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Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2017
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Acronyms and Abbreviations. The acronyms and abbreviations identified below are used in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. The following is provided to aid the reader and provide a reference page when reviewing these notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Healthcare Professional Funding Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Camden National Bank
Asset/Liability Committee
Allowance for loan losses
Internal Revenue Service
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
London Interbank Offered Rate
Accounting Standards Codification
Long-Term Performance Share Plan
Accounting Standards Update
Management ALCO:
Management Asset/Liability Committee
Camden National Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Camden National Corporation
Mortgage-backed security
Bank-owned life insurance
Management Stock Purchase Plan
Board ALCO:
Board of Directors' Asset/Liability Committee
Not meaningful
Camden Capital Trust A, an unconsolidated entity formed by Camden National Corporation
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Certificate of deposits
Other comprehensive income (loss)
Camden National Corporation
Other real estate owned
Collateralized mortgage obligation
Other-than-temporary impairment
Defined Contribution Retirement Plan
SBM Financial, Inc., the parent company of The Bank of Maine
Earnings per share
Supplemental executive retirement plans
Financial Accounting Standards Board
Tax Act:
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, enacted on December 22, 2017
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Troubled-debt restructured loan
Federal Home Loan Bank
Union Bankshares Capital Trust I, an unconsolidated entity formed by Union Bankshares Company that was subsequently acquired by Camden National Corporation
Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston
United States of America
Federal Reserve System Board of Governors
2003 Plan:
2003 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
2012 Plan:
2012 Equity and Incentive Plan
Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States

General Business. Camden National Corporation, a Maine corporation (the "Company"), is the bank holding company for Camden National Bank (the "Bank") and is headquartered in Camden, Maine. The primary business of the Company is to attract deposits from, and to extend loans to, consumer, institutional, municipal, non-profit and commercial customers. The Company, through the Bank, offers commercial and consumer banking products and services, and through Camden Financial Consultants, a division of the Bank, and Camden National Wealth Management, a department of the Bank, offers brokerage and insurance services as well as investment management and fiduciary services. The Bank's deposits are insured by the FDIC, subject to regulatory limits.

Principles of Consolidation.  The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and the Bank (which includes the consolidated accounts of HPFC, Property A, Inc. and Property P, Inc.). All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Assets held by the Bank in a fiduciary capacity, through Camden National Wealth Management, are not assets of the Company and, therefore, are not included in the consolidated statements of condition. The Company also owns 100% of the common stock of CCTA and UBCT. These entities are unconsolidated subsidiaries of the Company.

Reclassifications.  Certain reclassifications have been made to prior year amounts to conform to the current year's presentation.

Use of Estimates. The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could vary from these estimates. Several estimates are particularly critical and are susceptible to significant near-term change, including the ALL, the accounting for business combinations including subsequent impairment analyses for goodwill and other intangible assets, accounting for income taxes, postretirement benefits and asset impairment judgments, including OTTI of investment securities.

Subsequent Events. The Company has evaluated events and transactions subsequent to December 31, 2017 for potential recognition or disclosure as required by GAAP.

Significant Concentration of Credit Risk. The Bank grants loans primarily to customers in Maine. Although the Bank has a diversified loan portfolio, a large portion of the Bank's loans are secured by commercial or residential real estate located in Maine and is subject to volatility within Maine's real estate market. Furthermore, the debtors' ability to honor their contracts is highly dependent upon other economic factors throughout Maine. The Bank does not generally engage in non-recourse lending and typically will require the principals of any commercial borrower to obligate themselves personally on the loan.

Cash and Cash Equivalents. For the purposes of reporting cash flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and amounts due from banks. The Bank is required by the FRB to maintain cash reserves equal to a percentage of deposits. The Company maintains the reserve balances in cash on hand or at the FRB.

Investment Securities. Investment securities are classified at the time of purchase as AFS, HTM, or trading. The classification of investment securities are constantly re-evaluated for consistency with corporate goals and objectives.

Trading securities are carried at fair value on the consolidated statements of condition with subsequent changes to fair value recorded in earnings. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company did not have any investment securities classified as trading securities on its consolidated statements of condition.

Debt securities for which the Company has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity are classified as HTM and recorded at amortized cost on the consolidated statements of condition. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had investment securities of $94.1 million and $94.6 million, respectively, classified as HTM and carried at amortized cost on its consolidated statements of condition.

Investment securities that are not classified as HTM or trading securities are classified as AFS and are carried at fair value on the Company's consolidated statements of condition with subsequent changes to fair value recorded within AOCI, net of tax. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company had investment securities of $789.9 million and $779.9 million, respectively, classified as AFS and carried at fair value on its consolidated statements of condition.

Purchase premiums and discounts are recognized in interest income on the consolidated statements of income using the interest method over the period to maturity (or issuer call option date, if earlier) and are recorded on the trade date.

Upon sale of an investment security designated as AFS, the unrealized gain or loss recorded within AOCI, net of tax, is reversed. Gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are recognized within non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income and are recorded on the trade date using the specific identification method.

Management conducts a quarterly review and evaluation of its debt and equity securities portfolio to determine if the decline in fair value of any security appears to be other-than-temporary. The factors considered by management in its review include, but are not limited to: the length of time and the extent to which the fair value has been less than cost, the financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer, the credit ratings of the security or issuer, whether the decline in fair value appears to be issuer specific or, alternatively, a reflection of general market or industry conditions, and the Company’s intent and ability to hold the security for a period of time sufficient to allow for a recovery in fair value.

Should the Company determine that the decline in the fair value of an equity security was other-than-temporary, the Company recognizes the impairment on the equity security within non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income when identified. For debt securities where the Company does not intend to sell the security and it is not more-likely-than-not that the Company will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis, the other-than-temporary decline in the fair value of the debt security related to: (i) credit loss is recognized in non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income; and (ii) other factors is recognized in AOCI, net of tax. For debt securities where the Company intends to sell the security or more-likely-than-not will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost, the Company recognizes the OTTI equal to the entire difference between the security’s cost basis and its fair value within non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income.

The Bank is a member of the FHLBB and FRBB, and as a member, the Bank is required to hold a certain amount of FHLBB and FRB common stock. This stock is a non-marketable equity security and is reported at cost. The Company evaluates its FHLBB and FRB common stock for impairment based on the ultimate recoverability of the par value rather than by recognizing temporary declines in value.

Loans Held for Sale. The Company has elected the fair value option for loans classified as held for sale on the consolidated statements of condition. Designation of loans as held for sale is determined based on the Company's intent and is, typically, completed as the loans are underwritten. The fair value for loans held for sale is determined using quoted secondary market prices or executed sales agreements. Management constantly evaluates its loan portfolio, in conjunction with asset/liability management practices, and will opt to sell certain loans, typically new 30-year residential mortgages, to manage the Company's interest rate exposure and for other business purposes, including generating fee income through mortgage sale gains. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the fair value of loans designated as held for sale on its consolidated statements of condition were $8.1 million and $14.8 million, respectively.

Originated Loans and Acquired Loans. Loans are reported at amortized cost, or fair value in the case of acquired loans, adjusted for any partial charge-offs and net of any deferred loan fees or costs. For originated loans, interest income is accrued based upon the daily principal amount outstanding except for loans on non-accrual status. For acquired loans, interest income is also accrued based upon the daily principal amount outstanding and is then further adjusted by the accretion of any discount or amortization of any premium associated with the loan.

For originated loans, loan fees and certain direct origination costs are deferred and amortized into interest income over the contractual term of the loan using the level-yield method. When a loan is paid off, the unamortized portion is recognized in interest income.

A loan is classified as non-accrual generally when it becomes 90 days past due as to interest or principal payments, or sooner if management considers such action to be prudent. All previously accrued but unpaid interest on non-accrual loans is reversed from interest income in the period in which the loan is considered delinquent and the amortization of any unamortized net deferred origination loan fees/costs stops. Interest payments received on non-accrual loans, including impaired loans, are applied as a reduction of principal. A loan remains on non-accrual status until all principal and interest amounts contractually due are brought current and future payments are reasonably assured. Should a loan transition from non-accrual status back to accrual status, the unrecognized interest earned during the period the loan was on non-accrual status and unamortized deferred origination fees and costs are recognized over the remaining contractual life of the loan using the level-yield method.

ALL. The ALL is established through provisions for loan losses charged to income. Losses on loans, including impaired loans, are charged to the ALL when all or a portion of a loan is deemed to be uncollectible. Recoveries of loans previously charged off are credited to the ALL when realized.

In determining the appropriate level of ALL, the Company uses a methodology to systematically measure the amount of estimated loan loss exposure inherent in the loan portfolio. The methodology includes three elements: (1) identification of loss allocations for certain specific loans, (2) loss allocation factors for certain loan types based on credit risk and loss experience, and (3) general loss allocations for other qualitative and environmental factors.

The allocations for specific loans is determined based on loans that have a principal balance of $500,000 or more that are classified as substandard or doubtful and are on non-accrual status. Effective January 1, 2017, the Company's internal policy for assessing specific loans for impairment was increased from $250,000 to $500,000. The qualitative factors for assessing a loan individually for impairment in accordance with the Company's internal policy were unchanged, and continue to require the loan to be classified as substandard or doubtful and on non-accrual status. For such loans that are also classified as impaired, an allowance is established when the discounted expected future cash flows (or collateral value or observable market price) of the impaired loan is lower than the recorded investment of that loan. Loans that do not meet the above criteria are separated into risk pools by portfolio segment and risk ratings. The Company then evaluates each risk pool collectively for impairment through loss allocation factors.

The Company uses a risk rating system for certain loan segments to determine the credit quality of these loan pools and applies the related loss allocation factors. In assessing the risk rating of a particular loan, the Company considers, among other factors, the obligor’s debt capacity, financial condition, the level of the obligor’s earnings, the amount and sources of repayment, the performance with respect to loan terms, the adequacy of collateral, the level and nature of contingent liabilities, management strength, and the industry in which the obligor operates. These factors are based on an evaluation of historical information, as well as subjective assessment and interpretation of current conditions. Emphasizing one factor over another, or considering additional factors that may be relevant in determining the risk rating of a particular loan but which are not currently an explicit part of the Company's methodology, could impact the risk rating assigned to that loan.

The Company at least annually, and more frequently as deemed prudent by management, reassesses and revises the loss allocation factors used in the assignment of loss exposure to appropriately reflect the analysis of loss experience. Portfolios of more homogeneous populations of loans including home equity and consumer loans are analyzed as groups taking into account delinquency rates and other economic conditions which may affect the ability of borrowers to meet debt service requirements, including interest rates and energy costs. The Company also considers regulatory guidance, historical loss ranges, portfolio composition, and other changes in the portfolio. An additional allocation is determined based on a judgmental process whereby management considers qualitative and quantitative assessments of other environmental factors.

Since the methodology is based upon historical experience and trends, as well as management’s judgment, factors may arise that result in different estimations. Significant factors that could give rise to changes in these estimates may include, but are not limited to, changes in economic conditions in the Company’s market areas, concentration of risk, declines in local property values, and regulatory guidance.

Loans past due 30 days or more are considered delinquent. In general, secured loans that are delinquent for 90 consecutive days are placed on non-accrual status, and are subject to impairment and/or loss assessment in accordance with established internal policy. In general, unsecured loans that are delinquent for 90 consecutive days are charged off.

In cases where a borrower experiences financial difficulties and the Company makes certain concessionary modifications to contractual terms, the loan is classified as a TDR. Modifications may include adjustments to interest rates, extensions of maturity, and other actions intended to minimize economic loss and avoid foreclosure or repossession of collateral. An allowance is established on a loan classified as a TDR if the present value of expected future cash flows (or, alternatively, the observable market price of the loan or the fair value of the collateral if the loan is collateral-dependent) is less than the recorded investment of the loan. Non-accrual loans that are restructured as TDRs remain on non-accrual status for a period of at least six months to demonstrate that the borrower can meet the restructured terms. If the restructured loan is on accrual status prior to being modified, it is reviewed to determine if the modified loan should remain on accrual status. If the borrower’s ability to meet the revised payment schedule is not reasonably assured, the loan is classified as a non-accrual loan. Loans classified as TDRs remain classified as such for the life of the loan, except in limited circumstances, when it is determined that the borrower is performing under the modified terms and the restructuring agreement specified an interest rate greater than or equal to an acceptable market rate for a comparable new loan at the time of the restructuring.

Goodwill and Core Deposit Intangible Assets. Goodwill represents the excess cost of an acquisition over the fair value of the net assets acquired. Goodwill is not subject to amortization but rather is evaluated at least annually for impairment, or as events and circumstances dictate, at the reporting unit level. The Company's two reporting unit levels are (i) banking and (ii) financial services. The banking reporting unit is representative of the Company's core banking business line, while the financial services reporting unit is representative of the Company's wealth management and trust services business line. Any impairment is charged to non-interest expense on the consolidated statements of income.

Goodwill is evaluated for impairment annually as of November 30th, or more frequently should external and/or internal factors warrant such. The Company may utilize a qualitative analysis (commonly referred to as "step zero") and/or a quantitative analysis to evaluate its reporting units' goodwill for impairment. The Company may utilize the qualitative analysis for an individual reporting unit or for both reporting units any given year. Furthermore, the Company has the option to by-pass the qualitative analysis for any given year and perform the quantitative analysis.

Using a qualitative analysis to assess a reporting unit's goodwill for impairment, the Company will consider various factors to determine if it is more-likely-than-not that a reporting unit's carrying value exceeds its fair value. These factors include, but are not limited to, the overall macro-economic environment; industry economic and regulatory environment; and company specific factors, including, but not limited to, performance, Company common stock share price, competition and/or significant changes in senior management. Should the Company determine it is more-likely-than-not that the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value, then the Company would perform then perform the next step of the goodwill impairment test, which is a quantitative analysis. If the Company were to determine it is not more-likely-than-not that the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value, the Company would have completed its goodwill impairment evaluation and concluded the reporting unit's goodwill was not impaired.

After performing the qualitative analysis and determining it's more-likely-than-not that the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value or if the Company by-passed the qualitative analysis, it would perform a quantitative analysis to determine if the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value. The Company may use various valuation techniques such as a discounted cash flow model, a comparative market transaction multiple approach and/or other valuation methods, to determine the reporting unit's fair value. If the fair value of the reporting unit is greater than its carrying value, then the reporting unit is not deemed to be impaired and no further assessment is required. However, if the fair value of the reporting unit is less than its carrying value, the Company would then be required to fair value the tangible and identifiable intangible assets, and liabilities of the reporting unit, to derive an implied fair value of goodwill for the reporting unit. If the implied fair value of goodwill for the reporting unit is greater than its carrying value, then the reporting unit’s goodwill is not impaired. However, if the reporting unit’s implied fair value of goodwill is less than its carrying value, an impairment charge is then recorded to carry goodwill at its calculated implied fair value.

The Company completed its annual goodwill impairment testing as of November 30, 2017, 2016 and 2015 for each reporting unit and goodwill was not impaired.

Core deposit intangible assets represents the estimated value of acquired customer relationships and is amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated life of those relationships (5 to 10 years from the acquisition dates). Core deposit intangibles are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If necessary, management will test the core deposit intangibles for impairment by comparing its carrying value to the expected undiscounted cash flows of the assets. If the undiscounted cash flows of the intangible assets exceed its carrying value then the intangible assets are deemed to be fully recoverable and not impaired. However, if the undiscounted cash flows of the intangible assets are less than its carrying value then management must compare the fair value of the intangible assets to its carrying value. If the fair value of the intangible assets exceeds its carrying value then the intangible assets are not impaired. If the fair value of the intangible assets is less than its carrying value then an impairment charge is recorded to mark the carrying value of the intangible assets to fair value. For the year ended December 31, 2017, 2016 or 2015, there were no events or changes in circumstances that indicated the carrying amount may not be recoverable.

BOLI. BOLI represents the cash surrender value of life insurance policies on the lives of certain active and retired employees where the Company is the beneficiary and is recorded as an asset on the Company's consolidated statements of condition. Increases in the cash surrender values of the policies, as well as death benefits received, net of any cash surrender value, are recorded in non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income, and are not subject to income taxes. The Company reviews the financial strength of the insurance carriers prior to the purchase of life insurance policies and no less than annually thereafter. A life insurance policy with any individual carrier is limited to 15% of Tier I capital (as defined for regulatory purposes) and the total cash surrender value of life insurance policies is limited to 25% of Tier I capital.

Premises and Equipment. Premises and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Acquired premises and equipment (through the acquisition of a company or branch acquisition) are stated at their estimated fair values as of the acquisition date less accumulated depreciation that occurred subsequent to the acquisition date. Depreciation and amortization are computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the lesser of the term of the respective lease or the estimated life of the improvement. Land is carried at cost.

Software costs are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation within other assets on the consolidated statements of condition. Amortization expense is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets.

OREO. OREO properties acquired through foreclosure or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure are recorded initially at estimated fair value less estimated costs to sell. Any write-down of the recorded investment in the related loan is charged to the ALL upon transfer to OREO. Upon acquisition of a property, a current appraisal is used or an internal valuation is prepared to substantiate fair value of the property. Any subsequent declines in the fair value of a property are recorded as a valuation allowance on the asset. Any subsequent increases in the fair value of a property are recorded as reductions of the valuation allowance, but not below zero. Upon a sale of an OREO property, any excess of the carrying value over the sale proceeds is recognized as a loss on sale. Any excess of sale proceeds over the carrying value of the OREO property is first applied as a recovery to the valuation allowance, if any, with the remainder being recognized as a gain on sale. Operating expenses, including legal and other direct expenses, and changes in the valuation allowance relating to foreclosed assets are included in other non-interest expense on the consolidated statements of income.

Mortgage Banking. Residential real estate mortgages are originated by the Company both for its portfolio and for sale into the secondary market. The transfer of these financial assets is accounted for as a sale when control over the asset has been surrendered. Control is deemed to be surrendered when (i) the asset has been isolated from the Company, (ii) the transferee obtains the right (free of conditions that constrain it from taking advantage of that right) to pledge or exchange the transferred asset, and (iii) the Company does not maintain effective control over the transferred asset through an agreement to repurchase them before their maturity. The Company records the gain on sale of the financial asset within mortgage banking income, net on its consolidated statements of income, net of direct and indirect costs incurred to originate the loan.

Servicing assets are recognized as separate assets when servicing rights are acquired through the sale of residential mortgage loans with servicing rights retained. Capitalized servicing rights, which are reported in other assets on the consolidated statements of condition, are initially recorded at fair value and are amortized in proportion to, and over the period of, the estimated future servicing of the underlying mortgages (typically, the contractual life of the mortgage). The amortization of mortgage servicing rights is recorded as a reduction of loan servicing fee income within non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income.

Servicing assets are evaluated for impairment quarterly based upon the fair value of the rights as compared to amortized cost. Impairment is determined by stratifying rights by predominant characteristics, such as interest rates and terms. Fair value is determined using prices for similar assets with similar characteristics, when available, or based upon discounted cash flows using market-based assumptions. Impairment of the servicing assets is recognized through a valuation allowance to the extent that fair value is less than the capitalized amount. If it is later determined that all or a portion of the impairment no longer exists, a reduction of the allowance may be recorded increasing income, but not below zero.

Servicing fee income is recorded for fees earned for servicing loans for investors. The fees are based on a contractual percentage of the outstanding principal or a fixed amount per loan and are recorded as income within non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income when earned.

Short-Term and Long-Term Borrowings. Short-term borrowings consist of borrowings maturing within one year of the consolidated statement of condition date, while long-term borrowings consist of borrowings maturing in one or more years. The Company's borrowings include retail and wholesale repurchase agreements, FHLBB overnight and short-term borrowings, federal funds purchased, a capital lease, and line of credit advances. The Company is required to post collateral for certain borrowings, for which it, generally, posts loans and/or investment securities as collateral.

Income Taxes. Income taxes are accounted for using the asset and liability method. Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax implications attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. If current information suggests that it is not more likely than not that the Company will be able to realize the deferred tax assets, a valuation allowance is established. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.

The Company assesses quarterly whether or not a valuation allowance on its deferred tax assets is necessary. If it is more likely than not that the Company will not be able to realize the benefit of the deferred tax assets then a valuation allowance is established on the deferred tax asset not expected to be realized. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company did not carry a valuation allowance on its deferred tax assets.

Effective January 1, 2016, the Company accounted for its windfall tax benefits and shortfalls, which are generated upon exercise of a non-qualified stock option or a disqualifying incentive stock option, within income tax expense on the consolidated statements of income as a discrete period item in the quarter generated.

EPSBasic EPS excludes dilution and is computed by dividing net income applicable to common stock by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted EPS reflects the potential dilution that could occur if certain securities or other contracts to issue common stock (such as stock options) were exercised or converted into additional common shares that would then share in the earnings of the Company. Diluted EPS is computed by dividing net income applicable to common stock by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period, plus an incremental number of common-equivalent shares computed using the treasury stock method.

Unvested share-based payment awards which include the right to receive non-forfeitable dividends are considered to participate with common stock in undistributed earnings for purposes of computing EPS. Restricted share grants and management stock purchase grants are considered participating securities for this purpose. Accordingly, the Company is required to calculate basic and diluted EPS using the two-class method. The calculation of EPS using the two-class method (i) excludes any dividends paid or owed on participating securities and any undistributed earnings considered to be attributable to participating securities from the numerator and (ii) excludes the dilutive impact of the participating securities from the denominator.

Effective September 30, 2016, the Company completed a three-for-two split of its common stock for shareholders of record as of September 15, 2016. As a result, the Company has adjusted its weighted-average shares outstanding, and basic and diluted EPS for the year ended December 31, 2015 as presented within Note 14 of the consolidated financial statements to account for the stock split. Refer to Note 13 of the consolidated financial statements for further details of the three-for-two stock split.

Postretirement Plans. The Company sponsors various retirement plans for current and former employees, including a SERP for certain officers of the Company and a postretirement health care and life insurance plan to certain eligible retired employees. The SERP and postretirement benefit plans are unfunded and have no plan assets, and the Company has recorded a liability on its consolidated statements of condition.

For the SERP, benefit obligations are estimated using the projected unit credit method. Under this method, each participant's benefits are attributed to years of service, taking into consideration future salary increases and the SERP's benefit allocation formula. Thus, the estimated total pension to which each participant is expected to become entitled to at retirement is broken down into units, each associated with a year of past or future credited service. For the SERP, an individual's estimated attributed benefit for valuation purposes related to a particular separation date is the benefit described under the SERP based on credited service as of the measurement date, but determined using the projected salary that would be used in the calculation estimate of the benefit on the expected separation date.

The Company has obligations with various active and retired employees related to certain postretirement benefits. The obligations are based on the employee's date of hire and years of service through retirement, with the associated cost recognized over the requisite service period. Under the plan, the postretirement benefits the amount the Company will pay for any given year for an individual is capped. Furthermore, the Company's obligation exists until the participant qualifies for Medicare. The accrual methodology results in an accrued amount at the full eligibility date equal to the then present value of all of the future benefits expected to be paid.

Net periodic benefits cost (credit) includes service costs and interest costs based on the assumed discount rate, amortization of prior service costs due to plan amendments and/or amortization of actuarial gains or losses. As prior service costs and actuarial gains or losses are amortized, they are reclassified from AOCI on the consolidated statements of condition into salaries and employee benefits on the consolidated statements of income. The amortization of actuarial gains and losses is determined using the 10% corridor minimum amortization approach and is taken over the average remaining future working lifetime of the plan participants.

Stock-Based Compensation. The fair value of restricted stock awards, restricted stock units and stock options is determined on the grant date. For restricted stock awards and units, compensation is recognized ratably over the requisite service period equal to the fair value of the award. For stock option awards, the fair value is determined using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. Compensation expense for stock option awards is recognized ratably over the requisite service period equal to the fair value of the award. For performance-based share awards, the Company estimates the degree to which performance conditions will be met to determine the number of shares that will vest and the related compensation expense. Compensation expense is adjusted in the period such estimates change.

The Company does not assume an estimated forfeiture rate on its nonvested share-based awards in its reporting of share-based compensation expense. Should a share-based award be forfeited, the Company would reverse all associated compensation expense previously recorded on the nonvested shares.

Off-Balance Sheet Credit Related Financial Instruments. In the ordinary course of business, the Company enters into commitments to extend credit, including commercial letters of credit and standby letters of credit. Such financial instruments are recorded as loans when they are funded.

Derivative Financial Instruments Designated as Hedges. The Company recognizes all derivatives in the consolidated statements of condition at fair value. On the date the Company enters into the derivative contract, the Company designates the derivative as a hedge of either a forecasted transaction or the variability of cash flows to be received or paid related to a recognized asset or liability (“cash flow hedge”), a hedge of the fair value of a recognized asset or liability or of an unrecognized firm commitment (“fair value hedge”), or a held for trading instrument (“trading instrument”). The Company formally documents relationships between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk management objectives and strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. The Company also assesses, both at the hedge’s inception and on an ongoing basis, whether the derivatives that are used in hedging transactions are effective in offsetting changes in cash flows or fair values of hedged items. Changes in fair value of a derivative that is effective and that qualifies as a cash flow hedge are recorded in OCI and are reclassified into earnings when the forecasted transaction or related cash flows affect earnings. Changes in fair value of a derivative that qualifies as a fair value hedge and the change in fair value of the hedged item are both recorded in earnings and offset each other when the transaction is effective. Those derivatives that are classified as trading instruments are recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in earnings. The Company discontinues hedge accounting when it determines that the derivative is no longer effective in offsetting changes in the cash flows of the hedged item, that it is unlikely that the forecasted transaction will occur, or that the designation of the derivative as a hedging instrument is no longer appropriate.

Segment Reporting. The Company, through its bank subsidiary, provides a broad range of financial services to individuals and companies primarily in Maine. These services include lending, checking, savings and time deposits, cash management, brokerage, wealth management and trust services. Substantially all of the Company's revenues, profits, and assets are derived by the Bank from banking products and services. The Company did not have any reportable segments for the year ended December 31, 2017, 2016 or 2015.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements. (The following recently issued accounting pronouncements are presented in chronological order of required adoption date for the Company. Should the Company have early adopted a recently issued accounting pronouncement it has been presented in the year of adoption.)

In February 2018, the FASB issued ASU No. 2018-02, Income Statement-Reporting Comprehensive Income (Topic 220): Reclassification of Certain Tax Effects from Accumulate Other Comprehensive Income ("ASU 2018-02"). ASU 2018-02 was issued to allow a reclassification from AOCI to retained earnings for stranded tax effects resulting from the Tax Act. The Company made a policy election to adopt ASU 2018-02 effective for its year ended December 31, 2017 consolidated financial statements, the period in which the effects of the change in the U.S. federal corporate income tax due to the Tax Act were recognized. The adoption of ASU 2018-02 resulted in a $3.5 million income reclassification from AOCI to retained earnings within its consolidated statements of condition and consolidated statements of shareholders' equity for the year ended December 31, 2017.

In August 2015, the FASB issued ASU No. 2015-14, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606): Deferral of the Effective Date ("ASU 2015-14"). ASU 2015-14 was issued to defer the effective date of ASU 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606) ("ASU 2014-09"), for all entities by one year. ASU 2014-09 was issued to clarify the principles for recognizing revenue and to develop a common revenue standard. ASU 2014-09 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim reporting periods within that reporting period.

The Company adopted ASU 2014-09 effective January 1, 2018 using the modified-retrospective transition method. As part of its assessment, the Company concluded that the following material revenue streams were within the scope of ASU 2014-09: (i) service charges on deposit accounts; (ii) debit card interchange income; and (iii) income from fiduciary services and brokerage fees. Through the Company's assessment, it was determined that the impact of the adoption of ASU 2014-09 is not material to its financial statements. There will be no cumulative-effect adjustment to beginning shareholders' equity under the modified-retrospective transition method within the Company's first quarter 2018 financial reporting on Form 10-Q as there was no change in revenue recognition upon adoption of ASU 2014-09.

In January 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-01, Income Statement - Financial Instruments - Overall (Subtopic 825-10): Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Liabilities ("ASU 2016-01"). ASU 2016-01 was issued to enhance the reporting model for financial instruments to provide the users of financial statements with more useful information for decisions. The Company adopted ASU 2016-01 effective January 1, 2018. Upon adoption, the Company will recognize unrealized gains and losses on its equity securities directly through the Company's consolidated statements of income, instead of reporting unrealized gains and losses on equity investments designated as AFS within AOCI. A cumulative-effect adjustment will occur to the Company's beginning shareholders' equity within its first quarter 2018 financial reporting on Form 10-Q to reclassify the unrealized gain reporting within AOCI at December 31, 2017 to retained earnings. The reclassification is immaterial to the Company's financial statements.

In addition, ASU 2016-01 also requires companies to utilize an "exit price" fair value methodology for purposes of disclosing the fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured and reported at fair value on a recurring or non-recurring basis. The Company does not anticipate ASU 2016-01 will materially impact the Company's financial disclosures.

In March 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-07, Compensation-Retirement Benefits (Topic 715): Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost ("ASU 2017-07"). ASU 2017-07 was issued to improve the presentation of net periodic pension cost and net periodic postretirement by companies to disaggregate the service cost component from the other components of net benefit cost, as well as provide other guidance to improve consistency, transparency and usefulness. Upon adoption in the first quarter of 2018, the Company will present and disclose the service cost component in the salaries and employee benefits line on its consolidated statements of income and the other components of net periodic benefit cost within other expenses on its consolidated statements of income. Upon adoption, the change in presentation will be applied retrospectively. The Company will use the amounts previously disclosed within its prior year financial statements as a practical expedient for retrospective presentation within its consolidated statements of income. The other provisions of ASU 2017-07 are not applicable to the Company. ASU 2017-07 will not have a material impact to its financial statements upon adoption.

In May 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-09, Compensation-Stock Compensation (Topic 718): Scope of Modification Accounting ("ASU 2017-09"). ASU 2017-09 was issued to provide clarification about which changes to the terms or conditions of a share-based payment award would require application of modification accounting in Topic 718. ASU 2017-09 is effective for annual periods, and interim periods within those annual periods, beginning after December 15, 2017. Early adoption is permitted, including adoption in an interim period. ASU 2017-09 is to be applied prospectively effective as of the adoption date.

During the year ended December 31, 2017, the Company elected to early adopt ASU 2017-09, effective as of January 1, 2017. The Company has not had any modifications to its share-based awards for the year ended December 31, 2017.

In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842) ("ASU 2016-02"). ASU 2016-02 was issued to increase transparency and comparability among organizations by recognizing lease assets and liabilities (including operating leases) on the balance sheet and disclosing key information about leasing arrangements. Current lease accounting does not require the inclusion of operating leases in the balance sheet. ASU 2016-02 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years, early application is permitted. The Company will adopt under a modified-retrospective approach.

Upon adoption, ASU 2016-02 will increase the Company's total assets and liabilities on its consolidated statements of condition as its operating leases will be accounted for as a right-of-use asset and a lease liability; however, the Company does not anticipate that upon adoption the ASU will have a material effect on its consolidated financial statements. The Company continues to evaluate the impact of adoption of this standard.

In March 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-08, Receivables - Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20): Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08"). ASU 2017-08 was issued to shorten the amortization period for certain callable debt securities purchased and carried at a premium, by requiring the premium to be amortized to the earliest call date of the debt security. ASU 2017-08 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Early adoption is permitted, including adoption in an interim period. The Company will adopt on a modified retrospective basis with any necessary adjustments to retained earnings as a cumulative-effect adjustment. While the Company continues to assess the impact of ASU 2017-08, it does not expect the ASU will have a material impact to its financial statements upon adoption.

In August 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-12, Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815): Targeted Improvements to Accounting for Hedging Activities ("ASU 2017-12"). ASU 2017-12 was issued to make certain specific improvements to hedge accounting to better align hedge accounting with risk management activities, eliminate the separate measurement and recording of hedge ineffectiveness, improve presentation and disclosure, and other simplifications. ASU 2017-12 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Early adoption is permitted, including adoption in an interim period. All transition requirements and elections are to be applied to existing hedging relationships upon adoption. While the Company continues to assess the impact of ASU 2017-12, it does not believe it will have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements upon adoption.

In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-13, Financial Instruments - Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments ("ASU 2016-13"). ASU 2016-13 was issued to require timelier recording of credit losses on loans and other financial instruments held by financial institutions and other organizations. ASU 2016-13 is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years, for public companies. Early adoption is permitted for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within that fiscal year. The Company will adopt the guidance under a modified-retrospective approach, whereby a cumulative-effect adjustment will be made to retained earnings upon adoption. The Company will use a prospective transition approach for debt securities for which an OTTI had been recognized before the effective date, as applicable.

While the Company continues to prepare for the adoption of ASU 2016-13 on January 1, 2020, it recognizes the changes to its consolidated financial statements upon adoption are imminent as the ASU requires:
A change in the Company's assessment of its ALL and allowance on unused commitments as it will transition from an incurred loss model to an expected loss model, which may result in an increase in the ALL upon adoption and may negatively impact the Company and Bank's regulatory capital ratios.
May reduce the carrying value of the Company's HTM investment securities as it will require an allowance on the expected losses over the life of these securities to be recorded upon adoption.
Changes to the considerations when assessing AFS debt securities for OTTI, including (i) no longer considering the amount of time a security has been in an unrealized loss position and (ii) no longer considering the historical and implied volatility of a security and recoveries or declines in the fair value after the balance sheet date, as well as the presentation of OTTI as an allowance rather than a permanent write-down of the debt security.
Changes to the disclosure requirements to reflect the transition from an incurred loss methodology to an expected credit loss methodology, as well as certain disclosures of credit quality indicators in relation to the amortized cost of financing receivables disaggregated by year of origination (or vintage).

The Company continues to assess the overall impact to its financial statements, and, at this time, it does not have an estimated impact to its financial statements.

In January 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-04, Intangibles - Goodwill and Other (Topic 350): Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment ("ASU 2017-04"). ASU 2017-04 was issued to reduce the cost and complexity of the goodwill impairment test. To simplify the subsequent measurement of goodwill, step two of the goodwill impairment test was eliminated. Instead, in accordance with ASU 2017-04, a Company will recognize an impairment of goodwill should the carrying value of a reporting unit exceed its fair value (i.e. step one). ASU 2017-04 will be effective for the Company on January 1, 2020 and will be applied prospectively.