0.9%   
California     0.9%   
Wisconsin     0.7%   
Texas     0.7%   
Louisiana     0.5%   
Colorado     0.4%   
Pennsylvania     0.4%   
New Hampshire     0.3%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Washington     0.3%   
Ohio     0.1%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents


Summary of Results

For the twelve months ended March 31, 2014, Class A shares of each fund, at net asset value, underperformed the Barclays Municipal Bond Index. These included the municipal bond funds of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, and Massachusetts. The performance for the individual funds and the benchmark are set forth in the Performance Summary.

Market Environment

Early in the period, jitters over a banking crisis in Cyprus was more than offset by ongoing accommodative global monetary policy and improving economic data, resulting in gains in both equity and fixed income markets. As the period progressed, concerns that the US Federal Reserve (“Fed”) would begin tapering its quantitative easing (“QE”) program caused sovereign bond yields to spike, credit spreads to widen, and equity valuations to fall. Equities subsequently outperformed fixed income in response to the improved economic fundamentals.

Toward the middle of the period, the Fed’s decision to postpone QE tapering surprised markets. Favorable market reactions were tempered, however, by tense negotiations over US fiscal policy which resulted in a 16-day partial shutdown of the federal government and a short-term extension in the debt ceiling. The volatility was short-lived, however, as an extension of budget and debt ceiling deadlines allowed the government to re-open, and subsequent economic data reflected moderate but resilient US growth. Also well-received was the decision by the European Central Bank to cut its policy rate as inflation pressures waned in the region. In addition, equity investors appeared to have concluded that there would be no major change in US monetary policy as a result of the nomination of Janet Yellen as the new Fed Chair for a term beginning in early 2014.

Later in the period, emerging market stresses resurfaced as political unrest, an escalation of tensions due to Russia’s annexation of a portion of the Ukraine, falling currencies and slowing growth appeared to have impacted investor sentiment. Markets were also forced to contend with some unexpected weakness in the US economy due largely to weather-related interruptions to hiring and spending plans as well as production schedules. Once again, the setback was short-lived as the major US equity indexes traded near their all-time highs by the end of the period.

Over the twelve months ended March 31, 2014, municipal bond yields generally increased as fixed income market activity was led by the Fed’s signal last June 2013 that it would begin to reduce monthly purchases of US Treasury and mortgage-backed securities; the reduction in the size of the purchase program actually began in December 2013, when 10-year US Treasury yields peaked at 3%. Municipal bond prices fell accordingly during this time frame after the Fed announced it might taper asset purchases. The rise in municipal bond yields was more pronounced in the long end of the yield curve (y) relative to intermediate-term bonds as municipal bond mutual fund redemptions, as well as reduced liquidity, lessened the demand for longer maturity bonds.

Further, more flames were fanned by credit concerns, first by Detroit’s Chapter 9 filing in July, and then by increased scrutiny of Puerto Rico’s weakened fiscal position in late August. Since January 2014, municipal market supply/demand dynamics have improved enough to enable municipal bonds to rally as retail investors and hedge funds emerged as the market’s primary source of demand. The supply/demand dynamics were further supported by a reduced level of issuance during Q1 2014 as well as a more stable trend in mutual fund flows.

With the risks of a restructuring of Puerto Rico debt deferred after the Commonwealth successfully issued a $3.5 billion General Obligation bond deal, concerns regarding negative headline risk in the municipal market have also waned for the time being.

Factors Affecting Performance

The funds’ longer duration (d) stance relative to the Barclays Municipal Bond Index negatively impacted relative performance as credit concerns in the municipal bond markets and the threat of Fed tapering forced yields higher during the reporting period.

The Barclays Municipal Bond Index is a broad-based index comprised of municipal bonds issued within the 50 states and the District of Columbia as well as U.S. territories and possessions such as Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Among jurisdictions, overweight positions in municipal bonds of Puerto Rico were a primary source of underperformance across all funds given heightened concern over the US territory’s financial difficulties during the period. Underweight positions in municipal bonds of California detracted from relative returns in all funds, with the exception of the California Fund where it had an overweight position and an immaterial impact.

Across sectors, the utilities sector was a notable detractor from the relative performance of all funds. The general obligation sector weakened relative returns across all funds, with the exception of the California and Georgia funds, where it had an immaterial impact. The sales/excise tax sector was another negative factor for relative performance in all funds, with the exception of the Alabama fund, where it had a minimal impact on relative results. An overweight allocation to “BB” and “BBB” rated (r) securities also dampened relative performance across all funds, with the exception of the California fund, where “BBB” rated securities benefited relative returns.


Michael Dawson

Portfolio Manager



Table of Contents

Management Review – continued



(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value.
(r) Bonds rated “BBB”, “Baa”, or higher are considered investment grade; bonds rated “BB”, “Ba”, or below are considered non-investment grade. The sources for bond quality ratings are Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, Inc. and are applied using the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). For securities which are not rated by any of the three agencies, the security is considered Not Rated.
(y) A yield curve graphically depicts the yields of different maturity bonds of the same credit quality and type; a normal yield curve is upward sloping, with short-term rates lower than long-term rates.

The views expressed in this report are those of the portfolio manager only through the end of the period of the report as stated on the cover and do not necessarily reflect the views of MFS or any other person in the MFS organization. These views are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions, and MFS disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice or an indication of trading intent on behalf of any MFS portfolio. References to specific securities are not recommendations of such securities, and may not be representative of any MFS portfolio’s current or future investments.



Table of Contents


The following charts illustrate a representative class of each fund’s historical performance in comparison to its benchmark(s). Performance results include the deduction of the maximum applicable sales charge and reflect the percentage change in net asset value, including reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions. Each fund's results have been compared to the Barclays Municipal Bond Index, a market capitalization-weighted index that measures the performance of the tax-exempt bond market. However, while this index is considered the benchmark for the performance of municipal bond funds, it is comprised of municipal bonds issued nationwide, while each of the funds is limited to investing primarily in the bonds of a particular state. The performance of other share classes will be greater than or less than that of the class depicted below. Benchmarks are unmanaged and may not be invested in directly. Benchmark returns do not reflect sales charges, commissions or expenses. (See Notes to Performance Summary.)

Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. The performance shown does not reflect the deduction of taxes, if any, that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.

MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a Hypothetical $10,000 Investment


Total Returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      2/01/90      (1.83)%      5.25%      3.75%    
     B      9/07/93      (2.56)%      4.47%      2.98%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (6.49)%      4.23%      3.25%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (6.34)%      4.13%      2.98%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a Hypothetical $10,000 Investment


Total Returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      2/03/92      (2.32)%      4.39%      3.59%    
     B      9/07/93      (3.06)%      3.57%      2.79%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (6.96)%      3.38%      3.09%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (6.83)%      3.22%      2.79%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS California Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a Hypothetical $10,000 Investment


Total Returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


     Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr    
     A      6/18/85      (1.20)%      6.64%      4.16%    
     B      9/07/93      (1.96)%      5.83%      3.38%    
     C      1/03/94      (2.08)%      5.70%      3.22%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (5.89)%      5.61%      3.66%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (5.75)%      5.51%      3.38%    


With CDSC (1% for 12 months) (v)

     (3.03)%      5.70%      3.22%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a Hypothetical $10,000 Investment


Total Returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      6/06/88      (2.09)%      5.08%      3.71%    
     B      9/07/93      (2.81)%      4.30%      2.96%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (6.74)%      4.06%      3.21%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (6.60)%      3.96%      2.96%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a Hypothetical $10,000 Investment


Total Returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      10/31/84      (2.66)%      5.27%      3.50%    
     B      9/07/93      (3.47)%      4.49%      2.77%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.28)%      4.25%      2.99%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (7.22)%      4.15%      2.77%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a Hypothetical $10,000 Investment


Total Returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      4/09/85      (2.85)%      5.29%      3.90%    
     B      9/07/93      (3.59)%      4.49%      3.17%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.46)%      4.27%      3.40%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (7.33)%      4.15%      3.17%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.

Benchmark Definition

Barclays Municipal Bond Index – a market capitalization-weighted index that measures the performance of the tax-exempt bond market.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

Notes to Performance Summary

Average annual total return represents the average annual change in value for each share class for the periods presented.

Performance results reflect any applicable expense subsidies and waivers in effect during the periods shown. Without such subsidies and waivers each fund’s performance results would be less favorable. Please see the prospectus and financial statements for complete details.

Performance results do not include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and may differ from amounts reported in the financial highlights.

A portion of income may be subject to state, federal, and/or alternative minimum tax. Capital gains, if any, are subject to a capital gains tax.

From time to time the funds may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.



Table of Contents


Fund expenses borne by the shareholders during the period, October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014

As a shareholder of the funds, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on certain purchase or redemption payments, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other fund expenses. These examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

These examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014.

Actual expenses

The first line for each share class in the following tables provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

The second line for each share class in the following tables provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not each fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in each fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the tables are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line for each share class in the tables is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.



Account Value
Account Value
Paid During
Period (p)
A   Actual     0.93%        $1,000.00        $1,032.45        $4.71   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.93%        $1,000.00        $1,020.29        $4.68   
B   Actual     1.68%        $1,000.00        $1,028.62        $8.50   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.68%        $1,000.00        $1,016.55        $8.45   



Account Value
Account Value
Paid During
Period (p)
A   Actual     0.76%        $1,000.00        $1,029.41        $3.85   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.76%        $1,000.00        $1,021.14        $3.83   
B   Actual     1.52%        $1,000.00        $1,026.61        $7.68   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.52%        $1,000.00        $1,017.35        $7.64   


  (h) 5% class return per year before expenses.
  (p) “Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to each class’s annualized expense ratio, as shown above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid do not include any applicable sales charges (loads). If these transaction costs had been included, your costs would have been higher.



Table of Contents

Expense Tables – continued




Account Value
Account Value
Paid During
Period (p)
A   Actual     0.72%        $1,000.00        $1,046.08        $3.67   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.72%        $1,000.00        $1,021.34        $3.63   
B   Actual     1.49%        $1,000.00        $1,040.24        $7.58   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.49%        $1,000.00        $1,017.50        $7.49   
C   Actual     1.62%        $1,000.00        $1,041.25        $8.24   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.62%        $1,000.00        $1,016.85        $8.15   



Account Value
Account Value
Paid During
Period (p)
A   Actual     0.95%        $1,000.00        $1,035.01        $4.82   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.95%        $1,000.00        $1,020.19        $4.78   
B   Actual     1.70%        $1,000.00        $1,031.02        $8.61   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.70%        $1,000.00        $1,016.45        $8.55   



Account Value
Account Value
Paid During
Period (p)
A   Actual     0.95%        $1,000.00        $1,029.25        $4.81   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.95%        $1,000.00        $1,020.19        $4.78   
B   Actual     1.70%        $1,000.00        $1,024.49        $8.58   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.70%        $1,000.00        $1,016.45        $8.55   



Account Value
Account Value
Paid During
Period (p)
A   Actual     0.83%        $1,000.00        $1,034.59        $4.21   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.83%        $1,000.00        $1,020.79        $4.18   
B   Actual     1.59%        $1,000.00        $1,030.61        $8.05   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.59%        $1,000.00        $1,017.00        $8.00   


  (h) 5% class return per year before expenses.
  (p) “Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to each class’s annualized expense ratio, as shown above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid do not include any applicable sales charges (loads). If these transaction costs had been included, your costs would have been higher.

Notes to Expense Table

For the MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund, each class with a Rule 12b-1 service fee is subject to a rebate of a portion of such fee. Such rebates are included in the expense ratios above. For Class A shares, this rebate reduced the expense ratio above by 0.02%. See Note 3 in the Notes to Financial Statements for additional information.



Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 95.4%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 2.0%   
Birmingham, AL, Airport Authority Rev., AGM, 5.25%, 7/01/30    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,094,990   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 11.3%   
Auburn, AL, Sewer Rev., “H”, 5.625%, 12/01/33    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,128,660   
Boaz, AL, School Warrants, “A”, SYNCORA, 5%, 7/01/14 (c)      650,000        657,618   
Enterprise, AL, School Warrants, ASSD GTY, 5%, 2/01/29      250,000        262,407   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      260,000        275,374   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      60,000        63,551   
Huntsville, AL, School Warrants, “C”, 5%, 11/01/30      1,000,000        1,135,090   
Madison, AL, Refunding Warrants, 5.15%, 2/01/39      1,000,000        1,064,430   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31      70,000        78,854   
Montgomery County, AL, Warrants, SYNCORA, 5%, 3/01/28      500,000        536,915   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39      550,000        644,320   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33      55,000        59,464   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38      160,000        171,605   
      $ 6,078,288   
General Obligations - Schools - 12.0%   
Huntsville, AL, School Warrants, “B”, 5%, 9/01/29    $ 500,000      $ 553,875   
Huntsville, AL, School Warrants, “C”, 5%, 11/01/22      500,000        594,685   
Jefferson County, AL, School Warrants, AGM, 5.5%, 2/15/20      1,750,000        1,750,158   
Lee County, AL, School Warrants, ASSD GTY, 4.75%, 2/01/29      880,000        938,546   
Madison County, AL, Board of Education, ASSD GTY, 5.125%, 9/01/34      1,000,000        1,070,920   
Shelby County, AL, Board of Education Capital Outlay School Warrants (Ten Mill County Tax), 5%, 2/01/31      500,000        540,760   
Sumter County, AL, School Warrants, 5.2%, 2/01/39      1,000,000        1,019,140   
      $ 6,468,084   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 20.4%   
Alabama Special Care Facilities Financing Authority (Daughters of Charity), ETM, AMBAC, 5%, 11/01/25 (c)    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,504,515   
Alabama Special Care Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Ascension Health), BHAC, 5%, 11/15/39      750,000        781,305   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Alexander City, AL, Special Care Facilities Financing Authority Medical Facilities Rev., “A” (Russell Hospital Corp.), 5.75%, 12/01/36    $ 500,000      $ 488,815   
Birmingham, AL, Special Care Facilities Financing Authority Health Care Rev. (Children’s Hospital), ASSD GTY, 6%, 6/01/39      750,000        839,295   
Brazoria County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Brazosport Regional Health System), 5.25%, 7/01/32      165,000        153,796   
Cullman County, AL, Health Care Authority (Cullman Regional Medical Center), “A”, 7%, 2/01/36      300,000        320,655   
East Alabama Health Care Authority, Health Care Facilities Rev., 5.25%, 9/01/36 (b)      1,000,000        1,116,820   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36      435,000        460,869   
Health Care Authority for Baptist Health, AL, “D”, 5%, 11/15/21      875,000        895,702   
Huntsville, AL, Health Care Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/01/30      1,000,000        1,025,500   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      255,000        279,228   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      265,000        267,647   
Mobile, AL, Special Care Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Infirmary Health System, Inc.), “A”, 5.25%, 2/01/30      500,000        508,995   
Montgomery, AL, Medical Clinic Board Health Care Facility Rev. (Jackson Hospital & Clinic), 5.25%, 3/01/31      500,000        502,590   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      370,000        397,495   
University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, Hospital Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/25      500,000        547,445   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      505,000        560,474   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare), 5.25%, 8/15/31      340,000        347,562   
      $ 10,998,708   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 1.4%   
Pell City, AL, Special Care Facilities, Financing Authority Rev. (Noland Health Services, Inc.), 5%, 12/01/39    $ 750,000      $ 755,745   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 2.2%   
Butler, AL, Industrial Development Board, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Georgia-Pacific Corp.), 5.75%, 9/01/28    $ 200,000      $ 203,042   
Phenix City, AL, Industrial Development Board Environmental Improvement Rev. (MeadWestvaco Coated Board Project), “A”, 4.125%, 5/15/35      500,000        413,090   
Selma, AL, Industrial Development Board Rev., Gulf Opportunity Zone (International Paper Co.), “A”, 6.25%, 11/01/33      250,000        270,335   
Selma, AL, Industrial Development Board Rev., Gulf Opportunity Zone (International Paper Co.), “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/35      300,000        308,991   
      $ 1,195,458   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 1.3%   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40    $ 65,000      $ 64,901   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/44      95,000        93,680   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40      495,000        530,155   
      $ 688,736   
Port Revenue - 1.0%   
Alabama Port Authority Docks Facility, 6%, 10/01/40    $ 500,000      $ 559,730   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 2.1%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/41    $ 325,000      $ 341,773   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/31      515,000        598,322   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      205,000        168,006   
      $ 1,108,101   
Single Family Housing - State - 0.8%   
Alabama Housing Finance Authority, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “B”, GNMA, 5.375%, 10/01/33    $ 440,000      $ 456,535   
State & Local Agencies - 9.9%   
Alabama Incentives Financing Authority Special Obligation, “A”, 5%, 9/01/29    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,073,330   
Alabama Public School & College Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/29 (c)      1,000,000        1,180,690   
Alabama Public School & College Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/25      800,000        930,088   
Alabama Public School & College Authority Rev., “C”, 5%, 9/01/22      400,000        474,424   
Issuer   Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Local Agencies - continued   
Anniston, AL, Public Building Authority Rev. (Judicial Center Project), AGM, 5%, 3/01/32   $ 500,000      $ 546,315   
Bessemer, AL, Public Educational Building Authority Rev. (DHR Building Project), “A”, ASSD GTY, 5%, 7/01/30     385,000        418,021   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., Enhanced, “A”, 5%, 6/01/30     35,000        37,136   
Los Angeles, CA, Municipal Improvement Corp. Lease Rev. (Real Property), “E”, 6%, 9/01/39     145,000        163,715   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31     65,000        72,955   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “C”, 3%, 5/01/42     225,000        165,044   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21     155,000        167,388   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/36     35,000        38,680   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/37     65,000        71,607   
      $ 5,339,393   
Tax - Other - 1.7%                
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24   $ 95,000      $ 100,370   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29     30,000        31,393   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/29     65,000        66,598   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 10/01/25     65,000        68,539   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 5%, 10/01/29     400,000        411,380   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 6%, 10/01/39     235,000        236,633   
      $ 914,913   
Tobacco - 0.5%                
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41   $ 90,000      $ 67,720   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41     730,000        175,974   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41     10,000        2,373   
      $ 246,067   
Toll Roads - 1.2%                
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/29   $ 280,000      $ 144,015   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/31     465,000        211,380   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 6%, 1/01/37     110,000        117,042   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Toll Roads - continued                 
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 5.5%, 1/01/42    $ 180,000      $ 183,809   
      $ 656,246   
Universities - Colleges - 14.4%                 
Alabama State University Board of Education Rev. (Chattahoochee Valley Community College), ASSD GTY, 5%, 6/01/34    $ 1,300,000      $ 1,352,624   
Alabama State University Rev., General Tuition & Fee, ASSD GTY, 5.75%, 9/01/39      1,000,000        1,070,290   
Auburn University, General Fee Rev., AMBAC, 5%, 6/01/29 (c)      1,000,000        1,007,810   
Jacksonville State University, Tuition & Fee Rev., ASSD GTY, 5.125%, 12/01/38      1,000,000        1,067,060   
University of Alabama, General Rev., NATL, 5%, 7/01/34      1,000,000        1,006,100   
University of Alabama, General Rev., “A”, NATL, 5%, 7/01/29      1,000,000        1,006,390   
University of South Alabama, University Rev., AMBAC, 5%, 12/01/29      1,000,000        1,083,030   
University of South Alabama, University Rev., BHAC, 5%, 8/01/38      150,000        155,235   
      $ 7,748,539   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 0.4%   
La Vernia, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Lifeschool of Dallas), “A”, 7.5%, 8/15/41    $ 190,000      $ 214,012   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 0.1%   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)    $ 70,000      $ 76,803   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 5.7%   
Chatom, AL, Industrial Development Board Gulf Opportunity Zone (PowerSouth Energy), “A”, ASSD GTY, 5%, 8/01/37    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,063,990   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Municipal Owned - continued           
Foley, AL, Utilities Board Utilities Rev., AGM, 5%, 11/01/25 (c)    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,075,570   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33      130,000        146,736   
Tuskegee, AL, Utilities Board, Utility Rev., 4.5%, 2/01/37      750,000        758,843   
      $ 3,045,139   
Utilities - Other - 0.6%   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19    $ 295,000      $ 331,521   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 6.4%   
Bessemer, AL, Governmental Utilities Services Corp. Water Supply Rev., ASSD GTY, 5%, 6/01/39    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,031,460   
Birmingham, AL, Waterworks Board Water Rev., “A”, ASSD GTY, 5.125%, 1/01/34      750,000        796,073   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      345,000        254,852   
Jefferson County, AL, Sewer Rev. Warrants, Subordinate Lien, “D”, 5%, 10/01/21      300,000        323,085   
Montgomery, AL, Waterworks & Sanitary Sewer Board Rev., AGM, 5%, 3/01/15 (c)      1,000,000        1,044,330   
      $ 3,449,800   

Total Municipal Bonds

(Identified Cost, $48,876,645)



  $ 51,426,808   
Money Market Funds - 1.8%   
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      977,768      $ 977,768   

Total Investments

(Identified Cost, $49,854,413)



  $ 52,404,576   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 2.8%        1,504,592   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 53,909,168   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 98.8%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
General Obligations - General Purpose - 6.6%   
Arkansas College Savings, Capital Appreciation, “A”, ETM, 0%, 6/01/17 (c)    $ 1,840,000      $ 1,783,438   
Arkansas Federal Highway Grant Anticipation & Tax Rev., 5%, 4/01/20      2,000,000        2,367,120   
Arkansas Federal Highway Grant Anticipation & Tax Rev., 5%, 4/01/21      2,000,000        2,378,320   
Arkansas Four-Lane Highway Construction & Improvement, 4%, 6/15/20      2,000,000        2,255,740   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      515,000        545,452   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      255,000        231,594   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      65,000        68,847   
State of California, 5%, 11/01/21      750,000        883,793   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39      1,160,000        1,358,928   
      $ 11,873,232   
General Obligations - Schools - 9.3%   
Arkansas College Savings, Capital Appreciation, “B”, ETM, 0%, 6/01/14 (c)    $ 1,150,000      $ 1,149,540   
Arkansas College Savings, Capital Appreciation, “B”, ETM, 0%, 6/01/15 (c)      1,100,000        1,095,545   
Bentonville, AR, School District No. 6, “A”, 5%, 6/01/24      3,185,000        3,535,159   
Crittenden County, AR, Community College District, 4.6%, 2/01/35      285,000        287,286   
Crittenden County, AR, Community College District, 4.7%, 2/01/40      625,000        629,844   
Crittenden County, AR, Community College District, 4%, 2/01/42      1,450,000        1,414,823   
Northwest Arkansas Community College District, Capital Improvement, AMBAC, 5%, 5/15/28      1,380,000        1,401,514   
Pulaski County, AR, North Little Rock School District, “B”, 5%, 2/01/22      1,000,000        1,146,070   
Pulaski, AR, Special School District Construction, 5%, 2/01/35      2,000,000        2,008,800   
Springdale, AR, School District No. 050, “A”, 4.625%, 6/01/37      2,000,000        2,054,620   
Springdale, AR, School District No. 50, 3%, 6/01/29      910,000        865,055   
Van Buren, AR, School District No. 42, 4.5%, 4/01/31      375,000        381,173   
Van Buren, AR, School District No. 42, 4.625%, 4/01/33      745,000        753,992   
      $ 16,723,421   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 10.0%   
Brazoria County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Brazosport Regional Health System), 5.25%, 7/01/32    $ 520,000      $ 484,692   
Conway, AR, Hospital Rev. (Conway Regional Medical Center), 4.45%, 8/01/32      540,000        528,050   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36    $ 420,000      $ 444,977   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      510,000        558,455   
Independence County, AR, Public Health Education & Housing Facilities Board Rev. (White River Health Systems), 5.75%, 6/01/28      1,000,000        1,102,700   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev. (Sisters of St. Francis Health Services), 5.375%, 11/01/32      1,085,000        1,160,852   
Jefferson County, AR, Hospital Rev., Refunding (Regional Medical Center), AGM, 5%, 6/01/26      2,000,000        2,114,860   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 5.75%, 6/01/25      510,000        554,508   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40      545,000        583,379   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.5%, 3/01/45      395,000        424,321   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      470,000        474,695   
Mena, AR, Hospital Rev., 4.25%, 8/01/21      400,000        402,076   
Mena, AR, Hospital Rev., 4.6%, 8/01/24      615,000        619,250   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      355,000        381,380   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6.125%, 10/01/39      490,000        513,089   
Ohio Higher Educational Facility Commission (University Hospital Health System), “A”, 6.75%, 1/15/15 (c)      685,000        720,209   
Pulaski County, AR, Hospital Rev. (Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation), AGM, 4%, 3/01/20      1,000,000        1,070,000   
Pulaski County, AR, Public Facilities Board Health Facilities Rev. (Carti Project), 5.5%, 7/01/43      750,000        774,623   
Pulaski, AR, Hospital Rev. (Arkansas Children’s Hospital), ASSD GTY, 5.5%, 3/01/34      750,000        821,730   
Pulaski, AR, Hospital Rev. (Arkansas Children’s Hospital), ASSD GTY, 5.5%, 3/01/39      1,375,000        1,486,458   
Washington County, AR, Hospital Rev. (Regional Medical Center), “A”, 5%, 2/01/35      1,000,000        1,006,630   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      990,000        1,098,752   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare), 5.25%, 8/15/31    $ 675,000      $ 690,012   
      $ 18,015,698   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 0.1%   
Valparaiso, IN, Exempt Facilities Rev. (Pratt Paper LLC Project), 7%, 1/01/44    $ 100,000      $ 106,299   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 1.0%   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40    $ 1,615,000      $ 1,729,697   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 0.6%   
Fort Smith, AR, Residential Housing Facilities Board Rev. (Gorman Towers), “A”, GNMA, 5.45%, 6/20/37    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,000,290   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 8.6%   
Bentonville, AR, Sales & Use Tax, AMBAC, 4.375%, 11/01/25    $ 880,000      $ 921,659   
Bentonville, AR, Sales & Use Tax, 4%, 11/01/26      1,310,000        1,331,903   
Cabot , AR, Sales & Use Tax , 5%, 6/01/26      700,000        786,324   
Cabot ,AR, Sales & Use Tax, 5%, 6/01/27      1,300,000        1,447,342   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/41      760,000        799,224   
Fort Smith, AR, Sales & Use Tax, 5%, 5/01/23      380,000        439,014   
Fort Smith, AR, Sales & Use Tax, 5%, 5/01/24      2,040,000        2,274,906   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      210,000        234,753   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A-1”, 5.25%, 7/01/29      1,000,000        1,217,280   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/57      1,010,000        813,323   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., Capital Appreciation, 0%, 8/01/56      9,770,000        542,040   
Rogers, AR, Sales & Use Tax Rev., 5%, 11/01/23      1,000,000        1,130,300   
Rogers, AR, Sales & Use Tax Rev., 4.125%, 11/01/31      500,000        515,765   
Springdale, AR, Sales & Use Tax Rev., 5%, 11/01/28      1,000,000        1,108,730   
Stuttgart, AR, Sales & Use Tax Rev., AGM, 5%, 6/01/32      1,840,000        1,911,981   
      $ 15,474,544   
Single Family Housing Revenue - Local - 1.5%   
Pulaski County, AR, Public Facilities Board Rev., Capital Appreciation, “C”, FNMA, 0%, 7/10/14    $ 2,750,000      $ 2,729,843   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Single Family Housing - State - 1.1%   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority Home Ownership Rev., Mortgage Backed Securities Program, “A”, GNMA, 4.85%, 7/01/27    $ 540,000      $ 543,310   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority Rev., Mortgage Backed Securities Program, “C”, GNMA, 5.625%, 1/01/35      275,000        277,508   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Mortgage Rev., “B”, GNMA, 4.85%, 7/01/31      610,000        612,733   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “B”, GNMA, 5.7%, 7/01/28      555,000        563,003   
      $ 1,996,554   
State & Local Agencies - 4.2%           
Arkansas Development Finance Authority Rev. (Donaghey Plaza Project), 5%, 6/01/34    $ 2,605,000      $ 2,811,082   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority Rev., Correctional Facilities, “A”, 5.125%, 5/15/34      500,000        519,905   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Public Purpose Rev. (Arkansas Game & Fish Commission), AGM, 5%, 7/15/27      3,205,000        3,226,762   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21      545,000        588,556   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/36      120,000        132,618   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/37      225,000        247,869   
      $ 7,526,792   
Tax - Other - 3.9%                 
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 490,000      $ 517,700   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      65,000        68,019   
Little Rock, AR, Hotel & Restaurant Gross Receipts Tax Rev., 7.375%, 8/01/15      1,055,000        1,075,794   
Little Rock, AR, Library Construction & Improvement Rev., 4%, 3/01/23      810,000        839,970   
Little Rock, AR, Library Construction & Improvement Rev., 4%, 3/01/24      1,685,000        1,738,532   
Rogers, AR, School District Number 30, 4.75%, 2/01/32      935,000        942,517   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/29      135,000        138,320   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/39      150,000        149,357   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 10/01/25      135,000        142,349   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 5%, 10/01/29      940,000        966,743   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 6%, 10/01/39      505,000        508,510   
      $ 7,087,811   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tobacco - 2.6%                 
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Tobacco Settlement Rev. (Cancer Research Center Project), Capital Appreciation, AMBAC, 0%, 7/01/26    $ 2,440,000      $ 1,482,690   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Tobacco Settlement Rev. (Cancer Research Center Project), Capital Appreciation, AMBAC, 0%, 7/01/27      2,470,000        1,420,645   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Tobacco Settlement Rev. (Cancer Research Center Project), Capital Appreciation, AMBAC, 0%, 7/01/28      500,000        272,380   
Children’s Trust Fund, Tobacco Settlement Rev., Puerto Rico, 5.5%, 5/15/39      290,000        260,234   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 6/01/23      480,000        461,477   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      305,000        229,494   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      2,485,000        599,034   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      35,000        8,306   
      $ 4,734,260   
Toll Roads - 0.3%                 
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 7%, 12/31/38    $ 230,000      $ 260,857   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43      180,000        199,415   
      $ 460,272   
Transportation - Special Tax - 0.3%   
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Rev., NY, “A”, 5%, 11/15/37    $ 490,000      $ 503,666   
Universities - Colleges - 24.1%           
Arkansas State University, Auxiliary Enterprises Rev., AGM, 4.65%, 4/01/35    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,004,430   
Arkansas State University, Housing System Rev. (Jonesboro Campus), 4.5%, 3/01/31      2,500,000        2,600,450   
Arkansas State University, Housing System Rev. (Jonesboro Campus), “C”, AMBAC, 5%, 3/01/32      2,595,000        2,748,183   
Arkansas State University, Student Fee (Jonesboro Campus), “C”, AGM, 4.5%, 3/01/23      550,000        613,855   
Arkansas State University, Student Fee (Jonesboro Campus), “C”, AGM, 4.5%, 3/01/27      545,000        586,654   
Arkansas Technical University, Housing Systems Rev., AMBAC, 5.2%, 12/01/26      500,000        526,265   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued           
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Higher Education Rev. (Emerson College), “A”, 5%, 1/01/23    $ 1,070,000      $ 1,106,776   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (New York University), “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/48      1,605,000        1,708,282   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.125%, 4/01/32      85,000        69,509   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42      140,000        110,810   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 4.375%, 10/01/31      60,000        46,547   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 5%, 10/01/42      30,000        22,606   
Pulaski, AR, Student Tuition & Fee Rev. (Technical College), AGM, 4%, 4/01/24      1,000,000        1,046,820   
Pulaski, AR, Student Tuition & Fee Rev. (Technical College), 5%, 4/01/41      1,000,000        1,068,210   
University of Arkansas Facilities Rev. (UAMS Campus), 5%, 11/01/25      2,000,000        2,323,560   
University of Arkansas Facilities Rev. (UAMS Campus) , 5%, 11/01/22      505,000        593,395   
University of Arkansas Facilities Rev. (UAMS Campus) , 5%, 11/01/23      520,000        611,213   
University of Arkansas Facilities Rev. (UAMS Campus) , 5%, 10/01/25      780,000        905,260   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Fayetteville Campus), “A”, 5%, 11/01/21      1,310,000        1,531,822   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Fayetteville Campus), “A”, 5%, 11/01/26      1,000,000        1,122,390   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Fort Smith Campus), 5%, 12/01/28      860,000        934,777   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Student Fee-Fort Smith Campus), 4%, 12/01/23      250,000        266,285   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Student Fee-Fort Smith Campus), 4%, 12/01/24      250,000        264,183   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Student Fee-Fort Smith Campus), 4%, 12/01/25      500,000        523,505   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Student Fee-Fort Smith Campus), 4%, 12/01/26      305,000        314,537   
University of Arkansas Rev. (Student Fee-Phillips), 5.1%, 12/01/34      750,000        799,875   
University of Arkansas Rev., “A”, 5%, 11/01/33      1,000,000        1,064,220   
University of Arkansas, Administration Building Rev. , “A”, 5%, 11/01/38      1,000,000        1,043,970   
University of Arkansas, University Construction Rev. (UAMS Campus), “B”, NATL, 5%, 11/01/14 (c)      1,405,000        1,444,340   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
University of Arkansas, University Construction Rev. (UAMS Campus), “B”, NATL, 5%, 11/01/14 (c)    $ 2,180,000      $ 2,241,040   
University of Arkansas, University Construction Rev. (UAMS Campus), “B”, NATL, 5%, 11/01/14 (c)      3,200,000        3,289,600   
University of Arkansas, University Facilities Rev. (Pine Bluff Campus), “A”, AMBAC, 5%, 12/01/30      1,000,000        1,056,850   
University of Arkansas, University Rev. (Fayetteville Campus), “A”, 5%, 11/01/32      1,000,000        1,104,070   
University of Arkansas, University Rev. (Monticello Campus), 4%, 12/01/35      600,000        593,112   
University of Arkansas, University Rev. (UAMS Campus), 4.5%, 7/01/16      750,000        811,245   
University of Arkansas, University Rev. (UAMS Campus), 4.5%, 7/01/17      725,000        801,140   
University of Arkansas, University Rev. (UAMS Campus), 4.5%, 7/01/18      795,000        893,405   
University of Arkansas, University Rev. (UAMS Campus), 4.5%, 7/01/19      320,000        361,846   
University of Arkansas, University Rev., Var Fac-Fayetteville Campus, AMBAC, 5%, 11/01/36      2,500,000        2,590,350   
University of Central Arkansas Rev., “C”, ASSD GTY, 4.25%, 9/01/40      1,950,000        1,990,541   
University of Puerto Rico Rev., “Q”, 5%, 6/01/36      1,145,000        625,502   
      $ 43,361,430   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 1.0%                 
Independence County, AR, Pollution Control Rev. (Entergy Arkansas, Inc. Project), 2.375%, 1/01/21    $ 750,000      $ 736,868   
Independence County, AR, Pollution Control Rev. (Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Project), AMBAC, 4.9%, 7/01/22      1,000,000        1,021,310   
      $ 1,758,178   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 7.9%           
Benton, AR, Public Utility Rev., AMBAC, 5%, 9/01/31    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,573,590   
Benton, AR, Public Utility Rev., AGM, 5%, 9/01/32      1,130,000        1,209,168   
Benton, AR, Public Utility Rev., AMBAC, 5%, 9/01/36      1,500,000        1,544,115   
Benton, AR, Public Utility Rev., AGM, 5%, 9/01/36      1,165,000        1,227,048   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, AGM, 5%, 10/01/30      2,805,000        2,949,598   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/30      450,000        475,097   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33      245,000        276,541   
North Little Rock, AR, Electric Rev., “A”, ETM, NATL, 6.5%, 7/01/15 (c)      2,625,000        2,737,639   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Municipal Owned - continued           
North Little Rock, AR, Electric Rev., “B”, AGM, 5%, 7/01/21    $ 1,040,000      $ 1,108,962   
North Little Rock, AR, Electric Rev., “B”, AGM, 5%, 7/01/22      1,090,000        1,153,732   
      $ 14,255,490   
Utilities - Other - 0.3%                 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21    $ 300,000      $ 334,830   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      155,000        173,175   
      $ 508,005   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 15.4%   
Arkansas Community Public Water Systems Authority Rev., 5%, 10/01/32    $ 1,020,000      $ 1,111,239   
Arkansas Community Public Water Systems Authority Rev., 3.7%, 10/01/36      1,500,000        1,422,975   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Capital Improvement Rev., Revolving Fund Loan, “C”, 5%, 6/01/22      1,500,000        1,769,205   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Capital Improvement Rev., Revolving Fund Loan, “C”, 5%, 6/01/23      795,000        927,383   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Capital Improvement Rev., Revolving Fund Loan, “C”, 5%, 6/01/24      2,645,000        3,072,247   
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Capital Improvement Rev., Revolving Fund Loan, “C”, 5%, 6/01/25      1,500,000        1,733,790   
Central Arkansas Water Rev., “B”, 4%, 10/01/14      880,000        896,694   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      175,000        118,678   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      1,195,000        882,747   
Fort Smith, AR, Water & Sewer Rev., AGM, 4.5%, 10/01/21      1,545,000        1,713,729   
Fort Smith, AR, Water & Sewer Rev., AGM, 4.5%, 10/01/22      455,000        501,465   
Fort Smith, AR, Water & Sewer Rev., AGM, 5%, 10/01/32      2,000,000        2,134,040   
Hot Springs, AR, Wastewater Rev., 4%, 12/01/19      510,000        561,454   
Hot Springs, AR, Wastewater Rev., 5%, 12/01/20      500,000        575,911   
Hot Springs, AR, Wastewater Rev., 5%, 12/01/21      650,000        744,588   
Hot Springs, AR, Wastewater Rev., ASSD GTY, 4.625%, 12/01/37      1,260,000        1,313,096   
Little Rock, AR, Sewer Rev., 5.5%, 10/01/30      750,000        830,948   
Little Rock, AR, Sewer Rev., 5.75%, 10/01/38      1,000,000        1,103,760   
Little Rock, AR, Sewer Rev., “A”, AGM, 4.375%, 6/01/33      750,000        760,020   
Little Rock, AR, Sewer Rev., “C”, AGM, 5%, 10/01/37      3,000,000        3,125,730   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued

Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - continued   
Rogers, AR, Sewer Rev., AMBAC, 5%, 2/01/37    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,034,280   
Wasco, CA, Semitropic Improvement District (Semitropic Water Storage District), “A”, 5%, 12/01/38      1,325,000        1,389,408   
             $ 27,723,387   

Total Municipal Bonds

(Identified Cost, $175,137,594)



  $ 177,568,869   

Money Market Funds - 0.2%

Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      376,083      $ 376,083   

Total Investments

(Identified Cost, $175,513,677)



  $ 177,944,952   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 1.0%        1,878,609   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 179,823,561   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 98.3%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 5.9%   
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Third Lien, “A”, 5.625%, 1/01/35    $ 780,000      $ 853,258   
Los Angeles, CA, Department of Airports Rev. (Los Angeles International), “A”, 5%, 5/15/29      3,000,000        3,329,400   
Orange County, CA, Airport Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/31      1,310,000        1,438,210   
San Diego County, CA, Regional Airport Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/21      1,500,000        1,694,670   
San Francisco, CA, City & County Airports Commission, International Airport Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31      850,000        897,337   
San Francisco, CA, City & County Airports Commission, International Airport Rev., “D”, 5%, 5/01/25      2,000,000        2,241,140   
San Jose, CA, Airport Rev., “A”, BHAC, 5.5%, 3/01/23      2,345,000        2,565,477   
San Jose, CA, Airport Rev., “A-2”, 5.25%, 3/01/34      2,560,000        2,743,475   
             $ 15,762,967   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 9.3%   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29    $ 85,000      $ 90,026   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      815,000        740,191   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      95,000        100,623   
Santa Clara County, CA, (Election of 2008), “B”, 5%, 8/01/22      4,000,000        4,854,680   
State of California, 5%, 11/01/21      2,485,000        2,928,299   
State of California, 5%, 8/01/34      2,200,000        2,381,896   
State of California, 5.25%, 4/01/35      2,545,000        2,799,195   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39      3,000,000        3,514,470   
State of California, 5.5%, 3/01/40      3,670,000        4,064,965   
State of California, 5.25%, 11/01/40      2,775,000        3,063,184   
             $ 24,537,529   
General Obligations - Schools - 8.5%   
Beaumont, CA, Unified School District (Election of 2008), Capital Appreciation, “C”, AGM, 0%, 8/01/40    $ 5,315,000      $ 1,320,405   
Beverly Hills, CA, Unified School District (Election of 2008), Capital Appreciation, 0%, 8/01/29      4,335,000        2,351,738   
Chabot-Las Positas, CA, Community College (Election of 2004), “B”, AMBAC, 5%, 8/01/16 (c)      1,090,000        1,193,768   
Colton, CA, Joint Union School District (Election of 2001), Capital Appreciation, “C”, FGIC, 0%, 2/01/32      1,000,000        388,110   
Colton, CA, Joint Union School District (Election of 2001), Capital Appreciation, “C”, FGIC, 0%, 2/01/33      3,000,000        1,090,050   
Folsom Cordova, CA, Unified School District (Election of 2012), “A”, 5%, 10/01/38      2,465,000        2,616,105   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
General Obligations - Schools - continued   
Garvey, CA, School District (Election of 2004), Capital Appreciation, AGM, 0%, 8/01/31    $ 2,120,000      $ 890,336   
Huntington Beach, CA, Union High School District (Orange County), 5%, 8/01/21      1,130,000        1,345,548   
Moorpark, CA, Unified School District (Election of 2008), Capital Appreciation, “A”, ASSD GTY, 0%, 8/01/33      500,000        187,135   
Moreland, CA, School District (Election of 2002), Capital Appreciation, “B”, FGIC, 0%, 8/01/28      1,440,000        745,301   
Napa Valley, CA, Unified School District (Election of 2006), Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 8/01/29      3,385,000        1,716,432   
San Bernardino, CA, City Unified School District, “A”, 5%, 8/01/23      600,000        684,396   
San Joaquin, CA, Delta Community College District (Election of 2004), “B”, Capital Appreciation, AGM, 0%, 8/01/18      2,350,000        2,150,532   
San Jose, CA, Evergreen Community College District (Election of 2010), “A”, 5%, 8/01/41      1,235,000        1,318,066   
San Mateo County, CA, Community College District (Election of 2001), Capital Appreciation, “A”, NATL, 0%, 9/01/21      4,300,000        3,514,605   
Santa Monica, CA, Community College District (Election of 2002), Capital Appreciation, “C”, NATL, 0%, 8/01/27      2,000,000        1,096,220   
             $ 22,608,747   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 12.6%           
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Catholic Healthcare West), “A”, 6%, 7/01/29    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,708,980   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Catholic Healthcare West), “G”, 5.25%, 7/01/23      2,000,000        2,017,420   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Children’s Hospital of Orange County), 6.25%, 11/01/29      2,000,000        2,320,360   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Providence Health & Services), “B”, 5.5%, 10/01/39      1,000,000        1,107,610   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Providence Health & Services), “C”, 6.5%, 10/01/18 (c)      30,000        37,100   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Providence Health & Services), “C”, 6.5%, 10/01/33      1,500,000        1,705,680   
California Health Facilities Financing Authority Rev. (Providence Health & Services), “C”,
6.5%, 10/01/38
     1,720,000        1,960,490   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula), 6%, 6/01/33      1,250,000        1,415,900   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Enloe Medical Center), CALHF, 6.25%, 8/15/33    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,240,600   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Enloe Medical Center), “A”, CALHF, 5.5%, 8/15/23      1,000,000        1,113,700   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (John Muir Health), 5.125%, 7/01/39      1,000,000        1,055,590   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Santa Ynez Valley Cottage Hospital), 5.25%, 11/01/30      1,740,000        1,854,283   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Sutter Health), “A”, 5%, 8/15/32      390,000        414,913   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Trinity Health Corp.), 5%, 12/01/41      2,550,000        2,650,113   
Madera County, CA, COP (Children’s Hospital Central California), 5.375%, 3/15/36      3,000,000        3,114,990   
Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, CA, COP, 6.75%, 11/01/39      1,805,000        1,863,085   
San Buenaventura, CA, Rev. (Community Memorial Health System), 7.5%, 12/01/41      1,000,000        1,127,560   
Santa Clara County, CA, Financing Authority Rev. (El Camino Hospital), AMBAC, 5.125%, 2/01/41      2,550,000        2,596,997   
Washington Township, CA, Health Care District Rev., “A”, 6.25%, 7/01/39      1,000,000        1,076,030   
West Contra Costa, CA, Healthcare District, AMBAC, 5.5%, 7/01/29      2,000,000        2,006,160   
             $ 33,387,561   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 3.5%   
ABAG Finance Authority for Non-Profit Corps., CA, Rev. (Episcopal Senior Communities), 6.125%, 7/01/41    $ 850,000      $ 909,041   
ABAG Finance Authority for Non-Profit Corps., CA, Rev. (Eskaton Properties, Inc.), 5%, 11/15/35      1,270,000        1,245,260   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (American Baptist Homes of the West), 6.25%, 10/01/39      1,500,000        1,564,980   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Episcopal Communities & Services for Seniors Obligated Group), 5%, 5/15/47      1,785,000        1,750,907   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Senior Living Presbyterian Homes), 4.875%, 11/15/36      1,000,000        906,290   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (The Terraces at San Joaquin Gardens), “A”, 6%, 10/01/42      750,000        732,990   
Eden Township, CA, Healthcare District, COP, 6.125%, 6/01/34      1,090,000        1,154,245   
La Verne, CA, COP (Brethren Hillcrest Homes), “B”, 6.625%, 2/15/25      895,000        900,692   
      $ 9,164,405   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Miscellaneous Revenue - Entertainment & Tourism - 0.3%   
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, CA, Rev., 6%, 7/01/18 (n)    $ 750,000      $ 750,068   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 2.2%   
ABAG Finance Authority for Non-Profit Corps., CA, Rev. (Jackson Lab), 5.75%, 7/01/15 (c)    $ 4,115,000      $ 4,483,539   
California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank Rev. (Walt Disney Family Museum), 5.25%, 2/01/33      1,340,000        1,420,789   
      $ 5,904,328   
Port Revenue - 0.5%                 
Long Beach, CA, Harbor Rev., “A”, FGIC, 6%, 5/15/17    $ 1,230,000      $ 1,414,549   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 2.4%   
Los Angeles County, CA, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/20    $ 4,750,000      $ 5,659,293   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      930,000        762,172   
      $ 6,421,465   
Single Family Housing - State - 3.4%   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “E”, 4.75%, 2/01/30    $ 1,760,000      $ 1,732,949   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “G”, 4.95%, 8/01/23      2,000,000        2,024,580   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “I”, 4.7%, 8/01/26      1,500,000        1,501,215   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “L”, 5.45%, 8/01/33      3,240,000        3,275,381   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “L”, FNMA, 5.5%, 8/01/38      455,000        459,960   
      $ 8,994,085   
State & Agency - Other - 0.5%   
Pasadena, CA, COP, (Old Pasadena Parking Facilities Project), 6.25%, 1/01/18    $ 1,250,000      $ 1,347,163   
State & Local Agencies - 6.9%           
Banning, CA, COP, Water Systems Improvement Project, ETM, AMBAC, 8%, 1/01/19 (c)    $ 465,000      $ 537,800   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev. (Judicial Council Projects), “A”, 5%, 3/01/28      2,120,000        2,330,898   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev., Department of Education (Riverside Campus), 6%, 4/01/26      2,000,000        2,354,500   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev., Department of General Services, 6.25%, 4/01/34      1,500,000        1,729,065   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev., Department of Justice, “D”, 5.25%, 11/01/20      1,565,000        1,570,133   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “C”, FRN, 0.908%, 6/01/37      2,320,000        1,580,268   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., FGIC, 5%, 6/01/35      1,745,000        1,767,877   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Local Agencies - continued           
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A”, AGM, 4.55%, 6/01/22    $ 3,000,000      $ 3,162,480   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., Enhanced, “A”, FGIC, 5%, 6/01/35      2,100,000        2,125,620   
San Diego, CA, Public Facilities Financing Authority Lease Rev. (Master Refunding Project), “A”, 5.25%, 3/01/40      1,000,000        1,054,990   
      $ 18,213,631   
Tax - Other - 0.2%           
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 445,000      $ 470,156   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      145,000        151,735   
      $ 621,891   
Tax Assessment - 11.1%                 
Bay Area Governments Association, Tax Allocation, “A”, AMBAC, 5%, 9/01/33    $ 3,700,000      $ 3,523,177   
Fontana, CA, Redevelopment Agency Tax Allocation (Jurupa Hills Redevelopment Project), “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/27      3,350,000        3,356,767   
Glendale, CA, Redevelopment Agency, Tax Allocation Rev. (Central Glendale Redevelopment Project), 5.5%, 12/01/24      1,750,000        1,820,035   
Huntington Beach, CA, Community Facilities District Special Tax (Grand Coast Resort), 5.125%, 9/01/31      1,000,000        1,000,320   
Irvine, CA, Limited Obligation Improvement (Reassessment District #12-1), 4%, 9/02/22      685,000        721,511   
Irvine, CA, Limited Obligation Improvement (Reassessment District #12-1), 5%, 9/02/23      340,000        379,770   
Jurupa, CA, Community Facilities Services District, Special Tax (Eastvale Area District #31), “A”, 5%, 9/01/37      1,000,000        994,490   
Lee Lake, CA, Public Financing Authority Senior Lien Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 9/01/35      1,000,000        1,018,270   
Los Angeles County, CA, Redevelopment Refunding Authority Tax Allocation Rev. “D”, 5%, 9/01/22      340,000        376,873   
Los Angeles County, CA, Redevelopment Refunding Authority Tax Allocation Rev. “D”, 5%, 9/01/23      340,000        376,271   
Los Angeles County, CA, Redevelopment Refunding Authority Tax Allocation Rev. (Hollywood/North Hollywood Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/21      2,300,000        2,627,980   
North Natomas, CA, Community Facilities District Special Tax, “4-E”, 5.25%, 9/01/33      840,000        873,482   
Orange County, CA, Community Facilities District, Special Tax (Rancho Santa Margarita), “A”, 5.55%, 8/15/17      255,000        255,579   
Rancho Cucamonga, CA, Community Facilities District Special Tax, 5.25%, 9/01/33      1,000,000        996,330   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tax Assessment - continued           
Riverside County, CA, Redevelopment Agency, Tax Allocation, “A”, XLCA, 5%, 10/01/37    $ 1,900,000      $ 1,866,446   
San Diego, CA, Redevelopment Agency, Tax Allocation (Centre City), “A”, AMBAC, 5.25%, 9/01/25      2,360,000        2,425,986   
San Diego, CA, Redevelopment Agency, Tax Allocation (Centre City), “B”, AMBAC, 5.3%, 9/01/20      1,250,000        1,253,600   
San Francisco, CA, City & County Redevelopment Financing Authority, Tax Allocation (Mission Bay North Redevelopment), “C”, 6.375%, 8/01/32      1,000,000        1,121,540   
San Francisco, CA, City & County Redevelopment Financing Authority, Tax Allocation (Mission Bay North Redevelopment), “C”, 6.5%, 8/01/39      1,000,000        1,124,430   
San Francisco, CA, City & County Redevelopment Successor Agency Tax Allocation (Mission Bay South Public Improvements), “A”, 5%, 8/01/43      750,000        775,020   
Santa Cruz County, CA, Redevelopment Agency Tax Allocation Rev., 5%, 9/01/22      1,360,000        1,532,829   
Santa Cruz County, CA, Redevelopment Agency Tax Allocation Rev., 5%, 9/01/23      1,000,000        1,117,660   
      $ 29,538,366   
Tobacco - 2.1%                 
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-2”, 5.875%, 6/01/47    $ 1,475,000      $ 1,187,552   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-1”, 5.75%, 6/01/47      1,915,000        1,543,911   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28      1,800,000        2,029,302   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      3,655,000        881,074   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      50,000        11,865   
      $ 5,653,704   
Toll Roads - 0.7%                 
Riverside County, CA, Transportation Commission, Toll Rev., “A”, 5.75%, 6/01/44    $ 1,680,000      $ 1,750,258   
Universities - Colleges - 10.0%                 
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev., 5%, 2/01/17    $ 545,000      $ 579,499   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev., 5%, 2/01/17 (c)      325,000        364,936   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Claremont Graduate University), “A”, 6%, 3/01/33      1,500,000        1,635,330   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Dominican University of California), 5%, 12/01/25      800,000        823,016   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Dominican University of California), 5%, 12/01/36    $ 1,150,000      $ 1,128,518   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Pitzer College), 6%, 4/01/40      3,000,000        3,318,660   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of San Francisco), 6.125%, 10/01/30      1,760,000        2,081,323   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of The Pacific), 5.25%, 11/01/29      1,265,000        1,355,068   
California Educational Facilities Authority Rev., ETM, 5%, 2/01/17 (c)      140,000        157,203   
California Municipal Finance Authority Rev. (Biola University), 5.8%, 10/01/28      2,000,000        2,173,980   
California Municipal Finance Authority Rev. (University of La Verne), “A”, 6.125%, 6/01/30      1,500,000        1,639,050   
California Municipal Finance Authority Rev. (University of La Verne), “A”, 6.25%, 6/01/40      1,500,000        1,632,210   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev. (The Regents of the University of California), 5%, 4/01/34      1,500,000        1,774,725   
California Public Works Board Lease Rev. (The Regents of the University of California), 5%, 12/01/28      2,125,000        2,562,283   
California State University Rev., “A”, 5%, 11/01/24      2,130,000        2,447,903   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Lancer Plaza Project), 5.875%, 11/01/43      1,270,000        1,209,345   
Oakland, CA, Joint Powers Financing Authority Rev., “A-1”, ASSD GTY, 5.25%, 1/01/17      1,375,000        1,524,476   
      $ 26,407,525   
Universities - Dormitories - 1.5%           
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Lancer Educational Student Housing Project), 5.625%, 6/01/33    $ 2,000,000      $ 1,874,020   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority Rev. (Student Housing, SUCI East Campus), 6%, 5/15/40      2,000,000        2,128,480   
      $ 4,002,500   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 1.3%   
California Municipal Finance Authority Rev. (Partnerships to Uplift Communities Project), “A”, 5%, 8/01/32    $ 825,000      $ 725,621   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority School Facility Rev. (Aspire Public Schools), 6.125%, 7/01/46      1,300,000        1,273,012   
California Statewide Communities Development Authority, School Facility Rev. (Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools), “A”, 6.375%, 7/01/47      1,270,000        1,323,213   
      $ 3,321,846   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Cogeneration - 0.6%                 
California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Water Furnishing Rev. (Poseidon Resources Desalination Project), 5%, 11/21/45    $ 1,745,000      $ 1,649,671   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 0.8%                 
California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Water Facilities Rev. (American Water Capital Corp. Project), 5.25%, 8/01/40    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,023,440   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 6.2%   
California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank Rev. (California Independent System Corp.), “A”, 6%, 2/01/15 (c)    $ 3,755,000      $ 3,937,305   
Imperial, CA, Irrigation District Electric Rev., “B”, 5%, 11/01/25      1,015,000        1,114,998   
Imperial, CA, Irrigation District Electric Rev., “B”, 5%, 11/01/26      1,245,000        1,352,319   
Los Angeles, CA, Department of Water & Power Rev. (Power System), “B”, 5%, 7/01/43      2,890,000        3,091,086   
Sacramento, CA, Municipal Utility District Rev., “X”, 5%, 8/15/25      2,130,000        2,411,117   
Tuolumne Wind Project Authority Rev. (Tuolomne Co.), “A”, 5.625%, 1/01/29      2,000,000        2,254,980   
Vernon, CA, Electric System Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 8/01/41      2,130,000        2,243,167   
      $ 16,404,972   
Utilities - Other - 2.4%                 
California M-S-R Energy Authority Gas Rev., “A”, 7%, 11/01/34    $ 1,750,000      $ 2,296,438   
Long Beach, CA, Bond Finance Authority Natural Gas Purchase Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/22      2,210,000        2,455,509   
Southern California Public Power Authority (Natural Gas Project No. 1), “A”, 5%, 11/01/33      1,655,000        1,748,574   
      $ 6,500,521   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 5.4%   
California Department of Water Resources Rev. (Central Valley Project Water System), “AM”, 5%, 12/01/24    $ 3,500,000      $ 4,183,865   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      240,000        162,758   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      740,000        546,638   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.625%, 7/01/40      525,000        543,790   
Madera, CA, Irrigation Financing Authority Rev., 6.5%, 1/01/40      2,560,000        2,786,714   
Ontario, CA, COP (Water Systems Improvement Project), NATL, 5%, 7/01/14 (c)      2,000,000        2,023,940   
Placerville, CA, Public Financing Authority Rev. (Wastewater Systems Refining & Improvement Project), XLCA, 5%, 9/01/34      2,000,000        1,896,940   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - continued   
San Diego, CA, Public Facilities Financing Authority Sewer Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/15/28    $ 350,000      $ 392,130   
Soquel Creek, CA, Water District, COP, 5%, 3/01/43      1,715,000        1,817,351   
      $ 14,354,126   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $247,377,555)
      $ 260,735,318   
Money Market Funds - 0.6%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      1,557,972      $ 1,557,972   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $248,935,527)
      $ 262,293,290   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 1.1%        2,804,907   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 265,098,197   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 97.7%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 5.3%   
Atlanta, GA, Airport Passenger Facilities Rev., “J”, AGM, 5%, 1/01/29    $ 750,000      $ 772,641   
Atlanta, GA, Airport Rev., “B”, 5%, 1/01/33      1,000,000        1,087,560   
Atlanta, GA, Airport Rev., “B”, AGM, 5.25%, 1/01/33      1,000,000        1,010,130   
Augusta, GA, Airport Rev., “B”, 5.35%, 1/01/28      350,000        352,436   
             $ 3,222,767   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 6.2%           
Gilmer County, GA, Building Authority Rev. (Courthouse Project), “A”, SYNCORA, 5%, 4/01/29    $ 500,000      $ 512,548   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      185,000        195,939   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      100,000        90,821   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      25,000        26,480   
Gwinnett County, GA, Development Authority Rev. (Civic & Cultural Center), 4%, 9/01/21      510,000        563,963   
Lagrange-Troup County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev., 5.5%, 7/01/38      500,000        541,350   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39      420,000        492,026   
State of Georgia, “E”, 5%, 7/01/16      1,000,000        1,101,490   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33      65,000        70,275   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38      190,000        203,781   
             $ 3,798,673   
General Obligations - Schools - 6.0%   
Forsyth County, GA, School District, 5%, 2/01/18    $ 610,000      $ 689,605   
Gwinnett County, GA, School District, 5%, 2/01/29      1,000,000        1,177,620   
Gwinnett County, GA, School District, 5%, 2/01/21      1,000,000        1,190,550   
Jefferson, GA, School District, “A”, 5.25%, 2/01/29      500,000        566,000   
             $ 3,623,775   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 17.8%   
Brunswick, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Glynn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital), 5.625%, 8/01/34    $ 750,000      $ 792,149   
Clarke County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Athens Regional Medical Center Project), 5%, 1/01/32      1,000,000        1,071,480   
Cobb County, GA, Kennestone Hospital Authority Rev. (Wellstar Health System, Inc.), “B”, AMBAC, 6.25%, 4/01/34      500,000        563,690   
Dalton, GA, Development Authority Rev. (Hamilton Health Care System), 5%, 8/15/28      500,000        533,400   
DeKalb County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (DeKalb Medical Center, Inc.), 6.125%, 9/01/40      500,000        506,700   
DeKalb County, GA, Private Hospital Authority Rev. Anticipation Certificates (Children’s Healthcare), 5.25%, 11/15/39      750,000        791,348   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36      350,000        370,815   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Fulton County, GA, Development Authority Rev. (Piedmont Healthcare), “A”, 5.25%, 6/15/37    $ 700,000      $ 741,685   
Gainesville & Hall Counties, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Northeast Georgia Health System, Inc.), “A”, 5.25%, 2/15/34      500,000        507,815   
Gainesville & Hall Counties, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Northeast Georgia Health System, Inc.), “B”, 5%, 2/15/33      500,000        520,845   
Georgia Medical Center Hospital Authority Rev. (Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Inc.), ASSD GTY, 6.5%, 8/01/38      300,000        326,283   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      200,000        219,002   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31      45,000        49,093   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.375%, 7/01/41      210,000        229,081   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40      200,000        214,084   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.5%, 3/01/45      135,000        145,021   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Variety Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6%, 8/01/30      45,000        50,144   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      130,000        139,660   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6.125%, 10/01/39      180,000        188,482   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Hospital Rev. (The North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Inc.), 5.25%, 6/01/29      355,000        389,353   
Richmond County, GA, Development Authority Rev., Capital Appreciation, ETM, 0%, 12/01/21 (c)      225,000        187,700   
Richmond County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. Anticipation Certificates (University Health Services, Inc. Project), 5.5%, 1/01/36      750,000        788,828   
Thomasville, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. Anticipation Certificates (John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital), 5.125%, 11/01/30      500,000        528,975   
Thomasville, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. Anticipation Certificates (John D. Archbold Memorial Hospital), 5.375%, 11/01/40      500,000        526,980   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      385,000        427,292   
             $ 10,809,905   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 1.6%   
Fulton County, GA, Residential Care Facilities, Elderly Authority Rev. (Canterbury Court), “A”, 6.125%, 2/15/34    $ 150,000      $ 150,576   
Gainesville & Hall County, GA, Development Authority Retirement Community Rev. (ACTS Retirement), 6.625%, 11/15/39      200,000        217,874   
Georgia Medical Center Hospital Authority Rev. (Spring Harbor Green Island Project), 5.25%, 7/01/37      200,000        184,362   
Savannah, GA, Economic Development Authority Rev., Capital Appreciation, “C”, ETM,
0%, 12/01/21 (c)
     500,000        417,110   
             $ 969,922   
Industrial Revenue - Environmental Services - 0.9%   
Savannah, GA, Economic Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Georgia Waste Management Project), “A”, 5.5%, 7/01/16    $ 500,000      $ 537,635   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 1.1%   
Rockdale County, GA, Development Authority Project Rev. (Visy Paper Project), “A”, 6.125%, 1/01/34    $ 150,000      $ 151,788   
Savannah, GA, Economic Development Pollution (Union Camp Corp.), 6.15%, 3/01/17      500,000        551,215   
             $ 703,003   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 2.5%   
Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corp., “A-1”, 5%, 6/01/20    $ 285,000      $ 328,252   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40      75,000        74,885   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/44      110,000        108,472   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Special Obligation, “B”, 5%, 10/01/35      90,000        94,509   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40      560,000        599,771   
New York, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Airport Facilities Rev. (Transportation Infrastructure Properties LLC), 5%, 7/01/28      310,000        315,003   
             $ 1,520,892   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 2.6%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6.5%, 1/15/30    $ 265,000      $ 292,181   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/36      170,000        175,998   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/16      65,000        71,343   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      70,000        78,251   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - continued   
Metropolitan Atlanta, GA, Rapid Transit Authority Rev., “A”, 4%, 7/01/33    $ 500,000      $ 501,720   
Metropolitan Atlanta, GA, Rapid Transit Authority Rev., “B”, AGM, 5%, 7/01/37      250,000        268,865   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/57      280,000        225,476   
             $ 1,613,834   
Single Family Housing Revenue - Local - 0.8%   
Atlanta, GA, Urban Residential Financing Authority, Multifamily Housing Rev. (Ginnie Mae Collateralized - Amal Heights), GNMA,
4.9%, 5/20/40
   $ 500,000      $ 513,495   
Single Family Housing - State - 1.9%   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “I”, 4.7%, 8/01/26    $ 300,000      $ 300,243   
Georgia Housing & Finance Authority Rev., Single Family Mortgage, “A”, 3.45%, 12/01/32      500,000        467,670   
Georgia Housing & Finance Authority Rev., Single Family Mortgage, “B-2”, 4.5%, 12/01/24      90,000        90,241   
Georgia Housing & Finance Authority Rev., Single Family Mortgage, “D-2”, 5.2%, 12/01/32      285,000        289,876   
             $ 1,148,030   
State & Agency - Other - 2.6%   
Carroll City-County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Tanner Medical Center), 5%, 7/01/40    $ 500,000      $ 516,465   
Floyd County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. Anticipation Certificates (Floyd Medical Center Project), “B”, 5%, 7/01/32      1,000,000        1,058,770   
             $ 1,575,235   
State & Local Agencies - 1.9%   
Georgia Municipal Association, Inc. (Riverdale Public Purpose Project), ASSD GTY, 5.5%, 5/01/38    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,058,860   
Los Angeles, CA, Municipal Improvement Corp. Lease Rev. (Real Property), “E”, 6%, 9/01/39      115,000        129,843   
             $ 1,188,703   
Tax - Other - 1.0%   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 75,000      $ 79,240   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      25,000        26,161   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/29      50,000        51,230   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 10/01/25      50,000        52,722   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 5%, 10/01/29      190,000        195,406   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 6%, 10/01/39      180,000        181,251   
             $ 586,010   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tax Assessment - 0.5%   
Atlanta, GA, Tax Allocation (Eastside Project), “B”, 5.6%, 1/01/30    $ 150,000      $ 156,573   
Atlanta, GA, Tax Allocation (Princeton Lakes Project), 5.5%, 1/01/31      125,000        125,388   
             $ 281,961   
Tobacco - 1.3%                 
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28    $ 235,000      $ 264,937   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      90,000        67,973   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      335,000        252,067   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      840,000        202,490   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      10,000        2,373   
             $ 789,840   
Toll Roads - 0.8%                 
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility),
7%, 12/31/38
   $ 80,000      $ 90,733   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43      60,000        66,472   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 6%, 1/01/37      120,000        127,682   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 5.5%, 1/01/42      190,000        194,020   
             $ 478,907   
Transportation - Special Tax - 0.3%           
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., “CC”, AGM, 5.5%, 7/01/28    $ 185,000      $ 183,183   
Universities - Colleges - 18.4%   
Athens, GA, Housing Authority Rev. (University of Georgia East Campus Funding), 5.25%, 6/15/35    $ 500,000      $ 533,160   
Athens-Clarke County, GA, Unified Government Development Authority, Educational Facilities Rev., Convertible Capital Appreciation, 5%, 6/15/24      250,000        271,745   
Athens-Clarke County, GA, Unified Government Development Authority, Educational Facilities Rev., Convertible Capital Appreciation, 5%, 6/15/31      250,000        263,815   
Atkinson-Coffee County, GA, Joint Development Authority Rev. (SGC Real Estate Foundation LLC), ASSD GTY, 5.25%, 6/01/34      500,000        526,950   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
Atlanta, GA, Development Authority Educational Facilities Rev. (Panther Place), ASSD GTY, 4.75%, 7/01/32    $ 500,000      $ 518,035   
Atlanta, GA, Development Authority Educational Facilities Rev. (Science Park LLC), 5%, 7/01/32      500,000        521,850   
Atlanta, GA, Development Authority Educational Facilities Rev. (Science Park LLC), 5%, 7/01/39      500,000        511,070   
Bleckley-Dodge County, GA, Student Housing Facilities Rev. (Middle Georgia College), 5.25%, 7/01/38      500,000        514,500   
Cobb County, GA, Development Authority, Dining Hall Lease Rev. (KSU Dining Hall), ASSD GTY, 5.75%, 7/15/39      1,000,000        1,100,000   
Cobb County, GA, Development Authority, Sports & Recreation Facilities Lease Rev. (Kennesaw State University Foundation), AGM, 5%, 7/15/35      750,000        783,630   
Dahlonega, GA, Downtown Development Authority Rev. (North Georgia PHD LLC), ASSD GTY, 5.25%, 7/01/34      500,000        530,245   
Dekalb Newton & Gwinnett Counties, GA, Joint Development Authority Rev. (GGC Foundation LLC), 6%, 7/01/34      500,000        540,710   
Fulton County, GA, Development Authority Rev. (Georgia Tech Foundation Funding), SYNCORA, 5%, 6/01/32      500,000        524,375   
Fulton County, GA, Development Authority Rev. (Molecular Science Building), NATL, 5%, 5/01/34      1,000,000        1,001,900   
Georgia Higher Education Facilities Authority Rev. (Real Estate Foundation), 6%, 6/15/34      300,000        329,163   
Marietta, GA, Development Facilities Authority Rev. (Life University), 7%, 6/15/30      100,000        103,278   
Marietta, GA, Development Facilities Authority Rev. (Life University), 7%, 6/15/39      100,000        101,069   
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Medicine & Dentistry), “B”, ETM, 6%, 12/01/17 (c)      275,000        318,445   
Pinellas County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Barry University), 6%, 10/01/41      65,000        68,855   
Private Colleges & Universities, GA, Authority Rev. (Agnes Scott College), 5%, 6/01/24      500,000        553,770   
Private Colleges & Universities, GA, Authority Rev. (Mercer University), “C”, 5.25%, 10/01/27      350,000        376,285   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.125%, 4/01/32      25,000        20,444   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42      45,000        35,618   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (International American University of Puerto Rico Project), 5%, 10/01/31      55,000        49,037   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
Savannah, GA, Economic Development Authority Rev. (AASU Student Union LLC), ASSD GTY, 5.125%, 6/15/39    $ 500,000      $ 520,340   
Savannah, GA, Economic Development Authority Rev. (SSU Community Development I LLC Project), ASSD GTY, 5.5%, 6/15/35      500,000        540,790   
             $ 11,159,079   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 0.1%   
North Texas Education Finance Corp., Education Rev. (Uplift Education), “A”, 5.125%, 12/01/42    $ 75,000      $ 74,493   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 0.3%   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)    $ 160,000      $ 175,550   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 4.6%   
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority Power Rev., “A”, NATL, 6.5%, 1/01/20    $ 995,000      $ 1,109,087   
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority Power Rev., “Z”, 5.5%, 1/01/20      270,000        295,180   
Georgia Municipal Gas Authority Rev. (Gas Portfolio III Project), “S”, 5%, 10/01/25      500,000        555,865   
Georgia Municipal Gas Authority Rev. (Gas Portfolio III Project), “S”, 5%, 10/01/26      500,000        551,610   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/30      160,000        168,923   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33      100,000        112,874   
             $ 2,793,539   
Utilities - Other - 3.1%   
Georgia Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev., “A”, 5%, 3/15/22    $ 910,000      $ 1,028,245   
Georgia Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Gas Project Rev., “B”, 5%, 3/15/19      250,000        277,083   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19      225,000        252,855   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/20      250,000        279,793   
Texas Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp III., Gas Supply Rev., 5%, 12/15/31      40,000        40,646   
             $ 1,878,622   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 16.1%   
Athens-Clarke County, GA, Unified Government Water & Sewer Rev., 5.625%, 1/01/33    $ 500,000      $ 559,965   
Augusta, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., AGM,
5.25%, 10/01/34
     1,000,000        1,016,910   
Cherokee County, GA, Water & Sewer Authority Rev., 5%, 8/01/21      385,000        442,396   
Cherokee County, GA, Water & Sewer Authority Rev., 5%, 8/01/28      800,000        873,240   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      60,000        40,690   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      420,000        310,254   
DeKalb County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/31      1,000,000        1,115,880   
DeKalb County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., “B”, 5.25%, 10/01/25      1,000,000        1,207,640   
Fulton County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., 5%, 1/01/23      1,000,000        1,154,240   
Fulton County, GA, Water & Sewer Rev., 5%, 1/01/26      500,000        578,055   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.625%, 7/01/40      60,000        62,147   
Henry County, GA, Water & Sewer Authority Rev., BHAC, 5.25%, 2/01/27      1,000,000        1,207,220   
Henry County, GA, Water & Sewer Authority Rev., 5.25%, 2/01/28      1,000,000        1,189,280   
             $ 9,757,917   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $56,991,108)
           $ 59,384,970   
Money Market Funds - 1.6%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      983,637      $ 983,637   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $57,974,745)
           $ 60,368,607   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 0.7%        402,196   
Net Assets - 100.0%            $ 60,770,803   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 96.8%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 0.9%                 
Metropolitan Washington, DC, Airport Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 10/01/39    $ 750,000      $ 793,403   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 16.4%   
Anne Arundel County, MD, Consolidated Water & Sewer, 5%, 4/01/22    $ 530,000      $ 635,237   
Anne Arundel County, MD, General Improvement, 5%, 4/01/25      2,000,000        2,342,880   
Anne Arundel County, MD, Special Obligation (Arundel Mills Project), 5.125%, 7/01/29      1,000,000        1,007,310   
Baltimore County, MD, Public Improvement,
5%, 2/01/21
     1,000,000        1,190,550   
Baltimore County, MD, Public Improvement,
5%, 2/01/28
     2,000,000        2,307,300   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      70,000        74,139   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      80,000        84,735   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31      115,000        129,545   
Prince George’s County, MD, Consolidated Public Improvement, “A”, 5%, 9/15/30      1,500,000        1,705,365   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39      720,000        843,473   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33      90,000        97,304   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38      275,000        294,946   
State of Maryland, 5%, 8/01/20      3,500,000        3,913,070   
Washington Suburban Sanitary District, MD, Consolidated Public Improvement, 5%, 6/01/21      500,000        595,560   
      $ 15,221,414   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 22.7%   
Brazoria County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Brazosport Regional Health System), 5.25%, 7/01/32    $ 255,000      $ 237,686   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36      590,000        625,087   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      345,000        377,778   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40      370,000        396,055   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.5%, 3/01/45      575,000        617,682   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      640,000        646,394   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Anne Arundel Health System, Inc.), 5%, 7/01/40      1,000,000        1,030,590   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Anne Arundel Health System, Inc.), “A”, 6.75%, 7/01/39      1,000,000        1,169,030   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Calvert Health Systems), 5.5%, 7/01/14 (c)    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,013,070   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Carroll Hospital), “A”, 5%, 7/01/37      1,000,000        1,026,360   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Doctors Community Hospital), “A”, 5%, 7/01/29      750,000        706,403   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Frederick Memorial Hospital), “A”, 4%, 7/01/38      1,000,000        839,280   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Johns Hopkins Health System), “A”, 5%, 5/15/26      250,000        280,458   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Lifebridge Health), ASSD GTY, 4.75%, 7/01/38      965,000        971,273   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Lifebridge Health), 4.75%, 7/01/39      590,000        591,717   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Medlantic/Helix Parent, Inc.), “A”, AGM, 5.25%, 8/15/38      1,000,000        1,115,020   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Medstar Health), 5.5%, 8/15/33      635,000        642,372   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Medstar Health), “A”, 5%, 8/15/41      505,000        515,191   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Mercy Medical Center), “A”, 5.5%, 7/01/42      750,000        758,805   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Peninsula Regional Medical Center), 5%, 7/01/36      1,000,000        1,013,050   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Suburban Hospital), “A”, 5.5%, 7/01/16      1,000,000        1,011,440   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Union Hospital of Cecil County Issue), 5%, 7/01/35      500,000        503,200   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Maryland Medical System), AMBAC, 5%, 7/01/31      645,000        677,360   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Maryland Medical System), “A”, 5%, 7/01/41      500,000        504,610   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Washington County Hospital), 5.75%, 1/01/38      500,000        505,310   
Maryland Industrial Development Authority, Economic Development Rev., RIBS, FRN, AGM, 11.295%, 8/26/22 (p)      1,050,000        1,237,961   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Montgomery County, MD, Rev. (Trinity Health Corp.), 5%, 12/01/40    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,040,580   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      480,000        515,669   
Richmond, IN, Hospital Authority Rev. (Reid Hospital), “A”, 6.5%, 1/01/29      415,000        450,254   
      $ 21,019,685   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 1.8%   
Gaithersburg, MD, Economic Development Rev. (Asbury Maryland Obligated Group), “A”, 5.125%, 1/01/36    $ 400,000      $ 390,992   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Charlestown Community), 6.25%, 1/01/41      750,000        795,998   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (King Farm Presbyterian Community), “A”, 5.3%, 1/01/37      300,000        284,418   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health),
7%, 11/01/30
     55,000        61,164   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7.125%, 11/01/40      85,000        93,516   
      $ 1,626,088   
Healthcare Revenue - Other - 0.8%   
Maryland Economic Development Corp., Economic Development Rev. (Lutheran World Relief Refugee), 5.25%, 4/01/19    $ 140,000      $ 151,043   
Maryland Economic Development Corp., Economic Development Rev. (Lutheran World Relief Refugee), 5.25%, 4/01/29      565,000        581,046   
      $ 732,089   
Industrial Revenue - Other - 0.6%   
Maryland Economic Development Corp., Pollution Control Rev. (CNX Marine Terminals, Inc.), 5.75%, 9/01/25    $ 500,000      $ 529,030   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 0.1%           
Valparaiso, IN, Exempt Facilities Rev. (Pratt Paper LLC Project), 7%, 1/01/44    $ 100,000      $ 106,299   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 2.6%   
Harford County, MD, Economic Development Rev. (Battelle Memorial Institute Project), 5.25%, 4/01/34    $ 1,600,000      $ 1,604,976   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40      105,000        104,839   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/44      160,000        157,778   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Special Obligation, “B”, 5%, 10/01/35      120,000        126,012   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - continued   
New York, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Airport Facilities Rev. (Transportation Infrastructure Properties LLC), 5%, 7/01/28    $ 450,000      $ 457,263   
      $ 2,450,868   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 4.1%   
Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing & Community Development, “A”, 5.05%, 7/01/47    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,005,390   
Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing & Community Development, “B”, FNMA, 5%, 1/01/39      500,000        502,700   
Montgomery County, MD, Housing Opportunities Commission, Multifamily & Reconstruction Development Rev., “D”, 3.25%, 7/01/37      1,500,000        1,240,635   
Montgomery County, MD, Housing Opportunities Commission, Multifamily Rev., 5.125%, 7/01/37      1,000,000        1,036,380   
      $ 3,785,105   
Parking - 1.5%   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions), AMBAC, 5%, 7/01/34    $ 1,385,000      $ 1,385,402   
Port Revenue - 0.6%           
Maryland Economic Development Corp. Rev. (Port America Chesapeake Terminal Project), “B”, 5.75%, 6/01/35    $ 550,000      $ 565,466   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 1.1%           
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/41    $ 435,000      $ 457,450   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/36      260,000        269,173   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/16      80,000        87,807   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      90,000        100,608   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 8/01/19 (c)      5,000        6,040   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      145,000        118,833   
      $ 1,039,911   
Single Family Housing - State - 3.0%   
Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing & Community Development, 5%, 9/01/34    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,527,840   
Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing & Community Development, “A”, 5.875%, 7/01/16      150,000        150,168   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Single Family Housing - State - continued   
Maryland Community Development Administration, Department of Housing & Community Development, “I”, 6%, 3/01/41    $ 125,000      $ 126,040   
Montgomery County, MD, Housing Opportunities Commission (Single Family Mortgage Rev.), “B”, 4.55%, 7/01/26      1,000,000        1,002,600   
      $ 2,806,648   
State & Agency - Other - 3.4%   
Howard County, MD, COP, “A”, 8%, 8/15/19    $ 805,000      $ 1,080,721   
Howard County, MD, COP, “B”, 8%, 8/15/19      385,000        516,866   
Howard County, MD, COP, “B”, 8.15%, 2/15/21      450,000        626,373   
Howard County, MD, COP, “C”, 8%, 8/15/19      680,000        912,907   
      $ 3,136,867   
State & Local Agencies - 2.7%   
FYI Properties Lease Rev. (Washington State Project), 5.5%, 6/01/34    $ 370,000      $ 399,567   
Los Angeles, CA, Municipal Improvement Corp. Lease Rev. (Real Property), “E”, 6%, 9/01/39      180,000        203,233   
Maryland Department of Transportation, Port Administration Facilities Project, AMBAC, 5.25%, 6/15/20      1,690,000        1,809,094   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31      110,000        123,462   
      $ 2,535,356   
Tax - Other - 1.3%   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 325,000      $ 343,372   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      45,000        47,090   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 5%, 10/01/29      520,000        534,794   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 6%, 10/01/39      285,000        286,981   
      $ 1,212,237   
Tax Assessment - 3.9%   
Anne Arundel County, MD, Special Obligation (National Business Park-North Project), 6.1%, 7/01/40    $ 350,000      $ 367,150   
Anne Arundel County, MD, Special Obligation (VLG South Waugh Chapel Project), 6.25%, 7/01/40      300,000        315,606   
Baltimore, MD, Special Obligation, (East Baltimore Research Park Project), “A”, 7%, 9/01/38      400,000        423,192   
Brunswick, MD, Special Obligation (Brunswick Crossing Special Taxing), 5.5%, 7/01/36      244,000        212,644   
Frederick County, MD, Special Obligation (Urbana Community Development Authority), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40      1,500,000        1,532,145   
Howard County, MD, Special Obligation (Annapolis Junction Town Center Project),
6.1%, 2/15/44
     230,000        230,656   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tax Assessment - continued   
Prince George’s County, MD, Special Obligation (National Harbor Project), 5.2%, 7/01/34    $ 500,000      $ 497,480   
      $ 3,578,873   
Tobacco - 1.6%   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28    $ 215,000      $ 242,389   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      165,000        124,616   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      930,000        699,769   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      1,280,000        308,557   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      15,000        3,560   
Virgin Islands Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., 5%, 5/15/21      130,000        129,999   
      $ 1,508,890   
Transportation - Special Tax - 3.2%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., AGM, 5.25%, 7/01/33    $ 1,365,000      $ 1,298,238   
Maryland Department of Transportation Consolidated Transportation, 5%, 12/01/19      1,000,000        1,184,490   
Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Gross Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/32      485,000        527,035   
      $ 3,009,763   
Universities - Colleges - 7.2%   
Annapolis, MD, Economic Development Rev. (St. John’s College), 5.5%, 10/01/18    $ 110,000      $ 110,173   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Goucher College), 5.375%, 7/01/14 (c)      500,000        506,380   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Goucher College), “A”, 5%, 7/01/34      500,000        531,900   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Johns Hopkins University), “A”, 5%, 7/01/37      1,500,000        1,642,965   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Maryland Institute College of Art), 5%, 6/01/30      750,000        760,530   
Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Notre Dame College), 5%, 10/01/35      1,000,000        1,012,710   
Morgan State University, Academic & Auxiliary Facilities Fees Rev., NATL, 6.05%, 7/01/15      650,000        675,376   
Morgan State University, Academic & Auxiliary Facilities Fees Rev., 5%, 7/01/30      150,000        165,083   
Morgan State University, Academic & Auxiliary Facilities Fees Rev., 5%, 7/01/32      440,000        479,648   
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Medicine & Dentistry), “B”, ETM, 6%, 12/01/17 (c)      480,000        555,830   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.125%, 4/01/32    $ 30,000      $ 24,533   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42      135,000        106,853   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (International American University of Puerto Rico Project), 5%, 10/01/31      85,000        75,784   
      $ 6,647,765   
Universities - Dormitories - 3.9%   
Maryland Economic Development Corp., Student Housing Rev. (Salisbury University Project),
5%, 6/01/27
   $ 500,000      $ 509,700   
Maryland Economic Development Corp., Student Housing Rev. (Salisbury University Project),
5%, 6/01/30
     300,000        301,779   
University System of Maryland, Auxiliary Facility & Tuition Rev., “D”, 5%, 10/01/22      2,350,000        2,807,028   
      $ 3,618,507   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 0.8%   
La Vernia, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Lifeschool of Dallas), “A”, 7.5%, 8/15/41    $ 265,000      $ 298,491   
Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority, Economic Development Authority Rev. (Our Lady of Good Council), “A”, 6%, 5/01/35      400,000        424,828   
      $ 723,319   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 1.0%   
Maryland Economic Development Corp., Pollution Control Rev. (Potomac Electric Power Co.), 6.2%, 9/01/22    $ 500,000      $ 583,730   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)      275,000        301,727   
      $ 885,457   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 0.2%   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33    $ 185,000      $ 208,817   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Other - 1.4%                 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19    $ 400,000      $ 449,520   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21      195,000        217,640   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      100,000        111,726   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/23      140,000        157,464   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “C”, 5%, 2/01/21      235,000        261,207   
Texas Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp III., Gas Supply Rev., 5%, 12/15/31      55,000        55,888   
      $ 1,253,445   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 10.0%   
Baltimore, MD, Subordinate Refunding Rev. (Mayor and City Council of Baltimore Water Projects), “C”, 5%, 7/01/27    $ 1,015,000      $ 1,165,951   
Baltimore, MD, Rev., LEVRRS, FRN, NATL, 10.903%, 7/01/20 (p)      3,000,000        3,785,250   
Baltimore, MD, Wastewater Rev. Project, “A”, NATL, 5.65%, 7/01/20      2,000,000        2,261,760   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/33      695,000        465,907   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      85,000        57,644   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      295,000        217,917   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (City of Jackson Water and Sewer System Rev. Bond Project), AGM, 6.875%, 12/01/40      50,000        62,840   
Montgomery County, MD, Water Quality Protection Charge Rev., “A”, 5%, 4/01/32      1,125,000        1,234,647   
      $ 9,251,916   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $86,469,945)
      $ 89,632,620   
Money Market Funds - 1.6%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      1,522,303      $ 1,522,303   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $87,992,248)
      $ 91,154,923   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 1.6%        1,459,935   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 92,614,858   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 98.5%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
General Obligations - General Purpose - 9.2%   
Boston, MA, “B”, 4%, 4/01/19    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,257,220   
Boston, MA, “B”, 4%, 4/01/21      1,870,000        2,112,988   
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, “B”, 5.25%, 8/01/23      1,000,000        1,218,210   
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, “B”, 5.25%, 8/01/28      2,225,000        2,722,799   
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, “C”, NATL, 5.5%, 12/01/19      4,000,000        4,828,960   
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, “C”, AMBAC, 5%, 8/01/32      4,815,000        5,180,940   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      685,000        725,504   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      395,000        358,743   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      75,000        79,439   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31      295,000        332,312   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39      1,555,000        1,821,667   
      $ 21,638,782   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 11.7%   
Brazoria County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Brazosport Regional Health System), 5.25%, 7/01/32    $ 680,000      $ 633,828   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36      1,315,000        1,393,203   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31      235,000        256,373   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.375%, 7/01/41      935,000        1,019,954   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40      745,000        797,463   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.5%, 3/01/45      520,000        558,600   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      1,180,000        1,191,788   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Milford Regional Medical Center), “F”, 5.75%, 7/15/43      1,000,000        1,044,500   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Tufts Medical Center), “I”, 7.25%, 1/01/32      1,000,000        1,183,240   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (UMass Memorial Medical Center, Inc.), “H”, 5.5%, 7/01/31      1,000,000        1,017,230   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Bay State Medical Center), “I”, 5.75%, 7/01/36      500,000        542,615   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Caregroup, Inc.), 5.125%, 7/01/38    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,052,340   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Children’s Hospital), “M”, 5.25%, 12/01/39      1,500,000        1,587,825   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Children’s Hospital), “M”, 5.5%, 12/01/39      1,000,000        1,090,590   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Jordan Hospital), “D”, 5.25%, 10/01/18      1,085,000        1,085,803   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Lahey Clinic), “D”, 5.25%, 8/15/37      1,550,000        1,619,332   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Partners Healthcare System), “G”, 5%, 7/01/32      2,000,000        2,115,700   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Partners Healthcare System), “J-1”, 5%, 7/01/39      2,000,000        2,088,840   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Partners Healthcare System), “J1”, 5%, 7/01/34      1,375,000        1,462,120   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (South Shore), 5.625%, 7/01/19      520,000        521,024   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Southcoast Health Obligation), “D”, 5%, 7/01/29      1,000,000        1,034,390   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Variety Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6%, 8/01/30      430,000        479,158   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6.125%, 10/01/39      655,000        685,864   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Huggins Hospital), 6.875%, 10/01/39      35,000        36,967   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 6.75%, 7/01/29      165,000        184,607   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 7%, 7/01/39      395,000        434,638   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      1,355,000        1,503,847   
      $ 27,621,839   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 1.3%   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Adventcare), “A”, 6.75%, 10/15/37    $ 500,000      $ 515,285   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - continued   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Carleton-Willard Village), 5.625%, 12/01/30    $ 525,000      $ 549,386   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Linden Ponds, Inc.), “A-1”, 6.25%, 11/15/39      352,582        295,393   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Linden Ponds, Inc.), “A-2”, 5.5%, 11/15/46      18,820        13,409   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Linden Ponds, Inc.), Capital Appreciation, “B”, 0%, 11/15/56      93,608        586   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Loomis Communities), “A”, 6%, 1/01/33      500,000        508,790   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (North Hill Communities), “A”, 6.5%, 11/15/43      1,000,000        998,600   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.25%, 9/15/29      20,000        21,943   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.625%, 9/15/39      130,000        142,981   
      $ 3,046,373   
Healthcare Revenue - Other - 0.9%           
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Dana Faber Cancer Institute), “K”, 5%, 12/01/37    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,068,700   
Human Services - 0.5%                 
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Evergreen Center, Inc.), 5.5%, 1/01/35    $ 1,200,000      $ 1,169,472   
Industrial Revenue - Airlines - 0.8%           
Massachusetts Port Authority Rev., Special Facilities (U.S. Airways), NATL, 5.875%, 9/01/16    $ 1,900,000      $ 1,900,893   
Industrial Revenue - Environmental Services - 0.9%   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Waste Management, Inc.), FRN, 5.5%, 5/01/27 (b)    $ 750,000      $ 752,933   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Resource Recovery Rev. (Covanta Energy Project), “C”, 5.25%, 11/01/42      1,535,000        1,495,489   
      $ 2,248,422   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 8.1%           
Martha’s Vineyard, MA, Land Bank Rev., AMBAC, 5%, 5/01/29    $ 785,000      $ 787,386   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev., 5.5%, 9/01/20      1,205,000        1,386,594   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (The Broad Institute, Inc.), “A”, 5.25%, 4/01/37      2,000,000        2,143,660   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - continued   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev., 5.5%, 6/01/34    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,653,630   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (The Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute), “B”, 5%, 7/01/30      3,500,000        3,806,355   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (The Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute), “B”, 5%, 7/01/40      1,700,000        1,802,663   
Massachusetts Port Authority Facilities Rev. (Boston Fuel Project), FGIC, 5%, 7/01/24      2,000,000        2,150,920   
Massachusetts Port Authority Facilities Rev. (Conrac Project), “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/41      3,000,000        3,156,270   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40      2,185,000        2,340,179   
      $ 19,227,657   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 6.9%   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Credit Housing-Chelsea Homes), “I-A”, LOC, 5%, 12/15/24    $ 1,185,000      $ 1,190,013   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Morville House Apartments), “A”, LOC, 4.95%, 12/15/23      2,500,000        2,501,500   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Rev., “A”, FHA, 5.25%, 12/01/35      1,000,000        1,037,180   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 12/01/48      1,000,000        1,003,160   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Rev., “C”, 5.35%, 12/01/49      1,680,000        1,739,539   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Rev., “F”, 3.45%, 12/01/37      1,000,000        830,260   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Rev., “F”, 5.125%, 12/01/34      720,000        723,686   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Rev., “P”, 5%, 12/01/23      1,240,000        1,240,707   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Rev., “P”, 5.2%, 12/01/45      1,445,000        1,445,014   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, “B”, 5.25%, 12/01/30      1,700,000        1,753,992   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, Multi-Family Housing, “A”, FHA, 4.75%, 12/01/30      1,425,000        1,517,383   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, Multi-Family Housing, “A”, FHA, 4.875%, 12/01/32      1,190,000        1,267,945   
      $ 16,250,379   
Parking - 1.4%                 
Boston, MA, Metropolitan Transit Parking Corp., Systemwide Parking Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/36    $ 3,000,000      $ 3,255,240   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 5.5%           
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/41    $ 985,000      $ 1,035,836   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - continued           
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/24    $ 1,590,000      $ 1,923,248   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A-1”, 5.25%, 7/01/29      1,850,000        2,251,968   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A-1”, 5.25%, 7/01/31      2,000,000        2,386,800   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., Capital Appreciation, 0%, 7/01/34      4,000,000        1,570,440   
Massachusetts School Building Authority, Dedicated Sales Tax Rev., AMBAC, 4.75%, 8/15/32      2,000,000        2,077,380   
Massachusetts School Building Authority, Dedicated Sales Tax Rev., “A”, AMBAC, 4.5%, 8/15/35      950,000        968,981   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 8/01/19 (c)      10,000        12,081   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      360,000        295,034   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5.25%, 8/01/40      485,000        412,226   
      $ 12,933,994   
Single Family Housing - State - 1.4%   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Housing Rev., “157”, 4.35%, 12/01/27    $ 695,000      $ 702,645   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Housing Rev., “162”, 3.15%, 12/01/32      2,000,000        1,760,420   
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Housing Rev., “162”, 3.45%, 12/01/37      1,000,000        881,280   
      $ 3,344,345   
State & Agency - Other - 0.6%                 
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Visual & Performing Arts Project), 6%, 8/01/15    $ 1,235,000      $ 1,327,341   
State & Local Agencies - 6.0%   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “C”, FRN, 0.908%, 6/01/37    $ 1,370,000      $ 933,176   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Project Rev., Capital Appreciation, “A”, SYNCORA, 0%, 5/01/22      8,310,000        6,632,959   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31      275,000        308,655   
Massachusetts State College, Building Authority Project Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/32      760,000        849,239   
Massachusetts State College, Building Authority Project Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 5/01/49      1,680,000        1,817,962   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/36      160,000        176,824   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/37      295,000        324,984   
University of Massachusetts Building Authority Project Rev., “1”, 5%, 11/01/39      3,000,000        3,243,090   
      $ 14,286,889   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Student Loan Revenue - 4.4%           
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, “J”, 5.625%, 7/01/29    $ 1,910,000      $ 2,017,266   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “E”, AMBAC, 5%, 1/01/15      20,000        20,075   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “H”, ASSD GTY, 6.35%, 1/01/30      1,505,000        1,593,449   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “I”, 6%, 1/01/28      1,025,000        1,108,989   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “I-A”, 5.5%, 1/01/22      3,000,000        3,298,140   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “I-A”, 5.15%, 1/01/26      1,420,000        1,505,228   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “I-A”, 5.2%, 1/01/27      680,000        718,964   
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Education Loan Rev., “Issue E”, AMBAC, 5.3%, 1/01/16      45,000        45,144   
      $ 10,307,255   
Tax - Other - 1.2%                 
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 260,000      $ 274,698   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      85,000        88,948   
Massachusetts Special Obligation Dedicated Tax Rev., NATL, 5.5%, 1/01/23      1,585,000        1,870,348   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo), “A”, 6.625%, 10/01/29      600,000        643,050   
      $ 2,877,044   
Tobacco - 2.0%                 
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-2”, 5.875%, 6/01/47    $ 190,000      $ 152,973   
Children’s Trust Fund, Tobacco Settlement Rev., Puerto Rico, 5.5%, 5/15/39      400,000        358,944   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-1”, 5.75%, 6/01/47      250,000        201,555   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28      1,335,000        1,505,066   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      330,000        249,233   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      1,990,000        1,497,356   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      3,250,000        783,445   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      45,000        10,679   
      $ 4,759,251   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Toll Roads - 1.8%                 
Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Highway System Rev., “B”, 5%, 1/01/15    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,551,690   
Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Highway System Rev., “B”, 5%, 1/01/32      2,600,000        2,752,620   
      $ 4,304,310   
Transportation - Special Tax - 2.9%           
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Highway Grant Anticipation, “A”, 5%, 6/15/22    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,798,560   
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Transportation Fund Rev. (Accelerated Bridge Program), “A”, 5%, 6/01/23      4,000,000        4,850,600   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., ETM, “C”, 5.5%, 7/01/16 (c)      200,000        222,576   
      $ 6,871,736   
Universities - Colleges - 20.8%           
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Roosevelt University Project), 6.25%, 4/01/29    $ 2,005,000      $ 2,067,817   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Higher Education Rev. (Emerson College), “A”, 5%, 1/01/23      1,750,000        1,810,148   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Boston College), “R-1”, 5%, 7/01/24      3,950,000        4,466,265   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Boston University), “V-1”, 5%, 10/01/29      2,165,000        2,381,673   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Hampshire College), 5.7%, 10/01/34      1,000,000        1,005,460   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (New England Conservatory of Music), 5.25%, 7/01/38      2,000,000        2,042,500   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Simmons College), SYNCORA, 5.25%, 10/01/26      2,250,000        2,464,088   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Suffolk University), 5.125%, 7/01/40      1,000,000        1,004,960   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Wheelock College), “C”, 5.25%, 10/01/37      1,500,000        1,522,920   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Williams College), “P”, 5%, 7/01/43      3,000,000        3,273,360   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Berklee College of Music), “A”, 5%, 10/01/27      905,000        976,160   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Berklee College of Music), “A”, 5%, 10/01/37      2,000,000        2,097,860   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Boston College), 5.5%, 6/01/27      1,735,000        2,106,568   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Harvard University), 5.5%, 11/15/36      1,500,000        1,731,105   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Lesley University), “A”, ASSD GTY, 5.25%, 7/01/39      1,000,000        1,058,060   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued           
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) “M”, 5.25%, 7/01/21    $ 4,000,000      $ 4,860,520   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), “A”, 5%, 7/01/38      750,000        820,568   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), “I-1”, 5.2%, 1/01/28      1,000,000        1,243,690   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Northeastern University), “A”, 5%, 10/01/35      1,500,000        1,570,200   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Simmons College), 8%, 10/01/15 (c)      205,000        228,848   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Simmons College), 8%, 10/01/29      295,000        318,836   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Stonehill College), MSQLF, 4.875%, 7/01/27      250,000        266,573   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Stonehill College), 5%, 7/01/28      640,000        683,072   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Stonehill College), 5%, 7/01/29      300,000        318,420   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Suffolk University), “A”, 6.25%, 7/01/30      2,000,000        2,178,280   
Massachusetts State College, Building Authority Project Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/29      2,000,000        2,251,400   
Pinellas County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Barry University), 6%, 10/01/41      295,000        312,494   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.125%, 4/01/32      110,000        89,953   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42      370,000        292,855   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 4.375%, 10/01/31      75,000        58,184   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 5%, 10/01/42      35,000        26,373   
University of Massachusetts Building Authority Project Rev., “1”, 5%, 11/01/19      3,000,000        3,533,400   
      $ 49,062,610   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Secondary Schools - 3.6%   
La Vernia, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Lifeschool of Dallas), “A”, 7.5%, 8/15/41    $ 665,000      $ 749,043   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Belmont Hill School), 4.375%, 9/01/17 (c)      1,080,000        1,208,110   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Belmont Hill School), 4.5%, 9/01/17 (c)      1,000,000        1,122,810   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Dexter School), 4.75%, 5/01/32      1,130,000        1,132,520   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Dexter School), 5%, 5/01/37      2,000,000        2,007,840   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Foxborough Regional Charter School), “A”, 6.375%, 7/01/30      970,000        1,063,605   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Milton Academy), “A”, 5%, 9/01/28      1,000,000        1,104,780   
      $ 8,388,708   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 0.5%                 
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Dominion Energy Brayton), 5.75%, 5/01/19 (c)    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,214,670   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 0.3%                 
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/30    $ 590,000      $ 622,904   
Utilities - Other - 1.0%                 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19    $ 805,000      $ 904,659   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21      405,000        452,021   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      210,000        234,625   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “C”, 5%, 2/01/21      480,000        533,530   
Texas Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp III., Gas Supply Rev., 5%, 12/15/31      160,000        162,584   
      $ 2,287,419   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 4.8%           
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37    $ 220,000      $ 149,195   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/38      2,000,000        1,496,140   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      120,000        88,644   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.625%, 7/01/40      305,000        315,916   
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, 5.25%, 8/01/27      1,280,000        1,564,377   
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, 5.25%, 8/01/33      2,000,000        2,382,180   
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust (MWRA Program), “A”, 5%, 8/01/32      75,000        75,199   
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, “10”, 5%, 8/01/29      160,000        162,034   
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, “10”, 5%, 8/01/34      145,000        146,692   
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, “15A”, 5%, 8/01/20      1,400,000        1,666,770   
Massachusetts Water Resouces Authority, General Rev., “B”, 5.25%, 8/01/30      620,000        742,878   
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, “B”, AGM, 5.25%, 8/01/29      595,000        715,321   
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, General Rev., “B”, AGM, 5.25%, 8/01/31      1,625,000        1,947,319   
      $ 11,452,665   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $217,366,420)
      $ 232,468,898   
Money Market Funds - 1.0%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      2,528,691      $ 2,528,691   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $219,895,111)
      $ 234,997,589   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 0.5%        1,074,890   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 236,072,479   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements



Portfolio Footnotes:


(b) Mandatory tender date is earlier than stated maturity date.
(c) Refunded bond.
(n) Securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be sold in the ordinary course of business in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At period end, the aggregate value of these securities for the MFS California Municipal Bond Fund was $750,068, representing 0.3% of net assets.
(p) Primary inverse floater.
(v) Underlying affiliated fund that is available only to investment companies managed by MFS. The rate quoted for the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio is the annualized seven-day yield of the fund at period end.



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


The following abbreviations are used in this report and are defined:


COP   Certificate of Participation    
ETM   Escrowed to Maturity    
FRN   Floating Rate Note. Interest rate resets periodically and may not be the rate reported at period end.
LOC   Letter of Credit    
Insurers   Inverse Floaters
AGM   Assured Guaranty Municipal   LEVRRS   Leveraged Reverse Rate Security
AMBAC   AMBAC Indemnity Corp.   RIBS   Residual Interest Bonds
ASSD GTY   Assured Guaranty Insurance Co.    
BHAC   Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp.    
CALHF   California Health Construction Loan Insurance    
FGIC   Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.    
FHA   Federal Housing Administration    
FNMA   Federal National Mortgage Assn.    
GNMA   Government National Mortgage Assn.    
MSQLF   Michigan Student Qualified Loan Fund    
NATL   National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.    
SYNCORA   Syncora Guarantee Inc.    
XLCA   XL Capital Insurance Co.    

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements


At 3/31/14

These statements represent each fund’s balance sheet, which details the assets and liabilities comprising the total value of each fund.












Investments –


Non-affiliated issuers, at identified cost

     $48,876,645         $175,137,594         $247,377,555   

Underlying affiliated funds, at cost and net asset value

     977,768         376,083         1,557,972   
Total investments, at identified cost      $49,854,413         $175,513,677         $248,935,527   

Unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     2,550,163         2,431,275         13,357,763   
Total investments, at value      $52,404,576         $177,944,952         $262,293,290   

Receivables for


Investments sold

     760,000         242,925           

Fund shares sold

     515,889         243,683         269,607   


     655,171         2,462,007         3,437,026   

Receivable from investment adviser


Other assets

     468         1,127         1,523   

Total assets

     $54,347,542         $180,894,694         $266,001,446   
Payables for         


     $32,610         $61,159         $193,743   

Investments purchased

     263,565         382,680           

Fund shares reacquired

     37,024         418,446         442,591   

Payable to affiliates


Investment adviser

             8,799         12,899   

Shareholder servicing costs

     38,857         117,138         158,795   

Distribution and service fees

     1,455         4,345         6,790   

Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation

     3,924         3,772         10,343   

Accrued expenses and other liabilities

     60,939         74,794         78,088   

Total liabilities

     $438,374         $1,071,133         $903,249   

Net assets

     $53,909,168         $179,823,561         $265,098,197   
Net assets consist of                           
Paid-in capital      $53,035,025         $182,495,436         $263,618,604   

Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     2,550,163         2,431,275         13,357,763   

Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments

     (1,702,725      (5,152,843      (11,942,994

Undistributed net investment income

     26,705         49,693         64,824   

Net assets

     $53,909,168         $179,823,561         $265,098,197   



Table of Contents

Statements of Assets and Liabilities – continued












Net assets


Class A

     $53,245,257         $172,590,000         $232,450,743   

Class B

     663,911         7,233,561         3,975,792   

Class C


Total net assets

     $53,909,168         $179,823,561         $265,098,197   

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding


Class A

     5,267,671         17,868,258         40,471,915   

Class B

     65,673         748,198         692,078   

Class C


Total shares of beneficial interest outstanding

     5,333,344         18,616,456         46,138,894   

Class A shares


Net asset value per share


(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $10.11         $9.66         $5.74   

Offering price per share (100 / 95.25 × net asset value per share)

     $10.61         $10.14         $6.03   

Class B shares


Net asset value and offering price per share


(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $10.11         $9.67         $5.74   

Class C shares


Net asset value and offering price per share


(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $—         $—         $5.76   

On sales of $50,000 or more, the maximum offering price of Class A shares is reduced. A contingent deferred sales charge may be imposed on redemptions of Class A, Class B, and Class C shares.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Statements of Assets and Liabilities – continued


At 3/31/14    Georgia
Investments –         

Non-affiliated issuers, at identified cost

     $56,991,108         $86,469,945         $217,366,420   

Underlying affiliated funds, at cost and net asset value

     983,637         1,522,303         2,528,691   
Total investments, at identified cost      $57,974,745         $87,992,248         $219,895,111   

Unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     2,393,862         3,162,675         15,102,478   
Total investments, at value      $60,368,607         $91,154,923         $234,997,589   

Receivables for


Investments sold

     965,527         813,731           

Fund shares sold

     21,196         8,088         127,623   


     773,533         1,228,341         3,171,152   

Receivable from investment adviser


Other assets

     520         798         1,435   

Total assets

     $62,132,590         $93,205,881         $238,297,799   
Payables for         


     $29,704         $68,334         $148,472   

Investments purchased

     1,087,410         312,843         1,297,218   

Fund shares reacquired

     133,107         67,639         461,734   

Payable to affiliates


Investment adviser

             4,437         11,507   

Shareholder servicing costs

     38,654         60,444         223,961   

Distribution and service fees

     1,608         2,177           

Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation

     4,425         6,913         6,876   

Accrued expenses and other liabilities

     66,879         68,236         75,552   

Total liabilities

     $1,361,787         $591,023         $2,225,320   

Net assets

     $60,770,803         $92,614,858         $236,072,479   
Net assets consist of                           
Paid-in capital      $60,213,886         $92,368,614         $229,095,122   

Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     2,393,862         3,162,675         15,102,478   

Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments

     (1,828,122      (3,096,323      (8,171,749

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income

     (8,823      179,892         46,628   

Net assets

     $60,770,803         $92,614,858         $236,072,479   



Table of Contents

Statements of Assets and Liabilities – continued



Net assets


Class A

     $59,068,387         $90,416,547         $232,262,700   

Class B

     1,702,416         2,198,311         3,809,779   

Total net assets

     $60,770,803         $92,614,858         $236,072,479   

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding


Class A

     5,583,267         8,403,941         21,273,213   

Class B

     160,320         204,422         348,345   

Total shares of beneficial interest outstanding

     5,743,587         8,608,363         21,621,558   

Class A shares


Net asset value per share


(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $10.58         $10.76         $10.92   

Offering price per share (100 / 95.25 × net asset value per share)

     $11.11         $11.30         $11.46   

Class B shares


Net asset value and offering price per share


(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $10.62         $10.75         $10.94   

On sales of $50,000 or more, the maximum offering price of Class A shares is reduced. A contingent deferred sales charge may be imposed on redemptions of Class A and Class B shares.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements


Year ended 3/31/14

These statements describe how much each fund earned in investment income and accrued in expenses. They also describe any gains or losses generated by each fund’s operations.











Net investment income                           
Interest      $2,895,300         $8,690,416         $13,883,916   

Dividends from underlying affiliated funds

     989         3,970         5,018   

Total investment income

     $2,896,289         $8,694,386         $13,888,934   

Management fee

     $267,793         $926,762         $1,277,690   

Distribution and service fees

     155,040         574,914         975,283   

Shareholder servicing costs

     46,123         178,952         238,029   

Administrative services fee

     18,659         36,165         45,464   

Independent Trustees’ compensation

     2,684         8,253         9,551   

Custodian fee

     21,395         42,898         49,023   

Shareholder communications

     6,099         13,486         16,213   

Audit and tax fees

     51,045         51,065         51,076   

Legal fees

     11,006         8,039         15,259   

Registration fees

     34,384         31,945         42,460   


     17,389         28,161         27,942   

Total expenses

     $631,617         $1,900,640         $2,747,990   

Fees paid indirectly

     (2              (6

Reduction of expenses by investment adviser and distributor

     (72,232      (311,436      (387,430

Net expenses

     $559,383         $1,589,204         $2,360,554   

Net investment income

     $2,336,906         $7,105,182         $11,528,380   
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                           

Realized gain (loss) on investments (identified cost basis)

     $(1,291,394      $(6,145,404      $(6,580,403

Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     $(2,765,716      $(7,949,456      $(10,945,135

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     $(4,057,110      $(14,094,860      $(17,525,538

Change in net assets from operations

     $(1,720,204      $(6,989,678      $(5,997,158

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Statements of Operations – continued


Year ended 3/31/14    Georgia
Net investment income                           
Interest      $3,199,719         $4,899,163         $12,073,593   

Dividends from underlying affiliated funds

     1,636         3,042         5,104   

Total investment income

     $3,201,355         $4,902,205         $12,078,697   

Management fee

     $321,351         $459,586         $1,169,071   

Distribution and service fees

     193,438         276,351         682,256   

Shareholder servicing costs

     54,496         79,982         213,571   

Administrative services fee

     20,079         23,743         42,590   

Independent Trustees’ compensation

     2,742         4,658         9,373   

Custodian fee

     29,897         30,444         48,559   

Shareholder communications

     7,007         9,684         14,194   

Audit and tax fees

     51,045         51,050         51,073   

Legal fees

     5,695         11,208         8,226   

Registration fees

     30,032         31,995         33,110   


     22,648         21,922         28,892   

Total expenses

     $738,430         $1,000,623         $2,300,915   

Fees paid indirectly

     (1      (4      (5

Reduction of expenses by investment adviser and distributor

     (46,386      (13,317      (55,766

Net expenses

     $692,043         $987,302         $2,245,144   

Net investment income

     $2,509,312         $3,914,903         $9,833,553   
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                           

Realized gain (loss) on investments (identified cost basis)

     $(1,621,074      $(2,982,507      $(9,192,820

Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     $(3,092,440      $(4,526,336      $(10,687,743

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     $(4,713,514      $(7,508,843      $(19,880,563

Change in net assets from operations

     $(2,204,202      $(3,593,940      $(10,047,010

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements


These statements describe the increases and/or decreases in net assets resulting from operations, any distributions, and any shareholder transactions.


Year ended 3/31/14   









Change in net assets         
From operations                           
Net investment income      $2,336,906         $7,105,182         $11,528,380   

Net realized gain (loss) on investments

     (1,291,394      (6,145,404      (6,580,403

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (2,765,716      (7,949,456      (10,945,135

Change in net assets from operations

     $(1,720,204      $(6,989,678      $(5,997,158
Distributions declared to shareholders                           

From net investment income

     $(2,269,574      $(6,926,655      $(11,173,911

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $(13,666,080      $(48,205,717      $(46,394,411

Total change in net assets

     $(17,655,858      $(62,122,050      $(63,565,480
Net assets                           
At beginning of period      71,565,026         241,945,611         328,663,677   

At end of period

     $53,909,168         $179,823,561         $265,098,197   

Undistributed net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $26,705         $49,693         $64,824   
Year ended 3/31/14   









Change in net assets         
From operations                           
Net investment income      $2,509,312         $3,914,903         $9,833,553   

Net realized gain (loss) on investments

     (1,621,074      (2,982,507      (9,192,820

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (3,092,440      (4,526,336      (10,687,743

Change in net assets from operations

     $(2,204,202      $(3,593,940      $(10,047,010
Distributions declared to shareholders                           

From net investment income

     $(2,410,842      $(3,744,433      $(9,474,128

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $(17,331,927      $(14,282,334      $(46,396,367

Total change in net assets

     $(21,946,971      $(21,620,707      $(65,917,505
Net assets                           
At beginning of period      82,717,774         114,235,565         301,989,984   

At end of period

     $60,770,803         $92,614,858         $236,072,479   

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $(8,823      $179,892         $46,628   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Statements of Changes in Net Assets – continued


Year ended 3/31/13   









Change in net assets         
From operations                           
Net investment income      $2,688,361         $8,454,600         $12,352,175   

Net realized gain (loss) on investments

     221,161         543,680         2,828,772   

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     1,052,995         317,806         7,922,149   

Change in net assets from operations

     $3,962,517         $9,316,086         $23,103,096   
Distributions declared to shareholders                           

From net investment income

     $(2,587,536      $(8,079,772      $(11,992,142

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $(1,522,773      $18,224,694         $1,015,019   

Total change in net assets

     $(147,792      $19,461,008         $12,125,973   
Net assets                           
At beginning of period      71,712,818         222,484,603         316,537,704   

At end of period

     $71,565,026         $241,945,611         $328,663,677   

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $27,686         $(40,533      $72,246   
Year ended 3/31/13    Georgia
Change in net assets         
From operations                           
Net investment income      $2,663,282         $4,524,136         $11,007,416   

Net realized gain (loss) on investments

     74,187         210,272         1,309,831   

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     1,242,105         664,751         3,752,443   

Change in net assets from operations

     $3,979,574         $5,399,159         $16,069,690   
Distributions declared to shareholders                           

From net investment income

     $(2,539,962      $(4,088,801      $(10,410,844

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $10,233,705         $1,780,645         $1,798,812   

Total change in net assets

     $11,673,317         $3,091,003         $7,457,658   
Net assets                           
At beginning of period      71,044,457         111,144,562         294,532,326   

At end of period

     $82,717,774         $114,235,565         $301,989,984   

Undistributed net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $8,137         $92,920         $82,433   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.70         $10.50         $9.72         $10.25        $9.60   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.40         $0.40         $0.41         $0.42        $0.44   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.60      0.19         0.77         (0.54     0.72   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.20      $0.59         $1.18         $(0.12     $1.16   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.39      $(0.39      $(0.40      $(0.41     $(0.42

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.00 )(w)      (0.09

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.39      $(0.39      $(0.40      $(0.41     $(0.51

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.11         $10.70         $10.50         $9.72        $10.25   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (1.83      5.63         12.30         (1.21     12.25   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.05         0.96         0.99         0.97        0.97   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.93         0.93         0.93         0.93        0.93   

Net investment income

     3.94         3.74         4.01         4.12        4.33   

Portfolio turnover

     15         10         21         20        27   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $53,245         $70,432         $69,887         $70,582        $78,842   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.70         $10.50         $9.72         $10.24        $9.60   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.32         $0.32         $0.33         $0.34        $0.36   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.60      0.19         0.77         (0.52     0.72   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.28      $0.51         $1.10         $(0.18     $1.08   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.31      $(0.31      $(0.32      $(0.34     $(0.35

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.00 )(w)      (0.09

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.31      $(0.31      $(0.32      $(0.34     $(0.44

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.11         $10.70         $10.50         $9.72        $10.24   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.56      4.85         11.47         (1.84     11.31   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.80         1.71         1.74         1.72        1.72   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.68         1.68         1.68         1.68        1.68   

Net investment income

     3.18         2.99         3.28         3.37        3.60   

Portfolio turnover

     15         10         21         20        27   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $664         $1,133         $1,826         $3,179        $5,477   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(w) Per share amount was less than $0.01.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.23         $10.17         $9.49         $9.95        $9.43   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.34         $0.37         $0.38         $0.41        $0.42   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.58      0.05         0.68         (0.47     0.53   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.24      $0.42         $1.06         $(0.06     $0.95   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.33      $(0.36      $(0.38      $(0.40     $(0.41

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.00 )(w)      (0.02

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.33      $(0.36      $(0.38      $(0.40     $(0.43

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $9.66         $10.23         $10.17         $9.49        $9.95   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.32      4.10         11.34         (0.62     10.17   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.89         0.86         0.87         0.87        0.84   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.74         0.71         0.72         0.72        0.74   

Net investment income

     3.48         3.59         3.86         4.20        4.32   

Portfolio turnover

     19         16         12         20        9   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $172,590         $232,510         $213,736         $178,685        $179,094   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.24         $10.18         $9.50         $9.96        $9.44   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.26         $0.29         $0.31         $0.33        $0.35   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.58      0.04         0.67         (0.47     0.52   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.32      $0.33         $0.98         $(0.14     $0.87   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.25      $(0.27      $(0.30      $(0.32     $(0.33

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.00 )(w)      (0.02

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.25      $(0.27      $(0.30      $(0.32     $(0.35

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $9.67         $10.24         $10.18         $9.50        $9.96   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.06      3.29         10.47         (1.43     9.30   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.64         1.61         1.62         1.62        1.59   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.51         1.50         1.49         1.53        1.52   

Net investment income

     2.71         2.80         3.08         3.37        3.53   

Portfolio turnover

     19         16         12         20        9   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $7,234         $9,435         $8,749         $7,816        $8,129   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(w) Per share amount was less than $0.01.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $6.05         $5.84         $5.23         $5.56         $5.15   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.24         $0.23         $0.24         $0.26         $0.26   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.32      0.21         0.61         (0.34      0.41   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.08      $0.44         $0.85         $(0.08      $0.67   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             

From net investment income

     $(0.23      $(0.23      $(0.24      $(0.25      $(0.26

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $5.74         $6.05         $5.84         $5.23         $5.56   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (1.20      7.59         16.48         (1.53      13.11   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.87         0.85         0.86         0.85         0.81   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.72         0.70         0.71         0.70         0.71   

Net investment income

     4.17         3.90         4.26         4.79         4.78   

Portfolio turnover

     26         20         35         24         31   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $232,451         $288,367         $277,271         $263,306         $324,093   
     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $6.05         $5.84         $5.23         $5.57         $5.15   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.19         $0.19         $0.20         $0.22         $0.22   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.31      0.20         0.60         (0.35      0.41   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.12      $0.39         $0.80         $(0.13      $0.63   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             

From net investment income

     $(0.19      $(0.18      $(0.19      $(0.21      $(0.21

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $5.74         $6.05         $5.84         $5.23         $5.57   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (1.96      6.75         15.60         (2.46      12.47   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.62         1.60         1.61         1.60         1.56   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.49         1.48         1.47         1.47         1.47   

Net investment income

     3.40         3.12         3.51         4.01         4.03   

Portfolio turnover

     26         20         35         24         31   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $3,976         $5,176         $5,640         $6,769         $13,866   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class C    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $6.07         $5.86         $5.25         $5.58         $5.16   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.19         $0.18         $0.19         $0.21         $0.21   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.32      0.20         0.61         (0.34      0.42   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.13      $0.38         $0.80         $(0.13      $0.63   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             

From net investment income

     $(0.18      $(0.17      $(0.19      $(0.20      $(0.21

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $5.76         $6.07         $5.86         $5.25         $5.58   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.08      6.60         15.38         (2.41      12.27   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.62         1.60         1.61         1.60         1.60   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.62         1.60         1.61         1.60         1.60   

Net investment income

     3.26         2.99         3.34         3.87         3.85   

Portfolio turnover

     26         20         35         24         31   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $28,672         $35,120         $33,626         $30,393         $37,810   


(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) Total returns have been calculated on net asset values which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.18         $10.96         $10.08         $10.59         $9.99   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.38         $0.38         $0.41         $0.44         $0.45   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.62      0.21         0.88         (0.52      0.62   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.24      $0.59         $1.29         $(0.08      $1.07   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.36      $(0.37      $(0.41      $(0.43      $(0.44

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.36      $(0.37      $(0.41      $(0.43      $(0.47

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.58         $11.18         $10.96         $10.08         $10.59   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.09      5.38         12.98         (0.84      10.84   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.01         0.96         1.02         1.02         1.03   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.95         0.95         0.95         0.98         1.00   

Net investment income

     3.54         3.41         3.89         4.16         4.26   

Portfolio turnover

     15         14         19         22         16   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $59,068         $80,336         $69,093         $57,878         $63,964   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.22         $11.00         $10.12         $10.63         $10.02   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.29         $0.30         $0.33         $0.36         $0.37   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.61      0.20         0.88         (0.52      0.63   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.32      $0.50         $1.21         $(0.16      $1.00   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.28      $(0.28      $(0.33      $(0.35      $(0.36

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.28      $(0.28      $(0.33      $(0.35      $(0.39

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.62         $11.22         $11.00         $10.12         $10.63   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.81      4.57         12.09         (1.58      10.08   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.76         1.70         1.78         1.77         1.78   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.70         1.70         1.70         1.72         1.75   

Net investment income

     2.76         2.64         3.14         3.39         3.51   

Portfolio turnover

     15         14         19         22         16   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $1,702         $2,382         $1,952         $2,385         $3,212   


(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.47         $11.34         $10.45         $10.93        $10.15   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.42         $0.46         $0.46         $0.46        $0.48   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.73      0.09         0.88         (0.49     0.77   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.31      $0.55         $1.34         $(0.03     $1.25   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.40      $(0.42      $(0.45      $(0.45     $(0.47

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.00 )(w)      (0.00 )(w) 

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.40      $(0.42      $(0.45      $(0.45     $(0.47

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.76         $11.47         $11.34         $10.45        $10.93   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.66      4.86         13.01         (0.35     12.49   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.96         0.92         0.94         0.94        0.95   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.95         0.92         0.94         0.94        0.95   

Net investment income

     3.85         4.00         4.16         4.20        4.47   

Portfolio turnover

     21         23         13         14        24   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $90,417         $110,729         $107,738         $100,324        $107,182   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.47         $11.33         $10.45         $10.93        $10.14   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.34         $0.37         $0.38         $0.38        $0.40   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.74      0.10         0.86         (0.49     0.78   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.40      $0.47         $1.24         $(0.11     $1.18   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.32      $(0.33      $(0.36      $(0.37     $(0.39

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.00 )(w)      (0.00 )(w) 

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.32      $(0.33      $(0.36      $(0.37     $(0.39

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.75         $11.47         $11.33         $10.45        $10.93   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.47      4.17         12.07         (1.09     11.77   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.71         1.67         1.70         1.69        1.70   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.70         1.67         1.69         1.69        1.70   

Net investment income

     3.10         3.25         3.42         3.44        3.75   

Portfolio turnover

     21         23         13         14        24   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $2,198         $3,507         $3,406         $3,772        $6,251   


(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(w) Per share amount was less than $0.01.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.66         $11.44         $10.42         $11.07         $10.35   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.42         $0.43         $0.45         $0.47         $0.48   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.76      0.19         1.01         (0.63      0.77   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.34      $0.62         $1.46         $(0.16      $1.25   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.40      $(0.40      $(0.44      $(0.45      $(0.47

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.04      (0.06

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.40      $(0.40      $(0.44      $(0.49      $(0.53

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.92         $11.66         $11.44         $10.42         $11.07   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.85      5.48         14.21         (1.57      12.31   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.87         0.85         0.85         0.86         0.87   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.85         0.85         0.85         0.86         0.87   

Net investment income

     3.80         3.64         4.04         4.25         4.44   

Portfolio turnover

     23         15         26         25         21   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $232,263         $296,895         $289,090         $266,600         $236,724   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.68         $11.46         $10.44         $11.09         $10.37   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.33         $0.34         $0.36         $0.39         $0.40   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.75      0.20         1.02         (0.63      0.77   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.42      $0.54         $1.38         $(0.24      $1.17   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.36      $(0.37      $(0.39

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.04      (0.06

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.36      $(0.41      $(0.45

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.94         $11.68         $11.46         $10.44         $11.09   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.59      4.69         13.33         (2.30      11.45   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.62         1.60         1.60         1.60         1.62   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.62         1.60         1.60         1.60         1.62   

Net investment income

     3.02         2.88         3.29         3.50         3.70   

Portfolio turnover

     23         15         26         25         21   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $3,810         $5,095         $5,443         $7,333         $13,804   


(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents



(1)   Business and Organization

MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund (Alabama Fund), MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund (Arkansas Fund), MFS California Municipal Bond Fund (California Fund), MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund (Georgia Fund), MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund (Maryland Fund), and MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund (Massachusetts Fund) are each a diversified series of MFS Municipal Series Trust which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end management investment company.

The funds are each investment companies and accordingly follow the investment company accounting and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standard Codification Topic 946 Financial Services – Investment Companies.


(2)   Significant Accounting Policies

General – The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. In the preparation of these financial statements, management has evaluated subsequent events occurring after the date of each fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities through the date that the financial statements were issued. Each fund invests primarily in municipal instruments. The value of municipal instruments can be affected by changes in their actual or perceived credit quality. The credit quality of municipal instruments can be affected by, among other things, the financial condition of the issuer or guarantor, the issuer’s future borrowing plans and sources of revenue, the economic feasibility of the revenue bond project or general borrowing purpose, political or economic developments in the region or state where the instrument is issued and the liquidity of the security. Municipal instruments generally trade in the over-the-counter market. Municipal instruments backed by current and anticipated revenues from a specific project or specific assets can be negatively affected by the discontinuance of the taxation supporting the projects or assets or the inability to collect revenues for the project or from the assets. If the Internal Revenue Service determines an issuer of a municipal instrument has not complied with the applicable tax requirements, interest from the security could become taxable, the security could decline in value, and distributions made by the funds could be taxable to shareholders.

In this reporting period, each fund adopted the disclosure provisions of FASB Accounting Standards Update 2011-11 (“ASU 2011-11”), Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities along with the related scope clarification provisions of FASB Accounting Standards Update 2013-01 (“ASU 2013-01”) entitled Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities. ASU 2011-11 is intended to enhance disclosures on the offsetting of financial assets and liabilities by requiring entities to disclose both gross and net information about financial instruments and transactions that are either offset in the statement of financial position or subject to an enforceable Master Netting Agreement or similar arrangement. ASU 2013-01 limits the scope of ASU 2011-11’s disclosure requirements on offsetting to financial assets and financial liabilities related to derivatives, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities lending and securities borrowing transactions. The disclosures required by ASU 2011-11, to the extent applicable to each fund, have been included in each fund’s Significant Accounting Policies note under the captions for each of the fund’s in-scope financial instruments and transactions.

Investment Valuations – Debt instruments and floating rate loans (other than short-term instruments), including restricted debt instruments, are generally valued at an evaluated or composite bid as provided by a third-party pricing service. Short-term instruments with a maturity at issuance of 60 days or less generally are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Open-end investment companies are generally valued at net asset value per share. Securities and other assets generally valued on the basis of information from a third-party pricing service may also be valued at a broker/dealer bid quotation. Values obtained from third-party pricing services can utilize both transaction data and market information such as yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity, type of issue, trading characteristics, and other market data.

The Board of Trustees has delegated primary responsibility for determining or causing to be determined the value of each fund’s investments (including any fair valuation) to the adviser pursuant to valuation policies and procedures approved by the Board. If the adviser determines that reliable market quotations are not readily available, investments are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the adviser in accordance with such procedures under the oversight of the Board of Trustees. Under each fund’s valuation policies and procedures, market quotations are not considered to be readily available for most types of debt instruments and floating rate loans and many types of derivatives. These investments are generally valued at fair value based on information from third-party pricing services. In addition, investments may be valued at fair value if the adviser determines that an investment’s value has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of the exchange or market on which the investment is principally traded (such as foreign exchange or market) and prior to the determination of each fund’s net asset value, or after the halting of trading of a specific security where trading does not resume prior to the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded. The adviser generally relies on third-party pricing services or other information (such as the correlation with price movements of similar securities in the same or other markets; the type, cost and investment characteristics of the security; the business and financial condition of the issuer; and trading and other market data) to assist in determining whether to fair value and



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


at what value to fair value an investment. The value of an investment for purposes of calculating each fund’s net asset value can differ depending on the source and method used to determine value. When fair valuation is used, the value of an investment used to determine each fund’s net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same investment. There can be no assurance that each fund could obtain the fair value assigned to an investment if it were to sell the investment at the same time at which each fund determines its net asset value per share.

Various inputs are used in determining the value of each fund’s assets or liabilities. These inputs are categorized into three broad levels. In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, an investment’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Each fund’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment, and considers factors specific to the investment. Level 1 includes unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 includes other significant observable market-based inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speed, and credit risk). Level 3 includes unobservable inputs, which may include the adviser’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments. The following is a summary of the levels used as of March 31, 2014 in valuing each fund’s assets or liabilities:


     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  

Alabama Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $51,426,808         $—         $51,426,808   
Mutual Funds      977,768                         977,768   
Total Investments      $977,768         $51,426,808         $—         $52,404,576   

Arkansas Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $177,568,869         $—         $177,568,869   
Mutual Funds      376,083                         376,083   
Total Investments      $376,083         $177,568,869         $—         $177,944,952   

California Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $260,735,318         $—         $260,735,318   
Mutual Funds      1,557,972                         1,557,972   
Total Investments      $1,557,972         $260,735,318         $—         $262,293,290   

Georgia Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $59,384,970         $—         $59,384,970   
Mutual Funds      983,637                         983,637   
Total Investments      $983,637         $59,384,970         $—         $60,368,607   

Maryland Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $89,632,620         $—         $89,632,620   
Mutual Funds      1,522,303                         1,522,303   
Total Investments      $1,522,303         $89,632,620         $—         $91,154,923   

Massachusetts Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $232,468,898         $—         $232,468,898   
Mutual Funds      2,528,691                         2,528,691   
Total Investments      $2,528,691         $232,468,898         $—         $234,997,589   

For further information regarding security characteristics, see the Portfolio of Investments.

Indemnifications – Under each fund’s organizational documents, its officers and Trustees may be indemnified against certain liabilities and expenses arising out of the performance of their duties to each fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, each fund enters into agreements with service providers that may contain indemnification clauses. Each fund’s maximum exposure under these agreements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against each fund that have not yet occurred.

Investment Transactions and Income – Investment transactions are recorded on the trade date. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. All premium and discount is amortized or accreted for financial statement purposes in accordance with U.S. generally



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


accepted accounting principles. Interest payments received in additional securities are recorded on the ex-interest date in an amount equal to the value of the security on such date. Debt obligations may be placed on non-accrual status or set to accrue at a rate of interest less than the contractual coupon when the collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Interest income for those debt obligations may be further reduced by the write-off of the related interest receivables when deemed uncollectible.

Each fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements. Any proceeds received from litigation involving portfolio holdings are reflected in the Statements of Operations in realized gain/loss if the security has been disposed of by the fund or in unrealized gain/loss if the security is still held by the fund. Any other proceeds from litigation not related to portfolio holdings are reflected as other income in the Statements of Operations.

Fees Paid Indirectly – Each fund’s custody fee may be reduced according to an arrangement that measures the value of cash deposited with the custodian by each fund. For each fund, this amount, for the year ended March 31, 2014, is shown as a reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations, with the exception of the Arkansas Fund for which there was no reduction.

Tax Matters and Distributions – Each fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, and to distribute all of its taxable and tax-exempt income, including realized capital gains. As a result, no provision for federal income tax is required. Each fund’s federal tax returns, when filed, will remain subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service for a three year period. Management has analyzed each fund’s tax positions taken on federal and state tax returns for all open tax years and does not believe that there are any uncertain tax positions that require recognition of a tax liability.

Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Certain capital accounts in the financial statements are periodically adjusted for permanent differences in order to reflect their tax character. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or net asset value per share. Temporary differences which arise from recognizing certain items of income, expense, gain or loss in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes will reverse at some time in the future. Distributions in excess of net investment income or net realized gains are temporary overdistributions for financial statement purposes resulting from differences in the recognition or classification of income or distributions for financial statement and tax purposes.

Book/tax differences primarily relate to amortization and accretion of debt securities, as applicable to each fund.

The tax character of distributions declared to shareholders for the last two fiscal years is as follows:


Year Ended 3/31/14   


















Ordinary income (including any short-term capital gains)      $—         $29,107         $—         $—         $—         $—   
Tax-exempt income      2,269,574         6,897,548         11,173,911         2,410,842         3,744,433         9,474,128   
Total distributions      $2,269,574         $6,926,655         $11,173,911         $2,410,842         $3,744,433         $9,474,128   
Year Ended 3/31/13   


















Ordinary income (including any short-term capital gains)      $—         $58,712         $164,760         $8,530         $—         $348,639   
Tax-exempt income      2,587,536         8,021,060         11,827,382         2,531,432         4,088,801         10,062,205   
Total distributions      $2,587,536         $8,079,772         $11,992,142         $2,539,962         $4,088,801         $10,410,844   

The federal tax cost and the tax basis components of distributable earnings were as follows:


As of 3/31/14   


















Cost of investments      $49,621,770         $174,632,277         $248,062,643         $57,754,365         $87,508,839        $218,945,093   
Gross appreciation      3,031,800         6,121,946         16,358,533         3,020,150         4,774,510        17,145,748   
Gross depreciation      (248,994      (2,809,271      (2,127,886      (405,908      (1,128,426     (1,093,252
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)      $2,782,806         $3,312,675         $14,230,647         $2,614,242         $3,646,084        $16,052,496   
Undistributed ordinary income              27,225         2,462         265                3,840   
Undistributed tax-exempt income      197,618         525,009         938,764         181,863         485,168        820,126   
Capital loss carryforwards      (1,935,368      (5,609,897      (12,497,582      (1,936,878      (2,876,458     (8,816,090
Post-October capital loss deferral              (424,346      (318,296      (111,624      (703,274     (305,677
Other temporary differences      (170,913      (502,541      (876,402      (190,951      (305,276     (777,338

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), net capital losses recognized for fund fiscal years beginning after March 31, 2011, may be carried forward indefinitely, and their character is retained as short-term and/or long-term losses (“post-enactment losses”). Previously, net capital losses were carried forward for eight years and treated as short-term losses (“pre-enactment losses”). As a transition rule, the Act requires that all post-enactment net capital losses be used before pre-enactment net capital losses.



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


As of March 31, 2014, each fund had capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized gains as follows:


Pre-enactment losses which expire as follows:   


















3/31/16      $—         $—         $(40,368      $—         $—        $—   
3/31/17                      (1,063,041                       
3/31/18                              (153,718               
3/31/19      (674,377      (197,659      (2,804,636      (266,409      (579,646     (488,562
Total      $(674,377      $(197,659      $(3,908,045      $(420,127      $(579,646     $(488,562
Post-enactment losses which are
characterized as follows:
Short-Term      $(428,620      $(2,429,711      $(4,111,318      $(956,960      $(1,489,777     $(4,748,570
Long-Term      (832,371      (2,982,527      (4,478,219      (559,791      (807,035     (3,578,958
Total      $(1,260,991      $(5,412,238      $(8,589,537      $(1,516,751      $(2,296,812     $(8,327,528

Multiple Classes of Shares of Beneficial Interest – Each fund offers multiple classes of shares, which differ in their respective distribution and service fees. Each fund’s income and common expenses are allocated to shareholders based on the value of settled shares outstanding of each class. Each fund’s realized and unrealized gain (loss) are allocated to shareholders based on the daily net assets of each class. Dividends are declared separately for each class. Differences in per share dividend rates are generally due to differences in separate class expenses. Class B shares will convert to Class A shares approximately eight years after purchase. Each fund’s distributions declared to shareholders as reported in the Statements of Changes in Net Assets are presented by class as follows:

Distributions declared to shareholders:

From net investment income



Alabama Fund


Arkansas Fund


California Fund


Year ended



Year ended



Year ended



Year ended



Year ended



Year ended


Class A   $2,243,951   $2,548,506   $6,716,641   $7,830,576   $10,058,978   $10,818,016
Class B   25,623   39,030   210,014   249,196   149,985   164,264
Class C           964,948   1,009,862
Total   $2,269,574   $2,587,536   $6,926,655   $8,079,772   $11,173,911   $11,992,142

Georgia Fund


Maryland Fund


Massachusetts Fund


Year ended



Year ended



Year ended



Year ended



Year ended



Year ended


Class A   $2,358,659   $2,484,819   $3,662,344   $3,989,469   $9,348,296   $10,264,971
Class B   52,183   55,143   82,089   99,332   125,832   145,873
Total   $2,410,842   $2,539,962   $3,744,433  


  $9,474,128   $10,410,844


(3)   Transactions with Affiliates

Investment Adviser – Each fund has an investment advisory agreement with MFS to provide overall investment management and related administrative services and facilities to each fund. The management fee is computed daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of 0.45% of each fund’s average daily net assets.

MFS has agreed in writing to reduce its management fee by a specified amount if certain MFS mutual fund assets exceed thresholds agreed to by MFS and the funds’ Board of Trustees. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these management fee reductions amounted to the following, which are included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations:

















  $875     $3,031      $4,244   $1,054   $1,523   $3,856

The management fee incurred for the year ended March 31, 2014 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of 0.45% of each fund’s average daily net assets.

The investment adviser has agreed in writing to pay a portion of the following funds’ total annual operating expenses, exclusive of interest, taxes, extraordinary expenses, brokerage and transaction costs, and investment-related expenses, such that total annual fund operating expenses do not exceed the following rates annually of these funds’ average daily net assets:











Class A      0.93%         0.95%         0.95%   
Class B      1.68%         1.70%         1.70%   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


For the Alabama Fund and the Maryland Fund, these written agreements will continue until modified by the funds’ Board of Trustees, but such agreements will continue at least until July 31, 2014. For the Georgia Fund, this written agreement will continue until at least July 31, 2014, after which MFS, under certain conditions, may increase such expense limitation to 1.00% of the fund’s average daily net assets annually for Class A shares and 1.75% of the fund’s average daily net assets annually for Class B shares without a vote of the fund’s Board of Trustees. Any increase above 1.00% and 1.75% of the fund’s average daily net assets annually for Class A and Class B shares, respectively, would require a vote of the fund’s Board of Trustees. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these reductions amounted to $70,686 for the Alabama Fund, $43,649 for the Georgia Fund, and $7,275 for the Maryland Fund and are included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations.

Distributor – MFS Fund Distributors, Inc. (MFD), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MFS, as distributor, received the following for the year ended March 31, 2014, as its portion of the initial sales charge on sales of Class A shares of each fund:



















  $10,990     $54,931        $40,899        $30,316        $17,007        $27,560   

The Board of Trustees has adopted a distribution plan for certain share classes pursuant to Rule 12b-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Each fund’s distribution plan provides that each fund will pay MFD for services provided by MFD and financial intermediaries in connection with the distribution and servicing of certain share classes. One component of the plan is a distribution fee paid to MFD and another component of the plan is a service fee paid to MFD. MFD may subsequently pay all, or a portion, of the distribution and/or service fees to financial intermediaries.

Distribution Plan Fee Table:


     CLASS A  


Fee Rate (d)



Fee Rate (d)




Plan (d)




Rate (e)



and Service


Alabama Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         $146,684   
Arkansas Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.10%         494,847   
California Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.10%         621,338   
Georgia Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         173,558   
Maryland Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         248,315   
Massachusetts Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.23%         638,555   
     CLASS B  


Fee Rate (d)



Fee Rate (d)




Plan (d)




Rate (e)



and Service


Alabama Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         $8,356   
Arkansas Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         0.87%         80,067   
California Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         0.87%         45,804   
Georgia Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         19,880   
Maryland Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         28,036   
Massachusetts Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         43,701   
     CLASS C  


Fee Rate (d)



Fee Rate (d)




Plan (d)




Rate (e)



and Service


California Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         $308,141   




















Total Distribution and Service Fees        $155,040           $574,914           $975,283           $193,438           $276,351           $682,256   


(d) In accordance with the distribution plan for certain classes, each fund pays distribution and/or service fees equal to these annual percentage rates of each class’s average daily net assets. The distribution and service fee rates disclosed by class represent the current rates in effect at the end of the reporting period. Any rate changes, if applicable, are detailed below.
(e) The annual effective rates represent actual fees incurred under the distribution plan for the year ended March 31, 2014 based on each class’s average daily net assets. MFD has voluntarily agreed to rebate a portion of each class’s 0.25% service fee attributable to accounts for which MFD retains the 0.25% service fee except for accounts attributable to MFS or its affiliates’ seed money. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these rebates amounted to the following and are included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations:




















Class A        $536           $291           $3,745           $1,523           $4,263           $51,315   
Class B                                                29           11   
Class C        N/A           N/A           7           N/A           N/A           N/A   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued



  Arkansas Fund: MFD has agreed in writing to reduce the Class A service fee rate to 0.10%. This written agreement will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $296,910 which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations. The service fee rate attributable to Class B shares within the first year of purchase is 0.25%. The service fee rate attributable to all other Class B shares has been reduced by MFD to 0.10% under a written agreement that will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $10,738 which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations.


  California Fund: MFD has agreed in writing to reduce the Class A service fee rate to 0.10%. This written agreement will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $372,804 which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations. The service fee rate attributable to Class B shares within the first year of purchase is 0.25%. The service fee rate attributable to all other Class B shares has been reduced by MFD to 0.10% under a written agreement that will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $5,993 which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations.

Certain Class A shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) in the event of a shareholder redemption within 18 months of purchase for shares purchased on or after August 1, 2012, and within 24 months of purchase for shares purchased prior to August 1, 2012. Class C shares are subject to a CDSC in the event of a shareholder redemption within 12 months of purchase. Class B shares are subject to a CDSC in the event of a shareholder redemption within six years of purchase. All contingent deferred sales charges are paid to MFD and during the year ended March 31, 2014, were as follows:


CDSC imposed     


















Class A        $—           $5,802           $7,339           $18,088           $—           $2,736   
Class B        7,181           16,625           14,610           5,228           9,798           5,879   
Class C        N/A           N/A           2,871           N/A           N/A           N/A   

Shareholder Servicing Agent – MFS Service Center, Inc. (MFSC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MFS, receives a fee from each fund for its services as shareholder servicing agent calculated as a percentage of the average daily net assets of each fund as determined periodically under the supervision of the funds’ Board of Trustees. For the year ended March 31, 2014, each fund paid the following fee, which equated to the following annual percentage of each fund’s average daily net assets:




















Expenses paid        $6,116           $18,904           $32,645           $6,733           $16,286           $30,784   
Percentage of average daily net assets        0.0103%           0.0092%           0.0115%           0.0094%           0.0159%           0.0119%   

MFSC also receives payment from each fund for out-of-pocket expenses, sub-accounting and other shareholder servicing costs which may be paid to affiliated and unaffiliated service providers. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these out-of-pocket expenses, sub-accounting and other shareholder servicing costs amounted to the following:



















  $40,007     $160,048        $205,384        $47,763        $63,696        $182,787   

Administrator – MFS provides certain financial, legal, shareholder communications, compliance, and other administrative services to each fund. Under an administrative services agreement, each fund partially reimburses MFS the costs incurred to provide these services. Each fund is charged an annual fixed amount of $17,500 plus a fee based on average daily net assets. The administrative services fee incurred for the year ended March 31, 2014 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of each fund’s average daily net assets as follows:




















Percentage of average daily net assets        0.0314%           0.0176%           0.0160%           0.0281%           0.0233%           0.0164%   

Trustees’ and Officers’ Compensation – Each fund pays compensation to independent Trustees in the form of a retainer, attendance fees, and additional compensation to Board and Committee chairpersons. Each fund does not pay compensation directly to Trustees or officers of each fund who are also officers of the investment adviser, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to each fund from MFS. Certain officers and Trustees of each fund are officers or directors of MFS, MFD, and MFSC.

Prior to December 31, 2001, each fund had an unfunded defined benefit plan (“DB plan”) for independent Trustees. As of December 31, 2001, the Board took action to terminate the DB plan with respect to then-current and any future independent Trustees, such that the DB plan covers only certain of those former independent Trustees who retired on or before December 31, 2001. The DB plan resulted in a pension expense for each fund. These amounts are included in “Independent Trustees’ compensation” in the Statements of Operations and were as follows:



















  $87     $89        $638        $98        $530        $545   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


The liability for deferred retirement benefits payable to certain independent Trustees under the DB plan amounted to the following at March 31, 2014, and is included in “Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation” in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities:

















  $3,923     $3,762        $10,333        $4,424        $6,903        $6,866   

Other – These funds and certain other funds managed by MFS (the funds) have entered into services agreements (the Agreements) which provide for payment of fees by the funds to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC in return for the provision of services of an Independent Chief Compliance Officer (ICCO) and Assistant ICCO, respectively, for the funds. The ICCO and Assistant ICCO are officers of the funds and the sole members of Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC, respectively. The funds can terminate the Agreements with Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC at any time under the terms of the Agreements. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the aggregate fees paid by each fund to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC amounted to the following and are included in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statements of Operations:



















  $344     $1,221        $1,649        $426        $593        $1,518   

MFS has agreed to reimburse the funds for a portion of the payments made by each fund in the following amounts, which are included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations. Additionally, MFS has agreed to bear all expenses associated with office space, other administrative support, and supplies provided to the ICCO and Assistant ICCO:

















$135     $466        $637        $160        $227        $584   

Each fund invests in the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio which is managed by MFS and seeks current income consistent with preservation of capital and liquidity. Income earned on this investment is included in “Dividends from underlying affiliated funds” in the Statements of Operations. This money market fund does not pay a management fee to MFS.


(4)   Portfolio Securities

Purchases and sales of investments, other than short-term obligations, were as follows:




















Purchases        $8,860,429           $38,167,498           $73,404,171           $10,116,628           $20,356,041           $57,272,297   
Sales        $22,732,512           $80,892,892           $115,256,208           $25,232,648           $31,521,579           $95,776,121   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued



(5)   Shares of Beneficial Interest

Each fund’s Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest. Transactions in fund shares were as follows:


    Alabama Fund      Arkansas Fund  
    Year ended
    Year ended
     Year ended
    Year ended
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount      Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold                 

Class A

    406,832        $4,137,456        608,036        $6,526,733         1,756,225        $17,150,233        4,465,572        $46,121,592   

Class B

    10,711        106,916        12,616        135,535         26,877        265,198        207,990        2,146,156   
    417,543        $4,244,372        620,652        $6,662,268         1,783,102        $17,415,431        4,673,562        $48,267,748   
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions                 

Class A

    177,515        $1,799,710        174,498        $1,876,667         578,476        $5,602,644        559,333        $5,777,695   

Class B

    2,082        21,121        2,807        30,167         19,410        188,190        19,322        199,785   
    179,597        $1,820,831        177,305        $1,906,834         597,886        $5,790,834        578,655        $5,977,480   
Shares reacquired                 

Class A

    (1,899,072     $(19,194,109     (854,873     $(9,197,619      (7,184,155     $(69,277,020     (3,321,798     $(34,306,542

Class B

    (52,987     (537,174     (83,405     (894,256      (219,106     (2,134,962     (165,705     (1,713,992
    (1,952,059     $(19,731,283     (938,278     $(10,091,875      (7,403,261     $(71,411,982     (3,487,503     $(36,020,534
Net change                 

Class A

    (1,314,725     $(13,256,943     (72,339     $(794,219      (4,849,454     $(46,524,143     1,703,107        $17,592,745   

Class B

    (40,194     (409,137     (67,982     (728,554      (172,819     (1,681,574     61,607        631,949   
    (1,354,919     $(13,666,080     (140,321     $(1,522,773      (5,022,273     $(48,205,717     1,764,714        $18,224,694   
    California Fund      Georgia Fund  
    Year ended
    Year ended
     Year ended
    Year ended
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount      Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold                 

Class A

    2,708,037        $15,577,719        5,296,099        $31,954,748         883,129        $9,348,709        1,898,647        $21,337,661   

Class B

    66,010        387,436        120,645        727,186         8,554        95,515        67,566        760,151   

Class C

    368,842        2,137,362        843,848        5,091,689                                
    3,142,889        $18,102,517        6,260,592        $37,773,623         891,683        $9,444,224        1,966,213        $22,097,812   
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions                 

Class A

    1,342,032        $7,662,047        1,303,835        $7,864,323         185,187        $1,957,601        163,236        $1,837,027   

Class B

    20,156        115,004        18,596        112,162         4,540        48,205        4,345        49,087   

Class C

    126,401        723,848        118,607        717,821                                
    1,488,589        $8,500,899        1,441,038        $8,694,306         189,727        $2,005,806        167,581        $1,886,114   
Shares reacquired                 

Class A

    (11,246,845     $(64,145,495     (6,388,909     $(38,446,008      (2,670,552     $(28,095,086     (1,183,157     $(13,331,926

Class B

    (249,575     (1,409,548     (248,899     (1,496,420      (65,058     (686,871     (37,143     (418,295

Class C

    (1,306,048     (7,442,784     (912,621     (5,510,482                             
    (12,802,468     $(72,997,827     (7,550,429     $(45,452,910      (2,735,610     $(28,781,957     (1,220,300     $(13,750,221
Net change                 

Class A

    (7,196,776     $(40,905,729     211,025        $1,373,063         (1,602,236     $(16,788,776     878,726        $9,842,762   

Class B

    (163,409     (907,108     (109,658     (657,072      (51,964     (543,151     34,768        390,943   

Class C

    (810,805     (4,581,574     49,834        299,028                                
    (8,170,990     $(46,394,411     151,201        $1,015,019         (1,654,200     $(17,331,927     913,494        $10,233,705   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


    Maryland Fund      Massachusetts Fund  
    Year ended
    Year ended
     Year ended
    Year ended
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount      Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold                 

Class A

    1,570,535        $17,068,788        948,826        $10,965,224         1,328,413        $14,689,083        2,834,096        $33,310,122   

Class B

    11,350        124,986        80,482        927,072         33,915        377,816        85,512        1,003,191   
    1,581,885        $17,193,774        1,029,308        $11,892,296         1,362,328        $15,066,899        2,919,608        $34,313,313   
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions                 

Class A

    260,081        $2,814,440        246,809        $2,853,563         679,590        $7,440,290        602,549        $7,080,805   

Class B

    6,837        74,083        7,399        85,494         9,248        101,486        8,614        101,305   
    266,918        $2,888,523        254,208        $2,939,057         688,838        $7,541,776        611,163        $7,182,110   
Shares reacquired                 

Class A

    (3,077,051     $(33,078,417     (1,047,468     $(12,097,690      (6,201,123     $(67,582,889     (3,250,453     $(38,134,479

Class B

    (119,521     (1,286,214     (82,662     (953,018      (131,068     (1,422,153     (132,997     (1,562,132
    (3,196,572     $(34,364,631     (1,130,130     $(13,050,708      (6,332,191     $(69,005,042     (3,383,450     $(39,696,611
Net change                 

Class A

    (1,246,435     $(13,195,189     148,167        $1,721,097         (4,193,120     $(45,453,516     186,192        $2,256,448   

Class B

    (101,334     (1,087,145     5,219        59,548         (87,905     (942,851     (38,871     (457,636
    (1,347,769     $(14,282,334     153,386        $1,780,645         (4,281,025     $(46,396,367     147,321        $1,798,812   

(6) Line of Credit

Each fund and certain other funds managed by MFS participate in a $1.1 billion unsecured committed line of credit, subject to a $1 billion sublimit, provided by a syndication of banks under a credit agreement. Borrowings may be made for temporary financing needs. Interest is charged to each fund, based on its borrowings, generally at a rate equal to the higher of the Federal Reserve funds rate or one month LIBOR plus an agreed upon spread. A commitment fee, based on the average daily, unused portion of the committed line of credit, is allocated among the participating funds at the end of each calendar quarter. In addition, each fund and other funds managed by MFS have established unsecured uncommitted borrowing arrangements with certain banks for temporary financing needs. Interest is charged to each fund, based on its borrowings, at a rate equal to the Federal Reserve funds rate plus an agreed upon spread. For the year ended March 31, 2014, each fund’s commitment fee and interest expense were as follows and are included in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statements of Operations:


Commitment Fee      $316         $1,075         $1,480         $373         $531         $1,361   
Interest Expense                                                



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued



(7)   Transactions in Underlying Affiliated Funds - Affiliated Issuers

An affiliated issuer of a fund may be considered one in which the fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common control. For the purposes of this report, each fund assumes the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio to be an affiliated issuer. Each fund’s transactions in the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio for the year ended March 31, 2014, are as follows:


     Underlying Affiliated Fund - MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio  
Alabama Fund      1,531,701         21,183,167         (21,737,100)         977,768   
Arkansas Fund      3,067,890         71,213,146         (73,904,953)         376,083   
California Fund      3,971,626         99,066,293         (101,479,947)         1,557,972   
Georgia Fund      3,019,083         24,016,289         (26,051,735)         983,637   
Maryland Fund      3,980,610         34,721,225         (37,179,532)         1,522,303   
Massachusetts Fund      7,304,229         87,961,175         (92,736,713)         2,528,691   
     Capital Gain
Alabama Fund      $—         $—         $989         $977,768   
Arkansas Fund                      3,970         376,083   
California Fund                      5,018         1,557,972   
Georgia Fund                      1,636         983,637   
Maryland Fund                      3,042         1,522,303   
Massachusetts Fund                      5,104         2,528,691   



Table of Contents


To the Board of Trustees of MFS Municipal Series Trust and the Shareholders of MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund, MFS California Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund and MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund:

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund, MFS California Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund and MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund (each a series of MFS Municipal Series Trust) (the “Funds”) as of March 31, 2014, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Funds are not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of their internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2014, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of March 31, 2014, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Boston, Massachusetts

May 13, 2014



Table of Contents


The Trustees and Officers of the Trust, as of May 1, 2014, are listed below, together with their principal occupations during the past five years. (Their titles may have varied during that period.) The address of each Trustee and Officer is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618. It is expected that the Board will appoint Mr. Timothy M. Fagan as Chief Compliance Officer of the MFS Funds on November 1, 2014.


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund



Since (h)


Principal Occupations


the Past Five Years


Other Directorships (j)


Robert J. Manning (k)

(Age 50)

  Trustee    February 2004    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director; President (until 2009); Chief Investment Officer (until 2010)    N/A

Robin A. Stelmach (k)

(Age 52)

  Trustee    January 2014    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer    N/A

David H. Gunning

(Age 71)

  Trustee and Chair of Trustees    January 2004    Private investor    Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. (welding equipment manufacturer), Director; Development Alternatives, Inc. (consulting), Director/Non-Executive Chairman

Steven E. Buller

(Age 62)

  Trustee    February 2014    Chairman, Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council; Standing Advisory Group, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Member; BlackRock, Inc. (investment management), Managing Director (until 2014), BlackRock Finco (investment management), UK, Director (until 2014)    N/A

Robert E. Butler

(Age 72)

  Trustee    January 2006    Consultant – investment company industry regulatory and compliance matters    N/A

Maureen R. Goldfarb

(Age 59)

  Trustee    January 2009    Private investor    N/A

William R. Gutow

(Age 72)

  Trustee    December 1993    Private investor and real estate consultant; Capitol Entertainment Management Company (video franchise), Vice Chairman    Texas Donuts (donut franchise), Vice Chairman (until 2010)

Michael Hegarty

(Age 69)

  Trustee    December 2004    Private investor    Brookfield Office Properties, Inc. (real estate), Director; Rouse Properties Inc. (real estate), Director; Capmark Financial Group Inc. (real estate), Director

John P. Kavanaugh

(Age 59)

  Trustee    January 2009    Private investor    N/A

Laurie J. Thomsen

(Age 56)

  Trustee    March 2005    Private investor; New Profit, Inc. (venture philanthropy), Executive Partner (until 2010)    The Travelers Companies (insurance), Director

Robert W. Uek

(Age 72)

  Trustee    January 2006    Consultant to investment company industry    N/A

John M. Corcoran (k)

(Age 49)

  President    October 2008    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President    N/A

Christopher R. Bohane (k)

(Age 40)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel    N/A



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund



Since (h)


Principal Occupations


the Past Five Years


Other Directorships (j)

Kino Clark (k)

(Age 45)

  Assistant Treasurer    January 2012   

Massachusetts Financial

Services Company,

Vice President


Thomas H. Connors (k)

(Age 54)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    September 2012    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel; Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc. (financial service provider), Director and Senior Counsel (until 2012)    N/A

Ethan D. Corey (k)

(Age 50)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel    N/A

David L. DiLorenzo (k)

(Age 45)

  Treasurer    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President    N/A

Robyn L. Griffin

(Age 38)

  Assistant Independent Chief Compliance Officer    August 2008    Griffin Compliance LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal    N/A

Brian E. Langenfeld (k)

(Age 41)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    June 2006    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel    N/A

Susan S. Newton (k)

(Age 64)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    May 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel    N/A

Susan A. Pereira (k)

(Age 43)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel    N/A

Kasey L. Phillips (k)

(Age 43)

  Assistant Treasurer    September 2012    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President; Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, Senior Vice President, Fund Treasurer (until 2012)    N/A

Mark N. Polebaum (k)

(Age 61)

  Secretary and Clerk    January 2006    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary    N/A

Frank L. Tarantino (l)

(Age 70)

  Independent Chief Compliance Officer    June 2004    Tarantino LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal    N/A

Richard S. Weitzel (k)

(Age 43)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    October 2007    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel    N/A

James O. Yost (k)

(Age 53)

  Deputy Treasurer    September 1990    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President    N/A


(h) Date first appointed to serve as Trustee/officer of an MFS Fund. Each Trustee has served continuously since appointment unless indicated otherwise. For the period from December 15, 2004 until February 22, 2005, Mr. Manning served as Advisory Trustee. For the period October 2008, until January 2012, Mr. Corcoran served as Treasurer of the Funds. Prior to January 2012, Messrs. DiLorenzo and Yost served as Assistant Treasurers of the Funds.
(j) Directorships or trusteeships of companies required to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (i.e., “public companies”).
(k) “Interested person” of the Trust within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (referred to as the 1940 Act), which is the principal federal law governing investment companies like the fund, as a result of position with MFS. The address of MFS is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618.
(l) Mr. Tarantino will retire as Independent Chief Compliance Officer of the MFS Funds on October 31, 2014. It is expected that Mr. Tarantino will continue after that date as an Independent Senior Officer of the MFS Funds.

Each Trustee (except Ms. Stelmach and Mr. Buller) has been elected by shareholders and each Trustee and officer holds office until his or her successor is chosen and qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement or removal. The Trust does not hold annual meetings for the purpose of electing Trustees, and Trustees are not elected for fixed terms. Messrs. Butler, Kavanaugh, Uek and Ms. Thomsen are members of the Trust’s Audit Committee.



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Each of the Fund’s Trustees and officers holds comparable positions with certain other funds of which MFS or a subsidiary is the investment adviser or distributor, and, in the case of the officers, with certain affiliates of MFS. As of January 1, 2014, the Trustees served as board members of 142 funds within the MFS Family of Funds.

The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund includes further information about the Trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling 1-800-225-2606.



Investment Adviser

Massachusetts Financial Services Company

111 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02199-7618


MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.

111 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02199-7618

Portfolio Manager

Michael Dawson



JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA

4 Metrotech Center

New York, NY 11245

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Deloitte & Touche LLP

200 Berkeley Street

Boston, MA 02116



Table of Contents


A discussion regarding the Board’s most recent review and renewal of each fund’s Investment Advisory Agreement with MFS is available by clicking on the fund’s name under “Mutual Funds” in the “Products” section of the MFS Web site  (mfs.com).


MFS votes proxies on behalf of the funds pursuant to proxy voting policies and procedures that are available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-225-2606, by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.

Information regarding how each fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is available without charge by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.


Each fund will file a complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. A shareholder can obtain the quarterly portfolio holdings report at mfs.com. Each fund’s Form N-Q is also available on the EDGAR database on the Commission’s Internet Website at http://www.sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the:

Public Reference Room

Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, NE, Room 1580

Washington, D.C. 20549

Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. Copies of each fund’s Form N-Q also may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following e-mail address: publicinfo@sec.gov or by writing the Public Reference Section at the above address.


From time to time, MFS may post important information about each fund or the MFS funds on the MFS web site (mfs.com). This information is available by visiting the “News & Commentary” section of mfs.com or by clicking on the fund’s name under “Mutual Funds” in the “Products” section of mfs.com.


The funds will notify shareholders of amounts for use in preparing 2014 income tax forms in January 2015. The following information is provided pursuant to provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Of the dividends paid from net investment income during the fiscal year, the following percentages were designated as exempt interest dividends for federal income tax purposes. If each fund has earned income on private activity bonds, a portion of the dividends paid may be considered a tax preference item for purposes of computing a shareholder’s alternative minimum tax.



Exempt Interest


Alabama Fund      100.00%   
Arkansas Fund      99.58%   
California Fund      100.00%   
Georgia Fund      100.00%   
Maryland Fund      100.00%   
Massachusetts Fund      100.00%   



Table of Contents

rev. 3/11









Why?   Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.



The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:


•  Social Security number and account balances

•  Account transactions and transaction history

•  Checking account information and wire transfer instructions


When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.


How?   All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons MFS chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.


Reasons we can share your
personal information
  Does MFS share?   Can you limit this

For our everyday business purposes –

such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus

  Yes   No

For our marketing purposes –

to offer our products and services to you

  No   We don’t share
For joint marketing with other financial companies   No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your transactions and experiences

  No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your creditworthiness

  No   We don’t share
For nonaffiliates to market to you   No   We don’t share


Questions?   Call 800-225-2606 or go to mfs.com.



Table of Contents
Page 2  


Who we are
Who is providing this notice?   MFS Funds, MFS Investment Management, MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Fund Distributors, Inc., MFS Heritage Trust Company, and MFS Service Center, Inc.


What we do
How does MFS protect my personal information?   To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include procedural, electronic, and physical safeguards for the protection of the personal information we collect about you.
How does MFS
collect my personal information?

We collect your personal information, for example, when you


• open an account or provide account information

• direct us to buy securities or direct us to sell your securities

• make a wire transfer


We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates and other companies.

Why can’t I limit all sharing?  

Federal law gives you the right to limit only


• sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness

• affiliates from using your information to market to you

• sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you


State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


•MFS does not share personal information with affiliates, except for everyday business purposes as described on page one of this notice.


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


•MFS does not share with nonaffiliates so they can market to you.

Joint Marketing  

A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.


•MFS doesnt jointly market.



Other important information
If you own an MFS product or receive an MFS service in the name of a third party such as a bank or broker-dealer, their privacy policy may apply to you instead of ours.



Table of Contents



Save paper with eDelivery.




MFS® will send you prospectuses,

reports, and proxies directly via e-mail so you will get information faster with less mailbox clutter.

To sign up:

1. Go to mfs.com.

2. Log in via MFS® Access.

3. Select eDelivery.

If you own your MFS fund shares through a financial institution or a retirement plan, MFS® TALK, MFS® Access, or eDelivery may not be available to you.








24 hours a day




Financial advisors


Retirement plan services



MFS Service Center, Inc.

P.O. Box 55824

Boston, MA 02205-5824


MFS Service Center, Inc.

c/o Boston Financial Data Services

30 Dan Road

Canton, MA 02021-2809


Table of Contents


March 31, 2014





For the states of:

Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia





Table of Contents


For the states of: Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia




Letter from the Chairman and CEO     1   
Portfolio composition     2   
Management review     10   
Performance summary     12   
Expense tables     20   
Portfolios of investments     23   
Statements of assets and liabilities     60   
Statements of operations     64   
Statements of changes in net assets     66   
Financial highlights     68   
Notes to financial statements     84   
Report of independent registered public accounting firm     96   
Trustees and officers     97   
Board review of investment advisory agreement     100   
Proxy voting policies and information     100   
Quarterly portfolio disclosure     100   
Further information     100   
Federal tax information     100   
MFS® privacy notice     101   
Contact information    back cover   



The report is prepared for the general information of shareholders. It is authorized for distribution to prospective investors only when preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus.



Table of Contents





Dear Shareholders:

The pace of U.S. economic growth slowed early in 2014, largely because of harsh

winter weather. However, the U.S. labor market, consumer confidence and other economic data have all pointed to recovery. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s steady, gradual removal of its bond-buying stimulus, after initially causing concern, is providing some consistency, which can inspire consumer and investor confidence.

Global economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions have added to market volatility. The eurozone, however, is making progress in its economic recovery. Japan’s progress in its battle to end deflation is expected to experience a temporary setback on the heels of the country’s sales tax increase, introduced in April.

The world’s largest economic concern remains the slowdown in China’s pace of growth as it shifts toward a more consumer-oriented economy. Any reduction in China’s economic growth rate is likely to have a ripple effect on its many trading partners.

In uncertain times such as these, it is particularly important to remember that managing risk should always be a top priority. At MFS®, active risk management is an integral part of our collaborative process. Our global team of investment professionals shares ideas and evaluates opportunities that span continents, investment disciplines and asset classes. Our goal is to build better insights, and ultimately better results, for our clients.

We understand and appreciate the economic challenges investors face, and we believe in the value of maintaining a long-term view and applying proven principles, such as asset allocation and diversification. We are confident that our unique approach can serve investors well as they work with their financial advisors to identify and pursue the most suitable opportunities.




Robert J. Manning

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

MFS Investment Management

May 13, 2014



The opinions expressed in this letter are subject to change, may not be relied upon for investment advice, and no forecasts can be guaranteed.



Table of Contents



MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
State & Local Agencies     23.8%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     17.3%   
Universities – Colleges     13.7%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     8.2%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     7.1%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     5.6%   
AA     42.0%   
A     32.8%   
BBB     12.7%   
BB     1.4%   
B     0.8%   
CCC     1.2%   
Not Rated     2.5%   
Cash & Other     1.0%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)     7.8   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     15.0 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Mississippi     76.9%   
Puerto Rico     2.7%   
New York     2.6%   
Massachusetts     2.4%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Illinois     1.8%   
Wisconsin     1.3%   
California     1.2%   
New Jersey     1.2%   
Guam     1.2%   
Tennessee     1.0%   
New Hampshire     1.0%   
Kentucky     0.9%   
Michigan     0.8%   
Virginia     0.6%   
Colorado     0.5%   
Texas     0.5%   
Washington     0.3%   
Florida     0.3%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Universities – Colleges     18.5%   
State & Local Agencies     11.9%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     9.7%   

Tax – Other

General Obligations – General Purpose     6.7%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     7.1%   
AA     35.4%   
A     27.7%   
BBB     18.6%   
BB     4.4%   
B     2.5%   
Not Rated     2.7%   
Cash & Other     1.6%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)     8.4   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     17.1 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
New York     83.4%   
Illinois     2.1%   
New Jersey     2.0%   
California     1.4%   
Colorado     1.3%   
Guam     1.1%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Florida     0.9%   
Puerto Rico     0.8%   
Texas     0.8%   
Ohio     0.6%   
Wisconsin     0.6%   
Louisiana     0.6%   
Pennsylvania     0.5%   
Washington     0.3%   
Indiana     0.3%   
Kentucky     0.2%   
Tennessee     0.2%   
Massachusetts     0.1%   
Mississippi     0.1%   
New Hampshire (o)     0.0%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.
(o) Less than 0.1%.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     19.1%   
Universities – Colleges     14.5%   
State & Local Agencies     11.0%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     9.3%   
Utilities – Municipal Owned     8.0%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     13.4%   
AA     40.4%   
A     22.8%   
BBB     17.1%   
BB     1.3%   
B     1.4%   
Not Rated     3.2%   
Cash & Other     0.4%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)     8.6   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     16.5 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
North Carolina     76.5%   
Puerto Rico     4.0%   
Illinois     3.3%   
New Jersey     2.0%   
California     1.4%   
Guam     1.4%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Michigan     1.2%   
New York     1.2%   
Tennessee     1.0%   
Wisconsin     0.8%   
Kentucky     0.8%   
Florida     0.7%   
New Hampshire     0.6%   
Virginia     0.6%   
Louisiana     0.6%   
Colorado     0.5%   
Pennsylvania     0.4%   
Ohio     0.4%   
Texas     0.3%   
Indiana     0.3%   
Washington     0.3%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     20.0%   
Universities – Colleges     17.2%   
General Obligations – Schools     12.8%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     9.7%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     6.1%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     2.6%   
AA     26.5%   
A     32.5%   
BBB     22.0%   
BB     6.5%   
B     2.4%   
Not Rated     4.8%   
Cash & Other     2.7%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)     8.6   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     16.7 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Pennsylvania     79.8%   
Illinois     2.9%   
Puerto Rico     2.4%   
New Jersey     1.7%   
California     1.3%   
Guam     1.3%   
Florida     0.9%   
Tennessee     0.9%   
Colorado     0.9%   
Texas     0.8%   
Kentucky     0.7%   
Virginia     0.7%   
Louisiana     0.6%   
Michigan     0.5%   
Wisconsin     0.5%   
Indiana     0.3%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

New York     0.3%   
Georgia     0.3%   
Ohio     0.2%   
New Hampshire (o)     0.0%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.
(o) Less than 0.1%.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     17.7%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     14.5%   
General Obligations – Schools     10.1%   
Utilities – Municipal Owned     8.6%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     7.4%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     3.8%   
AA     46.7%   
A     29.5%   
BBB     12.9%   
BB     1.4%   
B     1.9%   
CCC     0.1%   
Not Rated     1.4%   
Cash & Other     2.3%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)     8.4   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     15.8 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
South Carolina     80.8%   
Puerto Rico     2.0%   
California     1.8%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Michigan     1.3%   
Illinois     1.2%   
Kentucky     1.2%   
Tennessee     1.0%   
New Jersey     0.8%   
New York     0.7%   
Florida     0.7%   
Guam     0.7%   
Wisconsin     0.6%   
Colorado     0.6%   
New Hampshire     0.5%   
Virginia     0.5%   
Louisiana     0.5%   
Indiana     0.5%   
Georgia     0.3%   
Washington     0.2%   
Ohio     0.2%   
Texas     0.1%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
General Obligations – General Purpose     25.2%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     14.1%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     11.4%   
State & Local Agencies     6.9%   
Utilities – Municipal Owned     6.8%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     9.1%   
AA     57.8%   
A     18.5%   
BBB     9.1%   
BB     1.0%   
B     0.7%   
Not Rated     1.6%   
Cash & Other     2.2%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)     8.5   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     15.1 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Tennessee     83.6%   
Puerto Rico     2.0%   
New York     1.8%   
Kentucky     1.8%   
Guam     1.1%   
Florida     1.1%   
California     1.0%   
New Jersey     1.0%   
Wisconsin     0.8%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Illinois     0.6%   
New Hampshire     0.5%   
Virginia     0.5%   
Colorado     0.5%   
Texas     0.4%   
Georgia     0.3%   
Mississippi     0.1%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue     19.1%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals     18.3%   
General Obligations – General Purpose     13.1%   
State & Local Agencies     11.7%   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue     5.9%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA     21.7%   
AA     46.8%   
A     13.3%   
BBB     10.8%   
BB     3.6%   
B     0.8%   
Not Rated     4.0%   
Cash & Other     (1.0)%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)     8.6   
Average Effective Maturity (m)     16.4 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)  
Virginia     82.4%   
District of Columbia     2.8%   
Puerto Rico     1.7%   
Tennessee     1.4%   
Guam     1.4%   
Illinois     1.3%   

U.S. Virgin Islands

Wisconsin     1.2%   
New York     1.2%   
Kentucky     0.8%   
Michigan     0.8%   
New Jersey     0.6%   
Louisiana     0.6%   
Ohio     0.5%   
California     0.5%   
Colorado     0.5%   
Pennsylvania     0.5%   
Texas     0.5%   
Massachusetts     0.4%   
Washington     0.3%   
New Hampshire     0.2%   
Indiana     0.1%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

From time to time “Cash & Other” may be negative due to timing of cash receipts and/or equivalent exposure from any derivative holdings.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents

Portfolio Composition – continued


MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio structure (i)




Top five industries (i)   
Universities – Colleges      17.9%   
Healthcare Revenue – Hospitals      14.6%   
Miscellaneous Revenue – Other      11.3%   
State & Local Agencies      9.8%   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue      9.7%   
Composition including fixed income credit quality (a)(i)    
AAA      3.7%   
AA      33.4%   
A      36.6%   
BBB      7.3%   
BB      1.4%   
B      0.7%   
Not Rated      13.0%   
Cash & Other      3.9%   


Portfolio facts (i)

Average Duration (d)      8.0   
Average Effective Maturity (m)      15.8 yrs.   
Jurisdiction (i)   
West Virginia      76.1%   
Puerto Rico      3.4%   
New York      1.9%   
Illinois      1.8%   
Kentucky      1.8%   
Guam      1.7%   
Massachusetts      1.7%   
Michigan      1.5%   
Florida      1.4%   
Tennessee      1.2%   
New Jersey      1.1%   
California      0.7%   
U.S. Virgin Islands      0.6%   
Washington      0.5%   
Texas      0.3%   
Indiana      0.3%   
Mississippi      0.1%   
(a) For all securities other than those specifically described below, ratings are assigned to underlying securities utilizing ratings from Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s rating agencies and applying the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). Securities rated BBB or higher are considered investment grade. All ratings are subject to change. Not Rated includes fixed income securities, including fixed income futures contracts, which have not been rated by any rating agency. The fund may not hold all of these instruments. The fund is not rated by these agencies.
(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value due to the interest rate move.
(i) For purposes of this presentation, the components include the market value of securities, and reflect the impact of the equivalent exposure of derivative positions, if any. These amounts may be negative from time to time. Equivalent exposure is a calculated amount that translates the derivative position into a reasonable approximation of the amount of the underlying asset that the portfolio would have to hold at a given point in time to have the same price sensitivity that results from the portfolio’s ownership of the derivative contract. When dealing with derivatives, equivalent exposure is a more representative measure of the potential impact of a position on portfolio performance than market value. The bond component will include any accrued interest amounts.
(m) In determining an instrument’s effective maturity for purposes of calculating the fund’s dollar-weighted average effective maturity, MFS uses the instrument’s stated maturity or, if applicable, an earlier date on which MFS believes it is probable that a maturity-shortening device (such as a put, pre-refunding or prepayment) will cause the instrument to be repaid. Such an earlier date can be substantially shorter than the instrument’s stated maturity.

Where the fund holds convertible bonds, these are treated as part of the equity portion of the portfolio.

Cash & Other includes cash, other assets less liabilities, offsets to derivative positions, and short-term securities.

Percentages are based on net assets as of 3/31/14.

The portfolio is actively managed and current holdings may be different.



Table of Contents


Summary of Results

For the twelve months ended March 31, 2014, Class A shares of each fund, at net asset value, underperformed the Barclays Municipal Bond Index. These included the municipal bond funds of Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The performance for the individual funds and the benchmark are set forth in the Performance Summary.

Market Environment

Early in the period, jitters over a banking crisis in Cyprus was more than offset by ongoing accommodative global monetary policy and improving economic data, resulting in gains in both equity and fixed income markets. As the period progressed, concerns that the US Federal Reserve (“Fed”) would begin tapering its quantitative easing (“QE”) program caused sovereign bond yields to spike, credit spreads to widen, and equity valuations to fall. Equities subsequently outperformed fixed income in response to the improved economic fundamentals.

Toward the middle of the period, the Fed’s decision to postpone QE tapering surprised markets. Favorable market reactions were tempered, however, by tense negotiations over US fiscal policy which resulted in a 16-day partial shutdown of the federal government and a short-term extension in the debt ceiling. The volatility was short-lived, however, as an extension of budget and debt ceiling deadlines allowed the government to re-open, and subsequent economic data reflected moderate but resilient US growth. Also well-received was the decision by the European Central Bank to cut its policy rate as inflation pressures waned in the region. In addition, equity investors appeared to have concluded that there would be no major change in US monetary policy as a result of the nomination of Janet Yellen as the new Fed Chair for a term beginning in early 2014.

Later in the period, emerging market stresses resurfaced as political unrest, an escalation of tensions due to Russia’s annexation of a portion of the Ukraine, falling currencies and slowing growth appeared to have impacted investor sentiment. Markets were also forced to contend with some unexpected weakness in the US economy due largely to weather-related interruptions to hiring and spending plans as well as production schedules. Once again, the setback was short-lived as the major US equity indexes traded near their all-time highs by the end of the period.

Over the twelve months ended March 31, 2014, municipal bond yields generally increased as fixed income market activity was led by the Fed’s signal last June 2013 that it would begin to reduce monthly purchases of US Treasury and mortgage-backed securities; the reduction in the size of the purchase program actually began in December 2013, when 10-year US Treasury yields peaked at 3%. Municipal bond prices fell accordingly during this time frame after the Fed announced it might taper asset purchases. The rise in municipal bond yields was more pronounced in the long end of the yield curve (y) relative to intermediate-term bonds as municipal bond mutual fund redemptions, as well as reduced liquidity, lessened the demand for longer maturity bonds.

Further, more flames were fanned by credit concerns, first by Detroit’s Chapter 9 filing in July, and then by increased scrutiny of Puerto Rico’s weakened fiscal position in late August. Since January 2014, municipal market supply/demand dynamics have improved enough to enable municipal bonds to rally as retail investors and hedge funds emerged as the market’s primary source of demand. The supply/demand dynamics were further supported by a reduced level of issuance during Q1 2014 as well as a more stable trend in mutual fund flows.

With the risks of a restructuring of Puerto Rico debt deferred after the Commonwealth successfully issued a $3.5 billion General Obligation bond deal, concerns regarding negative headline risk in the municipal market have also waned for the time being.

Factors Affecting Performance

The funds’ longer duration (d) stance relative to the Barclays Municipal Bond Index negatively impacted relative performance as credit concerns in the municipal bond markets and the threat of Fed tapering forced yields higher during the reporting period.

The Barclays Municipal Bond Index is a broad-based index comprised of municipal bonds issued within the 50 states and the District of Columbia as well as U.S territories and possessions such as Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Among jurisdictions, overweight positions in municipal bonds of Puerto Rico were a primary source of underperformance across all funds given heightened concern over the US territory’s financial difficulties during the period. Underweight positions in municipal bonds of California detracted from relative returns in all funds.

Across sectors, the utilities, general obligation, and sales/excise tax sectors were notable detractors from the relative performance of all funds. An overweight allocation to “BB” and “BBB” rated (r) securities also dampened relative performance across all funds.


Michael Dawson

Portfolio Manager


(d) Duration is a measure of how much a bond’s price is likely to fluctuate with general changes in interest rates, e.g., if rates rise 1.00%, a bond with a 5-year duration is likely to lose about 5.00% of its value.



Table of Contents

Management Review – continued


(r) Bonds rated “BBB”, “Baa”, or higher are considered investment grade; bonds rated “BB”, “Ba”, or below are considered non-investment grade. The sources for bond quality ratings are Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, Inc. and are applied using the following hierarchy: If all three agencies provide a rating, the middle rating (after dropping the highest and lowest ratings) is assigned; if two of the three agencies rate a security, the lower of the two is assigned. Ratings are shown in the S&P and Fitch scale (e.g., AAA). For securities which are not rated by any of the three agencies, the security is considered Not Rated.
(y) A yield curve graphically depicts the yields of different maturity bonds of the same credit quality and type; a normal yield curve is upward sloping, with short-term rates lower than long-term rates.

The views expressed in this report are those of the portfolio manager only through the end of the period of the report as stated on the cover and do not necessarily reflect the views of MFS or any other person in the MFS organization. These views are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions, and MFS disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice or an indication of trading intent on behalf of any MFS portfolio. References to specific securities are not recommendations of such securities, and may not be representative of any MFS portfolio’s current or future investments.



Table of Contents


The following charts illustrate a representative class of each fund’s historical performance in comparison to its benchmark(s). Performance results include the deduction of the maximum applicable sales charge and reflect the percentage change in net asset value, including reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions. Each fund’s results have been compared to the Barclays Municipal Bond Index, a market capitalization-weighted index that measures the performance of the tax-exempt bond market. However, while this index is considered the benchmark for the performance of municipal bond funds, it is comprised of municipal bonds issued nationwide, while each of the funds is limited to investing primarily in the bonds of a particular state. The performance of other share classes will be greater than or less than that of the class depicted below. Benchmarks are unmanaged and may not be invested in directly. Benchmark returns do not reflect sales charges, commissions or expenses. (See Notes to Performance Summary.)

Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value fluctuate so your shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original cost; current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. The performance shown does not reflect the deduction of taxes, if any, that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares.

MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      8/06/92      (1.82)%      4.97%      4.00%    
     B      9/07/93      (2.50)%      4.22%      3.24%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (6.48)%      3.95%      3.50%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (6.26)%      3.88%      3.24%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr        
     A      6/06/88      (3.04)%      5.03%      3.72%       
     B      9/07/93      (3.77)%      4.27%      2.96%       
     C      12/11/00      (3.77)%      4.24%      2.95%       
Comparative benchmark                    
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%        
Average annual with sales charge                    


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.64)%      4.02%      3.22%       


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (7.51)%      3.92%      2.96%       


With CDSC (1% for 12 months) (v)

     (4.71)%      4.24%      2.95%       

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr        
     A      10/31/84      (2.66)%      4.81%      3.72%       
     B      9/07/93      (3.47)%      4.01%      2.99%       
     C      1/03/94      (3.39)%      4.01%      3.00%       
Comparative benchmark                    
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%        
Average annual with sales charge                    


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.28)%      3.79%      3.22%       


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (7.21)%      3.67%      2.99%       


With CDSC (1% for 12 months) (v)

     (4.32)%      4.01%      3.00%       

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      2/01/93      (2.52)%      5.33%      3.88%    
     B      9/07/93      (3.16)%      4.51%      3.09%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.15)%      4.31%      3.38%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (6.92)%      4.18%      3.09%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      10/31/84      (3.31)%      4.65%      3.43%    
     B      9/07/93      (4.11)%      3.86%      2.71%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.90)%      3.64%      2.93%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (7.84)%      3.51%      2.71%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr        
     A      8/12/88      (3.15)%      4.79%      3.62%       
     B      9/07/93      (3.88)%      4.02%      2.90%       
Comparative benchmark                    
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%        
Average annual with sales charge                    


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.75)%      3.78%      3.11%       


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (7.62)%      3.67%      2.90%       

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      10/31/84      (2.02)%      4.93%      3.71%    
     B      9/07/93      (2.67)%      4.17%      3.00%    
     C      1/03/94      (2.67)%      4.14%      2.99%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (6.68)%      3.91%      3.21%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (6.45)%      3.83%      3.00%    


With CDSC (1% for 12 months) (v)

     (3.62)%      4.14%      2.99%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.



Table of Contents

Performance Summary – continued


MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

Growth of a hypothetical $10,000 investment



Total returns through 3/31/14

Average annual without sales charge


      Share Class      Class inception date      1-yr      5-yr      10-yr     
     A      10/31/84      (2.54)%      4.79%      3.33%    
     B      9/07/93      (3.18)%      4.02%      2.61%    
Comparative benchmark                 
      Barclays Municipal Bond Index (f)      0.39%      5.71%      4.45%     
Average annual with sales charge                 


With Initial Sales Charge (4.75%)

     (7.17)%      3.78%      2.83%    


With CDSC (Declining over six years from 4% to 0%) (v)

     (6.95)%      3.67%      2.61%    

CDSC – Contingent Deferred Sales Charge.


(f) Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
(v) Assuming redemption at the end of the applicable period.

Benchmark Definition

Barclays Municipal Bond Index – a market capitalization-weighted index that measures the performance of the tax-exempt bond market.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

Notes to Performance Summary

Average annual total return represents the average annual change in value for each share class for the periods presented.

Performance results reflect any applicable expense subsidies and waivers in effect during the periods shown. Without such subsidies and waivers each fund’s performance results would be less favorable. Please see the prospectus and financial statements for complete details.

Performance results do not include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and may differ from amounts reported in the financial highlights.

A portion of income may be subject to state, federal, and/or alternative minimum tax. Capital gains, if any, are subject to a capital gains tax.

From time to time the funds may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.



Table of Contents


Fund expenses borne by the shareholders during the period, October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014

As a shareholder of the funds, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on certain purchase or redemption payments, and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other fund expenses. These examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

These examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014.

Actual expenses

The first line for each share class in the following tables provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

The second line for each share class in the following tables provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not each fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in each fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the tables are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line for each share class in the tables is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.






Account Value


Account Value



Paid During

Period (p)


A   Actual     0.81%        $1,000.00        $1,033.54        $4.11   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.81%        $1,000.00        $1,020.89        $4.08   
B   Actual     1.49%        $1,000.00        $1,028.94        $7.54   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.49%        $1,000.00        $1,017.50        $7.49   






Account Value


Account Value



Paid During
Period (p)


A   Actual     0.88%        $1,000.00        $1,036.88        $4.47   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.88%        $1,000.00        $1,020.54        $4.43   
B   Actual     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,033.11        $8.31   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,016.75        $8.25   
C   Actual     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,032.10        $8.31   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,016.75        $8.25   


  (h) 5% class return per year before expenses.
  (p) “Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to each class’s annualized expense ratio, as shown above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid do not include any applicable sales charges (loads). If these transaction costs had been included, your costs would have been higher.



Table of Contents

Expense Tables – continued







Account Value


Account Value



Paid During
Period (p)


A   Actual     0.87%        $1,000.00        $1,034.58        $4.41   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.87%        $1,000.00        $1,020.59        $4.38   
B   Actual     1.63%        $1,000.00        $1,029.89        $8.25   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.63%        $1,000.00        $1,016.80        $8.20   
C   Actual     1.63%        $1,000.00        $1,029.86        $8.25   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.63%        $1,000.00        $1,016.80        $8.20   






Account Value


Account Value



Paid During
Period (p)


A   Actual     0.80%        $1,000.00        $1,036.88        $4.06   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.80%        $1,000.00        $1,020.94        $4.03   
B   Actual     1.55%        $1,000.00        $1,032.90        $7.86   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.55%        $1,000.00        $1,017.20        $7.80   






Account Value


Account Value



Paid During

Period (p)


A   Actual     0.90%        $1,000.00        $1,030.80        $4.56   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.90%        $1,000.00        $1,020.44        $4.53   
B   Actual     1.66%        $1,000.00        $1,027.00        $8.39   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.66%        $1,000.00        $1,016.65        $8.35   






Account Value


Account Value



Paid During

Period (p)


A   Actual     0.97%        $1,000.00        $1,029.28        $4.91   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.97%        $1,000.00        $1,020.09        $4.89   
B   Actual     1.72%        $1,000.00        $1,025.48        $8.69   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.72%        $1,000.00        $1,016.36        $8.65   


  (h) 5% class return per year before expenses.
  (p) “Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to each class’s annualized expense ratio, as shown above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid do not include any applicable sales charges (loads). If these transaction costs had been included, your costs would have been higher.



Table of Contents

Expense Tables – continued







Account Value


Account Value



Paid During

Period (p)


A   Actual     0.89%        $1,000.00        $1,036.07        $4.52   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.89%        $1,000.00        $1,020.49        $4.48   
B   Actual     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,033.19        $8.31   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,016.75        $8.25   
C   Actual     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,032.24        $8.31   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.64%        $1,000.00        $1,016.75        $8.25   

Notes to Expense Table

For the MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund, expense ratios include 0.01% of investment related expenses from inverse floaters that are outside of the expense limitation arrangement (See Note 3 of the Notes to Financial Statements).






Account Value


Account Value



Paid During

Period (p)


A   Actual     0.90%        $1,000.00        $1,034.96        $4.57   
  Hypothetical (h)     0.90%        $1,000.00        $1,020.44        $4.53   
B   Actual     1.65%        $1,000.00        $1,031.13        $8.36   
  Hypothetical (h)     1.65%        $1,000.00        $1,016.70        $8.30   


  (h) 5% class return per year before expenses.
  (p) “Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to each class’s annualized expense ratio, as shown above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid do not include any applicable sales charges (loads). If these transaction costs had been included, your costs would have been higher.



Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 97.7%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 2.0%   
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev. General Airport Sr. Lien Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/01/22    $ 650,000      $ 734,414   
Jackson, MS, Municipal Airport Authority, Airport Rev., “A”, AMBAC, 5%, 10/01/31      1,000,000        1,030,200   
      $ 1,764,614   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 8.1%   
Canton, MS, Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation, “A”, AGM, 5.75%, 10/01/31    $ 625,000      $ 692,663   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      35,000        37,070   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      155,000        140,773   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      40,000        42,368   
Jackson County, MS, Development Bank Special Obligations, AGM, 5.25%, 3/01/20      620,000        724,644   
Jackson County, MS, Development Bank Special Obligations, ASSD GTY, 5.625%, 7/01/39      1,000,000        1,063,960   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31      110,000        123,913   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Greenville, MS Project), 5%, 4/01/27      195,000        196,074   
Nassau County, NY, General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/24      600,000        677,826   
State of California, 6%, 11/01/39      700,000        820,043   
State of Mississippi, “A”, 5.25%, 11/01/15      800,000        862,816   
State of Mississippi, “F”, 4%, 11/01/22      500,000        557,165   
State of Mississippi, Capital Improvement Projects, “A”, 5%, 10/01/30      1,000,000        1,119,100   
      $ 7,058,415   
General Obligations - Schools - 2.6%   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Jackson Public School District Limited Tax Refunding Note Project) “B”, 5%, 10/01/23    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,134,110   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Jackson Public School District), AGM, 5.375%, 4/01/28      1,000,000        1,110,250   
      $ 2,244,360   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 17.0%   
Brazoria County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Brazosport Regional Health System), 5.25%, 7/01/32    $ 270,000      $ 251,667   
Gulfport, MS, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Memorial Hospital), NATL, 6.125%, 7/01/15      980,000        984,351   
Gulfport, MS, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Memorial Hospital), NATL, 6.2%, 7/01/18      1,000,000        1,004,120   
Gulfport, MS, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Memorial Hospital), 5.75%, 7/01/31      500,000        501,055   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44    $ 325,000      $ 355,878   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40      380,000        406,760   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      320,000        323,197   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Variety Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6%, 8/01/30      80,000        89,146   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Magnolia Regional Health Center Project), “A”, 6.75%, 10/01/36      500,000        560,430   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev. (Baptist Memorial Healthcare), “B-1”, 5%, 9/01/24      2,000,000        2,033,300   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev. (Clay County Medical Corp.), 5%, 10/01/39      2,000,000        2,063,720   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev. (Delta Regional Medical Center), FHA, 5%, 2/01/35      1,000,000        1,010,430   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev. (Forrest County General Hospital), 5.25%, 1/01/29      1,000,000        1,079,490   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev. (North Mississippi Health Services), “1”, 5%, 10/01/17      750,000        848,348   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev., Refunding & Improvement, Hospital South Central, 5.25%, 12/01/31      500,000        502,670   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev., Refunding & Improvement, Southwest Regional Medical Center, 5.5%, 4/01/19      250,000        250,300   
Mississippi Hospital Equipment & Facilities Authority Rev., Refunding & Improvement, Southwest Regional Medical Center, 5.75%, 4/01/23      250,000        250,078   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      215,000        230,977   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6.125%, 10/01/39      550,000        575,916   
St. Petersburg, FL, Health Facilities Authority Rev., 6.5%, 11/15/39      135,000        152,399   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 6.75%, 7/01/29      75,000        83,912   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 7%, 7/01/39    $ 185,000      $ 203,565   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      640,000        710,304   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare), 5.25%, 8/15/31      430,000        439,563   
      $ 14,911,576   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 1.9%   
Lowndes County, MS, Solid Waste Disposal & Pollution Control Rev. (Weyerhaeuser Co.), 6.8%, 4/01/22    $ 750,000      $ 868,020   
Warren County, MS, Environmental Improvement Rev. (International Paper Co.), “A”, 4.4%, 3/01/15      750,000        764,790   
      $ 1,632,810   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 1.0%   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40    $ 785,000      $ 840,751   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 1.2%           
Mississippi Home Corp. Rev. (Kirkwood Apartments Project), 6.8%, 11/01/37    $ 150,000      $ 93,051   
Mississippi Home Corp., Multifamily Rev. (Providence Place of Senatobia LLC), GNMA, 5.35%, 8/20/48      1,000,000        989,070   
      $ 1,082,121   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 2.9%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/41    $ 450,000      $ 473,225   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/36      295,000        305,408   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A-1”, 5.25%, 7/01/29      750,000        912,960   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/57      720,000        579,794   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      325,000        266,351   
      $ 2,537,738   
Single Family Housing - State - 3.3%   
Mississippi Home Corp. Rev., Single Family Rev., “A-2”, GNMA, 5.3%, 6/01/34    $ 150,000      $ 156,074   
Mississippi Home Corp. Rev., Single Family Rev., “A-2”, GNMA, 5.625%, 6/01/39      130,000        134,306   
Mississippi Home Corp., Homeownership Mortgage Rev., “A”, 4.55%, 12/01/31      1,555,000        1,605,506   
Mississippi Housing Finance Corp., Single Family Mortgage Rev., Capital Appreciation, ETM, 0%, 6/01/15 (c)      1,000,000        996,530   
      $ 2,892,416   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Agency - Other - 1.2%                 
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligations, Harrison County Mississippi Highway Construction, “N”, FGIC, 5%, 1/01/16 (c)    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,079,880   
State & Local Agencies - 23.6%                 
Los Angeles, CA, Municipal Improvement Corp. Lease Rev. (Real Property), “E”, 6%, 9/01/39    $ 190,000      $ 214,523   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Laurel, MS, Highway Refunding Project), “B”, 4%, 1/01/22      1,485,000        1,627,753   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Capital Project & Equipment Prepayment), AGM, 5%, 7/01/28      1,320,000        1,434,220   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (City of Jackson, MS), AMBAC, 4.375%, 3/01/16 (c)      1,400,000        1,505,840   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Department of Corrections), “C”, 5.25%, 8/01/27      1,000,000        1,111,700   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Department of Rehabilitation Services Capital Improvement Project), AGM, 5%, 7/01/23      345,000        390,813   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Department of Rehabilitation Services Capital Improvement Project), AGM, 5%, 7/01/24      360,000        406,552   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Department of Rehabilitation Services Capital Improvement Project), AGM, 5%, 7/01/25      380,000        427,557   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (DeSoto County Regional Utility Authority), 5.25%, 7/01/31      905,000        964,268   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Forrest County Public Improvement Project), 5%, 2/01/29      1,000,000        1,054,350   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Harrison County Coliseum), “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/34      1,000,000        1,182,760   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Harrison County), “D”, ASSD GTY, 4.75%, 10/01/28      1,120,000        1,205,075   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Jackson County), ASSD GTY, 5%, 7/01/22      500,000        557,420   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Jackson County), ASSD GTY, 5.375%, 7/01/36      500,000        536,015   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Marshall County Industrial Development Authority Mississippi Highway Construction Project), 5%, 1/01/18      1,375,000        1,564,654   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Local Agencies - continued   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Marshall County Industrial Development Authority Mississippi Highway Construction Project), 5%, 1/01/21    $ 500,000      $ 582,520   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Mississippi Highway Construction), AMBAC, 4.75%, 1/01/35      500,000        517,820   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Montfort Jones Memorial Hospital Project), 5.75%, 5/01/36      500,000        527,890   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Southaven Water & Sewer System), ASSD GTY, 5%, 3/01/29      750,000        809,115   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Tunica County Building Project), AMBAC, 5%, 7/01/16 (c)      1,695,000        1,865,415   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Washington County Regional Correctional Facility), ASSD GTY, 4.75%, 7/01/31      1,200,000        1,283,184   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation, Madison County (Highway Construction), FGIC, 5%, 7/01/16 (c)      500,000        550,860   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21      260,000        280,779   
      $ 20,601,083   
Tax - Other - 2.0%                 
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 125,000      $ 132,066   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      40,000        41,858   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo Project), “A”, 6.75%, 10/01/37      110,000        119,644   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/24      135,000        138,416   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/29      790,000        809,426   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/39      95,000        94,592   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 10/01/25      85,000        89,627   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 6%, 10/01/39      295,000        297,050   
      $ 1,722,679   
Tobacco - 1.7%                 
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28    $ 420,000      $ 473,504   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      155,000        117,064   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      780,000        586,903   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      1,210,000        291,683   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      15,000        3,560   
      $ 1,472,714   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Toll Roads - 1.1%                 
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 7%, 12/31/38    $ 110,000      $ 124,758   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43      85,000        94,168   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/29      475,000        244,312   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 6%, 1/01/37      195,000        207,484   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 5.5%, 1/01/42      310,000        316,560   
      $ 987,282   
Transportation - Special Tax - 1.2%                 
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., AGM, 5.25%, 7/01/33    $ 1,135,000      $ 1,079,487   
Universities - Colleges - 13.5%                 
Alcorn State University, MS, Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Student Housing Project), “A”, 5.125%, 9/01/34    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,070,280   
Alcorn State University, MS, Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Student Housing Project), “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/39      920,000        980,950   
Jackson State University, Educational Building Corp. Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 3/01/34      1,500,000        1,583,070   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), “I-1”, 5.2%, 1/01/28      920,000        1,144,195   
Medical Center, Educational Building Corp. Rev. (University of Mississippi Medical Center), “B”, AMBAC, 5.5%, 12/01/23      1,000,000        1,144,210   
Mississippi Business Finance Corp., Rev. (Statesman Housing LLC Project), “A”, 4.75%, 6/01/39      1,000,000        1,009,050   
Mississippi Valley State University, Educational Building Corp. Rev., AMBAC, 4.5%, 3/01/37      1,000,000        1,003,750   
University of Mississippi, Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Residential College Project), “A”, 5%, 10/01/33      1,500,000        1,610,235   
University of Mississippi, Educational Building Corp. Rev. (Residential College Project), “C”, 4.75%, 11/01/34      715,000        745,909   
University of Southern Mississippi, COP (Package Facilities Project), ASSD GTY, 5.125%, 9/15/39      490,000        508,478   
University of Southern Mississippi, Educational Building Corp. Rev., “B”, AGM, 5%, 3/01/32      1,000,000        1,041,400   
      $ 11,841,527   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Dormitories - 2.5%   
Mississippi State University, Educational Building Corp. Rev., 5%, 8/01/36    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,063,570   
Mississippi State University, Educational Building Corp. Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/38      1,000,000        1,094,830   
      $ 2,158,400   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 0.8%                 
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.625%, 7/01/20    $ 370,000      $ 438,565   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)      265,000        290,755   
      $ 729,320   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 2.3%   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33    $ 155,000      $ 174,955   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Columbus Electric Systems Project), ASSD GTY, 4.7%, 7/01/27      155,000        166,989   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Columbus Electric Systems Project), ASSD GTY, 4.75%, 7/01/28      100,000        107,524   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Columbus Electric Systems Project), ASSD GTY, 4.85%, 7/01/29      485,000        521,875   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (Municipal Energy Agency Power Supply Project), “A”, SYNCORA, 5%, 3/01/26      1,000,000        1,019,110   
      $ 1,990,453   
Utilities - Other - 0.8%                 
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19    $ 375,000      $ 421,425   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21      185,000        206,479   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      95,000        106,140   
      $ 734,044   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 7.0%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44    $ 565,000      $ 417,366   
Grenada, MS, Development Bank Special Obligations (Water & Sewer Systems Project), “N”, AGM, 5%, 9/15/15 (c)      1,000,000        1,069,460   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.625%, 7/01/40      285,000        295,200   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (City of Jackson Water and Sewer System Rev. Bond Project), AGM, 6.875%, 12/01/40      750,000        942,600   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligations (Jackson Water & Sewer System Project), AGM, 5%, 9/01/14 (c)      2,000,000        2,039,840   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligations (Jackson Water & Sewer System Project), “A”, AGM, 5%, 9/01/23      1,220,000        1,356,176   
      $ 6,120,642   

Total Municipal Bonds

(Identified Cost, $81,658,920)



  $ 85,482,312   
Money Market Funds - 1.4%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      1,231,523      $ 1,231,523   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $82,890,443)
      $ 86,713,835   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 0.9%        749,587   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 87,463,422   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 97.0%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 2.1%                 
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Third Lien, “A”, 5.625%, 1/01/35    $ 555,000      $ 607,128   
New York, NY, City Industrial Development Agency, Special Facilities Rev. (Terminal One Group), 5.5%, 1/01/24      1,000,000        1,059,500   
Port Authority of NY & NJ, Special Obligation Rev. (JFK International Air Terminal LLC), NATL, 6.25%, 12/01/15      1,000,000        1,050,230   
Port Authority of NY & NJ, Special Obligation Rev. (JFK International Air Terminal LLC), 6%, 12/01/42      1,160,000        1,266,778   
      $ 3,983,636   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 6.6%   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37    $ 290,000      $ 263,381   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      105,000        111,215   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31      230,000        259,090   
Nassau County, NY, General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/23      1,820,000        2,086,539   
New York, NY, “B”, 5%, 8/01/18      3,000,000        3,465,600   
New York, NY, “E”, 5%, 8/01/21      2,500,000        2,925,150   
New York, NY, “E-1”, 6.25%, 10/15/28      1,000,000        1,179,980   
New York, NY, “J”, 5%, 8/01/22      1,000,000        1,169,660   
New York, NY, “J”, FGIC, 5.5%, 2/15/26      5,000        5,018   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33      180,000        194,609   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38      535,000        573,804   
      $ 12,234,046   
General Obligations - Schools - 1.1%   
Beaumont, CA, Unified School District (Election of 2008), Capital Appreciation, “C”, AGM, 0%, 8/01/40    $ 3,730,000      $ 926,644   
Port Byron, NY, Central School District, ETM, AMBAC, 7.4%, 6/15/14 (c)      500,000        507,265   
Port Byron, NY, Central School District, ETM, AMBAC, 7.4%, 6/15/15 (c)      500,000        543,315   
      $ 1,977,224   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 9.6%   
Chautauqua County, NY, Capital Resource Corp. Rev. (Women’s Christian Assn.), “A”, 8%, 11/15/30    $ 550,000      $ 574,057   
Genesee County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Civic Facilities Rev. (United Medical Center Project), 5%, 12/01/32      500,000        479,820   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31      215,000        234,554   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.375%, 7/01/41      715,000        779,965   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Madison County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Civic Facilities Rev. (Oneida), 5.25%, 2/01/27    $ 1,425,000      $ 1,426,368   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Variety Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6%, 8/01/30      165,000        183,863   
Monroe County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Civic Facilities Rev. (Highland Hospital of Rochester), 5%, 8/01/25      995,000        1,025,805   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Huggins Hospital), 6.875%, 10/01/39      35,000        36,967   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center), LOC, 6.25%, 2/15/35      1,495,000        1,642,332   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Hospital Special Surgery), FHA, 6.25%, 8/15/34      2,000,000        2,300,640   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Mount Sinai Hospital), “A”, 5%, 7/01/26      2,000,000        2,145,980   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (NYU Hospitals Center), “A”, 5.5%, 7/01/25      750,000        839,243   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Orange Regional Medical Center), 6.25%, 12/01/37      750,000        738,098   
New York, NY, Health & Hospital Corp. Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 2/15/23      1,000,000        1,103,670   
Onondaga, NY, Civic Development Corp. Rev. (St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center), 4.5%, 7/01/32      500,000        438,645   
Suffolk County, NY, Economic Development Corp. Rev. (Catholic Health Services of Long Island), 5%, 7/01/28      1,000,000        1,031,800   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 6.75%, 7/01/29      165,000        184,607   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 7%, 7/01/39      395,000        434,638   
Westchester County, NY, Health Care Corp. Rev., “B”, 6%, 11/01/30      1,000,000        1,118,920   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare), 5.25%, 8/15/31      945,000        966,017   
      $ 17,685,989   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 1.3%   
Suffolk County, NY, Economic Development Corp. Rev. (Peconic Landing at Southold, Inc.), 6%, 12/01/40    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,076,500   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - continued   
Suffolk County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Civic Facilities Rev. (Gurwin Jewish Phase II), 6.7%, 5/01/14 (c)    $ 370,000      $ 379,272   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7%, 11/01/30      120,000        133,448   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7.125%, 11/01/40      180,000        198,034   
Ulster County, NY, Industrial Development Agency (Woodland Pond), “A”, 6%, 9/15/37      500,000        390,700   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.25%, 9/15/29      20,000        21,943   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.625%, 9/15/39      130,000        142,981   
      $ 2,342,878   
Human Services - 0.4%                 
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (NYSARC, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 7/01/32    $ 705,000      $ 770,713   
Industrial Revenue - Airlines - 0.3%   
New York, NY, City Industrial Development Agency Special Facility Rev. (American Airlines, Inc. - JFK International Airport Project), 7.625%, 8/01/25    $ 350,000      $ 382,386   
New York, NY, City Industrial Development Agency Special Facility Rev. (American Airlines, Inc. - JFK International Airport Project), 7.75%, 8/01/31      100,000        109,374   
      $ 491,760   
Industrial Revenue - Environmental Services - 0.6%   
Niagara County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Covanta Energy Project), “A”, 5.25%, 11/01/42    $ 1,160,000      $ 1,130,142   
Industrial Revenue - Other - 1.1%   
Liberty, NY, Development Corp. Rev. (Goldman Sachs Headquarters), 5.25%, 10/01/35    $ 580,000      $ 636,985   
New York, NY, City Industrial Development Agency Rev., Liberty Bonds (IAC/InterActiveCorp), 5%, 9/01/35      250,000        250,968   
Onondaga County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Sewer Facilities Rev. (Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co.), 5.75%, 3/01/24      1,000,000        1,203,770   
      $ 2,091,723   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 0.2%   
Essex County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Pollution Control Rev. (International Paper Corp.), 6.15%, 4/01/21    $ 470,000      $ 470,649   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Miscellaneous Revenue - Entertainment & Tourism - 1.0%   
Brooklyn, NY, Arena Local Development Corp. (Barclays Center Project), 6.25%, 7/15/40    $ 1,750,000      $ 1,877,575   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 5.5%   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40    $ 205,000      $ 204,686   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/44      315,000        310,625   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40      1,665,000        1,783,248   
New York Liberty Development Corp., Liberty Rev. (One Bryant Park LLC), 6.375%, 7/15/49      2,500,000        2,695,275   
New York Liberty Development Corp., Liberty Rev. (World Trade Center Project), 5%, 11/15/44      1,000,000        1,035,150   
New York, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Airport Facilities Rev. (Transportation Infrastructure Properties LLC), 5%, 7/01/28      3,000,000        3,048,420   
New York, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Civic Facilities Rev. (United Jewish Appeal - Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of NY, Inc.), “A”, 5%, 7/01/27      1,000,000        1,009,070   
      $ 10,086,474   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 2.8%   
East Rochester, NY, Housing Authority Rev. (Woodland Village Project), 5.5%, 8/01/33    $ 400,000      $ 372,508   
New York Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Affordable Housing), “D”, 5%, 11/01/40      1,520,000        1,552,026   
New York Housing Finance Agency Rev., “A”, 5.1%, 8/15/41      755,000        755,347   
New York Housing Finance Agency Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 11/01/41      1,000,000        1,037,350   
New York, NY, City Housing Development Corp., 5.5%, 11/01/34      15,000        15,053   
New York, NY, City Housing Development Corp., “C”, 5%, 11/01/26      500,000        504,205   
New York, NY, City Housing Development Corp., Multifamily Housing Rev., 4.8%, 11/01/35      1,000,000        1,019,150   
      $ 5,255,639   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 0.9%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/34    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,057,130   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/16      180,000        197,566   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      200,000        223,574   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 8/01/19 (c)      10,000        12,081   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      275,000        225,374   
      $ 1,715,725   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Single Family Housing - State - 2.3%   
New York Housing Finance Agency Rev., “E”, 3%, 11/01/30    $ 1,000,000      $ 862,900   
New York Housing Finance Agency Rev., “E”, 3.4%, 11/01/37      1,000,000        848,470   
New York Mortgage Agency Rev., “130”, 4.65%, 4/01/27      1,630,000        1,654,238   
New York Mortgage Agency Rev., “49”, 3.8%, 10/01/38      1,000,000        988,980   
      $ 4,354,588   
State & Agency - Other - 0.9%                 
New York Dormitory Authority (City University), AMBAC, 5.75%, 7/01/18    $ 800,000      $ 883,392   
New York State Dormitory Authority Rev. (State University) , “B”, FGIC, 5.25%, 5/15/19      715,000        777,112   
      $ 1,660,504   
State & Local Agencies - 11.8%                 
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “C”, FRN, 0.908%, 6/01/37    $ 1,405,000      $ 957,016   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31      215,000        241,312   
New York City Educational Construction Fund Rev., “A”, 5.75%, 4/01/33      1,860,000        2,126,333   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev. (School Program), 6.25%, 7/01/20      1,390,000        1,396,338   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., City University System, “A”, 5.625%, 7/01/16      2,415,000        2,569,222   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., State Personal Income Tax, “D”, 5%, 2/15/40      830,000        885,510   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., State University Educational Facilities, “A”, 5.875%, 5/15/17      1,130,000        1,261,238   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21      2,000,000        2,159,840   
New York Urban Development Corp. Rev. (State Facilities), AMBAC, 5.6%, 4/01/15      1,060,000        1,087,719   
New York Urban Development Corp. Rev., “D”, 5.625%, 1/01/28      2,000,000        2,275,980   
New York Urban Development Corp. Rev., State Personal Income Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 12/15/18      3,000,000        3,496,980   
New York Urban Development Corp., State Personal Income Tax Rev., “D”, 5%, 3/15/22      2,000,000        2,358,440   
United Nations Development Corp., “A”, 5%, 7/01/26      500,000        540,350   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/36      125,000        138,144   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/37      230,000        253,377   
      $ 21,747,799   
Tax - Other - 9.0%                 
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 270,000      $ 285,263   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      90,000        94,181   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tax - Other - continued                 
Hudson Yards, NY, Infrastructure Corp. Rev., “A”, 5.75%, 2/15/47    $ 3,000,000      $ 3,297,240   
New York Dormitory Authority, State Personal Income Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 12/15/25      2,000,000        2,295,960   
New York, NY, City Transitional Finance Authority Building Aid Rev., “S-2A”, 5%, 7/15/40      2,000,000        2,125,160   
New York, NY, City Transitional Finance Authority Building Aid Rev., “S-3”, 5.25%, 1/15/39      2,000,000        2,163,800   
New York, NY, City Transitional Finance Authority Building Aid Rev., “S-5”, 5%, 1/15/32      1,000,000        1,081,040   
New York, NY, City Transitional Finance Authority Rev., “D”, 5%, 2/01/27      3,000,000        3,363,900   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo), “A”, 6.625%, 10/01/29      605,000        648,409   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/39      1,250,000        1,244,638   
      $ 16,599,591   
Tobacco - 4.1%                 
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-2”, 5.875%, 6/01/47    $ 590,000      $ 475,021   
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-3”, 6.25%, 6/01/37      765,000        645,874   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-1”, 5.75%, 6/01/47      775,000        624,821   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-2”, 5.3%, 6/01/37      1,235,000        942,848   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28      355,000        400,223   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 6/01/23      460,000        442,249   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      335,000        253,009   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      1,535,000        1,154,995   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      2,550,000        614,703   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      35,000        8,306   
New York County Tobacco Trust II, 5.625%, 6/01/35      795,000        789,586   
Suffolk, NY, Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement, “B”, 5%, 6/01/32      750,000        759,480   
Westchester, NY, Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp., 5.125%, 6/01/45      500,000        395,870   
      $ 7,506,985   
Toll Roads - 4.4%                 
New York Thruway Authority General Rev., Junior Indebtedness Obligation, “A”, 5%, 5/01/19    $ 1,500,000      $ 1,732,695   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Toll Roads - continued                 
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 7%, 12/31/38    $ 205,000      $ 232,503   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43      170,000        188,336   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, “A”, 5%, 1/01/28      1,000,000        1,120,370   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, “A-2”, 5%, 11/15/29      2,000,000        2,243,580   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/29      2,540,000        1,306,424   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/31      3,000,000        1,363,740   
      $ 8,187,648   
Transportation - Special Tax - 1.3%   
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Rev., NY, “C”, 6.5%, 11/15/28    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,359,140   
Universities - Colleges - 18.2%   
Albany, NY, Capital Resource Corp. Rev. (The College Saint Rose), “A”, 5.625%, 7/01/31    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,055,530   
Hempstead, NY, Industrial Development Agency Civic Rev. (Adelphi University), 5%, 10/01/30      1,515,000        1,582,508   
Hempstead, NY, Local Development Corp. Rev. (Adelphi University), “B”, 5.25%, 2/01/39      500,000        522,030   
Hempstead, NY, Local Development Corp. Rev. (Hofstra University Project), 5%, 7/01/28      1,000,000        1,083,880   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Roosevelt University Project), 6.25%, 4/01/29      1,945,000        2,005,937   
Madison County, NY, Industrial Development Agency Civic Facilities Rev. (Colgate University), “A”, AMBAC, 5%, 7/01/35      1,585,000        1,627,874   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Miami), “B”, 5.25%, 4/01/29      1,325,000        1,507,201   
Monroe County, NY, Industrial Development Corp. Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/23      500,000        567,445   
Monroe County, NY, Industrial Development Corp. Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/24      1,000,000        1,129,310   
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Medicine & Dentistry), “B”, ETM, 6%, 12/01/17 (c)      985,000        1,140,610   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Brooklyn Law School), 5.75%, 7/01/33      600,000        634,932   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Cornell University), “A”, 5%, 7/01/31      2,000,000        2,111,540   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Manhattan Marymount), 5.125%, 7/01/39      2,000,000        2,074,700   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (New York University), “A”, FGIC, 5%, 7/01/29    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,009,970   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (New York University), “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/48      1,955,000        2,080,804   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Pace University), “A”, 5%, 5/01/38      500,000        482,345   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (Pace University), “A”, 4.25%, 5/01/42      1,000,000        828,430   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (St. John’s University), “A”, 5%, 7/01/27      950,000        1,046,235   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt (St. Josephs College), 5.25%, 7/01/35      2,000,000        2,052,260   
New York Dormitory Authority Rev., Non-State Supported Debt, “A”, 5%, 10/01/20      2,000,000        2,301,900   
Onondaga, NY, Civic Development Corp. Rev. (Le Moyne College Project), 5.375%, 7/01/40      2,000,000        2,073,260   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.125%, 4/01/32      80,000        65,420   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42      135,000        106,853   
Seneca County, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Civic Facilities Rev. (New York Chiropractic), 5%, 10/01/27      500,000        512,875   
St. Lawrence County, NY, Industrial Development Agency Rev. (Clarkson University), 5%, 7/01/31      2,225,000        2,293,308   
Troy, NY, Industrial Development Authority, Civic Facility Rev. (Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute), “E”, 5%, 9/01/31      1,000,000        1,058,290   
Yonkers, NY, Industrial Development Agency, Civic Facilities Rev. (Sarah Lawrence College Project), “A”, 6%, 6/01/41      595,000        638,203   
      $ 33,593,650   
Universities - Dormitories - 1.2%   
Buffalo & Erie County, NY, Industrial Land Development Corp. Rev. (Buffalo State College), “A”, 5.375%, 10/01/41    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,147,420   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 1.1%   
Build NYC Resource Corp. Rev. (International Leadership Charter School Project), 6%, 7/01/43 (n)    $ 750,000      $ 702,960   
Build NYC Resource Corp. Rev. (South Bronx Charter School for International Cultures and the Arts), “A”, 5%, 4/15/43      1,000,000        787,930   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Secondary Schools - continued           
La Vernia, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Lifeschool of Dallas), “A”, 7.5%, 8/15/41    $ 535,000      $ 602,613   
      $ 2,093,503   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 4.2%   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”,
5.5%, 10/01/30
   $ 515,000      $ 543,722   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/21      1,500,000        1,680,855   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6.25%, 4/01/33      1,000,000        1,143,220   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33      2,000,000        2,257,480   
New York Utility Debt Securitization Authority Rev., “TE”, 5%, 6/15/18      1,500,000        1,633,650   
New York Utility Debt Securitization Authority Rev., “TE”, 5%, 12/15/18      500,000        554,555   
      $ 7,813,482   
Utilities - Other - 0.8%                 
Public Authority for Colorado Energy Natural Gas Purchase Rev., 6.5%, 11/15/38    $ 1,085,000      $ 1,369,899   
Texas Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp III., Gas Supply Rev., 5%, 12/15/31      115,000        116,857   
      $ 1,486,756   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 4.2%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/33    $ 1,345,000      $ 901,648   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      170,000        115,287   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      95,000        70,177   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - continued   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.625%, 7/01/40    $ 315,000      $ 326,274   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (City of Jackson Water and Sewer System Rev. Bond Project), AGM,
6.875%, 12/01/40
     100,000        125,680   
New York Environmental Facilities Corp., Clean Water & Drinking Rev., “A”,
5%, 6/15/26
     2,000,000        2,343,980   
New York Environmental Facilities Corp., Clean Water & Drinking Rev., “B”,
5%, 6/15/33
     2,140,000        2,335,896   
New York, NY, Municipal Water & Sewer Finance Authority Rev., 4.75%, 6/15/30      1,245,000        1,320,733   
New York, NY, Municipal Water & Sewer
Finance Authority Rev., ETM, AMBAC, 6.75%, 12/01/14 (c)
     165,000        172,136   
      $ 7,711,811   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $171,508,517)
      $ 179,377,050   
Money Market Funds - 1.4%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      2,613,642      $ 2,613,642   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $174,122,159)
      $ 181,990,692   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 1.6%        2,884,948   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 184,875,640   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 98.3%        
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 6.0%                 
Charlotte, NC, Airport Rev. (Charlotte/Douglas International Airport), AMBAC, 5%, 7/01/23    $ 1,430,000      $ 1,568,324   
Charlotte, NC, Airport Rev., “A”, 4.75%, 7/01/28      1,250,000        1,332,563   
Charlotte, NC, Airport Rev., “A”, NATL, 5%, 7/01/29      2,000,000        2,018,240   
Charlotte, NC, Airport Rev., “A”, NATL, 5%, 7/01/34      4,485,000        4,503,030   
Charlotte, NC, Airport Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/36      3,000,000        3,181,080   
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev. General Airport Sr. Lien Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/01/22      2,515,000        2,841,648   
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Third Lien, “A”, 5.625%, 1/01/35      1,055,000        1,154,096   
Raleigh Durham, NC, Airport Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/36      3,440,000        3,712,379   
             $ 20,311,360   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 6.3%           
Cary, NC, Public Improvement, 5%, 3/01/24    $ 2,940,000      $ 3,575,863   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      240,000        254,191   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      265,000        280,685   
Mecklenburg County, NC, “A”, 5%, 8/01/18      5,100,000        5,928,903   
New Hanover County, NC, Community College Bonds, “A”, 5%, 6/01/21      2,265,000        2,686,290   
New Hanover County, NC, Public Improvement, “A”, 5%, 8/01/30      2,000,000        2,228,900   
North Carolina Capital Improvement Obligation, “A”, 5%, 5/01/26      1,450,000        1,646,272   
North Carolina Capital Improvement Obligation, “C”, 5%, 5/01/25      2,710,000        3,127,936   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33      365,000        394,623   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38      1,095,000        1,174,420   
             $ 21,298,083   
General Obligations - Schools - 4.6%           
Johnston County, NC, “B”, 5%, 2/01/18    $ 1,425,000      $ 1,634,461   
Wake County, NC, “C”, 5%, 3/01/20      3,000,000        3,552,630   
Wake County, NC, “C”, 5%, 3/01/21      3,000,000        3,576,060   
Wake County, NC, “C”, 5%, 3/01/24      5,570,000        6,774,680   
             $ 15,537,831   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 18.8%           
Albemarle, NC, Hospital Authority Health Care Facilities Rev., 5.25%, 10/01/38    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,303,100   
Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC, Hospital Authority Health Care System Rev. (Carolinas Health Care System), “A”, 5%, 1/15/31      1,000,000        1,024,970   
Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC, Hospital Authority Health Care System Rev. (Carolinas Health Care System), “A”, 5.25%, 1/15/34      4,000,000        4,302,000   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued           
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44    $ 1,140,000      $ 1,248,311   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31      360,000        392,742   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.375%, 7/01/41      1,385,000        1,510,841   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      1,820,000        1,838,182   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Variety Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6%, 8/01/30      310,000        345,439   
Michigan Hospital Finance Authority Rev. (Henry Ford Health System), 5.75%, 11/15/39      1,450,000        1,512,684   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      790,000        848,705   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6.125%, 10/01/39      1,110,000        1,162,303   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Huggins Hospital), 6.875%, 10/01/39      55,000        58,092   
North Carolina Hospital Authority Mortgage Rev. (Johnston Memorial), AGM, 5.25%, 10/01/36      1,960,000        2,098,141   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System), “A”, 6.375%, 7/01/26      2,000,000        2,253,160   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Appalachian Regional Healthcare System), “A”, 6.5%, 7/01/31      1,000,000        1,127,660   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Cleveland County HealthCare System), 5.75%, 1/01/21 (c)      800,000        988,944   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Cleveland County Healthcare System), “A”, AMBAC, 5%, 7/01/14 (c)      1,155,000        1,168,687   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Columbus Regional Healthcare System), “A”, 4%, 10/01/42      2,000,000        1,653,080   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Duke University Health System), “A”, 5%, 6/01/35      1,620,000        1,714,867   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Duke University Health System), “A”, 5%, 6/01/42      2,420,000        2,560,529   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued        
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued           
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Duke University Health System), “A”, 5%, 6/01/42    $ 3,500,000      $ 3,689,945   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Novant Health Obligation Group), “A”, 5.25%, 11/01/40      3,000,000        3,181,080   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Rex Healthcare), “A”, 5%, 7/01/30      5,250,000        5,621,070   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (WakeMed), “A”, ASSD GTY, 5.625%, 10/01/14 (c)      500,000        513,525   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (WakeMed), “A”, 5%, 10/01/31      4,355,000        4,682,278   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health System Rev. (Mission Health System, Inc.), 5%, 10/01/25      1,600,000        1,715,296   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Hospital Rev. (The North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Inc.), 5.25%, 6/01/29      2,215,000        2,429,346   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Hospital Rev. (The North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Inc.), 5%, 6/01/34      2,000,000        2,079,340   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Hospital Rev. (Wilson Memorial Hospital), Capital Appreciation, AMBAC, 0%, 11/01/15      1,140,000        1,132,829   
Northern Hospital District, Surry County, NC, Health Care Facilities Rev., 6.25%, 10/01/38      1,000,000        1,058,460   
Onslow County, NC, Hospital Authority (Onslow Memorial Hospital Project), NATL, 5%, 10/01/26      1,155,000        1,199,121   
Royal Oak, MI, Hospital Finance Authority Rev. (William Beaumont Hospital), 8.25%, 9/01/39      2,040,000        2,481,232   
St. Petersburg, FL, Health Facilities Authority Rev., 6.5%, 11/15/39      470,000        530,574   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 6.75%, 7/01/29      270,000        302,084   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 7%, 7/01/39      635,000        698,722   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      2,195,000        2,436,121   
             $ 63,863,460   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 1.4%           
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev. (Lutheran Services for the Aging, Inc. Obligated Services) “A”, 5%, 3/01/37    $ 1,000,000      $ 918,200   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facilities Rev. (Galloway Ridge Project), “A”, 5.875%, 1/01/31      480,000        488,717   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - continued           
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facilities Rev. (Galloway Ridge Project), “A”, 6%, 1/01/39    $ 1,520,000      $ 1,544,138   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Retirement Facilities Rev. (The United Methodist Retirement Homes), “A”, 5%, 10/01/33      1,590,000        1,549,423   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.25%, 9/15/29      35,000        38,401   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.625%, 9/15/39      220,000        241,967   
             $ 4,780,846   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 0.3%           
Columbus County, NC, Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control, Financing Authority Rev. (International Paper Co.), 5.7%, 5/01/34    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,043,700   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 1.7%           
Durham County, NC, Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Financing Authority Rev. (Research Triangle Institute), 5%, 2/01/25    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,185,730   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40      420,000        419,357   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/44      640,000        631,110   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40      3,145,000        3,368,358   
Summit County, OH, Port Authority Building Rev. (Flats East Development Recovery Zone Facility Bonds), 6.875%, 5/15/40      100,000        107,601   
             $ 5,712,156   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 0.6%           
Mecklenburg County, NC (Little Rock Apartments), FNMA, 5.15%, 1/01/22    $ 855,000      $ 854,966   
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Rev., “A” (ARC Projects), 5.8%, 10/01/34      1,000,000        1,026,990   
             $ 1,881,956   
Port Revenue - 0.3%           
North Carolina Ports Authority Facilities Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 2/01/40    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,041,130   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 1.0%           
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6.5%, 1/15/30    $ 1,675,000      $ 1,846,805   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/36      1,140,000        1,180,219   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued        
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - continued           
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 8/01/19 (c)    $ 15,000      $ 18,121   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      555,000        454,845   
             $ 3,499,990   
Single Family Housing - State - 1.9%           
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Rev., “23-A”, 4.8%, 1/01/37    $ 1,490,000      $ 1,495,796   
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Rev., “24-A”, 4.75%, 7/01/26      1,545,000        1,553,111   
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Rev., “25-A”, 5.75%, 1/01/37      200,000        205,478   
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Rev., “29-A”, 4.85%, 7/01/38      1,430,000        1,437,922   
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Rev., “31-A”, 5.25%, 7/01/38      1,570,000        1,645,140   
             $ 6,337,447   
State & Agency - Other - 2.4%           
Charlotte, NC, COP (Transit Projects), 5%, 6/01/33    $ 3,000,000      $ 3,157,260   
Charlotte, NC, COP (Transit Projects), “E”, 5%, 6/01/35      1,990,000        1,995,652   
Charlotte, NC, COP, “E”, 5%, 6/01/26      760,000        838,265   
Charlotte, NC, COP, “E”, 5%, 6/01/34      2,000,000        2,142,400   
             $ 8,133,577   
State & Local Agencies - 10.8%   
Asheville, NC, Limited Obligation, 5%, 4/01/28    $ 400,000      $ 448,336   
Charlotte, NC, COP (NASCAR Hall of Fame), “C”, 5%, 6/01/39      5,130,000        5,344,947   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “C”, FRN, 0.908%, 6/01/37      2,260,000        1,539,399   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., Enhanced, “A”, ASSD GTY, 5%, 6/01/45      1,355,000        1,357,033   
Harnett County, NC, 5%, 6/01/14 (c)      655,000        660,168   
Harnett County, NC, 5%, 6/01/28      45,000        45,199   
Harnett County, NC, COP, ASSD GTY, 5%, 6/01/29      400,000        430,044   
Iredell County, NC, Public Facilities (School Projects), AGM, 5.125%, 6/01/27      3,230,000        3,542,890   
Mecklenburg County, NC, COP, “A”, 5%, 2/01/28      350,000        383,040   
Mooresville, NC, COP, 5%, 9/01/32      3,120,000        3,272,225   
Nash County, NC, Limited Obligation, ASSD GTY, 5%, 10/01/30      2,000,000        2,218,260   
Orange County, NC, Public Facilities Co., Limited Obligation, 5%, 10/01/24      750,000        856,492   
Pitt County, NC, Limited Obligation, “A”, 5%, 4/01/35      2,000,000        2,095,880   
Salisbury, NC, COP, ASSD GTY, 5.625%, 3/01/26      1,000,000        1,108,410   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/36      230,000        254,184   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Local Agencies - continued           
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/37    $ 425,000      $ 468,197   
Wake County, NC, Annual Appropriation Ltd., Obligation Bonds, “2009”, 5%, 6/01/32      3,000,000        3,302,880   
Wake County, NC, Annual Appropriation Ltd., Obligation Bonds, “2010”, 5%, 1/01/33      6,000,000        6,655,320   
Wilmington, NC, COP, “A”, 5%, 6/01/38      2,650,000        2,767,050   
             $ 36,749,954   
Tax - Other - 1.4%                 
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 420,000      $ 443,743   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      145,000        151,735   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo), “A”, 6.625%, 10/01/29      1,005,000        1,077,109   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/29      305,000        312,500   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/39      350,000        348,498   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 10/01/25      305,000        321,604   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 5%, 10/01/29      2,090,000        2,149,460   
             $ 4,804,649   
Tobacco - 2.4%                 
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-3”, 6.25%, 6/01/37    $ 1,295,000      $ 1,093,343   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28      1,975,000        2,226,595   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 6/01/23      940,000        903,725   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      540,000        407,835   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      3,085,000        2,321,277   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      4,685,000        1,129,366   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      60,000        14,238   
             $ 8,096,379   
Toll Roads - 0.8%                 
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 7%, 12/31/38    $ 435,000      $ 493,360   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43      350,000        387,751   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 6%, 1/01/37      725,000        771,414   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued        
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Toll Roads - continued                 
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 5.5%, 1/01/42    $ 1,160,000      $ 1,184,546   
             $ 2,837,071   
Transportation - Special Tax - 4.2%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., “CC”, AGM, 5.5%, 7/01/28    $ 1,715,000      $ 1,698,159   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., ETM, AGM, 6%, 7/01/18 (c)      5,810,000        6,771,962   
North Carolina Turnpike Authority, Monroe Connector System State Appropriation Rev., 5%, 7/01/28      2,300,000        2,583,084   
North Carolina Turnpike Authority, Monroe Connector System State Appropriation Rev., 5%, 7/01/36      3,000,000        3,255,600   
             $ 14,308,805   
Universities - Colleges - 14.3%   
Appalachian State University, NC, Rev., NATL, 5%, 7/15/15 (c)    $ 370,000      $ 392,751   
Appalachian State University, NC, Rev., 4%, 10/01/19      1,080,000        1,184,782   
Appalachian State University, NC, Rev., NATL, 5%, 7/15/30      630,000        646,040   
Florida State University Board of Governors, System Improvement Rev., 6.25%, 7/01/30      1,000,000        1,152,080   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Roosevelt University Project), 6.25%, 4/01/29      2,000,000        2,062,660   
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Medicine & Dentistry), “B”, ETM, 6%, 12/01/17 (c)      1,545,000        1,789,079   
North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Educational Facilities Rev. (High Point University), 5.25%, 3/01/33      1,000,000        1,045,290   
North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Educational Facilities Rev. (Wake Forest University), 5%, 1/01/28      980,000        1,115,750   
North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Educational Facilities Rev. (Wake Forest University), 5%, 1/01/29      865,000        981,031   
North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Educational Facilities Rev. (Wake Forest University), 5%, 1/01/31      2,000,000        2,238,460   
North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Educational Facilities Rev. (Wake Forest University), 5%, 1/01/38      1,000,000        1,090,100   
North Carolina Capital Facilities, Finance Agency Rev. (Duke University), “A”, 5%, 10/01/38      2,500,000        2,651,650   
North Carolina Capital Facilities, Finance Agency Rev. (Meredith College), 6%, 6/01/31      3,240,000        3,423,578   
Pinellas County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Barry University), 6%, 10/01/41      450,000        476,685   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
Puerto Rico Industrial Tourist Authority (University Plaza), “A”, NATL, 5%, 7/01/20    $ 2,180,000      $ 2,093,934   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.125%, 4/01/32      170,000        139,017   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42      275,000        217,663   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 4.375%, 10/01/31      115,000        89,216   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 5%, 10/01/42      55,000        41,444   
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 5%, 12/01/31      3,250,000        3,586,407   
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “A”, ASSD GTY, 5%, 4/01/34      200,000        213,260   
University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Rev., 5%, 4/01/43      1,715,000        1,846,352   
University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 5%, 4/01/26      3,000,000        3,372,000   
University of North Carolina, Raleigh, Rev., “A”, 5%, 10/01/29      5,000,000        5,754,000   
University of North Carolina, Systems Pool Rev. (General Trust Indenture), “C”, 5.5%, 10/01/34      1,890,000        2,058,720   
University of North Carolina, Systems Pool Rev., “B”, 5.125%, 10/01/34      2,000,000        2,133,360   
University of North Carolina, Systems Pool Rev., “B-1”, 5.25%, 4/01/24      1,615,000        1,838,645   
University of North Carolina, Systems Pool Rev., “B-1”, 5.25%, 4/01/25      1,705,000        1,933,044   
University of North Carolina, Wilmington, COP (Student Housing Project), FGIC, 5%, 6/01/28      1,825,000        1,898,036   
Winston-Salem State University, NC, General Rev., 5%, 4/01/33      1,000,000        1,067,850   
             $ 48,532,884   
Utilities - Cogeneration - 0.3%           
California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Water Furnishing Rev. (Poseidon Resources Desalination Project), 5%, 11/21/45    $ 1,250,000      $ 1,181,713   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 7.9%           
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, AGM, 5%, 10/01/20    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,131,080   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, AGM, 5%, 10/01/21      1,000,000        1,128,330   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33      520,000        586,945   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued        
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Municipal Owned - continued           
North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, AMBAC, 6%, 1/01/18    $ 14,245,000      $ 16,632,604   
North Carolina Municipal Power Agency, Catawba Electric Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/01/30      2,500,000        2,709,100   
Raleigh, NC, “A”, 5%, 9/01/20      4,000,000        4,731,840   
             $ 26,919,899   
Utilities - Other - 1.7%           
California M-S-R Energy Authority Gas Rev., “A”, 6.5%, 11/01/39    $ 1,695,000      $ 2,131,446   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19      1,055,000        1,185,609   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/26      1,290,000        1,437,124   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “C”, 5%, 2/01/21      805,000        894,774   
Texas Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp III., Gas Supply Rev., 5%, 12/15/31      255,000        259,118   
             $ 5,908,071   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 9.2%           
Asheville, NC, Water & Sewer Systems Rev., NATL, 5%, 8/01/32    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,054,410   
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Water & Sewer System Rev., 5%, 8/01/35      3,000,000        3,203,970   
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Water & Sewer System Rev., 5%, 8/01/36      4,410,000        4,742,558   
Charlotte, NC, Storm Water Fee Rev., 5%, 6/01/34      3,675,000        3,691,244   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/24      1,000,000        746,000   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      350,000        237,356   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      1,090,000        805,183   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - continued           
Durham County, NC, Enterprise Systems Rev., 5%, 6/01/29    $ 1,590,000      $ 1,807,766   
Fayetteville, NC, Public Works Commission Rev., “B”, 5%, 3/01/35      1,750,000        1,913,695   
Greenville, NC, Utilities Commission, Combined Enterprise System Rev., “A”, AGM, 5%, 11/01/33      2,400,000        2,573,040   
High Point, NC, Combined Enterprise System Rev., AGM, 5%, 11/01/33      2,000,000        2,194,980   
Oak Island, NC, Enterprise System Rev., ASSD GTY, 5.625%, 6/01/30      500,000        569,690   
Oak Island, NC, Enterprise System Rev., ASSD GTY, 6%, 6/01/34      1,000,000        1,111,070   
Oak Island, NC, Enterprise System Rev., ASSD GTY, 5.75%, 6/01/36      800,000        898,944   
Raleigh, NC, Combined Enterprise Systems Rev., “A”, 5%, 3/01/29      3,145,000        3,593,917   
Winston-Salem, NC, Water & Sewer Systems Rev., 5%, 6/01/34      2,000,000        2,194,880   
             $ 31,338,703   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $318,261,449)
           $ 334,119,664   
Money Market Funds - 0.1%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      435,865      $ 435,865   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $318,697,314)
           $ 334,555,529   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 1.6%        5,557,037   
Net Assets - 100.0%            $ 340,112,566   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 95.8%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 2.1%                 
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Third Lien, “A”, 5.625%, 1/01/35    $ 335,000      $ 366,459   
Philadelphia, PA, Airport Rev., “A”, AGM,
5%, 6/15/40
     2,000,000        2,083,100   
      $ 2,449,559   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 9.5%           
Chester County, PA, 5%, 11/15/32    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,123,370   
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 5%, 4/15/15      1,515,000        1,590,356   
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 5%, 4/15/19      1,000,000        1,169,590   
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 5%, 6/01/20      1,500,000        1,767,210   
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 5%, 11/15/21      500,000        592,280   
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 5%, 7/01/22      500,000        591,365   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, “A”, ETM, FGIC, 5.5%, 7/01/15 (c)      1,860,000        1,981,979   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      75,000        79,435   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      90,000        95,327   
Luzerne County, PA, AGM, 6.75%, 11/01/23      500,000        559,105   
Philadelphia, PA, Redevelopment Authority Rev., BAM, 5%, 4/15/24      1,000,000        1,110,150   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33      125,000        135,145   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38      380,000        407,561   
      $ 11,202,873   
General Obligations - Schools - 12.6%           
Allegheny Valley, PA, School District, “A”, NATL, 5%, 11/01/28    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,010,710   
Carlisle, PA, School District, 5%, 9/01/26      1,000,000        1,124,160   
Central Dauphin, PA, School District, 4%, 12/01/20      1,000,000        1,117,510   
Conneaut, PA, School District, Capital Appreciation, “B”, AGM, 0%, 11/01/31      1,150,000        531,450   
Conneaut, PA, School District, Capital Appreciation, “B”, AGM, 0%, 11/01/33      760,000        313,181   
Daniel Boone, PA, School District, 5%, 8/15/32      500,000        529,065   
Deer Lakes, PA, School District, ASSD GTY, 5.375%, 4/01/34      1,275,000        1,397,132   
Governor Mifflin, PA, School District, “A”, 4%, 4/01/24      1,890,000        2,005,838   
Northampton County, PA, Area School District, “A”, 5%, 10/01/33      1,000,000        1,096,310   
Reading, PA, School District, “A”, 5%, 4/01/18      1,000,000        1,090,500   
Reading, PA, School District, “A”, 5%, 4/01/20      665,000        721,884   
Scranton, PA, School District, “A”, AGM, 5%, 7/15/27      1,340,000        1,401,385   
West Chester, PA, Area School District, “A”, 5%, 5/15/22      640,000        766,214   
West Chester, PA, Area School District, “A”, 5%, 5/15/24      500,000        601,690   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
General Obligations - Schools - continued           
Whitehall-Coplay, PA, School District, “A”, AGM, 5.375%, 11/15/34    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,073,530   
      $ 14,780,559   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 19.7%           
Allegheny County, PA, Hospital Development Authority Rev. (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), 5%, 9/01/18    $ 500,000      $ 575,110   
Allegheny County, PA, Hospital Development Authority Rev. (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), “A”, 5.375%, 8/15/29      1,000,000        1,097,640   
Berks County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Reading Hospital & Medical Center), “A”, 5%, 11/01/40      1,500,000        1,560,570   
Blair County, PA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Altoona Regional Health System), 6%, 11/15/39      750,000        792,015   
Butler County, PA, Hospital Development Authority Rev. (Butler Health System, Inc.), 7.25%, 7/01/39      500,000        579,995   
Centre County, PA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Mount Nittany Medical Center), ASSD GTY, 5.875%, 11/15/14 (c)      500,000        517,635   
Centre County, PA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Mount Nittany Medical Center), 6.25%, 11/15/41      500,000        556,890   
Chester County, PA, Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Chester County Junior High School), “A”, 5%, 5/15/40      1,000,000        1,036,160   
Dauphin County, PA, General Authority Health System Rev. (Pinnacle Health System), “A”, 5.75%, 6/01/20      750,000        839,153   
DeKalb County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (DeKalb Medical Center, Inc.), 6.125%, 9/01/40      305,000        309,087   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36      705,000        746,926   
Geisinger Authority, PA, Health System Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 6/01/34      1,000,000        1,071,680   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Provena Health), “A”, 6%, 5/01/28      500,000        536,180   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31      165,000        180,007   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.375%, 7/01/41      445,000        485,433   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 5.75%, 6/01/25      335,000        364,235   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”,
6.375%, 6/01/40
   $ 390,000      $ 417,464   
Lebanon County, PA, Health Facilities Authority Rev. (Good Samaritan Hospital), 5%, 11/15/18      200,000        200,054   
Lebanon County, PA, Health Facilities Authority Rev. (Good Samaritan Hospital), 6%, 11/15/35      450,000        447,953   
Lehigh County, PA, General Purpose Authority (Good Shepherd Group), 4%, 11/01/36      1,000,000        881,490   
Lehigh County, PA, General Purpose Authority (Good Shepherd Group), “A”,
5.625%, 11/01/14 (c)
     350,000        360,959   
Lehigh County, PA, General Purpose Authority Hospital Rev. (Lehigh Valley Hospital), NATL,
7%, 7/01/16
     125,000        131,953   
Lycoming County, PA, Health Authority Rev. (Susquehanna Health System), “A”,
5.75%, 7/01/39
     750,000        775,950   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Variety Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6%, 8/01/30      105,000        117,004   
Monroe County, PA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Pocono Medical Center), 5%, 1/01/27      250,000        256,815   
Monroe County, PA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Pocono Medical Center), 5.125%, 1/01/37      250,000        253,310   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Huggins Hospital), 6.875%, 10/01/39      20,000        21,124   
Northampton County, PA, General Purpose Authority Hospital Rev. (St. Luke’s Hospital), “A”, 5.5%, 8/15/40      500,000        508,490   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Pittsburg Medical Center), “E”, 5%, 5/15/19      1,730,000        1,990,279   
Philadelphia, PA, Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority Rev. (Temple University Health System), 5.5%, 7/01/26      500,000        480,160   
Philadelphia, PA, Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority Rev. (Temple University Health System), “A”,
5.625%, 7/01/42
     300,000        269,589   
Philadelphia, PA, Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority Rev. (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia), “C”,
5%, 7/01/25
     1,000,000        1,130,010   
South Central, PA, General Authority Rev. (Wellspan Health Properties, Inc.), “A”,
6%, 6/01/25
     750,000        845,190   
St. Mary Hospital Authority, PA, Health System Rev. (Catholic Health East), “A”,
5%, 11/15/33
     500,000        521,115   
St. Petersburg, FL, Health Facilities Authority Rev., 6.5%, 11/15/39      155,000        174,976   
West Shore, PA, Hospital Authority Rev. (Holy Spirit Hospital), “B”, 5.625%, 1/01/32      500,000        528,035   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Westmoreland County, PA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Excela Health Project), 5.125%, 7/01/30    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,027,050   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare), 5.25%, 8/15/31      485,000        495,786   
      $ 23,083,472   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 2.2%   
Bucks County, PA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Lutheran Community Telford Center), 5.75%, 1/01/37    $ 300,000      $ 287,856   
Chartiers Valley, PA, Industrial & Commercial Development Authority (Asbury Health Center Project), 5.75%, 12/01/22      250,000        249,810   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Asbury Atlantic, Inc.), 6%, 1/01/40      500,000        520,855   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Asbury Atlantic, Inc.), 5.25%, 1/01/41      500,000        452,155   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority Rev. (Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries),
6.375%, 1/01/39
     500,000        535,200   
Montgomery County, PA, Industrial Development Authority Retirement Community Rev. (Lanier Village Estates, Inc.), “A-1”, 6.25%, 11/15/29      250,000        279,098   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7%, 11/01/30      65,000        72,285   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7.125%, 11/01/40      105,000        115,520   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.25%, 9/15/29      10,000        10,972   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (St. John’s Community, Inc.), “A”, 7.625%, 9/15/39      70,000        76,990   
      $ 2,600,741   
Human Services - 0.1%                 
Montgomery County, PA, Industrial Development Authority (Wordsworth Academy), 8%, 9/01/24    $ 110,000      $ 110,041   
Industrial Revenue - Other - 1.0%                 
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Procter & Gamble), 5.375%, 3/01/31    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,157,050   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 0.3%   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”,
5%, 7/01/40
   $ 145,000      $ 144,778   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”,
5%, 7/01/44
     225,000        221,875   
      $ 366,653   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 0.8%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6.5%, 1/15/30    $ 580,000      $ 639,491   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/16      120,000        131,711   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      135,000        150,912   
      $ 922,114   
Single Family Housing Revenue - Local - 0.5%   
Allegheny County, PA, Residential Financing Authority, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “VV”, GNMA, 4.95%, 11/01/37    $ 540,000      $ 543,175   
Single Family Housing - State - 3.7%   
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Rev., 4.75%, 10/01/28    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,039,670   
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “91-A”, 4.875%, 4/01/26      300,000        301,284   
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “92-A”, 4.75%, 4/01/31      920,000        929,706   
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “93-A”, 5.75%, 4/01/37      50,000        50,471   
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “95-A”, 4.875%, 10/01/31      985,000        987,531   
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Rev., “97-A”, 4.5%, 10/01/22      1,000,000        1,023,450   
      $ 4,332,112   
Solid Waste Revenue - 0.7%                 
Delaware County, PA, Industrial Development Authority, Resource Recovery Facilities Rev. (American Ref-Fuel Co.), “A”, 6.2%, 7/01/19    $ 290,000      $ 290,165   
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Sewer Sludge Disposal Rev. (Philadelphia Biosolids Facility),
6.25%, 1/01/32
     500,000        505,940   
      $ 796,105   
State & Local Agencies - 3.3%   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, AMBAC, 5.5%, 8/01/18    $ 715,000      $ 824,652   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “C”, FRN, 0.908%, 6/01/37      730,000        497,240   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, RITES, FRN, AMBAC,
10.29%, 8/01/18 (p)
     50,000        65,336   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21      335,000        361,773   
Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority, Economic Development Authority Rev., 5.5%, 7/01/18 (c)      60,000        70,945   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Local Agencies - continued   
Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority, Economic Development Authority Rev., 5.5%, 7/01/23    $ 440,000      $ 487,397   
Philadelphia, PA, Municipal Authority Rev., 6.5%, 4/01/34      500,000        556,585   
State Public School Building Authority, PA, Jefferson County (Dubois Technical School), FGIC, 5%, 8/01/14 (c)      1,000,000        1,015,890   
      $ 3,879,818   
Tax - Other - 1.0%                 
Allentown, PA, Neighborhood Improvement Zone Development Authority Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/35    $ 750,000      $ 728,093   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24      140,000        147,914   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      45,000        47,090   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo Project), “A”, 6.75%, 10/01/37      125,000        135,959   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/24      135,000        138,416   
      $ 1,197,472   
Tax Assessment - 0.2%                 
Washington County, PA, Redevelopment Authority (Victory Centre Project), “A”, 5.45%, 7/01/35    $ 230,000      $ 230,248   
Tobacco - 2.9%                 
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-2”, 5.875%, 6/01/47    $ 325,000      $ 261,664   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-1”, 5.75%, 6/01/47      430,000        346,675   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-2”,
5.3%, 6/01/37
     665,000        507,688   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28      755,000        851,179   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 6/01/23      310,000        298,037   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      165,000        124,616   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      705,000        530,470   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      1,630,000        392,928   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      20,000        4,746   
Virgin Islands Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., 5%, 5/15/21      85,000        84,999   
      $ 3,403,002   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Toll Roads - 0.2%   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 7%, 12/31/38    $ 140,000      $ 158,782   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43      110,000        121,865   
      $ 280,647   
Transportation - Special Tax - 1.6%   
Commonwealth of Virginia, Transportation Board Rev., Capital Projects, 5%, 5/15/20    $ 655,000      $ 772,959   
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (Motor License Fund), “B”, 5%, 12/01/30      1,000,000        1,079,060   
      $ 1,852,019   
Universities - Colleges - 16.9%                 
Allegheny County, PA, Higher Education Building Authority Rev. (Duquesne University), 5%, 3/01/33    $ 1,250,000      $ 1,298,475   
Allegheny County, PA, Higher Education Building Authority Rev. (Duquesne University), “A”, SYNCORA, 5%, 3/01/24      1,000,000        1,069,410   
Allegheny County, PA, Higher Education Building Authority Rev. (Robert Morris University), “A”, 6%, 10/15/38      250,000        253,053   
Allegheny County, PA, Higher Education Building Authority Rev. (Robert Morris University), “A”, 5.75%, 10/15/40      500,000        502,960   
Crawford County, PA, Industrial Development Authority, College Rev., “A”, 6%, 11/01/31      250,000        269,428   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority College Rev. (Dickinson College),
5%, 11/01/26
     1,000,000        1,074,610   
Cumberland County, PA, Municipal Authority College Rev. (Dickinson College), “HH1”,
5%, 11/01/39
     300,000        312,117   
Delaware County, PA, Authority University Rev. (Neumann University), 5.25%, 10/01/31      565,000        582,216   
Delaware County, PA, Authority University Rev. (Neumann University), 6.125%, 10/01/34      750,000        785,430   
Delaware County, PA, Authority University Rev. (Villanova University), 5%, 12/01/19      290,000        333,825   
Delaware County, PA, Authority University Rev. (Villanova University), 5.25%, 12/01/31      350,000        377,832   
Erie, PA, Higher Education Building Authority Rev. (Gannon University), “A”, 5.5%, 5/01/40      1,000,000        1,014,900   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Roosevelt University Project), 6.25%, 4/01/29      1,050,000        1,082,897   
Lancaster, PA, Higher Education Authority College Rev. (Franklin & Marshall College), 5%, 4/15/37      500,000        521,855   
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Medicine & Dentistry), “B”, ETM, 6%, 12/01/17 (c)      505,000        584,780   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued   
Northampton County, PA, General Purpose Authority Rev. (Lafayette College),
5%, 11/01/34
   $ 250,000      $ 263,780   
Northampton County, PA, General Purpose Authority Rev. (Lehigh University),
5.5%, 11/15/33
     500,000        561,135   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Drexel University), NATL,
5%, 5/01/37
     630,000        649,303   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (La Salle University), “A”,
5.25%, 5/01/27
     500,000        520,965   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (La Salle University), “A”,
5%, 5/01/37
     500,000        502,580   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Philadelphia University),
5.5%, 6/01/20
     500,000        539,025   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Saint Francis University Project), “JJ2”, 6.25%, 11/01/41      500,000        532,190   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (University of Pennsylvania Health System), “A”, 5%, 8/15/24      1,945,000        2,209,306   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project),
5.375%, 4/01/42
     95,000        75,193   
Snyder County, PA, Higher Education Authority Rev. (Susquehanna University),
5%, 1/01/38
     1,000,000        1,026,830   
Washington County, PA, Industrial Development Authority College Rev. (Washington Jefferson College),
5.25%, 11/01/30
     1,000,000        1,069,600   
Wilkes-Barre, PA, Finance Authority Rev. (The University of Scranton), 5%, 11/01/35      1,000,000        1,040,860   
Wilkes-Barre, PA, Finance Authority Rev. (Wilkes University), 5%, 3/01/37      750,000        743,858   
      $ 19,798,413   
Universities - Dormitories - 2.7%   
Chester County, PA, Industrial Development Authority Student Housing Rev. (University Student Housing LLC Project), 5%, 8/01/45    $ 1,000,000      $ 929,850   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Edinboro University Foundation), 6%, 7/01/43      1,000,000        1,004,530   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Indiana University Foundation), “A”, 5%, 7/01/41      750,000        732,488   
Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Shippensburg University Student Services), 6.25%, 10/01/43      500,000        536,730   
      $ 3,203,598   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Secondary Schools - 2.5%   
La Vernia, TX, Higher Education Finance Corp. Rev. (Lifeschool of Dallas), “A”, 7.5%, 8/15/41    $ 345,000      $ 388,601   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Discovery Charter School Project), 6.25%, 4/01/37      500,000        499,390   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Global Leadership Academy Charter School), 6.375%, 11/15/40      500,000        509,530   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (MaST Charter School),
6%, 8/01/35
     665,000        695,869   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Philadelphia Performing Arts Charter School Project), 6.75%, 6/15/43      400,000        405,392   
Philadelphia, PA, Authority for Industrial Development Rev. (Tacony Academy Charter School Project), “A-1”, 7%, 6/15/43      400,000        399,944   
      $ 2,898,726   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 2.3%   
Clarion County, PA, Industrial Development Authority, Water Facility Rev. (Pennsylvania American Water Co.), 5.5%, 12/01/39    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,052,990   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.625%, 7/01/20      415,000        491,904   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)      110,000        120,691   
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Water Facilities Rev. (Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc.), “A”, 5%, 10/01/39      1,000,000        1,054,940   
      $ 2,720,525   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 1.2%   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/30    $ 315,000      $ 332,568   
Philadelphia, PA, Gas Works Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/40      1,000,000        1,081,740   
      $ 1,414,308   
Utilities - Other - 1.8%   
California M-S-R Energy Authority Gas Rev., “A”, 6.5%, 11/01/39    $ 545,000      $ 685,332   
Public Authority for Colorado Energy Natural Gas Purchase Rev., 6.5%, 11/15/38      280,000        353,522   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19      420,000        471,996   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Other - continued   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22    $ 235,000      $ 262,556   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “C”, 5%, 2/01/21      255,000        283,438   
Texas Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp III., Gas Supply Rev., 5%, 12/15/31      75,000        76,211   
      $ 2,133,055   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 6.0%           
Allegheny County, PA, Sanitation Authority Sewer Rev., AGM, 5%, 6/01/40    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,048,970   
Bucks County, PA, Water & Sewer Authority, Water System Rev., 5%, 12/01/33      1,000,000        1,077,690   
Clairton, PA, Municipal Authority Sewer Rev., “B”, 5%, 12/01/42      1,000,000        992,400   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/33      960,000        643,555   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      120,000        81,379   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev.,
5.625%, 7/01/40
     260,000        269,305   
Guam Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/20      45,000        50,155   
Guam Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/21      120,000        132,844   
Harrisburg, PA, Water Authority Rev.,
5.25%, 7/15/31
     1,000,000        917,890   
Philadelphia, PA, Water & Wastewater Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/32      1,000,000        1,071,320   
St. Mary’s, PA, Water Authority Rev.,
5.15%, 2/01/30
     750,000        798,008   
      $ 7,083,516   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $108,483,468)
      $ 112,439,801   
Money Market Funds - 2.7%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      3,151,391      $ 3,151,391   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $111,634,859)
      $ 115,591,192   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 1.5%        1,794,459   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 117,385,651   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 96.4%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 3.6%                 
Charleston County, SC, Airport District Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/21    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,239,796   
Horry County, SC, Airport Rev. (Myrtle Beach International Airport), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40      2,250,000        2,310,503   
Richland Lexington, SC, Airport Rev. (Columbia Airport), AGM, 5.125%, 1/01/25      1,500,000        1,525,890   
      $ 6,076,189   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 7.3%   
Aiken County, SC, County Administration Building Project, 5%, 3/01/25    $ 910,000      $ 1,065,947   
Charleston County, SC, Capital Improvement Rev., 5%, 11/01/19      455,000        536,167   
Charleston County, SC, General Obligation, Transportation Sales Tax, 5%, 11/01/20      2,000,000        2,374,840   
Clinton, SC, Laurens County School District, ASSD GTY, 6.125%, 3/01/33      1,000,000        1,157,510   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      280,000        254,299   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      50,000        52,960   
Richland County, SC, General Obligation, “B”, 5%, 3/01/23      3,000,000        3,601,140   
South Carolina, State Highway, “A”, 5%, 6/01/18      3,000,000        3,478,530   
      $ 12,521,393   
General Obligations - Schools - 10.0%   
Anderson County, SC, School District, “A”, 5%, 3/01/21    $ 1,065,000      $ 1,260,449   
Anderson County, SC, School District, “A”, 5%, 3/01/26      1,240,000        1,500,660   
Chesterfield County, SC, School District, 5%, 3/01/25      3,000,000        3,437,880   
Lexington County, SC, School District No. 1, “A”, 5%, 3/01/23      1,030,000        1,226,380   
Oconee County, GA, General Obligation, “A”, 5%, 3/01/19      465,000        544,176   
Oconee County, GA, General Obligation, “A”, 5%, 3/01/22      805,000        959,447   
Orangeburg County, SC, Consolidated School District, 4%, 4/01/19      1,315,000        1,456,573   
Richland County, SC, School District No. 1, “A”, 5%, 3/01/25      2,000,000        2,314,320   
Richland County, SC, School District No. 1, “A”, 5%, 3/01/29      3,000,000        3,374,760   
York County, SC, Fort Mill School District, “A”, 3%, 3/01/32      1,315,000        1,139,500   
      $ 17,214,145   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 17.4%   
DeKalb County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (DeKalb Medical Center, Inc.), 6.125%, 9/01/40    $ 400,000      $ 405,360   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36    $ 925,000      $ 980,010   
Florence County, SC, Hospital Rev. (McLeod Regional Medical Center), “A”, AGM, 5.25%, 11/01/34      1,050,000        1,063,829   
Florence County, SC, Hospital Rev. (McLeod Regional Medical Center), “A”, 5%, 11/01/37      3,000,000        3,122,580   
Greenville, SC, Hospital Systems, Hospital Facilities Rev., 6%, 5/01/20      3,400,000        3,951,854   
Greenwood County, SC, Hospital Rev. (Self Regional Healthcare), 5.375%, 10/01/39      1,000,000        1,048,620   
Greenwood County, SC, Hospital Rev. (Self Regional Healthcare), “B”, 5%, 10/01/31      1,950,000        2,076,809   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Provena Health), “A”, 6%, 5/01/28      550,000        589,798   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      480,000        525,605   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31      155,000        169,097   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.375%, 7/01/41      605,000        659,970   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40      605,000        647,604   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.5%, 3/01/45      865,000        929,209   
Lexington County, SC, Health Services District, Inc., Hospital Rev., 5.5%, 5/01/14 (c)      250,000        251,040   
Lexington County, SC, Health Services District, Inc., Hospital Rev., 5.5%, 5/01/14 (c)      250,000        251,040   
Lexington County, SC, Health Services District, Inc., Hospital Rev., 5%, 11/01/32      1,500,000        1,536,420   
Lexington County, SC, Health Services District, Inc., Hospital Rev., Refunding & Improvement, 5%, 11/01/26      500,000        547,440   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      465,000        469,645   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      400,000        429,724   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6.125%, 10/01/39      445,000        465,968   
Richmond, IN, Hospital Authority Rev. (Reid Hospital), “A”, 6.5%, 1/01/29      585,000        634,696   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Royal Oak, MI, Hospital Finance Authority Rev. (William Beaumont Hospital), 8.25%, 9/01/39    $ 915,000      $ 1,112,905   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Anmed Health), “B”, ASSD GTY, 5.5%, 2/01/38      1,500,000        1,600,515   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Tuomey Health), CIFG, 5%, 11/01/30      375,000        246,870   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Conway Hospital, Inc.), 5%, 7/01/37      1,250,000        1,283,550   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Palmetto Health), 5.75%, 8/01/39      275,000        291,371   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Palmetto Health), “A”, 5.25%, 8/01/30      1,000,000        1,043,390   
Spartanburg County, SC, Regional Health Services District, “A”, 5%, 4/15/37      2,000,000        2,074,960   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 6.75%, 7/01/29      105,000        117,477   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 7%, 7/01/39      255,000        280,589   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      945,000        1,048,808   
      $ 29,856,753   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 1.1%   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority Rev. (Woodlands at Furman), “A”, 6%, 11/15/47    $ 348,651      $ 217,039   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority Rev. (Woodlands at Furman), Capital Appreciation, “B”, 0%, 11/15/47      152,775        1,755   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Health & Facilities Rev., First Mortgage (Wesley Commons), 5.125%, 10/01/26      400,000        381,704   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Health Facilities Rev. (Lutheran Homes of South Carolina, Inc.), 5%, 5/01/43      750,000        641,895   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Health Facilities Rev. (Lutheran Homes of South Carolina, Inc.), 5.125%, 5/01/48      250,000        214,868   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority, Residential Care Facilities Rev. (Episcopal Home), “A”, 6.375%, 5/15/32      400,000        401,064   
      $ 1,858,325   
Industrial Revenue - Chemicals - 0.6%   
York County, SC, Industrial Rev. (Hoechst Celanese), 5.7%, 1/01/24    $ 1,000,000      $ 993,270   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Industrial Revenue - Other - 0.7%   
Calhoun County, SC, Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Rev. (Carolina Eastman Co.), ETM, 6.75%, 5/01/17 (c)    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,176,840   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 1.2%   
Richland County, SC, Environmental Improvement Rev. (International Paper), “A”, 3.875%, 4/01/23    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,001,120   
Richland County, SC, Environmental Improvement Rev. (International Paper), “A”, 6.1%, 4/01/23      1,000,000        1,000,160   
Valparaiso, IN, Exempt Facilities Rev. (Pratt Paper LLC Project), 7%, 1/01/44      100,000        106,299   
      $ 2,107,579   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 1.1%           
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority Rev. (Myrtle Beach Convention), “B”, NATL, 5.125%, 4/01/18    $ 570,000      $ 570,604   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority Rev. (Myrtle Beach Convention), “B”, NATL, 5.125%, 4/01/19      595,000        595,571   
South Carolina Jobs & Economic Development Authority Rev. (Myrtle Beach Convention), “B”, NATL, 5.125%, 4/01/20      630,000        630,454   
Summit County, OH, Port Authority Building Rev. (Flats East Development Recovery Zone Facility Bonds), 6.875%, 5/15/40      45,000        48,420   
      $ 1,845,049   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 0.6%   
North Charleston, SC, Housing Authority Rev. (Horizon Village), “A”, GNMA, 5%, 2/20/38    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,010,670   
Port Revenue - 0.2%                 
South Carolina Ports Authority, Ports Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/40    $ 250,000      $ 265,823   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 1.4%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/41    $ 725,000      $ 762,417   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      200,000        223,574   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/57      735,000        591,873   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      1,090,000        893,299   
      $ 2,471,163   
Single Family Housing - State - 2.4%   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “I”, 4.7%, 8/01/26    $ 830,000      $ 830,672   
South Carolina Housing, Finance & Development Authority Mortgage Rev., “A-2”, AGM, 5.2%, 1/01/35      540,000        540,200   
South Carolina Housing, Finance & Development Authority Rev., 5.55%, 7/01/38      630,000        639,078   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Single Family Housing - State - continued   
South Carolina Housing, Finance & Development Authority Rev., “A-2”, AMBAC, 5.15%, 7/01/37    $ 850,000      $ 865,215   
South Carolina Housing, Finance & Development Authority Rev., “C-2”, AGM, 4.6%, 7/01/32      1,275,000        1,280,049   
      $ 4,155,214   
Solid Waste Revenue - 0.7%           
Three Rivers, SC, Solid Waste Authority Rev., 5%, 10/01/28    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,144,820   
State & Local Agencies - 7.1%           
Berkeley County, SC, General Obligation, “A”, 5%, 3/01/24    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,200,740   
Berkeley County, SC, School District Special Obligation, 5%, 12/01/20      800,000        917,240   
Berkeley County, SC, School District Special Obligation, 5%, 12/01/21      1,000,000        1,144,780   
Charleston County, SC, Special Source Rev., “C”, 5%, 12/01/21      1,000,000        1,168,730   
Charleston, SC, Educational Excellence Finance Corp. Rev. (Charleston County School District Project), 5%, 12/01/31      3,720,000        3,890,339   
Charleston, SC, Educational Excellence Finance Corp. Rev. (Charleston County School District Project), “B”, 5%, 12/01/30      2,000,000        2,211,200   
Greenville County, SC, School District Installment Purchase Rev., AGM, 5%, 12/01/28      680,000        732,958   
Los Angeles, CA, Municipal Improvement Corp. Lease Rev. (Real Property), “E”, 6%, 9/01/39      290,000        327,430   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21      520,000        561,558   
      $ 12,154,975   
Tax - Other - 3.0%                 
Greenville County, SC, Hospitality Tax Rev., AGM, 5%, 4/01/22    $ 1,025,000      $ 1,153,474   
Greenville County, SC, Tourism Public Facilities Corp., Hospitality Tax, 4.75%, 4/01/29      750,000        794,055   
Greenville County, SC, Tourism Public Facilities Corp., Hospitality Tax, 4.75%, 4/01/30      500,000        528,545   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24      180,000        190,175   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      60,000        62,787   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo Project), “A”, 6.75%, 10/01/37      160,000        174,027   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 10/01/24      180,000        184,554   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 10/01/32      2,100,000        2,124,633   
      $ 5,212,250   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tax Assessment - 0.2%                 
Lancaster County, SC, Assessment Rev. (Sun City Carolina Lakes), 5.45%, 12/01/37    $ 415,000      $ 381,410   
Tobacco - 2.2%                 
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-2”, 5.875%, 6/01/47    $ 405,000      $ 326,074   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-1”, 5.75%, 6/01/47      525,000        423,266   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-2”, 5.3%, 6/01/37      840,000        641,290   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28      850,000        958,282   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      235,000        177,484   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      845,000        635,812   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      2,360,000        568,902   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      30,000        7,119   
      $ 3,738,229   
Toll Roads - 0.9%                 
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/31    $ 1,510,000      $ 686,416   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 6%, 1/01/37      335,000        356,447   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 5.5%, 1/01/42      535,000        546,321   
      $ 1,589,184   
Transportation - Special Tax - 3.3%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., “AA-1”, AGM, 4.95%, 7/01/26    $ 735,000      $ 691,767   
South Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Rev., “A”, AMBAC, 5%, 10/01/14 (c)      1,645,000        1,684,414   
South Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Rev., “A”, 5%, 10/01/23      2,825,000        3,207,788   
      $ 5,583,969   
Universities - Colleges - 6.3%   
College of Charleston, SC, Academic & Administrative Facilities Rev., “B”, 5%, 4/01/22    $ 1,205,000      $ 1,379,785   
Pinellas County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Barry University), 6%, 10/01/41      200,000        211,860   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.125%, 4/01/32      75,000        61,331   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Universities - Colleges - continued           
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42    $ 125,000      $ 98,938   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 4.375%, 10/01/31      55,000        42,668   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Medical, & Environmental Central Facilities (University of Sacred Heart), 5%, 10/01/42      30,000        22,606   
South Carolina Educational Facilities Authority (Wofford College), 5.25%, 4/01/32      1,000,000        1,029,540   
University of South Carolina, Athletic Facilities Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/35      1,000,000        1,072,960   
University of South Carolina, Athletic Facilities Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 5/01/38      1,000,000        1,081,280   
University of South Carolina, Athletic Facilities Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/40      2,000,000        2,087,160   
University of South Carolina, Higher Education Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/01/35      2,555,000        2,736,379   
University of South Carolina, Higher Education Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/01/39      1,000,000        1,043,780   
      $ 10,868,287   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 0.1%           
North Texas Education Finance Corp., Education Rev. (Uplift Education), “A”, 5.125%, 12/01/42    $ 220,000      $ 218,513   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 0.7%                 
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.625%, 7/01/20    $ 800,000      $ 948,248   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)      150,000        164,579   
      $ 1,112,827   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 8.5%                 
Easley, SC, Utility Rev., AGM, 5.25%, 12/01/31    $ 2,500,000      $ 2,733,775   
Easley, SC, Utility Rev., ASSD GTY, 5%, 12/01/34      2,325,000        2,489,029   
Greenwood, SC, Combined Public Utility, Refunding & Improvement Systems, NATL, 5%, 12/01/21      175,000        175,340   
Piedmont, SC, Municipal Power Agency, FGIC, 6.25%, 1/01/21      2,700,000        3,283,551   
Piedmont, SC, Municipal Power Agency, “C”, AGM, 5%, 1/01/30      1,000,000        1,089,190   
South Carolina Public Service Authority Rev. (Santee Cooper), “E”, 5%, 1/01/40      2,000,000        2,090,140   
South Carolina Public Service Authority Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 1/01/38      2,500,000        2,732,700   
      $ 14,593,725   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Other - 1.5%                 
California M-S-R Energy Authority Gas Rev., “A”, 6.5%, 11/01/39    $ 685,000      $ 861,381   
Public Authority for Colorado Energy Natural Gas Purchase Rev., 6.25%, 11/15/28      130,000        154,014   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21      270,000        301,347   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      290,000        324,005   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/26      570,000        635,009   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “C”, 5%, 2/01/21      330,000        366,802   
      $ 2,642,558   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 14.3%           
Charleston, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Rev., 5%, 1/01/24    $ 2,995,000      $ 3,509,900   
Charleston, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Rev., Capital Improvement, 5%, 1/01/35      1,000,000        1,087,490   
Columbia, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Systems Rev., AGM, 5%, 2/01/15 (c)      1,020,000        1,060,647   
Columbia, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Systems Rev., “A”, 5%, 2/01/25      580,000        666,159   
Columbia, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Systems Rev., “A”, 5%, 2/01/36      3,000,000        3,244,560   
Columbia, SC, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev., 5%, 2/01/20      120,000        140,572   
Columbia, SC, Waterworks and Sewer System Rev., 5%, 2/01/21      400,000        470,912   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      165,000        111,896   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      1,110,000        819,957   
Dorchester County, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Systems Rev., ASSD GTY, 5%, 10/01/29      1,000,000        1,068,200   
Greenville, SC, Renewable Water Resource Sewer Systems Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/01/24      1,000,000        1,117,640   
Greenwood, SC, Sewer Systems Rev., AGM, 5%, 10/01/30      1,000,000        1,090,100   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.625%, 7/01/40      315,000        326,274   
Laurens County, SC, Water & Sewer Commission, Waterworks District (Rabon Creek), “A”, 5%, 3/01/32      1,405,000        1,485,155   
Lexington, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Systems Rev., ASSD GTY, 5%, 1/15/39      2,000,000        2,201,920   
Spartanburg, SC, Sanitary Sewer District Convertible Rev., “B”, 5%, 3/01/33      1,000,000        1,086,810   
Spartanburg, SC, Waterworks Rev., ASSD GTY, 5%, 6/01/39      2,000,000        2,139,460   
Spartanburg, SC, Waterworks Rev., “A”, AGM, 5%, 6/01/17      2,040,000        2,293,266   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - continued           
Sumter, SC, Waterworks & Sewer Systems Rev., SYNCORA, 5%, 12/01/25    $ 540,000      $ 584,177   
      $ 24,505,095   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $161,032,323)
      $ 165,298,255   
Money Market Funds - 1.6%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      2,792,200      $ 2,792,200   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $163,824,523)
      $ 168,090,455   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 2.0%        3,462,691   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 171,553,146   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 96.5%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 2.0%   
Memphis-Shelby County, TN, Airport Authority Facilities Rev., “A”, ASSD GTY, 5%, 7/01/39    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,048,520   
Memphis-Shelby County, TN, Airport Authority Facilities Rev., “D”, 5%, 7/01/25      1,000,000        1,112,100   
      $ 2,160,620   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 24.9%   
Chattanooga, TN, “B”, 4%, 10/01/23    $ 1,325,000      $ 1,451,524   
Chattanooga, TN, “B”, 4%, 10/01/26      1,270,000        1,367,041   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      215,000        195,265   
Hamilton County, TN, General Obligation, “A”, 4%, 3/01/21      1,305,000        1,460,151   
Johnson City, TN, 5%, 6/01/31      1,000,000        1,088,940   
Memphis, TN, “A”, 5%, 11/01/22      1,500,000        1,776,435   
Memphis, TN, “B”, 5%, 4/01/34      1,025,000        1,132,779   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, 5%, 1/01/18 (c)      2,000,000        2,294,060   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, 5%, 7/01/21      2,000,000        2,351,800   
Montgomery County, TN, 4%, 4/01/25      600,000        642,810   
Pigeon Forge, TN, Industrial Development Board, Public Facilities, 5%, 6/01/34      1,000,000        1,094,900   
Shelby County, TN, “A”, 4.75%, 3/01/18      200,000        227,952   
Shelby County, TN, “A”, 5%, 3/01/28      2,000,000        2,291,920   
State of Tennessee, “A”, 5%, 8/01/22      1,500,000        1,805,310   
State of Tennessee, “A”, 5%, 10/01/29      1,500,000        1,715,160   
State of Tennessee, “C”, 5%, 5/01/16      500,000        547,540   
Sumner County, TN, 5%, 6/01/20      1,175,000        1,379,838   
Sumner County, TN, 5%, 6/01/21      1,300,000        1,533,311   
Williamson County, TN, “A”, 4%, 5/01/22      780,000        883,990   
Williamson County, TN, School District, “A”, 4%, 3/01/19      1,015,000        1,145,478   
      $ 26,386,204   
General Obligations - Schools - 0.9%   
Williamson County, TN, School District, 5%, 4/01/26    $ 740,000      $ 943,041   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 11.2%   
Brazoria County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Brazosport Regional Health System), 5.25%, 7/01/32    $ 280,000      $ 260,988   
Chattanooga, TN, Health Educational & Housing Facility Board Rev. (Catholic Health Initiatives), “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/45      500,000        526,090   
Chattanooga, TN, Health Educational & Housing Facility Board Rev. (Catholic Health Initiatives), “D”, 6.25%, 10/01/33      1,000,000        1,132,550   
DeKalb County, GA, Hospital Authority Rev. (DeKalb Medical Center, Inc.), 6.125%, 9/01/40      295,000        298,953   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”, 6%, 8/15/36    $ 680,000      $ 720,440   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      405,000        443,479   
Jackson, TN, Hospital Rev. (Jackson-Madison Project), 5.625%, 4/01/38      1,000,000        1,059,820   
Johnson City, TN, Health & Education Financing Authority Rev. (Johnson City Medical Center Hospital), ETM, NATL, 5%, 7/01/18 (c)      195,000        195,472   
Johnson City, TN, Health & Educational Facilities Board, Hospital Rev. (Mountain States Health Alliance), “A”, 5.5%, 7/01/31      400,000        410,740   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.375%, 6/01/40      790,000        845,632   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.5%, 3/01/45      265,000        284,671   
Knox County, TN, Health, Educational, Hospital & Housing Facilities Board Rev. (Covenant Health), Capital Appreciation, “A”, AGM, 0%, 1/01/41      900,000        201,762   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      675,000        681,743   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Health Facilities Authority Hospital Rev. (Variety Children’s Hospital), “A”, 6%, 8/01/30      85,000        94,717   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      510,000        547,898   
Rutherford County, TN, Health & Educational Facilities Board Rev. (Ascension Health Senior Credit Group), “C”, 5%, 11/15/40      1,500,000        1,570,875   
Shelby County, TN, Health, Educational & Housing Facilities Board Rev. (Methodist Healthcare), “B”, AGM, 5.25%, 9/01/27      1,500,000        1,579,425   
St. Petersburg, FL, Health Facilities Authority Rev., 6.5%, 11/15/39      170,000        191,910   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      785,000        871,232   
      $ 11,918,397   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 2.2%   
Blount County, TN, Health & Educational Facilities Board Rev. (Asbury, Inc.), “A”, 5.125%, 4/01/23    $ 430,000      $ 433,853   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - continued   
Johnson City, TN, Health & Educational Facilities Board Rev. (Appalachian Christian Village Project), “A”, 5%, 2/15/43    $ 1,000,000      $ 872,130   
Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Metropolitan Government Health & Educational Facilities Board Rev. (The Blakeford at Green Hills), 5%, 7/01/37      1,000,000        1,007,320   
      $ 2,313,303   
Industrial Revenue - Other - 0.3%   
Liberty, NY, Development Corp. Rev. (Goldman Sachs Headquarters), 5.25%, 10/01/35    $ 255,000      $ 280,054   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Entertainment & Tourism - 2.5%   
Memphis-Shelby County, TN, Sports Authority, Inc. Rev., “B”, 5.375%, 11/01/29    $ 2,500,000      $ 2,690,950   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 5.2%   
ABAG Finance Authority for Non-Profit Corps., CA, Rev. (Jackson Lab), 5.75%, 7/01/15 (c)    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,089,560   
Hardeman County, TN, Correctional Facilities Rev., 7.75%, 8/01/17      435,000        436,222   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Sports Authority Rev., Public Improvement, “A”, 5%, 8/01/21      535,000        615,528   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Sports Authority Rev., Public Improvement, “A”, 5%, 8/01/23      1,205,000        1,387,063   
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, Special Facilities Rev. (Aero Nashville LLC Project), 5.2%, 7/01/26      920,000        966,405   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40      980,000        1,049,600   
      $ 5,544,378   
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 1.0%   
Knoxville, TN, Community Development Corp., 5%, 7/01/24    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,004,880   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 1.8%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6.5%, 1/15/30    $ 480,000      $ 529,234   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/36      300,000        310,584   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      120,000        134,144   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/57      525,000        422,767   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      160,000        131,126   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., Capital Appreciation, 0%, 8/01/56      7,755,000        430,247   
      $ 1,958,102   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Single Family Housing - State - 5.7%   
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Rev., Homeownership Program, 5%, 7/01/26    $ 990,000      $ 998,474   
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Rev., Homeownership Program, 5%, 7/01/29      795,000        820,996   
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Rev., Homeownership Program, 5.45%, 7/01/38      295,000        304,661   
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Rev., Homeownership Program, “2”, 4.55%, 7/01/24      1,345,000        1,383,871   
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Rev., Homeownership Program, “2-C”, 3.1%, 7/01/28      645,000        621,154   
Tennessee Housing Development Agency Rev., Homeownership Program, “2-C”, 3.3%, 1/01/31      975,000        933,670   
Tennessee Housing Development Agency, Residential Financing Program Rev., “1-B”, 3.6%, 1/01/31      955,000        932,615   
      $ 5,995,441   
State & Agency - Other - 1.0%   
Hardeman County, TN, Industrial Development Board Rev., “B”, ASSD GTY, 5%, 6/01/40    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,037,930   
State & Local Agencies - 6.7%   
Blount County, TN, Public Building Authority Rev. (Local Government Public Improvement), “B-12-A”, 5%, 6/01/22    $ 500,000      $ 569,770   
Chattanooga, TN, Industrial Development Board, Lease Rental Rev. (Southside Redevelopment Corp.), 5%, 10/01/20      700,000        804,307   
Chattanooga, TN, Industrial Development Board, Lease Rental Rev. (Southside Redevelopment Corp.), 5%, 10/01/24      1,000,000        1,110,990   
New York Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Asset-Backed Rev., “B”, 5%, 6/01/21      310,000        334,775   
Tennessee School Bond Authority, “B”, 5.125%, 5/01/33      2,000,000        2,180,380   
Tennessee School Bond Authority, “C”, AGM, 5%, 5/01/32      2,000,000        2,145,960   
      $ 7,146,182   
Tax - Other - 0.2%   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 150,000      $ 158,480   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      50,000        52,323   
      $ 210,803   
Tobacco - 1.9%   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28    $ 200,000      $ 225,478   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 6/01/23      260,000        249,967   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      190,000        143,498   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      410,000        308,500   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tobacco - continued   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41    $ 1,470,000      $ 354,358   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      20,000        4,746   
Virgin Islands Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., 5%, 5/15/31      750,000        711,900   
      $ 1,998,447   
Toll Roads - 0.5%   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 6%, 1/01/37    $ 200,000      $ 212,804   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 5.5%, 1/01/42      320,000        326,771   
      $ 539,575   
Transportation - Special Tax - 0.6%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., “CC”, AGM, 5.5%, 7/01/28    $ 600,000      $ 594,108   
Universities - Colleges - 4.4%   
Claiborne County, TN, Industrial Development Board Rev. (Lincoln Memorial University Project), 6.625%, 10/01/39    $ 500,000      $ 531,465   
Claiborne County, TN, Industrial Development Board Rev. (Lincoln Memorial University Project), 6.125%, 10/01/40      250,000        257,885   
Franklin County, TN, Health & Educational Facilities Board Rev. (University of the South), 4%, 9/01/23      1,000,000        1,054,420   
Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Metropolitan Government Health & Educational Facilities Board, 5%, 10/01/34      2,500,000        2,695,025   
Pinellas County, FL, Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Barry University), 6%, 10/01/41      120,000        127,116   
      $ 4,665,911   
Universities - Dormitories - 1.1%   
Shelby County, TN, Health Educational & Housing Facilities Board Rev. (Rhodes College), 5.5%, 8/01/40    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,126,170   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 0.1%   
North Texas Education Finance Corp., Education Rev. (Uplift Education), “A”, 5.125%, 12/01/42    $ 130,000      $ 129,121   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 6.7%   
Chattanooga, TN, Electric Rev., “A”, 5%, 9/01/33    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,126,000   
Citizens Gas Utility District, TN, Gas Rev., 5%, 5/01/35      1,000,000        1,036,210   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Municipal Owned - continued   
Clarksville, TN, Electric System Rev., “A”, 5%, 9/01/34    $ 1,250,000      $ 1,325,113   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/30      300,000        316,731   
Johnson City, TN, Electric Rev., AGM, 5%, 5/01/29      1,000,000        1,102,450   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33      195,000        220,104   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Electric Rev., “A”, AMBAC, 5%, 5/15/29      1,000,000        1,005,650   
      $ 7,132,258   
Utilities - Other - 1.7%   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21    $ 225,000      $ 251,122   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      115,000        128,485   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/23      85,000        95,603   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/26      1,200,000        1,336,860   
      $ 1,812,070   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 13.9%   
Clarksville, TN, Water, Sewer & Gas Rev., 5%, 2/01/29    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,109,010   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/37      100,000        67,816   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      670,000        494,929   
Harpeth Valley, TN, Utilities District, Davidson & Williamson Counties Rev., FGIC, 5.25%, 9/01/37      1,000,000        1,080,840   
Knoxville, TN, Electrical System Rev., “BB”, 3%, 7/01/42      1,475,000        1,185,605   
Knoxville, TN, Waste Water System Rev., “A”, NATL, 5%, 4/01/15 (c)      2,620,000        2,745,419   
Knoxville, TN, Waste Water System Rev., “B”, 5%, 4/01/21      1,150,000        1,355,241   
Memphis, TN, Sanitary Sewerage System Rev., 5%, 5/01/19      1,425,000        1,653,570   
Memphis, TN, Sanitary Sewerage System Rev., 5%, 10/01/21      865,000        991,662   
Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, TN, Water & Sewer Rev., “A”, AGM, 5.25%, 1/01/22      1,365,000        1,633,059   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (City of Jackson Water and Sewer System Rev. Bond Project), AGM, 6.875%, 12/01/40      65,000        81,692   
South Blount County, TN, Utility District Waterworks Rev., AGM, 5%, 12/01/33      2,140,000        2,308,011   
      $ 14,706,854   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $99,207,054)
      $ 102,294,799   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Money Market Funds - 1.6%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      1,662,126      $ 1,662,126   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $100,869,180)
      $ 103,956,925   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 1.9%        2,038,324   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 105,995,249   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 99.5%  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Airport Revenue - 3.4%                 
Chicago, IL, O’Hare International Airport Rev., Third Lien, “A”, 5.625%, 1/01/35    $ 855,000      $ 935,301   
Metropolitan Washington, DC, Airport Authority Rev., 5.375%, 10/01/28      1,500,000        1,674,810   
Metropolitan Washington, DC, Airport Authority Rev., “A”, NATL, 5%, 10/01/35      3,000,000        3,133,230   
Norfolk, VA, Airport Authority Rev., AGM, 5%, 7/01/23      2,000,000        2,178,380   
Norfolk, VA, Airport Authority Rev., AGM, 5%, 7/01/24      1,000,000        1,081,240   
Virginia Resources Authority, Airport Rev., “B”, 5.125%, 8/01/27      720,000        720,835   
      $ 9,723,796   
General Obligations - General Purpose - 12.9%   
Alexandria, VA, General Obligation, “A”, 4.5%, 6/15/21    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,157,400   
Arlington County, VA, General Obligation, “A”, 5%, 8/01/22      1,950,000        2,346,903   
Chesapeake, VA, “B”, 5%, 6/01/23      1,930,000        2,240,383   
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29      925,000        979,695   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      540,000        490,433   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      110,000        116,511   
Isle Wight County, VA, “A”, 4%, 4/01/20      1,045,000        1,148,863   
Loudoun County , VA, General Obligation Public Improvement, “A”, 5%, 12/01/20      2,290,000        2,728,993   
Loudoun County , VA, General Obligation Public Improvement, “A”, 5%, 12/01/22      3,000,000        3,619,620   
Loudoun County , VA, General Obligation Public Improvement, “B”, 5%, 11/01/18      5,500,000        6,436,210   
Lynchburg, VA, Public Improvement, 5%, 12/01/23      1,000,000        1,137,370   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31      355,000        399,900   
Portsmouth, VA, General Obligation Public Improvement, “A”, 5%, 2/01/22      1,255,000        1,481,653   
Richmond, VA, Public Improvement, “B”, 5%, 7/15/20      1,685,000        1,985,301   
Stafford County & Staunton, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev., 5%, 8/01/14      590,000        599,375   
Stafford County, VA, General Obligation Public Improvement, 5%, 7/01/22      555,000        655,505   
Suffolk, VA, General Obligation, 5%, 12/01/21      3,330,000        3,937,592   
Suffolk, VA, General Obligation, 5%, 12/01/22      2,480,000        2,949,439   
Virginia Beach, VA, Public Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/22      2,000,000        2,384,240   
      $ 36,795,386   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 18.0%   
Brazoria County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp., Hospital Rev. (Brazosport Regional Health System), 5.25%, 7/01/32    $ 830,000      $ 773,643   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Charlotte County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Halifax Hospital), 5%, 9/01/37    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,015,610   
Fairfax County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Inova Health Systems), 4%, 5/15/42      3,000,000        2,872,770   
Fairfax County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Inova Health Systems), “A”, 5.5%, 5/15/14 (c)      1,000,000        1,006,240   
Fairfax County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Inova Health Systems), “A”, 5.5%, 5/15/35      1,500,000        1,650,435   
Fairfax County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Inova Health Systems), “C”, 5%, 5/15/25      500,000        553,340   
Fauquier County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Hospital Authority Rev. (Fauquier Hospital Obligation Group), “B”, 5.25%, 10/01/17 (c)      2,000,000        2,303,100   
Fredericksburg, VA, Economic Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Medicorp Health System), 5.25%, 6/15/19      1,125,000        1,248,266   
Fredericksburg, VA, Industrial Development Rev. (Medicorp Health Systems), “B”, 5.125%, 6/15/33      750,000        750,173   
Henrico County, VA, Economic Development Authority Rev. (Bon Secours Health Systems, Inc.), “B-2”, AGM, 5.25%, 11/01/42      1,750,000        1,841,245   
Henrico County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Bon Secours Health Systems, Inc.), NATL, 6.25%, 8/15/20      1,500,000        1,719,465   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      970,000        1,062,160   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.25%, 7/01/31      375,000        409,106   
Jefferson Parish, LA, Hospital Service District No. 2 (East Jefferson General Hospital), 6.375%, 7/01/41      1,110,000        1,210,855   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), 5.25%, 10/01/36      1,635,000        1,651,334   
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority Rev. (Elliot Hospital Obligated Group), “A”, 6%, 10/01/27      635,000        682,187   
Norfolk, VA, Economic Development Authority Health Care Facilities Rev. (Sentara Healthcare), “B”, 5%, 11/01/36      2,875,000        3,060,438   
Ohio Higher Educational Facility Commission (University Hospital Health System), “A”, 6.75%, 1/15/15 (c)      1,315,000        1,382,591   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued   
Roanoke, VA, Economic Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Carilion Medical Center), 5%, 7/01/33    $ 2,385,000      $ 2,502,175   
Roanoke, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Carilion Health Systems), “B”, 5%, 7/01/20 (c)      45,000        53,527   
Roanoke, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Carilion Health Systems), “B”, N, 5%, 7/01/38      2,955,000        3,076,894   
Roanoke, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Roanoke Memorial Hospital), “B”, ETM, NATL, 6.125%, 7/01/17 (c)      3,000,000        3,247,650   
Royal Oak, MI, Hospital Finance Authority Rev. (William Beaumont Hospital), 8.25%, 9/01/39      1,805,000        2,195,403   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Healthcare Facility Rev. (Sentra Healthcare), 5%, 11/01/40      4,000,000        4,183,040   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Hospital Rev. (Wellmont Health Project), ‘‘A’’, 5.25%, 9/01/37      2,000,000        2,012,920   
Washington County, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Mountain States Health Alliance), “C”, 7.5%, 7/01/29      1,400,000        1,601,922   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 6.75%, 7/01/29      220,000        246,143   
Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Rev. (Central Washington Health Services), 7%, 7/01/39      530,000        583,186   
Winchester, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Hospital Rev. (Valley Health Systems), “E”, 5.75%, 1/01/39      3,000,000        3,063,270   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (ProHealth Care, Inc. Obligated Group), 6.625%, 2/15/39      1,880,000        2,086,518   
Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare), 5.25%, 8/15/31      1,280,000        1,308,467   
      $ 51,354,073   
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - 2.2%   
Albemarle County, VA, Economic Development Authority, Residential Care Facilities Rev. (Westminster-Canterbury Blue Ridge), “A”, 5%, 1/01/42    $ 1,000,000      $ 905,500   
Chesterfield County, VA, Health Center Commission Residential Care Facility, 6.25%, 12/01/38      750,000        534,675   
Henrico County, VA, Economic Development Authority Rev., Residential Care Facility (Virginia United Methodist Homes, Inc.), 5%, 6/01/24      395,000        399,195   
Henrico County, VA, Economic Development Authority Rev., Residential Care Facility (Virginia United Methodist Homes, Inc.), 5%, 6/01/25      385,000        386,767   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Long Term Care - continued   
James City County, VA, Economic Development Authority, Residential Care Facilities Rev. (Virginia United Methodist Homes of Williamsburg), “A”, 6%, 6/01/43    $ 620,800      $ 530,083   
James City County, VA, Economic Development Authority, Residential Care Facilities Rev. (Virginia United Methodist Homes of Williamsburg), “A”, 2%, 10/01/48 (a)      200,800        5,317   
Lexington, VA, Industrial Development Authority Residential Care Facilities (Kendal at Lexington), “A”, 5.5%, 1/01/37      1,000,000        998,620   
Norfolk, VA, Redevelopment & Housing Authority Rev. (Fort Norfolk Retirement Community), “A”, 6.125%, 1/01/35      1,240,000        1,239,888   
Suffolk, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Retirement Facilities Rev. (Lake Prince Center, Inc.), 5.3%, 9/01/31      750,000        747,428   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7%, 11/01/30      175,000        194,612   
Travis County, TX, Health Facilities Development Corp. Rev. (Westminster Manor Health), 7.125%, 11/01/40      265,000        291,550   
      $ 6,233,635   
Industrial Revenue - Other - 1.1%   
Loudoun County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Dulles Airport Marriott Hotel), 7.125%, 9/01/15    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,005,000   
Peninsula Ports Authority, VA, Coal Terminal Rev. (Dominion Terminal Associates), 6%, 4/01/33      1,000,000        1,000,810   
      $ 3,005,810   
Industrial Revenue - Paper - 0.1%   
Valparaiso, IN, Exempt Facilities Rev. (Pratt Paper LLC Project), 6.75%, 1/01/34    $ 100,000      $ 105,839   
Valparaiso, IN, Exempt Facilities Rev. (Pratt Paper LLC Project), 7%, 1/01/44      130,000        138,189   
West Point, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Solid Waste Disposal Rev. (Chesapeake Corp.), “A”, 6.375%, 3/01/19 (a)(d)      1,683,272        168   
      $ 244,196   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 1.0%   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project), 5%, 9/15/40    $ 2,635,000      $ 2,822,138   
Summit County, OH, Port Authority Building Rev. (Flats East Development Recovery Zone Facility Bonds), 6.875%, 5/15/40      80,000        86,081   
      $ 2,908,219   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Multi-Family Housing Revenue - 5.8%   
Arlington County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Colonial Village), FNMA, 5.15%, 11/01/31    $ 2,795,000      $ 2,796,957   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., “C”, 5.625%, 11/01/38      1,355,000        1,375,190   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., “D”, 4.6%, 7/01/33      1,000,000        1,005,600   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., Rental Housing, “B”, 5.5%, 6/01/30      1,450,000        1,570,814   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., Rental Housing, “B”, 5%, 6/01/45      3,050,000        3,126,830   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., Rental Housing, “E”, 4.8%, 10/01/39      3,000,000        3,049,230   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., Rental Housing, “F”, 4.8%, 4/01/37      1,330,000        1,360,923   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., Rental Housing, “F”, 5%, 4/01/45      2,125,000        2,174,130   
      $ 16,459,674   
Port Revenue - 0.4%   
Virginia Port Authority Facilities Rev., FGIC, 5%, 7/01/36    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,000,690   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 0.8%   
Colorado Regional Transportation District, Private Activity Rev. (Denver Transportation Partners), 6%, 1/15/41    $ 1,320,000      $ 1,388,125   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 8/01/19 (c)      40,000        48,322   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      435,000        356,500   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5.25%, 8/01/40      590,000        501,471   
      $ 2,294,418   
Single Family Housing - State - 4.3%   
California Housing Finance Agency Rev. (Home Mortgage), “I”, 4.7%, 8/01/26    $ 1,370,000      $ 1,371,110   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Commonwealth, “B”, 4.75%, 7/01/32      2,000,000        2,011,700   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Commonwealth, “C”, 4.4%, 10/01/22      1,270,000        1,272,235   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Commonwealth, “C”, 4.625%, 10/01/27      2,630,000        2,633,156   
Virginia Housing Development Authority Rev., Rental Housing, “F”, 5.1%, 1/01/41      3,770,000        3,954,428   
Virginia Housing Development Authority, Commonwealth Mortgage, “A-5”, 4.4%, 1/01/15      1,000,000        1,020,020   
      $ 12,262,649   
State & Local Agencies - 11.6%   
Caroline County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Lease Rev., AMBAC, 5.125%, 6/15/34    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,000,660   
Delaware Valley, PA, Regional Finance Authority, “C”, FRN, 0.908%, 6/01/37      1,915,000        1,304,402   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Local Agencies - continued   
Fairfax County, VA, Economic Development Authority (Fairfax Public Improvement Project), 5%, 1/15/15 (c)    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,037,710   
Manassas Park, VA, Economic Development Authority Lease Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/15/35      1,000,000        1,021,900   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31      330,000        370,385   
Montgomery County, VA, Industrial Development Authority (Public Facilities Project), 5%, 2/01/29      500,000        539,270   
Powhatan County, VA, 5%, 1/15/32      2,500,000        2,727,475   
Stafford County, VA, Economic Development Authority Lease Rev., ASSD GTY, 5%, 4/01/33      3,000,000        3,226,620   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/36      190,000        209,979   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”, 5%, 4/01/37      355,000        391,082   
Virginia Beach, VA, Development Authority Facility Rev., “A”, 4%, 12/01/30      845,000        866,759   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev., 5%, 2/01/23      2,140,000        2,546,450   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (21st Century College & Equipment), “A”, 5%, 2/01/29      1,500,000        1,660,860   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Public Higher Education Financing), “A”, 5%, 9/01/20      2,885,000        3,409,003   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Public Higher Education Financing), “A”, 5%, 9/01/27      3,000,000        3,366,300   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Public Higher Education Financing), “B”, 5%, 9/01/20      3,000,000        3,544,890   
Virginia Public Building Authority, Public Facilities Rev., “B”, 5.25%, 8/01/28      1,000,000        1,112,540   
Virginia Public Building Authority, Public Facilities Rev., “B”, 5%, 8/01/29      1,050,000        1,187,424   
Virginia Public Building Authority, Public Facilities Rev., “B-3”, 4%, 8/01/21      1,000,000        1,111,870   
Virginia Public School Authority (1997 Resolution), “A”, 5%, 8/01/19      1,175,000        1,380,190   
Virginia Public School Authority (1997 Resolution), “A”, 5%, 8/01/30      1,000,000        1,129,820   
      $ 33,145,589   
Tax - Other - 1.4%   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24    $ 365,000      $ 385,633   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev., “A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29      120,000        125,574   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo), “A”, 6.625%, 10/01/29      830,000        889,553   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/29      250,000        256,148   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/39      285,000        283,777   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Tax - Other - continued   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “B”, 5%, 10/01/25    $ 250,000      $ 263,610   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., Matching Fund Loan Note, “A”, 5%, 10/01/29      1,645,000        1,691,800   
      $ 3,896,095   
Tax Assessment - 0.3%   
Embrey Mill Community Development Authority, VA, Special Assessment Rev., 7.25%, 3/01/43    $ 750,000      $ 730,493   
Tobacco - 2.2%   
Buckeye, OH, Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, “A-2”, 5.875%, 6/01/47    $ 75,000      $ 60,384   
Golden State, CA, Tobacco Securitization Corp., Tobacco Settlement Rev., “A-1”, 5.75%, 6/01/47      100,000        80,622   
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28      1,575,000        1,775,639   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.5%, 6/01/23      740,000        711,443   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      3,925,000        946,161   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      50,000        11,865   
Virgin Islands Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., 5%, 5/15/21      320,000        319,997   
Virginia Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., 5.625%, 6/01/15 (c)      1,000,000        1,063,490   
Virginia Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “B-1”, 5%, 6/01/47      2,000,000        1,382,160   
      $ 6,351,761   
Toll Roads - 1.4%   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (95 Express Lanes LLC), 5%, 7/01/34    $ 2,500,000      $ 2,487,200   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 6%, 1/01/37      565,000        601,171   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Rev. (Elizabeth River Crossings Opco LLC Project), 5.5%, 1/01/42      905,000        924,150   
             $ 4,012,521   
Transportation - Special Tax - 3.5%   
Commonwealth of Virginia, Transportation Board Grant Anticipation Rev., “A”, 5%, 9/15/27    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,274,960   
Commonwealth of Virginia, Transportation Board Rev., “A”, 4%, 9/15/26      1,000,000        1,060,800   
Commonwealth of Virginia, Transportation Rev. (Northern Virginia Transportation District Program), “A”, 5%, 5/15/17      2,000,000        2,256,060   
Virginia Port Authority, Port Fund Rev., 5%, 7/01/32      1,200,000        1,309,968   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Transportation - Special Tax - continued   
Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Gross Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 7/01/29    $ 1,485,000      $ 1,644,430   
Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Gross Rev., “A”, 5.125%, 7/01/32      1,365,000        1,483,305   
             $ 10,029,523   
Universities - Colleges - 5.8%   
Amherst, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (Educational Facilities Sweet Briar), 5%, 9/01/26    $ 1,770,000      $ 1,800,869   
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Rev. (Suffolk University), 5%, 7/01/30      615,000        625,836   
Prince William County, VA, Industrial Development Authority Rev. (George Mason University Foundation Prince William Life Sciences Lab), 5.5%, 9/01/34      1,000,000        1,086,000   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (Ana G. Mendez University System Project), 5.375%, 4/01/42      230,000        182,045   
University of Virginia (University Rev.), 5%, 9/01/25      3,760,000        4,400,554   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Regent University), 5%, 6/01/26      2,000,000        2,045,060   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Richmond University), “A”, 5%, 3/01/21      2,115,000        2,503,145   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Roanoke College), 4.5%, 4/01/37      2,180,000        2,190,900   
Virginia College Building Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Washington & Lee University), NATL, 5.25%, 1/01/31      1,000,000        1,201,220   
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Roanoke College), 5.5%, 4/01/33      500,000        530,865   
             $ 16,566,494   
Universities - Secondary Schools - 0.7%   
Alexandria, VA, Industrial Development Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (Episcopal High School), “A”, 5%, 1/01/40    $ 1,900,000      $ 2,020,593   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 2.7%   
Bristol, VA, Utility Systems Rev., ETM, AGM, 5.75%, 7/15/16 (c)    $ 240,000      $ 268,920   
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”, 5.5%, 10/01/30      785,000        828,779   
Long Island, NY, Power Authority, Electric Systems Rev., “A”, 6%, 5/01/33      470,000        530,508   
Richmond, VA, Public Utility Rev., 5%, 1/15/15 (c)      1,000,000        1,037,710   
Richmond, VA, Public Utility Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/15/27      2,555,000        2,959,712   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued  
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Municipal Owned - continued   
Richmond, VA, Public Utility Rev., “A”, 5%, 1/15/38    $ 2,000,000      $ 2,201,220   
             $ 7,826,849   
Utilities - Other - 1.2%   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19    $ 945,000      $ 1,061,991   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21      555,000        619,436   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      290,000        324,005   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/24      215,000        238,080   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/26      1,140,000        1,270,017   
             $ 3,513,529   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 18.7%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/33    $ 1,400,000      $ 938,518   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/38      1,885,000        1,410,112   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6%, 7/01/44      1,845,000        1,362,902   
Fairfax County, VA, Water Authority Rev., 5%, 4/01/28      1,000,000        1,153,510   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.625%, 7/01/40      620,000        642,190   
Guam Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/20      60,000        66,873   
Guam Water & Wastewater System Rev., 5.25%, 7/01/21      175,000        193,730   
Hampton Roads, VA, Sanitation District Wastewater Rev., 5%, 4/01/33      2,000,000        2,151,080   
Hampton Roads, VA, Sanitation District Wastewater Rev., 5%, 4/01/38      3,750,000        3,986,738   
James City, VA, Water & Sewer Rev., 5%, 1/15/40      1,290,000        1,379,178   
Norfolk, VA, Water Rev., 5%, 11/01/28      1,000,000        1,137,120   
Norfolk, VA, Water Rev., 4.75%, 11/01/38      4,000,000        4,183,840   
Spotsylvania County, VA, Water & Sewer Rev., AGM, 5%, 6/01/35      1,000,000        1,007,810   
Upper Occoquan, VA, Sewage Authority Regional Sewage Rev., 5%, 7/01/41      2,000,000        2,124,600   
Virginia Beach, VA, Water & Sewer System Rev., 5%, 10/01/21      1,390,000        1,654,378   
Virginia Beach, VA, Water & Sewer System Rev., 5%, 10/01/22      1,310,000        1,564,769   
Virginia Resources Authority, Clean Water Rev., 4.75%, 10/01/27      3,000,000        3,255,960   
Virginia Resources Authority, Clean Water Rev., 5%, 10/01/31      1,000,000        1,117,260   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - continued   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., 5.25%, 11/01/33    $ 2,895,000      $ 3,180,708   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev. (Virginia Pooled Funding Program), “B”, 5%, 11/01/40      1,400,000        1,496,922   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., “B”, 5%, 11/01/38      2,600,000        2,820,818   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., Pooled Financing Program, 5.25%, 11/01/18 (c)      105,000        124,194   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., Pooled Financing Program, 5%, 11/01/21 (c)      40,000        47,994   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., Pooled Financing Program, “B”, 5%, 11/01/25 (u)      1,245,000        1,442,793   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., Pooled Financing Program, “B”, 5%, 11/01/27 (u)      5,755,000        6,597,014   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., Pooled Financing Program, “B”, 5%, 11/01/28 (u)      3,000,000        3,417,000   
Virginia Resources Authority, Infrastructure Rev., Unrefunded Balance, 5%, 11/01/25      1,555,000        1,802,043   
Virginia Resources Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Rev. (Turkahoe Creek Project), Capital Appreciation, 0%, 11/01/33      2,245,000        983,579   
Virginia Resources Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Rev. (Turkahoe Creek Project), Capital Appreciation, 0%, 11/01/34      2,250,000        931,860   
Virginia Resources Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Rev. (Turkahoe Creek Project), Capital Appreciation, 0%, 11/01/35      1,950,000        767,228   
Virginia Resources Authority, Water & Sewer Systems Rev. (Turkahoe Creek Project), Capital Appreciation, 0%, 11/01/36      1,250,000        462,763   
             $ 53,405,484   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $275,638,408)
      $ 283,781,477   
Money Market Funds - 1.1%                 
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      3,097,091      $ 3,097,091   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $278,735,499)
      $ 286,878,568   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - (0.6)%        (1,808,824)   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 285,069,744   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements




Table of Contents




The Portfolio of Investments is a complete list of all securities owned by your fund. It is categorized by broad-based asset classes.


Municipal Bonds - 94.7%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
General Obligations - General Purpose - 4.4%           
Guam Government, “A”, 6.75%, 11/15/29    $ 35,000      $ 37,064   
Guam Government, “A”, 5.25%, 11/15/37      250,000        227,053   
Guam Government, “A”, 7%, 11/15/39      45,000        47,664   
Memphis, TN, Refunding General Improvement, “B”, 5%, 4/01/31      150,000        168,972   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/33      120,000        129,739   
State of Illinois, 5.5%, 7/01/38      365,000        391,473   
State of West Virginia, 4%, 6/01/22      2,000,000        2,173,840   
State of West Virginia, 4%, 6/01/23      2,000,000        2,152,500   
      $ 5,328,305   
General Obligations - Schools - 8.2%           
Hancock County, WV, Board of Education,
5%, 5/01/19
   $ 1,130,000      $ 1,285,872   
Hancock County, WV, Board of Education,
4.5%, 5/01/32
     1,405,000        1,460,188   
Hardy County, WV, Board of Education,
3%, 6/01/29
     570,000        514,892   
Marshall County, WV, Board of Education,
5%, 5/01/20
     600,000        662,544   
Monongalia County, WV, Board of Education,
5%, 5/01/31
     2,000,000        2,181,520   
Putnam County, WV, Board of Education,
4%, 5/01/20
     2,500,000        2,781,750   
Putnam County, WV, Board of Education,
4%, 5/01/25
     1,000,000        1,056,870   
      $ 9,943,636   
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - 14.4%           
Escambia County, FL, Health Facilities Authority (Baptist Hospital, Inc.), “A”,
6%, 8/15/36
   $ 725,000      $ 768,116   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Provena Health), “A”, 6%, 5/01/28      450,000        482,562   
Illinois Finance Authority Rev. (Silver Cross Hospital & Medical Centers), 7%, 8/15/44      420,000        459,904   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 5.75%, 6/01/25      340,000        369,672   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”,
6.375%, 6/01/40
     410,000        438,872   
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Facilities Rev. (Owensboro Medical Health System), “A”, 6.5%, 3/01/45      290,000        311,527   
Louisville & Jefferson County, KY, Metropolitan Government Healthcare Systems Rev. (Norton Healthcare, Inc.),
5.25%, 10/01/36
     725,000        732,243   
Massachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Rev. (Caregroup, Inc.),
5.125%, 7/01/38
     675,000        692,665   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Healthcare Revenue - Hospitals - continued           
Michigan Hospital Finance Authority Rev. (Henry Ford Health System),
5.75%, 11/15/39
   $ 855,000      $ 891,962   
Monongalia County, WV, Building Commission Hospital Rev. (Monongalia General Hospital),
6.5%, 7/01/41
     1,100,000        1,204,742   
Princeton, WV, Hospital Rev. (Princeton Community Hospital), “A”, 5%, 5/01/27      750,000        765,960   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Camden Clark Memorial Hospital), ASSD GTY, 5.875%, 2/15/34      1,000,000        1,080,740   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Charleston Area Medical Center), “A”, ETM, 6.5%, 9/01/23 (c)      2,000,000        2,500,820   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Health Systems Obligations),
5.75%, 1/01/39
     1,000,000        1,012,790   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Thomas Health System),
6.5%, 10/01/38
     500,000        495,165   

West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (United Hospital Center, Inc.),

“A”, AMBAC, 5%, 6/01/22

     2,500,000        2,606,450   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (West Virginia United Health System), “A”, 5.5%, 6/01/44      1,460,000        1,566,259   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (West Virginia United Health System), “E”, 5.625%, 6/01/35      1,000,000        1,061,430   
      $ 17,441,879   
Industrial Revenue - Other - 0.3%                 
Liberty, NY, Development Corp. Rev.
(Goldman Sachs Headquarters),
5.25%, 10/01/35
   $ 310,000      $ 340,458   
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - 11.1%   
Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corp.,
“A-1”, 5%, 6/01/20
   $ 605,000      $ 696,815   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/40      140,000        139,786   
Indiana Finance Authority Rev., (Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing Project), “A”, 5%, 7/01/44      215,000        212,014   
Miami-Dade County, FL, Special Obligation,
“B”, 5%, 10/01/35
     160,000        168,016   
New York Liberty Development Corp. Liberty Rev., (7 World Trade Center Project),
5%, 9/15/40
     1,085,000        1,162,057   
West Virginia Building Commission, Lease Rev. (WV Regional Jail), “A”, AMBAC,
5.375%, 7/01/18
     8,040,000        8,718,817   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Miscellaneous Revenue - Other - continued   
West Virginia, Higher Education Policy Commission Rev. (Community & Technology-Capital Improvement), “A”, 5%, 7/01/39    $ 2,200,000      $ 2,375,340   
      $ 13,472,845   
Sales & Excise Tax Revenue - 2.7%   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 1/01/36    $ 335,000      $ 346,819   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/16      110,000        120,735   
Guam Government Business Privilege Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 11/15/17      125,000        139,734   
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Rev., “A”, 5%, 7/01/31      1,000,000        1,161,790   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., 5.25%, 8/01/57      1,015,000        817,349   
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp., Sales Tax Rev., “C”, 5%, 8/01/40      805,000        659,730   
      $ 3,246,157   
Single Family Housing - Local - 1.4%   
West Virginia Housing Development Fund, “C”, 4.7%, 11/01/35    $ 635,000      $ 648,926   
West Virginia Housing Development Fund, “C”, 4.9%, 11/01/43      1,020,000        1,042,899   
      $ 1,691,825   
Single Family Housing - State - 0.3%   
West Virginia Housing Development Fund Rev., “A”, 2.95%, 11/01/21    $ 300,000      $ 300,948   
State & Local Agencies - 9.7%   
FYI Properties Lease Rev. (Washington State Project), 5.5%, 6/01/34    $ 545,000      $ 588,551   
Massachusetts College Building Authority Rev., “A”, 5%, 5/01/31      140,000        157,133   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”,
5%, 4/01/36
     80,000        88,412   
University of Kentucky, General Receipts, “A”,
5%, 4/01/37
     150,000        165,246   
West Virginia Building Commission, Lease Rev., “B”, AMBAC, 5.375%, 7/01/18      1,880,000        2,038,804   
West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Auto Lease Rev., 5.2%, 5/01/33      1,000,000        1,006,340   
West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Lease Rev. (Correctional Juvenile Public Safety Facilities), 5%, 6/01/22      1,000,000        1,138,340   
West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Lease Rev. (Correctional Juvenile Public Safety Facilities), “A”, NATL,
5%, 6/01/14 (c)
     1,530,000        1,541,949   
West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Lease Rev. (Correctional Juvenile Public Safety Facilities), “A”, 5%, 6/01/29      2,000,000        2,200,840   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
State & Local Agencies - continued   
West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Lease Rev. (State Office Building), “B”, NATL, 5.25%, 1/01/25    $ 645,000      $ 646,238   
West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Lease Rev. (State Office Building), “B”, NATL, 5.25%, 1/01/30      1,355,000        1,357,141   
West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Rev. (Veterans Nursing Home),
5.5%, 3/01/34
     795,000        795,119   
      $ 11,724,113   
Tax - Other - 8.4%                 
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev.,
“A”, 5.375%, 12/01/24
   $ 160,000      $ 169,045   
Guam Government Ltd. Obligation Rev.,
“A”, 5.625%, 12/01/29
     55,000        57,555   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev. (Diageo), “A”, 6.625%, 10/01/29      360,000        385,830   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/29      110,000        112,705   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev., “A-1”, 5%, 10/01/39      120,000        119,485   
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Rev.,
“B”, 5%, 10/01/25
     110,000        115,988   
West Virginia Economic Development Authority, Lottery Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/15/40      2,475,000        2,673,025   
West Virginia Housing Development Fund,
“A”, 3.8%, 11/01/24
     1,200,000        1,233,756   
West Virginia School Building Authority Rev.,
“A”, FGIC, 5%, 7/01/20
     2,000,000        2,206,100   
West Virginia School Building Authority, Excess Lottery Rev., 5%, 7/01/26      1,000,000        1,105,140   
West Virginia School Building Authority, Excess Lottery Rev., 5%, 7/01/28      750,000        822,180   
West Virginia School Building Authority, Excess Lottery Rev., “B”, 5%, 7/01/30      1,000,000        1,110,070   
      $ 10,110,879   
Tax Assessment - 0.6%                 
Morgantown, WV, Tax Increment Rev., Parking Garage Project, “A”, 5%, 6/01/33    $ 455,000      $ 448,352   
Ohio County, WV, Commission Tax Increment Rev. (Fort Henry Centre), “A”, 5.85%, 6/01/34      300,000        305,331   
      $ 753,683   
Tobacco - 1.6%                 
Illinois Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, 6%, 6/01/28    $ 620,000      $ 698,982   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 4.75%, 6/01/34      190,000        143,498   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., “1-A”, 5%, 6/01/41      990,000        744,916   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-B”, 0%, 6/01/41      1,670,000        402,570   
New Jersey Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Capital Appreciation, “1-C”, 0%, 6/01/41      20,000        4,746   
      $ 1,994,712   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Municipal Bonds - continued             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Toll Roads - 0.9%                 
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility),
7%, 12/31/38
   $ 155,000      $ 175,795   
Texas Private Activity Surface Transportation Corp. Senior Lien Rev. (NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 LLC Segments 3A & 3B Facility), 6.75%, 6/30/43      120,000        132,943   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/29      580,000        298,317   
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Rev., NY, Capital Appreciation, “A”, 0%, 11/15/31      1,025,000        465,945   
             $ 1,073,000   
Transportation - Special Tax - 0.4%   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority Rev., “AA-1”,
AGM, 4.95%, 7/01/26
   $ 560,000      $ 527,061   
Universities - Colleges - 17.6%   
Fairmont State College, WV, Board of Governors Rev., “A”, 5%, 6/01/32    $ 4,035,000      $ 4,304,578   
Marshall University, WV, University Rev.,
5%, 5/01/30
     2,000,000        2,162,920   
Marshall University, WV, University Rev.,
5%, 5/01/41
     1,000,000        1,054,150   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Educational Facilities Rev. (University Plaza), “A”, NATL, 5%, 7/01/21      1,270,000        1,207,592   
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical, & Environmental Control Facilities Financing Authority, Higher Education Rev. (International American University of Puerto Rico Project), 5%, 10/01/31      110,000        98,074   
Shepherd University Board of Governors, WV Rev. (Residence Facilities Projects), NATL,
5%, 6/01/35
     1,675,000        1,710,946   
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Rev. (Higher Education Facilities), “A”, 5%, 4/01/26      1,600,000        1,810,160   
West Virginia School Building Authority Rev., “A”, NATL, 5%, 7/01/21      1,250,000        1,376,313   
West Virginia University Board of Governors University Rev., 3.375%, 10/01/37      1,000,000        825,170   
West Virginia University Rev. (West Virginia University Project), “A”, 5%, 10/01/35      1,000,000        1,087,940   
West Virginia University, University Systems Rev., “A”, NATL, 5.5%, 4/01/20      1,700,000        2,027,131   
West Virginia University, University Systems Rev., “A”, NATL, 5.25%, 4/01/28      3,035,000        3,622,424   
             $ 21,287,398   
Utilities - Investor Owned - 1.0%   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.625%, 7/01/20    $ 470,000      $ 557,096   
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
Utilities - Investor Owned - continued   
Michigan Strategic Fund Ltd. Obligation Rev. (Detroit Edison Co.), 5.5%, 8/01/29 (b)    $ 340,000      $ 373,045   
Pleasants County, WV, Pollution Control Rev. (Allegheny Community), “F”, 5.25%, 10/15/37      300,000        301,722   
             $ 1,231,863   
Utilities - Municipal Owned - 0.3%                 
Guam Power Authority Rev., “A”,
5.5%, 10/01/30
   $ 325,000      $ 343,125   
Utilities - Other - 1.8%                 
California M-S-R Energy Authority Gas Rev., “A”, 6.5%, 11/01/39    $ 615,000      $ 773,356   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/19      480,000        539,424   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/21      245,000        273,445   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “A”, 5.25%, 9/01/22      125,000        139,658   
Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp., Gas Rev., “C”, 5%, 2/01/21      290,000        322,341   
Texas Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp III., Gas Supply Rev., 5%, 12/15/31      70,000        71,131   
             $ 2,119,355   
Water & Sewer Utility Revenue - 9.6%   
Berkeley County, WV, Public Service Sewer District, “A”, 5%, 3/01/47    $ 1,000,000      $ 1,008,570   
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority Rev., “A”, 6.125%, 7/01/24      1,000,000        793,520   
Fairmont, WV, Waterworks Rev., AMBAC, 5.25%, 7/01/22      200,000        216,522   
Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water & Wastewater System Rev.,
5.625%, 7/01/40
     515,000        533,432   
Mississippi Development Bank Special Obligation (City of Jackson Water and Sewer System Rev. Bond Project), AGM, 6.875%, 12/01/40      75,000        94,260   
West Virginia Water Development Authority Rev. (Loan Program III), “A”, 3.75%, 7/01/39      2,000,000        1,709,500   
West Virginia Water Development Authority Rev. (Loan Program III), “B”, 3.75%, 7/01/40      1,000,000        849,760   
West Virginia Water Development Authority Rev. (Loan Program IV), “A”, AGM, 5%, 11/01/44      2,000,000        2,065,520   
West Virginia Water Development Authority Rev. (Loan Program IV), “B”, AMBAC, 5.125%, 11/01/24      2,140,000        2,234,117   
Wheeling, WV, Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System Rev., 5%, 6/01/38      1,000,000        1,056,370   
Wheeling, WV, Combined Waterworks and Sewerage System Rev., 5%, 6/01/43      1,000,000        1,048,620   
             $ 11,610,191   
Total Municipal Bonds
(Identified Cost, $111,499,749)
           $ 114,541,433   



Table of Contents

Portfolio of Investments – continued


Money Market Funds - 0.0%             
Issuer    Shares/Par     Value ($)  
MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio, 0.09%, at Cost and Net Asset Value (v)      99      $ 99   
Total Investments
(Identified Cost, $111,499,848)
      $ 114,541,532   
Other Assets, Less Liabilities - 5.3%        6,469,505   
Net Assets - 100.0%      $ 121,011,037   

See Portfolio Footnotes and Notes to Financial Statements

Portfolio Footnotes:


(a) Non-income producing security.
(b) Mandatory tender date is earlier than stated maturity date.
(c) Refunded bond.
(d) In default. Interest and/or scheduled principal payment(s) have been missed.
(n) Securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be sold in the ordinary course of business in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At period end, the aggregate value of these securities for the MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund was $702,960, representing 0.4% of net assets.
(p) Primary inverse floater.
(u) Underlying security deposited into special purpose trust (“the trust”) by investment banker upon creation of self-deposited inverse floaters.
(v) Underlying affiliated fund that is available only to investment companies managed by MFS. The rate quoted for the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio is the annualized seven-day yield of the fund at period end.

The following abbreviations are used in this report and are defined:


COP   Certificate of Participation    
ETM   Escrowed to Maturity    
FRN   Floating Rate Note. Interest rate resets periodically and may not be the rate reported at period end.
LOC   Letter of Credit    
Insurers   Inverse Floaters
AGM   Assured Guaranty Municipal   RITES   Residual Interest Tax-Exempt Security
AMBAC   AMBAC Indemnity Corp.    
ASSD GTY   Assured Guaranty Insurance Co.    
BAM   Build America Mutual    
CIFG   CDC IXIX Financial Guaranty    
FGIC   Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.    
FHA   Federal Housing Administration    
FNMA   Federal National Mortgage Assn.    
GNMA   Government National Mortgage Assn.    
NATL   National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.    
SYNCORA   Syncora Guarantee Inc.    

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements


At 3/31/14

These statements represent each fund’s balance sheet, which details the assets and liabilities comprising the total value of each fund.


     New York
     North Carolina
Investments –            

Non-affiliated issuers, at identified cost

     $81,658,920         $171,508,517         $318,261,449         $108,483,468   

Underlying affiliated funds, at cost and net asset value

     1,231,523         2,613,642         435,865         3,151,391   
Total investments, at identified cost      $82,890,443         $174,122,159         $318,697,314         $111,634,859   

Unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     3,823,392         7,868,533         15,858,215         3,956,333   
Total investments, at value      $86,713,835         $181,990,692         $334,555,529         $115,591,192   


Receivables for            

Investments sold

     20,204         1,897,639         1,040,000         1,662,021   

Fund shares sold

     1,551         6,593         356,788         71,890   


     1,090,628         2,595,239         4,727,383         1,769,420   

Other assets

     630         1,130         1,847         810   

Total assets

     $87,826,848         $186,491,293         $343,959,067         $119,095,333   
Payables for            


     $38,747         $93,530         $169,552         $48,171   

Investments purchased

     124,110         896,935         2,567,118         1,170,353   

Fund shares reacquired

     73,481         438,277         722,813         328,010   
Payable to affiliates            

Investment adviser

     4,342         9,045         16,524         5,789   

Shareholder servicing costs

     52,385         91,109         263,488         76,190   

Distribution and service fees

     619         6,423         12,833         3,719   
Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation      3,431         4,434         6,910         3,398   

Accrued expenses and other liabilities

     66,311         75,900         87,263         74,052   

Total liabilities

     $363,426         $1,615,653         $3,846,501         $1,709,682   

Net assets

     $87,463,422         $184,875,640         $340,112,566         $117,385,651   
Net assets consist of                                    
Paid-in capital      $85,705,434         $183,272,903         $334,741,902         $118,135,187   
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments      3,823,392         7,868,533         15,858,215         3,956,333   
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments      (2,113,766      (6,252,193      (10,592,123      (4,716,409

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income

     48,362         (13,603      104,572         10,540   

Net assets

     $87,463,422         $184,875,640         $340,112,566         $117,385,651   



Table of Contents

Statements of Assets and Liabilities – continued


     New York
     North Carolina

Net assets

Class A      $85,404,612         $155,149,054         $278,716,500         $110,449,309   
Class B      2,058,810         5,501,240         5,081,584         6,936,342   

Class C

             24,225,346         56,314,482           

Total net assets

     $87,463,422         $184,875,640         $340,112,566         $117,385,651   

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding

Class A      8,834,271         14,451,362         24,075,738         11,053,074   
Class B      212,717         513,770         439,506         692,432   

Class C

             2,259,201         4,867,383           

Total shares of beneficial interest outstanding

     9,046,988         17,224,333         29,382,627         11,745,506   

Class A shares

Net asset value per share            

(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $9.67         $10.74         $11.58         $9.99   

Offering price per share (100 / 95.25 × net asset value per share)

     $10.15         $11.28         $12.16         $10.49   

Class B shares

Net asset value and offering price per share            

(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $9.68         $10.71         $11.56         $10.02   

Class C shares

Net asset value and offering price per share            

(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $—         $10.72         $11.57         $—   

On sales of $50,000 or more, the maximum offering price of Class A shares is reduced. A contingent deferred sales charge may be imposed on redemptions of Class A, Class B, and Class C shares.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Statements of Assets and Liabilities – continued


At 3/31/14    South Carolina



     West Virginia
Investments –            

Non-affiliated issuers, at identified cost

     $161,032,323         $99,207,054         $275,638,408         $111,499,749   

Underlying affiliated funds, at cost and net asset value

     2,792,200         1,662,126         3,097,091         99   
Total investments, at identified cost      $163,824,523         $100,869,180         $278,735,499         $111,499,848   

Unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     4,265,932         3,087,745         8,143,069         3,041,684   
Total investments, at value      $168,090,455         $103,956,925         $286,878,568         $114,541,532   


                     1,024,583         5,541,947   
Receivables for            

Investments sold

     2,332,172         920,240                 120,000   

Fund shares sold

     286,566         45,415         563,593         46,375   


     2,359,025         1,405,134         3,988,200         1,729,482   
Receivable from investment adviser                              4,398   

Other assets

     1,086         758         1,639         854   

Total assets

     $173,069,304         $106,328,472         $292,456,583         $121,984,588   
Payables for            


     $52,066         $39,394         $153,133         $28,628   

Investments purchased

     1,000,000                 1,558,233         583,020   

Interest expense and fees


Fund shares reacquired

     259,447         146,319         336,808         179,954   
Payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets                      4,998,734           
Payable to affiliates            

Investment adviser

     8,391         5,238         13,849           

Shareholder servicing costs

     111,543         68,118         212,155         104,965   

Distribution and service fees

     4,544         2,867         9,365         3,057   
Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation      6,920         4,410         6,926         6,918   

Accrued expenses and other liabilities

     73,247         66,877         83,002         67,009   

Total liabilities

     $1,516,158         $333,223         $7,386,839         $973,551   

Net assets

     $171,553,146         $105,995,249         $285,069,744         $121,011,037   
Net assets consist of                                    
Paid-in capital      $174,040,563         $105,524,196         $284,236,743         $122,003,930   
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments      4,265,932         3,087,745         8,143,069         3,041,684   
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments      (6,772,619      (3,099,322      (7,236,951      (4,023,896

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income

     19,270         482,630         (73,117      (10,681

Net assets

     $171,553,146         $105,995,249         $285,069,744         $121,011,037   



Table of Contents

Statements of Assets and Liabilities – continued


     South Carolina



     West Virginia

Net assets

Class A      $166,427,808         $104,102,307         $257,694,532         $119,720,519   
Class B      5,125,338         1,892,942         2,212,496         1,290,518   

Class C


Total net assets

     $171,553,146         $105,995,249         $285,069,744         $121,011,037   

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding

Class A      14,130,859         10,138,183         23,313,744         10,951,799   
Class B      435,412         184,497         200,288         118,102   

Class C


Total shares of beneficial interest outstanding

     14,566,271         10,322,680         25,791,063         11,069,901   

Class A shares

Net asset value per share            

(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $11.78         $10.27         $11.05         $10.93   

Offering price per share (100 / 95.25 × net asset value per share)

     $12.37         $10.78         $11.60         $11.48   

Class B shares

Net asset value and offering price per share            

(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $11.77         $10.26         $11.05         $10.93   

Class C shares

Net asset value and offering price per share            

(net assets/shares of beneficial interest outstanding)

     $—         $—         $11.05         $—   

On sales of $50,000 or more, the maximum offering price of Class A shares is reduced. A contingent deferred sales charge may be imposed on redemptions of Class A, Class B, and Class C shares.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements


Year ended 3/31/14

These statements describe how much each fund earned in investment income and accrued in expenses. They also describe any gains or losses generated by each fund’s operations.


     New York
     North Carolina
Net investment income                                    
Interest      $4,574,569         $9,678,510         $17,642,688         $6,347,885   

Dividends from underlying affiliated funds

     1,175         4,705         4,229         3,077   

Total investment income

     $4,575,744         $9,683,215         $17,646,917         $6,350,962   

Management fee

     $441,083         $903,731         $1,764,206         $611,349   

Distribution and service fees

     262,263         764,227         1,546,789         403,739   

Shareholder servicing costs

     70,767         137,310         358,969         111,168   

Administrative services fee

     23,262         35,537         58,450         27,794   

Independent Trustees’ compensation

     4,206         8,227         9,880         4,545   

Custodian fee

     28,266         44,376         63,897         39,899   

Shareholder communications

     7,460         13,206         21,192         13,208   

Audit and tax fees

     51,050         51,064         51,093         51,055   

Legal fees

     11,474         12,739         13,795         11,983   


     50,806         68,209         79,927         54,977   

Total expenses

     $950,637         $2,038,626         $3,968,198         $1,329,717   

Fees paid indirectly

     (6      (2      (7      (2

Reduction of expenses by investment adviser and distributor

     (154,198      (10,997      (17,715      (204,890

Net expenses

     $796,433         $2,027,627         $3,950,476         $1,124,825   

Net investment income

     $3,779,311         $7,655,588         $13,696,441         $5,226,137   
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                                    
Realized gain (loss) (identified cost basis)            

Investment transactions

     $(2,662,160      $(5,626,805      $(12,910,869      $(4,162,626
Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)            


     $(3,823,947      $(10,331,823      $(17,431,068      $(6,292,541

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     $(6,486,107      $(15,958,628      $(30,341,937      $(10,455,167

Change in net assets from operations

     $(2,706,796      $(8,303,040      $(16,645,496      $(5,229,030

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Statements of Operations – continued


Year ended 3/31/14    South Carolina



     West Virginia
Net investment income                                    
Interest      $8,604,858         $5,089,749         $14,356,332         $6,131,118   

Dividends from underlying affiliated funds

     4,031         2,488         3,996         2,294   

Total investment income

     $8,608,889         $5,092,237         $14,360,328         $6,133,412   

Management fee

     $865,647         $525,687         $1,426,225         $616,516   

Distribution and service fees

     526,166         309,249         1,036,292         354,118   

Shareholder servicing costs

     154,543         98,428         280,508         135,359   

Administrative services fee

     34,541         25,508         49,423         27,909   

Independent Trustees’ compensation

     8,819         4,473         9,595         4,974   

Custodian fee

     41,005         30,004         56,597         31,058   

Shareholder communications

     12,301         7,899         17,971         8,096   

Audit and tax fees

     51,062         51,051         51,082         51,054   

Legal fees

     11,015         11,038         9,414         10,857   

Interest expense and fees



     57,446         53,710         84,023         52,322   

Total expenses

     $1,762,545         $1,117,047         $3,056,903         $1,292,263   

Fees paid indirectly

     (3      (1      (29      (2

Reduction of expenses by investment adviser and distributor

     (7,931      (3,688      (10,879      (49,921

Net expenses

     $1,754,611         $1,113,358         $3,045,995         $1,242,340   

Net investment income

     $6,854,278         $3,978,879         $11,314,333         $4,891,072   
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                                    
Realized gain (loss) (identified cost basis)            

Investment transactions

     $(6,334,965      $(3,421,421      $(9,042,377      $(4,033,249
Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)            


     $(9,172,515      $(5,530,730      $(11,730,364      $(5,420,014

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     $(15,507,480      $(8,952,151      $(20,772,741      $(9,453,263

Change in net assets from operations

     $(8,653,202      $(4,973,272      $(9,458,408      $(4,562,191

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements


These statements describe the increases and/or decreases in net assets resulting from operations, any distributions, and any shareholder transactions.


Year ended 3/31/14   




New York


     North Carolina
Change in net assets            
From operations                                    
Net investment income      $3,779,311         $7,655,588         $13,696,441         $5,226,137   
Net realized gain (loss) on investments      (2,662,160      (5,626,805      (12,910,869      (4,162,626

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (3,823,947      (10,331,823      (17,431,068      (6,292,541

Change in net assets from operations

     $(2,706,796      $(8,303,040      $(16,645,496      $(5,229,030
Distributions declared to shareholders                                    

From net investment income

     $(3,710,214      $(7,261,983      $(12,997,029      $(4,898,095

From net realized gain on investments

     (340,343              (1,792,728        

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(4,050,557      $(7,261,983      $(14,789,757      $(4,898,095

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $(22,813,757      $(31,377,132      $(107,397,080      $(36,084,012

Total change in net assets

     $(29,571,110      $(46,942,155      $(138,832,333      $(46,211,137
Net assets                                    
At beginning of period      117,034,532         231,817,795         478,944,899         163,596,788   

At end of period

     $87,463,422         $184,875,640         $340,112,566         $117,385,651   

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $48,362         $(13,603      $104,572         $10,540   
Year ended 3/31/14   

South Carolina






West Virginia


Change in net assets            
From operations                                    
Net investment income      $6,854,278         $3,978,879         $11,314,333         $4,891,072   
Net realized gain (loss) on investments      (6,334,965      (3,421,421      (9,042,377      (4,033,249

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (9,172,515      (5,530,730      (11,730,364      (5,420,014

Change in net assets from operations

     $(8,653,202      $(4,973,272      $(9,458,408      $(4,562,191
Distributions declared to shareholders                                    

From net investment income

     $(6,574,481      $(3,839,305      $(11,082,069      $(4,610,142

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $(41,009,798      $(21,830,116      $(69,086,950      $(24,739,401

Total change in net assets

     $(56,237,481      $(30,642,693      $(89,627,427      $(33,911,734
Net assets                                    
At beginning of period      227,790,627         136,637,942         374,697,171         154,922,771   

At end of period

     $171,553,146         $105,995,249         $285,069,744         $121,011,037   

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $19,270         $482,630         $(73,117      $(10,681

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Statements of Changes in Net Assets – continued


Year ended 3/31/13   




New York



North Carolina





Change in net assets            
From operations                                    
Net investment income      $4,517,394         $8,272,163         $15,073,570         $5,768,261   
Net realized gain (loss) on investments      437,217         1,039,090         2,911,368         377,866   

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     1,439,006         3,976,086         6,218,991         2,977,615   

Change in net assets from operations

     $6,393,617         $13,287,339         $24,203,929         $9,123,742   
Distributions declared to shareholders                                    
From net investment income      $(4,322,240      $(7,854,148      $(14,357,119      $(5,483,765

From net realized gain on investments

     (108,083              (2,583,171        

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(4,430,323      $(7,854,148      $(16,940,290      $(5,483,765

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $(1,754,072      $3,934,666         $30,199,922         $16,105,193   

Total change in net assets

     $209,222         $9,367,857         $37,463,561         $19,745,170   
Net assets                                    
At beginning of period      116,825,310         222,449,938         441,481,338         143,851,618   

At end of period

     $117,034,532         $231,817,795         $478,944,899         $163,596,788   

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $53,578         $(6,226      $150,134         $19,203   
Year ended 3/31/13   

South Carolina









West Virginia


Change in net assets            
From operations                                    
Net investment income      $7,440,814         $4,524,901         $12,904,024         $5,223,666   
Net realized gain (loss) on investments      552,875         4,797         590,879         286,852   

Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     2,890,267         1,902,189         3,799,391         768,977   

Change in net assets from operations

     $10,883,956         $6,431,887         $17,294,294         $6,279,495   
Distributions declared to shareholders                                    

From net investment income

     $(7,114,177      $(4,319,638      $(12,316,868      $(4,987,231

Change in net assets from fund share transactions

     $22,483,564         $14,895,694         $16,303,441         $7,621,312   

Total change in net assets

     $26,253,343         $17,007,943         $21,280,867         $8,913,576   
Net assets                                    
At beginning of period      201,537,284         119,629,999         353,416,304         146,009,195   

At end of period

     $227,790,627         $136,637,942         $374,697,171         $154,922,771   

Accumulated undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income included in net assets at end of period

     $(31,310      $319,131         $(23,769      $(4,378

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Statements



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.27         $10.11         $9.37         $9.82         $9.30   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.38         $0.39         $0.39         $0.41         $0.41   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.57      0.16         0.74         (0.44      0.52   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.19      $0.55         $1.13         $(0.03      $0.93   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.37      $(0.38      $(0.39      $(0.40      $(0.41

From net realized gain on investments

     (0.04      (0.01              (0.02        

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.41      $(0.39      $(0.39      $(0.42      $(0.41

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $9.67         $10.27         $10.11         $9.37         $9.82   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (1.82      5.43         12.23         (0.36      10.10   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.95         0.90         0.92         0.92         0.88   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.80         0.75         0.77         0.77         0.77   

Net investment income

     3.87         3.80         4.01         4.20         4.28   

Portfolio turnover

     19         12         14         15         11   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $85,405         $114,430         $114,748         $104,478         $107,625   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.28         $10.12         $9.38         $9.83         $9.32   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.31         $0.32         $0.33         $0.34         $0.35   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.57      0.15         0.73         (0.44      0.50   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.26      $0.47         $1.06         $(0.10      $0.85   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.30      $(0.30      $(0.32      $(0.33      $(0.34

From net realized gain on investments

     (0.04      (0.01              (0.02        

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.34      $(0.31      $(0.32      $(0.35      $(0.34

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $9.68         $10.28         $10.12         $9.38         $9.83   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.50      4.67         11.47         (1.05      9.22   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.70         1.65         1.67         1.67         1.61   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.49         1.47         1.44         1.46         1.46   

Net investment income

     3.17         3.06         3.35         3.49         3.59   

Portfolio turnover

     19         12         14         15         11   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $2,059         $2,604         $2,078         $2,647         $4,425   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.50         $11.22         $10.34         $10.93         $10.23   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.43         $0.43         $0.43         $0.47         $0.47   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.79      0.26         0.87         (0.60      0.69   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.36      $0.69         $1.30         $(0.13      $1.16   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.40      $(0.41      $(0.42      $(0.46      $(0.45

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.40      $(0.41      $(0.42      $(0.46      $(0.46

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.74         $11.50         $11.22         $10.34         $10.93   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.04      6.19         12.80         (1.31      11.53   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.88         0.86         0.88         0.87         0.88   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.88         0.86         0.88         0.87         0.88   

Net investment income

     3.94         3.73         3.99         4.30         4.35   

Portfolio turnover

     25         18         28         27         26   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $155,149         $188,291         $183,191         $171,142         $177,429   
     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.47         $11.19         $10.31         $10.90         $10.20   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.34         $0.34         $0.35         $0.39         $0.39   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.78      0.26         0.87         (0.60      0.69   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.44      $0.60         $1.22         $(0.21      $1.08   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.34      $(0.38      $(0.37

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.34      $(0.38      $(0.38

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.71         $11.47         $11.19         $10.31         $10.90   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.77      5.41         12.00         (2.04      10.73   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.64         1.61         1.63         1.62         1.63   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.63         1.61         1.63         1.62         1.63   

Net investment income

     3.20         2.98         3.26         3.56         3.61   

Portfolio turnover

     25         18         28         27         26   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $5,501         $7,019         $6,298         $8,178         $14,229   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class C    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.48         $11.21         $10.33         $10.92         $10.22   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.35         $0.34         $0.35         $0.38         $0.39   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.79      0.25         0.87         (0.59      0.69   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.44      $0.59         $1.22         $(0.21      $1.08   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.34      $(0.38      $(0.37

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.34      $(0.38      $(0.38

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.72         $11.48         $11.21         $10.33         $10.92   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.77      5.31         11.97         (2.04      10.70   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.64         1.61         1.63         1.62         1.63   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.63         1.61         1.63         1.62         1.63   

Net investment income

     3.20         2.98         3.24         3.55         3.59   

Portfolio turnover

     25         18         28         27         26   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $24,225         $36,508         $32,962         $28,780         $31,421   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $12.38         $12.17         $11.18         $11.71        $11.15   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.43         $0.42         $0.45         $0.49        $0.51   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.76      0.26         0.97         (0.55     0.55   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.33      $0.68         $1.42         $(0.06     $1.06   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.41      $(0.40      $(0.43      $(0.47     $(0.48

From net realized gain on investments

     (0.06      (0.07              (0.00 )(w)      (0.02

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.47      $(0.47      $(0.43      $(0.47     $(0.50

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.58         $12.38         $12.17         $11.18        $11.71   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.66      5.59         12.92         (0.55     9.55   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.87         0.84         0.85         0.85        0.87   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.86         0.84         0.85         0.85        0.87   

Net investment income

     3.64         3.35         3.82         4.22        4.42   

Portfolio turnover

     17         18         24         20        12   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $278,717         $384,213         $357,793         $320,834        $346,345   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                            

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     N/A         0.84         0.83         0.84        0.85   
     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $12.37         $12.16         $11.17         $11.69        $11.14   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.34         $0.33         $0.36         $0.40        $0.43   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.77      0.26         0.98         (0.53     0.53   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.43      $0.59         $1.34         $(0.13     $0.96   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.32      $(0.31      $(0.35      $(0.39     $(0.39

From net realized gain on investments

     (0.06      (0.07              (0.00 )(w)      (0.02

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.38      $(0.38      $(0.35      $(0.39     $(0.41

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.56         $12.37         $12.16         $11.17        $11.69   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.47      4.81         12.09         (1.20     8.65   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.62         1.59         1.60         1.60        1.62   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.62         1.59         1.60         1.60        1.62   

Net investment income

     2.89         2.61         3.08         3.46        3.68   

Portfolio turnover

     17         18         24         20        12   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $5,082         $7,618         $7,793         $8,296        $11,331   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                            

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     N/A         1.59         1.58         1.59        1.60   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class C    2014      2013      2012      2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $12.37         $12.17         $11.17         $11.70        $11.15   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                            
Net investment income (d)      $0.34         $0.32         $0.36         $0.40        $0.42   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.76      0.26         0.98         (0.54     0.54   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.42      $0.58         $1.34         $(0.14     $0.96   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                            
From net investment income      $(0.32      $(0.31      $(0.34      $(0.39     $(0.39

From net realized gain on investments

     (0.06      (0.07              (0.00 )(w)      (0.02

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.38      $(0.38      $(0.34      $(0.39     $(0.41

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.57         $12.37         $12.17         $11.17        $11.70   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.39      4.72         12.18         (1.29     8.63   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                            
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.62         1.59         1.60         1.60        1.62   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.62         1.59         1.60         1.60        1.62   

Net investment income

     2.89         2.60         3.06         3.46        3.64   

Portfolio turnover

     17         18         24         20        12   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $56,314         $87,114         $75,895         $64,530        $68,989   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                            

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     N/A         1.59         1.58         1.59        1.60   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(l) Interest expense and fees relate to payments made to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(w) Per share amount was less than $0.01.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.63         $10.36         $9.53         $10.04         $9.40   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.39         $0.40         $0.42         $0.43         $0.43   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.66      0.25         0.82         (0.52      0.64   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.27      $0.65         $1.24         $(0.09      $1.07   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             

From net investment income

     $(0.37      $(0.38      $(0.41      $(0.42      $(0.43

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $9.99         $10.63         $10.36         $9.53         $10.04   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.52      6.35         13.27         (0.97      11.49   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.93         0.89         0.93         0.93         0.91   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.78         0.74         0.78         0.78         0.79   

Net investment income

     3.90         3.77         4.20         4.34         4.40   

Portfolio turnover

     21         15         21         21         12   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $110,449         $152,804         $133,328         $118,709         $113,411   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                             

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     N/A         0.74         0.78         0.78         0.79   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.65         $10.39         $9.55         $10.06         $9.43   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.31         $0.32         $0.35         $0.36         $0.36   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.65      0.24         0.83         (0.53      0.62   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.34      $0.56         $1.18         $(0.17      $0.98   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             

From net investment income

     $(0.29      $(0.30      $(0.34      $(0.34      $(0.35

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.02         $10.65         $10.39         $9.55         $10.06   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.16      5.42         12.49         (1.74      10.51   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.68         1.64         1.68         1.68         1.65   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.55         1.51         1.55         1.56         1.54   

Net investment income

     3.12         2.99         3.44         3.55         3.64   

Portfolio turnover

     21         15         21         21         12   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $6,936         $10,793         $10,524         $12,750         $20,864   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                             

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest
expense and fees (f)(l)

     N/A         1.51         1.54         1.56         1.54   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(l) Interest expense and fees relate to payments made to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $12.61         $12.38         $11.48         $12.04         $11.33   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.43         $0.43         $0.47         $0.50         $0.53   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.85      0.22         0.89         (0.56      0.68   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.42      $0.65         $1.36         $(0.06      $1.21   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.41      $(0.42      $(0.46      $(0.50      $(0.49

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.41      $(0.42      $(0.46      $(0.50      $(0.50

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.78         $12.61         $12.38         $11.48         $12.04   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.31      5.24         12.02         (0.59      10.77   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.89         0.86         0.88         0.88         0.90   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.89         0.86         0.88         0.88         0.90   

Net investment income

     3.59         3.42         3.94         4.20         4.47   

Portfolio turnover

     24         15         19         26         14   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $166,428         $220,370         $194,840         $166,413         $165,017   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $12.61         $12.37         $11.47         $12.04         $11.33   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.34         $0.34         $0.38         $0.41         $0.44   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.86      0.22         0.89         (0.57      0.68   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.52      $0.56         $1.27         $(0.16      $1.12   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.37      $(0.41      $(0.40

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.32      $(0.32      $(0.37      $(0.41      $(0.41

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.77         $12.61         $12.37         $11.47         $12.04   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (4.11      4.55         11.20         (1.41      9.95   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.64         1.61         1.63         1.63         1.65   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.64         1.61         1.63         1.63         1.65   

Net investment income

     2.84         2.67         3.20         3.45         3.73   

Portfolio turnover

     24         15         19         26         14   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $5,125         $7,421         $6,698         $6,928         $9,438   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.96         $10.76         $9.97         $10.40         $9.84   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.35         $0.39         $0.43         $0.43         $0.45   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.70      0.18         0.78         (0.44      0.56   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.35      $0.57         $1.21         $(0.01      $1.01   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.34      $(0.37      $(0.42      $(0.42      $(0.42

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.34      $(0.37      $(0.42      $(0.42      $(0.45

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.27         $10.96         $10.76         $9.97         $10.40   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.15      5.33         12.31         (0.14      10.46   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.94         0.89         0.91         0.91         0.91   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.94         0.89         0.91         0.91         0.91   

Net investment income

     3.42         3.51         4.08         4.13         4.36   

Portfolio turnover

     26         20         14         18         20   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $104,102         $133,911         $117,095         $107,334         $125,641   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $10.95         $10.75         $9.97         $10.39         $9.83   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.28         $0.30         $0.35         $0.35         $0.37   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.71      0.19         0.77         (0.43      0.57   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.43      $0.49         $1.12         $(0.08      $0.94   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.26      $(0.29      $(0.34      $(0.34      $(0.35

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.26      $(0.29      $(0.34      $(0.34      $(0.38

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.26         $10.95         $10.75         $9.97         $10.39   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.88      4.55         11.37         (0.78      9.65   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.69         1.64         1.66         1.66         1.66   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.69         1.64         1.66         1.65         1.66   

Net investment income

     2.68         2.76         3.34         3.38         3.63   

Portfolio turnover

     26         20         14         18         20   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $1,893         $2,727         $2,535         $3,116         $4,907   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.69        $11.52        $10.67        $11.24        $10.54   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                         
Net investment income (d)      $0.40        $0.42        $0.45        $0.47        $0.49   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.64     0.15        0.83        (0.57     0.69   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.24     $0.57        $1.28        $(0.10     $1.18   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                         
From net investment income      $(0.40     $(0.40     $(0.43     $(0.46     $(0.48

From net realized gain on investments

                          (0.01     (0.00 )(w) 

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.40     $(0.40     $(0.43     $(0.47     $(0.48

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.05        $11.69        $11.52        $10.67        $11.24   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.02     4.99        12.21        (1.03     11.34   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                         
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.89        0.86        0.86        0.86        0.87   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.88        0.86        0.86        0.86        0.87   

Net investment income

     3.65        3.57        3.99        4.23        4.40   

Portfolio turnover

     24        11        24        21        15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $257,695        $335,395        $317,117        $292,027        $302,736   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     0.87        0.85        0.85        0.85        0.86   
     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.68        $11.51        $10.66        $11.24        $10.53   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                         
Net investment income (d)      $0.32        $0.33        $0.36        $0.39        $0.40   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.64     0.15        0.84        (0.58     0.70   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.32     $0.48        $1.20        $(0.19     $1.10   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                         
From net investment income      $(0.31     $(0.31     $(0.35     $(0.38     $(0.39

From net realized gain on investments

                          (0.01     (0.00 )(w) 

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.31     $(0.31     $(0.35     $(0.39     $(0.39

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.05        $11.68        $11.51        $10.66        $11.24   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.67     4.21        11.38        (1.85     10.62   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                         
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.64        1.61        1.61        1.61        1.62   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.64        1.61        1.61        1.61        1.62   

Net investment income

     2.90        2.83        3.25        3.47        3.66   

Portfolio turnover

     24        11        24        21        15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $2,212        $3,425        $3,781        $4,159        $6,558   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                         

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     1.63        1.60        1.60        1.60        1.61   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class C    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.68         $11.51         $10.67         $11.24         $10.54   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.32         $0.33         $0.36         $0.39         $0.40   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.64      0.15         0.83         (0.58      0.69   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.32      $0.48         $1.19         $(0.19      $1.09   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.31      $(0.31      $(0.35      $(0.37      $(0.39

From net realized gain on investments

                             (0.01      (0.00 )(w) 

Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.31      $(0.31      $(0.35      $(0.38      $(0.39

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $11.05         $11.68         $11.51         $10.67         $11.24   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.67      4.21         11.27         (1.77      10.50   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.64         1.61         1.61         1.61         1.62   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.64         1.61         1.61         1.61         1.62   

Net investment income

     2.90         2.81         3.24         3.47         3.63   

Portfolio turnover

     24         11         24         21         15   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $25,163         $35,878         $32,519         $30,726         $29,660   
Supplemental Ratios (%):                                             

Ratios of expenses to average net assets after expense reductions and excluding interest expense and fees (f)(l)

     1.63         1.60         1.60         1.60         1.61   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(l) Interest expense and fees relate to payments made to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(w) Per share amount was less than $0.01.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued



The financial highlights table is intended to help you understand the fund financial performance for the past 5 years. Certain information reflects financial results for a single fund share. The total returns in the table represent the rate by which an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in the fund share class (assuming reinvestment of all distributions) held for the entire period.


     Years ended 3/31  
Class A    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.60         $11.49         $10.61         $10.98         $10.36   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.39         $0.40         $0.43         $0.44         $0.45   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.69      0.09         0.86         (0.39      0.60   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.30      $0.49         $1.29         $0.05         $1.05   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.37      $(0.38      $(0.41      $(0.42      $(0.42

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.37      $(0.38      $(0.41      $(0.42      $(0.43

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.93         $11.60         $11.49         $10.61         $10.98   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (2.54      4.32         12.32         0.41         10.22   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      0.93         0.88         0.88         0.89         0.90   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     0.90         0.88         0.88         0.89         0.90   

Net investment income

     3.58         3.44         3.81         3.98         4.12   

Portfolio turnover

     17         14         14         17         12   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $119,721         $153,032         $143,789         $128,450         $133,244   

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents

Financial Highlights – continued




     Years ended 3/31  
Class B    2014      2013      2012      2011      2010  

Net asset value, beginning of period

     $11.59         $11.49         $10.61         $10.97         $10.36   
Income (loss) from investment operations                                             
Net investment income (d)      $0.31         $0.31         $0.34         $0.36         $0.37   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments

     (0.68      0.09         0.86         (0.38      0.59   

Total from investment operations

     $(0.37      $0.40         $1.20         $(0.02      $0.96   
Less distributions declared to shareholders                                             
From net investment income      $(0.29      $(0.30      $(0.32      $(0.34      $(0.34

From net realized gain on investments


Total distributions declared to shareholders

     $(0.29      $(0.30      $(0.32      $(0.34      $(0.35

Net asset value, end of period (x)

     $10.93         $11.59         $11.49         $10.61         $10.97   

Total return (%) (r)(s)(t)(x)

     (3.18      3.46         11.48         (0.24      9.31   
Ratios (%) (to average net assets) and Supplemental data:                                             
Expenses before expense reductions (f)      1.68         1.63         1.63         1.64         1.66   

Expenses after expense reductions (f)

     1.65         1.63         1.63         1.64         1.65   

Net investment income

     2.83         2.69         3.08         3.23         3.39   

Portfolio turnover

     17         14         14         17         12   

Net assets at end of period (000 omitted)

     $1,291         $1,890         $2,220         $2,925         $4,639   
(d) Per share data is based on average shares outstanding.
(f) Ratios do not reflect reductions from fees paid indirectly, if applicable.
(r) Certain expenses have been reduced without which performance would have been lower.
(s) From time to time the fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements, without which performance would be lower.
(t) Total returns do not include any applicable sales charges.
(x) The net asset values per share and total returns have been calculated on net assets which include adjustments made in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles required at period end for financial reporting purposes.

See Notes to Financial Statements



Table of Contents



(1)   Business and Organization

MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund (Mississippi Fund), MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund (New York Fund), MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund (North Carolina Fund), MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund (Pennsylvania Fund), MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund (South Carolina Fund), MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund (Tennessee Fund), MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund (Virginia Fund), and MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund (West Virginia Fund) are each a diversified series of MFS Municipal Series Trust, (with the exception of Mississippi Fund and West Virginia Fund which are non-diversified), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end management investment company.

The funds are each investment companies and accordingly follow the investment company accounting and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standard Codification Topic 946 Financial Services – Investment Companies.


(2)   Significant Accounting Policies

General – The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. In the preparation of these financial statements, management has evaluated subsequent events occurring after the date of each fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities through the date that the financial statements were issued. Each fund invests primarily in municipal instruments. The value of municipal instruments can be affected by changes in their actual or perceived credit quality. The credit quality of municipal instruments can be affected by, among other things, the financial condition of the issuer or guarantor, the issuer’s future borrowing plans and sources of revenue, the economic feasibility of the revenue bond project or general borrowing purpose, political or economic developments in the region or state where the instrument is issued and the liquidity of the security. Municipal instruments generally trade in the over-the-counter market. Municipal instruments backed by current and anticipated revenues from a specific project or specific assets can be negatively affected by the discontinuance of the taxation supporting the projects or assets or the inability to collect revenues for the project or from the assets. If the Internal Revenue Service determines an issuer of a municipal instrument has not complied with the applicable tax requirements, interest from the security could become taxable, the security could decline in value, and distributions made by the funds could be taxable to shareholders.

In this reporting period, each fund adopted the disclosure provisions of FASB Accounting Standards Update 2011-11 (“ASU 2011-11”), Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities along with the related scope clarification provisions of FASB Accounting Standards Update 2013-01 (“ASU 2013-01”) entitled Balance Sheet (Topic 210) – Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities. ASU 2011-11 is intended to enhance disclosures on the offsetting of financial assets and liabilities by requiring entities to disclose both gross and net information about financial instruments and transactions that are either offset in the statement of financial position or subject to an enforceable Master Netting Agreement or similar arrangement. ASU 2013-01 limits the scope of ASU 2011-11’s disclosure requirements on offsetting to financial assets and financial liabilities related to derivatives, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities lending and securities borrowing transactions. The disclosures required by ASU 2011-11, to the extent applicable to each fund, have been included in each fund’s Significant Accounting Policies note under the captions for each of the fund’s in-scope financial instruments and transactions.

Investment Valuations Debt instruments and floating rate loans (other than short-term instruments), including restricted debt instruments, are generally valued at an evaluated or composite bid as provided by a third-party pricing service. Short-term instruments with a maturity at issuance of 60 days or less generally are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Open-end investment companies are generally valued at net asset value per share. Securities and other assets generally valued on the basis of information from a third-party pricing service may also be valued at a broker/dealer bid quotation. Values obtained from third-party pricing services can utilize both transaction data and market information such as yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity, type of issue, trading characteristics, and other market data.

The Board of Trustees has delegated primary responsibility for determining or causing to be determined the value of each fund’s investments (including any fair valuation) to the adviser pursuant to valuation policies and procedures approved by the Board. If the adviser determines that reliable market quotations are not readily available, investments are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the adviser in accordance with such procedures under the oversight of the Board of Trustees. Under each fund’s valuation policies and procedures, market quotations are not considered to be readily available for most types of debt instruments and floating rate loans and many types of derivatives. These investments are generally valued at fair value based on information from third-party pricing services. In addition, investments may be valued at fair value if the adviser determines that an investment’s value has been materially affected by events occurring after the close of the exchange or market on which the investment is principally traded (such as foreign exchange or market) and prior to the determination of each fund’s net asset value, or after the halting of trading of a specific security where trading does not resume prior to the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded. The adviser generally relies on third-party pricing services or other information (such as the correlation with price



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


movements of similar securities in the same or other markets; the type, cost and investment characteristics of the security; the business and financial condition of the issuer; and trading and other market data) to assist in determining whether to fair value and at what value to fair value an investment. The value of an investment for purposes of calculating each fund’s net asset value can differ depending on the source and method used to determine value. When fair valuation is used, the value of an investment used to determine each fund’s net asset value may differ from quoted or published prices for the same investment. There can be no assurance that each fund could obtain the fair value assigned to an investment if it were to sell the investment at the same time at which each fund determines its net asset value per share.

Various inputs are used in determining the value of each fund’s assets or liabilities. These inputs are categorized into three broad levels. In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, an investment’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Each fund’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment, and considers factors specific to the investment. Level 1 includes unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 includes other significant observable market-based inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speed, and credit risk). Level 3 includes unobservable inputs, which may include the adviser’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments. The following is a summary of the levels used as of March 31, 2014 in valuing each fund’s assets or liabilities:


     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  

Mississippi Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $85,482,312         $—         $85,482,312   
Mutual Funds      1,231,523                         1,231,523   
Total Investments      $1,231,523         $85,482,312         $—         $86,713,835   

New York Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $179,377,050         $—         $179,377,050   
Mutual Funds      2,613,642                         2,613,642   
Total Investments      $2,613,642         $179,377,050         $—         $181,990,692   

North Carolina Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $334,119,664         $—         $334,119,664   
Mutual Funds      435,865                         435,865   
Total Investments      $435,865         $334,119,664         $—         $334,555,529   

Pennsylvania Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $112,439,801         $—         $112,439,801   
Mutual Funds      3,151,391                         3,151,391   
Total Investments      $3,151,391         $112,439,801         $—         $115,591,192   

South Carolina Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $165,298,255         $—         $165,298,255   
Mutual Funds      2,792,200                         2,792,200   
Total Investments      $2,792,200         $165,298,255         $—         $168,090,455   

Tennessee Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $102,294,799         $—         $102,294,799   
Mutual Funds      1,662,126                         1,662,126   
Total Investments      $1,662,126         $102,294,799         $—         $103,956,925   

Virginia Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $283,781,477         $—         $283,781,477   
Mutual Funds      3,097,091                         3,097,091   
Total Investments      $3,097,091         $283,781,477         $—         $286,878,568   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  

West Virginia Fund

Investments at Value                            
Municipal Bonds      $—         $114,541,433         $—         $114,541,433   
Mutual Funds      99                         99   
Total Investments      $99         $114,541,433         $—         $114,541,532   

For further information regarding security characteristics, see the Portfolio of Investments.

Inverse Floaters – The Pennsylvania Fund and the Virginia Fund invest in municipal inverse floating rate securities which are structured by the issuer (known as primary market inverse floating rate securities) or by an investment banker utilizing municipal bonds which have already been issued (known as secondary market inverse floating rate securities) to have variable rates of interest which typically move in the opposite direction of short term interest rates. A secondary market inverse floating rate security is created when an investment banker transfers a fixed rate municipal bond to a special purpose trust, and causes the trust to (a) issue floating rate certificates to third parties, in an amount equal to a fraction of the par amount of the deposited bonds (these certificates usually pay tax-exempt interest at short-term interest rates that typically reset weekly; and the certificate holders typically, on seven days notice, have the option to tender their certificates to the investment banker or another party for redemption at par plus accrued interest), and (b) issue inverse floating rate certificates (sometimes referred to as “inverse floaters”). If the holders of the inverse floaters transfer the municipal bonds to an investment banker for the purpose of depositing the municipal bonds into the special purpose trust, the inverse floating rate certificates that are issued by the trust are referred to as “self-deposited inverse floaters.” If the bonds held by the trust are purchased by the investment banker for deposit into the trust from someone other than the purchasers of the inverse floaters, the inverse floating rate certificates that are issued by the trust are referred to as “externally deposited inverse floaters.” Such self-deposited inverse floaters held by the Virginia Fund are accounted for as secured borrowings, with the municipal bonds reflected in the investments of the Virginia Fund and amounts owed to the holders of the floating rate certificates under the provisions of the trust, which amounts are paid solely from the assets of the trust, reflected as liabilities of the Virginia Fund in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities under the caption, “Payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets”. The carrying value of the Virginia Fund’s payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets as reported in the Virginia Fund’s Statements of Assets and Liabilities approximates its fair value. The value of the payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets as of the reporting date is considered level 2 under the fair value hierarchy disclosure. At March 31, 2014, the Virginia Fund’s payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets was $4,998,734 and the interest rate on the floating rate certificates issued by the trust was 0.07%. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the Virginia Fund’s average payable to the holders of the floating rate certificates from trust assets was $4,996,906 at a weighted average interest rate of 0.09%. Interest expense and fees relate to interest payments made to the holders of certain floating rate certificates and associated fees, both of which are made from trust assets. Interest expense and fees are recorded as incurred. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the Virginia Fund’s interest expense and fees in connection with self-deposited inverse floaters were $35,773. As of March 31, 2014, the Pennsylvania Fund held primary market inverse floating rate securities which are not accounted for as secured borrowings.

Indemnifications – Under each fund’s organizational documents, its officers and Trustees may be indemnified against certain liabilities and expenses arising out of the performance of their duties to each fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, each fund enters into agreements with service providers that may contain indemnification clauses. Each fund’s maximum exposure under these agreements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against each fund that have not yet occurred.

Investment Transactions and Income – Investment transactions are recorded on the trade date. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. All premium and discount is amortized or accreted for financial statement purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Interest payments received in additional securities are recorded on the ex-interest date in an amount equal to the value of the security on such date. Debt obligations may be placed on non-accrual status or set to accrue at a rate of interest less than the contractual coupon when the collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Interest income for those debt obligations may be further reduced by the write-off of the related interest receivables when deemed uncollectible.

Each fund may receive proceeds from litigation settlements. Any proceeds received from litigation involving portfolio holdings are reflected in the Statements of Operations in realized gain/loss if the security has been disposed of by the fund or in unrealized gain/loss if the security is still held by the fund. Any other proceeds from litigation not related to portfolio holdings are reflected as other income in the Statements of Operations.

Legal fees and other related expenses incurred to preserve and protect the value of a security owned are added to the cost of the security; other legal fees are expensed. Capital infusions made directly to the security issuer, which are generally non-recurring, incurred to protect or enhance the value of high-yield debt securities, are reported as additions to the cost basis of the security. Costs that are incurred to negotiate the terms or conditions of capital infusions or that are expected to result in a plan of reorganization are reported as realized losses. Ongoing costs incurred to protect or enhance an investment, or costs incurred to pursue other claims or legal actions, are expensed.



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Fees Paid Indirectly – Each fund’s custody fee may be reduced according to an arrangement that measures the value of cash deposited with the custodian by each fund. This amount, for the year ended March 31, 2014, is shown as a reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations.

Tax Matters and Distributions – Each fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, and to distribute all of its taxable and tax-exempt income, including realized capital gains. As a result, no provision for federal income tax is required. Each fund’s federal tax returns, when filed, will remain subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service for a three year period. Management has analyzed each fund’s tax positions taken on federal and state tax returns for all open tax years and does not believe that there are any uncertain tax positions that require recognition of a tax liability.

Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Certain capital accounts in the financial statements are periodically adjusted for permanent differences in order to reflect their tax character. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or net asset value per share. Temporary differences which arise from recognizing certain items of income, expense, gain or loss in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes will reverse at some time in the future. Distributions in excess of net investment income or net realized gains are temporary overdistributions for financial statement purposes resulting from differences in the recognition or classification of income or distributions for financial statement and tax purposes.

Book/tax differences primarily relate to amortization and accretion of debt securities and secured borrowings, as applicable to each fund.

The tax character of distributions declared to shareholders for the last two fiscal years is as follows:


Year ended 3/31/14   Mississippi
    New York
Ordinary income (including any short-term capital gains)     $206,918        $—        $40,014        $—        $101,054        $—        $—        $—   
Tax-exempt income     3,710,354        7,261,983        12,997,029        4,898,095        6,473,427        3,839,305        11,082,069        4,610,142   
Long-term capital gain     133,285               1,752,714                                      
Total distributions     $4,050,557        $7,261,983        $14,789,757        $4,898,095        $6,574,481        $3,839,305        $11,082,069        $4,610,142   
Year ended 3/31/13   Mississippi
    New York
Ordinary income (including any short-term capital gains)     $34,046        $—        $1,068,031        $—        $13,912        $—        $—        $—   
Tax-exempt income     4,322,240        7,854,148        14,357,119        5,483,765        7,100,265        4,319,638        12,316,868        4,987,231   
Long-term capital gain     74,037               1,515,140                                      
Total distributions     $4,430,323        $7,854,148        $16,940,290        $5,483,765        $7,114,177        $4,319,638        $12,316,868        $4,987,231   

The federal tax cost and the tax basis components of distributable earnings were as follows:


As of 3/31/14    Mississippi

New York


Cost of investments      $82,549,550         $173,006,515         $316,990,605         $111,127,168   
Gross appreciation      $4,695,437         $11,126,506         $19,257,306         $5,516,720   
Gross depreciation      (531,152      (2,142,329      (1,692,382      (1,052,696
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)      $4,164,285         $8,984,177         $17,564,924         $4,464,024   
Undistributed tax-exempt income      319,158         555,992         1,111,605         366,808   
Capital loss carryforwards      (2,352,896      (6,941,803      (12,245,489      (4,647,284
Post-October capital loss deferral      (101,763      (426,034      (53,343      (576,816
Other temporary differences      (270,796      (569,595      (1,007,033      (356,268



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


As of 3/31/14   






Cost of investments      $162,716,085         $100,571,275         $272,352,250         $111,286,491   
Gross appreciation      $7,411,729         $4,871,610         $13,820,628         $5,104,598   
Gross depreciation      (2,037,359      (1,485,960      (4,293,044      (1,849,557
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)      $5,374,370         $3,385,650         $9,527,584         $3,255,041   
Undistributed ordinary income      46,957         11,636         127,881           
Undistributed tax-exempt income      464,114         759,855         689,965         344,905   
Capital loss carryforwards      (7,378,045      (2,848,339      (7,717,195      (3,817,280
Post-October capital loss deferral      (503,012      (548,888      (904,271      (419,973
Other temporary differences      (491,801      (288,861      (890,963      (355,586

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), net capital losses recognized for fund fiscal years beginning after March 31, 2011 may be carried forward indefinitely, and their character is retained as short-term and/or long-term losses (“post-enactment losses”). Previously, net capital losses were carried forward for eight years and treated as short-term losses (“pre-enactment losses”). As a transition rule, the Act requires that all post-enactment net capital losses be used before pre-enactment net capital losses.

As of March 31, 2014, each fund had capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized gains as follows:


Pre-enactment losses which expire as follows:     New York
3/31/17         $—        $(310,955     $—        $—        $—        $—   
3/31/18                (139,728     (620,248                   (314,556
3/31/19                     (1,676,455     (847,239     (825,001     (57,345     (203,621       
Total         $(1,676,455     $(1,297,922     $(1,445,249     $(57,345     $(203,621     $(314,556
Post-enactment losses which are
characterized as follows:
    New York








Short-Term     $(627,503     $(3,473,144     $(8,216,019     $(2,455,188     $(3,451,562     $(2,022,390     $(3,377,014     $(1,053,477
Long-Term     (1,725,393     (1,792,204     (4,029,470     (894,174     (2,481,234     (768,604     (4,136,560     (2,449,247
Total     $(2,352,896     $(5,265,348     $(12,245,489     $(3,349,362     $(5,932,796     $(2,790,994     $(7,513,574     $(3,502,724

Multiple Classes of Shares of Beneficial Interest – Each fund offers multiple classes of shares, which differ in their respective distribution and service fees. Each fund’s income and common expenses are allocated to shareholders based on the value of settled shares outstanding of each class. Each fund’s realized and unrealized gain (loss) are allocated to shareholders based on the daily net assets of each class. Dividends are declared separately for each class. Differences in per share dividend rates are generally due to differences in separate class expenses. Class B shares will convert to Class A shares approximately eight years after purchase. Each fund’s distributions declared to shareholders as reported in the Statements of Changes in Net Assets are presented by class as follows:

Distributions declared to shareholders:

From net investment income



Mississippi Fund


New York Fund


North Carolina Fund


Pennsylvania Fund


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended

Class A   $3,638,991   $4,246,586   $6,214,089   $6,660,265   $10,949,024   $12,124,204   $4,652,323   $5,179,316
Class B   71,223   75,654   180,165   186,269   165,716   195,983   245,772   304,449
Class C       867,729   1,007,614   1,882,289   2,036,932    
Total   $3,710,214   $4,322,240   $7,261,983   $7,854,148   $12,997,029   $14,357,119   $4,898,095   $5,483,765

South Carolina Fund


Tennessee Fund


Virginia Fund


West Virginia Fund


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended

Class A   $6,412,125   $6,925,932   $3,780,694   $4,249,314   $10,164,248   $11,299,255   $4,569,555   $4,933,555
Class B   162,356   188,245   58,611   70,324   77,252   97,627   40,587   53,676
Class C           840,569   919,986    
Total   $6,574,481   $7,114,177   $3,839,305   $4,319,638   $11,082,069   $12,316,868   $4,610,142   $4,987,231



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


From net realized gain on investments



Mississippi Fund


North Carolina Fund


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended


Year ended

Class A   $332,347   $105,620   $1,450,638   $2,075,167        
Class B   7,996   2,463   28,191   43,426        
Class C       313,899   464,578        
Total   $340,343   $108,083   $1,792,728   $2,583,171        


(3)   Transactions with Affiliates

Investment Adviser – Each fund has an investment advisory agreement with MFS to provide overall investment management and related administrative services and facilities to each fund. The management fee is computed daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of 0.45% of each fund’s average daily net assets.

MFS has agreed in writing to reduce its management fee by a specified amount if certain MFS mutual fund assets exceed thresholds agreed to by MFS and the funds’ Board of Trustees. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these management fee reductions amounted to the following, which are included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations:


  New York
  North Carolina
  South Carolina
  West Virginia
$1,443   $2,998   $5,689   $1,980   $2,833   $1,724   $4,697   $2,048

The management fee incurred for the year ended March 31, 2014 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of 0.45% of each fund’s average daily net assets.

The investment adviser has agreed in writing to pay a portion of the following funds’ total annual operating expenses, exclusive of interest, taxes, extraordinary expenses, brokerage and transaction costs, and investment-related expenses (including interest expense and fees associated with investments in inverse floating rate instruments), such that total fund operating expenses do not exceed the following rates annually of these funds’ average daily net assets:


     New York
Class A      0.90%         0.93%         0.91%         0.94%         0.89%         0.90%   
Class B      1.65%         1.68%         1.66%         1.69%         1.64%         1.65%   
Class C      1.65%         1.68%         N/A         N/A         1.64%         N/A   

These written agreements will continue until modified by the funds’ Board of Trustees, but such agreements will continue at least until July 31, 2014. For the year ended March 31, 2014, this reduction amounted to $44,748 for the West Virginia Fund, and is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the actual operating expenses for the New York Fund, North Carolina Fund, South Carolina Fund, Tennessee Fund and Virginia Fund did not exceed the limits described above and therefore, the investment adviser did not pay any portion of these funds’ expenses under these agreements.

Distributor – MFS Fund Distributors, Inc. (MFD), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MFS, as distributor, received the following amounts for the year ended March 31, 2014, as its portion of the initial sales charge on sales of Class A shares of each fund:


  New York
  North Carolina
  South Carolina
  West Virginia
$23,876   $27,519   $44,845   $26,166   $52,747   $28,912   $35,559   $13,607

The Board of Trustees has adopted a distribution plan for certain share classes pursuant to Rule 12b-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Each fund’s distribution plan provides that each fund will pay MFD for services provided by MFD and financial intermediaries in connection with the distribution and servicing of certain share classes. One component of the plan is a distribution fee paid to MFD and another component of the plan is a service fee paid to MFD. MFD may subsequently pay all, or a portion, of the distribution and/or service fees to financial intermediaries.



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Distribution Plan Fee Table:


     CLASS A  
Fee Rate (d)
Fee Rate (d)
Plan (d)



Rate (e)


and Service


Mississippi Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.10%         $239,305   
New York Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         414,685   
North Carolina Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         791,217   
Pennsylvania Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.10%         318,269   
South Carolina Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         465,829   
Tennessee Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         286,313   
Virginia Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         711,027   
West Virginia Fund              0.25%         0.25%         0.25%         338,637   
     CLASS B  
Fee Rate (d)
Fee Rate (d)
Plan (d)



Rate (e)


and Service


Mississippi Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         0.79%         $22,958   
New York Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         60,037   
North Carolina Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         61,104   
Pennsylvania Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         0.87%         85,470   
South Carolina Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         60,337   
Tennessee Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         22,936   
Virginia Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         27,376   
West Virginia Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         15,481   
     CLASS C  
Fee Rate (d)
Fee Rate (d)
Plan (d)


Rate (e)

and Service
New York Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         $289,505   
North Carolina Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         694,468   
Virginia Fund      0.75%         0.25%         1.00%         1.00%         297,889   


     New York
Total Distribution and Service Fees      $262,263         $764,227         $1,546,789         $403,739         $526,166         $309,249         $1,036,292         $354,118   


(d) In accordance with the distribution plan for certain classes, each fund pays distribution and/or service fees equal to these annual percentage rates of each class’s average daily net assets. The distribution and service fee rates disclosed by class represent the current rates in effect at the end of the reporting period. Any rate changes, if applicable, are detailed below.
(e) The annual effective rates represent actual fees incurred under the distribution plan for the year ended March 31, 2014 based on each class’s average daily net assets. MFD has voluntarily agreed to rebate a portion of each class’s 0.25% service fee attributable to accounts for which MFD retains the 0.25% service fee except for accounts attributable to MFS or its affiliates’ seed money. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these rebates amounted to the following, and are included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations:


       New York
Class A        $4,129           $7,548           $11,057           $285           $4,651           $1,699           $5,434           $2,821   
Class B                                      1           11                                 
Class C        N/A                     67           N/A           N/A           N/A           33           N/A   


  Mississippi Fund: MFD has agreed in writing to reduce the Class A service fee rate to 0.10%. This written agreement will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $143,584 which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations. The service fee rate attributable to Class B shares within the first year of purchase is 0.25%. The service fee rate attributable to all other Class B shares has been reduced by MFD to 0.00% under a written agreement that will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue at least until July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $4,819, which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations.


  Pennsylvania Fund: MFD has agreed in writing to reduce the Class A service fee rate to 0.10%. This written agreement will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but such agreement will continue until at least July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $190,962 which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations. The service fee rate attributable to Class B shares within the first year of purchase is 0.25%. The service fee rate attributable to all other Class B shares has been reduced by MFD to 0.10% under a written agreement that will continue until modified by the fund’s Board of Trustees, but will continue at least until July 31, 2014. This reduction amounted to $11,350 which is included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations.



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


Certain Class A shares are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) in the event of a shareholder redemption within 18 months of purchase for shares purchased on or after August 1, 2012, and within 24 months of purchase for shares purchased prior to August 1, 2012. Class C shares are subject to a CDSC in the event of a shareholder redemption within 12 months of purchase. Class B shares are subject to a CDSC in the event of a shareholder redemption within six years of purchase. All contingent deferred sales charges are paid to MFD and during the year ended March 31, 2014, were as follows:


CDSC imposed      Mississippi
       New York
Class A        $514           $43           $5,324           $801           $3,591           $—           $54,244           $139   
Class B        2,130           16,094           17,074           27,617           12,918           2,265           7,124           4,175   
Class C        N/A           7,447           13,510           N/A           N/A           N/A           6,640           N/A   

Shareholder Servicing Agent – MFS Service Center, Inc. (MFSC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MFS, receives a fee from each fund for its services as shareholder servicing agent calculated as a percentage of the average daily net assets of each fund as determined periodically under the supervision of the funds’ Board of Trustees. For the year ended March 31, 2014, each fund paid the following fee, which equated to the following annual percentage of each fund’s average daily net assets:


     New York
Expenses paid      $10,510         $27,662         $43,285         $24,791         $19,833         $12,502         $39,574         $14,799   
Percent of average daily net assets      0.0107%         0.0138%         0.0110%         0.0183%         0.0103%         0.0107%         0.0125%         0.0108%   

MFSC also receives payment from each fund for out-of-pocket expenses, sub-accounting and other shareholder servicing costs which may be paid to affiliated and unaffiliated service providers. For the year ended March 31, 2014, these out-of-pocket expenses, sub-accounting and other shareholder servicing costs amounted to the following:


  New York
$60,257   $109,648   $315,684   $86,377   $134,710   $85,926   $240,934   $120,560

Administrator – MFS provides certain financial, legal, shareholder communications, compliance, and other administrative services to each fund. Under an administrative services agreement, each fund partially reimburses MFS the costs incurred to provide these services. Each fund is charged an annual fixed amount of $17,500 plus a fee based on average daily net assets. The administrative services fee incurred for the year ended March 31, 2014 was equivalent to an annual effective rate of each fund’s average daily net assets as follows:


     New York
Percentage of average daily net assets      0.0237%         0.0177%         0.0149%         0.0205%         0.0180%         0.0218%         0.0156%         0.0204%   

Trustees’ and Officers’ Compensation – Each fund pays compensation to independent Trustees in the form of a retainer, attendance fees, and additional compensation to Board and Committee chairpersons. Each fund does not pay compensation directly to Trustees or officers of each fund who are also officers of the investment adviser, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to each fund from MFS. Certain officers and Trustees of each fund are officers or directors of MFS, MFD, and MFSC.

Prior to December 31, 2001, each fund had an unfunded defined benefit plan (“DB plan”) for independent Trustees. As of December 31, 2001, the Board took action to terminate the DB plan with respect to then-current and any future independent Trustees, such that the DB plan covers only certain of those former independent Trustees who retired on or before December 31, 2001. The DB plan resulted in a pension expense for each fund. These amounts are included in “Independent Trustees’ compensation” in the Statements of Operations and were as follows:


  New York
$93   $98   $552   $94   $531   $98   $549   $530

The liability for deferred retirement benefits payable to certain independent Trustees under the DB plan amounted to the following at March 31, 2014, and is included in “Payable for independent Trustees’ compensation” in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities:


  New York
$3,421   $4,424   $6,900   $3,388   $6,910   $4,400   $6,916   $6,908

Other – These funds and certain other funds managed by MFS (the funds) have entered into services agreements (the Agreements) which provide for payment of fees by the funds to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC in return for the provision of services of an Independent Chief Compliance Officer (ICCO) and Assistant ICCO, respectively, for the funds. The ICCO and Assistant ICCO are



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued


officers of the funds and the sole members of Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC, respectively. The funds can terminate the Agreements with Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC at any time under the terms of the Agreements. For the year ended March 31, 2014, the aggregate fees paid by each fund to Tarantino LLC and Griffin Compliance LLC amounted to the following and are included in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statements of Operations:


  New York
$573   $1,172   $2,329   $807   $1,142   $691   $1,861   $800

MFS has agreed to reimburse the funds for a portion of the payments made by each fund in the following amounts, which are included in the reduction of total expenses in the Statements of Operations. Additionally, MFS has agreed to bear all expenses associated with office space, other administrative support, and supplies provided to the ICCO and Assistant ICCO:


  New York
$223   $451   $902   $312   $436   $265   $715   $304

Each fund invests in the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio which is managed by MFS and seeks current income consistent with preservation of capital and liquidity. Income earned on this investment is included in “Dividends from underlying affiliated funds” in the Statements of Operations. This money market fund does not pay a management fee to MFS.


(4)   Portfolio Securities

Purchases and sales of investments, other than short-term obligations, were as follows:


     New York
Purchases      $18,037,456         $48,459,954         $65,600,550         $28,216,448         $44,666,254         $29,041,414         $75,158,926         $22,433,310   
Sales      $40,980,347         $76,397,562         $175,723,140         $61,580,701         $81,890,512         $49,733,148         $141,345,273         $47,124,077   


(5)   Shares of Beneficial Interest

Each fund’s Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest. Transactions in fund shares were as follows:


    Mississippi Fund      New York Fund  
    Year ended
    Year ended
     Year ended
    Year ended
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount      Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold                 

Class A

    575,806        $5,658,252        1,208,127        $12,467,119         886,597        $9,575,536        1,516,731        $17,484,941   

Class B

    8,716        84,582        91,242        940,244         47,536        516,424        192,782        2,221,189   

Class C

                                 195,403        2,118,296        528,552        6,070,863   
    584,522        $5,742,834        1,299,369        $13,407,363         1,129,536        $12,210,256        2,238,065        $25,776,993   
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions                 

Class A

    343,903        $3,338,405        316,305        $3,270,514         471,435        $5,070,665        449,215        $5,182,772   

Class B

    6,898        66,945        6,056        62,694         12,361        132,696        11,372        130,868   

Class C

                                 64,519        693,866        65,010        749,287   
    350,801        $3,405,350        322,361        $3,333,208         548,315        $5,897,227        525,597        $6,062,927   

Shares reacquired


Class A

    (3,225,089     $(31,421,792     (1,739,790     $(17,982,782      (3,284,151     $(35,123,279     (1,913,726     $(22,026,235

Class B

    (56,128     (540,149     (49,420     (511,861      (158,271     (1,697,378     (154,747     (1,775,282

Class C

                                 (1,180,041     (12,663,958     (355,342     (4,103,737
    (3,281,217     $(31,961,941     (1,789,210     $(18,494,643      (4,622,463     $(49,484,615     (2,423,815     $(27,905,254

Net change


Class A

    (2,305,380     $(22,425,135     (215,358     $(2,245,149      (1,926,119     $(20,477,078     52,220        $641,478   

Class B

    (40,514     (388,622     47,878        491,077         (98,374     (1,048,258     49,407        576,775   

Class C

                                 (920,119     (9,851,796     238,220        2,716,413   
    (2,345,894     $(22,813,757     (167,480     $(1,754,072      (2,944,612     $(31,377,132     339,847        $3,934,666   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued



    North Carolina Fund      Pennsylvania Fund  
    Year ended
    Year ended
     Year ended
    Year ended
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount      Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold                 

Class A

    4,263,997        $49,668,448        5,408,039        $67,474,845         1,112,266        $11,349,810        2,765,146        $29,455,693   

Class B

    9,396        109,323        92,547        1,148,649         47,744        477,545        161,293        1,720,253   

Class C

    339,546        4,050,516        1,575,868        19,644,273                                
    4,612,939        $53,828,287        7,076,454        $88,267,767         1,160,010        $11,827,355        2,926,439        $31,175,946   
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions                 

Class A

    868,752        $10,078,524        847,500        $10,601,429         380,223        $3,800,493        374,271        $3,988,085   

Class B

    15,432        178,660        17,003        212,479         22,144        222,035        24,923        266,102   

Class C

    152,744        1,769,562        144,538        1,807,335                                
    1,036,928        $12,026,746        1,009,041        $12,621,243         402,367        $4,022,528        399,194        $4,254,187   
Shares reacquired                 

Class A

    (12,087,936     $(140,094,622     (4,612,798     $(57,585,563      (4,819,535     $(48,046,071     (1,629,269     $(17,335,307

Class B

    (201,334     (2,333,806     (134,445     (1,671,548      (390,625     (3,887,824     (186,390     (1,989,633

Class C

    (2,664,955     (30,823,685     (917,879     (11,431,977                             
    (14,954,225     $(173,252,113     (5,665,122     $(70,689,088      (5,210,160     $(51,933,895     (1,815,659     $(19,324,940
Net change                 

Class A

    (6,955,187     $(80,347,650     1,642,741        $20,490,711         (3,327,046     $(32,895,768     1,510,148        $16,108,471   

Class B

    (176,506     (2,045,823     (24,895     (310,420      (320,737     (3,188,244     (174     (3,278

Class C

    (2,172,665     (25,003,607     802,527        10,019,631                                
    (9,304,358     $(107,397,080     2,420,373        $30,199,922         (3,647,783     $(36,084,012     1,509,974        $16,105,193   


    South Carolina Fund      Tennessee Fund  
    Year ended
    Year ended
     Year ended
    Year ended
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount      Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold                 

Class A

    1,134,961        $13,565,974        3,498,436        $44,368,310         1,004,199        $10,475,503        2,425,577        $26,772,623   

Class B

    19,670        239,208        139,120        1,754,617         12,313        131,482        58,718        645,747   
    1,154,631        $13,805,182        3,637,556        $46,122,927         1,016,512        $10,606,985        2,484,295        $27,418,370   
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions                 

Class A

    466,084        $5,517,503        435,594        $5,523,200         306,456        $3,160,087        289,980        $3,196,408   

Class B

    13,030        154,200        13,202        167,331         4,624        47,634        4,707        51,846   
    479,114        $5,671,703        448,796        $5,690,531         311,080        $3,207,721        294,687        $3,248,254   
Shares reacquired                 

Class A

    (4,941,166     $(58,277,211     (2,205,326     $(27,994,936      (3,390,425     $(34,817,044     (1,378,254     $(15,218,250

Class B

    (185,895     (2,209,472     (105,105     (1,334,958      (81,470     (827,778     (50,176     (552,680
    (5,127,061     $(60,486,683     (2,310,431     $(29,329,894      (3,471,895     $(35,644,822     (1,428,430     $(15,770,930
Net change                 

Class A

    (3,340,121     $(39,193,734     1,728,704        $21,896,574         (2,079,770     $(21,181,454     1,337,303        $14,750,781   

Class B

    (153,195     (1,816,064     47,217        586,990         (64,533     (648,662     13,249        144,913   
    (3,493,316     $(41,009,798     1,775,921        $22,483,564         (2,144,303     $(21,830,116     1,350,552        $14,895,694   



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued



    Virginia Fund      West Virginia Fund  
    Year ended
    Year ended
     Year ended
    Year ended
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount      Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
Shares sold                 

Class A

    4,042,736        $44,558,000        3,267,014        $38,443,282         371,723        $4,105,536        1,293,968        $15,137,213   

Class B

    4,151        45,221        20,125        237,791         4,462        52,185        9,245        108,391   

Class C

    159,258        1,785,055        637,917        7,521,087                                
    4,206,145        $46,388,276        3,925,056        $46,202,160         376,185        $4,157,721        1,303,213        $15,245,604   
Shares issued to shareholders in
reinvestment of distributions

Class A

    744,828        $8,228,957        714,616        $8,415,159         377,576        $4,130,912        347,667        $4,069,651   

Class B

    5,459        60,312        6,307        74,172         2,985        32,631        3,240        37,906   

Class C

    63,773        704,012        56,099        660,306                                
    814,060        $8,993,281        777,022        $9,149,637         380,561        $4,163,543        350,907        $4,107,557   
Shares reacquired                 

Class A

    (10,176,045     $(112,159,693     (2,811,966     $(33,066,376      (2,990,501     $(32,492,522     (960,701     $(11,232,675

Class B

    (102,606     (1,128,884     (61,646     (723,557      (52,396     (568,143     (42,724     (499,174

Class C

    (1,017,050     (11,179,930     (446,987     (5,258,423                             
    (11,295,701     $(124,468,507     (3,320,599     $(39,048,356      (3,042,897     $(33,060,665     (1,003,425     $(11,731,849
Net change                 

Class A

    (5,388,481     $(59,372,736     1,169,664        $13,792,065         (2,241,202     $(24,256,074     680,934        $7,974,189   

Class B

    (92,996     (1,023,351     (35,214     (411,594      (44,949     (483,327     (30,239     (352,877

Class C

    (794,019     (8,690,863     247,029        2,922,970                                
    (6,275,496     $(69,086,950     1,381,479        $16,303,441         (2,286,151     $(24,739,401     650,695        $7,621,312   


(6)   Line of Credit

Each fund and certain other funds managed by MFS participate in a $1.1 billion unsecured committed line of credit, subject to a $1 billion sublimit, provided by a syndication of banks under a credit agreement. Borrowings may be made for temporary financing needs. Interest is charged to each fund, based on its borrowings, generally at a rate equal to the higher of the Federal Reserve funds rate or one month LIBOR plus an agreed upon spread. A commitment fee, based on the average daily, unused portion of the committed line of credit, is allocated among the participating funds at the end of each calendar quarter. In addition, each fund and other funds managed by MFS have established unsecured uncommitted borrowing arrangements with certain banks for temporary financing needs. Interest is charged to each fund, based on its borrowings, at a rate equal to the Federal Reserve funds rate plus an agreed upon spread. For the year ended March 31, 2014, each fund’s commitment fee and interest expense were as follows and are included in “Miscellaneous” expense in the Statements of Operations:


     New York
Commitment Fee      $519         $1,045         $2,069         $714         $1,006         $607         $1,666         $711   
Interest Expense                                                                



Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements – continued



(7)   Transactions in Underlying Affiliated Funds - Affiliated Issuers

An affiliated issuer of a fund may be considered one in which the fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common control. For the purposes of this report, each fund assumes the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio to be an affiliated issuer. Each fund’s transactions in the MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio for the year ended March 31, 2014, are as follows:


    Underlying Affiliated Fund - MFS Institutional Money Market Portfolio  
Mississippi Fund     361,850         33,109,250         (32,239,577)         1,231,523   
New York Fund     4,835,359         64,056,012         (66,277,729)         2,613,642   
North Carolina Fund     2,618,244         118,015,205         (120,197,584)         435,865   
Pennsylvania Fund     4,870,172         48,152,047         (49,870,828)         3,151,391   
South Carolina Fund     7,947,671         71,469,328         (76,624,799)         2,792,200   
Tennessee Fund     5,367,445         40,806,372         (44,511,691)         1,662,126   
Virginia Fund     3,198,956         111,813,479         (111,915,344)         3,097,091   
West Virginia Fund     3,831,989         40,358,386         (44,190,276)         99   
     Capital Gain
Mississippi Fund     $—         $—         $1,175         $1,231,523   
New York Fund                     4,705         2,613,642   
North Carolina Fund                     4,229         435,865   
Pennsylvania Fund                     3,077         3,151,391   
South Carolina Fund                     4,031         2,792,200   
Tennessee Fund                     2,488         1,662,126   
Virginia Fund                     3,996         3,097,091   
West Virginia Fund                     2,294         99   



Table of Contents


To the Board of Trustees of MFS Municipal Series Trust and the Shareholders of MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund, MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund, MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund, MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund:

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund, MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund, MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund, MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund, MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund (each a series of MFS Municipal Series Trust) (the “Funds”) as of March 31, 2014, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Funds are not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of their internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2014, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of March 31, 2014, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Boston, Massachusetts

May 13, 2014



Table of Contents


The Trustees and Officers of the Trust, as of May 1, 2014, are listed below, together with their principal occupations during the past five years. (Their titles may have varied during that period.) The address of each Trustee and Officer is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618. It is expected that the Board will appoint Mr. Timothy M. Fagan as Chief Compliance Officer of the MFS Funds on November 1, 2014.


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund



Since (h)


Principal Occupations


the Past Five Years


Other Directorships (j)


Robert J. Manning (k)

(Age 50)

  Trustee    February 2004    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director; President (until 2009); Chief Investment Officer (until 2010)    N/A

Robin A. Stelmach (k)

(Age 52)

  Trustee    January 2014    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer    N/A

David H. Gunning

(Age 71)

  Trustee and Chair of Trustees    January 2004    Private investor    Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. (welding equipment manufacturer), Director; Development Alternatives, Inc. (consulting), Director/Non-Executive Chairman

Steven E. Buller

(Age 62)

  Trustee    February 2014    Chairman, Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council; Standing Advisory Group, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Member; BlackRock, Inc. (investment management), Managing Director (until 2014), BlackRock Finco (investment management), UK, Director (until 2014)    N/A

Robert E. Butler

(Age 72)

  Trustee    January 2006    Consultant – investment company industry regulatory and compliance matters    N/A

Maureen R. Goldfarb

(Age 59)

  Trustee    January 2009    Private investor    N/A

William R. Gutow

(Age 72)

  Trustee    December 1993    Private investor and real estate consultant; Capitol Entertainment Management Company (video franchise), Vice Chairman    Texas Donuts (donut franchise), Vice Chairman (until 2010)

Michael Hegarty

(Age 69)

  Trustee    December 2004    Private investor    Brookfield Office Properties, Inc. (real estate), Director; Rouse Properties Inc. (real estate), Director; Capmark Financial Group Inc. (real estate), Director

John P. Kavanaugh

(Age 59)

  Trustee    January 2009    Private investor    N/A

Laurie J. Thomsen

(Age 56)

  Trustee    March 2005    Private investor; New Profit, Inc. (venture philanthropy), Executive Partner (until 2010)    The Travelers Companies (insurance), Director

Robert W. Uek

(Age 72)

  Trustee    January 2006    Consultant to investment company industry    N/A

John M. Corcoran (k)

(Age 49)

  President    October 2008    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President    N/A

Christopher R. Bohane (k)

(Age 40)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel    N/A



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Name, Age


Position(s) Held

with Fund



Since (h)


Principal Occupations


the Past Five Years


Other Directorships (j)

Kino Clark (k)

(Age 45)

  Assistant Treasurer    January 2012   

Massachusetts Financial

Services Company,

Vice President


Thomas H. Connors (k)

(Age 54)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    September 2012    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel; Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc. (financial service provider), Director and Senior Counsel (until 2012)    N/A

Ethan D. Corey (k)

(Age 50)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel    N/A

David L. DiLorenzo (k)

(Age 45)

  Treasurer    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President    N/A

Robyn L. Griffin

(Age 38)

  Assistant Independent Chief Compliance Officer    August 2008    Griffin Compliance LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal    N/A

Brian E. Langenfeld (k)

(Age 41)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    June 2006    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel    N/A

Susan S. Newton (k)

(Age 64)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    May 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel    N/A

Susan A. Pereira (k)

(Age 43)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    July 2005    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President and Senior Counsel    N/A

Kasey L. Phillips (k)

(Age 43)

  Assistant Treasurer    September 2012    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Vice President; Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, Senior Vice President, Fund Treasurer (until 2012)    N/A

Mark N. Polebaum (k)

(Age 61)

  Secretary and Clerk    January 2006    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary    N/A

Frank L. Tarantino (l)

(Age 70)

  Independent Chief Compliance Officer    June 2004    Tarantino LLC (provider of compliance services), Principal    N/A

Richard S. Weitzel (k)

(Age 43)

  Assistant Secretary and Assistant Clerk    October 2007    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel    N/A

James O. Yost (k)

(Age 53)

  Deputy Treasurer    September 1990    Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Senior Vice President    N/A


(h) Date first appointed to serve as Trustee/officer of an MFS Fund. Each Trustee has served continuously since appointment unless indicated otherwise. For the period from December 15, 2004 until February 22, 2005, Mr. Manning served as Advisory Trustee. For the period October 2008, until January 2012, Mr. Corcoran served as Treasurer of the Funds. Prior to January 2012, Messrs. DiLorenzo and Yost served as Assistant Treasurers of the Funds.
(j) Directorships or trusteeships of companies required to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (i.e., “public companies”).
(k) “Interested person” of the Trust within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (referred to as the 1940 Act), which is the principal federal law governing investment companies like the fund, as a result of position with MFS. The address of MFS is 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7618.
(l) Mr. Tarantino will retire as Independent Chief Compliance Officer of the MFS Funds on October 31, 2014. It is expected that Mr. Tarantino will continue after that date as an Independent Senior Officer of the MFS Funds.

Each Trustee (except Ms. Stelmach and Mr. Buller) has been elected by shareholders and each Trustee and officer holds office until his or her successor is chosen and qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement or removal. The Trust does not hold annual meetings for the purpose of electing Trustees, and Trustees are not elected for fixed terms. Messrs. Butler, Kavanaugh, Uek and Ms. Thomsen are members of the Trust’s Audit Committee.



Table of Contents

Trustees and Officers – continued


Each of the Fund’s Trustees and officers holds comparable positions with certain other funds of which MFS or a subsidiary is the investment adviser or distributor, and, in the case of the officers, with certain affiliates of MFS. As of January 1, 2014, the Trustees served as board members of 142 funds within the MFS Family of Funds.

The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund includes further information about the Trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling 1-800-225-2606.



Investment Adviser

Massachusetts Financial Services Company

111 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02199-7618


MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.

111 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02199-7618

Portfolio Manager

Michael Dawson



JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA

4 Metrotech Center

New York, NY 11245


Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Deloitte & Touche LLP

200 Berkeley Street

Boston, MA 02116



Table of Contents


A discussion regarding the Board’s most recent review and renewal of each fund’s Investment Advisory Agreement with MFS is available by clicking on the fund’s name under “Mutual Funds” in the “Products” section of the MFS Web site  (mfs.com).


MFS votes proxies on behalf of the funds pursuant to proxy voting policies and procedures that are available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-225-2606, by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.

Information regarding how each fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is available without charge by visiting the Proxy Voting section of mfs.com or by visiting the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov.


Each fund will file a complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. A shareholder can obtain the quarterly portfolio holdings report at mfs.com. Each fund’s Form N-Q is also available on the EDGAR database on the Commission’s Internet Web site at http://www.sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the:

Public Reference Room

Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, NE, Room 1580

Washington, D.C. 20549

Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. Copies of each fund’s Form N-Q also may be obtained, upon payment of a duplicating fee, by electronic request at the following e-mail address: publicinfo@sec.gov or by writing the Public Reference Section at the above address.


From time to time, MFS may post important information about each fund or the MFS funds on the MFS web site (mfs.com). This information is available by visiting the “News & Commentary” section of mfs.com or by clicking on the fund’s name under “Mutual Funds” in the “Products” section of mfs.com.


The funds will notify shareholders of amounts for use in preparing 2014 income tax forms in January 2015. The following information is provided pursuant to provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

The funds below designate the following amounts as capital gain dividends paid during the fiscal year:


Mississippi Fund      $180,000   
North Carolina Fund      2,007,000   

Of the dividends paid from net investment income during the fiscal year, the following percentages were designated as exempt interest dividends for federal income tax purposes. If each fund has earned income on private activity bonds, a portion of the dividends paid may be considered a tax preference item for purposes of computing a shareholder’s alternative minimum tax.


     Exempt Interest
Mississippi Fund      100.00%   
New York Fund      100.00%   
North Carolina Fund      100.00%   
Pennsylvania Fund      100.00%   
South Carolina Fund      98.46%   
Tennessee Fund      100.00%   
Virginia Fund      100.00%   
West Virginia Fund      100.00%   



Table of Contents

rev. 3/11









Why?   Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.



The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:


• Social Security number and account balances

• Account transactions and transaction history

• Checking account information and wire transfer instructions


When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.


How?   All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons MFS chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.


Reasons we can share your
personal information
  Does MFS share?   Can you limit this

For our everyday business purposes –

such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus

  Yes   No

For our marketing purposes –

to offer our products and services to you

  No   We don’t share
For joint marketing with other financial companies   No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your transactions and experiences

  No   We don’t share

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes –

information about your creditworthiness

  No   We don’t share
For nonaffiliates to market to you   No   We don’t share


Questions?   Call 800-225-2606 or go to mfs.com.



Table of Contents
Page 2  


Who we are
Who is providing this notice?   MFS Funds, MFS Investment Management, MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Fund Distributors, Inc., MFS Heritage Trust Company, and MFS Service Center, Inc.


What we do
How does MFS protect my personal information?   To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include procedural, electronic, and physical safeguards for the protection of the personal information we collect about you.
How does MFS
collect my personal information?

We collect your personal information, for example, when you


• open an account or provide account information

• direct us to buy securities or direct us to sell your securities

• make a wire transfer


We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates and other companies.

Why can’t I limit all sharing?  

Federal law gives you the right to limit only


• sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness

• affiliates from using your information to market to you

• sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you


State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


•MFS does not share personal information with affiliates, except for everyday business purposes as described on page one of this notice.


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.


•MFS does not share with nonaffiliates so they can market to you.

Joint Marketing  

A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.


•MFS doesnt jointly market.



Other important information
If you own an MFS product or receive an MFS service in the name of a third party such as a bank or broker-dealer, their privacy policy may apply to you instead of ours.



Table of Contents



Save paper with eDelivery.




MFS® will send you prospectuses,

reports, and proxies directly via e-mail so you will get information faster with less mailbox clutter.

To sign up:

1. Go to mfs.com.

2. Log in via MFS® Access.

3. Select eDelivery.

If you own your MFS fund shares through a financial institution or a retirement plan, MFS® TALK, MFS® Access, or eDelivery may not be available to you.








24 hours a day




Financial advisors


Retirement plan services



MFS Service Center, Inc.

P.O. Box 55824

Boston, MA 02205-5824


MFS Service Center, Inc.

c/o Boston Financial Data Services

30 Dan Road

Canton, MA 02021-2809


Table of Contents

The Registrant has adopted a Code of Ethics pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and as defined in Form N-CSR that applies to the Registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial and accounting officer. During the period covered by this report, the Registrant has not amended any provision in its Code of Ethics (the “Code”) that relates to an element of the Code’s definitions enumerated in paragraph (b) of Item 2 of this Form N-CSR. During the period covered by this report, the Registrant did not grant a waiver, including an implicit waiver, from any provision of the Code.

A copy of the Code of Ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.



Messrs. Robert E. Butler, John P. Kavanaugh and Robert W. Uek and Mses. Maryanne L. Roepke and Laurie J. Thomsen, members of the Audit Committee, have been determined by the Board of Trustees in their reasonable business judgment to meet the definition of “audit committee financial expert” as such term is defined in Form N-CSR. In addition, Messrs. Butler, Kavanaugh and Uek and Mses. Roepke and Thomsen are “independent” members of the Audit Committee (as such term has been defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission in regulations implementing Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002). The Securities and Exchange Commission has stated that the designation of a person as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to this Item 3 on the Form N-CSR does not impose on such a person any duties, obligations or liability that are greater than the duties, obligations or liability imposed on such person as a member of the Audit Committee and the Board of Trustees in the absence of such designation or identification.



The Board of Trustees has appointed Deloitte & Touche LLP (“Deloitte”) to serve as independent accountants to each series of the Registrant (collectively, the “Funds”). The tables below set forth the audit fees billed to the Funds as well as fees for non-audit services provided to the Funds and/or to the Funds’ investment adviser, Massachusetts Financial Services Company (“MFS”) and to various entities either controlling, controlled by, or under common control with MFS that provide ongoing services to the Funds (“MFS Related Entities”).

Table of Contents

For the fiscal years ended March 31, 2014 and 2013, audit fees billed to the Funds by Deloitte were as follows:


      Audit Fees  
   2014      2013  

Fees billed by Deloitte:


MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS California Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Municipal Income Fund

     49,415         49,339   

MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   

MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

     43,354         42,849   








     656,371         649,225   

Table of Contents

For the fiscal years ended March 31, 2014 and 2013, fees billed by Deloitte for audit-related, tax and other services provided to the Funds and for audit-related, tax and other services provided to MFS and MFS Related Entities were as follows:


      Audit-Related  Fees1      Tax Fees2      All Other Fees3  
   2014      2013      2014      2013      2014      2013  

Fees billed by Deloitte:


To MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,008         1,007   

To MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,029         1,021   

To MFS California Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,039         1,030   

To MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,010         1,007   

To MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,014         1,010   

To MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,036         1,028   

To MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,014         1,011   

To MFS Municipal Income Fund

     0         0         5,742         5,674         1,282         1,189   

To MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,028         1,021   

To MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,056         1,042   

To MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,019         1,014   

To MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,027         1,019   

To MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,016         1,011   

To MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,045         1,033   

To MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

     0         0         5,682         5,615         1,019         1,014   



















Total fees billed by Deloitte to above Funds:

     0         0         85,290         84,284         15,642         15,457   
      Audit-Related  Fees1      Tax Fees2      All Other Fees3  
   2014      20134      2014      2013      2014      2013  

Fees billed by Deloitte:


To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS California Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

Table of Contents

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Municipal Income Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   

To MFS and MFS Related Entities of MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund*

     1,934,406         1,214,772         0         0         0         0   


     Aggregate fees for non-audit
   2014      20134  

Fees billed by Deloitte:


To MFS Alabama Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,554         1,347,914   

To MFS Arkansas Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,575         1,347,928   

To MFS California Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,585         1,347,937   

To MFS Georgia Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,556         1,347,914   

To MFS Maryland Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,560         1,347,917   

To MFS Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,582         1,347,935   

To MFS Mississippi Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,560         1,347,918   

To MFS Municipal Income Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,888         1,348,155   

To MFS New York Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,574         1,347,928   

To MFS North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,602         1,347,949   

To MFS Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,565         1,347,921   

To MFS South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,573         1,347,926   

To MFS Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS

Related Entities#

     1,944,562         1,347,918   

To MFS Virginia Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and MFS

Related Entities#

     1,944,591         1,347,940   

To MFS West Virginia Municipal Bond Fund, MFS and

MFS Related Entities#

     1,944,565         1,347,921   



This amount reflects the fees billed to MFS and MFS Related Entities for non-audit services relating directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Funds (portions of which services also related to the operations and financial reporting of other funds within the MFS Funds complex).

# This amount reflects the aggregate fees billed by Deloitte, as the case may be, for non-audit services rendered to the Funds and for non-audit services rendered to MFS and the MFS Related Entities.

Table of Contents

The fees included under “Audit-Related Fees” are fees related to assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of financial statements, but not reported under ‘‘Audit Fees,’’ including accounting consultations, agreed-upon procedure reports, attestation reports, comfort letters and internal control reviews.


The fees included under “Tax Fees” are fees associated with tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning, including services relating to the filing or amendment of federal, state or local income tax returns, regulated investment company qualification reviews and tax distribution and analysis.


The fees included under “All Other Fees” are fees for products and services provided by Deloitte other than those reported under “Audit Fees,” “Audit-Related Fees” and “Tax Fees,” including fees for services related to review of internal controls and review of Rule 38a-1 compliance program.


Fees reported in 2013 have been restated in this filing from those reported in the Registrant’s filing for the reporting period ended March 31, 2013.

Item 4(e)(1):

Set forth below are the policies and procedures established by the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees relating to the pre-approval of audit and non-audit related services:

To the extent required by applicable law, pre-approval by the Audit Committee of the Board is needed for all audit and permissible non-audit services rendered to the Funds and all permissible non-audit services rendered to MFS or MFS Related Entities if the services relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant. Pre-approval is currently on an engagement-by-engagement basis. In the event pre-approval of such services is necessary between regular meetings of the Audit Committee and it is not practical to wait to seek pre-approval at the next regular meeting of the Audit Committee, pre-approval of such services may be referred to the Chair of the Audit Committee for approval; provided that the Chair may not pre-approve any individual engagement for such services exceeding $50,000 or multiple engagements for such services in the aggregate exceeding $100,000 in each period between regular meetings of the Audit Committee. Any engagement pre-approved by the Chair between regular meetings of the Audit Committee shall be presented for ratification by the entire Audit Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

Table of Contents

Item 4(e)(2):

None, or 0%, of the services relating to the Audit-Related Fees, Tax Fees and All Other Fees paid by the Fund and MFS and MFS Related Entities relating directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant disclosed above were approved by the audit committee pursuant to paragraphs (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X (which permits audit committee approval after the start of the engagement with respect to services other than audit, review or attest services, if certain conditions are satisfied).

Item 4(f): Not applicable.

Item 4(h): The Registrant’s Audit Committee has considered whether the provision by a Registrant’s independent registered public accounting firm of non-audit services to MFS and MFS Related Entities that were not pre-approved by the Committee (because such services did not relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant) was compatible with maintaining the independence of the independent registered public accounting firm as the Registrant’s principal auditors.



Not applicable to the Registrant.



A schedule of investments of the Registrant is included as part of the report to shareholders of such series under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.



Not applicable to the Registrant.



Not applicable to the Registrant.



Not applicable to the Registrant.

Table of Contents

There were no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may send recommendations to the Board for nominees to the Registrant’s Board since the Registrant last provided disclosure as to such procedures in response to the requirements of Item 407 (c)(2)(iv) of Regulation S-K or this Item.




(a) Based upon their evaluation of the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Act”)) as conducted within 90 days of the filing date of this report on Form N-CSR, the registrant’s principal financial officer and principal executive officer have concluded that those disclosure controls and procedures provide reasonable assurance that the material information required to be disclosed by the registrant on this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms.


(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Act) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by the report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.




(a) File the exhibits listed below as part of this form. Letter or number the exhibits in the sequence indicated.


  (1) Any code of ethics, or amendment thereto, that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2, to the extent that the registrant intends to satisfy the Item 2 requirements through filing of an exhibit: Code of Ethics attached hereto.


  (2) A separate certification for each principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2): Attached hereto.


(b) If the report is filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, provide the certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2(b)), Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13a-14(b) or 240.15d-14(b)) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. 1350) as an exhibit. A certification furnished pursuant to this paragraph will not be deemed “filed” for the purposes of Section 18 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78r), or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certification will not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the registrant specifically incorporates it by reference: Attached hereto.

Table of Contents


A copy of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust, as amended, of the Registrant is on file with the Secretary of State of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and notice is hereby given that this instrument is executed on behalf of the Registrant by an officer of the Registrant as an officer and not individually and the obligations of or arising out of this instrument are not binding upon any of the Trustees or shareholders individually, but are binding only upon the assets and property of the respective constituent series of the Registrant.

Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



By (Signature and Title)*    JOHN M. CORCORAN
  John M. Corcoran, President

Date: May 13, 2014

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By (Signature and Title)*    JOHN M. CORCORAN
  John M. Corcoran, President (Principal Executive Officer)

Date: May 13, 2014


By (Signature and Title)*    DAVID L. DILORENZO

David L. DiLorenzo, Treasurer (Principal Financial Officer

and Accounting Officer)

Date: May 13, 2014


* Print name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.