Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]:
SEC Accession No. 0000950152-03-003594
Filing Date
2003-03-28 11:18:29
Period of Report

Document Format Files

Seq Description Document Type Size
1 R. G. BARRY CORPORATION | FORM 10-K l99443ae10vk.txt 10-K 107414
3 EX-10.2 ASSOCIATE RETIREMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT #1 l99443aexv10w2.txt EX-10.2 6992
4 EX-10.3 ASSOCIATE RETIREMENT PLAN - AMENDMENT #2 l99443aexv10w3.txt EX-10.3 17227
5 EX-10.24 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN - AMENDMENT #3 l99443aexv10w24.txt EX-10.24 2990
6 EX-10.30 STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT/INCENTIVE OPTIONS l99443aexv10w30.txt EX-10.30 19871
7 EX-10.31 STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT/NON-QUALIFIED OPTS l99443aexv10w31.txt EX-10.31 22265
8 EX-10.35 EMPLOYMENT SEPARATION AGREEMENT l99443aexv10w35.txt EX-10.35 29009
9 EX-10.46 GBR LIMITED LICENSE AGREEMENT l99443aexv10w46.txt EX-10.46 73834
10 EX-13 ANNUAL REPORT l99443aexv13.txt EX-13 164521
11 EX-21.1 SUBSIDIARIES OF R.G. BARRY l99443aexv21w1.txt EX-21.1 2312
12 EX-23.1 CONSENT OF INDPENDENT AUDITORS l99443aexv23w1.txt EX-23.1 993
13 EX-24.1 POWERS OF ATTORNEY l99443aexv24w1.txt EX-24.1 12467
14 EX-99.1 CERTIFICATIONS l99443aexv99w1.txt EX-99.1 2186
  Complete submission text file 0000950152-03-003594.txt   465329
Mailing Address 13405 YARMOUTH RD NW PICKERINGTON OH 43147
Business Address 13405 YARMOUTH RD NW PICKERINGTON OH 43147 6148646400
BARRY R G CORP /OH/ (Filer) CIK: 0000749872 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 314362899 | State of Incorp.: OH | Fiscal Year End: 0102
Type: 10-K | Act: 34 | File No.: 001-08769 | Film No.: 03623244
SIC: 3140 Footwear, (No Rubber)