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For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010




For the transition period from              to             




Date of event requiring this shell company report             

Commission File Number 000-12790




(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter

and translation of Registrant’s name into English)




(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)


(Address of principal executive offices)



Michael Havin, Corporate Secretary

Tel: + 972-8-9423622

Fax: + 972-8-9438769

E-mail: mick-h@orbotech.com

Address: P.O. Box 215, Yavne 81101, Israel

(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and address of Company Contact Person)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”):


Title of each class


Name of each exchange

  on which registered  




Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act: NONE

Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act: NONE



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Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report:

As of December 31, 2010, the Registrant had outstanding 35,095,291 Ordinary Shares1, NIS 0.14 Nominal (par) Value each.

Indicate by check mark if the Registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”).    Yes  ¨    No  x

If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the Registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act.    Yes  ¨    No   x

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.    Yes  x     No  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of ‘accelerated filer and large accelerated filer’ in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):

Large accelerated filer  ¨            Accelerated filer  x            Non-accelerated filer  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to submit and post such files).    Yes  ¨    No  ¨

Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the Registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:

U.S. GAAP  x

International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board  ¨    Other  ¨

If ‘Other’ has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statements item the Registrant has elected to follow.    Item 17  ¨    Item 18  ¨    

If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).    Yes  ¨    No   x




Does not include a total of 6,031,366 Ordinary Shares that were subject to equity awards granted pursuant to equity remuneration plans adopted or assumed by the Registrant, 4,531,785 of which were subject to outstanding stock options (1,882,083 of which had vested), 379,246 of which were subject to outstanding and unvested restricted stock units or restricted share units and 1,120,335 of which remained available for future equity awards pursuant to such plans, all as of December 31, 2010, comprised of:


  (a) 4,378,175 Ordinary Shares issuable pursuant to equity awards under the Equity Remuneration Plan for Key Employees of Orbotech Ltd. and its Affiliates and Subsidiaries (as Amended and Restated, 2005) (the “2000 Plan”), of which:


  (i) 4,142,540 Ordinary Shares were subject to options that had been granted (of which 1,545,923 had vested); and


  (ii) 235,635 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards pursuant to the 2000 Plan;


  (b) 1,000,000 Ordinary Shares issuable pursuant to equity awards under the 2010 Equity-Based Incentive Plan (the “2010 Plan”), of which:


  (i) 115,300 were subject to outstanding and unvested restricted share units; and


  (ii) 884,700 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards pursuant to the 2010 Plan; and


  (c) 653,191 Ordinary Shares collectively issuable pursuant to equity awards granted by Photon Dynamics, Inc. (“PDI”), prior to its acquisition by the Registrant, under PDI’s equity remuneration plans, and which were assumed in connection with that acquisition, of which:


  (i) 389,245 Ordinary Shares were subject to options (of which 336,160 had vested); and


  (ii) 263,946 Ordinary Shares were subject to outstanding and unvested restricted stock units.


     Also does not include a total of 1,988,293 Ordinary Shares held at that date as treasury shares under Israeli law, virtually all of which were repurchased by the Registrant. For so long as such treasury shares are owned by the Registrant they have no rights and, accordingly, are neither eligible to participate in or receive any future dividends which may be paid to shareholders of the Registrant nor are they entitled to participate in, be voted at or be counted as part of the quorum for, any meetings of shareholders of the Registrant.




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Table of Contents





Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

Part I        6   

Item 1.

  Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisors      6   

Item 2.

  Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable      6   

Item 3.

  Key Information      6   

Item 4.

  Information on the Company      20   

Item 4A.

  Unresolved Staff Comments      37   

Item 5.

  Operating and Financial Review and Prospects      37   

Item 6.

  Directors, Senior Management and Employees      67   

Item 7.

  Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions      85   

Item 8.

  Financial Information      88   

Item 9.

  The Offer and Listing      89   

Item 10.

  Additional Information      90   

Item 11.

  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk      102   

Item 12.

  Description of Securities Other than Equity Securities      103   

Part II


Item 13.

  Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies      104   

Item 14.

  Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds      104   

Item 15.

  Controls and Procedures      104   

Item 16A.

  Audit Committee Financial Expert      105   

Item 16B.

  Code of Ethics      105   

Item 16C.

  Principal Accountant Fees and Services      105   

Item 16D.

  Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees      106   

Item 16E.

  Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers      106   

Item 16F.

  Change in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant      106   

Item 16G.

  Corporate Governance      106   

Part III


Item 17.

  Financial Statements      108   

Item 18.

  Financial Statements      108   

Item 19.

  Exhibits      108   





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This Annual Report on Form 20-F (this “Annual Report”) relates to the Ordinary Shares New Israeli Sheqels (“NIS”) 0.14 nominal (par) value each (“Ordinary Shares”) of Orbotech Ltd. (the “Company”, the “Registrant” or “Orbotech”). In this Annual Report, references to: (i) Orbotech Ltd. are intended to be to Orbotech Ltd. and not to any of its subsidiaries or joint venture; (ii) the Company, the Registrant or Orbotech are, unless the context otherwise requires, intended to be to Orbotech Ltd. and its consolidated entities, including the joint venture, Frontline P.C.B. Solutions Limited Partnership (“Frontline”); (iii) the “PDI Acquisition” are to the acquisition on October 2, 2008 (the “PDI Closing Date”), of Photon Dynamics, Inc. (“PDI”) by a subsidiary of Orbotech Ltd. pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization, which was executed on, and dated June 26, 2008 (the “PDI Acquisition Agreement”), for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $295.8 million; (iv) the “Financing Agreement” are to the Financing Agreement entered into and signed on July 22, 2008, between Orbotech Ltd. and Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (“IDB”), as amended by the Financing Agreement—First Amendment entered into and signed on February 22, 2009, between Orbotech Ltd. and IDB (the “Financing Agreement First Amendment”), both of which were subsequently replaced and superseded by the Amended Financing Agreement, entered into and signed on December 21, 2009, between Orbotech Ltd. and IDB as amended on May 27, 2010 and February 15, 2011 (as so amended, the “Amended Financing Agreement”); and (v) the “Loan Agreements” are intended to be to the Financing Agreement, as amended by the Financing Agreement First Amendment, both as replaced and superseded by the Amended Financing Agreement. See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Liquidity and Capital Resources for a description of the material terms of the Loan Agreements.

This Annual Report includes industry data obtained from periodic industry publications, including industry reports by IDC, Frost & Sullivan and Prismark Partners LLC (“Prismark”), and internal Company information, and also includes certain statements as to competitive position that are based primarily on the Company’s knowledge of the industry and industry data. Industry publications and surveys generally state that the information they contain has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Unless otherwise noted, statements as to the Company’s relative competitive position are approximated based on revenues and management estimates using the above-mentioned third-party data and internal analyses and estimates.

The financial results of PDI and its consolidated entities have been included in Orbotech’s financial results since the PDI Closing Date. Non-financial information presented herein, such as number of employees, patents and properties utilized by the Company in its operations, includes PDI and its consolidated entities for such information presented as of or for periods after the PDI Closing Date, but not before, and does not include information as to Frontline.

Orbotech is principally engaged in the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of yield-enhancing and production solutions for the supply chain of the electronics industry. The Company’s products include automated optical inspection (“AOI”) automated optical repair (“AOR”), imaging and production systems for printed circuit boards (“PCB”s) and AOI, test, repair and process monitoring systems for flat panel displays (“FPD”s). The Company also markets computer-aided manufacturing (“CAM”) and engineering solutions for PCB production. In addition, through Orbograph Ltd. (“Orbograph”), the Company develops and markets character recognition solutions to banks and other financial institutions, and has developed a proprietary technology for web-based, location-independent data entry for use, among other things, in check and forms processing; and, through Orbotech LT Solar, LLC (“OLTS”), is engaged in the research and development of products for the deposition of anti-reflective coating on crystalline silicon photovoltaic wafers for solar energy panels. The Company is continuing to develop technologies for use in other applications both within and outside the electronics industry. The Company derives a significant portion of its revenues from the service and support of its products.



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Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This Annual Report contains certain forward-looking statements and information with respect to, among other things, the business, the industries in which the Company operates, the financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives and competitive position of the Company, which statements can often be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as ‘believes’, ‘expects’, ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘should’ or ‘anticipates’, the negatives thereof or other variations thereon or comparable terminology, or as part of discussions of strategy and trends. Such statements include, but are not limited to, certain statements appearing in Item 3—Key Information—Risk Factors; Item 4—Information on the Company; and Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects regarding trends in the electronics, recognition software, solar energy and other industries relevant to the Company, revenues, net income, industry size, competitive position, market demands, volumes, prices, margins, research and development, capital expenditures, patents, the effect of technological developments, strategy and management objectives, opinions and outlook for 2011 and beyond. Such statements are derived from beliefs and assumptions of the Company’s management based, in part, upon information available to the Company as of the date hereof. They reflect the present views of the Company with respect to market conditions and future events and are inherently subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors that may affect the ability of the Company to implement its business strategy and/or may cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the statements expressed herein. These risks, uncertainties and factors include, but are not limited to, cyclicality in the industries in which the Company operates, the Company’s production capacity, timing and occurrence of product acceptance, worldwide economic conditions generally, especially in the industries in which the Company operates, the timing and strength of product and service offerings by the Company and its competitors, changes in business or pricing strategies, changes in the prevailing political and regulatory framework in which the relevant parties operate or in economic or technological trends or conditions, including currency fluctuations, inflation and consumer confidence, on a global, regional or national basis, the level of consumer demand for sophisticated devices such as smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices, the ability to sell Orbotech Medical Denmark A/S (“OMD”) in the time frame anticipated, if at all, and the other matters discussed under Item 3—Key Information—Risk Factors.

Many of the above factors are beyond the control of the Company and almost all of them are difficult or impossible to predict with accuracy. Therefore, the Company cautions each reader of this Annual Report to consider carefully these, as well as any other specific factors discussed with each forward-looking statement in this Annual Report and as may be disclosed in the Company’s future filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). For more information regarding the above factors and other risks, see Item 3—Key Information—Risk Factors.

To the extent that this Annual Report contains forward-looking statements (as distinct from historical information), the Company desires to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and is therefore including this statement for the express purpose of availing itself of the protections of the safe harbor with respect to all forward-looking statements. Furthermore, the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward looking statements contained herein as a result of future events or otherwise, except as required by law.



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Item 1. Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisers

1.A    Directors and Senior Management

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

1.B    Advisers

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

1.C    Auditors

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.


Item 2. Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable

2.A    Offer Statistics

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

2.B    Method and Expected Timetable

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.


Item 3. Key Information

3.A    Selected Financial Data

The consolidated statement of operations data set forth in this Item 3.A with respect to the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, and the consolidated balance sheet data as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, have been derived from the audited Consolidated Financial Statements listed in Item 18 (including the notes thereto, the “Financial Statements”), which have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) in the United States, except as otherwise described therein. The consolidated statement of operations data set forth in this Item 3.A with respect to the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the consolidated balance sheet data as of December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006, have been derived from other consolidated financial statements not included herein that have been adjusted for discontinued operations and have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The selected consolidated financial data set forth in this Item 3.A should be read in conjunction with Item 3—Key Information—Risk Factors, Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects and the Financial Statements.



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Statement of Operations Data:

(in thousands except per share data and footnotes)


    Year Ended December 31,  
    2010     2009     2008     2007     2006  


  $ 529,355     $ 359,330     $ 407,950     $ 349,527     $ 415,834  

Cost of revenues:


Cost of products sold and services rendered

    312,901       220,202       241,946       199,649       224,632  

Write-down of inventories (1)

                  3,348       4,821         

Total cost of revenues

    312,901       220,202       245,294       204,470       224,632  

Gross profit

    216,454       139,128       162,656       145,057       191,202  

Research and development costs:


Expenses incurred

    81,191       66,318       75,353       67,243       59,592  

Less—government participations (2)

    2,864       2,212       3,281       3,247       1,708  

Net research and development costs

    78,327       64,106       72,072       63,996       57,884  

Selling, general and administrative expenses

    66,264       63,598       71,723       65,962       68,370  

Amortization of intangible assets (3)

    14,176       19,848       5,743       1,120         

In-process research and development charges (4)


Restructuring costs (5)

                  8,621       510       3,332  

Impairment (adjustment of impairment) of
goodwill (6)

           (3,300     93,368                

Operating income (loss)

    57,687       (5,124     (95,408     13,469       61,616  

Financial income (expenses)—net (7)

    (7,284     (11,090     (1,474     9,502       7,531  

Write-down of long-term investments (8)

                         (5,000     (205

Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes on income

    50,403       (16,214     (96,882     17,971       68,942  

Income tax expense (benefit)

    7,397       (372     800        2,805        7,893  

Income (loss) from continuing operations of the Company

    43,006       (15,842     (97,682     15,166        61,049  

Share in losses of an associated company

                         (266     (315

Net income (loss) from continuing operations

    43,006       (15,842     (97,682     14,900        60,734  

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax (9)

    8,717       3,914       37,391        13,000        5,509  

Net income (loss)

    34,289       (19,756     (135,073     1,900       55,225  

Net income attributable to the non-controlling interest

    144       168       232       416       255  

Net income (loss) attributable to Orbotech Ltd.

  $ 34,145     $ (19,924   $ (135,305   $ 1,484     $ 54,970  

Amounts attributable to Orbotech Ltd.:


Income (loss) from continuing operations

    42,862       (16,010     (97,914     14,484        60,479  

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax

    (8,717     (3,914     (37,391     (13,000     (5,509 )

Net Income (loss) attributable to Orbotech

  $ 34,145     $ (19,924   $ (135,305   $ 1,484     $ 54,970  

Earnings (loss) per share


Income (loss) from continuing operations



  $ 1.23     $ (0.46   $ (2.92   $ 0.44      $ 1.83   


  $ 1.20     $ (0.46   $ (2.92   $ 0.44      $ 1.81   

Net income (loss):



  $ 0.98     $ (0.58   $ (4.04   $ 0.04     $ 1.66  

diluted (10)

  $ 0.95     $ (0.58   $ (4.04   $ 0.04     $ 1.65  

Weighted average number of shares used in computation of earnings (loss) per share:



    34,911       34,501       33,512       33,091       33,105  


    35,778       34,501       33,512       33,190       33,399  



Table of Contents

Balance Sheet Data:

(in thousands)


     December 31,  
     2010      2009      2008      2007      2006  

Working capital (11)

   $ 356,378      $ 324,188      $ 165,285      $ 342,563      $ 371,374  

Long-term bank loan (12)

     96,000        128,000                          

Total assets

     628,341        605,762        634,861        573,171        575,013  

Capital stock

     176,698        171,494        163,641        146,690        134,258  

Equity (13)

     349,555        312,513        313,030        440,952        442,416  


(1) The write-downs of inventories of $3,348,000 in 2008 and $4,821,000 in 2007 primarily relate to excess inventories of components for certain of the Company’s PCB products. See Note 3 to the Financial Statements.
(2) The Company receives funding, principally from the Israeli Government, for the development of approved projects and is not required to pay royalties on sales of products developed on the basis of such funding. See Note 1n to the Financial Statements.
(3) The amortization of intangible assets in 2010, 2009 and 2008 is primarily attributable to the PDI Acquisition. Based on current factors, estimated amortization expense associated with intangible assets for 2011 is $12,287,000. See Note 5b to the Financial Statements.
(4) In-process research and development charges in 2008 were associated with the PDI Acquisition. See Note 2c to the Financial Statements.
(5) The restructuring charges of $8,621,000 in 2008, $510,000 in 2007 and $3,332,000 in 2006, relate to reductions in the Company’s workforce and rationalizations of certain of its research and development, manufacturing and operating activities, in order to realign the Company’s infrastructure. See Note 14e to the Financial Statements.
(6) The adjustment of impairment of goodwill in 2009 represents $3,300,000 of additional consideration from the sale of Salvador Imaging, Inc. (“Salvador”) which was owned by PDI at the time of the PDI Acquisition. The impairment of goodwill of $93,368,000 in 2008 is comprised of: a write-off of $87,977,000 of goodwill associated with the Company’s FPD business; and a write-off of $5,391,000 of goodwill associated with the Company’s assembled PCB business. See Notes 1j and 2c to the Financial Statements.
(7) Includes interest income from cash which was subsequently used in connection with the completion of the PDI Acquisition and interest expense associated with $160,000,000 borrowed under the Loan Agreements to complete the PDI Acquisition, $128,000,000 of which remained outstanding at December 31, 2010. See Notes 2c, 6 and 14f to the Financial Statements.
(8) The write-downs of long-term investments of $5,000,000 in 2007 and $205,000 in 2006 reflect the impairment of the Company’s interests in two private Israeli companies.
(9) The loss from discontinued operations, net of tax of $8,717,000 in 2010, $3,914,000 in 2009, $37,391,000 in 2008, $13,000,000 in 2007 and $5,509,000 in 2006 is attributable to the re-classification during 2010 of OMS and OMD as discontinued operations.
(10) Excludes equity awards outstanding at December 31, 2009 and 2008, as their inclusion would be anti-dilutive.
(11) Working capital is defined as current assets less current liabilities. The decrease in working capital in 2008 is attributable to the $160.0 million borrowed from IDB under the Loan Agreements in connection with the PDI Acquisition, initially as a short-term loan but which, on December 21, 2009, was converted into long-term borrowings.
(12) Net of current maturities.
(13) Comprising shareholders’ equity and non-controlling interest.



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As of January 31, 2011, the Company had outstanding indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount of $128.0 million, $32.0 million of which is due to be repaid in 2011. The Company has not paid any cash dividends in the last five years. See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Liquidity and Capital Resources.

3.B    Capitalization and Indebtedness

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

3.C    Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

3.D    Risk Factors

Our business faces significant risks. You should, in addition to the Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information noted above, give careful consideration to the information set forth below and elsewhere in this Annual Report concerning risks and uncertainties in connection with any investment in our Ordinary Shares. Additional risks not currently known to us or that we currently believe are immaterial may also impair our business, results of operations, financial condition and liquidity.

(a)    We have incurred net losses in the past and we may not be profitable in the future.

Although we recorded net income of $34.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2010, we recorded net losses of $19.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2009 and $135.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2008. Our ability to sustain profitability in the future depends in part on the global economy, the rate of growth of, and changes in technology trends in, the PCB, FPD and other industries in which we currently or may in the future operate, our ability to develop and manufacture new products and technologies in a timely manner, the competitive position of our products, the continued acceptance of our products by our customers and in the industries that we serve and our ability to manage expenses. We have in the past undertaken cost cutting initiatives in response to worldwide economic conditions, including reducing our worldwide workforce. In the future, we may also have to undertake cost reduction initiatives to remain profitable, which may lead to a deterioration of our competitive position, and any difficulty in reducing our cost structure could negatively impact our results of operations and cash flow in the future. We cannot assure you that we will continue to remain profitable.

(b)    We are dependent upon the worldwide electronics industry and unfavorable changes in economic conditions and capital expenditures may negatively impact our operating results.

Our revenue is dependent upon the strength of the worldwide electronics industry. In particular, we depend upon the need by manufacturers of PCBs and FPDs to make continuing capital investments in systems and products, such as those marketed and sold by us, for use in their manufacturing processes. These spending levels are impacted by the worldwide level of demand for consumer end-products that utilize PCBs and FPDs as electronic components in their production, including, among others, smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions, automobiles and portable electronic devices and for products used in medical, industrial, telecommunications and military applications. Demand for consumer end-products is normally a function of prevailing global or regional economic conditions and is negatively affected by a general economic slow-down as consumers reduce discretionary spending on electronics. We are limited in our ability to reduce expenses due to the ongoing need to invest in research and development and to maintain our worldwide customer service and support operations. In circumstances of reduced overall demand for electronic devices using PCBs and FPDs, or if orders received differ from our expectations with respect to the product, volume, price or other items, our fixed cost structure could have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations.



Table of Contents

Demand for our products is also created, in part, by technological developments that affect product functionality or give rise to new or enhanced products, such as smartphones, tablets, LCD televisions and other sophisticated devices. These developments generate an ongoing need on the part of electronics component manufacturers for the type of improved yield-enhancing and production solutions we provide. If changes in these technologies do not continue to occur, or if other technologies were to emerge that lessened or obviated the need for the use of PCBs and FPDs in electronic devices, the overall demand for our products could be reduced.

(c)    Capital investments by PCB and FPD manufacturers are highly cyclical and may decline in the future. If we fail to respond to industry cycles, our business could be seriously harmed.

Our business relies considerably upon continuing capital investments by manufacturers of PCBs and FPDs. The capital equipment procurement practices of both PCB and FPD manufacturers have been, and continue to be, highly cyclical in nature, and have experienced both periodic and sustained downturns. For example, the contractions in the credit markets and the subsequent severe financial system disruption, which culminated in late 2008, negatively impacted the global economy and resulted in a significant downturn in the electronics industry, which, in turn, impacted our profitability in recent years. Our business may be negatively affected if the availability of capital resources for investment is reduced, particularly in the computer, television or telecommunications industries. In addition, our business could also be negatively affected by reductions in the capital expenditure programs of PCB or FPD manufacturers.

We may not be able to predict future levels of demand for electronic products and devices with accuracy. For example, the recent increase in demand for smartphones, tablets, e-readers and other mobile connected devices may not continue at its current level, may not increase as anticipated and may decline. If this happens, our PCB business may be adversely impacted. In addition, the increasing demand for higher definition, larger-sized, more power efficient, low cost FPDs may not continue, may not increase as anticipated and may decline, which would negatively affect our FPD business. When cyclical fluctuations result in lower than expected revenue levels, operating results may be adversely affected. Given our limited ability to reduce our significant expenditures for research and development and worldwide customer support operations, our cost reduction measures may not be implemented in a sufficiently timely manner in response to industry cycles. Our inability to respond to industry cycles could have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations.

(d)    Our leverage could adversely affect our ability to raise additional capital to fund our operations, limit our ability to react to changes in the economy or the industries that we serve and prevent us from meeting our obligations under our indebtedness. In addition, because a significant portion of our indebtedness is variable rate debt, our interest expense would increase if interest rates rise. We also may not be able to generate sufficient cash to service all of our indebtedness.

On September 18, 2008, we borrowed $160.0 million from IDB pursuant to the Loan Agreements. As of December 31, 2010, we had $128.0 million of principal outstanding indebtedness and our anticipated fiscal 2011 debt service payment obligations are $32.0 million of principal and, based on the applicable interest rate at December 31, 2010, approximately $4.5 million in interest. Our ability to make payments on our indebtedness depends on our ability to generate cash in the future. Our ability to generate sufficient cash flow from operations to make scheduled payments on our debt will depend on a range of economic, competitive and business factors, many of which are outside our control. Our business may not generate sufficient cash flow from operations to meet our debt service and other obligations. If we are unable to meet our expenses and debt service and other obligations, we may need to refinance all or a portion of our indebtedness on or before maturity, sell assets or raise equity. We may not be able to refinance any of our indebtedness, sell assets or raise equity on commercially reasonable terms or at all, which could cause us to default on our obligations and impair our liquidity. Our inability to generate sufficient cash flow to satisfy our debt obligations or to refinance our obligations on commercially reasonable terms could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.



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Our substantial indebtedness could also have other important consequences with respect to our ability to manage our business successfully, including: limiting our ability to borrow money for our working capital, capital expenditures, debt service requirements, strategic initiatives or other purposes; making it more difficult for us to satisfy our obligations with respect to our indebtedness, and any failure to comply with these obligations or obligations to other banks or lenders, including restrictive covenants and borrowing conditions, could result in triggering provisions allowing IDB, the lender under the Loan Agreements, and Bank Hapoalim Ltd. (“Hapoalim”) the secured party pursuant to the Hapoalim Debenture (as defined below), to accelerate the repayment of the loans or demand immediate payment of any amounts owed for positions taken by us in connection with the Hapoalim Banking Activities (as defined below); requiring us to dedicate a substantial portion of our cash flow to payments on our indebtedness, which would reduce the amount of cash flow available to fund working capital, capital expenditures, product development and other corporate requirements; limiting our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our operations or business; making us more vulnerable to downturns in our business or the economy; restricting us from making strategic acquisitions, introducing new technologies or realizing potential business opportunities; and, in conjunction with the financial and other restrictive covenants contained in the Loan Agreements and the Hapoalim Debenture, among other things, limiting our ability to borrow additional funds or dispose of assets.

The Loan Agreements and the Hapoalim Debenture also provide for certain limitations on our ability to sell assets, other than in the ordinary course of business. We may not be able to sell assets quickly enough or for sufficient amounts to enable us to meet our obligations. Furthermore, a substantial portion of our assets are, and may continue to be, intangible assets. Therefore, it may be difficult for us to service all our debt obligations, which could lead to a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

In addition, the interest rate on $48.0 million of our debt is fixed and the interest rate on the remaining $80.0 million and on the unused amount of an additional $25.0 million short-term credit facility which is available to us, is variable. As a result, our interest expense would increase if interest rates rise. The interest rate on that portion of the loan which bears variable interest under the Loan Agreements is based on IDB’s cost plus an agreed margin. IDB’s cost has been determined with reference to the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”), which in 2010, 2009 and 2008 has been at historic lows and may increase substantially in the future. Fluctuations in LIBOR or other bank costs may increase our overall debt service obligation and could have a material adverse effect on our ability to service our debt obligations. An increase of 1% in the interest rate payable on our outstanding variable rate debt would, as of January 1, 2011, increase our annual debt service requirements by approximately $0.8 million. Also, we have availability to borrow an additional $25.0 million, and may still incur significantly more debt in excess of that pursuant to additional financing arrangements that we may, in the future, enter into, which could intensify the risks described above.

(e)    The Loan Agreements and the Hapoalim Debenture impose significant operating and financial restrictions, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

On October 21, 2010, Orbotech Ltd. issued a debenture in favor of Hapoalim (the “Hapoalim Debenture”) to secure an approved credit risk limit of up to an aggregate amount of $22.0 million granted by Hapoalim to Orbotech Ltd., $20.0 million of which was granted in connection with performance of certain forward transactions and other related activities and $2.0 million of which was granted in connection with factoring activities (collectively, the “Hapoalim Banking Activities”).

The Loan Agreements and the Hapoalim Debenture contain various covenants that limit or prohibit our ability, among other things, to: guarantee additional indebtedness; make certain loans, acquisitions or investments; sell certain assets, including shares of our subsidiaries; create or incur liens; consolidate, merge, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of our assets; and enter into certain transactions with our affiliates. In addition, under the Loan Agreements we are subject to various financial covenants that are tested either quarterly or annually. If we do not comply with the covenants, including the financial covenants, the lender under the Loan Agreements could declare due all amounts thereunder and Hapoalim could require



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payment by us to cover any amounts owed for positions taken by us in connection with the Hapoalim Banking Activities, as applicable. Acceleration of repayment of borrowings under the Loan Agreements would have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial position and cash flow. Certain of the amendments which have been made to the Loan Agreements were designed to facilitate our compliance with the financial covenants thereunder and the creation of the charges under the Hapoalim Debenture.

The financial covenants and other affirmative and negative covenants contained in the Loan Agreements and in the Hapoalim Debenture could limit our ability to plan for or react to industry conditions, meet our capital needs or otherwise restrict our activities or business plans; and adversely affect our ability to finance our operations, enter into strategic initiatives, fund investments or engage in other business activities that would be in our interest.

Upon the occurrence of certain events, IDB could declare due all amounts payable under the Loan Agreements and Hapoalim could require payment by us to cover amounts owed for positions taken by us in connection with the Hapoalim Banking Activities, as applicable, and IDB may also terminate all commitments to extend further credit. If we were unable to repay those amounts, IDB and/or Hapoalim, as applicable, could proceed against any collateral granted to it/them to secure the Loan Agreements and the Hapoalim Banking Activities. If IDB accelerates the repayment of borrowings, or Hapoalim requires payment to cover negative positions, such acceleration would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

(f)    We may raise additional equity from time to time, which could lead to dilution for our existing shareholders or a decline in our share price.

We may raise equity capital through the issuance of additional Ordinary Shares, subject to market and other conditions. We filed a shelf registration statement on Form F-3 with the SEC on December 28, 2009 under which we may issue additional Ordinary Shares, warrants, subscription rights or debt securities with an aggregate offering price of up to $150.0 million, which became effective on January 13, 2010. Future sales of Ordinary Shares could cause the market price of our Ordinary Shares to decline and could cause our existing shareholders to experience significant dilution.

(g)    We have a sizeable accumulation of contracted orders for sales of FPD products, some of which are subject to delay, cancellation or non-acceptance by customers.

Our FPD business has a significant amount of orders for sales of FPD products. Our orders consist of product orders for which written authorizations have been accepted and assigned shipment dates for such orders are expected within the ensuing six to twelve months. We do not include maintenance revenues in our determination of orders for this purpose. Generally, such orders represent a substantial portion of revenue from the sale of FPD products in a twelve-month period, and Orbotech expects to realize as revenue a substantial portion of these orders in 2011. However, our orders on any particular date are not necessarily indicative of actual sales for any succeeding period. Customers may delay delivery of products, cancel orders prior to shipment or refuse to provide acceptances due to unresolved research and development issues, particularly in relation to new products. Moreover, since expense levels are based in part on our expectations of future revenue, we may be unable to adjust costs in a timely manner in response to further revenue shortfalls. Furthermore, because certain parts used in the FPD manufacturing process entail relatively long lead times, a customer cancellation may require us to record inventory write-offs. Delays in delivery or acceptance of our products or a reduction of our orders as a result of cancellations or as a result of the level of orders during any particular period could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial position and cash flow.



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(h)    Our business, in particular with respect to the FPD industry, is dependent on sales to a small number of large customers and a loss of any of our large customers could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.

The FPD industry is highly concentrated with a small number of manufacturers producing the majority of the world’s liquid crystal displays (“LCD”s). We market and sell our AOI, test and repair systems for FPDs to virtually all of the world’s LCD manufacturers, with significant concentration in sales to a limited number of them. For the year ended December 31, 2010, approximately 28% of our total revenues were derived from LG Display and Samsung Electronics, our two largest customers on a global basis. Substantially all of those revenues were in our FPD business. In addition, approximately 50% of our total revenues were derived from our top ten customers. We cannot assure you that LG Display and Samsung Electronics, or other customers that account for a substantial portion of our revenues, will continue to contribute significantly to our total revenues in future periods. The loss of any major customer or a significant reduction in purchases from us by such a customer could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. In addition, the concentration of our FPD customer base means that if one or more of our major customers were to develop its own competing technology or to experience economic difficulties, changes in purchasing policies, difficulties in fulfilling their obligations to us, bankruptcy or lack of success, our revenues, profitability and financial condition could be materially and adversely affected.

(i)    Our results of operations depend on our ability to manage our supply chain effectively. We depend on a limited number of key suppliers to provide us with sufficient parts to meet our production requirements in a timely and cost-effective manner. In addition, certain of our facilities may be subject to disruption.

Certain of the various key components and subassemblies included in some of our systems are purchased from a single or limited group of suppliers. Should any of these suppliers be unable to meet our requirements in a timely manner, or should we otherwise experience an interruption in supply from any of these sources, the possible resulting late deliveries of our products and services may have an adverse effect on our results of operations. While we seek to anticipate future increases in demand across our customer base, and communicate potential increases in a timely manner to suppliers, we may be unable to do so with accuracy. If our suppliers are unable to deliver key components or subassemblies to meet our production needs, whether as a result of an unanticipated increase in demand for our products or otherwise, our production process may be delayed causing us to be unable to meet all of our customers’ desired delivery dates. Although we generally maintain an inventory of critical components used in the manufacture and assembly of our systems, such supplies may not be sufficient to avoid potential delays that could have an adverse effect on our business. In addition, were a major disruption (such as might be caused by factors including work stoppages, acts of war, terrorism, fire, earthquake, energy shortages, flooding or other natural disasters) to occur at our offices or manufacturing facilities, we could not guarantee that alternate production capacity would be obtainable on favorable terms or at all. Such disruptions could result in delays in shipments of products to our customers, cancellation of orders or loss of customers and could also adversely affect our business by causing substantial delays in our research and engineering efforts for the development of new products.

A sudden increase (or decrease) in demand for our products, as well as a lengthening of customer lead times, may also affect our manufacturing cycle and impose logistical constraints on our supply chain. We have recently experienced greater demand for both our PCB and FPD product lines, which required us to increase our production and delivery rate significantly. There can be no guarantee that we will, in the future, have the capacity necessary to ramp up production in order to meet increased orders without any delay. In addition, our manufacturing cycle involves significant fixed costs, including those with respect to labor. While we intend to implement a more variable cost structure across our supply chain, cyclical fluctuations in demand for our products may result in periodic inefficiencies in our cost structure. Certain of our costs that are variable, such as procurement, may not decline proportionally with any increased purchasing of supplies by us. While we are undergoing initiatives to migrate production facilities closer to our various customer bases, including in Asia, expenses relating to the production, shipping and delivery of our products, which may involve facilities on more



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than one continent, remain a significant component of our overall cost of goods sold. Should we experience late deliveries of our products and services or fail to mitigate expenses associated with our global supply chain, our results of operations and reputation may be adversely affected.

(j)    Our future revenues are dependent in part upon existing customers continuing to use our products and renewing their maintenance agreements with us.

We depend on our existing customers for additional future revenues from ongoing service and support related generally to our PCB products. Our maintenance agreements are generally renewable after twelve months at the option of the customer and do not contain mandatory renewal obligations. A change in business conditions could alter current customer purchasing plans and as a result our maintenance agreements may not be renewed and, as a result, we may not generate significant revenues and cash flow from product maintenance in future periods.

(k)    We extend unsecured credit in the form of accounts receivable to many of our customers in connection with their purchases from us and we may be unable to collect accounts receivable.

We extend unsecured credit, in the form of accounts receivable, to many of our customers in connection with their purchases of our products. In addition, diversification of the related credit risk is limited because we sell primarily to two industries, the PCB and FPD industries. Our exposure to credit losses due to failure to collect accounts receivable will depend on the financial condition of our customers and other factors beyond our control, such as conditions in the world economy or in the PCB, FPD or other industries that we serve. Credit losses, if significant, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

(l)    We may not receive significant revenues from our current research and development efforts for several years.

Developing innovative product solutions is expensive, and our investment in product development may entail a long payback cycle. In 2010 and 2009, net research and development expenses were $78.3 million, or approximately 14.8% of our total revenues and $64.1 million, or approximately 17.8% of our total revenues, respectively. Our future plans include significant investments in product research and development and related opportunities, efforts which we believe are critical to maintain our competitive position. However, we may not receive significant revenues from these investments for several years, if at all.

(m)    Deterioration of political, economic and security conditions in Israel may adversely affect our profitability.

We are incorporated under the laws of the State of Israel and our headquarters, as well as substantial research and development and production facilities, are located in Israel. As such, we are directly influenced by political, economic and military conditions affecting Israel. Any major hostilities involving Israel, a substantial decline in the prevailing regional security situation or the interruption or curtailment of trade between Israel and its present trading partners could have a material adverse effect on our operations. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, a number of armed conflicts have taken place between Israel and its Arab neighbors and a state of hostility, varying in degree and intensity, has led to security and economic problems for Israel. Beginning in September 2000, the overall relationship and security situation between Israel and the Palestinians deteriorated significantly and continues to be marked by ongoing violence, also varying in its degree of severity. During the summer of 2006, Israel was engaged in an armed conflict with Hezbollah, a Lebanese Islamist Shiite militia group and political party; and during the winter of 2008-2009, Israel was engaged in an armed conflict with Hamas, a militia group and political party operating in the Gaza Strip. These conflicts involved missile strikes against civilian targets in various parts of Israel and negatively affected business conditions in Israel. To date, these matters have not had any material effect on our business and results of operations, but there can be no assurance that they will not do so in the future.



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(n)    Our operations may be negatively affected by the obligations of our personnel to perform military service.

Many of our male employees in Israel are obligated to perform annual reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces. In addition, virtually all such employees are subject to being called to active military duty in emergency circumstances. In response to increased hostilities, there have been periods of significant recruitment of military reservists, and it is possible that there will be additional recruitments in the future. No assessment can be made of the full impact of such requirements on us in the future or the effect on us of any expansion of these obligations. Our operations could be disrupted and harmed by the absence for a significant period of time of one or more of our key employees or a significant number of our other employees due to military service. To date, these matters have not had any material effect on our business and results of operations, but there can be no assurance that they will not do so in the future.

(o)    We face intense competition in our business, which may result in decreased demand or prices for our products and services.

We are subject to competition from companies that either currently manufacture or are developing PCB and FPD products directly in competition with our systems and products, including from some of our customers and their affiliates. Because some of our competitors are associated with certain of our customers, including LG Display and Samsung Electronics, they have access to our products and technology which may make it easier for them to compete with us. For economic, internal administrative or other business reasons, our customers may purchase PCB and FPD products manufactured in-house or by their affiliates, rather than by us, even if such products may be lesser in quality and/or higher in price (on an arms-length basis) than our products. Orbograph faces competition from a number of companies which develop and market character recognition solutions. In both 2010 and 2009, we experienced competition-induced pricing pressure from our customers that adversely affected our operating results, and competitive pressures in the future could lead to further price erosion that could have a material and adverse effect on our operating results.

(p)    We may not be able to develop new products or respond to technological changes in a timely manner, which could reduce our ability to compete effectively.

Our products are used to manufacture goods in consumer end markets that are characterized by rapidly changing technologies and frequent new product introductions. We believe that our future success will depend, in part, on our ability to develop new products and introduce them in a timely manner. We expect our competitors in all product lines to continue to improve the design and performance of their products and to introduce new products with more competitive prices and performance features. In addition, these or other companies may in the future offer a range of PCB or FPD yield-enhancing and production products or character recognition solutions that is broader and more comprehensive than ours. Although we attempt to maintain and strengthen our competitive position through our policy of substantial investment in research, development, marketing, operations and customer support, we may not be able to continue to make such investments, particularly in challenging global economic conditions and given our significant indebtedness. In addition, certain of our competitors are or may be affiliated with companies that are, larger in terms of their operations and/or balance sheet, enabling them to invest a greater amount of resources, on both a relative and absolute basis, in research and development. In the future, we may not be able to achieve, in a timely manner, the technological advances necessary to develop new products and product enhancements to meet the rapid change in manufacturing technologies required for PCBs and FPDs. Any such failure could lead to deterioration in our competitive position.

(q)    Acquisitions and other types of strategic initiatives have been and are expected to continue to be an important element of our growth, but we may not find suitable opportunities and we may not be able successfully to integrate and manage such initiatives in the future.

Our business strategy contemplates the expansion of our technological base and diversification into new growth areas through acquisitions, joint ventures, investments and other types of strategic initiatives. Risks



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associated with these activities include: accurately assessing the value, strengths, weaknesses, contingent and other liabilities and potential profitability of acquisition candidates; financing costs; the potential loss of key personnel of an acquired business; the ability to achieve projected economic and operating synergies and any cost savings; difficulties in successfully integrating, operating, maintaining and managing newly acquired operations; accounting issues relating to the previous conduct of an acquired business; difficulties in maintaining uniform standards, controls, procedures and policies; unanticipated changes in business and economic conditions affecting an acquired business; the possibility of impairment and restructuring charges if an acquired business performs below expectations; and the diversion of management attention from our existing business. In addition, such transactions will often result in the acquisition of intangible assets required to be amortized in our consolidated statements of operations over certain time periods and the recording of goodwill which may be subject to possible future impairment charges. Such amounts have been, and may continue to be, substantial and have a material effect on our operating results. Furthermore, we may be restricted from entering into certain acquisitions, joint ventures, investments and other types of strategic initiatives due to limitations placed upon it under the Loan Agreements and the Hapoalim Debenture.

(r)    We obtain substantial benefits by operating in Israel, but these benefits may not continue or in the future may be limited or restricted.

We benefit from certain Israeli Government programs and tax legislation, particularly regarding our production facilities in Israel. Pursuant to these programs and legislation, a significant portion of our income is taxed at reduced rates. To be eligible for these benefits, we must continue to meet certain conditions. Should we fail to meet such conditions in the future, these benefits could be cancelled, resulting in higher effective tax rates, and we may be required to refund tax previously received, if any, together with interest and linkage differences to the Israeli Consumer Price Index (the “Israeli CPI”). Additionally, if we increase our activities outside of Israel, for example, via acquisitions, our increased activities may not be eligible for inclusion in Israeli tax benefit programs, which could also have the effect of increasing our effective tax rate. We also benefit from a Government of Israel program under which we receive grants from the Office of the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor of the State of Israel (the “OCS”) for the development of generic technologies without incurring any royalty obligations. These programs and tax legislation may be terminated in the future or the available benefits may be reduced or impacted, including, among other possible circumstances, should we transfer certain research and development and/or manufacturing activities outside the State of Israel. The termination or curtailment of these programs or the loss or reduction of such benefits could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Israeli Government consent is required to manufacture products developed with OCS participations outside of Israel and to transfer to third parties know-how developed through projects in which the Israeli Government participates. Although such restrictions do not apply to the export from Israel of the Company’s products developed with such know-how, they may prevent us from engaging in transactions with our affiliates or customers outside Israel, involving product or other asset transfers, which might otherwise be beneficial to us.

(s)    Substantially all of our revenue is derived from sales to companies located in the Far East, and a growing portion of our operations are conducted outside Israel, each of which exposes us to political, economic and other uncertainties.

We anticipate that, as in the past, sales of products and services outside Israel will continue to account for virtually all of our revenues. In 2010, approximately 90% of our revenues from equipment sales were derived from sales in the Far East and Japan, including approximately 35% from sales in Korea, 25% from sales in China, 20% from sales in Taiwan and 10% from sales in Japan. In addition, as part of our program of cost efficiencies, we are in the process of moving a portion of our FPD manufacturing activities to those countries where our customers are located in the Far East, including in China. The risks and complexities inherent in doing business in international markets include those associated with the possibility of a concentration of sales within a particular country or region; the imposition of governmental controls and local standards, including the need to comply with stringent and evolving environmental protection laws and regulations, a wide variety of foreign and



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domestic import/export laws, customs and excises and foreign labor laws; the imposition of new and additional commercial terms by foreign customers, such as requiring us to manufacture and sell our products through local entities which can have the effect of increasing our exposure to operational and foreign currency risks; political, economic and legal instability, including an increased amount of foreign government involvement in our operations; trade restrictions; exposure to multiple complex systems of taxation and international double taxation treaties; regulatory reform and changes in reimbursement rates, tariffs and taxes and their applications; difficulty in protecting intellectual property; longer payment cycles usually characteristic of international sales; and the general difficulties associated with administering business overseas, as well as overall economic conditions. Our business success depends in part on our ability to anticipate and manage these and other regulatory, economic, social and political risks inherent in international business effectively. Failure to anticipate and manage these risks effectively may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

The risks and complexities outlined above may prove to be particularly acute in China, where we have deployed substantial resources in order to grow our PCB and FPD manufacturing capabilities, including by establishing relationships with Chinese manufacturers. The economy of China differs from the economies of most developed countries in many respects, including the amount of governmental involvement, level of development, growth rate, control of foreign exchange and allocation of resources. The Chinese government also exercises significant control over the country’s economic growth through the allocation of resources, controlling payment of foreign currency-denominated obligations, setting monetary policy and providing preferential treatment to particular industries or companies. Such government initiatives may inhibit our efforts to expand our business in China, or otherwise adversely affect our financial results and results of operations.

(t)    Our future success depends in part on our ability to attract and retain highly qualified staff.

Our success depends, in significant part, upon our continuing ability to attract and retain highly qualified managerial, scientific, technical, sales and marketing personnel. Our personnel are instrumental to our ability to develop increasingly advanced product solutions, market those products and provide ongoing support and service to our customers worldwide. The competition for qualified personnel, particularly among computer software programmers and hardware engineers, has always been, and remains, a challenge. In addition, part of the way in which we remunerate our senior managerial, scientific, technical, sales and marketing staff is through the grant of equity awards. The issuance of these awards will dilute the ownership of existing shareholders and may cause the price of our Ordinary Shares to decline. As we issue equity awards, we use availability under our existing equity remuneration plans and, when availability is low, we will need to seek shareholder approval to increase availability thereunder. We cannot assure you that we will receive shareholder approval to increase the availability of shares under our existing or new equity remuneration plans and our ability to grant equity awards in the future may therefore be limited. Furthermore, demographic trends, a lack of appropriately qualified and skilled employees, financial market conditions and future business decisions of both us and our competitors may all operate in a manner detrimental to our ability to attract and retain key personnel. If we are unable to attract and retain highly qualified employees to meet our needs in the future, our business and results of operations could be adversely affected.

(u)    Our future success depends in part on our ability to maintain the proprietary nature of our technology.

Our future success and competitive position are dependent, in significant part, on our proprietary technology. We protect our intellectual property through patent, trade secret, trademark and copyright law, as well as technical safeguards and non-disclosure agreements with our employees, subcontractors and potential business associates. However, we may not be able successfully to protect our technology or deter infringement of our intellectual property rights or unauthorized copying by third parties or prevent breach of our non-disclosure agreements, particularly in circumstances where we may transfer research and development or manufacturing activities outside the State of Israel, especially to the Far East. Patents that we own or license will eventually expire and could be invalidated or challenged. Our pending or future patent applications may not be issued with the scope of claims sought by us, if at all. Patent coverage may not be extended to all countries sought, and effective copyright and trade



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secret protection may be unavailable or limited in certain countries. The degree of future protection for our proprietary technology is uncertain because legal means afford only limited protection and may not adequately protect our rights or keep our competitive advantage. For example, other companies may develop technologies that are similar or superior to our technology, duplicate our technology or design around the patents or other proprietary rights held by us. Other companies may gain unauthorized access to our technology in situations where we test our products at customer sites with co-operation from our customers. An inability to protect our intellectual property could have a material adverse effect on our business and operating results.

(v)    If we are sued for infringing intellectual property right of third parties, litigation could be costly and time consuming and an unfavorable outcome may adversely affect our business and operating results.

As is characteristic of the electronics industry, there can be no assurance that our products do not or will not infringe the proprietary rights of third parties, that third parties will not claim infringement by us with respect to patents or other proprietary rights or that we would prevail in any such proceedings. We have received in the past, and may receive in the future, communications asserting that the technology used in some of our products requires third-party licenses. Any infringement claims, whether or not meritorious, could result in costly litigation or arbitration and divert the attention of technical and management personnel. Any adverse outcome in litigation alleging infringement could require us to develop non-infringing technology or enter into royalty or licensing agreements. If, in such situations, we are unable to obtain licenses on acceptable terms, we may be prevented from manufacturing or selling products that infringe such intellectual property of a third party. An unfavorable outcome or settlement regarding one or more of these matters could have a material adverse effect on our business and operating results.

(w)    Our operating results fluctuate from period to period, and period-to-period comparisons may not be meaningful given the PDI Acquisition in 2008 and may not be representative of our future performance.

The timing of revenue recognition for our most expensive products, principally FPD systems for the most advanced generations of FPD fabrication facilities, may have a substantial effect on our periodic revenues and net income. Normally, revenue from the sale of products is recognized upon delivery, subject to the existence of a signed contract, purchase order or letter of agreement and a fixed or determinable sale price, with reasonable assurance of collectability. Our revenues, expenses and operating results have fluctuated in the past, and are likely to fluctuate significantly in the future due to a number of factors, many of which are beyond our control. We are not always able to control the timing of delivery because of customer requirements, possible production delays and other factors. Orders for our systems may also be subject to cancellation by customers. In addition, in limited circumstances, principally in the case of newly developed products, recognition of income may be deferred. Lastly, our ability to foresee possible future changes in the total volume of PCB orders in particular may be limited because we cannot rely on unfilled orders as a dependable and consistent indicator of future revenue in this area of our business.

Our operating results may fluctuate significantly in the future, and such fluctuations could be further exacerbated due to the timing of special charges and expenses. In 2008, for example, we recorded special charges that include impairments with respect to intangible assets and goodwill in the amount of $93.4 million; write-downs of inventories in the amount of $3.3 million; restructuring costs in the amount of $8.6 million; and acquired in-process research and development in the amount of $6.5 million in connection with the PDI Acquisition.

In addition, as a result of the PDI Acquisition on October 2, 2008, it may be difficult to compare our historical and future results to our results for fiscal 2008 and other periods. The PDI Acquisition was accounted for utilizing purchase accounting, which resulted in new valuations for the assets and liabilities of PDI equal to their fair values on October 2, 2008. Accordingly, our historical financial information may be of limited use in evaluating our historical performance and comparing it to prior and future periods.



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(x)    We are exposed to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations which may adversely affect our business and results of operations.

In 2010, 2009 and 2008, approximately 28%, 39% and 30%, respectively, of our revenues, and approximately 42%, 42% and 47%, respectively, of our expenses, were denominated in currencies other than the United States dollar (the “Dollar” or “$”). Because our financial results are reported in Dollars, fluctuations in exchange rates between the Dollar and non-Dollar currencies may have an adverse effect on our results of operations. We are primarily exposed to the Japanese Yen, the Korean Won, the Taiwanese dollar and the Chinese Renminbi. See Item 11—‘Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk’—for more information. An increase in the value of a particular currency relative to the Dollar will increase the Dollar reporting value for transactions in such currency, and a decrease in the value of a particular currency relative to the Dollar will decrease the Dollar reporting value for such transactions. This effect on the Dollar reporting value for transactions is only partially offset by the impact that such fluctuations may have on our non-Dollar costs. We may, from time to time, take various measures designed to reduce our exposure to these effects, but any such steps may be inadequate to protect us from currency rate fluctuations. Failure to protect adequately against currency rate fluctuations could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.

(y)    We have experienced, and may continue to experience, losses on inventories.

Frequent new product introductions in the electronics industry can result in the obsolescence of existing manufacturing processes, which may in turn make our offerings of PCB and FPD yield-enhancement and production solutions outdated or obsolete. This can result in a decrease in the stated value of our inventory since we value our inventory at the lower of cost or market value. The life cycles of our PCB and FPD yield-enhancement and production solutions are affected by the life cycles of the consumer electronic products that are manufactured utilizing our product offerings. The life cycles of these consumer end-products vary based upon a number of factors, but in some cases can be relatively short. While we monitor our production and inventory levels closely, inventory may nonetheless become obsolete as a result of changes in consumer demand and the corresponding effects on the production processes employed by PCB and FPD manufacturers. During past periods of economic slowdown or rapid technological improvement this has resulted, and may result in the future, in charges for inventory write-downs. For example, in 2008 we recorded $3.3 million of write-downs of inventories relating primarily to excess inventories of components for certain of our PCB products. Our operating results have been, and in the future may be, adversely affected by material levels of obsolete or excess inventories.

(z)    Our cash may be subject to a risk of loss and we may be exposed to fluctuations in the market values of our portfolio investments and in interest rates.

Our assets include a significant component of cash; however, we may in the future increase our investment in marketable securities. We believe that our cash is held in institutions whose credit risk is minimal and that the value and liquidity of our marketable securities are accurately reflected in our consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2010. Nevertheless, our cash and any marketable securities that we now hold or may acquire in the future may be subject to risks, including the risk of loss or of reduced value or liquidity, particularly in light of the increased volatility and worldwide pressures in the financial and banking sectors. In the future, should we determine that there is a decline in value of any of our portfolio securities which is other-than-temporary in nature, this would result in a loss being recognized in our consolidated statements of operations.

(aa)    Changes in accounting standards or practices or in our effective tax rates can have a significant effect on our reported results.

We prepare our financial statements to conform to U.S. GAAP, except as otherwise described therein. From time to time, recognized authoritative bodies, including the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the United



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States (the “FASB”) and the SEC, issue new and/or revised accounting standards or guidance. Changes to existing standards or the questioning of current practices may adversely or significantly affect the way in which we record and report our operating results, cash flows and financial position.

In addition, our effective tax rate is influenced by a number of factors, including shifts in the mix of pre-tax profits and losses by tax jurisdiction, our ability to use tax credits, changes in tax laws or related interpretations in the jurisdictions in which we operate and tax assessments resulting from income tax audits. We are routinely subject to tax audits in various jurisdictions. Although we regularly assess the likely outcomes of such audits in order to determine the appropriateness of our tax provisions, there can be no assurance that we will predict the outcomes of these audits with accuracy, and the actual outcomes of these audits could have a material impact on our net income or financial condition.

There can be no assurance that the reduction in net income and earnings per share (or increase in net loss or loss per share) arising from the adoption of such financial accounting standards or from changes in our effective tax rates in the future will not adversely affect our results of operations, cash flows or financial position, the market price of the Ordinary Shares or the cost to us of raising capital.

(bb)    We have been and may in the future be subject to adverse claims from our employees, customers and their employees as a result of the complex mechanical nature of some of our products.

Some of our products are complex machines requiring appropriate procedures and care to be taken in their handling, installation and use. As a result, we may face exposure relating to incidents involving their improper handling, installation or use. On November 15, 2010, an accident occurred at the facility of one of our customers in Korea in which a worker was killed. Korean authorities have initiated a criminal investigation related to Orbotech’s Korean subsidiary, its officers and employees in connection with this incident. We cannot predict the outcome of this investigation; however, it may lead to criminal penalties for our Korean subsidiary and the officers and employees under investigation, including possible imprisonment. We have settled this matter with the deceased’s family and a substantial portion of the settlement amount is expected to be covered by insurance. While we cannot predict the outcome of the pending investigation, we believe that we have sufficient resources to address it and sufficient insurance to cover the current incident and foreseeable future claims. Incidents of this type could result in substantial damages awards against us. An unfavorable outcome in litigation with respect to any such matters may cause our profitability, business, financial condition and reputation to decline.


Item 4. Information on the Company

4.A    History and Development of the Company

(a)    Corporate History

Orbotech Ltd. was incorporated in Israel, as a company limited by shares, on February 8, 1981 under the name ‘Optrotech Ltd.’ pursuant to the provisions of the then current Israeli Companies Ordinance. The legislative framework within which Orbotech Ltd. and its Israeli subsidiaries now operate is the Israeli Companies Law, 1999, as amended (the “Companies Law”), which originally became effective on February 1, 2000, and the Israeli Companies Ordinance (New Version) 1983, as amended (the “Companies Ordinance”).

On August 9, 1984, the Company made an initial public offering of its Ordinary Shares in the United States. The Ordinary Shares are listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market (“Nasdaq”) and are traded under the symbol ORBK.

Effective as of October 27, 1992, the Company acquired all the ordinary shares of Orbot Systems Ltd. (“Orbot”), a private Israeli company which was engaged primarily in the design, development, manufacture and marketing of AOI systems for use in the manufacture of PCBs, and subsequently merged with Orbot, with Orbotech Ltd. as the surviving entity (the “Merger”). In connection with the Merger, the Company changed its name to Orbotech Ltd. on October 27, 1992. The Merger was approved by the Tel Aviv-Jaffa District Court effective as of January 1, 1993.



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(b)    Major Business Developments

The Company’s business initially centered upon the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of AOI systems and imaging solutions for use in the manufacture of PCBs, and since the Merger the Company has been a leader in providing such systems. Since 1991, the Company has also been engaged, and subsequently became a leader, in the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of AOI systems for use in the manufacture of FPDs; and since the PDI Acquisition in 2008 the Company has also been engaged as a leader in the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of test and repair systems for use in the manufacture of FPDs.

Since 1995, the Company has, through Orbograph, developed and marketed character recognition solutions to banks and other financial institutions, and has also developed a proprietary technology for web-based, location-independent data entry for use, among other things, in check and forms processing. For further information on character recognition solutions, see Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Our Application and Products—Recognition Solutions.

In 1996, the Company commenced the development of laser-based direct imaging technologies. For further information on laser-based direct imaging, see Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Our Applications and Products—Our PCB Applications and Products.

In 1997, the Company commenced the design, development, manufacture and marketing of AOI systems for ‘assembled’ (as distinct from ‘bare’) PCBs, which are PCBs on which the electronic components needed to perform the specified tasks have been mounted. During 2008, the Company decided to phase out its assembled PCB business and, accordingly, commencing from the beginning of 2009, the Company ceased to develop and market assembled PCB equipment. During 2009, the Company consummated an agreement with Orpro Services s.r.l. (“Orpro”) of Italy for the sale of its assembled PCB business in Europe and the Americas.

In 1998, Orbotech Ltd. entered into an agreement with Valor Computerized Systems Ltd. (which has subsequently been renamed Mentor Graphics Development Services (Israel) Ltd.) (“Mentor”), an Israeli corporation, for the formation of Frontline, a joint venture with respect to CAM software for PCB fabrication applications. Frontline is owned equally by Orbotech Ltd. and Mentor and combines the former CAM operations of Orbotech Ltd. and Mentor. See Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Our Applications and Products—Our PCB Applications and Products. The Company’s interest in Frontline is presented in the Financial Statements using the proportionate method of consolidation. See Note 2a to the Financial Statements.

In 1999, the Company acquired all the outstanding shares of KLA Acrotec Co. Ltd., a Japanese company then engaged in the design, development, manufacture and marketing of FPD-AOI systems. For further information on FPDs, see Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Our Applications and Products—Our FPD Applications and Products.

In 2007, the Company acquired New System s.r.l. (“New System”), a privately-held Italian company engaged in the design, development, manufacture and marketing of PCB inkjet legend printers, for approximately $17.0 million (including satisfaction of net liabilities). For further information on inkjet printers, see Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Our Applications and Products—Our PCB Applications and Products.

As part of the Company’s strategy of diversifying into new growth areas for imaging technologies, in 2005 Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd. (“OMS”) acquired all the assets of Imarad, a privately-held Israeli company that developed a technology to manufacture high performance, solid state cadmium zinc telluride (“CZT”) gamma radiation detectors, for $7.0 million; and in 2007 the Company acquired 3—D Danish Diagnostic Development A/S (which was subsequently renamed Orbotech Medical Denmark A/S), a privately-held Danish company engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of gamma cameras for use in nuclear cardiac imaging, for approximately $41.0 million. In October 2010, the Company entered into an agreement (the “APA”) with General Electric Company (“GE”) pursuant to which a subsidiary of GE, GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd.



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(“GEMSI”) agreed to acquire the assets of OMS for approximately $9.0 million in cash at closing and up to an additional $5.0 million in cash, subject to the achievement of certain agreed performance-based milestones. The transaction closed on February 10, 2011. In addition, as of December 31, 2010, the Company committed to a plan to sell OMD by the end of 2011. However, the timing and terms of any such transaction within that period are subject to market and other conditions. As a result, OMS as well as OMD have been classified as discontinued operations and certain financial data for this and previous fiscal years provided in this Annual Report and the Financial Statements have been re-cast to give effect to this. For further information, see Note 2b to the Financial Statements.

In 2008, the Company acquired PDI, a leading provider of test and repair systems for the FPD industry. On the PDI Closing Date, the Company paid $15.60 per share in cash for all of the issued and outstanding shares of PDI’s common stock, and issued equity awards with respect to Ordinary Shares to certain PDI employees, resulting in an aggregate purchase price of approximately $295.8 million. In 2008 the Company recorded an impairment charge of $85.7 million with respect to the goodwill associated with the PDI Acquisition. For further information on test and repair systems for FPDs, see Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Our Applications and Products—Our FPD Applications and Products.

As part of the PDI Acquisition, the Company acquired an interest in certain research and development activity in the crystalline silicon photovoltaic manufacturing processes for the solar energy industry. Following examination of this activity, the Company decided to continue to pursue its interest in this project, and in July 2009, OLTS was established as a limited liability company for this purpose. OLTS is held jointly by the Company and the two developers of the technology. For further information on crystalline silicon photovoltaic manufacturing processes for the solar energy industry, see Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Our Applications and Products—Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing.

(c)    Recent Major Capital Expenditures

During the period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010, the Company’s non-acquisition related capital expenditures totaled approximately $6.8 million (compared to $3.7 million during 2009 and $10.5 million during 2008), of which approximately $3.3 million (compared to $2.8 million during 2009 and $7.6 million during 2008) was expended at or upon the Company’s facilities in Yavne, Israel, and approximately $3.5 million (compared to $0.9 million during 2009 and $2.9 million during 2008) was expended upon various facilities of the Company’s subsidiaries outside Israel. Of these expenditures, approximately $2.9 million during 2010 (compared to $0.3 million during 2009 and $5.4 million during 2008) was for capital equipment and leasehold improvements and the balance of approximately $3.9 million (compared to $3.4 million during 2009 and $5.1 million during 2008) was related to information technology. For information with respect to significant capital divestitures made or committed to by the Company since January 1, 2006, see Major Business Developments. Other than capital expenditures of the types and consistent with the amounts described above, there are not any significant capital expenditures in progress by the Company.

All of the above non-acquisition related capital expenditures were paid from internally generated funds. These amounts do not include non-acquisition related capital expenditures by entities acquired by the Company prior to their acquisition dates.

(d)    Miscellaneous

The Company’s corporate headquarters, executive and registered offices and principal research and development, engineering and manufacturing facilities are located at Sanhedrin Boulevard, North Industrial Zone, Yavne, Israel. The Company’s postal address and its telephone and facsimile numbers at that facility are P. O. Box 215, Yavne 81101, Israel, +972-8-9423533 and +972-8-9438769, respectively. The Company’s internet address is: www.orbotech.com (the “Corporate Website”), where its annual reports on Form 20-F, current reports on Form 6-K and certain other SEC filings made by, or which are relevant to, the Company may



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be accessed through the ‘SEC Filings’ hyperlink contained in the ‘Investors’ section. The Corporate Website is not incorporated by reference in this Annual Report and is included as an inactive textual reference only.

The Company’s agent for SEC matters in the United States is its wholly-owned subsidiary, Orbotech, Inc., the headquarters of which are located at 44 Manning Road, Billerica, Massachusetts 01821; attention: Guy Shemi.

There have been no public takeover offers by third parties with respect to the Company or by the Company during the last or current fiscal year.

4.B    Business Overview

(a)    General

Company Overview

We are a leading global provider of yield-enhancing and production solutions for PCBs, which are used in virtually all electronic equipment, including smartphones, tablets and other mobile electronic devices, and for LCDs and touch screens. We design, develop, manufacture and market inspection, test, repair and production solutions, with PCB and FPD manufacturers as our main customers. For over 30 years, we have built our global installed base of systems at customers which include leading PCB, as well as virtually all FPD, manufacturers, for whom our solutions are designed to optimize production yields, improve throughput and increase production process cost effectiveness.

We offer a technologically advanced end-to-end solutions portfolio to address yield management at various manufacturing stages for both PCBs and FPDs. Our products include AOI, AOR, CAM and engineering solutions, imaging and production products for PCB manufacturing, as well as AOI, test, repair and process monitoring systems for FPD manufacturing. We also develop and market character recognition solutions, primarily to banks and other financial institutions, for use in check and forms processing. Additionally, we are engaged in the research and development of products for the deposition of anti-reflective coating on crystalline silicon photovoltaic wafers for solar energy panels. Approximately 47%, 50% and 3%, respectively, of our 2010 revenues was derived from the sale of products and services in our PCB, FPD and character recognition businesses.

Recently, consumer end markets have been experiencing a fundamental shift in technology complexity, driven primarily by the proliferation of high-end mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, as well as by the growing demand for large-size, internet enabled, three-dimensional LCD televisions. This shift has emphasized the importance of production quality because production is more challenging and there are increased costs of lower yields compared to less technologically advanced devices. We believe that approximately 23%, 42%, 18% and 17%, respectively, of our 2010 revenues were derived from sales of our products that were used by our customers in the manufacture of mobile phones and tablets; LCD televisions; automotive, communication, medical and other electronic devices; and personal computers.

We sell our solutions to PCB manufacturers globally, including first-tier electronics companies and, as of December 31, 2010, we had an installed base of over 9,000 PCB systems. Our FPD manufacturing customers include the major LCD manufacturers and, as of December 31, 2010, we had an installed base of over 1,400 FPD systems. Most of our PCB customers enter into service and maintenance agreements with us after the expiration of the warranty period with respect to our installed base of PCB products. In addition, we provide utilization-based service arrangements for our FPD customers. We believe our proximity to our customers, together with our large installed base of products and ongoing service arrangements, enable us to understand and address our customers’ rapidly changing technological and capacity needs. Approximately 23% of our 2010 revenues was derived from the service and support of our installed base of products.



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We have long maintained our leadership position, with a specific focus on the high-end industry segments. For the past 30 years, we believe we have consistently been the first to market in most key technological cycles in the industries served by our products by continually investing in research and development and by working with our customers to understand their current and anticipated technological requirements. As of December 31, 2010, our intellectual property portfolio consisted of approximately 520 patents and patent applications worldwide. Our yield-enhancing and production solutions are designed to increase our customers’ production yields and significantly reduce their costs. We have also established a strong global footprint, which enables us to be close to our key customers to provide them with real-time support.

Industry Trends

We believe that the current trends in mobile devices and LCD television consumer products will drive the need for production, inspection, test and repair solutions that are able to address the cutting edge technology embedded in these types of electronic products. We believe that strong growth in key consumer end markets will drive the need for more advanced manufacturing combined with yield management capabilities to contain costs. We believe that this need will lead manufacturers to make significant capital investments in the near future. We believe the key growth elements are:



the increase in demand for smartphones, tablets, e-readers and other mobile connected devices that require high performance, high density PCBs; and



the increasing demand for high definition, larger-sized, more power efficient, low cost FPDs across a number of sectors, such as consumer electronics, communications, healthcare, government and industrial applications.

While PCB and FPD manufacturers create different products for diverse end-markets, they share similar production challenges in an increasingly competitive environment. Both continuously seek to increase yields and enhance the efficiency of their manufacturing processes, including by improving their manufacturing, inspection, testing and repair capabilities.

Printed Circuit Boards

Due to the recent proliferation of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, our customers have faced increased demand for more complex, multilayer and high density PCBs. For such complex boards, production yield drops dramatically as the number of likely defects increases, due ultimately to the increased sophistication, miniaturization and quality of these consumer end products. In 2010, due to the higher technological requirements, we believe the yield-rate for any-layer high density interconnect (“HDI”) was only 50-70% compared to yield rates of 80% or greater for non-any-layer HDI. These lower yields translate into increased time spent and materials consumed in production, leading to higher costs.

The success of smaller and more sophisticated electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablet PCs has been a key driver of this growth for the past years, and is projected to drive growth in the future as well. According to the December 2010 issue of Worldwide Smartphone 2010 - 2014 Forecast Update and the September 2010 issue of Worldwide and U.S. Media Tablet 2010 - 2014 Forecast Update, IDC projects that, between 2010 and 2014, global smartphone shipments will grow by a compound annual growth rate (“CAGR”) of 24% and consumer and commercial global media tablet shipments will grow by a CAGR of 45%.

Flat Panel Displays

The growing demand for high definition and zero defect televisions requires FPD manufacturers to develop more complex panel designs and to implement tighter production process controls. The inspection of LCDs poses distinct technological challenges due to the transparent materials used for some conductors and insulators, their multilayered structure and high-density features and the fine nature of potential defects. LCD inspection, test and repair processes must also match the high production speeds of LCD facilities, a task made more challenging by the fact that LCD manufacturers have been utilizing larger substrate glasses for new generations of complex larger-sized displays.



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Over recent years there has been a significant shift from cathrode ray tube (“CRT”) screens to LCDs for use in computer monitors and other display devices. There has also been steady growth in sales of LCD television sets for home use as a percentage of the total number of televisions sold. We believe that the production of LCD televisions at electronics manufacturing services and original design manufacturers is projected to grow by a CAGR of 14% from 2010 to 2014. In addition, according to Frost & Sullivan, global three-dimensional television shipments are projected to grow from approximately three million units in 2010 to over 40 million units in 2014, reflecting a CAGR of 88%, as projected in its October 2010 issue of The Connected Home: Evolution of the Consumer Space.

FPD manufacturing is currently migrating to China, a move undertaken by PCB manufacturers over ten years ago, and both industries are at present substantially increasing production capacity in that country. We have an established commitment to the region with more than 15 years of operating history in China and strong relationships with local manufacturers in the region. According to the November 2010 issue of “The Printed Circuit Industry”, published by Prismark, China’s global share in PCB manufacturing is expected to grow from 34.6% in 2009 to more than 44% in 2015, and is forecasted to continue growing at a 10.4% CAGR during this period.

Our broad range of advanced and integrated inspection, test and repair technologies, applications insights and manufacturing capabilities provides our customers with differentiated, and in some cases, what we believe are ‘must have’ solutions that serve their critical requirements. For example, our FPD customers use our systems in the manufacturing ramp-up phase of new plants in order to identify production deficiencies in initial production runs to shorten lead times to capacity production and reduce costs. A new FPD fabrication plant typically takes about a year to construct, at a cost of between $2 and $4 billion, which we believe increases the importance of our systems to our customers in the ramp-up phase. We estimate that in a typical FPD fabrication plant, approximately 2.5% of such construction costs are allocated to yield-enhancement products of the type we sell. Our global presence ensures that we are in relatively close proximity to our customers, which allows us to provide them with ongoing services and support on a real time basis. Through these services and our in-person contacts with our customers, we believe we are able to hone our understanding of our customers’ current and future production requirements. We are then able to design solutions optimized to their needs and that are becoming an increasingly important part of their product design and manufacturing processes.

As of December 31, 2010, the Company had two reportable segments: Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry, which, in 2010, accounted for approximately 97% of the Company’s revenues; and Recognition Software, which, in 2010, accounted for approximately 3% of the Company’s revenues. In addition to its two reportable segments, certain research and development initiatives concerning various products not related to the Company’s two reportable segments are included in the Financial Statements under “Other”. See Note 14a to the Financial Statements for a description of each reportable segment and information as to segment revenues, operating income or loss, assets and related data.

(b)    Strengths and Strategies

We believe our key competitive strengths include:

Leadership position.  We have the largest installed base in our key PCB and FPD products and our installed base continues to grow. Our industry-leading position is further driven by rapid growth in the high end elements of the electronics industry, where we continue to focus our efforts. Given the embedded nature of our solutions in the manufacturing of our customers’ products, we believe that our advanced technology, high performance, broad solutions portfolio and global footprint, as well as the lack of other available end-to-end solutions, provides us with a strong competitive advantage. Our large installed base of products provides us with a stable source of revenue from services we provide to our customers. These services also allow us to enhance our customer relationships and provide us with an opportunity to understand our customers’ existing and anticipated technological and capacity needs on a real-time basis.

Technological innovation.  For over 30 years, we believe we have consistently been first to market in most key technological cycles by continually investing in research and development. The majority of our 2010 annual



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revenues from product sales was derived from products introduced since the beginning of 2009, which we believe reflects the success of our ongoing efforts to innovate. Our technological creativity enables us to sustain our strong competitive position and remain at the forefront of each industry we serve.

Industry-leading solution portfolio.  We believe that our broad solution portfolio is unmatched in terms of performance, technical capability, defect detection, accuracy, speed and quality assurance, allowing for increased production yields and significant cost-savings. We are the only provider of certain of the solutions that we offer and we believe that we have the broadest end-to-end yield management solutions portfolio for both PCB and FPD manufacturing.

Global presence with strong foothold in growing markets.  We have established a strong global footprint with a solid and growing customer base, which includes most PCB and virtually all FPD manufacturers in the world. Our global organizational infrastructure includes local management, customer service support, sales, operations and engineering, enabling us to maintain ongoing contact with our key customers. In 2010, 92% of our total annual revenues came from outside North America, including 31% from Korea, 25% from China, 20% from Taiwan and 11% from Japan.

The key elements of our growth strategy are to:

Maintain our technological leadership.  We will continue to invest to preserve our technological leadership, anticipate technological trends and provide innovative solutions through continued research and development through economic cycles. We believe our geographic proximity and our ongoing contact with our customers through our service organization enhances our ability to maintain our technological leadership because of our ability to understand customers’ technological needs on a real-time basis.

Enhance and extend our existing product offering.  We will enhance our current product offerings and develop new generations of cutting-edge solutions in order to meet the existing and anticipated needs of our customers as their products and manufacturing processes become increasingly complex. A recent example is our ultraviolet laser drilling system, a new production tool used to generate the interconnection between different layers in HDI PCBs.

Expand Use of Our Core Technologies.  We plan to utilize our core competencies in machine vision, electro-optics, precision mechanics, artificial intelligence and imaging technologies, to reach additional customers in existing and new industries and expand into new applications.

Leverage our global footprint.  We believe our extensive worldwide marketing and distribution organization and customer support network will allow us to capture an increasing share of growing geographic regional markets. As of December 31, 2010, we had approximately 150 employees dedicated to our global sales and marketing efforts and 557 employees in over 35 locations providing customer support and services.

Grow through complementary acquisitions.  We intend to continue to pursue acquisitions to expand our product offerings to our existing PCB and FPD customers, enter new industries and broaden and develop our character recognition, artificial intelligence and related forms processing software platform. For example, in 2008, we completed our acquisition of PDI, through which we expanded our product offering to FPD manufacturers and gained an interest in technologies applicable in the solar industry.

(c)    Our Technologies

We believe we have a unique combination of proprietary technologies, such as image acquisition, precision mechanics and motion control, high resolution printing, laser machining, algorithms and image processing and system integration capabilities by which we provide our customers with differentiated solutions serving their critical requirements. Our solutions are designed to enable our customers to realize increased yields and drive down production costs.



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For example, our AOI systems use our proprietary machine vision, electro-optics, precision mechanics, artificial intelligence and imaging technologies to automatically detect flaws and defects in products being manufactured by our PCB and FPD customers. Some of our AOI systems incorporate several parallel methods of inspection, utilizing pre-programmed algorithms and data stored in a computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacture (“CAD/CAM”) database to maximize the probability of defect detection and minimize the rate of false calls. The proprietary structure of the electronic logic unit enables parallel processing, a requirement for performing defect detection tasks in real time, which, in turn, is one of the key factors in attaining the high throughput achieved by our systems.

Our laser-based direct imaging technology enables the transfer of digital image data directly from the electronic media on to the photoresist which translates into fewer manufacturing steps, lower material costs and greater accuracy. Our laser-based direct imaging technology enables our PCB customers to manufacture higher density, more sophisticated PCBs, with significantly higher yields and reduced manufacturing costs, through the elimination of artwork costs and the scrap created by traditional contact printing.

Our repair products employ advanced optics systems and image acquisition and processing techniques, combined with high-performance, high-power laser control, to achieve highly accurate, repeatable and reliable results for advanced PCB and FPD applications, which cannot be replicated in manual repair processes.

Our UV laser drilling systems are used to achieve the small vias required for the most advanced mobile phone boards and IC substrates at a quality superior to that achievable by traditional mechanical drills or CO2 lasers.

Our FPD test systems utilize advanced digital imaging technology which enables LCD manufacturers to conduct electrical testing of glass panels, based on examination and testing of their functionality, to identify and repair defects during the various stages of the cell and array manufacturing process thereby allowing manufacturers to reduce overall cost of materials and significantly improve throughput.

Our CAM and engineering solutions facilitate automation and integration of the design, tooling, production data and inspection needs associated with PCB production. These software solutions streamline the transfer of complex designs from the designer of the PCB to the production floor and enable system operators to perform a wide range of data-related operations.

Our recognition software solutions use proprietary image processing, character recognition and web-based work flow algorithms to enable banks and other financial institutions to automate their check processing operations, thereby reducing manual labor costs and increasing their overall cost effectiveness. We have also developed a proprietary technology for web-based, location-independent data entry for use, among other things, in check and forms processing. We believe we are a leading provider of automatic check reading software solutions.

(d)    Our Industry

Printed Circuit Boards

Virtually all electronic equipment uses PCBs, which are the basic interconnect platforms for the electronic components that comprise all electronic equipment. PCBs contain the electronic circuitry required to interconnect the components which are subsequently mounted on them and which, when operating together, perform a specified function. An assembly of one or more mounted PCBs working together forms an essential part of most electronic products. These include computers, hand-held electronic devices such as cellular telephones, tablets and electronic book readers, consumer electronics, automotive equipment, telecommunications equipment, industrial and medical equipment and military and aerospace applications.



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PCBs are manufactured through a series of complex steps. Generally, production starts with a sheet of epoxy-fiberglass (or other material with electric insulating qualities) laminated with a conducting material such as copper. The sheet is coated with a thin layer of light-sensitive material (‘photoresist’). A transparent film containing the desired circuitry pattern (‘production phototool’), normally produced by a photoplotter connected to a CAD/CAM data base, is then laid on the photoresist. The sheet is then exposed to light, which copies the conductor pattern from the production phototool into the photoresist. Alternatively, the conductor pattern may be transferred directly into the photoresist without the use of a production phototool using direct imaging technologies. Subsequent development of the photoresist and a chemical etching process removes excess conducting material and leaves the desired conducting metal pattern printed on the layer.

Although PCBs may be single-sided or double-sided, the largest segment of the PCB industry consists of multilayer boards. In multilayer board production several such layers with appropriate copper patterns (‘inner layers’) are stacked up in registration and laminated together. Thereafter, holes are drilled through the stack in a specific pattern, using a mechanical driller, and plated with a conductive metal. Further steps of patterning the outermost layers, protecting the functional areas with a more inert conductor and the rest of the surface with insulating material (‘solder mask’) and marking the board with a screen printed or ink jetted legend result in the completed multilayer board. Still more advanced PCBs, known as ‘build-up’ boards, are produced using HDI technology. This involves adding thin additional electrical insulating layers to the top and bottom surface of the board, drilling miniature holes (known as ‘vias’) through each such layer using a laser drilling machine and then metalizing and patterning the surface as before. This process may be repeated several times resulting in multiple build up layers on each side of the PCB.

As PCBs are susceptible to various defects (electrical shorts, open circuits and insufficient or off-measure conductor widths), inspection is required throughout PCB production to identify such defects, which are then repaired, if possible. Early detection of these defects, particularly in the case of multilayered boards where PCB layers are subsequently embedded inside the finished board, increases the possibility of successful repair and reduces the number of unusable boards, and therefore reduces the overall cost to the manufacturer.

Flat Panel Displays

FPDs, which include LCDs, plasma displays, organic light-emitting diodes displays (“OLED”s) and other types of FPDs, are presently used as display screens for laptop and desktop computers, tablets, televisions, smartphones, car navigation systems, digital and video cameras and a variety of other devices for technical, medical, military, aerospace and consumer electronics applications. FPDs offer various advantages over CRTs, including the convenience associated with their significantly smaller physical depth and lower weight, their relatively efficient use of energy and their relatively low levels of radiation and heat emission. Over recent years there has been a steady growth in sales of LCD television sets for home use as a percentage of the total number of televisions sold, as well as in the average screen size of LCD televisions.

The most common FPD technology currently in use is the thin film transistor (“TFT”) LCD, and we believe that this LCD technology will maintain its position of major importance in the foreseeable future. TFT LCDs, which are also known as active matrix LCDs, enable the production of higher resolution displays which provide very high performance.

LCD manufacturers generally refer to the size of glass panels (as measured in length and width) in terms of successively numbered ‘generations.’ Although there is no standard gauge that is strictly and uniformly applied by all LCD manufacturers, a broad understanding exists as to the glass size represented by each incremental generation number. Normally, fourth generation glasses are 730 x 920 mm in size; fifth generation 1,100 x 1,300 mm in size; sixth generation 1,500 x 1,850 mm in size; seventh generation 1,870 x 2,200 mm in size; eighth generation 2,200 x 2,500 mm in size; and tenth generation, the largest currently in commercial production, are 2,880 x 3,130 mm in size. By developing increasingly large glasses, manufacturers are able to take advantage of various economies of scale which are available in the LCD production process, thus enabling them to improve their overall productivity. In addition, larger glasses enable manufacturers to produce and market consumer products, including televisions, with larger screen sizes.



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LCDs are susceptible to various defects, many of which result from the photolithographic, deposition and etching processes used in LCD production. Detection of these defects during the production process allows manufacturers to improve monitoring of their production processes, avoid the expense of further costly materials (which represent a substantial percentage of total costs), repair defects, if possible, before they become inaccessible due to further manufacturing processes and improve yields.

(e) Our Applications and Products

We design, develop, manufacture and sell AOI, repair, production and imaging products for use in the manufacture of PCBs, AOI, test and repair systems for FPDs and automatic check reading products enabled through recognition software. We also market CAM and engineering solutions for PCB production. The table below provides an overview of our target industries and our key applications and products:


Our  Target Industries    Our Applications    Our Products






Ultra Discovery




Ultra PerFix



   LP 9

•Direct Imaging




Paragon Ultra




   Laser Drilling    Emerald




Genesis 2000
















   Test    ArrayChecker
   Repair    ArraySaver
   Process Monitoring    EYES-2020
   Value Added Applications   

Automatic Defect Classification

Digital Macro Inspection

Critical Dimension and Overlay Measurement


Recognition Solutions

   Check Processing   



   Fraud Prevention    Sereno
   Forms Automation    Convene



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Our PCB Applications and Products

Our PCB-AOI products are of particular value to manufacturers of fine-line, advanced PCBs (where defects are especially difficult to detect) and of multilayered PCBs (where the cost of undetected defects is very high) because they enable manufacturers to trace the source of defects in their manufacturing processes and increase their yield of usable finished products. In addition, the capability of our digital production solutions, such as laser direct imaging, inkjet legend printing and ultraviolet (“UV”) laser drilling, to adapt production data and thereby compensate for random production process inaccuracies enables manufacturers to improve their yield in the production of these complex boards. We believe that from 2000 to 2010, growth in sales of our PCB applications and products was about three times the rate of growth in the general PCB industry.

In 2010, our PCB product lines accounted for approximately $250.1 million of revenues (including approximately $77.8 million related to service and support of those products), representing approximately 47% of our revenues. This compared with approximately $144.1 million of revenues (including approximately $69.6 million related to service and support of those products), representing approximately 40% of our revenues, in 2009, and approximately $217.6 million of revenues (including approximately $78.1 million related to service and support of those products), representing approximately 53% of our revenues, in 2008.

(i)    PCB-AOI

PCB-AOI systems are computerized, electro-optical systems for inspection and identification of defects in the artwork design master, production phototools and PCBs at various stages of production. Our PCB-AOI systems are designed for easy integration into the production processes of most PCB manufacturing facilities, as well as for flexibility, easy upgradeability, operational simplicity and ease of maintenance and do not generally require highly specialized skills or experience to operate. Our PCB-AOI offering includes the Fusion series and the Discovery series of AOI systems. Fusion was launched in the fourth quarter of 2010 and can handle resolutions down to 25 microns at very high throughput, and provides significantly improved detection on semi transparent and multi-colored substrates. In addition, the Fusion’s ‘Smart Setup’ offers significantly shortened setup time and offers intuitive operation thus reducing the need for AOI training.

(ii)    AOR Systems and Verification and Repair Stations

AOR systems are designed to address certain limitations inherent in the manual repair of PCBs, by enabling the automatic repair of defects known as ‘shorts’ and ‘excess copper,’ thereby minimizing the scrapping of unusable panels during the manufacturing process and enabling a significant reduction in manufacturers’ overall manufacturing costs. Our AOR products employ advanced image acquisition and image processing techniques, combined with high-performance laser control, to achieve highly accurate, repeatable and reliable results, particularly for advanced PCB applications, which cannot be replicated in manual repair processes. The PerFix series of AOR systems, which was introduced in 2008, is the first system to offer an automated repair solution for ‘shorts’ and ‘excess copper’ defects in PCBs.

Our current offering of verification and repair stations is comprised of the VeriSmart, introduced in 2004, the VeriWide and VeriFine, introduced in 2006 and the Ultra VeriFine-A, introduced in 2009. Each of these models provides the operator with a crisp and magnified color image of the possible defect essential for verification of high-density PCBs.

(iii)    Imaging Solutions

Laser plotters provide PCB manufacturers with the capability to transform, within a few minutes, circuit designs on electronic media or design data retrieved from CAM databases into accurate, reliable ‘artwork’, or production phototools. In 2008, we introduced our latest generation of high performance, automated laser plotters, the LP-9 series.



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Laser-based direct imaging eliminates the need for exposing photoresist through a production phototool by enabling the transfer of digital image data directly from the electronic media on to the photoresist. This translates into fewer manufacturing steps, lower material costs and greater accuracy and layer-to-layer registration. Laser-based direct imaging technology enables the manufacture of higher density, more sophisticated PCBs, with significantly higher yields and reduced manufacturing costs, through the elimination of artwork costs and the scrap created by contact printing. Our advanced Paragon systems are industry-leading, high accuracy, power efficient, fast throughput laser direct imaging solutions.

Legend printing refers to a particular stage in the PCB manufacturing process during which characters and other non-functional patterns (‘legends’) are printed on the PCB under production. Using a digital, non-contact, dot-matrix printing technology, inkjet systems release droplets of ink from a small aperture directly to a specified position on a given media to create the required image. The Sprint series systems, introduced in 2008, provide substantial cost savings for PCB manufacturers by significantly reducing the legend printing cycle time and enabling functionality that cannot be achieved through the conventional legend printing process.

(iv)    UV laser drilling

UV laser drilling is used to generate the interconnection between different layers in HDI PCBs. UV laser drilling is capable of achieving the small vias required for leading edge mobile phone boards and the most advanced IC substrates at a quality superior to that achievable by traditional mechanical drills or CO2 lasers. In 2010, we introduced the Emerald-100, a high performance UV laser drilling solution for IC substrates and HDI applications. The Emerald-100 activates multiple beams and scanners in parallel to achieve very high drilling speed, accuracy and quality.

(v)    CAM and Engineering Solutions

CAM and engineering solutions are designed for use in the PCB pre-production phase to facilitate automation and integration of the design, tooling, production data and inspection needs associated with PCB production. The Frontline products we market include CAM and engineering software solutions, which streamline the transfer of complex designs from the designer of the PCB to the production floor and enable system operators to perform a wide range of data-related operations. Our CAM and engineering product lines include: InCAM, GenFlex and InPlan.

Our FPD Applications and Products

The FPD-AOI and test systems manufactured and marketed by the Company identify and classify defects that may impact the performance of the LCD panel; and the repair systems manufactured and marketed by the Company are designed to enable customers to repair defects, thereby further improving manufacturers’ yield of non-defective or higher grade (quality) glasses.

In 2010, our FPD product lines accounted for approximately $265.6 million of revenues (including approximately $36.0 million related to service and support of such products), representing approximately 50% of our revenues. This compared with approximately $201.2 million of revenues (including approximately $31.6 million related to service and support of such products), representing approximately 56% of our revenues, in 2009, and approximately $175.1 million of revenues (including approximately $16.8 million related to service and support of those products), representing approximately 43% of our revenues, in 2008.

(i)    FPD-AOI and Value Added Applications

We offer a variety of inline and offline FPD-AOI systems that includes the Evision Series, SuperVision Series, XVision Series and FPI-6000 Series. The EVision series, introduced in the third quarter of 2010, offers optimized glass handling, rapid image capture capabilities and compact footprint for seventh and eighth



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generation glass substrates. The EVision is designed to meet both the detection sensitivity and throughput requirements of the industry’s leading manufacturers. Our SuperVision series of FPD-AOI systems supports fourth through eighth generation glass substrates. The latest model, the SuperVision 470HR, addresses the highly specialized inspection requirements of OLED displays. The XVision systems are designed to be integrated into process equipment to provide rapid feedback on process failures. The FPI-6000 series FPD-AOI systems complement and expand the range of our other FPD-AOI systems by broadening the scope of inspection solutions that we are able to offer to include engineering tool-process analysis for process setup.

In addition, we offer complementary features to our FPD-AOI systems that include: Advanced Video Classification (“AVC”), Digital Macro inspection and Critical Dimension and Overlay Measurement. AVC employs high quality video images to enable the automatic classification of defects identified by our FPD-AOI systems during the scanning process. Digital Macro inspection is an optional add-on feature to the FPD-AOI systems which obviates the need for manufacturers to purchase a separate, stand alone macro inspection system. Critical Dimension and Overlay measurement, or ‘CD/O’, is an optional add-on feature to our FPD-AOI systems, which enables accurate measurement of critical features on the glass panel, such as conductor widths and layer to layer registration.

(ii)    FPD Test

The ArrayChecker test systems detect, locate, quantify and characterize electrical, contamination and other defects in active matrix LCD after array fabrication. These systems use proprietary non-contact voltage imaging technology to provide a high-resolution voltage map of the entire display and proprietary image analysis software which converts this voltage map into complete pixel defect data. The ArrayChecker test systems determine whether individual pixels or lines of pixels are functional and also identify more subtle defects such as variations in individual pixel voltage. These defect data files are then used for repair and statistical process control.

(iii)    FPD Repair

The ArraySaver repair systems utilize multiple wavelength laser technology to repair ‘short’ defects in FPDs during and after array fabrication. These systems can use defect data files downloaded from any test and inspection systems, to position the panel for repair automatically, thereby saving time which would otherwise be spent by operators in locating defects. The repair automation function has been further upgraded by the introduction of the Parallel Repair System (PRS) which simplifies operator interaction with the system and improves repair tool capacity.

(iv)    Process Monitoring

Our EYES-2020 offers an enhanced process monitoring system providing effective defect data analysis. It enables accurate process control, virtually in real time, and improves yields by automatically counting, accumulating and analyzing AOI-generated defect data. We believe that the combination of AOI and EYES allows LCD manufacturers to achieve high quality, comprehensive and reliable process control.

Recognition Solutions

Through Orbograph, we developed recognition software comprising automatic check reading and check fraud detection products which are marketed to banks and other financial institutions through system integrators and solution providers. Orbograph has also developed a proprietary technology, known as Key-Pay, for web-based, location-independent data entry for use, among other things, in check and forms processing. By using Orbograph’s automatic check reading products, customers substantially reduce their manual labor costs, while at the same time generally achieving greater accuracy than human operators. The Company believes that, as of the date hereof, Orbograph is a leading provider of automatic check reading software products.



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Orbograph’s recognition software drives its automatic check reading products, which operate by acquiring or ‘capturing’ the image of a check, identifying the amount as well as other important information which it contains, and converting that image data into a computer readable, digital number. Orbograph’s principal products are the OrboCAR (check amount recognition) suite of products that are designed to automatically read the numerical characters and alphabetical letters handwritten or printed on checks. Other products developed and marketed by Orbograph include: OrboCAR Apex, an innovative product based on Orbograph’s patented Key-Pay technology that provides a highly efficient solution to check data entry by using a combination of artificial intelligence and human intervention; Convene, an add-on utility for forms-processing applications which uses Key-Pay technology to provide remote data-entry and data-repair services; and Sereno, a product that employs proprietary algorithms which utilize recognition and image quality results, as well as verification of the signatures and the check-stock (or check ‘template’) and transaction related data such as amount and serial number, against valid items from a bank’s profile database, to detect fraudulent checks.

In 2010, our recognition software product lines accounted for approximately $13.8 million of revenues (including approximately $6.0 million related to service and support of those products), representing approximately 3% of our revenues. This compared with approximately $14.1 million of revenues (including approximately $6.3 million related to service and support of those products), representing approximately 4% of our revenues, in 2009, and approximately $15.3 million of revenues (including approximately $5.6 million related to service and support of those products), representing approximately 4% of our revenues, in 2008.

Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing

Through OLTS, we are engaged in the research and development of new products for the deposition of anti-reflective coating on crystalline silicon photovoltaic wafers for solar energy panels. Anti-reflective coating is a thin film of SiNx which is deposited by a process known as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (“PECVD”). This is an efficiency-enhancing technique intended to provide both an effective anti-reflective coating layer used to match refractive indexes and surface passivation. The process is designed to maximize light absorption in the silicon and perform material passivation, thereby generating higher solar energy to electricity conversion efficiencies and, in turn, reducing the cost per watt of electricity produced by photovoltaic systems. The system being developed by OLTS is intended to combine the benefits of high efficiency performance of direct PECVD and the productivity of high throughput operation.

(f)    Competition

We believe we are the only end-to-end yield management solutions provider to the PCB and FPD industries.

The competitive landscape we face in the PCB industry is highly fragmented. Within each of our product categories, we compete with a number of small, independent suppliers which supply solutions for specific, and in many cases, single applications. Our main competitors in the PCB industry include Camtek, Dainippon Screen, ORC Imaging, Fuji Film, and Hitachi Via Mechanics. We believe that the key competitive factors in this industry are product quality and reliability, technical expertise and development capability, breadth of product offerings, service capabilities and price.

The competitive landscape we face in the FPD industry is more concentrated and within each of the principal product categories in our FPD business, we compete with either divisions of industrial corporations, or with companies who are captive providers of yield management solutions to those corporations. Our main competitors in the FPD industry include NCB Networks, LG PRI, ADP Engineering, AKT (Applied Materials), Top Engineering, Charm Engineering and Omron LaserFront. We believe that the key competitive factors in this industry are technical expertise, product quality, reliability and price.



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(g)    Product Research, Development and Intellectual Property

We deploy our core technology platforms across various product families and applications in order to maximize the impact of our research, development and engineering investments, to increase economies of scale and to apply our technology-specific expertise across multiple consumer end markets.

Our global engineering team of 400 full time scientists and engineers dedicated to product research, development and engineering works closely with our customers to meet and anticipate their evolving requirements and new product introductions.

We believe that continued, focused investment in research, development and engineering activities are critical to our future growth and to maintaining our leadership position. Despite the economic downturn of 2008 and 2009, we continued during this period to invest in research and development in order to better serve our customers with advanced yield management solutions. Our research and development investment accounted for 15%, 18%, and 18% of our total revenues in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. Our research and development and engineering investment enable us to consistently provide innovative, ‘first to market’ and high quality products.

We believe that the development and use of our intellectual property is a key differentiating factor in the marketplace. We protect our proprietary technologies by seeking patents, retaining trade secrets and defending, enforcing and utilizing our intellectual property rights, where appropriate. We believe this strategy allows us to preserve the advantages of our products and technologies, and helps us to improve the return on our investment in research and development. We also benefit from our large intellectual property portfolio, which consists of approximately 520 United States and non-United States patents and patent applications.

(h)    Sales, Marketing and Customers

We market our products for inspection of electronic components and provide customer support through our wholly-owned subsidiaries in the United States, Europe and the Far East, including Japan. Our subsidiaries employ local marketing, sales and customer support personnel. Worldwide marketing efforts are co-ordinated by the responsible marketing managers, who are based at our headquarters in Israel. Orbograph, utilizing Orbotech, Inc. as its distributor, markets and sells its principal products through system integrators, principally in North America, who incorporate our recognition software into the automated check processing systems utilized by banks and other financial institutions. The Company has 41 sales offices in 12 countries.

Our sales and marketing strategy focuses on deepening our relationships with leading PCB and FPD customers and becoming their trusted supplier of yield management solutions and we have longstanding relationships with most of our customers.

We install, service and provide training to customers on all our products. After a minimum amount of site preparation by the customer, installation of a system can normally be completed at the customer’s site, either by the Company or third parties, within a relatively short time after delivery. As part of the installation procedure, we provide our customers with system documentation and basic training in maintenance and application. In addition, for a fee, we offer customers service and maintenance contracts commencing after the expiration of the warranty period. Software, whether contained in optional features or forming an integral part of the functioning capacity of the system, is licensed. Software updates are typically included in the service fee.

(i)    Production and Sources of Supply

The Company maintains manufacturing facilities in Israel, the United States, Europe, Korea, China and Japan. The Company’s manufacturing activities for systems consist primarily of the assembly and testing of components and subassemblies that are acquired from third party vendors and subcontractors and then integrated



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into a finished system by the Company. In addition, the Company utilizes turnkey suppliers to build and/or assemble some of its systems, into which certain core components, such as proprietary software and optical devices, are then integrated by the Company.

The Company increasingly utilizes subcontractors in Israel, the United States, Europe, Korea, China and Japan for the production of mechanical parts, optical components, castings and casings, electronic cabinets, PCB fabrication and a portion of the required electronic assembly.

Most electronic components are imported from the United States, Europe, China and Japan. The Company’s production capacity is sufficient for its level of sales and permits the Company, in most cases, to ship products within two weeks to six months of receipt of customer orders if requested by the customer.

Certain key components and subassemblies included in the Company’s systems are purchased from a limited group of suppliers. The Company purchases certain key components from single sources of supply. To date, the Company has been able to obtain sufficient units to meet its needs and does not foresee any short-term supply difficulty in obtaining timely delivery of any parts or components. However, an interruption in supply from any of these sources could disrupt production, thereby adversely affecting the Company’s results. The Company generally maintains several months’ inventory of critical components used in the manufacture and assembly of its systems and/or uses framework orders and other types of agreements to ensure the availability of such components.

(j)    Additional Considerations Relating to the Company’s Operations in Israel

The Company is incorporated under the laws of the State of Israel, and its headquarters, as well as substantial research and development and production facilities, are located in Israel. Although virtually all of the Company’s sales are currently made to customers outside Israel, the Company is nonetheless directly influenced by political, economic and military conditions affecting Israel. Accordingly, any major hostilities involving Israel, a substantial decline in the prevailing regional security situation or the interruption or curtailment of trade between Israel and its present trading partners could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s operations. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, a state of hostility has existed, varying in degree and intensity, between Israel and the Arab countries. Historically, Arab states have boycotted any direct trade with Israel and to varying degrees have imposed a secondary boycott on any company carrying on trade with, or doing business in, Israel. Although Israel has entered into certain agreements with Egypt, Jordan and Palestinian representatives, there have been continued and increasing difficulties in the relationship with the Palestinians and no prediction can be made as to whether a resolution of past problems will be achieved or as to the nature of any such resolution. During the past decade the overall relationship and security situation between Israel and the Palestinians has deteriorated significantly and has been marked by ongoing violence. To date, these matters have not had any material effect on the Company’s business and results of operations, but there can be no assurance that they will not do so in the future.

Many of the Company’s male employees in Israel are currently obligated to perform annual reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces. In addition, virtually all such employees are subject to being called for active military duty at any time under emergency circumstances. No assessment can be made of the full impact of such requirements on the Company in the future, particularly if emergency circumstances occur, and no prediction can be made as to the effect on the Company of any expansion of these obligations.

The Company benefits from certain government programs and tax legislation, particularly as a result of the ‘Approved Enterprise’ or ‘Benefiting Enterprise’ status of substantially all of the Company’s existing production facilities in Israel under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments, 1959 (an “Approved Enterprise”, a “Benefiting Enterprise” and the “Investment Law”, respectively). Pursuant to these programs and legislation, a significant portion of the Company’s income is currently taxed at reduced rates. See Note 10a to the Financial Statements. To be eligible for these benefits, the Company needs to meet certain conditions.



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Should the Company fail to meet such conditions, these benefits could be cancelled and the Company might be required to refund tax benefits previously received, if any, together with interest and linkage differences to the Israeli CPI, or other monetary penalty. The Company also benefits from a Government of Israel program under which it receives grants from the OCS for the development of generic technologies without incurring any royalty obligations. See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, etc.—Research and Development Policy. There can be no assurance that these programs and tax legislation will be continued in the future or that the available benefits will not be reduced. For further information see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates—Taxes on Income; and Note 10a to the Financial Statements.

The termination or curtailment of these programs or the loss or reduction of benefits under the Investment Law (particularly those available to the Company as a result of the Approved Enterprise or Benefiting Enterprise status of the Company’s existing facilities in Israel) could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition and results of operations.

Israel is a member of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group (including the International Finance Corporation), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Israel is also a signatory to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which provides for reciprocal lowering of trade barriers among its members.

Israel has entered into preferential trade agreements with the European Union, the United States, Canada, the European Free Trade Association and a number of other countries.

For more information about the risks associated with the Company’s operations in Israel, see Item 3—Key Information—Risk Factors (m), (n) and (r).

4.C    Organizational Structure

The Company’s corporate headquarters, executive and registered offices, as well as substantial research and development, engineering and manufacturing facilities, are located in Yavne, Israel. Orbotech, Inc., wholly-owned by Orbotech Ltd., maintains its headquarters in Billerica, Massachusetts. PDI and OLTS maintain their headquarters in San Jose, California. The Company’s European operations are coordinated from the headquarters of its wholly-owned subsidiary in Brussels, Orbotech S.A., and from regional offices in Italy and Germany. New System operates from offices in Gorizia, Italy. Orbotech Pacific Ltd. and Orbotech Asia Ltd., also wholly-owned subsidiaries of Orbotech Ltd., operate through their headquarters in Hong Kong, and Orbotech Pacific Ltd. also operates from regional offices or subsidiaries in Korea, Taiwan and China, and through Orbotech Ltd. subsidiaries in Korea and Singapore. Orbotech Ltd.’s wholly-owned subsidiary in Japan, Orbotech Japan Ltd., maintains its headquarters in Tokyo. The Company’s principal Israeli subsidiary is Orbograph (owned approximately 90% by Orbotech Ltd.). Frontline operates from headquarters in Yavne, Israel. For more information about the Company’s organizational structure, see Item 19—Exhibits—Exhibit 8.1—List of Subsidiaries.

4.D    Property, Plants and Equipment

The Company maintains substantial administrative, manufacturing, research and development, corporate sales, marketing and customer support operations in and from leased premises located in Yavne, Israel, comprising a total area of approximately 291,000 square feet with an option to lease additional space. The lease is for a ten-year period terminating in 2016, and the Company has a right of first refusal to purchase the facility.

Additionally, the Company, generally through its subsidiaries, leases approximately 456,000 square feet of floor space, which is used in connection with sales, marketing, customer support, engineering and production



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operations. These leases expire on various dates up to 2019. Also, two of the Company’s European subsidiaries, Orbotech S.A. and New System, hold interests in real property in Gorizia, Italy and Brussels, Belgium and PDI owns an interest in real property located in San Jose, California.

The aggregate annual rental paid by the Company for all of the Company’s facilities in and outside Israel in 2010 was approximately $9.9 million (compared to $10.2 million in 2009 and $8.2 million in 2008). For further information, see Note 8a to the Financial Statements.

The Company has invested substantial sums in improving the leased properties that it occupies in order to adapt them to its various engineering and production activities. The majority of these improvements have been integrated into the leasehold facilities. At the present time, the facilities available to the Company in Yavne, Israel are generally utilized on a one-shift basis in the course of the Company’s normal operations and are considered to be adequate for such operations; however, the Company has the capability to expand this capacity when needed, including, as it has done in the past, by scheduling additional production shifts. The Company is not presently engaged in the construction or material expansion of any additional building at its facilities and has no present plans to relocate its Yavne facilities. The Company is not aware of any environmental issues that may affect its ability to use its facilities in any material respect.

As part of the Loan Agreements, Orbotech Ltd. created a floating charge on all of its assets and a fixed charge on the shares of PDI held by Orbotech, Inc. in favor of IDB as security for repayment of amounts under the Loan Agreements. In addition, Orbotech Ltd. created a further floating charge on all of its assets, ranking equally to that granted to IDB, in favor of Hapoalim to secure the repayment of potential losses on positions taken by the Company in connection with the Hapoalim Banking Activities. For a description of the Loan Agreements and the Hapoalim Debenture, including the security interests, see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Liquidity and Capital Resources.


Item 4A. Unresolved Staff Comments



Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects

5.A    Operating Results

(a)    General

Orbotech Ltd. is an Israeli corporation with two reportable segments:

(i) Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry, which consists of the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of yield-enhancing and production solutions for the supply chain of the electronics industry, primarily AOI, imaging and production systems for PCBs, AOI, test and repair systems for FPDs; the CAM and engineering solutions for PCB production marketed by the Company; and

(ii) Recognition Software, which consists of the development and marketing of automatic check reading and check fraud detection products to banks and other financial institutions by Orbograph.

In addition to its two reportable segments, certain research and development initiatives concerning various products not related to the Company’s two reportable segments are included in the Financial Statements under “Other”.

The Company is principally engaged in the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of yield-enhancing and production solutions for the supply chain of the electronics industry. The Company’s products for the electronics industry are primarily AOI, imaging and production systems for PCBs, and AOI, test



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and repair systems for FPDs. The Company also markets CAM and engineering solutions for PCB production. Through Orbograph, the Company develops and markets character recognition solutions to banks and other financial institutions and has developed a proprietary technology for web-based, location-independent data entry for use, among other things, in check and forms processing. Through OLTS, the Company is engaged in the research and development of products for the deposition of anti-reflective coating on crystalline silicon photovoltaic wafers for solar energy panels.

The Company derives revenues from two sources: (i) sales of the Company’s products; and (ii) services provided with respect to the Company’s products. In 2010, 2009 and 2008, revenues derived from sales of the Company’s products constituted approximately 77%, 70% and 74%, respectively, of the Company’s total revenues, with the remaining revenues being derived from service for product support. During 2010, 2009 and 2008, approximately 97%, 96% and 96%, respectively, of revenues from both product sales and service were derived from product lines related to the Company’s yield-enhancement and production solutions for the electronics industry and approximately 3%, 4% and 4%, respectively, were derived from product lines related to recognition software. The Company expects that revenues from its Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry segment will continue to account for a predominant portion of product revenues and service revenues in the near future. Most of the Company’s revenues are derived from repeat product sales to existing customers, and the Company expects that repeat product sales will continue to account for a significant portion of such revenues in the future. As the Company’s installed base of products grows, service revenues, which typically have lower gross margins than product sales, are also expected to increase. See Note 14a to the Financial Statements for a description of each reportable segment and information as to segment revenues, operating income or loss, assets and related data.

The currency of the primary economic environment in which the operations of the Company (other than one of the Company’s subsidiaries in Korea (“PKC”)) are conducted is the U.S. Dollar. Virtually all of the Company’s sales are made outside Israel in non-Israeli currencies, mainly the U.S. Dollar, and most of its purchases of materials and components are made in non-Israeli currencies, primarily the U.S. Dollar. Thus, the functional currency of the Company (other than PKC) is the U.S. Dollar. The functional currency of PKC is the Korean Won, since virtually all of its revenues are received, and most of its expenses are incurred, in Korean Won.

(b)    Basis of Presentation

The Company’s financial statements are generally prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Nevertheless, having been advised by the SEC that its staff does not object to the Company’s so doing, the Company accounts for Frontline using the proportionate method of consolidation, including summarized footnote disclosures of the amounts proportionately consolidated, rather than the equity method as is called for under U.S. GAAP.

In October 2010, the Company entered into the APA, pursuant to which GEMSI agreed to acquire the assets of OMS for approximately $9.0 million in cash at closing and up to an additional $5.0 million in cash, subject to the achievement of certain agreed performance-based milestones. The transaction closed on February 10, 2011. Upon closing, the parties released each other from all claims, including with respect to the claims made in the litigation between them and on February 14, 2011, the competent court in Israel approved the settlement agreement entered into by the parties and dismissed such litigation with prejudice. See Item 8.A(c)—Legal Proceedings. In addition, as of December 31, 2010, the Company committed to a plan to sell OMD by the end of 2011. However, the timing and terms of any such transaction within that period are subject to market and other conditions. As a result, OMS as well as OMD have been classified as discontinued operations and certain financial data for this and previous fiscal years provided in this Annual Report and the Financial Statements have been re-cast to give effect to this.

Certain comparative figures relating to earlier years which are disclosed in this Annual Report have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation.



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Because Orbotech alone is obligated to provide funding to OLTS, and for as long as this remains the case, the Company accounts and will continue to account for 100% of the losses of OLTS. In addition, the results of OLTS are included in the Financial Statements since it is considered to be a variable interest entity for which the Company is the primary beneficiary. See Note 1b to the Financial Statements.

(c)    Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

To improve understanding of the Financial Statements, it is important to obtain some degree of familiarity with the Company’s principal or significant accounting policies. These policies are described in Note 1 to the Financial Statements. The Company reviews its financial reporting, disclosure practices and accounting policies at least annually to ensure that the Financial Statements, which are developed on the basis of these accounting policies, provide in all material respects complete, accurate and transparent information concerning the financial position and results of operations of the Company. As part of this process, the Company has reviewed the selection and application of its critical accounting policies and financial disclosures as at December 31, 2010, and it believes that the Financial Statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Company as at that date and the operating results for the year then ended.

In preparing the Financial Statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, the Company’s management must often make judgments, estimates and assumptions, which may affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and related disclosures as at the date of the Financial Statements and during the reporting period. Some of those judgments can be subjective and complex, and consequently actual results may differ materially from those estimates and assumptions. In the current economic environment, the risks and uncertainties associated with those estimates and assumptions are exacerbated. For any given individual estimate or assumption made by the Company, there may be alternative estimates or assumptions that are also reasonable. However, the Company believes that, given the facts and circumstances before it at the time of making the relevant judgments, estimates or assumptions, it is unlikely that applying any such other reasonable approach would cause a material adverse effect on the Company’s consolidated results of operations, financial position or liquidity for the periods presented in the Financial Statements.

The Company is also subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ from estimates and assumptions, such as cyclicality in the industries in which the Company operates, a sustained continuation or a deterioration of the worldwide economic slowdown, the timing and strength of product and service offerings by the Company and its competitors, changes in business or pricing strategies, changes in the prevailing political and regulatory framework in which the relevant parties operate or in economic or technological trends or conditions, including currency fluctuations, inflation and consumer confidence, on a global, regional or national basis. Certain of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions are discussed under the heading Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information and in Item 3—Key Information—Risk Factors.

The Company considers its most significant accounting policies to be those discussed below.

(i)    Revenue Recognition

The Company recognizes revenue from sale of non-software products to end users upon delivery, provided that appropriate signed documentation of the arrangement, such as a signed contract, purchase order or letter of agreement has been received by the Company, the fee is fixed or determinable and collectability is reasonably assured. If the Company determines that any of these criteria have not been met, revenue recognition is deferred until all of these criteria have been met. The Company does not, in the normal course of business, provide a right of return to its customers.

The Company implements the applicable accounting guidelines which deal with the accounting by a vendor for contractual arrangements involving multiple revenue-generating activities to be performed by it, addressing when, and if so how, an arrangement involving multiple deliverables should be divided into separate units of



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accounting. In such situations, revenue is recognized upon delivery of the separate elements. Multiple element arrangements are treated as follows: (a) the arrangement is divided into ‘delivered’ and ‘undelivered’ elements; (b) revenue is allocated to undelivered elements based on the fair value of each such element; and (c) the residual amounts of revenue are allocated to delivered elements. This accounting treatment is applied if the delivered elements have value on a stand alone basis, there exists objective and reliable evidence of fair value for the undelivered elements, the arrangement does not include a general right of return with respect to delivered items and delivery or performance of undelivered items is considered probable and is substantially within the Company’s control. The maximum revenue recognized on a delivered element is limited to the amount that is not contingent upon the delivery of additional items.

Installation and training are not considered essential to the product capabilities since they do not require specialized skills and can be performed by other vendors. Accordingly, upon delivery, the Company defers revenue in an amount equivalent to the fair value of installation and training and recognizes those deferred revenues once installation and training has been completed.

The Company’s revenue arrangements contain multiple elements, as it grants its customers a warranty on products sold, which includes the provision of post-sale service and maintenance, usually for a period of six to twelve months. Upon meeting the revenue recognition criteria of the product, the Company records a portion of the sale price that relates to the fair value of the services and maintenance expected to be performed during the aforementioned period as deferred income, and recognizes it as service revenue ratably over such period. The cost to the Company of warranting that the product will perform according to certain specifications and that the Company will repair or replace the product if it ceases to work properly is insignificant and is treated according to accounting principles for contingencies. After the warranty period, service revenue in respect of the Company’s systems is recognized ratably over the contractual period or as services are performed. Annual service fees are generally based on the list price of the Company’s products. It has been the Company’s experience that many of its customers elect to receive maintenance services from the Company on a continuing contractual basis after the conclusion of the warranty period.

In the case of delivery of newly developed products, revenue is deferred until acceptance is received.

The Company recognizes revenue from sale of software to end users upon delivery, provided that appropriate signed documentation of the arrangement, such as a signed contract, purchase order or letter of agreement, has been received by the Company, the fee is fixed or determinable, and collectability is reasonably assured. When software is made available to customers electronically, it is deemed to have been delivered once the Company has provided the customer with the access codes necessary to enable immediate possession of the software. If collectability is in question, revenue is recognized when the fee is collected.

Maintenance revenues are comprised of revenue from support arrangements that include technical support and the right to unspecified upgrades on an if-and-when-available basis. Revenues from these services are deferred and recognized on a straight-line basis, over the life of the related agreement, which is typically one year.

From January 1, 2011, the Company adopted the provisions of Accounting Standards Update No. 2009-13, Revenue Recognition (Topic 605) Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements. This update requires the allocation of arrangement consideration among the separate units of accounting based on their relative selling prices. The selling price for each unit of accounting is determined using either vendor specific objective evidence of selling price, third party evidence of selling price or the vendor’s best estimate of estimated selling price for that deliverable. Use of the residual method is prohibited. The adoption of this update does not generally change whether revenue associated with a product or services is treated as product sales, installation or warranty for the Company’s revenue transactions, since most of the Company’s products and service offerings qualify as separate units of accounting. The Company applied the provisions of this accounting standard update on a prospective basis to all revenue arrangements entered into or materially modified since January 1, 2011. This update is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.



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(ii)    Inventory Valuation

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market value. Cost is determined as follows: components—on the weighted average basis; and labor and overhead—on the basis of actual manufacturing costs. If actual market conditions prove less favorable than those projected by management, inventory may be written down to estimated market value. Once written down, inventory is not written up to reflect a favorable change in market conditions. Inventories are written down for estimated excess and obsolescence based upon assumptions about future demand and market conditions and such write-down reduces net income in the period in which it occurs. Likewise, favorable future demand and market conditions could positively impact future operating results and gross profit if inventory that has been written down is sold for more than carrying value.

(iii)    Concentration of Credit Risks and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

The Company performs ongoing credit evaluations of its customers for the purpose of determining the appropriate allowance for doubtful accounts. In respect of sales to customers in certain countries, the Company generally requires letters of credit from banks. The allowance for doubtful accounts is determined for specific debts the collection of which is doubtful. Under the current adverse and unstable economic conditions, the Company’s credit evaluations may not be accurate or may be based on historical information that does not adequately reflect the severity of the economic downturn. These factors could lead to collection of accounts receivable at lower rates than in the past or than reserves would indicate.

(iv)    Long-lived assets

Long-lived and intangible assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the assets (or asset group) may not be recoverable. These indicators may include, but are not limited to, significant decreases in the market value of an asset and significant changes in the extent or manner in which an asset is used. If these or other indicators are present, the Company tests for recoverability of the asset by determining whether the estimated undiscounted cash flows attributable to the asset in question are less than their carrying value. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying value of the assets exceeds their fair value. Fair value is determined by applying assumptions that marketplace participants would consider in determining the fair value of long-lived assets (or asset groups).

(v)    Liability for Employee Rights upon Retirement

The Company does not have any obligations to its employees upon retirement that are not fully provided for in the Financial Statements. In accordance with labor laws and agreements in force with respect to its Israeli and Japanese employees, the Company has liability for severance pay upon retirement, and the Company fully records such obligations at each balance sheet date on an undiscounted basis, based on salary components which, in management’s opinion, create entitlement to severance pay. The severance pay liability of the Company and its Israeli subsidiaries to their Israeli employees, based upon the number of years of service and the latest monthly salary, is in large part covered by regular deposits with recognized pension funds, deposits with severance pay funds and purchases of insurance policies.

Pursuant to section 14 of the Israeli Severance Pay Law, certain of the Company’s liabilities for employee rights upon retirement are covered by regular contributions to defined contribution plans. The Company has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further contributions should the fund(s) not hold sufficient assets to pay all severance payments relating to the service of applicable employees with respect to the period during which the provisions of such section apply. These contributions are not reflected on the Company’s balance sheet as the severance pay risk has been irrevocably transferred to the funds.

See Note 7 to the Financial Statements.

The Company has not undertaken to provide any post-retirement health benefits to its employees.



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(vi)    Taxes on Income

Taxes on income are calculated based on the Company’s assumptions as to its entitlement to various benefits under the Investment Law. See Effective Corporate Tax Rate.

The termination or curtailment of the Investment Law or the loss or reduction of such benefits could increase the Company’s tax rates, thereby reducing its net profits or increasing its net losses, and could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition and results of operations.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the expected tax consequences of temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts using enacted tax rates in effect for the year the differences are expected to reverse under the applicable tax laws.

Deferred income tax provisions and benefits are based on the changes in the deferred tax asset or tax liability from period to period. Valuation allowance is included in respect of deferred tax assets when it is considered more likely than not that such assets will not be realized. In making this determination, the Company considers factors and evidence that both support and indicate against recording a valuation allowance, and will refrain from recording a valuation allowance if the former outweigh the latter. In the event that the tax assets are not realized, income tax expense would increase or, conversely, if the valuation allowance is overestimated, the Company would benefit from a future tax credit.

The Company may incur additional tax liability in the event of intercompany dividend distributions by its subsidiaries. Such additional tax liability in respect of non-Israeli subsidiaries has not been provided for in the Financial Statements, as it is the Company’s policy permanently to reinvest the subsidiaries’ earnings and to consider distributing dividends only when this can be facilitated in connection with a specific tax opportunity that may arise.

Taxes that would apply in the event of disposal of investments in subsidiaries have not been taken into account in computing deferred income taxes, as it is the Company’s intention to hold, and not to realize, these investments.

The Company may incur additional tax liability in the event of distribution of dividends from its tax-exempt income. The Company intends permanently to reinvest the amounts of tax-exempt income of its Approved Enterprises and Benefiting Enterprises and does not intend to cause dividends to be distributed from such income. Therefore, no deferred taxes have been provided in respect of such tax-exempt income as the undistributed tax-exempt income is essentially permanent in duration.

Effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted the applicable accounting guidance dealing with: how tax benefits for uncertain tax positions are to be recognized, measured and de-recognized in financial statements; certain disclosures of uncertain tax positions; how reserves for uncertain tax positions should be classified on the balance sheet; and transition and interim-period guidance, among other matters. Only tax positions that meet the ‘more likely than not’ recognition threshold at the effective date may be recognized or continue to be recognized upon adoption of this accounting guidance.

Accounting for tax positions requires judgments, including estimating reserves for potential uncertainties. While the Company believes the resulting tax balances are appropriately accounted, as applicable, the ultimate outcome of such matters could result in favorable or unfavorable adjustments to its consolidated financial statements, which could be material.

The Company has filed and/or is in the process of filing local and foreign tax returns that are subject to audit by the respective tax authorities. The amount of income tax the Company pays is subject to ongoing audits by the tax authorities, which often result in proposed assessments. Any estimation of the potential outcome of an



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uncertain tax issue is a matter for judgment, which can be subjective and highly complex. The Company believes that it has provided adequately for any reasonably foreseeable outcomes related to tax audits and settlement. However, future results may include favorable or unfavorable adjustments to estimated tax liabilities in the period when the assessments are made or resolved, audits are closed or statutes of limitation on potential assessments expire.

(vii)    Business Combinations

From time to time, the Company may engage in business combinations. The Company accounts for business combinations using the purchase method of accounting. Consideration includes the cash paid, including transaction costs and the fair value of equity awards assumed, if any, less the unvested portion of any equity awards assumed, and excludes contingent employee compensation payable in cash. Allocation of purchase price of acquired companies to the tangible and intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed, is based on their estimated fair values as of the closing date of any such acquisition. Such valuations require management to make significant estimates and assumptions, especially with respect to intangible assets.

Critical estimates in valuing intangible assets include but are not limited to: future expected cash flows from customer contracts, customer lists, distribution agreements and acquired developed technologies and patents; and discount rates. Management’s estimates of fair value are based upon assumptions believed to be reasonable, but which are inherently uncertain and unpredictable and, as a result, actual results may differ from estimates.

During 2008, the Company completed its acquisition of PDI, a provider of test and repair equipment to the FPD industry, for an aggregate purchase price of $295.8 million.

The following table represents the purchase price allocation for the PDI Acquisition and summarizes the aggregate fair values of the net assets acquired and liabilities assumed on the PDI Closing Date.


     Purchase Price Allocation  
     ($ in thousands)  



Current Assets




Existing technology


Trade name/Trademarks


Customer relationships


In-process research and development




Non-current assets




Liabilities assumed


The PDI Acquisition was accounted for utilizing the purchase method of accounting, which required the Company to establish a new basis for the assets and liabilities of the acquired entity on the date of the acquisition. The purchase price allocation for PDI takes into account the information management believes is reasonable. Initially, $85.7 million was allocated to goodwill. During the second quarter of 2009, the Company received additional consideration of $3.3 million from the sale of Salvador which was owned by PDI at the time of the PDI Acquisition in 2008 and which was not taken into account in the preliminary purchase price allocation. The recognition of that gain as an asset acquired consequently reduced the goodwill balance allocated in the purchase price to $82.4 million.



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Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net tangible and intangible assets acquired. The $82.4 million of goodwill, adjusted for the $3.3 million consideration noted above, was assigned to the FPD reporting unit. This goodwill was written off during the fourth quarter of 2008; see Goodwill and Acquired Intangible Assets.

The existing technology consists of test and repair technologies used in the manufacturing of FPDs.

The results of operations of PDI are included in the Financial Statements from the PDI Closing Date. Pro forma unaudited revenue and net income (loss) data are presented in Note 2c to the Financial Statements.

The Company expensed in-process research and development of $6.5 million upon completion of the PDI Acquisition. The in-process research and development that was expensed related to the acquired intellectual property for the test and repair areas, for which technological feasibility had not been established at the acquisition date and no future alternative uses had been identified at that time.

(viii)    Goodwill and Acquired Intangible Assets

(A)    Goodwill

Goodwill balance at both December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2010 was $12.0 million.

Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net tangible and identifiable assets acquired in each business combination. The carrying value of the goodwill was allocated among Orbotech’s reporting units.

Goodwill impairment testing is a two-step process. The first step involves comparing the fair value of a company’s reporting units to their carrying amount. If the fair value of the reporting unit is determined to be greater than its carrying amount, there is no impairment. If the reporting unit’s carrying amount is determined to be greater than the fair value, the second step must be completed to measure the amount of impairment, if any. Step two calculates the implied fair value of goodwill by deducting the fair value of all tangible and intangible assets, excluding goodwill, of the reporting unit from the fair value of the reporting unit as determined in step one. The implied fair value of the goodwill in this step is compared to the carrying value of goodwill. If the implied fair value of the goodwill is less than the carrying value of the goodwill, an impairment loss equivalent to the difference is recorded.

In accordance with applicable accounting pronouncements, goodwill is not amortized, but rather tested for impairment at least annually by assessing the fair value of the Company’s various reporting units (namely, PCB and FPD). The Company has designated September 30 of each year as the date on which it performs its annual goodwill impairment test.

Determining the fair value of a reporting unit requires the exercise of judgment on the part of management and involves the use of estimates and assumptions, including with respect to: (i) future revenues and operating margins used in order to calculate projected future cash flows; (ii) discount rates reflecting the relevant risks associated with companies comparable to the applicable reporting unit; (iii) competitive and economic environments; and (iv) appropriate industry comparables. There are a number of generally accepted methods used for valuing a business. These methods may be used alone or in combination with one another. The ‘income method’ uses forecasted cash flows as a basis to value the business. An aggregate present value is calculated for future cash flows using a separately computed discount rate. The advantage of this method is that it facilitates an analysis of company-specific forecasted operating data and their impact upon the value of a business. The ‘market-based’ method identifies business entities with publicly traded securities whose business and financial risks are comparable to those of the business being valued. The pricing multiple of the companies selected are used to derive the market value of the business under analysis. This method has the advantage of objectivity since it is based upon external, publicly-available data.



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In each of September 2010 and 2009 the Company determined the fair value of each of its reporting units, on both occasions using a combination of the market-based and income methods. The combination of these methods was determined by the Company to provide the most reliable indicators of value in circumstances where the value of the reporting unit is dependent more upon the ability to generate earnings than on the value of the assets used in the production process, as is the case with Orbotech. In applying these approaches at both times, the Company relied primarily upon application of the income method in order to value its reporting units and utilized the market-based method mainly as a comparative analysis to assess the reasonableness of the results yielded by the income method. Both approaches yielded similar results on each occasion.

As at December 31, 2010, the Company had goodwill of $12.0 million, all of which was allocated to its Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry segment. No impairment resulted from the annual goodwill impairment tests conducted in September 2010 or 2009. Following the annual goodwill impairment test conducted in September 2008, it was determined that there was no impairment to the goodwill associated with the Company’s PCB and FPD reporting units. Additionally, during 2008, in connection with its decision to phase out its activities in its assembled PCB business, the Company wrote-off the remaining $5.4 million of goodwill associated with that reporting unit. See also Note 5a to the Financial Statements for a discussion of the adjustment of goodwill impairment recorded in 2009.

(B)    Acquired Intangible Assets

The Company’s acquired intangible assets, other than goodwill, are comprised primarily of intellectual property and are amortized on a straight-line basis over periods of up to twelve years, depending on the estimated useful life of such intangible assets, based on past experience. If an event or a change in circumstances (such as a significant industry downturn, a significant decline in the market value of the Company or significant reductions in projected future cash flows) indicates that the carrying amount of such intangible assets may not be recoverable through undiscounted future cash flows, the carrying amount of these assets will be reviewed for impairment and, if necessary, written down to their estimated fair values at that time.

The following table presents the changes in acquired intangible assets during the year ended December 31, 2010:


     Acquired Intangible Assets  
     ($ in thousands)  

As of January 1, 2010




As of December 31, 2010


Intangible assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset or asset group may not be recoverable. No such events were identified during 2010.

At December 31, 2008, as a result of the ongoing global economic downturn and a significant reduction in the Company’s market capitalization, the Company performed a recoverability test of its identifiable intangible assets, using undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use of these assets. Given that these identifiable intangible assets were initially valued at fair value based on assumptions including projected discounted cash flows only a short time prior to the December 2008 impairment test, the test using undiscounted cash flows indicated that there were sufficient cash flows for recoverability. Upon performance of this test, the undiscounted cash flows for these assets exceeded their net book value. As discussed above, the Company also performed a test of goodwill using, by contrast, discounted cash flows, which resulted in the need to record an impairment of goodwill.



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For the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, amortization expense associated with the acquired intangibles that were not the subject of the foregoing impairment charges was $14.2 million, $19.8 million and $5.7 million, respectively. Based on the intangible assets recorded as of December 31, 2010, and assuming that no subsequent additions to, or impairments of, the underlying intangible assets occur, the remaining estimated amortization is expected to be as follows:


Year ending December 31,

   ($ in thousands)  











For additional information concerning the write-off of the Company’s acquired intangibles and the future effect on income (loss) of amortization of other intangible assets, see Notes 1j, 1k, 1l and 5 to the Financial Statements.

(ix)    Share-based Compensation

In accordance with applicable accounting guidance, the Company accounts for employees’ awards classified as equity awards using the grant-date fair value method. The fair value of share-based payment transactions is recognized as an expense over the requisite service period, net of estimated forfeitures. The Company estimates forfeitures based on historical experience and anticipated future conditions.

Share-based payment expenses are classified in the same expense line items as cash compensation.

The Company elected to recognize compensation cost for awards with only service conditions that have a graded vesting schedule using the accelerated multiple-option approach.

Total expenses recorded during 2010 were $4.7 million ($3.2 million in respect of options and $1.5 million in respect of “Restricted Shares” (which are Ordinary Shares awarded subject to certain transfer restrictions, forfeiture conditions and/or other terms and conditions) and “RSU”s (which are awards representing an unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver Ordinary Shares, cash, other securities or other property in accordance with certain terms and conditions). The corresponding aggregate amounts in 2009 and 2008 were $6.4 million and $5.3 million, respectively. Compensation expense for equity awards in 2010 was allocated as follows: $0.6 million to cost of revenues: $1.6 million to research and development costs and $2.5 million to selling, general and administrative expenses. As a result of an election under Section 102 of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance (New Version), 1961 (the “Tax Ordinance”), the Company generally will not be allowed to claim an expense in Israel for tax purposes. For further information see Item 6—Directors, Senior Management and Employees—Share Ownership—The 2000 Plan.

The unrecorded maximum compensation expense for equity awards outstanding at January 1, 2011 is estimated at approximately $6.4 million at that date (without taking into account forfeiture rates) and will be recorded in the consolidated financial statements for the following periods:



   Compensation Cost  
   ($ in millions)  











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These amounts reflect the compensation cost of all outstanding awards, including those granted in 2010 (which consisted of options to purchase a total of 881,755 Ordinary Shares, 14,698 Restricted Shares and 115,300 RSUs), but do not reflect the compensation cost of any equity awards granted commencing January 1, 2011, which will be reflected in future consolidated financial statements over the applicable vesting period.

Compensation expense relating to future equity awards will depend on a variety of factors including the level and type of future awards and their terms; valuation considerations such as expected option life, volatility of the market price of the Ordinary Shares and applicable risk-free interest rates; and future levels of forfeitures of such awards. The Company is not currently able to estimate the additional compensation expense from future grants but will examine carefully this expense and its relation to net income (loss) when making such grants.

For a discussion of the Company’s equity remuneration plans, including the equity remuneration plans assumed by the Company in connection with the PDI Acquisition, see Item 6—Directors, Senior Management and Employees—Share Ownership.

(x)    Contingencies

From time to time, the Company is subject to claims arising in the ordinary course of its business, including claims relating to product liability, employees, suppliers and public authorities. In determining whether liabilities should be recorded for pending litigation claims, an assessment of the claims is made and the likelihood that the Company will be able to defend itself successfully against such claims is evaluated. When it is believed probable that the Company will not prevail in a particular matter, an estimate is made of the amount of liability based, in part, on advice of legal counsel.

(d)    Newly Issued Accounting Pronouncement

In October 2009, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2009-13, Revenue Recognition (Topic 605) Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements, an amendment to the accounting and disclosure for revenue recognition. This amendment, which became effective for fiscal years beginning on or after June 15, 2010, modified the criteria for recognizing revenue in multiple element arrangements and required companies to develop a best estimate of the selling price of the separate deliverables and allocate consideration related to each element using the relative selling price method. Additionally, the amendment eliminated the residual method for allocating arrangement consideration. The Company will apply the provisions of this accounting standard on a prospective basis to all revenue arrangements entered into or materially modified subsequent to January 1, 2011. The adoption of this amendment is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.



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(e)    Geographical Analysis; Worldwide Economic Situation; Cost of Revenues

(i)    Geographical Analysis and Worldwide Economic Situation

The following table sets forth the Company’s product and service revenues by geographic area for the periods indicated:


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2010      2009      2008  
     in thousands      % of total      in thousands      % of total      in thousands      % of total  

Sales of Products


North America

   $ 22,610         6       $ 13,912         6       $ 30,787         10   


     16,086         4         9,794         4         26,652         9   


     40,846         10         58,181         23         25,138         8   


     83,045         20         68,632         27         44,365         15   


     101,719         25         46,480         18         62,770         21   


     141,674         35         52,591         21         107,544         35   

Far East*

     2,990                 2,139         1         4,596         2   


     562                 102                 1,613           

Total Sales

   $ 409,532         100       $ 251,831         100       $ 303,465         100   

Services Rendered


North America

   $ 17,275         15       $ 17,719         17       $ 18,222         17   


     9,899         8         9,966         9         12,458         12   


     19,494         16         15,627         15         13,709         13   


     21,263         18         18,514         17         17,805         17   


     28,978         24         24,555         23         26,678         26   


     20,171         17         18,301         17         11,320         11   

Far East*

     2,467         2         2,586         2         3,900         4   


     276                 231                 393           

Total Service

   $ 119,823         100       $ 107,499         100       $ 104,485         100   


   $ 529,355          $ 359,330          $ 407,950      


* other than Taiwan, China and Korea.

Approximately 87% of the Company’s revenues from product sales and services rendered during 2010 (compared to 85% during 2009 and 78% during 2008) were derived from the Far East and Japan, including approximately 31% from revenues in Korea, 25% from revenues in China, 20% from revenues in Taiwan and 11% from revenues in Japan. Of the Company’s revenues from product sales and services rendered that were derived from the Far East and Japan in 2009, approximately 24% were from revenues in Taiwan, 21% were from revenues in Japan and 20% were from revenues in each of China and Korea. In addition, virtually all of the Company’s revenues from its automatic check reading products during 2010, 2009 and 2008 were derived from sales in North America. The Company monitors developments, including banking and currency difficulties, in the financial markets and economies of all countries and regions in which it markets its products and their possible impact upon the Company.

During 2010, the Company recorded significantly higher revenues from Korea compared with the previous year, which was primarily due to the increased capital expenditures by LG Display and Samsung Electronics in Korea. The Company also recorded significantly higher revenues from China compared with 2009 as a result of increased PCB plant expansions driven by the strong demand for sophisticated consumer electronic devices, primarily smartphones and other hand held devices, which use high end PCBs. The Company recorded significantly lower revenues from Japan compared with the previous year, reflecting decreased capital expenditures by FPD manufacturers in Japan from the high levels of 2009.



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During 2009, the Company recorded significantly higher revenues from Japan compared with the previous year, which was principally a function of capital expenditures by Sharp Corporation at its generation 10 LCD manufacturing plant, the first such fabrication facility in the world. Revenues from the Company’s systems installed in this facility were recognized in the second and third quarters of 2009. The Company also recorded significantly higher revenues from Taiwan compared with 2008, principally due to capital expenditures by FPD manufacturers in Taiwan associated with investments in LCD fabrication facilities. The Company recorded significantly lower revenues from Korea compared with the previous year, reflecting decreased capital expenditures by FPD manufacturers in Korea from the high levels of 2008. The decrease in revenues from North America, Europe and China was a reflection of the general downturn in the global electronics industry, as a result of which PCB manufacturers reduced their investments in manufacturing facilities in those regions.

The Company’s ability to foresee future changes in the total volume of orders for its products and services remains limited, particularly, but not only, with respect to its PCB products. The inherent uncertainties associated with the global economic environment and the financial markets and economies of those countries in which the Company markets its products, together with the related possible changes in demand for its products, means that past operating results may not necessarily be indicative of the future. See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Trend Information.

(ii)    Cost of Revenues


    Year Ended December 31,  
    2010     2009     2008  
    in thousands     % of
    in thousands     % of
sales /service
    in thousands     %of
sales /service

Cost of Products Sold


Material and subcontractors

  $ 188,471        $ 122,475        $ 143,608     

Labor costs

    16,675          13,405          12,367     

Overhead and other expenses

    19,494          10,573          8,488     


    224,640        54.9        146,453        58.2        *164,463        54.2   

Cost of Services Rendered


Materials consumed

  $ 37,691        $ 33,050        $ 27,520     

Labor costs

    30,633          26,590          30,916     

Overhead and other expenses

    19,937          14,109          19,047     


    88,261        73.7        73,749        68.6        77,483        74.2   

Total Cost of Revenues

  $ 312,901        $ 220,202        $ 241,946     


* Excludes the write-downs of inventories of $3.3 million in 2008 relating primarily to excess inventories of components for certain of the Company’s PCB products. See Note 3 to the Financial Statements.

(f)    Effective Corporate Tax Rate

The Company’s income tax obligations consist of those of the Company in Israel and those of each of its subsidiaries in their respective taxing jurisdictions.

The regular corporate tax rate in Israel was 25% in 2010, compared with 26% in 2009, 27% in 2008 and 29% in 2007. This rate is currently scheduled to decrease to: 24% in 2011, 23% in 2012, 22% in 2013, 21% in 2014, 20% in 2015 and 18% in 2016 and onwards. However, Orbotech Ltd.’s effective tax rate in 2010 was 14.7% due to the combination of the factors described below.



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Since January 1, 2007, Orbotech Ltd. has measured its tax liability in NIS (rather than Dollars, as it is entitled to do under Israeli tax laws). As a result, the effective tax rate of Orbotech Ltd. for those years has been influenced by: (a) the split of taxable income between the various tax jurisdictions; (b) the availability of tax loss carryforwards and the extent to which valuation allowance has been recorded against deferred tax assets; (c) the portion of the Orbotech Ltd.’s income which is entitled to tax benefits due to those of its production facilities which are Approved Enterprises or Benefiting Enterprises; and (d) the changes in the exchange rate of the Dollar to the NIS.

The Company has elected the alternative benefits route under the Investment Law with respect to its Approved Enterprises. Under this route the Company waived government grants in return for a tax exemption on undistributed income. Due to the geographic location of the Company’s facilities, such tax exemption on undistributed income applies for a limited period of two years. During the remainder of the benefits period applicable to the Company (generally until the expiration of ten years) a corporate tax rate not exceeding 25% will apply. The Company’s entitlement to such benefits is conditional upon its compliance with the terms and conditions prescribed in the Investment Law. In the event of its failure to do so, these benefits may be cancelled and the Company may be required to refund the amount of the benefits already received, in whole or in part, with the addition of Israeli CPI linkage differentials and interest, or other monetary penalty.

In April 2005, substantive amendments to the Investment Law came into effect, which revised the criteria for investments qualified to receive tax benefits. These amendments do not generally apply to investment programs approved prior to January 1, 2005. Under the Investment Law as amended, eligible investment programs of the type in which the Company participated prior to the amendment were eligible to qualify for substantially similar benefits as a ‘Benefiting Enterprise’, subject to meeting certain criteria. This replaced the previous terminology of ‘Approved Enterprise’, which required pre-approval from the Investment Center of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor of the State of Israel.

As a result of the amendments to the Investment Law in 2005, tax-exempt income generated from Benefiting Enterprises under the provisions of the amended law will, if distributed upon liquidation or if paid to a shareholder for the purchase of his or her shares, be deemed distributed as a dividend and will subject the Company to taxes. Therefore, the Company may be required to record deferred tax liability with respect to such tax-exempt income, which would have an adverse effect on its results of operations. To date, the Company has not generated tax exempt income from Benefiting Enterprises.

Additional amendments to the Investment Law became effective in January 2011 (the “2011 Amendment”). Under the 2011 Amendment, income derived by ‘Preferred Companies’ from ‘Preferred Enterprises’ (both as defined in the 2011 Amendment) would be subject to a uniform rate of corporate tax as opposed to the current incentives that are limited to income from Approved or Benefiting Enterprises during their benefits period. According to the 2011 Amendment, the uniform tax rate on such income, referred to as ‘Preferred Income’, would be 10% in areas in Israel that are designated as Development Zone A and 15% elsewhere in Israel during 2011-2012, 7% and 12.5%, respectively, in 2013-2014, and 6% and 12%, respectively, thereafter. Income derived by a Preferred Company from a ‘Special Preferred Enterprise’ (as defined in the Investment Law) would enjoy further reduced tax rates for a period of ten years of 5% in Zone A and 8% elsewhere. As with dividends distributed from taxable income derived from an Approved Enterprise or Benefiting Enterprise during the applicable benefits period, dividends distributed from Preferred Income would be subject to a 15% tax (or lower, if so provided under an applicable tax treaty), which would generally be withheld by the distributing company. While the Company may incur additional tax liability in the event of distribution of dividends from tax exempt income generated from its Approved and Benefiting Enterprises, no additional tax liability will be incurred by the Company in the event of distribution of dividends from income taxed in accordance with the 2011 Amendment.

Under the transitional provisions of the 2011 Amendment, the Company may elect whether to irrevocably implement the 2011 Amendment with respect to its existing Approved and Benefiting Enterprises while waiving benefits provided under the legislation prior to the 2011 Amendment or keep implementing the legislation prior to the 2011 Amendment during the next years.



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The Company does not expect the 2011 Amendment to have a material effect on the tax payable in respect of its Israeli operations.

As noted, the combination of the factors described above produced an effective tax rate of 14.7% for the year 2010. The Company’s effective tax rate of 0% in 2009 and 2008 was due to the loss recorded in each of those years.

See Item 4—Information on the Company—Business Overview—Additional Considerations Relating to the Company’s Operations in Israel; Note 10 to the Financial Statements; and Taxes on Income.

(g)    Impact of Inflation and Currency Fluctuations

The Dollar cost of Orbotech Ltd.’s operations in Israel is influenced by the differential between the rate of inflation in Israel and any change in the value of the NIS in relation to the Dollar. These Dollar costs will increase if this ‘gap’ widens and Israeli currency is revalued or, if devalued, its devaluation rate fails to keep pace with the rate of inflation in Israel, and, conversely, the Company may benefit if Israeli currency devalues against the Dollar at a rate that exceeds the rate of inflation in Israel. The potential impact of this currency effect has been increased as a result of Orbotech Ltd.’s election, as from 2007, to measure its tax liability in NIS rather than Dollars. In the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, the annual inflation rate in Israel as adjusted for the change in the rate of exchange of the Israeli currency in relation to the Dollar was 8.7%, 4.6% and 3.9%, respectively. The closing representative exchange rate of the Dollar at the end of each such period, as reported by the Bank of Israel, was NIS 3.549, NIS 3.775 and NIS 3.802, respectively. Orbotech Ltd. experienced increases in the Dollar costs of operations in Israel in 2010, 2009 and 2008. The changes in the Dollar cost of Orbotech Ltd.’s operations in Israel relate primarily to the cost of salaries in Israel, which are paid in, and constitute a substantial portion of, Orbotech Ltd.’s expenses in NIS. These NIS related expenses constituted approximately 25%, 24% and 28% of the total expenses of the Company for 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. There can be no assurance that the Company will not be materially adversely affected if Israeli currency is revalued in relation to the Dollar or, if devalued, inflation in Israel exceeds the devaluation of the NIS against the Dollar or if the timing of such devaluation lags behind increases in inflation in Israel. The representative exchange rate for converting NIS into Dollars, as published by the Bank of Israel on February 18, 2011, was NIS 3.624 = $1.00, compared with NIS 3.549 on December 31, 2010. See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Trend Information.

In addition, the Company receives most of its European revenues in Euros and its Japanese revenues in Japanese Yen; however, the Company’s expenses in Euros and Japanese Yen are generally less than its respective revenues in these currencies. The management of balances in Euros and Japanese Yen is conducted mainly through hedging agreements in an effort to reduce the effects of fluctuations in the exchange rate. See Item 11—Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk. The Company’s cash reserves are held almost entirely in Dollars.

(h)    Results of Operations

The following matters could affect the comparability of results on a year-to-year basis.

2008 Acquisitions and Other Initiatives

On October 2, 2008, the Company completed its acquisition of PDI, a provider of test and repair equipment to the FPD industry, for an aggregate purchase price of $295.8 million comprised of $280.0 million in cash, $9.6 million in value of equity awards and $6.2 million in cash transaction costs. The results of operations of PDI were included in the Company’s consolidated results of operations beginning October 2, 2008. 2009 was the first full fiscal year in which the Company’s consolidated results included the results of operations of PDI. The PDI Acquisition, which is the largest by the Company to date, is a major part of Orbotech’s strategy for growth in its FPD business.



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During the third quarter of 2008, as part of the re-focusing of its strategic plan, the Company decided to phase out its assembled PCB business; accordingly, it experienced reduced activity in this business in 2009 and 2008.

In 2008, the Company recorded an impairment charge of approximately $93.4 million related primarily to a write-off of approximately $88.0 million of goodwill associated with the Company’s FPD business; and approximately $5.4 million of goodwill of the Company’s assembled PCB business. See Note 1j to the Financial Statements.

The following table sets forth certain financial data as a percentage of revenues for the periods indicated.


     Year Ended
December 31,
     2010     2009     2008  
     %     %     %  


     100.0       100.0       100.0  

Cost of revenues

     59.1       61.3       60.1  

Gross profit

     40.9       38.7       39.9  

Operating expenses


Research and development costs:


Expenses incurred

     15.3       18.4       18.5  

Less—government participations

     0.5       0.6       0.8  

Net research and development costs

     14.8       17.8       17.7  

Selling, general and administrative expenses

     12.5       17.7       17.6  

Amortization of intangible assets

     2.7       5.5       1.4  

In-process research and development charges


Restructuring costs


Impairment (adjustment of impairment) of goodwill and intellectual property

            (0.9     22.9  

Total operating expenses

     30.0       40.1       63.3  

Operating income (loss)

     10.9       (1.4     (23.4

Financial income (expenses)—net

     (1.4     (3.1     (0.4

Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes on income

     9.5       (4.5     (23.8

Income tax expenses (benefit)

     1.4       (0.1     0.2   

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     8.1       (4.4     (24.0

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax

     (1.6     (1.1     (9.1

Net income (loss)

     6.5       (5.5     (33.1

Net income attributable to the non-controlling interest


Net income (loss) attributable to Orbotech Ltd.

     6.5       (5.5     (33.2

(i)    Year Ended December 31, 2010 Compared To Year Ended December 31, 2009

The Company’s financial results for 2010 reflect the stronger demand for its core PCB and FPD products resulting from increased investments by FPD manufacturers in new fabrication facilities and by PCB manufacturers in both new facilities and existing plant expansions. These investments are, in turn, a function of significantly stronger consumer demand for sophisticated consumer electronic devices, such as LCD televisions, smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile communications and computing devices, the manufacturing of which the advanced and integrated inspection, test and repair technologies embedded in Orbotech’s yield-enhancing and production solutions are designed to facilitate.



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Revenues in 2010 were $529.4 million, compared with $359.3 million in 2009, an increase of approximately 47%. Service revenues in 2010 were $119.8 million, compared with $107.5 in 2009, an increase of approximately 11%, which the Company believes reflected additional revenues generated from the overall increased capacity utilization rates at customers’ manufacturing facilities during 2010.

Revenues from the sale and service of PCB-related equipment for 2010 were $250.0 million, compared with $144.1 million in 2009. This growth in revenues and the associated strengthened demand for the Company’s PCB products reflected the rapid implementation of capacity expansion plans recently undertaken by PCB manufacturers primarily in China, which was driven by significantly higher demand for, and sales of, consumer electronic devices. The Company’s most advanced product offerings, in particular its direct imaging systems, have increasingly become critical tools in enabling PCB manufacturing customers to meet the stringent production requirements inherent in producing these sophisticated consumer electronic devices on a mass production basis. This was evidenced by the sale, during 2010, of 107 Paragon direct imaging systems, significantly more than the 44 systems sold during 2009. In addition, in October 2010, the Company introduced the new Fusion Series AOI systems and the Sprint-100 inkjet legend printer. The Company believes that these, among other factors, led to an improvement in its competitive position in the PCB industry and, as a result, increased revenues from its PCB business, during the year.

Revenues from the sale and service of FPD-related equipment in 2010 increased to $265.6 million from the $201.2 million recorded in 2009. As is typical in the FPD industry, which is characterized by long lead delivery times, FPD revenues recorded by the Company in 2010 were attributable to orders received in the current year and the previous year. During the latter part of 2009, FPD fabrication facilities were running at close to full capacity utilization, with supply and demand in approximate equilibrium, which the Company believes encouraged FPD manufacturers to increase their capital investments in 2010. In the fourth quarter of 2009 the Company commenced delivery of its new generation 8 FPD Array Checker electrical test systems. Upon receiving initial customer acceptances for these systems, which occurred during the second quarter of 2010, the Company recognized revenues from these systems for the first time. During the fourth quarter of 2010, the Company commenced delivery of its EVision series of generation 8 FPD-AOI systems and expects to record revenues from sales of these systems during the first half of 2011.

Revenues from the Company’s Recognition Software segment in 2010 were $13.8 million, slightly less than the $14.1 million recorded in 2009. The Company believes this reflected an element of caution on the part of some of Orbograph’s customers in the wake of the finance and banking-related economic downturn of 2008 and 2009, but that the relative stability in revenues from this part of the Company’s business nevertheless continues to evidence the strong reliance which Orbograph’s customers place upon its innovative solutions and support services.

The increase in the cost of products sold in 2010 of $78.2 million, or 53%, was principally a result of the increased expenditures on materials and components labor costs, overhead and other expenses as a reflection of the increased volume of products sold.

The cost of services rendered in 2010 increased by $14.5 million, or 19.7%, while the increase in revenues from services rendered was $12.3 million, or 11.4%. The cost of materials consumed increased by $4.6 million, reflecting the growing installed base of the Company’s direct imaging systems which generally require a higher turnover of spare parts than other of the Company’s products. The cost of labor and overhead increased by $9.9 million, reflecting increased activity of the Company’s customer support organization as a result of customers’ increased utilization rates, the high level of introduction of new products during the year and increased investments in the Company’s worldwide customer support infrastructure, primarily in Korea and China.

Gross profit for 2010 was $216.5 million, compared with $139.1 million in 2009. Gross profit for 2010 from sales of equipment was $184.9 million, or 45.2% of product sales, compared to $105.4 million, or 41.9% of product sales, during 2009. Gross profit for 2010 from services rendered was $31.6 million, or 26.4%, of service revenues, compared with $33.8 million, or 31.4%, of service revenues, during 2009.



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Research and development costs increased to $78.3 million in 2010 from $64.1 million in 2009. This increase was primarily attributable to the continuing investments in developing new products, including those intended for the solar energy industry, as well as investments in new and innovative technologies designed to provide state-of-the-art solutions for the Company PCB and FPD manufacturing customers. During 2010, the Company received $2.9 million (compared with $2.2 million received in 2009) in royalty-free participations in its research and development expenditures from the Israeli Government and from a European Union sponsored consortium.

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by $2.7 million, or less than 5% to $66.3 million in 2010 from $63.6 million in 2009. This relatively small increase, during a period when revenues grew by approximately 47%, reflected the extent to which the Company was able to leverage its existing global infrastructure to increase sales without a directly proportional increase in selling, general and administrative expenses.

The amortization of other intangible assets, primarily attributable to the PDI Acquisition in 2008, decreased during 2010 to $14.2 million from $19.8 million in 2009. For further information concerning amortization expenses for 2010, 2009 and 2008, see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates—Goodwill and Acquired Intangible Assets.

In accordance with accounting guidance, the Company performed its annual evaluation of the goodwill of each reporting unit on September 30, 2010, as a result of which no impairment charges were recorded in 2010.

Net financial expenses totaled $7.3 million in 2010, compared with net financial expenses of $11.1 million in 2009. Despite the increased debt service payment obligations to IDB, which totaled $5.9 million in 2010 compared with $4.3 million in 2009, financial expenses decreased by $3.8 million. This was primarily due to a decrease of $1.8 million in losses from the sale and impairment of securities and the absence of currency translation losses (which were $4.4 million in 2009). In 2010, the Company incurred $0.5 million of costs in connection with factoring letters of credit, compared with costs of $1.0 million incurred in 2009.

Income tax expense for 2010 was $7.4 million, compared with income tax benefit of $0.4 million in 2009. The Company’s effective tax rate for 2010 was 14.7% compared to 0% in 2009. Generally, the Company’s effective tax rate varies largely as a function of income (loss), benefits received from the State of Israel, particularly those relating to Approved Enterprises or Benefiting Enterprises, the split of taxable income between jurisdictions and the changes in various exchange rates to the NIS. See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Operating Results—Effective Corporate Tax Rate.

The net income attributable to the non-controlling interest was $0.1 million for 2010 compared to $0.2 in 2009 reflecting the Company’s 10% minority interest in Orbograph.

GAAP net income attributable to Orbotech for the year ended December 31, 2010 was $34.1 million, or $0.95 per share (diluted), compared with GAAP net loss attributable to Orbotech of $19.9 million, or $0.58 per share, for the year ended December 31, 2009.

Loss from discontinued operations for 2010 was $8.7 million compared to $3.9 million in 2009. This was attributable to the re-classification during 2010 of OMS and OMD as discontinued operations.

(j)    Year Ended December 31, 2009 Compared To Year Ended December 31, 2008

The Company’s financial results for 2009 reflected the continuation of a challenging period during which the global economic slowdown and depressed financial conditions continued to impact negatively upon its business. The downturn in the electronics industry resulted in significantly reduced demand for consumer end products (in the manufacture of which the Company’s sophisticated products are used), and consequently, in lower capital expenditures by electronics manufacturers who purchase the Company’s products. This was



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evidenced in the early part of 2009 when PCB manufacturing facilities were running at very low utilization levels, which also reflected the overall economic uncertainty and the increased continuing difficulties experienced by PCB manufacturing customers in securing credit facilities. During the latter part of 2009, PCB manufacturers reported higher plant utilization rates, leading to increased demand for the Company’s PCB equipment. Although FPD revenues increased to record levels in 2008, due in part to the PDI Acquisition, beginning from the fourth quarter of 2008 and continuing through 2009 the Company experienced a decline in new FPD equipment orders as a result of the global economic downturn. FPD revenues recorded during 2009 were mainly derived from previously ordered systems.

In response to the economic downturn during 2008, during the fourth quarter of that year the Company took specific measures designed to realign its cost infrastructure; namely, the phasing out of its activities in the assembled PCB business, a reduction in its workforce and a temporary reduction in salaries. These salaries were restored to their former levels on and from April 1, 2010. As a consequence of these steps and of the synergies resulting from the PDI Acquisition, the Company implemented measures that resulted in substantial cost savings during 2009.

Revenues in 2009 were $359.3 million (including $103.8 million attributable to the business of PDI), compared with $408.0 million in 2008. Service revenues for 2009 were $107.5 million (including $19.2 million attributable to the business of PDI), compared with $104.5 million in 2008. The decrease in service income (net of PDI-based service income) reflected the effect on the Company’s PCB business of the economic downturn, as a result of which customers were running at low utilization rates during the first half of 2009.

Revenues from the sale and service of PCB-related equipment for 2009 decreased by 34% to $144.1 million from the $217.6 million recorded in 2008. This decrease in revenues reflecting the continued deteriorating economic conditions and ongoing difficulty experienced by PCB manufacturers in accessing credit facilities and, to a lesser extent, the phase out of the Company’s assembled PCB business in late 2008. During the early part of 2009, PCB manufacturing facilities were running at very low utilization levels, which led to record low PCB revenues in the first quarter. However, conditions gradually improved during the year, with PCB manufacturing plant utilization rates increasing mainly due to the higher demand for communications, consumer and computer related products. Throughout this period the Company continued to develop new products and solutions for PCB manufacturers. During 2009 the Company sold 44 Paragon direct imaging systems, a marked decrease from the 59 sold during 2008. Although revenues from the Company’s PCB products decreased in 2009 compared with 2008, the Company believes that its competitive position in this industry did not deteriorate during this period.

Revenues from the sale and service of FPD-related equipment in 2009 increased to $201.2 million from the $175.1 million recorded in 2008. Of these revenues, $103.8 million were attributable to the business of PDI. As is typical in the FPD industry, which is characterized by long lead delivery times, FPD revenues recorded by the Company in 2009 were attributable to orders received in the current year and in prior years, specifically 2008 and 2007. Beginning from the fourth quarter of 2008 and continuing during most of 2009, the Company experienced a significant decline in new FPD equipment orders, reflecting an approximately 60% decline in capital expenditures by LCD manufacturers in 2009, due mainly to the global economic downturn, which led to lower demand for their products and to excess inventory. During the first half of 2009 existing FPD fabrication plants were being operated at low utilization rates relative to 2008, due to the extensive build up of glass panel inventories following increased capital investments by FPD manufacturers in 2008. In the latter part of 2009, FPD fabrication facilities were running at close to full capacity utilization, with supply and demand in approximate equilibrium. In addition, during 2008 and 2009, certain FPD customers announced the delay of construction schedules or move-in dates for their new fabrication facilities, in some cases extending these dates by six to nine months or into 2010. During the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, the Company installed the world’s first generation 10 LCD inspection system at a Sharp Corporation facility. Revenues from these systems were recognized in the second and third quarters of 2009. During the fourth quarter of 2009, the Company received a significant order for its new generation 8 FPD equipment, most of which was delivered in the first half of 2010. These revenues were recorded during the second quarter of 2010.



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Revenues from the Company’s Recognition Software segment for 2009 were $14.1 million, compared with $15.3 million recorded in 2008. The relative stability in revenues from this part of the Company’s business, particularly given the finance and banking-related economic downturn, underscored the continuing, strong reliance which Orbograph’s banking and financial institution customers place on the solutions and support services which it offers.

The decrease in the cost of products sold in 2009 of $18.0 million, or 10.9%, was principally a result of the $21.1 million decrease in expenditures on materials and components, principally reflecting the decreased volume of products sold. The increase in labor costs and overhead and other expenses was limited to $3.1 million, notwithstanding the inclusion of a full year of PDI activity and the underutilization of the Company’s manufacturing capacity which resulted from a decrease in equipment orders in light of the economic downturn.

The cost of services rendered in 2009 decreased by $3.7 million, or 4.8%, while the increase in revenues from services rendered was $3.0 million, or 2.9%. The cost of materials consumed increased by $5.5 million, reflecting the growing installed base of the Company’s direct imaging systems and the inclusion of PDI for the full year of 2009. The cost of labor and overhead decreased by $9.3 million, despite the assumption of PDI’s customer support operations commencing from the fourth quarter of 2008, as a result of the steps taken by the Company in the fourth quarter of 2008 to realign its infrastructure to address the difficult economic environment and the operational synergies realized from the PDI Acquisition.

Gross profit for 2009 was $139.1 million, compared with $162.7 million in 2008. Gross profit for 2009 from sales of equipment was $105.4 million, or 41.9% of product sales, compared to $139.0 million, or 45.8% of product sales, during 2008 excluding the inventory write-down in 2008. Gross profit for 2009 from services rendered was $33.8 million, or 31.4%, of service revenues, compared with $27.0 million, or 25.8%, of service revenues, during 2008.

Research and development costs decreased to $64.1 million in 2009 from $72.1 million in 2008. Despite the inclusion of $15.9 million attributable to the first time, full-year consolidation of PDI, the Company reduced its research and development expenses compared with 2008. This was primarily attributable to the phasing out of the PCB assembly business in the fourth quarter of 2008 as well as other cost cutting measures, including scaling back certain research and development projects. Nevertheless, the Company continued to invest significant sums in developing new and innovative technologies and does not believe that the period over period reductions in research and development expenditures weakened its competitive position in the short or long term. During 2009, the Company received $2.2 million (compared with $3.3 million in 2008) in Israeli Government royalty-free participations in its research and development expenditures and royalty-free participations from a consortium sponsored by the European Union.

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased by $8.1 million, or 11.3% to $63.6 million in 2009 from $71.7 million in 2008. Despite the inclusion of $6.5 million attributable in 2009 due to the first time, full-year consolidation of PDI, the Company succeeded in reducing its selling, general and administrative expenses compared with 2008. This was primarily due to the expense synergies realized in connection with the PDI Acquisition, many of which had been implemented as of January 1, 2009.

The amortization of other intangible assets during 2009 increased to $19.8 million from $5.7 million in 2008, and reflected $18.9 million of amortization which was attributable to the allocated intangible assets arising from the PDI Acquisition in October 2008. For further information concerning amortization expenses for 2009 and 2008, see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Critical Accounting Policies—Goodwill and Acquired Intangible Assets.

In accordance with accounting guidance, the Company performed its annual evaluation of the goodwill of each reporting unit on September 30, 2009. The evaluation did not result in the recording of any impairment charges in 2009.



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Net financial expenses totaled $11.1 million in 2009, compared with net financial expenses of $1.5 million in 2008. The increase in financial expenses of $9.6 million in 2009 resulted from the Company’s lower cash balances following the PDI Acquisition. In 2009, interest from the debt service payment obligation to IDB was $4.3 million on the $160.0 million loan used to finance part of the PDI Acquisition. For 2009, the Company recorded a currency translation loss of $4.4 million, compared with a currency translation gain of $0.3 million in 2008. In 2009, the Company incurred $1.0 million of costs in connection with factoring letters of credit, compared with $1.4 million incurred in 2008.

Income tax benefit for 2009 was $0.4 million, compared with income tax expense of $0.8 million in 2008. The Company incurred income tax expenses of $0.9 million in 2009; however, this was offset by a benefit of $1.3 million relating to tax losses in 2009. As a result of net loss carry forwards available to the Company, the Company’s effective tax rate for each of 2009 and 2008 was 0%. Generally, the Company’s effective tax rate varies largely as a function of income (loss), benefits received from the State of Israel, particularly those relating to Approved Enterprises or Benefiting Enterprises, the split of taxable income between jurisdictions and the changes in various exchange rates to the NIS. See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Operating Results—Effective Corporate Tax Rate.

The minority share in profits of a consolidated subsidiary of $0.2 million for both 2009 and 2008 reflected the Company’s 11% minority interest in Orbograph.

GAAP net loss attributable to Orbotech for the year ended December 31, 2009 was $19.9 million, or $0.58 per share, compared with GAAP net loss attributable to Orbotech of $135.3 million, or $4.04 per share, for the year ended December 31, 2008.

Loss from discontinued operations for 2009 was $3.9 million compared to $37.4 million in 2008. This was attributable to the re-classification during 2010 of OMS and OMD as discontinued operations.

5.B Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company’s financial position at December 31, 2010 improved compared with its financial position at December 31, 2009, as equity as a percentage of assets increased to 55.6%, compared with 51.6% at the end of 2009.

Cash, cash equivalents short-term bank deposits and marketable securities increased to $184.8 million at December 31, 2010 from the $174.0 million recorded at December 31, 2009. Total debt was $128.0 million, which is the non-repaid portion of the amount the Company initially borrowed in September 2008 under the Loan Agreements and used as part of the financing for the PDI Acquisition. As a result, at December 31, 2010, the net cash position of the Company was $56.8 million.

Cash generated from operating activities in 2010 was approximately $49.1 million. Inventories increased to $112.8 million at December 31, 2010, from $94.3 million at December 31, 2009. This was due primarily to an increase in raw materials and finished goods inventory necessary to support the increased strong demand for the Company’s products. Net trade accounts receivable increased by $5.6 million, to $153.5 million at December 31, 2010 from $147.9 million at year end 2009. The small increase in accounts receivable reflects strong collections during the year despite the fact that revenues increased by approximately 47% from 2009 to 2010. The period trade receivables were outstanding at December 31, 2010 (calculated by dividing: (A) the product of: (i) trade receivables at period end; and (ii) 365; by (B) the aggregate of the previous four quarter revenues) decreased to 106 days on December 31, 2010 from 150 days on December 31, 2009. The Company did not record any significant bad debts during 2010 and its allowance for doubtful accounts was $7.5 million or 4.7% of outstanding receivables at December 31, 2010. Aggregate accounts payable and accruals increased to $81.8 million from their December 31, 2009 level of $74.3 million, primarily due to the increased business levels in 2010. Deferred income increased by $7.1 million to $24.4 million at December 31, 2010, which was also attributable to the increased business levels in 2010.



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During 2010, the Company used $6.8 million for capital expenditures and received $0.9 million from the exercise of stock options.

During 2010, the Company invested $7.2 million in cash in OLTS and provided OLTS with other resources and support. The Company has committed to invest an additional $5.0 million in OLTS in 2011 and may in the future make additional purchases of equity interest units. During 2010, the Company and OLTS entered into a loan agreement pursuant to which OLTS may borrow from the Company up to $3.0 million. Any amount extended under this loan agreement will be secured by a security interest on all of OLTS’s assets and rights, including its intellectual property. As of December 31, 2010, no amount had been borrowed under this loan agreement.

A portion of OLTS’s equity interest is held by the two developers of certain of OLTS’s technology. The Company has granted each of these two developers a put option to sell a portion of his holdings in OLTS to the Company. There is a limit on the number of equity interest units that these two developers may require the Company to purchase, upon exercise of this put option, during any twelve month period. These put options will expire on December 31, 2014. The purchase price to be paid by the Company upon the exercise of this put option will be based initially on the Company’s valuation of OLTS used in the framework of equity investments in OLTS prior to exercise of the put option. Upon the achievement of a certain financial milestone by OLTS, the purchase price shall be equal to the fair market value of the equity interest being sold, as determined by an external appraiser. During 2010, these put options were exercised by the two developers and the Company purchased a portion of their equity interests in OLTS for approximately $0.7 million in cash. In addition to the put options referred to above, each of the two developers was granted an additional put option to sell his holdings in OLTS to, at the Company’s election, the Company and/or OLTS. These additional put options shall become exercisable starting in 2015, subject to the achievement of a certain financial milestone by OLTS in the fiscal year immediately preceding the year in which the put option is exercised. The purchase price to be paid by the Company upon the exercise of this put option shall be equal to the fair market value of the equity interest being sold, as determined by an external appraiser. There is a limit on the number of equity interest units that the two developers may require the Company to purchase, upon exercise of these put options, each year. Both put options shall expire upon the earlier of an initial public offering, merger and acquisition transaction or a third party investment in OLTS that results in such third party holding at least 5% of OLTS’s equity interest.

As a result of the Company’s expenditures, commitments and purchase of equity interests, the Company increased its ownership percentage of OLTS to approximately 66% on a fully diluted basis as of December 31, 2010, and it expects that its ownership percentage of OLTS will reach approximately 71.6%, on a fully-diluted basis, during 2011.

In connection with the PDI Acquisition, Orbotech Ltd. entered into the Loan Agreements and utilized $160.0 million of its credit facilities thereunder to finance, in part, the PDI Acquisition, of which $128.0 million was outstanding at December 31, 2010 as long-term borrowings repayable over a five-year period ending December 21, 2014. An amount of up to $25.0 million of the credit facility will remain available until January 29, 2012 for short-term borrowings only, at which time any such short-term borrowings must be repaid and such additional $25.0 million credit facility will terminate. The Loan Agreements include a non-utilization fee due quarterly with respect to the unused amount of the additional $25.0 million short-term credit facility described above. Until December 31, 2010, this fee was 0.3% per annum, between January 1, 2011 and February 14, 2011, no fee was payable and beginning February 15, 2011 through January 29, 2012, this fee is 0.2% per annum. In addition, the Company paid customary fees in connection with entering into the Loan Agreements. The interest rate with respect to $48.0 million of the long-term borrowings outstanding at December 31, 2010 is a fixed rate of 4.88%. The interest rate on the remaining $80.0 million of the long-term borrowings outstanding at December 31, 2010 and on the additional $25.0 million short-term credit facility described above, is a variable interest rate and is based on IDB’s cost plus a margin which is 2% for long-term borrowings and 1.5% for short-term borrowings. In 2010, the Company’s debt service payment obligations were $5.9 million, reflecting interest on the loan under the Loan Agreements for 2010 at a rate of 4.1%. The actual



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interest rate on the outstanding variable rate debt at December 31, 2010 was 3.3%. A 1/8% change in the annual interest rate would change the annual interest expense on the variable rate portion of the long-term borrowings under the credit facility by approximately $300,000.

The Loan Agreements contain provisions pursuant to which Orbotech Ltd. has agreed to comply with various affirmative and negative covenants, including certain financial covenants, reporting requirements and covenants that restrict the creation of charges and pledges (other than certain specific charges as listed therein) on its assets in favor of others, the sale of certain assets and certain acquisition and merger activities without IDB’s consent. These covenants generally apply until the credit facility is repaid in full. The financial covenants require that the Company’s equity (defined according to the Company’s consolidated financial statements as including loans made by the shareholders to the Company that are subordinate to the bank financing after deducting loans made by the Company to the shareholders and shareholder withdrawals of any type whatsoever) (i) for each quarter in 2009 and 2010 shall be no less than the greater of $250.0 million or 30% of the total assets as reflected on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet, and (ii) for each quarter commencing from the consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2011 shall be no less than the greater of $300.0 million or 30% of the total assets as reflected on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet. The financial covenants also require that the Company’s annual consolidated EBITDA (as defined below) commencing from the year 2011 (with respect to the annual period ended December 31, 2011) and onwards shall be no less than $40.0 million. This covenant is tested annually by reference to the consolidated financial statements as of the end of each calendar year. The financial covenants also require that the ratio between the Company’s Financial Debt (as defined below) and EBITDA beginning as of December 31, 2011 shall not exceed five. EBITDA and our other non-GAAP measures are described below.

For purposes of the Loan Agreements, ‘EBITDA’ is defined as the cumulative amount of the Company’s operating income (loss) from current operations as determined pursuant to its consolidated financial statements with respect to the four consecutive calendar quarters ending on the date of the Company’s latest financial statements, before financial income (expenses) (i.e., interest, linkage differentials, exchange rate differentials and fees) and taxes and after adding depreciation and amortization costs of fixed assets and intangible assets, write-downs and impairment charges of investments, tangible assets, goodwill, intellectual property and other intangible assets, inventory write-offs, compensation costs for equity awards, in-process research and development charges (not including current research and development expenses), charges due to changes in accounting principles, restructuring charges and losses (gains) from discontinued operations. The Company’s EBITDA, calculated in accordance with the foregoing, was $85.9 million in 2010.

The below table reconciles GAAP results to EBITDA as determined in accordance with the Loan Agreements for the twelve months ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008. As noted above, the financial covenant with respect to EBITDA did not become applicable until 2011.


     U.S. dollars in thousands  
     2010      2009     2008  

Net income attributable to Orbotech Ltd.

   $ 34,145      $ (19,924   $ (135,305

Equity based compensation expenses

     4,725        6,445       5,275  

Income tax expense

     7,397        (372     800   

Financial expenses

     7,284        11,090       1,474  

Fixed asset depreciation

     9,489        10,129       8,963  

Intellectual property amortization

     14,176        19,848       5,743  

In-process research and development charges


Restructuring charges


Impairment (adjustment of impairment) of goodwill

        (3,300     93,368  

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax

     8,717        3,914       37,391  

EBITDA (as defined)

   $ 85,933      $ 27,830     $ 32,867  



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For an explanation of the limitations of EBITDA, see the information under the heading ‘Certain Non-GAAP Information’ below.

For purposes of the Loan Agreements, ‘Financial Debt’ is defined as the Company’s liabilities to banks, financial institutions, affiliates, financial leasing and/or through the issue of debt securities. Financial Debt as of December 31, 2010 was $128.0 million and consisted of the Company’s debt to IDB under the Loan Agreements.

In addition, commencing as of January 1, 2010, the Company became required at all times to keep and maintain a cash reserve (or cash equivalent) that is free and clear of any liens, charges or pledges (other than in favor of IDB) in an aggregate amount exceeding the total amount of the principal and interest due on its Financial Debt within the immediately following one year period, as determined by reference to the Company’s consolidated balance sheet. This provision does not apply to the additional $25.0 million short-term credit facility described above.

If the Company is unable to comply with the applicable covenants, IDB will be entitled to accelerate the Company’s repayments of borrowings under the Loan Agreements and would not be required to extend additional credit to the Company. In addition, the Loan Agreements also contain customary provisions allowing for acceleration of repayment of all amounts outstanding under the Loan Agreements as well as provisions allowing IDB to accelerate repayment in certain other situations, including if an event shall have occurred and/or circumstances exist and/or any situations exist which, in IDB’s opinion, may materially prejudice the Company’s value and substantially jeopardize the Company’s ability to repay amounts outstanding under the Loan Agreements or if, in IDB’s opinion, a material deterioration has occurred in the Company’s economic condition and/or financial repayment capacity, which substantially jeopardizes the Company’s ability to repay amounts outstanding under the Loan Agreements.

As part of the Loan Agreements, Orbotech Ltd. created a floating charge on all of its assets and a fixed charge was created on the shares of PDI held by Orbotech, Inc. as security for repayment of amounts under the Loan Agreements. The agreements creating the security interests in favor of IDB contain customary terms and provisions and have been filed as exhibits to this Annual Report.

The Company performs certain forward transactions and other related activities, primarily with respect to currency hedging, and factoring activities, with Hapoalim. In connection with these activities, the Company is exposed to certain risks of loss. Hapoalim has granted the Company an approved credit risk limit of up to an aggregate amount of US$ 22.0 million. To secure this credit risk, on October 21, 2010, Orbotech Ltd. created the Hapoalim Debenture under which an additional floating charge on all of its assets, ranking equally with that granted to IDB, was created in favor of Hapoalim. In addition, Orbotech Ltd. has agreed to comply with various operating covenants, including certain reporting requirements, covenants that restrict the creation of charges and pledges on its assets in favor of third parties, the sale of certain assets and certain acquisition and merger activities, without Hapoalim’s consent. In addition, the Hapoalim Debenture also contains customary provisions allowing for acceleration of repayment of all amounts owed for positions taken by the Company in connection with the Hapoalim Banking Activities.

For more information about certain of the terms of the Loan Agreements and related documents and of the Hapoalim Debenture, including certain risks related to the Loan Agreements and of the Hapoalim Debenture, see, Item 3—Key Information—Risk Factors (d), (e) and (o); and Item 10—Additional Information—Material Contracts.

Certain Non-GAAP Information

Non-GAAP net income from continuing operations for 2010 was $61.8 million, or $1.73 per share (diluted), compared with non-GAAP net income from continuing operations for 2009 of $7.0 million, or $0.20 per share (diluted). The below table (the “Reconciliation”) reconciles GAAP to non-GAAP results from continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008.



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In this Annual Report, the Company presents certain non-GAAP measures, including non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP earnings per share, which are described in the Reconciliation. Each measure presented below excludes charges or income, as applicable, related to one or more of the following: (i) equity-based compensation expenses; (ii) certain items associated with acquisitions, including amortization of intangibles; (iii) restructuring and asset impairments; (iv) a gain representing additional consideration from the sale of Salvador, which was owned by PDI at the time of the PDI Acquisition; (v) loss from discontinued operations and (vi) tax credits relating to the above items, in each case, as described in more detail in the Reconciliation.

Management regularly uses these non-GAAP measures to evaluate the Company’s operating and financial performance in light of business objectives and for planning purposes. In addition, these non-GAAP measures are among the primary factors management uses in planning for and forecasting future periods. The Company also presents EBITDA, which is the basis of its covenant compliance under the Loan Agreements and the importance of such compliance is described below. None of these non-GAAP measures is prepared in accordance with GAAP and they may differ from non-GAAP measures reported by other companies. The Company believes that these measures enhance investors’ ability to review and understand trends in the Company’s business from the same perspective as management and understand covenant compliance. If the Company does not comply with the covenants under the Loan Agreements this may, among other things, limit the Company’s ability to run its business. The Company believes its presentation of some of these non-GAAP measures facilitates comparisons between periods because they exclude certain unusual financial expenses and non-recurring income items. However, the non-GAAP measures presented are subject to limitations as analytical tools, and are not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the comparable GAAP measures to which they are reconciled. They should be read only in conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements, which are prepared in accordance with GAAP, except as otherwise described therein. Some of the limitations of our non-GAAP measures, including EBITDA, are:



they do not include equity-based compensation, as further described below, and certain other non-cash charges;



although depreciation and amortization are non-cash charges, the assets being depreciated and amortized will often have to be replaced in the future, and non-GAAP measures do not reflect any cash requirements for such replacements;



they do not reflect every cash expenditure, such as tax payments, that are required to be paid in cash and could be material to the Company;



they do not reflect changes in, or cash requirements for, working capital needs;



they do not reflect the interest expense or the cash requirements necessary to service interest or principal payments under the Loan Agreements;



they do not reflect the impact of income or charges resulting from matters the Company considers not to be indicative of its ongoing operations; and



other companies may calculate these measures differently than Orbotech does, limiting their usefulness as a comparative tool.

The effect of equity-based compensation expenses has been excluded from the non-GAAP net income measure. Although equity-based compensation is a key incentive offered to employees, and the Company believes such compensation contributed to the revenues earned during the periods presented and also believes it will contribute to the generation of future period revenues, the Company continues to evaluate its business performance excluding equity based compensation expenses. Equity based compensation expenses are expected to recur in future periods.

The effects of amortization of intangible assets, in-process research and development charges and impairment charges have also been excluded from the non-GAAP net income measure. These items are inconsistent in amount and frequency and are significantly affected by the timing and size of acquisitions. These



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items were significantly higher in the fourth quarter of 2008, primarily as a result of the Company’s acquisitions, including the PDI Acquisition. The use of intangible assets contributed to revenues earned during the periods presented and will also contribute to future period revenues. Amortization of intangible assets will recur in future periods and the Company may be required to record additional impairment charges in the future. The Company believes that it is useful for investors to understand the effects of these items on total operating expenses. Although these expenses are non-recurring with respect to past acquisitions, these types of expenses will generally be incurred in connection with any future acquisitions. Restructuring expenses relate to realignment initiatives announced in 2008.

Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results from Continuing Operations


     Year ended
December 31
     2010     2009     2008  
     U.S. dollars in thousands
(except per share data)

Reported net income (loss) attributable to Orbotech Ltd. on GAAP basis

   $ 34,145     $ (19,924   $ (135,305

Non-operating income (expenses):


Financial expenses

     (7,284     (11,090     (1,474

Income tax (expenses) benefit

     (7,397     372       (800 )

Net profit attributable to the non-controlling interest

     (144     (168     (232

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax (1)

     (8,717     (3,914     (37,391
     (23,542     (14,800     (39,897

Reported operating income (loss) on GAAP basis

   $ 57,687     $ (5,124   $ (95,408

Equity based compensation expenses

     4,725       6,445       5,275  

Amortization of intangible assets

     14,176       19,848       5,743  

In-process research and development charges (2)


Restructuring charges (3)


Adjustment of impairment of goodwill (4)

       (3,300     93,368  

Non-GAAP operating income

   $ 76,588     $ 17,869     $ 24,136  

Non-operating expenses

     (23,542     (14,800     (39,897

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax (1)

     8,717        3,914       37,391  

Non-GAAP net income from continuing operations

   $ 61,763     $ 6,983     $ 21,630   

Non-GAAP net income from continuing operations per share—diluted

   $ 1.73     $ 0.20     $ 0.62  

Shares used in net income per share calculation

     35,778       35,076       34,743  


(1) The loss from discontinued operations, net of tax of $8,717,000 in 2010, $3,914,000 in 2009 and $37,391,000 in 2008, was attributable to the re-classification during 2010 of OMS and OMD as discontinued operations.


(2) In-process research and development charges in 2008 were associated with the PDI Acquisition.


(3) The restructuring charge of $8,621,000 in 2008 relates to reductions in the Company’s workforce and rationalizations of certain of its research and development, manufacturing and operating activities, in order to realign the Company’s infrastructure.


(4) The adjustment of impairment of goodwill of $3.3 million recorded in June 2009 represents additional consideration from the sale of Salvador which was owned by PDI at the time of the PDI Acquisition in 2008.



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The Company routinely receives letters of credit or promissory notes in connection with the sale of products in the Far East and Japan. From time to time, it sells some of these letters of credit and promissory notes to third parties at a discount in return for cash. During 2010, the Company sold approximately $51.5 million of these instruments and received cash proceeds of approximately $51.3 million.

The Company uses financial instruments and derivatives in order to limit its exposure to risks arising from changes in foreign currency exchange rates. The use of such instruments does not expose the Company to additional exchange rate risks since the derivatives are held against an asset (for example, excess assets in Euros). See Item 11—Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk. The Company’s policy in utilizing these financial instruments is to protect the Dollar value of its cash, cash equivalent and marketable securities assets rather than to serve as a source of income. For information as to monetary balances in non-Dollar currencies, see Note 12 to the Financial Statements.

The Company is not aware of any material commitments for capital expenditures in the future and believes that its currently available cash and cash equivalents and funds generated from operations together with available credit under the Loan Agreements will be sufficient to meet its working capital requirements for the next twelve months. The Company has an effective shelf registration statement filed with the SEC under which it may issue additional Ordinary Shares, warrants, subscription rights or debt securities with an aggregate offering price of up to $150.0 million in order to increase its liquidity and flexibility in the management of its business. The Company may consider, from time to time, subject to market conditions and other considerations, raising equity, equity-linked or debt capital pursuant to its existing shelf registration statement or otherwise.

5.C    Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, etc.

(a)     Research and Development Policy

The Company places considerable emphasis on research and development projects designed to upgrade its existing product lines and to develop new technologies and additional industrial and service applications of its existing technologies. Research and development expenses are incurred prior to the time that revenue is generated from new products. It may take many years to realize the benefit of research and development expense, if any is realized at all. As of December 31, 2010, 456 employees were engaged primarily in research and development for the Company.

The following table shows the total research and development expenditures of the Company and participations in such expenditures (mainly by the Government of Israel) for the periods indicated:


     Year ended December 31,  
     2010      2009      2008  
     (in thousands)  

Internally-funded research and development expenditures

   $ 78,327       $ 64,106       $ 72,072   

Governmental participations

     2,864         2,212         3,281   

Total outlay for research and development

   $ 81,191       $ 66,318       $ 75,353   

The governmental participations in the year ended December 31, 2010 represent funding of $2,399,000 by the OCS through a royalty-free program for the development of generic technologies and $465,000 by the Commission of the European Community.

Israeli Government consent is required to manufacture products developed with OCS participations outside of Israel and to transfer to third parties know-how developed through projects in which the Israeli Government participates. Such restrictions do not apply to the export from Israel of the Company’s products developed with such know-how.



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(b)     Intellectual Property

To safeguard its proprietary product design and technology, the Company relies, in part, on patent, trade secret, trademark and copyright law, as well as technical safeguards. Proprietary software is generally protected under copyright law. Additionally, the Company relies upon trade secrets and regularly enters into non-disclosure agreements with its employees, subcontractors and potential business associates. As of January 31, 2011, the Company held 150 United States patents, and approximately 122 corresponding non-United States patents, and had 42 United States patent applications, and approximately 204 non-United States patent applications, pending.

Notwithstanding the above, there can be no assurance that any patent owned or licensed by the Company will not be invalidated, designed around, challenged or licensed to others, that any of the Company’s pending or future patent applications will be issued with the scope of the claims sought by the Company, if at all, or that non-disclosure agreements will not be breached. In addition, patent coverage may not be extended to all countries, and effective copyright and trade secret protection may be unavailable or limited in certain countries. There can also be no assurance that the steps taken by the Company will prevent misappropriation of its technology. It is also possible that technology developed by the Company may be infringing on patents or other rights held by others. The Company has received in the past, and may in the future receive, communications asserting that the technology used in some of its products requires third-party licenses. Any infringement claims, whether or not meritorious, could result in costly litigation or arbitration and divert the attention of technical and management personnel. Any adverse outcome in any litigation alleging infringement could result in the loss of proprietary rights, require the Company to develop non-infringing technology or enter into royalty or licensing agreements (which it may not be successful in achieving) or prevent the Company from manufacturing or selling its products.

The Company has in the past received and may receive in the future notifications from customers with respect to possible indemnification or other action by the Company in connection with intellectual property claims resulting from use of the Company’s products. The Company typically undertakes, subject to various contractual conditions and other limitations, to defend intellectual property claims against customers arising from the purchase and use of its products. The Company’s obligations under these agreements generally provide that the Company may, at its option, either obtain the right to continue using the products or modify them and, in some cases, take back the products with a refund to the customer. To date, no demands have been made by customers seeking indemnification against the Company with respect to intellectual property claims.

Although the Company continues actively to pursue the protection of its intellectual property in the belief that its patents have significant value, it also believes that rapid technological improvement and factors such as the knowledge and experience of the Company’s management personnel and employees and their continued ability to define, develop, enhance and market new products and services afford additional protection which may, in some instances, exceed patent protection.

5.D     Trend Information

Towards the end of 2009 and into the beginning of 2010, global economic conditions began a gradual recovery which gained momentum throughout 2010. These improving conditions led to a significant increase in demand for consumer end products, which drove expansion in the electronics industry, particularly in the Far East. As a result of this demand, the industry experienced greater capital expenditures by electronics manufacturers. The Company’s products are a critical component in the manufacture of electronic products and, as a result, these capital expenditures gave rise to a substantial improvement in the Company’s business in 2010. The Company anticipates an improvement in the level of its business in 2011 compared with 2010. Nevertheless, conditions in the electronics industry, particularly in the Far East, are closely tied to the global economic climate, and any downturn with respect thereto would negatively impact the electronics industry and the Company’s business.



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During the latter part of 2010, the FPD industry experienced lower capacity utilization rates than had been prevalent in the earlier part of the year, causing a slight oversupply of panels and lowering of panel prices, and reportedly leading to reduced margins of FPD manufacturers. Recently, utilization rates have begun to recover and certain FPD manufacturers have announced increased capital expenditure plans. In 2011, FPD manufacturers are expected to invest in new FPD facilities, mainly in China, and in upgrades of existing facilities to accommodate new and advanced technologies. The Company anticipates that 2011 revenues from its FPD products will be at levels similar to 2010.

The Company’s FPD orders consist of product orders for which written authorizations have been accepted and assigned shipment dates for such orders are expected within the ensuing six to twelve months. Orbotech does not include maintenance revenues in its determination of orders for this purpose. Orders on any particular date are not necessarily indicative of actual sales for any succeeding period, as customers may delay delivery of products or cancel orders prior to shipment. Generally, such orders represent a substantial portion of revenue from the sale of FPD products in a twelve month period, and Orbotech expects to realize as revenue a substantial portion of its existing orders in 2011.

The economic recovery fuelled an increase in global PCB production, which is estimated to have grown by approximately 22% in 2010, based on the dollar value of production. This was reflected in significant investments by PCB manufacturers, both in new fabrication plants and in expanding and upgrading existing plants, which led to an increase of 74% in the Company’s PCB related business in 2010 compared to 2009. In 2010, the largest growth factor in the Company’s PCB-related revenues was its laser-based direct imaging systems, which have now became an almost indispensable tool in the mass production of high density interconnect PCBs. The Company anticipates that in 2011, growth in its PCB business will continue to be driven by demand for these yield-enhancing and production solutions and by its technologically advanced inkjet and automated optical repair products.

The Company’s gross profit margin during 2010 was approximately 41%. The Company expects that it will experience continued pricing pressure, stemming mainly from competitive factors, and that there will be certain non-recurring additional costs associated with its shift towards manufacturing in the Far East. Nevertheless, it believes that the overall lower manufacturing cost environment in the Far East, the continued positive effects of the cost reduction steps taken in 2008 and 2009 and the improved utilization rates at its facilities will lead to slightly improved margins in its business during 2011 as compared with 2010.

During 2011, the Company intends to continue to invest in its long-term research and development program at a level similar to its 2010 investments. Its plans include focusing on expanding and improving its portfolio of PCB, FPD and character recognition products and solutions, as well as other new technologies, including for the solar energy industry. The Company believes that its longstanding policy of consistent, steady and selective investments in research and development will enable it to continue to serve its customers throughout varied business cycles and to capitalize on business conditions.

The Company intends to continue to pursue acquisitions to expand its product offerings to its existing PCB and FPD customers, enter new industries and broaden and develop its character recognition, artificial intelligence and related forms processing software platform.

In anticipation of a growing trend towards FPD manufacturing in China, the Company has been pursuing a process of shifting certain of its operations closer to its largest customers located in that country and it expects during 2011 to benefit from its already well established and extensive local infrastructure and broad operating experience there. In addition, the Company anticipates that its PCB business will also benefit from this positioning, as PCB production in China shifts towards higher end technology in response to the increasing consumer demand for electronic devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. As a result of this geographic trend, the Company will become increasingly exposed to foreign currencies which may cause volatility in its results of operations.



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5.E    Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

The Company does not use off-balance sheet arrangements or transactions with unconsolidated, limited-purpose entities to provide liquidity, financing or credit support or to engage in leasing, hedging or research and development activities or which would expose the Company to liability that is not reflected on the face of its financial statements. The Company is not a party to any ‘off-balance sheet arrangements’ which are required to be disclosed under this Item 5.E of Form 20-F.

5.F    Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations

The following table summarizes the Company’s contractual obligations as at December 31, 2010:


     (Dollars in millions)  
     Payment due  
     Total      At
December 31,
     in 2011      2011-2013      2014-2015      2016 and

Contractual Obligations:


Operating leases

     36.4         36.4         9.6         22.8         10.2         3.4   

Purchase obligations

     90.6         90.6         90.6         90.6                   

Loan Agreements

     128.0         128.0         32.0         96.0         32.0           


     255.0         255.0         132.2         209.4         42.2         3.4   

Operating lease obligations represent commitments under various commercial facility and vehicle leases. Purchase obligations mainly represent outstanding purchase commitments for inventory components ordered in the normal course of business. Loan Agreements obligations represent repayment of principal under the Loan Agreements and do not include interest payments due thereunder. The Company is not a party to any capital leases.

The Company adopted the applicable accounting guidance governing uncertain tax positions as of January 1, 2007. The total amount of gross unrecognized tax benefits for uncertain tax positions, including positions impacting only the timing of tax benefits, was $18.3 million at December 31, 2010, of which $12.7 million was classified as long-term liabilities and $5.6 million was classified as short-term liabilities. Payment of these obligations would result from settlements with taxing authorities. Due to the difficulty in determining the timing of settlements, these uncertain tax position obligations are not included in the table above.

5.G    Safe Harbor

The safe harbor provided in Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act shall apply to forward-looking information provided pursuant to Items 5.E and F.



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Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees

6.A    Directors and Senior Management

As at January 31, 2011, the Directors and the Senior Management and Corporate Officers of the Company (the “Director and Executives”) were as follows:




Date of Birth

   Director Since  

Position with the Company

Yochai Richter    September 17, 1942    1992   Active Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board of Directors”); Class I Director
Dr. Michael Anghel (1)    January 13, 1939    2008 (2)   External Director
Haim Benyamini    November 11, 1938    2009   Class I Director
Yehudit Bronicki    December 29, 1941    2000 (3)   Class III Director
Dan Falk    January 12, 1945    1997   Chairman of the Audit, Remuneration and Nominating Committees of the Board of Directors; Class II Director
Gideon Lahav (4)    December 9, 1929    2009 (5)   External Director
Eliezer Tokman (6)    May 13, 1950    2007   Class I Director
Prof. Shimon Ullman (7)    January 28, 1948    1992   Class II Director
Arie Weisberg    October 19, 1950    2010   Class III Director
Raanan Cohen    April 1, 1955      President and Chief Executive Officer
Asher Levy    February 15, 1959      President Global Business
Amichai Steimberg    May 25, 1962      Chief Operating Officer
Abraham Gross    April 29, 1951      Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Adrian Auman    December 16, 1954      Corporate Vice President Investor Relations and Special Projects
Erez Simha (8)    February 17, 1963      Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Michael Havin    December 14, 1958      Corporate Secretary


The above table should be read in conjunction with Item 6—Directors, Senior Management and Employees—Board Practices—Membership of Board of Directors; External Directors; Independent Directors; Financial Experts.


(1) Member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors and the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors (the “Audit Committee” and the “Remuneration Committee”, respectively).


(2) Dr. Anghel also served as a director of the Company between April 1, 1986 and October 27, 1992 and between November 19, 1992 and June 25, 2006; and as an external director between June 21, 2000 and June 25, 2006.


(3) Mrs. Bronicki also served as a director of the Company between August 15, 1993 and February 27, 1994.


(4) Member of the Audit Committee and the Nominating Committee.


(5) Mr. Lahav also served as a director of the Company between December 28, 1998 and June 25, 2006; and as an external director between June 21, 2000 and June 25, 2006.


(6) Member of the Remuneration Committee.


(7) Member of the Nominating Committee.


(8) Mr. Simha has decided to leave the Company to pursue other business opportunities, but will continue to serve as Chief Financial Officer for an interim period to facilitate an orderly transition while a successor is sought.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *



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Yochai Richter has been the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors since May 8, 2006, and was the Chief Executive Officer of the Company from November 2002 to May 8, 2006. He was the President and Chief Executive Officer from November 1994 to November 2002 and was a joint Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer from October 1992 to November 1994. Mr. Richter was among the founders of Orbot and served as a member of the board of directors and as a managing director of that company from its organization in 1983 until the Merger. He received his degree in mathematics from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (the “Technion”) in Haifa in 1972.

Dr. Michael Anghel is a member of the boards of directors of Partner Communications Company Ltd., a cellular telephone company and Syneron Medical Ltd., which designs, develops and markets aesthetic medical products, both of which are Israeli Nasdaq-listed companies. He is also a director of the Strauss-Group Ltd., Dan Hotels Corporation Ltd, Evogene Ltd. and BioLineRx Ltd., all of which are Israeli companies listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Dr. Anghel is chairman of Gravity Ltd., and also serves as chairman of the board of directors of the Israeli Center for Educational Technology. From 2004 to 2005, he served as the president and chief executive officer of Discount Capital Markets Ltd. In 1999, he founded CAP Ventures Ltd., and served as its managing director from 1999 to 2004. From 1977 to 1999 he served as director and senior manager of Discount Investment Corporation Ltd. (“DIC”). Dr. Anghel has been instrumental in founding several major Israeli communications operating companies including the principal Israeli cable television company and the major Israeli cellular telephone company, as well as a variety of other advanced technology ventures. Dr. Anghel was formerly a full-time member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Business Administration of Tel Aviv University and currently serves as chairman of Lahav, its Executive Program. Dr. Anghel received his bachelor’s degree in economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (the “Hebrew University”) and his master’s degree in business administration and a doctorate in finance and business from Columbia University.

Haim Benyamini is a member of the board of directors of Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd., an Israeli Nasdaq-listed company which provides internet protocol based digital satellite communication and networking products and services. Mr. Benyamini served as the corporate vice president of human resources of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. from 1988 until 2004 and as corporate vice president of human resources at Scitex Corporation Ltd. from 1982 to 1988. Mr. Benyamini served as a guest lecturer at Tel Aviv University from 1997 to 2003 as part of the Masters of Arts program in Labor Studies. Mr. Benyamini is a Brigadier General (Ret) in the Israel Defense Forces and served in various command staff and training roles from 1957 until 1982. Mr. Benyamini received his bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the Hebrew University in 1964 and his master’s degree in organizational behavior from the University of Chicago in 1980.

Yehudit Bronicki has, since 1991, been the Managing Director of Ormat Industries Ltd. (“Ormat”), an Israeli manufacturer and developer of renewable energy power plants, the predecessor of which, Ormat Turbines Ltd., she co-founded in 1965. Mrs. Bronicki is the chief executive officer, and a member of the boards of directors, of Ormat Technologies, Inc. (“Ormat Technologies”), a subsidiary of Ormat and a Delaware company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and its subsidiaries. She served as a member of the Advisory Board of the Bank of Israel between 1994 and 2001. Mrs. Bronicki received her bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the Hebrew University, followed by advanced studies in management, finance and marketing.

Dan Falk serves as a member of the boards of directors of Nice Systems Ltd., which develops and provides multimedia digital recording solutions, Attunity Ltd., which develops and provides technology solutions for integrating disparate data sources and Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd., which develops, produces and markets monitoring, measurement and process control systems for the semiconductor manufacturing industry, all of which are Israeli Nasdaq-listed companies, and of Ormat Technologies. He is also chairman of the board of directors of Orad Hi-Tec Systems Ltd., an Israeli company, and is a member of the boards of directors of Plastopil Ltd., Amiad Filtration Systems Ltd. and Oridion Medical Systems Ltd., all of which are Israeli companies. From July 1999 to November 2000, he served as the president and chief operating officer of Sapiens International Corporation N.V., a Netherlands Antilles company engaged in the development of software solutions for large-scale, cross-platform systems. He was Executive Vice President of the Company from August



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1995 to July 1999 and, between June 1994 and August 1995 served as its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Prior thereto he was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company from October 1992 until June 1994. He was director of finance and chief financial officer of Orbot from 1985 until consummation of the Merger. He received a master’s degree in business administration in 1973 from the Hebrew University School of Business and had 15 years experience in finance and banking, including senior positions at Israel Discount Bank Ltd., prior to joining Orbot.

Gideon Lahav serves as a member of the boards of directors of DIC, Koor Industries Ltd. and The First International Bank of Israel Ltd., all of which are Israeli publicly-traded companies. From 1991 to 1997 he served as the chairman of the boards of directors of IDB and its major banking subsidiaries, Israel Discount Bank of New York, Mercantile Discount Bank Ltd. and Discount Mortgage Bank Ltd. From 1986 to 1991 he served as the managing director of IDB and, from 1979 to 1986, as its deputy general manager. From 1974 to 1979 Mr. Lahav held the position of general manager of Barclays Discount Bank Ltd. (subsequently renamed Mercantile Discount Bank Ltd.). Between 1953 and 1974 he served in various capacities with the Government of Israel, including with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and, from 1969 to 1974, as the Director General of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Mr. Lahav received his bachelor’s degree in economics from the Hebrew University in 1953.

Eliezer Tokman currently serves as the chief executive officer of Siemens Israel and on the boards of directors of a number of privately-held companies. From 2001 to 2002 he served as senior vice president at Philips Medical Systems responsible for business integration, and from 1998 to 2001 was employed by Marconi Medical Systems in the positions of senior vice president for product strategies and director of global computed tomography (CT) engineering. From 1977 to 1998 Mr. Tokman was employed within the Elscint group of companies in a variety of managerial roles, including as president of Elscint America and general manager of the CT division. Mr. Tokman holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Technion.

Dr. Shimon Ullman holds the position of professor of computer science in the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department of the Weizmann Institute of Science, and served as head of that department from 1994 to 2003. He was the chief scientist of Orbot from its organization in 1983 until consummation of the Merger and of the Company following the Merger until 2005. Dr. Ullman was previously a full professor at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 1997 to 2003, he served on a part-time basis as the chief scientist for new products development in the process diagnostic and control product business group of Applied Materials, Inc. Dr. Ullman was the 2008 recipient of the international Rumelhart award in human cognition.

Arie Weisberg serves as a member of the board of directors of Advanced Vision Technology Ltd. From May 2006 to June 2009 he was President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company. From November 2002 to May 2006 he was Co-President for Global Resources, and from August 2000 to November 2002 he served as Executive Vice President for Global Resources. From January to August 2000 he was Corporate Executive Vice President for Global Resources and Chief Financial Officer. From August 1995 to January 2000 he was Corporate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer. From January 1993 to August 1995 he was co-general manager of Orbotech S.A. and from July 1991 to January 1993 he was director of finance and operations of Orbot’s subsidiary in Belgium. Prior to joining Orbot he was, from 1988 to 1991, general manager of Sinus Ltd., a manufacturer of internal combustion valves, and from 1984 to 1988 west region general manager of Solcoor Inc. He received his bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from the Hebrew University.

Raanan Cohen has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since July 2009, and served as Chief Executive Officer from May 2006 to June 2009. From November 2002 to May 2006 he was Co-President for Business and Strategy, and from January 2000 to November 2002 he served as Executive Vice President and President of the Printed Circuit Board Division. From September 1997 to January 2000 he was the president and chief executive officer of Orbotech, Inc. From January 1994 to September 1997 he was the Vice



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President for the PCB-AOI Product Line and, from 1991 to January 1994, was the PCB product line manager of Orbot and, after consummation of the Merger, of the Company. He joined Orbot in 1984, where he held various programming and product and project management positions until 1991. Prior to joining Orbot he held positions as a programmer at Telrad Networks Ltd. He received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the Hebrew University.

Asher Levy has been President Global Business since June 2010 and served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer—Global Business from July 2009 to May 2010. From July 2006 to June 2009 he served as Executive Vice President for Business and Strategy, prior to which he had, from November 2002 to July 2006, served as Corporate Vice President and President of the Printed Circuit Board Division. From November 2000 to October 2002 he served as the managing director of Orbotech Technology Ventures, the wholly-owned venture capital fund of the Company, and from June 1997 to July 2000 he served as the President of Orbotech Pacific Ltd. He joined Orbot in 1990, and between that time and 1997 held various managerial and marketing positions with Orbot and, following the Merger, with the Company, including vice president for sales and marketing at Orbotech, Inc. Prior to joining Orbot, Mr. Levy worked for Apple Computer, Inc. and Digital Equipment Corporation. Mr. Levy holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and management from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel and a master’s degree in business administration from Tel Aviv University. He is a graduate of the advanced management program at Harvard Business School.

Amichai Steimberg has been Chief Operating Officer since June 2010 and served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer—Global Finance and Operations from July 2009 to May 2010. From May 2006 to June 2009 he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, prior to which he had, from August 2000 to May 2006, served as Corporate Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer. From January 1997 to July 2000 he served as the Executive Vice President of Orbotech, Inc., and from 1995 to January 1997 he served as that company’s Vice President Finance and Operations. Prior to joining Orbotech, Mr. Steimberg was Chief Financial Officer of Orbot Instruments Ltd. Mr. Steimberg obtained his bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics and business administration from the Hebrew University.

Dr. Abraham Gross has been Corporate Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer since July 2009. From May 2006 to June 2009 he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. From 2000 to May 2006 he served as Chief Scientist of the Company. From 1998 to 2000, during a leave of absence from Orbotech, he served as the chief engineer of Microvision, Inc., a Seattle-based developer of high resolution, scanned beam display and imaging systems. Prior to 1998, and since joining the Company in 1985, Dr. Gross held various managerial and research positions, in the course of which he has been involved in the research and development of optical techniques for testing and inspection of electronic materials, laser plotter technologies and laser matter interaction. Dr. Gross has authored numerous scientific publications in the field of electro-optics and optical engineering. He received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics from the Technion, and holds a doctorate in physics and atmospheric sciences from Drexel University.

Adrian Auman has been Corporate Vice President Investor Relations and Special Projects since September 2008. From May 2006 to September 2008 he was Vice President for Finance and Investor Relations, prior to which he had, since January 2000, served as Director of Finance and Investor Relations and, from July 1997 to January 2000, as Director of Finance. He was financial controller of the Company from October 1992 to July 1997 and was the financial controller of Orbot from 1988 until the Merger. Prior to joining Orbot, he was an audit supervisor at Kesselman & Kesselman, independent registered public accountants in Israel, from 1986 to 1988 and a tax manager at Goldstein, Golub, Kessler & Co., certified public accountants, from 1979 to 1985. He is a certified public accountant both in Israel and the United States and has a master’s of science degree from Pace University in New York.

Erez Simha has been Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since July 2009, prior to which he had, from September 2008 to June 2009 served as Corporate Vice President for Finance. From April 2007 to August 2008, he served as the Vice President of Finance and Operations at Orbotech Pacific Ltd., and from May



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2004 to March 2007, as Vice President of Finance, Operations and Customer Support at Orbotech S.A. Prior to joining Orbotech, Mr. Simha served as the chief financial officer of Wiseband Communications Ltd., a developer of digital multi carrier power amplifiers for the wireless communications industry, from 2000 to 2004; as the general manager of a private company engaged in the import and distribution of professional and technical equipment for the building and metal industries, from 1994 to 2000; and as the controller of Mishkan—Hapoalim Mortgage Bank, from 1990 to 1994. Mr. Simha is a certified public accountant and holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and accounting and a master’s degree in business administration from Tel Aviv University.

Michael Havin has been Corporate Secretary since August 1996. Prior to joining the Company he practiced as a commercial attorney in Jerusalem from 1991 to 1995 and in Melbourne, Australia, from 1983 to 1989. He is qualified to practice law both in Israel and in Australia and holds bachelor of laws and bachelor of arts degrees from Monash University in Melbourne.

The Articles of Association of the Company (the “Articles”) provide that any director may, by written notice to the Company, appoint another person to serve as an alternate director provided such appointment is approved by a majority of the directors then in office, and may remove such alternate. Any alternate director shall be entitled to notice of meetings of the Board of Directors and of relevant committees and to attend and vote accordingly, except that the alternate has no standing at any meeting at which the appointing director is present or at which the appointing director is not entitled to participate as provided in the Companies Law. A person who is not qualified to be appointed as a director, or a person who already serves as a director or an alternate director, may not be appointed as an alternate director. Unless the appointing director limits the time or scope of the appointment, the appointment is effective for all purposes until the earlier of (i) the appointing director ceasing to be a director; (ii) the appointing director terminating the appointment; or (iii) the occurrence, with respect to the alternate, of any of the circumstances under which a director shall vacate his or her office. The appointment of an alternate director does not in itself diminish the responsibility of the appointing director, as a director. An alternate director is solely responsible for his or her actions and omissions and is not deemed an agent of the appointing director. Under the Companies Law, external directors cannot generally appoint alternate directors and a person who is not qualified to be appointed as an ‘independent’ director may not be appointed as an alternate to an independent director. See Membership of Board of Directors; External Directors; Independent Directors; Financial Experts below with respect to independent directors. At present, there are no appointments of alternate directors in effect.

The Articles also provide that the Board of Directors may delegate any, or substantially all, of its powers to one or more committees of the Board of Directors, and may entrust to and confer upon a Managing Director such of its powers as it deems appropriate. However, the Companies Law provides that certain powers and authorities (for example, the power to approve the financial statements) may not be delegated, and may be exercised only, by the Board of Directors.

There are no family relationships among any of the Directors and Executives. None of the Directors or Executives is elected or appointed under any arrangement or understanding with any major shareholder, customer, supplier or otherwise.



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6.B    Compensation

The following table sets forth, with respect to the Directors and Executives as a group, all remuneration paid by the Company during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010:


     Salaries, fees,
directors’ fees,
and bonuses
     Securities or
premiums or
personal benefits
benefits in kind)
and payments or
accruals for
disability or
similar payments
recognized for
purposes for
stock options,
Shares and RSUs

All Directors and Executives as a group (consisting of 16 persons)

   $ 4,716,108       $ 451,324       $ 1,274,180   

(a)    Remuneration of the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors

Yochai Richter has an employment agreement with the Company pursuant to which he currently serves as Active Chairman of the Board of Directors. The agreement is terminable by Mr. Richter on 60 days’ notice and by the Company on 30 days’ notice as required by law. Upon termination, Mr. Richter is entitled to a lump sum payment equal to twelve times his monthly salary in effect at the time of termination plus certain benefits. He is also entitled to receive severance pay equal to 150% of his last monthly salary payment times the number of years employed by the Company (commencing with his employment by Orbot in 1982) if he resigns and 200% of such payment times the number of years employed if the Company terminates the agreement other than for cause (in which case his severance payment would be between zero and half such amount).

The Remuneration Committee, the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors and the shareholders have approved the terms of Mr. Richter’s continued employment with the Company, including a monthly salary of $33,000 and an annual bonus equivalent to 1% of the net annual profit of the Company. A bonus of $341,450 will be paid to Mr. Richter in respect of 2010. In addition, as a continuing employee, Mr. Richter’s equity awards (which are described below under Equity Awards to Directors) continued to vest and became exercisable on their original terms. Pursuant to shareholder approval, commencing from the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Company, Mr. Richter became eligible to participate in the 2005 Directors Plan (discussed below) and will, for as long as he remains the Chairman of the Board of Directors, continue to receive annual equity-based remuneration with an aggregate value equal to the lesser of $43,750 and the value of 3,750 Restricted Shares. So long as Mr. Richter remains a director of the Company, any future equity awards to him, other than under the 2005 Directors Plan, would require specific shareholder approval.

(b)    Other Directors’ Remuneration

Under arrangements approved by the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors and the shareholders of the Company, each of the members of the Board of Directors who is not, or will in the future cease to be, an employee of the Company is remunerated as follows: (i) an annual payment to each such director of NIS 65,000 plus applicable value added tax (“VAT”); and (ii) participation compensation to each such director of NIS 2,500 plus VAT. In addition, the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors and the shareholders of the Company have resolved that: (iii) the annual payment and the participation compensation of all such directors will be adjusted bi-annually to reflect changes in the Israeli CPI in the manner provided in the regulations promulgated pursuant to the Companies Law governing the terms of compensation payable to external directors (the “Regulations”); (iv) in the event that a director participates in a meeting by means of communication pursuant to Section 101 of the Companies Law, the Company shall pay 60% of the participation compensation; (v) in the event a resolution is adopted by the Board of Directors without a meeting pursuant to Section 103 of the Companies Law, the



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Company shall pay 50% of the participation compensation; and (vi) the annual payment shall be paid in four equal installments and the participation compensation shall be remitted to the directors on a quarterly basis, in each case at the beginning of each calendar quarter with respect to the previous quarter, all as provided for in the Regulations.

In December 2008, in connection with the management and employee salary reductions undertaken at that time, each of the non-employee directors of the Company then in office voluntarily accepted a 15% reduction in their cash remuneration (annual payments and participation compensation) and waived any adjustments to reflect changes in the Israeli CPI, with effect on and from December 1, 2008 and until such time as each director may advise the Company in writing to restore his or her cash remuneration to its previous level subject, with respect to the external directors, to the stipulation that the remuneration of the external directors not fall below the minimum required under the Regulations. Mr. Benyamini and Mr. Lahav, who were elected as directors in June 2009, voluntarily accepted corresponding reductions in their cash remuneration from the time of their election. In February 2010, in connection with the restoration of management and employee salary reductions from April 1, 2010, each of the non-employee directors of the Company terminated their voluntarily reduction in remuneration, with effect on and from April 1, 2010. Accordingly their remuneration was, from that time, reinstated to the level as was in effect immediately prior to their voluntary reduction, adjusted to reflect changes in the Israeli CPI in the manner provided in the Regulations.

On July 14, 2005, the shareholders of the Company approved a directors’ equity remuneration plan for certain directors of the Company (the “2005 Directors Plan”), which was amended with shareholder approval at the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Company. Under the 2005 Directors Plan (as amended), each director who is in office immediately after any annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company, including external directors and directors who are employees of the Company, but not including the Chief Executive Officer (even if a director), in addition to the existing annual and per meeting fees, will be granted equity awards, comprised of options to purchase Ordinary Shares and Restricted Shares or RSUs, with an aggregate value equal to the lesser of $43,750 and the value of 3,750 Restricted Shares with respect to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and with an aggregate value equal to the lesser of $35,000 and the value of 3,000 Restricted Shares with respect to each other eligible director under the 2005 Directors Plan. Awards will be granted to the extent that there are sufficient Ordinary Shares reserved under the 2000 Plan, the 2010 Plan and any other equity remuneration plan of the Company. Equity awards under the 2005 Directors Plan will, to the extent that there are sufficient options available for grant under the 2000 Plan or other applicable Company equity plan, be apportioned at a ratio of one Restricted Share or RSU for every 2.5 Ordinary Shares subject to an option. All awards vest in full on May 31 of the calendar year following the year in which they are granted and are otherwise generally subject to the terms of the applicable Company equity plan under which they are awarded. Options expire no later than seven years after the date on which they were granted, subject to earlier expiration if, at any annual general meeting prior to the expiration of such seven-year period, a director’s term expires and he or she is not re-elected. In such case, options expire upon the last to occur of: (i) 90 days following that annual general meeting; (ii) three years from date of grant; and (iii) the expiration of such period as is prescribed in the 2000 Plan in circumstances of retirement after the age of 60. Should a director not serve until the end of his or her term for any other reason (apart from death or disability), any options unexercised, or Restricted Shares or RSUs unvested, at the time of ceasing to serve will expire and be cancelled and forfeited immediately.

(c)    Equity Awards to Directors

During the year ended December 31, 2010: (i) an option to purchase 4,966 Ordinary Shares, at an exercise price of $10.28 per share and expiring on August 31, 2017, was granted and 1,986 Restricted Shares were awarded, to the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors; and (ii) an option to purchase 3,972 Ordinary Shares, at an exercise price of $10.28 per share and expiring on August 31, 2017, was granted and 1,589 Restricted Shares were awarded, to each other director of the Company. All of these awards are subject to the terms of the 2000 Plan and were made as part of the 2005 Directors Plan. For information concerning the method of calculation of the number of Ordinary Shares subject to stock options and Restricted Shares or RSUs awarded to directors under the 2005 Directors Plan, see—Other Directors’ Remuneration.



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During 2010, no options to purchase Ordinary Shares were exercised by any directors of the Company. In addition, during 2010, a total of 21,514 Restricted Shares held by directors (all of which were granted during 2008 or 2009) vested.

Pursuant to shareholder approval, each of the above equity awards, as well as any other equity awards which may in the future be awarded by the Company to directors of the Company through a trustee under the 2000 Plan or the 2010 Plan, will benefit from the capital gains tax treatment which became available as part of the 2003 Israeli tax reform and pursuant to an election made by the Company thereunder. For further information see Item 6.E—Share Ownership—The 2000 Plan.

For information as to equity awards during 2010 to Directors and Executives as a group, see Item 6.E—Share Ownership—Certain Information Concerning Equity Awards to Directors and Executives.

6.C    Board Practices

(a)    Membership of Board of Directors; External Directors; Independent Directors; Financial Experts

The Board of Directors consists of three classes of directors (not including the two external directors who do not form part of any class), with one class being elected each year by shareholders at the Company’s annual general meeting for a term of approximately three years. Directors so elected cannot be removed from office by the shareholders until the expiration of their term of office. No benefits are received by the Directors upon the expiration of their term of office. At the Company’s 2001 annual general meeting, all of the directors of the Company (other than the external directors) were designated into one of the three different classes. The external directors, who currently serve three year terms as required by Israeli law, do not form part of any class and are elected according to the Companies Law.

The three classes of directors are designated Class I Directors, Class II Directors and Class III Directors. The current terms of the Class I Directors will expire at the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held in 2011, the current terms of the Class II Directors will expire at the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held in 2012 and the current terms of the Class III Directors will expire at the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held in 2013. Mr. Yochai Richter, Mr. Haim Benyamini and Mr. Eliezer Tokman are the current Class I Directors, Mr. Dan Falk and Dr. Shimon Ullman are the current Class II Directors and Mrs. Yehudit Bronicki and Mr. Arie Weisberg are the current Class III Directors. In accordance with the Articles, any vacancies on the Board of Directors, including unfilled positions, may be filled by a majority of the directors then in office, and each director chosen in this manner would hold office until the next annual general meeting of the Company (or until the earlier termination of his or her appointment as provided for in the Companies Law or the Articles).

The Articles provide that the minimum number of members of the Board of Directors is three and the maximum number is eleven. The Board of Directors is presently comprised of nine members, two of whom were elected as external directors under the provisions of the Companies Law (discussed below); one by the shareholders at the Company’s 2008 annual general meeting of shareholders and the other by the shareholders at the Company’s 2009 annual general meeting of shareholders.

Under the Companies Law and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, Israeli companies whose shares have been offered to the public in, or that are publicly traded outside of, Israel are required to appoint at least two natural persons as ‘external directors’. No person may be appointed as an external director if the person, or a relative, partner or employer of the person, or anyone to whom such person is directly or indirectly subordinate, or any entity under the person’s control, has or had, on or within the two years preceding the date of the person’s appointment to serve as an external director, any affiliation with the company to whose board the external director is proposed to be appointed or with any entity controlling or controlled by such company or by the entity controlling such company. The term affiliation includes an employment relationship, a business or professional relationship maintained on a regular basis or control, as well as service as an office holder (as that term is defined in the Companies Law) (which term includes a director).



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In addition, no person may serve as an external director if the person’s position or other business activities create, or may create, a conflict of interest with the person’s responsibilities as an external director or interfere with the person’s ability to serve as an external director; if at the time such person serves as a non-external director of another company on whose board of directors a director of the reciprocal company serves as an external director; or if the person is an employee of the Israel Securities Authority or of an Israeli stock exchange. If, at the time of election of an external director, all other directors are of the same gender, the external director to be elected must be of the other gender.

Pursuant to the Companies Law, an external director is required to have either financial and accounting expertise or professional qualifications according to criteria set forth in regulations promulgated by the Israeli Minister of Justice, provided that at least one of the external directors has financial and accounting expertise. The board of directors must make the determinations as to the financial and accounting expertise, and as to the professional qualifications, of a director taking into consideration these criteria and matters set forth in the regulations. In addition, the boards of directors of publicly traded companies are required to make a determination as to the minimum number of directors who must have financial and accounting expertise as aforesaid based, among other things, on the type of company, its size, the volume and complexity of its activities and the number of directors. The Board of Directors has determined that the minimum number of directors with financial and accounting expertise, in addition to the external director or directors who have such expertise, will be one, and that Mr. Dan Falk qualifies as such.

External directors are elected for a term of three years and may be re-elected for one additional three-year term. However, under regulations promulgated pursuant to the Companies Law, companies, such as the Company, whose shares are listed for trading on specified exchanges outside of Israel, including the Nasdaq Global Market and the Nasdaq Global Select Market, may elect external directors for additional terms that do not exceed three years each, beyond the two three-year terms generally applicable, provided that, if an external director is being re-elected for an additional term or terms beyond two three-year terms: (i) the audit committee and board of directors must determine that, in light of the external director’s expertise and special contribution to the board of directors and its committees, the re-election for an additional term is to the company’s benefit; (ii) the external director must be re-elected by the required majority of shareholders and subject to the terms specified in the Companies Law; and (iii) the term during which the nominee has served as an external director and the reasons given by the audit committee and board of directors for extending his or her term of office must be presented to the shareholders prior to their approval. Following termination of service as an external director and for two years thereafter, a company may not appoint the external director as an office holder of the company and cannot employ or receive paid services from the external director either directly or indirectly, including through a corporation controlled by him or her. Each committee of a company’s board of directors that has the authority to exercise powers of the board of directors must include at least one external director and its audit committee must include all external directors.

External directors are elected at the general meeting of shareholders by a simple majority, provided that the majority includes at least one-third of the shareholders who are not controlling shareholders, who are present and voting, or that the non-controlling shareholders who vote against the election hold one percent or less of the voting power of the company.

Under the Companies Law an external director cannot be dismissed from office unless: (i) the board of directors determines that the external director no longer meets the statutory requirements for holding the office, or that the external director is in breach of the external director’s fiduciary duties and the shareholders vote, by the same majority required for the appointment, to remove the external director after the external director has been given the opportunity to present his or her position; (ii) a court determines, upon a request of a director or a shareholder, that the external director no longer meets the statutory requirements of an external director or that the external director is in breach of his or her fiduciary duties to the company; or (iii) a court determines, upon a request of the company or a director, shareholder or creditor of the company, that the external director is unable to fulfill his or her duty or has been convicted of specified crimes.



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In a 2008 amendment, the Companies Law introduced the concept of ‘independent’ directors in addition to external directors. An independent director is a director who meets the same non-affiliation criteria as an external director, as approved by the subject company’s audit committee, and who has not served as a director of the company for more than nine consecutive years. For these purposes, ceasing to serve as a director for a period of two years or less would not be deemed to sever the consecutive nature of such director’s service. An independent director may be removed from office in the same manner that an external director may be removed.

Pursuant to the Companies Law, a public company, such as the Company, may include in its articles of association a provision providing that a specified number of its directors be independent directors or may adopt a standard provision providing that a majority of its directors be independent directors or, if there is a controlling shareholder or a 25% or more shareholder, that at least one-third of its directors be independent directors. External directors are counted as independent directors for these purposes.

Regulations promulgated pursuant to the Companies Law provide that a director in a company, such as the Company, whose shares are listed for trading on specified exchanges outside of Israel, including the Nasdaq Global Market and the Nasdaq Global Select Market, who qualifies as an independent director under the relevant non-Israeli rules relating to independence standards for audit committee membership and who meets certain non-affiliation criteria, which are less stringent than those applicable to external directors, would be deemed an “independent” director pursuant to the Companies Law provided he or she has not served as a director for more than nine consecutive years. For these purposes, ceasing to serve as a director for a period of two years or less would not be deemed to sever the consecutive nature of such director’s service.

A person may be reappointed as an independent director for additional terms, beyond nine years, which do not exceed three years each, if the audit committee and the board of directors determine that in light of the independent director’s expertise and special contribution to the board of directors and its committees, the reappointment for an additional term is to the company’s benefit.

Although the Company has not included such a provision in its articles of association, it believes that four of its current nine directors would qualify as independent directors under the Companies Law, an additional three of its current directors who have served as directors for more than nine consecutive years could qualify as independent directors under the Companies Law if its Audit Committee and Board of Directors were to make the determination as aforesaid and seven of them would qualify as independent under Nasdaq independence standards.

A nominee for service as a director in a public company may not be elected without submitting a declaration to the company, prior to election, specifying that he or she has the requisite qualifications to serve as a director, independent director or external director, as applicable, and the ability to devote the appropriate time to performing his or her duties as a director.

A director, including an external director or an independent director, who ceases to meet the statutory requirements to serve as a director, external director or independent director, as applicable, must notify the company to that effect immediately and his or her service as a director will expire upon submission of such notice.

There are not any directors’ service contracts with the Company providing for benefits on termination of employment. For information as to the employment agreement of the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors with the Company, which provides for benefits on termination of employment, see Item 6—Directors, Senior Management and Employees—Compensation—Remuneration of the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors.

(b)    Committees of the Board of Directors

(i)    Audit Committee

The Companies Law requires public companies to appoint an audit committee comprised of at least three directors, including all of the external directors, and further stipulates that the chairman of the board of directors,



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any director employed by or providing other services to a company and a controlling shareholder or any relative of a controlling shareholder may not be members of the audit committee. The responsibilities of the audit committee under the Companies law include identifying flaws in the management of a company’s business, making recommendations to the board of directors as to how to correct them and reviewing and deciding whether to approve certain related party transactions and certain transactions involving conflicts of interest. An audit committee may not approve an action or transaction with a controlling shareholder or with an office holder unless at the time of approval two external directors are serving as members of the audit committee and at least one of them is present at the meeting in which the approval is granted. Dr. Michael Anghel, Mr. Dan Falk and Mr. Gideon Lahav are the current members of the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee oversees the accounting and financial reporting processes of the Company. It also provides assistance to the Board of Directors in fulfilling its legal and fiduciary obligations with respect to matters involving the accounting, auditing, financial reporting and internal control functions of the Company. In carrying out its duties, the Audit Committee meets at least once in each fiscal quarter with management at which time, among other things, it reviews, and either approves or disapproves, the financial results of the Company for the immediately preceding fiscal quarter and conveys its conclusions in this regard to the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee also monitors generally the services provided by the Company’s external auditors to ensure their independence, and reviews all audit and non-audit services provided by them. See Item 16C—Principal Accountant Fees and Services. The Company’s external and internal auditors also report regularly to the Audit Committee at its meetings, and the Audit Committee discusses with the Company’s external auditors the quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments and the clarity of disclosures in the Company’s financial statements, as and when it deems it appropriate to do so. Each member of the Audit Committee is an ‘independent director’ in accordance with the Nasdaq listing standards.

Under the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”), the Audit Committee is responsible for the appointment, compensation, retention and oversight of the work of the Company’s external auditors. However, under Israeli law, the appointment of external auditors and their compensation require the approval of the shareholders of the Company. Pursuant to Israeli law, the shareholders may delegate the authority to determine the compensation of the external auditors to the Board of Directors, and the Company’s shareholders have done so in the past. Accordingly, the appointment of the external auditors will be required to be approved and recommended to the shareholders by the Audit Committee and approved by the shareholders. The compensation of the external auditors will be required to be approved by the Audit Committee and recommended to the shareholders or, if so authorized by the shareholders, to the Board of Directors and approved by either the shareholders or the Board of Directors, as the case may be.

(ii)    Remuneration Committee

The role of the Remuneration Committee is to provide assistance and make independent recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning matters related to the compensation of directors and certain executive employees of the Company. In carrying out these duties, the Remuneration Committee meets on an ad hoc basis (usually at least once in each fiscal quarter). The Remuneration Committee is also authorized to administer the Company’s equity remuneration plans. Under the Companies Law, the Remuneration Committee may need to seek the approval of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors and the shareholders for certain compensation decisions. Each member of the Remuneration Committee is an ‘independent director’ in accordance with the Nasdaq listing standards. Dr. Michael Anghel, Mr. Dan Falk and Mr. Eliezer Tokman are the current members of the Remuneration Committee.

(iii)    Nominating Committee

The principal role of the Nominating Committee is to identify individuals qualified to become members of the Board of Directors, to recommend such individuals for nomination for election to the Board of Directors and to make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning committee appointments. In undertaking this



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task, the Nominating Committee takes into account the composition requirements and qualification criteria set forth in the Companies Law and the Nasdaq listing standards, and determines the other criteria, objectives and procedures for selecting Board of Directors and committee members, including factors such as independence, diversity, age, integrity, skills, expertise, breadth of experience, knowledge about the Company’s business or industry and willingness to devote adequate time and effort to responsibilities of the Board of Directors in the context of the existing composition and needs of the Board of Directors and its committees. Membership of the Nominating Committee is limited to ‘independent directors’ in accordance with the Nasdaq listing standards who meet the composition requirements of the Companies Law, as in effect from time to time. Mr. Dan Falk, Mr. Gideon Lahav and Dr. Shimon Ullman are the current members of the Nominating Committee.

(c)    Executive Sessions

At least twice per annum the independent directors of the Company meet in ‘Executive Sessions’, which no other persons have the right to attend. These meetings are intended to provide a forum in which the Company’s independent directors can discuss any issues that they consider relevant in their capacity as such.

6.D    Employees

As of December 31, 2010, the Company employed 1,770 people, of whom 629 were based in Israel, 647 in the Far East, 166 in Europe, 107 in Japan and 221 in the United States; and of whom 456 were employed in research and development, 713 in marketing, sales and service, 290 in production and 311 in management and administration. As of December 31, 2009, the Company employed 1,602 people, of whom 613 were based in Israel, 513 in the Far East, 156 in Europe, 106 in Japan and 214 in the United States; and of whom 409 were employed in research and development, 629 in marketing, sales and service, 264 in production and 300 in management and administration. As of December 31, 2008, the Company employed 1,693 people, of whom 671 were based in Israel, 533 in the Far East, 154 in Europe, 107 in Japan and 228 in the United States; and of whom 397 were employed in research and development, 680 in marketing, sales and service, 309 in production and 307 in management and administration.

The Company considers its relations with its employees to be satisfactory and has not experienced a significant labor dispute or strike. The Company is not a party to any collective bargaining agreement with respect to its Israeli employees. However, the Company is subject to certain labor related statutes and to certain provisions of collective bargaining agreements between the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor in Israel) and the Coordinating Bureau of Economic Organizations (including the Industrialists’ Association), which are applicable to the Company’s Israeli employees by virtue of expansion orders of the Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor. These statutes and provisions cover a wide range of subjects and provide certain minimum employment standards including the length of the work day and work week, minimum wages, travel expenses, contributions to a pension fund, insurance for work-related accidents, procedures for dismissing employees, determination of severance pay, annual and other vacations, sick pay and other conditions of employment. The Company generally provides its employees with benefits and working conditions beyond the required minimum. An additional significant provision applicable to all employees in Israel under collective bargaining agreements and expansion orders is the automatic adjustment of wages in relation to increases in the Israeli CPI. The amount and frequency of these adjustments are modified from time to time. For information concerning the Company’s liability for severance pay, see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates; and Note 7 to the Financial Statements.

6.E    Share Ownership

(a)    General

The Company presently administers the 2000 Plan and the 2010 Plan, both of which were adopted with shareholder approval, as well as a number of equity remuneration plans administered by PDI prior to the PDI Closing Date and assumed by the Company as part of the PDI Acquisition (the “PDI Equity Remuneration Plans”). These plans are discussed in further detail below.



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Awards under the Company’s equity remuneration plans (other than: (i) to directors under the 2005 Directors Plan; or (ii) under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans) generally vest as to 50% after two years from the effective date of grant, 75% after three years and 100% after four years. Upon resignation by a grantee, options to the extent unexercised, Restricted Share awards to the extent that the applicable restrictions have not lapsed and unvested RSUs, held by the grantee generally expire or are forfeited on the earlier of the date of notice of resignation and the date of termination of employment or services. In any other case in which a grantee ceases to be an employee of, or consultant to, the Company (e.g. dismissal or departure by mutual agreement): (i) the vesting of all such equity awards ceases immediately upon notice; and (ii) unless the notice provides, or the Company and grantee agree, otherwise, the grantee may exercise awards, to the extent vested at the time of notice, until the termination of his or her employment or services. Ordinary Shares subject to equity awards granted under the 2000 Plan become available for purposes of future equity awards under the 2000 Plan upon the expiration, termination, forfeiture or cancellation of such equity awards. Ordinary Shares subject to equity awards granted under the 2010 Plan become available for purposes of future equity awards under the 2010 Plan upon the expiration, termination, forfeiture or lapse of such equity awards unless such expiration, termination, forfeiture or lapse occurred solely because the performance goals with respect thereto were not attained, in which case the Ordinary Shares subject to such equity awards do not again become available for purposes of the 2010 Plan.

As a result of an amendment to Section 102 of the Tax Ordinance as part of the 2003 Israeli tax reform, and pursuant to an election made by the Company thereunder, gains derived by employees (which term includes directors) in Israel arising from the sale of Restricted Shares or shares delivered in settlement of RSUs or acquired pursuant to the exercise of options granted to them through a trustee under Section 102 of the Tax Ordinance after January 1, 2003, will generally be subject to a flat capital gains tax rate of 25%, although these gains may also include a salary income component. As a result of this election under Section 102, the Company will not, in the case of equity awards made on or after January 1, 2003, be allowed to claim as an expense for tax purposes in Israel the amounts credited to the employee as capital gains, although it will generally be entitled to do so in respect of the salary income component (if any) of such awards when the related tax is paid by the employee. This differs from the favorable tax benefits generally available to U.S. corporations from the exercise of non-statutory stock options under U.S. federal income tax laws.

Stock options under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans generally vest over a 48-60 month period, in monthly installments after an initial ‘cliff’ vesting event six months from the grant date, and expire either seven or ten years from the grant date. RSUs under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans generally vest in equal annual installments over two, three or four year periods from the grant date. Equity awards (including both options and RSUs) under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans usually expire upon termination of the grantee’s continuous service; however, in most cases optionees will, for a period of three months from the date of termination of continuous service, be entitled to exercise options to the extent that they had vested on the date of termination of continuous service.

For further information concerning equity awards, see Notes 1s and 9 to the Financial Statements.

(b)    The 2000 Plan

On June 21, 2000, the Board of Directors adopted, and the Company’s shareholders subsequently approved, the Employee Share Ownership and Option Plan (2000), which was amended in 2003 with shareholder approval, and was broadly amended, restated and renamed in 2005, also with shareholder approval. The 2000 Plan is intended to provide incentives to employees, officers, directors and/or consultants of the Company, other companies, partnerships or entities in Israel in which the Company holds, directly or indirectly, at least a 50% equity interest and/or the Company’s subsidiary entities and their respective subsidiary entities outside Israel, by providing them with the opportunity to purchase or receive shares of the Company.

The 2000 Plan is designed to enable the Company to grant options to purchase Ordinary Shares and issue shares under various and different tax regimes including, without limitation: (i) pursuant and subject to



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Section 102 of the Tax Ordinance or any provision which may amend or replace it and any regulations, rules, orders or procedures promulgated thereunder and to designate them as either grants made through a trustee or not through a trustee; (ii) pursuant and subject to Section 3(i) of the Tax Ordinance; (iii) as ‘incentive stock options’ within the meaning of Section 422(b) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time; (iv) as options to U.S. taxpayers which would not qualify as ‘incentive stock options’; (v) to grantees in jurisdictions other than Israel and the United States; and (vi) as Restricted Shares (provided that the aggregate number of Restricted Shares awarded (net of forfeitures, as described in the 2000 Plan) may not exceed 400,000). The 2000 Plan will terminate on June 4, 2015 (except as to awards outstanding on that date).

During 2010, under the 2000 Plan including pursuant to the Exchange Offer (defined and discussed below): (i) options to purchase a total of 895,755, 81,000 and 765,402 Ordinary Shares (having respective weighted average exercise prices of $11.17, $4.53 and $25.61 per share) were awarded, exercised and cancelled, respectively; and (ii) a total of 14,698 and 2,250 Restricted Shares were granted and forfeited, respectively. As of January 31, 2011, under the 2000 Plan: (i) options to purchase a total of 4,095,040 Ordinary Shares, expiring on various dates between February 28, 2011 and November 11, 2017 and having a weighted average remaining life of 4.72 years and a weighted average exercise price of $11.39 per share, were outstanding (of which 1,510,323 with a weighted average remaining life of 3.66 years and a weighted average exercise price of $14.95 per share had vested); (ii) 252,535 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards (including up to 16,952 Restricted Shares); and (iii) a total of 31,397 Restricted Shares had been forfeited.

(c)    The 2010 Plan

On July 15, 2010, the Board of Directors adopted, and the Company’s shareholders subsequently approved, the 2010 Equity-Based Incentive Plan. The 2010 Plan is intended to assist the Company in attracting, retaining, motivating and rewarding employees, officers, directors and/or consultants of the Company and/or of companies, partnerships or other entities and their respective subsidiary companies, partnerships or entities inside or outside of Israel in which the Company holds, directly or indirectly, at least a 50% equity interest, by providing them with equity-based incentives.

1,000,000 Ordinary Shares were reserved for issuance pursuant to awards granted under the 2010 Plan. The 2010 Plan: (i) provides only for the awarding of Restricted Shares and RSUs and does not provide for the awarding of options to purchase Ordinary Shares; (ii) introduces performance-based equity awards to the Company’s equity program and provides that an aggregate of 250,000 or more of the Ordinary Shares subject to awards made under the 2010 Plan are to be subject to performance-based criteria to be established by the Board of Directors (but which shall be linked to the Company’s profitability); (iii) provides that if any award granted under the 2010 Plan expires, terminates or is forfeited or cancelled, settled in cash, or otherwise terminates for any reason without a delivery to the participant of the full number of Ordinary Shares to which the award related, the Ordinary Shares under such award which were not so delivered shall again be available for the purposes of the 2010 Plan; but that Ordinary Shares not delivered pursuant to performance-based Restricted Shares or RSUs which expire, terminate or are forfeited or lapse solely because the performance goals with respect thereto were not attained will not again be available for purposes of the 2010 Plan; and (iv) provides that if the employment or services of a grantee of Restricted Shares or RSUs with or to the Company is or are terminated prior to the full vesting of, and lapsing of forfeiture provisions on, such award for any reason, the Restricted Shares or RSUs held by such participant that have not theretofore vested and on which the forfeiture provisions have not theretofore lapsed shall immediately be forfeited upon the earlier of such termination or notice of termination irrespective of the effective date of such termination (unless the applicable agreement provides otherwise). The Company’s general policy is to settle RSUs granted under the 2010 Plan through the issuance of Ordinary Shares rather than in cash, other securities, other awards under the 2010 Plan or other property. The 2010 Plan will terminate on July 14, 2020 (except as to awards outstanding on that date).

During 2010, under the 2010 Plan: (i) 78,400 non-performance-based RSUs and 36,900 performance-based RSUs were awarded; (ii) no Restricted Shares were awarded; and (iii) no RSUs were settled or cancelled. As of



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January 31, 2011, under the 2010 Plan: (i) a total of 78,400 non-performance-based RSUs and 36,900 performance-based RSUs were outstanding; (ii) no Restricted Shares had been awarded; and (iii) 884,700 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards.

(d)    The PDI Equity Remuneration Plans

During 2010, under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans collectively: (i) options to purchase a total of 86,278 and 221,859 Ordinary Shares (having respective weighted exercise prices of $6.68 and $10.19 per share) were exercised and cancelled, respectively; and (ii) a total of 156,105 and 26,708 RSUs vested and were cancelled, respectively. As of January 31, 2011, under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans collectively: (i) options to purchase a total of 335,117 Ordinary Shares, expiring on various dates between April 3, 2011 and November 10, 2015 and having a weighted average remaining life of 2.94 years and a weighted average exercise price of $9.63 per share, were outstanding (of which 287,052 with a weighted average remaining life of 2.88 years and a weighted average exercise price of $10.26 per share had vested); and (ii) a total of 263,946 RSUs were outstanding.

(e)    Certain Information Concerning Equity Awards to Directors and Executives

The following table sets forth for all Directors and Executives as a group, including all persons who were at any time during the period indicated Directors or Executives, certain information in respect of both the 2000 Plan and the 2010 Plan concerning: (i) equity awards granted by the Company between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010; (ii) options which were exercised and paid, and Restricted Shares and RSUs which vested, between such dates; (iii) equity awards which were cancelled between such dates; and (iv) equity awards which were outstanding on, and as at, December 31, 2010.


Equity Awards Granted:    2000      2010  

•    Number of Ordinary Shares subject to options

     84,642         0   

•    Weighted average option exercise price per Ordinary Share

   $ 10.55         N/A   

•    Year of expiration of options

     2017         N/A   

•    Number of Restricted Shares

     14,698         0   

•    Number of RSUs

     N/A         48,100   

Options Exercised/Paid; Restricted Shares and RSUs Vested:


•    Number of Ordinary Shares subject to options

     20,000         N/A   

•    Weighted average option exercise price per Ordinary Share

   $ 3.86         N/A   

•    Restricted Shares vested

     57,689         0   

•    RSUs vested

     N/A         0   

Equity Awards Cancelled:


•    Number of Ordinary Shares subject to options

     0         N/A   

•    Weighted average option exercise price per Ordinary Share

     N/A         N/A   

•    Number of Restricted Shares

     0         0   

•    Number of RSUs

     N/A         0   

Equity Awards Outstanding:


•    Number of Ordinary Shares subject to options

     1,081,574         N/A   

•    Weighted average option exercise price per Ordinary Share

   $ 11.87         N/A   

•    Weighted average remaining option life (years)

     4.48         N/A   

•    Number of Restricted Shares

     228,873         0   

•    Number of RSUs

     N/A         48,100   



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(f)    Certain Information Concerning Ordinary Shares Owned by Directors and Executives

The following table sets forth information as of January 31, 2011, concerning the shareholdings of those Directors and Executives known to the Company beneficially to own, on an individual basis, more than 1% of the outstanding Ordinary Shares and of each other director of the Company.



   Number of
Shares (1)
     Percentage of
Ordinary  Shares

•      Yochai Richter

     1,270,241         3.60% (2) 

•      Michael Anghel

     6,591                      (3) 

•      Haim Benyamini

     3,710                      (3) 

•      Yehudit Bronicki

     8,271                      (3) 

•      Dan Falk

     16,271                      (3) 

•      Gideon Lahav

     4,470                      (3) 

•      Eliezer Tokman

     6,739                      (3) 

•      Shimon Ullman

     121,626                      (3) 

•      Arie Weisberg

     80,014                      (3) 


(1) Does not include Ordinary Shares issuable upon the exercise of options, whether vested or unvested, held by such Directors and Executives. Includes 33,839 Ordinary Shares (in the case of Mr. Weisberg), 29,486 Ordinary Shares (in the case of Mr. Richter), 8,271 Ordinary Shares (in the case of each of Mrs. Bronicki, Mr. Falk and Dr. Ullman), 6,739 Ordinary Shares (the case of Mr. Tokman), 6,591 Ordinary Shares (in the case of Dr. Anghel), 4,470 Ordinary Shares (in the case of Mr. Lahav) and 3,710 Ordinary Shares (in the case of Mr. Benyamini) issued as Restricted Shares—regardless of whether the applicable restrictions have lapsed. For information as to outstanding option awards to directors, see the below table.


(2) The percentage of Ordinary Shares beneficially owned is calculated in accordance with Rule 13d-3(d) promulgated under the Exchange Act.


(3) Less than 1%.

Ordinary Shares held by Directors and Executives have equal voting rights with those held by other holders of Ordinary Shares.



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The following table sets forth information, as of January 31, 2011, concerning all outstanding option awards to directors:


    Date of
    Exercise price
per share ($)
    Shares subject
to option
    Shares vested
and unexercised
    Shares unvested     Scheduled date
of expiration

Yochai Richter

    Sep-26-2005        23.01        27,500        27,500        0        Sep-25-2012   
    Sep-18-2008        9.89        60,000        40,000        20,000        Sep-17-2015   
    Jun-23-2009        7.21        40,000        13,334        26,666        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        4,966        0        4,966        Aug-31,2017   

Michael Anghel

    Sep-18-2008        9.89        5,301        5,301        0        Sep-17-2015   
    Jun-23-2009        7.21        5,301        5,301        0        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   

Haim Benyamini

    Jun-23-2009        7.21        5,301        5,301        0        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   

Yehudit Bronicki

    Sep-26-2005        23.01        1,899        1,899        0        Sep-25-2012   
    Jun-25-2006        23.23        1,931        1,931        0        Jun-24-2013   
    Sep-6-2007        21.77        2,270        2,270        0        Sep-5-2014   
    Sep-18-2008        9.89        5,301        5,301        0        Sep-17-2015   
    Jun-23-2009        7.21        5,301        5,301        0        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   

Dan Falk

    Sep-26-2005        23.01        1,899        1,899        0        Sep-25-2012   
    Jun-25-2006        23.23        1,931        1,931        0        Jun-24-2013   
    Sep-6-2007        21.77        2,270        2,270        0        Sep-5-2014   
    Sep-18-2008        9.89        5,301        5,301        0        Sep-17-2015   
    Jun-23-2009        7.21        5,301        5,301        0        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   

Gideon Lahav

    Jun-23-2009        7.21        5,301        0        0        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   

Eliezer Tokman

    Sep-6-2007        21.77        2,270        2,270        0        Sep-5-2014   
    Sep-18-2008        9.89        5,301        5,301        0        Sep-17-2015   
    Jun-23-2009        7.21        5,301        5,301        0        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   

Shimon Ullman

    Sep-26-2005        23.01        1,899        1,899        0        Sep-25-2012   
    Jun-25-2006        23.23        1,931        1,931        0        Jun-24-2013   
    Sep-6-2007        21.77        2,270        2,270        0        Sep-5-2014   
    Sep-18-2008        9.89        5,301        5,301        0        Sep-17-2015   
    Jun-23-2009        7.21        5,301        5,301        0        Jun-22-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   

Arie Weisberg

    Sep-26-2005        24.27        13,750        13,750        0        Sep-25-2012   
    Aug-10-2006        22.44        28,100        28,100        0        Aug-9-2013   
    Aug-8-2007        21.65        16,000        16,000        0        Aug-8-2014   
    Aug-7-2008        11.84        30,000        30,000        0        Aug-6-2015   
    Nov-20-2008        3.86        30,000        30,000        0        Nov-19-2015   
    Feb-26-2009        4.15        33,750        33,750        0        Feb-25-2016   
    Sep 1, 2010        10.28        3,972        0        3,972        Aug-31,2017   



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(g)    Option Exchange

On November 4, 2010, the Company filed a Tender Offer Statement with the SEC, thereby commencing a tender offer (the “Exchange Offer”) pursuant to which certain employees of the Company and its subsidiaries were offered the right to exchange certain of their outstanding options to purchase Ordinary Shares for new options (the “New Options”) to purchase a lesser number of Ordinary Shares on the terms described in the Exchange Offer. Only outstanding options granted in the years 2005, 2006 or 2007, that had an exercise price greater than $20 per share and that were held by persons who were, on the date of commencement and expiration of the Exchange Offer, residents of Israel, the United States, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea or Taiwan and were not otherwise ineligible to participate in the Exchange Offer (the “Eligible Options”) were able to be tendered for exchange pursuant to the Exchange Offer. The directors and the senior management and corporate officers of the Company, as well as certain additional members of the Company’s senior management, were not eligible to participate in the Exchange Offer.

The Exchange Offer was made on the basis of a fixed exchange ratio, which was determined in accordance with the year in which the Eligible Option was granted. The exchange ratio for (i) Eligible Options granted in 2005 was 5-to-1, (ii) Eligible Options granted in 2006 was 3-to-1 and (iii) Eligible Options granted in 2007 was 2-to-1, rounded down (if necessary) to the nearest whole number to avoid the issuance of fractional Ordinary Shares.

The Exchange Offer expired at 4:00 pm., Israel time, on December 15, 2010. Pursuant to the Exchange Offer, the Company accepted for exchange Eligible Options to purchase an aggregate of 429,600 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 77.6% of the Ordinary Shares subject to all Eligible Options. On December 16, 2010, the Company granted New Options to purchase 157,638 Ordinary Shares, in exchange for the Eligible Options tendered and accepted pursuant to the Exchange Offer. The exercise price per share of the New Options granted pursuant to the Exchange Offer is $12.26, which was the mean average between the high and the low sale prices of the Ordinary Shares, as reported by Nasdaq on December 16, 2010. Each New Option was issued pursuant to the 2000 Plan and is subject to a two-year vesting schedule commencing on the grant date and, with the exception of New Options issued in exchange for Eligible Options granted in September 2005, is for a term equal to the remaining term of the Eligible Option for which it was exchanged. New Options granted in exchange for Eligible Options granted in September 2005 will expire on February 28, 2013. In addition, Ordinary Shares tendered to the Company pursuant to the Exchange Program have been permanently retired by the Company and are no longer available for future issuances under the 2000 Plan. 271,962 Ordinary Shares were retired under the Exchange Offer in this manner.



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Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions

7.A    Major Shareholders

The following table sets forth information as of January 31, 2011 (except with respect to the shareholders as noted below), concerning: (i) the only persons or entities known to the Company beneficially to own 5% or more of the outstanding Ordinary Shares; and (ii) the number of outstanding Ordinary Shares beneficially owned by all Directors and Executives as a group.


Identity of Person or Group

Shares (1)
     Percentage of

Outstanding (1)

•       Harris Associates L.P. (2)

        Two North LaSalle Street, Suite 500

        Chicago, Illinois 60602

     5,234,598         14.88

•       Artisan Partners Holdings LP (3)

        875 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 800

        Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

     3,079,628         8.75

•       Dr. Jacob Richter (4)

        Medinol Ltd.

        Building No. 7, Entrance A, 5th Floor

        Kiryat Atidim

        P.O. Box 58165

        Tel Aviv, 61581 Israel

     3,033,945         8.63

•       T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (5)

        100 E. Pratt Street

        Baltimore, Maryland 21202

     2,501,384         7.11

•       FMR LLC (6)

        82 Devonshire Street

        Boston, Massachusetts 02109

     2,449,985         6.97

•       William Davidson TR (7)

        dated September 24, 2008, as amended

        2300 Harmon Road

        Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326

     2,213,952         6.29

•       Directors and Executives as a group

        (consisting of 16 persons) (8)

     2,288,640         6.40


(1) The Company had outstanding, on January 31, 2011, 35,175,825 Ordinary Shares. This number does not include a total, as at that date, of 5,946,638 Ordinary Shares, 4,809,403 of which were subject to outstanding equity awards granted pursuant to equity remuneration plans adopted or assumed by the Company, 4,430,157 of which were subject to outstanding stock options (of which 1,797,375 had vested), 379,246 of which were subject to outstanding and unvested RSUs and 1,137,235 of which remained available for future equity awards pursuant to such plans, comprised of:


  (a) 4,347,575 Ordinary Shares issuable pursuant to equity awards under the 2000 Plan, of which:


  (i) 4,095,040 Ordinary Shares were subject to options that had been granted (of which 1,510,323 had vested); and


  (ii) 252,535 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards pursuant to the 2000 Plan;


  (b) 1,000,000 Ordinary Shares issuable pursuant to equity awards under the 2010 Plan, of which:


  (i) 115,300 Ordinary Shares were subject to outstanding and unvested RSUs; and


  (ii) 884,700 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards pursuant to the 2010 Plan; and



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  (c) 599,063 Ordinary Shares collectively issuable pursuant to equity awards under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans, of which:


  (i) 335,117 Ordinary Shares were subject to options (of which 287,052 had vested); and


  (ii) 263,946 Ordinary Shares were subject to outstanding and unvested RSUs.

Also does not include 1,988,293 Ordinary Shares held at that date as treasury shares under Israeli law, virtually all of which were repurchased by the Company. For so long as such treasury shares are owned by the Company they have no rights and, accordingly, are neither eligible to participate in or receive any future dividends which may be paid to shareholders of the Company nor are they entitled to participate in, be voted at or be counted as part of the quorum for, any meetings of shareholders of the Company.

Because the Company uses the above number of Ordinary Shares outstanding as the calculation base, the percentage of Ordinary Shares beneficially owned for each listed person or entity may differ from the percentage, if any, in the reports filed by such person or entity with the SEC.


(2) As of December 31, 2010, based on a report filed with the SEC dated February 8, 2011. The report indicated sole voting and dispositive power as to all 5,243,598 Ordinary Shares by Harris Associates L.P. and by Harris Associates Inc., its general partner.


(3) As of December 31, 2010, based on a report filed with the SEC dated February 11, 2011. The report indicated shared dispositive power as to all 3,079,628 Ordinary Shares and shared voting power as to 2,952,748 of such Ordinary Shares by Artisan Partners Holdings LP (“Artisan Holdings”), Artisan Investment Corporation (“Artisan Corp.”), ZFIC, Inc. (“ZFIC”), Andrew A. Ziegler, Carlene Murphy Ziegler, Artisan Partners Limited Partnership (“Artisan Partners”) and Artisan Investments GP LLC (“Artisan Investments”) and shared voting and dispositive power as to 2,045,087 of such Ordinary Shares by Artisan Funds, Inc. (“Artisan Funds”). Artisan Holdings and Artisan Partners are investment advisers registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “IAA”); Artisan Investments is the General Partner of Artisan Partners; Artisan Holdings is the sole limited partner of Artisan Partners; Artisan Corp. is the General Partner of Artisan Holdings; ZFIC is the sole stockholder of Artisan Corp.; Mr. Ziegler and Ms. Ziegler are the principal stockholders of ZFIC; and Artisan Funds is an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “ICA”).


(4) As of July 20, 2009, based on a report filed with the SEC dated July 21, 2009. The report indicated sole voting and dispositive power as to none of such Ordinary Shares, and shared voting and dispositive power as to all 3,033,945 Ordinary Shares, with Dr. Judith Richter. Dr. Jacob Richter served as a member of the Board of Directors from October 27, 1992 to August 15, 1993, and from September 29, 1997 to February 11, 2009. Dr. Jacob Richter and Yochai Richter, the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors, are brothers.


(5) As of December 31, 2010, based on a report filed with the SEC dated February 14, 2011. The report indicated sole voting power as to 221,884 of such Ordinary Shares, and sole dispositive power as to all 2,501,384 Ordinary Shares, by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (“TRP”), an investment advisor registered under the IAA. For purposes of the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. is deemed to be the beneficial owner of such shares; however, it expressly disclaims that it is, in fact, the beneficial owner of such shares.



As of December 31, 2010, based on a report filed with the SEC dated February 14, 2011. The report indicated dispositive power as to all 2,449,985 Ordinary Shares by FMR LLC and by Edward C. Johnson 3d, members of whose family may be deemed to form a controlling group with respect to FMR LLC. FMR LLC controls Fidelity Management & Research Company (“Fidelity”), an investment advisor registered under the IAA which is also a beneficial owner of all such Ordinary Shares, all of which are also beneficially owned by Fidelity Low Priced Stock Fund, an investment company registered under the ICA. Neither FMR LLC nor Edward C. Johnson 3d, Chairman of FMR LLC, has the sole power to vote or direct the voting of the shares owned directly by the Fidelity Funds, which power resides with the Funds’ Boards



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of Trustees. The power to vote all such Ordinary Shares resides with the Fidelity Funds’ Boards of Trustees. Fidelity votes the shares under written guidelines established by the Fidelity Funds’ Boards of Trustees.


(7) As of May 28, 2009, based on a report filed with the SEC dated May 27, 2009. The report indicated sole voting and dispositive power as to all 2,213,952 Ordinary Shares by the William Davidson TR dated September 24, 2008, as amended (the “Trust”) and by Jonathan S. Aaron. As a co-trustee of the Trust, Mr. Aaron has sole dispositive and voting power with respect to securities held by the Trust.


(8) Includes 585,965 Ordinary Shares issuable upon the exercise of vested options referred to in footnote (1) above but does not include Ordinary Shares which may become issuable upon the exercise of those options referred to in footnote (1) above which have not yet vested, except to the extent the options become exercisable within 60 days. Also includes 228,873 Restricted Shares, regardless of whether the applicable restrictions have lapsed. The percentage of Ordinary Shares beneficially owned is calculated in accordance with Rule 13d-3(d) promulgated under the Exchange Act.

On January 31, 2011, there were 43 shareholders of record of the Ordinary Shares in the United States, who, among them, held a total of 33,570,067 Ordinary Shares, constituting approximately 95.44% of the outstanding Ordinary Shares as at that date.

The Articles provide that each Ordinary Share shall confer upon its holder the right to vote in general meetings of the Company. All outstanding Ordinary Shares (other than treasury shares) have equal rights.

7.B    Related Party Transactions

Yochai Richter has an employment agreement with the Company pursuant to which he serves as ‘Active Chairman of the Board of Directors’. For information concerning this agreement, see Item 6—Directors, Senior Management and Employees—Compensation—Remuneration of the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors.

In December 2008, in connection with the management and employee salary reductions undertaken at that time, each of the non-employee directors of the Company then in office voluntarily accepted a 15% reduction in their cash remuneration (annual payments and participation compensation) and waived any adjustments to reflect changes in the Israeli CPI, with effect on and from December 1, 2008 and until such time as each director may advise the Company in writing to restore his or her cash remuneration to its previous level subject, with respect to the external directors, to the stipulation that the remuneration of the external directors not fall below the minimum required under the Regulations. Mr. Benyamini and Mr. Lahav, who were elected as directors in June 2009, voluntarily accepted corresponding reductions in their cash remuneration from the time of their election. In February 2010, in connection with the restoration of management and employee salary reductions from April 1, 2010, each of the non-employee directors of the Company terminated their voluntarily reduction in remuneration, with effect on and from April 1, 2010. Accordingly their remuneration was, from that time, reinstated to the level as was in effect immediately prior to their voluntary reduction, adjusted to reflect changes in the Israeli CPI in the manner provided in the Regulations.

For information concerning the eligibility and participation of directors in the 2005 Directors Plan and information concerning unexercised options and unvested Restricted Shares held by directors, including awards made during 2010, see Item 6—Directors, Senior Management and Employees—Compensation—Remuneration of the Active Chairman of the Board of Directors; Other Directors’ Remuneration; Equity Awards to Directors.

Certain equity awards held by certain officers of the Company are subject to immediate vesting in the event of death or a change in control of the Company. In addition, certain officers of the Company may, under certain circumstances, be eligible for increased severance pay.

7.C    Interests of Experts and Counsel

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.



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Item 8. Financial Information

8.A    Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information

(a)    Consolidated Financial Statements

See Item 18—Financial Statements and pages F-1 through F-53.

(b)    Export Sales

See Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Operating Results—Geographical Analysis; Worldwide Economic Situation; Cost of Revenues—Geographical Analysis and Worldwide Economic Situation and Note 14a(ii) to the Financial Statements.

(c)    Legal Proceedings

The Company has not been party to any legal or arbitration proceedings, including any relating to bankruptcy, receivership or similar matters or any governmental proceedings known to the Company, the resolution of which against the Company has had in the recent past a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position or profitability.

On November 4, 2008, GE Healthcare, a unit of GE, filed a complaint against the Company claiming breach of contract and requesting specific performance, injunctive relief, declaratory relief and damages. GE also filed a motion for a preliminary injunction. The dispute originally at issue in that matter related to GE’s claim that OMS had an obligation to supply GEMSI with 850 CZT modules. The suit was originally filed in the United States District Court for the Central District of California and was transferred to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin (the “Wisconsin Court”).

After the initial complaint was filed, GE amended its complaint to add, among other things, additional claims for damages. Subsequently, the complaint was dismissed by the Wisconsin Court on the grounds of forum non conveniens. In dismissing the action, the Wisconsin Court ruled that the weight of both public and private factors supported resolution of the action in the Israeli courts. Further to that decision and the order of the Wisconsin Court, GE and GEMSI filed a complaint against the Company and OMS in the District Court in the Central District in Israel (the “Israeli Court”) on November 16, 2009.

However, on October 31, 2010, GE, GEMSI, OMS and the Company entered into the APA, pursuant to which GEMSI agreed to acquire the assets of OMS for approximately $9.0 million in cash and up to an additional $5.0 million in cash, subject to the achievement of certain agreed performance-based milestones. The transaction closed on February 10, 2011. Upon closing, the parties released each other from all claims, including with respect to the claims made in the litigation and, on February 14, 2011, the Israeli Court approved the settlement agreement entered into by the parties and dismissed the litigation with prejudice.

On December 4, 2008 (prior to amendment of GE’s complaint in the Wisconsin Court and the filing of the complaint in the District Court in Israel) GE and GEMSI had notified the Company that they were referring a dispute with the Company and OMS to arbitration in Israel in accordance with the terms of an agreement between the Company and GEMSI from December 2004 (which agreement was assigned to OMS and expired in December 2007). The dispute related to certain of the claims included in GE’s amended complaint as well as the complaint filed in Israel, as described above. An arbitrator was selected but was not appointed and the Company and OMS did not receive a statement of claim. In connection with the closing of the APA, the parties notified the arbitrator of their agreement to withdraw their claims against each other.

From time to time, the Company is involved in other claims and legal and administrative proceedings that arise in the ordinary course of business. Based on information available as of the date hereof, the Company does



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not believe that the ultimate outcome of any such unresolved matters, individually or in the aggregate, is likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position or results of operations. However, litigation and administrative proceedings are subject to inherent uncertainties and the Company’s view of these matters, including settlement thereof, may change in the future. An unfavorable outcome or settlement may have a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial position and results of operations for the period in which it occurs, and potentially in future periods.

See Note 8b(ii) to the Financial Statements.

(d)    Dividend Policy

The Company does not have any current plans to pay dividends.

8.B    Significant Changes

For information as to any significant change which has occurred since the date of the annual financial statements included in this Annual Report, see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Trend Information.


Item 9. The Offer and Listing

9.A    Offer and Listing Details

Except as set forth below, the information called for in this Item is not applicable in an Annual Report on Form 20-F.

The following table sets forth, in Dollars, the intraday high and low reported sales prices of the Ordinary Shares on Nasdaq during the periods indicated.





   High      Low  


   Full Year      27.25         20.86   


   Full Year      25.67         15.20   


   Full Year      19.10         2.90   


   Full Year      12.17         3.35   

•    First Quarter

     4.45         3.77   

•    Second Quarter

     8.95         3.35   

•    Third Quarter

     12.17         8.24   

•    Fourth Quarter

     10.65         8.74   


   Full Year      13.44         8.57   

•    First Quarter

     11.05         8.57   

•    Second Quarter

     13.25         9.60   

•    Third Quarter

     11.97         9.53   

•    Fourth Quarter

     13.44         9.14   

  •    October

     10.15         9.14   

  •    November

     11.36         9.95   

  •    December

     13.44         11.11   


   Full Year (through February 18)      15.62         13.03   

•    First Quarter (through February 18)

     15.62         13.03   

  •    January

     15.62         13.03   

  •    February (through February 18)

     15.32         14.01   

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

On December 31, 2010, there were 44 shareholders of record of the Ordinary Shares in the United States who, among them, held a total of 33,489,533 Ordinary Shares, constituting approximately 95.42% of the



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outstanding Ordinary Shares as at that date. Such holders of record include several who are nominees for certain beneficial owners, the exact number of whom is not known to the Company. The Company believes that, as of December 31, 2010, there were in excess of 1,350 beneficial holders of the Ordinary Shares.

9.B    Plan of Distribution

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

9.C    Markets

The Company’s Ordinary Shares are quoted on Nasdaq under the symbol ORBK.

9.D    Selling Shareholders

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

9.E    Dilution

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

9.F    Expenses of the Issue

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.


Item 10. Additional Information

10.A    Share Capital

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

10.B    Memorandum and Articles of Association

The Memorandum of Association of Orbotech Ltd. (the “Memorandum”) and the Articles (each in their original form) were registered on February 8, 1981, under registration number 51-087517-2 with the Israeli Registrar of Companies (the “Registrar”). In July 1984, the Company became a public company under Israeli company law, under registration number 52-003521-3. At the 2001 annual general meeting of shareholders held on November 8, 2001, the shareholders adopted new articles of association as well as amendments to the Memorandum and the new articles of association. At the 2006 annual general meeting of shareholders held on June 25, 2006, the shareholders resolved to increase the authorized (registered) share capital of the Company and to amend the Memorandum and the Articles accordingly.

Set forth below is a summary of certain provisions of the Memorandum, the Articles and the Companies Law. This description does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Memorandum and Articles and by Israeli law. The Memorandum, in a form which reflects, integrated into the text, all amendments thereto since the Company’s incorporation, and the Articles, in a form which reflects, integrated into the text, all amendments thereto since being adopted on November 8, 2001, are exhibits to this Annual Report.

(a)    Objects of the Company

Pursuant to Section 2.A. of the Memorandum the principal objects for which the Company was established include to engage in any form in the design, development, production, marketing and servicing of products and systems in the field of electro-optics and other kinds of electronic equipment, including electro-mechanical equipment, medical equipment and industrial instrumentation and control equipment.



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(b)    Directors

The Board of Directors consists of three classes of directors (not including the external directors who do not form part of any class), with one class being elected each year by shareholders at the Company’s annual general meeting for a term of approximately three years. Directors so elected cannot be removed from office by the shareholders until the expiration of their term of office. Ordinary Shares do not have cumulative voting rights. As a result, the holders of Ordinary Shares that represent a simple majority of the voting power represented at a shareholders’ meeting and voting at the meeting have the power to elect all of the directors put forward for election, subject to specific requirements under the Companies Law with respect to the election of external directors. Under the Companies Law the Company is required to appoint at least two natural persons as ‘external directors’; such appointments are to be for a term of three years and may be extended for additional three-year terms, subject to certain conditions as provided under Israeli regulations. For further information as to these appointments, see Item 6—Directors, Senior Management and Employees; Board Practices—Membership of Board of Directors; External Directors; Independent Directors; Financial Experts.

Under the Articles, a director shall vacate his or her office if that director dies; is declared bankrupt; is declared to be of unsound mind; resigns such office by notice in writing given to the Company; or is not re-elected by the shareholders upon expiration of his or her term at the relevant annual general meeting; or, if the director is a company, is wound-up.

In general, the management of the business of the Company is vested in the Board of Directors which may exercise all such powers of the Company, including the power to borrow or secure the payment of any sum or sums of money for the purposes of the Company, in such manner, at such times and upon such terms and conditions in all respects, as it thinks fit. The directors may, from time to time, appoint any one or more persons, whether or not directors, to be managing director(s), general manager(s), chief executive officer(s), president(s) or any similar function with a different title, for such period and upon such terms as the directors think fit, and, subject to the limitations imposed by the Companies Law upon the delegation by a board of directors of certain powers and authorities, may entrust to and confer upon such managing director(s), general manager(s), chief executive officer(s) or president(s) such of the powers of the Board of Directors as the directors think fit, and such powers may be made exercisable for such period or periods, and for such objects and purposes, and upon such terms and conditions, and subject to such restrictions, as the directors may determine.

(c)    Conflict of interest

(i)    Approval of related party transactions

The Companies Law requires that transactions between a company and its office holders or that benefit its office holders be approved as provided for in the Companies Law and the company’s articles of association. The term office holder as defined in the Companies Law includes a director, managing director, general manager, chief executive officer, executive vice president, vice president, other managers directly subordinate to the managing director and any other person fulfilling or assuming any such position or responsibility without regard to such person’s title. The approval of a majority of the disinterested members of the audit committee and of the board of directors is generally required and, in some circumstances, shareholder approval may also be required.

(ii)    Disclosure by office holders

The Companies Law requires that an office holder of a company promptly disclose to the company any personal interest that the office holder may have in an existing or proposed transaction by the company. The office holder must also disclose related material information and documents that the office holder has about the existing or proposed transaction. The office holder must further disclose the interests of any entity in which he or she is a 5% or greater shareholder, director or general manager, or in which the office holder has the power to appoint one or more directors or the general manager. If the transaction is an extraordinary transaction, the office holder must also disclose any personal interest of his or her spouse, siblings, parents, grandparents, descendants,



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spouse’s descendants and the spouses of any of these people. This disclosure must be made no later than the first meeting of the board of directors at which the transaction is discussed. The disclosure is made to the board of directors and to the audit committee if it must approve the transaction. In those circumstances in which shareholder approval is also required, shareholders have the right to review any documents in the company’s possession related to the proposed transaction. However, the company may prohibit a shareholder from reviewing the documents if the company believes the request was made in bad faith, the documents include trade secrets or patents or their disclosure could otherwise harm the company’s interests.

(iii)    Approval procedure

After the office holder complies with these disclosure requirements, the company may approve the transaction under the provisions of applicable law and its articles of association. If the transaction is with an office holder or with a third party in which the office holder has a personal interest, the approval must confirm that the transaction is not adverse to the company’s interest. If the transaction is an extraordinary transaction, it must be approved as required by the articles of association and must also be approved by the audit committee and the board of directors. An extraordinary transaction is a transaction: (i) other than in the ordinary course of business; (ii) on terms other than on market terms; or (iii) that is likely to have a material impact on the company’s profitability, assets or liabilities.

In some circumstances, shareholder approval is required. A director with a personal interest in any matter may not generally be present at any audit committee or board of directors meeting where the matter is being considered, and may not vote on the matter.

(iv)    Transactions with controlling shareholders

The Companies Law extends the disclosure requirements applicable to an office holder to a controlling shareholder in a public company. A shareholder that holds 25% or more of the voting rights in a company would be considered a controlling shareholder for the purposes of these disclosure requirements if no other shareholder holds more than 50% of the voting rights. If two or more shareholders are interested parties in the same transaction, their shareholdings are combined for the purposes of calculating percentages. Some transactions between a public company and a controlling shareholder or a controlling shareholder’s relative, or transactions in which a controlling shareholder has a personal interest but which are between a public company and another entity, require the approval of the audit committee, the board of directors and the shareholders. If required, shareholder approval must include at least one-third of the shareholders who have no personal interest in the transaction and are present and voting at the meeting. Alternatively, the total shareholdings of the disinterested shareholders who vote against the transaction must not represent more than one percent of the voting rights in the company. The Israeli Minister of Justice may determine a different percentage.

According to Article 73(a) of the Articles, subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, no office holder of the Company (which includes a director) shall be disqualified by such office from holding any office or place of profit within or outside the Company or with any company in which the Company shall be a shareholder or otherwise interested, or with any company which is a shareholder of, or otherwise interested in, the Company, or from contracting with the Company either as vendor, purchaser or otherwise, either on his or her own behalf or as a director of another company or member of a firm or otherwise, nor (unless and to the extent provided otherwise in the Companies Law) shall any such contract, or any contract or arrangement entered into by or on behalf of the Company in which any office holder shall be in any way interested, be void or voidable nor shall any office holder be liable to account to the Company for any profit arising from any such office or place of profit or realized by any such contract or arrangement by reason only of such office holder’s holding that office or of the fiduciary relations thereby established. An office holder who knows that he or she has, directly or indirectly, a personal interest in any existing or contemplated contract or arrangement of the Company of the type described in Article 73(a) shall disclose to the Company the nature of this interest, as well as any material fact or document, without delay and no later than the meeting of the Board of Directors at which such contract or arrangement is



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first considered. Should the office holder acquire, or become aware of, such personal interest subsequently, that interest shall be disclosed without delay, and no later than the first meeting of the Board of Directors after the time at which it was acquired.

According to Article 73(b) of the Articles, unless and to the extent provided otherwise in the Companies Law, every director shall be entitled, after such disclosure, to vote as a director in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he or she is so interested as aforesaid. Unless and to the extent provided otherwise in the Companies Law, a general notice that a director is a member of any firm or company and is to be regarded as interested in all transactions with that firm or company shall be a sufficient disclosure under Article 73(a) as regards such director and the said transactions, and after such general notice (unless and to the extent provided otherwise in the Companies Law), it shall not be necessary for such director to give a special notice relating to any particular transaction with that firm or company. Pursuant to Article 73(c) of the Articles, the duty of a director to disclose his or her interest as aforesaid shall not apply to transactions in which the interest of such director arises solely due to the interest of a relative in a transaction which is not an extraordinary transaction (as defined in the Articles).

(d)    Dividends

Dividends may be distributed only out of profits available for dividends as determined by the Companies Law, provided that there is no reasonable concern that the distribution will prevent the Company from being able to meet its existing and anticipated obligations when they become due. Generally, under the Companies Law, the decision to distribute dividends and the amount to be distributed is made by a company’s board of directors. The Articles provide that the Board of Directors may from time to time declare, and cause the Company to pay, such dividends as may appear to it to be justified by the profits of the Company and that the Board of Directors has the authority to determine the time for payment of such dividends and the record date for determining the shareholders entitled to receive such dividends, provided the date is not before the date of the resolution to distribute the dividend. Declaration of dividends does not require shareholder approval.

(e)    Ordinary Shares

The registered capital of Orbotech Ltd. is NIS 11,200,000 divided into 80,000,000 Ordinary Shares. All issued and outstanding Ordinary Shares are fully paid and non-assessable. Holders of Ordinary Shares have one vote for each Ordinary Share held on all matters to be voted on by shareholders, including the election of directors. Ordinary Shares do not entitle their holders to preemptive rights. The Memorandum and Articles and Israeli law do not restrict in any way the ownership or voting of Ordinary Shares by non-residents or persons who are not citizens of Israel, except with respect to subjects of nations which are in a state of war with Israel.

Subject to the rights of holders of shares with special rights (which may be issued in the future), holders of paid up Ordinary Shares are entitled to participate in the payment of dividends and, in the event of a winding-up of the Company, in the distribution of assets available for distribution, in proportion to the amount paid up or credited as paid up on account of the nominal value of the shares held by them respectively and in respect of which such dividend is being paid or such distribution is being made, without considering any premium those holders might have paid in excess of that nominal value.

Shares with preferential rights relating, among other things, to dividends, voting and repayment of share capital can be created by adoption of a resolution of the shareholders at a general meeting of shareholders at which a quorum is present, by a simple majority of the voting power represented at the meeting in person or by proxy and voting thereon. The Company can similarly subdivide issued and outstanding Ordinary Shares. Modification or abrogation of the rights of any class of shares requires the written consent of the holders of 75% of the issued shares of such a class or adoption of a resolution passed by a simple majority of those present in person or by proxy and voting at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of that class.



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Ordinary Share certificates registered in the names of two or more persons are deliverable to the person first named in the share register and such delivery shall be deemed sufficient delivery to all co-owners. If two or more such persons tender a vote, the vote of the person whose name first appears in the share register will be accepted to the exclusion of any other. Notices may be given only to the person whose name first appears in the register. If two or more persons jointly hold or are entitled to a share, any one of them may give effectual receipt for any dividend payable or property distributable in respect of such share.

(f)    Transfer of Shares

Ordinary Shares which have been fully paid-up are transferable, by submission of a proper instrument of transfer to the Company or its transfer agent together with the certificate of the shares to be transferred and such other evidence, if any, as the directors may require to prove the rights of the intending transferor in the transferred shares.

(g)    Shareholders’ Meetings

The Articles provide that an annual general meeting must be held at least once in every calendar year, not later than 15 months after the last preceding annual general meeting, at such time and place as may be determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, convene additional shareholder meetings and, pursuant to the Companies Law, must convene a meeting upon the demand of two directors or one quarter of the directors in office or upon the demand of the holder or holders of five percent of the Company’s issued share capital and one percent of its voting rights or upon the demand of the holder or holders of five percent of its voting rights. All demands for shareholder meetings must set forth the items to be considered at that meeting. Pursuant to the Companies Law, the holder or holders of one percent of the Company’s voting rights may request the inclusion of an item on the agenda of a future shareholder meeting, provided the item is appropriate for discussion at a shareholder meeting. The agenda for a shareholder meeting is determined by the Board of Directors and must include matters in respect of which the convening of a shareholder meeting was demanded and any matter requested to be included by holder(s) of one percent of the Company’s voting rights, as detailed above.

Pursuant to the Companies Law and regulations promulgated thereunder with respect to the convening of general meetings in a public company, shareholder meetings generally require prior notice of not less than 21 days. The function of the annual general meeting is to elect directors in accordance with the Articles, receive and consider the profit and loss account, the balance sheet and the ordinary reports and accounts of the directors and auditors, appoint auditors and fix their remuneration and transact any other business which under the Articles or applicable law may be transacted by the shareholders of a company in general meeting.

The quorum required for either an annual (regular) or an extraordinary (special) general meeting of shareholders consists of at least two shareholders present in person or by proxy holding shares conferring in the aggregate more than 50% of the voting rights of the Company. If a meeting is convened by the Board of Directors upon the demand of shareholders or upon the demand of less than 50% of the directors then in office or directly by such shareholders or directors and no quorum is present within half an hour from the time appointed, it shall be cancelled. If a meeting is otherwise called and no quorum is present within such time, the meeting is adjourned to the same day one week later at the same time and place or at such other time and place as the Board of Directors may determine and specify in the notice of the general meeting and it shall not be necessary to give notice of such adjournment. If a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time stated for such adjourned meeting, any shareholders present in person or by proxy at such meeting shall constitute a quorum. Generally, under the Companies Law and the Articles, shareholder resolutions are deemed adopted if approved by the holders of a simple majority of the voting rights represented at a meeting and voting unless a different majority is required by law or pursuant to the Articles. The Companies Law provides that resolutions on certain matters, such as amending a company’s articles of association, assuming the authority of the board of directors in certain circumstances, appointing auditors, appointing external directors, approving certain transactions,



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increasing or decreasing the registered share capital and approving most mergers must be made by the shareholders at a general meeting. A company may determine in its articles of association certain additional matters in respect of which resolutions by the shareholders in a general meeting will be required.

A company such as Orbotech Ltd., incorporated prior to February 1, 2000, is subject to various rules with respect to the transition from being governed by the Companies Ordinance to being governed by the Companies Law. These rules provide, among other things, that any amendment to the Memorandum or Articles will generally require a resolution adopted by the holders of 75% or more of the voting power represented and voting at a general meeting and that the approval of a merger will require a resolution adopted by the holders of 75% or more of the voting power represented and voting at a general meeting, unless and until the Company amends the Articles in such manner to provide for a different majority. The Articles provide that all shareholder resolutions, other than with respect to the amendment or replacement of the Memorandum or Articles and certain other matters which by law require a different majority, but including with respect to certain actions which, pursuant to Israeli law, would otherwise require a majority of 75% of the votes cast, such as a change of corporate name, an increase in authorized share capital, a consolidation or division of the Company’s share capital into shares of larger or smaller nominal value, a cancellation of unissued shares, a reduction of share capital, the creation of new classes, or the modification of the rights of classes, of shares and the approval of mergers, require only a simple majority of the votes cast. Subject to the Companies Law, a resolution in writing signed by the holders of all of the Ordinary Shares entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders or to which all such shareholders have given their written consent will be sufficient to adopt the resolution in lieu of a meeting. The Companies Law does not currently provide for public companies such as the Company to have shareholder resolutions adopted by means of written consent in lieu of a shareholder meeting.

(h)    Changes in Control

Under the Companies Law, a merger is generally required to be approved by the shareholders and board of directors of each of the merging companies. If the share capital of the company that will not be the surviving company is divided into different classes of shares, the approval of each class is also required, unless determined otherwise by the court. Similarly, unless the court determines differently, a merger will not be approved if it is objected to by shareholders holding a majority of the voting rights participating and voting at the meeting, after excluding the shares held by the other party to the merger, by any person who holds 25% or more of the other party to the merger and by the relatives of and corporations controlled by these persons. Upon the request of a creditor of either party to the proposed merger, the court may delay or prevent the merger if it concludes that there exists a reasonable concern that, as a result of the merger, the surviving company will be unable to satisfy the obligations of any of the parties to the merger. Also, a merger can be completed only after all approvals have been submitted to the Registrar and 30 days have passed from the time that shareholder resolutions were adopted in each of the merging companies and 50 days have passed from the time that a proposal for approval of the merger was filed with the Registrar.

The Companies Law also provides that, subject to certain exceptions, an acquisition of shares in a public company must be made by means of a tender offer if, as a result of the acquisition, the purchaser would become a holder of 25% or more of the voting power at general meetings. This rule does not apply if there is already another holder of 25% or more of the voting power at general meetings. Similarly, the Companies Law provides that, subject to certain exceptions, an acquisition of shares in a public company must be made by means of a tender offer if, as a result of the acquisition, the purchaser would become a holder of more than 45% of the voting power of the company. This rule does not apply if someone else already holds more than 45% of the voting power of the company. These tender offer requirements do not apply to companies whose shares are listed for trading outside of Israel if, under local law or the rules of the stock exchange on which their shares are traded, there is a limitation on the percentage of control which may be acquired or the purchaser is required to make a tender offer to the public.

Under the Companies Law, a person may not acquire shares in a public company if, after the acquisition, he will hold more than 90% of the shares or more than 90% of any class of shares of that company, unless a tender



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offer is made to purchase all of the shares or all of the shares of the particular class. The Companies Law also provides (subject to certain exceptions with respect to shareholders who held more than 90% of a company’s shares or of a class of its shares as of February 1, 2000) that as long as a shareholder in a public company holds more than 90% of the company’s shares or of a class of shares, that shareholder shall be precluded from purchasing any additional shares. If a tender offer is accepted and less than 5% of the shares of the company are not tendered, all of the shares will transfer to the ownership of the purchaser. If 5% or more of the shares of the company are not tendered, the purchaser may not purchase shares in a manner which will grant him more than 90% of the shares of the company.

In addition, certain provisions of the Memorandum and Articles may have the effect of rendering more difficult or discouraging an acquisition of the Company deemed undesirable by the Board of Directors. Those provisions include: limiting the ability of the Company’s shareholders to convene general meetings of the Company (as discussed above); controlling procedures for the conduct of shareholder and Board of Directors meetings, including quorum and voting requirements; and the election and removal of directors.

Moreover, the classification of the Board of Directors into three classes with terms of approximately three years each, which was approved by shareholders of the Company in 2001, and the requirement under Israeli company law to have at least two external directors, who cannot readily be removed from office, may make it more difficult for shareholders who oppose the policies of the Board of Directors to remove a majority of the then current directors from office quickly. It may also, in some circumstances, together with the other provisions of the Memorandum, Articles and Israeli law, deter or delay potential future merger, acquisition, tender or takeover offers, proxy contests or changes in control or management of the Company, some of which could be deemed by certain shareholders to be in their best interests and which could affect the price some investors are willing to pay for Ordinary Shares.

Israeli tax law treats some acquisitions, including stock-for-stock swaps between an Israeli company and a foreign company, less favorably than U.S. tax law. Israeli tax law may, for instance, subject a shareholder who exchanges Ordinary Shares for shares in a non-Israeli corporation to immediate taxation.

(i)    Duration and Liquidation

The Articles do not limit the Company’s duration.

10.C    Material Contracts

On June 26, 2008, the Company executed the PDI Acquisition Agreement, pursuant to which it acquired PDI for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $295.8 million. The PDI Acquisition Agreement was filed by PDI with the SEC on a Form 8-K on June 26, 2008. The description thereof is incorporated by reference herein.

In connection with the PDI Acquisition, Orbotech Ltd. and IDB entered into the Loan Agreements, under which Orbotech utilized $160.0 million of its credit facilities to finance, in part, the PDI Acquisition. Through December 31, 2010, the Company had remaining credit availability under the Loan Agreements of up to $25.0 million. This amount will remain available for short-term borrowings until January 29, 2012. English translations of the Financing Agreement, the Financing Agreement First Amendment, the Amended Financing Agreement (including the amendments made thereto on May 27, 2010 and February 15, 2011) and the floating charge are filed as exhibits to this Annual Report and reference is made to those agreements, which are incorporated by reference herein. The English translations are not binding agreements. Any disputes under the Loan Agreements and the floating charge will be determined by reference to the original agreements which are in Hebrew. The Loan Agreements and the floating charge are governed by Israeli law and the exclusive venue for purposes of disputes thereunder is in the competent courts in Israel. For a discussion of the Loan Agreements, see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Liquidity and Capital Resources.



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On October 21, 2010, Orbotech Ltd. issued the Hapoalim Debenture under which an additional floating charge on all of its assets equal in priority to the one granted to IDB was created in favor of Hapoalim to secure the repayment of amounts owed for positions taken by the Company in connection with the Hapoalim Banking Activites. An English translation of the Hapoalim Debenture is filed as an exhibit to this Annual Report and reference is made to such document, which is incorporated by reference herein. The English translation is not a binding agreement. Any dispute under the Hapoalim Debenture will be determined by reference to the original debenture which is in Hebrew. The Hapoalim Debenture is governed by Israeli law and the exclusive venue for purposes of disputes thereunder is in the competent courts in Israel. For a discussion of the Hapoalim Debenture, see Item 5—Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Liquidity and Capital Resources.

On October 31, 2010, GE, GEMSI, OMS and the Company entered into the APA pursuant to which GEMSI agreed to acquire the assets of OMS for approximately $9.0 million in cash and up to an additional $5.0 million in cash, subject to the achievement of certain agreed performance-based milestones. The transaction closed on February 10, 2011. The APA contains customary indemnification provisions. In addition, the Company undertook for a period of four years following closing not to engage in, or provide certain services, products or materials to a business similar to or competing with, the business of solid state gamma radiation detectors composed of CZT for imaging applications and not to solicit former employees of OMS who transferred to GEMSI. The Company also undertook not to assert, or grant any third party a license to, certain of its intellectual property rights in connection with the research, development, manufacture, sale and use of imaging systems, detectors or modules that utilize CZT (other than imaging products for use in the manufacture of PCBs, FPDs or photovoltaic cells). The APA also provided for the settlement of the Company’s outstanding litigation with GE. Upon closing, the parties released each other from all claims, including with respect to the claims made in the litigation between them and, on February 14, 2011, the Israeli Court approved the settlement agreement entered into by the parties and dismissed the litigation with prejudice. The APA and the settlement agreement entered into in connection therewith are filed as exhibits to this Annual Report and reference is made to those agreements, which are incorporated by reference herein.

10.D    Exchange Controls

There are currently no exchange controls in effect in Israel that restrict the repatriation by non-residents of Israel in non-Israeli currency of any dividends, if any are declared and paid, and liquidation distributions or the Company’s ability to import and export capital.

10.E    Taxation

To the extent that the following discussion is based on new or existing tax or other legislation that has not been subject to judicial or administrative interpretation, there can be no assurance that the views expressed herein will be accepted by the tax or other authorities in question. The summary below does not address all of the tax consequences that may be relevant to all purchasers of Ordinary Shares in light of each purchaser’s particular circumstances and specific tax treatment. For example, the summary below does not address the tax treatment of residents of Israel and traders in securities who are subject to specific tax regimes. As individual circumstances may differ, holders of Ordinary Shares should consult their own tax advisors as to United States, Israeli or other tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of Ordinary Shares. This discussion is not intended, nor should it be construed, as legal or professional tax advice and it is not exhaustive of all possible tax considerations. Each individual should consult his or her own tax or legal advisor.

(a)    Israeli Taxation

(i)    Taxation of Capital Gains Applicable to Non-Israeli Shareholders

Israeli law generally imposes a capital gains tax on the sale of securities and any other capital assets located in Israel. Pursuant to an amendment of the Tax Ordinance in 2005, effective as of January 1, 2006, the capital gains tax rate applicable to individuals upon the sale of securities acquired after that date is 20%. A 25% tax rate



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will apply to an individual who meets the definition of a ‘Substantial Shareholder’ on the date of the sale of the securities or at any time during the 12 months preceding such date. A ‘Substantial Shareholder’ is defined as a person who, either alone or together with any other person, holds, directly or indirectly, at least 10% of any of the means of control of a company (including, among other things, the right to receive profits of the company, voting rights, the right to receive the company’s liquidation proceeds and the right to appoint a director).

With respect to corporate investors, effective January 1, 2006, capital gain tax of 25% will be imposed on the sale of traded shares. Capital gains accrued from the sale of assets acquired before January 1, 2003 are subject to a blended tax rate based on the relative periods of time before and after January 1, 2003 that the asset was held. These rates are subject to the provisions of any applicable bilateral double taxation treaty. The treaty concerning double taxation between the United States and Israel (the Convention between the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the United States of America With Respect to Taxes on Income (the “Treaty”)) is discussed below.

In addition, if the Ordinary Shares are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, on an authorized stock exchange outside Israel or on a regulated market (which includes a system through which securities are traded pursuant to rules prescribed by the competent authority in the relevant jurisdiction) in or outside Israel, gains on the sale of Ordinary Shares held by non-Israeli tax resident investors will generally be exempt from Israeli capital gains tax. Notwithstanding the foregoing, dealers in securities in Israel are taxed at regular tax rates applicable to business income. In addition, persons paying consideration for shares, including purchasers of shares, Israeli securities dealers effecting a transaction, or a financial institution through which securities being sold are held, are required, subject to any applicable exemptions and the demonstration of the selling shareholder of its non-Israeli residency, to withhold tax upon the sale of publicly traded securities at the applicable corporate tax rate (25% in 2010) for a corporation and 20% for an individual.

Israeli law generally exempts non-resident individuals and entities from capital gains tax on the sale of securities of Israeli companies, provided that the securities were acquired on or after January 1, 2009.

(ii)    Income Taxes on Dividend Distribution to Non-Israeli Shareholders

Non-Israeli residents (whether individuals or corporations) are generally subject to Israeli income tax on the receipt of dividends paid on the shares of companies that are not publicly traded at the rate of 20% (25% if the dividend recipient is a Substantial Shareholder, at the time of distribution or at any time during the preceding 12-month period), which tax is to be withheld at source, unless a different rate is provided under an applicable tax treaty. Dividends paid on the shares of companies that are publicly traded, like our Ordinary Shares, to non-Israeli residents, although generally subject to the same tax rates applicable to dividends paid on the shares of companies that are not publicly traded, are generally subject to Israeli withholding tax at a rate of 20% (whether or not the recipient is a Substantial Shareholder), unless a different rate is provided under an applicable tax treaty. The distribution of dividends to non-Israeli residents (either individuals or corporations) from income derived from an Approved Enterprise or a Benefiting Enterprise during the applicable benefits period or from Preferred Income is subject to withholding tax at a rate of 15%, unless a different tax rate is provided under an applicable tax treaty.

A non-resident of Israel who has dividend income derived from or accrued in Israel, from which the full amount of tax was withheld at source, is generally exempt from the duty to file tax returns in Israel in respect of such income, provided that: (i) such income was not derived from a business conducted in Israel by the taxpayer; and (ii) the taxpayer has no other taxable sources of income in Israel with respect to which a tax return is required to be filed.

Residents of the United States generally will have withholding tax in Israel deducted at source. As discussed below, they may be entitled to a credit or deduction for U.S. federal income tax purposes in the amount of the taxes withheld, subject to detailed rules contained in U.S. tax legislation.



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(iii)    U.S.—Israel Tax Treaty

The Treaty is generally effective as of January 1, 1995. Under the Treaty, the maximum Israeli withholding tax on dividends paid to a holder of Ordinary Shares who is a Treaty U.S. Resident (as defined below) is generally 25%. However, pursuant to the Investment Law, dividends distributed by an Israeli company and derived from income eligible for benefits under the Investment Law will generally be subject to a reduced 15% dividend withholding tax rate, subject to the conditions specified in the Treaty. The Treaty further provides that a 12.5% Israeli dividend withholding tax will apply to dividends paid to a U.S. corporation owning 10% or more of an Israeli company’s voting shares during, in general, the current and preceding tax year of the Israeli company. The lower 12.5% rate applies only on dividends distributed from income not derived from an Approved Enterprise or a Benefiting Enterprise in the applicable period or, presumably, from a Preferred Enterprise, and does not apply if the company has certain amounts of passive income.

Pursuant to the Treaty, the sale, exchange or disposition of Ordinary Shares by a person who qualifies as a resident of the United States within the meaning of the Treaty and who is entitled to claim the benefits afforded to such residents under the Treaty (a “Treaty U.S. Resident”) generally will not be subject to the Israeli capital gains tax unless such Treaty U.S. Resident holds, directly or indirectly, shares representing 10% or more of the voting power of the Company during any part of the 12-month period preceding such sale, exchange or disposition subject to certain conditions. A sale, exchange or disposition of Ordinary Shares by a Treaty U.S. Resident who holds, directly or indirectly, shares representing 10% or more of the voting power of the Company at any time during such preceding 12-month period would not be exempt under the Treaty from such Israeli tax; however, under the Treaty, such Treaty U.S. Resident would be permitted to claim a credit for such taxes against U.S. federal income tax imposed on any gain from such sale, exchange or disposition, under the circumstances and subject to the limitations specified in the Treaty.

(iv)    Estate and Gift Taxes

Israel presently has no estate or gift tax.

(b)    United States Federal Income Tax

The following general discussion sets forth the material United States federal income tax consequences that are applicable to the following persons who invest in Ordinary Shares and hold such Ordinary Shares as capital assets (“U.S. Shareholders”): (a) individuals who are citizens or residents (as specifically defined for U.S. federal income tax purposes) of the United States; (b) corporations (or entities treated as corporations for U.S. federal income tax purposes) created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States or of any state thereof or the District of Columbia; and (c) estates or trusts the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income taxation regardless of its source. This discussion does not deal with: (i) all aspects of U.S. federal income taxation that may be relevant to particular U.S. Shareholders based on their particular circumstances (including potential application of the alternative minimum tax); (ii) certain U.S. Shareholders subject to special treatment under the U.S. federal income tax laws such as broker-dealers, insurance companies, tax-exempt organizations, financial institutions, taxpayers whose functional currency is not the Dollar; (iii) U.S. Shareholders owning directly or by attribution 10% or more of the Ordinary Shares; (iv) any aspect of state, local or non-U.S. tax laws; or (v) U.S. taxes that are not income taxes. Additionally, the following discussion does not consider the tax treatment of persons who hold Ordinary Shares through a partnership (or other entity treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes). If a partnership holds Ordinary Shares, the tax treatment of a partner will generally depend on the status of the partner and on the activities of the partnership. Partners in a partnership holding Ordinary Shares should consult their tax advisors.

The summary of U.S. federal income tax laws set out below is based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), Treasury regulations, judicial decisions and published positions of the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) as of the date hereof and is subject to any changes occurring in United States law after that date, which could have retroactive effect.



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(i)    Dividends Paid on Shares

Distributions on Ordinary Shares paid (before reduction for Israeli withholding taxes) out of the Company’s current or accumulated earnings and profits, as determined for U.S. federal income tax purposes, will be dividends and will be includible in a U.S. Shareholder’s ordinary income when received. Dividends received by an individual taxpayer during taxable years before 2013 will be taxed at a maximum rate of 15%, provided the taxpayer has held the stock for more than 60 days during the 121-day period beginning 60 days before the ex-dividend date and certain other conditions are satisfied. Dividends received by an individual taxpayer for taxable years after 2012 will be subject to tax at ordinary income rates. The dividend will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction generally allowed to U.S. corporations. The Company does not intend to compute earnings and profits under the United States federal income tax principles. If the Company does not compute earnings and profits under the United States federal income tax principles, the entire distributions will likely be treated as paid out of the Company’s current or accumulated earnings and profits.

The amount of any dividend paid in Israeli currency will equal the Dollar value of the Israeli currency received calculated by reference to the exchange rate in effect on the date the dividend is received by the U.S. Shareholder, regardless of whether the Israeli currency is converted into Dollars. If the Israeli currency received as a dividend is not converted into Dollars on the date of receipt, the U.S. Shareholder will have a basis in the Israeli currency equal to the Dollar value on the date of receipt. Any gain or loss realized on a subsequent conversion or other disposition of the Israeli currency will be treated as ordinary income or loss, and generally will be income or loss from sources within the United States for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes.

To the extent that the amount of any distribution exceeds the Company’s current and accumulated earnings and profits for a taxable year, the distribution will first be treated as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of the U.S. Shareholder’s basis, and any excess will be treated as capital gain. Such distributions would not give rise to income from sources outside the United States.

(ii)    Credit for Israeli Taxes Withheld

U.S. Shareholders may be entitled to deduct, or claim a U.S. foreign tax credit for, Israeli taxes that are withheld on dividends received, subject to applicable limitations in the Code, including separate limitations with respect to specific classes of income. The rules governing the U.S. foreign tax credit are complex, and additional limitations on the credit apply to individuals receiving dividends eligible for the 15% maximum tax rate on dividends described in (i) above.

(iii)    Disposition of Ordinary Shares

A U.S. Shareholder will generally recognize capital gain or loss upon the sale or exchange of Ordinary Shares in an amount equal to the difference between the amount realized and the U.S. Shareholder’s adjusted tax basis in the Ordinary Shares. Such gain or loss will be long-term capital gain or loss if the U.S. Shareholder’s holding period exceeds one year and otherwise will be short-term capital gain or loss. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to limitations. Gain or loss from the sale, exchange or other disposition of Ordinary Shares will generally be treated as from U.S. sources for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes. See ‘U.S.-Israel Tax Treaty’. In the years 2011 and 2012, long-term capital gains will be taxed at a rate of 15%. After 2012, the long-term capital gains tax rate will be 20%. U.S. Shareholders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the treatment of any foreign currency gain or loss on any Israeli currency received in respect of the sale, exchange or other disposition of Ordinary Shares.

(iv)    Passive Foreign Investment Company

A ‘passive foreign investment company’ (“PFIC”) is defined as any foreign corporation at least 75% of whose consolidated gross income for the taxable year is passive income, or at least 50% of the value of whose consolidated assets is attributable to assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income. For this



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purpose, passive income generally includes dividends, interest, royalties, rents, annuities and the excess of gains over losses from the disposition of assets which produce passive income. The Company believes that it is not and has not been a PFIC for U.S. federal income tax purposes for taxable years through 2010, and the Company expects that it will not become a PFIC for taxable years after 2010. If the Company were to become a PFIC, then all U.S. Shareholders would be required either: (i) to include in their taxable income certain undistributed amounts of the Company’s income if a qualified electing fund election has been made (and certain information is provided by the Company); or (ii) to pay an interest charge together with tax calculated at maximum ordinary income rates on certain ‘excess distributions’ (defined to include gain on the sale of Ordinary Shares). In addition, if the Company is a PFIC, individual U.S. Shareholders will not be eligible for the 15% maximum tax rate on dividends described above.

(v)    Backup Withholding and Information Reporting

A U.S. Shareholder may, under certain circumstances, be subject to information reporting requirements and ‘backup withholding’ at a rate currently equal to 28% on cash payments in the United States of dividends on, and the proceeds of disposition of, Ordinary Shares. Backup withholding will apply only if a U.S. Shareholder: (a) fails to furnish its social security or other taxpayer identification number (“TIN”) within a reasonable time after the request therefor; (b) furnishes an incorrect TIN; (c) is notified by the IRS that it has failed properly to report payments of interest and dividends; or (d) under certain circumstances, fails to certify, under penalty of perjury, that it has furnished a correct TIN and has not been notified by the IRS that it is subject to backup withholding for failure to report interest and dividend payments. U.S. Shareholders should consult their tax advisors regarding their qualification for exemption, if applicable. The amount of backup withholding from a payment to a U.S. Shareholder generally will be allowed as a credit against such U.S. Shareholder’s U.S. federal income tax liability and may entitle such U.S. Shareholder to a refund, provided that the required information is furnished to the IRS.

Under recently enacted legislation, individuals that own ‘specified foreign financial assets’, including stock of a non-U.S. corporation, with an aggregate value in excess of $50,000 in taxable years beginning after March 18, 2010, may be required to file an information report with respect to such assets with their tax returns. U.S. Shareholders that are individuals are encouraged to consult their tax advisors regarding the application of this legislation to their ownership of Ordinary Shares.

10.F    Dividends and Paying Agents

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

10.G    Statements by Experts

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

10.H    Documents on Display

The material documents referred to herein to which the Company is a party, to the extent that their disclosure is not otherwise limited or restricted, may, by prior arrangement, be inspected at the offices of the Company in Yavne, Israel. In addition, the Company believes that all publicly filed documents referred to herein should be available for inspection, upon payment of any prescribed fees and otherwise upon such terms and conditions as may be specified, at the respective public archives or institutions with which they are filed.

10.I    Subsidiary Information

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.



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Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

(a)    General

The Company uses financial instruments and derivatives in order to limit its exposure to risks arising from changes in exchange rates. The use of such instruments does not expose the Company to additional exchange rate risks since the derivatives are held against an asset (for example, excess assets in Euros).

The Company’s derivative transactions in 2010 were executed through Israeli banks. The Company is exposed to counterparty risk arising from certain of its financial instruments and derivative contracts and it could be adversely affected by the soundness of counterparties, which include customers, suppliers and financial institutions. The Company uses derivatives to hedge certain exchange rate risk by entering into exchange rate-based derivative instruments with financial institution counterparties, such as broker/dealers, commercial banks and investment banks. These transactions are typically entered into on an unsecured basis and should the counterparty fail to honor its obligations under the relevant agreements, the Company could sustain losses which could have an adverse effect on its business, financial condition and results of operations.

(b)    Exchange Rate Risk Management

Since the Company’s functional currency and that of its subsidiaries (except for PKC is the Dollar, the Company, including through its subsidiaries, protects itself against exposure arising from the difference between assets and liabilities in each currency other than the Dollar (“Balance Sheet Exposure”). The majority of the Balance Sheet Exposure in such subsidiaries is in Japanese Yen, Euros, Chinese RMB and NIS.

The Company endeavors to limit its Balance Sheet Exposure through ‘natural’ hedging, i.e., by attempting to match its non-dollar denominated assets and liabilities in any given currency. The currency exposure that is not able to be hedged through the matching of assets and liabilities is managed through the use of derivative instruments. To the extent possible, the Company engages in its exchange rate hedging on a consolidated basis.

The table below details the Balance Sheet Exposure, expressed in currency and geographical terms, as at December 31, 2010 (at fair value—as explained below). All data in the table have been converted for convenience into Dollar equivalents (in millions). The Company does not have any Balance Sheet Exposure maturing beyond 2011 that would have a material effect on its business, financial condition or results of operations.


     Euro      Japanese
     Other Far Eastern
   NIS     Total  


     1.1         0.8               (3.8     (1.9


     7.2                    7.2   


        22.5                 22.5   


           15.8              15.8   

Far East*

            26.4        26.4   


     8.3         23.3         15.8       26.4      (3.8     70.0   


* Maturing in 2011.
** Includes Korean won and Taiwanese dollar.

Explanatory notes:


(1) Total exposure is the sum of the absolute value figures.


(2) The data presented in the table reflects the net exposure after taking into account set-offs between matching non-Dollar denominated assets and liabilities.



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The Company enters into forward exchange contracts to hedge its Balance Sheet Exposure as well as certain anticipated transactions which are probable and which are expected to be denominated in non-Dollar currencies. The terms of most existing currency derivatives are less than three months and none exceed one year. The table below details the hedging acquired in forward exchange contracts in order to limit the Balance Sheet Exposure. The data are as at December 31, 2010 as recorded in the Company’s financial records and are presented in Dollar equivalent terms (in millions).


     Euro      Chinese
     NIS     Total  


                    (14.8     (14.8


     1.3                       1.3   


                 41.8           41.8   


        6.2                    6.2   

Far East

           9.8         8.5              18.3   


     1.3         6.2         9.8         8.5         41.8         (14.8     52.8   

(c)    Fair Value of Derivatives

The fair value of derivatives as of December 31, 2010, constituted an asset and a liability of approximately $0.7 million and $0.8 million, respectively. The fair value of the derivatives generally reflects the estimated amounts that the Company would receive or pay upon termination of the contracts at the reporting date.

(d)    Interest Rate Risk Management

Substantially all of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents bear interest. The annual interest rates as of December 31, 2010 ranged between 0.01%—1.41%. Due to the relatively short-term maturities of the Company’s cash, deposits and securities portfolio, an immediate 10% change in interest rates is not expected to have a material effect on the Company’s near-term financial condition or results of operations.

The interest rate with respect to $48.0 million of the long-term borrowings under the Loan Agreements is fixed at 4.88%. The interest rate on the remaining $80.0 million of the long-term borrowings and on the additional $25.0 million short-term credit facility described above is a variable interest rate and is based on IDB’s cost plus a margin which is 2% for long-term borrowings and 1.5% for short-term borrowings. In 2010, the Company’s debt service payment obligations were $5.9 million, reflecting interest under the Loan Agreements for that year at a rate of 4.1%, compared with debt service payment obligations of $4.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2009. The actual interest rate on the outstanding variable rate debt at December 31, 2010 was 3.3%. A 1/8% change in the annual interest rate would change the annual interest expense on the variable rate portion of the long-term borrowings under the credit facility by approximately $300,000.

The Company does not enter into interest rate hedging agreements with respect to its debt.


Item 12. Description of Securities Other than Equity Securities

12.A    Debt Securities

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

12.B    Warrants and Rights

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

12.C    Other Securities

Not applicable in Annual Report on Form 20-F.

12.D    American Depositary Shares




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Item 13. Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies



Item 14. Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds



Item 15. Controls and Procedures

(a)    Disclosure Controls and Procedures

As of the end of the period covered by this Annual Report, the Company’s management (with the participation of its chief executive officer and chief financial officer) conducted an evaluation, pursuant to Rule 13a-15 promulgated under the Exchange Act, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures. Based on this evaluation, the Company’s chief executive officer and chief financial officer concluded that as of the end of the period covered by this Annual Report such disclosure controls and procedures were effective to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by the Company in reports it files or submits under the Exchange Act is (i) recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC, and (ii) accumulated and communicated to the Company’s management, including its chief executive officer and chief financial officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

(b) Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

The Company’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as such term is defined in Rule 13a-15(f) promulgated under the Exchange Act. The Company’s internal control system was designed to provide reasonable assurance to the Company’s management and board of directors regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation and fair presentation of published financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. All internal control systems, no matter how well designed, have inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation and may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with policies or procedures may deteriorate.

The Company’s management (with the participation of the chief executive officer and chief financial officer) conducted an evaluation, pursuant to Rule 13a-15(c) promulgated under the Exchange Act, of the effectiveness, as of the end of the period covered by this Annual Report, of its internal control over financial reporting based on the framework in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Based on the results of this evaluation, management concluded that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2010.

Kesselman & Kesselman, the registered public accounting firm that audited the Financial Statements included in this Annual Report containing the disclosure required by this Item 15(b), has issued an opinion on both the Financial Statements and the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.

(c)    Attestation Report of the Registered Public Accounting Firm

See report of Kesselman & Kesselman included under Item 18 on page F-2.



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(d)    Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting

There were not any changes in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting identified in connection with the evaluation required by Rule 13a-15(d) promulgated under the Exchange Act that occurred during the period covered by this Annual Report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 16A. Audit Committee Financial Expert

Dan Falk, the Chairman of the Registrant’s Audit Committee, has been designated by the Board of Directors as an Audit Committee Financial Expert under the applicable rules and regulations of the SEC and as having financial and accounting expertise under the Companies Law and applicable regulations. Mr. Falk is ‘independent’, as that term is defined in the Nasdaq listing standards. For information as to certain financial, accounting and professional qualification requirements for external and other directors under the Companies Law, see Item 6.C—Board Practices—Membership of Board of Directors; External Directors; Independent Directors; Financial Experts.


Item 16B. Code of Ethics

The Company has adopted a code of business conduct and ethics which is applicable to all directors, officers and employees of the Company, including its principal executive, financial and accounting officers and persons performing similar functions (the “Code of Ethics”). The Code of Ethics covers areas of professional and business conduct, and is intended to promote honest and ethical behavior, including fair dealing and the ethical handling of conflicts of interest; support full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in all material respects in reports and documents the Company files with, or submits to, the SEC and other governmental authorities, and in its other public communications; deter wrongdoing; encourage compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations; and ensure the protection of the Company’s legitimate business interests. The Company encourages all of its directors, officers and employees promptly to report any violations of the Code of Ethics, and has provided mechanisms by which they may do so.

During 2010, the Company adopted certain amendments to the Code, designed primarily to implement additional ethical guidelines related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and the United Kingdom Bribery Act 2010, and certain conforming changes. The Code of Ethics, in its current form, may be accessed through the ‘Governance’ hyperlink contained on the ‘Investors’ section of the Corporate Website. In addition, the Company will provide a copy of the Code of Ethics to any person, without charge, upon written request addressed to the Corporate Secretary of the Company at the Company’s corporate headquarters in Israel.


Item 16C. Principal Accountant Fees and Services

The Audit Committee maintains a policy of approving and recommending only those services to be performed by the Company’s external auditors which are permitted under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the applicable rules of the SEC relating to auditor’s independence, and which are otherwise consistent with and will encourage, and are remunerated at levels that accord with, the basic principles of auditor independence. The general practice of the Audit Committee is to receive from the Company’s management, either at the time of approval of the Company’s annual financial statements for the preceding fiscal year or at the time of the Audit Committee’s final review of management’s annual report on internal control over financial reporting, a list of all services, including audit, audit-related, tax and other services, proposed to be provided during the current fiscal year to the Company and its subsidiaries by Kesselman & Kesselman and/or other member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (“PwC”), as well as a report regarding the extent of such services actually provided by Kesselman & Kesselman and PwC during the previous fiscal year and the fees paid for such services performed. After reviewing and considering the services proposed to be provided during the current fiscal year and, where appropriate in order better to understand their nature, discussing them with management, the Audit Committee pre-approves such of the proposed services, with a specific pre-approved budget, as it



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considers appropriate in accordance with the above principles. Management also maintains a practice of discussing these matters on an ongoing basis during the year with Mr. Dan Falk, Chairman of the Audit Committee and its appointed delegate in respect of audit-related and non-audit-related services. Additional services from Kesselman & Kesselman and PwC and any increase in budgeted amounts will similarly be submitted for pre-approval during the year by the Audit Committee on a case-by-case basis.

All audit-related and non-audit-related services performed by Kesselman & Kesselman and/or other member firms of PwC during 2010 and 2009 were pre-approved by the Audit Committee in accordance with the procedures outlined above.

The following table provides information regarding fees paid by the Company to Kesselman & Kesselman and/or other member firms of PwC for all services, including audit services, for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009:


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2010      2009  

Audit fees (1)

   $ 873,000       $ 831,000   

Audit related fees (2)

     74,000         300,000   

Tax fees (3)

     391,000         216,000   


   $ 1,338,000       $ 1,347,000   


(1) Includes professional services rendered with respect to the audits of the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements, the audits of management’s assessment of internal control over financial reporting, review of consolidated quarterly financial statements, statutory audits of the Company and its subsidiaries, consents and assistance with review of documents filed with the SEC.


(2) Includes consultations concerning financial accounting and reporting standards and internal control reviews and consultations and due diligence respecting accounting matters in connection with acquisitions and dispositions.


(3) Includes fees for services related to tax compliance, including preparation of tax returns, claims for refund and assistance with audits and appeals; and tax planning and advice, including advice related to acquisitions and dispositions, services for employee benefit plans, issues with respect to transfer pricing and advice for expatriates.


Item 16D. Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees



Item 16E. Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers

Neither the Company nor any affiliated purchaser purchased any of the Company’s equity securities during 2010.


Item 16F. Change in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant



Item 16G. Corporate Governance

As a foreign private issuer whose shares are listed on Nasdaq, Orbotech Ltd. is permitted to follow certain home country corporate governance practices instead of those followed by U.S. companies under the listing standards of Nasdaq.



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As described in Item 10—Additional Information—Memorandum and Articles of Association—Shareholders’ Meetings, if a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time stated for an adjourned general meeting of shareholders of the Company, any shareholders present in person or by proxy at such meeting shall constitute a quorum, consistent with Israeli law. As such, the quorum requirements for an adjourned meeting are different from the Nasdaq requirement that an issuer listed on Nasdaq have a quorum requirement that in no case be less than 33 1/3% of the outstanding shares of the company’s common voting stock.

Under Israeli company law, Orbotech Ltd. may not be required to obtain shareholder approval for certain issuances of shares in excess of 20% of the outstanding shares of the Company, as would be required in certain circumstances by the Nasdaq rules. At this time, the Company does not have any intention to enter into any such transaction; however, it may in the future do so and opt to comply with Israeli company law, which may not require shareholder approval. Any such determination to follow Israeli company law requirements rather than the standards applicable to U.S. companies listed on Nasdaq will be made by the Company at the time in light of then-current circumstances.



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Item 17. Financial Statements

17.    Financial Statements

The Company is furnishing financial statements pursuant to the instructions of Item 18 of Form 20-F.


Item 18. Financial Statements

18.    Financial Statements



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Balance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Operations


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


All schedules for which provision is made in the applicable accounting regulations of the SEC are either included in the notes to the Financial Statements or, if not required under the related instructions or inapplicable, have been omitted.


Item 19. Exhibits


(1.1)    Memorandum of Association reflecting amendments integrated into the text (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.1 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2006 (File No. 000-12790) filed on March 29, 2007).
(1.2)    Articles of Association reflecting amendments integrated into the text (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1.2 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2006 (File No. 000-12790) filed on March 29, 2007).
(2.1)    Forms of Stock Certificates Representing Ordinary Shares (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2000 (File No. 000-12790)).
(4.1)    Equity Remuneration Plan for Key Employees of Orbotech Ltd. and its Affiliates and Subsidiaries (as Amended and Restated, 2005) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2005 (File No. 000-12790) filed on March 30, 2006).
(4.2)    2010 Equity-Based Incentive Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit A to the Company’s Report on Form 6-K (File No. 000-12790) filed on July 26, 2010).
(4.3)    2005 Directors Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit B from the Company’s Report on Form 6-K (File No. 000-12790) filed on July 26, 2010).
(4.4)    Photon Dynamics, Inc. 2005 Equity Incentive Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.44 from Photon Dynamics’ Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 2006 (File No. 000-27234) filed on February 14, 2007).
(4.4)    Photon Dynamics, Inc. Amended and Restated 1995 Stock Option Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.1 from Photon Dynamics’ Registration Statement on Form S-8 (File No. 333-117021) filed on June 30, 2004).



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(4.5)    Photon Dynamics, Inc. 2001 Equity Incentive Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.22 from Photon Dynamics’ Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2003 (File No. 000-27234) filed on May 9, 2003).
(4.6)    Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization dated as of June 26, 2008, among Orbotech Ltd., PDI Acquisition, Inc. and Photon Dynamics, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Photon Dynamics’ Current Report on Form 8-K (File No. 000-27234) filed on June 26, 2008).
(4.7)    Financing Agreement entered into and signed in Tel Aviv on July 22, 2008, between Orbotech Ltd. and Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.9 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008 (File No. 000-12790) filed on March 27, 2009). (1)
(4.8)    Financing Agreement—First Amendment entered into and signed in Tel Aviv on February 22, 2009, between Orbotech Ltd. and Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.10 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008 (File No. 000-12790) filed on March 27, 2009). (1)
(4.9)    Debenture in favor of Israel Discount Bank Ltd. issued and signed on February 22, 2009 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.11 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008 (File No. 000-12790) filed on March 27, 2009). (1)
(4.10)    Pledge Agreement dated as of March 25, 2009, between Orbotech, Inc. and Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.12 from the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008 (File No. 000-12790) filed on March 27, 2009).
(4.11)    Amended Financing Agreement entered into and signed in Tel Aviv on December 21, 2009, between Orbotech Ltd. and Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (incorporated by reference to the Company’s Current Report on Form 6-K (File No. 000-12790) filed on December 28, 2009). (1)
(4.12)    Amendment to the Financing Agreement entered into and signed on May 27, 2010, between Orbotech Ltd. and Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (1)
(4.13)    Amendment to the Financing Agreement entered into and signed on February 15, 2011, between Orbotech Ltd. and Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (1)
(4.14)    Debenture (for the Creation of a Floating Charge) in favor of Bank Hapoalim Ltd. made and entered into on October 21, 2010. (1)
(4.15)    Asset Purchase Agreement entered into and signed on October 31, 2010, among GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd., Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd., General Electric Company and Orbotech Ltd. (2)
(4.16)    Settlement Agreement and Mutual General Release entered into and signed on February 10, 2011, among General Electric Company, GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd., Orbotech Ltd. and Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd.
(8.1)    List of Subsidiaries.



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The following are the principal subsidiary entities of Orbotech Ltd. (all wholly-owned except as indicated):



   Jurisdiction of Organization

•   Orbotech, Inc.


•   Photon Dynamics, Inc.


•   Orbotech LT Solar LLC (indirectly owned approximately 66% by Orbotech Ltd.)


•   Orbotech S.A.


•   Laser Imaging Systems GmbH & Co. KG


•   New System s.r.l.


•   Orbotech Pacific Ltd.

   Hong Kong

•   Orbotech Singapore Corporation Pte. Ltd.


•   Orbotech B.V.

   The Netherlands

•   Orbotech Asia Ltd.

   Hong Kong

•   Orbotech Japan Ltd.


•   Orbograph Ltd. (owned approximately 90% by Orbotech Ltd.)


•   Frontline P.C.B. Solutions Ltd. (owned 50% by Orbotech Ltd.)


•   Frontline P.C.B. Solutions Limited Partnership

(12.1)    Certification by Chief Executive Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
(12.2)    Certification by Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
(13.1)    Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
(15.1)    Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.


(1) English translation from the official, original version in Hebrew.


(2) Filed with confidential treatment requested as to certain portions, which portions were omitted and filed separately with the SEC.



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The Registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this Annual Report on its behalf.




  Raanan Cohen
  President and Chief Executive Officer

Dated: February 24, 2011



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(An Israeli Corporation)


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Balance Sheets


Statements of Operations


Statements of Changes in Equity


Statements of Cash Flows


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements




Table of Contents



To the shareholders of


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Orbotech Ltd. (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, and the related consolidated statements of operations, changes in equity and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2010. We also have audited the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2010, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The Company’s Board of Directors and management are responsible for these financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the Management Report. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audits of the financial statements included examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that: (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.





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The Company accounts for its 50%-owned joint venture, Frontline P.C.B. Solutions Limited Partnership, using the proportionate method of consolidation as required under generally accepted accounting principles in Israel. Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America require that such joint venture be accounted for using the equity method of accounting. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has advised the Company that it would not object to the Company’s use of the proportionate method of consolidation as supplemented by the disclosure in note 2a to the consolidated financial statements.

In our opinion, except for the use of the proportionate method of consolidation, as discussed above, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2010, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2010, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the COSO.

As discussed in note 1 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company changed the manner in which it accounts for non-controlling interests, and the manner in which it accounts for impairment of marketable securities, both as of January 1, 2009.


Tel Aviv, Israel   LOGO 

Kesselman & Kesselman

February 24, 2011   Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)
  A member of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited



Table of Contents




     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     U.S. dollars in thousands  



Cash and cash equivalents

   $ 179,503       $ 164,019   

Short-term bank deposits


Accounts receivable:



     153,518         147,894   


     29,919         27,445   

Deferred income taxes

     5,913         4,384   


     112,812         94,331   

Assets of discontinued operations

     12,351         14,325   

Total current assets

     496,796         452,398   



Marketable securities

     2,549         9,969   

Funds in respect of employee rights upon retirement

     13,017         11,266   

Deferred income taxes

     12,679         10,164   

Other long-term investment

     29         29   

Assets of discontinued operations

     28,274         33,551   


     24,842         27,208   


     12,034         12,034   


     66,395         80,571   

Total assets

   $ 628,341       $ 605,762   



/s/    YOCHAI RICHTER        

    )       Active Chairman of the
  Yochai Richter     )           Board of Directors

/s/    RAANAN COHEN        

    )               President and
  Raanan Cohen     )       Chief Executive Officer



Table of Contents




     December 31  
     2010     2009  
     U.S. dollars in thousands  
Liabilities and equity     



Current maturities of long-term bank loan

   $ 32,000      $ 32,000  

Accounts payable and accruals:



     26,535        25,164  


     55,290        49,154  

Deferred income

     24,421        17,336  

Liabilities of discontinued operations

     2,172        4,556  

Total current liabilities

     140,418        128,210  



Long-term bank loan

     96,000        128,000  

Liability for employee rights upon retirement

     27,501        24,950  

Deferred income taxes

     2,188        2,010  

Other tax liabilities

     12,679        10,079  

Total long-term liabilities

     138,368        165,039  



Total liabilities

     278,786        293,249  



Orbotech Ltd. shareholders’ equity


Ordinary shares of NIS 0.14 par value per share (“Ordinary Shares)


Authorized at December 31, 2010 and 2009:
80,000,000 Ordinary Shares


Issued at December 31, 2010 and 2009:
37,083,584 and 36,745,503 Ordinary Shares, respectively


Outstanding at December 31, 2010 and 2009:
35,095,291 and 34,759,460 Ordinary Shares, respectively

     1,758        1,746  

Additional paid-in capital

     174,940        169,748  

Retained earnings

     226,809        192,664  

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     1,454        3,817  

Less—treasury shares, at cost (December 31, 2010—1,988,293


Ordinary Shares; December 31, 2009—1,986,043 Ordinary Shares)

     (57,192     (57,192

Total Orbotech Ltd. shareholders’ equity

     347,769        310,783  

Non-controlling interest

     1,786        1,730  

Total equity

     349,555        312,513  

Total liabilities and equity

   $ 628,341      $ 605,762  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



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     Year Ended December 31,  
     2010     2009     2008  
     U.S. dollars in thousands
(except per share data)



Sale of products

   $ 409,532     $ 251,831     $ 303,465  

Services rendered

     119,823       107,499       104,485  
     529,355       359,330       407,950  



Cost of products sold

     224,640       146,453       164,463  

Cost of services rendered

     88,261       73,749       77,483  

Write-down of inventories

     312,901       220,202       245,294  


     216,454       139,128       162,656  



Expenses incurred

     81,191       66,318       75,353  

Less—government participations

     2,864       2,212       3,281  


     78,327       64,106       72,072  


     66,264       63,598       71,723  


     14,176       19,848       5,743  






       (3,300     93,368  


     57,687       (5,124     (95,408


     7,284       11,090       1,474  




     50,403       (16,214     (96,882


     7,397       (372     800   


     43,006       (15,842     (97,682


     8,717       3,914       37,391  


     34,289       (19,756     (135,073




     144       168       232  


   $ 34,145     $ (19,924   $ (135,305




     42,862       (16,010     (97,914


     (8,717     (3,914     (37,391


   $ 34,145     $ (19,924   $ (135,305






   $ 1.23     $ (0.46   $ (2.92


   $ 1.20     $ (0.46   $ (2.92




   $ 0.98     $ (0.58   $ (4.04


   $ 0.95     $ (0.58   $ (4.04






     34,911       34,501       33,512  


     35,778       34,501       33,512   

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



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     Year ended December 31,  
     2010     2009     2008  

Share capital—Number of shares issued:


Balance at beginning of year

     36,746        36,091        35,165   

Employee equity awards

     338        655        926   

Balance at end of year

     37,084        36,746        36,091   

Share capital—amount:


Balance at beginning of year

   $ 1,746      $ 1,727      $ 1,699   

Employee equity awards

     12        19        28   

Balance at end of year

   $ 1,758      $ 1,746      $ 1,727   

Additional paid-in capital:


Balance at beginning of year

   $ 169,748      $ 161,914      $ 144,991   

Employee equity awards

     890        1,389        2,066   

Compensation relating to equity awards granted to employees and others—net

     4,623        6,445        5,275   

Acquisition of non-controlling interest


Issuance of equity awards upon acquisition of Photon Dynamics, Inc.


Balance at end of year

   $ 174,940      $ 169,748      $ 161,914   

Retained Earnings and Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (loss):


Balance at beginning of year:


Retained earnings

   $ 192,664      $ 211,142      $ 346,447   

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

     3,817        (6,123     3,677   
   $ 196,481      $ 205,019      $ 350,124   

Net income (loss) attributable to Orbotech

   $ 34,145      $ (19,924   $ (135,305

Cumulative adjustment for securities available for sale (see note 1g)

   $ 34,145      $ (18,478   $ (135,305

Gain (loss) in respect of derivative instruments designated for cash flow hedge, net of taxes

   $ (2,076   $ 8,456      $ (6,740

Currency translation adjustments

     (861     (238     (622

Net change in respect of securities available for sale

     574        3,168        (2,438

Cumulative adjustment for securities available for sale (see note 1g)

   $ (2,363   $ 9,940      $ (9,800

Net income attributable to the non-conrolling interest

     144        168        232   

Total comprehensive income (loss)

   $ 31,926      $ (8,370   $ (144,873

Balance at end of year:


Retained earnings

   $ 226,809      $ 192,664      $ 211,142   

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

     1,454        3,817        (6,123
   $ 228,263      $ 196,481      $ 205,019   

Treasury Shares:


Balance at beginning of year

   $ (57,192   $ (57,192   $ (57,192

Employee equity awards

     *        *        *   

Balance at end of year

   $ (57,192   $ (57,192   $ (57,192

Non-controlling interest:


Balance at beginning of year

   $ 1,730      $ 1,562      $ 1,330   

Net income

     144        168        232   

Compensation relating to equity awards granted to employees and others—net


Acquisition of non-controlling interest


Balance at end of year

   $ 1,786      $ 1,730      $ 1,562   

Total Equity

   $ 349,555      $ 312,513      $ 313,030   


* Representing an amount less than $500.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



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     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     U.S. dollars in thousands  



Net income (loss)

   $ 34,289     $ (19,756   $ (135,073

Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided (used in) operating activities:


Loss from discontinued operations

     8,717       3,914       37,391   

Depreciation and amortization

     23,665       29,977       14,706  

In-process research and development charges


Compensation relating to equity awards granted to employees and

     4,725       6,445       5,275  

Increase (decrease) in liability for employee rights upon retirement

     2,589       (2,633     (5,043

Deferred income taxes

     (3,866     (531     (2,647

Provision for restructuring expenses and non-cash expenses in respect of restructuring

       (3,169     2,667  

Loss from sale and write down of marketable securities

     1,252       2,866       1,749  

Impairment (adjustment of impairment) of goodwill

       (3,300     93,368  

Other, including capital loss (gain)

     (1,147     38       (440 )

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:


Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable:



     (5,755 )     30,882       19,754  


     (4,673 )     7,850       (7,155

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accruals:



     1,434       (9,852     (8,292

Deferred income and other

     15,870       (11,965     (8,023

Decrease (increase) in inventories

     (19,018     23,377       (21,930

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities—continuing operations

     58,082       54,143       (7,156

Net cash used in operating activities—discontinued operations

     (8,972     (1,134     (3,697

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

   $ 49,110     $ 53,009      $ (10,853



Purchase of property, plant and equipment

     (6,752     (3,670     (10,465

Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired (*)


Earn out income


Withdrawal (placement) of bank deposits

     (2,780       6,000  

Sale and redemption of marketable securities available for sale

     6,742       9,894       17,149  

Other investments


Sales and redemption of marketable securities held-to-maturity


Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment

     20         1,011  

Decrease (increase) in funds in respect of employee rights upon retirement

     (617     1,236       2,324  

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities—continuing operations

     (3,387     10,760       (166,184

Net cash used in investing activities—discontinued operations

     (268     (229     (716

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

   $ (3,655 )   $ 10,531     $ (166,900



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     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     U.S. dollars in thousands  



Proceeds from bank loan received


Repayment of long-term bank loan


Repayment of long-term liability


Employee stock options exercised

     902       1,408       2,071  

Acquisition of non-controlling interest


Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities—continuing operations

   $ (31,609 )   $ (1,259 )   $ 162,071  

Net cash used in financing activities—discontinued operations


Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

   $ (31,609 )   $ (1,259 )   $ 162,071  




   $ (220   $ (175   $ (104




     13,626       62,106        (15,786


     167,233       105,127       120,913  


     180,859        167,233        105,127   




     1,356        3,214        3,326   




   $ 179,503     $ 164,019     $ 101,801  



Interest paid

   $ 6,354     $ 4,416     $ 3,656  

Income taxes paid

   $ 4,791     $ 2,371     $ 3,313  

Income taxes refunded

   $ 2,417     $ 3,182     $ 2,527  

(*) Acquisition of subsidiary consolidated for the first time:


Working capital (excluding cash and cash equivalents)

       $ (29,716

Property, plant and equipment


Long-term liabilities




In-process research and development


Other intangible assets

       $ (222,164

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



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a. General:


  (i) Nature of operations

Orbotech Ltd. (the “Company” or “Orbotech”) is an Israeli corporation, which, together with its subsidiaries and one joint venture, is principally engaged in the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of yield-enhancing and production solutions for the electronics industry. The Company’s products include automated optical inspection (“AOI”), imaging and production systems for printed circuit boards (“PCB”s) and AOI, test and repair systems for flat panel displays (“FPD”s). The Company also markets computer-aided manufacturing (“CAM”) and engineering solutions for PCB production.

In addition, through Orbograph Ltd. (“Orbograph”), the Company develops and markets character recognition solutions to banks and other financial institutions, and has developed a proprietary technology for web-based, location-independent data entry for use, among other things, in check and forms processing; and, through Orbotech LT Solar, LLC (“OLTS”), is engaged in the research and development of products for the deposition of anti-reflective coating on crystalline silicon photovoltaic wafers for solar energy panels.

The Company is continuing to develop technologies for use in other applications both within and outside the electronics industry. The Company derives a significant portion of its revenues from the service and support of its products.

In addition, the Company, through its subsidiaries, Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd. (“OMS”) and Orbotech Medical Denmark A/S (“OMD”) was engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of gamma cameras for use in nuclear cardiac imaging medical nuclear imaging. On February 10, 2011, the Company completed its sale of OMS to a subsidiary of General Electric. As of December 31, 2010, the Company committed to a plan to sell OMD by the end of 2011. As a result, all financial results of OMS and OMD, are presented as discontinued operations, see note 2b.

For information as to the Company’s reportable segments, principal geographical markets and major customers, see note 14.


  (ii) Accounting principles

The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) in the United States of America, except for the use of the proportionate method of consolidation for its joint venture, as discussed in b. below.


  (iii) Functional currency

The currency of the primary economic environment in which the operations of the Company and its subsidiaries (other than OMD and one of the Company’s subsidiaries in Korea (“PKC”)) and joint venture are conducted is the United States dollar (the “Dollar”).

Virtually all product revenues of the Company and its subsidiaries and joint venture are derived outside Israel in non-Israeli currencies, mainly the Dollar. Most purchases of materials and components are made in Dollars or in Israeli currency under contracts linked to the Dollar. Thus, the functional currency of the Company and its subsidiaries (other than OMD and PKC) and joint venture is the Dollar.



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Monetary accounts maintained in currencies other than the Dollar are re-measured using the representative foreign exchange rate at the balance sheet date. Operational accounts and non-monetary balance sheet accounts are measured and recorded at the rate in effect at the date of the transaction. The effects of foreign currency re-measurement are recorded in financial expenses—net, as appropriate.

The functional currency of OMD is the Euro, since virtually all of its revenues are received, and its expenses are incurred, in Euros. The functional currency of PKC is the Korean Won, since virtually all of its revenues are received, and most of its expenses are incurred, in Korean Won. The financial statements of OMD and PKC are included in consolidation, based on translation into Dollars as follows: assets and liabilities are translated at year-end exchange rates; operating results items are translated using weighted average exchange rates during the reporting period, which approximates the translation of each transaction, at the exchange rates on the dates the transactions are recorded. Differences resulting from currency translation are presented in equity under accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).

Although OMD has been accounted for as a discontinued operation, the currency impact of its business is not removed from other comprehensive income (loss).


  (iv) Use of estimates in the preparation of financial statements

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions which affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the dates of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting years. Actual results could differ from those estimates. As applicable to these financial statements, the most significant estimates and assumptions relate to revenue recognition, inventories, goodwill, intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, deferred tax assets, provision for uncertain tax position, provision for doubtful accounts, marketable securities and employee compensation in connection with equity awards.


b. Principles of consolidation

These financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries.

In addition, the Company accounts for the 50%-owned joint venture, Frontline P.C.B. Solutions Limited Partnership (“Frontline”), using the proportionate method of consolidation as is required under Israeli GAAP. U.S. GAAP requires that such joint venture be accounted for using the equity method of accounting, which is distinct from the proportionate method of consolidation. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) has advised the Company that it will not object to the Company’s use of the proportionate method of consolidation, provided that the joint venture is an operating entity, the significant financial and operating policies of which are, by contractual arrangement, jointly controlled by all parties having an equity interest in the entity, and provided further that summarized financial data relating to the joint venture are provided. This data is presented in note 2a.

These subsidiaries and joint venture are collectively referred to in these financial statements as ‘subsidiaries’.

Intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Profits from intercompany sales not yet realized outside of the Company and its subsidiaries have also been eliminated.

In 2008, as part of the acquisition described in note 2c, Orbotech acquired an interest in certain research and development activity in Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic (c-Si PV) manufacturing processes for the solar energy



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industry. Following examination of this activity, the Company decided to continue to pursue its interest in this project. In July 2009, a limited liability company, OLTS was established for this purpose. OLTS is held by the Company and the two developers of the technology.

Orbotech’s holding in OLTS is currently approximately 66% and is expected to increase to approximately 71.6%, on a fully-diluted basis during 2011 as and when it provides the additional funding to which it has currently committed and up to a maximum of approximately 78.3%, upon the non-controlling parties exercising yearly put options granted to them by the Company with respect to a portion of their shares. OLTS is considered to be a variable interest entity for which the Company is the primary beneficiary, and is therefore included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

A portion of OLTS’s equity interest is held by the two developers of certain of OLTS’s technology. The Company has granted each of these two developers a put option to sell a portion of his holdings in OLTS to the Company. There is a limit on the number of equity interest units that these two developers may require the Company to purchase, upon exercise of this put option, during any twelve month period. These put options will expire on December 31, 2014. The purchase price to be paid by the Company upon the exercise of this put option will be based initially on the Company’s valuation of OLTS used in the framework of equity investments in OLTS prior to exercise of the put option. Upon the achievement of a certain financial milestone by OLTS, the purchase price shall be equal to the fair market value of the equity interest being sold, as determined by an external appraiser. During 2010, these put options were exercised by the two developers and the Company purchased a portion of their equity interests in OLTS for approximately $0.7 million in cash. In addition to the put options referred to above, each of the two developers was granted an additional put option to sell his holdings in OLTS to, at the Company’s election, the Company and/or OLTS. These additional put options shall become exercisable starting in 2015, subject to the achievement of a certain financial milestone by OLTS in the fiscal year immediately preceding the year in which the put option is exercised. The purchase price to be paid by the Company upon the exercise of this put option shall be equal to the fair market value of the equity interest being sold, as determined by an external appraiser. There is a limit on the number of equity interest units that the two developers may require the Company to purchase, upon exercise of these put options, each year. Both put options shall expire upon the earlier of an initial public offering, merger and acquisition transaction or a third party investment in OLTS that results in such third party holding at least 5% of OLTS’s equity interest.


c. Cash and cash equivalents

The Company considers all highly liquid investments including cash and short-term bank deposits that are not restricted as to withdrawal or use and the period to maturity of which does not exceed three months at the time of investment, to be cash equivalents.


d. Short term bank deposits

Bank deposits with maturities of more than three months but less than one year are included in short-term deposits. Such short-term deposits are in Dollars and bear interest at an average annual rate of 0.3%.


e. Concentration of credit risks and allowance for doubtful accounts

As of December 31, 2010 and 2009, most of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents were deposited with major Israeli, European, United States and Far Eastern banks. The Company is of the opinion that the credit risk in respect of these balances is not material. For information as to the Company’s marketable securities, see note 13b.



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The Company performs ongoing credit evaluations of its customers for the purpose of determining the appropriate allowance for doubtful accounts. In respect of sales to customers in certain economies, the Company requires letters of credit from banks.

The allowance for doubtful accounts is determined for specific debts doubtful of collection.

The Company routinely receives letters of credit or promissory notes in connection with the sale of products in the Far East and Japan. From time to time, the Company sells some of these letters of credit and promissory notes to third parties at a discount in return for cash. The resulting costs related to the letters of credit and promissory notes are charged to ‘financial expenses—net’, as incurred. During the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively, the Company sold a face amount of $52 million, $65 million and $56 million of these letters of credit and promissory notes.


f. Inventories

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined as follows: components, products in process and finished products—on the weighted average basis; and labor and overhead—on the basis of manufacturing costs.

Inventories are written-down for estimated obsolescence, based on assumptions about future demand and market conditions.


g. Marketable securities

Securities classified as available-for-sale are reported at fair value with unrealized gains and losses, net of related tax, recorded as a separate component of other comprehensive income in equity until realized. When securities are not exchangeable in an active market, fair value is determined using a valuation model. Unrealized losses that are considered to be other-than-temporary are charged to statement of operations as an impairment charge and are included in the consolidated statement of operations under financial expenses. Realized gains and losses on sales of the securities, as well as premium or discount amortization, are included in the consolidated statement of operations as financial income or expenses.

Effective January 1, 2009, the Company adopted an amendment to ASC 320, relating to a decline in the value of debt securities. Under the amended impairment model, an other-than-temporary impairment loss is deemed to exist and is recognized in earnings if the Company intends to sell or if it is more likely than not to be required to sell, a debt security, before recovery of its amortized cost basis. This adoption resulted in an increase of approximately $1.4 million in the Company’s retained earnings and a corresponding decrease in accumulated other comprehensive income.


h. Fair value measurement

Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability (i.e., the ‘exit price’) in an arms’ length transaction between willing market participants at the measurement date. In determining fair value, the Company employs various valuation approaches, including market, income and/or cost approaches. The applicable financial accounting rules establish a hierarchy for inputs used in measuring fair value that maximizes the use of observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs by requiring that the most observable inputs be used when available. Observable inputs are inputs that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the Company. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the Company’s estimation of the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available in the circumstances. The hierarchy is divided into three levels based on the reliability of inputs.



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On January 1, 2009, the Company adopted a newly issued accounting standard for fair value measurement of all non-financial assets and liabilities. Its adoption did not have a significant effect on these financial statements.


i. Property, plant and equipment

These assets are stated at cost and are depreciated by the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives.

Annual rates of depreciation are as follows:



Machinery and equipment

   (mainly 20)



Office furniture and equipment


Computer equipment



   15; 20

Leasehold improvements are amortized by the straight-line method over the term of the lease or the estimated useful life of the improvements, whichever is shorter.


j. Goodwill

Goodwill is not amortized, but rather tested for impairment annually or whenever events or circumstances present an indication of impairment by assessing the fair value of the Company’s various reporting units (namely, PCB and FPD). The Company has designated September 30 of each year as the date on which it performs its annual goodwill impairment test. As to the results of these goodwill impairment tests, see note 5a(ii).

Determining the fair value of a reporting unit requires the exercise of judgment on the part of management and involves the use of estimates and assumptions, including with respect to: (i) future revenues and operating margins used in order to calculate projected future cash flows; (ii) discount rates reflecting the relevant risks associated with companies comparable to the applicable reporting unit; (iii) competitive and economic environments; and (iv) appropriate industry comparables. There are a number of generally accepted methods used for valuing a business. These methods may be used alone or in combination with one another. The ‘income method’ uses forecasted cash flows as a basis to value the business. An aggregate present value is calculated for future cash flows using a separately computed discount rate. The ‘market-based’ method identifies business entities with publicly traded securities whose business and financial risks are comparable to those of the business being valued. The pricing multiple of the companies selected are used to derive the market value of the business under analysis.

In September 2010 and 2009 the Company determined the fair value of each of its reporting units, on both occasions using a combination of the market-based and income methods. The combination of these methods was determined by the Company to provide the most reliable indicators of value in circumstances where the value of the reporting unit is dependent more upon the ability to generate earnings than on the value of the assets used in the production process, as is the case with Orbotech. In applying these approaches at both times, the Company relied primarily upon application of the income method in order to value its reporting units and utilized the market-based method mainly as a comparative analysis to assess the reasonableness of the results yielded by the income method. Both approaches yielded similar results on each occasion.



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Goodwill impairment testing is a two-step process. The first step involves comparing the fair value of a company’s reporting units to their carrying amount. If the fair value of the reporting unit is determined to be greater than its carrying amount, there is no impairment. If the reporting unit’s carrying amount is determined to be greater than the fair value, the second step must be completed to measure the amount of impairment, if any. Step two calculates the implied fair value of goodwill by deducting the fair value of all tangible and intangible assets, excluding goodwill, of the reporting unit from the fair value of the reporting unit as determined in step one. The implied fair value of the goodwill in this step is compared to the carrying value of goodwill. If the implied fair value of the goodwill is less than the carrying value of the goodwill, an impairment loss equivalent to the difference is recorded.


k. Other intangible assets

Acquired intangible assets are presented at cost, net of accumulated amortization and impairments. These intangible assets consist primarily of intellectual property and are being amortized over periods of up to twelve years.


l. Impairment of long-lived assets

Long-lived assets, including definite life intangible assets, held and used by an entity are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the assets (or asset group) may not be recoverable. In the event that the sum of the expected future cash flows (undiscounted and without interest charges) of the long-lived assets (or asset group) is less than the carrying amount of such assets, an impairment charge would be recognized, and the assets (or asset group) would be written down to their estimated fair values.


m. Recognition of revenue

The Company recognizes revenue from the sale of non-software products to end users upon delivery, provided that appropriate documentation of the arrangement, such as a signed contract, purchase order or letter of agreement, has been received by the Company, the fee or sale price is fixed or determinable and collectability is reasonably assured. The Company does not, in the normal course of business, provide a right of return to its customers. Installation and training are not essential to the product capabilities as they do not require specialized skills and can be performed by other vendors.

The Company’s revenue arrangements contain multiple elements, as it grants its customers a warranty on products sold, which includes the provision of post-sale service and maintenance, usually for a period of six to twelve months. Upon meeting the revenue recognition criteria of the product, the Company records a portion of the sale price that relates to the fair value of the services and maintenance expected to be performed during the aforementioned period as deferred income, and recognizes it as service revenue ratably over such period. The cost to the Company of warranting that the product will perform according to certain specifications and that the Company will repair or replace the product if it ceases to work properly, is insignificant and is treated according to accounting guidance for contingencies. In addition, the Company defers the fair value of the installation and recognizes it upon installation.

In the case of delivery of newly developed products, revenue is deferred until acceptance is received.

Service revenue in respect of the Company’s products is recognized ratably over the contractual period or in a fee for services arrangement, as services are performed.



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The Company recognizes revenue from the sale of software to end users upon delivery, provided that appropriate documentation of the arrangement, such as a signed contract, purchase order or letter of agreement, has been received by the Company, the fee or sale price is fixed or determinable, and collectability is probable. When software is made available to customers electronically, it is deemed to have been delivered when the Company has provided the customer with the access codes necessary to enable immediate possession of the software. If collectability is not considered probable, revenue is recognized when the fee or sale price is collected. Maintenance revenues are comprised of revenue from support arrangements which include technical support and the right to unspecified upgrades on an if-and-when-available basis. Revenues from these services are deferred and recognized on a straight-line basis over the life of the related agreement, which is typically one year.

The Company recognizes revenues net of Value Added Tax.


n. Research and development

Research and development expenses, which consist mainly of labor costs, materials and subcontractors, are expensed as incurred. Pre-payments for goods or services that will be used or rendered for future research and development activities are deferred and amortized over the period that the goods are delivered or the related services are performed, subject to an assessment of recoverability. Government funding for development of approved projects is recognized as a reduction of expenses as the related cost is incurred. The Company is not required to pay royalties on sales of products developed using government funding.

In connection with business combinations consummated through December 31, 2008, amounts assigned to tangible and intangible assets to be used in a particular research and development project that have not reached technological feasibility and have no alternative future use were charged to ‘in process research and development charges’ at the acquisition date. Commencing from January 1, 2009, acquired in-process research and development is no longer expensed on acquisition, but rather capitalized and assessed for impairment at least annually and, upon reaching technological feasibility, will be amortized over its useful life.


o. Shipping and handling costs

Shipping and handling costs are classified as a component of cost of sales.


p. Income taxes


  (i) Deferred income taxes

Deferred income taxes are determined utilizing the asset and liability method based on the estimated future tax effects of temporary differences between the financial accounting and tax bases of assets and liabilities and on the tax rates anticipated to be in effect when the deferred taxes are expected to be paid or realized. Valuation allowance is included in respect of deferred tax assets when it is considered more likely than not that such assets will not be realized.

The Company may incur additional tax liability in the event of intercompany dividend distributions by some of its subsidiaries. Such additional tax liability in respect of these non-Israeli subsidiaries has not been provided for in these financial statements as it is the Company’s policy permanently to reinvest the subsidiaries’ earnings and to consider distributing dividends only when this can be facilitated in connection with a specific tax or other opportunity that may arise.

Tax liabilities which would apply in the event of disposal of investments in non-Israeli subsidiaries have not been taken into account in computing the deferred taxes, as it is the Company’s intention to hold, and not to realize, these investments.



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Deferred tax liabilities and assets are classified as current or non-current based on the classification of the related asset or liability for financial reporting or, if not related to an asset or liability for financial reporting, according to the expected reversal dates of the specific temporary differences.


  (ii) Uncertainty in income taxes

The Company follows a two-step approach to recognizing and measuring uncertain tax positions. The first step is to evaluate the tax position for recognition by determining if the weight of available evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained on audit. The second step is to measure the tax benefit as the largest amount that is more than 50% likely of being realized upon ultimate resolution. The Company’s policy is to include interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits within income tax expense. Such liabilities are classified as long-term, unless the liability is expected to be resolved within twelve months from the balance sheet date.


q. Treasury shares

Treasury shares are presented as a reduction of shareholders’ equity, at their cost to the Company.


r. Derivative financial instruments

The Company enters into forward exchange contracts to hedge existing non-Dollar assets and liabilities as well as certain anticipated transactions which are probable and are expected to be denominated in non-Dollar currencies.

All derivative instruments are recognized on the balance sheet at their fair value. On the date that the Company enters into a derivative contract it designates the derivative, for accounting purposes, as either a hedging instrument or a non-hedging instrument.

For derivative financial instruments that are designated and qualify as a cash flow hedge, the effective portions of changes in fair value of the derivative are recorded in other comprehensive income, as ‘gains (losses) in respect of derivative instruments designated for cash flow hedge, net of related taxes’ and are recognized in the statement of operations when the hedged item affects earnings. Ineffective portions of changes in the fair value of cash flow hedges, if any, and hedge components such as time value, excluded from assessment of effectiveness testing, are recognized immediately in the statement of operations among ‘financial expenses—net’. Changes in the fair value of other derivatives not designated as hedging instruments are recognized in the statement of operations among ‘financial expenses—net’.

Cash flows from derivatives that qualify as a cash flow hedge are recognized in the statement of cash flows in the same category as that of the hedged item. Cash flows from other economic derivatives remain part of cash flows from operating activities.


s. Stock-based compensation

Equity awards granted to employees are accounted for using the grant date fair value method. The fair value of share-based payment transactions is recognized as an expense over the requisite service period, net of estimated forfeitures. The Company estimates forfeitures based on historical experience and anticipated future conditions.

The Company elected to recognize compensation cost for awards that have a graded vesting schedule using the accelerated multiple-option approach.



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Equity awards granted to non-employees (namely, employees of Frontline and consultants) are re-measured at each reporting period at fair value until they have vested in full. The fair value of equity awards is charged to statement of operations over the service period.

Liability awards are measured at fair value and are re-measured at each reporting period until settled. The fair value of liability awards is charged to statement of operations over the service period.


t. Comprehensive income (loss)

In addition to net income (loss), comprehensive income includes: (i) gains or losses in respect of derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges net of tax; (ii) unrealized gains and losses arising from securities classified as available-for-sale (including other-than-temporary impairment not attributed to credit loss); and (iii) foreign currency translation adjustments. The foreign currency translation adjustment includes adjustments related to OMD, even though it is presented as ‘discontinued operations’, see note 2b.


u. Earnings (loss) per share

Basic earnings (loss) per share are computed based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding during each year (net of treasury shares). In computing diluted earnings (loss) per share, the potential dilutive effect of outstanding equity awards is taken into account using the treasury stock method. In 2009 and 2008, outstanding equity awards were not taken into account due to their anti-dilutive effect.


v. Reclassifications

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation. As to the presentation of the assets, liabilities and financial results of OMS and OMD as ‘discontinued operations’ for all periods presented, see note 2b.


w. Impact of a recently issued accounting pronouncement

In October 2009 the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the United States issued Accounting Standards Update 2009-13, Revenue Recognition (Topic 605) Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements, an amendment to the accounting and disclosure for revenue recognition. This amendment, which became effective for fiscal years beginning on or after June 15, 2010, modified the criteria for recognizing revenue in multiple element arrangements and required companies to develop a best estimate of the selling price of the separate deliverables and allocate consideration related to each element using the relative selling price method. Additionally, the amendment eliminated the residual method for allocating arrangement consideration. The Company will apply the provisions of this accounting standard on a prospective basis to all revenue arrangements entered into or materially modified subsequent to January 1, 2011. The adoption of this amendment is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.



a.    Proportionately consolidated company

The joint venture, Frontline, an Israeli limited partnership, is owned equally by the Company and Mentor Graphics Development Services (Israel) Ltd. (formerly Valor Computerized Systems Ltd.) and combines the former CAM operations of both companies.



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The Company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries market and provide customer support in respect of Frontline’s products.

The Company’s interest in Frontline is presented in the consolidated financial statements using the proportionate method of consolidation (see note 1b). As a result, the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, and the consolidated statements of operations and the consolidated cash flow statements for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2010, reflect the assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flow components of Frontline on the basis of the Company’s percentage of holding.

The following Frontline data is reflected in the Company’s consolidated financial statements on the basis of the Company’s percentage of holding:


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  

  (i)    Balance sheet data:




Current assets

     2,708         1,916   

Property, plant and equipment—net

     122         91   

Funds in respect of employee rights upon Retirement

     596         499   
     3,426         2,506   



Current liabilities

     783         444   

Liability for employee rights upon retirement

     935         805   
     1,718         1,249   


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

 (ii)    Operating results data:




Sales of products

     8,582        4,153       5,914  

Services rendered

     5,065        4,965       5,600  

Cost of revenues:


Cost of products sold

     (76     (34     (55

Cost of services rendered

     (1,771     (1,496     (1,902

Research and development costs

     (2,622     (2,091     (2,530

Selling, general and administrative Expenses

     (2,002     (1,649     (1,747

Financial income (expenses)—net

     (17     7       55  

Net income before taxes on income

     7,159        3,855       5,335  

(iii)    Cash flow data:


Net cash provided by operating activities

     6,306        4,689       6,153  

Net cash used in investing activities

     (70     (18     (19

As to equity awards to employees of Frontline, see note 9b(v)D.



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b.    Discontinued operations:


  (i) Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd.

On October 31, 2010, the Company entered into an agreement (the “APA”) with General Electric Company (“GE”) pursuant to which a subsidiary of GE acquired the assets of OMS, for approximately $9.0 million in cash at closing, and up to an additional $5.0 million in cash, subject to the achievement, which is not dependent on Orbotech, of certain agreed performance-based milestones. The transaction closed on February 10, 2011. Upon closing, the parties released each other from all claims (see note 8b(ii)(b)). No value was attributed to the disposition of the above claims by GE against the Company. Upon closing, the Company will recognize an after-tax income of approximately $6 million. OMS revenues were $6.1 million, $3.8 million and $2.7 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. OMS losses net of taxes were $4.0 million, $3.2 million and $3.1 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. Assets of OMS were $6.7 million and $5.5 million at December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively. Liabilities of OMS were $0.9 million and $1.6 million at December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively.


  (ii) Orbotech Medical Denmark A/S.

As of December 31, 2010, the Company committed to a plan to sell OMD by the end of 2011. OMD revenues were $5.6 million, $14.5 million and $18.9 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. OMD losses net of taxes were $4.7 million, $0.7 million and $34.3 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The losses in 2010 included impairment of the remaining goodwill of $0.7 million and impairment of the remaining other intangible assets of $0.8 million. The losses in 2008 included impairment of goodwill of $17.0 million and impairment of other intangible assets of $21.3 million. Assets of OMD were $5.6 million and $11.0 million at December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively. Liabilities of OMD were $1.3 million and $2.9 million at December 31, 2010 and 2009, respectively.


  (iii) Summarized financial information for the combined discontinued operations is set forth below:


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  



Cash and cash equivalent

     1,356         3,214   

Account receivable-trade

     4,224         1,923   


     4,541         7,268   

Property plant and equipment, net

     1,439         2,123   

Other assets

     791         1,920   

Assets of discontinued operations

     12,351         16,448   



Liabilities of discontinued operations

     2,172         4,556   



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     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  



Total revenues

     11,692       18,270       21,596  

Loss before income tax benefit

     (9,460 )     (3,953 )     (43,930 )

Income tax benefit

     743        39       6,539   

Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax

     (8,717     (3,914     (37,391

Loss per share (basic and diluted) from discontinued operations

   $ (0.25   $ (0.11   $ (1.12

Weighted average number of share used in computation of loss per share—in thousands

     34,911        34,501        33,512   


c. Business acquired in 2008

On October 2, 2008, as part of Orbotech’s strategy of expanding its product offerings to FPD manufacturers, the Company completed the acquisition of Photon Dynamics, Inc. (“PDI”), a leading provider of test and repair systems for the FPD industry (the “PDI Acquisition”). Under the terms of the governing agreement, on the closing date of the PDI Acquisition (the “PDI Closing Date”) the Company paid $15.60 per share in cash for all of the issued and outstanding shares of PDI’s common stock, and issued equity awards with respect to Ordinary Shares, having an aggregate fair value at that date of $9.6 million, to certain PDI employees, resulting in an aggregate purchase price of approximately $295.8 million, including $6.2 million paid by the Company in transaction costs in connection with the PDI Acquisition.

In September 2008, in connection with the PDI Acquisition, the Company borrowed $160 million from Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (“IDB”). In addition, as permitted under the applicable accounting guidelines, in connection with the PDI Acquisition the Company sold certain securities, in the amount of $31 million, which had previously been designated by it as ‘held-to-maturity’. On the PDI Closing Date, PDI had approximately $64 million in cash.

The Company accounted for the PDI Acquisition using the purchase method of accounting. The following table represents the final allocation of the purchase price of PDI:


     $ in millions  

Current assets


Property, plant and equipment


Identifiable intangible assets:


Technological intellectual property (1)


Business-related intellectual property (2)


In-process research and development (3)




Total assets acquired


Current liabilities


Long-term liability


Total liabilities assumed


Net assets acquired



  (1) Amortized over a period of 7 years.
  (2) Amortized over periods up to 12 years.
  (3) This in-process research and development did not result in any products that were launched through December 31, 2010.



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The results of the acquired business were consolidated as of the PDI Closing Date. Amortization of the goodwill is not a recognized expense for tax purposes. The goodwill was allocated to the Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry segment. In connection with the consummation of the PDI Acquisition, on October 2, 2008, PDI sold its holding in Salvador Imaging, Inc. (“Salvador”) to a group of private investors for approximately $3.5 million. The sale agreement included a one time earn-out provision, which resulted in an additional $3.3 million being received by PDI in 2009. See note 5a.

As a result of the decrease in the Company’s market capitalization in the latter part of 2008 and the global economic downturn that negatively affected capital expenditure in the electronics industry, in December 2008 the Company conducted an impairment test on the goodwill and the intangible assets acquired in this transaction. The Company concluded that all the goodwill acquired had been impaired and therefore, in the fourth quarter of 2008, it recorded an impairment charge of $ 88.0 million, which included $85.7 million with respect to the goodwill associated with PDI, namely the amount which was allocated to goodwill at that time. Based on the Company’s assessment, undiscounted cash flows for the intangible assets exceeded their net book value, indicating that as of December 31, 2008 the Company was not required to record an impairment charge with respect to such intangible assets. This assessment differs from the assessment for possible impairment of goodwill, which requires a two-step impairment assessment of the implied fair value of the goodwill using discounted cash flows for an entire reporting unit. The goodwill impairment calculation is impacted by, among other factors, the market capitalization of the Company. Therefore, the Company was able to conclude that the FPD unit’s intangible assets were not impaired while the goodwill balances were impaired.

Below is a an unaudited pro forma combined statement of income from continuing operations data for the year ended December 31, 2008, presented as if the PDI Acquisition had occurred on January 1, 2008, after giving effect to: (a) purchase accounting adjustments, including the increase in amortization of identifiable intangible assets; and (b) estimated additional interest expense due to: (i) the receipt of a bank loan in connection with the PDI Acquisition; and (ii) add-back of interest income on Orbotech’s cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities used as cash consideration in the acquisition. This unaudited pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the combined results that would have been attained had the acquisition actually taken place at the beginning of 2008, nor is it indicative of future results.


     Year ended
December 31
     $ in thousands  

Net sales


Net loss


Loss from continuing operations attributable to Orbotech Ltd.


Net loss attributable to Orbotech Ltd.


Loss per share from continuing operations—basic and diluted

   $ 3.72  

Net loss per share—basic and diluted

   $ 4.84  



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     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  



For manufacturing of systems, net*

     43,500         35,810   

For servicing of systems

     30,282         28,735   
     73,782         64,545   

Work in process

     14,514         7,850   

Finished products

     24,516         21,936   
     112,812         94,331   


  * The changes in the inventory write-down provision are as follows:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

Balance at beginning of year

     3,160        5,696       4,280  

Additional provision made during the year, see note 14e


Provision utilized upon disposal of inventories

     (1,774     (2,536     (1,932

Balance at end of year

     1,386        3,160       5,696  



a. Composition of assets

Composition of assets, grouped by major classifications, is as follows:


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  



Machinery and equipment

     31,541         29,479  

Leasehold improvements

     37,078         36,117  

Land and buildings

     9,262         9,439  

Office furniture, equipment and computer equipment

     36,067         33,006  


     460         540  
     114,408         108,581  

Less—accumulated depreciation and amortization

     89,566         81,373  
     24,842         27,208  


b. Depreciation and amortization

Depreciation and amortization expenses totaled $9,489,000, $10,129,000 and $8,963,000 in the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively.



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a. Goodwill:


  (i) Composition

The net goodwill balances as of December 31, 2010 and 2009 were $12.0 million, comprised of $108.7 million gross amount less accumulated impairment losses of $96.7 million. The net balance relates to the production solutions Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry segment.


  (ii) Annual Goodwill Impairment Test

As mentioned in note 1j above, the Company has designated September 30 of each year as the date on which it performs its annual goodwill impairment test.

No impairment from continuing operations resulted from the annual goodwill impairment test conducted in September 2010 and 2009.

The adjustment of impairment of goodwill of $3.3 million recorded in 2009 includes a one time earn-out amount representing additional consideration from the disposition of Salvador by PDI as of the Closing Date. This amount was charged to earning, rather than being recorded as adjustment of goodwill allocated to the respective acquisition, since the respective goodwill amount had been fully written off in the fourth quarter of 2008.


b. Other intangible assets

The amortized balance of other intangible assets related to continuing operations, mainly intellectual property, is composed as follows:


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  

Original amount

     126,605        126,605  

Less—accumulated amortization

     60,210        46,034  
     66,395        80,571  

Amortization of other intangible assets (including in-process research and development charges in 2008) totaled $14,176,000, $19,848,000 and $12,280,000 in the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively.

Estimated amortization expense for the years stated below is as follows:


     $ in thousands  

Year ending December 31:
















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On July 22, 2008, in connection with the completion of the PDI Acquisition, the Company and IDB entered into a Financing Agreement (the “Financing Agreement”), pursuant to which the Company borrowed $160.0 million and obtained an additional $25 million credit facility. The Financing Agreement was amended by the Financing Agreement—First Amendment, entered into by the same parties and signed on February 22, 2009 (the “Financing Agreement First Amendment”); and both the Financing Agreement and the Financing Agreement First Amendment were subsequently replaced and superseded by the Amended Financing Agreement, entered into and signed on December 21, 2009 by the same parties, as amended on May 27, 2010 and February 15, 2011 (the “Amended Financing Agreement”). References in these financial statements to the “Loan Agreements” are intended to be to the Financing Agreement, as amended by the Financing Agreement First Amendment, both as replaced and superseded by the Amended Financing Agreement.

Pursuant to the Loan Agreements, a credit facility of up to $185 million is available to the Company including the $160 million already utilized to finance, in part, the PDI Acquisition. In 2010, the Company repaid $32 million principal amount under the Loan Agreements and a net remaining principal amount of $128 million was outstanding at December 31, 2010 as repayable over a four-year period ending December 31, 2014. An amount of up to $25 million of the credit facility was to remain available until December 31, 2010 for short-term borrowings only, at which time any such short-term borrowings had to be repaid and such additional $25.0 million credit facility terminated. In February 2011, IDB agreed to extend the $25 million credit facility until January 29, 2012 for short-term borrowings only. As of December 31, 2010, the interest rate on $48 million of this debt is fixed at a rate of 4.88% and the interest rate on the remaining $80 million is variable. The interest rate on that portion of the loan which bears variable interest under the Loan Agreements is based on IDB’s cost (which is determined with reference to the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)) plus a margin which is 2% for long-term borrowings and 1.5% for short-term borrowings. The actual interest rate on the outstanding variable rate debt at December 31, 2010 was 3.32% and at December 31, 2009 was 3.27%. The Loan Agreements include a non-utilization fee due quarterly with respect to the unused amount of the additional $25.0 million short-term credit facility described above. Until December 31, 2010, this fee was 0.3% per annum, between January 1, 2011 and February 14, 2011, no fee was payable and beginning February 15, 2011 through January 29, 2012, this fee is 0.2% per annum. In addition, the Company paid customary fees in connection with entering into the Loan Agreements.

The Loan Agreements contain provisions pursuant to which the Company has agreed to comply with various operating covenants, including certain financial covenants, reporting requirements and covenants that restrict the creation of charges and pledges (other than certain specific charges as listed therein) on its assets in favor of others, the sale of certain assets and certain acquisition and merger activities without IDB’s consent. These covenants generally apply until the credit facility is repaid in full. The financial covenants require that the Company’s shareholders’ equity (defined by reference to the Company’s consolidated financial statements as including loans made by the shareholders to the Company that are subordinate to the bank financing after deducting loans made by the Company to the shareholders and shareholder withdrawals of any type whatsoever) (i) for each quarter in 2009 and 2010 shall be no less than the greater of $250 million or 30% of the total assets as reflected on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet and (ii) for each quarter commencing from the consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2011 shall be no less than the greater of $300 million or 30% of the total assets as reflected on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet.

The financial covenants also require that the Company’s annual consolidated EBITDA (as defined below) commencing from the year 2011 (with respect to the annual period ended December 31, 2011) and onwards shall be no less than $40 million. This covenant is to be tested annually by reference to the consolidated financial statements as of the end of each calendar year.



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The financial covenants also require that the ratio between the Company’s Financial Debt (as defined below) and EBITDA beginning as of December 31, 2011 shall not exceed five.

For these purposes, ‘EBITDA’ is defined as the cumulative amount of the Company’s operating income (loss) from current operations as determined pursuant to its consolidated financial statements with respect to the four consecutive calendar quarters ending on the date of the Company’s latest financial statements, before financial income (expenses) (i.e., interest, linkage differentials, exchange rate differentials and fees) and taxes and after adding depreciation and amortization costs of fixed assets and intangible assets, write-downs and impairment charges of investments, tangible assets, goodwill, intellectual property and other intangible assets, inventory write-offs, compensation costs for equity awards, in-process research and development charges (not including current research and development expenses), charges due to changes in accounting principles, restructuring charges and losses (gains) from discontinued operations.

For these purposes ‘Financial Debt’ is defined as the Company’s liabilities, as provided in its consolidated financial statements, to banks, financial institutions, affiliates, financial leasing and/or through the issue of debt securities.

In addition, commencing January 1, 2010, the Company became required at all times to keep and maintain a cash reserve (or cash equivalent) that is free and clear of any liens, charges or pledges (other than in favor of IDB) in an aggregate amount exceeding the total amount of the principal and interest due on its Financial Debt within the immediately following one year period, as determined in accordance with the Company’s consolidated balance sheet.

As part of the Loan Agreements, the Company created a floating charge on all of its assets and a fixed charge on the shares of PDI held by Orbotech, Inc. as security for repayment of amounts due to IDB under the Loan Agreements. These charges will remain in place as security for the repayment of amounts under the Loan Agreements.

As of December 31, 2010, the Company was in compliance in all respects with the covenants in the Loan Agreements.


Israeli law generally requires the payment of severance pay upon dismissal of an employee or upon termination of employment in certain other circumstances. The severance pay liability of the Company and its Israeli subsidiaries to their Israeli employees, based upon the number of years of service and the latest monthly salary, is partly covered by regular deposits with recognized pension funds, deposits with severance pay funds and purchases of insurance policies. Under labor agreements, these deposits and insurance policies are in the employees’ names and, subject to certain limitations, are the property of the employees.

The severance pay liability covered by the pension funds is not reflected in the financial statements as the severance pay risks have been irrevocably transferred to the pension funds.

The liability for employee rights upon retirement covers the severance pay liability of the Company and its Israeli and Japanese subsidiaries in accordance with labor agreements in force and based on salary components which, in the opinion of management, create entitlement to severance pay. The Company records the obligation as if it were payable at each balance sheet date on an undiscounted basis.

The Company and its Israeli subsidiaries may only make withdrawals from the funds for the purpose of paying severance pay. Most of the Company’s non-Israeli subsidiaries provide defined contribution plans for the benefit of their employees. Under these plans, contributions are based on specific percentages of pay.



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Severance pay expenses were $4,951,000, $6,515,000 and $7,954,000 in the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. Defined contribution plan expenses were $5,058,000, $3,758,000 and $5,285,000 in the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively. The Company expects severance pay contributions in 2011 to be approximately $4 million.

Upon reaching normal retirement age, the Company’s employees are entitled to amounts based on the number of service years that will have accumulated upon their retirement dates and their last salary rates. The Company accrues for such payments regularly and does not expect to record additional expenses when paying such amounts to employees who reach normal retirement age. The Company expects that such amounts will be paid mainly from recognized pension funds, deposits with severance pay funds and insurance policies.



a. Lease commitments

Most of the premises occupied by the Company and its subsidiaries are rented under various operating lease agreements. The lease agreements for these premises expire on various dates between 2011 and 2019.

Minimum lease commitments of the Company and its subsidiaries under the above leases, at rates in effect on December 31, 2010, were as follows:


     $ in thousands  

Year ending December 31:












2016 - 2019


The rental payments for the premises in Israel, which constitute approximately half of the above amounts, are payable in Israeli currency linked to the Israeli consumer price index (the “Israeli CPI”).

Rental expenses totaled $9,871,000, $10,161,000 and $8,159,000 in the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively.


b. Contingent liabilities:


  (i) Intellectual Property

The Company has in the past received and may receive in the future notifications from customers with respect to possible indemnification or other action by the Company in connection with intellectual property claims resulting from use of the Company’s products. The Company typically undertakes, subject to various contractual conditions and other limitations, to defend intellectual property claims against customers arising from the purchase and use of its products. The Company’s obligations under these agreements generally provide that the Company may, at its option, either obtain the right to continue using the products or modify them and, in some cases, take back the products with a refund to the customer. To date, no demands have been made by customers seeking indemnification against the Company with respect to intellectual property claims.



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  (ii) Litigation:


  (a) In July 2005, a complaint was filed against the Company in the district court of Tel Aviv by a competitor and its principal shareholder claiming approximately NIS 18.5 million (currently, approximately $5.2 million) in damages (the “Complaint”). In May 2004, the Company had filed a patent infringement suit against this competitor in the district court of Nazareth, in connection with which that court had issued a temporary injunction, also in May 2004, against this competitor. The Complaint asserts that that injunction interfered with, and ultimately frustrated, the process of a public offering in which the competitor was engaged and in which the competitor’s principal shareholder proposed to sell shares of the competitor, and that they suffered damages as a result. The Company’s management believes that the Complaint is without merit. No provision has been made in respect of this claim in these financial statements.


  (b) On November 4, 2008, GE Healthcare, a unit of GE, filed a complaint against the Company claiming breach of contract and requesting specific performance, injunctive relief, declaratory relief and damages. GE also filed a motion for a preliminary injunction. The dispute originally at issue in that matter related to GE’s claim that OMS had an obligation to supply GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd. (“GEMSI”) with 850 CZT modules. The suit was originally filed in the United States District Court for the Central District of California and was transferred to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin (the “Wisconsin Court”).

After the initial complaint was filed, GE amended its complaint to add, among other things, additional claims for damages. Subsequently, the complaint was dismissed by the Wisconsin Court on the grounds of forum non conveniens. In dismissing the action, the Wisconsin Court ruled that the weight of both public and private factors supported resolution of the action in the Israeli courts. Further to that decision and the order of the Wisconsin Court, GE and GEMSI filed a complaint against the Company and OMS in the District Court in the Central District in Israel (the “Israeli Court”) on November 16, 2009.

However, on October 31, 2010, GE, GEMSI, OMS and the Company entered into the APA pursuant to which GEMSI agreed to acquire the assets of OMS for approximately $9.0 million in cash and up to an additional $5.0 million in cash subject to the achievement of certain agreed performance-based milestones. The transaction closed on February 10, 2011. Upon closing, the parties released each other from all claims, including with respect to the claims made in the litigation between them described above and, on February 14, 2011, the Israeli Court approved the settlement agreement entered into by the parties and dismissed the litigation with prejudice.

No provision has been made in respect of this claim in these financial statements.

On December 4, 2008 (prior to amendment of GE’s complaint in the Wisconsin Court and the filing of the complaint in the District Court in Israel) GE and GEMSI had notified the Company that they were referring a dispute with the Company and OMS to arbitration in Israel in accordance with the terms of the 2004 Agreement. The dispute relates to certain of the claims included in GE’s amended complaint as well as the complaint filed in Israel, as described above. An arbitrator was selected but was not appointed and the Company and OMS did not receive a statement of claim. In connection with the closing of the APA, the parties notified the arbitrator of their agreement to withdraw their claims against each other.


  c. On August 20, 2009 Yieldboost Technologies, Inc. (“Yieldboost”) filed a claim against PDI and Orbotech, Inc. alleging that the manufacture and sale by them of a certain product infringed one of its patents and claiming damages in an unspecified amount. This claim was based on a previous claim filed by Yieldboost in October 2008 which had been dismissed without prejudice.



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On August 2010, the parties filed with the court a notice of settlement and unconditional dismissal of this matter pursuant to which the Company paid $0.75 million to YieldBoost.

Should developments in any of the above legal matters cause a change in the Company’s view about its defenses and settlement strategies, this may result in the need to recognize a material accrual, or should any of the above litigation matters result in a final adverse judgment or be settled for significant amounts, they could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s results of operations, cash flows and financial position in the period or periods in which such change in determination, judgment or settlement occurs, and potentially in future periods.

From time to time, the Company is involved in other claims and legal and administrative proceedings that arise in the ordinary course of business. Based on currently available information, the Company does not believe that the ultimate outcome of any such unresolved matters, individually or in the aggregate, is likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position or results of operations. However, litigation and administrative proceedings are subject to inherent uncertainties and the Company’s view of these matters, including settlement thereof, may change in the future. An unfavorable outcome or settlement may have a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial position and results of operations for the period in which it occurs, and potentially in future periods.


c. Restriction placed in respect of liabilities

As part of the Loan Agreements, Orbotech created a floating charge, for the benefit of the lender under the Loan Agreements, on all of its assets and a fixed charge was created on the shares of PDI held by Orbotech, Inc. as security for repayment of amounts under the Loan Agreements, see note 6.

The Company performs certain forward transactions and other related activities, primarily with respect to currency hedging, and factoring activities, with Bank Hapoalim Ltd. (“Hapoalim”). In connection with these activities, the Company is exposed to certain risks of loss. Hapoalim has granted the Company an approved credit risk limit of up to an aggregate amount of US$ 22 million. To secure this credit risk, on October 21, 2010, Orbotech created the Hapoalim Debenture under which an additional floating charge on all of the Company’s assets, was created in favor of Hapoalim. In addition, Orbotech has agreed to comply with various operating covenants, including certain reporting requirements, covenants that restrict the creation of charges and pledges on its assets in favor of third parties, the sale of certain assets and certain acquisition and merger activities, without Hapoalim’s consent. In addition, the Hapoalim Debenture also contains customary provisions allowing for acceleration of repayment of all amounts under any outstanding credit balance in connection with the Hapoalim Banking Activities.



a. Issued and outstanding shares; trading market

At December 31, 2010, a total of 35,095,291 Ordinary Shares were issued and outstanding. This does not include a total of 1,988,293 Ordinary Shares held by the Company at that date as treasury shares under Israeli law, virtually all of which were repurchased by the Company. For so long as such treasury shares are owned by the Company they have no rights and, accordingly, are neither eligible to participate in or receive any future dividends which may be paid to shareholders of the Company nor are they entitled to participate in, be voted at or be counted as part of the quorum for, any meetings of shareholders of the Company.

The Company filed a shelf registration statement on Form F-3 with the SEC on December 28, 2009 under which it may issue additional Ordinary Shares, warrants, subscription rights or debt securities with an aggregate offering price of up to $150.0 million, which became effective on January 13, 2010.



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The Ordinary Shares are traded in the United States on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol ORBK.


b. Equity remuneration plans:


  (i) Description of plans

The Company, through its board of directors (the “Board of Directors”) and, subject to Israeli companies law, the remuneration committee of the Board of Directors (the “Remuneration Committee”), currently administers the Equity Remuneration Plan for Key Employees of Orbotech Ltd. and its Affiliates and Subsidiaries (as Amended and Restated, 2005) (the “2000 Plan”) and the 2010 Equity-Based Incentive Plan (the “2010 Plan”), both of which were adopted with Orbotech shareholder approval; as well as a number of equity remuneration plans which were adopted or assumed by PDI prior to the PDI Closing Date and assumed by the Company on the PDI Closing Date in connection with the PDI Acquisition. These plans are discussed in further detail below.


  (A) The 2000 Plan

The 2000 Plan is intended to provide incentives to employees, officers, directors and/or consultants of the Company, other companies, partnerships or entities in Israel in which the Company holds, directly or indirectly, at least a 50% equity interest and/or the Company’s subsidiary entities and their respective subsidiary entities outside Israel, by providing them with the opportunity to purchase or receive shares of the Company.

Equity awards under the 2000 Plan are issuable in the form of restricted shares (which are Ordinary Shares awarded subject to certain transfer restrictions, forfeiture conditions and/or other terms and conditions) or as options, either within or outside the context of Section 102 of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance (New Version), 1961 (the “Tax Ordinance”), in the form of incentive stock options that comply with United States tax law or ‘nonqualified’ stock options, or otherwise. The 2000 Plan will expire on June 4, 2015, except as to equity awards outstanding on that date.

At December 31, 2010, under the 2000 Plan, options to purchase a total of 4,142,540 Ordinary Shares (1,545,923 of which had vested) remained outstanding, a total of 341,351 restricted shares that had been granted (214,925 of which had vested) remained beneficially held by the grantees, and 235,635 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards.


  (B) The 2010 Plan

On July 15, 2010, the Board of Directors adopted, and the Company’s shareholders subsequently approved, the 2010 Plan. The 2010 Plan is intended to assist the Company in attracting, retaining, motivating and rewarding employees, officers, directors and/or consultants of the Company and/or companies, partnerships or other entities and their respective subsidiary companies, partnerships or entities inside or outside of Israel in which the Company holds, directly or indirectly, at least a 50% equity interest, by providing them with equity-based incentives.

1,000,000 Ordinary Shares for issuance pursuant to awards granted under the 2010 Plan. The 2010 Plan: (i) provides only for the awarding of restricted shares and RSUs (which are awards representing an unfunded and unsecured promise to deliver Ordinary Shares, cash, other securities or other property in accordance with certain terms and conditions), either within or outside the context of Section 102 of the Tax Ordinance, and does not provide for the awarding of options to purchase Ordinary Shares; (ii) introduces performance-based equity awards to the Company’s equity program and provides that an



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aggregate of 250,000 or more of the Ordinary Shares subject to awards made under the 2010 Plan are to be subject to performance-based criteria to be established by the Board of Directors (but which shall be linked to the Company’s profitability); (iii) provides that if any award granted under the 2010 Plan expires, terminates or is forfeited or cancelled, settled in cash, or otherwise terminates for any reason without a delivery to the participant of the full number of Ordinary Shares to which the award related, the Ordinary Shares under such award which were not so delivered shall again be available for the purposes of the 2010 Plan; but that Ordinary Shares not delivered pursuant to performance-based restricted shares or RSUs which expire, terminate or are forfeited or lapse solely because the performance goals with respect thereto were not attained will not again be available for purposes of the 2010 Plan; and (v) provides that if the employment or services of a grantee of restricted shares or RSUs with or to the Company is or are terminated prior to the full vesting of, and lapsing of forfeiture provisions on, such award for any reason, the restricted shares or RSUs held by such participant that have not theretofore vested and on which the forfeiture provisions have not theretofore lapsed shall immediately be forfeited upon the earlier of such termination or notice of termination irrespective of the effective date of such termination (unless the applicable agreement provides otherwise). The Company’s general policy is to settle RSUs granted under the 2010 Plan through the issuance of Ordinary Shares rather than in cash, other securities, other awards under the 2010 Plan or other property. The 2010 Plan will terminate on July 14, 2020 (except as to awards outstanding on that date).

At December 31, 2010, under the 2010 Plan: (i) 78,400 non-performance-based RSUs and 36,900 performance-based RSUs were outstanding; (ii) no Restricted Shares had been awarded; and (iii) 884,700 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards.


  (C) PDI equity remuneration plans

On the PDI Closing Date, the Company assumed all of the equity remuneration plans which had previously been adopted or assumed by PDI and under which equity awards were outstanding immediately prior to the PDI Closing Date (collectively, the “PDI Equity Remuneration Plans”). The PDI Equity Remuneration Plans provide for stock options and RSUs.

At December 31, 2010, under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans collectively, options to purchase a total of 389,245 Ordinary Shares (336,160 of which had vested), and 263,946 RSUs, remained outstanding.


  (ii) General

The exercise price of options awarded under the 2000 Plan may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the Ordinary Shares on the date of grant.

Generally, awards under the Company’s equity remuneration plans (other than: (i) awards to directors; and (ii) awards under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans) vest as to 50% after two years from the effective date of grant, 75% after three years and 100% after four years. Options generally expire seven years from the date of grant. Upon resignation by a grantee, options to the extent unexercised, and restricted share awards to the extent that the applicable restrictions have not lapsed and unvested RSUs, held by the grantee generally expire or are forfeited on the earlier of the date of notice of resignation and the date of termination of employment or services.

In any other case in which a grantee ceases to be an employee of, or consultant to, the Company (e.g., dismissal or departure by mutual agreement): (i) the vesting of all such equity awards ceases immediately upon notice; and (ii) unless the notice provides, or the Company and grantee agree, otherwise, the grantee may exercise awards, to the extent vested at the time of notice, until the termination of his or her employment or services. Ordinary Shares subject to equity awards granted under the 2000 Plan become



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available for future equity awards under the 2000 Plan upon the expiration, termination, forfeiture or cancellation of such equity awards. Ordinary Shares subject to equity awards granted under the 2010 Plan become available for purposes of future equity awards under the 2010 Plan upon the expiration, termination, forfeiture or lapse of such equity awards unless such expiration, termination, forfeiture or lapse occurred solely because the performance goals with respect thereto were not attained, in which case the Ordinary Shares subject to such equity awards do not again become available for purposes of the 2010 Plan. Ordinary Shares issued upon the exercise of options or in settlement of RSUs, and restricted shares (other than certain limitations on their transferability), have the same rights as other Ordinary Shares, immediately upon allotment.

Stock options under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans generally vest over a 48-60 month period, in monthly installments after an initial ‘cliff’ vesting event six months from the grant date and expire either seven or ten years from the grant date. RSUs under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans generally vest in equal annual installments over two, three or four year periods from the grant date. Equity awards (including both options and RSUs) under the PDI Equity Remuneration Plans usually expire upon termination of the grantee’s continuous service; however, in most cases optionees will, for a period of three months from the date of termination of continuous service, be entitled to exercise options to the extent that they had vested on the date of termination of continuous service.

Certain equity awards held by certain officers of the Company are subject to immediate vesting in the event of death or a change in control of the Company.


  (iii) Taxation

As a result of an election made by the Company under Section 102 of the Tax Ordinance, the Company will not, in the case of equity awards made on or after January 1, 2003, be allowed to claim as an expense for tax purposes in Israel the amounts credited to the employee as capital gains to the grantees, although it will generally be entitled to do so in respect of the salary income component (if any) of such awards when the related tax is paid by the employee.


  (iv) Option Exchange

On November 4, 2010, the Company filed a Tender Offer Statement with the SEC, thereby commencing a tender offer (the “Exchange Offer”) pursuant to which certain employees of the Company exchanged certain eligible options to purchase an aggregate of 429,600 Ordinary Shares for new options to purchase an aggregate of 157,638 Ordinary Shares. The directors and the senior management and corporate officers of the Company, as well as certain additional members of the Company’s senior management, were not eligible to participate in the Exchange Offer.

On December 16, 2010, the Company granted new options pursuant to the Exchange Offer in exchange for the eligible options that had been tendered and accepted. These new options were issued pursuant to the 2000 Plan, at a uniform exercise price per share of $12.26 and are each subject to a two-year vesting schedule commencing on the grant date. With the exception of new options issued in exchange for eligible options granted in September 2005, each new option is for a term equal to the remaining term of the eligible option for which it was exchanged. New options granted in exchange for eligible options granted in September 2005 will expire on February 28, 2013. In addition, Ordinary Shares tendered to the Company pursuant to the Exchange Program have been permanently retired by the Company and are no longer available for future issuances under the 2000 Plan. 271,962 Ordinary Shares were retired under the Exchange Offer in this manner.

Equity awards data presented in (v) below includes options cancelled and options issued pursuant to the Exchange Offer.



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  (v) Equity awards data:


  (A) Overview

At December 31, 2010, under all of the Company’s equity remuneration plans (including those assumed by it in connection with the PDI Acquisition), equity awards (comprised of stock options, restricted shares and RSUs) with respect to a total of 5,252,382 Ordinary Shares were outstanding (of which 2,097,008 had vested) and 1,120,335 Ordinary Shares remained available for future equity awards.

The compensation cost charged against income for the Company’s equity remuneration plans during 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $4.7 million, $6.4 million and $5.3 million, respectively, without any reduction in income taxes.


  (B) Valuation assumptions

The fair value of each option granted is estimated using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. Expected volatilities are based on historical volatility of the Company’s shares. The Company uses historical data to estimate option exercise and employee termination within the valuation model. The expected term of options granted represents the period of time that options granted are expected to be outstanding based on historical behavior of grantees. The risk-free rate for periods within the contractual life of the option is based on the United States Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant. Dividend yield has been assumed to be zero.

The fair value of each restricted share or RSU awarded is determined based on the market price of the Ordinary Shares on the date of the award.


  (C) Employee equity awards:


  1. Options


     Year ended December 31, 2010  
     Number     Weighted
price ($)
value ($ in

Outstanding at beginning of year (*)

     4,725,119       13.16         

Changes during year:


Granted (**)

     860,541       11.10         


     (166,478     5.64         

Forfeited or expired

     (962,411     22.04         

Outstanding at end of year

     4,456,771       11.12         4.65         16,215   

Exercisable at end of year

     1,845,908       13.81         3.62         5,563   


  (*) Adjusted to reflect a correction in the amount of options outstanding at December 31, 2009.

Including options to purchase a total of 36,742 Ordinary Shares awarded to directors of the Company, at an exercise price of $10.28 per share.



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The aggregate intrinsic value represents the total pretax capital gain that would have been received by the holders of all ‘in-the-money’ options had they all exercised such options and sold the underlying shares at the Company’s closing share price on December 31, 2010 (which was $13.07).

The weighted average grant date fair value of employee options granted or assumed during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $3.83, $2.61 and $2.40, respectively. The total intrinsic value of employee options exercised during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $1.0 million, $0.4 million and $0.5 million, respectively.


  2. Restricted shares


     Year ended December 31, 2010  
     Number     Weighted average
grant date
fair value ($)

Non-vested at beginning of year

     200,292       12.55   

Changes during year:


Awarded (*)

     14,698       10.28   


     (87,564     13.22   


     (2,250     12.95   

Non-vested at end of year

     125,176       11.80   


  (*)    All

of which were awarded to directors of the Company.

The weighted average grant date fair value of employee restricted shares granted during the year ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $10.28, $9.70 and $ 11.55, respectively.

The total fair value of employee restricted shares vested during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $1.0 million, $0.8 million and $1.8 million, respectively.


  3. RSUs


     Year ended December 31, 2010  
     Number     Weighted average
grant date
fair value ($)

Outstanding at beginning of year

     445,366       7.75   

Changes during year:



     113,300       10.75   


     (156,105     7.75   


     (25,315     7.75   

Outstanding at end of year

     377,246       8.65   

The weighted average awarded or assumed of employee restricted shares granted or assumed during the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2008 was $10.75 and $ 7.75, respectively.



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The total intrinsic value of employee RSUs released during the year ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $1.5 million, $1.96 million and $1.95 million, respectively.


  4. Black-Scholes data

In calculating the fair value of options granted to employees under share-based remuneration arrangements during 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company used the following assumptions: dividend yield of 0% and expected life of 4.5 years in each year; expected volatility of: 2010—41%, 2009—37% and 2008—33%; and risk-free interest rate of: 2010—1.5%, 2009—1.5% and 2008—2.0%.


  5. Unrecognized compensation expense

At December 31, 2010, there was $4.2 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested employee options, $1.7 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested employee restricted shares and $0.4 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested RSUs, granted under the Company’s equity remuneration plans. That cost is generally expected to be recognized over a period of four years.


  (D) Non-employee equity awards:


  1. Options


     Year ended December 31, 2010  
     Number     Weighted
price ($)
value ($ in

Outstanding at beginning of year

     75,750       19.26         

Changes during year:



     21,214       11.51         


     (800     4.13         

Forfeited or expired

     (21,150     29.07         

Outstanding at end of year

     75,014       14.47         4.24         175   

Exercisable at end of year

     36,175       18.79         2.93         61   

The weighted average grant date fair value of non-employee options granted or assumed during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $5.13, $3.57 and $1.23, respectively. The total intrinsic value of non-employee options exercised during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $6,400, $1,400 and $14,000, respectively.



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  2. Restricted shares


     Year ended December 31, 2010  
     Number     Weighted average
grant date
fair value ($)

Non-vested at beginning of year

     2,750       14.59   

Changes during year:





     (1,500     15.24   

Non-vested at end of year

     1,250       13.80   

The weighted average grant date fair value of non-employee restricted shares awarded during the years ended December 31, 2008 was 11.84.

The total fair value of non-employee restricted shares vested during the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 was $17,000, $19,000 and $20,000, respectively.


  3. Black-Scholes data

In calculating the fair value of options granted to non-employees under share-based remuneration arrangements during 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company used the following assumptions: dividend yield of 0% and expected life of 7 years in each year; expected volatility of: 2010—41%, 2009—39% and 2008—35%; and risk-free interest rate of: 2010—1.5%, 2009—1.5% and 2008—1.5%.


  4. Unrecognized compensation expense

At December 31, 2010, there was $0.1 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested non-employee options and non-employee restricted shares.


c. Dividends

The distribution of cash dividends out of all the retained earnings of the Company (approximately $227 million as of December 31, 2010) would subject the Company to a 15%-25% tax on the amount distributed, thereby effectively reducing the dividend distribution by the amount of the tax.

In the event that cash dividends are declared by the Company, such dividends could be declared and paid in Israeli currency.



a. Tax benefits under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments, 1959

Most of the production facilities of the Company and its Israeli subsidiaries have been granted ‘approved enterprise’ status under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments, 1959 (the “Approved Enterprise Law”). The main benefit arising from such status is the reduction in tax rates on income derived from ‘approved enterprises’.

In April 2005, substantive amendments to the Approved Enterprise Law came into effect, which revised the criteria for investments qualified to receive tax benefits. These amendments do not generally apply to investment programs



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approved prior to January 1, 2005. Under the law as amended, eligible investment programs of the type in which the Company participated prior to the amendment were eligible to qualify for substantially similar benefits as a ‘Benefiting Enterprise’ subject to meeting certain criteria (replacing the previous terminology of ‘Approved Enterprise’, which required pre-approval from the Investment Center of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor of the State of Israel). As a result of these amendments, tax-exempt income generated under the provisions of the amended law will, if distributed upon liquidation or if paid to a shareholder for the purchase of his or her shares, be deemed distributed as a dividend and will subject the Company to taxes.

Since the Company is a ‘foreign investors’ company’ as defined by the Approved Enterprise Law, it is entitled to a ten-year period of benefits (instead of a seven-year period).

Income derived from approved and benefited enterprises is tax exempt for a period of two years out of the ten-year period of benefits. Based on the percentage of foreign shareholding in the Company, income derived during the remaining eight years of benefits is taxable at the rate of 10%-25%. The period of benefits relating to the approved and benefited enterprises expires in phases through 2019.

The tax benefits in respect of part of the production facilities of the Company have expired.

In the event of distribution of cash dividends from income which was tax exempt as above, the Company would have to pay the 10%-25% tax in respect of the amount distributed. The amount distributed for this purpose includes the amount of the tax that applies as a result of the distribution (see e. below and note 9c).

The Company and its Israeli subsidiaries are entitled to claim accelerated depreciation in respect of equipment used by the approved enterprises during five tax years.

The entitlement to the above benefits is conditional upon the Company and its Israeli subsidiaries fulfilling the conditions stipulated by the Approved Enterprise Law and regulations published thereunder, and in the certificate of approval for the specific investments in approved enterprises. In the event of failure to comply with these conditions, the benefits may be canceled and the Company may be required to refund the amount of the benefits, in whole or in part, with the addition of linkage differences to the Israeli CPI and interest, or other monetary penalty.

Additional amendments to the Approved Enterprise Law became effective in January 2011 (the “2011 Amendment”). Under the 2011 Amendment, income derived by ‘Preferred Companies’ from ‘Preferred Enterprises’ (both as defined in the 2011 Amendment) would be subject to a uniform rate of corporate tax as opposed to the current incentives that are limited to income from Approved or Benefiting Enterprises during their benefits period. According to the 2011 Amendment, the uniform tax rate on such income, referred to as ‘Preferred Income’, would be 10% in areas in Israel that are designated as Development Zone A and 15% elsewhere in Israel during 2011-2012, 7% and 12.5%, respectively, in 2013-2014, and 6% and 12%, respectively, thereafter. Income derived by a Preferred Company from a ‘Special Preferred Enterprise’ (as defined in the Approved Enterprise) would enjoy further reduced tax rates for a period of ten years of 5% in Zone A and 8% elsewhere. As with dividends distributed from taxable income derived from an Approved Enterprise or Benefiting Enterprise during the applicable benefits period, dividends distributed from Preferred Income would be subject to a 15% tax (or lower, if so provided under an applicable tax treaty), which would generally be withheld by the distributing company. While the Company may incur additional tax liability in the event of distribution of dividends from tax exempt income generated from its Approved and Benefiting Enterprises, no additional tax liability will be incurred by the Company in the event of distribution of dividends from income taxed in accordance with the 2011 Amendment.



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Under the transitional provisions of the 2011 Amendment, the Company may elect whether to irrevocably implement the 2011 Amendment with respect to its existing Approved and Benefiting Enterprises while waiving benefits provided under the legislation prior to the 2011 Amendment or keep implementing the legislation prior to the 2011 Amendment during the next years.

The Company does not expect the 2011 Amendment to have a material effect on the tax payable in respect of its Israeli operations.


b. Tax benefits under the Law for the Encouragement of Industry (Taxes), 1969

The Company and its Israeli subsidiaries are ‘industrial companies’ as defined by this law and as such are entitled to certain tax benefits, consisting mainly of accelerated depreciation as prescribed by regulations published under the Inflationary Adjustments Law and amortization of patents and certain other intangible property.


c. Other applicable tax rates:


  (i) Income from other sources in Israel

Income not eligible for benefits under the Approved Enterprise Law mentioned in a. above is taxed at the regular corporate tax rate of 27% in 2008, 26% in 2009, 25% in 2010, 24% in 2011, 23% in 2012, 22% in 2013, 21% in 2014, 20% in 2015 and 18% in 2016 and thereafter.


  (ii) Income of non-Israeli subsidiaries

Non-Israeli subsidiaries are taxed according to the tax laws in their countries of residence.


d. Carryforward tax losses

Carryforward tax losses totaled approximately $209 million at December 31, 2010, of which $102 million have no expiration date. As of December 31, 2010, the U.S. subsidiary had a federal net operating tax loss carryforward of approximately $104 million, which is included in the above $209 million amount of the carryforward tax losses. The federal operating losses carryforward can be offset against taxable income for 15-20 years and expires from 2017-2026. The Company believes that, as a result of having undergone an “ownership change” within the meaning of Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code, its ability to use its net operating loss carryforwards and other tax attributes to offset future U.S. taxable income, and thereby reduce its tax liability, is limited.

As of December 31, 2010 and 2009, valuation allowance in the amount of approximately $22 million and $24 million, respectively, has been recorded in respect of deferred tax assets relating to these losses.

Carryforward capital losses for tax purposes totaled approximately $15 million at December 31, 2010. Such losses have no expiration date.



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e. Deferred income taxes

Provided in respect of the following:


     December 31  
     2010     2009  
     $ in thousands  

Provision for vacation pay

     720        656   

Accrued severance pay

     3,035        2,699   

Carryforward tax losses

     58,105        63,863  

Research and development costs

     3,996        3,938  

Taxes on undistributed income of Israeli subsidiary

     (4,376     (4,021

Intangible assets

     (26,032     (31,320


     2,700        1,102   
     38,148        36,917  

Less—valuation allowance*

     21,744        24,379   
     16,404        12,538  


  * The changes in the valuation allowance are comprised as follows:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

Balance at beginning of year

     24,379       28,774        14,638   

Additions (reductions) during the year

     (2,635     (4,395     1,749   

Addition upon acquisition


Balance at end of year

     21,744       24,379        28,774   

Deferred taxes are included in the balance sheets as follows:


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  



Current deferred income taxes

     5,913         4,384   

Non-current deferred income taxes

     12,679         10,164   
     *18,592         14,548   



Non-current deferred income taxes

     2,188         2,010   
     16,404         12,538   


  * Realization of this deferred tax balance is conditional upon earning, in the coming years, taxable income in an appropriate amount. The amount of the deferred tax asset, however, could be reduced in the near term if estimates of future taxable income are reduced.



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The deferred taxes are computed for the Company and its Israeli subsidiaries at an average tax rate of 10%. For non-Israeli subsidiaries, the deferred taxes are computed at applicable tax rates, ranging from 15% to 40%.

As stated in a. above, part of the Company’s income is tax-exempt due to the approved enterprise status granted to most of the Company’s production facilities. The Company has decided to permanently reinvest the amount of the tax-exempt income and not to distribute such income as cash dividends. Accordingly, no deferred income taxes have been provided in respect of such tax-exempt income.

The amount of tax that would have been payable had such exempt income earned through December 31, 2010 been distributed as dividends is approximately $32 million.


f. Taxes on income included in the income statements

As follows:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  




     (1,226     (2,510     500   


     12,489        2,669        5,128   
     11,263        159        5,628   




     (1,469     (1,516     (4,554


     (2,397     985        (274
     (3,866     (531     (4,828

Total income taxes expense (benefit)

     7,397        (372     800   



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Following is a reconciliation of the theoretical tax expense, assuming all income is taxed at the statutory corporate tax rate applicable to Israeli corporations, and the actual tax expense:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes on income*

     50,403        (16,214     (96,882

Theoretical tax expense (benefit) on the above amount

     12,600        (4,216     (26,158

Less—tax benefits arising from approved enterprises

     (529     2,777        8,132   
     12,071        (1,439     (18,026

Increase (decrease) in taxes resulting from:


Different tax rates applicable to non-Israeli



     (2,192     1,077        (9,940

Permanent differences, including difference between the basis of measurement of income reported for tax purposes and the basis of measurement of income for financial reporting purposes—net

     5,970        4,302        27,724   

Deferred taxes on losses for which valuation allowance was provided



     (585     83        (707

Net change in valuation allowance

     (2,635     (4,395     1,749   

Actual tax expense (benefit)

     7,397        (372     800   


* As follows:


Taxable in Israel

     (9,582     (53,021     (94,113

Taxable outside Israel

     59,985        36,807        (2,769
     50,403        (16,214     (96,882


g. Tax assessments

The Company files income tax returns in multiple jurisdictions having varying statutes of limitations. For the various tax years from 2004 through 2007, the Company and most of its subsidiaries have either received final tax assessments or the applicable statute of limitations rules have become effective. Open tax years in the following major jurisdictions are: Israel—2007 and onwards; Hong Kong—2006 and onwards; United States and Japan—2008 and onwards.



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h. Uncertain tax positions

Following is a roll-forward of the total amounts of the Company’s unrecognized tax benefits at the beginning and the end of the years ending on December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 (not including interest or penalties):


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

Balance at beginning of year

     13,239        12,892        10,285   

Increases in unrecognized tax benefits as a result of tax positions taken during the year

     7,893        1,355        3,500   

Decrease in unrecognized tax benefits as a result of tax positions taken during a prior year, net

     (317     (623       

Decreases in unrecognized tax benefits as a result of statute of limitations expirations and tax audits

     (3,572     (385     (893

Balance at end of year

     17,243        13,239        12,892   

As of December 31, 2010, the entire amount of the unrecognized tax benefits could affect the Company’s income tax provision and the effective tax rate.

In the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Company recorded net interest and penalties expenses (income) for uncertain tax positions in the amounts of $(0.1), $(0.2) million and $0.2 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2010 and 2009, the amounts of interest and penalties accrued on the balance sheet related to unrecognized tax benefits were approximately $1.0 million and $1.1 million, respectively.



a. General

The Company operates internationally, which gives rise to exposure to market risks, mainly from changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company uses financial instruments and derivatives in order to limit its exposure to risks arising from such changes.

The Company is exposed to losses in the event of non-performance by counterparties to financial instruments; however, as the counterparties are major Israeli, European and United States banks, the Company does not expect any counterparties to fail to meet their obligations. The Company does not require or place collateral with respect to these financial instruments. The Company does not hold or issue derivatives for trading purposes.



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b. Derivative instruments

As stated in note 1r, the Company enters into various types of foreign exchange derivatives in managing its foreign exchange risks. The notional amounts of these derivatives as of December 31, 2010 were as follows:


     $ in millions  

Forward exchange contracts for conversion of:


Euros into Dollars


Japanese Yen into Dollars


Dollars into NIS


Korean Won into Dollars


Taiwan Dollars into Dollars


Chinese RMB into Dollars


The terms of all of these currency derivatives are less than one year.

The following table summarizes activity in accumulated other comprehensive income related to derivatives classified as cash flow hedges held by the Company during the reported years:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

Balance at beginning of year

     2,657        (5,799     941   

Unrealized gains (losses) from derivatives

     4,399       4,701       (3,026

Reclassifications into earnings from other comprehensive income (loss)

     (6,444 )     3,735       (3,694

Tax effect

     (31 )     20       (20

Balance at end of year

     581       2,657       (5,799


c. Fair value of financial instruments

The fair value of financial instruments included in working capital and in non-current liabilities is usually close or identical to their carrying amounts. The fair value of non-current trade receivables and long-term liabilities also approximates the carrying amounts, since they bear interest at rates close to prevailing market rates.



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The following table presents the Company’s assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis at December 31, 2010 and 2009, consistent with the fair value hierarchy provisions of the applicable accounting rules:


     Fair value measurements at reporting
date using
     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  
     $ in thousands  

December 31, 2010:




Marketable securities

     187               187   

Auction-rate securities

           2,362         2,362   

Derivative assets

        668            668   

Liabilities -


Derivative liabilities

        804            804   

December 31, 2009:




Marketable securities

     189               189   

Auction-rate securities

           9,780         9,780   

Derivative assets

        3,059            3,059   

Liabilities -


Derivative liabilities

        136            136   


  1. Level 1—Valuations based on quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Company has the ability to access. Valuation adjustments and block discounts are not applied to Level 1 instruments. Since valuations are based on quoted prices that are readily and regularly available in an active market, valuation of these products does not entail a significant degree of judgment.


  2. Level 2—Valuations based on quoted prices in markets that are not active but for which all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly. Derivatives, as described in b. above, are of value primarily based on observable inputs including interest rate curves and both forward and spot prices for currencies.


  3. Level 3—Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement. The Company’s auction-rate securities, which have experienced a lack of liquidity and therefore do not have an active market of observable prices, are measured separately at fair value, which is determined using a valuation model. The valuation model relies on Level 3 inputs including, among others things: (i) the underlying structure of each security; (ii) the present value of future principal and interest payments discounted at rates considered to reflect the uncertainty of current market conditions; (iii) consideration of the probabilities of default, auction failure or repurchase at par for each period; (iv) assessments of counterparty credit quality; (v) estimates of recovery rates in the event of default for each security; and (vi) overall capital market liquidity. These estimated fair values are subject to uncertainties that are difficult to predict; therefore, such auction-rate securities have been classified as Level 3 fair value hierarchy.



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The following table summarizes the activity for those financial assets (auction rate securities) where fair value measurements are classified as Level 3:


     2010     2009  
     $ in thousands  

Balance at January 1

     9,780       19,241  

Amount realized

     (6,742     (9,684

Net change in fair value:


Recorded as financial expenses

     (1,250     (2,945

Recorded as other comprehensive income

     574       3,168  

Balance at December 31

     2,362       9,780  

The fair value of derivative instruments is presented below:


  1. Asset derivatives, comprising foreign exchange contracts, designated as hedging instruments. These are reported under other accounts receivable, and the fair value amounted to $0.6 million and $2.7 million at December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009, respectively.


  2. Asset derivatives, comprising foreign exchange contracts, not designated as hedging instruments. These are reported under other accounts receivable, and the fair value amounted to $0.1 million and $0.4 million at December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009, respectively.


  3. Liability derivatives, comprising foreign exchange contracts, designated as hedging instruments. These are reported under other accounts payable, and the fair value amounted to $0.1 million at December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009.


  4. Liability derivatives, comprising foreign exchange contracts, not designated as hedging instruments. These are reported under other accounts payable, and the fair value amounted to $0.7 million and $0.1 million at December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009, respectively.



     December 31, 2010  
     Israeli currency(a)      Other
     Unlinked      Linked(b)     
     $ in thousands  


     5,730         1,539         126,909   


     11,124            53,052   


  (a) The above does not include balances in Israeli currency linked to the Dollar.
  (b) To the Israeli CPI.



a. Cash and cash equivalents

Substantially all of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents bear interest. The annual interest rates as of December 31, 2010 ranged between 0.01% and 1.41%.



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b. Marketable securities:


  (i) Held-to-maturity securities -

At December 31, 2010 and 2009, the Company has no held-to-maturity securities.


  (ii) Available-for-sale securities:


fair value
     Gains in other
     Losses in other
     $ in thousands  

December 31, 2010:


Debt securities

     187         187         

Auction-rate securities

     2,362         2,362         
     2,549         2,549         

December 31, 2009:


Debt securities

     189         189         

Auction-rate securities

     10,353         9,780         738         1,311   
     10,542         9,969         738         1,311   

The marketable securities mature beyond 2015 and are presented as long-term available for sales securities.

During 2010, the Company sold $7.2 million of auction-rate securities, following which it recorded $0.9 million in losses charged to financial expenses.

In 2009, following the amendment of the applicable accounting guidelines, the Company re-classified $1.4 million which related to non-credit losses from retained earnings to other comprehensive income. During 2009, the Company also recorded $2.7 million as credit losses, mainly prior to the adoption of the new accounting guidance described in note 1w.

In 2008, the Company concluded that an amount of $0.9 million of its marketable securities was other-than-temporarily impaired, and wrote down its marketable securities in that amount.


c. Accounts receivable:


  (i) Trade accounts receivable are presented net of an allowance for doubtful accounts, the balance and the changes in the allowance are comprised as follow:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

Balance at beginning of year

     9,195        7,596        6,681   

Increase (decrease) during the year

     (721     2,218        920   

Bad debt written off

     (929     (619     (5

Balance at end of year

     7,545        9,195        7,596   



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     Year ended December 31  
         2010              2009      
     $ in thousands  

(ii) Other:



     1,716         1,382   

Prepaid expenses

     10,563         7,432   

Deposits in respect of rent and other

     4,302         5,684   

Israeli Government departments and agencies (mainly value added tax refundable)

     2,205         1,956   

Advance payments to suppliers

     6,897         5,104   

Derivative assets

     668         3,059   


     3,568         2,828   
     29,919         27,445   


d. Accounts payable and accruals—other


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  

Employees and employee institutions

     22,237         15,177   

Government departments and agencies

     10,214         5,823   

Accrued warranty


Derivative liabilities

     804         136   

Accrued expenses

     21,155         25,596   


     880         1,404   
     55,290         49,154   


e. Deferred income


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  

Deferred revenue relating to warranty commitments(*)

     24,421         17,005   

Deferred service revenue

     24,421         17,336   


  * The changes in deferred revenues relating to warranty commitments:


      Year ended December 31  
         2010             2009      
     $ in thousands  

Balance at beginning of year

     17,005       17,433   

Revenue recognized during the year

     (21,612     (16,614

Deferred revenue relating to new sales

     29,028       16,186   

Balance at end of year

     24,421       17,005   



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f. Accumulated other comprehensive income


     December 31  
     2010      2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  

Accumulated gain (loss) in respect of derivative instruments designated for cash flows hedge, net of tax

     581         2,657        (5,799

Accumulated currency translation adjustment

     873         1,734        1,972   

Accumulated realized and unrealized loss on available-for-sale securities, net

        (574     (2,296
     1,454         3,817        (6,123



a. Segment and geographical information:


  (i) Reportable segments:


  (A) General

The Company’s two reportable segments are as follows:


  1. Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry—this comprises the design, development, manufacture, marketing and service of yield-enhancing and production solutions for specialized applications in the supply chain of the electronics industry. The Company’s products for the electronics industry are primarily AOI, production and process control systems for PCBs and AOI, test and repair systems for FPDs. The Company also markets CAM and engineering solutions for PCB production. In view of their overall inter-dependence and the similarity of their long-term economic characteristics, products and services, production processes, classes of customers and methods of distribution, all these operations have been aggregated.


  2. Recognition Software—this comprises the development and marketing of automatic check reading and check fraud detection products to banks and other financial institutions by Orbograph.

In addition to its two reportable segments, certain research and development initiatives concerning various products not related to the Company’s two reportable segments have been re-classified in the current year under “Other”.


  (B) Information on revenues and assets of the reportable segments:


  1. Measurement of revenues and assets of the reportable segments:

The measurement of revenues and assets of the reportable segments is based on the same accounting principles applied in these financial statements.

Segment income or loss reflects the income or loss from continuing operations of the segment and does not include financial expenses—net, taxes on income, loss from discontinued operations and non-controlling interest since those items are not allocated to the segments.



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  2. Financial data relating to reportable segments:


solutions for the
     Other     Total  
     $ in thousands  

Year ended December 31, 2010:


Revenues from unaffiliated customers:


Sales of products

     401,822       7,710          409,532  

Services rendered

     113,761       6,062          119,823  

Total revenues

     515,583       13,772          529,355  

Operating income (loss)

     60,594        3,198        (6,105     57,687   

Assets (at end of year)

     583,366       12,795        1,208       597,369  

Expenditures for segment assets

     6,329       91         332       6,752  

Depreciation and amortization

     23,331       152        182       23,665  

Year ended December 31, 2009:


Revenues from unaffiliated customers:


Sales of products

     244,057       7,774          251,831  

Services rendered

     101,195       6,304          107,499  

Total revenues

     345,252       14,078          359,330  

Operating income (loss)

     (5,179     3,571        (3,516     (5,124

Assets (at end of year)

     564,547       9,569        621        574,737  

Expenditures for segment assets

     3,572       71        27        3,670  

Depreciation and amortization

     29,472       128        377        29, 977  

Year ended December 31, 2008:


Revenues from unaffiliated customers:


Sales of products

     293,796       9,669          303,465  

Services rendered

     98,826       5,659          104,485  

Total revenues

     392,622       15,328          407,950  

Operating income (loss)

     (96,998     3,560        (1,970     (95,408 )

Assets (at end of year)

     583,993       19,228        300       603,521  

Expenditures for segment assets

     *214,722       163        300       215,185  

Depreciation and amortization

     21,008       219        16       21,243  


* Includes assets acquired in connection with the PDI Acquisition.



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  3. Following is a reconciliation of the assets of the reportable segments to the data included in the consolidated financial statements:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010      2009      2008  
     $ in thousands  

Total assets of reportable segments at end of year

     597,369         574,737         603,521   

Assets not allocated to segments

     30,972         31,025         31,340   

Consolidated assets at end of year

     628,341         605,762         634,861   


  (ii) Geographical information:


Revenues—classified by geographical area (based on the location of customers):


Sales of products:


North America (mainly the United States)

     22,610         13,912         30,787  


     16,086         9,794         26,652  


     40,846         58,181         25,138  


     83,045         68,632         44,365  


     101,719         46,480         62,770  


     141,674         52,591         107,544  

Other Far Eastern countries

     2,990         2,139         4,596  


     562         102         1,613  

Total sales of products

     409,532         251,831         303,465  

Services rendered:


North America (mainly the United States)

     17,275         17,719         18,222  


     9,899         9,966         12,458  


     19,494         15,627         13,709  


     21,263         18,514         17,805  


     28,978         24,555         26,678  


     20,171         18,301         11,320  

Other Far Eastern countries

     2,467         2,586         3,900  


     276         231         393  

Total services rendered

     119,823         107,499         104,485  
     529,355         359,330         407,950  


  (iii) Property plant and equipment net of accumulated depreciation and amortization by geographical location:


     December 31  
     2010      2009  
     $ in thousands  


     10,299         12,300   

United States

     5,571         5,837   


     5,466         5,855   


     3,506         3,216   


     24,842         27,208   



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b. Major customers

Revenues for the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 included revenues recognized from major customers as below:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010      2009      2008  
     % of revenues  

Customer A

     17         15         15   

Customer B

     11         *         13   

Customer C

     *         15         *   

Customer D

     *         13         *   


  *Less than 10% of the Company’s revenues

All such revenues related to the Production Solutions for the Electronics Industry segment.


c. Cost of revenues:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010      2009      2008  
     $ in thousands  

1)    Cost of products sold:


Materials and subcontractors

     188,471         122,475         143,608   

Labor costs

     16,675         13,405         12,367   

Overhead and other expenses

     19,494         10,573         8,488   
     224,640         146,453         *164,463   

2)    Cost of services rendered:


Materials consumed

     37,691         33,050         27,520   

Labor costs

     30,633         26,590         30,916   

Overhead and other expenses

     19,937         14,109         19,047   
     88,261         73,749         77,483   


  * Excludes the write-downs of inventories of $3.3 million in 2008 relating primarily to excess inventories of components for certain of the Company’s PCB products.


d. Selling, general and administrative expenses


     Year ended December 31  
     2010      2009      2008  
     $ in thousands  

Comprised as follows:



     38,970        39,625        47,915  

General and administrative

     27,294        23,973        23,808  
     66,264        63,598        71,723  



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e. Restructuring charges

In 2008, as part of the Company’s refocusing of its strategic plan, the Company decided to phase out its activities in the assembled PCB business and, accordingly, commencing from the beginning of 2009 the Company no longer develops or markets assembled PCB equipment. As a result, the Company recorded a restructuring charge of $2.4 million, which was comprised of a workforce reduction. In addition, the Company wrote down $3.3 million in inventory, which was sold to a European entity which will continue to market and service the Company’s installed base of assembled PCB equipment in Europe and North America. The Company continues to support and service its installed base of assembled PCB equipment in the Far East.

Additionally, during the second half of 2008, the Company initiated a restructuring program in order to re-align its infrastructure to the current worldwide economic conditions. The measures taken principally included a reduction in the Company’s workforce by approximately 17.5% resulting in a restructuring charge of $6.4 million.


     Costs relating to
with suppliers
     $ in thousands  

Balance at January 1, 2008

     510           510  

Change in 2008 -


Provision created

     6,303       1,753        565        8,621  

Actual expenses

     (3,825     (1,753     (376     (5,954 )

Balance at December 31, 2008

     2,988              189        3,177  

Change in 2009 -


Actual expenses

     (2,988       (181     (3,169

Balance at December 31, 2009

              8        8   

Change in 2010 -


Actual expenses

         (8     (8

Balance at December 31, 2010




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f. Financial income (expenses)—net:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010     2009     2008  
     $ in thousands  





In respect of bank deposits and marketable securities

     1,005        1,230       4,966   


     40        712       229   

Non-Dollar transaction gains—net

     8          274   
     1,053        1,942       5,469   





Bank loan

     5,935        4,334       2,493   

Costs relating to factoring of letters of credit and promissory notes

     525        978       1,410   

Net loss from sale of marketable securities

     909        299       814   

Impairment of available-for-sale securities

     343        2,681       935   

Non-Dollar transaction losses—net



     625        306       1,291   
     8,337        13,032       6,943   
     (7,284     (11,090     (1,474


g. Earnings (loss) per share

Following are data relating to the weighted average number of shares for the purpose of computing earnings (loss) per share:


     Year ended December 31  
     2010      2009      2008  
     In thousands  

Weighted average number of shares issued and outstanding (net of treasury shares)—used in computation of basic earnings (loss) per share

     34,911         34,501         33,512   

Add—incremental shares from assumed exercise of options


Weighted average number of shares used in computation of diluted earnings (loss) per share

     35,778         34,501         33,512   

Diluted earnings per share for 2010 do not reflect liability awards due to their anti-dilutive effect; diluted earnings per share for 2009 and 2008 do not reflect options for 4.8 million and 5.0 million shares, respectively, due to their anti-dilutive effect.



EX-4.12 2 dex412.htm AMENDMENT TO THE FINANCING AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO & SIGNED ON MAY 27, 2010 Amendment to the Financing Agreement entered into & signed on May 27, 2010

Exhibit 4.12

Amendment Agreement

Entered into and signed on May 27, 2010


Orbotech Ltd.

Company no. 52-003521-3

(the “Company”)

                    of the first part;

And between

Israel Discount Bank Ltd.

of 27 Yehuda Halevy St., Tel Aviv

(the “Bank”)

                    of the second part;

Whereas on December 21, 2009, an amended financing agreement was signed between the Company and the Bank (hereinafter the “Financing Agreement”); and

Whereas the Parties to the Financing Agreement are interested in amending the Financing Agreement as specified below;

Therefore, it has been agreed, stipulated and represented between the Parties as follows:


  1. The preamble to this Amendment constitutes an integral part hereof;


  2. The following passage shall be added to Section 10.4 of the Financing Agreement:

“Notwithstanding the above, it is hereby agreed that any material breach by the Company of an agreement and/or document to which the Company is and/or shall be bound vis-à-vis Bank Hapoalim Ltd. (“Hapoalim”) regarding activities within the dealing room, factoring activities and activities of back-up performance of letters of credit with an aggregate amount not exceeding a sum of US $25,000,000, shall not be considered as a breach of the Credit Documents and as an additional default cause, as aforementioned, unless seven (7) business days have passed since the earliest of: (a) the breach becoming known to the Company, or (b) Hapoalim’s notice to the Company of the breach; and the Company has not remedied the aforementioned breach or received a confirmation from Hapoalim that Haopalim does not view the breach as a material breach by the Company, as aforementioned, or has paid off any debit balance towards Hapoalim within the aforementioned seven (7) days.”


  3. In the event of any conflict between the provision of this Amendment and the provisions of the Financing Agreement, the directives provisions of this Amendment shall prevail.


  4. Other than as set forth in this Amendment Agreement, the remaining provisions of the Financing Agreement shall not be amended and shall remain in effect.

In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands:




The Company

The Bank



EX-4.13 3 dex413.htm AMENDMENT TO THE FINANCING AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO & SIGNED ON FEBRUARY 15, 2011 Amendment to the Financing Agreement entered into & signed on February 15, 2011

Exhibit 4.13

Financing Agreement—Amendment No.2

Entered into and signed on 15th day of February, 2011


Orbotech Ltd.

Company no. 52-003521-3

(the “Company”)

                    of the first part;

And between

Israel Discount Bank Ltd.

of 27 Yehuda Halevy St., Tel Aviv

(the “Bank”)

                    of the second part;


1. Whereas –
  1.1. On December 21, 2009, an “Amended Financing Agreement” was signed by the Parties, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Annex A (hereinafter the “Original Agreement);
  1.2. On May 27, 2010, an “Amendment Agreement” was signed by the Parties, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Annex B (hereinafter the “Original Agreement’s First Amendment);
  1.3. The Original Agreement and/together with the Original Agreement’s First Amendment shall hereinafter be referred to together as the “Financing Agreement.
  1.4. The Company has requested the Bank to make changes to the Financing Agreement as specified in this Agreement;

Therefore, it has been agreed and stipulated between the Parties as follows:


2. Preamble and Annexes –
  2.1. The preamble to this Agreement constitutes an integral part hereof;
  2.2. The Financing Agreement is attached to this Agreement as an integral part thereof, and they should be read together, continuously and in one sequence as one document and as a whole, as provisions one of the other adding to each other and completing one another.
  2.3. Words, phrases and terms mentioned in the Financing Agreement and defined therein—will apply to this Agreement and their interpretation and meaning will be as in the Financing Agreement.


3. Special Financing—Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 of the Financing Agreement

The utilization period of the Special Financing in the amount of 25 million Dollars as mentioned in Section 2.1.1 of the Financing Agreement is extended until, and no later than, January 29, 2012. Accordingly, the date of repayment of the Special Financing in accordance with Section 2.1.3, shall be no later than January 29, 2012.


4. Fees, Prices, Costs and Expenses—Section 4 of the Financing Agreement
  4.1. Section 4.2 of the Financing Agreement—the Document Preparation Fee specified in Section 4.2, with respect to this Agreement, will be the sum of 9 thousand Dollars, to be paid by the Company to the Bank, in advance and on a one-time basis, at the time of signing of this Agreement. Section 4.2 of the Financing Agreement shall apply with respect thereto.


  4.2. Section 4.3 of the Financing Agreement—the Commitment Fee specified in Section 4.3 of the Financing Agreement is hereby amended to the rate of 0.3% of the sum of 25 million Dollars, to be paid by the Company to the Bank, in advance and on a one-time basis, at the time of signing of this Agreement. Section 4.3 of the Financing Agreement shall apply with respect thereto.



  4.3. Section 4.4 of the Financing Agreement—the Non-utilization Fee specified in Section 4.4 of the Financing Agreement is hereby amended to the rate of 0.2% per year of the Credit Facility balance amount—as specified in Section 4.4 of the Financing Agreement.


5. General

Other than the amendments specified in this Agreement, the Financing Agreement will continue to apply to its full extent in accordance with its terms, including the securities and guarantees and all of the obligations, undertakings and commitments in accordance with and pursuant to the Financing Agreement, and it shall continue to bind the Parties for all intents and purposes.

In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands:




The Company

The Bank



EX-4.14 4 dex414.htm DEBENTURE (FOR THE CREATION OF A FLOATING CHARGE) Debenture (for the Creation of a Floating Charge)

Exhibit 4.14

[Translation from Hebrew]



(For the Creation of a Floating Charge)

Made and Entered into on the 21st Day of October 2010 in Yavneh


Whereas: The undersigned, Orbotech Ltd. (Regd. No. 520035213) (hereinafter: the “Pledgor”) has and/or shall receive, from time to time, from Bank Hapoalim B.M. (Bank Hapoalim B.M., as the “Bank” as defined in Section 23.5.1 below, will hereinafter be referred to as: the “Bank”) approved risk facilities for the execution of transactions in futures in the dealing room of the Bank only, as the term “approved risk facilities” is defined in the documents signed and/or to be signed by the Pledgor in favor of the Bank as well as various banking services arising from and originating solely in the said activities and all for the total amount of up to US$ 20,000,000 as well as facilities to execute factoring activities in a total amount of up to US$ 2,000,000 (hereinafter, jointly and severally: “Banking Services”), under the terms and conditions agreed upon and/or to be agreed upon from time to time in respect of any Banking Service as stated above;


     Therefore it has been agreed that the Pledgor will secure payment of the various amounts of money which the Pledgor owes and/or shall owe to the Bank in connection with the providing of the Bank Services and all in accordance with the conditions set forth below:


1. The Nature of the Debenture

This Debenture is made to secure the full and precise payment of all amounts payable and to be payable to the Bank from the Pledgor in connection with the provision of the Banking Services to the Pledgor by the Bank, regardless of whether the Pledgor has made undertakings for such and/or will make undertakings for such in the future, due and/or to be due in the future, due and payable before the realisation of the securities to which this debenture applies and/or afterwards, absolutely and/or conditionally, directly and/or indirectly, up to an amount of US$ 22,000,000 plus interest, commission fees, expenses of various sorts, including costs of the realization, legal fees, insurance fees, revenue stamp duty and other payments under this Debenture, as applicable, plus linkage differences of any sort due and to be due and payable by the Pledgor to the Bank in any manner for linked principal and interest and for any other linked amount (all the above amounts, jointly and severally, shall hereinafter be referred to below as: “the Secured Amounts”).


2. Pledge and Charge


2.1. As security for the full and precise discharge of all the Secured Amounts, the Pledgor hereby grants a lien, in favor of the Bank and its successors, by a floating charge in the first degree the assets and proceeds as detailed below (hereinafter: the “Assets Secured by a Floating Charge):


  2.1.1. All the assets, monies, property and rights of any sort without exception presently held by the Pledgor or which it may hold in the future at any time and in any way and manner, including, without limitation, any intellectual property rights of the Pledgor including in connection with registered or pending patents;


  2.1.2. All current assets, without exception, presently held by the Pledgor and which the Pledgor shall have at any time in the future, in any manner and way, where ‘current assets’ shall mean all assets, monies, property and rights of any kind and sort, except land, buildings and fixed equipment;



  2.1.3. All fixed assets that the Pledgor presently has and shall have at any time in the future, , in any manner and way, with such assets including, inter alia, land, buildings and fixed equipment;


  2.1.4. All securities, documents and notes of others, of any kind and sort, held by the Pledgor and/or in which or as to which the Pledgor has or will have a right and/or that the Pledgor is entitled to instruct the sale thereof, held and to be held, from time to time, by the Bank and/or by the Pledgor and/or by any third party and/or rights for such.


  2.1.5. All rights in land and/or all contractual rights under agreements between the Pledgor and the Israel Land Administration and/or the Israel Development Authority and/or the Jewish National Fund and/or others, presently existing and as shall exist in the future at any time.


2.2. As further security for the full and precise discharge of all Secured Amounts, the Pledgor hereby pledges and charges, in favor of the Bank and its successors, under a fixed charge in the first degree and under a pledge, its goodwill and, subject to any law, all the Pledgor’s rights to a tax exemption and/or relief and/or discount, all pursuant to the Income Tax Ordinance (New Version), 5721 – 1961 and/or the Land Taxation (Betterments, Sale and Purchase) Law, 5723 – 1963 and/or any other law (hereinafter jointly and severally: the “Pledged Assets”).


2.3. The Pledge and the Charge created under this Debenture will apply to any right to compensation and/or indemnification and/or any other right the Pledgor may have due to the loss, damage or expropriation of the Pledged Property.


3. Declarations of the Pledgor

The Pledgor hereby declares as follows:


3.1. The Pledged Property is free of any debt, pledge, charge, attachment or any other third party right, save for the Floating Charge in the first degree limited to an amount of US$ 190,000,000 created in favor of Israel Discount Bank Ltd. (hereinafter: “Bank Discount) and a fixed charge in favor of Bank Discount on its shares in Photon Dynamics Inc. (a company registered in California) and held by Orbotech Inc. (a company registered in Delaware, USA) which is a subsidiary of the Pledgor;


3.2. The Pledged Property is wholly owned and/or held and/or exclusively controlled by the Pledgor or under the possession and/or control of the Bank and/or under the possession and/or control of Bank Discount;


3.3. Except as specified in the Research and Development in Industry Law, 5744 – 1984 and the regulations thereunder, there is no restriction or condition in law or under an agreement applicable to the transfer of the Pledged Property or charging it, pursuant to the provisions of this Debenture;


3.4. It is entitled to pledge the Pledged Property;


3.5. No assignment of rights or any other action have been taken which derogates from the value of the Pledged Property;


3.6. None of the events mentioned in Section 10 herein below have occurred.


4. Undertakings of the Pledgor

The Pledgor hereby undertakes as follows:


4.1. To hold the Pledged Property under its ownership and/or possession and/or control;



To use and treat the Pledged Property with utmost care and to notify the Bank of any case of material breakage, damage, defect or fault occurring in it and to repair any material breakage, damage, defect or fault occurring in the Pledged Property due to use and/or for any other reason, and to be responsible




towards the Bank for any case of any material breakdown, damage, defect and/or fault as stated above, save for reasonable wear and tear;


4.3. To allow legal counsel for the Bank, at any time, after prior coordination, to visit and inspect the state of the Pledged Property at its place of location;


4.4. To provide the Bank, upon first demand, and at the Pledgor’s expense, with an updated valuation by a land assessor and/or equipment assessor, as the case may be, of the value of the assets specified in Sections 2.1.3 and/or 2.1.5 above as security for the Bank (the said demand may be addressed to the Pledgor from time to time provided that two years or more have passed since the date at which the previous demand by the Bank was addressed to the Pledgor). Where the Pledgor has not complied with the Bank’s stated demand, the Bank may carry out an assessor’s evaluation by itself and all reasonable costs connected to such will be for the account of the Pledgor and will be paid by it, as stipulated in Section 21 below.


4.5. Upon the existence of one or more of the instances detailed in Section 10 below, upon first demand of the Bank, to deliver the Pledged Property to the Bank or to a custodian on its behalf. Where the Pledgor has refused to comply with the provisions of this subsection, the Bank may, without requiring the Pledgor’s consent, remove the Pledged Property from the possession of the Pledgor and hold it itself and/or deliver it to a custodian on its behalf at the expense of the Pledgor. Where the Pledged Property has been delivered to the above stated custodian, the Bank will be exempt from any damage caused to the Pledged Property for any reason;


4.6. Not to sell, transfer, deliver the Pledged Assets or any part thereof, not to permit another party to use them in any manner and not to permit anyone else to undertake any of the aforesaid actions, (other than during the ordinary course of business of the Pledgor) not to forgive and not to waive, fully or partially, any asset, claim or right of the Pledgor held and/or to be held by the Pledgor from time to time, directly or indirectly, in connection with the pledged documents and the Pledged Assets and any part thereof—without the prior written consent of the Bank;


4.7 Not to sell, transfer, assign, rent out under leasehold, lend, rent out, deliver and not to remove from its possession, the Assets Secured by a Floating Charge, not to forgive and not to waive, fully or partially, any asset, claim or right held by the Pledgor and/or to be held by it, from time to time, directly or indirectly, in connection with the Assets Secured by a Floating Charge, without the Bank’s prior written consent, unless such concerns a transaction in the Pledgor’s ordinary course of business and under market conditions;


     For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby clarified that the sale and/or assignment and/or discounting of accounts receivable and/or letters of credit and/or notes and/or other negotiable instruments does not constitute a breach of this section, provided that such has been done under reasonable trading conditions and for fair value.


     It is hereby clarified that the right of setoff, possession and/or lien of Israeli and/or foreign banks on monies, rights, securities or assets to be made available to the credit of any account or deposited or to be deposited in any account of the Pledgor with those banks (including any security for the credit risk activities of the Pledgor) do not constitute a breach of this section.


4.8. Not to pledge and not to charge in any manner or way the Pledged Property by equal, preferential or later rights to those of the Bank and not to assign by way of charge any right held by the Pledgor in the Pledged Property without receiving the prior written consent of the Bank;


4.9. To be liable towards the Bank for any defect in any property right of the Pledgor in the Pledged Property and for the veracity, validity and accuracy of all signatures, endorsements and details on notes, documents and securities which have been and/or shall be delivered to the Bank as security;



To pay on time in accordance with any law, all payments which must be paid pursuant to any law, such as taxes imposed on the Pledged Property and/or revenues accruing from such and to provide the Bank,




upon its written demand, with all the receipts for the above said payments. If the Pledgor does not make such payments by the due dates, the Bank may pay them at the Pledgor’s account and may debit the Pledgor for these payments plus expenses and interest at the maximum rate. These payments are secured by this Debenture;


4.11. To keep proper accounting books and to permit the Bank or a representative on behalf of the Bank, at any time, to examine such books. The Pledgor undertakes to assist the Bank or those acting on its behalf and to deliver to them, upon their first demand, any balance sheet, financial statement, accounting book, ledger and/or card file, tapes, books, references and other documents and any information required by them, including explanations in connection with the Pledgor’s financial and operating condition and/or business, provided that such does not waive any attorney – client privilege or privilege under law, all of above subject to the duty of the Bank to keep the Pledgor’s information secret in the same manner as the Bank acts to maintain the secrecy of its clients’ information;


4.12. Except for shareholders holding less than 5% of the Pledgor’s issued capital and employed by the Pledgor as office holders in the Pledgor and provided that the aggregate amount, at any time, of all loans to shareholders, as stated, does not exceed NIS 500,000 and the term thereof does not exceed one year, not to lend monies to shareholders of the Pledgor and not to pay existing or future loans to shareholders of the Pledgor, until the Pledgor has repaid to the Bank the payments owed by it to the Bank for the Secured Amounts, without the Bank’s prior written consent. The Pledgor undertakes to ensure that its shareholders undertake towards the Bank, not to demand or sue for the payment of the aforesaid loans before the full repayment date of the Secured Amounts;


4.13. That no change shall occur to the organization of the Pledgor in comparison with the existing condition at the time of execution of this Debenture, without the Bank’s prior written consent;


4.14. Not to institute any proceedings for the Secured Amounts which may prejudice the Bank’s ability to exercise this Debenture;


4.15. The Pledgor agrees that if at the date of exercise of rights under this Debenture, the Pledgor is entitled to a tax exemption and/or relief and/or discount and/or choice as whether to exercise the said exemption or relief or discount amongst a number of assets of the Pledgor, all pursuant to the Income Tax Ordinance (New Version), 5721 – 1961 and/or the Land Tax (Betterment, Sale and Purchase) Law, 5723 – 1963 and/or the Value Added Tax Law, 5736 – 1975 and/or any other law which may reduce the tax rate and/or the tax amount for the sale of the Pledged Property (hereinafter: the “Reliefs and Rights”) – the Reliefs and Rights will be pledged to the Bank under this Debenture.


4.16 The Pledgor hereby authorises the Bank and/or an employee on its behalf and/or a lawyer on its behalf and/or any receiver to be appointed under this Debenture – to receive, in any case vesting the Bank with the right to realise the Pledged Property, information from the tax authorities in connection with the Pledged Property and/or in connection with the tax reports submitted by the Pledgor and/or in connection with assessments and/or orders and/or findings issued to the Pledgor by the income tax authorities and/or land taxation authorities and/or the customs and value added tax department and/or any other government body, and all regardless of whether such is connected to the Pledged Property directly or indirectly. The Pledgor also undertakes to provide any document required by the Bank and/or anyone on its behalf in connection with the above stated in this subsection.


5. Duties of Notice

The Pledgor hereby undertakes as follows:



To notify the Bank within 7 days of any instance of the imposition of an attachment on the Pledged Property in an amount in excess of $500,000 (five hundred thousand United States Dollars). To immediately notify the attaching party about the charge in favor of the Bank and, at its expense, to immediately and without delay, take all means to remove the attachment. Moreover, to notify the Bank




within 7 days about any case of a claim for any right in connection with the Pledged Property and/or any proceedings for execution and/or injunction orders and/or mandatory orders and/or attachment orders and/or other proceedings which have been instituted to realize the Pledged Property in any case where the amount of the proceedings/order is greater than $500,000 (five hundred thousand United States dollars), to immediately make notice to the party undertaking the action about the charge in favor of the Bank and, at its expense, immediately and without delay, to take all reasonable means necessary to cancel the said action;


5.2. To notify the Bank, within 7 days, about the occurrence of any of the events mentioned in Section 10 below;


5.3. To immediately notify the Bank about depreciation of any material asset included in the Pledged Property;


5.4. To notify the Bank within 3 business days of any application submitted for the dissolution of the Pledgor or receivership of any of its assets in accordance with any law (including an application for the appointment of a temporary receiver or an active receiver or temporary liquidator or active liquidator or preliminary temporary liquidator) and/or any application for the suspension of proceedings or for declaration of bankruptcy of the Pledgor or any intention to do so;


5.5. To immediately notify the Bank about any change to its name and/or address;


6. Insurance


6.1. The Pledgor hereby undertakes, at all times, to hold the Pledged Property which can be and which is customarily insured, insured to its full value for customary risks with an insurance company in the accepted manner and under the accepted terms and conditions, and to forward to the Bank, to the limits of the insured amounts, the rights arising from the insurance certificates and the distribution between the Bank and Discount Bank, as agreed upon between them, to pay all insurance premiums by the due dates and to provide the Bank, upon its demand, with a copy of any insurance certificate and the receipts for the payment of the insurance premiums.


6.2. Without derogating from the aforesaid, and further thereto, the Pledgor hereby undertakes to provide the insurance company, with whom it is carrying out the insurance of the Pledged Property, with the following instructions:


  6.2.1. The irrevocable designation of the Bank as the beneficiary under the pledge clause in the insurance contract (the insurance policy) and an instruction to include the Bank in the pledge clause in the insurance contract itself, without the Bank being obligated to pay any premium.


  6.2.2. The inclusion of an irrevocable instruction in the insurance contract according to which, save for the insurance payments in aggregate amounts which are greater than 250,000 United States dollars, the payment of insurance payments for the Pledged Property, at any time at which the insurance company is required to make such insurance payments under the insurance contract, or under any law for and in connection with that insurance contract, will be made directly to the Bank and will be divided between the Bank and Bank Discount as shall be agreed upon between them.


  6.2.3. Providing the Bank with a copy of the insurance contract after inclusion of the above said in the said insurance contract.


6.3. The Pledgor hereby agrees that the Bank may forward the copy of the insurance contract delivered to it by the Pledgor or the insurance company, as stated above, to any professional entity (including an entity, as stated, external to the Bank), at the Bank’s discretion, in order to examine the insurance contract and the provisions contained therein.



The Pledgor declares that it waives any duty of confidentiality which the Bank owes towards it (if any) and undertakes not to make any claim and/or demand against the Bank in connection with the transfer




of the insurance contract to the professional entity for its examination, as stated above, provided that the said entity makes no use of the material to be forwarded to it other than for the examination of the insurance contract and the provisions contained therein.


6.5. The Pledgor also undertakes to provide the Bank with confirmation from the insurance company and an undertaking from it not to setoff anything from the insurance payments made to the Bank for the Pledged Property, save for the balance of the unpaid insurance premiums for the insurance of the Pledged Property for the current insurance term only. The insurance company also undertakes to notify the Bank in any case of the cancelation of the insurance contract, at least 30 (thirty) days before the said cancellation – and this despite and notwithstanding any other provision in the Insurance Contract Law, 5741 – 1981, with the said notice of the insurance company constituting a pre-condition under the insurance contract for the cancelation of the insurance contract.


6.6. Without derogating from the rights of the Bank under this Debenture, including the Bank’s rights under Section 10 below, in any one of the cases stipulated below, the Bank will be entitled, at its sole discretion, to insure the Pledged Property in the Pledgor’s name or in the Bank’s name and to charge the Pledgor for the insurance expenses and fees:


  6.6.1. If the Pledged Property is not insured by the Pledgor as stated above;


  6.6.2. If the Pledgor does not provide the Bank, within 30 days after the date of the execution of this Debenture, with insurance certificates for the Pledged Property, under the conditions stated above;


  6.6.3. If up to 2 (two) business days before the end of the insurance term for the Pledged Property the Pledgor does not provide the Bank with the confirmation of cover for the Pledged Property under the above detailed conditions, and shortly after the receiving of the insurance certificate the Pledgor does not provide the Bank with the insurance certificate;


       In the event of the insurance being obtained out by the Bank as stated above, the Bank will not be liable for any defect or fault discovered in connection with the insurance. Amounts to be paid by the Bank as expenses and as insurance fees, as above, are secured by this Debenture.


6.7. The Bank may credit the amounts received from the insurance company for the discharge of the Secured Amounts.


6.8. Regarding the insurance of the Pledged Property the Pledgor hereby appoints, under the circumstances as stated in Section 10 below and subject to the providing of the Secured Amounts for immediate repayment, the Bank as its attorney-in-fact and vests it with the rights to conduct negotiations in its name, to institute claims, to agree to arrangements, settlements, waivers, to receive monies from insurance companies and to credit them against the discharge of the Secured Amounts. The above said power of attorney is irrevocable as the rights of the Bank and of third parties are dependent upon it. The Pledgor shall have no claim in connection with the arrangements, waivers and compromises to be made by the Bank with the insurance companies.


6.9. All rights of the Pledgor arising from the Pledged Property, including rights under the Property Tax and Compensation Fund Law, 5721 – 1961, as shall be in force at any time and in accordance with any other law, whether transferred to the Bank as stated above or not, are hereby pledged to the Bank under a fixed charge in the first degree and under a pledge and distribution between the Bank and Bank Discount as shall be agreed upon between them.


6.10. The Pledgor hereby undertakes to sign, upon first demand of the Bank, on any certificate and document required for the execution of its undertakings under this chapter. Moreover, the Pledgor undertakes not to cancel and/or modify, in any form, any condition or the conditions of the aforesaid insurance, without the Bank’s prior written consent.



7. Interest


7.1 The Bank may calculate interest on the Secured Amounts at a rate agreed and/or to be agreed upon, from time to time, between it and the Pledgor. In those cases where a rate of interest has not been agreed upon, the Bank may determine the interest at a rate which will not be greater than the maximum interest rate and notify the Pledgor about such. The Pledgor will be charged in accordance with the aforesaid interest rate, and the Bank may add the interest amounts to the principal at the end of each month or at the end of every other period, as the Bank determines.


7.2 In any event of default in payment of the Secured Amounts, or part thereof, the Secured Amounts will bear default interest at a rate which will be agreed upon in the agreement for the provision of the Banking Services. Where no such determination has been made regarding arrears interest, the Secured Amounts will bear interest at the maximum rate.


7.3 In any event entitling the Bank to exercise the Pledged Property, the Bank may raise the interest rate on the Secured Amounts up to the maximum interest rate.


8. Payment of the Secured Amounts

The Pledgor hereby undertakes to punctually pay the Bank the Secured Amounts and any part thereof on the payment dates therefor determined from time to time.


9. Early Repayment


9.1. Subject to the provisions and conditions of the documents for the provision of the Banking Services, the Pledgor may redeem the Pledged Property, fully or partially, by the discharge of the Secured Amounts and/or part thereof, at any time before the payment date, and in such matter the provisions and terms of the documents for the provision of the Banking Services will apply.


9.2. Subject to the provisions of any law and subject to the provisions and terms of the documents for the provision of the Banking Services, if the Pledgor makes early repayment on account of the Secured Amounts, the Pledgor will pay the early repayment fee as notified by the Bank.


10. Immediate Repayment

Without derogating from the generality of the provisions of this Debenture, the Bank may, in any one of the events listed below, make the Secured Amounts immediately due and payable, fully or partially, and charge any account at the Bank of the Pledgor for the aforesaid amount, and the Pledgor undertakes to pay all the Secured Amounts, and the Bank shall be entitled to take all means it deems appropriate to collect the Secured Amounts and especially to realize the floating charge on the Assets Secured by a Floating Charge as stated in Section 16.1 below and to exercise the securities in any way the law permits, at the expense of the Pledgor:


10.1. If the Pledgor breaches any of the conditions of this Debenture or if the Pledgor breaches any other undertaking made by the Pledgor and/or to be made by the Pledgor towards the Bank and/or if it transpires that any material declaration made by the Pledgor in this Debenture and/or any other declaration given and/or be given to the Bank by the Pledgor is incorrect or inaccurate, provided that the Pledgor has been given written notice of 7 days in advance regarding the Bank’s intention to act and during this period the Pledgor has not remedied the breach and/or has not fulfilled its undertakings to the Bank’s satisfaction;


10.2 If the Pledgor passes a resolution regarding the restructuring of the Pledgor or intends to do so, without obtaining the Bank’s prior written consent and provided that the Pledgor has been given 7 days prior written notice regarding the Bank’s intention to act and during this period the Pledgor has not remedied the breach and/or has not complied with its undertakings to the Bank’s satisfaction;



If the Pledgor has adopted a resolution for voluntary winding up; and/or if an application for dissolution has been filed against the Pledgor and not cancelled within 7 business from the date of its




filing; and/or if an order for dissolution has been given against the Pledgor; and/or where a temporary, permanent or other liquidator or a special manager or trustee has been appointed for the Pledgor and/or if an application has been lodged for suspension of proceedings against the Pledgor (and if filed without the consent or not at the initiative of the Pledgor – has not been cancelled within 7 business days from the date of filing) and/or if an order has been given for the suspension of proceedings as stated; and/or if talks have been held for the purpose of formulating an arrangement or a settlement proposal between the Pledgor and its creditors and/or its members or between it and a certain class thereof and/or if such a composition or proposal has been approved; and/or if the Pledgor’s name is about to be or will be delisted from any register managed in accordance with law;


10.4. If an application is filed for receivership on all the Pledged Property or if an application is filed for receivership on a material part of the Pledged Property and the said applications have not been cancelled within 7 business days from the date of their filing and/or if an order has been given for the said receivership and/or a permanent and/or temporary and/or other receiver has been appointed for the said property.


10.5. If an attachment is imposed or if similar execution proceedings are instituted or if any other collection proceedings are instituted on the property of the Pledgor, fully or partially, and/or on any of the securities given and which shall be given to secure the repayment of the Secured Amounts, for a debt of more than $1,000,000 (one million United States dollars) and the attachment and/or action in collection proceedings and/or the proceedings have not been cancelled within 14 (fourteen) business days from the date on which they were taken;


10.6. If it appears to the Bank, at its sole discretion, that a change has occurred in the control of the Pledgor, compared with the situation at the date of execution of this Debenture, provided that the Pledgor has been granted prior written notice of 7 days regarding the Bank’s intention to act as stated;


10.7. If the Pledgor has stopped paying its debts and/or managing its business;


10.8. If the work, or a considerable part thereof, at the Pledgor is stopped for 30 days continuously, provided that the Pledgor has been given 7 days prior written notice regarding the Bank’s intention to act and during this period the Pledgor has not remedied the breach and/or has not complied with its undertakings to the Bank’s satisfaction;


10.9. If it appears to the Bank, at its sole discretion, that an event has occurred which may materially harm the Pledgor’s financial capabilities, provided that the Pledgor has been granted prior written notice of 7 days regarding the Bank’s intention to act as stated;


10.10. If the Pledgor is in arrears for the payment of any amount of the Secured Amounts for more than 7 days, provided that the Pledgor has been provided with prior written notice of 7 days regarding the Bank’s intention to act as stated;


10.11. If the Pledged Property or any part thereof is destroyed, burned, decreased in value, lost or harmed by any other damage, in any one of the events for an amount of more than $2,500,000 (two million five hundred thousand US dollars), provided that the Pledgor has been given 7 days prior written notice regarding the Bank’s intention to act and during this period the Pledgor has not remedied the breach and/or has not complied with its undertakings to the Bank’s satisfaction;


10.12. If, at the Bank’s discretion and in accordance with its sole estimation, a material adverse change has occurred to the value of the securities provided and/or to be provided for securing repayment of the Secured Amounts and/or the repayment ability of the guarantors for the Pledgor, including in case of death, bankruptcy or leaving the country by the guarantor provided that the Pledgor has been given 7 days prior written notice regarding the Bank’s intention to act and during that period the Pledgor has not remedied the breach and/or has not fulfilled its obligations to the Bank’s satisfaction;



If the Pledgor is required to repay, immediately and/or not in accordance with the original payment schedule, debts and obligations, fully or partially, which the Pledgor owes and/or shall owe to banking




corporations and/or financial institutions in an amount exceeding $1,000,000 (one million United States dollars);


10.14. Upon the occurrence of one of the events stipulated in this Section, mutatis mutandis, to the guarantor for the repayment of the Secured Amounts, if any;


10.15 If the Pledgor has breached any of its undertakings to provide the Bank with balance sheets, financial statements, accounting books and other documentation in connection with the state of its business, or if the Pledgor breaches any provisions of the competent authorities to provide and/or publish various reports and documents as required by law, provided that the Pledgor has been given prior written notice of 7 days regarding the Bank’s intention to act and during the course of this period the Pledgor has not remedied the breach to the Bank’s satisfaction;


10.16 If the Pledgor becomes a private company without receiving the Bank’s prior written consent.


10.17 Upon the occurrence of any one of the causes of action specified in the dealing room documents signed and/or to be signed by the Pledgor, according to which the Bank may bring to an early termination the futures transactions executed by the Pledgor, provided that the Pledgor has been given prior written notice of 7 days regarding the Bank’s intention to act as stated and during this period the Pledgor has not paid its full debt to the Bank for the futures transactions which were brought to an early close or alternatively if, during the course of this period, the Bank has not provided the Pledgor with credit instead of the above said futures transactions.


11. The Bank’s Rights


11.1. The Bank has rights of possession, lien, setoff and charge on all amounts, assets and rights, including securities, coins, gold, bank notes, trade documents, insurance policies, bills, assignment of obligations, deposits, securities and consideration for such, found in the possession of the Bank or under its control, at any time to the credit of the Pledgor and/or for the Pledgor, including those delivered for collection, security, custodianship or otherwise. The Bank may withhold the aforesaid assets until full discharge of the Secured Amounts, fully or partially, or to sell them or to use the consideration, fully or partially, for the discharge of the Secured Amounts. In the event of the setoff amounts being deposited in the currency other than the currency in which the Secured Amounts are denominated, the Pledgor hereby gives the Bank prior instructions to sell the balance of the right in the other currency in accordance with the Customary Bank Rate, as such term is defined below, and to credit the consideration of the sale, after deduction of required expenses and commissions, against the Secured Amounts.


11.2 Without derogating from the Bank’s right of lien, as stipulated in subsection 11.1 above, the Bank may, at any time:


  11.2.1. Setoff any amount from the Secured Amounts owed by the Pledgor against the amounts owed to the Pledgor by the Bank in any account whether in Israeli or foreign currency, in any manner or for any cause including before the due date of the amounts due to the Pledgor from the Bank, as stated, against which the setoff will be made;


  11.2.2. To purchase for the Pledgor’s account any amount in foreign currency required for the discharge of any of the Secured Amounts or to sell any foreign currency available at the Bank to the credit of the Pledgor and to use the consideration from such sale for the discharge of any amount from the Secured Amounts;


  11.2.3. To debit any account of the Pledgor by any amount of the Secured Amounts. However, if the status of any such account does not allow for the debiting by the Bank for the purpose of the final payment of any amount, the Bank may not debit the account, and if it does so, the Bank may cancel any such debit and treat any amount for which the debit has been cancelled, as an amount which has not been paid on account of the Secured Amounts and accordingly to undertake any action it deems appropriate under this Debenture;



  11.2.4. In any event the Bank may carry out setoff without prior notice. However, in the following cases, the Bank may carry out the setoff by prior notice to be given to the Pledgor of 10 (ten) days before the execution date of the setoff;


  11.2.5. In the case of setoff of amounts for which the payment date is not yet due;


  11.2.6. In the event of a setoff from a deposit which, but for the setoff, would be extended or renewed automatically, so that the Pledgor would acquire rights or benefits from it.


  11.2.7. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if the Bank believes, in its discretion, that postponing the execution of the setoff may worsen the Bank’s situation or harm any of its rights, the Bank may carry out the setoff immediately. Moreover, in the case where the Pledgor has been sent a notice, and during the course of the ten days of the notice an attachment order, notice of an order of receivership of the Pledgor’s assets or a similar event is received, the Bank may carry out the setoff immediately.


11.3. The Pledgor hereby declares, that it is aware that in those cases where the Bank exercises its aforesaid right of setoff before the payment date of any deposit of the Pledgor, fully or partially, adverse changes may occur to the Pledgor relating to the Pledgor’s rights for or in connection with that deposit (such as, in the matter of the interest rates, linkage differentials, rate differences, rights for grants or loans, exemption or discount from income tax and withholding tax – if, according to the conditions of that deposit the Pledgor held such rights as stated above). The Pledgor will bear all expenses and payments customary at that time at the Bank for the purpose of carrying out such an action, including commissions and expenses which the Bank customarily collects at the time of withdrawal of deposits by customers before the end of the deposit term.


11.4 Any purchase or sale as stated in Subsection 11.2.2 above will be done in accordance with the Customary Bank Rate, from the amounts in Israeli currency or from the amounts in foreign currency, as the case may be, available at the Bank to the credit of the Pledgor or received from the exercising of any securities given and/or to be given to the Bank by the Pledgor.


12. Charging of Accounts


12.1. The Bank may, at any time, charge any account of the Pledgor, for any amount due and that will be due by the Pledgor in any manner, including upon demand addressed to and/or to be addressed to the Pledgor by the Bank as stipulated in Section 21 below. This is without derogating from the Bank’s rights under Section 7.2 above. The Bank’s right to charge the said account applies to any account of the Pledgor, whether in Israeli or foreign currency, whether existing or to be opened in the future, whether it is in the name of the Pledgor alone or together with others, and in which, in accordance with its conditions, the Pledgor may act alone therein.


12.2. The Pledgor agrees that in any event of a demand being made of it by the Bank which is not met by it within the period of time stipulated in the demand, the Bank may act as stated in the beginning of this section and charge the Pledgor’s account for the demand amount. The Bank’s right to charge the Pledgor’s account as stated in this section is regardless of whether the account to be charged is in overdraft or not (including if the overdraft is created due to the charging of that account by the Bank as stated) and this is without derogating from the Bank’s right to receive interest for the overdraft in the account.


12.3. However, if the status of the Pledgor’s accounts does not enable debiting by the Bank for the purpose of the final repayment of any amount, the Bank may decide not to debit the accounts, and if it has done so, the Bank may cancel any such debit and treat any amount for which the debit has been cancelled as an amount which has not been paid to the Bank, and accordingly to take any action it deems appropriate under this Debenture.



Moreover, the Bank may, at any time, credit any amount to be received from the Pledgor and/or for the Pledgor to the credit of the account that it deems appropriate and to transfer any amount made available




to the credit of the Pledgor into any other account it deems appropriate, and all in accordance with the order of credit as to be determined by the Bank at its discretion.


12.5. In any event where the Bank is conferred with a right to debit any account of the Pledgor, the Bank may debit that account, regardless of whether this account is in positive balance or over drawn balance, including if the over drawn balance is created as a result of the debiting of that account by the Bank, as stated.


13. Bank Books as Evidence

The Pledgor confirms that the Bank’s Books and accounts will serve as prima facie evidence of all details thereof, including, inter alia, everything relating to the calculation of the Secured Amounts, the details of the notes, guarantees and other securities and any other matter connected with this Debenture.


14. The Bank’s Right Not to Honor Instructions for Execution of Transactions in an Account

The Bank may, at its exclusive discretion, accept or refuse to accept any instructions or notices to be delivered to it, verbally, by telephone or by facsimile or by any other means which are not credible and/or which are not in clear and legible writing. In the event of the Bank agreeing to act in accordance with the instructions of the Pledgor, which is not in accordance with a written instruction by customary means, the Pledgor assumes liability for any error, misunderstanding or contradiction and for any damage and/or loss and/or expense incurred as a result of the delivering of the aforesaid notices.


15. Waiver

Without derogating from any of the provisions included in this Debenture, any waiver, extension, discount, acquiescence, refraining from any action (hereinafter: “Waiver”) by the Bank regarding the non-fulfillment or the partial fulfillment or the incorrect fulfillment of any of the Pledgor’s undertakings under this Debenture, shall not be considered a waiver by the Bank on any right but rather as limited consent for the specific incident where such was given. Any waiver granted by the Bank, to any party to a note held by the Bank for the securing of the Secured Amounts, shall not influence, by any means, the Pledgor’s undertakings.


16. Exercise


16.1. In each one of the events detailed in Section 10 above, the Bank may exercise and/or realize the charges under this Debenture on the Pledged Property, or part thereof, to use all the means it deems appropriate in order to collect the Secured Amounts and to exercise all its rights under this Debenture, fully or partially, including the realization of the Pledged Property, fully or in parts, and to use the proceeds for the payment of the Secured Amounts without the Bank being obligated to exercise prior thereto other guarantees or securities, if the Bank holds any;


16.2. If the Bank decides to exercise securities, notes and other negotiable instruments, notice of three days in advance regarding the actions the Bank is about to take will be considered as a reasonable period of time for the purpose of Section 19(b) of the Pledge Law, 5727 – 1967 or any provision of law replacing it;


16.3. Without derogating from the above, should the Bank seek to sell securities charged in its favor, as stipulated in Section 16.2 above, on the stock exchange, then the Bank shall be entitled to execute the sale at any price obtainable at that time on the stock exchange for the sale.



The Bank may, as the attorney-in-fact of the Pledgor, and for the purpose of this Section, the Pledgor irrevocably appoints the Bank as its attorney-in-fact, to sell the Pledged Property and any part thereof by public auction or otherwise, by itself or by others, in cash or for installments or otherwise, at a price and subject to terms and conditions at the absolute discretion of the Bank and moreover the Bank may,




by itself or by court or by the execution office, realization the Pledged Property, or any other property, inter alia by appointing a receiver or an administrator and receiver on behalf of the Bank who, inter alia, shall have the powers to act as follows:


  16.4.1. To take into its possession all the Pledged Property or part thereof;


  16.4.2. Manage the business of the Pledgor or participate in the management thereof, as he deems appropriate;


  16.4.3. To sell or to agree to the sale of the Pledged Property, fully or partially, to transfer it or to agree to its transfer by other means, in accordance with the terms and conditions it deems appropriate;


  16.4.4. To make any other arrangement with reference to the Pledged Property or part thereof, as it deems appropriate;


  16.4.5. To act and to do anything required in order to obtain an exemption, discount or refund for payment for any tax, fee, municipal rates and taxes, levies, obligatory payments or any other payment applicable or to be applicable, imposed or to be imposed, under any law in connection with the sale of the Pledged Property or any part thereof, inter alia, in accordance with the power granted to it as stipulated in Sections 4.15 and 4.16 above, and to sign on any declaration or document in connection with such.


17. Crediting of Payments


17.1. All income to be received by the receiver or by the special administrator and receiver from the Pledged Property as well as any consideration to be received by the Bank and/or by the receiver and/or by the special administrator and receiver from the sale of the Pledged Property or part thereof (hereinafter: the “Income”), will be credited in the following order:


  17.1.1. For payment of all expenses incurred and to be incurred in connection with the collection of the Secured Amounts including expenses of the receiver and/or the special administrator and receiver and his fees at the rate to be determined by the Bank or to be approved by the court or by the execution office;


  17.1.2. For payment of the Secured Amounts due to the Bank by the Pledgor due to the linkage, interest, commissions terms and expenses owed and to be owed to the Bank under this Debenture;


  17.1.3. For payment of the principal of the Secured Amounts, owed to the Bank by the Pledgor.


17.2. Further to the above, the Bank may determine the order of preference of crediting the income and to decide, at its discretion, whether to initially pay off the Secured Amounts connected to the Pledgor (fully or partially). The Bank is also entitled to determine the payment order of the liabilities for the various Banking Services taken by the Pledgor.


17.3 If, at the time of the sale of the Pledged Property, the payment date of the Secured Amounts or part thereof is not yet due or the Secured Amounts or part thereof are payable to the Bank on condition only, the Bank may collect from the proceeds of the sale and/or from anything it has received under Section 16 above, an amount sufficient to cover the Secured Amounts and the amount to be collected and which has not yet been credited for the payment of the said amounts in Section 17.1 above will be charged to the Bank to secure the Secured Amounts and will remain with the Bank until full repayment.


18. Nature of the Securities


18.1. The securities given and/or to be given to the Bank under this Debenture are of a perpetual nature and will remain in effect until the Bank approves in writing the cancellation of this Debenture.



18.2. Where other securities have been or are to be given to the Bank for the fulfillment of the Pledgor’s undertakings towards the Bank including the repayment of the Secured Amounts, or part thereof, all such securities shall be independent of each other.


18.3. Where the Bank has compromised or given an extension or relief to the Pledgor, where the Bank has changed any of the undertakings made by the Pledgor in connection with the Secured Amounts and/or any agreement and/or any other document to be signed by the Pledgor and/or the Bank releases or waives any other securities or any guarantees – such shall not alter the nature of the securities created and/or to be created to secure the execution of all the undertakings of the Pledgor, including under this Debenture and all securities and undertakings given and/or to be given by the Pledgor, including under this Debenture by it and/or by any of the guarantors for the debts and/or undertakings of the Pledgor which shall remain fully valid.


18.4. The Bank may deposit the securities, including those which have been delivered and/or shall be delivered under this Debenture or part thereof to a custodian to be chosen by it, at its discretion and replace the custodian, from to time, all at the expense of the Pledgor; the Bank may also register the securities, fully or partially, with any competent authority in accordance with any law and/or in any public register. The Pledgor undertakes to sign any deposition, declaration and document as may be required in order to validate its undertakings under this Debenture.


19. Transfer of Rights and Disclosure of Information


19.1. In this Section 19 the following terms shall have the following meanings:


  19.1.1. Transfer” – sale and/or endorsement and/or assignment of the Rights Under this Debenture, fully or partially, directly or through a special purpose company and also by the sale rights of participation in the rights under this Debenture, and by any other way that the Bank deems appropriate. The Transfer may be done to one or more transferees, at the same time or from time to time;


  19.1.2. Information” – any information presently held by the Bank and/or to be held by the Bank in the future, including information forwarded to the Bank by the Pledgor and/or information regarding the Pledgor which, at the discretion of the Bank, is necessary or should be transferred in connection with the transfer of the rights under this Debenture, including information on credit, loans and any other Banking Service given and/or to be given to us and, information on charges and securities given and/or to be giving for the securing thereof;


  19.1.3. Transferee” – any person and/or corporation, whether from Israel or outside of Israel;


  19.1.4. Potential Contracting Party” – a Transferee with whom the Bank is conducting or is likely to conduct negotiations for the purpose of transferring the rights under this Debenture to such party;


  19.1.5. The Rights under this Debenture” – the rights of the Bank under this Debenture and/or the rights of the Bank in connection with the Pledged Property;


  19.1.6. Consultants” – consultants on behalf of the Bank and/or on behalf of any Potential Contracting Party and also companies dealing in credit rating to be employed for the purpose of rating the Rights Under this Debenture.


19.2. The Bank may, at any time, in its sole discretion and without the need of obtaining the consent of the Pledgor for such, execute the Transfer of the Rights under the Debenture to any other banking corporation, provided that such shall not be detrimental to the rights of the Pledgor.


19.3. The Pledgor undertakes to cooperate, as required, for the transfer of the Rights Under the Debenture, including signing on any document required in this matter.



19.4. The Bank may, at any time, disclose Information in connection with the Transfer of the Rights under this Debenture to any Potential Contracting Party and/or Consultants.


19.5. The disclosure of Information shall be done subject to the signing by the Potential Contracting Party and/or the Consultants, as the case may be, on a non-disclosure agreement acceptable to the Bank.


19.6. The Pledgor agrees that it will not be entitled to carry out a Transfer to any other party of any of its Rights and/or obligations in connection with this Debenture without obtaining the prior written consent of the Bank.


20. Notice of Appeal/Objection

The Pledgor undertakes to notify the Bank in writing about any appeal or objection it has, if any, in connection with any account, account statement, confirmation or notice received from the Bank by any existing channels of communication between it and the Bank, including receiving information by mail, automatic device or computer terminal. If the Pledgor does not object or appeal within 21 days from the date of the sending of the account statement, or summary of statement, confirmation or notice as stated above, the Bank may view the Pledgor as having confirmed of the veracity thereof.


21. Expenses and Commissions


21.1. Cancelled.


21.2. The Pledgor will pay the Bank any liability owing to the Bank for commissions and/or expenses together with interest at a maximum rate from the date of creation thereof or from the date of demand, as the case may be, and up until the full and actual discharge, all as detailed in this Debenture.


21.3. The Pledgor will also pay the Bank expenses and commissions connected to this Debenture and/or connected to the creation of the securities hereunder and/or the ongoing operation thereof and/or the Pledged Property, including insurance, guarding, maintenance and repair of the Pledged Property and its evaluation, taxes and obligatory payments for the Pledged Property and also, additionally, expenses and commissions in connection with the collection of amounts owing and/or to be owing to the Bank under this Debenture and/or in connection with the exercising of the Pledged Property.


21.4. The Bank shall be entitled to demand that the Pledgor pay the expenses and commissions stipulated in this Section 21, without such right derogating from the duty of the Pledgor to pay such, and without derogating from the rights of the Bank pursuant to Section 12 above. The expenses and commissions as stated include, inter alia (and without derogating from the generality of the foregoing) expenses for instituting collection proceedings including attorneys’ fees of the Bank and/or on behalf of the Bank.


21.5. Expenses connected to legal proceedings will be collected subject to the provisions of any law. Expenses and commissions connected to the ongoing operation of the securities and/or in connection with the collection of the amounts and/or in connection with the exercising of the securities, as stated in Section 16 above, will be paid by the Pledgor to the Bank immediately upon its first demand in writing. However, regarding an action or act which the Pledgor is required to perform, the obligation will arise upon the earlier of demand by the Bank or upon execution of the act or action.


21.6. If the amounts and/or rates of the commissions and/or expenses detailed in this Debenture have been determined in accordance with that stated in the Tariffs, it is clarified that the amounts and/or rates of the commissions and/or expenses as stated, are correct at the date of the drawing up of this Debenture, and that such will change, from time to time, should any change occur to the Tariffs.


21.7. Without derogating from the provisions of Section 21.6 above, even if the amounts and/or rates of the commissions and/or of the expenses (appearing in the Tariffs and/or prescibed by law), have not been explicitly determined in this Debenture, they will be paid by the Pledgor at the rates and/or amounts in the Tariffs of the Bank or as prescribed by law, as such shall be in effect from time to time.



21.8. The amount of the expenses (which do not appear in the Tariffs) detailed in this Debenture are correct as of the date of the drawing up of this Debenture and may change, from time to time, if and should any actual change occur thereto. If the amounts of the expenses (which do not appear in the Tariffs) have not been expressly determined in this Debenture, such expenses shall be paid by the Pledgor in their actual amount.


21.9. Subject to the provisions of the law, the Bank may change the Tariffs of the commissions and/or expenses and/or the titles of the commissions and/or expenses and/or the charging date for the commissions and/or expenses and/or it may determine new commissions and/or expenses.


21.10. All the above commissions and expenses, plus interest at the Maximum Rate will be secured by this Debenture until its full and actual repayment.


21.11. The provisions of this Section 21 regarding commissions and expenses is correct, unless it has been agreed and/or shall be agreed otherwise between the Bank and the Pledgor in writing.


21.12. If and to the extent revenue tax shall be applicable in connection with this Debenture pursuant to the Revenue Tax on Documents Law, 5721 – 1961 and in accordance with any law, it will apply to the Pledgor, and the Pledgor undertakes to pay it. The Bank shall be entitled to charge any account of the Pledgor, including, inter alia, as stated in Section 12 above, for the amount of the revenue tax duty from the date of creation (without such right derogating from the duty of the Pledgor to pay the revenue duty tax).


22. Liability of the Pledgor


22.1. If the parties signing on this Debenture are two or more corporations, each one of them shall be liable individually jointly and severally, and each one of the individual parties of the Pledgor, will be jointly and severally liable for the fulfillment of all obligations of all the individual parties of the Pledgor under this Debenture and/or in connection with the Secured Amounts.


22.2. The providing of any Banking Service by the Bank to any one of the individual parties of the Pledgor will be considered as received by all the individual parties of the Pledgor. However, if any of the individual parties of the Pledgor is legally incompetent or exempted, by any means from liability for the fulfillment of any of the stated obligations, such shall not prejudice the liability of the other individual parties of the Pledgor.


22.3. The undertakings of the Pledgor under this Debenture shall not be prejudiced by any change to the name, structure or composition of the Pledgor.


23. Interpretation and Definitions


23.1. The preamble to this Debenture constitutes an integral part hereof;


23.2. The headings of the sections are intended for reference only and no use is to be made of them in the interpretation of this Debenture.


23.3. Wherever the Bank is entitled to take any action under this Debenture, it is not obligated to do so;


23.4. In this Debenture:


23.4.1. The singular shall include the plural, and vice versa;


23.4.2. The masculine shall include the feminine, and vice versa;


23.5. In this Debenture, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned alongside them:


  23.5.1. the Bank” – Bank Hapoalim B.M. including and any one of its offices or branches, whether in Israel or overseas, whether presently existing or to be opened in the future, and anyone acting in its name or on behalf of Bank Hapoalim B.M. and any transferee of Bank Hapoalim B.M;



  23.5.2. the Pledged Property” – Assets Secured by a Floating Charge.


  23.5.3. the Customary Bank Rate” – shall mean – regarding any purchase of foreign currency in the Pledgor’s account – the highest rate for transfers and checks, that the Bank applies at the relevant time, to sell the relevant foreign currency to its customers in consideration for Israeli currency, plus exchange commission and any tax, levy, obligatory payments and/or other payments, etc., and regarding any sale of foreign currency from the Pledgor’s account – at the lowest rate for transfers and checks, that the Bank applies at the relevant time for the purchase from its customers in consideration for Israeli currency of the relevant foreign currency, less the exchange commissions and any tax, levy, obligatory payments and/or other payments, etc.;


  23.5.4. the Tariff” or the Bank Tariff” – shall mean information presented at the branch and/or the Internet Web site of the Bank and/or by any other means permitted for presentation, for commission amounts or the rates thereof, and payments of other amounts connected to the Service. And all as shall be customary and acceptable at the Bank at the relevant time;


  23.5.5. the Bank’s Books” – including records of the Bank and also any book and/or ledger and/or bank statement and/or contract and/or document and/or undertaking and/or note signed by us and/or any index file and/or worksheet of the Bank and/or produced by the Bank, taped records of the Bank, copies of any of such and anything capable of being reproduced by means of data storage or retention, electronic imaging and other technology, made during the ordinary course of the Bank’s business;


  23.5.6. the Maximum Interest Rate” – shall mean, with respect to Israeli currency – the maximum interest as such shall stand from time to time, applicable at the Bank on overdrawn balances in an Israeli currency current account where no credit facility is in effect and with respect to foreign currency – the maximum interest, as shall stand from time to time, applicable to the Bank on overdrawn balances in the relevant foreign currency current account, where no credit facility is in effect ;


  23.5.7. Records” – any record or a copy of a record, whether recorded or copied by printing, duplication, electronic imaging, photocopying (including microfilm) whether recorded or copied by any mechanical, electrical or electronic means or any technology preserving the information on the transactions in the account or in connection with such and any printout, computerized material which is information and electronic messaging, created by the recording means of the Bank’s computers, with the meaning of “printout”, “computerized material” (which is information) and “computer” in the Computers Law and also the printing of the contents of a computer file on paper, or any record by any other means of the Bank or the presentation of words or digits or any other signs that the Bank customarily uses or is assisted by.


  23.5.8. Notes” – shall mean – any promissory note, bill of exchange, check, undertaking, guarantee, security, draft, bill of lading, deposit note, withdrawal, payment order and any other negotiable instrument of any kind and sort;


  23.5.9. Restructuring” – shall mean – merger as defined in the Companies Law, 5759 – 1999, and any action resulting in the acquisition of assets and/or liabilities of others, other than in the ordinary course of business, and the acquisition by others of assets and/or liabilities of the Pledgor, other than in the ordinary course of business without the prior written consent of the Bank, and in any case as aforesaid in the aggregate amount exeeding US$ 20,000,000 (twenty million United States Dollars) per calendar year;



24. Notices and Warnings

Any notice sent by mail to the Pledgor by the Bank by registered mail or in accordance with the most current address appearing in this Debenture or in the documents for the opening of any of the Pledgor’s bank accounts at the Bank or in accordance with the address appearing in the population register or in accordance with the address of the Pledgor’s registered office, shall be deemed to be legal notice received by the Pledgor within 72 hours from the time the letter containing the notice was sent. A written declaration from the Bank shall serve as evidence regarding the date of the sending of the notice. Any notice to be given to the Pledgor by any other means shall be deemed as if received by the Pledgor at the time of its delivery or at the time of its publication.


25. Substantive Law and Jurisdiction


25.1. That stated in this Debenture shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Israel and in accordance therewith.


25.2. The exclusive jurisdiction in any matter connected with that stipulated in this Debenture is determined as follows: The closest competent court to the place of the signing of this Debenture or the competent court in one of the following cities: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Haifa, Beer Sheva or Nazareth, and all subject to any law.


26. Should there be any conflict regarding the issues dealt with in this Debenture, the provisions and conditions of this Debenture and the provisions and conditions of the documents for the opening of the account, the provisions of this Debenture shall take precedence. In any other case the provisions of this Debenture and the documents for the opening of the account shall be considered as complimenting each other. It is clarified that the foregoing shall not apply to the documents of the dealing room, where, should there be any conflict between their provisions and conditions and the provisions and conditions of this Debenture, the provisions and conditions of the dealing room documents shall take precedence.

In Witness Whereof the Pledgor Has Set its Hand




  Orbotech Ltd.  





Name        Title   




Name        Title   



EX-4.15 5 dex415.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT Asset Purchase Agreement

Exhibit 4.15

Certain portions of this agreement have been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment and are replaced herein by       [      ***      ]      . The omitted material has been filed separately with the SEC.





Dated as of October 31, 2010





(solely for the purposes set forth herein)



(solely for the purposes set forth herein)











   PURCHASE AND SALE      5   


   Purchased Assets.      5   


   Excluded Assets.      6   


   Assumed Liabilities.      7   


   Excluded Liabilities.      7   


   Assignment of Contracts and Purchased Assets.      8   




   Purchase Price.      9   


   Milestone Payments.      9   


   Treatment of Finished Modules      12   


   Allocation of Purchase Price.      13   


   CLOSING      14   


   Closing Date.      14   


   Payment on the Closing Date.      14   


   Buyer’s Additional Deliveries.      14   


   Seller’s Deliveries.      14   


   Force of a Judgment.      15   




   Organization.      16   


   Subsidiaries and Investments.      16   


   Authority; No Conflicts.      16   


   Financial Statements.      17   


   Operations Since Balance Sheet Date.      17   


   No Undisclosed Liabilities.      18   


   Taxes.      18   


   Availability of Assets.      19   


   Governmental Permits.      19   


   Real Property.      19   


   Personal Property.      20   


   Intellectual Property; Software.      20   


   Inventories.      23   


   Title to Property.      24   


   Employees and Employee Benefit Plans.      24   


   Employee Relations.      25   


   Contracts.      25   


   Status of Contracts.      26   


   No Violation or Litigation.      26   


   Environmental Matters.      27   


   Customers and Suppliers.      28   


   Warranties; Product Defects.      28   


   Transaction with Affiliates.      28   


   Unlawful Payments.      28   


   Grants and Benefits.      29   


   No Finder.      29   


   No Other Representations or Warranties.      29   









   Organization of Buyer.      30   


   Authority; No Conflicts.      30   


   No Finder.      31   


   No Litigation.      31   


   Governmental Permits.      31   




   Access and Investigation by Buyer.      31   


   Preserve Accuracy of Representations and Warranties; Notification of Certain Matters.      32   


   Consents of Third Parties; Governmental Approvals and Permits.      32   


   Competition Law Approval.      33   


   Operations Prior to the Closing Date.      33   


   No Solicitation.      35   




   Restrictions on Competitive Activities.      35   


   Restrictions Regarding Proprietary Information.      36   


   Restrictions on Solicitation; No-Hire.      37   


   Equitable Remedies.      37   


   Taxes.      37   


   Employee Matters.      39   


   Use of Orbotech Name.      40   


   Imarad Purchase Agreement.      40   


   Warranty Matters.      40   


   Reimbursement of EHS Compliance Expenses.      41   


   Agreement and Covenant Not to Sue.      41   


   Commercially Reasonable Efforts.      42   




   No Misrepresentation or Breach of Covenants and Warranties.      42   


   No Changes or Destruction of Property.      42   


   No Restraint or Litigation.      42   


   Necessary Governmental Approvals and Permits.      43   


   Competition Law Approval.      43   


   Necessary Consents.      43   


   Employees.      43   


   Certain EHS Matters.      43   


   Outstanding Payments to Buyer.      43   


   Effective Agreements.      44   




   No Misrepresentation or Breach of Covenants and Warranties.      44   


   No Restraint or Litigation.      44   


   Necessary Governmental Approvals.      44   


   Competition Law Approval.      44   


   Effective Agreements.      45   









   Indemnification by Parent and the Company.      45   


   Indemnification by Buyer.      48   


   Notice of Claims.      49   


   Third Person Claims.      49   


   Milestone Payments as Security; Set Off.      50   


   Indemnification Amount      51   


   Limitations      51   


   No Double Recovery      51   


   TERMINATION      51   


   Termination.      51   


   Notice of Termination      52   


   Effect of Termination      52   




   Survival of Obligations      52   


   Confidential Nature of Information.      52   


   No Public Announcement      53   


   Notices.      53   


   Successors and Assigns.      54   


   Access to Records after Closing.      54   


   Entire Agreement; Amendments.      55   


   Partial Invalidity.      55   


   Waivers.      55   


   Expenses.      55   


   Execution in Counterparts.      56   


   Further Assurances.      56   


   Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction.      56   


   Resolution of Disputes.      57   




   Definitions.      58   


   Interpretation      66   




Exhibit A

         [      ***      ]      

Exhibit B

   Average Annual Cost Per Module

Exhibit C

   Form of Instrument of Assumption

Exhibit D

   Form of Supply Agreement

Exhibit E

   Form of Transition Services Agreement

Exhibit F

   Form of Settlement Agreement

Exhibit G

   Form of Guaranty

Exhibit H

   Form of Instrument of Assignment




ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), dated as of October 31, 2010, among GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd., a company registered under the laws of the State of Israel and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of GE (“Buyer”), General Electric Company, a company registered under the laws of the State of New York, USA (“GE”), solely for the purposes set forth herein, Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd., a company registered under the laws of the State of Israel and a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent (the “Company” or “Seller”) and Orbotech Ltd., a company registered under the laws of the State of Israel (“Parent”), solely for the purposes set forth herein.

WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in the business of researching, developing, manufacturing and selling solid state gamma radiation detector modules composed of cadmium zinc telluride (“CZT”) for imaging applications (the “Business”); and

WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell and assign to Buyer, and Buyer desires to purchase and assume from Seller, all of the Purchased Assets and all of the Assumed Liabilities, all on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, it is hereby agreed among the parties hereto as follows:




1.1. Purchased Assets.

Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement, on the Closing Date, Seller shall sell, transfer, assign, convey and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer shall purchase, acquire, assume and accept from Seller, free and clear of all Encumbrances (except for Permitted Encumbrances and Assumed Liabilities), all of the business and operations of the Company by way of the purchase of all of the assets and properties of the Company of every kind and description (other than the Excluded Assets), wherever located, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, as the same shall exist on the date hereof, with such changes as may occur between the date hereof and the Closing Date (herein collectively called the “Purchased Assets”), including all right, title and interest of Seller in, to and under:

(a) all of the assets reflected on the Balance Sheet with such changes as may have occurred in the ordinary course of business between the Balance Sheet Date and the date hereof;

(b) subject to Section 2.3, all raw materials, supplies, work-in-process, samples, finished goods and other materials included in the inventory of the Business;

(c) all prepaid expenses with respect to the Business, including deposits with third Persons in respect of future performance;

(d) subject to Section 1.2(b), the Contracts required to be listed in Schedules 4.10(b), 4.11(b), 4.12(a) and 4.17(ii), (iv), (v) and (x) and that are not listed in Schedule 1.2(b) and any other Contract of the type responsive to such Schedules which are (x) not required to be listed or described on any such Schedule or (y) entered into after the date hereof by the Company consistent with the terms of this Agreement, which had it existed as of the date hereof, would have been required to be listed or described on such Schedules;

(e) the Contracts to which Seller is a party relating to any Software that is commercially available, off-the-shelf and subject to “shrink-wrap” or “click-through” license agreements;

(f) the furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment, appliances, computer hardware, vehicles, tools, spare parts, accessories, assets under construction and other personal property owned by the Company, including those required to be listed or referred to in Schedule 4.11(a);



(g) the Purchased Intellectual Property;

(h) all of Seller’s rights, claims and causes of action against third parties relating to the Purchased Assets or the Assumed Liabilities arising out of transactions occurring prior to the Closing Date;

(i) all books and records (including all data and other information stored on discs, tapes or other media) of the Company to the extent related to the Purchased Assets or Assumed Liabilities, including production files, development files, drawings, bills of material, product specifications, technical files, testing results, sales, advertising and marketing materials, customer lists, cost and pricing information, supplier lists, business plans, manufacturing standard operating procedures, consultant’s reports, catalogs, customer literature, product brochures and training materials; and

(j) subject to approval by the applicable providers, all telephone and telephone facsimile numbers utilized by the Company in connection with the Business.

The parties acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Section 1.1 shall derogate in any way from Seller’s obligations under Section 6.5.


1.2. Excluded Assets.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1.1, the Purchased Assets shall not include the following (herein referred to as the “Excluded Assets”):

(a) any cash, bank deposits, cash equivalents, investment accounts, lockboxes, certificates of deposit, marketable securities, bank accounts, corporate credit cards or similar cash items of Seller (other than as described in Section 1.1(c));

(b) all Contracts of Seller, other than the Contracts described in Sections 1.1(d) and (e) that are not listed in Schedule 1.2(b);

(c) all notes and accounts receivable;

(d) all Seller’s rights under this Agreement;

(e) Seller’s rights, claims or causes of action against third parties relating to the assets or properties of the Company not forming a part of the Purchased Assets or the Assumed Liabilities or which might arise in connection with the discharge by Seller of the Excluded Liabilities;

(f) subject to the limited right to use the Orbotech Name as provided in Section 7.7, all rights, title or interests of Seller in or to the Orbotech Name;

(g) all contracts of insurance and all rights thereunder and proceeds thereof;

(h) all minute books and stock transfer books, Tax records, financial records, the corporate seal (if any) of Seller and other records having to do with the corporate organization of Seller and any other records that Seller is required to retain pursuant to applicable Requirements of Law, if any;

(i) all employee benefit agreements, plans, programs or arrangements maintained by Parent or the Company on behalf of their respective employees whether or not engaged in the Business and all assets relating thereto; and



(j) all refunds of any Tax for which Seller is liable pursuant to Section 7.5, including, refunds for Taxes withheld or paid by Seller on or prior to Closing and Taxes withheld by Buyer in connection with payments made to Seller hereunder.


1.3. Assumed Liabilities.

On the Closing Date, Buyer shall deliver to Seller the Instrument of Assumption pursuant to which Buyer shall assume and agree to pay, perform and discharge, from and after the Closing Date, the following liabilities, obligations and duties in accordance with their respective terms and subject to the respective conditions thereof:

(a) all liabilities, obligations and duties of the Company to be paid or performed after the Closing Date under the Contracts described in Sections 1.1(d) and (e) except, in each case, to the extent such liabilities and obligations, but for a breach or default by Seller, would have been paid, performed or otherwise discharged on or prior to the Closing Date or to the extent the same arises out of any such breach or default; and

(b) all liabilities, obligations and duties in respect of Taxes for which Buyer is liable pursuant to Section 7.5.

All of the foregoing liabilities, obligations and duties to be assumed by Buyer under this Section 1.3 are referred to herein as the “Assumed Liabilities.”


1.4. Excluded Liabilities.

Buyer shall not assume or be obligated to pay, perform or otherwise discharge any liability or obligation of Seller, direct or indirect, known or unknown, absolute or contingent, not expressly assumed by Buyer pursuant to Section 1.3 or the Instrument of Assumption (all such liabilities and obligations not being assumed being herein called the “Excluded Liabilities”) including:

(a) all accounts payable;

(b) all liabilities, obligations and duties in respect of Taxes for which Seller is liable pursuant to Section 7.5;

(c) any payables and other liabilities or obligations of the Company to Parent or to any of its Affiliates;

(d) any costs and expenses incurred by Seller incident to the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and the Seller Ancillary Agreements and its performance and compliance with the agreements and conditions contained herein and therein;

(e) any liabilities or obligations of Seller in respect of any Excluded Assets or any Indebtedness of Seller;

(f) any liabilities of Seller in respect of the lawsuits, claims, suits, proceedings or investigations set forth in Schedule 4.19;

(g) any liabilities and obligations of Seller related to, or arising from (i) the occupancy, operation, use or control of any real property by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date or (ii) the operation of the Business by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date, in each case incurred or imposed by any Environmental Law, including liabilities and obligations related to, or arising from, any exposure to any Hazardous Materials Released by Seller or the Release by Seller of any Hazardous Materials on, at or from (A) such real property, including all facilities, improvements, structures and equipment thereon, surface water thereon or adjacent thereto and soil or groundwater thereunder, or under or in the vicinity of such real property or (B) any real property or facility owned by a third Person to which Hazardous Materials generated by Seller were sent, disposed of or came to be present on or prior to the Closing Date;



(h) any product liability or claims for injury to person or property, regardless of when made or asserted, relating to any Products distributed or sold by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date;

(i) any liability or obligation of the Company to any of its employees or consultants not specifically assumed by Buyer pursuant to Section 7.6;

(j) any liability or obligation of Parent to the Parent Employees not specifically assumed by Buyer pursuant to Section 7.6;

(k) any liability relating to any of Parent’s or the Company’s employee benefit plans, programs, agreements or arrangements (including any liability triggered by the transactions contemplated in this Agreement under any employment agreement entered into between Parent or the Company and any of their respective employees);

(l) any liability resulting from a breach or default of Seller under the Contracts described in Sections 1.1(d) and (e) prior to Closing and any liability under any Contract of Seller other than the Contracts described in Sections 1.1(d) and (e);

(m) any recalls on or after the Closing Date mandated by any Governmental Body of any Products manufactured, distributed or sold by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date;

(n) any obligations with respect to any return claim, warranty claim or other obligations to provide parts for and service with respect to, or to repair or replace, any Products distributed or sold by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date, which obligations shall be dealt with as set forth in Section 7.9;

(o) any liabilities, claims or obligations arising out of, or otherwise relating to Seller’s failure to comply with any applicable Requirements of Law;

(p) any liabilities, claims or obligations of Seller arising out of, or otherwise relating to the Imarad Purchase Agreement;

(q) any liabilities, claims or obligations of Seller arising out of, or otherwise relating to the Catrene Project Agreements; and

(r) any Losses or Expenses arising from or based upon third-party suits or claims for infringement or misappropriation of any Intellectual Property right to the extent based upon, related to or arising from the conduct of the Business by Seller or the making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing, reproducing, preparing derivative works of, copying of, or distributing the Products by Seller, in each case, on or prior to the Closing Date.


1.5. Assignment of Contracts and Purchased Assets.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement shall not constitute an agreement to assign any Contract (including, for purposes of this section, any right under any Contract) or Purchased Asset if an attempted assignment thereof, without the consent of a third party thereto, would constitute a breach or other contravention thereof or of any Requirements of Law. Subject to Section 6.3(a), Seller and Buyer will act diligently and reasonably to obtain the consent of the other parties to all such Contracts or as otherwise required for the assignment thereof to Buyer. If such consent is not obtained, or if an attempted assignment thereof would be ineffective so that Buyer would not in fact receive all such rights, Seller and Buyer will, subject to Section 6.3(a), cooperate in a mutually agreeable arrangement under which Buyer would obtain the benefits and assume the obligations and bear the economic burden thereunder in accordance with this Agreement, including subcontracting, sublicensing or subleasing to Buyer, or under which Seller would enforce



for the benefit of and at the expense of Buyer any and all of its rights against a third party thereto, and Seller would promptly pay to Buyer when received all monies received by it under any such Contract or in respect of such Purchased Asset and Buyer would pay all costs and expenses in connection therewith.




2.1. Purchase Price.

The purchase price for the Purchased Assets shall be equal to (i) $9,155,000 (the “Closing Date Payment”), to be paid by Buyer pursuant to Section 3.2 hereof and (ii) the Milestone Payments, if any, to be paid by Buyer pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof, in each case, not including VAT (the “Purchase Price”). Any payment of the Purchase Price shall be paid less any tax withholding pursuant to Section 7.5(e) and plus any applicable VAT; but any such payment shall be made only after Seller provides Buyer, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, with: (i) a valid tax invoice with respect to such payment; (ii) an up-to-date “licensed dealer” (“Osek Murshe”) certificate from the Israeli VAT Authority; and (iii) an up-to-date bookkeeping (“Nihul Sefarim”) certificate.


2.2. Milestone Payments.

(a) Subject to Buyer’s right of set-off under Section 10.5, Seller shall be entitled to receive and Buyer shall pay to Seller payments (the “Milestone Payments”) as follows:

(i) a one-time payment of $      [      ***      ]       if and when Buyer achieves       [      ***      ]       at an Average Annual Cost Per Module       [      ***      ]       within any Measurement Period during the Milestone Period; and

(ii) a one-time payment of $      [      ***      ]       if and when Buyer       [      ***      ]       at an Average Annual Cost Per Module       [      ***      ]       within any Measurement Period during the Milestone Period.

For the avoidance of doubt, the parties hereby acknowledge and agree that (i) in the event both milestones described under clause (i) and (ii) above are met in the same Measurement Period, Seller will be entitled to Milestone Payments under both such clauses and (ii) the aggregate amount of Milestone Payments shall not exceed $5,000,000.

(b) Subject to Section 2.2(g), no later than thirty (30) days after each Reporting Date (unless pursuant to Section 2.2(a), 2.2(g) or 10.5 no further Milestone Payments shall be payable), Buyer shall prepare (or cause to be prepared) and deliver to Parent and Seller a report (each, a “Milestone Statement”) containing (i) a calculation of the       [      ***      ]       and Average Annual Cost Per Module in accordance with the provisions set forth in Exhibits A and B, respectively, for the Measurement Period ending on such Reporting Date, which calculation shall be in the form set forth in Exhibits A and B and shall include the underlying information supporting such calculation listed in Exhibits A and B, (ii) a determination as to whether a Milestone Payment is due with respect to such Measurement Period and (iii) the name of Buyer’s representative for purposes of Section 2.2(c) (“Buyer Representative”). Unless Seller challenges the Milestone Statement within thirty (30) days of delivery thereof, Buyer’s calculation       [      ***      ]       and Average Annual Cost Per Module and its determination as to whether a Milestone Payment is due shall be conclusive and binding upon Parent and Seller.

(c) In the event that Seller disputes the Milestone Statement, Seller shall notify Buyer in writing by delivering a notice (a “Milestone Dispute Notice”) within thirty (30) days after delivery of the Milestone Statement, which Milestone Dispute Notice shall set forth in reasonable detail (taking into account the information made available to Seller) Seller’s objections to the Milestone Statement and the name of Seller’s representative for purposes of Section 2.2(c) (the “Seller Representative”). If Seller timely delivers a Milestone Dispute Notice, such objections shall be resolved as follows:

(i) The Buyer Representative and the Seller Representative shall first use reasonable efforts and cooperate in good faith to resolve such objections.



(ii) If the Buyer Representative and the Seller Representative do not reach a resolution of all objections set forth in the Milestone Dispute Notice within thirty (30) days after delivery of such Milestone Dispute Notice, Buyer and Seller shall submit such disagreement for final binding resolution to the Arbitrating Accountant, who shall be engaged to provide a conclusive, final and binding resolution of the unresolved objections set forth in the Milestone Dispute Notice.

(iii) In the event of any dispute provided for in Section 2.2(c)(ii), subject to the Arbitrating Accountant first entering into a confidentiality agreement with Buyer and Seller in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and Seller containing restrictions on the use and disclosure of confidential information of Buyer and Seller and their Affiliates, at the request of the Arbitrating Accountant, Buyer shall provide the Arbitrating Accountant, reasonable access to the books, records and facilities of Buyer with respect to the Business, and Buyer shall cooperate with the Arbitrating Accountant, to the extent reasonably required by the Arbitrating Accountant to resolve any objections raised in a Milestone Dispute Notice and submitted to the Arbitrating Accountant for resolution pursuant to Section 2.2(c)(ii). The parties acknowledge and agree that the confidentiality agreement shall (i) prohibit the Arbitrating Accountant from disclosing any confidential information of Buyer to Seller or of Seller to Buyer (including any information or analysis derived from Buyer’s or Seller’s confidential information) and (ii) provide that the decision of the Arbitrating Accountant shall include only a determination as to       [      ***      ]       (in the form set forth in Exhibit A), Average Annual Cost Per Module (in the form set forth In Exhibit B), whether a Milestone Payment is due under this Section 2.2 and the margin of error in the calculation of Average Annual Cost Per Module or       [      ***      ]       but shall not include any additional information or analysis derived from Buyer’s confidential information.

(iv) The Buyer Representative and the Seller Representative shall each be entitled to make a presentation to the Arbitrating Accountant pursuant to procedures to be agreed to among the Buyer Representative, the Seller Representative and the Arbitrating Accountant, advocating the merits of each party’s position and the Arbitrating Accountant shall be required to resolve the unresolved objections within thirty (30) days thereafter. The determination of the Arbitrating Accountant shall be final and binding upon Buyer, GE, Parent and Seller. The fees and expenses of the Arbitrating Accountant shall be borne by (i) Seller if the Arbitrating Accountant determines that Buyer was correct in not paying the Milestone Payment that was the subject of such dispute or (ii) Buyer if the Arbitrating Accountant determines that Buyer should have paid the Milestone Payment that was the subject of such dispute.

(d) Within fifteen (15) days after the earlier of (i) delivery of a Milestone Statement pursuant to which a Milestone Payment is payable or (ii) the resolution of all objections set forth in a Milestone Dispute Notice pursuant to Section 2.2(c)(i) or 2.2(c)(iv), Buyer shall pay to Seller any Milestone Payment determined to be payable pursuant to such Milestone Statement or resolution of objection, minus any amounts offset pursuant to Section 10.5. Such payment, less any applicable tax withholding pursuant to Section 7.5(e) plus any applicable VAT, shall be made by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated in writing by Seller at least five (5) Business Days prior to the date on which such payment is due. In the event that a Milestone Statement indicates that the Milestone Payment pursuant to Section 2.2(a)(i) is payable and Seller delivers a Milestone Dispute Notice claiming that the Milestone Payment pursuant to Section 2.2(a)(ii) is also payable, Buyer shall pay the Milestone Payment pursuant to Section 2.2(a)(i) in accordance with the aforesaid notwithstanding that Seller has delivered a Milestone Dispute Notice.

(e) Payments made pursuant to this Section 2.2 will be treated as adjustments to the Purchase Price for all Tax purposes. For all Tax purposes, each party agrees not to take an inconsistent position therewith including in the filing of any Tax Return or pursuant to any audit or administrative or judicial proceeding.

(f) The control of the Business on and after the Closing will rest exclusively with Buyer and its Affiliates, and neither Parent nor the Company shall have any right to object to the manner in which the Business is conducted after the Closing, including any rights to prevent the merger or consolidation of Buyer, any sale or transfer of any shares of Buyer or any assets of Buyer to any third Person or the acquisition of any interests in or assets of any third Person. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer shall, if the Closing does occur, use



commercially reasonable efforts to utilize the Purchased Assets and       [      ***      ]       and decrease the Average Annual Cost Per Module with a target       [      ***      ]       Average Annual Cost Per Module       [      ***      ]       by the end of the Milestone Period. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties hereby acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Agreement in general or in this Section 2.2 in particular shall be deemed to be an undertaking by Buyer or any of its Affiliates that Buyer will be successful in reaching such target       [      ***      ]       or Average Annual Cost Per Module. Buyer has the right, in its sole discretion, for any reason or for no reason, not to make use of the Purchased Assets or to discontinue the Business, and Parent and Seller acknowledge and agree that such discontinuance shall not, in and of itself, be deemed a breach of the covenant to use commercially reasonable efforts to       [      ***      ]       and reduce the Average Annual Cost Per Module in the manner set forth in the second sentence of this paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that prior to the expiration of the Milestone Period and the full payment of the Milestone Payments, Buyer sells or disposes of the Business or all or substantially all of the assets related to the Business to any third party (except to an Affiliate of Buyer, in which case Buyer shall remain liable to make the Milestone Payments) and such third party acquirer does not assume Buyer’s obligations pursuant to this Section 2.2, Buyer shall pay to Seller the aggregate amount of the Milestone Payments contemplated pursuant to this Section 2.2 minus any Milestone Payments already paid to Seller minus any amounts offset pursuant to Section 10.5 less any applicable tax withholding pursuant to Section 7.5(e) plus any applicable VAT. The parties agree that if such third party acquiror does assume Buyer’s obligations pursuant to this Section 2.2, Buyer and GE shall guarantee such obligations.

(g) Buyer shall have the option, at any time, to pay Seller the aggregate amount of the Milestone Payments contemplated pursuant to this Section 2.2 minus any Milestone Payments already paid to Seller minus any amounts offset pursuant to Section 10.5 (the “Early Payment”). Upon payment of the Early Payment, all obligations of Buyer related to the Milestone Payments, including any obligations of Buyer under this Section 2.2, shall be terminated without further liability of Buyer or any of its Affiliates with respect thereto. Buyer shall notify Seller in writing of its election to make the Early Payment and, upon receipt of such notice, Seller shall promptly designate in writing a bank account to which such payment shall be made. Within ten (10) days of delivery of such notice, Buyer shall pay the Early Payment, less any applicable tax withholding pursuant to Section 7.5(e) plus any applicable VAT, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to the account designated in writing by Seller.

(h) For purposes of this Section 2.2, the following terms shall have the meanings specified or referred to in this Section 2.2(h):

Arbitrating Accountant” means an independent accounting firm mutually acceptable to Buyer and Seller and if no agreement is reached within ten (10) days after the expiration of the negotiation period set forth in Section 2.2(c)(ii), appointed at the request of either Buyer or Seller by the President of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel.

      [      ***      ]       

Average Annual Cost Per Module” has the meaning specified in Exhibit B.

Buyer Representative” has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(b).

Early Payment” has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(g).

Measurement Period” means each period of four (4) consecutive three-month periods starting on the first full month following the Closing.

Milestone Dispute Notice” has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(c).

Milestone Period” means the period of twelve (12) consecutive three-month periods starting on the first full month following the Closing.



Milestone Statement” has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(b).

Module” means a CZT part that       [      ***      ]      .

Reporting Date” means the last day of each of the following periods (i) the first period of four (4) consecutive three-month periods starting on the first full month following the Closing and (ii) each period of two (2) consecutive three-month periods thereafter ending with the last day of the Milestone Period.

Seller Representative” has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(c).


2.3. Treatment of Finished Modules.

(a) Prior to the date of this Agreement, Buyer has submitted to Seller and Seller has accepted the purchase orders for the purchase of CZT modules listed in Schedule 2.3(a). From and after the date of this Agreement and prior to the Closing or the earlier termination of this Agreement in accordance with Article XI, Seller agrees to accept in good faith (subject to its other contractual commitments, existing as of the date hereof or entered into in accordance with and not in violation of Section 6.5) additional purchase orders for the purchase of CZT modules submitted in good faith by Buyer from time to time. The purchase orders listed in Schedule 2.3(a) together with the purchase orders submitted and accepted in accordance with the preceding sentence are hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Orders.”

(b) The parties acknowledge and agree that (i) the Purchase Orders shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Schedule 2.3(b) and (ii) the price per CZT module to be set forth in the Purchase Orders shall be equal to $      [      ***      ]       plus VAT.

(c) Seller hereby agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to fulfill such Purchase Orders in good faith and to deliver CZT modules to Buyer within five (5) Business Days of completion of any batch of fifty (50) CZT modules (subject to its other contractual commitments entered into in accordance with and not in violation of Section 6.5). Seller further agrees that it shall not retain more than fifty (50) CZT modules in its inventory if at the time there are any CZT modules outstanding under the Purchase Orders. Seller further agrees to (i) use its commercially reasonable efforts to incorporate raw materials (including CZT, CZT components and assembled boards and their components) purchased by Buyer or by Seller for the account of Buyer in modules to be delivered to Buyer pursuant to the Purchase Orders and (ii) refrain from incorporating such raw materials in modules or other products to be delivered to any Person other than Buyer. Buyer and Seller agree that, immediately after the Closing, the Purchase Orders shall be cancelled with respect to the amount of CZT modules that remain outstanding at such time.

(d) To the extent not previously paid in accordance with the terms of the relevant Purchase Orders, within sixty (60) days after the Closing Date, Buyer shall pay to Seller:

(i) $      [      ***      ]       plus VAT multiplied by the sum of (A) the number of CZT modules delivered by Seller to Buyer prior to or after the date hereof and accepted by Buyer prior to Closing in accordance with the terms of the Purchase Orders and (B) the number of CZT modules delivered by Seller to Buyer prior to or at Closing and accepted or successfully repaired by Buyer by the end of the Repair Period; minus

(ii) any amounts (A) paid by Buyer to Seller with respect to such CZT modules or with respect to raw materials (including CZT, CZT components and assembled boards and their components) purchased by Seller for the account of Buyer and incorporated in such modules and (B) owed by Seller to Buyer in connection with outstanding CZT module refunds under the Return Material Authorization attached as Schedule 2.3(d) (the “RMA”).

(e) Buyer shall have thirty (30) days after the Closing Date to inspect any CZT modules delivered by Seller at Closing (the “Inspection Period”). Within five (5) days after the expiration of the Inspection Period, Buyer



shall notify Seller of the number of defective CZT modules identified based on such inspection. Buyer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to repair such defective CZT modules delivered at Closing and any modules delivered by Seller to Buyer prior to Closing, within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Inspection Period (the “Repair Period”). For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that any repair services to be performed by Buyer pursuant to this Section 2.3(e) shall be provided and billed subject to the terms, conditions and consideration set forth in the Transition Services Agreement.

(f) Buyer and Seller hereby acknowledge and agree that a CZT module shall be deemed to be “accepted” or “successfully repaired” for purposes of Sections 2.3(d) and 2.3(e) if Buyer determines, in good faith, that such CZT module substantially conforms to the specifications set forth in the applicable Purchase Order.

(g) Buyer and Seller agree that, in the event this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Article XI, (i) all raw material for the production of CZT modules owned by Buyer but in the possession of Seller or purchased by Seller for the account of Buyer and (ii) all work in process generated by Seller with the raw materials described in clause (i) shall be treated in accordance with the raw materials side letter and work in process side letter entered into between Buyer and Seller and attached as Schedules 2.3(g)(i) and 2.3(g)(ii), respectively, as such side letters may be amended from time to time (the “Raw Materials Side Letter” and the “Work in Process Side Letter,” respectively).


2.4. Allocation of Purchase Price.

Within 60 days following the Closing Date, Buyer and Seller shall negotiate and draft a schedule (the “Allocation Schedule”) allocating the Purchase Price (including, for purposes of this Section 2.4, any other consideration paid to Seller, including the Assumed Liabilities but excluding payment for CZT modules purchased under Section 2.3, which shall not be considered part of the Purchase Price) among the Purchased Assets. The Allocation Schedule shall also include the methodology by which the Purchase Price will be allocated for any subsequent Milestone Payments, if any. If Buyer and Seller agree on an Allocation Schedule, Buyer, Parent and the Company each agrees to file all Tax Returns consistent with the Allocation Schedule. If Buyer and Seller do not so agree within 120 days of the Closing Date, each of Buyer and Seller may prepare their own Allocation Schedule and, for the avoidance of doubt, each of Buyer and Seller will have no liability to the other for any Taxes that may be imposed as a result of inconsistencies between the respective allocations of Buyer and Seller.




3.1. Closing Date.

The consummation of the sale and purchase of the Purchased Assets and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities contemplated by this Agreement (the “Closing”) shall take place at 9:00 a.m., Israel time, in no event later than the second Business Day after all of the conditions set forth in Articles VIII and IX capable of being satisfied prior to the Closing have been satisfied or waived, or such other date and time as shall be agreed upon by Buyer and Seller, at the offices of Herzog, Fox & Neeman, Asia House, 4 Weizmann Street, Tel Aviv, 64239, Israel, or such other place as shall be agreed upon by Buyer and Seller. The date on which the Closing is actually held is sometimes referred to herein as the “Closing Date.”


3.2. Payment on the Closing Date.

Subject to fulfillment or waiver of the conditions set forth in Article VIII, at Closing, Buyer shall pay Seller an amount equal to the Closing Date Payment plus the amount, if any, due under Section 2.3, less any applicable tax withholding pursuant to Section 7.5(e) plus any applicable VAT, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to a bank account specified by Seller in writing to Buyer at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing.



3.3. Buyer’s Additional Deliveries.

Subject to fulfillment or waiver of the conditions set forth in Article VIII, at Closing, Buyer shall also deliver to Seller and Parent all the following:

(a) the Instrument of Assumption, duly executed by Buyer;

(b) the Supply Agreement, duly executed by Buyer;

(c) the Transition Services Agreement, duly executed by Buyer;

(d) the Settlement Agreement, duly executed by Buyer and GE;

(e) a certificate of an authorized officer of Buyer, dated the Closing Date, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Seller and Parent, as to the (i) the resolutions of the board of directors of Buyer authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Buyer Ancillary Agreements and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; and (ii) incumbency and signatures of the officers of Buyer executing this Agreement and any Buyer Ancillary Agreement;

(f) a certificate of an authorized officer of GE, dated the Closing Date, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Seller and Parent, as to the incumbency and signatures of the officers of GE executing this Agreement and any Buyer Ancillary Agreement;

(g) the certificate of GE and Buyer contemplated by Section 9.1, duly executed by an authorized officer of each of GE and Buyer; and

(h) such other documents and instruments as Seller may reasonably request for the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


3.4. Seller’s Deliveries.

(a) Subject to fulfillment or waiver of the conditions set forth in Article IX, at Closing, Seller shall deliver to Buyer all the following:

(i) a receipt and a valid tax invoice, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, for the Closing Date Payment, duly executed by Seller;

(ii) an up-to-date Nihul Sefarim certificate and an up-to-date original Osek Murshe certificate with respect to Seller;

(iii) a certificate of the secretary of Parent, dated the Closing Date, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, as to the incumbency and signatures of the officers of Parent executing this Agreement and any Seller Ancillary Agreement;

(iv) a certificate of an authorized officer of the Company, dated the Closing Date, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, as to (i) the Articles of Association of the Company; (ii) the resolutions of the board of directors of the Company authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Seller Ancillary Agreements and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; and (iii) incumbency and signatures of the officers of the Company executing this Agreement and any Seller Ancillary Agreement;

(v) the Instrument of Assignment duly executed by Seller;

(vi) the Supply Agreement, duly executed by Parent;

(vii) the Settlement Agreement, duly executed by Parent and the Company;



(viii) the Guaranty, duly executed by Parent;

(ix) the Transition Services Agreement, duly executed by Parent and the Company;

(x) all consents, waivers or approvals obtained by Seller with respect to the transfer and assignment of the Purchased Assets or the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

(xi) the certificates of Parent and the Company contemplated by Section 8.1 and the certificate of the Company contemplated by Section 8.2, duly executed by an authorized officer of Parent and the Company, as applicable;

(xii) all assignments, instruments of assignment or consents to assignment, received from the applicable party to the Seller Agreements;

(xiii) assignments, in recordable form (where applicable), with respect to the Purchased Intellectual Property, duly executed by Seller and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer;

(xiv) documentation in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer evidencing the release of all Encumbrances (other than Permitted Encumbrances) covering any of the Purchased Assets;

(xv) evidence that the Company has obtained or renewed the Governmental Permits listed in Schedule 3.4(a)(xv), it being agreed that there is no undertaking on the part of Seller that such Governmental Permits shall be in force following the Closing or can be transferred or assigned to, or otherwise utilized by, Buyer; and

(xvi) such other bills of sale, assignments and other instruments of transfer or conveyance as Buyer may reasonably request or as may be otherwise necessary to evidence and effect the sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance and delivery of the Purchased Assets to Buyer in accordance with this Agreement.

(b) In addition to the above deliveries, Seller shall take all steps and actions as Buyer may reasonably request or as may otherwise be necessary to put Buyer in actual possession or control of the Purchased Assets. If, after the Closing, Buyer becomes aware that (i) an asset of the Company that was used in or related to the Business, including any Intellectual Property owned by the Company, failed to be transferred to Buyer at Closing, Seller covenants and agrees to transfer any such asset to Buyer promptly upon receipt of notice from Buyer to that effect for no additional consideration and such asset shall be deemed to form a part of the Purchased Assets for all purposes under this Agreement or (ii) Parent owns (x) an asset (except for any Intellectual Property) that is necessary for the operation of the Business as currently operated or that is used primarily for the operation of the Business as currently operated or (y) any Intellectual Property that is used exclusively in the Business as currently operated, in each case, Parent covenants and agrees to transfer any such asset to Buyer promptly upon receipt of notice from Buyer to that effect for no additional consideration and such asset shall be deemed to form a part of the Purchased Assets for all purposes under this Agreement.


3.5. Force of a Judgment.

Within five (5) days of the Closing, the parties shall (a) file with the District Court for the Central Region of Israel a joint application in the form attached as Annex A to the Settlement Agreement to give the Settlement Agreement the force of a judgment and (b) notify Dr. Lipa Meir of their agreement to withdraw their claims against each other.



As an inducement to Buyer to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, except as disclosed in the Disclosure Schedule (i) the Company represents and warrants to Buyer as



follows: provided that the Company does not make the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 4.2, 4.3(a), 4.12(b)(iii) and (vi), (c)(ii), (d)(ii), (e)(ii), (f)(ii) and (g)(ii) and makes the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 4.8(b), 4.12(h), 4.15, 4.16, 4.19(i), (iv) and (v), 4.25, and 4.26 only as to the Company and not as to Parent and (ii) Parent hereby makes the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 4.2, 4.3(a), 4.8(b), 4.12(b)(iii) and (vi), (c)(ii), (d)(ii), (e)(ii), (f)(ii), (g)(ii) and (h), 4.15 (with respect to Parent Employees), 4.16 (with respect to Parent Employees), 4.19(i), (iv) and (v), 4.25 and 4.26; and the representations and warranties of Parent set forth in Sections 4.8(b), 4.12(h), 4.15, 4.16, 4.19(i), (iv), and (v), 4.25 and 4.26 are made by Parent only as to Parent and not as to the Company.


4.1. Organization.

(a) The Company is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Israel. The Company is duly qualified to transact business in the State of Israel. The Company is not qualified to transact business as a foreign corporation in any jurisdiction. No other jurisdiction has demanded, requested or otherwise indicated in writing that the Company is required so to qualify on account of the ownership or leasing of the Purchased Assets or the conduct of the Business. The Company has full corporate power and authority to own or lease and to operate and use the Purchased Assets and to carry on the Business as now conducted.

(b) True and complete copies of the Articles of Association of the Company and, all amendments thereto, have been delivered or made available to Buyer.


4.2. Subsidiaries and Investments.

Except for the Company, Parent does not, directly or indirectly, own, of record or beneficially, any outstanding voting securities or other equity interests in any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture or other entity which is engaged in the Business or Control any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture or other entity which is engaged in the Business. Parent is not engaged in and does not otherwise (other than through the Company) conduct the Business (including any Project).


4.3. Authority; No Conflicts.

(a) Parent is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Israel. Parent has full corporate power and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and each Seller Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and each Seller Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party by Parent have been duly authorized and approved by Parent and do not require any further authorization or consent of Parent. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Parent and is the legal, valid and binding obligation of Parent enforceable in accordance with its terms, and each Seller Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party has been duly authorized by Parent and upon execution and delivery by Parent will be a legal, valid and binding obligation of Parent enforceable in accordance with its terms, except, in each case, as such enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws of general application relating to or affecting the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies or creditors’ rights generally and except for the limitations imposed by general principles of equity.

(b) The Company has full corporate power and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and each Seller Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and each Seller Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party by the Company have been duly authorized and approved by the Company’s board of directors and by Parent as its sole shareholder and do not require any further authorization or consent of the Company or its shareholder. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Company and is the legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company enforceable in accordance with its terms, and each Seller Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party has been duly authorized by the Company and upon execution and delivery by the Company will be a legal, valid



and binding obligation of the Company enforceable in accordance with its terms, except, in each case, as such enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws of general application relating to or affecting the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies or creditors’ rights generally and except for the limitations imposed by general principles of equity.

(c) Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor any of the Seller Ancillary Agreements or the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby nor compliance with or fulfillment of the terms, conditions and provisions hereof or thereof will:

(i) conflict with, result in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default, an event of default or an event creating rights of acceleration, termination or cancellation or a loss of rights under, or result in the creation or imposition of any Encumbrance other than Permitted Encumbrances upon any of the Purchased Assets, under (A) the Articles of Association or Memorandum of Association of Parent or the Articles of Association of the Company, (B) any Seller Agreement, (C) any other material note, instrument, agreement, mortgage, lease, license, franchise, permit or other authorization, right, restriction or obligation to which Parent or the Company is a party or any of the Purchased Assets is subject or by which Parent or the Company is bound, (D) any Court Order to which Parent or the Company is a party or any of the Purchased Assets is subject or by which Parent or the Company is bound or (E) any Requirements of Law affecting Parent, the Company, the Purchased Assets or the Business; or

(ii) require the approval, consent, authorization or act of, or the making by Parent or the Company of any declaration, filing or registration with, any Person, except as may be necessary under any applicable antitrust or competition Requirements of Law of the State of Israel or with the appropriate Israeli court in connection with the stay of proceedings pursuant to Section 6.5(e) or the Settlement Agreement.


4.4. Financial Statements.

Schedule 4.4 contains (i) the audited balance sheet of the Company as of December 31, 2008 and the related statements of operations, together with the appropriate notes to such financial statements, (ii) the audited balance sheet of the Company and the related statements of operations for the 12 months ended December 31, 2009 and (iii) the Balance Sheet and the related unaudited statements of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2010 (such balance sheets and statements of operations are herein collectively called the “Financial Statements”). Except as set forth therein or in the notes thereto, such Financial Statements have been prepared in all material respects in conformity with GAAP consistently applied (except that the unaudited financial statements may not have complete notes), and such Financial Statements present fairly in all material respects the financial position and results of operations of the Company with respect to the Business as of their respective dates and for the respective periods covered thereby.


4.5. Operations Since Balance Sheet Date.

(a) Since the Balance Sheet Date, there has been:

(i) no Material Adverse Change, and to the Knowledge of the Company, no fact or condition exists or is contemplated by the Company or threatened which would reasonably be expected to cause a Material Adverse Change in the future; and

(ii) no damage, destruction, loss or claim, whether or not covered by insurance, or condemnation or other taking materially and adversely affecting any of the Purchased Assets or the Business.

(b) Since the Balance Sheet Date, the Company has conducted the Business only in the ordinary course and substantially as currently operated. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, since the Balance Sheet Date, the Company has not:

(i) sold, leased (as lessor), transferred or otherwise disposed of (including any transfers from the Company to Parent or any of its Affiliates), or mortgaged or pledged, or imposed or suffered to be imposed



any Encumbrance on, any of the assets reflected on the Balance Sheet or any assets acquired by the Business after the Balance Sheet Date, except for inventory and minor amounts of personal property sold or otherwise disposed of in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and except for Permitted Encumbrances;

(ii) cancelled any debts owed to or claims held by the Company (including the settlement of any claims or litigation) other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

(iii) created, incurred or assumed, or agreed to create, incur or assume, any Indebtedness or entered into, as lessee, any capitalized lease obligations;

(iv) delayed or accelerated payment of any account payable or other liability of the Company beyond or in advance of its due date or the date when such liability would have been paid in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

(v) allowed the levels of raw materials, supplies, work-in-process, finished goods or other materials included in the inventory of the Business to vary in any material respect from the levels shown or reflected on the Balance Sheet; or

(vi) instituted any increase in any compensation payable to any Employee or in any profit-sharing, bonus, incentive, deferred compensation, insurance, pension, retirement, medical, hospital, disability, welfare or other benefits made available to Employees.


4.6. No Undisclosed Liabilities.

The Company is not, to the Knowledge of the Company, subject, with respect to the Business, to any liability (including claims asserted in writing), whether absolute, contingent, accrued or otherwise, which is not shown or which is in excess of amounts shown or reserved for in the Balance Sheet, other than liabilities of the same nature as those set forth in the Balance Sheet and incurred in the ordinary course of business after the Balance Sheet Date.


4.7. Taxes.

(i) The Company has filed all material Tax Returns which are required to be filed and has paid or made provision for the payment of all material Taxes which have become due pursuant to such Tax Returns or pursuant to any assessment which has become payable, except for such Taxes, if any, that are being contested in good faith;

(ii) all such Tax Returns were, at the time of filing, complete and accurate in all material respects and disclose, to the Knowledge of the Company, all Taxes required to be paid by the Company;

(iii) no such Tax Returns have been examined by the relevant taxing authority;

(iv) there is no action, suit, investigation, audit, claim or assessment pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, proposed or threatened against the Company with respect to Taxes;

(v) the Company has not waived or been requested to waive any statute of limitations in respect of Taxes related to the Business or the Purchased Assets;

(vi) the Company is not currently the beneficiary of any extension of time within which to file any Tax Return with respect to the Business or the Purchased Assets;

(vii) there are no Encumbrances for Taxes upon the Purchased Assets;

(viii) all monies required to be withheld by the Company (including from Employees for income Taxes and social security and other payroll Taxes) have been collected or withheld, and either paid to the respective taxing authorities, set aside in accounts for such purpose, or accrued, reserved against and entered upon the books of the Company; and



(ix) none of the Purchased Assets is properly treated as owned by Persons other than the Company for Tax purposes.


4.8. Availability of Assets.

(a) Except for the Excluded Assets, the Purchased Assets, together with the services described in Schedule 4.8(b), constitute all the assets necessary for the conduct of the Business as currently conducted by Seller (including all books, records, equipment, parts, computers and computer programs and data processing systems) and are in good condition (subject to normal wear and tear) and serviceable condition (subject to routine maintenance) and to Seller’s belief are reasonably suitable for the uses for which currently used by Seller.

(b) Schedule 4.8(b) sets forth a description of all services provided by Parent or any Affiliate of Parent to the Company with respect to the Business utilizing either (i) assets not included in the Purchased Assets or (ii) employees not listed in Schedule 4.15(a).


4.9. Governmental Permits.

(a) The Company owns, holds or possesses all licenses, franchises, permits, privileges, immunities, approvals and other authorizations from a Governmental Body which are necessary to entitle it to own or lease, operate and use the Purchased Assets and to carry on and conduct the Business substantially as currently conducted except for any ordinary course permits which do not require material expense, time or qualifications to obtain (collectively, the “Governmental Permits”). Schedule 4.9(a) sets forth a list and brief description of each Governmental Permit owned, held or possessed by the Company. Complete and correct copies of all of such Governmental Permits have heretofore been delivered to Buyer by Seller.

(b) (i) The Company has fulfilled and performed its obligations under each of the Governmental Permits and no event has occurred or condition or state of facts exists which constitutes or, after notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute a breach or default under any such Governmental Permit or which permits or, after notice or lapse of time (other than the expiration of the term of a Governmental Permit) or both, would permit revocation, termination or result in a denial to renew of any such Governmental Permit, or which would reasonably be expected to adversely affect the rights of the Company under any such Governmental Permit; (ii) no notice of cancellation, of default or of any dispute concerning any Governmental Permit, or of any event, condition or state of facts described in the preceding clause, has been received by, or is known to, the Company; and (iii) each of such Governmental Permits is valid, subsisting and in full force and effect.

(c) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company is in compliance with all material Requirements of Law applicable to the development, testing, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, or sale of the Products.


4.10. Real Property.

(a) The Company does not own or have any right or obligation to acquire any real property for use by the Business.

(b) Schedule 4.10(b) sets forth a list and brief description of each lease, sublease or similar agreement under which the Company is lessee of, or holds or operates, any real property owned by any third Person and used in or relating to the Business (the “Leased Real Property”). Except as set forth in such Schedule, with respect to each such lease or sublease, (A) such lease or sublease is legal, valid, binding and enforceable against the Company except as such enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws of general application relating to or affecting the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies or creditors’ rights generally and except for the limitations imposed



by general principles of equity, is in full force and effect and has not been modified, (B) neither the Company nor, to the Knowledge of the Company, any other party to such lease or sublease is in breach or default thereunder, and no event has occurred or, to the Knowledge of the Company, circumstance exists that, with the delivery of notice, passage of time or both (including the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement), would constitute such a breach or default or permit the termination, modification or acceleration of rent under such lease or sublease and (C) the Company has the right to quiet enjoyment of all the Leased Real Property described in such Schedule for the full term of each such lease or similar agreement (and any renewal option related thereto) relating thereto, and the leasehold or other interest of the Company in such real property is not subject or subordinate to any Encumbrance except for Permitted Encumbrances.

(c) The Improvements do not encroach on the property of others and, except for ordinary wear and tear, all such Improvements are, to the Knowledge of the Company, structurally sound, are in reasonably good working order and repair and are, to the Knowledge of the Company, free from material defects, and such Improvements are, to Seller’s belief, reasonably sufficient for the operation of the Business as currently conducted by Seller. All such Improvements, occupancy and use of such Improvements, and all such operations conducted thereon conform in all material respects with all applicable zoning, building, fire and safety laws, and the Company has not received any written notice of noncompliance with any such laws.

(d) Neither the whole nor any part of the Leased Real Property is subject to any pending suit of which the Company has received written notice for condemnation or other taking by any public authority.

(e) No written notice of violation of any covenant, condition, restriction or easement affecting the Leased Real Property or the use or occupancy of the Leased Real Property has been received by the Company from any Person entitled to enforce the same.

(f) Seller believes that all utilities servicing the Leased Real Property have reasonably adequate capacity to meet the utility requirements for the current use of such Leased Real Property by Seller.


4.11. Personal Property.

(a) Schedule 4.11(a) contains a list of all machinery, equipment, vehicles, furniture and other tangible personal property having an original cost of $5,000 or more now owned by the Company.

(b) Schedule 4.11(b) contains a list and description of each lease or other agreement or right, whether written or oral (showing in each case the annual rental, the expiration date thereof and a brief description of the property covered), under which the Company is lessee of, or holds or operates, any machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property owned by a third Person and used in or relating to the Business or under which Parent is lessee of, or holds or operates, any machinery, equipment or other tangible personal property owned by a third Person and used primarily in or for the Business.


4.12. Intellectual Property; Software.

(a) IP Agreements. Schedule 4.12(a) contains a complete and accurate list, including any royalties paid or received by Seller, of all Contracts to which Seller is a party or by which Seller is bound relating to any Intellectual Property used in the Business other than Software that is commercially available, off-the-shelf and subject to “shrink-wrap” or “click-through” license agreements (collectively, “IP Agreements”). Neither Seller nor, to the Knowledge of the Company, any other party to any of the IP Agreements is in breach of or default under any IP Agreement, and no event has occurred which with notice or lapse of time would constitute a breach or default thereof or permit termination, modification or acceleration thereunder. The Purchased Intellectual Property does not consist of, require the use of, or otherwise utilize, nor will it need in the future, any Intellectual Property arising out of the IP Agreements included in the Seller Agreements.



(b) Intellectual Property Assets Used in the Business.

(i) The Company owns, licenses, uses, or has the right to use, under valid licenses, sublicenses, agreements, or permissions, all Intellectual Property used in the conduct of the Business as presently conducted or as contemplated in a Project. The Purchased Intellectual Property, the Licensed Intellectual Property licensed to Seller pursuant to the IP Agreements and Software that is commercially available, off-the-shelf and subject to “shrink-wrap” or “click-through” license agreements constitute all of the Intellectual Property owned by, licensed to, or used by Seller in conducting the Business. Seller has taken commercially reasonable actions to maintain, protect and, where necessary, register each item of Purchased Intellectual Property.

(ii) All former and current employees and independent contractors of Seller have executed written Contracts with Seller that assign to Seller all rights to any Purchased Intellectual Property developed by such employee or independent contractor.

(iii) Parent or its Affiliates own all rights, title and interest in and to the Retained Patents.

(iv) The operation of the Business does not, nor, to the Knowledge of the Company, has been alleged to infringe, violate, conflict with, or constitute a misuse or misappropriation of any Intellectual Property of any other Person.

(v) No written claim of invalidity of any Patents included in the Purchased Intellectual Property has been made by any Person, and no proceedings are pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened that challenge the validity, ownership, or use of any Purchased Intellectual Property. To the Knowledge of the Company, no written claim of invalidity of any Patents included in the Licensed Intellectual Property has been made by any Person and no proceedings are pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened that challenge the validity, ownership, or use of any Licensed Intellectual Property. The Company does not have any obligation to convey any ownership interest in, or any obligation to grant any license of rights to, the Purchased Intellectual Property to any Person. No Person other than the Company presently has any ownership interest in or license rights to the Purchased Intellectual Property.

(vi) Parent or its Affiliates have not received any written claim challenging the validity, ownership or use of any Retained Patents.

(vii) There are no restrictions on the ability of Seller to sell, offer to sell, license, lease, transfer, import, use, reproduce, distribute, modify or otherwise exploit any of the Purchased Intellectual Property other than Requirements of Law relating to the export or reexport of Intellectual Property or otherwise requiring a license set forth on Schedule 4.12(b)(vii).

(viii) To the Knowledge of the Company, no third party has infringed, violated, conflicted with, misused, or misappropriated any Purchased Intellectual Property.

(c) Patents.

(i) Schedule 4.12(c) contains a complete and accurate list and description of all Patents owned by the Company. The Company is the sole owner of all right, title, and interest in and to each of the Patents listed in Schedule 4.12(c), free and clear of all Encumbrances, other than Permitted Encumbrances, equities, and other adverse claims and has the right to use the same without further payment to a third party.

(ii) Parent does not own any Patents used in connection with the Business as previously conducted, presently conducted or as contemplated in a Project.

(iii) All of the issued Patents listed in Schedule 4.12(c) are currently in compliance with all applicable Requirements of Law (including payment of filing, examination, and maintenance fees and proofs of working or use), and, other than as set forth in Schedule 4.12(c), are not on the date hereof subject to any maintenance fees, Taxes, or actions falling due within one hundred eighty days following the date hereof. With respect to all applications for the issuance of Patents listed in Schedule 4.12(c), such applications are pending and in good standing and there is no nonextendable filing, action, or response the due date of which is or will be within one hundred eighty days following the date hereof.



(iv) No Patent listed in Schedule 4.12(c) has been or is now involved in any interference, reissue, reexamination, or opposition proceeding, and, to the Knowledge of the Company, there are no interfering patents or patent applications of any third party with respect to such Patents.

(v) No Patent listed in Schedule 4.12(c) has been challenged or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened in any way.

(vi) Seller has not expressly agreed to indemnify any Person for or against any interference, infringement, misappropriation or other conflict with respect to the Patents listed in Schedule 4.12(c).

(d) Trademarks.

(i) Schedule 4.12(d) contains a complete and accurate list and description of all Marks owned by Seller and used in connection with the Business.

(ii) Parent does not own any Trademarks used in connection with the Business as currently or previously conducted.

(e) Copyrights.

(i) The Company has no registered Copyrights or applications to register any Copyrights. The Company is the sole owner of all right, title, and interest in and to each of the Copyrights included with the Purchased Intellectual Property, free and clear of all Encumbrances, other than Permitted Encumbrances, equities, and other adverse claims and has the right to use the same without further payment to a third party.

(ii) Parent does not own any Copyrights used in connection with the Business as previously conducted, presently conducted or as contemplated in a Project.

(f) Trade Secrets.

(i) Schedule 4.12(f) contains a complete and accurate list and description of all Trade Secrets practiced by the Company which have been reduced to writing and which are used in connection with the Business. Where practical, each such Trade Secret description is accurate and described in sufficient detail and content to identify and explain such Trade Secrets to a qualified individual with relevant Company training and to allow the full and proper use of such Trade Secrets by such a qualified individual without reliance on the knowledge or memory of any particular individual. Buyer will be able to continually use and exploit all such Trade Secrets as the Company currently used and exploited, and the Company has not documented any other Trade Secrets.

(ii) Parent does not own any Trade Secrets used in connection with the Business as previously conducted, presently conducted or as contemplated in a Project.

(iii) The Company has taken reasonable precautions to protect the secrecy, confidentiality, and value of the Trade Secrets included within the Purchased Intellectual Property.

(iv) The Company has good title to the Trade Secrets included within the Purchased Intellectual Property, free and clear of all Encumbrances, other than Permitted Encumbrances. The Trade Secrets included within the Purchased Intellectual Property are not part of the public knowledge or literature and, to the Knowledge of the Company, have not been used, divulged, or appropriated either for the benefit of any Person (other than Seller) or to the detriment of the Business. No Trade Secret included within the Purchased Intellectual Property is subject to any adverse claim or has been challenged or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened in any way.

(g) Software.

(i) Schedule 4.12(g)(i) contains a complete and accurate list and description of all Software owned by, leased to, licensed to, or used by the Company in connection with the Business; provided that Schedule 4.12(g)(i) does not list Software licensed to Seller that is commercially available, off-the-shelf and subject to “shrink-wrap” or “click-through” license agreements.



(ii) Except as set forth in Schedule 4.12(g)(ii), Parent does not own, lease, license or otherwise use any Software used in connection with the Business as previously conducted, presently conducted or as contemplated in a Project.

(iii) Seller has maintained and protected the Software required to be identified on Schedule 4.12(g)(i) as owned by Seller (the “Owned Software”) (including all source code and system specifications) with appropriate proprietary notices (including any notices of Copyright in accordance with the requirements of 17 U.S.C. § 401), confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements and such other measures as are necessary to protect the proprietary, Trade Secrets or confidential information contained therein or relating thereto. No Owned Software has been forfeited to the public domain. No Owned Software is subject to any use, transfer, licensing, assignment, change of control, site, equipment, or other operational limitations, whether pursuant to agreement or any judicial or governmental order. Seller has developed the Owned Software through its own efforts and for its own account without the aid or use of any Persons except Persons who (1) are party to a “work-for-hire” agreement under which Seller is deemed to be the original owner/author of all property rights therein or (2) have executed an assignment in favor of Seller of all right, title and interest in such Owned Software. Seller has not granted, transferred, assigned or conveyed to a Person any right, title or interest, including any license or sublicense to; (i) reproduce, distribute, host or sub-license any part of the Owned Software; or (ii) bundle any part of the Owned Software with any Software, product or service. All Owned Software includes the source code, system documentation, statements of principles of operation and schematics, as well as any pertinent commentary, explanation, program (including compilers), workbenches, tools, and higher level (or “proprietary”) language used for the development, maintenance, implementation and use thereof, so that a trained computer programmer could develop, maintain, support, compile and use all releases or separate versions of the same. The Owned Software operates in accordance with and conforms in all material respects to any specifications, manuals, guides, descriptions and other similar documentation, in written or electronic form, made available by Seller to franchisees, customers and end-users. The Owned Software is not licensed pursuant to an Open Source License and does not incorporate, integrate with, link to and is not based on any Open Source Software. Seller has not violated any applicable Requirements of Law relating to the export or reexport of the Owned Software.

(h) IP Employees. Each of Mannie Dorfan, Arie Shahar and Israel Altman (the “IP Employees”) have entered into an employment agreement with Parent. Parent and the Company acknowledge and agree that any Intellectual Property related to the Business and created by any of the IP Employees (but not, for the avoidance of doubt, any Retained Intellectual Property created by any of the IP Employees) shall be the exclusive property of the Company. To the extent that ownership of such Intellectual Property created by the IP Employees does not vest in the Company in accordance with the aforementioned, Parent hereby assigns and agrees to promptly assign all right, title and interest in such Intellectual Property to the Company or its nominee.

(i) Projects. Schedule 4.12(i) describes all feasibility projects or research and development improvement projects related to the Business presently being conducted by the Company (the “Projects”).


4.13. Inventories.

Subject to the following sentence, the inventories of the Company (including raw materials, supplies, work-in-process, finished goods and other materials) (i) are in good, merchantable and useable condition, (ii) are reflected in the Balance Sheet at the lower of cost or market in accordance with GAAP, (iii) are, in the case of finished goods, of a quality and quantity saleable in the ordinary course of business and, in the case of all other inventories, are of a quality and quantity useable in the ordinary course of business and (iv) are located at the locations indicated in Schedule 4.13. The inventory obsolescence policies of the Company are appropriate for the nature of the products sold and the marketing methods used by the Company and the reserve for inventory obsolescence contained in the Balance Sheet fairly reflects the amount of obsolete inventory as of the Balance Sheet Date.



4.14. Title to Property.

The Company has good and marketable title to all of the Purchased Assets, free and clear of all Encumbrances, except for Permitted Encumbrances. Upon delivery to Buyer on the Closing Date of the instruments of transfer contemplated by Section 3.4, Seller will thereby transfer to Buyer good and marketable title to the Purchased Assets, subject to no Encumbrances, except for Permitted Encumbrances.


4.15. Employees and Employee Benefit Plans.

(a) Schedule 4.15(a) contains a list of (i) all employees of the Company (collectively, the “Company Employees”) and the Parent Employees, which shows all benefits payable or which the Company is bound to provide (whether now or in the future) to each Company Employee and all benefits payable or which Parent is bound to provide (whether now or in the future) to the Parent Employees, including salary, bonuses, accrued severance pay, vacation days entitlement (to the extent in excess of that provided by applicable Requirements of Law) and accrued vacation days, recuperation pay, sick pay entitlement (to the extent in excess of that provided by applicable Requirements of Law), accrued sick days and start date and (ii) all consultants who provide services to the Company in connection with the Business (the “Consultants”). There are no consultants or other independent contractors that provide services to Parent in connection with the Business.

(b) No Company Employee or Parent Employee has been dismissed in the last six months or has given notice of termination of his or her employment.

(c) Parent and the Company have delivered to Buyer true and complete copies of all existing written agreements with the Company Employees, the Parent Employees and Consultants (including any agreements between the Company and any Company Employee or Consultant and between Parent and either Parent Employee concerning Intellectual Property, confidentiality or non-competition).

(d) Schedule 4.15(d) sets forth the collective agreements and extension orders that apply to all or any of the Company Employees and Parent Employees except for extension orders of common application to all employees in Israel or to all employees in any business or industry segment. Except for the collective agreements and extension orders set forth in Schedule 4.15(d) and for extension orders of common application to all employees in Israel or to all employees in any business or industry segment, neither Parent, with respect to the Parent Employees, nor the Company, with respect to the Company Employees, is a party or subject to any collective bargaining agreement with any labor union or any local or subdivision thereof. There is no current union organizing activity among any of the Company Employees or any union representative petition pending or threatened. Neither Parent, with respect to the Parent Employees, nor the Company, with respect to the Company Employees, is a party to any pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened, labor dispute, including any strike, work stoppage or work slowdown. There are no claims pending, or to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened to be brought, before any Governmental Body by any Company Employee or by any Parent Employee for compensation, pending severance benefits, vacation time or pay, pension benefits, claims for employment discrimination, harassment, unfair labor practices, grievances, wrongful discharge, work related injuries or otherwise.

(e) Schedule 4.15(e) contains a list of all of the customs, customary practices and unwritten entitlements regarding the Company Employees and the Parent Employees that could reasonably be deemed to be binding on Parent or the Company with respect to any of their respective Employees.

(f) There are no agreements or arrangements for the payment of any wages, pensions, severance, allowances, lump sums or other like benefits on retirement or on death or termination or during periods of sickness or disablement for the benefit of any Company Employee, Parent Employee or former employee of the Company or any Consultant or former consultant or for the benefit of the dependants of any such person except as disclosed in Schedule 4.15(f) and as may be required by applicable Requirements of Law.



(g) The Company has complied with all applicable Requirements of Law relating to the Company Employees and Parent has complied with all applicable Requirements of Law relating to the Parent Employees, including, without limitation, timely and full payment of all salaries including inflationary adjustments as required by applicable extension orders, and timely and full payment of all sums and deductions required to be made by Parent or the Company on account of employee health and welfare insurance, severance pay, managers’ insurance policy or pension fund, study funds, vacation pay and similar payments, whether due under the terms of any agreement or any applicable collective agreement or extension order, and has made all deductions and payments to the Income Tax Authorities and the National Insurance Institute as required by applicable Requirements of Law.

(h) Schedule 4.15(h) contains true and complete copies of all existing employee benefit plans, including option plans, approved by the Company (with respect to the Company Employees), together with a list of all options granted pursuant thereto.

(i) There are no agreements between the Company and any of the Company Employees or between Parent and any of the Parent Employees which cannot by their terms be terminated by Parent or the Company, as the case may be, upon one month’s notice or less without giving rise to a claim for damages or compensation (except for statutory severance pay and redemption of vacation).

(j) To the Knowledge of the Company, neither the Company Employees nor the Parent Employees have used any proprietary rights or confidential information or trade secrets of any former employers or others in connection with the Business.

(k) The Company does not employ part-time employees or employees whose employment requires a work permit according to applicable Requirements of Law. There are no manpower contractor employees engaged by the Company. There are no manpower contractor employees engaged by Parent in connection with the Business.

(l) The Company has no employees outside of Israel.

(m) The Company has complied with all applicable Requirements of Law in connection with the employment of employees in workplaces exposed to radioactive radiation.

(n) All Consultants and former consultants of the Company, including any manpower contractor employees engaged by the Company, have received all of the rights and compensation to which they are entitled under Contracts or according to applicable Requirements of Law.


4.16. Employee Relations.

The Company believes that relations with the Company Employees are satisfactory and Parent believes that relations with the Parent Employees are satisfactory. There has not been any union organizing or election activities involving any non-union Company Employees or the Parent Employees since the Balance Sheet Date and, to the Knowledge of the Company, with respect to the Company Employees or, to the Knowledge of Parent, with respect to the Parent Employees, none are threatened.


4.17. Contracts.

Except for this Agreement, any Contracts between Seller and Buyer or any of its Affiliates, or as set forth in Schedule 4.17, the Company is not, with respect to the Business, a party to or bound by:

(i) any contract for the purchase or sale of real property;

(ii) any contract for the purchase of services, materials, supplies or equipment that involved the payment of more than $30,000 in calendar 2009, that the Company reasonably anticipates will involve the payment of more than $30,000 in calendar 2010 or that extends beyond December 31, 2010;



(iii) any contract for the sale of goods or services that involved the payment of more than $10,000 in calendar 2009, that the Company reasonably anticipates will involve the payment of more than $10,000 in calendar 2010 or that extends beyond December 31, 2010;

(iv) any contract for the purchase, licensing or development of Software or any other Intellectual Property other than commercially available or off-the-shelf Software or Software subject to “shrink-wrap” or “click-through” license agreements;

(v) any consignment, distributor, dealer, manufacturers representative, sales agency, advertising representative or advertising or public relations contract;

(vi) any guarantee of the obligations of customers, suppliers, officers, directors, employees, Affiliates or others;

(vii) any contract that limits or restricts where the Company may conduct the Business;

(viii) any agreement that provides for, or relates to, the incurrence of Indebtedness;

(ix) any contract not made in the ordinary course; or

(x) any other contract, agreement, commitment, understanding or instrument which is material to the Company or the Business.


4.18. Status of Contracts.

Each of the Contracts listed or required to be listed in Schedules 4.10(b), 4.11(b), 4.12(a) and 4.17(ii), (iv), (v), and (x) and that are not listed in Schedule 1.2(b) (the “Seller Agreements”) constitutes a valid and binding obligation of the parties thereto and is in full force and effect and (except for those Seller Agreements which by their terms will expire prior to or on the Closing Date or are otherwise terminated prior to the Closing Date in accordance with the provisions hereof) may be transferred to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement and will continue in full force and effect thereafter, in each case without breaching the terms thereof or resulting in the forfeiture or impairment of any rights thereunder and without the consent, approval or act of, or the making of any filing with, any other party. The Company has fulfilled and performed its respective obligations under each of the Seller Agreements and the Company is not in, or alleged in writing to be in, breach or default under, nor is there or is there alleged in writing to be any basis for termination of, any of the Seller Agreements by the other party thereto based upon a breach or default by the Company and, to the Knowledge of the Company, no other party to any of the Seller Agreements has breached or defaulted thereunder, and, no event has occurred and no condition or state of facts exists which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute such a default or breach by the Company or by any such other party. The Company is not currently renegotiating any of the Seller Agreements or paying liquidated damages in lieu of performance thereunder. Complete and correct copies of each of the Seller Agreements have heretofore been delivered to Buyer by Seller.


4.19. No Violation or Litigation.

Except as set forth on Schedule 4.19,

(i) Neither the Company, Parent nor the Purchased Assets are subject to any Court Order with respect to the Business;

(ii) the Purchased Assets and their uses comply with all material applicable Requirements of Law and Court Orders;

(iii) the Company has complied with all material Requirements of Law and Court Orders with respect to the Business;

(iv) other than the Lawsuit, there are no lawsuits, claims, suits, proceedings or investigations pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened in writing against or affecting the Business, the Purchased



Assets or the Company, nor, to the Knowledge of the Company, is there any basis for any of the same, and there are no lawsuits, suits or proceedings pending in which Parent or the Company is the plaintiff or claimant that relate to the Purchased Assets, the Company or the Business; and

(v) there is no action, suit or proceeding pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company or the Knowledge of Parent, threatened that questions the legality or propriety of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


4.20. Environmental Matters.

(i) The operations of the Business comply and have complied with all applicable Environmental Laws;

(ii) the Company has obtained all environmental, health and safety Governmental Permits necessary for the operation of the Business or the use and operation by the Company of the Leased Real Property as currently conducted, used and operated, all such Governmental Permits are in full force and effect, the Company is and has been in compliance with all material terms and conditions of such Governmental Permits, there is no action or proceeding pending, alleged in writing or to the Knowledge of the Company threatened against the Company to revoke or modify such Governmental Permits, and neither the execution or delivery of this Agreement nor compliance by the Company with any of the provisions herein will result in the termination or revocation of any Governmental Permit issued to the Company pursuant to any Environmental Law with respect to the operation of the Business;

(iii) the Company has not received any written notice, demand or claim concerning (x) any violation or alleged violation by the Company of any Environmental Law that has not been corrected to the satisfaction of a Governmental Body, (y) alleged liability of the Company for Remedial Action with respect to the Leased Real Property or any Seller Property or (z) any claim of Losses and Expenses arising from the exposure to or the Release by the Company or threatened Release by the Company of a Hazardous Material into the environment or, to the Knowledge of the Company, any on-going investigation with respect thereto;

(iv) the Company is not subject to any judicial or administrative proceeding, order, judgment, summons, directive, decree or settlement alleging or addressing a violation of or liability under any Environmental Law or common law environmental claim;

(v) during the period of occupancy by the Company of the Leased Real Property, the Company did not bring on or in to such Leased Real Property:

(A) any asbestos-containing or asbestos-related materials;

(B) any underground storage tank, above ground storage tank, dike, pond, lagoon, or surface impoundment or landfill or waste pile;

(C) any polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); or

(D) any radioactive substances, other than those specifically set forth in Schedule 4.20(v);

(vi) the Company has made available to Buyer correct and complete copies of all environmentally-related audits, studies, reports, analyses and results of investigations that have been performed by the Company with respect to the Company, the Business or any Seller Property;

(vii) there has been no Release by the Company of (i) any Hazardous Materials on any Leased Real Property or (ii) to the Knowledge of the Company, at any third party location to which the Company sent Hazardous Materials for treatment or disposal;

(viii) no Environmental Encumbrance has attached to any Seller Property owned by Seller as of the date hereof or, to the Knowledge of the Company, any other Seller Property; and

(ix) none of the Products, in the past or now, contained or contains asbestos or asbestos-containing material.



4.21. Customers and Suppliers.

With respect to the ten largest suppliers (measured by dollar volume of purchases or sales in each case) of the Business and the percentage of the Business that each such supplier represented during each of the fiscal years ended December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2009 (the “Material Suppliers,”) there exists no actual or threatened in writing termination, cancellation or limitation of, or any modification or change in, the business relationship of Parent or the Company with any Material Supplier or group of Material Suppliers, or whose sales individually or in the aggregate are material to the operations of the Business and, there exists no present condition or state of facts or circumstances involving suppliers that the Company can now reasonably foresee that would reasonably be expected to materially adversely affect the purchase of supplies after the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement in essentially the same manner in which it has heretofore been conducted. The Company is not currently a party to any Contracts for the sale of Products (other than any Contracts with Buyer and its Affiliates).


4.22. Warranties; Product Defects.

(a) Schedule 4.22(a) sets forth (i) a specimen copy of the form of written warranties covering Products sold by Seller (other than Products sold to Buyer) that have not yet expired (identifying Products or models and the quantities of such Products or models to which each such warranty applies) and (ii) a summary of the warranty expense incurred by the Business during each of its last three fiscal years. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.22(a), all Products manufactured, serviced, distributed, sold or delivered by the Company (other than to Buyer) in connection with the Business at any time on or prior to the Closing Date and that will still be under warranty on the Closing Date have been in material conformity with all applicable contractual commitments and express warranties; provided, however, that the foregoing will not derogate from Buyer’s obligations under Section 2.3 and the Transition Services Agreement. No Products heretofore sold by the Company (other than to Buyer) in connection with the Business are now subject to any express guarantee or warranty other than the Company’s written warranties set forth in Schedule 4.22(a).

(b) Schedule 4.22(b) sets forth a list of any Products that have been recalled, withdrawn or suspended since January 1, 2007.


4.23. Transaction with Affiliates.

(a) For purposes of this Section 4.23, the term “Affiliated Person” means (i) any director, officer or senior executive of Parent or the Company, (ii) any Person that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Parent or the Company or (iii) any member of the immediate family of any of such Persons described in the preceding clause (ii) or any Person that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with any such immediate family member.

(b) (i) The Seller Agreements do not, to the Knowledge of the Company, include any obligation or commitment between the Company and any Affiliated Person, (ii) the Purchased Assets do not include any obligation or commitment from any Affiliated Person to the Company and (iii) the Assumed Liabilities do not include any payable or other obligation or commitment from the Company to any Affiliated Person. No Affiliated Person is a party to any Seller Agreement.


4.24. Unlawful Payments.

Neither the Company, Parent nor any manager, officer, agent, distributor, employee or other third-party acting on behalf of the Company or Parent with respect to the Business has: (i) offered or used any corporate funds for any unlawful contribution, gift, entertainment or other unlawful expense relating to any political campaign or activity; (ii) offered or made a direct or indirect unlawful payment or conveyance of something of value to any foreign or domestic government official, employee or political candidate or established or



maintained any unlawful or unrecorded funds; (iii) made, promised or authorized the making of a payment or provided anything of value to a government official to improperly or corruptly induce that official to make any governmental act or decision to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business, or otherwise obtain an improper advantage; (iv) violated any Requirements of Law equivalent to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977; (v) offered or given any unlawful bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback or other unlawful payment or gift of money or anything of value to any foreign or domestic government official or employee of any Governmental Body; (vi) received any unlawful discounts or rebates in violation of any Requirement of Law relating to antitrust or competition; or (vii) breached or waived any code of ethics or similar foreign, federal or state policy regarding business conduct.


4.25. Grants and Benefits.

(a) Schedule 4.25 provides a complete list of all pending and outstanding grants, incentives and subsidies, and applications therefor (collectively, “Grants”) from the government of the State of Israel or any agency thereof, or from any foreign governmental or administrative agency, (i) granted to the Company or (ii) based solely on the representations of Imarad included in the Imarad Purchase Agreement, granted to any other entity from which the Company has purchased the Purchased Assets (a “Predecessor Entity”) and the obligations in respect of which the Company expressly assumed or assumed by operation of law that the Company or Parent is aware of, including, Approved Enterprise Status from the Investment Center and Benefited Plants from the Israeli Tax Authority and the Office of the Chief Scientist. Neither Parent nor the Company has received any funding from the Office of the Chief Scientist that in any way restricts the Company’s ability to transfer, license, use or exploit any of the Purchased Assets or Parent’s ability to perform under Section 3.4(b).

(b) Buyer has received true and accurate copies of all documents evidencing Grants submitted by (i) the Company or (ii) based solely on the representations of Imarad included in the Imarad Purchase Agreement, any Predecessor Entity the obligations in respect of which the Company expressly assumed or assumed by operation of law and of all letters of approval, and supplements thereto, granted to the Company or any such Predecessor Entity. Parent and the Company are in compliance, in all material respects, with the terms and conditions of such Grants and has duly fulfilled, in all material respects, all the undertakings relating thereto. The Company is not aware of any event or other set of circumstances which might lead to the revocation or material modification of any of the Grants. The approval of the Investment Center, the Israeli Tax Authority or the Office of Chief Scientist are not required for the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


4.26. No Finder.

None of Parent, the Company or any Person acting on behalf of either of them has paid or become obligated to pay any fee or commission to any broker, finder or intermediary for or on account of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


4.27. No Other Representations or Warranties.

Except for the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement or any other document delivered or executed by Parent or the Company at the Closing (including the Buyer Ancillary Agreements), neither Parent, nor the Company makes any other express or implied representation or warranty with respect to Parent, the Company, the Purchased Assets, the Assumed Liabilities, the Business, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any other matter.



As an inducement to Parent and the Company to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby; (i) Buyer hereby represents and warrants to the Company as follows; provided



that Buyer does not make the representation and warranty set forth in Section 5.2(a) and makes the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 5.3 and 5.4 only as to Buyer and not as to GE and (ii) GE hereby makes the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 5.2(a), 5.3 and 5.4; provided that, the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 5.3 and 5.4 are made by GE only as to GE and not as to Buyer.


5.1. Organization of Buyer.

Buyer is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Israel, is duly qualified to transact business in Israel and has full corporate power and authority to own or lease and to operate and use its properties and assets and to carry on its business as now conducted.


5.2. Authority; No Conflicts.

(a) GE is duly organized and validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of New York. GE has full corporate power and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and each Buyer Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and each Buyer Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party by GE have been duly authorized and approved by GE and do not require any further authorization or consent of GE. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by GE and is the legal, valid and binding obligation of GE enforceable in accordance with its terms, and each Buyer Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party has been duly authorized by GE and upon execution and delivery by GE will be a legal, valid and binding obligation of GE enforceable in accordance with its terms, except, in each case, as such enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws of general application relating to or affecting the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies or creditors’ rights generally and except for the limitations imposed by general principles of equity.

(b) Buyer has full corporate power and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and all of the Buyer Ancillary Agreements. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Buyer Ancillary Agreements by Buyer have been duly authorized and approved by Buyer and do not require any further authorization or consent of Buyer or its shareholders. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Buyer and is the legal, valid and binding agreement of Buyer enforceable in accordance with its terms, and each of the Buyer Ancillary Agreements has been duly authorized by Buyer and upon execution and delivery by Buyer will be a legal, valid and binding obligation of Buyer enforceable in accordance with its terms, except, in each case, as such enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws of general application relating to or affecting the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies or creditors’ rights generally and except for the limitations imposed by general principles of equity.

(c) Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor any of the Buyer Ancillary Agreements or the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby nor compliance with or fulfillment of the terms, conditions and provisions hereof or thereof will:

(i) conflict with, result in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default, an event of default or an event creating rights of acceleration, termination or cancellation or a loss of rights under (A) the relevant charter documents of GE or Articles of Association or Memorandum of Association of Buyer, (B) any material note, instrument, agreement, mortgage, lease, license, franchise, permit or other authorization, right, restriction or obligation to which Buyer is a party or any of its properties is subject or by which Buyer is bound, (C) any Court Order to which Buyer or GE is a party or by which Buyer or GE is bound or (D) any Requirements of Laws affecting Buyer or GE; or

(ii) require the approval, consent, authorization or act of, or the making by Buyer of any declaration, filing or registration with, any Person, except as may be necessary (A) under any applicable antitrust or



competition Requirements of Law of the State of Israel, (B) with the appropriate Israeli court in connection with the stay of proceedings pursuant to Section 6.5(e) or the Settlement Agreement or (C) with the appropriate Governmental Bodies in connection with Buyer obtaining a hazardous substances permit and a radiation permit.


5.3. No Finder.

None of GE, Buyer or any Person acting on behalf of either of them has paid or become obligated to pay any fee or commission to any broker, finder or intermediary for or on account of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


5.4. No Litigation.

Neither GE nor Buyer are subject to any Court Order with respect to the Business and there is no action, suit or proceeding pending or, to the knowledge of Buyer or GE, threatened that questions the legality or propriety of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


5.5. Governmental Permits.

Assuming satisfaction of the condition set forth in Section 8.8 as of the date hereof, Buyer knows of no reason why Buyer would not be able to obtain within five (5) months following the date hereof, all governmental permits that are either specified in Schedule 8.4(ii) or are necessary to entitle it to own or lease, operate and use the Purchased Assets or to carry on and conduct the Business substantially as currently conducted by Seller; provided that Buyer makes no representation, warranty or provides any assurance that any of such governmental permits will be obtained either within such five (5) month period or at all.



The respective parties hereto covenant and agree to take the following actions from and after the date hereof and until the earlier to occur of the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article XI and the Closing Date:


6.1. Access and Investigation by Buyer.

(a) Subject to prior coordination between the Chief Financial Officer of Parent and the Integration Manager of Buyer, Parent and the Company shall afford the officers, employees and authorized representatives of Buyer (including independent public accountants and attorneys) reasonable access during normal business hours to the offices, properties, employees and business and financial records (including computer files, retrieval programs and similar documentation and such access and information that may be necessary in connection with an environmental audit) of Parent and the Company with respect to the Business other than any records or other information related to the GE Litigation or the subject matter thereof to the extent Buyer shall deem necessary or desirable and shall furnish to Buyer or its authorized representatives such additional information concerning the Purchased Assets, the Business and the operations of the Company as shall be reasonably requested, including all such information as shall be necessary to enable Buyer or its representatives to verify the accuracy of the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement, to verify that the covenants of Seller contained in this Agreement have been complied with and to determine whether the conditions set forth in Article VIII have been satisfied. Buyer agrees that such investigation shall be conducted in such a manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the operations of Parent or the Company.

(b) Subject to prior coordination between the Chief Financial Officer of Parent and the Integration Manager of Buyer, Parent and the Company shall afford the officers, employees and authorized representatives of Buyer



(including independent public accountants and attorneys) reasonable access during normal business hours to the offices, properties, employees and business and financial records of Parent and the Company with respect to the Business other than any records or other information related to the GE Litigation or the subject matter thereof to assist and facilitate Buyer’s plans to integrate the Business and the Purchased Assets with and into Buyer’s operations on and after the Closing Date.

(c) As promptly as practicable after the date of this Agreement, but in no event later than twenty (20) Business Days after the date of this Agreement, the Company shall furnish to Buyer the information set forth in Schedule 6.1(c) for purposes of facilitating Buyer’s integration process with respect to the Business. Buyer agrees that if this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Article XI, Buyer shall return to Seller or destroy any information received pursuant to this Section 6.1(c) and make no use thereof.


6.2. Preserve Accuracy of Representations and Warranties; Notification of Certain Matters.

(a) Each party hereto shall refrain from taking any action that would render any representation or warranty contained in Article IV or V inaccurate as of the Closing Date. Each party shall promptly notify the other of any action, suit or proceeding that shall be instituted or threatened against such party to restrain, prohibit or otherwise challenge the legality of any transaction contemplated by this Agreement.

(b) Seller will notify Buyer of (i) any Material Adverse Change, (ii) any lawsuit, claim, proceeding or investigation that is threatened, brought, asserted or commenced against Parent or the Company that would have been listed in Schedule 4.19 if such lawsuit, claim, proceeding or investigation had arisen prior to the date hereof, (iii) any notice or other communication from any third Person alleging that the consent of such third Person is or may be required in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and (iv) any material default under any Seller Agreement or event that, with notice or lapse of time or both, would become such a default on or prior to the Closing Date and, in either case, of which Parent or the Company has Knowledge.


6.3. Consents of Third Parties; Governmental Approvals and Permits.

(a) The Company will act diligently and reasonably in attempting to obtain the consent, approval or waiver, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, from any party to any Seller Agreement required to be obtained to assign or transfer any such Seller Agreements to Buyer or to otherwise satisfy the conditions set forth in Section 8.6; provided that neither the Company nor Buyer shall have any obligation to offer or pay any consideration in order to obtain any such consents or approvals; and provided, further, that the Company shall not make any agreement or understanding affecting the Purchased Assets or the Business as a condition for obtaining any such consents or waivers except with the prior written consent of Buyer. Buyer shall act diligently and reasonably to cooperate with Seller in attempting to obtain the consents, approvals and waivers contemplated by this Section 6.3(a).

(b) Subject to Section 6.4, (i) Parent, the Company, GE and Buyer shall act diligently and reasonably, and shall cooperate in good faith with each other, in attempting to obtain any consents and approvals of any Governmental Body that are necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and (ii) during the period prior to the Closing Date and, if required, within twelve (12) months thereafter, Parent, the Company, GE and Buyer shall act diligently and reasonably, and shall cooperate in good faith with each other, in attempting to obtain all governmental permits that are either specified in Schedule 8.4(ii) or are necessary to entitle Buyer to own, lease, operate and use the Purchased Assets or to carry on and conduct the Business substantially as currently conducted by Seller. Buyer covenants and agrees that it will act diligently and use commercially reasonable efforts to make all necessary filings with any Governmental Bodies to obtain such governmental permits within thirty (30) days following the date of this Agreement.



6.4. Competition Law Approval.

(a) As promptly as practicable after the date of this Agreement, but in no event later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of this Agreement, each of Buyer and the Company shall make all necessary notifications and filings under applicable merger control laws, including the notification to the Israeli Antitrust Authority required to be filed under the Israeli Antitrust Law of 1988 with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby. Each party warrants that all such filings by it will be, as of the date filed, true and accurate and in accordance with all applicable Requirements of Law. Each of GE, Buyer, Parent and the Company agrees to make available to the other such information as each of them may reasonably request relative to its business, assets and property (including, in the case of Parent and the Company, the Business) as may be required of each of them to file any additional information requested by the relevant competition authorities under applicable Requirements of Law. Each of Buyer and the Company agrees to provide to the other copies of all correspondence between it (or its advisors) and any such agency relating to this Agreement or any of the matters described in this Section 6.4; provided that such correspondence does not contain or reveal confidential information of Buyer, GE, Seller, Parent or any of their respective Affiliates. Buyer and the Company agree that, except as any party may otherwise agree, all scheduled telephonic calls and meetings with such agencies regarding the transactions contemplated hereby or any of the matters described in this Section 6.4 shall include representatives of each of Buyer and the Company (unless objected to by any such agency).

(b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in connection with any filing or submission required or action to be taken by any of GE, Buyer, Parent, the Company or any of their respective Affiliates to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, including pursuant to Section 6.3, (i) none of GE, Buyer, Parent, the Company nor any of their respective Affiliates shall be obligated to contest any final action or decision taken by the relevant competition authority or any other Governmental Body challenging the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, (ii) neither Parent nor the Company shall, without Buyer’s prior written consent, commit to any undertakings or commitments or to take any action that limits Buyer’s or any of its Affiliates’ freedom of action with respect to, or the ability to retain, the Business or any action that would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the Business and (iii) in no event shall Buyer or any of its Affiliates be required to (A) sell or otherwise dispose of, hold separate or agree to sell or dispose of, any assets, categories of assets or businesses of the Company, Buyer or their respective Affiliates, (B) terminate existing relationships, contractual rights or obligations, (C) amend or terminate existing licenses or other intellectual property agreements or enter into new licenses or other intellectual property agreements or (D) take or commit to take any action that limits its freedom of action with respect to, or its ability to retain, the Business, product lines, the Purchased Assets or other assets of Buyer or any of its Affiliates or take any action that would have a material adverse effect on Buyer or its Affiliates.


6.5. Operations Prior to the Closing Date.

(a) The Company shall operate and carry on the Business only in the ordinary course and substantially as currently operated, except in respect of the Excluded Assets and Excluded Liabilities (in respect of which the Company shall not be required to act in the ordinary course and substantially as currently operated; provided that such actions do not affect the Purchased Assets or the Assumed Liabilities). Consistent with the foregoing, the Company shall keep and maintain the Purchased Assets in good operating condition and repair and shall use its commercially reasonable efforts consistent with good business practice to maintain the business organization of the Company intact and to preserve the goodwill of the suppliers, contractors, licensors, and employees, and others having business relations with the Company.

(b) Notwithstanding Section 6.5(a), except as expressly contemplated by this Agreement or except with the express written approval of Buyer, the Company shall not:

(i) make any material change in the Business or its operations;

(ii) except as permitted in clause (iv) below, enter into any contract, agreement, undertaking or commitment that would have been required to be set forth in Schedule 4.17 if in effect on the date hereof or enter into any contract which cannot be assigned to Buyer;



(iii) enter into any contract for the purchase of real property to be used by the Business or exercise any option to purchase real property or any option to extend a lease listed in Schedule 4.10(b);

(iv) sell, lease (as lessor), license, transfer or otherwise dispose of (including any transfers from the Company to Parent or any of its Affiliates), or mortgage or pledge, or impose or suffer to be imposed any Encumbrance on, any of the Purchased Assets, other than (i) modules, inventory and minor amounts of personal property sold or otherwise disposed of in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and (ii) Permitted Encumbrances;

(v) cancel any debts owed to or claims held by the Company with respect to the Purchased Assets or Assumed Liabilities (including the settlement of any claims or litigation) other than in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

(vi) create, incur or assume, or agree to create, incur or assume, any Indebtedness or enter into, as lessee, any capitalized lease obligations, in each case, secured by any of the Purchased Assets;

(vii) delay payment of any account payable or other liability beyond its due date or the date when such liability would have been paid in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; or

(viii) institute any increase in any compensation payable to any employee of the Company or in any profit-sharing, bonus, incentive, deferred compensation, insurance, pension, retirement, medical, hospital, disability, welfare or other benefits made available to any employee of the Company.

(c) Except with the express written approval of Buyer, Parent shall not institute any increase in any compensation payable to the Parent Employees or in any profit-sharing, bonus, incentive, deferred compensation, insurance, pension, retirement, medical, hospital, disability, welfare or other benefits made available to the Parent Employees.

(d) Notwithstanding Section 6.5(a) or (b), the Company shall cause (i) the aggregate value of GE Inventory and Seller Inventory, held by the Company on the Closing Date, to be not less than that shown on or reflected on the Balance Sheet and (ii) the value of Seller Inventory, held by the Company on the Closing Date, to be not less than $      [      ***      ]      . The Company shall continue to purchase raw materials on behalf of Buyer in the ordinary course of business and subject to Buyer’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

(e) Unless otherwise instructed by the District Court for the Central Region of Israel, the parties agree to stay all proceedings in the Lawsuit and not to initiate any new proceedings related to the subject matter of the GE Litigation, so long as (i) Seller is in compliance with its obligations under Section 2.3 and (ii) this Agreement is not terminated pursuant to Article XI. Such stay shall include tolling the period of time in which any party to any of the proceedings must take any action or make any filing in connection with such proceedings, for a period equal to the period of such stay of proceedings. The parties agree to mutually file with the District Court for the Central Region of Israel, if and when required, appropriate requests and petitions with respect to such stay and inform such court that they are discussing the possibility of a settlement and generally take all action necessary to implement the aforesaid stay and tolling.

(f) The Company shall refrain from taking any action that would constitute a breach or default under any Governmental Permit held by the Company or which permits or, after notice or lapse of time or both, would permit revocation or termination of or result in a denial to renew in the Company’s name any such Governmental Permit, or which would materially and adversely affect the rights of the Company under any such Governmental Permit. The Company agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to fulfill its obligations under each of the Governmental Permits, to keep such Governmental Permits in good standing and to renew any Governmental Permits that may lapse or expire prior to the Closing Date.



6.6. No Solicitation.

(a) Neither Parent nor the Company shall, or shall authorize or permit its officers, directors, Affiliates, employees and authorized agents and representatives (including any investment banker, attorney or accountant retained by it) to (i) solicit, initiate or encourage, directly or indirectly, any inquiries relating to, or the making or implementation of, any Acquisition Proposal, (ii) enter into any agreement with respect to or approve or recommend any Acquisition Proposal or (iii) participate in any discussions or negotiations regarding, or furnish to any Person any information with respect to the Company or the Business in connection with, or take any other action to cooperate in any way with respect to, or assist in or facilitate any inquiries or the making of any proposal that constitutes or may reasonably be expected to lead to, an Acquisition Proposal.

(b) Parent and the Company shall and shall cause their respective officers, directors, Affiliates, employees and authorized agents and representatives (including any investment banker, attorney or accountant retained by it) to promptly (i) cease or cause to be terminated any existing activities or discussions with any Person (other than Buyer or its Affiliates) with respect to any Acquisition Proposal and (ii) request the return of any confidential information provided to any Person in connection with any Acquisition Proposal.

(c) Parent and the Company shall advise Buyer orally and in writing of (i) any Acquisition Proposal or any inquiry with respect to or which could reasonably be expected to lead to any Acquisition Proposal received by any officer or director of Parent or the Company or, to the Knowledge of the Company, any financial advisor, attorney, Affiliate or other advisor or representative of Parent or the Company, (ii) the material terms of such Acquisition Proposal (including a copy of any written proposal) and (iii) the identity of the Person making any such Acquisition Proposal or inquiry, no later than forty-eight (48) hours following receipt of such Acquisition Proposal or inquiry. Parent and the Company will keep Buyer fully informed of the status and material terms of any such Acquisition Proposal or inquiry.

(d) For purposes of this Agreement, “Acquisition Proposal” means any proposal for (i) a merger or other business combination involving the Company, (ii) any proposal or offer to acquire in any manner, directly or indirectly, any equity interest in or any voting securities of the Company or (iii) an offer to acquire in any manner, directly or indirectly, the Business, the Company or all or a substantial portion of the Purchased Assets.




7.1. Restrictions on Competitive Activities.

In furtherance of the sale of the Purchased Assets and the Business to Buyer hereunder by virtue of the transactions contemplated hereby and more effectively to protect the value and goodwill of the Purchased Assets and the Business so sold, each of Parent and the Company covenants and agrees, on a several basis, that, for a period from and after the Closing and until the earlier of (i) the fourth anniversary of the Closing Date and (ii) the date on which neither the Buyer nor any of its Affiliates is engaged, directly or indirectly, in the Business, neither Parent, the Company nor any of their respective Affiliates will:

(a) directly or indirectly (whether as principal, agent, employee, consultant, independent contractor, partner or otherwise) own, manage, operate, control, participate in, or otherwise carry on, a business similar to or competitive with the Business anywhere in the world (it being understood by the parties hereto that the Business is not limited to any particular region of the world and that the Business may be engaged in effectively from any location in the world); or

(b) induce or attempt to persuade any agent, supplier or customer of Buyer or any of its Affiliates who was an agent, supplier or customer of the Company as of the Closing Date to terminate such agency or business relationship with Buyer or any of its Affiliates in order to enter into any such relationship on behalf of any other business organization;



provided, however, that nothing set forth in this Section 7.1 shall prohibit Parent, the Company or any of their respective Affiliates from (i) owning not in excess of 2% in the aggregate of any class of capital stock of any corporation if such stock is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq National Market, the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange or such other recognized securities exchange or over-the-counter market of similar size as any of the foregoing (measured by daily trading volume); (ii) engaging in the research, development, manufacture, marketing, sale and servicing of imaging products (excluding detector modules) whether or not incorporating detector modules based on CZT or any other detector modules as components of such imaging products; (iii) carrying on the activities of a system integrator, beta-site or customer of detector modules with a third party developer, manufacturer, marketer or seller of detector modules by providing such third party with requirements, defining specifications, testing or providing feedback with respect to the complete or finished detector module, taken as a whole, but not with respect to any of the parts, systems or components of the detector module other than printed circuit boards; or (iv) engaging in the research, development, manufacture, marketing, sale and servicing of automated optical inspection (AOI) products used for the inspection of CZT modules. The parties acknowledge and agree that the activities described in clauses (i) to (iv) above shall not be deemed “owning, managing, operating, controlling, participating in, or otherwise carrying on, a business similar to or competitive with the Business” and shall therefore not be restricted under this Section 7.1.

In addition to the other restrictions set forth in this Section 7.1, in furtherance of the sale of the Purchased Assets and the Business to Buyer hereunder by virtue of the transactions contemplated hereby and more effectively to protect the value and goodwill of the Purchased Assets and the Business so sold, each of Parent and the Company covenants and agrees, on a several basis, that, for a period from and after the Closing and until the earlier of (i) the fourth anniversary of the Closing Date and (ii) the date on which neither the Buyer nor any of its Affiliates is engaged, directly or indirectly, in the Business, neither Parent, the Company nor any of their respective Affiliates will provide services, products or materials to a business similar to or competing with the Business if such services, products or materials comprise or utilize the Retained Patents or relate to the Business or the Purchased Assets.

Nothing in this Section 7.1 shall derogate from the obligations of Parent and the Company set forth in Section 7.2.


7.2. Restrictions Regarding Proprietary Information.

(a) Parent and the Company also covenant and agree that from and after the Closing Date Parent and the Company will not, and will not permit any of their respective Affiliates to, divulge or make use of any trade secrets or other confidential information of the Business (the “Proprietary Information”) other than to disclose such Proprietary Information to Buyer or its Affiliates. In the event that Parent or the Company is required under applicable law or judicial process to disclose such Proprietary Information, Parent and the Company agree to (i) provide Buyer with prompt notice of such request or requirement in order to enable Buyer to seek an appropriate protective order or other remedy and (ii) cooperate with Buyer with respect to Buyer taking steps to resist or narrow the scope of such request or legal process or to waive compliance, in whole or in part, with the terms of this Agreement. In the event that no such protective order or remedy is obtained, or that Buyer waives compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Parent or the Company, as the case may be, will furnish only that portion of any Proprietary Information which such party is advised by counsel is legally required to disclose and will cooperate with Buyer’s reasonable efforts to obtain reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded any Proprietary Information. The obligation to treat information in confidence under this section shall not apply to any information that (i) is or becomes available to Parent, the Company or any of their respective Affiliates from a third party not known to Parent or the Company to be under a confidentiality obligation to Buyer, (ii) is or becomes available to the public other than as a result of wrongful disclosure by Parent, the Company or any of their respective Affiliates or (iii) Parent, the Company or any of their respective Affiliates reasonably deems necessary to disclose to obtain any of the consents or approvals contemplated by this Agreement.



7.3. Restrictions on Solicitation; No-Hire.

(a) Parent and the Company agree that, from and after the Closing for a period of four (4) years thereafter, Parent and the Company shall not and shall cause their respective Affiliates not to, directly or indirectly: (a) solicit the services of or hire (as employee, consultant or otherwise), receive or accept the performance of services by or seek to cause to leave the employ of Buyer or any of its Affiliates any employee of the Company as of the Closing Date (including any employee listed in Schedule 7.6(a)) who are hired as employees by Buyer or any of its Affiliates at Closing during the employment of such employee by Buyer or any of its Affiliates and for six (6) months following the voluntary or involuntary termination of the employment of such employee with Buyer or any of its Affiliates or (b) induce or attempt to persuade any employee of Buyer or any of its Affiliates who was an employee of the Company as of the Closing Date (including any employee listed in Schedule 7.6(a)) to terminate such employment or engagement with Buyer or any of its Affiliates in order to enter into any such relationship on behalf of any other business organization. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Parent, the Company and their respective Affiliates shall not be precluded from making any general solicitation for employment that is not specifically directed at any employee or consultant of Buyer or any of its Affiliates as aforesaid.


7.4. Equitable Remedies.

If Parent, the Company or any of their respective Affiliates violates any of its obligations under Section 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3, Buyer may proceed against such violating party for such equitable relief as a court may deem appropriate in respect of a violation of Section 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3. Parent and the Company acknowledge that a violation of Section 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3 may cause Buyer irreparable harm that may not be adequately compensated for by money damages. Parent and the Company therefore agree that in the event of any actual or threatened violation of Section 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3, Buyer shall be entitled, in addition to other remedies that it may have, to a temporary restraining order and to preliminary and final injunctive relief against Parent, the Company or such Affiliate of Parent or the Company to prevent any violations of Section 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3 by Parent, the Company or such Affiliate of Parent or the Company, without the necessity of posting a bond. The prevailing party in any action commenced under this Section 7.4 shall also be entitled to receive reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs. It is the intent and understanding of each party hereto that if, in any action before any court or agency legally empowered to enforce Section 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3, any term, restriction, covenant or promise in Section 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3 is found to be unreasonable and for that reason unenforceable, then such term, restriction, covenant or promise shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make it enforceable by such court or agency. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 7.4 to the contrary, any monetary damages sought or awarded in connection with any equitable remedy pursued by Buyer hereunder shall be subject to the limitations set forth in Article X.


7.5. Taxes.

(a) Liability for Taxes. Seller will be liable for, and undertakes to timely pay, and pursuant to Article X shall indemnify and hold harmless each Buyer Group Member from, all Taxes relating to the Business, the Purchased Assets and the sale of the Purchased Assets and the Assumed Liabilities, in each case attributable to taxable years or periods (or portions thereof) ending on or before and including the Closing Date and the Buyer shall have no responsibility with respect to such Taxes. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties agree that Seller shall be liable for any penalties and tax payments which may be required to be paid by Seller to the Israeli Tax Authority with respect to the period ending on or before and including the Closing Date as a result of the complete or partial termination of benefits granted to Seller under the Benefited Enterprise Tax Ruling due to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Buyer will be liable for, and undertakes to timely pay, and pursuant to Article X shall indemnify and hold harmless each Seller Group Member from, all Taxes relating to the Business, the Purchased Assets, the Assumed Liabilities and any sale of the Purchased Assets and the Assumed Liabilities that are attributable to taxable years or periods (or portions thereof) beginning after the Closing Date and Seller shall have no responsibility with respect to such Taxes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer (and not Seller) shall be liable for any Taxes attributable to transactions occurring on the Closing Date



after the Closing outside the ordinary course of business (it being understood that the sale of the Purchased Assets to Buyer and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities by Buyer does not constitute such a transaction).

(b) Transfer Taxes. Each of Buyer, on the one hand, and the Company, on the other hand, shall be responsible for 50% of all Transfer Taxes (other than VAT, which shall be paid in full by the Buyer). The party that is legally required to file a Tax Return relating to Transfer Taxes shall be responsible for preparing and timely filing such Tax Return.

(c) Assistance and Cooperation. After the Closing Date, the Company and Buyer undertake to reasonably cooperate with each other and to provide each other with all available information required in order for the other party to submit any report, Tax Return or application relating to the Business, the Purchased Assets, the Assumed Liabilities and the transactions contemplated hereby to any Governmental Body including the Investment Center and the Israeli Tax Authority and with respect to any request by Buyer to the Israeli Tax Authority to transfer to Buyer the tax benefits provided for under the Benefited Enterprise Tax Ruling.

(d) VAT. On the Closing Date, Seller shall issue to Buyer a tax invoice in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, in an amount of $10,619,800, including VAT in the amount of $1,464,800, as well as a tax invoice in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, in the amount to be paid by Buyer for finished modules in accordance with Section 2.3 plus VAT. As a condition precedent to each Milestone Payment, Seller shall issue to Buyer a tax invoice in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer in the amount of the relevant Milestone Payment to be agreed between Seller and Buyer prior to the issuance of any such invoice. The parties further agree that with respect to the Closing Date Payment as well as with respect to any Milestone Payment, unless the Buyer and Seller are instructed otherwise by the VAT Authorities, the VAT amount which is included in the invoice will be paid directly to the Seller. For this purpose, if the Buyer and Seller are instructed by the VAT Authorities to act in any other way, then the parties will cooperate in order to comply with the VAT Authority’s instructions. Buyer and Seller agree to jointly contact the VAT Authorities not later than five (5) days prior to the Closing, with respect to the Closing Date Payment, and not later than five (5) days prior to the date on which any Milestone Payment is due, to verify whether the VAT Authorities have instructions other than payment of the VAT amount directly to the Seller.

(e) Withholding Taxes. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the Buyer, or anyone acting on its behalf, shall have the right to deduct and withhold Taxes from any payments to be made to Seller under this Agreement (including but not limited to the Closing Date Payment and any Milestone Payments), in such amounts as Buyer may be required to deduct and withhold with respect to the making of any such payment under any applicable Requirements of Law including, without limitation, the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance New Version 1961 and any regulations promulgated thereunder; provided, however, that in such case Buyer will timely pay such amounts to the relevant tax authority and provide Seller with proof of such payment and provided that in the event that Seller provides Buyer with a withholding certificate regarding the withholding (or exemption from withholding) of Tax from such payment, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer (“Withholding Certificate”), at least five (5) Business Days prior to any such payment, then the deduction and withholding of any amounts payable to Seller shall be made only in accordance with the provisions of such Withholding Certificate. Buyer acknowledges that Seller has provided it with a valid exemption from withholding for all payments under this Agreement until March 31, 2011 and Seller shall not withhold any amounts from any such payments payable prior to such date to the extent that such an exemption will not be changed by the Israeli Tax Authority or that the Israeli Tax Authority does not instruct the Buyer otherwise. Any amounts withheld pursuant to this Section 7.5(e) and timely paid by Buyer to the relevant Tax Authority as aforesaid shall be treated for all purposes of this Agreement as having been delivered and paid to the Seller.

(f) Reports. As promptly as practicable after the Closing, but in no event later than sixty (60) days after the Closing, Seller shall file with the Israeli Tax Authority, a report regarding the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement in accordance with the Benefited Enterprise Tax Ruling. Buyer shall be entitled to review and comment to the wording of such report prior to filing; Seller will not unreasonably refuse to incorporate such comments.



7.6. Employee Matters.

(a) No later than twenty (20) Business Days following the date hereof, Buyer shall make offers of employment to the Company Employees listed on Schedule 7.6(a) hereto, to the Parent Employees and to any other employees agreed by Buyer and Seller to be included in Schedule 7.6(a) prior to the Closing (collectively, the “Designated Employees”). Buyer may, in its sole discretion, rescind any such offers of employment prior to the Closing in which case Schedule 7.6(a) will be revised accordingly. Such offers shall be conditional upon the Closing occurring and on such other terms and conditions as Buyer determines in its sole discretion; provided, however, that such offers of employment shall include compensation and benefits which, in the aggregate, are no less favorable to the employee than the compensation and benefits provided to each of the Designated Employees by the Company or Parent, as the case may be, immediately prior to the Closing; provided, further, that for purposes of this Section 7.6, stock options and other equity awards shall be disregarded.

(b) Following the date hereof but prior to the Closing, Parent and the Company shall terminate the employment of all Designated Employees to whom Buyer has made an offer of employment, effective as of the Closing, and shall be liable for properly settling all accounts with such Employees and shall request that such Employees execute waiver letters in the form set forth in Schedule 7.6(b)(i). In addition, following the date hereof but prior to the Closing, the Company shall request that the Former Consultant also execute the waiver letter in the form set forth in Schedule 7.6(b)(ii).

(c) Parent (with respect to the Parent Employees) and the Company (with respect to the Company Employees) shall be liable for and shall pay in accordance with any applicable Requirements of Law, all severance payments or other termination benefits (if any), due to any of the Designated Employees, as a result of the termination of their employment with the Parent or the Company in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, according to any applicable Requirements of Law or Contract. Parent (with respect to the Parent Employees) and the Company (with respect to the Company Employees) shall be liable for and shall pay, on or prior to the Closing, all wages, bonuses of any kind, commissions, prior notice, payment in lieu of prior notice, vacation pay, redemption of vacation accrual, recuperation pay, travel expenses, reimbursement of expenses, sick pay, pay for other compensated absences and other remuneration (including mandatory, contractual or discretionary benefits) earned or accrued with respect to the period prior to the Closing by Designated Employees who accept Buyer’s offer of employment according to any applicable Requirements of Law or Contract as of the Closing and including the release of all amounts accrued for the benefit of such Designated Employees in any managers’ insurance policies, pension funds, provident funds, further education fund and any other benefit plan held on behalf of such Designated Employees and any related payroll deductions (such as employee benefit plan contributions and employment taxes) with respect thereto, regardless of whether such amounts have been accrued on the books of Parent or the Company at the Closing.

(d) Neither Parent nor the Company, nor any Affiliates of Parent or the Company, have taken or shall take any actions that are intended to or likely to dissuade any Designated Employees from accepting any offer of employment by Buyer pursuant to Section 7.6(a), including offering such Employees other positions with Parent, the Company, or Affiliates of Parent or the Company. Nothing in this Section 7.6 shall obligate the Buyer to offer employment to any Designated Employee for a minimal period of time.

(e) Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against any damages, costs, expenses and any other kind of liability imposed upon or caused to the Buyer in relation to any kind of legal or administrative claim, suit, or proceeding, with respect to (i) any of the Designated Employees, or any former Company or Parent employee, to the extent the cause of action relates to such employee’s previous employment with the Company, Parent or Imarad prior to the Closing and termination thereof regardless of whether such claim, suit or proceeding occurs prior to the Closing, including claims arising from any collective agreement or extension order applicable to Parent or the Company and claims of former employees for workers’ compensation, employment related payment or benefit or severance pay or any other termination-related payments mandated by applicable Requirements of Law; but not, for the avoidance of doubt, with respect to any claim, suit or proceeding based on continuation of rights from the



previous employment by Parent, Seller or Imarad (such as additional severance payment due to salary increases during employment with Buyer, seniority based rights and similar matters) other than due to a breach of the Seller’s obligations under Section 7.6(c) and (ii) any claim made by a former consultant or a former manpower contractor employee or by any governmental entity regarding a former consultant or a former manpower contractor employee to the extent relating to the period prior to the Closing, including with respect to the existence of an employment relationship between such consultant or former manpower contractor employee and the Company or Parent prior to the Closing, and including any payment resulting from such employment relationship, directly or indirectly, and any tax and National Insurance liability resulting from such claim; but not, for the avoidance of doubt, with respect to any claim based on continuation of rights from the previous employment of any manpower contractor employee by Parent, Seller or the manpower contractor (such as additional severance payment due to salary increases during employment with Buyer, seniority based rights and similar matters) other than due to a breach of the Seller’s obligations under Section 7.6(c). Buyer shall indemnify Parent (with respect to the Parent Employees) and the Company (with respect to the Company Employees) against any damages, costs, expenses and any other kind of liability imposed upon or caused to Parent or the Company in relation to any kind of legal or administrative claim, suit, or proceeding, with respect to (i) any of the Designated Employees, to the extent the cause of action relates to such Designated Employee’s employment with Buyer or any of its Affiliates after the Closing, including any termination thereof, including claims arising from any collective agreement or extension order applicable to Buyer or any of its Affiliates after the Closing, unless such collective agreement or extension order was also applicable to Seller prior to the Closing and was required to be disclosed on Schedule 4.15(d), but was not, and (ii) any claim made by a former consultant or former manpower contractor employee hired by Buyer or any Affiliate to the extent relating to the period following Closing.


7.7. Use of Orbotech Name.

Effective as of the Closing, Parent and the Company hereby grant to Buyer a royalty-free right to use the Orbotech Name to the extent that the Orbotech Name appears on any finished goods purchased by Buyer from the Company and any training materials included in the Purchased Assets (collectively, the “Seller Items”) until the earlier of (a) the depletion of such Seller Items or (b) the twenty-four (24) month anniversary of the Closing Date (such date, the “Expiration Date”). Following the Expiration Date, Buyer shall destroy, dispose of or rebrand any remaining Seller Items bearing the Orbotech Name then in Buyer’s possession and will make no further use of the Orbotech Name.


7.8. Imarad Purchase Agreement.

Seller hereby agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to exercise any rights or benefits that Seller may be entitled to under the Imarad Purchase Agreement with respect to any breach of the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 3.6.1 to 3.6.6 of the Imarad Purchase Agreement, at the request of Buyer; it being acknowledged and agreed by Buyer that Buyer shall pay all costs of such exercise and indemnify and hold harmless Parent, Seller and their Affiliates in respect of any Losses or Expenses incurred in respect thereof.


7.9. Warranty Matters.

(a) From and after the date hereof and until the Closing Date, Seller agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to repair, service, replace or refund any Products sold or delivered by Seller to Buyer or to any third party prior to and including the Closing Date which are still under warranty at any time prior to the Closing.

(b) Seller agrees to promptly repair or replace the CZT modules covered under the RMA or refund the price therefor.

(c) Buyer agrees, subject to the terms, conditions and consideration set forth in the Transition Services Agreement, to provide Seller, after the Closing, with repair services with respect to (i) CZT modules delivered or sold by Seller to Buyer prior to or on the Closing Date and still under warranty as of the Closing Date for so long



as such CZT modules are still under warranty, (ii) CZT modules sold by Seller to third parties prior to or on the Closing Date and still under warranty as of the Closing Date for so long as such CZT modules are still under warranty and (iii) crystals sold by Seller prior to the Closing Date pursuant to the purchase order for the sale of CZT crystals described in Schedule 7.9(c) for twelve (12) months from the delivery date of such CZT crystals.


7.10. Reimbursement of EHS Compliance Expenses.

Buyer agrees that, at the Closing, or if the Closing does not occur, on the date that this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Article XI (but not if terminated in accordance with Section 11.1(c)), Buyer shall reimburse the Company for half of the costs actually incurred by the Company in complying with the compliance matters set forth in Schedule 8.8 up to a maximum amount to be reimbursed of $37,500 plus VAT; provided, however, that Buyer shall be under no obligation to make any reimbursement to Seller under this Section 7.10 unless (i) Seller shall have provided to Buyer, on or prior to the tenth (10th) Business Day after the Closing or the date of termination of this Agreement, as the case may be, evidence, reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, of the expenses incurred and paid for which Seller seeks reimbursement under this Section 7.10 and (ii) if reimbursement is requested after the Closing, after being afforded an opportunity to inspect Buyer shall have determined in good faith that the work for which reimbursement is sought was completed to Buyer’s reasonable satisfaction. Any payments required to be made by Buyer pursuant to this Section 7.10 shall be made within thirty (30) days after the Closing or the date of termination of this Agreement, as the case may be, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to the account specified by Seller in writing to Buyer.


7.11. Agreement and Covenant Not to Sue.

From and after the Closing, Parent covenants and agrees to and to cause its Affiliates and licensees (including Seller), whether present or future, not to bring a lawsuit, claim, action, or proceeding against and to forever release and discharge Buyer, its Affiliates and licensees, whether present or future, for any infringement or misappropriation of any Retained Intellectual Property (including, but not limited to, any Intellectual Property transferred by Seller to Parent) based on the operation of the Business, whether as presently conducted or as contemplated in a Project, including, but not limited to, the research, development, manufacture, sale, and use of imaging systems, detectors or modules that utilize CZT (other than imaging products for use in the manufacture of printed circuit boards (PCBs), flat panel displays (FPDs) or photovoltaic cells), by, for, or to, Buyer, its Affiliates and licensees. In addition, Parent shall not grant any third party a license to the Retained Intellectual Property for research, development, manufacture, sale, and use of imaging systems, detectors or modules that utilize CZT (other than imaging products for use in the manufacture of printed circuit boards (PCBs), flat panel displays (FPDs) or photovoltaic cells). The agreements and covenants set forth in this Section 7.11 are and will remain irrevocable, perpetual, world-wide, and royalty-free, and shall bind any and all future successors, assigns, and licensees of the parties. The agreements and covenants in this Section 7.11 will run with any such imaging systems, detectors or modules purchased or leased from the Buyer, its Affiliates and licensees for the benefit of any customer or other third party who purchased or leased such imaging systems, detectors or modules from the Buyer, its Affiliates and licensees. For the avoidance of doubt, from and after the Closing, Parent covenants and agrees to and to cause its Affiliates and licensees (including Seller), whether present or future, not to bring a lawsuit, claim, action, or proceeding against and to forever release and discharge any customer or other third party who purchased or leased imaging systems, detectors or modules that utilize CZT (other than imaging products for use in the manufacture of printed circuit boards (PCBs), flat panel displays (FPDs) or photovoltaic cells) from Buyer, its Affiliates and licensees for any infringement or misappropriation of any Retained Intellectual Property (including, but not limited to, any Intellectual Property transferred by Seller to Parent) (a) based on such purchased or leased imaging systems, detectors or modules or (b) based on use of such purchased or leased imaging systems, detectors or modules. The agreements and covenants in this Section 7.11 will extend to and bind any and all subsequent licensees, buyers and third parties who license, purchase or otherwise acquire an interest in the Retained Intellectual Property. Parent further covenants and agrees that in the event that any Retained Intellectual Property is licensed, sold or otherwise transferred to a third party, Parent will require and bind the licensee, buyer or third party to the agreements and covenants in this Section 7.11. For the



avoidance of doubt, the undertakings of Parent under this Section 7.11 shall not apply to any activities commenced by any permitted successor or assignee of Buyer pursuant to Section 12.5, any licensee of Buyer or any Affiliate of Buyer prior to the time such Person becomes such a permitted successor or assignee, licensee or Affiliate of Buyer, as the case may be.


7.12. Commercially Reasonable Efforts.

Parent and the Company covenant and agree that whenever this Agreement requires that Parent or the Company use commercially reasonable efforts to take or refrain from taking any action, Parent and the Company shall not invoke the pricing of the Products (whether such Products are to be sold to Buyer or to any third party) or the fact that the Business or the Company has in the past, is currently or is expected in the future to generate operating losses as a basis to fail to take or refrain from taking any such action.



The obligations of GE and Buyer under this Agreement shall, at the option of Buyer, be subject to the satisfaction, on or prior to the Closing Date, of the following conditions:


8.1. No Misrepresentation or Breach of Covenants and Warranties.

There shall have been no material breach by Parent or the Company in the performance of any of their respective covenants and agreements herein; each of the representations and warranties of Parent and the Company contained or referred to herein shall be true and correct in all material respects on the Closing Date as though made on the Closing Date (except in any case that representations and warranties that expressly speak as of a specified date or time need only be true and correct as of such specified date or time and except that if such representation and warranty is qualified by materiality, such representation or warranty shall be true and correct), except for changes therein specifically permitted by this Agreement or resulting from any transaction expressly consented to in writing by Buyer or any transaction specifically permitted by this Agreement; and there shall have been delivered to Buyer a certificate to such effect, dated the Closing Date, signed on behalf of Parent and the Company by an authorized officer of Parent and the Company, respectively.


8.2. No Changes or Destruction of Property.

Between the date hereof and the Closing Date, there shall have been no Material Adverse Change; and there shall have been delivered to Buyer a certificate to such effect, dated the Closing Date and signed on behalf of the Company by an authorized officer of the Company.


8.3. No Restraint or Litigation.

No action, suit, investigation or proceeding shall have been instituted or threatened, in each case that has not been withdrawn, dismissed or ceased to be threatened, to restrain or prohibit or otherwise challenge the legality or validity of the transactions contemplated hereby. No injunction or restraining order shall have been issued by any court of competent jurisdiction and be in effect that restrains or prohibits any transaction contemplated hereby. No Governmental Body shall have enacted, issued, promulgated, enforced or entered any statute, rule, regulation, injunction or other order (whether temporary, preliminary or permanent) that remains in effect and that has the effect of making the transactions contemplated hereby illegal or otherwise restraining, enjoining or prohibiting consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and none of Buyer, GE, Parent nor the Company shall have received written notice from any Governmental Body that it has determined to institute any suit or proceeding to restrain or enjoin the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or



to nullify or render ineffective this Agreement if consummated, or to take any other action that would result in the prohibition or a material change in the terms of the transactions contemplated hereby (unless such Governmental Body has notified in writing its intention to withdraw from such determination).


8.4. Necessary Governmental Approvals and Permits.

The parties shall have received all approvals and actions of or by all Governmental Bodies that are necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, which are specified in Schedule 8.4(i) or otherwise required to be obtained prior to the Closing by applicable Requirements of Law. Buyer shall have obtained all governmental permits (for which temporary permits will be sufficient) that are either specified in Schedule 8.4(ii) or are necessary to entitle it to own or lease, operate and use the Purchased Assets or to carry on and conduct the Business substantially as currently conducted by Seller.


8.5. Competition Law Approval.

All necessary notifications and filings with relevant antitrust or competition authorities having been made, (i) the expiry, lapsing or termination of all applicable waiting and other time periods (including extensions thereof) under any applicable antitrust or competition Requirements of Law of any applicable jurisdiction or the receipt of the necessary approval; (ii) each necessary statutory and regulatory obligation of any applicable antitrust or competition Requirements of Law in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement having been complied with; and (iii) the obtaining of all necessary regulatory consents, approvals or clearances from the competent antitrust or competition authorities, of any such jurisdiction with no conditions or obligations attached to such decision that would require Buyer or any of its Affiliates to (A) sell or otherwise dispose of, hold separate or agree to sell or dispose of, any Purchased Assets or any assets, categories of assets or businesses of Buyer or any of its Affiliates, (B) terminate existing relationships, contractual rights or obligations, (C) amend or terminate existing licenses or other intellectual property agreements or enter into new licenses or other intellectual property agreements or (D) take or commit to take any action that limits its freedom of action with respect to, or its ability to retain, the Business, product lines, the Purchased Assets or other assets of Buyer or any of its Affiliates or take any action that would have a material adverse effect on Buyer or any of its Affiliates.


8.6. Necessary Consents.

The Company shall have received consents, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, to the transactions contemplated hereby from the other parties to all Contracts specified in Schedule 8.6.


8.7. Employees.

As of the Closing, at least 90% of the Designated Employees listed on Schedule 7.6(a) shall have: (a) entered into binding employment agreements with the Buyer, effective as of the Closing, in form and substance satisfactory to Buyer (including the execution of non-competition, confidentiality and intellectual property undertakings as are customary with other Buyer employees); and (b) executed a written receipt and waiver of all claims in the form set forth in Schedule 7.6(b)(i). The Former Consultant shall have executed a written receipt and waiver of all claims in the form set forth in Schedule 7.6(b)(ii).


8.8. Certain EHS Matters.

Seller shall have complied, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, with the compliance matters set forth in Schedule 8.8.


8.9. Outstanding Payments to Buyer.

The Company shall have paid Buyer in full the amount of $194,000 owed by the Company to Buyer in connection with Imarad’s obligation to reimburse Buyer for certain pre-payments for Products, which obligation was assumed by the Company in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Imarad Purchase Agreement.



8.10. Effective Agreements.

The Supply Agreement, the Settlement Agreement, the Guaranty and the Transition Services Agreement shall be in full force and effect.



The obligations of Parent and the Company under this Agreement shall, at the option of Parent and the Company, be subject to the satisfaction, on or prior to the Closing Date, of the following conditions:


9.1. No Misrepresentation or Breach of Covenants and Warranties.

There shall have been no material breach by GE or Buyer in the performance of any of their respective covenants and agreements herein; each of the representations and warranties of GE and Buyer contained or referred to in this Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects on the Closing Date as though made on the Closing Date (except in any case that representations and warranties that expressly speak as of a specified date or time need only be true and correct as of such specified date or time and except that if such representation and warranty is qualified by materiality, such representation or warranty shall be true and correct), except for changes therein specifically permitted by this Agreement or resulting from any transaction expressly consented to in writing by Parent and the Company or any transaction specifically permitted by this Agreement; and there shall have been delivered to Parent and the Company a certificate to such effect, dated the Closing Date and signed on behalf of GE and Buyer by an authorized officer of GE and Buyer, respectively.


9.2. No Restraint or Litigation.

No action, suit, investigation or proceeding shall have been instituted or threatened, in each case that has not been withdrawn, dismissed or ceased to be threatened, to restrain, prohibit or otherwise challenge the legality or validity of the transactions contemplated hereby. No injunction or restraining order shall have been issued by any court of competent jurisdiction and be in effect which restrains or prohibits any transaction contemplated hereby. No Governmental Body shall have enacted, issued, promulgated, enforced or entered any statute, rule, regulation, injunction or other order (whether temporary, preliminary or permanent) that remains in effect and that has the effect of making the transactions contemplated hereby illegal or otherwise restraining, enjoining or prohibiting consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and none of Buyer, GE, Parent nor the Company shall have received written notice from any Governmental Body that it has determined to institute any suit or proceeding to restrain or enjoin the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or to nullify or render ineffective this Agreement if consummated, or to take any other action that would result in the prohibition or a material change in the terms of the transactions contemplated hereby (unless such Governmental Body has notified in writing its intention to withdraw from such determination).


9.3. Necessary Governmental Approvals.

The parties shall have received all approvals and actions of or by all Governmental Bodies necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, which are specified in Schedule 9.3 or otherwise required to be obtained prior to the Closing by applicable Requirements of Law.


9.4. Competition Law Approval.

All necessary notifications and filings with relevant antitrust or competition authorities, having been made, (i) the expiry, lapsing or termination of all applicable waiting and other time periods (including extensions thereof) under any applicable antitrust or competition Requirements of Law of any applicable jurisdiction or the



receipt of the necessary approval; (ii) each necessary statutory and regulatory obligation of any applicable antitrust or competition Requirements of Law in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement having been complied with; and (iii) the obtaining of all necessary regulatory consents, approvals or clearances from the competent antitrust or competition authorities, of any such jurisdiction with no conditions or obligations attached to such decision that would require Seller or any of its Affiliates to (A) sell or otherwise dispose of, hold separate or agree to sell or dispose of, any assets, categories of assets or businesses of Seller or any of its Affiliates, (B) terminate existing relationships, contractual rights or obligations, (C) amend or terminate existing licenses or other intellectual property agreements or enter into new licenses or other intellectual property agreements or (D) take or commit to take any action that limits its freedom of action with respect to, or its ability to retain, product lines or assets of Seller or any of its Affiliates or take any action that would have a material adverse effect on Seller or any of its Affiliates.


9.5. Effective Agreements.

The Supply Agreement, the Settlement Agreement and the Transition Services Agreement shall be in full force and effect.




10.1. Indemnification by Parent and the Company.

(a) Indemnification by the Company. Subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this Article X, the Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each Buyer Group Member from and against any and all Losses and Expenses incurred following the Closing by such Buyer Group Member in connection with or arising from:

(i) any breach of any warranty or the inaccuracy of any representation of the Company contained in this Agreement or any certificate delivered by or on behalf of the Company pursuant hereto or in any Seller Ancillary Agreement (for purposes of this Article X, in determining if there is any such breach or inaccuracy and for purposes of calculating any Losses and Expenses arising from such breach or inaccuracy, each such representation and warranty shall be read as if it were not qualified by any concept of “material,” “materiality,” “material adverse effect” or a similar qualification);

(ii) any material breach by the Company of any of its covenants in this Agreement or the Seller Ancillary Agreements, provided that if such covenant was to be performed prior to the Closing, Buyer and GE were not notified of a breach thereof at or prior to the Closing, or any failure of the Company to perform any of its obligations, in this Agreement or in any Seller Ancillary Agreement, provided that if such obligations were to be performed prior to the Closing, Buyer or GE were not notified of a failure thereof at or prior to the Closing (it being understood that if Buyer and GE proceed with the Closing after receiving notice of a breach of a covenant that was to be performed prior to the Closing or of a failure to perform an obligation that was to be performed prior to the Closing, such breach or failure to perform shall be deemed waived);

(iii) the failure of the Company to pay, perform or discharge any Excluded Liability;

(iv) the lack of a business license, issued by the Municipality of Rehovot for acts and failures to act conducted prior to January 22, 2008; or

(v) the lack of a radioactive materials permit between December 16, 2009 and January 20, 2010 and the lack of a correct and full radioactive materials permit between January 20, 2010 and March 10, 2010.

(b) Indemnification by Parent. Subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this Article X, Parent agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each Buyer Group Member from and against any and all Losses and Expenses incurred following the Closing by such Buyer Group Member in connection with or arising from:

(i) any breach of any warranty or the inaccuracy of any representation of Parent contained in this Agreement or any certificate delivered by or on behalf of Parent pursuant hereto or in any Seller Ancillary



Agreement (for purposes of this Article X, in determining if there is any such breach or inaccuracy and for purposes of calculating any Losses and Expenses arising from such breach or inaccuracy, each such representation and warranty shall be read as if it were not qualified by any concept of “material,” “materiality,” “material adverse effect” or a similar qualification); or

(ii) any material breach by Parent of any of its covenants in this Agreement or the Seller Ancillary Agreements, provided that if such covenant was to be performed prior to the Closing, Buyer and GE were not notified of a breach thereof at or prior to the Closing, or any failure of Parent to perform any of its obligations, in this Agreement or in any Seller Ancillary Agreement, provided that if such obligations were to be performed prior to the Closing, Buyer or GE were not notified of a failure thereof at or prior to the Closing (it being understood that if Buyer and GE proceed with the Closing after receiving notice of a breach of a covenant that was to be performed prior to the Closing or of a failure to perform an obligation that was to be performed prior to the Closing, such breach or failure to perform shall be deemed waived).

(c) Limitations on Indemnification. The indemnifications provided for in Sections 10.1(a) and 10.1(b) shall be limited as follows:

(i) the Company shall not be liable for and Buyer Group Members may not recover or offset from the Milestone Payments in accordance with Section 10.5 under Section 10.1(a)(i) with respect to Losses and Expenses incurred by Buyer Group Members unless and until the amount of such Loss and Expense related to each individual claim (or group of related claims, including claims under Section 10.1(b)(i)) exceeds $10,000 (the “De Minimis Threshold”) (it being understood that such De Minimis Threshold shall not be a deductible and that, upon such amount being exceeded and subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this Article X, the Company shall bear full indemnification responsibility pursuant to Section 10.1(a)(i) for the entire amount of such Loss and Expense);

(ii) Parent shall not be liable for and Buyer Group Members may not recover or offset from the Milestone Payments in accordance with Section 10.5 under Section 10.1(b)(i) with respect to Losses and Expenses incurred by Buyer Group Members unless and until the amount of such Loss and Expense related to each individual claim (or group of related claims, including claims under Section 10.1(a)(i)) exceeds the De Minimis Threshold (it being understood that such De Minimis Threshold shall not be a deductible and that, upon such amount being exceeded and subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this Article X, Parent shall bear full indemnification responsibility pursuant to Section 10.1(b)(i) for the entire amount of such Loss and Expense);

(iii) Parent and the Company shall not be liable for and Buyer Group Members may not recover or offset from the Milestone Payments in accordance with Section 10.5, unless and until the aggregate of all Losses and Expenses in accordance with Sections 10.1(a)(i), 10.1(a)(ii) (but solely with respect to Section 6.5(d)) and 10.1(b)(i) suffered by any Buyer Group Member is in excess of $100,000 (the “Basket”) and then only for amounts in excess of the Basket;

(iv) in no event shall the aggregate amount required to be paid by Parent and the Company pursuant to (A) Sections 10.1(a)(i) and 10.1(b)(i) with respect to Losses and Expenses incurred by Buyer Group Members (other than (x) with respect to the Company, in respect of Losses and Expenses incurred as a result of inaccuracies of the representations and warranties of the Company contained in Sections 4.3(b) [Authority], 4.7 [Taxes], 4.14 [Title to Property], 4.20 [Environmental Matters], 4.24 [Unlawful Payments] and 4.26 [No Finder] and (y) with respect to the Parent, in respect of Losses and Expenses incurred as a result of inaccuracies of the representations and warranties of Parent contained in Sections 4.3(a) [Authority] and 4.26 [No Finder], as to which this clause (iv) shall not apply) and (B) Sections 10.1(a)(ii) and 10.1(b)(ii) with respect to Losses and Expenses incurred by Buyer Group Members as a result of breaches of the Transition Services Agreement by Parent or the Company, exceed $2,000,000 plus the amount of any Milestone Payments payable pursuant to Section 2.2; and

(v) in no event shall the aggregate amount required to be paid by Parent and the Company with respect to all Losses and Expenses incurred by Buyer Group Members (other than (x) with respect to the Company,



in respect of any Excluded Liability and the specific indemnities set forth in Sections 10.1(a)(ii), (iv) and (v) and (y) with respect to Parent, in respect of the specific indemnity set forth in Section 10.1(b)(ii), in each case, as to which there shall be no limitation, except for the limitation set forth in clause (iv)(B) above) exceed the Purchase Price.

(d) The indemnifications provided for in Sections 10.1(a) and 10.1(b) shall terminate two (2) years after the Closing Date (and no claims shall be made by any Buyer Group Member under Section 10.1(a) or 10.1(b) thereafter), except that the indemnification by Parent and the Company, as applicable, shall continue as to:

(i) the indemnification by the Company provided for in Sections 10.1(a)(ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) and the indemnification by Parent provided for in Section 10.1(b)(ii), as to all of which no time limitation shall apply;

(ii) the representations and warranties of the Company contained in Sections 4.3(b) [Authority], 4.14 [Title to Property] and 4.26 [No Finder] and the representations and warranties of Parent contained in Sections 4.3(a) [Authority] and 4.26 [No Finder], as to all of which no time limitation shall apply;

(iii) the representations and warranties contained in Sections 4.7 [Taxes], 4.20 [Environmental Matters] and 4.24 [Unlawful Payments], which shall terminate six (6) months after the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations;

(iv) the covenants of the Company set forth in Section 7.5(c), which shall terminate six (6) months after the expiration of the statute of limitations applicable to the taxable year or period (or portion thereof) as to which the request for assistance or cooperation under Section 7.5(c) relates;

(v) the covenants of Parent and the Company set forth in Sections 3.4(b) [Seller’s Deliveries], 7.2 [Restrictions Regarding Proprietary Information], 7.5 [Taxes] (other than the covenants set forth in Section 7.5(c)), 7.6 [Employee Matters], 7.11 [Agreement and Covenant Not to Sue], 12.2 [Confidential Nature of Information] and 12.10 [Expenses], as to all of which no time limitation shall apply;

(vi) the covenants of Parent and the Company set forth in Sections 7.1 [Restrictions on Competitive Activities] 7.3 [Restrictions on Solicitation; No-Hire], 12.6 [Access to Records after Closing] and 12.12 [Further Assurances], which shall terminate six (6) months after the expiration of the period provided for therein;

(vii) any Loss or Expense of which any Buyer Group Member has notified Parent or the Company, as applicable, in writing in accordance with the requirements of Section 10.3 on or prior to the date such indemnification would otherwise terminate in accordance with this Section 10.1, as to which the obligation of Parent or the Company, as applicable, shall continue until the liability of Parent or the Company, as applicable, shall have been determined pursuant to this Article X, and, if the liability is so determined, Parent or the Company, as applicable, shall have reimbursed all Buyer Group Members for the full amount of such Loss and Expense as so determined in accordance with this Article X; and

(viii) the representations and warranties of Parent and the Company contained in Section 4.12 [Intellectual Property; Software], which shall terminate eight (8) years after the Closing Date.

(e) The limitations on indemnification contained in Sections 10.1(c) and (d) shall not apply (i) with respect to Parent, in the case of actual fraud by Parent or (ii) with respect to the Company, in the case of actual fraud by the Company (or, for the avoidance of doubt, any Excluded Liabilities). Parent’s liability, if any, with respect to actual fraud by the Company with respect to the representations and warranties of the Company set forth in Section 4.12 shall under no circumstances exceed two and a half (2.5) times the Purchase Price (i.e. $25,000,000 if no Milestone Payments are paid, $31,250,000 if only one Milestone Payment is made and $37,500,00 if all Milestone Payments are made).

(f) Except for matters that cannot be waived as a matter of law, if the Closing occurs, the rights and remedies under this Article X shall be the sole and exclusive rights and remedies of any Buyer Group Member from and against any and all Losses and Expenses incurred following the Closing with respect to any and all



claims relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, in connection with or arising from the matters described in Sections 10.1(a) and 10.1(b). For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that equitable remedies, including those provided for in Section 7.4, shall not be precluded by this Section 10.1(f); provided, however, that any monetary damages sought or awarded in connection with any equitable remedy pursued by any Buyer Group Member shall be subject to the limitations set forth in this Article X.


10.2. Indemnification by Buyer.

(a) Subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this Article X, GE and Buyer agree to jointly and severally indemnify and hold harmless each Seller Group Member from and against any and all Losses and Expenses incurred by such Seller Group Member in connection with or arising from:

(i) any breach of any warranty or the inaccuracy of any representation of GE or Buyer contained in this Agreement or in any certificate delivered by or on behalf of GE or Buyer pursuant hereto or in any Buyer Ancillary Agreement (for purposes of this Article X, in determining if there is any such breach or inaccuracy and for purposes of calculating any Losses and Expenses arising from such breach or inaccuracy, each such representation and warranty shall be read as if it were not qualified by any concept of “material,” “materiality,” “material adverse effect” or a similar qualification);

(ii) any breach by GE or Buyer of any of their respective covenants in this Agreement or the Buyer Ancillary Agreements, provided that if such covenant was to be performed prior to the Closing, Parent and the Company were not notified of a breach thereof at or prior to the Closing, or any failure by GE or Buyer to perform any of their respective obligations, in this Agreement or in any Buyer Ancillary Agreement, provided that if such obligations were to be performed prior to the Closing, Parent or the Company were not notified of a failure thereof at or prior to the Closing (it being understood that if Parent and the Company proceed with the Closing after receiving notice of a breach of a covenant that was to be performed prior to the Closing or of a failure to perform an obligation that was to be performed prior to the Closing, such breach or failure to perform shall be deemed waived); or

(iii) the failure by Buyer to pay, perform or discharge any Assumed Liability;

provided, however, that in no event shall the aggregate amount required to be paid by GE and Buyer pursuant to clause (ii) of this Section 10.2(a) with respect to Losses and Expenses incurred by Seller Group Members as a result of breaches of the Transition Services Agreement by Buyer, exceed $2,000,000 plus the amount of any Milestone Payments payable pursuant to Section 2.2.

(b) The indemnification provided for in Section 10.2(a) shall terminate two (2) years after the Closing Date (and no claims shall be made by any Seller Group Member under Section 10.2(a) thereafter), except that the indemnification by GE and Buyer shall continue as to:

(i) the indemnification provided for in Sections 10.2(a)(ii) and (iii), as to all of which no time limitation shall apply;

(ii) the representations and warranties of GE contained in Sections 5.2(a) [Authority] and 5.3 [No Finder] and the representations and warranties of Buyer contained in Sections 5.2(b) [Authority] and 5.3 [No Finder], as to all of which no time limitation shall apply;

(iii) the covenants of Buyer set forth in Section 7.5(c), which shall terminate six (6) months after the expiration of the statute of limitations applicable to the taxable year or period (or portion thereof) as to which the request for assistance or cooperation under Section 7.5(c) relates;

(iv) the covenants of Buyer set forth in Sections 7.5 [Taxes] (other than the covenants set forth in Section 7.5(c)) 7.6 [Employee Matters], 12.2 [Confidential Nature of Information], and 12.10 [Expenses], as to all of which no time limitation shall apply;



(v) the covenants of Buyer set forth in Sections 12.6 [Access to Records after Closing] and 12.12 [Further Assurances], which shall terminate six (6) months after the expiration of the period provided for therein;

(vi) any Loss or Expense of which any Seller Group Member has notified GE or Buyer in accordance with the requirements of Section 10.3 on or prior to the date such indemnification would otherwise terminate in accordance with this Section 10.2, as to which the obligation of GE and Buyer shall continue until the liability of GE and Buyer shall have been determined pursuant to this Article X, and, if the liability is so determined, GE and Buyer shall have reimbursed all Seller Group Members for the full amount of such Loss and Expense as so determined in accordance with this Article X.

(c) The limitations on indemnification contained in clauses (a) and (b) of this Section 10.2 shall not apply in the case of actual fraud (or, for the avoidance of doubt, any Assumed Liabilities).

(d) Except for matters that cannot be waived as a matter of law, if the Closing occurs, the rights and remedies under this Article X shall be the sole and exclusive rights and remedies of any Seller Group Member from and against any and all Losses and Expenses incurred following the Closing with respect to any and all claims relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, in connection with or arising from the matters described in Section 10.2(a). For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that equitable remedies shall not be precluded by this Section 10.2(d); provided, however, that any monetary damages sought or awarded in connection with any equitable remedy pursued by any Seller Group Member shall be subject to the limitations set forth in this Article X.


10.3. Notice of Claims.

(a) Any Buyer Group Member or Seller Group Member (the “Indemnified Party”) seeking indemnification hereunder shall give to the party obligated to provide indemnification (and if such party is the Company, to Parent as well) to such Indemnified Party (the “Indemnitor”), as soon as reasonably practicable, a notice (a “Claim Notice”) describing in reasonable detail the facts giving rise to any claim for indemnification hereunder and shall include in such Claim Notice (if then known) the amount or the method of computation of the amount of such claim, and a reference to the provision of this Agreement or any other agreement, document or instrument executed hereunder or in connection herewith upon which such claim is based; provided, that a Claim Notice in respect of any pending or threatened action at law or suit in equity by a third Person as to which indemnification will be sought (each such action or suit being a “Third Person Claim”) shall be given promptly after the action or suit is commenced or threatened in writing; provided further that failure to give such notice shall not relieve the Indemnitor of its obligations hereunder except to the extent it shall have been prejudiced by such failure.

(b) After the giving of any Claim Notice pursuant hereto, the amount of indemnification to which an Indemnified Party shall be entitled under this Article X shall be determined: (i) by the written agreement between the Indemnified Party and the Indemnitor (and, if the Indemnitor is the Company, with the written agreement of Parent); (ii) by a final judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, (iii) by an Award; or (iv) by any other means to which the Indemnified Party and the Indemnitor shall agree (and, if the Indemnitor is the Company, with the written agreement of Parent). The judgment or decree of a court shall be deemed final when the time for appeal, if any, shall have expired and no appeal shall have been taken or when all appeals taken shall have been finally determined. The Indemnified Party shall have the burden of proof in establishing the amount of Loss and Expense suffered by it.


10.4. Third Person Claims.

(a) If a Third Person Claim against any Indemnified Party is (i) solely for money damages, (ii) solely related to an Excluded Liability and will have no material effect on the Buyer, the Business or the Purchased Assets, or



(iii) or where Seller is the Indemnitor, will have no continuing effect in any material respect on any Buyer Group Member, the Business or the Purchased Assets and, in each case, the Indemnitor has acknowledged and agreed in writing that, if the same is adversely determined, the Indemnitor has (subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this Article X) an obligation to provide indemnification to the Indemnified Party in respect thereof, the Indemnitor shall have the right to conduct and control, through counsel of its choosing, the defense, compromise or settlement of any Third Person Claim against such Indemnified Party as to which indemnification will be sought by any Indemnified Party from any Indemnitor hereunder, and in any such case the Indemnified Party shall cooperate in connection therewith and shall furnish such records, information and testimony and attend such conferences, discovery proceedings, hearings, trials and appeals as may be reasonably requested by the Indemnitor in connection therewith; provided, that:

(i) the Indemnified Party may participate, through counsel chosen by it and at its own expense, in the defense of any such Third Person Claim as to which the Indemnitor has so elected to conduct and control the defense thereof; and

(ii) the Indemnitor shall not, without the written consent of the Indemnified Party (which written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed), pay, compromise or settle any such Third Person Claim.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to pay, settle or compromise any such Third Person Claim, provided, that in such event the Indemnified Party shall waive any right to indemnity therefor hereunder unless the Indemnified Party shall have sought the consent of the Indemnitor to such payment, settlement or compromise and such consent was unreasonably withheld or delayed, in which event no claim for indemnity therefor hereunder shall be waived.

(b) The Indemnified Party shall have the right to conduct and control, through counsel of its choosing, the defense, compromise or settlement of any Third Person Claim not covered in Section 10.4(a) above against such Indemnified Party as to which indemnification will be sought by any Indemnified Party from any Indemnitor hereunder, and in any such case the Indemnitor shall cooperate in connection therewith and shall furnish such records, information and testimony and attend such conferences, discovery proceedings, hearings, trials and appeals as may be reasonably requested by the Indemnified Party in connection therewith; provided, that:

(i) the Indemnitor may participate, through counsel chosen by it and at its own expense, in the defense of any such Third Person Claim as to which the Indemnified Party has so elected to conduct and control the defense thereof; and

(ii) the Indemnified Party shall not, without the written consent of the Indemnitor (which written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed), pay, compromise or settle any such Third Person Claim.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to pay, settle or compromise any such Third Person Claim without such consent, provided, that in such event the Indemnified Party shall waive any right to indemnity therefor hereunder (unless such consent has been unreasonably withheld or delayed by the Indemnitor).


10.5. Milestone Payments as Security; Set Off.

Subject to the limitations set forth herein, the obligations of Parent or the Company, as applicable, in respect of any amount that a Buyer Group Member shall be entitled to as determined pursuant to Section 10.3(b), shall be satisfied, at the option of Buyer, as follows: (i) Buyer may set-off the amount of such indemnification payment from any Milestone Payments that the Company may be entitled to receive under Section 2.2 or (ii) Buyer may demand that Company or Parent, as the case may be, pay any remaining unpaid amounts. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company hereby acknowledges and agrees that any Buyer Group Member shall be entitled to satisfy any indemnification amount to be satisfied by Parent pursuant to Section 10.1(b) by setting off such amount from any Milestone Payments that the Company may be entitled to receive under Section 2.2.



10.6. Indemnification Amount.

The amount of any Loss for which indemnification is provided under this Article X shall be net of any amounts actually recovered by the Indemnified Party under any insurance policy or against any third party with respect to such Loss minus the full amount of the Expenses incurred by such Indemnified Party in procuring such recovery; provided, however, that the Indemnified Parties shall not have any obligation to seek any such insurance or third party recoveries. If an Indemnified Party subsequently recovers any additional payment or compensation with respect to any Loss or Expense indemnified under this Article X, the Indemnified Party shall pay or cause to be paid to the Indemnifying Party the amount (net of Expenses) so recovered, provided such amount shall be no greater than the amount the Indemnified Party received from the Indemnifying Party with respect to such Loss or Expense. The amount of any Loss for which indemnification is provided under this Article X shall be increased to take account of any VAT cost incurred by the Indemnified Party arising out of the receipt of indemnity payments hereunder (grossed up for such increase) and reduced to take account of any VAT benefit realized by the Indemnified Party arising out of the incurrence or payment of any such Loss.


10.7. Limitations.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in no event shall Parent or the Company have any liability under this Agreement or otherwise in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby for indirect, special or consequential damages; provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the right to indemnification for any actual out-of-pocket Losses (e.g., Losses resulting from Third Person Claims for indirect, speculative or consequential damages), subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in this Article X. In no event shall any party be liable for any exemplary or punitive damages to the other party or its Affiliates arising under any legal or equitable theory or arising under or in connection with this Agreement.


10.8. No Double Recovery.

No Buyer Group Member shall be entitled to indemnification or reimbursement under Section 10.1(a) or 10.1(b) of this Agreement for any Losses or Expenses incurred by such Buyer Group Member (A) in connection with the repair or replacement of Products for which Buyer is obligated to provide Warranty Services (as such term is defined in the Transition Services Agreement) under the Transition Services Agreement to the extent that Buyer has received payment for such Warranty Services pursuant to the Transition Services Agreement or (B) to the extent such Losses or Expenses have been recovered from Parent pursuant to the Guaranty.




11.1. Termination.

Anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, this Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing Date:

(a) by the mutual agreement of Buyer and the Company;

(b) by Buyer, on the one hand, or Parent and the Company, on the other hand, if the Closing shall not have occurred within five (5) months following the signing of this Agreement; provided, however, that the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 11.1(b) shall not be available to a party whose failure to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement has been the cause of the Closing not occurring on or before such date; provided, further, that if the decision of the Israeli Antitrust Authority shall not have been received at the expiration of such five (5) month period, Buyer, Parent and the Company agree to negotiate in good faith a possible extension of such period;



(c) by Buyer in the event of any material breach by Parent or the Company of any of the agreements, representations or warranties contained herein, which breach is not cured by Parent or the Company within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice from Buyer requesting such breach to be cured;

(d) by Parent or the Company in the event of any material breach by GE or Buyer of any of the agreements, representations or warranties contained herein, which breach is not cured by GE or Buyer within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice from Parent or the Company requesting such breach to be cured; or

(e) by any party hereto if any court of competent jurisdiction or other Governmental Body shall have issued an order, decree or ruling that is or has become final and non-appealable, permanently restraining, enjoining or otherwise prohibiting the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.


11.2. Notice of Termination.

Any party desiring to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 11.1 shall give notice of such termination to the other party to this Agreement.


11.3. Effect of Termination.

If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Article XI, all further obligations of the parties under this Agreement (other than under the Confidentiality Agreement or Sections 2.3(g), 12.2 and 12.10) shall be terminated without further liability of any party to the other, provided that nothing herein shall relieve any party from liability for its knowing and willful breach of this Agreement prior to termination.




12.1. Survival of Obligations.

All representations, warranties, covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement shall survive the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided, however, that, except as otherwise provided in Article X, the representations and warranties contained in Articles IV and V shall terminate on the second anniversary of the Closing Date. Except as otherwise provided herein, no claim shall be made for the breach of any representation or warranty contained in Article IV or V after the date on which such representations and warranties terminate as set forth in this Section.


12.2. Confidential Nature of Information.

Each party agrees that it will treat in confidence all documents, materials and other information which it shall have obtained regarding the other parties during the course of the negotiations leading to the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby (whether obtained before or after the date of this Agreement), the investigation provided for herein and the preparation of this Agreement and other related documents, and, if the transactions contemplated hereby are not consummated, each party will return to the other party all copies of nonpublic documents and materials which have been furnished in connection therewith. Such documents, materials and information shall not be communicated to any third Person (other than, in the case of GE and Buyer, to their counsel, accountants, financial advisors or lenders, and in the case of Parent and the Company, to their counsel, accountants or financial advisors). No other party shall use any confidential information in any manner whatsoever except solely for the purpose of evaluating the proposed purchase and sale of the Purchased Assets; provided, however, that after the Closing, Buyer and GE may use or disclose any confidential information included in the Purchased Assets or otherwise reasonably related to the Business or the Purchased Assets. The obligation of each party to treat such documents, materials and other information in confidence shall



not apply to any information that (i) is or becomes available to such party from a source other than another party not known to such party to be under a confidentiality obligation to the other party, (ii) is or becomes available to the public other than as a result of disclosure by such party or its agents, (iii) is required to be disclosed under applicable law or judicial process, but only to the extent it must be disclosed, or (iv) such party reasonably deems necessary to disclose to obtain any of the consents or approvals contemplated hereby.


12.3. No Public Announcement.

No party shall, without the approval of the other parties, make any press release or other public announcement concerning the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except as and to the extent that any such party shall be so obligated by applicable Requirements of Law (including securities laws, stock exchange rules or similar disclosure requirements) in which case the other parties shall be advised and the parties shall use their commercially reasonable efforts to cause a mutually agreeable release or announcement to be issued; provided, that the foregoing shall not preclude communications or disclosures necessary to implement the provisions of this Agreement. The text of the initial press release that Parent and GE will use to announce this Agreement, if any, shall be agreed to between Parent and GE.


12.4. Notices.

All notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given or delivered (i) when delivered personally, (ii) if transmitted by facsimile, the first Business Day on the receiving end following transmission, as evidenced by confirmation that such facsimile has been received or (iii) one (1) day (two (2) days if sent internationally) after dispatch by overnight (express if sent internationally) courier service addressed as follows:

If to GE or Buyer, to:

c/o GE Healthcare

Pollards Wood

Nightingales Lane

Chalfont St. Giles HP8 4SP England

Fax: +44 1494 545 275

Attention: General Counsel, Strategic



GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd.

4 HaEtgar Street

Tirat HaCarmel 39120


Attention: Tovi Bahar, Chairman of the Board

Fax: +972-4-857 4166

with a copy to (which copy shall not

constitute notice):

Sidley Austin LLP

One South Dearborn Street

Chicago, IL 60603

Attention: David J. Zampa

Fax No.: 312-853-7036



with a copy to (which copy shall not

constitute notice):

Herzog, Fox & Neeman

Asia House

4 Weizmann Street

Tel Aviv, 64239, Israel

Attention: Janet Levy-Pahima

Fax No.: (972)-(3)-696-6464

If to Parent or the Company, to:

Orbotech Ltd.

Sanhedrin Boulevard

North Industrial Zone

P.O. Box 215

Yavne 81101, Israel

Attention: Chief Financial Officer

Fax No.: (972)-(8)-943-8769

with a copy to (which copy shall not

constitute notice):

Tulchinsky Stern Marciano Cohen

Levitski and Co.

Museum Tower

4 Berkowitz Street

Tel Aviv, 64238, Israel

Attention: David Cohen, Adv.

Fax No.: (972)-(3)-607-5050

or to such other address as such party may indicate by a notice delivered to the other party hereto.


12.5. Successors and Assigns.

(a) The rights of a party under this Agreement shall not be assignable by such party hereto prior to the Closing without the written consent of the other parties; provided, however, that Buyer may assign this Agreement and its rights hereunder to any direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Buyer, but no such assignment by Buyer shall relieve it of its obligations hereunder. Following the Closing, a party may assign any of its rights hereunder, but no such assignment shall relieve it of its obligations hereunder.

(b) Subject to Section 12.5(a), this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their permitted successors and assigns. The permitted successors and assigns hereunder shall include any permitted assignee as well as the successors in interest to such permitted assignee (whether by merger, liquidation (including successive mergers or liquidations) or otherwise). Except as provided in Article X, nothing in this Agreement, expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any Person other than the parties and successors and assigns permitted by this Section 12.5 any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Agreement.


12.6. Access to Records after Closing.

(a) For a period of seven (7) years after the Closing Date, Parent, the Company and its representatives shall have reasonable access to all of the books and records of the Business transferred to Buyer hereunder to the extent that such access may reasonably be required by Parent or the Company in connection with matters relating



to or affected by the operations of the Business prior to the Closing Date. Such access shall be afforded by Buyer upon receipt of reasonable advance notice and during normal business hours. Parent and the Company shall be solely responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by it pursuant to this Section 12.6. If Buyer shall desire to dispose of any of such books and records prior to the expiration of such seven (7) year period, Buyer shall, prior to such disposition, give Parent and the Company a reasonable opportunity, at their expense, to segregate and remove such books and records as Parent and the Company may select.

(b) For a period of seven (7) years after the Closing Date, Buyer and its representatives shall have reasonable access to all of the books and records relating to the Business which Parent and the Company or any of their respective Affiliates may retain after the Closing Date. Such access shall be afforded by Parent and the Company and their respective Affiliates upon receipt of reasonable advance notice and during normal business hours. Buyer shall be solely responsible for any costs and expenses incurred by it pursuant to this Section 12.6. If Parent and the Company or any of their respective Affiliates shall desire to dispose of any of such books and records prior to the expiration of such seven (7) year period, Parent and the Company shall, prior to such disposition, give Buyer a reasonable opportunity, at Buyer’s expense, to segregate and remove such books and records as Buyer may select.


12.7. Entire Agreement; Amendments.

This Agreement and the Exhibits and Schedules referred to herein (including the Purchase Orders, the Raw Materials Side Letter and the Work in Process Side Letter) and the documents delivered pursuant hereto contain the entire understanding of the parties hereto with regard to the subject matter contained herein or therein, and supersede all prior agreements or understandings between or among any of the parties hereto, including the Confidentiality Agreement and the Letter of Intent. This Agreement shall not be amended, modified or supplemented except by a written instrument signed by an authorized representative of each of the parties hereto.


12.8. Partial Invalidity.

Wherever possible, each provision hereof shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but in case any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent, but only to the extent, of such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability without invalidating the remainder of such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision or provisions or any other provisions hereof, unless such a construction would be unreasonable.


12.9. Waivers.

Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived, or the time for its performance may be extended, by the party or parties entitled to the benefit thereof. Any such waiver shall be validly and sufficiently authorized for the purposes of this Agreement if, as to any party, it is authorized in writing by an authorized representative of such party. The failure of any party hereto to enforce at any time any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver of such provision, nor in any way to affect the validity of this Agreement or any part hereof or the right of any party thereafter to enforce each and every such provision. No waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be held to constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.


12.10. Expenses.

Each party hereto will pay all costs and expenses incident to its negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and to its performance and compliance with all agreements and conditions contained herein on its part to be performed or complied with, including the fees, expenses and disbursements of its counsel and accountants.



12.11. Execution in Counterparts.

This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original instrument, but all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement, and shall become binding when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties hereto and delivered to each of Parent, the Company, GE and Buyer. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to this Agreement shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement.


12.12. Further Assurances.

On the Closing Date the Company shall (i) deliver to Buyer such other bills of sale, deeds, endorsements, assignments and other good and sufficient instruments of conveyance and transfer, in form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and its counsel, as Buyer may reasonably request or as may be otherwise reasonably necessary to vest in Buyer all the right, title and interest of the Company in, to or under any or all of the Purchased Assets and (ii) take all steps as may be reasonably necessary to put Buyer in actual possession and control of all the Purchased Assets and Buyer shall deliver to the Company such other good and sufficient instruments of assignment and assumption, in form reasonably satisfactory to the Company and its counsel, as the Company may reasonably request or as may be otherwise reasonably necessary to assign to Buyer all the liability under the Assumed Liabilities. From time to time following the Closing and until the tenth anniversary of the Closing, Parent and the Company shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, to Buyer such other instruments of conveyance and transfer as Buyer may reasonably request or as may be otherwise necessary to more effectively convey and transfer to, and vest in, Buyer and put Buyer in possession of, any part of the Purchased Assets, and, in the case of licenses, certificates, approvals, authorizations, agreements, contracts, leases, easements and other commitments included in the Purchased Assets (a) that cannot be transferred or assigned effectively without the consent of third Persons which consent has not been obtained prior to the Closing, to cooperate with Buyer at its request in endeavoring to obtain such consent promptly, and if any such consent is unobtainable, to use its commercially reasonable efforts to secure to Buyer the benefits thereof in some other manner or (b) that are otherwise not transferable or assignable, to use its commercially reasonable efforts jointly with Buyer to secure to Buyer the benefits thereof in some other manner (including the exercise of the rights of the Company thereunder); provided, however, that nothing herein shall relieve Parent or the Company of its obligations under Section 6.3. From time to time following the Closing and until the tenth anniversary of the Closing, Buyer shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, to the Company such other instrument of assignment and assumption as the Company may reasonably request or as may be otherwise necessary to more effectively convey and transfer to, Buyer any part of the Assumed Liabilities, and, in the case of Assumed Liabilities (x) that cannot be assigned or assumed effectively without the consent of Third Persons which consent has not been obtained prior to the Closing, to cooperate with the Company at its request in endeavoring to obtain such consent promptly, and if any such consent is unobtainable, to use its reasonable commercial efforts to assign to Buyer the liability thereunder in some other manner or (y) that are otherwise not transferable or assignable, to use its reasonable commercial efforts jointly with the Company to secure to the Company the benefits of the assignment thereof in some other manner; provided, however, that nothing herein shall relieve Buyer of its obligations under Section 6.3. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement shall not constitute an agreement to assign any license, certificate, approval, authorization, agreement, contract, lease, easement or other commitment included in the Purchased Assets if an attempted assignment thereof without the consent of third Persons thereto would constitute a breach thereof.


12.13. Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction.

(a) This Agreement and all Actions arising out of or in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement (whether based in contract, tort or otherwise) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York (without regard to its conflicts of law rules except for 5-1401 of New York’s General Obligations law).



(b) Each of the parties hereto agrees that all Disputes shall be resolved by mediation or arbitration pursuant to Section 12.14 except that any request for equitable relief (including interim relief) shall be resolved and all post-Award proceedings shall be brought in the Courts in the Tel Aviv District in the State of Israel and the appellate courts having jurisdiction with respect to appeals from such courts. In that context, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each of the parties hereto irrevocably and unconditionally:

(i) submits for itself and its property in any Action relating to this Agreement, or for recognition and enforcement of any judgment in respect thereof, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in the Tel Aviv District in the State of Israel, and appellate courts having jurisdiction with respect to appeals from any of the foregoing, and agrees that all claims in respect of any such Action shall be heard and determined in such Israeli court;

(ii) consents that any such Action may and shall be brought in such courts and waives any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the venue or jurisdiction of any such Action in any such court or that such Action was brought in an inconvenient court and agrees not to plead or claim the same;

(iii) agrees that service of process in any such Action may be effected by mailing a copy of such process by registered or certified mail (or any substantially similar form of mail), postage prepaid, to it at its address as provided in Section 12.4; and

(iv) agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall affect the right to effect service of process in any other manner permitted by the laws of the State of Israel.


12.14. Resolution of Disputes.

(a) Except as otherwise provided herein or with respect to any request for equitable relief (including interim relief) by any party hereto, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the validity, interpretation, breach or termination of this Agreement, including claims seeking redress or asserting rights under any Requirements of Law (a “Dispute”), that the parties through commercially reasonable efforts are not able to resolve through direct negotiation, shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 12.14.

(b) If the parties have been unable to resolve a Dispute through direct negotiations as set forth in Section 12.14(a), then any party hereto may seek resolution of the Dispute through binding arbitration by a single arbitrator. Failing agreement between the parties with respect to the identity of the arbitrator within fifteen (15) days following the date on which one party makes a request to the other parties for the appointment of the arbitrator, the arbitrator shall be a retired district court judge appointed by the Chairman of the Israeli Bar Association, upon the written request of any of the parties (with a copy to the other parties). The arbitrator shall be an arbitrator in accordance with the Israel Arbitration Law, 5728-1968 (the “Arbitration Law”), and shall be bound by the substantive law of the State of New York but not by the laws of evidence or procedures. The place of the arbitration shall be Tel Aviv, Israel, and the arbitration shall be conducted in the English language. All correspondence between the parties related to the arbitration shall also be in the English language. Any Buyer Group Member and any Seller Group Member shall have the absolute right to assert claims, defenses and otherwise participate in any such arbitration.

(c) A hearing before the arbitrator so appointed shall be held within ninety (90) days after the appointment of the arbitrator. Disputes about arbitration procedure shall be resolved by the arbitrator. The arbitrator may proceed to the award (the “Award”) notwithstanding the failure of any party to participate in the proceedings. The arbitrator shall not be authorized to grant interim relief or provide for security for a prospective monetary award.

(d) The arbitrator shall be empowered to award damages in accordance with applicable law governing the Dispute. The arbitrator shall have no power or authority, under the Arbitration Law or otherwise, to relieve the parties from their agreement hereunder to arbitrate or otherwise to amend or disregard any provision of this



Agreement, including the provisions of this Section 12.14. The cost of the arbitration, including the fees and expenses of the arbitrator, shall be shared equally by Buyer and GE, on the one hand, and Parent and the Company, on the other hand. The Award shall be presented to the parties in writing and shall specify the factual and legal basis for the Award. The Award shall be final and binding upon the parties as if agreed between them, in accordance with the Arbitration Law and shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the parties and shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction, subject only to appeal according to section 29B to the Arbitration Law. Any post-Award proceedings will be governed by the Arbitration Law. The Tel Aviv District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for post-Award proceedings. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, any of GE, Buyer, Parent or the Company may, without inconsistency with this Section 12.14, apply to any court specified in Section 12.13 and seek interim provisional, injunctive or other equitable relief until the Award is rendered or the controversy is otherwise resolved. Except as necessary in court proceedings to enforce this arbitration provision or any Award, or to obtain interim relief, none of GE, Buyer, Parent, the Company or the arbitrator may disclose the existence, content or results of any arbitration hereunder without the prior written consent of GE, Buyer, Parent and the Company except to the extent required by applicable Requirements of Law; provided, however, that if a party hereto or the arbitrator is required by applicable Requirements of Law (including securities laws, stock exchange rules or similar disclosure requirements) to make such a disclosure, such party or the arbitrator shall provide the other parties hereto prompt notice of such requirement, to the extent practicable, so that such parties may seek an appropriate protective order or otherwise formally object to such disclosure to a court of competent jurisdiction.

(e) For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that GE shall have a right to bring an arbitration claim under this Section 12.14 as well as to participate in any arbitration claim brought by any other party to this Agreement.




13.1. Definitions.

In this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings specified or referred to in this Section 13.1 and shall be equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms.

Acquisition Proposal” has the meaning specified in Section 6.6(d).

Action” means any claim, action, suit, arbitration, inquiry, proceeding or investigation by or before any Governmental Body.

Affiliate” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person which, at the time of determination, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries Controls, is Controlled by or is under Common Control with such Person.

Affiliated Person” has the meaning specified in Section 4.23(a).

Agreement” has the meaning specified in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Allocation Schedule” has the meaning specified in Section 2.4.

Arbitration Law” has the meaning specified in Section 12.14(b).

Assumed Liabilities” has the meaning specified in Section 1.3.



Award” has the meaning specified in Section 12.14(c).

Balance Sheet” means the unaudited balance sheet of the Company as of March 31, 2010 included in Schedule 4.4.

Balance Sheet Date” means March 31, 2010.

Basket” has the meaning specified in Section 10.1(c).

Benefited Enterprise Tax Rulingmeans that certain tax ruling issued by the Israeli Tax Authority to the Seller dated December 24, 2007, regarding the Company’s entitlements to benefits under the Law for Encouragement of Capital Investments, 1959.

Business” has the meaning specified in the first recital of this Agreement.

Business Day” means any day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or any other date in which banks located in New York, New York or Israel are closed for business as a result of a federal, state or local holiday.

Buyer” has the meaning specified in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Buyer Ancillary Agreements” means all agreements, instruments and documents being or to be executed and delivered by GE or Buyer under this Agreement or in connection herewith.

Buyer Group Member” means (i) Buyer and its Affiliates (including GE), (ii) the directors and officers of each of Buyer and its Affiliates and (iii) the respective successors and assigns of each of the foregoing.

Catrene Project Agreements” means the Catrene Project Cooperation Agreement in effect as of March 1, 2009 for the project entitled “High Dynamic Range Low Noise CMOS Imagers (HIDRALON),” the Full Project Proposal referenced therein, the Catrene Frame Agreement referenced therein and any other agreements or documents executed by Seller in connection therewith.

Claim Notice” has the meaning specified in Section 10.3(a).

Closing” has the meaning specified in Section 3.1.

Closing Date” has the meaning specified in Section 3.1.

Closing Date Payment” has the meaning specified in Section 2.1.

Company” has the meaning specified in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Company Employees” has the meaning specified in Section 4.15(a).

Confidentiality Agreement” means the Confidentiality Agreement dated July 10, 2008 between General Electric Company and the Company.

Consultants” has the meaning specified in Section 4.15(a).

Contract” means contracts, agreements, leases, licenses, sublicenses, commitments, understandings, arrangements, assignments and indemnities, including any amendments thereto, invoices, purchase orders, bids and quotations, whether written or oral.



Control” means, as to any Person, the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. The terms “Controlled by,” “under Common Control with” and “Controlling” shall have correlative meanings.

Copyleft License means any license that requires, as a condition of use, modification or distribution of Copyleft Software, that such Copyleft Software, or modifications or derivatives works thereof: (a) be made available or distributed in source code form or (b) be licensed for the purposes of preparing derivative works or distribution at no fee, including the GNU General Public License, the Mozilla Public License, the Common Development and Distribution License and the Eclipse Public License.

Copyleft Software means any Software subject to any Copyleft License.

Copyrights” means all copyrights in both published works and unpublished works, and all applications, registrations, and renewals in connection therewith.

Court Order” means any judgment, order, award or decree of any Governmental Body.

CZT” has the meaning specified in the first recital of this Agreement.

De Minimis Threshold” has the meaning specified in Section 10.1(c).

Designated Employees” has the meaning specified in Section 7.6.

Disclosure Schedule” means the Disclosure Schedule delivered to Buyer by Parent and the Company pursuant to this Agreement.

Dispute” has the meaning specified in Section 12.14(a).

Dollars” or $ means United States Dollars.

Employees” means the Company Employees and the Parent Employees.

Encumbrance” means any lien (statutory or other), claim, charge, security interest, mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, hypothecation, collateral assignment, conditional sale or other title retention agreement, preference, priority or other security agreement or preferential arrangement of any kind, and any easement, encroachment, negative covenant, restriction, right of way, defect in title or other encumbrance of any kind.

Environmental Encumbrance” means an Encumbrance in favor of any Governmental Body for (i) any liability under any Environmental Law, or (ii) damages arising from, or costs incurred by such Governmental Body in response to, a Release or threatened Release of a Hazardous Material into the environment.

Environmental Law” means any and all applicable international, national regional and local treaties, statutes, laws (including case or common law), regulations, ordinances, rules, judgments, orders, decrees, codes, injunctions, permits concessions, grants, franchises or licenses relating to or addressing safety, human health, pollution or protection of the environment, emissions discharges or Releases of Hazardous Materials or the investigation, cleanup or other remediation thereof.

Excluded Assets” has the meaning specified in Section 1.2.

Excluded Liabilities” has the meaning specified in Section 1.4.

Expenses” means any and all expenses incurred in connection with investigating, defending or asserting any claim, action, suit or proceeding incident to any matter indemnified against hereunder (including court filing



fees, court costs, arbitration fees or costs, witness fees, and reasonable fees and disbursements of legal counsel, investigators, expert witnesses, consultants, accountants and other professionals).

Expiration Date” has the meaning specified in Section 7.7.

Financial Statements” has the meaning specified in Section 4.4.

Former Consultant” means Yuval Zak.

GAAP” means the generally accepted accounting principles used in the United States of America, consistently applied.

GE” has the meaning specified in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

GE Inventory” means any raw materials (including CZT, CZT components and assembled boards and their components) purchased by Buyer or by Seller for the account of Buyer and the value of such raw materials incorporated in any work-in-process or finished goods.

GE Litigation” means the Lawsuit, including any other claim, action, suit, investigation or proceeding, in any jurisdiction related thereto or arising therefrom.

Governmental Body” means any federal, state, local or supra-national government, political subdivision, governmental, regulatory or administrative authority, instrumentality, agency, body or commission, self-regulatory organization, court, tribunal or judicial or arbitral body.

Governmental Permits” has the meaning specified in Section 4.9(a).

Grants” has the meaning specified in Section 4.25.

Guaranty” means the guaranty executed by Parent substantially in the form of Exhibit G.

Hazardous Materials” means any material that is toxic, ignitable, reactive, corrosive, radioactive, caustic, capable of causing harm to human health or the environment or regulated as a hazardous substance, contaminant, toxic substance, toxic pollutant, hazardous waste, special waste or pollutant, including petroleum, its derivatives, by-products and other hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and asbestos, regulated under, or which is the subject of, applicable Environmental Laws.

Imarad” means Imarad Imaging Systems Ltd. a company registered under the laws of the State of Israel.

Imarad Purchase Agreement” means the Asset Purchase Agreement dated March 15, 2005 among the Company, Imarad, Urigal Ltd., Dr. Uri El-Hanany, Shimon Klier and Alex Tsigelman and any other agreements or documents executed by Seller in connection therewith.

Improvements” means all buildings, improvements and fixtures located on the Leased Real Property that are owned by the Company, regardless of whether such buildings, improvements or fixtures are subject to reversion to the landlord or other third parties upon the expiration or termination of any lease, sublease or other agreement with respect to such Leased Real Property.

Indebtedness” of any Person means (i) all indebtedness for borrowed money or in respect of loans or advances, (ii) all obligations issued, undertaken or assumed as the deferred purchase price of property or services, (iii) all reimbursement obligations with respect to surety bonds, letters of credit, bankers’ acceptances and similar instruments (in each case, whether or not matured), (iv) all obligations evidenced by notes, including



promissory notes, bonds, debentures or similar instruments, including obligations so evidenced incurred in connection with the acquisition of property, assets or businesses, (v) all indebtedness created or arising under any conditional sale or other title retention agreement, or incurred as financing, in either case with respect to property acquired by the Person, (vi) all interest rate or currency caps, collars, swaps or other similar protection agreements of such Person, (vii) any commitment by which a Person assures a creditor against loss (including contingent reimbursement obligations with respect to letters of credit), (viii) any obligations under leases that are required to be capitalized, (ix) all indebtedness referred to in clauses (i) through (viii) above secured by (or for which the holder of such Indebtedness has an existing right, contingent or otherwise, to be secured by) any Encumbrance upon or in property (including accounts and contracts rights) owned by such Person, even though such Person has not assumed or become liable for the payment of such Indebtedness and (x) all agreements, undertakings or arrangements by which any Person guarantees, endorses (other than checks endorsed in the ordinary course of business) or otherwise becomes or is contingently liable for (by direct or indirect agreement, contingent or otherwise, to provide funds for payment, to supply funds to, or otherwise invest in, a debtor, or otherwise assure a creditor against loss) the Indebtedness or other similar obligation or liability of any other Person, or guarantees the payment of dividends or other distributions upon the equity securities or interest of any other Person.

Indemnified Party” has the meaning specified in Section 10.3(a).

Indemnitor” has the meaning specified in Section 10.3(a).

Inspection Period” has the meaning specified in Section 2.3(e).

Instrument of Assignment” means the instrument of assignment substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit H.

Instrument of Assumption” means the instrument of assumption substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C.

Intellectual Property” means all Marks, Patents, Copyrights, Rights in Mask Works, and Trade Secrets, including, where applicable, any and all industrial designs, inventions, discoveries, and/or improvements thereto, whether patented, unpatented, registered, unregistered, marked, unmarked, reduced to practice, not reduced to practice, protected, and/or unprotected.

IP Agreements” has the meaning specified in Section 4.12(a).

Knowledge of Parent” means the actual knowledge of any fact, circumstance or condition of those officers and employees of Parent set forth on Schedule 13.1(b).

Knowledge of the Company” means the actual knowledge of any fact, circumstance or condition of those officers and employees of Parent or the Company set forth on Schedule 13.1(a).

Lawsuit means the complaint filed by GE and Buyer against Parent and the Company in the District Court for the Central Region of Israel, File no. 18789-11-09.

Leased Real Property” has the meaning specified in Section 4.10(b).

Letter of Intent” means the letter agreement dated November 24, 2009 by and between General Electric Company, Parent and the Company.

Licensed Intellectual Property” means all Intellectual Property leased or licensed by or to the Company under the IP Agreements.



Losses” means any and all losses, costs, obligations, liabilities, decrease in the value of any asset or the Business, settlement payments, awards, judgments, fines, penalties, Taxes, damages, deficiencies or other charges.

Marks” means all trademarks (registered and unregistered), applications, registrations, and renewals in connection therewith, service marks, trade dress, logos, trade names, Internet domain names, fictional business names and corporate names, together with all translations, adaptations, derivations, and combinations thereof and including all goodwill associated therewith, in each case other than the Orbotech Name.

Material Adverse Change” means a material adverse change in the condition of the Purchased Assets, the Business, the Assumed Liabilities, the condition (financial or otherwise), results of operations, liabilities, or prospects of the Company, taken as a whole, or a material adverse change in the ability of the Company or Parent to perform its obligations under this Agreement or the Seller Ancillary Agreements; provided, however, that none of the following shall be deemed to constitute, and none of the following shall be taken into account in determining whether there has been or is reasonably expected to be, a material adverse change: (i) any adverse effect arising from or otherwise relating to (A) the announcement, pendency or consummation of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement, (B) general economic, business, financial or market conditions worldwide or in Israel or (C) any condition or event that generally affects the industry or industry sectors in which the Company operates; (ii) any adverse effect arising from or otherwise relating to fluctuations in the value of any currency; (iii) any adverse effect arising from or otherwise relating to any act of terrorism or war, any regional, national or international calamity, natural disaster or any other similar event, to the extent that such event does not result in material damage to the Purchased Assets taken as a whole; (iv) any adverse effect arising from any changes after the date of this Agreement in GAAP; or (v) any adverse effect arising from the taking of any action that is expressly required by this Agreement.

Material Suppliers” has the meaning specified in Section 4.21.

Milestone Payments” has the meaning specified in Section 2.2(a).

Nihul Sefarim” has the meaning specified in Section 2.1.

Open Source License means any license meeting the Open Source Definition (as promulgated by the Open Source Initiative) or the Free Software Definition (as promulgated by the Free Software Foundation) or any substantially similar license, including any Copyleft License.

Open Source Software means any software subject to an Open Source License, including any Copyleft Software.

Orbotech Name” means the name “Orbotech,” “OMS” or any trade names, trademarks, brand names or domain names currently used in connection with the Business containing any variations of the name “Orbotech” or “OMS.”

Osek Murshe” has the meaning specified in Section 2.1.

Owned Software” has the meaning specified in Section 4.12(g)(iii).

Parent” has the meaning specified in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Parent Employees” means Mannie Dorfan and Naama Luquer.

Patents” means all patents, patent applications, and provisional patent applications, including all U.S. and foreign counterparts claiming priority thereto, therefrom or having common priority therewith, and all patent



disclosures, together with all reissuances, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals, revisions, extensions, and reexaminations thereof.

Permitted Encumbrances” means (i) liens of landlords and liens of carriers, warehousemen, mechanics and materialmen and other similar liens imposed by law and arising in the ordinary course of business for sums not yet due and payable and (ii) other liens or imperfections on property which are not material, are not violated by the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the Buyer Ancillary Agreements or the Seller Ancillary Agreements and do not adversely affect title to, detract from the value or marketability of, or impair the existing use of, the property affected by such lien or imperfection.

Person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, association, joint-stock company, trust, unincorporated organization or Governmental Body.

Predecessor Entity” has the meaning specified in Section 4.25.

Products” means all actual products developed, manufactured, marketed or sold and any products in development by the Seller with respect to the Business prior to the Closing Date.

Project” has the meaning specified in Section 4.12(i).

Proprietary Information” has the meaning specified in Section 7.2.

Purchase Orders” has the meaning specified in Section 2.3(a).

Purchase Price” has the meaning specified in Section 2.1.

Purchased Assets” has the meaning specified in Section 1.1.

Purchased Intellectual Property” means all Intellectual Property owned by the Company, including the Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets and Owned Software listed in Schedules 4.12(c), 4.12(d), 4.12(f) and 4.12(g)(i), respectively.

Raw Materials Side Letter” has the meaning specified in Section 2.3(g).

Release” means any release, spill, emission, leaking, pumping, injection, deposit, disposal, discharge, dispersal, leaching or migration of a Hazardous Material into the indoor or outdoor environment or into or out of any Seller Property, including the movement of Hazardous Material through or in the air, soil, surface water, groundwater or Seller Property.

Remedial Action” means actions required to (i) clean up, remove, treat or in any other way address Hazardous Materials in the indoor or outdoor environment; (ii) prevent the Release or threatened Release or minimize the further Release of Hazardous Materials or (iii) investigate and determine if a remedial response is needed and to design such a response and post-remedial investigation, monitoring, operation and maintenance and care.

Repair Period” has the meaning specified in Section 2.3(e).

Requirements of Law” means any laws, statutes, regulations, rules, codes or ordinances enacted, adopted, issued or promulgated by any Governmental Body (including those pertaining to electrical, building, zoning, environmental and occupational safety and health requirements) or common law.

Retained Intellectual Property” means all Intellectual Property (a) related to or used in connection with imaging systems, detectors or modules that utilize CZT and (b) owned (partially or wholly) by Parent or any of



its Affiliates, at any point in time from execution of this Agreement and up to Closing, including all the Retained Patents.

Retained Patents” means all Patents listed in Schedule 13.2.

Rights in Mask Works” means all rights in mask works and all applications, registrations, and renewals in connection therewith.

RMA” has the meaning specified in Section 2.3(d).

Seller” has the meaning specified in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Seller Agreements” has the meaning specified in Section 4.18.

Seller Ancillary Agreements” means all agreements, instruments and documents being or to be executed and delivered by Parent or the Company under this Agreement or in connection herewith.

Seller Group Member” means (i) Parent, the Company and their respective Affiliates, (ii) the directors and officers of each of Parent, the Company and their respective Affiliates and (iii) the respective successors and assigns of each of the foregoing.

Seller Inventory” means any raw materials (including CZT, CZT components and assembled boards and their components) purchased and owned by Seller and any work-in-process or finished goods (excluding the value of any GE Inventory incorporated therein). For the avoidance of doubt, the parties agree that under no circumstances shall any item of GE Inventory be deemed to be a part of Seller Inventory.

Seller Items” has the meaning specified in Section 7.7.

Seller Property” means any real or personal property, plant, building, facility, structure, underground storage tank, equipment or unit, or other asset now or previously owned, leased or operated by the Company and used in the Business.

Settlement Agreement” means the settlement agreement among Buyer, GE, the Company and Parent substantially in the form of Exhibit F.

Software” means computer software programs and software systems, including databases, compilations, tool sets, compilers, higher level or “proprietary” languages and related documentation and materials, whether in source code, object code or human readable form.

Supply Agreement” means the supply agreement between Buyer and Parent substantially in the form of Exhibit D.

Tax” (and, with correlative meaning, “Taxable”) means: (i) any federal, state, local or foreign, net income, gross income, gross receipts, windfall profit, severance, property, production, sales, use, license, excise, franchise, employment, payroll, withholding, alternative or add-on minimum, ad valorem, value-added, transfer, stamp, or environmental tax, or any other tax, custom, duty, governmental fee or other like assessment or charge of any kind whatsoever, together with any interest or penalty, addition to tax or additional amount imposed by any Governmental Body; and (ii) any liability for the payment of amounts with respect to payments of a type described in clause (i) as a result of being a member of an affiliated, consolidated, combined or unitary group, or as a result of any obligation under any Tax sharing arrangement or Tax indemnity agreement.



Tax Return” means any return, report or similar statement required to be filed with respect to any Taxes (including any attached schedules), including any information return, claim for refund, amended return or declaration of estimated Tax.

Third Person Claim” has the meaning specified in Section 10.3(a).

Trade Secrets” means all know-how, trade secrets and confidential information (including ideas, research and development, formulas, compositions, manufacturing and production processes and techniques, technical information, data, process technology, plans, designs, drawings, specifications, blue prints, customer and supplier lists, pricing and cost information, and business and marketing plans and proposals), all Software (including data and related documentation), all proprietary rights related to the foregoing, and all copies and tangible embodiments thereof, in whatever form or medium.

Transfer Taxes” means any transfer or gains Tax, sales Tax, use Tax, stamp Tax, value added Tax, asset transfer Tax or other similar Tax imposed on the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

Transition Services Agreement” means the transition and warranty services agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit E.

VAT” means value added Tax.

Withholding Certificate” has the meaning specified in Section 7.5(e).

Work in Process Side Letter” has the meaning specified in Section 2.3(g).


13.2. Interpretation.

For purposes of this Agreement, (i) the words “include,” “includes” and “including” shall be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation,” (ii) the word “or” is not exclusive and (iii) the words “herein”, “hereof”, “hereby”, “hereto” and “hereunder” refer to this Agreement as a whole. Unless the context otherwise requires, references herein: (i) to Articles, Sections, Exhibits and Schedules mean the Articles and Sections of, and the Exhibits and Schedules attached to, this Agreement; (ii) to an agreement, instrument or other document means such agreement, instrument or other document as amended, supplemented and modified from time to time to the extent permitted by the provisions thereof and by this Agreement; and (iii) to a statute means such statute as amended from time to time and includes any successor legislation thereto and any regulations promulgated thereunder. The Schedules and Exhibits referred to herein shall be construed with and as an integral part of this Agreement to the same extent as if they were set forth verbatim herein. Titles to Articles and headings of Sections are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed a part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. This Agreement, the Buyer Ancillary Agreements and the Seller Ancillary Agreements shall be construed without regard to any presumption or rule requiring construction or interpretation against the party drafting an instrument or causing any instrument to be drafted.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written.


(solely for purposes set forth herein)

By:   /S/


By:   /S/



(solely for purposes set forth herein)

By:   /S/


By:   /S/




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      [      ***      ]      



      [      ***      ]      



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Average Annual Cost Per Module

Average Annual Cost Per Module” means the COGS for the applicable Measurement Period, divided by the number of Modules produced and having passed the final module test during such Measurement Period.

COGS” means the cost of goods sold calculated as follows:


Raw Material Inventory and Work in Process Inventory at the beginning of the Measurement Period


Add—Direct Production Costs


Add—Indirect Production Costs




Less—Raw Material Inventory and Work in Process Inventory at the end of the Measurement Period


Total COGS for the Measurement Period


Depreciation” means depreciation of the capital equipment used to manufacture the Modules and maintenance of the equipment used to manufacture the Modules. The equipment included in the calculation will consist of equipment included in the Purchased Assets and new equipment acquired by Buyer after the Closing in good faith in accordance with Buyer’s needs. Equipment comprising part of the Purchased Assets will be valued as per Purchase Accounting. Depreciation on new equipment will be calculated starting on the first full quarter after the date of purchase of such equipment. The annual depreciation rates for purposes of calculating Depreciation will not exceed the following:

Furnaces, production machines and other production equipment – 20%

Leasehold improvements – 10%

Personal computers, laptops and other related equipment – 33%

Furniture – 7%

Direct Production Costs” means compensation and benefits, transportation and logistics, vehicle costs, purchased services, tools, transfer and recruitment, employee education and welfare, scrap and other controllable costs, in each case, applied directly to the manufacture of the Modules.

Indirect Production Costs” means compensation and benefits, transportation and logistics, vehicle costs, purchased services, tools and materials, employee education and welfare, telecoms, maintenance, utilities, supplies, information technology and office equipment lease, facility lease and insurance, in each case in connection with the Business. Buyer’s allocations for R&D, S&M, and G&A will be done in a manner similar to Seller’s allocations for such costs as of the date of the Agreement; provided, however, that the proportion of Indirect Production Cost to Average Annual Cost per Module will not exceed Seller’s allocations of Indirect Production Cost as of the date of the Agreement.

Raw Material Inventory” means the cost of all raw materials purchased to manufacture the Modules (including any Third Party Wafers and Third Party Tiles) determined consistently in accordance with an accounting method recognized by GE (e.g. average cost or FIFO) including logistical costs and disposable tools.

Work in Process Inventory” means the cost of all raw materials which moved to the first production station and beyond (but do not constitute Finished Goods) during the applicable Measurement Period, determined consistently in accordance with an accounting method recognized by GE.



Buyer shall provide the following information (which shall be consistent with Buyer’s financial statements, except for the adjustments noted above) with each Milestone Statement:


  1. COGS calculation.


  a. Calculation of Direct Production Cost per Module


  b. Calculation of Indirect Production Cost per Module


  c. Calculation of Depreciation per Module


  2. Number of Modules produced and having passed final test during the relevant period.


  3. Raw Material Inventory value for the beginning and the end of the relevant period


  4. Work in Process Inventory value for the beginning and the end of the relevant period



EX-4.16 6 dex416.htm SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND MUTUAL GENERAL RELEASE Settlement Agreement and Mutual General Release

Exhibit 4.16


This Settlement Agreement and Mutual General Release (the “Agreement”) is made by and between General Electric Company, a New York Corporation (“GEUS”) and GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd. (“GEMSI”) (collectively “GE”) on the one hand, and Orbotech Ltd. (“Orbotech”) and Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd. (“OMS”) (collectively “Orbotech”), on the other hand (each, a “Party,” and together, the “Parties”). GE and Orbotech desire to fully and finally resolve and settle any and all claims they have or may have against each other related directly or indirectly to their business relations up to and including the date hereof, including, without limitation, related to Orbotech’s agreement to supply CZT modules for use in medical scanners, the complaint filed by GE in the District Court for the Central District of Israel, File no. 18789-11-09 (the “Complaint” and the “Court”), and to the “Master Agreement”, attached as Annex 2 to the Complaint and the schedules to the Master Agreement (“the Dispute”), upon the terms and conditions set forth below.


WHEREAS, each Party has allegations towards the other regarding the Dispute, and wishes to waive all its rights and allegations as set forth in this Agreement below.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:


  1. Consideration.

Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, GE and Orbotech shall complete the closing obligations of a separate purchase agreement, whereby GE shall purchase and Orbotech shall sell certain assets related to CZT module production. This separate purchase agreement is not made a part of this Agreement, and its terms are to be treated separately. The Parties agree, covenant and acknowledge that this Agreement is independent of the separate purchase agreement and that there is full and valid consideration for the obligations, rights and terms contained in this Agreement.


  2. Force of a Judgment.

Within five days of execution of this Agreement:

(a)The Parties will file with the Court a joint application in the form attached hereto as Annex “A” to give this Agreement the force of a judgment; and

(b) The Parties shall notify Dr. Lipa Meir of their agreement to withdraw their claims against each other.


  3. Complete Release By Orbotech.

In exchange for the benefits provided pursuant to this Agreement, Orbotech knowingly and voluntarily waives and releases all rights and claims, known and unknown, which they may have against GE, or any of their past, present, or future parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies or entities (including, but not limited to, affiliated partnerships and joint ventures), predecessors, successors, assigns, partners, officers, trustees, directors, managers, employees, attorneys, insurers, agents, or representatives relating to the Dispute, or which could have been or could be alleged in the Dispute.


  4. Complete Release by GE.

In exchange for the benefits provided pursuant to this Agreement, GE knowingly and voluntarily waives and releases all rights and claims, known and unknown, which they may have against Orbotech, or any of their past, present, or future parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies or entities (including, but not limited to, affiliated partnerships and joint ventures), predecessors, successors, assigns, partners, officers, trustees, directors, managers, employees, attorneys, insurers, agents, or representatives relating to the Dispute, or which could have been or could be alleged in the Dispute. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the parties hereby agree that the Complaint will be dismissed with prejudice.



  5. Release of Unknown Claims.

GE and Orbotech acknowledge that they might hereafter discover facts different from or in addition to those they now know or believe to be true with respect to a claim or claims released herein, and GE and Orbotech expressly agree to assume the risk of possible discovery of additional or different facts, and agree that this Agreement shall be and remain effective in all respects regardless of such additional or different discovered facts, or any change in circumstances. GE and Orbotech acknowledge and agree that as a condition of this Agreement, they expressly release all rights and claims that they know about, as well as those they may not know about, relating to the Dispute, to the full extent authorized by law.


  6. Covenant Not to Sue

The Parties, on their own behalf and on behalf of their respective affiliates, agree that they shall not hereafter commence, join in, assist, or in any manner seek relief through any suit or agency proceeding arising out of, based upon, or relating to any of the claims released herein. Each Party hereto agrees to indemnify the other from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, fees or expenses (including attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of any action brought against the other Party by itself and/or any of its affiliates related to or in respect of any released matter.


  7. Non-Admission of Liability.

GE and Orbotech acknowledge that they are entering into this Agreement in order to terminate all aspects of the Dispute in an orderly and amicable manner. Neither the release of rights nor the signing of this Agreement will constitute or should be construed as an admission that any Party has done anything wrong or has any liability to any other Party.


  8. Consequences of Violation of Agreement.

If any Party violates its promises herein and initiates any administrative proceeding, lawsuit, or other legal or equitable proceeding based upon claims that the Party has released in this Agreement, or if any Party violates any other provision in this Agreement, the prevailing Party or Parties shall be entitled to recover its fees, costs and expenses, including administrative fees, arbitrators’ fees and expenses, and attorneys’ fees and expenses, without derogating from any other relief or remedy provided by applicable law.


  9. Consultation With Attorney; Knowing and Voluntary Waiver.

The Parties acknowledge that they have consulted with an attorney before signing this Agreement and that this Agreement is the product of arms’ length negotiations. All Parties represent, understand, and agree that they have thoroughly discussed this Agreement and their rights with their own attorneys to the full extent they wished to do so before signing this Agreement and that they may be waiving legal claims by signing this Agreement.


  10. Ownership and Non-Assignment of Claims.

The Parties represent and agree that they are the lawful owners of all rights, title, and interest in and to any of the claims that they have released in this Agreement, and have not assigned or transferred, or attempted to have assigned or transferred, to any person or entity, any of the claims that they have released in this Agreement.


  11. Costs and Attorneys’ Fees.

Each Party shall be responsible for payments of its own respective costs and fees, (including attorneys’ fees) in connection with the Dispute.



  12. Governing Law.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel (without regard to its conflicts of law rules).


  13. Dispute Resolution.

Each of the Parties agrees that any request for equitable relief (including interim relief) by any Party, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the validity, interpretation, breach or termination of this Agreement, including claims seeking redress or asserting rights under any law shall be resolved by the courts in the Tel Aviv District in the State of Israel and the appellate courts having jurisdiction with respect to appeals from such courts. In that context, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each of the Parties irrevocably and unconditionally:

submits for itself and its property in any proceedings relating to this Agreement, or for recognition and enforcement of any judgment in respect thereof, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the Tel Aviv District in the State of Israel, and appellate courts having jurisdiction with respect to appeals from any of the foregoing, and agrees that all claims in respect of any such proceedings shall be heard and determined in such Israeli court;

consents that any such proceedings may and shall be brought in such courts and waives any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the venue or jurisdiction of any such proceeding in any such court or that such proceeding was brought in an inconvenient court and agrees not to plead or claim the same; and

agrees that service of process in any such proceeding may be effected by mailing a copy of such process by registered or certified mail (or any substantially similar form of mail), postage prepaid, to it.

Each of the Parties further irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall affect the right to effect service of process in any other manner permitted by the laws of the State of Israel.


  14. Successors.

This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties, upon their heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, past, present, or future subsidiaries, affiliated companies or entities, officers, trustees, directors, managers, employees, attorneys, agents, or representatives, and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and others released herein, and to their respective heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, past, present, or future subsidiaries, affiliated companies or entities, officers, trustees, directors, managers, employees, attorneys, agents, or representatives.


  15. Severability.

The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any part of it is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the other paragraphs shall remain fully valid and enforceable.


  16. Execution in Counterparts.

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and separate signature pages. A facsimile copy of the signature is as valid as the original.


  17. Entire Agreement.

This Agreement is the entire agreement between GE and Orbotech with respect to the subject matter hereof. It includes all of the terms, promises, representations, and understandings made by the Parties, and it supersedes



any earlier written or oral representations, understandings, or agreements between the Parties. The Parties represent and agree that no promises, statements, or inducements have been made to them which caused them to sign this Agreement other than those which are expressly stated in this Agreement. This Agreement may not be amended, modified, or waived in any way except by a writing signed by all Parties.


  18. Authority to Execute.

All Parties represent that the person signing this Agreement has the authority to do so on that Party’s behalf. In addition, all Parties represent that they have the authority to enter into the promises and agreements set forth in this Agreement.






Dated:                     , 2011   General Electric Company

By:                                     /S/                            


Dated:                     , 2011

                  GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd.

By:                                     /S/                                 


Dated:                     , 2011

                      Orbotech Ltd.

By:                                     /S/                                     


Dated:                     , 2011

                      Orbotech Medical Solutions Ltd.

By:                                     /S/                                         




Dated:                     , 2011

  By:                                     /S/                            
          Kurt W. Hansson

        Attorneys for General Electric Company and
GE Medical Systems Israel Ltd.

Dated:                     , 2011


By:                                     /S/                            


        Attorneys for Orbotech Ltd. and Orbotech
Medical Solutions, Ltd.




Exhibit 12.1

Certification by Chief Executive Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, Raanan Cohen, certify that:


1. I have reviewed this Annual Report on Form 20-F of Orbotech Ltd.;


2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:


  (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


  (b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  (c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


  (d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


  (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


  (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 24, 2011



/s/ Raanan Cohen

  Raanan Cohen

President and

Chief Executive Officer


Exhibit 12.2

Certification by Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, Erez Simha, certify that:


1. I have reviewed this Annual Report on Form 20-F of Orbotech Ltd.;


2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:


  (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


  (b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  (c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


  (d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


  (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


  (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 24, 2011



/s/ Erez Simha

  Erez Simha
  Corporate Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer

Exhibit 13.1

Certification Pursuant to

18 U.S.C. Section 1350

As Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

In connection with the Annual Report on Form 20-F of Orbotech Ltd., a company organized under the laws of the State of Israel (the “Company”), for the period ending December 31, 2010 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), each of the undersigned officers of the Company certifies pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, to such officer’s best knowledge, that:


1. the Report fully complies, in all material respects, with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and


2. the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in the Report.

The foregoing certification is provided solely for purposes of complying with the provisions of Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and is not intended to be used or relied upon for any other purpose.




/s/ Raanan Cohen


/s/ Erez Simha


Raanan Cohen

President and

Chief Executive Officer


Erez Simha

Corporate Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

Date: February 24, 2011

    Date: February 24, 2011

Exhibit 15.1


We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form F-3 (No. 333-164035) and Form S-8 (No. 33-25782, No. 33-78196, No. 333-05440, No. 333-06542, No. 333-08404, No. 333-09342, No. 333-11124, No. 333-12692, No. 333-127979, No. 333-154394 and No. 333-169146) of Orbotech Ltd. of our report dated February 24, 2011 relating to the consolidated financial statements and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, which appears in this Form 20-F.




Tel Aviv, Israel   Kesselman & Kesselman

February 24, 2011

  Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)
  A member of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
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